HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-11-03_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1975 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL RECOGNITION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY WAYNE W. BENNETT RECOGNITION OF MR. CARL MARTH I. SALE OF BONDS II. PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING MATTER Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading. A. Second Reading 1. Ordinance No. 811 -A68 - Roushar Square - PRD -3 to R -1 Residential District - City of Edina for Darrel A. Farr - Generally located East of County Road 18, North of Edina West Condominiums and South of Fabri -Tek III. COMMUNICATIONS A. Edina East Teachers - T.H. 100 Access B. Calvin Christian School - Morningside Improvements C. Petitions 1. Vacation W. 65th Street between Tingdale Ave. and Rolf Ave. 2. Lynmar Lane - _Mavelle Drive.Traffic 3. ArtLour Ave. Street Lights 4. Whiteman Addition Utilities and Street Improvement 5.. Blake Road Sanitary Sewer IV. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Planning Commission 1. Set Hearing Date a. Western Edina Plan Amendment for Roushar Square B. H.R.A. Liquor Store Location (Continued from 10/20/75) C. Morningside Improvements - Cancel November 1 /,.1y %5 Hearing D. Police Contract E. Volunteer Transportation Plan Progress F. Salary Resolution Amendment G. Election Legislation H. Suit - Fabcon, Inc. I. Final Plat Approval - Whiteman Addition Don Byerly R.L.S. V. ORDINANCES A. First Reading 1. Ordinance No. 1115 -A1 - Repealing N.S.P. Franchise VI. ANY OTHERS WHO DESIRE HEARING BEFORE COUNCIL VII. FINANCE A. Liquor Fund as of August 31, 1975 B. LOGIS C. Claims paid. Motion of seconded by , and carried for payment of the following claims: General and Revenue Sharing, 23,628.30; Construction Fund, $2,390.73; Park Funds, $65,980.18; Water Fund, 36,429.49; Liquor Fund, $1,180.00; Sewer Fund, $2,475.55; Improvements, $726,710.44; Total, $858,794.69; and for confirmation of payment of the fol- lowing claims: General and Revenue Sharing, $53,477.76; Park Funds, $2,405.82; Water Fund, $2,678.65; Liquor Fund, $279,729.02; Total, $338,291.25 .VOLUNTEER TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FOR SENIORS IN THE CITY OF EDINA Many seniors in the City of Edina are in desperate need of transportation. Some weeks, the Senior Center receives as many as ten requests for rides to medical buildings, shopping centers or to the Senior Community Center. All of these calls are not necessarily directly from seniors. Many calls come from VEAP, Community Information and Referral or the Red Cross. All of these agencies have had to restrict their services to specific communities because they just don't have the 'manpower, money or facilities to meet the needs of the surrounding communities. The volunteer transportation program could be set up under the auspices of the Edina Park and Recreation Department. We would involve the churches, the service organizations, have approximately a volunteer staff of twenty drivers on call each week, develop a small budget and recruit volunteers to man the office. With an advisory board (possibly appointed by the Mayor) and a coordinator, the volunteer transportation program would definitely be an asset to the seniors who reside in Edina. hgd 10/31/75 Marcia Mohr, Supervisor Edina Park & Recreation Village of `Edln a 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 927 -8861 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners has *agreed to provide computer and related services on a fee basis through its Data Processing Division to LOGIS member agencies at 1°no profit, no loss; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina on April 17, 1972, did execute the LOGIS Joint and Cooperative Agreement, thereby becoming a member of LOGIS; and wHER.EAS, the City of Edina is presently utilizing, through LOGIS, the computer servicices of Hennepin County Data Processing to perform the payroll process- ing and financial accounting operations of the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina is intending to utilize, again through LOGIS, additional computer capacity to perform utility billing operations as well as other operations; and WHEREAS, present computer capacity available at Hennepin County and the utilization of such capacity by all users is such as to preclude the possibility of significant increases in the amount or computer time available fur ueC by the City of Edina and other LOGIS members; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Edina that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners is respectfully requested to provide, not later than May 1, 1976, additional d.ay.sh ift CPU capacity sufficient to accommodate an increase of double the present total LOGIS workload. ADOPTED this 3rd day of November, 1975._ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) _COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of November 3, 1975, and as recorded in the minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 4th day of November, 1975. City Clerk Form no..3u -im mu—ts tlalform Gn•v�nduc Ql.nr. nn beae �lJ� is it�enture, Blade this.___— A-V of T TSLDE_EIIINA�..a�nunicipal• 7m.corporation under the laws of the State of _� 1" iB.�� Qta_�__— _...., party of the first part, and F lorenc.e.._C.. Rush,_.A1s.Q.... known ...�s._.k lorence ltush,`_a...w�.doW and_,no.� __.remarri ed_._._._� -- _ of the County of. ._ ........ __ .... Hennepin._.. — .and State of_ila.nneS.s�-- •_ -�_, part_]L____ - -of the second part, E tnegOetb, That the said party of the first part, In consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration--------- - - - - -- ---DOLLARS, to It to hand paid by the said part.Y ....... _ .... of the second part, tlee receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said parby .............. of the second part,..... hex._ heirs and assigns, Forever, all the tract ............ or parcel ........... of land lying and being in the County of _Hezinepin....._..__..aced State of Ninnesota. described as follows, to-wit: - The East 7 feet of the North 135 feet of the South 177.5 feet of Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, Hennepin County, Minnesota. The legal description of the easement dated June 30, 1975, filed July 8, 1975, as Document No. 4150501, in the office of the Register of Deeds is in error, and therefore this deed is given by the party of the first part for the sole purpose of releasing and conveying all of its right, title and interest in and to said easement. go Oabe anb to Kolb the tame, Together with all the hereditamcnts and appu.rienanem there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said part..y..____.of the second part,.—__.h.PX. ...... __-- heirs and assigns, Forever. . 0. THIS INSTRUMENT IS EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX. In resence of - - -.... rl ........... ... ............ _..... ........... In Zcalmonp Mbereoi, The said first party has Caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name by ita,....MaY.�=........._ fxzhbwt and its.....Q19K..k ...... ............................and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. CITY OF EDINA .. . _........._.... .... .............. . .. ................Axwmx ;(L-u . ...... . It..._.._cl gr..k ..... ... .... .... ...... __ L) I Ak RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE HMEPIN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL COMPUTER CAPACITY FOR THE CITY OF EDINA -WHEAS,`the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners has.agreed to provide computer and related services.on a fe #asis through its Data Process- ing Division to LOGIS member agepd es at "no profit, no loss "; and ln('�WHEREAS, the City of Edina o1A did execute the LOGIS Joint and Copperative Agreement thereby becoming a member of LOGIS; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina is present}y utilizing, through LOGIS, the computer services of Hennepin County Data Processing to perdrm the payroll processing and financial accounting operations.-of the city; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina is intending to utilize, again through LOGISt additional computer capacity to perform utility billing operations as well as other operations; and WHEREAS, 131esent computer capacity available at Hennepin County and the utilization of such capacity by all users is such as to preclude the possibility of significant increases in the amount of computer time available for use byt the City of Edina and other LOGIS members; NOW9 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,,by the Coundil of the City of Edina that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners is respectfully requested to provide, not later than May 19 19769 additional'day.,shift cpu capacity sufficient to "accommedate an increase of double`the present total LOGIS workload. CURRENT ASSETS: Cash: Demand Deposits Working Fund Due from Other Funds Loan To Other Funds Accrued Interest Inventory: Liquor Wine Beer and Mix Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance Supplies Inventory LIQUOR FUND BALANCE SHEET CITY OF EDINA AUGUST 31, 1975 ASSETS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS AT COST: Land Land Improvements $ 21,644.06 Buildings 455,911.08 Furniture and Fixtures 146,842.09 Leasehold Improvements z nzS 5S $627,432.78 Less: Allowance for Depreciation $ 508,591.48 - 3,500.00 $ 459,099.92 178,410.08 (16,214.57) $ 512,091.48 18,775.00 415,000.00 12,520.00 621,295.43 $ 1,615.30 400.00 2,015.30 $1,581,697.21 $ 151,448.85 and Amortization 177,843.40 449,589.38 $ 601,038.23 Construction in Progress 3,482.92 604,521.15 TOTAL ASSETS $2,1861218.36 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll SURPLUS: Invested in Fixed Assets Unappropriated TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $ 117,794.97 3,879.74 $ 121,674.71 $ 604,521.15 1,460,022.50 2,064,543.65 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $2,186,218.36 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EDINI A Eight Months Ending August 31, 1975 and August 31, 1974 :OST OF SALES: Inventory- January $191,471.96 $ 210,403.16 $218,397.83$ 620,272.95 $183,230.00 $ 202,960.00 $165,390.00 $ 551,580.00 $ 8,241.96 $ 7,443.16 $ 53,007.83 $68,692.95 Purchases 673,888.48 1,030,766.99 681,993.84 2,386,649.31 692,364.00 908,552.00 622,769.00 2,223,685.00 18,475.52* 122,214.99 59,224.84 162,964.31 $865,360.44 $1,241,170.15 $900,391.67$3,006,922.26 $875,594.00 $1,111,512.00 $788,159.00 $2,775,265.00 $10,233.56*$129,658.15 $112,232.67 $231,657.26 Inventory- Aug.31 174,778.46 226,645.30 219,871.67 621,295.43 219,023.00 237,484.00 203,553.00 660,060.00 44,244.54* 10,838.70* 16,318.67 38,764.571 GROSS OPERATING EXPENSES: Selling $ Overhead Administrative TOTAL OPERATIN� EXPENSES - NET OPERATiN� PROFIT )THER INCOME: 44,459.06 $ 42,494.58 $ 35,463.37$ 122,417.01 -7 c f $ 29,670.00 $ 109,096.00 INCREASE- DECREASE* 4,653.58 $ 5,793.37 $ 13,321.01 9,687,57 18,655.04 14,530.29 42,872.90 13,800.00 17,120.00 14,077.00 44,997.00 4,112.43* 1,535.04 453.29 2,124.10' rkdale . Grandview Total 50th St. Yorkdale - . Grandview Total _'-'30th St. Yorkdale Grandview Tott31 ►ALES: $489,706.42 $ 734,583.17 $515,439.01$1,739,728.60 $487,925.00 $ 654,735.00 $458,861.00 $1,601,521.00 $ 1,781.42 79,848.17 $ 56,578.01 $138,207.60 Liquor 132,807.80 f 226 701.05 135 f 220.83 494 f 729.68 128 f 303.00 19P,078.00 107 666.00 f 434 047.00 f 4,504.80 28 623.05 f 27 554.83 r 60 682.68 f Wine 195,474.96 267,868.91 156,003.01 619,346.88 174,043.00 224,591.00 129,816.00 528,450.00 21,431.96 43,277.91 26,187:01 90,896.88 Beer 17 869.23 25 953.05 18 825.04 62 647.32 .17 029.00 2C,779.00 16,392.00 54,200.00 .840.23 5,174.05 2,433.04 8,447.32 Mix and Miscellanea 835 858.41 f $1,255 106.18 f $825,487.89$2,916,452.48 $807 300.00 f $1,09 183.00 . $712 735.00 f $2,618,218.00 $28 558.41 f $156 923.18 r $112,752.89 f $298 234.48 r Less bottle 14,794.53 20,013.56 14,080.07 48,888.16 13,245.00 16,846.00 12,974.00 43,065.00 1,549.53 3,167,56 1,106.07 5,823.16 refunds NET SALES $821,063.88 $1,235,092.62 $811,407.82$2,867,564.32 $794,055.00 $1,081,337.00 $699,761.00 $2,575,153.00 $27,008.88 $153,755.62 $111,646.82 $292,411.32 :OST OF SALES: Inventory- January $191,471.96 $ 210,403.16 $218,397.83$ 620,272.95 $183,230.00 $ 202,960.00 $165,390.00 $ 551,580.00 $ 8,241.96 $ 7,443.16 $ 53,007.83 $68,692.95 Purchases 673,888.48 1,030,766.99 681,993.84 2,386,649.31 692,364.00 908,552.00 622,769.00 2,223,685.00 18,475.52* 122,214.99 59,224.84 162,964.31 $865,360.44 $1,241,170.15 $900,391.67$3,006,922.26 $875,594.00 $1,111,512.00 $788,159.00 $2,775,265.00 $10,233.56*$129,658.15 $112,232.67 $231,657.26 Inventory- Aug.31 174,778.46 226,645.30 219,871.67 621,295.43 219,023.00 237,484.00 203,553.00 660,060.00 44,244.54* 10,838.70* 16,318.67 38,764.571 GROSS OPERATING EXPENSES: Selling $ Overhead Administrative TOTAL OPERATIN� EXPENSES - NET OPERATiN� PROFIT )THER INCOME: 44,459.06 $ 42,494.58 $ 35,463.37$ 122,417.01 $ 41,585.00 $. 37,841.00 $ 29,670.00 $ 109,096.00 $ 2,874.06 $ 4,653.58 $ 5,793.37 $ 13,321.01 9,687,57 18,655.04 14,530.29 42,872.90 13,800.00 17,120.00 14,077.00 44,997.00 4,112.43* 1,535.04 453.29 2,124.10' 28,442.60 30,306.66 26,473.87 85,223.13 19,395.00 15,591.00. 17,132.00 56,118.00 9,047.60 10,715.66 9,341.87 29,105.13 82,589.23 $ 91,456.28 $ 76,467.53$ 250513.04 $ 74,780.00 $ 74,552.00 $ 60,879.00 $ 210,211.00 $ 7,809.23 $ 16,904.28 $ 15,588.53 $ 40,302.04 47,892.67 $ 129,111.49 $ 54,420.29$ 231,424.45 $ 62,704.00 $ 132,757.00 $.54,276.00 $ 249,737.00 $14,811.33*$ 3,645.51*$ 144.29 $ 18,312.551 Cash Discount 2,758.95 $ 4,586.84 $ 3,698.27$ . 11,044.06 $ 3,550.00 $ 4,844.00 $ 3,424.00 $ 11,818.00 $ 791.05*$ 257.16*$ 274.27 $ 773.94' Cash over or under 26.74 71.28* 148.97 104.43 72.00 13.00* 123.00 182.00 45.26* 58.28* 25.97 77.571 Income on investments 12, 520.00 12, 520.00 5,595.00 5,595.00 6,925.00 6,925.00 Other 911.56 264.30 165.60 1,341.46 1,033.00 1,033.00 121.44* 264.30 165.60 308.46 16 217.25 4,779.86 $ 4,012.84$ 25 009.95 $ 10 250.00 4,831.00 $ 3,547.00 $ 18,628.00 $ 5,967.25 $ 51.14*$ 465.84 $ 6,381.95 NET INCOM 64,109.92 $ 133,891.35 $ 58,433.13$ 256,434.40 $ 72,954.00'$ 137,588.00 $ 57,823.00 $ 268,365.00 $ 8,844.08*$ 3,696.65*$ 610.13 $ 11,930.60, ? p rofit TO NET SALES: Gross Gross p 15.89% 17.86% 16.13% 16.81% 17.31% 15.17% 16.46% 17.86% Operating expenses 10.06 7.40 9.42 8.74 9.42 (.89 8.70 8.16 Operating profit 5.83% 10.46% 6.71% 8.07% 7.89% 12.28% 7.76% 9.70% Other income 1.98 .38 .49 .87 1.29 .44 .50 .72 NET INCOME 7.81% 10.84% 7.20% 8.94% 9.18% 19.72% 8.26% 10.42% Subuobun Tubldc .�eufth 37ulsing� Setv�ce IN HENNEPIN COUNTY West 201 87041 W. 36th Street St. LOL& Park, Minn. 55426 'I'dephone: 933 2445 October 159 1975 E Mr. e Warren C. Hyde, C;.ity Ma,:ss,ger City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina; Minnesota 55424. Dear Mr. Hyde: The following is our report of public health nursing services in Edina tJuring Au rltst, 1975 Additional copies are enclosed for coux:. ,;i.I_ members. ' this this month this year last yr. month last year - to date to date 1st of the month case Load 63 112 - -- admitted to service 2 7 64# 81 closed to service 2 21 64* 51 End of month case load 63 98 --- - -- Accumulative total case load - -- - -_ 127* 149 Home nursing visits 45 76 423 528 Health teaching- counseling visits 28 39 248 298 Total home visits 73 115 671 826 Not home -not found 5 2 20 14 Home health aide service hours 372 24 2332 282 -1/4 Well.Child Clinic attendance 3 3 6 15 Immunizations given 17 32 86 118 School visits - -- __- 5 31 Hours in schools ° -- - °- 1 -3/4 42-3/4 Sincerely, , -corrected count r (1MISS) HILDA W. BOYLE �A, N. HUB: fm DIRECTOR -' cc: Curtiss V. Rockwell, M.D., Health Officer Kenneth Esse, Sanitarian Mai GENE SYLVESTRE ASSOCIATES, 12006 BRIAR LANE. MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA 55343 • (612) 545 -8163 October 27, 1975 Mr. Warren Hyde City Manager City of Edina 4800 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424. Dear Warren, Here's a summary of our consultative activities for the period between September 29 and October 27, 1975: TYPE OF HOURS CONSULTING WHAT WAS DONE SPENT DATES (ORAL Continued to assist Family Life Workshop citizen 12.5 9/29 steering committee in planning November 14 -15 10/1- 8 -10 -27 workshops. Also arranged and attended meetings with Asian refugees, with other resource people ana with keynote speaker. Discussed with HRC Community Education chairwoman 9.5 9/30 continuation of forum series. In addition, discussed 10/1- 243-21- possible fonoo on needs of elderly with members 22 of City Park and Recreation -Depart ent, Southside Human Services Council and HRC Elderly Services Task Force. Held series of discussions with HRC chairman on 5.0 10/2- 15 -17 -20 future goals and objectives. Prepared discussion materials for monthly HRC 4.0 10/16 -21 meeting. Attended monthly meeting. EDUCATION Discussed with School District's Community Educa- 1.5 tion chairwoman development of anti - sexism training for administrators. EMPLOYMENT Discussed with members of City's Chamber of Commerce 2.5 Affirmative Action luncheon to be sponsored by Chamber in City on Nov. 5. HOUSING Met with HRC Housing Committee chairman and member City HRC to discuss possible cooperative opportun- ities for community education programs. TOTAL HOURS 1.5 ere Gene Sylvestre c. c. Joel Jennings 10/1 -9 10/1 -13 -15 9/30 October 20, 107r, Mr. Skin T,oescher Action News WCCO TV Mi nnea no l.i s, Mann. Dear Mr. Loescher, , 'O We are teachers at Edina East secondary School who are writine to you because the construction of HiPhwav 100 has cut, off our access to the schools We invite you and your staff to visit, our schools a-nroachinP it from the south via Hwy, 1006 Be sure to bring a camera crew to film what you must do in order to reach the school from the south, as reonle might not otherwise believe it. (Basically, you have two choices-462W The minimum detour is over two miles, Just to reach the school from the highway. In conversations with Mr. Tim Johnson and others of the highway department, we have learned that this situa ±ion is intended to he Permanent. We share the concerns of the Edina police k ' o have reduced ability to respond to emergency calls. We also feel that a school with an enrollment of 2551 students ought not to be isolated. There are Pam► of up who mint travel that awkward, circuitous detour day after day for mam► vears, and ' - --� 1"-^' -•-r tax dol.l.,q � ---c being spent to create a barrier na: a i l• 1131.. �i1l .��.�� V,10 �I 'Our ••. which serves to prevent us from getting to work. CC We are sure that, upon inspection, you will agree that the situation is ludicrous. Perhaps, with publicity and attention focused on the error, �)GL- it stil_1 might not be too late to correct it •. W G�Sincerely, "r'�`, lot I f4, 1 `T/ " J ' �� - �`.:li `�-� ��G.•!` � � yr. ,4 ,� , IS IL L I --dOCATION MAPI:�- 0 Z 0 u I DONDERRY DRIVE i R.. El REQUEST NUMBER: Z-75-7 E of C.R. 18, N of Edina West LOCATION: Condos & S of Fabri-Tek REQUEST: PRD-3 to R-1 Single Family_ Residence District JOE III A T A-L:NU- -.R D. E- ARK:. .77.7., Z APEL HILL GA? IONAL -?� -zn village planning department village of edinn EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT September 3, 1975 Z -75 -7 City of Edina for Darrel A. Farr Development Corp. (Roushar Square). Generally located east of County Road 18, north of the Edina West condominiums and south of Fabri -Tek. Refer to: Attached letters Request: PRD -3 Planned Residential District tc R -1 Single Family Residence District. The City Attorney has asked that the Planning Commission hold a rezoning hearing for the Darrel Farr property which was given rezoning and plat approval under the name of Roushar Square. The mortgage bankers are attempting to "unzone" this property and relinquish all rights in the subdivision which was granted. Recommendation: Corporation will that the propert y property owner i n requested. GL:ln 8/29/75 As it appears the Darrel Farr Development never develop Roushar Square, it seems reasonable be rezoned to R -1 and the rights of the regard to subdivision be relinquished as June 4, 1975 City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Re: Roushar Square Proposed Plat Gentlemen: The undersigned, fee owner of the above referenced property, hereby relinquish any and all claims for zoning, plat, plan development, or other approvals that may have been granted or any approvals for the development of the above referenced site that may be pending. '1'hP above referenced site contains 16± acres and is Jo ^s *�� on Highway 18 between Fabri -Tek and the Edina West Condo- miniums. Very sincerely, DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT CORP. Darrel A. Farr President DAF:hm e- f oie d n 1 `ARRELA. FARR �L. %PENT CARP. Offices In: Denver, Colorado • Albuquerque, New Mexico Executive Offices TELEPHONE 612 / 560 -8110 2810 COUNTY ROAD 10 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55430 ,oe,41,-s A6, AAe a�e 4 �ipiJ w-K �e a ram q June 23, 1975 City of Edina c/o Thomas S. Erickson Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay 2300 First National Bank Building -Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Re: Roushar Square Gentlemen: We are the mortgagee of the property described within the proposed plat of Roushar Square in the City of Edina. Please be advised that we hereby relinquish all right, title and interest in the proposed platting of Roushar Square as well as any -3 ^''yi ^g ?0n -ng narm;.t5. uses, deposits, fees and other charges which may have been delivered or presented to the City in connection therewith. We understand that the owner of the property, Darrel A. Farr Development Corp., has similarly relinquished all such rights in and to such plat and related documents. Very truly yours, FI By r June 23, 1975 City of Edina c/o Thomas S. Erickson Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay 2300 First National Bank Building -Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Re: Roushar Square Gentlemen: We are the mortgagee of the property described within the proposed plat of Roushar Square in the City of Edina. Please be advised that we hereby relinquish all right, title and interest in the proposed platting of Roushar Square as well as any -3 ^''yi ^g ?0n -ng narm;.t5. uses, deposits, fees and other charges which may have been delivered or presented to the City in connection therewith. We understand that the owner of the property, Darrel A. Farr Development Corp., has similarly relinquished all such rights in and to such plat and related documents. Very truly yours, FI By 9 -3 -75 Planning Commission Minutes, page 4 la and a house has-been constructed on lot 6. He recommended the divisions be approved, as no additional buildable lots would be created and the request meets all of the _subdivision regulations. After brief discussion, Mr. G. Johnson moved the requested lot divisions be approved as recommended. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 1V. REZONINGS: Z of Edina for Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation. Generally located east of County Road 18, north of the Edina West condominiums and south of Fabri -Tek. PRD -3 Planned Residential District to R -1 Single Family Residence District. (Roushar Square) Mr. Luce recalled the property in question was originally platted as Roushar ...:Square and rezoned in 1973 to PRD -3; the owner /developer paid all of the fees required at that time, including a $12,000 parkland dedication fee. Mr. Luce presented a letter (dated 6 -4 -75) from the Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation, fee owner of the property, and a letter (dated 6- 23 -75) from the First Wisconsin National Bank, the mortgagee, indicating their desire to- relinquish all rights, title and interest in the zoning and platting of Roushar Square.and requesting the parkland dedication fee be refunded. Mr. Luce. explained the city attorney has asked that the Planning Commission and Council pursue the usual rezoning procedure to return the zoning of the property to R -1 Single Family Residence District. He noted that on August 18, 1975, the Council adopted a resolution rescinding the plat of Roushar Square. In reply to Mr. G. Johnson, Mr..Luce stated the First Wisconsin National Bank has been informed that in the future the density allowed will probably be less and the costs involved, including the parkland dedication fee, will probably be greater. Following discussion, Mr. Hughes moved the property in question be rezoned.as requested from PRD -3 to R -1. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Luce noted the Western Edina Plan indicates this parcel may be developed as multiple residential or planned industrial. He suggested the comprehensive plan be amended to allow only multiple residential development, since many people have purchased units in Edina West and other projects in close proximity to this site with reliance on that multiple residential zoning. He agreed to prepare an amendment to the Western Edina Plan for consideration at the 9 -24 -75 Planning Commission meeting. No further action was taken. V. OTHER BUSINESS: 1. Special Flood Plain Permit - Dr. William O'Hanlon, 6836 Sally Lane. Mr. Luce explained the proponent is requesting to construct a swimming pool in his rear yard, which is located entirely within the Nine Mile Creek floodplain. M� Z v A '! LOCATION MAP 1 4 / 1 - il NA REQUEST NUMBER: S of Fabri -Tek, N of LOCATION: Edina West Condominiums REQUEST: Confirm use of this property for multiple dwellings. village planning department village of edina EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT October 29, 1975 PUBLIC HEARING on Western Edina Plan Amendment. The Planning Commission may recall that a hearing date was set at the last meeting.to consider.the use of the property between the Edina West condominiums and Fabri -Tek (formerly the Roushar Square property). The Planning Commission may further recall that the Roushar Square development has now been rezoned to single family and the Western Edina.P.lan for that site indicates half multiple residential (on a diagonal) and the.other half industrial. .Because a great number of people:.purchased condominiums in Edina'West with the understanding that the immediately adjacent property -would be residential,'the staff believes it is important to confirm the use for this property. I am enclosing three sketches which were prepared by the Roushar Square people to convince the Planning Commission and staff that neither an office (Industrial Concept 1) or a warehouse (Industrial Concept 2) �- - -- ,y _ .�,_ _ Wuu" uc arriuYrla "i ce ' for fie S-LLe D L rl�li`i ,. I t 'ShCui:.', .: ... third alternative, apartments. The Planning Commission should be informed that the present owners, or about -to -be owners, are concerned that this plan amendment would limit the use of the property. However, it should be recognized that their involvement came after the decision to use this property for multiple residential. The Planning Commission should also be aware of the fact that the adjoining neighborhood associations received copies of the notice of public hearing on the proposed plan amendment, and because of an apparent misunderstanding, the adjacent residents are somewhat confused about the intent of this amendment. GL:ln 10/24/75 Fabr1•Tek ino. Industrial Plant. U 1 ' t 0 . ` t a432 Parking Spaces \ n n \ ` cp 1 Existing Apnnrnents s 1 t . I • t 150,000 Sq. ft. Loading I .21% Bldg Coverage l 246 Parking Spaces ("j 3sn -- -- Total Parking - 676 . I anff*M 1 i Development MOMo�� • concept • Industria' Concept 1 Corporation K6rw*solY SSND Silc Dc�clnpmcnt 11ar1 ct Itcscarch Land Economics — © . 1 320 Stalls t t a� t Fabrl.Tek bio. Industrial Plant l 318,000 sq.ft. 458 Bldg. Coverage Loading Dock Area Existing Apartments Industrial Concept 2 9 1 1 PPOPOSed Aparunen I 1 I 1 1 � � I •oort t 8ett�ack 1 Total Parking . 353 Development =1.3n concept , °Or1iv Corporation to,,.,e Sifclk1clopmcnt Market I Land Economics � .� ••' —~ 1 1 l 318,000 sq.ft. 458 Bldg. Coverage Loading Dock Area Existing Apartments Industrial Concept 2 9 1 1 PPOPOSed Aparunen I 1 I 1 1 � � I •oort t 8ett�ack 1 Total Parking . 353 Development =1.3n concept , °Or1iv Corporation to,,.,e Sifclk1clopmcnt Market I Land Economics � .� ••' —~ f Fahrl •Tek kV- IndusIxIal Plant . , I - , • F `co_ y` T 1 It 9k proposed i it :Pool,. ^ /i � c r ;'Y, ..T-xisi1r g Slope ADa►trtlerus :.° � r1 �., .I 4j. i 1/• it to r;f:��� ', t;� l� I o r�, \,l /Li�,�. ',f• 1 111111 �� _ z C / n�• ��+v� rEi p t r 6` ,,,�L/',�r■ is / %� c ad . ' `5•i �� V � .l( ":_i'.. �L !Cb'�:;:..��ri:r;•��� - �r f`'.�,� %� !fib'/ y . ' �Qf4t 2 -- � � rat` t I r '" - �l/' - ��,'S�� �. •t1•_ 'cam' .w 'i V�' • $ � -- � 3 `� ter. �r �- V�4L�;J 160 Units Existing Apartrnertte 1.5 Parking Spa!V, �U.k • . 16.09 Acres \ 1 11.1 Units Acre Development mo,� concept Condominl im Apartments Corporationo>o • a Silclk+nlopmcnt � �.�n Qlarkct cn • hnd Economics � -- 1 To: Mayor and City Council Warren C. Hyde, City Manager From: Florence Hallberg, City Clerk Subject: Election Legislation At a meeting sponsored by the League of Minnesota Municipalities on October 29 at which the Secretary of State spoke, it was brought out that the -Legislature has cut any and all funds from the Secretary of State's Budget so that municipalities and counties will no longer be reimbursed for any of their election expenses incurred by the 1973 legislation. Mrs. Growe said that the Uniform Election Day Law, (House File 700) which would call for all municipalities to hold their elections in odd numbered years,is virtually assured of passage and any opposition appears to be futile at this point. However, the League continues to oppose this Bill. _H.F. 700 calling for School District Elections to be held on unitorm tiection Day, has about 50% of the support it needs. The League has taken no action on this Bill, but it is opposed by the school districts, and I would recommend that it be opposed by the Council. Do you wish to take any formal action on any of these matters? November 3, 1975 4001 WEST FIFTIETH STREET - EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 927 -8861 Mr. Richard Moe 443 Old Senate Washington, D. Dear Dick: Office Building C. 20510 October 29, 1975 When Warren Hyde returned from Washington, he .extended your greetings to me. To hear from and about you in Washington, albeit through Warren, was most enjoyable notwithstanding the reminder that almost ten years have passed since our law school days. While I also extend my greetings to you, Dick, I do have another reason for writing. I am sure Warren briefed you on the current situation in the Morningside area vis a vis needed public improvements. From my perspective, however, I wanted to add some of my own thoughts why I feel that some type of federal assistance is warranted and justified for the Morningside area improvements. This area of Edina, which as you know was once a separate municipality, is comprised of older and smaller homes than are generally found in other areas of Edina. Also, the residents of that area generally appear to me to be young people just beginning in their careers and older people reaching the end of their careers or even already retired. To be sure, this probably is an over - generalization, but I believe the general demographics to be accurate. Given these circumstances as they exist today, I feel that any decisions made as to whether this neighborhood might qualify for assistance in defraying the high costs of the needed public improvements based upon the general demographics for the whole City of Edina would be grossly unfair and inequitable. I think that -there exists in this particular matter an excellent opportunity for government officials, whether they be in Edina, St. Paul or Washington, D. C., to demonstrate the bureaucracy's ability to deal with positive concepts of actual need by people who in fact qualify for assistance. city of Edln­ a 4601 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA. MINNESOTA 65424 927.8861 Mr. Richard Moe Page 2 October 29, 1975 I really don't know whether there exist federal government programs or grants which apply to this situation. But if there are, I strongly feel that any consideration given for this project be done based upon the facts applicable to that area and not on the general demographics for the entire City. Thanks for taking the time to review this matter. Please let me know if there is any information which I might personally be able to give you. I do hope that you or Senator Mondale might help the Morningside area residents in this matter. I look forward to seeing you and saying hello when you are back home next time. Cordially, r.. Frederick S. FSR/nj Richards q city of CE d1 lIl si 41101 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 A RESOLUTION APPROVING 927.8861 DON BYERLY REGISTERED LAND SURVEY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain Registered Land Survey, presented for approval by Don Byerly of Byerly Development Corporation, covering property located generally west of Blake Road and north of Evanswood Lane, and presented at the Edina City Council meeting of November 3, 1975, be and is hereby granted final approval. ADOPTED this 3rd day of November, 1975. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HEN,iEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and fore- going resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of November 3, 1975, and as.recor.ded in the minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 5th day-of November, 1975. Florence B. Hallberg, City Clerk