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2022-06-15 Planning Commission Regular Meeting
Ag enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all, Council Cham ber s Wednesday, June 15, 2022 7:00 PM Participate in Public H ear ing(s). Call 888-504-7949. E nter Participant Passcode 677715. Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak. An operator will introduce you when it is your turn. I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Draft Minutes of Regu la r Meetin g May 25, 2022 V.Special Recogn ition s An d Presentation s A.LOST Presen ta tion b y City Ma n ager, Scott Neal VI.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Pu b lic Hea rings A.B-22-10 5728 Fairfax Ave. Va ria n ce Req u est B.CUP and Va ria n ce for In terla chen Cou n try Club, 6200 Interlach en Boulevard VIII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.Resolu tion B-22-09 Proposed Uses a n d th e Purch ase of Land at 4401 W est 76th Street IX.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents X.Sta8 Com m ents XI.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli<cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: June 15, 2022 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Draft Minutes of R egular Meeting May 25, 2022 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the draft minutes from May 25, 2022. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Minutes May 25, 2022 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 1 of 3 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers May 25, 2022 I. Call To Order Chair Agnew called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Strauss, Hayward, Barberot, Olsen, Alkire, Olson, Padilla, Smith and Chair Agnew. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager, Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Bennett. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Olsen moved to approve the May 25, 2022, agenda. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, April 13, 2022 Commissioner Alkire moved to approve the April 13, 2022, meeting minutes. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Chair Agnew offered up the amendment to change wording on page 3, second to last bullet point to read, “There is an opportunity for community engagement to dispel concerns about individuals with developmental disabilities.” Motion carried unanimously as amended. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Welcome New Commission Member – Bonnie Padilla Chair Agnew welcomed Commissioner Padilla to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Padilla briefly reviewed her history in the community. VI. Community Comment None. Chair Agnew closed the Community Comment portion of the meeting. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 2 of 3 VII. Public Hearings A. B-22-07 6316 Ewing Ave S. Front Yard Setback Variance Request Assistant Planner Aaker presented the request of a front yard setback variance for 6316 Ewing Avenue S . Staff recommends approval of the 4.6-foot side yard setback variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Charles Lewis, homeowner and Mr. Benjamin Braun, Architect, addressed the Commission and answered questions. Public Hearing None. Commissioner Padilla moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the variance request. Motion Commissioner Olson moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the 4.6-Foot Side Yard Setback Variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. VIII. Reports/Recommendations A. Resolution No. B-22-08 Proposed Uses for Sale of Property at 5146 Eden Avenue Complies with Comprehensive Plan Economic Development Director Neuendorf presented the Resolution for proposed Uses for Sale of Property at 5146 Eden Avenue. Staff recommends approval of the Resolution, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Commissioners commented on the project. Motion Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Commissioner Olsen moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of Resolution B-22-08 as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried 7 ayes, 1 nay (Miranda). IX. Chair and Member Comments Received. X. Staff Comments Received. XI. Adjournment Commissioner Padilla moved to adjourn the May 25, 2022, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 8:05 PM. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Date: June 15, 2022 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:S cott Neal, C ity Manager Item Activity: Subject:LO S T P res entation by C ity Manager, S cott Neal Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: C ity M anager Scott Neal will share an informational presentation about the C ity’s local option sales tax referendum. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Plan for Local Option Sales Tax Referendum Pres entation Communications Plan for Local Option Sales Tax Referendum Communications Goals for the Parks Investment Plan •Vision for the Future •The Need •The Process •The Plan •The Cost and Tax Impact •Consequences of Inaction •How to Find Out More Information •When and Where to Vote on the Sales Tax Referendum Rapp Strategies is working with the City of Edina to execute a comprehensive communications initiative that provides balanced and complete information about the plan to reinvest in Braemar Park and Arena and Fred Richards Park. City’s role is to provide factual information as governed by Minnesota Statute 297A.99 What successful local government communications looks like . . . Failure to adequately communicate is a failure to serve the public. •Transparent •Accurate •Consistent •Timely •Accessible Edina Residents Trust City Government Job Performance of Mayor and City Council Involve Residents in Important Decisions Using Tax Dollars Wisely 86% 74% 82% 91% 12% 25% 15% 4%24%27%22%21% Ex/Good YesFair/Poor NoApproveDisapproveEx/Good Fair/Poor 2%2% City Taxes Provide a High Value 2% A Plan to Serve Our Growing Community •Vision for the future – Edina’s parks and recreation system helps contribute to the quality of life that attracts new families and businesses – all of which helps support our local economy. •The process – The City has been working for several years to develop a plan, with Edina residents playing an important role in helping identify the top priorities. •Moving forward – The City of Edina has put forward a $64.6 million investment plan to renovate and provide new services at Braemar Park and Arena and Fred Richards Park. As part of the general election on Nov. 8, Edina voters will consider a half- percent local option sales tax to finance the plan. Edina Residents Value Parks and Recreation 85%83% 91% 16%15%8% 41% Important PositiveNot important NegativeImportantNot important Importance to You Impact on Value of Home Ratings of Edina Parks and Recreation 4%3% 45%40% Overview of Core Messaging Vision for the projects: Edina residents recognize that parks and recreation help make the city a special place to live. •Our quality of life is a big reason why Edina attracts new families and businesses. •When we invest in parks and recreation, we are investing in Edina’s quality of life and supporting the local economy. The investment: The City of Edina has put forward an investment plan that would complete the conversion of the Fred Richards Executive Golf Course into a multi- faceted city park and reinvest in Braemar Park and Arena with a wide range of amenities and improvements. Overview of Core Messaging The Plan/Benefits: Both Braemar and Fred Richards would see new playgrounds, pickleball courts, trails and habitat restoration. •“The Fred” would be transformed from a once-shuttered executive golf course into a 43-acre city park. •Braemar Arena would receive critical infrastructure repairs, upgrades and an additional fourth sheet of indoor ice. We are listening to you: Edina residents have played an important role in identifying the needs at Braemar and Fred Richards parks. •City leaders received community input during the master planning process. •Ongoing public engagement through various communications channels and surveys. •Voters get the final say on Nov. 8. 2021 State Approved Local Option Sales Tax Referendum Rate = 0.5% Duration 19 years Total Authorized Spending $39.3 million Fred Richards Park Master Plan $17.7 million Braemar Park Master Plan $21.6 million Braemar Park Authorized Spending $21.6 million Braemar Park General Improvements $8.1 million Braemar Arena Building Infrastructure $13.5 million Current 2022 Local Option Sales Tax Proposal Rate = 0.5% Duration 17 years Total Authorized Spending $25.3 million Braemar Arena Expansion $25.3 million Proposed The Legislature: The Legislature already authorized the City to place a half-percent sales tax option on this November’s ballot to provide $39.3 million for both parks. •During the current session, state lawmakers will decide whether to allow Edina voters to consider using the sales tax for an additional $25.3 million for the Arena expansion. The tax impact: To finance this investment, Edina voters will consider a local half- percent sales tax option in November. •The half-cent sales tax amounts to a ½ cent for every $1 spent. •The average cost per Edina resident of the sales tax would be $2.62 per month, according to an analysis by the University of Minnesota. •Another way to look at it: 5 cents on a $10 purchase. •The tax expires in 17 years. Overview of Core Messaging Why a sales tax?City leaders chose a sales tax option to spread the investment cost among residents and nonresidents who visit the city to use many of its parks, ice rinks and other public amenities. •If approved, 60% of the half-percent sales tax would be paid by nonresidents, according to an analysis by the University of Minnesota Extension Center. •Nonresidents would contribute almost $39 million to pay for the investment plan, based on University of Minnesota research. Overview of Core Messaging Voting Information: Residents can vote early in person at Edina City Hall on Friday, Sept. 23 through Monday, Nov. 7, 2022. •Additional voter information will be communicated when it becomes available. If the referendum does pass… If Edina residents approve the sales tax referendum in November 2022, the City will move forward with design and project work in 2023. If the referendum does not pass… The City would reengage residents to determine whether they prefer changing the funding option, the amount of the investment or the package of improvements. The 30-Second Summation Key Messages •Our residents value the contribution Edina’s parks make to our quality of life. That is why the City is putting forward a $64.6 million plan to reinvest in Braemar Park and Arena and Fred Richards Park. •“The Fred” would be transformed from a shuttered golf course into a vibrant city park. Both Braemar and The Fred would get new playgrounds, courts, trails and habitat restoration. Braemar Arena would receive critical repairs and an additional fourth sheet of indoor ice. •The Legislature already authorized the City to place a half-percent sales tax option on this November’s ballot to provide $39.3 million for both parks. During this session, lawmakers are considering using that sales tax to make an additional $25.3 million in investments for the arena expansion. •Edina residents helped shape the plan and will get the final say on Nov. 8. Questions? EdinaMN.gov 14 Date: June 15, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-22-10 5728 F airfax Ave. Variance R equest C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: A 3.8-foot variance to the 10 ft north side yard setback requirement allowing a 2 nd story addition at 5728 Fairfax Ave. S o. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Site Location Engineering Memo Narrative Survey/plans Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Staff Pres entation The subject property, 5728 Fairfax Avenue S is located on the west side of Fairfax Avenue and north of 58st Street W. The existing home, built in 1955, is a one-story rambler with an attached two car garage. The existing one-story rambler has a 6.2-foot non-conforming north side yard setback. The applicant has submitted a request for a 3.3-foot side yard setback variance to construct a second-floor addition that aligns with the current non-conforming setback on the north side of the existing house. A small conforming addition to the back of the home allows for a kitchen expansion and bedroom space above. With the exception of the north side yard setback, the proposed project meets all other zoning requirements. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features 5728 Fairfax Avenue S is a one-story rambler built in 1955. The current home does not meet the setbacks required in today’s code from the north or south lot lines. The existing setback to the north property line is 6.2 feet instead of today’s required setback of 10 feet. The proposed addition will maintain the existing setback on the north side of the house. The proposed addition is a second-floor addition, which does not fall within the allowable non-conforming alternate setback standard. The plan conforms to the 15-foot south side street setback and does not match the June 15, 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner B-15-22, A 3.8-foot side yard setback variance for a second-floor addition at 5728 Fairfax Avenue S. Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 existing nonconforming south setback of the 1st floor. Both existing side setbacks are nonconforming and are a design challenge with a corner lot requiring deeper setbacks than an interior lot. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage The Engineering Department has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their June 1, 2022, memorandum. The subject property currently drains towards the intersection of Fairfax Ave & 58th St with no re-grading proposed. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – Side yard East Side – Rear Yard South – Side street West Side – Front Yard 10 feet 6.2 feet existing 25 feet 15 feet 10 feet existing 35.8 feet 34.7 feet existing 6.2 feet* (second floor) 64.18 feet 17 feet 34.8 feet Building Coverage 25% 20.9% *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues Is the proposed variance justified? STAFF REPORT Page 3 Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1. Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The practical difficulty is caused by how the existing house is situated on the lot. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and the proposed addition complies with zoning standards with the exception of the north side yard setback requirement. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing location of the home and the required setbacks. Due to the addition being on a different floor, the non-conforming setback standard does not apply. The home will be refurbished and modified within the existing setbacks. The original home was constructed without variances. 2. There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing house has non-conforming setbacks and was built prior to the current ordinance requirements. There were no variances grated for the original construction of the home in 1955. The proposed addition will continue the non-conforming setback on the second floor that was allowed in 1955 when the original home was built. Setback requirements have changed over time creating non-conformities. This was not self-created by the applicant. The proposed addition conforms to all other zoning standards. 3. Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The addition will match the existing homes side yard setback on the first floor. All other aspects of the addition will conform to the ordinance requirements. Recommended Action: Approve a 3.8-foot north side yard setback variance for an existing non-conforming home at 5728 Fairfax Ave S. Approval is subject to the following findings: STAFF REPORT Page 4 1. The proposal meets the variance criteria. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing location of the home and existing non-conforming side yard setback. 2. The proposed addition is reasonable and was not self-created. The current house has non- conforming side yard setbacks and was built prior to the current setback requirements. 3. Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Survey and plans date stamped May 20, 2022. 2. Comments and conditions listed in the June 1, 2022 Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 June 2, 2022 1 in = 47 f t / DATE: 6/1/2022 TO: Cary Teagu e – Plan ning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, Graduate Engineer Mattias Oddsson, Engineering Intern RE: 5728 Fairfax Ave - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and u tility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the req uest of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included the existing condition survey, proposed elevations, and proposed and existing floorplans dated 5/20/2022 Summary of Work The applicant proposes a second floor and rear addition to the existing structure. The request is for a variance to setback requirements . Easements A 5 -foot easement along the rear property line shall be shown on the survey for permitting. Grading and Drainage The site drains towards the intersection of Fairfax Ave & 58th St with approximately 2’ of elevation change. Site is within the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Applicant indicated no proposed grading changes and soils to be hauled off site. Suggest providing positive drainage away from northside of existing building. Stormwater Mitigation Proposed changes increase impervious surface coverage from 31.4% of lot area to 32.9% of lot area and do not trigger the need for a stormwater management plan. Floodplain Development Both the structure and local 1% annual chance floodplain with an elevation of 881.6’ are within subwatershed MHS_17 . The addition and/or any new openings to the existing structure must have a lowest opening elevation of no less than 883.6’. Provide proposed lowest opening elevation on su rvey. Erosion and Sediment Control Provide an erosion and sediment control plan consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-002. Street and Driveway Entrance No comment. Public Utilities Water and sanitary are served from the watermain along Fairfax Ave. A one-inch water service line from the curb stop to the dwelling is required per the City’s policy SP-024. Miscellaneous Watermain installed 1954 and structure built 1955. A well is not likely to be located on site. Thus, coordination with the Minnesota Department of Health is not required. CITY OF EDINA May 20, 2022 MAY 2 0 2022 Dear Members of the Edina Planning Commission: PLANNING DEPARTMENT We live at 5728 Fairfax Avenue. We moved into our house in June 2017 after Emma completed medical school in Detroit and started her pediatric residency at the University of Minnesota. Emma grew up in Edina, attended Edina high school, and is the third generation in her family to live in Edina. Her childhood home that her parents still reside in is 10 blocks away. And Emma's sister, brother-in-law, and our two nieces (6 and 3-years-old) live just 1 block away. We cherish being so close to our family. When we moved into our house, we didn't have any children. It was perfect for the two of us. We had our first child, Carolina, in November 2019 and we converted the office next to our bedroom into her nursey. In December 2021 we had our second child, Carter. The only other bedroom we currently have is in our basement. Given our children's young ages, we need closer proximity to their bedrooms than our home currently allows. Additionally, the master bathroom is only a half bath, so everyone uses the same main bathroom for showering and getting ready in the morning. Finally, Adam has been working from home during the pandemic, and he'll be able to continue doing so 2-3 days per week going forward. But his "office" is currently just a desk downstairs in the corner of the basement. We love our home, but we have outgrown the space. One of the best aspects of our home is the location. We are so close to Emma's family, and it has really been fun for Carolina to see her cousins so often by being able to walk a block down the street. We also have a great yard that we love. Therefore, we would like to add a second floor to our home. The second floor will have four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a laundry room so that we can all have our bedrooms on the same level and still have room to grow our family. For the main floor, we'll be redesigning it to have a bigger kitchen, gathering areas, and a home office. We hope this will be our forever home so we can raise our kids in a community we love. The current footprint of our home is 6.2 feet away from the property line on the north side. This is how we purchased the property. Our plans for the second floor are to build directly above our current footprint on the north side, which will require a variance of less than four feet. Adam already discussed our project and the need for a variance with our neighbors, who do not object our proposed plans or variance. When we first submitted our plans to the City, it was noted we could not build over the current footprint on the south side of the property because the offset would be too close to the street. We therefore did not seek a variance on the south side of our property and proceeded with our plans. But just 2 weeks ago, we were informed of the need to obtain a variance for the north side of our property. If we were not to receive the variance on the north side, it would significantly limit the options we'd have to build the space we need for our growing family. We respectfully ask the Commission for a less than 4-foot variance to build the second floor directly above the current footprint on the north side of our house. We greatly appreciate the Commission's consideration. Sincerely, Emma and Adam Pabarcus CITY OF EDINA MAY 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT EXISTING CONDITION SURVEY FOR: ADAM PABARCUS (WITH PROPOSED ADDITIONS) LEGEND GARAGEFLOOR = 882.7 FIRST FLOOR = 886.6 FENCE CONCRETE CURB KEYSTONE RETAINING WALL 10 20 0 I r\ T— L_ I CATCH BASIN o GAS METER UGIT POLE O POWER POLE • FRENCH DRAIN 86.5 ------------------ ---------- 4.1' 884.7 1X884,6 135.65 PLAT 884.6 X to 1 ---NBT 16"N/ X 884.4 — 6 13 oT — 5,,e5' 0. x900.0 EXISTING ELEVATION x900.0TC TOP OF CURB ELEVATION x900.01W TOP OF WALL ELEVATION EXISTING CONTOUR • FOUND IRON MONUMENT 0 SET IRON MONUMENT ISNCRIBED R.LS. 15230 CITY OF E DINA MAY 20 880.7TC 2022 L 6 0 1— co 5 6 a. h 88 O Os DO CO La O O I I PLANNING DEF ARTMENT 0 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE: •••• Lot Area = 10,376 SF COVERAGE: House w/ Additions = 2,173 SF • Total --•• 2,173 SF Coverage = 20.9% -u cn O wF b PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: O Lot Area = 10,376 SF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: House w/ Additions = 2,173 SF Concrete Drive and Walks = 778 SF Patio = 396 SF Jumbo Pavers = 71 SF • Total = 3,418 SF Impervious = 32.9% CONCRETE 50% Maximum Allowable Lot Coverage FXISTING I OT COVERAGE. Lot Area = 10,376 SF COVERAGE: House = 2,013 SF Total = 2,013 SF Coverage = 19.4% CONCRETE WALK EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE Lot Area = 10,376 SF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: House = 2,013 SF Concrete Drive and Walks Patio = 396 SF Jumbo Pavers = 71 SF Total = 3,260 SF Impervious = 31.4% 778 SF NOTF% —All existing building dimensions are measured to the finished siding and not the building foundation. SAN MN 50% Maximum Allowable Lot Coverage GRADING NOTE: THERE ARE NO PROPOSED CHANGES TO EXISTING GRADE AND ALL EXCESS SOIL WILL BE REMOVED FROM SITE. JOB NO. 129-22 BOOK/PAGE 171/77 SCALE 1" = 10' DRAWN MB REFERENCE REVISIONS DATE REMARKS SITE ADDRESS 57,8 FAIRFAX AVENUE EDINA, MN 55424 W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8030 CEDAR AVENUE SO., SUITE 228. BLOOMINGTON, MN 55425 Bus: (952) 854-4055 Fax: (952) 854-4268 EMAIL: INFOOWBROWNLANDSURVEYING.COM 558-21 SHEET 1 of 1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 4. BLOCK 2, CONCORD GROVE ADDITION. HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA. WOODROW A. BROWN, R.L.S. MN REG 15230 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE —No search was made for any easements. —The location of all utilities shown are from either observed evidence in the field and/or from pions furnished by the utility companies and are approximate. Utility companies should be notified for exact location before doing a y excavation. I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. •t"./ DATED: 05-18-2022 5/18/2022 Pabarcus Residence 21185 Viking Blvd. '10 I Wyoming, MN 55092 oUILDERc. by ESIG1\ 3D MN Lic#: BCO26555 I 1 I U. U. ME ME 111 111111 1111111 U. UM Ma MA MA MM Ii ME .1.N3lALLEIVd30 ONINNtild SNOLLVAA-12 H012:11X CIS0d02-Jd VNI03 dO 1110 NIN ISI WE -I--I- MILNE =OM —1E11 MINN I it -UM 9'-5" 10' 1" 0 \ 3/4 ,x BATH NEW CRAWL SPACE ACCESS LAUNDRY/ UTILITY r- NEW CRAW.. SPACE L _1 EXIST. CRAWL SPACE o •to _ UTILITY ROOM GUEST BEDROOM z 1 L L UP Pabarcus Residence CNI O O C) E MN Lic#: BCO26555 CO C) C CO CN SCALE: 1/8 ' = 1'0" 1 FAMILY ROOM SLAB ON GRADE r__ L L_ Lo_ J L PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOORPLAN CITY OF EDINA MAY 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT c\I 0) -d° >L() —IC) co cr) c 2 >c: • E 00 0 4L— • > MN Lic#: BCO26555 19'-6" 2-2x10 HEADER (FRAMING BTWN) IL LI 0 r azj Co En Co if C DINING ROOM FAMILY ROOM 2-2x10 HEADER (FRAMING BTWN) 33'-8 9/16" 2-2x10 HEADER (FRAMING BTWN) —UP C) 2J m .73 Co Co En Co ff OFFICE 112 B H USE EXIST. HEADER 16-5 11/16" U 0' _m En 0 73 PANTRY DN GARAGE L 20-2 3/8" C•1 2-2x10 HEADER 2-2x10 HEADER Pabarcus Residence SCALE: 1/8' = 1'0" 7' 3" 2-2x10 HEADER Co r- 0 0 73 Zr‹. co 2-11 7/8" LVL En CO -At c0 En En Co FOYER 2-2x10 HEADER HANDFRAMED 2x10 RUDE 2-2x10 HEADER 9' .c) 73 En LIVING ROOM USE EXIST. HEADER 15-9 1/2" L CITY OF EDINA PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL FLOORPLAN MAY 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2-2x10 HEADER BEDROOM #3 N FURN. 2-2x10 HEADER LAUNDRY 2-2x10 HEADER 2-2x10 HEADER 33'-8 9/16" MAS GER BEDROOM MASTER BATHROOM 19.-6" 2-2x10 HEADER 0 3/4 BATH 2-2x10 HEADER SCALE: 1/8" = 1'0" N 0) >LU CD C E OD 0 >, N MN Lic#: BCO26555 2-2x10 HEADER N Zs, 22x10 HEADER MASTER CLOSET 12 -5 7/8" C ON _41 cn 0 N tb * BEDROOM #4 MAIN BEDROOM BATH #2 Ir L ',111 ////// il 11 2-2x10 2-2x10 2-2x10 HEADER HEADER HEADER 2-2x10 HEADER 25.-9 5/8" 14.-11 1/16" Pabarcus Residence PROPOSED UPPER LEVEL FLOORPLAN CITY OF EDINA MAY 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SNV1c12:1001d IN3V113SVEI ONIISIX3 IN3W1HVd30 SNINNVid O VNICI3 JO A.LIO = ..8/I, :31VOS C5 5/17/2022 Pabarcus Residence r"133- ----L--' - iBuTILDERS bY UESIGN 21185 Viking Blvd. Wyoming, MN 55092 MN Lic#: BC 026555 1_ I I_ co L_— 0 12'1" 0 —i Or-= CO m C 00 —I 0 12'1" Pabarcus Residence LIVING ROOM 1. 16-3 9/16" s O 24.-11 5/8" 20.-2 3/8" C 0 EXISTING MAIN LEVEL FLOORPLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'0" DINING ROOM TV ROOM MASTER BEDROOM MAIN —BATH 16' 5 1/8" 33'-7 3/16" KITCHEN 10' 4" BEDROOM #2 CITY OF EDINA MAY 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ga. MEE iii I.§ INK MIN li MEM MEM MOM MEM MOO SCALE: 1/8" = 1'0" BUILDERS bY DESIGN -.APAAHROARAR .Nr 21185 Viking Blvd. 763-434-0631 Wyoming, MN 55092 MN Lic. #BCO26555 Pabarcus Residence SHEET INDEX: 5728 FAIRFAX AVE. FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION: 885.4' 5724 FA IRFAX FAIRFAX AVE. FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION: 886.6' CITY OF EDINA MAY 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION W/ NEIGHBOR PAGE NUMBER Survey Responses 30 January 2019 - 09 June 2022 Public Hearing Comments-5728 Fairfax Ave Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: 3.8-foot side yard setback variance for a second story addition at 5728 Fairfax Avenue VISITORS 3 CONTRIBUTORS 1 RESPONSES 1 0 Registered 0 Unverified 1 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 1 Anonymous Respondent No:1 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Jun 07, 2022 10:16:49 am Last Seen:Jun 07, 2022 10:16:49 am IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Current Resident Q2.Address Fairfax Ave Q3.Comment Edina should maintain it's suburban look with well spaced homes. Do not approve this encroachment. A 3.8-foot side yard setback variance for a second-floor addition 5728 Fairfax Ave. EdinaMN.gov2 EdinaMN.gov3 EdinaMN.gov4 EdinaMN.gov5 EdinaMN.gov6 EdinaMN.gov7 EdinaMN.gov8 EdinaMN.gov9 EdinaMN.gov10 EdinaMN.gov11 Date: June 15, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C UP and Varianc e for Interlac hen C ountry C lub, 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the Conditional U se P ermit with a height variance subject to the findings and conditions outlined in the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N: I nterlachen C ountry Club is requesting a C onditional Use P ermit and building height variance to re-develop some of their existing facilities for its members. T he expanded facilities include: a new 15,387 square foot lodge/restaurant, a 17,423 square foot fitness center, five outdoor clay tennis courts, two indoor hard surface tennis courts, two pickleball courts and three platform tennis courts. T he number of tennis courts is reduced from 9 to 7; the pickleball courts and platform tennis is added. T he tennis courts will continue to be used as hockey and skating rinks in the winter. T hese facilities would be located where the existing racquet courts are on the site today. T he covered tennis courts require a structure height variance from 20 feet for non-primary buildings to 39 feet. T he existing clubhouse on the site is 52 feet tall. A C onditional Use P ermit is required for the new structures proposed. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report and Memos Applicant Narrative-CUP Applicant Narrative-Variance Applicant Submittal Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Storm Water Management Plan Site Location, Zoning, and Land Us e Maps Staff Pres entation June 15 2022 Planning Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Conditional Use Permit and Variance – 6200 Interlachen Boulevard (West side of Interlachen Country Club) Information / Background: Interlachen Country Club is requesting a Conditional Use Permit and building height variance to re-develop some of their existing facilities for its members. The expanded facilities include: a new 15,387 square foot lodge with food service, a 17,423 square foot fitness center, five outdoor clay tennis courts, two indoor hard surface tennis courts, two pickleball courts and three platform tennis courts. The number of tennis courts is reduced from 9 to 7; the pickleball courts and platform tennis is added. The tennis courts will continue to be used as hockey and skating rinks in the winter. These facilities would be located where the existing racquet courts are on the site today. The covered tennis courts require a structure height variance from 20 feet for non-primary buildings to 39 feet. The existing clubhouse on the site is 52 feet tall. A Conditional Use Permit is required for the new structures proposed. (See attached plans and narrative.) SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The area where the improvements are proposed are where the existing courts are today. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Planning Guide Plan designation: Public/semi-public and low-density residential Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Conditional Use Permit Per Section 36-305, the City Council shall not grant a Conditional Use Permit unless it finds that the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use: 1. Does not have an undue adverse impact on governmental facilities, utilities, services or existing or proposed improvements. The proposed project is located within the area where the existing racquet courts are located today. The added improvements and facilities are for Interlachen members and not for the addition of new members. The facilities would not be open to the public, rather they are for use of country club members and guests. The existing utilities are adequate to serve the proposed use. 2. Will generate traffic within the capacity of the streets serving the property. The proposed project will not generate additional traffic on the streets serving the property. The new facilities are for existing club members. 3. Does not have an undue adverse impact on the public health, safety, or welfare. Staff does not believe the project would have an adverse impact on public health, safety, or welfare. Access to the site remains unchanged and the proposed new building and facilities are located where existing racquet courts are today. 4. Will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of other property in the vicinity. Staff believes the proposed development would enhance the property and fits well on the site. The proposed use is allowed within the R-1 zoning district. The proposed project does not impede the normal and orderly development or improvement of surrounding property or property within the vicinity. 5. Conforms to the applicable restrictions and special conditions of the district in which it is located as imposed by this Section. The proposed project meets all city code provisions. Golf courses are a permitted use within the R-1 Zoning District. Golf course clubhouses and accessory buildings greater than 1,000 square feet are conditional uses in the R-1 district. STAFF REPORT Page 3 6. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. As mentioned previously, golf courses are a permitted use, and clubhouses and accessory buildings greater than 1,000 square feet are conditional uses in the R-1 Zoning District. The golf course has public/semi-public and low-density residential land use designations. No amendment is needed to the comprehensive plan as the uses are permitted in the R-1 Zoning District. Site Circulation The site circulation is not changing. The property access will remain the same. The proposed improvement projects will be placed to the west of the existing clubhouse, in the existing location of the racquet courts today. Landscaping/Screening The plans submitted were reviewed by the city’s forester and meet the requirements for landscaping and screening. A double row of 6-foot-tall evergreens, a row of 4-foot Japanese Yew, and a solid fence along the north lot line would provide screening to the residential homes to the north. Grading/Drainage/Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined in their review memo attached. Any approvals of this project would be subject to review and approval of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Building/Building Material The proposed lodge building and fieldhouse buildings will match the architectural style and materials of the existing clubhouse. Those materials include brick, stucco, and trim detailing. Setback Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North lot line South lot line West line East lot line 95 feet (Structure) 50 feet (courts) 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 96 feet 50 feet Roughly 400-600 feet 207 feet 1 inch 1,000 + feet STAFF REPORT Page 4 Accessory Building Height Tennis Structure 20 feet *39 Feet Lodge Building 20 feet 20 feet Field House Building 20 feet 20 feet * Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issue Is the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) criteria met? Yes, staff believes the criteria is met. Is the proposed variance justified? Yes. Staff believes the variance criteria is met in this instance. Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively to grant a variance. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. The height of the covered tennis structure is the reason a variance is required for the proposed project. The height of the structure at 39 feet is greater than the allowed height of 20 feet, but remains shorter than the primary structure, the clubhouse, which is 52 feet tall. The proposed height is similar to other buildings that currently exist on site. The additional height is required for the tennis structure for the tennis court to be functional. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The circumstances related to the proposed project are unique and is not like other similarly zoned parcels. STAFF REPORT Page 5 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The design of the proposed structure matches the existing buildings in both architectural style and materials and will remain shorter than the primary structure on site. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for the expanded facilities and building height variance from 20 feet to 39 feet at 6200 Interlachen Boulevard. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed project meets the conditional use permit standards of Chapter 36. 2. The proposed project meets the criteria to grant a variance. 3. The height of the structure over the tennis court is required for the functionality of the tennis court. 4. The height of the tennis court structure would be 13 feet shorter than the tallest structure on the site. 5. The proposed project will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Construction Plans must be consistent with the proposed Development Plans date stamped May 12, 2022. 2. Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the city engineer’s memo dated June 6, 2022. 3. Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the building official and fire marshal memo dated June 8, 2022. 4. Hours of operation are limited to the following times: Fitness Center: 5:30 AM – 10:00 PM Food Service: 7:00 AM – 12:00 AM Tennis/Hockey: 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM Deadline for a city decision: September 7, 2022 June 8, 2022 Cary Teague, Community Development Director David Fisher, Chief Building Official Interlachen Country Club – Variance Information / Background: New building on site. -Provide a complete Build Code analysis with plans when submitting for the building permit. -An NFPA 13 Fire Sprinkler System shall be installed when required by MSFC S903. -Verify and provide an address for each building on site with Building and Fire Departments. -Verify fire hydrant locations as required by the Fire Department. -Verify Fire Department access per MSFC S503, including consideration for the turning radius of fire apparatus in parking lots. -Provide Knox Key gate access where Fire Department access roads may be blocked by gates. -Verify there is adequate assessable parking. -Verify bathroom requirements are met. -Verify noise ordinance is complying and is understood. Working Hours: Monday – Friday 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Saturdays – 9A.M. to 5 P.M. Sundays and Holidays – No Work Allowed -Provide as-build architectural and engineered plans before occupancy. -Recommend a meeting with staff for 30, 60 and 90 percent before submitting for building permit. DATE: 6/6/2022 TO: 6200 Interlachen Blvd, Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague – Community Development Director FROM: Mattias Oddsson, Engineering Intern Zuleyka Marquez, PE, Graduate Engineer RE : 6200 Interlachen Blvd – Conditional Use Permit Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for pedestrian facilities, utility connections, grading, flood risk, and storm water. Plans reviewed included c ivil, landscape, and survey drawings stamped 5/12/2022 Review Comment Required For General 1. Deliver as -build records of public and private utility infrastructure post construction. Certificate of Occupancy 2. Maintenance of sidewalks to be responsibility of property owner. General Comment Survey 3. An existing and proposed site condition survey is required. Grading/Building Permit 3.1 Show all existing and proposed public and private easements. Grading/Building Permit Living Streets 4. Design sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. Grading/Building Permit 5. Consider extending sidewalk on the east side of existing west parking lot to serve all accessible parking stalls. General Comment Traffic and Street 6. Review fire access requirements with fire department. Fire truck turning template attached. Grading/Building Permit 7. Waterman Ave was milled and overlaid in 2021. Avoid any damage. Damage to be repaired per standard plate 544. Certificate of Occupancy Sanitary and Water Utilities 8. Verify fire demand and hydrant locations. Grading/Building Permit 9. Domestic water shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. Grading/Building Permit 10. Domestic sanitary shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. Grading/Building Permit 11. Apply for a sewer & water connection permit with Public Works. Prior to Starting Utility Work 11.1 Meter required for building service line and combined lines. No meter required for fire only service line. Grading/Building Permit 11.2 Public Works to determine acceptable installation methods. Grading/Building Permit 12. Disconnected sanitary and water services to be capped at main. 13. A SAC determination will be required by the Metropolitan Council. The SAC determination will be used by the City to calculate sewer and water connection charges . Grading/Building Permit 14. Single connection from main for fire and domestic, split after main connection. Grading/Building Permit 15. Verified well at 6309 Waterman Ave (owned by Interlachen Country Club). 6201 Belmore La was demolished in 2009 for gold course expansion and has a verified well onsite. Wells not in use must be sealed by a licensed well contractor per MN Rules, Chapter 4725. Provide well sealing records as available. Certificate of Occupancy Storm Water Utility 16. Provide final geotechnical report with soil borings. Grading/Building Permit 17. Provide the proposed lowest opening elevations for the new structures (fieldhouse and lodge) in subwatershed HO_19. Proposed lowest opening elevations shall not be less than 917.4’ Grading/Building Permit 18. Provide net cut/fill calculations for grade chan ges in subwatershed ML_31 below the elevation of 916.2’. Some fill shown on Exhibit 2 of the stormwater management report. Grading/Building Permit 19. Provide details for the proposed permeable pavers. City of Edina considers permeable pavers impervious until mitigated with sufficient below ground storage. Confirm permeable pavers are included in the impervious surface calculations. Grading/Building Permit 20. Provide hydraulic and hydrologic report meeting watershed and state construction site permit requirements. Grading/Building Permit 21. Submit watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement in favor of watershed. Grading/Building Permit Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 22. A SWPPP consistent with the State General Construction Site Stormwater Permit is required. Grading/Building Permit Constructability and Safety 23. Construction staging, traffic control, and pedestrian access plans will be required. Grading/Building Permit Other Agency Coordination 24. MDH, MPCA and MCES permits required as needed. Grading/Building Permit 25. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit is required. Grading/Building Permit Sustainability 26. Consider installation of electric vehicle chargers for a minimum of 5% of additional proposed parking and wiring an additional 10% for EV conversion in the future. General Comment 27. See Sustainable Design Questionnaire for additional considerations , including: • Utilize Xcel Energy’s Energy Design Assistance or Energy Efficient Buildings, and/or CenterPoint Energy’s Builder and Developer programs f or this development to optimize building performance. • Install appliances and equipment that are Energy Star or EPA WaterSense certified . General Comment INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD • EDINA, MN 55436 Club (952) 929-1661 • Fax (952) 929-7720 • interlachencc.org Date: May 13, 2022 To: City of Edina From: Interlachen Country Club Subject: Explanation of Request (CUP) Dear City Officials: Interlachen Country Club (the "Club") is applying for a new Conditional Use Permit to improve our existing racquet facilities and related amenities. Our plans include a new Lodge (restaurant), fitness center, and racquet courts, including two covered tennis courts. The improvements are on the site of our existing Lodge and racquet courts, with modifications to the southside driveway (formerly part of Waterman Avenue). Background: Founded at its current location in 1909, the Club encompasses approximately 170 acres, including more than 150 acres of green space. In addition to golf, Club members enjoy aquatics, racquet sports, fitness, winter activities, and multiple food and beverage outlets. The Club's membership includes 820 families, of which more than 70% reside in Edina, and the Club employs more than 325 people during the summer season. The improvements are part of a golf course and facilities master plan approved by our membership late last year. The master plan addresses ongoing member demand for amenities, eliminates several deferred maintenance items, and positions the Club among the preeminent private family clubs in the country. The improvements will be complete ahead of the 2030 U.S. Women's Open when the Club and City of Edina return to the international stage. Existing Site: The existing site has been home to the Club's racquet sports and winter skating since the 1950s. It includes: 1,900 square foot Lodge (multi-use space for dining, gathering, retail, and locker rooms) 4,000 square foot event lawn Five clay tennis courts Two hard tennis courts, which double as pickleball courts Two platform tennis courts The clay tennis courts are the site of hockey and skating rinks in the winter. The current Lodge was built in 1980 and is well past its useful life, and the tennis courts have not seen significant upgrades in more than three decades. The landscaping on the north side is also due for replacement. INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB Proposed Site: The proposed plan includes: A new 15,387 square foot Lodge (restaurant) A new 17,423 square foot fitness center Five new outdoor clay tennis courts Two new covered hard tennis courts Two new outdoor pickleball courts Three new platform tennis courts The clay tennis courts will continue to be the site of hockey and skating rinks in the winter, and new landscaping, modern lighting, and professionally designed sound will enhance the facilities for nearby residents. Lodge: The Lodge is in the southeast corner of the site. The Lodge's main level includes a casual, family-focused restaurant, including a small bar, dining seating, kitchen, restrooms, and a covered and uncovered patio that provides additional seating for outdoor dining. In addition, a 1,200 square foot lawn will allow small gatherings and additional green space. The lower level (basement) has a team space and provides room for future buildout. Fieldhouse: The Fieldhouse is in the northeast corner of the site. The Fieldhouse replaces the existing fitness center in the main Clubhouse, which is significantly undersized for its use. The main level includes a grab-and- go café, cardio area, weight training area, and two indoor group fitness studios. The lower level (basement) has locker rooms, youth space, offices, and a third group fitness studio. Outdoor Courts: We positioned three of the five new clay tennis courts on the northwest portion of the site, which allowed us to relocate the two new pickleball courts as far interior of our property as possible to reduce any pickleball noise concerns. The platform tennis courts run alongside the north portion of the site, 20 feet south of the current tennis courts on the northside. The platform courts sit at grade, lowering the total height of the courts and lights by approximately four feet compared to the existing courts. The elevation change, combined with improved lights and landscaping, will further reduce light pollution and glare on neighboring properties. The remaining two outdoor clay tennis courts are on the site's south side near our existing event lawn. Covered Courts: The two new covered tennis courts are on the southwest portion of the site. The central location on our property is more than 200 feet from any neighboring properties, more than two times the 95 feet setback requirement. In addition, the cover is designed with similar features as our other structures on our campus to blend and complement our other facilities. We are seeking a variance to achieve the necessary height for tennis; however, the cover is only 38 feet at its highest point. For reference, our Clubhouse is 52 feet at its highest point, our Golf Shop is nearly 37 feet, and as you know, residential construction in Edina permits houses up to 40 feet. Additional details regarding our variance request are in our Variance Application. INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB Neighborhood Considerations: The Club prides itself on being a good neighbor, and the proposed plan considers input from nearby residents. The Club invited 20 residents who own property on Waterman Avenue, Interlachen Boulevard between the Club's main entrance and Blake Road, the south side of Maloney Avenue, and the east side of St. Johns to an informational meeting at the Club on April 25, 2022. A copy of the invitation letter is enclosed. While only five residents representing three homes participated, the meeting was positive and productive; we gained valuable feedback that, combined with input gathered over the last year, led to adjustments to our original plan, including: Increasing the landscaping on the northside; additional coniferous trees. Investing in building materials for the tennis cover to match our existing buildings; instead of a bubble structure. Moving the pickleball courts from the southwest corner to the northeast corner of the site; the new interior location will further reduce potential noise disturbance. Hiring a sound engineer to design a new sound system that significantly reduces sound dispersion from daily music beyond our property compared to our current system. Engaging a sports lighting professional to design the court light specifications to further reduce light pollution and glare on neighboring properties. Screening: The landscape plan includes several evergreen trees on the northern property edge to screen the facilities from the north. The plantings will be as large as we can obtain and maintain. The plan impacts 40 trees. We will make an effort to move affected trees to different locations if possible; the landscape plan exceeds the City's requirements for coniferous and deciduous tree replacement. The Club's adjacent properties will also preserve a significant buffer between the Club's facilities and residential properties to the west. Lighting: The lighting plan greatly reduces light on neighboring properties and eliminates glare. The Club engaged Sports Authority Lighting, a sports lighting design consultant that has completed more than 1,000 similar projects, including Highland Park, Arden Park, and Cornelia School Park hockey and skating areas. The extended light scans verify that the lighting at the residential property lines is less than Edina's ordinance for lighting at residential property lines (i.e., not to exceed 0.5 foot-candles). Noise: The operation of the existing facilities complies with Edina's Noise Ordinance; however, the proposed plan will reduce the dispersion of daily music sound to neighboring properties. The Club engaged Midwest Americom and a Certified Technology Specialist to design the new sound system. The Club will program the audio system with a limiter and time of day scheduler to adhere to Minnesota noise statutes. The exterior property line control zone has stricter (quieter) limits at the appropriate time of day. INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB Noise from other activities is consistent with current, longtime uses and similar to other private and public parks, racquet courts, and skating facilities throughout Edina and nearby. Residents on the site's south side have not registered or reported any complaints about platform court noise. In addition, the facilities, including the tennis courts, are 20' south of their existing location, creating an even greater buffer for visibility, light, and sound. Traffic and Parking: We do not expect the improvements to have a measurable impact on traffic or parking since our membership size is the same; membership has been full since early 2021. There are no changes to our west parking lot. Environmental Considerations: Stewardship is one of the Club's core values, and it is important we are good stewards of the environment. We have taken several steps to ensure this project has a neutral or positive impact on the environment around us. The project meets the City of Edina and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District requirements for stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, and wetland protection, including rate control of the stormwater from the site and treatment before discharging into the public storm sewer or waterbodies. In addition, the plans maximize the use of green infrastructure, including permeable pavers, within the project area. Thank you for reviewing and considering our application. If you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information to aid in your decision-making, please do not hesitate to contact me at jlivingood@interlachencc.org or 952-924-7401. Respectfully, Joel Livingood General Manager and CEO • Date: May 13, 2022 To: City of Edina From: Interlachen Country Club Subject: Explanation of Request (Variance) Dear City Officials: Interlachen Country Club (the "Club") is applying for a height variance to cover two tennis courts. The cover is a part of a larger improvement project on the site of our existing racquet sports courts and related amenities. CITY OF EDINA Cover Overview: • 12,800 square feet • Not more than 39 feet at the peak (the current design shows 38.3 feet ICANNING DEPARTMENT • Materials to match other buildings on campus • More than 200 feet from the nearest adjacent property line Conditions: We believe our request satisfies the conditions outlined by Minnesota Statutes and Edina Ordinances. Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable: The site is used for tennis and other recreational activities today and has been for several decades. The standard height requirement for covered recreational tennis is at least 29.5 feet clear from the top of the net. Unfortunately, while allowed under the residential and commercial code, accessory buildings on sites governed by a Conditional Use Permit are limited to 20 feet, making covered tennis impractical without a variance. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district: The extraordinary circumstance of this property is the Conditional Use Permit height restriction of 20 feet for non-primary buildings. Properties in the nearby R-1 zoning district are permitted to be up to 40 feet tall. Currently, there is a house under construction approximately 350 feet west of the Club's property at 6316 Waterman Avenue that is 40.25 feet tall in the back. Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance: We understand the purpose and intent of the ordinance are to require accessory buildings to be shorter than the main buildings on the site. The proposed cover is approximately 14 feet shorter than our primary building, the Clubhouse, which stands 52 feet tall, and is similar to our Golf Shop, which stands nearly 37 feet tall. INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD • EDINA, MN 55436 Club (952) 929-1661 • Fax (952) 929-7720 • interlachencc.org MAY 1 2 2022 • Opaque cover (no light trespass or glare) Not alter the essential character of a neighborhood: Maintaining the look and feel of our campus and the area's character is important to us. We are investing in high-quality materials to match the look and feel of our existing campus instead of a bubble structure or other more commercial feeling options. We also located the cover in the center of the site to maximize its distance from adjacent properties. The cover is more than 200 feet from the nearest property line and will not cast any shade on a neighboring property. A site map showing the cover's setback from adjacent properties is enclosed. We also want to note that our plan lowers the site by approximately two feet in the location of the proposed cover, effectively reducing the height of the new building from 38' to 36' compared to the existing grade. Thank you for reviewing and considering our application. If you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information to aid in your decision-making, please do not hesitate to contact me at jlivingood@interlachencc.org or 952-924-7401. Respectfully, CITY OF EDINA Joel Livingood General Manager and CEO MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB -TI-AIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF EDINii, MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTivirl:siT cls Project Team: Owner: Contact: Email: Phone: Architect: Contact: Email: Phone: Civil (Survey): Contact: Email: Phone: Landscape: Contact: Email: Phone: Interlachen Country Club Joel Livingood Jlivingood@interlachencc.org 952-924-7401 Shea Nick Windschitl Nickw@sheadesign.com 612-594-4236 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Lindsey Roberts McKenzie, PE Lroberts@sehinc.com 651-765-2956 Damon Farber Chuck Evans, PLA Cevens@damonfarber.com 651-216-6115 CITY OF EDIN,' MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPAR-1:v!EM INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD • EDINA, MN 55436 Club (952) 929-1661 • Fax (952) 929-7720 • interlachencc.org THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF EDINt, MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CSC Property Address/Present Zoning/P.I.D. #/Legal Description: 1. 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, MN 55436 a. Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District (CUP) b. PID: 3011721140052 c. Legal Description: That part of the S 330.00 feet of Block 23 Mendelssohn lying East of the West 123.00 feet thof; also the Nort 84.00 feet of the South 330.00 feet of the West 123 feet of said Block 23 CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 20.2. PLANNING DEPARTMENT INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD • EDINA, MN 55436 Club (952) 929-1661 • Fax (952) 929-7720 • interlachencc.org THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT April 11, 2022 Dear Neighbor, I hope this letter finds your family well! Planned Improvements: As you have likely heard or read in the news, Interlachen Country Club plans to improve our existing racquet facilities and related amenities beginning in summer 2022. Our plans include a new Lodge (restaurant), fitness center, and racquet courts, including indoor tennis courts. All the work takes place on the site of our existing Lodge and racquet courts, east of our new parking lot. Informational Meeting: I want to invite you to an informational meeting on Monday, April 25, at 5:30 PM to learn more about the project, ask questions, and share any concerns. Please RSVP to me via email at jlivingood@interlachencc.org or phone at 952-924-7401. If you cannot attend, I would welcome the opportunity to connect with you at another time. Parking Project Update: I also wanted to take this opportunity to provide an update on our practice range and parking lot project. Unfortunately, we could not complete all of the work before the onset of winter last year. However, our crews are ready to begin work as soon as weather conditions and road restrictions allow. We anticipate that the remaining paving, gate installation, and landscaping will be complete by the end of May. We appreciate your patience through this process. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Joel Livingood CITY OF EDINA General Manager and CEO MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT •Yrri 444 INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 2022 CAMPUS MASTER PLAN SITE PLAN O • 6301 1.131.011011 AVE 5421 1231011E0 AVE 6131 1303011E5 AVE FEE 1211 55343 E131153 /3111 55303 EDINA 11/1 55113 ICC OWNED RENTAL HOUSE ROUNDABOUT SECURITY GATE O PRACTICE GREEN • STORMWAT El? MANAGEMENT 0 WEST TLE_ BOXES O PRACTICE RANGE ea SI IRFACF PARKING O NEW TENNIS COURTS, (5) CLAY, (2) HARD O NEW TENNIS COURT COVER • NEW PICKLE BALL COURTS (2) • NEW FITNESS CENTER • NEW FLEX LAWN • NEW RESTAURANT PATIO O NEW RESTAURANT 0 0 GOLF PERI °WANG CL.N.L OF EDINA 4/1 PRO SHOP Utt Y • POOL CAFE O POOL HIJILDIN( PLANNING DEPARTMENT O POOL O CLUBHOUSE O LOADING DOCK • Pool 0IAI)F Mt IL 7 I IRF 25' 50' 100' LEGEND L.. EXISTING • NEW MAY 1 2 2022 CO NEW STRAIGHTENING OF PIRVATE ROAD (FORMERLY WATERMAN AVE.) O NEW GREEN SPACE + PARKING SPACES O NEW HOCKEY RINK • NEW FIRE PIT & LOUNGE NEW PLATFORM TENNIS (3) BB • CART PARKIN( - a •;•`1 T4-'•- mi,lillr---z-l*4' '- \k-41' sittaaribeyik ni thzi/f//er4 _ -,----,, 4, ---vips .. ,,..... lif-j4 4\b1 \k 4\ ,I'0 11420 FAIsialaNsia i :..pierilIN MI -, nil og III TilliEle 1.• CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT I: CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, 01155402 1612 339-2257 1 612_349-2930 sheadesign.tan weed PP INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 St, (1. 1 1 RAIFORD/ COULT FUITO0.1.1 COTT ) EnSirK, PROSI1Jr VADRA 0,0 1 TL-•4„ 8566.01 2022-05-11 J6/6111611 ANON NW 11014 STRIPA,. MP. PITMANS, V MOM SAT PATIA. VIA. OS LAMA P. OR.TI SARA/NOT ATII ROOM A RAT LLANO VIM VAPS TNT( I.P.,TATTI, Oa.. A STwa• 2022-0.4 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION o*t* OVERALL SITE A010 * t I * * * * 4. .1, * :163014WIALONEY4AVE 4. . * EEMNA,MN 5'6343* * * I IP * * * * * * 4, . 4. 4, 4. 4, . 4, 4. 4, 4, . 4, * 4, TV 1 4, W I. W * . * W * * 4, . 4, * * I 4, * * . I . 4, 4, 4. . . . . 4, * 4, . * * * 1 I . * W W I W * * * W , . W * * .1, 4, W * 4, 4 W * 4, * * W W * W * 4, * * GM MA1LONRY AVE * * * 6221 MALONEY AVE 0 .- 'EDINA MI4,65349. 0 * * *EDINA MN,55348 *---"' • * * * * * 4. W 4, 4. ------- * 4, 4, W W 4, 4, * __, . W 4. I * * * 4, 4, . 4, W 4, 4, * 4, 1-• 4. 4. * -0 4 16- 4 ----- - * 4 4 * 1.- * * -+ * ---- * * 60a000000(300P0e90.0000e(DOCIF 4, W * 4. 4, W * 1 4. W W W W * 4. W W W W W * "/***-**Ij I I I I I I I I I I I I * 4, * W W * * .4 W W W W W W W W W * W * W W W NV * W W * * * * * • 4, 40 4, • W * * W W W W • W W 4 EISC. OR Vh-TLATIO AS DEL PIEATED AUGUST 2C01 W. W * ESIVING MAN ITARITITTO LOT, II0 WORK * 40 W * 4 * • , W * W * *, • * * • 4, 4, . 4, .1., * 4. .. I * P . . 4. 4, * 4, * . a * ,..„. -------- * 4 * * ' W * 4, 4 4, 1 11, * * . ..••••=_ -4, =,.... .1. . ---- 1 * - 4r. 4. ------- CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 202? PLANNING DEPARTMENT * * * CLAY COORT IS kg ,L1 — DEMO ,ST PARKING LOT. DO WORK INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 4• ,-LAY COLATI COURI n • • .1, * * IOVER 95,0 el.1 C IT OF a, • * * * * :. ---- LING • ST A.LLS IZRAA,00 RacoDLIS ST LOF CLIP APPROVAL) 1'111111 1.5 . . -•••• REDUCTION OF MAR PARKING- ' STALLS ONSLUDING ASA STATIST PRIVATE ROAD - • TOP* * *** * * * 5 - 4, • r-4• .kilf _ .,:44•11443r....4+4=•3 411•• 3 44=3•••333•mma• ik ....,,,,, ........ . )2). 4. DM EMMONS TUBE ERR - . - - .1, .•••••••=44.44.. Tm....44•41ww.mmw m.......• USLICUSE TO LODGE MEV-MEAL 41 6N1.0 .7.-_-'''• ,•----..--7___4-7-R, OCy_.. _ , . ., LE..31.1 V G.C. TOR AV / COM. P.TRITT,C,L • ,m..... mw• • mm. • •• • • W * W •11 \0..: 10 * * * 4. * . T.- 4. 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, . 4, * ' • - 4- ' - -4.- -4 . * W • * 4. W 4, ..... * 4, 4... • ' • ak._ 4, 4. • * 4, * 4. ,.* ..., • . • . ..., ...., • ..., • .m,, • ___ 4, sr,. 4, 4.• 4, 4. . 47 4.: 4. Jr 4, - * -1.-..---N1-..-------._-----4,-'---- 4, * . . ' - - - * . . .--..-- .:= : .— PUT I.T MODE CAPIX CHAMITS I t1:-* ,, \ * * * * * ' • 2:,,,:—.--*— 41 -4.- .!' -- 1.. -17 2.1 1.......-- 11 --• • ..... . . ., 1r * - * * * ' ei . * 4‘1 ._CO.nc1;11JCII t s AMC:- - ..* • • . : • * • 1%0 • ••••••1‘ . . * 4, . * * 10.•••• ..t.... - .. - • - -4.• * . 4, .. . • . . 4, 4, 4, * .A....Y • .4WILT --1,..-7- e.,- '4, * W W * . W ' -- 4 4, 4, * * * 'I * * 4, 4. 4. * * * * * •,. - • .... • 4. 4• . . L.4,4 * 4, ... * Ay * 4 • . 4, * 4. * • ... a d • T. • T.' • 4?" . 4, * 4, 4, 4. 4. 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 , • No„... 4., , 4, 4, _!? }),, 4, . 4, 4, 4, * 4, 4, 4, 4. . *11 * * * 4. . 4, . 4. 4, 4. 4, 4, * 4, W * * * * * * * * . * . * •••••..... * - W. - :!....—• •TT‹ * . . 4, . . . * * * * * W • W 4 i• 4, W W 4, W - WSW_-.• -4, w 4. 4, , • W • W W * PRACTICE GREEN y 4±.1 * 4. .4. ND WORN 4, • * W * W W. * I * • W * W * W * W * 4, 4. . * 4. k * * * il TI• 4. 4, * * * * * * * 4, ..,..,_ ----*-- — * * 4, 4, * 4, 4• . • 4, * * * 4, * * 4, 4, * W * * 4, . 4, . W . W * PROPERTY LP. 4, SITE PLAN - PROJECT NORTH SCALE: 1' = 30,0 ay 6300 INTERLACHEW 43LVD, EQ,D4A MN 55,343 COSMO EFLIATIV GATE. NO WORT, TENT IS CO/MCIVER IT) HARD COLITIS NM LODGE • RUSTING E.111 TEN NEW l'AR*. 5T211.5118* 77. 771 ETZTr- RWITITS 20NPT=L7.4?!.?3'14t' • t, CLASH RUSE NO MAK cl it D67--J50,-ce- e ) /-: . /--, .,!I ;II ?, :?-,,-. (c) ,.,,c, 0 eT_,,,.,6) , 0 gf),(P) ..........._L.2._, ,.......r._-_,4_____ 0 0. DEMO FLOOR KEY NOTES NO DESCRVTION REV 1 REMOVE ND SALVAGE MOM MOO SIGN 0-D.10E0/MATT. AI RS EMMEN 2 PCl/CM NCB 6 Gut TER N ITS un MN TO THE APHICTIMATE EXTENTS SNUAti SAWCUT MORENO. TO NEAREST .01, SAWCUT AM REMOVE NIUMNOES PMEICNI N ITS ENTIRETY TO TM AFPRONMATE EXTENTS MAW MI/O& TREE NITS ENTIRETY AWACS SHAM 4 REMCVF STORM SEWER IN RS WIMP! TO THP EXTENTS WAHL EMI CM THE CITY Of EOM SINIDARDS AND SPECP F AIN. a REMCVL LMS1103 UNDERDRO/110 ILL/PHONE LEA. 9 REMOVE GLENN GAS LIE BACA TO SONICE 10 REMCM OUSTING FLOWN TN ITS ENTIRETY CCIALOPMAIN BELOW CAVE FOENDATIONS I REMOVE AND SALVAGE ENLOE REL0o,11 AS DRAWNGS INDICATE 11 REMOVAL AND SAJNAGF ARBOR STRUCTURE AM ASSOCIATED STRNG ENNIS. RELOCATE AS CRAYONS., POCATE 1I REALCM AND SALVAGE CON:RENE TONE TABLE COORDINATE LOCATION MTH CONT. IL REMOVE TOCAS COCA PI ITS ENTREN. REmCVE AND SALYOM FLEE AND PROTECT/FE NETTING IN ITS ENTIRETY IL REMOVE BULLING PT ITS ENNIEN.NCLUDING EATERIMI STAIRS OvEFINNIGS. FOOTNGS AND VA, IffLIT ES. COORDINATE ROACNAL OF SAM I WIRES VON LOCAL MIN COLIPAMS IT REV.. RETARCIG NAL L Pi ITS ENTIRETY NCl/MO BEIM GRADE f NAIAD. le EASING VALET PARKING LUT TORE/MN PROTECT AT ALL ..ES 19 REMOVE LYISMIG TUNE COLIRTML TO REMOVE NO SALVAGE FL ATFONA TOM CLAIRE AND ALI ASSOCIATED COLIACMWS.RLICOAIL AS DRAWINGS PPLICATE. COOPDOMIL RINOML UF SMALL MAIMS AS RFOuTRED N REMOVE BOCCE.. AND ASSOCIATES DECOMPOSED GRANITE SURFACE IN ITS ENTIMIC 11 REMOVE COMMTE PAMMOO 111 ITS BRAM TO DIE AFPROANATE AXIONS SNOW,/ 72 INSTALL EROSION CONROE FENCE AS REOUTRaD SM COL DRAWINGS 21 PISTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTIMLICE AS REOERED DEMOLITION NOTES 1 SEC ALL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIJKAL ITOILS NAL SPECFICARD115. 2. GENERA/ COTLIMMICIA TO PROVE TEMPORARY PONTA MALIGNING THROUGHOUT COURSE Cf .:013 WHERE REOURED. a GENERA. CONTRACTCR G RESPONE E LE FOR DEMOLITION AND REIAOVAL OF ALL DEBRIS AND DISCARDED MATERIALS Al EuERAENT AS &WILMS) WENN THE S. GENERAL COORACTCR To CooRDNATE WITH //ENT AS TO THE PROTECTION NOVI STORAGE MANY ITEMS TO BE SAVED FROM DEMORLY1 S. DVIDIAL COLTRAANCR MUST PRONIDE ALL REDURED PROTECTION TO ALL SU500011O1G AREAS THEOUNPOJT COARSE OPINE MAWR:. AM CONSTRUCTION GENERAL COLITRACICR IS RESPONSIBLE TO ROMA AMOR REPLACE ANY DAMAGE IN Trf SURSOUNCING AREAS CAUSED BY CIPAOLITON NIA COHEIR ACTION IN NNEA OF WOW, 1. ALL LAMM DELOOLITLYI MO MEE CREATING WORK SHALL OCCUR II °OCOEE/NAGE 10 TIC CAN OF LONA ALLCULATIONS CODROCATE WITH CLIENT O. ASBESTOS THE ABATEMENT OF ASBESTOS MATERIAL G EXCLUDO) TROIA THE PROJECT AND VEIL BE CONTRACTED SEPARATELY. F REQUIRED. a REUSE OF UNTERIAL Au/EA. CONTRACTOR To PLIADA FROM SITE ALL REIMS DEEMED NOT REUSABLE BY OMNI. 1E DEMOTION CONTRACTOR TO MO SRE AND UNDERSTAND THE SCOPE OF MARK SEE DESMII ASSIST MEP. DRAM. FOR ANY ADDER NAL NACRMATION IL DEMCUTION CONTRACTOR MUST KEEP ALL DORN REMOMD .01.1 RITE SEPARATE FROM ITO BLILDNG MASI. IP PROTECTIVE LYE GOGGLES CONSTRUCTION RIAD HATS AM PROPER MOWING WORMS MUST BE CORN DURING ANY CUTTING. %WRIER BY HMO ORGY 11.04111CAL D. PRIOR 10 START Of NW CONSINECTION AMNON. ALL LOOMEN AND SUMMAR COMO_ MEASURES ARE TO M PISDELED BY THE CONTRACTOR R,43 INSPECTED BY DIE 010 01 UNA AND LONE.. CREEK WATERSHED MIDGE MANLIER SEDIMENT FROTECTNN SHALL BE PETAL/NJ ALLAN THE COMER. IS II IS TIC CONTRACTORS RESPCNSBEIN TO ASCERT AN THE LOCATION Of Al EA SON OLDIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERFV THE LOCATION ELEVATION AND IIARK ALL EASING LRCMS SI ANJRS BEFORE CoLETRACTKOI STARTS. THE DIMMER ARC MECT CC OMER DOES POT GUARAWEE MAT ALL UllJTES APE MAPPED. UR F MAPPED. ARE SHOWN CURRECRV. cONTM7T GOPHER STATE OM CALL AT 65145,0001 FOR MID LOCATING FLASTING VARIES CONTACT UTILITY WATER F DAMAST OCCURS DU TO CONSTRUCTION. 15 PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. ITC CONTRACTOR IS TO a EARLY IDENTIN PI THE MED 15ETINO PER/AFTERS THAT RAT MN TO BF IMPACTED SO THAT MT ElICROACNAENT OCCURS. AFTER TN. PLR/ALTERS ARE CLEARY MARKED PI DC HELM THE CONTRACTOR SHALE CONTACT LIPOLEILMIA CREEK WATERSHED MINOT 70 COMFIT ANS NAPROVL NO ENCROACHMENT LIMITS IT. MERE MAY BE wscEuAmous ITEMS TO BE REMOVED THAT ARE NOT DENTEED 01110150 PLANS TM CONTRACTOR SHALL vISIT THE SITE 410 MVP, THE 00CUMELITS TO °BEAN A CLEAR UNDERSTANCING OF THE MENDED SCOPE CF WORK N. AMATO THE START OF CONSTRACTIDN. DISCO,FECT ALL GAS AND ELECTRIC,/ SERACES. CoORDNATE DISCONNECTON CF ENN LAMM MENTHE UTILIN MINER REMOVE All GAS AND ELECTRIC LNAS ENDER ExISTCG ROUTING FOOTPRINTS TO BE DEMOUSHED. la HU URINES 110T RINGIED FAA RENOWN OR ARANDOWEM, ARE TO RF FROTECTEO AT AL TIMES 19 DEMO CONCRETE PAVEMENT MD CURB AND CODER stotent TO BE REMOLD MD. SCOPE CF THE PROJECT STOLL BF REMOVED FROM DIE SAW CUT LINES TO THE NEAREST .0151. 20. ALL WORK IN INC FAMIFIAT 0, THE PRIVATE ROAD. FORME ELT WATERAUN AVE. SMALL EL COORONATLIMWTH THE CITY OF EDN A 10 SNAP 512(1111 Street Minneapolis. kW 55402 1612 339.2257 1612_349-2930 sheadesign.com tot.ELLN NNW. INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 • 6 -------------- PPTITPE'r.rEt 13 19 I 61 0 0 W INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 0 0 Ji '12) I - - 0 CITY OF EDINA II / IIENSI MON PIN TM RM.DELFT/10. ORION CH NEPA.] RACER AMR V, 0.115...IKK.01M.D1.1104"1.1, MINCE MO11FDONI%RRF IAN5 IC WAN °NM/LOOM tiNTLIT NAUE ,ENATUAL 2022-05E4 MEMO I'LL.111 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION N. dill as. 1 la Lin 0 AirQ1 'Llgt 0 MAY 1. 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT -16 BPA PO 8566.01 2022-05-11 C1401,1 ,10.171W Inv Ft ::1,•1: DEMO SITE PLAN 0110 DEMO SITE PLAN SCALE 1/16' - 0 4'4 as 21,1 2,11 =•1 ELEVATE, 1 02 CR • STAN A' 010 • E•• • • • 0 0 0 STOR 11PC141T L 013 SDN STORAGE • I===== WIN" ITanga ====r4 .3r• =ma-Am= ===== • , • FxBHr VERA 021 - 4P 41 r STORAGE •3 I 6 6 /Men.- . MEM OMB* I I VI I • •==.21 • midi ancmags • SR • • • rrn-r-r 111111111111111 11111111111111111 11111111111111 HALL MEM STAIR 'A' I 010 I ELEVA • SFr: VOL, CSC, 10 South Eighth Street litinneapoks. 01155402 t612 339-2257 1 612_349-2930 shearlesign.com "Alitarl INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB FIELD HOUSE BUILDING 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 • Hx INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 11.7,11!CPP111 1N-1DCiR4. g1I1011. [Aft, OR, VAS PRIPAKJ PIMP 040511 .C15,11,1541.1, 1X+11/91 A DAY ICBM AFCHRICT UNIXElif IAM Or TIM STATE 0,1.1NISOT0. David A SIva PfCTRI 0,1" NSW. Ml[ IOJED RLN, DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION issre 8566.02 2022-0544 chNINI KM HS/J14111,1/60 OVERALL LOWER LEVEL FLOOR, CEILING PLAN A100A CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT T . TRUE PROJECT SORTS NORTH OVERALL LOWER LEVEL - CEILING PLAN SCALE. 1/8*.= STEREO,. • 1.5131.1E/.S LOCKERS =1 I IDM . 0 1 O ii ird as Fla trd el al 0010000 alP2:20M NIEZnig SHOO. 54Er.g I BR I MASSAGE MASSAGE 1 owl 113 Ilme1117 Iti.14111:5211M. s lbw • GCRRIDOPI reJ IALAORY METES LOCTEMS I mo S memoir I 013 I £14S 'WAS AO 1.1ERS 'NW 1MS (Th OVERALL LOWER LEVEL - FLOOR PLAN 16,21./ SCALE 1/8'= 'NY 111111111111101 TRUE PROJECT f13311,1 Tel 0- O 1 r I. TAT RES L.- - STAR I 111 1 ELEVATOR 111/ ri.hridaLINEr STTPIESS PETAL MEM -0 o i 0 OVERALL MAIN LEVEL - CEILING & LIGHTING PLAN SCALE: 1/8' = TRLE PROJECT NORTH AORTH e Fow TORE MEM MOM ® . jl 86 ...amanor...warTAr 10 Sot* 411111 &red 1.610eapo5s. MU 55402 1612 339-2257 1612_349-2930 sheadesIgA.com ORAL. :lICI t4 INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB FIELD HOUSE BUILDING 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 • .TAI INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 Tell 1111MIT COMFY PUT PR R4. V.4501P165 OP WORT PM SAMS MR OILMAIRli PRO ATIPPRI RP TUI IAV ADAM MORES AS,NITCRIVNERE LAASOFiiE STATE r - uppEsma 03,A ST, I WAFT PT, WARM 22241S-1,1 ORM. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ARAM. mita To Rue 1Ye 8566.02 2022-05-04 KM HS/JK00N/S0 stmt. OVERALL MAIN LEVEL FLOOR, CEILING PLAN A101A 0 'azo EES C.) 1 21,11 O ii z I CITY OF EDINA MAY 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT FI_ATES NEN OVERALL MAIN LEVEL - FLOOR PLAN SCALE. 1/8' = 1,1). INITI,RPOSF ROOM MGM TITLE PROJECT NORTH KORTH ®EB I I Shea 10 508111E89111S1reet floreapolis,1811 55402 1612_339.2257 f 612 349-2930 sheaisign.com ::.,.. 0 EXTERIOR KEY NOTES FINISH SCHEDULE - EXTERIOR EXTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES SEALANT 8.97.1,L-0•07Es UM REUSED OA NG 511:80 mow ai I. COORDINATE WITH DIECIOJICAL ELECIRICAL PLUIA3BIG AND 51GRADC DRAHTIGS MIL FlAS11440 1.0 DESCREITICtI ,,,, 1,pellary Umnalo.--pcn FOR ALL PVTETRAT OAS THROW. THE EXTERDR ENALCP6 1 A210 .. DESCRETTUI I 411.0,1 STORE-FR[1R G_ANIG SYSTEL1 '4:'''''057RED:71.4:: Le': A 611 ELECIRKAL DRAWINGS f OR DEMUR WIRING LAIOU1. -ly' 2 STUCCO WALL SYSTEM SEE [ETAS 404 MORE 1,40 41141/ 2 MEWLS NW,. ral02.43 SYSTEM 3. BOLD,. SICAILDE MO MAW. PAZ UDDER A SEPARATE PERMIT MID WIT PART SLAU1.1 STORETRUIT GLADA3/ DOOR OPEIH,G. PETER TO SCHEOU-E 144:1 DETALS EAS, BRICK - ExTEP1OR OF THE FLAN FEVEW. SI.C. TO FRONDE a:10AM AT 0015.ER FOR Aj. SWAGE - ,C, TO toCROHATE WITH YE-MORPH° DRADTAS. J. Dili VEHJOR TO PROVIDE WM. Ill WONG. WOOD TRIM BD 4 EXILADR UGIII FUTURE_ REFER 10 UGH, PIC PAM 4440 ur.,0 i ono. SC-EDDIE. EN4D-I DITE/DUP TRIM BOARDS 5 ADDRESS MI LOWIDH MUST RE Fr., WEL 5 AHD I EGID S FROM PRIMA, 00 I.NDIOAD IG-1. CONFIRM W/ LOCAL AUHORITES. .,...„,„ -at EXIERODR SIGRAGE PLAOUE BY MIL. REM:MS.8A EVOD-2 DECORAWL BRACRE, 5 MC. I, NW. BON B4E ABOVE' GRADE. CONFIRM El.', L °CATION WITH FIRE II 8 SEAMESS STEEI GUTTERS ADO DOWIISPGUT SYSTEM TED TITO DIACAGE SYSTEM. WS ER TO CIA. DRADP4DS. 1403.3 DEEORAII. BR4CKE I CE7L:PAIDENOO'sC'IG2DT:T::::1-'::::°::::7: CLARSIDILL 7 PROW* CCIITRO. JONES AT All COI OP AHD MOH MATERIAL TRAI.SITIVIS 11001 STUD (61W/ 1 1.12 TRW BOARD. SEE DEIALS 6051,1ORL DEO. 41BERMASS PISULATP311 8 100 1114.1 BOARD SEE DSTALS F05 1.40RF IWO 1.-4 YAHDCW RAPPER BOX 11 14 114,4 BOARD. BM DETAILS FOR 41ORL IMO. I111,1 RATURAL GAS FDIFFIACE 'CLAS‘U'SICU'COTPER650' - 10 741 TREIL IS E104,11 SEE DETAILS FOR MORE MO 113V0.11 CLOGI 4110 HSU ARON ,,,W JUIPIT TAPE 1 be TR" LLS BOARD. SEE DUALS TOR WOK PIO. 1100F.1 AR:HITECTIRAL EIBERD1 445 ASP., SHaiLES 12 I*CORKIDE CORBEL SEE CCM S MR WAIF IWO. R004-2 1AFTAL RCOINO SYSTEM . DOH:EATS/ FASTENER 13 PLADIER BOK SEE DETAILS PORIXREPIFO. 10-2 DECORATNE BRACKET DESTEN1 RED CEDAR . ROUGH SAYAI 4 ROSS SD LCCATICH REFER TO DESIST ASSIST MER. CSIERC.13 MOO muus LATH DIAISAGF KAM 1 1 Irrml 17 REPLACE CHAIDLY. SEE DUALS FOP WEE MO. IHS CEDAR SCRAICH CORI 13.9) II DECOPATUE STEEL (3414144, PUTS REM TO 71PE41 WS-1 WALL SYSTEM. SIUCCO En0LOSURE SALM. 1.44TCH CLUBHOUSE BROM COAT 1381 STUCCO 081, ara.tari - 18 r EXTERIOR WALL SYSTEM DETAIL 0 ;• ® €0 SCALE- 1 It? @ ay., = 1,CY 4 0 1) 0 PROD OD INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB FIELD HOUSE BUILDING 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 \ / 1009 dm( INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 ; TOY , 28 De ,,115.1 WO' ; T-8' DIS A ;EY POI 41 , f. , C 2 14 , 141. 0 • I iI SEE 1 ,.421N FOR TV. ROTES. DM. ETC. T/ POUF 1JE Y> :••,,,,;/, 1 "17.211MAr... Jer "0.11a. 4, - A N. ROOF t4-2 •Mil =Mu :E . Ti 49.*_, ; ',Tii:N=Viirar .. • ..........m .1 liaidt26. CITY OF EDINA 1“i'!t!-- NI7:1 0 DO® AYAL ALYAN/A 17ANVANN . 1 AI T .,," - ______ __________ 1 22022 : 1 : 1 pLANN M IN A G Y / CI 0 0 00 , _ , _ 7 7 \ DEPARTMENT _ _ 41 . VE4 , EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST _ .. 141484 CrElrarDT 1. PI AA TalICIII., LAM ORIIIAS PALPAED MEM MEP II. 04.4CISPHIASC/Atn F441144/ A DAY I4RD/01.4,111CILPOS RS LAID Of DF STALE 44110130IA. 0.41 A. S1.18 0110 SCALE, I/4' = 1,0' 0 0 ® 0 ® 0 2 8,0 , 2,11 * 4 , TO C111/6E0 POT TEL IAD, 0 4=. i . M.140 R. 2VAOS-04 PIP 1 -- DUE M B IPBEe s I i :I1C o -: ..,{any_. 1 11E41.1, ,, ,- i x.„. 7 . DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION no. Ms tsvwdla _ _ -- FAN 17•1 V N , Lz.A 1/Z1 L A , I I I -7 II rA El &Jam= 1 504074 H I-2 ifj-C1 .., !I I, `J T--..,- # i _ _.7 0 " I 07,7s # # # 0 TTP 3 . . , a a. I —7—' 7 - if ,...... , ,.....-, \ # = \ _ I No-I 0 0O 00 ,:-,-) 00 00 ( 00 00 ®® 0 ' 0 0 II-5 TYP 0 — ,i,....—, ,I—. —c 41?- ,------- # Pled?, 8566.02 04..44 2022-05.04 I DIO 1 0 # 0 # # ___N \/, / # 40 .. \ __.1.., / ..." ......, KM d.,,,,,,., HS4K/I1W/50 TIP \3..../ II I \ . JO s' -.T1 1."-- istikrL889. u .. -i- 00 ELEVATION - SOUTH 0 Tel tIr EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS .EXTERIOR SCALE: 1/4 = 1,0" I I I I I A210 FINISH SCHEDULE - EXTERIOR EXTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES NR1 42 1,441/a• LT., al 0-•-_,41. 'Mena 44 I. COORMAILISTT0NE0WIIeK ELECTRICAL RUABIIG0.0520NAGE DRAWINGS FOR NE PEWIT:LOONS BROD. THE DCTERVaR BNELOPE I SEE ELECIRKAL ORAWBGS EOR EST uoaR LICA,IBIG BABA, EIGIA3EAD AWNINGS ARE TINDER 4, SEPARATE FLAW AND NOT PART OE 711IS PLAN RESEW. SC. TO PROVIDE BLOCKIVG NID PC0I00FORA.S13liGE - C. TO OSCROINATE MTN VENDOR PM DRAVIINGS. A BUN VENDOR TO PROVIDE MIL TM GLAZING 21000-1 FORFERCTO BARB SISTEL. EArAZF 21//2 OKRAS-a WrOCA ALAMO STS1IN DM. BRONZE • I EPBE BRICK-EXTERIOR 60• RED BAB ID, DEPSESO HAR0 110 MATT 5 ADDRESS SIGN LOCATION 1.0.15T RE PIN.IY VG. F ND LEGIBE FROM PROAA51/ OR 1.414 ROAD S RD, COIBERAW/ LOCAL ALITHoRITES. -14n. ET V3-1 EXTERIOR TRIM BOARDS MATCH CLBJ1314SE LBO.2 DECORAINS BRACKET 15ES1E11114E0 CEDAR - ROUGH SAVA/ 6 1a0uerl,10%130% SO' PROVE GRADE. CONFRIA FEAST lOSATIO111,1TP1 FRE MARSHAL I (P0/OE CCIITRB UTMSAT An COLOR 010 FlIS- TRANSITIONS 0I0-3 DECORATNE BRACKET ASSTERII RED CEDAR - ROUGH SORT ENDA WOLICW PLANTER BOP CEDAR FiRs.1 NATIIRAT OAS FBEFIALF II,A1R-11 CLOCK BLACK RODE4 ARSIIRECRBAl FBERGLASS /BBIALT SINISIES 111440102)0 14004-.2 OEM RCCEBOO STBEVI• ccets,EAED FAST ENTA CLASSIC COFFER TR2 DECOR/BBB BRACKET WESTERN RED CEDAR - R014511 S41111 IRS EXTERIOR WOCO TRELLIS CEDAR 115-1 11/41. BMA • STUCCO Elsa OSURE SOL UDC.. MATCH CO/ERASE 0 EXTERIOR KEY NOTES NOT ELL KEYNOTES MAYBE USED ON 111G stial; ho. DESCPSTICII TOO I A210 - DESCRP11241 1 2 STUCCO WILL SYSTEM SEE [ETATS FOS !LORE TOO STOREFRONT GLAM..; I DOOR OPENING. RIPER TO SCHECI.LE NO DFA ILS. 4 DOM. LD111 F VII 11RL REFER TO LIGHTING 1,41.5 0110 LINO FIVIIRE SO-EDULE. EXTERIOR SICOUGE PLAGUE BY OTHERS II 41011511 5,(A. 4 SEAMESS STEEL GUTTERS EEO 00.011%1GUT STSITO TBD MO DRACAGF ST510/. REFER 10 CIA DRABBOS. 1 512 MBA BOARD. TEL DUALS 009NOB NT 0 8 1.10111114 BOARD SEE DTIAlS FOR MORE INFO 8 IA IBM RDA.. SEE MBAS FCC ACRE UFO. 10 242 TR2L1S BOARD SEF DETALS FOR MORE NFO 11 2.09 TRELLIS SCAR, SEE OVALS FOR MORE MT II Is D,ECORATIB CORSE SEE ORALS FOR BORE WO 13 PLANTER GOA. SEE CLTOSS FOR MORE IFS. 14 HOSE BB ICCATICN REFER TOMSK.: ASSIST 14F E. IT FIREPLACE CANINEIS NEC DUALS FOR I/0111140. I. DECORMITE STEEL CHILITET POTS. REFER Te 1FRF.21 10 South Elphlh 59111 1.11rineapoks. PAII 55402 I 612_339-2257 I 612_349-2930 sheadesign.com 0 @ 216 VA T EL 122-5' POTS .„ gn ULM SEE / As,0 FOR TIP, NOTES D.A. ETC. 20 D 4 I n /111 R030 14-2 Te_N/NL 12a 00 241014 INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB FIELD HOUSE BUILDING 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 @ 1 " 1 414/ N CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 202? PLANNING DEPARTMENT - If r II II I I I = 8 8 XIP 00 10 001034 1,4141ro 8566.02 KM 2022-05-04 HS/JON/SO MAN LEV FL 8 QED 0 • INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EXTERIOR ELEVATION - EAST EDINA, MN 55436 SCALE' 1/4' = 1,0' 0 0 0 T O. CRILIE , PIS. lEff GETFOOT VG FOE PTEFICAR., CA FIT MOW PAPA. BLUR MO. AI, A111 SAR,EUINOIRN NB ARAI, !GRUBB:ATM ISOM Ilf LAM UR( 51AIE LAVIOLITA FOR INP, NOTES DP., ETC DAM A 13n 11 *RIFF POLE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH SCALE: 1/4 = A211 ra 16.10' :VA ca 8566.03 dra. JF 2022-05.04 O a) O O a) 0 O O 0 REST RO' EA 04E5 C-KNOING R I re3 Room Alf LT. ELEV MEM LECH 024 BREAM OCKER ROOM • 1 R21 I. • 4 MEM J. STORAGE MEM STMR E as MEN UtliNIShED SPACE O 026 CM•MGE4 ROCM EMPLOYEE RESTROOM DIa BREAK., OCAER ROOM 0 22222222 STARA LAiEJSHED SPACE ELEV 014 (Th OVERALL CEILING PLAN - LOWER LEVEL SCALE 1/8 — 1,0° CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ao TRUE PR PROJECT WAIN NCRTH OVERALL FLOOR PLAN - LOWER LEVEL SCALE' 1/8 e ITE.E PROJECT NORTH NORTH 10 South 6.41111 Street rAnneapolls. M1155402 t 612339.2257 1612_349-2930 sheadesign.torn KoarA INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB RESTUARANT LODGE BUILDING 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD EDINA, MN 55436 • INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 NOM CORR NM T. KM EICITAIL4, M WORTRSS PK.P.M.B710‘ OR MAR. 0F4C14.441,46.14a1. 0:81M0MC4PECTUVERTM IA, Or 14 MAE CINOESOM. Os. Siva • PRKTFO %W. 2[22.054,4 341)1,1140 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION II ab 44.441a Issue 1St 'nein OVERALL FLOOR & CEILING PLAN - LOWER LEVEL A100B TRUE PROJECT 'TROTH 2.00TI1 ED ED OVERALL FLOOR PLAN - MAIN LEVEL SCALE 1/8' — 1'-CY 1,8 [CAWS, PATIO MUM 1AATCEILINE 0 O 0 O (ID O 0 CO) .17 CS r`Y 11 STAIR A _ UP W-1 14.101 - 2•201. T TABLE 1E117111 2 I ILA CAtli Us I • 00.00 CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT I\ A DP1P10 MOM ( TRUE PROJECT tIORTH 11CRTI1 ED ED 10 50orth Eighth Street Minneapolis, MI1 55402 612_339-2257 1612 349.2930 sheacresign.com PA. Pk INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB RESTUARANT LODGE BUILDING 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD EDINA, MN 55436 CSC INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 11117(STOTTET POT Mel OTOTCATIOA 14111301T SAS P111.2.9 SOL MI :01N ,[ HP 41211AP 2 DAY 02110 AP,ITECT MOO Re IMO Of TO 1.1.11,1APPESOTA 00,410 Shca • 122.1111412.P U1/.211.Pt 2122.05-120 1411I1S1113 179E2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION re ble aspdIa !Me Ott 8566.03 2022-05-04 JF H5/50 a..rs OVERALL FLOOR 8 CEILING PLAN - MAIN LEVEL A101B 16,10. 13,2 24 1 20.1+' C-9. OVERALL CEILING PLAN - MAIN LEVEL SCALE 1/8 — 1.-0" hkan 0 0 0 0 0 I O 0 =rcp= 0 p Mil PI 1lite® 6.='= 1 ...e• - IJ 04418 wer e 103 I TRISH LI1CLOSURL MEM L I 1 1-11 • il • Nrail :: .6 • .6 1 MENU 41111111 • I • Ilk All • L - _ 0 0111E13 I 1,1 I 0 04111 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10 424 Q. 10 -7 z / 1-01 IV OI.2 (lb O 0 TI8040910 O]1. \\ Inn ate .1214 8566.03 2022-05-04 c1,4c14$ 115/30 JF A210 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - EAST SCALE: 1A' = 1,7 0 EXTERIOR KEY NOTES RIOT ALL KEYNOTES I/AV BE USED ONTIOS SlIZET) 1,0 D.44-1,1071C11 00 I MATISARD ROOF TRUSS STRU:TURE REFER TO MAT/CRAM. WARMS FOR MORE WO. 2 STUCCO WALL STMEAT SCE CE1 ALS 104 40RE. ha 0 3 SICREFROIR GIA79.3 / DOOR OFFING REFER TO SCHFCU.E MO DETALS. 4 EXTERIOR TIGHT FIXTURE. REFER TO 1151411061 KIM MID TIGHT FRIURE SC.IESOLL. 1 EXTERIOR SIGTIAGF PUOUE II 0114EITS114101130 5-IEA , 00..0 105 STEEL CMIERSAALIDOWILSPCUT ST5I01 MD 9410 0-1.49ME 4 REFER TO CI& °TIMMS 7 14121119.41300RD.SEF OFTALS FOR MORE P400 8 WO IRP.4 BOARD. SEE DETAILS 103140141 040. 9 1.6 TM BOARD SEE DETAILS FOR MORE TWO II TALLNORK CVSI011 CABAETRY. SEE ENIARSLD PLANS 8 OVALS. 11 DSCORATNE CORSET. SEE COALS FOR AKRE IWO 12 PUNTER BEM SEE COALS FOR MORE Pt 0. 13 15000 STRJCTUR41 FRAMPIG 14 METAL ROOF STSIEV. KEEP 10 PETALS 0 OR V.IRE MO. IS CO-111.P.1 I WOOD ORCIT SEE DETAILS FOR 1/CRE 0(0 17 FREPLAa. 0.19...E1r. SEE DUALS TOR MORE PEO. TO IMORATNE STEEL CH1.1.t1 POTS. REFER TO IFFLE-2) 19 STONE PO WALL /.101ATEOCLOCr. FFICV1OF BtOC14940 8 POWER _ 21 PPE BOLLARD. SEE AIL f 015011 INF 0. 22 211.1. 23 CARD READER 24 ADA POWER ASSIST I. OCA110.4 25 110SE BEI LCCATIC0 REFER TO DESIGN ASSIST LEP FINISH SCHEDULE - EXTERIOR 0154.R1103. ALUM I STOREFRONT GUMS STSTEL4 21 10152 OPER. E 111.030W GI ATM SYSTEM PRA 2 EXTERIOR 131:1. (TO 1011. OIG/ CIO,: 2 IKCCRATIVI. CO,CR,IE 8113.1 EXTERIDR TRP.1 BOARDS FWD, EXTERIOR OFCCRATta A003 RRACI.FT EWO-3 EXTERt311,1114DOW PLAUTFA PDX FRE-1 MAWR. GAS FIREPLACE - ExTERSOR HDWR.12 STEEL SAFETY POLLARD IN GROU1131 MATCH [14511) 1IDAR-14 EXIEMA CLOCI, ERACA 8001.1 ARCH TECTUR4t. FBERGLASS AS,. SHMLES 0.40000e0 ROOF-2 VET, ROOFING ST51111, COOCEALED FASTE,,ER CLASSIC COPPER SI-8 EXTTAIOR SIDOE VENEER 60% MISSION SPR ASS/66, TUSCAN BUILDERS WS-1 STUCCO EvqnsuRE SOLUTION 0441 CH CLUP-1,11E.L EXTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES I COORDINATE ,1011.11.CHATIE.14.. EILC1F4CAL, PLUITSPIG AND STOWAGE DRAWPOGS FOR All PENCTRAT U.S 1181041411 TM EXIERI3E1 ENVELOPE 2. SEC EUECIRICAL °HAMM FOR EXTERIOR 1104,114 LAYOUT. 3. BJLD..GSK.A'A3 ARE UUDER A SEPARATE PERIM PhD NOT PART Of TACT 01.0. 01/31 V. GC. 10 FROME BLCC41110 MD POWER 00110/1 SIGNAGE -GC. TO COORDIKATE MDI VEITDCR 0/113 DRANTM. 4. 2E01 VET *OR TO FRSMDE WPM ON GLUM_ 5 ADDRESS SISIT LOCATOR MST BE FLA., WEI F A00 TEGIS.F 000,1 PRAWN OR ION 0010-M4.S 14104. CONFIRM W/ LOCAL AUNDRRES. 6 MUTT KNOX PDX P.' PROVE GOADS. OONFIR,.1 (NAST LOCATION MTH FRE VARSTIALL 7 FRO/OE CCTITRO_ Joras AT ML COLOR MD MIS, 1.7A7111.41 84424101. 21002E SAW SWAM. T 60, R.3:1 PAR‹ 401 EXPRESSO PAM 110 011. .11 304ti KARL 641 WATCH CLUE1,ME 1130.5%) 11E51E101RM CEDAR • 303044 FAWN CEDAR PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 61 " tT BP-5 24,11 16,10. SCALE 1 1/7 = 1,0 1 , j r 0 OMEINE ” / 0 . I 1.. O. 0 ilit, 0 # D O ,-10 f , 1 mans. A OC> 74245 INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB RESTUARANT LODGE BUILDING 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD EDINA, MN 55436 as INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 O 00 0 16.2 220 .1 0 1,r ULM ..,EF FORT". NOTES DIVS, FTC. 4 T T.O. EV POTS EL 120 5' CO RR POT PG R. 1,1101134 1.1.301T 0301E1 BATE OR AMP 1to 17:6A9:.0 I 4 0 1.1 INI ADM, 1RFO IPOTRRE 146 OF 14 STATE Cr URNT,011. 00440 Siva • 11.1111 SEAR. 212248-04 D Il G9.011 12282 .17 564,441 Im FLAS-1040 WOOD 510015/ 0 FSERGLASS PISULA1101: MID 0451 V.113.0103522440/ KIM TAPE LATH D41.427AGE PLANE (11m.r.) SORATC1 COAT OD I BROWN coAT STUCCO 11781 5,1_901 /DOD 101.1130 V EXTERIOR WALL SYSTEM DETAIL 10 South 0011th 5100 lAnneapots. PAII 55402 1612 339-2257 1612_349-2330 sheartesign.com cons..le SWIM EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS RM 6 1 /2' 2 MNI ,AEI 10 South Eighth Street 1.1nneapo0s. MN 55402 t 612 339.2257 612_349-2930 sheadesIgn.com PLANNING DEPARTMENT PIIRMFM INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB RESTUARANT LODGE BUILDING 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD EDINA, MN 55436 HMN CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 L / I MAN Ictk crJ LEVEL O O O O 130 24.5 ID 10 20-10 T.O. CleallET POTS EL 125 .6 0615. SLR .10 FOR GP. 150TES OIL. ETC I 0 C4 TIS /R1 or IN-2 200 01 0 I I -I 7 c0 I# 170 ILMI-11 LI 158 53-0 200 6'. 17 9 trt TO DMINFT ROTS EL 120 OOZE SLL 3 AN 0 FOR TN. NOTES. DNS. VC 110067 NM. IN4T SD FIG myirAno, .1119n Ills M1/0,2 Fr ADLR.J. 1 C1574970014441041101240 NR11211$O FIECIIFOFRDE LANCET TE 'TAG ,1111991010. 044 2 A shm 4 Nium .104E 47.41101 Mean 00014 8566.03 2022-05-04 Ran JF ORIN HS/SO EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 5974414 0• 0 EMI GUM MUM " 40-7.tt°' 0) I V Te l\'~105y IFP ® EXTERIOR KEY NOTES OPT ALL 6(010166 MAY BE U5510 C. DIG 511-a-T) NC DESCRETICII DO I 0.0VGAREI ROOF TRUSS STRUCTURE REFER TO SIRUCTL RAE DRAD0215 FOR GOFE 9(0 2 STUCCO NALL STSILN FEL [EINES FOR MORE KO STCAEFROSR GUMS 4 DOLJOOK0e. RFFER TO SO-EDGE ANO [EMILE 4 EXIT.. LIGNT FIGURE REFER TO LUND. P...4.55 AND LIGHT ForTuRE SCEOLAT_ EXTERIOR SILI444GF PLAQUE Br OVERS TIMousu ((A 6 SE.ILESS STEEL[ uTIERS AND 170wilSECuT Sr...ED!. LMAT,CL MGM REFER To CML DRAWINGS 7 1,12 TR. BoARD SEE Cw-rAls N. NO. KO B 1410 TRIM BOW.. SU DE1AS TOB STORE KO 9 1.6 MI B04r0 SFE DETAILS FOR NoRE 0,0 M ULIWOML MAIO. CABAETRY SEE ENLARGED PLANS 6 OVALS. II EIScolGTNE Corea DEEMS FOR INTO 12 E O. PLANTER EMX.SEE CEIALLS 44.1... 9* O. IS 1.00 STRJCTLFIAL FRAUNG 14 METAL ROOF MEI, IL-TERM OETALS TOR MORE E.G 0. 15 CO.D54 IS GOOD Mai SEE MAI S E09 MR; PHT. II DREAM' CLIME, SEE DUALS TOR MORS 140. II 107-CORATNE STEEL 01441.45, POTS. R TO TREF] _ 19 SIPE 20 WAIL WANTED CLOCE FRC OC .6 FOVEA 21 FEE BOLLARD. SEE DETAIL I OR FIORE BIF 0. 22 ERICK DI CARO WADER. 24 ADA FDHER ASSET L OCATKM 25 HOSE BS LCCATED REEVING DEsr.4 ASSIST 51 E A 1.5740910 MONO. 0ARK ERDAIE T 025 R.03 EAR< 405 1X0115.50 DARK ONYX VAN LONE PEBBLE 641 VATAI CLUMMUSE 9.7755) wEsTERI2 REO CE C414 Ro (LH 5.911 CETA9 IATCH (E40-1) BLACK BARMS000 CLASSIC COPEUI 509 PASSICe. SPR 4,41505 TUSCAN BUILDERS usICACURADITEL I COONON41C4NIH MOW., ELECTRIC, ELLWOOD NO 5IC(40E1.4.005 FOR ALL PEVEMATONS ITEloUGH THE EVERY. EINELOPE 2. SEE ELECIMCA5DRAYING5 fOR MEMOS LIGHT/. LMOUI. J. GELD!. FIGNAGE ARE UNDER A SEPARATE KRIM AND NOT PART LIE OM FLAN 0061540. GC. TO PROVIDE BLCCX9.A.3 POWER FOR ALL 5.41AGE GC. To COORDIACE WITH VEILOCR MLO ORANTIGS. 4. Er. VENDOR TO FROVOE NUL 0f1 GLAD. 5 AOBRESS SOI LOCATOR) AN/51 BE FLAW/ 11.361.F NO IFGELF FROM PRIMARY OR MAN 0010 .021 14*-1 MUFFIN Vo LOGI/ ALITHORITES. 6 MVP 4406 BON O.' MO,- GRADE. CONFIRM FORT 1000110.1 VAN FF. MAISMAIL 7 PROW. [COMO. JOINTS AT AIL COLOR 010 FTRI.1 MATEP141 FINISH SCHEDULE - EXTERIOR EXTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES 2.7 DEKR ETTA ALUM I STOREFROUT GLAZING MSIELI AGRI( oPFRAGE MOON GLATT.G STSTEIK BRK 2 60110230 EDI. GO VAT. ODI CNC 2 OSCCRAINE MEM FO1ERI141 TB. BOARDS .513-2 FOEMORDSCCRAINE W009 E.R9C1FT EVO EXTFJ1/01M5110074 PLANTER EOM MEL NATURAL CAS FFEMACE EKTERIOR 513.14512 511E_ SKEIN BOLLARD (1.4 GROLAMJ 110010-I1 EKTEIVORC_OCk ROOF-I A10ITIEC1UK5L TDERGLASS AS.ALI SHINGLES R009-2 VETA5 ROOFTG GWEN • CCNCEALED F45TE5S11 ST4 [GERM 5101( MEER OS-I SIUOCO ENcKosurG SOLuDON INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH SCALE 1/4' = 1,04 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST SCALE. 1/4 = A211 1TP 0 0 0 0 0 4 1104 I 14 4 I MMI I E101140 1-‘11 rya, C) 0 0 CO) 0 8 1. 251 8566.01 2022-05.11 IAV <ru, JFAMIIW F/5514 UP I ITP 1 PS 1 1 TAP. 11. EXTERIOR ELEVATION - TENNIS COVER - SOUTH SCALE. 1/8' — 1-0' 0 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - TENNIS COVER - WEST I IAP I ASCIA AO 1 1TP 0- I 1TP '11 OP I I H EAU4 I EXTERIOR ELEVATION - TENNIS COVER - NORTH SCALE 1/8' = 1,0' TO RIDGE 138• T.O.WALL LL. 113,21 RAV GOWER COLOR TO MAT5P1 TIP. GRADE IL Pr EXTERIOR ELEVATION - TENNIS COVER - EAST SCALE 1/8" — 1'-0' EXTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES I. COORMAIE WITH ARD-0211CAL 1.1..ELIFOCAL PIAPASPIG ND SIGNAGE BRAVADOS FOR ALL PENEIPATORS THROULIN THE 0/10032 ONELOPE 2. SEL LLECIRTAL DRAP•TIGS FOR LPILBATIA LIGHIFIG LAYOUT. 3. BJLD12.0 513,1,SE ADO AWI,P7CS APE MO/ERA SEPAPATL PERMIT /4110 N217 PART OF 7111S PLAN REVEW a C. TO FRONDE BL0041413 ARD PLY/ER FOP A.L.SITIAGE - GC. TO OXRDPIATE WITH VEIDOR ARO DRAWLS. 4. SIGN VEHTOR TO FRONDE WITS ON GLAZP2G. 5 ADDRESS SG11 1. OCAT1011 MUST BF RAD, NSW F MO ITGELF FROM PRP4A00 OR MALT ROAD - DPI. SRI.. CLITIR5110/ LOCAL AUTHORBES. 4 1.1CUIR NUM 40% AD ABOVE' GRADE 50I/FIRM MST LosAno, WITH FIRE LIARS/11AD 7 PRITillf CCUT110. !OPTS AT AI l cot. MID FI1E-11401FRIAL TRARSIT1371S FINISH SCHEDULE - EXTERIOR ALARA OFSCADTKII1 01111,1 510PIEFROf11 CLAUD ST57E11 C.CAND1 DECORATIVE 00•10RFTF LVD 1 WIRTH IRPA EMARDS ETD 4 SERUCTURAL IRIBLELS FE-1 FE//CrEePE 1 FE.2 LUKE TYPE 2 01-1 EVE11101 OWING IOWA 12 STEEL WHY BCC.° Uli GROUND) lilt-I NET 'ME 1 P/02 NIT TYPE 2 (CABLE) PA0-1 PATTERED PAYERS PAU a PATIERIFED PAVERS F.SX-1 MAUD CULFEr • PA;k1Fakl FIN, FIAT.0,1.1 TENNIS efFVU RV -2 F.1) 0.1 TEEM (11: USED) ROOF-I ariculTEC71.1.1. FEM.,. ASPIVVF ...LES 00102 VE 1AL NOCP NC SYSTEM C014 .F01254E1.5 5F/1 DU FEATSIF - WATER ;CUM. Si 2 VIE 2.12/117- - FRE FEMUR,. SF-2 SUE FEATURE - FRE TABLE SCO 1 500 TE10-1 PM-IRU CIAYCOU.), TFM1S TE10-2 YARD COURT -111.111S IOW-1 TUFF WS-1 MIL SISTER- I W52 WALL SYSTEM- 2 - POITCARBORAIL SYSTEM 0 I EXTERIOR KEY NOTES 0007 ALIKTITOIES MAT BE USED ON 106 SHELD EIESCRPILIN AO. I FAUX MAWR- RJOF ASSEVELT 007ITPAFS BLIT. 2 ODWASPODT - 001.0f1TOMATDIALUVAI COWITAJOUS RAN GUTTER- COLOR TO MATCH ADIWI CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 NNING DEPARTMENT P 10 South Eighth 50111 1.5011eapolts. MN 55402 1612_339-2257 1612_349-2930 sheadesIgccom ,4005 INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EOINA, MN 55436 as INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 LAY 11.14510EPITITAAT THSRM EPILIFLVITA IRBIDDNAS P21.P/f. DALaiLI.IXRMI OFMS),P1C-01.... TMT 12111, DA 1.021311AA2010I VOL 71-f LAAS Of TT Vet L'INALSOLL 1306.1 A Shea • PARTED N. SURA 2422A1524 SAIL ITUIS 000 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ro. inue4 114,1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - TENNIS COVER A210 WO= 411 Cl —0 PL LL 1.35 3 IC RIDGE C) -7- I 2/120v 1--, I FATA1 FASCIA • MR • • MI NI 0 TIJLLL±LL111 ) 1. EJB WS-1 - EXTERIOR WALL SYSTEM DTL. SCALE, 1 1/2 = Io 10 I () I -I I II J 0 9 -711 -1 .1-1 I A FASCIA —RA-41 GUlTER HOR TO NAT 44, SCALE. 1/8. = SEALANT MEL FL/AV-1M SFALATT WOO) TRIM 10 6110.11.1.11 VT PLY. I I2 METAL PAJIEL 1 I/7 GOUT 1100201TAL 'LAT 511.21VELS /LTD STUD IS ) W/ FIBERGLASS r4surAnc8 RICO 135)1 AMR 121 WI J0112 TAPE LATH MANAGE PLNIE 00514 SCRATCH COAT 4104 BROW% COAT (TT, 511)500 DB / 0 Li II ICH o 10)1 FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1. GUMUCIO'S S.11.21E21 111L SIZE AIM ULM& WALVIS MTH ALL EASING CUIDMOSS PRIOR TO SIAII/M1041 OF Do. 2. 1/L COIIIPACICS SHALL 1210L 031.2 NECESSARY IILM4115 MUM 4CL LICENSEES MID COW GTES ND PAY ALL EELS CONTI:CUD DICREWEM. 3. ME a/MAW:TOR AT MITPAE•S SHALL KEEP PREMISES EAU FROM M.510 IAATEFIAL 5 MO RJE2IGH CAUSED SE ME WORK 4. REFER TO 0 tOS5/M: ASSIST MEP. FOP MEC-IA.07AL ELECTILEAL PLUMBING NM SNOW ER LAYOUTS 5 LOCALE EIRE EFT./ 01MERS LIMOUCA IMAT AS MOORED BY COM 6 MI COLT,111:8: or TOE PROILCI COOIRACIOR SHALL WA51 CLEA14 ALL SURFACES MO LEAVE T•10 MAK In. A CLEM/ COILDITIMI 0 I ENLARGED PLAN KEY NOTES 1301 All 0(9110113 MAY BE 01110 DU IRS 522.21) Ill. DESCRIMIDII 1 CHAVAPILVIS STAMM SEAT SEE OFTAL GATE OfIENFOG II EflICMG. RE•USED 'RETAKE LOCATION PLAIMOLS) PESE9 TO LAMSCAPEORAVINGS LA HOSE 813.REFER TO DEEM ASSIST MEP. 6 GLULAAI STENCILAVL CO-US MT, I WATER BOTTLE FLUNG STATIVI 8 FLOOR MAI% MP OCIEATELL MODEL' FUME 1 BOTTLE 111n8G STAMMI 10 ROSH COWEN STEEL 8 DOVITISAOUT LOCATICII. 9 ti OROLIVO SAFETY BOLIN. 817,89•121 9 CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT * * * O PA/ I L--- rpm, Ail S L L L U 0 e O 0 1 ISIMS COVES 1 I HT 1 • * W * W • * W * * • 4. * W • * • 4) W * * • 4. • • * .4, * • • 4, * TOP. 2 1 17,0 12 .21 tr, ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN @ TENNIS COVER SCALE. 116• = .1 r 10 Sot* Bghth Street Minneapolis, MY 55402 t 612 339-2257 1612349-2930 sh ea de Op .0 OM amm. INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 • OM INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 sl I IPRB,UFtFYT1ATTGRM.STEMMA LF FLEW 11AS WA. MIL LA LAOUI VI 221:I 3,212eSIM AM 1.1 IAV ADM, OEPLITI1011801 NOM ILE LAPS OE 14 slat ct LOALT013. WA n F5831 NWE SILM1114 2422.5•04 541( 0,015 11150 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ra. etml for st.mm ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN - TENNIS COVER m I MIGIM EDDA Yeo A110 2022-05-11 8566.01 NW —S J6KMILIW axe 0114.2 12'5 6 xelL7 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY -for- Interlachen Country Club #6200 Interlachen Blvd. Edina, MN 55436 4.132 N 490 23 6517.2 01117.3 61_ ADDRESS: #6300 WATERN1AN AVE. PID#30-117-21-40-0030 / Area - 25,2213 Wt. (0.58 acres) IOW / Lot 2, Block 1, IAENDELSSOHN-SORENSEN REPEAT, Hennepin County, Minnesota. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1610153 161117.3 01931.3 x1127.3 1.11337 0•21211 . ms 6.x6mvi ,,,,A5520( " " 3:-.2 -82.37 -.VA.. '' / '02.PLAT) 774- , -61-7.s-al&_r_1\---. _. s. 41"":„....,-,-WAC-7.;-"' '.---W1b------- Ytt -1.---- ` , Vehovau, 66.0./ ,,, ..."....". ' 'Xi"..- --...-- -- ."16:11:11;A''. l'__.r...751" 6 . 141:74 ...... 2----x -4.'.-7-4.9 .,;x 1 ,314 .2 ....:0 '...-: .,,,,, ---7 .3 : 1, ., . ............. .,..• .- -- -,__ .... ,,-,..6.. _„,, ..-. •-- __ K7.3 .--""-'' 71,21.0 at307 oiit 1 030 0 +9.'4, 11,35. 11.30.277: 910.1 0350 e9 x.;‘,. „....-I .. 025, 89 9'40"W . 1 N$ 3125"W ,t1 82'39 f NM PIE / --- .... -- -‘ ..,.. 09311.3 Xe213 10310 BENCHMARK BASIS FOR ELEVATION: NAVE RR (VIA REAL TIME GPS MEASUREMENTS UTILIZING MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VRS NETWORKI BASIS FOR BEARINGS: NADR3 119961 (VIA REAL TIME GPS MEASUREMENTS UTILITIZING MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VRS NETWORK 9265 911 '......4":56 ..._ al, xeMa -- .... --.. 'i ''-''' ' 4111146" Li "" 1 "iiir-- -- ... ':„'..l5-0.7)” -AZT!'" ......-- / t / 7,---- - I 09 ., ' ..-X"‘"/ /fix: •,' .... :..\ t. / / -.... ....• .... \ --- -Weil. P.?J'''..,--'<- Iii.*S070%*P-Ze;rsey..7 e il! ..,,,, - 1 333.14 / / ":6: 4 ,1120.1 ...... / I , \ ....- ---. .. / / i i \ II x1117.1 /613 1416216 "'/. .••• /.....• .......' / / / --- i PID#30-117-21-14-0029 / p / ....• ..-• - ..., il "'MI 111 Me. 25311 I Area 64 25,153* sq.11. (0.68 acres) --- ...4'---.1. a ---6- 11 // .....- x.,. i,...........,.... 6.,,,,,r,_6.i .5 ...4 / , ' --. .5 , 8 cif'4 4' 4-PE: 1 ." ins.0 Lot 1, Block 1, MENDELSSOHN-SORENSEN REPLAT, •-• LEGAL DESCRIPTION I g / .,ii Xr 6 01131.1 8131610-23121M001050. ATIRA901. ......... (72.3„m , 43.., ..........16.f:r A)7%__774 Hennepin County, Minnesota. X1111.3 S/ 5.5.. 4 -.916 0 917,0 1 / 1 V, / I.:2i / 0"" "A' T.C:03 .::"EC' ' / ''': -:7..,.::-r . :-----.5:,..-- T).- 0 4, / ti: - 4 / m , / 07, i / / or' // 0,,, / °Me 1 1 to / tons / 4 \ / -1 I // /1 // ii 1 P4.5 113/761133.4 X r.,/ 63; I , ,.., A '' . / , , 1 , • MO/ X 0319 41 "3." /4-11917.3 B713&20 / 1 0117.1 317.3 ,... -.1(01 / I ca';',.. a .- / / sf / .64 \ “, )1.6. / A sith_,,,,.. , .,_ f__\, 6/ / - 6 )1"** 1 C - 11‘ ' xyliechli alt("Wi. ( 041Th-isEu. (s x"" / 6 ' . 'Y'Os.\* --.. -., ' 6.8 / iI.. ,.., - -, •-' / c -IV \ -- -Kum / 'ie, / / 9200 / / / e , ,.).^.X.' I-- x131.0 930 9 x .„330,1F' 11357 GRAPHIC SCALE 13 3a 110 1.1 ADDRESS: #6304 WATERMAN AVE. / // ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch e. 30 ft. .30.0 A e = 36,,2 soft. (0,0 acres) ADDREF4-#622.0--WAN A V E 311.5. 31.4 P113#30 .117-2.-144853 630 0 LEGALJES RI NORTH 23.00 eel of the South 245 ME`NDEL3S)HN, Hennetir Cour The West Bloc 23, Minnesota 033 1 / I / / / x033.7 / 0934.2 ( x,2.9 \ n..., 31 52193. 15 1r; 931.7 4131.0 „, 931.4 "RUIN Imo An ceo, 031 1 7 CITY OF EDINA X1303 031.11 11301. x133.11 IP kx1Y5 / 05. N'TL1 X933.7 se \ \ \W 031.6 A.A..;-1,, /• '15' , x e. \ ;'• 19230 HI 2 , / ,‘'..."'•• .2 .33.3 20.6 ed., '' • s.s. .303 239 Y.4 x ...... ^ .... elle i ave 11x4 -12i. ' 920 2 LEGEND DENOTES SOIL BORING DENOTES SIGN DENOTES UTIUTY POLE DENOTES STREET UGHT DENOTES ELECTRIC METER/BOX DENOTES GAS METER/BOX DENOTES UTILITY BOX DENOTES MISCELLANEOUS MANHOLE DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE DENOTES STORM SEWER MANHOLE DENOTES CATCH BASIN DENOTES GATE VALVE DENOTES FIRE HYDRANT MAY 1 2 2022 931.6 aadxL "" NOTES - Field survey completed 06/13/17. Additional topography located In field In Nov. de Dec, 20141 Additional site visit made In Decemberpt 0Di locate existing conditions for parcels shown w h NING address numbers along Waterman Ave. / / / / wass / / / .9- -035 20.1 931.1,11 Pae31.0 1131.11 n. X030,99, DEPARTMENT?1 8/31.64,„ 4 2 4336 9261. MI I Z.) I 1S 8 %It j 930 0 •3037 1291 4.6 SR .. 905 9291 0 out ro.s axao -3.RY EX. HOUSE 4.1 7 _ _42(5 st• 0x92 Y9 NOW. S10/0 11111477,1 MiE260 - 1I S VOL 16191301 - This survey was prepared without the benefit of titiework. Easement, appurtenances and encumbrances may exist in addition to those shown hereon. This survey is sub.lect to revision upon receipt of a title Insurance commitment or attorneys title opinion. 4. 11 ; 7 231 EX. HOUSE E 5.11-el I 03/1 10ci a_;..... 930 0 oso/ () pesos ) //x;115 -- _- / Cy- / \ \ NUM 931.0 „, 9319 WR93027" ~yya 373 031.7 03.5 315 ,ter13. ax7x--- 9x67 919 -1- DENOTES WATERMAIN ->- DENOTES SANITARY SEWER -»- DENOTES STORM SEWER 01011,2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. DENOTES EXISTING FENCE --eet- DENOTES EDGE DEUNEATED WETLAND 3339 0354209 "3" 14.390 ;i 3 : 3:9 6 . 0: 5 t \ 3.0 xe3/3 CON1R er,„ 9;9 5 7;' I .n a uml $1376619-213.3 (82.5-PLAT) N89°22'C7"W 82.53 9 6 207 01 6 6 302 ..11 we- x'd131n° 3731 1,1ri° A' I. \ 02 , NIP.Millin=41/ESIMIKEZA6M10... --• 0", 937.2 537.3 292 927 1143" 7:1/y": „..0 A ,Lt TEPMAN.,AVE. "It 27.5 23'.3 IWC' 913.. x -?89°22.07"E sm. 150.23 .7. xe 3 927 1.16 0357 • 11 • 0 13.1f•1 61588/ 11 .16112 se11.0:6":208 0303 110311.4 0.11.0 .27.0 .&20.6 :307 .315 1311 S89°22'07 E / / 926.0 109.97( 19 xe PPE 141101 MP Area 1 13,186* sq.11. (0.30 acres) I TV (Soul 0,23) .1 I •x02.2 0 c:2 \119 .0 2" A1110-35713/5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ----------- _ 831',.. Lot 2, Block 1, 'MIRROR LAKE MEW, Hennepin P --e.... County, MInnesito. oi 'Mt ADDRESS: #4309 WATERMAN AVE' PID#30-117-21-14-0038 8;-, "' .....-.0.111 Wa5 JOAO 2.2.,2 ^'i / „ (South 52 1 :-0, 9x4 ne.2lre 2f61.1PPLE0 4304f2 3133.10 X 9101 , .....I.13 I /I 09216 / / / / 003" 36 9215 I 51133.2 / 1 ' / PRE'06 0911.7 "" It hi1 ' 9-329012 09172 X OADAGE.-303 12 et, 113 "‘rt.zil - 34.0 --- BL§., 927.3 2113 /I ill .16 9 20 "61,11.-C1 934 1 1.52519 o '1°, ; 026 • 0 ES. HOUSE 33 14- .3127 i 9774 - ' 66MIN 666 66 -53.0 .27.7 3,3 3 16.27.3 x927.3 V) 41" I 41,1 / }t‘ /6112 09117 \ 02661 y Easement,periicordpial-.8_"f 923. 2\ 7.; :teas \ / / L N8 t 3 1-: w.. (110.0-PUT) 109.91 Ile sioN °l / / a S89°10'36"E- • T I \ \ 15 ,s! • •••• „„,., \\ -„ 4 LO ..4 Area 6.12.0403 0 .28sae)s k LEGAL DESCRIPTION •„X,", • ' / 9924.4 tatE17 „,,Lraw1 06''1"" \ I I/ Rev. 05/04/21, add address & I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervielon and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the lows of the State of Minnesota. X1630.21 Lot 3, Block 1, MIRROR LANE MitY, Hennepin County, Minnesota. 19923.3 ADDRESS: #6305 WATER54N AVE. ...,.. "'"' I/` PID#30-117-21-14-0039 I .0313 s'.... VIA 6 -- -- 9 - - ._‘ -.- .--. - -. 1 •-.. T t. w,VC-1--- - - -Li .„5,","" "M*9E/P. " .16g1' .?'.7" .„, L1 .22 i eRneillaRtl, e"43/4 "4 " 923.0 2 IC: 5 CHANCIRCC!„.k.. ads/ 016&.1 X9200 ?WI-90967 ERIC R. VICKARYOUS Date:January 31. 2020 Reg. No. 44125 49110 ACRE LAND SURVEYING \ Serving Thin albs Metro Inst l - eree end beyond F 783-458-2997 acrelandeuryeSyeg sIL 1,0 ,11 5, 6. 66 6. 0 1. ,5 09117 JOB *17310 CAUserstericjtOneDr1ve\CAD-111‘17310bs-Interlachen County Clubtriso\17p0lldea 5/4/2021 1247.42 PM CDT DESIGN SURVEY 9136 91]5 91 -for- Interlachen Country Club #6200 Interlachen Blvd. Edina, MN 55436 BENCHMARK BASIS FOR ELEVATION: NAVD KR (VIA REAL TIME (RS MEASUREMENTS UTILIZING MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VRS NETWORK) CITY OF EDINA 00123 BASIS FOR BEARINGS: NAD83 11996)1 VIA REAL TIME GPS MEASUREMENTS UTILITI7ING MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OE TRANSPORTATION IRS NETWORK). MAY 1 2 2022 43 913. 2l 4I 16 911. X.14.7 PLANNING DEPARTMENT GRAPHIC SCALE 10 120 14.14.0 01 ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 30 ft. neo 1R 117 arose (otsrHow podded) IBA 92 NORTH GENERAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION Port of Auditor's Subdivision No. 248 in Hennepin County, Minnesota. 91 nzo 00128 916.9 91. .4 91 07.0 g,g .16 1401.11 6* 24.0 924 3 0246 924.6 1126 NOTES - Field survey completed 06/13/17. '"UlVt.:1 17 91 017.1 917. 493,4 914.5 .1 7 924 7 X9117 KOMI /49162 X.1°° %.111.0 1406. 9M5 025 9229 92 923 94.4 9146 9 026.4 1ST TEE 926 0 0212 ems 030 927.1 821.3 921.0 930 02].5 4 8 243 . 9 60 . 927. 930.7 931 0..9260 921.9 92.6.5 29 ewX 0302 \ 9309 '- 9311 D31.0"' 11 ". % 1 5 )4 S 931,1 2 /0‘.6 153- 931 930 gt,994 9 11 010 ,y, .11 ,ff• Alco 8420I l« 9ocu 5 • Lsts M., 86.5 1.0111110/ 010/0.6 03.4 22.1 22. 01.2 93 927.0 10 029 6 9290 020 028.7 34 POOL HOUSE 30 "4 9 cava 931 77 931.7 .31.7 939 1.9 029 9207 04 6 030.1 0,, 0308 930 _.....4111 20.3 520 4 .289 00 9 1 93 029 8 4044.0 044.8 931.7 T POSTS - • 7 I 5 "u„L .. $11 932.3 031 930 030.3'3° 7 : B 1.01. ""g .29 929 3 22 0314 g 094 3'22 2' X 032 1 931.6 . 30317 901 9320 930 8 031.0 931 .950 5001/ 9 2 031.0 941 04011 STORAGE eU 0,55 940 6 94(27 9 , .3 3 0517 95 931.0 951.6 .370 60 g 0 2 942-6 If 9373 542 I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. !IR 0947 0 .51 9.0 I . 950 1.0 950. 950.6 050 j\ACRE LAND SURVEYING .. &trying TvIn Cttlee Metro = area and beyond 763-458-2907 ecrelandeturye mg el v ,l el elin r r , r , 051 10 011463 950 7 6 ERIC R. V1CKARYOUS Date:June 21st. 2017 Req. No. 44125 JOB 4017310 C.M.Isers trIci OneDrIveNCAD-1D 17310bs-Intertachen County Club do/0173100ln 6/21/2017 10.15137 AN CDT rn BA tennis 2.d _ 5-dwg \ INLCC16283 Ir / RIM 930.04 E ce -<-- -- i .'„..... ----4 4.-1-X.g .- ---7 -;--- ----;:-. ---)e_4-.-.--_-- ------ ---- _ i 1 -- / , / / / / / 0 > "'z V / /- — :"----._ _-__ -.7= -____— _ -- ---- .4 ----->/- --- — — — — ) 1 / V / /, / / / ---- -.... ----.. ---- ( 4 N / )-.. _-.-_-_-. _ / / c _ -- --- --- C'D / / - - ' " \ / / \ / L — — -• \ ----... ___ ..-- _ .../ ,, (9- , •---.. \ N / N - - - - - —c(/// I I (--- —77-0 (9 \ ( V o -Po - lap P c,11 )\-3, )(?) r ' i 0 0 1 isC*341141y! O! 932.26 7 N Symbol Legend Symbol Denotes 0 BUSH n CATCH BASIN CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE ELECTRIC METER ELEVATION SPOT FOUND MON GAS METER GAS VALVE GATE VALVE -6- HYDRANT LIGHT O P POST .0e POWER POLE C POWER POLE GUY WIRE 0 SANITARY MANHOLE SIGN TRAV OT' TV PEDESTAL o P 0EP 0 N F 931.06 --1( 4 a, 41 III Ih SURVEY NOTES: Property lines are for reference only, title was not reviewed. Lines are placed by GIS shifted to found monuments. Utilities are found surface features and marking provided by 2 Gopher State One Calls. Not all utilities were marked. 0 60 120 scale 30 feet ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE HENNEPIN COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD83 (2011 ADJ) a c•ZJ 0) a (.0 EIS to co to / CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3/24/2022 5:59 PM X: 0 C 0 In _0 3/24/2022 5:59 PM la 0D \ N , \N o co — c — I — — / / ( 11 1 1K/ • RIM -9-22i52 -; - — Revision Issue SEH Project INLCC162834 Description Drawn By TSB Designed By TSB Checked By TSB Edina, Minnesota -rzirk9324:911 - / i I i / I 1 I I I i , \ I I (// //// — = (/ • I c — -------- --- ---,0....., -- ---• ...-- ----I:34. ---- ....--- --- --1-211- ,- --- --;-----' .-_-..----...--_, ------/' ----- -- ------- ...- — ----.-----,-----..----;--„.. r, ,!),.;.; - - --- --!---- -- - -.-- . ---939- i:::-.'.--- i - ; ( - - - - 7 - - I di I'S-- ---- --- .---- ..- - --- ,- / / / - -- - .---- ---- ------ __. ---- .--- ----- ---- ....--• ,...--- — I k ../ \ \ (IN RIM , 5111.48 ) 44i-, \ \ l I / --- \ --: I .--- \\ --.-:- AO — — \\ 14” `- ..,.. -, — , ,- --- ' -- "7 /' --, ._:\ \ , ....--- --- _- -- -- I / I ___ .-- ..„.\\\ — -- / \ , \ — NNN t - RI1019\13\96 10" _—— - N l 7 \\ ) I ---/ .....,\ , / I \\ --;\\ 1 \ — -925-7=17 , • \ \ \ \N / %W %‘\, / \ Date i I Interlachen Country Club SEH EXHIBIT FOR: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. THEODORE S BROWN I DATE 3/24/2022 LICENSE NO. 51678 PROPOSED STORM PIPE PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE PROPOSED CATCH BASIN BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Foote° MCC 165858 ern, 55410 true Me 2022-03-18 e.t.a WB/IRM a .11 ilei[ i I LILL 1 m u m I' PROPOSED STORMWATER DETENTION POND STORAGE = 2,630 CF 1 • If ' 1-tr I-41, ,* Ar4. rr CD ,Ut) / .411.t or, I Ii it PROPOSED PERVIOUS PAVER SYSTEM i t— STORAGE = 11$80 CF r (3) ' I jr I aa. al"1"-1 OUTLET ‘; „I! ; F la WATERMAN AVE 28 ------ — — "T. r. CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT LEGEND: n 10 South Eighth Sheet Minneapol,s, MN 55402 t 612_339.2257 1612_349.2930 sheadesign.com SEH vPElre INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDIAN. MN 55436 • tier! INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 seal I HMO PPR., NAT Pit ,iPi PIPaRTIliS FPI! MB PIP( ra fF101 SPPintlY1 4101101111.! P LICENSED PRASSIPIP. EN, LI IP trio P ri 00 51111 OP 11104501/. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ntORM AND STREET PLAN C101 TT IF \\);' I p I • • A* 54= 4* ! 7".‹ et:1:m It 0000 II n 4' PVC SANITARY SERVICE (SCH 40) INV = 909.87' 4' PVC SANITARY SERVICE (SCH 40) INV = 910.50' r'l 1 r WATERMAN AVE sn. 15 15. CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 NNING DEPARTMENT ,Ferto NW( :4151A1 can 0510 5E5.101 VAL 11551./ BAUFR PF USalie4. 05102322 55Psn P<Intra MCC 165858 envn SS/08 inue doe 2022433413 dec. W8/U11.1 10 South EON Street 1.1imeapois, MN 55402 1612_339-2257 f 612_349-2930 sheadesIgnzom ‘055..tr/ SEH MUM. INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDIAN, MN 55436 • INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 1 HIRER WTI' DLIIIHSPLAN SK-CFICAIDn OR &Fait II AS FPFWED6114015UNLX5 VI 00001 P.FIP,F.0148511551141.111 ucasto P0ns904._ P01.1101111.0115 14 LA AS If iH 5051101.1lIPAST4 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 3 SANITARY AND WATERMAIN PLAN C102 Structure Schedule Structure ID Structure Rim Structure Invert Pipe Length US Pipe Inv. Downstream Pipe Invert Diameter (in) Pipe Material 5520 926.10 905.10 249 907.83 905.10 8 PVC 5521 929.23 909.87 149 907.88 907.83 8 PVC 5523 931.95 910.50 70 909.65 907.88 8 PVC LEGEND: PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER MAIN PVC SDR-26 PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE OUTLET 05 1023,2 X1.1101711CIE ff 1T.111”1.1.1 mn 6S110 ..EG 111. 12 1 j I I Isive non INLCC 165B58 2022-03-18 /en. SS/N6 d..111 WB/LIIM otool. EROSION CONTROL PLAN NOTES: 1. SEEDING AREA SHOWN SHALL INCLUDE SEED MIXTURE TYPE 25-131 WITH FERTILIZER TYPE 3, HYDRAULIC STABILIZED FIBER SEEDING MATRIX, AND 6" ORGANIC TOPSOIL BORROW (EDINA MODIFIED). SILT FENCE; TYPE MS STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG, TYPE STRAW EXISTING STORM SYSTEM PROPOSED STORM SYSTEM ESTIMATED QUANTITIES ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY 2573.502 Storm Drain Inlet Protection EA 3 2573.503 Silt Fence; Type MS LF 1275 2573.503 Sediment Control Log Type Straw LF 575 2574.508 Fertilizer Type 3 LB 210 2574.607 Organic Topsoil Borrow (Edina Modified) CY 470 2575.508 Seed Mixture Type 25-131 LB 380 2575.508 Hydraulic Stabilized Fiber Matrix LB 5180 A SEH C103 10 South EOM Street Minneapols, MN 55402 I 612339-2257 1612_349.2930 shodesign.com INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDIAN, MN 55436 • den INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 .91 I 1015-11 COVT111.11,6 91.010.11111 OR XtiFfUlliED 6114011MR VI olIIol S.PME1111.411 A DZESK1.1110/.1.E..1113111,141/..F 11t SWF Of 1..NUSPik SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG, TYPE STRAW TYP 0 <0, 4 ST12141-11 MI-407 FIELDHOUSE_1 U C TRENCH_CB_3 , , MH 2 M 17}18—HG CB-01 MH-1 STRM-10 PROPOSED PERVIOUS PAVER SYSTEM STORAGE = 11,980 CF lat FIELDHOUSEJ r LODGE_1 , LODGE 2 -C ce MH-6 S 1 TRENCH_CB 1.—MHS ;,,,,/.////7.,-////////////, STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION, TYP CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT - TENNIS_2 SILT FENCE, TYPE MS, TYP GRADING LIMITS PROPOSED STORMWATER DETENTION POND STORAGE = 2,630 CF o TENNIS_1 CB-04 CB-10 WATERMAN AVE .. .... DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 69.4111. LEGEND: O L000 10 South Eighth Sheet 1.5nneopois, MN 55402 1612339-2257 612 349-2930 sheatlesi9n.com INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDLAN, MN 55436 • INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 seal -I AIM CTII,111, I,GRN. SPECIGAIDL WAS PRE,MiD 814E f R NCB Ye Hat ELAIAIISIIIAND MAT I AU AMY I 1:1.410 /AMC, UDR IK IAN'S et 114 STATE Di1.1.1AEE0I4 aev Ever. I 0511 VIE GS. 50575 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 113,..dbr lJ pc,. no_ 21-267 A.A• AG BOOT S1 2022-05-06 treclvd CE GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES AND SHEET INDEX SCALE im 9117 LARGE SCALE PLAN OR ENLARGED DETAIL LEADER DIMENSION R0.5254 DIMENSION (RADIUS, ANGLE, FOCI) 655 DIMENSION (ARC LENGTH) f MN ALIGN GENERAL PROJECT NOTES • FIRST TYPICAL SITE LIGHTING FIXTURES, JUNCTION BOXES, TRANSFORMERS. ABBREVIATIONS PB PC PULL BOX POINT OF CURVE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS • FIRST TYPICAL SITE UTILITY FIXTURES, INCLUDING BUT NOT APPROX APPROXIMATE PCC PRECAST CONCRETE 1. THE WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. LIMITED TO BOXES, VAULTS, PULL BOXES, MAN HOLES, AIR RELEASE VALVES, VENTS, BFP, AND OTHER CIVIL, AVG AVERAGE PERF PERP PERFORATED PERPENDICULAR 2. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE COMPLEMENTARY. READ MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, TELECOM, BLDG BUILDING pH ACID/ALKALINE SCALE THE DRAWINGS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS HEATING/COOLING, AND IRRIGATION STRUCTURES. BM BENCHMARK PH PHASE AND EXECUTE THE WORK. • FIRST TYPICAL FORMWORK OF WALLS. BOS BOTTOM OF STAIR PI POINT OF INTERSECTION 3. THE WORK IS DEPENDENT ON SEVERAL DISCIPLINES. READ THE DRAWINGS BY CROSS-REFERENCING BETWEEN DISCIPLINES. • TREE LOCATIONS. STAKE ALL TREE LOCATIONS. OBTAIN APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE PLANTING TREES. BOT C BOTTOM CHILLER P KG PL PLBG PACKAGE PROPERTY LINE PLUMBING 4. REPORT DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY TO THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE FOR DIRECTION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH • FIRST TYPICAL CURVED EDGING AND CUTTING. CB CIP CATCH BASIN CAST-IN-PLACE PRCST PREFAB PRECAST PREFABRICATE THE WORK. • FIRST TYPICAL EXPANSION JOINTS IN CONCRETE PAVING. CJ CONTROL JOINT PROV PROVISIONAL SITE ACCESS & PROTECTION WORK BY OTHERS CL CENTER LINE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 1. STAGING AREA IS WITHIN THE CONTRACT LIMIT (OR 'PROJECT 1. COOPERATE AND COORDINATE WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS CLR CLEAR PWR POWER LIMITS') LINE. STAGING AREA DOES NOT INCLUDE ACCESS WORKING CONCURRENTLY SO AS TO NOT VIOLATE EACH CLL CONTRACT LIMIT LINE ROUTES TO THE SITE. THE CONSTRUCTION (AND REMOVAL) OTHER'S PERMITS AND TO AVOID DAMAGE TO EACH OTHER'S CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT QTR QUARTER OF TEMPORARY STAGING AREAS AND/OR ACCESS ROUTES WORK. CONC CONCRETE QTY QUANTITY SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS SOLE RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPENSE. 2. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT AND MAINTAIN THEIR CTR CENTER 2. CONSTRUCTION RELATED VEHICLES REQUIRED FOR THE WORK EXITING AND/OR ENTERING THE SITE SHALL NOT DEPOSIT DIRT, MUD. OR OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIALS THAT WOULD PRESENT A NUISANCE OR HAZARD TO THE OWN WORK FOR THE DURATION OF THEIR CONTRACTS. CODE COMPLIANCE 1. WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS, CODES AND REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES DAT DEG DIA DATUM DEGREE DIAMETER RCP RECIRC RECPT RADIUS REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RECIRCULATE RECEPTACLE PUBLIC TRAVELING ON RIGHT OF WAYS. PREVENTION AND HAVING JURISDICTION. DIM DIMENSION REINF REINFORCE CLEANING SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPENSE. 2. NOTIFY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE WORK AND APPLICABLE CODES. DO NOT WORK DIST DIV DISTANCE DIVISION REDD REV REQUIRED REVISION 3. NO WORK, EQUIPMENT OR STAGING IS PERMITTED OUTSIDE IN AN AFFECTED AREA UNTIL THE DISCREPANCY HAS BEEN DWG DRAWING RLG RAILING THE LIMIT LINES UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR HAS APPROVAL RESOLVED. ROW RIGHT OF WAY FROM AUTHORITIES. COORDINATION PERMITS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPENSE. 3. VERIFY CODES IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF THE NOTICE TO PROCEED AND STAY CURRENT WITH CODE CHANGES WHICH AFFECT THE WORK UNTIL SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. EA EJ EAST EACH EXPANSION JOINT SALV SOUTH SALVAGE 4. THE DOCUMENTS DO NOT SPECIFY SAFETY MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, METHODS OR SEQUENCING TO PROTECT PERSONS AND PROPERTY. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPENSE TO DIRECT AND IMPLEMENT SAFETY OPERATIONS TO PROTECT PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 4. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN AND PAY FOR CONSTRUCTION RELATED PERMITS. CODES IN EFFECT 1. THE FOLLOWING CODES ARE APPLICABLE AND IN EFFECT: EL EP EQ EQSP EQUN ELEVATION EDGE OF PAVEMENT EQUAL EQUAL SPACING EQUIVALENT SEG SHT SIM SPEC SO SEGMENT SHEET SIMILAR SPECIFICATION SQUARE QUALITY ASSURANCE • 2020 MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE • 2020 MINNESOTA MECHANICAL FUEL GAS CODE EX EXISTING SSD SST SUBSOIL DRAIN STAINLESS STEEL 1. EXECUTE THE WORK AND SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS IN FAHRENHEIT STA STATION ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL • 2018 IEC-INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE FC FOOTCANDLE STD STANDARD STANDARDS, LAWS AND REGULATIONS. • 2018 UPC-UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE FFE FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION SUCT SUCTION 2. ENSURE SUBCONTRACTORS, MANUFACTURERS AND • AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE/AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CML FF&E FURNITURE, FIXTURE, AND EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS HAVE THE LATEST CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PRIOR ENGINEERS - (ANSVASCE 7-10) FG FINISHED GRADE TRANSFORMER TO THE SUBMITTAL OF THEIR SHOP DRAWINGS AND/OR DELEGATED DESIGN DRAWINGS. • AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE • ACI 318-02 FOC FACE OF CURB TAN TANGENT 3. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR REQUIRED SUBMITTALS, • STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE (ANSVAWS D1.1) FOW FV FACE OF WALL FIELD VERIFY TBD TB-XX TO BE DETERMINED TEST BORING INSPECTIONS AND NOTICE TO PROCEED. • STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE SPECIFICATIONS (SJI -2010) TD TRENCH DRAIN UTILITIES • SPECIFICATTONS FOR THE DESIGN OF COLD-FORMED STEEL STRUCTURAL GALV GALVANIZED TEMP TEMPORARY 1. THE LOCATIONS AND SIZES OF EXISTING UTILITIES (IF SHOWN) MEMBERS (AISI 2007) GDR GUARDRAIL THK THICKNESS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. IDENTIFY, LOCATE AND PROTECT • 2018-IFC-INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE THRU THROUGH UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES TO REMAIN. • AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (ASO/RFD -2012) HIGH TO_ TOP OF _ 2. COORDINATE WITH THE LOCAL UTILITY COMPANIES AND/OR HE HOSE BIBB TOC TOP OF CURB AGENCIES. CALL LOCAL '811' OR REQUEST LOCATES ONLINE • NATIONAL CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION (IASJC/ACI 530-11) HOPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE TOL TOLERANCE NO LESS THAN 4B HOURS PRIOR TO DIGGING TO LOCATE • AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TUABER CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (5TH EDITION) HH HAND HOLE TOS TOP OF SLOPE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL HDR HANDRAIL TOW TOP OF WALL REGULATIONS. 2. REVISIONS TO THE APPROVED AND PERMITTED DRAWINGS OR HORIZ HORIZONTAL TR TRASH 3. BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF DAMAGES WHICH DOCUMENTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CODE HT HEIGHT TS TOP OF STAIR OCCUR AS A RESULT OF A FAILURE TO ACCURATELY LOCATE AUTHORITIES FOR REVIEW. NOTIFY THE OWNER'S HV HIGH VOLTAGE TVP TYPICAL AND/OR RETAIN UTILITIES TO REMAIN. REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROCESSING TIME FOR EACH LAYOUT REVISION SUBMITTED FOR PLAN CHECK. ID INSIDE DIMENSION UGND UNDERGROUND 1. THE VERTICAL CONTROL FOR THE PROJECT IS: NORTH IN V.EL INVERT ELEVATION UNIF UNIFORM AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM (NAV88) OR NATIONAL GEODETIC UP UTILITY POLE DATUM (NGDV29) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. COPYRIGHT AND REPRODUCTION KW KILOWATT UV ULTRAVIOLET 2. VERIFY THE LOCATION OF EXISTING FEATURES TO REMAIN THAT CONNECT TO NEW WORK, DIMENSIONAL CLEARANCES. 1. THE USE OF REPRODUCTIONS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS OR ELECTRONIC FILES AS SHOP DRAWING DOCUMENTS BY THE CONTRACTOR IS AT THEIR OWN RISK. THE DESIGN LOPE LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE VAR VARIES SETBACKS AND OFFSETS AND VERTICAL DATUM. REPORT CONSULTANTS ASSUME NO LIABILITY AS A RESULT OF THE USE LED LIGHT EMITTING DIODE VERT VERTICAL DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY TO THE OWNER'S OF REPRODUCTIONS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR LF LINEAR FEET VRFY VERIFY REPRESENTATIVE FOR DIRECTION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH SHOP DRAWINGS AND/OR DELEGATED DESIGN DRAWINGS. LPT LOW POINT THAT PORTION OF THE WORK. 2. THE ENTIRE CONTRACT DOCUMENT PACKAGE HEREIN IS THE LTD LIMITED W WEST 3. VERIFY PREVIOUS UNDERLYING TRADEWORK CONFORMS TO ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED PROPERTY OF THE OWNER AND LV LOW VOLTAGE W/ WITH THE DOCUMENTS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH OVERLYING MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED. USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE LW LOW WATER W/O WITHOUT TRADEWORK. REPORT DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY TO THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE FOR DIRECTION BEFORE PRIOR EXPLICIT WRITTEN CONSENT. WL WATERLINE PROCEEDING WITH THAT PORTION OF THE WORK. 3. THE USE OF DIGITAL DESIGN FILES SHALL REQUIRE THE MAX MAXIMUM WLD WELDED 4. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN SURVEY CONTROL FOR CONTRACTOR TO AGREE TO PRIME CONSULTANTS LICENSE CONDITIONS BEFORE USE. MFR.REC MN MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS MANHOLE WT.EL WATER ELEVATION LAYOUT OF THE WORKS AND AS-BUILT SURVEYS. CONSTRUCTION LOADS, DAMAGES & REPAIRS 7,115 MIDDLE XFMR TRANSFORMER 5. COORDINATE AND COLLATE SUBCONTRACTOR'S SURVEYS. IT MIN MINIMUM IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND EVOLVING SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF SITE WORK. DISCREPANCY AND/OR 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SLOPE STABILITY AND DE-WATERING DURING THE WORKS UNLESS UNKNOWN CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED. NORTH YR YEAR UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS FOUND SHALL BE BROUGHT TO 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING NA NOT APPLICABLE AT THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S THE WORKS FROM CONSTRUCTION LOADS AND DAMAGES TO NIC NOT IN CONTRACT AND REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO STARTING THE SITE WORK. DO EXISTING STRUCTURES TO REMAIN, NEW STRUCTURES AND NO NUMBER -/+ DIMENSION TOLERANCE NOT BEGIN WORK IN SUCH AFFECTED AREA UNTIL THE NEW PAVEMENTS DURING THE WORKS. Not,1 NOMINAL DISCREPANCY HAS BEEN RESOLVED. 3. BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF DAMAGES WHICH NTS NOT TO SCALE IJ ISOLATION JOINT 6. ERECT AND INSTALL ALL WORK LEVEL, PLUMB, SQUARE, TRUE, STRAIGHT AND IN PROPER ALIGNMENT. OCCUR AS A RESULT OF A FAILURE TO MITIGATE CONSTRUCTION LOADS AND/OR PROTECT THE WORKS FROM OC ON CENTER HW NP HIGH WATER NORMAL POOL 7. DO NOT SCALE FROM DRAWINGS. USE DIMENSIONS SHOWN AND/OR SUPPLIED CAD DRAWING FILE AND SURVEY CONSTRUCTION RELATED IMPACTS. REPAIRS SHALL BE TO A NEW OR BETTER CONDITION COMPARED TO THE EXISTING OD OH OUTSIDE DIAMETER OVERHANG GB GRADE BREAK INTERPOLATION. CONDITION BEFORE DAMAGE, AND AS APPROVED BY THE 8. DIMENSIONS NOTED "CLR" OR 'CLEAR" MUST BE STRICTLY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. MAINTAINED ALLOWING FOR THICKNESS OF FINISHES. FIELD 4. CONFIRM ON-STRUCTURE UNIFORM AND POINT LOAD LIMITS VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. WITH ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPORTING AND HANDLING 9. ANGLES ARE 90 DEGREES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. LANDSCAPE MATERIALS OVER VAULTS, AND/OR TUNNELS, INCLUDING UTILITY STRUCTURES, AND FLOOD CONTROL 10. CURVES FOR PAVING, BANDS, PATHS, EDGING AND HEADER STRUCTURES. BOARDS SHALL BE SMOOTH AND CONTINUOUS WITHOUT CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT ABRUPT CHANGES, OBVIOUS TANGENTS OR BENDS. 1. REMOVE FROM THE SITE EXCESS MATERIAL AND/OR DEBRIS. 11. PITCH EVENLY BETWEEN SPOT GRADES AND CONTOUR LINES DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UNLESS GRADE BREAKS, RIDGELINES, SWALES ARE INDICATED CONTRACTOR. EXCESS MATERIAL AND/OR DEBRIS TO ABLE TO OR OTHERWISE NOTED. PAVED AREAS SHALL PITCH AT A BE RECYCLED OR REUSED SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF THE MINIMUM OF 1% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON DRAWINGS. PROJECT SITE IN A PERMITTED LANDFILL. DISCREPANCIES OR CONDITIONS NOT ALLOWING THIS TO OCCUR SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR RESOLUTIONS PRIOR TO CONTINUING WORK. 12. PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALKS AND PAVING SHALL HAVE A CROSS PITCH LESS THAN 2% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TO MEET ADA REQUIREMENTS. 13. REQUEST A FIELD REVIEW BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE LAYOUT OF ELEMENTS AS SHOWN. OBTAIN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL OF LAYOUT BEFORE INSTALLING THE FOLLOWING: Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title L000 GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES AND SHEET INDEX L010 PLANTING & SOIL SCHEDULE L110 SITE PLANTING PLAN 1120 SITE SOILS PLAN 1130 SITE IRRIGATION PLAN L500 SITE PLANTING DETAILS SYMBOLS PROPERTY LINE SECTION LIMIT CENTER LINE STATION POINT 'C=1 REVISION RECORD MATCH LINE PROJECT LIMITS LINE SECTION REFERENCE DetailTitle DETAIL CALLOUT 23° KEY NOTE CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10 South Eighth Sheet Alinteapols, 1.111 55402 1612_339-2257 1612_349-2930 Sheadesign.com D F/ WM FARM IAMICAPENECJIMIll polollOP INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDIAN, MN 55436 • INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 1101E11 °LEVY nncifin EICHEI1IA1 Oliong1 RA5 EREARn vox oft uu. VY OfECPSIMASUIP.113.11,41ADLL, MIME P.V-11101/1.11111.i1)' 11E ' STAR CEIPMEM Ch. E.. PEPEED %OH ()Zi(i)s,, 05 11 NOP ,11ElfrE .11 R. NG 5) DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Po. hum ow. 21.267 2022-05-06 AG CE PLANTING & SOIL SCHEDULE L010 LEAST 5 CANES AT THE SPECIFIED HEIGHT. ORNAMENTAL TREES SHALL HAVE NO V' CROTCHES AND SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 3' FEET ABOVE THE ROOT BALL. STREET AND M AY Bpu o Av p Ag R s F S A HA cE LL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6' 7. INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL AFTER FINAL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY DETAIL DEPTH COMPOSITION IRRIGATION NOTES ISP-01I SOIL TYPE 01 - 18' PLANTING SOIL SPEC DF-329113 247.58 CY 18" 60% COARSE SAND, 25-30% LOAM, 10.15% COMPOST DRIP r THK FINELY SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, JUTE ECB 0 1-0:702 SOIL TYPE 02 - 36' DEPTH PLANTING SOIL SPEC DE-329113 529.15 CY 36' 60% COARSE SAND, 25.30% LOAM, 10-15% COMPOST DRIP r THK FINELY SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, JUTE ECB 0 MNDOT COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW OR EQUAL L.; I I I SP-03 I SOIL TYPE 03 - 6" TURF LAWN AREAS PLANTING SOIL 52.77 CY a- 6' TOPSOIL SPRAY HEAD ISP-041 SOIL TYPE 04 - STRUCTURAL SOIL 61.61 CY 36' 94% COURSE SAND5-5% IMPORTED FIBRIC PEAT2-5% IMPORTED CLAY SCREENED DRIP OR BUBBLERS 8. INSTALL PLANT MATERIALS PER PLANTING DETAILS. PLANNING IDEETRAMWEIVIEW R PLANT MATERIAL TYPE & SIZE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR CONSIDERATION PRIOR TO BIDDING. SUBSTITUTIONS AFTER BIDDING MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND ARE SUBJECT TO CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS. PLANT SCHEDULE TREES CODE OTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONT. REMARKS -440, WI 3 DECIDUOUS PARKING ISLAND TREE SPADED DECIDUOUS TREE. SPECIES TED @ 2.r CALIPER OR LARGER IF AVAILABLE 4.‘• 71110 AG 10 AMELANCHIER X GRANDIFLORA AUTUMN BRILLIANCE AUTUMN BRILLIANCE APPLE SERVICEBERRY 2.5' CAL. B&B INCREASE SIZE IF AVAILABLE 0 GT 8 GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS HONEY LOCUST 2.5" CAL. CULTIVAR TBD, 2.r CAL. OR LARGER IS AVAILABLE • GD 1 GYMNOCLADUS DIOICA 'ESPRESSO' KENTUCKY COFFEETREE 2.5' CAL. INCREASE SIZE IF AVAILABLE • ML 3 MAGNOLIA X LOEBNERI 'LEONARD MESSEL' LEONARD MESSEL LOEBNER MAGNOLIA 2.5' CAL. B&B INCREASE SIZE IF AVAILABLE PG 14 PICEA GLAUCA WHITE SPRUCE 6' HT. B&B SIMILAR SPECIMEN ACCEPTABLE IF APPROVED BY CLIENT. C) PP 1 PICEA GLAUCA 'PENDULA' WEEPING WHITE SPRUCE 6' HT. r . \ ...,,,, PO 1 PICEA OMORIKA SERBIAN SPRUCE T HT. INCREASE SIZE IF AVAILABLE 0 PS2 1 PINUS STROBUS WHITE PINE 7' HT. INCREASE SIZE IF AVAILABLE 0 ON 3 QUERCUS X WAREI 'NADLER' TM KINDRED SPIRIT OAK 2.5' CAL. CONT. INCREASE SIZE IF AVAILABLE 0 TC 46 TAXUS CUSPIDATA 'CAPITATA' CAPITATA JAPANESE YEW 4' HT CONT. SHRUBS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONT. SPACING REMARKS 0 AA 7 ARONIA MELANOCARPA 'AUTUMN MAGIC' AUTUMN MAGIC BLACK CHOKEBERRY #5 CONT. 36' o.c. 0 AM2 36 AROMA MELANOCARPA ELATA GLOSSY BLACK CHOKEBERRY #5 CONT. 42' o.c. C3 CL 23 COTONEASTER LUCIDUS SHINY COTONEASTER #5 CONT. 48' o.c. 0 HB 18 HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'BABY LACE' BABY LACE PANICLE HYDRANGEA #5 CONT. 30' o.c. (S IR 8 ILEX VERTICILLATA 'RED SPRITE' RED SPRITE WINTERBERRY #5 CONT. 720' o.c. 0 JB2 28 JUNIPERUS HORIZONTALIS 'BLUE CHIP' BLUE CHIP JUNIPER #5 36' o.c. CD JB 26 JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'BLUE ARROW BLUE ARROW JUNIPER #5 CONT. 30-o.c. 0 JS 31 JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'WICHITA BLUE' WICHITA BLUE JUNIPER 6' HEIGHT CONT. 48' o.c. 0 TD 107 TAXUS X MEDIA 'DARK GREEN SPREADER' DARK GREEN SPREADER ANGLOJAP YEW #5 CONT. 36' o.c. GROUND COVERS CODE OTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONT. SPACING REMARKS CK 112 CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLOFtA 'KARL FOERSTER' KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED GRASS 2 GAL 18" o.c. HS 86 HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS BLUE OAT GRASS 1 GAL CONT. 18' o.c. SC 94 SALVIA NEMOROSA 'CARADONNA' CARDONNA MEADOW SAGE 1 GAL 18' o.c. SOD MO SF SOD SOD IRRIGATION SCHEDULE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION OTY DETAIL MATERIAL PROFILE MANUFACTURER COMMENTS I U-01 I SITE IRRIGATION TYPE 01 6,027 SF DRIP OR BUBBLER IRRIGATION PER OWNER PER OWNER I U-021 SITE IRRIGATION TYPE 02 2.850 SF ROTOR SPRAY IRRIGATION PER OWNER PER OWNER 10. ADJUSTMENTS IN LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS MAY BE NEEDED IN FIELD. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO ADJUSTMENT OF PLANTS. 11. FERTILIZE PLANT MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS. [FERTILIZE PLANT MATERIAL UPON INSTALLATION WITH DRIED BONE MEAL AND OTHER APPROVED FERTILIZER MIXED IN WITH THE PLANTING SOIL (PER THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS) OR TREAT FOR SUMMER AND FALL INSTALLATION WITH AN APPLICATION OF GRANULAR 10-0-5 OF 12 OZ. PER 2.5' CALIPER TREE AND 6 OZ. PER SHRUB WITH AN ADDITIONAL APPLICATION OF 10-0-10 THE FOLLOWING SPRING IN THE TREE SAUCER.) 12. INSTALL 18' DEPTH OF PLANTING SOIL IN AREAS RECEIVING GROUND COVER, PERENNIALS, AND ANNUALS. PLANTING SOIL SHALL CONSIST OF MnDOT 3877-B MODIFIED TO CONTAIN A MAXIMUM OF 30% SAND, A PH OF 7.1 MAX, OR AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL 13. [TREE WRAPPING MATERIAL SHALL BE PAPER APPLIED FROM TRUNK FLARE TO FIRST BRANCH. WRAP SMOOTH-BARKED DECIDUOUS TREES PLANTED IN THE FALL PRIOR TO DECEMBER 1 AND REMOVE WRAPPING AFTER MAY LI [DO NOT WRAP TREES.] 14. APPLY PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE (PREEN OR APPROVED EQUAL) IN ANNUAL, PERENNIAL, AND SHRUB BEDS FOLLOWED BY SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING USE OF HERBICIDES. MULCHING 1. INSTALL le DEEP FINELY SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH) RINGS AT CONIFEROUS & DECIDUOUS TREES WITH NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK. 2. INSTALL [3' DEEP FINELY SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH) RINGS AT SHRUB PLANTING AREAS WITH NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH SHRUB STEMS. 3. INSTALL [3' DEEP FINELY SHREDDED MULCH) IN PERENNIAL PLANTING BEDS. REMOVE ALL MULCH FROM STEMS OF PERENNIALS; PLANT STEMS SHOULD NOT BE IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH MULCH. WATERING 1. PLANTED MATERIALS SHALL BE WATERED BY TEMPORARY MEANS UNTIL PLANTS ARE ESTABLISHED. 2. TEMPORARY WATERING MEANS, METHODS. AND SCHEDULING SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. REMOVE TEMPORARY WATERING EQUIPMENT UPON PLANT ESTABLISHMENT. WARRANTY 1. WARRANTY NEW PLANT MATERIAL THROUGH ONE CALENDAR YEAR FROM THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. NO PARTIAL ACCEPTANCE WILL BE CONSIDERED. TURF NOTES 1. SOD AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. WHERE SOD ABUTS PAVED SURFACES, FINISHED GRADE OF SOD/SEED SHALL BE HELD r BELOW SURFACE ELEVATION OF TRAIL SLAB, CURB, ETC. 3. SOD SHALL BE LAID PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AND SHALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR IN DRAINAGE SWALES, SOD SHALL BE STAKED SECURELY [WITH WOODEN STAKES; NO METAL STAKES ARE ALLOWED]. 4. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, THE APPROPRIATE DATES FOR SPRING SEED & SOD PLACEMENT IS FROM THE TIME GROUND HAS THAWED TO JUNE 15. 5. FALL SODDING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 TO NOVEMBER 1. FALL SEEDING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15. ADJUSTMENTS TO SOD/SEED PLANTING DATES MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 6. NO SOD NETTING ALLOWED ON SITE. IRRIGATION NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AN IRRIGATION LAYOUT PLAN AND SPECIFICATION THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROVIDED PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION AS PART OF THE SCOPE OF WORK. SUBMIT LAYOUT PLAN AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ORDER AND/OR CONSTRUCTION. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT SODDED/SEEDED AND PLANTED AREAS ARE IRRIGATED PROPERLY. INCLUDING THOSE AREAS DIRECTLY AROUND AND ABUTTING BUILDING FOUNDATION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY WATER SUPPLY, VOLUME, PRESSURE AND LOCATION FOR SYSTEM TAP PRIOR TO SYSTEM DESIGN. 3. [CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY AND INSPECT EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT, EQUIPMENT, CONDITION AND OPERABILITY PRIOR TO SYSTEM DESIGN.) 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM COMPLETE LIMITS OF IRRIGATION WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUPPLYING SHOP DRAWINGS. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF AREAS RECEIVING DRIP IRRIGATION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MULCH. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT WITH AS-BUILT DRAWINGS, DETAILED SYSTEM OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS AND AN IRRIGATION SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE TO THE PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS AND PLANTED MATERIAL GROWTH REQUIREMENTS. SITE AND LANDSCAPE NOTES SITE PREPARATION NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PLAN LAYOUT AND BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY COMPROMISE THE DESIGN OR INTENT OF THE LAYOUT. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK AND MATERIALS SUPPLIED. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING ROADS, CURBS/GUTTERS, TRAILS, TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALIGNMENT AND LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GRADE UTILITIES AND PROVIDE THE NECESSARY PROTECTION FOR SAME BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS (MINIMUM 10' CLEARANCE). 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING INSTALLATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS WORKING ON SITE. 7. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT TRENCHES 00 NOT CUT THROUGH ROOT SYSTEMS OF EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. 8. EXISTING CONTOURS, TRAILS, VEGETATION, CURB/GUTTER AND OTHER ELEMENTS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY OTHERS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SAME. 9. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT OF PROPOSED WALKS, TRAILS OR ROADWAYS ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED TO CONFORM TO LOCALIZED TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS AND TO MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL AND GRADING. CHANGES IN ALIGNMENT AND GRADES MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE SITE FOR DEFICIENCIES IN SITE CONDITIONS WHICH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT ESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL OR WARRANTY. UNDESIRABLE SITE CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 11. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ONGOING MAINTENANCE OF NEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS UNTIL TIME OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. REPAIR OF ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. 12. EXISTING TREES OR SIGNIFICANT SHRUB MASSINGS FOUND ON SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED AND SAVED UNLESS NOTED TO BE REMOVED OR ARE LOCATED IN AN AREA TO BE GRADED. QUESTIONS REGARDING EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO REMOVAL. 13. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN, UPON DIRECTION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, SHALL BE FERTILIZED AND PRUNED TO REMOVE DEAD WOOD, DAMAGED AND RUBBING BRANCHES. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR THE SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION OF LANDSCAPE AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING FINAL PAY REQUEST. 15. CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT REPRODUCIBLE AS-BUILT DRAWING(S) OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION, IRRIGATION AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION AND PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. 16. SYMBOLS ON PLAN DRAWING TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCHEDULES IF DISCREPANCIES IN QUANTITIES EXIST. SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES. SOIL TESTING 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A SOIL SAMPLE(S) FROM PROJECT SITE AND/OR SALVAGED TOPSOIL STOCKPILE AND SUBMIT TO INDEPENDENT TESTING AGENCY. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO) MACRONUTRIENTS, MICRONUTRIENTS, COMPOSITION AND SOLUBLE SALTS SHALL BE PROVIDED. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TWO SERIES OF TESTS: FIRST, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION; SECOND, AFTER SOIL IS AMENDED, PRIOR TO PLANTING. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ANALYSIS RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO SOIL AMENDMENT AND PRIOR TO PLANTING. PLANTING 1. SPRING PLANT MATERIAL INSTALLATION IS FROM APRIL 15 TO JUNE 15. 2. FALL CONIFEROUS PLANTING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 21 TO SEPTEMBER 30. 3. FALL DECIDUOUS PLANTING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 UNTIL NOVEMBER 15. 4. ADJUSTMENTS TO PLANTING DATES MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 5. STAKE PROPOSED PLANTING LOCATIONS PER PLAN FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALL. 6. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF Y argaegiS e 4A N H E D R A D s E F . O D R E N C IUDRUSOEURSY SHRUBS AS N H S A I L Z L 60.1 v . E AT SOIL PROFILE SCHEDULE TREES 0 CD CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE DECIDUOUS PARKING ISLAND TREE GROUND COVERS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME TD TAXUS X MEDIA 'DARK GREEN SPREADER' #5 DARK GREEN SPREADER ANGLOJAP YEW SIZE 41,RD mu 1hnutru 1111150 Ito o) Om. aide. 05.112X2 50575 PLANT SCHEDULE TC TAXUS CUSPIDATA 'CAPITATA' 4' HT CAPITATA JAPANESE YEW SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SIZE O AA ARONIA MELANOCARPA 'AUTUMN MAGIC' #5 AUTUMN MAGIC BLACK CHOKEBERRY AM2 ARONIA MELANOCARPA ELATA #5 GLOSSY BLACK CHOKEBERRY CL COTONEASTER LUCIOUS 05 SHINY COTONEASTER HB HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'BABY LACE' #5 BABY LACE PANICLE HYDRANGEA IR ILEX VERTICILLATA 'RED SPRITE' #5 RED SPRITE WINTERBERRY JB2 JUNIPERUS HORIZONTALIS ELUE CHIP' #5 BLUE CHIP JUNIPER JB JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'BLUE ARROW #5 BLUE ARROW JUNIPER J5 JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'WICHITA BLUE' HEIGI WICHITA BLUE JUNIPER CK CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA 'KARL FOERSTER' 2 GAL KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED GRASS HS HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS 1 GAL BLUE OAT GRASS SC SALVIA NEMOROSA 'CARADONNA' , GAL CARDONNA MEADOW SAGE SOD SOD SOD B 5-JB 76-18 NORTH SCALE: 1' = 14 PG 46 TC 4 - AG i2 0 00wwwww., .0' 00vvoutovuuvwwtouwv%ovvwvywwwvkavow",044 8) -.4.-. 44*. 0,?..: 441 o 4 40* 0 04110W01110"1.100.0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 12 - TD 1 GD 12 TOS I r K ,; i rlik i 4 GT 28 HS 9 AM2 415 11-SOD STEEL EDGER (56 LF) 50 CK 2 AG 31 HS 27- HS 2 AG 62 - CK 12 AM2 3 - IR 1 PO 1 - PP 15 - AM2 JB 9 TD STEEL EDGER (40 LF) 9 JI3 37911-SOD 3 - ON 9 HB STEEL EDGER (79 LF) 1,316 11 SOD 4141leigaela itA k. ;4. Arlin& mis prAG irip lop 7 - AA 4 (IOW' 4 GT STEEL EDGER (20 IF) 74011- SOD O SITE PLANTING PLAN 1'.20.0' 23 - CL 3 - IR / 3 ML 66 SC OM= PROMEPTV BONO. MOP ii•mi TRANSPLANT EXISTING GYMNOCLADUS DIOCIA ESPRESSO HERE OR PROCURE 2.5' CAL MIN. ,1 MtpAl 417*....1.=. leilF/11 4%.811.8.41131" \11MI. SPADE AND MOVE EXISTING TREES SOUTH. IF NEEDED 9 - HB 28 - SC - PS2 TD 24 TO HEDGE PLANTINGS PART OF PARKING LOT PROJECT CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2 - JB2 16 JB2 DECIDUOUS PARKING ISLAND TREE (3) 0 20 40 60 0 0 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 od 0 0 0 0 0. 00 j 0 0C AG AMELANCHIER X GRANDIFLORA 'AUTUMN BRILLIANCE' 2.5' CAL AUTUMN BRILLIANCE APPLE SERVICEBERRY GT GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS 2.5- CAL HONEY LOCUST GD GYMNOCLADUS DIOICA ESPRESSO' 2.5' CAL KENTUCKY COFFEETREE ML MAGNOLIA X LOEBNERI 'LEONARD MESSEL' 2.5' CAL LEONARD MESSEL LOEBNER MAGNOLIA PG PICEA GLAUCA S HT. WHITE SPRUCE PP PICEA GLAUCA 'PENDULA' S HT. WEEPING WHITE SPRUCE PO PICEA OMORIKA 7' HT. SERBIAN SPRUCE PS2 PINUS STROBUS 7' HT. WHITE PINE ON OUERCUS X WARE! 'NADLER' TM 2 5" CAL KINDRED SPIRIT OAK O O 0 0 0 21.267 2022-05-06 AG mewl CE 10 South Eighth Street Stoneapols. 1.411 55402 612_339-2257 I 612_349-2930 sheaclesign.com D F/ WON MUER LACCAPEARCHRECTI PcOCIt* INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDLAN, MN 55436 • INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 rn I Witliailkin•IKU 1113 MAL S11C f CAIIIL 10 WOK, MRS PRUMED VW ORADEA VI, DPICTSAPASIYINLI DAI MI I, Olt ' IICIMINAG111(CT 0.0111.1 LAMS 01 IH 51k11 OF 1.11A.E.O. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION No We tx weer p.m SITE PLANTING PLAN L110 6E3 6111 SOIL TYPE 01 - 18' PLANTING SOIL SPEC OF-329113 ELM SOIL TYPE 02 - 36' DEPTH PLANTING SOIL SPEC OF-329113 [GE] SOIL TYPE 03 - 6' TURF LAWN AREAS PLANTING SOIL SOIL TYPE 04 - STRUCTURAL SOIL O SITE SOILS PLAN i• 20,0. SCALE: 20' I NORTH 1-51rED 'WA SVOLUIr 'All C5.111 RFC .11 Chrts Evens 05111072 50575 SOIL PROFILE SCHEDULE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 8 1 IMOCIPERSYSOVIIIMITI =MI — = PI#1,47-4to!dih •'',1:100*Ii‘C; : CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O O 41 041 0 I O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 fi 0 .B N Uy 0 is awn , vta 01\ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O a 41 20 40 60 10 SovUl Eighth SUM Mmeapois, MN 55402 t 612_339-2257 1612_349-2930 sheadesign.com wvvl D F/ BAYION FARBOI 1.4114CAPEMSNIIIETI Vcitetik INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDIAN, MN 55436 cls INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 5n1 II vier CERM0417115 ,5511 WK.-0MM *PDR•NIS FFIFARD NM OR ANA IA :rat 5415M11,5111.0 AMC! .1.55,5015C-RER tnIti DE LAWS OF TIE 1,1,014 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION AA aa. ersaAr SITE SOILS PLAN L120 0-nn AG thazol CE V<Itro. 21-267 tux 021 2022-05-06 PFATEORAE svan. akt5-. 2022-05-06 7776.1 AG Atc.1 CE Foiect re. 21-267 0 20 40 60 O SITE IRRIGATION PLAN 1'=20'0 NORTH SCALE: 1' = 20' 1111I SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SITE IRRIGATION TYPE 01 1=1 SITE IRRIGATION TYPE 02 iATar741 3.3:20 AT. IMO ORO PROPER...70AP •••• (41414361%;,-il" w/onfoit4r41161e.ge.7%;3vegbrifovvoT 'W-0,Pffifigoi6rebs f.,..„/ / . ‘. / , .... / .//3. / : lotP, .9 .4.2., e /, /4 — A ri, ATI MilripMMIS Ik' f,..W VW '419*40, .4: >ze —MC TWO BUBBLERS P g 1. 0 P A ik i:;!‘ Dili "/ TWO BUBBLERS PER TREE (TYP.) alb 401.•73Z7verv...zeir,ry 0%-kiffeZArtteiliti IRRIGATION LEGEND CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMEN 10 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, MN 55422 t 612 339-2257 f 612_349-2930 sneactesigmcom D F/ 6414011FARKER LA MPE ARCHISII V*1. INTERLACHEN-SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDIAN, MN 55436 A...1 INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 sof 11-f RENCER1F, MAT TASPIAI: 4FCEUP x. 00.11ISPEEVAPS Ulan-Cite ,NC! SFUNtleti i...011.11<1111 WV/ LI-INSEDAPLIVECT UTEITFE TANS Cf11-E Stoll CP 111,[5.014 Emus 0,112022 SITF nyho 50575 0,110. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Ay e I or ,tati lete SITE IRRIGATION PLAN L130 2022-05-06 21-267 CES CE trma AG O P-2126) 07 wa m m wr DETAIL - SHRUB PLANTING A21 2E ANN C) DETAIL - PLANT SPACING 10 DETAIL - TREE PLANTING IN SOFTSCAPE Yr 1 1.4 P-21211.03 CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMHNT PREPARE PLANTING SOIL FOR THE ENTIRE BED APPLICATION OF PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE r MULCH; DO NOT PLACE IN CONTACT WITH SHRUB STEM CONTAINER GROWN MATERIAL SHALL HAVE ROOTS HAND LOOSENED EDGE CONDITION VARIES; 11 If MIA REFER TO PLAN PLANTING SOIL FOR SHRUBS SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF ENTIRE BED WITH SPADE BY HAND TO BIND WITH PLANTING SOIL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE • 112'. ILCP P-21 NAPS EDGE OF PLANT BED EDGE CONDITION VARIES; REFER TO PLAN CONTAINER GROWN MATERIAL SHALL HAVE ROOTSH AND LOOSENED PLANTING SOIL FOR PERENNIALS SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF ENTIRE BED WITH SPADE BY HAND TO BIND WITH PLANTING SOIL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE r MULCH; DO NOT PLACE IN CONTACT WITH PLANT STEM O NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE WARRANTY PERIOD. WRAP TREE TRUNKS ONLY UPON APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION RELATED TO PLANTS AND SOIL PREPARATION. EACH TREE SHALL BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE ROOT FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL. IF THE ROOT FLARE IS NOT VISIBLE, THE SOIL SHALL BE REMOVED IN A LEVEL MANNER FROM THE ROOT BALL TO WHERE THE FIRST MAIN ORDER ROOT d" DIA. OR LARGER) EMERGES FROM THE TRUNK. SET MAIN ORDER ROOT 1' HIGHER THAN ADJACENT GRADE. DO NOT COVER TOP OF ROOT BALL WITH SOIL. PROVIDES INSTALL RODENT PROTECTION.k HARDWIRE CLOTH MESH CYLINDER, 6' DIA. OR GREATER X 36' HGT; STAKE IN PLACE. PER SPEC PLANTING PIT TO BE TWO TO FIVE TIMES THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL SLOPED 6' DIAMETER MULCH RING 36' RADIUS EDGE CONDITION VARIES: REFER TO PLAN PREPARED PLANTING SOIL PER SPEC SCARIFY SIDES OF TREE PIT WITH SPADE BY HAND TO BIND WITH PREPARED PLANTING SOIL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE 4- BUILT-UP EARTH SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OF ROOT BALL TAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT REMOVE BURLAP. TWINE, ROPE AND WIRE FROM TOP HALF OF ROOT BALL PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOIL 4' ORGANIC MULCH; DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK clam re awe P-; V PREPARE PLANTING SOIL FOR THE ENTIRE BED DETAIL - PERENNIAL PLANTING EG. .1 0 0 0 0 GRID SPACING LAYOUT PLAN 112 PLANT SPACING UNLESS ONIEPHISE 1101E0 ON PLANTING SCHEDULE & PLAN TRIANGULAR SPACING LAYOUT PLAN 1/2 PLANT SPACING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANTING SCHEDULE d PLAN NOTE REFER TO PLANTING SCHEDULE PLANT SPACING. 10 South E10501 Street Minneaeols, MN 55402 t612 339-2257 1612_349-2930 shearksIgn.com iw D F/ WON MAIElt LAIIIKAPEARIMECII P*2 lY INTERLACHEN - SITE WORK 6200 RENOVATIONS 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDIAN, MN 55436 cls INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 pit 11681 CERIT,1141i 11.FLIN SPREICARAI 116P1 %ASPIRINS BIM ON MR IN :AEU PSUAtill ND GOT kW A LILY NSIDASCARCI LPEER 1111 LAYS Of III 5"411 LUNSON Evens rrTFED WA 12021.0E 05.112022 6110 SOS7S ,EG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ra Oste .12411OF SITE PLANTING DETAILS L500 • 7 . co cc 0 a cn JC 5/10/2022 1.=30' 7.0 t 7- 7.. 96 40' 37 AC- 96 • . . .1 • 50' 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 ! T. • "- - - WY-1.22022 7.: 7., 7.. •.. 7 1 I 7.: 7. 7. . .... .... • 75 7: 1., •r., 1.1 1., •.. ., 1., 7.1 T.: 1. 7. T.: TA 7. 1..4 1.1 1.1 T. T.: 1.: 7 .: T. 7.1 • 7.: 7.: TA 7.1 T.: I • • 1.: 1.24 1., 1 1 i T.: 1. 1. T.: 1.• f t 7.: 7.: T I./ T., 1.• 1.: 7.: • . .. ! . • ! r.: 7 .L T.: 7 •. T. 7 7.: 7 : T.1 T.1 T., 1. , 1,: ........ • • • • • . • .. • r . • • • ...... ... • . • • ... • • • • • TA T. 1.4 1.: 7.: 1. T.: 7 • T.: T.: • • • T.. 7.: 7.: 1.: 1.1 • • T.1 T T • 7.: • • 1 7.: 1.• I.: 1. 7.: 1.: 1.1 71 1.1 7 9.1 TA /.I TI 7.: T.1 • 7.1 C 7.: 7 .1 7.1 1.: I.1 T.I 1.1 ..... 71 •.: T.: 1.1 • 7,, 7.; 7,, T ., 1.: 1.1 7., 1.: TA T.: T.: 7. • T, T. 14 1.: T.: T.1 T. 1, T 7.. 1.1 T.. ▪ T.. 1./ T. TA TA 11. 7.. 7, • . T.: T A IA t 7 t T.: T.4 • • C'" •.• 3 •- OW 0 , 1srd 121131EMILEMESEIMEM CIMEMIIIIMEMBEIMENINISICEIMMI EZENZIMIZI1111111111111211121113=1111111 c=scaminamosommiligniumen 1=11•111111111111111MISEEMISIIMMIEM 1=MMEMISIMIEMIZIMIIMMIMIEZEMei -mmEmz--erzw,--orz=om 7 • T.: T.: • 1.4 1.4 1., 1.1 1.1 1.. 1 .4 1 1. 1 • 1 1 1.• 1. 11--1T.•4• 174" i.4 '1 • 1 • ... ... 1 1 l• • '1, 1•'... 11 7.: IA TA 7 cA IA TA !A TA TA , A IA TA TA TA TA TA T I TA ? "A IA TA TA T TA IA TA TA TA TA TA IA 7, IA IA 7, • • . • • ••, • 7., 7 T.. TA TA 1A 7 : TA 4" TA TA T. IA TA IA 7: 7/7 1 • I 1 • • • • • I • • 0 I 25 , 7. • PLANNING DEPARTMENT T. t. • • 7 1: r 7.: 7., 1.: 7. , . ..' " 38 49 : 11 I / tri . Id tit F \ . t1 T.. • • . 70 IA 1.1 1.: •... Ir.9 1,1174 1177 , 1 225 200 1' t. 1/2 • , . sb 1.. F I :77; TA - • , " 50" • • - • 25 • • 1,: 7..71 1.1 TT1 • T. T. I. T. ',A 1. T. 7A !I TA TA I. 7' TA TA T. ,.. T. T. 7A T. !.1 I.• ,A T. A r T T. T. TA T. T A T A "A IA r' I 1 TA TA TA ! , TA TA tA IA : ITA ¶ I /A TA IA 7.: 9...,....---96 47 4L,_42-'-'-,36 33 ... 47 97 3 • 6 .49 . .98 17 2 .5 .8 2 415 .43 312,,.....9 4 .4 1 0 .56 .50 . 40 .. 5 8 0 0 14 .38 19 . 3 , )i34 9 S9 1 36 9 .7 ' 111 48 1 7 5 45 l r. .41 '9 1.1 . 1 i,.49 .• 0 1 '11 45 •-._,,,,_ i 93 48 47 9 42 ?,6 4:13 6._3 4? 49 50 0 , 96 74 • I 7 • "•• • • I.: T: 1 I • , • 1 7.1 1 .. • 7.: 1 . 7. 7,: • •.• ,.1 7 : t1 T,_7 7. • T.: T.: . 7, ^. 1,: 1.1 1.1 1.1 I.: 7.. T. IA T.: 7_1 1.4 7.1 e 7. T. 7.: T.: 7.: TA TA TA I.: • 1 11 T. 7.. 1., 7.. 1.. 7., 7. 1. 4 :1 4 7.) • T., • 1 ▪ t., • , 1.: • T.1 1.4 T. 1.. • . 1,, - 7. • 7,.. 9 1/ ORIENTATION OF FLOOD TILT OF FLOOD KEVIN KENNEDY COOPER LIGHTING INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLU TENNIS & PICKLEBALL 2200635R21.61 B Survey Responses 30 January 2019 - 09 June 2022 Public Hearing Comments-Interlachen Country Club CUP Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: Interlachen Country Club Conditional Use Permit VISITORS 10 CONTRIBUTORS 4 RESPONSES 4 1 Registered 0 Unverified 3 Anonymous 1 Registered 0 Unverified 3 Anonymous Respondent No:1 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Jun 08, 2022 23:06:00 pm Last Seen:Jun 08, 2022 23:06:00 pm IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Thomas J. Stein Q2.Address 409 Blake Road South, Edina, MN 55343 Q3.Comment Wednesday, June 8, 2022 T o : City of Edina Planning Commission R E : Interlachen Country Club (ICC) Conditional Use Permit I have reviewed both applicant pdfs. The proposed changes ("improvements" may reflect ICC's point of view) are clearly a bid to create more business during the non-golf season. (If tennis and racquet courts are not indoors, they are also part of the golf season, essentially late April through mid-November.) The proposed new hockey rink and new restaurant (what they call a lodge) are obvious parts of this. This makes good business sense. But that does not necessarily mean it makes good neighbor and neighborhood sense. Hockey pucks hitting boards make noise -- just ask the folks who live at the end of Homedale Road in Interlachen Park, Hopkins during winter when the rink is there. How will ICC mediate this? Has this issue even been brought up? Suggestion: an indoor rink would solve this and could operate year-round. More expensive, but perhaps worth it? A new restaurant -- and the other added amenities -- would likely increase traffic down Waterman Ave. Reminder to the Planning Commission: Waterman is a residential street. It is NOT a private drive to ICC! I have seen the Waterman entry, and creating this new entry to ICC was not very neighborly. (Very clever of ICC to own the two houses flanking this entry, by the way!) Frankly, I suspect ICC views the Waterman entry as "opening the door" (no pun intended) to expansion of facilities on this end of their campus. I oppose this view, as do Waterman residents, I'm sure. If these new additions are approved by the Planning Commission, it should be with ICC's understanding that their main campus exists largely within a residential environment. The Waterman entry should be used for limited purposes -- 90% or more of patrons and employees should use the main entry on Interlachen Blvd. I repeat: Waterman is NOT a private drive to ICC. Appropriating a public street for use as a kind of private drive to a private country club (!) should not be acceptable in Edina -- or anywhere. ICC already has a private drive, and it should be used as the main access for ALL of their facilities, existing and new. If the Waterman entry and hockey rink noise issues are addressed to local residents' satisfaction -- and the satisfaction of the City of Edina -- then I think the biggest hurdles to ICC's plans are overcome. The variance on the tennis courts height is of less concern, in my view, and may come down to aesthetics and design. The Planning Commission would be wise to request MANY design and height options from the architects for this. Please keep the above comments -- in full and unedited -- on file with the City for this project. They can be made public as part of public hearing commentary / feedback. If possible, a written (printed out) copy sent to my address would be appreciated -- I cannot print this from my computer. Thank you. Sincerely, Thomas J. Stein, 409 Blake Road South, Edina, MN 55343 Respondent No:2 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Jun 09, 2022 09:33:42 am Last Seen:Jun 09, 2022 09:33:42 am IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Debra Frimerman Q2.Address 6229 Maloney Ave., Edina, MN Q3.Comment June 9, 2022 Planning Commission City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Interlachen Country Club’s Latest Request Dear Commissioners: This letter is in response to the request for public comment on the latest zoning request from Interlachen Country Club (“ICC”). Please include this letter as part of the public record. My family lives at 6229 Maloney Ave. Our home is adjacent to the proposed project site. Please reject ICC’s application. It does not constitute a proper conditional use permit application. In addition, a restaurant and bar are not permitted uses for accessory buildings in the R1 zoning district. Lastly, the height variance requested does not satisfy the requirements of the Edina Zoning Code. 1. ICC’s request does not constitute a conditional use permit application ICC states it is applying for a height variance. Nowhere in the application made available to the public does ICC describe the full project or ask for a conditional use permit. ICC has not provided the public sufficient details on what is being proposed. This project includes accessory buildings larger than 1000 feet, a restaurant and bar, health club, tennis courts, hockey rink, and more. Edina’s CUP application form requires, among other items: “A written statement describing the intended use of the property and why the City should approve your request.” Presumably the reasons for approval in a proper application would attempt to explain how this project meets the zoning requirements for granting a CUP (which this project does not). Instead of ICC submitting a proper application, the City planning staff have effectively submitted an application on behalf of ICC. The Planning Commission should not allow this application to proceed in its current form. 2. A restaurant and bar are not permitted uses for an accessory building in R1 Perhaps the reason ICC did not submit a proper CUP application is because the project includes uses that are not allowed by the zoning code. Appropriate accessory uses for a golf course in R1 include: “maintenance buildings, golf driving ranges, swimming pools, tennis courts and other related recreational facilities.” No reasonable reading of the zoning code allows ICC to build an accessory building (separate from ICC’s clubhouse) that contains a second restaurant and bar in the R1 zoning district. The CUP requirements specifically state a project must “conform[] to the applicable restrictions and specific conditions of the district in which it is located”. There is absolutely no way that a standalone outdoor bar that opens up to neighboring homes, with loud music, bright lights, and alcohol late into the evening, is allowed in the R1 zoning district and should be approved. 3. The height variance request does not satisfy the zoning code requirements ICC wants to build multiple accessory buildings on the golf course site. The zoning code clearly states that accessory buildings of this type are to be no more than 20 feet tall. Just because a house, which is a primary structure, can be 40 feet tall, does not mean accessory structures (whether belonging to a golf course or a homeowner) can be that tall. The idea that the height of the ICC clubhouse or other houses in the area are relevant to the discussion completely misses the point. Allowing ICC to build an accessory building that is almost double the permitted size is in no way in harmony with the general purpose or intent of the zoning code. Nothing in the comprehensive plan supports such a deviation. And ICC has described no practical difficulties (as the zoning code helpfully defines) in the request. The opposite is true. There is nothing unique about the golf course property that requires a structure of this height be built. And, despite ICC’s statements to the contrary, the mere fact that the zoning code has a 20-foot height restriction for an accessory building is not itself a practical difficulty. Given the topography, this structure would tower over the existing trees and be an eyesore to our neighborhood. It would absolutely alter the essential character of the locality. The CUP must not be granted because it fails to satisfy the requirements of the Edina Zoning Code. Please vote to deny the application. Thank you. Debra Frimerman Respondent No:3 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Jun 09, 2022 17:43:55 pm Last Seen:Jun 09, 2022 17:43:55 pm IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Britta Sortland Ryan Q2.Address 513 John Street Q3.Comment As an Interlachen Park resident, I'm opposed to using a public/semi-publicly zoned area as a bar (liquor license allows for members to be served until 1 am), a gym, and a restaurant patio that faces the neighborhood. Those are all allowed uses as a primary facility, but as auxiliary buildings, I believe these would be under a CAC - Community Activity Center - use. I'm requesting a formal response to the following questions. 1) Are there any other public/semi public facilities that have an auxiliary building that is a bar/restaurant? 2) A bar/restaurant is NOT a permitted accessory use for R-1 zoning. Please clarify why this is being allowed as part of the CUP proposal? 3) Are there any other public/semi public facilities that have an auxiliary building that is a gym? 4) What other conditional use permits has the city of Edina granted that permit a public/semi public entity to build an accessory facility that is 20+' high and over 1,500 SF? 5) A separate conditional use permit is required for the square footage of the proposed indoor/outdoor tennis court/hockey rink. Section. 36-435 of the code states that an accessory building totaling 1,000 square feet or more requires a conditional use permit. The applicant's narrative addresses the height restrictions, but does not address the footprint restrictions. Why is the city pushing through multiple requests under one CUP? 6) I'd request an updated survey be provided as the applicant's survey is from 2019, prior to the parking lot and driving range additions. To Interlachen, what additional screening will be added to reduce the noise pollution? Per the Future Land Use Categories, a development character and guidelines note is that 'performance and buffering standards for intensive outdoor recreation, parking' apply. As of now, the neighborhood can hear all activity including construction starting before 6 am, conversations happening on the tennis courts, and more. We need more screening or sound barriers as what is in place is not working as adequate screening. Also, should this proposal move forward, what would be the primary means of access to the site? The residents of Waterman Street have taken the brunt of the construction access for the parking lot and driving range projects. How would you address construction access and material staging for this project? Respondent No:4 Login:Connie Brockway Email:connie@conniebrockway.co m Responded At:Jun 09, 2022 18:51:23 pm Last Seen:Jun 10, 2022 01:43:37 am IP Address: Q1.First and Last Name Connie Brockway Q2.Address 6301 Maloney Ave Q3.Comment ICC putting a bar into a residential neighborhood is untenable .. imagine the patrons stumbling to their cars at 1 a.m. in our backyards. Light, music, car horns. Want that In our backyard? SEH Building a Better World for All of Us' MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: City of Edina Planning Department Jordan Thole, PE, CFM (Lic. CO, IA, MN, MT, NM, OR, SD, WI), May 9, 2022 GA „ ' N License #54147 RE: Interlachen Country Club Campus Expansion Project - Stormwater Management Plan SEH No. INLCC - 165858 14.00 PROJECT NARRATIVE Interlachen Country Club ("Club") is proposing to re-develop and expand a portion of their existing campus in late Summer 2022.The improvements are part of a golf course and facilities master plan approved by our membership late last year. The master plan addresses ongoing member demand for amenities, eliminates several deferred maintenance items, and positions the Club among the preeminent private family clubs in the country. The improvements will be complete ahead of the 2030 U.S. Women's Open when the Club and City of Edina return to the international stage. Existing Site: The existing site has been home to the Club's racquet sports and winter skating since the 1950s. It includes: • 1,900 square foot Lodge (multi-use space for dining, gathering, retail, and locker rooms) • 4,000 square foot event lawn • Five clay tennis courts • Two hard tennis courts, which double as pickleball courts • Two platform tennis courts The clay tennis courts are the site of hockey and skating rinks in the winter. The current Lodge was built in 1980 and is well past its useful life, and the tennis courts have not seen significant upgrades in more than three decades. The landscaping on the north side is also due for replacement. Proposed Site: The proposed plan includes: • A new 15,387 square foot Lodge (restaurant) • A new 17,423 square foot fitness center (fieldhouse) CITY OF EDINA • Five new outdoor clay tennis courts • Two new indoor hard tennis courts MAY 1 2 2022 • Two new outdoor pickleball courts • Three new platform tennis courts PLANNING DEPARTMENT Engineers I Architects I Planners I Scientists Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110-3507 651.490.2000 I 800.325.2055 I 888.908.8166 fax I sehinc.com SEH is 100% employee-owned I Affirmative Action—Equal Opportunity Employer 411evard Interlachen Country Club: Campus Expansion Project — Stormwater Management Plan May 9, 2022 Page 2 The clay tennis courts will continue to be the site of hockey and skating rinks in the winter, and new landscaping, modern lighting, and professionally designed sound will enhance the facilities for nearby residents. To make room for the proposed reconstruction, Interlachen also proposed to shift the alignment of vacated Waterman Avenue approximately 12 feet to the south and to straighten it to run due east-west. The general project location is due west of the main Clubhouse and north of vacated Waterman Avenue as shown in Figure 1 Figure 1 Project Location HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC MODEL METHODOLOGY Modeling was completed using AutoDesk's Storm & Sanitary Sewer Analysis 2020 (SSA) for both the existing and proposed conditions. Runoff was calculated using the SCS methodology with full 1-D hydrodynamic routing. Copies of the model or the model's ASCII output reports can be made available upon request. Rainfall runoff was derived using Atlas 14 rainfall depths for the 1-, 10-, and 100-year 24-hour design storms using the MSE3 rainfall distribution. Land cover was derived from aerial imagery and from on-site survey as portions of the site to the west included a new parking lot that was constructed in 2021 and does not appear on any publicly available aerial imagery. Soils data was obtained from the USGS and by soil borings obtained on site. A copy of the soil boring logs are attached to this memo in the attachment Soil Boring Map and Draft Log.pdf CITY OF EDINA All existing storm sewers located on site were surveyed by SEH during site investigations. The, elevations and pipe sizes used in the modeling reflect what was on site during the visit on April 14,20 /rtion74)Of storm sewer to the west and north of the Campus Expansion project were recently constructed in 2021 as part of the parking lot expansion. Interlachen Country Club: Campus Expansion Project — Stormwater Management Plan May 9, 2022 Page 3 Existing Drainage Description The current site generally drains to the north into the existing wetland. A small portion of the existing campus drains to the west into the new parking lot where it is picked up by the private storm sewer and routed into the biofilter that was constructed in 2021 as part of the new parking lot project. Water from the existing Waterman Avenue flows west into an on-sag catch basin that is then routed north to the biofilter. The biofilter drains primarily to the north through the filter's underdrain, however storm events above the 10-year design storm flow through a bypass structure to the south and ultimately into Mirror Lake. The flow leaving the biofilter to the north are collected into a 12-inch diameter storm sewer which flows to the north and east and discharges into the wetland. All flows leaving the project site to the north have been summarized in the table below as the Northeast Terminal Outlet. The areas south of the existing Waterman Avenue flow south onto the driving range green where they are eventually picked up by the storm sewer and flow towards Mirror Lake. All flows leaving the site to the south via the driving range green and the flows from the auxiliary outlet from the biofilter, which also discharge to Mirror Lake, have been summarized in the table below as the South Terminal Outlet. A map showing the existing watersheds and their flow directions can be found in the attached Exhibit 1. Table 1 Existing Conditions Summary CITY OF EDINA Existing Conditions Outflow Terminal Outlet 1-Year (cfs) 10-Year (cfs) 100-Year (cfs) Northeast 8.69 15.49 27.11 South 1.04 2.78 8.98 MAY 1 2 2022 Proposed Drainage Description PLANNING DEPARTMENT The proposed side development does not substantially change any existing watersheds described in the existing conditions description. The reconstructed courts and the new fitness center and lodge building will continue to discharge to the northeast through newly constructed storm sewer. Approximately 12,000 SF of pervious pavers and Flex Lawn (a proprietary pervious artificial turf) will be constructed along the walking/cart paths and under outdoor seating areas. The gravel sections under the pervious pavers will be utilized for stormwater treatment and retention. When feasible, all internal drainage has been routed to the pervious pavement and flex lawn sections. A perched perforated pipe network will be located 3 inches above the bottom of the gravel section to bypass water into the storm sewer outlet to the north. Roof drains from the two proposed buildings and the covered tennis courts drain directly into the proposed storm sewer and flow out to the north. Any bypassed flows from the roof scuppers discharge directly onto the pervious pavement section and are picked up by the perforated pipes. The realigned Waterman Avenue will generally flow to the same outlets as in the existing conditions. The west end of Waterman Avenue will flow to the catch basins located in the parking area south of the proposed tennis courts and will be conveyed to the existing biofilter to the north. The east side of Interlachen Country Club: Campus Expansion Project — Stormwater Management Plan May 9, 2022 Page 4 Waterman Avenue will be collected in a new on-sag inlet and conveyed south into the existing driving range. A new stormwater detention basin will be constructed adjacent to the fairway to reduce peak runoff rates and prevent erosion. A map showing the proposed watersheds and their flow directions can be found in the attached Exhibit 2 MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT RULES A summary of all pertinent watershed district rules for the Campus Expansion project have been summarized below. Regarding City of Edina's storm water rules, the City defers to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) in terms of both rate and volume control requirements, as stated in Section 3.1.1 and 3.2.2 of the City's surface water management plan. Stormwater Rules 3(a) Phosphorus Control Phosphorus reduction is addressed in the Volume Control portion of this memo. 3(b) Rate Control Rate control to the northeast is accomplished by utilizing the pervious paver section for temporary storage to reduce the peak runoff from the Campus Expansion. As much stormwater as is practicable has been routed to the pervious pavement sections to attenuate flows. The pervious sections of the proposed layout are highlighted in green below in Figure 2. CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT _LH ,F,lelho USE, 4,6 II Ltodo Legend E Inlet 16. Pipe 0 Manholes & Structures Pervious Pavers Building Footprints Reposed Impervious Invert 926.62 ft NAVD88 Outlets 926.87 ft NAVD88 Max Storage 11,980 CF Interlachen Country Club: Campus Expansion Project — Stormwater Management Plan May 9, 2022 Page 5 Figure 2 Proposed Pervious Paver Sections Table 2 summarizes the storage capacity of the pervious pavement section. The proposed gravel section below the pavers is 2.5 feet thick with a 40% designed void space. Series of perforated pipes will be perched 3 inches above the bottom of the gravel to convey water into the storm sewer and away from the site. Perforated pipes connect at four (4) separate locations to make longer term maintenance easier and to provide protection should one pipe become blocked. Table 2 Pervious Paver Summary Pervious Paver Summary PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 Interlachen Country Club: Campus Expansion Project — Stormwater Management Plan May 9, 2022 Page 6 Rate control to the south is achieved by construction of a new dry detention basin adjacent to the driving range fairway. The location was chosen as there is an existing natural saddle between two high points that could be utilized with minimal additional earthwork or land disturbance. A small berm will be constructed between the two high points where the stormwater currently drains to the south. A 4-inch PVC drain will be installed at the invert of the basin to pass the 1- and 10-year design storms. The secondary spillway located 2.25 feet above the invert of the basin. The secondary spillway is designed to convey stormwater during the 100-year event however modeling shows that flow depths will not exceed 0.1ft and velocities are under 2 feet per second (fps). For this reason, no hard armoring will be required at the spillway, as Interlachen will continue to maintain a healthy turf forming grass along the length of the spillway. A riprap apron is recommended at the outlet of the 4-inch PVC pipe to prevent erosion. Figure 3 Proposed Dry Basin Table 3 below summarizes the total proposed storage volume for the dry stormwater basin Table 3 Dry Basin Summary Basin Summary Invert 916 ft NAVD88 Spillway 918.25 ft NAVD88 Max Storage 2,630 CF Table 4 below summarizes the peak discharge from both the Northeast and South outlets for the 1-, 10-, and 100-year 24-hour design storms. With the addition of the proposed pervious paver sections and the dry basin, there is no net increase in runoff rates to either terminal outlet. CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Infiltration Volume Calculations Net Impervious Water Quality Volume Designed Infiltration Volume 6526 544 1198 Interlachen Country Club: Campus Expansion Project — Stormwater Management Plan May 9, 2022 Page 7 Table 4 Rate Control Summary Rate Control Summary Terminal Outlet 1-year 10-year 100-year Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Northeast 8.69 5.77 15.49 11.54 27.11 19.13 South 1.04 0.58 2.78 1.34 8.98 7.96 3(c) Volume Control Overall, the Interlachen Campus (including a significant portion of the golf course) located within the MCWD jurisdictional boundaries consists of over 112 acres with less than 11 acres of that being impervious surface. Exact areas are listed below in Table 5 for both existing and proposed conditions. Per section 5(b) of Minnehaha Creek Watershed's Stormwater Rules, since the total impervious on site is less than 40% of the total site and the net increase in impervious is less than a 50% increase, only the net new impervious area must be accounted for in the volume control calculations. Table 5 Total Impervious vs Pervious Summary of • All Im •._' Existing (ac) Proposed (ac) Pervious 101.14 101.02 Impervious 10.98 11.10 Total Site 112.12 112.12 Total % Imp 9.8% 9.9% Per Rule 3(c) of Minnehaha Creek Watershed's stormwater rules, a total of 1-inch of water over the net new impervious area must be infiltrated. Soil borings indicate that there are no high groundwater elevations on site that would exclude infiltration, however the presence of clays in the native soils make infiltration difficult. For this reason, SEH has proposed that only the area's under the pervious paver sections will be used for infiltration to prevent standing water on site. Table 6 Infiltration Volume CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT The perforated pipes within the pervious paver section are perched 3 inches above the bottom of the section. With an expected infiltration rate of 0.08 in/hr, this section should drain down within 37.5hrs following a rain event and infiltrate more than twice the required water quality volume. This infiltration volume also meets the phosphorus reduction requirements from Section 3(a) of the Stormwater Rules. Since most of the phosphorus washed off the surface is mobilized during the first inch of rainfall, the Peak WSEL Summary Design Storm South Basin (ft NAVD88) Pervious Paver Section (ft NAVD88) 1-Year 10-Year 917.43 918.05 927.01 927.33 100-Year 918.35 928.2 Low Opening 930.25 ft NAVD88* Interlachen Country Club: Campus Expansion Project — Stormwater Management Plan May 9, 2022 Page 8 capture and infiltration of this first inch is the most effective way to reduce the overall discharge of phosphorus to downstream waterbodies. Finally, per section 3(e) of the Minnehaha Creek's stormwater rules, at least two (2) feet of separation must exist between the low openings of any buildings and the 100-year water surface elevation for any permanent stormwater BMP. Table 7 below summarizes the elevations associated with all design storms for both basins. Table 7 Peak WSEL Summary *FFE of both the Fitness Center (Fieldhouse) and the Lodge Floodplain Rules The Campus Expansion project lies entirely outside of the regulatory floodplain. The project limits also avoid the 100-year flooding extents identified by the City of Edina (via the XPSWMM model provided by Barr on October 18, 2021). Crossings No water crossings are included with the Campus Expansion Project. Shoreline No shoreline impacts are planned with the Campus Expansion project. All stormwater flowing to the north will outlet through the existing flared end structure. Erosion Control A preliminary erosion and sediment control plan has been attached to this memo for your review. A final copy of the plan will be included with the Minnehaha Creek watershed submittal. JPT Attachment: Exhibit 1: Interlachen Existing Conditions Exhibit 2: Interlachen Proposed Conditions Soil Boring Locations and Draft Logs x:\fj\i\inIc6165858\5-final-dsgn\50-final-dsgn\50-hydro\permits\stormwater_narrative.docx CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT a- 0 w 0 O Existing Conditions Map Interlachen Country Club Campus Expansion Minneapolis, Minnesota Legend —111. Flow Direction • Storm Manhole Junctions • Inlet —Pi— Storm Sewerline I= Watersheds Parcel Line Biofilter Existing Impervious Area Existing Contours .-- ,. .. .,-- tEi,"E 150 p_ Feet a-aloi . .. itioirio r--- 0 37,5 75 ro s5Y 914 910 1,,,t 4rthstarGeo•ra Project: INLCC 165858 Print Date: 5/9/2022 Nam. Pole WGS W.Murcalor Aosaisry Sphere Soorm 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR. ST. PAUL. MN 55110 PHONE: (651) 190.2000 FAX (888) 908.8166 TF (800)325.2055 ...xsehInc.can Exhibit 1 SEH &, IV n Te nn Tetinis •ThjFIM;SWItem -Qra,N itAL-A A.4113MID, Y53Ak 711rotaklasoi6,kenettretv e-Gen ye •arthstar•gen z Proposed Conditions Map Interlachen Country Club Campus Expansion Minneapolis, Minnesota 3; ica . • . • • • 4 • 1111" •111 . •• 1 , • 11 • .. 1 11 . • Cm. • as • OP • • AI • 1 of • • .1 . - • • • 91a1 • • ...11 ill .4 • • Field h,ouee_1 Existing Valet Parking Lo No Work Tranchi,CB,2 Lodge_2 - 926 920 918 Project: INLCC 165858 Print Date: 5/9/2022 User Nem.: Polo Projection: WO9 Web MertolorAualliory Awn, Sou.. am/ xhibit 2 37.5 75 150 F Legend —h. Flow Direction • Storm Manhole Junctions • • Inlet —IP— Storm Sewerline — Proposed Pond Pervious Pavers Proposed Conditions Impervious Areas I=1 Proposed Watersheds Parcel Line Biofilter Proposed_Contours Existing Contours 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR. ST. PAUL. MN 55110 PHONE: (651) 490-2000 FAX (888) 908-8168 TE (800) 325.2055 hinccom SEH o E - z 0- —.410i1 Soil Boring Exhibit Waterman Avenue Improvements Interlachen Country Club Edina, 111N SEH Project No.: INLCC 165858 -,-N/ C) 0 \ ' \\NO 1 " N f i'-1-7- t 1 'ci`' PP SMF . 4,., 4, -, ==1-:\li SEH Maxar, Maxar, Microsoft, Esri Community Maps Contributors, Metropolitan Council, MetroGIS, Three Rivers Park District, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA, Esri, CGIAR, USGS, Baylor University, Texas Parks & Wildlife, Esri, I IERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, FAO, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, a May 2O2 Coordinate System: WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere Km () (1.23 0.45 a. § a_ 0 SUBSURFACE BORING LOG ENGINEEGING TESTING AET No: P-0010908 Log of Boring No. B-1 (p. 1 of 1) Project: Interlachen Country Club Improvements; Edina, MN DEPTH IN FEET Surface Elevation 932 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE TYPE RNC IN. FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS WC DEN LL PL %-#20( MATERIAL DESCRIPTION , ' 2 3 — 4 - 5 — - 611 Bituminous pavement FILL 44 I I 18 32 3r 35 47 M M M M M Ib SU SS over SS SS SS SS SS SS over SS 24 opt. 17 20 10 24 24 24 opt 24 13 18 # 17 13 11 15 8 mc; 26 mc; wet? waterbea .ing'? FILL, mostly silty sand, a little gravel, brown, frozen r-- FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, a little gravel, —\brown, frozen FILL, mostly clayey sand with organic fines, a little gravel, dark brown, frozen to 4' Organic Content 6 - SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown, stiff (CL) '.. .. . . TILL ' t1 8 - 9- 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 — 16 — 111 14 — 15 CLAYEY SAND, a little'' vel, bro ar lens of silty sand (SC) , I CITY OF EDINA MAY 1. 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT °. e" 0,. • .. ' . • 17 18 — 19 - 20 - 21 - CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, brown, hard, lens of silty sand (SC) • • . . LEAN CLAY, reddish brown, hard (CL) z ..0 FINE ALLUVIUM SAND WITH SILT, fine grained, light brown, moist, dense (SP-SM) COARSE ALLUVIUM END OF BORING DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO THE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON THIS LOG 0-19W 3.25" HSA DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL 3/16/22 8:35 21.5 19.5 21.0 None COMPLETED: 3/16/22 DR: RG LG: SB Rig: 96 03/2011 01-DH R-060 SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING AET No: P-0010908 Log of Boring No. B-2 (p. 1 of 1) Project: Interlachen Country Club Improvements; Edina, MN DEPTH FEET Surface Elevation GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE TYPE REC IN. FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS WC DEN LL PL %-#20( MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 1 — FILL, mostly clayey sand with organic fines, dark brown, frozen FILL wet? 3 M i ri I 1• li 11 SS 14 —18—÷31 24 24 24 24 20 24 24 26 1I 9 21 12 12 2 3 — 4 — 5 — 6— 7 — 8 — 9 — 10 — II — FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, brown iI SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 28 32 24 35' 51 59 M M wet M M/W FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel with sandstone, brown / CLAYEY SAND, a little gray , • (SC) . V . . TILL LEAN CLAY, brown, very stiff (CL) 4 ' FINE ALLUVIUM 12 13 — 14 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, brown, hard, lens of sand (SC) • 1144i r% 15 — 16 — 17 SILTY SAND, a little gravel, fine to medium grained, brown, moist, dense (SM) : ..' ..... COARSE ALLUVIUM 18 — 19 — 20 — 21 — CLAYEY SAND, a little grgalYlidiTAI-taltt (SC) MAY 12 2022 7 ._. TILL SILTY SAND, a littleltlrikWfhitiiTnediarnMEI% grained, light brown, moist, very dense (SM) COARSE ALLUVIUM END OF BORING DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO THE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON THIS LOG 0-19'/2' 3.25" HSA DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL 3/16/22 1:15 16.5 14.5 16.5 15.8 3/16/22 1:25 16.5 14.5 16.4 14.2 BORING COMPLETED: 3/16/22 3/16/22 2:00 21.5 19.5 21.2 None DR: RG LG: SB Rig: 96 03/2011 01-DHR-060 SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AMERICAN ENGINEENING TESTING AET Project: No: P-0010908 Log of Boring No. Edina, MN B-3 (p. 1 of 1) Interlachen Country Club Improvements; DEPTH IN FEET Surface Elevation 923 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE TYPE REC IN. FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WC DEN LL PL %-1/20( 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5— 6— FILL, mostly clayey sand with organic fines, black, frozen to 1' Organic Content/P200 Organic Con-nt FILL 16 9 15 28 39 57 21 26 35 F/M M M M M M M M il E. E. SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 18 6 2 24 24 8 24 24 24 20 20 20 10 9 10 14 19 20 8 — 10 — 11 — 12 — 13 — 14 — 15 — 16 — 17 — 18 — CLAYEY SAND, a little vel, bro et stiff to hard (SC) 111 . . . . • . . . TILL SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown, very stiff (CL) CITY OF EDINP MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPART ' . 19 20 — 21 — LEAN CLAY, brown, hard, lens of silty sand (CL) FINE ALLUVIUM END OF BORING DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO THE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF 0-19W 3.25" HSA DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL 3/16/22 12:40 21.5 19.5 21.0 None BORING COMPLETED: 3/16/22 TERMINOLOGY ON DR: RG LG: SB Rig: 96 THIS LOG 01-D HR-060 0 03/2011 SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING AET No: P-0010908 Log of Boring No. B-4 (p. 1 of 1) Project: Interlachen Country Club Improvements; Edina, MN DEPTH IN FEET Surface Elevation 922 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE TYPE REC FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS IN.WC DEN LL PL %-1120( MATERIAL DESCRIPTION I — 3 — 5— 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10 — 11 — 12— 13 — 14 — 15 — 16 — 17 — 18 — FILL, mostly silty sand with organic fines, dark brown, frozen FILL 20 9 33 ‘ 28' 22 44 F M I4 M M M 41 IT I 1 I SU SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 18 24 24 24 16 24 24 22 25 25 20 13 9 18 25 18 2 ---‘\f'rozen FILL, mostly organic sandy lean clay, black, / r . • . .. .. %5 TILL et? 4 — SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown, firm to stiff (CL) <111111 (SC) CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, brown, har le % : .....:: .. .. • . • LEAN CLAY, brown, very stiff (CL) CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 202? FINE ALLUVIUM wet? 19 20 — 21 — LEAN CLAY, brovyp,:hprOaOnaticinsof sand (CL) ' MIXED ALLUVIUM END OF BORING DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO THE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON 0-191/1' 3.25" HSA DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL 3/16/22 10:50 21.5 19.5 21.2 None BORING COMPLETED: 3/16/22 DR: RG LG: SB Rig: 96 THIS LOG 01-DHR-060 0 -J$1- (.9 oi o 9 03/2011 SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING AET No: P-0010908 Log of Boring No. C-1 (p. 1 of 1) Project: Interlachen Country Club Improvements; Edina, MN DEPTH FEET Surface Elevation 931 GEOLOGY MC SAMPLE TYPE REC IN. FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS WC DEN LL PL %-//20( FLET Sur face MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 2 — Bituminous pavement _5,5" FILL F F F F SU SU SU SU 15 I _FILL, mostly silty sand with gravel, brown, frozen I FILL, mostly sand, light brown, frozen FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, dark i brown, frozen END OF BORING CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO T ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON 0-2' 3.25" HSA DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL LEVEL, LEVEL 3/16/22 9:00 2.0 - 2.0 None BORING COMPLETED: 3/16/22 DR: RG LG: SB Rig: 96 THIS LOG 03/2011 01-DHR-060 c4 M F- 0 SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING AET Project: No: P-0010908 Log of Boring No. Edina, MN C-2 (p. 1 of 1) Interlachen Country Club Improvements; DEPTH IN FEET Surface Elevation 928 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE TYPE REC FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION IN.WC DEN LL PL 0(0-#2.0( 6.75" Bituminous pavement FILL F F F SU SU SU 13 I _-\FILL, mostly silty sand, brown, frozen i---- FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, brown, frozen 2 END OF BORING O4). CITY OF MAY 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT EC 2 2022 INA DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO THE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON 0-2' 3.25" HSA DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL 3/16/22 9:10 2.0 - 2.0 None BORING COMPLETED: 3/16/22 DR: RG LG: SB Rig: 96 THIS LOG 01-DHR-060 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Pinnacle Sill Engineering Owning Challenges. Winning Trust. 11541 95"' Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55369 Tel: 763-315-4501 Fax: 763-315-4507 August 20, 2021 Mr. Joel Livingood Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55436 RE: Level 1 Offsite Wetland Determination Services Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55436 Pinnacle Project No.: EM20212992 Dear Mr. Livingood: Pinnacle Engineering Inc. (Pinnacle) has performed a Level 1 Offsite Wetland Determination and Delineation of a portion of the Interlachen Country Club (ICC) located at 6200 Interlachen Boulevard in Edina, Minnesota (Site), which is within portions of Section 30, Township 117N, Range 21W. The Site consists of wetlands, parking areas, wooded areas, and manicured lawns. The Level 1 Offsite Wetland Determination was conducted in substantial conformance with the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, updated February 25, 1997, and utilizes the Midwest Region Supplement. The attached report documents the methods and findings of the delineation. It was determined that one wetland was present at the Site. The Level 1 Offsite Wetland Determination utilized historical aerial photographs, soil surveys, wetland inventory maps, topographic maps, and climatic records. The determination will be reviewed by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, the Local Governmental Unit (LGU), who administers the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). The following report documents the methods and findings of the determination. If you have any questions or wish to discuss any aspect of the project, please contact me at (763) 760-7413. We look forward to being of continued service to you. Sincerely, PINNACLE ENGINEERING, INC. Scott Thelen Staff Scientist, Certified Wetland Scientist #1249 Corporate: 11541 95th Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55369 800-366-3406 • Main: 763-315-4501 • Fax: 763-315-4507 Minneapolis, MN • Rochester, MN • Omaha, NE • Minot, ND www.pinenig.com 24 Hr. Emergency Response: 1-866-658-8883 CITY OF EDINA. MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT WETLAND DETERMINATION REPORT FOR: Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55436 PREPARED FOR: Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55436 PREPARED BY: Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. 11541 95thAvenue North Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369 August 20, 2021 tral Pinnacle Engineering Owning Challenges. Winning Trust. Pinnacle Project Number: EM20212992 CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT WETLAND DETERMINATION AND DELINEATION FOR: INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD EDINA, MINNESOTA 55436 PREPARED FOR: INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD EDINA, MINNESOTA 55436 PREPARED BY: PINNACLE ENGINEERING, INC. 11541 95th AVENUE MAPLE GROVE, MINNESOTA 55369 PINNACLE PROJECT NUMBER: EM20212992 August 20, 2021 Prepared By: Reviewed By: Scott Thelen Senior Scientist MN Wetland Delineator #1249 Matt BartusBartus Senior Scientist CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Scope 1 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2 2.1 Site Location and Use 2 2.2 Surveys and Maps 2 2.2.1 Topographic Maps 2 2.2.2 Soil Survey 2 2.2.3 NWI Maps 2 2.2.4 Public Waters Inventory 2 3.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION 2 3.1 Methodology 2 3.2 Aerial Photo Evaluation 2 3.3 Wetland Description 3 4.0 DISCUSSION 4 5.0 CONCLUSION 4 6.0 STANDARD OF CARE 5 7.0 REFERENCES 6 CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PINNACLE ENGINEERING, INC. WETLAND DELINEATION FIGURES FIGURE 1: Site Location Map FIGURE 2: Site Layout FIGURE 3: Soil Survey Map FIGURE 4: National Wetland Inventory Map FIGURE 5: Public Waters Inventory Map FIGURE 6: Wetland Communities APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Wetland Boundary Application APPENDIX B: Historical Aerial Imagery APPENDIX C: Wetland Hydrology Assessment CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PINNACLE ENGINEERING, INC. WETLAND DELINEATION ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. (Pinnacle) performed a Level 1 Offsite Wetland Determination and Delineation of a portion of the Interlachen Country Club located at 6200 Interlachen Boulevard in Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, which is within portions of Section 30, Township 117N, Range 21W (Lat: 44.918114°, Long-93.381515°, WGS 1984). The Site is only a portion of the larger underlying country club property and consists of wetlands, parking areas, wooded areas, and manicured lawns. The project consists of a renovation to the Interlachen Country Club outdoor facilities and parking area. The wetland boundary is needed to meet the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) requirements for the project. The Offsite Determination was conducted in substantial conformance with the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, updated February 25, 1997, and utilizes the Midwest Regional Supplement. The attached report documents the methods and findings of the Level 1 Offsite Wetland Determination. Pinnacle was retained in 2018 to delineate the southeastern portion of the wetland area for a parking lot project. The 2018 delineation was made utilizing the techniques of the Routine Onsite Method, as described in the 1987 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, updated February 25, 1997 and utilizing the Midwest Region Supplement. Determination of hydric soils, site hydrology, and hydrophytic vegetation were made according to the procedures and guidelines described in the manual. Sampling locations were selected to be representative of wetland/upland transition areas. A MNRAM function and values assessment was conducted at that time. The delineation was verified by the MCWD in 2018. The elevation of the verified flags was utilized to determine the elevation of the current wetland basin. 1.2 Scope Pinnacle conducted the Level 1 Offsite Wetland Determination in substantial accordance with the criteria established in the 1987 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, updated in 1997, the Midwest Regional Supplement (August 2010), and the St. Paul District Guidance for Offsite Hydrology/Wetland Determination. The level 1 off-site determination was conducted since the work was done outside the growing season. The work included the following items: • Review of USGS topographic maps, • Review of National Wetland Inventory (NWI) Maps, • Review of Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) County Soil Surveys, • Review of historical aerial photographs from various sources, • Review of weather conditions present at the time of the aerial ph,949zpilholt\IA • Preparation of report summarizing the findings; and, • Submission of the report to the MCWD. PLANNING DEPARTIviENT Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. Wetland Determination Report 11541 95th Avenue North Interlachen Country Club Maple Grove, MN 55369 August 20, 2021 7RR-11q-ein1 Pane 1 Pinnarle Prnient Ni imher PV1711912QQ9 MAY 1 2 2022 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2.1 Site Location and Use The project area is located at Interlachen Country Club, 6200 Interlachen Boulevard in Edina, Minnesota, which is within portions of Section 30, Township 117N, Range 21W (Lat: 44.918114°, Long-93.381515°, WGS 1984). The Site is only a portion of the larger underlying country club property and consists of wetlands, parking areas, wooded areas, and manicured lawns. The larger parent property has a Property Identification Number (PID) for the project area is 3011721140004. Figure 1 identifies the Site location. 2.2 Surveys and Maps Pinnacle conducted a review of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey map, topographic maps, Protected Waters Inventory (PWI), and National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps for the vicinity of the Site. The following sections summarize the information available at the time of this review. Ul I Y ELAN/ 2.2.1 Topographic Maps MAY 1 2 202? The topographic map depicted the project area as a golf courwk /Op &pond in the northern portion of the Site. The Site is situated within a relatively flat topograPhi&Sttting with a range in elevation from approximately 936 feet above mean sea level (MSL) in the southern portion of the parcel to approximately 912 feet MSL near the pond/wetland in the northern portion of the Site. The wetland basin is located at an elevation of approximately 914 MSL. Based on the contour intervals on the topographic map and our Site observations in 2018, surficial drainage of the project area appears to be to the north, towards the subject pond/wetland. 2.2.2 Soil Survey The NRCS Web Soil Survey map, which is included as Figure 3, was reviewed for information pertaining to the Site soils. The Soil Survey indicated the Site soil units are: Lester silt loam (map unit ID — L22F), Angus loam (map unit ID — L37B), Urban land Lester complex (map unit ID — L52C), Udorthents (cut and fill land) (map unit ID — U38), and Water (map unit ID — W). None of the identified soil types are considered hydric soils. 2.2.3 Wetland Inventory Maps The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)-National Wetland Inventory (NWI) map for the Site area depicted one wetland complex within and adjacent to the Site boundaries. The wetland types are identified as Palustrine, unconsolidated bottom, intermittently exposed (PUBG) with a Palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous, temporarily flooded (PFO1A) fringe. NWI maps generally show the approximate location of wetlands as of the time of publication. The NWI map, as reviewed by Pinnacle, were compiled based on aerial photo interpretation and field surveys and is included as Figure 4. Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. Wetland Determination Report 11541 95th Avenue North Interlachen Country Club Maple Grove, MN 55369 August 20, 2021 Pan/. 7 Pinnarla Prniprt Nliimhpr• FIV1911919qc19 2.2.4 Public Waters Inventory The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Public Waters Inventory (PWI) produces a map of the protected wetlands and waters of the State. The PWI map, which is included as Figure 5, indicates no public waters are located within the Site boundaries. 3.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION 3.1 Methodology The wetland determinations were made utilizing the techniques of the Offsite Method, as described in the 1987 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, updated February 25, 1997, the Midwest Regional Supplement (August 2010), and the St. Paul District Guidance for Offsite Hydrology/Wetland Determination. A Level 1 Offsite Determination typically requires a review of the available aerial photographs from several years ranging from 1936-2020. All aerial imagery should be evaluated in the context of antecedent moisture conditions as per Evaluating Antecedent Precipitation Conditions. The standard method for evaluating antecedent moisture conditions involves comparing precipitation totals from the three months prior to the date of the image with 30-year normal amounts (1981-2010), calculating a weighted multi-month score and determining a climate condition (dry, normal, wet). A review of the 1992 aerial photograph depicts a similar configuration to the 2020 aerial photograph. See Appendix B for all aerial photos for various years ranging from 1992 to 2020. Vegetation type was assumed based on the NWI classification and the presence of wetland signatures in the various aerial photographs. Pinnacle utilized data from the Minnesota State Climatology Office precipitation grids to determine whether precipitation for the years of the aerial photographs were wet, dry, or normal. Standing water and wetland signatures are visible in the wetland area on the reviewed historical aerial photographs, as discussed above. A review of the climate data stations indicated a local weather station was found in Hennepin County, MN from which the wet, dry, or normal precipitation was determined. I Yiii LUINi 3.2 Aerial Photo Evaluation MAY 1 2 2022 Pinnacle acquired aerial photographs from Google Earth Pro from the years 1992, 2003, 2006, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 to evaluate if wetland signatures were present in the aerial photographs. The review included evaluation of soils data for presence of hydric soils, NWI map, aerial imagery from wet and dry periods, and other wetland mapping resources to identify potential wetland areas for further evaluation. Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. Wetland Determination Report 11541 95th Avenue North Interlachen Country Club Maple Grove, MN 55369 August 20, 2021 Pana 7 PinnarIP Prniert Niimhpr. FIV1911919Qq9 Images were reviewed to determine the frequency of wetland signatures visible on each image. Each year was reviewed carefully, and observations were noted in accordance standard terminology. Observations compared normal and equal amounts of wet and dry periods to provide context. The number of years of imagery with normal and equal amounts of wet and dry periods precipitation conditions that exhibited wetland signatures were tallied. The recording form for the aerial photography review is included in Appendix C. The results were utilized to aid in the determination of the wetland areas. Areas with 50% or more hits in normal and equal wet and dry years were determined to be likely wetlands. The 1992 aerial photograph depicts a building on the south side of Wetland 1 and less developed areas to the north and east of Wetland 1. A parking area, access road and buildings have been developed in the 2003 aerial photograph. The building north south of Wetland 1 has been removed and there are additional buildings north of Wetland 1 in the 2012 aerial photograph. The Site appears to be in its current configuration in the 2019 aerial photograph. The table below describes the wetland area and their location, size and type. Table 1. Wetland and Suspect Areas Table 4Front Technologies Campus Oakdale, Minnesota Wetland ID Number Latitude Longitude On-site Sizes (ac) Cowardin Classification W-1 44.918114° -93.381515° 2.10 PUBG/PF01A 3.3 Wetland Descriptions Pinnacle identified one wetland within the Site boundary throughout the aerial photography and weather data evaluation. NWI descriptions of the wetland classifications and types are found below. Wetland Type PUBG The NWI Cowardin wetland classification system identifies the PUBH label for a wetland that consists of a palustrine basin, with an unconsolidated bottom that may be intermittently exposed usually within a depressional area. The NWI map for the Site area indicated one PUBG wetland contained within the Site boundaries, which corresponds to portions of Wetland 1. The soils survey did not indicate hydric soils located within the wetland area. Wetland Type PF01A MAY 1 2 2022 The NWI Cowardin wetland classification system identifies the PFO1A lab,elfora wetland that consists of a palustrine basin, dominated by woody angiosperms (trees or shrubs) with trees 6 meters tall or taller, with relatively wide, flat leaves that are shed during the cold or dry season and that is temporarily flooded. Surface water is present for brief periods during the growing season, but the water table usually lies well below the ground Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. Wetland Determination Report 11541 95th Avenue North Interlachen Country Club Maple Grove, MN 55369 August 20, 2021 7W1-f11_,dsn1 Pane :1 Pinnarle Prniert Niimher PK/19(1717997 surface for most of the season. The NWI map for the Site area indicated one PFO1A wetland within Site boundaries, which corresponds to portions of Wetland 1. The soils survey did not indicate hydric soils located within the wetland area. 4.0 DISCUSSION Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. (Pinnacle) performed a Level 1 Offsite Wetland Determination for portions of the Interlachen Country Club property located at 6200 Interlachen Boulevard in Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota which is within portions of Section 30, T117N, R21VV (Lat: 44.798157°; Long: -93.174134°, WGS 1984). The Site is only a portion of the larger underlying country club property and consists of wetlands, parking areas, wooded areas, and manicured lawns. The larger parent property has a Property Identification Number (PID) for the project area is 3011721140004. The topographic map review indicated the project area slopes to the depressional wetland basin area within the site. The soil survey map did not indicate the presence of hydric soils adjacent the wetland area and indicated standing water in the Wetland 1 area. The NWI depicts Wetland 1 as a wetland complex comprised of two wetland types (PUBG and PEM1C). The PWI map identified no protected wetlands within the project area. This Site contains one wetland within its boundaries. From the review of the aerial photographs, it appears the Wetland 1 has consistently been present prior to 1992 to the present. Site was in its current configuration from 2019 through the 2020 aerial photos. The wetland appears to receive surficial stormwater runoff from the adjacent parking lots and buildings. The wetland elevation of 914 MSL was determined during the verified wetland delineation from 2018. Culverts were noted during the 2018 wetland delineation draining into the eastern and southern sides of Wetland 1. A culvert on the eastern side of the wetland basin appears to drain the wetland under the road to the east. 5.0 CONCLUSION The Interlachen Country Club retained Pinnacle to conduct a Level 1 Offsite Wetland Determination of a portion of the Interlachen Country Club located at 6200 Interlachen Boulevard in Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota. The delineation was conducted in substantial conformance with the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. The Wetland Determination consisted of a Level 1 Offsite Determination utilizing historical aerial photographs and climatic records. Pinnacle determined one wetland was present within the northern portion of the Site. The wetland may aid in surficial runoff treatment. The nature of the identified wetland is discussed above. The delineation will be reviewed by the MCWD who serve as the local ;11Y , governmental units administering Minnesota's Wetland Conservation Act. OF EDIT MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPAP7RIENT Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. Wetland Determination Report 11541 95th Avenue North Interlachen Country Club Maple Grove, MN 55369 August 20, 2021 7R1-'11-dc(11 Pane Pinnarle Prniert Niirnher• PN/1911919QQ9 6.0 STANDARD OF CARE Environmental services performed by Pinnacle for the project have been conducted in a manner consistent with the degree of care and technical skill appropriately exercised by environmental professionals currently practicing in this area under similar budget and time constraints. Recommendations or opinions contained in this report represent our professional judgment and are generally based upon available information and currently accepted practices for environmental professionals. Other than this, no other warranty is implied nor is it expressed. CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. Wetland Determination Report 11541 95th Avenue North Interlachen Country Club Maple Grove, MN 55369 August 20, 2021 7R!1-11s_asni Pam. Pinnarlp Prniart Niimhpr FA7n919999 7.0 REFERENCES Eggers, Steve D. and Reed, Donald M., Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1997, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District. Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Midwest Region, October 2010, Washington, D. C. Lyon, John Grimson, Practical Handbook for Wetland Identification and Delineation, 1993, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida. Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources <https://bwsr.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/2018- 12/WETLANDS_Delin_Guidance_for_Offsite_Hydrology_and_Wetland_Determin ations.pdf> (March 5, 2021). Minnesota Geospatial Commons (https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/water-mn-public- waters), NWI data (https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/water-nat-wetlands-inv-2009- 2014), generated by Scott Thelen using <https://gisdata.mn.gov/>, March 5, 2021. United States Department of Agricultural, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Data Gateway <http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/> (August 18, 2021). U.S Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory http:/www.fws.gov/wetlands/data/WebMapServices.html > (August 18, 2021). U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, 1987, updated on February 25, 1997, Washington, D. C. Hennepin County GIS. <https://gis.hennepin.us/naturalresources/map/default.aspx> (August 18, 2021). CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. Wetland Determination Report 11541 95th Avenue North Interlachen Country Club Maple Grove, MN 55369 August 20, 2021 7A1-11s_asni Pant= PinnarIP Prniprl NI imhpr FKA7(1919q99 FIGURE 1 Site Location Map WETLAND DETERMINATION AND DELINEATION CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT Site Location.mxd DRAWN: ST REVIEWED: MB DATE: 08/19/2021 PROJECT NUMBER: EM20212992 411i,..114.11 111 4t FIGURE 1. Site Location Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55436 LEGEND *Stff-TY OF EDINA C-1Project Boundary MAY 1 2 2022 Pinnacle Engineering 11541 95th Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55369 (763) 315-4501 www.pineng.com FIGURE 2 Site Layout WETLAND DETERMINATION AND DELINEATION CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT File: Site Layout.mxd DRAWN: ST REVIEWED: MB DATE: 08/19/2021 PROJECT NUMBER: EM20212992 FIGURE 2. Site Layout Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55436 LEGEND CIProject Boundary Wetland 2 ft contour CITY OF EDINA\ Pinnace Engineering 11541 95th Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55369 (763) 315-4501 www.pineng.com FIGURE 3 Soil Survey WETLAND DETERMINATION AND DELINEATION CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT File: Soils.mxd 1•211710111=1 REVIEWED: MB DATE: 06/04/2018 PROJECT NUMBER: EM20212992 L52C L22F - Lester loam L37B - Angus loam L52C - Urban land-Lester complex U3B - Udorthents (cut and fill land) W - Water FIGURE 3. NCRS Soils Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55436 LEGEND CI Project Boundary NCRS Soils CITY OF EDINA Pinnacle ac .5 n Engineering 11541 95th Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55369 (763) 315-4501 www.pineng.com FIGURE 4 National Wetland Inventory WETLAND DETERMINATION AND DELINEATION CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11541 95th Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55369 (763) 315-4501 www.pineng.com Pinnacle 21M Engineering DRAWN ST MIA1111001X17 DATE: 08/19/2021 PROJECT NUMBER. EM20212992 * Freshwater Emergent Wetland ▪ Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland 111111 Freshwater Pond IIII Lake ▪ Other Riverine FIGURE 4. NWI Map Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55436 LEGEND C.Project Boun61 daw 1 rOF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIGURE 5 Public Waters Inventory WETLAND DETERMINATION AND DELINEATION CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11541 95th Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55369 (763) 315-4501 www. pin e ng . com MI Pinnacle WI Engineering REVIEWED: MB DRAWN. 'T DATE: 08/19/2021 PROJECT NUMBER: EM20212992 1 I FIGURE 4. PWI Map Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55436 LEGEND CiProject Boundary PWI basins •••PWI watercourses CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIGURE 6 Wetland Communities WETLAND DETERMINATION AND DELINEATION CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAY 1 2 202? PLANNING DEPARTMFNT et Comm.mxd NA 11541 95th Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55369 (763) 315-4501 www.pineng.com 1,21 Pinnacle rail Engineering DRAWN: ST REVIEWED: MB DATE: 08/19/2021 PROJECT NUMBER' EM20212992 FIGURE 6. Wetland Communities Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55436 Wetland 1., LEGEND CIProject Boundary Wetland Shallow Marsh 11Fresh Meadow NM Forested Cl APPENDICES CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPENDIX A Wetland Boundary Application CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Project Name and/or Number: PART ONE: Applicant Information If applicant is an entity (company, government entity, partnership, etc.), an authorized contact person must be identified. If the applicant is using an agent (consultant, lawyer, or other third party) and has authorized them to act on their behalf, the agent's contact information must also be provided. Applicant/Landowner Name: Interlachen Country Club; Joel Livingood Mailing Address: 6200 Interlachen Boulevard, Edina, MN 55436 Phone: (952) 924-7401 E-mail Address: JLivingood@interlachencc.org Authorized Contact (do not complete if same as above): Pinnacle Engineering, Inc., Scott Thelen Mailing Address: 11541 95th Ave. NE Phone: 763-277-8410 E-mail Address: sthelen@pineng.com Agent Name: Scott Thelen Mailing Address: 1154195th Ave. NE Phone: 763-277-8410 E-mail Address: sthelen@pineng.com PART TWO: Site Location Information County: Hennepin City/Township: Edina Parcel ID and/or Address: Legal Description (Section, Township, Range): S30, T117N, R21W Lat/Long (decimal degrees): Lat: 44.918114°, Long-93,381515° Attach a map showing the location of the site in relation to local streets, roads, highways. Attached Approximate size of site (acres) or if a linear project, length (feet): 1.5-acres If you know that your proposal will require an individual Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, you must provide the names and addresses of all property owners adjacent to the project site. This information may be provided by attaching a list to your application or by using block 25 of the Application for Department of the Army permit which can be obtained at: http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/Portals/57/docs/regulatorv/RegulatoryDocs/engform 4345 2012oct.pdf PART THREE: General Project/Site Information If this application is related to a delineation approval, exemption determination, jurisdictional determination, or other correspondence submitted prior to this application then describe that here and provide the Corps of Engineers project number. Describe the project that is being proposed, the project purpose and need, and schedule for implementation and completion. The project description must fully describe the nature and scope of the proposed activity including a description of all project elements that effect aquatic resources (wetland, lake, tributary, etc.) and must also include plans and cross section or profile drawings showing the location, character, and dimensions of all proposed activities and aquatic resource impacts. Building and grounds renovation. CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Project Name and/or Number: PART FOUR: Aquatic Resource Impact' Summary If your proposed project involves a direct or indirect impact to an aquatic resource (wetland, lake, tributary, etc.) identify each impact in the table below. Include all anticipated impacts, Including those expected to be temporary, Attach an overhead view map, aerial photo, and/or drawing showing all of the aquatic resources in the project area and the location(s) of the proposed impacts. Label each aquatic resource on the map with a reference number or letter and identify the impacts In the following table. Aquatic Resource ID (as noted on overhead view) Aquatic Resource Type (wetland, lake, tributary etc.) Type of Impact (fill, excavate, drain, or remove vegetation) Duration of Impact Permanent (P) or Temporary (T)' Size of Impact' Overall Size of Aquatic Resource ' Existing Plant Community Type(s) in Impact Area ^ County, Major Watershed It, and Bank Service Area II of Impact Area' 'If impacts arc temporary; enter the duration of the impacts in days next to the T. For example, a project with a temporary access fill that would be removed after 220 days would be entered "T (220)". 'Impacts less than 0.01 acre should be reported In square feet. Impacts 0.01 acre or greater should be reported as acres and rounded to the nearest 0.01 acre. Tributary impacts must be reported in linear feet of Impact and an area of impact by Indicating first the linear feet of Impact along the flowline of the stream followed by the area impact in parentheses). For example, a project that impacts 50 feet of a stream that Is 6 feet wide would be reported as 50 ft (300 square feet). 'This Is generally only applicable if you are applying for a de minimis exemption under MN Rules 8420,0420 Subp. 8, otherwise enter "N/A". ^Use Wetiono Plants and Plant Community Types of Minnesota and Wisconsin 3"' Ed. as modified In MN Rules 8420.0405 Subp, 2. 5 Refer to Major Watershed and Bank Service Area maps In MN Rules 8420,0522 Subp, 7. If any of the above identified impacts have already occurred, identify which impacts they are and the circumstances associated with each: PART FIVE: Applicant Signature q Check here If you are requesting a pre application consultation with the Corps and LGU based on the information you have provided. Regulatory entities will not initiate a formal application review if this box is checked. By signature below, I attest that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further attest that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein. Signature: Date: August 20, 2021 I hereby authorize to act on my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this application. F G-LeJ EC/LT---) I The term Impact" as used in this joint application form Is a generic term used for disclosure purposes to identify activities that may require approval from one or more regulatory agencies. For purposes of this form it isidot meanOtigiA indicate whether or not those activities may require mitigation/replacement. MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Project Name and/or Number: Attachment A Request for Delineation Review, Wetland Type Determination, or Jurisdictional Determination By submission of the enclosed wetland delineation report, I am requesting that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District (Corps) and/or the Wetland Conservation Act Local Government Unit (LGU) provide me with the following (check all that apply): n Wetland Type Confirmation Z Delineation Concurrence. Concurrence with a delineation is a written notification from the Corps and a decision from the LGU concurring, not concurring, or commenting on the boundaries of the aquatic resources delineated on the property. Delineation concurrences are generally valid for five years unless site conditions change. Under this request alone, the Corps will not address the jurisdictional status of the aquatic resources on the property, only the boundaries of the resources within the review area (including wetlands, tributaries, lakes, etc.), n Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination. A preliminary jurisdictional determination (PJD) is a non-binding written indication from the Corps that waters, including wetlands, identified on a parcel may be waters of the United States. For purposes of computation of impacts and compensatory mitigation requirements, a permit decision made on the basis of a PJD will treat all waters and wetlands in the review area as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. PJDs are advisory in nature and may not be appealed. ri Approved Jurisdictional Determination. An approved jurisdictional determination (AJD) is an official Corps determination that jurisdictional waters of the United States are either present or absent on the property. AJDs can generally be relied upon by the affected party for five years. An AJD may be appealed through the Corps administrative appeal process. In order for the Corps and LGU to process your request, the wetland delineation must be prepared in accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, any approved Regional Supplements to the 1987 Manual, and the Guidelines for Submitting Wetland Delineations in Minnesota (2013). http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/DelineationJDGuidance.aspx CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPENDIX B Historic Aerial Imagery CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DINA 4 /26/1992 (Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021) 4/3/2003 (Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021) MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6/23/2010 (Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021) 4/13/2012 (Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021) MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9/15/2013 (Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021) 10/11/2014 (Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021) MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 8/11/2015(Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021) PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4/5/2017 (Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021) MAY 12 2022 4/28/2018 (Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021) 22 6/5/2019 (Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021 LANNING DEPARTMENT 10/20/2020 (Source: Google Earth Pro, accessed 8/18/2021) CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPENDIX C Wetland Hydrology Assessment CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Hydrology Assessment with Aerial Imagery — Recording Form Project Name: J&M Holdings Investigator: ST County: Hennepin Date: 8/18/21 Legal Description: Section 31 T120N R22W Year Image Source Climate Condition Interpretation (list indicators observed, e.g crop stress, drowned out, standing water, etc.) Wet, Dry, Normal Area Wetland 1 4/26 /1 992 Google Earth Pro N SW 4/3/2003 Google Earth Pro N SW 6/23/2010 Google Earth Pro N SW 4/13/2012 Google Earth Pro N SW 9/15/2013 Google Earth Pro N SW 10/11/2014 Google Earth Pro N SW 8/11 /2015 Google Earth Pro W SW 4/5/2017 Google Earth Pro D SW 4/28/2018 Google Earth Pro N SW 6/5/2019 Google Earth Pro W SW 10/20/2020 Google Earth Pro N SW Summary Table Area Wetland 1 # Normal Years & Equal Years Wet and Dry 10 # Normal years & Equal Years Wet and Dry with wet signatures 10 100% WS - wetland signature AP - altered pattern CS - vegetation stress NV - normal vegetative cover DO - drowned out NC - not cropped SW - standing water CITY OF EDINA MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Amer/Com DESIGN SUMMARY FOR INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB Exterior Audio System April 25, 2022 Project Summary: Installation of audio system for exterior grounds of ICC clubhouse and new facilities. Audio system will be programed with a limiter and time of day scheduler to adhere to MN noise statues, with the exterior property line control zone having the stricter (quieter) limits placed on it at appropriate time of day. Audio control zones noted will be used to facilitate adherence to noise ordinances for strictest MN NAC zones at neighboring property lines (NAC 1: Residential housing). Audio system tuning will ensure that noise emitted from audio system under normal course of operation measured at property line adheres to Daytime & Nighttime dBA SPL L10 & L50 measurement ratings [below]. A noise survey will be completed after tuning adjustments over the course of 12] hours, during daytime limits and nighttime limits between 9pm-10pm (daytime) and 10pm-11pm (nighttime) using Meyer M-Noise at the systems maximum programmed allowable limit to prove noise code adherence. Noise survey results will be furnished to owner at time of commissioning including: noise log (including impulse events/background noise for correction from reading), reading and SPL meter settings, meteorological conditions at time of measurement (including wind speed, humidity, etc.), measured background noise, microphone calibration documentation (from a meter adhering to ANSI S1.4-1983 specifications [A weighted, fast response]), name of surveyor, a depiction of the monitoring location, and final L10 / L 50 results for daytime and nighttime pursuant to MN 7030.0060 Subp 5 data collection standards and Subp 4 measurement procedures. Exempt noise, such as lawnmowing, golf course maintenance/mechanical noises will not be factored into measurement or noted and removed from data, background noise will be noted and removed, noise from human activities not in-scope and will be noted and removed—measurement will apply to audio system tuning and programmed limitations under normal operation only to be exemplative of systems noise compliance. MN 7030.0060: Subp. 5. Data documentation. A summary sheet for all sound level measurements shall be completed and signed by the person making the measurements. At a minimum, the summary sheet shall include: §A. date; B. time; C. location; D. noise source; E. wind speed and direction; F. temperature; G. humidity; H. make, model, and serial number of measuring equipment; I. field calibration results; J. monitored levels; and K. site sketch indicating noise source, measurement location, directions, distances, and obstructipp.OF EDINA Noise Area Classification for NAC 1: Daytime: [L10] = 65 dBA SPL; [L50] = 60 dBA SPL Nighttime: [L10]= 55 dBA SPL; [L50] = 50 dBA SPL MAY 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTi'AL r Page I 1 2910 Waters Road, Suite 170, Eagan, MN 55121 I 651-726-2200 I I II: - a- 5: 11. * ••• • * • • Mt.% 2022-0,11 aft. Slum•4 'Ammo 444M*42 . 623'3 MOKONEN AVO MN 6534A * * * * * * * * * * gr * • */. • EMI MALONEY ABS . ,47 *EDINA MI4455343 [D4t 0....11.410....4.4110 al MAWR .1. • * * * 22; * g 16123494M Avadvann.com * • 4. -J 0- 4 le 4r_ ts_i 1 4 `2;r211'. —1 ' 110.940•OV aw . * P. 111.11111 11111111111111 a- -*** • * . ..... * • * • . .• " *,••• 411 • alr.. ••*. • ... 4, • 4, * * I 4. • * * Vo * ..... * * • * • *J. 4.• * * • *, • * INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA MN 55436 an. 04•4 DOA [DJ.. •P • * *. *. • 4. • * * * • * * * * * * * 4. 4. • * • 4. 1. OVERALL SITE - A010 oi ONO INIERLACHEN $1-VD. ECYNA *N 53343 *. • * Yr NY V. 4r 4. • Ir * a I I I 1 1 1 1 11(: .6. * * * EY • . 5 • t I !630144AL6NEY",,VE * ESN N 54r3.43 • •1 t * * • • PRER5ACMEk.SITEINOAN 6200 RENOVAITONS 5.-1033.TER-44>el BLVD BMA. UK 55456 • * • • 1. (7'"‘ SITE PLAN - PROJECT NORTH scAt. -3Y,0. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF EDINA MAY 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTtviENT ... • • . • ... : . ... . • ... : • : ... : : . • 1 . 1. • .. • ..... ........ ... ... • .... ... • . ...... • ....... • • • .... . , ........ • .1 • • • ..... • • - • .... • • 1 .... VNICI3 JO A_LIO 0.1 FC Shown on Extended Scan (Fuchsia Line) tap33331 1,333313. 13444 4.444 .13 a-13.3 30 nE; Interlachen Country Club Light Scan Summary 0.0 1 0.1 '0.1'0.1 o 0.1 0.0 0.1 '0.1 O.o O 0.1 0.0 o 0.1 0.1 0.1 '0.1 0.1 0 . 2 '0 . 2 0 . 1 0.1 '0 . 1 3 0.3 '0 . 3 '0 . 2 '0 . 2 0 . 1 0.4 '0 . 4 '0 . 3 0 . 2 0 . 2 7 '0.6. 6 0.5 0.3 0 . 2 0 . 9 0.9 0.7. 5 '0 . 3 3 1 . 5 1 . 3 1 . 0 0.8 0.5 7 '2.5 '2 . 1 '1.7. 2 "10 . 8 4 . 1 '3.5. . Three Tennis Courts Side by Side: A, B, C Two Tennis Courts Side by Side: F, J Two Pickleball Courts Side by Side: D, E Court A: 42.80 FC Avg; 1.73 Max to Min. Court B: 41.23 FC Avg; 1.58 Max to Min. Court C: 43.48 FC Avg; 1.68 Max to Min. Court F: 45.08 FC Avg; 1.64 Max to Min. Court J: 44.43 FC Avg; 1.64 Max to Min. Court D: 40.95 FC Avg; 1.83 Max to Min. Court E: 41.15 FC Avg; 1.86 Max to Min. 441 C.31clype. 0314 193 arid ,33 Calculat333 33433y 1,331 1.343. 63333 Lobel LIZ 443444 L01331.4 3.3031• o4 o 4 Court Layout with Corresponding Label • - .. • . .. • . 2-00 • . 225 . • 47 23 42 2t = 42 49 50 -, '•-i , ),.3 3 6 40 .. 40 .33 .14 .1.., • . 0 .33 •34 .2)/ i ' ..- ---. 'i'. ''.19 • L , 43 52_ .4-::—.:..--.Q -+-. '4.- " .45 St ...41-•?•• ‘, " , " z-,-6_____A____________ - - — ---- 5 . . .. .. . .. 1 • t .. . 53'5. • 4 N.19 '47 -_1;,.....1•_, -7,3 -.14 ',I."' 45 4 .43 -1_ .1 • 39 33 1G .27 'n 4J • e 1 '37 .20 '316 Ilf E 'as c. 47 42 30 .., 10 ••• . ' 46 40 ,'1 i .4, 3o • G - , F. L...........-----.......... _...1 -•,.. eL 40 7 — 4 • 7550 100 125 150 1 • x • .................... • „ ....1. 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THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK The CITYofEDINAConditional Use Permit & Variance –Interlachen Country Club The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov2 The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov3 The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov4 The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov5 The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov6 The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov7Lodge BuildingAccessory Building HeightTennis Structure 20 feet *39 FeetLodge Building 20 feet 20 feetField House Building 20 feet 20 feet The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov8Lodge Building The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov9Field House StructureAccessory Building HeightTennis Structure 20 feet *39 FeetLodge Building 20 feet 20 feetField House Building 20 feet 20 feet The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov10Field House Structure The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov11Accessory Building HeightTennis Structure 20 feet *39 FeetLodge Building 20 feet 20 feetField House Building 20 feet 20 feetTennis Structure The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov12Tennis Structure The CITYofEDINAPrimary IssuesIs the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) criteria met?Yes, Staff believes the criteria is met. •The proposed project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and meets all city code provisions with the exception of the height of the tennis structure. Golf courses are a permitted use within the R-1 Zoning District. Uses accessory to a golf course are also permitted. Accessory Buildings totaling 1000 square feet, or more are conditionally permitted use within the R-1 zoning district. Is the proposed variance justified?Yes, staff believes the variance criteria is met. •The height of the covered tennis structure is the reason a variance is required. The proposed height of 39 feet is greater than the allowed 20 feet, but remains shorter than the primary structure, the clubhouse and is similar to other buildings on site.The additional height is required for the tennis court/tennis structure to be functional. Granting the height variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. EdinaMN.gov13 The CITYofEDINAStaff RecommendationRecommend City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for the expanded facilities and building height variance from 20 feet to 39 feet at 6200 Interlachen Boulevard. Approval is subject to the following findings:1.The proposed project meets the conditional use permit standards of Chapter 36. 2.The proposed project meets the criteria to grant a variance.3.The height of the structure over the tennis court is required for the functionality of the tennis court.4.The height of the tennis court structure would be 13 feet shorter than the tallest structure on the site. 5.The proposed project will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Approval is subject to the following Conditions:1.The Construction Plans must be consistent with the proposed Development Plans date stamped May 12, 2022. 2.Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the city engineer’s memo dated June 6, 2022.3.Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the building official and fire marshal memo dated June 8, 2022. 4.Hours of operation are limited to the following times:•Fitness Center: 5:30 AM – 10:00 PM•Food Service: 7:00 AM – 12:00 AM •Tennis/Hockey: 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM EdinaMN.gov14 The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov15 The CITYofEDINAEdinaMN.gov16 Date: June 15, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I I.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:R es olution B-22-09 P ropos ed Uses and the P urchas e of Land at 4401 West 76th S treet Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R esolution B -22-09. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T his item pertains to acquisition of property for a new Fire Station #2 that includes a community health facility. A replacement for Fire Station #2 is referenced on P age 9-13 of the C omprehensive P lan and City staff has considered many different sites to identify the best potential locations for this new public facility. T he C omprehensive P lan also noted the recommendation for a future Fire Station #3 located in the northeast quadrant of the City. T his future Fire Station will be addressed in a separate site selection process that is informed by the final location of Fire Station #2. M innesota statute requires that the P lanning C ommission review potential property sales and purchases to confirm compliance with the future land use provisions of the C omprehensive P lan. S taff recommends approval of this Resolution. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Resolution B-22-09 Staff Report PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. B-22-09 PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 4401 WEST 76TH STREET COMPLIES WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Edina has received the December 5, 2018 report from Wendel / Five Bugles Design which included recommendations to relocate and expand Fire Station #2 located within the southeast quadrant of Edina in approximately three to five years and to consider adding Fire Station #3 to better serve the northeast quadrant in approximately five to ten years; and WHEREAS, the City Council directed staff to identify a site approximately 2 to 4 acres in area and (if necessary) negotiate terms of a potential purchase of land in order to construct a new Fire Station #2 that includes an expanded community health and safety facility; and WHEREAS, City staff initiated the first site study in 2020 and conducted a thorough site selection process in 2021-2022 eventually considering more than thirty sites in the southeast quadrant of the City that could be an effective location for a new Fire Station #2; and WHEREAS, City staff narrowed the possible sites to the three best performing sites that are currently available and the City Council selected property at 4401 West 76th Street and assigned PID Number 31-028-24-44-0001 (the “Property”) as the preferred site to relocate Fire Station #2; and WHEREAS, the Property has been vacant for several years and can be available for purchase; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has prepared a Purchase Agreement with the property owner based on the negotiated terms which is anticipated to be considered by the City Council on June 21, 2022; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 462.356 Subd. 2 requires that the Planning Commission review the proposed purchase of property by the City of Edina or the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority to determine compliance with the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan guides the Property to be transitioned from its current industrial use to “Office - Residential” (Figure 3.12) with future uses intended to include: offices, multifamily housing, limited retail and service uses, limited industrial, institutional uses, parks and open space. (Table 3.6). RESOLUTION NO. B-22-09, Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission finds that the purchase of property at 4401 West 76th Street to be used as mixed-use fire station and community health and safety facility is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Dated: June 15, 2022 ___________________________ Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ Planning Commission Secretary June 15, 2022 Chair and Commissioners of Edina Planning Commission Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Resolution B-22-09: Proposed Uses and the Purchase of Property at 4401 West 76th Street Complies with Comprehensive Plan Information / Background: The City of Edina anticipates acquiring property to construct a new Fire Station #2 in the southeastern quadrant of the City. This action stems from a 2018 recommendation from Five Bugles/Wendel to improve future emergency response services in the City based on anticipated growth. This recommendation is noted on Page 9-13 of the Comprehensive Plan. The existing Fire Station #2 at 7335 York Avenue remains functional but the site is not large enough and not well located for future growth. The new Fire Station #2 is also anticipated to include expanded Community Health facilities which are currently anticipated to include office space as well as community meeting space. Details of the exact scope, layout and design have not yet been determined. Since 2020, staff has sought a site at least 2 to 4 acres in size to accommodate the new institutional uses. More than thirty sites were considered. They were evaluated by staff using several criteria including: location, size, roadway access, response time, environmental conditions, availability and price. The sites were narrowed to three finalist and the City Council selected the 8-acre parcel at 4401 West 76th Street as the preferred site. The City Attorney has prepared a Purchase Contract to acquire the site. The acquisition and bond financing will be considered by the City Council on June 21, 2022. After the site is under contract, the City of Edina will hire a team of consultants to prepare development plans for future Rezoning and Site Plan Review by the Planning Commission and City Council in accordance with the City’s standard site plan and zoning review process. The large site is anticipated to be subdivided and designed in accordance with the Greater Southdale Design Experience Guidelines. While the site will likely be rezoned, no changes to the Comprehensive Plan are anticipated. Housing and Redevelopment Authority Established 1974 STAFF REPORT Page 2 Evaluation: The property is currently zoned PID – Planned Industrial District. Maps that show the location, zoning and future land use are attached. The Comprehensive Plan approved August 18, 2020, includes the following provisions related to land use that are applicable to the purchase of this property: Figure 3.12 Future Land Use indicates this property is guided for Office-Residential (20-75 u/a) designation. Map included in Exhibits section. Table 3.6 Future Land Use Categories includes the following description for the types of uses and general intensity of development intended for this property. The purchase documents presume that the new construction abides by these provisions. Changes to the Comprehensive Plan are not expected. Table 3.6: Future Land Use Categories Categories Description, Land Uses Development Character and Guidelines Density and Intensity Guidance** OR Office Residential Transitional areas along major thoroughfares or between higher-intensity districts and residential districts. Many existing highway- oriented commercial areas are anticipated to transition to this more mixed -use character. Primary uses are offices, attached or multifamily housing. Secondary uses: Limited retail and service uses (not including “big box" retail), limited industrial (fully enclosed), institutional uses, parks and open space. Vertical mixed-use should be encouraged and may be required on larger sites. Upgrade existing streetscape and building appearance, improve pedestrian and transit environment. Encourage structured parking and open space linkages where feasible; emphasize the enhancement of the pedestrian environment. 20 – 75 residential dwelling units/acre 50%/50% estimated residential/ commercial mixed-use **For mixed use categories, estimated percentage of residential/commercial use split is included for the purposes of calculating capacity for growth. These are not binding requirements for specific development projects. In conclusion, the proposed uses are consistent with the uses identified for this site in the Comprehensive Plan. The redevelopment of the site will require Rezoning. In the future, the Planning Commission will be required to make a recommendation to the City Council in regard to the site plan and rezoning for the development. Future applications would not include a comprehensive plan amendment, as the uses and density are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Resolution B-22-09. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Location Map 4401 W. 76 St STAFF REPORT Page 4 Zoning Map 4401 W. 76 St STAFF REPORT Page 5 Future Land Use Map 4401 W. 76 St 4401 W. 76 St