HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-09-20_COUNCIL MEETING(Revised) AGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 1976 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL RECOGNITION OF WORLD LIONS SERVICE DAY RECOGNITION OF RETIREMENT OF HOWARD MERRIMAN I. CONDEMNATION OF KRAHL.HILL II. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Anlysis of Assessment by City. Manager: Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution Ordering Assessment. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Street Improvement No. BA -200 - Gleason Road - South.line Hyde Park Addition r to W. 78th St. B. Street:Improvement No. C -116 - Gleason Road from South line of Hyde Park Addition to W. 78th St. C. Street Improvement No. BA -203 - Olinger Blvd.. from Olinger Rd. to Vernon Ave. D. Street Improvement BA -205 - W. 78th St..from Cahill Road to 3300 E. Street Improvement BA -207 - Grove St. from Johnson Dr. to Tracy Ave. F. Street Improvement BA -199 - Lanham Lane from 245' North of Kemrich Dr. to 870' North of Kemrich Dr. G. Watermain Improvement WM -295 -- Lanham Lane H. Sanitary Sewer SS -324 - Lanham Lane I. Storm Sewer ST.S -144 - Lanham Lane J. Watermain Improvement WM -292 - Dovre Drive K. Sanitary. Sewer Improvement SS -322 - Dovre Drive L. Watermain Improvement WM -290 -.York Ave. from W. 74th St. to W. 78th St. W. 76th St. from York Ave. to France Ave.; Parklawn Ave. from York Ave. to 380 feet West M. Sanitary Sewer Improvement SS -319 - York Ave. from 6441t North of W. 76th St. to 318' North; Parklawn Ave. from York Ave. to.380' West;`. York Ave. from W. 76th St. to 1085' + South N. Sanitary Sewer Improvement SS -320 York Ave. from W. 74th St. to W. 78th St.;"``, W. 75th St. from Xerxes Ave. to York Ave.; Parklawn Ave, from York Ave. to 380' West; W. 76th St. from York Ave. to 400' West 0. Storm Sewer Improvement ST.S -142 - W. 76th St. from France AVe. to York Ave., York Ave. from W. 74th St. to W. 78th St. P. Watermain. Improvement WM -293 - Parkwood Lane Q. Sanitary Sewer Improvement SS -323 - Parkwood Lane R. Watermain Improvement WM -285 - T.H. 100 West Frontage Road from extension of Hibiscus Ave. North to W. 70th St. S. Ornamental Street Lighting Improvement L -10 - York Ave. Trom W. 69th St. to W. 74th St.; Hazelton Road from France Ave. to York Ave.; W. 70th St. from France Ave, to Xerxes Ave. T. Ornamental Street Lighting Improvement L -11 - W. 56th St. and Oaklawn Ave. U. Ornamental Street Lighting Improvement L -12A - France Ave. between W. 66th and W. 69th St. V. Ornamental Street Lighting Improvement L -13 - Tamarac Lane W. Sidewalk Improvement S -13 - Hazelton Road from France'Ave. to York Ave. X. Parking Lot Improvement P -2 - Behind.Grandview- Liquor Store Y. Parking Lot Improvement P -7 - Behind 3940 and 3944 W. 491 St. Z. Parking Lot Improvement P -8 - Behind 3918 and 3922 W. 491� St. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Presentation by City.Manager and Engineer. Spectators heard. If Council wishes.to proceed, action by Resolution Ordering Improvement. 4/5 favorable rollcall.vote to pass. A. Storm Sewer Improvement No. P -ST.S -153 - Block 3, Killarney Shores Addition B. Storm Sewer Improvement No. P -ST.S -140 (Rehearing) = Southwest Edina from W. 70th St. to'Interstate 494 and from Cahill Road to Braemar Golf Course C. Street Improvement No. P -BA -220 - W. 69th St. from.France Ave. to Xerxes Ave. (Continued from 7/19/76 and 8/16/76) D. Sidewalk Improvement No. P -S -19 - South side W. 69th Street between France Ave. and Xerxes Ave. (Continued from 7/19/76 and 8/16/76) IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PRELIMINARY PLATS Presentation by Engineering Department. Spectators heard. Action. of Council by Resolution. 3 /5'favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Hyde Park 2nd Addition (Continued from 8/16/76) B. Krahl's Mountain (Continue further.to 10/18/76) September 20, 1976 Agenda Page Two V. COMMUNICATIONS A. J:..E. Loeffler. - Opposition to Smith Building,Permit (4519 Bruce Ave.) B. Petitions 1. Moccasin Valley Road Improvements a. Grading and _Graveling b. Sanitary Sewer c. Watermain d. Storm Sewer e. Permanent Street Surfacing and Curb. 2.. Mrs. Audrey Hirschey - .Underground Telephone and Electric Lines 3.' Dovre Drive One -Way Street Protest VI. RECOM1,1ENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Planning Commission 1. Final Plat Approval a. Deer Run - 5 -76 -15 - Generally located at Northwest Corner of Intersection-:of Olinger Road and Olinger Blvd. (7/7/76) B. Traffic Safety Committee Meeting of September 14, 1976 C. Procedure.for Hearing and '+Deciding Land Use Questions D. Distribution of, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Home Improvement Grant Funds E. 'Chlorine Room Quotations VII., ORDINANCES First Reading requires offering'of Ordinance only.. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote if Second Reading should be waived. A. First Reading 1.- Ordinance No. 1232 - Park-ing Ramp VIII. ANY OTHERS. WHO DESIRE HEARING BEFORE .COUNCIL IX. FINANCE A. Housing and Redevelopment Authority Audit B. Claims paid. .Motion of , seconded by , for pavment of the following claims as per Pre- List: General Fund, $52,096.39; Park Fund, $1,765.88; Park: Construction, $220..80: Swimming Pool, $2,189.04; Golf Course, $5,243.47; Arena Fund. $10,151.89; Gun Range; $383.50; Water Works Fund, $623.15: Sewer Rental, $572.22; Liquor Fund, $27,971.80; Construction, $52,220.75; IBR Fund, $18,026.21; Total, $171,465.10 September 17, 1976 MEMORANDUM TO: Warren C. Hyde, City Manager / City Council n FROM: Greg Luce, City Planner SUBJECT: Distribution of MHFA Grant Funds V ' i •s, On July 19th the City Council authorized the staff to make application to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for $30,900 to be used as grant funds for rehabilitating single family homes of elderly persons and families earning $5,000 or less per year. After review by the Metropolitan Council, the State approved a grant for $28,512.00. Three percent of that, or $885.00, is to be used for administration, resulting in a net grant amount of $27,657.00. The staff then prepared a proposed priority ranking of eligible projects which was approved by the City Council on August 23rd. Per Council request, we informed all of the neighborhood associations, the Edina Sun, and WWTC as well as numerous other groups who generally distribute information. We received excellent cooperation from those groups, so the program was highly publicized. We then began taking applications and after culling out a significant number of applicants who were ineligible because they made slightly more than $5,000 per year (as defined by the State), we narrowed the applicants down to three families and nine elderly people. Attached you will find a breakdown of their applications by project assigned to our priority ranking. On this basis the staff would recommend approving the grants through item 3.B. (Improved Habitability: Electrical). This results in an anticipated expenditure of $27,.442.28, leaving $214.72. Several communities in the metropolitan area did not request to participate in this program, and there will therefore be a redistribution of approximately $80,000.00. Edina should anticipate receiving $2,000 - $3,000 from this redistribution. It is-our recommendation that, after that redistribution, we again seek applicants and go through the same process. At that time we would spend the $214.72 which we have remaining from this effort. GL:ln CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY HOME IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM DISTRIBUTION OF GRANT FUNDS FOR ELIGIBLE IMPROVEMENTS (RANKED ACCORDING TO PRIORITY) - 1. Improvements Correcting Defects or Deficiencies Affecting Health and Safety: A. Plumbing - Installation, Repair or Replacement (a) 4215 Grimes Avenue $ 287.00 (e) 5402 Xerxes Avenue 19620.00 (f) 6005 Concord Avenue 185.00 (i) 4320 France Avenue 3,400.00 . (j) 5716 Tracy:Avenue 1,600.00 B. Electric Wiring (b) 5516 Kellogg Avenue 515.00 (h) 4310 Branson 310.00 C. Other Structural Repairs and Alterations 1. Roofing repair or replacement. (c) 4208 France Avenue 1,204.00 (d) 4221 Grimes Avenue 50.00 (e) 5402 Xerxes Avenue 25.00 (j) 5716 Tracy Avenue 690.00 2. Foundations, walls, etc. (c) 4208 France Avenue 165.00 (d) 4221 Grimes Avenue 160.00 (h) 4310 Branson Street 310.00 (g) 5416 Xerxes Avenue 490.00 .(j) 5716 Tracy Avenue 305.50 (1) 5525 Kellogg Avenue 19987.00 2. Energy Efficiency Improvements: A. Heating and Ventilating Systems. 1. Furnaces and boiler systems; pipes, ducts and radiation; and floor furnaces and wall heaters. (a) 4215 Grimes Avenue 600.00 (f) 6005 Concord Avenue 850.00 (h) 4310 Branson Street 1,500.00 (1) 5525 Kellogg Avenue 1,450.00 2. Exhaust and ventilating fans. (b) 5516 Kellogg Avenue 259.00 (e) 5402 Xerxes Avenue 260.00 (1) 5525 Kellogg Avenue 330.00 B. Insulation. 1. Blanket, batt, reflective, loose fill types (a) 4215 Grimes Avenue 184.00 (e) 5402 Xerxes Avenue South 270.00 ' (g) 5416 Xerxes Avenue South 595.00 (h) 4310 Branson Street. 1,280.00 (j) 5716 Tracy Avenue 800.00 (k) 5816 Beard Avenue 245.00 2. Storm doors and windows. (c) 4208 France Avenue 850.00 (d) 4221 Grimes Avenue 19317.78 Distribution of MHFA Grant Funds ''Page 2 2. Storm doors and windows, continued . finishing. (e) 5402 Xerxes Avenue South 840.00 (g) 5416 Xerxes Avenue _ _ 450.00 (h) 4310 Branson Street 290.00 3. Weatherstripping and other insulation: (h) 4310 Branson Street 50.00 (k) 5816 Beard Avenue 50.00 3. Improvements Resulting in Improved Habitability: A. Plumbing Replacement. (a) 4215 Grimes Avenue South 568.00 (h) 4310 Branson Street 475.00 B. Electrical. - GUto -� (a) 4215 Grimes (h) 4310 Branson Street C. Other Structural Repairs and Alterations 1. Roofing Repair or Replacement (g) 5416 Xerxes Avenue 2. New doors, windows, chimneys, etc. (b) 5516 Kellogg Avenue (e) 5402 Xerxes (e) 5402 Xerxes Avenue (d) 4221 Grimes Avenue (h).4310 Branson Street (h) 4310 Branson Street 475.00 150.00 r 320.00 476.30 1,675.00 56.00 25.00 200.00 .430.00 D. Exterior Finishing. 1. Shingles or siding and brick, cement, metal, stone, stucco, etc. F. Awnings. G. Disposal Systems. 4. Other Permanent Improvements (b) 5516 Kellogg Avenue 500.00 $46,096.58 finishing. (b) 5516 Kellogg Avenue 1,950.00 (c) 4208 France Avenue 299.00 (g) 5416 Xerxes Avenue 3,330.00 (k) 5816 Beard Avenue 2,045.00 (i) 4320 France Avenue 1,000.00 2. Painting and waterproofing. (c) 4208 France Avenue 1,350.00 (d) 4221 Grimes Avenue 167.00 (d) 4221 Grimes Avenue 1,490.00 (k) 5816 Beard Avenue 690.00 E. Interior Finishing 1. Plastering, wallboard composition; ceramic, plastic and metal tile. 2. Composition, linoleum, the and wood flooring. (d) 4221 Grimes Avenue 646.00 3. Painting, papering, or other interior work. (c) 4208 France Avenue 1,125.00 (j) 5716 Tracy Avenue 880.00 F. Awnings. G. Disposal Systems. 4. Other Permanent Improvements (b) 5516 Kellogg Avenue 500.00 $46,096.58 MEMO TO: Warren Hyde FROM: Tom Melena DATE: September 20, 1976 SUBJECT: FINAL RENOVATION OF CHLORINE ROOMS If you will recall on January 21st the City of Edina requested bids for the renovation of the Water Department chlorine rooms. At that time the bids that we received included the Halifax Water Pumping Station and the Brookview Heights Water Pumping Station. These two stations, because of the size of the rooms involved, were the most expensive - costing $1,700 and $1,935 respect- fully. In our discussion with the State Board of Health, it was felt that to come into compliance, some additional carpentry work should be done on these two rooms. With this in mind, the City pulled these two rooms out.of the contract and resubmitted them for quotations. The quotations received from our primary contractor was $6,963. This would include all the ventilation, electrical, partition walls, and unit heaters, as would be required in these two buildings. City staff. at this time felt that this price was inappropriate, and therefore, decided to have the carpentry work done separately, in this case, for $800. Once the carpentry work was completed, the City went out for quotations again. The City has now received the following four quotations: Allen Heating and Air Conditioning $3,600 Vogt, Inc. 4,714 Cronstroms Heating and Air Conditioning 4,300 Rouse Mechanical, Inc. 3,084 would therefore, recommend that on this job we award Rouse Mechanical, Inc. the opportunity to finish off these two remaining chlorine rooms. Please note that this is $3,079 under the original quotation. If you have any questions, please let me know. TMM /skh MSO'LUTIOU APPROVING FI14AL PLAT OF DEER RUN BE IT Rr:SOLVLD by toe city Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Beer RuaY, platted by Ruth A. Friberg, an unmarried woman, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of September 20, 1976, be ana is Hereby granted final plat approval. ADOPTLD this 44,�h clay of September, 1976. STA1 : OF 1111itUSOTA ) COUNTY OF HELiNUT11 ) SS CITY OF EDUA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLUK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting; City Clerk for the City of L'diiia, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoicig resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of September 20, 1976, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNLSS my hand and seal of said City this 22nd day of September, 1976. City Clerk September 219 1976 TO ALL CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE - CITY ELECTION. RE: FILING OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please.consider this .your`Offickai Notice that you, your "personal campaign committees" and your "campaign committees" are required to file with me a FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS, PLEDGES, DISBURSEMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS as follows: 1. The First Statement must be filed 'seven-days before the election. 2. The Second Statement must be filed seven days after the election. This is required by Minnesota Election Laws, Section 210A.26, Subdivision_ 4 (as amended by Laws 1963, Chapter 861, Section.10)., a copy of which is attached, together with two forms provided by the State for the filing of such Financial Statements. If you have any questions, please call me at 927 -8861. Edina City Clerk RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Uty Council of. the City of ' 4djaa hoes nerauy► release Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Yorktown Second Addition, according to the duly recorded plat tilereof,� ,hennepin County, ;4inuesota from tile covenazits wad restrictions set out; ill para4raph 5.c) of the Declaration of '_. estrictions L-Ad Protective Covena "ts filed as 3oculaent Jio. I-03_3'727, Files o,£ the ' :�e.- Astrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota; '. ad BE Ii 1: Li1cT"i.k 1 i:Svi,J,_j that the foregoing resolutions s'aall lot b2 effective unless aad cuitil t.lere is aeliverad to the City ati a+pend'izieat to said Declaration of 11,estrict,ious wild Protective Cuveuaats, dsly Si neu by they owner and a i elai:aa,lLs of all interest is said Lots 1 and 2, A11ti its recordable ; orn, rei :.ieosilll; upon said ,ots I acid 2 tree following restrictions.. 1. (l) Baca Quil"i:l4 o:t Lo;.s I a:!. lOC := i, y02't tOSl:t J_`COt .lidi- tiUll, C0i1LZi_LA,l;j 4WUilillh U1.11ts :s.lall btt! a ccormiriatlo:l of four, five la.-i.l. 31X_ stories is aci ;ht , (ii) :�ll.il�ei : :,3, ;J r.ail�j art!�15, '1r1VE'W3j�i, :3c1�,. ilL.iCr .x.lr� :- 3lirf3Ct°_C►, llo11ve,;t t.1Live are�L6 u:1 Lae 10t Suali ant covt!r, its C_le �,y�l't;.,atl, :.!Ore? :;la:i s _,ty t of tu_ area of t :te i.iC: Cujit;.Ia1 :t S1 3 :13: r :'$trlCti:iU :l.i ,ttrrc.itl CU.tL�:L.t::.�. i:ii.;j uc- rkL- Icaseu_ ailly by L_l :: l;'li;Y Of 111113 cULU a,iay uu rele,asua its to 1 oL.i 1 au"_ i:3 t)t .. i . lord town Secoau by '. iC. City of tldlaa at 'aa y til:lt_' a-lt. fru A tine. i:u tide uy iLo sole as . b ly sac., relecisu aaall. be :-.U:1H by resuluti.u:1 of t.w :ui City Colraci.l a�14 tiai ll u.?• CXf:!CL"iV:! J.:ly oj� .i :ic, :+ r�Lulutiu,l Li .:1 lame oIfict+ is: W::iC'.l cial i .: is u.:uC ::C:claraLlo.: of c?@SLrietio_i j tilt: 1'r0tUCL_4 VV Covenants Mal; t u; r, r:.cor;ieu'; alt" FU_'UriL,t P4S0::,VL•,) that the foregoiag'rasolucioaS s :_ail superced.c taoi3e re6oluLiotl3 adopted li)ril 191, 1976, wins respect to :,ot 4; i.1oc'<< 6, Yort_turrl., tioW replatted as Lots I a.14 .', !Aock 1, Yorktown Sctcu:.IL iduitlu?l. :.:1 this 2Ut.l , ay of Septenl:t;r, 1� 7b. S TA T;� OF MI: c ti Ji':1 SS Cii:y j"(1 �. Ir :L ) C"R'ZIFIC.1TI. OF CITY CLLr W is Lau tludersigaed dull aaipoi:aed aad zccia , 'City Clerk for the City of Ldilla, do :hereby certify that t.le zttachea ana for resolution was duly adopted by t±iei i.dina City Council at its Regular Meeting of September 20, 1976,' and as s. recorded in ttio.Mitiates of said Regular Meeting. '4 1J.;SS lay rI aLld ailu Seal V l is --, c!i day of September, 1976 City Clerk RECEIVED S E P 2 01976 Ufa G-17" �Q AA"nnoi WrIT�lf�TICTH STnL1 T • E:OINA. MINNESOTA 37424 RESOLUTI02+ RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Edina does hereby release met -�C,; e�za� according to the duly recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, from the covenants and restrictions set out in paragraph 5.c) of the Declaration of Restrictions and Protective Covenants filed as Document No. 1033727, Files of the Registrar of Titles; Hennepin County, Minnesota. Z BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, hat the foregoing res luttion shall not be effective unless and until th e is delivered to the City an amendment to said Declaration of R.estricti ns.and Protective_Cov nants, duly signed by the owner and all claimants f an interest in said be-r= , and in record- able form, reimposing upon said the following restrictions' 1. (i) Each building on containing, dwelling units shall be a combination of t @, fenr, and Ll*e stories in height; (ii) Buildings, parking areas, driveways, and other hard - surfaced, nonvegetative areas on the lot shall not cover, in the aggregate, more than sixty (60 %) percent of the area of the lot. 2. The covenants and restrictions herein ontained may be released only by the City of Edina and may be released as to bye 4, 339-aek by the City of Edina at any time and from time to time by its sole act. Any such release shall be done by resolution of the Edina City Council and shall be effective only upon the recording of such resolution in the same office in which said amended Declaration of Restrictions and Protective Covenants has been recorded. * ADOPTED this 4th day of Ap*41, 1976. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do.hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopr.ed by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of z4pri-�i9, 1976, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this -241st day of , 1976. City Clerk r0 * '3,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that t e _ oregoing .resolutions 25ha±± Sape=Cede those -L-7 to Lot 4, Block 6, Yorktown, now replatte as Lots , and 2, Block 1, "' Yorktown Second Addition. h 0. -ai r it 'J F— — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1b, EXISTING . . . . . . . . . . CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY . FOR YORK CONDO INC. o ci I, —na ..t. clstsic., 11 As sn(NlN 7 — — — — — — CONDOMINIUM TO BE CONSTRUCTED L REC.. BLDG E ING APARTMENTS EXHIBIT G DESCRIPTION FOR CONDOMINIUM AREA A 1,:_1'n' ':" situated 17,..'e co"n" " "c"n and s""t of N,hn a . I c r , d as That part of LOL 2. Block 1, 1ORIT1�111C1111,11IT.1,01 . .....tl in, to le i ' i e 11, Pill 1h,111f '" f! _ an c record , the , he R ., Titles i R and for said lying easterly 01 the follo.inq described line, and its northerly ,te,s,o,: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 2: thence South .. ...... . . nut . thereof, . seconds along the north line ", . 26 to he point of g,h.lng; 0' -in-te' I. s co no: : E:11: lljllfeelt.: '.. D. 1'�r::' 0 st e, Ifie,c: 1..tt�l 8 1 degrees 1A n i n.ts S 0 let no "' thence South 00 degrees 05 .1-ta, 10 second, East, 48.133 feet;: thence South 60 d 9.95 feet: East. 5 S 05 min­: s on s ':s /e et. i thence South 00 degrees 05 . 1,te !0 :Ccondd, East. 2 0.3 et. to the south line of said Lot 2 and there terminating. Containing 163136 square feet • 3.7451 acres t June 28, 1976 Nirs. Audrey Hirschey 5101 Gorgas Avenuessodta Ldina, Minnesota 55124 Dear Mrs. 11iracney: As discussed in our telephone conversation, please fine enclosed a letter which requests the City of Edina to assess part of the cost of uiider- grouiuiii,g the existing overhead telephone and electric services into your home. The cost of this improvement would be $250.00. The assessment would be for a five -year period with a six percent. interest rate. This cost will include the replacement of the sod removed during the trenciiing. Prior to ttiie start of work and subject to your approval, the best location for t:ie service entry will be de_erLined by Edina Electric Coivipany. At this time we anticipate that work should begin the latter part of July. Pleas: re:tur:i the attached letter as soon as is conveniently possible so that the City Council may order the improvement. If you need any additional information, please contact me. Sincerely, David schnobrich Project Planner, Edina H.R.A. DS:In Enc. June 23, 1976 Edina City Council 4301 West 50th Street Edina, t-iinnesota 55424 Dear Edina City Council: In conjunction with the undergrounding of tine telephone and electrical systems serving the area south of 50th Street, please.install at my expense underground electrical and telephone lines.servicing my home and assess that cost to me. I understand the cost of this improvement will be assessed as explained in the June 23, 1976, letter from David Schnobrich, ii.R.A. Project Planner. Sincerely, Mrs. Audrey Hirschey 5101 Gorgas Av °nue South L .9120/76 ance easement. Mr. Lind said that he would have no objection to a hiking trail if the City so desired. Mr. Dunn said that there was no' reason why grading could not be commenced before the plat is finally approved. Following lengthy discussion, Councilman Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL TO HYDE PARK 2ND ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that cer- tain plat entieled "Hyde Park 2nd Addition ", platted by Hyde Park Development Company and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of September 20, 1976, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. The submission-of deeds for Outlot A and Outlot B 2. The submission of $8,400 in lieu of parkland dedication 3. The submission of a developers agreement, satisfactory to the Engineering Department, which would include.grading for a future sidewalk on the South side of Dewey Hill Road 4. The modification of the plat to show the extension of Hyde Park Lane to the East property line so that maintenance vehicles will have access to the ponding areas; and S. Subject to obtaining comments of the Park.Board as to whether there should be a trail easement on the maintenence easement. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Shaw... Rollcall: Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt,'. Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None - Resolution adopted. STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO..P -ST.S -153 REFERRED BACK TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FOR NEW HEARING. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Due notice having been given public hearing was con- ducted and action taken as. herein recorded for Storm Sewer Improvement No. P -ST.S- 153 in the following location: Easement lines in. Block 3, Killarney Shores Addition between Lots 4 and 5, between Lots 12 and 13 and along the rear lines of Lots 2 through 6 and Lots 8 through 12. Mr. Hyde presented total estimated cost at approximately $31,600, proposed to be assessed at $2,000 against lots 12 through 18, $1,100.00 against Lots 1 and 3 through 11, and $550.00 against Lots 19 through 30. Mr. Dunn advised that some residents who signed the petition requesting the storm sewer have now requested that their names be removed and referred also to a petition in opposition to the improvement. Council; was reminded of a letter from Mr. James C. Duncan, 6004. Schaefer Road, requesting the City to install drainage tile across the width of his back yard to alleviate a standing water problem which exists when heavy rain or melting snow drains down from the higher elevated lots of View Lane and Schaefer Road. Mr. Dunn said that, even in this dry year, there is evidence of water standing on Mr. Duncan's property. Mr. Wellington B. Law., 6009 View Lane, said that the residents on.Schaefer Road had created their own problem, along with the contractors who had built the houses. Mr. J. D. Wickett, 5920 Schaefer Road, said that the storm sewer was needed only because the developer filled in the swamp to get additional lots. Mr. Ed Thernell questioned why his lots were proposed to be assessed. Mr. Max Soderquist, 5928 Schaefer Road, agreed that some relief is needed but suggested that it could be done in a less expensive manner. Mr. Dunn agreed that a drainage swail could be constructed, provided the City was granted necessary easements by property owners. Councilman Shaw's motion that the project as proposed be abandoned and referred back to the Engineering Department to develop a new system to be considered at a new hearing was seconded by Councilman Courtney. Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Motion carried. Improvement No. Installments Interest Rate Street Improvement No. BA -200 10 5% Street Improvement No. C -116 10 5% Street Improvement No. BA -203 10 5% Street Improvement No. BA -205 10 5% Street Improvement No. BA -207 10 5% Street Improvement No. BA -199 10 5% Watermain Improvement No. WM -295 3 5% Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 324 3 5% Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S -144 3 5% Watermain Improvement No. WM -292 10 5% Sanitary Sewer No. SS -322 10 5% Watermain Improvement No. WM -290 10 5% Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -319 10 5% Sanitary Sewer No. SS -320 10 5% Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S -142 10 5% Watermain Improvement No. WM -293 10 5% Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -323 10 5% Watermain Improvement No. WM -285 10 5% Street Lighting Improvement No. L -10 10 5% Street Lighting Improvement No. L -11 5 5% Street Lighting Improvement No. L -12A 5 5% Street Lighting Improvement No. L -13 2 5% Sidewalk Improvement No. S -13 10 5% Parking Lot Improvement No. P -2 20 5% Parking Lot Improvement No. P -7 5 6% Parking Lot Improvement No. P -8 5 6% 4. The City Clerk shall forthwith prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a copy of this resolution and a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended on the tax lists of the County in accordance with this resolution. 5. The Clerk shall also mail notice of any special assessments which may be payable by a county, by a political subdivision or by the owner of any such right -of -way, as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, Subdivision 4, and if any such assessment is not paid in a single installment, the City Treasurer shall arrange for collection thereof in installments, as set forth in said section. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman; Shaw. Rollcall: Ayes: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw, Van ValkenburA Nays: None Resolution adopted. HYDE PARK 2ND ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL. Mr. Luce recalled that Hyde Park 2nd Addition had been continued from the meeting of August 16, 1976. Note was made that preliminary approval had been granted the plat in August, 1974, but because more than one year has elapsed since that approval, the developers have been required to begin the platting process over again. Mr. Harry Lind, representing Hyde Park Development Company, recalled that his company had agreed to dedicate approximately 25% of the land area to the City, thus reducing the plat by eight lots. He said that the City had been granted an easement over Out - lot B under the assumption that this would be approved based on the 1974 approval. Councilman Richards said that he did not believe that the land which is being dedicated has as much value inasmuch as it is low land. He said that he had con- firmed that the property to the East has given cash as well as storm drainage easements and that he thinks that Hyde Park Development should pay an amount equivalent to that paid by other developers.. Mr. Robert C1ark,.7701 Glasgow Drive, said that originally there was discussion about a 10 foot wide hiking trail between Hyde Park 2nd Addition and the property to the South. He suggested that such a trail must be developed at this time. Mr. Luce said that he would expect that there would be a sidewalk some time in the future along Dewey Hill Road. Discussion ensued as to the need for a hiking trail along the mainten -. 14 Re- Smith building permit 4519 Bruce eve, Edina Minn Sept 15 1976 Mayor Jas Valkenburg anr' members of the Council. Gentlemen: YOU CANO FIGHT CITY HALL= ( Please pardon the expression) Having live' in Vina for almo at 30 years and never complained before,,thought our zoning restrictions wool- "protect us property owners. Never thought some could get the support, unless they has leget know -how ; to change zoning restrictions, in a fine suburb like ours/ Or -goes that matter anymore ? But, it happened, too late for concerned property owners to act. You know what happened. FIRST, notice mailed, simply read, property change etc fora GARAGE. Maybe, no one appeared, because.it sounde,' so harmless. Just a GUA6E. REMEMBER. the TRUCK bit*. SECOND, notice mailed, in which, the writer appeared, protesting.this building be built as outline'. ( Why cannot the city of Edina mail a opy of the complete building plan and changes, to alert every one of the dangers and changes effecting property owners and property values. This meeting postponed. THIRD, another meeting held.. no notice mailed, WHY ? this time approiaer'. From our view point, everyb�ing seemed so quiet, maybe, the ( SMITHS) changer' their Plans after all. Then one flay - BANG - the old garage is being torn Gown. Even when they start pouring base cement, did any one. give it much thought. Then extra cement was pourer', be, its part of'the ?rive way. '5uaaenly,the building -takes shape. look more like a WAREHOUSE. than.a.GARAGE. Must be a,mistake, this bui Wing belongs in a COMMERCIAL ZONE. Now ( SMITH) may have space for that TRUCK an-; other enterprises, after all. Even the carpenters thought it a JOKE. - The ( SMITHS) claim the new building would improve their property. fo far it-does'not match what they sail' or its decor. They promise many changes enfl if they r'o, it would be first time in over 8 years they live-' here; No matter how E LABORATEit could be- how would you lift looking at a building, garage, warehouse, you name it, 25 feet hide, 15 feet high'on a 50 foot lot, 40 feet away from your home. TUTUS E APPROiTAIS like that COULD HAPPEN AGAIN. THINK IT OVER. We invite you and all council memebers to our home, on our porch, in our yard, to look at a.24 foot WALL, 21 feet from our property line . We wonder what the folks,'South and North THINK looking at a 40 foot WALL. Have not the heart to ask. Res pe tiv y yours, Jo er 4518 Arden Ave, Edina Minn. M E M O R A N D U M September 20, 1976 MEMO TO: Mr. Warren C. Hyde Council Members FROM: Bob Kojetin, Assistant Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Purchase of Hockey Rink Lighting at Arden and Weber Park The following are the two quotes received the purchase of hockey rink lighting at Arden and Weber Park: I. Edina Electric Company, 5244 Eden Cr., Edina, MN 55436 Arden Park Lighting - $6,615.00 Weber Park Lighting - $6,300.00 2. Hilite Electric, 3600 Kennebeck Dr., Eagan, MN 55122 Arden Park Lighting - $4,044.00 Weber Park Lighting - $4,300.00 Recommend award to Hilite Electric for the- above'-purchase price. 11rapasat Page No. of Pages HILITE ELECTRIC 3600 Kennebec Drive EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 Phone 452 -1565 PROPOSAL SU MITTED TO r nr PHONE DATE S — J 3 - 7,4 STREET _L P �Y JOB NAME CITY, STATE ANDE �•_ JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: •;/3 O o. D O �� ............. ........... _ P raVOLIP hereby to furnish materi I and labor — complete in accordan with above specifications, for the sum of: 3 6' O O v dollars ($ Payment to be made as follows: All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifica- Authorized Signature tions involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents Note: This proposal may be or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted within days. Arrmp#anrr of 11raposal —The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature Page No. of Pages • HILITE ELECTRIC 3600 Kennebec Drive EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 Phone 452 -1555 PROPOSAL SU "ED TO , ' PHONE DATE i 3 - 7-,6' STREET C.A"C.�CI �' _'• ' JOB NAME CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE V JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: c� P d � 1UP prapast hereby to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance above specifications, for the sum of: with el.", ) d L11 'L ,=j dollars ($ Payment to be made as follows: All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifiea. Authorized tions involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an Signature extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Note: This proposal may be Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted within days. Arreptatme of 1rv#vsa1 —The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature Page No. 1 of 1 Pages EDINA ELECTRIC COMPANY 5244 Eden Circle EDINA, MINNESOTA 55436 Phone 929 -5544 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO City of Edina PHONE 7.Sei)t. E 15 1976 STREET 4801 We 50th St. JOB NAME Hoc key Rink Lighting CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE Edina MN. 55424 JOB LOCATION Weber Park 11SX1110 ffi Attn: Bob Kojetin DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: F urnish and install posts and luminaires according to attached specification. $6300.00 Altern8te_E -1_: Owner do the trenching. Deduct 365.00 HIP PrOpLiSP hereby to furnish material and labor — complete. in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: Six thousand three hundred and np /100 - - - - - - - - - - - dollars ($ 6300.00 Payment to be made as follows: Monthly as job progresses. All bills due and payable by tenth of month following billing. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to, standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifica- Authorized tions involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an Signature extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents - or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. - Not . his proposal may be thirty Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. - withdrawn by us if not accepted within y days. Arritli#ttnrp of i rapostd —The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized- Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature FORM I 1 B -T COPYRIGHT 1960 - NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE. INC., TOWNSEND, MASS. �jrll�lY��1 Page No. 1 of 1 Pages EDINA ELECTRIC COMPANY 5244 Eden Circle EDINA, MINNESOTA 55436 Phone 929 -5544 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO City of Edina PHONE DATE September 15, 1976 STREET 4801 Wiest 50th St. JOB NAME Hoc key Rink & Park Lighting CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE Edina MN 55424 JOB LOCATION Arden Park KARIPPEWC Attn: Bob Kojetin DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Furnish-and -install-posts-and-luminair-es _ according to attached specifications. $6615.00 Alternate E1_ :,.__0wner do the tr_enching_, Deduct 470.00 We f rOpOSP hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: Six thousand six hundred fifteen and no /100 - - - e - - - - dollars ($ 6615.00 Payment to be made as follows: Monthly as job progresses. All bills due and payable by tenth-of month following billing. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike - manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifica- Authorized tions involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an Signature extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. No 8. This proposal may be Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted within thirty days. ArnpUna of 11rapood —The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature FORM 11 B-T COPYRIGHT 1960 , NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE. INC.. TOWNSEND. MASS. .w` CITY OF- EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSAL FOR HOCKEY RINK LIGHTING ARDEN PARK Erect 7 metal poles and install light fixtures on metal poles as shown per drawing including the connection to the main power source in the shelter building, 150 feet on the opposite side of the creek. Work including 16 of owners fixtures and 9 new fixtures One pole shall be located per location of drawing, 160 feet from house with three fixtures on metal post. Proposal should includ: 1. Installation 2. Nine new light fixtures, Steber #7564 or approved equal 3. Seven poles, 25' height, Whitco #W25 -0 -4 with a WQ -4 trough (prime coated) or approved equal 4. Nine light bulbs, T3Q /CL, 1500,watt quartz- Iodine, or approved equal. Total Cost Owner doing the trenching Total Cost Doing all work ,a i:ITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSAL FOR HOCKEY RINK LIGHTING WEBER PARK Erect 7 metal poles and install owners fixtures on poles. Each pole being equipped with 6 owners female connections. Running underground wiring to 6 poles from main power source 175 feet from building located on the inside shelter building. All wiring on inside of building in conduit (75 feet). One each additional light fixture installed on poles four and six, three each on poles one and three, and two each on pole two per drawing. Proposal should include: 1. Installation 2. Eleven new light fixtures, Steber #7564 or approved equal 3. Seven poles, 25' height, Whitco #W25 -0 -4 with a WQ -4 trough (prime coated) or approved equal 4. Eleven light bulbs, T3Q/CL, 1500 Watt quartz- Iodine, or approved equal. One pole will be set separately by itself, 150 feet from the building showing location per drawing, with one light fixture. Total Cost Owner doing the trenching Total Cost Doing all work 75' 0 yo �Q O, '1 o 6 c -- 00000 -- AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA December 31, 1975 -- 00000 -- -- 00000-- CONTENTS ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT .............. ............................... PAGE 3 BALANCE. SHEETS ................... ............................... 4 STATEMENTOF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ............................ 5 STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES .......................... 6 NOTESOF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS .... ............................... 7 -- 00000 -- a ERNST & ERN-ST FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55402! ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT Members of the Board Housing and Revelopment- Authority of Edina, Minnesota We have examined the balance sheets of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota as of December 31, 1975, and December 31, 1974, and the related statements of changes in fund balance and revenues and expendi- tures for the year ended December 31, 1975 and for the period of nine months and twenty -eight days ended December 31, 1974. Our examinations were made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, in- cluded such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota as of December 31, 1975, and December 31, 1974, and the results' of its operations and changes in its fund balance for the year ended December 31, 1975 and the period of nine months and twenty -eight days ended December 31, 1974 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a con- sistent basis. (�4� 1 �4� Minneapolis, Minnesota August 6, 1976 z HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEETS Cash on deposit 'Due from City of Edina Construction in progress ASSETS LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Accounts payable Due to City of Edina Contracts payable .Fund balance (deficit): Invested in construction in progress Available for activities and projects ,See notes to financial statements. Dece 1974 $16,318.48 15,000.00 $31,318.48 $14,980.63 34,863.46 $15,000.00 ( 33,525.61) ($18,525.61) ,$31,318.48 tuber 31 1975 $ 15,154.85 1,080,000.00 1,120,914.89 $2,216,069.74 $ 8,907.09 141,800.70 31,507.89 $1,120,914.89 912,939.17 $2,033,854.06 $2,216,069.74 -4- HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Balance March 4, 1974 .Additions (deductions): Expenditures Capitalized construction costs Balance (deficit) December 31, 1974 .Additions (deductions): Revenues Expenditures Capitalized construction costs -Balance December 31, 1975 .See notes to financial statements. Total ( 33,525.61) _ 15,000.00 ($ 18,525.61) 2,229,064.00 ( 1,282,599.22) 1,105,914.89 $2,033,854.06 Invested in Available for Construction Activities in Progress and Projects ( 33,525.61) 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 ($ 33,525.61) 2,229,064.00 ( 1,282,599.22) 1,105,914.89 $1,120,914.89 $ 912,939.17 -5- HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES REVENUES ` Grant from Housing and Urban Development Proceeds from bond sale - :EXPENDITURES Construction costs: Purchase of land Project design fees North Side Ramp design fees South Side Ramp design fees Legal services - construction Surveying Relocation services Tenant relocation payment Walkway improvements Halifax Avenue improvements North Side Ramp Utility undergrounding Underground improvements Other: Services and rent provided by City Legal service - administrative Cost of bonds sale Interest on loans from City of Edina Debt service due to City of Edina Miscellaneous See notes to financial statements. For the Period of Nine Months and Twenty -Eight For the Year Days Ended Ended December 31, 1974 December 31, 1975 $ - $ 29,064.00 2,200,000.00 $ - $2,229,064.00 $ - $ 373,303.44 15,000.00 51,485.75 - 29,340.80 4,013.58 15,929.29 15,891.40 400.00 10,000.00 1,560.85 213.44 564,288.05 18,580.85 20,907.44 $15,000.00 $1,105,914.89 122083.91 33,356.91 6,384.71 - - 380.50 9,373.85 - 132,742.07 56.99 831.00 TOTAL $33,525.61 $1,282,599.22 -6- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA December 31, 1975 Note A - ORGANIZATION The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (HRA) was organized on March 4, 1974 for the purpose of managing housing and redevelopment projects within the City of Edina. Technical advice and assistance is furnished by the City per terms. of a contract between the two entities. Financing for the activities and projects of HRA is currently being provided principally from the proceeds of general obligation bonds sold by the City. The bonds are backed by the taxing power of the City. It is anticipated, however, that the debt will be serviced from additional general taxes generated by the increased valuation of properties resulting from redevelopment projects and other revenues received by HRA. , Note B'- SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Bond proceeds held by the City from the sale of general obligation bonds to finance the activities and projects of HRA are recognized as an account receiv- able from the City. Amounts due to the City for debt service in lieu of general tax levies cancelled by the City are recognized as an account payable to the City. WORLD LIONS SERVICE DAY We live in a world of marvelous technological progress, where continents and oceans can be spanned in mere hours. Through modern communications, we can contact people anywhere in the world in minutes. Men have walked upon the moon. Yet, in all corners of the earth, poverty, sickness, loneliness and starvation are to be found - and millions still need compassion, love, medical care and assistance. It is toward this objective - service to the needy of the world - that more than 29,000 Lions Clubs, comprised of more than one million members, are at work in 148 nations and geographical territories around the globe. These one million men, unified by humanitarian service, have but one objective: to bring to the needy, sick and lonely in each community, the help and assistance they need to live with grace and dignity. On October 8, 1976. the 29,000 Clubs of the International Association of Lions Clubs will meet in their home communities to perform a special act of humanitarian. service. This special act will symbolize the unity of purpose which is best defined by the motto of the worldwide Lions organization: "We Serve ". The Edina Lions Club will observe this day by kicking off the clubs annual Fruit Cake Sale. The proceeds of this activity will help build and support the Lions Children's Eye Clinic and Hospital at the University of Minnesota. The Edina South Lions Club will observe this day by supporting Fire Prevention Week in Edina with promotion of an early warning fire protection device for the home. To make all people more fully aware of the significance of the achievements of the Lions Club members at work today throughout the world, I, James Van Valkenburg, as Mayor of the City of Edina, do hereby proclaim October 8, 1976, as World Lion Service Day. I urge all citizens of Edina to mark this occasion as a special observance in recognition of the numerous services provided by the Edina Lions Club to the needy, the ill, and the lonely. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand. Sign O a� r n(rA7inN MAP i REQUEST NUMBER: ';- 7 6 -19 South of Dewey Hill Road and LOCAT10N: Fast of Gleason Road. REQUEST' - 26 lot single family Su tv s ton. vil1.�P of �r�lii9 W12m _ t► Jtr tl rftlrtRtteilL EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT July 28, 1976. s -76 -19 Hyde Park 2nd Addition. Generally located south of Dewey Hill Road and east of Gleason Road. Refer to: Attached subdivision dedication report, graphic showing proposed lot sizes. The proponents are requesting to subdivide the remaining Hyde .Park property into the second addition in a single phase as they have proposed to do several times in the past. They received an approval of this platting by the Planning Commission on July 31, 1974, but because more than one year has elapsed since that approval, the developers are required to begin the platting process over again. Recommendation: The staff and Planning Commission have reviewed this request several times in the past. Thus, the proposed plat, by virtue of previous approvals, should be approved for the following reasons: 1. It follows the original plat and concept (1969) of the developers. 2. Because it is in harmony with the existing subdivisions and lot sizes. 3. The land use is in conformance with the Southwest Edina Land Use Plan. This approval is contingent on the following: 1. The submission of deeds for Outlot A and Outlot B. 1� 2. The submission of a developer's agreement satisfactory to the Engineering Department. 3. A minor modification of the plat; that is, the extension of Hyae Park Lane to the east property line so that maintenance vehicles will have access.to the ponding areas. This extension of Hyde Park Lane need not be constructed in blacktop, but only need be indicated on the plat and ..dedicated so the vehicles will have a legal right to enter that storm sewer area for maintenance and siltation removal purposes. GL:ln 7/22/76 op 4A Lh ON :28104 ME C C :. ROAD :00 M Nor C, 0 1;0 L. 120 tQ, IZO Zp a FIX 5soor D.R Pcc.flo 3709579 'Cl5 00 DR Subdivision No. SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NAME: gvje- � U �� � `r /V F LAND SIZE: LAND VALUE: (By:- Date: ) 5% _ $ The developer of this subdivision has been required to [] A. grant an easement over part of the land B. dedicate % of the land [J C. donate $ as a fee in lieu of land as a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 5% of land dedicated) (] 1. If property is adjacent to an existing'park and the addition beneficially expands the park. [1 2. If property is 6 acres or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. 3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. X4. If property is necessary for storm water holding and will be dredged or otherwise improved and will be a scenic place. ❑ 5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or historic value. ❑ 6. B. Cash Required [] 1. In all other instances than above. ❑2• S -76 -19 Hyde Park 2nd Addition Generally located south of Dewey Hill Road and east of Gleason Road. Mr. Luce recalled the Planning Commission reviewed and approved an identical plat approximately two years ago, and, approximately one year ago, approved a request to plat just that part of the property along; Dewey Hill Road. The developer, however, did not in either case request final City Council approval so the land has remained unplatted and could not be sold or developed. Mr. Luce recommended the preliminary plat of Hyde Park 2nd Addition be approved inasmuch as: 1. it is identical to the original Hyde Park development concept presented in 1969; 2. it incorporates several outlots in Hyde Park 1st Addition to create buildable single family lots and is therefore in harmony with the surrounding subdivisions and lot sizes; and 3. the land use is in conformance with the Southwest Edina Plan. Ile recommended, however, that the plat be approved contingent on the dedication of Outlots A and B for storm water ponding; purposes, submission of a satisfactory developer's agreement; and dedication of a small portion of right of way at the end of Iiyde Park Drive so maintenance vehicles can have access to those ponding areas. After brief discussion Mr. Kremer moved the preliminary plat of Hyde Park 2nd Addition be approved with the contingencies listed-by the staff and with the additional clarification that the plat is modified to show a 15 foot right of way at the end of Hyde Park Drive for public access to the storm eater holding areas. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. _.7._.� t t i. i i S -76 -19 Hyde Park 2nd Addition Generally located south of Dewey Hill Road and east of Gleason Road. Mr. Luce recalled the Planning Commission reviewed and approved an identical plat approximately two years ago, and, approximately one year ago, approved a request to plat just that part of the property along; Dewey Hill Road. The developer, however, did not in either case request final City Council approval so the land has remained unplatted and could not be sold or developed. Mr. Luce recommended the preliminary plat of Hyde Park 2nd Addition be approved inasmuch as: 1. it is identical to the original Hyde Park development concept presented in 1969; 2. it incorporates several outlots in Hyde Park 1st Addition to create buildable single family lots and is therefore in harmony with the surrounding subdivisions and lot sizes; and 3. the land use is in conformance with the Southwest Edina Plan. Ile recommended, however, that the plat be approved contingent on the dedication of Outlots A and B for storm water ponding; purposes, submission of a satisfactory developer's agreement; and dedication of a small portion of right of way at the end of Iiyde Park Drive so maintenance vehicles can have access to those ponding areas. After brief discussion Mr. Kremer moved the preliminary plat of Hyde Park 2nd Addition be approved with the contingencies listed-by the staff and with the additional clarification that the plat is modified to show a 15 foot right of way at the end of Hyde Park Drive for public access to the storm eater holding areas. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. _.7._.� t t i. ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6491 COUNTY NO. B200 FOR: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -200 LOCATION: Gleason Road from the South line of Hyde Park Addition to West 78th Street CONTRACTOR: Minnesota Valley Surfacing Co. CONTRACT AMOUNT: $55,362.42 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (10 %) 5,536.25 $60,898.67 #72564 - Brauer 6 Associates - Staking 403.48 #80446 - Brown Engineering - Testing 35.00 $61,337.15 Less State Portion 9.851.02 $51,486.13 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 75.00 $51,561.13 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From: June 16, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 462 days @ $7.08 per day 3,274.13 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST. . . $54,835.26 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: Braemar Hills 7th Addition, Outlot A - $21,619.84 Braemar Hills 7th Addition, Outlot B - 19,654.16 Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Parcel 3810- 916.08 Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Parcel 4015- 12,645.18 ASSESSABLE COST: $54,835.26 COUNTY CHARGE: 4 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 2.00 $54,837.26 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED .@ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL. TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6492 COUNTY NO. C116 FOR: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -116 LOCATION: Gleason Road from the South line of Hyde Park Addition to West 78th Street CONTRACTOR: G. L. Contracting Co., Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (10 %) #66202 - Soil Engineering Service, Inc.- Soil boring and laboratory testing #69427 - Brown Engineering - Testing Less State Aid portion PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: $226,243.55 22,624.35 $248,867.90 5,228.75 70.00 $254,166.65 220.983.16 $ 33,183.49 50.00 $33,233.49 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5% Two Years 3,323.35 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36,556.84 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: Braemar Hills Seventh Addition, Outlot A - $15,356.08 Braemar Hills Seventh Addition, Outlot B - $12,159.92 Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Parcel 3810 - $610.72 Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Parcel 4015 - $8,430.12 ASSESSABLE COST: $36,556.84 COUNTY CHARGE: 4 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 2.00 $36,558.84 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL a L f ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO 6491 COUNTY N0. B203 FOR: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -203 LOCATION: 'Olinger Boulevard from Olinger Road to County Road 158 CONTRACTOR: Minnesota Valley Surfacing Company CONTRACT AMOUNT: ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: #80043 - Brauer & Associates - Staking #80284 - Brauer & Associates - Staking #80287 - Brauer & Associates - Staking #80953 - G. L. Contracting Co. - Pipe #81240 - W. G. Pearon, Inc. - Sand and Gravel Work Order #510 - Picking up and placing culverts Less State Aid Share PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: $94,150.83 9.415.08 $103,565.91 353.48 26.50 279.50 170:00 599.45 1,361.91 $106,356.75 59,895.12 $ 46,4 61.63 75.00 $46,536.63 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 7.: From: June 16, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 462 days @ $6.35 per day 2,931.81 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . $49,468.44 ASSESSABLE UNITS:_ (R -1) - 2320.75 ASSESSABLE FEET (PRD -3) - 1201.08 ASSESSABLE FEET ESTIMATED.ASSESSMENT - (R -1) - (PRD -3) PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - (R -1) - (PRD -3) ASSESSABLE COST: COUNTY CHARGE: 4 Parcels @ $0.50 each pa $12.00 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT - $18.00 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT $12.00 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT - $18.00 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT $49,468.44 rcel 2.00 $49, -70 44 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT FOR: BLACKTOP, CURB & GUTTER NO. BA -205 LOCATION: West 78th Street from Cahill Road to 3300 feet West CONTRACTOR: Bury and Carlson Co., Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (109.') #80043 - Brauer & Associates - Staking #80287 - Brauer & Associates - Staking #81671 - Brown Engineering & Testing - Testing #82113 - Utilities Service Co. - Lower telephone cable Work Order #604 - Install snow fence Less Bloomington's Share of Construction Cost Less State -aid share PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: LEVY NO. 6491 COUNTY NO. B205 $522,575.39 52,257.54 $574,832.93 152.16 353.90 552.00 606.38 43.23 $576,540.60 172,449.88 $404,090.72 364,188.62 $ 39,902.10 50.00 $ 39,952.10 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 59.: From: September 15, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 370 days @ $5.47 per day 2,023.90 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $41,976.00 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 2798.40 Assessable feet ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $15.00 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $15.00 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT ASSESSABLE COST: $41,976.00 COUNTY CHARGE: 18 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 9.00 $41,985.00 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT FOR: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -.207 LOCATION: Grove Street from Johnson Drive to Tracy Avenue CONTRACTOR: Bury & Carlson Co., Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: Work Order #81671 -Brown Engineering Testing Less cost of Storm Sewer chargeable to General Fund 1 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: LEVY NO. 6491 COUNTY NO. B207 $16,528.50 1.983.42 $18,511.92 80.50 $18,592.42 1,870.68 $16,721.74 75.00 $16,796.74 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From: September 15, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 851.66 370 days @ $2.30 per day TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . • • . • • . • . . . . . . . $17,648.40 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 770 Assessable Feet ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $18.46 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $22.92 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT $17,648.40 ASSESSABLE COST: 5.00 COUNTY CHARGE: 10 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel $17,653.40 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6491 COUNTY NO. B199 FOR: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -199 LOCATION: Lanham Lane from 245' North of Kemrich Drive to 870' North of Kemrich Drive r CONTRACTOR: Minnesota Valley Surfacing Company CONTRACT AMOUNT: $8,868.41 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (127.) 1,064.21 $9,932.62 Contract Amount - Matt Bullock Contracting $3,052.35 3,479.83 Engineering and clerical - 14% $13,412.45 #72564 - Brauer & Associates, Inc. - Surveying 190.98 $13,603.43 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 35.00 $13,638.43 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 57.: From: June 16, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 863.93 .462 days @ $1.87 per day TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST. . . . • . $14,502.36 ASSESSABLE UNITS - 12 Lots ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $1,234.28 PER ASSESSABLE LOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $1,208.53-PER ASSESSABLE LOT ASSESSABLE COST: $14,502.36 COUNTY CHARGE: 12 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 6.00 $14,508.36 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 57. OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) .A—` -. .j ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6497 COUNTY NO. 295 FOR: WATERMAIN NO. 295 LOCATION: Lanham Lane from South line M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition .to Fleetwood Drive CONTRACTOR: Q.R.S. Construction, Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: $14,574.63 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (12%) - 12748.95 $16,323.58 Work Order #70732 - G. L. Contracting Inc. - Raise two services 762.90 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: $17,086.48 35.00 $17,121.48 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From: November 17, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 308 days @ $2.35 per day 723.72 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,845.20 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 18 Lots ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $724.67 PER ASSESSABLE LOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $991.40 PER ASSESSABLE LOT ASSESSABLE COST: $17,845.20 COUNTY CHARGE: 18 Parcels @ $0.15 each parcel 2.70 $17,847.90 TO BE SPREAD OVER 3 YEARS - 1977 thru 1979 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) 0 ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6493 COUNTY NO. 0324 FOR: SANITARY SEWER NO. 324 LOCATION: Lanham Lane from South Line M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition to Fleetwood Drive CONTRACTOR: Q. R. S. Construction, Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (127.) PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: $10,542.16 1,265.06 $11,807.22 35.00 $11,842.22 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From: November 17, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 308 days @ $1.62 per day 498.94 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,341.16 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 18 Lots ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $780.14 PER ASSESSABLE LOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $685.62 PER ASSESSABLE LOT ASSESSABLE COST: $12,341.16 COUNTY CHARGE: 18 Parcels @ $0..15 each parcel 2.70 $12,343.86 TO BE SPREAD OVER 3 YEARS - 1977 thru 1979 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) -� I N ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6495 COUNTY NO. 144 FOR: STORM SEWER NO. 144 LOCATION: Lanham Lane from South line M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition to 300 feet North CONTRACTOR: Q. R. S. Construction, Inc. $4,222.50 CONTRACT AMOUNT: 506.70 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (12 %) $4, Cost from Storm Sewer No. 136 (assessed during 1975): 3.572.24 50.77 = 38.18% of $9,356936 $8,301.44 .44 132.47 25.00 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: $8,326.44 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From: November 17, To: September 20, 1976 351.18 308 days @ $1.14 per day • � $8,677.62 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST • ° ASSESSABLE UNITS: 18 Lots ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $252.94 PER ASSESSABLE LOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $482.09 PER ASSESSABLE LOT $8,677.62 ASSESSABLE COST: parcel 2'70 COUNTY CHARGE: 18 Parcels @ $0.15 each p T8,680.32 TO BE SPREAD OVER 3 YEARS - 1977 thru 1979 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6498 COUNTY NO. 0292 FOR: WATERMAIN NO. 292 LOCATION: Dovre Drive from Lincoln Drive to West line of Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition CONTRACTOR: Rauenhorst Corporation CONTRACT AMOUNT: $70734.25 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: 928.11 $8,662.36 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 25.00 $8,687.36 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5% From: October 20, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 336 days @ $1.19 per day 399.82 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,087.18 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 6 Lots ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $1,528.52 PER ASSESSABLE LOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $1,514.53 PER ASSESSABLE LOT ASSESSABLE COST: COUNTY CHARGE: $9,087.18 3.00 $9,090.18 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6494 COUNTY N0, 322 FOR: SANITARY SEWER NO. 322 LOCATION: Dovre Drive from Lincoln Drive to West Line of Parkwood Knolls CONTRACTOR: Rauenhorst Corporation CONTRACT AMOUNT: $8,874.41 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (12 %) 1,064.93 $9,939.34 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 25.00 $9,964.34 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From: October 20, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 336 days @ $1.37 per day 460.30 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,424.64 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 6 Lots ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $1,925.24 PER ASSESSABLE LOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $1,737.44 PER ASSESSABLE LOT ASSESSABLE COST: $10,424.64 COUNTY CHARGE: 6 Parcels @ $0.50.each parcel 3.00 $10,427.64 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6498 COUNTY NO. 0290 FOR: WATERMAIN NO. 290 LOCATION: York Avenue from West 74th Street to West 78th Street; West 76th Street from York Avenue to France Avenue; Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380 feet West CONTRACTOR: Fischer Sand & Aggregate, Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: $102,357.00 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (9 %) 9,212.13 $111,569.13 PUBLISHING AND CLERICAL: 100.00 $111,669.13 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From: May 19, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 490 days @ $15.30 per day 7,481.68 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119,150.81 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 74.38 Acres ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $2,329.05 PER ASSESSABLE ACRE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $1,601.92 PER ASSESSABLE ACRE ASSESSABLE COST: $119,150.81 COUNTY CHARGE: 15 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 7.50 $119,158.31 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) It ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO, 64.94 COUNTY NO. 0319 FOR: SANITARY SEWER NO. 319 LOCATION: York Avenue from 644' f North of West 76th Street to 318' North York Avenue from West 76th Street to 1085' # South- Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380' West CONTRACTOR: Fischer Sand and Aggregate Co., Inc CONTRACT AMOUNT: $40,911.30 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (10 %) 4,091.13 $45,002.43 #81914 Northern States Power Co. - Relocation street lighting 2,956.67 $47,959.10 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 50.00 $48,009.10 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From May 19, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 490 days @ $6.58 per day. 3,224.03 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $51,233.13 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 22.66 Acres ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $3,504.43 PER ASSESSABLE ACRE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $2,260.95 PER ASSESSABLE ACRE ASSESSABLE COST: $51,233.13 COUNTY CHARGE 6 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 3.00 M TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS.- 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL` TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO 6494 COUNTY NO.0320 la FOR: SANITARY SEWER NO. 320 LOCATION: York Avenue from West 74th Street to West 78th Street West 75th Street from Xerxes Avenue to York Avenue Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380'..West West 76th Street from York Avenue to 4.00' West CONTRACTOR: Fischer Sand and Aggregate, Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: _ $37,747.43 ENGINEERING AND.CLERICAL: .(10 %) 3,774.74 $41,522.17 #72061 - Ed Sloane Estate - Easement 6,500.00 #81914 - Northern States Power Co. - Relocation street.lighting 1,478.33 $49,500.50 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 50.00 $49,550.50 CAPITALIZED INTEREST-@ 57.: From: May 19, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 490 days $6.79 per day 3,324.64 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . ... . . . . . . . $52,875.14 ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT (Trunk) - $234.34 PER ASSESSABLE ACRE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT (Lateral - $, 3,504.43 PERASSESSABLE:ACRE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (Trunk) - $58.24 PER ASSESSABLE-ACRE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (Lateral) - $2,260.95 PER ASSESSABLE ACRE ASSESSABLE COST: $52,875.14 COUNTY CHARGE: 31 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 15.50 $52,890.64 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) 0 ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT (Lateral) LEVY NO. 6496 PER SQUARE FOOT ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT COUNTY NO.0142 FOR: STORM SEWER NO. 142 PER SQUARE FOOT LOCATION: West 76th Street from France Avenue to York Avenue; York Avenue from West 74th Street to West 78th Street CONTRACTOR: Fischer Sand & Aggregate, Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: $239,490.43 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (9 %) 21,554.14 $261,044.57 PUBLISHING'AND SUPPLIES: •100.00 $261,144.57 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5% From: May 19, 1975 Tot September 20, 1976 490 days@ $35.77 per day .17,527.30 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $278,671.87 ASSESSABLE UNITS (Sub- Trunk) 4,223,423 Square feet (Lateral) 2,607,274 Square feet ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT (Lateral) - $0.0958424 PER SQUARE FOOT ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT (Sub Trunk) - $0.00149036 PER SQUARE FOOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (Lateral) - $0.1041677 PER SQUARE FOOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (Sub Trunk) - $0.00167596 PER SQUARE FOOT Distribution of Cost: Lateral Cost 97.46% Sub Trunk Cost 2.54% $271,593.60 7,078.27 $278,671.87 ASSESSABLE COST: COUNTY CHARGE: 30 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR's INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) $278,671.87 l TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED.IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days)- LEVY NO. 6498 COUNTY NO. 293 FOR: WATERMAIN NO. 293 LOCATION: Parkwood Lane from North Line Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition to Parkwood Road.(Numbers 5500, 5504, and 5509) CONTRACTOR: Q.R.S. Construction, Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: $9,875.20 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (12 %) 1,185.02 $11,060.22 Less Water Department Charge $1,078.40 Engineering and Clerical (12 %) 129.41 $1,207.81 1,207.81 $9,852.41 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 35.00 $9,887.41 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From: November 17, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 308 days @ $1.35-per day 415.79 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST. . . $10,303.20 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 3 Lots ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $3,043.78 PER ASSESSABLE LOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $3,434,40 PER ASSESSABLE LOT ASSESSABLE COST: $10,303.20 COUNTY CHARGE: 3 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 1.50 $10,304.70 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED.IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days)- TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6494 COUNTY NO. 0323 FOR: SANITARY SEWER NO. 323 LOCATION :.Parkwood Lane from North Line Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition to 170 feet. North CONTRACTOR: Q. R. S. Construction, Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: $2,592.50 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (12X) 311.10 $2;903.60 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 15.00 $2,918.60 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 57.: From: November 17, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 308 days @ $0.40 per day 123.19 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,041.79 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 3 Lots ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $1,102.12 PER ASSESSABLE LOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $1,013.93 PER ASSESSABLE LOT . ASSESSABLE COST: $3,041.79 COUNTY CHARGE: 3 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 1.50 $3,043.29. TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT FOR: WATERMAIN NO. 285 LEVY NO. 6498 COUNTY NO.0295 LOCATION: West Frontage Road of Highway 100 from westerly extension of Hibiscus Avenue North to West 70th Street CONTRACTOR: State of Minnesota Highway Department CONTRACT AMOUNT: ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (6 7e) #63230 - G. L. Contracting - Water service connection #67505 - City of Bloomington —Water tap #67506 - G. L. Contracting - Extra work #68786 - G. L. Contracting - Tap and relocate hydrant #72368 - G. L. Contracting - Watermain alteration Watermain cost from street Improvement BA -195 238 L/F 12" D.I.P. Watermain $3,213.00 1 each 12 x 12 pressure top 1,540.00 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: $47,637.17 2,858.23 $50,495.40 280.00 262.00 582.80 1,300.00 792.48 $53,712.68 4,753.00 $58,465.68 75.00 $58,540.68 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 57.: Two Years 5,804.44 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . $64,345.12 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 1,101,800 square feet ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $0.052 PER ASSESSABLE SQUARE FOOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $0.0584 PER ASSESSABLE SQUARE FOOT ASSESSABLE COST: COUNTY CHARGE: 4 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES ONE YEAR 1 1� x� �3 $64,345.12 2.00 $64,347.12 ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY N0. 6499 COUNTY NO. OLIO FOR: STREET LIGHTS NO. L -10 LOCATION: York Avenue from West 69th Street to West 74th Street, Hazelton Road from France Avenue to York Avenue, West 70th Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue CONTRACTOR: Hoffman Electric Company CONTRACT AMOUNT: $81,853.07 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (10 %) 8,185.31 $90,038.38 #80953 - G. L. Contracting, Inc. - Repair sewer 971.00 $91,009.38 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 75.00 $91,084.38 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5% From: August 18, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 4,955.90 399 days @ $12.48 per day TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . $96,040.28 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 14936.28 Assessable Feet ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $6.36 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $6.43 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT ASSESSABLE COST: 496,040.28 COUNTY CHARGE: 27 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 13.50 $96,053.78 TO BE SPREAD OVB`R 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6547 COUNTY NO. OL11 FOR: STREET LIGHTS NO. L -11 LOCATION: West 56gh Street and Oaklawn Avenue CONTRACTOR: Edina Electric CONTRACT AMOUNT: $1,100.00 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (12 %) 132.00 $1,232.00 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 15.00 $1,247.00 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5%: From: November 3, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 318 days @ $0.17 per day 54.04 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,301.04 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 4 Lots ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $296.80 PER ASSESSABLE LOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $325.26 PER ASSESSABLE LOT ASSESSABLE COST: $1,301.04 COUNTY CHARGE: 4 Parcels @ $0.25 each parcel 1.00 $1,302.04 TO BE SPREAD OVER 5 YEARS - 1977 thru 1981 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 - FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT FOR: STREET LIGHTING NO. L -12A LOCATION: France Avenue between 66th Street and 69th Street CONTRACTOR: Northern States Power'Company CONTRACT AMOUNT: CLERICAL: (2 %) PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: LEVY NO. 6547 COUNTY NO.'L12A $2,600.00 52.00 $2,652.00 15.00 $2,667.00 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From: March 1, 1976 To: September 20, 1976 204 days @ $0.37 per day 75.48 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,742.48 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 2 Parcels PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $1,371.24 PER ASSESSABLE PARCEL ASSESSABLE COST: $2,742.48 COUNTY CHARGE: 2 Parcels @ $0.25 each parcel .50 $2,742.98 TO BE SPREAD OVER 5 YEARS - 1977 thru 1981 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% of TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) 6 ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT FOR: STREET LIGHTS NO. L -13 LOCATION: Tamarac Lane from Vernon Avenue to 684 feet North CONTRACTOR: Northern States Power Company CONTRACT AMOUNT: ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (127•) PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: LEVY N0. 6566 COUNTY NO. OL13 $625.00 75.00 $700.00 15.00 $715.00 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 57.: From: November 3, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 33.69 318 days @ $0.10 per day $748.69 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST. . • . ASSESSABLE UNITS: 1592.95 Assessable Feet ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $0.50 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $0.47 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT $748.69 ASSESSABLE COST: COUNTY CHARGE: 11 Parcels @ $0.10 each p arcel 1.10 $749.79 TO BE SPREAD OVER 2 YEARS - 1977 thru 1978 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) N ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6500 COUNTY NO. OS13 FOR: SIDEWALK NO. S -13 LOCATION: Both Sides Hazelton Road from France Avenue to York Avenue CONTRACTOR: Concrete Curb Company CONTRACT AMOUNT: $55,486.83 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL (10 %): 5,548.68 $61,035.51 #82911 - Justus Lumber Company - lumber 7.98 $61,043.49 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 75.00 $61,118.49 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: From: October 20, 1975 To: September 20, 1976 336 days @ $8.37 per day 2,821.31 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $63,939.80 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 3796.90 Assessable Feet ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $9.84 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $16.84 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT ASSESSABLE COST: $63,939.80 COUNTY CHARGE: 10 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 5.00 $63,944.80 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1977 thru 1986 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5 %'OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.28 (467 days) FOR: PARKING LOT NO. P -2 ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LOCATION: Behind Grandview Liquor Store CONTRACTOR: W. G. Pearson, Inc. CONTRACT AMOUNT: ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (107.) CONTRACTOR: Minnesota Valley Surfacing Company CONTRACT AMOUNT: ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (10 %) $17,104.37 1,710.44 CONTRACTOR: All American Recreation & Sales Company- Retaining Wall CONTRACT AMOUNT: ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (10%) LEVY N0. 6548 COUNTY N0, OOP2 $31,641.72 3,164017 464560 - Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railroad - Land #65259 - Minneapolis, North oun Land #66143 - Dorsey, Marauaxt, Windhorst West Halladay - eg al Legal #67953 - Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay - & Halladay - Legal §68428 - Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West 069650 - Edina Electric Co.- Lower interoffice line 470245 - Egan, Field & Nowak; Inc. - Survey Windhorst, West & Halladay - Legal #70380 - Dorsey, Marquart, #70732 - G. L. Contracting - check valves Windhorst,.West.& Halladay - Legal #71032 - #71657 - Dorsey, Marquart, Dorsey,.Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay - Legal #72468 - Grandview Construction - Land $25,767.48 7,612.37 #72474 - Hennepin County Finance Director - Land Land 7,612.37 072472 - Hennepin.County Finance Director - 195.00 #72466 - Minnesota Federal Savings & Loan - Land 1,792.78 #72469 - Grandview Construction Co. - Land Land 22,500:00 #72465 - Minnesota Federal Savings & Loan - Windhorst, West & Halladay - Legal #72091 - #80040 - Dorsey, Marquart, G. L. Contracting Co. - Install catch basin #80204 - Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay - Legal Legal #80441 - Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay - #80516 - Minneapolis, Northfield & South -ern Railroad #80784 - G. L. Contracting Co. - Storm sewer work West & Halladay - Legal 480856 - Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, Cost of Land - Liquor Dispensing Fund #81646 - Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay - Legal #82112 - House of Sound - Intercom cable work #82290 - House of Sound - Intercom cable work Work Order No. 511 - Fill and storm sewer work West & Halladay - Legal #033120- Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railroad - clear out switch #075823 #059120 - — Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, blest & Halladay - Legal PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5 %: One Year COST OF LAND: COST OF IMPROVE14ENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1060215.61 $27,187.30 2,718.73 $29,906.03 18,814.81 34,805.89 100.00 2,075.00 295.00 95.00 763.50 380.00 667.00 1,359.50 162.50. 433.75 68.00 65,480.00 831.50 446.98 427.75 -440.25 100.00 2,736.00 425.00 28.,100.00 141.00 59.35 284.92 4,858.90 195.00 72.59 112.50 $194,637.72 100.00 $194,737.72 9 736.89 $2041474.61 98 259.00 W PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - LAND: Total Edina's Paulsen's Cost Share (31 %) Share (69 %) Purchase Paulsen $65,480.00 $20,298.80 $45,181.20 Purchase Edina 28,100.00 8,711.00 19,389.00 Total $93,580.00 $29,009.80 $64,570.20 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5% 4,679.00 1,450.49 3,228.51 $67,798.71 $98,259.00 $30,460.29 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - IMPROVEMENTS: Edina's Share - 45% $47,797.02 Paulsen's Share - 55% 58,418.59 $106,215.61 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT —TOTAL Edina's Share $ 78,257.31 Paulsen's Share 126,217.30_,, $2049474.61 ASSESSABLE COST: COUNTY CHARGE: 6 Parcels @_$1.00 each parcel TO BE SPREAD OVER 20 YEARS - 1977 thru 1996 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ A $204,474.61 6.00 $204,480.61. ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6546 COUNTY NO. 0OP7 FOR: PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENT NO. P -7 LOCATION: Behind 3940 and 3944 West 49h Street CONTRACT AMOUNT: $5,678.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . 0 $5,678.00 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 2 Parcels PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $2,214.50 PER PARCEL NO. 2365 $3,463.50 PER PARCEL NO. 2376 ASSESSABLE COST: $5,678.00 COUNTY CHARGE: 2 Parcels @ $0.25 each parcel .50 $5,678.50 TO BE SPREAD OVER 5 YEARS - 1977 thru 1981 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 6% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL ANALYSIS.OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6546 COUNTY NO.00P8 FOR: PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENT NO. P -8 LOCATION: behind 3918 and 3922 West 49k Street CONTRACT AMOUNT: $4,570.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .$4,570.00 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 2 Parcels PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $1,828.00 PER PARCEL NO. 1951 r- $2,742.00 PER PARCEL NO. 2010 ASSESSABLE COST: $4,570.00. COUNTY CHARGE 2 Parcels @ $0.25 each parcel .50 $4,570.50 TO BE SPREAD OVER 5 YEARS - 1977 thru 1981 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1976 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1977 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 6% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL I` ' (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota, on Monday, September 20, 1.976, at 7:00 P.M. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the following proposed assessments._ These assessments are now on file in the office of the Edina City Clerk and open to public inspection. Assessments on the following will be payable in ten equal installments over a period of ten (10) years, with interest on the entire assessment.at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1977: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 319 York Avenue from 644' + North of West 76th Street to 318' North; York Avenue from West 76th Street to 1085' + South; Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380' West The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 2100, 2400, 3600, 5300, 8800 and 9200; Ebenezer Society First, Lot 1, Block 1. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 320 York Avenue from W. 74th Street to W. 78th Street; W. 75th Street from Xerxes Avenue to York Avenue; Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380' West; W. 76th Street from York Avenue to 400' West The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 800, 1200, 2100, 2400, 2800, 3600, 4800, 5300, 6000, 6400, 6800, 7300, 7400, 8000, 8800 and 9200; Ebenezer Society First, Lot 1, Block 1, and Outlot A; Registered Land Survey No. 1129, Tracts P, Q, R, S, T and U; York Hills, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 3. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 322 Dovre Drive from Lincoln Drive to West line of Parkwood Knolls The area proposed to be assessed includes Nine Mile North Second Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, and Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 323 Parkwood Lane from North Line Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition to 170' North The area proposed to be assessed includes Parkwood Knolls Second Addition, Lot 6, Block 2; Parkwood Knolls Fourth Addition, Lots 8 and 9, Block 2 5. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 285 West Frontage Road of Highway 100 from westerly extension of Hibiscus Avenue North to West 70th. Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 9, Township 116, Range 21, Parcels 1620, 2625 and 3505; Edina Interchange Center Third Addition, Outlot A 6. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 290 York Avenue from West 74th Street to West 78th Street; West 76th Street from York Avenue to France Avenue; Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380' West The area proposed to be assessed includes Ebenezer Society First, Lot 1, Block 1, and Outlot A; Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 2100, 2400, 2800, 3600, 4800, 6000, 6400, 6800, 7300, 7400, 8000, 8800, and 9200 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR -- Sanitary Sewer No. 319 Sanitary Sewer No. 320 Sanitary Sewer No. 322 - Sanitary Sewer No. 323 - Sanitary Sewer No. 324 ..� ---_- Watermain No. 277 r Watermain No. 285 - Watermain No. 290 _Watermain No. 292 G ( 1 - Watermain No. 293 _ Watermain No. 295 -Street Lights No. L -10 - Street Lights No..L -11 - Street Lights No. L -12A - Street Lights No. L -13 - Sidewalk No. S -13 - -Storm Sewer No. 142 - Storm Sewer No. 144 -Gravel & Grading No. C -116 - Parking Lot No. P -2 - Parking Lot No. P -7 Parking Lot No. P -8 - Street Improvement No. BA -199 -Street Improvement No. BA -200 .- .Street Improvement No. BA -203 Street Improvement No..BA -205 - Street Improvement No. BA -207' THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota, on Monday, September 20, 1.976, at 7:00 P.M. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the following proposed assessments._ These assessments are now on file in the office of the Edina City Clerk and open to public inspection. Assessments on the following will be payable in ten equal installments over a period of ten (10) years, with interest on the entire assessment.at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1977: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 319 York Avenue from 644' + North of West 76th Street to 318' North; York Avenue from West 76th Street to 1085' + South; Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380' West The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 2100, 2400, 3600, 5300, 8800 and 9200; Ebenezer Society First, Lot 1, Block 1. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 320 York Avenue from W. 74th Street to W. 78th Street; W. 75th Street from Xerxes Avenue to York Avenue; Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380' West; W. 76th Street from York Avenue to 400' West The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 800, 1200, 2100, 2400, 2800, 3600, 4800, 5300, 6000, 6400, 6800, 7300, 7400, 8000, 8800 and 9200; Ebenezer Society First, Lot 1, Block 1, and Outlot A; Registered Land Survey No. 1129, Tracts P, Q, R, S, T and U; York Hills, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 3. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 322 Dovre Drive from Lincoln Drive to West line of Parkwood Knolls The area proposed to be assessed includes Nine Mile North Second Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, and Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 323 Parkwood Lane from North Line Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition to 170' North The area proposed to be assessed includes Parkwood Knolls Second Addition, Lot 6, Block 2; Parkwood Knolls Fourth Addition, Lots 8 and 9, Block 2 5. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 285 West Frontage Road of Highway 100 from westerly extension of Hibiscus Avenue North to West 70th. Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 9, Township 116, Range 21, Parcels 1620, 2625 and 3505; Edina Interchange Center Third Addition, Outlot A 6. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 290 York Avenue from West 74th Street to West 78th Street; West 76th Street from York Avenue to France Avenue; Parklawn Avenue from York Avenue to 380' West The area proposed to be assessed includes Ebenezer Society First, Lot 1, Block 1, and Outlot A; Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 2100, 2400, 2800, 3600, 4800, 6000, 6400, 6800, 7300, 7400, 8000, 8800, and 9200 J IP (Official Publication) - Page 2 7. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 292 Davre Drive from Lincoln Drive to West line of Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition The area proposed to be assessed includes Nine Mile North Second Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2 8. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 293 Parkwood Lane from North Line Parkwood Knolls 19th Addition to Parkwood Road (Numbers 5500, 5504, and 5509) The area proposed to be assessed includes Parkwood Knolls Second Addition, Lot 6, Block 2; and Parkwood Knolls Fourth Addition, Lots 8 and 9, Block 2 9. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET LIGHTING NO. L -10 York Avenue from West 69th Street to West 74th Street; Hazelton Road from France Avenue to York Avenue; West 70th Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcel 425; Registered Land Survey 629, Parcels 6410, 6460 and 6470; Regis- tered Land Survey 1171, Tract A; Registered Land Survey 1233, Tract A; Registered Land Survey 13669 Tracts B and C; Yorktown, Lots 1, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1; Lot 1, Block 2; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3; Lot 1, Block 4; Lot 1, Block 5; Lots 1, 2, 3 and part 4, Block 6; Lot 1 and part 2, Block 7; and Outlots A, B and C 10. CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK NO. S -13 Both Sides Hazelton Road from France Avenue to York Avenue The area proposed to be assessed includes Yorktown Addition, Lots 4 and 5, Block 1; Lot 1, Block 2; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6; Lots 1 and 2, Block 7; and Outlots A and B 11. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 142 West 76th Street from France Avenue to York Avenue; York Avenue from West 74th Street to West 78th Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, Parcels 800, 1200, 2100, 2400, 2800, 3600, 4800, 5300, 6000, 6400, 6800, 7400, 8000, 8800 and 9210; Ebenezer Society First Addition, Lot 1, Block 1 and Out - lot A; Meadow Lane Second Addition, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, Block 1 12. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -199 Lanham Lane from 245' North of Kemrich Drive to 870' North of Kemrich Drive The area proposed to be assessed includes M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Second Addition, Lots 1 thru 6, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 69 Block 2 13. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -203 Olinger Boulevard from Olinger Road to County Road 158 The area proposed to be assessed includes Green Hills of Edina, Lots 2 and 3, Block 1; Registered Land Survey 1126, Tract B; Section 32, Township 117, Range 21, Parcel 1400 14. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -205 West 78th Street from Cahill Road to 3300 feet West The area proposed to be assessed includes Nine Mile West First Addition, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Lots 1 and 2. Block 2; Heath Glen Addition, Lot 7, Block 1, Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 2, and Outlot 1; Shaughnessy First Addition, Lot 4; Windsor Addition, Lots 2 and 3, Block-1; Braemar Hills 7th Addition, Outlot A; Section 89 Township 116, Range 21, Parcels 7359 3700, 3815, 4300 and 4500 15. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -207 Grove Street from Johnson Drive to Tracy Avenue The area proposed to be assessed includes Green Leaf Manor, Lots 11, 129 13 and 14; Warden Acres, Part of Lot 45; Lyle Addition, Lots 1, 39 4, 5 and 7, Block 1 , 16. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -200 Gleason Road from the South line of Hyde Park Addition to West 78th Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Braemar Hills 7th Addition, Outlot A and Outlot B; Section 8, Township 116, Range 31, Parcels 4015 and 3810 17. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C -116 Gleason Road from the south line of Hyde Park Addition.to West 78th Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Braemar Hills 7th Addition, Outlot A and Outlot B; Section 8, Township 116, Range 31, Parcels 4015 and 3810 Assessments on the following will be payable in five equal installments over a period of five (5) years, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1977: 18. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET LIGHTING NO. L -11 West 56th Street and Oaklawn Avenue The area proposed to be assessed includes Colonial Square Addition, Lot 1, Block 1; Edwards Addition, Lot 1, Block 1; South Harriet Park Addition, Lot 10, Block 12, and Lot 11, Block 13 19. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET LIGHTING NO. L -12A France Avenue between 66th Street and 69th Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Section 30, Township 28, Range 24, Parcel 3245: Registered Land Survey No. 1284, Parcel 6000 a (Official Publication) - Page 3 20. CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENT NO. P -7 Parking Lot Improvement behind 3940 and 3944 West 49k Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, East 52 feet of South 150 feet of North 4 except street; and East 85 feet of West 120 feet of East 172 feet of South 150 feet of North h except street Assessments on the following will be payable in three equal installments over a period of three (3) years, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1977: 21. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 324 Lanham Lane from South Line M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition to Fleetwood Drive The area proposed to be assessed includes M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills, Lot 3, Block 1; M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition, Lots 1 thru 10, Block 1, and Lots 1 thru 7, Block 2 22. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN NO. 295 Lanham Lane from South line M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition to Fleetwood Drive The area proposed to be assessed includes M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills, Lot 3, Block 1; M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition, Lots 1 thru 10, Block 1, and Lots 1 thru 7, Block 2 23. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER NO. 144 Lanham Lane from South line M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition to 300 feet north The area proposed to be assessed includes M. P..Johnson's Prospect Hills, Lot 3, Block 1; M. P. Johnson's Prospect Hills Third Addition, Lots 1 thru 10, Block 1, and Lots 1 thru 7, Block 2 Assessments on the following will be payable in two equal installments over a period of two (2) years, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the.assessment to December 31, 1977: 24. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET LIGHTING NO. L -13. Tamarac Lane from Vernon Avenue to 684 feet north The area proposed to be assessed includes Gleason First Addition, Lot 1, Block 1; Gleason Second Addition, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Assessments on the following will be payable in five equal installments over a period of five (5) years,•with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1977: 25. CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENT NO. P -8 Parking Lot Improvement behind 3918 and 3922 West 49h Street The area proposed to be assessed includes Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, South 177/510 feet of Lot 31 except street; and South 177k feet of Lot 32 and that part of the North k of Lot 34 lying East of West 14.75 feet thereof and South of Allatas First Addition except street Assessments on the following will be payable in twenty equal installments over a per- iod of twenty (20) years, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1977: 26. CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOT P -2 Parking Lot behind Grandview Liquor Store Grand View Heights, Lots 4, 5, 6, 24, 25, 26, 27 and that part of Lots 2 and 3 lying Sally of a line running from a point in W line of Lot 2, Distance 15 86/100 feet S from NW corner thereof to a point in S line of Lot 3 distance 39 22/100 feet W from SE corner thereof including adjacent k of vacated Summit Avenue except highway; Lot 20; Lots 21 and 22 including adjacent 4 of vacated Summit Avenue; Lot 23. Block 3: that part of Lots 11 to 15 inclusive lying east of Vernon Avenue including adjacent k of vacated Summit Avenue except street, Block 4 Assessment on the following will be-payable in six equal installments over a period of six (6) years, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum: 27. DEFERRED ASSESSMENT ON WATERMAIN NO. 277 The area proposed to be assessed includes Brown's Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1 First payment of these assessments will be payable with the taxes for the year 1976, collectible in 1977. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of the prop- erty assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the City Treasurer on or before November 15, 1976, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Y (Official Publication) Page 4 Any owner may appeal these assessments to district court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of Edina within 20 days after the adoption of the assessment, and by filing such notice with the district court within 10 days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk Please publish in Edina Sun on September 8, 1976 Please send us 27 affidavits 0 MINUTES•OF THE TWENTY- SEVENTH REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION Presiding: Ray Bechtle Thursday, September 9, 1976 Secretary: Lois Strupp 7 :30 p.m., Edina Community Library PRESENT ABSENT Ray O'Connell Sandy Hirsh William Bitter Betsy Kuntz Kay Brown - Joan Lonsbury Frank.CardarelLe Ben Larson Ralph Campbell Betty Paugh David Dietrich Ade Lindboe..; Dorothy Conner Ken'Rosland Brad Hepp Mary Ness. Dorothy Dunn Donna Skagerberg Katy Sullivan Lois Wilder GUESTS: Roger Allen and Rosemary Gubrud MINUTES: The minutes of the last meeting were approved as sent after addition by Kay Broom citing Ray Bechtle for the:f.ine job he did in carrying the Bicentennial Edition of. the Edina Sun off against obstacles.- Donna ,Skagerberg moved that we commend Chairman Bechtle for his.good work on the resulting printed sheets which were placed in all the churches on the Fourth of July. After seconding, the motion was passed with unanimity. TREASURER'S REPORT: Ray O'Connell submitted his financial rundown as follows: Cash on hand, beginning, $195.90 - -no transactions --Cash on hand,,ending, $195.90, COORDINATING COi�1MITTEE: Applications for events to come must be made to the coordinating committee very soon to be'approved before the closing of the BiC activity period.. Most have been applied -for_-already. Haunted House, Quilting Exhibition & Program, and Smith- sonian Exhibit "Hand of Man ", as well as those being reported on tonight, and others. BICENTENNIAL BALL: Ken Rosland reported that we are working out the problems as they arise. More promotion is needed to sell tickets. Pre ball party hosts were identified, and will be a major impetus, Ray Bechtle will get the flyers out to employees of the school system. A booth at St. Pat's Church ice cream social will be manned for ticket sales, and two locations will be used for telephoning residents to remind them to attend the ball. Ray O'Connell will work with both of these efforts on Sunday, September 12. Announcement was made that an "After the Ball" light breakfast will be held at Braemar, and no invitations will be forthcoming, so all persons who have worked on the bail are invited hereby -to gather there at around .1:15 or 1:30 a.m. Sunday morning, September 19. The necessity of talking it up was reiterated, and,publicity on TV -and radio will be: added this week. It should be a gala event, and we hope a financial success also. FOUNDERS _DAY: Donna Skagerberg said the committee had met and set the date for Sunday, November 21, possibly in the Grange Hall. It will be an afternoon celebration, and may have a Thanksgiving theme. It was suggested that a 25 item questionnaire could be drawn up to promote it, and BiC Commissioners are asked to bring questions and answers for this "Founders Dayr Quiz" to the next meeting, October 14, for consideration of inclusio. COMMUNITY SURVEY: Roger Allen handed out the cover letter and questionnaire in conjunction with the committee's report. Mr. Allen commented on it and pointed out that this exten- sive project was due to the work done largely by Rosemary Gubrud previously. Rosemary described the intent and scope of the survey, and stated that the list could be updated by a telephone survey. The group hopes to mail it out by September 17, and the summary. is to be made available to the Edina City Council and to the clubs end organizations that worked on it. Ken Rosland moved that the Commission approve this survey format and time- table. The motion was seconded and passed, and the project is on its gray. HISTORICAL MARKERS: Foster Dunwiddie's committee will meet next week and discuss the plan they have to design and place twelve markers this year, and prepare.to present it to the Council. Funding has been partially secured through a grant, and the acquisition of matching funds is being attempted. The on -going activity concerning this project will be out of the hands of this Commission, and under the aegis of the Historical Society and the Heritage Preservation Board. A motion was made by Kay Brown that the project should be a joint effort of the Heritage Preservation Board and the Historical Society, and it was seconded and passed unanimously. EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION „ Twenty- sedanth Meeting page two BUTTONS: Dorothy Dunn requested suggestions for the dispersal of the balance of the buttons. It was decided that they could be distributed with the tickets for the Bicentennial Ball. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion on the preservation of our BiC memorabilia led to the decision that original materials could be incorporated into the scrapbook or displayed by.Ms. Dunn in the library or at City Hall. Copies of them could be distributed to the county or'elsewhere as decided by those in control. The scrapbook will be presented 'to the Edina City Council for the City of Edina. Ray Bechtle said that archive material can be preserved.on microfilm. Kay Brown suggested that each Commissioner write a letter, which will be condensed and preserved, setting dam his or her personal reflections on impre,ssions.of the Bicentennial years as celebrated in.Edina. Lois Wilder stated that this Was originally suggested in regard toga time capsule. Besides those of the Com- missioners, -we could get them from representatives of the community, such as a policeman, fireman, schoolchild, etc. TIME CAPSULE: The State of Minnesota,Time Capsule is in search of preservable materials from the different communities. Some types of film do not ,hold up well. The suggested subjects included: Forests (scenes of tree -lined streets or wooded areas).a Shopping Centers= Homest Buildings; The 50th `& France Areal Municipal Government= Local School - boards. Dorothy Dunn moved that the meeting be adjourned at-.9830 p.m. -- seconded and.passed, and the.-next meeting will be on October 14, at the Librry, 7s30 P.m. Lois L. Strupp, Secreta f ' I•�i0 a 3 { To: I- (embers of the Edina Human Relations Commission From: Janie Ludd Q � Subject: Change of Regular I --ieeting Time 'and - A -enda The City Council has asked to meet t-rith' the Commi6sion on Tuesday, September 21. j 1976, the re�•ular meetinf, date, at 7 :00 p.m. to discuss the Human Services Recommendation. Youth Action has been asked to attend also. Please attend this important meeting. 8/15/76 EDINA HUMPH RELATIONS COMMISSION AGENDA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1976 7:30 P.M. I. Approve minutes of the July 19th, August 17th, and August 27th meetings. 5 minutes. II. Chair Report ....... ...........................Mary Anderson 10 minutes. III. Establish Regular Meeting Date for 1976 -77 Human Relations Commission Meetings. 10 minutes. IV: Task Force Reports. A. Education ......... ..........................Mary Ness 20 minutes. B. Affirmative Action. 20 minutes. C. Ombudsman ....... ...........................Mary Anderson 20 minutes. V. Task Assignments. 5 minutes VI. Old and New Business. 15 minutes. Adjourn 9:15 P.m. r Members Present Mar, Anderson Birdie Bagley Ilimi Gleekel Chris Krueger nary Iless Tom Oye Staff Present Janie Budd Tom I,'elena Gene Sylvestre EDINA HUILUIT RMATICIIS. C012-aSSION 4801 WEST 50TH' ST �:l.TT AUGUST 17, 1976 - 7:30 P.M. Members Absent Rev. Don Asman Sam Cheolis Charles Clay Harriet Herb Joel Jennings Robert Morris Guests Present Ray Bechtle The meeting was called tq order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairperson, Mary Anderson. The minutes of the special July 19th meeting were read but could not be approved for lack of quorum. Chair Report Articles from the Harvard Law Record and the Minneapolis Tribune concerning the effects Transcendental I-Ieditation has had on the rehabilitation of prisoners r:ere distributed to the Commission. The Chair had been approached by members of the International. Transcendental Association, an organization located in Edina, who felt that their organization night be of use in the fight against chemical abuse. Mimi Gleekel agreed to take the information on to the Chemical Dependency Task Force and to Project Charlie. A memorandum from the Metropolitan Council Program on Agirk.: was also distributed. Monies have become available from the federal government for the remainder C'f 1976 and for 1977• Applications for the -rants must be submitted before Au;;ust 20th however._ Projects which are not submitted before that time Drill have to be considered for the follo: ;Ting year. Due to the deadline set it was decided that no ;proposal t:ould be submitted by the Ccmimi.ssic :i but that members mould keep this in mind for ne: t Near. The Spring Hill Conference of the Lea ,-ue of' Iirnesota Human .fights Cor riissions .r:as a-ain announced. lorkshops and seminars have been scheduled but no agenda for the conference has been set. Turf iiess elzpressed an interest in representinj the Commission at the conference. A meeting of the South :Iennepin Committee on Community Responsibility was also announced. The mecti:�; scheduled fo-r- :august 25th trill pertain to a cooperate fall project being planned by the committee for the South I:ennepin Area. ^eoort on Eetnblishi:i nt o.f wlar Ee•etinf?, Date for 1976 - 1977 • No action could be taken due to lack of quorum. Report on Project Charlie Mimi Gleekel reported on the pro3ress of Project Charlie. A meetinZ, co— sponsored by the Edina Rotary, ,rill be held on August 19, 1976 at the Interlachen Country Club. Edina civic Zroups and community orZani.ztions are invited to attend. Vern Johnson, for which the Johnson Institute was named, will be the featured speaker. Project Charlie hopes to provide needed information to the entire Edina community on drugs and alcohol. A volunteer group has been set up within the organization to provide a referral service for individuals in the community who have a need for this kind of information. a one year time line has also been set to present this inform tion to Edina cicrZy, community and civic groups, businecses, schools, and city. Oconcentrated effort ..rill be made through the months of September throu„h June. Project Charlie will report to the Commission at some future date. Report cn Peoplema,eir_, The 1976 PeoplemakinZ Budget was submitted to the Commission. The ;;1,800.00 in expenses for the event has been raised. Ben Crabtree, Peoplemaking Finance Committee, was commended for the excellent job he did in soliciting funds from community groups. and churches, Most of these organizations had set their budgets previously and had not anticipated the request. A 41.00 admission ticket will also be sold at the door. Mary Ness reported that a keynote speaker has been obtained for the workshop. Sherad Miller, author of "Alive and Aware ", has accepted the invitation to speak. Committee Report on Resoonsibility The Subcommittee on Resonsi.bility submitted a memorandum of suggested requirements for Commission members. Considerable discus ion concerning the members responsibility. to the Ccmmi .ssion followed. It was decided that Chairperson, Diary Anderson, would- send a letter and also arrange to meet with the Layor to express the Commission's concern for the lack of committment on the part of Commission members. It was also decided that the minutes of the meeting would be sent out at the beain_*rinZ of the month with the agenda to follow the week prior to the monthly meeting. The minutes mould serve as a reminder to members of task assignments..and other business at hand. Monthly agenda items should also be checked out more thorouahly each month to verify if a committee report is called for and if the committee is prepared to report. A volunteer phone list will be set up for those members who would like to receive a phone call reminding them of meetin,;s. It was the concensus of the group that "discipline" at the meetinSs should be the Chair's responsibility. Committee Rcoort on Goals & Priorities Mary Ness reported that this committee had compiled a list and catagori ed the functions of the Commission that emerged from responses at the special goal — setting meeting. The number 1 priority expressed by CGnlmi ss]:on members was the establishment of the Cm' Ksman role. Part of the Cl:budsman role would inclu:le a citizen's advocacy pr)g:•am in the city. Such a role would involve more visibility in the ccrununity and more ex ertise. It ..,as felt that a more accurate definition of the Wbudsman role would be nece.sax-J before the Commission could proceed further with any plans. or Public Education also einer�;ed as a priority. The importance of continuing programs that the Commission is currently involved in such as Peoplemaking, Iiuman affairs Day, Project Charlie, the IIewsletter, etc. was stressed. Affirmative Action was another area the Commission felt strongly committed to. A high priority eras placed on the monitoring of the schools, businesses, and city. P•:ary Anderson appointed committees to work on specific tasks in each of these areas. Report on Affirmative Action Ray Bechtle, Director of Educational. Development and Resourses for the Edina Public Schools, distributed time lines and plans for a Citizen's—Task Force on-Affirmative Action that he hopes to establish in Zdina. This Task Force would include individuals from the city, schools, ' ousinesses, and various other components of the community. I. two year schedule has been set to acco;nplish the !-cals set. The Commission responded favorably to his plans and offered their assistance. Report on Proposed 1977 DudZ-et No Action could be taken due to lack of quorum. Report cn Community He^I t'h Sen- ices Funds Tom Helena announced a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers .concerning Community Health Services Funds which are available. The Hennepin County Office of Planning and Development is rror:in- v.ith municipalities to develop a county -aide health services plan. Commission input into the use of these funds would oe welcomed. Vary Anderson expressed an interest in attending. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.m. Members Present Mary Anderson Charles H. Clay Sam Cheolis Harriet Herb Mimi Gleekel Joel Jennings Chris Krueger Robert Morris Mary'Ness Tom Oye Staff Present Janie Budd Tom Melena Gene Sylvestre SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDDIA HUMAI'1 RELATIONS COMMISSION 480i WEST 50TH STREET AUGUST 27, 1976 - 7:30 A.M. Members Absent Rev. Don Asman Birdie Bagley Guests Present Ed Orenstein Steve Lepinski A special meeting of the Edina Human Relations Commission was held on Friday, August 27, 1976 at 7:30 a.m. A special meeting was called to discuss and approve a Commission budget for 1977 and to also consider Youth Action's request for city funding. The Recommended Human Relations Commission budget for 1977 is as follows: Consultant Services (Retainer and monthly service 12 months @ $166.66 /month) Conference fees, meeting dues Membership - League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions Community Programs and Education High School Human Affairs Conference Family Life Workshop Human Relations - Commission Newsletter Community Forums General Contingency Fund Total $2,000 200 200 200 600 800 400 T 2,000 600 $5,000 PFDiscussion. of the proposed Commission budget for 1977 first centered on the amount budgeted for Consultant Services. It was the general concensus of Commission members that a consultant's. assistance, although not used to full potential at this time, could become more crucial in the future. The City, it was hoped, would continue to supply secretarial services and other staff assistance as well. If such assistance at some time could not be provided at the present levol, a consultant's assistance would become more necessary. It should be noted that it was expressed that the consultant should be called upon only in a professional capacity. ° The breakdown of the amounts allocated to specific catagories under Co-:rnunity Programs and Education was the next budget item discussed. The point was made that while the Commission wishes to continue sponsoring community events it is the hope that these events can receive a broader base of community financial support. Tom Oye made a motion, which was seconded by Joel Jennings, that the Community Programs and Education catagory be divided' as follows:. High School Human Affairs Conference $200, Family Life Workshop $$600, Human Relations Commission Newsletter $800, and Community Forums $400. The motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by, Joel Jennings to approve the recommended 1977 Human Relations Commission budget. The motion was seconded by Charles Clay and passed by the Commission unanimously. A copy of the formal recommendation submitted to the Mayor, the City Manager, and the City Council is attached. The Recommendation regarding the City of Edina's 1977 Human Services Budget Allecation.is divided into three parts. Part I pert-ins to the Human helations Commission budget. Part II deals with Youth Action's request for city funds. Part III concerns Community Health Service Funds. Youth Action's original request to the Commission for 1977 was $25,000.00. This was an increase of 100% over last years request. Because of the substantial size of the increase the Commission felt it their responsibility to investigate and establish the necessity for such a request. After subsequent meetings with Youth Action Board Members, Youth Action St::ff, City Staff, and others associated with the program the Commission arrived at it's recommendation. Steve Lepinski, newly hired administrator, at Youth Action, and Ed Orenstein, Board member, attended the meeting to answer any furthur.questions Commission members might have. After some problems cor_cerning reporting procedures and other contract committments were ironed out the Commission recommended a purchase of services agreement to tot -,l $17,500.00 between the City and Youth Action. This amount, less than requested, was arrived at in view of the budget constraints placed on City c.�artments this year. Tom Oye made a motion to approve the $17,500.00 purchase of services agreement with Youth Action and Chris Krueger seconded it. The motion carried unanimously. The Commission further recommended that the City apply for accept funds for the amount of $1f500.00 under the State Community Health Services Act to be designated to Youth Action. A motion was made by Joel Jennings to approve the entire Human Services Recommendation as a whole. The motion was seconded by Tom Oye and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m. August 27, 1976 To: The Edina City Council and City Manager, Warren Hyde. From: The Edina Human Relations Commission. Subject: Recommendations with regard to the City of Edi.na's 1977 Hunan Services Budget Allocations. I. Human Relations Commission. II. Youth Action. III. Community Health Services Act. RECON- 01DATION I: That the City of Edina approve the Human Relations Commission annual budget reauest for 1977 in the amount of 0,000, to be allocated as follows: Consultant Services (Retainer and monthly service 12 months @ x166.66 /month) 32,000 Conference fees, meeting dues 200 Membership — League of T-;innesota Human Rights Commissions 200 Community Programs and Education High School Human Affairs Conference .200 Family Life Workshop 600 Human Relations Commission PTewsletter 800 Community Forums 400 T 2,000 General ContirV ency Fund 600 TOTAL 35,000 Budget T,Totes: 1. Attached is a table reflectin;; the HRC annual budget for the years 1973 through 1976 and the proposed budget for 1977• It should be noted that the Commission is requesting significantly fewer dollars for its operation in 1977 than in precedinZ years. T:re believe that the Commission can effectively and successfully maintain and expand, as needed, its activities and functions irithin the dollar amount of the 1977 budget request. 2. Increased city staff support has been consistently available during the first eight months of 1976. Ile believe that this .level of staff support will continue to be available in 1977, thus allowing for the further reduction in continency funds needed for outside consultant-services.-The Commission does, however, stron ly affirm its need at this time for continued use of an outside consultant on a limited basis. If conditions arise such that city staff support is not available durin; 1977 on the needed level, the Commission may find it necessary to request additional funds needed to ensure the•effective functioning of Commission activities. 3.. Community pro ,-rams and education remain the major focus of Commission activities and, as a single classification, accounts for the greatest portion of the Commission budget. ":It is our intent to continue efforts,,successfully bey --un in 1976, to broaden the community base of financial support Commission programs, thus leveraging fewer dollars and increasirk;ly demanding a greater degree of self — support for Gommission initiated educational programs. 4. The Commission acknowledges secretarial support, limited as it is, from the Edina school system. It should be noted that, as of 1975, the school system decided not to provide the service directly, but rather to reimburse the City for provision of those services. RECO11121DATION II: That the City of Edina A. Enter into a,purchase of services agreement with Youth Action for fiscal 1977 in the amount of V; 1. A strong onguing need exists in the City of Edina for a co.; •ty —based professional counseliriZ; service available free of charge upon request to youth and families in need of guidance and assistance in dealing with emotional and social problems. 2. Youth Action has effectively delivered the important service of professional counseling; and guidance identified in item (1) above during 1976. 3. The Human Relations Cor:Lmission strongly supports Youth Action's move to provide greater administrative control and direction for the organization. 0e believe thatJtheir employment of an experienced administrator will eliminate the problems which arose durin the first months of 1976 with regard to the submission of timely financial and narrative reports to the City on Youth Action activities. The Commission further believes that such administrative help will result in more effective organizational planning and increased communication with the Edina community in an ongoing effort to assess and respond to the needs of Edina residents. RECOI2- MIDATION III: That the City of Edina Note A. Apply for and, if eligible rri.thout increased City expenditures, accept subsidy funds under the state Community Health Services Act. B. Designate and approve Community Health Service subsidy funds made available to Edina (in the event of A above i.e. if the City goes with the program, if the funds become available, and if the Council were to deem support in this area) in the amount of 'Q"'7,500 for Youth Action for fiscal 1977• The Human Relations Commission supports Youth Action's request, based on need, for funds in the amount of 625,000 from the City of Edina for 1977• Recoonizinj; and appreciating, however, the City's budget constraints due to popLL?.ation decline and levy limitations, and sharing in the feelinL of responsibility and fiscal accountability t•rith the Council, vie recommend that the City secure the additional ;;7,500 necessary to ensure the continued and efpanded services of Youth fiction for community residents from the Community Health Services matchin subsidy funds.- w EDIT!► IM1111I', R L11IC,' BUDGET KLZ- -zu:'.-)T 1577 Consultant Ser•,2ces • (Retainer and monthly service 12 months 0 ':A66. E6 /rionth) $2,000 Conference fees, meetinV; dues 200 Membership - Lea,-ue of Minnesota Human Rizrhts Comxidssions 200 Community Programs and Education wfligh School Human Affairs Conference .200 Family Life Woekshop 600 Human Relations Commission 11.3ewsletter 800 Community Forums 400 • T 2,000 General Contin3ency Fund 600 TOTAL $5,000 EDIIIA MjUI•i 111 P{ 11TICIIS CCIIi':ISSIGII ANNUAL BUDGET Proposed 1973 197+ 1975 1976 1977 Consultant Services X6,000 d6,000 ;61000 $1,800 .52,000 Conferences w Fees 325 200 200 100 200 Dues & Subscriptions 75 .100 232 147 200 Educational Programs 11000 .:2,700 21800 21250 21000 Printing 300 -0- -0- -0- -0- r -Unclassified 600 -0- -0- 3,000 boo Registration - Human 180 -0- -0- -0- Relations Course _ - 0-- $8,300 u9,180Q I? X7,297 $5,000