HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-01_COUNCIL MEETINGF;Gx.3 rIt"LL (Revised) AGENDA EDINA CaiY C0Ur6C1L i9Y. Y-11T, JULY .:., 1974 1II1MES spa June 3, 1974, approved as presented or corrected by motion of , seconded by , I o . WESTEKN EDINA TR.A . C TASK FORCE gL?fl2tT ISSUE AREAS 2 �LND 4 (Continued from June 3, 1974) II. PUBLIC HKARINGS GPI PROnSED ROV_", EY'S Presentation by Naunageb and Engineer. Spectators baa;-s3; If Council wishes do proceed, action oy imi£33iements fS raVasabl? -YY3i a73 vote 50- A. Storm Sewer Improvement P -SToS -139 (Continued from 613/74) Gleason Road Ea Parking lot Grading Improvement P -P -2 (Contlunt---d from 6/17174) Grandview Liquor Store Ill. PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELLMINARY PLAT APPROVAL Presentation by Planning Departm`ant Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution, 315 favorable vollca 1 vote to pass. A. 2eplat of Evanswood 2nd Addition (Continued from June 3, 1974) IV. X4ARD OF BIDS Tabulations and Recommendations by Manager. Action of Council by by motion. As Parking Lot Grading P -P -2 (Continued from 6117/74) Be Storm Sewer ST.S -139 (Continued from 6/17;74 C. Public improvements - June 28, 1974, Bide V. COUKT;3ICATIONS A. Oeorge H. Could - Oertel 1st Addition Preliminary ?lzt Do Mr. and Mrs. Scott Garoutte Housing lnspecrion3 Co Gleason Road Boulevard Trees D. Control Data - Storm Water sr.ainage E� John R. Lucas - Cat Central aV10 RECOA. - ND_AT?OTS AND RIEPOR2S A. ?lanning Commission 1, Sat Hearing Bates ao Hots 19, 21 and Part of Lot 20, Auditor °z %:>division 196 - yrlke Victorsen - R -1 Residential District to xRIi-3 Planned Residential District - Z -74 -4. (6126/74) b; Vacation of Park of Zenith Ave. - Inc' aratio 1 of Buildable zz 2. Final Plat Approval - Blake Ridge Qdditlon � iai:view- Sosei�daA. vital Donds t:ort4nued from 0;1_7174) Sale of Oscar Roberts Property (Continued from 6/3/74) D J State League 'te brship SzaZu$ __om 55.1,11 1 Voting jllfPp Lc� 7, R%-rabl 11�11 Suit C.. ?a,33ibility Report Sat Hearing Date 2�ppoi..tment of i%:nn� -Ar" :enter -�.o =age Activities jA Retirement of Mrs. Ruth Be Hem, son 0 I • 1 1974 'gage 2 V11. ANY OTHERS WHO DESK HEARING BZFORE COOMI L Viil o v.'8 A. Inner Account Transfer Budge Bo Claims Paid: Motion of seconded by , for payuent jf the-following claims as per pre-list dated jul,y ls_1974: - General Funs, 3 ctian end �549a15; P–zk- -407 � {3 �.,lt��..; 3 � - --- - -- - $7,230.36; Liquor Fund, $90,423.30; Sewar `snd, X422216.80; Total; 1$205,9��95 Co Purchase of Police Car V. MA.RCUETTE AT SIXTH tv!iiJ'.EAPOL!S, ti!Ih.Nc`SOTa 55402 GEORGE H. GOULD SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL 612/341 -5823 June 18, 1974 Mr. James VanValkenburg, Mayor Village of Edina Edina Village Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Jim: At the city council meeting last night, preliminary approval was given to a plat for Oertel First Addition, S -74 -6. A group of residents in the immediate area came to the council meeting, but unfortunately we were a few minutes late and the matter had already been approved. The residents along Arthur Street, Waterman Avenue and Waterman Circle are concerned-.that the approval of this plat as proposed will create an extremely difficult and unwieldy traffic situation, inasmuch as these are dead -end streets extending three blocks in length, plus Waterman Circle. The residents along Arthur Street are particularly concerned, since they must bear the brunt of the traffic for the entire area.. In addition to the plat under consideration, the Glad property on Waterman Avenue and the Bye property on Arthur Street will ultimately be developed with additional houses thereby compounding the traffic situation. We would like to suggest that a simple and ideal alternative to the proposed plat would be to turn the cul -de -sac around so that it `enters from Ridge Road, .Ridge Road is also a dead -end., but is only one block long and thus would not present nearly the traffic problem for those residents that the plat as now proposed presents'to the Arthur Street -- Waterman Avenue residents. A second but less desirable alternative would be to reduce the proposed number of lots from six to four.. We would sincerely appreciate your consideration of these problems and supporting an alternative to the proposal when this matter comes up for final approval. With personal regards, GHG:mp Yours very truly,. A f Edina V_11.11.a_ e Fa-11 11.,01 West -'-)'f)th Street Edina, Yr. 5542 "Itte:±tion: Yr. Robert C. IhL Director of Public ',corks - - - Dear This is a petition sup;-;ortino the planting of trees come fall on the parkway of Gleason Road between Valle;; View Road and Creek Valley Road. Toe would like the village to pay for the buying and planting of these trees because: 1. They Were promised in the bast 2. The trees would help to decrease the noise 3. 'Inuld suggest also the ra.rlrWay to be done in front of the Creek Vai.ley Grade School. st i:^ates have .been i*ade ,for : 1 3/4" - 2" 211 _ ??n Sur -.it Ash `5 6 Skyline Locust 3.5^ r 52-50 3.00 79-75 Sugar Paple 47.75 5 .25 The above quoted prices are for lots of 25 or more. These trees would be planted the latter part of October or after the First hard frost. Your cooperation in suprorting this petition would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, I'rs. E. Kent Calhoun 64,17 Gleason Road Edina, I' n. 5D X16 F:s ^ITT ON June l) ±, 1974 Signatures of home otmers on Gleason Road between Halley View Road and Creek Vailey,Road /L,I r 7-le Cvi1 a 116 o g ,G- /e as-cr,,� R)II. �U. D� r VILLAG? OF IMINA 4301 W. 50"'.1111 ST. EDINA, MINNESOTA � October 3, 1967 TO: Property Owners along Gleason Road between the Crosstown Highway and Valley View Road RE: Gleason Road Sidewalk Dear Residen` ; As I am sure you are aware, the.Village Council has recently authoriz- ed the installation of permanent street surfacing-on Gleason Road bet -ween the Crosstown highway and Valley View Road. Much of this work will be accomplished this fall but some of.it will need to be install- ed next spring. The roadway will be thirty -sir: feet (361) wide. Our design also includes the installation of a five.foot (5 °).wade side -- walk along the east side of the road for. its entire length. The sidewalk will be installed one foot (1') off the private property line. The distance beb een the walk and the curb will be approximately eight and one -half feet (S ° ) , 11"he sidewalk installation has-been suggested for this location because of the anticipated pedestrian traffic, particularly - children going to and from the public elementary school and park now being developed near the Crosstown; Valley View Junior high; and St, Patrick's Church and School. he boulevard strip between -the sidewalk and the street curb will be sodded.- All costs associated with the sidewalk construction will be paid for with municipal gas tax revenue. ::if you have any questions about th:�s Installation, I would appreciate your contracting the Village Engineering Department at.your earliest convenience. a am recozomending to the Village Council that maintenance of this sidewalk, including snowplawing, be assumed by the Village of Edina because of the public nature of the facility.. As of this date the Council has not yet had an opportunity to consider this matter, and consequently no final decision has been made. 3 anticipate that this proposal will secure their support. Thank you. George C, hi.te Director of Public Works and Engineering GCH ;,, r JUNE 3, 1968 PETITICIPT FOR GLEALS-k- THEY WANT TO PUT IF 8 FEET OF FEET OF SIDZJALK. .4E ,ISH TO CHANGE THIS TO: 4 C? hi-,.KJAY AT,-'D 4 FEET VF 3I.D�o-,JALK 111F, IR EF P:-,'R T-Irl. OR 3 F,-Z"E,-L C-12 PARKWAY AT,-.,D 5 Fz-j--zT C? qIDZJALK. F2 ITIS 1�'-iVM TOG LATE PLEASE SIGj,-':. .n-i� 12 1,7 a ICI I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY JUNE 3, 1968 Members answering rollcall were 'Councilmen Courtney, Johnson, Sahw, Van Valkenburg, and Mayor Bredesen. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of May 20, 1968, were approved as corrected by motion of Councilman Courtney, seconded by Councilman VanValkenburg, and carried. Councilman Johnson moved an amendment to make a correction in the minutes on page 92, nineth line from the bottom. Where it says "C -1" he corrected it to read, "Community Store." G 2ASON RPAD SIDMLU E OB=TS[ON PETITION ' M=M. Kent Calhoun, 6617 Gleason Road, presented a petition with 32 names registering an objection to the width of the boulevards and sidewalks. These people, who resida on Gleason and Valley Estates, want five feet of parkway and five feet of sidewalk or anything else other than what the Village is putting in, and ask for consideration of their request. Mayor Bodesen asked if the improvements are on Tillage property or the land owner's property. Mr. Calhoun wanted to know if eight feet of boule- vard and five feet of sidewalk is not too pich, and Mayor Bredesen replied that in his opinion the wider the boulevard, the higher the value of the land. Mr. Calhoun wished to submit the petition for four, five, or sic feet of parkway. Mayor Bredesen said it is better for snow removal and grass cutting. He said the property owner will not find it as bad an experience as he expects. Mr. Hite advised that trees are possible with an eight foot boulevard, and not successfully grown with five feet. Frank Bodine, 6525 Gleason, said his yard is slopings and he is worrying about the lawn with the cutback to wake tha slope smooth. He said he had to go back about five feet. Councilman Johnson said it can be done gracefully. Mr. Clyde advised that the Village will check this out and see what can be done, Mayor Bredesen said the citizens- should look at Edina Boulevard. Mr. Carl Valo of 6605 Gleason Road said the gravel will go in June b, in the morning, and the sidewalk on June 5. Mr. Hyde re- peated that our men would be out there that morning, ,r4r. Valo expressed that he thinks it is poor planning, and feels it is just too much sidewalk and boulevard. Mr.. Hite said the mini-jus.front yard is thirty feet. 14 VIUAGE D? ?DIVA 4801 Nest 50th Street Edina, Minr_e3ota 55424 June 4, 1968 TO: RESIDE NUS OF GLEASON ROAD At the Council Meeting June 3, a ratition was pre$ented with your signature recuestfrg a narrowing of the grass section between the curb and the sidewalk f : : -om the original plans, LThile We still feat that from many standpoints, an 8l1 boulevard :action would ba mach more su'vantageous in many respects, you mill be happy to know that, after considering the petition acid the problem, the contractar has been instructed to narrow the boulevard to b' of boulevard and 51 of sidewalk. We do not feel that with this TAdta of boulevard trees can be properly accom- n- 5dzie -4 in its We hops thzat this cl -Utz a in the construction uill meet with more approval! than the o, kginal. i r U VICIIn&a i�rn.cro.. lJ 3if;��1 s cA . �-Iny o r an!l Villa. -g- Council �v" - S. MEMORY PRODUCTS DIVISION 7801 COMPUTER AVENUE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435 June 26, 1974 City Council Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina,"Minnesota 55435 This -memo ..is to- .indicate to -you- officially of. our - concern - of the - high probabilities of future flooding damage being caused to Control Data properties located at 4625 W. 77th Street, Edina, and 7801 Computer Avenue, Bloomington. Control Data has occupied the above mentioned facilities since 1961 and there have been no experiences or evidence of possible flooding until last week when the storm drainage creek bordering the Edina - Bloomington limits overflowed its banks, flooding portion of the parking lot. The swollen waters were lapping at the foundation of the 4625 W• 77th Street building. The flooding we experienced was no doubt a direct result of the large development project east of France Avenue, causing ex- cessive run -off to the catch basin. We understand with the pre- sent rebuilding of Highway 100, a larger outlet is being in- stalled under the highway to accommodate the run -off- Our concerns are: What are the plans and the time frame for in- creasing the capacity of the storm tile between the new outlet and the Control Data properties? Looking forward to an early response and possible assurance that Control Data will not experience future flood damage. Yours truly, V • Eva Manager, Facilities Services VJE:am G• W• Gilbert Vice President 8 Group Executive Memory Products Division June 27, 1974. Mayor James.Van Valkenburg Edina Village Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Sir: It is my understanding that all dogs in Edina must be leashed or fenced in and not be permitted to roam, as is the case with my pet. I don't understand the reasoning that cats are allowed to run free and not dogs. There are now six cats on Kent Avenue (1 block) with evidence,of the number to be increased. With the advancement of new chemicals for treating lawns, no longer can we blame this on the killing of birds and other wild life. I personally have nothing against cats because I like all animals, but when I see birds, squirrels and rabbits mutilated by cats, plus the odors behind hedges and bushes left by cats, I don't understand the reason for leashing one and not the other. I know there have been complaints to the Village Hall to other members of your staff which have been ignored, and perhaps one way to remedy the situation would be to turn all of the dogs loose for a week which would end this malicious destroying of wild life and offensive smells .. which permeate the foundations of the homes on Kent Avenue. This would be against the law, however, and I am hoping that you will give my and our request serious consideration. Si cerely, John R. Lucas JRL:mll 5025 Kent Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55436 I E16D DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST $ H.4:L ADAY DONALD WEST WILLIAM J MEMPEL 2 3 0 0 "F I R S T NATI O N AIL BANK BUILDING WALDO F. MAROUART JOHNS H IBBS JOHN W. WINDHORST ROBERT O FLOTTEN HENRY MALLADAY JOHN D. LEVINE MINNEAPOLIS, M I N N, E S O TA S S 4 0 2 JULE M. HANNAFORD ROBERT J STRUYK _ ARTHUR B. WHITNEY MICHAEL A. OLSON RUSSELL W LINOOUIST LARRY W. JOHNSON (612) 340 -2600 DAVID R. SRI NM THOMAS 5. HAY CABLE: DOROW HORACE HITCH VIRGIL H. HILL G. LARRY GRIFFITH CRAIG A. BECK - - TELEX: 29 —0605 ROBERT V TARBOX DAVID L. MCCUSKEY - TELECOPIER:(612) 340 -2666 ROBERT J. JOHNSON THOMAS O. MOE M.B. HASSELOUIST JAMES H. OHAGAN PETER DORSEY JOHN M -MASON 1466 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING GEORGE P. FLANNERY MICHAEL W. WRIGHT ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 CURTIS L. Roy ARTHUR E. WEISBERG - LARRY L. VICKREY LOREN R KNOTT '(612) 227— 6017 - DUANE E. JOSEPH, PHILLIP H. MARTIN JAMES B. VESSEY. REESE C. JOHNSON WILLIAM A. WHITLOCK CHARLES HAUENSTEIN JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER E. J. SCMWARTZBAUER CHARLES A GEER CHASKA, MINNESOTA 65316 THOMAS M, BROWN JOHN C. ZWAKMAN (612) 446 -4012 CORNELIUS O. MAHONEY JOHN R. WICKS THOMAS S, ERICKSON EUGENE L. JOHNSON WILLIAM C. BABCOCK JOHN W WINDHORST, JR MICHAEL E. BRESS MICHAEL PRICHARD 116 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST RAYMOND A. REISTER WILLIAM R SOTN ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55901 JOHN J. TAYLOR THOMAS R. MANTHEY (507) 266 -3156 _ BERNARD 0. MEINZEN RICHARD G. SWANSON June 27, 1974 Mr. Thomas A. Wurst Wurst, Bundlie, Carroll & Crouch Room 812 1st National Bank Building Minneapolis, MN 55402 Re: Fairview Community Hospitals Dear Tom: FAITH L OHMAN DAVID A. RANHE IM ROBERT J. SILVERMAN WILLIAM R. M18B5 JOHN D, KIRBY PHILIP F. BOELTER WILLIAM B PAYNE JAN STUURMANS R.A. SCHWARTZBAUER� STEVEN K. CHAMPLIN DAVID N.FRONEK THOMAS W. TINKHAM JON F. TUTTLE ROBERT A. HEIBERG EMERY W. BARTLE MICHAEL J. RAOMER PAUL SC HEERER CURTIS L STINE MICHAEL TRUCANO WILLIAM J. KEPPEL JAMES A. FLADER WILLIAM A JOHNSTONE WILLIAM E. BOOEN WILLIAM P. LUTHER DOUGLAS D. McFARLAND DAVID L BOEHNEN ALAN D. GILLILAND LAWRENCE R. OLIVER FRANK N. VOIGT JUN 26, 1974 WILLIAM E, MARTIN WILLIAM H, HIPPELJR. STEPHEN G. SHANK ROBERT A BURNS TONI A SEITZ MICHEL A. LAFOND BRADFORD L. FERGUSON ROGER J, MAGNUSON J. ROBERT HIBBS JAY COOK STANLEY REIN CHARLES L POTUZNIK VERLANE L ENDORF DENNIS SURATTI GEORGEANN BECKER ROBERT HOBBINS BARRY D. GLAZER PETER HENDRIXSON NICKY HAY IRVING WEISER STEPHEN GOTTSCHALK THOMAS ELKINS OF COUNSEL DAVID E. BRONSON LEAVITT R. BARKER GEORGE E. ANDERSON ROBERT L.VANFOSSEN It has recently come to our attention that Fairview Community Hospitals ( "Fairview ") has executed certain unsecured bonds which, in effect, will prevent Fairview from placing a second mortgage on the Fairview - Southdale Hospital as long as such bonds remain unpaid. We understand that the current unpaid balance on said bonds approximates Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000). In connection with the proposed loan ( "New Financing ") in the amount of Four Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,500,000) which Fairview has discussed with the City of Edina, we have discussed with you the form of security which Fairview would suggest giving. The cost of constructing the original Fairview - Southdale hospital building ( "Original Building ") was financed in part by a borrow- ing secured by a trust deed ( "First Mortgage ") on the Original Building and on land underlying the same and certain land adjacent thereto owned by Fairview (collectively, "Land "). By the terms of the First Mortgage, the addition to the Original Building ( "Current Addition ") is subject to the lien of the First Mortgage. The total cost of constructing the Current Addition will approximate Six Million Five'Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,500,000). The estimated value of the Original Building, the Land and, when completed, the Current Addition, will approximate Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000). i DORSEY, MAROU4RT, WINDHORST, WEST a HALLADAY Mr. Thomas Wurst Page Two June 27, 19,74 Because the security of the First Mortgage cannot be materially . reduced without the consent of the holders of all of the bonds secured thereby, it seemed advisable to avoid disturbing the security created by the First Mortgage. Also, it is anticipated that in about 1978 it may be necessary either to add additional facilities to the Original Building and to the Current Addition or to construct a hospital facility in Burnsville. If an addition ( "Prospective Addition ") is to be constructed to the Original Building and to the Current Addition, it seemed advisable to anticipate at this time the financing needs which might be necessitated thereby. In con- nection with the matters contained in this letter, it should be pointed out that the indebtedness secured by the First Mortgage now stands at approxi- mately Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) and will be fully paid on or before a date in 1983. In our discussion with you, Fairview suggested the following security could be given in connection with the New Financing: 1. Fairview would convey title to the Current Addition to the City of Edina and would take back a lease from the City of Edina, paying rent thereunder in that amount which would be necessary to pay the indebted- ness arising out of the New Financing. 2. Fairview would give, as additional security for the New Financing, a mortgage ( "Second Mortgage ") covering the Original Building, the Current Addition, the Land, and when and if constructed, the Prospective Addition. In our discussion, Fairview expressed the wish that the New Financing could be open ended to the extent necessary to permit additional borrowing thereunder to defray the cost of the Prospective Addition when and if built up to the approximate sum of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000). The matters which we discussed remain appropriate in all respects, notwithstanding the information expressed in the first paragraph of this letter, except that at the outset, it would appear necessary to borrow under the New Financing the sum of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($7,500,000) rather than the sum of Four Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,500,000), the additional Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) to be used to pay the bonds referred to in the first paragraph of this letter. We realize that the information contained.in the first paragraph of this letter creates a substantially changed situation from the view of the City of Edina. We are sorry that the information was not known earlier. DORSEY, MAROUART, WINDHORST, WEST HALLADAY Mr. Thomas A. Wurst Page Three June 27, 1974 In any.event; it seems advisable to afford this information to the Edina City Council as early as possible to ascertain .what effect this new information might have on the Council's attitude concerning its role in the New Financing. Very truly yours, �. Russell W. Lindquist, RWL /jh CITY OF EDINA May'31, 1974 TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Warren C. Hyde, City Manager SUBJECT: FAIRVIEW - SOUTHDALE HOSPITAL FINANCING This memo will up -date developments since the memo of April 9. Mayor Van Valkenburg, Councilman Shaw, Mr. Dalen and I met with Fairview representatives including Wegmiller and Opheim from the hospital, an official of Juran and Moody, and Arthur Whitney and C., D. Mahoney, Jr. of the Dorsey firm. As a result of that meeting, the following matters are still unresolved: 1. Is there any problem of church -state separation legality? Mr. Wegmiller indicated that the Association would take the burden of defending any suit brought against the City on this issue, if you approve entering into the proposed arrangement. 2. Can a satisfactory second mortgage on the Edina property be secured by the City to safeguard its interests? 3. How shall the City secure independent bond counsel, in view of the fact that the Dorsey firm serves both Fairview and the City? 4. Should the City have.representation on the Hospital Associa- tion Board of Directors? It has occurred to me that a payment might.be made by the Hospital to the City in lieu of taxes, as some other property tax - exempt groups have done here and, elsewhere, in consideration of the City entering into the financing.. Such a payment should be made annually during the life of the bonds. The amount could be a percentage of the interest saved or perhaps $5,000 or $10,000. Naeve.Hospital at Albert Lea, which is associated with Fairview, has requested the City to take similar action. It is my understanding from the City Manager that those bonds will be issued after competitive bidding. As a result of conversations with representatives of other municipal bond dealers in the Twin Cities, Mr. Dalen is agreeable to a negotiated sale with Juran and Moody, inasmuch as the others will also participate. WCH /hd BOARD OF EDUCATION Or. John S. Hoyt, Jr., Chairman Dr. Maurice L. Lindblom, Vice - Chairman Jack Brown, Clerk Or. Lester A. Wanninger, Jr., Treasurer Otto V. Byhre, Jr. George C. Hite Fred D. Winter The Honorable James VanValkenburg', Mayor, City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 273 SUITE 340 4660 WEST 77 STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55435 612- 920 -8900 June 18, 1974 File Reference 8130.12 Dear Jim: Once again the Edina Board of Education is indebted to you and the members of the Council for your willingness to meet with us jointly to consider problems of mutual interest. I indicated at the conclusion of our participation with the Council at its meeting of June 3rd that I would appoint two members of the Edina Board of Education to serve on a Joint City - School Board Committee to look into the various questions raised by the proposal to erect a stadium at Braemar Park. The two appointees are: Otto V. Byhre, Jr., and Fred D. Winter They are prepared to meet with the two Council members to be named by you and to proceed with a joint review on the matter. It would seem to me that the Joint Committees' initial meeting should be devoted to a definition of the scope of the report that they will prepare for the considera- tion of the two parent bodies and the establishment of a time schedule for the completion of that report. I understand that the citizen members of the Land Use Committee are.prepared to be supportive of the Joint Committee in whatever way is requested. That - support is going to be needed, but I would hope that the Board and the Council could expect a report and a set of recommendations from its Joint, four - member, Committee, and that we would not go through the process of a re- activation of the full Land Use Committee and end up by receiving another report from them. After you have identified the Council members who are willing to serve on the Joint Committee you might request that they contact Board members, Byhre and Winter to establish their initial meeting. If you think it would be productive and useful, I would be quite willing to sit in, with you, on that initial meeting. Once again, our thanks for your continued cooperation. Sincerely �j-f'o. John S. Hoyt, Jr., Chairman of- t e Edina School Board cc: Otto V. Byhre Fred D. Winter JSH /kp ANNUAL BUDGLT CITY OF EDINA FOR YEAR 1974 70: Mayor and Council FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Inter Account Transfer We recommend the following transfers to reflect changes in payroll items after the budgets had been adopted. TRANSFER TO: Planning Administration Finance Assessing Public Works - Administration Pablic Works - Engineering Public. Works-Supervision and Overhead Public Works-General Police Protection Fire Protection Civilian Defense Public Health Animal Control Inspections TOTAL GENERAL FIAND Park and Recreaiion- Administraaticn Park and Recreation - Maintenance TOTAL PARK FUND TOTAL TR90SFER `l0 TRANSFER FROM: Contingencies $ 228 3,834 2,o54 312 754 3,440 1,038 7,028 18,365 2,058 94 533 184 1 „936 $41,358 $ 1,,438 4,66�9g $. 6nI07 $47,965 $47,965 FLAMUNG Director Secretary �) Intern (Code ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF EDINA FOR YEAR 1974 Personal Services Adjustment Budgeted Revised Required $ 16,620 $ 16,640 $ 20 4,160 4,238 78 Enforcement Officer) 8.190 8,320 130 $ 28,970 y$ 29,190 $ 228 '- ADMINISTRATION Manager Administrative Assistant Village Clerk Secretary PBX Operator Personnel and Safety Officer Clerk (h) Summer help and overtime FINANCE Director Secretary Accountant Payroll Clerk Cashier Clerks -Auto licenses (2) Accounting Clerk (k) Part time help -auto licenses Clerical ASSESSING Assessor Deputy Assessor Deputy Assessor Secretary Assessment Clerk PUBLIC WORKS- ADHINISTRATION Director Secretary $ 33,300 $ 35,698 $ 2,398 13,052 10,920 (2,132) 10,478 11,440. 962 7,540 7,930 390 5,720 5,772 52 10,764 14,300 3,536 2,860 2,886 26 _ 2,750 1,352 (1,398) $86,464 $ 90 296 $ 3,835 $ 23,894 $ 24,518 $ 624 9,594 9,828 234 7,540 7,930 390 8,320 8,476 156 8,320 6,476 156 12,,870 13,286 416 3,133 3,211 78 9,500 9,500 2,400 2,400 $ 85,571 $ 87,62 $ 2,054 $ 18,382 $ 18,382 15,106 15,106 11,804 11,804 8,320 8,,476 156 _ _6214 6,370 156 $ 59,826 $ 60,138 $ 312 $ 23,894 $ 24,518 $ 624 5,148 5,278 130 $ 29 442 $ 29.796 $ 754 AM M BUDGET CONTINUED PUBLIC WORKS-ENGIMERING Supervisor of Surveys Supervisor of Design Supervisor of Inspection Aide III (3) Aide II (2) Secretary M Overtime and simmer help PUBLIC WORKS - SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD Superintendent Cost Clerk Overtime and summer help PUBLIC WORKS- GMMRAL PAYROLL Assistant Superintendent (Forum) Senior Public Works Man (12) Public Works Man (13) Temporary Summer help Overtime Park maintenance payroll DISTRIBUTION Supervision and Overhead: Training Paid Leave Street Maintenance: General maintenance Street cleaning Street renovation Snow and ice removal Street lighting Street name signs , Traffic Control: Traffic signs. Signal maintenance Pavement marking Guard rails and barricades Bridges Storm Drainage: Storm sever maintenance Temporary drainage and culverts Village Properties: Turf and plant maintenance Zkee maintenance Lace and pond maintenance Public Sidewalks: Maintenance and repair SnM and ice removal Parking remp maintenance TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS . Persoaal Services Adjustment Bu!jOeted Revised Repaired $ 14,924 $ 15,262 $ 338 14,924 15,26 338 14,924 15,262 338 .35,802 36,738 936 19,708 21,068 1,360 5,148 5,278 130 12,000 12Z000 $ 7.4028 $117,430 $120,870 $ MAO $ 17,680 $ 18,640 $ 960 3,770 3,&8 78 2,365 22365 $ 23,815 2.24,853 $ 1,038 $ 14,404 $ 14,404 139,464 142,645 3,180 139,594 143,442 38848 9,000 9,000 1,875 172608 17,608 700 $323,070 $327,098 $ 78028 27,000 27,000 1801'5 $'347.070 $351k,,098 $ 7.4028 $ 1,430 $ 1,482 $ 32 33,216 .35,920 704 84,975 86,850 1,875 310690 32,390 700 26,000 26,578 578 47,340 48x385 1801'5 650 650 10,070 10,295 225 6,295 6,433 138 650 650 3,775 3,860 85 3,148 3,220 72 3,285. 3,360 75 27,695 28,304 609 3,150 3,220 70 7,765 7,940 175 14,255 14,570 315 3,895 9,095 200 1,200 1,225 25 1,200 1,225 25 2.3000 2,460 80 $321,0&, $3289112 $ 7,028 a AEXUAL BUDGET Vi/dYibi9idED DISTRIBUTION CONT °Do Charged to other funds Charged to assessed projects and others Central Services: Village Lull Public Works Building Equipment Operation `1DTlAL POLICE PROTECTION Director Captain (2) Sergeants (7) Patroltme n (17) Patrolman (2 ) Patrol Patrolmen (6) Patrolman -New (5) Detectives (6) Dispatchers (3) Dispatcher Secr►^ete ry (2) Clerk-typist Part time dispatchers -high school students Education incentive pay place FIRE PROTECTION Chief Assistant Chief Lieutenants (3) Drivers and Inspectors (4) Firemen (6) Fireman Firemen (3) Firemen (3) Secretary -part time Fireman-part time CI ®ILIM DEPENSE Director Personal Serviceo Ad jus=inat Budgeted let *if cd dequ a red. $ 9,586 9,586 1,800 1'em 11600 1,600 3,600 3,600 9,400 9,400 $ 25,986 $ 25 M6 $347, ®70 0354,ZG98 ' _� 7,028 20,310 $ 20,8 $ 530 37,180 3911130 1,950 110,973 113,372 2,399 242,530 2249402 (18,128) 41,147 29,629 ... (11,518) 12,084 12,035 (48) 54,588 67,293 12,70.5 20,072 46,653 26,578 84,755 86,936 2,101 30.836 31,..564• 728 12,462 12,462 $ 2,058 ISV860 16,276 4516 3'"o 6,,032 572 3,861_ M61 1A000 11000 X5693;118 - $711.0083 $ 18,365 $ 18,174 $ 18,616 $ V 2 17,1x98 17,90 442 41,730 43,172 1,442 38,922 53,296 14,3749 99,328 77,2.5€ ('22,072) 12,018 12,653 • 635. 4211616 32,970 (9,646) 9,906 26,193 163280" 4,683 4,834 154 24.000 24,0160 r $308,872 31(Dn M $ 2,058 3,584 3,678 94 AWN M1 BUDGET COkPlINUE D PUBLIC HZAt:TEL Sanitarian Medical Officer Secretary (�) Assistants Sanitarian Laboratory Technician (1/3) Scorer help - laboratory (1/3) EblYac7ttlia Ydi7i9ML Dog officeir INSPWTIONS Building Inspector Plumbing and heating Assistant Inspector mechanical Inspector Clem Inspector trainee Personal Services __ Adjustment djustment Budgeted Revised Reatired $ 15,002 $ 15,340 $ 338 300 300 S 624 4,160 4,238 78 9,000 9,022 22 4,186 4,281 95 i 800 1;,800 260 3491448 $ 34,981 533 8,136 8,320 184 $ 15,366 $ 15,990 S 624 Inspector 14,742 15,340 598 12,428 12,870 442 12,000 12,;O 2 12 5,850 6,110 260 - 10,800 10,, 540 $ 71,18: 6 - 73 122 $ l 8936 TOM GENERA'L FUDT. $ 83,738 $ 41 858 PARK AND RKCRRATION- ADMINIS1RA11ON Director Assistant Director Program supervisor Secretary Recreaeian specialist Clerk - typi B t Paid leave (1/3) Training PARK APED RECREATION -PARK MAINrISMM i Park form Park Keeper III Building engimer Park Kemper II Temporary laborer (sumer) overtLM Golf Course (winter help) Spriffi3 clean -up help $ 20,878 $ 21,398 $ 520 15,756 16,094 338 12 ,,038 12,038 296 6,630 6,630 3,552 8,398 8,398 2,000 2,040 40 16,300 .16,840 540 301 300__ 8� 300 $ 83,738 $ 1,438 $ 13,234 $ 13,790 $ 536 11,622 11,887 265 10,738 11,034 296 126,856 132,4408 3,552 11,500 u-.500 8,200 8,200 10,736 10,736 4,500 4?Soo $299„386204��055 $ 4,669 ANNUAL BUDGU CONTINOD DISI`RIBU`Pi ION Administrative Training Administration -Paid leave Recreation- VAseellaaeous and special activities • Naintenance- moaning Maintenance- Special turf cure Maintenance- Planting and trees Naintenance- Litter real Maintenance -Party area maintenance l+ialntenance- Building and equipwat maintenance Maintenance- Skating rink maintenance' General Fund-Village Hall General Fund- Public Works General Fund-Public Works Building General Fund - Equipment Operation Swimming Pool Golf Corse Recreation Center Waterworks Sever Rental Z IAL PARK FUND (Personal Services Adjustment Budgeted Revised Rewired $ 300 $ 300 16,300 16,540 $ 540 3,300 3,410 110 17,000 17,578 570 23,000. 23,760 760 8,400 8,6eO 280 7,386 7,630 244 4,000 4,135 135 25,000 25;,525 825 36,000 391,205 1,205 1429646 $147,355 $ 4,669 $ x,600 $ 1,600 27,O00 27,;0770 201200 2,200 29700 2,700 6,000 60000 3,100 3,100 10,500 10,500 2,200 2200 111-100 L400 $56,700 $ 561 700 a 1199 3,86 �204„055 $ 4,669 6_107