HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-05_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1987 7:00 P. M. ROLLCALL I. AWARD OF BIDS - Installation of Window Washing Equipment - Edinborough Park ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL OATHS OF OFFICE - Frederick S. Richards and Glenn L. Smith I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All agenda items listed with an asterisk ( *) are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. * II. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of November 17, 1986 III. APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO -TEM IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Lot Division, Plats, Appeals: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of quorum required to pass. Final Plat Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council required to pass. A. Final Plat Approval 1. DCI Addition - Generally located north of Interlachen and east of Blake Road B. Preliminary Plat Approval * 1. White Oaks 8th Addition - Generally located west of Townes Road and south of Sunnyside Road (Continue to 1126187) C. Set Hearing Date (1/26/87) * 1. Rezoning - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit 'District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District - R. Hawthorne - Lot 4, Block 1, Peacedale Acres, Hoppe Replat 2. Preliminary Plat Approval - Shadow Hill - Generally located north of Crosstown Highway and east and north of Vernon Court - Robert Hansen * 3. Conditional Use Permit - Colonial Church - Generally located west.of Tracy Avenue and south of Olinger Boulevard V. PUBLIC HEARING ON EASEMENT VACATION. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Vacation of Street /Utility Easement - Lot 39, Block 1, South Harriet Park Addition VI. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS VII. AWARD OF BIDS * A. One 112 Ton Pick -up VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Appointment of H.R.A. Commissioners (2) * B. Feasibility Report - Set Hearing Dates * C. Authorization of Bids for Tennis Courts and Pedestrian Bridge * D. MNDOT Agency Agreement Approval E. Advertising on Bus Shelters F. Terms of Membership on City Advisory Board and Commissions Agenda Edina City Council ,Page Two 'January 5, 1987 IX'. RESOLUTIONS. Favorable rollcall vote by majority of quorum to pass. * A. Official Depositories Designation * B. Signatory Resolution * C. Facsimile Signatures D. Assignment of Securities in Lieu of Bond 1. First Bank Edina 2. First Southdale National Bank X. SPECIAL BUSINESS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL XI. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XII. FINANCE * A. Liquor Fund Balance Sheet of November 30, 1986 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Mon Jan 12 Special Council Meeting - Mission Statement 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Jan 19 MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY CITY HALL CLOSED Mon Jan 26 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room 'Mon Feb 2 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Feb 16 PRESIDENTS' DAY CITY HALL CLOSED ,Mon Feb 23 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room REQUEST FOR PURCHASE -TO: Edina HRA FROM: Gordon Hughes VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: January 5, 1987 Material Description (General Specifications): Installation of Window Washing Equipment - Quotations /Bids: Company 1. Danny's Construction Company 2. Harmon Contract Glazing op Department Recommendation: Danny's Construction Comnnnv Finance Director's Endorsement: HRA.I Amount of Quote or Bid $5,400.00 $6,100.00 &f-- Department The recommended bid 10 is not within the amount budget for the purchase. John Wallin, Finance Director City Man er's Endorsement: I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: Kenneth Rosla d, City Man Per r MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL NOVEMBER 17, 1986 Answering rollcall were Members.Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner and Mayor Courtney. OFFICERS NISSEN AND JAMES COMMENDED. Manager Rosland introduced Officers Richard Nissen and William James, noting that both officers were involved in the resusci- tation of a City employee several months ago. He stated that Officer Nissen has been with the City for 262 years and Officer James for 192 years. Mr. Rosland commended them for their dedicated service to the City and its residents and they were presented with silver pens bearing the Edina logo. Members of the Council also extended their thanks and commendation to them for their dedication as Police Officers. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC TEAMS COMMENDED. The Mayor presented and moved adoption of resolutions commending the Girls' Tennis Team, Girls' Soccer Team, Boys' Soccer Team and Michelle Chupurdia who represented the Girls' Cross Country Running Team and Michael Curry who represented the Boys' Cross Country Running Team for their accomplishments in recent state meets. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED. Motion was made by Member Turner and seconded.by Member Kelly to adopt the consent agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 451 -A5 ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR SIGNAGE IN THE MIXED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT GRANTED FIRST READING. Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file: Planner Craig Larsen presented a proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 451 (Sign Ordinance) which would establish standards for signage in the Mixed Development QID) District. There are currently no standards for signs in the MD District. He said that most of the requirements for the MD Districts flow from requirements for individual use districts. The office, multi- family and institutional standards are essentially the same as for the individual uses. Free- standing area identification signs are controlled by the number of street frontages and size of development. Mr. Larsen pointed out that the differences are basically in these areas: 1) area identification signs, 2) accessory retail signs, and 3) intra area directories. For the MD -3 and MD -4 Districts one area identification sign is proposed not to exceed 50 square feet in area; for the MD -5 District (Edin- borough) one sign per development not to exceed 70 square feet in area. For deve- opments with more than one street frontage, one additional sign per street frontage is permitted provided it does not exceed 40 square feet in area. For accessory retail signs, one identification wall sign per accessory use attached to the facing of the building at the ground floor level is permitted not to exceed 15% of the ground floor wall facing. One intra area directory sign per major entry is pro- posed not to exceed 10 square feet. Mr. Larsen said the proposed amendment has been discussed with Peter Jarvis with regard to the Edinborough project and the signage they have proposed will comply with these standards. Member Bredesen asked how this would affect potential future developments and commented that this amendment is proposed because of the Edinborough project. Mr. Larsen said staff tried to create standards which would not be in.conflict with what other property owners would be allowed for individual uses. Member Richards said this would create the ability for larger signage and he felt the existing ordinance which was adopted after much deliberation should remain. Mr. Larsen said the sign ordinance refer- ences particular zoning districts and there is presently no provision for the MD Districts. Member Turner pointed out that in the Planned Industrial District the maximum sign area is 80 square feet and in the Planned Commercial District it is 100 square feet and questioned why the requirement for the MD Districts is less. Mr. Larsen said that since the Mixed Development District is not a straight commer- cial development the signage requirement allowed in the Commerical District would not be justified, but it would justify larger signage requirements than in.a straight office development. Member Kelly..made a motion for adoption of.Ordinance No. 451 -A5 with waiver of Second Reading. Motion was seconded by Member Turner..:- Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Turner, Courtney Nays: Bredesen, Richards Motion failed. Member Kelly then introduced Ordinance No. 451 -A5 for First Reading as follows: ORDINANCE No. 451 -A5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 451 BY ADDING REGULATIONS FOR THE MIXED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 451 is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph: 11/17/86 "(h) Mixed Development District. (1) Area Identification Signs: (a) MD -3 and MD -4 Districts: One sign not to exceed 50 square feet in area. (b) MD -5 District: One sign per development not to exceed 70 square feet in area. For developments with more than one street frontage, one additional sign per street frontage provided each additional permitted sign does not exceed 40 square feet in area. (c) Intra Area Directories: One per major entry, not to exceed 10 square feet. (2) Multi- family residential complex containing 10 or more dwelling units: one freestanding sign per complex not to exceed 24 square feet in area. Individual buildings: one wall mounted identifica- tion sign not to exceed 6 square feet. (3) Office Buildings: One sign per building, not to exceed 50 square feet in area. Where such building is located on a corner lot, one sign may be located on each street frontage provided the first does not exceed 50 square feet and other permitted signs do not exceed 36 square feet. (4) Public Institutional or Recreational Use: One sign per street frontage, not to exceed 24 square feet in area. (5) Accessory Retail Signs: One identification wall sign per accessory use attached to the facing of the building at the ground floor level is permitted. The area of such sign shall not exceed 15% of the ground floor wall facing. All signs shall be individual letters of uniform size, design, and materials.. (6) Free standing signs shall be placed no- closer than 10 feet to any street right -of -way. (7) Temporary Signs: Refer to Section 3. (8) Traffic Directional Signs: Refer to Section 3. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. _ Motion for First Reading of the ordinance was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney First Reading granted. Member Richards asked that, in accordance with the Council's discussion, staff prepare a comparison of signage proposed for the Mixed Development District with other zoning districts and that an attempt be made to publicize the amendment prior to Second Reading. Speaking on behalf of the Edinborough project, Peter Jarvis said that the thrust behind looking at signage •in.the Mixed "Development District was because of the integration of uses. The idea was to get at two areas that are not covered in the present sign ordinance: 1) exterior monumentation (one project with four uses, i.e. condominiums, senior housing, park and the office) and 2) directional signs for visitors because of the nature of the project. VACATION OF UTILITY EASEMENTS GRANTED FOR LOTS 1. 2. 3 AND 12. BLOCK 1. GRAND- VIEW PLATEAU. Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and.ordered placed on file. Engineer Hoffman recalled that the request for vacation of utility easements for Lots 1, 2, 3 and 12, Block 1, Grandview Plateau has been continued from the Council meeting of August 18 and subsequent meetings. He explained that the developer of the Biltmore Motel site has requested that utility easements be vacated that run through the interior of the site and along the westerly property line of the site. Mr. Hoffman reminded the Council Members that in connection with a vacation of easements along the frontage road adjacent to the subject site, which was granted in December, 1983, the developer had given the City a floating easement for construction of a traffic signal. Staff would recommend that the easements be vacated which are located in the interior of the site and that the five foot utility easement be retained on the westerly side of the subject property. Mr. Hoffman added that Northern States Power Company has requested that the easement on the westerly side be increased by five feet for a total easement of ten feet. This request has been discussed with the attorney for the developer.and they have agreed to grant the request of NSP. No comment or objections being heard, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION VACATING UTILITY EASEMENTS WHEREAS, a resolution of the City .Council, adopted the 21st day of July, 1986, fixed a date for a public hearing on a proposed vacation of easements for utility purposes; and WHEREAS, two weeks' published and posted notice of said hearing was given and the hearing was held on the 17th day of November, 1986, at which time all persons desiring to be.heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the public that said easement vacations be made; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the extent to which the vacation affects existing easements within the area of the vacation and the extent to which the I 11/17/$6 vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same, or to enter upon such easement area or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair,,replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto; 'NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Henne- pin County, Minnesota, that the following described portion of the utility easements be and is hereby vacated effective as of November 18, 1986: Utility easements over the Southerly 5 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, except for the westerly 5 feet of Lot 3, and the Northerly 5 feet of Lot 12, except for the westerly 5 feet thereof, all in Block 1, as platted on and dedicated by the plat of GRANDVIEW PLATEAU, Hennepin County, Minnesota and that the Clerk is authorized and directed to cause a notice of completion of proceedings to be prepared, entered in the transfer record of the County Auditor, and filed with the Register of Deeds in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 413.851. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. *BID AWARDED FOR ADMINISTRATIVE VEHICLE. Motion was made by Member Turner and seconded by Member Kelly to award the.bid for an administrative vehicle to recommended low bidder, Todd Chevrolet, at $10,171.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF 11/12/86 APPROVED. Engineer Hoffman told the Council that the request to discuss traffic safety concerns at the inter- section of Warren Avenue and West 64th Street had been continued until next month for further review by the Committee and area residents. He noted that residents of the area were present to present their concerns. Mr. Hoffman said the greatest concerns seem to be: 1) how to reduce speed when confronted with the grade of the hill and the signing problems that now exist, and 2) how to increase visibility so that drivers and pedestrians have time to observe and react. He then summarized the discussion that was held at the Traffic Safety Committee meeting. He said that the most cruical concern has been addressed in that the school bus stop has been permanently relocated to 6321 Warren Avenue away from the intersection to increase the safety for the young children. Mrs. Frances Magoffin, 6340 Warren Avenue, and Ms. Midge Counton, 6327 Warren Avenue, reiterated their concerns for the intersection. Mr. Hoffman said the problem would be reviewed and studied by the Committee and that recommended action will be presented to the Council at its December 15 meeting. Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Richards to approve the following recommended action as listed in Section A of the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of November 12, 1986: 1) To place the intersection of Tracy Avenue at Warden Avenue on the enforce- ment list and begin heavier enforcement measures beginning January 1, 1987, 2) Placement of "NO PARKING ANYTIME" and "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE" signs based on the plan established by the Police Department, Public Works Department and Park and Recreation_Department to improve traffic flow and safety at Braemar Arena, 3) That the "NO PARKING SIGNS THIS SIDE OF STREET" be removed from the 5500 block of Code Avenue, - and to acknowledge Sections B and C of the Minutes. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION UPDATE REPORT GIVEN. Manager Rosland advised that the following were present to give an update on regional transportation: Dottie Rietow, Metropolitan Council Member; Nacho Diaz, Director of Transportation /Metro Council; Allison Fuhr, Rapid Transit Board Member and Katie Turnbull, Planning Manager /RTB. Mrs. Rietow said that the Metropolitan Council is revising its transportation policy guide chapter and that it is important to have local input prior to actual writing of the document. She said the Council is facing some difficult decisions regarding highway congestion and decisions will be based on the policy that is drafted. She introduced Nacho Diaz who gave an overview of what the Council is looking at in terms of developing its plan. He said that the transportation plan could consist of two elements: transit and highway and will incorporate what has been learned in the past three to four years about the,way people travel in the metropolitan area. People are traveling more frequently and further away from their homes and places of employment as is apparent in the numbers of highways that have become increas- ingly congested. Another factor is the suburbanization of the metropolitan area. Many years ago there was a migration to the suburbs to seek residences outside the central city. Now there is a major migration of employment base towards the 11/17/86 suburban areas such as the I -494 corridor where a tremendous growth in employ- ment has been taking place and is forecast for the future. The I -494 corridor is seen as a major problem in the region and a solution that will make it workable from a transportation standpoint for the next 20 to 30 years is one of the Council's highest priorities. That is the reason for the I -494 Corridor Study in which Edina is participating. Mr. Diaz said a second study is being conducted on the 35W south corridor which coming from downtown Minneapolis all the way out to Dakota County is seen as the second major problem area. The question to be faced in those corridors and in the region as a whole is what solutions can be found for these problems. Obviously a very significant infrastructure of highways, free- ways and expressways has been built that we probably will never be able to duplicate again. Very innovative solutions must be found in order to make those roads work. The Council is also looking at what potential there is for major capital investment in transit for the region, i.e. can we build special facilities such as bus lanes, high occupancy lanes, and light rail transit to come up with a combined highway solution that could compliment each other. Mr. Diaz concluded that we are facing very great challanges because the region is becoming more decentralized and there are more trips to be satisfied. Allison Fuhr stated that the Rapid Transit Board has now finished its Transit Service Needs Assessment (TSNA). She then introduced Katie Turnbull who recalled that the RTB was created by the legislature in 1984 and charged primarily with short to mid -range transit planning, transit policy making and transit administration in the seven county metropolitan area. The purpose of the TSNA was to take an overall comprehensive look at transit services and transit needs in the metropolitan area. Four major elements: public participation, market research technical analysis and national and local expertise were utilized throughout the assessment. Five transit need indicators were used: 1) population and employment concentrations, 2) transit dependent market segments, 3) highway congestion, 4) travel desires, and 5) existing transit supply. Ms. Turnbull then summarized the transit indicators mainly as they pertain to Edina. In summary, she said that population and employment levels in this subarea are forcast to remain relatively constant to the year 2000, with the exception of Edina, which is projected to experience a growth of 13,000 in employment. Concentrations of elderly populations are found in all three communities (Edina, Hopkins, St. Louis Park) and some other transit dependent groups exist. The transit service from the subarea to the Minneapolis central city and central business district is good. All three cities are supplied good local service and some form of express service. Edina has a crosstown route connection to subarea 16 (Richfield and Bloomington) and to the airport. However, there is little crosstown coverage within the subarea itself and there is a large desire for travel between and within the subarea's three cities. Southdale shopping center is currently used as a hub for a number of transit routes. The close proximity of a number of elderly complexes to South - dale also offers the opportunity to provide good transit access to this population. ;Highway 12 is currently being upgraded to Interstate 394 and the final design contains a number of elements to encourage and enhance the use of carpools, vanpools, and buses including high occupancy vehicle lanes, ramp metering, etc. Ms. Turnbull concluded her report with the following potential transit service strategies: 1) Continued marketing of the I -394 HOV facilities, 2) Revision of express /local transit services, particularly in northern St. Louis Park, 3) Enhancement of the Southdale shopping center as a major transit hub, 4) Expansion of the Southdale park- and -ride with express service to the Minneapolis CBD, 5) Evaluation of cross- town Route 36 between Edina, St. Louis Park, Golden Valley and Minnetonka based on route based on route performance criteria, 6) Provision of local route.connection or good route transfer alternatives at major generators between. Hopkins and Edina, 7) Evaluation of the cost /benefit of serving and maintaining park- and -rides which are receiving limited usage. Ms. Turnbull said that over the next several years we will begin to see some of these strategies and recommendations implemented, following the conclusion of the I -494 and 35W corridor studies. Input from local communities /councils will be important as the Metropolitan Council revises its transportation policy guide chapter and prepares to make decisions concerning regional transportation. A brief discussion followed with no action being taken. UPDATE GIVEN ON PROBLEM OF DEER IN AREA. Manager Rosland recalled that at the last meeting a resident had shared her concerns with the Council regarding the nuisance created by deer in her neighborhood. The Council had asked staff to gather addi -. tional information and to contact the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) as how to approach this problem. Staff has reviewed the records.and there have been 11 recorded automobile accidents involving deer in 1986. During the past three years there have been 17 -18 deer /car mishaps. In talking with John Parker of the DNR he suggested that a control program for deer may be more feasible if directed at more than one city. It has been proposed that representatives of Edina, Eden Prairie and Bloomington meet to discuss the problem. Mr. Parker said that funding limitations may curtail the DNR's aerial survey of deer this winter and that muni- cipalities may be asked to contribute funds. Mr. Rosland said staff would keep working on this and that he would keep the Council informed as to progress. 11/17/86 DEVELOPMENT OF HEDBERG PROPERTY DISCUSSED. Manager Rosland advised the Council that the vacant land in the southeast area of the City owned by the Hedberg family apparently is for sale. The Hedberg property is approximately 87 acres of which 4 -5 acres lies in Bloomington, and about 20 acres are within the existing Southeast Edina Tax Increment District. The Hedberg family has asked several developers to submit proposals. United Properties and Winfield have contacted staff regarding the property and what could be proposed to be developed thereon. Member Kelly commented that the City should not be locked into a rezoning of the property for a development that may not become a reality for a number of years until a demand is created for the proposed project. Member Richards said he was aware that the Hedberg property was on the market and that he felt the City has an opportunity to consider being involved to a greater extent than having a proposal submitted for development of that property. The possibility may exist for the City to purchase the'land and develop it by means of a tax increment district for housing stock; specifically as an extention of the Edinborough type townhouse project: Member Richards said that if the Council wishes to proceed that some preliminary analysis should be made as to land area, use of tax increment financing by the HRA, acquisition of the property and the existing Southeast Edina Tax Increment District and that he would support this. He said he had discussed this with Larry Laukka, one of the developers of the Edinborough project, and asked Mr. Laukka to comment on the feasibility of a similar project for the Hedberg property. Mr. Laukka said that the Edinborough project is doing better than had been anticipated. As to the housing-component, 65% of the housing units have been sold with the 2nd Phase starting to be occupied this week, the 3rd Phase will start being occupied in January, 1987, the 4th and 5th Phases in Spring and presumably the 6th and 7th Phases will be occupied before the end of 1987. He said that any developer would suggest that those figures indicate a successful project. The real measure of success is that it comes from the types of people who are buying the units. As of now, Mr. Laukka stated that of those people who have purchased units, 86% earn less than $38,000, 60% are under the age of 37 indicating first -time home buyers, 80% are single and there are a number of buyers who are over 55. He said these numbers .indicate that there is something going in the Edinborough project that simply has not happened in other housing projects and that he has not seen this kind of mix of people come together in a community. Mr. Laukka said he felt the Edinborough community will become a rock in the City., i.e. a place that is meaningful, attract- ive, where resale will be an honest item and a place where people will want to live. He added that over half of the sales have been to people who have ties with the community. He felt that the 7 Phases or "villages" of dense development will have their own identity, will be joined into a larger community called Edinborough which will become part of the larger community of Edina. Mr. Laukka concluded that a need for and interest in this type of housing will continue; that the City has a unique opportunity which will only come once to pursue the next round of housing to serve this kind of need. Member Richards then made a motion that: 1) the Hedbergs be advised of the City's interest in purchasing a portion of their property, 2) a study be made of the type of funding available through a tax incre- ment district that would sustain a purchase of the property, 3) the tax laws be reviewed regarding this type housing development, and 4) the Planning Department look at what type of housing stock may be possible for the subject property. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Member Bredesen commented that this is a unique opportunity to act rather than react and that the City should articulate its thoughts on the use of that property to benefit the entire community. HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS DISCUSSED. Manager.Rosland.called the Council's attention to the 1987 schedule for Hennepin County Committee Appoint- ments, noting that Member Kelly's term on the CASH Board will end on August 26, 1978, that E. R. McGlynn's term on the Library Board will end on January 31, and that terms on the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board will end on March 8. Member Richards said that James B. McWethey,was still interested in the Minne- haha Creek Watershed District Board even though he was not re- appointed. He also suggested that the City's advisory boards /commissions be advised of these appoint- ments as well as those to State agencies so that they could suggest names of individuals from Edina who might be interested in serving in those positions. Manager Rosland said that could be done with a mailing to the board /commission members. Member Kelly said she felt it important that Edina be represented on the watershed district board. She also noted a vacancy on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee and suggested that Virginia McCollister, a member of the Edina Advisory Board of Health, ,.may be interested and suggested she be contacted. Member Kelly then moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby nominates and recommends to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners that E. R. McGlynn be reappointed 11/17/86 to the Hennepin County Library Board; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that James B. McWethy be nominated and recommended for appointment to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. *TAX FORFEITED LANDS DECLARED "NON- CONSERVATION AND FOR SALE ". Motion was made by Member Turner and seconded by Member Kelly for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has received from the County of Hennepin a list of lands in said municipality which became the property of the State of Minnesota for non - payment of property taxes, which said list is dated September 19, 1986, Report No. P1421101, 688 NC; and WHEREAS, each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been classified by the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, Minnesota as non - conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said Board of-County Commissioners; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by said City Council, acting pursuant to Minn- esota Statute 282, and the said classification by said Board of County Commissioners of each parcel of land described in said list as non - conservation land be and the same is hereby approved, and that the sale of each such parcel of land be limited to abutting property owners for attachment thereto. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING DATES CONFIRMED. In response to Member Kelly the following special meeting dates were confirmed: l) Year -End Council Meeting - Tuesday, December 30 at 5:00 p.m. 2) Special Meeting - Mission Statement - Monday, January 12 3) Special Meeting - Council Retreat - Saturday, March 21 Member Kelly noted that she would be absent from the January 5, 1987 Council Meeting. EDINAMITE DATES NOTED. Member Turner reminded the Council that Edinamite will be held on Saturday, February 28 and that.the Council Party- Benefit for The Edina Foundation is scheduled for Sunday, February 1. '..'iMPROVEMENT OF WEST.50TH STREET BETWEEN EDINA COURT AND HALIFAX DISCUSSED. Member Richards said he had received a call from a resident who had heard that West.50th ,east of Wooddale Avenue was proposed to be widened. Engineer Hoffman said there has been no change in the roadway design since the public hearing and that the !only issue unresolved is whether to expend the funds to bury the existing utility lines. .Manager Rosland said there is a timing problem because of the proposed work by the State on France Avenue and the activities planned for the Edina 'Centennial in 1988. Member Bredesen urged that the project go forward as soon as possible and that an informational meeting be held for the residents in that area. Mr. Rosland said that the 50th and France merchants are concerned about access to the business district if both streets are under construction at the same time. He said that staff will contact the State to determine when the France Avenue project will be started and will bring that information back to the Council. LMC LEGISLATIVE POLICY ADOPTION MEETING DATE NOTED. Manager Rosland reminded ;.the Council members of the League of Minnesota Cities Legislative Policy Adoption meeting to be held on November 20. MANAGER'S SALARY COMPENSATION DISCUSSED. Manager Rosland referred the Council to the survey of managers' salaries in the metropolitan area in connection with his request for a salary increase which was presented at the budget hearings. Member Bredesen suggested that a process be developed for the following: 1) Review of of the manager's compensation each year, 2) Development of a job description for the manager, 3) Managerial objectives for each year, 4) Review of manager's per- formance after each year. To facilitate the process, Member Bredesen suggested that Mr. Rosland draft a job description and set of objectives for 1987 and bring those back for the Council's review and discussion in December. No formal action was taken. *CLAIMS PAID. Motion was made by Member Turner and seconded by Member Kelly for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 11/17/86: General Fund $283,717.40, Art Center $2,406.82, Capital Fund $10,600.00, Swimming Pool Fund $70.07, Golf Course Fund $24,140.84, Recreation Center Fund $2,889.90, Utility I11/17/86 Fund $9,142.22, Liquor Dispensary Fund $93,763.46, Construction Fund $182,319.62, Total $609,050.33, and for confirmation of payment of the following claims dated 10/31/86: General Fund $1,130,152.31, Art Center $1,144.73, Swimming Pool Fund $244.60, Golf Course Fund $6,833.70, Recreation Center Fund $7,148.06, Gun Range Fund $452.18, Utility Fund $26,042.97,-.Liquor Dispensary Fund $301,494.04, Total $1,473,512.59. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. City Clerk LOCATION, MAP =• A suenivisioN NUMBER S -85 -11 L O C A TI O N 6224 Interlachen Blvd., Part of vacated blocks 25 and 26, Mendelssohn Addition, part of lot 1, Auditor's Sub No. 248, lying northerly of Interlachen Road REQUEST Two lot subdivision EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT f QQCC Subdivision No. S- 95;— SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NAME: IJ _� 4�al o J LAND SIZE: I LO� LAND VALUE: (By: Date: The developer of this subdivision has been required to ElA. grant an easement over part of the land EJB. dedicate %:of the land �j C. donate $ as a fee in lieu of land As a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 50 of land dedicated) 1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition beneficially expands the park. M 2. If property is 6 acres or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. j� 3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. 4. If property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. �5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his- toric value. n 6. B. Cash Required El1. In all other instances than above. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED FOR DEVELOPERS CONSTRUCTION INC. (6224 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD). Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Mr. Larsen presented the request for preliminary plat approval for Developers Construction, Inc. Addition, advising that the subject property is generally located north of Interlachen Boulevard and east of Blake Road. It measures approximately 205 feet in width and 156 feet in depth and contains 31,300 square feet. The property is zoned R -1 Single Dwelling District, and is developed with two single dwelling units. Since the Zoning Ordinance allows only one dwelling per lot in the R- l.zone the property is non - conforming. The subject property is bounded on the east and north by Interlachen Country Club. Single family dwelling are located to the immediate west and to the southeast across Interlachen Boulevard. :Mirror Lake is located directly to the south. 61 Mr. Larsen stated that the proponents have submitted a preliminary plat which would create two buildable lots following the demolition of the existing dwell- ings. Lot 1 would be 105 feet in width and would contain 14,000 square feet. Lot 2 would measure 100 feet in width and contain 17,300 square feet. Both new lots would conform to Ordinance requirements. Also included in the plat is Outlot A which was detached from the-subject property by Interlachen Boulevard. The marjority of the outlot is located within the lakebed of Mirror Lake. The existing dwellings are connected to sanitary sewer which runs through the Inter- lachen Club property to the north. However, the units are not connected to public water but are served by a private well. The right of way for Interlachen Boulevard, adjacent to the subject property, is provided by an easement which is narrower than necessary for the existing roadway. The proposed plat would dedicate the required 66 foot wide right of way. Mr. Larsen pointed out that the right of way must be reviewed and approved by Hennepin County. The pro- posed subdivision would eliminate the existing non - conforming condition and would provide two conforming lots. The site is relatively isolated from neigh- boring single family properties. It would seem to relate most to .lots to the north and northwest and the proposed lot sizes are similar to lots in that neighborhood. The Community Development and Planning Commission considered the plat at its meeting of October 20, 1985 and recommended preliminary approval conditioned on: 1) execution of a developer's agreement for the installation of public water service to the properties, 2) subdivision dedication, and 3) approval by Hennepin County of the proposed right of way. The Commission also discussed and recommended that one curb cut serve both properties. Mr. Larsen informed the Council that the proponent has met with Hennepin County and they have given preliminary approval on the location of the one curb cut. No comment being heard, Member Turner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, subject to the conditions in the staff report as outlined and the one curb cut: RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR DEVELOPERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Developers Construction, Inc. Addition ", platted by Developers Construction, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of November 18, 1985, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. BID AWARDED FOR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ARTICULATE R. sir. Rosland presented tab ion of bids for one four wheel articulated loader, showing Ziegler, Inc. at 990.00 for Bid C (to ost bid) with guaranteed repurchase of $66,500.00/5 ye r a net f $42,290.00 and showing Case Power S Equip- ment at $81,213.00 for total cost bid) with guaranteed repurchase of $58,500.00 /5 years fo net o $23,213.00. The bid submitted by Minneapolis Equipment was in ete and tti ere Fo not considered. Mr. Rosland added that staff.h viewed the bids and woul mmend award of bid to Ziegler, Inc. for the r ns outlined in the staff memoranda ovember 15, 1985, which D C I ADDITION NoarX LINT etocK I � I n •111Rln• .. .v . lirw l•:t ehw 1.9.,..•.. Al: :::Ar Fir• _t •::.• A ir::<fo u, 1e1 r iGwe .a .. ..c itn E. e. .r1A i•: ct . crew 1r anylr •J • l..tnr r.�w r., �: 'ns• Cart ':! . :a1• :n•• 9•:r:n•es:--.ar•.t 70 O •�_ I ' ..,c 11[r <rs t111 Hr.w ce�Aei thw •]� •r. IN SCALE FEET I I �rar. ^.av^ •n.t •.tr lr... . r =- lr. aerwn• h--f RE�RINGS SHOWN ARE BASED ON AN ASSUMED DATUM � t - - -- O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT = 0. O r _ - o ,\ \ N J :n •1rr.t,w rr.w: �•t -111 O C `J o O! 'ENCX MARK Top XtCpLNT Sr CORNER INTERLACHEN BLVD AND BLAKE ROAD ^t `\ = ELEVATION: 915 re 1 k v 0 - 1929 1 \ ry NY L,� \ 20000 u w z �a( z 00148-- u t f '• j I ♦ v P IS S ` EAlE'wEN � rtMGE F A. NO Ur;l1lY .. VI \/ c ` Z .-Do \` ♦ `' I 2 \v W O O r "-' N o 20500 J Z e O I W I z Y. ypypr J PI 9 - f I P O b ml O O N W e � - a 699e __ N O !B • v R I ^ \`\ O w �/ / EIi A10 ET CR]INAGE G UTI..lt / EASEMENT u n ` - N .1 1 / r -e 7,63 � RRO a.; F F A( ' R �� F 05- —=e. 11' '20) .1 , ago 'r. w. -FR •L= .]T-1rr ]S :F Al..:,— l Y RO JS.. P25. '986 _ J f ,(,O �`^r{ -1 IF I Y 6 f FEE- 1% -• . 7- 9291 i 2j3 J ^ 11 OUTLOT A: e =LMAR H. SCHWANZ � .70 23 77 TT ! !22�M PEST -- K 01 zoe.00 WEST �� -- AND SURVEYORS INC. �'SOUTN LINE OF NE 1/A SEC. 30, rwp 11117,GE 21 — _� ^ ^ RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR D.C.I. ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "D.C.I. ADDITION ", platted by Developers Construction, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, and Suburban National Bank, a United States corporation, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of January 5, 1987, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. ADOPTED this 5th day of January, 1987. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 5, 1987, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 3rd day of February, 1987. City Clerk V.A CITY OF EDINA PUI,LIC RIGHT- OF -1,JAY VACATI0N APPLICATION Date Initiated November 13, 1986 1) I hereby petition the City Council of the City of Edina to vacate all of the following described public right -of -way: Street F] Alley FX] Utility Easement F1Drainage Easement Other (describe) Description of area proposed to be vacated: East 25 feet of Lot 39, Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition. Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 39, thence South to the Southeast corner, thence West 25 feet, thence North to a point 25 feet West from the Northeast corner of Lot 39, thence East to point of beginning, of Lot 39, Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition. Attach copy of scaled drawing showing in full detail the proposed vacation. Signature ��� 5200 Gorgas Ave. T'711 Address Edina, MN 55424 Telephone 926-9740 2) Review CITY ENGINEER b Conditions MINNECASCO Conditions N.W. BELL by Conditions N.S.P. by Conditions Acceptable El Opposed r= Conditional Acceptable Q Opposed Conditional TO Acceptable El Opposed a Conditional Acceptable _a Opposed r] Conditional 16 -33sb r,-?-LOO-) 24 2nd Q* 10 7.14 still 1916 14 3s® 1i3 a " D - I*Tir3..1 0 N Q'i61 51a4 7® Q Bill q IZ .4 0 L— Z 2 G, 0 Z� 4,10 70 z J So 165 105 50 52 nd- " .;C_ 4z ko 5A00 16 4 1 r,-?-LOO-) &5. a A, L4 !. -5 0 0 sits 1 I COV-* 0-4 4 7 Ly W Sul -'t i U) 1 > A4 ar) Tf - W oce-& J4 A Ake r L SIP9 .(AV ! ro I CIS sum ITC r 13s cr also C its) _e __ 4! 7� zcp, z ev . _j 39 .09', c-a--k-)-o su _�7, o r.00 CL - -REED !�I uj . :a ST LU L3 z 0 A o1z Ao 39 � %3 U_ L) 0 C; 37 _j 1 NO >1 35-- 0 "44 34 _Z71 LLI :> LLI AM IAA 10 251 &404 24 2nd z z 1i3 &5. a A, L4 !. -5 0 0 sits 1 I COV-* 0-4 4 7 Ly W Sul -'t i U) 1 > A4 ar) Tf - W oce-& J4 A Ake r L SIP9 .(AV ! ro I CIS sum ITC r 13s cr also C its) _e __ 4! 7� zcp, z ev . _j 39 .09', c-a--k-)-o su _�7, o r.00 CL - -REED !�I uj . :a ST LU L3 z 0 A o1z Ao 39 � %3 U_ L) 0 C; 37 _j 1 NO >1 35-- 0 "44 34 _Z71 LLI :> LLI AM IAA 10 251 &404 East Ip. of Lot 39, Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition Scale: 11 = .0625" or 1/16" West North South East REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council ?ROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: December 31, 1986 Material Description (General Specifications): One 1/2 Ton Pick -up for Public Works Funds from Equipment Replacement Fund Quotations /Bids: Company 1. Suburban Chevrolet 2. Polar Chevrolet ). Todd Chevrolet Department Recommendation: Suburban Chevrolet Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is V/ is not VII.A Amount of Quote or Bid $10,075.92 $10,092.00 $10,700.00 $10,075.92 L Z� Public Works - Streets Signat a Department within the amount budget for the purchase. �/�/ o�XJ��►n 6.? John Wallin, Financ irector Cit Merger's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. A 2. I recommend as an alternative: VIII. B MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer SUBJECT: Feasibility Report - Set Hearing Dates (1/26/87) DATE: January 2, 1987 The following improvements have been investigated and it has been determined that they are feasible and their construction would be in the best interest of the overall development of the City of Edina: IMPROVEMENT & LOCATION P-L-29 Street Lighting York Ave. from Parklawn to Edinborough Way P -L -30 Street Lighting W. 76th St. from Edinborough Way to Xerxes Ave. P -L -31 Street Lighting Edinborough Way from W. 76th St. to York Ave. P -BA -272 Permanent Street Surfacing & Concrete Curb & Gutter Dearborn Ct. in Dearborn Add'n and Blakewoods Add'n P -BA -273 Permanent Street Surfacing & Concrete Curb & Gutter Antrim Terr. in Edina Oaks-Add'.n ESTIMATED COST $ 91,780.00 $ 43,664.00 $ 84,401.00 $ 22,411.79 $ 11,422.51 P -BA -275 Permanent Street Surfacing & Concrete $ 45,219.03- Curb & Gutter Green Farm Rd. & Apple Ln. in Parkwood Knolls 22nd . Add'n P -BA -276 Permanent Street Surfacing & Concrete $ 80,455.83 Curb & Gutter All streets in Interlachen Heights Add'n The Staff would recommend public hearings on January 26, 1987. FH: jr VIII. C MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization of Bids - Tennis Courts.and Pedestrian Bridge DATE: January 2, 1987 The Staff has prepared plans and specifications for the following: A. Pedestrian bridge for Executive Nine Golf Course (crossing over Braemar Blvd.). B. Tennis Courts at Lewis Park. C. Tennis Court renovation at Cornelia Park. The funds for these park improvements will be from the Capital Fund for 1987 and carryover from 1986. The Staff recommendation is for the City Council to authorize bids for the above listed projects. FH:jr VIII. D M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer SUBJECT: MNDOT Agency Agreement DATE: January 2, 1987 Annually, the City of Edina enters into an agency agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation for federally funded projects. The City appoints the MNDOT Commissioner to act as it's agent for al.l federally funded projects. This allows MNDOT to receive the federal funds and let contracts pursuant to law for construction and improve- ment of local roads and bridges. The Staff recommendation is for the City Council to authorize the Mayor and Manager to sign the annual agency agreement. FH: jr MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AID FORM NO. III Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivision 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes, the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as agent of the City of Edina to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of local roads and bridges, and the Mayor and the clerk are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the City to execute and enter into a contract with the Commisioner of Transportation prescribing the terms and conditions of such contracts in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement" a copy of which said agreement was before the Council, assuming on behalf of the City all of the obligations therein contained. (SEAL) (Submit in duplicate) Note: Attach certification by City Clerk with each copy of resolution STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly.adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 5, 1987 and as recorded in Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 12th day of January, 1987. Page No. 16 CITY OF EDINA RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BY Mayor Director, Office of State Aid Attest: Date City Clerk Date APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: STATE OF MINNESOTA BY Commissioner of Transportation DATE DATE (Seal) J (Submit in Duplicate) Page No. 15 - M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor Courtney & Council Membe FROM: Kenneth Rosland E A SUBJECT: ADVERTISING ON BUS.SHELTERS DATE: December 30, 1986 VIII.E Attached is a letter from the Metropolitan Transit Commission requesting the City's opinion concerning the placing of advertising on public right -of -way bus shelters. Also attached is a memo from Harold Sand who has researched our ordinances and has offered an opinion. The staff and I concur with the fact that we don't believe that advertising on bus shelters would be appropriate for the City of Edina. Therefore, the recommendation is that this advertising not be allowed. KR /sw Attachment M E T R O P O L I T A N T R A N S I T C O M M I S S I O N 560 -6th Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55411 -4398 612/349 -7400 December 3, 1986 Mr. Kenneth Rosland City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Rosland: The MTC is currently in the process of deciding whether to reactivate its shelter development program. As you may know, the MTC's shelter develop- ment program was suspended a few years ago due to the high cost of maintain- ing shelters once they are built. One option the MTC is exploring is to allow for advertising on MTC bus shelters either by leasing the shelter to a private company which specializes in bus shelter advertising such as Transtop or for the MTC to contract directly for advertising on shelters similar to the on -board bus advertising contract the MTC currently has with Winston - Network. The advertising revenue would be used to offset the cost of maintaining the shelters. Minnesota Statutes 160.27, Subd. 2, provides that the decision to allow the placement of shelters with advertising on public right -of -way rests with the road authority in which the shelter is located. Specifically, this statute provides that advertising may be placed on shelters if authorized by the road authority through permit, license or franchise. The purpose of this letter is to inquire whether your city code has in place a permit, licensing or franchise process that would allow for advertising on bus shelters? If not, would your city be receptive to allowing the MTC to place advertising on its shelters within your jurisdiction? What type of restrictions, terms and conditions would you envision for placing advertising on MTC bus shelters in your city? I look forward to your response to our inquiry and wish to thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. If you should have any questions, please feel free to call me at 349 -7501. Sincerely, Gregory L. Fador Executive Assistant GLF /dmk cc: John J. Capell John R. Farrell ivl E M O R A N D U ki TO: Kenneth Rosland, City :tanager FROM: Harold Sand, Planner SUBJECT: MTC request for information about Edina regulations governing advertising on public bus stop shelters DATE: December 5, 1986 The Edina Sign Ordinance No. 45i does not permit advertising signs on bus stop shelters. The ordinance defines "bench sign" as a sign affixed to a bench at a bus stop (Section 2.t.). The general provisions permit bench signs only at bus stops and prohibits bench signs in residential (zoning) districts (Section 3.t). The distinction between a bench and shelter may, at first, seem to be minor, however, there are some real problems defining a "shelter." A lose definition may encourage private parties to request miniature billboards in locations with little or no demand for a bus stop shelter. Even with the discussion limited to the existing public shelters, there is a significant question about the size and location of advertising. The Sign Ordinance has several other sections that have an impact on advertising signs: * All signs except governmental signs are prohibited in the public street right4ottway including the boulevard (section 3.c). Governmental signs are limited to traffic directional signs (section 2.k). * Ott -site (advertising) signs are prohibited in all districts. (section 3.a); except the five temporary bill boards on the east side of Fiance (section 4) Ntany shelter locations may also be controlled by specific location requirements in the ordinance: .* I Signs are prohibited within 25 feet of street or driveway intersections to preserve a clear view of approaching pedestrians and vehicles. bus shelters tend to be located near intersections; fortunately they generally use transparent walls which will minimize the obstruction. However, advertising signs will aggravate the obstruction. The 25 toot spacing assumes a clear boulevard and advertising on bus shelters may create problems in situations not covered by the 25 toot rule. * Signs may not be located within 50 teet of a trattic sign or signal unless there is a tinding that the sign will not interfere with the ability of the public to see the trattic sign or signal and the sign will not distract the attention of drivers. This restriction is not a serious problem with benches that generally rise 2 -3 teet above ground because most trattic signs are 7 or more teet above ground. However, signs on a shelter can be a ditterent matter. Bus stop - benches are presently allowed in the city with an annual licensing tee of $10.00 per bench. United States Bench Company is the only company that serves the metropolitan area and they maintain 46 locations in Edina. The company is generally very good about repairs and correcting any problems that arise. However, during the winter, snow is cleared to make the advertising panel visible but not cleared'to allow seating on the bench. This indicates the company is strictly interested in the advertising value of the bench rather that the public service aspect. Recently, a new company, Continental Ad Bench, started placing advertising benches at the Camelot (Normandale) Golt Course. The benches were installed without permits and later variances were granted to permit the benches. They will be licensed next year for $10.00 per bench. One bench per tee is permitted and the advertisement is allowed on one side, Lacing the interior of the course. Advertising with signage is a very inexpensive way to gain high exposure thus the pressure on the Sign Ordinance is very great. The principal advertising on bus shelters and benches seems to be for cigarettes, liquor, real estate tirms and financial institutions. The bench and shelter advertising is primarily used for name recognition and does not provide any identification or location intormation. This creates untair competition for proper identification (on premise signage) of local businesses and buildings. The sign ordinance was intended to allow adequate on -site identification of local, businesses and buildings, to avoid competition between signs and avoid excessive visual intormation available to persons on the public rights -ot -way. In most cases the ordinance requires a to toot setback trom the right -ot-way line for signs on private property. The bus stop bench and shelter advertising signs are typically located on the street right- otTway and benetit trom closer proximity to trattic and theretore greater visibility than some on= premise identification signs. 'Phis system gives advertising signs the highest priority when identitication signs deserve highest priority. The advertising signs create untair competition for local business identitication and may spur unnecessary sign competition. The public bus shelters in Edina were not designed to include advertising like the new shelters in Minneapolis, The addition of advertising panels will be ditticult to integrate with the design, will degrade the appearance and add to visual clutter in the street environment. Some existing bus shelters in Edina were donated and paid for by private tunds and some were architecturally designed to contorm to the design of adjacent building. The public advantages of this type of advertising are minimal compared to the public detriment and blighting intluences. I think it is bad public policy to allow this commercial intrusion and commercial use ot,the rightwot -way. The tinancial benetits to the MTC are small compared to the potential public detriment. VIII.F M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor Courtney & Council Members Kenneth Rosland FROM: Leslie Turner SUBJECT: TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP ON CITY ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS DATE: January 2, 1987 From time to time, members of the Council have discussed limiting the number of terms an individual can serve on a board /commission. I think we should discuss this issue again at our January 5, 1987, Council Meeting before new members are appointed for terms beginning February 1, 1987. I recommend that there be a limit to the number of terms an individual can serve as specifically identified below, in order to open up involvement by more citizens in City government. This is not a criticism of those who are now serving. They have done and are doing an excellent job. We may wish to "grandfather" those now serving, although it would lengthen con- siderably the implementation of the proposed change. CURRENT PROPOSED BD. /COMM. ORDINANCE LENGTH OF TERM LIMIT LIMIT CD & PC 803 3 years 12 years 3 -3 yr. terms Park Bd. 1221 3 years "shall serve 2 -3 yr. terms for 3 yrs." Bd. of Appeals 825 3 years None 2 -3 yr. terms Bldg. Const. 407 3 years None 2 -3 yr. terms Human Relations 106 3 years None 2 -3 yr. terms SHHS Jt. Powers 2 years None Recycling 107 2 years None 3 -2 yr. terms Heritage Pres. 802 -A2 2 years None 3 -2 yr. terms Health 2 years None 3 -2 yr. terms Traffic Safety None None 3 -yr. terms for citizen members; 2 terms Art Center 3 years None 2 -3 yr. terms January 2, 1987 Mayor Courtney & Council Members Page Two I also recommend that the Council hear formally from each board /commission once a year at a regular Council Meeting. We could ask for an "annual report" and goals for the coming year and communicate our plans /comments, etc. I also recommend that every new member be formally oriented both to the purpose and responsibilities of the particular commission and to the function and procedures of City government. LT /sw VIII.F. CHARLES R. PODAS 6 td EDINA TOWERS 8400 BARRIE ROAD EDINA, MN 88433 PH: 812/922.9472 January 3, 1987 Mr. David A. Velde, Sanitarian CITY OF EDINA HEALTH DEPARTMENT 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota, 55424 Dear David: You may consider this as my Official Resignation from the City of Edina Occupational Health Advis- ory Task Force, effective January 1, 1987. After "soul searching ", I feel that whatever Expertise that I have to offer, could be better applied to other Committees of the City of Edina, such as Traffic Safety, or Building Construction Appeals Board. Perhaps, you, or others may want to give this some thought. I remain, IX.A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES BE IT RESOLVED that the First Edina National Bank, Edina, MN, First Southdale National Bank, Edina, MN, Americana State Bank of Edina, Edina, MN, Southwest Fidelity State Bank, Edina, MN, First National Bank of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN, Marquette Bank Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN and Norwest Bank MetroWest, Edina, MN, authorized to do banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby are designated as Official Depositories for the Public Funds of the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, until January 1, 1988. ADOPTED this 5th day of January, 1987. IX.B •SIGNATORY RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the persons holding office as Mayor, Manager and Treasurer of the City of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this munici- pality in the transaction of any banking business with First Edina National Bank, First Southdale National Bank, Americana State Bank of Edina, Southwest Fidelity State Bank, First National Bank of Minneapolis, Marquette Bank Minneapolis and Norwest Bank MetroWest (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank ") from time to time and until written notice to any Bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said accounts, which checks will be signed by the Mayor, Manager and City Treasurer. Each Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the City, including the signer or signers of the check. ADOPTED this 5th day of January, 1987. IX.0 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED that the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons: C. WAYNE COURTNEY - MAYOR KENNETH E. ROSLAND - CITY MANAGER JOHN WALLIN - CITY TREASURER on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant - checks, vouchers or other orders of public funds deposited in First Edina National Bank, First Southdale National Bank, Americana _''tate Bank of Edina, Southwest Fid.clity State Bank, First National Bank of Minneapolis and No nvest Bank MetroWest, be and hereby is approved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository banks to honor any such instru- ment bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn, as fully as though it bore his manually written signature and that instruments so honored shall be . wholly perative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. ADOPTED this 5th day.of January,.1987: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, Marcella M. Daehn, duly appointed City Clerk for the City of Edina, Hennepin County, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of "Resolution Authorizing Use of Facsimile Signatures by Public Officials" with the original thereof as recorded in the Minutes of the Edina City Council held Monday, January 5, 1987, and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record, and that said Resolution was adopted by said City Council at said Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 6th day of January, 1987. City Clerk AUTHORIZATION OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS: We, C. Wayne Courtney, Kenneth E. Rosland and John Wallin, being the Mayor, City_ Manager and City Treasurer, respectively, and being duly authorized to sign checks, drafts, warrants, warrant - checks, vouchers and other orders on public funds thereof deposited in the above named DEPOSITORY BANKS, do hereby certify that the facsimile impressed or appended on this page is a facsimile of our signatures in the form which may be used on any such instrument in place of our manually written signatures, and we hereby authorize said depository banks to honor any such instrument bearing the facsimile of our signatures in said form and to charge the same to the account of said public body in said depository bank upon which drawn as fully as though it bore our manually written signatures. Instruments so honored shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without our authority. WITNESS: Mayor City Manager City Treasurer IX. D.1 First Bank Edina N'. First Edina National Bank 4100 West 50th Street • Edina, MN 55424 • 612 - 925 -7300 Vemon Avenue Office 5116 Vernon Avenue • Edina, MN 55436 612 - 925 -7400 January 2, 1987 Mr. John Wallin City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear John: RE: Pledged Securities for City of Edina Deposits Enclosed you will find an investment portfolio pledge report dated November 30, 1986 for GP 20, which is the City of Edina. You will notice as of November 30, 1986 the bank had five securities totalling $1,615,000 (par value) pledged to your account. The corresponding market value and book value of these securities total $1,671,158.18 and $1,650,298.24 respectively. This portfolio consists of one Treasury Bill for $1,000,000 and four Municipal Bonds. First Edina National Bank certifies that there have been no additions or deletions to your portfolio since November 30, 1986. However, it is possible that the market and book values have changed slightly as market conditions vary from day to day. I hope that this letter along with the November pledge report will be sufficient for your January Board Meeting, as soon as I receive the 12/31/86 pledge report, I will forward it to you immediately. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me any time at 925 -7352. Sincerely, Kevin M. Powers Assistant Vice President KMP /lap Enclosure Member First Bank System, Member FDIC 56 -0148 BANK 056 -114 CUST 101230 FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO DATE 11/30/86 PAGE 8 IV110 11/26/86 MONTH -END MPLS MN PLEDGE REPORT 11/30/86 TYPE 4 SK GPI SECURITY RECEIPT SK RCPT. PAR VALUE DESCRIPTION COUP. MAT DTE MDY S &P MKT. VALUE BOOK VALUE 02 1 912827TE2 012238 012238 1,000.000.00 J S TREASURY NOTES 8.000 2/15/89 1.034,375 1,031.848.56 8 NOTE 0 89 04 3 *130619GG8 006080 140.000.00 ALIFORNIA ST 6.700 2/01/95 AA 148,221 139,790.93 02 3 412486JR4 033460 150,000.00 AARFORD CNTY MD 6.200 9/01 87 1 151,286 150,619.50 02 3 *649857T82 000010 125,000.00 qEW YORK ST HSG FIN AGY 4.600 5/01/87 AA 124,471 124,989.58 02 3 686070TN3 060590 200,000.00 3REGON ST 7.000 61/01/95 Al 212,803 203,049.67 0 20 ITEMS 5 PLEDGEE TOTAL 1,615,000. DO 1,671.158.18 1.650.298.24 275,000.30 PLEDGED MUNIS UNDER 2 YRS 275,757.92 275,609.08 340,000.00 PLEDGED MUNIS OVER 2 YRS 361,025.26 -F-I 342,840.60 i.000,000.00 PLEDGED GOVERNMENTS 1,034,375.00 L-H 1.031,848.56 T•• 56 -0a. BANK 056 -115 CUST 101240 FIRST BANK SOUTHDALE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO ( DATE 12/31, PAGE 4 IV110 12/30/86 MONTH -END EDINA MN PLEDGE REPORT _ 12/31/8b TYPE 4 SK GP SECURITY RECEIPT SK RCPT. PAR VALUE DESCRIPTION COUP. MAT DTE MDY S &P MKT. VALUE BOOK VALUE 02 1 *912827SC7 007781 200,000.00 JS TREASURY NOTES 9.750 4/30/87 202,312 200,160.88 9 3/4 NOTE U 87 04 3 059185JB5 060360 200,000.00 BALTIMORE MD 5.900 10/15/93 Al 201,395 199,734.76 04 3 075005MX3 009640 50,000.00 BEAVER CNTY PA NEW PUB HSG 5.250 DG/01/95 AAA 47,735 50,617.00 AUTH VANPORT 04 3 122457VGG 060320 150,000.00 BURNSVILLE MINN 5.700 2/01/94 A 145,043 149,792.50 04 3 *223770CK2 096710 35,000.00 OWLITZ CNTY WASH 5.100 D7/01/90 Al 34,904 35.017.50 04 3 24418lCEI 060270 50,000.00 )EER RIVER MINN INDPT SCH DIST 5.750 2/01/94 BAAl 47,628 49,890.50 NO 317 04 3 296803MY2 060400 150,000.00 ESSEX CNTY NJ 6.600 6/01 94 AA 157,585 157,295.50 04 3 419778AD7 074230 150,000.00 HAWAII ST 5.900 2/01/94 AA 151,532 149,691.00 04 31 688443RP7 077060 150,000.00 OSSEO MINN INDPT SCH DIST 5.750 1/01/94 A 145,671 149,778.00 NO 279 03 3 986018BOI 010580 100,000.00 YOLO CNTY CALIF FLOOD CTL & 4.750 2/01/87 A 99,283 99,996.83 WTR CONSV DIST ZONE NO 4 15 ITEMS 10 PLEDGEE TOTAL F1,235,000. 0 X1,233,092.08 1,241.974.47 100,000.00 PLEDGED MUNIS UNDER 2 YRS 99,283.51 99,996.83 935,000.00 PLEDGED MUNIS OVER 2 YRS 931,496.07 941,816.76 200.000.00 PLEDGED GOVERNMENTS 202,312.50 200,160.88 D s ? OO boa 30a f3 6 / - 01 1+ / / O\ ."ice / ___ .. 7 r.vN V. Current Assets Cash: Demand Deposits Working Fund Contracts Receivable Inventory: Liquor Wine Beer and Nix Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance Supplies LIQUOR FUND BALANCE SHEET CITY OF EDINA As at November 30, 1986 Assets $ 116,827.04 3,800.00 120,627.04 29,840.03 350,876.05 328,640.97 35,978.09 715,495.11 .00 400.00 400.00 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 866,362.18 Fixed Assets: Land Land Improvements Buildings Furniture and Fixtures Leasehold Improvements Less: Allowance for Depreciation and Amortization Current Liabilities: Trade Accounts Payable Accrued Pauroll Due To Other Funds Surplus — Unappropriated 233,784.60 23,923.14 729,205.87 309,444.14 3,035.55 1,065,608.70 558,214.30 507,394.40 741,179.00 TOTAL ASSETS $1,607,541.18 Liabilities and Surplus TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS S 118,078.17 8,112.57 540.14 126,730.88 1,480,810.30 $1,607,541.18 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND `MPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EDINA Eleven Months Ending November 30, 1986 and November 30, 1985 �. INCREASE 1986 1985 (DECREASE) 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total TOTAL SALES: 282,341.63 254,531.10 770,249.60 188,588.68 231,406.39 203,254.82 623,249.89 146.999.71 713,240.66 Liquor ;400,917.74 ; 849,022.92 ; 797,475.91 ;2,047,416.57 $ 438,121.94 ; 890,491.63 ; 840,500.75 ;2,169,114.32 ;(121,697.75) Wine 301,265.89 536,198.56 487,369.38 1,324,833.83 309,436.79 544,922.12 491,074.07 1,345,432.98 (20,599.15) Beer 248,959.56 443,633.77 417,053.07 1,109,646.40 237,295.93 420,748.68 399,880.92 1,057,925.53 51,720.87 Mix & Miscellaneous 16,221.63 33,751.43 33,604.11 83,577.17 16,731.75 34,409.31 34,716.70 85,857.76 (2,280.59) 375.093.43 967,364.82 1,862,606.68 1,735,502.47 4,565,473.97 1,001,586.41 1,890,571.74 1,766,172.44 4,658,330.59 (92,856.62) Less: Bottle Refunds & Discounts 21.456.41 51,172.45 50,071.42 122,7.00.28 23,524.35 55,773.49 54,445.70 133,743.54 (11,043.26) NET SALES 945,908.41 1,811,434.23 1,685,431.05 4.442,773.69 978.062.06 1,834,798.25 1.711,726.74 4.524.587.05 (81.813.36) COST OF SALES: Inventory - January I Purchases Inventory - November 30 GROSS PROFIT OPERATING EXPENSES: Selling Overhead Administrative TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES NET OPERATING PROFIT OTHER INCOME: Cash Discounts Cash Over (Short) Income on Investments Other NET INCOME PERCENT TO NET SALES: Gross Profit Operating Expenses Operating Profit Other Income NET INCOME 233,376.87 282,341.63 254,531.10 770,249.60 188,588.68 231,406.39 203,254.82 623,249.89 146.999.71 713,240.66 1.437.701.42 1,317.083.46 3.468.025.54 869,705.50 1,551,397.19 1,452.945.81 3,874.048.50 (406,022.96) 946.617.53 1.720,043.05' 1,571,614.56 4.238,275.14 1.782.803.58 1,656,200.63 4,491.298.39 (259.023.25) 207,763.51 280.712.12 227,019.48 715.495.11 293,949.00 323,098.76 295.527.47 912.575.23 (197,080.12) 738.854.02 1,439.330.93 1,344.595.08 3.522.780.03 764.345.18 1.459.704.82 1.360.673.16 3,584.123.16 (61.943.13) 207.054.39 372.103.30 340,835.97 919.993.66 213,716.88 375.093.43 351,053.58 939.863.89 (19.870.23) 50.585.25 108,177.68 94.535.28 253,298.21 55.561.10 119.892.04 91,296.10 266,749.24 (13.451.03) 30.850.38 40.709.35 36.112.08 107.671.81 32.938.12 40.853.14 36.706.85 110.498.11 (2.826.30) 75,648.26 110,563.74 87,253.29 273.465.29 75,487.45 97,845.52 78,997.91 252.330.88 21.134.41 157.083.89 259.450.77 217,900.65 634.435.31 163.986.67 258.590.70 207,000.86 629.578.23 4.857.08 49.970.50 112.652.53 122.935.32 285,558.35 49.730.21 116.502.73 144.052.72 310,285.66 (24.727.31) 8.906.59 17,224.65 16.242.21 42,373.45 11.458.69 20.575.00 18.795.47 50,829.16 (8.455.71) 18.22 (425.72) 118.51 (288.99) (4.19) (497.35) 3.19 (498.35) 209.36 -0- -O- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 236.58 599.72 478.88 1.315.18 743.90 171.39 464.43 1.379.72 (64.54) 9,161.39 17,398.65 16.839.60 43.399.64 12.198.40 20.249.04 19.263.09 51,710.53 (8,310.89) 59.131.89 saaamaaaaas ; 130.051.18 saasaaaaaaaaa ; 139,174.92 aaaaaaaaaaaaa ; 328,957.99 aaaaassaaaaaa ; 61.928.61 aaaaaaaaaaaaa ; 136,751.77 aaasaa aaaass= ; 163,315.81 aaaaaaaaaaaaa ; 361,996.19 aaaaaaaaaaaaa ; (33,038.20) aaaaa.sssaaa 21.89% 20.54% 20.22% 20.71% 21.85% 20.44% 20.51% 20.77% 16.61 14.32 12.93 14.28 16.77 14.09 12.09 13.91 5.28 6.22 7.29 6.43 5.08 6.35 8.42 6.86 .97 .96 1.00 .98 1.25 1.10 1.13 1.14 6.25% aaaaaaaaaaa 7.18% aaaaaaaaaaaaa 8.29% aaaaaaaaaaaaa 7.40% aaaaaaaaaaaaa 6.33% aaaaaaaaaaaaa 7.45% aaaaa = _aaaaa= 9.54% xaaaaaaaaaasa 8.00% aaaaaaaaaaaaa ' DECEMBER 1986 PERMITS PERMIT FEE PLAN CHECK SUR CH. NEW HOUSEKEEPING UNITS 2 1,454.00 945.11 125.00 Two Family Dwellings 201.53 122.25 1.00 449.78 SAC VALUE 950 250,000 395,225 241,200 2,000 950 1 888,425 PENALTY None _ -- Townhouses None Apartments or Condos None NEW NON- RESIDENTIAL None _- ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS Non- Residential 22 3,701.00 2,395.92 Residential 12 2,166.00 1,246.06 DEMOLITIONS None MOVES None GARAGES None AUXILLARY BLDGS. None -_ POOLS None - DRAIN TILES 45.00 - TENNIS COURTS None - - FENCES f None TOTALS 37 7,366.00 4,587.09 201.53 122.25 1.00 449.78 SAC VALUE 950 250,000 395,225 241,200 2,000 950 1 888,425 PENALTY DECEMBER 1986 PAGE (1) DATE CONTRACTOR PERMIT# ADDRESS & DESCRIPTION TYPE & VALUE 12 -1 -86 Patio Village W -833 12 -1 -86 Lowell Frost W -834 12 -1 -86 Victor Fridlund W -835 & Son 12 -1 -86 Gary Kiecker W -836 12 -2 -86 Benjamin Const. W -837 12 -2 -86 Weis Bldrs. W -838 12 -5 -86 Northland Sunrooms W -839 Ltd. I 12 -3 -86 SCI Services of W -840 MPLS I 12 -3 -86 Branko Kastratovich W -841 12 -3 -86 S.C.I. Srivices of W -842 MPLS 12 -3 -86 Ryan Const. W -843 12 -4 -86 Sonnen Bros. Const. W -844 12 -4 -86 Winfield Const. W -845 5929 Kellogg Ave. Construct porch addit- 19- 028 -24 -42 -0113 ion. 126.00 Plan check 81.9r Sur ch. 5.25 Value 10,500.00 5801 Beard Ave. Install bay window. 20- 028 -24 -31 -0093 45.00 Sur ch. 1.00 Value 2,000.00 5704 Drew Ave. So. Add to garage. 99.00 20- 028 -24 -23 -0107 Sur ch. 4.00 Value 8,000.00 6904 Cornelia Dr. Bathroom remodel in 30- 028 -24 -43 -0005 master bedroom. 54.00 Plan check 35.10 Sur ch. 1.50 Value 3,000.00 4510 W. 77th St. #216 Remodel office. 81.00 Plan check 52.65 Sur ch. 3.00 Value 6,000.00 6930 York Ave. Remodel store 278.86 Plan check 180.70 Sur ch. 14.16 Value 28,325.00 5737 York Ave. So. Dining room addition 20- 028 -24 -24 -0017 81.00 Plan check 52.65 Sur ch. 3.00 Value 6,000.00 6600 France Ave #630 Remodel existing space 30- 028 -24 -41 -0001 as per plans. 108.00 Plan check 70.20 Sur ch. 4.35 Value 8,700.00 6528 Sherwood Ave. Construct Single 30- 028 -24 -23 -0087 Family Dwelling. 709.00 Plan check 461.18 Sur ch. 60.00 Sac Unit (1) 475.00 Value 120,000.00 7215 Ohms Lane Office Remodel. 513.50 Plan check 333.78 Sur ch. 36.00 Value 72,000.00 7401 Metro Blvd. #405 Office Remodel. 09- 116 -21 -31 -0017 189.00 Plan check 122.85 Sur ch. 8.67 Value 17,000.00 4916 Maple Drive Construct dormer 18- 028 -24 -14 -0091 addition & finish partial basement. 336.50 Plan check 218.73 Sur ch. 19.00 Value 38,000.00 3300 Edinborough Way Construct 3 storerooms in basement. DECEMBER 1986 DATE CONTRACTOR PAGE (2) PERMIT# ADDRESS & DESCRIPTION TYPE & VALUE 12 -4 -86 Arachne Const. W -846 12 -5 -86 Niwinski Const. W -847 12 -5 -86 McGough Const. Inc. W -848 12 -5 -86 Terry Vogt W -849 12 -5 -86 Condor Const. Corp. W -850 12 -8 -86 Winfield Const. W -851 12 -8 -86 Winfield Const. W -852 12 -8 -86 Windield Const. W -853 12 -8 -86 D.C. Const. W -854 12 -8 -86 Karkela Const. W -855 12 -10 -86 Swedenborg W -856 12- 12 -86- Winfield Const. W -857 7700 France Ave. 4th F1. Office Remodel 31- 028 -24 -44 -0011 81.00 Plan ch -,�ck 52.65 Sur ch. 3.00 Value 6,000.00 6545 France Ave. Build walls as show on (Benson's Optical) plans & remodel of 29- 028 -24 -23 -0006 rooms accross hall. 330.00 Plan check 214.50 Sur ch. 18.50 Value 30,000.00 8000 W. 78th St. #310 Finish tenant space 18- 116 -21 -12 -0027 as per plans. 258.50 Plan check 168.03 Sur ch. 13.00 Value 26,000.00 4250 France Ave. Enclose existing 07- 028 -24 -41 -0010 screen porch & Bookcase 90.00 Sur ch. 3.50 Value 7,000.00 4445 W. 77th Street Finish office space 31- 028 -24 -43 -0013 as per plans. 81.00 Plan check 52.65 Sur ch. 3.00 Value 6,000.00 3300 Edinborough Way Tenant finish- 300 sq. (4th F1. American T.Air) ft. 63.00 Plan check 40.95 Sur ch. 2.00 Value 4,000.00 3300 Edinborough Way Tenant finish -1100 sq. 2nd Floor "Especially ft. 153.00 for Children" Plan check 99.45 Sur ch. 7.00 Value 14,000.00 3300 Edinborough Way Tenant finish -920 sq. 4th Floor "Together ft. 135.00 Dating" Plan check 87.75 Sur ch. 6.00 Value 12,000.00 3400 W. 66th St. Office Remodel. 1st Floor 54.00 9- 028 -24 -23 -0012 Plan check 35.10 Sur ch. 1.25 Value 2,500.00 7400 Metro Blvd. Office Remodel. 3rd Floor 108.00 09- 116 -21 -31 -0013 Plan check 70.20 SW: ch. 4.50 Value 9,000.00 3930 W. 49' Street Office Remodel. 18- 028 -24 -14 -0026 162.00 Plan check 105.30 Sur ch. 7.50 Value 15,000.00 3300 Edinborough Way Tenant finish -6400 2nd Floor sq. ft. 554.00 Plan check 360.10 Sur ch. 40.50 Value 81,000.00 DECEMBER 1986 PAGE (3) DATE CONTRACTOR PERMIT# ADDRESS & DESCRIPTION TYPE & VALUE 12 -9 -86 Northwestern W -858 Builders 12 -10 -86 Waterproofing by w -859 story additon. Experts 189.00 12 -12 -86 Winfield Const. W -860 X12 -11 -86 Haymaker Const. W -861 i 12 -12 -86 Sonitrol of the W -862 system. 45.00 Twin Cities Sur ch. 1.00 12 -15 -86 S & LP Bldrs. W -863 12 -15 -86 Plato Kitchens W -864 12 -16 -86 Wally Irwin W -865 12 -17 -86 Don Berg Const. W -866 12 -22 -86 KNR Electrics W -867 12 -22 -86 KNR Elctrics W -868 304 Van Buren Construct second 30- 117- 21 - -21 -0050 story additon. 189.00 Plan c heck 122.85 Sur ch. 9.00 Value 18,000.00 5331 Kellogg Ave. Install drain tile 18- 028 -24 -43 -0070 system. 45.00 Sur ch. 1.00 Value 2,000.00 3300 Edinborough Way Tenant Finish -2200 sq. 1st Floor (Beauty Salon) ft. 271.50 32- 028 -24 -34 -0027 Plan check 176.48 Sur ch. 14.00 Value 28,000.00 5125 Vernon Ave. So. Construct additon & 28- 117 -21_31 -0055 Remodel store fronts. 639.50 Plan check 415.68 Sur ch. 50.00 Value 100,000.00 6750 Valley View Rd. Install equipment 05- 116 -21 -32 -0001 to monitor existing fire alarm. 15.00 Sur ch. .50 Value 500.00 5520 Malibu Drive Construct Addition. 31- 117 -21 -22 -0030 117.00 Plan check 76.05 Sur ch. 5.00 Value 10,000.00 6105 Crescent Drive Misc. Remodel of 312 -1 7 -21 -44 -0058 kitchen. 15.00 Sur ch. .50 Value 900.00 6020 Schaefer Ro d Construct single Tamil\ 31- 117 -21 -44 -003 dwelling. 744.50 Plan check 483.93 Sur ch. 65.00 Sac Unit (1) 475.00 Value 130,000.00 4116 1 'de Construct Addition. 28u 2n4Y 459.50 Plan check 298.68 Sur ch. 30.00 Value 60,000.00 6645 McCauley Trail Install fire alarm system. 54.00 Plan check 35.10 Sur ch. 1.50 Value 3,000.00 5010 Summit Ave. Install fire alarm system. 63.00 Plan check 40.95 Sur ch. 1.75 Value 3,500.00 12 -MONTH RE -CAP (BUILDING PERMITS) 1986 "PERMITS PERMIT FEE PLAN CHECK SUR CH. SAC VALUE NEW HOUSEKEEPING [!NITS 40 38,240.00 24,856.45 3,771183 17,100 7,544,137 Two Family Dwellings 11 11,664.50 7,347.95 1,159.60 9,975 2,319,200 Townhouses 41 22,563.71 14,666.45 2,979.20 22,800 5,958,374 Apartments or Condos 6 56,589.00 36,782.88 7,184.84 134,425 23,789,589 NEW NON- RESIDENTIAL 5 42,330.00 27,514.52 4,126.15 41,325 18,034,760 ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS 6 INSTALLATIONS Non - Residential 327 69,776.48 45,010.35 4,764.48 5,700 9,572,028 Residential' 392 50,150.25 30,145.65 2,524.41 4,927,749 DEMOLITIONS 11 550.00 MOVES 200.00 GARAGES 16 1,203.00 781.95 43.05 86,100 AUXILLARY BLDGS. 5 160.15 79.30 4.75 8,900 POOLS 17 2,764.00 1,796.60 157.80 305,600 DRAIN TILES 18 848.75 19.06 34,455 TENNIS COURTS NONE FENCES 2 99.00 35.10 2.25 4,500 TOTALS 297,138.84 189,017.20 26,737.42 895 231,325 72,585,392 PENALTY t .. a 149.00 MINNESOTA NBA BASKETBALL 5525 Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55416 612 -544 -DUNK. December 17, 1986 City Council RE: Minnesota NBA Basketball Dear Council Members: As you know, we have been working hard to bring exciting NBA Basketball back to Minnesota. It has been 26 years since the Lakers left, and our chances are excellent for an NBA franchise to be awarded April 20, 1987, when the league has committed to announce expansion sites. In order to maximize the input of our fans, we have had a "Name The Team" contest which ended December 15. After only one advertisement, we received suggestions from over 5,500 people! We have decided upon two finalists, and want to.ask for your help in choosing the eventual team name. We see your council and the other city councils throughout Minnesota as representatives of all parts of our state. Each council has one vote, and we hope that you will consider the two name alternatives and write us with your choice at the address above by January 9. The majority will rule, and the choice of the most city councils will be our NBA team name. You should know that we have tried to select names which are marketable, consider the personality of our state and its people, and reflect on the geography, recreational opportunities and other unique characteristics of Minnesota. The two choices are: 1. Minnesota Polars, or 2. Minnesota Timber Wolves. Thank you for taking the time to help us choose a name for the NBA team which will soon represent our great state. Sincerely, MINNESOTA NBA BASKETBALL Ha a Ratne 4rvblfseon Robert A. Stein * *Minnesota NBA Basketball is a Division of Northwest Racquet, Swim & Health Clubs, Inc. **