HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-20_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 20, 1976 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL I. BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION - FINANCIAL REPORT II. PUBLIC HEARING ON TITLE I OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974 BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM PROJECT DETERMINATION Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. (To be considered also on 1/3/76) III. PUBLIC HEARING ON EASEMENT VACATION Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Pre- sentation by Engineer. Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Storm Sewer Easement - Part of Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Cherokee Hills (6509 Navaho Trail) IV. PUBLIC HEARING ON 50TH AND FRANCE COMMERCIAL SANITATION DISTRICT Presentation by Executive Director of H.R.A. Spectators heard. If Council wishes to pro- ceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. V. COMMUNICATIONS A. Mrs. Lee W. Bemis - Roto Rooter Billing B. Hooten Cleaners - 100% Petition - Paving behind 3944 W. 4911 St. VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. On -Sale Beer License - Regotto's Pizza - 4502 Valley View Road B. Minutes of Traffic Safety Committee of December 14, 1976 . C. Department of Public Safety Management Study (Continued from 12 /6/76) D. Health Services Contract with City of Bloomington E. Minnesota Highway Department Gap Improvement Project Agreement F. Year -End Meeting Date (12/29/76 ?) G. Edina West Condominium Easement Release H. Appointment of Health Board I. Feasibility Report - Set Hearing Date J. 1976 Police Salaries K. Fire Department Beds L. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items 1. Labor Negotiations Meeting 2. 1977 Salaries 3. Purchase of Hosek Property - Dewey Hill Road and Cahill Road 4. Brookside Road Easement VII. RESOLUTIONS A. Hennepin County Criminal Justice Council - Joint Resolution and Bylaws B. Non - Resident Election Judges C. Savings Account - First Edina National Bank VIII. ANY OTHERS WHO DESIRE HEARING BEFORE COUNCIL IX. FINANCE A. Claims Paid. Motion of , seconded by , for payment of the following claims per Pre -List: General, $166,692.21; Park, $8,126.29; Park Construction, $5,895.34; Pool, $52.62; Golf, $1,378.59; Arena, $6,449.78; Gun, $444.33; Water, $18,690.68; Sewer, $5,110.71; Liquor, $253,327.86; Construction, $28,015.35; Advance Fund, $17,857.03; Total, $512,040.79 Government Training Service 300 Hanover Building, 480 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 (612) 222 -2861 Dear City Clerk: 0 On Saturday, January 29, 1977 the Government Training.Service, in cooperation with the League of Minnesota Cities, will sponsor the Conference of Newly Elected Mayors and Council Members at the L'hotel Sofitel in Bloomington. As you know, this annual program prepares the newly - elected mayors and council members to take on their new jobs. An opening session orients the officials to their powers, authorities and responsibilities. Experienced officials and managers then present and discuss key issues, including personal liability, open meeting law, Dutch Elm disease and inter - governmental relations. A special morning seminar will focus on governing the city -- practical tips in the critical areas of personnel and labor relations, financial management and planning and zoning. Please show the enclosed brochure to your council members and mayor and encourage their attending the program. What they learn will make your job easier. This conference offers the first opportunity for the newly - elected officials to meet their colleagues around the state and talk about mutual concerns. Remember, the State Legislature will have just opened its session. By the way, current mayors and council members who may have missed last year's conference or want to update their knowledge may want to attend the conference as well. We encourage those registrations. Please note that the fee for this year's conference is only $30, less than last year. Some prices are going down! Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, 6 ' William F. Moeller Executive Director P.S. MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW FOR THE ANNUAL CITY CLERKS' CONFERENCE MARCH 16 -18, 1977 AT L'HOTEL SOFITEL. See you there! RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NEED FOR AND ESTABLISHING A COMMERCIAL SANITATION DISTRICT IN THE 50TH & FRANCE COMMERCIAL AREA WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the City Council of Edina, Minnesota, to determine the need for a commercial sanitation district (the "district ") in the 50th & France Commercial area; and WHEREAS, the Edina City Council has caused notice of this hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners, tenants, and occupants of premises within the proposed district; and WHEREAS, there has been demonstrated that there is a need for such a district to be established in the 50th & France Commercial area of the City of Edina, Minnesota: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, that they hereby find, determine, and declare: 1. That a commercial sanitation district be established in the 50th & France area, the boundaries of which are as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Replat of Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Lund Kruse Addition; thence Easterly along the South line of said plat-- to the" Southeast corner thereof; thence Southerly to the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, V. H. Adams Addition; thence Easterly along the South line of said plat1to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northerly to the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Allata's 1st Addition; thence Easterly along the South line of said plat and its Easterly extension to a point on the East line of Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, said, point being 135 feet North of the South line of said Lot 31, except street; thence Northerly along the East line of said Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, a distance of 15 feet; thence Easterly parallel with and 122.5 feet south of the North line of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 and its Easterly extension to the East line of Section 18, Township 28, Range 24; thence South along the East line of said Section 18 to its intersection with the centerline of W. 51st Street; thence Westerly and Northwesterly along the centerline of W. 51st Street and of the centerline of Halifax Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of the East -West alley in Block 1, Stevens' 1st Addition; thence Westerly, along the centerline of. said East -West alley to its intersection with the southerly extension of the West line of the East 20 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, Stevens' lst Addition; thence North along the West line of the East 20 feet of said Lot 2 and its Northerly extension to the centerline of West 50th Street, thence Westerly along the centerline of West 50th Street to the Southerly extension of the West line of Lund Kruse Addition; thence Northerly to the point of beginning. 2. The City Planner is hereby authorized and directed to determine the location, type, size, and number of containers needed within the district, the frequency and time of day for pickups of each container, the routes of collecting vehicles and the method of computing the cost for each owner, tenant or occupant of a premise in the district. 3. The method of collection shall be by contract between the City and one or more haulers. The City shall bill each tenant or occupant quarterly. 4. The effective date of establishment of the district shall be upon its passage and publication. xw_ INVOICE — CUSTOMER'S COPY 0 (/ sPCPAST- TO C OAST,,' 223 2231 EDGEW OOD AVE. SO. 'ti,{. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55426 PHONE: 544 -9551 RESIDENTIAL • MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL SEWER CLEANING SPECIALISTS CESSPOOLS SEPTIC TANKS DRAIN FIELDS: INSTALLED PUMPED REPAIRED THE ONLY LICENSED ROTO - ROOTER OPERATOR SERVING MINNEAPOLIS AND VICINITY. Lee W. Bemis 6444 Wilryan Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 TERMS YOUR P.O. NO. OPERATOR DATE OF INVOICE net 30 Nov. 5 '76 DATE REFERENCE NO. CHARGES PAYMENTS BALANCE DUE Nov. 5 '76 12670 54.95 54.95 cleaning of 60 ft. of main sewer line Thank You WE APPRECIATE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BE OF SERVICE TO YOU. No.A -63182 - MEMBER- BE PROUD r Rf0/i BUNEA U G000 caE R MINNEAPOUS 'PAY PwAPTAf lLowe CRIaT Gum- =. ROTO- ROOTER SEWER SERVICE CO. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. 55426 PHONE: 544.9551 Edina, Minnesota December 91, 1976 Ms.,.Florence Hallberg Clerk,'City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Dear Ms. Hallberg, Enclosed is a copy of a bill for $54.95 I'just paid to Roto- Rooter Sewer'Service for removing tree roots from the badlevard tree in front of our house4 -: Two years ago we removed a beautiful, old spruce tree.on our property because it's roots also caused problems in the sewer line. We felt with the rising cost of service we could no'longer afford to have large trees in that area. This summer I discussed with Edina's tree specialist the possibility of removing that elm tree because it created a ' recurring problem. There are five elm trees on the boulevard of our 50 ft. lot. He advised against remo.ving.the tree-because of the danger of losing some or all to Dutch elm disease.... This idea creates quite a dilemma for us as we will soon be retired and cannot continue to pay.these, service fees every year or two-as we have in the past. I contacted Mr. Damn when the sewer line became clogged and he sent the street crew to check the sewer line-in.-the street. He assured me that was all -the service the city would provide. I feel that puts us as property owne's in an unfair -bind. We can't remove -the tree and yet we must'�psy.an exoribitant fee to maintain sewer service because.of the tree. I.think the City should maintain the service through the boulevard area, forfeits the right to control the planting on the boulevard, or reimburse the property owner for the.cost of having service to remove the roots from the, boulevard trees. I appreciate the courtesy with which the various city personnel have dealt with •this problem._. I, now ask,tyou to consider my request for reimbursement for the amount we paid to Roto- Rooter. Very truly yours, Winnie Bemis.(Mrs. Lee) 6444 Wilryan Avenue Edina, Mn. 55435 i THE EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 While the other commissioners and I are looking forward to the completion of this Bicentennial responsibility, we are all delighted to have been involved and have enjoyed the responsibility entrusted to us by you and the Council. 4 Sin a ely, Ra qd Bechtle, Chairman Edina Bicentennial Commission RLB:ca November 3, 1976 CHAIRMAN Raymond Bechtle SECRETARY James Van Valkenburg, Mayor Lois Strupp Edina City Hall: 4801 West 50th Street TREASURER Edina, Minnesota 55424 R, ay-0'Connell MEMBERS: Dear Jim, Williamt Bitter Kay Brown As we begin to wind up the affairs of the Edina Bicentennial Com- Dorothy Conner mission, I may be bothering you about several decisions that must David Dietrich be made. I need one such decision now:. We have learned today from Dorothy Dunn Rosemary G.ubrud the State that we must keep file on the expenditure of monies P a e ex P Bernice Kenkel related to the three State grants that we have received. The Betsy Kuntz specific direction is, "If your organization will not be on- going, Benjamin Larson you must appoint a successor agency such as your county board to Adeline Lindboe Joan save your files. The name of the successor agency must be sent Mary Ness Ness to our office along with when possible, the name of a contact g � P � Ken Rosland person in that agency." I am to notify the State before November Donna Skagerberg 30 of the location of these files. I am assuming that these Leigh Wakefield financial records should be kept at the City Hall. I would like Lois Wilder Mary Emma Willson to know what person or office you wish to designate to keep the records. (The files we are talking about will probably be three file folders a total of 1" thick.) We will need to know later where the records of the Bicentennial Commission should be kept. This will include the scrapbook that we'll present to the City, my files, memorabilia, etc. One sugges- tion has been that these be in the keeping of the Edina Historical Society, but kept in the Edina Community Library. I will be ready to make the financial report to the City Council for the Bicentennial Commission on Monday, December 20. My report will probably take five minutes. Ray O'Connell's report will probably take ten minutes. If a convenient time can be arranged on the agenda, we would ask all of the Bicentennial Commissioners to be present for this final report. While the other commissioners and I are looking forward to the completion of this Bicentennial responsibility, we are all delighted to have been involved and have enjoyed the responsibility entrusted to us by you and the Council. 4 Sin a ely, Ra qd Bechtle, Chairman Edina Bicentennial Commission RLB:ca �lb CHAIRMAN Raymond Bechtle SECRETARY Lois Strupp TREASURER Ray O'Connell MEMBERS: William E. Bitter Kay Brown Dorothy Conner Devid Dietrich Dorothy Dunn Rosemary Gubrud Bernice Kenkel Betsy Kuntz Benjamin Larson Adeline Lindboe Joan Lonsbury Mary Ness Ken Rosland Donna Skagerberg Leigh Wakefield Lois Wilder Mary Emma Willson THE EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 October 31, 1975 Mayor James Van Valkenburg Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Jim, The Edina Bicentennial Commission would like an opportunity to report to the City Council at its meeting on December l.. We are now prepared to provide a recap of goals of the Commission, activities completed, activities being planned or anticipated, and budget report., The budget report will include the costs of the projects, sources of funding, and projected future costs. If the format and contents of this report prove satisfactory to the City Council, we will have a model for the final report to the Council in January, 1977. We estimate that this report will take 15 minutes and that many of the Bicentennial Commission members will attend the December 1 meeting. RLB:ca Sinc ly, Raymon Bechtle, Chairman Edina Bicentennial Commission a M E M 0 R A.N.D U M March 14, 1975 MEMO TO: Council FROM: Ken Rosland, Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Bicentennial Survey'Approval .Enc.l.osed is a copy of the proposed questionn&tre to be sent to various service organization "..and clubs'in Edina regarding a multi purpose facility. Mrs. Rosemary Gubrud of the Edina Jr. Federation will be at the - meeting, to present the proposal and the dollar figure it will cost to.put out the question naire. As you may.recall, this project is one of the 13 Bicentennial events you as.a Council approved several months ago and now it must come back to.you for the funding. THE EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 CHAIRMAN Raymond Bechtle March 1975 SECRETARY Lois Strupp TREASURER Ray O'Connell MEMBERS: tear William E. Bitter Kay Brown Dorothy Conner As one of its major projects, the Edina Bicentennial Commission has David Dietrich chosen to study the question of a multi- purpose fact 1 Ity for the city. Dorothy Dunn It is our purpose to discover the need for and ; i Merest l i n a c,i ty Rosemary Gubrud faci I i ty, if any. Such a physical structure might be cai I ed 8 Bernice Kenkel Betsy Kuntz community center, a community building or a civic center. Benjamin Larson Adeline Lindboe the enclosed questionnaire is being sent to approximately 150 Joan Lonsbury organizations such as yours that operate in Edina. The study asks Ness Mary Ness Ken Rosland r o ' about `u group's current activities. It also calls for our ,ideas your p y Donna Skagerberg about a multi-purpose facility. It should take only 10 -15 , mi tiutes Leigh Wakefield for. you -to complete the questionnaire. Lois Wilder Mary Emma Willson It must' be emphasized that with only 150 questionnaires in circulation, every response becomes vitally important. The direction of the entire study will be determined by those who do return the forms to the Commission. A summary of the survey will be presented to the City Council. That information will also be made available to your organization. Al-hough every attempt has been made to identify organizations in '-diva, some may have been overlooked. If you know of sorl-!e groups that would_be especially interested in participating in the study, would you list them on the back of the questionnaire? The Edina Bicentennial Commission thanks you for your time and effort. By. completing and returning the questionnaire, your organization be- comes a real participant in the local projects undertaken during the celebration of our country's 200th birthday! Please return your completed questionnaire by 1975 A stamped self addressed return envelope is enclosed. Yours truly, Edina Bicentennial Commission enc NEED AND INTEREST STUDY EDINA_MULTI- PURPOSE FACILITY INSTRUCTIONS: I. FILL OUT THE QUESTIONNAIRE WITH THE BOARD OF YOUR ORGANIZATION. THE INFORMATION SHOULD REPRESENT A CONCENSUS OF OPINION RATHER THAN THAT OF A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL. 20 PRINT OR TYPE. 3. RETURN THE COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRE IN THE STAMPED SELF - ADDRESSED ENVELOPE PROVIDED. 4. RETURN TO THE EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION BY 1975. NEED AND INTEREST STUDY EDINA MULTI- PURPOSE FACILITY CLASSIFICATION DATA I. Name of organization 2. Number of members 3. Place where your organization most commonly meets DETAILED QUESTIONS 4. Please list and describe the activities your group conducts during the year. Facilities and How Often Do Average - Equipment Needed You Conduct Activity i. Attendance For This Activity This Activity 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5. A. What are the financial arrangements for the meeting and activity places you may use during the year? Please list the name of the church, school, restaurant, etc. How Much Do You Facility Pay Per Use? Annual Cost 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PAGE 2 b. Do you have agreements on how often you can use these facilities? Yes ❑ No [� If yes, what are the agreements? 6. What does your organization like about the facility you use most often? 7. What does your organization dislike about the facility it uses most often? 8. Think about a physical structure called a multi- purpose facility. What features or facilities would it have that would be necessary to the functioning of your organization? (Continue on back, if necessary) 9. All previous questions have dealt with facilities and their effect upon your organization. However, there is a separate issue of a facility that would be good for the community at large. What features do you believe such a facility might have, even if they were not utilized directly by your organization ?. (Continue on back, if necessary) PAGE 3 10. Given a multi - purpose facility that incorporates the features you, have previously described in questions #8 and 9, would your organization use it? Yes ❑ No [� a. If yes, for what activities? b. How much would you be willing to pay for an upgraded facility? $ Per II. If a multi - purpose facility were available for your use, would there be any change in your organization with respect.to: a. Membership? Same More D Other Please explain b. Attendance at functions? Same Q more Other Please explain C. Types of functions /activities? Same Q More ❑ Other ❑ Please explain 12. Additional comments. I 13. Name of person filling out this form Title PHONE