HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-07-08_BOARD OF REVIEWMINUTES OF THE MEE1'TNG_OF THE EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1978 AT 4:00 P.M., AT EDINA CITY HALL �L Answering rollcall were members Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van Valkenburg who served as Board of Review, which meeting convened pursuant to "Notice of Board of Review Meeting" published in the Edina Sun on May 3, 1978, and posted on City Bulletin Boards on April 29, 1978. The audience was reminded that the purpose of this meeting is to give persons who consider themselves aggrieved by their property assessment, or who wish to complain.that the pro- perty of another is assessed too low, an opportunity to show cause for having their assessment corrected. Mr. Johnson explained that the Assessor is charged with valuing property based on recent sales. Assessor Jo n �n al o explained that resident, .4l groperty .values have been increased^ ^r- =- - ~= ly /, O*er 0 4 Q .� '7p . sbkmf� "►- I Mr. Stanley abor, 5709 DeVille Dr., referred to his letter to the Council dated May 25, 1978, in which he referred to an article in the Minneapolis Tribune which indicated that his taxes on his house would have been $157 less had he lived in Shorewood, rather than in Edina. Mr. Tabor was reminded that the issue . at this meeting is whether the property has .been properly assessed and that, if there is a difference, to show where the Assessor is wrong. Mr. Johnson said that Mr. Tabor was referring to 1976, rather than 1977 figures and that the 1977 were riot yet available. Mr. Johnson referred to a chart provided by the State labeled "Tax Court" which is a part of the 1977 study, but which uses more cur- rent sales than the study which will come from out through the Citizens' League for which he has been waiting. He noted that the ratio on "Tax Court" is 87% which is considerably lower than the 94.6% referred to by Mr. Tabor. Mr. Johnson also noted that the chart referred to "estimated market value ", whereas the chart referred to by Mr. Tabor was for "limited market value ". It was noted that the value of Mr. Tabor's house was $126,000. res_T Mr. Gerald Rauenhorst, 5151 Blake Road, was represented by Mr. George Connor, who asked that Mr. Rauenhorst's objection to the market value of $448,600 be noted. Mr. Reece L. Bevan, 6308 Chowen Ave. S., objected to the 1i market value of $57;900 on his property, advising that he believed that the proper value would be $52,100, based particularly on the fact that the house is in the Rich- field School District. The Assessor will inspect the property. Mrs. Henry Lemmerman, 7120 Glouchester Dr., objected to her estimated market value of $62,600, stating that she believed that the value should be $53,800. Mrs. Limmerman said that they had paid $74,000 in December, 1977. The Assessor will inspect the property. Mr. Craig Harrington, 7321 Cornelia Drive, said that he objected to "equity ", rather than the actual assessed valuation. He contended that houses of new construction have a higher percentage of value than older houses. Mr. Harring- ton gave the Assessor an appraisal showing the value of his property at $83,500 which the Assessor will review. The Assessor had appraised the property at $79,500. Mr.. Albert S. Campbell, 7312 Glouchester Rd., objected to his market value of $93,500, which, he claimed, was built for $76,000. He reviewed assessed valu- ations of other similar properties. He claimed that he is being penalized for owning a newly constructed house. Mr. Jeffrey Jonswold, 7320 Cornelia Dr., objected to his market value of $77,500. He complained that new construction is consistently valued at a higher rate than older houses. Mr.'­�:To�tnSVold said that he concurred with other property l owners who had eo.ntended that Edina is out of line with other municipalities. �\ Mr. Johnson said that he would like to inspect the house again. Mr. Robert Merrifield, 6000 Kaymar Drive, had appeared and filled out a slip indicating his objections to the market value of $68,900 for his property. He left before this property came up for discussion but-had stated that he believed that the market value for his house should be $65,000 based on its proximity to Vernon Ave. and to the gaa station. Mr. George Fisher, 7000 'Pupa Drive, objected to his estimated market value of $128,100. lie said that he'believed that the estimated value on his home should be reduced and cited other. house _ /to � ove his point. Mr. Fisher said that he wou:Lc.l give a copy of his M.L.S. �� S4�to Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson i.nviLed Mr.. fisher to stop in the office and review the properties in question. 4- 69U /7Y✓/Ds#Cle 0 LDE� e)V6iG NT.9�C' G J !iW l D 6/8/78 Mr. Robert Wexler, 7320 Glouchester Dr., objected that the market value for his home had been established at $75,200. He gave Mr. Johnson a copy of his Febru- ary, 1977, purchase agreement in the amount of $69,400. Mr. Johnson will study the property further. Mr. John Ward spoke for his mother, Mrs. Naomi Ward, objecting to the market value of property at 5916 Hansen Road of $81,000 against the owner's estimate of $70,000. He spoke of the proximity of the railroad tracks which run behind the property and said that there is no central air conditioning or finished base- ment and that the driveway and a large plate glass window are in poor condition. Mr. Johnson said that he would have the property reviewed. Mr. Lyle Buchanan, 5511 W. Highwood Drive, objected to the market value of $89,100 on his house. He complained that the house was valued at $68,000 in 1976 and had . increased to $76,000 in 1977 and questioned whether other properties in the City have appreciated in value to this degree. Mr. Buchanan was assured that all pro- perties had increased in value. Mr. Johnson presented the objection of Mr. Wesley F. Hagemeyer, 6717 Sioux Trail, to the market value of $96,500 given.by the Assessor. He advised that the pro- perty will be 'inspected tomorrow o��Mrs. Jaames s R. Lindis 5410 York Ave. S., cbj;eetr=-d to the market value of $6,900 on two vacant lots which she owns, c that the lots have "no potential ". She made no estimate as to the value which she herself would place on the property. Mr. Johnson presented the objection of Mr. Arthur Buffington to the market value of $17,800 for a vacant lot at 6900 Dakota Trail. He referred to the fact that the lot is very steep and that there is some question as to whether it is market- able. The possibility was considered that the property might be purchased by property owners.on either side or if a scenic easement might be granted. Council was also advised of the receipt.of lett(-rs from the following property owners: Mr. Lyle B. Arneson, 5909 Killarney Lane, who advised that his home has increased in value by $16,000 in less than ten months. Mr. Arneson requested that his property value be reviewed and the market value revised downward. Mr. Robert J. Tweedy of Robins, Davis & Lyons wrote on behalf of their client, Edina Place, Inc., to file objections to the 1978 valuations on Parcels 7200, 7600, 8000, 8400, 8800 and 9200, Plat 75192, to Parcels 1620, 2625 and 3505, Plat 73609, and to Parcels 3920, 4000 and 4100, Plat 75190. . John W. Hedberg of Hedberg & Sons Co., confirming his telephone conversation of May 31, 1978, with the Assessor in which he indicated that the Limited Market Values for Parcels 0800, 1200, 2802, 2850, 4800, 5300, 6400 and 6800, Plat 73832 are incorrect, "having in mind the stipulated Market Values for said parcels as of January 2, 1976. Mr. Hedberg said that he is "not in agreement with the Market Values which you have set on the property as of January 2, 1978, and I would appreciate your advising the Local Board of Review that we do object to said Market Values and feel that they are excessive.and contrary to law, bearing in mind the use to which the property is being presently put and all the other elements that affect the market value of unimproved real property ". Mr. Earl W. Fisher, 5809 Concord objected to the increase in market value from $56,900 in 1977 to.$66,000 in 1978. He requested that the value of the property be reduced, particularly in view of the flood damage which occurred in August, 1977. Mr. Roy K. Erickson, 5724 Kemrich Drive, objected to the 15.9% increase in the market value of his property from $91,200 in 1977 to $105,700 in 1978. Mr. Robert B. Bland of Texaco, Inc., requested that the values for the following locations be revised as indicated: 70th and France - Market value of $140,400 should be revised to $130,000 Normandale and Boundary - Market value of $123,500 should be revised to $108,000 Fraitce and 54th SLreet - Market value of $06,000 should be revised to $70,000 France Ave. and Morningside Road - Market value of $62,500 should be revised to $52,000 6/8/78 The Mayor then declared the meeting adjourned until 4:00 p.m. on June 15, 1978. Adjournment at 6:10 p.m. City Clerk •..-A VAN.r_ r- AT1T1n7ce ASSESSOR'S T FLAT- T1FQC VAZT TAVT VAT 1973 BOARD OF REVIEW OWNER'S EST nr TfVT VAT. ASSESSOR'S RECOMMENDATION PECIS'", #1 Tabor: 76476 - 4400 Owner's concern, as stated in his letter, is one^'`" 5709 Deville Drive of equity for Edina taxpayers VS other communities.- Lot 10, Block 2 Parkwood Knolls 13th #2 Rauenhorst 76261 - 9000 427,600 300,000 Represented by attorney George Connor, preserving No Change 5151 Blake Road 76261 - 3000 21,000 rights to further appeal. 448,600 ! Lots 1 & 3 Block 1 Mirror Lake Plat #3 #3 Bevan 75320 - 4800 57 900 52,100 Property inspected by Pat Zaimes , 6/9/78. This No Change /Lo 6308 Chowen office has considered owner's major concerns of Richfield School District and crosstown traffic but believes valuation to be proper. #4 Lemmerman 77370 -- 5000 62,600 53,800 Owner purchased property last year for $74,000 No Change 7120 Glouchester (Last year's and has requested Board of Review to reduce value Lot 5, Block 3 assessrr's to last years estimated market value upon reading Stow's Delaney est. mkt.val article "Limiting Sharp Increases ". Property inspected 6/13/78 by Patrick Zaimes. 5 Ward 76322 — 4000 81,000 70,000 Son of owner requested consideration of negative No Change i aor 5916 Hansen Road influences including neighborhood (especially high Q Lot 1, Block 1 density increase), railroad tracks and physical Naomi deficiencies of house. Property was inspected 6/13/78.by Jo Taylor. Appraisal demonstrates that valuation is proper. t_ " - & ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S LEGAL DESC. EST MT VAI 1973 BOARD OF REVIEW OWNER'S EST OF �QKT VAL ASSESSOR'S RECOMMENDATION DZC'_S #6 Harrington 76905 - 6000 79,500 83,500 Owner's primary concern is equity between newer and No Change 7321 Cornelia older homes. He provided ratio studies showing an Lot 13, Block 2 average assessment of 707. verses a 95% relationship _J Oscar Roberts First on what he appraises his own house for. #7 Campbell 76905 - 6300 93,500 76,000 Owner (President of Village Estates), provided No Change 7312 Glouchester summary of costs to Pat Zaimes upon inspection and Lot 16, Block 2 appraisal of property. Actual market value appears Oscar Roberts First to far exceed owner's stated cost and assessor's estimated market value. #8 Jonswald 7320 Cornelia 76905 - 1300 77,500 85,000 Owners primary concern is equity between newer and older homes. Re- inspection (requested by assessor) No Change Lot 13, Block 1 and recalculation resulted in slightly higher Oscar Roberts First estimate of value. #9 Merrifield 77575 - 6200 68,900 65,000 Owner left hearing before appearance, but left note No Change 6000 Kaymar refering to location-(Vernon Ave. & K.O. Gas station) Lot 10, Block 3 Valley Park 10 Fischer 74151 - 2100 159,400 Owner's primary concern is equity of taxes and No Change 7000 Tupa Circle Lot 7, Block 1 valuations with other areas of Edina. Assessor provided valuations and ratio study on M.L.S. sales Braemar Hills 5th loaned by owner and has discussed at length the concerns and opinions of the owner. 1 � . , % i & ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAL 1978 BOARD OF REVIEW OWNER'S EST OF MKT VAL ASSESSOR'S RECOMMENDATION DECISIO 11 Wexler 76905 - 6100 75,200 Owner claims "unfair percent of value taxation on No Change 7320 Glouchester new construction" and presented earnest money con - Lot 14, Block 2 tract dated 2/15/77 with Village Estates (A.J.Campbell) Oscar Roberts First for $69,400. Review by Pat Zaimes indicates valuation is proper. 12 Buchanan 75800 - 6000 89,100 Owner wanted explanation of large value increase A,o 5511 West Highwood Dr. and appeared satisfied to learn that other pro - Lot 6, Block 2 perties received similar increases. Highwood Add'n to Edina Highlands 13 Hagenmeir 77055 - 5000 96,500 Inspection showed some deferred maintainance. Owner No Change 6717 Sioux Trail very concerned about ponding area overflow. Appraisal Lot 3, Block 2 demonstrates estimated market value to be proper. Sioux Trail 14 Linder 76970 - 2825 6,900 Property inspected by Jo Taylor and discussed with No Change Lots at 54th & York Planning Department. We are unable to demonstrate Lots 25 & 26 nonexistence of developement potential. Seely's First ° Three similar lots in area with comparable valuations Acquisition considered by Edina Park Board. 15 Buffington 76451 - 4500 17,800 This lot considered by Board of Review in previous Lot at: 6900 Dakota years. Extremely difficult terrain. Conversation Trail Lot 1, Block 1 Overholt Hils, / ( with owner has included gift of lot to city cen c easement dedication and potential buyers. ° Georgia 3rd. / /� ,� +, rt 1: T+': f. L 111112 = C C 1978 BOARD OF REVIEW ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST T.Rf:AT. nr..gr- FST MKT VAT. OF MKT VAT. ASSESSOR'S R FrCWFMnATT ON ,td 41 • !t 0 DECISION •�' 1 tter Texaco, Inc. 140,400 130,000 Mr. Luneski of this office reviewed appraisals No Change 70th & France submitted by Texaco and,replied that we would i maintain our existing valuations (unchanged from 1977), but' -would submit letter and appraisals to r 'f the local Board of Review. etter Texaco, Inc. 123,500 108,000 (See comments above) No Change 77th & Normandale etter Texaco, Inc. 86,000 70,000 (See comments above) No Change 54th & France s etter Texaco, Inc. 62,500 52,000 (See comments above) No Change , �Morningside Rd & 1j France 1 _ f etter Anderson 77197 - 5625 74,900 Property was inspected 6/4/78 upon appeal to Board No Change ; 4437 Ellsworth Dr. of Review and adjudged to be undervalued. Review ` Lot 10, Block 6 of value and data indicatelcurrent valuation to be South Garden Estates proper. 3rd. ! ` {I • .. . " ' 1110. NA_ & ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S TYMAT. T)FSC_ F.ST MitT VAT 1978 BOARD OF REVIIr4 OkrNER' S EST OV VXT VAT. 4 ASSESSOR'S VVPfNWUVWTT%ATTAAT TI: C"C ?/? \• Letter Arneson 75981 - 4650 120,900 Purchased 8/77 5909 Killarney Lane for: $109,000 Lot 24, Block 2 Killarney Shores Letter Edina Place 75192 - 7200,7600, Robert Tweed: Attorney for Edina Place met with Reduction on 1 8000,8400,8800 & 9200 Robert Luneski of this office 6/15/78 and agreed with one parcel. 73609 - 1620,2625 & recommendation of Mr. Luneski for a reduction on 61x.700 Plat 73609 Parcel 3505 from 3505 '_x"($1.32 per sq.ft.) to 47 Oy009 ($1.00 per sq. ft.) an will agree not to 75190 - 3920,4000 & 4100 file petition on 1978 valuations. etter Hedberg & Sons Co. 73832 - 0800,1200, Continuing valuation /legal problem. 1978 valuation No Change 2802,2850,4800,5300, is unchanged from 1977 on which owner has filed 6400 & 6800 petitions. Previous years have recently been stipulated. s etter Fisher 75330 - 1897 66,000 Owner's primaWy concern is with storm sewer problems No Change .5809 Concord being considered in valuation,of property. "f N 45' of Lot 21 and S 25 of Lot 22 Fairfax etter Erickson 75984 - 0600 105,700 Owner requests increase of 7% instead of 15.9% to No Change %-o 5724 Kemrich Dr. reflect more accurately last year's inflation rate. Lot 2, Block 1 Kemrich Knolls i 5 1 M Q14 voucher, Miouerp*10 - - State of Minnesota, County of Hennepin City 0f Edina We, the undersigned, Board of Review—* Equalization--of the City of Edina in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office of the IaVIM e....11 City of Edina Clerk on the 8th -15th -19th day of June 1919-, the day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk, and in nccordance 1 lI th provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 274.01, we made changes in the 19 -28_ assessments as entered in the followi;lg forms. ^. %' //! r Witness our hands this 19th day of June 19� /.� /�� won only to Cairo whose Charters provide for • Board of Equalization instead of a Board of Review. ! -�• Changes made by Local Board of Review— U *Enter `Yes" or " ,No" for each Description. Identify Parcel on which Residence is Located with Letter hl". Indicate If Mid -Year or Fractional Homestead. — 'Vindicate type of Property: R - Residential, C • Cornrnercial, I - Industrial, - L'tflity, F - arm, T - Timber Homestead] ab x or Sec SRR - Seasonal Recreational Residential, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commereiol, PH - National flowing, *0 Other, Specify, Mineral-50%i Parking Ramps -36%. timber I Iadl- f fodi- Clan of Pmpery I Ioaren. D Deae.,e A ee. of . .t..d p poP An other V M..tN a awt.s N. I../ Blo Jt Aws 1110,. I o or b br . .��tunt A �� 71609 N 955 5/10 ft of the E 23 36/100 Ac I � Edina Place 3505 of Govt. Lot 2 ex hwy. 9 116 21 t N No C C 8 8700 Sec. 9, Tvp. 116, Range 21 ! Lyle B. Arneson 75981 Killarney Shores 24 2 I Y Yes S S 5 5200 4650 Kenneth Anderson .77197 •South Garden Estates 3rd Addition 410 .6 I I ! f Y Yes R R I I 5 5000 , 5625 Y gotes where omitted red property is added Indicate value Inge Elnm.ted MnM V.I- at Real Pmp" as Clians•d or Added Edlm.ted M.Avt t..d T-1 V.I- @rlu,rve .I Bulldinp Eoi,!.,.d of N,Jtd 8w 1e d r 4.ehmo7 ll.r ket Plop" Im and ta S__ a Valu. pmvemen Donn DoB.n Donn - Donau mn.IS 0 70000 00 - 470000 00. 0r 21600 00, 94100 00 115700 •00, — -- — 21600.00. 48300 00 !— - - ~. 69900 '00 • , HC 586 CERTIFICATION OF POSTING OF ASSESSMENT NOTICE i j State of Minnesota COUNTY OF - as. q, Clerk of the of — tin said County for the year 19 do hereby certify that on the 9 'C& day of Q—* o 19 7 % in conformity with requirements of law, I posted notices in each of three of the most public places in said ten days before the time of meeting therein namrd, and also canard such notice to be published in a legal newspaper, of which the foll9wing is a true copy, to-wit: ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Review of the — I Caanty, Minnesota, will uteet at the office of thr �cZ Clerk in said , at clock_li.1l.., on , the —T ayof J _ for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said for the year 197e All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment, or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby nottlied to appear at said meeting and show aruac for hatyng such assens- meet corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so a88c88rd, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Dated the '2 Q day of Clerk of the of Given under rn7l hand this a 9 day of 42, P l97$ L_ -f n Clerk otate of jlinnezota, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN as. We, the undersigned, Board of Review of the �Co — of in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office of the Clerk of said p on the day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk of ssid and that we then and there remained in session the whole of said day as a Board of Review. Witness oar hands this f 9 day 19 Chairman ; - - - -- - - _ - -- --- Q-- `-�- ��-�'� _ -- - -- - -- d- ®-,,_ems -e- - - — - - - - -- — 1 r Y Id- 11 . -- -- --- _ - /��i - �- - -- ---- -- - - - -- - 2,(2-e, - 1 - J �f III 7 :5 i -2- -7 3 c-91 v o cow I / l JI l 67 t ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a i 3 � r s � / 4 i - -l-v_ - -- - - - �-- -- - -�--, - -- - -- 0 r' �b, 1 r � l� ligill 1 r I�t - e�— 'I' ll I - -- -- - - _ _.._lY -�` �C -fit!• - . �C.� -�� - -? JLI %).�..� TI _ �-- _ 117 g/ y Al 1 It IN s/ �_ �.,_ 14� -17-1/- - -- __ � µ_pc TING OF THE MINUTES OF THE CONTINUED NEE EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1978 at 4:00 P.M. Answering rollcall for the continued meeting of the Board of Review were members - Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van Valkenburg.. Mr. Jack Watkins, 5605 Heather Lane, objected to the estimated market value on iris home of $79;300, stating that he values the house at between $70,000 and $75,000. He contended that the value of his house had increased higher in pro- portion to the normal rate of property increase. The Assessor will inspect the property. r. Johnso dvised that A iser Robert eski had met wi r. Robert T ed) attorne or Edina ac and that Mr. ee had agreed t accept the r uction i on P 73609, Par 35 5 from $618 00 ($ .32 er s re foot) to 70,000 ($! .00 per squar oot) % Mr. John on sai that his /in d reviewed p operties a requested the origin Boar of Review with the a eption of a proper at 5809 C - cord ve., a d that no eds recomm ded in any of the va es. He s 'd . he wi continue in hpts to ake.an app intment w' h Mr. Fis r, the o er of 809 Conco d. Ave. Mr. Johnson ad•,ised that he had received1rinformation from the State of Minne- sota indicating that the 1977 ratio studies indicate that Edina has an aggregate market value ratio of 92.8 %, with_a mean ratio of 93..8% and a medium.ratio of 94.7 %. For limited market value,.Edina hasi�ar re ate ratio of 90.9 %, and-a limited and mean ratio of •91.4%. He clarified t a ina ~ ow on the list of PAr, ds market valuep but close to the top on limited ke Ratio for apartments was given on the aggregate at 109.7% and for commercial buildings at 85. lY.ON riff f1�•�E6�1 -i 7 1ma -�&' A �s��s�� ?X,7a.✓ r � / dN P0&PJseRES K15vic loA'SR �E57S� �Yc'a`uuL 79/7 Council reviewed the recommendations of the Assessor/,and set the values as recommended in all cases Tf�, , in response to a question of Mr. Johnson, it was generally decided that appoint - ments not be made.for next year's Board of Review. Councilman Richards' motion was seconded by Councilman Shaw that the Board of Review Meeting be continued to Monday, June 19, 1978, at the conclusion of the Regular Council Meeting. Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 and was succeeded by a Special Council Meeting. City Clerk f Assessor City of Edina:- Daar Sir: May 25 1978 Kindly arrange to have this 1978 Property Assessment Market Value of 874.900 re- evaluated for the reasons the 1977 market value was $64,400 and the property is a limited space 2 bedroom room. Your inspection is invited. Many 3 bedroom homes can be purchased in Edina in the $74.9900 price area to W a NORTHWEST AIRLINES, INC. MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ST. PAU L, M I N N ESOTA 55 111 VICE PRESIDENT May 24, 1978 PUBLIC RELATIONS Local Board of Tax Review Edina City Council City Hall Edina, Minnesota I wish to enter a strong protest over the very substantial increases in boththe Limited Value and Market Value of our home, which is located at 5724 Kemrich Drive. Here are the comparative figures that document the unfairness of the increases being proposed: Current Proposed Valuation Valuation /o Increase Market Value $ 91,200 $ 105,700 + 15.9/ Limited Value $ 91,200 $ 100,300 + 10.0/ While I'm aware of inflation, these increases substantially exceed that factor for the past year. In fact, the market value increase proposed by the Assessor is double that of last year's inflation rate. I respectfully suggest that a 7% increase in the-market value would be the maximum consistent with fairness -- that would be $97,600. Due to the current strike by the pilots' union, I will likely not be able to attend the June 8 review meeting. I'm hopeful that you will consider my appeal -- and act on it favorably -- despite my inability to attend.. r Respectfully, Roy . Erickson Z ,x i tit x t �a F a d f f � .Js.,. May 25, 1978 The Mayor and City Council City .of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 . Re: Dist. 24, Plat 76476, Parcel 4400 Gentlemen: Yesterday I received from the Assessor his estimate of market and limited values on the captioned property, which is my residence, and I want to advise you that I think this is ridiculous. Attached is a table showing the assessments on my home from the date of purchase, October 1, 1969, at a purchase price of $83,750. Except for the year of purchase, when the assessment was based on the prior year, the assessed values have never risen more than 72% per annum, and in come cases have remained the same for two years in a row. The assessment for the year after purchase shows that I was raised to approximate market value at that time, which was my purchase price. Further, the estimated market value and limited market value assessments have always been the same in the past. This year, however, as you can see, our Assessor has seen fit to raise my limited value almost 10% and my market value almost 167.. I believe that the citizens of Edina are being unfairly treated by our Assessor, since assessments as a percentage of market values published by the Minneapolis Star and Tribune have consistently shown Edina leading the list of all communities in this area by a wide margin. think it is high time that this inequity be corrected and that Edina citizens be treated like the residents of other communities through reduction of our assessments. Therefore, I request that my 1978 esti- mated market value and limited value assessments be reduced. SVT:rb Attach. cc: Ralph Johnson, Assessor City of Edina Editor, Sun Newspapers Sincerely, Stanley V. Tabor 5709 DeVille Drive Edina, Minnesota 55436 Year 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 T A B L E Estimated % Limited Value % M.V. Assessment Increase Assessment Increase 1261p100 15.90 119,600 9.93 108,800 7.51 108,800 7.51 101,200 7.33 101,200 7.33 94,290 5.00 94,000 5.00 89,800 -- 89 8o -- 89,800 4.06 89,800 86,300 6.19 N.A. -- 81,270 -- N.A. -- 81,270 24.84 N.A. -- 65,100 N.A. BULLY ROBINS M.ARNOLD LYONS HARDING A. ORREN ARNOLD M. BELLIS LAWRENCE ZELLE HOWARD A. PATRICK STANLEY E. KARON JOHN F. EIBBERG DALE 1. LARSON THOMAS C. KAYSER STEVEN L. ROBS STEPHEN M. COHEN JAMES R. SAFLEY STEPHEN D. GORDON A. JAMES ANDERSON JOHN D. SNUFF JULIUS E. DAVIS SIDNEY S. FEINBERG BERNARD ROBENBERG JAMES A. KARIGAN ELLIOT B. KAPLAN JAMES L. FETTERLY STANFORD ROBINS SIDNEY KAPLAN STEPHEN A. KRUPP LEO F. FEENEY JEFFREY S. NALPERN STEPHEN J. DAVIS ROBERT M. WATTBON GARY H. LEVINSON LESLIE M. NOVAK JAMES O. STEINER ROBERT J. TWEEDY MICHAEL V. CIR6B1 JAMES L. MARLOW MARK J. FEINBERG JOHN C. MART DEBORAH J. PALMER ERNEST 1. REVEAL 111 WILLIAM P. LINHOFF. JR. PARREL A. CAPLAN . BRUCE A. FI HIM MI C NAEL L. MEYER RICHARD L. VOELBEL PAUL L. GINGRAS LAWRENCE T. HOFMANN JAMES W. ROCKWELL PATRICK E. SHIPBTEAD WILLIAM H. STANHOPE TERRY L. WADE GARY J. HAUGEN JOHN G. BRIAN III ANDREW W. HORSTMAN ROBERT M. LEVINE BARRY G. REED PETER C. MAYRAND Local Board of Review Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 LAW OFFICES ROBINS, DAVIS & LYONS 33 SOUTH FIFTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE 1612) 339.491 1 June 7, 1978 RE: Valuation Objections to Plat 75192 Parcels 7200, 7600, 8000, 8400, 8800, 9200 Plat 73609 Parcels 1620, 2625, 3505 Plat 75190 Parcels 3920, 4000, 4100 Gentlemen: CHARLES N. NALPERN 1191 1-1965) SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA BUILDING On behalf of our client, Edina Place, Inc., we wish to file with the Board our client's objections to the 1978 valuations on the above captioned lands. We have been in contact with the City Assessor's office regarding these valuations and we plan to have a meeting with the Assessor after we have had an opportunity to gather together the necessary data to- support our claim for a reduction in valuations. In the meantime, we would appreciate your accepting this letter as an appearance before the Board so that we will have a standing to appear before the county and state boards at a later date if it becomes necessary. RJT /c June 1, 1978 HEDBERG & SONS CO. 3725 WEST 76TH STREET ® MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435 Office & Main Plant: 831 -4040 Hopkins Gravel Plant: 545 -4400 Assessor City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Attention: Mr. Ralph Anderson Re: Plat 73832 - Parcels 0800, 1200, 2802, 2850, 4800 5300 6400 6800 Dear Mr. Anderson: I wish to confirm our telephone conversation of May 31, in which I in- dicated that the Limited Market Values on the above referenced parcels are incorrect, having in mind the stipulated Market Values for said parcels as of January 2, 1976. You indicated that you would take the necessary steps to administratively correct the Limited Market Values on these parcels so that the correct Limited Market Value will be shown on our 1979 Tax Statements. Needless to say, I am not in agreement with the Market Values which you have set on the property as of January 2, 1978, and I would appreciate your advising the Local Board of Review that we do object to said Market Values and feel that they are excessive and contrary to law, bearing in mind the use to which the property is being presently put and all the other elements that affect the market value of unimproved real property. Thank you very much for your consideration in this matter. Yours - truly, HEDBERG & SONS CO. K-) W. Hedberg JWH /ma CONCRETE PRODUCTS Ready mixed concrete a Sand a Gravel a Concrete and Aglite Blocks a Lime a Cement Mr. Bob Lunieski City of Edina Assessor's Office 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Bob: 5809 Concord Ave. S. Edina, Minn. 55424 June 1, 1978 RE: Assessed Value Plat 75330 Parcel 1897 Regarding our telephone conversation a few days ago about our most recent assessed valuation, please find attached the completed form you suggested. I have not completed the section dealing with data on substantiating value as I do not feel qualified nor do I feel I have the right to dig into the sale price of any neighbor's prpperty. Comparing last yearts market value of $56,900.00 with this yearts market value of $66,000.00 is an increase of 14/. I know real estate has increased, but feel that this is out of line: I also feel that after the experience we had in August, 1977 - sustaining approximately a $2,500.00 loss due to flood damage as a result of inadequate storm sewers - our valuation should have decreased rather than increase. If any consideration can be shown towards a lower assessment due to this inadequate storm sewer and flood situation, and the 14% increase, it will be appreciated. Thank you and please advise of your ruling. Sincerely, Att, Earl 1V. Fisher . L Owner GITY OF LUINA APPLICATION FOR REVIEW OF REAL ESTATE VALUATION Earl 17. Fisher Date ,Tune 1, 1978 Address 5809 Concord Ave. SR Fdina Minn. 55424 Assessor's Estimated Market Value $ 66.000.00 Owner's opinion of value $ 56.900.00 Date of purchase September, ,x$62- Price S27,900-00 Substantiating data for owners value opinion. .(a) Recent purchase of subject property. Date Price (SEE LETTER ATTACHED) Terms (b) Recent sales of similar or neighboring property. Address Date Price (c) Other information that substantiates your opinion of your property value, such as recent ccastruction costs of similar properties; appraisals or other value opinion (attach copy if possible). Use additional sheets if necessary. (SEE ATTACHED LETTER) Note: For income producing or commercial properties include for 3-years, if possible: (1) Annual gross income. N/A (2) Annual expenses itemized. (3) Lease terms or rent roll as applicable. I do hereby affirm that the above information is complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of applicant Please return to: City of Edina Assessor's Office 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 M -14 May 25, 1978 The Mayor and City Council City .of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 . Re: Dist. 24, Plat 76476, Parcel 4400 Gentlemen: Yesterday I received from the Assessor his estimate of market and limited values on the captioned property, which is my residence, and I want to advise you that I think this is ridiculous. Attached is a table showing the assessments on my home from the date of purchase, October 1, 1969, at a purchase price of $83,750. Except for.the year of purchase, when the assessment was based on the prior year, the assessed values have never risen more than 7. per annum, and in come cases have remained the same for two years in a row. The assessment for the year after purchase shows that I was raised to approximate market value at that time, which was my purchase price. Further, the estimated market value and limited market value assessments have always been the same in the past. This year, however, as you can see, our Assessor has seen fit to raise my limited value almost 10% and my market value almost 16 %. believe that the citizens of Edina are being unfairly treated by our Assessor, since assessments as a percentage of market values published by the Minneapolis Star and Tribune have consistently shown Edina leading the list of all communities in this area by a wide margin. I think it is high time that this inequity be corrected and that Edina citizens be treated like the residents of other communities through reduction of our assessments. Therefore, I request that my 1978 esti- mated market value and limited value assessments be reduced. SVT:rb Attach. cc: Ralph Johnson, Assessor City of Edina Editor, Sun Newspapers Sincerely, Stanley V. Tabor 5709 DeVille Drive Edina, Minnesota 55436 r / Year 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 T A B L E Estimated % Limited Value % M.V. Assessment Increase Assessment Increase 1261100 15.90 119,600 9.93 108,800 7.51 108,800 7.51 101,200 7.33 101,200 7.33 94,290 5.00 94,000 5.00 89,800 -- 89,800 -- 89,800 4.o6 89,800 86,300 6.1g N.A. 81,270 -- N.A. -- 81,270 24.84 N.A. 65,100 N.A. ^mow► f — TAX DEPARTMENT PROPERTY TAXES ROBERT B. BLAND PROPERTY TAX SUPERVISOR FRED V. SAAKE ASSISTANT PROPERTY TAX SUPERVISOR r]r ]E X mil.. C C> I N C. Mr. Kent Swanson City Assessor City Hall 4801 West 15th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Swanson: April 28, 1978 '>7 -97-1 9; QeC 5 —! --7 - 77(67 - 1,C 0 0 1616 W. 22nd STREET OAK BROOK. IL. 90621 (312) 820.8860 This letter is written as a request for a review of the assessments of several of our locations located within the city limits. Submitted with this letter are current, independent appraisals of the property, which are for your review. We find the appraiser has offered some interesting comments on the various properties which justify his opinion of value. While in all cases there is no vast difference in your market value as compared to that of the independent appraisers, we trust you will find sufficient cause to reduce the values to those offered by the appraiser. Should you find this letter reaches you at a.time which is too late for any action on your part, it would be appreciated if you would present this letter to the Board of Review for their consideration. The properties involved and their market and appraised values are as follows: 70th and France - Your market value is $140,400, the appraised value $130,000. Normandale and Boundary - Your market value is $123,500, the appraised value is $108,000. France and 54th - Your market value is $86,000, the appraised value is $70,000. France and Morningside - Your market value is $62,500., the appraised value is $52,000. C O P Y Mr. Kent Swanson -2- April 28, 1978 Any consideration given this request will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, ROBERT B. BLAND By - a-�- JW: sat: 5 -7 Encl. Blind: 6/9 GOLLY ROBINS M. ARNOLO LYONS MARDING A. ORREN ARNOLD M. BELLIS LAWRENCE SELLE HOWARD A. PATRICK STANLEY E. KARON JOHN ►. EISBERG DALE 1. LARSON THOMAS C. KAYSER STEVEN L. ROBS STEPHEN M. COHEN JAMES R. SAFLEY STEPHEN D. GORDON A. JAMES ANDERSON JOHN D. SNUFF JULIUS C. DAVIS SIDNEY S. FEINBERG BERNARD ROSENBERG JAMES A. KARIOAN ELLIOT S. KAPLAN JAMES L. FETTERLY STANFORD ROBINS SIDNEY KAPLAN STEPHEN A. KRUPP LEO F. FEENEY JEFFREY B. MALPERN STEPHEN J. DAVIS ROBERT M. WATTSON GARY M. LEVINSON LESLIE H. NOVAK JAMES D. STEINER ROBERT J. TWEEDY MICHAEL V. CIR[91 JAMES L. MARLOW MARK J. FEINBERG JOHN C. MART DEBORAH J. PALMER ERNEST 1. REVEAL 111 WILLIAM P. LINMOFF. JR. PARREL A. CAPLAN BRUCE A. FINZEN MICHAEL L. MEYER RICHARD L. VOELBEL PAUL L. OINGRAS LAWRENCE T. HOPMAN14 JAMES W. ROCKWELL PATRICK E. SMIPSTEAD WILLIAM M. BTANMOPE. TERRY L. WADE GARY J. HAUGEN JOHN O. BRIAN 111 ANDREW W. MORSTMAN ROBERT M. LEVINE BARRY G. REED PETER C. MAYRAND Local Board of Review Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 LAW OFFICES ROBINS, DAVIS & LYONS 33 SOUTH FIFTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE 16121 339.491 1 June 7, 1978 RE: Valuation Objections to Plat 75192 Parcels 7200, 7600, 8000, 8400, 8800, 9200 Plat 73609 Parcels 1620, 2625, 3505 Plat 75190 Parcels 3920, 4000, 4100 Gentlemen: CHARLES M. MALPERN 1191 1-19651 SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA BUILDING On behalf of our client, Edina Place, Inc., we wish to file with the Board our client's objections to the 1978 valuations on the above captioned lands. We have been in contact with the City Assessor's office regarding these valuations and we plan to have a meeting with the Assessor after we have'had an opportunity to gather together the necessary data to support our claim for a reduction in valuations. In the meantime, we would appreciate your accepting this letter as an appearance before the Board so that we will have a standing to appear before the county and state boards at a later date if it becomes necessary. Very my yours, Pbert A IS LYONS .'4 Tweedy June 8, 1978 Assessor City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 To the City Assessor: I wish to file a formal complaint as to the new assessed valuation of my home located at 5909 Killarney Lane. It appears that you have increased the valuation of my home $16,000 in a matter of less than ten months. As a matter of clarification, the $9,000 listed as personal property in our sales agreement included such items as drapes for the living room, dining room, family room as well as drapes for all four upstairs bedrooms. Also included in this would be items such as the refrigerator and freezer. These and other smaller items make up the personal property purchased with the home which the seller and I agreed were valued at about $9,000. I purchased the home on August 12, 1977, and in May of 1978, you indicate that the value has increased on my home by about 15 %. I don't believe it and I don't really think it's fair. I wish to have it reviewed and revised downward. Sincerely, L 1 .Arneson y LBA:md :2=17 Z. STATE OF MINNESOTA STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF 1977 SALES ASSESSMENT RATIO STUDY REPORT 3 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN PAGE 28 AGGREGAT E _ .. ..... RATIO ITEMS J� RESIDENTIAL HASSAN -- ----- - - - - -- .....6......__.._.._..___ .. .....- 89. - - -- - - - -15 ------- • - - - - -- - -- - - - - -� BROOKLYN CENTER 87.7 548 - _ CHAMPLIN ..... -- 91.9 246 CRYSTAL.- 87.9 ....._...-- ------ ------ 638 - -- - -- - - - - - -- -� -- -- --- - - - - -_ DEEPHAVEN 8818 106 ■ EDINA - -- - -- 87.0 1118 EXCELSIOR 90.3 GOLDEN VALLEY 89.2 500 ■ HOPKINS 92.3 164 LONG LAKE 86.7.._._... ._.- ........ _._.. _ 55 MAPLE PLAIN 85.0 32 i MINNETONKA BEACH - - ---------- __.._. _.. - -• - - -.. 101.8 raoun►n 67.8 360 OSSEO 88.8 35 R IC HFIELD ..._ .. _ 91 .B 799 ROBBINSOALE.._._.__ _ .._. ....,- _89.1 _._.. ...._..... _. __... ... 335 � o ST LOUIS PARK 87.7 1202 me SPRING PARK _ 82.2 i - _ -- -- -- - TONKA BAY 85.9 35 a WAYZATA 91.8 93 BLOOMINGTON -.. _... __ ... 86.8 1699 NEN HOPE... MAPLE GROVE '91.7 ................... ..._ .. ....__ ........ 90.7 - -- - 444 516 MEDINA .ORONO 91.6 45 -- -- - -- - -- - - - -- ....... 88.2 . _ .. _......._._....___ .- _.`... - - - -- - - 171 __- _.-- •----- _.....__.. __..._._._._.; PLYMOUTH 90.6 740 .s BROOKLYN PARK 91.0 851 - GREFNWnOD- _._..._ -.... __._ ... __......_.._... 77.5 ....._.._....._. _. _._._..__._......._.__.... ... ..._ . 18 .MINNETONKA 90.0 895 _ SHOREWOOD 92.9 101 INDEPENDENCE 85.2i 34 GREENFIELD 85.1 20 CORCORAN / 88.1 65 M I NNE rtR I S T A - -- - - - -- - -- - --- -- --� --- - -; - 81 .9 - - EDEN PRAIRIE 87.9 352 DAYTON 89.8 67 . - M 1 NNEA POL I S .....84.8 7401-- ...._..._... - -. -. ST ANTHONY 89.7 81 -- - -- _.._..._ ... .._.. - _._..._-•-•---- 87.6 -_._.._..__.1 9974 .%b FA U) HA I 10 SIUDILS Z of Sales /,' CD Median Suggested Increase rwwe •- Z: ` --- .3..2% -• - -- 07 16 5.6% 8*5 86.7 r 0.6.7— 4.7% 9.3 _._96.1../.. - 96..2—. ........... 81.41Z 14.6 .8.3. 8. 10.8 88.8._2. .104,2-.--. 6.1% 8...6 .......... 9.7 111.3 • 7.9_4 7 -0 85 q - 8 1% 4 8. 105.0 ...... . ... 98 l...3 0% NA NA NA 6.4% 7.8 .7 5.1% 8.8 84.4.Zr1 . ... ... .. 6.6% 8.8 83.0 111.4 ._ 6 41, 10 iff 10 ....8G..9 1.06.4 13.0 86..5.6 1Q6,9 - - - --- ql(5s L 7 76�11W Afr- 4efg v ( Ratios or bales rrlces (Less UBCL8re0 rcr. rrup -/ vccUaaauK During 2 ?rev. Year + Current Year to: Current Year Assmt.) 75 E14V or 1.MV 76 E4V or L *IV ie. 73 -75 Sales Prices 75 Ratios 7476 Sales Prices 76 Ratios Level of Assessment Created 87.8 Level of Assessment Created Y.qd i na Py Effect of Limited Value Law Crystal 95.7 By Assessor 95.6 Orono 75 LI`SITt•D RATIOS 76 LIMITED RATIOS jE11I \A 94.61 75 EST. MKT. Dayton RATIOS 102.9 76 EST. MKT. RATIOS Dayton 96.1 Champlin 107.6 EDINA 93.8' New i:ope Osseo 93.2 93.2 Mtka 'Eden Praire 100.5 99.4 Medina Brooklyn Ctr. 100.? 99.4 New Hope 92.3 Eden Praire 92.3 Corcoran 92.8 Brooklyn Ctr. 98.9 Richfield 98.5 Plymouth 91.5 Dayton 92.6 Brooklyn Pk..' 98.7 Hopkins 98.3 Corcoran 91.2 Plymouth 91.4 Plymouth 98.1 Mound 98.2 Bloomington 91.2 Iloomington 91.4 Medina 97.9 Corcoran 97.5 Maple Grove 91.2 Maple Grove 91.1 Champlin 97.7 Plymouth 97.4 Broo4lyrt rk. 91.0 Brooklyn Pk. 91.0 EDINA 97.71 EDINA 97.1 Champlin 91.0 Champlin 90.8 Hopkins 97.5 Brooklyn Pk. 96.8 Robbinsdale 9n.4 Lden Praire 90.6 Mtka. 90.0 !Tedino 90.0 St. Anthony 89.R St. Louis Pk. .89.9 Golden valley 89.4 Robbinsdale 89.6 St. Louis Pk. 89.2 Mtka 89.3 Ropcins 88.9 St. Anthony 89.1 Minnetrista 88.8 Golden Valley 89.1 Richfield 88.6 Hopkins Osseo 88.5 Richfield Deephaven 87.9 �MPLS. 87.8 Brooklyn Ctr. 87.3 Y.qd i na 86.9 Crystal Mound Orono Excelsior Wayzata 86.7 - 86.6 86.2 84.9 83.1 Excelsior 88.91 88.71 87.9 Wayzata 87.6 Crystal 87.4 MFLS. 86.9) Brooklyn Ctr. 86.6 Deephaven 86.4 Corcoran 97.4 Bloomington 97.3 St. Anthony 97.1 Richfield 96.8 Golden Valley 96.7 Minnetrista 96.2 Excelsior 96.0 Robbinsdale 95.8 Deephaven 95.3 St. Louis Pk. 95.2 Crystal 95.2 New Hope 94.8 Maple Grove 94.6 Orono 94.2 �MPLS . 94.0 hound 86.3 Osseo Orono 85.7 Mound Minnetrista 84.6 Wayzata Eden Praire 96.8 Golden Valley 96.7 Dayton 96.7 Deephaven 96.1 Bloomington 96.0 New Hope 96.0 Excelsior 95.8 Crystal 95.7 Wayzata 95.6 Orono 95.6 Mtka. 95.5 St.'Louis Pk. 95.5 Robbinsdale 95.3 Osseo 92.21 Maple Grove 91.7 Minnetrista 89.21 St. Anthony COUNTY RATIO STUDY OF EDINA 1975 Coefficient of Dispersion Brooklyn Ctr. 7.24 Brooklyn Pk. 7.9? St. Anthony 8.06 Hopkins 8.50 (EDINA 8.75' Plymouth 8.76 Cloonington 8.92 New Hope 9.03 Eden Praire 9.41 Richfield 9.49 Mtka. 9.631 Crystal 10.00 Maple Grove 10.03 Golden Valley 10.34 Osseo 10.35 Robbinsdale 10.41 St. Louis Pk. 10.83 1976 Coefficient of Dispersion Brooklyn Pk. 8.96 Eden Praire 9.02 ' New Rope 9.17 Hopkins 9.33 St. Anthony 9.44 Plymouth 9.47 Brooklyn Ctr. 9.53 Bloomington 9.87 EDINA 9.90 Crystal 9.94 Excelsior 10.08 Medina 10.31 Corcoran 10.54 St. Louis Pk. 10.56 Dayton 10.63 Golden Valley 10.66 Maple Grove 10.60 Wayzata 10.83 Richfield Champlin 11.05 Deephaven Deephaven 11.15 Robbinsdale Med ina Dayton Corcoran 95.3) Excelsior 94.4 Mound 94.4 C:. LS. 93.2 Orono 92.9 Minnetrista 11.17 Iitka. . 11.39 Wayzata 11.42 Champlin 11.53 Mound 12.17 Osseo 12.68 (MPLS. 15.84 Orono 18.33 Minnetrista 10.73 10.73 10.80 11.15 11.17 11.68 11.82 12.38 13.55) 14.44 16.30 . 1975 Prior 1975 EMV 1976 EMV 1977 E4V to -6% Sales 9/73 -8/74 Sales 9/74 -8/75 Sales 9175 -R/76 MEDIAN - - - - - - - - - - - 98.3 92.4 92.6 91.5 MEAN - - - - - - - - - - - - 98.7 92.7 93.4 91.7 COEFF. OF DISPERSION - - - - 7.0 7.0 8.2 9.1