HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-15_BOARD OF REVIEWt . STATE OF MINNESOTA ). CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS POSTING 'NOTICE CITY OF EDINA ) I, the undersigned duly appointed and actinfi Police Patrolman for the City of Edina, County of Hennepin. State of Minnesota. do hereby certify that I have, this date, posted copies of the attached and foregoing, -on three official City Bulletin Board d, as f lloa1s: 1. City Hall. 001 W. 50th Street 2.. 50th and France Business Area (3992 [J. 50th St.) ?. Amundson Avenue Shopping Center. Dated �� �-1 Signed Police Patr lman Signed.and sworn to before me, a Notary.Public in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, this,.the y day of LA,.,,,_A _ ,, 19. R -74 r Y is NOTICE.OF CONTINUED BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING. NOTICE__IS HEREBY,GIVEN_ that..the- Edina__City- Council will meet - -at a continued - meeting as the Board.of Review on Tuesday, June 19, 1979, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. for the pur- pose of reviewing and.correcting the assessment of.said City for the year 1978. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is.assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. DATED this 12th day of June, 1979. Florence B. Hallberg Edina City Clerk `J y MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW HELD TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1979, AT 4:00 P.M., AT EDINA CITY HALL Answering rollcall were members Courtney, Richards, Schmidt and Mayor Van Valkenburg who served as Board of Review, which meeting convened pursuant to "Notice of Board of Review Meeting" published in the Edina Sun on May 2, 1979, and posted on City Bulletin Boards on April 30, 1079. Mayor Van Valkenburg stated that the purpose of this meeting was to give persons who consider themselves aggrieved by their property assessment, or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, an opportunity to show cause for having their assessment corrected. Mr. Johnson, City Assessor, explained that on single family homes the increases range from 15% to 35% and that on other types of property the increases vary to quite a degree and that valuation is based on recent sales for like property. He further stated that appearance at this meeting by law keeps open the right of appeal before the County Board of Review, and could then be appealed to the State Board of Review. Mr. Johnson also advised of other methods of appeal. Mr. Arthur Buffington appeared on behalf of his wife, owner of a vacant lot at 6900 Dakota Trail. He objected to the market value of $17,800 because the lot is very steep; that they had tried to sell the lot but had been unsuccessful because of the taxes on the property, and that the realtor had advised them to take any offer they could get. Mr. Johnson advised that the market value has been unchanged for three years. Mr. Donald Berger, 5525 Malibu Drive, objected to the market value for his. home of $128,400 and questioned his ratio of 96% inasmuch as his neighbors who purchase their homes at approximately the same time were assessed using lower ratios. He further stated he had the smallest house and lot, that there was no landscaping, and that he felt the market value should be $117,925. Mr. Lawrence E. Erickson, 5300 Hollywood Road, objected to the market value of $84,000 and stated he felt an increase of $10,900 in a year on an 28 -year . year old home seemed excessive. He stated he did not know what value he would place on the property. Mr. Johnson advised that the increase was 14.9 %, the minimum amount of increase for any single family dwelling. Mr. Robert D. Hill, 5204 Richwood Drive, objected to the market value of $69,800 on his home and stated he felt the value should be $57,000 when comparing his house with the neighborhood. He referred to the poor design of the house and the cold and damp conditions which exist in the basement, as outlined in his letter. Mr. Theodore Kane, representing Edina Masonic Lodge No. 343, stated that the value of a tract of land owned by the Lodge, located at the NW corner of.Gleason Road and Crosstown Highway, is substantially overstated at $22,200 for the reason that the lot is landlocked with no access to it and attempts to sell the property have been unsuccessful because of this factor. Masonic Lodge No. 343 is asking for a reduction in market value but could make no estimate of value for the property. Mr. Walter Baker, representing the 7500 York Avenue Cooperative, stated that he was appearing before the Board of Review to preserve the right of appeal inasmuch as they had just received vaulations for the 338 units and had not had an opportunity to go over the data with Mr. Johnson. He also stated that on January 2, 1979, the property was still under construction and was just recently completed for occupancy. Mr. Johnson advised that the total estimated market value for the 338 units was approximately $17,891,900 and that he would work with Mr. Baker in reviewing values for the individual units. Mr. Edward H. Palmer, owner of a 264 unit apartment building at 7201 York Ave., appeared before the Board to-preserve his right of appeal based on the fact that construction has not been completed on the property and initial occupancy on six of the floors had been granted only three weeks ago by the City Building Department. He advised that the building would produce no income until units were ready for occupancy. Mr. Johnson advised that the market value was estimated at $6,480,000, partially completed as of January 2, 1979. 6/5/79 Mr. Wendel Burton, 6566 France Avenue So. Apt. 808, objected to the market value of $105,700 on his condominium at Point of France based on the fact that when he moved in there were only four owners living on his floor and there are still only four owners, two of which have their units up for sale and are having difficulty selling them. He indicated he felt the market value should be $96,400, the same as last year. Ms. Muriel Erickson, 4401 Parklawn Ave. Apt. 101W, expressed concern that the valuation on her unit had increased by $10,000 but agreed that a market value of $50,400 was realistic. She advised that many of the occupants of the building were on fixed incomes as she was and felt that if values continued to increase each year she would be unable to continue to live there. Mr. Johnson explained that condominiums receive a more individualized review for each complex through . a study of the sales within the complex, and that the benefits of home owner- ship alleviate some of the tax burden through homestead tax credits. Mr. James Hiniker, 6833 Oaklawn Avenue, objected to the market value of $103,600 placed on his property. He stated that this would be an increase of approximately 22% since moving into the house in August, 1978, and that he felt a market value of $93,00 more accurately represents its worth, inasmuch as the house does not have a glassed -in porch or air - conditioning as do other homes in the neighbor- hood. Mr. Johnson advised that staff would be willing to look at the house and Mr. Hiniker suggested the assessor also look at all the houses in the immediate neighborhood. Mr. Lewis Pick, 6439 McCauley Terrace, objected to the market value of $145,300 placed on his home, stating that he had purchased it on January 15, 1979, for $148,000 of which $18,000 was for personal property. He requested that the Assessor inspect his home and stated he felt the value should be $130,000. Mr. Johnson presented a letter from Property Tax Service Company appealing the 1979 assessment for property owned by Health Industries, Inc., 3950 W. 70th St., and stating their intention to review this assessment with the City Assessor. Mr. Johnson presented another letter from Property Tax Service Company appealing the 1979 assessment for five properties owned by Gabbert & Gabbert Company, 3501 W. 69th Street, stating their intention to review these assessments with the City Assessor prior to the County Board of Review. Mr. Johnson presented the objection of Edward G. and Marilee Hoch, 4121 W.45th Street, to the market value of $55,500 on their property. Owners estimate value at $45,000 based on the fact that other property in neighborhood was_ not increased by as great a percentage and that they felt a recent addition resulted in a leap in market value.- Assessor Johnson presented letters from the following property owners: Dr. Wm. Harold Ford, 401 S. Blake Road, objecting to 1979 market value of $65,500, stating the house is 37 years old, was built during war time, is not a well built building and estimating market value at $55,500. Regina M. Breuer, 7304 Tara Road, objecting to increase in market valuation from $99,000 to $114,000, stating that homes.sold on their street have been difficult to sell at market value because the Lewis Park which was to have been completed two years ago is still not beyond ground - clearing stage and buyers hesitate paying a high price without being assured of the park's existance. Dr. Byron H. Armstrong, 4119 W. 62nd Street, objecting to market value of $43,100, based on the size and age of the house with unheated basement and attic and major problems of impossibility of keeping paint on it, necessity of rebuilding chimn an eed of new roof. Owner feels valuation is between $5,000 anc $10,00 oo high. D. M. Curnutte, Ashland Oil, Inc., representing SuperAmerica Stations, Inc. objecting to market value of $145,000, and estimating value at $120,000, based on their statement of improvements and summary of improvements and depreciated value. Keith L. Carlson,.owner of property at 5555 West_ 78th Street, requesting'a reduction in valuation from $444,000 to $355,000 which was the price he paid for this property in October, 1978. 6/5/79. M. W. Schneider, 5208 Birchcrest Drive, requesting review of the market value of $89,100 on his property,'based on the fact that he purchased it one week prior to January 2, 1979, for $84,000. R. Waldo Anderson, 5209.Valley View Road, objecting to a market value of $102,700 for the reason that the truck traffic noise on the Crosstown Highway has increased during the last few years and he would be unable to sell the property at that value. Donald C.- McGorman, 5917 Killarney Lane, objecting to a market value of $98,300 on his home and requesting Assessor to view same. He stated that in his opinion the market value should be in the area of $85,000 to $98,000. James E. Donohue, representing Dale E. Johnson owner of 7519 Hyde Park Drive, objecting to estimated market value of $192,000, based on actual cost of building the home as being $136,299. Mr. Johnson then presented the following list of property values currently under review by the Assessor's office and advised that the requests had been made by phone conversation with or by personal appearance of the property owners: Name and Address James Rutherford, 5301 West 63rd Street Leo J. Raskind, 3 Orchard Lane Betty Parsons, 5912 Grimes Avenue Nancy Birger, 5716 Xerxes Avenue Daniel Dodge, 6309 Virginia Avenue Carol A. Wilson, 6844 Oaklawn Avenue Donald McGorman, 5917 Killarney Lane Estimated Market Value $103,800 100,500 56,300 68,700 99,000 77,900 98,300 There being no one else requesting to be heard, Mayor Van Valkenburg declared the meeting adjourned until 4 p.m. on June 19, 1979. Adjournment at 5:05 p.m. Acting City Clerk MINUTES OF THE CONTINUED MEETING OF THE EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW HELD TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1979, AT 4:00 P.M. Answering rollcall for the continued meeting of the Board of Review were members Courtney, Schmidt and Mayor Van Valkenburg. Mr. Robert Hill, 5204 Richwood Dr., appeared again to protest the Assessor's estimated market value of $69,800. He advised that, while he could not sell his home for more than $75,000, his estimated market value is higher than other houses in his neighborhood which would sell for considerably more. Ms. Jo Taylor of the Assessor's office advised that she had made comparisons with the property at 5229 Richwood Drive mentioned by Mr. Hill, and had found no dis- crepancies in the values of the two properties. Property at 7201 York Ave. was represented by Ms. Donna King who made comments additional to those made by Mr. .Edward H. Palmer at the Board of Review Meet- ing of June 5,.1979. She contended that, until the building is completed and occupied, the value should be proportionately lower. Councilwoman Schmidt's motion was then seconded by Councilman Richards, for reduction of values on the following properties: Name Legal Description Value Arthur Buffington Lot 1, B1. 1, Overholt Hills Georgia 3rd $ 12,000 Edina Masonic Lodge #343 Part of Lot 23, Auditor's Subdivision 196 18;000 Keith Carlson Lot 1, B1. 9, Edina Interchange Center 55;500, Keith Carlson Lot 2, Bl. 2, Nine Mile West 1st Addn. 324,500 6/19/79 Motion was seconded by Councilman Richards. Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. The Board reviewed ledger sheets showing costs for the home of Dale E. Johnson, 7519 Hyde Park Drive, along with recommendations of the Assessor for the remainder of the persons who had appeared in person or who had submitted written applications for review at the last meeting. Councilman Richards then moved that the Council accept the recommendations of the Assessor which included reductions in value on the following properties: Name Legal Description Value Carol A. Wilson Part of Lot 2, B1. 1, Brost Addition $ 72,900' Jim Hiniker Lot 4, B1. 1, Southdale 3rd Addn. 92,000 M. W. Schneider Lot 12, B1. 3, Birchcrest 2nd Addn. 83,000 R. Waldo Anderson Lot 2, Bl. 1, Genevieve Addn. 93,200 Nancy Birger Lot 5, B1. 1, Brookline Addn. 63,000 Daniel Dodge Lot 12, B1. 1, Replat of Block 10, Normandale Addn. 94,100 Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt. Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. The Mayor then declared the Board of Review for 1979 adjourned. Adjournment at 5:00 p.m. City Clerk v , I n�j-' 1 — - -- -- -- - � - - `�='�' �-- 0.--V- �h• / f� C"I-r f, 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CEF.TIFICATE OF COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS POSTING \NOTICE CITY OF EDINA ) I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting Police Patrolman for.the City of Edina, County of Hennepin. State of Minnesota. do hereby certify that :I have, this date, posted copies of the attached and foregoing NOTICE OF BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING on three official City Bulletin Boards, asrfollo7S 1. City Hall. 4201 W. 50th Street 2,. 50th and France Business Area (39 22 W. 50th St.) ?. Amundson Avenue Shopping Center, Dated "i' ! �U 07 Signed _ Police Patrolman Signed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, this, the 3a day of _ 192-2—. R -74 Clerk's Notice to Post and Publish = HC 1163 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Review of the City of Edina in Hennepin County, Minn., will meet at the office of the City Clerk, in said City at 4: 00 o'clock • M., on Tuesday the 5th day ®f June- 9 U9799. for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said City for the year 1979. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment or who . wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Dated this 2 t h day of April , 1979. Clerk of the City of Edina SUN NEdVSPAPERS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION EDINA SUN 7401 Bush Lake Road State of Minnesota SS. County of Hennepin Edina, Minnesota DON R. LARSON, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the president and printer of the newspaper known as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each week. (3) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second -class matter in its local post-office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Edina in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Edina in said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours and at which said newspaper is printed. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper is made available at single or subscription prices to any person, corporation, partnership or other unincorpo- rated association requesting the newspaper and making the applicable payment. (8) Said newspaper has complied with all foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (9) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. He further states on oath that the printed Assessment Notice hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for Orie successive weeks; that it was first so published on Wed the 2 day of May —.19-2-9 and was thereafter printed and published on every and including the day of , 19— and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 day of May 19 —L1 1 fc CAR04,�" LARSON =! NOTARY PUBLIC . MINNESOTA 14ENNEPIN COUNTY My COMM1M100 Expires Msy. 10, 1980 (Official Publicatloo►., C aY; E 'NO 'HEREBY " "GIVEN, t :The ° 4tpv pt City of rf n,Hegaep1n +, pti, wi m j•�the'nff9ce�ofxth'y .d;Ci'iX;..at 4:00_ o'clock ;1Z �M�In, fihq day of ing} b e{review- g �th� i #s,. srnent of .said rsons con 3t" - by said a "" om- plain th ;;prbp� ,. er is ... asse�g 'a .. ere y dotified to ajip� "?a nd show causif( s�asment correcf _ No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent; 4PavobeenwuM of such. cog ' Oil, 1Y979.$:BALL_ �'w�let 9 e'City o� -Edina 5 .(M SUN NEWSPAPERS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION EDINA SUN 7401 Bush Lake Road State of Minnesota SS. County of Hennepin Edina, Minnesota DON R. LARSON, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the president and printer of the newspaper known as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each week. (3) Said newspaper has 50O10 of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second -class matter in its local post -office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Edina'in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Edina in said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours and at which said newspaper is printed. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper is made available at single or subscription prices to any person, corporation, partnership or other unincorpo- rated association requesting the newspaper and making the applicable payment. (8) Said newspaper has complied with all foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (9) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. He further states on oath that the printed Assessment Notice.- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for On43 successive weeks; that it was first so published on Wed the 2 day of May' _19-2-9 and was thereafter printed and published on every to and including the day of 19 and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 day of May .19--29 Ct'�k') CA Ga J. LARSON ++ NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY My Commission Expires May. 10, 1980 Clerk, P.M. June) in' ap said Gi to Iroj, {he_City ntylMtt�n., it ;they Loy „�Fibck nth', y` of s'o #lreview- ipesment of CII¢rsons { ev , by co er is otified s and show No'complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upo until the person so assessed, or his" agent, shall have been notified of such co P18int ?�'s F �?At a tltts 7th "pt! '1 1979. Jia's ;FLORENCE.,.$_. HALL - lei of the City of Edinav .(May 2, 1979) —ED (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424, Clerk's Notice to Post and Publish HC 1 -163 - - - -- .1, CITICE ASSES-SMEN" NO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Review of the City of Edina in Hennepin County, Minn., will meet at the office of the ri ty- Clerk, in said City , at 4.00 o'clock -2-.-M., on 9 the Srh day ®f .Tune ,19799 for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said City for the year 1979. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. - Dated this 27th day of April , 1979. (signed) FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Clerk of the city of Edina Please publish in the Edina Sun on May 2, 1979. Please send us one Affidavit of Publication. JAMES E. DONOHUE CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 6306 ROLF AVE. EDINA. MINN. 55436 612/841.3513 June 2, 1979 Assessor City of Edina Edina, Minnesota Dear Sir: On Saturday-June 2, 1979 I reviewed with Dale E. Johnson the costs involved in building his personal residence located at 7519 Hyde Park Drive, Edina, Minnesota. Mr. Johnson presented to me the attached ledger sheets showing the cost to build the house at 7519 Hyde Park Drive as being $136,299• Hr.. Johnson has cancelled checks and invoices to verify these ledger sheets and the actual cost of his personal residence. Yours truly., ' da= E. Donohue Certified Public.Accountant Enclosure 2 JD F , EDINA. -Nl;1t 95P q 3� -- -- 7. *? -fl T3 ITEMS r�� l I• ri YL /1174L azzl au I , I I - �'-�$ -- ta'Z�� -_ �j cz 1 . ;// e - - -- - - -- _. i 9/c 7 ' r CREDITS I I BALANCE I i - - 0.00 Q 06 _ 66 r. ,yam I '0 -- 1 i 4 - - - -- I - j ! i ' � ~ o*csr NO. - NAM ____ _ —' - / �����____DALE E.­�����n��7�v�------- ------' _-751g HYDE --''��}�R���----------'----------' Al WILSON JONES DATE 'o=" w,'o || 19--' `. ^, / mswo !FounU � usoITs / ' �vu ./� �P UIR � � *V- _'--- 0 4.9 5 * 1O.00 16'OO 4(I28 2, 7 5 15 1 3. 9 4 6.9 7 6.5 O 4.2 9 I O 5.8 3 * Local P,oard of Ileview City of Edina I'.dina,Ninnesota 55436 Gentlemen, 5 June 1979 I have strong beliefs that a great disparity exists in the assessment evaluations in my immediate. area - Richwood Drive. I have attempted in the --past -to have an assessment re- evaluation -- made - -by -the. Edina- Assessors Office of this area without success. could .There are numerous examples of the disparity that I bring to your att- ention, however, for brevity I will mention only two. One outstanding dis- parity exits between my home at 5204 Richwood Dr. and 52" Richwood Drive. I purchased my home in March 1976 for $50,000. The assessment at that time was 48,000 or `2,000 of the purchase price. The owner of 5244 Richwood Dr. after rejecting the purchase of my home purchased his home for $599000. His assessment was approximately $1+5,000 or $$11+,000 less than his purchase price. He purchased his home the year before I did which would make the difference even greater with one year of inflated prices to his advantage. The 1979 asse- semer_t of my home is $n69, W0 whereas his home is $ 67,100 . If both homes were put o.n the market today his home would be valued at least $159000 more then mane- conservatively speaking. He also does not have a cold and damp base- ment and train problem that homes in my area do. The second home wherin a great disparity exists is at 5229 Richwood Drive. This home was purchased in late 1976 for $62,500 or $°p129500 more then I ps.yed for mine. His assessment valuation for 1979 is $61,100 or $1+00.00 over mina. He also does not have a cold and damp basement and train problem that I contend with. I contend that my home is over - evaluated in relationship to others in this immediate area and request that the evaluations be adjusted to reflect a greater equitity. Either mine is too high or theirs are too low. I suspect that mine is too high, because at a 1979 market valuation of $699800 I seriously doubt that I can realize a profit when deducting selling costs. I base this on the numerous deficiencies that exist on this house that preclude setting a high selling price. I have listed these deficiencies on the accompanying page for your review. Another consideration is lot size. My lot is approximately 100 X 100. Most all other lots are somewhat larger and more desireably located. I request the Board of Review to seriously consider this re- evaluation so that assessment valuation$ can be realized. Robert D. Hill 5201+ Richwood Drive Edina, Minnesota 55436 5204 RI CHWOOD DRIU Edina, Minnesota 55436 1- AI,L first level floors squeak when walked upon. 2- The basement recreation room is cold and damp most of the year like a root cellar. The temperature ranges from 55 degrees in winter to 70 degrees in mid- summer. The humidity level ranges from between 64% in winter to 8210 in mid- summer. The humidifier operates 24 hours a day after the basement temperature - -- - -- reaches 70 degr-ees-05- May- -- 15- _Sep.t)_but_.cannot_ lower_ the humidity below._68%.. in mid summer on the best of weather conditions. The cost for this continuous operation is about $'20.00 per month. Due to this unfavorable cold and damp con- dition in the basement the space is not n4 lly used. 3- The Eaq side of the garage wall has a -P wide crack running the entire ver- ticle The was caused I am quite sure from the trains that passes near my house. The trains cause the house to shake, dishes to rattle, and cause pictures and mirrors to drop from the wall-breaking them. The crack has been filled on numerous occasions but the shaking opens the crack each time. The crack wi11 ev- entually make the garage unusable if not extensive work done to reinforce it. 4- The greatest deficency and hinderance to the resale of this house is the inter - iog design. This house has no hallways or normal sized rooms that mke for an attractive. house. The interior design features a single wall running the length of the house except for two bedrooms on the west side of the house. One is either on one side of this main wall or the other,, The.living room is on one side -the kitchen and small room on the other. The simplest and cheapest design knot-m in the const- ruction business. Because of this simple design the house has a very limited worth when reselling. This house was listed for resale for over one year before I unfort- unk1y purchased it. If this house is further assessed at the rate currently used I will be forced to sell because no -one in their right mind will pay the assessed evaluation and I will be los 046ney each year�a greater amount each year). 5- The high assessment valuation placed on this house,I believe,results from this location which is among homes of greater worth. If this house was located among similiar homes at another location in Minneapolis the assessment evaluation would I am sure be at least $25,000 less. 6- The lot size is smaller than most of my neighbors. This lot size is only about 100 X 100 and has only two mature trees of any size for lot attractiveness. 7- Because of the above listed deficencies I firmly believe that my home has been over assessed in comparison to my neighbors and the house itself. 6y W MCHNOD f MIN �Mvumb-1 , �-Gff- f lot 7.2 It -7 co too ISO 5Z ' � 1 F- Di!W600 IR N\57, Too 0 0 �����® '\a�rr��cl q4- Pu� 5119-79 'A e R 9., )3 L o e k I) S c) ,, a h d 4 i- ' including all garden bulbs, plants, shrubs and trees, all storm sash, storm doors, detachable vestibules, screens, awnings, window shades, blinds (including venetian blinds), curtain rods, traverse rods, drapery rods, lighting fixtures and bulbs, plumbing fixtures, hot water tanks and heating plant (with any burners tanks, stokers and other equipment used in connection there- with), water softener and liquid gas tank and controls (if the property of seller), sump pump, television antenna, inciner- ator, built -in dishwasher, garbage disposal, ovens, cook top stoves and central air conditioning equipment, if any, used and located on said premises and including also the following personal property: - > }�� f'� -i �' c/ f^ �.j�s S -,F jt N,., r' — J- i'_ ;.- iilv"v.! s---) r ned a<riry N e -I- 114/V ellf (A5 Gt-it4 ��i Fr /7tTr't)Jt- all of which property the undersigned has this day sold to the buyer for the sum of: ..... 7i.4 ,7............................. ($ ? cr �!:?rJ:......) DOLLARS, which the buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: Earnest money herein paid'$. 3 =i.`.9s.:: the date of closing. And S 2 • ' by buyer placing at his expense a ' `' mortgage in this amount amortized monthly over a period of years. Application for said mortgage to be made within hue days after acceptance of this contract. In the event the buyer donor secure approval of said financing before '' ! ' this agreement shall become null and void at seller's option to extend time necessary and the earnest money paid hereunder is to be returned to the buyer. Buyer agrees to pay to the mortgage company at the time of application, the cost of the appraisal and the credit report. Seller agrees to pay in full all special assess - ments, levied and /or pending of record, at the time of the closing; an assessment is considered pending when the assessment has been assured by a government body. agrees to pay a mortgage insurance premium not to exceed _ percent of said mortgage to be placed. PQ y 'nc ;.'Eta L k 5} /a; c ?i9?rr-S, clues' iA/ 1 Subject to performance by the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver a .... . ..................... .-:- ---' —' =- -; .—:....Warranty Deed (to be joined in by spouse, if any) conveying marketable title to said premises subject only to the following exceptions: (a) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, State and Federal regulations. - (b) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of premises without effective forfeiture provision. (e) Reservation of any minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota. (d) Utility and drainage easements which do not interfere with present improvements. (e) Rights of tenants as follows: (unless specified, not subject to tenancies). - The buyer shall pay the real estate taxes due and payable in the year 19.'Z'- -and any unpaidtjnstallments of. special assessments pay- able therewith and thereafter. Seller warrants that real estate taxes due and payable in the year 19 s:.!'. will be. ... _ - .•..'.:4_4.._..... homestead classification. (full, partial or non - homestead — state which) Neither the seller nor the seller's agent make any representation or warranty whatsoever concerning the amount of real estate taxes which shall be assessed against the property subsequent to the date of purchase. Seller covenants that buildings, if any, are entirely within the boundary lines of the property and agrees to remove all personal property not included herein and all debris from the premises prior to possession date. The seller further agrees to deliver possession not later than - '" ✓.'/}'t._.Y ":°"!J.{'7.......- provided that all conditions of this agreement have been complied with. Unless otherwise specified this sale shall be closed - on or before 60 days from the dare hereof. In the event this property is destroyed or subsequently damaged by fire or any other cause before the closing date, this agreement shall become null and void, at the purchaser's option, and all monies paid hereunder shall be refunded to him. The buyer and seller also mutually agree that pro rata adjustments of rents, interest, insurance and city water, and, in the case of income property, current operating expenses, shall be made as of . .... ._- ._..' .;.'......., I_°..: 5... 7`_ 1:! ........................ ............................... The seller shall, within a reasonable time after approval of this agreement, furnish an abstract of title, or a Registered Property Abstract certified to date to include proper searches covering bankruptcies, and State and Federal judgments and liens. The buyer shall be allowed 10 days after receipt thereof for examination of said title and the making of any objections thereto, said objections to be made in writing or deemed to be waived. If any objections are so made the seller shall be allowed 120 days to make such title marketable. Pending correction of title the payments hereunder required shall be postponed, but upon correction of title and within 10 days after written notice to the buyer, the patties shall perform this agreement according to its terms. If said title is not marketable and is not made so within 120 days from the dare of written objections thereto as above provided, this agreement shall be null and void, at option of the buyer, and neither principal shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other principal. All money theretofore paid by the buyer shall be refunded. If the title to said property be found marketable or be so made within said time, and said buyer shall default in any of the agreements and continue in default for a period of 10 days, then and in that case the seller may terminate this contract and on such termination all the payments made upon this contract shall be retained by said seller and said agent, as their respective interests may appear, as liquidated damages, time being of the essence hereof. This provision shall not deprive either parry of the right of enforcing the specific performance of this contract provided such contract shall not be terminated as aforesaid, and provided action to enforce such specific performance shall be commenced within six months after such right of action shall arise. It is understood and agreed that this sale is made subject to the approval by the owner of said premises in writing and that the under- signed agent is in no manner liable or responsible on account of this agreement, except to return or account for the earnest money paid under 1 this contract. Seller please initial the following: Seller warrants that the property is directly connected to city sewer ... .... ..... _, city water ............... Seller warrants all appliances, heating, air conditioning, wiring and plumbing,used and located on said s premises are In proper working order at date of cl osing ............. _ ............. ..._/ % f The delivery of all papers and monies shall be made at the office of: / ABC, R. o. WATLAND REALTY ,; -.c _ BC +R. O. WATLAND /REALTY ly;;:k ErK By ......... 41t .^- .... 11 ...............I�......... .........................,Agent 1, the undersigned, owner of the above land, do hereby apps: r_� the above agreement and the sale thereby made. J' % f I hereby agree to purchase the said property for the price and rr / / upon the terms above mentioned, and subject to all conditions r: i � •!d r� herein expensed. � Seller 4 �..• _ - ......... .........................(SEAL) Buyer (SEAL) .................................................. (SEAL) Seller Buyer THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT UNDERSTOOD, SEER COMPETENT ADVICE. - i LIN, M ABC, R. O. WATLAND REALTY OPPICB COPY 7703 West 147th Street : -: A le Valle DIN 55124 OPP(Ca COPY pp Y, �urea•s COPY J Phone 612432 -3310 SELLSa•S COPY - REALTORS' � aunt's a8Ca�r PURCHASE AGREEMENT (Conv. & Insured Conv) (asYlasn MAY. 1096) Minneapolis, Minn.,,,.,,._._.: _ RECEIVED OF ...: r. l'. t.. L F... S......: ?'r.....1..��,:�..kr:r.....t..- )x..11 r..... m.)... LN. L. f��. L'...... 1. .'. *.Y?/ ....................... the sum of ........ ?Ll.r....... �• . ......t ?. ^(.. ....:ZL;. +..c-..' —.._ ".- (5.�:.L'�7,.`J...) DOLLARS, .........: '..'.,It k:. °.. r ...................... .............................as earnest money and in part payment for the purchase of property at (Check. C.,h or N., Ste. Which) t. ..�.�........ ✓.L!. .'... ,.fe�.. Ott! /4 �,�� : ..................?.t4 A_.... ..iii. /.:�!t�.L........sttuated in the .............. County of..... +�.:':. -? : t. - :..J:�.!. ' :::........ ............................... State of Minnesota, and legally described as follows, to -wit: 9., )3 L o e k I) S c) ,, a h d 4 i- ' including all garden bulbs, plants, shrubs and trees, all storm sash, storm doors, detachable vestibules, screens, awnings, window shades, blinds (including venetian blinds), curtain rods, traverse rods, drapery rods, lighting fixtures and bulbs, plumbing fixtures, hot water tanks and heating plant (with any burners tanks, stokers and other equipment used in connection there- with), water softener and liquid gas tank and controls (if the property of seller), sump pump, television antenna, inciner- ator, built -in dishwasher, garbage disposal, ovens, cook top stoves and central air conditioning equipment, if any, used and located on said premises and including also the following personal property: - > }�� f'� -i �' c/ f^ �.j�s S -,F jt N,., r' — J- i'_ ;.- iilv"v.! s---) r ned a<riry N e -I- 114/V ellf (A5 Gt-it4 ��i Fr /7tTr't)Jt- all of which property the undersigned has this day sold to the buyer for the sum of: ..... 7i.4 ,7............................. ($ ? cr �!:?rJ:......) DOLLARS, which the buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: Earnest money herein paid'$. 3 =i.`.9s.:: the date of closing. And S 2 • ' by buyer placing at his expense a ' `' mortgage in this amount amortized monthly over a period of years. Application for said mortgage to be made within hue days after acceptance of this contract. In the event the buyer donor secure approval of said financing before '' ! ' this agreement shall become null and void at seller's option to extend time necessary and the earnest money paid hereunder is to be returned to the buyer. Buyer agrees to pay to the mortgage company at the time of application, the cost of the appraisal and the credit report. Seller agrees to pay in full all special assess - ments, levied and /or pending of record, at the time of the closing; an assessment is considered pending when the assessment has been assured by a government body. agrees to pay a mortgage insurance premium not to exceed _ percent of said mortgage to be placed. PQ y 'nc ;.'Eta L k 5} /a; c ?i9?rr-S, clues' iA/ 1 Subject to performance by the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver a .... . ..................... .-:- ---' —' =- -; .—:....Warranty Deed (to be joined in by spouse, if any) conveying marketable title to said premises subject only to the following exceptions: (a) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, State and Federal regulations. - (b) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of premises without effective forfeiture provision. (e) Reservation of any minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota. (d) Utility and drainage easements which do not interfere with present improvements. (e) Rights of tenants as follows: (unless specified, not subject to tenancies). - The buyer shall pay the real estate taxes due and payable in the year 19.'Z'- -and any unpaidtjnstallments of. special assessments pay- able therewith and thereafter. Seller warrants that real estate taxes due and payable in the year 19 s:.!'. will be. ... _ - .•..'.:4_4.._..... homestead classification. (full, partial or non - homestead — state which) Neither the seller nor the seller's agent make any representation or warranty whatsoever concerning the amount of real estate taxes which shall be assessed against the property subsequent to the date of purchase. Seller covenants that buildings, if any, are entirely within the boundary lines of the property and agrees to remove all personal property not included herein and all debris from the premises prior to possession date. The seller further agrees to deliver possession not later than - '" ✓.'/}'t._.Y ":°"!J.{'7.......- provided that all conditions of this agreement have been complied with. Unless otherwise specified this sale shall be closed - on or before 60 days from the dare hereof. In the event this property is destroyed or subsequently damaged by fire or any other cause before the closing date, this agreement shall become null and void, at the purchaser's option, and all monies paid hereunder shall be refunded to him. The buyer and seller also mutually agree that pro rata adjustments of rents, interest, insurance and city water, and, in the case of income property, current operating expenses, shall be made as of . .... ._- ._..' .;.'......., I_°..: 5... 7`_ 1:! ........................ ............................... The seller shall, within a reasonable time after approval of this agreement, furnish an abstract of title, or a Registered Property Abstract certified to date to include proper searches covering bankruptcies, and State and Federal judgments and liens. The buyer shall be allowed 10 days after receipt thereof for examination of said title and the making of any objections thereto, said objections to be made in writing or deemed to be waived. If any objections are so made the seller shall be allowed 120 days to make such title marketable. Pending correction of title the payments hereunder required shall be postponed, but upon correction of title and within 10 days after written notice to the buyer, the patties shall perform this agreement according to its terms. If said title is not marketable and is not made so within 120 days from the dare of written objections thereto as above provided, this agreement shall be null and void, at option of the buyer, and neither principal shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other principal. All money theretofore paid by the buyer shall be refunded. If the title to said property be found marketable or be so made within said time, and said buyer shall default in any of the agreements and continue in default for a period of 10 days, then and in that case the seller may terminate this contract and on such termination all the payments made upon this contract shall be retained by said seller and said agent, as their respective interests may appear, as liquidated damages, time being of the essence hereof. This provision shall not deprive either parry of the right of enforcing the specific performance of this contract provided such contract shall not be terminated as aforesaid, and provided action to enforce such specific performance shall be commenced within six months after such right of action shall arise. It is understood and agreed that this sale is made subject to the approval by the owner of said premises in writing and that the under- signed agent is in no manner liable or responsible on account of this agreement, except to return or account for the earnest money paid under 1 this contract. Seller please initial the following: Seller warrants that the property is directly connected to city sewer ... .... ..... _, city water ............... Seller warrants all appliances, heating, air conditioning, wiring and plumbing,used and located on said s premises are In proper working order at date of cl osing ............. _ ............. ..._/ % f The delivery of all papers and monies shall be made at the office of: / ABC, R. o. WATLAND REALTY ,; -.c _ BC +R. O. WATLAND /REALTY ly;;:k ErK By ......... 41t .^- .... 11 ...............I�......... .........................,Agent 1, the undersigned, owner of the above land, do hereby apps: r_� the above agreement and the sale thereby made. J' % f I hereby agree to purchase the said property for the price and rr / / upon the terms above mentioned, and subject to all conditions r: i � •!d r� herein expensed. � Seller 4 �..• _ - ......... .........................(SEAL) Buyer (SEAL) .................................................. (SEAL) Seller Buyer THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT UNDERSTOOD, SEER COMPETENT ADVICE. t ! I l�� Property Tax Service Company Suite 1520, Shelard Tower 600 South County Road 18 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 Telephone 612 546 -0662 1-IDI/ly/O Subsidiary of Alexander R Alexander Inc. June 5, 1979 315-0 Al 7 e K Ji- - The Honorable Board of Review City of Edina Lf?�/ 606 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Gentlemen: In an effort to secure a fair and equalized value, please accept this letter as our formal appeal on the 1979 assessment for the following property owned by Health Industries, Inc.. Legal: IN 30- 028 -24 -44 -0003 Plat 76670 Parcel 6000 We do intend to review this assessment with the City Assessor prior to the County Board of Review. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, 7e'�� 2 � 7- `_____- Robert W. Tivnan Tax Representative RWT /cn Atlanta Dallas Detroit Houston Lincoln New York Los Angeles Tulsa / I Property Tax Service Company Suite 1520, Shelard Tower 600 South County Road 18 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 Telephone 612 546 -9662 June 5, 1979 The Honorable Board of Review City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Gentlemen: P/7/ Subsidiary of Alexander & Alexander Inc. °/Z� ddD 3 s0 t w . 6 '?' Jt - In an effort to secure a fair and equalized value, please accept this letter as our formal appeal on the 1979 assessment for the following properties owned by Gabbert & Gabbert Company: Legal s: 1. Tract A RLS #1366 IN 29- 028 -24 -33 -0008 Plat 76671 Parcel 3000 2. Tract B RLS #1366 IN 29- 028 -24 -33 -0012 3 a0 C// G o Plat 76671 Parcel 6015 3. Tract C RLS# 1171 IN 29- 028 -24 -33 -0006 9 7i ° Plat 76652 Parcel 4500 4. Tract A RLS #1466 /, d G f, 3 b IN 29- 028 -24 -34 -0015 Plat 76682 Parcel 3000 5. S8B 116 R21 N420' of part of SE 1 & 4 Plat 73608 Parcel 0160 We do intend to review these assessments with the City Assessor prior to the County Board of Review. Thank you for your time and consideration. - Sincerely, 174 Robert W. Tivnan Tax Representative RWT /cn Atlanta Dallas Detroit Houston Lincoln New York Los Angeles Tulsa 'A li� c U 6 (1,26 -,2 yos 110 2. MIAT DO YOU BELIEVE IS THE CORRECT VALUE $A5-&tyV 7- o3. i-THAT ARE YOUR RTEASOINS SUBISTIi"'ITIATIN-G THE VALUE 20 ca,6V6 I- p I 107 CT'J."I". C-P (qu-ltk?-�L PiDill.1111.) 0i, :11"vii-I.: June NANl-, t/,) AP G. Y P-) N -&- P Ro ERTY ADDIM'S 2- 1 Lk) 4-57-L 1. DO YOU 'V,7 I r3, 11 TO SPlJ-'AK AIDOUT I-q79 VALUE 'A li� c U 6 (1,26 -,2 yos 110 2. MIAT DO YOU BELIEVE IS THE CORRECT VALUE $A5-&tyV 7- o3. i-THAT ARE YOUR RTEASOINS SUBISTIi"'ITIATIN-G THE VALUE 20 ca,6V6 I- p I A'Sessor, City cf :I'Clina, 4801 est 50th :�t., ;dina, 50424 Dear Sir: +e wish to -)rot -st 1979 value of.` q? bOO. and the 1J79 L-'Tnited v�Ilue of x;;49,000. on PronertvlD 30-117--21'11 0050 flat 76180 Parcel 43,50 Cur house is thirty -seven years old. it v.as built d%';rin:T war 1,1.me and is not a - ell built building.` Your valuations are ;10,000. too hi-h. We would like to have this matter brcuc*ht up to the Local Ploard of heview on 7uesda7, June 5, 1:%79, and to the :iennepin County Hoard of Equalization on July,,, 2, 1979. Yours truly, hopr,i:is, inn. bb--43 7304 Kara : _Road Edina 75435 HELMUT BREUER GE SCHAFTSFGMRER _ 6000. Frank fUrt.arn -Mai n.1 W AN D:E R'-- G- M'f3 - -Fi, -Main zer�Lenastrml3e 171 POStfaCh -4566 Talefon- (06-11) 7304 74___ 1ay.31.1979 City of Ldina 4801 West jOth 5:424 Lear Sirs, Ae6arding the real estate property assessment valuation notice of.Jan. 2. 1979, I wish to state my opinion shared with the neighbors.of my street. I do not agree with the raised market value of our house which increased from 99.000 to 114.000. Evidence from houses sold on our street clearly proves, that it already has been difficult to sell a house at the market value of last year. The problem is, that, the Lewis Park which was to habe been built e years ago, is still a project not beyond its ground -. clearing stage. Thus concerned house buyers rightly feared paying a high price.without being assured of the existence of a park. I therefore propose that.this.point should be reviewed at the Edina City Council meeting on June 5th or future selling problems will be inevitable. y, I would grandly appreciate your concern on this issue. V_ E-: Vi Property ID Plat Parcel r,. 08- 116 -11 e4 0059 .77984 1800 Sincerely f 4 . 5 4- 11 BYRON H. ARMSTRONG, .M. D. SKIN DISEASES 400 SOUTHDALE MEDICAL BLDG. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435 • TELEPHONE 920 -4161 1 June 1979 Edina Board of Review Assessor - City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Mn. 55424 rt Dear Sirs: Regarding my home at 4119 W. 62nd Street (30- 02S -24 11 0043, Plat 76490, Parcel 5200) and the market'value that you have listed as X43,100: .For a house of this size and age with unheated basement and attic -and the major problems of 1) impossibility of keeping-a coat of paint on it, 2) necessity of rebuilding the chimney, and 3) need of a new roof I believe this figure to be too high. In the past I have gotten estimates on correcting the above items, but I am sure that the figures would be much higher today. When I spoke with the assessor today we agreed that I would send you this letter of presentation so that you may consider these items when you meet on Tuesday, June 5, 1979. As far as I now know it would appear that your figure is between $5,000 and $10,000 too high -- especially if it becomes necessary to reside the house. Sincerely, By on H. strong, M.D. Ashland ASHLAND OIL. INC. • POST OFFICE BOX 391 • ASHLAND, KENTUCKY 41101 • PHONE 16061 329 -3333 TAX 'DEPARTMENT - June 1, 1979 Mr. Robert Lunieski City Assessors Office City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Reference: Property ID #28-117-21 34.0016 Plat #75302 Parcel #6000 SuperAmerica Stations, Inc. Dear Mr. Lunieski: In our phone conversation yesterday you indicated that I should correspond with you setting forth my calculations of the value of this parcel. You further indicated that you would review this and discuss with the assessor and the Local Board of Review. In making your review, if you need any information or have any questions, please do not.hesitate to contact. me. My telephone number is 606/329- 5582..,.. Enclosed are copies of your real property assessment valuation notice and the survey of this parcel as well as a statement of the improvements and a summary of improvements and.depreciated value. As you can see the.depreciated value of the building and improvements is $25,000.00 less than your valuation. The total value of the parcel is $120,000.00. We appreciate your consideration of this matter and await you reply. Very truly yours, ASHLAND OIL, INC. D. M. Curnutte, Supervisor Property & Excise Taxes (Central Region) DMC:kIr Enclosures J T Enclosed is your 1979 Market and Limited Value. If you have evidence that the Market Valuation is excessive in relation to the 1979 actual market value, please contact the Edina Assessor's Office. The Edina City Council will meet as the Local Board of Review on Tuesday, June 5, 1979, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers to review values. The Hennepin County Board of Equalization will convene on Monday, July 2, 1979, at 9:00 a.m. in the Hennepin County Government Center. Assessor City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 nel927 -8861 ext. 44 T 4 P —1100-149M moftip —0-, JAN 21 1975 REAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT VALUATION NvC7-ICE CITY OF EUINA PROPERTY, IC 28- 117 -21 34 CC16 1579 MARKET VALUE 1459000 PLAT PAKCEL 75302 6UCC 1979 LIMITED VALUE SUPERAMEF.ICA STATICNS INC. P G BLX 3S1 ! AShLANC KY 41101 - t t 145,000 �ururuar � Lrrti(iratr STATE SURVEYING COMPANY 5710 NEWTON AVENUE 50. • t MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55419 i , A. 4 'pile lip- a o 0 _ .� TELEPHONE 927 -89J3 (; t I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of; the boundaries of: Lot 2, Block 1, ENROTH'S FIRST ADDITION, Hennepin "County, 1 Minnesota,,subject to the right of way of the 5ervice Road and Link Road over and across -the Westerly and Southwesterly portion thereof as shown on the above plat of survey. I further certify to the location of all buildings on said land and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land, and to the location of the Street curbs, sidewalks and driveways adjacent to said land. I As surveyed by me this 20th day of December, 1968. Minnesota Registration Number,5852 SUMMARY OF IMPROVEMENTS AND DEPRECIATED VALUE Cost Percent Depreciated New Depreciation Value Building * -'Base square foot costs $25.00 Current cost multiplier 1.13 - Local -- multiplier Final square foot costs $29.38. @ 1,993 square feet $58,554 Air Conditioning & Heating 4,285 Improvements Concrete Drive 50% 50% 6,700 square ft. X $1.50 10,050 50% Asphalt Paving 5,330 square ft. X .60 3,198 50% $76,087 Indicated Values Land Building & Improvements Total Rounded 82,000 38,044 $120,044 $120,000 $29,277 2,143 5,025 1,599 $38,044 * Source: Marshall and Swift, Section 62, page 5, average steel. Multipliers from Section 99, pages l and 7. ** Source: Marshall and Swift, Section 43, page 4. Building Style Size Foundation Walls Floor Roof Interior Finish Building Service System Land Concrete Drive Asphalt Paving IMPROVEMENTS One story steel, concrete block and glass service station and convenience store. .66' X 26.5' or .1,749 square feet with a concrete block storage shed 8' X 23' or 184 square feet. Concrete -- - - 66 linear feet plate glass, 14' high; 135 linear feet concrete block, 8' high. Reinforced concrete, some ceramic tile. Inverted double pitch metal sandwiched panels. Painted interior walls with shelving and coolers. Fluorescent lighting; forced air heating and air conditioning; plumbing consisting of 2 (two) lavatories and 2 (two) water closets, utility.sink, water heater, supply and waste piping. IMPROVEMENTS Approximately 6,700 square feet Approximately 5,330 square feet d June 4, 1979 Board of Real Estate Review Edina City Council 4501. West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Ref: 5555 West 75th Street described as: Lot 1, Block 9 Edina Interchange Center Lot 2, Block 2 Nine Mile West 1st Addition Sir: I enclose copies of the Assessment Valuation Notice on the above properties and a copy of the Purchase Agreement and closing Statement covering my purchase on December 21, 1978. This purchase was established on a competitive bid through the agent for New England completely "arms length ". -I request a reduction in Valuation from $444,000.00 to $355,000.00 and can furnish the original papers and any other information you would require upon the benefit of your advice. Sincerely, Keith L. Carlson -�i�v� s- S �// U �2u October 24, 1978 Mr. Keith L. Carlson Carlson Thermoplastics, Inc. 704-0- Logan "lame South Minneapolis Minnesota 55435 Subject: Purchase Agreement dated September 22, 1978 5555 Lest 77th Street Edina, Minnesota 55435 Dear Mr. Carlson: This letter shall serve as the agreement wherein you, individually,as Buyer, and R'ew England 1"lutual Life Insurance Company, as Seller, both as defined in the above referenced document, hereby agree as follows: In._cc.nsideration for Seller agreeing.to redlce t'�e purchase price_ and the ��equired d_­-t by the amount of $25,000 to reflect the anticipated cost of soil colrcct1on ;.ork required for the property, Buyer hereby agrees to :•:aive any. -and all present or future rights contained in Paragraph n on Paa 1 of 1 of the Purchase Agreami -nnt Addenda- to I; t certain Purchase Agreement da mod. - Septa -1.n. rs-• r°` Further, that the agreed purchase price shall now be establisF -- in the amount of $355,000 and that the required do.- !npayment shall be $105,000. All other terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreement dated ptember 22, 1978 shall remain in full force and effect. If the abDv-e-,i� 'th your approval , please execute and r t, , , t,::o copi es Syr" tip s Tet . nc Shen E. Gag President � 7 AGREED A j 'ACCEPT; ' Buyer:/ ' Date:' % Seller:.. Its: Date: 7.400 METRO DOUI_EVARO 0 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55435' 031210-31 - li7C`�0 Is •✓� II �ti.r. : :n- I'.''t`;l,n II & "UR'1.g71ASE AVLiFjr,,LV;E E -' Minneapolis Minn., .. September 22 • 19 78 ?r "; . ... _..... I 1 i �1 \ 1� I! i i' ri A Keith L. Carlson RECEIVED OF .. ... . ... .... _ ......._....... .... - the sum of Fi.- ,teenTho>•�and and no /100----- .--- - - - - -- (c,15,000.00 DOT.,., P, S Check .,....as COMM money and in part pa) men' f.,r the p[.rd .t1 : bJe::C ar ,Chcrk• Cnah e- 11o72 — S' to \v'hfrbl - 5555 „ West,. 78th.. Street.,.. Fd. ina ................ ...._........_ rile ! Sctre of Minnesom, and le 1 h dcserihed a: folim,s, ro -c,i- Counr}• of .....:........Henn° pin ............................... , S•' ; Lot 2, T'tlock 2, Nine. Mile West First Addition and Lot 1, Stock (), Edina Interchange Center First Addition including, all )arccn Btdl s, plants, �hru'os and trees, all storm sash, storm dons, (1craehablc %est.bulcs, srrecns awninc ;, :•..; shades, hinds (indndio� vcreri =il blinds). curtain ro.ls, traverse rods, drapery rr.ls, irhnn': tixul c, ,nd hta pt•, fixnues, ! nt oar_r r..nl:; a::d hearia'; plant (with an)' burners, tanks, stokers ar.:l other egnipnr -.1 u•ni m ct :necu ^r ' r ` ` cant , a r, td l,,:5wn :.n-^r ^a, :rune:- ,•;ith) ,.j ,Cr s•;frcr.cr aril liquid pas rank and, come.$ (i, file pmperr)- n, ;cllert, t ator, built-in ;hra,l er. rail Zer, dirpost!; ovens, crack top spears and ccri :ral air con,im,,ning equ'p :cent. ;t a:, urc,! :ne! loearcdl on sai,t. prcnii >r;,aad inch.diug also file following personal property: None all of which property doe undersigned has dais day sold to the Layer for the sun- o':d Three Ilundre:l_ Ei;,hty Thousane. and no /100--------- ------- - ----. (5380,000.00 LOLL ^.,�• Which the bul-er aErres :J oay in a c following manner: Earnest rnonr)•1' ° ^inpavl, " +15,rQQ•00. and $115,000,00, cash, on November _1, 197£3_. .:hl, care ,;f and the balance cf Tw• Hundred Fifty Thousand ($250,000.00) Dollars by Buyer applying for and obtainin; a pv?'chase money mortgage from New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, \)ith. iPt•;rest at 10 %, per annum, with payments thereon amortized over a period of 20 years, Buy-,!r to have complete prepayment privilege without penalty of any .azure. Such Mortf-.af,e, t'te 17ote crhich it secures and the supporting documents shall he prepared on New England I­--u-al TAfe T_nsurance Comoany's customary forms. Idoterithstanding the amortization pre[[ -,rain, said Vote and Mortgage shall be payable in full 3 years after the execution thereof. Closing costs up to $1,500.00 for such Mortgage to be paid b-) Buyer. If Buyer shall not obt.1in a Corrnitm_nr for such financing on these terms within 30 da;js of the day of this Agreement. this Agreement shall be null and void, at Buyer's option, and all earnest money paid hereunder shall be refunded to Buyer. See attached Exhibit A for additional terms and conditions. Subject in perfomtance by chic buyer the seller awe's to exeaue and deliver a .... \v: arrlmy 1'- ^' (ro he joi—I in by •p2usc, if amyl rc rcyinG ni.1 r! :••tat le title to s.id rrrutises subiect only ;n rill, °o!l, me ex :rr:o n,: .Ind :vninr, '..fu's, ordicrmcs, St.uc• and Vc&ral tc!;ula[i,ms. I b) R(,*,icri•,rs rel-ion;t to use or impro,cment of premises ,vitly :r. , Iiccrive forfeiture provision. (c R(.<o rvat"n c::ny miverais or mineral rights to the Sato of ;.lmncso+a. (d) utilhy and drainx;cc ,- ;Punrs,vhuh d) nr: into fcu v:uh ncescn[ improvements. Icl Rirbn of tcr.anro as (,,:!o.15: (en!_ss specitr. 11 not subj.xt ro tcp �nt,es) tl'he h::ve[ 51 :.11 ray :hl, rrcl e,r rt: taxes dt.e in the ye it V) . /9 ar l acv uncurl installments of $!'. i l .<�c,.re,Ts pa .tb'- rke_r.. ch and thercale -r. •`-HL v array.:, that rer'I cstarc tas,:; due is tI,,c /car 11) 79 '::ill he .. non— '• __ _.:,1 cl. •; . ^.•Noon (f.11, 1,mial nr nap- homc_cc,,d -- s:am' h: fit Neither the seller nn[ the sellers agent make any r,,presema:ion ur warranty whatwevrr concernirt_- the artu; :nt e�-a•e n,ses ahirh •h.tl! l:c : s"ssetj acai 1.1 tlr_ p:Terry sul.s :qucnt to t!:c J.,te- of pvrchat e. �c.11er covenants r1'e: build•,:re., :f any, are ^ntir,:ly tvi[hm th^ boundary lines of the prnperry n; ,' acrd ro r-•, ve .,I'. n °^ ^n,l not indi,! '.. h ^trip and all ,I.h:i: fn it!- pr mist, ),riot rn 1-•,•s ^•vvn du ^. .._ <.. a�; c�,-.._ �ha_ cJ- �, ist::,'.'. �tf• i:—' iy' 1: fs�fhtr `_t'.f.`s`. :J- f1"_i!rFH�.{,. cry .r.;- .rv1- i,= �.t- .— Y•+• -nY`.- .. ;° ,- :,!— I. t diet r ^s rn delly_r poser. ;on not lacr than the closing date 1- ',!c•J rat . om I'ai,rs co: .r;rccmenjt hoe been roar I.d with. tinles; n;hen•.ue spec,h•d tits silt shall be dcsc.l or ,r i-c ore 611 I :um rh t e h : :c In ill, e•,'cnt :his pr'+ ,r, is ,icsr;nycd or sabsnnrially dzm, r,,I bi, lire or any nthdr eau >e heroic [h; c!^<io :.';-t. '•', ,_r_e - >: ct.. become mull nnl vo,d: at tl•2 purih per's option,' and all mnnics t)aiI hctcun.lcr shill be rc.`nndcd I•. hin 'file buvc: and $ ^IL•r n'so mrt•al!!y a!;rdc that pro aura xdius:.- :tcn[< ' renrc, irr' :c <t. insuranr ao' ,u•. test:- a. income Pr "I "•Ity, torrent c�retatinrt r.:•`:nses, shall he ma le 1e of .tile . closing date c- „ 'I 'h ^_ $cl:cr s!v'I, ^.itl•in a :c•dsnnabl^ limit. n`.ter approval of t!,;s at;rcr.,cnt. (urnisl: an ai <rcr ", :�rl•. � a 1t� _i•::r - Abstmdr ,er, i•a.l to d;.'.: to irdn.'c p:opct s °l iJ s cnvr :ie•; b.•. ni :n: =acids. and �irarc .imi l.Jc: jc :,� :'. :• . ,r . _ - ..i1 •: 114, ^: et! lU d ys a`:cr recciut there f f tr ex.lmlaidinn of said .ide and d:^ m :I :m.; of a.n — nuns rl ,- .. or ddcmed to I "t v'aivo!. If an; of ±jettit n; arc <o made fife seitcr >ball be .dhmni i_0 JAM a <: ! ..-., c..•.: -1,: _ corrr,rioo rat n•'e rite rayrr :vti he:cun.!cr rewired shall h^ rns'pnneJ, but ,,00n r,•rrecr;oo of ride nor ,......n n• the buyer, the carries ;h,Jl lctfo-m this aSrcement aecoalinr, o, it; [erm+. If said tide is not rat :`cr.ib'c viad is not rr+.i.le so v:irhin 17.0 <'a,'s from the date of s�riucn r bj_cr• •. ^.s ,I:: rc: .f• .ti, aerecmrnr b.�l! Fe nail .nil mid.:', „I tion of the buyer, an,l mrnc�r l•rinr;i,A shall be lia!,!c• Mr ,lartare ir.re:: ^' r -., ufc •,.', :- - pint_.,i. All Irl—I , re;ofore naic! by th_ Fuv, r $1,111 bc- refunded. It the tit:c in s i- ! rn :; :crap br ft:un.! marl d' •h;r it !,_ :,: rat. ,ic + ":::n i •,m° a,:,l "kid v: '., 11 e.(.wt to any 01 the a ^rcemcrrs anti ecnnnu: in J0!'tl : for • peq,j of if, Jai t - n I it ti•u et rh , terntin. re th c,utract .mil on su.h rent inition all the 1•ayments made uprn if u•n•udr sb.tll i•c :c[t i c e • ! $cI , r .•n rr s [hair rc.parnc intarc: , m.;v appe.:r, a: liquidap -d dam nme 1,=, r,I thc'ssem c• ben ft TII :. fife ri ^h[ of er6,rinp; the ercah. per(nimanee of. this mnrr.ur pr•;ei.t ^J such contucr >hail nor he rern..r,r_,', : � a :v� :�• : :: `: ^d :':o'-­' 1,' )n m cr.fo ^ <- <rrh •rcci�ie i :crfr.rm an cc stall I e chntctc nccd w i r h i n s,s nr•nti,s after s„dh rirbr of acti „n h ,-:•c. Ir is un ?erstcod anJ a rcol tint this sal= i, niad: subicrt rn rbc aq,prov-ll by rile o,ancr of <.,• - < in ,I fitin'_ .rid dui r:^ a :t: :er. a,cnt i, in m, m.umcr !ublc cr naspnrsib!o on accor•r,t of this aciecrnc•nr, can pt to temp - .• v ' t: • r..rr •^.• pry r :n; this u,ntr,ict. ,7 The delivery of all paper and rr ies'hall be made at the of rc of: CAV IT RP ',AT IOil Dorsey, llindhorst, licnnaford, Whitney h Tlalladay 2300 First NiLional 1 cn7; Building �r �� Minneapolis, Ilinniasota 55/:02 By A,;ent n ::ncr I (Le alr):c L in d „hereby a:,prov, the abn:c ar;o, t •c o: ar I tht:: tic nc� :d.y mnJe. I h ^rc•by ar,rcc r nutrh.tc r ai<1 oper[v for rile er:.t and New l:r)glMl ut`ak Li e Insurance Company upon jo jtn bode min objet' to ill n t.,.ts t ns � nnn� � �. Itcrei � :Fn• >scd. (SAL) �/ . .............. `� ... 1:� Sell °� 1, t ............. . iiuvc[ r• (SEAL) (SEAL; 1 Scaler Rover A F;o Hoo M-6 44, r, /0—Y-4. f% G Ioa,700 L% �%�!' � •c^� -cam �� ��� ��,Lt�t�� � �C-�" I!� 'C� �-�� =-� -> r 1 ��.-.'- -�..� "(% -c -:iii ,-�'G � lZ— � -t.�` �� .��,.�.,C. -LZ C�(�jL.f_'CLc.c • � ��-L_ i ���< -_- -�... � :�:.;.r - -c. `L� u_��-= %- �- �:�� - "C[f /r'�.-� %�.•�. Wit._ �`�- r•�t ��� "Z ''f!� ``�z� -�•� �C ��- .����.: r -C� l/ , !�--Z q Assessor -City of Edina 4801 !lest 50 th St. Edina, Mn. 554.24 Edina, Hn. I +ay 31, 1979 I tl 360 Dear Sir: This has reference to Assessment Valuation Notice on property 31- 117 -21 -41 -0010 Plat 75981 Parcel 4350• I find the values you have placed upon my home greater than what I feel they should be. The market value figure would represent a. increase of approximately 10 11L compounded annually since 1975 using my purchase price of "Pi_'6-7,900 as the base point and that price I feel was a inflated figure at that time. 6 to 7 % compounded annually would in my opinion, be a more realistic growth rate. Using these figures and the same base figure, one would arrive at a value in the area of w85, 000 to ;t-89, 000. It would appear that either an adjustment should be made or perhaps you would wish to have your appraiser view same in order to arrive at a value more closely representing the property. If you so desire please call 929 -3135 for an appointment. Yours truly, Donald C.vIc Gorman 5917 Killarney Ln. JAMES E. DONOHUE CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 6308 ROLF AVE. EDINA. MINN. 35438 612/941 -3313 June 2, 1979 Assessor City of Edina Edina,.Minnesota Dear Sir: On Saturday June 2, 1979 I reviewed with Dale E. Johnson the costs involved in building his personal residence located at 7519 Hyde Park Drive, Edina, Minnesota. Mr. Johnson presented to me the attached ledger sheets showing the cost to build the house at 7519 Hyde Park Drive as being $136,299. Mr. Johnson has cancelled checks and invoices to verify these ledger sheets and the actual cost of his personal residence. Enclosure 2 JD Yours truly, &James E. Donohue Certified Public Accountant /� ✓�c c�ti> enoa June 5, 1979 The following is a list of property values currently under review by the Assessor's office. Requests were made to the assessor's office by phone conversations or personal appearance of property owners& 31- 117 -21 -41 -0010 5917 Killarney Lane e � inspection complete, Donald McGorma.n conclusion not determined,, (ltr to Assessor) PINS ADDFt%�SS ?' �� __ RU -1ARKS LZ 05-116-21-11-0040 5301 West 63rd Street ''�' �v waiting for add'1 info. James Rutherford and inspection. !1� 29- 117 -21 -14 -0047 3 Orchard Lane �ocf inspection made,conclusion Leo J. Raskind not determined. 33- 117 -21 -33 -0039 5208 Birchcrest Dr. fl, /0 ° waiting. for letter. Marvin Schneider Zc� 19- 028-24 -41 -0042 5912 Grimes Avenue 3a d inspection complete, Betty Parsons decision: value not in XX excess of market, 2, 20- 028 -24 °24 -0009 5716 Xerxes Avenue , - inspection com late , Nancy Birger � decision: indicated value should be $63,000, /1 30- 028 -24 -22 -0056 6309 Virginia Ave. , unable to inspect until Daniel Dodge ^.` >.r.� after June 11, 1979. 2` 30 -028 -24 -33 -0004 6820 Brittany Rd waiting for add'1 info., Carol. A. Wilson and inspection. (6844 Oaklawn Ave.) 31- 117 -21 -41 -0010 5917 Killarney Lane e � inspection complete, Donald McGorma.n conclusion not determined,, (ltr to Assessor) Nn- NAY7 r. AnnRrgq 1979 BOARD OF REVIEW ASSESSOR'S OWNERIS EST T.PnAT. nrgC_ F.gT MKT VAT. • nF MKT VAT. Recommendation DECISIO'� 1 Arthur Buffington Lot 1, -Blk 1, $ 17,800 (approx. 6 0 (Lot at 9 0 Dakota Overholt Hills $9,000) o Trail) Georgia 3rd R�- 06- 116 -21 -34 -0052 2 Donald Berger Lot 11, Blk -1, '$128,400 $135,000 wit Recommend no i� Edina Green $2,500 P.P. change 5525 Malibu Drive 31- 117- 21 -.22 -0026 /B $117,900 or equity 3 Lawrence Ericksen Lot 1, Blk 2, $ 84,000 ? Question was on percentage of Recommend no Beverly Hills typical increase. change A/o►� ' 5300 Hollywood Rd 28- 117 -21 -23 -0009 4 Robert Hill Lot 8, Blk 3, $ 69,800 57,000 Comparison was made of properties Recommend no 5204 Richwood Drive Richmond Hills 2ni 'ncomparable referred to by Mr. Hill change y��p -rJ /neighborhood 33- 117 -21 -22 -0032 ssessor's. alues. 5 T. F. Kane 'rep for Pt of Lot 23, $ 22,200 ? Edina Masonic Lodge Aud. Sub. 4196 #343 .06- 116 -21 -21 -0006 \(1 ATANM T. AT)T)T?FCC ASSESSOR'S T.FCAT_ T1F4ZR T7CT WT VAT. 1979 BOARD OF REVIEW OWNER'S EST NP MKT VAT. .RarnmmPndation DECISION 6 Walter Baker Lot 1, Blk 1, $17,000,000 ? Maintaining further rights of appeal. Recommend no representing Ebenezer Society Discussion held with Mr. Baker change _ 7500 York 1st 32- 028 -24 -31 -0007 7 Edward Palmer Lot 3, Blk 3, $ 6,480,000 ? Discussion held with Mr. Palmer, representing Yorktown property to receive High Rise h 7201 York 32- 028 -24 -24 -0001 assessment rate - receive no further /W change. r 8 Wendel W. Burton h 6566 France Av Apt. 808. $ 105,700 $ 96,400` - Recomend no Apt. 808 Apt. Ownership #73 change �rQ Point of France t�Lr 30- 028 -24 -14 -0094 9 Muriel Erickson Apt. 101 -W $ 50,400 ? Owner was seeking information Recommend no 4401 Parklawn Av Apt. Ownership #73 change Apt. 101 Parklawn E & W Co do CL 31- 028 -24 -42 -0060 10 Jim Hiniker Lot 4, Blk 1, $ 103,600 $ 93,000 Inspection made Recommend 9.2 o-� 6833 Oaklawn Av Southdale 3rd reduction to 30- 028 -24 -43 -0057 $92,000 -,.n VAV7 A_ AnnT2rCC ASSESSOR'S T.RC_AT_ nr4zr - 'PST MTCT VAT 1979 BOARD OF REVIEW OWNER'S EST nr MKT VAT. Recommendation DECISION 11 Lewis A. Pick Outlot A, McCaule Y 145,300 wner states Property inspected' Recommend n Ne_ 6439 McCauley y Tr. Heights 4th. 6- 116 -21 -22 -0018 � purchased 1-79 �q�,o_ j� s� Z ,�_ -�° no change or 148,000 • n c 1 18,000 EP 12 Property Tax Sery ce / Co. representing Tract B, RLS 1365 432,600 ? Maintaining rights of further appeal. Recommend l� . European Health Discussed value with this office. no change 30- 028 -24 -44 -0003 Spa. '3950 W. 70th St. i3.a� Property Tax Ser. Tract A, RLS 1366 920,000' ? Maintaining rights of further appeal. Recommend Co. repr. Gabber-t3 29- 028 -24 -33 -0008 Discussed value with this office. no change properties. 3501 [Jest 69th Street b Property Tax Ser. Tract B, RLS 1366 3,204,600 ? Same as above Recommend Co. repr. Gabberts 29- 028 -24 -33 -0012 no change properties. 3460 -3534 W. 70th C�f. 3469 -3597 W. 69th c Property Tax Ser. p y Tract C, RKS 1171 897,000 Same as above Recommend Co. repr. Gabberts no change properties. (!� 3455 W. 69th St. M `:0 . NNA ;y & ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAI 1979 BOARD OF REVIEW OWNER'S EST OF MKT VAL Recommended DECISION d Property Tax Servic Tract A, RLS 1466$1,265,300 Same as previous No change Co. repr. Gabberts 29- 028 -24 -34 -0015 /�IC properties 6900 York Av 6950 York Av 1 I I 1 0 TJ N420' of th pt of e Property Tax Servic Gabberts SE 4 of NE -4 lying W $1,416,300 Same as 'above No change Co. rear.. o r :,.R R/W ex rd. ., properties 7215 Cahill Rd. 08- 116 -21 -14 -0001 14 Edward Hoch Lot 18, 4121 W. 45th St. Aud Sub 161 $ 55,500 $.45,000 Unable to reach owner. Recommend 07- 028 -24 -43 -0031 Owners claim of larger % increase on no change their property than neighborhood. Survey shows 20 -.2.5% on others, 17% on Hoch property. LET ERS Wm Harold Ford Lot 1, Blk 12, $ 65,500 $ 55,500 Recalculated Recommend no 15 401 Blake Road Mendelssohn change % 30- 117 -21 -11 -0060 16 Regina M. Breuer Lot 2, Blk 2, $ 114,000 ? Recommend no 7304 Tara Road Kemrich Knolls change 08- 116 -21 -24 -0059 NO _ NANN`r' & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC_ 1979 BOARD OF REVIEW ASSESSOR'S OWNERIS EST EST MTCT VAT. OV MKT VAT. 0 v- r t i t; .,,, DECISION 17 Byron H. Armstron E95' of Lot 3, $ 43,100 33,100-38,l CO l(j Recommend no 4119 W. 62nd St. Block 2, Peacedal Acres `-" �� change /) /C _ I 18 Ashland Oil Co-. Lot 2, Blk 1, (Super- America) Enroth's 1st. $145,000 120,000. Recommend no 5205 Vernon Av., change �1 I 19 Keith. Carlson Lot 1, Blk 9, $380,000 355,000 Owner purchased property in 1978 Recommend 5555 W. 78th St. Edina Intch Ctr 64,000 for $355,000 + special assessments. reduction + Lot 2, Blk 2, 3 gQ Nine Mile West 444,000 5 �— �. °"`�° �' � 2'6 5 v v l 1st. �7 20 M. W. Schneider Lot 12, Blk 3, $ 89,100 Purchased 12-78 :5208 Birchcrest D Birchcrest 2nd. for $84,000 Recalculated Recommend - d reduction to $83,000 21 R. Waldo Anderson Lot 2, Blk 1, $102,700 Recalculated Reduction to 5209 Valley .View .Genevieve _ _ _ _ L� $93.200 93 a-oZ, Road �; 0. :�A ;L' & ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAL 1979 BOARD OF REVIEW OWNER'S EST OF MKT VAL Recommendation - DECISION 22 James Rutherford Lot 1, Blk 2,. $103,800 5301 West 63rd St Savory 05- 116 -21 -11 -0040 23 Leo J. Raskind Lot 2, Replat of $100,500 Inspection made. No change 3 Orchard Lane Lots 6 & 7 & pt of 1, Blk 1, Hilldale 29- 117 -21 -14 -0047 24 Betty Parsons Lot 16, Blk 3 $ 56,300 Inspection made No change 5912 Grimes Boran's Edina / Z %l °e- Manor 19- 028 -24 -41 -0042 . 25 Nancy Birger Lot 5, Blk 2, $ 68,700 Inspection made Recommend .5716 Xerxes Av Brookline reduction to 63 aep $63,000 20- 028 -24 -24 -0009 26 Daniel Dodge Lot 12, Blk 1, g 97,100 Inspection made Recommend 6309 Virginia Av Repl of Blk 10, reduction to Normandale $94,100 30- 028 -24 -22 -0056 Lots 11,12, ex hwy 1,900 J Repl of Blk 10 $ 99,000 J� Normandale 30- 028- 24 -22- 0055, k ,'n ' A\f-. T. Annprizc ASSESSOR'S T_RGAT_ nrizr FCT MVT VAT 1979 BOARD OF REVIEW OWNER'S EST M MVT VAT. Recommended . DECISION 27 Carol A. Wilson E 137' of Lot 2, 77,900 Purchased Inspection made:. Recommend 6820 Brittany Roal Block 1, Brost for $68,200 reduction to 30- 028 -24 -33 -0004 in 1978. $72,900 28 Donald McGorman Lot 22, Blk 2, 98,300 $85,000- Inspection made Recommend no d 5917 Killarney La Killarney Shores 90,000 change 31- 117 -21 -41 -0010 29 Dale Johnson Lot 7, Blk 2, 192,000 cost to Recalculated Recommend no 7519 Hyde Park Dr Hyde Park 2nd owner/builder �,dA- ���° -� 4� chan e g 08- 116 -21 -32 -0047 $136,300 k _7 j14 Pouches, Minneapolis State of Minnesota, County of li i., We,, the undersigned, Board of Review—* Equalization —of the of ,aw.. oe...0 Clerk on the day of Section 274.01, we made changes in the 19_ assessments as entered in the following forms. Witness our hands this day of 19— in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office of the 19—, the day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk, and in accord n with the provisions of !Iinnesota Statutes, Chairman n only to Cities whose Charters provide for a Board of Equalimlioo Instead of a Board of Review. Changes made by Local Board of Review — •Enter "Yes" in "No" for each M%criptiun. Identify Parcel on which Residence Is located with Letter "Ir'. Indicate if Mid-Year or Fractional Ilomesteod. — —Indicate type of Property, R - Residential, C - Commercial, 1 - Industrial, U - Utility, F - Farm, T - Timber Uomescead: fib, 3c or See, SRR - Seasonal Recreational Residential, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, Fil - National flouring, *O Other, Specify, hlincral -50%f Parking Ramps —% %. Number Ind!- Ind!- Clm of Propery Enlmsted hakes V.Ine d Peal Property as Cb.aaed or Added Psa J S— A.. of acre 1° Iatrew Deveua Ertlmated ��' Nm bn d Paris W Ilomo-' m lv slakes L.nd T as ntal NANIE OF OWNER p DESCRIPTION or or Rase.DKdea Idea .ne.d : w °o- Enlmaea E.m.,aea t vein. Erdn.,re a s,dldiaa E.r,.,ea Af.r4rn Alukrt of Uro„ted Saun are. d ll.r ken Na fat Blxi T. i b> Aplea,lnmal AO OWs Vasa 1 V.I.. �. Rnl .nd O�hrr (°dory Vale° p aym- Propoly i Impro•amenb so—. Ass lllh j Ne Zl• Dallw. mil— Doan a D.IW. Dolls Detl.n Dolls Overholt Hills Georgia 3rd Arthur Buffington 06- 116 -21 -34 -0052 1; 1 B No L '�580000�, 1200000 1200000, Carol A. Wilson Brost Addition ppi. 1 i No, R S90000i, X2460000 4830000 7290000 Edina Masonic Lodge 11343�dQ�i2- i1i94e�fsion #196 23 No,i L X20000 1800000 1800000 06- 116 -21 -21 -0006 yy Jim Hiniker Southdale 3rd 41 - _i yes; R .,. -- 1160000 _._ - -_ 2480000- b720000- 9200000 - 30- 028 -24 -43 -0057 ; M. W. Schneider Birchcrest 2nd 12, 3; yes! R l 610000; 2320000 5980000 8300000 33- 117 -21 -33 -0039 j Keith Carlson Edina Interchange Center- — 1. 9 No I 50000. 5550000 5550000 1 e th Carlson Nine Mile West sit _2; -- 2 __ i _:_- -. _ _! __ No 5550000 _._- 100000011450000. 32450000 - C8- 116- 21- 43 -CC21 R. Waldo Anderson Genevieve Addition 2 1 Yes. R C•4- 116- 21 -ZZ- -COI -t 950000 1540000 7780000 9320000 Nancy Birger Brookline Addition 51 1 Yes R 70000 1260000 5040000 6300000 20- 028-•1,...24 OOG9 Daniel Dodge Replat of Blk 10, Normandale ,12 1 Yea R 300000 1590000 7820000 9410000 30- 028 -24- 22-00.56 \\'here omitted real property Is added indicate value of land, buildings and machinery separately. (Continued on next page)