HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-05-02_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL MAY,,2, 1977 7:00 'P.M. ROLLCALL MINUTES of April 4 and 13,.1977, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of seconded by RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS - CHRISTOPHER LARSON- I. REPORTS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PLANNING MATTERS Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinances requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable .rollcall vote to pass .Second .Read ing or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, Plats, Declara- tion of Buildable Lots and Flood Plain Permits require 3/5 favorable roll -. call vote to pass. A., McCauley Heights 7th Addition - Preliminary Plat (Generally located East of McCauley Trail, North of McCauley Lane.and-,South.of McCauley Circle) S -77 -3 (Continued from 4/18/77). B. McCauley.Heights 8th Addition -.Set Hearing Date for Preliminary Plat and Rezoning (Located South.of McCauley Lane, North of Margaret�s Lane and East of County; Road 18) S -77 -7 and-Z -11 -10 (4/20/77) C. Dahlqu'ist Addition Replat - Located East of Valley View Road, North of Mark Terrace Drive at the end of Bror Road 1. Final Plat Approval - S -76 -20 2. Second Reading - Ordinance No. 811 -A' - R -1 Residential District to. PRD -1 Planned Residential District - Z -77 -2. D. Interlachen Hills 3rd Addition - Set,Hearing Date for Preliminary Plat, Rezoning and Flood Plain Permit S -77 -2, Z -77 -2 and Z -77 -4 (4/20/77) II. AWARD OF BIDS Tabulations and Recommendations by City Manager. Action of Council by Motion. A. Public. Improvements III. COMMUNICATIONS a. reLlLivci5 1. Permanent Street Surfacing and Curb - Grove Circle - 100% Petition Authorize Street Improvement No, BA -228 B. Amundson Ave. and Delaney Blvd. Improvements 1. Mr. Roy W. Hall 2. Mrs. R. M. Rickenbach 3. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson 4. Mrs. Alice O'Connor 5. Ms. Lucille M. Haberkorn 6. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin 7. Mr. Chris Farni IV. RECOMMENDATIONS AND ,REPORTS A. Set Hearing Date - Board.of Review - June 13, 1977 . - 7:00 p.m. B. Resurfacing Tennis Courts at Utley and'Creek:Valley Parks (Informal Bids) C. Electrical Outlets and Transformer Installation at Braemar Pavilion (Informal Bids) D. Police Arbitration Award E. South .Hennepin Human Services Council - ,Position Paper and Annual Report F. Boards and Commissions - Mr. Richards G. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items 1. Topographic Map Case Settlement V. ORDINANCES First Reading requires offering-of Ordinance only. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote if Second Reading should be waived. A. Readoption of.Flood Plain Ordinance No. 815 and 815 -A1 (Continue) B. Ordinance No.. 101 -A1 - Order of Business for Council Meetings (Continued from 4 /18/77) May 2, 1977 Agenda Page Two i VI. RESOLUTIONS A. lennepin County Signal P1an:Approval for 69th and York Ave. B. Authorize Execution of 69Eh and York Signal - 'Agreement with Hennepin County C. Request Department of. Transportation for use of Minnesota,State Aid Funds off System for 69th and York Avenue Signal D. Request Department of Transportation for use of Minnesota State Aid Funds off system for France Avenue Signals at 491� St., W. 50th St. and W. 51st St. .VII. ANY OTHERS WHO DESIRE HEARING.BEFORE COUNCIL VIII. FINANCE .Motion of seconded by for payment of the following claims as p.er Pre -List: General Fund, $61,129.07; Park, $9,108.78; Park Construction, $446.40; Swimming, $72.17; Golf; $9,019.91; Arena, .$1,190.00.; Gun, $350.52; Water,. $10,130.11; Sewer, $1,706.16, Liquor, $123,960.05; Construction, $464.45; Total, $217,637.62 April 29, 1977 To: Mayor and Council From: Warren C. Hyde Subject: Arbitration Award on Police By this time I had hoped that we would have a written statement from Curtis Roy of the Dorsey firm-on his recommendation concerning whether the City should take legal action in an attempt to set aside the "binding" award. His comments should be available Monday night. The mayors of Richfield and of Edina have been in voice communication on a joint approach to the problem, and Thursday the metro managers considered the matter at length. I have also had a phone conversation with Curt Roy. In summary, I think here is where we stand As of Thursday afternoon, Wayne Burggraaff, Manager.of Richfield, was going to recommend strongly that Richfield Council authorize some legal action, perhaps a motion to vacate the award. Peter Obermyer, associated with Cy Smythe, feels that the Richfield award went beyond the limits of the Minnesota statutes. Richfield apparently has a much stronger case than Edina. Curt Roy generally feels, I believe, that.we would have about a 30% chance of winning. He indicated that he felt our agreeing to go to arbitration, even though we raised the question at the outset of the hearing that the matters were not arbitrable because of the previous joint award, militates against us. I think his feeling is that if we want to test the constitution- ality of binding arbitration, we should do it next time we have an impasse with police or firefighters, at the outset, by refusing to go to arbitration. Some 18 to 20 of the managers and administrators present Thursday, of 25 to 30, indicated they would recommend to their Councils that their respective cities join in supporting Richfield's effort, by some financial contribution toward the costs of appealing to the State Supreme Court. The League of Minnesota Cities, at a recent Board of Directors meeting, has indicated considerable interest in the problem and would probably head up a joint financial contribution effort. All things considered then, in the absence of Roy's written opinion, I think the-following should.be our course of action: 1. Implement the Edina police award. 2. Agree to. participate financially up to perhaps $2,000 if Richfield goes to Supreme Court. 3. Consider very seriously the possibility of refusing to submit to any further binding arbitration procedures. 51� , & POLICE ARBITRATION AWARD APPROVED. Mr.Hyde presented the Police Department arbitration award and advised that implementation would be in the form of a 1976/77 contract which will be worked out with Teamsters' Local 320. Rmwwnbffi Mayor Van Valkenburg questioned Councilwoman Schmidt's motion for approval of the Police Department Arbitration Award was seconded by Councilman Shaw.amAmamamimiim M E M O R A 111 D U M April 27, 1977 MEMO TO: Warren C. Hyde City Council Members" FROM: Bob Kojetin Edina Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Electrical outlets and transformer installation at Braemar Pavilion The following bids were received for the installation of electrical outlets and transformer at Braemar Pavilion: 1. Edina Electric Company, 5244 Eden Circle, Edina, MN 55436 for a total of $3,685.00 2. Hilite Electric, 3600 Kennebec Road, Eagan, MN 55122 for a total of $2,800..00 Recommend award to Hilite Electric Company for a total of $2,300.00 l RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIO14S WHERIAS, Christopher Larson learned Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation from the Edina Fire Department in a Health Class at Edina East Upper Division during the school year 1975 -76; and `WHEREAS, on March 4, 1977, Christopher Larson was at the Southdale Medical Building when an elderly gentleman suffered a cardiac arrest; and WHERLAS, Christopher Larson, realizing the seriousness of the situation, immediately put his training to use and commenced applying cardio pulmonary resuscitation; and WHEREAS, because of the alert and prompt reaction of Christopher Larson to this emergency situation, the patient was kept alive until Edina Paramedics arrived and took over; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby commend CHRISTOPHER LARSON for his prompt and efficient action in saving this victim's life. ADOPTED this 2nd day of May, 1977. JAMES VAN VALKENBURG Mayor w c CITY a3° RDYKA 4501 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, WMESOTA 55424 September 27, 1974 Daar 14--dam: T"he 1974 Gcnezal - -C_I ty Election will be held an November 4. Will you Serve as an Election dudlge cut your pollinr piece? �n order to senre%, state law Tequi,:es; that yon must attend a "Vating Michi.ne School ". This class T7fill be held at 7 :30 p.m. on T'uesdiy, October 29, in tire. new Council Room cr. the West -aide o:i- the GUty Mall, cnd should lust about ane hour,, -Those who wo: -ked at tha l'ramary Elaction are. wel.com-a-a but not Ee.qu3.ed to attend this meeting. O Election Day, you must: appear at the polls at 6:00 a.m. and remain until the votes are counted in the evening -W hopefully about 10:00 pomo - For peip- Eoming this public service, you will be paid $2.25 per hour for Election Day, and also jEcr the Noting Machine School. Please indicate cat •tha form belm -2 whether cz not you will be able to sere and return the form in the enclosed se7 faadd essed envelope as soon as pcs- .able. Your participation will be greatly appreciated by City affi.cialso Y{ru rs very truly, A— c�r�a� of City Clete EDINA CITY CLEFT,' I -'JIl :�a 1c c. n.u�i, aurk) a' tsae Ctineva -City E!ccLlor_ tin 3�ave�e�c 5. check one - I .cannot during the day but will go to my polling place at 5,.00 p.m,, to count Absentee Ballots Mcj]'c3s litical. Feerty A"at k9lomw- 0 K i 4Z INIFIEW RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS oo\(�nk WHEREAS, Christopher Larson learned Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation tee4n±quesj from the Edina Fire Department in a Health Class at Edina East Upper Division, and WHEREAS, on March 4, 1977, Christopher Larson was at the Southdale Medical Build- ing when an elderly gentleman suffered a cardiac arrest; and WHEREAS, Christopher Larson, realizing the seriousness of the situation, immedi- PctT- tmS lv -&A w0& `VD atelyAcommenced applying cardio pulmonary resuscitatio5 _f WHEREAS, because of the alert and prompt reaction of Christopher Larson to this IL+'np -r enc - situation, the patient was kept alive until Edina Paramedics arrived and took over; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby commend CHRISTOPHER LARSON -ZYUs u1e-7ZA,-"s /,i —".e _ for his prompt and efficient action in.saving.=E+amo*ft'g9' ADOPTED this 2nd day of May, 1977. ADOPTED - !) MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Marren C. Hyde E Council Members FROM: Rick Jacobson, Recreation Supervisor SUBJECT: Resurfacing of tennis courts at Utley and Creek Valley.Parks DATE: April 26, 1977 The following quotes have been received concerning the resurfacing of tennis courts at Creek Valley School Park and Utley Park. Creek Valley Utley Total Action Courts $2,300.00 $3,380.00 $0.00 C & H Construction $2,370.00 $2,370.00 $4,740.00 - Tennis West Ltd. $2,146.00 $2,748.00 $4,896.00 -This price does not include additional work on structural cracks which is included in the other two quotes, as required in specifications. Recommend award of contract to Tennis West Ltd. for a total of $4,896.00. the city of oomingt ®n nvriesota 2215 WEST OLD SHAKOPEE ROAD - 55431 - (612)881 -581 1 April 15, 1977 Warren Hyde, City Manager Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Hyde: I have enclosed computer print -outs for statistical data on services to Edina residents for February, March and a quarterly composite. I have also summarized the services in some brief indexes to facilitate an overview of the variety of public health services being provided. Planning and development, which of course will not be reflected; has taken many hours and program development has been more rapid than I had anticipated. If you should have questions, please don't hesitate to call. If you wish me to attend any staff, board of health or city Council meetings, I'll be glad to do so. It has been a busy and /4ewarding experience working with your staff and residents. cerely, Yvonne Hargens, Direct r Division of Public Hea th Department of Community Services YH:cm cc: John Pidgeon, City Manager AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION /EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER r 61 SUMMARY FIRST QUARTER STATISTICS Personal Public Health Services Provided to Residents of Edina by City of Bloomington, Division of Public Health HOME SERVICES Illness Visits 402 Health Promotion 94 CLINIC SERVICES Blood Pressures 106 Immunizations- Tuberculin Tests 48 Family Planning 29, Venereal Disease 8 Well Child - Early & Periodic Screening 18 Well Woman 2 OFFICE COUNSELING SERVICES Alcohol -Drug 17 Emotional Health 32 GROUP SERVICES Presentations - Services 18 Individuals in Class 155 Individuals in Community - Industry 248 Individuals in Study Therapy 8 Individuals in Health Center 27 SCHOOL SERVICES Students Served 911 Students Screened 991 School Conferences 219 School Visits 54 HOME HEALTH AIDE STATISTICAL REPORT EDINA CITY Jan, Feb, March, 1977 MONTH AVERAGE TIME MONTH VISITS PER VISIT January 12 1.50 hr February 23 1.52 hr March 30 1.50 hr TOTALS 65 1.50 hr �0NES04 O I& - - Minnesota Department of Transportation o District 5 0F TaP�SQ, 2055 No. Lilac Drive Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 (612 )545 -3761 April 19, 1977 City of Edina ATTN: City Council Members 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear City Council Members: The Minnesota Department of Transportation is bringing the trans -. portation story to the public. order to reach the greatest number. of peOprinitnNationalaTrans In o at a shopping center during have a Mn /DOT Display Week" May 15 -21, 1977. The St. Paul Metro District p ortation last year .at Maplewood P•lali and the Minneapolis . hosted the di spla�r the display this year at the Ridgedale Metro District is, hosting unc Shopping Center located on T.H. 12 about one mile eastwilltbe held Lion with T.H. 494 in MinnetonhoursTof 10 :00 A.m. and 9.3.0 P.M. on May 19, 20 and 21 between the Thursday and Friday and from 9:30 A.-M. to 6:00 P.M. on.Saturday. There will be exhibits by the Aeronautics Division, Public Trans- Department of Public portation Division, Highway Division and the Safety. eo le'from your municipality will benefit .We expect that many p P from viewing these exhibits. Several public officials that dthey after seeing the display at Maplewood Mall last year, valued being updated on a number their.respec areas. Also, they were ln.a served. portation- related questions from the people they served". extend a personal invita I would'like to take this opp planning on tion to you to visit our display. Governor Perpich is P our attending May 19 at 10:00 A.M. and you may wish to schedule y visit for the same tame. aided ion 191. i If you have any q uestions about our display or would like a g tour, give Pat Urquhart of my staff a-call at 545 -3761 extens i Sinefrely, l/ i• Ari Eque/ Opportunity Employer W. M. Crawford n; r, - RnnlneeL EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE CONCOURSE 507 MAR12UETTE AVE. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 339 -8291 (AREA CODE 812) April 1, 1977 File: Financial Consultants: Ehlers and Associates Please distribute to governing body members Tax exempt interest rates have remained remarkably cons i deri ng 1 a_st_y_ear.,' s , thi -s-y -ear' sand, ______— Row=Jones_Index -6.._l l %„__ __ - projected federal deficits which normally would a. -- 1) be considered inflationary, 2) force all borrow- ing prices upward, or 3) both. Apparently what happened is that capital requirements of industry, 7. states and local governments declined enough to offset the federal borrowing. That's the current explanation anyway: Will it work again? 6 We were gratified by the survey response and thank all of you. Apparently there are many unmet capital needs which we hope to take care of. We are pleased to announce the following: THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Monday, March 21, 1977 Donald Carter, Superintendent of Schools, Buffalo, Minnesota, has joined us as Vice President /Account Executive. Don has been a school administrator in Minnesota for fifteen years and is familiar with school requirements. Robert Rauner, International Vice President of U.S. Universal, Inc, and over twelve years with the City of Minneapolis, joined us February 1 as Vice President /Account Executive. Bill Fahey, a native of Sioux City, Iowa and a municipal administrator for thirteen years, who joined us April 1, 1976 as Account Executive, has been elected Vice President. Jana Ristamaki, who has been with Ehlers and Associates, Inc. for thirteen years, was re- elected First Vice President /Secretary Treasurer. Phil Chenoweth, re- elected Senior Vice President, has now.,transitioned the firm's computer capabilities to "in house" and our new IBM equipment is G0: With warmest regards, we are Very truly yours, EHLE ND ASSOCI TIES NC. obert L. Ehlers qLq THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Monday, March 21, 1977 Donald Carter, Superintendent of Schools, Buffalo, Minnesota, has joined us as Vice President /Account Executive. Don has been a school administrator in Minnesota for fifteen years and is familiar with school requirements. Robert Rauner, International Vice President of U.S. Universal, Inc, and over twelve years with the City of Minneapolis, joined us February 1 as Vice President /Account Executive. Bill Fahey, a native of Sioux City, Iowa and a municipal administrator for thirteen years, who joined us April 1, 1976 as Account Executive, has been elected Vice President. Jana Ristamaki, who has been with Ehlers and Associates, Inc. for thirteen years, was re- elected First Vice President /Secretary Treasurer. Phil Chenoweth, re- elected Senior Vice President, has now.,transitioned the firm's computer capabilities to "in house" and our new IBM equipment is G0: With warmest regards, we are Very truly yours, EHLE ND ASSOCI TIES NC. obert L. Ehlers Y SUMMARY OF AREA BOND SALES MINNESOTA Years of Net Dow Jones Bond Municipality Sale Date Type of Bonds Amount Maturity Rate - Index Rating Brainerd 1/17/77 G.O. Improvement $ 440M 80/89 4.55% 6.04% A Perham Hospital District 1/25/77 Rev. Hospital- Nursing Home 1,035M 80/99 5.480% 6.13% Baa -1 Eden Valley - Watkins ISO #463 2/2/77 School Building 1,250M 78/97 5.321% 6.18% . A Oslo ISO #442- 2/2/77 School Building 975M 78/93 4.936% 6.18% A Hendricks ISO #402 2/3/77 G.O. School Building 355M 80/97 5.414% 6.18% Baa -1 Burnsville 2/7/77 G.O. Revenue Water 3,880M 77/96 5.24% 6.18% A Burnsville 2/7/77 G.O. Improvement 1,265M 78/86 4.48% 6.18% A North St. Paul 2/7/77 Tax Increment 460M 79/96 5.24% 6.18% A Breezy Point 2/7/17 Temp. Improvement 1,860M 79 3.89% 6.18% NR Duluth 2/14/77 Tax. Ant. Cert. of Indebt. 2,000M 77 3.044% 6.09% NR Arden-Hills 2/14/77 Refunding 500M 79/88 4.577% 6.09% A Minnetonka 2/15/77 Improvement 6,665M 80/94 5.057% 6.09% A Minneapolis SO #1 2/15/77 Cert. of Indebtedness 23,000M 78 3.12% 6.09% MIG -1 Truman 2/15/77 Refunding Revenue 450M 78/90 5.020% 6.09% A St. Paul 2/15/77 Housing and Redevelopment 39,125M 77 2.605% 6.09% Aa Minnesota Housing Finance 2/17/77 Home Mortgage Rev. 80,000M 79/2008 5.947% 6.09% A -1 St.,Paul 2/22/77 Water Revenue 1,188M 78/87 4.374% 6.09% AA :Moorhead 2/22/77 G.O. Improvement 915M 79/93 4.89% 6.09% A Yellow Medicine County 2/22/77 General Obligation 597M 79/98 5.103% 6.09% A Dassel 2/22/77 G.O. Temp. Construction 385M 79 3.73% 6.09% NR Minnesota Higher Education Facilities 2/23/77 First Mortgage Revenue 2,070M 79/97 6.68% 6.09% NR Prior Lake 2/28/77 General Obligation 1,900M 80/97 5.52% 6.26% Baa Mendota- ,Heights 3/1/77 G.O. Improvement 585M 78/94 4.76% 6.26% A Princeton'; 3/3/77 Electric.Revenue 650M 78/89 4.955% 6.26% A WISCONSIN State of Wisconsin 1/18/77 Various Purpose 74,000M 78/2007 4.7988 6.04% Aaa Stevens Point 1/20/77 Corporate Purpose 1,750M 78/93 4.699% 6.04% Aa Milwaukee County 2/8/77 Corp. Pur. Unlim. Tax 21,500M 78/97 4.766% 6.18% Aaa Unity SD 2/15/77 School Building 960M 79/92 5.192% 6.09% NR Menasha Sanitary Dist. #4 2/16/77 Refunding Unlim. Tax 2,320M 78/90 4.987% 6.09% A Pewaukee 2/23/77 Corporate Purpose 630M 80/92 5.573% 6.09% Baa -1 Greenfield 3/1/77 G.O.;Corporate,Purpose 1,230M 79/90 4.999% 6.26% A -1 Muskego 3/8/77 Promissory Notes 650M 83/87 4.801% 6.17% A Mus.kego 3/8/77 Corporate Purpose 1,310M 79/88 4.841% 6.17% A ;'IOWA Graettinger CSD 2/8%77 School Building 487M 79/93 4.812% 6.18% A Mid - Prairie Reorganized CSD 2/15/77 School Building 2,250M 78/96 5.126% 6.09% A Council Bluffs 2/21/77 Pollution Control Rev. 18,000M 2007 5.980% 6.09% A Council Bluffs 2/21/77 Pollution Control 1,000M 2007 5.980% 6.09% A Orient- Macksburg CSD 2/22/77 School Building 730M 78/96 5.046% 6.09% NR NORTH & SOUTH DAKOTA West Fargo, NO 1/17/77 Water & Sewer Revenue 625M 78/92 5.394% 6.04% NR Park River PSD #78, NO 2/8/77 G.O. School Building 635M 79/94 5.073% 6.18% NR - SUMMARY EXPENDITURE REPORT BY DEPT GENERAL FUND ONLY PAGE 1 O 4%28%77 CITY OF EDINA, MN AS OF APRIL 27, 1977 REQ 76 -110 EXPENDITURE FUND_ _ DEPT- .- DESCRIPTION ------- - -- -- APPRfF..- - - - -- - -- YTD _ BALANCE PERCENT - 10 10 MAYOR ANC COUNCIL 25,620.00 7,255.00 18,365.00 29r735o 26.3 5205 �0 -- - - 12 PLANNING __- - __-- ._- ____.__ 62,698o00 - 180,358.00 ___ ___32,S 62o:1 _ 54,813.78 22 125,584.22 30.3 ip 1 4-- 4DVINISTRATION 145,365.00 41,387.42 10'3,977.58 28.4 10 16 FINAr:CE 7,2.95009.. 6,392012 _ -- --- -..- ... 902088 87.6 10 - -___ 16 —_ -.. -- ELECTION - -- - . - .. __- -.---------------- - - - - -- - - .._ --- 11 8, 2 06 00 -- __--- _-_ -_- 36,177.60 8 2, 0 2 8.4 0 30.6 10 10 20 22 ASSESSIr.G LEGAL AND COURT SERVICES . 92,240.00 29,683.33 62,556.67 -1,878.53 32.1 30.7N 10 24_,__._ PUP.LiC WORKS AOMINo PUELI V,0PG -- 46,030000-- - -_---- ._._... 14,151o47 62,776.23 151,397.77 29.3 - " - - - -10 26 G PUE.LIC WORKS SUP. & OVERHEAD 214,174.00 209+001.00 49,092.67 159,906013 2304 10 10 28 30 STRFET DEPARTMENT - - -- -" __1.058,550.00_ -,_ ___- 197,955.00 811,595.00 18.7 35.9 - - 10 -- 42 POLICE 1,267 +390.00 456+249.59 811x140.41 3000 FIDE 675,71 °..00 203,229066 472,489o34 10 44 46_--- CI_ VILIAN_ .0EFENSE__--- --- -------- _____ -- 7,135.00 - "- - 941.58- -__- -. 8+076.98 22,024.30 .13.2 - 20o4 _10 - -- - -- 10 __ 47 ANIMAL CONTROL 27,700.00 61,158o00 5 +675.70 21,085.55 40,072.45 34.4 10 10 48 49 HEALTH INSPECTIONS - - -_ _______ 82,933.00- --- - - - - -- 27,469.72 - - -- - 55,463.28 - 33.1 1303 10 50 -_ --- - - NON- DEP4RTMENTAL 214,454.00 29,653.31 185.840,69 31.2 10 51 SERVICES CENTRAL ESVICE_ 813,160.00 254,189.30 21,016.79 558,990.70 31,483.21 h 40.0 - - ---- 1�- - - - -52 - C ITY HALL.. - -... -- - -- PUBLIC WCRKS BUILDING - 52,E00.00 _ 55,620000 . - -- - - 17,836o80 37,783,20 32oO 0 10 10 54 56' EQUIPMENT OPERATION 365,220.00 106,585.12 258,634.88 29.1 - - " - -- - -- _ . ______.- ._.____.. _-- 597a2,626000 1,673,696069 4,108,92903.1 2809 FURD`6tNEQ�L - 20 -FUND 60_PARK ADMINISTRATION _- ______ 206,467.00 2'6,467.00 -- -- - .61,273-84 145,193.16 29.6 - -_ . v - - - - -- - - -- - - __ ... FUND 20_-- 62PARK RECREATION - _______ -_ - -__ - 82,005.00 22,602.33 59,402067 27o5 33.2 - - - -- - - — 20 64 PARK MAINTENANCE 250,596.00 noi 83,419.62 167,576.38 226, FUND -PHR1( 332 Ql) S31, '16F. o0 �67� ;oo.7�f 372, 1 o 7, 1 -G 31.0 USER TOT AL- 6EN"*0-4PACk - - 6+322,094o0.0 -- .19840,997,43 4,481,096o57 2901 FINAL TCTALS - -- --- ___ -_ -_ -. - -- +322',C94.J0..__.__ __ _1,. 840,997.43 4,481,096.57 29.1 1,142 PECORCS_ TOTALED----- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- --- ..__..... _ - - -- J � I I Y 1) F I I ' Iv r r . 77 1 - - - - . E X P - E N 0 1 T U R' E R . E P 0 R T AS OF 3-31-77 PAGE I 1977 CITY 0 F E DINA ;'I ',IT rl -4 y rt FUND '110-/ GENERA'L 'FUND--,----- -T,IAIT'IC' U R R E N (,.T'! � M C N T Cr- J", T. �Y' E A R T. (0 A T E - ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT '" '-lt405.00 '1', 405. DO- 29,000.00 ";2,715.00 .!269285.00 -9.4 4100 4105 PERSONAL' S ERV I CES! "y1'." SALARY REGULAR'EMPLOYEES .00 .00 149,183.37 1499183.37- 29638,522.00 474,274.54 2,1649247046 1BoO 4110 SALARY OT REG EMPLOYEES c000 51,494660 5,494.60- .09 I7,693.97 17,693.97- 4120 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES .00 39871.77 3,871.77- .00 119495.50 11,495.50- 4130 SALARY OT TEM EMPLOYEES .00 .00 .00 000 000 Soo 4132 SICK LEAVE 000 79769.97 7,769.97- 129790.00 20,780.00 7,990.00-162.5 4134 VACATION- .00 12,070.67 129070.67- 309450.00 22,407.21 8,042.79 73.6 4136 HOLIDAYS .00 6,121.60 69121*60- 149000,00 18,45Oo49 41450o49-13lo8 4138 MILITARY PAY .00 345.00 345.00- .00 345.00 345.00- 4141 PREMIUM PAY .00 29722.86 29722.86- .00 8,123.52 8,123.52- 4143 CALLBACK PAY 000 000 000 000 000 .00 4144 OTHER PAY .00 .00 .00 3,660.00 .00 3,660.00 .0 4145 PENSIONS -00 llv475.79 11,475.79- 397,800.00 569027.53 341,772.47 14.1 4146 PERA REGULAR 000 000 000 000 .00 .00 4149 SOCIAL SECURITY .00 .00 .00 .00 368.69- 368.69 4155 INSURANCE EMPLOYEE-- .00 .00 .00 .00 Soo 000 4156 HOSPITALIZATION 000 1,133027 1p133.27- 144t660.00 26,234.59 118,425.41 18.1 4157 LIFE INSURANCE .00, 392.40 392.40-' .00 742.45 742.45- 4158 LONG TERM, DISABILITY------.------.-- -00 .00 .00 -- *00 2,214010 29214o10- 4170 WITNESS FEES .00 .00 .00 19000.00 .00 11000.00 .0 sax PERSONAL .SERVICES____ -_ .00. 2019 986. 30 201,986.30- 3,2719882.00 6619135.21 296109746.79 20.2 4200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 000 318.50 318.50- 134,319.00 99285.68 125v033.32 6.9 4202 CONFERENCE & -00 -- 131.18 131.18- 9,155.00 858.37 89296.63 9.4 4204 DUES E SUBSCRIPTIONS .00 268600 288o00- 1Ot688o00 2,952027 79735673 2706 4206 MEETINGS EXPENSE .00 137.00- 137.00 250.00 20.52- 270.52 8.2 4206 MILEAGE OR .00 45.00 45.00- 19665.00 103.10 19561.90 6.2 4210 -.ALLOWANCE------.-------- ADVERTISING LEGAL .00 219.11 219.11- 4,000.00 624.37 39375.63 15*6 4212 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL .00 60.45 60.45- .00 60.45 60.45- PROF_ SERVICES AUDIT 000 000 000 19500000 coo 115OOoOO 00 _- ._4216 4218 PROF SERVICES LEGAL .00 150.00 150.00- 459000.00 49387.22 40,612.78 9.7 4220 PROF SERVICES ENGINEERING .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 179.50 820.50 18.0 4224 PROF- SERVICES OTHER o00_________ IY794*25 1, 794. 25- 2,600o00 69040.12 39440.12-232.3 4226 EQUIPMENT RENTAL .00 19609.79 1,609.79- 28,095.00 29604.55 259490.45 9.3 4228 DATA PROCESSING PAYROLL .00 .00 .00 4,860.00 371.22 49488*78 7o6 4230 DATA- PROCESSING FINANCIAL------ 000 000 .00 111190.00 548.06 10,641.94 4.9 4233 CATA PROCESSING OTHER .00 .00 .00 750.00 .00 750.00 .0 4234 MOVING CHARGES .00 .00 .00 000 000 000 4236 SERVICES CUSTODIANS.---.-.- 000 .00 - - -- .00 - .00 .00 .00 4240 SERVICES MAILING .00 .00 .00 750.00 19740.11 990.11-232.0 4242 SERVICES FORESTER .00 .00 000 5t200o00 800000 49400600 15*4 4244 COURT CHARGES .00 2r709.00 29709.00- 189000.00 49180.00 13,820.00 23.2 4246 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS .00 .00 .00 50.00 .00 50.00 .0 4246 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 000 19674660 1,674*60- 42*400600 39776o42 389623.58• 8.9 4250 RUBBISH REMOVAL .00 563.12 563.12- 49170.00 569.12 39600.88 13.6 4252 LIGHT & POWER .00 1,491.49 11491.49- 1929940.00 31,559.46 1619380.54 1664 4254 HEAT 000 39555o75 3,555075- 189300.00 89170.39 109129.61 44.6 4256 TELEPHONE -00 29608.03 29608.03- 319500.00 71076.67 249423.13 22.5 4256 SEWER E WATER .00 .00 .00 19970.00 48055 19921645 2o5 42oO INSURANCE 000 19340o64- 19340.64 2119005.00 19539.05- 212,544.05 .7 4262 LAUNDRY .00 - 497.16 497.16------.--.--- 49503.00 821.80 39681.20 18.3 1977 CITY OF EDINA E X P E N D I T U R E R E P O R T AS OF 3 -31 -77 PAGE 2 -._FUND- _10- _GENERAL_FUND _.__ C_U- R R E_N T M 0 N.7-H. . _ _ ____ _ ..__ Y E A R T O D A T E ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT - 4266 - UNIFORM ALLOWANCE__ _-_______- __.00 101.12.__ _. __.__101.12 -__._ ___- _ 13,400.00 7,185.51 6,214.49 53.6 426L' TELETYPE SERVICE 000 000 000, 4,713000 216013 4,496.87 4.6 4270 MAINTENANCE POLICE EQUIP .00 .00 .00 700.00 218.50 481.50 31.2 -4272 .PSYSCHOLOGICAL TESTING_- .-- _- ___- ____.00 .00 _.__._ -..._ .00.______._ 600.00 000 600000 00 _ - 4274 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 000 104.52 104.52- 2,000.00 382.95 19617.05 19.1 4276 LEASE LINES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -4278 KENNEL .SER.VICE .._ .____._ .00 •00 _._.._____ __. ___ o00.__-_ __ _ 4,600000 244o00 4,356.00 5o3 4280 EDUCATION PROGRAMS .00 .00 .00 2,500.00 .00 29500.CO .0 4283 RANGE RENTAL .00 000 .00 2,400.00 .00 2,400.00 .0 __.__4286 BOARD 6 _ROOM.PRISONER ____. ___._.__. .00 .______.____7090- __._____ 7o90_ 695OOoOO 545.00 _ 5,955o00 Boo _ 4286 SERVICE CONTRACT EQUIP .00 .00 .00 8,360.00 1,889.55 69490.45 22.5 - 4290 POSTAGE .00 .00 .00 24,000.00 4,831.99 19,168.01 20.1 R. - -4292 FREIGHT ____._._ ------- _ -___ o00_ 10000 ._________.10000- ___- ______ 000 10.00 10.00- 4294 RADIO SERVICE .00 115.00 115.00- 59500.00 1,029.25 4,470.75 18.7 7 4296 CAR WASH .00 .00 .00 11000.00 .00 19000000 00 -4302 INTEREST OTHER- -FUNDS o00 ___ 000 ..__- ..- _...____ 000 -__ -__ _ _ -..- .00 .00 .00 4304 ALARM SERVICE .00 122.65 122.65- .00 183.60 183.60- 1 4310 LICENSES E PERMITS .00 .00 .00 300e0O 000 300oOO e0 - __4314 UNCLASSIFIED- _---- ___ - -- ___ -- -.000 -- _-- - -. - -- - .00 ____- .__ -_ -- - .00 .__._. .... .00 .00 .00 4316 SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 i 4325 BICENTENNIAL .00 .00 000 000 5o00 5000- - -- ## - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- -- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - -- -_ -- - - - -- - - - - .00 -- - _ - -- 16,683.18 -_ 16,683.18- - -- - - - - - -- - - - 8629453.00 101,939.54 760,513.46 - - 11.8 _4500 COMMODITIES_---------- .00 - •00 ___ ________ ._ . 000 __._- ______.. 1,800000 000 11800000 00 4502 BOOKS G PAMPHLETS .00 52.00 52.00- 560.00 110.28 449.72 19.7 ,. 4504 GENERAL SUPPLIES .00 1,574.62 1,574.62- 41,999.00 39549.29 38,449.71 8.5 4506 DRAFTING SUPPLIES - - -- .00 -- -- . _. 000 - -- - _ 000 --- - - - --- - -- 000 000 000 4508 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES .00 22.30 22.30- 11981.00 149.97 19831.03 - -- 7.6 4510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES .00 130.27 130.27- 2,300.00 500.38 1,799.62 21.8 _4512 CLEANING SUPPLIES o00 _ _ _ _ 39oOO __- _. _- 39.00- .,_ 3,200000 193.88 3,006.12 6.1 4514 PAPER SUPPLIES .00 375.41 375.41- 29000.00 852.31 1,147.69 42.6 4516 OFFICE SUPPLIES .00 315.76 315.7b- 13000.00 1,735.66 11,264o34 1304 -_ 4518 FILL MATERIALS .00 ____ _ .00 _ _._ .00 _ ____ __.___ 2,400.00 .00 2,400.00 .0 4520 CALCIUM CHLORIDE .00 .00 .00 3,850.00 19300.96 2,549.04 33.8 4522 SAND GRAVEL 6 ROCK 000. 000 000 3292OBoOO 1,744.29 30,463.71 5.4 __4524 BLACKTOP _ ._ _- _ .00 _.... .00 _ . _ -_ .00. ___ __.____. 42,382.00 .00 429382.00 .0 4526 ROAD OIL .00 .00 .00 28,531.00 000 28,531o00 00 4528 CONCRETE 000 000 .00 3,000.00 .00 31000.00 .0 _ -_4530 JACKING - MATERIAL _ .00 .00 ___________ _ .00._____ 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .0 4532 CLASS V MATERIAL .00 .00 .00 000 000 e _ 4534 BROOMS 000 .00 .00 9,200.00 197.00 99003.00 2.1 -4536 WEARING__ SHOES__ - _ -. 000 -.____ _ _ -00 . ______ _ .. .00 ._.___.__.__. 19300.00 .00 19300.00 .0 4538 SALT .00 42.50 42050- 12,164000 29488o18 9,675082 20o5 4540 REPAIR PARTS .00 331.08 331.08- 2,750.00 3,721.84 971.84 -135.3 4542 S IGNS- E_ POSTS .00 - ___ _ -_ . -00 _______ -__ ._ .00 ..___ 9,816.00 534.50 9,281.50 5.4 4544 PAINT 000 6024 6024- 4,414o00 6024 4,407076 _ .1 4546 GUARD RAIL MATERIAL .00 .00 .00 29000.00 .00 29000.00 .0 - __4548 RIP_ RAP__ -_ .00 ___ ____ _._._ .00 __ _.__ __.. .00 _. _______.__ 500.00 .00 500.00 .0 4550 PIPE 000 000 000 295OOoOO -00 2,500.00 .0 4552 CASTINGS .00 .00 .00 2,350.00 .00 2050.00 .0 _- 4554__HEADWALL_S,_6_SP_ILLNAY_S .00 _ _ .00 ___ .00 __._- _ 11000.00 .00 17000000 00 #a# COMMODITIES .00 109823.32 10,823.32- 411,751.00 49,512.14 362,238.86 12.0 CENTRAL SERVICE GENERAL ___900 .__--_ E X P E N D I-T U R E R E P O R T _- 6219120.00 AS OF 3-31-77 PAGE 3 1977 CITY OF EDINA - .- RENT CITY HALL .._____.__.._ .00 3,680.00 3,680.00- 44,160.00 11,040.00 33,120.00 _____FUNC_ _ 10-GENERAL _FUND _ ______ ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION ___ C APPROPRIATION U R R E N T M 0 ACTUAL N T H VARIANCE PCT -_ Y E APPROPRIATION A R T O D A ACTUAL T E VARIANCE PCT 4556 HOSE .00 __ .. .00 __ .00 __.__. _____- 39830900 000 3t830oOO 00 4558 - ._.._.._- _.._.- _______. FERTILIZER -__ -- _ 000 .00 .00 440.00 .00 440.00 570.00 .0 4560 PLANTINGS 6 TREES .00 .00. .00 570.00 1,020000 .00 000 1,020000 .0 00 __ -_4562 SOD & BLACK DIRT_____.___._._.. _ .00 __ _. .00 _ 000 ____ .00 830.00 573.91 256.09 69.1 4564 CHEMICALS .00 000 .00 3,000.00 505.49 2,494.51 16.8 4566 4570 WEED SPRAY BLUE PRINTING____ .00 o00 .00 153909 __. 153oO9- 3,000.00 19072025 _ 1,927075 35.7 '.6 4572 ___.__ AMMUNITION ._ .00 15.00 15.00- 29530.00 15.00 21-515.00 .00 4574 CLOTHING REPLACEMENT .00 .00 .00 1,300000 138900 19162o00 1006 _.._ 4578 STAKE S - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- .00 .00 125.82 - .00 125.82- -- .00 29290.00 .00 149.82 .00 2,140.18 6.5 4580 4600 TOOLS PRINTING .00 .00 29.00 29000- 59911900 736020 59174o80 1205 4604 LUMBER .00 . _T_. _. _ .00 _ .00 2,875.00 .00 2,875.00 .0 -- 4606 .. -- - -- - - - - - -- -- -. - - LAMPS 6 FIXTURES -. ---- - - - - --- -- .00 .00 .00 1,200.00 107.55 1092.45 9.0 4606 TRAINING AIDS 900 000 123.85 000 123.85- 600000 1000.00 000 291.99 600.00 708.01 .0 29.2 - _4610 4612 WELDING SUPPLIES_____ GASOLINE ___- __ .00 .00 __._ 49908.79 _ ...__ -___ 49908.79- ._ 72,000.00 189845.77 539154.23 26.2 4614 FUEL OIL 900 000 900 .00 1,971.60 1,971.60- 539795.70 4616 TIRES E TUBES .00 142.45 142.45- .. .. _ 91000.00 976.13 8,023.87 10.8 _ _ 4616 __ __ LUBRICANTS _ __ _ _ _.. .00 11.38 11.38- 49000.00 514070 31485030 1209 4620 ACCESSORIES 900 2,424076 2,424.76- 609000.00 6,436.21 53,563.79 10.7 4632 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX _ _. -. ...00 __. ____._ . _ .00 _ _ .00 _ _ .__ 59000.00 .00 5,000.00 .0 ------ 4642 -_ SAFETY EQUIPMENT ________ .00 .00 .00 1,650oOO 23088 1,626ol2 loo 4644 TAPE RECORDERS -EQUIP .00 .00 .00 .00 68.86 68.86- #a# COMMODITIES .00 109823.32 10,823.32- 411,751.00 49,512.14 362,238.86 12.0 r' r C CENTRAL SERVICE GENERAL ___900 .__--_ ....51,760.00 ____51,760.00- .____ _- 6219120.00 155,280.00 4659840.00 25.0_ __4802 4804 - .- RENT CITY HALL .._____.__.._ .00 3,680.00 3,680.00- 44,160.00 11,040.00 33,120.00 25.0 4806 RENT PUBLIC WORKS BLDG .00 49025.00 4,025000- 48000000 12,075o00 36,225000 25oO __4808_ EQUIPMENT -OPERATION __________.__ __.. .00 -- _ 22,730.00 22,730.00- -__- 272,760.00 68,190.00 204,570.00 25.0 - m # ## FIXED CHARGES .00 82,195.00 82,195.00- 9869340.00 246,585.00 7399755.00 25.0 4900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 .00 .00 54,660.00 .00 54,660.00 .0 4902 TYPEWRITERS .00 747.00 747.00- 300.00 747.00 447.00 -249.0 -_4904 FURNITURE . ---- .-- _------------ -- _ - - - -- - --.__ 900 ._ -__ 000 __.__ 900 _._. --.. -- 000 2,640.00 000 .00 .00 2,640.00 .0 4906 4906 OFFICE EQUIPMENT AUTCWOBILES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,400.00 509127.20 44,727.20 -928.3 TRUCKS - - __.___ 000 ___ -_._ 000 __ _._._. _ 000 _____.___.__. 41,300000 .00 419300.00 .0 _4910_ 4912 _._._ ____ -_ ROAD EQUIPMENT .00 .00 .00 41,400.00 2,407.00 38,993.00 5.8 4914 RADIO EQUIPMENT .00. 000 000 1,200o00 27o00 1,173000 2o3 4916..POL ICE EQUIPMENT- __---- --- _____ -- _ .OD . - - --_- .00 _ _.._..____ _... .00 ._.._..- . -..... .00 .00 .00 -- 4918 . •---- FIRE EQUIPMENT .00 .00 .00 15,800.00 .00 15,800.00 .0 4S20 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT 000 900 00 000 900 859000.00 .00 .00 .00 85,000.00 .0 _4922_SPECIAL- 4926 ASSESSMENTS .-- GARAGE EQUIPMENT _ - -. - -_ .00 .00 .00 - .______- .00 _...__._ .00 ___.__ 29500.00 487.50 2,012050 _ 1905 4944 VOTING MACHINERY 000 000 900 .00 .00 .00 # # #u CAP I T AL OUTLAY .00 747.00 747.00- 250,200.00 539795.70 1969404.30 21.5 FUND TOTALS 000 312,434980 312,434080- 5,782,626.00 19112,967.59 49669,658.41 19.2 r' r C 1977 CITY OF EDINA E X P E N D I T U R E R E P O R T AS OF 3 -31 -77 PAGE 5 Y. 20--PARK FUND C U R R E N T M 0 N T H _ Y E A R T O D A T E .. _FUND_ ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION Y APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT PERSONAL SERVICES __ _ .00 .00 .00 __. 53,655.00 .00 53,655.00 .0 -_4100 4105 _ SALARY REGULAR EMPLOYEES .00 13078.50 13,378.50- 2819468.00 54,820.87 2269647013 1905 4110 SALARY OT REG EMPLOYEES 000 86090 86090- .00 869.61 869.61- 4120 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES .00 19534.90 1,534.90= .00 14,976.25 14,976.25- __ 4130 ______ SALARY OT TEM EMPLOYEES .00 .00 .00 000 000 000 f 4132 SICK LEAVE 000 1,216.41 19216.41- .00 1,922.83 19922.83- VACATION.___ _ ____ ._ .00 1,816.42 19816.42- _. ._. .00 3,234.59 3,234.59- ___4134 4136 .___. _ HOLIDAYS 000 19243038 1,243038- 000 39686o56 39686o56- 4144 OTHER PAY .00 152.76- 152.76 .00 .00 .DO #* PERSONAL SERVICES .00 19,123.75 19,123.75- 335,123.00 799510.71 2559612.29 23.7 CONTRACTUAL.- SERVICES _.____ ___ _ .00 _ ._. _ 696.00 696.00- __._ __ __ . .00 871.00 871.00- ___4200 4202 ____ CONFERENCE E SCHOOLS .00 24.00 24000- 600000 24000. 576o00 4,,0 4204 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIUNS .00 35.00- 35.00 150.00 127.00 23.00 84.7 F MEETINGS EXPENSE _____ .__ .00 __. _ .00 _ ... ._._. .00 __. . __.__. _. .00 .00 .00 _- __4206. 4208 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE .00 2991.6024 2016o24- 800000 2054016 2,154016 -36903 4212 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL .00 .00 .00 .00 87.75 87.75- 4214 ADVERTISING OTHER ___- _- ._..__ ._ .___ .00 _. .00 .00 __..___ .00 .00 .00 _ 4216 PROF SERVICES AUDIT 000 000 000 19000000 .00 11000.00 .0 4224 PROF SERVICES OTHER .00 .00 000 .00 .00 .00 f 4225_ BUILDING RENTAL _._ -_____ _ .00 ______ _ . .00 _ _.... .00 ___ _ .__. .00 179.00 179oOO- 4226 __._ EQUIPMENT RENTAL 000 000 000 .00 .00 .00 4236 SERVICES CUSTODIANS .00, .00 .00 .00 3.75 3.75- SERVICES FORESTER ________,_, - -- -.00 -. _______ __ .00 ______. .. .00. __ -__ .____ _.. 1,300.00' 000 1,300000 00 _ - __4242 4248 -_ - -- CONTRACTED REPAIRS 000 3000 3.00- 1,900.00 333.00 1,567.00 17.5 4250 RUBBISH REMOVAL .00 773.80 773.80- 3,000.00 773.80 2,226.20 25.8 (. LIGHT_ & POWER._._ _ - - - -_- - -__ .00 _.______ _. .00 __ 000 _ ... _ 4,000o00 29074089 19925011 5109 _ _4252 4254 ____----- HEAT .00 848.45 848.45- 79500.00 3,131.05 4,366.95 41.7 4256 TELEPHONE .00 240.28 240.28- .00 479.48 479.48- l 4258 SEWER &..WATER.____.__- ___--- _____. 000 _._._. .. 000. _ __.._ _ 000 _ ___. 000 13000 13oOO- 4260 INSURANCE .00 .00 .00 11000.00 .00 1,000.00 00 4262 LAUNDRY .00 23.40 23.40- .00 39.00 39.00- t 4274 EQUIPMENT. MAINTENANCE__- __ .__. 000 _____ . .000 _. 000 _. ___ _ 000 000 .00 4280 EDUCATION PROGRAMS .00 .00 .00 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .0 4282 BUS RENTAL .00 .00 ..00 .00 000 000 (. 4284__PGOL- RENTAL____.__ - - 000 .._______.._.__... 000 _- _._.___ .. .00 59000.00 .00 5,000.00 .0 4292 FREIGHT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 * #I _GON.T.RACTUAL._..SEAV.ICES -_ -- -___ .00 ___- __5,490.17 _- ____51490o 17- _ -_ _..___ _36,250o00 11090088 25,159o12 3006 4500 COMMODITIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 t &_PAMPHLETS_ ___ --._ ____ - 00 ._ .00. ______.._ .00 __- _..._.- 75000 000 75000 00 __4502_BOQKS 4504 GENERAL SUPPLIES .00 53.97 53.97- 10,400.00 197.97 109202.03 1.9 4508 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES .00 18.90 18.90- .00 37.28 37.28- 1. IRST AI C. SUPPLIES_._ _-- _. -___ 0 00 _. -_ ___ -.- 000 ______._. _.._ coo.. ___ ._- ______ _ . _.. 00 000 00 _4510 4512 .F _ CLEANING SUPPLIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4514 PAPER SUPPLIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4516 OFFICE__SUPPLIES.__ _ -.o00 __ __ .. 000 _.._____ _ 000 _ __r 000 .00 .00 _ 4522 SAND GRAVEL E ROCK .00 .00 .00 19200.00 .00 1,200.00 .0 4524 BLACKTOP .00 .00 .00 12000.00 .00 19000000 00 -4526 -ROAD _000__ ____ .__._000__._________.._._..coo- _____ ___ -.__ _1,800.00 .00 19800.00 .0 __ 0 4 R E R E P O R T AS OF 3 -31 -77 PAGE 6 1977 CITY OF EDINA E X P E N D I T U FUND__20 -PARK- FUND -_ _____.__._ .__ C - _UA.R E .N T. M_ 0 N,.T -_H _, __ _ ___________ -_ _ Y E A R T O D A T E _ J - ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT -4.528-CONCRETE ____T_ _ -e00 ._.- -_ -- .00 - __ -___ ______._.00 _.________- _- __ - -._. -_ .00 .00 .00 4540 REPAIR PARTS .00 117.68 117.68- .00 973.71 973.71- 4342 SIGNS & POSTS .00 .00 000 000 000 000 -4544 PAINT - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -.00 --- -- .00 - - -- -- - -- .00 -- - - - - -- - -.-_ .00 41.85 41.85- _. 4556 HOSE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 f 4558 FERTILIZER .00 000 000 31000oOO 000 39000oOO 00 4560_PLANTINGS - &_ _TREES -_ ___._---_.. 00._ _- ___._._.- __.00_____._ .00. 5,800.00 _ .00 59800.00 ,.0 -- 4562 SOD & BLACK DIRT .00 .00 .00. 39600.00 .00 3,600.00 .0 4564 CHEMICALS 000 000 000 000 000 .00 __ WEED SPRAY -- .00.-- _ -_ - - -- .00.__- _______ -_. .00_ ____ -_-___ 300.00 .00 300.00 .0 -_4566 4568 SEED .00 .00 .00 19800.00 .00 19800.00 .0 4570 BLUE PRINTING 000 000 000 000 .00 .00 C ---4580 TOOLS-.---.---- - __ - -.00 _.__- _.______ .00 __.___- _ .00 - _ __ .00 .00 .00 4582 BASEBALL EQUIPMENT .00 .00 .00 1,400.00 696.05 703095 4907 4584 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 000 000 000 19000.00 .00 19000.00 .0 f 4586 TENNIS SUPPLIES - -- _ - - -_ -00 .____ -_.__ - 00__________.. -_____ _ .00 ._.____..._._____. 1,350.00 .00 1,350.00 .0 4588 CRAFTS SUPPLIES .00 .00 .00 29000000 000 29000oOO 00 4590 THEATRE SUPPLIES .00 .00 .00 600.00 .00 600.00 .0 4592 FOOTBALL. EQUIPMENT -___- -00 _- -__ -_ -00 _.- . -. - -_. .00 _ . -__ ._ -___ -_ 400000 000 400000 00 4594 GYMNASTICS EQUIPMENT 000 .00 .00 700.00 .00 700.00 .0 4596 MUSIC SUPPLIES .00 107.53 107.53- 700.00 554.53 145.47 79.2 F 4598 _SOCCER .EQUIPMENT- _ -_.00 -- _______. .00 ______ . -_ . 000 _________-- .____. 300oOO _ 000 300000 00 4600 PRINTING .00 187.35 187.35- 39250.00 187.35 39062.65 5.8 4602 TRASH CANS .00 .00 .00 700.00 .00 700.00 .0 E _4604 LUMBER.______.______ - ____o00 - _______ 57060 -- 57o 495OOoOO 197e60 4,302.40 4.4 4606 LAMPS & FIXTURES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4620 ACCESSORIES .00 49.86 49.86- .00 99.75 99.75- 4624 COST OF GOODS SOLD- FOOD_- _---- ___.00 ____.______ 000 _- __- ________ 000 _ -_ _ -__ -_- _._ 000 136.50- 136.50 - 4632 COST OF GOODS SOLO MIX .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4642 SAFETY EQUIPMENT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 000 ## COMMODITIES 000 592089 592.89- 451,875.00 2,849.59 43,025.41 6.2 E. CENTRAL SERVICE. GENERAL_ - __- _.00.69 295.00 .___- ___69295.00-- __- __ -___ 75,540.00 -_ __ 18,885.00 56,655.00 2500 _4802 4804 RENT CITY HALL 000 475o00 475o00- 5,700.00 19425.00 4,275.00 25.0 4806 RENT PUBLIC WORKS BLDG .00 400.00 400.00- 49800.00 1,200.00 3,600.00 25.0 4808 EQUIPMENT OPERATION __ -__ _._ - - -00 - -____. 3,015.00 _ ._____3,015.DO- - _- _ -____ 36,180.00 99045o00 279135000 2500 ## FIXED CHARGES 000 109185.00 10,185.00- 1229220.00 309555.00 919665.00 25.0 4900 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 .00 .00 .00 000 e 4902 TYPEWRITERS 000 747000 747.00- .00 747.00 747.00- 4904 FURNITURE ___. .00 ___.._ -__. _ .00 .__- __ -.___ .00..___- __._ -_._ _ __ .00 .00 .00 4906 OFFICE EQUIPMENT .00 .00 .00 000 000 000 4910 TRUCKS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4932_ PARK -E QU_IP_MENT - - -_.DO ___ - -__- ____.00 _ _.00 __- __--- _____. .00 _ _. -._- .- _ .00 .00 # ## CAPITAL OUTLAY 000 747.00 747o00- 000 747000 747o00- FUND TOTALS .00 36,138.81 361p138.81- 5399468.00 1249753.18 4149714.82 23.1 0 4 1477 CITY OF EDINA - - -- - - - -_ -- - - - - - -- RE VENUE REPORT - AS OF 3 -31 -77 PAGE 1 fUj;D 10 GENERAL.. FI1ND __ _ ..i_t►_ R- R_ E__t�1 T H 0 J -T H. VARIANCE PCT .. Y E A EST. REVENUE R T d D A ACTUAL T E VARIANCE PCT _ _ ACCCUNT /DESCRIPTION EST. REVENUE ACTUAL .00 $ 2,600,284.00 .00 2,600,284.00- .0% _ 3011 TAX LEVIES CURRENT----.- - ___..._." 000 -- ^ - - -�- -_._ .0fl - - - - -- - - _ _ _ _ 25,000.00 .00 25,000000 .fl f, - 3013 TAX LEVIES PENALTY E: INT .09 .00 .flQ 000 000 3015 HOMESTEAD CREDIT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 - TAX LEVIES OTHER - - - - - - -- - ..__000 - - -- -' .00 - -- - -- .00 - - - - - - __3019 -- 29625,284.00 .00 2,625,284.00- .0 * * ** TAXES .00 .00 .00 - - -- 2.00 2.00 5.000.00 - 38.00 4,962.00- 3030 BICYCLE LICENSE o00 1,075.00 1,075.00 11800.00 1,475.00 325.00- 81.9 3035 8 "EBEER LICENSE .00 300.00 300000 600000 600000 000 100-0 _ 3040 LIQUOR LICENSE .00 . _ -___ -. 1,500.00 _. _ 19500.00 29400.00 1,812.00 588.00- 75.5 ' 3045 CIGARETTE LICENSE .00 990.00 S90.00 8,500.00 39006.00 5,494.00- 35.4 3G`.� CLG LICENSE L OTHER FEES .00 15,335000 15,335o00 18,500.00 17,250000 1,250000- 93.2 _ 33:5 F000 E SF)FT DRINK LICENSE 000 _ 49080.00 49CRO.00 4,500.00 4,690.00 190.00 104.2 3-Jt0 !-LOL LICENSE .00 495.00 495.00 19200.00 610.00 50.00- 50.8 AS PUMP LICENSE 3Liu (,AS .00 640000 640.00 600000 640.00 4 40.00 106.7 3.,i1 iLWL!Nf, ALLEY LICENSE 000 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 .00 100.0 -1,)72 TH�ATRF LICENSE .00 2,525.00 29525.00 460.00 2,525.00 2,065.00 54609 3:73 AMuSEML %T GIVICES LICENSE .00 870.00 870000 900.00 870.00 30.00- 96.7 - 3 !ti TAxICAi� LICENSE 000 650.00 650.00 .00 650.00 3L)75 LTHER BUSINESS LICENSE .00 22,000.00 582.00 582000 21x418.00- 2.6 31)80 BEATING G VENTING LICENSE .00 .00 30.00 .00 30.00 19000.00 65.00 935.00- 6.5 _ 3uy5 GAkFAGE COLLECTOR LICENSE 000 17,444.15 179444.15 70,000.00 22,145.56 479854.44- 31.6 3GS5 bUILDING PERMITS SEWER PERMITS .00 .00 15e00 15000 900000 85000 815.00- 904 3160 CESSPOOL E 3110 PLUMBING PEM ITS _ .00 _ 1, 109. 75 _. ___1, 109. 75. _ -, -_ _ 129000-00 _ 3,185.00 800.00 8,815.00- 5x200.00- 26.5 13.3 3115 SIGN PERMITS .00 550.00 431.25- 550.00 431.25- 69000.00 19500.00 660.00 840.00- 44.0 4 3120 STREET OPENING FEES .00 932.00 932.00 .00 3,890.75 39890.75 3125 4-EAT ING PERMITS ___ _ .00 _ 000 000 000 000 3130 ►IECHANICAL PERMITS 3140 OTHER PERMITS G LICENSES .00 .00 000 156.CO 156.00 900.00 162.00 738.00- 18.0 - eaee LIC"LNS�:S L PF.PMITS .00 48,667.65 48,667.65 1599160.00 669141.31 93,018.69- 41.6 'L� w IN(, FEES .00 1,995.00 1,995.00 5000.00 59305.00 305.00 106.1 }1t� E161- SEEF.IN6 G CLERICAL .O0 78.25 78.25 120,000.00 146.00 119,854.00- 1,262.00 .1 31t5 �EAW;.HE S 000 522000 522.00 000 7,500.00 1,262oOO .00 79500.00- .0 _ 3i�� �la10E L FIRE SEFYiCE .00 .00 245.00- .00 2.45.00- .00 735.00- 735.00 - 317: _.VIPM�a.T RENTAL CGURT FINES, .00 .00 19,871000 199871000 1909000000 31,884.00 1589116.00- 16.8 � 3i�0 3110 CN INVESTMENTS .00 .00 .00 309000.00 .00 30000.00- .0 _ _ ^ 322C SALE CF PROPERTY .00 941.67 941.67 429000.00 19248.44 40,751056- 300 3230 kE`1TAL OF PROPERTY 000 160.00 160.00 87000.00 19613.34 6,386.66- 20.2 324C CHARGES TO OTHER FUNDS .00 29500.00 .2,500.00 __. 30,000.00 7,500.00 22,500.00- 25.0 _ - -_ 3250 TRANSFER FROM ACTIVE FUND _ - -__ .00 -- .00 .00 1449665.00 000 144,665.00- e0 50.3 3300 STATE AID MAINTFNANCE .00 .00 .00 54,000.00 27,157.50 26,842.50- STATE AID - HOUSING . 00 -_. 00- _- _.00_,____ -,_._. .00 - 674.03 _ -_ 674.03 _3302 - 3305 STATE AID-TREES -_ .00 000 000 000 70075 70o75 25.0 3310 LCCAL GOVRNMENT AID .00 210,784.36 210,784.36 843,137.00 210,784.36 632,352.64- LAB FEES .00 . 475.00 ._ 475.00 1,750.00 . 730.00 1,020.00- 41.7 _3318 _ 3350 OTHER REVENUE 000 696023 696023 19,900000 19704o80 18,195.20- 8.6 3400 SALE OF AUTO LICENSES .00 2081.25 2,081.25 30,000.00 3,371.00 269629.00- 11.2 3500_REGISTRAT-ION- _FEES__- .00__ _ -,_ - .00_- .00 _ _ __ `_.__ __- .00 _ .00 __ _ 000 1977 –PAGE 2 CITY OF R E V __ E _ N U ___ E _ __ R E P 0 R T -- ------ AS -3--31--77-' FUND -10 —GENERAL_ -FUND M C N T H ACTUAL _ _REVENUE_ ACTUAL . L VARI . A . NCE PCT 3565 RECYCLING *00 1 .9359*63 ---1,359.63.----,--.—.--,------8t3OOcOO 69213*87– 2501 3700 TRADE DISCOUNT .000 .00 *00 ____ 000 ___21pO86ol3 .00 .00 3710 CASH DISCOUNT 000 .00 .00 .00 .00 _3800 MISCELLANEOUS _.00._134.21 - ------ 134921 ___________ 39152o57 I79847o43– 1500 3850 CENTRAL SERVICE ALLOCATED *00 1169860.00– 1161860.00_ .00 32lv630.00 '____321 9630.00 SALES-SERVICE-TRANS 0 0. --- 12 4 v 4 9 3 o 60 -- ___,._- _1249493o60 __._____.__1p555t252*00 .6191 5 840 92 935t667*08-39o8 3999 TRANSFER FROM SURPLUS .00 .00 .00 152,500.00 .00 152,500.00– .0 PERSONAL SERVICES Do. 000 000 152,500o00 000 152950000– e0 FUND TOTALS .00 173t161.25 1731161.25 41492,196.00 6859726.23' 398069469.77--15.3 I 1977 CITY OF EDINA R E V E N U E R E P O R T AS OF 3 -31 -77 PAGE 4 20 _ C_U R_R E. N._T__. M__0_N_T_-H__.___- __ _____ -_ _. -_- _ -..__ Y E A R_ - -T 0 0 -A T_ E __ --FUND __ _PARK__FUND ACCONT /DESCRIPTION EST. REVENUE ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT EST. REVENUE ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT . 30.11 _TAX_LEVIES__CURRENT .00 _ .00.00285,233.00 .00 2859233.00- .0 *x## TAXES .00 .00 .00 285,233.00 .00 285,233.00- .0 3250 TRANSFER FROM ACTIVE FUND .00 .00 .00 250,335.00 000 250,335.00- .0 3305 STATE AID -TREES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 _3350 OTHER REVENUE___ 000 _000 000 -__ 400000,. 000 400.00- .0._ 3440 CONCESSION SALES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3500 REGISTRATION FEES .00 .00 .00 28000.00 .00 28000.00- .0 3850 CENTRAL- SERVICE. ALLOCATES? .. 00 _ -224, O7Oo 00. _- -_224t 0700 00 __ __-__ _._ _ 000 _ _ _ _ .. _ .00 _ .00 _ _ _ k : i * * ** SALES- SERVICE -TRANS .00 2249070.00 224,070.00 278,735.00 .00 2789735.00- .0 E. FUND TOTALS -000 224tO7Oo00 224tO70o00 563t968000 .00 563,968.00- .0 F f . r 4 6. r .,b TZ - r- � n aMrJ•. ear 'V�_�_".�+"•.+�e °�••..h.-• - °. nor -.'�l`..rr*ao�.•�r+edtasavw 4+^�+..s's`ey'.i�r ./•.'.as4s• s i ,4ffiiiated •1viEh the i_raque of Women Vot:�rti of t ti€' Uniled States April 27, 1977 �a embers of the City Council of . Edina From: The Board of-Directors of the League of Women Voters of Edina Re: Reorganization of the Citizen Advisory Commissions As you know, the League of Women Voters of Edina has spent the month of April discussing the proposed reorganization of Edina's citizen advisory commis- sions. League members have long had an interest in city government, having in the past done several studies concerning specific aspects of it and having taken the responsibility to have official observers at all commission and city council meetings. We feel that we have both interest and knowledge con- cerning effective city government. Our discussions this month have dealt with the function of commissions both to the citizen and to the city council, the future needs of our community, and with the specific ways we felt these needs would best be met. Approximately 80 of our members participated in these discussions.. Ho% -rover, since we undertook this topic on rather short notice, we did not have time to do a thorough research and in -depth study. Therefore this report is simply a, collection of statements and concerns expressed by individual League members and not a formal League position; it should be read with that in mind, League members feel very positive toward the basic concept of reorganization in as much as it represents an effort to keep Edina's City Government up to date with the changing aspects of the city and the needs of its citizens. The members also expressed their strong feelings that citizen advisory commis- sions serve an important and necessary function, both in terms of involving citizens in the decision making and idea generating process of their city and in serving to keep City Council business at a managable level. Under the asump- tion that individuals serving on any commission have an interest, a specialized knowledge, and time to pursue both, it only makes sense that they can bring a more studied advisory decision to the Council, than if the Council were left to handle all topics on their own. Even the sometimes inherent subjectivity of special interest groups serves an important purpose when tempered with the objec- tivity of professional staff and elected officials. Furthermore it is seen as important that an individual citizen can receive satisfaction by having his problems or concerns thoroughly considered before a decision is reached. Following are some specific points that the members would like to have the council consider in contemplating the reorganization: 1. The members basically supported the concept of combining the Plan- ning Commission and the Environmental Commission There was concern that the special interest of the E.Q. segment of such a com- bined commission be safeguarded since continuing environmental problems such as noise pollution, air quality and traffic patterns, as well as water quality are seen as important considerations in the near future. t N 2 2. The members supported the concept of a long range planning commis- sion (which is what we saw as the function of a Governmental Operations Commis- sion). We feel that it would be appropriate for this commission to serve as an "idea" group, sounding out ne::ds and desires and then turning specific pro- jects over to other existing commissions or to special task forces to implement. 3. The members of the League felt that both the Park Board and the Human Relations Commission serve unique and important functions. That while both could be described as generally serving people, their specific duties are quite different from each other. We feel that both of these groups will most likely serve continually expanding roles in the next five to ten years and that to combine the two would tend to be limiting in terms of serving the communities needs The Park Board is seen as needing to expand its programs both with the youth as the schools continue to cut back, and with maturing citizens as their numbers continue to grow. The need for a Human Relations Commission will continue to grow as more and more emphasis is put on equality of opportunity, drug dependency, family counsel. ing, housing needs for poor and elderly, health and welfare needs, and the general need for cooperation of people in aspects of our life which will be changed by our energy crisis. In other words, Human Relations or services could touch on all aspects of our life. One unique and we feel very important aspect of the H.R:, as it now functions is the liason it forms between the school and the city. We would like to see this continue. Again, as with the Long Range Planning, Leaguers tended to see the H.R. as an "idea" commission, leaving the specific carrying out to other commissions or task forces, such as has been done in the past with k eoplemaking and Youth Action. 4. In an effort to make the commissions more efficient and effective we would make the following suggestions: a. strongly endorse the proposal to have commission members attend council meetings to create better communications b. further suggest that each commission be responsible to a specific council member who would receive progress reports and return their comments on them. Hopefully this council member would be able to occasionally attend a commission meeting. c. endorse the setting of an agenda ten days prior to each meeting with copies being sent to other commissions and Council members. d. further suggest that these agenda be published in the SUN to allow the greatest citizen input, e.v suggest that very specific functions for each commission be set up before the commission is formed and that they be reveiwed by a committee of commission members, prefessional staff and city council on a regular basis. fe suggest that each commission have professional staff help. 5. Because we feel that commissions serve an important function of citizen input and involvement with city government, we strongly endorse the recommendation of a limited term for one person serving on a commission and would like to see any openings for commissions be published in the SUN and in the city newsletter. J 3 6. In order to serve the individual citizen's needs, members suggested that a flow chart be developed and displayed at City Hall so individuals will be familiar with who would deal with concerns of his. It was also suggested that all commissions and their functions be listed in the Park Board Calendar. Also it was suggested that whenever possible, a majority and a minority report be presented to the City Council for their consideration. 7. In discussing the number of members to make up a specific commission, we would see both the pros and cons of a 15 member commission. The biggest advantage would be enough people to carry on the many functions of some commissions and the input of a variety of veiwpoints. It was felt there then might be a need for subcommittees to deal with specific areas. This might work best with "idea" commissions such as H.R. and long range planning. The advantage of a smaller commission (suggested number - 9) would be the ability to reach decisions. There would not then be the need for subcommittes which would tend to lengthen the amount of time spent considering each matter. This smaller number might work best with "task oriented" commissions such as the Planning Commission and the Park Board. 8. We assumed that the Transit Commission would be left as is, since no mention was made of it in the reorganization plan. 9. It was felt important to establish a specific time frame for special task force commissions or committees. Again, we would like to commend the mayor and council members for undertaking this proposal to strengthen our city government.. We greatly appreciate their post- poning action until we had a chance to make these suggestions and comments, and the expressing of their interest in those comments. - Sincerely, Donna Scudder, Chairman - Local Government Study r Public Works Phone 935 -3381 320 Washington Av. South, Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 w J �> f Ll . HeNNePIN COUNTY April 25, 1977 Mr. Robert Dunn Director of Public Works City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Dunn: Re: CSAH 31; County Project 7673 Traffic Signals; 69th Street �'A Submitted herewith are one set of plans, two copies of the proposal, six copies of a construction cooperative agreement, and a sample copy of a resolution approving plans and specifications for the above referenced project for which arrangements are being made to call for bids.. If the special provisions"in the proposal are satisfactory, please approve the proposal provided for that purpose and return it to this office. The other proposal is for your files. It is desirable that we have an approved copy of said proposal in our files before we release the authorization for publication of the advertisement for bids. �If the agreement is satisfactory, please have all six copies signed by the appropriate City officials and return to this office. Upon completion of the remaining signatures by County officials we will send you two fully executed copies of the agreement for your files. Also, please return a certified copy of the resolution authorizing the mayor and manager to sign the agreement. A resolution approving plans, specifications, and special provisions must be passed by the City Council prior to our advertisement for bids. We will be happy to review the plans or any of the documents with you at your convenience if you have any questions concerning them. Very truly yours, Herbert 0. Klossner, P.E. Chief Engineer By: Dennis L. Hansen, P.E. County Traffic Engineer Minorities, Women and Other Protected Classes are Encouraged to apply for Employment at Hennepin County HOK:DLH /pj Cnelneurne