HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-15_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1976 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL MINUTES of October 18, 1976, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of seconded by I. PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING MATTER Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. First Reading requires offering of ordinance only.. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading. A. First Reading 1. Senior Citizen Housing Ordinance Amendment 2. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, Nine Mile North 2nd•Addition - R -1 Single Family Residence District to R -2 Multiple Residential District Z -76 -15 (10/27/76) - 6801, 6805 and 6809 Dovre Drive II. PUBLIC HEARING ON LOT DIVISION Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. Action of Council by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2, Nine Mile North 2nd Addition - LD -76 -11 (10/17/76) - 6801, 6805 and 6809 Dovre Drive III. PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELIMINARY PLATS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presenta- tion by Planning Department. Spectators heard. Action of Council by Resolu- tion. 3/5 favorable' rollcall vote to pass. A. Ryan's Addition - Northeast corner of Limerick Lane and Brook Drive - Lot 4, Block 9, LaBuena Vista (Continued from 10/18/76) B. Findell 2nd Addition - Generally located North of the Braemar Oaks Apart- ments, South of W. 70th St. and Cahill School, East of Lanham Lane and West of Cahill Road C. Scott Lewis Addition (Harvey Hansen) Generally located West of Blake Road South of Mendelssohn Lane and North of Interlachen Blvd. IV. COMMUNICATIONS A. Cahill P.T..A. Safety Committee - 70th Street Traffic B. Petitions 1. Sewer and Water for Lot 2, Block 1, Deer -Run - Authorize SS -336 and WM- 312.on 100% Petition V., RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Planning Commission 1. Final Plats a. Wright's Addition - East of Valley View Road at end of Moccasin Valley Road - S -76 -13 b. Braemar Homestead - East and South of Valley View Road and North and West of Mark Terrace Dr. S -76 -8 c. Robert Middlemist 2nd Addition - W. of Olinger Rd., South of Vernon Ave./ B. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of November 9, 1976 S -76 -16 C. Appointment of Edina Health Committee D. Health Services Contract - City of Bloomington. E. Set Hearing Date - 50th & France Commercial Area Sanitation District F. T.H.100 /Benton Ave. Interchange G. Metropolitan Waste Control Commission - Joint Use Rental Agreement for 1977 H. 1977 Estimated Cost Allocation - Metropolitan Waste Control Commission I. Set Hearing Date 1. Vacation of Storm Sewer Easement - 6509 Navaho Trail J. Storm Sewer Improvement No. 150 - Informal Bids for Viking Hills (ST.S. -150) K. Purchase from County of Pond Area Near Edina West L. Paulson Development = Exchange of Easements VI. RESOLUTIONS 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass,.'. 1. Resolution Amending';Legal,Description for Old County Road 62 and County Road 18 Vacation request. Noveiiihec 15, 1076, Agenda Page Two VTI. ANY OTHERS WHO DESIRE 111 ?ARING BEFORE COUNCIL -VIII. FINANCE A. Metropolitan Investment Framework B. Claims paid. Motion of , seconded by for payment of the following clainis as per Pre -List: General Fund, $130,426.87; Park, $6,490.18; Park Construction, $7,461.33; Park Sinking, $25,453.50; Pool, $62.32; Golf, $48,013.76; Arena, $5,552.65; Gun, $385.30; [dater, $62,701.89; Sewer, $65,874.13; Liquor, $107,762,73; Construction, $13,179.33; IBR, $806,196.38;; Total, $1,279,560.37 mETROPOLITAn U.IA /fE COnTROL (ommlfflon Twin Cities Rrea 350 METRO fQURRE BLDG. 7TH& RCLERTlTREET/ fAinT PAUL mn 55161 Gil 222.8423 n October 29, 1976 .Mr. Warren C. Hyde City Manager City of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, Mn. 55424 RE: JOINT USE RENTAL AGREEMENT FOR 1977 Dear Mr. Hyde: r Cp291� In accordance with Section 4 of the Joint Use Rental Agreement No. 146 between the City of Edina and the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, such contract can be renewed by consent of both parties. We wish to renew for another year the Joint Use Rental Agreement No. 146 under the same terms and conditions contained in the Agreement which is presently in force between the City of Edina and the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. The Renewal Agreement is enclosed in triplicate for your endorsement. We have signed the enclosed statement as our intention of renewing the Agreement and ask that you also sign and return to us two (2) of the executed copies and retain one (1) for your records. Should you have any questions or suggested changes to the basic contract agreement, please contact us. Your cooperation in accepting this renewal procedure is greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, Ric rd ugherty Chief Admi trator RJD:MSJ:km Enclosures cc: Mary S. Jensen, Disbursement Supervisor, MWCC George W. Lusher, Director of Operations, MWCC John Almo, Interceptor Engineer, MWCC STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT RENEWAL JOINT USE RENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 146 The Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and the City of Edina agree to renew the Joint Use Rental Agreement No. 146 under the same terms and conditions contained in the Agreement which is currently in force between these parties. The renewal period for Joint Use Rental Agreement No. 146 shall be January 1, 1977 - December 31, 1977. That both parties agree to the renewal period and terms is evidenced by the signatures affixed to this statement. FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Title Joseph Strauss, Chairman Title Kichyiyd J. �D herty, ief ,inistrator Dated Dated " ^�' mETROPOLITAn WAITE (OfITR0L commalon Trvin Cities Areo November 5, 1976 Mr. Warren Hyde Manager City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street. Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Hyde: ✓ s CJ S Enclosed is the statement of 1977 Estimated Cost Allocation for your municipality in accordance with the 1977 Program Budget approved and adopted by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and the Metropoli- tan Council. Reserve Capacity costs will be allocated to your commu- nity in accordance with Service Availability Charge (SAC) policies. The SAC unit charge for 1977 is $375. The total annual estimated charges to your municipality are to be remit- ted to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission in 12 equal monthly installments due on the first day of each month. The Commission will bill each municipality by mailing a monthly invoice approximately 30 days prior to due date. The first such installment is due on or before January 1, 1977. An industrial waste proportionate strength user charge system was approved and adopted by the Commission on June 15, 1976. Industrial strength charge system revenues are included as part of the 19.77 Program Budget. These revenues must be collected from those industries to be identified, monitored and surcharged by the Commission. The Commission is preparing optional methods for collection of these charges. You may elect to handle all activity with your industries including billing, collecting and transferring all industrial strength revenues to the Commission, or you may elect to have the Commission do so. Option agreements are being pre- pared. In the very near future, additional details will be forwarded to you regarding collection procedures for the industrial waste strength charges. As a means of keeping local government units well informed, we have enclosed the Commission's 1977 Program Budget - -a document that will provide you with information on Commission programs and projects. The Commission budget has been prepared on a program budgeting format which emphasizes performance measurement and results. The format tells you a great deal about Waste Control Commission activities and how they attempt to meet the needs and requirements of the 101 local communities served by the Commission. This format allows the Commission to outline a considerable amount of informa- tion in an understandable manner. Please take the time to study the 1977 Budget in detail - -it will be worth your while. 350 METRO /OUARE BLDG. 7TH S ROBERTlTREET! /AInT PAUL MA 55101 612 222.8423 : V cM Mr. Warren Hyde City of Edina November 5, 1976 Page 2 We encourage you to contact the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission if you have any questions regarding the cost allocations for your community, the wastewater collection and treatment facilities serving your community or Commission plans and programs that may affect your municipality in 1977. Sincerely yours, R chard Dougher Chief Administrato RJD: RLB: jc Enclosures METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL C0144ISSION STATEMENT OF 1977 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES •, 123 EDINA GALLONAGE % OF TOTAL 'AMOUNT CURRENT USE CHARGES TREATMENT WORKS COSTS 2,450 .026083 688,880.67 SEWER•SERVICE AREA NO. 01 2,450 .033922 177,886.37 TOTAL CHARGES 866,767.04 OTHER CREDITS OR CHARGES CURRENT VALUE CREDIT 61,020.0008 DEBT PAYMENT CREDIT - 1975 FINAL COST ALLOCATION 50,228.73 TOTAL CREDITS OR CHARGES _ 10,791.27CR TOTAL ANNUAL ESTIMATED NET PAYMENT DUE 855,975.77 • Monthly Installment $ 71,331.31 ' Due on the first day of each month. Installments not received by the 10th day of each month in which due shall be regarded as delinquent and shall bear interest from the first day of such month at the rate of 6% per annum. d n� a �� Vf "f tiica.c "Y Vj_r;%.c auY lllcClll.7 111 a ucl.l.11.:n., J.%JP=J v.. \dL.A&GL 12W.La C2+J_c tools or equipment, in such a manner as to prevent damage to materials and protective coatings and lining. Under no circum- stances shall water main materials be dumped into the trench. A. Laving of Pipe and Fittings All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the inside of the pipe and fittings before it is lowered into its position in the trench, and shall be kept clean by approved means during and after laying. All openings along the line of the main shall be securely closed as directed, and in the suspension of wort at any time, suitable stoppers shall be placed to prevent earth or other substances from entering the main. Every pipe shall be bedded uniformly throughout its entire length. No pipe shall be laid in water or when the trench condi- tions are unsuitable for such work, except by written per- mission of the Engineer. -16- S -WM RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF ROBERT MIDDLEMIS`P 2ND ADDITION U IT.RRSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, MInnesota, that that certain plat entitled 7.Robert Middlemist 2nd Additiou ", platted by Middlemist, Inc., and by_Elmer E. Cipera and Fern M. Cipera, husband and wife, and by Vernis M. Wilson and Pauline C. Wilson, husband and wife, and presented at the meeting of the City Council uE Uovember 15, 1976, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Al AUUPTUD this 15th day of November, 1976. STATI] Or 'MINWi1 SUTA ) CUU1,TY OF il"LNNUIR SS . CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY LURK I, the undersigned- duly appointed and acting City Clerk for tae City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by , the Edina. City Council at its ruLular iiteettul; of November 15, 1976, and as recorded in the minutes of said regular. meeting. .WIMUGSS my hand rand .seal of said-City this, 16ta day of :iovewuer, 197 . City Clerk RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF BRAEMAR'S HOMESTEAD ADDITION FE IT RESOLVED by.the City'Council of the City of Edina, Minne- sota, that that certain plat entitled "Braemar's homestead Addition ",platted by Wallace O. Lilja and Maren H. Lilja, husband and wife,'and presented at the meeting of the City Council of November 15, 1976, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. .ADOPTED this 15th-,day of November, 1976, STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF- HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTTFIE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and Acting Deputy City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting -of November 15, 1976;.and as recorded in the-Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 19th day of November, 1976. A Yg D eg yC tyCer RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF CHARLES AND ILENE .WRIGHT ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Charles and Ilene Wright Addition ", platted by Charles.Wright and Ilene Wright, husband and wife, anti presented at the iieeting of the City Council of 96vember 15, 15769 be and is hereby granted final plat approval. AWPTLO this 15th day of Aovember, 1476. STATL OF i1I;411i.SOTA ) CUU417 OF HLNNLPI1.) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY Ci.:.iv: I, the undersigned duly appointed and 'acting Gity Clerk- for tie City of A:diva, do -. ►ereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its meeting of..dovember 15, 1976, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Pleeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of saki City this 16th day of Uovecaber, 1976. City Clerk October 12, 1976 To: All Those Answering Questions on the Election From: Florence Hallberg If transportation to the polls is needed, the League of Women Voters . will arrange to drive voters to their polling place on Election Day. If a voter knows ahead of time that he will need transportation, he should call 927 -7839 or 925 -3089. On Election Day he should call 941 -1206 or 941 -3455 for transportation. If you know of anyone who would.be willing to assist the League with; this service, they may call any of the above numbers for information. -c r—) '-'q' HARRY S. JOHNSON COMPANIES INCORPORATED 8330 220TH STREET WEST • LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 • PHONE 469-4481 LA cc TO i,. -c'-4 cr, Er->j�k# DATE E -T t�A -- I DATE o , 1",ZqlrA By To— N-N73 Cc, The D—;,g Boo,d, Inc., B— 505, Dell— Te.os 75221 INSTRUCTIONS TO SENDER: 1. KEEP YELLOW COPY. 2. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES INTACT. S I G N E 0 INSTRUCTIONS TO RECEIVER: 1. WRITE REPLY. 2. DETACH STUB, KEEP PINK COPY, RETURN WHITE COPY April 6, 1976 Co. Rd. 18 - EDINA PORTION (Frontage Road) That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 117, Range 21, lying southerly of the easterly extension of the northerly line of Lot 1, Block 1, DATA 100 1ST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof,' Hennepin County, Minnesota, and lying 4est of a line drawn parallel with and 33.00 feet east of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter of Sec- tion 31, distant 1287.80 feet north of the southwest corner thereof; thence south along said west line of the Southwest Quarter a distance of 258.92 feet and there terminating. And that part of said Southwest Quarter of Section 31, lying easterly of the west line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 31 and lying 33.00 feet on each side, as measured at right angles to and parallel with the follow- ing described line: Beginning at a point on said west line of the Southwest Quarter of Sec- tion 31, 1028.88 feet north of the southwest corner thereof; thence deflecting southeasterly from said west line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, on a. tangential curve having a radius of 381.97 feet (delta angle 41 0321) for a distance of 276.89 feet; thence tangent to said curve for a distance of 3.89 feet; thence deflect right along a tangential curve having a radius of 383.15 feet (delta angle 440201) for a distance of 296.47 feet; thence tangent to said curve for a dis- tance of 162.41 feet; thence deflect right along a tangential curve having a radius of 122.36 feet (delta angle 9801011811) for a distance of 209.64 feet; thence tangent to said curve for a distance of 50 feet more or-less to the _west line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 31 and there terminating. The side lines of the above described land are to be lengthened or short- ened as to terminate on said west line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31. S. Johnson Companies, Inc. Airlake Industrial Park, 8330 -220 St. W., Lakeville, Minnesota 55044, Phone (612) 469 -4481