HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-17_COUNCIL MEETINGEDINA CITY COUNCIL: MEETING MARCH 17, 1975 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of significant contributions made.to development of Edina by decendents of St. Patrick. I. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Director of Public Works. Spectators heard. If Council Wishes to proceed, action by Resolution Ordering Assessment. 3/5.: favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Street Improvement No. C -113. York Ave. in Yorktown Addition (Continued from February 24, 1975). II. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. First Reading requires offering of ordinance only. A. First Reading 1.. Folke Victorsen (The,Timbers) R -1 Residential District to PRD -5 Residential District (Generally located on the Southwest corner of Gleason Road and the Crosstown Highway). .(Continued from February 24, 1975) III. AWARD OF BIDS Tabulation and Recommendation by City Manager. -Action by Motion. A. Maintenance Materials (Sand, Rock and Bituminous Materials) * B. Refuse Pickup from City Properties C. Swimming.Pool Filtration Equipment Installation and Pool Renovation IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS TO DETERMINE IF CERTAIN BUILDINGS ARE "UNSAFE" WITHIN MEANING OF ORDINANCE NO. 471 Presentation by Fire Department and.Building Official. A. 5109 W. 50th Street - Biltmore Lanes Bowling Alley B. 7651 -97 Washington Ave. S. - Edina Office and Production Center (Continue to April 7, 1975) V. COMMUNICATIONS * A. State Highway. Department - Left Turns at 70th an& Hwy -100. VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Crime'Prevention Activities - Officer Mancel Mitchell B. Bicentennial Commission Plans - Proposed Survey * C. Open Excavation Order - 7124 Mark Terrace Drive * D. Improvement Feasibility Report - 50th & France Commercial Area.(1975 HRA'1) E. Pledge Agreement between City and HRA * F. Indemnity Agreement - City and School District No. 273 * G. "Point of France" Permit Extension Request * H. Sale of Double Bungalow.- 6444 -46 Xerxes Ave. I. License Renewals * 1. Southdale Bowling Alley * 2. Beer License 'Renewals= - List J. St. Louis Park Water Surcharge K. 'State PCA Pollution Control Proposals * L. Park Department 1975 Recreation Fees and Charges M. Park. Board Representative on Environmental Quality Commission * N. Traffic Safety Committee 0. Park. -Department Authorization to p.uzchase_Picku:p' * P. Human Relations Commission VII. ANY OTHERS WHO DESIRE HEARING-BEFORE COUNCIL VIII. FINANCE A. .Claims Paid: Motion of Seconded by s payment of the following laims for g per pre -list dated March 17, 1975: General Fund, $120,200.66; Construction Fund, $9,007.04; Park Funds,,, $ 36,161.50; Water Fund, $ 6,.343.37:. Liquor Fund, $ 185,529.17; Sewer Fund, $ 2,661.14; Total $ 359,902.88 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PURCHASES OF MATERIALS BID March 7, 1975 (For.Period of April 1, 1975 thru March 31, 1976) CONCRETE SAND W. G. Pearson, Inc. TORPEDO BUCKSHOT Northwest Gravel Co., Inc. FA- 4.BUCKSHOT Northwest Gravel Co':, Inc. GRAVEL BASE W. G. Pearson, Inc. CA -5 LIMESTONE Edward.Kramer & Sons, Inc. SEAL~ COAT dHIPS Bryan. .,Dresser Trap Rock, Inc. READY MIX BITUMINOUS North Star .Asphalt Co. CUT BACK ASPHALT Koch,Refining Co. Robert C. Dunn, P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer March 17, 1975 $1.84 per ton delivered $2.45 per ton delivered $3.05.per ton delivered $1.99'per ton delivered $3.55 per .ton delivered $7.35 per ton delivered: $9.63 per ton picked up 37.394 per gallon delivered BID TABULATION W. G. Pearson; Inc. Riegger Roadways Midwest-Asphalt Corp. North Star-Asphalt'Co. River Warren Aggregates, Inc. Koch Refining.Co. Northwest Refining Co. Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. J.. L. Shiely Hedberg` & Sons Northwest Gravel Co., Inc. Bury & Carlson, Inc. Bryan Dresser Trap Rock, Inc. SAND - BITUMINOUS MATERIAL - ROCK 11:00 A:M., March 7, 1975 Concrete Torpedo Buck Shot Buck Shot Gravel Limestone Seal -Coat Ready Cut -Back Emulsifie Sand Buck Shot FA -4 FA -3 Base C -A -5 Chips Mix Asphalt Asphalt #3137 Bituminous #3151 #3151 T1 D TT T D TT T n TT n D TT n n TT T1 D TT r% U TT Tl D TT Tl U TT Tl D M ME 'M�m I MOMMEMOMME. E-.Mm MMME lLIE mim��M EMINEEN ME wmmmlmmm 'MOM I 110.00MMENE wm.mmm� Em - � OWN, in .0 II'mm 'Elm 0 . BID TABULATION SAND - BITUMINOUS MATERIAL - ROCK 11 :00 A.M., March 7, 1975 vL 'CWrc 4 ; %l o f Awa��R.D ItD w N`c N k b d'Z Concrete Torpedo Buck Shot Buck Shot Gravel Limestone Seal -Coat Ready Sand Buck. Shot FA -4 FA -3 Base C -A -5 Chips Mix #3137 Bituminous T1 D TT n D TT n D TT n D TT n D TT n D TT n D -TT_ T) _ D _TT W. G. Pearson, Inc. Riegger Roadways Midwest Asphalt. Cor-p. North Star.Aspha,lt Co. River Warren aggregates, Inc. :Koch Refining Co Northwest Refining Co. 'Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. J. L. Shiely Hedberg & Sons Northwest Gravel Co., Inc. Bury &Carlson, Inc. Bryan Dresser Trap Rock, Inc. Cut -Back Emulsifie Asphalt Asphalt #3151 #3151 Tl_ P_TT_ T) D WM mwmm� OEM EME MEMO ' N;W 0 M No RECOMMENDATIONS'FOR PURCHASES OF MATERIALS-BID March. 7, 1975 (For Period of April 1, 1975 thru March 31, 1976) CONCRETE SAND W. G. Pearson, Inc. $1.84 per ton delivered TORPEDO BUCKSHOT Northwest Gravel Co., Inc.. $2.45 per ton.delivered FA- 4— BUC-KSHOT Northwest Gravel Co., Inc. $3.05 per ton delivered GRAVEL BASE W. G. Pearson, Inc. $1.99 per ton delivered CA -5 LIMESTONE Edward Kramer & Sons, Inc. $3.55 per ton delivered SEAL COAT CHIPS_ Bryan Dressei : Trap, .Rock., Inca $7..35 per ton delivered.: . READY MIX BITUMINOUS .,North Star Asphalt Co. $9.63 per ton picked up CUT BACK ASPHALT Koch Refining Co. 37.39 per gallon delivered Robert C. Dunn, P.E. .Director of Public Works and City Engineer March ,17`, 1975 MEMO March 14, 1975 TO: Warren Hyde. FROM: Tom Melena SUBJECT: Award of Sanitary Pickup Bid On Friday, Narch 14, 1975 the City opened bids on Sanitary Pickup for all City properties including parks. The bids received were as follows; Edina Morningside Sanitation - w 6,876.00 Able Sanitation - $13,109.88 Woodlake Sanitary Service - $16,000.00 As a comparison, the final total price for all City properties, excluding parks, for 1974 was $4,995.00 (by Edina Morningside Sanitation). Considering the background of the companies and the prices, I would recommend award to Edina Morningside Sanitation in the amount of &6,876.00. Tom Melena Administrative Assistant CITY OF EDINA'C TABULATION OF BIDS EDINA POOL FILTRATION EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION AND RENOVATION Bids Opened on March -17, 1975 - 11:00 am FIRM BASE BID ALTERNATE #.I ALTERNATE. #2 ALTERNATE #3 Magney Construction $76,890.00 $11,400.00 $ 715.00 $2,500:00 Acton Construction 77,180.00 10,220.00 1,210.00 4,650.00 Professional Pool Assoc. 81,325.46 11,197.45 1,200.00: 7,998.75 -- RECOMMEND.AWARD TO: Magney Construction -:070-y MEMORANDUM TO: Warren C. Hyde, City Manager FROM: Robert C. Dunn, H.R.A. Engineer SUBJECT: Improvement Feasibility Report (1975 HRA -1) 50th and France Commercial Area Improvements The following improvements have been investigated and it has been determined that they are feasible and their construction would be in the best interest and toward the orderly development of the City of Edina: Improvement Streets, roads, and traffic control devices Pedestrian walks, plazas, and general beautification Parking lots and ramps Miscellaneous improvements (underground Estimated Cost $ 338,650.00 383,400.00 855,309.00 wiring, etc.) 128,000.00 Land acquisition and relocation 1,066,673.80 Administration 225,000.00 Contingencies 299,703.20 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,296,736.00 I hereby recommend that upon acceptance of this report by the City Council on March 17, 1975, that a public hearing on these improvements be scheduled for April 7, 1975. Respectfully submitted, Robert C. Dunn, P.E. H.R.A. Engineer March 17', 1975 RCD:ln r• S tau w� d�J STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT,OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT NO. 5 2055 NO: LILAC DRIVE .MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. March 10, 1975 Ms. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edinap Minnesota 55424 In Reply Refer To: 31:5 C.S. 2733 - (TH 100) Temporary heft - Turn.. Signal Phases For West 70th Street Dear -Ms Hallberg: Our Traffic Section has reviewed the City's request for left -turn phasing on West 70th Street. The field portion of the. review revealed that the controller was malfunctioning. The maximum setting on the controller was not forcing off the mainline green . time and resulted in very excessive cycle - lengths of four and one -half minutes or more. This condition has been corrected now. Temporary left -turn phasing..for.West 70th'Street would require a new controller, cabinetp wiring and conduit and signal heads. This work would cost over $25,000 and "require at least six months to design and process if it could be worked: into our schedule. ,Once let, it would take -at least six months for the equip ment to arrive and put the additional features in operation. An interchange is programmed to have construction -start in the summer of 1976. Once this work is started, the inplace signal will be removed and new signals will be installed at the ramp terminals on each side of the bridge. In additions some of the traffic presently approaching TH 100 from the west on West 70th,Street could use the 77th Street interchange, where.separate left- turn phasing is available. I am sure the correction of the malfunctioning controller will greatly improve the -traffic flow for Nest 70th Street. If something should happen that the interchange',is not constructed as scheduledv we will upgrade the inplace sig nal to meet new federal requirements, If that should happen,-separate left- ems® --LAN" ff. Ms. Florence B. Hallberg March 10, 1975 Page 2 turn phases for West 70th Street will be included with the upgrading. Sincerely, W. M. Crawford District Engineer �W4� f\ By: R. M. Robinson District Traffic Engineer RMR' kg March 14, 1975 MEMO TO: Council FROM: Ken Rosland,•Director Park "and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Bicentennial Survey Approval Enclosed is a copy of the.proposed questionnaire to be sent to various service organization and clubs.in -Edina regarding a multi - purpose facility. Mrs. Rosemary Gubrud of`the Edina Jr. federation will be at the meeting to present the proposal and the dollar figure it will.cost. to put out the question- naire. As you may reca.11., this-project is one of the 13 Bicentennial events you,as a Council approved several months ago, and now it must come back.to you for the, funding. L CHAIRMAN Raymond Bechtle SECRETARY Lois Strupp TREASURER Ray O'Connell MEMBERS: William E. Bitter Kay Brown Dorothy Conner David Dietrich Dorothy Dunn Rosemary Gubrud Bernice Kenkel Betsy Kuntz Benjamin Larson Adeline Lindboe Joan Lonsbury Mary Ness Ken Rosland Donna Skagerberg Leigh Wakefield Lois Wilder Mary Emma Willson THE EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 March , 1975 Dear As one of its major projects, the Edina Bicentennial Commission has chosen to study the question of a multi - purpose facility for the city. It is our purpose to discover the need for and'interest:in a-city facility, if any. Such a physical structure might be called a community center, a community building or a civic center. The enclosed questionnaire Is being sent to approximately 150 organizations such as yours that operate in Edina. The study asks about your group's current activities. It also calls for your ideas about a multi - purpose facility. It should take only 10 -15 minutes for, you to complete the questionnaire. It must be emphasized that with only 150 questionnaires in circulation, every response becomes vitally important. The direction of the entire study will be determined by those who do return the forms to the Commission. A summary of the survey will be presented to the City Council. That information will also be made available to your organization. Although every attempt has been made to Identify organizations in Edina, some may have been overlooked. If you know of some groups that would be especially interested in participating in the study, would you list them on the back of the questionnaire? The Edina Bicentennial Commission thanks you for your time and effort. By completing and returning the questionnaire, your organization be- comes a real participant in the local projects undertaken during the celebration of our country's 200th birthday'. Please return your completed questionnaire by , 1975 A stamped self addressed return envelope is enclosed. Yours truly, Edina Bicentennial Commission enc NEED AND INTEREST STUDY EDINA MULTI - PURPOSE FACILITY INSTRUCTIONS: I. FILL OUT THE QUESTIONNAIRE WITH THE BOARD OF YOUR ORGANIZATION. THE INFORMATION SHOULD REPRESENT A CONCENSUS OF OPINION RATHER THAN THAT OF A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL. 2. PRINT OR TYPE. 3. RETURN THE COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRE IN THE STAMPED SELF - ADDRESSED ENVELOPE PROVIDED. 4. RETURN TO THE - EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION BY , 1975. NEED AND - INTEREST STUDY EDINA MULTI - PURPOSE FACILITY CLASSIFICATION DATA I. Name of organization 2. Number of members 3. Place where your organization most commonly meets DETAILED QUESTIONS 4. Please list and describe the activities your group conducts during the year. Facilities and How Often Do Average Equipment Needed You Conduct Activity Attendance For This Activity This Activity 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5.. A. What are the financial arrangements for the meeting and activity places you may use during.the year? Please list the.name of.the church, school, restaurant, etc. How Much Do You Facility Pay Per Use ?. Annual Cost PAGE 2. b. Do you have agreements on how often you can use these facilities? Yes ❑ No Q If yes, what are the agreements? 6. What does your organization like about the facility you use most often? 7. What does your organization dislike about the facility it uses most often ?. 8. Think about a physical structure called a multi - purpose facility. What features or facilities would it have that would be necessary to the functioning of your organization? (Continue on back, if necessary) 9. All previous questions have dealt with facilities and their effect upon your organization. However, there is a separate issue of a facility that would be good for the community at large. What features do you believe such a facility might have, even if they were not utilized directly by your organization? (Continue on back, if necessary) PAGE 3 10. Given a multi - purpose facility that incorporates the.features you have previously described in questions #8 and 9, would your organization use it? Yes ❑ No ri a. If yes,.for what activities? b. How much would you be willing to pay, for an upgraded facility? $ Per Ii. If a multi - purpose facility were available for your use, would there be any change in your organization with respect to: a. Membership? Same More ❑ Other ❑ Please explain b. Attendance at functions? Same ❑ more Other ❑ Please explain c. Types of functions /activities? Same ❑ More ❑ Other ❑ Please explain 12. Additional comments. 13. Name of person filling out this form Title - PHONE February 21, 1975 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Edina City Manager ;4801 ,West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: School District No "., 273 City of Edina Indemnity Agreement Dear Warren: In 1957 the then Village of Edina and then Independent School 'District No. 17 entered into an Indemnity Agreement. The School District has asked that we review this.agreement to see if it should be continued. We have reviewed the agreement and have agreed with the attorneys for the School District that it should be continued. It is,.however,.necessary.. to have it re- executed. because both Edina and the School District have changed their official names. If the enclosed meets with your approval,.will you please put ,this matter on the agenda for the Council's approval and subsequent sig nature. When the City has signed, I will forward copies to the School District for execution by it. Very. truly yours, Th mas S..:Erickson TSE:la Enclosure DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST & HALLADAY. DONALD WEST DONAL P. IIAROUAPT WILLIAM J BBS 2300 FIRST NATIONAL BANK B U I L O I N G JOHN,M HIBBS' FAITH L OIIMAN WILLIAM JOHN W WINDNORST ROBERT O. FLOTTEN DAVID A RANNEIM E. MARTIN -, WILLIAM H. HIPPEE.JR. - .HENRY MALLADAT JOHN D. LEVINE MINNEAPOLIS M I N - N E S O TA 55402 _ ROBERT J. SILVERMAM STEPHEN G. SHANK - - JULE M. HANNAFORD . ROBERT J. STRUYK - WILLIAM R. NIBBS ROBERT A. BURNS ARTHUR B. WHITNEY MICHAEL A OLSON JOHN D. KIRBY TpNI A BEITZ RUSSELL W. LINDOUIST LARRY W. JOHNSON (612) 340 -2600 PHILIP F. BOELTER MICHEL A LAFOND DAVID R. BRINK - NORACE HITCH THOMAS S. HAT G. LARRY GRIFFITH - -' CABLE:'DOROW' MLLW1 B. PATNE JAN STUURMANS BRADFORD L. FERGUSON ROGER J, MAGNUSON _ VIRGIL H. HILL - ROBERT V TARBOA CRAIG A. BECK TELEX:29 -0605 R.A. SCHWARTZBAUER J. ROBERT HIBBS . ROBERT J. JOHNSON DAVID L MCCUSKEY THOMAS O. MOE - - TELEC6PIER:(612) 340 -2868 STEVEN K. CHAMPLIN DAVIO N.FRONEK JAY COOK - STANLEY REIN M. B. HASSELOUIST - .JAMES H. ONAGAN - THOMAS W. TINKNAM CHARLES L POTUZNIK PETER DORSET - GEORGE P. FLANNERY JOHN M. MASON MICHAEL W. WRIGHT A468 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 'JON F. TUTTLE ROBERT A HEIBERG VERLANE LENDORF - DENNIS BURATTI - CURTIS L ROY LARRY L. VICKREY ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 EMERY W BARTLE GEORGEANN BECKER ARTHUR E. WEISBERG LOREN R. KNOTT (612) 227 6017 MICHAEL J RADMEP ROBERT HOBBINS DUANE E.JOSEPH PHILLIP H MARTIN PAUL SCHEERER BA1Rr D. GLAZER JAMES B. VESSEY REESE C. JOHNSON - CURTIS L STINE PETER HENDRIASOM WILLIAM A WHITLOCK. CHARLES J HAUENSTEIN .. - JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER MICHAEL TRUCANO MICKY HAY THOMAS SCII WARTZBAUER " THOMAS M BROWN CHARLES AGEER "' CHASKA,MINNESOTA 55316 - WILLIAM J. KEPPEL IRVING WEISER - .' CORNELIUS 0. MAHONEY JOHN C. ZWAKMAN JOHN R. WICKS (612) 446 -4012 - JAMES A FLADER,. WILLIAM&JOHNSTONE STEPHEN GOTTSCHALK - THOMAS ELKINS - THOMAS S. ERICKSON EUGENE L- JOHNSON WILLIAM E. BOOEN - WILLIAM C. BABCOCK JOHN W, WINOMORST, JR.. WILLIAM P. LUTHER - -MICHAEL E' BRESS -' MICHAEL PRICHARD 115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST - DOUGLAS D.MCiARLANO OF COUNSEL . RATMOKD AREISTER WILLIAM R. SOTH ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA S5901 DAVID LBOEHNEN DAVID E.BRONSON - JOHN J. TAYLOR BERNARD O, HEINZEN THOMAS R. MANTHEY - (507) 286 -3156 ALAN D GILL LEA ITT I BARKER RICHARD G. SWANSON LAWRENCE R. OLIVER FRANK M.VOIGT GEORGE E. ANDERSON ROBERT LVANFOSSEN - February 21, 1975 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Edina City Manager ;4801 ,West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: School District No "., 273 City of Edina Indemnity Agreement Dear Warren: In 1957 the then Village of Edina and then Independent School 'District No. 17 entered into an Indemnity Agreement. The School District has asked that we review this.agreement to see if it should be continued. We have reviewed the agreement and have agreed with the attorneys for the School District that it should be continued. It is,.however,.necessary.. to have it re- executed. because both Edina and the School District have changed their official names. If the enclosed meets with your approval,.will you please put ,this matter on the agenda for the Council's approval and subsequent sig nature. When the City has signed, I will forward copies to the School District for execution by it. Very. truly yours, Th mas S..:Erickson TSE:la Enclosure Re :. Point.of France: Unapproved Plan Permit issued 8 -22 -74 and Building Permit I -90 issued 3 -22 -74 Dear Mr. Moser: We herewith respectfully request an extension of the.following permits: l.-Building permit I -90 until September 1, 1975. 2. Unapproved Plan Permit and plan check fee deposit until April 18, 1975. I am sure you can appreciate that the past year has been a very trying one not only for Lanvesco Corporation of America, Inc. but generally for all real estate developers throughout the country. Due to adverse economic conditions resulting in very tight money supply -it has been very difficult for us to complete the financing for Point of France in a time frame even reasonably close to that which we had hoped for. _This has resulted in sky rocketing costs for the project, time delays, and a general need to review the project and make the necessary changes. Fortunately, we have found that virtually every governmental agency, financing institution, and supplier that we have come in contact with has been understanding and most helpful in these very trying times. I am happy to financing for Point attempting to compl connection with the overall project. I extreme hardship to report that it now appears that the of France is committed and we are now ate the final details not only in financing but in connection with the can assure you that it would be an us to be called upon to again pay the Lanvesco Corporation of America 207 Shelard Plaza Minneapolis Minnesota 55426 Area 612 546 -4465 obviously, we would suffer an even greater hardship and, in fact, it would be impossible to proceed if we were not permitted to continue to maintain the structures that are on the site. It is doubtful that we will have model apartments available for inspection by the public prior to September 1, 1975. It is very difficult to sell units without model apartments. It would be virtually impossible to do so without the benefit of a display center such as we have on the site at the present time. I assure you that we have spent a great deal of money in an effort to construct buildings that are attractive both on the exterior and the interior. Accordingly, we would sincerely appreciate your cooperation and understanding in granting our request for an extension until September 1, 1975. If any additional information or elaboration is needed, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, LANVESCO CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC. Page Two plan fee in the approximate amount of $4,000 in view of all the other additional costs that we have had to incur due to the delay. Accordingly, in the hope that we have not caused you an unreasonable amount of incon- venience we would hope that the original fee that was paid will cover the costs of the services that must be rendered by the Village of Edina. Stanley M. Taube, President SMT:psc cc: Warren Hyde Greg Luce Tom Erickson Kraus- Anderson of Minneapolis Korsunsky -Krank Architects M E.M O R A N D U M March 14, 1975 MEMO TO: Council FROM: Ken Rosland, Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT:. 1975 Recommended Fees and Charges Enclosed is a copy of the recommended-Golf Course fees and budget as approved at the March Ii, 1975 Park Board meeting. The Park Board recommended the increase in the fees and approved the 1975 capital budget with the exception of the two golf cars. Al,so.attached is the proposed fee increases for the various recreation programs that - the -Park Board also recommended at their March meeting which they wou l'd H ke you to adopt. 1975 RECOMMENDED FEES AND CHARGES * Expenses directly proportionate to receipts. 1974 1974 1974 1,974: 1975 Fee Par. Income Expense Rec. Fee =- -Adult Swim Instruction ._:37.00 14 $ 98 $ 8.00 :-Swim Lessons for Students .`,_7..00 1,820 J2,740 &000 $ 6,497 -Inst ..Synchronized Swimming -7..00 75 -525 9,474 -Bus 8.00 2,000 Pool Junior Life Saving _7.00 114 798 $17,971 -Total •. -8.00 .-- Sen-ior Life Saving 7..00 20 140 _- 8.00 Diving 7.00 148 1,036 .8.00 -. - .Beginning Competitive Swim 7.00 30 2.10` 8..00 - -Swim Club 7.00 125 875 8.00• $16,422- Total Receipts Summer Skating Instruction; $8.50 orl0.100 92- 828 $ 414 8.50/$10.0 - 10,563 - Payroll Playground __3.00 771 2,313 2,438 - Supplies 3.00 . 113,001- Total - -- Creative Dramatics 3.00 34 :- 5.00 318 $ 1,400 .:.-Theater C'I'asses -3:00 72 5:00 $ 2,256- Payroll Cub - :Softball '4.00 519 2,076 750- Shirts 6.00 $ 3,006 -Total _ -. -- 'Horseback Riding (Children) 21 -00 .90 1,890 $ 1,800 21.00 - Tennis 5.00 .698 .3,490 3,200. 7.00 ., *Archery :I 0.00 34 340 306' 10.00 `- *Firearm Safety /Learn to Shoot MOO 1188 2,256 2,256 12.00 _ . *Day Camp 13.00 52 676 624 13.00 *Judo 12.00 20 240 228. 12.50 - Gun, Range 1.50/1/2 hr. 2.00/1/2 hr 2.00 /round .. Trap * Expenses directly proportionate to receipts. .f- _ - - REVENUE Membership Fees Green Fees 18 Hole 9 Hole Par 3 Golf Car Rental Pull Carts and Locker Rental Other 1915 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE Club Rental Income from Operating Depts. OPERATING EXPENSES Administration - Salaries and Wages Manager Pro Rangers and Starters Cashiers and Clerical Total Salaries and Wages Printing General Supplies Insurance and Alarm System Retirement, Insurance E Hospitalization Travel, Mileage S Training Audit Other (Handicaps) .TOTAL ADMINISTRATION Building - Clubhouse and Pro Shop Salaries and Wages Telephone Water Fuel Light and Power Laundry Less Amount Charge to Grill Repairs to Building Insurance Supplies Other TOTAL BUILDING Clubhouse and Pro Shop Proposed Projected Actual 1975 1974 1973 $ 23,500 $ 23,530 $ 22,691 100,000 93,800 94,572 59,000 55,000 49,706 34,000 30,943 30,194 22,000 20,523 18,114 3,700 3,687 3,837 1,000 998 983 3,000 3,o4o 1,037 20,000 20,250 16,051 $266,200 $251,771 $237,185 $ 13,500 $ 3,000 6,000 12,500 35,000 $ 12,300 $ 11,462 3,000 3,000 5,916 5,251 12,500 12,130 33,716 31,N-3 2,000 2,000 2,423 1,000 1,030 773 950 900 1,328 13,500 13,100 11,160 150 150 3,953 950 950 825 650 650 1,673 $ 54,200 $ 52,49-6 _ $ 50,175 $ 2,000 $ 1,567 $ 5,399 4,275 1,225 1,031 120 120 119 1,000 800 1,063 4,400 3,000 3,953 300. 287 2,122 (2,700) (2,635) (2,486) 3,000 7,600 6,154 500 500 295 2,000 1,625 3,209 300 215 663 12,195 14,304 21,522 Maintenance of Course and Grounds Salaries and Wages Superintendent Maintenance Three full Time Men Seven - Ten part time held' Overtime Total Salaries 8 Wages Equipment Rental Telephone Light and Power Fuel Fertilizer and Chemical Sand, Gravel E Blacktop Sod, Trees Seed Lumber Repairs Supplies, Equipment Operation Other TOTAL HAINTENANCE COURSE b GROUNDS TOTAL INCOME (Inc_Iuding -Net Operating Dept) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES INCOME -AFTER OPERATING EXPENSES INTEREST ON BONDS INTEREST ON LOAN.- LIQUOR FUND TOTAL INTEREST Income Before Depreciation Provision for Depreciation - Liquor -Fund Payment NET INCOME BONDS RETIRED *Includes Materials for 1975 Rebuilding Program of Tees and Greens Range Income OPERATING -EXPENSES. Supervisor -_Part Time TOTAL WAGES -Go f BaII.s - Supp 1 i es: Tractor Repairs -Bal-1 O i-spense r TOTAL RANGE BUDGET NET INCOME RANGE =' 1975 1.974 11973. 7,300 $ 14,000. $ 13,800 $ 12,751 32,800 30,200 34035 500 300 (Four Men 12:, 000 1 1,,000 1-400C 5,500 5,000. 3,000 64,300 60,000 61,09C 300 280. 401 4,500 4,.300 3:,907 3, 200 3', 017 196 5,000 4,054 5,692 . 5, 000* 2,398 2,136 3,000* 1,781 2,384 1.-,000 1.,,238 -- 2,600 3,658 3,335 4,000 3,_800 5,219 16500 16,000 14,820 600 622 487 $110,000 $101,148 99,86 $266,200 $25.1,771: $239,844 176,395 167,•648 1.70.,,589 89; 805 84,.1;23 &%_255 18,894 19.,946 20,998 8,225 8,575 8,575 27,119 $.28,521 $ 29573 62,686 55,602 39,682 8,545 21,686 115,602 -5,000 -5 AOO - 36,000 35,000 31,137 35,000 35,000 35,000 $ 27,000 $ 27,830 $ 24,923 2,000. 7,300 9,300 9,000 ?.2:,.000 3,000 .400 500 300 300 1,000 13,000 12,800 10,15 14,000 15,030 14,762 OPERATING EXPENSES (CONTINUED) Grill Income Food Beverage Other TOTAL INCOME Less Operating Expenses Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities TOTAL EXP. NET INCOME GRILL NET INCOME OPERATING DEPTS. r 1975 1974 1973 $ 37,900 1.5, 800 300 $ 37,320 15,280 265 52, $ 34,832 14,578 208 49,618 $ 17,500 $ 17,900 $ 18,535 5,000 4,800 3,849 25,500 24,700 25,948 $ 48,000 $ 47,500 $ 48,332 6,000 5,365 1,286 20,000 20,395 16,051 v 1975 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE As the golf course moves along providing a healthful recreational service to the community and striving to constantly improve service, efficiency and appearance, I feel- the following items should be added to the golf course in 1975. Maintenance Hydraulic Truck Dumpster 3/4 Ton Pickup Two Weed Eaters Chain Saw Aeriator Golf Course Two Golf Cars Ball Dispenser $ 2,800.00 4,000.00 500.00 200.00 2,400.00 $ 2,600.00 1,000.00 SUB TOTAL Minus 2 golf cars RECOMMENDED FEE CHANGES FOR 1975 1973 & 1974 Weekday 18 Hole NON Patron 9.0-0 18 Hole Patron 3.00 9 hole NON Patron 2.75 9 Hole Patron 2. 25 Weekend 18 Hole NON Patron 18 Hole Patron 9 Hole NON Patron 9 Hole Patron PAR - 3 Patron Juniors Patron Adults Non Patron - Juniors Non Patron Adults No increases are proposed for the following: Patron Cards "Basic" Golf Car Rental Pull Carts Rental Clubs Range Balls Handicap Service Lockers Respectfully submitted, John Valliere, Business Manager Braemar Golf Course 4.75 3.50 . 3.00 2.50 1.972, 73, 74 $ .75 1.25 1.00 1.75 TOTAL $ 9,900.00 3,600.00 $13,500.00 2,600.00 $10,9 1975 S�+.25 3.25 3.00 2.50 5.00 3.75 3.25 2.75 1975 $1.00 1.50 1.25 2.00 $30.00 8.00 and 4.50 .65 1.50 1.25 and .75 2.75 20.00 and 12.00 Members present: Member absent: Staff present: Others present: SECTION A MINUTES � A) TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING ii Mbi ,RCH 1975 Wayne Bennett Robert.Dunn Gary West Bert Merfeld Greg Luce Adam Batko Fran Hoffman Ray O'Connell, Edina Safety Citizens Council Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. 1. "NO PARKING ANYTIME" restriction on W. 66th St. (north side) from France Avenue to Valley View Road; and Valley View Road (east side) from W. 66th St. to W. 64th St. Police Officer Bongaarts requests a "NO PARKING ANYTD,IE" restriction on the east side of Valley View Road from W. 66th St. to Crosstown Highway #62. Cars are parking along road and there is insufficient width for parking. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Dunn moved that the Committee recommend a "NO PARKING ANYTIME" restriction on the north side of .W. 66th St. from France Avenue to Valley View Road, and the east side of Valley View Road from W. 66th St. to W. 64th St. Mr. West seconded the motion. Motion passed. SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of the request. 1. Florence Hallberg requests a NO RIGHT TURN ON RED restriction for east- bound Crosstown #62 off -ramp at Xerxes Avenue. She cites that allowing right turn on red causes continuous flow of traffic southbound on Xerxes, making it difficult to enter Xerxes from eastbound Heritage Drive. ACTION TAKEN: As it would be more important to favor movement of ramp traffic during rush -hour, Mr. Dunn moved that the Committee recommend denial of the request. Captain Merfeld seconded the motion. Motion passed. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes Page 2 ll March 1975 SECTION C Requests on which the Committee recommends deferral of action or referral to another department. 1. Review the recommended NO PARKING ANYTIME restriction on the south side of Heritage Drive from Barrie Road to Xerxes Avenue. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Luce moved that the Committee defer the matter _until the next meeting and he will review the need for parking on Heritage Drive based on zoning approvals that each development would not need on- street parking. Mr. West seconded the motion. Motion passed. 2. Mr. Glenn Smith, 561+ Sherwood Avenue, requests NO PARKING ANYTIME restric- tion on either west or east side of the street, in addition to existing restriction of NO PARKING 8 -4 ,SCHOOL DAYS.- He contends the street is so narrow when parking is permitted on both sides that a fire vehicle could not get through. Several nights each week there are special activities .at the High School; which means parking congestion on Sherwood Avenue. ACTION TAKEN: After considerable discussion, and this has been an ongoing problem, Mr. Dunn moved that the Committee defer action until the Fire Department completes a study on whether a full -time, one -side parking restric- tion is needed on Sherwood Avenue, Dalrymple Road, and St. Andrews Avenue north of Southview Lane to provide adequate access to homes for emergency vehicles. Captain Merfeld seconded the motion. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Frezun Hoffman, Secretary •�s� w'1� Building Department C t Y of '61L-';Cffr0' In 4001 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 03424 927 -8861 March 6, 1975 Korsunsky Krank Architects 6950 Wayzata P,oulevard Minneanolis, innesota 55426 Attention: *'r. Aeon Erickson, Project Architect Dear ?'r. Frickson: Re: Point of France Regarding the issuance of an Unannroved. Plan permit for further construction, please refer to the attached memorandums from Mr. Hughes, environmental Planner for r.dina, and ;'r. Dunn, our City Engineer. After discussions with tar. Dunn and fir. Hughes, we believe that the problems set forth in their memorandums should he resolved before another construction Permit is issued by this department. I am proceedirq with the plan check and have had a meeting with Mr. Rood regarding the mechanical plans. I relieve that most of the ventilation problems can be resolved without too much diffi- culty. Sincerely, Calvin 11. t'oser. Building_ nfficial Cite of F.dina CH14 : cb encl. Copies to: Mr. Dunn, Cite Engineer Fr. IIughns, Fnvironmental Planner Edina Fire Department March 6, 1975 TO: Cal Moser, Building Inspector FROM: Bob Dunn, City Engineer - SUBJECT: Point of France Development We have had discussions at.various times with Mr. Ron Erickson of Korsensky Krank Architects, Inc., and Mr. Warren White of Consulting Engineer Diversified, Inc..., concerning the details of the relocation of the trunk sanitary sewer lying near the West edge of subject development. At this time we are not sure that relocation of this line'is. considered necessary by.the developer and.have not seen plans in enough - detail to.determine if,.in our opinion, relocation will be required by the City for the protection of the sewer. We have informed the two,above gentlemen previously. and repeat that if the sanitary sewer is to, be relocated a standard Developer's Agreement must bb entered into spelling out the responsibilities of the involved parties and' requiring a bond. assuring that the work will be satisfactorily performed. Robert C.- Dunn.,. R.E. Director of Public Works and•City Engineer RCD : d s cc: Gordon Hughes M. -E -M,O .R A. N U. -M March 6, 1975 MEMO TO: Cal Moser, Building Inspector' FROM: Gordon Hughes, Environmental Planner SUBJECT: Point of France Attached are DNR and Watershed District permits regarding Point of France. Please note that the watershed grading permit expired November I, 1974 and the DNR permit will expire on April 2, 1975. Also note that the reason. given for the shoreline extension on the DNR'perm'it'is for "relocating a sanitary sewer- IIne ". have contacted DNR and Watershed "stafff who both indicated that permit extensions are required for further work and that the permit conditions will. not be satisfied .until the island has been topsoiled and seeded and the shoreline rip- rapped as shown in the plans. recommend the following prior to a building permit extension: I. We require a plan and time schedule for the sewer relocation. If such a relocation is no longer necessary, the developer should show cause why the shoreline f1l] should not be removed. 2. DNR and Watershed permits must be extended. 3. A time schedule for -the completion and rip- rapping,of the shoreline and island must be submitted. KRAUS- ANDERSON of MINNEAPOLIS, Inc. C O N T R A C T O R S 525 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55404 612 - 332-7281 March 5, 1975 Mr. Calvin H. Moser Building Official City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: BUILDING PERMIT POINT OF FRANCE Dear Mr. Moser: During the next 60 day period, Kraus - Anderson intends to continue work on the footings, foundation walls and columns so that the project will be at grade level at the end of this period. Hopefully this will enable us to extend the unapproved plans permit so that we may continue. Sincerely yours, KRA US- ANDERSON OF MINNEAPOLIS, INC. �J� o dow Leslie C. Wal LCW /lam r - RECEIVED MAR i v 1975 KRAUS- ANDERSON of MINNEAPOLIS, Inc. E � C O N T R A C T O R S 525 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55404 612 - 332-7281 February 28, 1975 Mr. Calvin Moser City of-Edina Edina, MN RE: POINT OF FRANCE EDINA, MINNESOTA Dear Mr. Moser: Subsequent to our, meeting this date, I am requesting an extension on our unapproved plan permit. We intend proceeding with foundation work some time next week. I fully understand that a condition of this permit extension is that the building will be completely sprinkled. I wish to thank you for your patience and the time you have spent with us on this project to date. Sincerely, KRAUS- ANDERSON OF MI NEAP IS, INC. Daniel Tanghe DET /lam ECEi 'v LIN[ <.rp pF��` 4 • r 7! �/ % - Kam- V 3 4975 t h ♦J rr i 7 Jack L. Dunn DOCTOR of CHIROPRACTIC March 13, 1975 Mr, Robert Dunn, City Engineer Edina City Hall Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Dunn: We would like to submit an offer for the property at 6444 -46 Xerxes as follows: - PURCHASE PRICE 8619000.00 FINANCING ARRANGEMENTS- (DETAIL) Earnest money check - attached to this proposal 5,000.00 Check to be presented at closing 11,092.21 Contract for Deed with City of Edina 16,092..21. (Contract for Deed to be paid upon sale of -property at 367 Apple Lane, Mpls. owned by J. L. Dunn- -not to exceed 6 mos. from date of closing.) Assumption of Twin City Federal Loan 28,815.59 Contingencies for purchase of property: 1. Assumption of outstanding loan at Twin City Federal. - 2. Commercial zoning to include chiropractic office - -6446 Xerxes. 3. Provision for off - street parking -- additional hard.stand surface for 5 cars. 4. Permission for sign on front of building proportionate to size of structure. 5. 8r� yearly interest on Contract for Deed until paid off. $� 6. Interior painting of both units as outlined in City's pro osal and replacement of torn screens. If above offer is unacceptable, e. return earnest money check within RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ten days. & 4d za, Dr. J.L. Dunn / E�izabeth A. Long, 367 Apple Lane/ 6832 Point Dr. Mpls. Mpls. 361 Apple Lane, Richfield, bfinnrrota 55423 Telephone: 866 -2383 . -W-Fr ND • March 14, 1975 TO: Warren Hyde FROM: Tom Eelena SUBJECT: Award of Sanitary Pickup Bid On Friday, March 14, 1975 the City opened bids on Sanitary Pickup for all City properties including parks. The bids received were as follows; Edina Morningside Sanitation - E 6,876.00 Able Sanitation - $13,109.88 Woodlake Sanitary Service:- $16,000 .00 As a comparison, the final total price for all City properties, excluding parks, for 1974 was $4,995.00 (by Edina Morningside Sanitation). Considering the background of the.companies and the prices, I would recommend award to Edina Morningside Sanitation in the amount of 06,876.00. Tom Melena Administrative Assistant M E M O R A N D U M March 14, 1975 MEMO TO: Council .FROM: Ken Rosland, Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Bicentennial Survey Approval .Enclosed is a copy of the proposed questionnaire to be sent to, various service organization and cloubs in Edina regarding a multi- purpose facility. Mrs. Rosemary Gubrud of the Edina Jr. Federation wi.li be at the meeting to present the proposal and the dollar figure it will cost to put out the question- naire. As you may recall.., this project is one of the 13 Bicentennial events you as_a Council approved several months ago and now it must come -back to you for the. funding. CHAIRMAN Raymond Bechtle SECRETARY Lois Strupp TREASURER Ray O'Connell MEMBERS: William E. Bitter Key Brown Dorothy Conner David Dietrich Dorothy Dunn Rosemary Gubrud Bernice Kenkel Betsy Kuntz Benjamin Larson Adeline Lindboe Joan Lonsbury Mary Ness Ken Rosland Donna Skagerberg Leigh Wakefield Lois Wilder Mary Emma Willson THE EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 March 1975 Dea r As one of its major projects, the Edina Bicentenni,al Commission has chosen to study the question of a multi - purpose facility for the city. It is our purpose to discover the need for and;interestii.n a city facility, if any. Such a physical structure might be called a community.center, a community building or, a civic center. Thy: enclosed questionnaire is being sent to approximately.150 organizations such as yours that operate in Edina. The .study asks about your group's current- activities. It also calls for your ideas about a multi- purpose facility. It should take only 10 -15 minutes far you to complete the questionnaire. It must be emphasized that with only 150 questionnaires in circulation, every response becomes vitally important. The direction of the entire study will be determined by those who do return the forms to the Commission. A summary of the survey will be presented to the City Council. 'That information will also be made available to your organization. Although every attempt has been made to identify organizations in Edina, some may have been overlooked. If you know of some groups that would be especially interested in participating in the study, would you list them on the back of the questionnaire? The Edina Bicentennial Commission thanks you for your time and effort. By completing and returning the questionnaire, your organization be- comes a real participant in the local projects undertaken during the celebration of our country's 200th bjrthday! Please return your completed questionnaire by 1975 A stamped self addressed return envelope is enclosed. Yours truly, Edina Bicentennial Commission enc NEED AND INTEREST STUDY EDINA MULTI - PURPOSE FACILITY INSTRUCTIONS: I. FILL OUT THE QUESTIONNAIRE WITH THE BOARD OF YOUR ORGANIZATION. THE INFORMATION SHOULD REPRESENT A CONCENSUS OF OPINION RATHER THAN THAT OF A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL. 2. PRINT OR TYPE. 3. RETURN THE COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRE IN THE STAMPED SELF- ADDRESSED ENVELOPE PROVIDED. 4. RETURN TO THE EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION BY 1975. NEED AND INTEREST STUDY EDINA MULTI - PURPOSE FACILITY CLASSIFICATION DATA 1. Name of organization 2. Number of members 3.. Place where your organization most commonly meets DETAILED QUESTIONS 4. Please list and describe the activities your group.conducts during the year. Facilities and How Often Do Average = Equipment Needed. You Conduct Activity Attendance For This Activity This Activity I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5. A. What are the financial arrangements for the meeting and activity places you may use during the year? Please list the name of the church, school, restaurant,. etc. How Much Do You Facility Pay Per Use? Annual Cost 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PAGE 2 b. Do you have agreements on how often you can use these facilities? Yes ❑ No [] If yes, what are the agreements? 6. What does your organization like about the facility you use most often? 7. What does your organization dislike about the facility it uses most often? 8. Think about a physical structure called a multi- purpose facility. What features ,or facilities would it have that would be necessary to the functioning of.your organization? (Continue on back, if necessary) 9. All previous questions have dealt with facilities and their effect upon your organization. However, there is a separate issue of a facility that would be good for the community at large. What features do you believe such a facility might have, even if they were not utilized directly by your organization? (Continue on back, if necessary) PAGE 3 10. Given a multi- purpose facility that incorporates the features you have previously described in questions #8 and 9, would your organization use it? Yes ❑ No a. If yes, for what activities? b. How much would you be willing to pay for an upgraded facility? $ Per II. If a multi - purpose facility were available for your use, would there be any change in your organization with respect to:. a. Membership? Same More Other- ❑ Please explain b. Attendance at functions? Same ❑ more Other ❑ Please explain c. Types of f unctions /activities? Same ❑ More ❑ Other ❑ Please explain 12. Additional comments. 13. Name of person filling out this form Title PHONE ..�1..%�' Jd_ DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST $L HALLADAY . DONALD WEST WILLIAM J. HEMPEL 2300 F IRS T NATIONAL B A N K BUILDING FAITH L OHMAN WILLIAM E MARTIN WALDO F. MAROUART JOHN S. MIBBS DAVID A RANHEIM WILLIAM H. HIPPEE, JR. JOHN W. WINDMORST HENRY MALLADAY ROBERT O. FLOTTEN JOHN D. LEVINE M I N N E A P O L I S, MINNESOTA 5 5 4 0 2 ROBERT J. SILVER MAN STEPHEN G. SHANK T JULE M, NANNAFORO ROBERT J. STRUYK WILLIAM R. HIBBS ROBERT A. BURNS ARTHUR S. WHITNEY MICHAEL A. OLSON JOHN D. KIRBY PHILIP F. SOELTER TONI A BEITZ MICHEL A LAFOND RUSSELL W. LINDOUIST LARRY W JOHNSON (612) 340 -2600 WILLIAM B PAYNE BRADFORD L. FERGUSON DAVID R. BRINK THOMAS S. MAY CABLE: DOROW JAN STUURMANS ROGER J. MAGNUSON HORACE MITCH G. LARRY GRIFFITH R A SCHW'ARTZBAUER J. ROBERT MISS$ VIRGIL H. MILL CRAIG A BECK TELEX: 29 - 0605 STEVEN K. CHAMPLIN JAY COOK ROBERT V. TARBOX ROBERT J. JOHNSON DAVID L MCCUSKEY THOMAS 0 MOE TELECO PIER:(612) 340 -2868 DAVID N. FRONEK STANLEY REIN M. B. MASSELOUIST JAMES M_OHAGAN TMOMAS W. TINAHAM JON F. TUTTLE CHARLES L. POTUZNIK PETER DORSEY JOHN M MASON ,1468 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ROBERT AHE1BE RG VERLANE L ENOORF OEN HI$ BURAT TI GEORGE P. FLANNERY CURTIS L ROY MICHAEL W WRIGHT $T. PAUL, MINNESOTA 65101 EMERT W. BARTLE GEORG EANN BE CMER ARTHUR E. WEISBERG LARRY L VICKREY LOREN R. KNOTT (612) 227 -8017 MICHAEL J RADMER RAD ROBERT MOB BINS MOBBIER DUANE F JOSEPH PHILLIP H MARTIN PAUL SCME CURTIS L STINE BARRY PETER HENDRIXSON JAMES B.VESSEY WILLIAM A WHITLOCK REESE C. JOHNSON CHARLES J HAUENSTEIN JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER MICHAEL TRUCANO KICKY MAY E. J. SCHWARTZBAUER CHARLES A. GEER CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 WILLIAM J. KEPPEL JAMES A. FLAOER IRVING WEISER STEPHEN GOTTSCHALK THOMAS M. BROWN JOHN C. ZWAKMAN (612) 448 -4012 WILLIAM A JOHNSTONE THOMAS ELKINS CORN EIJUS D. MAHONEY JOHN R_WICKS WILLIAM E. BROEN THOMAS 5. ERICKSON EUGENE L. JOHNSON WILLIAM P. LUTHER WILLIAM C. BABCOCK MICHAEL E. BRESS JONN W. WINDHORST. JR. MICHAEL PRICHARD 116 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST DOUGLAS D. MCFARLAND OF COUNSEL RAYMOND AREISTER WILLIAM R. SOTH ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 65901 DAVID L BOER NEN DAVID E. BRONSON JOHN J. TAYLOR THOMAS R MANTHEY (607) 288 -3166 ALAN D. GILLILAND LAWRENCE R. OLIVER LEAVITT R, BARKER GEORGE E. ANDERSON BERNARD G. HEINZEN RICHARD G. SWANSON FRANK N. VOIGT ROBERT L. VANFOSSEN March 10, 1975 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Edina City Manager 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: 7124 Mark Terrace Drive. Dear Warren: As you know, there has been an excavation made on the property at 7124 Mark Terrace Drive for some time. No work has been done on the property for at least two years. The Council considered acting on this matter sometime prior to the end of last year but deferred action at the request of the owner, Mr. Liptak, who promised to take out a building per- mit by December 1, 1974, so that he would have a house completed this spring. Mr. Liptak has not taken out any such permit. No permit has yet been given out by Mr. Moser. We did not request action by the Council prior to this time because shortly after December 1, 1974, Mr. George Thomas, an adjoining owner, who has been complaining about this matter, called me to advise me that Rudy Trones expressed an interest in the lot and was going to try to buy it from Mr. Liptak and finish the house. I advised him that if that was the case, there was no need for us to spend time and money in pursuing Mr. Liptak. However, I am now advised by Mr. Thomas that Mr. Trones is not interested, or at least cannot reach Mr. Liptak, and therefore, so far as Mr. Thomas is concerned, we can proceed. If the Council now does wish to proceed, the Council should adopt the enclosed Order and authorize its service upon all the persons to whom it is addressed. These are the persons who must be served to comply with Minn. Stat. §463.25 referred to in the Order. If you therefore wish to pur- sue this matter at this time, I recommend the matter be placed on the Council agenda for authorization of the Order by the Council. V truly yours, , TSE /abc_ T m s . Erickson Enclosures cc: Mr. Calvin H. Moser PM MEMORANDUM TO: Warren C. Hyde, City Manager FROM: Robert C. Dunn, H.R.A. Engineer SUBJECT: Improvement Feasibility Report (1975 HRA -1) 50th and France Commercial Area Improvements The following improvements have been investigated and it has been determined that they are feasible and their construction would be in the best interest and toward the orderly development of the City of Edina: Improvement Estimated Cost Streets, roads, and traffic control devices $ 338,650.00 Pedestrian walks, plazas, and general beautification 383,400.00 Parking lots and ramps 855,309.00 Miscellaneous improvements (underground wiring, etc.) 128,000.00 Land acquisition and relocation 1,066,673.80 Administration 225,000.00 Contingencies 299,703.20 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,296,736.00 v ,15 I hereby recommend that upon acceptance of this report by the City Council on March 17, 1975,, that a public hearing on these improvements be scheduled for April 7, 1975. Respectfully submitted, Robert C. Dunn, P.E. H.R.A. Engineer March 17'01 1975 RCD:ln `Mug w� STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT NO. 5 2055 NO. LILAC DRIVE MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. March 10, 1975 Ms. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 In Reply Refer To: 315 C.S. 2733 (TH 100) Temporary Left -Turn Signal Phases For West 70th Street Dear Ms. Hallberg: Our Traffic Section has reviewed the City's request for left -turn phasing on West 70th Street. The field portion of the review revealed that the controller was malfunctioning. The maximum setting on the controller was not forcing off the mainline green time and resulted in very excessive cycle lengths of four and one -half minutes or more. This condition has been corrected now. Temporary left -turn phasing for West 70th Street would require a new controller) cabinets wiring and conduit and signal heads. This work would cost over $259000 and require at least six months to design and process if it could be worked into our schedule. Once let, it would take at least six months for the equip- ment to arrive and put the additional features in operation. An interchange is programmed to have construction start in the summer of 1976. Once this work is started, the inplace signal will be removed and new signals will be installed at the ramp terminals on each side of the bridge. In additionv some of the traffic presently approaching TH 100 from the west on West 70th Street could use the 77th Street interchange where separate left - turn phasing is available. I am sure the correction of the malfunctioning controller will greatly improve the traffic flow for West 70th Street. If something should happen that the interchange is not constructed as scheduledv we will upgrade the inplace sig- nal to meet new federal requirements. If that should happehp separate left- Ms. Florence B. Hallberg March 10, 1975 Page 2 turn phases for West 70th Street will be included with the upgrading. Sincerelyq W. M. Crawford District Engineer By: R. M. Robinson District Traffic Engineer RMR :kg DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST 8: HALLADAY DONALD WEST IT MAPOUART WILLIAM J. MEMPEL JOHN S. MIBBS 2300 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING FAITH L OMMAN JOHN K JOHN WINDNORST ROBERT O. iLOTTEN DAVID A RANHEIM WILLIAM E. MARTIN WILLIAM M, MIPPEE,JR HENRY NALLADAY JOHN D. LEVINE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 ROBERT J . $ILVERMAN STEPHEN G. SHANK .E M. MANNAFORD ROBERT J STRUYK WILLIAM R. MIBBS ROBERT A, BURNS ARTHUR B. WHITNEY MICHAEL A. OLSON JOHN D. KIRBY TONI A. SEITZ RUSSELL W LINDQUIST LARRY W JOHNSON (612) 340-2600 PHILIP F. WELTER MICHEL A LAFOND DAVID R. BRIM{ HORACE MITCH THOMAS S. HAY G. LARRY GRIFFITH CABLE: DOROW WILL WI B. PAYNE BRADFORD L. FERGUSON VIRGIL N.. MILL TA ROBERT V. TARBOK CRAIG A BECK TELEX: 29 -0605 JAN STUURMANS RA SCHWARTZBAUER ROGER J. MAGNUSON J. ROBERT MIBBS ROSE RTJ.JOMNSON DAVID L MCCUSKEY THOMAS MOE TELECOPIER:(612) 340 -2868 STEVEN K. CNAMPLIN DAVID N. FRONEK JAY COOK M. B. MASSELOUIST JAMES H. OHAGAN THOMAS W. TINKMAM STANLEY REIN CHARLES L. POTUZNIK PETER DORSEY GEORGE P. FLANNERY JOHN M MASON MICHAEL w. WRIGHT 1466 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING JON F. TUTTLE ROBERT A HEIBERG VERLANE L. ENOORF CURTIS L ROY LARRY L. VICKREY ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 EMERY W. BARTLE DENNIS SURATTI GEORGEANN BECKER ARTMUR E. WEISBERG LOREN R. KNOTT (612) 227- 8017 MICHAEL J RADMER ROBERT MOBBINS DUANE E. JOSEPH PHILLIP H MARTIN PAUL SCMEERER BARRY D. GLAZER JAMES B. VESSEY REESE C JOHNSON CURTIS L STINE PETER MENDRIASON WILLIAM A. WHITLOCK CHARLES J HAUENSTEIN JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER NICMAEL TRUCANO NICMY MAY EJ.SCHWARTZ8AUER 7MONAS N BROWN CHARLES A. GEER CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 MILLIAM J. KEPPEL IRVING WEISER CORNELRI$ D. MAHONEY JOHN C ZWAKMAN JOHN R WICKS (612) 448-4012 JAMES A FLADER WILLIAM A. JOHNSTONE STEPHEN GOTTSCHALK THOMAS S. LRICKSON EUGENE L. JOHNSON WILLIAM E. BOOEN THOMAS ELMINS WILLIAM C. BABCOCK JOHN W WINOMCRST. JR. WILLIAM P. LUTHER MICHAEL EBRESS MICHAEL PRICHARD 116 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST DOUGLAS D MCFARLAND OF COUNSEL RAYMOND A,REISTER JOHN J. TAYLOR WILLIAM R. SOTH ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55901 DAVID L. BOEMNEN DAVID E BRONSON BERNARD G. MEINZEN THOMAS R. MANTHEY RICHARD G. SWANSON (607) 288 - 3166 ALAN D GI LLILAND LAWRENCE R. OLIVER LEA ITT R. BARKER FRANK M. VOIGT GEORGE E. ANDERSON ROBERT L VANFOSSEN February 21, 1975 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Edina City Manager 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: School District No. 273 City of Edina Indemnity Agreement Dear Warren: In 1957 the then Village of Edina and then Independent School District No. 17 entered into an Indemnity Agreement. The School District has asked that we review this agreement to see if it shod be continued. a We have reviewed the agreement and have agreed with the attorneys for the School District that it should be continued. It is, however, necessary to have it re- executed because both Edina and the School District have changed their official names. If the enclosed meets with your approval, will you please put this matter on the agenda for the Council's approval and subsequent sig- nature. When the City has signed, I will forward copies to the School District for execution by it. Very truly yours, Th mas S. Erickson TSE: la Enclosure DINA HUMAN RELATIONS COMI4ISSION AGENDA MARCH 18, 1975 - 7 :30 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approve I4inutes of Meeting, February 18, 1975 3. Chair Report 4. Election of Officers and Commission Organization 5. Complaints - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vicki Dale Meredith Hart 6. Sexism Policy - - - - - - - - - - - - Mary Anderson 7. Forum Series - - - - - - - - - - - - - I4imi uleekel We are hoping Rod Branno,,, Community Education Director will attend the meeting The next meeting of the Human Relations Commission will be April.15, 1975• EDINA HUMAN RELATIONS C01-1I4ISSION 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA CITY HALL FEBRUARY 18, 1975 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present'- Members Absent Meredith Hart, Chairman Otto Byhr•e Joel Jennings, Vice - Chairman Bill Fraatz Torre Oye, Treasurer Alan Schroeder Gene Sylvestre, Consultant Mary Anderson Charles Clay Mimi Gleekel Roder Heegaard Vicki Dale The Rev. A. D. D�X,(t4 Art Nelson Guests Marty uates) Hal Rosen )Representatives from HUNGER, Hennepin County Ray Bechtle, Director for Educational Development and Resources, Edina Schools Torre Melena, City Staff Barbara Peterson, League of Women Voters The meeting was called to order at 7 :35 p.m. The Chair introduced Torre Melena, City of Edina staff member, who will be attending Commission meetings. MINUTES A motion was made by Joel Jennings, seconded by Tom Oye and passed unanimously that the minutes of the January 21, 1975 meeting be approved as circulated. CHAIR REPORT AND CIRCULATION OF MAIL The Commission mailed-42 letters to churches and organizations in Edina asking them to appoint representatives to serve on the steering committee of the Third Family Life Workshop. The first organizational meeting is February 22nd. Chair received a letter from Ray Bechtle on February 10th suggesting that the evaluation of the last Family Life Workshop be sent to Edina ministers to show them that the church announcement bulle- tins are an effective way to communicate, and to provide them some additional insight into "the great Edina Hunger Problem-- - the need for family and other human understanding". A motion was made by Roger Heegaard, seconded by Joel Jennings and passed unanimously to condense the evaluation report and mail it to Edina churches. Mr. Bechtle is sending the evaluation report to Edina school principals. Page - 2 CHAIR REPORT... con't. Chair and Gene Sylvestre attended a special meeting of the Cottage Grove Human Rights Commission on February 11th to speak to a group of citizens from the surrounding area about Edina's Family Life ,Workshop.. Members of the Cottage trove Village Council attended. The group is seriously considering putting on a similar workshop in their area. Edina volunteered to help them in any way possible., Enablers has published a new edition of the Catalog, which can be bought for U12..00. Tom Oye volunteered to see if the Catalog is being used and if so, to bring back a recommendation about buying the third edition for the senior high libraries. The annual meeting of the South Hennepin Human Services Council will be Wednesday, February 19th at 7:45 p.m. at Fairview - Southdale Hospital. Tom Ticen, Chairman, Hennepin County Boa d of Commis- sioners, will speak on "The Relative Roles of the County and Municipalities in Human Services ". Chair received a letter from Len Colson, Drug Education Coordinator, Robbinsdale Area Schools, notifying us of an upcoming values workshop in Robbinsdale and saying that he would be willing to conduct a workshop for teachers and community members in Edina if there were twenty participants. Lois Anderson, teacher at Edina West, participated in one of Mr. Colson's workshops and encouraged Mr. Colson to contact the Edina schools and Human Relations Commission. Chair attended the February 17th In- Service Training Session for secondary teachers on Sexism. She attended the workshops on "Your Attitudes Towards Women" and a "Dick and Jane" slide show on stereotyping in textbooks. Chair would like to suggest that the slide show be shown at a community forum session, for schools cannot change attitudes alone. Chair received a letter from Mayor Van Valkenburg on January 28th expressing his disappointment in the action of the Commission regarding the Union 76 station; The Chair and Joel Jennings will meet with the Mayor as soon as he catches up with the work which accumulated during his vacation. Bud Dixon attended the February 4th meeting of the Housing and Re- development Authority when the Union 76 station was discussed. He was pleased with the understanding way the HRA members handled the matter. The Redevelopment Plan was sent back to the drawing boards to see if the station could become a part of the Plan. Chair received a letter written by Senator Humphrey on January 24th thanking us for expressing our opposition to the proposed increase In the cost of food stamps. Page - 3 CHAIR REPORT... con't. Chair received a letter from Don Roberts, Audio - Visual Librarian, Southdale Hennepin County Library, informing us of the equipment available to produce audio and visual tapes, overhead transpar- encies and slide shows, and to do photography and darkroom work. Chair received from Ray Bechtle a list of films and video- cassettes that the school district has purchased for use in classrooms. Community groups can,borrow them by contacting Douglas Hed, Supervisor of Media Services at 927 -9721, ext. 250. The Alive and Trucking Theatre Company will present a musical comedy satire, "Battered Homes and Gardens ", Thursday, February 20th at 7 :30 p.m. at Edina West The next meeting of the Task Force on Legislation, League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions will be at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, February 22nd, 480 Cedar Street, St. Paul. Joel Jennings will attend. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Joel Jennings presented a report from the nominating committee and proposed that the election be delayed a month until the position of chairman or chairwoman could be filled. FOOD PROBLEM IN HENNEPIN COUNTY At 8:00 p.m. Marty Gates and Hal Rosen, representatives of the organization, Hunger, Hennepin County, appeared before the Commission. They described the program which was founded in 1969 to coordinate the work of the ten major foodshelves in Hennepin County. They stated that more and more people are using the food shelves as inflation and unemployment grow. A crisis situation exists for there is as much as a forty -five day wait at the present time for JTeneral Assistance (Relief), and an eight week wait for unemployment compensation. 60% of the two - day food supply is given out to people on a one time basis only. The Commission discussed now it could' help make information about the food shelves and the food stamp program more widely known in our area. Perhaps a central point for the collection of food should be established in Edina. Hun -er, Hennepin County, is about to ask the County for ;;,20,000 in cashfor the support. of the food shelves and X25,000 worth of food.donations. Support from the County would assist the organization in their fund raising efforts with other organizations. A motion was made by Vicki Dale, seconded by Tom Oye and passed unanimously that the Edina City Council be asked to give the Human Relations Com- mission permission to support Hunger, Hennepin County, in their request. Pae - 4 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON SEXIS 1i , EDINA SCHOOLS Meredith Hart discussed the work of the School- Community Task. Force on Sexism jointly sponsored by the School Board and the Human Relations Commission. The Task Force began its work in February, 1974 and had one year to make a report to the School Board and then disband. The Task Force's final recommendations are as follows: 1) Adopt a policy to eliminate sex bias in the school system 2) Institute a continuing program to heighten awareness of sexism in the schools and in society 3) Request the Human Relations committee to monitor implementation of state and federal guidelines on sexism Dr. Lieber, Edina School Superintendent, appointed Ray Bechtle to chair the committee formed to develop a policy to eliminate sex bias in the Edina schools, as recommended by the Task Force. Betty Howard, a,staff member of the State Department of.Human Rights, Virginia Anderson and Marc Reigel, teachers, Fred Richards, Edina City Councilman, Diary Anderson and Meredith Hart have been asked to serve on the committee. HUI.IAN RELATIONS IN THE SCh00LS Mary Anderson reported that the Commission's survey of Human Relations Training in the schools is progressinz well. It is evident that there is a feeling that the schools are being forced to concentrate on human relations, while the rest of the com- munity does not seem to be involved. Meredith Hart and Mimi Gleekel attended the February 4th meeting of the Edina Schools' Human Relations Advisory Committee where it was suggested that committee members work with Human Relations Commission members on the following subcommittees: 1) Community Education Mini- Courses in Human Relations. The courses would be offered at night and would allow citizens to take a course without committing as.much time as the regular Human Relations Courses I and II demand. Charles Clay and I4imi Gleekel volunteered to serve on the committee. 2) Committee to develop a Human Relations III course. A grant to organize the course has been sent to the Minnesota Council on duality Education. The grant, if funded, will also develop criteria for evaluating human relations instructional material. Vicki Dale volunteered to serve on the committee. e Page - 5 HUMAN RELATIONS IN THE SCHOOLS - con't. 3) Committee to apply for a Human Relations Grant from the Minnesota Humanities Commission. Meredith Hart volunteered to to serve on the committee. REPORT FROM LEGISLATIVE TASK FORCE, LEAGUE OF HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONS An emergency kept Charles Clay from attending the last monthly meeting of the Task Force, but the Commission members were given a summary of the legislation the League is supporting in the 1975 Legislature. Support letters from the League were circulated so that Commission members could see the kind of action the League is taking. A motion was made by Joel Jennings, seconded by Roger Heegaard and carried that the meeting be adjourned at 10: p.m. Respectfully submitted Mauricette Brunskill Recording Secretary `w M E M 0 -R A N D U M 'March I4; 1975. MEMO TO: Council FROM: Ken Rosland, Director Park an& Recreation Department' SUBJECT: 1975 Recommended Fees and Charges Enclosed i-s a copy of the recommended,-.Golf Course fees-and-.'.:budget as approved at the March .11, 1975 Park Board meeting. The Park Board recommended the increase in the fees and approved the"1975 capital budget with the exception of the two golf cars. Also attached is the proposed fee. i.nc.reases for the various recreation Programs that the Park Board also °recommended at their March meeting wh+ch -they would like you to adopt. ' 1975.RECOMMENbED.FEES AND CHARGES 1974 1,974 1974 1974 1975 Fee Par. Income Expense Rec. Fee ._ Adult Swim Instruction $7.00 14 $ 98 $ 8..00 _. Swim Lessons for Students 7.00 1,820 12,740 8.00 $ 6,497 -Inst - Synchronized Swimming 7.00 75 525 9,474 -Bus 8.00 2,000 -Pool _. Junior Life Saving 7.00 114 798 $17,97.17Total ,-8.00 Senior Life Saving 7.00 20 140 _- 8.00 Diving 7.00 .148 1,036 8.00 Beginning Competitive Swim .7.00 30 210 8.00 Swim Club 7.:00. 1,25 875 8.00 $16,422 -Total Receipts - *Summer Skating Instruction'•$8.50.or10.00 92 828 $ 414. 8.50/510.0 10,563- Payroll Playground _ 3.00 77t 2,313 2,438 - Supplies 3.00 $13,001 -Total Creative Dramatics 3.00 34 -:- 5000 318 $ 10400 Theater Cl-asses 3:00 72 5.00 $ 2,256 - Payroll Cub �SoftbaI1 4.00 519 2,076 750 - Shirts 6.00 $ 3,006 - Total. - .. *Horseback Riding (Children) 21.00 90 10890 $`A ,800 21.00 Tennis 5.00 698. 3,490 _ 3,200 7.00 - #Archery 10.00. 34 340 306 10.00 *Firearm Safety /Learn to Shoot 12.00 188 2.,256 2,256 12.00 *Day,Camp 13.00 52 676 624 13.00 *Judo 12.00. 20 240 228 12.50 Gun Range 1.50/:1/2 "hr. 2.00/'I/2 hr 2.00 /round - Trap * Expenses directly proportionate to receipts. f �.-- 1975 PROPOSED., BUDGET FOR BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE Proposed Projected Actual 1975 1974 1973 REVENUE Membership Fees $ 23,500 $ 23,530 $ 22,691 _ Green Fees 18 Hole 1.00,000 93,800 94,572 9 Hole 59,000 55,000 49,706 Par 3 34,000 30,943 30,1-9.4 Golf Car Rental 22,000 20,,523 18,114 . Pull Carts and,Club-Rental 3,700 3,687 3,837 Locker Rental 1,000 998 983 Other 3,000 3,040 1,037 Income from Operating Depts. 20,000 20,250 1.6,051 $266,200 $251,771 $237,.1. -85. -_ OPERATING EXPENSES _ Adm i n i -s t ra t i on Salaries and Wages Manager $ 1`3,500 $ 12,300 $ 11,462.. Pro 3,000 3,000 3,000 Rangers and Starters. 6,000 5,916 5,251 Cashiers. and Clerical 12.500 _. 12, .,5Q0 .... 12:J.3A- Total .Salaries and Wages - 35;000 $ -33', 7.1'6. $ 31,­843 Printing 2,000 2,000 2,423 General Supplies 1,000 1,030 773 Insurance and Alarm System 950 900 1,328 Retirement, Insurance E Hospitalization 13,500 13,100 11,160 Travel, Mileage & Training 150 150 Audit 950 950 825 Other (Handicaps) 650 650 1,673 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 5. ,200 $ 52,496 $ 50 -,175 Building - Clubhouse and Pro Shop Salaries and Wages $ 2,000 $ 1,567 $ 5,399 Telephone 4,275 1,225 1,031- Water 120 120 119 Fuel 1,000 _ 806 1,063 - Light and Power 4,400 3,000 3,953 Laundry 300 287 2,122 Less Amount Charge to Grill (2,700) (2,635) (2,486). Repairs to Building. 3 X 000 7,600 6,-154 Insurance 500 500 295 Supplies 2,000 1,625 3,209 Other 300 215 663 TOTAL BUILDING Ctubhouse and Pro Shop 12.,195 14,304 2L,.522 I Maintenance of Course and Grounds Salaries and Wages Superintendent Maintenance Three full Time Men Seven - Ten part time held Overtime Total Salaries & Wages Equipment Rental Telephone Light and Power Fuel Fertilizer and Chemical Sand, Gravel E Blacktop Sod, Trees & Seed Lumber Repairs Supplies Equipment Operation Other TOTAL HAINTENANCE COURSE & GROUNDS TOTAL INCOME (Including Net Operating Dept) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES INCOME AFTER OPERATING EXPENSES INTEREST ON BONDS INTEREST ON LOAN - LIQUOR FUND TOTAL INTEREST Income Before Depreciation Provision for Depreciation Liquor Fund Payment NET INCOME BONDS RETIRED *Includes Materials for 1975 Rebuilding Program of Tees and Greens Range Income OPERATING EXPENSES Supervisor Part Time TOTAL WAGES Golf Balls. 'Supplies Tractor Repairs Ball Dispenser TOTAL RANGE BUDGET NET INCOME RANGE 1975 1974 1973 $ 14,000 32,800 12,060 5,500 $ 13,800 $ 12,751 30,200 34,339 (Four Men 11,000 11,000 5,000 3,000 64,300 5 60,000 $ 61,090 300 280 401 4,500 4,300 3,907 3,200 3,017 396 5,000 4,054 5,692 5,000* 2,398 2,136 3,000; 1,781 2,384 1,000 1,238 -- 2,600 3,658 3,335 4,000 3,800 5,219 16,500 16,000 14,820 600 622 487 $110,000 $101,148 $ 39,869 $266,200 176,395 89,805 18,894 8,225 27,119 62,686 21,686 5,000 36,000 35,000 $ 27,000 2,000 7,300 $251,771 167,648 84,123 19,946 8,575 2$,521 55,602 15,602 5,000 35,000 35,000 $ 27,830 $239,844 170,589 69,255 20,998 8,575 $ 29,573 39,682 8,545 31,137 35,000 $ 24,923 9,300 9,000 212,000 3,000 400 500 300 300 1,000 13,000 12,800 T 10,15 14,000 15,030 14,762 - OPERATING. EXPENSES (CONTINUED) . 1975 1974 1973. Grill Income Food $ 37,900 $ 37,320 $,34,832 Beverage 15,800 15,280 14,5.78... Other -300 265 208 TOTAL INCOME 549000, 52,865 49,618 - Less Operating Expenses Personal Services $ 17,500 $ 17,900 $ .18,535 Contractual Services 5,000 4;$00.'. 3,849 Commodities 25,500 24, 700 25-, 9'48- TOTAL EXP. 4B4O00 $ 47,500 $ 48,332 NET INCOME GRILL 6,000 5,365 1,286 NET INCOME OPERATING DEPTS. 20,000 20,395- 16,051 { 1975 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE As the golf course moves along providing a healthful recreational service to the community and striving to constantly improve service, efficiency and appearance, i feel the following items should be added to the golf course in 1975. Maintenance Hydraulic Truck Dumpster 3/4 Ton Pickup Two Weed Eaters Chain Saw Aeriator Golf Course Two Golf Cars Ball Dispenser $ 2,800.00 4,000.00 500.00 200.00 2,400.00 $ 2,600.00 1,000.00 SUB TOTAL Minus 2 golf cars RECOMMENDED FEE CHANGES FOR 1975 _ 1973 s 1974 Weekday 18 Hole NON Patron $4.00 18 Hole Patron 3.00 9 hole 11011 Patron 2.75 9 Hole Patron 2,25 Weekend 18 Hole NON Patron 18 Hole Patron 9 Hole NON Patron 9 Hole Patron PAR - 3 Patron Juniors Patron Adults Non Patron - Juniors Non Patron Adults No increases are proposed for the following: Patron Cards "Basic" Golf Car Rental Pull Carts Rental Clubs Range Bails Handicap Service Lockers Respectfully submitted, John Vailiere, Business Manager Braemar Golf Course 4.75 3.50 . 3.00 2.50 1972, 73, 74 $ •75 1.25 1.00 1.75 TOTAL $ 9,900.00 3,600.00 $13,500.00 2,600.00 $10,900.00 1975 $q-.-25 3.25 3.00 2.50 5.00 3.75 3.25 2.75 1975 1.00 1.50 1.25 2.00 $30.00 8.00 and 4.50 .65 1.50 1.25 and .75 2.75 20.00 and 12.00 r� �lj; �`� Mr. Robert Dunn, Edina City Hall Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Dunn: City Engineer T - I T Jack L. Dunn DOCTOR of CHIROPRACTIC March 13, 1975 We would like to submit an offer for the property at 6444 -46 Xerxes as follows: PURCHASE PRICE $619000.00 FINANCING ARRANGEMENTS (DETAIL) Earnest money check attached to this proposal. 59000.00 Check to be presented at closing 110092.21 Contract for Deed with City of Edina 169.092..21 (Contract for Deed to be paid upon sale of property at 367 Apple Lane, Mpls. owned by J. L. Dunn- -not to exceed 6 mos. from date of closing.) Assumption of Twin City Federal Loan 28,.815.59 Contingencies for purchase of property: 1. Assumption of outstanding loan at Twin City Federal. 2. Commercial zoning to include chiropractic office - -6446 Xerxes. 3. Provision for off - street parking -- additional hard.stand surface for 5 cars. 4. Permission for sign on front of building proportionate to size of structure. 5. 8V. yearly interest on Contract for Deed until paid off. 6. Interior painting of both units as outlined in City's proposal and replacement of torn screens. If above offer is unacceptable, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED return earnest money check within ten days. � 367 Apple Lane, Richfield, Minnesota 55423 v "z� Yr�'�J' . L. Dunn / Eizabeth A. Long 367 Apple Dane/ 6832 Point Dr. Mpls. Mpls. Telephone: 866 -2883 February 13, 1975 Lanvesco Corporation of America Mr. Calvin H. Moser Building Official 207 Shelard Plaza Village of Edina Minneapolis 4801 West 50th Street Minnesota 55426 Edina, Minnesota 55424 Area 612 546 -4465 Re: Point of France: Unapproved Plan Permit issued 8 -22 -74 and Building Permit I -90 issued 3 -22 -74 Dear Mr. Moser: We herewith respectfully request an extension of the following permits: 1. Building permit I -90 until September 1, 1975. 2. Unapproved Plan Permit and plan check fee deposit until April 18, 1975. I am sure you can appreciate that the past year has been a very trying one not only for Lanvesco Corporation of America, Inc. but generally for all real estate developers throughout the country. Due to adverse economic conditions resulting in very tight money supply it has been very difficult for us to complete the financing for Point of France in a time frame even reasonably close to that which we had hoped for. _This has resulted in sky rocketing costs for the project, time delays, and a general need to review the project and make the necessary changes. Fortunately, we have found that virtually every governmental agency, financing institution, and supplier that we have come in contact with has been understanding and most helpful in these very trying times. I am happy to financing for Point attempting to compli connection with the overall project. I extreme hardship to report that it now appears that the of France is committed and we are now ate the final details not only in financing but in connection with the can assure you that it would be an us to be called upon to again pay the Stanley M. Taube, President SMT :psc cc: Warren Hyde Greg Luce Tom Erickson Kraus- Anderson of Minneapolis Korsunsky -Krank Architects Page Two Lanvesco Corporation plan fee in the approximate amount of $4,000 in view America of all the other additional costs that we have had to of incur due to the delay. Accordingly, in the hope that we 207 Shelard Plaza have not caused you an unreasonable amount of incon- Minneapolis venience we would hope that the original fee that was paid will cover the costs of the services that must be Minnesota 55426 rendered by the Village of Edina. Area 612 546 -44e5 Obviously, we would suffer an even greater hardship and, in fact, it would be impossible to proceed if we were not permitted to continue to maintain the structures that are on the site. It is doubtful that we will have model apartments available for inspection by the.public prior to September 1, 1975. It is very difficult to sell units without model apartments. It would be virtually impossible to do so without the benefit of a display center such as we have on the site at the present time. I assure you that we have spent a great deal of money in an effort to construct buildings that are attractive both on the exterior and the interior. Accordingly, we would sincerely appreciate your cooperation and understanding in granting our request for an extension until September 1, 1975. If any additional information or elaboration is needed, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, LANVESCO CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC. Stanley M. Taube, President SMT :psc cc: Warren Hyde Greg Luce Tom Erickson Kraus- Anderson of Minneapolis Korsunsky -Krank Architects Dear Mr. Moser: We herewith respectfully request an extension of the following permits: 1. Building permit I -90 until September 1, 1975. 2. Unapproved Plan Permit and plan check fee deposit until April 18, 1975. I am sure you can appreciate that the past year has been a very trying one not only for Lanvesco Corporation of America, Inc. but generally for all real estate developers throughout the country. Due to adverse economic conditions resulting in very tight money supply -it has been very difficult for us to complete the financing for Point of France in a time frame even reasonably close to that which we had hoped for. _This has resulted in sky rocketing costs for the project, time delays, and a general need to review the project and make the necessary changes. Fortunately, we have found that virtually every governmental agency, financing institution, and supplier that we have come in contact with has been understanding and most helpful in these very trying times. I am happy to financing for Point attempting to compl, connection with the overall project. I extreme hardship to report that it now appears that the of France is committed and we are now ate the final details not only in financing but in connection with the can assure you that it would be an us to be called upon to again pay the Lanvesco : Corporation -of America 207 Shelard Plaza . Minneapolis - Minnesota 55426 Area 612 546 -4485 Page Two plan fee in the approximate amount of $4,000 in view of all the other additional costs that we have had to incur due to the delay. Accordingly, in the hope that we have not caused you an unreasonable amount of incon- venience we would hope that the original fee that was paid will cover the costs of the services that must be rendered by the Village of Edina. obviously, we would suffer an even greater hardship and, in fact, it would be impossible to proceed if we were not permitted to continue to maintain the structures that are on the site. It is doubtful that -we will have model apartments available for inspection by the public prior to September 1, 1975. It is very difficult to sell units without model apartments. It would be virtually impossible to do so without the benefit of a display center such as we have on the site at the present time. I assure you that we have spent a great deal of money in an effort to construct buildings that are attractive both on the exterior and the interior. Accordingly, we would sincerely appreciate your cooperation and understanding in granting our request for an extension until September 1, 1975. If any additional information or elaboration is needed, please feel.free to contact me. Very truly yours, LANVESCO CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC. Stanley M. Taube, President SMT:psc cc: Warren Hyde Greg Luce Tom Erickson —Kraus- Anderson of Minneapolis _Korsunsky -Krank Architects Area 612 546 -4485 Re: Point of France: Unapproved Plan Permit issued 8 -22 -74 and Building Permit I -90 issued 3-22 -74 Dear Mr. Moser: We herewith respectfully request an extension of the following permits: 1.- :Building permit I -90 until September 1, 1975. 20 Unapproved Plan Permit and plan check fee deposit until April 18, 1975. I am sure you can appreciate that the past year has been a very trying one not only for Lanvesco Corporation of America, Inc. but generally for all real estate developers throughout the country. Due to adverse economic conditions resulting in very tight money supply ` -it has been very difficult for us to complete the financing for Point of France in a time frame even reasonably close to that which we had hoped for. _This has resulted in sky rocketing costs for the project, time delays, and a general need to review the project and make the necessary changes. Fortunately, we have found that virtually every governmental agency, financing institution, and supplier that we have come in contact with has been understanding and most helpful in these very trying times. I am happy to financing for Point attempting to compl, connection with the overall project. I extreme hardship to report that it now appears that the of France is committed and we are now ate the final details not only in financing but in connection with the can assure you that it would be an us to be called upon to again pay the Lanvesco Corporation of America 207 Shelard Plaza Minneapolis Minnesota 55426 Area 612 546 -4485 Obviously, we would suffer an even greater hardship and, in fact, it would be impossible to proceed if we were not permitted to continue to maintain the structures that are on the site. It is doubtful that we will have model apartments available for inspection by the public prior to September 1, 1975. It is very ..difficult to sell units without model apartments. It would be virtually impossible to do so without the benefit of a display center such as we have on the site at the present time. I assure you that we have spent a great deal of money in an effort to construct buildings that are attractive both on the exterior and the interior. Accordingly, we would sincerely appreciate your cooperation and understanding in granting our request for an extension until September 1, 1975. If any additional information or elaboration is needed, please feel free to contact me. Page Two plan fee in the approximate amount of $4,000 in view of all the other additional costs that we have had to incur due to the delay. Accordingly, in the hope that we have not caused you an unreasonable amount of incon- venience we would hope that the original fee that was paid will cover the costs of the services that must be rendered by the Village of Edina. Very truly yours, LANVESCO CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC. Stanley M. Taube, President SMT:psc cc: Warren Hyde Greg Luce Tom Erickson Kraus- Anderson of Minneapolis Korsunsky -Krank Architects :iarc11 2J, 1475 Dr. Ralph Lieber, Superintendent Edina School District 273 4660 W. 77th St., Edina, I-d 55435 Dear Dr. Lieber: Enclosed herewith are two copies of the Indemnity Agreement between the School District and the City, which Agreement was approved by the tdina City Council on March 17., 1975. Will you please sae that the Agreement is executed by the proper School District officials and return one executed eppy tb,me ?. Yours very truly, City Clerk enclosure DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST & HALLADAY DONALD WEST WALDO F. MAROUART WILLIAM J. JOHN S. MIBBS BBS 2300 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING FAITH LOMMAN JOHN W WINDHORST HENRY RALLADAY JULE ROBERT 0. FLOTTEN JOHN D. LEVI NE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA S S 4 O 2 DAVID A RANHEIM ROBERT J. SILVERMAN WILLIAM E MARTIN WILLIAM H. HIPPEE,JR. STEPHEN G. SHANK M. MANNAFORD ARTHUR B, WHITNEY ROBERT J STRUYK MICHAEL A. OLSON WILLIAM R. XIBBS 6 ROBERT A BURNS RUSSELL W. LINDQUIST DAVID R, BRINK LARRY W. JOHNSON (612) 340-2600 JOHN D. KIR PHILIP F. BOELTER TONI A SEITZ MICHEL A LAFOND MORACE MITCM THOMAS S, HAY G. LARRY GRIFFITH CABLE: DOROW WILLIAM B. PELT JAN STUURMANS BRADFORD L. R L.FER FERGUSON U VIRGIL M. HILL ROBERT V TAR BOX CRAIG A BECK TELEX: 29 —0605 RA SCMWARTZBAUER ROGER J. ROBERT MIBBS ROBERT J. JOHNSON DAVID L McCUSKEY THOMAS O, MOE TELECOPIER :(612) 340 -2666 STEVEN M. CHAMPLIN DAVID N. FRONEK JAY COON M. S. HASSELOUIST PETER DORSEY JAMES H- OHAGAN THOMAS W. TINKRAM STANLEY REIN CHARLES L POTUZNIK GEORGE P. FLANNERY JOHN M MASON MICHAEL w. WRIGHT 1468 W —FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING JON F. TUTTLE ROBERT A HEIBERG VERLANE LENDORF CURTIS L. ROY ARTHUR E. WEISSERG LARRY L. VICKREY $T. PAUL, MINNESOTA 66101 EMERY BARTLE DENNIS BURATTI GEORGEANN BECKER DUANE E. JOSEPH LOREN R, KNOTT PHILLIP H MARTIN (612) 227— 8017 MICHAEL J RADMER ROBERT HOBBINS JAMES B. V SET WILLIAM REESE C. JOHNSON PAUL SCHEERER CURTIS L STINE BARRY O.GLAZER PETER HENDRIXSON A WHITLOCK E J. SCMWARTZBAUER CHARLES J HAUENSTEIN JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER MICHAEL TRUCANO KICKY MAY THOMAS M BROWN CHARLES A GEER JOHN C. ZWAKMAN CHASKA MINNESOTA , SOTA 56318 WILLIAM J. KEPPEL IRVING WEISER CORNELIUS O. MAHONEY JOHN R. WICKS (612) 448-4012 JAMES A FLADER WILLIAM A JO XNSTONE STEPHEN GOTTSCHALK THOMAS S. ERICKSON EUGENE L. JOHNSON WILLIAM E. BOOEN THOMAS ELKINS WILLIAM C. BABCOCK MICHAEL E. SRESS JOHN*. WIND HORST. JR. WILLIAM P. LUTHER RAYMOND A REISTER MICHAEL PRICXARD WILLIAM 115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST DOUGLAS D MCFARLAND OF COUNSEL JOHN J. TAYLOR R. SOTH THOMAS R. ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 56901 DAVID LBOEHNEN DAVID BRONSON BERNARD G , XEINZEN MANTHEY RICHARD G. SWANSON (507) 286 -3166 ALAN D GILLILAND LAWRENCE R. OLIVER LEA ITT R- BARKER FRANK N. VOIGT GEORGE E. ANDERSON ROBERT L VANFOSSEN February 21, 1975 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Edina City Manager 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: School District No. 273 City of Edina Indemnity Agreement Dear Warren: In 1957 the then Village of Edina and then Independent School District No. 17 entered into an Indemnity Agreement. The School District has asked that we review this agreement to see if it should be continued. We have reviewed the agreement and have agreed with the attorneys for the School District that it should be continued. It is, however, necessary to have it re- executed because both Edina and the School District have changed their official names. If the enclosed meets with your approval, will you please put this matter on the agenda for the Council's approval and subsequent sig- nature. When the City has signed, I will forward copies to the School District for execution by it. TSE: la Enclosure Very truly yours, T2Aa s S. Erickson EDINA CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 17, 1975 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL CKN-OV E-DGL'%+FNT of significant contribution, made to development of Edina by descendents of St. Patrick - Councilman C. Wayne Courtney. I. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - Presentation by Director of Public Works. Spectators heard. If Council Wishes to proceed, action by Resolution Ordering Assessment. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Street Improvement No. C -113. York Ave..South of Yorktown Addition. (Continued from February 24, 1975) II. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. First Reading requires offering of ordinance only. A. First Reading 1. Folke Victorsen (The Timbers) R -1 Residential District to PRD- -5 Residential District (Generally located on the Southwest corner of Gleason Road and the Crosstown Highway). .(Continued from February 24, 1975) III. AWARD OF BIDS Tabulation and Recommendation by City Manager. Action by Motion. A. Maintenance Materials (Sand, Rock and Bituminous Materials) B. Refuse Pickup from City Properties C. Swimming Pool Filtration Equipment..Installation and Pool Renovation IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS TO DETERMINE IF CERTAIN BUILDINGS ARE "UNSAFE" WITHIN M1EANING OF ORDINANCE NO. 471 Affidavits of- Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Fire Department and Building'Official. A. 5109 W. 50th Street - Biltmore- -Lanes Bowling Alley B. 7651 -97 Washington Ave. S. - Edina Office and Production Center (Continue to April 7, 1975) V. COINNU.NICATIONS A. State Highway Department - Left Turns at 70th and Hwy 100. VI. RECONDOTDATIONH AND REPORTS A. Crime Prevention Activities - Officer Mancel Mitchell B. Bicentennial Commission Plans - Proposed Survey C. Open Excavation Order - 7124 Mark Terrace Drive D., Improvement Feasibility Report -- 50th & France Commercial Area,(1975 HRA =1) E. Pledge Agreement between City and HRA F. Indemnity Agreement - City and School District No. 273 G. "Point of France" Permit Extension Request H. Sale of Double Bungalow - 6444 -46 Xerxes Ave. I. License Renewals 1. Southdale Bowling Alley 2. Beer License Renewals - List J. St. Louis Park Water Surcharge K. State PCA Pollution Control Proposals L. Park Department 1975 Recreation Fees and Charges M. Park Board Representative on Environmental Quality Commission N. Traffic Safety Committee 0. Park Department Authorization to pu 'rchase-Pi,ckuF, P. Human Relations Commission Q. Open Meeting Law i VII. ANY OTHERS WHO DESIRE HEARING BEFORE COUNCIL VIII. FINANCE A. Claims Paid: Motion of , Seconded by , for payment of the following claims per pre -list dated March 17, 1975: General Fund, $120,200.66; Construction Fund, $9,007.04; Park Funds, $ 36,161.50; Water Fund, $ 6,343.37: Liquor Fund, $ 185,529.17; Sewer Fund, $ 2,661.14; Total $ 359,902.88