HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-12-01_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1986 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL RESOLUTION - Relating to Southeast Edina Property (Continue meeting and discuss with Council Agenda Item VII.B) ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES of the Regular Meetings of September 15 and October 6, 1986, and Special Meeting of October 6, 1986, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of seconded by I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All agenda items listed with an asterisk ( *) are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. II. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by City Manager or Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if improvement has been peitioned for; 4/5 vote required if no petition. A. Cascade Lane Improvement III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. A. Set Hearing Date (12/15/86) * 1. Preliminary Plat - Starita lst Addition - Generally located west of Blake Road and south of Waterman Avenue Extended * 2. Preliminary Plat - White Oaks 8th Addition - Generally located west of Townes Road and south of Sunnyside Road * 3. Final Development Plan - Fairview Sou.thdale Hospital * 4. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance - To Add Day Care to Office District as a Principal Use IV. -ORDINANCES. First Reading: Requires offering of Ordinance only. Second Reading: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. A. First Reading (Waive Second Reading) * 1. Ordinance No. 171 -A26 - An Ordinance to Increase the Fee for Catering Food Establishment B. Second Reading 1. Ordinance No. 451 -A5 - An Ordinance Establishing Standards for Signage in the Mixed Development Zoning District, MD -3, MD -4 and.MD -5 V. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS VI. AWARD OF BIDS * A. Sewer Lining (Continue to 12115186) * B. -Gas Metering Replacement System VII. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Acquisition of OPTECH III -P Voting System B. Hedberg Property C. I -494 Corridor Study Report * D. 1987 Holidays Schedule Agenda Edina City Council December 1, 1986 Page Two VIII. RESOLUTIONS. Favorable rollcall vote by majority of quorum to pass. * A. Tax - forfeited Land - Lot 9, Normandale Terrace (PIN 30- 028 -24 -33 -0094) IX. COMMUNICATIONS * A. Set Hearing Date (115187) - Petition for Vacation of Street /Utility Easement - Lot 39, Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition * X. SPECIAL BUSINESS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL XI. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XII. FINANCE A. Payment of claims as per pre -list dated 1211186: General Fund $197,944.28, Art Center $1,617.91, Capital.Fund $5,350.00, Swimming Pool Fund $78.17, Golf Course Fund $6,605.76, Recreation Center Fund $1,190.28, Gun Range Fund $227.85, Utility Fund $204,313.41, Liquor Dispensary Fund $3,260.64, Construction Fund $6,921.75, XMP Bond Redemption #2 $860.00, Total $428,370.05 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Mon Dec 8 Council /Park Board Joint Meeting 7:00 p.m. Managers Conf Rm Mon Dec 15 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Tues Dec 30 Year -End Council Meeting 5:00 p.m. Manager's Conf Rm Mon Jan 5 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Jan 12 Special Council Meeting - Mission Statement 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Jan 26 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room J SOUTHEAST EDINA PROPERTY LEGAL ANALYSIS I. Tax Increment District A. Needed to capture tax increment B. Maybe useful whether or not property owned by HRA or City II. Existing Tax Increment District A. Cannot be expanded III. -New Tax Increment Districts A. Three kinds: Redevelopment District Housing District Economic Development District B. Redevelopment District 1. Duration: 25 years from first receipt of increment 2. Uses allowed: no restrictions 3. Applicable requirements for creation: (a) at least 30% of parcels in district must be unimproved (b) at least 8.0% of the unimproved land must have unusual terrain or soil deficiencies and must have a value after incurring land preparation costs.(limited essentially to filling, grad- ing and soil correction) which is less than the value at inclusion in the district plus the cost of such land preparation (c) HRA must have agreements for development of at least 50% of the acreage having unusual terrain or soil deficiencies C. Housing District 1. Duration: 25 years from first receipt of increment 2. uses allowed: Housing project; rental or ownership 3. Requirements for creation: (a) Housing project (b) At least 20% of units must be for low and moderate income persons D. Economic Development District 1. Duration: 10 years from creation or 8 years from first receipt of increment, whichever is less 2. Uses allowed: no restrictions 3. Requirements for creation: determination by HRA of a public interest and benefit 4. Original assessed value is increased annually based on average annual increases in assessed value of the property for the five years preceding creation of the District. This reduces the tax increment E. Time Limitation: Parcels must be removed from a District if not improved within 4 years from certifi- cation of District. Parcels are tax parcels in existence at creation of District. Roads are improve- ments. IV. Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan A. Not now include all undeveloped property B. Can amend to cover all of such property in Edina 1. Will allow pooling of tax increment from all districts in Plan area to pay for redevelopment activity in any district in Plan area 2. Necessary and desirable step prior to creation of tax increment districts if such districts are needed and if requirements can be met V. Recommendations A. Amend Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan to include all unimproved property in Edina - HRA and City then are in a position to help develop- ments when and if needed B. Initiate studies to determine whether redevelopment projects and redevelopment district or other tax increment districts can be created - Then HRA and City will be in position to decide if and to what extent they can assist development of the property MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth Rosland Gordon Hughes Craig Larson FROM: Thomas S. Erickson and Jerome P. Gilligan DATE: December 1, 1986 RE. Southeast Edina Property You have advised us that the Hedberg property located in the southeast portion of the City is reportedly for sale, and have asked us to research the possibility of the use of tax increment financing by the Edina HRA in the acquisition and /or development of such land and adjoining undeveloped land owned by DeCourcey. The land consists of approximately 95 contiguous acres, approximately 30 acres of which are located in the existing Southeast Edina Tax Increment District (the "Existing District "). Existing District The Existing District was created in 1977 and terminates on August 1, 2009, or such earlier date on which all bonds payable from tax increments derived from the Existing District have been paid and any other public redevelopment costs have been paid. Under the Minnesota Tax Increment Financing Act (the "Act "), the Existing District may not be expanded to include additional property. Creation of New Tax Increment District The HRA could adopt a redevelopment plan and tax increment financing plan for the property outside the Existing District and create one or more new tax increment financing districts which include this property. The redevelopment plan is adopted under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462, and provides the HRA with the authority to acquire land, construct public improvements and assist in the development of land in the City. The tax increment financing plan creates the tax increment district and provides a means for the HRA to finance the expenditures being made pursuant to the redevelopment plan. As an alternative for the HRA adopting a new redevelopment plan for the development of the unimproved property, the HRA could amend its existing Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan to cover the development of the unimproved property. In establishing a tax increment financing district the HRA and the City Council will need to hold public hearings and DOBSEY & WHITNEY make certain findings and determinations, including a determination whether the district constitutes a redevelopment district, housing district or economic development district under the Act. The reasons and supporting facts for the findings are to be set forth in writing. This determination is to be made at the time of creation of the district. If the tax increment financing district is. a redevelopment district or housing district it will have a duration of up to 25 years from the date of first receipt of tax increment. If the tax increment financing district fails to qualify as a redevelopment district or housing district it will constitute an economic development district and have a duration of up to 8 years from the date of receipt of the first tax increment or 10 years, whichever is less. In addition, the original assessed value (which is the base from which tax increments are determined) for an economic development district is increased each year by an amount equal to the original assessed value for the preceding year multiplied by the average percentage increase in the assessed valuation of all property included on the economic development district during the 5 years prior to the certification of the district by the County Auditor. The original assessed value of.a tax increment district which is a redevelopment district or housing district is not subject to this increase. Therefore, if a new tax _increment financing district . is to be created it is preferable that the district qualify as a redevelopment district or housing district. Requirements for Redevelopment District While there are five tests for a tax increment financing district to qualify as a redevelopment district, there is only one under which the unimproved property could possibly qualify. To qualify as a redevelopment district under this test the following three conditions must be met: 1) at least 300 of the parcels to be included in district are not occupied by buildings, streets or other improvements; and 2) 800 of unimproved land must have unusual terrain or soil deficiencies which require substantial filling and grading or other physical preparation for use, such that the fair market value of such land upon inclusion in district, plus the costs of preparation of such land for development (excluding road costs and other public improvements) exceeds its fair market value after completion of such preparation; and 3) HRA must have entered into an agreement or agreements for development of at least 50% of land having unusual DOBSEY & WHITNEY A Pear SHIP INCL —INO PRO— SSIONAL CONPONw .— -2- terrain or soil deficiencies, which agreement provides recourse for the HRA should the development not be completed. Requirements for Housing District A housing district consists of a project (or a portion of a project), intended for occupancy in part, by persons or families of low and moderate income. In the past we have interpreted "in part" to mean at least 200 of the housing units in the project. Only the portions of the unimproved property on which such type of housing is to be located can constitute a housing district. Requirements for Economic Development.District An economic development district is a district which does not meet the requirements for a housing district or redevelopment district, but which the HRA finds to be in the public interest because: 1) it will discourage commerce, industry or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state; or 2) it will result in increased employment in the municipality; or 3) it will result in preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality. Because the definition of what constitutes an economic development district is so broad, any tax increment financing district that does not meet the requirements of a housing or redevelopment district should qualify as an economic development district. Having the new tax increment financing district qualify as a redevelopment district will provide the longest duration and greatest flexibility to the HRA. If this is not possible and there is to be constructed on all or part of. the property, housing projects for low and moderate income persons, the property on which such housing projects are to be constructed can constitute one or more housing districts, with the remainder of the unimproved property constituting an economic development district. Four Year Rule Under the Act, if after four years from the date of certification of the original assessed value of a tax increment financing district no demolition, rehabilitation or renovation of property or other site preparation, including DOBSEY & WHITNEY A Pea .5xir P— ... -N.L C---- -3- improvement of a street adjacent to a parcel but not installation of utility service, has been commenced on a parcel located within the tax increment financing district by the HRA or the owner of the parcel in accordance with the tax increment financing plan-, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel and the original assessed value of that parcel is excluded from the original assessed value of the tax increment district. If subsequently such work is done the parcel can then be reincluded in the tax increment financing district but the .original assessed value of such parcel will be equal to its most recent assessed valuation at the time it is reincluded in the district. Under this provision "parcel" means a tract or plat of land established prior to the certification of the district as a single unit for purposes of assessment. Amendment of Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan If the HRA determines to assist in the development of the unimproved property, it may,be advisable for the HRA to amend its existing Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan to include that part of the property which is outside the Existing District and within the City and create one or more new tax increment districts which include the property outside the Existing District and within the City. The HRA would then have one overall Redevelopment Plan covering the area, with separate tax increment districts. By using this method the HRA is able to use tax increments outside the tax increment financing district which generated the tax increments to pay for redevelopment activities in the redevelopment plan area. For instance, surplus tax increments derived from the Existing District could then be used for projects undertaken on the portion of the property which is outside the Existing District but which is in the expanded Southeast Edina Redevelopment Area. Issuance of Bonds a) Revenue Bonds and General Obligation Bonds. In the past all tax increment bonds issued by the City have been general obligation bonds. The City and the HRA are also permitted to issue revenue bonds which are payable solely from the tax increment and not backed by the full faith and credit of the City. This is what was recently done by Bloomington for the Mega -Mall project. If the bonds are not general obligations of the City they will bear a higher interest rate and may be more difficult to sell. The requirement as to public sale will not apply to the revenue bonds and the City or the HRA could negotiate the sale of the Bonds with a bank or investment banker. If the City issues general obligation bonds it will be necessary for the City to demonstrate that at least 20% of the debt service on the bonds is reasonably DOBSEY & WHITNEY A PAerr:cus 1—L..— PFOPCS —AL COtl1'OH -.1 -4- expected to be paid from tax increments or special assessments in order to issue the bonds without a referendum. b) Tax - Exemption of Interest on Bonds. The new tax bill generally subjects interest on newly issued tax increment bonds to federal income taxation unless the facilities to be financed with the proceeds of the bonds is public in nature, such as a public parking ramp or public park. Bonds issued to finance the purchase and /or improvement of land which is intended to be sold to a private developer will be subject to federal income taxation. However, since the bonds are taxable, the restrictions under the federal income tax code as to the amount of debt service on the bonds which may be guaranteed by the private developer and arbitrage will not apply to the bonds. Since the passage of the tax bill a number of Minnesota municipalities (Plymouth, Inver Grove Heights and St. James) have issued taxable tax increment bonds. Generally the rate on the taxable bonds has been about 1.5% above the tax - exempt rate. Purchase Property of Prior to Amendment of Redevelopment Plan If the HRA needs to act quickly to purchase the unimproved property, it is permitted to do so prior to the approval of a redevelopment plan and creation of a tax increment district if it determines that the acquisition is necessary for the carrying out of the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan. After acquiring the property the HRA can then approve the redevelopment plan and create the tax increment financing district for the unimproved property not in the Existing District. The difficultly with proceeding in this manner is that until creation of the new tax increment district and the development of the property located therein the HRA has no source of funds to pay for the purchase price other than the tax increment from the Existing District all of which is presently being used to pay the tax increment_ bonds issued for the Edinborough project. Possible Amendments to Tax Increment Financing Act In the past two sessions of the Minnesota Legislature various legislation has been introduced to amend the Act to limit the availability to municipalities of tax increment financing. It is likely that such legislation will again be considered by the Legislature at its 1987 session. Legislation previously enacted which limited tax increment financing has been effective as of its date of enactment and has grandfathered existing tax increment financing districts from the new limitations. If the HRA and the City wish to use tax increment financing to assist in the development of the unimproved property any legislation introduced'at DOBSEY & WHITNEY A Peerne .s INCLUU Pa— S- ... L Coro —l- -5- the 1987 session of the Minnesota Legislature relating to tax increment financing should be closely monitored and the HRA and City should be prepared to move quickly to approve the redevelopment plan and create the tax increment district if it appears.that legislation limiting tax increment financing for the unimproved property will be enacted. DOBSEY & WHITNEY A P--...- P.- ...... - CO.--, -6- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 15, 1986 Answering rollcall ere Members Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner and Mayor Courtney. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON NUMEROUS ASSESSMENTS. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered place on file. Due notice having been given, public hearings were conducted and action taken as herein- after recorded on the following proposed assessments: 1. STREET GRADING IMPROVEMENT NO. C -143 Location: Antrim Terrace in Edina Oaks Addition 2. STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S. -179 Location: Antrim Terrace in Edina Oaks Addition 3. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -373 Location: Antrim Terrace in Edina Oaks Addition 4. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT.NO. WM -358 Location:�.Antrim Terrace in Edina Oaks Addition Improvements-listed under 1, 2, 3 and 4 above affecting the same properties, public hearing was conducted concurrently. Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Street Grading Improvement No. C -143 showing total construction cost of $7,085.75 proposed to be assessed against 5 assessable lots at $1,417.15 each, against estimated assessment of S1,701.64 per lot. Analysis of assessment for Storm Sewer Improvement No. St.S. -179 was given as total cost for construction $4,882.50 proposed to be assessed against 5 assessable lots at $976.50 per lot, against estimated assessment of $946.96 per lot. Analysis of assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -373 was given as total construction cost of $9,644.92 proposed to be assessed against 4 assessable lots at $2,411.23 per lot, against estimated assessment of $3,453.17 per lot. Analysis of assessment for Watermain Improvement No. WM -358 was given as total construction cost of $10,305.12 proposed to be assessed against 4 assessable lots at $2,576.28 per lot, against estimated assessment of $3,194.43 per lot. All assessments are to be spread over 3 years per Developer's Agreement. No objections were heard and no written objections to the proposed assessments were received prior hereto. (Assessments levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 5. STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S. -176 Location: McCauley Trail from Timber Ridge to Timber Trail; Timber Trail from McCauley Train to Arrowhead Lake 6. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -370 Location: McCauley Trail from Timber Ridge to Timber Trail; Timber Trail from McCauley Trail to cul -de -sac 7. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -355 Location: McCauley Trail from Timber Ridge to Timber Trail; Timber Trail from McCauley Trail to cul -de -sac Improvements listed under 5, 6 and 7 above affecting the same properties, public hearing was conducted concurrently. Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Storm Sewer Improvement No. St.S -176 showing total construction cost of $65,441.25 proposed to be assessed against 15 assessable lots at. $4,362.75 per lot, against estimated assessment of $3,550.85 per lot. Analysis of assess- ment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -370 was given as total construction cost of $70,784.12 proposed to be assessed against 22 assessable lots at $3,217.46 per lot; against estimated assessment of $3,491.05 per lot. Analysis of assessment for Watermain Improvement No. WM -355 was given as total construction cost of $42,073.46 proposed to be assessed against 22 assessable lots at $1,912.43 per lot, against estimated assessment of $2,182.94 per lot. Assessments to -be spread over 3 years per Developer's Agreement for Indian Hills 2nd Addition. No objections were heard and no written objections to the proposed assessments were received prior hereto. (Assessments levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 8. STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S -175 Location: Findell Clark Addition 9. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -369 Location: Findell Clark Addition 10. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -354 Location: Findell Clark Addition Improvements listed under 8, 9 and 10 above affecting the same properties, public hearing was conducted concurrently. Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Storm Sewer Improvement No. St.S -175 showing total construction cost of $6,202.46 proposed to be assessed against 11 assessable lots at $563.86 per lot, against estimated assessment of $543.64 per lot. Analysis of assess- ment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -369 was given as total construction cost of $15,191.88 proposed to be assessed against 11 assessable lots at $1,381.08 per lot, against estimated assessment of $838.10 per lot. Analysis of assessment for Watermain Improvement No. WM -354 was given as total construction cost of $13,694.23 proposed to be assessed against 11 assessable lots at $1,244.93 per 9/15/86 lot, against estimated assessment of $1,103.82 per lot. Assessments are to be spread over 3 years per Developer's Agreement. No objections were heard and no written objections to the proposed assessments were received prior hereto. (Assessments levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 11. GRADING AND GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT NO. C -144 Location: Dearborn Court in Dearborn Addition and Blake Woods Addition 12. STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S. -180 Location: Dearborn Court in Dearborn Addition and Blake Woods Addition 13. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -375 Location: Dearborn Court in Dearborn Addition and Blake Woods Addition 14. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -360. Location: Dearborn Court in Dearborn Addition and Blake Woods Addition Improvements listed under 11, 12, 13 and 14 above affecting the same properties, public hearing was conducted concurrently. Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment f6-r Grading and Graveling Improvement No..0 -144 showing total construction cost of $12,771.70 proposed to be assessed against 10 assessable lots at $1,277.17 per lot, against estimated assessment of $1,034.18 per lot. Analysis of assessment for Storm Sewer Improvement No. St.S. -180 was given as total construction cost of $15,869.30 proposed to be assessed against 10 assess- able lots at $1,586.93 per lot, against estimated assessment of $1,867.01 per lot. Analysis of assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -375 was given as total construction cost of $18,933.20 proposed to be assessed against 10 assessable lots at $1,893.32 per lot, against estimated assessment of $2,100.91 per lot. Analysis of assessment for Watermain Improvement No. WM -360 was given as total costruction cost of $12,511.72 proposed to be assessed against 9 assessable lots at $1,411.97 per-lot, against estimated assessment of $1,411.67 per lot. Assessments are to be spread over 3 years per Developer's Agreement. No objections were heard and no written objections to the proposed assessments were received prior hereto. (Assessments levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 15. MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT NO. M -86 Location: 50th Street and France Avenue Business District Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Maintenance Improvement No. M -86 showing total construction cost of $44,944.18 proposed to be assessed against 289,030 assessable square feet at $1.15555 per assessable square foot to be spread over one year. Engineer Hoffman explained that the annual maintenance cost for the 50th and France Business District is up this year due to concrete repair on sidewalks and additional cost for trees and plantings. No objections were heard and no written objections to the proposed assessment were received prior hereto. (Assessment levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 16. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -353 Location: Westwood Court Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Watermain Improvement No. WM -353 showing total construction cost of $59,240.40 proposed to be assessed against 12 assessable lots at $4,936.70 per lot, against estimated assessment of $5,617.95 per lot.. Assessment is to be spread over 10 years. No objections were heard and no written objections to the proposed assessment were received prior hereto. (Assessment levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 17. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S -33 Location: West 492 Street - Adjacent to Peterson Building (East of ramp) Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Sidewalk Improvement No. 5 -33 showing total construction cost of $9,412.70 proposed to be assessed against one assessable lot, against estimated assessment of $5,630.58 per lot. The assessment -is to be spread over 10 years. Engineer Hoffman explained that when the Peterson building was remodeled the City was petitioned to remove the parking bay on West 492 Street adjacent to the building and to construct A sidewalk in that location. Bids were taken and came in higher than the estimated cost. He stated that two issues have come up during the process: 1) that more of the cost should be assessed back to the 50th Street and France Business District as also being a user of the-sidewalk rather than one property owner paying the entire cost, and 2) that the assessment hearing be continued to October 6, 1986 so that the issue could be discussed with Oswald Peterson. Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Turner to continue the hearing to October 6.. Motion carried. 18. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S -34 Location: Country Club District, Brown and Fairway Sections Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Sidewalk Improvement No. S -33 showing total construction cost of $181,997.30 proposed to be assessed against 566 assessable lots at $321.55 per lot, against estimated assessment of $190.00 per lot. Assessment to be spread over 5 years. Engineer Hoffman explained that the hearing for this improvement was held last year and that historically the City has replaced sidewalk in need of repair in the Country Club District every six to eight years. The estimated cost at the project hearing was $190.00 per assessable lot and the difference between the estimated 9/15/86 assessment and the proposed assessment of $321.55 per lot is that when the work was commenced a number of property owners asked that additional.sections of sidewalk be replaced than was initially scheduled for replacement and therefore the total cost reflects the additional work requested. Mr. Hoffman said that he has received 7 telephone calls from property owners who received notice of the assessment asking why they were being assessed as not much work was done on their frontage and that he had .explained that the policy since 1973 in the Country Club District has been to replace broken sidewalk and to assess all properties equally. Paul Laederach, 4633 Bruce Avenue, questioned the difference between the estimated and proposed assessment. Noted were letters from John-and Susan Palombo, 4624 Browndale Avenue, and Douglas H. McPeak, 4627 Drexel Avenue, objecting to the assessment. No further comments were heard. (Assessment levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 19. GRADING AND GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT NO. C -142 Location: Edinborough Addition 20. STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S -177 Location':. Edinborough Addition 21. SANITARY'SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -371 Location: Edinborough Addition 22. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -356 Location: Edinborough Addition Improvements listed under 19, 20, 21 and 22 above affecting the same properties, public hearing was conducted concurrently. Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Grading and Graveling Improvement.No. C -142 showing total construction cost of $106,704.81 proposed to be assessed against 1,028,976 square feet at $0.1037 per square foot. Analysis of assessment for Storm Sewer Improve- ment No. St.S -177 was given as total cost of construction of $216,084.96 proposed to be assessed against 1,028,976 square feet at $0.2100 per square foot. Analysis of assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -371 was given as total cost of construction of $19,556.78 proposed to be assessed against 1,028,976 square feet at $0.0190 per square foot. Analysis of assessment for Watermain Improve- ment No. WM -356 was given as total cost of construction of $123,580.02 proposed to be assessed against 1,028,976 square feet at $0.1201 per square foot. All assessments are to be spread over 10 years per Developer's Agreement. No object- ions were heard and no written objections to the proposed assessments were received prior hereto. (Assessments levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 23. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -262 Location: West 44th Street from Brookside Terrace to Highway 100 Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Street Improvement No. BA -262 showing total construction cost of $17,310.00 proposed to be assessed against 865.50 assessable feet at $20.00 per foot, against estimated assessment of $20.00 per foot. Assessment is to be spread over 10 years. Engineer Hoffman explained that State Aid funds paid for the majority of the cost of construction of the project. No objections were heard and no written objections to the proposed assessment were received prior hereto. (Assessment levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 24. TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -86 Location: Area #5 and #6." Bounded by,Highway 100 on the east, Crosstown Highway on the south, County Road 18 on the west and City of Edina limits on the north. Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Tree Trimming Improvement No. TT -86 showing total cost of $41,730.00 proposed to be assessed as follows: 95 trees 12" and under at $30 each and 864 trees over 1" at $45 each, against estimated assessment of $45 per tree to be spread over one year. Park Director Kojetin commented that approximately 50 telephone calls have been received which have been answered and which pertained to trees which after the trimming developed Dutch Elm disease and which were then removed. Jane Stenson, 4811 Bywood West, commented that she felt the trimming was excessive and was a factor in the subsequent loss of trees. She also questioned the procedure followed in removing diseased trees and asked if the City will re- forest. Elizabeth Skelly, 4425 North Avenue, asked who makes the decision regarding which _trees and when to trim them. Byron Armstrong, 4119 West 62nd Street, complained that there was a lack of communication with the homeowner when the trees were trimmed in his area and that the trimming destroyed the natural shape of the trees. Duncan Burns, 4523 Arden Avenue, asked that the City publish information in the Edina Sun - Current as to which types of trees are allowed to be planted. He also questioned the frequency of inspection of trees for Dutch Elm disease. Mr. Kojetin responded that the forester in traveling through the city is constantly looking for signs of diseased trees; that this year the City is losing trees fast and that some large elms especially in the Country Club District which have been treated for years are suddenly dying. No further comment was heard. (Assessment levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 25. TREE REMOVAL IMPROVEMENT NO. TR -86 Location: Various locations of diseased trees within the City of Edina 9/15/86 Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Tree Removal Improvement No. TR -86 showing total cost of $7,520.00 proposed to be assessed against 13 assessable lots allocated individually per size of tree removed. No object- ions were heard and no written objections to the proposed assessment were received prior hereto. (Assessment levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 26. AQUATIC WEEDS IMPROVEMENT NO. AQ -86 Location: Indianhead Lake and Mill Pond Manager Rosland presented analysis of assessment for Aquatic Weeds Improvement No. AQ -86 for Indianhead Lake showing total cost of $10,396.00 proposed to be assessed against 33 homes at $315.00 per home and for the Mill Pond showing total cost of $7,588.00 proposed to be assessed against 63 homes at $120.45 per home. Assessment to be spread over 3 years. No objections were heard and no written objections to the proposed assessment were received prior hereto. (Assessment levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) Following the presentation of analysis of assessments, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED ON ACCOUNT OF VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City has given notice of hearings as required by law on the proposed assessment rolls for the improvements hereinafter referred to, and at such hearings held on September 15, 1986, has considered all oral and written objections presented against the levy of such assessments. 2. Each of the assessments as set forth in the assessment rolls on file in the office of the City Clerk for the following improvements: Street Grading Improvement Nos. C -142, C -143, C -144 Storm Sewer Improvement Nos. St.S -175, St.S -176, St.S -177, St.S -179, St.S -180 Sanitary Sewer Improvement Nos. SS -369, SS -370, SS -371, SS -373, SS -375 Watermain Improvement Nos. WM- 353, WM -354, WM- 355,,WM -356, WM -358, WM -360 Maintenance Improvement No. M -86 Sidewalk Improvement No. 5 -34. Blacktop, Curb & Gutter Street Improvement No. BA -262 Tree Trimming Improvement No. TT -86 Tree Removal Improvement No. TR -86 Aquatic Weeds Improvement No. AQ -86 does not exceed the local benefits conferred by said improvements upon the lot, tract or parcel of land so assessed, and all of said assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper assessments on account of said respective improvements to be spread against the benefited lots, parcels and tracts of land described therein. 3. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments, the first of said installments, together with interest at a rate of 8.9% per annum on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1987, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1978. To each subsequent installment shall be added interest at the above rate for one year on all then unpaid installments. The number of such annual installments shall be as follows: Name of Improvement Number of Installments .GRADING AND GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT NO. C -143 3 years 6T'ORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. -ST.S -179 3 years SANITARY SEWER.IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -373 3 years WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -358 3 years STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S -176 3 years SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -370 3 years WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -355. 3 years STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S -175 3 years SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -369 3 years WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -354 3 years GRADING AND GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT NO. C -144 3 years STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S -180 3 years SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -375 3 years WATERMAIN. IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -360 3 years MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT NO. M -86 1 year WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -353 10 years SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -34 5 years GRADING AND GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT NO. C -142 10 years STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S -177 10 years SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -371 10 years WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -356 10 years STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -262 10 years TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -86 1 year TREE REMOVAL IMPROVEMENT NO. TR -86 5 years (Exception: Levy No. 10353 - 1 year) AQUATIC WEEDS IMPROVEMENT NO. AQ -86 1 year 9/15/86 4. The City Clerk shall forthwith prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a copy of this resolution and a certified duplicate of said assessments with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended on the tax lists of the County in accordance with this resolution. 5. The City Clerk shall also mail notice of any special assessment which may be payable by a county, by a political subdivision, or by the owner of any right -of -way as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, Subdivision 4, and if any such assessment is not paid in a single installment, the City Treasurer shall arrange for collection thereof in installments, as set forth in said Section. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. REQUEST FOR ZONING CHANGE FROM R -1 TO PRD -2 (ROBERT HANSEN) HEARD; FINDINGS TO BE PREPARED FOR DECISION. Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Craig Larsen advised that the subject property is generally located north of the Crosstown Highway and east and north of Vernon Court. The request for a zoning change from R -1 to PRD -2 was heard by the Council on May 19, 1986, at which time 16 townhouse units divided amoung four buildings was proposed for the site. That proposal was referred back to the Community Development and Planning Commission to look at the number of units and setbacks on the site. The proposal was heard by the Planning Commission several times, most recently on September 3, 1986, when the Planning Commission recommended approval of the revised plan illustrating 15 townhouse units and conforming to the setback requirements of the PRD -2 Planned Residence District, a front setback of 30 feet and a rear setback of 35 feet. The Planning Commission's approval was conditioned on: 1) an acceptable overall development plan, 2) final platting and 3) subdivision dedication. Mary Murphy, President of Viking Hills Homeowners Association, asked questions about the distance from the building to the cul -de -sac, the height of the retaining wall, the distance between buildings and said they were concerned about protecting the natural habitat of the hill at the rear of the proposed development and also about the increased traffic on Vernon Avenue. Member Richards commented that he supported the PRD -2 zoning concept but that he felt it should not be developed to the maximum density and that 12 units would make more sense in light of the commitment everyone has made in that area to preserve the hill. Member Kelly said she concurred with Member Richard's comments regarding density for the proposal. Member Turner asked what the density was for the various multi -unit developments directly southwesterly and northerly of the subject site. Mr. Larsen responded that they were all in the same density range as was proposed for subject site. Member Turner commented that the revised plan now meets the requirements of the PRD -2 District and that she would favor approval. In response to Mayor Courtney's questions as to-procedure, Attorney Erickson said the Council cannot use the neighborhood objections to the proposal as the sole reason to deny the rezoning request. If denied, the rezoning request cannot be brought back to the Council for one year unless there is a change in facts. He pointed out that if a developer meets the criteria set out in the Zoning Ordinance for development of land then he is entitled to develop the property. The real question is on what basis can the Council say the density has to be something less than 15 units. Mr. Erickson pointed out that the procedure has been to direct staff to prepare findings of fact and reasons for the Council to consider in making their decision. Robert Hansen, the proponent, spoke in support of his revised plan for the site and pointed out the amenities of the units. He stated that he felt the proposed 15 units would not add noticably to the traffic on Vernon Avenue. David Darrell, architect for the project, presented a graphic showing the slope of the hill and pointed out that the retaining wall would be 5 feet at the highest point, sloping lower where -the hill contours are lower. Bill Pearson, Vernon Avenue, spoke in favor of the proposed development. Member Kelly made a motion to again refer the rezoning request to the Planning Commission for consideration of the commitment the neighborhood has made to the hill, the topography of the site, the advisability of reducing the density and the traffic concerns on Vernon Avenue. Motion.was seconded by Member Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards Nays: Bredesen, Turner, Courtney Member Turner then made a motion to approve the zoning change from R -1 to PRD -2 District, subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Turner, Courtney Nays: Kelly, Richards Motion failed because 4/5 favorable vote is required for zoning change. Attorney Erickson opined that only the winning party (nays vote) can bring the matter back. Mr. Erickson then explained that legally the zoning change was denied and the 9/15/86 courts have ruled that if a proposal is denied the reasons must be stated for that action. Member Richards then made a motion to retract the first motion and to direct the staff to prepare findings of fact for a decision which would include: l) the transitional zone 2) the proximity to the single family residential neighborhood, 3) the type of developments immediately to the east and northeast, 4) the hill in public ownership, encroachment thereof and preservation of that open space, and 5) the traffic the development would add. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney: Motion carried. . ORDINANCE NO. 825 -Al2 GRANTED FIRST READING (R -1 TO R -2 DISTRICT FOR ROBERT KIDD); PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED FOR KIDD ADDITION. Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Larsen advised that the subject property is generally located South of West 62nd Street and east of Valley View Road and is a through lot with frontage on both streets. The property measures approximately 83 feet in width by 339 feet in depth and contains 28,253 square feet of area. It is presently developed with a single family dwelling unit fronting on West West 62nd Street, the remainder of the property being undeveloped. The proponent is requesting approval of a subdivision which would create a new lot with frontage on Valley View Road and would contain 15,005 square feet, while the lot for the existing dwelling would contain 13,248 square feet. The proponent is also requesting that the new lot be rezoned R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District to allow the construction of a new double . bungalow. The new lot would meet the square footage requirement for an R -2 lot but would require a variance from the 90 foot lot width requirement. The Com- prehensive Plan illustrates this section of Valley View Road as suitable for low density attached residential. Existing buildings in the vicinity contain between 2 and 5 units. The preliminary plat illustrates a location for the new double bungalow. Due to the alignment of Valley View Road a front setback variance would be necessary. Mr. Larsen pointed out that the proposal is similar to one heard by the Council in 1984; the major difference is that the lot on Valley View Road has been increased to meet the 15,000 square foot requirement. Unlike the previous proposal which was to have both lots zoned R -1 District the new lot is proposed to be rezoned to the R -2 District. In 1984 staff suggested that the subject property be combined with two similar parcels adjacent to and east of the property. The proponent and other local developers have attempted to acquire all three properties for a larger development. All efforts have apparently failed. Staff has become convinced that the favored combined deve- lopment will not occur in the foreseeable future. Consequently, staff sees this request as a reasonable alternative that would be compatible with surrounding properties. The subject proposal was heard by the Community Development and Planning Commission at its meeting of September 3, 1986, and recommended pre- liminary rezoning and plat approval, subject to final plat approval and sub - division dedication. Reasons stated in support of the variance from the 90 foot lot width requirement were: 1) City and staff support of the R -2 District zoning in the past, and 2) 82 and 83 foot lots are standard widths for R -2 lots on Valley View Road. Robert Kidd, proponent, commented that two years ago staff recommended that the subject property be tied together with other adjacent lots. However, this did not happen and therefore.he is requesting that the new lot be rezoned R -2 District. Dr. Byron Armstrong, 4119 West 62nd Street, stated his objection to the proposed development and that of the neighborhood. No further comment being heard, Member Bredesen introduced Ordinance No. 825 -Al2 for First Reading as.follows; subject to final plat approval and subdivision dedication: ORDINANCE NO. 825 -Al2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 825) BY ADDING TO THE DOUBLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT (R -2) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 6 of Ordinance No. 825 of the City is amended by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the Double Dwelling Unit District (Sub- District R -2) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: The south 180 feet of the following described parcel: Lot 3, except the East 95 feet, front and rear thereof, and Lot 20, except the West 75 feet thereof, all in Block 2, Peacedale Acres." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for First Reading of the Ordinance was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney First Reading granted. Member Bredesen then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 9/15/86 RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR KIDD ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Kidd Addition ", platted by Robert J. Kidd, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of September 15, 1986, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. PID PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO PRD -4 PLANNED RESIDENCE DISTRICT ZONING REQUEST REFERRED TO STAFF FOR REFINEMENT OF PROJECT PROPOSED BY KNUTSON VENTURES. Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Larsen advised that the subject property is located south of Eden Avenue and west of the Soo Line Railroad track and is located within the Grandview Area Tax Increment District. The properties involved include the Lewis Engineering site, the Kunz Oil warehouse, and the Soo Line Railroad property which is currently vacant. The total area of the site is approximately 6.8 acres. The Grandview Area Tax Increment Plan identifies the subject area as blighted and recommends that the current uses be removed and that the area be redeveloped. The Plan did not, however, suggest the most appropriate land use for redevelopment. The Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) commissioned BRW to conduct a land use study and make recommendations for the entire district. With respect to the subject parcel, the study recommended high density residential as the most appro- priate use and suggested a redevelopment with between 140 and 210 dwelling units. Mr. Larsen .stated that Knutson Ventures has submitted a request to rezone the property PRD -4 to allow construction of a 4- story, 210 unit apartment complex. The complex would include 263 underbuilding parking spaces and 157 surface spaces. The proposed parking is in conformance with Ordinance requirements. The formal or guest entrance to the project is located off of Eden Avenue with tenant entrances to underbuilding parking proposed off of Eden Circle. A substantial effort will be made to screen the perimeter of the site, especially along the east and north sides. The proponents have proposed that the HRA acquire the property and make it available to them for redevelopment. Due to the high cost of acquisition and clearance a request for some form of assistance or write -down is anticipated. Staff believes that the proposed redevelopment concent complies with BRW's recom- mendations on land use. The proposal.would also remove the blighting influences referenced in the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan. Mr. Larsen pointed out that the key to the redevelopment is the willingness of the HRA to participate in the acquisition and redevelopment. The proposal was heard by the Community Develop- ment and Planning Commission at its meeting of September 3, 1986. The Commission members agreed that the property should be redeveloped, that redevelopment for housing was appropriate and recommended concept approval. The Commission members did not express an opinion with respect to the proposed financing of this project and HRA participation. William Schatzlein, Knutson Development Company, stated that the project would be developed for Knutson Company to own and operate and that he had met with Peter Jarvis of BRW to discuss the site. They had agreed that housing would be the best use for the property and that this would be an excellent multi - family housing site with access to a major highway. They felt there is a need for additional rental housing in Edina for those residents who want to say in the City but do not want home ownership. Mr. Schatzlein presented graphics of the proposed- development, pointing out the proposed siting of the building which would create its own neighborhood and the amenities of each level of the four story building. If the Council gives concept approval of the project, Mr. Schatzlein said Knutson Development would then work with staff to see how the HRA could participate to make the project work. Sara Laird, Eden Avenue, expressed a concern about the additional traffic that would be generated by the project. Member Richards commented that it would be premature to judge if the HRA should be involved; that he would urge the developer to meet with the neighbors to the south and west to explain the project and get their viewpoints on it; that he would hope the project would not be done on a piecemeal basis and that he had a positive reaction to what is proposed. Member Kelly said she was concerned about the density of the entire area involving development in proximity to Vernon Avenue; that the character of the neighborhood will be changed and that the impact of each project should.be seen before commiting to another. Member Turner commented that she agreed with the land use and the multi- family housing concept but was reluctant about financial participation by the City and did not see the rationale or goals for City participation. Mayor Courtney stated he also was hesitant about City participation in the project and that the Council would need to have more details. Member Bredesen made a motion to -send the matter to back to staff for further work with the Knutson Company on details of'the proposed project. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 9/15/86 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL NOT GRANTED FOR DAHLE REPLAT OF WARDEN ACRES. .Affi- davits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Larsen stated that the subject property is generally located south of Grove Street and west of Garden Avenue. He recalled that a similar subdivision pro- posal was considered by the Community Development and Planning Commission and the Council recently. The proposal, to create one new buildable lot and one outlot, failed to gain Council approval at their May 19, 1986 meeting. That proposal called for retaining and remodeling the existing dwelling. Tory. Dahle, the proponent, has now re- applied for preliminary plat approval. This new proposal suggests that the existing dwelling be razed and that two new-dwell- ings be constructed fronting on Grove Street. The southerly one -half of the property would be designated as a single outlot, and the right of way for Oak Lane would be dedicated. As in the previous request the two lots fronting on Grove Street would be 72.8 feet wide. The only change from the previous pro- posal is the suggested removal of the existing dwelling. This would eliminate the need for the driveway encroachment and the detached, rear yard garage. Mr. Larsen recalled that at the last hearing before the Council there was some discussion not only of the typical size lots in the neighborhood but also how large the potential lots on the new street of Oak Lane would or could be. If the entire south frontage of the extension of Oak Lane is replatted at one time it would be possible to plat eight conforming 75 foot lots. On the north street frontage, with.a combination of properties, it would be possible to create three 75 foot lots and one 80 foot lot. With regard to the subject property, there is no possibility of gaining more width, consequently, the proposal is for two lots each 72.8 feet wide. The Planning Commission heard the new proposal at its meeting of September 3, 1986 and recommended denial on a 5 to 4 vote. Tory Dahle, proponent, spoke in support of the proposal stating that though the new lots did not meet the required 75 foot width they did meet the square footage required by ordinance. He said he felt the new lots would not be out of nature with the neighborhood and that he now proposed to raze the existing home because he felt the neighbors objected to it being remodeled and retained. Speaking in opposition to the proposed plat were Dan Hergot, 5804 Garden Avenue; Greg Tripp, 5809 Garden Avenue; Richard Andron, 5808 Garden Avenue; Jim Breitenbucher, 5424 Grove Street; Robert Ryder, 5509 Grove Street; Steve Mundy, 5500 Grove Street and Brian Kise, 5504 Grove Street. Speaking in support of the proposed plat were Robert Buroker, 5516 Benton Avenue; Ernie Hallgren, 5809 Johnson Drive; Corky Weber, 4303 Country Club Road and an unidentified woman living at 5500 Benton Avenue. There being no further public comment, Member Bredesen said he had heard no reason to not support the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Member Bredesen then made a motion to uphold the recommendation and to deny preliminary plat approval. Motion was seconded by Member Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (RETAIL USES) APPROVED FOR EDINBOROUGH. Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Larsen advised that the subject property is generally located south of West 76th Street and west of York Avenue. The Edinborough development is zoned MD -5 Mixed Development District. The Mixed Development District permits accessory retail uses, but only by Conditional Use Permit. The Ordinance specifies that most of the uses permitted in the PC -1 and PC -2 Districts shall be allowed following issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. The intent of the Permit is to define and control the areas within the development where retail uses will be permitted and to insure that retail uses are accessory to the principal uses in the deve- lopment. Mr. Larsen pointed out that the Zoning Ordinance established special standards for conditional uses in the MDD and those uses must: a) be contained in a principal building, except for drive - through facilities; b) provide goods and services beneficial to the needs of the occupants and residents of the principal uses and surrounding properties, and c) have enclosed pedestrian access to the principal use. The proposed retail uses are to be located on the first floor of the office building. The first floor area devoted to retail use would be approximately 14,700 square feet, will be completely contained within prin- cipal use buildings and will have direct access to the indoor park. Mr. Larsen explained that staff had recommended to the Planning Commission that certain uses permitted in the PC -1 and PC -2 District be excluded from the MDD for Edin- borough to insure that retail uses would be accessory only and not become prin- cipal uses. Upon discussion, the Planning Commission was of the opinion that the market should control the individual retail uses ,and not the staff. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit as pro- vided in the Zoning Ordinance with retail uses limited to the first floor of the office building. Member Richards asked for the opinion of the developers with regard to the staff's recommended excluded uses.. Bob Deesen, representing Winfield Development, said they were comfortable with staff's recommendation. Member Kelly made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Edinbor- ough with staff approval of individual uses. Motion failed for lack of second. 9/15/86 Member Richards then made a motion for approval of the Conditional Use Permit_ and introduced the following resolution, moving its adoption: .RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS, the procedural requirements of Ordinance No. 825 (The Zoning Ordinance) have been met; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the Findings as required by Ordinance No. 825 have been satisfied; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby grants a Conditional Use Permit for retail uses in Edinborough. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN.APPROVED FOR AMCON CORPORATION. Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Larsen advised that the subject'property is generally located west of Parklawn Avenue and north of West 77th Street extended, is zoned PID Planned Industrial District and is developed with an office- warehouse building containing approximately 20,000 square feet. The proponents are requesting approval of a -plan to add approximately 6,000 square feet to the rear of the existing building. There are currently 41 parking spaces on the site and based upon the parking require- ment of the individual uses, the building would need 22 parking spaces following the addition. The Zoning Ordinance would require 65 spaces, based on one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. The landscaping plan submitted by the proponent illustrates 70 spaces, however, since the parking demand is extremely low for the existing planned uses, the proponents have suggested the additional parking be added only if needed in the future. This could be accomplished by a proof -of- parking agreement. Mr. Larsen explained that as part of the settlement of the Homart lawsuit, Edina has agreed to construct the link road from France Avenue to West 77th Street. This road should be constructed within the.next two years. The new intersection will be extremely close to the existing southerly curb cut on the subject property. The continued existence of this curb cut will pose a traffic hazard. Staff has suggested that the southerly curb cut be removed prior to completion of the new roadway and if the owners of the property do so desire they be allowed to have a new curb cut for access onto the new link road. A land- scaping plan has been submitted for approval. The exterior materials of the addition will match the existing building and there will be some upgrading of the exterior of the entire building. The Community Development and Planning Commission considered the request at their meeting of September 3, 1986 and recommended approval of the Final Development Plan, subject to the following conditions: 1) a proof of parking agreement, 2) staff approval of the land- scaping plan and schedule and 3) removal of the southerly curb cut prior to completion of the new roadway. Member Richards.said that there were several issues to be considered before making a decision on the construction of the link road. Mr. Larsen said the link road was not critical to the owners. of the subject property. Engineer Fran Hoffman clarified that the reason for the staff recommendation regarding removal of the southerly curb cut was that if the link road was constructed.the owners of the subject property should know now that the curb cut should be relocated. No further comments being heard, Member Turner offered the following resolution and moved adoption, subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Final Development Plan for Amcon Corporation, 7725 Parklawn Avenue, presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of September 15, 1986, be and is hereby approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. PUBLIC HEARING ON EASEMENT VACATION FOR GRANDVIEW PLATEAU CONTINUED TO 10/6/86. As recommended by staff, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Turner to continue the public hearing on the vacation of utility easements on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 12, Block 1, Grandview Plateau to the meeting of October 6, 1986. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR STUMP REMOVAL. Manager Rosland presented tabluation of bids for stump removal at various locations in the City (approximately 6,487 inches) showing Todd's Tree & Landscape at $0.95 per inch, Gary Arp at $1.04 per inch and Steve Gorecki at $1.20 per inch. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Bredesen for award of bid for stump removal to Todd's Tree & Landscape 9/15/86 at $0.95 per inch. Ayes:. Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1986 APPROVED. Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Richards to approve the following recommended action as listed in Section A of the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of Sept- ember 9, 1986: 1) Installation of a "STOP" sign on Lochmere.Terrace where it intersects with West 78th Street, and to acknowledge Section C of the Minutes. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. ON SALE BEER LICENSE APPROVED FOR CORRELLI'S PIZZA AND PASTA. Manager Rosland advised that an application for an On Sale Beer License for Correlli's Pizza & Pasta, 450514 Valley;View Road (formerly Rigotta's), has been investigated by the Police and Health.Departments and that issuance of an On Sale Beer License is recommended. Residential property owners within 500 feet have been notified and no comment or objection has been received. No objections being heard, Member Turner's motion-was seconded by Member Richards to approve issuance of an On Sale Beer License to Correlli's•Pizza & Pasta, subject to final approval of the food establishment license for Correlli's by the Health Department. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. REPORT GIVEN ON TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT BUSH LAKE ROAD /WEST 78TH STREET. Engineer Hoffman recalled that in its meeting of April 14, 1985, the Council has passed a resolution asking Hennepin County to install a traffic signal at East Bush Lake Road and West 78th Street. The County is now ready to proceed and want to purchase some right of way for the signal from Western National Mutual Insurance Company, 5350 W. 78th Street. If Western National agrees to this they will be in non - conformance as to building setbacks for any future development. Mr. Hoffman said he had advised.the County to be sure this was taken into consideration when negotiating with Western National. No action was taken. LETTER DISCUSSED REGARDING PARKING RESTRICTIONS AT 50TH /FRANCE MUNICIPAL RAMP. Member Richards questioned if a response had been drafted to Judith Favia, 3400 Fremont Avenue North, Minneapolis, regarding being ticketed for exceeding the one hour parking limit and her suggestion that the ramp be a pay ramp to provide for longer shopping time. Mr. Hoffman said pay parking has been dis- cussed with the 50th and France Merchants Association and that they have no desire for pay parking and are very supportive of the one hour restriction. Mr. Rosland said a letter would be sent to Ms. Favia in response to her concern. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REGIONAL BREAKFAST MEETING NOTED. Manager Rosland called the Council's attention to a Metropolitan Council Regional Breakfast Meeting on October 8, at 7:30 a.m. at the Hopkins House for the purpose of hearing aboilt the issues the Council is dealing with as well as providing a forum for local govern- ment input. Reservations will be made for those Council Members desiring to attend. ELECTION JUDGES APPOINTED FOR GENERAL /CITY ELECTION. As recommended by the City Clerk, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the following Election Judges be appointed to serve on the Election Boards for the General /City Election to be held on November 4, 1986, and that the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized to make any substitutions or additions as may be deemed necessary: Precinct No. 1 - Eugenia Williams, Chair, Lois Hallquist, Dorie Capetz, Barbara Anderson, Arleen Friday, Celia Nightingale, Shirley De Leo, Doris O'Neill, Marguerite Sester, Mary Fritner, Phyllis Kilgore, Carol Olson; Precinct No. 2 - Marjorie Ruedy, Chair, Pauline Carroll, Joan Flumerfelt, Sara Kirkman, Ruth Mueller, Elizabeth Anfinson, Dale Jaspers, Betty Jenson, Eva Johnson, Carol McGlone, Laurie McKay, Kathleen Saterbak; Precinct No. 3 - Linda Smith,.Chair, Carol Bucklin, Deidre Hedrick, Patricia Dill, Sherrill Estensen, Patricia Gries, Margaret Hagerty, Mary Kluesner, Marie Koblisch, Kem Kuenzli, Christine Morgan, Marie Vorlicky, Judith Wehr; Precinct No. 4 - Shirley Dibble, Chair, Helen Stafford, Rachel Schoening, Virginia Courtney, Marian Cracraft, Marge Brothers, JoAnne Chayer, Sharon Hegstrom, Marge Jamieson, Jeanette Lushine, Nina Potter, Anne -Marie Reynolds, Joanne Downey; Precinct No. 5 - Linnea Erickson, Chair, Carol McPheeters, Phyllis Cooper, Mildred Karr, Betty Benjamin, Mailand Card, Sheila Cron, Marjorie Grinnell, Helen Groth, Hazel Hegeson, Carol Ledder, Barbara Martin; Precinct No. 6 - Jane Bains, Chair, Catherine Swanson, Sue Zwakman, Barbara Herbers, Mary Cleaveland, Jean Flaaten, Sherrill Borkon, Mary Manning, Ellie Reid, Gertrude Rocheford, Joyce Sutherland, Eleanor Westerberg, Donna White; Precinct No. 7 - Bess Brudelie, Chair, Helen Peterson, Naomi Ward, Kathy Engquist, Gertrude Snoeybos, Grace Andrews, Elaine 9/15/86 Carlson, Clara Fossey, Margaret Kelsey, DeLores Paul, Mary Rolland, Jane Skelly, Evelyn Coffey; Precinct No. 8 - Jane Moran, Chair, Myra Hykes, Florence Freudenthal, Kathy Bradford, Monna Reding, Jane Goetz, Barbara Hultman, Jeanne Mueller, Joanne Ryan, Kathy Shea, Lee Strang, Patricia Tattersall, Mary Webber; Precinct No. 9 - Aileen Konhauser, Chair, Jacqueline Lindskoog, Patricia Monson, Judy Lund, Jean Field, Avona Carroll, Joyce Ervin, Judith Frank, Annette Horton, Gertrude Nulsen, Janis Rife, Lavonne Stoakes, Margaret Wodrich; Precinct No. 10 - Barbara Erlandson, Chair, Mary Shoquist, Jo Ann Lonergan, Ruth Haggerty, Kathy Rivers, Jenny McBride, Molly Baranauckas, Joan Buie, Marilyn Devereaux, Phyllis Jensen, Janet Kjome, Carol Olsen, Nancy Sour; Precinct No. 11 - Geneva Smith, Chair, Jackie Prince, Alice Burnell, Gina Sherman, Sharon Lee Smith, Joy Perunovich, Juanita Betz, Susan Hagan, Kathleen McCarthy, Carol Melichar, Nancy Phillips, Betty Pollitt, Lois Steinback; Precinct No. 12 - Ardis Wexler, Chair, Carol Hite, Shirley Bjerken, Mary Scholz, Monica Nilles, Marge Erstad, Lucetta Klos, Phyllis MacLennan, Jan Burnett, Virginia McCollister, Beth Montgomery, Pam Moody, Jan Windhorst; Precinct No. 13 - Edna Thomsen, Chair, Patricia Harmon, Ilona Kerin, Mollie Sherry, Margaret Polta, Helen Brown, Mary Goodrich, Mary Ann Groven, Margaret Handy, Hattie Jackson, Ann Matula, Pauline Mertes, Elaine Tollefsrud; Precinct No. 14 - Mary Jane Platt, Chair, Joyce Hanson, Karen Knutsen, Esther Olson, Louise Carlson, Donna Brastad, Audrey Anderson, Amanda Bauman, Eva Bryan, Myrtle Grette, Phyllis Gulde, Marie Windhorst, Doris Peterson; Precinct No. 15 -.Kay Luikens, Chair, Jean Teasley, Sharon Soderlund, Barbara Courtney, Karen.Vickman, Alice Rice, Carolyn Klus, Merry Krueger, Beth Rosenbloom, Jennifer Schoenzeit, Judith Traub, Sharon Zweig - baum; Precinct No. 16 - Mary McDonald, Chair, Patricia Halvorson, Donna Montgomery, Caroline Scott, Katherine Larson, Lois Awes, Madeleine Dobbelmann, Kathryn . Harrington, Rosemary Kostick, Florence Schnepp, Mary Zotalis, Bonnie Bjerken, Mary Ann Hans, Bernadine Chapman; Precinct No. 17 - Lorna Livingston, Chair, Joyce Koets, Fay Clark, Margaret Delaney, Marie Bachman, Barbara Boyd, Joyce Kahn, Jean McDermid, Joanne Merta, Mary Ryan, Ann Singer, Jerry Wright; Precinct No. 18 - Jean Erdall, Chair, Selma Shelton, Patricia McCormack, Betty Lou Petersen, Doris Blake, Janet Christenson, Phyllis Fuller, Elizabeth Genovese, Nancy Huey, Mildred Pearson, Jo Anne Streed, Betty Doolittle; Precinct No. 19 - Charlotte Scanlon, Chair, Audrey Nankiville, Jean Altman, Luverne Graham, Anne LaBovsky, Linda Smith, Connie Bing, Margaret Bognanno, Alyse Sue Frishberg, Nancy Grobovsky, Alyce Hamilton, Cathee Hare, Jane Hess; Precinct No. 20 - Patricia Olander, Chair, Anita Delegrad, Evelyn Herkal, Harriet Koch, Barbara Raap, Diane Ebert, Judith Larson, Bettye McClain, Mary Vanek, Amy Woods. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. CANVASSERS APPOINTED FOR GENERAL /CITY ELECTION. As recommended by the City Clerk, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby appoints _the following as Canvassers for the General /City Election to be conducted on November 4, 1986: Ernest Buffington, Harold Habighorst, Glenn Harmon, Richard Herkal, Virgil Johnson, Rolland Lundberg, Harry Melin, Sam Mobley, Howard Norback, Chet Ornat, Willard Ott, Ralph Peters and Al Woods; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to make any substitutions or additions as may be necessary. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. . Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. QUIT CLAIM -DEED AUTHORIZED CONVEYING PARCEL ON WEST 50TH STREET FROM CITY TO HENNEPIN COUNTY LIBRARY. Engineer Hoffman explained that in connection with the West 50th Street Improvement five small parcels were involved adjacent to the Hennepin County Library property located east of City Hall. Four of those parcels were conveyed to the City and one parcel is to be conveyed to Hennepin County. Motion of Member Richards was seconded by Member Kelly for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Clerk to execute on behalf of the City a Quit Claim Deed conveying the following described property to Hennepin County: That part of West 50th Street being in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 28, Range 24, descr =bed as follovs: Commencing at the point of intersection of the easterly line of Tract D, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 212,, Files of the Registrar of Titles, County of Hennepin and the northerly right -of -way line of Eden Avenue; thence on an assumed bearing of South 68 degrees 14 minutes 51 seconds West along 9/15/86 said northerly right -of -way line, a distance of 87.30 feet; thence North 1 degree 01 minutes 08 seconds East, a distance of 255.05 feet to a point in the Southerly right -of -way line of West 50th Street, said point being the point of beginning.of. the tract of land to be described; thence continuing North 1 degree 01 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 3.73 feet; thence Easterly, a distance of 159:56 feet along a non - tangential curve concave to the north, having a radius of 1957.50 feet, a chord of 159.52 feet and a chord bearing of South 79 degrees 40 minutes 38 seconds East to the southerly right -of -way line of West 50th Street; thence Westerly, a distance of 159.00 feet along said right -of -way line to the point of beginning. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. 1987 BUDGET HEARINGS CONCLUDED; 1987 CITY BUDGET OF $11,201,791 ADOPTED. The hearings on the - proposed 1987 Budget were continued from the Special Meeting of September 12,'1986. Manager Rosland advised that 5 -6% increase in license fees for restaurants, vending machines and pools is recommended. He also explained the transfer of one fulltime person from the Assessing department to Inspections, noting that a retirement is anticipated in Inspections. The Council Members then individually presented their viewpoints on the proposed 1987 Budget, indi- cating support or non - support for specific programs and line items. Collective support or non - support for each item was then decided by motion and majority vote. A discusion was held on the Park & Recreation Field Maintenance budget of $67,951 and it was agreed that it should be cut by one -half and that the Park Board should be advised of this action by the Council to which they could then respond. The intent is that either field maintenance will be reduced by one -half or user fees for the fields could be increased to make up that amount. Following considerable discussion of a number of line items in the proposed budget, Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 1987, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1987 PAYABLE IN 1987 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Budget for the City of Edina for the calendar year 1987 is .hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth, and funds are hereby appropriated therefore: GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 56,420 Planning 158,655 Administration 400,110 Finance 235,699 Election 24,864 Assessing 254,154 Legal and Court Services 280,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT - $1,409,902 PUBLIC WORKS Administration $ 95,267 Engineering 359,961 Highways 2,430,923 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 2,886,151 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police $2,797,568 Fire 1,684,034 Civilian Defense 22,902 Animal Control 52,799 Public Health 239,898 Inspection 219,437 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 5,016,638 PARK DEPARTMENT Administration 490,158 Recreation 103,175 Maintenance 812,040 TOTAL PARK DEPARTMENT 1,405,373 9/15/86 NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Contingencies Special Assessments on City Property Capital Plan Appropriation Commissions and Special Projects TOTAL NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL GENERAL FUND 80,000 75,000 105,000 223,727 483,727 $11,201,791 Section 2. Estimated receipts other than General Tax Levy are hereby established as hereinafter set forth: GENERAL FUND Transfer - Revenue Sharing Fund Licenses and Permits Municipal Court'Fines Department Service Charges Other Transfer from Liquor Fund' State Apportionments - .Sales Tax Income on Investments Aids - Other Agencies Police Aid TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 225,000 457,000 420,000 619,209 136,400 400,000 550,416 65,000 173,800 110,000 $3,156,825 Section 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: FOR GENERAL FUND $8,044.966 Motion for adoption of the budget resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Turner, Courtney Nays: Bredesen, Richards Resolution adopted. Member Kelly then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION RATES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby establish the following salary schedule for fulltime personnel for 1987: 5.10 Step 3 4.75 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Management III $44,772 $48,698 $52,624 $55,978 Management II 34,488 36,400 39,312 41,808 Management I 28,184 30,654 33,124 35,230 Technical Management 25,714 27,950 30,212 32,136 Technical IV 22,698 24,726 26,676 28,418 Technical III 20,592 22,386 24,180 25,740 Technical II 20,202 21,944 23,712 25,220 Technical I 18,044 19,656 21,242 22,568 General III 16,900 18,382 19,838 21,138 General II 15,704 17,030 18,434 19,604 General I 13,962 15,158 16,380 17,446 Public Safety: PS Management III 37,986 41,288 .44,616 47,450 PS Management II 35,516 38,636 41,730 44,408 PS Management I 32,292 35,100 37,986 40,378 PS General II 19,734 21,476 23,192 24,700 PS General I 15,704 17,030 18,434 19,604 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Edina does hereby establish the following compensation schedule for part -time personnel: vim„- n,,,,,,a Level A Level B Step 1 $4.20 $4.60 Step 2 4.55 5.10 Step 3 4.75 5.45 Step 4 5.05 5.60 Step 5 5.40 5.70 Managerial 6.45 Seasonal Level 1 3.50 3.75 3.90 Level 2 3.65 3.95 -4.15 9/15/86 Level 3 4.10 4.40 4.55 Level 4 4.40 4.65 4.80 Level 5 4.55 - 5.80 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Turner, Courtney Nays: Bredesen, Richards CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Turner for payment of the'following claims as per pre -list of 9/15/86: General Fund $693,469.47, Art Center $833.93, Swimming Pool Fund $182.00, Golf Course Fund $3,741.37, Recreation Center Fund $5,607.08, Edinborough Park $17.72, Utility Fund $368.28, Liquor Dispensary Fund $81,516.98, Construction Fund $546,592.64, Total $1,332,329.47; and for confirmation of payment.of the following claims dated 8.31/86: General Fund $772,687.47, Art Center $245.53, Swimming Pool Fund $1,279.90, Golf Course Fund $10,206.09, Recreation Center Fund $410.01, Gun Range Fund $112.12, Utility Fund $769.65, Liquor Dispensary Fund $281,526.24, Total $1,067,237.01. There being no further business on the agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. ty Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL OCTOBER 6, 1986 6:30 P.M. The Edina City Council held a closed meeting on October 6, 1986, at 6:30 p.m. regarding potential litigation. Present were Members Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner and Mayor Courtney. Also present was Manager Rosland, Craig Larsen, Attorney Erickson and Marcella Daehn, City Clerk. Manager Rosland.said the meeting was called to: l) advise the Council of an inquiry regarding an adult bookstore, and 2) discuss potential litigation regarding the Hansen rezoning request. Attorney Erickson explained the City's legal position with regard to the two matters. No other business was discussed by the Council. The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m. City Clerk �a MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL OCTOBER 6, 1986 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner and Mayor Courtney. EDINA MASONIC LODGE PRESENTS $1,500 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY. Scott Whipple presented a check in the amount of $1,500 to the City from the Edina Masonic Lodge for use by the Fire Department for the acquisition of life saving equipment for the Edina Rescue Squad, stating that this money came from the proceeds of their annual flapjack festival. The following resolution was unanimously adopted by the Council and read by Mayor Courtney: RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, for the past nine years, the Edina Masonic Lodge has donated money to the Edina Fire Department for its rescue equipment; and WHEREAS, this money has been earned by members of the Lodge from their efforts in putting on an annual Edina Flapjack Festival; and WHEREAS, a check in the amount of $1,500 has been generously given to the Edina Fire Department for purchase of rescue equipment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that most sincere appreciation be expressed to all members of the Edina Masonic Lodge for its interest in the well -being of all Edina residents through this generous contribution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be entered into the pages of the. Minutes Book of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy be presented to the EDINA MASONIC LODGE as a token of gratitute of the Edina City Council. ADOPTED this 6th day of October, 1986. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of August 4, 1986, were approved by motion of Member Bredesen, seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED. Manager Rosland stated that in accordance with Council's decision last spring a consent agenda has been prepared and will be included as part of subsequent. agendas. There will be no separate discussion of Consent Agenda items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Motion was made by Member Kelly, seconded by Member Bredesen to adopt the consent agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING CONCLUDED ON ASSESSMENT FOR SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S -33 (WEST 492 STREET). Manager Rosland presented a revised analysis of assessment for.Sidewalk Improvement No. 5 -33 showing total construction cost of $9,412.70 with a 25% deduction of $2,353.18 for a net cost of $7,050.52 proposed to be assessed against one assessable lot, against estimated assessment of $5,630.58 per lot. Engineer Hoffman said that at the Council meeting of September 15, 1986 he had asked that this assessment be continued to this meeting. He explained that Oswald Peterson, owner of the lot to be assessed, had suggested that staff. should consider a portion of the construction cost as an area improvement as opposed to an individual improvement. Staff has re- analyzed the improvement and now proposes that 25% of the cost ($2,353.18) should be allocated to the 50th and France Business District as an area improvement which will be assessed to the District in 1987 as an addition to the annual maintenance assessment. In response to questions of the Council, Mr. Hoffman said the 50th and France Business District will be notified of the additional cost next year prior to the special assessment hearings at which time any objection.could be voiced. He added that he felt the assessment.of $7,050.52 as now proposed would be considered reasonable by Mr. Peterson. No further comment being heard, Member - Turner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LEVIED ON ACCOUNT OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City has given notice of hearing as required by law on the proposed assessment rolls for the improvement hereinafter referred to, and at such hearing held on September 15, 1986 and continued to October 6, 1986, has considered all oral and written objections presented against the levy of such assessment. 2. Each of the assessments as set forth in the assessment rolls on file in the office of the City Clerk for the following improvement: Sidewalk Improvement No. S -33 10/6/86 does not exceed the local benefits conferred by said improvement upon the lot, tract or parcel of land so assessed, and said assessment is hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper assessment on account of said improvement to be spread against the benefited lot, tract or parcel of land described therein. 3. The assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments, the first of said installments, together with interest at a rate of 8.9% per annum on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1987, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1978. To each subsequent installment shall be added interest at the above rate for one year on all then unpaid installments. The number of such annual installments shall be as follows: Name of Improvement Number of Installments SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -33 10 years 4. The City Clerk shall forthwith prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a copy of this resolution and a certified duplicate of said assessments with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended on the tax lists of the County in accordance with this resolution. 5. The City Clerk shall also mail notice of any special assessment which may be payable by a county, by a political subdivision, or by the owner of any right -of -way as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, Subdivision 4, and if any such assessment is not.paid in a single installment, the City Treasurer shall arrange for collection thereof in installments, as set forth in said Section. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. n. PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING CHANGE R -1 TO PRD -2 (ROBERT HANSEN) CONTINUED TO 10/20/86. As recommended by staff, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Turner to continue the public hearing on the Zoning Change from R -1 to PRD -2 District for.Robert Hansen to the meeting of October 20, 1986. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING MATTER. Motion was made -by Member..Kelly, seconded by Member Bredesen setting October 20, 1986 as hearing date for Preliminary Plat Approval for the Carroll Addition. Motion carried on rollcall: vote, five ayes._. *PUBLIC HEARING ON EASEMENT VACATION FOR GRANDVIEW PLATEAU CONTINUED TO 10/20/86. Motion was made by Member Kelly, seconded by Member Bredesen to continue the public hearing on the easement vacation for Grandview Plateau to October 20, 1986. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NOS. 731 -A7. 1101 -All. 1111 -AlO AND 171 -A25 CONTINUED TO 10/20/86. Manager Rosland recommended that First Reading of Ordinance Nos. 731 -A7, 1101 -All, 1111 -AlO and 171 -A25 be continued to the meeting of October 20, 1986 for further review by staff. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Bredesen to continue First Reading of the Ordinances to October 20, 1986. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. CONCERN OF RESIDENT REGARDING INTESECTION OF TRACY /WARDEN HEARD. David Higgins, 5700 Warden Avenue, told the Council that it is very difficult and dangerous to enter Tracy Avenue from Warden Avenue because the crest of the hill on Tracy creates a "blind spot" for vehicles attempting to enter Tracy. He said that speed on Tracy Avenue was also a concern and that families with small children could not allow them to play out in their yards. Mr. Higgins was informed that the matter would be referred to the Traffic Safety Committee for their recom- mendation and that he would be notified of the meeting. *BID AWARDED FOR RELOCATION OF OVERHEAD CRANE /PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING. Motion was made by Member Kelly, seconded by Member Bredesen, to award bid for reloca- tion of the overhead crane in the Public Works Building to recommended low bidder, Retterath Rigging, at $5,350.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. SHHSC JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT REVISION APPROVED. Member Turner explained that the essence of the revision of the Joint Powers Agreement with South Hennepin Human Services Council(SHHSC) is that SHHSC must have the approval of the cities before starting a program. In the previous document the only requirement of SHHSC to start a program was to inform the cities of the intent to start the program. The revision also provides that SHHSC transfers control and direction of new programs to another entity within two years. Member Turner said this was 10/6/86 in response to concerns several Council Members had raised regarding starting new programs without approval of the cities. Following discussion, Member Turner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by.-the Edina City Council that it hereby approves the SHHSC Joint and Cooperative Agreement as revised, and authorizes and directs the Mayor and Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. DOG LICENSE RENEWAL NOTICES DISCUSSED. Manager Rosland explained that in response to the Council and the Park Board staff has investigated the possibi- lity of sending out notices regarding dog license renewals and to remind dog owners of their responsibilities regarding leashing and defacating on public and private property: .The City has issued approximately 1,500 dog licenses. The initial license foe is $20 for un- neutered dogs and $7 for neutered, with renewals at $5 for un- neutered and $2 for neutered. It is proposed to add one dollar to the renewal fees to cover the cost of printing and mailing notices. Member Richards said he would not support sending renewal notices as he felt dog owners would not respond and that the problems in the parks regarding dogs should handled by citations to dog owners who are in violation. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Bredesen approving the printing and mailing of dog license renewals which would remind dog owners of their responsibilities. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Turner, Courtney Nays: Richards Motion carried. REPORT DISCUSSED ON ASSISTED RENTAL HOUSING. Manager Rosland stated that in response to Council's request the Planning Department has prepared a report on assisted rental housing in Edina. The City is one of 77 suburban communities which administer the Metro HRA, Section 8 Program which provides.rental assist- ance to low income individuals and families through the issuance of certificates and demonstration vouchers, both of which must be used in private buildings. The report showed applications taken and placed on waiting list, applicants receiving assistance and applicants with assistance establishing residence in Edina for the previous two years and previous nine months. Each week the City receives between 8 and 12 inquires or requests for assisted rental housing. Within the City there are five apartment complexes which provide rental assist- ance: Oak Glen, 72nd and Cahill, South Haven, 3400 Parklawn, Wood Haven, Summit Avenue (under construction) Yorkdale, 7429 York Avenue and Yorktown, 7151 York Av. The City also administers the Urban Hennepin County Rehabilitation Program. Within the past year 7 applications were received, 4 were funded for a total of $20,196 with roofing, plumbing and electrical repairs as the principal items. Statistics for the H.O.M.E. program for 1985 were also reported. The Council briefly discussed the information presented. No action was taken. MINNEHAHA CREEK STATUS REPORT GIVEN. Engineer Hoffman said he had attended the Minnehaha Creek Watershed Board meeting last month and had expressed to them that the residents in Edina who have had continual flooding problems would like to see some solution. Staff will do some detailed surveying and provide engin- eering data to them and their engineers who will work with us. He indicated Mrs. Francis is aware of this and she has reiterated her position that some- thing be worked out with the Board before year end. Mr. Hoffman said the Board is reluctant to do anything that would be precedent setting in terms of the whole creek area but that he felt the Board will develop a policy that will be of benefit to Edina residents abutting the creek. Member Kelly asked about the engineering report on the dike.located in Meadowbrook Golf Course. Mr. Hoffman said the report has not been submitted to us, that ligitation is occuring and that may be the reason the Minneapolis Park Board has not made the report available. Member Kelly said the water is high again. Mr. Hoffman said his staff was aware of this but that he felt the Minneapolis Park Board was not interested in being cooperative regarding this. No action was taken. CONNECTION CHARGES LEVIED FOR SANITARY SEWER HC -10 (6428 MALONEY AVENUE). Manager Rosland advised that in October, 1985, Richard Myklebust, 6528 Maloney Avenue, had petitioned the Council to take bids and install sanitary sewer to his home asking that the cost be assessed against his property. Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Kelly for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby authorize the assess- ment of the connection charge for House Connection No. HC -10 in the amount of 10/6/86 $5,100.00 to be levied against that part of the South 198 feet lying :East of the West 141 feet except street, Block 16, MENDELSSOHN ADDITION (PIN 30 -117- 21-12- 0069), 6528 Maloney Avenue, payable over a period of six (6) years, with the first payment collectible with real estate taxes payable in 1987, and with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 7.5% per annum. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. Mr. Rosland explained that the sewer connection charge of $768.00 is unpaid and recommended that this also be levied against the property. Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Kelly for adoption of the following resolution: RF.gnT.TTTT0N BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby authorize the assess- ment of the connection charge for Sanitary Sewer No. 69 in the amount of $768.00 to be levied against that part of the South 198 feet lying East of the West _141 feet except street, Block 16, MENDELSSOHN ADDITION (PIN 30 -117- 21-12- 0069), 6528 Maloney Avenue, payable over a period of six (6) years, the first payment collectible with real estate taxes payable in 1987, and with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 7.5% per annum. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly,. Richards, Turner, .Courtney Resolution adopted. 1987 FEES AND CHARGES FOR PARK & RECREATION CONTINUED TO 10/20/86. As recom- mended by staff, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Kelly to continue the proposed 1987 Fees and Charges for the Park & Recreation Depart- ment to the meeting of October 20, 1986. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried... *HEARING DATE SET FOR VACATION OF DRAINAGE /UTILITY EASEMENT FOR LOT 4, BLOCK 2, OAK RIDGE OF EDINA. Motion was made by Member Kelly, seconded by Member Bredesen.for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that the following described easement for drainage and utility purposes should be considered for vacation, in accord- ance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 412.851 and 160.29: That portion of the 7.5 foot Drainage and Utility Easement across the easterly portion of Lot 4, Block 2, OAK RIDGE OF EDINA, described_ as follows: Commencing at the.most southerly corner of said Lot 4; thence on an assumed bearing of North 3 degrees 09 minutes 08 seconds East along the easterly line of said Lot 4, a distance of 76 feet; thence North 86 degrees 50 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 5.50 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence .North 86 degrees 50 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 2.00 feet; thence North 3 degrees 09 minutes 08 seconds East, parallel with the easterly line of said Lot 4, a distance of 7.00 feet; thence South 86 degrees 50 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance of 2.00 feet;. thence South 3 degrees 09 minutes 08 seconds West, a distance of 7.00 feet to the point of beginning. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice included in paragraph 3 hereof for the purpose of holding a public hearing on whether such vacation shall be made in the interest of the public. 3. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said hearing to be published once a week for two weeks, in the Edina Sun, being the official newspaper of the City, the first publication at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing and to post such notice, at least 14 days. prior to the date of such hearing, in at least three (3) public and conspicuous places within the City, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Such notice shall be in substantially the following form: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PURPOSES IN.THE CITY OF EDINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 10/6/86 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, will meet at the Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street on November 3, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposed vacation of the following easement for drainage and utility purposes: (Legal description as included in paragraph 1. of this resolution) All persons who desire to be heard with respect to the question of whether or not the above proposed easement vacation is in the public interest and should be made shall be heard at said time and place. The Council shall consider the extent to which such proposed easement vacation affects existing easements within the area of the proposed vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such easement area or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or other attend thereto, for the purpose of §pecifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of any such easements, and such authority to maintain, and to enter upon the area of the proposed vacation, shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk Motion carried on rollcall.vote, five ayes. *PETITION FOR SIDEWALK WEST SIDE OF HANSEN ROAD REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPART- MENT. Motion was made by Member Kelly, seconded by Member Bredesen to refer the petition for sidewalk construction on the west side of Hansen Road to the Engineering Department for processing. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. LETTER FROM SHARON MING REGARDING ASSESSMENT FOR SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S -34 NOTED. Member Kelly asked that a response be sent to Sharon Ming, 4110 Sunny - side Road, regarding the special assessment for Sidewalk Improvement No. 5 -34. Mr. Hoffman said he would send a letter in response. EDINA HOMECOMING GAME DISCUSSED. Member Kelly asked for a report regarding the Edina Homecoming Football Game and the scuffle that occurred between Edina and Richfield students following the game. Manager Rosland said he has alerted the Braemar Arena staff to plan very carefully for the high school hockey game between Edina /Richfield this winter to prevent a similar incident, and that he would ask the Police Department to prepare a report. No action was taken. STRATEGIC PLANNING CALENDAR DISCUSSED. Member Turner reported that she has met with Gordon Hughes, Assistant Manager, regarding the Strategic Planning Calendar for 1986. She asked for Council input on the following: 1/12/86 - Special Meeting to consider the City's Mission Statement - Suggestion Barbara Arney be hired as facilitator for the meeting. Motion was made by Member Bredesen, seconded by Member Richards and carried unanimously to hire Barbara Arney as facilitator. Suggestion that the Chairmen of the advisory boards and commissions be invited to participate in that discussion. It was informally agreed that they should be asked to participate. Suggestion that the issues raised by Member Kelly regarding land use be discussed at an upcoming Council meeting so that the discussion could be used in preparing for the January 12th meeting. It was informally agreed that land use be placed on the agenda in the near future and that the members of the Community Development and Planning Commission be invited to attend the meeting for their input. MANAGEMENT AUDIT COMMITTEE RESPONSE TO MANAGER'S COMMENTS REGARDING REPORT DISCUSSED. Member Turner recalled that following the report of the Management Audit Committee last summer, the Manager had been asked to respond to their recommendations. Following the Manager's report on August 18, 1986, the Council had suggested the Committee give their response to the Manager's report. She said in talking to the Chairman of the Management Audit Committee recently he had thought it would be more productive for the committee members to give a mini - evaluation a year after their report to see what progress has been made by management in implementing their recommendations. It was informally agreed to follow the suggestion.of the Chairman and invite committee members back next summer. VACANCIES NOTED IN BOARDS /COMMISSIONS. - Member Turner noted that there are vacancies on the SHHSC, Heritage Preservation Board and the Art Center Board and suggested that the Council conduct interviews prior to the next Council meeting. It was informally agreed to conduct interviews at the next meeting if the agenda was reasonable. Manager Rosland said he would let the Council members know as soon as possible. No action was taken. " . -� r{ .. �. ..V is v. �Y .. ., .. � .�. ♦w. " 10/6/86 METROPOLITIN COUNCIL °C' I i:: is OF SPORTTION /SEWER CHAPTrRS NOTED. In response to the letter from Dottie Rietow, Metropolitan Council, regarding revising the Council's Transportation and Sewer Chapters of the Development Guide, Member Turner suggested that Mrs. Rietow and Allison Fuhr, Rapid Transit Board, be invited to an upcoming Council meeting to report on the proposed revisions., Manager Rosland.said he would contact both of them and invite them to one of the upcoming Council meetings. PROCLAMATIONS APPROVED FOR MAYORS' D -DAY IN WAR ON DRUGS AND MASONIC FAMILY DAY. Mayor Courtney asked for Council approval to issue proclamations for the follow- ing: 1) Mayors' D -Day In The War On Drugs, and 2) Minnesota's Masonic Family Day ". It was informally agreed to approve the issuance of the proclamations. . HENNEPIN COUNTY RECYCLING ORDINANCE DISCUSSED. Manager Rosland advised that Hennepin County will conduct a public hearing on October 15 to consider an ordi- nance mandating municipal recycling. The County's goal will require that 16% of all solid waste must be recycled by 1990. This equates to about 8500 tons annually for Edina. The City presently recycles about 950 tons excluding voluntary leaf composting and recycling of cardboard by businesses. The County anticipates substantial financial participation in a city's recycling effort. The present proposal would provide funding of 50 -80% of municipal recycling costs depending upon the success of the program. The County presently funds 50% of the net cost of our pilot project and drop -off center. Mr. Rosland said staff would attend the hearing and would convey any comments that the Council may have regarding the proposed ordinance. No comments were made. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED CANCELLING LEVY FOR 1987 ON $5,400,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1984. Motion was made by Member Kelly, seconded by Member Bredesen for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION CANCELLING AD VALOREM TAXES COLLECTIBLE WITH 1987 GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES LEVIED FOR $5,400,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1984 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has, by resolution adopted September 10, 1984, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principal and interest of its General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 1984; said ad valorem tax in the amount of $1,156,000 being collectible with and as a part of other general taxes for the year 1987; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, permits the cancellation of said levies providing moneys are on hand for payment of principal and interest for said bond issue; and it has been determined by this Council that the required moneys are on hand for the payment of said principal and interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of.Edina that those ad valorem tax levies made by resolution of this Council adopted September 10, 1984, and collectible with and as a part of other general property taxes in said City for the -year 1987, be and hereby are cancelled; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Auditor of Hennepin County, Minnesota, be authorized and directed to cancel the above described ad valorem tax levies and to delete said levies from taxes to be spread for the year 1987. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED CANCELLING AD VALOREM TAXES COLLECTIBLE WITH 1987 GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES LEVIED FOR $2,200,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION.REDEVELOPMENT - BONDS. Motion was made by Member Kelly, seconded by Member Bredesen for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION CANCELLING AD VALOREM TAXES COLLECTIBLE WITH 1987 GENERAL.PROPERTY TAXES LEVIED FOR $2,200,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REDEVELOPMENT BONDS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has, by resolution adopted November 3, 1975, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principal and interest of its $2,200,000 General Obligation Redevelopment Bonds; said ad valorem tax in the amount of $309,300 being collectible with and as a part of other general taxes for the year 1987; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, permits the cancellation of said levies providing moneys are on hand for payment of principal and interest for said bond issue; and it has been determined by this Council that the required moneys are on hand for the payment of said principal and interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that those ad valorem tax levies made by resolution of this Council adopted November 3, 1975, and collectible with and as a part of other general property taxes in said City for the year 1987, be and hereby are cancelled; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Auditor of Hennepin County, Minnesota, be authorized and directed to cancel the above described ad valorem tax levies and to delete said levies from taxes to be spread for the year 1987. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. 0. 10/6/86 *CLAIMS PAID. Motion was made by Member Kelly, seconded by Member Bredesen for payment of the-following claims as per pre -list of 10/6/85: General Fund $330,225.06, Art Center $1,499.06, Capital Fund $6,160.00, Swimming Pool Fund $185.35, Golf Course Fund $12,601.99, Recreation Center Fund $4,305.87, Gun Range Fund $40.00;. Edinborough Park $13.50, Utility Fund $206,200.92, Liquor Dispensary Fund $9,110.93, Construction Fund $3,120.60, IMP Bond Redemption Fund $1,680.74, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $3,406.17, Total $578,550.19. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. n City Clerk II.A MXCITY OF 0 801 EDINA WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612 - 927 -8861 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CASCADE LANE BERMING AND LIFT STATION The Edina City Council will on Monday, December 1, 1986 at 7:00 P.M., At the Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, hold a Public Hearing on the necessity and feasibility of constructing a berming project and Lift Station near the street listed above. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties which are considered to be benefited. The estimated cost of this improvement is approximately $15,000.00. It is proposed that this improvement be assessed on a per lot basis. The project is proposed to be funded by special assessment and cooperative funding from the Watershed and City.. This project is being proposed as a result of a petition by property owners to reduce flooding, and meetings with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. The project would be a berm across the properties and a storm sewer lift station behind the berm. Construction of this improvement, if approved, will be accomplished in-. 1986 -1987. Assessments would be levied in 1987 with the initial installment due in 1988. The improvement is proposed to be assessed over a ten year period. The present condition of the Municipal Bond Market makes it difficult to determine the annual rate of interest that will be charged on the unpaid balance, but it will not exceed the maximum allowed by law. The area proposed to be assessed includes Lots 3, 4, & 5, Cascade Falls. Any inquiries, comments and /or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or Engineering Department prior to the Hearing or presented at the Hearing itself. If you desire additional information, please call me at 927 -8861 between 8:00 A.M..and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. Thank you. Francis J. ffman, P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer 11/21/86 FJH:Im L3 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: David A. Velde, City Sanitaria ' SUBJECT: Edina Ordinance No. 171 DATE: November 25, 1986 When the 1987 fees were adopted by the City Council, a new fee category was inadvertently overlooked. The fee category "Catering Food Establishment" adopted in 1986 should have been included in the 1987 fee schedule. The attached ordinance amendment will increase the Catering Food Establishment fee and include this license category in the two fee classification for certified and non - certified food establishments. IV.A.1. ORDINANCE NO. 171 -A26 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 171 TO INCREASE THE FEE FOR CATERING FOOD ESTABLISHMENT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. The amount of the following described Fee Number of Schedule A to Ordinance No. 171 is hereby amended to read as follows: ORD. SEC. NO. NO. PURPOSE OF FEE /CHARGE AMOUNT FEE NO. 731 5 Catering Food Establishment $305.00 per annum ($255 if 25a4 certified pursuant to Ord. 731 -A7), plus $75.00 per annum for each additional facility Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: ATTEST: City Clerk 30 -G -27 Mayor c IV. B. 1 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig Larsen, City Planner SUBJECT: Sign Ordinance Amendment for Mixed Development Districts DATE: November 25, 1986 You will recall the Council granted First Reading to the attached Ordinance at its last meeting. At its meeting members asked for a comparison of signage proposed for the Mixed Development District with other zoning districts and asked that we attempt to notify other interested parties of the hearing. I have attached a chart comparing allowed signage in various districts for Council review. Also, following the Council meeting I talked to the Sun reporter about a story on the Ordinance. An article was published in the November 26, 1986 issue of the Sun - Current. ORDINAIINCE I'M. 451 -A5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 451 ADDING REGULA^1IONS FOR THE ' °IIXFD Di?VELODL.M; ]T DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF rDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 5 of Ordinance _�o. 451 is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph: (h) "fixed Development District: (1) Area Identification Signs: (a) ":D -3 and ?1D -4 Districts: One sign not to exceed 50 square feet in area. (b) SID -5 District: One sign -per development not to exceed 70 square feet in area. For developments with more than one street frontage, one additional sign per street frontage provided each additional permitted sign does not exceed 40 square feet in area. (c) Area identification signs shall be of uniform design and materials. (2) Intra Area Directories: One per rrajor entry, riot to exceed 10 square feet. (3) 'Multi -fair ily residential corro_ lex containing ].0 or rrore dwelling units: one freestanding sign per corrplex riot to exceed 24 square feet in area. Individual buildings:- One wall rrounted identification sign not to exceed 6 square feet. (4) Office Buildings: One sign per building, not to exceed 50 square feet in area. Where such building is located on a corner lot, one sign rray be located on each street frontage provided the first does not exceed 50 square feet and other permitted signs do not exceed 36 square feet. (5) Public Institutional. or Recreational use: One sign per street frontage, not to exceed 24 square feet in area. (6) Accessory Retail Signs: One identification wall sign per accessory use attached to the facing of the building at the ground floor level. is permitted. - "he area of such sign shall not exceed 15% of the ground floor wall facing. All. signs shall be individual letters of unifor;r size, design, and materials. (7) Free standing signs shall be placed no closer than 10 feet to any street right -of -way, tlaxiaua height of freestanding signs: Twelve feet. (8) Teaporary signs: Refer to Section 3. (9) Traffic Directional Signs: Refer to Section 3. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Mixed Development Districts PC -3 Office MD -3,4 MD -5 Regional Regional Industrial under 5 + Commercial Medical 5 acres acres Area Identification One One per street frontage. One per Development. 100 One per One per Allowed Size 50 square feet 70 square feet square feet plus one freestanding sign per Development. 5a square feet. Development 80 square feet. for first. 40 building per street square feet for frontage. 100 square all others. feet for first. 50 square feet for all others. Uffice uildings One per street frontage. 50 One per street square feet for first. frontage. 36 square feet for all 50 square feet q others. --- -- -- for first. - "-"-"" 36 square feet for all others. ulti- Family ,sidential :omplex One per Complex 10 +Units) 1 24 square feet ccessory One per use. -tail 15% of first floor - --""-- wall area. Residential Developments Plus parks Churches, etc One per street frontage. 24 square feet each. - - - - -- I One per Complex. 24 square feet REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: November 24, 1986 VI.B Consent Agenda Material Description (General Specifications): Gas Metering Replacement System System replaces manual ticket method with hook -up to Public Works Computer system - Funded from Capital Plan. Quotations /Bids: Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Petroleum Equipment Service $ 5,300.00 2. Westside Equipment $ 9,842.00 Z. Pump & Meter Service, Inc. $ 12,063.00 Department Recommendation: Petroleum Equipment Service $ 5,300.00 Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid (S? is not wt�i -3 _ op Signat re Department within the amount budget for the purchase. John Wallin, Finance Director City M ager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: Kenneth R s nd, City M ager ,~ MEMORANDUM VII.A. TO: KEN ROSLAND, CITY MANAGER FROM: MARCELLA DAEHN, CITY CLERK 1Y1 SUBJECT: OPTECH III -P VOTING SYSTEM DATE: NOVEMBER 26, 1986 Background In January, 1985, Hennepin County, at the suggestion of the Elections and Voter Registration Coordinating Committee, established the Voting Equipment Task Force to assess the feasibility of initiating a uniform voting system for the County. As you are aware, I have served as a member of the Task Force. Under current state law, municipalities have the authority and responsibility for selection and utilization of voting equipment and the County has the res- ponsibility for preparing and printing the materials needed for statewide and county elections. The result has been a variety of voting systems in the County with increasing costs for providing support to these systems. The aging of municipal voting equipment and the impressive potentials of technologies now available for use in conducting elections has generated interest at both the municipal and county level. For the past year and a half the Task Force has examined the present systems, identified alternatives, assessed potential savings of changing to a new system and examined various approaches to address its goal of establishing a uniform, accurate and timely voting system in Hennepin County. Findings After reviewing the potential of the various technologies now available for conducting elections and developing criteria against which to assess the extent to which these options meet state, county and municipal requirements, it was unanimously agreed that optical scan equipment was the most viable in terms of its physical, voting and processing capabilities. Sixty -five criteria were developed and used to assess the merits of the various optical scan systems. Cost and potential savings were important factors in determining the feasibility of making this investment. Recommendation Upon completion of the evaluation the Task Force unhestitatingly recommended the OPTECH III -P voting equipment manufactured by Business Records Corporation. The equipment was used by Brooklyn Park in the primary and general elections this year as part of the certifying process mandated by the state: The equipment has also been subjected to environmental testing and has met or exceeded the standards drafted by the Federal Election Commission and the applicable sections of Minnesota Election Laws. The state will make its decision as to certification of the equipment on December 18, 1986. In anticipation of state certification, Hennepin County has included in their 1987 budget approximately $250,000 to purchase the equipment necessary to support this system. Ten municipalities in the County have submitted purchase orders and several are pending. ,.i Memorandum November 26, 1986 Page 2 Application for the City of Edina The City now owns 112 Automatic Voting Machines (AVMs) and in preparation for the elections held recently nine machines were inoperable, seven of which need major repair. AVMs have not been manufactured for several years.and the ability to continue to obtain parts is uncertain. Therefore, I do not believe it would be cost effective to continue to attempt to maintain this type of voting equipment. Also, you will recall that for the 1984 Presidential Election the AVMs did not have enough ballot capacity and it was necessary to conduct the election using a paper ballot for the county judicial offices. We could possibly have the same problem for the next presidential election. If the City approves acquisition of the optical scan voting expected that the greatest cost savings will be in storage, in preparing the machines and hours worked by election judg will also count votes cast by absentee ballots. Presently, must be counted by the election judges. In November, 1984, absentee ballots cast. Recommendation for the City of Edina system, it is drayage, hours as. This system all absentee ballots there were 2,826 I would recommend that the Council consider the purchase of and authorize the use of the optical scan voting system. This would require purchase from Business Records Corporation of 23 OPTECH III -P units and approximately 176 voting booths, plus needed ancillary equipment for a total expenditure of not more than $143,000, subject to prior certification of this equipment by the State of Minnesota. The City's Capital Plan shows $50,000 for 1986 and $84,000 for 1987 for voting machines. If approved, it would require an additional Capital Plan expense of $9,000 in 1988. Current price of the OPTECH III -P unit is $4,800 per unit and $181.00 per booth. However, because of the volume purchase by municipalities in the County, together with the City of St. Paul, a price reduction to $4,176 per unit and $163.00 per booth is anticipated if ordered 'before December 31, 1986. Delivery would be requested in;time for the 1988 elections and payment would not be made until the equipment is delivered. ACTION RECOMMENDED Authorization of the use of the optical scan voting system and purchase from Business Records Corporation of 23 OPTECH III -P units and approximately 176 voting booths, plus needed ancillary equipment for a total expenditure of not more than $143,000. f� I' VII. B. M E M O R A N D U M TO: Ken Rosland FROM: Gordon Hughes SUBJECT: HEDBERG PROPERTY ACQUISITION DATE: November 26, 1986 We have updated our cash flow analysis for the Southeast Edina Tax Increment Financing District in light of the possible acquisition of the Hedberg property. This analysis contains the following basic assumptions: * Completion of the entire Edinborough project except Phase 2 Office * A three percent annual growth in the assessed value of all properties in the district * An interest rate of six percent on invested HRA funds Arriving at a value for the Hedberg property will, of course, require additional work. For purpose of this analysis, we assumed that the Hedberg property and the Edinborough property are equal in value; i.e. about $6.00 per square foot. It can be argued that values-decrease as one moves further from I -494; however, we have not attempted to quantify this now. Our analysis considered first the purchase of the entire 30 acres located in the existing T.I.F. District and second, the purchase of only 15 acres. A bond issue of $9 million is used for the first alternative and $4.5 million for the second. Both alternatives assume an Edinborough type purchase; i.e. the HRA acquires the property and then negotiates a redevelopment agreement with a developer. The cash flow analysis illustrates that without the development of the property, substantial deficits w District's reserve balance with either alternative. is that the resources of the entire T.I.F. District support the Edinborough project for the next six to 1993, excess increments will be available for other attached analyses.) almost immediate ill occur in the The reason for this are required to seven years. After projects. (See Our conclusion, therefore, is that an Edinborough type property acquisition would not be feasible due to the lack of excess tax increments from other developments in the District. As an alternate, the HRA could negotiate November 26, 1986 Ken Rosland Page Two a contract with a developer prior to pursuing acquisition. Such a contract could perhaps reduce the HRA's exposure caused by holding the land. Or, the HRA could attempt to negotiate an option with Hedbergs in order to gain control of the property during contract negotiations in order to lessen the burden of actual ownership. Advantages /Disadvantages of HRA Ownership In my opinion, ownership of all or part of the Hedberg property presents the following advantages and disadvantages to the HRA: Advantages • The HRA could select a developer of'its choosing. • The HRA could dictate land use more extensively than the Compre- hensive Plan or Zoning Ordinance would otherwise permit. • A more flexible park dedication could be provided. • The HRA could control the schedule of development more closely. • If the HRA acquired all of the Hedberg property, a single, overall master plan could be prepared which should result in better planning. (This is an advantage of having only one owner, whether or not it is the HRA.) Disadvantages • If the HRA expends substantial amounts to purchase the property, a development must proceed relatively rapidly to produce tax increments. The HRA could, therefore, be forced to accept a less than desirable development and /or redeveloper's agreement in order to generate tax increments. • If the HRA acquired only part of the Hedberg property, we would risk having two developers involved with the Hedberg property which may result in poorer planning. • Control of the property will likely result in substantial holding costs. GH /sw Attachment REVENUES START YEAR PAY 86 - REINV. INT RATE 7.00% INTEREST RATE 8.87% i -- INFLATION RATE: ... _ _. ----- - - - - -- OLD ASSMT 3.00Z RESID .00% ELDERLY 3.00% OFFICE 3.00% BASE VALUE 2,598,211 FIRST YEAR COLL - 90.001 - 2NO YEAR COLL IO.00Z MILL RATE 10.00% YEAR YEAR ACCUMULATED LESS DISTRICT MILL TAX TAX TAX ASSESSED RESIDENTIAL ELDERLY OFFICE BASE RATE TAX INCREMENT ASSESSED PAYABLE VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL Z INCREMEN COLLECTED I 1985 1986 11,231,986 11,231,986 (2,598,211) 8,633,175 10.00% 863,378 777,040 1986 1987 11,568,946 60,000 200,000 200,000 12,028,946 (2,598,21:1 9,430,135- 10.00% 943,073 935,104 1987 1988 11,916,014 1,700,000 2,050,000 2,360,000 18,026,014 (2,598,211) 15,427,803 10.00% 1,542,780 1,482,810 1988 1989 12,273,494 4,020,000 2,111,500 2,430,800 20,835,794 (2,598,211) 18,231,583 10.00% 1,823,158 1,795,661 1989 1990 12,641,699 4,690,000 2,174,845 2,503,724 22,010,268 (2,598,211) 19,412,057 - 10.00% 1,941,206- 1,929,461 1990 1991 13,020,950 4,690,000 2,240,090 2,578,836 22,529,876 (29598,211) 19,931,665 10.00% 1,993,167 1,987,970 1991 1992 13,411,579 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 23,065,073 (2.598,211) 20,466,862 10.00% 2,046,686 2,041,334 1992 1993 13,813,926 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 23,467,420 (29598,211) 20,869,209 10.00% 2,086,921 2,082,897 1993 1994 14,228,344 4,690,000 2,301,293 2,656,201 239881,838 (2,598,211) 21,283,627 10.00% 2,128,363 2,124,218 1994 1995 14,655,194 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 24,308,688 (2,598,211) 21,710,477 10.00% 2,171,048 2,166,779 1995 1996 -- 15,094,850 4,690,000 -2.307,293 2,656,201 24,148,344 (2,598,211) 22,150,133- 10.00% 2,215,013 2,210,617 1996 1997 15,547,695 4,690,000 2,307,293 2.656,201 25,201,189 (2,598,211) 22,602,978 10.00% 2,260,298 2,255,769 1997 1998 16,014,126 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 25,667,620 (2,598,211) 23,069,409 10.00% 2,306,941 ;2,302,277 - 1998 1999 16,494,550 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 26,148,044 (2,598,211) 23,549,833 10.00% 2,354,983 2,350,179 1999 2000 16,989,387 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,6569201 26,642,880 (2,598,211) 24,044,669 10.00% 2,404,467 2,399,519 2000 2001 17,499,068 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,6569201 27,152,562 (2,598,211) 24,554,351 10.00% 2,455,435 2,450,338 - 2001 - - 2002 18,024,040 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 27,677,534 (2,598,211) 25,079,323 10.00% 2,507,932 2,502,683 2002 2003 18,564,761 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 28,218,255 (2,598,211) 25,620,044 10.00% 2,562,004 2,556,597 2003 2004 19,121,704 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 28,775,198 (2,598,211) 26,176,987 10.00% 2,617,699 2,612,129 2004 -- 2005 - 19,695,355 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 29,348,849 (2,598,211) 26,750,638 10.00% 2,675,064 2,669,327 2005 2006 20,286,216 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 29,939,710 (2,598,211) 27,341,499 10.00% 2,734,150 2,728,241 2006 2007 20,894,803 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 30,548,296 (2,598,211) 27,950,085 10.00% 2,795,009 2,788,923 - 2007 - - -- -2008 - 21,521,647 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 31,175,141 (2,598,211) 28,576,930 10.00% 2,857,693 2,851,425 - 2008 2009 22,167,296 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 31,820,790 (2,598,211) 29,222,579 10.00% 2,922,258 2,915,801 v 2009 2010 22,832,315 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 32.485,809 (2,598.211) 29,887,598 10.00% 2.988.760 2.982.110 Rr a � TAX PAYABLE IN JULY 48.0f � - TAX PAYABLE IN DEC. - --- 42.0E - .. V _ -- .. -- - - - TAX PAYABLE IN DEC. 10.0% , INT. RATE 6.00S MONTHLY SCHEDULE OF RECEIPTS - EOINBOROUGH TAX -- - - -- YEAR INCREMENT YEAR TAX LAND OTHER BOND INVESTMENT TOTAL .i 'j ASSESSED COLLECTED MONTH ASSESSED INCREMENT SALES INCOME PROCEEDS INCOME RECEIPTS 1985 863,378 12 1985 0 1986 943,073 1 1986 52,641 52.641 I.� 1987 1,542,780 2 - 1986 86,338 - - 52,654 -138,992 - - - - - - - -- - 1988 1,823,758 3 1986 53.099 53,099 1989 1.941,206 4 1986 49,936 49,936 .- --- 1990-- 1.993,167 -- -- 5 - -- 1986 -- - - -- - - - - -- 49.936 - - 49.936 - - -- -- - -- - 1991 2,046,686 6 1986 44,686 44,686 1992 2,086,921 7 1986 414,421 36,840 451.261 1993 2,128,363 8 -- 1986 - - -- 33,596 - 33,596 - -- - - -- 1994 2.171.048 9 1986 28,264 28,264 1995 2.215,013 10 1986 4,000,000 22,086 4,022.086 1996 2.260.298 - - 11 - ... 1986 - -- - ... ....._ . _.. - - 36.696...., - -. 36.696 -- . - -.._. - . i 1997 1998 2,306,941 2.354.983 12 1 1986 362,619 1987 31,380 25,280 393,998 25,280 ( 1999 - 2,404,467 - - -_- - 2 -- 1987 - - 86,338 - - 23.628 109,966-------- -- 2000 2.455,435 3 1987 23,078 23,078 2001 2,507,932 4 1987 9,000.000 0 9,000,000 -- - 2002 - 2.562.004 - -- 5 -- 1987 - -- - - -- -- - - - - 23.924 - -- 23.924 - -- -- ._ j 2003 2,617,699 6 1987 22,943 22,943 2004 2.675.064 7 1987 452,675 19,389 472,064 i 2005 2,734,150 - - - -- 8 - 1987 - ..._ -.. __.._._.._ 19.970 - - -- 19,970---- - --- -- -.. tv 2006 2.795,009 9 1987 18,970 18,970 2007 2.857,693 10 1987 17.256 17,256 �- - 2008 - 2.922,258 - - -- 11- -- 1987 - -- --- ._ ------ ... -... 16,242---- 16.242 — -- 2009 2,988,760 12 1987 396,091 12,073 408.164 56.198,086 1 1988 11,545 11,545 ,i 2 1988 - 94,301 -._.. __ ..._. _ 10.924 --... 105.231 -- - -- -- �" 3 1988 11,450 11,450 `I j l 4 1988 8,548 8,548 - -1988 -- - - - - - -- ...- - - . 8.591 - 8.591 to 6 1988 8,634 8,634 - 7 1988 740.534 5,858 746.392 _... _. 8 1988 _ 8.911 - 8.911 j 9 1988 8,956 8,956 10 1988 8,404 8,404 11- - -- 1988 - -- -- -- - -- -- - - -- 8.446 — 8,446 - - -- 12 1988 647,968 5,088 653,056 1 1989 5,034 5,034 2 1989 154,278 - 4,381 -158,659-------- - --- -- ` 3 1989 5,174 5,174 4 1989 2,354 2.354 - - - -- - - -- 5 - 1989 - - - -- - -- -- — - -- .. -. -- -- -- _.._ ... 2.365 — 2.365 j I 6 7 1989 1989 875.404 2.377 0 2,377. 875,404 8 1989 2,867 ---- -2.867 9 1989 2,882 2.882 10 1989 2.415 2.415 -- -- - - — I1 -- 1989 -- - -- - - -- - -- -- -- 2.421 -. 2.427 - �° 12 1989 765.918 0 x1,65.978 a 1 1990 0 0 .2 1990 182.376 0 -182.376 3 1990 0 0 4 1990 0 0 5 1990 0 0 6 1990 0 0 7 1990 931.779 0 931.779 8 1990 0 9 1990 0 0 10 1990 0 a 11 1990 0 0 12 1990 815,307 0 '15,307 1 1991 0 0 2 1991 194,121 0 194,121 3 1991 0 0 4 1991 0 0 5 1991 0 0 6 0 0 1991 1 956.720 0 956,720 7 199 8 1991 ---0 -------0 9 1991 0 0 10 1991 0 0 11 1991 0 0 12 1991 837.130 0 837,130 1 1992 0 0 2 1992 199.317--- 0 -----199.317 3 1992 0 0 4 1992 0 0 5 1992 0 0 6 1992 0 0 7 1992 982,409 0 982.409 8 1992 -- 0 0 - 9 1992 0 0 10 1992 0 a 11 1992 ---a -- - --o 12 1992 859.608 0 859.608 1 1993 0 0 —2 - -- -1993 -204.669 0 —204.669 I. 3 1993 0 0 4 1993 0 0 5 1993 .--.o -- -- -- ---. 0 6 1993 0 0 7 1993 1,001.722 0 1.001.722 8 -- 1993 - - - - -- 0v"— 9 1993 0 0 10 1993 0 0 11 1993 0 0 12 1993 876.507 0 876.507 aq r -CONVERSION TO YEARLY - - - - -- - - -- 1994 -2, 128 .363 -- - --- ---- - - - - -- 0-- 2:128:363 - -- - - - - -- -- 1995 2,171,048 0 2,171,048 rr 1996 2,215,013 0 2,215,013 ' 1997 2.260.298 -0 2.'60.298 ... -- 1998 2,3069941 0 2.306,941 1r .I 1999 2.354,983 0 2,3549983 - -- - - -- - 2000- 2.404.467- - -- - .. _...,. __.._,..__----- -- - - -0 2. 404, 467---------- _______ j 2001 2,455.435 0 2,455.435 r 2002 2,501,932 0 2.507,932 2003 2.562.004 _ - .._ .. ... 0 2.562.004 2004 2,611,699 0 29617,699 2005 2.675,064 0 2,675,064 - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - 2006 --- 2.734. 150 -- -- .._... -- - ....__......- -- - -- - -- -- 0 2.134,150 -- IMP 2007 2,795,009 0 2,795,009 2008 2.857,693 0 2,857,693 .. ..._..__. . .... ..._..__.._....- .. - 2009 2.922.258. ......... _ - - -0 2.922.258-- ---- --- ------ - 53086971.7 • i. l I . ,I �► e 0 ; I I ' MONTHLY LIST OF EXPENDITURES - EOINBOROUGH OLD BOND r CAPITAL DEBT NEW BOND EXT.BOND SERVICE ANOTHER ANOTHER OTHER TOTAL I.- - - ---. MONTH ------- YEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPEND. SERVICE PR1NC. PRINC. INTEREST-' PRINCPL INTEREST EXPEND OISBURS 4r 12 1985 '.'.------- _- ..- ...-- -- .. 0 1 1986 50,000 0 50.000 2 1986 50,000 - 50,000 r 3 1986 50,000 50.000 4 1986 50,000 635,137 685,737 - - -- 5 ----1986 - 50.000 - - -... - - -- °- 50.000 - -- ._ 4r 6 7 1986 1986 1.100,000 1.100.000 513.863 1.100,000 1,613,863 8 1986 1,100,000 - - - -- 1,100.000- - 9 1986 1,100,000 1.100,000 10 1986 1,100,000 153.912 1,263.912 11 - --1986 - 1.100.000 12 1986 1.100,000 1,100.000 1 1987 1,1009000 5139863 1.613.863 2 - 1987 220.000... 0 135.775 -- - - -- 355.775 4r 3 1981 220.000 2209000 4 1987 8 . 020 613,912 8.633,912 - - - - -- 5 --1987-- 220.000 -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- 220.000 - - - -- - -- - 4tr 6 1987 220,000 220.000 7 1987 220,000 511,863 733,863 8 1987 220,000 135,775 r 9 1987 220,000 2209000 V 10 1987 220.000 141.750 361.750 -- ..._. 11 -- 1987 220.000 - -- - - - - -- -- -220.000 -- -- 12 1987 220.000 0 630,000 850,000 ' 1 1988 513,863 513.863 l 2 -1988 --- -- - -- - - - - - -- - 0 135.775 -- - - - -- - -- - 135.775 - - -- -- -- 3 1988 0 ..I 4 1988 591.750 591.750 ---- - - - -5- -1988 ----------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - - -- - - - - - -0 - -.. _. 6 1988 0 7 1988 513,863 50.000 563,863 8 --- -1988 - - - - -- - 135.775 - ------- - - -- - 135.775 - - -- 9 1988 0 10 1988 119.250 119,250 - — -11 --1988 -- ... -- - -- - .. _ . -- - - -- -- - - - -- — - - -- -- - 0 - -- - -- 12 1988 0 630,000 50,000 680.000 1 1989 150.000 513.863 663,863 - - 2 - -- 1989 - - - -- - -- -- - ... 0 -- 135 .775 -- - - - - - - -- - 135.775- - - - -- ,,� 3 4 1989 1989 569,250 0 569,250 —5--1989 -- - - - - -- - -- -- - O - -- n 6 1989 0 7 1989 508,988 85.000 593,988 - -- -- - 8 — 1989 - -- - - - - 50.000 - 135.775 -- v 9 1989 0 10 1989 96.300 96,300 11- 1989 -- - - - -0 -- - - - ss r Sf 12 1989 150.000 630.000 85.000..'865.000 0 1 1990 150,000 508,988 658,988 - - 2 1990 - - - 0 134.475 - - - - - - - -- -- 134,475 - - - - 3 1990 0 4 1990 546,300 546,300 5 1990 0 6 1990 0 ~ 7 1990 503,925 85,000 588,925 8 - 1990 - - - - - - - - - 50,000 134,475 9 1990 0 r 10 1990 72,900 72,900 11 .. 1990 -- 0 - r 12 1990 150,000 619,500 85,000 854,500 1 1991 150,000 503,925 653,925 - - - -- 2 - -- 1991 - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - -0- 133.125 -- - - - - -- .__.. - - -- 133,125 - - - - - -- -- 3 1991 0 A► 4 1991 522,900 522,900 5 1991 .. - 6 1991 0 r 7 1991 498,600 85,000 583,600 j.' 8 - - -- -1991- - - - - - -- 50,000 - - - -- 133,125------ - - - - -- - 183,125 - - - - - -- (j 9 1991 0 r 10 1991 49,050 49,050 - 11 1991 _. __ ._ _., __..._. _... - 0 - -- _ 4 12 1991 200,000 609.000 85,000 894,000 1 1992 150.000 498,600 648,600 - - - 2---- 1992 -- -- - - -- - - - -- 0 -- -131.725 -- - - - -- - -- - - 131,125 - -- - -- - - - 3 i- 1992 0 4 1992 499,050 499.050 5 - 1992 -- - - .. . - 6 1992 0 I„ 7 1992 493,125 85,000 578,125 - - - -8 -- 1992 - -- - - - -- 100,000 - - 131,725 - - - -- -- - - - -- 231,725 -- - - -- 9 1992 0 10 1992 24,750 24,750 11 - - 1992 12 1992 275,000 595,000 85,000 955,000 1 1993 200.000 493.125 693,125 i ----- - -2 - -- 1993 -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - --0 - 128,825 - - - - - -- -- - -- 128,825 - - - - -- 3 1993 0 4 1993 474,750 474.750 5 1993 - 6 1993 0 7 I . 1993 485,525 85,000 570,525 { - - -- - 8 -1993 -- -- 100,000 - - - -- 128,825- 228,825 - -- -- 9 1993 0 V 10 1993 0 11 - 1993. ...__.. -.. -...__ _ . -- r _ 12 m 1993 325,000 575,750 85,000 985,750 ssl - -- CONVERSION TO YEARLY 0 - 1994 - - 200,000 100,000 1,215,200 375,000 553,000 170,000 2,613,200 - - 1995 400,000 150,000 1,184,900 450,000 526,750 170,000 2,881,650 1996 900,000 150,000 1,122,850 475,000 495,250 170,000 3,313,100 1997 900,000 150,000 1.039,375 500,000 462,000 170,000 3,221,375 1998 900,000 200,000 954,400 550,000 427,000 170,000 3,201,400 1999 900,000 200,000 864.400 575,000 388,500 170,000 3.097,900 - -- - 2000 - - - -- - 900.000 200,000 772,950 650,000 348,250 170,000 3,041.200 - - - r 2001 1,000,000 250,000 676,000 675,000 302,750 170,000 3,073.750 2002 1,000,000 250,000 570,000 700,000 255,500 170,000 2,945,500 2003 1,000,000 250.000 463,500 725,000 206,500 170,000 2,815,000 i► 2004 1,000,000 550,000 356,500 725,000 155,750 170.000 2,957,250 ` 2005 1,050,000 600,000 225,750 750,000 105,000 170,000 2,900,750 - - 2006 - 1,050,000 600,000 89,250 750,000 - 52,500 170,000 2,711.750 - - -- 2007 0 0 170,000 170,000 ` 2008 170,000 170,000 2009 170,000 - 170,000 , r 9,000,000 8,568,000 4000000 i G _.__- ______. -_ I r I • . t '' 'I 4w � i ! RESERVE BALANCE ESTIMATED i" TOTAL TOTAL SURPLUS RESERVE MONTH YEAR RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS (DEFICIT) BALANCE - AW ________________'""--------"'-"'"------------------------------ 12 1985 0 0 0 10,578,250 - -- - - - - - -1 - 1986- - -- 52,641 - 50,000 2,641 2 1986 138,992 50,000 88,992 10,669,884 3 1986 53,099 50,000 3,099 10,672,983 4 1986 49,936 685,737 (635,801) 10,037,182 - -- 5 1986 49,936 50,000 (64) 10,037,118 6 1986 44,686 1,100,000 (1,055,314) 8,981,804 ------ - - - - -- - - - - -- - -7 - -- 1986 - 451,261 1,613,863 (1,162,602) 7,819,202 - - - - -- - - -- 8 1986 33,596 1,100,000 (1,066,404) 6,752,798 to 9 1986 28,264 1,100,000 (1,071,736) 5,681,062 10 1986 4,022,086 1,263,912 2,758,174 8,439,236 - - - - - 11 1986 36,696 1,100,000 (1,063,304) 7,375,932 12 1986 393,998 1,100,000 (706,002) 6,669,930 -- 1 1987 - -- 25,280 - 1,613,863 (1,588,583) 5,081,347 2 1987 109,966 355,775 (245,809) 4,835,538 3 1987 23,078 220,000 (196,922) 4,638,616 4 1987 9,000,000 - 8,633,912 366,088 5,004,704 - - 5 1987 23,924 220,000 (196,076) 4,808,627 6 1987 22,943 220,000 (197,057) 4,611,570 -------- - - -- - -- - -- 7 - 1987 472,064 ._......733,863 (261.799) 4, 349 ,711- - -- - - - - -- -- - -- �.. 8 1987 19,970 355,775 (335,805) 4,013,966 !'I 9 1987 18.970 220,000 (201,030) 3,812,936 - 10 1987 17,256 361,750 (344,494) 3,468,442 - 11 1987 16,242 220,000 (203.758) 3,264,684 12 1987 408,164 850,000 (441,836) 2.822.848 - -1 - 1988 -- 11,545 - -- 513,863 (502,318) 2,320,530 - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- 2 1988 105,231 135,775 (30,544) 2.289,986 3 1988 11.450 0 11,450 2.301,436 .. 4 1988 8,548 - 591,750 (583,202) 1.718,234 - - - - - 5 1988 8.591 0 8,591 1,726,826 ` I 6 1988 8,634 0 8,634 1,735,460 -- ----- ------ - - - - -7 - -1988 -- 746,392 - 563,863 182,529 1,917,989 - - - - - -- 8 1988 8,911 135,775 (126,864) 1,791,125 ` 9 1988 8,956 0 8,956 1.800,081 10 - 1988 8,404 119,250 (110,846) 1,689,235 - - - - - -- - - 11 1988 8,446 0 8.446 1.697,681 12 1988 653,056 680,000 (26.944) 1,670,737 - -- - - - -1 - 1989- 5, 034 -- 663,863 - - (658,829) - 1,011.909 2 1989 158,659 135.775 22,884 1,034,792 to 3 1989 5,174 0 5,174 1.039,966 _ - - - - - -_ ... -. -- -- -- 4 1989 - 2.354 - - 569.250 (566.896) 473.070 5 1989 2,365 0 2,365 475,435 6 1989 2,377 0 2,377 477,812 L,, 7 -- 1989 -- 875,404- 593,988 - - -- 281,416 -- -159,228 -- - 8 1989 2,867 185,775 1182,908) 576,320 9 1989 2,882 0 2.882 579,202 - - -- ---- - - - - -- - - -- - 10 -- 1989 - -- 2.415 - - - -- 96.300 - (93.885) - 485.316 -- - - - -- - - - --- - - 11 1989 2,427 0 2,427 487,743 12 1989 765,978 865.000 (99.022) 388,721 ft 4 _ 1 1990 0 658,988 (658.988) (270.267) 2 1990 182,376 134,475 47.901 (222,366) 3 1990 0 0 0 (222.366) 4 1990 0 546.300 (546.300) (768.666) 5 1990 0 0 0 (768.666) 6 1990 0 - 0 0 (768.666) 7 1990 931,779 588.925 342,854 (425,812) 8 1990 0 184,475 (184,475) (610,287) 9 1990 0 0 0 (610,287) 10 1990 0 72,900 (72.900) (683.187) I1 1990 0 0 0 (683,187) 12 1990 815,307 854,500 (39,193) (722.380) 1 1991 0 653.925 (653,925) (1,376.305) 2 1991 194,121 133.125 60.996 (1,315,310) 3 1991 0 0 0 (1.315.310) 4 199, 1 522,900 (522.900) (1,838,210) 5 1991 0 0 0 (1,838,210) 6 1991 0 0 0 (1.838,210) 7 1991 956,720 583,600 373,120 (1.465.090) #401 1 8 1991 0 183.125 (183,125) (1.648,215) 9 1991 0 0 0 (1.648,215) 10 1991 0 49.050 (49.050) (1.697.265) A 11 1991 0 0 0 (1.697.265) L 12 1991 837.13 0 894,00 0 (56.870) (1,754,134) 1 1992 0 648,600 (648.600) (2.402,734) %0 2 1992 199.317 131.725 67,592 (2,335,143) 3 1992 0 0 0 (2,335.143) 4 1992 0 499,050 (499.050) (2,834,193) 5 1992 0 0 0 (2.834.193) 6 1992 0 -- 0 0 (2.834.193) 7 2 ll::2 982,409 578,125 404.284 (2.429.908) 8 0 231:725 (231,725) (2.661,633) 9 1992 - - 0 0 0 (2.661,633) 10 1992 0 24,750 (24.750) (2.686,383) 11 1992 0 0 0 (2.686.383) 12 19:2 859,608 955,000 (95.392) (2.781.775) 1 1993 0 693.125 (693.125) (3,474,900) 2 1993 204,669 128.825 75,844 (3.399,057) 3 1993 - - 0 0 0 (3,399.057) 4 1993 0 474.750 (474.750) (3.873,807) 5 1993 0 0 0 (3.873.807) 6-- 1993 0 0 0 (3.873,807) 7 1993 1,001,722 570.525 431,197 (3,442,610) 8 1993 0 228,825 (228,825) (3.671,435) -- ---- 9 -- 1993 -- -- 0 - 0 0 (3,671.435) 10 1993 0 0 0 (3,671.435) 11 1993 0 0 0 (3.671.435) ---1993---- 876 .507 985,750 (109,243) -(3,780.678) CONVERSION TO YEAR 0 0 ` 1994 2,128,363 2,613,200 (484,837) (4,265,515) - 1995 2,171,048 2,881,650 (710,602) (4,976,117) " 1996 2,215,013 3,313,100 (1,098,087) (6,074,204) V 1997 2,260,298 3,221,375 (961,077) (7,035,281) - - -- - -- 1998-- -2,306,941 - 3,201,400 (894,459) (7,929,740) - -- -- - -' -" - - 1999 2,354,983 3,097,900 (742,917) (8,672,657) 2000 2,404,467 3,041,200 (636,733) (9,309,390) - - - - - -- 2001 2,455,435 3,073,750 (618,315) (9,921,705) 2002 2,507,932 2,945,500 (437,568)(10,365,273) ` 2003 2,562,004 2,815,000 (252,996)(10,618,269) - - - -- - - - - -- 2004 2,617,699 2,957,250 - (339,551)(10,957,820) -- - - -- -- - " 2005 2,675,064 2,900,750 (225,686)(11,183,506) ` 2006 2,734,150 2,711,750 22,400 (11,161,106) - --- - - - - -- 2007 2,195,009 170,000 2,625,009 (8,536,097) - - 2008 2,857,693 170,000 2,687,693 (5,848,404) ` 2009 2,922.258 170,000 2,752,258 (3,096,146) I I I ' � I „I ,l, it - -.. " -- ...---.__.- - -- -._ ..- - ..-- -- ----- -- - - -- ------ -- - --' - 19 5 i S7 - -_ i v I'� REVENUES START YEAR PAY 86 - I REINV. INT RATE 7.00% INTEREST RATE 8.812 INFLATION RATE: -- - - - -- __ .i OLD ASSMT 3.00Z RESID .00% ELDERLY - 3.005 OFFICE 3.00% BASE VALUE 2,598,211 FIRST YEAR COLL - - - 90.00% 2ND YEAR COLL 10.002 MILL RATE 10.00% YEAR YEAR ACCUMULATED LESS DISTRICT MILL TAX TAX TAX ASSESSED RESIDENTIAL ELDERLY OFFICE BASE RATE TAX INCREMENT ASSESSED PAYABLE VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL % INCREMEN COLLECTED 1985 1986 11,231,986 11,231,986 (2,598,211) 8,633,775 10.00% 863,378 777,040 1986 1987 11,568,946 60,000 200,000 200,000 12,028,946 (2,598,21a) 9,430,735- 10.00% 943,073 935,104 1987 1988 11,916,014 1,700,000 2,050,000 2,360,000 18,026,014 (2,598,211) 15,427,803 10.00% 1,542,780 1,482,810 1988 1989 12,273,494 4,020,000 2,111,500 2,430,800 20,835,794 (2,598,211) 18,237,583 10.00Z 1,823,758 1,795,661 - -1989 - - 1990 12,641,699 4,690,000 - 2,174,845 2,503,124 22,010,268 -(2,598,211) 19,412,057 - 10.00% 1,941,206- 1,929,461 1990 1991 13,020,950 4,690,000 2,240,090 2,578,836 22,529,876 (2,598,211) 19,931,665 10.00% 1,993,167 1,9879970 1991 1992 13,411,579 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 23,065,073 (2,598,211) 20,466,862 10.00% 2,046,686 2,041,334 1992 1993 13,813,926 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 23,467,420 (2,598,211) 20,869,209 10.00% 2,086,921 2,082,897 1993 1994 14,228,344 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 23,881,838 (2,598,211) 21,283,627 10.00% 2,128,363 2,124,218 1994 1995 149655,194 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,6569201 24,308,688 (2,598,211) 21,710,477 10.00% 2,171,048 29166,779 1995 1996 -- 15,094,850 - 49690,000 - 29307,293 2,6569201 24,748,344 (2,598,211) 22,150,133- 10.00Z 2,2159013 2,210,617 1996 1997 15,547,695 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 25,201,189 (2,598,211) 22,602,978 10.002 2,260,298 29255,769 1997 1998 16,014,126 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 25,667,620 (2,598,211) 239069,409 10.00% 2,306,941 2,302,277 - - 1998 - 1999 - 16,494,550 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 26,148,044 (2,598,211) 23,549,833 10.00% 2,354,983 29350,179 1999 2000 16,9899387 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 26,642,880 (2,598,211) 2490449669 10.00% 2,404,467 2,3999519 �wl 2000 2001 17,499,068 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 27,152,562 (2,598,211) 24,554,351 10.002 2,455,435 2,450,338 - 2001 -- - -- 2002 - 18,024,040 4,690,000 -2,307,293 2,656,201 27,677,534 (2,598,211) 25,079.323--10.00% 2,5079932 2,502,683 2002 2003 18,564,761 4,6909000 2,307,293 2,656,201 28,218,255 (29598,211) 25,620,044 10.00% 2,5629004 2,556,597 2003 2004 19,121,704 4,690.000 2,307,293 2,656,201 28,775,198 (2,598,211) 269176,987 10.00% 2,617,699 2,612,129 2004 - - - - - -- --2005 -' 19,695,355 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 29,348,849 (2,598,211) 26,750.638 10.00% 2,675,064 2,669,327 2005 2006 20,286,216 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 29,939,710 (2,598,211) 27,341,499 10.00% 2,734,150 2,728,241 2006 2007 20,894,803 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 30,548.296 (2,598,211) 27,950,085 10.00% 2,795.009 2,788,923 - 2007 -- ---- 2008 21,521,647 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 31,175,141 (2.598,211) 28,576,930` 10.00% 2,857.693 2,851,425 2008 2009 22,167.296 4,690,000 2,307,293 2,656,201 31,820,790 (2,598,211) 29,222,579 10.00% 2,922,258 2.915,801 v 2009 2010 22,832,315 4.690,000 2.307.293 2,656,201 32,485,809 (2,598.211) 29,887.598 10.00% 2,988.760 2.982.110 v II �r I vi i TAX PAYABLE IN JULY 48.0% TAX PAYABLE IN DEC.- - --- -42.01 -- - - - -- TAX PAYABLE IN FEB. 10.05 4U IFS INT. RATE 6.00% MONTHLY SCHEDULE OF RECEIPTS - EDINBOROUGH LAND OTHER BOND INVESTMENT SALES INCOME PROCEEDS INCOME ----------------------------------------- 52,641 52,654 53,099 49,936 49,936 44,686 36,840 33,596 28,264 4,000,000 22,086 - - - - - -- - -- 36.696 31,380 25,280 23,628 23.078 4.500.000 1.524 - - -- - 22.931 21,946 18.386 18.963 17.957 16,238 15.220 12.621 12,095 11.477 12,006 9.107 - - - 9.152 9.198 6,425 9.481 9,528 8.980 - - - 9.024 7,245 7,201 6.558 7,363 4.553 4.576 4,599 0 5.100 5,125 4,670 - - -- - - -- - 4.693 2,291 TOTAL RECEIPTS 0 52,641 138,992 53,099 49,936 49,936 44,686 451,261 33,596 28,264 4,022,086 - 36.696- 393.998 25,280 109,966- 23,078 4,501,524 ---22,931 - 21,946 471,061 18,963 17,957 16,238 - 15,220 408,711 12,095 - 105,784- 12,006 9,107 - 9,152 - 9,198 746,959 9,481 9,528 8,980 - 9,024- 655,212 7,201 160,836 - 7,363 4,553 - 4,576 - 4,599 875,404 - 5,100 - 5,125 4,670 -- 4,693 -- 768,270 TAX YEAR INCREMENT YEAR TAX - ASSESSED ------------------------------------------------- COLLECTED MONTH ASSESSED INCREMENT 1985 863,378 12 1985 1986 943,073 1 1986 1987 1,542,780 2 1986 86,33f 1988 1,823,758 3 1986 vI 1989 1,941,206 4 1986 1990 1,993,167 - - 5 - 1986 1991 2,046,686 6 1986 y 1992 2,086,921 7 1986 414,421 1993 2,128,363 8 1986 1994 2,171,048 9 19(1986 b 1995 2,215,013 10 16 1996 2,260,298 11 1986 1997 2,306,941 12 1986 362,615 1998 2,354,983 1 1987 1999 2,404,467 2 1987 86,33E 2000 2,455,435 3 1987 V 2001 2,507,932 4 1987 2002 2,562,004 - - -- 5 - 1987 -- - - - - -- - -- 2003 2,617,699 6 1987 2004 2,675,064 7 1987 452,675 2005 2,734,150 8 1987 %o 2006 2,795,009 9 1987 2007 2,857,693 10 1987 2008 2,922,258 11 1987 y 2009 2,988.760 12 1987 396,091 ! 56,198,086 1 1988 - - 2 1988 94,307 y 3 1988 4 1988 5 - -- -•1988 - 6 1988 7 1988 740,534 8 1988 • 9 1988 10 1988 - - - - -- -- - - -11- 1988 y 12 1988 647,968 l 1989 2 1989 154.278 3 1989 4 1989 - - - - -- 5--- 1989 - - - - -- - ---- 6 1989 y 7 1989 875,404 8 1989 - y 9 1989 10 1989 -- I. . 12 1989 765,978 4U IFS INT. RATE 6.00% MONTHLY SCHEDULE OF RECEIPTS - EDINBOROUGH LAND OTHER BOND INVESTMENT SALES INCOME PROCEEDS INCOME ----------------------------------------- 52,641 52,654 53,099 49,936 49,936 44,686 36,840 33,596 28,264 4,000,000 22,086 - - - - - -- - -- 36.696 31,380 25,280 23,628 23.078 4.500.000 1.524 - - -- - 22.931 21,946 18.386 18.963 17.957 16,238 15.220 12.621 12,095 11.477 12,006 9.107 - - - 9.152 9.198 6,425 9.481 9,528 8.980 - - - 9.024 7,245 7,201 6.558 7,363 4.553 4.576 4,599 0 5.100 5,125 4,670 - - -- - - -- - 4.693 2,291 TOTAL RECEIPTS 0 52,641 138,992 53,099 49,936 49,936 44,686 451,261 33,596 28,264 4,022,086 - 36.696- 393.998 25,280 109,966- 23,078 4,501,524 ---22,931 - 21,946 471,061 18,963 17,957 16,238 - 15,220 408,711 12,095 - 105,784- 12,006 9,107 - 9,152 - 9,198 746,959 9,481 9,528 8,980 - 9,024- 655,212 7,201 160,836 - 7,363 4,553 - 4,576 - 4,599 875,404 - 5,100 - 5,125 4,670 -- 4,693 -- 768,270 �A ' 1 1990 2.838 2.838 - - x 1e90 uo.n* 2,180 184.55 3 mo - ��3,102 `mo »�3.102 `om « 1- 5 1990 om om o m m 390 390 - / m , so ,1 - -- '- - v 1990 - 1^184 - 1,184 --- o mo � �oo `oo � �m `oo m 1-- o 1990 om om-- m am 815.307 o 815,307 - 1 1991 o o - -' - -- - 2 -- 1991 - 194.121 ' - - ' - - - �� -'---0---194.121 ------ tn » 1991 0 o ^ 199 » » o 1991 ' o 'o- » 1991 » » � / 1991 za�x o os�x --- - ----' -- v 1991 - --- o — -- o------ - � o mo ^ o o m 199 o o �� - -- u 1991 '- o-- o-----'-- a zm1 837.130 o on 1m , 1 19 o o � �--------------'o oo 199,317 ------ - - '-----0 --199.317----------- -- � mo �" o o !J ^ mo ' o o 5 1992 - o o' | o 1992 o o / 1992 982,40 o 982.40 v-- 1992 -------- --'� - '- �� �� --'�--''o---- »------ — - ~�~ '! o 1992 o n � m 1992 o o o 1992 - -- -'---o - o -- --- / m ma 859.608 o 859,608 2 1993 204,669 204,669 ^ ^'~ . " ' | ^ 1993 o o - -'- -'- - 5 1993 o - o-- o , mm 1993 1.001.722 o o o 1.001.72 o-- oo -- - - - - -' ----'o----- o---------'-- | , �mo o . o |.� m 1993 o o � u 1993 o o 12 1993 876.507 0 876.507 NIS '! �� I CONVERSION TO YEARLY 1994 2,128,363 - 0 2,128,363 -- -- - - 1995 2,171,048 0 2,171,048 4✓ 1996 2,215,013 0 2,215,013 1997 2,260,298 0 2,260,298 1998 2,306,941 0 2,306,941 V 1999 2,354,983 0 2,354,983 ...... -- -- . - - - 2000 2,404.467 - - -- 0 2,404.467 -- -- 2001 2.455,435 0 2,455,435 4V 2002 2,507,932 0 2.507,932 2003 2,562,004 0 2,562,004 - - 2004 2,611,699 0 2,617,699 ~ 2005 2,675,064 0 2,675.064 2006 2,734,150 - - 0 2,734,150 - -- - - - - 2007 2,795.009 0 2,795,009 r 2008 2.857,693 0 2,857,693 2009 2,922,258 0 2,922,258 - - 53086971.7 4w I r t I r M r I. I' s, m ` MONTHLY LIST OF EXPENDITURES - EDINBOROUGH OLD BOND ` CAPITAL DEBT NEW BOND EXT.BOND SERVICE ANOTHER ANOTHER OTHER TOTAL MONTH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR EXPEND. SERVICE PRINC. PRINC. INTEREST PRINCPL INTEREST EXPEND DISBURS ` 12 1985 0 1 1986 50,000 0 50,000 2 1986 50,000 - -- 50,000 3 1986 50,000 50,000 4 1986 50,000 635,737 685,737 5 1986 50.000 -- -- - - - - - 50,000 6 1986 1.100,000 1.100.000 7 1986 1.100,000 513,863 1.613.863 8 1986 1,100,000 1,100,000 9 1986 1.100.000 1,100,000 10 1986 1,100.000 163.912 1,263,912 11 -- 1986 1.100.000 --- .__. -__ _ - - ..- - ----- - - - -- -- 1.100,000 - 12 1986 1.100,000 1.100,000 1 1987 1.100,000 513,863 1,613,863 2 1987 220.000 0 135.775 - -- 355,775 3 1987 220,000 220.000 4 1987 3.720,000 613,912 4,333,912 5 - 1987 220,000 - - - .. - - - - - -- - 220.000 - - - - - 6 1987 220,000 220.000 7 1987 220,000 513,863 733.863 8 1987 220,000 135,775 355,775 9 1987 220.000 220,000 10 1987 220,000 141.750 361,750 11 1987 220.000 -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- 220.000 - - - - ` 12 1987 220,000 0 315,000 535,000 1 1988 513,863 513,863 2 1988 0 135,775 -- - - - - -- - -- 135,775 - V 3 1988 0 4 1988 591,750 591,750 5 1988 - -- - - - - - -- -- --o -- - - v 6 1988 0 7 1988 513,863 50.000 563,863 8 1988 135,775 - - -- 135,775 9 1988 0 10 1988 119,250 119.250 - -- - 11 -- 1988 - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - - . _ - - 0 - - - -- -- . 12 1988 0 315,000 50,000 365,000 1 1989 150,000 513.863 663.863 2 1989 - - - - 0 135,775 -- ---- V 3 1989 0 j 4 1989 569.250 569,250 ! - - -- -5 -- 1989 - - -- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - -- - 0 - - - - -- 6 1989 0 7 1989 508,988 85,000 593,988 8 - 1989 ------ -- 50,000 135,775 - - - - 185.175 - - 9 1989 0 j 10 1989 96,300 96,300 - - - -11 -- 1989 - - - - -- - - -- -- d „j 12 1989 85,000 315,000 85,000 485.000 m r ' i r r 1 1990 150,000 508,988 658,988 2 - 1990 . . - -- 0 134,475 - -- - - 134,475 ..... - 3 1990 0 4 1990 546,300 546.300 5 1990 0 6 1990 0 r 7 1990 503.925 ,• 85,000 588,925 8 1990 50,000 134.475 - - - - -- 184,475 - 9 1990 0 V 10 1990 72,900 72,900 11 1990 0 12 1990 85.000 309,050 85,000 479,050 1 1991 150,000 503.925 653,925 2 1991 0 133,125 __._. _. _- .,.._ __ _.- 133.125 -- -- - 3 1991 0 4 1991 522,900 522.900 5 1991 _. 0 6 1991 0 7 1991 498,600 85.000 583,600 - - 8 1991 - _. . - - 50.000 - 133.125 - -- -- - - --- - -- - - 183.125 - - - - -- - V 9 1991 0 10 1991 49,050 49,050 j 11 _ .. 1991 - 0 12 1991 90.000 303,100 85,000 478,100 r 1 1992 150.000 498,600 648,600 - - - °2 - -- 1992 - - ._ ..__ - 0 131 ,725 -- -- -- 131.725 -- -- - - r 3 1992 0 r 4 1992 499.050 499,050 '.I 5 1992 0 . . 6 1992 0 7 1992 493.125 85,000 578,125 - -- -- 8 - 1992 - -- - - -- -- - -100.000- 131.725 - - --------------231.725 - - -- - -- 9 1992 0 , j 10 1992 24,750 24.750 11 - 1992 - — 0 -- 12 1992 110.000 296,800 85,000 491.800 r 1 1993 200,000 493.125 693,125 I -- - - - - - -- . _.. - -- 2 -- 1993 --- - - -- --- -... -- - -- - -- -- -- 0 128.825 - - -- -- -- — ---128.825 - - - -- V _a 3 1993 0 4 1993 474.750 474,750 t -- - - 5 --- 1993 - -. - -- _. _.....---- - ...._ _._ 0. - 6 1993 0 r I ; 7 1993 485,525 85,000 570,525 l-- - =— 8- -1993 -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- 100.000 128.825 - - - - --- - - - - - -- 228.825 - - -- - - - -- 9 1993 0 r 10 1993 0 11 1993 .. - - 0 12 1993 110,000 289.100 85,000 484.100 Sh • , 1 �I CONVERSION TO YEARLY - 1994 - 200,000 100,000 1,215,200 130,000 281,400- 170,000 - - ` 1995 400,000 150,000 1,184,900 150,000 272,300 170,000 1996 900,000 150,000 1,122,850 175,000 261,800 170,000 1997 900,000 150,000 1,039,375 220,000 249,550 170,000 - - v I 1998 900,000 200,000 954,400 250,000 234,150 170,000 1999 900,000 200,000 864,400 2759000 216,650 170,000 - 2000 900,000 200,000 772,950 350,000 197,400 170,000 -- - ` 2001 1,000,000 250,000 676,000 385,000 172,900 170,000 2002 1,000,000 250,000 570,000 400,000 145,950 170,000 2003 1,0009000 250,000 463,500 410,000 117,950 170,000 -- - 2004 1,000,000 550,000 356,500 425,000 89,250 170,000 2005 1.050,000 600,000 225,750 425,000 59,500 170,000 - - - 2006 ----------- - - - - -- -- 1,050,000 600,000 89,250 425,000 - --- 29,750- 170,000- - - - - -- r 2007 0 0. 170,000 2008 170,000 2009 170,000---- 4.500,000 4.471,600 I I 4000000 V �'I II u, i vl. - -------- - - - - -- - C �r 5 i j ~ RESERVE BALANCE ESTIMATED TOTAL TOTAL SURPLUS RESERVE MONTH YEAR RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS (DEFICIT) BALANCE V ------------------------------------------------------°°---------- 12 1985 0 0 .. 0 10,578,250 - - 1 - 1986 - 52,641 50,000 2,641 10,580,891 -- - -- - - - - 2 1986 138,992 50,000 88,992 10,669,884 r 3 1986 53,099 50,000 3,099 10,672,983 4 1986 49,936 685,737 (635,801) 10,037,182 5 1986 49,936 50,000 (64) 10,037,118 r 6 1986 44,686 1,100,000 (1,055,314) 8,981,804 - -- - - 7 1986 451,261 1,613,863 (1,162,602) 1,819,202 - - - - - - - 6 1986 33,596 1,100,000 (1,066,404) 6,752,798 M 9 1986 28,264 1,100,000 (1,071,736) 5,681,062 10 1986 4,022,086 1,263,912 2,758,174 8,439,236 11 1986 36,696 1,100,000 (1,063,304) 1,375,932 12 1986 393,998 11100,000 (706,002) 6,669,930 1 1987 25,280 1,613,863 (1,588,583) 5,081,347 -- -- - -- - -- 2 1987 109,966 355,775 (245,809) 4,835,538 r 3 1987 23,078 220,000 (196,922) 4,638,616 4 1987 4,501,524 4,333,912 167,612 4,806,227 5 1987 22,931 220,000 (197,069) 4,609,158 6 1987 21,946 220,000 (198,054) 4,411,104 -- -- 7 -- 1987 - --- 471,061 733,863 (262,802) 4.148,303 -- - - - -- -- -- 8 1987 18,963 355,175 (336,812) 3,811,490 9 1987 17,957 220,000 (202,043) 3,609,448 10 1981- 16,238 361,750 (345,512) 3,263,936 11 1987 15,220 220.000 (204,780) 3,059,156 12 1987 408,711 535,000 (126,289) 2,932,867 - T -- 1988 - 12.095 -- 513.863 (501.768) 2,431.099 - 2 1988 105,784 135,775 (29,991) 2,401,108 • 3 1988 12,006 0 12,006 2.413,114 - - 4 1988 9,107 - 591.750 (582.643) 1,830,471 -- - - - 5 1988 9.152 0 9.152 1.839.623 6 1988 9,198 0 9,198 1,848,821 - - - - -- - - 7 - 1988 - 746,959 - - 563,863 183,096 2,031.917 -- - -- 8 1988 9,481 135,775 (126.294) 1,905,623 9 1988 9,528 0 9,528 1,915,151 10 1988 8,980 119.250 (110.270) 1.804,881 - ` ' 11 1988 9,024 0 9,024 1.813,905 12 1988 655,212 365,000 290,212 2,104,117 - - - -- - - - - -- 1 -- 1989 - -- 7.201 - -- 663.863 (656.662) 1 .447.455 - - -- - -- - - - - -- -- - - - 2 1989 160.836 135,175 25,061 1,472.517 3 1989 7,363 0 7.363 1.479,879 _ ...__....._ 4 1989 4.553 569.250 (564.697) 915.182 - 5 1989 4,576 0 4,576 919,758 6 1989 4,599 0 4,599 924,357 - - -- 7 - - -- 1989 - - - -- 875,404 -- 593,988 - 281,416 1.205,773 - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - 8 1989 5,100 185.775 .(180,675) 1,025,098 9 1989 5,125 0 5,125 1,030,223 10 -- 1989 - - 4,670 96,300 (91.630) 938,593 11 1989 4,693 0 4,693 943.286 12 1989 768,270 485,000 283.270 1,226.556 5 55 to 5' - r .- e 14W 1 1990 2,838 658.988 (656,150) 570,406 2 1990 184,555 134.475 50,080 620,486 3 1990 3,102 0 3,102 623.589 - - 4 1990 386 546,300 (545,914) 77,675 Vd 5 1990 388 0 388 78,063 - - .._._.. 6 1990 390..__..... 0 390 789454 - ~ 7 1990 931,779 588,925 342,854 421.308 8 1990 1,184 184,475 (183,291) 238.017 9 1990 1,190 0 1,190 239,207 10 1990 832 72.900 (72.068) 167,138 4w 11 1990 836 0 836 1679974 _ ... ... ....._._.__.___.-- --- -- - -12 -- 1990 815.307 479.050 336.257. - 504,231 - - -- - - - - --- - 1 1991 0 653.925 (653,925) (149,694) ~ 2 1991 194.121 133.125 60,996 (88,699) 3 1991 0 0 0 (88.699) - - - 4 1991 0 522.900 (522,900) (611,599) ~ 5 1991 0 0 0 (611,599) -- - - - - -- - - - - -6 - 1991 p ... _ 0 p ... (611.599) -- - -- - - - -- �I 7 1991 956,720 583.600 373.120 (2389479) ft 8 1991 0 183,125 (1839125) (421,604) _._ .. .. _,. 9 ._, 1991 _ 0 0 0 ( 421. 604) - - - - - - - -- 10 1991 0 49.050 (49,050) (470,654) 4w 11 1991 0 0 0 (470.654) •- - - - - -- 12 - 1991 - 837.130 478,100 359,030 -- (111,624) - - 1 1992 0 648.600 (648,600) (760,224) !_ 2 1992 199.317 131.725 67,592 (692.632) 3 1992 - - - -0 - 0 0 (692.632) 4 1992 0 499.050 (499,050) (1,191,682) 5 1992 0 0 0 (1,191,682) 6 - 1992 - -- . -_. 0 -- 0 -° - 0 (1. 191. 682 ) — - - - -- — - - -- -- - - -- — I,I 7 8 1992 1992 982,409 0 578,125 231.725 404,284 (231.725) (787,398) (1.019,123) - - -- - - - -- 9 1992 --- -- 0 - - 0 0 (1,019.123) -� 10 1992 0 24.750 (24,750) (1,043,873) 11 1992 0 0 0 (1,043,873) --------------- - - - - -- - - -12 1992 - - - -- 859,608 - -- 491,800 - _ 367,808 - (676,064) - - - - - -- — -- -- - - �'� 1 1993 0 693,125 (693,125) (1,369.189) 2 1993 204,669 128,825 75,844 (1,2939346) ,.i 3 1993 0 0 0 (1.293,346) _- 4 1993 0 474,750 (474,750) (1,168.096) I- 5 1993 0 0 0 (1,768,096) -6 — 1993 - -- - - - -- - 0 ..._.. p _.. —. - - 0- (1.768.096) -- - - -- - -- - .._ _. 7 1993 19001.722 570,525 431.197 (1,336,899) 8 1993 - -1993 0 - ... - - 0 - 228.825 - -- . --- 0 (228,825) - 0 (1,565,724) (19565,724) - �' 10 1993 0 0 0 (1,565,724) 11 1993 0 0 0 (1,5659724) _— `2 -1993- 876,507 - 484 ,100 - - -- 392.407-- (1.173.3N) — -------- - - -_ -- I" �I 55 to 5' - r .- e CONVERSION TO YEAR 0 0 1994 2,128,363 2,096,600 31,763 (1,141,554) 1995 2,171,048 2,321,200 (156.152) (1,297,706) 1996 2.215,013 2,719,650 (564,637) (1,862,343) W 1997 2.260,298 2,728,925 (468,627) (2,330.910) 1998 2.306,941 - 2.708,550 (401,609) (2.732,579) - - - -- - - - -- -- -- - - -- -- 1999 2.354.983 2.626,050 (271,067) (3,003,646) 4Y 2000 2,404,467 2,590,350 (185,883) (3,189,529) 2001 2.455,435 2,653,900 (198,465) (3,387,994) - - - 2002 2.507,932 2.535,950 (28.018) (3,416.012) 4✓ 2003 2,562,004 2,411.450 150,554 (3.265,458) ---2004 2.617.699 2.590.750 26.949 .- 2005 .2,675.064 2,530,250 144,814 (3,093,695) 4V 2006 2,734,150 2.364.000 370,150 (2.723,545) - 2007 2,795,009 170,000 2,625,009 (98,536) - - -- 4✓ 2008 2,851,693 170,000 2,687.693 2,589.157 2009 2,922,258 170,000 - 2.752,258 5,341,415 - ---- -- -- - - -- - I r � I LI vI:I r! I I I, I. M 1 I:: ' v I ICI id I S/l • . 9 Remaining T.I.F. (Hedberg) r. Outside T.I.F. in Edina (Hedberg) Total Hedberg land in Edina Outside T.I.F. in Edina (Decourcy) Total land in Edina Hedberg land in Bloomington Total Hedberg land TOTAL VACANT LAND 30.03 acres 53.89 acres 83.92 acres 8.29 acres 92.21 acres 2.6 acres 86.52 acres 94.81 acres •� , �i ei /It , cr O �1 t� \1 -1 + \ /� // 1/ /_\ I �� 1 � ��- \I //i l\ / 1� /; /\1 / r �l= •° 1! v/\ \, �\1 EDEN V/91Cat t /% /'/ �// /\ \/i /1+1/1 / 1 I/ /.. ADD. o N ••• fss•SS, is 1 PARKLAWN AVE. +��°4K'_ ! iMN AVE. 1; 1�_;` `/ /; / /tl /I �1 /1/ 't0 +2d0 •� !:/lO -- _ `� W //� /f!!� i� ►/� T.I.F. Hedberg 1.01 30. 03ac i 1 a /_dill /�� / \ � / —� / / :tie•sc is [ � .. e 1 /- ! v t� / ♦/ \�� / \/ / Other = w 3 �• � / 1 J : Hedberg °r �! ;,' 1 53.89ac >;i �, q a I 3� �t •: 1\ / —r Ic t� 3 /9'sr +27ew '•r j�s i M..' WEST s -z.r_ 11 cj 01" de ee t Zi� \/ /ter/ oo Sri ZI ' /( \ /` // �'� /`j / / +j I tI� \ -1/ / +1 /\ I• try::: e• e i •1, / %t�= °°y,i j /1/I Other j!t ; ��� \/, �I` \�• e /.� /` \ IDecourcy ► i �,I \ `1 'lo �p •,.Je 8.29ac �/� \.�� ♦1�; "� 10 s / .1 I y .w7: ;- -.d' -iir. _ •�:.��r• •.�..;ti.:•:•;{; T}hi; }:;:,• 'r,. .... ^_ _ —O�OUG �. l!•i,`�i I•f•_�. - •.,• +,�� J. Blmgton• Hedberg 'i; ' =r : vim' .. cOrM° sj • ADD. 2. 6ac ,.,�; I'..,v....•' `' " ►-`` °f �.:�• 2ND f, •• KEN I it C VII.C. c Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area 300 Metro Square Building, 7th and Robert Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Tel. 612 291- 6359/TDD 291 -0904 DATE: November 3, 1986 TO:. 1 -494 Project Management Team FROM: Connie Kozlak SUBJECT: Vacancy Rates Applied to Land Use in Estimating 1 -494 Corridor Employment After the initial attempts to estimate existing and future employment from building area devoted to commercial ,industrial and.office uses, it was decided to apply a vacancy rate since 100% occupancy is never achieved. This would result in lower (and presumably more accurate) employment estimates. The following assumptions were used for vacancy rates. The attached table shows the revised numbers. Existing Land Use The Towle Real Estate Company annually prepares vacancy rates, determined through surveys, of office and shopping center occupancy in the Twin Cities. For existing land use their Spring, 1986 estimates were used. Office occupancy in the southwest quadrant was broken down by city in the Towle Survey so each city's vacancy rate was used. For commercial use the southwest quadrant average vacancy, 3.6 %, was used for all cities. Future UMMUMMMW B. Senness asked several developers and real estate people their opinions on office vacancy rates 20 -30 years hence. The results were: Don Ankeny, Trammel Crow: Developers tell lenders they expect 3 -5% vacancy, but they usually figure their costs asssuming an 8% vacancy rate. Boyd Stofer, United Properties: He said since there will always be new buildings completed and on the market the first few years with a high vacancy rate figure 15% overall. Bill. Reiling, Towle Real Estate: He said 10% vacancy should be assumed for the future. He also suggested we calculate future development based on a 5% annual compounded growth. I also asked Dick Pratt. He said they were wrestling with this question in Dallas and concluded that developers of office space have been building a lot more on speculation the last 10 years resulting in the highest vacancy rates ever. The recent past vacancy rates cannot be sustained over time. Over the 20 -30 year horizon he thought rates of 8 -10% should be assumed. b. We therefore decided to assume 10% vacancy for offices. Commercial vacancies are generally lower and more stable so 5% vacancy was assumed for future commercial uses. Action Requested That the Project Management Team adopt the population, household and employment figures shown on the attached table under the columns "2010 L.U.'Forecast" for use in the initial traffic forecasts.-" DPF274 Revised November 18, 1986 Table 1.• I -494 STUDY FOR TATS WITHIN STUDY AREA Bloomington 38,180 EMPLOYMENT POPULATION HOUSING UNITS 1970 1980 51,393 49,044 49,938 Adj. Adj. 1980. 2010 2010** 1980 2010 2010** 1980 2010 201096 Full Full Regl. 198669 Reg11 L.U. I Regl. 198666 Regl. L.U. Regl. 198696 Regl. L.U. 11980- Empl. Empl. Fore- L.U. Fore- Fore- Fore- 1980 L.U. Fore- Fore- Fore- L.U. Fore- Fore- Bloomington 38,180 48,836 54,522 61,482 789'097 129,931 51,393 49,044 49,938 54,435 51,253 17,612 18,835 18,419 22,500 21,402 Eden Prairie 2,961 12,446 10,292 16,461 38,873 61,700 9,899 10,066 22,422 34,904 40,436 3,531 3,479 8,111 12,747 14,860 Edina 18,556 27,907 33,879 29,068. 47,440 45,033 23,447 24,449 31,348 26,468 33,721 10,111 9,692 12,815 11,572 14,668 Minnetonka 1,661 6,788 3,964 11,395 20,400 20,000 13,017 10,569 15,150 +3,814 18,043 3,308 3,342 5,518 4,753 6,928 Richfield 10,328 11,000 13,601 7,185 14,500 14,615 37,689 37,582 37,106 37,000 37,785 15,142 15,386 16,089 16,000 16,456 TOTAL `21,686 106,977 116,258 125,591 199,310 271,279 135,445 131,800 155,964 166,621 181,238 49,704 50,734 60,952 67,572 74,314 REGIONAL TOTAL 851,397 1,109,141 1,522,500 2,118,222 2,500,000 807,618 1,010,000 1,069,030 1,522,500 1,985,873 2,500,000 721,357 1,010,000 Study Area % of 8.4% 10% 11.3% 13.1% 17.8% 6.6% 7.4% 6.7% 7.2% 6.9% 7.5% 6.7% 7.4% Regional *This study area increase of 164,302 jobs (1980 Full Empl. Estimate - 2010 Land Use) equals 365 of total regional increase in employment of 453,470 (1980 Full Employment Estimate - 2010 Forecast). **These columns derived from municipal land use data, (including vacancy rates); other columns from Metropolitan Council data. 2010 is the same as ultimate for all municipalities except Bloomington which projects an ultimate land use resulting in 162,922 employees. (Ise s �uc�a ; ✓1��L� PrS DPF243 t VI.0 REGIONAL TRANSIT BOARD Suite 270 Metro Square Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 292 -8789 0 DATE: November 18, 1986 TO: I -494 Project Management Team FROM: Katherine Turnbull, Planning Manager' SUBJECT: I -494 Transit Work Program Action Requested: That the I -494 Project Management Team approve the transit work program contained in this memorandum and the participation of Richard H. Pratt, Richard H. Pratt Consultant, Inc., from Washington, D.C., in the I -494 corridor study in an amount not to exceed $10,000. Background: On Friday, October 17, the agency staff working group, consultants and staff representatives from each community participated in a transit working session. The purpose of the one -day session was to review past and current transit studies affecting the I -494 area, identify the major transit issues associated with the corridor study, reach agreement on the major transit capital investments for consideration in the study, and develop the approach to be used in addressing and resolving the transit components. Minutes summarizing the key points of the session will be available at the next PMT meeting. A majority of the day was spent discussing the different elements to be consi- dered in the transit and-travel demand management element of the plan. It was agreed that the outcome of these activities should be a preliminary transit network for improvements to bus services in the corridor, a set of travel de- mand management (TDM) strategies and a model travel demand management ordinance. It was also agreed that, given the results of the Metropolitan Council's Long Range Transit Study, the major transit investments to be considered should include preferential access /rider services and high occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilites. To accomplish this, a work program was subsequently drafted by the staff work- ing group. The major tasks of this work program are outlined below. Transit and TDM Work Program 1. Develop a listing of all potential TDM and transit strategies and concepts for consideration in the corridor. 2. Review use of TDM and transit measures in other areas of the country, with special emphasis on what has and has not worked. This will include review of strategies used in other Midwestern cities and throughout the country. I -494 Project Management Team November 18, 1986 Page 2 3. Estimate the costs and effectiveness of the different TDM and transit strategies given local and national experience. 4. Assemble package of measures which best meets the needs and solutions for more detailed analysis and specific application to the I -494 corridor and develop a set of evaluation criteria for selecting the most appropriate. 5. Identify those strategies which involve or would benefit from special facilities or other capital improvements. 6. Develop conceptual designs and costs for each measure in the I -494 corridor. This will include a three -step process to design the transit and TDM strategies and facilities needed to support these. The three step process will include: design of the TDM strategies, conceptual design of transit plans for the corridor and conceptual design of the supporting capital and physical facilities. 7. Evaluate and select the specific package of strategies which are estimated to be the most effective. 8. Develop a model TDM ordinance for consideration by communities within the I -494 corridor. 9. Include the transit and TDM strategies, model ordinance and special facilities into the final report and design plans for the I -494 Corridor Study. The results of this process will provide a set of coordinated and comprehensive transit elements for the I -494 corridor. These. will be flexible rather than a set, rigid plan to respond to future needs in the area. KT:jmo Attachment TOTAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL COST /RIDER DAILY RIDERSHIP ALL BUS PREF. ACC HOY EXCL. - ROW HOY SHARED - ROW ARTIL HOY SHARED- ROW.FRWY LRT ARTERIAL LRT RR \`, LRT `,FREEWAY AGT 2,500 $2.17 92.76 $8.33 $5.20 $20.47 _ $16.80 L3.74 '„ $22.50 $49.13 5,000 _..._1.73 2.15 5.04 2.73 11.40 8.69 ,` ;i 7.31 ` „11.75 24.94 7.500 1.59 1.92 3.88 2.39 8.13 5.98 -[ 5..17 8.16 16.88 10,000 1.57 1.79 3.8U 2.01 6.55 4,63 4.16 6.37 12.85 12,500 1.56 1.69 3.05 1.86 5.50 3.82 3.45 5.30 10.44 15,000 1.51 1.71 2.81 1.77 4.88 3.28 3.02 4.58 8.82 17,500 1.52 1.62 2.68 1.72 4.36 2.90 2.72 4.07 7.67 20.000 1.49 1.60 2.57 1.63 4.07 2.61 2.49 .3.69- 6.00 22,500 1.49 .1.59 2.48 1.57 3.81 2.40 2.33 3.40 .6.17 25,000 1.50 1.54 2.39 1.55 3.54 2.23 2.20 3.17 5.67 27,500 1.48 1.56 2.35 1.54 3.38 2.09 2.09 2.99 5.25 30,000 1.48 1.54 2.30 1.51 3.21 1.99 2.01 2.84 4.91 32,500 1.45 1.52 2.24 1.46 3.09 1.89 1.93 2.71 4.61 35.000 1.44 1.52 2.22 1.43 3.01 1.81 1.87 2.60 4.36 37,500 1.45 1.50 2.18 1.44 2.90 1.73 1.81 2.50 -4.15 40,000 1.41 1.51 .2.15 1.41 2.82 1.67 1.76 2.42 3.96 42,500 1.42 1.49 2.12 1.40 2.74 1.61 1.72 2.34 3.64 45,000 1.42 1.49 2.09 1.37 2.68 1.56 1.68 2.27 3.57 Note: MTC guldel Ines for re- evaluating continuation for service on a specific route: When operating subsidy per passenger reaches $2.45. Thus total operating and capital cost /ride at which service continuation Is re- evaluated Is as follows: Operating Subsidy $2.45 Revenue 0.65 Estimated Capital Cost /Rider 0.25 Total Operating and Capital Cost /Rider $3.35 PLANNING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE BENNETT, RINGROSE. WOLSFELD. JARVIJ GARDNER, INC. • THRESHER SQUARE • 700 THIRD STREET SOUTH • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55415 • PHONE 612/370 -0700 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 18, 1986 TO: I -494 Project Management Team FROM: Richard Wolsfeld rl- tj SUBJECT: Appropriate Transit Capital Investment Modes for I -494 Corridor A study of Potential Transit Capital Investments in Twin Cities Corridors is currently being completed by.the Metropolitan Council and BRW. The purpose of the study is to determine which corridors have the greatest need and potential for transit capital investments. As part of the study, a table was developed that showed the relationship between total cost (capital and operating /maintenance) per passenger and level of ridership for various transit modes. The table is attached. The table serves as a guide to indicate the cost - effectiveness of different modes at varying levels of ridership. MTC guidelines for re- evaluating continuation for service on a specific route is $3.35 total cost per rider. For the purposes of the study, $3.35 was used as the threshold for considering a mode in a specific corridor based on the corridor's forecasted ridership. For example, LRT on a freeway right -of -way would require over 12,500 forecasted daily riders to attain a total cost per passenger of less than $3.35 (according to the table). An AGT system (Automated Guideway) would require over 45,000 forecasted daily riders. A year 2000 patronage forecast for I -494 was prepared by the Metropolitan Council and RTB staff. According to the their forecasts, transit ridership on I -494 will be approximately 6,000 riders per day. Based on the forecast of 6,000 transit riders, preferential access (including rider support servic -es such as park- and -ride lots, transfer facilities, bus pullouts, passenger waiting facilities, etc.) is the mode most suited to the I -494 corridor. However, in addition to the 6,000 forecasted transit riders, a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) application on I -494 would generate approximately 18,000 HOV passengers bringing total daily ridership to 24,000. This forecast is sufficiently high to warrant the consideration of HOV lanes on I -494. (Note: While the table indicates a cost of over $3.35 for 24,000 riders on an HOV /Freeway Shared ROW, the cost is based on 24,000 bus riders. With just 6,000 of the HOV passengers using buses, total capital costs are reduced considerably. In fact, the total cost per passenger would average $2.42.) MINNEAPOLIS DENVER BRECKENRIDGE PHOENIX I -494 Project Management Team November 18, 1986 Page 2 Conclusions Potential transit capital investment modes most suited to the I -494 corridor are: o Preferential Access /Rider Services o High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes Further study conclusions indicate that the Minneapolis South and Minneapolis Southeast corridors would best be served by Light Rail Transit (LRT) or Busways. These modes would be directly connected to whatever transit service is provided on I -494. RPW /lp VII.D. Consent Agenda M E M O R A N D U M TO: Ken Rosland FROM: Ceil Smith OAP� SUBJECT: HOLIDAYS 1987 DATE: November 26, 1986 The following list of days are the proposed holidays for 1987: Tuesday, January 1 New Year's Day Monday, January 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, February 16 Presidents' Day Monday, May 25 Memorial Day Friday, July 3 Independence Day Monday, September 7 Labor Day Wednesday, November 11 Veterans Day Thursday, November 26 Thanksgiving Day Friday, November 27 Day after Thanksgiving Thursday, December 24, one -half day Christmas Eve Friday, December 25 Christmas Day Thursday, December 31, one -half day New Year's Eve These are the same holidays observed in 1986. CS /sw ` VIII.A. Consent Agenda M E M O R A N D U M T0: Ken Rosland, City Manager FROM: Ralph Johnson, Assessor ^' SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Lot DATE: November 25, 1986 There is a vacant, single - family lot at 6809 Normandale Road, legally described as Lot 9, except highway, Normandale Terrace, listed by our office as exempt. The property was purchased off the tax forfeit rolls in 1969 and forfeited again in 1973. In 1976, there was a division of. the lot for highway. widening (leaving a lot approximately 95 x 245). Upon inquiry as to the forfeit list "for sale" price, Hennepin County's forfeit land department responds that the lot is not for sale because the municipality did not release it in January, 1985. Edina's Public Works and Park Departments express no need for the property and we can recall no action by the City to retain it. Unless someone else can re- call a reason for not allowing private ownership, we suggest a Council resolution releasing it for sale. R7 /jr M Ell AYTON°COUR ROYCAR R •F:: ; wEat• • ... !°._ SS,.� �n ::'��, °e�; •i. ..� o, ' • '0.° :. 2"a5• "•� : 4i°•,o< i! •. is ..a: p o �. :�E' :ei : ° SE�oNa D , - ,'o` .�••,.;�33i p �t� _ "��f•. ;' �,Q �, p •� _ :, :,.��.: :BJ � ,` �,�,j/.i � ;.. '_ \.. ,;; a wle ",•-. '•• �� r N• I, I r` �y ~ •' �-. , — �2 8 � �W !/� ° v �b3 . SO __ — _— ?3 _ � ___ — - oso ` l NORMANDALE , o =! e� r � - -�s -: — •i -- s e; : a - _a 2 o { sJ ' O P , p = ) . s� f �% , 4 •'o\ "s Y`fJt; •: � ��j� �j e . 6 � ' J5.��. . •, �t . • •'� 1 �0 • . .c ,, : � S <"f 7 \ 2, { n)z? TERRAC ,IQ JOH 5 REPLAT -,,, ;.4�t2 �1, , _ t .0 °o 5 °� was o— a: 3s , B, % j; 4 e CD rz i.4� � Q- ,. r� r-a � v- 7�. I (p')� a ,,,, % zg Jam• I �'7.. 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CITY OF EDINA PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY VACATION APPLICATION Date Initiated November 13, 1986 1) I hereby petition the City Council of the City of Edina to vacate all of the following described public right -of -way: Street Alley ® Utility Easement. -_ FlDrainage Easement F-10ther (describe) Description of area proposed to be vacated: East 25 feet of Lot 39, Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 39, thence South to the Southeast corner, thence West 25 feet, thence North to a point-25 feet West from the Northeast corner of Lot 39, thence East to point of beginning, of Lot 39, Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition. Attach copy of scaled drawing showing in full detail the proposed vacation. q Signature 5200 Gorgas Ave. S;.1 Address Edina MN 55424 Telephone 926 -9740 2) Review CITY ENGINEER b;• E Acceptable .0 Opposed Conditions MINNEGASCO by Acceptable Q Opposed Conditions N.W. BELL by Acceptable Opposed Conditions Conditional Conditional aConditional T N.S.P. by Acceptable Opposed Lj Conditional Conditions to -33. -6 VV A RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has received information on a parcel of land in said municipality which became the property of the State of Minnesota for non - payment of property taxes, legally described as Lot 9, except highway, Normandale Terrace, PID 430- 028 -24 -33 -0094; and WHEREAS, the parcel of land described has heretofore apparently been classified by the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, Minnesota as non - conservation land and the sale thereof has apparently heretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioners; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by said City Council, acting pursuant to Minnesota Statute 282, and the said classification by said Board of County Commissioners of this parcel of land described as non - conservation land, be and the same is hereby approved, and that the sale of said parcel of land be and the same is hereby approved. ADOPTED this lst day of December, 1986. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 1, 1986, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 4th day of December, 1986. City Clerk M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor Courtney & City Council Members FROM: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager 1::�E, SUBJECT: POSITION DESCRIPTION AND MANAGERIAL OBJECTIVES FOR CITY MANAGER DATE: November 26, 1986 Attached you will find the Position Description and Managerial Objectives for the City Manager of Edina. Tom Erickson has researched and confirmed the fact that a closed meeting cannot take place in regard to the discussion of the City Manager's salary for 1987. An effective method of handling this which has been employed by other cities is to appoint a committee of two Council Members. The other Council Members, and any other persons the Council desires to be heard, can then submit their written comments to the committee. The committee would review those comments, meet with the City Manager and then prepare a report and recommendations to the full Council. The report and recommendations then could-be discussed at the open meeting. So long as the committee is comprised of less than a quorum of the Council, the Open Meeting Law is not violated. Please consider this method which would avoid the need to have the discussion at a public meeting. KER /sw Attachment POSITION DESCRIPTION CITY OF EDINA CITY MANAGER OBJECTIVE Plan and direct the administration of City functions as delegated by the Optional Plan B and City Council to ensure efficient municipal services and development in line with Council objectives. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1) Direct and control all line operations of the municipality. Works closely with department managers to plan and coordinate activities and follows up to ensure effective service to the public and efficient conduct of all municipal affairs. 2) Supervise all staff functions of the City. Responsible for all financial reporting, human services, labor relations, and all other City functions. 3) Develop and ensure effective utilization of appropriate budgeting and administrative planning and control procedures. Ensures that proper control reports are developed and used, supervises effective operation of purchasing procedures, etc. Recommends changes in these procedures to the Council as appropriate. 4) Ensure the development of an effective municipal organization. In- cludes recommending changes in organization structure as appropriate, working with department managers to ensure effective job design and utilization of employees, recommending staffing changes or additions, and recommending salary treatment and employee development activities. Follows up to ensure effective implementation of approved recommendations. 5) Ensure effective management and use of City assets. Includes directing efficient use of present equipment and physical assets and recommending additions or changes to the Council. 6) Ensure,effective management of financial assets. Responsible to the Council to ensure effective investment of available funds and proper accounting practices to control financial assets and provide for financial planning. 7) Provide administrative support to the City Council. Prepares meeting agendas, attends meetings to report on City affairs and problems, presents recommendations concerning policies and objectives as well as specific actions, participates in discussions as appropriate, and implements Council decisions. Keeps the Council fully advised of all significant matters and effectively presents all items which require Council action or approval. Responsible for Council and City records including minutes, and enforcing City ordinances and resolutions, etc. s� -2- 8) Ensure proper public relations. Follows up with all departments to make sure that public services are efficiently provided and that all complaints and public contacts are effectively handled. Participates in local affairs as appropriate. 9) Stay abreast of developments in the public administration field and cooperate with other governmental units and municipalities on matters of mutual interest. Responsible for all City planning and development activities and performs other functions as directed by the City Council. 10) Administer the affairs of the Manager's office effectively and in accordance with Minnesota Law. M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor Courtney & Council Members FROM: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: 1987 MANAGERIAL OBJECTIVES DATE: November 26, 1986 The City of Edina has prided itself in being an efficient operation. I think this should always be the number one goal of the City Manager. Compared to other communities of our size, we have operated with less staff and less administration. The public opinion showed that our constituents want to continue this method of operation. This does not mean that we should end up being simply a janitor of the system but rather use all of our creative thinking to discover new ways to administer inexpensively and to service with a high degree of efficiency. Specifically, I would hope to accomplish the following objectives during 1987: 1) To meet the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan as brought forth by the City Council. The City Council for the past several years has been involved in developing strategic goals and objectives, both short term and long range. As in the past, we have been able to accomplish the short - term goals that the City Council has set forth: We feel strongly we would like to accomplish the goals set forth by the City Council in the 1987 Strategic Plan. 2) To complete and publish the Employee Personnel Rules Handbook. The last time this was formally changed and brought up to date was in 1972. I feel strongly that these rules and regulations should be completed this year. Some of the rules and regulations may require changes in the personnel ordinance which will require City Council approval. 3) By year -end of 1987, to ensure that the new financial information system be totally in place and all information reports be available on a monthly basis to operating departments and City Council. The Management Audit Committee indicated that we have a need to update our financial reporting system. I am pleased to say that we had already started the process in looking into such a system. We had through Logis an historical bookkeeping system. The City of Edina has challenged Logis to give us a different accounting and management J November 26, 1986 Mayor Courtney & Council Members Page Two information system. Although we are the first community of the 26 to ask Logis to do this, we feel strongly that we should succeed in getting the job done. Many of the systems should start January 1, and throughout the year we will be adding to and correcting the system as we see fit to service the City of Edina. 4) To ensure that Edinborough Park opens properly and meets its commit- ments of programming and operating costs. Edinborough Park has received a great deal of publicity and promotion. It is an exciting project for the City of Edina. Many of the concepts that have been discussed during the last six to seven years will come to fruition. It is truly a great challenge to make sure that all of the programming thoughts and the management of programs be in place to meet the Park's original objectives. 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM 335009 11/20/86 119.70 ASTLEFORD EQUIP CO PARTS 119.70 • ++•+•+ ' 335012 11/25%86 ° 335012 11/20/86 REBUILD CEN SUPPLIES IPTION 12/01/86- PACE 10 -4680- 560 -56 A32065 25.95 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE C CONT REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 88690 25.95 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE C CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 88476 25.95 AUTOMOBILE C_-- _ -CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 88458 77.85 • ••• -CKS 335013 11/20/86 107.67_ _ ALTERNATOR - REBUILD CEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 440 -44- 1159 -1171 335013 _ _ 11/20/86 _ 366.82 - ALTERNATOR REBUILD CEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 425.72 A 335013 11/25/66 169.89 ALTERNATOR REBUILD TOOLS 10- 4580- 560 -56 1182 11/20/86 148.20 6 CARLSON REBUILD -CEN _SUPPLIES 40- 4504 = 805 -90 1165 _3350.1_3 +° _11/20/86 11/20/86 792.58 • BURY & CARLSON - _�___ _._ 10- 4524 - 645 -64 •••••• 335041 11/19/86 1,457.07 BURY A CARLSON - ••• -CKS ° 335015 11/25/86 129.00 AT R-T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 10- 4256- 628 -62 IZ ! - - - -- - -- 129.00 • - -- - -- Al �_ - 157.1 AAI s•+•s+ ••• -CKS 335033 11/19/86 78.80 BERCFORD TRUCKING - -- INVENTORY 50- 4626 - 822 -82 1' 335033 11/19/66 171.60 BERCFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50 -4626- 842 -84 _ � 335033 11/19/86 170.30 BERGFORD TRUCKING. INVENTORY 50- 46_26- 862 -86 - -- - 420.70 + 1•-°I ++• -CKS a° 335026 11/20/86 425.72 'BADGER METER INC -REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540-807-80 INC BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 301 -30 25612 1 »j 335041- 425.72 BURY 6 CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 301 -30 °5 335041 _11/20/86 11/20/86 1,828.30 BURY & CARLSON - _�___ _._ 10- 4524 - 645 -64 �� °I 335041 11/19/86 1,457.07 BURY A CARLSON - siiii• i - _._._. __ -. __ -. ••• -CKS =� 335059 1.1/20/86 34.20 A FARNHAM CO SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 10672 _ 34.20 + �33! ••••r• - - - - -- - - - -.. _. -, -. -- - --- - -•*•- CKS. 14-­335031 11/20/86 29.92 BERTELSON BROS INC CEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 540 -54 244214 ; 11/20/86 BERTELSON_BROS_INC CEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 540 - 54_244215 _____335031 335031 11/20/86 _36.94 14.95 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 140 -14 ' ^I 335031 11/24/86 7.69 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLY 10- 4516- 180 -18 246340 3', 335031 11/20/86 25_36 BERTELSON BROS_INC OFFICE_SUPPLIES ___OFFICE 10-4516-510-St-244656 -- 335031 __ - _ 1% - 120/86 43.16 BERTELSON BROS INC SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 510 -51 244657 i� 335031 11/24/86 33.79 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 510 -51 248339 , 191.83 + Al �_ - 157.1 AAI s•+•s+ ••• -CKS 335033 11/19/86 78.80 BERCFORD TRUCKING - -- INVENTORY 50- 4626 - 822 -82 1' 335033 11/19/66 171.60 BERCFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50 -4626- 842 -84 _ � 335033 11/19/86 170.30 BERGFORD TRUCKING. INVENTORY 50- 46_26- 862 -86 - -- - 420.70 + 1•-°I '- CKS . - - 1' 335041 11/19/86 1,457.06 BURY d CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 301 -30 25612 335041- 901_.87 BURY 6 CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 301 -30 °5 335041 _11/20/86 11/20/86 1,828.30 BURY & CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 645 -64 �� °I 335041 11/19/86 1,457.07 BURY A CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 40 -4524- 803 -80 25618 '- CKS . - - 1986 CITY OFssImu CHECK REGISTER 10-31-86 PACE e ' CHECK -NO. -DATE ' AMOUNT VENDOR O._# MESSAGE' -_- .` 335041 11/20/8e 184.78 BURY mwmLomw INC mLmmmTOe 40-4524-803-60 �� 5,8e9.00L��'--_---____'_'__�- ---___--_'_-_ �------- ---- ` ' so*-Cmm | —335044 '--- 1 i�'o9/w6-- '------- 150.00 ----- BILL omvsR FmmD--------REPwxR-_PwR- ' ��494_i-5�0-5WVtmox -' 1,150' 00 ^ *o*-oww |' _ _3350*7 11/e0/86 ,*.ew aRoww p*mTm_ wousRTxozwG e3-4214-610-61 w*mesx �� _ 11�0� 10.70 �� �� ��Txas ��14�10�o- --- '. ^.''. ew'nm * r- ... � / �� .. -w�p***----------' -- '----- --------�-- ---------'------------ ------�***-Cww--' ' oosww� - � ���es��a ��.wV oumsSn mOmsmr �ssTx G 10-430 6-440-44 '-- -- ------- ~------ 33.00 -------'-'------'--- -- -- -----------_'` 00*_oKm_ ^ ` 33sw5* 11/e0/66 17.90 BATTERY Wwnswouas mspwzm PARTS 10-*540-560-56 637e5 11/20/86 13*.45 WAREHOUSE pwmTw 10-4540-5e0-56 67100 ' 335054 11/e0/86 ____awvrseY 10e.15 BATTERY WwmsmwuSs -mspwzR 0-4540-560-56 7013e ~+ oosnsw vo/en/ms 115.*4 BATTERY wwmsmmuos pwnTm 10-46e0-560-56 69196 `. - o��m�� 1o/2w/8� 48.72 . mwT�s�� W�ms�muws p���m ��/--- ' '-------' - ----------- 418.66 � -'-'----- - - '--�-- ---'-----''------' '�����e����n-s�_�ywe� *o~-CmS__ 335060 II/E4/86 105. 09 AMBASSADOR mwmmwGE omwmsmmxOwm e7-4624-*64-66 -' 1059_�_______________________ ***-owm '-33506e.- -- -----wwe.ww-'--BRoCK --'---'oEN-SUPPLIs 11/e0/86 WHITE 0--4-50-4--3-43-30-1627 --' ^' 448.00 * ^� -----'***-owa-- oosnas _11/24/86 9.00suLLzewm Cmwr Ssnw 10-1*ee-000-00 �~J ~� o�snms �o�ew�ma�-�-----�----1 _.sw CwLLxG --''COw� msRV 0-4200-4 --------�----- ' ,m.sw * � p�--°*�~��-'---------�--'--------' �-----------'- ----'-----'--' ------' -- °**-cma ` ,`, ^ �^�---' 3�� -'-'--- vo��w� - - ---- �.� �� m� ��s� �C�z � ^ '-------�227.ms-*----------------------------- ---- --� — -- ` ^ ' 335079 11/20/86 7.02 CATCO REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 378438 -^ 335080 11/20/66 148.13 CONT-MINN SUPPLIES 27-4504-661-66 335080 11/20/86 74.51 CONT-MINN CLEANING SUPPOEd 27Z4512Z661-66 m C� � � >rg 1986 OF EDINA - CHECK NO. - DATE .Z 335082 11/25/86 � p _ •11111 __ I, 335090 11/20/86 335090 11/20/86 r I- 5 335091 335091 wI, 7, _ 11/20/86__.__ 11/20/86 CHECK .STER 10 -31 -86 eAGE 3 AMOUNT_- ____ -_ VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. 0 MESSAGE ^�I 6; _- 21335112_ 1,309.62 • _11/20/86 — 419.79 - DAYTONS 2 HENS CLUB 27 -2237- 000 -00 335125 _ sz _493'.50 ;^ 419.79 • 11/25/86 •tt -CKS M..7 ' 18.20 - - - CONWAY FIRE 6 SAFETY - - -- -- EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 420 -42 87329 11/19/86 250.00 18.20 -- - --- - - - -- ,i =+ - 11/19/86 25.00 ___ • *• -CKS 11/19/86 •_� ••• -CKS 335125 335114 _ 10.56 108.20 CERT POWER TRAIN REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13565 _ 27.00- —_CERT POWER TRAIN -- RAN - CREDIT 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13596 _ DELECARD 81.20 • - TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 49078. 11/24/86 z ^I __•_93.22_ CITY_.OF EDINA WATER 10- 4258 - 446 -44 I.1'. 45.30 CITY OF EDINA WATER 10 -4258- 646 -64 SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 138.52 t 15395 MERIT SUPPLY -••• -CKS s ^�I 6; _- 21335112_ 1 1 /20/86 —' _11/20/86 — 419.79 - DAYTONS 11/25/86 HENS CLUB 27 -2237- 000 -00 335125 _ sz _493'.50 ;^ 419.79 • 11/25/86 340.00 - M..7 335125 11/25/86 472.32 335125 11/19/86 250.00 GEN SUPPLY _ 335125 11/19/86 ,i =+ •t•tt• 11/19/86 25.00 ___ 335125 11/19/86 SUPPLY ••• -CKS 335125 335114 11/20/86 10.56 _ DELEGARD TOOL CO TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 ' 335114 11 /20/86 _ - — 16.56 _ _ DELECARD TOOL CO_ - TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 49078. 11/24/86 z ^I I' 27.12 • SUPPLY CORRECTION 10- 4512- 540 -54 15395 - _ __ ___ __. MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 540 -54 15395 MERIT SUPPLY CLEAN SPLY =� •••••• 17J' MERIT SUPPLY CORRECTION 10 -4512- 664 -64 - - -- •t• -CKS •3i 335116 11/20/86 388.48 DIESEL SERVICE CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 i . l ' 33 - - -- - - - - - - --- -- - - - -_— __ 388.48 • ^ •s• -CKS ' 335120 11/20/86 427.50 DORSEY 6 WHITNEY GOLF DOME 10- 1130- 000 -00 217215 a 'r 335120 11/20/86 10,858.93 DORSEY & WHITNEY LEGAL SERV 10- 4218- 220 -22 217215 I lam-- -- - - - - -- ---- -- 11,266.43 t -- • -.._ __ _� s ^�I 6; _- 335125 1 1 /20/86 —' - 138-00- MERIT 335125 11/25/86 340.00 "L— 335125 _ 11/20/86 - -- _493'.50 ;^ 335125 11/25/86 340.00 - M..7 335125 11/25/86 472.32 335125 11/19/86 250.00 GEN SUPPLY _ 335125 11/19/86 25.00- MERIT 335125 11/19/86 25.00 ___ 335125 11/19/86 SUPPLY 12 ��- 335125 _ 11/19/86 __250.00 25.00- MERIT 335125 11/19/86 25.00 15395 11/25/86 451 .50 - _335125_ _- 335125 " 11%25/86 451.50 - MERIT_ 335125 11/24/86 499.60 s 6; •tt -CKS �• MERIT SUPPLY —. ! — BEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 15510 —i "' MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLKY 10 -4504- 318 -30 15629 MERIT_ SUPPLY •__,_•_,. - -,. GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 318 - 30_15591 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLY 10- 4504 - 318 -30 15612 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SPLY 10- 4504 - 647 -64 15644 .! MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 520 - 52_15395 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 520 -52 15395 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 520 -52 15395 II' I MERIT_ SUPPLY— CLEANING SUPPLIES 10 -4512- 540 - 54_15395 I' MERIT SUPPLY CORRECTION 10- 4512- 540 -54 15395 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 540 -54 15395 MERIT SUPPLY CLEAN SPLY 10 -4512- 664 - 64_15. 60.3 17J' MERIT SUPPLY CORRECTION 10 -4512- 664 -64 731 MERIT SUPPLY TRASH CANS 10- 4602 - 644 -64 15630 7 -J 1966 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 10 -31 -86 PACE 4 CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV._• P.O. • MESSAGE - ' 335125 11/20/86 437.25 MERIT SUPPLY PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 15477 t' 335125 11/20/86 _ 495.00 -- MERIT SUPPLY PARTS, -4620- 560 - 5615509 335125 11/24/86 50.00 - - — MERIT SUPPLY — _ CREDIT _10 27 -4512- 661 -66 _ -14933---- - - - - - - - -- -- ° . 335125 11/24/86 108.62 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 27- 4512 - 661 -66 15396 335125 11/19/86 _ 449.05 _ MERIT SUPPLY 27- 4620 - 671 -66, 15604 335125 11/25/86 451.50 _ _ _PARTS MERIT SUPPLY — CLEAN SPLY 28- 4512 - 708 -70 15603 — ! 335125 11/20/86 155.40 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 15520 ° -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- 4, 830.24_ s �' _ ssssss 000-CKS 335136 11/19/86 1,083.10 EARL F ANDERSEN CONSTRUCTION 60- 1300 - 264 -04 65266 — - ' - — ` 1,063.10 s it' ssssss _-•. — —._. ._— _ -- -- - - -*ss - -I ., -CKS 335143 11/20/86 45.95 EMRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27 -4624- 664 -66 I_• 335143 11/20/86 _ _ 67.71 _ EMRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 __ _ 113.66 • ssssss sss -CKS _ 335148 11/25/86 — _ _ 4.53 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY GEN SUPPLY 10 -4504- 301 -30 335148 11/20/86 _ _ 16.50 _ ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY ----GEN GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 _ - - - -- -- __,' 21.03 • •�MSSS - *so-CKS 335150 _ 11/20/86 - - -- - 62.80 --ELECTRONIC.-CENTER -- -- GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 330 -30 419418 • 62.80 sss -CKS `i 335164 11/20/86 3.31 FREEWAY DODGE INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 60609 - -- .. ._ - - -- -- - -- 3.31 • ssssss sss -CKS 335180 - 11/25/86 - 82,666.00 GENE RAL SAFETY EQUIP FIRE EQUIP 10 -4918- 440 -44 13394 = f. " 82, 666.00 s sss -CKS ^. 335183 11/20/86 -- 11.00 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS _ ... REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 520 -52 68556 s 11.00 ssssss s — - - sss -CKS 335185 11/20/86 282.67 GOODIN CO REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 387054 _L- 335185 11/20/86 � 92.28 _ — GOODIN CO REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 „Is ^� 335185 11/20/86 60.54- COODIN CO — CREDIT 40- 4540 - 803 -80 - - - t 335185 11/25/86 187.72 GOODIN CO REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 603 -80 391771 ^' 502.13 s sss -CKS -- _I'uiam • r ?I 1986 L OF EDINA CHECK N0. DATE r ENDOR 3 335188 -- 11/20/86 335188 11 /20/86 • ' 335188 11/20/66 335188 11/20/86 r el CHECK h- -[STER 10 -31 -86 PACE 5 AMOUNTV ENDOR 84.90 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NQ. INV. • P.O. • MESSAGE RADIO SERV 10-4294-560-56-69916 80.44 _ CRAYBAR_.ELECTRIC- 11/25/66 CO__- REPAIR _PARTS_ 10- 4540 - 540 -54 249499 441.67 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 540 -54 244827 9.49 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 124.81 GRAYBAR - - -- ELECTRIC CO REPAIR - PARTS 10 -4540- 540 -54 244879 �+ 656.41 11/20/86 47.60 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10 -4294- 560 -56 70015 335194 _ 11/25/86 _ _ 24.80 GENERAL -GENERAL Ilo. i, RADIO SERV 10 -4294- 560 -56 71230 335194 11/20/86 KS CASH 335194 11/20/86 100.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10- 4294 - 420 -42 24308 335194. 11/19/86 - - _ 49.70- ..____ _ GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10 -4294- 440 -44 70728 335194 11/20/86 84.90 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10-4294-560-56-69916 PETTY 335194 11/25/66 131.18 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10 -4294- 560 -56 71231 335194 - -__ 11/25/86.- 109.70 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO__SERV 11/25/86 10- 4294 - 560 - 56.71229 PETTY 335194 11/20/86 37.30 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10- 4294 - 560 -56 70016 335194 11/20/86 47.60 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10 -4294- 560 -56 70015 335194 _ 11/25/86 _ _ 24.80 GENERAL -GENERAL COMMUNICATNS_ RADIO SERV 10 -4294- 560 -56 71230 335194 11/20/86 72.50 CASH COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV I0-:'_4294-_560_56_70305 PETTY 335194 11/20/86 19.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 24309 676.68 + I -- - IP 335203 335203 335203 rl 335203 335203 335203 31 335203 335203 335203 335203 335203 335203 335203 335203 39l 335203 335203 �d1 335203 335203 11/25/66 - 3.60 -� - - PETTY CASH - CONF EXP 10 -4202- 140 -14 11/25/86 2.70 PETTY CASH PARK 6 MEETING 10- 4206 - 120 -12 __- 1t/25/86 29.61 i PETTY -PETTY CASH.___- ,_.. �- V PARK 6.MEETINC 10 -4206- 140 -14 11/25/86 26.65 °.0 ' 335209 CASH PARK 6 MEETING - - 10- 4206 - 200 -20 11/25/86 1.47 PETTY CASH MILEAGE 10 -4208- 160 -16 ____ -_ _11/25/86 __.__ ____ __6.72_ - - _ PETTY CASH -! 10- 4208 - 180 -18 11/25/86 5.56 PETTY CASH ---MILEAGE MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 200 -20 11/25/86 8.14 PETTY CASH POSTAGE 10 -4290- 140 -14 11/25/86 - _ 8.81 PETTY CASH _ _ - _ POSTAGE 10- 4292 - 627 -62 11/25/86 4.48 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 140 -14 11/25/86 9.99 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 500 -50 _ 11/25/86_ - - 16.81 _ PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 600 -60 11/25/86 45.77 PETTY _ CASH _ ^SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 627 -62 11/25/66 87.11 PETTY CASH PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 4508 - 140 -14 -_ 11/25/86 - 4.45 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 520 -52 11/25%86 2.85 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 600 -60 11/25/86 5.56 PETTY CASH MILEAGE 40 -4208- 800 -80 --11/25/86 -- - • - - ^ 10.75 - _ PETTY -_--_- CASH - POSTAGE 40 -4290- 800 -80 281 .23 � _ - - - - -- +++ -CKS h. I i �� + ++++• + ++ -CKS � °.0 ' 335209 11/20/86 38.13 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 899673 t 335209 ! 11/20/86 -_ 14.47 __ GENUINE PARTS PARTS 10-4S40-560-56903063 335209 11/20/86 115.45 GENUINE PARTS -.REPAIR REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 900742 - I'j• 7- 335209 11/20/86 16.06 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 903705 335209 11/20/86 _- _31_.,73 _GENUINE PARTS__ _. REPAIR - PARTS 10 -4540- 560 - 56.898832,- '____________ �^'J iI1, -_-'___'335209 IV 11/20/86 12.07 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 _„__- 901072 335209 11/20/86 3.55 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 901053 `71 335209 11/20/86 4.36 237.82 GENUINE PARTS TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 899146 h� ld7 + ++ -CKS i ••• -CKS �,,. 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 10 -31 -86 PACE 6 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT -- -_ _VENDOR _- _ ^- _ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. 0 MESSAGE _ a _335214 11/25/86 10.95 TOLL COMPANY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325 -30 034679 IT. 4� 335214 11/25/86 33.79 TOLL COMPANY -- - WELDING SUPPLING 10- 4610- 560 -56 471106 _ 335214 11/25/86 75.45 TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPPLIES 10- 4610- 560 -56 702824 _ 335214 11/25/86 6.00 _ TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPPLIES 10- 4610 - 560 -56 035238 �• 335214 11/25/86 65.83 TOLL COMPANY '— _ WELDING SUPP 10 -4610- 560 -56 468224 - ' 335214 11/25/86 105.38 TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPP 10 -4610- 560 -56 703103 335214 11/25/86 _ 122.72 TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPP 10 -4610- 560 -56 295658 • 335214 11/25/86 60.24 TOLL COMPANY _ WELDING SUPP -10- 4610 - 560 -56 _ 393752 - _ 335214 11/25/86 67.68 TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPP 10- 4610- 560 -56 296375 335214 _ 11/25/86 _ 18.82 TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPP 10 -4610- 560 -56 294443 335214 11/25/86 _ 28.43 TOLL COMPANY _ GEN SUPP 40- 4504 - 801 -80 035264 335214 11/25/86 22.14 TOLL COMPANY GEN SUPP 40 -4504- 801 -80 035969 _335214 11/25/86 - - 26.26 TOLL COMPANY _ - GEN SUPPLIES 40_4504- 801 -80 036278 643.69 _ - - -- 335215 11/20/86 - _ - _ - 52.19 - -- HIRSHFIELDS REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 520 -52 52. 19, ip - - - - - -- -- - -- -- -- - - -- - _.- - - - -- -- -- _. -- -- •rs -CKS _ 335218 11/19/86 1,538.90 HALLMAN LUBRICANTS 10- 4618- 560 -56 27547 -- - - - - -- -- -- -- 1,538.90 • ' - •st•ss •s• -CKS 335222 11/20/86 - 79.97 HEDBERG 6 80N8 CO -��- GEN SUPPLIES � 40- 4504 - 803 -80 32262 . 335222 11/20/86 11.32 HEDBERG 6 SONS CO GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504- 803 -80 31657 91.29 • _I,?� ss•s•• ss• -CKS 335228 11/19/86 2,182.87 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y REPAIR PARTS -10- 4540 - 560 -56 - _ 335228 11/19/86 7.16 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y REPAIR PARTS 10- 4580- 301 -30 - 335228 11/19/86_ _ _ 24.45 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y REPAIR PARTS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 335228- 11/19/86 630.88 - _ HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y REPAIR PARTS 10= 4620 - 560 -56 - 2,845.36 • i. srr -CKS 335231 -- - -- 11/20/86 56.38 - ' - - - -41 HOFFERS INC GEN SUPPLY 10- 4504- 642 -64 335231 11/20/86 .SO----"- - HOFFER8 INC -- - -----PAINT - - - -- 10- 4544 - 642 -64 33974— -- - -- - ,.�,� 98.18 • •ss -CKS 335244 11/20/86 112.36 HAYDEN MURPHY - GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 112.36 • - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- •,! sss•s• CKS 335248 11/20/86 139.08 HARMON CLASS CONT REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 125251 139.08 • ' •w•••• 14I ••• -CKS �,,. 1986 L_ . OF EDINA CHECK n_.1STER 10 -31 -86 eAGE 7 I _CHECK- NO, -DATE _^ AMOUNT _ 13 _- _335253 11/25/86 -__- 26.50 _ 335253 11/20/86 34.00 60.50 r -- r�i•r• - - - -- - - -- _ 335267 335277 335278 335279 335279 335279 .'I 335279 335279 335279 335279 ! ;' 335279 335279 335279 335279 335279 335279 335279 335279 335279 __335279 335279 "i 335279 3� 335279 335279 335279 335279 335279 335279 +-I rrrrrr 335286 335286 •',�'� rrrrrr s' 335292 �I 191.00.- 191 . 00 r 11/20/66 407.25 - - -- - -- - 407.25 so*-CKS 07 _ �5 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. • MESSAGE HUMPHREY_RADIATOR_- CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 _. HUMPHREY RADIATOR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 rrr -CKS "I IBMCORPORATION SERVICE CONTRACTS 10-4288- 510 -51 I- _ rrr_ -CK_S_ _ CARLSON PRINTING PRINTING 10- 4600 - 510 -51 36561 11/24/86 6.15 JERRYS FOODS OWN CONCESSIONS 27-4624- 664 -66 10 -4504- 470 -47 11/19/86 6.15 • JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 482 -48 11/19/86 38.12 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 133 -12 „I 11/19/86 - .__9.1,7 JERRYS -OUR OWN _HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 160 -18 11/19/86 29.43 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 260 -26 11/19/86_____. _ 11/19/86 26.74 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 171.24 JERRYS 66.55- ! JERRYS OUR DUN HDWE CORRECTION 10- 4504 - 322 -30 JERRYS 11/19/66 6.55 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTAS 10- 4504 - 322 -30 - 11/19/86 66.55 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 322 -30 I -- __-- _11/19/86 __- __-- 51.15JERRYS REPAIR PARTS OUR OWN HDWE__.__ „_ -GEN SUPPLIES OUR OWN 11/19/86 20.06 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 470 -47 11/19/86 5.29 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 482 -48 11/19/86 _ 8.06 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE ___ GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-507-50 11/19/86 16.76 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE _ GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 540 -54 11/19/86 18.20 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 560 -56 11/19/86_____. _ 6.88_ __JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 624- 62- _ - -___ _ 11/19/86 171.24 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 11/19/86 5.69 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 660 -66 _ 11/19/86 __17.76 _JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PART.; 10- 4540 - 330 -30 11/19/86 41.73 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS _ 10- 4540- 390 -30 11/19/86 37.60 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 520 -52 _`.11/19/86 28.00 JERRYS-OUR-OWN HOWE REPAIR _PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 11/19/86 17.98 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 10 -4544- 646 -64 11/19/86 13.89 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4604 - 260 -26 ._____11/19/86. -� 33.80 _ JERRYS OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 11/19/86 4.98 _OUR JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 11/19/86 2.37 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 50 -4504- 841 -84 ---- - - - - -- - 611` 45 i- - - -- 1 1/20/86 11/20/86 11%19%86 1.7 rrr -CKS 68.40 JUSTUS LUMBER 6EN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 41287 43.45 JUSTUS LUMBER GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 40056 i 1 1 .85 • �a„ 1,151.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO INSURANCE 10- 4260- 510 -51 " 1,151.00 1986 CITY OF EDINA REGISTER ITEM DESCRIPTION -1 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT " •rrrrr 11/20/86 - 473.97 335304 11/25/86 379.13 335304 11/25/86 22.80- - 335304 - 11/20/86 -- - -- -" 119.96 - -- ., ^� 335304 11/25/86 462.37 335304 11/20/86 92.85 335304 - 11/20/86 67.19 - 335304 11/20/86 51.99 335304 11/25/86 159.42 335304 11/25/86 - 71.58 - -- . 335304 11/25/86 71.58 - 335304 11/24/86 `- 11.03 335304 " - - -" 11/24/86 - - - " 90.69 - - 335304 11/24/86 42.77 335304 11/20/86 4.99 335304 __ 11/20/86 _ 230.37 . ^ 335304 11/20/86 14.43 - 335304 11/20/86 35.84 335304 - - - 11/25/86 J -- 71.58 - -- 335304 11/24/86 29.76 _ ___ _••, KNOX 1,812.71 • �- rrrrr• CHECK REGISTER ITEM DESCRIPTION 10 -31 -86 PACE 8 ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. • MESSAGE ' 7; _ 335317 11/20/86 - 473.97 �10- PRODUCTS - KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 4540 - 520 -52 486374 KNOX LUMBER CO CREDIT_ PRODUCTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 486353 KNOX LUMBER CO _ _ REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 466236 1' KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 486351 I;, KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 466516 KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS _ _ 10- 4540 - 540 -54 466668 - KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 466525 KNOX LUMBER CO _ REPAIR PARTS _10- 4540 - 560 - 56.486350 _ ___ _••, KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 661 -66 486340 KNOX LUMBER CO CORRECTION 10 -4540- 661 -66 486340 I,.. ­KNOX LUMBER CO -__ ___ LUMBER 10-4604-646-64 486273 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 100.00 - 10 -4604- 646 -64 486429 _ =, KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 11/20/86 10 -4604- 646 -64 486271 CONT REPAIRS LUMBER CO__ ^ 335337 _ 10- 4604 - 646 -64 466955 -_KNOX KNOX LUMBER CO -LUMBER LUMBER 10- 4604- 646 - 64 _ _ 486452 KNOX LUMBER CO CREDIT - _ 10- 4604- 646 -64 038399 _KNOX LUMBER CO_____ -_ LUMBER 10- 4604 - 646 -64 486450 KNOX LUMBER CO. REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 661 -66 486340 KNOX LUMBER CO PARTS 27- 4620- 661 -66 486269 �- rrrrr• rrrrsr 7; _ 335317 11/20/86 - 473.97 LAWSON PRODUCTS - CEN SUPPLIES . 335317 11/20/86 391.86 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 335317 11/20/66 203.59 LAWSON PRODUCTS CEN SUPPLIES 335317 11/20/86 390.03 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 335317 11/20/86 43.44 LAWSON PRODUCTS PARTS 335317 _11/25/86 _ 275.76 LAWSON PRODUCTS PARTS 335317 11/20/86 301.96 LAWSON PRODUCTS PARTS 335317 11/25/86 128.93 LAWSON PRODUCTS PARTS 50- 4233 - 820 -82 2,209.54 335324 11/25/86 247.44 10- 4504 - 322 -30 10- 4504 - 328 -30 10- 4504- 646 -64 10- 4504 - 646 -64 10 -4620- 560 -56 10- 4620 - 560 -56 _ 10- 4620- 560 -56 10 -4620- 560 -56 rrr -CKS I rrrrsr rrr -CKS e 335324 - 11/25/86 1,014.95 LOGIS COMPUTER BILLING 10- 4228 - 160 -16 J 335324 11/25/86 1,582.07 LOCIS COMPUTER BILLING 10- 4230 - 160 -16 335324 11/25/86 _ 2,212.23 LOG 18 COMPUTER BILLING 10- 4233 - 200 -20 335324 11/25/66 , _ 11755.22 _ _ _ LOGIS. COMPUTER BILLING _ 10- 4233 - 420 -42 335324 11/25/86 1,701.87 LOGIS COMPUTER BILLING 40 -4232- 800 -80 335324 _ 11/25/86 _ 247.44LOCIS - - COMPUTER BILLING 50- 4233 - 820 -82 335324 11/25/86 247.44 LOGIS -_- COMPUTER BILLING - _ 50 -4233- 840 -84' > 335324 11/25/86 247.44 LOCIS COMPUTER BILLING 50 -4233- 860 -86 9,008.66 • "'> •rrrrr rrr -CKS 335337 11/20/86 100.00 - LAKE STATE EQUIP _- CONT REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 A14229 335337 11/20/86 61.50 LAKE STATE EQUIP CONT REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 514269 ^ 335337 _ - 11/25/86 - - -- 191.20 LAKE STATE EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 P13285 352.70 i - - - -- -- - - _ •rrrrr >.IC �1 ___. rrr- CKS >' 1986 L . OF EDINA CHECK OSTER 10 -31 -86 ACE 9 ___ _CHECK _N0._. DATE -_ —_ ' 3353421_1/25/86 VENDOR T I2 327.92 —,_ -_MAC QUEEN _EQUIP -INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 70188 A 327.92 • 17 _ 335343 - - _ 11/25/86- _ -- - -- 89.96 —89.96 -* — MINNESOTA — - -- - - -- CLOVE -_ -- - -_ CEN SUPPLY — - 10- 4504 - 560 -56 9408 I ^! — J ' • MODEL STONE COMPANY 335362 e 335344 11/20/86 __ '-------1'36.30 41.56 MED OXYGEN 6 EQUIP CONT REPAIRS o. ,i -4248- 440 -44 335344 11/25/86 MED OXYGEN & EQUIP EQUIP MAINT —10 10 -4274- 449 -44 — — " 335344 11/25/86 31.23 MED OXYGEN 6 EQUIP 1ST AID SPLY 10 -4510- 440 -44 I, MODEL -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- 209.09 • 00.000 STONE — J ' • MODEL STONE COMPANY 335362 11/20/86 517.00 - 335362 -- - -1 1 /20/86 — -- 335346 11/19/86 184,061.90 11/20/66 MET N WASTE C L COMM SEWER SERV 40 -4312- 801 -80 3586 - �I 7-F- 335362 184.061 .90 • T. 7 335362 11/20/86 967.21 - 141 - -- *0000• - - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - 335379 11/20/86 -- 335379 11/20/86 31 .50 3353.51 — 11/25/86 18.72 91_50 • MILSCO ENGINEERING REPAIR PARTS 10-4540- 390 -30 - I 16.72 + ^ 335355 11/20/86 39.31 MINNSOTA BEARING CO CEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 560 -56 - - - -- - - - _ -•_-� 39.31 --- - - - - -- - • -� .— _- .__— ____— _._- -- - - - - -- - - - ---- - -- - -- - -- - ^� 0000•• '.._ 335359 11/20/86 - 1,850.00 — MINN TORO INC _ - EQUIP MAINT 27- 4274 - 662 -66 637997 335359 11/24/86 181.92 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 670 -66 638204 _. -_.. - -- --- - - - - -- ---- - - - --- 2,_031 - -92 � ---- - - - --- -- - - - -- - - - - - -- -- ----- ..__...._.. -- ---- - -. -- --- _.- -- -- --- -- - - -- -- - 335360 11/25/86 34.00 MINNESOTA WANNER CONT REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 064768 335360 —_ - 11/25/86 _ 4.30 MINNESOTA WANNER _ __CEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 - 64_064720_ 335360 11/25%86- 21.50 MINNESOTA WANNER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 920 -s2 064763 MODEL STONE �-- 59.80 • 10 -4524- 365 -30 00.000 STONE — J ' 10- 4528- 314 -30 MODEL STONE COMPANY 335362 11/20/86 517.00 - 335362 -- - -1 1 /20/86 — -- - 712.04 MODEL 335362 11/20/66 395.81 -4540- 540 -54 335362 - -- 11/20/86 - -1 200.08 - 7-F- 335362 1/20/86 FONE T. 7 335362 11/20/86 967.21 FONE COMM CEN SUPPLIES 3,013.89 • %- ^, 0000•• 335379 11/20/86 60.00 335379 11/20/86 31 .50 _� -- 91_50 • a �� 0000•• 77I MODEL STONE COMPANY 10 -4524- 365 -30 MODEL STONE COMPANY CONCRETE 10- 4528- 314 -30 MODEL STONE COMPANY CONCRETE 10- 4528- 345 -30 MODEL STONE COMPANY J_ REPAIR PARTS_ 10- 4540 - 520 -52 —10 MODEL STONE COMPANY REPAIR PARTS -4540- 540 -54 MODEL STONE COMPANY BLACKTOP 40- 4524 - 803 -80 METRO FONE COMM CEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 180 -18 228917 METRO FONE COMM CEN SUPPLIES 40 -4504- 801 -80 227461 .- -_ - _.. - -- 17 ••• -CKS h,. ••• -CKS IZ; ,:1. ••• -CKS ••• -CKS I. - ••• -CKS I� -71 ••• -CKS I71 _ �7, ,, `•••- CKS - `- 7 :11 7 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 10 -31 -86 PACE 10 CHECK NO. DATE - AMOUNT- - - - - -- VENDOR _ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. 0 MESSAGE— s '! 335381_ 11/20/86 167.40 STAR 6 TRIBUNE ADVERTISING r'.. __ _ 335381 - - 11/20/86 81.00 -- _ _ - _ STAR 6 TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 40 -4212- 800 -80 . ' 248.40 • srsssr iir -CKS �! 335383 - 11/20/86 5,778.18 MPLS COMP TREAS _ - - -- WATER 40- 4640 - 803 -80 5,778.18 _— - sssrsr rrs -CKS 335403 11/24/86 34.00 N W SOUND PARTS 27- 4620 - 661 -66 56522 34.00 s rrr -CKS I= • 335412 11/20/86- 73.44 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENTORY 23 -1209- 000 -00 128989 s' 335412 11/20/86 89.44 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENTORY SUPPLIES 23 -1209- 000 -00 129124 e 335412 _ -- - 11/20/86`— - -- - - 203.39 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY -- -- -- -- - INVENTORY SUPPLIES 23 -1209- 000 -00 128836 366.27 - - - i -- - -, - -- - - -- -- - -- I. *00-CKS a' 335420 11/20/86 66.29 OLD DUTCH FOODS CONCESSIONS 27 -4624- 664 -66 66.29 s I 335421 11/20/86 208.30 OLSON CHAIN 3 CABLE CONSTRUCTION 60- 1300 - 264 -04 64952 208.30 • •i rssrrs 004-CKS ;:'• 11/20/86 44.52 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 12135 - s 'I335452 335452 11/20/86 73.56 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 12144 e - - -- -.. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- i18.08 • _ - - -- - - -- — - - - - -- rrrrss s++ -CKS "t 335462 _ 11/20%86 55.00 - RENTAL EQUIP 8 SALES- GEN SUPP 10- 4504- 646 -64 6104 - - - A 55.00 335465 _- 11/20/86 2,390.00 _- _RICHFIELD PLUMB 6 CO CONT REPAIRS 10 -4248- 646 -64 6989 2,390.00 r -- - - rrssrr rrr -CKS ... • ^�I 335484 11/25/86 94.70 AMERICAN SHARECOM TELEPHONE 10 -4256- 510 -51 t " 94.70 • „! s ssssrs so*-CKS t s 335486 11/20/66 172.50 DON STREICHER GUNS PARTS 10 =4620- 560 -56 M357541 172.50 • 75t • 1 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE rrrrrr 335490 11/25/86 335490 11/25/86 rrrrrr 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 335492 rrrrrr 335494 = irrrsr 335499 CHECK REGISTER 10 -31 -86 PACE 11 AMOUNT VENDOR - _ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.D. •_ MESSAGE ____.___ 25.18 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 71.94 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 97.12 11/24/86 737.49 SOUTHDALE FORD 11/25/86 132.29 SOUTHDALE FORD 11/25/86 10.94 SOUTHDALE _ FORD 11/25/86 93.09 SOUTHDALE FORD 11/25/86 8.48 -. SOUTHDALE FORD 11/20/86 23.17 SOUTHDALE FORD 11/20/86 100.34 SOUTHDALE FORD 11/20/86 25.52 SOUTHDALE FORD _ 11/25/86 44.93 SOUTHDALE FORD 11/25/86 20.48 SOUTHDALE FORD li/es/86 ._ 31 .31. -- __ _ SOUTHDALE FORD ____• _ 11/25/86 14.61 SOUTHDALE FORD 11/20/86 158.32 SOUTHDALE FORD 11/25/86 105.29 SOUTHDALE FORD 11/25/86 _ 40.5t SOUTHDALE _ FORD 11/25/86 25.40 SOUTHDALE FORD - - 1 .572. 17 CHEVROLET REPAIR 11/20/86 - 231.00 231.00 r 11/20/86 _ 72.00 72.00 GEN SUPPLIES GEN_ SUPPLIES CONT REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARATS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR- PARTS REPAIR PARTS REAPIR PARTS REPAIR.PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS _ REPAIR PARTS _ REPAIR PARATS REPAIR PARTS SWEENEY BROS TRACTOR CONT REPAIRS STATES ELECTRIC MFG..- _ _REPAIR -PARTS rrr -CKS 40- 4504 - 801 -80 40 -4504- 801 -80 rrr -CKS 10 -4248- 560 -56 6507 _ 10-4540-S60-S6 132331 10- 4540 - 560 -56 132699 10- 4540 - 560 -56 131969 ___ 1 0 -4540- 560 -56 132191 10 -4540- 560 -56 129737 10- 4540 - 560 -56 131078 1074540-S60-S6.-130979--- 10- 4540 - 560 -56 132167 10- 4540 - 560 -56 132160 10 -4540- 560 -56 131643 __- �10- 4540 - 560 -56 132332 10 -4540- 560 -56 130980 10 -4540- 560 -56 _132160 ______ 10 -4540- 560 -56 132054 10- 4540 - 560 -56 131535 rrr -CKS 10 -4248- 560 -56 22045 rrr -CKS 10- 4540 - 390 -30 78831 rrrrrr 000-CKS 335'194 11/20/86 266.25 GENERAL COMM�INICATZQ�g INC. RADIO SERV 10- 4294 - 560 -56 24307 335502 11/20/86 1.11 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 64874 335502 11/25/66 _ 5.60 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS T 10- 4540 - 560 -56 _ 66061 335502 11/25/86 203.04 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 65987 335502 11/20/86 .64_ SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS _ 10 -4540- 560 -56 65050 335502 11/20/86 _ _ .82 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARi3 10- 4540 - 560 -56 65202 335502 11/20/86 415.57 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 65023 335502 11/25/86 12.79 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 66058 335502 11/25/86 4.35 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 65909 335502 11/25/86 21.34 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 65668 335502_ - 11/20/66 _- 374.85 __SUBURBAN CHEVROLET___ REPAIR .PARTS_ -10- 4540 - 560 -56 64336._,_.____ 335502 11/25/86 46.41 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 65870 '•• - a9w-?? 1,086.52 - 335503 11/25/86 68.21 --SUBURBAN-PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLY 10 -4504- 390 -30 335503 11/20/86 22.58 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 1966 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. 335503 3j 335503 _ 335503 �r R 335505_- ).wi 335505 DATE AMOUNT- — — _VENDOR 11/25/86 11/25/86 11/25/86 CHECK REGISTER 59.35- SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP 59.35 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP 59.35 SUBURBAN _ PLUMB SUP 150.14 • ITEM DESCRIPTION NO. INV 10 -31 -86 PACE 12 CORRECTION 40- 4540 - 560 -56 REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 560 -56 , REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 80240 +� e, � I• e ••• -CKS 11/19/86 - _'_145.02 SUN ADVERTISING 10- 4210- 140 -14 � 11/20/86 176.52 • _____SUN - - - - - -- ADVERTISING 23 -4214- 610 -61 L. eu ' -I53-335539 11%20/86 104.60 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY PARTS 27- 4620= 662=66 1778 gz1 104.60 • FA ;. ........ .....,....._ -. - - - - ••• -CKS r i r TOOLS 10 -4580- 301 -30 4T . 98 • ffrf••- -- -- •i0 -CKS ••• -CKS 335508_. 11/24/86 — _ 6.16 8T PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 440 - -. _. -- ----- I9, _.. _ _ —_ -- - - 335508 11/20/86 15.39 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES -44 10 -4504- 440 -44 335526 -- =+ 2,468.00 • TRACY OIL 335508 11/24/86 6.16- ST PAUL BOOK CORRECTION 10- 4504 - 440 -44 4J un 335508 _ 11/24/86 3.08— ST PAUL BOOK CREDIT 10 -4504- 440 -44 -- 335508 11/24/86 6 .16 8T PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 440 -44 REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 805 -80 62544 - -- -- -- 335508 11/20/86 29.95 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 540 -54 s�1 l =,L-_335508 11/24/86 18.06 8T PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES_ 10- 4504 - 660 -66 39337 , 'I 335508 11%24/86 140.70 ST PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 16 -4516- 510 -51 . 335508 11/20/86 22.12 ST PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLY 10 -4516- 510 -51 335508 11/24/86 10.50 -__ _ST PAUL BOOK CREDIT 27- 4504 - 660 -66 71480 � 335508 _ 11%24/86 20.95 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 2T- 4504 - 660 -66 39478 , 335508 11/24/86 9.95 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 660 -66 370132 I 13. 249.70 • ; ••• -CKS I 335512 11/25%86 45.36 $ T ROBE REPAIR PARTS 40= 4540 = 803- 80 -A2252 - �Q,I "1 45.36 • ••• -CKS 335516 11 eu ' -I53-335539 11%20/86 104.60 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY PARTS 27- 4620= 662=66 1778 gz1 104.60 • FA ;. ........ .....,....._ -. - - - - ••• -CKS r i r TOOLS 10 -4580- 301 -30 4T . 98 • ffrf••- -- -- ••• -CKS ., 335525 11/20/86 471.95 3 M CO SIGNS 3 POSTS 10- 4542 - 328 -30 -3 — . - - - - -. _. -- ----- 471.95 • — - -- _.. _ _ —_ -- - - ,1- 335526 11/25/86 200.00 TRACY OIL GASOLINE -- -- - - -- -- - 10 -4612- 560 -56 11022 1•' 335526 -- 11/19/06 2,468.00 • TRACY OIL GASOLINE 10 -4612- 560 -56 11 � . —._- 4J •sfs•a -- - - -- -- — - - - - -- — - -- •s•- CKS__ .•' °, 335537 11/24/86 802.00 802.00 • TRI STATE DRILLING _ REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 805 -80 62544 - -- -- -- eu ' -I53-335539 11%20/86 104.60 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY PARTS 27- 4620= 662=66 1778 gz1 104.60 • FA ;. ........ .....,....._ -. - - - - ••• -CKS r i r 1986 L_ . OF EDINA CHECK n__&STER 10 -31 -86 AGE 13 '71 - -- �s� +�« - - - - - -- ------------- - - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - 0 CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. • MESSAGE PRINTING 2 23- 4600 - 610 -61 _- ,_ -____ _ !'•',� f, 3 371.70 • _ Id ' 335541 11/20/86 99.92 TARGET UNIFORM ALLOW 10- 4266- 420 -42 I,d 335541 11/19/86 15.36 _ TARGET GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 440_ -44 _ ' 335541 11/25/86 17.96 TARGET GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 446 -44 11/20/86 1 ° 335541 11/20/86 85.90 TARGET GEN SUPPLIER 10- 4504 - 520 -52 _11/25/86 1 335541 11/19/86 19.82 TARGET 1ST AID SUPPLY 10- 4510 - 440 -44 11/20/86 1 r, 335541 11/24/86 14.95 TARGET INVENTORY SUPPLY 23 -1209- 000 -00 251.00 • ' 253.93 • '' ,- - - -- �s� +�« - - - - - -- ------------- - - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - 0 00+. -CKS— ., z 3 335548 - _ _11/20/86 3 371.70- C CITY WEST - P PRINTING 2 23- 4600 - 610 -61 _- ,_ -____ _ !'•',� f, 3 371.70 • _ _, •����• s sa* -CKS �Z'I 3 335550 1 11/20/86 1 120.00 T TISDEL STANDARD R REPAIR PARTS 1 10- 4540 - 560 -56 12508 335550___ _ _11/25/86 1 112.30 T TISDEL_STANDARD R REPAIR PARTS 1 10- 4540 - 560 -56 _ �I _ 335550 1 11/20/86 1 18.70 T TISDEL STANDARD R REPAIR PARTS 1 _12527 ,.,. 251.00 • ' '' 335551 - - 11/20/86 -- 5 5,954.96 U UNIFORMS UNLIMITED U UNIFORM ALLOY 1 10- 4266- 420 -42 335551 1 11/20/86 6 664.55 U UNIFORMS UNLIMITED U UNIFORM ALLOW 1 10 -4266- 440 -44 L335551- 1 11/20/66_ -_ -, - -- 1,408.25_UNIFORMS U UNLIMITED A AMMUNITION 1 10 -4572- 420 -42 - S. 027.76 • yl 335553 11/20/86 262.44 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP 262.44 • 335569 -I� «* «fit• "I 335572 �' do s 11/20/86 402.68 VALLEY INDUSTRIAL 402.68 • •�s -CKS REPAIR PARTAS 10- 4540-520 -52 18796 ��.• so*-CKS GASOLINE 28- 4612 - 707 -70 "I *sw -CKS 11/25/86__ __ - - -- 337.45 ---- VAN -PAPER CO _ - -_ PAPER -SPLY 1 -0 -4514- 520-52 29456 337.45 - - -- - -- i., 335573 11/25/86 315.24 VOSS '71 335573 11/25/86 40.80 VOSS 335573 11/20/86 86.94 VOSS 335573 11/20/86 580.44 VOSS ... - - - -- - --- ------- - - - - -- 1, 023.42 -* - -- ---..GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 322 -30 10499 GEN SUPPLIES i10 -4504- 322 -30 10860 GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 540 -54 10419 GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 647 -64 10771 335575 11/20/86 10.82 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 803 -80 026590 10.82 • *r• -CKS i7 1, Y .3 ••��CKS - L71 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 10 -31 -86 PACE 14 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. • MESSAGE ' i 335579 11/2S/66 _ - _ 36.14 - WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE GEN SUPP 104504-301-30 55381 z 335579 11/25/86 97.95 __ WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE GEN SUPPLIES - —10- 4504 - 646 -64 __ 55195 335579 11/20/66 39.55 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE WELDING SUPPLY 10- 4610 - 560 -56 46990 I; - 335579 -- - - 11/25/86 -- - - -- — - —_ 94.20 _ WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE - - --- PARTS 10 -4620- 560 -56 55038 �, 267.84 � - - -- -- — — R I of III "I •••••• i +•• -CKS . ' 335586 11/25/86 108.24 W W CRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 r 335586 11/25/86 286.26 W W CRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 335586 11/25/86 92.64 _ W W CRAINGER REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 -' 487.14 + +•• -CKS i 335612 11/20/86_ 1,358.36 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 314 -30 335612 11/20/86 444.99 _ MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP BLACKTOP 40 -4524- 803 -80 1,803.35 • 11 , 335613 11/20/86 127.44 MCNEILUS STEEL — REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 540 -54 26690 - 335613 11/25/86 470.95 MCNEILUS STEEL REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 28984 �,.. 598.39 • - •••••• ••• -CKS 335709 11/19/86 12.50 - - - T 0 Y M - — - - -- - -- ADVERTISING -- - -_— 50- 4214 - 820 -82 - 335709 11/19/86 12.50 T 0 Y M ADVERTISING 50 -4214- 840 -84 335709 - 11/19/86 12.50 - -- T 0 Y M ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 860 -86 37.50 • -- - - -- 33 335710 - 11/19/86 - -- - 41.14 A PLUS PRESORT _- POSTAGE 10 -4290- 510 -51 41.14 • - 335711 11/19/86 26.22 SYSTEM SUPPLY INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 710464 26.22 • -- - -- - -- - - -- - — -- -- - - -- - 'I -__ 335712 -- 11/19/86 — 507.60 SUN COMMUNITY DIR ADVERTISING 50 -4214- 820 -S2 of 335712 11/19/86 507.60 SUN COMMUNITY DIR ADVERTISING 50 -4214- 840 -84 -- - �' 335712 11/19/86 507.60 SUN COMMUNITY DIR ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 860 -86 ! "r 335713 11/19/86 1,960.00 FIRST COMPANY DUE FROM HRA 10 -1 145- 000 -00 r 335713 11/19/86 860.00 -� — FIRST COMPANY - -- - - -- - - - - -- UNAPP SURPLUS . . 66 -2490- 000 -00 ni 2, 820.00 ' 335714 11/24/86 _ 7,016.00 EQUIPMENT GASOLINE -4612- 560 -56 9057 r • 335714 11/24/86 2,531.00- _WESTSIDE _ —� WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT - GASOLINE _10 10 -4612- 560 -56 8755 w!•", 335714 11/19/86 4,317.00 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT GASOLINE 10 -4612- 560 -56 8756r _13.864.00 • 'I 335715 11/19/86 613.78 APPLIED POWER FLUID REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 67589 e „ - -- -- - - -- - 613.78 • +Iz'� 335716 - -- 11/19/86 5,350.00 RETTERATH RIGGING GARAGE EQUIP 25 -4926- 540 -54 01032 I'_;�q 1 1986 L, OF EDINA "1 CHECK NO. DATE - 335717 -- 11/19/86 - 5 - 335718 - - - - -- 11/19/86 �e °I 335719 11/19/86 335720 - -- - 1019/86 335721 335722 - 1211 - -� 335723 -- -- 11/19/66- 11%19/86 11%19/86 CHECK b. _$TER 10 -31 -86 ACE 15 Y AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. • MESSAGE -- - -- -PARK NICOLLET MED _ .�' 335726 11/19/86 270.00 PARK NICOLLET MED 5,350.00 + _ DUES 295.60 , - - 732.91 FIAHERTY EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 810-81 HENNEPIN TECH CTR 732.91 • 600.00 + 171.00 JEANNE ANDERSON - AMBULANCE REFUND 10- 3180- 000 -00 I+i. 171.00 • 46.70 I.,I 72.24 WARREN 8CHNABEL AMBULANCE REFUND 10- 3180 - 000 -00 ROAD RESCUE 72.24 • 11/20/86 90.00 I;;' - - -- 195.00 - - - -- - -. - - -- LOUI8E KLEMP - -- - -- - - - AMBULANCE REFUND - -�-- -- - - 10- 3180 - 000 -00 -- 195.00 • _335730 11/19/86. - 60.00 INTL SOCIETY _OF 195.00 HENRY BANCROFT AMBULANCE REFUD 10 -3180- 000 -00 • 195.00 t ; 68.35 HUDSON 68.35 • 570.53 RAINBOW LEASING C0+ CONT 8ERV 570.53 • - 335724 - 11/19/86 - - -- -- 40.85- 49.85 • ^� 335725 - - - -- 11/19/86 - - -- 108.45 108.45 • 10 -4200- 507 -50 C A THOMPSON - -- PRINTING 10- 4600 - 420 -AP 17965 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO CABLE TV - 335726 11/19/86 - - - - -- 25.60 -- - -- -PARK NICOLLET MED _ .�' 335726 11/19/86 270.00 PARK NICOLLET MED _ DUES 295.60 • RUBBISH REMOVAL 335727 11/19/86 600.00 HENNEPIN TECH CTR 600.00 + =A. 335728 11/19/86 46.70 TRI STATE CHEMICAL 46.70 • ___ 335729 11/19/86 26.08 ROAD RESCUE 335729 11/20/86 90.00 ROAD RESCUE 116.08 _335730 11/19/86. - 60.00 INTL SOCIETY _OF 1' +r 60.00 • 335731 11/19/86 50.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY 50.00 • - '1 335732 11/19/86 -- - - - - 13.08 - '= 335732 11/19/86 26.16 :�f� 39.24 • ' 335733 11/19/86 82.00 - y�ae 82.00 + PHY EXAM PHY EXAM CONF 6 SCHOOLS 10 -2149- 000 -00 A46099 10- 4246 - 420 -42 10- 4246- 440 -44 10 -4202- 440 -44 10197 •' 1 �i T' CLEANING SUPPLIES 10 -4512- 440 -44 1ST AID SUPPLYU 10- 4510 - 440 -44 14855 REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ry _ DUES 10- 4204 - 440 -44 RUBBISH REMOVAL 10 -4250- 353 -30 12573 TC HOME JUICE COMP INVENTORY _ 50- 4632- S22 -S2 TC HOME JUICE COMP INVENTORY -50- 4632- 862- 86�-- _- __- ____._ ELLIOTT FILM'CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 627 -62 L14 l 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO._DATE ___ _ AMOUNT CHECK REGISTER 10 -31 -86 PACE 16 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. • P.O. i MESSAGE I' �._`33s7a4� 11/20/86 _ _ 17.81 - J.H LARSEN ELECT CO - REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 - 54_059675 17.81 • -_ -_. _ _ _- _- .___ -____ 263.87 CRESCENT ELECTRIC -- - - -- REPAIR PARTAS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 ' 263.87 i Y _ 335736_.____ 11/20/86 - - -- 130.00 RIDDLE CONTROL PROD _ REPAIR PARTS 335737 11/25/86 _ 75.41 COPY DUP PRODUCTS CEN SUPPLY 10- 4504 - 540 -54 675919 335737 11/20/86 75.00 _ COPY DUP PRODUCTS __ CEN SUPPLIES _ 10 -4504- 540 -54 664877 - - - 150.41 - -- 335738 - 11/20/86 -- -- -- - - -- 120.00 _ AM PLANNING ASSOC------- DUES 10 -4204- 120 -12 �--- �----- -- - - --�- - - - 120.00 • 335739 11/20/86 36.00 W W GOETSCH ASSO INC CEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504- 803 -S0 -- 36.00 • -'I 335740 -- 11/20/86 - - - 216.60 MILWAUKEE ELECT TOOL TOOLS 10 -4580- 301 -30 ' 216.60 • 335741 11/20/86 367.00 ESS BROTHERS b SONS REPAIR PARTAS 40 -4540- 601- 80'A1903 - -- - 367.00 • I 335742 _ 1 1 /20/86 112.75 -- -- - - ASHLAND CHEM - - - -• - -CEN SUPPLIES -- - -� - -- 10 -4504- 335 -30 -- - -- - -- - 112.75 • 335743 11/20/86 39.25 WIN STEPHENS BUICK REPAIR PARTS - 10 -4540- 560 -56 91249 - - _L, 335743 335743- 11/25/86 11/25/86- 3.45 WIN STEPHENS BUICK REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 92317 f -_ - - 23.96 _ WIN STEPHENS BUICK- REPAIR PARTS 104540- 560 - 56_92332 66.66 _ - _- .- y 335744 11/20/8b _ 94.45 - AFFILIATED SERV -- - - - AMBULANCE REFUND 10- 3180 - 000 -00 If 94.45 • -- 335745 -- - - - - -- 11/20/86 - 89.59_ LAND CARE EQUIP CO REPAIR PARTS 10-450 ^560 -56 8P28 .oi 89.59 • -- - -- -- -- _.. . _335746 11/20/86 - - 319.20 - - - STEWART LUMBER CO - -- CONSTRUCTION 60- 1304- 264 -04 Id 319.20 * _ 335747 _ 11/20/86 9.00 _ -� PERKINS RESTAURANTS - REFUND 10- 2035_- OOO -00 ' 9.00 • _ _v - - s 335748 _ 11/20/B6 - -- -- 120.00 CHIEFS TOWING INC CONT REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 ' 120.00 • -- r 335749 11/20/86 _ - 160.00 - UNIVERSITY OF MN __- - RECISTATION 10- 4202 - 440 -44 160.00 • _ - -- ... - _ 335750 11/20/86 ! - - -- 569.68 HENNEPIN COUNTY - - - - -- - 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10- 4510- 440 -44 4653 569.68 i -- - -- - - - -- - - - ,�1__ 335751 11/20/96 187.60 ANNETTE JUNIOR SERVICES 23 -4100- 614 -6i 4 iii 1986 , OF EDINA CHECK ASTER CHECK NO. DATE __ -_- AMOUNT _ - _ -- - VENDOR 187.60 • "I 335752 11/20/86 120.00 - HARRY HEIM -- - 120.00 • 335753 11%20/86 80.00 T EVIE HOLMQUIST 80.00 • I' 335754 11/20/86 -- 315.00 MAUREEN BROCKWAY'Y- 315.00 r 10- 31 -810AGE 17 ON SERVICES 23- 4100 - 614 -61 SERVI SERVICES 23- 4100- 614 -61 I10. 23 -4200410 -61- 186.81 r ° 335755 11/20/86 51.60 NATI AUTO PARTS CO REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 304180 - 335755 11/20/86 3.60 NATL AUTO PARTS CO PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 304396 AM WATER WORKS ASSN MEMBERSHIP _.55.20 _ 11/20/66 __- 48.00 • PLASTIC p 335756 11/20/86 134.92 GARDNER HARDWARE CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 SUPERIOR I' �' 1.040.00 • _ 41168 - 134.92 • 335766 11/25/86 96.09 SUPERIOR REPAIR PARTS 335757 11/20/86 178.88 JIM HATCH SALES GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 6617 121_, 1.335757 428.99 _ 173-._03 JIM HATCH SALES TOOLS 11/20/86 6625____ "I PARTS ag' 351.91 r 11/20/86 _164.00 NELSON RADIO COMM -_ -_ - - - -- 'I 335765 - 335758 _ _11/20/86 - 40.43 TOWN d COUNTRY DODGE -- REPAIR PARATS 10_4540- 560 -56 1285 302.00 • 40.43 • -- =�I rrrrrr •r• -CKS -^ ^I 335760 11 /Pe /fib 186 81 NN RA90TV recto osoTC 10- 6 ' 186.81 r ° 335761 11/20/86 109.00 DICK & RICK AUTO UPH PARTS = `10 -45404-89 -68 - 109.00 • 11/20/66 78.17 335762 11/20/86 48.00 AM WATER WORKS ASSN MEMBERSHIP 335766 _ 11/20/66 __- 48.00 • PLASTIC p 335763 11/20/86 1,040.00 RICHFIELD YARDS CONSTRUCTION " SUPERIOR PLASTIC - 1.040.00 • _ 41168 - r,- 4 335766 11/25/86 96.09 SUPERIOR REPAIR PARTS 335764 11/26/86 428.99 BEST BUY CABLE TV 193.75 r 428.99 • "• 335765 11/20/86 51.00 NELSON RADIO COMM PARTS ag' _-.335765 11/20/86 _164.00 NELSON RADIO COMM PARTS 'I 335765 11/20/86 87.00 -_,_ _ NELSON RADIO COMM J PARTS 302.00 • 4 20- 560 -56 030391 10- 4620 - 560 -56 40- 4310 - 803 -80 27 -1300- 000 -00 10 -2149- 000 -00 10 -4620- 560 -56 14146 10 -4620- 560 - 56.14147__ -_ -_ 10- 4620 - 560 -56 14120 Z, y f -if. 335766 11/20/86 78.17- SUPERIOR PLASTIC - CORRECTION `10 -45404-89 -68 - ?'^ 335766 11/20/66 78.17 SUPERIOR PLASTIC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 689 -68 40947 335766 _ 11/20/66 __- 78.17 PLASTIC REPAIR PARTS 26- 4540 - 689 -68 40947_ 335766 11/20/86 19.49 SUPERIOR PLASTIC - GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 803 -80 _ 41168 - �i- 335766 11/25/86 96.09 SUPERIOR PLASTIC REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 41471 193.75 r 1%11 335767 11/20/86 105.99 0 C HEY COMP INC GEN SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 610 -61 Z, y f -if. 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 10 -31 -86 PACE 18 _CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. 0 P.O. •MESSAGE -iz 105.99 + •', 335768 � - 11/20/86 - -- _ -_ -- _-70.20 JIFFY JR PRODUCTS -- PARTS 27 -4620- 661 -66 15194- - 70.20 + - 335769 11/20/86 -45.00 - MATSUSHITA SERV CO CABLE REPAIR 10- 2149 - 000 -00 - r 45.00 + a 335770 11/20/86 84.95 RED WINO SHOE UNIFORM ALLOW 10 -4262- 301 -30 97169 � - 84.95 + ' _ - -- 335771 - - - 11/20/86 - - - -" - - 72.00 - - -- -- ZACKS INC- - ---- - - - - -- -PARTS 27 -4620- 662 -66 14084 -- -., - 72.00 + 3 335772 - 11/20/86 - 100.00 - CLEN MORROW WAGES 10- 4105 - 439 -42 • - 100.00 + �� • • 335773 11/20/86 30.00 - PRINT SHOP OFFICE SUPPLIES f0 -4516- 510 -51 - - - -- - 02361 -' � -- - 30.00 + 335774- 11/20/86 -- 11.16 CUMMINS DIESEL SERV REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 - 11.16 + 335775 11/25/86 25.55 " - WEST WELD - CEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 63042 �i'• 335775 11/20/86 149.40 WEST WELD TOO8 10 -4580- 560 -56 63037 174.95 • _ 335776 11/20/86 263.00 SWANSON BROS CO CEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 301 -30 - - 263.00 + 335777 11/20/86 55.00 INTERN INSTITUTE OF DUES 10- 4204 - 140 -14 - - - -. - 55.00 + ' 335778 11/20/86 105.00 PINE WOOD PRODUCTS CEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 11056D -- 105.00 + 335779 11/20/86 2,097.00 NORTHLAND ELECT CONST 60- 1300 - 264 -04 335779 11/20/8.6 265.00- NORTHLAND ELECT CREDIT 60- 1300 - 264 -04 ') 1,01 1,832.00 + _ 335780 11/20/86 _ 35.00 _- -+ TOM ANDERSON- DUES 10- 4204 - 490 -49 35.00 - -- -- S, 335781 _ -_ 11/20/86 _ 50.00_ + ` POSTMASTER _ -_ POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 50.00 + _ - _ ° 335782 11/20/86 25.00 MPELRA CONF 6 SCHOOL 10- 4202 - 140 -14 + 25.00 + __ - - -- J _135783 _ 11/24/86 - _- - 81.00 TERRY ANN SALES CO - - - -- -- GEN SUPPLIES 27 -4504- 661 -66 12176 81.00 + ^�� -.,,- 335784 -- - - - -_- 11/24/86^ - -_ _._ 66.20 CSI EQUIP MAINT 27 -4274- 661 -66 10660 335785 11/24/86 117.68 DAVES FOOD WAGON CONCESSIONS 2T -4624- 664 -66 , ' '. ..... ..... ........... .......... _......,.... - - _..._.. .._.. -------- - _.._..._... _ •1966 . OF EDINA ,l CHECK N0. DATE - 335786 - - -- 11/24/86 335787 11/24/86 335788 - 11/24/86 335789 335792 v 335793 11/24/86 11/24/86 _._. 335794 _._ 11/e4/86 - - 11/24/86 335790 11/24/86 335791 11/24/86 21 335791_ 11/24/86_ -_ -� 335791 11/24/86 335792 v 335793 11/24/86 11/24/86 _._. 335794 _._ 11/e4/86 - - 3 CHECK . .$TER 10 -31 -Se ACE 19 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P 117.68 + 109.00 335795 11/24/86 27 -4620- 661 -66 109.00 -- 335796 - - 11/24/66 a'r 335796 11/24/86 CONT SERV 10 -4200- 353 -30 335798 11/24/86 T 356.00 MINNESOA VALLEY PLANTINGS b TREES f i 335799 __ - - - -1 1/24/86 w° 335800 J 11/24/86 3 335601 11/24/86 S GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 6974 335802 11%25%86 4s ' -I'°i 335802 11/es/66 3 CHECK . .$TER 10 -31 -Se ACE 19 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P 117.68 + 109.00 BRAEMAR PRO SHOP SUPPLIES 27 -4620- 661 -66 109.00 r 569.80 ARPS TREE - SERVICE CONT SERV 10 -4200- 353 -30 569.80 • 356.00 MINNESOA VALLEY PLANTINGS b TREES 10- 4560 - 643 -64 ____ 350.00 • 495.32 STERLING FENCE INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 6974 495.32 + - 56.43 ART SIGN MATERIAL CO GEN SUPPLIES 10 4504- 133 -12 51092 31.22 ART SIGN MATERIAL CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 133 -12 51006 87.65 • 79.78 L A LAUKKA DEVEL CO GEN SUPPLIE: 10- 4504 - 133 -12 4756 66._96 L A- LAUKKA DEVEL_CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 133 - 12_4771_ 1.18 L A LAUKKA DEVEL CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 133 -12 4774 147.92 r 350.00 JIM HALVERSON - APPLIANCES 10 -4504- 646 -64 350.00 r 2,300.07 HENNEPIN CTY TREAS - RUBBISH REMVOAL -16-4250-353-30-12564--- 2,300.07 r 13.50 STATE OF MINNESOTA - OFFICE- SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 200 -20 13.50 • 230.00 230.00 + 391.50 45.15 436.65 r EMPLOYEES CLUB SUPPLIES 10- 4504 406 -50 ERIC ANDERSON CONT SERV 10 -4200- 500 -50 ERIC ANDERSON MILEAGE 10 -4208- 500 -50 140.00 - ^ IMPRINTERS - _ PRINTING - 10-4660-510-51-86-164 140.00 • 40.00 JONATHAN BALCH REFUND ­ - 40 -3525- 000 -00 - 40.00 r 60.40 - COMMISSIONER OF ­SALES TAX 27- 3357 - 000 -00 60.40 • 24.75 BERNARD UNEHOFER - REFUND 40- 3525 - 000 -00 24.75 r 2,366.91 DONOHUE & -ASSOC SERVICES 40- 4220 - 800 -80 6661 2,595.06 DONOHUE 6 ASSOC SERVICES 40 -4220- 800 -80 66662 5 s� ,II i. - - - -- -ISM ate, 31� ***-C KS I 71 i�I 1986 CITY OF EDINA 395.00 • CHECK REGISTER 10 -31 -86 PAGE 20 J 11/25/86 214.63 CARLSON REFRIDG CO EQUIP MAINT 50- 4274 - 641 -84 R13634 - 335816 - - - -- 11/2S/86 CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT EQUIP MAINT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. 0 MESSAGE - 261.63 +- 4,961.97 • 335817 _ I2 al 335803 11/25/86 1,020.00 10 =4510- 440-44 MARGOLIS BROTHERS - CONSTRUCTION 60- 1300 - 137 -04 5533 1,020.00 • 335818 - - 11/25/86 186.40 ALEXANDER MANUF CO 1ST AID SPLY 335804 11/25/86 45.00^ - UNIVERSITY OF MINK- - CONF 3 SCHOOL8 10- 4202 - 840 -24 361153 _ - I''i 45.00 • Illy �- 335805 11/25/86 S2.74 INTERLACHEN CTY CITY OF RICHFIELD -- - HEAT - -- 10- 4252- 345 -30 - _ 52.74 • 335806 11/25/86 519.15 AQUA ENGINEERING INC CONSTRUCTION 60 -1300- 269 -04 11339 - 519.15 + I•: 335807 11/25/86 10,174.00 - J BELZERS TODD CHEV AUTO 10- 4908- 502 -50 17583 _ 10,174.00 • 335808 11/25/86 1,350.00 M'b S ROOFING INC CONT - REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 520 -52 2596 1' - 1,350.00 • 335809 11/25/86V- - 94.10 GARTNER REFRID INC CONT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 707 -70 8439 94.10 • 335810 11/25/86 33.95 CLEAN FLO LAB - - INDIANHEAD LAKE 10- 2242 - 000 -00 3762 33.95 + - - - - - -- - - - -- -- -- -- - -_ _- - --28- 335811 11/25/86 242.00 EMR CONT REPAIRS 4248 - 707 -70 84120 _ 242.00 • 335812 11/25/86 25.86 EDINA POLICE DEPT MEETING EXP 10- 4206 - 420 -42 _ 335812 11/25/86 8.11 EDINA POLICE DEPT EQUIP MAINT 10 -4274- 420 -42 335812 _ _ 11/25/86 - - -- - -_ - -- 8.64 - - - - - EDINA POLICE DEPT -- -EDINA PRIS MEALS 10 -4286- 220 -22 i 335812 11/25/86 48.31 POLICE DEPT _ - -- POLICE EQUIP - -- -10- 4914 - 420- 42-- �---- - - - - - -- - - - _ "S 90.92 + , 335813 - 11/25/86 - 133.50 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO CABLE TV 10- 2149- 000 -00 1 A46213 133.50 • fzi-- I _ 335814 11/25/86 - -- �19.S0 SUPRA COLOR INC - PHOTO SPLY 10- 4508 - 420 -42 CST 094087 _ 335814 11/25/86 23.43 SUPRA COLOR INC PHOTO SPLY 10- 4508 - 420 -42 �;- 42.93 + _ ^^j 335815 11/25/86 395.00 REGISTRAR DEPT OF REGISTRATLON 16- 4204 - 490 -49 395.00 • _ICI 335816 11/25/86 214.63 CARLSON REFRIDG CO EQUIP MAINT 50- 4274 - 641 -84 R13634 - 335816 - - - -- 11/2S/86 - 47.00 -- - CARLSON REFRIDG-CO EQUIP MAINT 50- 4274- 841 -84 R13635 °^ 261.63 +- 335817 _ _ 11/25/86_ -_ _ 130.00 - _ _ -H L MOORE _ _ - 1ST AID SPLY 10 =4510- 440-44 1 130.00 • - -- - - - - -- -�:„ +' 335818 - - 11/25/86 186.40 ALEXANDER MANUF CO 1ST AID SPLY 10- 4510 - 440 -44 126593 I 186.40 i - I''i 1 p 335819 11/25/86 1,940.00 INTERLACHEN CTY CLUB CONSTRUCTION „ I. 60- 1300- 264 -04 „• c 1986 L OF EDINA CHECK BTER 10 -31 -86 GE 21 Y CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT _ VENDOR _ — ITEM-DESCRIPTION . ACCOUNT NO INV__# P.O,8_MESSAGE------, Y 1,940.00 • -.. 335820 11/25/86 397.95 CERT HYDRAUL SPECIAL REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 15606 335820 11/25/86 170.55 CERT HYDRAUL SPECIAL REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 15770 568.50 • 335821 11/25/86 18.72- GUSTAVE A LARSEN CORRECTION 10- 4540 - 390 -30 335821 11/25/86 18.72 GUSTAVE A LARSEN REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 390 -30 335821 11/25/86 234.08 GUSTAVE A LARSEN REPAIR PARTS 50- 4540 - 861 -86 537935 234.08 • 335822 11/25/86 289.47 DIESEL COMPONETS INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 26458 289.47 • 335823 11/25/86 21.34 -NORTHERN AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 36200 21.34 • 335824 11/25/86 4,359.50 DEDE HENSEL PROF SERV 10 -2235- 000 -00 4,359.50 r •••••• _ _ ••• -CKS 337797 11/24/86 168.75 LIEN INFECT CONTROL CONT SERV 27-4200- 661 -66 168.75 • -- -- - - - - - -- - " - - -- - - - rrr••• ••r -CKS 355031 11/20/86 11.14 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 560 -56 244216 11.14 • •r•••r •r• -CKS 665136 11/20/86 80.50 EARL F ANDERSEN SIGNS POSTS 10 -4542- 325 -30 66843 .. 80.50 r •rrrrr - - •rr -CKS r 197,944.28 FUND 10 TOTAL GENERAL FUND + 1, 617.91 _._ .. FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER Computer- checks - #'s -74 725 thru 74952 5,350.00 FUND 25 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND 78.17 FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND + 6,605.76 FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND _ 1,190.28 - FUND 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND fir.. 227.85 FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND 204,313.41 _._ FUND 40 TOTAL UTILITY FUND APMOYMTC.f'AYhlW ,' 3,260.64 FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 6,921.75 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND cMECK r- cr; T?'t 860.00 FUND 66 TOTAL IMP BOND REDEMPTION 02 428,370.05,' TOTAL '1 � �a%r ;r- �,�?"•�l< —fit— �