HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-19_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 19, 1979 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL MINUTES of February 26 and March 5, 1979, approved as presented or corrected by motion of , seconded by RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS - EDINA EAST HOCKEY TEAM RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS - EDINA WEST GIRLS' GYMNASTICS TEAM RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS - MARCIA LYMAN I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PLANNING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presenta- tion by Planning Department. Spectators heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollca-11 vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, Plats, Flood Plain Permits, Appeals from Administrative or Board of Appeals and Adjustments Decisions and Plan Amendments require action by Resolution. -3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Halla Enterprises Preliminary Registered Land Survey.- Generally located South of Eden Ave., West of Willson Road and East of T.H. 100 - S -79 -2 (PC- 2/28/79) (Continue to 4/2/79) .B. Appeals from Board of Appeals and Adjustments Decisions 1. John J. Velie - 4300 -4302 Valley View Road - 10 foot front yard set- back variance, 3,147 square foot lot area variance, 25 foot rear yard variance (Continued from 2/26/79) (Continue to 4/16/79) C. Amendment to Ordinance No. 811 as to Board of Appeals and Adjustments First Reading II. PUBLIC HEARING ON USE OF BUILDING NAME FOR ADDRESS Presentation by City Man- ages. Spectators heard. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Calhoun's Collectors Society (Continued from 3/5/79) III. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IV. AWARD OF BIDS A.. Stump Removal B. Traffic Paint C. Tuneup Equipment for Vehicles D. Truck Hoist E. Trees for Morningside Area F. Range Golf Balls G. 2 Dump Truck Sand and Salt Spreaders V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of March 14, 1979 B. Notice of Claim - Mary Jane Lauerman C. League of Minnesota Cities - Tax Increment Financing Study Settlement D. Beer Licenses E. House Number Painting F. Special Concerns of Mayor and Council G. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items 1. Carl Hansen Agreement VI. FINANCE A. Claims Paid. Motion of , seconded by , for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated March 19, 1979: General Fund, $124,632.78; Park Fund, $4,345.28; Edina Art Center, $1,817.58; Park Construction, $637.94; Swimming fool, $288.58; Golf Course, $4,295.84; Arena Center, $36,815.31; Cun Range, $604.77; Water Works, $21,411.68; Sewer Fund, $99,546.10; Liquor Fund, $188,260.04; Construction, $1,225.63 IBR, $3,197.55; IBR 112, $47,302.50; Total, $534,381.58 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 March 5,-1979 Dear Edina Resident: In accordance with a Council policy, notice is hereby given that an applica- tion has been received for renewal of an On -Sale Beer License presently held by J. P's Restaurant, 5125 Vernon Avenue. The policy now in force provides for notification of all residents living within 500 feet of a site at which beer is proposed to be served before an On -Sale Beer License is originally issued and again upon receipt of the first renewal of the license. At its Regular Meeting of March 19., 1979, the'Council will consider the application for renewal of the On -Sale Beer License presently held by J. P's Restaurant. You are welcome to attend..and offer any comments you have about the re- issuance of such license. Please .feel free also to call the City Clerk at 927 -8861 with any questions that you may have before the meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Florence B. Hallberg „ City Clerk BEER LICENSE APPLICATIONS 1979 On -Sale Beer License Applications Braemar Golf Course The Brothers Cicero's Dayton's Valley View Room Donaldsons' Fifth Floor Edina American Legion Post 471. Edina Country Club The Empress Restaurant Gus Young's Biltmore Lanes Interlachen Country Club J.P.'s Restaurant Jake's Pizza of Edina, Inc. LeBistro, Inc. Normandale Golf, Inc. Rigotto's Pizza Southdale Bowl V� i Off -Sale Beer License Applications Applebaum's Food Market Byerly Foods of Edina, Inc. Country Store Dennison's Dairy Store Edina Superette, Inc. Jerry's Foods Kenny's Market Q Petroleum Superamerica 4047 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO EDINA EAST HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY TEAM WHEREAS, the Edina East High School Hockey Team, dufci.ng the 1978 -79 season, exempP i 6 ied the tAadit i,o n o6 s poxt.6mansh,ip, achievement and pu 6 is iency; and WHEREAS, undeA the dedicated teadeAsh,ip o6 Coach WifiaAd Ikota. and Aim istant Coach Ed Z,ins, the Edina East High Schoot Hockey Team developed these standcftds, and, in Asa doing— captured the Se�ct Un SZx T the 9Zn- neisot State H; 7ggh Schoot Hockey League; and WHEREAS, the Edina East High Schoot Hockey Team succersAu ty de6ended its 1978 State High Schoot Hockey Championship T.itte by winning the 1979 Titze; and WHEREAS, the 6uccesz o6 the Edina E"t High School Hockey Team iz not onty a ttcibute to the dedication ob the boys who skate, but a ttri.bute to the dedication o6 many citizens o� Edina who paktici.pate in the Edina Youth Hockey PAogAam; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA on behat6 o6 a t the citizens o� Edina, that att membeAz o� the Edina East High Schoot Hockey Team be pubticty acctaimed 6oA the magnibicent Aecond et6tabt"hed by them; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the membeu o6 the team mexit zinceAe Respect and gratitude 6oA the exceP,P.ent manneA in which they Aeptesented the City ob Edina; and BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that appupAiate copies o6 this tuotution be pAesented to Bead Benison, Steve BAown, Tom CaAAott, Je66 Daviz, John Donnetty, MaAk Gagnon, GAeg Hamp6on, Tom Johnson, Tony Johnson, Mike Lauen, Tom Paden, Tom Paugh, Ted Pea -uon, Kent Simmons, Bob Smith, Tom Sullivan, Ted. VaateA, Mike Vicanti and to Head Coach WittaAd Ikota, A�sziztant Coach Ed Zins, Student Managetus Ro26 Jensen and Jim Matey, Ath2eti.c DiAectoA Bud BjeAken, PAinci.pat RoUie Ring and SupeAintendent Ra.bph LiebeA; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy o6 this Aesotut;ion be zpnead upon the pagez o6 the Minutes Book o� the Edina City Counci.t. James Van Vat en uAg MayoA RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS WHEREAS, undeA the abf-e teaderush.ip ob Coach KatlAyn S,toutenbutg and Coach Buxt Seaback, the Edina West G.vZ61 Gymnastics Team exhibited exempt,cty pe&c orunance and accompt"hment in winning the State Ctas�s AA G.cxtz' Gymn tics Meet on Match 16 and 17, 1979; and WHEREAS, speciat competition honoAz were taken by .indiv.iduat membelus o6 the Edina Wut GiAZ6' Gymna,6t%c.6 Team in 4toon exencize, bata.nce beam, vautting, uneven banes and all- oAound competition; and WHEREAS, in paAti.cipating in the State C.P .6 AA G.ivcW Gymn"ttic.s Meet, the team scoted 143.86 points, .6etting a new State Meet second; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayon and City Councit on behaZ6 o6 the ciizenAy as a whole, that 6inceke congnatutations be extended to Angie BaAnez, Lisa B.i.eAzdoA6, Lynn Bh i.nggotd, Ketty Foust, Su6an MacG.i.bbon, Stephanie .M.icek, M.icheUe Peacock and to Captains Laura Franz and Lisa Wah.L; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thin tuotuti.on be dpAead upon the Minutes Book ob the Edina City Counc t and .that appnop&iate copies be pnesented to membeu of the team, to ManageAz Kathy Htinket and Vince Mo&uw, to Coach Kathtyn Stoutenbutg, Coach BuAt Sea back, Ash. -ettic DiaectoA San= Lykken, Pxinci.pat Jame,S L. Cabatka and to Supen.intendent Ralph. H. Ltieb eA . ADOPTED .this. 19th day o6 Match, 1979. James Van Vat2 en utg Mayo& CITY OF EDI NA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612- 927 -8861 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS WHEREAS, a.6 a membeA os the Edina E"t UppeA Division SFii. Team, Manc%a Lyman won a thiAd ptaee medal in the 1978 State Champio►vship; and WHEREAS, duk ng the 1979 .6ea3on, Manc%a Lyman peaced jiut on aecond in eveAy meet on Edina- East',s .schedule; ceimaxi.ng the aeazon by pta.cing jiut in the G,vc.a' State Statom Skiing Individua.2 Championship at Wetch Vittage on Fki.day, Febnuany 16, 1979; and WHEREAS, und.eA the abte Zeadeuhip oA Coach SoAn.y Hatt, Makci.a Lyman exempti6ied the highest standands o6 conduct, good zpontismanzhip and athtetic pno6icieney, bAi.nging aee,Lamati,on to heA aehooZ and to he& community; NOWP THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City CounciZ, that sincvLe eongnatuf- ationz be extended to MARCIA LYMAN bon hen out6tand.i,ng Succe,64; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that th,i.s nesotution be hp&ead upon the Minute.6 Book o6 the Edina City Councit and that appnopt i.ate copses be presented to MoAci,a Lyman, Coach Banny Halo, Athtetic D.Aeetor Bud B1eAken, Pr.i.nei.- paZ Rott i.e Rang and Superintendent Ralph Li.eben. James Van Vat en urg Ma yon RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO EDINA EAST NIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY TEAM WHEREAS, the Edina Ea6t High Schoot Hockey Team, duni.ng the 1978 -79 dea6on, exempti4ied the tnaditi,on o6 .6pontzman6hi.p, achievement and pno6iciency; and WHEREAS, undeA the dedicated teadeAzhi,p os Coach W.i ta.nd Ikota. and Assistant Coach Ed Z.inws, the Edina East High Schoot Hockey Team developed these dtandan&s, and, in bo doing, captured the Section Six T.itte ob the Minnesota State High Schoot Hockey League; and WHEREAS, the Edina East High Schoot Hockey Team .6ucce�s�s6utty de6ended .cis 1978 State High Schoot Hockey Championship T.c t2e by winning the 1979 T.i t2e; and WHEREAS, the zuccezz o6 the Edina East High School Hockey Team .us not onf-y a to bute to the dedication o6 the boys who .skate, but a tni.bute to the dedication ob many ci tizews o6 Edina who pa tic ipate in the Edina youth Hockey Pnognam; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BV THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA on behat6 o6 att the citizens o6 Edina, that a t membeAz o6 the Edina Eaat High School Hockey Team be pubti,cty acceaimed bon the magnisicent %econd eatabtished by them; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the membehb ob the team meAit aincene nespect and gnattitude 4on the excettent manneA in which they teptLesented the City o4 Edina; and BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that appnopniate copies o6 this nesotution be presented to Brad Benson, Steve Brown, Tom Ca&Aot e, Je66 Day.us, John Donnett y, Manfi Gagnon, Greg Hamp3on, Tom Johnson, Tony Johnson, Mike Lauen, Tom Paden, Tom Paugh, Ted Peafuson, Kent Simmons, Bob Smith, Tom Sueeivan, Ted Vaa.Len, Mike Vicanti and to Head Coach W.cU-a,cd Ikota, A6.6istant Coach Ed Zin,6, Student Managetus Ro25 Jensen and Jim Matey, Athtetic Diucton Bud B1 eAken, Pki,ncipat Rottie Ring and SupeAintendent Ratph LiebeA; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this tesotui ion be .spread upon the pages o5 the Minutes Book o6 the Edina City Counci e. James Van Va,L en ung Ma yon RESOLUTION OF.CONGRATULATIONS WHEREAS, undeA the able teadeAzhi.p o6 Coach Kathtcyn StoutenbUAg and Coach Bu4t Setzback, the Edina West GiAZ6' Gymnazti a Team exhibited exempeany pa6oAmance and aeeompZi�shment in winning the State ffa z AA GiAtz' Gymna�stic.5 Meet on Mach 16 and 17, 1979; and WHEREAS, speeiae competition honoAz were taken by indiv.iduat membetus ob the Edina Glut Gixez' Gymnazti.e6 Team in 6toon exeneuse, bata.nce beam, va.uXti.ng, uneven bau and ate -a ound competition; and WHEREAS, in paAti.cipating in the State Ct"s AA GiAtz' Gymna6ti.c/s Meet, the team s coned 14 3.86 po.int6 , �s ett i.ng a new State Meet record; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED.by the Mayon and City Councit on behat6 o6 the cit zenny ass a whole, that s-inceAe congnatutationz be extended to Angie Banners, Luca Bietusdon�, Lynn Bti.nggotd, Ketty Fou,6t, Susan MacGibbon, Stephanie M.ieek, M.ieheUe Peacock and; to.-;Captaim LauAa Franz and Lisa Waht; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thus tuotution be spread upon the Minutes Book ob the Edina City Couneie and that apptopniate eopie,5 be presented to membe&s ob the team, to Managelus Kathy H,inkeA and Vince Mottow, to Coach KathAyn Stoutenburg, Coach BuAt Sea bac , Ath eeti.e D,uceetor Safca Lykken, PAincipat James L. Caber ka and to Supeni.ntendent Ratph H. Lieber. ADOPTED thus 19th day o j March, 19 79 . amen Van Vac en ung Ma yon SUBJECT: 1978 -79 EDINA -WEST GIRLS GYMNASTICS STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM Be it Resolved, That The Board of Education Congratulate the Edina -West Girls Gymnastics team, and their coaches Kathryn Stoutenburgh and Burt'Selsback, for their exemplary performance and accomplishment in winning the State Class AA Girls Gymnastics meet on March 16 and 17, 1979. Team members include: Laura Franz, Captain Grade 12 Lisa Wahl, Captain 12� Susan MacGibbon 12 Stephanie Micek 12�f Michelle Peacock 12 Lisa Biersdorf 11 Kelly Foust Angie Barnes 11 LO Lynn Bringgold 10 Kathy Hinker, Manager Vince Morrow, Manager The team scored 143.86 points which set a new State Meet record. In Individual competition the following Edina -West gymnasts took honors: All- Around Angie Barnes lot place Laura Franz 4th place Floor Exercise Susan MacGibbon lot place Angie Barnes 2nd place Lisa Wahl 3rd place Balance Beam Angie Barnes lot place Laura Front 2nd place Vaulting Lisa Wahl lot place Uneven Bars Angie Barnes 2nd place Susan MacGibbon 4th place Laura Franz 6th place RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS WHEREAS, ass a membeA ob the Edina East UppeA Division Ski Team, Marcia Lyman wan a third pta.ce medat•in the 1978 State Champio"hi.p; and WHEREAS, dun i.ng the 1979 season, MuAc%a. Lyman pta.ced 6i ust on .second in every meet on Edina- East's schedute,- c iriaxing the season by ptaci,ng 6i)nt in the G-vctz' State St,atom Skiing Indi.viduaZ Championship at Wetch Vittage on Fkiday, Febnuany 16, 1979; and WHEREAS, undeA the able teadeuhip. ob Coach 13cueny Ha.U, Mcvici.a Lyman , exemp.Pijied the highest standaAd�s ob conduct, good spotct�sma"hip and atht et i c pro bic i.eney, bt inging aec2amati.on to heA school. and to hen community; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Counc f-, that z ncene eangnatutations be extended to MARCIA LVMAN bon hen outstanding success; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thus; tcezotut.i.on be spread upon the Minutes Book ob the Edina City Counc t and that appnapn,i.ate copies be presented to Mcvccia Lyman,. Coach Batcny Hatt, AthP -eti.c Diteetor Bud BjeAken, Pki.nci- pat Rottie Ring and SupeAintendent Rat.ph Li.eben. James Van Vat en ung Mayan FOR ACTION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 273 R.egular,Meeting, March 12, 1979 Volume 50, Report SUBJECT: RECOGNITION OF EDINA -EAST SKIING CHAMPION Be it Resolved, That The Board of Education Congratulate Edina -E t Senior Marcia Lyman for winning the o State Slalom Skiing Championship at Welch Village on Friday, February 16, 1979. Marcia placed first or second in every meet on Edina - East's schedule this season and,won the 1979 Section VI Ski Meet. Her brilliant high school racing career also included winning a.third place medal in the 1978 State Championship. gln/� ..t ��j •�( POSITION i IVIES OF TEA.k RS D- N• -C -G HEIGfr Wf'*I'(•:! :"I G(t,1fiF .*AG a v •* 4ir / /• /�D SQ R4 #11 a •,� S o 7a 11 Pam iJ 61010 7 i s � (✓ S l o� C�ort�o 11 � ,♦ q ✓ Mw re L #vH C -OV IA/ x__11 . I ✓ 11 l o 7VAr U 0 1A/ O ' /70 I1 _i3 3 0/1 i7ohrr, // V C 7 ♦♦ or _/y ✓ 8440 Arobolso d I O ✓ �y O N O'' t,...,d Cojcl, oV14,fo Ze,6 Coach 46e 2,:w-.c ger 06C Athletic Directog 0 go .,�•c t A'eov Band Director �� />h f��Y e r so ov _ Cheerleader Advisor r Enrollment OR T TYPE M MINNESOTA STATE inch SCHOOL. LEACUC 2621 Fairoak Avenuo t t:1:7Ui2X I:Y ps f from Zowest t to Anoka, Minnesota 55303 T TUIiSDAY, MARCII 6 Z, 2, J. 4, eta. REPORT ON HOCKEY TOURNA ENT TEAM SCHOOL w w S SCHOOL NICKNAME SCHOOL COLORS � �iC �C► . POSITION i IVIES OF TEA.k RS D- N• -C -G HEIGfr Wf'*I'(•:! :"I G(t,1fiF .*AG a v •* 4ir / /• /�D SQ R4 #11 a •,� S o 7a 11 Pam iJ 61010 7 i s � (✓ S l o� C�ort�o 11 � ,♦ q ✓ Mw re L #vH C -OV IA/ x__11 . I ✓ 11 l o 7VAr U 0 1A/ O ' /70 I1 _i3 3 0/1 i7ohrr, // V C 7 ♦♦ or _/y ✓ 8440 Arobolso d I O ✓ �y O N O'' t,...,d Cojcl, oV14,fo Ze,6 Coach 46e 2,:w-.c ger 06C Athletic Directog 0 go .,�•c t A'eov Band Director �� />h f��Y e r so ov _ Cheerleader Advisor r Enrollment t,...,d Cojcl, oV14,fo Ze,6 Coach 46e 2,:w-.c ger 06C Athletic Directog 0 go .,�•c t A'eov Band Director �� />h f��Y e r so ov _ Cheerleader Advisor r Enrollment l vYne. Tg�1 �1__5���_C1.. .1 �.�s7.✓Yl P(DI13hh u � REQUEST FOR .PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $1,000 DATE: March 9, 1979 Material Description (General Specifications): Cost 6f-stump-removal bid' per inch (approximately $2500.00 will be used for stump removal).' Quotations /Bids: Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Crystal Stump-Removal 34G per inch .2• Conrads Stump Removal & Tree Service 360, per inch 3• Stumps, Inc. 46�, per inch - Department Recommendation: Recommend Crystal Stump Removal ture Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is 3Z is not within the amount budgeted for the purchase. Dalen, Finance,Director City-Manager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2.• I recommend as an alternative: j enneth no land, City Man ger REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Fran Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $1,000 DATE: March 14, 1979 Material Description (General Specifications): TH 1721 White - Traffic Paint 250 gallons TH 3716 Yellow - Traffic Paint 400 gallons Quotation /Bids: Company 'Amount of"Quote or Bid 1. Vogel Paint & Wax (per Hennepin County bid) 2. 3. 3.93 gal. - TH 1721 $2,798.50 4.54 gal. - TH 3716 Department Recommendation: Vogel Paint & Wax $2,798.50 Public Works Signatu " Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The reco„•,rended bid is s not within th a t dgeted for the purchase. N. Da en finance Director City Manager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Depa rtment and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: F:cnnet i cos ar . City Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FRO�d: Fran Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM Ifs EXCESS OF $1,000 DATE: March 14, 1979 Material Description (General Specifications): Tune -up Equipment for all the new vehicles with electronic ignitions, etc. Scope, Digital Analyser, Advance Timing Analyser. Quotation /Bids: Company 1.' Hillstroms 2. ABC Equipment.Service & Sales 3. 'Amount of-Quote or Bid $1,050.00 $1,200.00 Department Recommendation: Hillstroms $1,050.00 � Public Works Signature Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recollloiended bid is _L�is not within h o t budgeted for the purchase. N. Dalen Finance Director City Manager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: 1: °cnneC ► an Ci tv 1"THI''vier REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Fran Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IPM EXCESS OF $1,000 DATE: March 14, 1979 Material Description (General Specifications): 1 - Hydraulic Movable Plunger Lift Hoist. Heavy truck & bus size with 54,000 lb. lifting capacity Quotation /Bids: Company Amount of'Quote or Bid 1. Hale Company 2, Pump and Meter- Service,•Inc. 3, Zahl Equipment Co. $9,413.00 $11,949.00 $12,749.00 Department Recommendation: Hale Company $9,413.00 W",," Public Works Si gnat Department -Finance Director's Endorsement: The recof:irended bid is is not within e o budgeted for the purchase. P�. Da en Finance Director City Manager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: 'r� 4,6'eniict 1 ;° "s an City F'anager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE - TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park & Recreation Dept. VIA: Kenneth - Rosland, City Manager Y. SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $1,000 DATE: March 14, 1979 MAterial'Description (General Specifications):. 74 Trees for Morningside - planted with one year guaranteed Quotations /Bids: Company Amount of Quote or Bide 1, Minnesota Valley. 74 Trees e $124.00 = .$9,176.00 2.: Halla Nursery 74 Trees = $12,210.00 3. Department Recommendation: Minnesota. Valley at $9,176.00 Signa u Department 41 Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is is -not within the amount budgeted for the purchase. N. Dalen,.Finance Director City Manager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve . the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: Ke neth Rosla 1P C ity Man-7'r REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park.and Recreation Department -YIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager - SUBJECT: REQUEST.FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $1,000 ti DATE: March 14, 1979 Material Description (General Specifications): 500 dozen range golf balls Quotations /Bids: Com an Amount'of Quote or Bid I,. Solana Inc. (Werke & Assoc.). 500 x $2.85 = $1425.00 2. H. M. Imports 500 x $2.95 = $1475.00 3. Department Recommendation: Solana..Inc: at $1425.00 Sir re Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is is not within the amount budgeted for the purchase. �. N. Dalen, Finance Director City Manager's Endorsement: _. 1. .I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: Q Kenneth R land, City Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Fran Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $1,000 DATE: March 14, 1979 Material Description (General Specifications): 2 Dump Truck Sand and Salt Spreaders Quotation /Bids: Company 1. Hayden - Murphy Equipment Co. 2. Itasca Equipment Co.. 3. Amount of - Quote or Bid $2,501.47 $2,749.00 Department Recommendation: Hayden - Murphy Equipment Co.' $2,501.47 Public Works Signature Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recom:- Minded bid is � is not 0 within th am n udgeted for the purchase. -l. alen 'nance Director City Manager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: I: nncti r s I S n Ci tv Kana(ivr Northwestern Bell March 15, 1979 Mayor James VanValkenburg City of Edina 4801 W 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor VanValkenburg: A long awaited event is taking place; starting Sunday, March 18, Northwestern Bell will place a new Electronic Switching System in operation to serve approximately 46,000 customers in southwest Minneapolis, Edina and St. Louis Park. The new equipment is located in the present offices at 4701 Beard Av. S. The changeover, at a cost of $10- million, will replace older electro- mechanical equipment. Customers whose numbers start with 920, 922, 925, 926, 927 and 929 will be affected by the change. For the first time these customers will have Custom Calling features in addition to international direct dialing services available to them. At some point in the near future when the dust is settled, we would like to invite you and your council to a luncheon and tour of the new facilities. We are pleased and proud to be able to provide this quality of service to you and the residents of Edina. Sincerely, N. A. Ostlund Manager Customer Relations '604" d I$] I 101-val IV` jb[ league of minnesota cities March 8, 1979 The culmination of three years of research, discussion and vigorous lobbying on behalf of the principle of maintaining local home rule in the area of redevelopment will commence on Wednesday, March 14, 1979. As many municipal officials will recall, Tax Increment Finance was debated in both Houses of the Legislature in both 1977 and 1978. In both the 1977 and 1978 sessions, efforts were made to repeal or severely restrict the use of tax increment finance for redevel- opment of Minnesota's cities. Only a unified effort involving members of the L.M.C./ N.A.H.R.O, Joint Task Force on Tax Increment Finance and concerned municipal officials from throughout the state were able to influence members of the Legislature and prevent the passage of a bill that would have severely restricted the use of tax increment finance. SENATE TAX COMMITTEE HEARING - MARCH 14, 3 - 6 p.m. IN ROOM 15 CAPITOL Once again, the L.M,C. /N.A.H.R.O. Joint Task Force is requesting that you assist in the fight to preserve tax increment finance. Under the rules instituted by Senate Tax Com- mittee Chairman, William McCutcheon, the hearing next Wednesday may be the only opportunity to speak in favor of and lobby for passage of the LMC /NAHRO supported tax increment finance bill. (Senate File 451. The authors of the bill are Hubert "Skip" Humphrey, New Hope; Mel Frederick, West Concord; Gene Stokowski, Minneapolis; John Bernhagen, Hutchinson; and Howard Olson, St. James.) Therefore, it is imperative that as a local official, you write or call your Senator prior to March 14th or make an appointment to see your Senator if you are in St. Paul on March 14, 1979, The League of Minnesota Cities /Minnesota NAHRO Joint Task Force feels that many of the previous concerns expressed by the Legislature in 1978 have been addressed in Senate File 451. Notwithstanding, there are five probable areas of difference between supporters of our bill and those who would like to reduce the effectiveness of tax increment finance. These five areas are briefly outlined below. (1) A limitation on the amount of tax increment finance activity that shall be permitted in a city. Some legislators argue that an overall limitation of the use of tax increment finance should be enacted. The most likely form of this limitation would involve limiting the amount of property encompassed off, all tax increment finance projects in a city to a percentage of the assessed or market value of that city. (OVER) 300 hanover building, 4130 cedar street, saint paul, minnesota 55101 (61 21 222 -2661 -2- The LMC /NAHRO bill contains an adequate set of limitations in that the new definitions of blight will effectively limit the number of redevelopment projects that may occur in a city. Housing projects are clearly defined and limited to the con - struction of low- moderate income housing. Additionally, the federal and state requirements for the establishment of housing projects are essentially another form of limitation as no low- moderate income housing projects can be constructed without federal and /or state commitment to finance construction, mortgaging or rents associated with such housing. The limi- tation on the use.of tax increment finance for economic devel- opment is included in the bill in the form of a percentage of project market value to the market value of the entire city. (2) Fiscal Disparities The tax base sharing provisions in the Twin Cities Metropoli- tan area includes the Fiscal Disparities Act. Under current Legislation.,.Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) (M.S. 462.411 et seq.) tax increment districts are exempt from the Fiscal Disparity Law and Municipal Development Districts (M.S. 472A.01 et seq.) must contribute 40% of all new tax base in the district to the metropolitan pool for redistribution. Under provisions of the LMC /NAHRO Bill, all tax increment districts would be subject to fiscal disparities. However, the city would have the option of contributing a share of taxable value from the district equal to the contribution ratio of the city (as opposed to an automatic 40% contribution ratio) or the city could elect to let the district capture the total annual tax increment and make up the share that would have been generated by new growth in the district from pro- perty outside the district. This provision is of primary importance to suburban areas whose contribution ratios may shift annually thus preventing adequate financial planning in tax increment districts. (3) Determination of Base Assessed Value As in the case of Fiscal Disparities, determination of the base assessed value is different under the H.R.R. and De- velopment District Law, the base frozen assessed value remains the same throughout the lifetime of the project regardless of changes in the tax status of the property within the district boundaries. H.R.A...tax increment districts are characterized by a changing base assessed value as the tax status of property within the district changes. When property is acquired by a public agency, the property assumes a tax exempt status and the base assessed value is lowered accordingly. However, once the property is sold to a private developer, the property as- sumes the value it had at the time the district was established for the purpose of determining tax increments. Egli The LMC /NAHRO Bill provides for annual adjustments to the base assessed value thereby reflecting the present tax status of this property in the district regardless of whether the property was in private or public ownership. This.provision would prevent t::x increment "short falls" resulting from the purchase of property in a district by a non- profit organiza- tion such as a church or the acquisition of property by an entity paying a gross earnings tax as opposed to the local property tax. (4) Contract Requirements Since there is presently no provision in any of the current tax increment finance legislation requiring the city or local redevelopment authority to enter into contracts with developers prior to the initiation of the redevelopment process , :.tome .members of the Legislature would like to re- quire a city contemplating the creation of a redevelopment district to have a developer under contract before creating the district. However, this provision would add time to the redevelopment process and time is the enemy of any developer or contractor. No developer wants his money tied up during the series of meetings and public hearings prior to the establishment of the district. Similarly, a legislative provision advocated by some legislators requiring contracts between the city and developer before bond sales may occur, also add time to the development process and deprive cities of a source of funds for front end costs such as appraisals, administration and planning. The LMC /NAHRO position regarding contractual agreements with developers would permit the acquisition of no more than 25% of the land in a district or project area without having entered into a contractual agreement with a developer. No other land could be acquired unless this initial 25% had been redeveloped or a developer was securely under contract for the development of another portion of the tax increment dis- trict. (5) Duration of Tax Increment Districts There is currently`no limitation on the duration of tax in- crement districts'. While general obligation bonds have a maximum 30 year lifetime (M.S. §475.54), tax increment could continue to be collected beyond the 30 year lifetime of the bonds. The LMC /NAHRO tax increment finance bill limits housing pro- jects and redevelopment projects to a duration of 25 years. This means that tax Increments may only be collected for a period of 25 years when tax increment finance is used in blighted redevelopment areas or to assist in financing housing for low- moderate income persons. Economic develop- ment projects, which involve less risk and fewer public costs than redevelopment or housing projects, are limited to 15 year duration period for the collection of tax increments. (OVER) -4- We urge you, to familiarize yourself with these five areas and the LMC /NAHRO tax increment finance bill in general. Then write, call or make an appointment to personally visit with your Senator on or before March 14, 1979. The League office will provide staff members to assist you and answer any questions that arise on March 14th prior to the Senate Tax Committee hearing. Remember, this may be the only chance to voice support for tax incre- ment finance in the Senate so your support on March 14th is urgently needed. See you March 14, 1979. 06411iiiiiilih d 111 lWal Iw'a league of minnesota cities iarcn 7, 1979 TO: Tax Increment Finance Steering and Task Force Committees; Interested Persons FRO!.: Arlin Waelti, Legislative Representative RE: Hearing in Senate Tax Committee, 'Hednesday, Harch 14th, 3 - 6 p.m. in „ooi-,. 15" Capitol The word is out! All legislation relating to taxes will be rolled into one bill in the Senate and that includes tax increment financing. We have been informed that Senator Hanson will be introducing a tax increment financing bill which will include overali,, limitations. Therefore, dropping( ur legislation for this legislative year does not appear to be a viable alternative. We are not sure that there will be a second hearing on tax increment financing in the Senate. 14e must assume, presently, that P-iarch 14th may be the only hearing on the issue in Senate committee. The five proballe areas of difference that we anticipate are the following: (1) a limitation on the amount of tax increment finance activity that.s;.all be permitted in a city, (2) Fiscal Disparities, (3) determination of base assessed value, (4) contract requirements, and (5) duration of tax increment districts. Further discussion of these differences is included in the attached enclosure. Members of the Senate Tax Committee are as follows: 11cCutcheon, Chairman; Olhoft, Vice Chairman; Bang; Bernhagen; Chmielewski; Davies; Dieterich; Frederick; Hanson, Jensen; Johnson; Merriam; Olson; Peterson; Schrom; Setzepfandt; Sieloff; Sillers; Stokowski; Wegener. If you know any of these Senators, or.are in their districts and are using or contemplating the use of tax increment financing in your cities, please contact them before �Iviednesday, March 14 to let them know how important tax increment financing is to your city and to support the League /NAHRO bill. We have our work cut out for us. Now is the time to Act. Contact your legislators. Jam the hearing room on Wednesday and bring as many people with you as possible. Come early and use the day.to talk with legislators. Attempt to arrange appointments to see them prior to the date of the hearing. Most meaningful contact occurs outside hearing rooms. If you need additional information or materials, contact the League office. 300 hanover building, 480 cedar street, saint paul, minnesota 55101 C6123 222 -2861 AGENDA COMMUNITY SEMINAR APRIL 21, 1979 8:45 a.m. Introduction 9:00 -11:00 a.m. Low and Moderate Housing in Edina - Where to go. Hughes and Staff introduces Tax - Values - Neighbors - Metro Press - Debate: Richards vs Bredesen 11:00 -11:30 a.m. Human Relations - What to do to get more community support. Results of People- Making 11:30 -12:15 p.m. Lunch 12:15 -1:00 p.m. Park - Bond Issue - 5 Year Plan 1:00 -1:30 p.m. Energy - What ideas for consideration 1:30 -2:00 p.m. The Edina Foundation - Ideas - School and City 2:00 -2:30 p.m. School Cooperation - What can we do re: buying old schools Other possible areas: Art Recycle Transit Cable TV Invite: All Commissions Neighborhood groups League of Women Voters 8% ��t,1NESpTq rr` P Q Minnesota Department of Transportation 3�y 5 Qo Trans p ortation Building, St. Paul, MN 55155 T OF TVk Office of Commissioner 612- 296 -3000 :tared S, 1979 :r. iticlard E. icra--aar, Co:-.,-aissionar i :elviepin t.oi111cy 245.) Goveral,c:at CcnLar Ainaeapolis, Aiaaesota 554b7 S.Y. 2735 T.ii. 494 Fraace Ave :uw Iatarchaa; :,n Dear Co -maiss ioaer Kremer: Tilaa. r. you for your letter of January 22 oa the uralce Avenue inter - CIIaAge. ire have assessal tile s%.tuatryoi-1 aiiJ ilave detarmiaed t-ailt ra-; teusive rc;,a deliii,g of tiie 0- xistiai; it terc ;imi ;e twdould be required if aa"1y* 3i�;nii:iC3ilt id�arovesze t is to be ��ade ill traffic flow. r;r10 alternator nave been. stuii3C1 by our district staff in Golden Valley. Lie- first tvotild wi en. tao bridLge, -Provide :,oSjle left tur_t laxaes to e r tIiz f roeway MllfjS Zi•1o:t a_ld lanes to raaca Av,�:au�3 t lrou,-h t4e iilter- 4 c lmlra. Lie sazoia•/1 i lt-ernaca would ak -id loops in C'I-ia ort eaa - aad aout_iwasr quairnat, relocate t)e 1-4)4 oi:`.-:'3;.nps to provilde room for the loops :iiid acid lanes oil Fri-rice itln.'1L'c. Tile coastntati.on cost of ei:;I,ar of th-se t:,wo ULaruatea woi.ilj J�: bct�foe :l O.QC cLlU Two isilliOn dollars. :7a 1'.avw also inva3ti ;ate,.i trunk iii_:lEVay a: :,lii^ sources. File nossi- bility of usitig o_` Iatara,aLa fua-'s silould be- ruled out as this type of Project onid aiot i)(, consiicred 4li ible. A project would probably qualify for Fe:;eral Ail Primary rule`s; ii-joever, this ,.roe ;rani is alroady over- Cu :l.li;:�crl ail:` s:lcit f,2r1• :ii :l wou —d be coasi:. :sred incoasisteat wiL l .`111103Tts prioriti�.s. Arot Ter possi�)ility is Lo 8;3.bmi.t a project to tile lira- i6porta`loa &.:visory Board for Ya -aural Aid 'ir'i3 21 _UIVIS. If FAA flI:iJing is purstiad, it appears that, t :13 co Tity as lead - ,`,tency Nou-14 :lava tiie batter caauca for approval w :hi/-)01T has it bac.;Uol; of projects w :iicLil wd woulci ZL. e. to iLi.4 tarau, -.h t.iis prO;;ra:',. (A project t:l y Ue expadited 11 tc` a cou :.t;y wera to serve w 1:-Ad 1i : ;e;icy. Li/J'"' li O`�•:7 £lUv ilrlVi: persoaael avaiia- 1Ia _or such a Proi,!CL :.Lld ;probably will not for soma ti,ae to c0?:c.) If other L;ourcos ai call bu L10.11ti- fiz1, wa t -roul", be willi.12; to dir-cuss tile-1 w:t:1 Lou. I aid shin. our Di:3trict tr. 4ii,Li :-v :i iri' ::forr! WJSit( 'bo Williat^ to coop-2ratn i[1 every way poss.i0le ix t':L.: :ic. :1Ei1L'1 O'.1:ty JaparL�_laat: of An L3qual Opportunity Employer 1.IZ „® 4W I . :�S• i.1C i1 "'.r:l Z. i.rzix:r, Co&,Ljsuioi:(3r "Paige Transportatiaa were to _:ursae. a project. If you would lika to review the 3;1 ^,.',. ai. ?ii +: ;:i:r::`T�i::. '_l c5 for t�ja 1 ]tt!L'C:haa7 �e or ei�V+? fl�1y �il °SL'i0as, please feel free to contact ma or :ir. Crawford. Sincerely, 1�p 944,0-- Mc ;-Lard P. BIrai a c aaissioner cc: A. J. Lae Associate County $d�i:2istrator Bureau of Pudic Service U. 0. Klossnar Chief EngivaGr ranaepiu County Kanneta Rosland i r` Edina City 7,-1aua ar Jolm G. Pidgeon j3loo-mL-lgtoli City ltanal e;r -+N mil... .. i,]IA 1801 WEST 50TH STREET. EDINA. N1111JNESOIA 5542.1 612 - 927 -8861 March 29, 1979 Mr. Richard E. Kremer, Commissioner Hennepin County 2400 Government Center Minneapolis, MN 55487 Dear Commissioner Kremer: Enclosed herewith is a copy of the resolution.adopted by the Edina City Council encouraging your efforts toward the construction.of an interchange at the intersection of France Ave. and Interstate High- way 494. The Council sincerely appreciates your efforts in this much needed improvement and stand ready, along with the staff, to assist you in any way. Yours very truly, i City Clerk enclosure cc: A. J. Lee H. 0. Klossner William Crawford John G..Pidgeon Richard P. Braun d BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that Commissioner Richard E. Kremer be encouraged to continue his communications with the Minnesota Department of Transportation in regard to the France Avenue/ Interstate Highway 494 interchange; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the DMJM Report for that interchange be further studied and implimented at.the very earliest opportunity in order to improve the traffic flow in that area. ADOPTED this 19th day of March, 1979. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICAT I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its March 19, 1979, and as recorded in the Minutes of E OF CITY CLERK Clerk for the City foregoing resolution regular meeting of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 29th day of March, 1979. City Clerk RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that Commissioner Richard E. Kremer be encouraged to continue his communications with the Minnesota Department.of Transportation in regard to the France Avenue/ Interstate Highway 494 interchange; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the DMJM Report for that interchange be further studied and implimented at the very earliest opportunity in order to improve the traffic flow in that area. ADOPTED this 19th day of March, 1979. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) I, the undersigned of Edina, do hereby was duly adopted by March 19, 1979, and WITNESS my hand and CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK July appointed and acting City Clerk for'the City certify that the attached and foregoing resolution the Edina City'Council at its regular meeting of as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. seal of said City this 29th day of March, 1979. City Clerk