HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-16_COUNCIL MEETINGs AGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL- MEETING JUNE 16, 1975 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL MINUTES of May 19 and -.28, 1975, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of seconded by HISTORIC PRESERVATION AWARD - Minnesota Historic Society RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE - Roy H. Peterson C. J. Danens I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Pre- sentation by City Manager and'Engineer. Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution Ordering Improvement. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Morningside Area Improvements 1. Street Improvement.No.. P -BA -204 2 Storm Sewer Improvement No. P -ST.S -144 3. Sidewalk Improvement No. P -S -11 B. Storm Sewer Improvement No., P -ST.S -143 - Easement Line between 4620 and 4622 Bruce Ave. C. Street Improvement No. P -A -175 - Malibu Drive extended North from Parkwood Knolls 15th Addition, and Westerly to Lincoln Drive (Continued from 2/3/75) D. Street Lighting Improvement No. P -L -12 (Informal Hearing) 1. France Avenue from Crosstown Highway to South City Limits 2. Valley View Road from Crosstown Highway to France Ave. 3. West 66th Street from Valley View Road to Xerxes Avenue 4. West 69th Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue 5. York Avenue from W. 66th Street to W. 69th Street II. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON ZONING MATTERS Presentation by Planning Department. Spect- ators heard. First Reading requires offering of Ordinance only. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote for Concept Approval. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. A. First Reading.and Concept Approval 1. Village Development Company (Edina Green) - East of County Road 18 and South of Malibu Drive - R -1 Residential District to R -2 Multiple Residential District and PID Planned Industrial District (Continued from Z -75 -2 (4/30/75) B. Second Reading 1. Ordinance No. 811 -A61 - Allowing off - street parking requirements to be met by use of public parking in the Commercial District, under certain conditions (4/30/75) III. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVALS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed,.action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Edina Green - East of County Road 18 and South of Malibu Drive (Continued from 6/2/75) S -74 -13 (4/30/75) B. Victorsen's Timberview Addition - located generally at the Southwest corner of the Crosstown Highway and Gleason Road S -75 =14 (5/28/75) C. M.P. Johnson's'Prospect Hills 3rd Addition - :North of Kemrich Drive, South of Lee Valley Circle and East of Fleetwood Drive S -75 -6 (5/28/75) D. Warden Acres- Austin Replat - located generally South of Grove Street and East of Johnson Drive S -75 -7 (5/28/75) E. Heather Hill - located' generally North of Vernon Avenue and East of Heather Lane S -75 -10 (5128/75) IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON STREET VACATIONS Presentation by City Engineer. Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote with petition of majority of abutting property owners. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote-to pass if less than majority of abutting property owners sign petition or if no petition is presented. A. Lincoln Drive in proposed Edina Green (Continued from 6/2/75) B. Valley View Road between W. 64th Street and Crosstown Highway (Cont. from 6/2/75) V. AWARD OF BIDS Tabulations and Recommendations by City Manager. Action of Council by Motion. A. $1,000,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds B. Street Lighting C., Fire, Vandalism and Malicious Mischief Insurance �:une 16, 1975 Agenda Page Two VI. COMMUNICATIONS A. Gary Lyall - Resignation from H.R.A. B. Mrs. -Carl Rice - City Policies C. Petitions 1. Richard G. Taplin - Sound Barrier Wall - T.H. 100 ' 2. Ornamental Street Lights East side Tamarac Ave. between Vernon Ave. and Aspen Road D. Ms. Eddleson, Keller, LaBissoniere - Escort Services Ordinance VII. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Utley Park Hockey Rink - Continued-from 6/2/75 (Continue to 7/7/75) B. France Avenue from Crosstown Highway to W. 70th St. - Preliminary Plan Approval (Continued from 6/2/75) C. Dutch Elm - Oak Wilt Policy (Continued from 6/2/75) D. Federal Revenue Sharing Use (Continued from 6/2/75) E. Acquisition of Outlot 1, Edina Parklands G. Land Use Density H. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of 6/11/75 I. Bicentennial Commission Appointment J. Bloomington Annexation K.. Lot 1, Block 1, Muir Woods Connection Charges - SS -257 and WM -218 L. Planning Commission 1. Final Plat Approval— Graytower Estates (S- 74 -15) M. Inland Construction Company - Findings and Order VIII. RESOLUTIONS A. Legislative Redistricting ANY OTHERS WHO DESIRE HEARING BEFORE COUNCIL X. FINANCE Claims paid. Motion of , seconded by , for payment of the following claims as per Pre- List: General and Revenue Shar- ing, $39,202.20; Construction Fund, $261,402.80; Park Funds, $21,821.30; Water Fund, $13,412.05; Liquor Fund, $209,697.47; Sewer Fund, $1,636.77; Improvements, $677,692.97; Total, $1,224,865.56 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, two men who, by their separate business activities, were greatly responsible for the successful development of many areas of.':_;- the City of Edina during its formative period; and WHEREAS, the men were close personal friends, business associates, and hunting and fishing partners, and fellow horse - lovers; and WHEREAS, Mr. Roy H. Peterson, a member of the Edina Planning Com- mission from January 25, 1964, to February 21, 1966, and the devel- oper of many of Edina's excellent residential sections, including Birchcrest, Braemar Hills and The Heights subdivisions, died suddenly on June 5, 1975; and WHEREAS, Mr. C..J. "Sonny" Danens, who, as President of J. A. Danens & Son,. Inc., conducted one of Edina's first and most widely known businesses and did many of the largest earth - moving projects in this area, including the building of Braemar Golf Courses and the excavation for Southdale Center, died while undergoing surgery on June 9, 1975; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT'RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, on behalf of all the citizenry, that deepest sympathy be expressed to the family of Roy H. Peterson and to the family of C. J. "Sonny" Danens, and that the sincere appreciation of the community be recorded for the significant roles that Mr. Peterson and Mr. Danens played in the development of Edina; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Edina City Council and that appropriate copies be transmitted to Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Pamela Peterson Phillips, Mrs. Danens and Daniel Danens. ADOPTED this 16th day of June, 1975. Mayor RESOLUTION s 1. QUALIFICATIONS FOR VOTER REGISTRATION To qualify to register to vote, a citizen must: 1. Be over 18 years of age by day after Election (5/21/75) 2. Be a citizen of the United States 2. Have resided'in Minnesota for 20 days. ELECTION CALENDAR MAY 20, 1975 SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTION DATE DUTY LAW April 25, 28, 29 City offices open until 9:00 p.m. for voter 201.091 and registration April 26 City offices open from 10:00 a.m, to 4:00 p.m. for voter registration April 29 Voter registration closes until Election,Day 201.061 May 19 Last day for application for absentee ballots 107.03 May 20 School District Election Registration Reopens 201.061 1. QUALIFICATIONS FOR VOTER REGISTRATION To qualify to register to vote, a citizen must: 1. Be over 18 years of age by day after Election (5/21/75) 2. Be a citizen of the United States 2. Have resided'in Minnesota for 20 days. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE i $1,000,000 TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT•BONDS CITY OF EDINA (HENNEPIN COUNTY), MINNESOTA These Bonds will be offered Monday, June 16, 1975, 7:00 o'clock P.M., C.D.T. at the City Hall in Edina, Minnesota, on the following terms: DATE, MATURITY AND INTEREST The Bonds will be dated June 16, 1975, and will mature December 16, 1975. Interest will be payable at maturity. TYPE AND PURPOSE General obligation, no attached interest coupons, in $100,000 denominations, issued under the authority of Chapters 429 and 475, Minnesota Statutes. Prior to or on the - maturity date, the City will issue definitive Improvement Bonds, the proceeds of which shall be used as necessary to pay the Temporary Improvement Bonds. PAYING AGENT Principal and interest will be payable at the office of the City Treasurer, in the City Hall of Edina, Minnesota. DELIVERY On June 23, 1975, subject to the unqualified approving legal opinion of Messrs. Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay, of Minneapolis,. Minnesota, and customary closing papers, including a statement of non - litigation. Bond printing and legal opinion will be paid by the Issuer. Delivery will be at a place of the Purchaser's choice. Payment must be made in Federal Funds, or equivalent immediately available funds, on day of delivery. TYPE OF BID Sealed bids.for not less than par and accrued interest on the principal sum of $1,000,000 from the date of the Bonds to date of delivery must be filed with the undersigned prior to time of sale, together with a certified or cashier's check in the amount of $20,000., payable to the -order of the Treasurer of the Issuer, to be retained as liquidated damages if the bidder fails to comply with the accepted bid. TABULATION OF BIDS TAKEN 30 MAY, 1975 * Recommend award to Mutual Agency all risk policies of $5,000 /Deductible for all City properties and $100 /Deductible for liquor store properties. ALL CITY PROPERTY (EXCEPT LIQUOR). LIQUOR STORE PROPERTIES COMPARATIVE TOTALS Basic Bid 1000 /Ded 5000 /Ded asic Bid 100 /Ded 10O0 /De d 1000 /Ded 1000 /Ded A11 Risk ' Deductible All Risk Deductible Al1.Risk FIRM INSURANCE COMPANY 100 /Ded 1000 /Ded All Risk All Risk 100 Ded '1000 Ded 11 Risk is Brandow, Howard Aetna Casualty Ins. Co. $14,145 $11,507. $12,550 $12,076 $3,370. $2,769 $4,182 $3,442 $14,276 $15;319 $15,518 $16,258 Kohler E Rosenbloom and Surety. Roger Hennessy Agency United States 20,978 No Bid No Bid No Bid 5,013 No Bid 5,013 No Bid N/A N/A N/A N/A Fire Ins. Co. No Company Named 11,852 No Bid No Bid No Bid 2,343 No Bid 2,343 No Bid N/A N/A N/A N/A Marsh E McLennan Iowa National 14,590 12,968 14,662 1:3,433 4,410 3,940 4,410 3,940 16,908 N/A N/A N/A Nordstrom S'Larpenteur Mutual Calvert Fire 13,125 11,181 12,100 10,813 1,836 1,580 2,092 1,772 12,761 13,872 12,585 12;905* Mutual Agency Ins. Co. * Recommend award to Mutual Agency all risk policies of $5,000 /Deductible for all City properties and $100 /Deductible for liquor store properties. April 14, 1975 ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FIRE. VANDALISM & MALICIOUS VISCHIEF INSURANCE Sealed bids for furnishing insurance policies of fire coverage as -shown on the attached bid sheets will be received at the office of the City Clerk, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota, until 11 :00 A.M.', Friday, May 30, 1975. Any bids received after that time may be rejected. Bids must contain a complete description of the coverage to be 'provided, giving the name of the Insurance Company .•rriting the policy, which company must be authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota with the approval of the Commissioner of Insurance. All bids must be accompanied by a 10w bid bond. Bids must be printed or written in ink, addressed to the Edina City Clerk and marked on the envelope "Bid for Insurance ". Envelopes must also bear the name of the person or firm by whom the bid is submitted. The City of Edina reserves'the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or any part of any bid, for whatever is deemed the best interests of the City. FLORENCE B. HALLBERG City Clerk CITY -OF EDINA.- '11INNESOTA. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Ex2lanation to Bidders: Any. explanation regarding the meaning or inter- pretation of specifications must be requested in writing with sufficient allowance of time for receipt of reply before the time of bid opening. Any such .explanations or 'interpretations -shall be ,made-in the form of addenda to' "the documents and shall,,be furnished to all bidders who shall submit all addenda with their bids. Oral explanations and interpretations made prior to the bid opening shall not be binding. 2. Bidders Underst&ading Bidders -'to inform" themselves as they deem neces- sary should visit the proper City properties to ascertain by inspection pertinent local conditions. The ,City shall :make . available to all pro- spective bidders. previous to the receipt of bids,. information that it may have as to items to be insured. Such information shall be given, however, as the best - factual information available without the assumption of responsibility for its accuracy or for any conclusions that the bidder might draw therefrom.. 3. Bid Requirements: The bidder, at his .option, shall furnish a cash deposit, certified check, or cashier's check as. security in the amount required. Security deposited by unsuccessful bidders will be returned as soon as practicable after the opening. Ir required, bids shall be submitted on the forms provided by the City. Any corrections to .entries made on bid forms should be initialed by -the person signing the bid., Quotations may be made on any or all type of insurance requested. Quo- tations should be itemized and applicable rates should .be indicated. Annual premium payments and the total premium for the three year period should be shown. Bidders understand that if awarded the insurance, the policy shall comply as to form with the; specifications which. the proposal. is intended to fulfill Bidders further understand that if policy fails to' comply with specifications, that cash-(or other acceptable deposit) may ,,be forfeited. 1+.. Reports, :; Successful bidders will. be required. to submit annual reports on loss experience to the Director of Finance. CITY OF .EDINA, ,MINNESOTA GENERAL INFORN:ATION (Cont'd 5. Withdrawal of Bids:---Bids-may be withdrawn at any time prior.-to opening -- upon written or telegraphic request of the bidder. Negligence on the part of the bidder in preparing his bid shall not constitute a right to with- draw bid subsequent to.the bid opening. -6. Award of Insurance Contract; The Insurance "Contract will'be awarded to a . responsible bidder deemed by the City Council to be submitting the bid the most favorable to the City as'soon as practicable after the bid opening; however, the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities in bidding, and to accept any bid deemed in the best interests of the City. 7. Errors and Ornissions 'Insurance A certificate to the,`City of errors "and . omissions insurance must accompany_the.bid_of:.all commission agents and brokers. Minimum limit acceptable l5CO,000.00.. Certificate must show the insurer; limit, .. and ° - deductibles,. FORM OF POLICY: TYPE OF COVERAGE: SPECIFICATIONS for PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE Public and Institutional Property. The coverage of this policy shall include fire, extended -- coverage -and vandal- ism -,— and -- malicious - mischief-_- Coverage_ includes all city owned buildings and structures and their contents excepting the municipal liquor stores. The amount of insurance shall be 90jo of the insurable values listed. It should be noted that items marked with an asterisk must have earthquake coverage. EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 1975 ,..LOSS EXPERIENCE: During the period between July 1, 1964 and April 1, 1975 there was one loss in the amount of 1,16,442-76. REPORTS: The successful bidder shall be required to submit a loss report at the end of each fiscal year. PROPERTY TO BE A schedule of city owned buildings and contents is COVERED: attached. ALTERNATE A ALTERNATE 712.: ALTERNATE #3: There shall be an alternate bid for all.risk coverage. Deductibles of $100, 511000, $5,000 and $25,000 shall be quoted in the bid. Liquor stores cannot be covered under Public and Institu- tional Property Insurance and therefore will be quoted separately as an alternate. 1) This is on a replacement cost.basis. PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF FIRE, EXTENDED-COVERAGE, VANDALISM AND MALICIOUS MISCHIEF COVERAGE OF CITY PROPERTIES CITY OF EDINA City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street: Building Contents Public Works Building, 5146 Eden Avenue: Building Contents - -- Braemar Club House, 6364 Dewey Hill Road Building Contents Caddy Shack; 6364.Dewey Hill Road: Building Contents Maintenance Building-Braemar Golf Course: Building Contents Range Building,. 6364 Dewey Hill Road: Building Contents Braemar Ice Arena, 7501 County Road 18: Building Contents Braemar Ice Arena East, 7501 County Road 18: Building Contents Outside Compressor Building, 7501 County Road 18: Building Contents Recreation Building, 4115 Grimes Avenue: Building Contents Machine & Repair Building, 4115 Grimes Avenue: Building Contents Estimated 1975 Replacement Value Notes 8920,000 150,000- 660,000 55,000 242,000 27,000 5,000 2,000 11,500 4,000 4,000 6,500 590,000 160,000 282,000° 120,000 100,000 100,000 40,000 4,000 5,000 1,500 Swimming Pool Filter & Bath House, 66th St.& Valley Building View: 200,000 Contents 25,000 Sanitary Sewer Lift Station, 4400 West 72nd St.: Earthquake -- 3 -year Annual Premium Building 90,000 Contents. 55,000 PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR INSURANCE COVERAGE OF CITY PROPERTIES, page.2 Estimated-1975 Replacement Value Notes * Tracy Avenue Lift, Tracy & Warden: Ear qu e- -year ua remium Building 8 109000. Contents 45,000 House,- 6000 Olinger Road: Building 17,000 Storm Pumping Station, 5800 Normandale Road: Building - -- 50,000 - Contents 75,000 Pumping Stations: Woodale -4521 West 50th Street: Building 909000 Contents 75, -000 Halifax -5233 Halifax Avenue: Building 342000 Contents 27,000 Southview- -Lane- Southview Lane & Concord: - Building 181:000 Contents 201000 -Concord -5901 Ruth, #2 Plant: Building 73,000 Contents 190,000 Southdale -69th & France: Building 24000 Contents 20,000 Sherwood -5241 Sherwood Road: Building 20,000 Contents 20,000 Brookview Heights -6600 Ridgeview Drive: Building 279000 . Contents 20,000 Hansen Road -5.904 Hansen Road: Building 24,000 Contents 24,500 76th-Street-4500 West..76th Street: Building 1011000 Contents 150,000 Tower Pumping House -5901 Ruth: Building 15,000 Pump .10;000 #3 Filter Plant -72nd & Kellogg: Building 40,000 Contents 180,000. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR INSURANCE COVERAGE W CITY PROPERTIES, page .3 Estimated 19 ?5 Replacement Value Notes Yorktown -7305 York: Building 30,000 Contents 40,000. Golf Course -6500 Dewey Hill Road: Building Contents Alden Park -6721 Second Street: Building Contents Mirror Lakes -5005 Lakes Drive: Building Contents Creek Valley -6001 Gleason Road Building Contents":. Pamela Park -5900 Park .Place: Building - Contents Watertowers: Concord -5844 Concord: Southdale -69th & France: Creek Valley -6305 Gleason Road: * Underground Structures: * Water Reservoir -7000 Dublin Road: *Swimming Pool & Filter Plant -66th St.& Valley. View: * Gas. Tanks -5146 Eden .Ave. So.(40,000 gal.): Tanks Contents * City Shop Tanks -5146 Eden Avenue: Tanks Contents * Danen Building Tanks-5146 Eden Avenue: Tanks Contents * Lease Tank -5241 Eden Avenue: Building Tanks Contents * Hot Asphalt Storage -5146 Eden Avenue: Tank Contents Grange Building, 4924 Eden Avenue: Cahill School Building, 4924 Eden Avenue: 64,000 20,000 101, 000- 148,000 68,500 20,000 70,000 47,000 101,000 27,000 282,000 430,000 510,000 Earthquake -- 3 -year Annual Premium 672,000 450,000 25,000 15,000 10,000 4,000 10,000 4,000 70,000 50,000 5,000 35,000 7,000. 16,000 7,000 PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR INSURANCE COVERAGE OF CITY House;_ 4709 West 70th Street: Building Contents Storage Building, Rear 4705 West 70th Street: Building Parking Ramp, 4050 West 51st Street: Building Office.& Storage, 5106 Brookside Building Contents Dwelling & Private Garage, 5120 Brookside: Building Contents Gun- kange, 7600 Braemar Boulevard: Building Contents . Fire Station, 6250 Tracy Avenue: Building_ Contents Park Shelter Buildings: Beard Park: Building Contents Chowen Park: Building Contents Cornelia School Park: Building Contents Highlands Park: Building Contents Normandale: Building Contents Countryside: Building Contents Braemar Park Baseball Control Building: Building Contents * Includes Earthquake Coverage PROPERTIES,,page 4 Estimated 1975 Replacement Value Notes 8 77,000 10,000 6,100 Earthquake -- 3 —year Annual Premium 470,000 235,000 20,000 68,000 3,400 60,000 7,500 405,000 20,000 45,000 1,000. 2,300 200 2, 300 _x- 200 45,000 1,000 45,000 1,000 45,000 1,000 -62,500 2,500 PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF FIRE, EXTENDED COVERAGE, VANDALISM AND MALICIOUS MISCHIEF COVERAGE OF CITY OF EDINA PROPERTIES (Liquor Stores) * Maximum Amount Monthly Stock, 1974 Recommended Coverage 1 Term -3 Years - Annual Deductible E100 1 $1.000 15 000 S25 $105,000 30,000 225,000 245,000 60,000 I 285, OCO I 150,000 60,000 235,000 Total Present Co- Insurance Coverage Percent-. 50th Street Liquor Store,3922 W.50th St.: Building $ 96,000 9M Contents 26,000 90% .Stock Reporting 220,000 ** Stock Reporting Form Limit 225,000 Reporting Rate_ Yorkdale Liquor Store,6801 York Ave. So.: Building 216,000 900 Contents 30,000 90% Stock Reporting 240,000 �* Stock Reporting Form Limit 285,000 Reporting Rate Grandviela Liquor Store,5013 Vernon Ave.: Building 136,000 90% Contents 60,000 90% Stock Reporting 197,000* Stock Reporting Form Limit 235.,000 Reporting Rate * Maximum Amount Monthly Stock, 1974 Recommended Coverage 1 Term -3 Years - Annual Deductible E100 1 $1.000 15 000 S25 $105,000 30,000 225,000 245,000 60,000 I 285, OCO I 150,000 60,000 235,000 Total CITY OF EDINA PROPOSAL FIRE, VANDALISM & MALICIOUS r'JSCHIEF INSURANCE Edina City Council Bids Opened City of Edina Edina City Hall Edina, Minnesota 55424 11 :00 A.M. May..30, 1975 Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including the advertisement for bids, general contract conditions and detailed.spedifications of file.in the office of the City Clerk, and hereby proposes to furnish the following coverage, in accordance with the contract documents for the prices listed below: 3�Year Premium Basic .Bid including Earthquake Alternate # #1 Alternate # #2: $1,000 Deductible $5,000 Deductible $25,000 Deductible Annual Installment Premium Basic`'Bid including Earthquake Alternate # #1 t1,000.Deductible $5,000.Deductible $25,000 Deductible Bids must contain a complete description of the coverage to be provided, giving the-name of the Insurance Company writing the policy, which company must be authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota with the approval of the Commissioner of Insurance. All bids must be accompanied by a 1C bid bond. Bids must be printed or written in ink, addressed to the Edina City Clerk and marked on the envelope "Bid for Insurance ". Envelopes must also bear the name of the person or firm by !,hom. the bid is submitted. The City of Edina reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or any part of any bid, for whatever is deemed the best interests of the City. Authorized Signature Title Firm Name Address City State Zip Telephone June 3, 1975 Mr. James Van Valkenburg Mayor City of Edina - 4801 West 50th St. Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Jim: It is with sincere reluctance that I send this letter confirm- ing my resignation from the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority. My resignation is made necessary by the fact that I am moving from Edina to accept a new job'with the American Can Company in Greenwich, Connecticut. I have certainly enjoyed my year and a half tenure on the H.R.A. lam. thankful both for the confidence you placed in me by appoint- ing me to the H.R.A. and for the chance to serve the City of Edina. I hope my- service was constructive and worthy of the charge of that office. Sincerely, ry B_e,,jt;yall Mr Van Valkenberg . & ASSESSOR CITY OF EDINA 4 801 We st 5 Ot h st Edina MN 55424 -- -_ - --- - - - - - --- -- - - - - - -- - -- Sir-s; Edina is almost'filled to capacity..I think that the assessor'z office should maintain lower taxes. By forcing people to pay more taxes they spend less for other things. By forcing small lots the deterioration has already_ -begun..-What a---shame the new houses crushed _together, bathrooms eye to eye. Some departments especially the village planning for houses could -be _.e_liminated._.- 'And_ I believe too your village hall should be thinned out. `.'You could get along with less people. The POLICE is a very efficient department... W ork hard and are alert. I'm sure too the fire department is also efficent. Neither of these departments sho.ild, be cut.. Maybe the citizens 'are not alert enough. Guess we better keep a better eye -on what goes on in our government . - -- - - - -- - - - - -- .._ -Thank you for your _attention, -- ---- -_.. - - - -- — - . 6/10/75 - Copy to Kent Swanson - - - - -- - -- -- _._fbh - - - -- -- Mrs_ - Carl. -O -Rica — — 5113 Schaefer road Minneapolis,Minnesota 55436 L aune iotn, lyi7 F Dear Ms. Sch midt, Please forgive mistakes as I am not a typist but I am an Edina resident and a business woman. I read in the Star of your meeting on banning escort service, etc., in Edina. Congratulations! I am sending this directly to you in the hone you -may be able to read it at the next meeting. I think the Edine• council should be cogniz- ant of what is taking place on the "Strip ", a name now commonly attributed to 494. Occasionally I visit the local night spots with two other young women who live in this vicinity. lie are single, discriminating, but not adverse to meeting other peonle like ourselves who enjoy dancing and conversation. However of late, perhaps even since Bloomington's licensing ordinance.we have noticed a tremendous in- flux of Hennepin Ave. The class of people is changingralmost over- night, very drastically-and very fast'. Steps should be taken immed- iately if 494 is not to become the second Hennepin Ave. I mean this - with all sincerity. As an examnle, we rather liked the Liw Cantina as the music, in the oast, was not such hard rock and the crowd more mature. It' suddenly was overrun with prostitudes and the class of neonle started to change drastically. The former security guard seemed to have Veen made manager and was too busy to notice the crowd. One particular Wed. night, the last time we were ever in there, several colored men who appeared to be forerunners for the black girls came in first and shortly thereafter the nrostitudes started coming in. The first bartender, a short stocl,t7 man with a mustach, in his late th_rti•,c or forties, pointed cm`. the men to thr_m. 17.cevidently wns fettln7 r* cut. You.ask how I knew who they,were.. I used to work at he '"oue' club and they were the same-girls we had to throw out-Just about every evening. 0 At,-the Nic].let South , another place we used to ccnsider a reputable place to go,they have a different'type of girl working the place. You can go in the bar or-sit by the dance floor cnt`.e first floor•any•nlght after-nine or-ten and watch them o-erate. This group is more surnrising�. They' range from- fourteen to about twenty - four -and are country types in-blue jeans and faded wri ^':led blouses. You -do not believe it at`first until you watch therr. . They-come-in pairs or singly: Walk through very-rapidly; If they do not'see a likely prospect they do not even stop but'if they spot what they are-looking for-they move in-fast'ard leave before you,even know what is going--on. This, we find, is the new breed. We•consider ourselves rice girls. We are not'going back to an'Y place on the '"Strip" until it is cleaned un. This includes all of them- The-Registry, Webster's, etc. The Teft' %yard has been full of prostitudes. Since eighteen became the legal are all of this has doubled. t So if you do not want thispart of tcun to become another Hennepin-Aire. I suggest''all of you act NOW. Crce t!e7 have brought them in from all over the country-and they have ts':en over it "will be impossible to get them out. Sincerely, Susan Eddleson Nan Keller Marylyn La Bissoniere Why..is it City Nanagers always seem -so interested in getting licensed Drostitution (saVna parlors) into the area? If they do come in one method of discouraging :ahem is to aromise -them a photogranher will be posted outside the door (night and- day)vto photograph every one going.iri.r // - June 12, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO: Fire Chief Robert Buresh FROM: Assistant Chief William Feck SUBJECT: Traffic on France Avenue for Emergency Vehicles During the past week I have had the opportunity to talk with a majority of the members of the Fire Department concerning the traffic problem on France Avenue from Crosstown south to Highway 494. It is the general consensus of the group that between the hours of approximately 1600 to 1800 hours, the traffic is so congested that the members will do just about anything to select an alternate route. The fact that there is no rhyme nor reason as to the coor- dination of all the stop lights, only adds to the congestion problem. A solution to this problem would be greatly appreciated by this department. WBF /dd l STATE OF IIIIIIESOTA BEFORE JON UEFALD COtRITY OF P,A:iSEY C012USSIOIIER OF AGRICULTURE In the matter of the Proposed Amendments of Pules and Regulations of the Department of Agriculture Relating to Shade Tree Disease NOTICE OF BEARING Control,,Part A, Chapter 4, Agr 101 to 106, and the addition of pules for Administration of the Grants -In- - Aid Program. - Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1974, Section 15.0412, in the above entitled matter in P.00m 83, ground floor, State Office Building, Saint Paul, Itinnesota, July 10, 1975, commencing at 10 a.m., and continuing until all persons have had an opportunity to be heard concerning adoption of the proposed amendments to existing rules and rules for the administration of the grants -in -aid program as captioned above and as established'by Laws 1975, Chapter 253, by submitting either oral or written.data, statements.or arguments. Statements may be submitted without appearing in person at the hearin ;. The" commissioner proposes to adopt rules amending Regulations Agr 101 through 106, relating.to the Shade- Tree.Disease- Control _._ Progran and to add new regulations relating to the granting of aid to eligible, qualified applicants authorized by Minnesota Statutes 1974, Section 18.023, as amended by Laws 1975, Chapter 253. A copy of the proposed and amended regulations is enclosed. . Additional copies may be obtained by writing to the Office of the Commissioner, 420 State Office Building, Saint.Paul, iinnesota 55155, and copies will be available at the door on the date of the hearing. DATED: June 6, 1975 STATE OF 11INNESOTA o Jo efald Coissioner of Agriculture Whard( EDINA 0 WAYZATA • MOUND COON RAPIDS • SHAKOPEE a APPLE VALLEY COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL REALTOR4 PURCHASE AGREEMENT FORM APPROVED BY GREATER MINNEAPOLIS AREA BOARD OF REALTORS(8) (FEBRUARY, 1973) June 2, 19 75 RECEIVED OF CITY OF EDINA! C the sum of ----Only One and No /100 - - - - -- ( S 1.00 ) DOLLARS check as earnest money and in part payment for the purchase of property Check, Cash or Note —State Which) at (See Legal Description) situated in the County of Hennepin State of Minnesota, and legally described as follows, to -wit: Outlot 1, Edina Parkland Qa ennepin County Minnesota. Subject to restrictions, reservatio easements of record, if any. all of which property the undersigned has this day sold to the buyer for the sum of: - - - -- Fifteen Thousand and No/100 ----- which the buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: (S 15,000.00 ) DOLLARS, Earnest money herein paid S 1 . 00 and S 1 J,9_q _ 00, cash, on Dece a►- I - I Q7 �, , the date of closing.. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that in its opinion, based upon an appraisal donE by the Edina City Assessor's office for real estate tax purposes, that the fair market value of the property is $30,000, and further, acknowledges that the amount of $15,000 being the difference between the purchase price herein stated and such fair market value, is a contribution by the seller to it. This sale is contingent upon the passage of a bond issue planned by The City of Edina for September 23, 1975. If the bond issue should fail to pass, this contract shall,at the option of the buyer, be null and void, and all earnest money shall be refunded to the buyer. If the bond issue fails to pass, and the buyer decides to proceed with the purchase, they shall give written notification to the buyer on or before October 7, 1975. 5-;u r,t to performance by the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver a Warranty Deed cvnNana; marketable title to said premises subject only to the following exceptions: (a) 5u:iding and zoning laws, ordinances, State and Federal regulations. (h) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of premises without effective forfeiture provision. ' (c) Reservation of any minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota. td) Utility and drainage easements which do not interfere with present improvements. (e) RIGHTS OF TENANTS AS FOLLOWS: Tae buyer shall pay the real estate taxes due in the year 19 -aand any unpaid installments of special assessments payable herewith and thereafter, except otherwise provided herein. Seller covenants that buildings, if any, are entirely within the boundary lines of the property and agrees to remove all personal property not included herein and all debris from the premises prior to possession date. The seller further agrees to deliver possession on date Of c 10 S i n Q provided that all. conditions of this a.reement have been complied with. In the event this property is destroyed or substantially damaged by fire or any other cause before the closing date, this agree - r:ent shall become null and void, at the purchaser's option, and all monies paid hereunder shall be refunded to him. The buyer and seller also mutually agree that pro rata adjustments of rents, interest, insurance, utilities and any other operating en—enses, shall be made as of The seller, shall, within a reasonable time after approval of this agreement, furnish an. abstract of title, or a Registered Property Abstract certified to date and to include proper searches covering bankruptcies, and State and. Federal judgement and. liens. The buyer s :all be allowed I0 days after receipt thereof for examination of said title and the making of any objections thereto, said objections to be made in writing or deemed to be waived. If any objections are so made the seller shall be allowed 120 days to make such title ._: ietable. Pending correction of title the payments hereunder required shall be postponed, but upon correction of title and within 1Q days after written notice to the buyer, the parties shall perform this agreement according to its terms. If said [itle•is not marketable and is not made so within 120 days from the date of written objections thereto as provided. this 2�7eement shall be null and void, and neither principal shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other principal. All money there - trfore paid by the buyer shall be refunded. If the title to said property be foumd marketable or be so made within said time, and said t_;•er shall default in any of the agreements and continue in default for a period of 10 days, then and in that case the seller may ter - r_.ir.ate this contract and on such termination all the payments made upon this contract shall be retained by said seller and said agent, as th>_ir respective interests may appear, as liquidated damages, time being of the essence hereof. This provision shall not deprive eiL.-er party of the right of enforcing the specific performance of this contract provided such contract shall not be terminated as a.fore- said, and provided action to enforce such specific performance shall be commenced within six months after such right of action shall arse. It is understood and agreed that this sale is made subject to the approval by the owner of said premises in writing and that the -�ersigned agent is in no manner liable or responsible on account of this agreement, except to return or account for the earnest money paid under this contract. It is understood that seller;;0X1W has 14 days to accept the terms and conditions of this purchase agreement. :::e delivery of all papers and monies shall be made at the office of: ��T HBHRSI►RDT I, the undersigned, owner of the above property, do hereby approve the above agreement and the sale'thereby made. (F, - 4 " , j-- & (SEAL) ALLI D REAL _CO., A Co- Partnership (SEAL) By -`ry�� t Agent I hereby hggatl ptTt'ctiasTgt;'� AI�p- y t'orthe price and upon the terms above mentioned and subject to all conditions here- in expressed. uyer SEAL) �I,Y OF EQIPlA (SEAL) Buyer -- - - - -- r - f Members present: Staff present: Others present: SECTION A ' MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 10 JUNE 1975 9:00 A.M. Wayne Bennett Adam Batko Robert Dunn Greg Luce Bert Merfeld Gary West Fran Hoffman Glenn Smith, 5614 Sherwood Avenue Lois Coons, Edina Citizens Safety Council Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. 1. Split Recommendation: (A) NO PARKING ANY TIME restriction on the east side of Sherwood Avenue; NO PARKING 8 AM - 4 PM SCHOOL_ DAYS on the west side of the street. (B) NO PARKING ANY TIME restriction on the east side,of Dalrymple Road; NO PARKING 8 AM - 4 PM SCHOOL DAYS on the west side of the street. (C) NO PARKING ANY TIME restriction on the east side of St. Andrew's Avenue; NO PARKING 8 AM - 4 PM SCHOOL DAYS on the west side of the street. Proposal by Traffic Safety Committee to restrict parking on the east side of Sherwood Avenue, Dalrymple Road, and St. Andrew's Avenue. This proposal is based on fire and public safety emergency access to above -named streets. The City Council has returned this proposal for reconsideration. ACTION TAKEN: After considerable discussion on the reasoning of the proposed restriction and the effect of the restrictions on the residents, the streets will be treated individually. However, the following individual recommendations are based on the Committee's belief that a lane be kept open for fire and emergency vehicles which is not always possible due to snow accumulation and cars parked on both sides. Mr. Glenn Smith, 5614 Sherwood Avenue, expressed an opinion that all residents on Sherwood were very much in favor of original proposal. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes 10 June 1975 SECTION A (cont'd) Page 2 Mr. Luce moved that the Committee recommend approval of NO PARKING ANY TIME restriction on the east side of Sherwood Avenue and the NO PARKING 8 AM - 4 PM SCHOOL DAYS remain as currently posted., Captain Merfeld seconded the motion. Motion passed: Chief Bennett moved that the Committee recommend approval of a NO PARKING ANY TIME restriction on the east side of Dalrymple Road and NO PARKING 8 AM 4 PM SCHOOL DAYS restriction on the west side of Dalrymple. Road per residents' petition. Mr. Luce seconded the motion. Motion passed. Chief Bennett moved that the Committee recommend approval of a NO PARKING ANY TIME restriction on the east side of St. Andrew's Avenue and a NO PARKING 8 AM - 4 PM SCHOOL DAYS restriction on the west side of St. Andrew's Avenue to prevent student parking which will be forced there by restrictions on Sherwood Avenue and Dalrymple Road. Mr. Luce seconded the motion. Motion passed. 2. Resolution to Edina School Board for consideration of providing more on -site parking for students. Mr. Glenn Smith, 5614 Sherwood Avenue, requests that the City request the school system investigate alleviating the present student parking inconvenience caused by lack of on -site parking. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Dunn moved that the Committee recommend that the Council send a resolution to the Edina School Board requesting con - sideration on the on- street parking problem at the Edina East Campus as part of their re- examination of the Edina school system. Mr. Luce seconded the motion. Motion passed 3. Resolution to Minnesota Highway Department to close road access to Highway -.`100 at Hibiscus -- public safety hazard. Mrs. Lawrence, 5521 Wilryan, requests consideration on closing the road access to Highway 7IT100 at Hib.iscus. She states that during rush -hour vehicles will come out of the uncontrolled access for south- bound 7#100 and drive south in the northbound lanes attempting a merge. into the southbound lanes. She was almost in a head -on collision recently as a result of this type of maneuver. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Dunn moved that the Committee recommend to the Council.that a resolution be sent to the Minnesota Highway Department request- ing closure of the road access to Highway x100 at Hibiscus as a public safety hazard. Captain Merfeld seconded the motion. Motion passed. n Traffic Safety Committee Minutes Page 3 10 June 1975 Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of the request. 1. Mr. A. Montgomery, 6628 Parkwood Road, requests a STOP sign or YIELD signs for Biscayne Boulevard at Londonderry Road. He cites need for control as Biscayne Boulevard drivers are not heeding rules of road at uncontrolled intersection. Accidents:. 0 -1974, 1975 ACTION TAKEN: Captain Merfeld moved that the Committee recommend denial of the request as warrants for control are not met; and traffic volumes are very low, allowing for normal rules of road operation. Mr. West seconded the motion. Motion passed. 2. Mrs. Porter, 5528 Code Avenue, requests STOP signs for Code Avenue at West 56th Street, making it a 4 -way STOP intersection. She cites need to control speed and sight problems with hill on Code Avenue. Accidents: 0 -1974, 1975 ACTION TAKEN: Chief Bennett moved that the Committee recommend denial of the request as warrants for a multi -way (4 -way) STOP are not met, and conditions may change with opening of roads on Highway #100 west frontage.road in the fall. Mr. West seconded the motion. Motion passed. 3. Mr. George Fulford, 6321 Loch Moor Drive, requests STOP signs at Mark Terrace and.Loch Moor Drive. He cites speeding on Mark Terrace Drive and sometimes on Loch Moor Drive. Also, petitioner is not sure what is needed, but STOP signs have been mentioned as there have been many near- accident situations. Accidents: 0 -1974, 1975 ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Luce moved that the Committee recommend denial of the request as warrants are not met; and, if a STOP sign were installed on Loch Moor Drive at Mark Terrace Drive, it would only serve to increase the speeds on Mark Terrace Drive. Mr. West seconded the motion. Motion passed. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes 10 June 1975 SECTION B (cont'd) Page 4 4. Mrs. Grace Lindsay, 5520 Interlachen, Apt. -#3, requests a SLOW CURVE sign on Interlachen Boulevard for westbound traffic coming around curve from Vernon Avenue. She cites pedestrians have a hard time crossing street. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Luce moved that the Committee recommend denial of an. additional SLOW CURVE sign, as the existing CURVE sign is adequate and vehicles can drive curve at posted 30 MPH. Mr. West seconded the motion. Motion passed. 5. Mrs. Sharon Nordquist, 4812 Townes Road, requests DEAF CHILDREN AT PLAY signs for Townes Road between West 48th Street and West 49th Street. She has a small son who has a hearing loss and occasionally he gets in the street on his bike. She is concerned he will not hear approaching vehicles. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Dunn moved that the Committee recommend denial on the basis of generating a false sense of security. Captain Merfeld seconded the motion. Motion passed. SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. 1. Mr. James Maetzold, 4921 Ridge Road, asked that the City investigate the parking on Interlachen Boulevard between Blake Road and Ridge Road. He complains about parking on both sides of Interlachen just east of Schaefer during summer months because of a swimming pool at one of the homes in that area. tie said that parking on one side is bad enough, but that occasionally 'they park on both sides of the street and then it is a traffic hazard. Many bicycle riders use this route according to the complainant. ACTION TAKEN: Captain Merfeld moved that the Committee defer the matter.until the zone officer can complete a study on parking problems on that street. Mr. West seconded the motion. Motion passed. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes Page 5 10 June 1975 2. Mrs. James Weinert, 5125 signs. in Arden Park area and playing area is not Accidents: 0 -1974, 1975 ACTION TAKEN: Juanita, requests STOP, YIELD or SLOW CHILDREN to control speed. She is concerned that park identified. Mr. Luce moved that the Committee refer the matter to Tom Melena and Fran Hoffman on the park identification signing as Arden Park is not now identified. Mr. West seconded the motion. Motion passed. 3.. Mrs. Dorsey, 4609 Browndale Avenue, requests a traffic signal for the library crossing on West 50th Street. She feels it is unsafe for children to cross in its present condition. The request was held one month for further investigation. Attached is a memo from G. Hite on crossing problem. ACTION TAKEN: After Mr. Hoffman presented a verbal proposal of redesigning the library crossing and signalization, Mr. Dunn moved that the Committee defer action until a study of alternate crossings is completed. Mr. West seconded the motion. Motion passed. 4. Mrs. Richard Sheehan, 4308 Philbrook Lane, requests investigation of crosswalk and signing for off -ramp of Crosstown #62 at Valley View Road. She is concerned that bicyclists bound for the swimming pool cannot safely cross at this point. , ACTION TAKEN: Chief Bennett moved that the Committee defer any action on changing the present arrangement until further study can be completed by zone officers and others. Mr. West seconded the motion. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Fran Hoffman, Secretary Edina Traffic Safety Committee . .- October 31, 1968 memo to: November 4 File Re: Library Pedestrian crossing Warren Hyde has most of the background information relating to the pedestrian crossing on `Nest 50th Street in front of the new Edina Public Library. Attached to this memo are the pedestrian counts taken over the last two weeks of September between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. These counts will be needed in the process of evaluating the type of permanent pedestrian crossing protection to be provided. It seems obvious from these counts that we would be unable to satisfy the warrants for signalized pedestrian crossings as established in the Uniform Sign Manual for the State of ..innesota. Nevertheless, some protection will be necessary . and we - cannat - continue indefinitely with the use of patrolmen as this is costing about $10.00 per day. We have suggested to the Council that final consideration of the permanent protective device should await the completion of the plans for the West 50th Street and T.H. #100 interchange which plans will include a signalized intersection just west of the Village Mall. It would seem that it would be possible.'to extend this signalization down to the Library crossing at considerably less cost than it would be to install a separate system at this time. In addition to the need for protection of pedestrians in front of the Librart7, the increasing traffic on tlest 50th Street would suggest that there rzay also be a need to provide an opportunity for vehicles to enter the West 50th Street flow from the driveway opening located in front of the Library. Whatever device might be installed to assist pedestrian crossings right be so designed to serve the dual purpose of permitting this vehicle access.:" George C. Hj to Director of Public Works and Engineering C-CH : rh cc: Warren C. Hyde RESOLUTION ISO. A RESOLUTION OUI`LII ,G RLDISTRICTIiiG CRITERIA TO BE USED BY'''iiE HIIRTEP71N COUN'T'Y BOARD OF C0;4II.SSIONERS WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners is directed by the laws of the State of Minnesota to redistrict itself by July 15, 1975 and to increase its membership to seven, and WHEREAS the'Population Distribution in the County is currently 45.2% Minneapolis and 54.8% outside of Minneapolis and County Commissioner Districts should reflect this population distribution, and - WHEREAS there are differences in needs and problems existing in the different communities in the County, WOW THMIMRE BE IT RESOLIM that the City of Edina ur8es the Commissioners of the County of Hennepin to conform to Chapter 576 of the Las of Minnesota, 1974 which states that "Each district shall be composed of contiguous territory as regular in form and as nearly equal in population as practicable" BE IT FURTHER RESOLED that in conforming to the State Statute above mentioned, the Commissioners of Hennepin County adopt the following suggestions as fair equitable guidelines for its redistricting responsibilities and decisions: 1. Except for Minneapolis, where precinct lines shall not be crossed, each Hennepin County Municipality shall be fully contained within one of the commissioner districts. 2. The seven districts shall be distributed into...three Wholly suburban districts, three districts wholly within Mianeapolis (plus St. Anthony) and. one district which is wholly rural. 3. Each district shall reflect common community interests and needs and shall ignore partison political considerations, y Adopted: ie , y _ V�ly d.Pti .2 yor F.' ATTEST: // c e Clerk �w Mayor Pro T Manager E. F. ROD B. ]R. E/4 =moo PHONE 348 -3084 C-OMM13SIONER BOARD OF HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 2400 GOVERNMENT CENTER MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55487 June 10, 1975 Board of Hennepin County Commissioners 2400 Government Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55487 emen: 3'IIe.Ticen proposal for redistricting apparently has met near - unanimous "Opposition from suburban elected officials. We have not heard from A nneapolis officially. Redistricting appears to be city - suburban ao aeti -ion. _cutrently, Minneapolis population is 45.25$(1970 census) of the county 'total(42.56% - 1974 Metropolitan Council estimate). Minneapolis has 37.83% of the assessed valuation and approximately 41.180 of the -taxable income of the county. vt ile the suburbs have testified in behalf of three county board seats for the City of Minneapolis, a not unreasonable ratio of 42.850, and since board members are comratted to the 'one man, one vote" concept, avoiding partisan political considerations, I propose -a compromise between the Ticen and Robb proposals offered thus far. This compromise proposal I label Rabb Proposal C. Briefly, it seeks to preserve most of the configurations of present districts, it provides two districts wholly within Minneapolis, two wholly within the county but outside the city, and three "combination" districts, two of which are predominately suburban and one of which is predominately city. Each of these districts has less than 1.753 deviation frcm the population and the average deviation is .593. The Robb Proposal C is offered in the spirit of fairness, unity, and harmony throughout-all of Hennepin County, not just in the City of Minneapolis. I await your response. S' e1y, E. F. Jr. Ccaud ssioner op: Hennepin County Legislators, `Mayors, Managers, and Clerks Attachments: 1. Map 2. Statistics 5 Minneapolis Population (1970)1 434,400 Population (1974) 2 424,362 Assessed Valuation (1974) 3 $1,354,041,017 personal Inoome (1973)4 $1,232,172,239 l U. S. census 2 Metropolitan council estimate 3 Hennepin County Assessor 4 Minnesota Department of Revenue % county outside Minneapolis % Total 45.25 525,680 54.75 960,080 42.56 572,649 57.44 997.011 37.83 2,224,923,490 62.17 ..$3,578,964,507 41.18 s 1,760,039,272 58.82 $2,992,211,511 E. F. pobb,'Jr. 6/10/75 coullry MINNI'SOTA &.v..d Y. • rl"-(" COU.Tv lk••Ct alvislo" 006E•S ELECTION MAP NASSA# - IN N LEGEND- 4 Cower • CORCON411 .=Q GROVE OROOKLYN PARE • • c?_ J 0*00irLrx NEW P0 Af OP PirmovrN H at c f VISA GOLDEN L OR"NO 1-ly Sr. LOUIS? Oro r PANIC Ml Cl ZI; li EDINA ...... . r...... ...... .•..••.. •uw • .. ....... lro, b b p r 0 s Average District Population = 137,154 District Population 1 137,780 2 136,803 3 137,127 4 137,426 5 134,773 6 138,366 7 137,805 -Maximtun Deviation = 1.74% Average Deviation = .59% Miniiman Deviation = 0.02% Deviation % Deviation + 626 +0.5 - 351 -0.3 - 27 -0.02 + 272 +0.2 -2381 -1.74 +1212 +0.9 + 651 +0.5 1 - e!/ EDINA CITY COUNCIL 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 June 16, 1975, Council Meeting The Edina Bicentennial Commission requests that Betty Paugh be appointed a Commissioner. She has been recommended by the Edina Junior Federated Women's Club as a replacement for Rosemary Gubrud. Mrs. Gubrud, as the new President of the Edina Junior Federated Women's Club, finds her duties have caused her to resign from the Commission. RLB: ca 6/13/75 June 12, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO: Fire Chief Robert Buresh FROM: Assistant Chief William Feck SUBJECT: Traffic on France Avenue for Emergency Vehicles During the past week I have had the opportunity to talk with a majority of the members of the Fire Department concerning the traffic problem on France Avenue from Crosstown south to Highway 494. It is the general consensus of the group that between the hours of approximately 1600 to 1800 hours, the traffic is so congested that the members will do just about anything to select an alternate route. The fact that there is no rhyme nor reason as to the coor- dination of all the stop lights, only adds to the congestion problem. A solution to this problem would be greatly appreciated by this department. WBF /dd Vh E* z 143 2 o wv I IJ r t et -70 SS µ Zs7 Iq LP(-- 4,1- i,.v • /17" 'r 6996 Valley View Rd. Sdina,:Minnesota 55435 June 11, 197.5 Edina City Council c/o Mrs. Hallberg 4801 West 50th. St. Edina, Minnesota Dear Sirs: 1. Mrs. Hallberg has informed me that the charges for hooking up to sewer and water will total $4462.89 (Lateral - 3.043.. :04 ?, ,Wate.r -- 141.9._85.) • I am hereby requesting an opportunity to pay this with interest over .a 'err -year period. Sinclere-ly,, 3 Te-�i �ti,Eti, 4 �► .L ' �s,tA O;rC Martin C. eper � II 257 other sut from just as rr. f line readers a ct. —Ri apolis. Edina provincialism I hope that all readers of the June 10 Tribune noticed the comment of Edina City- Councilman Wayne Courtney on the issue of Hennepin County redistricting:' "We in Edina don't feel we necessarily have any- thing in common with the city." It is hard to. know where to-begin when dealing with such blatant provincialism. If Courtney is'seri- ous, then, indeed, Edina is auto- matically immune to the ravages of crime, decay and, social alienation. But the rest of us, suburban or city, know better, don't'we? What happened to the brilliant mo- mentum this metropolitan area once demonstfated in moving _to- wards true metropolitan govern- ment? Have the attitudes of Court- ney and others of his head- in -the- sand ilk been accepted as those of the majority? I doubt this very much. Courtney should, realize by this time that Edina. (and every MOST AMERICA_ N CARS' OINTMENT SHOPPERS' CITY • BROOKLYN CENTER • .ST. LOUIS PARK • WEST ST. PAUL • BLOOMINGTON • COLUMBIA HEIGHTS • MAPLEWOOD • COON RAPIDS LY REFUNDED. other suburban enclave) Is the city. from just as much as Minneapolis is, and ' no line on a map will change that readers fact.—Ronald A. Anderson, Minor 4 apolis. - �• " Edina provincialism f hope that all readers of the June f0 Tribune noticed the comment of ` ., - • a• - - `- Edina City Councilman Wavne Courtney on the issue of Henn epin• • _ - County redistricting: "We in Edina. don't feel we necessarily have any thing in common with the city." It • _ - v, is hard to know where to begin -' i -- when dealing with such blatant _ provincialism. if Courtney is serf- ,l ,: ous, then, indeed, Edina is auto- matically immune to the ravages of crime, decay and social alienation. • .. But the rest of us, suburban or city, . ,- ... know better, don't we? -•;.� - - What happened to the brilliant mo- ' mentum this metropolitan area • - once demonstrated in moving to- - _- wards true metropolitan govern - ' men[? Have the attitudes of Court - S ney and others of his head- in -the- sand ilk been accepted as those of the majority? 1 doubt this very _ much. Courtney should realize by , this time that Edina (and every ' 1 I t it •'• , - -- -. EDINA HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION - AGENDA TUESDAY, JUNE 17;, 1975 - 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes of May 20, 1975 meeting 3. Chair Report 4. Treasurer's Report 5. Subjects to be Discussed: Affirmative Action Seminar for Edina. Businesses - - Joel Jennings Gene Sylvestre Complaints - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gene Sylvestre Publicity - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mary Anderson League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions Meeting - Charles Clay Community Forums - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mimi Gl eekel 6. Guest - Wayne Cox, Housing Consultant The next meeting of the Human Relations Commission will be July 15, 1975• EDINA HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA CITY HALL MAY 20, 1975 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present Joel Jennings, Chairman Charles Clay, Vice- Chairman - Tom -Oye, Treasurer - -- - - -- Gene Sylvestre, Consultant The Rev. A. D. Dixen Vicki Dale Meredith Hart Roger Heegaard Mimi Gleekel Art Nelson Alan Schroeder Guests Mancel Mitchell,. Barbara Peterson, The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. iV�'K� Members Absent Mary Anderson, Secretary Otto Byhre City Staff Tom Melena Edina Police Department League of Women Voters A motion was made by Vicki Dale, seconded by Tom Oye and passed unanimously that the minutes of the April 15, 1975 meeting be approved as read during the meeting. CHAIR REPORT The Chair attended the Edina Chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting where Edina City management spoke. The Chair will.contact Bob Sykes, President of the Chamber of Commerce to see if the Chamber will sponsor a Human Relations Commission created "Affirmative Action Seminar" for Edina businesses and business men. The Chair made a statement to the Edina School Board at the May 12, 1975 meeting regarding sexism and the need for a strong Affirmative Action policy. The Chair met with Tom Oye and Gene Sylvestre. Tom will be chairperson of the Human Relations Commission Bicentennial activity. Tom is to be liaison with Ray Bechtle, Director of Educational Development and Resources for Edina Schools, and will recommend in 120 days what activities the Human Relations Commission can support or create for the Bicentennial. The Chair and Charles Clay met with Mayor VanValkenburg for lunch. The Mayor was concerned about attendance, recommendations for replacements to the Commission, better communications and review of consultant's role. The Mayor is supportive of our activities and neither he nor the Council want to censor or stifle appropriate Human Relations Commission activities. Page - 2 CHAIR REPORT con't. Each Commission member is to give the Chair one recommendation for membership so the Chair can recommend same to the Mayor. Gene Sylvestre is to have analysis and justification of consultant's function to the Chair by June 10, 1975. All of -the Commission- members - must - adhere - -to- our - meeting - attendance responsibilities. Violation of the ordinance (missing /+ meetings a year or 3 in a row will result in dismissal. TREASURER'S REPORT The Chair called on Tom Oye for the treasurer's report. Mr. Oye postponed reporting until the city's computer is up to date. Mr. Oye will continue to keep a manual balance and also has permission to pay "small" bills. The meeting was then turned over to our guest, Mancel Mitchell. He gave a very enlightening account of police work; what a policeman can do and canno' do, the sad but true fact that police - community relations are defensive and that, despite what we "learn" from TV, 900 of their time is spent in human services and 10% in "Cops and robbers ". There is much vandalism in Edina and adult alcoholics and associated problems are on the increase. Bicycle thefts, burglaries and shoplifting are other problems. Mr. Mitchell recommends increasing nonenforcement police contacts with the community. He would like to see a police officer sit in on the Commission meetings. The emphasis, he said, in our police work should be in crime prevention. A motion was made by Meredith Hart, seconded by Mimi Gleekel and passed unanimously that we ask that a representative of the Police Department fill one of the vacancies on the Commission. The meeting was resumed. COMPLAINTS Gene Sylvestre reported that the young girl fired because of dress had called Legal Aid and also the State Human Relations Commission.- Neither organiza- tion has jurisdiction over her complaint.' She checked further with the Department of Labor and was told she had no claim. Gene plans to meet with her again. PUBLICITY The Chair has discussed publicity with Mary Anderson and an article will appear soon in the SUN. The 3rd Newsletter will be published in late Augus- or September. Page - 3 COMMUNITY FORUMS Mimi Gleekel is trying to set up a meeting to discuss the last Community Forum meeting with Fairview - Southdale Hospital. No Forums are being plann- for the summer. CITY COUNCIL AND SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS ATTENDANCE Charles Clay brought up the lack of citizen attendance at School Board and City Council meetings. A list was passed around for each Commission membe. to sign up for attending one or two meetings to begin in the near future. Each member will be responsible for getting a substitute when unable to_ attend. NEW BUSINESS Meredith Hart reported that the steering committee of the Family Life Workshc had received a request from the Bicentennial Committee to make the next Family Workshop a Bicentennial event. The steering committee is in favor of the idea and voted to ask for our endorsement. A motion was made by Meredith Hart, seconded by Vicki Dale and passed unanimously that the Commission support the idea that People Making become a Bicentennial affair. Meredith Hart reported that a group of citizens is forming a committee to increase citizen participation in deciding how revenue sharing funds are to be spent in Hennepin County. The Human Rights Commissions throughout Hennepin County have been asked to send representatives to the meetings. Tom Melena reported that on September 24, 1975 there will be a referendum on issuing bonds for the purchase of open space land and money for park construction. The City Council may ask the Human Relations Commission to become involved and/or take a position on the merits of capital funding fo= Edina parks. Tom Melena asked if the Human Relations Commission could help the City surve- community services so that duplication of services can be avoided. Joel Jennings will contact Councilwoman, June Schmidt and Ken Rosland to find out more about the request. A motion was made by The Chair that the meeting be adjourned at 10:00 p.m. and was passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted Mauricette Brunskill Recording Secretary COMMERICAL AREA PATROL - INCIDENT STATISTICS May 1, 1975 - May 31, .197.5 DATE TIME 5/1/75 0151 5/1/75 1152 5/1/75 1619 5/2/75 0942 5y 2/ 7-5 -- 1017 5/2/75 1121 5/2/75 1202 5/2/75 1407 5/2/75 1503 5/2/75 1910 5/2/75 2255 5/2/75 2336 5/3/75 0119 5/3/75 1305 5/3/75 1333 5/3/75 1607 5/3/75 1721 5/3/75 1739 5/3/75 1836 5/3/75 2322 5/4/75 0012 5/4/75 1355 5/4/75 .1431 5/4/75 1531 5/4/75 1624 5/4/75 1645 5/4/75 2247 5/5/75 0012 5/5/75 1030 5/5/75 1759 5/5/75 1901 5/5/75- 2059 5/6/75 1130 5/6/75 1501 5/6/75 1637 5/6/75 1843 5/6/75 2241 5/7/75 0855 5/7/75 0922 5/7/75 1043 5/7/75 1138 5/7/75 1305 5/7/75 1315 5/7/75 1442 5/7/75 1449 5/7/75 1933 5%7/75 2330 5/8/75 1022 5/8/75 1300 5/8/75 2139 INCIDENT Suspicious Vehicle Medical Emergency Shoplifting PI Accident Vandal i -sm - - - Medical Emergency Recovered Stolen Solicitor Registration PD Accident Shoplifting P &C LOCATION 7101 York Avenue Walgreens Daytons 70th and France - -- Raccoon Lot - -- 7000 York 1st S'dale.Bank 6996 France J.C.Penny's -No. side 66th and France Byerly's Southdale Bowl Vehicle Prowl in Progress .7350 Gallagher Minor PD Accident Theft PD Accident Shoplifting - Theft Possible Gunshots P &C Vandalism PD Accident PD Accident Shoplifting Aggravated Assault Attempted Forgery Alarm Alarm Possible Vandalism Auto Theft Grass Fire Attempted Forgery Shoplifting PD Accident Account Closed Check PD Accident Alarm Abandoned Vehicle Vehicle Listing Theft from Auto Theft Shoplifting Locked Vehicle Exposer PD Accident Shoplifting Pick Up Shoplifter Attempted Burglary Suspicious Customer Shoplifting Bloomington Woolworths 66th and York Penny's .6950 Xerxes Byerly's Lot McDonald's The Den- S'dale 69th and York 69th and York Dayton's 5800 W. 78th St. Penney's County,Seat . Penney's 69th and France Rooster Lot 69 -70th and France Byerly's Penney's 69th and France Goodman Jewelers Crosstown & Hwy. 100 Penney's 7171 France 7000 York: Dayton's Overflow Gallery Court 7000 York Penney's Auto Center Southdale Center 70th and France Dayton's 223 Ridgewood -Mpls. Yorktown Mall 6969 France Donaldson's ial Area Patrol nt Statistics 1975 - May 31, 1975 "DATE 5/9/75 5/9/75 5/9/75 5/9/75 5/9/75 5/10/75 5/10/75 5/10/75 5/10/75 5/10/75 5/10/75 5/10/75 5/10/75 5/11/75 5/11/75 5/11/75 5/11/75 0/12/75 5/12/75 5/12/75 5/12/75 5/12/75 5/12/75 5/12/75 5/12/75 5/13/75 .5/13/75 5/13/75 5/13/75 5/14/75 5/14/75 5/14/75 5/14/75 5/14/75 5/14/75 5/15/75 5/15/75 5/15/75 5/16/75 5/16/75 5/16/75 5/16/75 5/16/75 5/17/75 5/17/75 5/17/75 5/17/75 5/17/75 5/18/75 5/18/75 5/18/75 5/18/75 TI11E 1653 1737 1951 2008 2130 0022 1106 1453 1522 1554 1900 2048 2358 0223 0856 1124 1609 0326 0930 1216 1315 1640 1642 1827 1903 1007 1600 1603 2202 0117 1132 1545 1558 1657 1743 1521 1611, 2014 1352 1500 1805 1936 2317. 1003 1854 2205 2206 2327 0126 1018 1145 1619 T %ir T i lit,. DENT Shoplifting Investigation of Felony Exposer PD Accident PD Accident Suspicious Person Theft PD Accident Animal Lock Out Fire /Vandalism Exposers Suspicious Person DAR Found Property Smoke Smell Fire Noise Vehicle Listing. Shoplifting Theft Exposer Medical Emergency Vandalism PD Accident Attempted Vandalism Theft Shoplifting Medical Possible Abandoned PD Accident Shoplifting Susp.Auto /No Minn. Suspicious Auto PD Accident Alarm Alarm Missing Property Warrants Exposer Shoplifting. Theft Warrant Medical Emergency Alarm Public Assist Alarm Theft Alarm Alarm Vandalism Alarm Camper D. L. Page 2 L IV' 'I,'ATIO "! DISP. Donaldson's CBA 70th and France CBA 7220 York Avenue GOA Rooster Lot 0TH Gabbert's A &A McDonald's A &A Schaak Electronics CONT 66th and France 0TH Donaldson's Car Care 0TH Giraffe Lot A &A Little & Lynn CONT Parnell & Crosstown A &A Southdale Bowl A &A 69th and France '' CBA Southdale Security INA Hudson's 0TH 7420 West Shore A&A 66th and France A &A 7000 York A &A 7000 York CBA Southdale Engineers Off. CONT Raccoon Lot GOA 7151 York OTH' Wicke's Furniture CONT, 66th and Xerxes A &A 5309 West 70th CONT Southdale-.Bowl 0TH Donaldson's CBA 7151 York A &A 7200 France A &A Goose Lot A &A Donaldson's CBA 67th and France CONT Key Cadillac A &A 66th and York A &A Scandival Imports A &A Finn Ann Boutique A &A Southdale CONT Southdale CBA Gopher Lot CONT Penny's CBA Target CBA McDonald's CBA 7151 York A &A 7001 York A &A 7200 York A &A 3650 Hazelton Road A &A 7200 York - Apartments CONT Target A &A 5018 France A &A Zapata's INA Southdale Ford A &A } =_ _ Jal Area Patrol Page 3 �. ,nt Statistics 1975 -,May 31, 1975 n: s ?-00,1;;49 DATE TIME INCIDENT LOCATION DISP. 5/18/75 1636 PD Accident Gabberts Lot A &A 75004552 5/18/75 1658 Shoplifting Donaldson's CBA 750044566 5/19/75 1127 PD Accident 66th and France A &A 75004572 5/19/75 1446 PD Accident 66th and France 0TH 75001.594 5/20/75 1007 Theft 3401 W. 69th St. INA 75004:597 5/20/75 1110 Shoplifter 400 Southdale Center CBA 75004598 5/20/75 1110. Shoplifter_.. _ ____400 Southdale_ Center CBA 7510 0 -599 5/20/75 1110 Shoplifter 400 Southdale Center CBA 7500.600 5/20/75 1110 Shoplifter. 400 Southdale Center. CBA 75004601 5/20/75 1110 Shoplifter 400 Southdale Center CBA 75001607 5/20/75 1327 Leaking Gas Gopher Lot A &A 75004608 5/20/75 1356 Abandoned Truck 69th and France A &A. 75004612 5/20/75 1702 Pass Counterfeit Bill Baker Shoes CONT 750040521 5/20/75 2139 Exposer Southdale UNF 7500x&29 5/21/75 0746 Theft Byerly's 0TH -.' 750046=0 5/21/75 1440 Lock Out Target A &A 7500 *541 5/21/75 1443 Medical Emergency Donaldson's A &A 750046".6 5/21/7.5 1957 Shoplifting Dayton's CBA 75004654 5/22/75 0010 Alarm 3474 W. 70th St. A &A 75000557 5/22/75 0606 Alarm Polly Berg A &A 7500465$: 5/22/75 0749 Alarm Donaldson's Car Care A &A A. 750C4 -,65 5/22/75 1116 Shoplifting Penny's CBA 75004569 5/22/75 1506 Shoplifting Donaldson's• CBA 75004675 5/22/75 1914 Shoplifting Cedric's A &A 750C'681 5/22/75 2305 Motorist Assist Southdale Bowl A &A 75-004987 5/23/75 0305 Alarm Ya Ta Hey Shop A &A 750C'14',702 5/23/75 1436 Medical Emergency 7200 France A &A 7500 =:710 5/23/75 2223 P &C McDonald's'' CBA 75004725 5/24/75 0058 Alarm Wicke's A &A 75004735. 5/24/75 0816 Alarm Copper,Marquee UNF.. 7500'746 5/24/75 1258 PI Accident 66th and France A &A 7500 =754 5/24/75 1951. Drinking in Public Place York Liquor CBA 7504783 5/25/75 1417 Recovered Bicycle Southdale A &A. 75004802 5/26/75 0120 Driving after Curfew Yorktown OTH 75004,15 5/26/75 1618 Fraud /Theft Dayton Lane -. CONT 75004817. 5/26/75 1708 Shoplifting Penny's CBA 7500•-' -320 5/26/75 1843 Abandoned Bicycle KMSP A &A 7500'.829 5/26/75 2250. Possible Burglary Fas Gas A &A 75004233 5/27/75 0228 Suspicious Auto Red Owl UNF 75004834 5/27/75 0351 Found Money lst S'dale. Bank A &A 755004835 5/27/75 0441 Alarm Team Electronics A &A 75004840 5/27/75 0833 Vandalism Henn. Cty.:Library 0TH 7500484/ 5/27/75 1021 PD Accident 66th and France 0TH 7500483 5/27/75 1610 Shoplifting Penny's CBA 7500 4-3157 5/27/75 1647 Vandalism 7200 York A &A 750C'E61 5/27/75 2115 Disorderly Conduct Cinema I &II &III CONT 750�117 862 5/27/75 2228 Disorderly Conduct /Poss. - Marijuana/ Assault Byerly's CBA 750,0 -.882 5/28/75 1423 Theft Dayton's A &A 75001872. 5/28/75 1757 Shoplifting Red Owl CBA 750 I'D 4393 5/28/75 1847 Alarm 7200 York A &A 75004397 5/28/75 2343 Careless Driving .70th and France GOA DEFINITION OF DISPOSITION CODINGS: ROA Referred to Other Agency A&A Assisted and Advised CCNi Continued G0.', /LrL Gone on Arrival /Unable to Locate U. += Unfounded 0TH Other C► Cleared by Arrest. EC Exceptional Clearance INA Inactive J al Area Patrol Page 4 �_nt Statistics •: 1, 1975 - May 31, 1975 CT DATE TIME INCIDENT LOCATION DISP. 7:,004901 5/29/75 0604 Alarm Audio King A &A 75004310 5/29/75 1231 PD Accident 66th and France 0TH 7:,00^911 5/29/75 1256 PI Accident 66th and France 0TH 75004915 5/29/75 1615 Shoplifting Penny's CBA 75004916 5/29/75 1616 PD Accident Southdale 0TH 75004930 5/30/75 0707 Burglary /Auto Theft/ Vandalism. Key Cadillac CONT 75004931 5/30/75 0730 Recovered Auto Key Cadillac 0TH 75(] 04934 5/30/75 0940 Theft from Auto Southdale CONT 75001341 5/30/75 1633 Shoplifting Donaldson's CBA 750 `.343 5/30/75 1709 Disorderly Conduct /Warrant Southdale_ CBA 75004353 5/30/75 2300 P &C McDonald's CBA 75004979 5/31/75 1249 Shoplifting Dayton's CBA 75004:95 5/31/75 2018 Recovered Bicycle 7151 York 0TH DEFINITION OF DISPOSITION CODINGS: ROA Referred to Other Agency A&A Assisted and Advised CCNi Continued G0.', /LrL Gone on Arrival /Unable to Locate U. += Unfounded 0TH Other C► Cleared by Arrest. EC Exceptional Clearance INA Inactive Mr. .C. Wayne Courtney Councilman City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear.Wayne: CITY OF BLOOMINGTON OLD SHAKOPEE ROAD AT PENN • BLOOMINGTON, MINN. &%31 June 9., 1975 Enclosed is a copy of the May, 1975, issue of GOVERNMENT NEWS which you requested. Our Administrative Assistant, Mr. Doug Reeder,. stated that the cost for printing andpreparation 0 'f 21,354 cop'aes .o'f.ah'is ,publicatib'n was $2,000. Postage would be an additional expense.. At present, Bloomi�ngton.mails the: GOVERNMENT'NEWS out four times a year. If you have any additional questions, I am sure Mr. Reeder would be .pleased to answer them. You can call him at 881 -5811, extension 272. Very 'truly yours, C�. A C I,y de E. Allen, Jr. Councilman CA:cl Enclosure AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION /EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I ;; 1�� yS; i , d E�?� � � • � �1 q � �`3 ` dr ` Rs ; t �_ � � - r n i ' f t(- J'• r �!; r X_ A t ?'� i 3 i AN. AFFILIATE OF LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES 300 HANOVER BLDG., 480 CEDAR STREE=T, ST. PAUL, MINN. 55101" 612- 222.2861 June 14, 1975 . Joel Jennings, Chairman Edina Human Relations Commission 7332 West Shore.Drive T f Edina, Minnesota 55435 Mr. Jennings: As a confederation of municipal human rights groups,.the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions seeks to,honor those member commissions which have demonstrated an exemplary, determined and substantive commitment, to ensure equal opportunity for the residents of the communities they serve. In that regard the League, following an intensive review of the activities of human rights commissions throughout Minnesota, extends its congratulations to the Edina Human Relations Commission as the recipient of the Fourth Annual Human Rights Award. The depth and breath of the Edina Commission's programs and activities has served as a model to developing rights commissions. Commission interests and projects the League found of merit are cited below: 1) Unique and informative Family Life Workshops, the second of which was held ,in the_Fall of 1974. Participation of community members in the development . of the program as well as the variety of topics discussed speaks well for the Commission's effort to broaden its services. 2) Human relations training for members of the Edina Police Department- was initiated and conducted by the Commission. 3) Development and implementation of an Affirmative Action Plan for the local school.. district allows one.of the largest public employers in the area to set an example reaffirming equal opportunity as a standard. 4) - Publication and distribution of a commission newsletter tb interested individuals, clubs and community organizations highlights an open process which generates awareness. It is incumbent on the League to recognize that the Commission's impact would not have, been as great without the support of the Edina City Council. The League commends the City Council for its continued commitment to assist the Commission in meeting Edina's human rights goals. Again, the League expresses its appreciation to -the Edina human Relations Commission for the leadership role it has played on a local and state - wide.level Your truly avid Co/ an President League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions lVfl 11V HENNEPIN COUNTY HIGIHWAY DEPARTMENT Traffic and Safety Services ACCIDENT SUMMARY 19 ?y City or Village . ED /NA �_ Period.of years to inc. Road No. GSA N 17 Location�0 Th ST To CSA 0 6 Z No. of accidents / yr% -Data obtained from Loll »IEft p 0. to TO UT �o(,c.F Pcc REPorIS' by gdF IVA5l.VNA hrrr,t,P 5- 3o•hr, TYPES _Fr�TAL_ _II•',i_URY_ PROP. - DAIIIAGE__ _TOTAL — Right An le l O /2. 27 �3 � Read -On AADT O 0 Acc.1fA'VI:F. swipe Elf / q 7 31 - $ 2 2 Time Weather Ped_,_1 O O O Q. C EFr TOp.%) 7 / 2S E ^P, V 11 O r 2l Ndrsra� ra G o V6 'f6 Others _� Q a Jr 5 F. Fog . t 71 9- _EARS_ M.V. 1_1"._V..._ PED-. _11.-V_._ SINGLE VEIIICLE_ _ _ OTHET,S_ _TC:T1L- E. AADT S. AADT N'. AADT ITot. Ent.\�e1-J, AADT Lenqth Acc• /Pf.E.V. Acc.1fA'VI:F. � �• / q 7 31 - $ _. Date Time Weather Road Surface. z Aso o. sY � � 2 r. U STANDARD SYMBOLS —• Motor Vehicle Moving Ahead Head -On W. Wet F. Fog . t Motor Vehicle Backing Up Head -On Sideswipe I. Icy S. Snowing or YEARS IN1T r� -cTio, s SEGMENTS No. Acc. �;cri� =�! r r'.`= E. AADT S. AADT N'. AADT ITot. Ent.\�e1-J, AADT Lenqth Acc• /Pf.E.V. Acc.1fA'VI:F. � �• / q 7 31 - $ _. Date Time Weather Road Surface. z Aso o. sY � � 2 r. U STANDARD SYMBOLS —• Motor Vehicle Moving Ahead Head -On W. Wet F. Fog . t Motor Vehicle Backing Up Head -On Sideswipe I. Icy S. Snowing or - -0- Pedestrian -�{� Rear End Snocry p Parked Vehicle Overtaking Sideswipe P. . A. A.M. .:.❑ Fixed Object. i HENN, COUNTY SYS71-" 117-71 — '5. � A MGM _ /972..— 5•.5. EXAMPLE: / q 7 31 - $ _. Date Time Weather Road Surface. !; r STANDARD SYMBOLS —• Motor Vehicle Moving Ahead Head -On W. Wet F. Fog . Motor Vehicle Backing Up Head -On Sideswipe I. Icy S. Snowing or - -0- Pedestrian -�{� Rear End Snocry p Parked Vehicle Overtaking Sideswipe P. . P.M. A. A.M. .:.❑ Fixed Object. Right Angle C. Clear D. Dry hatal Accident R. Rain Non -Fatal Accident .p-8 -0 Out of Control Prop. Damage Only / ?F7,#41 i i i i 3 Minneapolis Star Phnto by Arthur Haacr tecial Karen Yale, 13, 3920 Cedar Av.; John Hansen, 14,4048 ss at Longfeliow Av., and Dlfike Saurer, 13, 3708 21st Av. S. and The young artists also work in clay, try silk screen : Yi,c priming, and create slides and movies. The class is :evin still open for teen - agers. are, — u,v NCiatl:a'. "\'Y'i(II I!r:), nrrcipitation �c will et behind the ball," he said. "But at this stage of 1hr, tame it doesn't appear that e '.:ill have as large rCpt`bbleni as last year.' Av,. RO) —" iln fc)-41.1 o ' m France Av. had�more traffic accidents —273 — titan any other Edina street during 1.973, accord- in,g to figures released rc- cent'.­ by clip E•iina Police Depar tnient. Thc s t r e e t accounted for 31 percent of the city's accidents. France Av. accidents last year occurred between file 62nd St. Crosstown and interstate Hwy. 494, 701er- feld said. He saicl ditions to the Southdalc� shoppi�7n center and to Fain ;etiv- SOUthdale Hospi- tad and the Yorktown de- velopment near South,lalc account for the increase. Hwy. 100 ranked second with 168, or about 19 per- cent, or the 889 accidents reported. Tea years ago, H«y, 100 accidents 'accounted for about 50 percent of the total number, according to Wayne Bennett, Edina po- lice chief. The number of lict•v. 100 accidents hasn't dc- creased during the list IO years, according to Bert Merfeld, captain of the un- iform division. However, development along France Av. has led to more accidents on that street, he said. The greatest number of D ad CL ey d. b, r ERIC PIAMN soon, will depend in part on whether his wife and family ,polis Star Slaff Writer are willing to go through another election campaign so ian John Derus, 4th Ward, report - soon. !nnepin County Commissioner Dav- However, Council President Louis De. lyn Center Republican, for election Mars said y es- :,� to the county board this. confid he has discussed the matter with Derus and is year. confident Derus will run. a ' Derus, 34, chairman of the City Council's DFL . caucus, was elected in November to a second ' two -year term from his •; north Minneapolis ward. "i Derus yesterday said he hasn't decided whether he �n will run against Lindgren in the county's 4th Dis- ;as been under a lot of pressure to . Lindgren, 37, a former Brooklyn Center policeman, said yesterday he probably will run for a second four - year term but hasn't made a final decision. However, Daniel K. Peterson, chairman of the Henne- pin -Anoka Counties Republican Party, said Lindgren already has indicated he will rust. Lindgren, who defeated ,firs. I. G. Scot 3?'. year's ago, is allied with Commissioner E. F. (Bud) Robb Jr., Deep - haven Republican, against the board's "workable ma- jority" of Republican Chairman T rntn ,s Olson and DFL Corr: missioners Richard 0. Manson and Thomas Ticen. 'alary of $18,081 a year as an alder- Ticen, a Bloomington iav -;er, also faces rer,;ection this additional $6,000 a year as a com- year. Norman Selby, a busim•=:;sntan and political aide of #armor Mi .neapolis Mayor Charles Stenvicl, has been mentioned as a possible Republican challenger to Ticen ;ion, which he expects to announce in the 2nd District. Most of the 273 acci- dents involved drivers either failing to yield the right -of -way when making left turns at intersections or rear - ending v e h i c l e s (111-11stg peak traffic peri- ods, he said. The most dangerous in- tersection along F r an c e Av. was at 66th St„ al- though recently installed improved signals are ex- pected to help, Merfeld said. County Traffic Engineer Samuel Fisher said that plans for interconnecting the France Av, traffic sig- nals betweet: the 62nd St. Crosstown and 1 -494 wiii be carried out by the erd of 1974. This is expected to i m p r o v e the traffic flow, he said. During 1975, France Av. will be widened from two to three lanes in each direction between the crosstown and 70th . St., and adjustments in the l e f t -t u r n lanes will be made, Fisher said. The greatest number of accidents along Hww. 100 formerly occurred at the 50th St. intersection, Mer- feld said. However, the overpass at that intersec- tion has helped there, lie said. Merfeld listed. intersec- tions at Valley View Rd., and between Metro Blvd. in the industrial -park area to 1-49:4 as bad ones at this time along.Hwy. 100.N Auto nits, kills Chas'H-a boy, 4 i l rl, pr,il�• what l! Chance 'i spent to ti',. , Cox mass;:; he has cn.., tirnes) :,lir:; Mr. Nip that climate investi-atic,, ; been askin;. ly dec:ared Nob-ody ble ir, :r?ca• Case, i':7.r. often, in ti-..e •1 V ceive no . torically in go on more ihnr. 0, what it i Mr. Nixo7. his critics v:, office. That c•ially releva,_. Until now Pt ' dence. And i. we are satisfi; Mr. ,Nixon transcripts, -(h tapes with the termine how C Advem �•1. , rf �f� t�- x g{{ GI 1.� 911 wo c'r,.• � , 1