HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-17_COUNCIL MEETINGMEMO TO: Warren C. Hyde FROM: Tom Melena DATE: January 12, 1977 SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT BEDS, BID OPENING At 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, January 12,:1977, bids were received for the Fire Department beds. Only one bid was received, that from Sico 'Incorporated for $9,404.48.. This is $728 over the original quote; however, $152 of that was to complete the framing to the ceiling for both anchoring and to insure a finished look. The remaining $576 is for installation of said beds. The original quote.'was with the Fire Department, in their spare time, installing the beds. However, the people capable of said work are either the Chief, Assistant Chiefs or senior men already being fully used. I would therefore recommend that this bid be accepted as a turnkey operation with the "factory trained personnel" handling installation. The only other communication received on the bid was from Murphy Door -Bed Company through their representative here in Minneapolis. They telephoned_andstated that they had insufficient time to work up a,bid and that they would have a good many exceptions since they felt the specifications were.written around the Sico product. They also noted that since Sico was so close that it might be more appropriate if the bid were awarded to them. Lastly, once the City has removed the existing beds, they will be sold to high bidder (sealed bid received by us) with a minimum amount stipulated. Beds not sold that way, will go to the spring auction. Total Cost $ 9,404.48 Top of Bed Anchors 152`.00. Installation 576.00 Original Quote 8,676.48 RECOMMEND BID AWARD FOR TOTAL COST OF $9,404.48. Thomas M. Melena Administrative Assistant TMM /skh (Offkial Pobllcattozi) CITY OF EDINA . 4801 W.`50TH STREET EDINA, MINN. VAH ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS . FIRE DEPARTMENT BEDS BIDS CLOSE JANUARY 12,1877 . SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers, {l Edina City Hau, 4801'W.-50th Street, at 11:00. a.m., Weddesda , January 12, 1877, and the Edina GSty Coon l will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, Jan- uary 17,11877, at the Edina City Hall to . consider bids being for the following: Folder concealed, to a wall beds Bids shall.be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the items covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Clerk, City of Edina, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Clerk. Bids received. by_ the.City, Clerk, either through the mail or by ' personal submission, after the,time -set for receiving them may be re= turned unopened: Bids must be W conformance with speciflcations which'are available at . the .Edina City Hall. No bids-.will be considered unless sealed and accom- pa I by each deposit; bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount, of at least ten. (10) percent of amountof net bid. The City Council reserves the right tore- jest any or all bids or any part of any . bid, and will accept the bid that is de- emed to be in the best interest of the BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. - FLORENCE B. HALLBERG j , • ' C le- rk I( (Dec. 28, 1876 & - _ City, Jan.-5,.1976)—ED. MEMORANDUM TO: Warren C. Hyde City Manager FROM: Robert J. Buresh SUBJECT: Beds for Fire Station $2,100 has been allocated in the 1976 budget for the purchase of new beds. The estimated cost of 8 beds is $2,712 (see attached estimate from,Sears catalog). These would be extra long, with box springs and a firm mattress, which would be a vast improvement over our present beds which do not have a box spring and are not extra long. Also, they would be free - standing and not fold into the wall. The disadvantage to.this is that we will lose some valuable space in our office dispatching area. We would also lose the office atmosphere, which is quite important to the nature of business. In example, we are taking over 300 blood pressure readings per month in this room (and this figure is climbing monthly), plus the continual traffic of normal business involving our inspections and operations. We would also lose some valuable space in our dormitory /training room, which was designed and is used for this dual purpose. We use this as a training room several times a week for our Fire Department personnel. In addition to this, the room is put to good use as a classroom which we use for teaching first ai.d, CPR, and fire tactics classes to the Police Department personnel, first aid and CPR classes to the Park Department personnel, and first aid, CPR, and fire prevention classes which we teach to the community organizations throughout the year. This year to date, we have taught 97 classes for the public, 29 of which were conducted in this training room. We consider this a valuable community service, and would be reluctant to schedule these classes at other facilities unless absolutely necessary. By bringing the people into the station, we are not spreading our on -duty personnel as thin, plus we are able to provide tours of the facility to the interested citizens and answer the many questions that they have regarding fire prevention matters and municipal fire protection in Edina. We have received many positive comments on this method of conducting our classes, and we strongly feel that it has helped us develop a most favorable community relations atmosphere. We have also noticed that people enjoy seeing as well as hearing of the services and equipment which they are receiving for their tax dollar Although at present we do not need more than 8 new beds, I propose that we purchase 16 at this time to replace the existing 16, which are not worn out but have become very troublesome due to the inadequate size, no box springs, Warren C. Hyde - 2 - December 17, 1976 and continual mechanical problems with the frame - retracting mechanism. There are several reasons why I am recommending the purchase of 16 at this time: 1. Eight will satisfy our immediate needs, as our present maximum on -duty strength is 8 men, but if we were only to purchase this amount, it would not provide for possible future needs. 2. Both rooms in which the beds are located are high visibility rooms concerning Fire Department and public usage. For this reason, I request that we maintain continuity in station furnishings and not purchase on a "part -at -a- time" schedule. 3. If the past is an indication of the future, we can expect price increases each year. 4. If we never increase the size of our on -duty strength, which is a possibility, there would be no loss in the purchase of 8 extra beds because they would be used equally and, therefore, last twice as long before replacement is eventually necessary in the -future. 5. This is an investment based on long -term need, not short -term benefits. In the past, we have received comparative bids for this type of retractable bed from SICO and Murphy (see attached memo of September 2, 1976). I could hardly recommend a Murphy bed with the problems we are presently having with their product. I met with Kermit Wilson, President of SICO, Inc., this week, and he and his sales representative have agreed to sell their product to us at their cost. This is contingent upon us allowing them to use our fire station as a place to occasionally show their product to potential customers. I agreed to this. We have investigated the SICO product very thoroughly and have found it to be of high quality, with no known complaints as to the mattress, box springs, or retracting mechanism. They recently furnished a station in Minneapolis, which I looked at. They also offered to furnish one man for one day at no charge to help us install the beds. As you will note, the prices vary somewhat from the September 2nd prices quoted to you from Tom Melena. The difference is that I had them figure a complete housing, which the bed would retract into. Without this, the sides of the mattress, box springs, and retracting mechanism would be exposed, and I'm inclined to think it would look rather crude in the multi - purpose rooms where they will be used.. I have also had them include locker units as shown on the drawing. These lockers are not real critical but very desirable as they would free up some space for us in the locker room which we need for supplies.and equipment. a Warren C. Hyde - 3 - December 17, 1976 Below you will find a current quotation from the SICO Company. I propose that we purchase these beds with the surplus money which was accrued this year in our budget for personal services. I conservatively estimate that we will have in excess of a $25,000 surplus in this part of our budget. As you know, this did not all occur accidentally. Also, it is not my intention to try to use every last dollar in the budget, but if I am given a certain amount of flexi- bility in this type. of management, I strongly feel that top performance from employees will be more readily obtained. To date, we have received 69 letters of commendation from the citizens this year. As a point of information, Mr.. Luck es from the SICO Company estimated that the resale value of our existing beds should be about $75.00 and no less than $50.00 per unit. If we sell them for $50.00 each, we should be able to reduce the overall costs by $800.00. Proposed Method of Financing Total SICO Price Quotation $ 8,676.48 1976 Budget Appropriation 2,100.00 Balance Short, 6,576.48 Estimated Return from Sale of Existing Beds 800.00 Portion of $25,000 + Surplus in 1976 Budget to be Transferred From Personal to Capital Improvement $ 5,776.48 � JS Ro ert J. Bures Director of Public Safety Attachments ESTIMATE OF PERSONAL SERVICES FUNDS BEDS FROM SEARS 1976 FALL /WINTER CATALOG Spread $ 15.00 Mattress Cover 9.00 Innerspring and Foundation Mattresses 263.00 (Long Twin) Headboard 22.00 Frame 30.00 $ 339.00 IWO Total $2,712.00 To [PRUE QUOTAVROM f o�i SICO INCORPORATED P. O. BOX 1169 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 Phone: (612) 941 -1700 CITY OF EDINA EDINA, MINNESOTA Date _December 16 1976 Quotation No. - 1698 Your In ui PER FART. LUCKES RE: FIRE STATION We are pleased to quote on the following, subject to the terms herein: OPEN FOR ACCEPTANCE FOR 30 DAYS ;NIT LIGHT i TOTAL WEIGHT I QUANTITY ORDERING NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT I AMOUNT PRICE Pmaz SICO IN -WALL BED 3zt�,lc5 16 1350 -002 Twin Extra Length Basic Frame & Bed 247.59 Mechanism 16 1 1216 -002 Twin Extra Length Box Spring & t2- 7•`1C' 89.41 Mattress Set 16 1 Special Melamine Recess Z5l<.ZS 142.16 13 1 ,411701 -A Special Hinge Door Locker Units 1 65.60 16 099019 Baseplate 9.82 Shipment to be made 30 -45 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF ORDER $3,961.44 1,430.56 2,274.56 852.80 157.12 $8,676.48 Terms: NET 30 DAYS F.O.B. Point OUR FACTORY The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other a,- reemGita unless at'vroved In writing' by the Home Office of the Seller. All Quotations and agre-emeats are continl;eut upon stri' -:es, accidents, flre.3, avallabllity of ,natc3n!i and all other cr-uae:i . beyond our control. Prices are based on costs and conditions axiating on ditto of quotation and nre uubject to char..se by the _!cl!ar brfuru final acceptance. Typoirmphleal and stenographic errors ar1l,jact to correction. Pucuhnsar :ens to ar: ap[ •:this ov„ra[:� or obortage not In excess of ten percont to be charged for pro -rata. Purchnner ansumts ilatbil;_, ;:3r p: +tent uml cooyrigh: •. frin, :aweut wl— t yuoda ure male to Purehaaer's npeclflc.ations. When quota- tion aDeelfies material to be furnlahed by the p, ,chaacr, ample allowance m3' be mach for r�.,,una`. -le a,+ollaye and mater! :.I must be of su,.able Quality to facllitate efficlent production. Conditions not spoelficully stated herc'.n shall be governed by est::blished _ade customs. Terms inconsl9tOgt with those stated herein which may appear on Purchasei s formal order will not be binding on the Seller. Form #300 -009 1, EASE R�. T L '1'_� C_2UG'i.r' :' 1C.id 1:0. III JILL 171"Tul:!, ;.TANDARD FORM 4176 //� �fi /� s -.•t -- — MATTICK BUST N ESS FORMS—CHICAGO - -- cc: Bill Orosz. EARL L. LUCKES, SALES MANAGER q • MEMO TO: Warren Hyde FROM: Tom Melena DATE September 2, 1976 SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT BEDS As authorized on last year's budget, the City has received quotations for the purchase of replacement beds for the Fire Department. The quotations received were from a local firm, Sico, and.from the Murphy Door Bed Company in New York, New York. The total cost from the Sico.Corporation was $4,668, and the total cost from the Murphy Company was $4,677.20. The cost breakdown is as follows: Sico Murphy Cost per bed $ 388.30 $ 297.50 Woodwork 195.20 244.00 Freight 0 43.15 Total Cost $4,668.00 $4,677.20 Total cost per bed. S 583.50 $ 584.65 As can be seen, although the Murphy bed is cheaper for each unit, the freight cost from New York to here means an additional amount added to the base price, which takes them over the base price of Sico. I would also like to point out that we have had problems with the beds we now have, which are Murphy beds. As a result, I would like to recommend that we award this purchase to the Sico Corporation for $4,668. In the 1976 budget the amount allocated for beds was $2,100. However, the Fire Department has not yet purchase $1,700 worth of Scott Air Packs, a $550 Jet Ax and approximately $400 worth of tools and shop equipment. _._ The- Fi -r-e -- Department - i- s- wi- l- i- i- ng -to- not - purchase- these items in order to take these funds allocated and direct them towards the purchase of beds. This means the total amount of funds available for the purchase of the beds is $4,650, TMM /skh PRUCE QU072%4QON ` Imo/ as SICO INCORPORATED P. O. BOX 1169 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 Phone: (612) 941 -1700 vim CITY OF EDINA ATTN: MR. THOMAS MELENA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 Date August 31, 1976 Quotation No. 1581 Your Inquiry PER BILL OROSZ EDINA FIRE STATION We are pleased to quote on the following, subject to the terms herein: OPEN FOR ACCEPTANCE FOR 30. DAYS -"N IT TOTAL TIGHT WEIGHT QUANTITYI ORDERING NO. DESCRIPTION SICO IN -WALL BED ?27# 1816# 8 1360 -002 Twin Extra Length Basic Frame & Bed Mechanism w /Baseplate & ]Plastic Face 95# 760# 8 1216 -002 Twin Extra Length Box Spring & Mattress Set "M APPROXIMATE TOTAL WEIGHT. - ,576;` APPROXIMATE FREIGHT RATE - $47.40 L lj+B.Q.J OVA A, �t C. fl-k - 'y �t "i.16222n 1_� %-. Shipment to be made 30 -45 DAYS AFTER RECEI Terms: NET 30 DAYS ORDER UNIT AMOUNT PRICE :.j 456.10 $3,648.80 127.401 1,019.20 $4,668.00 a F.O.B. Point OUR FACTORY The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved In writing by the Home Office of the Seller. All quotations and agreements are contingent upon strikes. accidents, fires, availability of materials and all other causes beyond our control. Prices are based on costa and conditions existing on date of quotation and are subject to change by the Seller before final aCCeytance. Typographical and stenovrapbic errors subject to correction. Purchaser ngrees to accept either overnare or ■borta¢e not in excess of ten percent to be charred for pro -rata. Purchaser aAeumce liability for patent and copyright Infringement when goods are rondo to Purchaser's specifications. When quota- tion spscilleR material to be furnlahed by the purchaser, ample allowance must be made for reasonable spoilage and material must be of suitable quality to Iacilltate efficient production. Conditions not specifically stated herein shall be Governed by established trade customs. Terms inconsistent with those stated herein which may appear on Purchaser's formal order will not be binding on the Seller. Form #300.009 PLEASE REFER TO QUOTATION NO. IN ALL FUTURE CORRESPONDENCE STANDARD rORM 4176 By NATTICK BUSINESS FORMS- CHICAGO By cc: Bill Orosz EARL L. LUCKES, SALES MANAGER To C.:. ..il.. W•. MRTMW CHI17 ROBERT BURESH VILLAGE OF EDINA 6250 TRACY AVIMNE EDINA, MINNESOTA SIC0 DICORP026I TE..D P.O. BOX 11G9 rd1I07EAPOLIS. LLN 55440 Phone: (012) 941 -1700 We are pleased to quote on the following, subject to the ferias herein: { L Date August 18, 1975 Quotation No. 1072 REVISED Your Inquiry OPF11 FOR ACCEPThk10E FOR 30 DAYS "+{:��: mod:^ *JA�7FjT:.. .] r.. i•�,.; :� :_ ;i �'' '" =b SCAIP.TIO 1.: . ex. _ 1�.g - J' v . ri: �;... ,�.a- Wt=Ii:n I89# 3024; 95# 1520; !95# 3126 16 SILO IN -WALL EID , 1200 -002 Twin Extra Length Basic Frame & � Bed Mechanism 320.35 $51,125.60 i "16_, %� 1216 -002 Twin Extras Length Box Spring & 21_.30 1,940.80 Mattress Set 16 1242 -SP Ilelamine Recess 244.15 30906.40 $10,972.80 �7 d Cr7 APPROXIMATE TYLIL {MIGHT - 7,664: 4 APPROXII -LATE FREIGHT RATE - $57.50 Shipment to be made 45 -60 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT Or ORDER Terms: NET 30 DAYS F. O. B. Point OUR FACTORY, m3 Is. The prices and terms on this Quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved In wrlt't by the Home office of the Seller. All quotations and agreements aro contingent upon strikes, scciden,8. fires, availability of materials and nil other causes beyond our control. Prices are based on costa and cunditiona existing on date of quotation and are subject to chiingo by the Seller beforL, final aceeptaaca. Ty rographical and stenographic errors subject to correction. Purchnser agrees to accent either overaxe or shurtxgo not in execs of ten rercent to be ebarged for pro -rntn. Purchaser assuniea 1hLbility for patent and copyright infringement when gooda are ninde to Pu..:l:aser's specificatinna. When quota- tion specifies materinl to be furnished by the purchaser, ample allowance must be made for reasonable sroilago and materi"I anus.: be of sultable qualltir to facllitnte efficient production. Conditions not specifically stated herein shall be governed by established trade customs. Terms lncons -ntent with those stated herein which may appear on Purchaser's formal order will not bo binding on the Seller. of..ct v<rg�G� PLEASE RErFER TO QUOTATION r-470. STANDARD FORM 4179 U4 ALL rLlnlJRE COI�RESPOUDEIICE B MAiTICK BUSINESS iORMS- CHICAGO )I_ �"' rl:61L TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Warren C. Hyde, City Manager DATE: January 14, 1977 SUBJECT: STRIKE INFORMATION Attached please find information which we have distributed to our employees regarding the current strike by Local 49. WCH /skh ATTACH. War en C. Hyde j City Manager i ,►L- U MEMO T0: All City Employees FROM: Gary West, Admin. Services Coord. /Personnel Director DATE: January 11, 1977 SUBJECT: VACATION AND SICK LEAVE POLICY DURING STRIKES In the attached memorandum, Mr. Hyde outlines the duties and responsibilities of City employees in the event Public Works and Park employees represented by Local No. 49 engage in a lawful strike on Wednesday. If a strike occurs, we can expect that many of us will have to double up on our jobs in order that the basic services can continue to the public. Therefore, it will be necessary for the City to curtail the granting of any vacations during the strike period and require medical confirmation of any request for sick leave. This policy may be modified at a later time depending upon the length of the strike and our ability to cope with any problems which may arise. Questions concerning vacations and the use of sick leave during a strike should be directed to the Personnel Office. G LW/ s kh Gary Ll. /West Administrative Services Coordinator Persori el Director January 10, 1977 To: From: Subject: City Employees Vlar.ren..C. Hyde, City Manager Duties, Obligations and Rights of City.Employeas. During Work Stoppage It is very possible that Local 49 bargaining unit employees may engage in a lawful strike sometime after twelve midnight January 11; 1977. The purpose of this memorandum and the attached items is to provide you as a city em- ployee with information on your duties, obligations and rights during a strike by other city employees. Non- striking city employees have the duty, obligation and right to cross picket lines and to perform your job as though there were no strike in progress. Picketing is a lawful form of expression, but is not a lawful means of obstructing the normal conduct of city business. Therefore, all non - striking city employees will be expected to perform their work at their normal workstations during the course of a strike. Please refer all requests for information concerning the strike to the city manager's office where one of the staff members will answer questions and provide information. The city manager's office is also responsible for har. ,41ing all press relea -ses and requests for information from the various media. Attached to this memorandum you will find an excerpt from the Minnesota Public Employment Labor Relations Act listing unfair labor practices applicable to both the employer and employee groups which help you govern conduct during a strike. Also attached you will find a list of suggested do's and don'ts concerning situations which could conceivably occur during a strike situa tion. Although a strike represents an adversary situation it .has--not reflected, and need not ra�l_ct ill will and animosities. Wb,al:l intend towork harmoniously together following settlement of the strike and any unnecessary acrimony will Only interfere with that objective. EXCERPT FROM MININESOTA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LABOR RELATIONS ACT 179.68 UNFAIR PRACTICES. Subdivision 1., The practices. specified in this section are unfair practices. Any employee, employer, employee or employer organization, exclusive representative, or any other person or organization aggrieved by an unfair labor practice as defined in sections 179.61 to 179.77 may bring an action in district court of the county whareir. the practice is alleged to have occurred for injunctive relief and for damages caused by such unfair labor practice. Subd. 2. Public employers, their agents or representatives are prohibited from: (1) Interfering, restraining or coercing employees in the exercise • -- of the rights guaranteed in sections 179.61 to 179.77; (2) dominating or interfering with the formation, existence or admin- istration of any employee organization or contributing other support to it; (3) discriminating in regard to hire or tenure to encourage or discou.rage membership in an employee organization; (4) discharging or othe:tvise discriminating against an employee because he has signed or riled an affidavit, petition or complaint or given any inform- ation or testirr:ony under sections 179.61 to 179.77; (5) refusing to meet and negotiate in good faith with the exclusive representative of its employees in an appropriate unit; (6) refusing to comply with grievance procedures contained in an agreement as required by section 179.70; (7) distributing or circulating any blacklist of individuals exercising any legal right or of members of a labor organization for the purpose of prevent- ing individuals so blacklisted from obtaining or retaining employment; (8) violating any of the rules and regulations established by the director regulating the conduct of representation elections, or (9) refusing to comply with the provisions of a valid decision of a binding arbitration panel or arbitrator acting pursuant to sections 179. 61 to 179.77; (10) violating or refusing to comply with any lawful order or decision issued by the director or the board; 01) refusing to provida upon request of t1-n exclusive representative -- - -2- all information pertaining to the public employer's budget both present and proposed, revenues and other financing information. In the executive branch of the state government, the provisions -of this clause shall not be considered contrary to the budgetary requirements set forth in sections 16. 14, 16.15 and 16.155. Subd. 3. Employee organizations, their agents or representatives, and public employees are prohibited from: (1) restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights as provided in sections 179.61 to 179.77; (2) restraining or coercing a public employer in the selection of his representatives to be employed for the purposes of meeting and negotiating or the adjustment of grievances; (3) refusing to meet and negotiate in good faith with a public employer, - -if they have been designated in accordance with the provisions of sections 179.61 to 179.77 as the exclusive representative of employees in an appro- priate unit; (4) violating any of the rules and regulations established by the director regulating the conduct of representation elections; (5) refusing to comply with the provision of a valid decision of an arbitration panel or arbitrator acting pursuant to sections 179.61 to 179.77; (6) calling, instituting, maintaining or conducting a strike or boycott against any public employer on account of any jurisdictional controversy; (7) coercing or restraining any person with the effect to: (a) force or require any public employer to cease dealing or doing business with any other person, or; (b) force or require a public employer to recognize for representation purposes an employee organization not certified by the director; (c) refuse to handle goods or perform services; (d) preventing an employes from providing services to the employer; (8) committing any act designed to damage or actually damaging physical property or endangering the safety of persons while engaging in a strike; (9) forcing or requiring any employer to assign particular work to employes in a particular employee organization or in a particular trade, cra *"t, or class rather than to employees in another employee organization or in another trade, craft or class; (10) causing or attempting to cause a public employer to pay or deliver _ -3- or agree to pay or deliver any moray or other thing of value, in the nature of an exaction, for services which are not performed or not to be par forms--;. (11) engaging in an unlawful strike; (12) picketing which has an unlawful purpose such as secon:ary boycott; (13) picketing which unreasonably interferes with the ingress and egress to facilities .of the public employer; (14) seizing or occupying or destroying property of the employer; (15) violating or refusing to comply with any lawful order or decision Issued by the director of the board as authorized by sections 179.61 to 179.77. 0 SUGGESTED DO'S AND DOPd'TS DURING STRUT SITli�T'Ot ** *.DO'S * ** 1. Do avoid any confrontations with pickets, striking employeas and union officials. 2. Do ignore remarks made that are clearly intended to harass you. _ 3. Do stay clear of picket lines except when required to go to or from your place of work or to perform tasks beyond the picket lines. 4. Do act and speak as normal as possible when engaging in any conversations with pickets and other striking employees. 5. Do drive carefully when driving near picket lines. 6. Do keep your windows closed and doors locked when passing through picket lines. 7. Do call the police if you are unduly harassed, intimidated, challenged or otherwise confronted by pickets, striking employees, union officials, etc. S. Do remain calm and refrain from engaging in lengthy conversations in- which you do r_o: �:ish" to participate. 9. Do report any acts of violence, militancy, personal abuse, rock throwing, equipment damage, etc. to the police at once. * ** DON'TS * ** 1. Do not interfere with the employees who are on strike. 2. Do not argue with pickets. 3. Do not attempt to force your way through a picket line. 4. Do not become involved in union or membership disputes. 5. Do not jeer striking employees or antagonize them. 6. Do not hesitate to call for assistance if molested or threatened by anyone. 7. Do not. join. in with pickets, striking employees or union officials in promoting the strike. 8. Do not "side -in" with or declare allegiance to either side. -2= 9. Do not attempt to run over `ny,one with a vehicle you may be driving just because a person stands in the path of your vehicle. if the road or driveway is blocked, stay clear of the area and notify the Police. 10. Do not be intimidated by jears, howls, catcalls, etc. by pickets. If you pass quietly by or pass the normal time -of -day conversation there will usually be no reason for alarm. 11. Do not roll your windows do-.-;n when driving through a picket line. If your radio and other accessories are turned off you can hear viell enough through the closed window. Do not respond to questions by pickets, striking employees or union 12. officials to which you do not <now the answer. Simply say "I don't know" or some similar answer. 13. Do not engage in any acts of violence, militancy, personal abuse, rock throwing, equipment damage, etc. in retaliation for anything. January 12, 1977 TELEPHONE ANSWER ON PUBLIC WORKS STRIKE SITUATION Some 50 employees of Edina's sewer, water, street and park departments have joined with about 650 other members of Local 49, Intl. Union of Operating Engineers, in a lawful strike against Edina and 21 other suburbs. The strike began at midnight, Wednesday, January 12. The cities had made an offer to increase wage rates approximately 7% in 1977 and again in 1978. This was rejected. As a result, the City can handle only critical problems, such as water main breaks, sewer cloggins, and some street sanding. In the event of snow fall, efforts will be made to do necessary plowing. It is hoped that negotiations between the union and the cities will continue and that'the strike will end soon. W. C. HYDE CITY MANAGER Many of you may receive telephone calls from citizens asking questions regarding the strike or requesting information about City services. You may use information from this memorandum in answering their questions, but avoid extensive details, expressions of "personal opinion" on the strike or arguments with the citizens. Remain courteous under all circum- stances. If they request services or report emergencies, such as water main breaks, sewer back -ups, street sanding or snow plowing, get their name, the.nature of the emergency or request, the address where the service Is needed, and the caller's telephone number. Advise them the information will be given to the Public Works Department, that supervisory and non- striking personnel are providing the basic services, and the matter will be taken care of as soon as available manpower permits. Thank them for the call and then advise Public Works (extension 41, 46 or 47) as soon as possible of the information you have received. Should questions arise which you feel uncomfortable in answering, refer them to either Tom Melena (ext. 14) or Gary West (ext.12). Callers may be advised that City liquor stores, are open for busii they may be advised that pickets will not restrict access to City In handling each individual call courteous to all citizens on the GLW /skh 1/12/77 Hall and other facilities, including less as usual. If an inquiry is made, are present at City buildings, but they facilities. Use your best judgement or situation, but most of all remain phone or in person. Issued 12:00 Noon January 12, 1977 GENERAL STRIKE A NFORMATION At 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, January 12, 1977, employees of Edina's street, park maintenance, water and sewer departments, who'are represented by Local No. 49, International Union of Operating Engineers, legally struck the City. Employees of 21 other suburbs also struck. This strike, involving about 50 Edina employees, was occasioned when members of the Union, at a meeting Tuesday night, January,]], failed to ratify an understanding reached by committees representing the Union and the municipalities. During the,.strike, the City will make every effort to operate services-by utilizing supervisory and non - striking personnel. It may be necessary to stop maintenance of outdoor skating rinks and to lower the performance level of snow - plowing and street sanding. Your patience and understanding during the period of the strike will be greatly appreciated and most helpful. Please limit calls for service to those of emergency nature only. The agreement reached by the negotiating committees included the following: 1. A wage increase of 371 per hour in 1977 for light equipment operators (truck drivers primarily). This is 6% more than in 1976 and brings the rate to $6.56 per hour or,$1,137 per month. 2. Another increase of. 40C per hour in 1978, of 6.1% more. This would bring the base rate to $6.96 hourly or $1,206 monthly. 3. Health and life insurance payments would increase to $52.50 and $57.50. per month in 1977 and 1978, respectively. In 1976, the City paid $41.00 per month for this purpose. Since the mid- 1960's. Edina has participated.with most. of the other principal suburbs in joint- bargaining with the Operating Engineers and most problems were reasonably well solved without strike for several years. With the enactment of the Minnesota State Public Employee Labor Relations Law in 1971, however, negotiations became much more formalized and time - consuming. Negotiations for the 1977 -78 contract terms started in May, 1976. Because no agree - ment °was, likely, State mediation was requested in September. Early.i,n. D,e.cember, tentative agreement was reached on the proposal described above.:The agreement was recommended by Union leadership at a general membership meeting December 7, but rejected by the members by a 3 to l margin. Less than half of the 700 members were, reportedly, present. On December 27, the State Director of the Bureau of Mediation Services formally declared the negotiations to:be at impasse, which made it possible for the Union to strike lawfully any time after 15 days. Another negotiation session was held Tuesday, January 11, with the Union membership rejecting the offer at a meeting later that day. The negotiating committee for the cities is composed of.five city managers who have had frequent meetings with the managers-and administrators of the-22 suburbs involved. Mayors and City Council members have been kept fully informed of developments. The last offer made by the cities would stretch the limited tax resources available, and is consistent with wage increases granted for other employee groups. GLW /skh . . 4 Issued 12:00 Noon January 14, 1977 GENERAL STRIKE INFORMATION UPDATE The following information has been prepared by the Metropolitan Area Management Association concerning our decision to refuse binding arbitration of the Local 49 contract. We are passing it along to you for your information in an attempt to keep you well informed of current progress. The Bureau of Mediation-Services have apparently set another negotiation session for next week. Until then, the strike is continuing, the pickets are marching, and City services seem to be functioning well. We thank you for your continued cooperation and for taking up the slack created by the 49'ers absence. Keep up the, excellent work. War "ren 'C Y Hyde WCH /skh City Manager Metropolitan Area Management Association (M.A.M.A.) and the International Union of Operating Engineers (I.U.O.E.), Local No. -49 Contract Negotiations for a 1977 -78 Contract - The Decision Not To Arbitrate The decision by M.A.M.A. not to agree to arbitrate the contract impasse with I.U.O.E., Local No. 49 was based on public employers) experience with contract arbitration in Minnesota and other states. In reports published by the National League of Cities, recognized labor relations reporting services and researchers consistently report that contract arbitration is not a satisfactory solution for public employment labor relations impasses for the following reasons: 1. Contract arbitration significantly limits both the union and employers' ability and incentive to bargain and resolve their own disputes. Research clearly indicates that, when-the parties anticipate arbitration, neither the union nor the employer make as serious an attempt to bargain and resolve the disputes as when arbitration as an alternative is not present. Bgth sides tend to hold back so that when the arbitrators split the difference, or compromise between the parties'-positions, the result will be more in tune with the parties real final positions. This tendency limits severely the likelihood of settlement and promotes continual arbitration of contract disputes,.so that over time, outside parties are determining the basic elements of a public employer's relationship with its employees. 11,1` O 2. Arbitrators in contract disputes do generally compromise issues . and split the difference. Research on arbitration awards in Minnesota and elsewhere indicates quite clearly that arbitrators compromise the difference between union and management. Thus, arbitration has become,'too often,-no more than.an extension of mediation and not a decision based on objectively evaluated merit. Arbitrators tend to operate in this manner to retain the . acceptability of both unions and employers. Since arbitrators are selected based solely on their continued acceptability to unions and employers, strong pressures are thereby created not to antagonize by deciding contract disputes in favor of one party or the other, but to compromise between their positions. 3• Arbitration means that persons with no direct interest•in or responsibility for an employer's provision of public services is determining for a city its basic employment costs and the manner in which service will be provided. As the National League of Cities recently reported in its publication_ Impasse Resolution with regard to arbitration, arbitrators have been ruling that a wide range of subjects regarded by elected officials as their basic prerogatives rulings often severely limiting an employer's ability to provide services, and in some cases, awards which were illegal. For example, in the M.A -M.A. -Teamsters, Local 320 arbitration, the arbitration panel rendered a decision which attorneys for the M.A.M.A. cities considered illegal and the State of Minnesota Department of Human'Rights considered illegal.:' The. Department joined M.A.M.A. in a challenge of that award and helped force the union to agree to modify the award language. 4• Arbitration tends to remove the decision on the cost of services the level of services and in come cases, the manner of providing services from the elected officials directly responsible to those who elected them, to a third party not involved with the electorate. The nature of democratic government is that -those elected are responsible to the electorate. Arbitration limits the ability of elected officials to be responsive with regard to the most significant single cost item of government - employee cost. For -these reasons.. M.A.M.A. decided to retain-control over bargaining 'in the hands of their own elected officials, and not abrogate their responsibility to their citizens by placing basic employer- employee decisions in the hands of a third party to spend public funds in a manner which could be inconsistent with the elected officials' goals. MEMO TO: All Supervisors FROM: Gary West, Administrative Services Coordinator DATE: January 14, 1977 SUBJECT: CONTACT PERSONS FOR NW BELL, NSP AND MINNESGASCO DURING THE STRIKE Yesterday, we received information from the above listed service companies as to whom to contact in case of a malfunction or outage of service. In most instances, servicemen are also unionized and will not cross 491er picket lines._ Northwestern Bell, Northern-States Power and Minnegasco will provide service with supervisory personnel. Call the following persons if you have any problems during the strike. Northwestern Bell Telephone Northern States Power Minnegasco GLW /skh Eldon-Rainy 344 -6397 Ed Lundeen Bob Beckworth 927 -2992 Mike O'Connor 372-5033 Admin MEMO TO: All Members of I.U.O.E., Local 49 Bargaining Unit FROM: Warren C. Hyde, City Manager - DATE: January 10, 1977 SUBJECT: CERTIFICATION OF IMPASSE IN NEGOTIATIONS Is is important as we approach a possible strike situation in the City of Edina that each employee should know what his status will be during a strike with regard to salary and fringe benefits. The following information includes a legal description of a "strike ", and information relative to employee status and benefits. On December 27, 1976, the Director of the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services declared that an impasse had been reached in negotiations between the Metropolitan Area Management Association (M.A.M.A.) and I.U.O.E., Local 49, In accordance with the Public Employment Labor Relations Act (P.E.L.R.A.) of 1971, as amended, if the M.A.M.A. chooses not to go to binding arbitration by January 11, 1977, employees in the I.U.O.E., Local, No. 49 bargaining unit will have the legal right to strike after January 11, 1977. A strike is defined by P.E.L.R.A. of 1971, as amended, in Section 179.63, Subd 12 as follows: "Strike" means concerted action in failing to report for duty, the willful absence from one's position, the stoppage of work, slowdown, or the abstinence in whole or in part from the full, faithful and proper performance of the duties of employment for the purposes of Inducing, influencing or coercing a change in the conditions of compensation or the rights, privileges, or obligations of employment." In the event that employees in the bargaining unit represented by I.U.O.E., Local 49 do strike, no wage payments will be made except for work performed prior to the strike. In addition, striking employees do not continue to accrue any of the existing fringe benefits, nor can they use such benefits. This includes, but is not limited to the following example benefits: 1. Holiday Pay 2. Vacations 3. Sick Leave 4. Injury on Duty Pay 5. Insurance Thus, during a strike all wages and benefits stop. However, striking employees will be given an opportunity to pay for continuance of insurance premiums as they come due. Therefore, any employees participating in a strike may make arrangements with the City to pay their own insurance coverage if they wish this coverage to extend during the strike period. The,'employees will be respon- sible for paying the entire insurance premium and payment must be paid prior to the coverage period. In the event of a strike, it will be the employee's responsibility to make arrangements with the City for continuance of the insurance. The present cost per month for your single employee insurance package is $45.58; the cost for family coverage each month is as follows: The City must receive payment in the above amounts not later than 4:30 p.m. on the 14th of each month during the strike period. Failure to make such payments will cause your insurance coverage to lapse. If.you have any questions with regard to your insurance, please contact the Personnel Office. If a strike is called, all vacations, sick leave and other leaves of absence are cancelled and the City must assume that any members of the bargaining unit who do not report for work at their regular starting time on the strike date, are on strike. Such employees will be prohibited access to City facilities, property and equipment, other than lawful picket line locations. �- Wa ren C. Hyde City Manager WCH /skh WESTERN PHYSICIANS GROUP HEALTH MEDCENTER Single $ 35.74 $ 35.74 $ 35.74 $ 35.74 Dependent 77.90 60.14 42.64 52.12 Long Term Disability 8.04 8.04 8.04 8.04 Life Insurance 130 1.80 1.80 1.80 TOTAL $123. _105-72 $ M. 22 97-70 The City must receive payment in the above amounts not later than 4:30 p.m. on the 14th of each month during the strike period. Failure to make such payments will cause your insurance coverage to lapse. If.you have any questions with regard to your insurance, please contact the Personnel Office. If a strike is called, all vacations, sick leave and other leaves of absence are cancelled and the City must assume that any members of the bargaining unit who do not report for work at their regular starting time on the strike date, are on strike. Such employees will be prohibited access to City facilities, property and equipment, other than lawful picket line locations. �- Wa ren C. Hyde City Manager WCH /skh IMAORANDLMI OF UNDERSTAIZING This Memorandum of Understanding is agreed to by the Negotiating Committees representing the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 49 and the I.ietropolitan Area 14anagerent Association, for negotiations involving those employees in the certified bargaining units represented by the -Ii -NION in the following cities: Blaine Brooklyn Center . Brooklyn Park Burnsville Circle Pines Columbia Heights Crystal Eden Prairie Edina Fridley _Golden Valley Hopkins I.Iinnetorka Mounds View - New Hope Richfield Robbinsdale Roseville St. Anthony St. Louis Park White Bear Iake The Union and the Management Committees agree to recommend the folior,='g- agreement for the calendar years 1977 and 1978: A. Written Contract No changes in the 1976 I1aster Contract except as provided herein. B. 1 1.age Rates • For the benchmark rates and other rates in the certified units: 1977 - a thirty -seven cent ($.37) per hour increase for all contract rates. 1978 - a forty cent ($.40) per hour increase for all contract rates. For employees hired after Dece:^ber 31, .1976 an a?prentice rata structure providing for ninety percent (901/2") of the tract rate for the job class- providing i. to ;:pica the employee is aired for the first year, increasing to ninety -five percent (95r") for the second year and one hundred percent (100%) beginning the third year. C. Health Insurance 1977 - The D.TLOYER will pay up to a maximum of fifty -two dollars and fifty cents (;52.50) per month per employee for health insurance ( and life insurance when included in the health insurance package) including dependent coverage. 3.978 - The E.3LOYER will pay up to a maximum of fifty -seven dollars and fifty cents ($57.50) per month per employee for health insurance (and life insurance when included in the health insurance package) including dependent coverage. • D. Agreement on this total reconnendation (A through C and E) by both the Union membership and the individual cities named above will result in: 2. Agreement on (A) above by both Union and the Cities, • 2. Payment of the wage rates stipulated in B above effective upon expiration of the present contract, and • 3. -- Payment of the insurcnce payments stipulated in C effective upon expiration of the present contract. E. Stipulated Additional Issues• to be -Bargained. These issues to be 3argai::ed for inclusion in the individual Union -City °SIIPPIIl• tri: L fiGn .L.; No oti�r issues than those listed below may be raised or bargained during calendar year 1977 and 1973 1. Union Issues a. Injury on Duty b. Uniforms e. Classification of employees and equipment for purposes of Sage payments d. Severance Pay •• _ . 2 City's issuz.5 a. 1;3iere any conflict or difference exists bet :reen a city's contract in 1970 and the Master Contract in 1976 such. conflict or difference is a local issue. b. S_cj leave c. Hol ay Pay ' ., 1.JL__., 1'1 rte• rztln ' /sir � �__,� ���� - _,.,•,�� o. 49 2;e6 otiatiro Co=. -ittee -Dated this day of _� �✓ 1976. FOTi M.A.M.A. M.A.M.A. -49 ;egoti.atirg Committee O er Cotton, is bar • 11 .hi•A• -49 Negotiating Co=ittee � /A J��uioar, memDer ` X. .I.I.A. -49 Negotiatin:; Committee .Tames Andre, Mlember ✓M.A.M.A,49 Negotiating Committee Dated this 7-1�7 . day of LOCATION MAP (2-/ { GOODRICH L t5 T. 1 t1 =_ - f Y m - _. - 2 l N Y. - � r � ., � _ .. • e irk' 1 1`�. �.:� m D Q s Gf �, f (MORE LANC -r. F: .. i r•. rv- a I F •••• r^rs T• :. I NTERLACHEN W T R A WA ERMAN VE )) { o � U W Ar l 4- COUN MVTEIIIACMEte lot division REQUEST NUMBER: LD -76 -14 LOCATION: 604 Blake Road REQUEST: Divide off rear portion of subject property and attach to adjacent lot. village planning department _ villadannina department _ village of edin EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT December 29, 1976 LD -76 -14 Marianne M. Turnquist, Harvey.Hansen Realtors. Lot 8, Block 2, Mendelssohn Heights. Generally located at.604 Blake Road. Refer to: Attached drawing illustrating proposed division. The Planning Commission may.recall that they denied a proposed subdivision for this site about two months ago. The proponents then appealed that decision to the City Council, who also denied the proposed subdivision. The proponents are now requesting to divide off the rear portion.of this property and attach it to a lot on Mendelssohn Avenue (as shown on the attached drawing). The result would be a smaller lot on Blake Road but no new lot being created. Recommendation: The staff would recommend approval for-the following reasons: 1. There are no additional buildable. lots being-created. 2.. No additional traffic will be generated on Blake Road. The Planning Commission should note that the sale of the _rear portion of this property apparently occurred about ten years ago,.however, permission from the City was never received and Hennepin County never separated the taxes due to the improper procedure of the division. GL:ln 12/23/76 4 t �; i •-� �- a•;��t_s It ,..- �•..._....m 6 1�5 - 23 2 " i -8• a _`f 22 - ohm 3 - 21 4 '44 K 3 IO J'. �,i �_ 5 j 3 �,i !•] 5 r � = 1 I .� •? I � i n 9 � g r k 4"",0.,°...'®'.,'.x°°,, - „.:,..,.; r_- -- - . �::.e,.a..:.an.. �... � 1 316 - �� FIX O F 7 t I °CJ 2! T: m Block I O O I s 150 _OIJ 1151 0 i nl f 4J 4.^ 0 �C�_: N ADDITION LL 20 5 3 _aA• 't :44.bG a, !” . ". >� .,.,,, �� 0 4 Jn;i p 21 �C 6 903- L•: , -.a 7 c i- _ 77 'i3'S0 "�V r I a 9 as o .5 5 s Ccs2 t'40 "x 165 !• . i K� 1 CIS a 9ix.01 o92N 8 s I�Q — c <, -- •O ' ?. ''� -`s :" - J �'v ++.' rG-+� - , 1 p V to co ` L av2 =0 "' 0 7 O' , l.. y _I ► v , cV p _ 9 R t•� _ �+ ° %45 zi x..roP;' � �7 125 L. .y• `+�' � , 2 li 1 °t i� `� '' I- .i'�' .:; �. ��� 3 \, >_ • i� _ . _ -;,,.; �. w — 154.09 1 1 . r ( I , !x , -�^7 � - —` - - - •oa u� ma=r-` - -- -I ,- � -- a : --140 ,�•� 17c ! -4 a4�..... r '� 12 -29 -76 Planning Commission Minutes %III. New Business: Lot Division LD -76 -14 Marianne M. Turnquist, Harvey Hansen Realtors.. Lot 29, Mendelssohn Heights. Generally located at 604 Blake Road. Mr. Luce recalled a subdivision of the lot in question recently was denied by the Planning Commission and City Council. The proponents, however, discovered since then that a portion of the property was sold several years ago to the owner of Lot 8, Block 2,.Mendelssohn Heights (directly north of the lot in question),.but because that division was never approved by the City Council, the deeds could not be recorded or the, taxes split.;. Mr. Luce. explained the proponents are now requesting that that lot division be approved to clear the title and tax status of the property. He recommended the division be approved inasmuch as no additional buildable lots would be created and no additional traffic would be generated onto Blake Road as a result. After brief discussion about whether the vacated portion of Waterman Avenue (west of Blake Road) would ever be re-opened, Mrs. McDonald moved the lot division be approved as recommended. Mr. Kremer seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. D - a.. MEMORANDUM TO: Warren C. Hyde FROM: Tom Melena SUBJECT: Purchase of Animal Control Vehicle 1 -5 -77 Police Chief Merfeld has requested that the City purchase the budgeted van for the animal control officer. This van was placed in the budget, approved by yourself, and then passed on for Council approval. The Council approved the budget item for this vehicle (along with the squad cars) for 1977,P however, they did stipulate that the funds were to come from l percent monies. During October, 1976, bids were taken for various vehicles for City use. One of the vehicles specified was the above animal control vehicle. Two bids were received with low bid being Freeway Ford at $5349. I would, therefore, recommend purchase from Freeway Ford for that vehicle. TM:nr /n 11 wN- / 1 r.0, if 4\'m n.1\"-\T SU U d 0 0 0 iv . ision REQUEST NUMBER: g-76 -17 South of Indian Hills Road, LOCATION nrrth of Pawnee Rond Ind east of Tlccauley 'Trail REQUEST: Two lot sinO -e- family su LvLsLOn. iNORTH O isu �SUU 7iO luau villri i EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT July 28, 1976 S -76 -17 Indian Hills Arrowhead 2nd Addition. Generally located south of . Indian Hills Road, north of Pawnee Road,and east of McCauley Trail. Refer to: Attached developer's submittal, and subdivision- dedication report. The proponent is suggesting dividing an existing outlot into two single family lots and an outlot which would 'be _ dedicated to the City of Edina for park purposes. The park outlot is- adjacent: to property which was approved for acquisition in the park bond issue and is, now being negotiated for by city staff. The two lots suggested by the proponent' will be 15,000 square feet each, with the current subdivisions in the. area ranging from 13,200 square fe.et -to 54,000 square feet (which includes some inundated areas of Arrowhead Lake). This outlot is.a low piece of property which has been filled and which will require additional fill.. prior to development. The Environmental Quality Commission and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District are in the process of studying this matter. Recommendation: The staff would recommend approval of the proposed. plat with the following conditions: 1. That a developer's agreement including a connection charge for water and sewer and the extension of storm sewer be submitted and approved by the Engineering Department. 2. That a deed for Outlot A be submitted for park purposes per the attached subdivision dedication report. 3. Approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed.District of the filling necessary to develop these lots. GL: In 7/22/76 "01AIV lylz 45 OUTLOT PROPC5E0 JrTURrn ER / / EASE MBE NT FI L-M All Z3N AREA If SERVICES -- STOR'i'l BASE SOURCE, CITY AS BUILTS SCALE *- 1"m 50' JULY 10 1976 4 �� Nit • f; "�� ��'-'P'�L .�L `� �Q ®I� °� !, .�T;1�1�5`gri,.:`:;�.t - 71, Mr. Luce presented a proposed grading plan for the property in question and indicated a subdivision into two single family lots and an outlot is requested. He recalled that an adjacent parcel was one of several sites approved for acquisition in a park bond issue last fall. The proposed outlot immediately abuts that parcel and vould be donated to the City of Edina for park and open space purposes. The proposed single family lots would be 15,000 square feet each; the neighborhood lot sizes range from 12,000 to 54,000 square feet (including some inundated areas of Arrow- head Lake). ✓ S -76 -17 Indian Hills Arrowhead 2nd Addition. Generally located south of Indian Hills Road, north of Pawnee Road, and east of McCauley Trail. Noting that the Environmental Quality Commission recommended the proposed plat be approved, Mr. Luce recommended approval subject to the following conditions: 1. that a developer's agreement including a connection charge for water and sewer and the extension of storm sewer be submitted to and approved by the Engineering Department; 2. that Outlot A be dedicated to the City of Edina for park purposes, and that a deed to that outlot be submitted; and 3. that approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District be obtained for any filling and grading. Mrs. McDonald indicated the sign which is to be posted on properties being subdivided to advertise the anticipated public hearing dates had not yet been Installed on the property in question. After brief discussion, Mr. Hughes moved the preliminary plat of Indian Hills Arrowhead 2nd Addition be continued until the requisite subdivision sign is erected. Mr. Kremer seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. PLANNING REQUEST S -76 -17 (INDIAN HILLS ARROWHEAD 2ND ADDITION) Mr. Rosland reviewed S -76 -17 generally located south of Indian Hills Road, north of Pawnee Road and east of McCauley Trail. The staff recommended approval since the land abuts a natural lake. Mr. Fischer moved to approve Planning Request S -76 -17 as recommended by staff. Mr. Pavek seconded and the motion was approved. (/5 -76 -17 Indian Hills Arrowhead 2nd Addition. Generally located south of Indian Hills Road, north of Pawnee Road, and east of McCauley Trail. (continued from 7- 28 -76). a� QMr. Luce recalled this request was continued from the July 28, 1976 Planning Commission meeting because the requisite subdivision sign showing the anticipated public hearing dates had not been posted on the property. That sign has, however, been posted since the last meeting. Mr. Luce explained the proposed plat would create two single family lots of 15,000 square feet each and one outlot of 16,000 square feet; the outlot would be dedicated to the City for parkland purposes and would provide access to the outlot directly west, which is included in the City's open space acquisition program. Mr. Luce noted that the lots in this area vary from 13,200 square feet to 54,000 square feet, but most are similar in square footage to the lots proposed. He recommended the proposed subdivision be approved with the following conditions: 1. That a developer's agreement including a connection charge for water and sewer and the extension of storm sewer be submitted and approved by the Engineering Department; 2. That the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District approve the filling necessary to develop these lots; and 3. That a deed for Outlot A be- submitted for park purposes. Mr. Luce reported that the Environmental Quality Commission also recommended this subdivision be approved. After discussion regarding the proposed parkland dedication and drainage and grading plans, Mr. Runyan moved the subdivision be approved with the three conditions listed by the staff. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. the City in processing the proposed plat or subdivisions - "For the division of a lot, as defined: in;Ordinance No; 811, where new buildable lots are created, a fee -per lot to be divided of: $ 50 "For the division of one or more lots, as defined in Ordinance No. 811, where no new buildable lots are _ created, a fee of: $ 20 " For all other plats and subdivisions, a,fee:of: $150, plus - Rejec"gtioR oflgle plat or subdivision by the City. Council or abandonment or withdrawal of the proposed plat or subdivision by the proponent shall not entitle the person who paid the fee to the return of all or any part thereof." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full .force and effect upon its pass - age and publication, and when effective, shall,, be filed with the office of the Recorder of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota. ORDINANCE NO. 811 -A79 CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 18, .1976. As requested by the, owner of the Grimes House, Councilman Shaw's. motion continuing Second Reading.of.' 4 Ordinance No. 811 -A79 to October 18, 1976,.was seconded by Councilman.Richards.. 30 Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried.. INDIAN HILLS ARROWHEAD 2ND ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL SUBJECT TO DEDICATION OF OUTLOT FOR PARK PURPOSES. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Luce presented Indian Bills Arrowhead 2nd Addition for preliminary approval, advising that this plat which contains two single family lots and one outlot is located generally South of Indian Hills Road, North of Pawnee Road, and. East of McCauley Trail. Mr. L1.1ce advised that the Planning Commission's recommendation for. approval was contingent on the following conditions: .0Lf - -7 1. That a developer .s.agreement;`•including a connection, charge,:for. water and . sewer and the extension of storm sewer be submitted and approved by the Engineering Department; 2. That the Nine.Mile Creek Watershed District approve the filling neces- sary to develop these lots; and 3. That a deed for Outlot A be submitted for park purposes. Mr. Richards recalled that the abutting park land was tied with the Hume property and suggested that the outlot should stay in private ownership unless the Hume property is acquired. Mr. Hyde suggested that. Council make a determination as. to just what park property will be purchased. Mr. Dunn said.that the outlot is used for drainage at this time and that it would be .needed by the City even if it should not be required for park property., Mr. Larry Cremer of Village Development. Company agreed that his company could enter into an agreement with the City whereby it would become a part of any purchase .agrepment, for , the lot that within a. two year period, if the City decided it didn't want the property, the owner of Lot 1 would assume ownership and maintenance of the Outlot. Following discussion, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO INDIAN HILLS ARROk'HEAD 2ND ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that Indian Hills Arrowhead 2nd Addition, platted by Village Development Company, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of October 4, 1976, be. and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval with the understanding that Outlot A'-be dedicated for park purposas. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Rollcall: Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. DAHLQUIST ADDITION RF.PLAT GRANTED'PRELIMiNARY PLAT APPROVAL. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Luce presented Dahlquist Addition Replat for preliminary approval, advising that this _ -� L._ _71 _.J 1 .7 Jam► r—..Y -4--in F•imilu intq ic: nonprally. November 1, 1976 Edina City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Gentlemen: On behalf of the Cahill PTA, we would like to submit the following requests for the safety of our Cahill - students- 1. A posted speed zone of 20 miles an hour during the school day. 2. A stop sign on Tracy avenue. (This is necessary because of the increased use of Tracy as a short cut to Highway 62 which has increased the traffic considerably on Tracy): 3. Institute a limited parking on 70th Street in front of the school to two hours during the school day and.no parking during school hours for 65 feet west from the east exit ramp. 4. Sidewalks on both sides of 70th Street. (Not only would thi's eliminate students of all ages from walking in the street, i't would enable us to eliminate the crosswalk at the bottom of the hill, and have all Cahill children cross at the Tracy crosswalk) 5,, Change the crosswalk at 70th St. and Tracy from the west side to the east side. Most children have to cross two streets because of this arrangement. The original design was necessary because of the driveway which has now been changed. 6. Because of the increased traffic on 70th Street due to the Administrative Offices moving into Cahill and especially the left turns, we would like to request more sanding on this-street during the winter months. Thank you for your consideration on the above safety needs of our school children, and we hope to hear from you on when we may expect their implementation. Si ncerelX, Mr. and Mrs. David Bittner, Chairpeople Cahill PTA Safety Committee Mr. and Mrs. Curt Olson Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Aksoy Dr. Ronald G. Buehler County Attorney HeNNGPIN COUNTY January 5, 1977 Mr. Warren C. Hyde, City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Hyde: 2000 Government Center_ Minneapolis, Minnesota 55487 Gary W. Flakne County Attorney Government as a whole is often confusing to the average citizen. However, to many citizens one part of government is often frightening. To those who have had no previous exposure to it, the criminal justice system itself becomes a threat because it is unknown. I am writing to ask that you and your City Council join with me to sponsor an open forum. on criminal justice in your community. it is my firm belief that prevention must accompany prosecution if we are to effectively combat the national trend of increasing crime. By sponsoring an open meeting in your community, we will give local residents the opportunity to learn what criminal justice programs are available, to discuss crime prevention methods and to ask any questions which may come to mind. I, along with key mmnbers of my staff, would be available at your convenience for an informal public forum, possibly to be held in your municipal building. We would welcome the opportunity to organize this effort jointly with your police department. I have asked my Executive Secretary, Bjarnie Anderson, (348 - 4432), to coordinate scheduling. Please do not hesitate to call him or me directly should you have any questions on the forum. I appreciate your continuing efforts on behalf of local law enforcement. Best personal regards. GnTF : ks Sincerely, FIAIQ� H epin County Attorney Hennepin County is an Affirmative Action Employer __I- . - v SOUTHDALE LIQUOR STORE FIRE- PROOFING PRICE QUOTATIONS Project: Provide fire - proofing with a one -hour rating to cover exposed Styrofoam insulation below walk -in cooler (required by Fire Department work order). Approximately five 8 X 20 foot bays to cover. Quotations: Drywall Construction Custom Drywall Inc. $1,200.00 Olympic Wall Systems $1,120.00 Ure -K Spray -on Coating * Industrial Coatings $1,266.00 Recommendation: Ure -K by Industrial Coatings 1. The Ure -K provides additional insulation value that will save energy. 2. The Ure -K can be applied in a few hours with little disruption of the store activities; whereas, the Drywall will take 2 -4 days. * Note: A second quote on Ure -K is not possible because there are no other companies in the area that install this product and there.are no com- parable products with an insulating value that have also been tested to satisfy Fire Department regulations. HS:nr 1 -17 -77 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina , Minnesota, as follows: - Mr- -I- N - designated as and Mr _ R nated to serve Rate Authority successors are I)Q Ie7a is hereby a director of the Suburban Rate Authority, GPil Had lund is hereby desig- as alternate director of the Suburban for the year 1977 and until their appointed. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS. CITY OFI ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Edina hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the City Council of the City of at its meeting on january 17 , 197 4- , as the same is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of such council for said date, on file and of record in my office.. Dated this lath day of 1977. january City Clerk (SEAL) City of Edina Mr. Clayton L. LeFevere, Attorney Suburban Rate Authority LeFevere, Lefler et al 1100 First National Bank Bldg. 11inneapolis, PM 55402 Dear Mr. LeFevere: Enclosed as you requested is a-certified copy of.the resolution adopted by the Ediva City Council on January 17, 1977, appointing Mr. J. N. Dalen as director of the Suburban Rate Authority and sir. Russell Iledlund as alternate director. Yours very truly,, City Clerk /q - / LAW OFFICES LEFEVERE, LEFLER, PEARSON, O'BRIEN 6 DRAWZ TO: Clerks of All Municipalities Belonging to the Suburban Rate Authority Enclosed are two copies of a resolution designating the director and alternate director from your community to the Suburban Rate Authority. As soon as your council has appointed your representatives to the Suburban Rate Authority for 1977, please send one completed copy of the resolution and certificate to me. Very truly yours, Clayton LeFevere, Attorney Suburban Rate Authority CLL:jpf Enclosures 1100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING CLAYTON L. LEFEVERE HERBERT P. LEFLER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE CURTIS A. PEARSON (612) 333 -0543 J. DENNIS O'BRIEN JOHN E. DRAWZ JOHN B. DEAN January 4, 1977 DAVID J. KENNEDY GLENN E. PURDUE DAVID J. BUTLER JAMES D. LARSON CHARLES L. LEFEVERE HERBERT P. LEFLER III TO: Clerks of All Municipalities Belonging to the Suburban Rate Authority Enclosed are two copies of a resolution designating the director and alternate director from your community to the Suburban Rate Authority. As soon as your council has appointed your representatives to the Suburban Rate Authority for 1977, please send one completed copy of the resolution and certificate to me. Very truly yours, Clayton LeFevere, Attorney Suburban Rate Authority CLL:jpf Enclosures January 20, 1977 Mr. Dennis Buratti Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst et al 2300 First National Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, MN 55402 Dear Dennis: Enclosed as you requested isa copy of the.resolution. adopted by the Edina City Council on January.17, 1977, relative to the 50th Street Liquor Store property., Yours very truly, 6ity Clerk enclosure RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Edina has heretofore entered into a certain Real Estate Agreement dated December 6, 1976, with the 50th & France Office Building Partnership ( "Partnership ") relating to the construction by said Partnership of a building located on 50th Street in the City of Edina ( "Project "), a portion of which Project when completed will be purchased by the City; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to revise the terms of said Real Estate Agreement so as to increase the purchase price to the Partnership of the City's land, to increase the purchase price to the City of the portion of the Project to be purchased by the City, to defer payment by the Partner- ship of a portion of the purchase price for the City's land, which deferred payment is to be secured by a second mortgage on that portion of the Pro- ject which is to be retained by the Partnership, and to make certain other changes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and the City Manager to execute and deliver to the Partnership that certain revised Real Estate Agreement dated January 17, 1977, pertaining to the Project, and to exe- cute and deliver to the Partnership, and to such other persons as may be appropriate or necessary, all instruments and agreements referred to therein, and to execute and deliver such other documents, and to do all such other acts and things, as may hereinafter become necessary in order to carry out the intention of said Real Estate Agreement. ADOPTED this 17th day of January, 1977. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of January 7, 1977, and as recorded in the minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of January, 1977. City Clerk RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Edina has heretofore entered into a certain Real Estate Agreement dated December 6, 1976, with the 50th & France Office Building Partnership ( "Partnership ") relating to the.construction by said Partnership of a building located on 50th Street in the City of Edina ( "Project "), a portion of which Project when completed will be purchased by the City; and WHEREAS, It has become necessary to revise the terms of said Real Estate Agreement so as to increase the purchase price to the Partnership of the City's land, to increase the purchase price to the City of the portion of the Project to be purchased by the City, to defer payment by the Partnership of a portion of the purchase price for the City's land, which deferred payment is t be secured by a second mortgage on that portion of the Project which is to be retained by the Partnership, and to make certain other changes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and the City Manager to execute and deliver to the Partnership that certain revised Real Estate Agreement dated January 17, 1977 pertaining to the Project, and to execute and deliver to the Partnership, and to such other persons as may be appropriate or necessary, all instruments and. agreements referred to therein, and to execute and deliver such other documents, and to do all such other acts and things, as may hereafter become necessary in order to carry out the intention of said Real Estate Agreement. ADOPTED this 17th day of January, 1977. 4 a - DORSEY, MAOQUART;,,WINDHORST, WEST & HALLADAY 2300 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA $5402 JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER (612) 340 -2600 116 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST CHASKA, MINNESOTA 65318 CABLE: DOROW ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 66901 (612) 448 -4012 (507) 288 -3156 TELEX: 29 -0605 TELECOPIER:(612) 340 -2868 1468 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 (612) 227 =8017 DENNIS BURATTI (612) 340 -2920 January 19, 1977 Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: 50th Street Liquor Store Dear Florence: Enclosed is the resolution regarding the City Council's actions on Monday night relative to the above. Please insert it in the minutes of that meeting and prepare and send me a certified copy.of the same.. very ulY yours, Buratti DB:jn Enclosure PARTIAL RELEASE OF EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the undersigned, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, grantee of that easement hereinafter described, for a valuable consideration, receipt whereof is hereby akcnowledged, does forever discharge and release the tract of land lying and being in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: That part of Lot 12, Griffis' Subdivision of Block 18, Mendelssohn, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: [HERE DESCRIBE AREA UNDER HOUSE ONLY.] from all claims and interests of and under that certain easement dated , executed by , as grantor, to of Edina, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, as grantee, filed for record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said county on ' as Document No. , covering the above described and other land. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said corporation has caused these presents to be executed in its. corporate name by its Mayor and its Clerk this day of , 1977. CITY OF EDINA by James Van Valkenburg, Its Mayor and Florence B. Hallberg, Its Clerk jaQuary GOO AV // Mr. Donald M. Ardery 204.j Douglas Drive N. ° Golden Valley, MH 55422 D(uw Mr. Artery: Euclosed herewitlx aria two certified copiers of ire resolution adopted by the Edina City Couacil at its meeatina of January 17, 1977, approving the divlsiou of Lot 12, Griffis' SuWivisiorj of bloc;: 16. .Yours very truly, City Glen•. enclosures . (2) cc: Mr. Thmias S. isrickson Mr. aobrart uunn Planning "partuent S 3 � ' din / 4601 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 59424 927 -8861 RE90T.TTTTON WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: Lot 12, Griffis' Subdivision of Block 18, except the North 15 feet thereof and the North 1/2 of vacated Waterman Avenue; and Lot 9, Block 1, "Schwantes' Addition" and the South 1/2 of vacated Waterman Avenue; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): Lot 12, except the North 15.0 feet thereof, Griffis' Subdivi- sion of Block 18, Mendelssohn; and that part of vacated Waterman Avenue lying South of and adjacent to said Lot 12, and lying North of the following described line: Commencing at the North- east corner of Lot 9, Block 1, "Schwantes' Addition "; thence North, on the extension of the East line of said Lot 9, 16.0 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be des cribed; thence West, and parallel to the North line of said Lot 9, 117.88 feet; thence Northwesterly, 30.54 feet more or less, to a point on the East line of Arthur Street, said point being 27.67 feet North of the North line of said Lot 9, as measured along the East line of Arthur Street, and there ter- minating; and Lot 9, Block 1, "Schwantes' Addition "; and that part of vacated Waterman Avenue lying North of and adjacent to said Lot 9, and lying South of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Lot 9, Block 1, "Schwantes' Addi- tion"; thence North, on the extension of the East line of said Lot 9, 16.0 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence West, and parallel to the North line of said Lot 9, 117.88 feet; thence Northwesterly, 30.54 feet more or less, to a point on the East line of Arthur Street, said point being 27.67 feet North of the North line of said Lot 9, as measured along the East line of Arthur Street, and there terminating;.and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hard- ship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, how- ever, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 17th day of January, 1977. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the - attached and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of January 17, 1976, and as recorded in the minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of January, 1917. -2- S RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: Lot 12, Griffis' Subdivision of Block 18, except the North 15 feet thereof and the North 1/2 of vacated Waterman Avenue; and Lot 9, Block 1, "Schwantes' Addition" and the South 1/2 of vacated Waterman Avenue; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): Lot 12, except the North 15.0 feet thereof, Griffis Subdivi- sion of Block 18, Mendelssohn; and that part of vacated Waterman Avenue lying South of and adjacent to said Lot 12, and lying North of the following described line: Commencing at the North- east corner of Lot 9, Block 1, "Schwantes' Addition "; thence North, on the extension of the East line of said Lot 9, 16.0 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be des - cribed; thence West, and parallel to the North line of said Lot 9, 117.88 feet; thence Northwesterly, 30.54 feet more or. less, to a point on the East line of Arthur Street, said point being 27.67 feet North of the North line of said Lot 9, as measured along the East line of Arthur Street, and there ter - minating; and Lot 9, Block 1, "Schwantes' Addition "; and that part of vacated Waterman Avenue lying North of and adjacent to said Lot 9, and lying South of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Lot 9, Block 1, "Schwantes' Addi- tion "; thence North, on the extension of the East line of said Lot 9, 16.0 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence West, and parallel-to the North line .of said Lot 9, 117.88 feet; thence Northwesterly, 30.54 feet more or less, to a point on the East line of Arthur Street, said point being 27.67 feet North of the North line of said Lot 9, as measured along the East line of Arthur Street, and there terminating;.and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hard- ship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, how- ever, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 17th day of January, 1977. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of January 17, 1976, and as recorded in the minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of January, 1977. -2- DORSEY, WINDHORST, HANNAFORD, WHITNEY & HALLADAY JOHN W WINDMORST ROBERT STRUM HENRY MALLADAY MICHAEL A OLSON JULE MANNAFORD LARRY W JOHNSON ARTHUR B. WHITNEY THOMAS S MAY RUSSELL W LINDOUIST G. LARRY GRIFFITH DAVID R. BA CRAIG A. BECK HORACE E. MITCH DAVID L. MCCVSKEY VIRGIL M MILL THOMAS O. HOE ROBERT V. TARBOA JAMES M. OHAGAN ROBERT JOHNSON JOHN M. MASON MAYNARD B. HASSELOUIST MICHAEL W WRIGHT PETER DORSEY LARRY L. VICMREY GEORGE P FLANNERY LOREN R KNOTT CURTIS L ROY PHILLIP H. MARTIN ARTHUR E WEISBERG REESE C JOHNSON DUANE E JOSEPH CHARLES J. HAUENSTEIN JAMES B. VESSEY CHARLES A GEER WILLIAM A WHITLOCK JOHN C. ZWAKMAN EDWARD J. SCHWARZBAUER JOHN R WICKS THOMAS M. BROWN EUGENE L. JOHNSON COP N ELIUS D MA NONEY, JR JOHN W WINDMORST. JR. WILLIAM C. BABCOCA MICHAEL PRIC HARD THOMAS S- ERICKSON WILLIAM R. SOTM MICHAEL E. BRESS RICHARD G. SWANSON RAYMOND A REISTER FAITH LOHMAN JOHN J. TAYLOR DAVID A. RANHEIM BERNARD G. MEINZEN ROBERT J. SILVERMAN WILLIAM J. HEMPEL THOMAS R. MANTMEY JOHN S. HIBBS WILLIAM R. HIBBS ROBERT 0, FLOTTEN PHILIP F. BOELTER JOHN D LEVINE WILLIAM B. PAYNE 2300 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 (612) 340 -2600 CABLE: DOROW TELEX: 29-0605 TELECOPIER:(612) 340 -2868 1468 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ST PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 (612) 227 -6017 115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55901 (507) 288 -3156 January 27, 1977 Donald M. Ardery, Esq. 2040 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 ROBERT A HEIBERG ROBERT L MOBBINS JOHN D. KIRBY BARRY D. GLAZER ROBERT A SCHWARTZBAUER PERIL S MENDRIASON DAVID N. FRONEK NICK R. MAY THOMAS W TINKMAN IRVING WEISER JON F TUTTLE STEPHEN C GOTTSCHALK EMERY W BARTLE THOMAS W ELMINS WILLIAM AJOHNSTONE KENNETH LCUTLER STEVEN KCHAMPLIN DAVID M.OUINLAN MICHAEL J RADMER JAMES R. PIELEMEIER MICHAEL TRUCANO GARY M. JOHNSON JOHN P. VITKO THOMAS W FINN DON O. CARLSON JAY L SENNETT PAUL J. $CHEERER ROBERT G. BAYER DAN F. NICOL SUZANNE B. VAN DYK KENNETH A. IVERSON ISTUART R. ME14PHILL JAMES A FLADER J. DAVID JACKSON DAVID L BOEMNEN W. CHARLES LANTZ WILLIAM E. MARTIN DOUGLAS E RAY FRANK M. VOIGT STEVEN F. WOLGAMOT WILLIAM M. HIPPEE. JR. J.MAROUIS EASTWOOD ROBERT A BURNS EDWARD J. PLUIMER MICHEL A LAFOND KENNETH W. ERICKSON ROGER J. MAGNUSON OWEN G NARK J. ROBERT HIBBS JAMES E. BOWLUS JAY F COOK STANLEY M. REIN OF COUNSEL CHARLES L POTUZNIK DONALD WEST VERLANE L ENDORF WALDO F. MAROWIRT DENNIS P. BURATTI GEORGE E. ANDERSON GEORGEANN BECKER ROBERT L VANFOSSE14 Re: Lot 12, Griffis' Subdivision of Block 18 Dear Mr. Ardery: I enclose a copy of the resolution adopted by the Edina City Council at its last meeting, approving the lot division between Bonnett and the property owner to the north. A certified copy of this can be obtained from the City Clerk. The City Council also authorized releasing the sani- tary sewer easement under the house. I prefer to use the enclosed Partial Release of Easement instead of a quit claim deed. The enclosed partial release does not describe the area to be released; that description will be of only the portion of the easement covered by the house. You may have to have your surveyor de- termine that description. The release also contains blanks for insertion of information relative to the document that granted the sanitary sewer easement to the City. Will you please insert that information, also. Once the partial to me, and we will review Once it is executed by the TSE /abc Enclosures cc: Mr. Robert C. Ms. Florence release is completed, please send it it and obtain execution by the City. City, we will return it to you. Dunn B. Hallberg Very truly yours, Thomas S. Erickson January 21,19 77 Mr. Thomas S. Erickson 2400 First National Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, MN 55402 Dear Tom: Enclosed herewith is a copy of the resolution which I propose to use for the 545 Arthur Street lot division which was on the January 17, 1977, agenda. Harold suggested that you review it before it is sent out. Yours very truly, City Clerk enclosure cc: Harold Sand r � RF.90T.TTTTON WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: Lot 12, Griffis' Subdivision of Block 18, except the North 15 feet thereof and the North 2 of vacated Waterman Avenue; and Lot 9, Block 1, Schwantes' Addition and the South 2 of vacated Waterman Avenue; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") : Lot 12, except the North 15.0 feet thereof, Griffis' Subdivision of Block 18, Mendelssohn; and that part of vacated Waterman Avenue lying South of and adjacent to said Lot 12, and lying North of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 1, Schwantes' Addition; thence North, on the extension of the East line of said Lot 9, 16.0 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence West, and parallel to the North line of said Lot 9, 117.88 feet; thence Northwesterly, 30.54 feet more or less, to a point on the East line of Arthur Street, said point being 27.67 feet North of the North line of said Lot 9, as measured along the East line of Arthur Street, and there terminating; and Lot 12, Griffis' Subdivision of Block 18, Mendelssohn Addition, except the North 15 feet thereof, and that part of vacated Water- man Avenue lying South of said Lot 12, except that part described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 1, Schwantes' Addition, thence North, on the extension of the East line of said Lot 9, 16.0 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence West, and parallel to the North line of said Lot 9, 117.88 feet; thence Northwesterly, 30.54 feet more or less, to a point on the East line of Arthur Street, said point being 27.67 feet North of the North line of said Lot 9, as measured along the East line of Arthur Street, and there terminat- ing; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the pur- poses of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, THEREFORE, be it-resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for.any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 17th day of January, 1977. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of January 17, 1976, and as recorded in the minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of January, 1977. City Clerk % 45, - l-- - - - -- - - - - , CL iiC�l� - �J-J�t ✓�sa y -�v c,t %�G �! _�� - �t�!v' �� G_� _r cam:? { � �'��!_�•�L _ ��G�G,(� 7� � 761 �,2 ¢�d a� 1L �� , C _ I I 1 jl � 1 - vl:u i . :_M- uincsota (yanrmg Dl�n;k( onvLUniform Individual to Corpoaton. da .. ...A, `.�. I� y d .1Z9 .. ..}.) . • ...... T o Januariebj5 Inbenture. ...husband....and..w� .e .................. ttd..Kay.e.... Bonne .t betueen ....... , of the (bunt o I3e,nne.pl.n ......... ...................:........and State o .................. x!17 .rtne.S.ota ........ .............................., y f ................. St nle Klink.... &u . d�.. n. g.... GA. n. t. aG. ko.,..... 1nG...... ............................... e first partis• of the part, and........... a.. .........y ..................... .......... ................... ............................... ......................................................................................................................... .............................., a corporation under the laws of the State of .:.............. innesota m .. .............................., party of the second part, Mt i cn;c1b, That the said .part.ie.s of the f rst part, in consideration of the su n of Q.e....;�.A.�..� a r.... and... tithe..... g. oo. d.... an. d..:. v. al. uable. ...c.onsider.a.ti.on- .- .- . -. -.= to ............. d.0.1.1 them a ... .............................in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby Grant Barrsciin, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party of hereby ackrLOwled�ed, do J g .and State o JlTin�ie ota, described as follows, to -wit .....^:........... f ; the second ,part, its successors and asst ns, Forever,. all the tract...... or parcel o land lying and being in the County of ............... Hennepin . Lot 12, except the North 15.0 feet thereof, Griffis' Subdivision of Block 18, Mendelssohn;. and that part of vacated Waterman Avenue.lying South of and- adjacent to said Lot 12, and lying North of the following described line; ommencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 1, "Sc wantes'. Addition "; thence North, on the extension of the East line of said Lot 9, 16.0 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence West, and parallel to the North line of said Lot 9., 117.88 feet; thence Northwesterly, 30.54 feet more or less, to a point on the East line of Arthur Street, said point being 27.67 feet North of the North line of said Lot 9, as measured along the East. line,of. Arthur Street, and there terminating./ , i i i i i I State Deed Tax Due Hereon: $2.20 i s o � ?abc anb. to ! ?oCa tiJc t1I11C, Tod %cfl+cr rc�itTr. rcl.l, me heredUa.M.cn,ts and appurtenan•ccs there- Irrtto bclort�iri; a in car +. ?I +cisc a.pl+o+•la.illinh, to the said pa+.trj of the second part, its successors and assiC,las, Forever. ��1[ �yCSitlI110111r lTl i)C1COt, ?;lic saicl parties of the first part have.... leerc1nto set ....... the.lr....... ..... Individual to _Joint Tenants. _ —___ - JV OJFM IN 0. LY Walter S. Booth ,& Son. Minneapolis -- Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks IRev. 1973) ..sea 9 V)i!5 Iubeuture, .-)lade this .................... �.% ............. :.... da.y of......, Tan .nary........................, 1x..7..2......., between S.tanl.ey ... El. ink ... B.uildin.9 .... Cantsc. tor.,..... 1. n.... ........ a .... Mi. nnP _..s.Q.t.i .... c.Qr.P.ora.tion; Roy Tompkins and Marion M. Tompkins, husband.and wife; and Wayne Nelson and Paula Nelson, husband and wife, of the G'o►f.►tty of .... ..............liennepin........ ............................and State ol .......... Minnesota...................... par•t...i.es ..... of the lirst Dart, a► td.. Rober. t .... J. .....B.annett .... and ... Kay.e ... Bann. ett ........................................... ............................... .............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... f the G'ot►r y of •• a tl Hennepin ........................ ...........................aril .Mate of ........... Minnes: a. to .............................. , parties of the se(ori.d part. WltnCMgCtb, That the said part ... i-es .... of the first part, in rorisidercrlu,n, of the sure. of.,one............ dal- lar. ... and .... o.the.r .... good .... and..:.val.uable ... consi.der.a .tion :r =m- .-.-.- .-.- .- .-.-. -.-1 NXY. to ... them .....in hared paid l y the s(tid parties of the second part, the receipt whcrcif is hereby ac•knorid- ed6ed, do............hereby Crtmt, Bardai.n, Quitclaim, and Convey rento ttte said par•lic•s of the se wid p!ut ns join!. temmts awl nit us lenarcls i;t rur,cnrort, th.cir assl6its, the stei-vivor of .,ai.d p(trtics, (nil the heirs and assidio. of //I.(, st(rvivew. Ftwever•, (ell, the tract ..................or parcel .................. of land Iyitgj awl heiress in. the Cfai.ri.trl of..........He.nnep.in ........ ............................and .~tale of .41irtrtesota, (Irwr•ibed as follores. to -u•it: Lot 9, Block 1, "Schwantes' Addition "; and that part of vacated Waterman Avenue 1Vj-qq_jN9Et4 of an nt to said Lot 9, and lying South '9 444 h ri I Commencing at the Northeast _corner of said Lot 9,'Block 1, "Schwantes' Addition thence North, on the extension of the East line of said Lot 9, 16.0 feet, to the actual .point of beginning of the line to be described; thence West, and parallel to the North line of said Lot 9, 117.88 feet, thence Northwesterly, 30.54,.feet more or less, to a point on the East line of Arthur Street, said point being 27.67 feet North of the North line of said Lot 9, as measured along the East line of Arthur Street, and there ter- minating. Z0 �k)abe anb to �f)olb Hie am me, To-o'eth.er with all the hcrcclitcn,tcnts and apptcrtertartces .ltercrtni•r belonging or in hnyrcisc apilcr•tairtin_o to the said par•ti.es of the seco;td part, their cessisus, llre survirOI, of said par•l.te,.', ai(d 1l►c heirs (ttttl rr.c.�iun, nf' t:tc sur•rivur•, 1,'orcver•. the said pay-fir..'; of 'the second part taking as juiiet teriartts oud nut as haants in corrtrrr.on. . In TCSitlinollp U711)Creof, 7'/tr• said pa.rt..ies ..................of the first /cart ha.ve.....hereuitto set.... their..... hauds ........... the, day turd jean• first above written. St'ari ey Kl' ik Bud Iding CtintraCtor; Inc O� 'I'ompK .... . ll I .. ayne;Ne sori au a e son tate of ii1111c otat 8s. County of. ... BERNFa, P. IN................................... The foregoing it►str►rntertt was acknowledged bcJ'vre me this ......... i .............................................. .......................... C# 76011548 76011549 76011550 76011554 76011557 76011559 76011561 76011'563 76011564 76011566 76011569 76011571 76011572 76011574 76011578 26011580 76011584 76011586 76011602 76011606 76011610 76.011612 76011620 76011629 76011634 76011637 76011659 76011662 76011664 76011669 76011672 76011673 76011675 76011676 76011683 76011700 76011732 76011763 76011766 76011775 76011777 76011778 76011790 76011795 76011796 76011798 COMMERCIAL AREA PATROL - INCIDENT STATISTICS December 1, 1976 - December 31, 1976 DATE TIME INCIDENT LOCATION 12/1/76 0920 Burglary 12/1/76 0930 Burglary 12/1/76 0948 Burglary 12/1/76 1004 Att. Burglary 12/1/76 1108 Shoplifter 12/1/76 1105 H &R Accident 12/1/76 1148 Shoplifter 12/1/76 1316 Theft 12/1/76 1317' Fire 12/1/76 1409 Accident, Pass. Heart Attack 12/1/76 1519 Shoplifter 12/1/76 1613 Forgery 12/1/76 1636 Forgery 12/1/76 1659 Found Bicycle 12/.1/76 2146 Alarm 12/2/76. 0105 Theft 12/2/76 0647 Audible Alarm 12/2/76 0840 Vehicle -in -lot 12/2/76 1824 Vehicle lockout 12/2/76 1931 Theft by Check 12/2/76 2100 Theft of Auto Parts 12/2/76 2135 Alarm 12/3/76 0614 Alarm 12/3/76 1240 Theft by Check 12/3/76 1211 Medical Emergency 12/3/76 1602 Theft 12/4/76 1130 Medical 12/4/76 1253 Shoplifting 12/4/76 1356 Lost Property 12/4/76 1613 Shoplifter 12/4/76 1629 Lost Property 12/4/76 1632 Shoplifters 12/4/76 1642 Shoplifters 12/4/76 1653 Shoplifters 12/4/76 1807 Domestic 12/4/76 2003 Alarm 12/5/76 1628. PD Accident 12/6/76 0959 H &R Accidnet 12/6/76 1212 Shoplifting 12/6/76 1454 Shoplifting, Warrant 12/6/76 1539 Info on Exposer 12/6/76 1600 Theft 12/6/76 2225 Alarm 12/7/76 0953 PD Accidnet 12/7/76 0940 Lost Property 12/7/76 1044 Lost Property S'dale Bridal Shop Super Sams Mr. Cricket Roz Gift Shop Target Alligator Lot Donaldson's GiGi Southdale Tunnel Hazelton & France Penney's County Seat . Now and Then Southdale Tunnel 1st S'dale Bank Country Store Henn. Co. Library Gabberts Country Store Dayton's Tiger Lot Cedrics Voyageur Outpost Marvin Oreck Target YMCA Brothers Restauran Penney's Dayton's Target Super Sams Target Donaldson's Donaldson's Gopher Lot Henn. Co. Library Bear Lot Southdale Limited Schaak Electronics Owl Lot Theodores Radio Shack Henn. Co. Library Southdale Center Dayton's DISP. CONT CONT CONT CONT CBA A &A CBA CONT A &A 0TH CBA CONT CBA A &A A &A 0TH A &A A &A A &A CONT CONT A &A A &A CONT A &A CONT A &A CBA A &A CBA CONT CBA CBA CBA A &A A &A A &A A &A CBA CBA A &A CONT A &A 0TH A &A A &A Commercial Area Patrol - Incident Statistics December 1, 1976 - December 31, 1976 C# DATE TIME INCIDENT 76011799 76011814 76011821 76011832 76011834 76011835 76011847 76011848 76011869 76011875 76011877 76011878 76011879 76011900 76011902 76011907 76011915 76011927 76011929 76011935 76011937 76011939 76011940 76011941 76011944 76011946 76011962 76011965 76011970 76011974 76011981 76011983 76011986 76011995 76012000 76012001 76012007 76012008 76012011 76012012 76012014 76012018 76012027 76012034 76012040 76012045 76012049 76012052 76012054 76012055 76012060 76012061 12/7/76 12/7/76 12/7/76 12/8/76 12/8/76 12/8/76 12/8/76 12/8/76 12/9/76 12/9/76 12/9/76 12/9/76 12/9/76 12/10/76 12/1 0/76 12/10/76 12/10/76 12/1.1/76 12/1.1/76 12/11/76 12/11/76 12/11/76 12/11/76 12/11/76 12/11/76 12/11/76 12/12/76 12/12/76 12/12/76 12/12/76 12/12/76 12/13/76 12/13/76 12/13/76 12/13/76 12/13/76 12/13/76 12/13/76 12/13/76 12/13/76 12/13/76 12/14/76 12/14/76 12/14/76 12/14/76 12/14/76 12/15/76 12/15/76 12/15/76 12/15/76 12/15/76 12/15/76 1104 1808 2349 1346 1435 1505 1915 2014 1522 1626 1709 1742 1646 1646 1711 2005 2138 1530 1615 1721 1738 1750 1812 1848 2032 2219 1157 1225 1429 1627 2110 0025 0219 1145 1235 1254 1518 1518 1939 2019 2121 0244 1248 1534 1653 2129 0046 0636 0929 1016 1505 1545 Theft Theft by Check Auto Theft Medical Emergency Theft by Check Shoplifting Worthless Check Forgery Theft Worthless Check Shoplifter Theft from Auto Possible Forgery Att. Forgery Worthless Checks Aggravated Forgery H &R Accident Theft from Auto Shoplifting; Poss. of Marijuana Theft from Auto Damage to Property Theft of Auto Parts H &R Accident Warrant Credit Card Fraud Loud Reports H &R PD Accident Assault Burglary Smoke Smell Open Door Car Lockout Open Door Theft from Auto Shoplifter Refuse to Pay Shoplifting Acct. Closed Checks Auto Theft PD Accident Domestic Assist Alarm Medical Emergency Shoplifter Theft Shoplifting Alarm Alarm Medical Emergency PD Accident Theft from Auto Auto Theft Page 2 LOCATION . DISP. Schaak Electronics CONT Donaldson's CONT Byerly's. UNF Donaldson's A &A 1st S'dale Bank E.C. Target CBA Polly Berg CONT Marvin Oreck CONT Southdale Center CONT Polly Berg . CONT Byerly's CBA Dayton's CONT Suzy Casuals CONT Target CONT Merle Norman CONT 1st S'dale Bank CONT Dayton's Gas Exit. 0TH Donaldson's Overflow CONT J.C. Penney's CBA Byerly's CONT Super Sams UNF Byerly's CONT Giraffe Lot CONT Owl Lot ROA Liemondts A &A Key Cadillac GOA /UTL Byerly's A &A Rooster Lot E.C. Henn. Co. Library CONT. Daytons Ski Shop A &A 1st S'dale Bank A &A Fox Lot A &A Southdale Ford 0TH Rooster Lot A &A J.C. Penney's CBA Pearl Vision A &A Dayton's CBA Mr. G's E.C. Tiger Lot, UNF Rooster Lot A &A Penney's A &A Southdale Ford A &A Dayton's A &A Target CBA Panache CONT Target CBA Donaldson's A &A Freemans A &A Walgreens A &A Southdale Ford 0TH Southdale A &A Gopher Lot UNF Commercial Area Patrol - Incident Statistics Dgcembbr 1,.1976 - December 31, 1976 C# DATE TIME 76012067 12/15/76 1832 76012081 12/16/76 1140 76012085 12/16/76 1507 76012087 12/16/76 1648 76012088 12/16/76 1725 76012089 12/16/76 1804 76012095 12/17/76 0016 76012111 12/17/76 1350 76012113 12/17/76 1428 76012115 12/17/76 1455 76012118 12/17/76 1519 76012122 12/17/76 1730 76012123 12/17/76 1733 76012130 12/17/76 2101 76012131 12/17/76 2128 76012145 12/18/76 1203 76012157 12/18/76 1701 76012160 12/18/76 1855 76012178 12/19/76 1155 76012179 12/19/76 1324 76012204 12/20/76 0829 76012214 12/20/76 1135 76012215 12/20/76 1240 76012217 12/20/76 1338 76012219 12/20/76 1408 76012223 12/20/76, 1517 76012224. 12/20/76 1539 76012226 - 12/20/76 1544 76012227 12/20/76 1559 76012228 12/20/76 1625 76012240 12/20/76 2233 76012249 12/21/76 0910 76012272 72/21/76 1530 76012273 12/21/76 1907 76012276 12/21/76 2005 76012288 12/22/76 1200 76012291 12/22/76 1445 76012292 12/22/76 1447 76012294 12/22/76 1535 76012298 12/22/76 1605 76012302 12/22/76 1706 76012310 12/22/76 1909 76012313 12/22/76 2005 76012317 12/22/76 2055 76012318 12/22/76 2150 76012335 12/23/76 1045 76012337 12/23/76 1110 76012344 12/23/76f 1321 76012347 12/23/76 1407 76012348 12/23/76 1435 INCIDENT Shoplifting Agg. Forgery Medical Emergency Shoplifter Worthless Checks Shoplifter Theft from Auto Stolen Vehicle Theft Att. Theft Shoplifting Theft from Auto Shoplifting P &C Shoplifting Shoplifting Shoplifting Shoplifting Alarm Theft Alarm Shoplifter PD Accident Forgery Theft Theft from Auto Shoplifter Agg. Forgery Shoplifter Theft P &C Alarm Att. Theft Medical Emergency Shoplifter Theft from Auto Lost Property Forged Prescription Info - H &R Accident Shoplifter Threats Theft from Auto ATL Person Att. Kidnap, Simple Assault Theft from Auto Theft of Billfold Theft from Auto Forged Prescription Shoplifter H &R Accidnet Page 3 LOCATION Target Marvin Oreck Target Byerly's Dayton's Target Southdale Ford Key Cadillac Dayton's Epitome Donaldson's Daytons Overflow Donaldson's Southdale Bowl Byerly's Donaldson's Penney's Target Diperna Jewelers Bachmans lst S'dale Bank Tobacco Road Goose Lot Jackson Graves Dayton's Alligator Lot Woolworths Leather Unlimited Target Panache Southdale Bowl 1st S'dale Bank Donaldson's Lot Southdale Tunnel Dayton's Giraffe Lot Southdale Center Walgreens, Camel Lot Donaldson's Woolworths Donaldsons Overflow Southdale Area Southdale Bowl Ciceros Southdale Southdale Walgreens Donaldson's Alligator Lot DISP. CBA CONT A&A CBA CONT CBA CONT CONT CONT CONT CBA CONT CBA CBA CBA. CBA CBA CBA A &A E. C. A &A CBA A &A CONT CONT CONT CBA CBA CBA CONT. CBA A&A CONT A &A CBA CONT A &A CBA A &A CBA CONT CONT CONT CBA CONT A &A CONT CBA CBA CONT Copmercial Area Patrol - Incident Statistics December 1, 1976 - December 31, 1976 C#,- DATE . TIME INCIDENT 76012349 76012357 76012361 76012365 76012382 76012393 76012417 76012433 76012440 76012441 76012449 76012462 76012476 76012478 76012481 76012485 76012486 76012491 76012499 76012500 76012501 76012507 76012508 76012511 76012522 76012527 76012543 76012573 76012574 76012575 76012590 76012605 76012611 76012619 76012628 76012643 12/23/76 12/23/76 12/23/76 12/23/76 12/24/76 12/24/76 12/25/76 12/26/76 12/26/76 12/26/76 12/26/76 12/27/76 12/27/76 12/27/76 12/27/76 12/27/76 12/27/76 12/27/76 12/27/76 12/27/76 12/28/76 12/28/76 12/28/76 12/28/76 12/28/76 12/28/76 12/28/76 12/29/76 12/29/76 12/29/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 1.2/31/76 12/31/76 12/31/76 DISPOSITION CODINGS: 1450 1629 1702 1855 0655 1636 1905 1212 1710 1820 2213 0816 1405 1538 1603 1755 1807 2025 2313 2305 0022 0511 0825 0913 1240 1454 2334 1827 1828 1829 0033 1532 1801 0209 0904 1919 Accident PD Accident Found Property H &R PD Accident Alarm Theft from Auto Audible Alarm Smoke Smell Shoplifting PD H &R Accident Alarm Burglary Theft from Auto Theft Theft Shoplifter PD Accident Forgery Alarm Customer Trouble Alarm Alarm Abandoned Vehicle Hol.d -up Alarm PD Accident Shoplifter Suspicious Van Theft by Check Shoplifting Shoplifting Alarm Car Prowl Theft from Auto ATL Request Alarm Alarm Page 4 LOCATION ' 1st S'dale Bank Penneys Auto Care Southdale Country Store Donaldson's Dayton's Overflow Southdale Bowl Southdale Core 5 Woolworths Southdale Pkg. Lot YMCA Delaria's Valley View Lane YMCA Target Penney's Dayton's Overflow Byerly's Penney's Southdale Bowl Oriental Rugs Freeman's Gabberts Dipernas Rooster Lot Donaldson's Southdale Ford 1st S'dale Bank Penney's Penney's Radio Shack Camel Lot Goose Lot Byerly's 6823 York Ave. Winnicks ROA Referred to Other Agency UNF Unfounded A &A Assisted and Advised 0TH Other CONT Continued CBA Cleared by Arrest GOA /UTL Gone on Arrival /Unable to Locate E.C. Exceptional Clearance DISP. GOA /UTL A &A 0TH A &A A &A CONT A &A A &A CBA A&A A &A CONT CONT CONT CBA CBA 0TH CONT A &A GOA /UTL A &A A &A A &A A&A 0TH CBA GOA /UTL CONT CBA CBA A &A GOA /UTL CONT GOA /UTL A &A A&A CITY OF EDINA NEWS LETTER JANUARY, 1977 CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street, Edina 55424 Public Works Employees Strike Edina and 20 Other Suburbs; Services Will Be Affected t At 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, January 12, 1977, employees of Edina's street, park, water and sewer departments who are represented by Local No. 49, International Union of Opera- ting Engineers, legally struck the City. Employees of 20 other suburbs also struck. This strike, involving about 50 Edina employees, was occasioned when members of the union, at a meeting Tues- day evening, January 11, failed to ratify an understanding reached by committees representing the union and the municipalities. During the strike, the City of Edina will make every effort to operate services by utilizing supervisory and non- striking personnel. It may be necessary to stop maintenance of outdoor skating rinks and to lower the performance level of snow - plowing and street - sanding. Your patience and understanding during the period of the strike will be greatly appreciated and most, helpful. Please limit calls for service to those of an emergency nature only. Agreement Reached by Negotiating Committees Included 1. A wage increase of 37¢ per hour in 1977 for light equip- ment operators (truck drivers primarily). This is 6% more than in 1976 and brings the rate to $6.56 per hour or $1,137 per month. 2. Another increase of 400 per hour in 1978, or 6.1% more. This would bring the base rate to $6.96 hourly or $1,206 per month. 3. Health and life insurance payments would increase to $52.50 and $57.50 per month in 1977 and 1978, respectively. In 1976, the City paid $41 per month for this purpose. Since the mid- 1960s, Edina has participated with most of the other principal suburbs in joint- bargaining with the Operating Engineers. Most problems were reasonably well solved without strikes for several years. With the enactment of the Minnesota State Public Employee Labor Relations law in 1971, however, negotiations became much more formalized and time-consuming. Negotiations Started In May Negotiations for the 1977 -1978 contract terms started in Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 303 Minneapolis, Minn. Residential Customer May, 1976. Because no agreement was likely, State mediation was requested in September. Early in December, tentative agreement was reached on the proposal described above. The agreement was recommended by union leadership at a general membership meeting December 7, but rejected by the members by a 3 to 1 margin. Less than half of the 700 members were, reportedly, present. On December 27, the State Director of the Bureau of Mediation Services formally declared the negotiations to be at impasse. This made it possible for the union to strike lawfully any time after 15 days. Another negotiation session was held Tuesday, January 11, with the union membership rejecting the offer at a meet- ing later that day. The negotiating committee for the cities is composed of five city managers who have had frequent meetings with the managers and administrators of the 21 suburbs involved. Mayors and City Council members have been kept fully informed of developments. The last offer made by the cities would stretch the limited tax resources available. It is consistent with wage increases granted for other employee groups. LISTEN TO THE EDINA REPORT WWTC -1280 4:10 p.m. — Monday Wednesday Thursday 6:10 p.m. —Tuesday Edina's Competitive Liquor Prices Attract Nearly $4 Million in Sales; City Treasury Enriched by $316,000 Again in 1976, Edina's three conveniently- located, city - owned liquor stores were "best- sellers" —with sales totaling $3,899,381. Net City income will be about $316,000. Buyers of three or more bottles of wine and /or liquor receive a 6 %, discount. Those who purchase 12 bottles or more receive a 10" /,. discount. A recently - published price comparison survey failed _ to indicate that with their dis- counts, Edina liquor store prices were very competitive with all other stores included in the survey. More and more customers are finding their way back to the city -owned liquor store on 50th Street, just west of France Avenue. With the completion of the large new park- ing ramp just behind the store, and the re- opening of 50th Street, persons parking in the ramp have only a few steps to the side door of the store. All three stores are open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, and until 10 p.m. on Saturday. The Stores Are Located At: 6801 York—Across from Southdale Center ......... 922 -0701 50th Street just west of France Avenue .............922 -1811 Vernon Avenue at Interlachen Boulevard ........... 929 -3232 HUMAN SERVICES INFORMATION AVAILABLE Edina residents who need help from the many human service agencies available to them, may call the City offices —927-8861—on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and ask for the "Human Services Aid ". Information will be given as to the location, telephone numbers, and services available from agencies dealing with: Chemical Dependency, Counseling, Employment, Medical, Housing Assistance, Legal Assistance, Financial Assistance, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc. Youth Action, an Edina organization, is partially financed by the City to provide education and counseling as to drugs, alcohol, as well as family- and youth - related problems. For round- the -clock telephone service call 926 -1851. Also, information on many other services can be obtained by calling the Greater Minneapolis Area Community In- formation and Referral Service at 340 -7431. The South Hennepin Human Services Council —888-5530 —is also able to provide information. In case of urgent, extreme need for services, the Edina Police department will make every effort to provide informa- tion and help. 925 -2242 is the proper number to call for this type of information from the Police department. EDINA COMMUNITY RESOURCE POOL SEARCHING FOR VOLUNTEERS WILLING TO SHARE KNOWLEDGE The Community Resource Pool of Edina (CRP) is a Community Participation Plan. CRP continues to search for people with special knowledge, hobbies, or experiences who are willing to share this information with young people in the classrooms of Edina Schools. CRP is eager to discover new volunteers who would be available for this existing program. Special knowledge, a desire to communicate with young people, or time to spend in our office are all vital needs of the CRP. All volunteers will be cheerfully accepted and treated lovingly. Please call the CRP office, Creek Valley. School, 941 -6378. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES NOW AVAILABLE FOR EDINA CITIZENS FROM BLOOMINGTON HEALTH DEPT. Edina citizens may now secure many more public. health services as a result of a new contract between the City of Edina and the City of Bloomington. Under the terms of the contract, Bloomington's on -going activities are being expanded to serve the needs of Edina. The City of Richfield also entered into a similar contract with Bloomington. Among the Services and Programs Are: Home Care Services —Home nursing visits and physical therapy. Maximum charges will be $20 for nursing or therapy; $10 for health aides, depending upon ability to pay. For service, telephone Bloomington Health Department at 881 -5811. Adult Health Services —Geared to preventive medicine, these . services include immunization clinics, screening, family planning, venereal disease care, blood pressures, pap smears and breast examinations. Maximum cost is $20 per family per year, depending upon ability to pay. Clinic appointments may be made by calling Bloomington Health Department at 881.5811. Venereal disease and family planning clinics are held Monday and Thursday. Child Health Services —These preventive medicine services include early and periodic screenings, immunizations, tu- berculin tests, well -child clinics, and parental education. The cost, $20 per family per year, is included if the family has paid for Adult Health Services. Clinics are held weekly, usually on Tuesday nights and Wednesday mornings. Ap- pointments must be made by calling Bloomington Health Department at 881 -5811. Public Health Information —These services consist of education to groups, individuals and industry. Topics vary from pre- and post -natal classes to industrial information classes. Contact either the Edina Health Department at 927 -8861, or Bloomington Health Department at 881 -5811. Senior Citizens —Immunizations, tuberculin tests, well - adult visits, blood pressure testing, nutrition classes, thera- peutic help, and other clinical services are available at weekly clinics at Creekside Center, 98th Street and Penn Avenue South, Bloomington. To make an appointment, call Bloom- ington Health Department at 881.5811. Transportation can be arranged. If there is a sufficient number of Edina Senior Citizens using these clinics, it is hoped that it will be possible to have these clinics in Edina. Other clinics of various kinds will be held in Edina during the year. As a result of the above services being made available by Bloomington, Edina has withdrawn from membership in the Suburban Hennepin Nursing Serv- ice, which formerly, provided home and parochial school nursing. The new arrangements were made advisable because of the new Minnesota Community Health Services law. A subsidy from the State to Edina is expected to pay the additional costs incurred. Inspections Continue The Edina Health Department and Environmental Labo- ratory Services continue to include inspection and analysis of all City of Edina water, food, general sanitation control, housing and environmental maintenance, pollution control, as well as inspection of food - handling premises. In addition, all public and semi - public swimming pools are inspected. The contract with Bloomington was finalized after thorough consideration by several agencies of all factors involved and after analysis of the public health problems in Hennepin County. Because Bloomington has been providing full services for several years, and was willing to extend service to Edina at a reasonable cost, it was decided such an arrangement was preferable to establishing complete new services within the Edina Health Department. M UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA January 11, 1977 Mr. Gary West City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. West: AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE Hennepin County Extension Office Suite 107 250 North Central Avenue Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 473 -4285 Thank you very much for allowing the Agricultural Extension Service of the University of Minnesota to use the Council Chambers last Wednesday, January 5, for our regional legislative hearing. The facilities were excellent. Please express our thanks to your Council for making it available to us. Sincerely, James C. Kemp County Extension Director JCK:rs UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AND MINNESOTA COUNTIES COOPERATING January 14, 1977 CITY OF EDINA 1976 LIMITED VALUE BREAKDOWN Property Type Limited Value Approx. % A. Apartment(frame) 61,334,150 5.99 B. Blind (Res.) 612,920 .OS C. Commercial 154,921,590 15.13 D. Disabled (Res.) 141,780 .01 I. Industrial 74,293,360 7.25 L. Vacant Land 11,430,260 1.11 (not Comm. or Ind.) M. Masonry Apt. (5 sty & over) 21,941,730 2.14 N. Masonry Apt. (4 sty & under) 1,275,380 .12 P. Paraplegic (Res.) 311,510 .03 R. Residential 689,993,798 67.40 T. Gov't Subsidy (Apt.) 49700,000 .46 U. Utilities 2,846,943 .28 TOTAL LIMITED 1,023,803,421 Note 1: Total Market 1,042,151,128 2: Total Assessed 3892061,063 3: Limited Value Approx. 98% of Assessor's Market Value 4: Homes Approx. 67.47. of total Apartments 8.77. Comm. 15.1% Ind. 7.77. Land 1.17. Breakdown of M, N and T properties shown above: Edina Towers (Barrie Rd) 4,400,000 Fountainwoods (Vernon) 5,740,000 White Oaks ( 44th & France) 364,000 Yorktown (72nd & York) 9,600,000 Villa Way (Vernon) 4,060,000 Interlachen Ct. (53rd & Vernon) 18363,000 Schneider (63rd & Xerxes) 357,000 Rembrandt (Heritage Dr.) 1,700,000 1,360,000 Continental (72nd & York) 4,700,000 Note: Market values shown may differ from Limited value in tabulation. s To Mayor and Council From City Manager ' Liquor Stores Wage Rates January 24, 1977 Up until the time the Federal Wage and Hours law was applied to munici- palities, the regular full -time employees at the liquor stores who were paid on an hourly rate worked a scheduled 52 hour week. When the Federal law became effective, we adjusted wages to provide for 40 hours per week at straight time, and 8'hours at time and one -half. Now, with the U. S. Supreme Court having ruled that municipalities are exempt from Federal regulation in this regard, we no_ longer have to pay time and one -half after 40 hours. When I proposed 1977 rates for these employees I did not take this into consideration. Based on the approved 1977 rates, we tried to work out a schedule for the employees affected for a 45 hour week - -40 at straight time and 5 at time and one -half. However, with less than a 5% increase in hourly rates from 1976 to 1977, such a schedule would result in a net loss to the 10 employees involved. The attached tabulation shows the problem. It would be desirable to eliminate the time and one -half overtime rate but to do so we should increase the maximum hourly rate from the 1977 authorized rate of $5.15 to $5.50. This would affect only two employees. Similarly, the assistant manager would go from $632 to $736 bi- weekly, and the two assistant managers- stores from $603 to $700. No hours over 48 would be scheduled and no time and one -half would be paid for over 40 hours per week. No employees other than the ones listed above work more than 30 hours per week. r Yeiy 1976 40 +84 OT Weekly ftap 50th Street Justice * vim, . 17,914.36. 6.51 338.56 573 bi =wk Meyer 13,540.39 4.90 254.80 York Hahn Peterson C.* Risler Schneider Vernon Hughes Peterson H. Roberson Walsh *' 1977 Rate to gross .04% 1976 more than '76 Gross without OT 17,605 7.34 13,249 5:v= 5-,3-6 1977 977 48 ST time Gass 352.10 8,309 301.50 wk 603 bi -wk 264.99 13,779 5.15 hr 10,165.36 4.00 208.00 10,816 4.51 216.32 11,248 5.15 hr 19,215.47 6.82 354.64 18,441 7.68 368.83 19,179 316 wk 600 bi -wk 632 bi -wk 11,673.67 4.40 228.80 11,897 4.96 237.95 12,373 5.15 hr 10,366.88 4.05 210.64 10,953 4.56 219.07 11,391 5.15 hr 13,508.58 4.90 254.80 13,250 5„52- 264.99 13,779 5.15 hr 12,821.82 4.60 239.20 12,438 5.18 248.77 12,936 5.15 hr 4,849.93 3.40 176.80 9,193 3.83 183.87 9,561 5.15 hr 18,614.82 6.51 338.56 17,605 7.34 352.10 18,309 301.50 wk 573 bi -wk 603 bi -wk * Paid at bi- weekly rate for 40 hours,time and one -half for overtime. i r cli I� I Iii- - -- - - - -- --------- - - - - -- III iii • 1 Mr.,Hyde explained that the contract calls for anx increase of 3¢ per hour over the original offer for 1977 but no change in the offer for 1978., The increase would be 40¢ per hour each year of the contract or a 12.92% increase ofer 1976 wages spread over the two "years of the contract. The city will also pay ax for both years, an additional 16.66 per month for health and life'insu'rance or a total of $'60.00 per month and $ 5.1,0 per month for-long term disability insurance. i 0 P NUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL, HELD AT CITY HALL JANUARY 24, 1977, 5:00 P.M. Answering rollcall were member §._.Courtney, Schmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van Valkenburg MEDIATOR'S PROPOSAL ACCEPTED FOR PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYEES. Mr. Hyde advised that 19 of the 21 members of the Metropolitan Area Managers Association had met to consider the terms proposed by the mediator in regard to the strike of the International Union of Operating Engineers /Noo. 9 against 21 metropolitan area suburbs. He said that the managers attending the meeting had agreed to recommendthe proposed contract but explained that 11 of the 21 municipalities must ratify the contract in order for the joint bargaining to become effective. Mr. Hyde further recommended that the strikers be called back to work for the January 25, 1977, morning shift. Mr. Hyde explained that the contract calls for an increase of 30, per hour over the original offer for both 1977 and 1978, with a total additional cost to the City for 1977 of $7,620 and of $125 for 1978, ftK the overall increase amounting to 6.46 %.over 1976 wages. An additional $15.00 will be paid by the City each month toward the cost of health insurance. Mr. Hyde also explained that no local issues are to be negotiated and that the wage increase will start as of the date employees return to work. locally/ Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt that the mediator's proposal be approved and that the salary resolution be presented at the next Council meeting. Rollcall: Ayes: All Mr. Hyde commented that the employees had carried out the strike in a manner which justified the faith that the City had in them. Mayor Van Valkenburg expressed his appreciation for the manner in which the strikers behaved and commended the City Manager for his part in the negotiations. �-, THOMAS MELENA ACCEPTS POSITION AS PERSONNEL DIRECTOR AT RED WING. Mr. Hyde advised Council that Mr. Thomas Melena, Administrative A §sistant of the City for the past 32 years, has accepted a position as Personnel Director for the City of Red Wing. Council offered its congratulations to Mr. Melena. MARCELLA DAEHN INTRODUCED. Mr. Hyde introduced his new secretary, Mrs. Marcella Daehn, who was welcomed by the Council. ENERGY PROBLEMS DISCUSSED. Mr. Hyde advised Council that thermostats at the City Hall have been cut back to 65° during the day and 60° during weekends and that the warming houses and the Arena have been cut to 50 °. Reduction has also been made in the temperature of the liquor stores. No plans are being made at the present time for a 4 day work week. LIQUOR STORES WAGE RATES REVISED. Mr. Hyde reviewed the history of wage rates for Edina Liquor Store employees, advising that with the U•.,S. Supreme Court having ruled that municipalities are exempt from Federal regulations on the 40 hour week, the City no longer has to pay time and one -half after 40 hours. NXKMKMKMNMKHXX KMXK As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, with the understanding that all overtime be limited to 48 hours _ - Adj . 5:15 ... p.m. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JANUARY 24, 1977, 5:00 P.M. Answering rollcall were members Courtney, Schmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van Valkenburg. MEDIATOR'S PROPOSAL ACCEPTED FOR PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYEES. Mr. Hyde advised that 19 of the 21 members of the Metropolitan Area Managers Association had met to consider the terms proposed by the mediator in regard to the strike of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 49 against 21 metropolitan area suburbs. He said that the managers attending the meeting had agreed to recommend the pro- posed contract, but explained that 11 of the 21 municipalities must ratify the contract in order for the joint bargaining to become effective. Mr. Hyde further s recommended that the strikers be called back to work-%•b4ft January 25, 1977, '.P ftie c- "'t Tile fzlra —rR RrtRa, f�- ,.•;�- s9r- ar�sric.L Ca'Se -6f �} al re ?,,yi nil- h „uer-t- - .o-r- i.gina w -to �- ee`�ae- Gix_y _f-Gr- X9-7 -0 , -- The- overait reasE- .4b% -over 197,6 n- add- i- t.iona3.- $.15- .-00- wila -bwe pall -by the Ci3:y eaPh mo4i- *��he- cos -t-of- heal -t-h insurance -. Mr: Hyde also explained that no local issues are to be negotiated locally and that the wage increase will start as of the date employees return to work. Councilman Courtney's motion was sec- onded by Councilwoman Schmidt that the mediator's proposal be approved and that the salary resolution be presented at the next Council meeting. Rollcall: Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. Mr. Hyde commented that the employees had carried out the strike in a manner which justified the faith that the City had in them. Mayor Van Valkenburg expressed his appreciation for the manner in which the strikers behaved and commended the City Manager for his part in the negotiations. Appreciation of the Council was also expressed for those who drove the snow plows and sanders during the strike. THOMAS MELENA ACCEPTS POSITION AS PERSONNEL DIRECTOR AT RED WING. Mr. Hyde advised that Mr. Thomas Melena, Administrative Assistant 311 years, has accepted a position as Personnel Director Council offered its congratulations to Mr. Melena. of the City for the past for the City of Red Wing. MARCELLA DAEHN INTRODUCED. Mr. Hyde introduced his new secretary, Mrs. Marcella Daehn, who was welcomed by the Council. ENERGY PROBLEMS DISCUSSED. Mr. Hyde advised Council that thermostats at the City Hall had been cut back to 65- during the day and 60 during weekends and that the warming houses and the Arena have been cut to 50 °. Reduction has also been made in the temperature of the liquor stores. No plans are being made at the present time for a 4 day work week. LIQUOR STORES WAGE RATES REVISED. Mr. Hyde reviewed the history of wage rates for the Edina Liquor Store employees, advising that, with the U. S. Supreme Court having ruled that municipalities are exempt from Federal regulations on the 40 hour week, the City no longer has to pay time and one -half after 40 hours. As recommended by Mr. Hyde, Councilman Courtney of f" _ filet- foi-l-ow- i- ng- r- esolu-Gio.n_and___p, , Week moved its adoption, with the understanding that all o�ime be limited to 48 hours. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the maximum wages and salaries for liquor store employees be established as follows: a '1 1976 1976 1977 1977 Bi- Weekly Annual Bi- Weekly Annual ' Manager $890 ($23,140) $939 ($24,414) Asst. Mgr. 600 ( 15,600) 736 ( 19,136) Asst. Mgrs. -> (Stores) 573 ( 14,898) 700 ( 18,200) Clerks (Hourly) 4.99 5.50 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. No further business appearing, Councilman Courtney's motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Adjournment at 5:20 p.m. City Clerk