HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-09-10_COUNCIL MEETINGIj AGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL J '- MINUTES of August 20, 1979, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of , seconded by RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS - EDINA WOMEN'S SOFTBALL TEAM I. PRESENTATION OF 1980 BUDGET II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS A. Subdivision and Zoning Change - First Reading 1. Don Berg Construction Company - R -1 Residential District to PRD -2 Planned Residential District (Generally located North of the Crosstown Highway and West of the MN &S Railroad tracks) Z -79 -3 - S -79 -6 (Continued from 8/20/79) B. Lot Divisions 1. Lot 10, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 15th Addition - Malibu Drive - LD -79 -7 (9/5/79) 2. Lot 2, Block 7, Braemar Hills 9th Addition - Tanglewood Court - LD -79 -8 (9/5/79) C. Set Hearing Date 1. Kiichli Addition - Generally located North of W. 62nd St. and West of Tracy Ave. - Preliminary Plat Approval - S -79 -10 (9/5/79) III. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IV. AWARD OF BIDS AND QUOTES Tabulations and recommendations by City Manager. Action of Council by Motion. A. Park Shelter Buildings (Continued from 8/20/79) B. Bleachers with Walkways V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Human Relations Commission - Peoplemaking Report B. Emergency Repair of No.-12 -Well C. Special Concerns of Mayor and Council D. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items VI. COMMUNICATIONS A. Wheeler Development, Inc. - Connection Charges - Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Nine Mile North Second Addition VII. RESOLUTIONS A. Hennepin County Emergency Services Contract Amendment VIII. .FINANCE A. Claims Paid. Motion of seconded by for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated September 9, 1979: General Fund, $155,556.93; Park Fund, $12,158.54; Art Center, $384.58; Park Construction, $3,432.13; Swimming Pool, $8,154.25; Golf Course, $8,721.48; Arena Center, $2,672.41; Gun Range, $29.61; Water Fund, $11,293.46; Sewer Fund, $97,666.70; Liquor Fund, $90,365.49; Construction, $15,545.53; Total, $405,981.11; and for confirmation of payment of the fol- lowing claims: General Fund,-$23,474.91; Art Center, $4.79; Swim Pool, $507.17; Golf Course, $4,846.63; Recreation Center, $8.11; Gun Range, $48.26; Water Fund, $943.67;, Liquor, $127,403.18; Total, $157,236.72 ` E EN NA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET. EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424. 612- 927 -8861 The City of Edina has been providing certain public health services for the past several years to its residents, first through a contract with Suburban Public Health Nursing Service (SPANS), and since 1977, through a contract with Bloomington Public Health Service. The service from the present provider is excellent and is expected to continue on that high plane. The Edina City Council, however, feels that there are other providers who may be interested in providing such services to Edina residents and can do so in a cost competitive manner_ W L Ll F'ilUUliilligi Oil, a21Ci 1-1 at �`..Iii3SG p i.iViia C� iiaL�ii LUL CAE' given the opportunity to explore provision of this service with City staff. Attached are two service descriptions. The first is from the Community Health Service Act, with the second a compilation of services by category that were utilized by Edina residents in 1978. If there is an interest on the part of your organization to provide such service, I would be happy to discuss this with you further and attempt -to provide you with information your organization would need to give a "ballpark" estimate of. the services you would be interested in providing. Such an estimate would be needed by October- 15t-h. If there is interest or a need to include another municipality to make a proposal more economic::--1111 feasible, indications are that another adjacent municipality of similar size may be interested. Should you have further comments or questions, please feel free to contact me. r^ 111x` r (111,'��'�(� �fr Mark E. 13criihardson MEB /skh Administrative Assistant CC: Council. Members E. F. ROBB. JR. PHONE COMMISSIONER /'` ,,� -, :. ;1 348-3084 I' BOARD OF HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 2400 GOVERNMENT CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55487 August 17, 1979 The Honorable Jerry Mevissen, Mayor Council Members and Residents City of Independence Route 1 Box 123A Maple Plain, Minnesota 55359 Dear Jerry, et al: Understandably, you were disappointed yesterday when a simplistic motion, the effect of which, if approved, appeared to remove the City of Independence from consideration for a sanitary landfill site, did not pass. As Chairman of the Hennepin County Public Service Committee, I was, and am, persuaded that success of this motion would not have had the effect you desired and would not have been in the best interests of the residents of Hennepin County. I believe further that we have reached, or will very soon, the time when traditional "garbage dumps" are not acceptable anywhere. However, each of us is generating huge quantities of solid waste, including raw garbage, collectively nnre than 2,000 tons per day in Hennepin County, and we must find resources through which to deal with this waste. Each of us must accept our share of this awesome responsibility. To try to eliminate absolutely any community in Hennepin County from its share of this responsibility means to eliminate all municipalities from their shares.` This we cannot do without implicitly stating that we in Hennepin County insist upon the right to dump our problems on our surrounding neighbors in other counties or even in other states. Thus, logic demands we find for ourselves acceptable, comprehensive solutions to the presently degrading and offensive methods of solid waste disposal. The alternatives to such a solution with our own resources are to force others to accept our problem or to force upon us their solution because the problem will not go away. We have the resources here in Hennepin County for the solutions to this monumental problem. What we need is the determination to find its solution. The State of Minnesota, by law, imposed this responsibility on the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners. I pledge to you my every effort to this end. August 17, 1979 The Honorable Jerry Mevissen, Mayor Council Members and Residents Page 2 Until we achieve a solution, anxieties, tempers, inconveniences, and expenses must.be expected. Shouting matches and refusal to follow reasonable, orderly procedures, can only delay the process, which is what happened yesterday when, one commissioner refused to accept application of parliamentary procedures in a formal setting. I apologize to you for my inability, in the chair, to control the meeting, and assure you that I have already taken steps, hopefully, to prevent a reoccurrence of the disruptive nature of yesterday's experience. Perhaps it is symbolic that "Independence" is a party to our efforts to find a local solution to our enormous solid waste problem. Trusting you share my spirit and determination in this matter, I remain Sin ly, E. F. Robb, Jr. Commissioner cc: Governor Albert H. Quie Commissioners Hennepin County municipalities Hennepin County legislators Dale Ackmann, Hennepin County Administrator RESOLUTION NO. The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Robb jNIH:[=- , "Sanitary Landfill Site Selection - Phase III - Report on Public Ilearing and Recommendations ", August, 1979, has been received, and 1 %iER.AS, under current circumstances any sanitary landfill site in Hennepin. County is unacceptable, and M- IEREAS, a comprehensive solid waste disposal strategy, in contrast td an incremental strategy, is necessary, BE IT RESOLVED, staff is directed to prepare a comprehensive solid waste disposal strategy to include on -site collection, intermediate transfer and handling including re-use of materials, and ultimate disposition of inert and inoffensive residue. This comprehensive strategy shall include legal, economic, physical, and aesthetic considerations,.and shall define and describe locations, methods, estimated quantities.and costs, and approval of requirements for 5, 20, and 100 year periods. FURTHER RESOLVED, a copy of this resolution shall be transmitted to appropriate authorities including but not limited to the Governor of the State of Minnesota and the Chairman of the Metropolitan Council. The question was on the adoption of the resolution and there were YEAS, and NAYS, as follows: COUN'T'Y OF H]70HEP IN BOARD OF COUN'T'Y C01lMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Jeff Spartz Randall E. Johnson Richard E. Kremer John E. Derus E. F. Robb, Jr. Sam S. Sivanich Nancy Olkon, Chair Attest: Deputy County Auditor RATE INCREASE NOTICE NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearings will be held commencing at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 5, 1979, in.the Hennepin County Government Center Auditorium, "A" Level, 300 S. 6th St., Minneapolis, Minnesota, concerning Northwestern Bell's .application for a general rate increaso. Any persons who wish to make statements before. the Hearing Examiner regarding such concerns as Northwestern Bell's adequacy and quality of service, level of rates, or other relevant matters may appear. It is not necessary to be represented -by an attorney at this Public Hearing. Northwestern Bell filed a general rate increase with the Minnesota Public Service Commission on April 6, 1979. The Commission must decide by April 6, 1980, how much of an, increase, if any, will be approved. The public hearings will provide an opportunity for persons affected.by the proposed increase to present their views. The proposed increase will apply to all intrastate communications service offerings of the Company except for Extended Area Service, coin telephone, long.distance service, Dimension@ 100, 400 and 2000 PBX's, Com Key* 416, 718, 734, 1434 and 2152, 2B Automatic Call Distributor, Horizon* Telephone System, Dialog* Intercom, Remote Access Unit, certain optional Centrex features, Line Status Indicators, Transaction Printer and Prompting Panel, 103J; 113A; 113C; 113D; and'212A Data Sets, 901 C Automatic Calling Unit, Limited Distance Data Set, Alphanumeric VuSet, Teleprinter 30 CPS, Teleprinter 43 and options, Gemini* 100, Electronic Tandem Switching, Dataspeed® 40 and accessories, MW -500 Message Waiting Console, Large Key Console, Princess ®, Trimlinee, Touch -Tone® lines and stations, Residence Extension, Business Extension, Residence Touch -Tone® package, Design Line* telephone service and Directory Assistance Service. The average percentage impact of the rate increase upon annual revenues of the Company will total about 5.5 percent. Rate increases for different classes of customers and services may range up to approximately 10 percent. The rate changes described in this notice have been requested by Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. The Minnesota Public Service Commission may either grant or deny the requested changes, in whole or in part, and may grant a lesser or greater increase than that requested.for any class or classes of service. *AT &T Trademark r Evidentiary Hearings for formal intervenors will be held at 9:30 a.m. in the Large Hearing Room, Public Service Commission, Seventh Floor, American Center Building, 160 East Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota, on the dates listed below: July 24- August 3, 1979 September 7 -14, 1979 October 22- November 2, 1979 Information about the hearings may be obtained from the Office of Hearing Examiners, 1745 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minne- sota 55104. The proposed rate schedules and a comparison of present and proposed rates may be examined by the public during normal business hours at the Department of Public Service, 790 American Center Building, 160 East Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, and at the Northwestern Bell office at 200 South Fifth Street, Minneapolis. Dated: August 22, 1979 09 MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager DATE: August 22, 1979 FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Report on Training Session On August 8, 9 and 10, 1979, I attended the Annual Retraining Session of the Northwest Chapter of the FBI National Academy Associates in Rochester, Minnesota. The three primary topics were: "The Press and Law Enforcement: An Overview," "Stress Management," and "Physical Fitness for Law Enforcement." "The Press and Law Enforcement" session was presented by Len H. Small, Chairman of the American Newspaper Publishers Association and President of Small News- papers, Inc. He dealt with the topic of the relationship of the press to law enforcement. The main theme was the press' attitude toward accessibility which is founded in the Constitution and, in his opinion, absolutely necessary to maintain the American free society. What is paramount in my mind regarding press relations is current practice and thought relating to "Freedom of Information" and "Data Privacy." In questioning Mr. Small, a common ground was found in a few areas and he may be of some assistance in law enforcement's attempt to influence State legislation in the area. "Stress Management" was presented by S.A. John Minderman of the FBI. He is a psychologist and was able to discuss signs of individual stress and actions to either prevent or cure their impact. He zeroed in on the Law Enforcement career area and provided excellent information. "Physical Fitness for Law Enforcement" was presented by S.A. Livio Becceccio of the FBI. His theme was that of a "Risk Management" approach to physiological problems. Fitness and fitness programs are the key preventative to potential problems. Overall, the session was excellent. It is underwritten by the FBI and its cost is minimal compared to its value. CRAIG V. SWANSON CHIEF OF POLICE August 24, 1979 The Edina City Council 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Council-: On behalf of the Windwood Homeowners Association, I want to thank you for your thoughtful decision regarding The Braemar Associates matter. During the past few weeks, we all witnessed democracy in action, and you are to be congratulated for the in -depth study and unbiased interest shown by all members. A special note of appreciation is also due Mr. Gordon Hughes and his staff for providing the Council with the information, pro and con, which helped you make an in- telligent assessment of the matter prior to your final vote. Your indulgence of the proponents and opponents and care - ful deliberation was at all times apparent -- which indicates to us that the City of Edina is indeed in good hands. Sincerely, Windwood Homeowners Aj�ciation Morris_J. i , Chairman Ad -Hoc 0 g nizational Committee MJL:ams 7C'00 G- 'alrtll CQad C dines;innesata �62> 9� 2_900 .L WHERE GOOD TIMES BEGIN EDINA SENIORS NEWS EDINA SENIOR CITIZENS COMMUNITY CENTER 7151 YORK 833- 2999 927 -8861 r lz -HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS! George Johnson - 1 Laura Anderson - 2 Marion Bandy - 4 Esther Ostdiek - 4 Margaret B. Tallakson - 6 Loretta Matzoll - 6 William F. Lomker Rose Neudecker - 8 Grace Larson - 9 Ruth Ness - 9 Mrs. Arthur Fritz - 9 Alice Wolff - 10 Harold Trimble - 10 Rose M. Carlone - 10 Jean Thomson - 10 Warren Hanson - 11 Myrtle Larson - 11 Josephine Stitt - 11 Marion Edwards - 11 Caroline Schultz —12 Florence Deters - 12 Dorothy Michaelis - 12 C. G. Weber -.12 Madge Fraiken - 13 Bea Gunderson - 13 Mrs. E. B. Syverson (Jane) Lawrence Anderson - 14 Amy Richter - 14 Lucille Kraft - 14 UPCOMING EVENTS Erma Johnson - 15 Rocena Coursolle - 15 Hazel Hanson - 17 Irene Regan - 17 Gladys Barnes - 18 Helen Barette - 20 Bes Brenton - 21 Edna Johnson - 21 Orpha Kane - 21 Elsa Walby - 22 Johanna Witti - 22 Ethyl Groth - 22 Edith S. Taplin - 23 Marie Johnson - 24 Anna Munter - 24 Melvin Serverson - 24 Doris Pott - 24 Helga Justad - 25 E. K. Scoggin - 25 Martin Parker - 26 William Weiss - 26 Helen E. Holt - 27 Doris Lillestol - 27 Elva (Vera) Marban - 28 Irma Safro - 29 Margaret Kiehl - 30 Marion Lindberg September 1, 1979 MONTHLY REVIEW Monday, Sept. 3 - Center closed - for Labor Day Wednesday, Sept. 5 - 10:00 Federation tour of SHARE Clinic Friday, Sept. 7 - 1:00 Bridge Exchange at Richfi Id Monday, Sept. 10 - 11:30 Golf Banquet at Swiss Ch let Tues., Sept. 11 1:30 Business Meeting Thursday, Sept. 13.- 12:00 Schumackers Luncheon 7:00 B - - -- with Edina JC Women Friday, Sept. 14 12:00 Methodist Hospital Healt Fair Tuesday, September 18 - 10:30 Sexuality and Aging Health Program Friday, Sept. 21 - 1:30.Birthday Party Bea Bentzen - "Charmers & Cranks" Tuesday, Sept. 25'- 1:30 - Movies Friday, Sept. 28 - 1:30 - AARP Thursday, October 4 - Library Programs Begin Wednesday, October 10 - Seniors Day at Normandale Dr. William O'Brian "How to Be Healty Though Older" Thursday, October 11 - Arboretum Trip DUES ARE DUE FOR MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER TOTAL MEMBESHIP - 658! Reminder: Our Christmas Bazaar will be held Saturday, November 3 from 9:'00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.... Start getting your crafts ready! _ special events �, OP SCHUMACHER'S NEW PRAGUE HOTEL Thursday, September 3.3 Cost: $12.00 (includes transportation, meal, tax & tip) A a zs DE_ a a 0010 1022 Home of Mozart, Leave Center: 11:45 a.m. Return Center: 5:00 p.m. A sip, a glimmer, a tinkle of crystal and the toc of time. All the warmth and charm of the old world lingers here. A simply.grand outing has been planned and we'd love to have you join us. When we arrive at the hotel we'll be served an authentic German meal of Wienershnitzel, which is thin veal slices dusted with flour, dipped in fresh country eggs and grated cheese, coated with fresh bread crumbs, sauteed in butter and puffed to a golden brown, red cabbage, dumpling, soup, kolacky and coffee. After dinner we will tour the rooms of the hotel. Each of the twelve rooms is named after the twelve months of the year and features authentic hand - painted Bavarian folk art done by Pipka. The rooms accessories are from Germany, Czechoslovakia and Austria. We will then begin our journey_home.stopping__in Jordan at-the Wagners_ Apple Orchard and Health Food Store where you may browse or purchase apples, fresh yogurt cones, homemade candies and all kinds of good things. We are limited to 35 people so sign up as soon as possible. You won't want to miss this. SWINGIN' SENIORS GOLF BANQUET Date: Monday, September 10 Cost: $4.00 (Reservations required) Time: 11:30 a.m. Swiss Chalet 5201 Excelsior Blvd. Attention members of the Swingin' Seniors Golf League! Make your reservations with Peg Worthingham, 7437 York Ave. Edina, Mn., 55435 or call 835 -0218 (call mornings or after 5:00 p.m.) Make checks payable to Swingin' Seniors Golf League. The banquet includes a buffet luncheon, business meeting and awards ceremony... See you there! MOVIES "The Lady and the Owl" "Wildlife, the End of the.Game" 1:30 72:30 Tuesday, September 25 The Hennepin County Library has all kinds of films available for our use. We'll be showing a variety of them each month, please join us. B - -- -WITH THE EDINA J.C. WOMEN Thursday, September 13 7:00 -9:00 p.m. Join us for a great evening of B - - - -. The Edina JC Women will once again be here to host this most fun evening. TRY A LITTLE ART IN YOUR LIFE! Workshops for Senior Citizens presented by the Edina Art Center Dates: Monday, October 8: Clay Work & Sculpture Monday, October 15: Drawing & Painting Time: 9:30 -11:30 a.m. Cost: $3.50 per session A chance to try your hand at being an "artist" on two Monday mornings in October. Have fun experimenting with different media... coffee, doughnuts, conversation included. Art supplies furnished. Sign up by calling the Art Center at 929 -4555 or with Sue. Transportation from the Sr. Center will be provided. A representative from.the Edina Art Center will give a.slide presentation at our September 11 monthly business meeting. See you there. EDINA MSF SHARE TOUR Date: September 5, 1979- 10:00 a.m. Bus Leaves: 9:45 a.m. Cost: $1.50 for bus The Festival at the Radisson in St..Paul was a great success. The food and entertainment were excellent. Our own Anne Finlay won a lovely plant as the oldest senior present. A tour has been arranged through the SHARE Clinic in Bloomington. We will go by bus if enough people sign up. The bus will leave the Center at 9:45 a.m. on September 5th. Please sign up with Irene, 835 -3962. Those of you who have already signed up please call Irene after September 3. Deadline for signing up is September 3. There will be a meeting on our regular date of September 4th, so please plan to attend -- 9:00 a.m. r SENIOR ADULTS (I'Z�,& Minnesota residents 62 and over may take regular courses free when space is available. If credit is desired, there is a $2.00 per credit charge. Senior adults may apply by coming to the college Thursday, September 20, between.1 and 4 p.m. and between 6 and 9 p.m. For additional information,.call Margie Woodhouse, Coordinator Women /Senior Adult Outreach Programs 830 -9352 EMPLOYMENT Cedrics in the Galleria is looking for someone in good physical condition to work 3 -4 hours per day to clean, vacuum, dust and separate hangers. If you are interested call Gordon Bohn at 925 -3425. blood pir R b 1st Thursday of each month 10:00- 12:00* Paramedics Blood Pressure Clinic. Cost 25�. pressure reading will be sent to your doctor. and mailing cost). 2nd Thursday of each month - 1:00 -3:00 Public Health Blood Pressure Clinic. No cost.. 3rd Thursday of each month - 1:00 -3:00 Public Health Blood Pressure Clinic. No cost. *BLOOD PRESSURE TIME CHANGE Please Note: The Paramedics will be�here the first Thursday of every month from 10:30am. to 12:OOpm. beginning in November.. there will be no Paramedics Clinic in October. HEALTHY, WELL -THY, WISE Friday, September 14 No Cost If desired, your blood (The 25� covers cards Leave: 12:00 noon Return: 4:00 p.m. Methodist Hospital is having -.a health fair and it really sounds like a super day. There will be nine different health screenings including; blood pressure,. diet, heart risk factors, height and weight, exercise and computorized life style risk test plus a doctor on duty all day to answer any questions. There will be a hospital tour and refreshments served. Everything including transportation is free. Sign up with Sue. SEXUALITY AND AGING September 18 - 10:30 -11:30 Presented by Bloomington Public Health. The topic. will revolve around "Sexuality and Aging" and will be taught by Dorothy Lundin, RN, MS. Dorothy herself is a senior, and also a teacher at the U of M School of Nursing. She has spoken on this topic many times and is truly an expert. This program may answer your unanswered questions. RE,, 1, A very special thank you to Vic Falker for calling B - - -- at our August game. SPECIAL PEOPLE 200 Hour Muriel 100 Hours Al Pry MIA 1111 Amy Carlson Alice Anderson L ille Fuller U I- Linn ea Ludwig. Hannah Lyslo Agnes Lindner Special thanks to Allen Nyquist for the cookies for the volunteers. BEAUTIFUL MINNESOTA In these days of gas shortages and.high prices why not travel in our.own beautiful State of Minnesota. I have traveled many states; been to Florida, Hawaii, California and still like Minnesota. For over.50 years I have been taking trips up on the North Shore of Lake Superior; as a child with my folks, as a father with my family, and now as a grandfather. From Duluth along the shore to Two Harbors, Beaver Bay, Silver Bay, Little Marais, Tofte., Lutsen, to Grand Marais is some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. The stately pine trees with the wonderful pine smells, the beautiful blue waters of Lake Superior with those lovely cool breezes even on the hottest of days, and the rugged rock cliffs some higher than 300 feet. And what more beautiful sight than seeing Lake Superior on a wild, windy wavey day as the large waves, sometimes 15 feet high, crashing and thundering on to the rock bound coast. Then, on another day, a quiet peaceful time can be had by just sitting.on the shore beneath the pines and listening to the wind whisper through the needles.. One can be very close to your God in those moments. I highly recommend a trip to Minnesota's North Shore, everyone nees those quiet times to exist in our world.today. Ot lift, Stan Eddy, Jr. BRIDGE LESSONS !� it 1 Louise Rossini will not, be giving bridge. lessons this coming fall. ..,. 11 11 1 1111JI her dearly. If you know of anyone who might be interested in teaching, please contact Sue immediately. WINNERS OF BRIDGE EXCHANGE August 8, 1979 Marge Ostrandeu 1st Rose VanEyke 2nd Helen Skibbe 3rd Helen Kienan 4th SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAY PARTY Friday, September 21 1:30 p.m. Bea Bentzen will be here to present "Fun Fest Program of Charmers and Cranks" for our Birthday party. You won't want to miss this. Please remember if you are celebrating your birthday in September be sure and make reservations for the birthday table. At the August business meeting the executive board suggested that the By -Laws be amended as follows: Article IV Membership Section 1. A full, voting membership shall be obtained by those persons paying yearly dues of $2.00, payable on the 1st day of October of each year. New members joining after March 31 shall pay $1.00 for the balance of the fiscal year in which they join -,and shall then pay $2.00 on October 1st for the ensuing fiscal year ending September 30th. Section 2 of Article VI should be amended as follows: Section 2. Hospitality: The Chairman of the Hospitality Committee shall be the elected Secretary whose responsibi- lity it shall be to obtain statistical information about new members for the records. Motions were made and seconded to accept these amendents, so now they will be voted on at the September 11th business meeting. �, ' . R�� Transportation from your home to the Center is now available. We are using the bus donated by F &M Savings Bank with the help of volunteer drivers. The service will be available as long as we have volunteers willing to drive. The service is for any resident of Edina who has reached the age of 55 +. ,For transportation to Sr. Center Activities -When: Mondays 9:00. a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ,.Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Wednesdays 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thursdays -..8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 3rd Friday (Birthday Party) 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. .4th Friday (AARP Meeting) 12:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Requests must be made at least one day in advance. No calls will be accepted after 2:30 p.m. for the following days transportation. -When you call in, give the following information -the date you are requesting transportation -your name, your address, telephone number, and whether you live North or South of the Crosstown highway :Please be ready during the designated pick -up time. It is the hope of the staff of the Edina Parks and Recreation Department that this service will allow many more of you to attend out activities out here at the Sr. Center. Dnaay, z-epz. 3 enter Closed for Labor Day Tuesda Sept. 4 9:00 - Senior Federation Mtg. 9:30 - Shuffleboard 10:00 - Watercolor 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Ring Bologna Center Open Until 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 5 9:30 - Oil and Acrylic 10:00 - Federation Tour 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Beef Pattie 1:30 - Prog. Bridge & 500 Thursday, Sept. 6 9:30 - Physical Fitness 10:00 -12:00 - Blood Pressure 12:00 -.Cong. Dining - Turkey ala King Center Open Until 9:00 P.M. Friday, Sept. 7 9:00 - Bowling - Southdale 12:00. - Cong. Dining - Baked Fish 1:00 - Bridge Exchange at Richfield 1:00 Podiatrist Monday, Sept. 10 9:00 - Bowling - Southdale 9:30 - Physical Fitness 11:30 - Golf Banquet 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Pork Sausage Pattie Tuesday, Sept. 11 9:30 Shuffleboard 10:00 - Watercolor 12:00 - Cong: Dining - Beef Stew 1:30 - Business Meeting Center Open Until 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12 12:00 - .Cong..Dining - Baked Chicken 1:30 - Prog. Bridge &.500 Thursday, Sept. 13 9:30 Physical Fitness 12:00 - Schumacher's Cong. Dining - Tuna Macaroni Salad 1:00 -3:00 - Blood Pressure 7:00 - B - - -- with Edina JC Women SEPTEMBER Friday, Sept. 1.4 9:00 - Bowling - Southdale 12:00 -4:00 - Methodist Hospital Health Fair 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Roast Beef Monday, Sept. 17 9:00 - Bowling - Southdale 9:30 - Physical Fitness 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Swedish Meatballs Tuesday, Sept. 18 9:30 - Shuffleboard 10:00 - Watercolor 10:30 - Sexuality & Aging Health Program 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Baked Chicken Center Open Until 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19 12:00 - Cong..Dining - Broiled ; Beef Liver 1:30 - Prog. Bridge & 500 Thursday, Sept. 20 .9:30 - Physical Fitness 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Ham Loaf 1:00 -3:00 - Blood Pressure Center Open Until 9:00 P.M. Friday, Sept. 21 9:00 - Bowling - Southdale 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Spaghetti 1:30 - Birthday Party Monday, Sept. 24 9:00 - Bowling - Southdale 9:30 - Physical Fitness 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Meat Loaf 1:30 -2:30 - Movies .Center Open Until 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 26 12 :00 - Cong. Dining - Turkey ala King 1:30 —Prog. Bridge & 500 Thursday, Sept. 27 9:30 - Physical Fitness 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Baked Chicken Center Open Until 9:00 p.m. rriaay, 3,ePL. co 9:00 - Bowling - Southdale 12:00 -Cong. Dining_, Baked ' Fish 1:30 - AARP Congregate Dining: call 835 -5039 reservations must be made two working day,sin advance. Transportation: from your home to the Center call 835 -2999 by 2:30 the previous day you need the ride. for more information refer to Transportation article. Tuesday, 9:30 - Se t: 25 Shuffleboard 10:00 - Watercolor 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Baked Ham 1:30 -2:30 - Movies .Center Open Until 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 26 12 :00 - Cong. Dining - Turkey ala King 1:30 —Prog. Bridge & 500 Thursday, Sept. 27 9:30 - Physical Fitness 12:00 - Cong. Dining - Baked Chicken Center Open Until 9:00 p.m. rriaay, 3,ePL. co 9:00 - Bowling - Southdale 12:00 -Cong. Dining_, Baked ' Fish 1:30 - AARP Congregate Dining: call 835 -5039 reservations must be made two working day,sin advance. Transportation: from your home to the Center call 835 -2999 by 2:30 the previous day you need the ride. for more information refer to Transportation article. MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Kenneth Rosland DATE: August 31, 1979 FROM: Sergeant Ken Kane, Jr. SUBJECT: 14th-:..Annual Criminal Justice Course FEE: $30.00 Between August 27th and 29th,-1979 I attended the-two and one -half day course at the Radisson South Hotel. This course was sponsored -by the Minnesota- Continuing Legal Education Board which.is.a division of the Minnesota:State..Bar Association. Approximately 650 people attended the course, 250 being law enforcement people. The fact crimina' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ilty was composed of.over 30 judges and experienced.practitioners in the justice field. Topics which were covered included: Review of recent Minnesota and United StAtes Supreme Court cases. Sentencing in Minnesota. Confrontation issues: 5th and 6th amendments. Conflicts of interest. Use of deadly force. Arson: investigation, prosecution, and defense. Juvenile law. Narcotics in Minnesota. Waiver of Miranda. Car searches and search warrant execution. New criminal law legislation.. The course instructors were.as a rule,..of high caliber and-knowledgeable in their respective fields. The course contents and.written material provided were current and will be of value to our Police Department. I do feel the knowledge and materials I received will benefit the Officers of the Edina Police Department. Sincerely, KEN KANE, JR., SERGEANT ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION CC /Chief Swanson r E MEMORANDUM FOR INFORMATION TO: City Council Members FROM: Health Advisory Committee SUBJECT: Bloomington Public Health Nursing Services DATE: September 10, 1979 On May 29, 1979, the Advisory Health Committee was presented with the 1980 -81 Preliminary Community Health Services Plan. At that time, the question arose as to how the Advisory Committee could determine if the budget presented was consistent with the health needs of the community as a whole. The Committee was especially concerned about the various services the Bloom - ington Public Health Nursing Service provides and noted that they would like to be better informed about the specifics of the different programs so that the Committee would know more about what they are recommending the Council buy for the citizens of Edina in the area of health. Dr. Engstrom suggested that the Advisory Committee.obtain a more detailed breakdown of services from Bloomington Public Health Nursing Service. This prompted the formation of an ad -hoc committee consisting of Beverly Harris, Linda Bjerke, and June Schmidt to do a study of Bloomington's services. On July 24, 1979,'the ad -hoc committee reported to the Advisory Committee with a detailed breakdown of the health services Edina receives from the Bloomington Public Health Nursing Service. They referred to the following handout entitled "1978 Service Indexes" in the report of their findings. - 1978 SERVICE 10DEtES 6201 Illness Pis. 211 160 101 472 Home visits 3.153 2,086 1,536- 6,775 - 6202 Patients 1.914 65 271 2,250 family Plan. Visits 4,321 11S SO S,019 Well Adult Visits 1.082 12 26 1,120 - - 6203 Patients 996 82 236 1,314 Well Child Visits - 594 120 9 O6: EPS Y,008 745 �S 3,368 Ylt .....�„x......_ 640 20 340 1.000 6.''04 Group Sessions - 559 104 33 696 Class 2,756 307 184 3,247 Indio. Coo:nn. 1,649 295 310 2,254 Health Center 2,298 244 196 2,730 ' Study 2.340 1,262 350 3.972 6205 Students crdmIro - 1-0e 4;­L4' 2,913 2,947 6,514 12,374 Visits 668 23S 356 1,259 group Visits 221 241 351 313 Indly. Screened 1,727 687 3,580 7,123 Indiv. leach /Counsel 1,207 2,101 2,636 4,795 Nursery /Day Care 75S 721 127 1,603 6206 Individuals Served 3,614 21S 697 4,526 puning Visits 9,305 814 2,068 12,167 Aleo. /Drug Re). Visits 461 12 10 553 Emotional Health Visits 752 94 41 1.062 Health Prom. Visits - 9.007 706 2.009 10.572 - GM Individuals Served 6,150 2,464 2,054 10,668 Moll Adults (Clim,u) 391 176 200 77S Therapeutic Visits 1,555 399 307 2,261 Out -Reach Contacts 2117 189 163 639 Counsel,Teach. Hutrl. 742 282 309 1 333 6210 V.D. Visits frig 48 46 937 laauhltatlons S28 3,970 64.7 5.045 luherculin;Tosts 2,825 700 227 3,122 - 61ood Pressures 6.3UD 1,444 i,S:f 8.360 Screenines 760 _ „ -7A 7 1.379 2.9H6 Memorandum for Information page 2 To City Council Members From Health Advisory Committee September 10, 1979 To begin with, Beverly Harris, Chairman of the ad -hoc committee answered several questions that the Advisory Health.Committee had raised at their previous meeting: * Why do the figures seem to differ from print out to print out on the print outs we receive from the Bloomington Public Health Nursing Service? A: The budget is allocated according to the Community Health Services Act which defines the four basic areas as Community Nursing, Health Education, Disease Prevention and Control, and Home Health, This is how the state categorizes them. However, in Bloomington they use different categories for record keeping which explains why the figures on the two reports do not match. It is an accounting difference. * How is the Bloomington Clinic staffed? A: The ad -hoc committee felt with 20 full time nurses, paid at an hourly rate, 2 the lab technicians are p, all of their occupational speech therapy. it was staffed very efficiently 50 part time nurses which are full time secretaries, and all art time. They contract out for therapy, physical therapy, and * How are the home visit fees determined? A: Bloomington works on a Team Concept. The Certified Public Health Nurse determines the level of care needed and assigns someone capable at that level of _care to the patient. The ad -hoc committee agreed that this system was very cost effective. The cost per visit, $28.96, is the composite average of all the services rendered by the Team. They noted that in a Twin Cities agency the minimum cost per visit would be around $35. * How are the costs of the home visits by the nursing service determined? A: Bloomington uses the figure of $28.96 times the number of home visits. Then they take all the reimbursed fees for home visits such as those received from the Veterans Administration, Medicare and Medicaid, and insurance companies and credit these funds to the general account which includes all three.cities: Bloomington, Richfield., and Edina. They subtract these fees from their cost. Then they subtract from the total fees all of the grants that they receive from any government programs. The dollars remaining are then charged back to the three cities. Memorandum for Information page 3 To City Council Members From Health Advisory Committee September 10, 1979 * What amount does Bloomington Public Health Nursing Service actually bill and get back from third parties such as Veterans Administration? A: Bloomington Public Health Nursing Service projected that from the three municipalities they would recover about $77,000. From Bloomington and Richfield they recover -about $50,000 which means about $27,000 comes from Edina. * Is the budget consistent with Edina's needs? A: The ad -hoc committee felt the "1978 Service Indexes" chart seemed to show that the profile of needs are being met. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Following is the breakdown explanation of the 1978 Service Indexes Chart: B E R T 6201 Illness Pts. .211 160 101 472 Home visits 31153 2,086 1,536 6,775 Out of the 6,775 total visits under this category, Edina had 2,086 home visits. This category is the most expensive because it involves a one - to-one visit at home with an ill patient. They noted that Edina is getting a greater share of the expensive help due to the greater number of senior citizens in Edina. B E R T 6202 Patients 1,914 65 271 2,250 Family Plan. Visits 4,321 115 583 5,019 Well Adult Visits 1,082 12 26 19120. Edina is substantially lower in this category than the other muni- cipalities probably due to the fact that most of its residents have their own private, family physicians. The well child visits listed in this category consist of infants under one year old. Out of the 745 Edina children listed under Early and Periodic Screening, 200 pre - school children are included. This category B E R T 6203 Patients 996 82 236 1,314 Well Child Visits 594 120 94 808 EPS 2,008 745 615 3,368 WIC 640 20 340 1,000 The well child visits listed in this category consist of infants under one year old. Out of the 745 Edina children listed under Early and Periodic Screening, 200 pre - school children are included. This category Memorandum for Information page 4 To City Council Members From Health Advisory Committee September 10, 1979 generally includes children ages one to four years old. The final category, Women /Infants /Children, is nutrition counseling. Funded by the.United Fund, this category covers health education. B E R T 6204 Group Sessions 559 104 33 696 Class 2,756 307 184 3,247 Indiv.. Comm. 1,649 295 310 2,254 Health Center 2,298 244 196 2,738 Study 2,340 1,282 350 3,972 Funded by the.United Fund, this category covers health education. The total number of student contacts made in this category 2,947, were seen in 235 visits which indicates that groups of about 100 were.seen on each visit. Individual Teaching and Counseling included dental screening, mental health or emotional problem counseling. This included both the private and parochial school district. B E R T 6205 Student Contacts 2,913 2,947 6,514 12,374 Visits 668, 235 356 1,259 Group Visits 221 241 351 813 Indiv. Screened 1,727 687 3,580 7,123 Indiv. Teach /Counsel 1,287 2,101 2,636 4,795 Nursery /Day Care 755 721 127 1,603 The total number of student contacts made in this category 2,947, were seen in 235 visits which indicates that groups of about 100 were.seen on each visit. Individual Teaching and Counseling included dental screening, mental health or emotional problem counseling. This included both the private and parochial school district. B E R T 6206 Individuals Served 3,614 215 697 4,526. Nursing Visits 9,305 814 2,068 12,187 Alco /Drug Rel. Visits 461 12 18 553 Emotional Health Visits' 752 94 41 1,062 Health Prom. Visits 9,007 706 2,009 10,572 This category included the Mental Health areas of Health Promotion and Counseling. A surprising fact surfaced that showed that most of the emotional health visits made were for marital counseling. Also, over fifty percent of those seen were after -care follow -ups. B E R T 6208 Individuals Served 6,150 2,464 2,054 10,668 Well Adults (Clinics) 391 176 208 775 Therapeutic Visits 1,555 399 307 2,261 Out -Reach Contacts 287 189 163 639 Counsel, Teach. Nutri. 742 282 309 1,333 Memorandum for Information page 5 To City Council Members From Health Advisory Committee September 10, 1979 This activity provides health services at the community centers through individual teaching and counseling, health supervision clinics and injections and treatments to ambulatory patients as prescribed by private physicians. . This activity provides services for prevention and control of communicable diseases and adult screening clinics for early identification and referral of chronic diseases. SUMMARY After the facts had been submitted and each category discussed, -the ad -hoc committee concluded that the team concept used by the Bloomington Public Health Nursing Service was very cost effective, and that the budget profile was, in their opinion, consistent with Edina's needs at this time. The largest amounts being allocated are spent in the area of home nursing visits and care due to the greater number of senior citizens in Edina. JKT B E R T 6210 V.D. Visits 889 48 46 937 Immunizations 528 3,870 647 5,045 Tuberculin Tests 2,825 700 227 3,122 Blood Pressures 5,388 .1,444 1,528 8,360 Screenings 760 847 1,379 2,986 . This activity provides services for prevention and control of communicable diseases and adult screening clinics for early identification and referral of chronic diseases. SUMMARY After the facts had been submitted and each category discussed, -the ad -hoc committee concluded that the team concept used by the Bloomington Public Health Nursing Service was very cost effective, and that the budget profile was, in their opinion, consistent with Edina's needs at this time. The largest amounts being allocated are spent in the area of home nursing visits and care due to the greater number of senior citizens in Edina. JKT OFFICES OF NOBLES COUNTY ATTORNEY HARRIS I. DARLING, COUNTY ATTORNEY RAYMOND E. MORK, ASST. ANDREW E. HAGEMANN,.IR., ASST. September 4, 1979 Chief of Police Edina Police Department Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Sir: 912 THIRD AVENUE, BOX 45 WORTHINGTON, MINNESOTA 56187 (507) 372 - 2974 The Worthington Police Chief and myself were involved in an accident at the corner of 76th street and Highway 100 on August 28, 1979. Two cars collided and one of them slid into us. Officer Schwartz and two other officers immediately arrived on the scene and took care of all matters concerning the accident. I would like to congratulate and compliment Officer Schwartz and the other two officers in regards to the efficient, professional, and firm manner in which they handled the situation. You should be pleased to have such fine officers on your force. I want you to personally thank them for myself and the Worthington Chief of Police. Very truly yours, Harris I. Darling County Attorney HID :df cc:City of Edina Edina City Council J A PEOPLEMAKING COMMITTEE REPORT 1. PERSONNEL a. THE COMMITTEE HAS BEEN ORGANIZED INTO 4 SUB - COMMITTEES 1. PERSONNEL - L: TURNER 2. PROGRAM - B. CARVER /P. WAGNER 3. SUPPLY - G. WORKINGER 4. EXTERNAL RELATIONS - R. O'CONNELL b. ANTICIPATE NO PROBLEM GETTING VOLUNTEERS 2. PROGRAM a. THE14E - FAMILIES IN TRANSITION b.' PEACE - NORMANDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE c. TIME - NOVEMBER 17th, STARTING AT 9:00 A.M. d. KEYNOTE SPEAKER 1. PROBLEM AREA 2. CONTACTING LOCAL PERSONS 3. EXPECT, TO BOOK SOMEONE BY SEPTEMBER 20 3. SUPPLY a. STARTED SOLICITATION OF FUNDS - GOAL: $450. b. BUDGET - $2300 4. EXTERNAL RELATIONS a. THE HRC OF EDEN PRAIRIE AND RICHFIELD HAVE AGREED TO PARTICIPATE BY PROVIDING 1. VOLUNTEERS 2. THEIR EXPLICIT SUPPORT OF PEOPLEMAKING b. WE ARE WAITING TO HEAR FROM BLOOMINGTON c. PRESENTLY WORKING ON THE PROMOTION STRATEGY N. ARTHUR RUDIN SEPT. 6, 1979 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE I� TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Park and Recreation Dept. VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $1,000 DATE: September 5, 1979 Material Description (General Specifications): Bleachers with walkways. Quotations /Bids: Company ----Amount of Quote or Bid Bob Klein & Associates 1e 2400 Westview Dr, $9349.00 Hastings, Mn. 55033 2•• Hamele & Associates, Inc. $9995.37 P.O. Box 27329 Golden Valley, Mn. 55427 3. Lybeck & Associates $11953.67 P.O. Box 5143 Far4o,N Dakota 58105 Department Recommendation: Recommend Bob Klein & Assoc Finance Director's Endorsement: E__ . The recommended bid is is not D with'n t a t budgeted for the purchase. r N. Dalen, Finance Director City Ma ger's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council a prove the purchase. 2.• I recommend as an alternative: nneth Rosland', City Man �i lot division PARKWOOD KNOLLS REQUEST NUMBER: LD -79 -7 TRAIL a LOCATION: _ Lot 10, Block 1, Parkwood Knoll 15th Addition REQUEST: simple lot division i 41 qlacW WA village Banning department village of edina ■ lot division PARKWOOD KNOLLS REQUEST NUMBER: LD -79 -7 TRAIL a LOCATION: _ Lot 10, Block 1, Parkwood Knoll 15th Addition REQUEST: simple lot division i 41 qlacW WA village Banning department village of edina COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT September 5, 1979 LD -79 -7 Lot 10, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 15th Addition. REFER TO: attached graphic The proponent is requesting a party wall division of an existing two family dwelling. Individual sewer and water connections are not provided to each unit. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the lot division with the condition that individual sewer and water connections be installed or a waiver from this requirement be obtained from the Building Construction Appeals Board. GLH:jkt 8/29/79 I 1r j1r: �j E G A�J 9 F1 E L®& N O A K SURVEYORS 7415 WAYZATA 8LVt1 M F MINNEAPOUS. MINNESOTA CEMMICATE OF SURVEY For CARL HANSEN on f — /SO. 00 - - -- - • �� �'• I /D �' Se we Qas e.n4?n 7" IN I � i II ti ^.::. ` \ J \� PQ _ n Cl) I �i mod. 3S I • 1 I � I ti a 1AM �wi (1 � 6 I ►1 t , J Oa J SCAc6: / 30 )n DESCRIPTION: The Northerly'85.00 feet of Lot 10, Block 1, PARK1400D KNOLLS 15TH ADDITION. (Area = 12,750 Square Feet) DESCRIPTION: Lot 109 Except the Northerly 85.00 feet thereof, Block 1, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 15TH ADDITION. (Area = 12,750 Square Feet) 1AM �wi (1 � 6 I ►1 t , J Oa J SCAc6: / 30 )n DESCRIPTION: The Northerly'85.00 feet of Lot 10, Block 1, PARK1400D KNOLLS 15TH ADDITION. (Area = 12,750 Square Feet) DESCRIPTION: Lot 109 Except the Northerly 85.00 feet thereof, Block 1, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 15TH ADDITION. (Area = 12,750 Square Feet) Community Development and Planning Commission September 5, 1979 LD -79 -7 Lot 10, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 15th Addition. Gordon Hughes informed the Commission that the proponent is requesting a party wall division of an existing two family dwelling. He noted that individual sewer and water connections are not provided to each unit, and recommended that individual sewer and water connections be installed or a waiver from.the requirement be obtained from the Building Construction Appeals Board. With that condition, staff recommended approval of the simple lot division. Gordon Johnson .stated he may have a conflict of interest and abstained from the voting. Mary McDonald moved that the Commission approve the simple lot division with the condition that individual sewer and water connections be installed or a waiver from the requirement be obtained from the Building Construction Appeals Board. Helen McClelland seconded the motion. All voted aye with Gordon Johnson abstaining. The motion carried. LD -79 -8 Lot 2, Block 7, Braemar Hills 9th Addition. Gordon Hughes. explained to the Commission that the proponents are requesting a party wall division of a newly constructed two family dwelling located on Tanglewood Court. He continued that separate sewer and water con- nections have been provided for each unit. Staff recommended approval of the simple lot division. Helen McClelland moved that the Commission approve the simple lot division. Richard Seaberg seconded the motion. All voted aye; the division was approved. IV. Next Meeting Date: September 26, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. V. Adjournment: 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judy Teichert, Secretary 1979 EDINA SLOW PITCHI,ROSTER FORM" DAY=, AND . TEAM.' L� " / LEAGUE, LEGAL-"PLAYING ADDRESS. - PLAYERS':. -''.(Edina'-'live or Work.Address) PHONE -6 2, 0 ?,,372 9 1,VV z.A 4;W<3, 3 � Z . gz �' S-374 z zv1 7 • �1'Cl - "/ ©d��C /01� �• { Yf�. l0 T �5' 1; "/ o� 7`C� 9 IN ;12:• Vj �CG50� GCE Fl ' ref' ... j0 i to -Z y� - S7` % V8 __:670? �n�.- �y %- 4,3 S :9 5 W7' : //' !!In r4 C K2 PC"{, MAILING:- PHONE(H)7��� %� MAMAGER��� : " WUC•e� -��. ADDRESS 62-2,0 YV yIl%/J- CIS ROSTER,.DUE�IN RECREATION OFFICE' -PRIOR TO YOUR FIRST- LEAGUE GAME.. [Additions to this ' - roster may be made-up to"June 15th." - =. EVERY- NAME-'ON' THIS ROSTER. MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY` A COMPLETED INDIVIDUAL-REGISTRATION CARD., P A l�3�iE .Y �p/oq N R/E.D�- I�C -P e tv 4/,44 A v pIe D D 10YAw eU 4-o Z o �/ �R�� �DW R e 7-c,4 e -4 t4 5 0 N AIA- R S R Z- o r 1 13 U ( AnrIV URAl I-a R A- t sue, fw Pvo,*" N 's p w Pip. ,L M Ar 01� Dam/ vas PA � k5 - w E a k/= �- FA RESOLUTION citY--% *'r �' 1 � F E r ' i �' .f � 1. P '� ik �Si. 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 OF CONGRATULATIONS 927 -8861 1919 severs eer [�ILREAS, during the �� Edina Adult Slo -Pitch Softball Season, young ladies of W Edina Women's Softball Team n ,rssponsoree by �r*Y $eat - mss, under the able direction of Coach 4UM, have continued to exemplify the highest goals of good sportsmanship and outstanding pro- ficiency; and WHEREAS, the team efforts have been rewarded by winning the Edina. Women 1s An playoffs championship Womeils 31 ;. State Tournamen'_'; and Zia WHEREAS, during this past softball season, these youn.s ladies have repre- sented Edina in the highest manner; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT IESOLVED by thi Ya o and City Council that the out- standing accomplishments of the y' -esrr ,xeeeees Softball Teact deserve the sincere gratitude of the citizenry of Edina for the exemplary wanner in which the team has conducted itself and for the great- credit the Ieam has brought to the community; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriate copies of this resolution be pre- sented to 44ert c, S,u , , and to Coach ADOPTED this W day of ^ °� J,F 111 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS WHEREAS, during the 1979 Edina Adult Slo -Pitch Softball Season, seventeen young ladies of the Edina Women's Softball Team, sponsored by County Seat, under the able direction of Coach Dennis Wuebker, have continued to exemplify the highest goals of good sportsmanship and outstanding proficiency; and WHEREAS, the team efforts have been rewarded by winning the Edina Women's playoffs championship and also the BB Women's State Tournament; and WHEREAS, during this past softball season, these young ladies have represented Edina in the highest manner; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council that the out- standing accomplishments of the County Seat Softball Team deserve the sincere gratitude of the citizenry of Edina for the exemplary manner in which the team has conducted itself and for the great credit the team has brought to the community; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriate copies of this resolution be presented to Paula Buie, Mary Jo Colleran, Diana Friede, Karen. Hopkins, Lisa Hopkins, Donna Kolzow, Karen Kolzow, Gretchen Larson, Kari Lee, Lori Lemieux, Ann McBurney, Barb Moeller, Lisa Nelson, Val Spann, Lynn Spelman, Denise Vesper, Lisa Wuebker, and to Coach Dennis Wuebker. ADOPTED this 10th day of September, 1979. James Van Valkenburg, Mayor pETITION FOR LOT DIVISION • Date .8/14/79 . Applicant: Prime Properties, Inc. Address:. 7400 Metro Blvd #411 Edina NN Phone: 835 -7277 Owners) : Prime •Pro r i ' (as listed on the warranty deed) Address: 7400 Metro Blvd., 4411, Edina, MN Phone: 835 -7277 Buyers) : (1)• Harold J Niefeld (2) Carlos J Carona (as proposed to be on warranty deed) Address: Phone: The original tract of land proposed to be divided is described as follows: Lot 2, Block 7 Braemar Hills Ninth 6dditinn, according to-the plat thereof on-file and of record in the office of the Hennepin County Recorder_ The following parcels will be made from the division of the above described tract of land: PARCEL 1: That part. of Lot 2, Block 7, Braemar Hills 9th•Addition according to the recorded p at•thereo , which lies Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point in the Westerly like of said Lot 2 a distance of 64.60 feet Northerly of the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence Northeasterly to the East -line bf said Lot 2 distant 43.30 feet Northerly of the Southeasterly corner o said of 2 and there terminating. PARCEL 2: That part of Lot 2, Block 7, Braemar Hills 9th Addition, according to the .recorded plat thereof, which lies Southerly of the following•described line: Beginning at a point in ttie Westerly line of said Lot 2 a distance of 64.60 eet ort er y of the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence Northeasterly to the East line of said Lot 2 distant 43.30 feet Northerly of the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 2 and there terminating. PR 7E PROPERTIES, • r •� B S ' gny re of Ap icant Its % lrcn I I I I C I 166" I CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY For CARL HANSEN ` /D t Sewer gas2."en71- � d � • I h 1 `.38./0 41 �1 h I FA i /2. 2 • � it 41 O �l ' _ f i /2. 2 • � it 41 fy Asa ze.3 Q — /50.00 �I o 6 Iti, �D M \I _ � 1. 'on �wi i I ~ SCa is : / Of- 30 J I DESCRIPTION: The Northerly'85.00 feet of Lot 10, Block 1, PARKWOOD MOLLS 15TH ADDITION. (Area = 12,750 Square Feet) DESCRIPTION: Lot 10, Fxcept the Northerly 85.00 feet thereof, Block 1, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 15TH ADDITION. (Area = 12,750 Square Feet) we hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the land above described and of the location:ofalI buitdImg!% if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments,.if any, from or on said lend. IA #.%A • h t -a 9Qrh AA%* of .TUNE L978- EGAH, j-aLD - S`� NO"K, I MG it 'on �wi i I ~ SCa is : / Of- 30 J I DESCRIPTION: The Northerly'85.00 feet of Lot 10, Block 1, PARKWOOD MOLLS 15TH ADDITION. (Area = 12,750 Square Feet) DESCRIPTION: Lot 10, Fxcept the Northerly 85.00 feet thereof, Block 1, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 15TH ADDITION. (Area = 12,750 Square Feet) we hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the land above described and of the location:ofalI buitdImg!% if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments,.if any, from or on said lend. IA #.%A • h t -a 9Qrh AA%* of .TUNE L978- EGAH, j-aLD - S`� NO"K, I MG ;r- �3 1 0 A Contract No. 7051 :. THIS AGREEMENT made this 18th day of October 1976, between and among the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, State of Minnesota (hereinafter re- ferred to as "COUNTY" and the City of Edina (hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTORS "; WHEREAS, the parties of this Agreement are all providers of emergency medical services who believe that a high degree of professionalism in the provision of emergency medical care can be achieved by a joint and cooperative effort'in the study, evaluation, planning and coordination of emergency medical services; and WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners on September 21, 1976, by Resolution No. 76 -9 -1024 , provided for the establishment of a Hennepin County Emergency Medical Services Council for the purpose of evaluating for, and recommending to, the members of that Council the measures best suited to achieve such cooperation and professionalism in the pro- vision of pre - hospital emergency medical service; and WHEREAS, there are governmental grants and private foundation funds avail- able for the establishment and development of region wide emergency medical., service systems; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, the undersigned parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The parties hereto shall be bound by all the terms and conditions of the Emergency Medical Services Plan adopted by the Hennepin County Board on September 21 1976, by Resolution No. 76 -9 -1024 and said plan is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof as though contained in its entirety herein. 2. The CONTRACTORS agree that they shall send to the EMS Council delegates in the numbers specified in the aforementioned EMS Plan. 3. The COUNTY agress that it shall make available to the CONTRACTORS the services of the EMS Council for the purpose of evaluating the operations of- J { i the CONTRACTORS and assisting them in providing a high degree of professionalism in their own endeavors to provide emergency medical services. 4. Each of the CONTRACTORS and all of them jointly and severally appoint the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN as their attorney -in -fact for the sole purpose of entering into on their behalf contracts substantially equivalent to this one with other providers of emergency medical services as qualified under the above mentioned EMS Plan, or to renew and present contract upon its expiration with each of the other CONTRACTORS hereto. 5. The term of this contract shall be for one year from the date hereof, but it may be renewed for additional one -year periods with the agreement of the parties hereto. This contract shall be conclusively deemed to have been so renewed as to each of the undersigned CONTRACTORS unless such CONTRACTOR gives notice at least 60 days prior to the expiration of this contract to all of the other parties hereto of his intention not to renew this contract. As to the COUNTY, this contract shall be conclusively deemed to have been renewed unless the Board of Commissioners of Hennepin County at least 60 days prior to the expiration hereof shall give notice to all of the other parties hereto of its intention not to renew this agreement. 6. This AGREEMENT shall take effect when signed by the Chairman of the Hennepin County Board and approved by the Hennepin County Attorney as to execution. 7. In accordance with Hennepin County Affirmative Action policy and the County Commissioners' policies against discrimination, no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, public assistance status, ex- offender status, or national origin, be excluded from full employment rights in, participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program, service or activity under the provisions of any and all applicable federal and state laws against discrimination. The CONTRACTORS will furnish all information and reports required by Hennepin County or by Executive Order No. 11246 and Revised Order No. 4, and by the rules and regulations and orders of the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations and orders. 8. The services to be performed by the CONTRACTORS shall not be assigned, sublet or transferred without the prior written approval of the COUNTY. t r i 4 t t a s t 9. It is agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or should be construed in any manner as creating or establishing the relationship of partners between the parties hereto, or as constituting the CONTRACTORS as the agents, representatives, or employees of the COUNTY for any purpose or in any manner what- soever. The CONTRACTORS are to be and shall remain independent contractors with respect to all services performed under this Agreement. The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern all questions as to the execution, nature, obligation, instruction, validity and performance of this Agreement. Upon proper execution, this Agreement will be legally valid and binding and upon date of approval is in compliance with all laws relating to the subject matter thereto. d , Assistant County Attorney Date: 3 %7 APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: �-! Assi ant edurity'' A'C"torney Date: X111,547 7 CITY 0 DINA B � o Mayor ley zi�e Acting City Manager ByNNE w Y Its t airman of the Board Its Deputy County Administrator ATTEST: Deputy County Auditor COMMUNITY HEALTH DEPARTMENT r ` " ° °� � 4th Floor, McGill Building 501 Park Avenue LAN Nis �P ES° HENNEPIN Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 Li Ll August 17, 1979 Mr. Robert Buresh Edina Fire Department 6250 Tracy Avenue Edina, MN 55436 Dear Mr. Buresh: At the March meeting of the EMS Council, revised EMS Council Bylaws and .Plan for Hennepin County Emergency Medical Services were approved. In accordance with this approval, I have drafted an amendment to the contract you, as a provider, have with the County for membership on the EMS Council. Please sign all three copies and return them to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, Jennifer Peterson ban Enclosures (3) HENNEPIN COUNTY an equal opportunity employer FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT No. 70251 THIS AGREEMENT, Made between the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as County, and the CITY OF EDINA, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as Contractor; ' It is hereby agreed that that certain agreement, made and entered Into on the 18th day of October, 1976, and bearing Contract No. 70251, between the herein- named parties covering the furnishing of emergency medical services is hereby amended in accordance with the provisions set forth below: Paragraph 5, Section I, of the original contract shall be amended to read: "I. The parties hereto shall be bound by all the terms and conditions of the Emergency Medical Services Plan adopted by the Hennepin County Board on September 21, 1976, by Resolution No. 76-9 - 1024; theme- Hennepin- County =P-lan =and- Regulations= for- -an- Advanced= L -'ife �Support— Emergency =Healtfi =Care = Syste- m— cdopte - d by= the - Hennein -b-esouon No=: 784- 408;and Cunty- Joard =on =April -4,- 1978 lt subeq_ent = amendments = to= thoselans —as _ adopted__ y_the_Hennepin County�Boarld. =Said _ plans_ are = incorporated _- ---reference and__made a part- hereof =as- though - conta fined- i n-1ts- entirety -herei ri:" Except as hereinabove amended, the terms, conditions and provisions of said Contract No. 70251, dated October 18, 1976, shall remain in full force and effect. Contractor, having signed this amendment to Contract No. 70251, and the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners heving duly approved this amendment on , 19 , and pursuant to such approval and the proper County officials having signed this amendment, the parties hereto agree to be bound by the provisions herein set forth. Upon proper execution, this amendment will be legally valid and binding upon date of approval. VWn a - TX& Date:_ Approved as to Execution Date: City organized under: Plan A Plan B Charter COUNTY OF HENNEPIN STATE OF MINNESOTA By Chair of its County Board By Deputy County Administrator ATTEST: Deputy County Auditor CITY OF EDINA By. Mayor And City Manager r ► i i f 1� ► i Contract No. 70T51.. . ► THIS AGREEMENT made this 18th day of October 1976, between and among the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, State of Minnesota (hereinafter re- ferred to as "COUNTY" and the City of Edina r (hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTORS "; WHEREAS, the parties of this Agreement are all providers of emergency medical services who believe that a high degree of professionalism in the provision of emergency medical care can be achieved by a joint and cooperative effort' in the study, evaluation, planning and coordination of emergency medical services; and WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners on September 21, 1976, by Resolution No. 76 -9 -1024 ,'provided for the establishment of a Hennepin County Emergency Medical Services Council for the purpose of evaluating for, and recommending to, the members of that Council the measures best suited to achieve such cooperation and professionalism in the pro - vision of pre - hospital emergency medical service; and WHEREAS, there are governmental grants and private foundation funds avail- able for the establishment and development of region wide emergency medical service systems; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, the undersigned parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The parties hereto shall be bound by all the terms and conditions of the Emergency Medical Services Plan adopted by the Hennepin County Board on September 21 1976, by Resolution No. 76 -9 -1024 and said plan is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof as though contained in its entirety herein. 2. The CONTRACTORS agree that they shall send to the EMS Council delegates in the numbers specified in the aforementioned EMS Plan. 3. The COUNTY agress that it shall make available to the CONTRACTORS the services of the EMS Council for the purpose of evaluating the operations of- a I fr _ r f 1 Of J i the CONTRACTORS and assisting them in providing a high degree of professionalism in their own endeavors to provide emergency medical services. 4. Each of the CONTRACTORS and all of them jointly and severally appoint the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN as their attorney -in -fact for the sole purpose of entering into on their behalf contracts substantially equivalent to this one with other providers of emergency medical services as qualified under the above mentioned EMS Plan, or to renew and present contract upon its expiration with each of the other CONTRACTORS hereto. 5. The term of this contract shall be for one year from the date hereof, but it may be renewed for additional one -year periods with the agreement of the parties hereto. This contract shall be conclusively deemed to have been so renewed as to each of the undersigned CONTRACTORS unless such CONTRACTOR gives notice at least 60 days prior to the expiration of this contract to all of the other parties hereto of his intention not to renew this contract. As to the COUNTY, this contract shall be conclusively deemed to have been renewed unless the Board of Commissioners of Hennepin County at least 60 days prior to the expiration hereof shall give notice to all of the other parties hereto of its intention not to renew this agreement. 6. This AGREEMENT shall take effect when signed by the Chairmin of the Hennepin County Board and approved by the Hennepin County Attorney as to execution. 7. In accordance with Hennepin County Affirmative Action policy and the County Commissioners policies against discrimination, no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, public assistance status, ex- offender status, or national origin, be excluded from full employment rights in, participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program, service or activity under the provisions of any and all applicable federal and state laws against discrimination. The CONTRACTORS will furnish all information and reports required by Hennepin County or by Executive Order No. 11246 and Revised Order No. 4, and by the rules and regulations and orders of the.Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules. regulations and orders. 8. The services to be performed by the CONTRACTORS shall not be assigned, sublet or transferred without the prior written approval of the COUNTY. �I 9. It is agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or should be construed in any manner as creating or establishing the relationship of partners between the parties hereto, or as constituting the CONTRACTORS as the agents, representatives, or employees of the COUNTY for any purpose or in any manner what - soever. The CONTRACTORS are to be and shall remain independent contractors with respect to all services performed under this Agreement. The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern all questions as to the execution, nature, obligation, instruction, validity and performance of this ° Agreement. CITY 0 -DINA BY Mayor Acting City Manager • Upon proper execution, this Agreement HENNEPIN COUNTY ; will be legally valid and binding and . upon date of approval is in compliance BY f with all laws relating to the subject Its Chairman of the Board matter thereto. • (,�/ J � ����� Its Deputy County Administrator Assistant County Attorney Date: a;z 3 7 7 ATTEST: Deputy County Auditor APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: Assi anE eout{ty�- Attorney Date: 1:5 /517�2 / i �I 1?T7COT TTTTONT BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Mayor and City Manager be and are hereby authorized to.enter into agreement with the County of Hennepin for the First Amendment.to.Contract No. 70251 for Hennepin County Medical Emergency Services. ADOPTED this 10th day of September, 1979. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN.) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its meeting of September 10, 1979, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 11th day of September, 1979. City Clerk RESOLUTION WHEREAS,.the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 2, Block 7, Braemar Hills 9th Addition; and WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivion of said tract into separate parcels (herein called: "Parcels ") described as follows: That part of Lot.2, Block 7, Braemar Hills the office of the County Recorder,.Hennepii Southerly of the following described line: Westerly line of said Lot.2, a..distance of Southwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence of said Lot 2.distant 43.30 feet Northerly said Lot 2 and there terminating; and 9th.Addition, as recorded in 1 County, Minnesota, which lies Beginning at a point in the 64.60 feet Northerly of the Northeasterly to the East line of the Southeasterly corner of That part of Lot 2, Block 7, Braemar..Hills 9th Addition, as recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Hennepin County, Minnesota, except that part which lies Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point in the Westerly line of said Lot 2, a distance of 64.60 feet Northerly of the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence Northeasterly to the East line of said Lot.2 distant 43.30 feet Northerly of the South - easterly corner of said Lot 2 and there'termininating; and WHEREAS, the requested subdivision is authorized.under ordinance No. 801 and it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regula- tions of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purpose of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 811 and 801; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership, of the - second above described Parcels as separate tracts of land.is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance Nos. 811 and 801 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land, but only to the extent permitted under Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance.No. 811 and subject to the limitations set out in Ordinance No. 811 and said Ordinances are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provisions thereof, and further subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be.made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval.of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 10th day of September, 1979. RFq 0T.TTTT 0M WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 10, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 15th Addition; and WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: The Northerly 85.00 feet of Lot 10, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 15th Addition; and Lot 10, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 15th Addition, except the Northerly 85.00 feet thereof; and WHEREAS, the requested subdivision is authorized under ordinance No. 801 and it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regula- tions of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purpose of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 811 and 801; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of the second above described Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance Nos. 811 and 801 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land, but only to the extent permitted under Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 and subject to the limitations set out in Ordinance No. 811 and said Ordinances are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provisions thereof, and further subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances; and BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that this resolution shall not become effective until two sewer and water connections have been installed for said Parcels or until the Board of Building Appeals has waived the ordinance requirement for said sewer and water connections. ADOPTED this 10th day of September, 1979. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed -and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that..the attached and.foregoing. resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City..Council.at its Regular Meeting of September 10, 1979, and as recorded.:in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 17th day of September, 1979. City Clerk