HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-23 Commisison Annual Member Review_updatedMJ Lamon Community Engagement Manager Updated 2022.05.23 Commission Member Review 2022 Agenda 2 Work Plan Development o Citywide Work Plans o Calendar o Roles o Sub-committee & working groups o Template o Field Descriptions Council StaffCommissions Decide Strategy Advise Council Community Perspective Manage Operations, Implement Policy, Advise Council Technical Analysis Council •Make policy-level decisions •Hire & supervise City Manager•Approve -Budget and related work plan -Ordinances and policy decisions -Development proposals -Variances and rezoning requests •Appoint advisory boards and commissions Staff •Provide best efforts and technical advice to Council•Manage operations and staff •Propose budget and policies•Carry out Council decisions •Deliver services •Equitable enforce codes and policies Advisory Boards, Commission & Task Forces •Provide community perspective on values and needs•Propose work plan items •Advise the council through work plan charges •Hold hearings as directed by Council •Assist as directed in work plan with engagement efforts Supporting Council Technique Examples on the Spectrum Increasing Impact on the Decision Inform Consult Involve Collaborate Empower Board & Commissions Task Forces Website Open House Public Hearing Workshop Survey Focus Groups Public Meetings Publications City Extra Correspondence Stakeholder Interviews Fact Sheets Comment FormsFairs/Events Tours & Field Trips SHARE COLLECT BRING TOGETHER 5 Commission Subcommittee Working Group Task Force Tenure Ongoing Temporary Temporary Temporary Members Residents Commission members only Commission + Public members As defined Scope Work Plan Work Plan Item Work Plan Item Task Force Charge OML Required Not required Not required Not required Staff Support Yes No Not typically Yes Reports To Council Commission Commission Council or City Manager Key Roles 6 CHAIR STAFF LIAISON •Work with liaison to prepare agenda •Lead meetings and facilitate discussion •Facilitate development of the annual work plan and provide progress updates •Encourage member participation •Manage areas of conflict •Prepare agenda and meeting materials •Provide official notice of meetings •Record & prepare minutes. •Maintain BC official records •Provide technical expertise and access to City staff and resources •Relay information to council 7 Work Plans 8 9 Commission Work Plan Calendar 9 Annual Work Plan Begins January Commissions develop proposed work plans with liaison advice and feedback June–Aug. Commission approves proposed work plan September 23 Chairs present proposed work plans to Council October 6 Staff present recommendations to Council November 1 Council approves work plans December 6 Roles 10 Commission Chair •Lead work plan development •Make sure work plan is not overloaded •Ensure there is a “lead(s)” to each initiative •Present proposed work plan to City Council Staff Liaison •Provide technical expertise, recommendations and advice to the commission •Provide clear recommendations to City Management and/or Council to consider •Ensure work plan template fields are completed Committees & Working Groups 11 Commission Sub-committee Commission Members only Working Group Commission Members Public Members 7 Considerations: -Quorum -Student members Template 12 13 Title Be clear and provide detail Deliverable What exactly will be the product / result of your initiative Budget Staff determines if funds are available, commission collectively decides to available funds Liaison Comments Liaisons will provide you technical advice and feedback *Don’t leave white fields blank Leads Signify who is working on the item, working group? Target Completion Be realistic, impacts to supporting departments Partner Projects Cross commission initiatives, liaisons communicate partner requests Progress Reports Complete quarterly & always before joint meeting 14 Brainstorm Collect Ideas What do you want to work on? June Review brainstorm list Reduce list How much work capacity do you have? July Determine the priorities Who is leading? August Approve work plan Are all the fields completed? September Steps to Develop your work plan! Questions? www.EdinaMN.gov 15