HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-18_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL JULY 18, 1977 ROLLCALL MINUTES of July 11, 1977, approved as submitted or amended by motion of seconded by I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Analysis of Assessment by City Manager. Spectators heard. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass RESOLUTION ORDERING ASSESSMENT. A. Street Improvement No. BA -213 - Xerxes Ave. from W. 66th St. to Washburn Circle B. Watermain Improvement No. WM -301 - York Terrace, easement line between W. 74th and W. 75th Streets and York Ave. to_York Terrace C. Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -330 - Easement line between W.34th and W. 75th Streets and Xerxes Ave. and York Terrace D. Street Improvement.No. C -120 - W. Highwood Dr. from Blake Road East to Cul -de -sac. E. Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S -147 - W. Highwood Dr. from East of Blake Road to Mirror Lake F. Sanitary Sewer Improvement No: SS -328 - Lot 6, Block 1, Whiteman Addn. G. Watermain Improvement No. WM -302 - W. Highwood Dr. from Blake Rd. to cul- de -sac 'H. Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -317 -A - Easement line in Whiteman Addn. ;I. Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -327 - Blake Road from 250' North of South line of Brownswood Addn. to 319' North J. Ornamental Street Lighting Improvement No. L -16 - Clover Ridge Addition K. Street.Improvement No. C -118 - Oak Lane from Grove Street to cul -de -sac L. Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S -146 - Oak Lane from Grove St. to cul -de -sac M. Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -326 - Oak Lane from Grove St. to cul -de -sac N. Watermain Improvement No. WM -297 - Oak Lane from Grove St. to cul -de -sac 0. Street Improvement No. C -121 - Malibu Drive in Edina Green Addition P. Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S -148 — Malibu Drive in Edina.Green Addition .Q. Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -331 -Malibu Drive in Edina Green Addition R. Watermain Improvement No. WM -303 - Malibu Drive, Lincoln Drive in Edina Green' S. Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -336 - Deer Run Addition , T. Watermain Improvement No. WM -312 - Deer Run Addition U. Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -307 - W. Frontage Road T.H. 100 from Nor - mandale.Court to 360' South V. Watermain Improvement No. WM -281 - W. Frontage Road T.H. 100 from Norman -. dale Court to 360' South II. REPORTS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PLANNING MATTERS Presentation by Planning Depart- ment. Spectators heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall :vote to pass-Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions Plats Buildable Lots and Flood Plain Permits require 3/5 favor, A. Mark Nelson First Addition - 4536 1. Final Plat Approval - S -76 -4 B. James M. Wilson's First Addition 1. Final Plat Approval - S -77 -9 C. Bredesen Park Petition - Report f able rollcall vote to pass. France Ave. S. (5/17/76) - South of W. 55th St. at Zenith Ave. (6/20/77) III. AWARD OF BIDS Tabulations and recommendations by City Manager. Action of Council by motion. .A. Sidewalk Improvements. Nos. S -21 and S -22 IV. COMMUNICATIONS A. Rauenhorst Corporation - Request for Hearing.for Zoning to Permit Restaurant on N.W. Quadrant 75th and France Ave. V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of July.12, 1977 B. Art Center Equipment - Informal Bids C. Association of Metropolitan Municipalities - Special Seminar D. Teamster 320 Police Union Demands - 1978 E. Tax Increment Task Force Meeting VI. ANY OTHERS DESIRING HEARING BEFORE COUNCIL VII. FINANCE A. Claims paid: Motion of , seconded by , for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List: General Fund, $253,667.61; Park Fund, $1,668..73; Swimming Pool,$4,521.74;_Golf-Course, $6,544.96; Recreation Center, $13,490.82; Gun Range, $11.59; Water Fund, $14,507.65; Sewer Fund,. $72,346.88; Liquor Fund, $177,696.96; Construction Fund, $439,038.44; Total, $983,495.38 / qll( s -3 SUBURBAN RATr AUTEORITY HAY 141 1976 3601 !Park Center Boulevard 1100 First National Bank Building' Minneapolis, i3innesota 55416 Minneapolis, flirnesota 55402 Telephone: 922 -8055 Telephone: 333 -0543 TO: SRA Directors and Rlternates FROii Dan Briggs, Chairman - Suburban Kate Authority SUBJ- The Future of the SRA. As you all know, the SRA has, since its annual r^.eeting in January of this year, been involved in a rather extensive self- examination to char* out a course for its future. A special Cowrittee on Goals and the SRA Finance Cormittee have prepares thoughtful reports on this subject and their reco.- mendations were, in substance, adopted by the Boars: at the P.pril _,21, quarterly rieeting. You have all read the reports and those of you present at the April meeting know the thorough discussion the reports received and the kinds of basic policy questions raised by their recommendations'. h-xy '121 - T0: A) Chief executive officer of the (check) LU city, Q township of Edina, Minnesota (print or type name) B) Secretary of the board of managers of the Nine Mile Creek watershed district (print or type name) C) Administrator of the shoreland management program of county. (print or type name) FROM: City of Edina Date: June 2, 19 76 pRnt or type name and address of app icant INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT This report from provides you an opportunity to submit input to the Department of Natural Resources to assist in deciding whether to grant, modify, or deny the requested permit. It is NOT absolutely necessary for local agencies to officially approve or disapprove the project or make any recommendation, although this may be done if desired. It is requested that local agencies indicate the following,.as applicable: A. The relationship of the proposed project to local plans for the affected water and related land. B. The.relationship of the project to local land use controls including flood plain and /or shoreland regulations. RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF JAMES M. WILSON'S FIRST ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "James M. Wilson's First Addition ", platted by James M. Wilson and Carolyn S. Wilson, husband and wife, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of July 18, 1977, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1977. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of July 18, 1977, and as recorded in the minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 19th day of July, 1977. City Clerk RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF MARK NELSON FIRST ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Mark Nelson First Addition ", platted by the Estate of Grace M. Swanson, Jerome G. Raidt, Administrator, and Florence M. Stucki, widow, and Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank of Minneapolis, a corporation, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of July 18, 1977, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1977. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of July 18, 1977, and as recorded in the minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 19th day of July, 1977 City Clerk July 13, 1977 To: Robert Dunn Ken Rosland Robert Buresh Craig Swanson From: Warren C. Hyde Subject: 4th of July Weekend Several events occurred over the 4th of July weekend which I think are worthy of note. 1) Late Friday afternoon, I was driving down to deliver some material to Councilmember Courtney and happened .to see a street sweeper and City truck heading toward the Morningside area at about 5:30 p.m. I could not figure out how we would be working overtime, but after leaving Mr. Courtney's house, I decided to go by way of France Avenue and there I found John Olson, hard at work trying to clean up the mess left by the contractor. John and whoever else helped discover and clean up the mess are to be congratulated. 2) About midnight Friday, as I was confortably watching "Music Man" on the tube, all hell broke loose with sirens, red, blue and white lights going by the house. I went out and turned on the car radio and found the location and drove up to it about two blocks from home. There the paramedics and two policemen were hard at work attempting to revive a man who had apparently been electrocuted while swimming in a pool. This was my first chance to observe this very valuable service in operation and also to hear the transmission between the paramedics and the hospital.. This was a great demonstration of skill and devotion to the job. 3) The 4th of July fireworks at Cornelia by the swimming pool park and the band concert were well received by a large crowd, perhaps 3,000 people. The Band, the Park crew, the Fire Department and Police traffic direction were all outstanding. WCH /md T IL 't July 15, 1977 TO: Mr. Hyde, City Manager FROM: Arlin Waelti RE: Query -when property is replatted, is it legal to request additional dedication of a public road? When property is replatted, it has the effect of erasing any governmental requests for dedication of property or other reasonable requests under the prior plat - at least to that portion that has been replatted. For that reason, the request for a dedication for a public road is not construed to be an additional request. Minn. Stat. 462.358, subd. 2 states the following: "In establishing requirements for the location and width of streets, the municipality shall take into consideration anticipated traffic needs and the prospective character of the development and make any reasonable requirements therefor. As a condition to the approval of a_ y subdivision plat of lands to which the regulations apply, subdivision regulations may prescribe requirements concerning the extent and manner in which streets shall be .graded and improved, and electric and gas distribution lines or piping, water, sewer, or other facilities shall be installed." (Emphasis added.) It appears that "any" in the above statutory language is the key. There is not any mention of replat in the court cases, attorney general's opinions, or in Dunnell's. In summary, I feel that it is safe to advise that a request for a public road dedication .is legal under either the original plat or a subsequent replat. There is one additional issue that is involved here that I would like to raise. If there are other parties involved under the original plat that have vested rights, under Minn. Stat. 505.14 all persons owning or occupying land that would be affected by the proposed vacation and replatting would have the 'f k potential right to seek damages to the extent to which they were damaged by the replatting. fhi July 18, 1977 To: Mayor and Council From: Subject: Warren C Hyde o- Workshop on Tax Increment Financing, Arrowwood, July 15 I -(__ In accordance with your instructions, I attended a meeting of the Joint Task Force on tax increment financing of the League of Minnesota Cities and the Minnesota Chapter of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Organizations. About 40 persons were in attendance, representing such diverse cities as Albert Lea and Red Lake Falls. The thrust of the session was to develop strategy for the next session of the legislature in connection with House File 1191 which passed the House this year and which will be considered by the Senate next year. This is the act which severely restricts future tax increment districts. The legislative history of House File 1191 was presented. I was surprised to learn that Representative Pleasant had voted for passage of the bill. Representative Forsythe had voted against it. The bill will be considered by a sub - committee of the Senate Tax Committee. Otto Bang ig a member of the whole committee. Apparently, most of the opposition in the legislature to any further tax increment districts stems from the Loring Park development in Minneapolis and a project in Crookston. In Crookston tax increment financing was used to purchase some existing buildings which were then razed and made available for a new bank site. The League and the Minnesota Chapter of NAHRO made a rather thorough study last winter on the whole problem and as a result, Dick Graves, a former St. Louis Park councilmember who headed the study, stated that there was only a very small percentage of school aids affected by the present tax increment projects. The best guess is that about 55 cities with a total of 110 projects have utilized the present legis- lation. Mayor Law of Richfield and the mayor of Mankato both indicated strong support of this method of financing improvements and Law in his capacity as president of the State mayors group will probably make it a major subject on the Mayors' Association agenda in November. Attached is a statement as to the amendments that are necessary to make House File 1191 workable. I think we should plan to get a session with Otto Bang very soon as well as with Mary Forsythe and Ray Pleasant to show them what the effect of the 50th and France project is and to explain the proposed SE Edina project. There was considerable support for and discussion of how to finance additional studies. Apparently, the Minneapolis HRA paid for most of the staff time on this year's study but there was considerable feeling that a more detailed and thorough study was needed which would attempt to show the net economic effect on the State of this type of financing. An attempt is being made to get funds available for this through the Mayor and Council -2- July 18, 1977 State office of Local and Urban Affairs. However, this may not be successful and cities with tax increment districts will be requested to consider making a financial contribution towards such a study. No definite basis for allocating costs was developed. In a private conversation with James Holmes of Holmes, Kirker and Graven, who did most of the legal work for the previous study, he indicated that he did not feel we would be in any difficulty if we went ahead at the present time with setting up the proposed SE Edina district. WCH /md TAX INCREMENT FINANCING Amendments necessary to make H.F. 1191 workable 1. Bonding Delete 20 year life of district and substitute 25 years from creation of district or 20 years from date of delivery of first bonds. 2. Limitations Remove 3 and 7% market value limitations. and substitute: captured assessed value of exist- ing districts plus assessed value of proposed district not to exceed 10% of municipality's total assessed value -- 15% for municipalities with assessed value of less than ten million. 3. Written Agreements Remove "written agreements before bond sale" provision and require written agreements for redevelopment of property before expenditure of bond proceeds for land acquisition. Permit acquisition of up to 25% of property acreage without written agreements in order to facilitate slum removal. Remove requirement that City Council find that increments sufficient to retire bonds or add "subject to contingency" and "error not to affect validity of bonds" provisions. 4.. Debt Limits Retain current exclusion of tax increment bonds from municipal net debt limits. 5. Original Assessed Replace "frozen base" concept with "unfrozen Value base" permitting adjustments for boundary and tax exempt status changes. Determine assessed value at date of change. 6. Fiscal Disparities Retain current HRA exemption from fiscal (Metro Area Only) disparities. 7. Administrative Costs Remove or increase 5% administration limitation. S. Grandfather Clause Adopt a complete grandfather provision for existing tax increment projects. Define existing projects as including those for which a city council has designated boundaries. �i$ _ y -°z league of rninnesota cities L MEETING NOTICE ..TO: MEMBERS OF THE JOINT TASK FORCE MAYORS OF MUNICIPALITIES INVOLVED WITH TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FROM: PHIL COHEN SUBJECT: SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TASK FORCE WHEN: FRIDAY, JULY 15th.- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. WHERE: ARROW'd00D LODGE - ALEXANDRIA, MINNESOTA Purpose of the meeting: Although this meeting is called rather hastily we find that it is necessary to get our act together rather quickly as the Senate will be working in the Tax Increment Subcommittee on a bill for the next session. Indications are that this may occur early in August and direction is needed in order to prepare ourselves for what may come next. The agenda for the meeting tentatively is: 1. Review the events of the past session. 2. Set plans for the 1978 session. 3. Review the proposal for a technical advisory service. 4. Other items. Motel reservations: A block of rooms has been set aside at Arrowwood and each person handles his own.reservation. Please contact the motel at once as the reservations are being held until next Tuesday (7 -12). PLEASE.IDENTIFY YOURSELF AS BEING WITH THE LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES WHEN MAKING YOUR ACCOMMODATIONS. Registration fee: $10 covers lunch on Friday, as well as coffee and rolls in the morning and coffee and coke in the afternoon. Attendance information: Please call the League office to confirm your attendance at the meeting so that we can make the proper arrangements with the motel. 300 hanover building, BO cedar street, saint paul, minnesota 55101 C6123222-21361 . i � jv F . 1iL/is pll- ti.�l � i Y association of metropolitan municipalities SPECIAL SEMINAR LEVY LIMITS: How To MAKE THE BEST OF A BAD SITUATION SPONSORED BY: ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES FOR MAYORS, COUNCIL MEMBERS,. MANAGERS, ADMINISTRATORS, FINANCE OFFICERS, AND OTHER INTERESTED PERSONS. PLACE: St. Paul Civic Center - 3M and Hoerner Waldorf Rooms. 4th St. entrance, left of main lobby at bottom of stairs. DATE: Monday, August 1, 1977 TIME: 1:00 P.M. to approximately 5:00 P.M. ---Parking available in Civic Center ramp on Kellogg Boulevard. - -- Coffee and soft drinks provided. COST: Fee to defray room and beverage expenses: Member: $2.00 -- Non-Member: $10,00--PAY AT DOOR!— PURPOSE: Several municipal officials have requested that the AMM sponsor a seminar on levy limits and state aids prior to city budget time. The goal of the seminar will be to lay a basic foundation for how levy limits are cal- culated, how state aids interact, and then discuss ways to utilize the law, including special levies, to a city's best advantage. 300 Hanover Building, 480 Cedar Street, St. Paul, Mn.-55101 222 -2861 ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES SPECIAL SEMINAR: LEVY LIMITS /How to make the best of a bad situation. continued..:... The afternoon will be extremely informal, with opportunity for much discussion. 1 11 11 1. Brief history of levy limit and changes since 1971. 2. How to calculate levy limit. 3. State aids. 4. Special base adjustment provisions. 5. Special levies. PLEASE RETURN THE FORM BELOW OR ADVISE SYLVIA BAUER (222 -2861) BY WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND. NAME: POSITION: MAIL TO: CITY: ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES 300 HANOVER BUILDING, 480 CEDAR STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 ATTN: SYLVIA BAUER -2- -- —I � M E M O R A N D U M , July 11, 1977 MEMO TO: Warren C. Hyde Mayor Van Valkenburg Council Members FROM: Ken Rosland, Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Art Center Equipment Purchase As you know the Edina Art Center's classes will begin September 12, 1977 for the first 6 week session. The Pottery Department Staff, includes three professional potters selected by the Edina Art Center Co- Directors, has met and recommended the following be purchased: i. Two Crusader KiIns,_EIectric, from Minnesota Clay Company at $626.00 each for a total of $1,252.00. Also needed are 36 kiln shelves at $14 each for a total of $504.00 and four post sets for a total of $115.00. Total kiln cost is $1,871.00. 2. Six additional Brent Pottery wheels at $415.00 each for a total of $2, These prices include all freight and delivery charges. The. only supplier of the Brent wheel and Crusader Kiln is Minnesota Clay Company located at 8001 Grand Avenue South, Bloomington, Minnesota. Several wheels were checked at other firms; however, the pottery staff feels that the best buy is the Brent Whee.1 and Crusader Kiln. Therefore, recommend the purchase of two Crusader Kilns, 36 shelves, 4 post sets and 6 Brent Wheels from Minnesota Clay Company for a total cost of $4,364.00. Y TABULATIONS OF BIDS CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA CONTRACT 77 -7, IMPROVEMENT S -21 & S -22 SIDEWALK BIDS OPENED: JULY 15, 1977 11:00 A.M. LOCATION: West 70th Street from Cahill Rd. to Antrim Rd. Antrim Rd. from West 70th Street to Valley View Rd. BIDDER BID AMOUNT Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc, $59,445.56 Concrete Curb Co. $69,418.20 Engineer's Estimate $50,735.80 (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO'S. S -21 and S -22 CONTRACT NO. 77 -7 (ENG) BIDS CLOSE JULY 15, 1977 Sealed Bids will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in the Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 a.m., Friday, July 15, 1977, and the Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, July 18, 1977, to consider said bids for the construction of concrete sidewalk. The following are approx- imate quantities of major items: IMPROVEMENT S -21 AND S -22 14,600 S /F, 4" thick Concrete Walk 1,565 S /F, 6" thick Concrete Walk 352 S /Y, 6" thick Concrete Driveway 2,590 S /Y, Sod 1,225 S /F, Lannon Stone Drywall Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 4801 W. 50th St., Edina, Minnesota 55424, and may be mailed or sub- mitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00 (by check). Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and specifications with a bona fide bid. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO'S. S -21 and S -22 CONTRACT NO. 77 -7 (ENG) BIDS CLOSE JULY 15, 1977 Sealed Bids will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in the Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 a.m., Friday, July 15, 1977, and the Edina City Council will 'meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, July 18, 1977, to consider said bids for the construction of concrete sidewalk. The following are approx- imate quantities of major items: IMPROVEMENT S -21 AND S -22 14,600 S /F, 4" thick Concrete Walk 1,565 S /F, 6" thick Concrete Walk 352 S /Y, 6" thick Concrete Driveway •2,590 S /Y, Sod .1,225 S /F, Lannon Stone Drywall Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 4801 W. 50th St., Edina, Minnesota 55424, and may be mailed or sub- mitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission,.after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00 (by check). Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and specifications with a bona fide bid. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk 6/20/77 ft HEARING DATE SET FOR NUMEROUS ASSESSMENT HEARINGS. As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARINGS FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. SS -307, SS- 317 -A, SS -326, SS -327, SS -328, SS -330, SS -331 AND SS -336, WATERMAIN IMPROVEME ^1 "S NOS. WIM -281, WM -297, Wrf -301, WM -302, WM -303 AND WM -312 STORM SE.41:;t IMPROVEMf•:1 TS NOS. ST S -146, ST S -147 AND ST S -148 STREEET IMPROVE211tENTS NOS. C -118, C -120, C -121 AND BA -213 ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT L -16 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed for the improvements set forth in the Notice of Hearing forms hereinafter recorded, and the amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, places and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the Notice of Hearing forms hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments and the Clerk's action in publishing notices of said hearings in the official newspaper in accordance with law is hereby approved; Notices being as follows: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR ASSESSMENTS SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 307, 317 -A, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 336 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 281, 297, 301, 302, 303 AND 312 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 146, 147 AND 148 GRADING & GRAVELING IMPROVEMENTS NOS. C -118, C -120 AND C -121 STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -213 ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING NO. L -16 EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the City Hall,-4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minne- sota, on Monday, July 18, 1977, at 7:00 p.m. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the following proposed assessments. These assessments are now on file in the office of-the Edina City Clerk and open to public inspection. Assessments on the following will be payable in ten equal installments over a period of ten (10) years with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the Assessment to December 31, 1978: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 307 West Frontage Road T.H. 100 from Normandale Court to 360' South The area proposed to be assessed includes Tract C, Registered Land Survey 1294, after highway taking 2. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 317 -A Easement line from Lot 5, Block 1, Whiteman Addition to South of cul-de -sac on West Highwood Drive The area proposed to be assessed-includes Section 1 9, Township 117, Range 21, - Plat 73729, Parcel 4000 ^,� Q -�`-'' --7 , �� e t , 1 -.1--_ a ; 3 y Z. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 330 Easement line from W. 74th Street to W. 75th Street between Xerxes Avenue and York Terrace The area proposed to be assessed includes York Hills Addition, Lots 7 thru 13. 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 336 Deer Run Addition, Lot 2, Block 1 The area proposed to be assessed includes Deer Run, Lot 2, Block 1 5. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 281 West Frontage Road of T.H. 100 from Normandale Court to 470' South The area proposed to be assessed includes Registered Land Survey #294, Tract C, after highway taking. 6. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 301 Easement line West 75th and West 74th Streets from York Ave. to York Terrace; York Terrace from W. 74th Street to W. 75th Street. rr' The area proposed to be assessed includes York Hills Addition, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 7. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 312 Deer Run Addition, Lot 2, Block 1 The area proposed to be assessed includes Deer Run, Lot 2, Block 1. 8. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -213 Xerxes Ave. from W. 66th St. to Washburn Circle The area proposed to be assessed includes Lyndale Builders Addition, Lots 1 thru 5; Meadow Lane 14 Addition, Lots 1 thru 10- egistered Land Survey 11629, N. 6/20/77 Tract B, Parcel 0810; Tract F, Parcels 3610, 3630, 3650 and 3670; Tract M, Parcels 6410 and 6450; York Hills, Lots 1 thru 6; York Terrace, Lots 1 thru 5, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 8, Block X; Yorktown, Lot 1, Block 4, and Outlots C and D; Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 0425, 5610 and 7610. Assessments on the following will be payable in three equal installments over a period of three (3) years with interest on the entire 'assessment at the rate of 5% pur annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1978. 9. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 326 Oak Lane from Grove St. South to cul -de -sac The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lot 2, Block 1 and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2.- 10. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 327 Blake Road from 250 feet North of the South line of Brownswood Addition to 319 feet North t " The area proposed to be assessed includes Registered Land Survey 41404, Tract A and Tract B. 11� CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 328 Whitman Addition, Lot 6, Block 1 The area proposed to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lot 6, Block 1. 12. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 331 Malibu Drive in Edina Green Addition The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3; and Outlot A. 13. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 297 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lot Block 1 and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. : 14. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 302 West Highwood Drive from Blake Rid to cul -de -sac at existing West Highwood Drive 500 feet + North of Pine (rv'I' Road _ ,y The area proposed to be assessed / 5. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 303 Malibu Drive, Lincoln Drive and easements in Edina Green Addition - - - -- The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3, and Outlot A. 16. CONSTRUCTION QF STORM SEWER NO. 146 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 17. CONSTRUCTION.OF STORM SEWER NO. 147 West Highwood Drive from 269 feet East of Blake Road to Mirror Lake The area proposed to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lots 1 thru 7, Block 1; and lots 1 thru 6, Block 2. 18. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 148 Malibu Drive and easements in Edina Green Addition The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green Addition, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3, and Outlot.A. 19. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -118 - "- Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul-de -sac The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 20. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -120 West Highwood Drive from Blake Road East to'cul -de -sac The area proposed to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lots 2 thru 6, Block 1. 21. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -121 Malibu Drive in Edina Green Addition The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green Addition, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2. Assessments on the following will be payable in one (1) installment with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of.reso_lution_ levying the assessment to tecember 31, 1978. 22. CONSTRUCTION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHT NO. L -16 Clover Ridge The area proposed to be assessed includes Clover Lane Third Addition, Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 2. ��First payment of these assessments will be payable with the taxes for the year Y ' 1977, collectible in.19V To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of the property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assess- ment without interest to the City Treasurer on or before November 15, 1977, ar 6/20/77 make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Any owner may appeal the assessment to the District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081, by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City of Edina within twenty (20) days after the adoption of the assessment by the City Council, and by filing such notice with the District Court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, the City of Edina has adopted standards and guidelines for deferring special assessments against homestead property owned by persons 65 years of a;;� or older for whom payment would be a hardship. To obtain deferment, application must be filed with the City Assessor's office by the close of business on the last business day before the City Council meeting set out in the first paragraph of this notice. For further information and application forms, please call or visit the City Assessor's office. BY OFDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Florence B. Hallberg -City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw. Rollcall: Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR ASSESSMENTS FOR: Sanitary Sewer No's 307, 317 -A, 326, 327 328, 330, 331 & 336. Watermain No's 281, 297, 301, 302, 303 &L303:\ 3 1 L Storm Sewer No's 146, 147 & 148. Grading & Graveling No's C -118, C -120 & C -121. Street Improvement No. BA -213. Ornamental Street Light No. L -16. THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota on Monday, July 18, 1977, at 7:00 P.M. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the following proposed assessments. These assessments are now on file in the office of the Edina City Clerk and open to public inspection. Assessments on the following will be payable in ten equal installments over a period of ten (10) years with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1978._ 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 307 " West_ Frontage Road T. H. 100 from Normandale Court to 360' South. The area proposed to be assessed includes Tract C,- Registered. Land;, Survey #294, after highway taking. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 317 -A • Easement line from -Lot 5; Block 1, Whiteman''Addition to South of cul -de -sac on West Highwood Drive. The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 29, Township 117, Range 21, Plat 7.3729, Parcel 4000: �_ 4- f_S� t 2. ` �, 1f 3. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 330 Easement line from West 74th Street to West 75th Street between Xerxes Avenue and York Terrace. The area proposed to be assessed includes York Hills Addition, Lots 7 thru 13. 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 336 Deer Run Addition &, Lot 2, Block 1. The area proposed to be- assessed includes Deer Run, Lot 2, Block 1. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN Nt . 281 #7 West Frontage Road of T. H.1from Normandale Court to 470' South. The area proposed to be assessed includes Registered Land Survey #294, Tract C, after higi=way taking. 6. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 301 • Easement line West 75th and West 74th Street from York Avenue to York Terrace; York Terrace from West 74th Street to West 75th Street. The area proposed to be asse includes York Hills Addition, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 an 12. ELI 10 CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO.� Deer Run Addition, Lot 2, Block lf-! The area proposed to be assessed includes Deer Run, Lot 2, Block 1. 8 CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -213 \� Xerxes Avenue from West 66th Street to Washburn Circle. The area proposed to be assessed includes Lyndale -Build s Addition, lots 1 thru 5; Meadow Lane XI Addition, Lots 1 thru 10, Registered Land 'Survey #629, Tract B, Parcel 0810; Tract F, Parcels 3610, 3630, 3650 and 3670; Tract M, Parcels 6410 and 6450; York Hills, Lots 1 thru 6; York Terrace, Lots 1 thru 5, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 8, Block 2;- Yorktown, Lot 1, Block 4, and Outlots C and D; Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 0425, 5610.and 7610. Assessments on the following will be payable in three equal installments over a period of three (3) years with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assess- ment to December 31, 1978. '9. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 326 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lot 2, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 10. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 327 - Blake Road from 250 feet North of the South line of Brownswood Addition to 319 feet North. The area proposed to be assessed includes Registered Land Survey #1404, Tract A and Tract B. 11. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 328 . Whiteman Addition, Lot 6, Block 1. The area proposed to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lot 6, Block 1. 12. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 331 • Malibu Drive in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3; and Outlot A. 13. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 297 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lot 1, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 14. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 302 West Highwood Drive from Blake Road to cul -de -sac at existing West �Highwood Drive 500 feet j North of Pine Grove Road 15. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 303 Malibu Drive, Lincoln Drive and easements in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3, and Outlot A. 16. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 146 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 17. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 147 West Highwood Drive from 269 feet East of Blake Road to Mirror Lake. The area proposed to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lots 1 thru 7, Block 1; and Lots 1 thru 6, Block 2. 18. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 148 Malibu Drive and easements in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green Addition, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3, and Outlot A. 19. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -118 • Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 20. CONSTRUCTION OF-STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -120 ' West Highwood Drive from Blake Road East to cul -de -sac. The proposed to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lots 2 thru 6, Block 1. 21. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -121 Malibu Drive in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green Addition, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2. Assessments Yon the-following will be payable in one (1) installment with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1978. 22. CONSTRUCTION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHT NO. L -16 Clover Ridge The area proposed to be assessed includes Clover Lane Third Addition, Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 2. First payment of these assessments will be payable with the taxes for the year 1977, collectible in 19749 To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of the property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the City Treasurer on or before November 15, 1977 or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Any owner may appeal the assessment to the district court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081, by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City of Edina within twenty (20) days after the adoption of the assessment by the City Council, and by filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, the City of Edina has adopted standards and guidelines for deferring special assessments against homestead property owned by persons 65 years of age or older for whom payment would be a hardship. To obtain deferment, application must be filed with the City Assessor's office by the close of business on the last business day before the City Council meeting set out in the first paragraph of this notice. For further information, and application forms, please call or visit the City Assessor's office. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk 0, Vo (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR ASSESSMENTS. FOR: Sanitary Sewer No's 307, 317 -A, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331 & 336. Watermain No's 281, 297, 301, 302, 303 & 303. Storm Sewer No's 146, 147 & 148. Grading & Graveling No's C -118, C -120 & C -121. Street Improvement No. BA -213. Ornamental Street Light No. L -16. THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota on Monday, July 18, 1977, at '7:00 P.M. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the following proposed assessments. These assessments are now on file in the office of the Edina City Clerk and open to public inspection. Assessments on the following will be payable in ten equal installments over a period of ten (10) years with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from.the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1978. 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 307 West Frontage Road T. H. 100 from Normandale Court to 360' South. The area proposed to be assessed includes Tract C, Registered. Land Survey #294, after highway taking. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 317 -A Easement line from Lot 5, Block 1, Whiteman Addition to South of cul -de -sac on West Highwood Drive. The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 29, Township 117, Range 21, Plat 73729, Parcel 4000. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 330 Easement line from West 74th Street to West 75th Street between Xerxes Avenue and York Terrace. The area proposed to be assessed includes York Hills Addition, Lots 7 thru 13. 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 336 .Deer Run Addition,, Lot 2, Block 1. The area proposed to be assessed includes Deer Run, Lot 2, Block 1. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN N0. 281 West Frontage Road of T. H. from Normandale Court to 470' South. The area proposed to be assessed includes Registered Land Survey #294, Tract C, after highway taking. 6. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 301 Easement line West 75th and West 74th Street from York Avenue to York Terrace; York Terrace from West 74th Street to West 75th Street. The area proposed to be assessed includes York Hills Addition, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 12. so P 7. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 312 Deer Run Additions Lot 2, Block 1. The area proposed to be assessed includes Deer Run, Lot 2, Block 1. 8. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -213 Xerxes Avenue from West 66th Street to Washburn Circle. The area proposed to be assessed includes Lyndale Builders Addition, lots 1 thru 5; Meadow Lane 11 Addition, Lots 1 thru 10; Registered Land Rurvey #629, Tract B, Parcel 0810; Tract F, Parcels 3610, 3630, 3650 and 3670; Tract M, Parcels 6410 and 6450; York Hills, Lots 1 thru 6; York Terrace, Lots 1 thru 5, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 8, Block 2;. Yorktown, Lot 1, Block 4, and Outlots C and D; Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 0425, 5610 and 7610. Assessments on the following will be payable in three equal installments over a period of three (3) years with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assess- ment to December 31, 1978. 9. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 326 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lot 2, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 10. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 327 Blake Road from 250 feet North of the South line of Brownswood Addition to 319 feet North. The area proposed to be assessed includes Registered Land Survey #1404, Tract A and Tract B. 11. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 328 Whiteman Addition, Lot 6, Block 1. The area proposed to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lot 6, Block 1. 12. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 331 Malibu Drive in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3; and Outlot A. 13. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 297 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lot 1, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 14. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 302 West Highwood Drive from Blake Road to cul -de -sac at existing West Highwood Drive 500 feet f North of Pine Grove Road 15. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 303 Malibu Drive, Lincoln Drive and easements in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3, and Outlot A. 16. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 146 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 17. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 147 West Highwood Drive from 269 feet East of Blake Road to Mirror Lake. The area proposed to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lots 1 thru 7, Block 1; and Lots 1 thru 6, Block 2. 18. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 148 Malibu Drive and easements in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green Addition, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3, and Outlot A. 19. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -118 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. . a f & 20. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -120 West Highwood Drive from Blake Road East to cul -de -sac. The are propose:; to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lots 2 thru 6, Block 1. 21. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -121 Malibu Drive in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed .to be assessed includes Edina Green Addition, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2. Assessments on the following will be payable in one (1) installment with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1978. 22. CONSTRUCTION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHT NO.-L-16 Clover Ridge The area proposed to be assessed includes Clover Lane Third Addition, Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 2. First payment of these assessments will be payable with the taxes for the year 1977, collectible in 1977. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of the property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without. interest to the City Treasurer on or before November 15, 1977 or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Any owner may appeal the assessment to the district court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081, by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City of Edina within twenty (20) days after the adoption of the assessment by the City Council, and by filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, the City of Edina has adopted standards and guidelines for.deferring special assessments against homestead property owned by persons 65 years of age or older for whom payment would be a hardship. To obtain deferment,.application must be filed with the City Assessor's office by the close of business on the last business day before the City Council meeting set out in the first paragraph of this notice. For further information, and - application forms, please call or visit the City Assessor's office. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk Please publish in the Edina Sun on June 29, 1977. Please send us 44 Affidavits of Publication. 1k (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR ASSESSMENTS FOR: Sanitary Sewer No's 307, 317 -A, 326, 327,°328, 330, 331 & 336. Watermain No's 281, 297, 301, 302, 303 & 303. Storm Sewer No's 146, 147 6 148. Grading & Graveling No's C -118, C -120 & C -121. Street Improvement No. BA -213. Ornamental Street Light No. L -16. THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota on Monday, July 18, 1977, at 7:00 P.M. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the following proposed assessments. These assessments are now on file in the office of the Edina City Clerk and open to public inspection. Assessments on the following will be payable in ten equal installments over a period of ten (10) years with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1978. 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 307 West Frontage Road T. H. 100 from Normandale Court to 360' South. The area proposed to be assessed includes Tract C, Registered. Land Survey #294, after highway taking. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 317 -A Easement line from Lot 5, Block 1, Whiteman Addition to South of cul -de -sac on West Highwood Drive. The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 29, Township 117, Range 21, Plat 73729, Parcel 4000. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 330 Easement line from West 74th Street to West 75th Street between Xerxes Avenue and York Terrace. The area proposed to be assessed includes York Hills Addition, Lots 7 thru 13. 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 336 Deer Run Addition„ Lot 2, Block 1. The area proposed to be assessed includes Deer Run, Lot 2, Block 1. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 281 West Frontage Road of T. H. from Normandale Court to 470' South. The area proposed to be assessed includes Registered Land Survey #294, Tract C, after highway taking. 6. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 301 -Easement line West 75th and West 74th Street from York Avenue to York Terrace; York Terrace from West 74th'Street to West 75th Street. The area proposed to be assessed includes York Hills Addition, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 12. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN N0. 312 Deer Run Addition, Lot 2, Block 1. The area proposed tube assessed includes Deer Run, Lot 2, Block 1. 8. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -213 Xerxes Avenue from West 66th Street to Washburn Circle. The area proposed to be assessed includes Lyndale•Builders Addition, lots 1 thru 5; Meadow Lane 11 Addition, Lots l thru -10; Registered Land Rurvey #629, Tract B,. Parcel 0810; Tract F, Parcels 3610, 3630, 3650 and 3670; Tract M, Parcels 6410 and .6450; York Hills, Lots ,1 thru 6; York Terrace, Lots 1 thru 5, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 8, Block.2; Yorktown, Lot 1, Block 4, and Outlots C and D; Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 0425, 5610 and 7610. Assessments on the following will be payable in three equal installments over a period of three (3) years with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assess ment to December 31, 1978. 9. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER.NO. 326 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lot 2, Block 1, and Lots ,3 and 4, Block 2. 10. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 327 Blake Road from 250 feet North of the South line of Brownswood Addition to 319 feet North. The area proposed to be assessed includes Registered Land Survey #1404, Tract A and Tract.B. 11. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 328 Whiteman Addition, Lot 6, Block 1. The area proposed to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lot 6, Block 1. 12. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 331 Malibu.Drive.in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed.to be assessed includes Edina Green, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru.4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3; and Outlot A. 13. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO, 297 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lot 1, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 14. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN N0. 302 West Highwood Drive from Blake Road to cul -de -sac at existing West Highwood Drive 500 feet j North -of Pine Grove Road 15. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 303 Malibu Drive, Lincoln Drive and easements in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green, Lots l thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3, and Outlot A. 16. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER N0: 146 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed.to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. 17. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 147 West Highwood Drive from 269 feet East of Blake Road to Mirror Lake.. The area proposed to be assessed includes Whiteman Addition, Lots 1 thru 7, Block 1; and Lots 1 thru 6, Block 2. 18. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 148 Malibu Drive and easements in Edina Green Addition. .The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green Addition, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3, and Outlot A. 19. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -118 Oak Lane from Grove Street South to cul -de -sac. The area proposed to be assessed includes Warden Acres Austin Replat, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. i k 20. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -120 West Highwood Drive from Blake Road East to cul -de -sac. The are proposed to be assessed includes Whitemar. Addition, Lots 2 thru 6, Block 1. 21. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -121 Malibu Drive in Edina Green Addition. The area proposed to be assessed includes Edina Green Addition, Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2. Assessments on the following will be payable in one (1) installment with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1978. 22. CONSTRUCTION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHT NO. L -16 Clover Ridge The area proposed to be assessed includes Clover Lane Third Addition, Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 2. First payment of these assessments will be payable with the taxes for the year 1977, collectible in 1977. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of the property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the City Treasurer on or before November 15, 1977 or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Any owner may appeal the assessment to the district court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081, by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City of Edina within twenty (20) days after the adoption of the assessment by the City Council, and by filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, the City of Edina has adopted standards and guidelines for deferring special assessments against homestead property owned by persons 65 years of age or older for whom payment would be a hardship. To obtain deferment, application must be filed with the City Assessor's office by the close of business on the last business day before the City Council meeting set out in the first paragraph of this notice. For further information, and application forms, please call or visit the City Assessor's office. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk Please publish in the Edina Sun on June 29, 1977. Please send us 44 Affidavits of Publication. t f r 1977 CITY OFF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 1 �✓ CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. if P.O._# MESSAGE.______ 07/13/77 344.50 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 07/13/77 344.50 - _ _ .. -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- — -50- 4626- 822 -82 -- - -- MANUAL -- - -, -- - -- -- * # # * *# 187055 07/12/77 306.55 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4120 - 663 -66 MANUAL f? 306.55 *, * ** -CKS, 187135 07/12/77 143.02- EAGLE DIST DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 002-00 MANUAL 187135 07/12/77 133.20- EAGLE DIST DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 003 -00 MANUAL) 07/12/77 11.30- EAGLE DIST DISCOUNT 50 -3710- 002 -00 _ MANUAL ___187135 187135 07/12/77 7.14- EAGLE DIST DISCOUNT 50 -3710- 003 -00 MANUAL 187135 07/12/77 19127.63 EAGLE DIST INVENTORY 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 187135 07/12/77 19077.90 EAGLE DIST -- INVENTORY 50- 4628 - 862-86 MANUAL 187135 J 07/12/77 _ 535.00 EAGLE DIST INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -64 MANUAL 187135 07/12/77 15.00 EAGLE DIST INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL L 29460.87 *. * * * * ** * ** -CKS 187138 07/12/77 26.26- ED PHILLIPS DISCOUNT 50-3710- 002 -00 MANUAL 187138 07/12/77 5.48- ED PHILLIPS DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 003 -00 MANUAL_ 187138 07/12/77 800.96 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 187138 07/12/77 •523.75 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4628- 842-84 MANUAL 187138 07/12/77 277.93 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 6) 19570.90 * i * ** -CKS -- 187157 - - 07/12/77 _ 92.60- -- FAMOUS BRANDS -. - - -- - - - DISCOUNT . ------ - - - - - -- -- 50- 3700 - 001 -00 - -- — MANUAL — 187157 07/12/77 303.93- FAMOUS BRANDS DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 002 -00 MANUAL 187157 07/12/77 88.00- FAMOUS BRANDS DISCOUNT _ 50- 3700 - 003 -00 ----.MANUAL _ _ 187157 _ _ 07/12/77 _ _ _ 3.57- FAMOUS BRANDS DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 001 -00 MANUAL 187157 07/12/77 11.18- FAMOUS BRANDS DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 002-00 MANUAL 187157 07/12/77 3.40- BRANDD DISCOUNT _ 50- 3710 - 003 -00 MANUAL — — 187157 _ 07/12/77 _ ___FAMOUS 595.00 FAMOUS BRANDS INVENTORY 50- 4626 - 642 -84 MANUAL 167157 07/12/77 634.85 FAMOUS BRANDS _ INVENTORY 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL cl, 187157 07/12/77 FAMOUS BRANDS INVENTORY _— _ 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL_ _ — 187157 07/12/77 - 603.15 FAMOUS BRANDS INVENTORY 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 29730.12 *, Q ** *-CKS 07/12/77 131.53-_ COOPER DISCOUNT ._ _ 50- 3710- 002 -00 MANUAL _,_187190 187190 07/12/77 75.28- _GRIGGS GRIGGS COOPER DISCOUNT 50 -3710- 003 -00 MANUAL 187190 07/12/77 69600.85 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 187190__ 07/12/77 39776.66 GRIGGS COOPER-------- INVENTORY _ _ . 50- 4626 - 862-86 MANUAL - - — _ -_ 109170.70 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 187271 07/12/77 101.66- INTER PKG DISCOUNT 50 -3700- 002 -00 MANUAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- r - - - - -- - 1977 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 2 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. N MESSAGE ` 187271 07/12/77 65.28- INTER PKG DISCOUNT 50- 3700- 003 -00 MANUAL 187271 07/12/77 4.23- INTER PKG DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 002 -00 MANUAL _ 187271 07/12/77 2.93- INTER PKG OISCGUNT 50- 3710 - 003 -00 MANUAL 187271 07/12/77 863.66 INTER PKG INVENTORY 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL i 187271 07/12/77 592.42 INTER PKG INVENTORY 50- 4628- 862-86 MANUAL - 19261.98 #. A * * # # ## * ** -CKS 187285 07/12/77 38.66- JOHNSON WINE DISCOUNT 50-3700- 002 -00 MANUAL _ 187285 07/12/77 21 -66- JOHNSON WINE DISCOUNT _ 50- 3700 - 003 -00 MANUAL 187285 07/12/77 2.51- JOHNSON WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 002 -00 MANUAL 187285 07/12/77 1.02- JOHNSON WINE DISCOUNT 50 -3710- 003 -00 MANUAL G 187285 07/12/77 493.61 JOHNSON WINE INVENTORY 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 187285 07/12/77 207.24 JOHNSON WINE INVENTORY 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 637.00 * * # # *# * ** —CKS f 187349 07/12/77 63.80— MIDWEST WINE DISCOUNT . 50- 3700- 002 -00 MANUAL 187349 07/12/77 153.55— MIDWEST WINE _ DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 003 -00 _ MANUAL 187349 07/12/77 763.55 MIDWEST NINE INVENTORY 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL f 187349 07/12/77 19354.11 MIDWEST WINE INVENTORY 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 1,900.31 #. _ _ - - - - -- -- - - - -- * * # # ## * ** —CKS 187418 07/12/77 16.25— OLD PEORIA DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 002 -00 MANUAL 187418 07/12/77 126.75— OLD PEORIA DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 002 -00 MANUAL 187418 07/12/77 28.64— OLD PEORIA DISCOUNT 50 -3710- 003 -00 MANUAL 187418 07/12/77 69246.65 OLD PEORIA INVENTORY 50- 4626- 842-84 MANUAL E 187418 07/12/77 1,437.26 OLD PEORIA INVENTORY 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 187418 07/12/77 107.25 OLD PEORIA INVENTORY 50- 4628- 842 -64 MANUAL 187418 07/12/77 22.15 OLD PEORIA INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 MANUAL 79641.67 * * # * ## * ** -CKS C 187451 07/12/77 253.56- QUALITY WINE DISCOUNT 50 -3700- 002 -00 MANUAL 187451 07/12/77 1,037.75- QUALITY WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 003 -00 MANUAL Cm 187451 07/12/77 33.72- QUALITY WINF DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 002 -00 MANUAL 187451 07/12/77 113.50- QUALITY NINE DISCOUNT 50- 3710- UO3 -00 MANUAL 3 187451 07/12/77 1,956.40 QUALITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 187451 07/12/77 6,747.59 QUALITY WINF INVENTORY 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 7,265.46 0000.0 1s*-CKS 187540 07112/77 S.Ou- TWIN CITY WINE DISCOUNT 50 - ?70U- 001-00 MANUAL 187540 07/12/77 296.57- TWIN CITY WI %E I) ISCUUNT 50- 370U- UJ7 -UO MANUAL 187540 07/12/77 124.71- TWIN CITY WINE DISC-,UI+• so- 37uu- oJ3 -UO MANUAL 187540 07112177 5.81- TwIN CITY WINE CISCLUNT S0- 3710- oU1 -00 MANUAL 187540 07112177 1P2.93- TWIN CITY WI ".E DISCGUNT 50- 3710- UJ2 -00 VANUAL 187540 07 /12/77 57.69- TWIN CITY WINE UISCOUNT 50- 3710- 001-00 MANUAL 1 1977 CITY OF'EDINA 07 18 77 PAGE 3 CHECK RE' CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT ITEM DESCRIPTION VENDOR 187540 07/12/77 89842.71 TWIN CITY WINE - 187540 07/12/77 2,753.26 MANUAL TWIN CITY WINE 187540 07/12/77 298.00 TWIN CITY WINE 187540 07/12/77 1,105.24 INVENTORY TWIN CITY WINE - 187540 07/12/77 551.87 - 50- 4628 - 862 -86 TWIN CITY WINE_ 187540 07/12/77 240.70 _ TWIN CITY WINE 187540 07/12/77 68.25 f! TWIN CITY WINE * ** -CKS 13, 187.32 HUD TRANSFER 10- 1139 - 000 -00 MANUAL 188091 07/12/77 10,000.00 * ** -CKS CITY OF EDINA 109000.00 *, 10-4156- 510 -51 MANUAL 188247 07/12/77 -_ _ 808.84_ - -- - - - -- - - _ - -- HM0_ SERVICES_ - 2ND QTR FICA 808.84 * -_ * * * * ** * ** -CKS C PETTY CASH _ 188700 07/12/77 259146.98 PETTY CASH STATE TREASURER MANUAL' PETTY CASH__ _ 27- 4620 - 661 -66 _ -_ - _ MANUAL 192055 07/12/77 245.45 10- 4922- 506 -50 BRAEMAR GOLF 192055 07/12/77 79.13 MANUAL BRAEMAR GOLF 192055_ -- __07/12/77- .- ___ -_ - -_ 34.00 __— _._BRAEMAR_GOLF * ** -CKS 358.58 *, 10- 3095 - 000 -00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 192224 07/12/77 355.86 MANUAL HENN CNTY FINANCE —192224.-------.07/12/77-----_------- 688.39 C) CNTY FINANCE_ ** *-CKS 1,044.25 -- _____,_HENN * ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 822-82 MANUAL 192346 07/12/77 12,993.75 MANUAL METRO WASTE CONT ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 862 -86 12.993.75 *� * ** -CKS 192430 07/12/77 11,429.55 PERA 11.429.55 * _192455 07/12/77 857.59 RAXIDLO 192455 07/12/77 857.59 RAXIOLO 192455 07/12/77 857.60 RADIDLO 2,572.78 *t 'ER 07 18 77 PAGE 3 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE INVENTORY 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL r' INVENTORY _ 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL INVENTORY 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ - MANUAL _ INVENTORY 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL ,_INVENTORY - 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL_____ INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 MANUAL f! * ** -CKS HUD TRANSFER 10- 1139 - 000 -00 MANUAL * ** -CKS - t! , 10-4156- 510 -51 MANUAL f_3 - - -- -- - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - _ - -- * * *- -- - - - -- -- CKS - -- - 2ND QTR FICA 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL G * ** -CKS C PETTY CASH _ 27 -4120- 663 -66 MANUAL PETTY CASH 27- 4120 - 664 -66 MANUAL' PETTY CASH__ _ 27- 4620 - 661 -66 _ -_ - _ MANUAL * ** -CKS SPEC ASSESSMENT 10- 4922- 506 -50 MANUAL Ir! ----SPEC-ASSESSMENT 10- 4922 - 506 -50 MANUAL cl - - * ** -CKS RESERVE CAPACITY 10- 3095 - 000 -00 MANUAL * ** -CKS Q PERA 10-4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL C) ** *-CKS ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 822-82 MANUAL ADVERTISING 50- 4214-842-84 MANUAL ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 862 -86 MANUAL` * ** -CKS * # * * ** 1 193251 07/13/77 150,000.00, * ** -CKS HRA HR.A 10- 2155- 000 -00 MANUAL 1977 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 4 ` !� CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 1 192701 07/12/77 19188.76 STATE TREASURER CLASS B SURCH LO- 3095 - 000 -00 MANUAL 192701 07/12/77 65.50 STATE TREASURER CLASS A SURCH 10- 3110- 000-00 MANUAL - 19254.26 *� � 1 * ** -CKS 193135 07/13/77 17.00- EAGLE DIST DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 002-00 MANUAL 193135 07/13/77 78.95- EAGLE DIST DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 003 -00 MANUAL 193135 07/13/77 3.37- EAGLE DIST DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 002 -00 MANUAL 193135 07/13/77 8.73- EAGLE DIST DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 003 -00 MANUAL 07/13/77 469.60 EAGLE DIST INVENTORY 50- 4628 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL _,- _193135 193135 07/13/77 19252.59 EAGLE DIST _ INVENTORY 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 1 19614.14 # * ** -CKS I 07/13/77 75..90- ED PHILLIPS__________ -__. DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 002 -00 MANUAL _- _193138 193138 07/13/77 - 58.33- ED PHILLIPS DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 003 -00 MANUAL 1 193138 07/13/77 3,078.38 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4626-842 -84 MANUAL 193138 07/13/77 ED PHILLIPS INVENT13RY _ _ 50- 4626 - 862 -86 _- MANUAL _193138 07/13/77 ___.2,312.99 2,312.99 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL I 193138 07/13/77 2,312.99- ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4626 - 662 -86 MANUAL 193138 738.66 _- - ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY _ _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 _ -_ -_ MANUAL _ 193138 07/13/77 _ -_ 620.88 ED PHILLIPS. INVENTORY 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1 69616.68 * , * ** -CKS 1 07/13/77 _ 112.99- FAMOUS BRANDS _ - - DISCOUNT _ _ 50- 3700 - 001 -00 _ _ -_ MANUAL _.193157 193157 07/13/77 231.19- FAMOUS BRANDS DISCOUNT 50- 3700- 002 -00 MANUAL I 193157 07/13/77 502.59- FAMOUS BRANDS DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 003 -00 MANUAL 193157 07/13/77 3.67- FAMOUS BRANDS DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 001-00 MANUAL _ _ _ 193157 07/13/77 11.86- FAMOUS BRANDS DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 002 -00 MANUAL I 193157 07/13/77 17.39- FAMOUS BRANDS DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 003 -00 MANUAL 193157 07/13/77 344.50 FAMOUS BRANDS INVENTORY _ 50- 4626- 822-82 MANUAL _ 193157 07/13/77 _ 951.25 FAMOUS BRANDS INVENTORY 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 1 193157 07/13/77' 29574.47 FAMOUS BRANDS INVENTORY 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 193157 07/13/77 325.75 INVENTORY 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ MANUAL 193157 07/13/77 1,071.50 FAMOUS BRANDS INVENTORY 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL I 193157 07/13/77 549.95 FAMOUS BRANDS INVENTORY 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 49937.73 * ' I # # # # ** * ** -CKS 193190 07/13/77 63.52- GRIGGS COOPER DISCOUNT 50 -3710- 001 -00 MANUAL 1 193190 07/13/77 94.11- GRIGGS COOPER DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 002 -00 MANUAL 193190 07/13/77 _ 50.20- GRIGGS COOPER DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 003 -00 MANUAL 193190 07/13/77 39187.20 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 193190 07/13/77 49721.86 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 193190 07/13/77 2,519.42 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50-4626- 862 -86 - MANUAL - - 10, 220.65 * -- * # * * ** 1 193251 07/13/77 150,000.00, * ** -CKS HRA HR.A 10- 2155- 000 -00 MANUAL 1 1977 CITY , OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 5 CHECK_ NO. DATE -_- AMOUNT VENDOR _ ITEM DESCRIPTION _ ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE_., 150,000.00 * ** -CKS 07/13/77 22 -00 -_ INTER, PKG DISCOUNT _._ ____- 50 -3700- 003 -00 MANUAL - _193271 193271 __, -____ 07/13/77 _,- _ 2.42- INTER PKG DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 003 -00 MANUAL 193271 07/13/77 456.19 INTER PKG INVENTORY 50- 4628- E62 -86 MANUAL I -- - - - - - - -- 431.77 * '. * # * # ## * ** -CKS 1 193285 07/13/77 16.29- JOHNSON WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 001-00 MANUAL 193285 07/13177 10.00- TWIN CITY WINE DISCCUNT 50- 3700 - 001 -00 MANUAL I 91.02- JOHNSON WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 002 -00 MANUAL __193285 193285 07/13/77 72.09- JOHNSON WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 003 -00 MANUAL 193285 07/13/77 1.59- JOHNSON WINE DISCOUNT 50 -3710- 001 -00 MANUAL I 193285 5.49- JOHNSON WINE :___ -- DISCOUNT _ 50 -3710- 002 -00 MANUAL 193285 07/13/77 3.89- JOHNSON WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 003 -00 MANUAL 193285 07/13/77 314.69 JOHNSON WINE INVENTORY 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 1 193285 07/13/77 19084.04 JOHNSON WINE INVENTORY 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 193285 07/13/77 776.49 JOHNSON WINE INVENTORY 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 19974.85 * I * # # # ** ** *-CKS 193418 07/13/77 13.75- OLD PEORIA DISCOUNT ._ 50- 3700 - 002 -00 _ _ _ _ MANUAL 193418 07/13/77 29.33- OLD PEORIA DISCOUNT 50-3710- 002 -00 MANUAL 193418 07/13/77 1,379.11 OLD PEORIA INVENTORY 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL _ 193418 07/13/77 107.25 OLD PEORIA _- _ INVENTORY_ _ 50-4628-842-84.. - _ _ _ -__ .___ MANUAL- __.____- 1,443.28 � * * # * #* 1 * ** -CKS 193451 07/13/77 131.50- QUALITY WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 002-00 MANUAL 19345107/13/77_______- 133.38 -___ QUALITY WINE.______. __DISCOUNT - _ 50- 3700 - 003 -00 -__ _ MANUAL __ 193451 07/13/77 __,___ 13.51- QUALITY WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 002 -00 MANUAL i 193451 07/13/77 11.89- QUALITY WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 003 -00 MANUAL 07/13/77 810.95 QUALITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL _193451 193451 07/13/77 736.24 QUALITY WINE INVENTORY 50 -4628- 862 -66 MANUAL i 19256.91 K # * *# * ** -CKS 193540 07/13/77 110.50- TWIN CITY WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 001 -00 MANUAL 193540 07/13/77 86.15- TWIN CITY WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 002 -00 MANUAL 193540 07/13/77 354:91- TWIN CITY WINE CISCOUNT 50- 3700 - 003 -00 MANUAL 07/13/77 88.97- TWIN CITY WINE CISCOUNT 50- 3710- 001 -00 MANUAL _193540 1935.40 07/13/77 7.58- TWIN CITY WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 002 -00 MANUAL 193540 07/13/77 316.32- THIN CITY WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3710- 003 -00 MANUAL 07/13/77 4,644.43 TWIN CITY WINE INVENTORY 50 -4626- 822 -62 MANUAL __193540 193540 07/13/77 15.784.99 TWIN CITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4626- 862-86 MANUAL 193540 07/13/77 141.40 TWIN CITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 193540 07/13/77 454.23 TWIN CITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193540 07/13/77 45.19 TWIN CITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 1977 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 6 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. 8 MESSAGE 193540 07/13/77 304.77 TWIN CITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842-84 MANUAL 193540 07/13/77 163.22 TWIN CITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 MANUAL - 209973.80 *� l * * * # ## * ** -CKS 199006 07/13/77 19080.00 AQUA ENGINEERING SPRINKLER HEADS 60- 1300 - 213 -04 4664 5657 19080.00 * * * # * #* * ** -CKS 1 199026 07/12/77 19220.00 BADGER METER INC METERS 30-1220- 000 -00 700065 19220.00 * * ** -CKS 07/12/77 989.60 _ _ _ BEER WHOLESALERS . GRILL SUPPLIES 27- 4624- 664 -66 STA _ _199028_ _ 199028 07/13/77 1,304.95 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50- 4630-822-82 STA 199028 07/13/77 49989.85 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 842 -84 STA 1 199028 ___- 07/13/77 _ 39526.10 BEER RHOLESALERS________,. INVENTORY _ _ 50- 4630 - 862 -86 STA - - 109810.50 # # # * ** * ** -CKS 199035 07/13/77 74 -40 BOUSTEAD ELEC E MFG REPAIRS 50 -4248- 841 -84 83536 199035 07/13/77 29.32 BOUSTEAD ELEC E MFG REPAIR PARTS 50- 4540 - 841 -84 83536 103.72 * - - -- - i # # # * ## E * ** -CKS 199041 07/12/77 230 -00 BURY E CARLSON INC BOLARDS 10- 4546- 340 -30 3796 5489 07/13/77 19760.21 BURY E CARLSON INC PMT3 BA217 60- 2040 - 000 -00 _199041 199041 07/13/77 654.43 BURY E CAR.LSON INC PMT 3 BA 222 60- 2040 - 000 -00 199041 07/13/77 246.42 BURY E CARLSON INC PMT 3 BA 211 60- 2040 - 000 -00 E _ 07/13/77 _ 550.80 _ -. BURY S CARLSON INC PMT 1 BA178 _ _ 60- 2040 - 000 -00 _.199041 199041 07/13/77 890.30 BURY D CARLSON INC PMT 3 HA 221 60- 2040 - 000 -00 199041 07/13/77 39011.14 BURY E CARLSON INC PMT3 BA218 60- 2040 - 000 -00 i 199041 1,150.41 BURY 6 CARLSON INC PMT 2 BA228 60 -2040- 000 -00 199041 07/13/77 1,287.83 BURY E CARLSON INC PMT 2 BA223 60- 2040 - 000 -00 99781.54 * i * ** -CKS 199046 07/12/77 137.95 BLUMBERG PHOTO PHOND 20- 4590 - 627 -62 39618 - 5857 - - - 137.95 - � * * * # #* i * ** -CKS I 199066 07/13/77 170.10 C.F.CCYEREASSOCIATES SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 449 -44 7762 5701 1 199066 07/13/77 586.00 C.F.COYEREASSOCIATES HOSE 10- 4556- 440 -44 7766 5718 -- 756.10 I * * # * #* 1 * ** -CKS 1 199073 07/13/77 221926 CITY BEER DIST. INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822-82 1 1977 CITY OF EDINA 97.90 CHECK REGISTER INVENTORY - 50- 4630- 842 -84 — 07 18 77 PAGE 7 ; i CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM.DESCRIPTION t ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. A MESSAGE 199073 07/13/77 600.36 CITY BEER DIST. INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 842 -84 199073 07/13/77 403.78 CITY BEER DIST. INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 STA 199073 07/13/77 171.84 CITY BEER DIST. INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 07/12/77 41.6U 199073 07/13/77 74.30 CITY BEER DIST. INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 41.60 * t 199073 07/13/77 335.93 CI;Y BEER DIST. INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 STA -- * ** —CKS 1.807.47 07/13/77 186.87 DAVIS EUGENE SALARY 60 -4100- 985 -90 _ _ 199126 07/13/77 24.24 DAVIS EUGENE MILEAGE 60-4208- 985 -90 t i 211.11 * I * ** —CKS -- 199078 07/12/77 143.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING GRILL SUPPLIES POOL 26 -4632- 684 -68 402883 t 16.92 07/13/77 492.70 COCA COLA BOTTLING _ INVENTORY _ 50 -4632- 822 -82 _- —. _. 1 _199078 199078 07/13/77 _ 765.10 COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50 -4632- 842 -84 16.93 DATA SIX 199078 07/13/77 904.20 COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50-4632- 862 -86 STA F 2,305.00 199079 07/13/77 70.00 COMMUNITY CLEANING CLEAN FLOORS 50- 4236 - 821 -82 2790 F 70.00 * 199080 07/12/77 1,731.75 CONTINENTAL —MINN INC GRILL SUPPLIES 27- 4624 - 664 -66 76505 f 1,731.75 * ** *—CKS ! 199097 07/13/77 9.00 COURTNEY C WAYNE REIM LUNCH 10- 4202 - 100 -10 9.00 * ! -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- _ -- - - - - -- - - - -- - * *>« —CKS c 199109 07/13/77 39.10 DASCO BURGESS DIV. BATTERIES_ -__ 10- 4504 - 260 -26 27630 - 5830 –_ 39.10 07/13/77 97.90 _ DAVIDSEN DIST.INC INVENTORY - 50- 4630- 842 -84 — _199110_ 199110 _ 07/13/77 _ _ 126.75 DAVIDSEN DIST.INC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 STA 199110 07/13/77 54.50 DAVIDSEN DIST.INC INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 279.15 * * * * ** * ** —CKS t 199124 07/12/77 41.6U DALEN J.N. EXPENSE 10- 4202 - 160 -16 i 41.60 * t * ** —CKS 199126 07/13/77 186.87 DAVIS EUGENE SALARY 60 -4100- 985 -90 _ _ 199126 07/13/77 24.24 DAVIS EUGENE MILEAGE 60-4208- 985 -90 i 211.11 * I ** *—CKS f i 199130 07/13/77 16.92 DATA SIX TELYON JULY 50- 4233 - 822 -82 _ 199130 07/13/77 16.92 DATA SIX TELYON JULY 50- 4233 - 842-84 199130 07/13/77 16.93 DATA SIX TELYON JULY 50- 4233 - 662 -86 I 50.77 * ** —CKS 1 1977 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 8 CHECK N0. DATE -_ -- ___- AMOUNT VENDOR _ _. ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 1 199163 07/12/77 10,000.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BOND PMT 28- 2060 - 000 -00 1 07/12/77 - 766.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BOND PMT _ _ 28- 4300 - 706 -70 - - -- _199163 10, 766.00 1 * * * ** * ** -CKS 199175 07/12/77 117.24 FRITZ CO GRILL SUPPLIES 27-4624 - 664 -66 54171 117.24 * * * * *# * ** -CKS 199178 07/13/77 151.20 G.SYLVESTRE ASSOC TS CONSULT SERV LO- 4224- 504 -50 151.20 * ` 07/13/77 98.30 GOLD MEDAL BEVERAGE INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 822 -82 _199184 199184 07/13/77 172.30 GOLD MEDAL BEVERAGE INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 199184 07/13/77 488.01 GOLD MEDAL BEVERAGE INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 662 -86 STA 758.61 199185 07/13/77 262.75 GOODIN COMPANY REPAIR PARTS 30 -4540- 784 -78 501048 4930 262.75 * # * * ## * ** -CKS i 199194 07/13/77 172.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS MAINT CUNT 1432 10- 4294 - 560 -56 1283 i 199194 07/13/77 18.00 GENEPAL COMMUNICATNS EQUIPT RENTAL1426 10- 4294- 560 -56 1285 199194 07/13/77 36.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS ANTENNAS 10- 4504 - 560 -56 1125 4731 _ 199194 07/13/77 28.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS ANTEN61A 10- 4620- 440 -44 1172 199194 07/13/77 18.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS ANTENNA 10- 4620- 560 -56 1171 4731 07 /13/77 18.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS EQUIPT RENTAL 1421 60 -1300- 299 -02 1281 _ _199194 199194 _ 07/13/77 18.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS EQUIPT RENTAL 1421 60 -1300- 320 -02 1281 199194 07/13/77 18.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS EQUIPT RENTAL1421 60 -1300- 322 -02 1281 - - -- 326.00 -- * * * * ** ** *-CKS 199212 07/13/77 79.08 H.A. ROGERS SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 260 -26 STA 199212 07/13/77 108.00 H.A. ROGERS BLUE PRINTING 10- 4570- 260-26 STA 187.08 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 199214 07/12/77 56.84 H.R. TOLL COMPANY WELDING 10- 4610- 560 -56 48379 56.84 # * ** -CKS 199216 - -- - - --07/13/77 222.36 HAGEN OFFICE EQUIP TYPE L ADD RIBBONS 10 -4516- 510 -51 865 5507 - -- 222.36 i * * * ** * ** -CKS i 199219 07/13/77 150.00 HANSORO PONTIAC EQUIPT RENTAL 10- 2140- 000-00 STA 1977 CITY OF ECINA CHECK NO. DATE CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENOCR ITEM DESCRIPTION 150.00 07 18 77 PAGE 9 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS r it 6 . .. re 41 -. 'm r, ' r�r� fir: rL - .: —•►'� •— •I —_J - - Ivv:.'N 1r /!1 till ILr \UI' 1 Lvv[tn U!/1J /II 91. 10 HILL, Iffl)M AUllt SUI' V NUPI'LILS 10- 4504— tp6U -56 / 199228 40.10 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y TOOLS _,- 10- 4580- 440 -44 -- 199228 _07/13/77 07/13/77 372.51 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y PARTS 10 -4620- 560 -56 199228 07/13/77 65.31 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y SUPPLIES 27 -4504- 662-66 STA 4 199228 07/13/77 31 -90 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y TOOLS 28- 4580 - 707 -70 -- — 562.57 rs * * * * ** * ** -CKS 199233 07/13/77 66.58 HONEYWELL PROT.SERV. ALARM SERV 10- 4301-500 -50 261PSS r 66.58 * * * * ## * ** -CKS G 199262 07/12/77 207.78 ITT CONTL BAKING GRILL SUPPLIES POOL 26- 4624- 684-68 27744 207.7& * f * ** -CKS — { 199272 07/13/77 54.25 INTL HARVEST PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 4247 ___5878__._._ - - - - - -- 54.2 5 * * ** #*# * ** -CKS 199282 07/13/77 52.86 JOHNSON PAPER SUPPLY NAPINS 26- 4514- 684 -68 26697 5895 1. 52.86 * * * * *** ** *-CKS 19 9302 07/13/77 1,126.06 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING INVENTORY 50 -4630- 822 -82 STA 199302 07/13/77 4,088.00 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 STA 5,214.06 * * * # #* * ** -CKS f 199305 07/13/77 769.44 KEMPS CRESCENT GRILL SUPPLIES 26- 4624 - 684 -68 STA 769.44 * Q * ** -CKS 07/13/77 78.01 LAWSON PRODUCTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 763814 5728 _199317_ 199317 07/13/77 _ 94.35 ________ LAWSCN PRODUCTS -----PARTS­­­-­,.-­ ___ ____ PARTS ____ 10- 4620- 560 -56 763813 5727 199317 07/13/77 87.20 LAWSCN PRODUCTS PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 763827 5769 Q 199317 07/13/77 86.49 LAWSCN PRODUCTS PARTS 10 -4620- 560 -56 763826 5770 346.05 { * * * * ** * ** -CKS 199330 07/12/77 30 -30 LYNDALE AUTOMOTIVE THERMO 10- 4620- 560 -56 37808 5584 i 1977 CITY Of EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 10 ^ CHECK NO- DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. H P.O. 0 MESSAGE 30.30 * ** -CKS 07/12/77 448.40 MAC QUEEN EQUIP.INC BROOMS 10- 4534 - 310 -30 3762 5816 _ ____199342 199342 07/13/77 19589.76 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC HEATING ELEMENTS 10- 4620 - 560 - 56.3839 5645 I 2,038.16 - * ** -CKS - 1 199344 07/12/77 36.28 MED.OXYGEN 6 EQUIP C _ COMP AIR_- .___ -__. 10- 4274 - 449 -44 242327 199344 07/12/77 15.29 MED.OXYGEN E EQUIP C OXYGEN 10- 4510 - 440 -44 242481 51.57 * * # # #* * ** -CKS 1 _199346 07/13/77- .__ -___ 71,331.31 _ MET_ N_WASTE. CL COMM_ ------ _ SEWER-- AUG _ _ 40- 4312 - 801 -80 STA - -- -- - -- __- 719331.31 * 1 - - - - - -- - * ** -CKS _.. - 1 199354 07/13/77 277.23 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 10- 4254 - 520-52 199354 07/13/77 164.81 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO -_ _ .- HEAT 10- 4254 - 540 -54 199354 _ 07/13/77 _ 11.93 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 20- 4254 - 646 -64 199354 07/13/77 1,546.25 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 26- 4254 - 689-68 199354 11.12 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT _.....____.._ 27- 4254- 661 -66 199354 07/13/77 694.39 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 28- 4254 - 708 -70 199354 07/13/77 209.91 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 30- 4254 - 782 -78 07/13/77 6.18 MINNEAPOLIS GAS -CC __- HEAT 40- 4254- 801 -80 _199354 199354 07/13/77 ___ 10.76 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 50- 4254 - 861-86 j 2.932.58 -- - - - -- - - - -- * ** -CKS 199358 _ -, 07/12/77 - _______ ___ 63.00 3M _ALARM SERVICE _ _ _ ALARMSE.RV _ 28 -4304- 708 -70 OV1316 63.00 * # * * #* 199360 07/12/77 10.00 MINNESOTA WANNER WELD REPAIR 10- 4248 - 321 -30 40746 /77 .96 ._ MINNESOTA WANNER _ PARTS ____ _ -_ ___- 10- 4620-560 -56 40806 __199360___:07/12 199360 07/12/77 20.00 MINNESOTA WANNER WELD REPAIR 26- 4248 - 689 -66 40838 199360 07/13/77 40.00 MINNESOTA WANNER WELD PUMP 26- 4248 - 689 -68 40786 199360 07/12/77 30.00 MINNESOTA WANNER WELD REPAIR 28- 4248 - 708 -70 40839 * ** -CKS i 199363 07/13/77 24.35 MONARCH MARKING SYST SUPPLIES 50- 4248 - 841-84 685491 199363 07/13/77 30.15 MONARCH MARKING SYST REPAIR MARKER 50- 4248 - 862 -86 685490 54.50 * * # # #* * ** -CKS 199384 07/13/77 75.00 MOHR MARCIA MILEAGE MAY & JUNE 20- 4208 - 600 -60 1977 CITY OF ECINA I� --CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT I 75.00 199385 07/13/77 19265.00 I 199385/9903,707/13/77 90.00 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION MCGUIRE ROBERT SALARY a • 199387 07/12/77 70.78 NATL CHEMSEARCH CORP SKATE 70.78 199 39 6 199 39 6 _199396 199396 199396 _ 199396 199396 199396 199396 199396 199397 199398 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/12/77 07/12/77 07 18 77 PAGE 11 i ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. 0 NESSAGE 10 -4242- 353 -30 - -- 60- 1300-311-02 * ** -CKS 10- 4512-520 -52 20892 5809 - - * ** -CKS 96.48. N. S. P. COMPANY 07/12/77 _199391 199391 07/12/77 199391 07/12/77 COMPANY 07/12/77 _199391_ 199391 07/12/77 199391 07/12/77 COMPANY - _07/12/77 _199391 199391 07/12/77 199391 07/12/77 COMPANY 07/12/77 _199391___ 199391 07/12/77 199391 07112/77 _199391 - 07112/77 199391 07/12/77 199391 07/12/77 199391 07/12/77 199391 07/12/77 199391 07/12/77 - -- 07/1.2/77 _199391 199391 07/12/77 9 199391 07/12/77 199 39 6 199 39 6 _199396 199396 199396 _ 199396 199396 199396 199396 199396 199397 199398 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/13/77 07/12/77 07/12/77 07 18 77 PAGE 11 i ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. 0 NESSAGE 10 -4242- 353 -30 - -- 60- 1300-311-02 * ** -CKS 10- 4512-520 -52 20892 5809 - - * ** -CKS 96.48. N. S. P. COMPANY ., 10- 4252 - 280 -28 STA _ _ _ 658.80 _ _ N.S.P. COMPANY _____ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 10- 4252- 300 -30 STA 8 #621.30 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 10- 4252-321 -30 STA ' COMPANY ELECTRIC-------.------ 10 -4252- 322 -30 STA ___1.9886.33N.S.P. 19457.44 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 330 -30 STA 9.58 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 10- 4252-345 -30 STA 151.70 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC _ 10- 4252 - 375 -30 STA . 367.50 _ N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 10- 4252- 446 -44 STA 16.54 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 460 -46 STA 3,619.16 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 10- 4252- 520 -52 STA _ 677.99 N.S.P. _________ COMPANY ELECTRIC 10- 4252- 540 -54 STA 203.75 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 20- 4252 - 646 -64 STA 938.18 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC _ 26- 4252 - 689 -68 STA 1.266 -18 N.S.P. _ COMPANY _ _ ELECTRIC _ 27- 4252 - 661 -66 STA 19378.66 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 28 -4252- 708 -70 STA 129108.50 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 30- 4252 - 781 -78 STA _' _.. 162.99 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 30 -4252- 784 -78 STA 468.89 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 40- 4252 - 801 -80 STA 283.83 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC_ -_____ __50- 4252 - 821 -82 STA 939.98 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 50- 4252 - 841 -84 STA 413.68 N.S.P. COMPANY ELECTRIC 50- 4252- 861 -86 STA 35,727.46 * ** -CKS 25.00 1.598.15 27.49 168.92 91.48 11.59 21.00 7.00 7.00 34.71 1.992.34 * 48.67 48.67 * 36.34 NORTHWESTERN BELL NORTHWESTERN BELL NORTHWESTERN BELL NORTHWESTERN BELL NORTFIWESTF.RN BELL NORTHWESTERN BELL NORTHWESTERN BELL NORTHWESTERN BELL NORTHWESTERN BELL NORTHWESTERN BELL NORTHWESTERN GRAVEL NW POWER EQUIP CO TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE MORTAR SAND FLOAT VALVE 10 -4256- 460 -46 10- 4256 - 520 -52 26- 4256- 689 -68 27- 4256 - 661 -66 28- 4256 - 708 -70 29- 4256 - 721 -72 30- 4256- 782 -78 50- 4256- 821 -82 50 -4256- 841 -84 50- 4256 - 861 -86 10- 4522 - 301 -30 2471 26- 4540 - 689 -68 6628 5781 1977 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 IS 77 PAGE 12 J CHECK NC. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION _ ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O.- # MESSAGE _ ! 36.34 * I * * * * ** ** *-CKS I 19940107 /12/77 120.00 NORTHWEST TELELECT REPAIRS. 10- 4248 - 560 -56 8709 5562 — 199401 07/12/77 _ 12.80 NORTHWEST TELELECT- PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 8709 5562 132.80 * I 199402 07/12/77 245.79 NOTT COMPANY REPAIR SWEEPER 10- 4248 - 560 -56 829225 199402 07/12/77 18.00 NOTT COMPANY HOSE REPAIR 40-4248 - 801 -80 842802 5823 263.79 # * * * ** * ** -CKS 199416 07/13/77 726.20 O.A.BR.INK BEVERAGE INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822-82 STA 199416 07/13/77 19786.77 O.A.BRINK BEVERAGE INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 STA O.A.BRINK BEVERAGE __INVENTORY _ _ _ _ 50- 4630- 862 -86 STA _199416 199416 — 07/13/77 19836.43 U." BRINK BEVERAGE INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 STA i 9r27 -0�5r * i y.3 ,.91 yo * * *- KS — 199420 07/12/77 491.46 OLD DUTCH FOODS _ GRILL SUPPLIES 27 -4624- 664 -66 STA 491.46 I * * * * ** I * ** -CKS I 199429 07/12/77 165.00 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING GRILL SUPPLIES 27 -4624- 664 -66 STA 07/13/77 75.30 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 ___199429 199429 07/13/77 99.90 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632-842 -84 I 199429 07/13/77 75.75 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 862 -86 STA 415.9.5 + * # * * ** * ** -CKS 199433 07/13/77 2,344.35 POHLE SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 199433 07/13/77 79705.58 POHLE SALES INC INVENTORY 50 -4630- 842 -84 199433 07/13/77 6,213.27 POHLE SALES INC INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 STA 16,263.20 I * # * * ** ** *-CKS I 199452 07/12/77 9.22 QUICK SERV BATTERY PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 7525 5840 9.22 I # * * * *# * ** -CKS 199462 07/12/77 72.60 RENTAL EQUIP E SALES OIL 10- 4618- 560 -56 8273 5826 .199462 07/12/77 350.00 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES JCNSERED SAW 10- 4900 - 353 -30 8066 5785 199462 07/12/77 54.00 RENTAL EQUIP E SALFS WHEELS 20- 4504- 646 -64 8197 5776 476.60 + 199463 07/13/77 1,715.85 REX GIST INVENTORY 50 -4630- 822 -82 199463 07/13/77 515.77- REX GIST CORRECTION 50 -4630- 842 -84 1977 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 13 CHECK N0. _DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION _ ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. ik_MESSAGE 9 199463 07/13/77 5,515.77 REX DIST INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842-84 199463 07/13/77 515.77 REX DIST _ INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 199463 07/13/77 219.55 __..__. REX DIST INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 199463 07/13/77 162.90 REX DIST INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 862 -86 STA 7,614.07 -/ 7-71• it Oj. /s * ** -CKS 199467 07/13/77 160.60 ROYAL BEVERAGE CO INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822 -82 STA 199467 07/13/77 1,033.30 ROYAL BEVERAGE CO INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 STA 199467 07/13/77 215.40 ROYAL BEVERAGE CO INVENTORY _ 50 -4630- 862 -66 STA 1,409.30 * ** -CKS 199474 07/12/77 96.48- ROBERT T FLINT CORRECTION 10 -4252- 280 -26 STA 96.48 ROBERT T FLINT ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 280 -28 STA _199474 - _____07/12/77 199474 07/12/77 _ 280.00 ROBERT T FLINT POLICE EVALUATION 10 -4274- 420 -42 STA 280.00 — - - -- * ** -CKS - 199487 07/13/77 1,873.25 SCIENTIFIC COMPUTERS NOTICES___.__- 10- 4233 - 200 -20 5536__ — - - 1, 873. 25 199489 07/13/77 139.30 SEVEN -UP BOTTLING CO INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 199489______- 07/13/77 180.60 SEVEN -UP BOTTLING CO_ - _- INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 842 -84 - 199489 07/13/77 320.20 _ SEVEN -UP BOTTLING CO INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 STA 640.10 * 199490 07/12/77 9.97 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO PAINT 10 -4544- 440 -44 163183 199490 07/12/77 50.51 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO PAINT 10- 4544 - 440 -44 163171 07/12/77 24.54 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CC PAINT _- -__ 10- 4544 - 440 -44 163168 5708 _199490 199490 07/12/77 49.80 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO PAINT 10-4544- 440 -44 163177 5802 199490 07/12/77 32.37 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO PAINT 10- 4544 - 440 -44 163175 167.19 * ** -CKS 199 49 3 07/13/77 2,310.45 SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC INVENTORY 50 -4630- 822-82 STA 199493 07/13/77 79441.05 SCUTHSIDE DIST COINC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 STA 199493 07/13/77 191.35 SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC INVENTORY _ - -_ .__._ 50- 4630- 862 -86 STA - -- - -- 99942.85 * # * * * ** * ** -CKS 199501 07/13/77 63.70 SUBURBAN AUTO ELEC. REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 STA 199501 07/13/77 78.40 SUBURBAN AUTO ELEC. PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 STA _ 142.10 * ** -CKS 199505 07/13/77 26.00 SUN NEWSPAPERS SUB 10- 4204- 420 -42 636260 9 1977 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 14 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOP ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCCUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. # MESSAGE 26.00 *s•*•• * ** —CKS 199508 07/12/77 2.76 ST PAUL BOOK PENS 10- 4504 - 420 -42 68071 199508 07/12/77 7.47— ST PAUL BOOK MARKERS 10- 4504 - 440 -44 58180 I 199508 07/12/77 7.47 ST PAUL BOOK MARKERS 10- 4504- 440 -44 58160 i 199508 07/12/77 7.47 ST PAUL BOOK MARKERS 10- 4504 - 440-44 58180 - -- 10.23 * - -- -- * # # # ## * ** —CKS 199511 07/12/77 23 -30 SOUTHERN VACUUM SERV VACUUM PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 10690 199511 07/12/77 12.95 SOUTHERN VACUUM SERV REPAIR VACUUM 50- 4248 - 860 -86 10691 199511 07/13/77 18.25 SOUTHERN VACUUM SERV REPAIR PARTS 50-4540- 841 -84 10693 I 199511 07/13/77 15.95 SOUTHERN VACUUM SERV REPAIR PARTS 50- 4540 - 841 -84 10692 70. 45 # * * # * ## * **—CKS 199518 07/13/77 68.60 BERNADINE SCOFIELD SALARY _ 10- 4120 - 140 -14 199518 07/13/77 74.20 BERNADINE SCOFIELD SALARY 10 -4120- 490 -49 142.80 # * * * # ## * ** —CKS 1 149522 07/13/77 1.041.10 STANDARD OIl GASOLINE 10-4612- 560 -56 3 03 51 5902 > 199522 07/13/77 39022.33 STANDARD OIL GASOLINE 10- 4612- 560 -56 30352 5902 4.063.43 * # # # #* * **—CKS 199533 07/12/77 93.50 THE MOGUL CORP MIS 182 28- 4564- 707 -70 60073 5856 93.50 - -- - -- **###* - - ----------------------- * ** —CKS 199939 - -- ._07/13/77 - -__ _ - -___ -_ -__ 199.00 - TURF_ SUPPLY - COMPANY— _ —___- BENCHES-__ _-- ._ -27- 4504 - 662 -66 4448 199.00 - -- * # # * #* * ** —CKS 199542 67/13/77 79144.25 THORPE DIST INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 862-86 STA i 7,144.25 # I * * # * ## * ** —CKS i 199550 07/12/77 135.00 TISDEL STANDARD REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 3291 5847 199550 07/12/77 125.00 TISDEL STANDARD REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 3266 5795 199550 07/12/77 164.90 TISDEL STANDARD PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 3266 5795 199550 07/12/77 169.90 TISDEL STANDARD PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 3291 5847 I 594.80 I * ** —CKS � r c _. 1977 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 15 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. It P.O. 9 MESSAGE _ 199562 07/13/77 326.20 VAN WATERS E ROGERS ;CHLORINE 26- 4564 -689- 68.102304 07/12/77 207.35 VAN WATERS S ROGERS _ CHLORINE _ ___ 26 -4564- 689 -68 103565 --- - - - - -- - _199562 -_ 533.55 * f 07/13/77 10.51 VANGUARD INC - . LIQUOR SALES__ _ .- __- 50- 3610-001 -00 75631 _199563 199563 07/13/77 6.38 VANGUARD INC LIQUOR SALES 50- 3610- 002 -00 75631 199563 07/13/77 8.44 VANGUARD INC LIQUOR SALES 50 -3610- 003 -00 75631 F 199563_ 07/13/77 16.00 VANGUARD INC �SERVICE _ 50- 4200 - 820 -82 75631 -___._ 199563 07/13/77 _ 16.00 _. VANGUARD INC SERVICE 50- 4200- 840 -84 75631 199563 07/13/77 16.00 VANGUAPD INC SERVICE 50- 4200 - 860 -86 75631 73.33 * ** -CKS r _199569 07/12/77 60.39 VALLEY IND PROPANE PROPANE 28 -4612- 707 -70 3608 60.39 * f ####*# 6 WILLIAMS STEEL- HOWE -_, HALF OVAL 10- 4504 - 345-30 30905__5863___ -_.. -- _199579 199574 _07/13/77___.___, 07/12/77 -,_- _.414.98 46.22 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE TOOLS 20- 4580 - 646 -64 30145 461.20 # f -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- ---- - - - - -- - - -- _ - - - - -- - * #* -CKS f 199594_ _ 1,150.00 STORE. FRONT-- SERVICES -JULY_ _10 -4224- 504 -50 __.07/13/77 1,150.00 f # * # * #* * ** -CKS 1 199702 07/12/77 900.00 ARROWHEAD FIREWORKS FIREWORKS 10 -4504- 500 -50 7423 f 900.00 199703 07/12/77 1,000.00 R C SMITH DESIGN FEE 50- 1300 - 000 -00 8224 1.000.00 * i 199704 07/12/77 24.20 F H BATHKE BUCKES 20- 4504 - 646 -64 202969 5821 24.20 * 199705 07/12/77 35.00 REVENUE SHARING HAND BOOK 10 -4204- 160 -16 707131 c 35.00 * 199706 07/12/77 163.25 STEWART SAND GRILL SUPPLIES PL 26- 4624 - 684 -68 STA 11770 163.25 * 199707 07/12/77 43.60 AIR POWER EQUIPT REPAIRS 26- 4248 - 689 -68 510238 5650 t 43.60 * 199708 07/13/77 20.00 MASON PUB CO BOOK 10- 4502 - 420-42 43278 € 20.00 * i 199709 07/13/77 33.33 MMLSA DUES 50- 4204 - 820-82 STA c 199709 07/13/77 33.33 MMLSA DUES 50- 4204 - 840 -84 199709 � 07/13/77 33.34 MMLSA DUES 50- 4204 - 860 -86 STA C -- --------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- _ ----- _,-- - - - 147-7C OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 16 CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR 30- 4216 - 780 -78 STA 10- 4502 - 420 -42 100.00 # STA __AUDIT_ AUDIT 199710 07/13/77 48.50 AUTO ELEC STA AUDIT 50- 4216- 860 -86 48.50 # 27.50 # 199711 07/12/77 223.00 FRANK 2AMBONI E CO 07/13/77 35.00 223.00 # A P W A DUES R.0 DUNN 199712 07/12/77 900.00- GEORGE HANSEN CO 199712 07/12/77 400.00 GEORGE HANSEN CO 199717 07/12/77 - -__ 400.00 GEORGE _HANSEN CO -_ _199712- - -- 199712 07/12/77 300.00 GEORGE HANSEN CO 199712 07/12/77 300.00 GEORGE HANSEN CO .. 07/12/77 .- 300.00 GEORGE HANSEN. CQ.-___ _199712 - -___. BASEBALL COORDIN 800.00 # 199713 07/13/77 500.00 ____- EGEBERG CYCLE - - -- '. - - - 199713 07/12/77 __ 6.75 EGEBERG CYCLE 07/13/77 10.00 506.75 # TOWING 10- 4200 - 440 -44 199714 07/12/77 137.50 GOPHER GLASS * _ 137.50 # ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. NMESSAGE STARTER REPAIR 28- 4248 - 707 -70 14554 5844 REPAIR PARTS 28- 4540 - 707 -70 22615 5817 -- - - - - - - - - - -- CREDIT - - - - - -- -- 10- 4216 - 160 -16 STA AUDIT 30- 4216 - 780 -78 STA 10- 4502 - 420 -42 40- 4216- 800 -80 STA __AUDIT_ AUDIT 50- 4216 - 820 -82 STA AUDIT 50- 4216- 840 -84 STA AUDIT 50- 4216- 860 -86 STA CART RENTAL JUNE .27- 4226 - 671 -66 STA KEYS 27- 4540 - 671-66 15244 SHOWCASE 27- 4542 - 663 -66 74158 5412 199715 07/13/77 22.50 INTER CITY MGMT BOOK 10- 4502 - 420 -42 61644 5717 199715 07/13/77 5.00 INTER CITY MGMT STUDY GUIDE 10- 4502- 420 -42 62229 27.50 # .199716 07/13/77 35.00 A P W A DUES R.0 DUNN 10 -4202- 260 -26 777012 35.00 # 199717 07/13/77 29000.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 29000.00 199718 07/13/77 400.00 JERRY RICHEY BASEBALL COORDIN 20- 4100 - 621 -62 400.00 # - - -- '. - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- 199719 07/13/77 10.00 SODALE TEXACO TOWING 10- 4200 - 440 -44 2901 { 10.00 * _ 199720 07/13/77 15.60 AMER RED CROSS SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 STA 4736 t 15 -60 # 199721 07/13/77 1.229.00 HORIZON AGFNCY INSURANCE 10- 4260- 510 -51 STA E 1.229.00 # 199722 C7/13/77 210.00 LABOR RELATIONS ASSO LABOR REL SERV 10- 4224- 140 -14 _199722 07/13/77 _ _ 490.00 LABOR RELATIONS- ASSO_ LABOR RELATION SERV 10- 4224 - 140 -14 STA 700.00 # . 07/13/77 5.50 -199723------ 5.50 # i _199724 07/13/77 6.72 6.72 # MN SENTINEL PUB CO - SUB W C HYDE _10- 4204 - 140 -14 STA MN SUPPLY 10 -4620- 560 -56 8053 5636 . r• 1977 CITY OF.EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 17 I CHECK _NO. DATE _ AMOUNT _ . - _._ VENDOR _ ITEM- DESCRIPTION NO. INV._ # -P.O._ f! _MESSAGE ____ -__�• 199725 07/13/77 10.25 MN STATE TREASURER AQUATIC PERMIT 10- 4310- 352 -30 ` 199725. 07/13/77 10.25- MN STATE TREASURER AQUATIC PERMIT _ _ 10- 4310- 352 -30 _199725' 07/13/77 _ -- 10.25 MN STATE TREASURER AQUATIC PERMIT 10- 4310 - 352 -30 10.25 * 199726 07/13/77 100.00 LYNNAE NYE SCHOOL REIM LNYE 10- 4202 - 120 -12 100.00 * Q 199727 07/13/77 34.40 U OF M BOOKS 10- 4502 - 420 -42 34.40 * Q 199728 07/13/77 124,687.36 PETER LAMETTI CO PMT 2 WM320 60- 2040 - 000 -00 199728 07/13/77 689246.14 PETER LAMETTI CO PMT WM318 60- 2040 - 000 -00 k 193,133.50 * 199729 07/13/77 11,525.57 F F JEDLICKI CO PMT 3 WM 299 60 -2040- 000 -00 k 11,525.57 199730 07/13/77 1219367.55 OFEI E SONS PMT 1 WM 322 60- 2040 - 000 -00 d 199730 07/13/77 119231.53 OFEI .& SONS PMT 1 SS335 60- 2040 - 000 -00 199730 07/13/77 99971.44 OFEI E SONS PMT 1 WM 311 60- 2040 - 000 -00 199730 07/13/77 6,540.54 OFEI E SONS PMT WM 310 60- 2040 - 000 -00 d 07/13/77 9,237.63 _ OFEI S SONS PMT _I- 55338- __60- 2040 - 000 -00 _199730 199730 _ 07/13/77 6,103.64 OFEI & SONS PMT 1 SS334 60- 2040 - 000 -00 164,452.33 — 19973i------07/13/77 54,963.69 _ . - -- - - -- NORTHDALE CONST -- - -- PMT 7 STS 40 -- 60- 2040-000 -00 -- - - - — - - — 54,963.69 199732 07/13/77 481.75 UHL CO REPAIR AC 10- 4248 - 520 -52 27454 5900 199732 07/13/77 113.80 UHL CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 27454 5900 595.55 199733 07/13/77 33.25 AUTOMATIC ENT MN REPAIR FAN 50- 4248 - 841 -84 856 d 199733 36.70 AUTOMATIC_ENT MN TS___— -4540- 841 -84 856..- ___ - -__ -- __07/13/77____,___, _--- . 69.95 _REPAIR _PAR ____ -50 ___- • E ____.07/13/77._ 2.00- ALLAN HANSON CLERICAL - . 10- 3350 - 000 -00 — _199734- 199734 _ _ 07/13/77 - 30.00 ALLAN HANSON REFUND GOLF 27 -3410- 000 -00 28.00 * I 199735 07/13/77 2.00- MARK HOGUE CLERICAL 10- 3350- 000 -00 199735 07/13/77 10.00 MARK HOGUE REFUND POOL 28 -3415- 000 -00 f 8.00 199736 07/13/77 62.00 RICHARD A MUELLER BICYCLE REFUND. 10- 3220 - 000 -00 f 62.00 199737 07/13/77 20.00 MN MUNI FINANCE ASSO DUES DALEN -MYRE 10- 4204 - 160 -16 i 20.00 199736 07/13/77 715.68 PAUL IND PITCHING MACHINE 20 -4582- 621 -62 19855 5538 s 715.68 199739 07/13/77 10.00 CONTINUING LEGAL EOU CRIMINAL JUSTICE 10- 4202 - 420 -42 1 • 1977 CITY C CF EDINA C CHECK REGISTER 07 18 77 PAGE 18 _CHECK N0. D DATE A AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. I.NV. # P.O. K MESSAGE _ 10.00 199740 0 07/13/77 1 1.00 R C PRINTING 1 0 CARD.. 10- 4504- 480 - 48'41116 1.00 1 8.00 * 199742 07/13/77 122.50 CITY OF LAKEVILLE ENVELOPES 199742 07/13/77 122.50 CITY OF LAKEVILLE ENVELOPES 245.00 * - - - - -- - - -- - -- — - - -- 1 199743 07/13/77 39223.71 RIEGGER RDWYS FINAL BA 206 _199743 07/13/77 89.50 RIEGGER. RDWYS _ FINAL BA 215_ - -_ 199743 07/13/77 624.00 RIEGGER RDWYS FINAL BA 216 199743 07/13/77 1,004.80- RIEGGER RDWYS FINAL BA 202 199743 07/13/77_ 844.29 RIEGGER RDWYS FINAL BA ,212 - -- - 3,976.70 * - 199744 07/13/77 __.____- ­_ 32.10 HOME JUICE _ 199744 07/13/77 12.84 HOME JUICE INVENTORY 199744 07/13/77 19.26 HOME JUICE INVENTORY 64.20 199745 07/13/77 159.00 DOROTHY RICHARDSON SALARY 159.00 * * * * ** _General Fund .2539667.61 _ FUND 10 TOTAL _.. Park Fund 1,668.73 FUND 20 TOTAL Swimming Pool 4,521.74 FUND 26 TOTAL _ Golf Course 69544-96 FUND 27 TOTAL _. Recreation Center 13,490.82 FUND 28 TOTAL - _ Gun Range 11.59 FUNC 29 TOTAL _Water Fund 14, 507.65 -_ _ FUND 30 TOTAL ___ Sewer Fund 72,346.68 FUND 40 TOTAL Liquor Fund 177,696.96 FUND 50 TOTAL - Construction Fund 439,038.44 _ FUND 60 TOTAL___ _- 983,495.38 TOTAL 30- 4516- 780 -78 0210 40- 4516 - 800 -80 0210 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60 -2040- 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040- 000 -00 __ 5U -4632- 822 -82 50- 4632- 842 -64 50 -4632- 862 -86 STA 10- 4120 - 160 -16 _ Computer Checks: 10193 tliru 10316 Hand written checks: 8838 thru 8797 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT CY.E 4 REGISTER DATED / r PAGES / 17 - - - — ------------ MHWAGER _ -_ -_ DATE F.NANCE DIRECTCR DAT * * * —CKS * * * * ** _General Fund .2539667.61 _ FUND 10 TOTAL _.. Park Fund 1,668.73 FUND 20 TOTAL Swimming Pool 4,521.74 FUND 26 TOTAL _ Golf Course 69544-96 FUND 27 TOTAL _. Recreation Center 13,490.82 FUND 28 TOTAL - _ Gun Range 11.59 FUNC 29 TOTAL _Water Fund 14, 507.65 -_ _ FUND 30 TOTAL ___ Sewer Fund 72,346.68 FUND 40 TOTAL Liquor Fund 177,696.96 FUND 50 TOTAL - Construction Fund 439,038.44 _ FUND 60 TOTAL___ _- 983,495.38 TOTAL 30- 4516- 780 -78 0210 40- 4516 - 800 -80 0210 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60 -2040- 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040- 000 -00 __ 5U -4632- 822 -82 50- 4632- 842 -64 50 -4632- 862 -86 STA 10- 4120 - 160 -16 _ Computer Checks: 10193 tliru 10316 Hand written checks: 8838 thru 8797 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT CY.E 4 REGISTER DATED / r PAGES / 17 - - - — ------------ MHWAGER _ -_ -_ DATE F.NANCE DIRECTCR DAT * * * —CKS 30- 4516- 780 -78 0210 40- 4516 - 800 -80 0210 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60 -2040- 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040- 000 -00 __ 5U -4632- 822 -82 50- 4632- 842 -64 50 -4632- 862 -86 STA 10- 4120 - 160 -16 _ Computer Checks: 10193 tliru 10316 Hand written checks: 8838 thru 8797 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT CY.E 4 REGISTER DATED / r PAGES / 17 - - - — ------------ MHWAGER _ -_ -_ DATE F.NANCE DIRECTCR DAT * * * —CKS L977 CITY OF EDINA FUND 10 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION 4100 PERSONAL SERVICES 4105 SALARY REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4110 SALARY OT REG EMPLOYEES 4120 SALARY TEN EMPLOYEES 4130 SALARY OT TEM EMPLOYEES 4132 SICK LEAVE 4134 VACATION 4136 HOLIDAYS 4138 MILITARY PAY * * ## PERSONAL SERVICES 4139 JURY PAY 4141 PREMIUM•PAY 4143 CALLBACK PAY 4144 CTHER PAY , 4145 PENSIGNS 4146 PEFA REGULAR 4149 SOCIAL SECURITY 4150 SEVERANCE PAY 4155 INSURANCE EMPLOYEE 4156 hOSPITALIZATION 4157 LIFE INSURANCE 4158 LONG TERM DISABILITY 4170 WITNESS FEES * # *# PERSONAL SERVICES 4200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4202 CONFERENCE S SCHOOLS 4204 GUFS 6 SUBSCRIPTIONS 4206 MEETINGS EXPENSE 4208 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 4210 ADVERTISING LEGAL 4212 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 4214 ADVERTISING OTHER 4216 FROF SERVICES AUDIT 4218 PROF SERVICES LEGAL 4220 PR9F SERVICES ENGINEERING 4224 PR:1F SERVICES OTHER 4226 EWUIPM�-NT RENTAL 4226 CATA PROCESSING PAYROLL 4230 DATA PROCESSING FINANCIAL 4133 CATA PROCESSING OTHER 4234 MOVING CHARGES E X P E N D I T U R E R E P O R T AS OF � I 6 -30 -77 PAGE 1 C U R R E N T M 0 N T H Y E A R T O D A T E APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT APPROPRIATION ACTUAL _ VARIANCE PCT 1,080.00 299000.00 69515000 229485o00 22o5 1499143,67 296389522.00 9989527,17 196399994983.'37.8 79068.38 .00 359397.91 351,397991- ____ 59285.56 000 27007a45 279007o45- 26.25 000 26925 26.25- 4,468.78 129790,00 369324,20 239534.20 -284.0 139575,30 30,450000 61,163o27 309713.27 -2000 5,804.42 14000.00 _ 179708,23 _ 3,708.23 -126.5 .00 000 345.00 345000- _ _ - - 1869452036 2 ,724,762.00 - 191839014.48 -- - 1,-541,747.52 43.4 -- - - - - -- -- 78.0 _ . 2 - -- - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- -- - ' ' _ -- .00 .' 178.20 _ -- _178e20- 178o20 .00. 178.20 178.20- 29440.16 -00. 159921994 15s921e94- 144000 000 144.00 144.00- r 108.25 __ 3,66000 108.25 3,551. 75 3.0_ 23,070.26 397,800o00 148,393oO5 _ 2499406095 37o3 .00 .00 .00: 000 502.48 .00 -__ _ 20, 167.63 20,167,63 - 000 000 2v06OoOO 2,060000- .00 000 000 000 179180.18 _______ _ 144,660.00 68,795.60 75,864.40 47.6 381060 000 _ _ 5,029.84 59029.84- 19038.96 000 69359991 6059.91- 1 _. .0Q 19000000 000 _ 19000000 449865.89 547,12000. 2661,980.22 280,139.78 48.8 1 300.00 .00 300000 i 300000 - - - -- - - 300.00 _ _.---- -------- - - - - -- - -._ _ .00 30040_:. 1 - - -- 300.00 - - - - -- 2,847015 134,319o00 259437o47 1081881.53 18.9 454.02 ____ __ .9,155.00 1, 465.38 7,689.62 16.0 3,405.00. _ 10,688.00 __ __ _ 6,793.27 __ _______ 3,894.73 6306 23055 250.00 306.87 56.87 -122.7 _ 249.01 19665.00 654.71 19010.29 3993 42.17 49000oOO 19155075 29844025 2809 75.00 .00. 338.94 338.94- i .00 .00 5.85 5985- 000 19500000 29250000 _ 750000 -15000 3,331.96 45,000.00 38,084.88 69915.12 84.6 / .00 1,170o00 19000.00. 504.75 495.25 50.5 _ 296OOoOO 179599921 149999.21 -676.9 2,038.22 28,095.00, 99923.69 18,171.31 35.3 293.40 4,860.00 19532o16 39327o84 755039 11,190.00 39303.40 _3105 7,886.60 29.5 .00 750.00 000 750.00 00 000 000 000. - - -.000 - E X P E N D I T U R E R E P O R T C U R R E N T M O N T H APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT 000 14,684.87 53075 53.75 000 1,100.00 1,312.00 000 2,490.24 558099 5,461.23 000 .00 1,496o41 608.65 2,868.38 000 44,472.00 467.81 50.00- 754.63 104000 267.60 .00 56o00" .00 149.00 00,0 .00 .00 1,332.08 327.47 16005- 376.75 450.00 000 66.58 53,731031 20.00 20000 Y E A APPROPRIATION 000 255,072.00 000 .00 750000 5,200.00 18,000.00' 50.00 42,400.00 4,1 70o 00 70,570.00 000 .00 192,940000 18,300.00 31,500.00 1,970.00 211,005.00 4,503000 .00 13,400.00 4,713o00 700.00 600.00 2,000000 ,Do 4,600.00 2,500.00 2,400.00 6,500300 8,380.00 24,000.00 000 5,500.00 1,000.00 .00 .00 536951loOO .00 .00 AS OF 6 -30 -77 PAGE T T 1977 CITY OF EDINA ACTUAL VARIANCE 10. GENERAL, FUND __FUND ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION 4236 SERVICES CUSTODIANS 53.75 # * #* CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 53.75 4236 SERVICES CUSTODIANS 1,740.11 990.11 -232.0 3,450.00 4240 SERVICES MAILING 5944700 129553000 SERVICES FORESTER __4242 4244 COURT CHARGES 14,254.17 4246 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 1,770.23 4248 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 26.661.51 4250 RUBBISH REMOVAL I * * #* CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1 4252 LIGHT E POWER 799333051 113,606.49 41.1 13,436.15 4,863.85 73.4 14,721.41 16,778.59 LIGHT 6 POWER ___4252 4254 HEAT > 4256 TELEPHONE 2,282005 2,220,95 SEWER G WATER __4258 4260 INSURANCE 10,310.59 4262 LAUNDRY 612,39 4264 REED CONTROL _ 4266 UNIFOkM ALLOWANCE 890.00 -246.7 4268 TELETYPE SERVICE 51.2 . .Q0 MAINTENANCE POLICE EQUIP _4270 4272 PSYSCHOLOGICAL TESTING 28,5 4274 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE .0 4276 LEASE LINES .0 4276 KENNEL SERVICE 1 4280 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 41.0 4283 FANGE RENTAL 36.9 4286 BOARD E ROOM PRISONER 4268 SERVICE CONTRACT EQUIP ' 4290 POSTAGE 45oO 4292 FREIGHT 4294 RADIO SERVICE 4296 CAR WASH 49.8 4302 INTEREST OTHER FUNDS > 4304 ALARM SERVICE * # ## CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4310 LICENSES E PERMITS E X P E N D I T U R E R E P O R T C U R R E N T M O N T H APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT 000 14,684.87 53075 53.75 000 1,100.00 1,312.00 000 2,490.24 558099 5,461.23 000 .00 1,496o41 608.65 2,868.38 000 44,472.00 467.81 50.00- 754.63 104000 267.60 .00 56o00" .00 149.00 00,0 .00 .00 1,332.08 327.47 16005- 376.75 450.00 000 66.58 53,731031 20.00 20000 Y E A APPROPRIATION 000 255,072.00 000 .00 750000 5,200.00 18,000.00' 50.00 42,400.00 4,1 70o 00 70,570.00 000 .00 192,940000 18,300.00 31,500.00 1,970.00 211,005.00 4,503000 .00 13,400.00 4,713o00 700.00 600.00 2,000000 ,Do 4,600.00 2,500.00 2,400.00 6,500300 8,380.00 24,000.00 000 5,500.00 1,000.00 .00 .00 536951loOO .00 .00 AS OF 6 -30 -77 PAGE 2 R T 0 D A T E ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT .00 .00 109,356.33 1459715.67 42.9 53.75 53.75- 53.75 53.75- 1,740.11 990.11 -232.0 3,450.00 1,750.00 66.3 5944700 129553000 30,3 .00 50.O 1 .0 14,254.17 289145.83 33.6 1,770.23 2,399077 42.5 26.661.51 439908.49 37.8 000 000 .00 .00 799333051 113,606.49 41.1 13,436.15 4,863.85 73.4 14,721.41 16,778.59 46,7 399.42 1,570.58 20.3 1239910.95 87,094.05 58.7 2,282005 2,220,95 50„7 50.00- 50.01 10,310.59 3,089.41 76.9 612,39 4,10061 130 911.24 211.24 -130.2 19480.00 890.00 -246.7 19024.70 975.30 51.2 . .Q0 .00 1,311.00 3,289300 28,5 .n0 2,5nO.Ot? .0 .00 29400.00 .0 21029,00 4,47100 31,,2 3,433.51 4,946.49 41.0 8,659.59 15,140.41 36.9 423.,82 423.82- 2,015.50 3,484.50 36.6 450.00 55000 45oO .00 .00 376.46 378.46- 267,273.29 269,237.71 49.8 20.00 20.00- 20.00 20.00- 1977 CITY GF EDINA E X P E N D I T U R E R E P O R T AS OF 6-30 -77 PAGE 3 FUND 10 GENERAL FUND C U R R E N T M 0 N T H Y E A R T O 0 A T E ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT 4310'LICENSES 6 PERMITS 15.00 300.00 120.00 180.00. 40.0 4314.UNL•L".SSIFIED 41.75. 000 44075 44075 - �+ 4316 SFTTLEMENT OF CLAIMS .00. 000 82.00 82.00- 4325 BICENTENNIAL 5.00- _ 000 _ .00 . _ -_ _. .00 * * *� CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 51075 300oOO 246075 53025 8203 4509 COMMODITIES 9.99 19800.00 9.99 1,790.01 06 4502 COCKS E PAMPHLETS 378.74 560oOO 728o32 168032 -13001 451) 4 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,212.95 41,999.00 17,256.22 249742.78 _41.1 _ 4506 DRAFTING SUPPLIES .00. .00 .00 000. :? 450E PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 536o16 - 1,98lo00 1,073077 907.23 54.2 4510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 336.80. 29300.00 1, 491.77 808.23 64.9 _ 4512 CLEANING SUPPLIES 90.11 3,200.00 768.90 2•,431.10 24oO 3 4514 FAPE'N. SUPPLIES 2,466072 29000.00. 39810.85 11810.85 -19005 4516 OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.19 13,000.00 39037.71 99962.29 23.4 4518 FILL MATERIALS .00 2,400000 000 294OOoOO: 00 4520 CALCIUM CHLORIDE .00 39850.00 19951.96 1,898.04 50.7 4522 SAND GRAVEL' 6 ROCK 2,406.77 329208.00 49644.89 -_ 279563.11 ... 14.4 r a * * COMMODITIES 10,454943 105,298o00 349774o38 70023062 33.0 4522 SAND GRAVEL 6 ROCK 7.35 000 7.35 7.35- .9 . 0 *u 7035 000 7035 _ _ 7.35 -_ _- 4524 BLACKTOP 79313.38 429382.00 11,733.39 30,648.61 27.7 4526 ROAD OIL 19914 -339 289531o00 39865073 _ 249665e27 _ 1.3.5__ 4�28 CCtiCRETE 28.89 3,000.00 28989 2,971.11 1.0 4530 ,JACKING MATERIAL .00 2,500o00 000 295OOoOO 00 4532 CLASS V MATERIAL .00 - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- 000 - -- .00 .00 -- 4534 6ROC4S 448.40 9,200.00 4,448.32 49751.68 48.4 4536 Y:F:AFING SHOES 000 1,300oOO 29loOS 1,008092 22o4 4538 SALT 46.00 _ 12,164.00:. - -,_ 2,534.18_ _ 9,629.82__20.8 4540 FEPAIR PARTS _ 19281.34 2,750.00 79456.57 49706.57 -271.1 .� 4542 SIGNS E POSTS 000. 9,816000 534.50 91,281.50 5.4 4544 PAINT 921.42 4,414.00 - 3t 292.94_ _ 1,121.06.74o6 4546 GUGRD FAIL MATERIAL _ - _ _ 259.28 29000.00 742087 19257ol3 3701 •3 4E46 F.IP RAP 007 500000 000 5 0.00' .0' 4551, PIPE 340.76 29500.00 340.76 2,159.24_ 13.6 _ 4552 CASTINGS .00 29350000 973oO3 19376097 41o4 .j 4554 HEAUWALLS 6 SPILLWAYS .00 11000.00 .00.• 19000.00: 00 4556 HOSE 410.00 39830.00 454.00 39376.00 11.9 4556 FEKTILIZER 000 440,200 o00 440,300 .0 J 45601 PLAidTINGS 6 TREES .00 570.00 .00 570.00. 00 4562 SOD 6 BLACK DIRT 90.90 19020.00 90090 929.10 8.9 4564 ChckilCALS _ 323o81 830.00 897.72 67.72 -108.2 4566 WEED SPRAY .00 3,000.00. 752.29 2,247.71 25.1 4570 BLUE PRINTING 153.36 39000.00 r 19354oll _- __1,645o89_45o1__ 4572 AMMUNITION 580.00. 2,53040. 580.00 1,950.00. 22.9 4574 CLOTHING REPLACEMENT .00 1000.00 310.00. 990.00. 23.8 4578 STAKES .00 000 ' 000 _ 000_ a CITY OF EDINA E X P E N D I T U R'E R E P O R T . 1977 AS OF 6 -30 -77 PAGE 4 _,._FUND 10 . GENERAL FUND C U. R R_ E N T M 0 T H ACCCUNT _ _ /DESCRIPTIQN _N APPROPRIATION ACTUAL. VARIANCE Y PCT APPROPRIATION E A R_ T O D ACTUAL A T E VARIANCE PCT -4580 4600 TOOLS PRINTING 616oO7 29290.00, 19248.41 11,041.59 54.5 4604 LUMBER 537.75 5,911.00 39595.90 2,315.70 60.8 _4606 LAMPS S FIXTURES 458.35 2t875.00 184o00 2,691,00. _ 6o4 4608 TRAINING AIDS 1,200.00 565.90 634.10 47.2 4610 WELDING SUPPLIES .00. 298oO7 600.00 49.60 550.40 8.3 __.__4612 GASOLINE 5086.06 11000000 849.69 150.31 85.0 4614 FUEL OIL 729000.00 40,341.86 319658.14 56.0 4616 TIRES 6 TUBES 83.01 346,28 .00 2,189003 2,199,0!- __ 4618 LUBRICANTS 402.34 99000.00 19828.72 7,171.28 20.3 4620 ACCESSORIES 3,382.71 4,000.00 1,914.82 2,085.18 47.9 4632 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 609000000. 199781087 4092180.13 3300 SAFETY EQUIPMENT .00 317.78 5000.00 .00 5,000.00 .0 4644 TAPE RECORDERS -EQUIP 19650.00 372.07 1,277.93 22.5 4650 FIRE PREVENTION 000 36.00 000 68o86 68.86 - - .00 45.25 45.25- # * ## COMMODITIES _... - 25,676.35 3069453.00 113,717.26 192,735074 37,1 _4802 4804 CENTRAL SERVICE GENERAL RENT CITY HALL __- 519760.00 - - -- - 621s120.00 - - - - -- 310,560 00 310,560 00 50 0 . 4606 RENT PUBLIC WORKS BLDG 3,680.00 49025,00 44,160.00 229080.00 - 22,080.,00 -- 5000 _4008 EQUIPMENT OPERATION 48000.00 .24,150.00 24,150.01 50.0 . ....... .____.. 2729760.001369446.24 1369313.76 50.0 # * ## FIXED CHARGES 829195.00 986,340000 4939236024 493,103o76 5000 4900 4902 CAPITAL OUTLAY TYPEWRITERS - _ - _ _ - - .. ., .., ....... 54x660.00 - .00 54,660.60 .0 - _,4904 _FURNITURE .00 300oOO 1,574o00 1,274 „00 -524,7 4906 - OFFICE EQUIPMENT ._ _...__.__ _._ - _., __._.. -_ _...... .00 _ -__ _ _ - - - - -- __ - - - - --.00 9 , 139.04 9.139 .04- 4908 AUTOMOBILES .00 2,640.00 .00. 29640.00 .0 4910 TRUCKS 000. 59400000 ^0 599926053 545260 53 -1098 9 x .. 4912 ROAD- EQUIPMENT .00 -- - __..__ _ -- - -. -- 41 00 _.__. .__._._. r3 98.5!1 41,,1.50 .2 4914 RADIO EQUIPMENT .00 _ 41,400.00 2,407.00 39#993.00 ' 5.8 4916 -4918-FIRE . POLICE ICE EQUIPMENT 000 l,200oOO 427.00 771.00 35.6 - -, EQUIPMENT .00 __- ._._.. ... _ -_ -_ -_ _ -_ -_ --. - -. 00 .b0 .00 _ 4920 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT 159800.00 000 15,800000 00 4922 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 600 .00 .00 .7(1 - 4926 GARAGE EQUIPMENT - - .00 - - - - -- - _.__...__... __.__. ____._.._.- _ -.... 85x000.00 359100.26 499899.74 41.3 4944 VOTING MACHINERY 2,500o00 714oO0, 1,785.00 28.6 .0U .00 .00 .00 e� *# CAPITAL OUTLAY_ .00 2501200.00 109,386.33 1409813.67 43,7 FUND TOTALS 424, 132.49 -- -_ -- 597829626.00 296051,206.09 39177,419.91 45.1 1 � � r E X P E N D I T 0 R E R E P O R T AS OF 6 -30 -77 PAGE 6 1977 CITY OF EDINA _FUND 20 PARK FUND C U R R E N T M O N T H ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT Y E APPROPRIATION A R T O D A T ACTUAL E VARIANCE PCT ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATION 539655000 000 53,655,00 ,0 _4100 PERSONAL SERVICES •00 _ 19099.87 1149452.00 36,416.54 78,035.46 31.8 4105 SALARY REGULAR EMPLOYEES 11099.87 1689107.00 369416.54 131,690.46 21.7 * * ** PERSONAL SERVICES 4105 SALARY REGULAR EMPLOYEES 8.25 .00 8.25 8.25- - 8.25. .00 8.25 8.25- * * *# SALARY REGULAR EMPLOYEES 7,277.01 1679016.0,0 589261.65 78.03 1089754.35 78.03- 34.9 _4105 4110 SALARY OT REG EMPLOYEES 36.56 .00 79313,57 167,016000 58,339.68 108,676.32 34.9 * ** *_PERSONAL SERVICES _ 4110 SALARY OT REG EMPLOYEES 364.61 000 364.61 364.61- - 364o61 .00 364.61 364.61- # * ** SALARY OT REG EMPLOYEES 592.22 _ 000 2,892.65 18,205 *15 29892.65- 18,205.15- _4110 4120 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 5,203052 000 118.32 116.32- 4130 SALARY OT TEM EMPLOYEES 54.38 536.13 000 .00 49501o36 4,50ta36- 4132 _4134 SICK LEAVE 19518093 .00 69386.47 6,396.47- VACATION 1,201000 .00 39689.35 3,689.35- 4136 HOLIDAYS 000 120.00- 20.00 _ 4139 JURY PAY .,00 .00 .00 .00 4144 OTHER PAY * * ** PERSONAL SERVICES 9t106.50 .00 35,673o30 35,673o30- _ :00 000 871.00 871.00- 4200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 600.00 207.10 392,90, 34,5 _ 4202 CONFERENCE E SCHOOLS .00 20000 150.00 187.07 37.00 -124.7 4204 DUES C SUBSCRIPTIONS 6.50 .00 6.50 6.50 4206 MEETINGS EXPENSE 800000 3.61.008 618o92 22,6 4208 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE .00 �.00 87.75 87.75 4212 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL .00 .00 15.00 15.00- 4214 ADVERTISING OTHER .00 19000000 500,00 500,00 50.0 _ 4216 PROF SERVICES AUDIT 000 702.00- .00 702.00- 702.00 4224 PROF SERVICES OTHER 259.00 259.00- 4225 BUILDING RENTAL 600 ..00 000 .00 .00 _ 4226 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 000 .00 99.75 99.75- 4236 SERVICES CUSTODIANS .00 19300.00 000 19300oOO ,0 4242 SERVICES FORESTER .00 588.50 19900.00 961.00 939.00 50.6 4248 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 257.94 3,000.00 11754.62 1,245.?8 58.5 4250 RUBBISH REMOVAL 375.70 4,000000 49537.;86 537086- 113,34 4252 LIGHT E POWER 57.08 7,500.00 3,919.95 39580. ^5 52.3 4254 HEAT _ 216.90 .00 945.73 945.73- 4256 TELEPHONE 000 69c00 69.00- 4258 SEWER E WATER 000 470.97 19000.00 470.97 529.03 47.1 4260 INSURANCE 34.80 .00 144.00 144000- 4262 LAUNDRY .00 1200 12.00- 4274 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 000 109000.00 000 109000.00 00 4280 EDUCATION PROGRAMS .00 _ � r E X P E N D I T U R E R E P O R T C U R R E N T M O N T H APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE .00 000 .00 1,326.39 428.05 .00 428.05 6.95 6.95 1092.16 87.45 .00 000 3.36 10.50 000 .00 :00 000 392.72 .00 .00 .00 914, 2 0 299.16 157.00 000 506.65 .00 .00 222.96 _ 868o40 .00 159.20 67.43 137.95 000 .00 1.50 000 103.00 .00 336018 .00. 65.01 62.50 PCT AS OF 6 -30-77 PAGE 7 Y E 1577 CITY OF EDINA FUND 20 PARK FUND VARIANCE ACCOUNT /DESCRI PT ION 000 4262 BUS RENTAL 57000000 4284 FOOL RENTAL _ 00 4292 FREIGHT .00 a #� CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14,527o31 219722o69 40o1 .00 4500 COMMOCITIES _ 4502 60OKS E PAMPHLETS 75o00 #+ * CCP.MODIT IES _ 4502 BCOKS 6 PAMPHLETS 6095 +roo# f 4504 GENERAL SUPPLIES 45U8 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 5005034 4510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 304.08 4512 CLEANING SUPPLIES .00 4514 PAPLR SUPPLIES 4516 C"'FFICE SUPPL IFS .00 4522 SAND GRAVEL 6 ROCK 24.06 4524 BLACKTOP t= 452E RC4D OIL 4526 C. ONr -BETE 1,200.00 4.40 REPAIR. PARTS .00 4542 Sl';NS G POSTS 1,800.00 4 ',44 FAINT 00 455b HOSE .00 4558 FERTILIZER 2,155.44 4560 PL�f.TINGS G TREES 000 4562 SGC & FLACK DIRT 4564 Cry h;IC4LS 407.76- 45b6 WEED SPRAY .00 4568 SEeD 39000o00 4570 BLUE PRINTING 30.5 4580 TOOLS _89500.84 4582 EAS2P4LL EQUIPMENT 157.00 4.564 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT .00 4,66 TENNIS SUPPLIES 4588 CPAFTS SUPPLIES 206.85 - 169.0___ 4550 THFATFE SUPPLIES 11800000 4592 FOOTBALL EQUIPMENT .00 4594 GYMt.ASTICS EQUIPMENT .00 _ 4596 MUSIC SUPPLIES 4598 SCCCFP E`UIPM•ENT 19204.35 - 186.0 4600 PRINTING 17000.00 4102 TRASH CANS 744c 60 4604 LUMBEk 2,000.00 4606 LAPPS E FIXTURES 56.8 4616 TIRES G TUBES 462.05 4120 ACCESSORIES E X P E N D I T U R E R E P O R T C U R R E N T M O N T H APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE .00 000 .00 1,326.39 428.05 .00 428.05 6.95 6.95 1092.16 87.45 .00 000 3.36 10.50 000 .00 :00 000 392.72 .00 .00 .00 914, 2 0 299.16 157.00 000 506.65 .00 .00 222.96 _ 868o40 .00 159.20 67.43 137.95 000 .00 1.50 000 103.00 .00 336018 .00. 65.01 62.50 PCT AS OF 6 -30-77 PAGE 7 Y E A R TO D A T E APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT .00 000 000 57000000 .00. 59000.00 _ 00 000 .00 .00 36,250000 14,527o31 219722o69 40o1 .00 428.05 _ _428.05- _ 75o00 000, 75o00 oO 75.00 428.05 353.05 -570.7 000 6095 6995- .00 6.95 6.95 - 109400000 5t094o66 5005034 4900 .00 304.08 304.08- .00 34.35 34.35- 000 000 .00 .00 24.06 24.06- .00 19.66 19.66- 1,200.00 .00 1,200.00 _.0 17000.00 .00 19000.00 00 1,800.00 000 19800000 00 000 000 .00 _ _ -- .00 2,155.44 2,155.44- 000 84o50 84050- .00 407.76 407.76- -- -- .00 .00 .00 39000o00 914020 2,085.80 30.5 59800.00 29700.84- _89500.84 _46.6 3,600.00 157.00 39443o00 4o4 .00 222.35 222.35- 300.00 506.85 206.85 - 169.0___ 19800000 000 11800000 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 _ 297.10 __ 297o10 -_ 1,400.00 2,604.35 19204.35 - 186.0 19000.00 .00 17000.00 .0 1,350000 744c 60 605a4O 5502 2,000.00 19135.20 864.80 56.8 600.00 137.95 462.05 23.0 400000 000 400000 _ _00 700.00 .00 700.01) .0 700.00 556.03 143.97 79.4 2 000 00 .00 300.00 00 3,250.00 2,840.17 __ 409.83 87.4 700.00 000 700oOO 00 4,500.00 533.78 3,966.22 - - 11.9 - - .00 - 117.12 117.12 -_ 000 65c0l 65001- .00 162.25 162.25- . r I . 1977 CITY OF EDINA -FUND 20 PARK FUND ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION _4624 COST OF GOODS SOLD FOOD 4632 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 4642 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 4646 FENCING * * ** COMMODITIES 4802 CENTRAL SERVICE GENERAL 4804 RENT CITY HALL __4806 RENT PUBLIC WORKS BLDG 4808 EQUIPMENT OPERATION * * ** FIXED CHARGES 4900 CAPITAL OUTLAY _ 4902 TYPEWRITERS 4904 FURNITURE 4906 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 4908 AUTOMOBILES 4910 TRUCKS 4930 MOWERS 4932 PARK EQUIPMENT * * ** CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND TOTALS E X P E N D I T U R E R E P O R T AS OF 6 -30 -T7 PAGE 8 C U R R E N T M O N.T )i Y E A R T O D A T E APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT APPROPRIATION ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT .00 000 136.50- 136.50 .00 .00 .00 .00 000 .00 67.34 67.34- 197.50 000 197.50 197.50- 5,985.03 4598OOoOO 169545097 299254003 36;1 69295.00 759540.00 37,770.00 37,770.00 50.0 475.00 59700.00 29850000 29850,00 50.,0 400.00 49800.00 29400.00 2,401.C4 50.0 39015.00 369180.00 189090.00 189090..00 500 10,185.00 1229220.00 61,11D.00 61,110.00 50.0 .00 000 000 000 000 .00 747.00 747.nb- .00 .00 .00 .00 000 000 000 no 5,299.00 .00 15,161.88 15,161.68- .00 .00 .00 .00 000 000 493110 ^0 4,311.00- .00 .00 . ^0 .00 5,29900 .00 20,219.88 209219.£'8- 419123922 5399468.00 243,640.54 2959827.46 45.2 G.' ="1917 CITY OF EDINA - - -- R E V E N U E R E P O R T AS OF 6 -30 -77 PAGE 1 _FUND 10. GENERAL FUND C U R R E N T M N T H ACCOUNT /DESCRIPT•ION _0 ESTo .REVENUE ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT Y EST. REVENUE E A R T O 0 ACTUAL A T E VARIANCE PCT _3011 3013 TAX LEVIES CURRENT_ _ TAX LEVIES PENALTY & INT - ... .00 2 600,2 , 84.00 - --14,257.91 2,586,026.09 _ 3015 HOMESTEAD CREDIT e00 25s000.00 000. 25.700.00- .0 3019 TAX LEVIES OTHER .00. 00 .00 .00 .00 _ _ _ _ ._ ._... . _ .00 .._, 11.989.51 11.989,51 # # ## TAXES 000 2,6259284.00 26,247.42 2,599,036.58- 1.0 3030 BICYCLE LICENSE - • 3035 BEER LICENSE .00. 59000.00 438.00 49562000- 6-,8 .i -3040 LIQUOR LICENSE 000 1,800.00 1,475.00 325.00- 81.9 3045 _. CIGARETTE LICENSE _ _ -..._ _.._ .00 - 57.00 _ 600.00 _.. 700.00 100.00 116.7 __.. 3050.00G LICENSE & OTHER FEES 2,011.50 2,400e00� 2,109000 29L000- 87.9 _3055 FOOD G SOFT DRINK LICENSE 525.00_ 8,500.00 81454.50 45.5;?- 99.5 3060 POOL LICENSE _ __. -- - -- _____ _. 1600 00 __..-18,500.00 20,240.00. _ 1,740.00 109.4 - - " 3070 GAS PUMP LICENSE 30.00. • 4,500000 69171,66 1 ►671.,6E 137.1 3 071 BOWLING ALLEY LICENSE 1,200.00 1,070.00 130.00- e9.2 3072 THEATRE LICENSE .00 - -- - - -- - - - --- --- -____ -__ -- _. - -_-600.00 640.00 40.00 106.7 _ " 3073 AMUSEMENT DEVICES LICENSE 000 400.00- 400.00 .00 110.0 __- 3074 TAXICAB LICENSE .00. 460.00 3,800.00 39340.00 826.1 3075 OTHER BUSINESS LICENSE .00 -" 900.00 870,00 _ - 30,00- 96,,7 3080 HEATING G VENTING LICENSE .00 20.00 000 680.00 680.00 ___3085 GARBAGE COLLECTOR LICENSE 229000.00 652.00 21,348.00- 3.0 3095 BUILDING PERMITS 000 - -- - - - -- -- -.. -_ .__ ._. 16,259.79 . - 1,000000 65,00 935040- 6:,5 - 3100 CESSPOOL & SEWER PERMITS 196.00 70,000.00 579429.61 12,571..39- 82.0 3110 PLUMBING PEMITS 19294o00 900.00 480.00 420.00- 53.3 3115 SIGN PERMITS - -- _ 350.00 129000000 6,470.75 59529.25- 52k.9 3120 STREET "OPENING FEES 270.00 61000.00 19750.00 4,25!).00- 29.2 3125 HEATING PERMITS 1,888050 11500.00 1,621.88 121,88 109.,1 3130 MECHANICAL PERMITS _ - - - - -_ -- .00 9,073.75 9,773.75 3140 OTHER PERMITS & LICENSES 000 57,00 .00 000 000 900.00 231.00 669.00- 25.7 LICENSES & PERMITS 23,118.79 - - 159,160.00 1249821.15 34,338.85- 78.4 3150 3160 PLANNING FEES ENGINEERING G CLERICAL 19605.00 5,000.00. 9,985.00 4,985.01 199.7" 3165 SEARCHES 34.10 120,000.00 283.60 119,716.4 '0 - 3170 POLICE & FIRE SERVICE 885.00 000` 3,252o00 39252,00 .2 3175 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ___. .00 _ -__- _..__. 245.00- 79500.00 .07 7.5 ^n. JO- .0 -- 3200'000RT FINES 10,188.99 .00 1,470.00- 19470.00- .. ' 3210 INCOME ON INVESTMENTS 00 1909000000 409304o15 149,695.85- 21.2 3220 SALE OF PROPERTY _. --_ -_ .... _._ -- - - -__ � - - -' - _ -- 30,000.00 _ .00 30,00+).0!1- .0 3230 RENTAL OF PROPERTY .00 566o67 42,000.00 1,878.77 40,12!,23- 4,5 3240 CHARGES TO OTHER FUNDS 2,500.00 8,000.00 3,633.35 4,366.65- 45.4 3250 TRANSFER FROM ACTIVE FUND - 309000.00 15,000.00 15000.00- 50.0 3300 STATE AID MAINTENANCE .00 144,665000 000 1449665000- - 00 3302 STATE AID - HOUSING .00 .00 54,000.00 27,157.50 26,842.50- 50.3 3305 STATE AID -TREES -- - -_. _ _ _.__... _ 7020 00- .00 ,___ 1,101.53 - 1,101.53 3310 LOCAL GOVRNMENT AID 000 66o75 68075 _- __.3318 LAB FEES .00 64.00. 8439137.00 2109784.36 632.352.64- 25.0 3350 OTHER REVENUE - - 450084 1 ' 750.00 19292.00 454..00- 73.8 3400 SALE OF AUTO LICENSES 29838.00 19,900000 39155.89 169744.11- _ 15.9 3500 REGISTRATION FEES 30,000.00 11,375.75 18,624.25 - 37.9 - - - - - - - soo __ 000 1977 CITY CF EDINA R E V E N U E R E P. 0 R T AS OF 6 -30 -77 PAGE 2 FUND 10 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION C U R R E N T M 0 N T H EST. REVENUE ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT Y EST. REVENUE E A R T O D A ACTUAL T E VARIANCE PCT 3565 PCCYCLING 577.26 __._. 89300oOO _. _ 4r268o94 _ _._ 4031.06— 510.4___ 3700 TRADE DISCOUNT _ .00 000 000. .00 000 3710 3600 CASH DISCOUNT MISCELLANEOUS .00 155o72_ .00 21,000o00 .00 39560o23 171,439.77— 17_.0___ — 3850 CENTRAL SERVICE ALLOCATED 1079210.00 000 6439260.00 6431,26040 # * ** SALES — SERVICE —TRANS 1261,128058 195551,252o00 9769891o82 5769360018— 62.9 — 3999 TRANSFER FROM SURPLUS 000 1529500.00 000 1529500900- .0 ###* PERSONAL SERVICES 000 1529500o00 000. 152950000— .0 FUND TOTALS 1499247.37 4,4929196900 191299960.39 393629235.61— 25.2 s 1977 CITY OF EDINA R E V E N U E R E P O R T AS OF 6 -30 -77 PAGE rt FUND 20 PARK FUND C U R R E N T M C N T H Y E A R T O D A T_ E ACCOUNT /DESCRIPTION EST, REVENUE ACTUAL VARIANCE PCT EST. REVENUE ACTUAL VARIANCE _ PCT 3011 TAX LEVIES CUPRENT .00 285,233.00 1,295,09 283,937091— e5 # #a TAXES .00 2859233.00 1,295.09 2839937.91— 65 3250 TRANSFER FROM ACTIVE FUND .00 2509335000 000 250,335000— e0 3 :05 STATE AID —TREES .00 .00 .00 600. 3350 OTHER REVENUE 600 400.00 600 400.00— .0 *# SALES— SERVICE —TRANS o00 2509735o00 000 2509735.00- oli: 3350 i 299.90 400 299.90 -- — 299.90 o+ �` 299e90 oDO 299.90 . 299.90 3440 CCNCESSION SALES .00 .00 .00 600 3500 REGISTRATIJU FEES 26,440.42 _ _ 28,000:00 26,44Oo42 1,559,98— 3950 CENTRAL SERVICE ALLGCATED .00 .00 .00 ___9__4e4__ 600 ## SALES— SERVICE —TRANS 269440.42 28,000.00 269440.42 1YS59.58- 94.4 FUND TOTALS 26,740.32 _ _ 563,968.00 28,035.41__,__53532.59— $._d July 18, 1977 To: Mayor and Council From: Warren C. Hyde Subject: Workshop on Tax Increment Financing, Arrowwood, July 15 I- c In accordance with your instructions, I attended a meeting of the Joint Task Force on tax increment financing of the League of Minnesota Cities and the Minnesota Chapter of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Organizations. About 40 persons were in attendance, representing such diverse cities as Albert Lea and Red Lake Falls. The thrust of the session was to develop strategy for the next session of the legislature in connection with House File 1191 which passed the House this year and which will be considered by the Senate next year. This is the act which severely restricts future tax increment districts. The legislative history of House File 1191 was presented. I was surprised to learn that Representative Pleasant had voted for passage of the bill. Representative Forsythe had voted against it. The bill will be considered by a sub - committee of the Senate Tax Committee. Otto Bang is a member of the whole committee. Apparently, most of the opposition in the legislature to.any further tax increment districts stems from the Loring Park development in Minneapolis and a project in Crookston. In Crookston tax increment financing was used to purchase some existing buildings which were then razed and made available for a new bank site. The League and the Minnesota Chapter of NAHRO made a rather thorough study last winter on the whole problem and as a result, Dick Graves, a former St. Louis Park councilmember who headed the study, stated that there was only a very small percentage of school aids affected by the present tax increment projects. The best guess is that about 55 cities with a total of 110 projects have utilized the present legis- lation. Mayor Law of Richfield and the mayor of Mankato both indicated strong support of this method of financing improvements and Law in his capacity as president of the State mayors group will probably make it a major subject on the Mayors' Association agenda in November. Attached is a statement as to the amendments that are necessary to make House File 1191 workable. I think we should plan to get a session with Otto Bang very soon as well as with Mary Forsythe and Ray Pleasant to show them what the effect of the 50th and France project is and to explain the proposed SE Edina project. There was considerable support for and discussion of how to finance additional studies. Apparently, the Minneapolis HRA paid for most of the staff time on this year's study but there was considerable feeling that a more detailed and thorough study was needed which would attempt to show the net economic effect on the State of this type of financing. An attempt is being made to get funds available for this through the Mayor and Council -2 -. July 18, 1977 State office of Local and Urban Affairs. However, this may not be successful and cities with tax increment districts will be requested to consider making a financial contribution towards such a study. No definite basis for allocating costs was developed. In a private conversation with James Holmes of Holmes, Kirker and Graven, who did most of the legal work for the previous study, he indicated that he did not feel we would be in any difficulty if we went ahead at the present time with setting up the proposed SE Edina district. WCH /md ti 0r1 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING Amendments necessary to make H.F. 1191 workable 1. Bonding Delete 20 year life of district and substitute 25 years from creation of district or 20 years . from date of delivery of first bonds. 2. Limitations Remove 3 and 7% market value limitations_ and substitute: captured assessed value of exist- ing districts plus assessed value of proposed district not to exceed 10% of municipality's total assessed value -- 15% for municipalities with assessed value of less than ten million. 3. Written Agreements Remove "written agreements before bond sale" provision and require written agreements for redevelopment of property before expenditure of bond proceeds for land acquisition. Permit acquisition of up to 25% of property acreage without written agreements in order to facilitate slum removal. Remove requirement that City Council find that increments sufficient to retire bonds or add "subject to contingency" and "error not to affect validity of bonds" provisions. 4. Debt Limits Retain current exclusion of tax increment bonds from municipal net debt limits. 5. Original Assessed Replace "frozen base" concept with "unfrozen Value base" permitting adjustments for boundary and tax exempt status changes. Determine assessed value at date of change. 6. Fiscal Disparities Retain current HRA exemption from fiscal (Metro Area Only) disparities. 7. Administrative Costs Remove or increase 5% administration limitation. S. Grandfather Clause Adopt a complete grandfather provision for existing tax increment projects. Define existing projects as including those for which a city council has designated boundaries. July 13, 1977 To: Robert Dunn Ken Rosland Robert Buresh Craig Swanson From: Warren C. Hyde Subject: 4th of July Weekend Several events occurred over the 4th of July weekend which I think are worthy of note. 1) Late Friday afternoon, I was driving down to deliver some material to Councilmember Courtney and happened .to see a street sweeper and City truck heading toward the Morningside area at about 5:30 p.m. I could not figure out how we would be working overtime, but after leaving Mr. Courtney's house, I decided to go by way of France Avenue and there I found John Olson, hard at work trying to clean up the mess left by the contractor. John and whoever else helped discover and clean up the mess are to be congratulated. 2) About midnight Friday, as I was comfortably watching "Music Man" on the tube, all hell broke loose with sirens, red, blue and white lights going by the house. I went out and turned on the car radio and found the location and drove up to it about two blocks from home. There the paramedics and two policemen were hard at work attempting to revive a man who had apparently been electrocuted while swimming in a pool. This was my first chance to observe this very valuable service in operation and also to hear the transmission between the paramedics and the hospital.. This was a great demonstration of skill and devotion to the job. 3) The 4th of July fireworks at Cornelia by the swimming pool park and the band concert were well received by a large crowd, perhaps 3,000 people. The Band, the Park crew, the Fire Department and Police traffic direction were all outstanding. WCH /md Y July 15, 1977 TO: Mr. Hyde, City Manager- FROM: Arlin Waelti RE: Query -when property is replatted, is it legal to request additional dedication of a public road? When property is replatted, it has the effect of erasing any governmental requests for dedication of property or other reasonable requests under the prior plat - at least to that portion that has been replatted. For that reason, the request for a dedication for a public road is not construed to be an additional request. Minn. Stat. 462.355, subd. 2 states the following: "In establishing requirements for the location and width of streets, the municipality shall take into consideration anticipated traffic needs and the prospective character of the development and make any reasonable requirements therefor. As a condition to the approval of any subdivision plat of lands to which the regulations apply, subdivision regulations may prescribe requirements concerning the extent and manner in which streets shall be graded and improved, and electric and gas distribution lines or piping, water, sewer, or other facilities shall be installed." (Emphasis added.) It appears that "any" in the above statutory language is the key. There is not any mention of replat in the court cases, attorney general's opinions, or in Dunnell's. In summary, I feel that it.is safe to advise that a request for a public road dedication is legal under either the original plat or a subsequent replat. There is one additional issue that is involved here that I would like to raise. If there are other parties involved under the original plat that have vested rights, under Minn. Stat. 505.14 all persons owning or occupying land that would be affected by the proposed vacation and replatting would have the potential right to seek damages to the extent to which they were damaged by the replatting. July 13, 1977 To:. Robert Dunn Ken Rosland , Robert Buresh Craig Swanson From: Warren C. Hyde Subject: 4th of July Weekend Several events occurred over the 4th of July weekend which I think are worthy of note. 1) Late Friday afternoon, I was driving down to deliver some material to Councilmember Courtney and happened .to see a street sweeper and City truck heading toward the Morningside area at about 5:30 p.m. I could not figure out how we would be working overtime, but after leaving Mr. Courtney's house, I decided to go by way of France Avenue and there I found John Olson, hard at work trying to clean up the mess left by the contractor. John and whoever else helped discover and clean up the mess are to be congratulated. 2) About midnight Friday, as I was confortably watching "Music Man" on the tube, all hell broke loose with sirens, red, blue and. white lights going by the house. I went out and turned on the car radio and found the location and drove up to it about two blocks from home. There the paramedics and two policemen were hard at work attempting to revive a man who had apparently been electrocuted while swimming in a pool. This was my first chance to observe this very valuable service in operation and also to hear the transmission between the paramedics and the hospital.. This was a great demonstration of skill and devotion to the job. 3) The 4th of July fireworks at Cornelia by the swimming pool park and the band concert were well received by a large crowd, perhaps 3,000 people. The Band, the Park crew, the Fire Department and Police traffic direction were all outstanding. WCH /md J July 15, 1977 MF.mnRAwnrTm // C TO: Warren C. Hyde, City Manager FROM: Gordon L.•- Hughes, City Planner SUBJECT: Bredesen Park - Mud Lake Petition to the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. REFER TO: Attached April 19, 1977, Memorandum, May 23, 1977, EQC Minutes, June 14, 1977, Park Board Minutes, and Petition. For the past .several years, staff has worked with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Dis- trict toward the development of the Bredesen Park Nature Center. During this time, the District and City not only completed several studies concerning the development of the park but also cooperated in the construction of bicycle trails and fencing. The attached memorandum dated April 19, 1977, summarizes these studies and improve- ments. The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District has long encouraged the City to petition the district to undertake the total remaining development of Mud Lake. Such development would include pond and dike construction, trails, signs, parking facilities, and so forth. Staff and the attorneys for the Watershed District have drafted the attached petition for Bredesen Park. The EQC and Park Board have reviewed this petition and recommend its execution. Funding The Watershed District has adopted the following policy regarding the financing ofj petition projects: 1. 100 percent funding of water storage and management facilities; e.g. pond exca- vation, dikes, outlets, control structures. 2. 50 percent funding of enhancement of waters and related lands; e.g. trails, fenc- ing, signs, benches, and so forth. 3. 25 percent funding for acquisition of flood plain lands. Although exact cost estimates have not as yet been prepared for the Bredesen Park im- provement, a project cost of approximately $500,000 is contemplated. To date, we have spent over $500,000 for land acquisition and studies. We have been advised by the watershed district that all of our costs for past studies and a portion of the costs . for land acquisition (i.e. 25 percent of flood plain lands) can be recovered via the petition process. Based on the district's funding policy, we anticipate that the watershed district will assume the lion's share of the cost of the improvement project. As an example, the City of Bloomington petitioned the Watershed District to undertake the Mount Normandale Lake project. This project is now underway. This project is estimated to cost nearly $800,000. Over $1,000,000 had previously been expended for land acquisition by Bloomington. It is anticipated that the cost of the improvement project to Bloomington will be approximately $30,000. GLH:nr MEMORANDUM 70: Warren C. Hyde, City Manager DATE: April 19, 1977 FROM: Gordon L. Hughes REs Bredesen Park Nature Center Develop - ment Approximately ten years ago, the City of Edina completed the acquisition of the 200 acre Bredesen Park area (formerly known as and hereafter referred to for con- venience purposes as Mud Lake). This area was identified in the 1961 Overall Plan of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District as a basic element of the District's water management plan.• The Overall Plan noted that this site would be ideal for flood water storage. The construction of a 125 acre lake averaging 5 1/2 feet in depth was contemplated to provide such storage. In 1966, a "Feasibility Study of Mud Lake Improvement" was prepared for the City and Watershed District by Douglas W. Barr, Consulting Hydraulic Engineer (now Barr En- gineering Company). This feasibility report presented several options for the development of Mud Lake as a water storage site. These options included construc- tion of a low, medium, and high level lake which would be as large as 140 acres. During the five year period following the 1966 studies, the general concept regard- ing the development of Mud Lake was modified. During that time, the unusual and unique natural qualities of. the Mud Lake area-were recognized. It became apparent that the construction of a high level lake would seriously damage these unique qualities. Thus, in 1971, a second study was prepared by Brauer and Associates which investi- gated the area's suitability as a nature center. This study included a report by Les Blacklock, a nationally known naturalist, ;.ho concluded that Mud Lake could be developed as a first rate nature center. This report noted, however, that the use of Mud Lake for the storage of vast quantities of flood waters would be deleter- ious to -its use as a nature center. This prompted yet another study by Barr Engineering to determine if Mud Lake could be developed as a nature center without affecting the water management plan of the Watershed. District. This study concluded that development as a nature center would not seriously affect the flood control objectives of the District. In 1973, the Mud Lake Task Force was established to recommend a program for the development of Mud Lake. The Task Force recommended that Mud Lake be developed into a nature area with limited recreational use. A 15 acre fishing lake and a system of hiking and biking trails were proposed by the Task Force. In 1974, a perimeter bicycle trail-was constructed at Mud Lake. The total cost of this trail was $36,000. The Minnesota Department of Natural ResuurL:es contributed $20,000 for this project. In 1975, construction began on a perimeter. fence. Fence construction is still in progress. The Nine Mile Creek Watershed has agreed to finance one half of the estimated $50,000 cost of the fence. The City has also designated $8,500 of Com- munity Development funds for fence construction. In 1976, staff prepared a plan for the development of the Bredesen Park Nature Center. This plan followed closely (but with a few modifications) the recommenda- tions of the Mud Lake Task Force. This plan was reviewed and approved by the En- -, -c- MEMORANDUM Warren C. Hyde, City Manager Page 2 April 19, 1977 vironmental Quality Commission, Planning Commission, Park Board, and the City Council. At the time this plan was approved, the City and the Watershed District agreed that a study was necessary to determine if the construction of ponds as shown on the plan was feasible. The City and the Watershed District, therefore, entered into a cooperative agreement to finance such a study. This study was recently completed and submitted to the City and Watershed District. The study concluded that pond construction was in fact feasible. Future Development r In its first Overall Plan in 1961, the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District identified Mud Lake as an element in its Basic Water Management Plan. This plan was re- affirmed in 1973. The 'Watershed District has on numerous occasions encouraged the City to submit a. petition to the board of managers requesting the Watershed District to undertake the further development of Mud Lake. Following the. submission of such a petition, the Watershed District will take the following steps: 1. Prepare an engineer's report regarding the project's feasibility (largely com- pleted) . 2. Hold a public hearing on the project. 3. If warranted, order the project to be undertaken. 4. Prepare final plans and obtain necessary permits. 5. Let construction.contracts. Regarding financing of Mud Lake improvements, the District's policy is as follows: 1. 100 percent funding of water storage and management facilities; e.g. pond exca- vations, dikes,.outlets, control structures. 2. 50 percent funding of enhancement of waters and related lands; e.g. trails, fending, signs,.benches, and so forth. 3. 25 percent funding for acquisition of flood plain lands. It is likely some City funds already expended for land acquisition at Mud Lake will be recouped. Recommendation I recommend that staff work with the attorneys for the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District to draft a petition which would request the Watershed District to undertake the remaining development of Mud Lake. A.copy of a similar petition submitted by Bloomington is attached. MEMORANDUM Warren C. Hyde, City Manager Page 3 April 19, 1977 Staff and the City have enjoyed a very close working relationship with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Edina has participated in numerous cooperative ventures with the District involving not only Mud Lake but also Lake Cornelia, Southwest Edina Storm Ponds, and many regulatory activities. The District has been very sensitive toward the desires, goals, and objectives of Edina and has never attempted to force Edina to undertake projects which vary with such goals and objectives. Although the petition process described earlier requests, in es- sence, that the District undertake a park development project in Edina, I am fully confident that the City will retain control over the design and development of Mud Lake and, further, that no activities will be coi fenced by the District unless fully agreed to by Edina. GH:nr r"r 5 -23 -77 EQC Minutes, page 2 „ " B. Delete the words As appropriate" under j " of Section 5. C. to such matters as the mitiga- tion "h" of Section 5 to read ". • of air, water, and noise pollution. All voted aye with the exception of Mr. D. Johnson, who voted nay. Motion carried. IV. New Business: A. Bredesen Park - Mud Lake Petition to the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Mr. Hughes recalled the EQC had reviewed the Bredesen Park 'Feasibility Re ort at their April 25, 1977, meeting. Since that time, he had met with Mr. Ray the attorney for-the Watershed District, wherain a Petition -was drafted from the City of Edina to be presented to Nine Mile Creek Watershed District to under - take the Bredesen Park Development. Mr. Hughes said that based on the bids re- ceived, the City would order the Watershed District Engineers to prepare a report on the project, send it to the Water Resources Board of the State, and a public hearing would then be scheduled. • Mr. Hughes said the City enjoyed a good working relationship with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, as they were sensitive toward Edina's-goals, desires, and policies.. He felt that the City would maintain control over the project.• Mr. Hughes further .stated the District will finance up to 100 percent of the costs relating.to water management related facilities, such as the excavation *the dike and water control structures, 50 percent of all improvements of ponds, to adjacent land areas, such as the floating walkways and the trail.systems, and 25 percent of the total land acquisition for flood plain projects .. t He felt' it was possible for the City *_o recoup 25.percent of the costs already spent on land acquisition. Mr. Hughes said staff recommended the City proceed with the petition to the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board of Managers, and noted the Watershed District has been anticipating a petition on Bredesen Park since 1961 and have included Bredesen Park in their overall plan. In response to Mr. Hays, Mr. Hughes said the wording of the Petition was very critical and that flexibility was standard for this type rtitith•theollowing short discussion, Mr. C. Johnson moved to recommend the City p ocee Peti- tion to the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District with the stipulation thatall prelimi- nary, final, and construction plan's shall be subject to review and approval by the City of Edina. Mr. Mucke-seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. B. James M. Wilson's First Addition. Mr. Hughes showed the general location. of the proposed subdivision and ex- plained that staff had been working for a long period of time with the owner of C the property in order to devise a workable subdivision. Ile said the property in question is located adjacent to Minnehaha Creek and has a flood plain elevation of 853. He explained that the City and the owner of the property have come to an agreement and the owner has agreed to dedicate to the City'a strip of land ex- tending 100 feet upland from Minnehaha Creek, which is shown as Outlot 1 on the EDINA PARK BOARD MINUTES -3- JUNE 14th, 1977 V. DISC GOLF PRESENTATION (Continued) After discussion regarding disc golf,_Mr. Warner moved that we accept this proposal subject to approval by the City of Edina Park and Recreation Department staff. The lease proposed to the City will also be re- worded so that if the disc golf course is not properly run, the course will be discontinued after one year. Mrs. Lonsbury seconded the motion and the motion was approved. VI. BREDESEN PARK - MUD LAKE WATER MANAGEMENT PROJECT Mr. Rosland recommended to the Park Board that we ask the Edina City Council to petition the Nine Mile' Creek Water Shed Board to proceed on the improvement of Bredesen Park. At the present time the Water Shed District will pay for 100% of the water = related facilities_ within the park. They will pay for 50% of the enhancement of related lands, such as signs, trails, and fencing. They will pay for 25% of acquisition of flood plain land, therefore, it is likely that the City of Edina will recoup some of it's money already spent for land aquisi- tion. Mr. Pavek made the motion that we request the City of Edina . Council to petition the Nine Mile Creek Water Shed Board to proceed with the proposed- development plans at Bredesen Park. Mrs. Lonsbury seconded the motion and the motion was approved. VII. PARK BOARD TOUR Mr. Rosland mentioned to the Park Board that the July 12th, 1977, meeting will be a tour of various park facilities throughout the City of Edina. VIII. PURCHASE OF-LAND - MORNINGSIDE SCHOOL Mr. Rosland brought the Park Board up to date regarding the purchase of land at Morningside School. After several meetings with the School District and the Mayor, the City Council has approved the purchase of land at Morningside School for $37,500.00 over a five year period. This $7,500.00 would come out of the $80,000.00 Capital Improvements that have been approved by the City Council over the past several years. IX. PLANNING REQUEST: S -77 -9 (James M. Wilson - First Addition) Mr. Rosland presented this proposed subdivision, generally located south of West 54th Street at Zenith Avenue. Mr. Rosland recommended that we accept Outlot 1 - which is a•strip of approximately 100 feet along Minnehaha Creek - as recommended by.the Planning Commission. NINE MILE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT CITY OF EDINA Petition of the City of Edina For Bredesen Park -Mud Lake Water Management Project I AUTHORITY This petition, submitted pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes § §112.48 and 112.61, Subdivision 3, requests the managers of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District to under- take the Bredesen Park -Mud Lake Water Management Project within the City of Edina. The general concept and objectives to be gained by said project are more fully specified in survey reports developed jointly by the Watershed District and the City of Edina pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §112.43. The project is in confor- mity with the overall plan for the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Dis- trict (hereinafter District) and is a part of the basic water management plan of the District. II PURPOSE Surface water runoff into the City of Edina from upstream land areas of Nine Mile Creek will, unless regulated, cause high water levels, flooding and other water - related problems. As a result of continuing urbanization of the District's upland areas, the frequency of high water conditions was a problem anticipated by the managers in the preparation of the basic water management plan for the District. The Bredesen Park -Mud Lake site is an essential link in the water management plan of the District in that it provides the necessary water storage capacity to replace runoff water previously stored in the ponds and depressions of the non - urbanized undeveloped upper portions of the watershed and at the same time, protects necessary and desirable open space, wildlife and recreational lands. The overall plan of the District rejected the choice of handling increased runoff from the urban areas through large storm sewers, channels and bridges and exten- sive erosion controls in favor of the alternative to reduce flood flr,'ws by storage in locations where the sites can also serve as wildlife,.scenic and recreational assets to the community during thelong periods between floods. The management alternatives pos- sible for the Bredesen Park -Mud Lake site were considered in these engineering studies conducted jointly by the City and the District. III GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK PROPOSED AND PURPOSES The Bredesen Park -Mud Lake area is an approximate 155 acre area located in west central Edina and bounded on the north by Vernon Avenue, on the west by Gleason Road, on the east by Olinger Boulevard, and on the south by Crosstown Highway No. 62. The area is part of a broad floodplain and characterized by wood- lands, marshes and upland prairies. The results of the coopera- tive studies of the City and the District determined that it would be possible to develop the Bredesen Park -Mud Lake site into an interpretative and recreational area while at the same time car- rying out the basic water management plan of the District. A low -2- level dike and appropriate control structures are required so that during flood conditions the water level will rise, then fall, as the water is slowly released into the creek. During all periods the lake and adjacent public lands will serve as valuable scenic, recreational and wildlife habitat assets of the community. The achievement of this type of multiple purpose land and water manage- ment purpose is a primary objective of the project. IV DESCRIPTION OF THE LANDS OVER WHICH THE PROPOSED IMPROVE - MENT IS LOCATED The lands upon which the project improvement will be loca- ted are situated entirely in the City of Edina lying between the following: On the west by Gleason Road, on the north by Vernon Avenue, on the east by Olinger Boulevard, and on the south by Crosstown Highway No. 62. The lands are located in Section 31 and 32, Township 117, Range 21, and Section 5 and 6, Township 116, Range 21. V GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PART OF THE DISTRICT AFFECTED The area to be served by the proposed water detention site includes all District lands upstream and downstream of the Brede- sen Park -Mud Lake site with the surface water runoff from said lands to be stored and managed at the water storage site. This water storage thereby handles the upstream runoff and reduces downstream discharge during critical periods. The immediate land areas adjacent to the lake which are to be improved for rerecreational, scenic and wildlife purposes are all located in Edina. -3- VI NEED AND NECESSITY FOR THE PROPOSED IMRPOVEMENT Petitioner-recognizes the need for protecting and enhanc- ing.the'water storage capabilities of the Bredesen Park -Mud Lake site so as to minimize downstream flooding and erosion problems and to enhance the scenic, recreational and wildlife assets of the site. Petitioners also seek to preserve significant open space corridors, scenic, recreational and wildlife areas within the centers of large urban areas. The project will also protect the floodplain of Nine Mile Creek from incompatible development. VII THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WILL BE CONDUCIVE TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH, CONVENIENCE AND WELFARE The City Council of Edina, on the basis of staff and con- sultant reports, has determined that the proposed improvement will be conducive to the public health, convenience and welfare. Completion of the Bredesen Park -Mud Lake multiple purpose water storage and public use areas will provide a means of preserving a significant natural area of the District and will avoid the flooding and damage of public and private property as well as providing an orderly systematic scheme of controlling the surface waters of Nine Mile Creek. VIII COSTS AND EXPENSES The petitioner hereby states that it will pay all costs and expenses which may be incurred in case the proceedings are dis- missed or for any reason no contract for the construction thereof -4- is let. It is recognized that the studies and preliminary costs incurred to -date have been .shared by the District and the City and to the extent possible these costs will be reimbursed if the pro- ject is completed. IX FINAL PLAN APPROVAL All final plans for the Bredesen Park -Mud Lake Water Manage- ment Project to be authorized by the Board of Managers of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District shall be mutually reviewed and approved by the Board of Managers and the City. X FINANCING OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT The project proposed by this petition is of common benefit to the entire District and is a part of the basic water management plan of the District. The petitioner requests that the cost of the project be financed in the manner provided by Minnesota Statutes §112.61, Subdivision 3. Dated . 1977. Respectfully submitted CITY OF EDINA By Mayor By City Manager The foregoing petition and its execution by the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Edina was authorized at a regular meet- ing of the Edina City Council held on the day of. , 1977. ATTEST: Clerk, City of Edina -5-