HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-09-13_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 1976- 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL MINUTES of August 16, 23 and 30, 1976, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of , seconded by RECOGNITION OF MISS AMERICA - Dorothy Benham I. PRESENTATION OF 1977 BUDGET II. PUBLIC HEARING ON COUNTY ROAD 18 /VALLEY VIEW ROAD INTERCHANGE (Continued-from 8/16/76) Presentation by City Manager and Engineer. Spectators heard. Action of Council by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. III. PUBLIC HEARING ON APPEAL OF BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS DECISION Pre- sentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. Action of Council by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Fountainwoods Apartments (Continued from 8/16/76) IV. COMMUNICATIONS A. Mr. T. C. Tussing.- Reimbursement of Cost of Pressure Reducing Water Valve B. Mr. James C. Duncan - Request for Back Yard Drainage Tile C. Dr. Edward C. Maeder - Objection to Jov.re Dr. One way Screen V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Planning Commission 1. Lot Division a. Lot 26, Block 2, Killarney Shores (5901 -07 Killarney Lane) LD -76 -9 (9/8/76( 2. Set Hearing Dates a. Lot Division - Lots 29 and 39, Warden Acres (5420 Benton Ave.) LD -76 -10 (9/8/76) b. Preliminary Plats 1) Indian Hills Arrowhead 2nd Addition - Generally located South of Indian Hills Road, North of Pawnee Road, East'of McCauley Trail S -76 -17 (9/8/76) 2) Dahlquist Addition Replat - Generally located East- -of Valley View Road, North of Mark Terrace Drive, at end of . Bror Road - S- 76 -20, (9/8/76) c. Rezoning a. Part of West Shore Drive in Lake Edina 3rd Addition - R -1 Single Family Residence District to R -2 Multiple Residence District - Z -76 -12 (formerly Z- 76 -4). d- Parkland dedication ordinance amendment e. Ordinance amendment restricting one dwelling to a lot or plot in the R -1 and R -2 Districts f. Ordinance Amendment raising fees for rezonings and subdivisions g. Ryan's Addition - Preliminary Plat - Generally.located at the Northeast corner Limerick Lane & Brook Drive Z -76 -22 (9/8/76) B.. Connection Charge - SS -140 and WM 7247 C. Appointment of Canvassing Board - Primary Election D. Braemar Gun Range Fencing E. Purchase of Bridge for Arden Park F. Extension of M.T.C. Routes in Edina G. Krahl Hill Condemnation Award H. Parnell Water Project I. Metropolitan Council Housing Contract J. Federal Public Works Grant Possibilities. K. Post Agenda and Miscellaneous Items 1. Final Plat Approval - Lyle Buchanan Addition 2. Purchase of 50th and France Signal Poles September 13, 1976 Agenda Page Two VI. ORDINANCES. A. First Reading 1. Ordinance No. 1232 - Municipal Parking Ramp (Continued from 8/16/76) VII. ANY, OTHERS WHO DESIRE HEARING BEFORE COUNCIL VIII. FINANCE A. Liquor Fund as of July.31, 1976 B. Claims paid. Motion of , seconded by , and carried for payment of the following claims as per pre -list: General Fund, $130,101.72; Park Fund, $2,369.70; Park Construction Fund, $4,693.98; Swimming Pool, $2.,199.15; Golf Course, $6,337.22; Arena, $1,667.18; Gun Range, $631.75; Water Works,. $8,200.79; Sewer Fund, $64,310.56; Liquor Fund, $93,290.69; Construction $323.26; IBR, $383.:63; Total, $314,559.63 M E M O R A N D U M September 10,1976 TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Warren C. Hyde City Manager SUBJ: Valley View /Hwy 18 In accordance with your directions of August 2 following receipt of petitions from several residents asking for reconsideration of present plans for the above interchange, your staff has reviewed previous recommenda- tions, made some additional studies, and has thoroughly considered the letter of September 1 signed by an ad hoc group of 10 citizens. You were sent copies of that letter by the group. The staff concurs with the primary recommendations 1, 2 and 4 of the group namely, 1. Do not build the link from the interchange directly east to Braemar. Boulevard. The staff would add "at this time, with the land required for the link to be retained." 2. Do not install the cul de sac on Valley View Road. This has always been the staff position. 3. Pursue necessary action to have the West Bush Lake Road Marth Road area ramps to I -494 built. At our urging, Met Council is having a meeting Monday afternoon, Sept. 13, to inventory where all DMJM recommendations stand. Dunn and Hoffman are attending. The third primary recommendation, to "Continue McCauley Trail south beyond Arena to 78th street, ".,cannot be concurred in at.this time.. Considerable study is required as to feasibility, cost, and acceptability by County. An alternate is to support Eden Prairie's desire to have a W. 78th street overpass/ underpass crossing County Road 18 to connect with the south end of Washington Avenue. If.this is done, then WashingtonAvenue could serve as a frontage /access route, The secondary recommendations concerning: a. The planning of intersection of Valley View and McCauley; b. Improve safety conditions at hairpin turn; c. 4 -way stop at Gleason and Dewey Hills CI 2. are being referred to Traffic Safety Committee for consideration. Secondary recommendation "c." concerns,construction of-'Aiuundson Road, vacating of Dewey Hill, and cul de sac of Cahill, On the construction of Amundson,...from Cahill t6...Dewey Hill, we recommend securing the one piece of right -of -way needed as soon as possible, and then conduct a public hearing on proposed construction. This.could be constructed in 1977. Staff feels Dewey Hill could then be blocked from new Amundson to Cahill, thus discouraging through traffic. However, the volume of emergency calls received from the area south of 70th, on and in..the vicinity of Cahill, requires re- thinking as to whether Cahill should be cul- de- sac'd. A tabulation from Robert Buresh is attached. The cul -de -sac was planned at the time that land on the west side of Cahill was, proposed for industrial /commercial usage. While the ad hoc grotp does not specifically mention the construction of a new road south of Dewey Hill, west of Cahill, we do not feel that this road, generally called Delaney (rather than a continuation of Amundson) should be built to 78th street until the I -494 access.problem is resolved. Some of the right -of -way required is controlled by Lowry Hill Enterprises, the owners of which are suing the City for the five -story building. At the last Council hearing on this matter, that there many semi - trailers using Valley View now. classification inventory. which, shows - .that..only 37. of of any type. WCH: if Encls. statements were made Attached is a vehicle the traffic ,is.,.trucks Warren C. H; CITY MANAGER A vehicle classification inventory was conducted on Valley View Road at the west side of the hairpin turn. Vehicles were classified into the four categories listed below: A. Cars B. Pick -up trucks, vans (single tire on one rear axle) C. Trucks (dual tires on.rear axle or more than one rear axle) D. Motorcycles Of the 1,700 vehicles per day, the breakdown of vehicles by percentage is a* follows: A. Cars 85% B. Pick -up trucks, vans 11% C. Trucks 3% D. Motorcycles 1% 100% To expand on the types of trucks that comprised 3% of the total traffic, the following was observed: A. The only semi - trailer truck seen was a Global Van Lines truck which remained.on Valley View Road. B. The only other large trucks noted were a few dump trucks involved with home construction. C. The majority of the truck -size vehicles (single rear axle with dual tires) were residential service type; i.e., school buses, Star and Tribune newspaper delivery, Chem Lawn service truck, furniture trucks. This inventory is a result of observations onSeptember 3rd, 7th and 8th 1976,. 1 r M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 18,,1976 T06. Warren C. Hyde. City Manager FROM: Robert J. Buresh, Director of Public Safety SUBJECT: Closing of Cahill Road Our records indicate that in the first six months of 1976, we answered a total of 19 emergency calls (8 medical.emer- to Cahi1 R Street. The'followingris aslist of the calls: TYPE OF CALL LOCATI0,1 MNTH Medical 7520 Cahill Road January 7510 Cahill Road January Fire 7500 Cahill Road January Fire. 7500 Cahill Road January Fire Medical 7520 Cahill Road February Fire 7429 Bush Lake Road February 7150 Cahill Road February Fire Medical 7150 Cahill Road , March Medical 5301 Industrial Blvd.. April Fire 7429 Bush Lake Road April Roa. < 7525 Cahill� d:- April Fire Medical 7160 Cahill Road May Medical 7510 Cahill Road May Medical 7510 Cahill Road May Fire 7525 Cahill Road May Fire 7525 Cahill Road May 7525 Cahill Road May Fire Medical 5300 West 76th Street June Fire 7625.Bush Lake Road June t r. Memo to Mr. Hyde August 18, 1976 Page 2 For comparison purposes, we selected the central location of 74th and Bush Lake Road and conducted two test runs with red lights and siren. We obtained the fo,l.lowing results: Fire Station to 74th and Bush Lake Road: Tracy - - -- -West 70th Street - - - -- Cahill Road 3:41 Highway 62 - - -- Highway 100 - - - -- -Metro Blvd. 4:41 As a point of information, it'should.be noted that most of our calls to this area occur on Cahill Road. Therefore, we con- ducted-,test runs with :red lights and siren to the Windwood Apartment Complex, 7500 Cahill Road, with the fol. lowing results: Fire Station to 7500 Cahill Road: Tracy - - -- -West 70th Street - - - -- Cahill Road 3:36 Highway 62 - - -- Highway 100 - - - -- -Metro Blvd. 6:00 These times were obta fined during ideal conditions, with little Dtraffic and good weather. Response times of 4 minutes into this high -value area should be considered maximum. RJB /rah N i MAILGRAM SERVIEE�CENfiER`.;.;. ;,: �'.°'`� TES POS 4" U. .MIDDLETOWN# VA. 22645 western union all Z ra m UUM � T 74 2- 02213IE255002 09/11/76 ICS IPMBNGZ.CSP MPSB 1 6129411239 MGM TDBN EDINA MN 09-11 1120A EST CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50 ST EDINA MN 55424 THIS MAILGRAM IS A CONFIRMATION COPY OF THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE: 6129411239 TDBN EDINA MN 48 09 -11 1120A-EST PMS MISS DOROTHY:BENHAM, CARE MISS AMERICA PAGEANTIHEADQUARTERS PLEASE DELIVER.ASAPP DLR ATLANTIC CITY NJ YOUR NEW HOMETOWN IS THRILLED AT YOUR SUCCESS IN THE PRELIMINARY EVENTS OF THE MISS AMERICA PAGEANT. ON BEHALF,OF MAYOR VAN VALKENBERG AND THE CITY COUNCIL WE SEND BEST WISHES'FOR A COMPLETE TRIUMPHS WE HOPE YOU CAN ATTEND THE lDINA BICENTENNIAL ALL :SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18o WARREN C HYDE CITY MANAGER 11120 EST MGMCOMP MGM TO REPLY BY MAILGRAM, SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR WESTERN UNION'S TOLL - FREE PHONE NUMBERS TO REPLY,BY .MAILGRA'M,;PHONE, WESTERN UNION ANY TIME,' DAY OR NIGHT: FOR YOUR LOCAL NUMBER, SEE THE WHITE PAGES t ' OF YOUR TELEPHONE DIRECTORY : r ,. OR , DIAL (TOLL FREE) 800 - 257.2241 (EXCEPT IN NEW JERSEY 800 - 632 -2271) OR DIAL WESTERN UNION'S INFOMASTER SYSTEM DIRECTLY: FROM TELEX .................... 6161 FROM TWX ................ 910 420 1212 Mr. Warren Hyde, City Manager City of Edina 4801.West 50th Street Edina, Minn. 55424 Dear Warren: 6828 Gleason Road Edina, Minn. 55435 September 7, 1976 9- 9 >f As we discussed on the phone, you will be receiving shortly a letter from a group of residents regarding the Valley View and County Road 18 interchange. In the spirit of showing unanimity, I signed the letter as I agree with its intent. However, there are certain recom- mendations which, because of my background from serving on the com- mittee or other exposures, I did not think were precise enough in some cases and too precise in others. The individuals who put the letter together had a challenge to meet, especially as they wanted to keep it brief. My purpose in writing you is to elaborate in some points that were not included in the group letter. My comments are referenced to the group letter as follows: l.c. Add the following, and adopt the necessary controls and improvement plans to implement a plan consistent with the concerns expressed above. 2.a. Add the following after link, at this time, but preserve the option to do so at a later date. 2.b. Add the following after load, at this time. 2.c. Substitute the words, Study continuing for "Continue ". The group does not have adequate information to make the present statement. It is my understanding that the loss of park land would be excessive. This was.discussed by the Task Force and in concept would be worthy of study. 2.d. Substitute the following for present statement: how the City of Edina can best meet the concerns in One 1 above. If it is determined that thos best accomplished b access ramps to com pursue the necessar cause of the long d constructed. 8 -10 measures. onstruction of the western ment those at East Bush La action, to have this ays anticipated in ars the city shoul Restudy expressed can be pair of e Road, implemented. Be- etting.these ramp develop interim I realize that the recommendation to put the west pair of ramps at West Bush Lake Road is not practical from a safety standpoint because of the short distance from County Road 18 ramps, especially if a clover=leaf design interchange is built. Based on discussions with the traffic consultant, I have concluded that the ramps should be as close as possible to East Bush Lake Road to intercept the industrial traffic as it leaves the area. In any case, the ramps should not be t " Mr. Warren Hyde -2- September 7, 1976 in alignment with Gleason Road as.that will encourage more through traffic to use Gleason. 3oa. Substitute, provide safe turning movements consistent with safe residential speeds for "to prevent, not encourage speed." #.b. Substitute, Providing proper grades and shoulders for "curbs ". Curbs in themselves definitely are not the answer. A shoulder with a margin of safety is what is needed. However, some residents seem to equate curbs with speed control and do not want the corner designed for greater speed. Thank you for consideration of my comments and you may distribute these to the staff or council as you see fit. Sincerely yours, Clement D. Springer CDS :js l' 7- -7. 7 September 1, 1976 Mr. Warren Hyde, City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Hyde: At the August 2nd meeting of the City Council, Mayor Van Valkenburg voiced a request for constructive suggestions concerning the County 18 - Valley View interchange.. A number of suggestions were made by citizens, and your staff is currently reevaluating the situation and will be responding to. the Council at their September 13th meeting.. A group of residents of Southwest Edina, anxious to seek a solution which would have a broad base of citizen support, met following that meeting to determine the points of mutual agreement and to resolve those points where we did not agree. This group included residents of Gleason Road, Valley View Road and Dewey Hill Road. Each of the participants discussed the results of that meeting with their neighbors and a second meeting was held. As a result of these meetings and neighborhood discussions we arrived at several conclusions.and recommendations. 1. Our major concerns are of.equal importance. a. Provide for and permit good internal traffic flow. b. Strongly discourage through traffic on residential streets. C. Plan for future developments in the area. 2. Primary recommendations of the group are: a. Do not build the link. b. Do not install the cul de sac on Valley View Road. C. Continue McCauley Trail south beyond the Arena to 78th Street. d. Initiate and.actively pursue the necessary action to have the West Bush Lake Road ramps to Interstate 494 built. - __- 3-._ -_ Secondary recommendations -of--the group-are: a. Plan the intersection of Valley View and McCauley Trail to prevent, not encourage speed. b. Improve safety conditions at the hairpin turn by: bl. -Adequate street lighting. b2. Curbs. b3. Installation of traffic signs to alert drivers of the type of turn ahead. sir. Warren' Hyde, City Manager -2- C. Establish and make known time schedules for the construction of Amundson Road and the vacating of Dewey Hill Road and the cul de sac of Cahill Road, ll..-. installation of a four way stop at Gleason Road and Dewey Hill Road, Mrs= Bodine cR_tta(zed you with the hope that these topics could be discussed _... with your staff in sufficient time to permit their study before the September 13th : - Council meet ,lg. Is you indicated, your next staff meeting is scheduled for September 8th and you suggested we address this letter to you. We request the oppartunity to discuss these recommendations with you and your staff prior to s_ =eet in. n As additlonal Snout for your consideration, the residents of the critical area of alle -y `'S,ew v- -tween 18 and the hairpin turn were asked their opinion, They . naturally would prefer to retain the cul de sac with no link. However they :3udged by 13:tc-3. -to leave Valley View open if the cul de sac were to result the link. They also strongly favored continuing .'McCauley r ^il._.south to 78th Street. _ Listed-below are the names" of those persons who have participated in these _. heetings together with the names of persons whose.c_ounsel we sought and who, - after reading the letter, have asked to have their-names included. We have s-r, nrt in the form of a petition solicitation - the names that of citizens who asked to be involved - we stand ready to help in any reasoria;le" way to bring this situation to a mutually agreeable solution. We-would-appreciate your consideration of these broad based citizen recommenda- -tions and-their inclusion in your staff recommendations to the Council. Yours very truly, Ile 1 Cw t -��liL _ j / -j ` - 024 �V CC: Mayor ,Tames Van Valkenburg Councilman C. Wayne Courtney Counc!',aar Frederick S. Richards Councilwoman June A. Schmidt 's Ccunc ?,-^.? ?Uliis F. Shaw 1 st. louis park medical center, 5000 west thirty -ninth street - minneapol is, minnesota 55416 - telephone: (612) 927 -3123 Sept. 7, 1976 Village Council City of Edina Edina City Hall Edina, Minnesota 55435 Dear Sirs: I am at present a resident of Edina West in the Parkwood Knoll area. I grew up in this area and have now been living in the new section of Parkwood Knolls for the last two years. Recently it has come to my attention that a portion of Dover Blvd, has suddenly become a one way street between Biscayne Blvd, and Parkwood Lane. I assume the object of this was to cut down some of the incoming traffic from County Road 18 into the Parkwood Knolls area. v.9 •0o ,/ga. I find it somewhat hard to believe that such a step like this would be taken without the consideration of the neighborhood and especially those streets running parallel to Dover. To my knowledge there is no one way street in the Parkwood Knoll area. In reality I do not recollect a one way street in Edina. It is easy for one to lose trust in the decision making of the Village Council or whoever it is who makes decisions when the involved parties in the neighborhood are not informed of such decisions. Likewise, this obviously does not seem to be a decision well thought out when it would seem obvious that a first step would be to have a stop sign at the corner of Dover and Parkwood Lane. Indeed if the decision to make this a one way street remains one must ask the council why the families on Parkwood Lane and FieldUhy do not have consideration. Th is street, FieldWy, which runs parallel to Dover contains a hill upon which many families with numerous children live. Obviously a significant increase in traffic coming over a blind hill like this will mean significant risk of injury to these children. To summarize, I find myself one way street. I do believe particular decision does not with the knowledge of those Sincerely yours, Edward C. Maeder, Jr., M.D. ld 1 very disturbed at this that one must control seem well thought out in the neighborhood. recent decision to make Dover a the traffic on Dover, however, this and indeed is a decision not made THE ST. LOUIS PARK MEDICAL CENTER STAFF Allergy Richard T. Cushing, M.D. William F. Shoenwetter, M.D. Norman A. Sterrie, M.D. Richard K. Waeschle, M.D. Dermatology Burre/ H. Deatun, M.D. H. Spencer Holmes, M.D. Edwin G. Rice, M.D. Family Practice Diane A. Dahl, M.D. Steven T. McCabe, M.D. Herschel L. Perlman, M.D. Donald A. Pine, M.D. Harley J. Racer, M.D. F /oyd J. Swenson, M.D. D. Clarke Tungseth, M.D. David L. Von Weiss, M.D. Industrial Medicine Richard C. Cohan, M.D. Robert L. MacCornack, M.D. Internal Medicine CARDIOLOGY James C. Dahl, M.D. Clarke G. Daniels, M.D. Charles R. Peterson, M.D. Phillip J. Ranheirn, M.D. CHEST DISEASES Wilfred A. Corson, M.D. Thomas B. Dun kel, M.D. A. Stuart Hanson, M, D. Richard C. Woellner, M.D. ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC DISEASES Robert F. Coniff M.D. Charles L. Jacobson, M.D. GASTROENTEROLOGY Hugh A. Edmondson, Jr., M.D. Michael Levy, M.D. James F. Reynolds, M.D. INFECTIOUS DISEASES Allan C. Kind, M.D. INTERNAL MEDICINE Elisabeth R. Bennett, M.D. Henry W. Cohen, M.D. Edward D. Kraus, M.D., L.O.A. NEPHROLOGY Donald A. Duncan, M.D. Henry T. Smith, M.D. RHEUMATOLOGY David A. Randall, M.D. Neurology Bruce J. Vat Dyne, M.D. Obstetrics and Gynecology Alex Barno, M.D. Arlyn A. Hamann, M.D. Edward C. Maeder, Jr., M.D. Fred E. Mecklenburg, M.D. John A. Reichert, M.D. Norman S. Solberg, M.D. Debbie Ford, Nurse Clinician Ophthalmology James A. Brownfield, M.D. Rodney R. Dick, M.D. Richard 0. Leavenworth, Jr., M.D. Otolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery David J. Buran, M.D. Robert L. Koller, M.D. Mark L. Satz, M.D. Pediatrics Theresa A. Baker, M.D. Paul B. Satalden, M.D. Robert A. Jensen, M.D. Theodore C. Papermaster, M.D. CARDIOLOGY George W Lund, M.D. ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC DISEASES Donnell D. Etzwiler, M.D. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Arnold S. Anderson, M.D., LOA ONCOL OG Y AND HEMATOL OG Y John A. Cich, M.D. Loren N. Vorlicky, M.D. INFECTIOUS DISEASES Don P. Amren, M.D. Radiology Eugene L. Elvecrog, M.D. Donald C. Hauser, M.D. General Surgery GENERAL AND VASCULAR William G. Gamble, M.D. Glen D. Nelson, M.D. Lee A. Simso, M.D. Earl G, Yonehiro, M.D., Ph. D GENERAL AND HEAD AND NECK ONCOLOGY AND HEMATOLOGY Robert B. Benjamin, M.D. John H. Brown, M.D. Robert A. Green, M.D. Charles L. Murray, M. D. J. Michael Ryan, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery Leo J. De Souza, F. R. C. S. Walter/ndeck, M.D. Dick R. Lavender, M.D. W. Robert Leslie, M.D. OR THOPEDIC A ND SURGERY OF THE HAND George E. Reisdorf, M.D. Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Hovald K. Helserh, M.D. David E. Raab, M.D. Urology David M. Anderson, M.D. Clyde E. Blackard, M.D. ALLIED HEALTH SERVICES CLINICAL LABORATORIES Leonard G. Benedict, B. Ch. DIETETICS Mrs. Dorothy Siemers, R. D, FAMI L Y COUNSELING AND SOCIAL SERVICES E. (Sam) Johnson, M.S.W Eugene Linker, Ph.D. Jean A. Raby, M.S.W. T (Jack) Raby, M.S.W. PHYSICAL THERAPY_ Carolyn Blur, R.P.T. Karen Hoopman, R. P. T. PEDIATRIC ASSOCiA TES Emily Distler Deborah Griffin Mary Beth Hanson AUDIOLOGY Anne E, Seltz, M.A. ORTHOPTIST Dwayne J. Broe ADMINISTRATION J. Roger Asplin Charles M. Converse C. Delano Hickman C.J. Schelin James G. Stolhanske a� 1,0C.ATION MAP VISCAYNE DLV T1 i CAYP BLVD. 0 Z _j C�PEL HIL GA-I ION AL 0. b ac to > . . . . ... . . . . z lot divisi orl REQUEST NUMBER: LD-76-9 LOCATION: 5901-07 Killarney Lane REQUEST: Double bungalow lot divi- sion. )•hinge 121_unning dep9rtment vilinae-Qf effin EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT September 8, 1976 LD -76 -9 Gilbert H. Feig. 5901 -07 Killarney Lane. Lot 26, Block 2, Killarney Shores. Refer to: Attached surveyor's certificate The proponent is requesting to divide an R -2 parcel down the party wall of a double bungalow which is now under construction on the lot. Presently, more than half of the double bungalows along Vernon Avenue in this area have been divided in such a manner. Recommendation: The staff would recommend approval of the proposed division contingent on the payment of an additional sewer and water connection charge in the amount of $1,675.45. GL: In 9/3/76 lizol-14k QUALITY ORIGINAL DOCUMENT m ,fl CALVIN H. HEDLUND Land Surveyor CMII Endrwr y il6 9, r ecrt�iit 4F9te 4810 Overlook Lake Circle 01009nln00n• Mlnnmota 68437 688.2000 and NO. SURVEY FOR, r' ♦r DESCRIE,:D AS: C't. i , �.,. T n t _!ln''SCIt %. t fnr:(; ri ' ' "P'V 1Z _r:�.' C:1'cii:i<' EIS On 1. ie P('Ccivd mat t:)jereo�'. i ,I 1 , I , •I `♦ �• 1� .1 j T- I 1 .I d. r 1 CgRTUICATL OF SU1V Y I hereby certify that on ' I surveyed the property described above and, that.the above plat is a correct representation of said survey. .L Il I1, 61vin N. Hedlund, Minn, Reg, No. 5942 Sept. 1 1976 Dear Florence Hallberg, AS I told you on the telephone on 8 -31, we are buillding a new house at 5816 W. 70. We are interested in the assessment charge for sewer q#140 and water x#247 placed on the 6 year assessment, program. Please let we know as soon as possible after the Sept.13 meeting as to the outcome. We are expected to move in on or about 10 -1 . , Thank You j� and - INM M E M O R A N D U M September 8, 1976 MEMO TO: Warren C. Hyde City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Purchase of Bridge - Arden Park The following two bids were received for the purchase of the bridge to be located in Arden Park: I. De Bourgh Manufacturing Company, 9300 James Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55431 for a total of $4,900.00. 2. Hamele and Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 27329, Golden Valley, Minnesota for a total of $4,985.00. Recommend award to De Bourgh Manufacturing Company for a total purchase of $4,900.00. TRANSIT OPERATING DIVISION ?: Tc 3118 NICOLLET AVE. • MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55408 • 612.827.4071 September 2, 1976 Mr. Fran Hoffman Traffic Engineering Dept. 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Fran: As you are aware, there have been a number of requests for transit service to Cahill Road. The Transit Operating Division proposes that Route #35T be extended from its present terminal at 76th and Parklawn. This letter is a request for written permission to operate on the following streets which presently have no transit service: - Bush Lake Road from 74th Street to Dewey Hill Road. - Dewey Hill Road from Bush Lake Road to Cahill Road. - Cahill Road from Dewey Hill Road to W. 78th Street. W. 78th Street from Cahill Road to Bush Lake Road. I would appreciate it if you would place this matter before the City Council at its next meeting. Sincerely, .Fred T. Heywood, 'rector Routes, Schedules & Planning FTH:ksf &E,R-AING DrVISION ;&I•C.prol) 12175 MPLS. CBD it LA Cn 35XV OE;:a eAM ON GGth St. em mm mm anT aw Fov Cl Dewey Hill Rd. 2 ME VA Present Ruitte 7-101 St Avc. o *0 pCiltagoll Office F: :: 9 1p Park -:4 08060 Proposed I-I'mension MM �N "wo–'r— W= r=q IV : CL. 76 th St. vvc? e'8 (1,111a 77th St. Lila d. "'I'astrial MTC &E,R-AING DrVISION ;&I•C.prol) 12175 • S r i f t ��r .. �1N C1T1� 300 Metro Square Building, 7th Street and Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Area 612,.227- 9421 August 31, 1976 Ms. Lynnae Nye City Hall offices 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Lynnae: Enclosed are three copies of the Contract between your City and the Metropolitan Council Housing and Redevelopment: Authority covering the joint operation of the Section 8 Existing Housing Program. When the Contract has been approved by the appropriate parties in your community, please return all signed copies to us. We will then sign them, and return one fuliv executed copy to you for your files. The dollar amounts shown on page 2 of this Contract are based on the .number of units your comantu.nity may be expected to assist during the first year of program operations, plus a flat appropriation_ of $1,000 per community to cover fixed costs.likely to be incurred regardless. of program size. if you have any questions about the Contract, please contact either Nancy Reeves (291 -6379) or Phil Xatzung (291 - 6306) of the Metro HRA staff. We lcok upon the execution of this Contract as the beginning of a unique opportunity for cooperation to provide badly- needed housing assista::ce - throughout the Metropolitan Area. Sincerely, ;John .Boland Chairman /ep Enclosure An Agency Created to Coordizz:tte the Planning and Developnient of tlte'1 win Citir.,s Metropolit;t.ut Arca. ConipritiinF;: Anoka Connty 0 Carvor County 0 1)nkota County 0 Hennopin Comity 0 Ramsey County 0 Scott County 0 Washizikrton Cuunly ' VVA A ♦.V. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Suite 300 Metro Square Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PROGRAM CONTRACT WITH MUNICIPALITY THIS' AGREEMENT-, entered into. as -of this day, the day of , between the Metropolitan Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) , and the City of Edina (hereinafter referred to as the City) . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Council intends to undertake a program of subsidizing rent payments for lower income families and for the elderly to.assist them in obtaining adequate housing, and WHEREAS, the Council has received funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under a HUD Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program Master Annual Contributions Contract (Master Contract) dated to act as a Public Housing Agency to impler«ent this program., and WHEREAS, the City has by resolution indicated its desire. to participate in this program and to assist such individuals and families to obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing in the City at prices they can afford, and WHEREAS, the Council desires to purchase certain necessary administrative services from. the City in connection with carrying out the program and, WHEREAS, the Council is authorized to execute an agreement for the purchase of program services and to take all action specified or contemplated herein pursuant to Laws 1975, Chapter 13, Section 6, Subd. 3; Section 21, Subd. 1; and Section 24, and has all of the powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment. authority pursuant to, Laws 1975, Chapter 13', Section 24 under the provisions of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 462.11 to 462,711, and acts amendatory thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants-- and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.1 Purchase of Service. The Council agrees to purchase and the City agrees to furnish the following services: a) Application processing, b) Inspection of housing units,. c) On -going program processing and re- certification, d) Re- inspection of housing. units , all as more specifically set out in Section 4 below. -2- 2 . Price for Services Purchased . The Council agrees to make - the following . payments for the services rendered by the City: a) Start un payments. The Council agrees _ to pay for costs and and services of the City incurred in connection with the organization and commencement of contract services which are reimbursable to the Council by the Department of Housing and Urban: Development and agrees to pay no more than $6,088 for these start up costs and services. Within this maximum, the Council shall generally be able to pay no more than $870 per month for the organization and commencement of application processing services, which services may have been undertaken prior to the effective date of this agreement and shall conclude when substantially all of the initial program leases have been arranged. Also within this maximum, the Council shall be generally able to pay no more than $500 for the purchase of non - expendable equipment for use in the program. b) Initial inspection. In addition to the start-up maximum set out above, the Council shall pay the City an inspection fee of up to $24 per unit for units inspected. during the time during which the program is being organized and commenced. c) Continuincr program payments. The Council agrees to pay the City during the term of this agreement following the initial rent -up of each unit a fee of six dollars ($6.00) per unit per month for re certifications required in the performance of this contract and a fee of two dollars ($ 2.00) per unit per month for re- inspection . required in connection with the performance of this contract. 3. Term of Agreement. The services to be purchased and furnished under this agreement shall commence on 7/15/76 and shall continue through 8/31/81 . This agreement may be terminated by the Council upon thirty (30) days' written notice in the event program funding is not provided or is terminated by HUD. In addition, the Council and the City shall both have.the right to terminate this agreement at any time for cause by submitting written notice of the intention to do. so to the other party at least ninety (90) days prior to the specified effective date of such termination. Cancellation or termination of this agreement by either the Council or the City shall not affect the rights of participating families within the City during the, terms of their leases. In addition, the City will be paid for services performed up to the date of the contract termination on the basis set forth in Section 2 above. -3- 4. Program Obligations of City. The services to be performed by the City under this program shall be as follows:, a) Application orocessina. shall include, but not be limited to, assisting 'applicants to complete forms, checking and verifying applicant's income to determine eligibility for participation in the program, determining appropriate dwelling size, gross rent and gross family contribution to the rental payments, explaining the rights and responsibilities in the program to successful families who have been issued certificates and upon request of a participating family, assist in locating suitable units in the City, examining leases and forwarding leases and Housing Assistance Payments Contract to owners for execution. The City shall be primarily responsible for the accuracy of information relating to an applicant's program eligibility and verifications and applica- tion shall be made on forms provided by the Council, samples of which are attached hereto. b) Inspection and re- inspection of units shall include an on -sight inspection and certification of the suitability of each housing unit prior to initial lease by a participating family and also the re- inspection of each housing unit prior to any annual re- certification of the family. Any such inspection shall be sufficiently thorough and complete so as to insure decent, safe and sanitary housing for each participating family. Housing quality standards shall be as set forth in Title 24, Chapter VIII Part 882.109 of the HUD Regulations and by applicable building. codes. Reports of inspection and re- inspection shall.be made on forms provided by the Council, a sample of which is attached c) On -going program Drocessira shall include annual re- certification of tenants and the maintenance of program files and records for monthly reports, maintaining cont- act. with owners of rental units to encourage their participation in and understanding of the program and maintaining lists of available rental units In order to furnish the services herein purchased, the City shall provide adequate staff time and office or program space and -shall keep the same available to applicants during scheduled business hours approved by the Council. The City shall also provide adequate signs and directional information to applicants and possible applicants so that the place and manner of making application can be easily ascertained. The City shall keep on hand for distribution adequate brochures or other information releases prepared by- the Council and shall supplement said brochures with informational releases concerning local details as appropriate. -4- The manner of furnishing these services shall be determined by the City but the parties shall from time to time confer concerning the details of the City's furnishing of the services and .the City agrees to. comply with reasonable demands of the Council concerning the same. It is the intent of the Council to maintain guidelines for the reasonably uniform furnishing of services by the several cities participating in the area -wide program so that brochures can be printed and affirmative marketing activities can be conducted on an area -wide basis. S. ,Program Obligations of Council_.' The parties understand that the City shall not be required to provide the following program services and activities. Said activities are the sole responsibility of the Council. a) All area -wide affirmative marketing activities such as preparation of brochures and advertising, contacting and working with area community groups and rental property owners and management groups and explaining the.program to them. b) Making final determinations of participation, issuing certificates of family participation, making the housing assistance payments to owners, determining whether to authorize evictions, and hearing grievances of applicants. c) Determining that very low income and affirmative action preferences and guidelines are being carried out on an area -wide basis and monitoring area -wide applications for participation and waiting lists together with lists of available rental units in order to determine any need for.-reallocation of program funds.. d) Training local program staff and preparing operating brochures and forms. e) Collecting all area -wide data and preparing all housing assistance program reports for HUD. f) All other matters contained in the Master Contract. 6. Report. The City shall document its furnishing of services on a monthly basis within ten days after the close of each calendar month. Ail- documentation shall be on forms provided by the Council. The Council reserves the right from time to time to alter or amend all forms as necessary in order to gain information required by HUD or other information necessary to the Council for its program responsibilities. -5 7. Time of Payment. All payments for the services herein purchased shall be made on a quarterly, basis. The City understands that the Council cannot make payments until and unless funds are provided by HUD under the Master Contract. 8. Records. The Council shall have access to the City's records at reason- able hours in order to exercise its responsibility to monitor the services purchased. All records shall be kept by both parties for five (5) years for audit purposes. 9. The parties shall comply with all requirements imposed by Title 6 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Public Law-88-352 78 Statutes 241; the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development issued thereunder; 24 CFR Subtitle A, Part 1, Section 1.1; Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto; Executive Order 11063 to the end that, in accordance with the Act, the Executive Order, the regulations and the requirements, no person shall on the ground of race, color, creed, religion, national origin or sex, be excluded from participation in, or be denied the benefits of, the housing assistance payments program or be excluded from employment or be other- wise subjected to discrimination. No person shall automatically be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the housing assistance payments program or be subjected to discrimination in employment because of membership in a class such as unmarried mothers, recipients of public welfare, etc . These provisions are included pursuant to the regulations of the Department.of Housing and Urban Development and the requirements of said Department pursuant to said regulations; and the obligations of the City to comply therewith inures to the benefit of the United States, the said Department and.the Council, any of which shall be entitled to invoke any remedies available by law to redress any breach thereof or to compel compliance therewith by the City. 10. Safeguard of client information. The use or disclosure by any party of information concerning an applicant or participant in the program in violation of any rule of confidentiality or for any.purpose not directly connected with the administration of the program is prohibited, except on written consent of the applicant or participant. 11. All services furnished under this Agreement shall be without charge to any applicant or participating family, 12. All problems or disputes between the parties shall be sui')ject to review and resolution by the Metropolitan Housing acid Redevelopment Authority Advisory Committee or other committee subsequently designated by the Council. 13. The City in accordance with its status as an independent contractor agrees that it will conduct itself consistent with such status and that it will not hold itself out or claim that its officers and employees are employees of the Council. By reason f:ereof, it will make no claim, demand or application to or for any. right or privilege applicable to any officer or employee of the Council, including, but not limited to, workman's compensation coverage unemployment insurance benefits, social security coverage or retirement membership or credit. 14. Master Contract. The City understands that the program is subject to the terms and conditions of the Master .Contract between the Council and HUD and to HUD's current and future rules and regulations and the City agrees to abide by the same and to cooperate with the Council in its compliance therewith. No member, officer or employee of the Council, no member of the governing body of the locality (city and county) in which the project is situated, and no other public official of such locality or localities who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to the project, during his tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this contract or in any proceeds or benefits arising therefrom. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written by their authorized representatives. Approved as to legal form & adequacy Forrest D. Nowlin, Jr. , Staff Counsel a ma METROPOLITAN COUNCIL By Cha irma n CITY OF COMMERCIAL AREA PATROL - INCIDENT STATISTICS August 1, 1976 August 31, 1976 C# DATE TIME INCIDENT LOCATION DISP. 76007158 8/1/76 0225 Suspicious Persons Southdale Ford GOA /UTL 76007168 8/1/76 1350 Shoplifting Target CBA 76007189 8/2/76 0005 Group Disturbing McDonalds A &A 76007194 8/2/76 0754 Alarm County Seat A &A 76007201 8/2/76 0950 H &R Accident Turtle Lot A &A .76007222 8/3/76 1057 Indecent Exposure . Target Lot GOA /UTL 76007237 8/3/76 1250 Shop lifting J.C. Penney's CBA" 76007276 8/4/76 2039 Suspicious Person Donaldson's A &A 76007309 8/5/76 1544 Shoplifting Penney's CBA 76007312 8/5/76 1648 Tresspass Dayton's CBA 76007320 8/5/76 2233 Alarm Radio Shack A &A 76007331 8/6/76 0917 Theft Southdale Ford CONT 76007338 8/6/76 1452 H &R PD Info Byerly's A &A 76007339 8/6/76 1702 Forgery Wickes CBA 76007340 8/6/76 1640 Trespass Target A &A 76007355 8/7/76 0245 ATL Request Cinema I, II, III A &A 76007358 8/7/76 0914 Alarm lst S'dale Nat'l Bank A &A 76007359 8/7/76 0917 Alarm Goodman Jewelers A &A 76007363 8/7/76 1312 Found Child Red Owl A &A 76007365 8/7/76 1346 PD Accident Tiger Lot A &A 76007367 8/7/76 1536 Shoplifting Donaldson's. CBA 76007371 8/7/76 1937 Alarm Henn. Co. Library A &A 76007395 8/8/76 1519 Burglary Cicero's Pizza UNF 76007401 8/8/76 2036 Man With Gun Southdale Cinema I A &A 76007407 8/9476 0033 Alarm Target UNF 76007424 8/9/76 1423 Alarm 1st S'dale Nat'l Bank A &A 76007427 8/9/76 1533 Shoplifting, Warrants Dayton's CBA Poss. of Marijuana 76007439 8/9/76 1926 Attempted Forgery County Seat CONT 76007453 8/10/76 060.4 Alarm Red Owl - A &A 76007458 8/10/76 1135 Damage to Property Southdale Ford 0TH 76007459 8/10/76 1211 Medical Penney's A &A 76007463 8/10/76 1425 Damage to Property Nelson's A &A 76007466 8/10/76 1545 Shoplifting Penney's CBA 76007474 8/10/76 1948 Shoplifting Donaldson's CBA 76007482 8/10/76 2207 P& C McDonalds CBA 76007519 8/11/76 1112 Lost Property Donaldson's A &A 76007521 8/11/76 1617 Theft of Bike Parts Camel Lot CONT 76007538 8/12/76 0055 Alarm Byerly's UNF 76007544 8/12/76 0912 Alarm 1st.S'dale Nat'l Bank A &A 76007551 8/12/76 1403 H &R Accident Southdale Lot A &A 76007560 8/12/76 1546 Theft from Motor Home Fox Lot CONT 76007576 8/12/76 2144 Shoplifting Byerly's CBA 76007581 8/12/76 2321 Hold -up Alarm 1st S'dale Nat'l.Bank A &A 76007584 8/13/76 0028 Suspicious Persons Southdale Ford A &A 76007586 8/13/76 0105 Found Dog Southdale Bowl 0TH Commercial Area Patrol - -Incident Statistics August 1, 1976 - August 31, 1976 C# DATE TIME 76007594 8/13/76 1147 76007595 8/13/76 1203 76007603 8/12/76 1510 76007608 8/13/76 1624 76007609 8/13/76 1726 76007610 8/13/76 1727 76007611 8/13/76 1729 76007615 8/13/76 2011 76007618 8/13/76 2141 76007624 8/14/76 0052 76007633 8/14/76 1036 76007637 8/17/76 1256 76007641 8/14/76 1542 76007648 8/14/76 1829 76007734 8/17/76 1325 76007743 8/17/76 1511 76007745 8/17/76 1615 76007754 8/17/76 1924 76007755 8/17/76 2110 76007757 8/17/76 2241 76007779 8/18/76 1501 76007784 8/18/76 1705 76007788 8/18/76 2032 76007789 8/18/76 2110 76007792 8/18/76 2325 76007816 8/19/76 1329 76007821 8/19/76 2004 76007822 8/19/76 2033 76007824 8/19/76 2109 76007826 8/19/76 2322 76007840 8/20/76 1012 76007842 8/20/76 1315 76007853 8/20/76 2138 76007858 8/20/76 2210 76007860 8/20/76 2321 76007863 8/20/76 2351 76007879 8/21/76 1218 76007884 8/21/76 1356 76007891 8/21/76 1901 76007901 8/21/76 2323 76007912 8/22/76 0527 76007925 8/22/76 1802 76007935 8/22/76 2322 76007962 8/23/76 1115 76007965 8/23/76 1000 76007969 8/23/76 1904 76007990 8/24/76 1104 76008003 8/24/76 2041 76008005 8/24/76 2108 76008026 8/25/76 1403 76008033 8/25/76 1559 INCIDENT H &R Info Theft from Auto Fire Alarm Shoplifting Theft Shoplifting Theft from Auto Theft Shoplifting. Shoplifitng Shoplifting . Arson Medical Emergency Alarm PD Accident Shoplifting Bike Theft Warrant Arrest Alarm Alarm Bike Theft - Arrest Lost /Stolen Property Poss. of Stolen Prop. Shoplifting Alarm Prowler Theft Med. Emergency, PI Accident DK Assist Alarm Alarm PD Accident Theft Bike Theft Alarm Theft from Auto, Damage to Property Shoplifting Shoplifting Alarm Alarm Alarm Theft of Bike Parts Alarm Burglary Damage to Auto Account Closed Checks Theft Theft by Check Alarm Theft from Auto Medical Emergency Page 2 LOCATION S'dale Nat'l Bank Rooster Lot Red Owl Hurrah Dayton's Penney's Kangaroo Lot Lil Orbit Shop Donaldson's Byerly's Target Donaldson's Dayton's Henn_ Co. Library Galleria Dayton's YMCA Donaldson's overflow Scandival Imports S'dale Nat'l Bank Bear Lot YMCA Audio King Byerly's S'dale Nat'l Bank Goose Lot Southdale Ford Tiger Lot Cinema I & II S'dale Nat'l Bank S'dale Nat'l Bank Dayton's Hal's Target S'dale Nat'l Bank Cicero's lot Donal.dson's Penney's Scandival Imports S'dale Nat'l Bank Donaldson's Kangaroo Lot S'dale Nat'l Bank Dayton's Storage Byerly's Donaldson's Brown Photo Flagg Bros. Scandival Imports Target Lot Southdale Ford DISP. A &A CONT UNF A &A CONT CBA CONT CONT CBA CBA CBA CONT. A &A A &A A &A CBA 0TH CBA A &A A &A CBA A &A CBA CBA A &A GOA /UTL CONT 0TH A &A A &A. A &A A &A CONT A &A A &A CONT CBA CBA A &A A &A A &A A &A A &A CONT 0TH CBA CONT CONT A &A' CONT A &A l- Commercial Area Patrol - Incident Statistics August 1, 1976 - August 31, 1976 Page 3 C# DATE TIME INCIDENT LOCATION DISP. 76008036 8/25/76 1648 Att. Bike Theft Camel Lot A &A 76008037 8/25/76 1656 H &R PD Accident Fox Lot A &A 76008043 8/25/76 1927 Gas Smell Schmidt Music A&A 76008058 8/26/76 0312 Suspic. Circumstances Dayton's Garden'Shop A &A 76008066 8/26:/76 1057 Shoplifting Byerly's CBA 76008072 8/26/76 1407 Shoplifting Target CBA 76008081 8/26/76 1724 Shoplifting Target CBA 76008087 8/26/76 1955 Lost Property Cinema I & II CONT 76008110 8/27/76 0930 Att. Theft Galleria Lot 0TH 76008115 8/27/76 1431 Medical Emergency Woolworth's A&A 76008119 8/27/76 1552 Shoplifting Penney's CBA 76008130 8/27/76 2152 Alarm S'dale Nat'l Bank A &A 76008137 8/28/76 0131 Disorderly Conduct Byerly's A &A 76008157 8/28/76 1340 _ Shoplifting Penney's CBA 76008208 8/29/76 1918 Alarm Donaldson's A &A 76008227 8/30/76 1240 Medical Emergency S'dale Nat'l Bank A &A 76008242 8/30/76 2048 Worthless Checks Donaldson's CONT 76008247 8/31/76 0131 Alarm Copper Marquis A &A 76008266 8/31/76 1419 Shoplifting Byerly's CBA 76008268 8/31/76 1532 Bike Theft YMCA OTH 76008279 8/31/76 2044 Susp. Activities Camel Lot A &A 76008280 .8/31/76 2044 Warrant Arrest Southdale Center CBA DISPOSITION CODINGS: ROA: keferred to Other Agency GOA /UTL Gone on Arrival /Unable to Locate A &A Assisted and Advised UNF Unfounded CONT Continued 0TH Other EC Exceptional Clearance CBA Cleared by Arrest RICHARD O. HANSON �YtN Co PHONE COMMISSIONER } 1 GQ, 348 -3085 A ' . % A z � �rfNNESOt BOARD OF HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 2400 GOVERNMENT CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55487 August 24, 1976 Ms. Florence B. Hallberg, City Clerk,. City of Edina, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minn., 55424 Dear Ms. Hallberg, Your letter dated August 16, 1976, enclosing a copy of a resolution adopted by the Edina City Council urging that the annual operating expenses associated with the provision of 911 emergency telephone services in Hennepin County be supported through the initiation of a telephone user tax, has been received. At its meeting today, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners noted the contents of the resolution, and the Chairman ordered it be placed on file. Yours truly, DL ✓V Dee Wagner Clerk to the Board MARY M. FORSYTHE DISTRICT 39A HENNEPIN COUNTY 4605 EDINA BLVD. EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 OFFICE: 377 STATE OFFICE BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55155 TELEPHONES: STATE CAPITOL: 296 -4363 HOME: 927.6613 State of Minnesota HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MARTIN OLAV SABO, Speaker Mrs. Florence Hallberg City Clerk City of Edina 4801 West.Fiftieth Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Florence: COMMITTEES: APPROPRIATIONS CRIME PREVENTION AND CORRECTIONS HEALTH AND WELFARE August 24, 1976 Having just come back from Kansas City I haven't had much chance to get on.with the business here at the Legislature. However, I will very quickly talk to.the Public Service Commission as I assume the final decision on how to finance the emergency telephone number will.rest.in that body. Thank you for bringing this concern to my attention. MMF /amg Sincerely, Mary M. Forsyt e State Represe ative June 26, 1976 sirs. Audrey Hirschey 5101 Gorgas Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mrs. iiirscaey: As discussed in our telephone conversation, please find enclosed a letter which requests the City of Edina to.assess part of the cost of tuu:er- grounuir,g the existing overhead telephone and electric services into.your home. The cost of this improvement would be $250.00. The assessment would be for a five -year period with a six percent interest rate. This cost will include the replacement of the sod removed during the trenching. Prior to the start of work and subject to your approval, the best location for tiie service entry will be determined by Edina Electric Company. At this time we anticipate that work should begin the latter part of July. Please return the attached letter as soon as is conveniently possible so . that the.city Council may order the improvement. If you need any additional information, please contact me. sincerely, David Schnobrich Project Planner, Edina H.R.A. FOMr Enc. i . . June 23, 1976 Edina City Council 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 /j, Dear Edina City Council: In conjunction with the undergroundinh Street, teleahenin and electrical systems serving the area south of 50t at MY expense underground electrical and telephone lines servicing my home and assess that cost to me. I understand the cost of this improvement . will -be assessed as explained in the June 23, 1976, letter from David Schnobrich, H.R.A. Project Planner. Sincerely, . Mrs. Audrey Hirschey 5101 Gorgas Avenue South L June 23, 1976 Edina City Council 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 /j, Dear Edina City Council: In conjunction with the undergroundinh Street, teleahenin and electrical systems serving the area south of 50t at MY expense underground electrical and telephone lines servicing my home and assess that cost to me. I understand the cost of this improvement . will -be assessed as explained in the June 23, 1976, letter from David Schnobrich, H.R.A. Project Planner. Sincerely, . Mrs. Audrey Hirschey 5101 Gorgas Avenue South L RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 26, Block 2, Killarney Shores; and WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into sep- arate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: That part of Lot 26, Block 2, Killarney Shores, lying Southeasterly of a line drawn from a point in the Southwesterly line thereof, distant 44.31 feet Northwesterly of the Southwest corner thereof as measured along the Southwesterly line thereof to a point in the Northeasterly line thereof, distant 73.22 feet Southeasterly of the most Northerly corner thereof; and Lot 26, Block 2, Killarney Shores, except that part lying Southeasterly of a line drawn from a point in the Southwesterly line thereof, distant 44.31 feet Northwesterly of the Southwest corner thereof as measured along the Southwesterly line thereof to a point in the Northeasterly line thereof, distant 73.22 feet Southeasterly of the most Northerly corner thereof; and WHEREAS, the requested subdivision is authorized under Ordinance No. 801 and it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regu- lations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purpose of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 811 and 801; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of the second above described Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provi- sions of Ordinance Nos. 811 and 801 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land, but only to the extent permitted under Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 and subject to the limitations set out in Ordinance No. 811, and said Ordinances are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provisions thereof, and further sub- ject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 13th day of September, 1976. August 31, 1976 Edina City Council City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Members of the Council: I am writing to request inquiry into our problem and compensation from the city for an expense solely and directly related to the excessive water pressure at our residence, 6621 Paiute Pass. While I am certain that too much pressure is neither a routine problem nor what I suggest a routine request. I believe this complaint is valid and deserves your attention. The system's very strong water pressure at this location requires instal- lation of a pressure- reducing valve in order to protect plumbing and appliances from damage and premature replacement. I ask that this expense be defrayed by the city. Since the problem originates in the city's system, I feel the obligation is Edina's and not that of the home owner or home builder. The home owner's obligation starts at his lot line, but this problem lies beneath the streets. It is clearly not an internal but an external problem. It might be argued that this problem is not new, that it is shared by our neighbors in the community; however, that does not change the problem or its source. Such an argument is no more valid in this instance than in the case of pollution whatever its source. I am forced to put in a pressure- reducing valve no matter what your decision. I hope, however, that you will consider my complaint and agree to reimburse my expenses. I thank you and hope you will feel free to contact me with any questions or to discuss the matter: by phone: 941 -6622 (home) 540 -2618 (office) Correspondence - 6621 Paiute Pass Sincerely, Z �k� T. C. Tussing 6621 Paiute Pass Edina, Minnesota 55435 August 31, 1976 Edina City Council City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Members of the Council: I am writing to request inquiry into our problem and compensation from the city for an expense solely and directly related to the excessive water pressure at our residence, 6621 Paiute Pass. While I am certain that too much pressure is neither a routine problem nor what I suggest a routine request, I believe this complaint is valid and deserves your attention. The system's very strong water pressure at this location requires instal- lation of a pressure - reducing valve in order to protect plumbing and appliances from damage and premature replacement. I ask that this expense Since the problem be defrayed by the city. originates in the city's system, I feel the obligation is Edina's and not that of the home owner or home builder. The home owner's obligation starts at his lot line, but this problem lies beneath the streets. It is clearly not an internal but an external problem. It might be argued that this problem is not new, that it is shared by our neighbors in the community; however, that does not change the problem or its source. Such an argument is no more valid in this instance than in the case of pollution whatever its source. I am forced to put in a pressure- reducing valve no matter what your decision. I hope, however, that you will consider my complaint and agree to reimburse my expenses. I thank you and hope you will feel free to contact me with any questions or to discuss the matter: by phone: 941 -6622 (home) 540 -2618 (office) Correspondence - 6621 Paiute Pass Sincerely, -1 C_ -\%J. � T. C. Tussing 6621 Paiute Pass Edina, Minnesota 55435 September 27, 1976 Mr. T. C. Tussing 6621 Paiute Pass Edina, MN 55435 Dear Mr. Tussingf Your letter requesting reimbursement by the City for the water pressure reducing valve which you installed at your home was discussed by the Council at its meeting of September 13, 1976. This is the only such request that has ever been received by the City. Mr. Warren C. Hyde, Edina °s City Manager, advised the Council that, while the pressure is high, it is not abnormally high, and the Council accepted his recommendation that your request be denied. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me at the telephone number above. Yours very truly, City Clerk bee: Mr. Warren C. Hyde Mr. Robert C. Dunn LIQUOR FUND BALANCE SHEET CITY OF EDINA As at July 31, 1976 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash: Demand Deposits Working Fund Investments Due from Other Funds Loan to Other Funds Inventory: Liquor Wine Beer and Mix Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance Supplies Inventory TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS AT COST: Land Land Improvements Buildings Furniture and Fixtures Leasehold Improvements Less: Allowance for Depreciation $ 21,945.62 455,911.08 149,325.01 3,035.55 $630,217.26 $ 486,673.12 3,500.00 $ 413,095.25 161,916.00 8,525.40 . - =) i4- $ 490,173.12 102,954.86 174.75 415,000.00 583,536.65 $ 11,410.04 400.00 11,810.04 $1,603,649.42 $ 151,448.85 and Amortization 204,412.75 •425,804.51 $ 577,253.36 Construction in Progress 3,079.08 5802332.44 TOTAL ASSETS $2,1832981.86 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll SURPLUS: Invested in Fixed Assets Unappropriated TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $ 88,066.16 4,160.92 $ 92,227.08 $ 580,332.44 1,511,422.34 22091,754.78 $2,183,981.86 :;t CCGT OF SALES. Inventory - lanuaryl $172,534.05 $214,596.83 $219,022.28 $ 606,153.16 ?urchoscs 383,609.65 793,898.77 624,199.78 1,801,708.20 $556,143.70$1,008,495.60 $843,222.06 $2,407,861.36 Inventory July 31 158,499 74 217,632.20 207 404.71 583,536.65_ $397,643.96$ 790,863.40 $635,817.35. $1,824,324.71 GROSS PROF T65,806.81$ 156,512.53 $109,843.38 $ 332,162.72 $191,471.96$ 615,834.30 $807,306.26$ 208,058.56 $599,247.70$ $113,715.72$ 210,403.16 $218,397.83 $ 620,272.95 $ 18,937.91* $ 4,193.67 $ 624.45 $ 14,119.79* 914,259.84 610,791.22 2,140,885,36 2321224.65* 120,361.07* 13,408.56 339,177.16* L,1241663.00 $829,189.05 $2,761,158.31 $251,162.56* $116,167.40*$14,033.01 $353,296.95* 250,861.69 250,661.45 709,581._70 491 558.82* 33,229.49* 43,256.74* 126,045.05* 873,801.31 $578.527.60 $2,051,576.61 $201,603.74* $ 82,937.91*$57,289.75 $227_251.90* 190,851.80 $118,553.77 $ 423,121.29 $ 47,908.91* $ 34,339.27*$ 8,71.0.39 *$ 90,958.57* O ScUing G IXPENSES $ 31,554.07 $ 37,141.98 $ 29,295.35 $ 97,991.58 $ 39,295.96$ 38,074.40 $ 31,583.65 $ 108,954.01 $ 7,741.89* $ 932.42 $ 2,288.12,$ 10,962.43* O.crhead 7,757.64 15,731.14 12,686.86 36,175.64 8,558.07 16,315.57 12,734.62 37,608.26 800.43* 584.43* 47.76* 1,432.62* Administrative 28,742.09 31,299.36 28,981.28 89,022.73 24,054.96 25,981 05 22,473.03 72,509.04 4,687.13 5,318.31 6,508.25 16,513.69 TOTAL OPERATI�$.b8,053 80 $ 84,172.48 $ 70,963.67 $ 223,189_.9_5 $ 71,908.99$ 80,371.02 $ 66,791.30 $ 219,071.31 $ 3,855.19* $ 3,801.46 $ 4,172.37 $ 4,118.64_ EXPENSE 2,246.99* $ 72,340.05 $ 38,879.71 $ 108,972.77 $ 41,806.73$ 110,480.78 $ 51,762.47 $ 204,049.98 $ 44,053.72* $ 38,140.73 *$12,882.76*$ 95,077.21* NET OFERAT;YG PROFIT OTHER INCO'-AE: Cash Discount "$ 3,790.25 $ 8,770.19 $ 6,534.68 $ 19,095.12 $ 2,601.12$ 4,248.48 $ 3,453.47 $ 10,303.07 $ 1,189.13 $,'4,521.71 $ 3,081.21 $ 8,79 .05 112.05' Ccsh over or under 1.02* 85.78* 21.49* 108.29* 15.04* 52.90* . Income on inver -0- -0- 10,955.00 10,95555.00 * 0 10,955.00* 10,955.0014.02 32.88* 133.54* 152.40* Other 2,315.56 2,202.29 1,649.81 6,167.66 755.77 246.60 148.50 1,150.87 1,559.79 1,955.69 1,501.31 5,016.79 $ 6,104.79 $ 10,886.70 $ 8,163 00 $ 25,154.49 $ 14,296.85$ 4,442,18 $__3,714.02 _ $ 22,453.05$ 8,192.06* $ 6,444.52 $ 4,448.98 $ 2 ,77 701.44 $ - 3,857.80 $ 83,226.75 $ 47,042.71 $ 134,127.26 $ 56,103.58$ 114,922.96 $ 55,476.49 226.503.03 $ 52,245.78* $_31,696.21 8,433.78 *$ 92_375.77• NET INCOM! PERCENT TO NET SALES:. Gress profit 14.20% 16.52% 14.73% 15.40% 15.95% 17.93% 17.01% 17.10% Operating expenses 14.68 8.88 9.52 10.35 10.09 7.55 9.58 8.85 Operating profit .48 %* 7.64% 5.21% 5.05% 5.86% 10.38% 7.43% 8.25% Other inccma 1.32 1.14 1.09 1.17 2.01 .41 .53 .90 NET INCOMr .84% 8.787 6.30% 6.22% 7.87% 10.79% 7.96% 9.15% ... ►• LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE ; CITY OF EDINA Seven months Ending July 31, 1976 and July 31, 1975 INCREASE - DECREASE 1976 1975 90th fi t, York -10.e Grandview ' Total 50th St. Yorlcdiie -___ Grandview Total St. Yorkdale Grandview Total . :ALES: $287,367.47 $559,139.00 $463,199.84 $1,309,706.31 $426,349.66$ '634,208.32 $443,564.40 $1,504,122,38 $138,982.19* $ 75,069.32 *$19,635.44 8,639.96* 18,143.93 $194,416.07* 29,996.43* Liquor 77,725.56 190,311.23 136,340.73 404,377.52 117,225.96 198,951.19 226,501.19 118,196.80 131,169.80 434,373.95 524,510.10 39,500.40* 68,098.88* 30,813.81* 13,464.85 85,447.84* wino Ecer 98,740.23 195,687.38 144,634.65 439,062.26 166,839.11 43,281.26 15,273 59 22,086.53 16,057.65 53,417.77 6,496.79* 2,837.98* 801.74 *_1.0,136.51* Mix and MiscelianeoW 8,776.80_ $472,610.06 _ 19,248.55 $964,386.16 15,255.91 $759,431.13 $2,196,427.35 $725,688.32$1,081,747.23 $708,988.65 $2,516,424.20 $253,078.26* $117,361.07 *$50,442.48 $319,996.85* 9,159.29 17 010.23 13 770.40 39 939.92 12 724.90 17 094.12 11 907.28 41 726.30 3,565.61 . 83.89 1, 863.12 1,786.38 Less bottla refunds $745,660.73 $2,156,487.43 $712,963.42$1,064,653.11 $697,081.37 $2,474,697.90 $249,512.65* $117,277.18*$48,579.36 $318,210.47* NET SALES $463,450.77 $947,375.93 CCGT OF SALES. Inventory - lanuaryl $172,534.05 $214,596.83 $219,022.28 $ 606,153.16 ?urchoscs 383,609.65 793,898.77 624,199.78 1,801,708.20 $556,143.70$1,008,495.60 $843,222.06 $2,407,861.36 Inventory July 31 158,499 74 217,632.20 207 404.71 583,536.65_ $397,643.96$ 790,863.40 $635,817.35. $1,824,324.71 GROSS PROF T65,806.81$ 156,512.53 $109,843.38 $ 332,162.72 $191,471.96$ 615,834.30 $807,306.26$ 208,058.56 $599,247.70$ $113,715.72$ 210,403.16 $218,397.83 $ 620,272.95 $ 18,937.91* $ 4,193.67 $ 624.45 $ 14,119.79* 914,259.84 610,791.22 2,140,885,36 2321224.65* 120,361.07* 13,408.56 339,177.16* L,1241663.00 $829,189.05 $2,761,158.31 $251,162.56* $116,167.40*$14,033.01 $353,296.95* 250,861.69 250,661.45 709,581._70 491 558.82* 33,229.49* 43,256.74* 126,045.05* 873,801.31 $578.527.60 $2,051,576.61 $201,603.74* $ 82,937.91*$57,289.75 $227_251.90* 190,851.80 $118,553.77 $ 423,121.29 $ 47,908.91* $ 34,339.27*$ 8,71.0.39 *$ 90,958.57* O ScUing G IXPENSES $ 31,554.07 $ 37,141.98 $ 29,295.35 $ 97,991.58 $ 39,295.96$ 38,074.40 $ 31,583.65 $ 108,954.01 $ 7,741.89* $ 932.42 $ 2,288.12,$ 10,962.43* O.crhead 7,757.64 15,731.14 12,686.86 36,175.64 8,558.07 16,315.57 12,734.62 37,608.26 800.43* 584.43* 47.76* 1,432.62* Administrative 28,742.09 31,299.36 28,981.28 89,022.73 24,054.96 25,981 05 22,473.03 72,509.04 4,687.13 5,318.31 6,508.25 16,513.69 TOTAL OPERATI�$.b8,053 80 $ 84,172.48 $ 70,963.67 $ 223,189_.9_5 $ 71,908.99$ 80,371.02 $ 66,791.30 $ 219,071.31 $ 3,855.19* $ 3,801.46 $ 4,172.37 $ 4,118.64_ EXPENSE 2,246.99* $ 72,340.05 $ 38,879.71 $ 108,972.77 $ 41,806.73$ 110,480.78 $ 51,762.47 $ 204,049.98 $ 44,053.72* $ 38,140.73 *$12,882.76*$ 95,077.21* NET OFERAT;YG PROFIT OTHER INCO'-AE: Cash Discount "$ 3,790.25 $ 8,770.19 $ 6,534.68 $ 19,095.12 $ 2,601.12$ 4,248.48 $ 3,453.47 $ 10,303.07 $ 1,189.13 $,'4,521.71 $ 3,081.21 $ 8,79 .05 112.05' Ccsh over or under 1.02* 85.78* 21.49* 108.29* 15.04* 52.90* . Income on inver -0- -0- 10,955.00 10,95555.00 * 0 10,955.00* 10,955.0014.02 32.88* 133.54* 152.40* Other 2,315.56 2,202.29 1,649.81 6,167.66 755.77 246.60 148.50 1,150.87 1,559.79 1,955.69 1,501.31 5,016.79 $ 6,104.79 $ 10,886.70 $ 8,163 00 $ 25,154.49 $ 14,296.85$ 4,442,18 $__3,714.02 _ $ 22,453.05$ 8,192.06* $ 6,444.52 $ 4,448.98 $ 2 ,77 701.44 $ - 3,857.80 $ 83,226.75 $ 47,042.71 $ 134,127.26 $ 56,103.58$ 114,922.96 $ 55,476.49 226.503.03 $ 52,245.78* $_31,696.21 8,433.78 *$ 92_375.77• NET INCOM! PERCENT TO NET SALES:. Gress profit 14.20% 16.52% 14.73% 15.40% 15.95% 17.93% 17.01% 17.10% Operating expenses 14.68 8.88 9.52 10.35 10.09 7.55 9.58 8.85 Operating profit .48 %* 7.64% 5.21% 5.05% 5.86% 10.38% 7.43% 8.25% Other inccma 1.32 1.14 1.09 1.17 2.01 .41 .53 .90 NET INCOMr .84% 8.787 6.30% 6.22% 7.87% 10.79% 7.96% 9.15% ... ►• - is RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS WHEREAS, Dorothy Kathleen Benham, a resident of Edina, was crowned Miss America at Atlantic City of September 11, 1976; and WHEREAS, Dorothy Kathleen Benham displayed great musical talent in the competition for Miss America; and WHEREAS, Dorothy Kathleen Benham fully exemplifies the passage in "Ode to Edina" by the poet, Robert Burns, in which he writes: "Thy daughters bright thy walks adorn Gay as the gilded summer sky, Sweet as the dewey, milk -white thorn Dear as the raptur'd thrill of joyl" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, on behalf of the citizenry, the Edina City Council extends its heartiest congratulations to DOROTHY KATHLEEN BE141WI who, because of her beauty, personality and high standards was named Miss America; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that.the Edina City Council wishes every success to Dorothy Kathleen Benham as she performs the royal duties of Hiss America for the coming year as a representative of Edina and does name her "Envoy Plenipotentiary of, Charm" for the City of Edina. ADOPTED this 13th day of September, 1976. James Van Valkenburg Mayor RESOLUTION OF CONGRAT/)U,LgA,QTIONS /9 WHEREAS, Dorothy 4tUeA Benham, was crowned Miss America etr fbab4.amp ^ �i at Atlantic City on September 11, 1976; and WHEREAS DOROTHY � ' Benham, - }k@ "} ^-F Pa' ^, A-49 displayed great musical talent in the competition for Miss America; and WHEREAS, Dorothy /` Benham the passage in "Ode to Edina" by the poet, Robert Burns, in which he writes: "Thy daughters bright thy walks adorn Gay as the gilded summer sky, Sweet as the dewey, milk -white thorn Dear as the raptur'd thrill of jo NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that he Edina City Council extends its heartiest congratulations to DOROT Y ; -- BENHAM her beauty, personality�� and i-Yraai g crv�aed Miss America and r re re n suc BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Edina City Council wishes every success to Dorothy �v�� Benham as she performs AL royal duties of Miss America for the coming year and dame her "Ambassadress of Beauty" for the City of ,1 Edina I DRESS IT UP, PLEASE._ ,• September 21, 1976 TO ALL CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE - CITY ELECTION RE: FILING OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please consider this your Official Notice that you, your "personal campaign_ committees" and your "campaign committees" are required to file with me a FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS, PLEDGES, DISBURSEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS as follows: 1. The First Statement must be filed seven days before the - election. 2. The Second Statement must be filed seven days after the election. This is required by Minnesota Election Laws,.Section 210A.26, Subdivision 4 (as amended by Laws 1963, Chapter 861, Section 10), a copy of which is attached, together with two forms provided by the State for the filing of such Financial Statements.. If you have any questions, please call me at 927 - 8861.- Edina City Clerk i v�. CITY OF SHAKOPEE INCORPORATED IB70 129 E. FIRST "E. 55379 'August 30, 1976 FROM: Mayor Walt Harbeck SUBJECT: Position on the Metropolitan Council by Resolution No. 953, City of Shakopee By resolution adopted by the City Council of Shakopee, August 3, 1976, we are of the opinion that the Metropolitan Council in the seven county area has over stepped its bounds by moving to the policy making position and not the advisory capacity for which it was set up to do. The City of Lino Lakes proposed these questions of which I wish to reiterate to you. 1. How much has the Metro Council aided you? 2. What has the multitude of Metro Council generated studies cost you? 3. What have these studies provided you? 4. Has the Metro Council helped or hampered your local decision making process? To you that will be regulated by regional government, I ask you to ask yourself these same questions. The most basic and responsive government in the United States is and always has been the local units of government. Elimination of these forms of government, which has been proposed by the advocates of Metro Council and regional government, and we have either a DICTATORSHIP or COMMUNISM. The choice is ours, act now to curb these forms of government by_ •eturning them to the advisory capacity of which they were designed �'or or total DESTRUCTION of them and put these responsibilities back tizere they belong. This can only be accomplished through our state Senators and Representatives by making our wishes known to them in this legislative session. Do not procrastinate, ACT NOW. Telephone, letters, and resolu- tions are our only hope to this chaotic situation. WCH/ j sc The Heart of Progress Valley RESOLUTION # 953 A RESOLUTION REJECTING THE DRIFT TOWARD REGIONAL GOVERNMENT IN MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature has established by law the Metropolitan Council and Region under Laws of 1967, Chapter 896,in which region the City.of Shakopee is located, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature has created regions throughout the State of Minnesota under a law designated as "Regional Development Act of 1969" in'Laws of 1969, Chapter 1122; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature has passed legislation relative to planning in the area covered by the Metropolitan Council, which legislation is designated "Metropolitan Government— Land Planning" and is Chapter 127 of Laws of 1976; and WHEREAS,;through the above legislation and other legislative acts too numerous to list individually, the Minnesota Legislature appears to be moving the State of Minnesota and particularly the Metropoiitari.Area - into "a.. system of - regional_ government- -'and WHEREAS, "said. "regional government-removes- from the 'hands i:. and votes= of ;the_`citi'zens the -' controls normally_. exercised by.'all- citizens over- -those: who 'would- govern them; - - and=-:rl WHEREAS, elected officials= such as the Mayor and members -:;_:- of the City Council for the City of Shakopee are finding' greater-, r restraints_ placed_ on their- authority' to govern the citizens_ who-_:; elected- themi and-see more -and more--authority- granted explicitly and implicitly to unaccountable bureaucratic agencies; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the common council of the City of Shakopee as follows: 1. That the -City of Shakopee express -its extreme concern over the drift away from local government elected by the people and towards regional government unaccountable to the people; 2. That the City of Shakopee make known to the State Representative and State Senator who represent our citizens in the State Legislature our unqualified opposition to the past erosions of local government authority and prerogatives, as well as any future attempts at further erosion of its authority to govern its citizens; 3. That the City of Shakopee urge other cities and other governmental units of like persuasion to make immediate contact with their state representatives and state senators expressing their concerns in these areas. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this Resolution be forwarded to all state constitutionals - officers, both United States Senators representing the State of Minnesota, and the United States Representative for the Second Congressional District. Adopted this 3rd day of August, 1976. Mayor of the City of Shakopee Attest:._ Frederic_ Christiansen-.:n Acting - -City Clerk- - Approved as to form this 3rd day'-- of August,- 1976 -,-by KRASS & : MANAHAN -- CHARTERED - _ Assistant-City Attorneys,;'