HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-20_COUNCIL MEETINGJ ' r • (Revised) AGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1975 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL MINUTES of Budget Meetings of September 15, 17, 22, 24 and 29, 1975, and of October 6, 1975, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of , seconded by RECOGNITION OF MRS. DORIS PARKER I. PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Analysis of Assessment by City Manager. Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution Ordering Assessment. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Street Improvement No. BA -100 - East Frontage Road Highway 169 -212 from Link Road to 364 feet North II. PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. First Reading requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. A. First Reading 1. Roushar Square - PRD -3 to R -1 Residential District - City of Edina for Darrel A. Farr - Generally located East of County Road 18, North of Edina West Condominiums and South of Fabri -Tek - Z -75 -7 (9/24/75) B. Second Reading 1. Ordinance No. 811 -A67 - Heritage Preservation Ordinance 2. Ordinance No. 802 -A2 - Establishing Heritage Preservation Board III. PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELIMINARY PLAT Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Londonderry Replat - Generally located North of Fabri -Tek and East of Lincoln Drive S -75 -17 (9/24/75) IV.. AWARD OF BIDS A. Police Cars B. 3/4 Ton Van V. COMMUNICATIONS Tabulation of Rids by Manaa_ar. Arrion of Council by Motion. (Continued from 10/6/75) (Continued from 10/6/75) A. Robert E. Hanson - Crosstown Highway Frontage Road between Gleason Road and Vernon Avenue B. Petitions 1. Neal F. Page - Benton Ave. Access to T.H. 100 VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Planning Commission B. Greg Gustafson Registered Land Survey C. County Road 18 Houses D. Purchase of Madsen Property (N.W. corner of Dewey Hill Road and Cahill Road) E. Grimes House F. Retirement of Police Chief - November 15, 1975 G. Police Salary Negotiations H. Human Relations Commission (Continued from 10/6/75) I. Hennepin County Redistricting Meeting - 10/22/75 J. Traffic Safety Committee Meeting Minutes of 10/14/75 K. Feasibility Report - Set Hearing Date L. Revenue Sharing (Continued from 10/6/75) M. Edina Sun Publication Deadline (Continued from 10/6/75) N. H.R.A. Request for Liquor Store Location Decision 0. Morningside Improvements 'October 20, 1975 Agenda Page Two VII. RESOLUTIONS 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Minnesota Highway Department Stock Pile Removal B. Suburban Public Health Nursing Service Participation C. Valley View Road Street Vacation VIII. ANY OTHERS WHO DESIRE HEARING BEFORE COUNCIL IX. FINANCE A. Liquor Fund as of 7/31/75 B. Transfer to H.R.A. C. Purchase of Piano for Senior .Citizens D. Claims Paid. Motion of , seconded by , for pay- ment of the following claims as per Pre -Lisa dated October 20, 1975: General and Revenue Sharing, $60,990.67; Construction, $279_,953.62; Park Funds, $25,831.24; Water Fund, $7,589.54; Liquor Fund,.$186,281.23; Sewer Fund, $55,289.10; Improvements, $830.84; Total $616,766.24 A' C-'r'7 Form MHD 2523 (6 -74) R E S O L U T I O N S.P. 2733 -68 (100 =130) Fed.Proj. State Funds At a (regular)(special) meeting of the City Councii of the City of Edina , duly held on the 20th day of October , 19 75 , the following Resolution was offered by Courtney , Councilman ; seconded by Shaw , Councilman ; to wit: I WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota has caused to be prepared: plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of Trunk Highway No. 130 , i renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 100 , within the corporate limits of the City of Edina fmnmoobe Located on T.H. 100 at 0.2 Mile South of the Jet. of W 70th Street and at N E Ramp of C.S.A.H. #62 and, WHEREAS, said plans are on file in the Office of the Department of Highways, St. Paul, Minne- sota; being marked, labeled and identified as: S.P. 2733 -68 (100 =130) ; and, WHEREAS, said special provisions are on file in the Office of the Department of Highways, St. Paul, Minnesota; being marked, labeled and identified as: S.P. 2733 -68 (100 =130) i , and which, together with, the Minnesota Department of Highways Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, dated January 1, 1972, as amended by Minnesota Department of Highways Supple- mental Specifications for Highway Construction, dated January 1, 1974, will govern, and which are on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway No. 130 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 100 ; and, WHEREAS, copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and identified are i also on file in the Office of the City Clerk; and, i I WHEREAS, the term, said plans and special provisions, as hereinafter used in the body of this 1i Resolution will be deemed and intended to mean, refer to and incorporate the plans and I special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; and, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways desires in the interest of public safety that any and all parking of vehicles, if such parking is permitted within the corporate limits of the City of Edina , on said Trunk Highway No. 130 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 100 , will be parallel with the curb adjacent to the highway and will be at least 20 feet from any crosswalk. Page 1 of 2 Pages. r 4 � •i 0 I 1 � 4 a � _ Form MHD 2523 (6 -74) NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and special provisions for the improvement of Trunk Highway No. 130 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 100 , within the corporate limits of the City of Edina be and hereby are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Edina does hereby agree to require the parking of all vehicles, if such parking is permitted within the corporate limits of said City, on said Trunk Highway No. 130 , renumbered Trunk Highway No. 100 , will be parallel with the curb adjacent to the highway, and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks on all public streets intersecting said trunk highway. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of Trunk Highway No. 130 , renumbered Trunk Highway No. 100 , in accordance with said plans and special provisions. i Upon the call of the roll, the following members voted in favor of the Resolution: Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Shaw and Mayor Van Valkenburg and, the following voted against the adoption of the Resolution: whereupon the mayor and /or the presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated: October. 20 , 19 75 (signed) JAMES VAN VALKENBURG Mayor Attest (signed) FLORENCE B. HALLBERG City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF Hennepin ) ss. CITY OF Edina ) I do hereby certify that at a (regular) (special) meeting (of which due and legal notice was given) of the City Council of the City of Edina , Minnesota, on the 20th day of October , 19 75 ; at which a majority of the members of said Council were present, the foregoing Resolution was adopted. Given under my hand and seal this 91.r day of nctoh�e(rI , 19 75 City lerk Page 2 of 2 Pages. r -- C_ BILL BROCK .. COMMITTEES, FINANCE TENNESSEE- GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING SELECT COMMITTEE ON 's nitea ,cif of es SMALL BUSINESS WASHINGTON. D.C. 2010 September, 1975 Dear Revenue Sharing Recipient: The fight to renew the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972- - Revenue Sharing - -is to begin this fall. To be quite frank, the chances of passage without the addition of severe restrictions are no better than 50 -50. This means that Revenue Sharing in name could become just another categorical grant program in fact. In short, only one thing is 100 percent certain. Without the support of all the state and local governments and their organizations, it will be very difficult to enact a meaningful Revenue Sharing bill. There are two things that you can do to help in this struggle. The first is to write your Congressman or Congresswoman today. Tell them how important Revenue Sharing funds are to your area. Tell them how you have seen Revenue Sharing funds used to benefit- en entire communities. Second, I would like to ask you to fill out the enclosed questionnaire. While many different organizations have endorsed Revenue Sharing, I am interested in the reactions of people like you to it. How will these results be used? When hearings start on Revenue Sharing in the House of Representatives later this month, I'll give a "preliminary report" to the Committee. -When the Senate holds its hearings later in the year, part of my testimony will include a "final report" on the results of my questionnaire. I am confident that both the Senate and the House will be tremendously interested in your reaction. Just as the first struggle to get Revenue Sharing was long and difficult, we will face an uphill battle to renew it. Hopefully, my Committee positions will allow me to be helpful in this struggle. I am fortunate enough to be on the appropriate Revenue Sharing Subcommittee in both the Finance Committee and the Government Operations Committee. This should make it easier for me to fight for a quick renewal of Revenue Sharing. During the upcoming debate there will be many different approaches taken to Revenue Sharing. Indeed, T have taken the liberty to describe my bill on the next page. However, the important thing is to pass a meaningful Revenue Sharing bill. Your assistance is deeply appreciated. Very- ly yours, L BROCK The Brock Bill, S -11. Last year, my staff and I tried to work closely with your organizations to create a bill for the renewal of Revenue Sharing. Through this consultation, I learned that state and local officials wanted three items in the new bill: One, a permanent program; two, an "inflation proof" program, and three, less "red tape." The bill I introduced to renew Revenue Sharing, S. 11, incorporates these changes. 1. Making the program permanent: I have always supported Revenue,Sharing as a permanent program, but, as a believer in pilot testing, I went along with the five year program of the 1972 Act. However, not only is that pilot testing period over, it has proven to be an outstanding success. As some of you and your organizations have testified before both the Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee and the Revenue Sharing Subcommittee, Revenue Sharing has proven itself. There is no reason why this program should not be permanent. Incidentally, even the new budget bill has a provision to make Revenue Sharing a permanent program outside the regular appropriations=; ;process. 2. Making the program inflation proof: Unfortunately, inflation has become a fact of life in this country. Revenue Sharing must be adjusted each year to reflect this fact. The Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations recommended that a percentage of Federal adjusted gross income be used and I have taken their suggestion. ACIR recommended using 0.68' which would have given the program 7.5 billion dollars this year rather than 6.35 billion dollars. S. 11 uses a factor almost identical to this, 0.70. 3. Cutting red tape: As everyone knows, the "priority areas" restriction placed on local governments are really needless red tape. These requirements merely create additional bookkeeping.entries, and thus additional cost, without any added benefit. Therefore, I have eliminated these categories. BROCK REVENUE SHARING QUESTIONNAIRE _ 1. Do you support renewal of general Revenue Sharing? Yes X No 2. Do you think the program .should be changed? Yes No X Comments 3. Does the program allow state and local officials to use funds in most needed programs? Yes X No 4. Is this program important to your government? Yes X No S. What priority would you assign to Revenue Sharing? 1st 2nd 3rd Other X 6. Would your government.have to raise taxes without Revenue Sharing? e Yes X No How Much $150,000 7. Would your government have to cut back on programs without general Revenue Sharing? Yes X No Which ones: Certain Capital Type Improvements Name CITY OF EDINA — Address 4801, West 50th Street City /State EDINA, MINNESOTA Zip 55424 Position or Title J. N. DALEN, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE P.S. This questionnaire requires no postage. Just detach, fold where indicated, and mail. Thanks again. Mailed to Senator Bill Brock, 254 Russell Building, Washington, D. C. 20510 STATE OF MINNESOTA - BUREAU OF MEDIATION SERVICES ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55155 IN THE MATTER OF:-% tinnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local. No. 3209 ATinneapolis' Minnesota -and= City of Edina# Edina# Hinnesoto Case No. 76-Pt4'507 -A NOTICE OF MEDIATION MEETING You are hereby advised that the Director of the Bureau of Mediation Services, State of Minnesota, is in receipt of a petition for mediation in a labor dispute involving the.above -named parties. In compliance with the provisions of the Public Employment labor Relations Act of 1971 as amended, you are hereby notified that I, as Director of the. Bureau of Mediation Services, State of Minnesota,'fix the following time and place at which a conference will be held for the purpose of effecting a settlement of the dispute: DAY: Thursday DATE: October 239 1975 TIME: 10 :00 a.mf PLACE: Hyatt Lodge, 41 north 10th. Streets Minneapolis, Minnesota .It shall be the duty of all parties and /or their authorized and designated representatives, to be present at the session so that every effort can be made to arrive at an amicable settlement of the controversy. The representatives should be cloaked with the authority to negotiate, be prepared to identify the unresolved issues and their positions on them, and be prepared with copies of all relevant material for the mediator. ces Lawrence M. Bastian Warren iiyde Don Eiger Cy Smythe ,City Council . City Attorney CityClerk Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota dd Form BMS -78 (Rev. 1 -75)' (PUBLIC) Very truly yours, DIRECTCR BUREAU OF MEDIATION SERVICES STATE OF MINNESOTA •�IN�y'� j u For the Director October 7= 1975 MEETING NOTICE HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMISSIONER REDISTRICTING Legal Action Steering Committee Golden Valley City Hall 7800 Golden Valley Road 8:00 P.M. Wednesday, October 22, 1975 Redistricting of the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners was completed last July notwithstanding many objections voiced in public hearings. Legal counsel has been obtained and determination made to request court intervention to set Aside the plan adopted, thus forcing the issue back to the Minnesota State Legislature. On .October 22, 1975, we shall discuss the legal grounds for setting aside the County Board plan and the appropriate means of implementing this action in court.. Your advice, counsel, and support is needed for success in this important matter affecting our largest local unit of government. Edward J. Erickson, Mayor, City of New Hope: Loren L. Law, Mayor, City of Richfield Duane R. Miedtke, Mayor, City of St. Anthony F 4 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT. OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT NO. O 2098 NO. LILAC DRIVE MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. September 26, 1975 Mr. Robert C. Dunn, P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 In reply refer to: 315 S.P. 2733 -68 (T.H. 10,0 =130) 0.2 Mi. So. of 70th Street and at N.E. Ramp Jct. T.H. 100 and CSAH 62 Stockpile Removal and Noise Mound Plan Approval Dear Bob: Attached is a copy of the plans, the proposal, a resolution form for the above referenced project. The work consists of lowering the stockpile inplace southerly of West 70th Street and moving a part of the stockpile to construct the noise mound outside the future N.E. ramp of the T.H. 100 and CSAH 62 intersection. The noise mounding is consistent with the noise layout (S.P. 2733 -25 Layout 17A) transmitted to you December 24, 1974. Please review the documents and present them to the City Council so as to receive a resolution of approval for the project. The project is proposed for the October 24, 1975 letting and, therefore, the executed resolution should be returned to this office prior to October 17, 1975. Sincerely, W. M. Crawford District Engineer 1— By: JKJ. Anderson District Engineering Coordinator S MHD 2520 (Rev. 10 -73) R E C E I P T I have received from W. M. Crawford District Engineer, Minnesota Highway Department, and have filed the Following described documents: Construction plans, special provisions and resolution forms for S.P. 2733_68 (100 =130) for a stockpile removal. City Clerk Edina Date �--P a /' / 9 7 (D tc RFC,01 IITTON WHEREAS, Layout 23B, dated October 4, 1972 as revised October 7, 1975 for CSAH 18 Project No. 6742 showing the proposed alignment for the con- struction of County State Aid Highway No. 18 within the limits of the City of Edina as a Federal Aid Project has been prepared and presented to the City of Edina. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that said Layout 23B be in all things approved and the County is hereby authorized to acquire the necessary rights -of -way on the basis of the said Layout and as hereinafter provided: The County shall construct the noise attenuation wall as proposed in the Layout and shall give each owner of the properties adjacent to said CSAH 18�"'' within the limits of the City of Edina between Maloney Avenue and the option of selling his or her property to the County at a price w is based upon independent fee appraisals. The County shall also provide reloca- tion assistance and benefits to all eligible parties in accordance with State and Federal Regulations. Properties so acquired shall be rented during the time of construction and shall then be offered for sale following completion of the project. Right of direct access to CSAH 18 shall be acquired from those owners who decide not to sell their entire property to the County. ADOPTED this day of 19 STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its meeting of 19 , and as recorded in the Minutes of said meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 19 City Clerk 3 V MEMORANDUM October 20, 1975 MEMO TO: Council FROM: Marcia Mohr Recreation Supervisor Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Revised Bid on Piano for Sr. Citizens Building After receiving the original bids listed on the memo to Council dated October 15, 1975, Mr. Loberg, Manager of Schmidt Music Stores downtown office, offered the City of Edina's Sr. Citizens Club the Everett II piano at cTst. The total of the Everett 11 would be $1,075.00. Although I feel that the Yamaha is a superior piano, the savings is well worth the lesser quality between the two pianos. Therefore, at this time, we recommend the award to Schmidt Music Stores, Mr. Loberg, for the Everett II piano at $1,075.00. October 15, 1975 MEMO TO: Council Members FROM: Ken Rosland, Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Piano Purchase for Sr. Citizens Building We have received two bids on a purchase of a piano for the Sr. Citizens of Edina. This item is needed for various activities of the Edina Sr. Citizens Club. In the past, they have attempted to use donated pianos and secondhand pianos; however, they have been prone to break down and are very expensive to repair and tune. The two bids are as.follows: I. Bodines (Yamaha Studio Upright P 202) - $1,429.00. This price includes the regulation and tuning service. (Only supplier in the Twin City Area) 2. Schmidt Music Store (Everett II) - $1,375.00 however, with the needed regulation and tuning service the total would.be $1,455.00. This is a comparative piano with the Yamaha. We are, at this time, requesting Council to authorize the purchase_ of this piano of which $800.00 will be withdrawn from the City of Edina's Sr. Citizen liability acccunt. This is money that has been received from the rental of the community room from various organizations. The remaining $629.00 is available from private funds. After making comparative studies and considerable time researching the pianos, Ms. Mohr feels that the Yamaha i.s.a superior piano and best suited. for the uses by the Edina Sr. Citizens.Club. Recommend award of the piano to Bodines for the Yamaha Studio Upright P 202 at $1,429.00. CURRENT ASSETS: Cash Demand Deposits Working Fund Due from Other Funds Loan To Other Funds Accrued Interest Inventory: Liquor Wine Beer and Mix Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance Supplies Inventory LIQUOR FUND BALANCE SHEET CITY OF EDINA JULY •31, 1975 ASSETS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS AT COST: Land Land Improvements $ 21,644.06 Buildings 455,911.08 Furniture and Fixtures 146,842.09 Leasehold Improvements 3,035.55 $627,432.78 Less: Allowance for Depreciation and $471,632.12 3,500.00 $ 475,132.12 18,775.00 415,000.00 10,955.00 $535,931.01 178,708.16 (5,057.47) 709,581.70 $ 2,020.30 400.00 2,420.30 $1,631,864.12 $151,448.85 Amortization 175,388.40 452,044.38 $603,493.23 Construction in Progress 3,482.92 606,976.15 TOTAL 'ASSETS $2,238,840.27 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll SURPLUS: Invested in Fixed Assets Unappropriated TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $ 200,685.38 3,542.61 $ 204,227.99 $ 606,976.15 1,427,636.13 2,034,612.28 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $2,238,840.27 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE .,CITY -OF EDINA_ Seven Months Ending July 31, 1975 and July 31; 1974 c: 1975 19'74 INCREASE- DECREASE* 50th St. Yorkdole,. Grandview Total 50th St. SouAdale Grandview Total 50th St Yorkdale Grandview Total Liquor $426,349 66 $ 634 208. 32 $443,564 40 $1,504,122.38 $418,589.00 $557,141.00 $389,896.00 $1,365,626.00.$ 7,760.66:$ 77,067.32 $ 53,668.40 $138,496. <38 Wine 1179225.96 198,951.19 118,196.80 434,313.95 111,267.00 171,576.00 93,180.00 376,023.00 5,958.96 21,375.19 25,016.80 58,350.95 Beer 166,839.11 226,501.19 131,169.80 524,510.10 145,257.00 18 6,09,7.00 .108,794.00 440,148.00 211582.11 40,404.19 22,375.80 84,362.10 Mix and Miscellaneous 15 273.59 22 086.53 16,057.65 53 417 77 14 395.00 17 447. 00. 13 661.00 45 503.00 878.59 4,639.53 2 396 65 7,914.77 $725,688.32 $1,081,747.23 $708,988.65 $2,516,424.20 $689,508.00 $932,261..00 $605,531.00 $2_9227,300.00 $36,180.32 $149,486.23 $103,457.65 $289,124..20 Less bottle refunds 12,724.90 17,094.12 . 11,907.28 41•,726.30 11,265.00 14,267.00 10,971.00 36,503.00 1 459.90 2,827.12 936.28 5,223.30' NET SALES $712,963.42 $1,064,653.11 $697,081.37 $29474;697.90 $678,243.00.$917d 94.00 $594,560.00 $22190,797.00 $34, 720.42 $146,659.11 $102,521937 $283,900.90 COST OF SALES:' .Inventory - January 1$191,471.96 $ 210,403..16 $218,397.83 $ 620,272.95 $183,,230.00 $202,960.00.$165,390.00 $ 551,580.00 $ 8,241.96 $ 7,443.16 $ 53,007.83 $ 68,692.95. Purchases 615,834.30 914,259.84 610,791.22 2,140,885.36 597,410.00 774,999.00 528,337.00 1,9009746 00 18,424.30 139,260 84 82,454 22 240,139 36 $807,306.26 $1,124,663.00 $829,189.05 $2,761,158.31 $780,640.00 $977,959.00 $693,727.00 $2,452,326.00 $26,666.26 $146,704.00 $135,462.05 $308,832.31 Inventory-July 31 208,058.56 250,861.69 250,661.45 709,581.70 219,885.00 236,400.00 197,194.00 653,479.00 11;826.44* 14,461.69 53,467 45 56,102 70 $599,247.70 $ 873,801.31 $578,527.60 $2,051,576.61 $560,755.00 $741,559.00 $496,533.00 $1,798,847.00 $38,492.70 $132,242.31 $ 81,994 60 $252,729.61 GROSS PROFI $113,715.72 $ 190,851.80 $118,553,77 $ 423,121.29 $117,488.00,$176,435.00 $'98,027.00 $ 391,950.00 $ 3,772.28*$ 14,416.80 $ 20,526.77 $ 31,171 29 0 Selling EXPENSES: 39,295.96 $ 38,.074.40 $ 31,583.65 $ 108,954.01 $ 36,795.00 $ 33,321.00 $ 26,060.00 $ 96,176.00 $ 2,500.96 $ 4,753.40 $ 5,523.65 $ 12,778:01 Overhead 8,558.07 16,315.57 12,734.62 37,608.26 12,215.00 13,755.00. 12,3519.00 38,329.00 3,656.93 2,560.57 375.62 720.74* ` Administrative. - 24,054.96 25,981.05 22,473.03 72,509.04 16,698.00 16,858.00. 14,715.00 48,271.00 7,356 96 9,123 05 7,758 03 24,238 04 TOTAL OPERATING$ 71,908.99 $ 80,371.02 $ 66,791.30 $ 219,071.31 $ 65,708.00 $ 63,708.00 $ 53,134.00 $. 182,776.00 $ 6,200.99 $ 16,437.02 $ 13,657.30 $ 36,295.31 EXPENSES NET OPERATIN PROFIT $ 41,806.73 $ 110,480.78 $ 51,762.47 $ 204,049.98 $ 51,780.00 $112,501.00_$ 44,893.00 $ 209,174.00 $ 9,973.27*$ 2,020.22*$ 6,869.47 $ 5,124.02* OTHER INCOME: Cash Discount $ 2,601.12 $ 4,248.48 $ 3,453.47 $ 10,303.07 $ 3,066.00 $ .4,097.00 $ 2,869.00 $ 10,032.00 $ .464.88*$ 151.48 $ 584.47 $ 271.07 Cash over or under 15.04* 52.90* 112.05 44.11 55.00 9:00* 122.00 168.00 70.04* 43.90* 9.95* 123.89* Income on investments 10, 955.00 10 , 955.00 3 , 818.00 Other 3,818.00 7 ,137.00 7,137.00 755.77 246.60 148.50 1,150.87 925.00 925.00 169.23* 246.60 148'.50 - 225.87 NET INCOME$ 14,296.85 $ 4,442.18 $ 3,714.02 $ 22,453.05 $ 7,864.00 $ 4,088.00 $ 2 991.00 $ 14,943.00 $ 6,432.85 $ 354.18 $ 723.02 $ 7,510.05 $ 56,103.5.8 $ 114,922.96 $ 55,476.49 $ 226,503.03 $ 59,644.00 $116,589.00 11 47,884.00 $ 224,117 00 $ 3;540 42*$ 1,666 04 $ 7,592 49 $ 2,386 03 PERCENT TO NET SALES: Gross profit 15.95% 17.93% 17.01% 17.10% 17.327. 19.22% 16.49% 17.89% . Operating expenses 10.09 7.55 9.58 8.85 9.69 6.96 8.94 8.34 Operating .profit 5.86% 10.38 %. 7.43% 8.25% 7.63% 12.26% 7.55% 9.55% ' Other income NET INCOME 2,01 .41 .53 .90 1.16 .44 .50 .68 7.87% 10.79% 7.96% 9.15% 8.79% 12.70% 8.05% 10.23% A RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARTICIPATION IN THE SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY NURSING DISTRICT Mr. Courtney introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 145.08 and 145.12, provision has been made for a public health nursing district in that portion of Hennepin County outside the City of Minneapolis, and WHEREAS, pursuant to such authority such a public health nursing district has been organized and has been in operation since 1952, and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to continue the operation of such nursing district and to provide it with adequate funds for its proper operation NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF the Edina City Council _ that this political subdivision continue to be included in the public health nursing district of Suburban Hennepin County, organized on January 4, 1952; that it participate in the benefits thereof; and that it agrees to support on an apportionment basis its pro rata share of the cost of the administration of such district provided, however, that for the period of January 1, 19'10 through December 31, 1976 this cost shall not exceed 500 per capita on the basis of 1975 population estimates as per the Metropolitan Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be deemed an agreement to continue to participate in such nursing district on the basis hereinbefore specified with all other political subdivisions adopting similar resolutions. The motion for adoption of the following resolution was seconded by Councilman thaw Upon roll call there were ffour yeas and one nays: Yeas Nays Courtney, Richards, Shaw, Van ValkenburC Schmidt I, Flo enre 1- H;;11hPr; , Clerk of the city of F.jina hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the governing body of Edina in an official meeting on Or 20. 1975 �..�.• (signed (Clerk) .j subutban Tublic Health T utsing cS -mce IN HENNEPIN COUNTY West 201 Telephone: 925 -3960 8700 W. 36th Street St. Louis Perk, Minn. 55426 i Telephone: 933 2445 August 26, 1975 Member Municipalities of the Nursing District: Enclosed is the 1976 budget of the Suburban Public Health Nursing Service. In establishing this budget, the Nursing Committee has attempted to reflect what we hope is the majority opinion of the various municipal officials who met with us on August 14th at the Minnetonka City Hall. You will remember that we were advised on that date to fund a potential deficit of $ 113,000 by: a) cutting services back to "the basics" b) levying no more than an additional 2¢ per capita c) levying as much of a per capita increase as neces- sary to fund the 1976 operation The budget enclosed is based, unfortunately, on a per capita increase greater than the 2¢ bottom line suggestion but,. fortunately, much less than that needed to fund the entire deficit and sustain the same level of operation. The Nursing Committee has approved the following reductions in staff for 1976 operations: a) three (3) full time nurse positions b) one (1) part time technician The economy to be realized by these reductions is S$45,100. In order to provide for these reductions in staff, we have planned for the discontinuance in 1976 of well child clinics and school health services. The Nursing Committee is of the opinion that any further curtailments in staffing and services would severely impair our ability to meet health needs of the people of our communities and would raise serious question as to the wisdom of continueing the Suburban Public Health Nursing Service beyond December 31, 1975• SUPPORTED BY TAX FUNDS FROM MUNICIPALITIES OF � SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY AND THE UNITED FUND The 1976 budget, as approved by the Nursing.Commi,t;tee . on August 21, 1975, provides for expenditures in the ;amount of $464,719 -- a figure which will balance with anticipated revenues on2a if, a proposed per capita increase of eleven cents (11¢) can be sustained by the member municipalities with calculations based on the 1975 est.mated census. In addition, we.are requesting an additional q122,000 of the United Way and balancing the 1976 budget presumes that this request will be honored. - Also enclosed is a resolution form relating to continued participation of your municipality in the'Nursing District. Tile urge,ntly.:.request -that you forward formal notice of your C.ouncil41,s action on .this, or a similar form, no later than `Nov;emb._er .1., 19:75. Thank you for your .,interest 'and 'assistance in deli - bera't'ing these critical .i-ssues in .the •continuation -o,f 'the 'Suburban Public Health Nursing Service. Sincerely, Robert.Johaston,-Chairman 0. J. Bronstad, Vice - chairman Ern.ee McArthur, Secretary Keith Meland, Treasurer Virginia Anderson .Robert Doan, M.D. Sam Hi'guchi Victoria Joyner Nursing Committee -2- The 1976 budget, as approved by the Nursing.Commi,t;tee . on August 21, 1975, provides for expenditures in the ;amount of $464,719 -- a figure which will balance with anticipated revenues on2a if, a proposed per capita increase of eleven cents (11¢) can be sustained by the member municipalities with calculations based on the 1975 est.mated census. In addition, we.are requesting an additional q122,000 of the United Way and balancing the 1976 budget presumes that this request will be honored. - Also enclosed is a resolution form relating to continued participation of your municipality in the'Nursing District. Tile urge,ntly.:.request -that you forward formal notice of your C.ouncil41,s action on .this, or a similar form, no later than `Nov;emb._er .1., 19:75. Thank you for your .,interest 'and 'assistance in deli - bera't'ing these critical .i-ssues in .the •continuation -o,f 'the 'Suburban Public Health Nursing Service. Sincerely, Robert.Johaston,-Chairman 0. J. Bronstad, Vice - chairman Ern.ee McArthur, Secretary Keith Meland, Treasurer Virginia Anderson .Robert Doan, M.D. Sam Hi'guchi Victoria Joyner Nursing Committee 0 SUBURBAN PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE 1976 BUDGET DISTRIBUTION OF. PROGRAM COSTS ACCOUNT ANNUAL SUPPORTING SERVICES Yx�c�x�!►n �xyi��� TOTAL MGMNT. FUND TOTAL MAT -. - CHILD ILL cec DISABLED HOME DESCRIPTION AGENCY SUP -PORT _ AND RAIS -. PROG. ADULT HEALTH IMMUN. -TEACH.- 1!5 '. BUDGET SERVICE GENERAL ING SERV. HEALTH COUIVSEL CARE AIDE CLINIC EXPE.,MLTURE; Salaries 325488 65140 64158 982 260248 36 59 73,373 118392 29 56 2268 Employee Benefits 34,694 6;-95 6,1.01 . 94 28,499 __2p87 7P51 13401 2832 328 Payroll Taxes 16,339 2955 2P14_ 41 1384 2081 4203 3217 l 23 160 Prof. Fees 6,250 3,800 3,800 2,450 2,450 Supplies 430 424 6 4fi45 303 573 1711 204 1854 Telephone 2,950 529 521 .8 2,421 373 704 1p58 250 36 Postage 1,200 60o 600 600 600 Occupancy Rent & Gen. Ins. 21,459 3 .853 3,795 58 17597 2711 5,120 7686 1820 260 Mileage 21,800 700 665 35 21.100 2,796 5 .659„ 9;L 3.300 214 Conferences, Conventions 800 161 159 2 639 101 215 323 Subscriptions tic 1,450 260 256 4 1190 183 346 5z0 123 18 References E uinment & Repairs 2.125 2125 2.125 7 7 1 scellaneo.us - 250 250 200 Contingencies 24848 5014 4240 74 19834 2710 5485 144 228 208 TOTAL EXPENLITURES: 464719 Z'6.2 90 8 I o4 3729 1 04 10.62 16 42 6 SUBURBAN PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE 1976 BUDGET DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAM COSTS BY SOURCE OF SUPPORT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION GENCY UDGET SUPPORTING SERVICES PROGRAM SERVICES TOTAL :SUPPORT SERVICE MGP -INT. AND GENERAL FUND RAIS- ING TOTAL PROG. SERV. MAT. - CHILD ADULT HEALTH ILL & DISABLED HOME HEALTH AIDE 1111MUN. CLINIC TEACH. COUNSEL NSG. CARE `762 TOTAL EXPENDITURESs r, 191-9;762 9 99,458 x,304 37�957 5�,50� 1.o�629 168833 4 095 ,896 ' 12,672 25,501 44788 10,360 1,441 Allocation of Supporting Service Costs TOTAL PROGRAM COSTS .. ;64,176 29;130 211,621 52,455 7'.337 138 31,472 157,378 2,;w66 L716 Less: UNITED.AWAY IND FEE SERVICE INCOME 2 TOTAL MUNICIPALITY COSTS 64038 97,658 54243 23,J89 %621 _ PROGRAMS BY COST AND SOURCES OF REVENUE SUPPORTING SERVICES PROGRAM SERVICES TOTAL MAT.- ILL &.DISABLED HOME, MGMT. & FUND EXPEND. TEACH. NSG. GENERAL RAISING CHILD ADULT HEALTH IMMUN.' HEALTH COUNSEL.CARE AIDE CLINIC TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 9.0;58 x,394 5?504 lo3629 169,833 42095 5, 96 4E4719 MINUS FEE SERVICE & UNITED WAY INCOME 62,561 - - - -- - - - -- 22416 112765 20,806 1,222 .219770 11-39% .53% 2 1. 0 351 33.16 23.30r . 8.69% 1.90 % 1000% COST TO MUNICIPALITIES 27,897 1,304 51504 81,213 57AE8 21,289 40574 244,949 1975. EST. PC::ULATION 5.0570 .0027 .1052 .1658 .1165 .0434 .0094 $-5.0 PER CAPITA COST SCHEDULE OF REVENUE .:MUNICIPALITIES ..244,949.. UNITED 'WAY 76,370. FEE SERVICES: CANCER SOCIETY 4,000. CHEST CLINIC 3,900. MEDICARE 55,000. .PATIENTS -20,500. VETERANS ADMIN. 25,000. WELFARE 3 2., ,00.0 . IMMUN.. CLINIC 1..700. 142,,100. INTEREST INCOME 1,000. OTHER INCOME 300. 464,719. EXHIBIT A That part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21 described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence West to the Southwest corner of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence Northerly along the West line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 to the Northeast corner of Lot 8, Block 3, Kemrich Knolls; thence Easterly along the Easterly extension of the North line of said Lot 8, a distance of 35 feet; thence Northerly, 35 feet East of and parallel with the West line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 to an intersection with a circular arc with a radius of 50 feet and with a center point located on the Easterly extension of the North line of Lot 1, Block 2, Kemrich Knolls distant 25 feet East of the Northeast corner of said Lot 1 as platted in the original Kemrich Knolls plat; thence Northeasterly, Northerly and Northwesterly along said circular arc to an.intersection with the West line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence Northerly along said West line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4.-a distance of 150 feet; thence Easterly, at right angles to said West line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 6/4, a distance of 82 feet; thence Southeasterly, at a deflection angle of 45 00' degrees to the right, to an intersection with a line running Southwesterly from the Southeast corner of Outlo- As, Diacina, Oanz al. a,, aivjir Ulf 73 1G'02" as turned counterclockwise from the Southwest corner of said Outlot A; thence Northeasterly, along said line running Southwesterly from the Southeast corner of Outlot A, to an intersection with a line 818 feet North of and parallel with the South line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence East along said line 8 8 feet North of and parallel with the South line of said Southwest 1/4 of the grtheast 1/4 to a point 331.95 feet West of the East line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence Southerly, 331.95 feet West of and parallel to the East line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 to a point 554.9 feet South of the.North line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence Easterly, 554.9 feet South of and parallel with the North line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 to the East line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence Southerly to the point of beginning. The following tracts of land are excepted from the above description: 1. The North 401.5 feet of the South 418 feet of the West 209 feet of the East 905 feet of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. 2. A tract of land lying within the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21 and described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the North four hundred one and five tenths feet (401.5') of the South four hundred eighteen feet (418') of R", EXHIBIT A, page 2 the West two hundred nine feet (209') of the East nine hundred five feet (905') of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence East parallel to the South line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of.two hundred nine feet (209'); thence South parallel to the East line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of one hundred thirty -four and fifty hundredths feet (134.50'); thence East parallel to the South line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 to a point three hundred thirty -one and ninety - five hundredths feet (331.95') West of the East line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence North parallel to and three hundred thirty -one and ninety -five hundredths feet (331.95') West of the East line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of five hundred thirty -four and five - tenths feet (534.5'); thence West and parallel to the South line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of four hundred seventy -nine feet (479.0'); thence Southwesterly to point of beginning. 3. The South 16.5 feet of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. 4. The East 33 feet of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. EXHIBIT B That part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21 and described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest cornet of Lot 1, Block 1, Braemar Oaks; thence Southwesterly at an angle of 106 49'58" as turned clockwise from the Southeast corner of said Lot 1 to an intersection with a line 818 feet Northerly of and parallel with the South line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence West a distance of 62.69 feet; thence Northeasterly to the Southeast corner of Outlot A, Braemar Oaks; thence Easterly to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT C The West 358.95 feet of the East 391.95 feet of the South 60 feet of the North 614.9 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21. Also the West 60 feet of the East 391.95 feet of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 lying between a line 818 feet Northerly of and parallel with the South line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and a line 554.9 feet Southerly of and parallel with the North line of said Southwest 1/4 of.the Northeast 1/4. Said temporary easement shall terminate 6 months after access to properties lying North and Westerly has been made available from the West. All permanent structures on said easement shall be removed at the expense of the Party of the Second Part or Assigns no later than 6 months after written.request to do so has been issued by the City. Returning area as much as possible to its original condition. AGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1975 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL MINUTES of September 8 and 15, 1975, approved as presented or corrected by motion of seconded by I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Tabula- tion of Assessment. Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution Ordering Assessment. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Street Improvement No. E -29 - Creek Valley Road Cul -De -Sac (Continued from 9/15/75) B. Street Lighting Improvement No. L -9 - W. 70th Street from T.H. 100 to France Ave. C• 1975 Oiling - W. 59th St. between Oaklawn and Wooddale Avenues D. Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -291 - W. Frontage Road Highway 100 from W. 44th St. to 615 feet North II. PUBLIC HEARING ON FLOOD PLAIN PERMIT Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presenta- tion by Planning Department. Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Lot 1, Block 2, Sioux Trail 3rd Addition (6836 Sally Lane) III. PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. First Reading requires offering of ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if Second Reading should be waived. A. First Reading 1. Ordinance No. 811 -A67 - Heritage Preservation Ordinance 2. Ordinance No. 802 -A2 - Establishing Heritage Preservation Board IV. AWARD OF BIDS Tabulations and recommendations by Acting City Manager. Action of Council by Motion. A. Police Cars B. 3/4 Ton Van V. COMMUNICATIONS A. Marvin L. Ellingson, Jr. - Street Surfacing - Xerxes Ave. B. Ralph Campbell III - Naming of Park C. Revenue Sharing D. Robert P. Boblett - Blake Road Traffic E. Petitions 1. Dovre Drive between Parkwood Lane and Biscayne Blvd. - One Way Street 2. France Ave. between W. 66th St. & W. 69th St. - Underground Wiring 3. Glasgow Drive - Permanent Street Surfacing & Curb 4. Edina Green Improvements (Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Graveling, Permanent Street Surfacing and Curb, Storm Sewer) 1;ctober 6, 1975 Agenda Page Two VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Planning Commission 1. Final Plat Approval a. Nine Mile North 2nd Addition 2. Lot Divisions a. Outlots B and C, Gleason Fifth Addition, and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason Fifth Addition (Generally located South of Vernon Ave. and West of Gleason Road - LD -75 -5 (.7/2/75, 7/30/75, 9/3/75) b. Part of Lot 9, Warden Acres (5709 Warden Ave.) 3. Set Hearing Date a. Londonderry Replat - Generally located North of Fabri -Tek and East of Lincoln Drive S -75 -17 (9/24/75) B. Purchase of Grimes House (Continued from 9/15/75) C. Suit - Gordon C. Cravens D. Kyllo Assessment Refund E. Authorize Lighting Improvement No. P -L -12 - 100% Petition F. Edina Sun-- Publication Deadline G. 1976 Budget VII. RESOLUTIONS A. Minnesota Highway Department Stockpile Removal VIII. ANY OTHERS M,0' D'S.I .T.'., ::FARING L1L1' V^ COUNCIL IX. FINANCE A. Purchase of Air Compressor B. Claims Paid. Motion of seconded by for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated October 6, 1975: General and Revenue Sharing, $99,841.12; Construction Fund, $698.35; Park Funds, $30,912.84; Water Funds, $14,175.99; Liquor Fund, $3,648.39; Sewer Fund, $2.703.58; Improvements, $364,245.00; Total, $516,225.27; and for confirmation of payment of the following Claims: General and Revenue Sharing, $150,861.48; Construction Fund, $25.00; Park Funds, 4,297.96; Water Fund, $1,065.25; Liquor Fund, $171,334.68; Total, $327,584.37 C. Purchase of Wire - Braemar Lighting System D. Purchase of Heaters - Braemar Club House TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1976 thru 1985 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1975 TAXES COLLECTED IN.1976 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.24 (452 .days) ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6213 FOR: STREET LIGHTS NO. L -9 LOCATION: West 70th Street from Highway 100 to France Avenue CONTRACTOR: Northern States Power CONTRACT.AMOUNT: $6,900.00 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (107.) 690.00. $7,590.00 Work. Order #568 - Sodding and Black Dirt 181.39 $7,771.39 Less State Aid Share 3,795.00 $3,976.39 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 15.00 $3,991.39 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5% From: January 20, 1975 To: October 6, 1975 259 days @ $0.55 per day 142.85 . TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,134.24 ASSESSABLE UNITS - 88 ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $50.00 PER ASSESSABLE UNIT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $46.98 PER ASSESSABLE UNIT ASSESSABLE COST: $4,134.24 COUNTY CHARGE: 76 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 38.00 $4,172.24 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1976 thru 1985 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1975 TAXES COLLECTED IN.1976 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.24 (452 .days) w ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6224 FOR: STREET OILING LOCATION: West 59th Street between Oaklawn and Wooddale CONSTRUCTION: City of Edina . ` $117.02 Labor 123.00 Equipment 540.18 Material $780.20 CLERICAL AND OVERHEAD 105.56 -"-' -- TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $885.76 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 1,067.20 feet Cost per foot - 83C Interest - 5% ASSESSABLE COST: $885.76 COUNTY CHARGE: 8 Parcels @ $0.05 each parcel .40 $886.16 PAYABLE IN ONE YEAR WITH TAXES COLLECTED IN 1976 ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT LEVY NO. 6214 FOR: SANITARY SEWER NO. 291 LOCATION: West Frontage Road Highway 100 from West 44th Street to 615 feet north CONTRACTOR: State of Minnesota Highway Department CONTRACT AMOUNT: $11,035.50 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: (12,') 1,324.26 $12,359.76 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 35.00 $12,394.76 CAPITALIZED INTEREST @ 5% One Year 619.71 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,014.47 ASSESSABLE UNITS - 7 ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT - $1,948.29 PER ASSESSABLE UNIT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - $1,859.21 PER ASSESSABLE UNIT ASSESSABLE COST: $13,014.47 COUNTY CHARGE: 7 Parcels @ $0.50 each parcel 3.50 $13,017.97 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1976 thru .1985 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH 1975 TAXES COLLECTED IN 1976 FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST FIGURED @ 5% OF TOTAL PRINCIPAL TIMES 1.24 (452 days) )41b P 5201 Schaefer Road Edina, Minnesota August 12, 1975 Ms. Florence Hallberg 4801 W 50th St. Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Ms. Hallberg: Mr. Dunn has advised us to direct this letter to you. We are requesting reimbursement for a second.sewer asses- ment made on our property and paid for December 31, 1968.. This involved trunk water main #212 assessed September 16, 1968, for the amount of $110.91. It has never been our intent to develop our back lot area. We were unaware in 1968 of the option of giving a certification of non - development. In addition, it appears the development of the Byerly property likely precludes any potential sub- division by us. There seems to be no point in paying for a sewer.connection that will never be used. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, John and Carole Kyllo 5201 Schaefer Road Edina, Minnesota August 12, 1975 Ms. Florence Hallberg 4801 W 50th St. Edina,-Minnesota 55424 Dear Ms. HQllberg: Mr. Dunn has advised us to direct this letter to you. We are requesting reimbursement for a second sewer asses- ment made on our property and paid for December 31, 1968. This involved trunk water main #212 assessed September 16, 1968, for the amount of.$110.91. It has never been our intent to develop our back lot area. We were unaware in 1968 of the option of giving a certification of non - development. In addition, it appears the development of the Byer- ly- prope- r- ty- l- ike -1 -y- precludes any- potenta -1 -sub- division by us. There seems to be no.point in paying for a sewer connection that will never be used. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, John and Carole Kyllb DONALD WEST WALDO F. MAROVART JON W WINDHORST HENRY HALLADAY JULE M. HANNAFORD ARTHUR B. WHITNEY RUSSELL W. LINDOUIST DAVID R�BRINK HORACE HITCM VI RGIL H. MILL ROBERT V. TARBOA ROBERT J. JOHNSON M.B. MASSELOUIST PETER DORSEY GEORGE P.%LANNERY: CURTIS L. ROY ARTHUR E. WEISBERG DUANE E. JOSEPH JAMES 8. VESSEY WILL A WHITLOCK E. J. SON WARTMAUER THOMAS M. BROWN CORNELIUS D MAHONEY THOMAS S -ER IC' SON WILLIAM C. 13ABCOCK MICHAEL E. BRESS RAYMOND A, REISTER JOHN J TAYLOR BERNARD G HEINZEN' DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST 8, HALLADAY WILLIAM J HEMPEL JOHN S. HIBBS ROBERT O. FLOTTEN JOHN D. LEVINE ROBERT J STRUYK MICHAEL A OLSON LARRY W JOHNSON THOMAS 5 MAY G. LARRY GRIFFITH CRAIG A BECK DAVID L M:CUSKEr THOMAS 0 MOE JAMES M. G'HAGAN JOHN M.MASON MICHAEL W WRIGHT LARRY L. VICKREY LOREN R KNOTT PHILLIP M MARTIN CURTIS L. STINE . REESE C JOHNSON MICHAEL TRUCANO CHARLES J HAUENSTEIN JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER WILLIAM J. KEPPEL CHARLES A GEER CHASKA, MINNESOTA 56318 JAMES A. FLADER JOHN C. ZWAKMAN ( 612 ), 448 — 4012 WILLIAM,A. JOHNSTONE JOHN R -WICKS - - - - - WILLIAM E. BOWEN EUGENE L. JOHNSON - WILLIAM P. LUTHER JOHN W. W! I: DHORST. JR. DOUGLAS VMCFARLAND MICHAEL PRICHARD 115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST DAVID L. BOEHNEN WILLIAM R -SOTH ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55901 ALAN O. GILLILAND THOMAS R MANTHEY (507) 288-3156 LAWRENCE R. OLIVER RICHARD G SWANSON - FRANK M. VOIGT 2300 F IRS T NATIONAL B A N K BUILDING fAITM L OHMAN DAVID A. RANNEIN MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA S S 4 O 2 ROBE J SILVER MAN WILL R. HIBBS JOHN D. KIRBY (612) 340 -2600 PHILIP F. BOELTER WILL B. PAYNE - CABLE: DORO W . JAN STUURMANS - - TELEX:29 -0605 - 0. A SCHWARTZBAUER- - STEVEN K. CHAMPLIN - TELECO PIER :(612) 340 -2866 oAwo N.FRONEK - .THOMAS W. TINKMAM JON F. TUTTLE 1466 W —FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ROSE A HEIBERG- - 5T. PAUL, MINNESOTA 65101 CMIRI W. BARTLE (612) 227 -8017 MICHAEL J RADMER - . PAUL SCHEERER September 17, 1975 Mr. Robert C. Dunn 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Refund of Second Sewer Assessment to John and Carole Kyllo per their written request dated August 12, 1975. Dear Mr. Dunn: John and Carole.Kyllo have asked that the second 1968 sewer assessment be returned to them. :They previously paid the assessment without protest. Although the courts in Minnesota have not specifically con- fronted this question, the law is summarized in McQuillin, Municipal Corporations as follows: "A municipality has no.authority or power to ' compromise, abate or cancel assessments legally levied unless specifically authorized by statute, at least where municipal bonds have been issued in anticipation of collection and payment of assessments." 14 Municipal Corporations, § 38.338 (McQuillin, 1970). "The Legislature may authorize refunding of moneys paid for public improvements, and statutes and ordinances in the various juris- dictions provide for a refund or rebate of assessments levied and collected for public improvements, under specified conditions, provided the claim therefor is made within the time prescribed by law, but the whole question is governed by the terms of the statute involved." 1.4 Municipal Corporations, § 38.336 (McQuillin, 1970). WILLIAM E MARTIN WILLIAM N. HIPPEE, JR. STEPHEN G. SHANK ROBERT A. BURNS TONI A. BEITZ MICNEL A. LAFOND BRADFORD L. FERGUSON ROGER J. MAGNUSON J. ROBERT HIBBS' JAY COOK STANLEY REIN CHARLES L POTUZNIK VERLANE L ENDORF DENNIS BURATTI GEORGEANN BECAER ROBERT HOBBIN5 BARRY D.GLAZER PETER HENDRIASON NICKY MAY IRVING WEISER STEPHEN GOTTSCHALK THOMAS ELKINS OF COUNSEL DAVID E. BRONSON LEAVITT R. BARAER GEORGE E. ANDERSON ROBERT L VANFOSSEN C D nn Mr. Robert. u September 17, 1975 Page 2. "Special assessments may not be recovered back, though paid under protest, except in accordance with the statute.". 14 Municipal Corporations,.§ 38.333 (McQuillin, 1970.). Minnesota Statutes 1974, Sections�435.202 & 435.203 provide for a refund of special assessments under certain circumstances, none of which apply. to the above situation. Our research has revealed no other express statutory . authority for granting refunds of special assessments. Furthermore .,. it is "well settled.that voluntary payment of special assessments cannot be recovered, even though the assessment be void." 14 Municipal Corporations Section 38.333 (McQuillin, 1970): Accord, Hunter vs City of Minneapolis, 171 Minnesota 309, 2-13 N.W. 916 (1927). It is our opinion, therefore, that the City of Edina has no authority to refund to John and Carole Kyllo any part of the sewer assessment which they paid without protest in 1968. '?f you have any further questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, YyA Tho as S. E ickson TSE /jcs w 5201 Schaefer Road Edina, Minnesota August 12, .1975 Ms. Florence Hallberg 4801 W 50th St. Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Ms. Hallberg: Mr. Dunn has advised us to direct this letter to you. We are requesting reimbursement for a second sewer asses - ment made on our property and paid for December 31, 1968. This involved trunk water main #212 assessed September 16, 1968, for the amount of $110.91. It has never been our intent to develop our back lot area. We were unaware in 1968 of the option of .giving a certification of non - development. In addition, it appears *he d ° ^e'_ ^rment of the Byerly property likely precludes any potential sub - division by us. There seems to be no point in paying for a sewer.connection that will never be used. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, �: John and Carole.Kyllo DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST $ HALLADAY DONALD W EST WILLIAM J HEMPEL 2 3 O O F I R S T N AT I O N A L B A N K B U I L D I N G FAITH L OHMAN WALDO FMAROUART . JOHN S HIBBS DAVID A RANHEIM JOHN W. WINDHORST ROBERT O. FLOTTEN ROBERT J, SILVERMAN HENRY HALLADAY JOHN D, LEVINE M I N N E A P O L I S, M I N N E S O TA 55402 - WILLIAM R. HIBBS JULE M. HANNAFORD ROBERT J STRUYK - JOHN D. KIRBY ARTHUR B. WHITNEY MICHAEL A. OLSON PHILIP F. BOELTER RUSSELL W LINDOUIST LARRY W JOHNSON - (612) 340 -2600 WILLIAM B. PAYNE DAVID R. BRINK THOMAS 5 HAY - CABLE: DOROW - - JAN STUURMANS MORALE HITCH - G. LARRY GRIFFITH - - R. A SCHWARTZ BAUER VIRGIL M.HILL CRAIGA BECK TELEX: 29 -0605 STEVEN K. CHAMPLIN ROBERT V. tAR80% DAVID L M<DUSKEY TELECOPIER :(612) 340 -2868 DAVID N. FRONEK ROBERT J. JOHNSON THOMAS 0. WOE THOMAS W. TINKHAM K B, HASSELOUIST JAMES H. O HAGAN - JON F. TUTTLE PETER DORSEY JOHNM. MASON - 1468 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ROBERT A HEIBERG GEORGE P.FLANNERY MICHAEL WRIGHT ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 EMERY W. BARTLE _ CU FITIS LROY ARTHUR E. WEISBERG LARRY L VICAREY LOREN P KNOTT (612) 227 -8017 MICHAEL J RADMER -' PAUL SCHEERER DUANE E JOSEPH PHILLIR'H MARTIN CURT IS L. S71NE JAMES B. VESSEY REESE C, JOHNSON MICHAEL TRUCANO WILLIAM A WHITLOCK CHARLES HAUENSTEIN - JONATHAN VILLAGE.CENTER .. WILLIAM J. KEPPEL E. J. SCH'WARTZBAUER CHARLES A GEER CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 - JAMES A. FLADER ' THOMAS M. BROWN JOHN C. ZWAKMAN (612) 448 -4012 WILLIAM A JOHNSTONE CORNELIUS D MAHONEY JOHN 'R. WICKS WILLIAM E. BROEN THOMAS S. ERICKSON EUGENE L. JOHNSON - - _ - WILLIAM P. LUTHER WILLIAM C. BABCOCK JOHN W WINDHORST,JR. DOUGLAS D. MCFARLAND MICHAEL E. BRESS MICHAEL PFIC HARD .115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST DAVID L. BOEHNEN RAYMOND A REISTER WILLIAM R. SOTH ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA SS9O1 - ALAN O. GILLILAND JOHN J TAYLOR THOMAS R MANTHEY _ - (507) 288 -3156 LAWRENCE R. OLIVER BERNARD G HEINZEN RICHARD G SWANSON FRANK H. VOIGT September 17, 1975 Mr. •Robert C. Dunn 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Refund of Second Sewer Assessment to John and Carole Kyllo per their written request dated August 12, 1975. Dear Mr. Dunn: .. .John and Carole Kyllo have asked that the second 1968 sewer assessment be returned to them. They previously paid the assessment without protest. Although the courts in Minnesota have not specifically con- fronted this question, the law is summarized in McQuillin, Municipal Corporations as follows: "A municipality has no authority or power to compromise, abate or cancel assessments legally levied unless specifically authorized by statute, at least where municipal bonds have been issued in anticipation of collection and payment of assessments." 14 Municipal Corporations, § 38..338 (McQuillin, 1970). . "The Legislature may authorize refunding of moneys paid for public improvements, and statutes and ordinances in the various juris- dictions provide for a refund or rebate -of assessments levied.and collected for public improvements, under specified conditions, provided the claim therefor is made within the time prescribed by 'law, but the whole question -is governed by the terms of the statute involved." 14 Municipal Corporations, § 38.336 (McQuillin, 1970). WILLIAM E. MARTIN WILLIAM H. HIPPEE, JR: STEPHEN G. SHANK , ROBERT A. BURNS TON A. BEITZ MICHEL A. LAFOND BRADFORD L FERGUSON ROGER J. HAGNUSON' J. ROBERT HIBBS JAY COOK STANLEY REIN CHARLES L, POTUZNIK VERLANE L ENDORF DENNIS BURATTI . GEORGEANN BECKER ROBERT HOSSINS -BARRY D.GLAZER PETER HENDRIASON KICKY HAY IRVING WEISER STEPHEN GOTTSCHALK . THOMAS ELKINS OF COUNSEL DAVID E. BRONSON LEAVITT R. BARKER, GEORGE E. ANDERSON ROBERT L.VANFOSSEN DORSEY, MAROUART, WINDHORST, WEST & HALLADAY Mr. Robert C. Dunn Page 2 September 17, 1975 "Special assessments.may not be recovered back, though paid under protest, except in accordance with the statute." 14 Municipal Corporations, § 38.333 (McQuillin, 1970). Minnesota Statutes 1974, Sections 435.202 & 435.203 provide for a refund of'special assessments under certain circumstances, none of which apply to the above situation. Our research has revealed no other express statutory authority for granting refunds. of .special assessments. Furthermore, it is "well settled that voluntary payment of special assessments cannot be recovered, even though the assessment be void." 14 Municipal Corporations Section 38.333 (McQuillin, 1970). Accord, Hunter vs City of Minneapolis, 171 Minnesota 309, 213 N.W. 916 (1927). it is our opinion, therefore, that the City of Edina has no authority to refund to John and Carole Kyllo any part of the sewer assessment which they paid without protest in 1968. Tf you have any further questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, TTas h S . E ickson TSE /jcs 0. „1 DORSEY, MAROUART, WINDHORST, WEST & HALLADAY Mr. Robert C. Dunn Page 2 September 17, 1975 "Special assessments.may not be recovered back, though paid under protest, except in accordance with the statute." 14 Municipal Corporations, § 38.333 (McQuillin, 1970). Minnesota Statutes 1974, Sections 435.202 & 435.203 provide for a refund of'special assessments under certain circumstances, none of which apply to the above situation. Our research has revealed no other express statutory authority for granting refunds. of .special assessments. Furthermore, it is "well settled that voluntary payment of special assessments cannot be recovered, even though the assessment be void." 14 Municipal Corporations Section 38.333 (McQuillin, 1970). Accord, Hunter vs City of Minneapolis, 171 Minnesota 309, 213 N.W. 916 (1927). it is our opinion, therefore, that the City of Edina has no authority to refund to John and Carole Kyllo any part of the sewer assessment which they paid without protest in 1968. Tf you have any further questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, TTas h S . E ickson TSE /jcs 5201 Schaefer Road Edina, Minnesota August 12, 1975 Ms. Florence Hallberg 4801 W 50th St. Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Ms. Hallberg: Mr. Dunn has advised us to direct this letter to you. We are requesting reimbursement for a second sewer asses - ment made on our property and paid for December 31, 1968. This involved trunk water main #212 assessed September 16, 1968, for the amount of $110.91. It has never been our intent to develop our back lot area. We were unaware in 1968 of the option of giving a certification of non- developaert. In addition, it appears t ^� �`.,el ^pment of the Byerly property likely precludes any potential sub- division by us. There seems to be no point in paying for a sewer.connection that will never be used. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, John and Carole Kyllo Mr. Robert C. Dunn . 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Refund of Second Sewer Assessment to John and Carole Kyllo per their written request dated August 12, 1975. Dear Mr. Dunn: John and Carole Kyllo have asked that the second 1968 sewer assessment be returned to them. They previously paid the assessment without protest. Although the courts in Minnesota have not specifically con- fronted this question, the law is summarized in McQuillin, Municipal Corporations as follows: "A municipality has no authority or power to compromise, abate or cancel assessments legally levied unless specifically authorized by statute, at least where municipal bonds have been issued in anticipation of collection and payment of assessments." 14 Municipal Corporations, § 38.338 (McQuillan, 1970). "The Legislature may authorize refunding of moneys paid for public improvements, and statutes and ordinances in the various juris- dictions provide for a refund or rebate of assessments levied and collected for public improvements, under specified conditions, provided the claim therefor is made within the time prescribed by law, but the whole question is governed by the terms of the. statute involved." 14 Municipal Corporations, § 38.336 ( McQuillan, 1970). DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST 8, HALLADAY DONALD WEST WILLIAM J HEMPEL 2300 F I R S T NATIONAL B A N K BUILDING FAITH L OHMAN WILLIAM E MARTIN WALDO F. MAROUART JOHN S. HIBBS DAVID A RANHEIM WILLIAM H. HIPPEE, JR. JOHN W. WINOAORST ROBERT 0, ROTTEN ROBERT J. SILVERMAN STEPHEN G. SHANA HENRY HALLADAY JOHN D. LEVINE MINNEAPOLIS , MINNESOTA S S 4 O 2 WILLIAM R, HIBBS ROBERT A BURNS JULE M.MANNAFORD ROBERT J STRUfK JOHN D. KIRBY TONIA SEITZ ARTHUR 8- WHITNEY MICHAEL A OLSON - PHILIP F. WELTER MICHEL A LAFOND .RUSSELL W. LINDOUIST LARRY W. JOHNSON _ (612) 340- 2600 - WILLIAM B. PATNE BRADFORD L FERGUSON DAVID R. BRINK THOMAS S MAY CABLE: DOROW JAN STUURMANS ROGER J. MAGNUSON HORACE HITCH G. LARRY GRIFFITH - FLA. SCHWARTZSAUER J. ROBERT HIBBS VIRGIL M. HILL CRAIG A BECK TELEX: 29 - 0605 - STEVEN K, CHAMPLIN JAY COOK ROBERT V TAR BOX DAVID L M<CUSXEY TELECOPIER:(612) 340 -2868 DAVID N. FRONEK STANLEY REIN ROBERT J. JOHNSON THOMAS O MOE - THOMAS W. TINKHAM CHARLES L POTUZNIK M.B. HASSELOUIST JAMES M. OHAGAN JON F. TUTTLE VERLANE L EF40ORF - PETER DORSEY JOHN M, MASON 1468 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ROBERT AHEIBERG DENNIS BU RATTI GEORGE P. FLAHNERY MICHAEL w. WRIGHT ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 EMERY W BARTLE GEORGEANN BECKER CURT15 L. ROY LARRY L. V1CKPEY (612) 227 - 8017' MICHAEL J RACMEP ROBERT HOfi BINS ARTHUR E. WEISBERG IOPEN R KNO ?T PAUL SCHEERER BARRY D. GLAZER DUANE E. JOSEPH PHILLIP H MAPTIN CURTI5 L. STINE PETER MENORIASON JAMES B, VESSEY REESE C JOHNSON _ 'MICHAEL TRUCANO NICKY MAY WILLIAM A WHIT LOCK CHARLES J MAUEN57EIN JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER WILLIAM J. KEPPEL IRVING WEISER E. J. SCHAARTZBAUER CHARLES A GEER CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 JAMES A FLADER STEPHEN GOTTSCHALK THOMAS M, BROWN JOHN C. ZWAKMAN (612) 448 -4012 -WILLIAM A. JOHNSTONE THOMAS ELKINS CORNELIUS D MAHONEY JOHN R.WICKS WILLIAM E. BOOEN THOMAS S. ERICKSON EUGENE L, JOHNSON WILLIAM P. LUTHER WILLIAM C. BABCOCK JOHN W. IN N HORST. JR. DOUGLAS D. MCFARLAND OF COUNSEL - MICHAEL E. BRESS MICHAEL PRICHARD 115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST DAVID LBOEMNEN DAVID E, BRONSON RAYMOND A REISTER WILLIAM R. SO?H ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55901 ALAN D. GILLILAND LEAVITT R, BARKER JOHN J TAYLOR THOMAS R MANTHEY (507) 288-3156 LAWRENCE R. OLIVER GEORGE E.ANCEPSON BERNARD G. HEINZEN RICHARD G SWANSON FRANK H. VOIGT ROBERT L. VANFOSSEN September 17, 1975 Mr. Robert C. Dunn . 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Refund of Second Sewer Assessment to John and Carole Kyllo per their written request dated August 12, 1975. Dear Mr. Dunn: John and Carole Kyllo have asked that the second 1968 sewer assessment be returned to them. They previously paid the assessment without protest. Although the courts in Minnesota have not specifically con- fronted this question, the law is summarized in McQuillin, Municipal Corporations as follows: "A municipality has no authority or power to compromise, abate or cancel assessments legally levied unless specifically authorized by statute, at least where municipal bonds have been issued in anticipation of collection and payment of assessments." 14 Municipal Corporations, § 38.338 (McQuillan, 1970). "The Legislature may authorize refunding of moneys paid for public improvements, and statutes and ordinances in the various juris- dictions provide for a refund or rebate of assessments levied and collected for public improvements, under specified conditions, provided the claim therefor is made within the time prescribed by law, but the whole question is governed by the terms of the. statute involved." 14 Municipal Corporations, § 38.336 ( McQuillan, 1970). DORSEY, MAROUART, WINDHORST, WEST B. HALLADAY Mr. Robert C. Dunn September 17, 1975 Page 2 "Special assessments may not be recovered back, though paid under protest, except in accordance with the statute." 14 Municipal Corporations, § 38.333 (McQuillin, 1970). Minnesota Statutes 1974, Sections 435.202 & 435.203 provide for a refund of special assessments under certain circumstances, none of which apply to the above situation. Our research has revealed no other express statutory authority for granting refunds of special assessments. Furthermore, it is "well settled that voluntary payment of special assessments cannot be recovered, even though the assessment be void." 14 Municipal.Corporations Section 38.333 (McQuillin, 1970)." Accord, Hunter vs City of Minneapolis, 171 Minnesota 309, 213 N.W. 916 (1927). It is our opinion, therefore, that the City of Edina has no authority to refund to John and Carole Kyllo any part of the sewer assessment which they paid without protest in 1968. Tf you have any further questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, Tho as S. EAckson TSE /jcs 3 L• 5201 Schaefer Road Edina, Minnesota August 12, 1975 Ms. Florence Hallberg 4801 W 50th St. Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Ms. Hallberg: Mr. Dunn has advised us to direct this letter to you. We are.requesting reimbursement for a second sewer asses - ment made on our property and paid for December 31, 1968. This involved trunk water main 4212 assessed September 16, 1968, for the amount of $110.91. It has never been our intent to develop our back lot area. We were unaware in 1968 of the option of giving a certification of nori- de:%ciopme:7L:.. In addition, it appears the development of the Byerly property likely precludes any potential sub by us. There seems to be no point in paying for a sewer.connection that will never be used. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, John and Carole Kyllo i September 29, 1975 Mr. Warren C Hyde City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Warren: SUN NEWSPAPERS 6601 WEST SEVENTY - EIGHTH STREET EDINA, MINN. 55435 • 941 -4800 We are changing the publication day of our papers from Thursday to Wednesday,.which necessitates new deadlines, particularly for your official public notices. In order to help avoid delays in publishing your notices, we must establish the following new procedure which will require your anticipating council action. Your official notices should . be pre - prepared and in our office by 2 :00 p.m. on the Friday be- fore your council meeting. We will set the type in advance, but you will be able to change the date or withdraw the full notice between 11:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. Monday night by calling our night superintendent, Mr. Bob Olin. We will not be able to make ,major changes or additions in the notice nor accept any substitu- tions. Mr. Olin's night telephone number is 941 -7228. It is our understanding this will not cause too much inconvenience on your part, and we trust this internal cooperation will preclude any major delays in your regular operations. Very truly yours, James R. Ritchay Executive Vice President M E M O R A N D U M October 6, 1975 =.e- -"(-� MEMO TO: Council Members FROM: Ken Fbsiand, Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Braemar's Electrical System for Boulevard Lighting Heaters for Braemar Golf Course The following are two bids which have been received for rewiring Braemar's electrical system for the boulevard lighting. I. United Electric Corporation - $3,869.95 2. Northland Electric Supply Company - $4,003.95 After much discussion with Norther States Power and the prices they were to charge the City of Edina for maintenance of this system, it was deemed advisable to own the system and to do the necessary repairs. This is the first step for the long range program for re- working the present system. ' This amount spent comes well within the amount saved. Recommend award to United Electric Corporation. Also two bids have been received for the replacement of the heaters at the Braemar Club House. I. Fred Vogt and Company Inc. - $984.00 2. Rouse Mechanical - $1,374.00 The present heaters do not function and are considered mechanically unsafe. Recommend award to Fred Vogt and Company Inc. for $984.00 RFCM TTTTl1TTT WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition; and The West 76 feet of the North 150 feet of Lot 9, Warden Acres; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to combine said tracts into the following new and separate parcesls (herein called "Parcels "): Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition and the following described tract: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition; thence Southerly along the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 65 feet; thence Westerly at right angles to the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 10 feet; thence Northerly, parallel with the West line of said Lot 3, to the South line of Warden Avenue; thence Easterly to the point of beginning; and The W. 76 feet of the North 150 feet of,Lot 9, Warden Acres, except the following described tract: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 3; Block 1, Fridlund's Addition; thence Southerly along the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 65 feet; thence Westerly at right angles to the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 10 feet; thence Northerly, parallel with the West line of said Lot 3, to the South line of Warden Avenue; thence Easterly to the point of beginning; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the pur- poses of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 6th day of October,1975. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of October 6, 1975, and as recorded in the minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 7th day of October, 1975. City Clerk t 1 n' 1 Y_ RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition; and AU= -&f 'the West 76 feet of the North 150 feet of Lot 9, Warden Acres t: Beginning at th Northwest corner of Lot lock 1, Fridlund's Addition; thence So rly along t est line of said Lot 3 a distance of 65 feet; then sterly at right angles to the West line of said Lot istance �Lo ence Northerly, parallel w' the West line of sa the South line of Warden Avenue; thence Easterly to f beginning; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to combine said tracts into the following new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition and the following described tract: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition; thence Southerly along the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 65 feet; thence Westerly at right angles to the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 10 feet; thence Northerly, parallel with the West line of said Lot 3, to the South line of Warden Avenue; thence Easterly to the point of beginning; and The W. 76 feet of the North 150 feet of Lot 9, Warden Acres, except the following described tract: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Additi®n; thence Southerly along the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 65 feet; thence Westerly at right angles to the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 10 feet; thence Northerly, parallel with the West line of said Lot 3, to the South line of Warden Avenue; thence Easterly to the point of beginning; and r RES OTATT T nN WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: pLot �3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition; and Lot Y,'WZAen Ures�; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to combine said tracts into the following new and separate parcels herein called'Parcels "): Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition and the ifese -76 feed -` th M following described tract: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition; thence Southerly along the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 65 feet; thence Westerly at right angles to the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 10 feet; thence Northerly, parallel with the West line of said Lot 3, to the South line of Warden Avenue; thence Easterly to the point of beginning; ands . ter e� t� �. 6 Lot 9; Warden Acres d fold Beginning at° -tie' _.�r *_h�:�est t corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition; thence Southerly along the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 65 feet; thence Westerly at right angles to the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 10 feet; *_hence Northerly, parallel with the West line of said Lot 3, to the South line of Warden Avenue; thence Easterly to the point of beginning; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and onership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the'pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 6th day of October, 1975. i�malti�t�,C;�y t7t VL UJ--� El e- ele . MAP lot division REQUEST NUMBER: LD -75 -10 LOCATION: 5709 Warden Avenue REQUEST: divide strip of excess land from sanitary lift station site to add to adjacent single family lot. yslime ylanninQ department village of a ins low • EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT September 24, 1975 LD- 75 -10, City of Edina for Donald C. Brower. Generally located at 5709 Warden Avenue. The West 76 . feet of the North 150 feet of Lot 9, Warden Acres. Refer to: Attached survey of 5705 Warden Avenue. Mr. Donald C. Brower, 5705 Warden Avenue, has received authorization from the. City Council to buy a 10' X 65' strip of excess land from the Tracy Avenue sanitary lift station site to add to his property (Lot 3, Block 1, Fridlund's Addition) so he can convert his single car garage to a double garage and maintain the required setbacks. See the attached survey. Approval is recommended. R. Dunn /ln 9/19/75 SURVEYOR .. `! 129 WEST LAKE STREET r �� MINNEAPOLIS !, MINN. t JAI 7 01ETR1CN - FRANCIS CO. • ,,�,��c For - ' WAR DEN AvE. lot � 1 1 0 � e M . I At d OESCR I PT I CN; LOT 3, BLOCK 1, FRIDUY-4J'S AJJITIC,J. SCALE:: I" — 301 ZA EI• 'lifo`' - - 74,G7 --- ..Jpot) We hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the land above described and of the location of all buiId'In;;--, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any', from or on said land. a ted t h-i s 21£T day of MACH 1rJr(. EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK Surveyors 2 _ I uQZ n� �, �. ,. 11;3C. _. E,7 bV. ... . ^ 1i .Y a c c �4��Q�•� Proposr -_ - bu.i iding ' o o N ' v> t _ { f I� Ei o • v T •� r Q Li�v �� tip i •1 . I At d OESCR I PT I CN; LOT 3, BLOCK 1, FRIDUY-4J'S AJJITIC,J. SCALE:: I" — 301 ZA EI• 'lifo`' - - 74,G7 --- ..Jpot) We hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the land above described and of the location of all buiId'In;;--, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any', from or on said land. a ted t h-i s 21£T day of MACH 1rJr(. EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK Surveyors 2 _ I uQZ n� �, �. ,. 11;3C. _. E,7 bV. ... . D'VQ nT TTTTONT WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: Lot 2, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and Outlot B, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and Outlot C, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to combine said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): Outlot B, Gleason's Fifth Addition together with the Southwesterly 10.0 feet Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition, except the Southwesterly 10.0 feet thereof, and that part of Outlot C, Gleason's Fifth Addition lying Westerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at the most Easterly corner of Lot 3, (also a point in the North line of Outlot C) thence South- westerly 60.28 feet more or less to a point on the South line of Outlot C, a distance of 45.80 feet East of the most Westerly corner thereof; and Lot 2, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition, and Outlot C, except that portion thereof lying Westerly of the following described land: Beginning at the most Easterly corner of Lot 3, (also a point in the North line of Outlot C) thence Southwesterly 60.28 feet more or less to a point on the South line of Outlot C, a distance of 45.80 feet East of the most Westerly corner thereof; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Sub- division and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 6th day of October, 1975. i z RESOLUTION 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET - EDINA, MINNESOTA 58424 927 -8861 WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: Lot 2, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and Outlot B, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and Outlot C, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to combine said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): Outlot B, Gleason's Fifth Addition together with the Southwesterly 10.0 feet Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition, except the Southwesterly 10.0 feet thereof, and that part of Outlot C, Gleason's Fifth Addition lying Westerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at the most Easterly corner of Lot 3, (also a point in the North line of Outlot C) thence South- westerly 60.28 feet more or less to a point on the South line of Outlot C, a distance of 45.80 feet East of the most Westerly corner thereof; and Lot 2, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition, and Outlot C, except that portion thereof lying Westerly of the following described land: Beginning at the most Easterly corner of Lot 3, (also a point in the North line of Outlot C) thence Southwesterly 60.28 feet more or less to a point on the South line of Outlot C, a distance of 45.80 feet East of the most Westerly corner thereof; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Sub- division and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this.Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 6th day of October, 1975. r STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of October 6, 1975, and as recorded in the minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 7th day of October, 1975. City Clem :� � Y ?��: \� � . ,:; . .1� 5 • � � � � 1 .. .. . a. - Village of BEdlna 4501 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 927 -8861 RRC0T_TTTT()N WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are now separate parcels: Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and I Outlots B// and C, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to combine said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): u, Outlot B, Gleason's Fifth Addition n the Southwesterly 1(1.0 feet Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's rifth Addition; and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition except the Southwesterly 10.0 feet thereof, and that part of Outlot C, Gleason's Fifth Addi- fL tion lying Westerly of a line described as follows: t*Begirning at the most Easterly corner of Lot 3, (also a point in the forth line of Outlot C) thence Southwesterly 60.28 feet more or less to a point on the South line of Outlot C, a distance of 45.80 feet East of the most Westerly corner thereof; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hard- ship and said Parcels as separate tracts of .land do not interfere with the pruposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordnance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof-, and subject, however., to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 6th day of October, 1975. �r � '� i MCA III 4 ' 1q" V kIG.G ti... SCHa fEp C' cc Z r'�' <,NCeR B to APEL HILL GAI IONAL AV CCU —`Y TR 41 — WESr s CR6ssviEw REQUEST NUMBER: LD -75 -5 South of Vernon Ave. & LOCATION: West of Gleason Road REQUEST: division of outlot and lot and combinations. ice' I W •_ • Jl J� `• •• ••• • ;i1 yj rge planning d lrlment viifpl'xe of edilin ■ r ■ 1q" V kIG.G ti... SCHa fEp C' cc Z r'�' <,NCeR B to APEL HILL GAI IONAL AV CCU —`Y TR 41 — WESr s CR6ssviEw REQUEST NUMBER: LD -75 -5 South of Vernon Ave. & LOCATION: West of Gleason Road REQUEST: division of outlot and lot and combinations. ice' I W •_ • Jl J� `• •• ••• • ;i1 yj rge planning d lrlment viifpl'xe of edilin EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT July 2, 1975 LD -75 -5 Jeffrey P. Gustafson /G. W. Pearson. Outlots B and C, Gleason's Fifth Addition, and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition. Generally located south of Vernon Avenue and west of Gleason Road. Refer to: Attached site graphic and graphic showing resulting lots. The proponent is requesting two lot divisions and 2 combinations involving two lots and two outlots. The proponent indicates he will then pursue a logical lot trade involving a combination or perhaps two combinations to create a buildable lot out of outlot B. The result is shown on the attached graphic. Recommendation: While the staff has no objections to the result,. . it is concerned that all of the proponent's desires may not come to pass thus resulting in an even more complicated layout, and very undesirable lots. Therefore, the staff recommends that the request be held until negotiations regarding the combination of the outlots is cc:pletcd, a-n at that time the entire site be platted so that clarification of lot lines, ownership, and buildability would be established. GL: In 6/27/75 pa rf of Lot 5 \e 4Z 4j °•b 1 0 �a FIRST A '�b '' •, `• 3 \ ' j 441 its_ '� b r� >'l• ° -ro . -i �, t-' -jam yS,•...�° - o .� \ I •\\Z--• y� • \1Q "26 • -`% •�'�,��4 ^.�: - aJ,•r°, ROAD M x.`.11.. -T - � c ° Qe''�� o �. .e •r �>" ♦: _ -,— 1 ; T rD OUTLO . Al LLJ �`ro - ' r_ I I �� j?;j L•� `'','l:c�ft Mh\ \0 i. /�^ , °`� ° \ 25 rcn It r t �e� •u 1 = i •J 1 'i, /;- P,. 0 6 1 `�'i .W.o �v° _ a. 3 v- Z c� `:{ n ' I z 1 2 ,° ,�•L -, . v' 4.'r \ �C ` f• S rj 'r s . -?9 5 i1: 2 3 il: 7 5 Q. -- -.o v, tt� \ ^° =b Qi1 \ 5 j raj• '� `o ' r� n d O • C. c� �' `gig 6? �� X5 %0 ('�: �: \ / I �I 1 3�'S: ;� r✓ cr• • `•� \o 'J•' �� ,L as ti Q � nE�l �i3:✓� c..� I4' • —_o• J 23��,��° v Cj '!•'.�� () (-fit o 3 0. ! �� 1., J,. V 9 3 1f 4 a, a ,r G L E A S 0 N N, 0 �J F \� ' t_Y ``_ _- �3 ° 22 _ ,,, s ( - „ t t - , 4 FIRS T A o, 0,, 2 .: _% 0 o It , - 2 a Jv p �• I Ld OL �1 v! moo, y' `„ \ 5 6° S .,IY h n 6 Q - - -m 's `✓ S° ��` °� 7 \ o o 19 \ 1 nS ��1 ��f 1 ^� 0` \� a 0 7 �'l'\� ! ! �•. ''� a Y,": rim h^ . .Did - ``; r \ `�I�� ;. ' \; {;•fit b� �h" s 14 �� 9.SC \\ \ r�E °o e h'o I ?C Jt I8 10 v o- • r•b " 2 ``d' dSS. .•9'Si:7N ti8 s� �iS� �� _ �;�: 30�30 13g =bedj mss. 9 �W ,`i• ~ �, ,mot - - "�' •,' `: ° 5 b Poi •r,.r. :n _. .�. n. o : t� •: -air•? - • " p �: '/" .\. c- �, `' \ \° 0 W - v.,N .n 4. •- f C'. .� 1 \� 5� T 5 N Q� •rte v� �' C[9 ti ~. e ti oo � � _ , � o- °'. EAST • •• .� '�'` � _ "V 'S�-. ., c•, •_� , o, -. 6r a,. .>r �o bC�� r, �� !� n•- A'8A 1• 'U 'l i7 /' .. ci+ 'Ei"'Crt[.' S9 9' j �O /A� 7 1� —`•_. IC - .cfl 's i• �•� ✓t.�• ".° c; ''e;•S' \ (gC9 \ '�itiS °v o, v __ _..— p IN -1� O a - - �•� _ .:, t` . �- / iI.°' d � ✓! "` � .F ; " `:� .r :>' I � , .1 ` 7 . _ �> . �\� f Y O c, . r r � l3 b5 `7� )9d 5] f ..�J:�, ,>� �- `i�srm '. � u' ' 47r, W _s `�� g'•i.� � � - % 1 �^' - l.4S `2 t 12 " -o' ✓1• . �.6'- \may �,IS /. 'S ✓'• da; C •,•I P1. -` N � ') �'io ,, \ ?ti'cc.2: : o11c._ ,, .,kr :; •a X94=. :•>, 'C r ^r� � ^1 I 'S • -�'\1\ 6.. .�.; �3 .:.• •D ,., rp � -i'd. `J �01 r- 2 7. •I•,, - - J �' 1 i,V I \ I f `I _ � G _f c - I r•��_J` _ it a�J �.. ?iq '`'-,'. - -- - 6a ^•i o�'1�-- ( -�. \-1 I1/. -. - -_��r C­ —WAY iN� }, ;,r . /,owl` ��� (�t«� ^•T �, _Y� qu tK 65. 6 to C 4' M' ` �• 7 ° °` N 8 ice' �•• . rJ f' •A rq„�laa t Y6 35� ti P OUTLOT A ,. 3 v 64 110 0 '\ 25� loo 15.... „Q' E � ' ' 12 �Y x:49 �: .aa '• �'',:b ',�,� ^ rllco ,. `c Drat �`+'�d,Y�`. .D °4 OJ, •�P ��lj 10 DO 1'89 7 7 7S • 100 �3{ �9 587 "'9j3 rn< _ . CARDARELLE & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS 6440 FLYING CLOUD DRIVE 941.3030 EDEN PRAIRIE, NI;NN. 55343 CERN77,11MCATE OF SURIVEY Survey For: r Book Page Descriv,tion: Outlot 5, Gleason's Fifth Adrlil%,.-ion -ind the -South�-,a,-,terly 10.0 fcot of Lot 3, Block.1' Glel-ison'-, Fifth o'%rle 0 -!jtje-,n. I h*rcby cortify that this Isla true and cirr"t rep-@"n1c1;on of a carver of tho boundo4cs of � "'Z c^1 -Honnap;A COVAt). M:nnowlo and of 0i al, b' ifT-11 'Con, .-I ci! Visible onci"chrnrnli, if any, from or an #-aid land. Svrrored by me this --day of r A N1 I I r Q- rCSc r i C i i CARDARELLE & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS EYORS f440.FLYING CLOUD DRIVE 941.3030 EDEN PRAIRIE, MINN. 55343 CEI pt, 6911 9Ile", A 7 CA ®b 19 U r z V E if Survey For: - - -- JE i . �ook - Page Descri. ?t ion Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason's Fifth Addition except the Southwesterly 10.x'. feet. thereof, and that past of Catlot C, Glea;:on's Fifth Ad,:i.tion lyinq I esterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at th=e rr:os:; Easterly corner of Lot 3, (also a point in the t:ort.h`line of Outlot C) thence Southwesterly 60._`8 feet more or less to a r>oint.on the South line of Outlot C, a distance of 45.130 feet East of the most Wasterly- corner thereof. I horoby certify that 1hla li a true and corr"I repra&enlolion of a tvrvoy of the boandor{et of. : - i Y,ennepin County, Minnow aid o! the location of oil b 61nyr fhore�n, end ,::; v4iblo oncroochmentt, if any, from or on paid land. Surrcyod by me this i ~ day CARDARME & ASSCCIATLS, IN -C. �- �Fr LD -75 -5 Jeffrey P. Gustafson /G.W. Pearson. Outlots B and C, Gleason Fifth Addition and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason Fifth Addition. Generally located south of Vernon Avenue and west of Gleason Road. Mr. Luce stated that two divisions and two subsequent combinations of properties within Gleason Fifth Addition are requested. He explained that Outlot C is proposed to be divided; the easterly portion would be combined with lot 2 and the westerly portion would be combined with lot 3. In addition, a 10 foot strip equal to the square footage of that westerly portion of Outlot C is proposed to be divided from the west side of lot 3 and added to Outlot B. The proponent will then pursue a land trade and further property combinations to make Outlot B a buildable lot and eventually have it rezoned for a double bungalow. Mr. Luce stated that although he has no objection to the anticipated results, he is concerned that the addition of 10 feet from lot 3 to Outlot B would make Outlot B the minimum size for a single family lot. If Outlot B of Gleason 5th Addition and Outlot B of Viking Hills 4th Addition, presently under separate owner- ship, are not eventually combined and rezoned as expected, the proponents could request that Outlot B of Gleason Fifth Addition be declared a buildable, although 7 -2 -75 Planning Commission Minutes, page 2 undesirable, single family lot. He suggested that because all of the parcels are being modified by this request or are proposed. to be modified in the future, further negotiations with the owner of Outlot B, Viking Hills 4th Addition, and a repiat of part of Viking Hills 4th Addition and all of Gleason Fifth.Addition might be more appropriate. Mr. Greg Gustafson, representing the proponents, Mr. Jeffrey Gustafson and Mr. G. W. Pearson, explained that Mr. Pearson, who owns and occupies a home on Lot 2, has constructed a tennis court on the easterly portion of Outlot C; division of that outlot is therefore requested so the portion with the tennis court can be added to Mr. Pearson's lot (lot 2). Mr. Gustafson recalled that lot 3 was sold almost a year ago with a one year option allowing the west 10 feet of that lot to be traded for a piece of Outlot C of equivalent square footage; the necessary divisions of Outlot C and .lot 3 are requested now while the proponents still have the right by option to swap those parcels. Mr. Gustafson further explained that the proponents own Outlots A and B of Gleason Fifth Addition, and, ,although Mr. Harliev Helle owns lot 11 and Outlot B of Viking Hills 4th Addition, he has indicated that he is not ready to discuss the purchase or trade of those outlots. There is, however, no intent to make Outlot B buildable for a single family house. Mr. Gustafson felt the proponents should not be required to replat the entire area at once because they are not in control of all of the lots and outlots, and it would be inappropriate and unfair to ask them to wait until Mr. Helle is ready to discuss the matter. After discussion regarding the assessed valuation of Outlot B, whether that outlot is or would be considered a buildable lot, and about an ultimate land swap with Mr. Helle, Mr. G. Johnson indicated he would contact Mr. Helle and discuss the matter with him in an attempt to initiate the necessary transfers of land and overall replatting. Mrs. McDonald moved the request be continued to meeting, and Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All who abstained. Motion carried. the next Planning Commission voted aye except Mr. G. Johnson, EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT July 30, 1975 LD -75 -5 Jeffrey P. Gustafson /G. W. Pearson. Outlots B and C, Gleason Fifth Addition and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason Fifth Addition. Generally located south of Vernon Avenue and west of Gleason Road. Continued from 7 -2 -75. Refer to: July 2, 1975, Planning Commission staff report and minutes. The Planning Commission may recall that at their last meeting this matter was held over pending discussion with the adjoining property owner, Mr. Helle. The Planning Staff is still concerned that should this division occur, outlot B would be of a size sufficient for the owners to request that it be declared a buildable lot for a single family home. It is our opinion that that is an extremely poor use of the land, and should the two property owners not be able to work out their differences, the staff would recommend denial. GL:ln 7/25/75 ._. vauc•:a�� .. LD -75 -5 Jeffrey P. Gustafson /G. W. Pearson. Outlots B and C, Gleason Fifth Addition and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason Fifth Addition. Generally. located south of Vernon Avenue and west of Gleason Road. Continued from 7 -2 -75. Mr. Luce stated the requested lot divisions and combinations involving two outlots and two lots in Gleason Fifth Addition were discussed at the July 2, 1975, Planning Commission meeting. He recalled that Outlot C is proposed to be divided; the easterly portion would be combined with lot 2 and the westerly portion would be combined with lot 3. In addition, a ten foot strip of land is proposed to be divided from the west side of lot 3 and added to Outlot B. Denial was recommended because the addition of that 10 feet. to Outlot B would provide the minimum square footage for an extremely undesirable single family lot, and a request could then be made to have it declared buildable. Mr. Luce noted that although Outlot B of Gleason Fifth Addition and Outlot B of Viking Hills 4th Addition are expected to be combined eventually and rezoned to R -2, the outlots are presently under separate ownership and that combination cannot be guaranteed at this time. He_added that since the 7 -2 -75 meeting, Mr. Glen Nybeck, attorney for. Mr. Harliev Helle, informed him that an arbitration hearing is scheduled. for August 25th to determine the ownership of Outlot B, Viking Hills 4th Addition, because there is a question regarding the number of lots Mr..Helle purchased from Mr. Krahl. Mr. Nybeck also indicated that Mr. Helle is not necessarily opposed to the long range concept, but he cannot negotiate with Mr. Gustafson until after the hearing on August 25th. Mr. Luce stated that until the combination of those outlots can be consummated, presumably after August 25th, he would continue to recommend denial. Mr. Jeff Gustafson, the proponent, further explained the arbitration matter between Mr. .Icllc and ..r. .._a "l, 'pct added that in opinion the ownership of Outlot B, Viking Hills 4th Addition, and the possible combination of that outlot with Outlot B of Gleason Fifth Addition is totally irrelevant. He explained that when he sold Lot 3, he retained an option to keep the west 10 feet, and although the owner is presently willing to relinquish that 10 foot strip onto Outlot B, he may not be willing to do so in the future. Mr. Gustafson stated that if his request is approved, Outlot C "would be taken off the books and would become taxable land ". The [-lest 10 feet of lot 3 and Outlot A would be added to Outlot B, "taking both of thoseoutlots off the books because they would become one single family lot'. When an agreement with Mr. Helle can be reached, R -2 zoning would be requested for lot 1.1 of Viking Hills 4th Addition as well as for the combined outlots. lie felt that if 7 -30 -75 Planning Commission Minutes, page 2 the divisions are not approved, "we would lose our right to be in a better bargaining position because we would own only Outlot B, which isn't buildable, and Mr. Helle would own Lot 11, which is buildable ". After further discussion, Mr. Hughes moved the requested lot divisions and combinations be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting after the scheduled August 25th arbitration hearing so the owner of Outlot B, Viking Hills 4th Addition, and Mr. Gustafson can meet and hopefully consummate the proposed land trades. Mr. Kremer seconded the motion. All voted.aye except Mr. G. Johnson, who abstained. Motion carried. � IA d EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT September 3, 1975 LD -75 -5 Jeffrey P. Gustafson /G. W. Pearson. Outlots B and C, Gleason Fifth Addition and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason Fifth Addition. Generally located south of Vernon Avenue and west of Gleason Road. Continued from 7 -2 -75 and 7- 30 -75. Refer to: Enclosed letters and previous Planning Commission minutes. The arbitration hearing that was scheduled for August 25th to determine finally who owns Outlot B, Viking Hills 4th Addition, was rescheduled for September 5th, thus it is impossible for a decision to be made at the September 3rd Planning Commission meeting. The attached letter from Glen Nybeck indicates a desire of one of the persons directly involved to have this matter continued until after the arbitration hearing is completed and the ownership established. The staff recommendation is to continue this matter to the next Planning Commission agenda (September 24, 1975). GL:ln 8/29/75 .;3 i LD -75 -5 Jeffrev P. Gustafson /G. W. Pearson. Outlots B and C, Gleason Fifth Addition, and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason Fifth Addition. Generally located south of Vernon Avenue and west of Gleason Road. Continued from 7- 2- 75 &7- 30 -75. Mr. Luce reviewed the requested lot divisions and combinations involving two lots and two outlots in Gleason Fifth Addition. He recalled this matter was 9 -3 -75 Planning Commission Minutes, page 3 discussed at the 7 -2 -75 and 7 -30 -75 Planning Commission meetings, and was continued pending the outcome of arbitration to determine the owner of Outlot B, Viking Hills 4th Addition. Mr. Luce reported that the arbitration hearing, originally scheduled for August 25th,. was rescheduled for September 5th. He stated the staff is still concerned that the addition of 10 feet (from lot 3) to Outlot B, Gleason Fifth Addition, would provide the minimum square footage needed to create an extremely undesirable single family lot. He recommended the requested divisions be further continued to the 9 -24 -75 Planning Commission meeting, by which date an arbitration report should be available. Mr. Luce stated that letters from Mr. Glen Nybeck (representing Mr. Harliev Helle) and from Mr. Jeff Gustafson (the proponent) have been received; Mr. Nybeck asked that the request be postponed until the ownership of Outlot B, Viking Hills 4th Addition, has been determined, and Mr. Gustafson asked that there be no further delays and that his request be approved. Mr. Jeff Gustafson, the proponent, requested a decision be made at that meeting . because: in his opinion the present request has no bearing on any future land trade with Mr. Helle and Mr. Krahl; the present owner of Lot 3 can cancel his option for the west 10 feet of that lot at anytime at will; no one contacted him in response to his phone calls and letters regarding the details of a land trade or to inform him that the arbitration hearing was postponed and rescheduled; and, if the request is granted, Outlot B (Gleason Fifth Addition) would still be an unbuildable outlot because it would not have adequate lot depth. He reiterated that "we are not asking anything of the owners to be determined. We are just asking to include the tennis court on the appropriate lot, and the owner of Lot 3 wants to know how wide his lot is. He emphasized that if he is not able to acquire the west 10 feet of Lot 3, it will be impossible to accomplish the future lot divisions and combinations needed to provide adequate square footage for R -2 zoning for the three lots directly west on Vernon Avenue. After discussion, Mr.- Kremer moved the request be continued again to the next Planning Commission meeting (9- 24 -74), as the results of arbitration to determine the ownership of Outlot B, Viking .Hills 4th Addition, will not be available until after the hearing on September 5th. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye, except Mr. G. Johnson, who abstained. Motion carried. EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT September 24, 1975 LD -75 -5 Jeffrey P. Gustafson /G. W. Pearson. Outlots B and C, Gleason Fifth Addition, and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason .Fifth Addition. Generally located south. of Vernon Avenue and west of Gleason Road. Continued from 7 -2 -75, 7 -30 -75 & 9 -3 -75. The staff has not been made aware of the outcome of the arbitration hearing on the ownership of Outlot B, Viking Hills loth Addition. Until such time as the ownership is decided by the court, it is,impossible for us to move. in any direction or to make a recommendation to the Gustaf sons to move in any direction, and in the staff's opinion, to approve lot divisions,. etc., which may result in a condition unfavorable to the city's best interests. GL:ln 9/18/75 9 -24 -75 Planning Commission Minutes, LD -75 -5 Jeffrey P. Gustafson /G. W. Pearson. Outlots B and C, Gleason Fifth Addition, and Lot 3, Block 1, Gleason Fifth Addition. Generally located south of Vernon Avenue and west of Gleason Road. Continued from 7 -2 -75, 7- 30 -75, and 9 -3 -75. Mr. Luce stated the requested lot divisions and combinations involving two outlots and two lots in Gleason Fifth Addition were discussed -a -t the July 21, July 30, and September 3 Planning Commission meetings. He recalled that-Outlot C is proposed to be divided; the easterly ,portior+ ould be com'Di'ized with lot 2 so an existing tennis court cou e a ed to the owner's lo r, and the wes_ er yTot'ron wolf°tscomb:irtred— oath— l-ot°-� . A 10 Toot strip of equal square footage is proposed to be divide from t e wes psi e of lot �oand._a. ded o Outlot-B---°Out-lot-B of—" Gleason Fifth Addition and Outlot B of Viking Hills 4th Addition, presently under separate ownership, are expected to.be combined eventually and rezoned to R- He stated his primary concern is still that the addition of 10 feet from lot 3 to Outlot B would provide the minimum square footage needed to create an extremely undesirable single family lot, and a request could then be made-to have Outlot B declared buildable. Mr. Luce recalled the proponent's request was continued from the July 30 and September 3rd Planning Commission meetings pending the outcome of arbitration to determine the owner of Outlot B, Viking Hills 4th Addition. However, because the arbitrator has still not made a decision and has taken the matter under, advisement until additional information is supplied by one of the attorneys involved, he would now recommend the proponent's request be approved with the notation that Outlot B will remain an unbuildable outlot in the future. Mr. Greg Gustafson, representing the proponents, stated that because we are not a party to that law suit, the result will not immediately affect us. We can only deal with the land we control. He stated the west 10 feet of lot 3 is crucial to the future divisions and.rezonings along Vernon Avenue, and the owner of lot 3 is now willing to exchange that westerly 10 feet for part of Outlot C. After discussion, Mrs. McDonald moved the requested lot divisions and combinations be approved, with the specific notation that Outlot B will continue to be.unbuildable in the future because it will remain an outlot and because it would not have adequate depth for a single family lot. Mr. Runyan seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. I Honorable City Council,, My Grandfather, Gust..A. Johnson, platted G.A. JOHNSON'S SOUTHWOOD Vn 1951. About a year later, he and my parents built the home where 1 grew up. A little later he built a home for my Grandmother and himself - just up the hill from ours. SOUTHWOOD was my stomping ground. During the last ten years or so, my Grand- father has been wondering outloud why the small marsh -land he donated to the Village in '52 hasn't been named for him. I understand that donating a few lots from a plat one happens to own doesn't automatically qualify them to expect that said lots.will be named for them. Nevertheless, told Grandfather I'd give it a try. This small marsh is generally thought to be part of PAMELA PARK. However, the marsh is not contiguous with PAMELA PARK. It is separ- ated from the main park by West 58th Street. feel I am justified in asking that the park area north of West 58th Street be named for my Grandfather for the reasons I give in the resolution. . I hope the Council will vote yes for this resolution. You can depend on me to organize a dcdication my Crandfather will never forget! 6 October 1975 Thank you, Ralph Campbell, III WHEREAS, the Village Council of Edina at a regular meeting thereof un 14 April 1951 did approve and accept the plat called G.A. JOHNSON'S SOUTHWOOD; and WHEREAS, said plat did provide to "donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the street, lane, park and avenues as shown on the annexed plat. "; and WHEREAS, said park is now considered to be part of Pamela Park which was part of a different plat and donated by a different person; :.NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that: 1.. Said park be officially renamed GUSTAF ,.A.,JOHNSON PARK. 2. Said park be officially dedicated as such. 3. The Edina Park and Recreation Department be authorized to execute said dedication, incurring no expense. .A Thank ou, Ralph Campbell, III 6 October 1975. /,wn m•n•w.w/ -` Q Je�Ati /in •/Jr ...r� ... . ...........I ;3 1 �a I () C7.A.JOHNSON 5 SOUTHWOOD HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Y1 Y � ,YI ;Y I D PROPOSUD • ruSTnr- A. JOiIN ON PARK 't I tiCRAN5 P..l1Ili A: •4P!W;k , n a: t 1: 't : W, ti. h, �SE car, o /NE /r ai Sec• ry, rrrer i Kna w a7 // men 6 y 117 ere ore renlr ffiof we, GuJ /A ✓ala -YOn and Hu /do ✓kVon, hul d wile owners ondproprrctor,J• of f/re 1'o / %w.i�9 c%scri6ed property %/1'e a6y terr f y /hof l hove ruryeyed and0101 /ed %iie properly deler.6edr� fhr; p /ot rSOUrNwa.Niff a,le k, si /ue.'e in Me Sfafe of AJrnnvo% and County of/1'ennep%n /u wit; Comrnenc%n9 offht soufjfeoJfcorner /6e Nor /heos/ Quvrfer ar GA.%aNNjavV al1'h,s p/O'f /J O COrreGf repreJBnfpf /a/7 O %JO/dJKvey; fhaf o / /c/rffonceJ are correcf /y ,>fiown on fhe p /of in leaf ondcfec %.nu /t ofofvOf,•Jhof 1'i% of (hE 4J of.feclicn /5, Twnrhip Z8 �P0 re Z4, /hence nor/Yi gbng Ale easlhire ofsaidJErl gdrJ /onre of 90feef lh&;Ce Tonamenlr for yurdance of fufarr rurveyt have been co^recf /y pfoced., ;1'e ground wcrfoo -o /fef wifh ffe Ja�hS fire of fhe Narff+eo r; Qucrfer(NE / ofseidscrfinn a d.i,"0nce of Zg6. 4f feel; fbcxc 7or, /,Odra11e1 W11/r the east hne %on of shown on hie p /o% !`ho / ;ht oufsiJe 6oundory hneJ orr correcffy o�eJrgnofer/mso� plat; fhaf /fie %poyroph y of /he fond rt cwmelly Jhawn on fhe ,0101 and shut fhe-r ofso/S.rec o c.lfonceof /951' f l,4encr weslp0re11e/ W11h 111C ,1111'/, / /ne olfhe Narfheosf ore no wet /ono's or pu6 11'c hr9hways to he des%gnafed on Joidp /of alher fhon 0s �uar /er (NE %yJ O%JOid Jecbc' n 1'o Me wesf fine of Me Easf yoff(E %z1' 01114C shown thereon. . Sou. �eoJ/ Qucrfcr(Sre'/ of fiSe Narf/, Bull Quorfer (NE %tJ oj,roid secfion; /hence /�r nn' /h along Jard wesf fine to �e nor //, /ne of fhe � O&11i Quurfer(Syy /o /fi5e .fcUKearA Qunrfr�SE' /y /of lfie&01*lheasf Quorfer(NE %/ofJar(tJCCf fhelwe well SurYeyor- N/•iin. Reg. No. /.0 � /o fhe narJhwerf corner ofJOid .%ull; Quorfer(S %t /; /hence Joufh to fhe soufhwerf corncr of ;he Soo lYieoJl QuOrfer(SE�/ of /fie Nor //,easf Qunrfer (NE %a / of Joid 46eve earfifi�ofC Ju6scri6ed acrd ✓warn 1'o bejort me fh/t _day of �R� AO /912 Jrcfrcn,• thence east /0 14C ,00%n1 of 6e)y er(SQ nr fQf c'ffheSOU /,SwcJf Qunrrhr(Jiv!K/ n / +tic;' /vrffieosf Quorfer (NEY�J of Sec ;ion /g, T wn•lhrp 1B ROnye 7'1', a /JO�esl,arfh.Fwr• /y.srx(9G/ frc /af!fie,mv,55 pne,f�y� �)�� Q, �µ, ,�� 71 ,frrt}rafi rr (/GS!,.•,- r•,J.�/r;3ie. east.); vc. /imr �rdni/lcfy- crgfii vnc/;'of- (.29d,..J, :e1' fhe. + Ya- �ro�cf_( �kro- fcr_{ h' E: G�vf .fcc'.FrcFS- /_9_- Tc.xrrJhr��B fi'.anye �•9s Nokrypu6hc 19ennepinCaunfy, /7iarelda My Eomml:rxion exo'r'es have caused hie Jame /0 6e Jlrveyed andp /of /ed�OJ GA..7aNNSONS SO(/7NW000 qr� doherebydonofe onn ded.,or, loffiepu6/ c` rorpu6 /tureforevertlie.rfreef /0nG pork ond0venueJ orshown on fhe gnnexedp /at /n wrfness whereej we hove Th4,0101 was approved and occepfed 6t' fhe l/i%faye Counci /of Edlno hereunto Jef our //ands pndseo /J lhrs c%y of AD 15,.5-2, Miisnesolo' a/ a rryu /ar rneetiiry /hereof he /d /his /'t dayof„� /P /iL AO /9S/ l n reJenCG o/ / � % J / :• 4 luiria J�bn�un •.•�d �J " "�`� Ir�JEALJ /10 /do 4 ✓04n0on �4 r :9�� eJidenl Sfo le ojrtl naeJde / j •C'• ••� J.S. C0u�tyofHenxprn On lkj d• C /ark Pub. %c wif5:n and Jbr JordCounf and Jf oype A 0. 1952 6eflre me, o Nofory Y 0W, mono //y oppeorrdGuJ /rq. ✓o/inson and 1'/a /dy ✓uhnsan hrJ rife, to me known to he /hepersons dercri6ed rig and who erea,ledlhe/a -go%ng r�r /ruvnen/ a d /fret' ac4now/edyrd /6ofiliey execufad//re Jame as h%ir own) '_ aK/ and 1 Nar{ery pu6/� /rEimeepin Caunl�r Alinrlrsr/e I F- �0 NEWSLETTER' T. G. EVENSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Municipal Finance Consultants Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation First National Bank Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 612/338 3535 OCTOBER 1975 Municipal Market Conditions WHENCE THE ECONOMY AND THE CAPITAL MARKETS? ECONOMIC TRENDS Inflation, unemployment and interest rates all are likely to remain at relatively high levels well into 1976, according to most analysts, despite political desires to moderate these problems before the bicentennial elections. There are some early signs of the beginning of a modest business cycle recovery such as the August rise of 1.5% in industrial output following the July gain of 0.5 %. The next several months of the recovery will be charac- terized by stress and change (e.g. auto and housing markets) rather than a simple return to previous levels of prosperity. MONEY AT A PRICE The capital markets continue to exhibit the stresses from marked changes in both the sup- ply and demand sectors. Following a most unstable period of interest rate fluctuations which_beganw_ith the energy crisis_in the fall of 1973, the capital markets are in factwork- ing and handling anhistorically high volume of demandat a record high level of long term interest rates. The 20 -year bond buyer index reached a record high of 7.49 %on Septem- ber 18th. Sizeable deficits of the U.S. Government and New York City are only two ex- amples of factors contributing to the present situation. The coming months and years will be characterized by new and innovative ways of meeting the capital needs of government and industry. Meanwhile, inflation and the high costs of capital will continue to be major factors in the process of allocation of limited capital resources amongst the heavy demand sectors. Recent indices of interest rates are shown below: Week of September 22nd Range 1970 -75 Bond Buyer Index 7.49% 7.49 % - 4.28% Moody's Corporate Average 9.54% 9.82 % - 6.97% Prime Rate 8.00% 12.00 % - 4.50% FRB Discount Rate 6.00% 8.00 % - 4.50% ITEMS IN THE MIDWEST Dr. Rodney Pakonen who heads up our Analytical Department participated in a panel dis- cussion of advance refunding at a Wisconsin MFOA meeting in Appleton on September 25th. Also on the agenda was a discussion of newly enacted budget legislation and its possible constraints on levies and the marketing of securities. Michael Sparks, our consultant in Iowa, attended the Municipal League convention in Sioux City (September 21 -23) and will be in Des Moines on November 13 -14 for the School Board convention. Walter Dornfeld attended the North Dakota League conference in Fargo on September 12 -14. And in South Dakota, Robert McCrea convened in Pierre with members of the Municipal League on Sep- tember 11 -12. We have moved our offices within the First National Bank Building to 1910. We also have anew telephone number - 612/338 -3535. Please stop and see us when you are in Minnea- polis. Our representatives and staff are ready to assist you with your financing needs dur- ing the challenging period ahead. Bond Buyer's Index 7.50% 7.25% 7.00% 6.75% 6.50% 6.25% 6.00% 5.75% 5.50% 1974 1975 Visible Supply Millions (AT MID MONTH) of $ 1625 - - - - - ---------------------- 1500 1375 1250 - - -- '' 1125 - -- - -- ___ 1000 - -- 875 - - - 750 - -- - 600 S O N D J F M A M J J A R 1974 1975 Recent Bond Sales Amount Moody's Sale Date Issuer (0001s) Purpose Run BBI Rating NIC Sept. 17 Ramsey Co., Mn. 11,420 Ad. Deten. & Juv. Center 78/90 7.40 Aa 5.972 16 Wykoff, Mn. 70 Municipal Building 77/86 " NR 6.488 16 Sleepy Eye, Mn. 280 G. 0. Water Rev. 77/91 " A 6.19 15 Manitowoc, Wisc. 1,500 Promissory Notes 77/83 11 Aa 5.334 15 Janesville, Wisc. 2,110 Corporate Purpose 76/84 " Aa 5.328 10 Kandiyohi Co., Mn. 425 G. O. Drainage 77/91 7.34 A 6.057 9 Mpls. SSD #1, Mn. 5,100 School Building 77/85 " Aaa 5.370 9 Bowman PSD #1, N. D. 415 School Building 77/94 11 A 6.762 9 Madison, Wisc. 3,500 Street Improvement 76/85 11 Aaa 5.256 9 Urbandale, Iowa 885 Street Construction 77/90 11 A 5.835 9 Minneapolis, Mn. 9,385 Improvement 76/85 " Aaa 5.231 9 Minneapolis, Mn. 4,010 Special St. Impr. 76/95 11 " 5.981 8 Sciota Township, Mn. 17 Bridge Construction 77/84 " NR 6.000 8 Buffalo, Mn. 275 G. 0. Improvement 77/86 " Baa 5.958 8 Maple Grove, Mn. 1,250 G. 0. Improvement 78/87 11 Baa -1 6.476 3 Augusta JSD, Wisc. 1,500 School Building 78/90 7.18 A 6.455 2 Mendota Heights, Mn. 925 Temporary Improvement 8 -1 -78 " Baa -1 5.430 2 Minot, N. D. 640 Temp. Impr. Warrants 8 -1 -76 NR 5.09 2 Moorhead, Mn. 850 G. 0. Improvement 78/91 A 6.144 Aug. 28 Luxemburg - Casco, Wisc. 1,700 School Building 78/91 A 6.521 27 Center City, Mn. 345 G. O. Temp. Impr. 9 -1 -76 NR 5.000 27 Goodview, Mn. 295 G. 0. Improvement 77/91 " Baa -1 6.581 26 Thief River Falls, Mn. 2,800 G. 0. Temp. Hospital 9 -1 -77 " Baa -1 5.198 26 Maquoketa CSD, Iowa 850 School Bonds 77/91 " A 6.105 26 Crookston, Mn. 560 G. 0. Redevelopment 78/97 " A 6.733 25 Winner, S. D. 416 G. O. Wtr. Sys. Ref. 76/89 " A 6.433 25 Spring Lake Park, Mn. 124 G. 0. Tax Incre. 77/86 Baa -1 6.346 25 Bloomington, Mn. 2,500 PIR 76/96 A -1 6.407 21 West Fargo, N. D. 1,150 G. O. Refunding 77/90 7.17 A 6.247 20 Cottage Grove, Mn. 625 Improvement 77/95 " A 6.591 20 Osseo IDS #279, Mn. 2,675 School Building 77/86 11 Baa -1 6.164 19 Fort Atkinson, Wisc. 620 Waterworks Mtg. Rev. 77/94 11 A 7.218 19 Mpls. SSD #1, Mn. 26,000 Certificates of Indebt. 9 -17 -76 " MIG -1 4.629 18 LaMoure, N. D. 345 Refunding Impr. 76/96 11 NR 6.649 18 Sauk Rapids, Mn. 230 Liquor Store Rev. 76/86 11 NR 6.969 18 North St. Paul, Mn. 630 G. O. Temp. Impr. 9 -1 -78 " Baa -1 5.441 12 Beuna Vista, Iowa 750 County Home 77/87 7.16 Aa 5.334 12 Staples ISD #793, Mn. 1,315 State Aid Cert. 9 -1 -76 " NR 5.179 11 Renville Co., Mn. 225 Improvement 77/91 " A 6.333 11 Storden- Jeffers Sch #178, Mn 75 School Building 78/87 " NR 5.926 6 Wahpeton, N. D. 600 Ref. Improvement 76/95 7.09 A -1 6.378 5 West Des Moines, Iowa 1,500 School 77/91 11 A -1 5.934 5 Chippewa Falls, Wisc. 1,400 School Building 77/93 " A -1 6.724 5 Jackson, Mn. 50 Hospital 78/82 " NR 5.892 4 Burnsville, Mn. 2,015 Refunding 76/89 " A 6.135 July 29 Bismarck, N. D. 1,600 Ref. Improvement 76/95 7.22 Aa 6.264 29 State of Wisconsin 50,000 Series D. 77/00 " Aaa. 5.994 28 Albert Lea, Mn. 385 G. O. Hospt. Rev. 78/89 A -1 6.017 28 Sartell, Mn. 565 G. 0. Improvement 77/86 " Baa 6.102 23 Plymouth, Mn. 6,050 Improvement 77/90 7.09 A 6.20 22 Luverne, Mn. 203 G. 0. Water Rev. 78/87 " A 5.412 21 Menomonie, Wisc. 1,130 Corp. Purpose 77/91 11 A 6.470 A V s A, THOMAS E. TICEN 0 PHONE CHAIRMAN },. L� 348 -3088 �NN85� BOARD OF HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 2400 GOVERNMENT CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55487 October 1, 1975 Pursuant to Section 3, Subdivision 3, Chapter 738, Laws of Minnesota, 1963, the Board of Hennepin County Commissioners is submitting to you the attached budget revenue and tax levy schedule necessary to sustain the operation of the Hennepin County Medical Center and other health functions for the year 1976. Said budget was approved by the Board at its September 30, 1975, meeting. For comparison purposes, the suburban levy for Hennepin County Medical Center support will be .463 mills for 1976 as opposed to 1.003 mills for 1975. This levy reduction is primarily due to the State of Minnesota assuming ninety per- cent of costs for medical care provided to medical indigents at Hennepin County Medical Center. Should the governing body of your municipalities have any questions relating to the budget, the Board would be pleased to provide the appropriate information. Sincer _y1___ Thomas E. Ticen, Chairman Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 75 -948 SEp 301975 . Commissioner Olson offered the following resolution: 1 BE IT.RESOLVED, that the 1976 estimated tax rates for the proposed 1976 Hennepin County Medical Center budget as attached hereto be submitted to the clerk of each municipality in accordance with Section 3, Chapter 738, Laws of Minnesota, 1963. The question was on the adoption of the resolution and there were four YEAS and one NAYS, as follows. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN BOARD OF COUNTY.COMMISSIONERS. YEA NAY OTHER Richard 0. Hanson X_ Thomas L. Olson _ X John E Derus X E. F. Robb Jr. _X Thomas E. Ticen, Chairman - X_ Resolution adopted. ATTEST:;`.0 Deputy County Auditor U HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER FUND EP 3Q 1975 1976 BUDGET REVENUE AND TAX LEVY S J BUDGET - OPERATING COSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,640,359 LESS:. Estimated receipts from patient charges . . . . . . $30,890,735 Miscellaneous revenue from Medical Center services 1,616,700 ' Grants and reimbursements . . . . . . . . . . 7,634,141 Medicare settlements . . . . . . . . . . . . - Delinquent and miscellaneous taxes . . . . . 110,000 Personal.property tax reimbursement . . . Operating carryover . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 40,251,576 AMOUNT REQUIRED FROM CURRENT PROPERTY TAX LEVY . . . . $ 2,388,783 MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING FUND TAX REQUIREMENT - BASED ON PERCENTAGE OF UNRECOVERED PATIENT COSTS FOR PERIOD 1/1/74. T0.12/31/74:AS REQUIRED BY CHAPTER 738, LAWS OF MINNESOTA, 1963. 1974 UNRECOVERED PATIENT COSTS PERCENTAGE . . . . TAX REQUIREMENT FOR OPERATING FUND APPORTIONED TO 1974 UNRECOVERED COSTS . . . . CAPITAL AND PLANNING LEVY NET AMOUNT REQUIRED FROM PROPERTY TAX LEVY . . ASSESSED VALUATION ESTIMATE MILL LEVY REQUIREMENT AT 97% COLLECTION RATE . ADD BACK COUNTY RATE . PROJECTED 1976 LEVY REQUIRE- MENT . . . . .:. JU /kjo 9/26/75 Suburban Entire Hennepin Hennepin Minneapolis County County 83.23 11.37 5.40 $ 1,988,185 $ 271,604 $ 128,994 - 1,175,000 $ 1,988,.185 $ 271,604 $ 1,303,994 $1,410,000,000 $2,438,000,000. $3,848,000,000 1.452 .114 .349 .349 1.801 .463 .349 GENE SYLVESTRE ASSOCIATES, 12006 BRIAR LANE, MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA 55343 • (612) 545 -6163 September 265 1975 Mr. Warren Hyde City Manager City of Edina 4800 West 50th Street Edina, Mn. 55424 Dear Warren, Below is a summary of our consultative activities for the period between August 25 and September 26, 1975. TYPE OF HOURS CONSULTING WHAT WAS DONE SPENT DATES GENERAL Prepared articles and arranged distribution of Sept- 11.5 8/25 -28 -29 ember issue of HRC Newsletter. 9/2- 3 -12 -19 Continued assisting in development of forthcoming 11.0 8/25. Family Life Workshop, including plans for special 9/4- 5- 9 -12 -15 session cA Asian refugees. 16 -17 -23 Held discussions with HRC Executive Committee 2.5 9/2 -5. about future plans and attivrities. Continued discussions with HRC chairman and treasar- 3.0 9/8 -12 er about proposed HRC budget for 1976. Assisted in publicizing Indian forum co- sponsored by 3.0 9/9 -10 -15 HRC and Edina Library. Also held discussions with HRC Community Education chairwoman on future forums for Fall- Winter period. Held series of discussions with representative from 0.5 9/8 -10 -22 ' Southside Human Services Council on study of needs of elderly in Southwest suburbs. Assisted in gathering information on food stamp pro- 0.5 9/16 -22 grams available for disadvantaged people in Southwest- area. Attended monthly HRC meeting. 2.5 9/16 Prepared monthly status report for City Manager 1.0 9/26 and HRC chairman.. EDUCATION Prepared discussion materials on Affirmative Action 6.0 8/26 -28 and met with representatives from School District 9/18 to discuss. .September 26, 1975 EMPLOY!' Continued discussions with staff.member_of City's 1.5 :_9/12 -15 -18 Chamber of Commerce on proposed co- sponsored .Affirmative .Action workshop for City businessmen. .:TOTAL HOURS: 43.0 (r lye -.c.c. Joel Jennings The EGGENGER MORNINGSIDE COMI�NITY ASSOCIATION OF EDINA V01 ME 2- NUMBER 2 E. 6 SEPZMR 1975 �'. IMPETANT NOTICE IT'S A DOG'S WORLD...wELL NOT EXACTLY*; _CHANGE OF MEETING DATE ' Dogs have to be licensed. And dogs which The September meeting of the Association "habitually bark or cry" are forbidden l has been changed to Wednesday, September 109 from being harbored by any person betwee n at 8:00 P.M. at the Morningside Community the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. Building. 4117 Grimes Ave. Continuing through More importantly "no dog shall be permitted the months thereafter, the regular 2nd to be off the premises of the owner (even Thursday meeting schedule will be resumed. if it is spring) at anytime unless it is leashed or accompanied by a person who has s s s s s effective control over it by command as by leash:;' (Puppy lessons anyone?) NOTES FROM YOUR PRESIDENT Section 17C of the dog ordinance which states that no owner shall permit his dog As we ap pro&ah our second yesa of- existence as to damage any lawn, garden or other property an Association. we should take stock of our was amended to include the stipulation accomplishments, reassess our usefulness as "no dog owner shall permit his dog to a community "facilitator and observor" and micturate or defecate on public property if everything comes out positive -- regenerate or on private property other than his own." our commitment to work toward improving this This article is reprinted from neighborhood as a desireable family life Jean Marie Hamilton's column entitled environment. "Signs of Spring" which appeared On the first count, we have strengthened our, in a May 1975 issue of The Edina Sun. effectiveness through regular meetings, more residents of Morningsi— de have ca lied (; and better communications, increased meeting the Association to complain about the attendance and interest among residents. destruction of lawns and gardens and Although the major project for the year. the other annoyances caused by unleashed, street improvements package, has progressed uncontrolled dogs. Lets try to extend thA toward a decision slower than we had hoped, principles of good neighbor relations because of workload pressure at City Hall, it to our petal is encouraging to note that the city adminis- tration has carefully ' • lly considered our input at every step of the way. The Association. as a sounding board for resident complaints HAVE YOU NOTICED ANY I1MPROVSMENTI 1 and suggestions has served a purpose At the May 8 meeting of the Association. I Whenever consensus is reached, our opinion Don Ko et as a group is far more persuasive in promoting j in of the Edina Parks Department change than we would be as individuals and Jim Hayeh. Director of the Minneapolis working through the governmett process. water Department( owner of the 10 acres It will take time to build a track record on France Ave.) appeared to answer of useful service to the residents of questions from residents about a number Morningside. Volunteer organizations are of problems related to our open space in fragile things -- subject to ups and downs horningside. as crisis come and VD. We have'no right to In response to specific complaints about self perpetuation, though. the abuse of Weber Park by motorised vehicles. Your participation will determine whether the the Association passed a resolution asking Association continues to function and its for better posting of the area and course of direction in the future. improved police monitoring to stop the The Nominating Committee will be searching motorcycle and mini -bike traffic before for candidates for the offices of President, tragic injury occurs. During the summer . Vice President. and Secretary- Treasurer for signs were placed at strategic locations the annual election in November. New and it appears that the problem has Committee heads and block workers will been corrected. be appointed in December. If you believe The open space between Kipling and Lynn we're doing something useful -- Volunteer Avenues near 42nd Street has been maintained your time and effort. by the City as nature intended, except for Call any of the following to join or offer the cutting of weeds on the periphery. your help: This plan seems to be satisfactory to the 922 -4377 Len Fbrnelius neighboring residents. If not, we'll beep 920..4336 Kent Bank Vying for an acceptable compromise. 9294800 Dodie Bock 92t -373: Ron Ringling s 9264342 Jerry Weiss Decay and'deteriora-tion'doesn't just happen -- it takes years of neglect and complacency! Let's not lot it happen in morningsidelll !'(TBLIC HEARING aN MOftN173GS. s 110YEMM SET FOR AMBER 1 TH hearing The Edina City Council aril. hold a public September 15th at 7:00 City Hall on the necessity and feasibility Of constructing.improvements in the morning_ area. These improvements would include the following :_ replacement of the water system, replacement and /or addition of streets, curbs, gutters and sidewaLes, completion of Storm sewer project and the installation of street lighting.. There will be a preliminary meeting of the Morningside Community Ass- ociation September 10th at 8 :OOp.m. in the Community Center to discuss Council hearing. this project and the Attached to this newsletter is a recap of the aide during results from the survey conducted in Morning.. May and June. The number or responses to the survey was exceptional to that typically exceptionally good compared rOsPonse rate in this caseced Based was the number responding in favor �of making the the Specified improvements, i.e.. those responding that the improvements should be done only if needed and those responding that the improve_ men ts are clearly needed, a substantial majority of Morningside residents want the improvements made. S inions on the Improvements However.. since the .shy was conducted, the estimated .cost to each resident for the improvements has changed dramatically This is Primarily beeause a study of the Morningside water system Was not completed until August 14, 1975. study concluded The that the entire water system should be 11 rePlaced. The current estimate for this portion of the project pe is r h X1,93.95 per connection, i.e., eouse in the case of hingle family dwm irgs. The exact cost for the entire improvements project cannot be known until firm bids are received. Whatever the cost of this project, there is considerable uncertainty about whether the City of Edina will share assuming for the - improvements, and from what it Will, tb what extent and what source of funds will the City Pay for the improvements. n"ven if the residents of "l- orningside agree that the improvements are necessary, there is the question, 1, can we them-arid howl" This question afford be asked at the publi should c hearing. It appears the City of Edina is cutting back on proposed funding of the proposed improvements, We don't have all the details but will by Wednesday for the M•C.A.E. meeting. WE URGE YOUR ATTENDANCE AT BOTH THE M.C.A.F_ MrFTT.r.. _ Should be done Clearly needed 4 Total Useful Should Should 33 NOT be Responses done be done 13 ONLY if Improvement needed Store: sewer addition Replace 308 36 59 $ water mains 308 Resurface 14 62 streets Replace /install 318 9 57 curbs & gutters 315 Replace /install 16 58 sidewalks Install i mproved 312 32 SS lighting 308 36 3S Preferred Term of M ff Upon com- 10 years Selected as pletion most suitable 278 3 % 39 e It appears the City of Edina is cutting back on proposed funding of the proposed improvements, We don't have all the details but will by Wednesday for the M•C.A.E. meeting. WE URGE YOUR ATTENDANCE AT BOTH THE M.C.A.F_ MrFTT.r.. _ Should be done Clearly needed 4 $ 24 33 26 13 29 lS years 20 years 23t 34% Throughout the past year, the Morningside Community Association has worked closely with the city engineers office to provide-information on residentsiviews about general, Improvements needed in Morningsidew We were shocked to learn that the water service proposal will cost about 3 times more than original estimates andthat possibly all of the cost roust be born by residents. This seems an excessive burden and appears inconsistant with the practice in neighboring suburbs. Further we were disappointed to learn that city financial. suDoort for the murbs and gutters proposal also is less than we originally thought . These late developments are of great concern to the Associations Executive Board. If you feel the same be sure to attend the meeting on September 15 to make your views known to the City Council. The regular monthly meeting of the Association will be he).d on Wednesday September 10# at 8:00 pia at the Community Building ( 4115 Grimes Ave.). Residents can use this meet- ing to help the Association develop a position for the elty council meeting. I .s I Will Uniform Elections Provide Greater Participation At Lower Cost? DAVID SCHAAF State Senator On Monday, September 29 the Minnesota Senate Elections Subcommittee began hearings on two bills which have already passed the Minnesota House of Representatives. The first, H.F. 700, provides that all municipal elections be held in November. Only about forty home rule charter cities are affected by this bill since all other cities now hold November elections. The second bill, 349, provides that all school board elections now currently held in May also be changed to November. At the September meeting I will have made a major amendment to these bills which will require that all local elections be held in November. of the odd - numbered years. In other words, under this proposed law all elections for city, county and school board offices would be held in November of the odd- numbered years. All elections for federal and state offices would continue to be held in the even - numbered years. This proposal, I believe, will greatly increase the ability of the average voter to understand our democratic process. First, our voter will know he has Senator Schaaf, DFL Fridley, is the author of *the two election bills discussed in this article. October 1975 an election every November (with_ possible primary elections in September). In the even- numbered years the voter can concentrate on state and national issues. In the odd- numbered years the voter will be concerned only with local candidates and issues. Such a system of regular annual November, elections will help increase participation, a goal which during the bicentennial yeas we all share. Interestingly, a second benefi- of this proposal will beto lower the cost of holding elections. As an example, this year the Bloom- ington school board's May election was conducted by the City of Bloomington at a cost of $10,000, or nearly $4.00 per vote. i this election had been held i# November at the same time as the city's elections, the only extra cos' would have been the printing of school board ballot. Certainly those cities which do not now ho �4 odd -year elections will experience increased costs. At the same time almost every school district 1N Minnesota will save the cost 0f conducting a separate election However, we must keep in mind who really pays these costs. It rs the taxpayer, of course, and in nearly every case fewer of his t� x dollars will be spent to conduc7- elections. . It is my hope that every Ioct-L official in Minnesota will take a N honest, objective look at this proposal and not reject it out -o� hand. There remain a number of technical problems which are noN under study and can be resolved. I would appreciate an�i suggestions members of the League might have concernint these bills. We have at hand an opportunity which presents itself all too rarely in government — a chance to make our own system of self - governance more un -. derstandable and at the same time less expensive. Status Report on Local Government Training Available .The Local Government Training Calendar Project has just issued a new report which reviews the status of local government training in Minnesota and examines the issues and problems which surround this topic. This "Status Report .1975 — Local . Government Training in Minnesota" is the first com- prehensive review of training in Minnesota. As such, it should prove invaluable for all local officials in orienting them to basic concepts, state laws, the process of organizing a training framework, the need for training, and training resources. While the Status Report supplies previously inaccessible or unknown information, it also shows graphically that large gaps in knowledge and use of training still exist. This is- the second step in the Local Government Training Council's process of analysis of training which should lead to recommendations for future actions; the first step was the printing of the Local Government Training Calendar. The Council, which oversees this IPA (Intergovernmental Personnel Act) funded program, has recently been restructured to consist almost exclusively of municipal and county officials. This. should ensure that the recommendations which it makes are reflecting the needs and capabilities of local governments. Copies of the report are available free of charge from the League office or from the Local Government Training Calendar. Project, Room 203, 55 Sherburne Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55103, (612) 222 -5821. 11 September 16, 1975 Mr. Warren C. Hyde City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Hyde* Thank you for your letter expressing your views on the change in the Local Government Aid law. For the very reasons you cited, my recommendation to the Legislature on the return of gross earning aids to municipal governments would have been beneficial to Edina ($371,000) and other suburbs. While my recommendation was • passed in the House, it failed in the Senate. The law which re- sulted was a compromise between the two bodies. It did include an additional $20 million in local government aid.'. During the Senate hearing at which the gross earnings proposal was attacked by various senators and their proposal of using mill rates to distribute local government aids was presented, my only a few witnesses spoke in opposition. As I tax advisor, John Haynes, and Dean Lund of the League of Minnesota Municipalities attacked the Senate formula on some of the grounds you cited. I very much wish that at that time the municipalities which were adversely affected had testified. Sincerely, Wendell R. Anderson WRA:mam CC: Mayor of Edina City Council CO'•q-a`ERCIAL AREA PATROL - INCIDENT STA ISTIUS August 1, 1975 - August 31, 1975 Cr` DATE TIME INCIDENT LOCATION DISP. 75007352 8/1/75 1025 PD Accident 69th & France A &A 75001357 8/1/75 1312 Vehicle Lock Out Byerly's A &A 75007362 8/1/75. 1340 Susp.Person/No Minn. D.L. /False I.D. Southdale CBA 75007364 8/1/75 1351 PD Accident 69th & York GOA 75007369 8/1/75 1435 Theft Target CONT 75007377 8/1/75 1821 Theft Copper Marquee CONT 75007397 8/2/75 1104 Med.Emerg /PI Acc. Byerly's 0TH 75007399 8/2/75 1119 Car blocking 66th & France A &A 75007403 8/2/75 1235 Fight /Assault /Damage to Property Target lot CBA 75007405 8/2/75 1258 PI Accident 70th & France 0TH. 75007407 8/2/75_ 1333 Theft from auto /Auto Theft & Recovery Kangaroo lot CONT 75007403 8/2/.75 1404 Disorderly conduct Dayton's CBA . 75007410 8/2/75 1442 PI Accident 69th & France 0TH 75007413 8/2/75 1518 Shoplifting /Assault Dayton's EC 75007414 8/2/75 1518 Shoplifting Penney's UNF 75007418 8/2/75 1554 Shoplifting Target CBA 75007420 8/2/75 1802 Shoplifting /Poss. Stolen Property Bus stop CBA 75007424 8/2/75 2101 Altered I.D. York Liquor A &A 75007453 8/3/75 0931 Theft Cinema I &II &III A &A 75007461 8/3/75 1537 Med.Emerg.Escort 66th & France A &A 75007464 8/3/75 1727 Fire Fairview Southdale A &A. 7500',465 8/3/75 1732 Alarm Radio Shack A &A 75007469 8/3/75 2053 Strange noise Walgreen's A &A 75007477 8/4/75 0150 Rec.Stolen Auto Southdale Med.Bldg. ROA 75007!78 .8/4/75 0237 Found bicycle 7250 France A &A 75007481 8/4/75 0530 Alarm Henn.Cty.Lic,Center A &A 75007482 8/4/75 0622 Found bicycle Southdale Bowl A &A 75007484 8/4/75 1210 Theft 226 S'dale Center CONT 750074-88 8/4/75 1538 H &R PD Accident Fox Lot 0TH 75007489 8/4/75 .1547 Theft Fairview Southdale CONT 75007490 8/4/75 1617 Auto Theft Fairview Southdale CONT 750u7491 8/4/75 1639 Theft 7240 York CONT 75007'492 8/4/75 1b50. Car fire Alligator Lot 0TH 75007500 8/4/75 2201 Theft Dayton's CONT 75007524 8/5!75 1607 PI Accident 68th & York 0TH 15007527 8/5/75 1709 Shoplifting Mary Adams CBA 75007535 8/5/75 2244 Noises Gabbert's Warehouse A &A 7507542 8/6/75 1329 H &R PD Accident 6775 York 0TH 75007544 8/6/75 1454 Shoplifting Dayton's CBA 75007547 8/6/75 1032 Susp.person Target GOA /UTL 75007513 8/6/75 1901 Gun shot victim Fairview Southdale 0TH 75007549 8/6/75 1901 Shoplifting Dayton's CBA 75007554 8/6/75 2045 H &R PD Accident Red Owl Lot A &A 750'07567 8/7/75 0052 Alarm St.Paul Book & Stat. A &A 75007604 8/3/75 0925 Abandoned vehicle 7220 York A &A Commercial Area Patrol Incident Statistics August 1 -31, 1975 C# DATE ^LIME INCIDENT 75007609 8/8/75 1247 H &R Accident 75007610 8/8/75 1259 PD Accident 75007612 8/8/75 1438 PD Accident 75007618 8/8/75 1739 Shoplifting 75007619 8/8/75 1851 Alarm 75007631 8/9/75 0155 Susp. person 75007636 8/9/75 0815 Burglary 75007637 8/9/75 0951 Domestic 75007639 8/9/75 1027 Open door 75007640 8/9/75 1052 Med.Emergency 75007644 8/9/75 1229 Found property 75007646 8/9/75 1350 PI Accident 75007650 8/9/75 1624 Shoplifting ' 75007653 8/9/75 1810 Shoplifting 75007661 8/9/75 2203 Robbery Alarm 75007664 8/9/75 2227 Impound Auto 75007665 8/10/75 oo46 Assist Officer /Shooting 75007667 8/10/75 0248 Alarm 75007670 8/10/75 0515 Theft 75007671 8/10/75 0550 Alarm. 75007679 8/10/75 1513 Shoplifting `'75007692 8/10/75 2215 Alarm 75007704 .8/11/75 0228 Alarm 75007708 8/11/75 0950 Listing Info. 75007710 8/11/75 1104 Med.Emergency 75007711 8/11/75 1118 Theft. 75007721 8/11/75 1627 Shoplifting 75007723 8/11/75 .16ho Auto Theft 75007724 8/11/75 1640 PD Accident 75007727 8/11/75 1700 Lost Property 75007734 8/11/75 1957 Fire 75007737 8/12/75 0016 Kids' disturbing 75007742 8/12/75 0129 Poss.of Marijuana 75007744 8/12/75 0329 Alarm 75007755 8/12/75 1029 Miscellaneous 75007759 8/12/75 1308 PI Accident 75007761 8/12/75 1532 Poss.Stolen Property 7500776,° 8/12/75 1729 Theft 75007774 8/12/75 2059 A_tt.Auto Theft 75007778 8/12/75 2309 Possible Open Hydrant 75007738 8/13/75 0908 Alarm 75007809 8/13/75 1757 Shoplifting 75007814 8/13/75 2000 Forgery /Agg.Assault 75007815 8/13/75 2136 Alarm 75007819 8/13/75 2209 Alarm 75007826 8/14/75 0010 Alarm 7500781,6 8/14/75 1310 PD Accident 750073',- 8/14/75 1358 Auto Theft 75007049 8/14/75 1523 i'ed.Emergency LOCATION Tiger lot 70th & France 66th & France Byerly's 7200 York Zapata's So. France Standard S'dale Med.Bldg. #540 7200 France, #325 7151 York,Apt.719 Southdale 66th & York Penney's Dayton's York Avenue liquor Key Cadillac. Key Cadillac Target Dayton's Donaldson's Car Care Penney's 7010 France Freeman's Clothing Byerly's 7151 York, #520 6800 France Dayton's Fairview S'dale Hosp. 70th & France Target Byerly's 7151 York Zapata's Donaldson's Car Care 7100 France 70th & France S'dale to 60th &France Target Dayton's overflow 70th & York 3240 Southdale Circle Donaldson's Robertsons Pants Pocket Southdale Texaco Gabberts Wicke's Furniture Elephant Lot 6800 France S'dale Med.Center Commercial Area Patrol Incident Statistics August 1 -31, 1975 Page 3 0 DATE TI1� INCIDFI LOCATION DISP. 75007851 8/14/75 1657 Concealing I..D. Penney's CBA 75007853 8/14/75 1856 Shoplifters (3) Penney's CBA 75007858 8/14/75 2001 Lost Property Yorktown Pkg.Lot A &A 75007867 8/15/75 0005 Bicycle part theft Southdale CONT 75007868 8/15/75 0008 Curfew Southdale Bowl CBA 75007886 8/15/75 1730 Theft Wedding World CONT 75007889 8/15/75 2010 Simple Assault Southdale Ford CONT 75007896 8/15/75 2355 P &C McDonald's CBA 75007916 8/16/75 1308 Vehicle lock out 7001 York A &A 75007918 8/16/75 1411 Theft Milton's CONT 75007919 8/16/75 .1416 Bicycle Recovery Byerly's A &A 75007920 8/16/75 1552 Bicycle theft Cinema I &II &III CONT 75007924 8/16/75 1820 Susp.person Southdale. A &A 75007928 8/16/75 1844 PD Accident Raccoon Lot A &A 75007930 8/16/75 1929 Susp.person Key Cadillac GOA /UTL 75007936 8/16/75 2212 P&C McDonald's CBA 75001957 8/17/75 0315 Susp.Person Penney's Lane GOA /UTL 75007975 8/17%75 1405 PI Accident 66th &France OTH 75007976 8/17/75 1419 PI Accident 70th & France OTH 75007981 8/17/75 1717 Smoke smell Panache A &A 75007983 8/17/75 1927 Open door Dayton's Garden Shop A &A 75007989 8/17/75 2115 Assault Cinema I &II &III CONT 75007990 8/17/75 2213 Damage to Property Southdale - Bowl CONT 75007992 8/17/75 221:0 Alarm Donaldson's A &A 75o08o1L 8/18/75 1,445 H &R Accident Tiger Lot A &A 75008015 8/18/75 1448 Towed aban.vehicle Gabbert's Lot OTH, 75000024 8/18/75 1849 Theft from Auto Southdale Lot CONT 75008025 8/18/75 1931 Shoplifting Target CBA 75008027 8/18/75 2146 Fire alarm Fairview Southdale A &A 75008028 8/18/75 2148 Customer trouble Southdale Bowl 'GOA /UTL 75008943 8/19/75 1023 PD Accident 66th & York M OTH 75008045 8/19%75 1053 Found property 7000 York OTH 75008047 8/19/75 1244 Theft Southdale CONT 75008048 8/19/75 1325 Theft 6700 France CONT 75008051 8/19/75 1449 Locked vehicle Camel lot A &A 75008053 8/19/75 1553 Found property Marc's Big Boy OTH 75008060 8/19/75 1935 Theft Southdale Ford CONT 75008071 8/19/75 2336- Car prowler 7151 York GOA /UTL 75008072 8/19/75 2348 Noise 66th & Xerxes A &A 75008083 8/20/75 0944 Theft Southdale Ford A &A 75008085 8/20/75 1321 Fire Alarm Fairview Southdale A &A 75008C86 8/20/75 1507 Shoplifting Donaldson's CBA 75008080 8/20/75 1721 Shoplifting Red Owl CBA 7.5008091 8/20/75 1857 PD Accident 67th & York A &A 7500809': 8/20/75 2001 Shoplifting Dayton's&Doraldson's CBA 75008098 8/20/75 2236 Alarm Donaldson's Car Care A &A 75008 101 8/21/75 0020 Alarm Goodman's Jewelry A &A 75008 101. 8/21/75 0126 Alarm Wheel Goods A &A 75008109 8/21/75 1009 Roll back accident Perimeter Road OTH i Commercial Area Patrol Incident Statistics August 1 -31, 1975 Page 4 C. DATE TIPS INCIDENT LOCATION DISP. 77oo8116 8/21/75 1253 Shoplifter Penney's CBA 75008117 8/21/75 1440 PD Accident 6600 France A &A 75008119 8/21/75 1543 Theft by Check Thayer- McNeil CBA 75008120 8/21/75 1656 Shoplifting The Limited CBA 75008128 8/21/75 2127 Alamo 3555 W. 691th A &A 75008134 8/21/75 2324 Damage to Property. Yorktown Theater A &A. 75008140 8/22/75 0328 Susp.person Target A &A 75008150 8/22/75 1109 Insuf.Funds /No.Acct. J.Riggings CONT 75008151 8/22/75 1230 PI Accident 66th & York A &A 75008153 8/22/75 1245 Theft 3521 Hazelton CONT 75008161 - 8/22/75 1625 PI Accident Hazelton & York. 0TH 75008165 8/22/75 2047 Alarm Donaldson Dock UNF 75008170 8/22/75 .2252 Fire Alarm 6415 York UNF 75008177 8/23/75 0039 Rape S'dale Pkg.Lot CONT 75008183 8/23/75 1324 Shoplifting Dayton's - CBA 75008189 .8/23/75 1333 PD Accident 69th & France INA 75008195 8/23/75 1617 Shoplifting Penney's CBA 75008193 8/23/75 1730' Shoplifting Donaldson's CBA 75008201 _ 8/23/75 2008 Alarm Southdale Texaco A &A 75008208 8/23/75 2254 Theft Black Swan Pub CONT 75008210 8/23/75 2353 Poss.of Marijuana McDonald's CBA :75008213 8/24/75 0506 Burglary /Theft Titus Building CONT 75008219 8/24/75 0535 Alarm Goodman Jewelry A &A 75008228 8/24/75 1L47 Shoplifting Penney's CBA 75008229 8/24/75 1543 Shoplifting Dayton's CBA 75008230 8/24/75 1610 H &R PD Accident Turtle Lot A &A . 75008239 8/24/75 2135 Auto Theft Southdale Bowl CONT 75008250 8/25/75 1045 Shoplifting 7000 York CONT 77008252 .8/25/75 1124 Auto Theft Southdale Ford UNF 7500825'0 8/25/75 1320 PD Accident McDonald's A &A 75003260 8/25/75 1436 Poss.Stolen Property Ca-el Lot CBA 75008261 8/25/75 1433 Theft Super Sams CONT 75008263 8/25/15 1440 Alarm 226 Southdale A &A . 75008269 8/25/75 1727 Damage to Property Donaldson's Overflow CONT 75008273 8/25/75 2046 PD Accident Kangaroo Lot A &A 75008274 8/25/75 2048 Shoplifting Target CBA 75008277 8/25/75 2121 Shoplifting Penney's CBA 75008282 8/25/75 2332 Susp.Circumstances S'dale Water Tower GOA /UTL 75008296 8/26/75 1003 Mini Bikes York Ave. -YMCA A &A 75008301 8/26/75 1238 Shoplifting 7000 York CBA 75008307 8/26/75 1641 Theft John W, Heller Co. CONT 75008303 8/26/75 1641 Theft J.W.Heller Co. CONT 75008312 8/26/75 2128 Medical Emergency 7151 York A &A 75008317 8/27/75 0034 Alarm Byerly's Safe A &A 75008325 8/27/75 0838 Alarm 3.501 Hazelton A &A 75008326 8/27/75 0901 Theft Gopher Lot CONT 75008333 8/27/75 1132 Shoplifting 150 S'dale Center CBA 75008340 8/27/75 1510 Shoplifting Penney's CBA 75008342 8/27/75 1540 PI Accident Dayton's Station 0TH 75003345 8/27/75 1700 Lost property S'dale Area A &A 75008347 8/27/75 1852 Poss, of Marijuana Turtle Lot CBA Commercial Area Patrol Incident Statistics August 1 -31, 1975 Page 5 C1# DATE TI14E INCIDENT LOCATION DISP. 75008357 8/28/75 0305 Suspicious Noise France & 66th UTL 75008358 8/28/75 0417 Alarm Audio King A &A 75008372 8/28/75 1416 Aggravated Forgery S'dale Natl.Bank. CONT 75008373 8/28/75 1424 PI Accident 66th and Xerxes A &A 75008375 8/28/75 1444 Shoplifting 7000 York CBA 75008377 8/28/75 1503 Shoplifting Byerly's CBA 75008395 8/29/75 0900 P.D.Accident 6800 France A &A 750G8399 8/29/75 1018 P.D.Accident 70th & France A &A 750o8402 8/29/75 1152 Car Fire Target Lot UTL 75008404 8/29/75 1206 P.D.Accident 68th & France 0TH 75008405 8/29/75 1315 Shoplifting Penney's CBA 75008412 8/29/75 1905 Shoplifting Target CBA 75008420 8/29/75 2134 Auto Theft Duck Lot UNF 75008421 8/29/75 2148 Damage to Property Cinema I &II &III CONT 75oo8430 8/29/75 2345 Susp.Persons Byerly's A &A 75oo8450 8/30/75 1336 Shoplifting Southdale CBA 75oo8456 8/30/75 1619 Theft 7220 York CONT 75oo8457 8/30/75 1631 Shoplifting Donaldson's CBA 750o8459 8/30/75 1710 Bicycle Theft Southdale 0TH 75008460 8/30/75 1719 P.D.Accident Owl Lot A &A 75oo8462 8/30/75 2015 Public Assist Schenazade A &A 75oo8466 8/30/75 2206 Check Audible Alarm Yorkdale Shops GOA /UTL 75o08478 8/31/75 0112 Susp. Persons Fairview S'dale A &A 75008498 8/31/75 1200 Alarm 3505 West 69th UNF 75008501 8/31/75 1331 Shoplifting Dayton's INA 75008505 8/31/75 1544 Recover Stolen Bike Target A &A 75008506 8/31/75 1620 Shoplifting Donaldson's & Dayton's CBA 75o08508 8/31/75 1816 Susp. Persons Camel Lot A &A', 75008510 8/31/75 2020 Susp. Persons Southdale Ford A &A 75007494 8/4/75 1951 Pidgeon Drop Daytons CONT 75007497 8/4/75 2107 PD Accident Alligator Lot OTH DEFINITION OF DISPOSITIO =Y CODINGS: ROA Referred to Other Agency A &A Assisted and Advised CONT Continued GOA /UTL Gone on Arrival /Unable to Locate UNF Unfounded OTH Other CBA Cleared by Arrest EC Exceptional Clearance INA Inactive 4 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Manager FROM: Gordon Hughes SUBJECT: EQC Recommendation on Multiple Family Density Reduction Plan At its last meeting the Environmental Quality Commission reviewed the proposed density reduction plan. The EOC recommends that the City Council adopt the multiple family density reduction plan as proposed. GH:ln 10/3/75 L y �y i 1_•1' �L C0`4YIFRIGAT ARE - PA'!'ROL I?iCIDET1: SiAIS' -iCS September 1, 1915 - September 30, 197; C =' DATE TIME I:CID dT LOCATION DISP. 750Oc521 9/1%75 0013 Alarm Byerly's A &A, 750085 3 9/1/75 1622 PI Accident Hazelton & France 0TH 00:53 9/1/75 2142 A`'L Fairview- Southdale A &A 75008560 9/2/75 0037 Noise Perkins - 66th St. A &A 1506::56- 9/2/75 0659 Alarm lst S'dale National A &A 7;00:.5 76 9/2/75 1250 PD Accident Zapata's 0TH 7500:590 5/2,/75 1702 F'oind Dog 'Alligator Lot GOA /UTL 75008591 9/2/75 1707 Shoplifter Dayton's CBA 75003597 9/2/75 2057 Assist DK Fairview Southdale A &A 75008006, 9/3/75 0155 Open Door Famous.Brand,Shoes A &A 7500617 9/3/75 0920 Alarm 7001 York Avenue A &A 75008626 9/3/75 1557 Damage to Property Raccoon Lot A &A 75008632 9/3/75 1928 Shoplifter Dayton's CBA 75008635 .9/3/75 2102 Shoplifter Dayton's CBA 75008639 9/3/75 2331 Theft More Women CONT 750086 "l 9/4/75 0131 Alarm County Seat UNF 7500061.3 9/4/75 0248 Damage to.Auto Marc's Big Boy CONT 750008,651 9/4/75 1051 Molesting Suspect S'dale Med.Bldg. GOA /UTL 71003652 9/4/75 1126 Shoplifter Target CBA 9/4/75 1326 Keys in Ignition Gopher Lot A &A _.7100656 7500860 9/4/75 1443 Shoplifter Target CBA 75008'61 9/4/75 1528 PD Accident Elephant Lot A &A 7:008663 9/4/75 1531 Alarm lst S'dale National A &A 75O08668 9/4/75 1834 Forgery DX Car Wash. CBA 75000• -'72 9/4/75 2130 Shoplifter Dayton's CBA 75 -08377 9/5/75 0236 Noise Perkins- 66th Street GOA /UTL 71C,0C 0 -3 9/5/75 1455 Vehicle Lock Out Target A &A 75GDc380 9/5/75 1519 PD Accident Mares Big Boy A &A 7500' °3L89 9/5/75 1610 Theft /Simple Assault Donaldson's CBA 75000.392 9/5/75 1726 Theft from Auto Fairview.Southdale CONT 750LV 97 9/5/75 1816 Vehicle Lock Out 70th and France A &A 750U889 9/5/75 1835 H &R PD Accident Southdale Medical Bldg. CONT 75008901 9/5/75 1910 PD Accident Southdale Bank A &A 7500 ;918 9/6/75 0206 Noise Perkins - 66th Street GOA /UTL 7506927 9/6/75 0936 Theft 1st Southdale National CONT 75008,932 9/6/75 0951 PI Accident 66th and York 0TH 75008,34 9/6/75 1201 Indecent Exposure Byerly's CONT 756=93; 9/6/75 1226 PD Accident 70th and France GOA /UTL 75GOE?33 9/6/75 1330 Shoplifter Donaldsons' CBA ?=C. 9/6/75 1819 PD Accident 666th and York GOA /UTL 9/6/75 1842 PD Accident Kangaroo Lot A &A =5oc ,,,';; 9/6/75 2013 `"'arrant 66th and Xerxes CBA 750 C, :'J 55 9/6/75 2132 Suspicious Vehicle York Liquor A &A 7 ;Cr.J_95? 9/6/75 2149 Alarm 14 eel Goods A &A -- ,� -- 9/6/75 2307 Suspicious Person Southdale Bowl GOA /UTL SCr3 3 7 3 9/7/75 0252 PD Accident 70th Street CONT 150aG 93 9/7/75 1750 Bicycle `_'h2 't Gopher Lot CONT 'S0' -95 9/7/75 1843 PD Accident 70th and France A &A 5 o3993 1935 Al z= Cedric's A &A * -^erci al area Patrol - nci.4 -n-t Statistics Se-_- I- 30, 1975 C Dn9' E TIME INC! DINT 750 °D90r5 9/7/75 2150 Susp.Auto- Surveillance 75vO9�-2 9/8/75 1134 PD Accident 7500 -9016 9/8/75 1201 i7 eft 11 0-9 01 7- 50 9/8/75 1 208 No Pay Customer - 7510'l 9/8/75 1228 PD Accident f 5C ^9' 33 9/9/75 0132 Water Pain Broke ;=0090 =2 9/9/75 0900 Cancel Stolen Auto 7 :Zo0go6O 9/9/75 2002 Shonlifter 7=01 9 o'2 9/9/75. 2120 Sho-o1 L.er 7;'09071 _ 9/10/75 1049 Locate Vehicle 75009074 9/10/75 1447 Forgery 750()908- 9/10/75 1937 Theft 75009086 9/10/75 2238 Vandalism 75009087 9/10/75 2307 Alarm 75009092 9/11/75 0049 Alarm 75009093 9/11/75 0212 Alarm 75009095 9/11/75 0450 Alarm 75009097 9/11/75 0708 Alarm 75009107 9/11/75 1500 Shoplifter 75009109 9/11/75 1558 Theft 7009114 9/11/75 1806 Damage to Property 7;009124 9/12/75 0143 Alarm 75CC9128 9/12/75 1005 Auto Theft 75009131 9/12/75 1134 Exposer 75009133 9/12/75 1317 Medical 75,009134 9/12/75 1358 Theft .750,09143 9/12/75 1823 Shoplifter-., 75009?46 9/12/75 1904 Alarm 75009148 9/12/75 2039 Shoplifter 7�00911=9 9/12/75 2143 Alarm 751009154 9/12/75 2341 Medical 75OCQ160 9/13/75 0157 Disorderly Conduct 75C001174 9/13/75 1239 Shoplifter 1500,0 77 9/13/75 1623 Lost Auto 7500917$ 9/13/75 1628 PI Accident 75-009179 9/13/75 1631 Assist S'dale Security 75009180 9/13/75 1942 Theft /Susp.Person 00g1o9 9/14/75 0144 Pick up Dog- Impound 7500921'0 9/14/75 1401 Vehicle Lock Out 9/15/75 0703 Alarm 5L0`C233 9/15/75 0729 Damage to.Property 75rC9?37 9/15/75 0936 Suspicious Van 50092415 9/15/75 1252 Shoplifter 511 252 9/15/75 1634 Theft 750'9259 9/15/75 2112 Alarm 5:00—b7 9/16/75 0817 Damage to Property 506;27 3 9/16/75 1229 PD xccider_t 75�C9282 9/16/75 1746 Aggravated_ssault ,5:09284 9/16/75 1829 Tag & Tow- 3loctiing ;5009291 9/16/75 2304 Barking Dog 75009299 9/17/75 1020 Tr eft Page 2 L0C_i T0N Southdale Bowl Area 6969 France lst Edina National Ba Fas Gas Rooster Lot 72nd and France Southdale Ford Daytons Daytons Water Tower Lot Nina Boutique Donaldson's Marc's Big Boy Byerly's Sound of Music Byerly's Byerly's Cedric's . Byerly's Dayton's Galleria Penney is Alligator Lot Giraffe Lot Garden Court Dayton's Target lst Southdale Nat.-'.l. Donaldson's Wheel Goods 7101 York Perkins - 66th St.. Dayton's Rooster Lot 70th & France Raccoon Lot Raccoon Lot Alligator Lot Alligator Lot 1st Southdale Nat'l 70th & France Donaldson's Empl. -Lot Target Copper Marquee Scandival Imports lst Edina National 74th and York Penney's Auto Center. 66th and Fork Fairview S'dale Lot Southdale Bowl nk DISP. A &A A &A CONT UNF A &A ROA UNF CBA CBA A &A INA CONT CONT A &A A &A A &A A &A A &A CBA CONT CONT A &A UNF CONT A &A CONT CONT CBA A &A A &A CBA CBA A &A 0TH GOA /UTL CBA 0TH A &A A &A CONT A &A CBA CONT A &A CONT A &A CONT 0TH A &A CONT Commercial Area Patrol Incident Statistics September 1 -30, 1975 C DATE 75009300 9/17/75 75009302 9/17/75 75009305 9/17/75 75009308 9/17/75 75009309 9/17/75 75009310 9/17/75 7500931'•4 9/17/75 75009322 9/18/75 " 750C9328 9/18/75 75009329 . 9/18/75 75009332 9/18/75 75009333 9/18/75 75009337 9/i8/75 75009340 9/18/75 75009341 9/i8/75 75009351 9/19/75 75009355 9/19/75 75009356 9/19/75 75009364 9/19/75 75009377 9/20/75 75009383 9/20/75 75009387 9/20/75 `75009389 9/20/75 75009391 9/20/75 75009394 9/20/75 75009398 9/20/75 75009399 9/20/75 75oo9402 9/20/75 75009403 9/20/75 75009412 9/20/75 75009420 9/21/75 75009426 9/21/75 75009429 9/21/75 75009+32 9/21/75 75009433 9/21/75 75009434 9/21/75 75009139 9/21/75 750.09451 9/22/75 75009453 9/22/75 75009455 9/22/75 75009'57 9/22/75 75009465 9/22/75 75009472 9/22/75 75009473 9 ✓22/75 75009477 9/22/75 75009479 9/23/75 75009'L-88 9/23/75 75C09489 9/23/15 75009490 9/23/75 7500949'3 9/23/75 75009500 9/23/75 75009502 9/23/75 TIP•' IiiCIDENT 1106 Alarm 1155 Vehicle Lock Out 1511 Shoplifter 1644 Shoplifter 1644 Shoplifter 1644 Defrauding Innkeeper 1812 Shoplifter 0247 Alarm 1148 Medical' 1349 Shoplifter -1647 . DW -L . 1737 Auto Theft 2006 Shoplifter 2214 Suspicious Persons 2355 Open Door 1430 Theft 1529 ATL- Runaway 1545 PD Accident 1833 Car Fire 0931 DOA , 1110 Abandoned Bicycle 1314 PD Accident 1336 pI Accident 1451 PI Accident 1552 Lost Car 1806 Theft 1806 Theft 1833 H &R PD 1835 Alarm 2350 Damage to Property 0353 DWI 1149 Alarm 1300 Suspicious Activity 1619 Found Property 1635 Theft. 1640 Susp.Persons /Shoplifter 2111 Alarm 1024 Fire 1309 Theft 1403 Theft 1440 Shoplifter 1727 Shoplifter 2002 Threats 1910 =arm 2350 Alarm •0039 Open Door 134'0 S hopli f t e r 1346 Vehicle Lock Out 15' =5 C:hoblil ter 1;28 _n_"orm?tional Report 2013 Shoplifter 2029 Alarm Page 3 LOCAT DIN DISP . 7200 York A &A 6'000 France A &A Dayton's CBA Penney's CBA Penney's CBA Penney's' CBA Penney's CBA Schmitt Music A &A 6800 France A &A Dayton's CBA 67th &. York CBA 6750 France UNF Dayton's CBA. Alligator Lot GOA /UTL Pearle Vision Ctr. A &A 7100 France CONT Walgreens CBA 72nd & France 0TH Kangaroo Lot A &A 7151 York INA . Gabberts 0TH 69th & York 0TH 6805 York 0TH . 6805 York 0TH Tiger Lot A &A Cinema::Lot ' CONT Cinema Lot CONT York Liquor 0TH•.1 Buchkosky Jewelry A &A Southdale Bowl Lot CONT S'dale Med.Bldg.Lot CBA 3239 Hazelton A &A Donaldson Lane A &A Raccoon Lot 0TH Muggins Doll House CONT Penney's- Daytons CBA Polly Berg A &A 6740 France A &A Southdale Ford CONT. Southdale Ford CONT Penney's CBA Hurrah Shop CBA Black Swan Pub CONT lst Fed,Savings & Loan A &A Buchkosky Jewelry A &A .Wedding World A &A Penney 'S CBA Camel Lot A &A Donaldson's - CBA Penney's INA Dayton's CBA Southdale Texaco A &A Co=e_rciall Area Patrol Page 4 a�4 cztics 1-30, 11075 OF DISPOSITION CODINGS- 1RO A D A T TIME INCI-11 21�1 L, A 70 l DISP. 0 A 0/24/75 0042 C.p. en Door 35th & 'Hazelton A&A 7 Z Cleared by Arrest 1012 PD .1cci den '. 6 750 ?r anc e A&A 7 5=,09517 �9/2L/75 9/24/75 .1335 Auto Thelf U 6825 York MIF 7 i-_10C�,520 9/2-1-1175 1526 Chalked Vehicle 6"16 xerxes 0 INA 7500, 5; 9/24/75 .1543 Shoplifter Byerly's CBA 9/24/75 2316 T- heft Southdale Bowl Lot Souu CONT 9/25/75 1258 Vehicle Lock Out Camel Lot A&A 7 8 9/25/75 1543 P'fblic nssist Yorktown Fashion Mall A&A 750'D5 5' =9 9/25/75 1546 Auto The-ft Fairview Southdale UNF 750095=58 9/25/75 2035 Fire Alarm -Fairview Southdale A&A 75009571. 9/206/75 0950 Th, e -ft Holiday. Lane 'CONT 75009597 9/27/75 0008 H&?, PD Accident McDonalds... A&A 75009608 9/27175. 1120 Suspicious Person York Liquor A&A 75009314 9/27/75 1446 Shoplifter Donaldson's CBA 751009015 9/27/75 1556 Shoplifter Now & Then CBA 7:51ON-90620 9/27/75 1933 Possible Gun Shots 70th & France Area GOA/UTL 75009624 9/27/75 2148 Alarm Southdale Library A&A 75,009630 9/27/75 2356 P&C McDonalds CBA 750090633 9/28/75 0118 Alarm Target A&A 035 9/28/75 0410 DWI 66th & France CBA 75009638 9/28/75 0841 Alarm Henn, County Library A&A 7500960 , 9/28/75 0907 Alarm 70th & France A&A 5009 "48 9/28/75 1510 Medical Byerly's A&A 75009673 9/259/75 1720 H&R PD Accident York Liquor CONT 75C,00,677 9/29/75 1949 Possession of Marijuana Raccoon Lot CBA 75009"84 9/30/75 0514 Alarm Donaldson's INA 75009690 9/30/75 1518 Theft 6800 France 0TH ;500,b93, 9/30/75 1712 PD Accident 69th & France OTH• 7:50009696; 9/30/75 1730 Shoplifter Penney's CBA OF DISPOSITION CODINGS- 1RO A Referred to Other Agency Assisted and Advised CCYI Conti nued 0 A Gone on Arrival/Unable to Locate. UNIF U n_­7 o lan d e d 0171 H, i 'ju h e I C E Cleared by Arrest Exc.e-otional Clearance L N U_ Tnactive RESOLUTION.APPROVING REGISTERED LAND SURVEY LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4, BLOCK 5, BRAEMAR HILLS 7TH ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED .by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain Registered Land Survey, presented for approval by Gregory Gustafson, covering Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 5, Braemar Hills 7th Addition, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of October 20, 1975, be and is hereby granted preliminary and final approval. ADOPTED this 20th4day of October, 1975. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and - acting City'Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of October 20, 1975, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting.. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 7th day of November, 1975. City Clerk RESOLUTION APPROVING REGISTERED LAND SURVEY LOTS 1-2. 3 AND 4. BLOCK 4. BRAEMAR HILLS 7TH..ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain Registered Land Survey, presented for approval by Gregory Gustafson, covering Lots -1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 4, Braemar Hills 7th Addition, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of October 20, 1975, be and is hereby granted preliminary and final approval. ADOPTED this 20th.day of October, 1975, STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting -of October 20,1975, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 7th day of November, 1975. City Clerk RESOLUTION APPROVING REGISTERED LAND SURVEY LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4, BLOCK 3, BRAEMAR HILLS 7TH ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain Registered Land Survey, presented for approval by Gregory Gust- afson, covering Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 3, Braemar.Hills 7th Addition, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of October 20, 1975, be.and.is hereby granted preliminary and final approval. ADOPTED this 20th-day of October, 1975. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) - CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of October.20, 1975, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. - WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 7th day of November, 1975. City Clerk RESOLUTION APPROVING REGISTERED LAND SURVEY LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4, BLOCK 7, BRAEMAR HILLS 7TH ADDITION. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain Registered, Land Survey, presented for approval by Gregory Gustafson, covering Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 7, Braemar Hills 7th Addition, and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of October 20, 1975, be and is hereby granted preliminary and final approval. ADOPTED this 20th day of October, 1975. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) I, the undersigned duly appointed Edina, do hereby certify that the adopted by the Edina City _Council and as recorded in the Minutes of CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK and acting City Clerk for the City of attached and foregoing Resolution was duly at its Regular Meeting of October 20, 1975, said' Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 7th day of November, 1975. City .Clerk r . FLOODPLAIN PER -MIT CONDITIONS 1. A grading permit must be obtained from the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. 2. Any fencing surrounding the pool must be of a fence fabric having a mesh dimension of at least two inches to allow water flowage. 3. All excavated material must be removed from the flood - plain.. The owner, by his signature below, acknowledges that the City of Edina is held harmless and is not responsible for any damage which may occur as a result of the construction . Owner 5 D to 16/3,) i CUB I q October 28, 1975 Mr. John Boland, Chairman Metropolitan Council Metro Square Building St. Paul, M 55101 Dear ?fir. Boland: Enclosed herewith -is a copy of the resolution adopted by.the Edina City Council relative to the interchange at Trunk Highway 100 at Benton .venue in the City of Edina. Your efforts in. behalf of .this resolution will be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly; City Clerk October'23, 1975 Mr. William Crawford District -5 _ Engineer Minnesota State Highway Department 2055 N: Lilac Drive Golden Valley, KNI 55422 Dear Mr. Crawford.: Enclosed herewith,is a copy of the resolution adopted by the Edina City Council at its meeting of October 20, 1975, relative to the interchange at T.H. 100 and Benton Avenue. Your efforts in behalf of this resolution will be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, City Clerk T?FCr%T TTTTONT WHEREAS, the section of T.H. 100 between W. 50th Street and the Cross- town Highway has just been completed; and WHEREAS, residents in the area are protesting vigorously the lack of access on to T.H. 100 at Benton Avenue; and WHEREAS, the design of this interchange hinders emergency vehicles in their efforts to serve the public most expeditiously; and WHEREAS, at the time of its approval, the Minnesota Highway Department had recommended that a full diamond interchange be constructed at Benton Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council refused to approve the plans as approved by the Minnesota Highway Department and by the City of Edina for a full diamond interchange, and instead, approved the limited access interchange which has now been completed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council urge the Minnesota.Highway Department and the Metropolitan Council to consider the revision of the Benton Avenue Interchange so as to permit Southbound access on the West side of the highway and Northbound access to Benton Avenue from T.H. 100. ADOPTED this 20th day of October, 1975. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina,do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of October 20, 1975, and as recorded in the minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said city this 29th day of October, 1975. City Clerk PETITION ��etition to the City of Edina, the Minnesota State Highway Department, the Metropolitan lVow!icil,,- Members of the State Legislature and to the Governor: :Ten ?lemen: t• Iidina, south access to Highway #100 at Benton Ave, has been cut off, ostensibly because Benton is too close to the Crosstown. However, full access has been con- structed (folded diamond). at 77th Street and Highway #100, which is about 400' closer to I494_ This is grossly unfair ''to.residents near Benton! Along the approximately 25 miles of the "Inner Belt Line" from the river at Ft. Snelling to the river in Brooklyn Center, there will.be. about =2,9. accesses, into the neighborhoods, or better than one per mile. With Benton denied south access to #100, there. will be a 2.'5 mile gap between 50th and 70th Street. This will 'be the longest gap between two -way' neighborhood accesses on the entire "Inner Belt Line ", nearly'tw. ice as long as in the nearly unpopulated area from 34th Ave. to Post Road. (See supplementary sheet,.- Item 1, a specific list of points of access). This is grossly unfair:to residents near Benton! In a time when we are .trying.to economize on our fuel usage, this denial of south access at Benton, will compel hundreds of people in our area to drive nearly four. extra miles every time they need to go south on #100. (See Supplement Item 2). It will be more difficult for the Fire Department and the Police Department to get to our area .in an emergency. In case of electric shock, drowning or heart attack, the time_ ,for. a police car to go. two extra miles to render help could make the difference between life ,and death. (See Supplement_ Item 3). We respectfully petition the following:. -The City of Edina to do all in its power to implement full Highway #100 access at Benton. -The Highway Department to submit new plans for this access, meeting the minimum Metropolitan Council standards, with necessary variances,. in the least costly manner. -The Metropolitan Council, mindful of our needs, to speedily approve them. -The Legislature to review the powers granted the Metropolitan Council, putting such restraints on the power OfL the Council as to prevent such oversight of local needs elsewhere in the future. -The Governor, to be especially careful to appoint as Council members only those, who will be mindful of, and responsive to,the needs of both majority and minority interests. We further petition the Highway Department to immediately restore the exit that existed on October 3, 1975, from.north -bound #100 to the east portion of Valley View Road. and to install a similar temporary access from the west part of Valley View Road to south bound #100 We understand that they will not meet your standards for permanent but _ ^'_: that you maintain`it until the proper access is built_ We have. for sometime now, patiently endured bypasses as substandard as this, and will endure this . one until the .better one is completed. We. urgently need these..acces.ses during the months it will take for the better one to be planned, approved and completed. ADDRESS ISIGNATURE tSIGNATURE PETITION SUPPLEMENT This is a.;supplement to the. petition for' access from Benton to highway #100 south. ITEM I: A specific list of pointsof access. There apparently will be 6 interchanges that will not be useful accesses into the nearby neighborhoods, because the intersecting highways will be without.acce.ss to the neighborhoods for some distance. These are: (1) The proposed 494 eastward extension to Mendota Heights. (2) Highway #36 (Cedar Ave.) (3) Interstate 35W. (4) Henn. Cty. #62, Crosstown. (5) Minn. V. (6) The proposed I94 interchange at West River Road. Even after closing off some small intersections (as has been done in Edina), there will apparently continue to be 29 two -way accesses from the neighborhoods to,the "Inner Belt Line " - Highway 55 Normandale Highway 55 Airport Terminal 70th Cty. Rd. 66 Airport Post Road 50th 36th Av. N; 34th Ave Excelsior Blvd Highway 52 24th Ave. 36th St. 48th Ave. N Portland /12th Ave. Lake St. Brooklyn Blvd Nicollet 24th St. 57th Av.- N Lyndale Cedar .Lake Rd Humboldt N. Penn Highway 12 also 77th St. S. France Glenwood Ave. There are only two "half" accesses: Benton and 42nd Ave. N. If this list should prove inaccurate due to the closing of a few of these listed,, it still adds up to about one per :mile. The Crosstown is not 'valuable as a. neighbort-Wod access as you have to drive a 'mile down the crosstown either way to .get off the cross - town. The Valley View Exit off the crosstown is less than a mile_but since you cannot turn north immediately, it is no better than going a mile to France Ave. ITEM 2: Nearly four extra miles every time a Benton Area resident wants to go South on #100 and return.-home. Residents east of 100 at Benton will go 3/4 mile East to the Valley View.6ntrance to the west -bound crosstown, then a mile to get up on #1.00 southbound. Coming home they will go two extra miles: a mile .of highway driving to France and a mile extra thru neighborhood streets. Total 3. 75 miles .waste each trip. The trip home .can be reduced to one mile extra by leaving 100 at 70th and threading a long roundabout path through 2. 5 miles of neighborhood streets via the Wyman Ave. Bridge thence. to the Benton Bridge. The Metropolitan r" »ncil's denial of *h access to #100 at Benton, ostensibly done to reduce traffic hazards, has not reduced traffic hazzards, it has merely "swept them under the rug" by. moving them into someone else's jurisdiction. Making the Highway a trifle safer, will make the neighborhood streets more hazardous... and more than a trifle. The Metropolitan Council's decision has actually increased the total hazard. This is not a wise decision! ITEM -3: More difficult- for - quick- fire- and - police =arri In a life- threatening emergency, it.is customary to dispatch the zone car PLUS one or more cars from adjacent zones. If the zone car is at the far corner of the zone, the car from the adjacent/ �n%e the first one to arrive (if access is not cut off as it is now). Denial of the south access at Benton, may make this impossible at a critical time, resulting in the tragedy of an unnecessary ,death.