HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-21_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA I' DIVA CITY COUNCIL MEE T = CCTOBER 21, 1974 YETNUTES of October 7, 1974, approved ac submitted or corLected by notion of seconded by __.. o PrE_SEHTL!QQN OF Es9INA BICENTENNIAL FUG YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK PROMAMMON 1. PUBLIC _ ITEINRINGS ON PROPOSED 11 PROVE -MITS Affi.devits of Notice by Clerk. e Prscntation by Manager and Enginee - Spectators heard.. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution Ordcring 7mp;.ovemnto 4/5 favorable roll- call vote to pass A� Senita zy Sm7er arspratrcm nt No. SS -320 - VJ, 75th St. - York Terrace B, Sanitary Se,•:er linpro.vernent 12.. SS-319 - Yo3:lt Avenue - Parkleem Avenue Co Sanitary Sewer 'Yrcprovemcn-„ No. SS -318 - Ho 76th Street - France Avenue Do Lift Station Improvemant, No, P-LS-9 -- France Avenue at V. 76th* Street L' „ !?Iate rcain 1nprot *e=- nt No. ? -MI -290 -- York Avenue F. Storm Sewer IaTirovenent loo P- STI.S -142 - Yozk Avenue at V. 76th Street Go Storm Se -:rer Improvement No. P -ST.S -143 - 4620/1622 Bruce Avenue H. Street Inprov ment 17oo P -BA -201 - R.ynn Avenue 11. PUB1 1C B:,ARY.FG- M_ZCA",INZ HATTERS Presentation by Planner. Spectators heard. L45 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second TReadin;o A� Second Reeding 1. Ordinance No. 811 -A57 - The Windings - Partnership investments, Inc o , R -1 Resi.clentia? Dist:ri.ct to Fl nxied Residential. District (MM-3) (Continued from 10/7/74) Ordinance No. 811-A-58 - Board of kope.als and Adjustments Ordinance Ame ndmant ill. PUBLIC IMRII��_.UrT s.ENTOi'AM E XCAVATIM DISTUCT Presentation by Planner. Action of." Council by ordinance, 4/5 favorable rallcall vote to pass Second Reading. A. Ordinance Na. 822 -A2 - Da cell spa Farr (Between Fabri -Tek and Edina West ApurLents) r, Approval of I4i_riiug P?ebwi't IV„ M.1M OF BIDS A. Radio Equipment (Continued from 10/7/74.1 A. Split-liquor Election Pet ty ons V & 1.1 CO_HIT"zdiJf�.'UrKs AUD REPt}I3TS T- 3."ian_nirgCom-n—i ss en Fina Plat Approval a. M trpYo�)r Lag es Plat 03 bO Tha Windi -'s 2. Set. Hearing Dates a. Subdivisions (1) McCauley Heights 5th Addition S-74 -9 (2) Christine Manor S- 74-1.2. b� Zoning O dinance A=ndment - Non - Conforming Uses and Bairldings 30 Ret:eil Sales in Industrial Zones 4. Awards � or Outstanding Det►r1Qp ants 5, Counci z /EiALA[nd Planning Commission Meting - November 13, 1974 Set ". as - et bates D. .Tci- ,2 -i5.; 1�Lc. �.i:.17 1. Council /Planning Ca•�ssi.on 2 Counci_i /Park. Board 3. Council /Human Relations C3 Tz.:ffi.c St: 4i:y Cor_'mittee Minutes of Octobns 15, 1974 3 Storm Sewer S7_0 1.41 Liability r. Lai-,suit Against 0 ,!ner c -= Mbrk Tezrace. Dri-ve P?opegty t Oct.obcr 21, 1974, Agenda Page Two Y. Net;ropo? i tan Trzmri.t Commission b Route Extension Go Arts Committee Membership Appointment - Continued from 10/7/74 H. Hennepin Cotmty Lcyout 23B - County Road 18 1. Appeal of Boz d o2 Appeals and Adjustman'tn Decision by Hennepin County VII. 02DINAWCES Presentation by City Manager. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading. A. Ordinance No. 107 - Recycling Commission B. ftdinance h7ao 404 -Al - Extending Building Permits 4 Landscaping Plans C. Ordinance Fo.o 451 -A2 - Sign &cdinance Amendment VIIZo A-NY OTHERS WHO DESIRE, HFARIFG BEFORE COTEICIL IX. PINUTCE K. Purchase of Trencher B. Chime Paid: Notion og _ payment of tha following clai ns Construction Fund, X242,.202079; �8,386.52;, Liquor Fwd, $224,06' $5552298.09 seconded by , Eor as per Pre -List: General Fund, $149,078649; Panic Funds, $28,797.18; Water Penal, 7018; Smier Fund, $2,267.93; `dotal, u,va ? usa -345 EAST 46th STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10017 (212) OX 7f -3232 SAMPLE PROCLAMATION UN DAY OCTOBER 24,1974 - Each year the peoples of the world celebrate October 24 as United Nations Uay, recalling the date in 1945 when the United Nations Charter came into force. This is an appropriate occasion for people everywhere to renew their adherence to the Charter ideals of peace and human rights and their determination to promote economic and social progress and a greater measure of justice and freedom for all. a ' This year the anniversary occurs at a time of dramatic change in world affairs. We sense the promise of a more peaceful world and the opportunity for new strides in international cooperation. In the years ahead the growing interdependence of nations will inevitably require international institutions to be even more effective in dealing with this new agenda. We need to create new arrangements to control new technologies for the common good. We must bridge the interests of rich and poor countries on matters of trade and aid. Important steps have already been taken by- the United Nations in meeting these challenges. Still greater progress is being made this year as a result of a series of international conferences beginning with the Sixth Special Session of the General Assembly on Raw Materials and Development, the first Special Session ever convened to deal exclusively with economic issues. This summer the United Nations began negotiations leading to a comprehensive treaty on the law of the sea; in August, the UN's World Population Conference agreed on a global strategy to meet what has been called the principal challenge of our generation. In November, the UN will hold a World Food Conference to help alleviate the present crisis and to devise preventive measures for the future. - - NOW, THEREFORE, I Mayor of do hereby proclaim Thursday, October twenty- fourth, 1974 as United Nations Day and call upon all the citizens of to observe that day in the spirit of common purpose expressed in the United Nations Charter. I urge everyone, groups or individuals, to participate in programs and activities designed to develop an understanding of the problems and potentials of the United Nations and to stimulate discussions of ways to make the United Nations into a more effective organization. I ask all citizens to observe United Nations Day with a sense of rededication to the high truths which we in the United States hold to be self - evident, as expressed for us in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and for all the world in the Charter of the United Nations. IN WITNESS THEREOF i d F? n ?T V^ n S T IT 7 T► TI T T F D I! A T I 0 M S? I %tether we like it or not, the nations of the world are growing more and more interdependent. Ir. the United States we are pain'_'lilly aware of onr dependence 1 upon the gorl will of other n ^.t ions for adequni a supplies of minerals and r' fuel ac well as for a rational. economic order. everybody needs the United '_1at.ions because it is the onL, forum in which the industrialized states and the developing countries can meet and bargain. 11ith its family of agencies, the U."% has two qualities that bilateraR and multilateral organizations and conferences lac!:: universality and institutionality. 3cth are required for dealin- with global problems. Without broad representation in discussion., . proposed solutions tend to he unrealistic; without a permanent staff to pur- sue recc~.nenda +ions, little practical progress is :jade. The U.N. is recsonin - with a ^raving number of issues at the cutting edge of scien ^P, technolnwr, and Pconomlc development. In each i nstance U.-!. deci- sions will naterlally affect 'J.S. interests. For exa7p'_e: • Control over the oil and minerals at the hotton of the sea is fast beccming a major international issue. Therefore the U.N. is debating the Law of the Sea in various forms. • Space tech•tolog11 hac opened the prospect of a revolution in connuni- cations through a system of satellites which soon will make it possible to broadcast tele-t sion throughout the world from one source. The U.P. is endeavoring to formula te rules that will govern the use of this new technology. The power of multinational corpora. ±ions is a heated issue in foreign affairs. A few months a;o, the ;TOT. Secretariat appointed a high level comrissior to e- -More international rules to govern the beha,.,ior of these corporations. +W�a+<w. ^:.r._r,. _ _ •�a ,:7_'::X�t- .,ai.�} -".. :"k J _.t � s^ �.. - '- '�=y:k': ^' -z ":, r�` -.- ri :2: "'rY = •':• ,��-v ;"���w.^?,.; z , • The world faces the most critical food-shortage in histor-y. The •T. World Food �onferan ^e in Rrrte in Tdotrember 1974 will be concerned with z increasing food production and facilitating food distribution. f ; could Po on and on fron its environmental ;}! The catalo ; of U.:1 t activit_es _ *�oo� to a Ppr�ents on international. 4' pMocra-t to its r�rertt ion of a fertilizer , . g'' �• - s monetary reform; fro•t popu'atio:: policies to treaties go•rerninCa the use of outer space; fro trade relatinIPAo an ad�•`�ble definit3.on of aSoression. - :, Tt is truly a world orgarizatirn. 11 sanpointment in the U.!T -- reflected ir_ epininn polls -- stems largely r_o:*: the -^tsconception that it was creatP-' _ to rR';e peace. That it cannot do. Its role is to raintain reare. its Torres _-n where a cease-fire is in effect and needs yo be r^or{tored. '.Then tre ^pair adversaries are read; for it -- and not a►tti7. the -- the 'J.';. is ralled upon. Physically it is a fragile force that should re ,iven ^.ore nitsrle, but rcnrheless the 'J.". quietly does a t.rerendous ;,of • ' „ &n Srali, u.3. Per­.snent Representative to the �1.:I., Says: "There is a - 4 nolirtti.r.- realization *hat the "nited ?'aticls cannot- reshape the World instantly .... We cannot nevP fa ter than crir public opinion will allmr us, . but we can *Hove if we educate akentics to the need to sharp and persw3de ^tore of tre interelerPnconre of us all." Television and Radio 1. Request local businesses to tag their com- mercials with Youth ' Appreciation Week slogan. 2. Contact radio stations and ask for public service time. Recorded messages are avail- able from OI. Supply Dept. 3. Supply local television stations with YAW art work and request it be incorporated into sta- tion identification slides. Newspapers and Magazines 1. YAW ads sponsored by Optimist clubs. 2. YAW ads sponsored by businesses. 3. YAW art work added to standard ads run by businesses. 4. Request businesses to include feature story on YAW in house organs. Outdoor 1. Arrange for billboard space and display YAW billboard signs. External Assistance 1. Request YAW be explained and promoted at staff meetings of local firms. 2. _ Request local firms purchase quantities of YAW bumper signs and distribute to em- ployees. 3. Request local firms display YAW bumper signs on all company vehicles. 4. Encourage PTA, Chamber of Commerce, and other civic groups, to participate in YAW as a group. 5. Distribute YAW posters to local businesses throughout the community. Resoltktions 1. Arrange for adoption of resolutions support- ing YAW. Mayors, county supervisors, gov- ernors, premiers, town councils, commissioners. Optimist Involvement 1. Variety of events celebrating YAW. 2. Freauent contact with news media for ap- propriate coverage of YAW. 3. Distribution of available YAW materials. 4. Cooperative efforts between Optimist clubs in metropolitan areas. This will result in greater acceptance by the news media. WHEREAS, the vast majority of the youth are concerned, knowledgeable and responsible citi- zens, and WHEREAS, the accomplishments and achieve- ments of these young citizens deserve recogni- tion and praise of their elders, and WHEREAS, Optimist International has for the past 20 years developed and promoted a program entitled Youth Appreciation Week, this year to be observed November 11 -17, and WHEREAS, the citizens of - have indicated a desire to join with the Optimists in expressing appreciation and approval of the con- tributions of the youth, I (name & title) there- fore proclaim November 11 -17, 1974 as Youth Appreciation Week in (name of community, state or province) . By this action, let it be known that we have faith in the ability of to- day's youth as they assume responsible roles in the future of mankind. r• kx''7ai . �fCEF��EFINV CHAIRMAN Raymond Bechtle TREASURER Ray O'Connell SECRETARY Lois Strupp MEMBERS William E. Bitter Kay Brown Dorothy Conner David Dietrich Dorothy Dunn Rosemary Gubrud Bernice Kenkel Betsy Kuntz Benjamin Larson Adeline Lindboe Joan Lonsbury Mary Ness Ken Rosland Donna Skagerberg Leigh Wakefield Lois Wilder Mary Emma Willson THE EDINA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION 4801 West Fiftieth Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424 Chnonotog y: Ap4,U 160 1974 May 2, 1974 May 6, 1974 Augu.6t 5, 1974 Edina City Council Meeting OctobeA 21, 1974 7:00 p.m. EDINA BICENTENNIAL PRESENTATION CEREMONY Fanjane PAe s entatio n o4 the Ftag Mn. Mauni.ce Battin Pne6.ident, Edina Civic 9 Improvement U6 In Mt. Pain Mucke Fan6ahe of the City of Edina to Mayan Jame6 VanVatkenbwcg to City Manag en Walften Hyde Pnes entation o J The Ameni.can Revotuii.on B.i,centennia.Z Adm.inizt anon Ftag and Ce ti6 icate to the City o J Edina The Hononab.Ze UIittiam Fnenzet, Congne�saman Jon the Thikd D.ustAict Mn. F: Andrew BneweA, Pubtic Retation6 Coond.inatoA Mayon James VanVatkenbung Mt. Raymond BechtZe, Chai man August 101, 1974 Septembex 16, 1974 SeptembeA 16, 1974 Edina B-i.centenni.ae Injoicmati.on Meeting Ad Hoc B.i.centenniaZ Committee Meeting B.i.centenn.i.a.Z Community Appei,cat%on apptcovaZ by City Counci.Z Edina City Councit authonizati.on Jon a B.icentennia.Z Commi z ion o6 20 membeu Minnesota AmeAican Revo.Zuti.on B.i.centenniae Co►rm",6ion AppnovaZ o6 the City of Edina ad a B.icentennia.Z Community Amen i.can Revo.Zu ion Bi.centenniaZ A6,6oc iati.on AppnovaZ o4 the City o6 Edina ab a Bicentenn i.a.Z Community Edina City CounciZ AppnovaZ o5 Oj6.iciat Edina Flag, a Bi centenni.aZ Commi.6a.i on Pno1 ect PROCLAMATION YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK WHEREAS, the vast majority of the youth are concerned, knowledgeable and responsible citizens; and WHEREAS, the accomplishments and achievements of these young citizens deserve recognition and praise of their elders; and WHEREAS, Optimist International has for the past 20 years developed and promoted a program entitled Youth Appreciation Week, this year to be observed November 11 -17; and WHEREAS,.the citizens of Edina have indicated a desire to join with the Optimists in expressing and approval of the contributions of the youttli.,: I, James Van Valkenburg, Mayor of the City of Edina, therefore proclaim November 11 -17, 1974, as Youth Appreciation Week in the City of Edina, Minnesota. By this action, let it be known that we have faith in the ability of today's youth as they assume responsible roles in the future of mankind. ADOPTED this 21st day of October, 1974. Mayor OPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL 4494 LINDELL BOULEVARD ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63108 • 314 - 371.6000 October 14, 1974 Mr. Warren Hyde, City Manager City Hall Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Hyde � ®P q4vy�& For the past twenty years Optimist International has promoted Youth Appreciation Week to afford proper recognition to the positive contributions made by youth toward a better society. As Honorary Co- Chairmen of the 1974 Youth Appreciation Week, we are requesting your assistance in bringing this observance to the attention of the general public. By the issuing of a proclamation, designating November 11 -17 as Youth Appreciation Week in your city, efforts to make appropriate recognition of the contribution of youth will be strengthened. En- closed is a sample proclamation for your consideration. Also enclosed is a brochure containing highlights of the program. Your cooperation and assistance will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Stan Musial Honorary Chai man Bobby ull Honorary Chairman 1974 Youth Appreciation Week SM /BH :sr Enclosures YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the vast majority of youth are concerned, knowledgeable and responsible citizens, and WHEREAS, the accomplishments and achievements of these youth citizens deserve recognition and praise of their elders, and WHEREAS, Optimist International has for the past twenty years promoted and conducted a program entitled Youth Appreciation Week, which this year is to be observed November 11 -17, and WHEREAS, the citizens of have indicated a desire to join with the Optimists in expressing appreciation and approval of the contribu- tions of youth, I therefore proclaim November 11 -17, 1974, as Youth Appreciation Week in By this action let it be known that we have faith in the ability of today's youth as they assume responsible roles in the future of :mankind. i S MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Edina Planning Commission The Planning Cormission on occasion has discussed the merits of congratulating developers for projects which enhance the community. The adoption of an official flag provides the vehicle to both thank' -the develoner,for his project and cause an'identification between the flag (Edina) and excellence. We respectfully request the City Council to allow the Planning Commission to make the findings_ necessary, and transmit the attached resolution to developers of exemplar: projects. The Planning Commission further requests that several flags be made available periodically to accompany the resolution. . By: �LZ ( Y_Cn_.t_4f 7,C-1 William W. Lewis, Chairgan RESOLUTION WHEREAS the Planning Commission for the City of Edina, as policy, has encouraged the development of exemplary projects, and WHEREAS is a project which is recognized by the Edina Planning Commission to be deserving of special commendation. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Edina Planning Commission that this-resolution together with the official flag be transmitted to the developer of as appreciation for the improvement they have brought to thiF community. PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA -- Anvone may nominate a "project ". -- Project may include perceptible non - building activities but generally will be considered to mean a total development and not just a good part. - -No age limit, number limit, or other limitations shall govern the number of awards granted except that only the very best perceptible . projects shall be granted the award. - -A resolution suitable for framing will be transmitted to each award winner. The resolution will be accompanied by the gift of an official Edina flag. -q'o?-O')OT14 A017 ANG / MINA t/L�i1 -� h�i�T�Ml3t� Cac't'o1�i2 g Ha 23 30 "1 14 I(v 2J 2& ��'- il1CL� � �.ANNls1(� co�lvtt� l 1 W �V J Mmzeds;� V -Ffovr J I i' 10 11 t5 Ito .4 II 13 18 25 Z? 2 9 11 R7 23 At. EWA1'L- �Ri A , PC., COUNCIL. Nt2A i? G. C�1M. �F�ta� INvI��Tov-Y AOAl-YtlZ.7 � A�.i�NATE PI.Ah� � EV/�L�ATIOo ' en TRANSIT OPERATING DIVISION MTC3118 NICOLLET AVE. - MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55408 • 612.827.4071 WILLARD LITTLE Director of Routes, Schedules and Planning October 15, 1974 Mr. Warren C. Hyde City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Hyde: The Transit Operating Division is proposing bus service between 5600 Lincoln Drive in the City of Edina to the Minneapolis central business district. The proposed service is an extension on Minneapolis Route ;L4 from its present terminal at Link Road and Vernon Avenue. (See attached map.) Prior to submitting this proposal to the Committees of the Metropolitan Tran- sit Commission for consideration, it is necessary to obtain concurrence from the City of Edina to operate on the following streets: 1. Vernon Avenue between Link Road and Lincoln Drive., 2. Lincoln Drive between Vernon Avenue and the turn- around at 5600 Lincoln Drive. i . This proposal is a recommendation from the recently- completed Hennepin County Route Ridership Improvement Project. Service will be provided during the morning and afternoon peak periods as well as limited midday service. The. exact trips,.frequencies and implementation date will be determined within the next ten days. The Transit Operating Division would appreciate this matter being placed on the agenda for consideration by the City Council at their next regularly- scheduled meeting. I trust the above information is sufficient. However, should there be any way I can be of further service, please let me know. Sincerely, Willard Little, Director Routes, Schedules and Planning WL /dmk Attachment =7 ° G- M E M O R A N D U M October 17, 1974 MEMO TO: Mayor Van Valkenburg City Council Members FROM: Ken Rosland, Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Art Center Appointment The Art Center Committee is recommending that one additional person be appointed to the Committee. Since there are mostly women on the board, they would like to see the addition of one man and are recommending Mr. Tom Blessing. Mr. Blessing is a commercial artist and also interested in art in general. He has shown an interest in the board and is willing to serve if so appointed by Council. Therefore, the Committee would like to recommend that Mr.. Tom Blessing be appointed to the Art Center Committee. edo, 4 4 �X 14 NEM0RANDUIM October 17, 1974 ' MEMO TO: Warren C. Hyde Jerry Ualen = Council Members FROM: Ken Rosland, Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Purchase of Trencher Attached are two quotations for the Ditch Witch nodal number t•1 -4 -22 Trencher. Recommend that we purchase Ditch Witch Trencher from Ditch Witch of Minnesota for $2,394.04. Recommend that we award this as there is an approximate 5% increase the first of November. OCTOBER 16, 1974 TO: Members of the Edina City Council FROM: Florence Hallberg, City Clerk SUBJECT: Program for Peoplemaking Mrs. Meredith Hart has asked that you review the attached schedule and let her know if you have any corents about the program. The program must go to the printers on Friday and she would appreci ate your comrP-nts before that day. If you wish to talk to Mrs. Hart, you can reach her at 920 -$552. Peoplemakingt an Edina Family Affair 1974 Friday, November 6 Edina West, Lower Division Auditorium "You Can Make a Difference in Your Family" Keynote speaker, Ruth Youngdahl Nelson, internationally known speaker and author on human relations and family life, and the 19?3 American Mother of the Year. Saturday, November 9 Edina ?lest, Lower Division Classrooms Session No. 1 (9 :30 a.m. -11:00 a.m.) 1. "There Is a Time for Love and a Time for Help -What Do I Do When- in- Dealing with Alcoholism ?" Marty Heist and Marion McMahon, Counselors, Johnson Institute 2. "Family Relationships As We Grow Older" Etta Saloshin, Professor Emeritus, School of Social Work, University of Minnesota and Member of Governor's Council on Aging 39 "Child Abuse: How Can We Prevent It ?" Dr. Robert ten Bensel, Director, Maternal and Child Health, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota 4. "How to Succeed As a Single Parent" Carolyn Rose, Professor of Sociology, University of Minnesota 5• "For Father's Only" Sal Valdovinos, Psychotherapist, Organisational Consultant, and Director, Interact 6. *fiat to Do about the Turned Off Kid: or Coping with the Pressures in Our Schools" Dr. Roger Carten, Wilder Foundation 7• "Family Relationst How Can They Be Improved" Robert Wilhite, Alfred Adler Institute 8. "The New Concept of Mind Control and Development: Its Baokground and History, and Haw It Can Be Applied to Improving Our Inner Qualities" Robert Griswold, Effective Learning Systems 9. "Growth Versus Comfortt the Sometimes Painful Process of Improving Relationships" John MoKenney, Counselor, Golden Valley Health Center 10. "Business' Responsibility to the Family" Frederick -Ford, , Burlington NorthernlIna,, Gi_ Pnn� ^�t�coc��va_ \'y2 \ac`l`car� Session No. 2 (11 :15 a.=.-l2s45 p.m.) 1• *There Is a Time for Love and a Time for Help-What Do I Do When- in Dealing with Alooholiam?" Marty Heist and Marion McMahon, Counselors, Johnson Institute 2. "The Elderly in Our Society Katherine Sehlin, President, Minnesota Association of Seniors John Rafferty, Consultant, Community Health and Welfare Council 3. "Adults and Miniature Adults: an Intergenerational Dialogue on Parenting" Patricia Rowe and Terry O'Brien, Counselors, Youth Action !a. "What Are My Legal Rights?" A Seminar for Women The Honorable Delilah Pieroe, Hennepin County Municipal Court 5. "For Teenagers Only" Sal Valdovinos, Psychotherapist, Organizational Consultant, and Director, Interact 6. *Family Designed Learning: Accountability As Customer Satisfaction" Thorwald $sbensen, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Student Services, Edina Public Schools %. "Talking Straight in the Family -How to Get What You Want" Pegi and MacDonald Fawley, The Center for Human Understanding 8. "Communication Skills and Techniques -How to Talk and Be Understood - How to Listen and Really Hear" (I Know You Believe You Understand What You Think I Said, But AM Not Sure You Realize What You Heard Is Not What I Meant) Conrad Audette, Director, South Hennepin Individual and Family Counseling Servioe Barbara Wahlstrom, Educational Programs, South Hennepin Individual and Family Counseling Service 9. "You Change, So I Won't Have ToO A Seminar on Marriage Eugene Kemp, Director, Youth Action 10. "The Challenge of Parenthooda Robert Bartholow, Private Practice in Psychotherapy and Family Counseling Does MY Retarded Child Have a Chance in Today's World? 741-q Do I Feel Guilty about My Childts Retardation? A Restricted Discussion Session for Parents of Retarded Children Diane Daehlin, Family and ChIldrents Service Session No. 3 (1 :15 p.m. -2:115 p.m.) 1. *There Is a Time for Love and a Time for Help-What Do I Do When -in Dealing with Alcoholism" Marty Heist and Marion McMahon, Counselors, Johnson Institute 2. *Planning for Senior Needs: How You Can Effectively Participate in the Process* John Rafferty, Consultant, Commm ty Health and Welfare Council Katherine Sehlin, President, Minnesota Association of Seniors j. *Children from Three to Five* Dr. John Lawton, Hennepin County Medical Center 4. "Assertivenesss Let Me Tell You Who I Any* A Workshop for Women Dr. Dana Lehman, Department of Religion and Health, Fairview- Southdale Hospital 5. *Death, Dying, Grief, and Funerals: How We View Them in the United States* Richard Obershaw, Thanatherapist, Werness Bros. and Research Associates Center for Death Education and Research, University of Minnesota 6. "Teenage Sexuality -What It Is and What IT•s NOV* Dr. Julius Butler, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Minnesota Medical School 7. *Talking Straight in the Family -How to Get What You Want" Pegi and MacDonald Hawley, The Center for Human Understanding 8. *What Are My Values? Do I Pradtioe What I Preach?* Len Colson, Drug Education Coordinator and School Social Worker, Robbinsdale School District 281 9. *An Introduction to Minnesota Couples Communication Programs (Couples will have a chance to practice some new communioation skills) Chaplain Allen Nohre, Coordinator of Human Service Programs, Fairview - Southdale Hospital 10. *The Family, Shaper of the Child" Sal Valdovinos, Psychotherapist, Organizational Consultant, and Director, Interact 5520 villa Way Edina, Minnesota 55436 October 4, 1974 Mr. Robert e. Dunn Director of Public Works and Engineering City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Bob; I understand that Lake Edina has receded five inches the last five days and that islands are appearing in the lake. would you be kind enough to look into this and advise me of the cause of the water recession, whether or not it's temporary or permanent and, if permanent, what if anything can be done to restore the water to its original level. Very truly yours, RCJaam Ric and C. Johnson Cc** LeMr, Warren C. Hyde Dr, Kenneth Hodges 7825 'hest Shore Drive Dr. Duane C, Olson 7440 Nest Shore Drive Mr, J0 Gordon Nevers 4512 hibiscus Ave. peoplemaking " a family life workshop designed to increase awareness and understanding of the needs of people ... a workshop for sharing ideas, exploring self and others, and practicing communication skills " may 11 s pm DR. JOHN BRANTNER " alternative models for human relationships " may 12 9 am - 2 :45 WORKSHOPS $2, adult $1.50, student ed i na ' west, lower division peoplemaking sponsored by: EDINA HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS endorsed by: Edina Mrs. Jaycees Edina PTA Council Normandale Lutheran Church The Lutheran Church of the Master Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Our Lady of Grace Church Edina Jaycees Parents Without Partners (Chapter 225) Edina Senior Citizens St. Alban's Episcopal Church Chapel Hills United Church Church of St. Patrick of Edina Southdale Branch Y14CA Edina Historical Society The Edina Special Children's Group The Edina ABC Foundation Edina Federated Junior Women's Club League of Women Voters of Edina Christ Presbyterian Church in Edina The Colonial Church of Edina Good Samaritan United Methodist Church Calvary Lutheran Church Edina Republican Party 39th District DFL FFFk�N1F kwl F�F FFFk�k PEOPLEMAKING: an Edina family affair may 11 & 12 workshops 9:30 - 11:00 #1 - Helpl Can anyone make it easier to be an effective parent? Dell Morrie, Teacher of Parent Effectiveness Training #2 - Drugs —what do we get out of them? (Societal features of drug abuse; myetification of drugs.) Cary Schooner, Clinical Psychologist, Walk -in Counseling #3 - What do you mean we don't communicate —we talk every dayl (Facilitating Human Relationships through communication) Sal Valdovinos, A.C.S.W., Interactl #4 - What are my values —do I do as I say? ?trategies for identifying more clearly one's own beliefs and values) John Ziegler, Ph.D.Cd., Youth Research Center #5 - As a teenager can I separate my sexuality from the rest of me? (Who is the adolescent? Do we really try to understand —to feel as he does ?) Elizabeth Jerome, M.D., Metropolitan Medical Center #6 - 2 like being a wife and mother —but can there be more? (Societal role expectations —how they affect women —are there alternatives ?) Toni McNaron, Ph.D., University of Minnesota #7 - I'm tired of all thiq talk about Women's Liberation —what about us men? (Masculine mystique; economic liberation; why be liberated ?) Harold Teesdale and James Park #8 - Changing male - female relationships in our changing society. Pearl Rosenberg, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Dept. of Psychiatry, U of M Medical School #9 - Transcendental meditation —is it just for the gurus? (Introduction to the practical benefits of transcendental meditation) Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morlan, trained with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 11:15 - 12:45 kk** 1:15 -2:45 #1 - Helpl Can anyone make it easier to be an.effective parent? (see #1 Session 1) #2 - Young people, do you want to learn how not to cooperate in your own self - victimization? (How youth can help re- define their relationships with parents, teachers, and peers to facilitate good relationships) Sal Valdovinos, A.C.S.W., Interact! #3 - How do I succeed in retirement without really crying? (Crisis of retirement) Dr. and Mrs. C. Wesley Cannom, Counselors, Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church #4 - The kills say we parents make all the decisions, but what are the alternatives? (The power of deciding: decision - making rationale and principle; values, information and alternatives —how do they fit in? Ray Bechtle, Administrative Assistant, Edina Public Schools #5 - I know what I say, but what other messages do I send? (non - verbal communication) Greg Kagan, Director of Youth Action, Edina #6 - There is a time for love and a time for help —what do I do when —in dealing with alcoholism? (The alcoholic's response to help differs from his response to love--what are the differences ?) Dr. James C. Kincannon, Clinical Director of Meadowbrook Treatment Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Dependencies #7 - I'm tired of all this talk about Women's Liberation —what about us men? (see #7 Session I) #8 - Yoga Kate. Novak #9 - Anger without violence, sharing without surrendering, love without victimization — can we show our kids how? (The challenge of parenthood; understanding children —their feelings and behavior; games children and parents play with each other; factors that influence the family atmosphere.) Robert G. Bartholow, A.C.S.W., private practice in psychotherapy and family counseling. #10- The Role of American Women —what do you think it in? (Time for sharing ideas on women's roles) Tom Dorffman, Rnman Relations Consultant #1 - Helpl Can anyone make it easier to be an effective parent? (see #1 Session I) #2 - Drugs —what do we get out of them? (see #2 Session I) #3 - Why, what, where, when and how should I tell my children about sex? Elizabeth Peterson, Lecturer, Parent and Family Life Education, University of Minnesota #4 - What are my values —do I do as I say? (see #4 Session I) #5 - Now can I improve the quality of personal contact between you and me? (Personalized ways to make Bob Randleman, Ph.D., Alternative Behavior Associates and University of Minnesota quality contact between you and me happen) #6 - I like being a wife and mother —but can there be more? (see #6 Session I) #7 - Transcendental Meditation —is it just for the gurus? (see #9 Session I) #8 - Do you mean parents don't have all the answers? (The parents role in Sal Valdovinoe, A.C:S.W., Interactl defining relationships in the family) #9 - "I'm CK, You're UV —how do we get there? (Transactional Analysis) Ted Edwardson, International Transactional Analysis Association #10- Changing male - female relationships in our changing society. (see #8 Session I) ■ Sat., May 12 discovering creative drama - gymnastics • puppetry • 9 am - 2:45 self ■ mazes ecology movement music s play & clay • plus "touch & see" from Bell Museum ■ children 6 mon. -12 years $1.00 per child bring bag lunch St. Alban's Church • 6716 9leason rd. *special bonus Ilong distance conference calls Lunch 12:45 - 1:15 ■ VIRGINIA SATIR author of "Peoplemaking" and ( included in cost of ticket) "Conjoint Family Therapy" ■ BILL COSBY JESS LAIR former Edinan and author of "I May Not Be Much, Baby, but I'm All You've Got!"