HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-30_SPECIAL MEETINGSAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 30, 1975 4:00 P.M. ROLLCALL I. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Liquor Store Advertising B. Senior Police Reserve Elegibility C. Salary Resolution D. Hospitalization Premium Costs E. Advertisement for Bids - Voting Machines F. Acceptance of Gift from Gordon Schuster II. ORDINANCES A. First Reading * 1. Ordinance No. 1101 -A4 - Sewer Rates III. _FINANCE * A. Estimated Expenditures and Recommended Transfers B. Claims Paid - Motion of , seconded by , for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List: General and Revenue Sharing, $997,808.73; Construction Fund, $260,817.19; Park Funds, $70,038.75; Water, $45,212.25; Liquor Fund, $466,464.29; Sewer Fund, $64,317.71; Improvement Bond Redemption, $3,5499087.60; PIR Fund, $3,657.30; Total, $5,457,403.82 * C. Liquor Report as of October 31, 1975 AGREEMENT FOR GIFT OF REAL PROPERTY THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this t,,; -t'n day of December, S (,L� 1975, by and between GORDON L. SCHUSTER and PATRICIA A. SCHUSTER, husband and wife (hereinafter called "Owners "), and the CITY.OF EDINA, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter called "city "). WHEREAS, Owners are the fee owners of the parcels of land situated in the City of Edina, County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, which parcels of land are hereinafter referred to as the "Premises "; and UTEREAS, Owners desire to donate said Premises to City for use by City for the purposes of providing improved wildlife habitat, the increased propagation of wildlife and waterfowl, for the ponding of storm sewer waters and for general park purposes. WHEREAS, City recognizes the value of such land to be Two Hundred Twenty Thousand and N0 1100 ($220,000.00) Dollars and is willing to accept the gift of the Premises from Owners upon the terms and conditions herein- after set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, Owners and City hereby agree as follows: 1. On or before December 30, 1975 (the date of closing), Owners agree to execute and deliver to City a Warranty Deed and Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title No. 498378 conveying title to the premises as such title exists on the date hereof. 2. It is understood and agreed that the Premises are registered land and that it will be impossible for the City to record the warranty . deed to the Premises using the legal description set forth on Exhibit A. Therefore, City agrees to promptly, and at its sole cost and expense, cause a Registered Land Survey of the premises described in Certificate of Title w No. 498378 designating the Premises as one or more lots therein to be prepared and registered in the office of the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles._ Owners agree to cooperate fully in the preparation and registration of said Registered Land Survey, which cooperation shall include, but not be limited to, the execution of said Registered Land Survey and all applications and petitions necessary to obtain its approval by the City. As soon as said.Registered Land Survey is of record, and in order to have a deed to the premises recorded, Owners shall execute and deliver to City a warranty deed conveying title to the Premises as such title exists on the date hereof to 44@ Pw@wi@as as legally described in said Registered Land Survey; which second warranty deed shall then be recorded by City in the office of the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles. 3. It is further understood and agreed that the Premises are.included within several tax parcels. Owners agree to pay, on or before the date of closing, all real estate taxes and installments of special assessments payable with respect to each of said tax parcels in 1975 and prior years and any interest or penalties thereon. Owners further agree to pay when due and before they become delinquent all real estate taxes and installments of special assessments payable with respect to each of said tax parcels in 1976. If Owners fail to pay when due such real estate taxes and installments of special assess- ments payable in 1976, then City may, but shall not be obligated to, pay the same, and the City shall be entitled to recover from Owners and each of them the amounts so paid together with interest thereon at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum from the date of payment, and Owners shall also be liable for all'costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred by City in recovering the amounts due from Owners hereunder. Owners agree that City shall also be entitled to allocate all remaining unpaid special assessments to the remaining land included within each of said tax parcels but not included within the Premises. It being the intent hereof that the City shall have no obligation to pay any special assessments now levied against the Premises and that subsequent to the payment of the installments of such -2- special assessments payable in 1976, such special assessments shall not be ....a lien against the Premises. 4. City acknowledges that it has examined title to the Premises and is willing to accept title to the Premises as exists on the date hereof. 5. This Agreement is contingent on its approval by the Edina City Council at a special meeting thereof to be held on December 30, 1975 at 4:00 P.M. at the Edina City Hall. Owners agree to deposit the warranty deed and owner's duplicate certificate of title described in paragraph 1 hereof with the City Manager on or before said date. This transaction shall be considered consummated and the gift contemplated hereby completed immediately upon the passage of a resolution by said City Council at said special meeting approving this Agreement. City agrees to deliver to Owners within a reasonable time after said special meeting, a certified copy of minutes of said special meeting containing said resolution together with an opinion from its attorneys stating said resolution was validly adopted at a validly called meeting of said City Council and is a valid and binding resolution. In the event that the Edina City Council refuses to approve this transaction, upon the terms and conditions herein contained, then this Agreement shall be null and void and of no force and effect, and the City Manager shall promptly return to Owners the warranty deed and owner's duplicate certificate of title deposited with him pursuant hereto, and neither Owners nor City shall have any further liability or obligation to the other hereunder. The terms, conditions,.covenants and agreements herein contained shall survive the closing of the transaction contemplated hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Owners and City have executed this Agreement as of the day and-year first above written. , fl� Gordon L. Schuster Patricia A. Schuster CITY OF EDINA By Its Mayor And Its Manager -3- Parcel No. 1: That part of the Ilest. 1173.72 feet of the East 1569.92 feet of the North 833.00 feet of the North Half of the South .-lest Quarter (N1 /2 S411/4) of Section 2, To:inship 116, Range 21, Hennepin County,,Minnesota, lying viesterly and southerly of the follo,:iing described line r Cormencing at the Plorth °:rest corner of said East 1569.92 feet of said NI /2 S.II /4; thence on an assumed bearing of South ODD degrees 19 minutes 25 seconds East, along the west line of said East 1569.92 feet, a dlstance.of 153.00 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 70 degrees 37 minutes 09 seconds East, 219.35 feet; thence South 23 degrees 37 minutes 09 seconds East, 46.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 22 minutes 51 seconds Ilest, 50.00 feet; thence South 21 degrees 06 minutes 59 seconds 1•lest, 55.*0 feet; thence South 51 degrees 40 minutes 34 seconds 'Hest, 5.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds East, 132.00 feet; thence South 48 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds East, 150.00 feet; thence South 85 degrees 46 minutes 32 seconds East, 569.07 feet; thence North 62 degrees 15 minutes 21 seconds East, 173. 48 feet; thence North 89 degrees 43 minutes 05 seconds East, 188.00 feet; thence North 57 degrees 02 minutes 42 seconds East, 92..62 feet more or less to the east line of said West 1173.72 feet of the East 1569.92 feet of said Wl /2 S.•11 /4 and there terminating. AND Parcel No. 2• That part of the east 1569.92 feet of the North Half of the . Southwest Quarter (11112 SW1/4) of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Ilest line of said East 1569.92 feet, Said point.being 833.00 feet southerly from the north line of said NI /2 of the SWI /4; thence continuing along said Nest line of East 1569.92 feet, on an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds East, 4gl.86 feet more or less to the south line of said 111/2 SI,11 /4; thence North 89 degrees 49 minutes 40 seconds. East along said south line of N1 12 51.41/4, 100 feet; thence North 00 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds West, 250.00 feet; thence -north 41 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds East, 232.24 feet; thence Worth 89 degrees 43 minutes 05 seconds East, 200.00 feet; thence South 63 degrees 23 minutes 38 seconds East, 321:89 feet; thence South 80 degrees 49 minutes. 25 seconds East, 425.97 feet; thence North 48 degrees 17 minutes 31 seconds East, 173.27 feet; thence i•lorth 89 degrees 49 minutes 40 seconds East, 200.00 feet; thence South 36 degrees 36 minutes 26 seconds East, 111.87 -Feet more or less to a point on the east line of said N1 /2 SWI /4, said point being 180.00 feet south of the north line cf the South 440.00 feet of said P11/2 51.11/4; thence along said east line of W1 /2 SW1 /4, North 00 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds West, 180.00 feet to said north line. of the South 449.00 feet of said N1 /2 Sld1 /4; thence along said north line, South 89 degrees 49 minutes 40 seconds blest, 396.20 feet;thence Worth QO degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds I-lest, 45.11 feet more or less to a point which is 833.00 feet south of said north lire of N1 /2 S411/4; thence South 89 degrees 43 minutes 05 seconds West,-1173.72 feet to the point of beginning.- AND Parcel No. 3: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter ($E1 /4 S.•11 /4) of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows Ce:,raencing at the Northeast corner of said SE1 /4 of the SI.11/4; thence on an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds East, along the east line of said SE1/4 S1;11/4, a distance of 10.00 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the tract'to be described: thence South 40 degrees 12 minutes 31 seconds I -lest, 312.37 feet; thence South 89 degrees 50 minutes 34 seconds Ilest, 375.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 19 ninutes 26 seconds East, 332.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 50 minutes 34 seconds East, 318.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds'11es't,150.00 feet; thence „orth 85 decrees 26 minutes 35 seconds East, 260.71 feet more of less to said east line of the SE1 /4 5.11 /4,thence northerly along said east line of SE1 /- S..11/4, 400.00 feet to the point of beginning. :EMIBIT. A rte+ STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND RECOMMENDED TRANSFERS For Year Ending December 31, 1975 Unexpended Estimated Expenditures Balance for November and Transfer October 31, 1975 December 1975 Balance To From REMARKS Mayor and Council $ 3,874 $ 3,824 $ 50 Planning 120212 5,972 6,240 $ 6,200 Part of Director's salary chargeable to HRA Administration 19,305 23,994 4,689* $ 4,700 Higher cost of conferences and schools $350; Mileage and local meetings $500;Dues and subscription $400; Consultant- labor relations $950; General supplies $850; Training -aids $625; legal advertising$250; and .higher cost of overtime $775. Finance 18,942 229250 3,308* 3,400 Higher cost of payroll(includes $832 severance pay) $1650; Data processing (both payroll and financial . control)$1350 and replacement typewriter $4:00. Election 3,609* 1,484 5,093* 5,100 Cost of two special elections - February,. Liquor Referendum and September, Park Improvements Bond Referendum. 27,332 18,243 9,089 9,000 Appraiser not employed for part of year $7500, and "Assessing less cost of printing $1500. Legal 6,158 23,180 17,022* 17,100 Higher cost of prosecuting attorney $8500; Pro - fessional fee $8800; Court charges $2400,, and less cost of witness fees and board and room of prisoners $2600. Public Works: ` Administration 11,-789 11,357 432 400 Less cost of secretary salary. . Engineering 3,153 23,734 20,581* 20,600 Higher cost of payroll(also more engineering and clerical fees} $9600; Professional service $10,500 and pickup $500. Other 302,618 273,408 29,210 29,200 Less cost of paid leave $5000;Commodities- general maintenance $15,500; equipment rental -snow and ice removal $2000; Payroll - street name signs $9000; Bridged- $5500; Payroll -storm sewers $9000; Labor and chemicals -lakes and ponds maintenance $3000; higher ., cost payroll -snow and ice removal $12,000 and light and power - street lighting $7800. Police Protection 147,771 178,517 30,746* 30,800 Higher cost of salaryincrease(no transfer made from contingencies)$39,600;printing $2800; Vehicles $4700 and less cost of payroll $16.,300(Chanse in personnel) "Fire Protection 83,558 94,854 11,296* 11,300 Higher cost payroll (overtime)$4300;Contractual service $3500;Commodities $2000 and capital outlay $1500. Civilian Defense 1,200 1,047 153 100 Public Health 11,338 8,955 2,383 2,300 Less cost of secretary salary $1000;milea­e cars fur - nished for part of year)$900 and 'test equipment and supplies $400, Animal Control Inspections STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND RECOMMENDED TRANSFERS CONT'D. Unexpended Estimated Expenditures Balance for November and Transfer October 31 1975 December 1975 Balance To From $ 4,192 $ 3,565 $ 627 $ 600 10,859 15,961 5,102* 5,200 Contingencies Settlement of suits Special Assessments on City property Central Services- Capital Outlay Capital Improvements Human Relation Commission Environmental (duality Commission Central Services: General City Hall Public Works Building Equipment Operation 34,821 7,407 641 2,121* 700 19083 1,400 50;000 50,000 4,817 3,800 300 750,295 773,952 27,414 27,400 641 * 700 2,821* 2,900 317* 400 -0- 11017 1.344 $ 23,657* $102,2700 1,000 1,3 77,5 REMARKS Less cost of overtime and extra help $500. Higher cost of payroll(sick leave and extra help $5200. Note A. Costs- Grandview Cemetery suit. Note B. Less cost of education programs. Less cost of secretarial help. $ -062 45 • 4,229 $114,368 8,415 $ 69,306* 12,644 $ 69,400 12,700 Higher cost of pensions(Salary increases and higher base for social security) $52,500; Postage $4400; Workmen's Compensation $12,300; equipment rental (copy machines) $8300; less cost liability insurance $3000 and employer's share of hospitalization $5100. Higher cost of payroll $1900; Light.and power $4700; Insurance $700; Air conditioning service $1200; Repairs- parking lot $1400; Contracted repairs $1000 4,292 7,049 2,757* 2,800 and commodities $1800. Higher cost of light and power $1200; Heat $500; Insurance $500; Service-contract-air conditioning and Heating $1800; less cost payroll $500 and 35,299 50,492 15,193 15,200 Commodities $700. Higher cost of payroll $11,100; Contracted repairs. $7000; Insurance $2000; accessories $5000; less cost of stock material $7300 and tires and tubes $2600. $ 80,424 $1801324 $ 99,900* $100,100 $ -0- 830,719 5954,276 $123,557* $202,300 $ 77,500 Note B - Expenditures charged to Unallocated Capital Outlay for 1975 were as follows: Signs -City Hall $ 411 Band saw 2,138 Floor cleaning machine 350 Security system -City Hall front door 839 Floor hoist 1,400 Replacement tools 179 TOTAL $ 5,317 STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND RECOMMENDED TRANSFERS CONT'D. Note A - Disbursements charged to contingencies for 1975 were as follows: Workshop - Women in Government $ 165 Temporary help - microfilming 276 Dinners (Municipals (Women Employees) Meetings 358 Arneson property- burglar alarm system 563 Logis- Development cost -data processing 101600 Advance - Bicentennial Band -Scott Crosbie 1,100 Unemployment compensation assessments 769 Printing-Folder-Park Bond Referendum 825 Printing- Flyers- Recycling schedule 150 Recycling cost (Income $5600) 4,515 Bicentennial Commission -City Flags and printing 744 Unclassified- various small items 210 TOTAL $20,275 Note B - Expenditures charged to Unallocated Capital Outlay for 1975 were as follows: Signs -City Hall $ 411 Band saw 2,138 Floor cleaning machine 350 Security system -City Hall front door 839 Floor hoist 1,400 Replacement tools 179 TOTAL $ 5,317 Mayor and Council Planning. Administration Finance Election Assessing Legal Public Works: Administration Engineering Other Police Protection Fire Protection Civilian Defense Public Health STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND RECOMMENDED TRANSFERS For Year Ending. December 31, 1975 Unexpended Estimated Expenditures Balance for November and Transfer October 31, 1975 December 1975 Balance _ TO _ _ From $ 3,874 $ 3,824 $ 50 129212 5,972 6,240 $ 6,200 19,305 23,994 4,689* $ 4,700 18,942 229250 3,308* 3,400 3,609* 1,484 5,093* 51100 27,332 18,243 9,089 9,000 6,158 23,180 17,022* 1731-100 11,789 11,357 432 400 3,153 23,734 20,581* 20,600 302,618 273,408 29,210 29,200 147,771 178,517 30,746* ,30,800 83,558 94,854 11,296* 11,300 1,200 1,047 153 100 11,338 8,955 2,383 2,300 REMARKS Part of Director's salary chargeable to HRA Higher cost of conferences and =achools $350; Mileage and local meetings $SOO;Dues and subscription $400; Consultant -labor relations $950; General supplies $850; Training aids $625; legal advertising$250; and higher cost of overtime $775. Higher cost of payroll(includes $832 severance pay) $1650; Data processing (both payroll and financial control)$1350 and replacement typewriter $400. Cost of two special elections - February, Liquor Referendum and September, Park Improvements Bond Referendum. Appraiser not employed for part of year $7500, and less cost of printing $1500. Higher cost of prosecuting attorney $8500; Pro- fessional fee $8800; Court charges $2400, and less cost of witness fees and board and room of prisoners $2600. Less cost of secretary salary. Higher cost of payroll(also more engineering and clerical fees) $9600; Professional service $10,500 and pickup $500. Less cost of paid leave $5000;Commodities- general maintenance $15,500; equipment rental -snow and ice removal $2000; Payroll- street name signs $0-000; Bridges $5500; Payroll -storm sewers $9000; Labor and chemicals -lakes and ponds maintenance $3000; higher cost payroll -snow and ice removal $12,000 and light and power - street lighting $7800. Higher cost of salary increase(no transfer made from contingencies )$39,600;printing`$2800; Vehicles $4700 and less cost of payroll $16,300(Change in personnel) Higher cost payroll (overtime)$4300;Contractual service $3500;Commodities $2000 and capital outlay $1500. Less cost of secretary salary $1000;mileage cars fur- nished for part of year)$900 and test equipment and. supplies $400. ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash: Demand Deposits Working Fund Accounts Receivable Due from Other Funds Loan to Other Funds Accrued Interest Inventory: Liquor Wine Beer and Mix Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance Supplies Inventory TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS AT COST: Land Land Improvements Buildings Furniture and Fixtures Leasehold Improvements Less: Allowance for Depreciation and Amortization Construction in Progress TOTAL.ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll SURPLUS Invested in Fixed Assets. Unappropriated T $ 334,075.12 3,500.00 $ 337,575.12 203,000.00 18,775.00 415,000.00 15,650.00 $ 454,709.79 187,386.54 (28,473.78) 613,622.55 $ 3,209.33 400.00 3.609.33 $1,607,232.00 $ 21,803.72 455,911.08 146,842.09 3,035.55 $627,592.44 182,753.40 444,839.04 $ 59611,287.89 3,482.92 599,770.81 $2,207,002.81 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $ 87,162.55 3,749.92 $ 90,912.47, $ 599,770.81 1,516,319.53 2,116,090.34 . .2,207,002.81 LIQUOR DISPENSAR ( FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EC NA Ten Months Ending October 31, 1975 and October 31, 1974 CCST OF SALES: $ 191,472 $ 210,403 1975 $ 620,273 $ 183,230 1974 $165,390 $ 551,580 $ 8,242 INCREASE- DECREASE° $ 53,008 50th St. Yorkdole• Grandview Total 50th St. Yorkd tle Grandview Total 50th St. Yotkdale Grandview T:tal !A" $ 601,797 $ 926,074 $ 651,700 $2,179,571 $ 613,386 $ 833,378 $576,566 $2,023,330 $11,589* $ 92,696 $ 75,134 $156,241 Liquor Wine 164,948 289,420 173,674 628,042 162,335 252,828 137,243 552,406 2,613 36,592 36,431 75,636 Eccr 236,093 329,860 192,282 758,235 215,983 280,369 158,494 654,846 20,110 49,491 33,788 103,389 Mix and Miscellcneous 21,428 32,090 22,823 76,341 20,909 26,260 20,432 67,601 519 5,830 2,391 8,740 $1,024,266 $1,577,444 $1,040,479 $3,642,189 $1,012,613 $1,392,835 $892,735 $3,298,183 $11,653 $184,609 $147,744 $344,006 Less bottle refunds 18 081 25,229 17,917 61,227 16,821 21,513 16 188 54,522 1,260 3,716 1,729 6,705 NETSAL ,006,185 $1,552,215 $1,022,562' $3,580,962 $ 995,792 $1,371,322 $876,547 $3,243,661 $10,393 $180,893 $146,015 $337,301 CCST OF SALES: $ 191,472 $ 210,403 $ 218,398 $ 620,273 $ 183,230 $ 202,960 $165,390 $ 551,580 $ 8,242 $ 7,443 $ 53,008 $ 68,693 /- januory 1828,926 1,278,056 873,378 2,980,360 868,788 1,150,827 775;922 2,795,537 39,862* `127,229 97,456 184,823 ?L, C'.:O: ?creases $1,020,398 $1,488,460 $1,091,776 $3,600,634 $1,052,018 $1,353,787 $941,312 $3,347,117 $31,620* $134,673 $150,464 $253,517 Ievcntory9i t. 172,015 210,130 231,477 613,622 228,321 245,201 209,660 683,182 561306* 35,071* 21,817 69,560* S 848.382 $1.278.329 $ 860.299 $2.987.010 $ 823.697 $1.108,586 $731,652 $2,663,935 $24,685 $169.743 $128,647 $323,075 GROSS TFIT157 , 802 O''EaATING LXPENSES: $ 55,801 O�erh_ed 12,111 Ad- inistrative 37,421 TOTAL CP::7 -105,333 t": 52,469 NET Oii RA i Iglu PROFIT OTHER INCOME: Ccsh Discount 3,957 Ccs� over or under 13 I-ccne on investments 15,650 G:eor 23,162 NET iN.$. , 21 782 74,251 $ 273,885 $ 162,263 $ 593,950 $ 172,095 $ 262,736 $144,896 $ 579,727 $14,293* 67 $ 11,149 $ 17,368 $ 14,224 $ 54,600 $ 44,270 $ 154,670 $ 52,519 $ 47,769 $ 38,191 $ 138,479 $ 3,282 12,869 $ 6,830 $ 6,079 $..16,191 .43 24,216 1,304 18,926 1,948 55,253 4,165 17,115 6,927 21,173 17,957 5,968 56,245 5,004* $13,220 3,043 $ 21664 969 163,452 $ 992* 40,197 87,284 $ 35,716 $ 72,179 113,334 23,739 $ 1,900* 23,899 20,832 68,470 13,682 16,298 14,884 44,864 $ 119,013 $ 98,912 $ 323,257 $ 93,373 $ 92,841 $ 76,980 $ 263,194 $11;960 $ 26,171 $ 21,932 $ 60,063 $ 154,872 $ 63,351 $ 270,673 $ 78,722 $ 169,895 $ 67,916 $ 316,533 $26,253* $ 15,022* $ 4,564* $ 45,839* 6,723 5,423 16,103 4,401 5,987 4,218 14,606 444* 736 1,205 1,497 91* 145 67 76 19* 45 102 63* 72* 100 35* 8.78 8.11 15,650 2,781 6.20% 7.56/. 2,781 129869 7.75/. 9.76% 12,869 1,948-1. 1 359 5,469 1,304 .43 .48 1,304 858 1,948 1,359 4,165 8,580 6,927 $ 37,289 $ 8,562 $ 5,968 $ 4,263 $ 18,793 $13,220 $ 2,612 $ 21664 $ 18,496 163,452 $ 70,278 $ 307,982 $ 87,284 $ 175,863 $ 72,179 $ 335,326$13,033* $ 12,410* $ 1,900* $ 27,343* P--?,CENT TO NET SALES: Cross profit 15.68% 17.64% 15.87% 16.59% 17.28% 19.16% 16.53% 17.87% Cperc:ing exposes 10.47 7.67 9.67 9.03 9.38 6.77 8.78 8.11 C;c"':no profit 5.21% 9.97% 6.20% 7.56/. 7.90% 12.39/, 7.75/. 9.76% G: er ir.comc 2.17 .56 .67 1.04 .86 .43 .48 .58 NET INC ,_ 7.38% 10.53% 6.87% 8.60% 8.76% 12.82% 9.23% 10.34% I APPROVED ------- !�4_�._�?9���.B -rim_ �v�►_�cc� i ' _ DATE _ -_ � �— PREPARED APPROVED ------- !�4_�._�?9���.B -rim_ �v�►_�cc� i ' _ _ _ -_ � �— ! __.; _' -- - -- .. 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I I I I I - T 67z-- S S _7. 6 I n n - II on, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGI `l' SUMMARY I RMNUES BY FUND AND SOURCE PAGE III Actual Budgeted Estimated Budgeted 1972 1973 1994 1974 119775 GENERA'S FUND Real and personal property tnxeo $1,4572,349 $1,554'7756 $1,659,,682 $1,626,488 $2,052,939 Other Taxes: Interest, Penalties and forfeited tames sales $ 18,535 $ 19'502 $ 15,000 $ 14,795 $ 15,,000 Mortgage reglatry 37,268 51'432 31,607 Barak excess q 939_ 2.240 5,502 $ 53,844 0 73,1745 $ 15,000 $ 51,904 $ 15,000 Licenses and permits- Bicycle $ 3,312 $ 5,320 $ 3,500 $ 5,078 $ 4,500 Beer and liquor 1;4575 2,475 2'200 $ 2 ,,425 2,400 Cigarette 2,155 2,39.E 291050 $ 2,721 2,600 Dog and impounding fees, 6 ,,955 6,290 6'soo 6 ,,711 7,000 Food and soft drinks 9,115 10,273 15,500 17,419 16,500 Gas pumps, tanks, burning permits,, etc. 1,150 1,260 1,150 1,280 1 ,,200 Bmyling,, taxi, piinbaall,etc, 6,4565 8,359 7,;500 10,336 9"500 Scavenger nger aced garbage collaector6 915 975 900 920 900 Building pevzuats 162,068 55,9445 70,0070 67,4584 65 „000 Cesspool and sewer permits 2 ,,002 1,424 1,600 1,312 1,500 Plumbing permits 27 "131 208432 24,000 25 "393 25 ,,000 Sign permits 1,4560 1 „890 1 "200 1,4580 1 „400 Street opening 2 ,,977 2,.041. 1,200 2,360 2 "000 Heating and ventilating permits 5 ,,910 6,135 5,000 39374 3,400 Other licenses mead permits 97 1,561 900 564 600 Mechanical permits 13, >0G0 3 50 13,,000 $ 233,187 $ 134,772 $ 156,253 $ 152,357 $ 156,500 Eagimaering, Clerical and searches 119,,823 120'756 1209000 117,582 1270 „000 Police se2rviceo 11,333 14,129 4,72!; 4,990 5,600 Equipment rental (2,113) 3,309 nicipal court fines 123,976 159,446 13094300 159,599 160 "000 State highway tax 26,796 29'260 29,000 43,380 50.,000 State:: liquor gruel eigArette tax 155,483 16,370 State sales and use tax 390,845 639,069 8439.37 843,136 3453,136 Planning fees 2,266 1„668 29200 1'84,5 2,;000 Charges to othe,.�,' funds 20,700 20 „700 20,7700 20,700 30'000 Contribution from Liquer N- nd$ 275,000 $ 275,1000 $ 275,00-0 $ 275 ,,000 $ 325,)000 Less transfer to Parts Fund 140,8455 1513£'.' 1 187 "183 187,1=83 2453,;328 less transfer to Ni ft Construction fund 80 "000 80-000 80 sL000 80,, 000 80,1000 $ 54,135 $ 44,559 $ 7,3117 $ 7,817 $ 1,672 VILLAGE OF EDINA SMARY I CONTINUED GENERAL FUND Cant °d, Sales and rental property Other miscellaneous revenues Reserve for cc mitments Incow an itnvvestme nto Fees -sale of autonhile licenses Transfer - unappropriated surplus Transfer - Revenue Sharing Over levy , 1972 TOTAL GENERAL FUND PARK FUND Real and personal property tax Registrafton fees o owimmirng and activities Transfer from Liquor Fund Unclassified TOTAL PARK FUND SAGE IV ALwal. Budgeted _Estimated Budgeted 1972 1973 1974 1976 1975 $ 38,090 $ 15,657 $ 8,7090 $ 10,545 $ 9„000 12,,797 21,600 13,500 12,985 13 „500 30,022 72 »500 144,454 34,325 56„580 45,000 71,500 509000 36,683 37,200 35,000 35,400 35,000 13,500 30,159 179,513 179,513 125,000 _ 28 590 $3,030,061 $3,193,664 $3,270,224 $3,386,195 $3,667,937 $ 168,555 $ 187,261 $ 198,875 $ 196,886 $ 197,571 24,305 25,295 27,000 26,137 27,000 140,,845 150,441 187,183 187,183 243,328 11122 131 7 -50 195 200_ $ 334,827 $ 363,128 $ 413,808 4 41094101 $ 468,099 POOR FUND Real and personal property tax $ 17,436 $ 17,458 $ 15,000 $ 14,976 $ - -0= WTAL PWR FUND $ 17,436 $ 17,45€3 $ 15,000 $ 14,976 $ -0= PARK GONSTRU ION FUND Transfer frees Liquor Fund and General Fund 70TAL PARK WKSTRUCTION FM TOTAL RE MEW, AM. FUNDS 80,000 $ 80 000 $ 115 CC0 $ 115;,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 115,000 $ 115,000 $ 80,000 $ 5,048 $ 3,244 $ 5,000 $ 4,675 $ 5,000 149162 14,729 149860 14,489 15,500 70 „795 71,959 72,000 To 200 13~,000_ 90,005 $ 91, 932 $ 91 „860 $ 89,564 $ 33,500 $3,552,329 $3,146,182 $3,905f,892 $44„016,136 P,,249,536 VILLAGE OF EDIN A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE V SUMMARY 11 EXPENDITURES BY FUND AND FUNCTION GENEBAL FUND 168,120 160,330 163,532 185,128 107,405 General Government- 125,279 135,624 174,180 376,270 365,321 Mayor and Council $ 18,148 $ 19,014 $ 19,570 $ 19,320 $ 21„730 Planning 25,719 29,445 38,753 36,813 45,404 Administration 97,992 95,057 124,801 122,764 142,849 Finance 95,893 103,514 110,485 111,709 136,104 Election 20,427 11,043 21,7645 23,429 7,915 Assessing 77,552 87,147 89,268 90,201 1039416 Legal and court services 72x667 789914 58,250 75,010 681030 70TAL GENERAL COVER52ENT $ 408,396 $ 424,134 $ 462,891 $ 479,246 $ 525,448 Public Works: Administration Engineering Supervision and 0, 4erhead Street Maintenance Street Lighting Street Name Signs Traffic Control Bridges Storm Drainage City properties Sidewalks and Imp Capital Outlay 70 TAL PUBLIC WORKS Protection of Persons and Property.* Police Fire Civilian Defense Public Health Animal Control Inspections TOTAL PROTECTI0N OF PERSON AND PROPERTY $ 31,655 $ 33,722 $ 37,061 $ 36,543 4 39,044 164 „228 168,120 160,330 163,532 185,128 107,405 121.095 125,279 135,624 174,180 376,270 365,321 4699441 467,054 494,373 85,457 93,357 1673,,927 99,836 97,480 13,772 12,069 24+9328 22,938 20,520 34,463 39,0ea9 43,278 44,933 47,400 10,404 2,656 8,69Qs 6,839 7,200 32,502 39,143 45,704 41,855 48,095 47,,699 49,911 57,565 55,781 58,927 9,767 6,798 11,495 11,317 13,310 46.787 40.491 48 ..400 49.250 37A00 960,4509 $ 971,722 $1,135,502 $1,135,502 $1,223,557 $ 816,0377 $ 8669931 $ 951,891 $ 9559749 $1,0899825 352,721 404,432 424,994 415,066 489,854 4,096 5,391 4,398 4,364 4,,979 29,896 339818 45,488 44,065 52,551 16,545 10,685 16,460 15,995 18,070 61H849 66,691 88,685 789153 881,132 $19281,144 $19387,948 $195319916 $1,513,592 $1,743,411 VILIAGE OF IED =,% - AWWAL BUDGET PAGE VI SUN4ARY II Continued _ Actual Budgeted Estimated Budgeted 1972 1973 1974 1974 1975 GENERAL FUND Continued 59,808 79,030 79,432 85,195 146,833 Ron -Departmental Expenditures: 186,745 184,005 209,986 99285 13,074 Contingencies $ 37,246 $ 36,372 $ 2,035 $ 31,,619 $ 47,689 Settlement of Suits 25,484 26 500 100 500 Special Astsesnts on City Property 70,31897 674,995 70,000 55,794 60.,000 �g Unallocated Capital Outlay 179727 54•,617 4,600 170,26 5,000 Capital Improvements 34,4524 50,000 50,000 60,000 50"000 Commissions 7,455 9,692 12,780 10,878 12,332 Central Services - Unallocated 10,1185 46,,314 649148 TOTAL NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES $_ 20¢2,18y70 $ 262,016 $ 139 ,1915 $ 392,807 $ 175,,521 7OTAL GENERAL FUND $2,852,821 $3,045,820 $3,270,224 $3,521,147 $3,667,937 PARK FUND Administration Recreation Maintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL PARK FUND POOR FIEND PARK CONSTRUCTION ITUND OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES Bonds and Interest Park Sinking Find Firemen's Relief Associatfson Fire Protection TOTAL OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS $ 112,433 $ 123,772 $ 139,933 $ 140,)585 $ 157,918 59,895 59,808 79,030 79,432 85,195 146,833 173,906 186,745 184,005 209,986 99285 13,074 8,100 8,558 15,000 $ 328,446 $ 370,560 $ 413 „808 $ 412,580 $ 468,099 23,510 $ 22,933 $ 15,000 $ 145,976 $ -0= 80,000 80 „000 115;000 115,000 80,000 $ 67,999 $ 66,225 $ 72,000 $ 70,200 $ 13,000 3,048 5,244 5,000 45,875 5,000 142162 1452729 14;860 142489 15,1500 $ 87,209 $ 86,198 $ 91,860 2 89,564 $ 33,300 $3,3719986 $3,605,511 $3,905 892 $4 ,,153,267 S4,249,536 COT!MERCIAL AREA - INCIDENT RECORDS November 1st - November 30, 1974 DATE TIME ICR NO. LOCATION INCIDENT DISPO. 11 -1 -74 1505 10514 Southdale Bowl Vandalism RPT 11 -1 -74 1744 10520 Penney's Shoplifting CBA 11 -1 -74 1908 10526 Target Forgery UNF 11 -1 -74 2145 10529 Dayton's Lost Property RPT 11 -2 -74 0003 10537 Leisure Lane Alarm A&A 11 -2 -74 0112 10542 Byerly's Shoplifter A&A 11 -2 -74 0927 10549 Southdale Bowl Bike Theft RPT 11 -2 -74 1341 10555 Goose Lot Lost Vehicle A&A 11 -2 -74 1701 10558 Penney's Medical A&A 11 -2 -74 1750 10561 Valley View Lane Medical A&A 11 -2 -74 1806 10562 3525 Hazelton Alarm A&A 11 -3 -74 0132 10573 Byerly's Shoplifter CBA 11 -3 -74 1104 10585 Valley View Lane Lost Person A&A 11 -3 -74 1831 10598 Leisure Lane Open Door A&A 11 -3 -74 1850 10599 Southdale Susp. Ladder A&A 11 -4 -74 0832 10611 6975 York Car Fire A&A 11 -4 -74 1308 10620 Elephant Lot PD RPT 11 -4 -74 1603 10624 Donaldson's Fire Alarm UNF 11 -4 -74 2021 10629 Donaldson's Overflow P&C CBA 11 -5 -74 1537 10642 Radio Shack Bad Checks INA 11 -5 -74 2122 10653 3513 Hazelton Alarm A&A 11 -6 -74 0942 10663 6825 York Abandoned Vehicle A&A 11 -6 -74 0950 10664 lst Southdale Bank Alarm A&A 11 -6 -74 1420 10672 Byerly's Shoplifter CBA 11 -6 -74 1434 10673 Elephant Lot PD A&A 11 -7 -74 1121 10698 Epitome Shop Theft RPT 11 -7 -74 1613 10706 4000 Hazelton Kid Call A&A 11 -7 -74 1827 10716 J. Rig -ins Attempted Theft RPT 11 -7 -74 2142 10730 Gabberts Alarm A&A 11 -7 -74 2210 10732 Byerly's Shoplifter A&A 11 -7 -74 2328 10733 Southdale Bowl Vandalism UNF 11 -8 -74 0836 10745 Camel Lot PD A&A 11 -8 -74 1039 10747 Southdale Parking Lot Exposer A&A 11 -8 -74 1616 10761 Byerly's Damage to Property A&A 11 -8 -74 1930 10775 Buttrey's Forgery CBA 11 -9 -74 1150 10796 Spencer Gifts Shoplifting CBA 11 -9 -74 1224 10798A Donaldson's Shoplifter CBA 11 -9 -74 1224 10798B Donaldson's Shoplifter CBA 11 -9 -74 1408 10802A Penney's Shoplifter CBA 11 -9 -74 1408 10802B Penney's Shoplifter CBA 11 -9 -74 1535 10805 Byerly's Shoplifter A&A 11 -9 -74 1615 10806 Gopher Lot PD A&A 11 -9 -74 1949 10815 Dayton's Employee Lot Exposer A&A 11 -11 -74 0658 10852 Happy Chef Burglary RPT 11 -11 -74 0958 10853 7101 York Burglary RPT 11 -11 -74 1133 10856 Elephant Lot Medical A&A 11 -12 -74 1610 10831 7150 York Attempt to Locate RPT Auto -1- IL Commercial Area - Incident Records Page 2 November lst - November 30, 1974 DATE TI`E ICR NO. LOCATION INCIDENT DISPO. 11 -12 -74 1929 10892 Southdale Susp. Vehicle A&A 11 -12 -74 2004 10893 Fox Lot Recovered Stolen RPT 11 -12 -74 2130 10897 Village Green' Attempted Shoplifting RPT 11 -12 -74 2245 10899 7151 York Recovered Stolen RPT 11 -13 -74 1304 10914 Fox Lot PD A&A 11 -13 -74 1610 10921 Baker Shoes Forgery CBA 11 -13 -74 0014 10929 Byerly's Susp. Person A&A 11 -14 -74 1037 10939 7001 York Medical A&A 11 -14 -74 1515 10944 Dayton's Shoplifting CBA 11 -14 -74 1659 10946 Target Auto Theft CBA 11 -14 -74 .1829 10950 Penney's Shoplifting CBA 11 -14 -74 1855 10951 J. Riggins Forgery RPT 11 -14 -74 1929 10953 Dayton's Employee Lot Auto Theft RPT 11 -14 -74 1932 10954 Dayton's Employee Lot Recovered Stolen Auto RPT 11 -14 -74 2136 10956 Dayton's Medical A&A 11 -14 -74 2331 10958 St. Paul Book Alarm A&A 11 -15 -74 0032 10959 Radio Shack Alarm A&A 11 -15 -74 1224 10968 Penney's Shoplifter CBA 11 -15 -74 1632 10978 Super Sam's Fire Alarm A&A 11 -15 -74 1644 10979 Juster's Att. Theft by Check RPT 11 -15 -74 1820 10983 Hirschfield's Medical A&A 11 -15 -74 1843 10985 Copper Marque Shoplifting RPT 11 -15 -74 1819 10987 Ups & Downs Attempted Theft RPT 11 -16 -74 0310 11004 Radio Shack Check welfare A&A 11 -16 -74 0847 11009 Polly Berg Alarm A&A 11 -16 -74 1333 11015 Galleria PD RPT 11 -16 -74 1458 11018 Wickes Furniture PD RPT 11 -16 -74 1642 11024 Alligator Lot Gas leak A&A 11 -16 -74 1742 11025 Southdale Lost child A&A 11 -17 -74 1417 11056 Jackson Graves Shoplifter CBA 11 -17 -74 1526 11058 Kangaroo Lot Lock -out A&A 11 -17 -74 1541 11060 Dayton's Shoplifter CBA 11 -17 -74 1544 11061 Wickes Furniture Lock -out A&A 11 -17 -74 1634 11065 7151 York Broken water pipe A&A 11 -17 -74 1851 11068 Brothers Restaurant Gas smell A&A 11 -18 -74 0328 11078 Target Open door A&A 11 -18 -74 1420 11087 Dayton's Shoplifter CBA 11 -18 -74 1742 11093 Camel Lot Bicycle Theft RPT 11 -18 -74 1855 11095 Cinema I & II Poss. of Marijuana CBA 11 -18 -74 2213 11099 Brothers Restaurant Lost children A&A 11 -19 -74 0155 11103 Marvin Oreck Alarm A&A 11 -19 -74 0706 11109 7151 York Medical A&A 11 -19 -74 0954 11110 6803 York Alarm A&A 11 -19 -74 1140 11112 Target Shoplifter CBA 11 -19 -74 1307 11115 Alligator Lot Theft from Auto RPT 11 -19 -74 1456 11117 Rooster Lot Lost Auto A&A 11 -19 -74 1619 11119 Target Shoplifter CBA 11 -19 -74 2148 11130 Southdale Bowl Assist Richfield PD CBA 11 -20 -74 0524 11135 6725 York Alarm ASIA 11 -20 -74 1515 11144 Donaldson's Shoplifter CBA 11 -20 -74 1704 11147 Buttrey's Shoplifter CBA -2- Y Commercial Area - Incident Records Page 3 November 1st - November 30, 1974 DATE TICE ICR NO. LOCATION INCIDENT DISPO. 11 -21 -74 1013 11165 Llama Line Armed Robbery RPT 11 -21 -74 1915 11174 Dayton's Gas Station Theft. RPT 11 -21 -74 2118 11179 Dayton's Theft CBA 11 -22 -74 0837 11183 Key Cadillac Unwanted customer A&A 11 -22 -74 1045 11194A Nina Boutique Shoplifter CBA 11 -22 -74 1045 11184B Nina Boutique Shoplifter CBA 11 -22 -74 1240 11186 Key Cadillac Vandalism CBA 11 -22 -74 1405 11194 Audio King Theft by check RPT 11 -23 -74 0520 11226 6550 York Open door A&A 11 -23 -74 0603 11227 Donaldson's Alarm A&A 11 -23 -74 1259 11233A Penney's Shoplifter CBA 11 -23 -74 1259 11233B Penney's Shoplifter CBA 11 -23 -74 1535 11237 Donaldson's Shoplifter CBA 11 -24 -74 1315 11267 7151 York Check on welfare A&A 11 -24 -74 1335 11271 Foxmoor Casuals Shoplifter RPT 11 -24 -74 1905 11278 6725 York Alarm A&A 11 -25 -74 1228 11294 Target Exposer A&A 11 -25 -74 1345 11297 Penney's Shoplifter CBA 11 -25 -74 1345 11298 Penney's Shoplifter CBA 11 -25 -74 1646 11306 Hennepin Co. Library mSusp. Person A&A 11 -25 -74 2010 11316 Penney's Shoplifter CBA 11 -25 -74 2120 11317 Turtle Lot PD A&A 11 -25 -74 2140 11319 Galleria Susp. Person A&A 11 -25 -74 2301 11322 Turtle Lot PD A&A 11 -25 -74 2353 11323 Schmitt Music Alarm A&A 11 -26 -74 1134 11333 Owl Lot Lock -out A&A 11 -26 -74 1206 11334 Southdale Bowl Abandoned bike RPT 11 -26 -74 1527 11345 Rooster Lot PD A&A 11 -26 -74 1603 11349 Penney's Medical A&A 11 -26 -74 2002 11354 Fas -Gas Theft RPT 11 -27 -74 0031 11359 Radio Shack Alarm A&A 11 -27 -74 1059 11370 3534 West 70th Theft RPT 11 -27 -74 1113 11371 'Southdale Ford Auto Theft UNF 11 -27 -74 1309 11373 Donaldson's Lock -out A&A 11 -27 -74 1417 11375 Goose Lot Theft from auto RPT 11 -27 -74 1509 11378 Tiger Lot Lock -out A&A 11 -27 -74 1534 11379 Camel Lot PD A&A 11 -27 -74 1534 11380 Kangaroo Lot Auto Theft UNF 11 -27 -74 1815 11391 Gager's Shoplifter CBA 11 -27 -74 1956 11393 Donaldson's Shoplifter CBA 11 -27 -74 2204 11396 Southdale Bowl Furnishing to Minor CBA 11 -28 -74 0004 11400 Southdale Bowl Curfew check A&A 11 -28 -74 0446 11403 Byerly's Alarm A&A 11 -28 -74 0925 11405 Penney's Alarm A&A 11 -29 -74 0600 11432 Southdale Liquor Susp. Vehicle A&A 11 -29 -74 1055 11442 Dayton's Shoplifter CBA 11 -29 -74 1109 11445 1st Southdale Bank Alarm A&A 11 -29 -74 1229 11450 1st Southdale Bank Alarm A&A 11 -29 -74 1252 11451 Dayton's Shoplifter CBA -3- Commercial Area - Incident Records November 1st - November 30, 1974 Page 4 nATF TIME: ICR NO. LOCATION INCIDENT DISPO. 11 -29 -74 1259 11455 Goose Lot Vehicle Blocking A&A 11 -29 -74 1305 11456 Fas -Gas Threats. RPT 11 -29 -74 2022 11470 Cedric's Theft RPT 11 -29 -74 2028 11471 Dayton's Shoplifter CBA 11 -29 -74 2209 11476 Bloomington Lane Armed Robbery RPT 11 -30 -74 0705 11484 Donaldson's Alarm A&A 11 -30 -74 1530 11502 Dayton's Lost wallet A&A 11 -30 -74 1654 11504 Cedric's Public Assist A&A 11 -30 -74 1818 11508 Penney's Shoplifter CBA -4- 8ubutban Tublic S%alth glatsing cSetvice IN HENNEPIN COUNTY E 303 Meadowbrook Building Telephone: 925 -3960 6490 Excelsior Boulevard St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426 December 17, 1974 Mr. Warren C. Hyde, Village Manager City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Mn. 55424 Dear Mr. Hyde: The following is our report of public health nursing services in Edina during October, 1974 Additional copies are enclosed for council members. this this month this year last yr. month last year to date to date 1st of the month case load 87 85 --- --- admitted to-service 10 12 99 closed to service 9 4 79 53 E d of month case load 88 93 --- --- n Accumulative total case load - -- - -- 167 Home nursing visits 58 82 635 Health teaching - counseling visits 34 34 351 Total home visits 92 116 986 Not home -not found 2 4 18 Home health aide service hours 32 44 332 Well Child Clinic attendance 2 2 19 Immunizations given 11 21 132 School visits 1 9 35 Hours in schools 10 47 Sincerely, (MISS) �C1!I�GLCV e� � HILDA W. BOY L R.N. HWBsfm DIRECTOR cc: Curtiss V. Rockwell, M.D. Health Officer Kenneth Esse, Sanitarian SUPPORTED BY TAX FUNDS FROM MUNICIPALITIES OF 146 743 276 1,019 26 374 -3/4 22 163 531 SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY AND THE UNITED FUND