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Edina Transportation Commission
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Edina City Hall
4801 West 50th Street
Council Chambers
Les Wanninger, Jean White, Paul Mooty, Steve Brown, Geof Workinger, Tom Bonneville
Warren Plante, Hilah Almog, Marc Usem,
Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by chair Workinger.
II. Comments
a. Chair Comments
Chair Workinger said he would like Commissioner Brown to brief the ETC on the West 70th
Street/Cornelia Area Traffic Study.
b. Public Comments
III. Old Business
IV. New Business
a. 7500 York Avenue – Ebenezer Management
Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said the proposal for 7500 York Avenue is to add 75
residential rooms (88 beds) to an already existing senior facility. Mr. Sullivan said the
redevelopment proposal was applied for in March but was put on hold by the development
team. However, staff and WSB reviewed the traffic study and made comments. The
developers have since revised their proposal and incorporated staff’s and WSB’s comments
into the traffic study and is seeking approval. Mr. Sullivan said the revised traffic study does
not negatively impact traffic and staff is recommending approval. The developer’s traffic
engineer, Ed Terhaar of Wenck Associates, Inc., was present to answer questions.
Commissioner Wanninger motioned to accept staff’s recommendation “that traffic
generated from the proposed 7500 York Avenue does not adversely affect the adjacent
transportation system.” The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonneville.
Motion carried.
All voted aye.
b. 7300 Bush Lake Road – Minnesota Made
Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said the original plan was for an inflated hockey dome but it
was changed to a permanent building with spectator seating. Mr. Sullivan said most of the
trips to and from the site will be off-peak times such as early mornings and weekends and
there are no existing operational issues at surrounding intersections. He said the proposal
does not adversely affect traffic therefore, staff is recommending approval. The following is the
Transportation Impact Analysis Policy:
The Transportation Commission shall consider the following four effects in the evaluation
of traffic studies that are warranted by certain zoning, land-use, conditional use permits
and final development plan applications prior to the application being submitted to the
Planning Commission and Council for consideration:
i) Does the development significantly affect the operation and congestion of the adjacent
roadways or intersections and/or result in a traffic hazard?
According to the Traffic Impact Study, no adverse impact to surrounding
roadways or intersections shall occur from this Development.
ii) Does the development significantly affect pedestrian safety?
The Traffic Impact Study did not address pedestrian safety. This is an
industrial area with little pedestrian traffic.
iii) Does the development provide opportunities for enhanced transit usage, vanpooling or
The Traffic Impact Study did not address the above usages.
iv) Does the development provide feasible opportunities to address an existing traffic issue
or safety problem?
There are no known traffic or safety issues at this location.
After discussion, the consensus was that circulation of traffic within the site will be challenging
for patrons and emergency vehicles.
Commissioner Wanninger motioned to accept staff’s recommendation with the
following modification to items ii) and iv) listed above: ii) Negatively impacting
pedestrian safety within the site; and iv) No new issue off-site, but safety concerns
within the site. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown
The motion was modified by Commissioner Bonneville to include the feasibility of the
project to meet set back requirements on the south side.
All voted aye.
V. Approval of Minutes
a. Regular Meeting of June 19, 2008
Commissioner Mooty motioned to approve the minutes of June 19, 2008, and it was
seconded by Commissioner Brown.
All voted aye.
VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown)
Commissioner Brown reported that 6921 York Place and Crosstown Medical, 4010 W. 65th
Street, received preliminary approval last month. He said final approval is expected next
Commissioner Brown, chair of the West 70th Street/Cornelia Area Traffic Study, said the next
Study Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting is scheduled for July 28, 7-9:00 p.m., at Christ
Presbyterian Church. He said working with staff and the consultant, a 17-step process was
developed to finalize a recommendation to the Council and it was submitted to the Council for
their review. After getting Council’s feedback, the 17-step process will be distributed to the
ETC and SAC. Commissioner Brown said he anticipates two more SAC meetings and then a
final recommendation to Council.
Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said all the information for the July 28 meeting will be posted
to the website and available for viewing in the Engineering office.
VII. Open Discussion
Commissioner White said their packet included information from Transit for Livable
Communities regarding a grant that the Engineering Department applied for but did not receive
approval. She asked what the application was for. Mr. Sullivan said the grant money would
have been used for bike trails and sidewalks. He explained that Transit for Livable
Communities provides funds for alternative modes of transportation.
In reference to the Transportation Chapter of the Comp Plan, Commissioner Wanninger said
they included two potential transit options that will require feasibility studies to determine cost,
etc. He asked when will the studies begin and will the ETC play a leadership role. Mr. Sullivan
will prepare a response for the next scheduled meeting.
Commissioner Bonneville said the ETC should be concerned with the overall function of the
City’s traffic and there are two significant projects that are impacting the City, including the
Crosstown, which staff should be updating the ETC on at regular intervals and therefore,
making it public. The next is the Edina Country Club for which staff can give progress reports
when streets will be closed, etc.
VIII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.