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2022-08-10 Planning Commission Regular Meeting
Ag enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all, Council Cham ber s Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:00 PM Participate in Public H ear ing(s). Call 888-504-7949. E nter Participant Passcode 381587. Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak. An operator will introduce you when it is your turn. I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Draft Minutes of Regu la r Meetin g Ju ly 13, 2022 V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Pu b lic Hea rings A.Public Hearin g: 4914 Bruce Aven u e, Fron t Ya rd Setba ck and Fence Heigh t Va ria n ces VII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.2023 Pla n n ing Com m ission W ork Pla n VIII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents IX.Sta3 Com m ents X.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli7cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: August 10, 2022 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Draft Minutes of R egular Meeting July 13, 2022 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the draft minutes from J uly 13, 2022. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Minutes July 13, 2022 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 1 of 3 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers July 13, 2022 I. Call To Order Chair Agnew called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Strauss, Alkire, Bennett, Olson, Padilla, Smith and Chair Agnew. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner, Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Hayward, Barbarot. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Strauss moved to approve the July 13, 2022, agenda. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, June 15, 2022 B. Minutes: Planning Commission, June 29, 2022 Commissioner Smith moved to approve the June 15, 2022 and June 29, 2022, meeting minutes. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Acknowledge and Thank You to Commissioner Olsen for Her Years of Service Chair Agnew recognized Commission Olson for her eight years on the Planning Commission and wished her well in retirement. VI. Community Comment None. VII. Public Hearings A. B-22-12, a 12.5 Foot Rear Yard Setback Variance – 4353 Oakdale Ave Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Assistant Planner Aaker presented the request of 4353 Oakdale Ave for a 12.5 Foot Rear Yard Setback Variance. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Mr. Ross Bitner, Engineering Services Manager, addressed the Commission. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant The Applicant was not at the meeting and the architect did not want to make a presentation. Public Hearing Mr. Lane Ayres, 4407 Branson Street, addressed the Commission and indicated he was not in favor of this item. Commissioner Alkire moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the variance including drainage and water issues. The Commission asked for more information from the architect of the project. Ms. Marcy Townsend, Chisel Architecture, addressed the Commission. Director Teague suggested a few additional conditions to the motion. Motion Commissioner Strauss moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the 12.5 Foot Rear Yard Setback Variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried 6 ayes, 2 nays (Miranda, Agnew). VIII. Reports/Recommendations A. Sketch Plan – Life Time Living at Southdale Director Teague presented the sketch plan for Life Time Living at Southdale. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Mr. Eric Padget, Director of Mixed-Use Real Estate at Life Time Living and Ms. Christine Pecard, ESG Architecture & Design, addressed the Commission. The Commission asked questions of the applicant. The Commission reviewed the sketch plan and offered the following comments: Biggest issue is how tall the building is and how it stands out in this space Would like to see more practicality Want to make progress to have Southdale be different Density and housing is good Does not follow the Southdale guidelines Very much like a gated community but the City, residents and Commission spent 3 years to come up with guidelines and the proposal has zero response to that. Greenspace is empty grass area, would like to see some kind of activity Feels like a buffer to keep outsiders away Pedestrian connections mostly look like sidewalks Grand drop off is very much car focused Ring road system seems to be piecemealed Would like to see a Master Plan to address everything Concerned with inclusivity and affordable housing aspect Transformation has been good over each viewing Greenspace does not feel like a park Two shorter buildings might break things up more Wants to see the vertical integration Parking will be interesting, would like to see parking hidden with residential on all sides of the building Think about the proximity to transit and other areas within walking distance Like this to be a welcoming environment for families IX. Chair and Member Comments Received. X. Staff Comments Received. XI. Adjournment Commissioner Olson moved to adjourn the July 13, 2022, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 9:56 PM. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Date: August 10, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:P ublic Hearing: 4914 Bruc e Avenue, F ront Yard S etbac k and F enc e Height Variances Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the front yard setback variance and fence height variance as submitted by the applicant. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he applicant is requesting two variances. T he first variance request is a front yard setback variance to the required front yard setback along 50th S treet West. T he second variance request is a fence height variance to allow a 6-foot fence in a required front yard setback (along 50th S treet). B ecause this lot is a corner lot, there are two required front yard setbacks. O ne off 50th S treet West and one off of B ruce Avenue. T he front yard setback requirement off 50th Street West is to match the existing setback of the house to the west. T he existing house to the west of the subject property is approximately 119 feet from the front property line. T he applicant is proposing an 84.46-foot variance to allow a new detached garage to be constructed 34.54 feet from the south property line. T he current garage on site has a setback of 33.72-feet from the south property line. City code allows 4-foot fences to be located within a required front yard setback. T he proposed 6- foot wood fence is located within the required front yard setback off 50th S treet West. T here is an existing fence (approximately 5 feet) along the south property line. T he applicant is proposing to add a 4-foot gate across the driveway and add a 6-foot wood fence connecting the existing fence along the south property line, up the west property line connecting to the existing fence along the north property line. T he H eritage P reservation Commission reviewed and approved the certificate of appropriateness for the garage, conditioning the width of the garage doors to 10 feet, adding an architectural element to the north garage wall, and adding an as built plaque to the exterior of the new garage. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Applicant Submittal Engineering Memo Aerial Map Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Staff Pres entation The subject property, 4914 Bruce Avenue is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of 50th Street West and Bruce Avenue. The existing home on the lot is located within the Country Club District and is a two-story residence built in 1928 and is classified as a “Mediterranean” and “Italian Renaissance” style. The applicant is requesting two variances. The first variance request is a front yard setback variance to the required front yard setback along 50th Street West. The second variance request is a fence height variance to allow a 6-foot fence in a required front yard setback (along 50th Street). Because this lot is a corner lot, there are two required front yard setbacks. One off 50th Street West and one off of Bruce Avenue. The front yard setback requirement off 50th Street West is to match the existing setback of the house to the west. The existing house to the west of the subject property is approximately 119 feet from the front property line. The applicant is proposing an 84.46-foot variance to allow a new detached garage to be constructed 34.54 feet from the south property line. The current garage on site has a setback of 33.72-feet from the south property line. City code allows 4-foot fences to be located within a required front yard setback. The proposed 6- foot wood fence is located within the required front yard setback off 50th Street West. There is an existing fence (approximately 5 feet) along the south property line. The applicant is proposing to add a 4-foot gate across the driveway and add a 6-foot wood fence connecting the existing fence along the south property line, up the west property line connecting to the existing fence along the north property line. The Heritage Preservation Commission reviewed and approved the certificate of appropriateness for the garage, conditioning the width of the garage doors to 10 feet, adding an architectural element to the north garage wall, and adding an as built plaque to the exterior of the new garage. August 10, 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner B-22-14 an 84.46-foot front yard setback variance and a fence height variance at 4914 Bruce Avenue Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The subject property, 4914 Bruce Avenue was built in 1928 and is located within the Country Club District. There is an existing two story “Mediterranean” and “Italian Renaissance” style house on the lot and an existing two car detached garage. There is an existing fence that is taller than 4 feet (around 5 feet) in a required front yard that is an existing non-conforming condition. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Grading & Drainage The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their July 20, 2022, memorandum. Compliance Table Detached Garage Requirements City Standard Proposed North Side – Side Yard West Side – Rear Yard South Side – Front Yard East Side – Front Yard 3 feet 3 feet 119 feet Match the existing setback to the property to the north 51.6 feet 10.4 feet 34.54 feet* The proposed detached garage is located in the rear yard Garage Height 18 feet 14.4 feet Building Coverage Lots greater than 9,000sf 30%, no more than 2,250 square feet 24.7% Impervious Surface Coverage 50% 44.29% Fence Height Requirements for fences within Front Yard Setback 4 Feet 6 feet* STAFF REPORT Page 3 *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issue Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively to grant a variance. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. There are practical difficulties in complying with the required front yard setback to the south. The required setback is greater than the width of the lot. A garage could not be constructed to comply with the south setback requirement of the code. There is an existing fence along the south property line of the subject property that is approximately 5 feet and does not comply with today’s fence height requirements but is an existing non-conforming condition. The applicant intends to put in a 4-foot fence gate across the driveway area and connect the existing non- conforming fence along the west property line to the existing fence along the north property line. The portion of the fence that requires a variance is the 6-foot portion of the fence. A Six-foot fence would not be allowed along the west property line or the south property line without a variance due to the 119 front yard setback requirement. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The south front yard setback requirement is unique to this property, are not common in similarly zoned properties and is not self-created. The front yard setback requirement is unique to this corner lot and is not self-created. The applicant would not be allowed a 6-foot fence without a variance along the south or west property lines. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The proposed setback of the new detached garage is greater than the existing setback to the south property line. The proposed fence will not change the character of the neighborhood. There is an existing fence that is taller than what is allowed by code currently. The Heritage Preservation Commission reviewed and approved the certificate of appropriateness for the garage, conditioning the width of the garage doors to 10 feet, adding an architectural element to the north garage wall and adding an as-built date plaque to the new garage once completed. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the requested front yard setback variance and fence height variance. Staff’s recommendation for approval of the requested variances is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed project is reasonable. A garage could not be constructed on the property without a setback variance. 2. The practical difficulty for the fence and detached garage is caused by the corner lot configuration. 3. The proposed detached garage meets all other zoning requirements with the exception of the required front yard setback to the south. 4. The required setback is unique to the subject property and is not self-created. 5. The proposed detached garage and fence will not change the character of the neighborhood. The new detached garage received a COA from the Heritage Preservation Commission July 12, 2022. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to plans and survey date stamped July 12, 2022. 2. Subject to compliance with the Engineering memo dated July 20, 2022. HANSON ri. oREMODELING 4210 E. 3411 St., Minneapolis, MN 55406 • Ph: 612.655.4961 • E-mail: info@hansonremodeling.com • Web: HansonRemodeling.com Galloway Variance June 23, 2022 On behalf of the homeowners, Brennan and Jennifer Galloway, Hanson Remodeling requests a setback variance for a new garage at 4914 Bruce Avenue. We also request a fence height variance. The new garage will allow greater storage capacity for their growing family and refreshed curb appeal from the 50th street view of the property. The new fence and gate will allow the homeowners to utilize the yard and driveway as a safe play area for their young family. We propose the new garage be placed closer to the NW corner of the property, three feet from the north and west property line. The variance will relieve practical difficulties caused by the property being a corner lot. The abutting property at 4400 50th St. W. is a large irregular plat of land, and that house sits back more than one hundred feet from the street. The current garage at 4919 Bruce Ave sits approximately 33 ft from the same 50th St property line. Set back guidelines state: "Increase to front street setback if adjacent house faces side street." The proposed garage will sit approximately 34 ft from the 50th St property line. Because of the platting situation, the garage can not match the setback and zoning regulations standard for corner lots. This variance will correct an extraordinary circumstance and be in harmony with the intent of the zoning ordinance. The variance will not alter the essential characteristics of the neighborhood, because the garage exterior and roofing will match the house finishes. We request a variance regarding the fence height for corner lots. Due to the existing irregularities in platting, the south fence at 4914 Bruce Avenue is subject to a maximum height of 4ft. There is an existing fence on the property that is currently taller than four feet. We want to add a 4 ft sliding driveway gate and a new 6 ft fencing to mitigate noise and safety concerns of congested 50th Street. Attached is a survey of the property with the proposed new garage and fencing, along with the elevations and floor plans for the new garage. Thank you. CITY OF EDINA JUL 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Galloway Project Outline WALKTHROUGH Mel HANSON ff-IREMODELING 4210 E. 34th Street Minneapolis, MN 55406 License # BC633225 Brennan & Jennifer Galloway 4914 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Notice to Subcontractors: Thank you for taking the time to attend this walkthrough. Please return your quote no later than the end of business on June 27th 2022. Project demolition is likely to start (i.(I1 >2. Please submit quotes and questions to Ranisha Robinson, Mark Mitchell, and John Greely. Ranisha Robinson Designer ranishaPhansonremodeling.com (612) 759-3831 John Greek/ Estimator john@hansonremodeling.com 952-237-7322 Mark Mitchell Production Manager mark@hansonremodeling.com 206-900-3760 CITY OF EDINA JUL 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Thank you! Page 1 of 7 HANSON REMODELING Galloway Project Outline 6.23.22 General Project Description Jennifer and Brennan Galloway would like to remove their existing garage and build a new 24 X 32-foot hipped roof garage with two large garage doors, a service door, and an optional window. They would like the new garage to be tucked further in the corner of the property three feet from the overhang to the property line. The garage would be stucco with brick mold around the window and service door and a wider casing around the overhead garage doors. The roof would be a metal roof with the look of Terra cotta clay tiles to match the main house. The new garage would allow them greater storage capacity for a growing family and refreshed curb appeal from the 50th street view of their property. Please include options for the following items: I ii 1r,1-; Page 2 of 7 Galloway Project Outline >2 Project Scope rirl HANSON REMODELING Based on plans dated (6.23.2022). Appliances and decorative light fixtures provided by homeowners and installed by builder. Demolition: Do not remove: • Lower section of the driveway. • Sidewalk adjacent concrete or curb cut. Remove: • Garage • Parking pad concrete Waste Removal: • Hanson Remodeling will provide all waste removal pertaining to project. Type of removal (i.e. dumpster, bagster, etc.) will be determined at Pre-Con meeting based on project needs and city requirements. • NOTE: Homeowners understand that dumpsters may need to be periodically and temporarily removed for city snow removal, street sweeping, or street/tree maintenance. If this is required, additional costs may incur. Concrete/Masonry: • Pour concrete slab for garage. • Pour new concrete for the driveway. • Pour new concert for walkway from the garage. • Install 6' of CMU block on the perimeter of the new garage. Framing: • Frame for GARAGE per plans. Insulation: • N/A This will not be a conditioned space. Drywall: • N/A This will not be a conditioned space. CITY OF EDINA JUL 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Page 3 of 7 rirIREMODELING HANSON Galloway Project Outline 6.23.22 Windows: • Install Marvin Essential Slider window. Measurements to be verified on site. Window to have: • Stone White exterior o Stone White interior o 6 lites o White hardware 1Alindow Schedule 3D Exterior Elevation Number Label Ob.4 Size Vidth Height Code R.10 1"01 ESSL5050 2 5030 5.I 1/2 " 35 1/2 '' EO'k36" .1111Wil .11.11..1 MEM. Exterior Siding, Fascia, and Trim: • Stucco siding • Wood fascia • Wood trim • OPTION A: Leaf covers for gutters. Roofing, Gutters, and Soffits: • Install new roof on Garage. o Shingles: Decra Villa Tile (Tuscan Sun) o Edge Trim Color: MATCH EXISTING • Install new gutters on GARAGE. o Color: White o Leaf Protection: TBD • Roof vents: NONE • Install new Aluminum soffits o Color: White o Style: non-vented on west and north side, vented on east and south side • OPTION A: Leaf covers for gutters. Electrical: • All outlet receptacles and switches in (Mille) unless otherwise noted. • All switches to be toggle switches unless otherwise noted. • Install switches, outlet receptacles, and lighting fixtures per the Electrical plan. • Wire and install (8) duplex outlet receptacles. Including 2 on the ceiling for garage door openers. Page 4 of 7 Galloway Project Outline (,); )2 rileiREMODELING HANSON • Garage door openers to be installed by garage door subcontractor: Liftmaster 87504 1/2 HP with built-in LED bulb battery backup and camera. • NOTE: Decorative light fixtures ovided by homeowner. • Wire and install (3) Wall Lantern exterior sconces with single pole switch in GARAGE. o GARAGE SCONCES: Wayfair (W007880949) (Black) • Wire and install (1)Barn light over door sconce light fixture with (1) switches in GARAGE. o Light Fixture: Wayfair (RTRA1007)(Black) CITY OF EDINA JUL 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Page 5 of 7 Ni•Nolid The garage door picture door is for panel style reference only. Color will vary • • Galloway Project Outline 6.23.22 Doors & Door Hardware: ri HANSON REMODELING 11111 • Install (2) new 12'0" X 7'6" MIDLAND Carriage long panel thermal insulated garage door, with Stockton windows in the almond color. • Install Scherer Bros Classic Mahogany shaker style fiberglass door with simulated divided lite glass. 3'-0" x 6'-8" with a left-hand inswing. • Install the Schlage Latitude single cylinder keyed entry door lever set with Addison back plate. o Lock Set: Schlage (FB5OADDLATADD622)(Black) Millwork: • Install a new frieze board below the boxed soffit. o Profile & Species: 1x6 exterior grade lumber • Install new exterior casing around garage doors. o Profile & Species: 1x4 w/ backband exterior grade lumber Paint and Stain: • Apply (1) coat of primer and (2) coats of paint to facia and frieze board on GARAGE. o Manufacturer: TBD o Color: TBD o Finish: Enameled Page 6 of 7 Galloway Project Outline ().2i.22 rillIREMODELING HANSON • Apply (1) coat of primer and (2) coats of paint to exterior trim and frieze board on GARAGE. o Manufacturer: TBD o Color: TBD o Finish: TBD • Additional Notes: o One round of touch-up paint included. CITY OF EDINA JUL 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Page 7 of 7 OVVAY C 1 [ 1 Table of Contents Label Title 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 AS-BUILT GARAGE SITE PLAN 3 PROPOSED GRAGE SITE PLAN 4 FLOOR & ELECTRICAL PLAN 5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 6 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 7 CROSS SECTION DETAILS CITY OF EDINA JUL 1 2 202? PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCE DE 3D VIEWS LICENSE NO: BC633225 w D r Z C•I 71- > LID w z o < co z •cr• `c:T) w DRAWN BY: DATE: 7/7/2022 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET #: 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis., MN 55406 PAGE TITLE: TABLE OF CONTENTS O ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible, but may contain discrepancies due to limitations in measuring a lived-in space. All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. LICENSE NO: BC633225 DRAWN BY: DATE: 7/7/2022 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET #: 2 U 11 AC /_ • 040 \.) 0 0 *06C' 4e ,04 c4") Ca" s,0,1:coVIRE MAO E. !IF MI 55439 352-234-SO02 CURRENT SITE CONDITION LAUD SURVEY .9 Job Number 2021324 PREPARED PCB BRENNAN DRUGS/AY 4914 BRUCE AVE EDINA 1.21 55424 SITE LOCATION 4914 BRUCE AVE EDINA !IN 55929 AS-BUILT SITE PLAN & SURVEY 5cale:1" = 301 -0" t•t avt Scute i.- Feet k t ,.„ ; /2274 %.5 ;‘• :I: • _; • ••• ! . 11. I ' S8931.00“E I,. • _- L p / L _tie 73 ft / Ltti = - - • 02 I F(7-:. 0! "f!,!:•-ict 1.c.r,D.• Sector • I 7,:cept 7.,trect AZ 1 801 3'30" 7o.; 'ed,ps 0 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Prelim i n a ry measurements are as thorouah as !possible. but may contain discrenancies due to limitations in measuring a lived-in snane. All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. ------- I I -s• y --- 1).8.731V —---- — I — 5B / L- -- -5B / • 7 ; . / • T ,:„ • •: 50 -- Street V/ certer Ire 3D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS impervious Surfaces' Driveway: 906.75 SF Walkways: 352.46SF Patio: 272.29 SF Front Deck: 165 SF Building Coverage' House: 957 SF 32 x 21' Garage: 407 SF 20'x 20' 0 •-•CD LT:LIIIES -9, 5: : "LT 1.11:_111EN 'Ft'S NOT 2. It., Frr, E11 I _m.- 1, 2151 E \11':‘,- To :, STAL1D:r RLS 232E5 0 7. .1":1•: "1', '1E- \,1:":1-.1' FLUNG • • •F„,-, rE9...et arm!. - roman • . . . • . • .• CITY OF EDINA JUL 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Cub al ••• s A*. ;main Cr51,1, 11,1! 0,05 \ r.rre,21' 5. pg 14 ”.• 2047 st.r.,•;:sr't : ••• 7-: j"4:241`A • ttc I";tv.! ta 'SUL ,!...!!!'*. s • • <D. A, • • I I / • , 33.26' CUILISEFOR • , 40CO3[iFTE I 7. LICENSE NO: BC633225 DRAWN BY: DATE: 7/7/2022 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET #: 3 CITY OF EDINA 5cale: " - 30'-0" 3D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHA IS AVAILABLE FOR THC PROJECT. RENDER VIEW ARE REPRESENTATION: OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS JUL 1 2 2022 PLANI/trIG DEPATTTIGTEISTT CITY OF EDINA REQUIREMENTS The City of Edina's 11 rules listed below shall contist of the sediment and erosion control plan for this site. lt,s4CEL IC ro ITESCRIF ••• TO ,'Nay Sect on ,-, I'lark IT C•tce 7...TEL •I• JJ Perc:e o ccs .re r JJ J Ia. ,ecc,s ,:•.5 DJ f f.J Isms, s t_ -IA ..h. sur. Li • L cit if .I :a •Ii I::( -r- .. .. • 2 The street will be swept clean before the end of each day of active construction, when sediment is (tasked Into the street. 3 Areas with slopes greater than 3 to I and areas neat to vallandsleraterbodies graded or exposed during construction shall be protected with temporary vegetation, mulching or other means as soon as practical. 4 All exposed sod areas will be stabilized as soon as mart:cat. Unworked soils that reale ln exposed and not In use for longer than 14 days will be covered With temporary seed (grass, oats, or wheat) 5 No concrete washout shall occur on site unless It Is done with an approved Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (lUPCA) device or standard. 6 Stodgier shall be surrounded with adequate perimeter control to prevent Sedimentation and erosion. 7 Inlet protection for all storm sewer Inlets downstream of the site vdthin one block or as directed by the City. 8 Site shall be kept dean at all times and refuse properly controlled. 9 Temporary pumpTig shall not be permitted without the use of an approved Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPG) device or standard. 10 Soil compaction shall be minimized; areas of compacted soil will be removed or loosened via tilling to a depth of no less than 6-inshes. 11 The contractor shall Inspect on a Weekly tests and alter any rainfallgreater than r all erosion control desicm and make any repOrs homed ately. An inspection log shall be kept on site detailing these inspections and repairs preformed. 1 (Name of Individualtis rezponsige Mr the cleanliness of the site and the maintenance of the erosion and sediment controls and can be reached at (Telephone number). Write In Name and Telephone number of IndWidval below. Name of IndrAdual Telephone number 11 JULY 6,2022 4.0 / rimpossd - 0 I Wrung pupal 7.BSEF VELI VA , 54 4H:S.14 UnL:71iES cEL 'TIT 5115ha '4 FCIP CII UV :-140,1.1 LIICATE tictE t.IhE4`.,1_:1 IL....ELV:EN :5. OF. 1E1' ••••-•= f•-al /C E:IEM:IV3S L.. 5 L7 ITL S's V. f.):9d7I TJ.L.IL;.a T'.7:1 L ..—____ 86,9.5 t 't TOLT: L•.••Lt. - - _ 'fT4. 7. 21."'(.6 0 ••.••! EC:: • Glu /L /L: :7f Iv lox 8380 t Uric hi Vsn-iis6 6n9 /Minn 2., ''SB / 8 _ 73 fi SB / 5-dth _< ft.,..e4 - - - SB P LC e-P- _4?!r!).>_7!•_--AT.7 - - 1 ‘ I 61.9-1137's31ro:ETIT ! L-77.77! 1 !!‘, S89'31'00"E P / L236•73 '" P 135' • HOUSE FRONT DECK REAR PATIO EXISTING WALKWAY BACK DOOR STOOP EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN PLAN GARAGE PLAN DRIVEWAY NEW STOOP AND WALKWAY TOTAL PLANNED IMPERVIOUS SITE SURFACES sqft TOTAL LOT * 7630 `EXCLUDES 7ft exception along road I 0957 0165 0216 0248 0040 0139 0768 0760 0087 3380 percent 100.00 12.54 02.16 02.83 03.25 00.52 01.83 10.07 09.96 01.14 44.29 es c‘do c<s 0 CY cja,P oc ,C7.) EDNus NI 55439 '3i<s 952-354-9002 PREPARED FOR BRENNAN GALICSAY 4914 BRUCE AVE EDINA I.N. 55424 SITE LOCATION 9919 BRUCE AVE EDINA MR 55924 PROPOSED DETACHED GARAGE 5T „ on s s •-.i bei ore „studs L-ENCE u 5 0 H \ r - , Job Number 2022244 D ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible. but may contain discrepancies due to limitations in MR2S1 Irinn snAr:F! All measurements will be verified once the wace is cleared and ready for demolition. 3D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE, 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS Ln 0 a) a) ..c w O N LICENSE NO: BC633225 DRAWN BY: DATE: 7/7/2022 SCALE: AS NOTED U- fL 1 U- IL IL 3'-0" S" P / L Scale: 1 /4" = 1'-0" 2'-T' /L \ n 42046- in 12' GARAGE "Ibb -5077 - \ (1 32' 31' r-- \- 41 \ I 17, \ \ \ N N '-5" 2 cV 14'-10 1/16" in CITY OF EDINA JUL 12 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT II 4.-5 11/16"- N Electrical Schedule 3D Perspective Qty Attached To Description Comments 2 Garage Door Opener 0 1 Nall Four Way 0 1 Wall Single Pole o U Q 0 1 Nall 220V 4119 Q9 2 Wall Duplex , Z 4 Ceiling Bare Bulb - Ceiling Pull <------"71„ 2 Ceiling Duplex Ceiling Mounted 01-, r ,--- 3 Wall Max Nall Sconce 4-19 6 Nall Duplex WHIG I IN 3 Wall Duplex Weatherproof 12" HTC ilIN 1-- 1 Wall Seaside Sconce i 1 .. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible. but may contain discrepancies due to limitatinnc in mPaci irinn a lived-in snare_ All mPaciirPmPntc will he verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. w z W < o_ Ct 0 0 u_ PAGE TITLE: SHEET #: 4 10 1"101 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Note Schedule 0 Stucco Exterior 0 Albumin soffit w/venting and gutters 0 Wood Frieze board ® Decra Villa Roofing in Tuscan Sun Color ® G.H.I Garage Door Steel Insulated Door 0 Flat trim with backband 0 Decorative Motion Sensor Light 0 6" CMU 0 Midland Carriage long panel garage door in almond color. 0 Marvin Essential window with SOL 118 th wide mulls WEST ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" E2 CITY OF EDINA JUL 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT III RN II MI MI II MIR IIII II 0E17111 PLAJI r 12016 [IEEE Mal ElEr17 El= III EEC,- II MAI III Mit SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1.-0" El LICENSE NO: BC633225 co Z 00 < > x w w PAGE TITLE: © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Preliminary measurements are as thorouah as possible. but may contain discrenancies due to limitations in ITIPARI Irinn a lived-in criqr.P All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. 3D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS SHEET #: AS NOTED DRAWN BY: 7/7/2022 SCALE: DATE: E XI E E () R ELEVATIONS Scale: 1/4" = 11 -0" NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1-0" E4 EAST ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1-0" E3 CITY OF EDINA JUL 1.2 202? PLANNING DEPARTMENT SHEET #: 6 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible, but may contain discrepancies due to limitations in measuring a lived-in snace. All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. 3D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS DRAWN BY: DATE: 7/7/2022 LICENSE NO: W 0 z W—J LU I— BC633225 AS NOTED SCALE: 7- 3D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS LICENSE NO: BC633225 DRAWN BY: DATE: 7/7/2022 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET #: 7 PAGE TITLE: 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis., MN 55406 GROSS SECTION DETAILS, Scale: 1/4" = 1'-10" 4/12 ROOF FITCH TRU55 HIP ROOF ALUMINUM GUTTERfry. AND SOFFIT T' ENERGY HEEL DOUBLE TOP PLATE 2 X6 WALLS TREATED BOTT PLATE SILL SEAL sgl it Highest Ridge 14.4' cV sr, Geilin Finish - 1st Floor Top of Garage Slab 0.0' Grade Level 6" GMU (2) #4 REBAR 5" CONCRETE SLAB WITH THICKEN RIM -( 12%1 0.0' CITY OF EDINA JUL 1 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1/2" REBAR 2 FEET ON CENTER NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" ID ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Preliminary measurements are as thorou a h as possible, but ma contain discre.ancies due to limitations in measurin. a lived-in space.All measurements will be verified once the s ace is cleared and ready for demolition. DATE: 7/20/2022 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 4914 Bruce Ave - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Site plans stamped 7/12/22 were reviewed. Summary of Work The applicant proposes a garage teardown/rebuild. The request is for a variance to setback requirements. Easements & Public Utilities No comment. Grading and Drainage The existing site drains south, to W 50th St and Minnehaha Creek. The garage expansion will redirect upstream runoff around the garage, with a portion redirected west towards private property. The drainage path change has the potential to concentrate drainage towards the eastern driveway entrance at 4400 50th St W. The drainage path shall be redirected south along the west side of the garage. Suggest a retaining wall along the west property line with a swale between the wall and garage. Stormwater Mitigation Less than 400 ft2 of the proposed impervious surface is directed to private property. Stormwater policy SP-003 requires mitigation if greater than 400 ft2, thus no mitigation is required. Floodplain Development No comment. Erosion and Sediment Control The proposed project is likely to disturb more than 2500 ft2 of soil. Therefore, an erosion and sediment control plan consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-002 will be required. Street and Driveway Entrance A driveway entrance permit will be required if the driveway entrance is modified or replaced. Miscellaneous A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit may be required, applicant will need to verify with the district. Water connection permit dated 1952. Structure built 1928. Well is likely onsite. Provide a well location prior to starting work. Well sealing record required if not in use. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 4914 B ruc e Ave July 5, 2 022 1 in = 50 f t / B-22-14, 4914 Bruce Ave Front Yard Setback Fence Height Variance EdinaMN.gov 2 EdinaMN.gov 3 EdinaMN.gov 4 Compliance Table Detached Garage Requirements City Standard Proposed North Side – Side Yard West Side – Rear Yard South Side – Front Yard East Side – Front Yard 3 feet 3 feet 119 feet Match the existing setback to the property to the north 51.6 feet 10.4 feet 34.54 feet* The proposed detached garage is located in the rear yard Garage Height 18 feet 14.4 feet Building Coverage Lots greater than 9,000sf 30%, no more than 2,250 square feet 24.7% Impervious Surface Coverage 50% 44.29% Fence Height Requirements for fences within Front Yard Setback 4 Feet 6 feet* EdinaMN.gov 5 EdinaMN.gov 6 EdinaMN.gov 7 EdinaMN.gov 8 Date: August 10, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:2023 P lanning C ommis s ion Work P lan Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: No action requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: C ontinue discussion on the 2023 Work P lan. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft 2023 Work Plan Template Updated 2021.06.08 Commission: Planning Commission 2023 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative # 1 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Review Land Use Applications Deliverable: Final Decisions on variances and recommendations to the City Council on CUP, Site Plans and Rezoning Leads: Staff Target Completion Date On-going Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No budget required. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Yes. 60-80 staff hours per week (between 3 planners and administrative assistant) Liaison Comments: This is the bulk of the Planning Commission responsibilities; including reviewing the packets (staff reports, plans, studies, and applicant narratives twice per month) City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative #2 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Continuation of the off-street parking regulations. Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council Leads: Agnew, Miranda, Strauss Target Completion Date Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No budget required. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Yes. Liaison Comments: Template Updated 2021.06.08 City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative # 3 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Accessory Dwelling Unit. This would be a follow- up/continuation of the work done in 2022. Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council Leads Smith, Bennett, Miranda Target Completion Date Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): 5 hours per week? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative #4 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Consider “Areas of Potential Change” for future small area planning. Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council Leads Miranda, Bennett Target Completion Date Sub-Committee or Working Group Template Updated 2021.06.08 Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Yes. 10-20 hours? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative # 5 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Adding conditions to conditionally permitted uses focusing on sustainability. Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council regarding an ordinance amendment Leads Target Completion Date Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): 40+? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative # 6 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Leads Alkire Template Updated 2021.06.08 Initiative Title: Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding commercial landscaping Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council regarding an ordinance amendment Sub-Committee or Working Group Target Completion Date Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): 40? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative #7 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Development Review/Sketch Plan Process follow up. Deliverable: Recommendation to City Council on development process. Leads Olson, Bennett Target Completion Date Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.)