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Edina Transportation Commission
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Edina City Hall
4801 West 50th Street
Council Chambers
Les Wanninger, Warren Plante, Marie Thorpe, Jean White, Marc Usem, Geof Workinger,
Hilah Almog, Paul Mooty
Steve Brown
Wayne Houle, Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Wanninger.
II. Public Comment
III. Old Business
No old business – July’s meeting was cancelled.
IV. New Business
a. 6444 Xerxes Avenue
Traffic Engineer Sullivan explained that this traffic analysis was done using the old Traffic
Impact Analysis policy because of the size of the area being studied. Sullivan said the current
use of the property is residential and commercial with a chiropractic business. The building is
2000 square feet. Access to the property is right-in and right-out only and is accessible from
southbound Xerxes Avenue. Parking is allowed on the north side of Xerxes Avenue. The
applicants are planning to change the use of the building to commercial only with an audiology
center. Access to the site would remain the same.
Sullivan explained that the shift from chiropractic to audiology would result in considerably
reduced trips (55 to 24) because patient/doctor time spent together is longer with the proposed
new business.
Staff is recommending approval because traffic generated from the proposed use change does
not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system. However, staff is recommending as a
condition to the approval, that the new owners instruct their patients to use the rear parking on
the property solely instead of parking on Xerxes Avenue to prevent site line issues. Sullivan
said this is only a recommendation because Xerxes Avenue is a county road. He explained
that parking on Xerxes Avenue has not been an issue with the current owners and the new
owners have agreed to the rear parking only. Sullivan said, if needed, the City could request
that the County make Xerxes Avenue no parking on the north side.
The following is an excerpt from the May 19, 2005 Transportation Finding of Fact requirement
for Traffic Studies (comments for this development are indicated in bold):
The Transportation Commission shall consider the following four effects in the evaluation of
traffic studies that are warranted by certain zoning, land-use, conditional use permits and
final development plan applications prior to the application being submitted to the Planning
Commission and Council for consideration:
i) Does the development significantly affect the operation and congestion of the adjacent
roadways or intersections and/or result in a traffic hazard?
According to the Traffic Impact Study, no adverse impact to surrounding
roadways or intersections shall occur from this Development.
ii) Does the development significantly affect pedestrian safety?
Since the majority of the site remains the same there is almost no change in
pedestrian movements and safety from the current site configuration.
iii) Does the development provide opportunities for enhanced transit usage, vanpooling or
The proposed use and limited number of vehicles per day is not conducive
to enhancing transit use.
iv) Does the development provide feasible opportunities to address an existing traffic issue
or safety problem?
The proposed development does not address existing traffic issues along
the encompassing streets. Since no significant traffic increases are
calculated from the Development no improvements are required.
Workinger said he agrees with the ‘no parking’ on Xerxes Avenue and recommended putting in
the request to the County. Tom Schwartz, President of Audiology Concepts, 7450 France, and
the new owner of 6444 Xerxes Avenue, said he supports the ‘no parking’ on Xerxes Avenue
and patients will be informed to use the rear parking only.
Thorpe motioned to approve the traffic study based on the plans proposed. The motion
was seconded by Mooty.
Workinger requested an amendment to the motion to include the request to the County
for ‘no parking’ on Xerxes Avenue. City Engineer Houle recommended that the request
be made through the Council to the Engineering Department who will in turn make the
request to the County.
All voted aye. Motion carried.
b. Bike Edina Task Force – DRAFT Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan
The draft Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan was presented by Antonio Rosell from
Community Design Group. Mr. Rosell explained that the goals of the Bike Edina Task Force
are to:
1. Increase safety for bikers;
2. Improve connections within Edina and adjoining community and regional trails;
3. Improve opportunities for active living by creating an environment that allows
people to be active as they take care of their daily needs.
Mr. Rosell said they are recommending low cost improvements such as signage which will
yield high return. Members of the task force rode all 260 miles of Edina’s streets and identified
some routes. According to the map presented, the priority routes are in green, while the blue
routes are still under evaluation. A north/south route that is outside the scope of this project is
along the Canadian Pacific Railroad that will provide an important connection. There is also the
northwest/southeast trail along Nine Mile.
Plan completion dates are: September 1 – public draft for review; and September 15 – final
Commissioner Usem asked how the task force is differentiating between cyclists with different
levels of experience. Mr. Rosell said the ring around Hwy. 100 that connects to just about all
the schools in Edina would be signed so that all levels of cyclists would be accommodated
comfortably. The core streets are Benton on the north, Tracy on the west to Valley View to
Antrim, 70th going east and west towards the Aquatic Center and Cornelia to 66th to Valley
View to 58th Street to South View Lane. 58th Street is recommended going east towards
Minneapolis’ trails.
Commissioner Mooty asked if the streets will require widening in order to accommodate bike
lanes. Mr. Rosell said they are aiming for the least controversial measures and therefore, is
not recommending any widening of roadways; however, there are some areas where striping
may need to be changed. Following the example of Portland, OR, and Europe, Mr. Rosell said
colored asphalt can be used to delineate limitations, and in Hennepin County 11 ft. lanes are
used to accommodate both cyclists and vehicles.
Commissioner Plante said he would like to see the following in the plan: short and long term
objectives; cost of the objectives; and what percentage of the population will be using bikes.
Mr. Rosell said the cost is not known at this time and how many people will be bicycling is not
known either because the infrastructure is not in place. Commissioner Plante is concerned
that in 15 years the population will be 65 and older. Mr. Rosell said in the Netherlands,
majority of cyclists are 65 and older and if safety is increased here the older population may
get out and ride also.
Commissioner Workinger said the draft is a great conceptual framework, however, it does not
identify what is to be done and in what order. He suggested that they identify the first three
steps to be accomplished and a high priority should be getting students to and from school
Commissioner White said she likes the tone of the document including the educational
component, however, there are some controversial areas in some of the references to Europe.
Commissioner Almog said she rides a lot but her and her peers do not feel that it is safe,
especially on Interlachen Blvd.
Commissioner Usem asked what is the impact on parking if the roadways are restriped. Mr.
Rosell said they would hesitate to remove parking, especially from commercial areas because
the idea is not to eliminate vehicles but to have both modes of transportation, and in most
instances, parking is currently not allowed on both sides of most roadways.
Chair Wanninger said during his recent visit to Amsterdam, he learned that pedestrians are
intimidated by cyclists who behave much the same way as motorists do here. He
recommended adding stronger language so that pedestrians are safer and include a
component that allows residents to offer input. In terms of climate, he said there is significant
costs and staffing associated with keeping the trails clean in the winter and he is apprehensive
about the number of riders in the winter.
c. City of Edina Comprehensive Plan – Transportation Chapter
Chair Wanninger said the purpose of this portion of the meeting is to provide staff and
consultant with questions or issues for them to address prior to the September 20 meeting.
Peter Langworthy, WSB and Associates, said the presentation he is going to give is similar to
one given at a joint meeting that included the ETC and therefore, he is going to make the
presentation brief to allow for input. The following areas were discussed:
Existing Conditions (inventory of existing transportation issues)
Roadway Overview
Problem Locations
Safety/Crash Analysis
Existing Transit Service
Existing Trails and Sidewalks
Transportation Planning Context (reviews existing policies and documents)
Roadway/Network Planning
Traffic Forecasting (coordinated closely with Land Use plan)
TAZs, regional model, preliminary results
Deficiency Analysis/Future Improvement Needs
Functional Classification Issues
Jurisdictional Classification Issues
Access Management
Aesthetic Design Standards
Summarize URS Community Design Information – Transportation
Transit Plan
Coordination with Metro Transit
Potential Shuttle/Circulator Service for Southdale Area and West Edina
Evaluate Park and Ride at Hwy. 100 & 50th Street
Bike Plan
Bike Edina Task Force
Comprehensive Bike Plan (overview of CDG’s plan)
Pedestrian – Sidewalks
General Pedestrian Accommodation/Safety
Sidewalk Policy (guidance needed regarding what to include)
Non-Motorized Transportation
Others (freight, aviation)
Mr. Langworthy said the Travel Demand Management is still being worked on. He said this
and other parts of the document will be ready for the September 6 meeting.
Chair Wanninger said the Travel Volume Forecast for W. 66th Street is not included, but will be
needed as part of the W. 70th Traffic Study, from Highway 100 to France Avenue.
Commissioner Plante asked if this would be the opportune time for the City to consider
expanding W. 77th Street (A-minor arterial) to accommodate future developments. Mr. Rickart
said improvements of this roadway will be addressed in the AUAR study that is currently under
way. Chair Wanninger said as the area is developed, the plan should include an efficient way
to allow traffic to travel from Valley View Road and Highway 169 to York Avenue and W. 77th
Street. He said the City of Richfield has done a good job on their side, both aesthetically and
Commissioner Plante suggested adding a section that addresses innovative ways to finance
the infrastructure with such methods as toll roads, user fees, private sector financing,
assessments, incentive to drivers to reduce number of daily trips, etc. Mr. Rickart said the
overall Comp Plan does have a financial section and they will need to make sure there are no
overlaps. He said incentive to drivers will be addressed in the Travel Demand Management
Chair Wanninger asked if they’ll be able to tell where significant increases are coming from, if
it’s a natural growth or related to redevelopment. Additionally, he asked if they can challenge
the Met Council’s forecast on job allocations. Mr. Langworthy said WSB’s staff did look at the
Met Council’s forecast and they arrived at 1,000 fewer jobs. They will be meeting with them to
discuss the findings. In the meantime, after discussion with City staff, some reallocations were
done. Mr. Rickart added that earlier today, the Met Council acknowledged that their forecast
was too high. Commissioner Usem asked how accurate are the allocations from 10 years ago.
Mr. Langworthy said the projections in the 1999 Comp Plan were forecasted to 2020 and in
some instances the numbers are higher. Mr. Rickart said forecasting models have gotten
better since 1999. They also use historic growth and existing counts and adjustments are
made when the numbers appear high. He said in developed cities like Edina there is not
usually a significant amount of growth.
Commissioner Workinger asked why don’t they use York Avenue as a diverter to relieve the
congestion from France and other streets. He said if W. 70th is an arterial B, why not classify
York Avenue the same to move more traffic north and south. In response, Mr. Rickart said
arterials must connect to arterials and previously this may not have been an option, however, it
may be possible now. Engineer Houle said he will mention this to Hennepin County when he
meets with them next week because York Avenue is a county road.
Chair Wanninger said the intersections of Highway 62 and France, as well as Xerxes are
congested and something needs to be done with the bridges, however, he is reluctant to make
suggestions that will increase traffic, especially northbound on France.
Commissioner Plante requested a section that will show how taxes are used to pay for
transportation needs. Mr. Langworthy said there will a financial component in the
implementation section.
Consensus was reached to remove point 4 from page 3 regarding “Parking” in City ramps.
Regarding sidewalks, Commissioner Usem said there is a policy but how likely is it to be
implemented. He said it seems to be difficult to get sidewalks approved.
Commissioner Thorpe asked about speed limits and if it should be noted in the Comp Plan.
Engineer Houle said it will be included and that there is a group that was formed to study
speed limits.
V. Approval of Minutes
a. Regular minutes of June 21, 2007
The minutes was approved by Commissioner Workinger and seconded by Commissioner
VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown)
VII. Open Discussion
VIII. Staff Liaison Comments (Sullivan)
a. Valley View Road Configuration
Traffic City Engineer Sullivan explained that this area has been an ongoing problem and State
Aid funding is not sufficient to remedy the situation at this time, therefore, the plan is to restripe
the roadway to narrow lanes and add a median and crosswalks. The goal is to get this done
before school begins.
b. Draft AUAR Update
Public input closed August 15. Comments are being summarized for presentation to Council
followed by the start of the 10-day comment period.
c. Benton Avenue/Normandale Blvd Intersection
Roadway will be restriped to minimized confusion.
d. Halifax Avenue Sidewalk
e. Doncaster Avenue Sidewalk
Both were petitioned for by residents and a open house was held on August 15. They will be
presented to the Council on September 4 for approval. Funding for Halifax is assessments and
25% by the City and adjacent businesses; Doncaster is assessments and 25% City and
School District.
f. Valley View Road – McCauley Trail to Braemar Blvd
A petition was received for a sidewalk but because this is a State Aid road the work must be
done in accordance with MN/DOT’s specification. This will brought back later this fall.
Other Comments
Roundabouts brochure – Chair Wanninger suggested putting the brochure on the website. He
said it is well done and he’s had positive feedback.
NE Edina Traffic Study Implementation – Chair Wanninger said he has been receiving many
questions regarding the schedule and suggested putting the schedule on the website. Traffic
Engineer Sullivan said he will update the schedule and staff is still working with both Hennepin
County and City of Minneapolis to finalize agreements.
Edina Bridges – City Engineer Houle said there are 26 bridges in Edina, 10 are inspected each
year and the remaining every other year, including railroad bridges. A private bridge will be
added to this list for inspection. The Browndale Bridge is scheduled to be redone in 2008.
Meeting adjourned.