HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-06_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, 1988 ROLLCALL I. APPROVAL OF HRA MINUTES OF MAY 16, 1988 II. AWARD OF BID - PARKING FACILITY ADDITION (51st Street Ramp) (Contd from 5/16/88) III. PUBLIC OFFICIALS' LIABILITY INSURANCE - HRA A. Resolution - Approving Activities of HRA Officers, Employees and Agents IV. HRA PARTIAL FUNDING - SUMMIT AVENUE ISLAND V. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL CENTENNIAL UPDATE I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All Agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of May 2, 1988 III. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. .Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to. proceeds, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if improvement has been petitioned for; 4/5 vote required if no petition. A. Watermain Improvement No. P -WM -364 and Sanitary Sewer Improvement No P -SS -378 - Ryan Avenue from W. 62nd Street to W. 63rd Street IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Plat Approval 1. Jerry's Enterprises - PID Planned Industrial District to PCD -2 Planned Commercial District - Generally located north and south of Eden.Avenue, west of Brookside Avenue and the Soo Line rail tracks (Contd from 5/16/88) 2. Harvey Swenson - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -2 Planned Residence District - Generally located southeast of Vernon Avenue and west of Sherwood Avenue (Contd from 5/16/88) B. 7100 France Avenue South - Room and Board. Inc. - Amendment of Comprehensive Plan - 1980 to Change Land Use Designation from Office of Commercial. Rezoning Request from POD -1 Planned Office District to PCD -2, Planned Commercial District. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 825 to Permit Furniture Stores in Office Building District Subject to Conditional Use Permit or Subject to Locational Restrictions ;r .., Edina City Council Agenda June 6, 1988 Page 2 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS (CONTD) C. Final Rezoning and Final Plat Approval - Landmark Addition - Generally located east of Lincoln Drive and south of West 7th Street Extended D. Community Development Block Grant Agreement for Day Care E. Report - Day Care in Single Family Homes V. ORDINANCES. First Reading: Requires offering of Ordinance only. Second Reading: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of all members of Council required to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. A. Second Reading 1. Ordinance No. 902 -A5 - Amending the Wine Licensing Ordinance VI. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS VII. AWARD OF BIDS A. Bridge Deck Repairs and Concrete Repairs VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Liquor License Renewals - Edina Country Club /Interlachen Country Club B. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District - Allocation of Funds /Flood Damage C. City Water System Report D. Long Range Storm Sewer Capital Improvement Plan E. LMC Proposed Dues F. Discussion of Plantings on McCauley Trail . G. Board /Commission Terms Expiration Dates H. Proposed MLC Lawsuit - Presentation by City Manager I. Set Hearing Date - To Consider Proposed Transfer of City's Cable Franchise to New Grantee (7/11/88) IX. RESOLUTIONS. Favorable rollcall vote by majority of quorum to pass. A. Opposing,Transfer of Jury Trials from Southdale Court to Government Center B. Recognizing That Service by Council Members on Boards /Commissions is Part of Official Duties X. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL XI. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XII. FINANCE A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 6/6/88: General Fund $248,640.95, Art Center $7,988.28, Capital Fund $26,338.41, Swimming Pool Fund $1,624.01, Golf Course Fund $25,327.57, Recreation Center Fund $29,153.93, Gun Range Fund $927.64, Edinborough Park $8,272.67, Utility Fund $261,809.61, Liquor Dispensary Fund $11,939.82, Construction Fund $1,725.00, Total $623,747.89; and for confirmation of payment of Claims dated 4/30/88: General Fund $205,028.16, Art Center $1,134.61, Swimming Pool'Fund $124.72, Golf Course Fund $4,129.63, Recreation Center Fund $7,097.28, Gun Range Fund $520.18, Edinborough Park $11,224.78, Utility Fund $22,566.54, Liquor Dispensary Fund $253,916.73, Total $505,742.63 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS June 7 - 10 LMC Conference St. Paul Radisson Mon June 20 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m.. Council Room Mon June 27 Council Follow -up Session 5-9 p.m. Manager's Conf Room Mon July 11 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon July 18 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room t MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 2, 1988 Answering rollcall were Members Richards, Smith, Turner and Mayor Courtney. MANAGER KENNETH ROSLAND COMMENDED. Mayor Courtney congratulated Manager Kenneth Rosland for 30 years of service to the City of Edina, noting that he began his employment with the City on May 1, 1958 as Playground and Recreation Supervisor. In 1962 he was promoted to the position of Director of Parks and Recreation. His interest and leadership in Edina's park system are evident throughout the City. On October 15, 1977 the City Council appointed him to the position of City Manager. In appreciation, Mayor Courtney presented him with a silver pen bearing the City logo. The Council also extended their commendation and Member Smith, on behalf of the Council, made a special presentation of a mirrored tennis racquet and a "Oh- Thirty" pin. CENTENNIAL UPDATE PRESENTED. Betty Hemstad and Kay Bach, Co- Chairs of the 1988 Centennial, gave an update on Centennial activities. Betty Hemstad reported on the major events that were held in April. Kay Bach said that the main events for the month of May will be the Sports Festival that will include: May 7 - Opening Ceremonies and Track and Field Fun Day; May 14 - Edina Water Show and 3 -Man Basketball Tournament; May 14 -15 - Junior Tennis Tournament; May 17 and 19 - EGAA Girls Volleyball Championships; May 21 and 22 - Adult Tennis Tournament; May 20, 21, 22 - First Soccer Invitational Tournament; May 21 - Super Seniors Day; and May 22 - Edina Gymnastics Association Demonstration. Other events will be the Historical Play on May 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22 and the Garden Council's Annual Plant Sale on May 5 at Arneson Acres Park. Monica Sullivan presented a Centennial Map which she had designed entitled "Edinastalgia ". TREE CITY USA AWARD PRESENTED. Manager Rosland advised that recently the City of Edina City has been named a Tree City USA. This award and honor comes from The National Arbor Day Foundation, a Nebraska -based organization dedicated to - encouraging tree care and tree = planting programs across the country. Communities entering the nationwide program receive the designation upon recommendation by state foresters. Park Director Robert Kojetin presented the award and announced that the Centennial Tree, a bicolor oak, will be planted on May 3, 1988 in Wooddale Park in connection with the award and also in observance of Arbor Day. Member Turner announced that the Centennial Tree will be dedicated on Founder's Day, December 12, 1988. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED. Motion was made by Member Turner and seconded by Member Smith to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented, with the exception of the removal of item VII.C. Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *MINUTES OF SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETINGS OF APRIL 18, 1988 APPROVED. Motion was made by Member Turner and seconded by Member Smith to approve the minutes of the Special and Regular Meetings'of April 18, 1988. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED: TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -04 AUTHORIZED. Affidavits of notice were presented by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Manager Rosland recalled that in 1984 the City initiated a tree trimming program which divided the City into four trimming areas. One area has been trimmed every year since. The southwest quadrant is the final area for the program and the City is proposing to contract for the trimming of 1,663 trees on the boulevard in an area bounded by County Road 18 on the West, Highway 100 on the East, Highway 62 on the North and the southern City boundary line on the South. If the project is approved, it is expected that the project would start in September, 1988 and be completed by April 1989. The cost of the trimming would be assessed against benefited properties. Assessments would be levied late in 1989 and would be due and payable in full in 1990. The cost per tree will be determined by the diameter of the trunk measured 4 1/2 feet up from the ground, then multiplied by cost per inch. The estimated cost per tree is between $45.00 and $60.00. Property owners in the affected area were notified of the public hearing and were told that if they had trees trimmed within the past 12 months by a private contractor to notify the Forester prior to the hearing date to have the trees removed from the trimming list. No objection or comment being heard, Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -04 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published and mailed to owners of each parcel within the area proposed to be assessed on the following proposed improvement: TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -04 IN THE FOLLOWING: An area bounded by County Road 18 on the West, Highway 100 on the East, Highway 62 on the North and the southern City boundary line on the South r •I and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in the said notice, the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts, does hereby determine to proceed with the said improvement including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for construction and maintenance of such improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -04 and the project is proposed to be assessed against properties having one or more boulevard trees in the area described above. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR INTERLACHEN BLUFF (ANDRON. INC.). Planner Craig Larsen presented the request for final plat approval for Interlachen Bluff generally located south of Interlachen Boulevard and east of Interlachen Circle. He recalled that the Council gave preliminary plat approval for this property on March 21, 1988. Preliminary approval was conditioned on: 1) Reduction of the number of lots in the plat from 11 to 8 lots, 2) Developer's agreement, 3) Subdivision dedication, 3) Nine Mile Creek Watershed District grading permit and 5) City approval of on -site storm water storage and off -site storm water drainage. Planner Larsen advised that the number of lots in the plat has been reduced to 8 lots, the developer's agreement has been completed, the grading permit has been granted by Nine Creek Watershed District and staff has reviewed the plans for on -site storm water storage and off -site drainage. In staff's opinion those conditions have been satisfied. At the time of preliminary plat approval, the question of how sanitary sewer would be handled for the development was raised. Approval was granted for a gravity sanitary sewer system going from the south end of the property westerly to a trunk line near Mirror Lakes Drive. As an alternative..to the gravity line, the proponent has suggested a lift station to direct the flow northerly to Interlachen Boulevard, thereby avoiding disturbing parkland to install the gravity line. In order to off -set the additional cost to the City for maintenance and power for the lift station, the developer has offered to make a cash contribution of $15,000 to the City. The Engineering Department has reviewed this proposal and feels the contribution would adequately cover the costs. Staff would recommend final plat approval based on a land value of $720,000 for subdivision dedication, plus a cash contribution of $15,000 for the lift station maintenance costs. Member Richards asked if access for the lots to Interlachen Boulevard would be via the internal street. Planner Larsen explained that the final plat shows only one access onto Interlachen Boulevard. No objection being heard, Member Richards moved final plat approval, subject to payment of a subdivision dedication fee of $57,600 and a cash contribution of $15,000 to defray maintenance costs of the lift station, and adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR INTERLACHEN BLUFF BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled " INTERLACHEN BLUFF ", platted by Andron, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, and First Bank Minnesota, a Minnesota corporation, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of May 2, 1988 be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for final plat approval and adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. *HEARING DATE OF 5/16/88 SET FOR PLANNING MATTERS. Motion was made by Member Turner and seconded by Member Smith setting May 16, 1988 as hearing date for the following planning matters: 1) Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Plat Approval - Jerry's Enterprises - PID Planned Industrial District to.PCD -2 Planned Commercial District - Generally located north and south of Eden Avenue, west of Brookside Avenue and the Soo Line rail tracks: 2) Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Plat Approval - Harvey Swenson - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -2, Planned Residence District - Generally located southeast of Vernon Avenue and west of Sherwood Avenue. 3) Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Plat Approval - Landmark Addition - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District - Generally located east of Lincoln Drive and south of Wiest 7th Street - Extended. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. ORDINANCE NO. 905 (OPEN HOUSE PARTY ORDINANCE) ADOPTED: SECOND READING WAIVED. Manager Rosland recalled that some months ago the Council had asked staff to obtain a copy of an ordinance adopted by several cities in the state of Michigan that would regulate the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances at open house parties. At the request of the Council the draft ordinance was circulated and reviewed by the Human Relations Commission, the Chemical Health Advisory Committee and within the school community. The various committees and groups that reviewed and discussed the proposed ordinance generally were supportive of it. Staff and the City Attorney have redrafted the ordinance which is substantively the same with wording changes consistent with clearer meaning and greater definition. Manager Rosland referred to a memorandum from Police Chief Swanson which stated that the Department's evaluation of the ordinance is supportive of the intent to discourage open house parties where chemicals are used illegally. However, given the experience of the Department, the elements for enforcement may be present in only a small percentage of this type of party. The ordinance can only be enforced if an adult having control of the residence or premises is present. Most open house parties of this type occur when parents or adults are absent. The ordinance could be changed to include "juveniles or adults" and it would have greater applicability. Member Smith expressed some concern that we get input from the larger community. Member Turner said that the proposed ordinance got excellent coverage as it was going through the process, e.g. PTA newsletters, etc. Speaking in support of the proposed open house party ordinance were: Pat Llona, member of the Human Relations Committee and the Chemical Health Advisory Committee (CHAC) who presented an endorsing statement from CHAC; Roshini Rajkumar, representing the Edina Student Council; Andy Lou Otness, representing the Executive Board of the Kindergarten Center PTA; and Dr. Raymond Smyth, Superintendent of Edina Schools. Member Turner presented a statement of support from the Countryside PTA Board. Member Smith expressed some concern about the ability to enforce the proposed ordinance and also regarding the. penalty. Chief Craig Swanson stated that the ordinance as written would have a low frequency of enforcement and explained how the Police Department would proceed regarding enforcement. Following a discussion on enforcement, Member Richards said that this ordinance is timely, that he would support it and would be in favor of waiving second reading. Member Turner said she also would support the proposed ordinance because it gives a clear expectation that open house parties are wrong when conditions are present as described in the ordinance. Attorney Erickson referred to the definition of "Control" in the draft ordinance and proposed that it be redefined to mean "right of possession of a residence or premises. Member Smith said that would change the ordinance from the way it was presented to the community and further that he would like to have the prosecuting attorney's comments on the ordinance. Following further discussion, Member Richards introduced Ordinance No. 905 and moved its adoption as follows, with ;waiver of Second Reading: ORDINANCE NO. 905 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES AT OPEN HOUSE PARTIES; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS: AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Definitions "Adult" means any person eighteen (18) years of age or older.; "Alcoholic Beverage" means any beverage containing more than one -half of 1% of alcohol by weight.. "Minor" means a person not legally permitted by reason of age to possess alcoholic beverages pursuant to Edina City Ordinances and Minnesota State Statutes. "Residence" or "premises" means a home, apartment, condominium, premises, or other dwelling unit or meeting room or hall, whether occupied on a temporary basis or permanent basis, whether occupied as a dwelling or for a social function, owned, rented, leased or under the control of any person or persons including the curtilage of such residence or premises. "Open House Party" means a social gathering of persons at a residence or premises, other than the owners thereof, or those with rights of possession, or their immediate family members. "Controlled Substance" means any drug, agent or substances or defined by Minnesota State Statutes. "Control" means the right of possession of a residence or premises. Sec. 2. Acts Prohibited. No adult having control of any residence or premises shall allow an open house party to take place at the residence or premises if any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance is possessed or consumed at the open house party by any minor, where the adult knew or reasonable should have known that any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance was in the possession of or being consumed by such minor at the open house party, and where the adult failed to take reasonable steps to prevent the possession or consumption of the alcoholic beverage or controlled substance by such minor at the open house party. Sec. 3. Penalty._ Any person violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the penalties set forth in Ordinance No. 175. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Turner. is i 5; r Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Ordinance adopted; Second Reading waived. Member Smith made a motion to submit the ordinance to the prosecuting attorney for comment and report back on May 16, 1988. Motion was seconded by Member Richards. Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 902 -A5 CONTINUED TO MAY 16 1988. Manager Rosland presented a proposed amendment to the Wine Licensing Ordinance advising that the present ordinance requires that a restaurant patron must order a meal prior to being served wine. This requirement conflicts with the customary practice whereby the patron orders a glass of wine prior to making a menu selection. The proposed amendment softens the present requirement provided that the restaurant informs patrons of the requirement that continued wine service is ultimately dependent on food service. He explained that in the last round of inspections it was found that there are violations of the ordinance requirements but that it is difficult to enforce. Following some discussion, Member Richards moved to continue First Reading of Ordinance No. 902 -A5 to May 16, 1988. Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1301 -A3 (REQUIRING GARBAGE HAULERS TO COLLECT YARD WASTE FOR COMPOSTING) AND ORDINANCE NO. 711 -A5 (PERMITTING PLACEMENT OF GRASS CLIPPINGS AND LEAVES ON CURB FOR PICK -UP) GIVEN FIRST READING. Janet Chandler, Recycling Coordinator, recalled that, at the March 17, 1988 Council Meeting, Edina garbage haulers testified that a) In general, they were willing to implement separate yard waste pick -up, b) That two of the haulers had compost programs in 1987, and c) That curbside placement of compost would make the job much more efficient. Subsequently, the Minnesota Legislature has just passed an amendment to the Waste Management Act which states that effective January 1, 1990 yard waste may not be disposed of in mixed municipal solid waste, in a disposal facility or in a resource recovery facility except for the purpose of composting or co- composting.. Further, Mrs. Chandler stated that the 1987 Morningside compost program was very successful and participation was high with many positive comments from residents. Similar results have been reported by our neighboring cities which have instituted compost programs. Public reaction to the newspaper report of the March 17 Council Meeting was positive. With regard to the compostable bag, Hennepin County has advised that it has no plans to make the bags available this year due to the problems of storage, distribution and cost. Consumers and haulers generally liked the compostable bags, but most cities do not wish to take on the task of distributing bags on an ongoing basis. The best hope is that they may become available in stores at a reasonable cost. In conclusion, Mrs. Chandler said that Hennepin County has stated its intention to continue development of compost sites and that Edina needs a compost program in order to meet our recycling goals. Following discussion, Member Smith introduced Ordinance No. 1301 -A3 and Ordinance No. 711 -A5 and moved First Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1301 -A3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1301 TO _REQUIRE GARBAGE HAULERS TO COLLECT YARD WASTE FOR COMPOSTING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 1301 is amended by adding a new Section 15 as follows: "Sec. 15. Collection of Compostable Materials. Haulers shall collect and segregate, from other garbage and refuse, all grass clippings and leaves which have been separated from other garbage and refuse and placed, in bags designed for such purpose by residential customers, for pick -up. Haulers shall report to the City Sanitarian the amount, by weight, of such leaves and grass clippings delivered to compost disposal sites approved by Hennepin County for the four -month periods ending April 30, August 31 and December 31. Such reports shall be submitted within fifteen (15) days following the end of each four month period." Sec. 2. Section 15 and Section 16 of Ordinance No. 1301 are hereby renumbered Section 16 and Section 17 respectively. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. ORDINANCE NO. 711 -A5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 711 TO PERMIT THE PLACEMENT OF GRASS CLIPPINGS AND LEAVES ON THE CURB ADJOINING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 711 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 3. Refuse to be kept in containers. All refuse on any premise shall be stored in the containers required by Sec. 2 hereof, except as the same may be consumed or disposed of on such premises as permitted by said section and except as provided in Sec. 4 hereof." Sec. 2. Sec. 4 of Ordinance No. 711 is hereby amended by inserting "(a)" immediately after the heading of Sec. 4, and by adding a new paragraph "(b)" to Sec. 4 as follows: "(b) Grass clippings and leaves may be placed next to the street or curb adjoining residential properties for pick -up provided that such grass clippings and leaves so placed shall be: i) stored within a bag designed for such a purpose and ii) placed at the curb no more than twelve (12) hours prior to the scheduled pick -up." Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for First Reading of the ordinances was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Smith, Turner, Courtney Nays: Richards First Reading granted. Member Richards stated that he supports the compost program and had voted "nay" only for the reason that he is opposed to curbside pick -up of compostable materials. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 102 (LIMITING TERMS OF SERVICE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS) CONTINUED TO MAY 16. Member Turner moved that Second Reading of Ordinance No. 102 (Limiting Terms of Service by Individuals Appointed to Boards, Commissions or Committees) be continued to the Council Meeting of May 16, 1988. Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Ayes: Smith, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. CONCERN NOTED REGARDING WIDENING OF BLAKE ROAD. Dr. Paul Carson, 6000 Pine Grove Road, reiterated his concerns expressed at the last meeting( e.g. widening, aesthetics, faster traffic, removal of trees) regarding the improvement of Blake Road. He said it is his hope that the procedure can be changed on a project such as this so that the Council can get input from the citizens affected before staff works up the project for public hearing. He said he would like the Council to be aware that Blake Road as it exists today is a beautiful road that he hoped will not get changed, but if it is to be improved that the citizens living there will be asked for their opinions. Engineer Hoffman again explained that the surveying work done recently by staff was to look at the flooding issues on the south end of Blake Road and to gather field data on the roadway. At this point in time, staff is simply looking at the storm water issue at the pond and whether or not there will be a road improvement project going north is not known. He added that two residents who live on Blake Road have volunteered to get information to the residents when staff has analyzed the field data. He recalled that when West 44th Street was improved, the final road design was the product of considerable input from the residents. *BIDS REJECTED FOR PUMP AND DEEP WELL #10 RENOVATION: WORK TO BE RE -BID. Motion was made by Member Turner and seconded by Member Smith to reject all bids and re -bid for pump and well renovation (deep well #10). Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR SMALL TRUCK FOR GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE USE. Motion was made by Member Turner and seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for small truck for golf course maintenance use to recommended low bidder, Star West, at $9,259.30. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. BID AWARDED FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY INSURANCE. Member Smith asked what the bidding process was for obtaining public officials liability insurance. Manager Rosland explained the process that was outlined in a memorandum submitted to the Council on March 21, 1988 which listed the insurance brokers who would be obtaining quotations for the City's various insurance coverages. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for public officials liability insurance to recommended low bidder, National Casualty, at $10,600.00. Ayes: Smith, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *BID AWARDED FOR MILL POND WEED HARVESTING. Motion was made by Member Turner and seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for mill pond weed harvesting to Midwest Aqua Care at $8,768.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. REPORT PRESENTED ON DEER SURVEY. Assistant Manager Hughes introduced John Parker, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and Larry Gillette, Wildlife Manager of Hennepin Parks, stating that they would give a report on the deer survey conducted late winter and the feasibility-of control measures. Mr. Parker said.that in order to begin to control the deer population there would have to be a cooperative effort among the cities. Mr. Gillette explained that he has been conducting deer surveys in the Hennepin Parks preserves since 1974 and that the herds in the parks and the surrounding areas must be considered as basically one unit. The deer population in Southwest Edina is really part of a larger population that includes portions of Eden Prairie and Bloomington, most notably the complex known as Hyland- Anderson - Normandale -Bush Lakes. He showed a graphic of the area they have been flying since 1980. He explained that in the '70s the area was open agricultural land and the deer herd moved annually from the summer range in the Hyland -Eden Prairie -Edina area down to the Minnesota River valley. Those corridors have been almost completely severed with the development that has occurred in Bloomington and Eden Prairie and there now are only limited ways in which the deer can move. Since 1980 there has been roughly a 20% increase in the population of deer with an increase of 40 -50% in the deer herd to the south. The survey conducted this winter counted 63 deer north of I -494; this is the winter distribution when the deer are yarded up. During the rest of the year they spread out over Edina and the surrounding area. The fact that only 10 deer were counted in Edina was in no way indicative of the population in the City. This population is rather isolated now with some movement out but very little movement in. As to expectations, Mr. Gillette said there has been relatively steady growth from 1980 to 1986. In the last two years the deer population has been constant, both north and south of I -494. Part of this is due to the fact that more open space is being developed resulting in decreased habitat and also due to the increased traffic. Deer population is not expected to increase very much but deer population density may happen as they get confined to a more restricted area. Eventually the population may decrease but as.the deer adapt they likely will hang on to the area quite tenaciously. In the Hyland- Anderson -Bush Lakes area it will remain stable because the major habitat is now park. Member Turner asked if the survey included deer that have been seen in the northwest part of Edina. Mr. Gillette responded that they probably are seen in that area in the spring, summer and fall when there is more cover. As to control measures, Mr. Parker said the deer population could not be controlled within the City of Edina. The DNR can furnish technical advice to property owners with regard to protecting vegetation from the deer by the use of repellants, etc. but that it has been the policy of the DNR that it is the landowner's responsibility to take of the depredation problem. The other problem is the deer /car collisions which totaled 2,800 in the metro area last year. One of the remedies is a deer reflector system for high collision areas. Mr. Parker concluded that if the deer population should increase in the future and if the cities of Bloomington and Eden Prairie want to get involved in a control program the DNR would then come back and work with the cities. Basically, it is a social decision to be made within the communities. Member Richards asked about the cost of a deer reflector system. Mr. Parker the cost would be approximately $3,000 -5,000 per mile for materials, plus installation and that the reflectors are effective in deer crossing areas. Member Smith commented that logic suggests that if deer were taken out of Hyland Park there might not be so much pressure for them to move into the other areas and that perhaps this could be suggested to Hennepin County. Mr. Parker said it has been discussed with Hennepin Parks and the City of Bloomington. The only control methods used so far has been public hunts or shooting of deer by conservation officers in the Minnesota Valley and in North Oaks and that has been an emotional issue. Translocation is not effective because most of the deer die. The philosophy of the DNR has been that once it gets out of the realm of having an open hunting season it becomes the cities' responsibility to control the deer herd. Mr. Gillette mentioned that about five years ago Hennepin Parks went to the City of Bloomington and alerted them to the fact that the deer heard was increasing and that they were willing to cooperate if Bloomington desired to try to limit the herd. The Hyland- Anderson - Normandale -Bush Lakes area is unusual in that there are so many lineal corridors and so many homes abut up against it. Deer hunts are held in all the other Hennepin County park reserves, either shotgun or bow and arrow. Those would not be appropriate in the Hyland Lake area; the only way would be through a sharpshooter. To date there has been no response from Bloomington indicating they desire to do anything to control the deer population. Mr. Parker said the DNR has continued to talk with Bloomington about the deer situation. There being no questions from the audience, Mayor Courtney thanked Mr. Parker and Mr. Gillette for their report. No action was taken. REPORT PRESENTED ON BRAEMAR PARK FACILITIES. Manager Rosland said that two weeks ago he had reported to the Council on a preliminary study of the Braemar Sports Complex. The Council asked that it be referred to the Park Board for their input. He reviewed the proposal as presented to the Park Board and as previously presented to the Council pointing out the components of the proposal as follows: 1) Golf Course - Construct new nine -hole course, replace A -frame building, improve the parking lot, construct golf car shelter, upgrade energy system at clubhouse and purchase 20 new golf cars, 2) Purchase the Golf Dome, and 3) Renovate the Pavilion. In order to accomplish this, it is proposed that the facilities be combined together, not totally dollar -wise, but through a management effort. He then explained in detail the components of the project which if approved by the Council would necessitate the selling of $3,.525,000 in bonds. He presented graphics showing the proposed list of capital expenditures and the Braemar Park Facilities revenue and expense detail (Actual 1987 and Build Out). It was pointed out that the Golf Course can carry its own bonded indebtedness and operating expenses. The Arena, through the energy upgrade could probably carry its operating expenses but probably cannot carry its bonds. However, the revenue from the Golf Dome could carry a great deal of the bonded indebtedness because of its projected strong cash flow. It is expected that through a combined management effort a real savings will be realized. Revenue estimates are predicated on an increase in fees for the Arena but no increase in Golf Course fees. There is a strong desire t, have more golf available at Braemar as approximately 250 rounds per day are now turned down. Depreciation of all Braemar facilities over a period of 20 -30 years, depending on the facility, is included in the revenue and expense figures. The proposed bond sale would be general obligation bonds carrying a 7.5% anticipated interest rate over 20 years. Manager Rosland concluded by saying that Braemar Golf course has been recognized as the finest public golf course in the country. This proposal would upgrade and make it an even finer golfing facility and would meet the needs of the residents of Edina who support golfing. Member Smith raised two questions: 1) management arrangement and 2) financial support from athletic associations involved. Manager Rosland said the arena staff would be used in the summer months to work the park thus freeing up Park and Recreation crews for work on other City parks and the golf course crew would be used in the winter months to work the Golf Dome. Association responses and public comment are summarized as follows. Edina Hockey Association - Steven Smith, president, said they had reviewed the project and strongly support it. They would pledge $15.00 per registrant per year towards the funding of the facility which for the next year is estimated at $10,000. Edina Figure Skating Club - Pam Moody, president, said they fully support the improved facility. The Club of approximately 100 members would also commit to $15.00 per member per year. Paul Hagstrom, 6121 Scotia Drive, spoke in support of the renovation of the pavilion. Ed Howat, past president of the EHA, spoke in support of the total project. An unidentified man expressed concern that the golfers would be supporting the Arena. Member Richards advised that, independent of this issue, he had received a phone call from Mark Rauenhorst who would like to explore once again working out with the City the issue of Normandale Golf Course. He said he felt it appropriate for the Council to express their views on the proposal for the Braemar Sports Complex. Member Richards commented that the support indicated by the Hockey Association and the Figure Skating Club fits with the City's general philosophy that these facilities should in general be self- supporting without going back to the General Fund. He said we should separate the issues; look immediately at doing something about the ice sheet at the Pavilion, then consider the issues of the Golf Dome purchase, the revenues, etc. before taking on the $3.5 million commitment. Member Turner said she supported the entire project. It is an opportunity to combine the management of the entire Braemar Park, to move ahead with the pavilion renovation, to acquire the asset of the Golf Dome which has proven to be worthwhile and the revenue therefrom will allow the City to do the other improvements, and will satisfy the demand for additional golf. She said it makes sense to expand on the Braemar site rather than considering separating the sites and that there is no way of knowing where negotiations with Normandale Golf Course would lead. She said she would like to see the City go ahead with the whole proposal, accept the support that has been offered from the athletic associations and also look at the gymnastics facility and encourage a study to add that to the Braemar complex. Member Smith commented that he felt the immediate problem was the repair of the Pavilion /Arena and that he felt there were too many variables to support the entire project at this time. He said he felt that Braemar Golf Course is a neat facility and maybe should remain as it is. He said he had not heard any citizens express the need for additional golf facilities. Further, that if the Golf Dome is a good deal than it should have nothing to do with the Arena other than it would be another enterprise fund. He added that he would need more background information with which to evaluate the need for the gymnastics facility. Mayor Courtney_ said that he would support the entire project as proposed. He said it is well and good to be conservative but that progress has never been made without a certain amount of risk; that he was pleased with the support from the associations and that the whole project sounded logical. Tass Pauli, 6817 St. Patricks Lane, said that two years ago the request came before the Council to build the executive course and that there is a need when 250 residents are being turned away. He added that the Council should look at this as an investment in its future. Also speaking in support of the entire proposal were John Hoyt, 4812 Dunberry Lane; Roger Harrold, member of the Golf Committee; and Jim Swanson, 6813 Hillside Lane. Following lengthy discussion by the Council, Member Smith moved concept approval of the Braemar Park facilities project to be phased as follows: 1) Implementation of work on the Pavilion floor, 2) Obtain bids for design /upgrading of the commons area, 3) Report from the Park Board on the needs at Braemar Golf Course and the funding, 4) Consider the Golf Dome purchase, and 5) Decision on sale of bonds. Motion was seconded by Mayor Courtney. Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. I -494 EIS AGREEMENT AND I -494 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT APPROVED. Member Turner directed the Council's attention to two documents that are products of the I -494 Corridor Study, the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for I -494 from the Minnesota River to the I -394 Interchange and the I -494 Joint Powers Agreement between the cities of Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka and Richfield. The general objective in preparing the EIS is to help resolve uncertainty about ultimate roadway design, allow advanced rights -of -way acquisition consistent with Federal requirements, and position projects in the corridor described above to be ready to use funds when they are available. The EIS agreement basically indicates that Edina will participate in the I -494 EIS and will provide four percent (4%) of the funding up to $36,000.00 over a period of three years. The Joint Powers Agreement would involve the five cities and the private sector IMPROVE 494 group. Member Turner noted that the Council had reviewed earlier drafts of the Joint Powers Agreement. The revised version from the City of Edina was presented and most of the suggestions have been incorporated into the document. Member Richards commented that all the modification changes are excellent and suggested the agreements be approved. Attorney Erickson suggested the following language clarifications for the Joint Powers Agreement: Section 10.2 - That the parties pay a percentage of the total cost, which total cost shall not exceed $900,000; Section 11.2 - That any party withdrawing shall be responsible for any financial commitment made prior to the withdrawal. Engineer Hoffman said these suggested changes would be presented to the other cities. Member Turner moved adoption of the following resolutions: RESOLUTION APPROVING I -494 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT AGREEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby approves the I -494 Environmental Impact Statement Agreement between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Council, the Regional Transit Board, the Metropolitan Airports Commission, Hennepin County, and the cities of Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Richfield, Edina and Minnetonka; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Edina. RESOLUTION APPROVING JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby approves the Joint and Cooperative Agreement between the cities of Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka and Richfield to jointly and cooperatively implement the recommendations of the I -494 Corridor Study; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Edina. Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Member Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolutions adopted. SHHSC EXTENSION OF FIRST CALL FOR HELP REFERRED TO HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION. Manager Rosland advised that Larry Oppold, Director of South Hennepin Human Services Council, has asked for an endorsing letter in support of a satellite First Call for Help office somewhere in South Hennepin and has suggested that this proposal be discussed by the Human Relations Commission of each city for recommendation. Manager Rosland said this will be discussed by the Edina HRC at their next meeting and that their comments will then be brought back to the Council. No action was taken. AGENDA APPOVED FOR NOISE IMPACT STUDY. Manager Rosland recalled that at its meeting of April 18, 1988 the Council approved a motion to develop additional information on the issue of noise impacts caused by highways that traverse the City of Edina. He advised that Engineer Fran Hoffman has drafted a noise impact agenda to address the issues raised and to be reviewed on June 20, 1988. The additional consultant fees for the work would be up to $6,000.00. Motion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Smith to approve the noise impact agenda and the additional consultant fees up to $6,000.00. Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. FEASIBILITY REPORT GIVEN ON SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT FOR WEST 62ND STREET FROM FRANCE AVENUE TO OAKLAWN.AVENUE: PUBLIC HEARING SET FOR 5/16/88. Engineer Hoffman advised that residents adjacent to or near West 62nd Street from France Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue have petitioned for a sidewalk or walking path along the street. The Engineering Department has reviewed the area and believes it is feasible to construct said walkway. The estimated cost is approximately $23,000.00 with a proposal to assess the neighborhood for the construction. Member Richards moved adoption of the following resolution RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. P -S -45 1. The City Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed sidewalk described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, May 16, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the Edina City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvement. 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. SOTH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WEST 62ND STREET FROM FRANCE AVENUE TO OAKIAWN AVENUE TEMPORARY SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. P -S -45 The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Monday, May 16, 1988 at 7:00 p.m., to consider the following proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by Hennepin County and the City as set forth below: WEST 62ND STREET - From France Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue Temporary Sidewalk Estimated Cost Improvement No. P.S. -45 $23,240:37 The area proposed to be assessed for a portion of the cost of the proposed improvement includes: Lot 5, Blk 1, Lake Pamela Add'n; Lots 1 through 9, Blk 2, Lake Pamela Add'n; Outlots C & D, Lake Pamela Add'n; Lots 12 & 13, Blk 23, Fairfax Add'n; Lots 12 & 13, Blk 24, Fairfax Add'n; Lot 1, Blk 1, France Ave 2nd Add'n; Lots 1 through 5, Block 1, Roy H. Peterson's 2nd Add'n; Lot 1, Blk 1, Part of Lot 2, Blk 1, Peacedale Acres Add'n; Lots 4 through 6, Blk 1, Flo's Subdivision Add'n; Lots 4 through 6, Blk 1, Replat of Part of Lots 5 & 6, Blk 1, Peacedale Acres Add'n; Lots 1 through 6, Blk 1, Peacedale Acres Hoppe Replat Add'n; Lots 3 through 5, Block 2, Peacedale Acres Hoppe Replat Add'n; Lots 1 through 5, Blk 1, Peacedale Acres Johnson Replat Add'n; Lots 1 through 13, Blk 1, Peacedale Acres Trafzer Replat Add'n; Lot 1, Blk 1, Part of Lot 15, Blk 1, Peacedale Acres Add'n; Lots 1 through 7, Blk 1, McClellan's Peacedale Acres Replat Add'n; Lots l through 6, Blk 1, Nelson & Woodhull's 2nd Add'n; Lot 1, Part of Lot 6, Blk 2, Peacedale Acres Add'n; Lot 1, Part of Lot 7, Blk 2, Peacedale Acres Add'n; N 1/2 of Lot 1, Woodhull Add'n; S 1/2 of Lot 1, Woodhull Add'n; Lots 1 through 4, Blk 2, Peacedale Acres Add'n; Part of Lot 20, Blk 2, Peacedale Acres Add'n; Lot 1, Blk 1, Findell Add'n; Lot 1, Blk 1, Hippe's Pamela Terrace Add'n; Outlot 1, Hippe's Pamela Terrace Add'n. These properties are proposed to be assessed at $270.24 per assessable lot. Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. DATE OF JUNE 27 SET FOR COUNCIL FOLLOW -UP SESSION. Member Turner explained that in contacting the Council Members, they have been unable to come to agreement on selecting any of the dates proposed by Barbara Arney for the Council Follow -up Session. Following a brief discussion, Member Richards suggested the date of Monday, June 27 at 5:00 p.m. Member Turner said she would contact Ms. Arney regarding that date. ADDITIONAL FUNDS APPROVED FOR CITY HALL COUNCIL PICTURE DISPLAY. Member Richards recalled that the Council had previously approved the expenditure of $1,000.00 for the permanent City Hall Council Members picture display as part of the Centennial events and Founder's Day on December 12. The proposal received from White Oaks Gallery for preparing the display came in at $2,300.00. Subsequent negotiations with the gallery has reduced the proposal to $1,500.00 and the committee has recommended approval. Motion of Member Richards was seconded by Member Turner to approve and authorize the expenditure of $1,500.00 from contingencies for the permanent Council Members picture display at City Hall. Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PETITION /COMMUNICATION REGARDING REZONING OF 7100 FRANCE AVENUE ACKNOWLEDGED. Manager Rosland noted that a petition had been received from the neighborhood protesting any change whatsoever that would deviate from the present use of 7100 France Avenue; specifically, the requests being made by Room & Board (Gabberts) for rezoning to permit a furniture store at that location. This item will be heard again by the Community Development and Planning Commission on June 1, 1988 and by the Council on June 6, 1988. Notices will be mailed for both meetings. Also acknowledged was a letter from David and Toni Knutson, 7001 Lynmar Lane, regarding the Room and Board proposal. AMM ANNUAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON MAY 18. Member Turner reminded the Council Members of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities Annual Meeting on May 18, 1988. Manager Rosland said that reservations would be made for those who could attend. CLOSED COUNCIL MEETING REGARDING POTENTIAL LITIGATION TO BE HELD MAY 16 AT 6 P.M. Manager Rosland advised that the attorney for the City's insurance company has asked for a closed meeting with the Council to discuss potential litigation regarding the flood damage of last July. It was agreed to meet on May 16, 1988 at 6 p.m. prior to the regular Council Meeting. SENIOR CENTER TO BE VACATED BY January 1. 1989. Manager Rosland advised the. Council that the City has received word that the Senior Center at 7151 York Avenue must be vacated by January 1, 1989. Staff will be looking at alternatives for relocating the Center. *CLAIMS PAID. Notion was made by Member Turner and seconded by Member Smith to approve payment of the following claims as per pre -list dated 5/2/88: General Fund $83,391.61, Art Center $6,374.41, Capital Fund $44,730.82, Swimming Pool -Fund $287.76, Golf Course Fund $41,244.40, Recreation Center Fund $3,601.45, Gun Range Fund $233.33, Edinborough Park $10,650.56, Utility Fund $217,628.38, Liquor Dispensary Fund $32,601.54, Construction Fund $6,414.35, Total $447,158.61... Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 11:55 p.m. City Clerk MINUTES EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MAY 16, 1988 Answering rollcall were Commissioners Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner and Courtney. MINUTES of the HRA Meeting of May 2, 1988 were approved as submitted by motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Turner. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. AWARD OF BID FOR PARKING FACILITY ADDITION (51ST STREET RAMP) CONTINUED TO 6/6/88. Executive Director Hughes advised that bids were opened on May 13, 1988 for the parking facility addition (51st Street Ramp). The bids came in about 30% higher than the engineer's estimate. Included in the bid specifications were the resurfacing of the entire parking facility with brick. The brick upgrade was bid as an alternate and the bid for the brick is much more costly than anticipated. The original estimate was $78,000.00 for the brick treatment and the bid came in at approximately $240,000.00. In the next two weeks that can be factored into the equation in terms of the desirability of the brick upgrade. Director Hughes explained that the other factors that added to the cost increase is that after the project hearing it was elected to take bids as an alternate for a general upgrading of the existing parking facility. Staff will be discussing with the contractor within the next weeks his suggestions for reducing the cost. Motion was made by Commissioner Turner and seconded by Commissioner Richards to continue the award of bid for the parking facility addition to June 6, 1988. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. BINDER TO BE OBTAINED FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS' LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR HRA. Director Hughes advised that prior to now the HRA has never specifically carried public officials'. liability insurance. In reviewing the City's policy it has been found that the Council acting as the HRA may not be adequately covered. Given the nature of the HRA's involvement in the Edinborough and Hedberg projects it is felt advisable to name the HRA separately which would then also name the East Edina Housing Foundation as well. The premium for that policy would be $4,575.00 for coverage of $1,000,000. The issue was raised as to.a legal opinion by the insurance company as to whether the HRA and the Foundation are or are not covered under the City's liability insurance policy. Attorney Erickson opined that Minnesota Statutes requires that the HRA indemnify and provide defense for employees and officers of the HRA against judgments and claims arising out of their employment or official duties. Following some discussion, Commissioner Smith made a motion to authorize. obtaining a binder to cover the BRA and the East Edina Housing Foundation and to bring back to the BRA further information regarding coverage. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Commissioner Kelly also asked that staff contact the insurance agent regarding coverage for individuals serving on various boards. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, the meeting was adjourned by motion of Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Kelly. Motion carried. Executive Director f, 9SI.tA. ,� j �1 � Cn ° e 0! REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: KENNETH ROSLAND FROM: GORDON HUGHES VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: 6/6188 AGENDA ITEM HRA II ITEM DESCRIPTION: Expansion and upgrade of 51st Street ramp Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. See attached tabulation 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Sheehy Construction GENERAL INFORMATION: The proposed bid award includes the construction of an additional level to the 51st Street parking ramp as well as certain upgrade work to the existing facility. This project was authorized in conjunction with approval of the Edina Theatre expansion. Signature The Recommended bid is Department within budget not within budget ' John Wallin, Finance Director Kenneth Rosland. City Manager TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: M E M O R A N D U M KEN ROSLAND GORDON HUGHES 51ST STREET RAMP EXPANSION AND UPGRADE JUNE 6, 1988 Bids were received on Mav 13 for the subject project which was authorized in connection with the Edina Theatre expansion. This bid was structured with a number of add or deduct alternate bids in order to provide flexibility in awarding the various elements of the project. most notably the possible addition of brick to upgrade the appearance of the facility as well as the addition of an enclosed stairtower in the northeast corner of the ramp. Staff decided that it was likewise advisable to receive bids for certain repair work and upgrading within the existing ramp, given the age of the facility and the presumption that the best prices would be received in connection with the expansion project. The cost of this repair and upgrading is included in the basic construction bid contained in the following schedule. Costs for this repair and upgrading were not estimated at the time of the project hearing. COST SUMMARY PROJECT HEARING ESTIMATE BID ADD ONE LEVEL (including repairs and upgrades to existing ramp) $ 620,000 $ 781,519 Stairtower 20,000 40,000 (alternate bid) Brick Upgrade 78,000 227,000 (alternate bid) Contingency 42.000 -0- TOTAL $ 760.000 $ 1,048.519 Based upon our review of the bids, we believe that the HRA has the following options. ('It should be noted that Sheehy Construction is the low- bidder regardless of which option is selected.) Option 1: Award the entire project including the brick addition, stairtower and repair and upgrade work: TOTAL BID Option 2: Award the ramp expansion and repair brick addition and the stairtower. bidding process, we believe that stairtower also ►nust be deleted. option is selected, the stairtower as a change order later. TOTAL BID $ 1,043,519 and upgrade work but delete the Due to the complexity of this if the brick is deleted, the We suggest, however, if this should be re -bid or negotiated $ 731.519 We believe that the basic decision for the HRA is the desirability of enhancing the ramps appearance with brick. If brick is deleted, the existing ramp and expansion would be patched and repainted. Based upon our review of the bids and discussion with contractors, we do not believe that the brick upgrade could be accomplished later at a lesser cost. In that the brick upgrade was discussed at the project hearing, I have invited residents of the Lantern's Condominiiuns and the businessmen's association to Monday's meeting. BID TABULATION 51ST STREET PARKING FACILITY BIDDERS TOTAL BID SHEEHY CONSTRUCTION $1,048,519 ADOLFSON/PETERSON, INC. 11069,188 HAGMAN CONSTRUCTION 1,170,300 LOVERING 1,201,437 KRAUS ANDERSON 1,282,733 C. F. HAGLIN & SONS 1,285,018 PCL CONSTRUCTION SERV. 1,376,634 DELETE BRICK DELETE STARTOWER ($ 227,000) ($ 40,000) ($ 176.000) ($ 60,000) ($ 195,000) ($ 65,000) ($ 200,000) ($ 60,000) ($ 138,000) ($ 34,800) ($ 303,000) ($ 77,000) ($ 193,000) ($ 77,000) ,. . MEMORANDUM TO: City of Edina RE: Summary of Condition Appraisal Edina P -1B Existing Parking Facility (WALKER Commission No. M2374.05) FROM: WALKER Parking Consultants DATE: May 11, 1988 In 1977, WALKER Parking Consultants designed a to an existing two level parking structure. designing one additional for the P -lA Facility. design services, WALKER Parking Consultants City of Edina to determine the condition of the and specify repairs necessary to upgrade the term performance. one level expansion Currently, we are As part of the was retained by the existing facility structure for long The purpose of this memo is to summarize the condition appraisal findings and explain the repair and improvement recommendations. A. CONDITION APPRAISAL The condition appraisal included visual examination to define the nature and extent of deterioration and to develop an understanding of trends and severity of distress. Material testing included coring, petrographic examination and chloride ion testing, was done to evaluate the quality and physical condition of the concrete, specifically as related to concrete durability. This helps to determine the ability of the concrete to resist deterioration from traffic abrasion, freeze -thaw cycling, and corrosive attack to reinforcement. Chloride ion content, established as a function of depth in concrete, is indicative of the corrosion potential within the concrete which relates to the likelihood of future floor slab deterioration. Test wells were also made at the intermediate post- tensioning anchor locations to review the conditions of the exposed anchor and post- tensioning strand, mild steel reinforcing steel, as well as the concrete cover. Pachometer (steel detector) measurements were performed on the Post-tensioned concrete slab to measure the concrete cover over embedded reinforcing steel. Readings are used to correlate the depth of reinforcement with the depth of chloride ion contamination within the concrete. Also, readings are used to verify concrete cover specified by construction documents. wa er City of Edina May 11, 1988 Page 2 B. RESULTS The following shows the main problems detected at the P -1B Facility at the time of our review. 1. Concrete scaling was noted on some portions of the roof slab. The deterioration will intensify if no preventive measures are taken. The concrete scaling was likely caused by overfinishing of concrete surface during concrete finishing. The air void system in the top 0.1" to 0.2" was reduced to less than 1% as compared to 4.5% to 6.5% in the bulk of the core. Consequently, the slab surface is inadequate to resist.- freeze -thaw damage and concrete scaling occurs. 2. Top reinforcing steel over beams has corroded, causing delamination of the post- tensioned slabs. This occurred mainly at locations where concrete cover for the embedded steel is minimal. The concrete • cover of steel reinforcement was specified at 1" minimum. Further steel corrosion will 1) increase the number of potholes in the slabs and will be a safety hazard for patrons; 2) reduce the structural strength of the slabs and eventually cause structural failure if no remedial actions are taken to prevent further steel corrosion. 3. Many of the construction joints are leaking due to aging of the joint sealant. Water leaking on cars parked below can result in damage claims against the City for paint refinishing and car cleaning. 4. Waterponding was observed at a few locations on the slab. This creates a safety hazard for the patrons, particularly in late fall when the ponded water is frozen. Also, ponded water . will promote salt infiltration into slabs and subsequent steel corrosion. Again, the ponded areas were due to improper concrete finishing as the surface was not maintained at the surface tolerances specified. C. REPAIR ALTERNATIVES Based upon the results of the condition appraisal, the following three repair alternatives were considered: 1. Alternative A = Spot Patch, Overlay and Seal (Approximately 5 -8 Years Service Life). 2. Alternative B = Spot Patch, Overlay and Coat (Approximately 10 -12 Years Service Life). 3. Alternative C = Bonded Overlay (Approximately 10 -20 Years Service Life). /N City of Edina May 11, 1988 Page 3 The repair alternative selected for the supported floor slabs should consider the need to repair the deteriorated slabs and to provide a protective wearing surface to prolong the service life of the structure. Visual observation and materials testing performed indicate that chloride contamination of slabs to depths greater than the level of top reinforcement has occurred on the post- tensioned slabs (P /T slab). Therefore, the repair alternative - selected must also consider the progressive nature of chloride- induced deterioration. Also, a cost effective repair alternative should be selected based on estimated service life of repair methods and associated maintenance costs. Alternative B, Spot, Patch, Overlay and Coat, is recommended. The total initial repair cost is estimated to be $251,000. Alternative B will address the repair work and also provide a protective wear surface to almost totally stop water and salt infiltration. This will significantly prolong the service life of the slab. However, since the slabs have been contaminated - with chloride ions, some minor repair work will be required at the end of the service life. Maintenance work to repair any damaged coating will also be required to provide a barrier against water and salt intrusion. With proper maintenance, the repair alternative is expected to provide a durable structure with no major repair within a ten to twelve year period. Although the 'coating will almost totally prevent chloride penetration into the floor slabs, some future concrete spot patching beneath the coating is to be expected as the existing slabs have already been contaminated with chloride ions. General maintenance, including repair of any damaged or worn portion of vehicular deck coating and washing floor slabs to remove salt accumulation on a semi- annual basis, are essential elements for a good maintenance program. D.' SUMMARY Prior to the condition appraisal, the repair cost for the existing facility was anticipated to be under $100,000. The condition appraisal indicated that prevention work will be required to prolong the service life of the structure due to problems associated with concrete placement such as overfinished concrete surface and lack of concrete cover for the mild steel reinforcement. The total restoration cost was tripled from $88,000 for concrete repair work to $251,000. The $163,000 additional cost is related to prevention work which includes a traffic coating system over the post - tensioned slabs and installing supplementary floor drains to reduce waterponding.- viva ._ er . s . City of Edina May 11, 1988 Page 4 The P/T slab has reached the point where continuing concrete deterioration each year will accelerate if comprehensive repairs and protective measures are not undertaken. Existing problems are expected to accelerate with time. Extent of concrete scaling, delamination and spalling will increase, thereby requiring extensive repairs if no repair is done at this time. Corrective actions taken in the early stages of deterioration will extend the service life of the facility. LYN /bjp wa : cer A, oe�� Cn • ,NroAPOM��O • +888 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS Agenda Item # HRQ III From: CEIL SMITH Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: 6/1/88 Mgr . Recommends 0 To HRA Subject: ❑ To Council HRA PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY INSURANCE Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approve the purchase of Public Officials Liability Insurance for the HRA. Premium is $4,575 for coverage of 1,000,000 each occurance and a $5,000 deductible for each claim. Info /Background: Attached is a letter from David Crowther in explanation as to why staff is recommending purchase of this type of insurance. May 18, 1988 Ceil Smith City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Ceil, A William P. Homeyer, CPCU v John R. Harris, CPCU Douglas H. Crowther David W. Crowther Per our'coversation, the City's General Liability policy is intended to cover bodily injury and property damage claims, not "errors and ommissions" of the City Council. That is why separate coverage is purchased. 'The Public Official coverage for the City contains a specific exclusion in the definition of the Insured for actions of school boards, airport commission, utility commissions, transit authorities and housing authorities. That is why the HRA must secure its, own Public Officials coverage. Should you wish to discuss further, please give Bill or me a call. Best Regards, L Gc . David Crowther DC:jn :;'o 0'► Ceil Smith City of Edina 48010 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority William P. Homeyer, CPCU John R. Harris, CPCU Douglas H. Crowther David W. Crowther Dear Ceil, To confirm, National Casualty Company has provided the following quotations for Public Officials Liability for the HRA: Limit: a) $1,000,000 Each Occurrence /Aggregate b) $ 500,000 Each Occurrence /Aggregate Deductibe: a) $ 5,000 Each Claim b) $ -5,000 Each Claim Premium: a) $ 4,575 b) $ 3,889 As previously discussed, the HRA is not covered under the City Public Official policy. The above proposal would provide a separate limit for the HRA. DC:jn Please advise how you would like us to pursue. Thanks. Best Regards, D d Crowther 4 e o ^' r cn, J J�•. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: HRA- COMMISSIONERS From: GORDON HUGHES Date: JUNE 3, 1988 Subject: INDEMNITY OF HRA OFFI BY THE HRA Recommendation: Adoption of attached resolution. Info /Background: Agenda Item # HRA III.A Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends 0 To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance Attached is a letter from Tom Erickson, City Attorney, regarding indemnity of HRA officials by the HRA together with a draft resolution which he recommends be adopted by the HRA Commissioners. 350 PARE AVENUE NEW YORE, NEW YORE 10022 (P-le) 415 -9200 340 FIRST NATIONAL BANE BUILDING P. O. BOX 648 ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55903 (507)e88.3136 610 NORTH CENTRAL LIFE TOWER 445 MINNESOTA STREET ST. PAUL, MIA -NESOTA 66101 (612)227 -6017 315 FIRST NATIONAL HANK BUILDING WAY? —A. MINNESOTA 63391 (612)476 -0373 3 ORACECHURCR STREET LONDON EC3V OAT, ENGLAND 01- 9e9-3334 DOBSEY & WHITNEY A PAen —RIP INCLUDI -O Pw�..IDNU CORM-ON! 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 ( 612) 340-2600 TELEX 29 -0605 TELECOPIER (612)340 -2868 Mr. Gordon L. Hughes City of Edina 1, 1 4801 West 50 Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 THOMAS S. ERICKSON, P. A. (612) 340 -2669 May 16, 1988 Re: Indemnity of HRA Officials by the HRA Dear Gordon: 1200 FIRST INTERSTATE CENTER 401 NORTH 31. STREET P. 0. BOX 7186 BILLINGS. MONTANA 59103 (406)252 -0800 201 DAVIDSON BVILDINO 6 THIRD STREET. NORTH GREAT FALLS, MONTANA 59401 (406)727.3632 127 EAST FRONT STREET MISSOULA. MONTANA 59802 (40r.)721-6025 30 RUE LA BOETIE 75008 PARIS, PRANCE OU-33(1)43- 59-13 -65 OH- 33(1)45- 62 -32 -50 Minnesota Statutes Section 466.07, subd. 1, provides that each "municipality" shall "defend and indemnify any of its officers and employees, whether elective or appointive, for damages, including punitive damages, claimed or levied against the officer or employee . . ." This indemnity requires that the person in the claim in the performance of his duties, and that the person not be guilty of malfeasance, wilful neglect or bad faith. By Section 466.01, a municipality is defined to include not only a city but also a "public authority" and a "public corporation." The HRA is a body politic and corporate. Therefore, in our opinion, the HRA is a public corporation within the provisions of Chapter. 466. The result of those statutes is that the HRA is required to indemnify and provide defense for employees and officers.of the HRA against judgments and other claims arising out of their employment or official duties. In addition to the indemnity, hopefully the HRA will approve the liability insurance coverage we discussed on May 12 to give additional protection to employees and officers. As to your dealings with the East Edina Housing Foundation, it is our opinion that those actions have been within the scope of. your employment and official duties, and therefore within the provisions of Section 466.07, subd. 1, requiring the DoBSEY & WHITNEY Mr. Gordon L. Hughes May 16, 1988 Page Two HRA to indemnify you against any claim which arises out of those acts. To further bolster that opinion, I recommend that the HRA adopt a resolution in substantially the form enclosed, wherein it recognizes that your activities, and of the Director and other HRA employees, with the Foundation are within the scope of your and their employment and official duties. With the insurance and resolution in place, the staff of the HRA would then be protected by the City requirement of indemnity and the City insurance coverage, by the HRA requirement of indemnity and the HRA insurance, and the recognition by the HRA of the inclusion of your duties and scope of employment to your dealings with the East Edina Housing Foundation. Also, the East Edina Housing Foundation will also, hopefully, have liability coverage, and in its bylaws there is a provision authorizing the corporation to indemnify its officers and employees for actions taken in the course of their employment. If you have any questions on the enclosed, please advise. TSE:jd cc: Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland Ms. Marcella Daehn Ms. Ceil Smith Mr. Paul Torgerson Very truly yours, �r� I Thomas Erickson RESOLUTION Commissioner introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ACTIVITIES OF THE DIRECTOR, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS AND AGENTS. OF THE HRA IN CONSULTING WITH AND ADVISING THE EAST EDINA HOUSING FOUNDATION AND RECOGNIZING THAT SUCH CONSULTATION AND ADVICE IS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THEIR EMPLOYMENT AND OFFICIAL DUTIES. BE IT RESOLVED, By the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA "), as follows: WHEREAS, the HRA has entered into a Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment, dated August 1, 1985, with East Edina Housing Foundation, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, for the development of property in the City of Edina described in the Agreement and known as Edinborough, and has entered into a Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment with East Edina Housing Foundation, dated on or as of March 14, 1988, for the development of property in the City of Edina known as the Hedberg Project; and WHEREAS, the Director and Executive Director and other employees, officers and agents of the HRA, in connection with those Agreements, have been working with, advising, and consulting with the Foundation relative to those projects and relative to the low and moderate income housing that was developed in Edinborough and is proposed to be developed in the Hedberg Project, and in connection with the second mortgages which the Foundation has obtained in the Edinborough project and are proposed to be obtained in the Hedberg Project; and. WHEREAS, the activities, including consultation and advice, of the Director and Executive Director and other employees, officers and agents of the HRA, have been necessary for the success of the Edinborough project and are and will be necessary for the success of the Hedberg Project, and to achieve the goals of the HRA in developing those two projects. It is, therefore, recognized and acknowledged by the HRA that all of the activities, including consultation and advice, heretofore done or given or hereafter to be done or given by the Director and Executive Director, or any other officer, employee or agent of the HRA or City, in connection with the Hedberg Project or the Edinborough project, or any other other project in which the Foundation may hereafter be involved in the City of Edina, is within the scope of the employment of all such officers, employees and agents and in performance of a part of their official duties, and all such activities of any of such parties heretofore taken or made are hereby ratified and confirmed as within their authority as officers, employees or agents of the HRA and as within the scope of their employment and official duties. Dated the day of , 1988. Chairman Attest: Executive Director The motion for adoption of the foregoing was duly seconded by Commissioner and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: And the following voted against the same: Whereupon said Resolution was declared passed and adopted and signed by the Chairman and his signature attested by the Executive Director. Commissioner Turner introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ACTIVITIES OF THE DIRECTOR, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS AND AGENTS OF THE HRA IN CONSULTING WITH AND ADVISING THE EAST EDINA HOUSING FOUNDATION AND RECOGNIZING THAT SUCH CONSULTATION AND ADVICE IS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THEIR EMPLOYMENT AND OFFICIAL DUTIES. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA "), as follows: WHEREAS, the HRA has entered into a Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment, dated August 1, 1985, with East Edina Housing Foundation, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, for the development of property in the City of Edina described in the Agreement and known as Edinborough, and has entered into a Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment with East Edina Housing Foundation, dated on or as of March 14, 1988, for the development of property in the City of Edina known as the Hedberg Project; and WHEREAS, the Director and Executive Director and other employees, officers and agents of the HRA, in connection with those Agreements, have been working with, advising, and consulting with the Foundation relative to those projects and relative to the low and moderate income housing that was developed in Edinborough and is proposed to be developed in the Hedberg Project, and in connection with the second mortgages which the Foundation has obtained in the Edinborough project and are proposed to be obtained in the Hedberg project; and WHEREAS, the activities, including consultation and advice, of the Director and Executive Director and other employees, officers and agents of the HRA, have been necessary for the success of the Edinborough project and are and will be necessary for the success of the Hedberg Project, and to achieve the goals of the HRA in developing those two projects. IT IS, THEREFORE, recognized and acknowledged by the HRA that all of the activities, including consultation and advice, heretofore done or given or hereafter to be done or given by the Director and Executive Director, or any other officer, employee or agent of the HRA or City, in connection with the Hedberg Project or the Edinborough project, or any other project in which the Foundation may hereafter be involved in the City of Edina, is within the scope of the employment of all such officers, employees and agents and in performance of a part of their official duties, and all such activities of any of such parties heretofore taken or made are hereby ratified and confirmed as within their authority as officer, employees or agents of the HRA and as within the scope of their employment and official duties. Dated the 6th day of June, 1988. ATTEST: Chairman Executive Director The motion for adoption of the foregoing was duly seconded by Commissioner Smith and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Kelly, Smith, Turner, Richards and the following voted against the same: None Whereupon said Resolution was declared passed and adopted and signed by the Chairman and his signature attested by the Executive Director. -2- Q, o (Le �� GE �o REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, Consent CITY MANAGER From: Information Only ❑ GORDON HUGHES Date: 6/6/88 Subject: SUMMIT AVENUE/ INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD INTERSECTION Recommendation: Info /Background: Agenda Item # __H_RA IV Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends To HRA ❑ To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Attached is a letter from Robert Hamilton concerning the traffic diversion island for the Summit Avenue /Interlachen Boulevard intersection. Mr. Hamilton is the owner of the Interlachen Point townhouse project. As you know, the construction of this diversion was the responsibility of Westminster Corporation in conjunction with the construction of the Summit Point elderly housing project. Westminster is willing to construct a diversion. However, they are apparently unable financially to construct the diversion requested by Mr. Hamilton. In that this diversion is proposed to be located on both Westminster's and Hamilton's properties, both owners must agree. The solution as contained in Mr. Hamilton's letter, is that the HRA contribute $9,000 toward the construction of the island. Mr. Hamilton proposes to contribute $8,000 and Westminster proposes to contribute $4,000 which is their budgeted amount for the work. In that our financial participation in this work has never been discussed, we advised Mr. Hamilton that the HRA would have to authorize this expenditure. If the HRA does not wish to participate, and if Westminster and Mr. Hamilton can- not agree on a private project, then the City will be required to construct a simple but functional diverter within the Interlachen Boulevard right -of -way. In that the diverter was Westminster's obligation, we would require that they pay for it. This simplified diverter could be constructed within the $4,000 budget of Westminster. IV- I', May 16, 1988 Mr. Gorden Hughes HRA Director City of Edina 4801 West 50 Street Edina, MN RE: Request For City Counsel Review: HRA Partial Funding for Summit Road Island Dear Gorden: For two years I have been working steadily attempting to resolve the issues surrounding the Summit Road island. Though I am aware that the legal responsibility to meet the town's criteria for the island and street safety rests with Westminister Corporation and its closing of its project for elderly housing, I have been anxious for the resolution to incorporate both a practical and asthestically acceptable plan. To this end I have invested in $2,000 worth of archectural drawings, 5 meetings with the town and Westminister, etc. To date it appears there is a solution which can be acceptable to Westminister, myself, the town, and the County — if we can raise some "matching" money from HRA. Attached are plans which show the proposed island and its appearance. It seems to cover the elements of both safety and esthetics — thus protecting the values and enhancing the approach to both Interlachen Point Town Homes and the Westminister project. Island Development Best Bid Cost Footing, curbing, planters, signage, landscaping, street repair, drainage, water, electrical, etc. Total ......................................... $21,000.00 Allocation of Funding Westminister - Maximum dollar "available" to fulfill their committment to the town .................. $4,000.00 Interlachen Town Homes - My "voluntary" support to properly complete the project ................ $8,000.00 HRA Funding Requested to complete the project ......... ............................... $9,000.00 $21,000.00 Mr. Gorden Hughes May 16, 1988 Page 2 It appears -that HRA funding as proposed is the only reasonable way to properly bring the Summit Road Island project to fruitation by utilizing the dollar support of all parties. I hope that this proposal will be positively received by HRA. A prompt authorization and funding from HRA could mean the project could be completed this spring. Sincerely, Mr. Robert H. Hamilton 6436 City West Parkway Suite 500 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 r* J '1 a e'i. r �C- REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # III. A From: Francis Hoffman" Consent ❑ City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: 6/3/88 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Public Hearing %❑ To Council Watermain WM -364 Sanitary Sewer SS -378 Action Motion .Ryan Avenue from ..W. 62nd St. to W. 63rd St. ❑Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Authorize improvements subject to easement being given to City for construction and maintenance of utilities. Info /Background: Resident at 6225 Ryan has petitioned the City for water and sewer service. Engineering Department developed two methods for providing service. The first was to provide typical installation in the streets which was very costly. The second method was to provide plumbing type connections to 6225-Ryan only via a sideyard connection from Parnell Avenue. After receiving notice of public hearing, the other primary property indicated interest in water and sewer service and indicated a willingness to give easements across the backyards of the lots to allow installation of the utilities. We have developed a third method which follows location listed above. This method results in estimated sewer and water costs of $10,402.80 for each lot. Staff will provide additional information at the public hearing. i' CITY OF PEDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612 - 927 -8861 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RYAN AVENUE FROM W. 62ND TO W. 63RD STREET & PARNELL AVE. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. P -WM -364 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. P -SS -378 The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Monday, June 6, 1988 at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvements are estimated by Hennepin County and the City as set forth below: RYAN AVENUE - from W. 62nd to W. 63rd Street & Parnell Avenue Estimated Cost Watermain Option A: $ 45,566.36 Improvement No. P -WM -364 Option B. $ 3,300.02 (6225 Ryan Only) Sanitary Sewer Option A: $ 30,154.37 Improvement No. P -SS -378 Option B: $ 12,835.07 (6225 Ryan Only) The area proposed to be assessed for a portion of the cost of proposed improvements includes: Option A: The Western 1/2 of Lots 1 through 4, Blk 3, Normandale Addition. Option B: The Western 1/2 of Lot 4, Blk 3, Normandale Addition. These properties are proposed to be assessed as follows per assessable lot: Watermain Option A: $ 11,391.59 Option B. $ 3,300.02 (6225 Ryan Only) Sanitary Sewer Option A: $ 7,538.59 Option B: $ 12,835.07 (6225 Ryan Only) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) The hearing is being conducted as a result of a request to provide sewer and water service to 6225 Ryan Avenue. The Engineering Department analyzed the request two ways. The first method was to provide normal water and sewer service to all four lots on Ryan Avenue (Option A). Since it is proposed to place the sewer-and water lines under the street, the estimated costs include restoring the street to a paved condition. The staff recognizes that the estimated project costs are high and would recommend spreading the assessment over a period of twenty years. The second method is to provide sewer and water only to 6225 Ryan by plumbing in lines from Parnell for the water and from the north frontage road of Crosstown 62 for the sewer service (Option B). Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties which are considered to be benefited by the improvement Any inquiries, comments and /or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or Engineering Department prior to the hearing or presented at the hearing itself. If you desire additional information, please call me at 927 -8861 between 8:00 A.M. and 4 :30 P.M., Monday through Friday. The City Council can authorize the .proposed project immediately upon the close of hearing. Thank you, Francis J. Hoffman, P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer FJH /clf o e a. �( C r • ���bRroM•` /. � REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: June 6, 1988 Subject: z -88 -3 Jerry's Enterprises Grandview Area Re- development Proposal Recommendation: Refer request to Planning Commission Info /Background: Agenda Item # Iv.A.l. Consent Fx� Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance The proponents have requested that action on the proposed redevelopment be tabled. They may reactivate the proposal later in the year. If they do renew their request it would first be heard by the Planning Commission. 1 To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen REROR T /RECOiV MENDATi ION Date: June 6, 1988 Subject: Z -88 -2 Pinewood Townhomes by Harvey Swenson Recommendation: Agenda Item # IV-A.2. Consent F-x� Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Continue hearing to June 20, 1988 pending withdrawal of the request. Info /Background: The Council held a public hearing on this six unit townhouse proposal on May 16, 1988. The council ordered staff to prepare findings of fact to support a denial of the proposed redevelopment. Following the hearing the developer requested a temporary suspension of hearings on the re- zoning proposal, and has submitted an application to subdivide the property into four single family lots. The Planning Commission con- sidered and recommended approval of the single family plat at its June 1, 1988 meeting. Staff anticipates a formal withdrawal of the townhouse proposal prior to the June 20, 1988 hearing. If the request is not withdrawn, staff will present findings to support denial of the request. May 17, 1988 Mr. Craig Larsen, City Planner City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 RE: PineWood TownHomes Application for Rezoning /Preliminary Plat Approval 5338 Sherwood Road 5333 Vernon Avenue Z -88 -2 and 5 -88 -2 Dear Mr. Larsen: The purpose of this letter is to request a temporary suspension of the previously submitted application for Rezoning to PRD-2. On April 27, 1988 the Edina Community Development and Planning Commission voted unanimously to recomment approval of this proposed low -density townhome development. Last Monday evening May 16, 1988, the Edina City Council voted, also unanimously, to deny the application. During that meeting, one of the Council members asked to see my proposed four lot re -plat of the land that would be my alternative development plan in the event the townhome rezoning and land use amendment were not approved. The Council, even after hearing the neighbors immediately abutting this land to the south, speak in favor of my proposed PineWood TownHomes, unanimously voted to deny the request. ti .. Page 2 Mr. Larsen As you know, I immediately submitted a new appreciation to re -plat the property into the four single family lot subdivision which will go before the Planning Ccmn.ission on June 1, 1988 and to the Council thereafter. I request that my previous PRD-2 rezoning application be tabled for any further action on behalf of the City pending resolution and final approvals of my current four lot re -plat application. Assuming final approval of the re -plat, you may consider my previous PRD-2 application to be withdrawn permanently. Sincerely, Harvey G. HGS /jkg 41 e ' REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # 1v.B. From: Craig Larsen Consent 0 Information Only F-] Date: June 6, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Z -88 -1 0 To Council 7100 France Avenue So. Room and Board Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Acknowledge and accept withdrawal. Info /Background: The proposal for 7100 France Avenue by Room and Board has been withdrawn. A copy of the letter withdrawing the request and a letter sent to neighbors are attached. Copies of recent corres- pondence concerning this request are also attached. /1 •i' June 2, 1988 Craig Larson' City Planner City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Craig, We are withdrawing our request for a text ammendment to the City ordinance to permit furniture sales in the 7100 France Avenue South building. Although we continue to think our proposal would have made a positive contribution to the community, the opposition to our plan was sizeable enough to make its passage unlikely. We are very appreciative of the time, energy, and support you and your staff have provided our project. Sincerely, Mar ha Gabbert 0 0 4600 Olson Memorial Hwy., Minneapolis, MN 55422 Phone (612) 588 -7525 r June 2, 1988 Dear Neighbors, I am writing to tell you that we have formally withdrawn our request to the City of Edina for a text ammendment to permit furniture sales in the 7100 France Avenue South building. Although we . continue to think our proposal would have made a positive contribution.to the area, the opposition to our plan was sizeable enough to make its passage highly unlikely. I,would like to thank all of the neighbors who participated in the various neighborhood meetings we held. Many who attended offered excellent suggestions. Because we own the Collins building and business at 7010 France Avenue South, we continue to be your neighbors. We are interested in maintaining the positive relationship we feel we've developed. I trust that you will call me with any questions or comments concerning our business either now or in the future. My number is 588 -7525. Sincerely, Martha Gabbert 4600 Olson Memorial Hwy., Minneapolis, MN 55422 Phone (612) 588 -7525 ``'' ADAIR PLASTICS CORPORATION \� PRECISION THERMOPLASTIC INJECTION MOLDING 6838 WASHINGTON AVENUE, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 612 - 941 -0069 . May 31, 1988 Edina City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Council Members, The purpose of this letter is to register my objection to the proposed rezoning of the 7100 France Avenue from Office to Retail /Commercial. With my family, I am the new owner of the house at 7120 Lynmar Lane. We fear that we would be directly affected by the proposed development, particularly by increased automobile traffic in front of our home. We have two small children, and we are very worried about the dangers of heavier traffic on Lynmar Lane. I urge you to seriously consider the concerns of those of us who are in such close proximity to 7100 France and to deny this rezoning request. Thank you for help in this regard. Sincerely, Richard Adair 7120 Lynmar Lane Edina, MN 55435 926 -9576 PETITION May 17, 1988 City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Attention members of: Edina Community Development & Planning Commission Edina City Council Ladies and Gentlemen: We the undersigned are tenants at, 7100 France Avenue South who are opposed to the current rezoning request proposed by Room & Board. As members of the Edina business community we protest any change in the. current land use. Current use restricts any further retail development in non - retail areas. Even though Room & Board is requesting a conditional use permit, what will stop the next business from asking the same? If this continues, our zoning laws and regulations will have no merit. Can Edina afford a precedent' such as this? We, the business people of Edina, protest this change and respectly ask the members of the Edina Planning Commission and Edina City Council to decline the request made by Room & Board and preserve the stability of our business community. Respectfully, NAME ADDRESS -710 0 qi1 art CC dv e- cLZZ-- -7/ 00 4 �e So C.(,� 10 '1140 F. C-�e Av So, '' -4 2Z) %� ,.) e e-, 3 } t- NAME..., —`- ADDRESS P:7 i I . It f? if ell, 4al)— -3- NAME ADDRESS o�oe W:; r\ �= To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: June 6, 1988 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Subject: Z -88 -4 and S -88 -4, Final Plat Approval Landmark Addition Recommendation: Agenda Item #zv.c. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion El Resolution ❑ Ordinance Resolution approving Final Plat and Final Rezoning for the property. Info /Background: The subject rezoning, to R -2 and 5 lot subdivision received preliminary approval by the Council on May 16, 1988. LOCATION MAP =I-! 1.2 1 REZONING & SUBDIVISION NUMBER Z-88-4 and S-88-4 L 0 C A T10 N East of Lincoln Drive and south of west 7th Street Extended REQUEST Rezone from k-1, Single Dwelling Unit District to R-2, Double Dwelling Unit District Approval for 5 lot subdivision EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT Em E T My_ E MA14 R 17 Z V AN WA K- EN : B U'R G. F IL HAROL W-� APRE 'PEZ" REZONING & SUBDIVISION NUMBER Z-88-4 and S-88-4 L 0 C A T10 N East of Lincoln Drive and south of west 7th Street Extended REQUEST Rezone from k-1, Single Dwelling Unit District to R-2, Double Dwelling Unit District Approval for 5 lot subdivision EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT I I I :� 1 �' td'•�� t111 .r •�1• ' 40 0 4r1 fn 1211 SCALE M FEET a. 1_ ttt, ,;1�, r• 1 � I , t\ / NOTE: SITE IS HEAVILY WOODED. CC 114 " t I 1 1 /'r,11 SITE AREA- 112684 SF 2 5869 ACRES �1111'if 1I I I I � h • I 11 1'' 11'� 11 I 1 11;,11 , ;I 1� .'i �, i • �' ' 1 l l 1 ,11 "� .;� d,� ff jjjj ,'I1 iI OI 3 , , • Fb# 1 I ' 1 •- I 1111 f11, IIiI ge. I I �I 11I�11 I1 [' •`.,\. 1 11' I I /I'I�/ i1, / ,\ •'•: 1 SIR•SI 1G � � Final LANDMARK ADDITION LEGEND O OenpteE ::,h Corner -- — e — ' Oead Po•!r lln. - -- — -- — ' Overhead Telephone lln. Storm Sexer Llne - - - -- —s,— — Senitery Sexer Llne -- ' Water LT.. pe. Pdwer Pol• �- - - - ' Concrete Curb -- - - - - - - -wr -- E.Istln2 Contour Ltne ' Proposed Contour L1ne VICINITY MAP DESCRIPTION Outlot C, P•rk voDd I:nolla ?0th Al] :clan -rce Pt lh.l D +rt vhl ch 11.• •outne: IY Df un, vnirh De,r• Jortn 61 arr : !t .ro ond• •t :ro. the ..,In...t e: rner of r_tlua B, Lt,rl +: nea ?StL Ira Alflt lcn. Far V'Ir ).v a. nI tn:l ] crti i, cn,. the ­r To tine tr •aid Outlot . 1l •a•un,d to o.nr :I1rt h• °.T 1 +..• • 51 ntnv. ae 16 .•con_. _.at BENCHMARK Toe Or MTOR.NI •l. CORxIR of t,xCOtw De1.1 .xD xAl1•Y D.IY. - EI. e.IIOx .l l..• OWNER- DEVELOPER ca. enonetma •wo I.. ..... ... I cone. 1•DI cA DOx1..T. L. c.o..a w1.c •uoa TllE. 1.O.1 1•, .... I hereoy certify that this survey. plan or report s prepared er rt or under " direct sdperrnlon and Ina1 1 e. a duly EellttereIT Land 5 r.eyor under the leis of the State iF tonne o rry o so Rlnn. Erg. No. 5065 r, Harry S. Johnson Companies, Inc PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR: LANDMARK HOME CORP. HARRY S. JOHNSON COMPANIES, INC. I BIRO PENN .VENUE SOUTH SUITE 199 ', 1';: el OGA11NGTON, MN DN31 (612) 884 5341 I SURVEYORS PLANNERS ENGINEERS 420 DD e•BB -ills -.1 OF 1 .-.•.- .._. -. 1- 3-4370 i PJ. RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR LANDMARK ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina,. Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "LANDMARK ADDITION ", platted by The Lincoln Drive Partnership, a Minnesota general partnership, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of June 6, 1988 be and is hereby granted final plat approval. ADOPTED this 6th day of June, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS . CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF,CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 6, 1988 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal-of said City this 9th day of.June, 1988. City Clerk 9 4 e REPORT/RECOMMENDATION NDATION rJ J•, .• ''"Nnrow• j. To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: June 6, 1988 Subject: Community Development - Block Grant (CDBG) Funding For Day Care Recommendation: Agenda Item # zv.D• Consent 0 Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance Approve attached resolution authorizing Mayor and Manager execution of funding agreement with Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association ( GMDCA). Info /Background: On April 4, 1988 the Council approved CDBG funding, $20,000, for GMDCA for 1988. The attached agreement between the City and GMDCA permits this funding at the approved amount. This is the same type of funding agreement the Council approved earlier this year for the H.O.M.E. program. The agreement covers only the approved funding. Any future funding would be subject to Council review. i - IZE'.90IITIZCN ND. WHEREAS, the City of has executed a Joint Powers Hennepin County, thereby agreeing to participate n Agreement with pa to a grant application under the Urban County designation provided for in the Housing and Cbmunity Devel- opment. Act of 1974; and, WHEREAS, part of the authorized activity for Year XIV is the support of day- care services through the administrative agency ]mown as the Greater Minneapo- lis Day Care Association; and, WHEREAS, the CM minty Development Block Grant program as administered through the Urban Hennepin County requires that each city funding daycare activity with Cam unity Development Block Grant monies must enter into a Public Service Agreement with the Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association; and, WHEREAS, the Public Service Agreement with the Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association allows the City to authorize Hennepin County to discharge the responsibilities of the City regarding the administration of the daycare Program; BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the City are authorized to execute an Agreement with the Greater Minneapolis_ Day Care Association for child daycare services for Year XIV of the Urban Hennepin. County Canummity Development Block Grant program; BE IT FURIfiM RESOLVED, that Hennepin County through its Office of Planning and Development be requested to directly discharge the responsibilities of the City regarding the administration of this program for Year XIV, as provided for in the Public service Agreement. 11 , 4 � This agreement made. and entered into by and between the City of , hereinafter referred to as the "City" and Greater Minneapolis Dray Care, a public service agency, hereinafter referred to as the "Agancyll iftTIVOO WMMAS, the City is an authorized cooperating unit in the Urban Hennepin County Cmmmuii ty Development Block Grant program by virtue of a joint cooperation agreement executed between the City and Hennepin County pursuant to MSA 471.59, and WHEREAS, the City has allocated Year XIV Urban Hennepin County Co=unity Development Block Grant funds for the purpose of supporting the Child Care Sliding Fee program administered by the Agency, - NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained in this Agreement, the parties hereto mutually agree to the following terms and conditions: I The City agrees to provide dollars from the Urban Hennepin County Canm ity Development Block Grant to the Agency in support of the gild Care Sliding Fee program. The City reserves the right to assign its administrative responsibility, pursuant to the requirement of the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant program, to any other cooperating unit. iM The Agency agrees to provide the City or its assignee: 1. A financial statement for the past full year. 2. A statement of public revenue sources for the period June 1, 1987 through June 30, 1988. ■e The Agency agrees to award funds to eligible applicants residing in the City on a first come first served basis with maintenance of a waiting list of eligible applicants. i' f Public Services Agreement Daycare 0 Page Two The Agency agrees to allocate funds to eligible recipients based on the State of Minnesota Department of Public Welfare Sliding Fee Scale with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 8 income limits used as a ceiling cutoff for eligibility. VA The Agency provides assurance that it will CaL ly with: 1. Administrative reporting requirements of the County. 2. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PLB8 -352). (Nondiscrimination in program or activities receiving federal financial assistance.) 3. Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended. (Nondiscrimination in any program or activity subject to provision of the HCDA.) 4. OMB Circular A -102 Attachment O, Section 14, paragraph (h) by assuring the grantee, federal grantor agency, the Comptroller General of the United States or any duly authorized representative access to all records directly pertinent to this contract for the purpose of making audit examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. 5. OMB Circular A -102 Attachment C(2), and maintain all required records for a period of three years after receiving final payment. 6. OMB Circular A -87 "Cost Principles for State and Local Government,, or OMB Circular A -122 "Cost Principles for Non Profit ", as appropriate. W The Agency, prior to financial relent, shall provide the City or its assignee with: 1. Individual Data Confidentiality form. 2. Listing of clients, their addresses, and amount of assistance per client. u This Agreement is effective as of July 1, 1988, and shall continue in full force and effect until all funds made available under this Agreement have been expended in accordance with paragraphs I -VI, but no later than December 31, 1989. Public Services Agreement Daycare M •r.!' L Tai i' ; T��� IN TESTIMONY WF REOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their seals this day of , 19 . Upon proper execution,. this Agreement will be legally valid and binding. GREATER MINNEAPOLIS DAY CARE CITY OF ASSOCIATION STATE OF MINNESOTA By Its Executive Director Its Mayor and Its .n; i -:1 tip• r�. • r.•��a is - -- -This agreement made and entered into by and between the City of , hereinafter referred to as the "City" and Greater Minneapolis Day Care, a public service agency, hereinafter referred to as the "Agency" WHEREAS, the City is an authorized cooperating unit in the Urban Hennepin County Corm Un1ty Development Block Grant program by virtue of a joint cooperation agreement executed between the City and- Hennepin County pursuant to MSA 471.59, and WHEREAS, the City has allocated Year XIV Urban Hennepin County Commmity Development Block Grant funds for the purpose of supporting the Child Care Sliding Fee program administered by the Agency, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of*the mutual covenants and promises contained in this Agreement, the parties hereto mutually agree to the following terms and conditions: I The City agrees to provide dollars frcan the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant to the Agency in support of the Child Care Sliding Fee program... The City reserves the right to assign its administrative responsibility, Pursuant to the requirement of the Urban Hennepin County ComTwuty Development Block Grant program, to any other cooperating unit. The Agency agrees to provide the City or its assignee: 1. A financial statement for.the past full year. 2. A statement of public revenue sources for the period June 1, 1987 through June 30, 1988. ■■ The Agency agrees to award funds to eligible applicants residing in the City on a first come first served basis with maintenance of a waiting list of eligible applicants.. Public Services Agreement Daycare IV The Agency agrees to allocate funds to eligible recipients based on the State of Minnesota Department of Public Welfare Sliding Fee Scale with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 8 income limits used as a ceiling cutoff for eligibility. V The Agency provides assurance that it will cmply with: 1. Administrative reporting requirements of the County. 2. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL88 -352). (Nondiscrimination in program or activities receiving federal financial assistance.) 3. Section 109 of the Housing and Ccmmunity Development Act of 1974 as amended. (Nondiscrimination in any program or.activity subject to provision of the HCDA.) 4. QM Circular A -102 Attachment O, Section 14, paragraph (h) by assuring the grantee, federal grantor agency, the Comptroller General of the United States or any duly authorized representative access to all records directly pertinent to this contract for the purpose of making audit examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. 5. CMB Circular A -102 Attachment C(2), and maintain all required records for a period of three years after receiving final payment. 6. OMB Circular.A -87 "Cost Principles for State and Local Government,, or CMB Circular A -122 "Cost Principles for Non Profit ", as appropriate. VI The Agency, prior to financial reimbursement, shall provide the City or its assignee with: 1. Individual Data Confidentiality form. 2. Listing of clients, their addresses, and amount of assistance per client. 0 This Agreement is effective as of July 1, 1988, and shall continue in full force and effect until all funds made available under this Agreement have been expended in accordance with paragraphs I VI, but no later than December 31, 1989. t Public Services Agreement Daycare IN TESI=NY WMWF, the parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their seals this day of , 19 Upon proper execution, this Agreement will be legally valid and binding. GREA= MI RNEAPOLIS DAY CARE ASSOCIATION By Z2,cZ Its Executive Director CITY OF STATE OF N MWESOTA By Its Mayor and _ Its i:- ___This agreement made and entered into by and between the City of , hereinafter referred to as the "City" and Greater Minneapolis Day Care, a public service agency, hereinafter referred to as the "Agency" - WI'INESSETH: WHFREAS, the City is an authorized cooperating unit in the Urban Hennepin County Ccmumnuty Development Block Grant program by virtue of a joint cooperation agreement executed between the City and Hennepin County pursuant to MSA 471.59, and WHEREAS, the. City has allocated Year XIV Urban Hennepin County Co=unity Development Block Grant funds for the purpose of supporting the Child Care Sliding Fee program administered by the Agency, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained in this Agreement, the parties hereto mutually agree to the following terms and conditions: I The City agrees to provide dollars frcm the Urban Hennepin County Coimminity Development Block Grant to the Agency in support of the Child Care Sliding Fee program, The City reserves the right to assign its administrative responsibility, pursuant to the requirement of the Urban Hennepin County Camnunity Development Block Grant program, to any other cooperating unit. 0 The Agency agrees to provide the City or its assignee: 1. A financial statement for the past full year. 2. A statement of public revenue sources for the period June 1, 1987 through June 30, 1988. The Agency agrees to award funds to eligible applicants residing in the City . on a first come first served basis with maintenance of a waiting list of eligible applicants. f Public Services Agreement Daycare IV ��,. - The Agency agrees to allocate funds to eligible recipients based on the State of Minnesota Department of Public Welfare Sliding Fee Scale with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 8 income limits used as a ceiling cutoff for eligibility. V The Agency provides assurance that it will comply with: 1. Administrative reporting requirements of the County. 2. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL88 -352). (Nondiscrimination in program or activities receiving federal financial assistance.) 3. Section 109 of the Housing and Cam u ity Development Act of 1974 as amended. (Nondiscrimination in any program or activity subject to provision of the HCDA.) 4.� CMB Circular A -102 Attachment O, Section 14, paragraph (h) by assuring the grantee, federal grantor agency, the Comptroller General of the United States or any duly authorized representative access to all records directly pertinent to this contract for the Purpose of making audit examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. 5. CMB Circular A -102 Attachment C(2), and maintain all required, records for a period of three years after receiving final payment. 6. CMB Circular A -87 "Cost Principles for State and Local Government" or CRIB Circular A -122 "Cost Principles for Non Profit ", as appropriate. VI The Agency, prior to financial rent, shall provide the City or its assignee with: 1. Individual Data Confidentiality form. 2. Listing of clients, their addresses, and amount of assistance per client. This Agreement is effective as of July 1, 1988, and shall continue in full force and effect until all funds made available under this.Agreement have been amended in accordance with paragraphs I VI, but no later than December 31, 1989. Public Services Agreement Daycare m IN T=IMONY MiEPMF, the parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their seals this day of , 19_ Upon proper execution, this Agreemerit will be legally valid and binding. V,14 V (oil z By �G4t4ee-- Its Executive Director CI'T'Y OF STATE OF MINNESOTA By Its Mayor and Its rR r 4 e ` �; C- v REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: June 6, 1988 Subject: Day Care in Single Family Homes Agenda Item # IV . E Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: is This report is presented in response to Council Member Turner's request h staff review its policy regulating day care in single family homes. No action is required. Info /Background: The State Department of Human Services generates rules for licensing day care facilities. These rules are administered by Hennepin County. Cities may not, by State Statute, limit residential day care to less than 12 children. There are several types of day care licenses issued by the County in single family homes.' The licenses vary due to the total number of children, the age of the children, and the number of care givers. Our policy has been to permit all but two of these license categories. The first is a license for 14 children, requiring 2 care givers. The second is a specialized infant and toddler day care facility for 9 children, also requiring two care givers. These two licenses were not allowed because they required outside employees which is not allowed by the Zoning Ordinance standards for "customary home occupations." A review of our Zoning Ordinance indicates that we have erred in classifying day care as a customary home occupation. The Zoning Ordinance distinguishes day care from other home occupations by making it a permitted accessory use in the R -1 district provided they are licensed by the state. By making day care a permitted accessory use, the Ordinance does not limit the use in the same restrictive manner it does other customary home occupations. Specifically, a licensed day care operation with 12 or fewer children could have an employee who does not reside at the residence. I think it was the intent of the Ordinance to provide for special treatment for day care. I would suggest that we change our administrative policy to allow all licensed family and group family day care operations with 12 or fewer children to operate in single family homes. This would allow all categories of residential licenses except the license for 14 children. Since both state law and our Zoning Ordinance single out day care for special treatment, we would not be establishing an undesirable precedent applicable to other home occupations. • A. 4 e REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: .NNE 3, 1988 Subject: ORDINANCE NO. 902 -A5 AMENDING THE WINE LICENSING ORDINANCE Recommendation: Agenda Item # y.A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA [] To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 902 -A5. Info /Background:. At the meeting of May 16, 1988, the Council gave First Reading to Ordinance No. 902 -A5 To Clarify the Requirement That a.Meal Be Consumed With Wine. The Council considered alternative language for the amendment. A copy of the alternative which was granted First Reading is attached. ORDINANCE NO. 902 -A5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 902 TO CLARIFY THE REQUIREMENT THAT A MEAL BE CONSUMED WITH WINE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph (a) of Section 40 of Part H of Ordinance No. 902 is hereby amended to read as.follows: "(a) No person shall be sold, served or consume wine who does not order a meal to be consumed with wine. The licensee shall advise all patrons of the requirements of this paragraph (a) either through placards displayed in the restaurant or notices contained in the menu and wine list." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: May 16, 1988 Second Reading: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor lY9t��l'r�r REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $500 DATE: 3 .June, 1988 AGENDA ITEM VII. A ITEM DESCRIPTION: Bridge Deck Repairs - W. 78th Street Bridge Companv Amount of Quote or Bid See Attached Tabulation 2. 2. 3. 3 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Progressive Contractors, Inc. $33,376.50 GENERAL INFORMATION: The project is a concrete bridge repair with a new surface being placed over the bridge deck after repairs. The project is in the Capital Plan and funded from State Aid funds. 4_ Engineering Si atur_ Department „ The Recommended bid is V within budget not within allin, Finance Director Kenneth Rosland'City Manager rI w June 2, 1988 11:00 A.M. BID TABULATION CITY OF EDINA. MINNESOTA CONTRACT # 88 -4 (ENG) BRIDGE DECK REPAIRS AND CONCRETE REPAIRS WEST 78TH STREET OVER SOO LINE RAILROAD TRACKS BIDDER TOTAL Progressive Contractors $33,376.50 Richard Knutson Inc. 37 484.15 Paulco Construction Services Inc. 38 803.00 Arcon Construction Co. Inc. 39 781.00 M. G. Astleford Co. 45 717.50 Engineers Estimate - $31,986.00 v o e REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, TiANAGER Agenda Item # VIII.A. From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 3, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE .AND [] To Council SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Approval of Liquor.License Renewals for Edina Country Club and Interlachen Country Club. Info /Background:. Applications for renewal of the liquor license for Edina Country Club and Interlachen Country Club have been received and reviewed by the Police Department.. Copies of the Department's reports are attached. Staff recommends approval of the the club liquor and Sunday liquor license renewals. rp l MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager DATE: June 3, 1988 FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Liquor License Renewal - Edina Country Club The application for renewal of the on -sale license of the Edina Country Club has been received and reviewed by the Police Department. The licensees are operating within the applicable statutes and ordinances. Principals of the Club have been checked criminally and records were found to be clear. There have been no calls for service relating to violations of statutes or ordinances pertaining to the on -sale license. lr/ CRAIG G. SWANSON CHIEF POLICE CGS:nah M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager DATE: June 3, 1988 FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Liquor License Renewal - Interlachen Country Club The application for renewal of the on -sale license of the Interlachen Country Club has been received and reviewed by the Police Department. The licensees are operating within the applicable statutes and ordinances. Principals of the Club have been checked criminally and records were found to be clear. There have been no calls for service relating to violations of statutes or ordinances pertaining to the on -sale license. CRAIG G. WA SON CHIEF OF POLICE CGS:nah AGENDA ITEM VIII.B Nine Mile Creek Watershed District 4344 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 Respond to: 3300 Piper Jaffray Tower Minneapolis,.MN 55402 May 20, 1988 Mayor C. Wayne Courtney and City Council City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Courtney and Council: .Following the July, 1987 rain storms, the Managers informed the municipalities of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District that $80,000 was available from the District's repair and maintenance fund to repair damage resulting from flooding and erosion. The damages are substantially in excess of the funds available through the District, and we have received requests from Edina and Eden Prairie for reimbursement of repair and maintenance costs. An evaluation report based on the areas of major impact resulted in the following allocation of the funds available from the Watershed District: Edina $25,000.00 Bloomington $25,000.00 Hopkins $25,000.00 Minnetonka and Eden Prairie $ 5,000.00 Reimbursement of costs incurred will be made based upon receipt of an invoice from the municipality and a certification by the Engineer or Public Works Director indicating that the repair and maintenance work has been completed. Although the funds of the District are limited, the Managers believe that this program is a continuation of what has been a longstanding, cooperative working arrangement with the municipalities within the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Very truly yours, Aileen Kulak President, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District AK:rhs /0315y cc: Public Works Director `I l e 7 :r�y REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor &city council Agenda Item # VTTT.c . From: Francis Hoffman Consent ❑ Director of Public Works Information Only ❑ Date: 1 i3!88 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Water System Plan a TO COUt1Cll Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Authorize engineering plans and specifications be developed for a new well and water tower. Info /Background: City Council authorized staff to update the City Master Plan for Water Systems in June of 1987. The Master Plan update has been completed and full copies are available in the engineering department. The basic recommendations indicate an ultimate need for 3 additional wells and a one million gallon tower. Additional recommendations are completing a water main loop from Braemar Arena to West 78th Street and installing an electronic supervisory control system. The total cost for the whole system in 1988 dollars is two million five hundred thousand. The report goes into a further recommendation that one well be done as soon as possible and in light of storage requirements that provide good fire protection, we recommend the installation of the one million gallon water tower with the supervisory control system. (See attachment memo from T. Paulfranz.) r Water System Plan 6/3/88 Page Two The Finance Department will be bringing an update on Utility Funds to Council shortly in which we will factor in costs for'additional improvements for your review. The Engineering Department will make a short presentation Monday evening. and would recommend that authorization be given to develop plans and specifications for one well and tower to determine the estimated costs for each based on specific site location. M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 1, 1988 TO: . . Ken Rosland, City Manager FROM: Ted Paulfranz, Fire Chief SUBJECT: City Water System Improveme I strongly recommend Council approval of the water system improvements proposed by the City Engineer. The present system cannot meet current peak demands and results in our summer water emergencies. These emergencies adversely affect fire operations in three ways: 1. The automatic fire control sprinkler systems are designed to operate within a pre- determined (normal range pressure). should pressures fall below this range, the system will not operate properly and we cannot expect them to control fires. We are very dependent on these systems to protect large buildings and big fire .risks. 2. Fire alarm systems will react to erratic pressure changes by sending in false alarms. This drains manpower and increases overtime costs on needless responses. We need to better manage falling system pressures. 3. Manual firefighting tactics are adversely affected by low pressures. Pumpers cannot use hydrants at less than 10 PSI. Such pressures are becoming common at the high points in town during our water emergencies. Fire fighting at low pressure requires more equipment and manpower to do the same job. In the worst case, the involved structure would be left to burn, as limited available water would be needed to protect exposed properties. Current summer demand is exceeding our ability to supply. Improvements are needed both in increased supply (wells) and in elevated storage. The proposed well and tank would meet today's needs. Funding for these improvements could come from the peak users in the form of premium rates during high demand. TRP /ras R Agenda Item VIII.0 June 1, 1988 Mayor C. Wayne Courtney EDINA- CITY HALL 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Courtney: F We are a,.-group of Edina residents concerned about the water situation and how it affects our homes. During periods of dry and hot weather, several of the homes in our neighborhood experience low water pressure, or as on two occasions this May, no water at all. The low water pressure is especially severe from the dinner hour through 6 to 7 a.m. These periods of no water place our homes in jeopardy in the event of a fire. In addition to the fire risk, low pressure puts a severe strain on many of our household appliances. In effect, it reduces values in the resale of our homes. We request that the City Council give serious consideration to possible solutions to this problem. Water department employees inform us that supplies would be adequate if sprinkling regulations were followed; however, because there appear to be no penalties for sprinkling and because water rates are so low, Edina residents continue to ignore the regulations. Perhaps it is time to enforce the penalties as the choice of a green lawn and a house with no water is no choice at all. Sincerely, by ohn LaBree m z 000 Dublin Circle Lloyd D. Meyer 6001 Dublih Circle G� a S. Holderness 6004 Dublin Circle �' c a,r -mac. :iJ��.i %zc•- .:���.[�.� . t . "Chy ck" Tschimperle 6005 Dublin Circle Fens E. hovel srud 6008 Dublin Circle 7 Steven Koatroupas,, 6012 Dublin Circle r; VI\ ILI Harrison H. Farley, M.D. 6013 Dublin Circle v f j/TRICA' X11 • f.�'oG f1 � 1P 4D X007 -Du 3yiN Gi�tic�= A. Itr ��- REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # niz.D From: Francis Hoffman ' /�/ Consent ❑ City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: 1/3/88 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Stormwater System Plan " ❑X To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Authorize staff to develop the following areas for public hearing: (A) Proposed 10 year Capital Plan (B) Finish Analysis for Determining Appropriate Level of Service (C) Proposed Utility Fund Info /Background: The staff will provide a presentation to continue the discussion on stormwater systems in Edina. 1NA V 4�9��rf O e A` � vj Cn Con Po"'V 1888 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & Council Members From: Ken Rosland, City Manager Date: May 31, 1988 Subject: PROPOSED LMC DUES Recommendation: Info /Background: Agenda Item # VIII.E. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends [] To HRA IT El To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Attached is a letter to the mayors and managers from the Executive Director of the LMC. As you can see, they are proposing a 5%, 6% and 7% dues increase over the next three years. We will be asked to vote on it at the June 9th meeting at the Radisson Hotel at the Conference. The dues for 1987/88 were $13,267; dues for 1988/89 are $13,930; 1989/90 dues wil be $14,767; and 1990/91 dues will be $15,802. We always have struggled whether we should stay in the LMC. From the standpoint of fiscal and tax programs, they seem to be unable to benefit us. However, when it comes to informational issues, lobbying and other programs, they are of some benefit. To put an actual dollar benefit is difficult for me to do. The other aspect is do we participate so that we can hopefully have an affect on the various programs. I will discuss this with you further on June 6th, but my recommendation at the present time would be that we should stay a member. DATE: May 20, 1988 183 University Ave. East St. Paul, MN 55101 -2526 (612) 227.5600 (FAX: 221.0986) TO: Mayors, Managers and Clerks FROM: Donald A. Slater, Executive D SUBJECT:_ Proposed Constitutional Amendment LMC Dues Adjustment The Constitution of the League of Minnesota (Article IV, Section 9) requires that the LMC President appoint a committee on Dues and Services every three years. This Committee is charged with reviewing the services of the League and proposing a dues structure to raise sufficient revenue to finance League services. In February of 1988 Mayor Hazama, LMC President, appointed Mayor Joanell Dyrstad, Mayor, Red Wing and Mr. James F. Miller, City Manager of Minnetonka as co- chairs of the Dues and Services Committee. Mayor Hazama also selected a broadly based committee of 42 city officials representing cities of all sizes and municipal occupations. The committee reviewed all current League services and supporting budgetary information. The committee also conducted an extensive membership survey which focused on LMC member evaluation of current and proposed service programs. Based on its review of all relevant materials, the committee decided to recommend a dues adjustment program for a three -year period. The three year time sequence was selected, as it has been in the past, as the minimum time necessary for orderly fiscal planning. The committee also concluded that it would be best to set upper limits for potential dues adjustments of 5 percent for 1989 -90, 6 percent for 1990 -91 and 7 percent for 1991 -92. The committee, however, did not wish to vote these increases as the fixed dues for the three year period. Rather, the committee proposed a constitutional amendment which allows dues increases NOT TO EXCEED 5 percent, 6 percent and 7 percent in the respective years but required the League's Board of Directors to make the final decision on the dues for the three year period. The committee concluded that setting limits but holding the Board accountable would establish a potential for more conservative budgeting practices by the League with the prospect that the full authorized percent limits might not be required in the future. In this event, the Board would be free to set dues below the maximum percentages. This matter will be considered at the June LMC Conference and acted on as a proposed amendment to the LMC constitution. Under this proposal, the.maximum percent increases would be included in the constitution with accompanying language authorizing the Board of Directors to make the final determination. A copy of the proposed constitution amendment is enclosed for your consideration. I encourage you and your council to review this matter before the LMC Conference and be prepared to cast your city's vote at the St. Paul meeting on June 9 at the Radisson Hotel at 3:45 p.m. f' CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR DUES ARTICLE III FEES AND DUES The annual dues for each municipality shall be based set by the League Board of Directors not to exceed the amounts established in- on the schedule or schedules set out as appendices to this constitution, which shall be adopted or amended in the same manner as other parts of this.constitution. If no new dues schedule is adopted for a given year, the dues schedule in effect for the most recent prior year shall remain in effect. (OVER) 5.3 APPENDIX A Dues Schedule Effeetive- Haring - &985 -86 maximum for 1988/89 1988/89 DUES SCHEDULE BASED ON MAXIMUM 5% INCREASE POPULATION BASE 249 OR LESS $194. 250 -4,999 $66 PLUS 51.24 CENTS PER CAPITA 5,000 -9,999 $536 PLUS 41.85 CENTS PER CAPITA 10,000- 19,999 $1,157 PLUS 35.64 CENTS PER CAPITA 20,000- 49,999 $3,955 PLUS 21.65 CENTS PER CAPITA 50,000- 299,999 $11,711 PLUS 6.14 CENTS PER CAPITA 300,000 AND OVER $19,740 PLUS 3.47 CENTS PER CAPITA Dues Schedule Effeetive- Baring - +966 -67 maximum for.1969 /90 1989/90 DUES SCHEDULE BASED ON MAXIMUM 6 %INCREASE POPULATION BASE 249 OR LESS $206 250- 4,999 $70 PLUS 54.31 CENTS PER CAPITA 5,000 -9,999 $568 PLUS 44.36 CENTS PER CAPITA 10,000- 19,999 $1,227 PLUS 37.78 CENTS PER CAPITA 20,000- 49,999 $4,193 PLUS 22.95 CENTS PER CAPITA 50,000 - 299,999 $12,413 PLUS 6.51 CENTS PER CAPITA 300,000 AND OVER $20,924 PLUS 3.68 CENTS PER CAPITA Dues Schedule effeetive- Baring -- 198 -68, maximum for 1990/91 1990/91 DUES SCHEDULE BASED ON MAXIMUM 7% INCREASE POPULATION BASE 249 OR LESS $220 250 - 4,99.9 5,000 -9,999 $75 $607 PLUS PLUS 58.12 CENTS PER CAPITA 10,000- 19,999 $1,312 PLUS 47.47 40.42 CENTS CENTS PER PER CAPITA CAPITA 20,000- 49,999 $4,486 PLUS 24.56 CENTS PER CAPITA 50,000 - 299,999 $13,282 PLUS 6.97 CENTS PER CAPITA 300,000 AND OVER $22,389 PLUS 3.94 CENTS PER CAPITA A. Or Apopull�� IHHH REPORT /RcCOMMENDATION To: Mavor and Citv Council Agenda Item # VIII. F. From: Bob Kojetin Consent ❑ Director Park and Recreation Dept. Information Only ❑ Date: June 3, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: 0 To Council Plantings on McCauley Trail Action El Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: I would recommend that we do not participate in this program at this time because of previous policies that we have been working under. As we have done in other cases, I would highly recommend encouraging the neighbors to participate in the program themselves by purchasing, planting, and maintaining the trees which encouraghes participation within a neighborhood and a continuing beautification by the residents of the community. Info /Background: This recommendation is in regard to a letter to the Edina City Council about tree planting along McCauley Trail from the Indian Foot Hills Association by Mr. Robert N. Olson. If the trees were accepted and planted, we would be involved in watering these trees for a minimum of five months or 20 weeks totalling a minimum of three days a week for one person to complete the job with our water truck. It would run approximately $5760 at our labor rate. It would take three men approximately 10 days to plant 210 trees or approximately $3600. This, of course, is using all of our own equipment which is not involved as far as cost. The thing I think is important to look at in this project is the commitment of manpower to water these trees and still not be guaranteed that the trees would all survive. I am especially in agreement that we continually reforest our urban forest in Edina. We annually plant approximately 50 trees within the City of Edina in a variety of locations throughout the community on the boulevards. We have also encouraged residents to plant trees on their property a minimum of 17 feet from the curbline so the trees are not on boulevard property but are contributing to the planting and keeping of a nourished urban forest in the city especially with a variety of different species of trees. Also enclosed is a letter received from Ann Fallon of Timber Ridge in which she indicated that because of the City possibly participating in a tree planting program along McCauley Trail that some of the retaining walls, especially on Timber Ridge, should also be planted for aesthetic reasons. It has been the policy that we 1--ve been following in the Park and Recreation Department of putting beautification of flowers plantings in locations adjacent to, or within strategic areas of the park. In some _ations of the community developers have planted triangles in their area and have maintained and taken care of some of these areas, although through the years we have in some cases maintained the triangles in mowing and weed control. Ann H. Fallon 6417 Timber Ridge Edina, MN 55435 -1056 May 27, 1988 Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation 4801 West 50th Edina, MN 55424 Dear Bob, As residents of Timber Ridge, we're very enthusiastic about the retaining wall recently replaced as a result of the storm damage last summer. Additionaly, having just been filled with dirt, we are hopeful the city will agree to plant ground cover and shrubbery. Not only would the roots be a superior anchor than the proposed grass, the beauty of Timber Ridge would be greatly en- hanced as a result of the landscaping. We propose that maintenance be done by the residents. The two adjoining neighbors, Ihle Maiser and Donna Bock, have agreed to water as necessary. Weed prevention and fertilization will be taken care of by the residents also. Referring to the drawing on the following,page, our re- quest is as follows: Ground cover on top tier (section A), evergreen type shrubs or flowering shrubs on the lower tier (section B). The length of the wall is 285' on the lower tier. The second tier is 50' in length. Width of the planter is 31 feet and expands to 5' at the base of the hill. As we are very excited about this area being planted, an alternative to this request is for the resi- dents to do the labor of planting. We are hopeful the city will agree to our proposal. Our goal is to have this area planted by mid -June. Kindly refer any questions, as well as your response, to Ann H. Fallon at 6417 Timber Ridge, 941 -5946. Sincerely, Residents of Timber Ridge P.S. Additionally, there's a shorter 20 foot wall at the top of the hill we'd like planted also. 1 Ann H. Fallon 6417 Timber Ridge Edina, MN 55435 -1056 May 27, 1988 Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation 4801 West 50th Edina, MN 55424 Dear Bob, As residents of Timber Ridge, we're very enthusiastic about the retaining wall recently replaced as a result of the storm damage last summer. Additionaly, having just been filled with dirt, we are hopeful the city will agree to plant ground cover and shrubbery. Not only would the roots be a superior anchor than the proposed grass, the beauty of Timber Ridge would be greatly en- hanced as a result of the landscaping. We propose that maintenance be done by the residents. The two adjoining neighbors, Ihle Maiser and Donna Bock, have agreed to water as necessary. Weed prevention and fertilization will be taken care of by the residents also. Referring to the drawing on the following,page, our re- quest is as follows: Ground cover on top tier (section A), evergreen type shrubs or flowering shrubs on the lower tier (section B). The length of the wall is 285' on the lower tier. The second tier is 50' in length. Width of the planter is 31 feet and expands to 5' at the base of the hill. As we are very excited about this area being planted, an alternative to this request is for the resi- dents to do the labor of planting. We are hopeful the city will agree to our proposal. Our goal is to have this area planted by mid -June. Kindly refer any questions, as well as your response, to Ann H. Fallon at 6417 Timber Ridge, 941 -5946. Sincerely, Residents of Timber Ridge P.S. Additionally, there's a shorter 20 foot wall at the top of the hill we'd like planted also. ���- �- �,-, a� s ' �odL/ -J i i�,` ��� �� ��� i? �- 1 4eS;� o n, RE?ORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNICIL From: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER Date: JUNE 2, 1988 Subject: EXPIRATION DATES OF BOARD /COMMISSION TERMS Recommendation: Info /Background: Agenda Item # vii Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance At the meeting.of May 16, 1988, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 102 - Limiting the Terms of Service of Individuals Appointed by Council to Boards, Commissions and Committees. The attached data illustrates how the City's various boards and commissions will be affected by the new ordinance and whether or not current members will be eligible for re- appointment when their present terms expire. A copy of the ordinance is also-attached. We have not included the HRA Commissioners as their terms run concurrent with the Council terms. Also, the members serving on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee are limited by the Health Services Act and Minnesota Statute to no more than 3 two -year terms. BOARDS & COMMISSIONS TERM EXPIRATIONS NAME: ART CENTER TERM: THREE (3) YEAR TERM EXPIRES EXPIRES EXPIRES YEAR YEARS NAME 2/1189 211/90 211/91 APPOINT. SERVED REAPPOINT? BACH, HARRIETTE X 1979 12 NO CLARK, SANDRA X 1981 10 YES DICKEY, ARTHUR X 1977 12 NO EISENBREY, ELIZABETH X 1985 5 YES HALE, SHARON X 1983 5 YES HEIKENS, LEE X 1984 5 YES PAUGH, BETTY X 1981 10 YES PAUL, DELORES X 1987 2 YES SMITH, JUDY X 1984 6 YES SPOKES, PETER X 1986 3 YES VAN VALKENBURG, J. X 1982 9 YES BOARDS & COMMISSIONS TERM EXPIRATIONS NAME: BOARD OF APPEALS TERM: THREE (3) YEAR TERM EXPIRES EXPIRES EXPIRES YEAR YEARS NAME 2/1/89. 2/1/90 . 2/1/91 APPOINT. SERVED REAPPOINT? BENTLEY, JAMES X 1985 4 YES LEWIS, MICHAEL X 1977 14 NO OLSON, LEONARD X 1986 5 YES UTNE, ROSEMARY X 1981 9 YES NAME BERMEL, BRUCE CLARK, RONALD COLLINS. QUENTIN DICKEY, ARTHUR PALMER, EUGENE TRONES, RUDY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS TERM EXPIRATIONS NAME: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TERM: THREE ( 3 ) YEAR TERM EXPIRES EXPIRES EXPIRES YEAR YEARS 2/1/89, 2/1/90 2/1/91 APPOINT. SERVED 'REAPPOINT? X 1973 18 NO X 1988 3 YES X 1969 20 NO X 1969 21 NO X 1971 18 NO X 1973 17 NO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS TERM EXPIRATIONS NAME: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING TERM: THREE (3) YEAR TERM EXPIRES EXPIRES EXPIRES YEAR YEARS NAME 2/1/89 2/1/90 2/1/91 APPOINT. SERVED REAPPOINT? BAILEY, JOHN X - 1983 6 YES JOHNSON, DEL X 1979 11 YES JOHNSON, GORDON X 1970 19 NO JOHNSON, LEE Y 1987 3 YES LEWIS, WILLIAH X 1952 37 NO MCCLELLAND, HELEN X 1976 15 NO PALMER, JOHN X 1981 10 YES PAULUS. JANE 1985 5 YES RUNYAN, DAVID X 1970 21 NO SHAW, VIRGINIA X 1984 6 YES WORKINGER, GEOFFREY X 1987 2 YES BOARDS & COMMISSIONS TERM EXPIRATIONS NAME: HERITAGE PRESERVATION TERM: TWO (2) YEAR TERM EXPIRES EXPIRES EXPIRES YEAR YEARS NAINIE 2/1/89 2/1/90 2/1/91 APPOINT. SERVED REAPPOINT? GEPNER. DAVID X 1985 4 YES METIL. JOHN X 1986 3 YES NYBERG, GAROLD X 1982 8 YES STUART, GORDON X 1976 14 NO STUPPY. CY. A. X 1985 5 YES WILDER, LOIS X 1981 S. YES WRAY, DONALD X 1987 2 YES NAME BARMAN, DORIS BYHRE, OTTO FLATEN, BETSY HUNT, SHIRLEY LLONA, PAT MOLLERUS, JUDI OYE, TOM SEMSCH, JUDITH SENIOR, JR., JOHN WESTPHAL, LYNNE WRIGHT, CANNY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS TERM EXPIRATIONS NAME: HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION TERM: THREE (3) YEARS EXPIRES EXPIRES EXPIRES YEAR YEARS 2/1/89 2/1/90 2/1/91 APPOINT. SERVED REAPPOINT? X 1982 8 YES 1972 -76 4 X 1986 4 YES X 1987 4 YES X 1987 3 YES X 1977 12 NO a 1986 3 YES X 1973 17 NO X 1986 3 YES Y 1985 3 YES X 1985 6 YES X 1981 10 YES BOARDS & COMMISSIONS TERM EXPIRATIONS NAME: PARK BOARD TERM: THREE (3) YEARS EXPIRES EXPIRES EXPIRES YEAR YEARS NAME 211/89 2/1/90 2/1/91 APPOINT. SERVED REAPPOINT? CHRISTIANSON, ROBERT X 1987 3 YES FEE, JAMES X 1984 5 YES FURLONG. COLETTA X 1988 2 YES JENKINS, BILL X 19$8 3 YES LORD, WILLIAM X 1980 9 YES MONTGOMERY, ANDREW X 1984 6 YES RYDELL, JEAN X 1984 6 YES THAYER, JOHN X 1976 15 NO WINEBERG, DONALD X 1981 9 YES BOARDS & COMMISSIONS TERM EXPIRATIONS NAME: RECYCLING COMMISSION TERM: TWO (2) YEARS EXPIRES EXPIRES EXPIRES YEAR YEARS NAME 2/1/89 2/1/90 2/1/91 APPOINT. SERVED REAPPOINT' BODINE, VIRGINIA X 1975 14 NO BUEROSSE, ARDYTHE X 1974 16 NO GRIMSBY, NANCY X 1974 16 NO REID, ROBERT X 1974 16 NO SANDO, STEPHEN X 1987 3 YES WOOD, C. LEVERING X 1986 3 YES BOARDS & COMMISSIONS TERM EXPIRATIONS NAME: SOUTH HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES TERM: TWO (2) YEARS EXPIRES EXPIRES EXPIRES YEAR YEARS NAME 2/1/89 2/1/90. 2/1191 APPOINT. SERVED REAPPOINT? GENS, PAUL X 1987 2 YES PREIS, REV. RICHARD X 1988 2 YES RIFLEY, JEAN X 1985 6 YES TURNER, LESLIE X 1982 7 YES EDINA ORDINANCE NO. 102 AN ORDINANCE LIMITING TERMS OF SERVICE OF INDIVIDUALS APPOINTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL TO BOARDS. COM!-IISSIONS OR COMMITTEES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Limitation on Tenure. No person shall be appointed or reappointed by the City Council to any board, commission, committee or any other advisory or legislative body if he or she has served on that board, commission or committee for a cumulative period of twelve or more years (whether or not consecutive). Section 2. Exceptions.. Members of the City Council and employees of the City of Edina who by virtue of their employment with the City are appointed by the City Council to boards, commissions and committees shall be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance. Section 3. Valid Appointment. Any person who is appointed or reappointed in error or inadvertence in violation of this ordinance shall yet be deemed validly appointed and all action taken by such person in the position to which he or she is appointed shall be valid, but such person may be discharged and a new appointment or reappointment made at the pleasure of the Council. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on January'1, 1990. .f % -z AL l •,��NroM j. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To. MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # VT TT .I From: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 3, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: HEARING DATE - TRANSFER 0 To Council OF CABLE FRANCHISE TO NEW GRANTEE Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: That the Council set July 11, 1988 as hearing date to consider a proposed transfer of City's cable television franchise to a new Grantee. Info /Background:. The attached draft Notice of Public Hearing explains the purpose for the hearing. The date of July 11, 1988 will allow time for publication of the notice in accordance with State Statute. (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 40th Street Edina, MN 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that on the eleventh day of July, 1988, the City Council of the City of Edina will conduct a public hearing at a regular meeting of the City Council in the City Council Chambers at the Edina City Hall, located at 4801 West 50th Street. The public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. or soon thereafter as the Council may consider this matter. The public hearing is for the purpose of considering a proposed transfer of the City's cable television franchise to a new Grantee. The transfer will be from the Rogers Cablesystems of Minnesota Limited Partnership to the Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest,Inc. The proposed Grantee has advised the City that there will not be any change in controlling interest and the proposed change is for the purpose of permitting the dissolution of the existing Grantee which is no longer necessary inasmuch as all limited partners therein no longer exist. The public hearing by the City Council is applicable provisions of the Minnesota Statutes and opportunity to be heard with respect to transfer of a cable co►►ununications system. hearing is in accordance with the requirements applicable to adoption of ordinances. in accordance with the 238 that require notice any proposed sale or Likewise, this public of the City of Edina Interested parties may appear before the City Council and give testimony to this matter. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Marcella M. Daelzn City Clerk Please publish in the Edina Sun- Current on June 22, 1988. Please send affidavits of publication. i* 'w91NA,1� ° e Cn v �y �b leas REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & Council Members From: Ken Rosland Date: June 3, 1988 Subject: TRANSFER OF JURY TRIALS Recommendation: Agenda Item # IX-A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Our prosecutors and our staff feel strongly that we should prohibit the proposed movement of jury trials to downtown, thereby recommending the attached resolution. Info /Background: Resolution attached. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION TO TRANSFERRING JURY TRIALS FROM THE SOUTHDALE COURT FACILITY TO THE DOWNTOWN HENNEPIN COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER WHEREAS, the City Council of Edina is the official governing body of the City of Edina; and 'WHEREAS, the City of Edina consented to moving the Edina municipal court facility to Southdale based on Hennepin County's representation that all Edina court and jury trials would be conducted at the Southdale facility; and WHEREAS, the Southdale court facility has sufficient courtroom space to accommodate the handling of all misdemeanor court and jury trials for municipali- ties located in Division IV; and WHEREAS, the City has been informed that an executive committee of the Hennepin County District Court judges voted recently to transfer the handling of Edina jury trials from the Southdale ,facility to the downtown Hennepin County Government Center; and WHEREAS, the entire Hennepin .County bench is scheduled to vote on the above proposal on June 6, 1988; and WHEREAS, the Edina City Attorney's Office presently assigns two attorneys to handle criminal prosecution and moving Edina's jury trials from Southdale to the Hennepin County Government Center would strain its ability to make all required court appearances including arraignments, pretrials and court trials, and thereby likely result in cases being dismissed;. and WHEREAS, the Edina Police Department is strongly opposed to the proposed move because of the increased time and cost involved in travelling downtown and the fact that police officers can currently be working and "on- call" when jury trials are processed at the Southdale facility; and -1- 0 WHEREAS, it is the experience of the City Attorney's Office that civilian witnesses are often reluctant to travel downtown because of excess time lost from work; unfamiliarity with downtown; and cost and availability of parking and that this general reluctance will make it more difficult to successfully prosecute cases; and WHEREAS, it is highly likely that suburban jury trials would have low priority for jury assignment in the downtown facility and that a backlog of cases would inevitably develop; and WHEREAS, moving jury trials downtown would further distance the residents of Edina from their court system and constitute a waste of taxpayers money expended for construction of the Southdale facility; and WHEREAS, the transfer of jury trials from the Southdale facility to the Hennepin County Government Center will result in substantial increases in the total cost of prosecution for the City of Edina, including loss of police and attorney work time, increased overtime pay, and probable increases in personnel; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA IN REGULAR MEETING ASSEMBLED, that the City Council strongly opposes the proposed transfer of Edina's jury trials from the Southdale court facility to the downtown Hennepin County Government Center for the foregoing reasons. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to each member of the Hennepin County Commissioners, Edina's representatives in the State Legislature and the mayors of each municipality located in Division II (Brook - dale), Division III (Ridgedale) and Division IV ( Southdale). Passed and adopted this day of , 1988. ATTEST: City Clerk -2- yor allcity of bloomington, minnesota Municipal Building • 2215 West Old Shakopee Road • Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 -3096 • (612) 881 -5811 June 1, 1988 Mayor C. Wayne Courtney City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 We have been advised that an executive committee of the bench of Hennepin County District Court has approved a proposal to transfer jury trials from the Brookdale, Southdale and Ridgedale court facilities to the Hennepin County Government Center. The full bench is scheduled to vote on the proposal on June 6, 1988. On May 23, 1988, the City Council of the City of Bloomington unanimously approved a resolution opposing the transfer of Bloomington's jury trials from the Southdale court facility to the Hennepin County Government Center. Enclosed is a copy of that resolution. The City of Bloomington consented to moving its court to Southdale with the understanding that all court and jury trials would be conducted at the Southdale facility. Moving the jury trials downtown would impose a substantial burden on the City Attorney's staff and the police department. In addition, civilian wit- nesses, many of whom reside in Bloomington, would be inconvenienced. It is a simple fact that many suburban residents are unfamiliar with downtown Minneapolis and would not be pleased with the expense and unavailability of parking. The City Council and City staff believe this proposed move would result in significant increases in the cost of prosecution, ranging from increased loss of worktime for police and prosecutors, additional overtime pay and probable increases in personnel. The City of Bloomington urges your support in opposing this action. E. L. Woulfe, CMC City Clerk City of Bloomington ELW /kc enc. AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION /EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Telecommunications Device for the Deaf: (612) 887 -9677 . In 4 o e REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: COUNCIL AND MANAGER Agenda Item # Tx- From: T. S. ERICKSON Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 3, 1988 Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: OFFICIAL DUTIES OF COUNC L ❑ To Council MEMBERS TO INCLUDE SERVICE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONE Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Adoption of the attached resolution. Info /Background: Attached is a letter dated March 19, 1988 relative to the above subject. Also attached is a form of resolution to implement, as to the Council, the recommendation in the letter. For the reasons stated in the letter, I recommend adoption of the resolution. i it - March 19, 1988 Mr. Kenneth 2. Fosland City of i3 ina i.: 4C,01 ,:est 5� Str^c= E6lna, .'innesota 55424 Re: �nC�PJ-h']ity of City Officials Serving on rbn -City Boards and Crxnmssions Dear Yen ecen�1. i� ry ?telly ')ecam concerned ---hat she migh} .incur. so :r lia>;1it•., i!] connection wig"] her as a di-rector on a :]o:]' JvO. -i comoo: a _ion, a )OSi'.l ^n she 4 5. []O1C;ng, as T was a Vis�d, at t "1? t''��?Ctlo2 of the Co_un. ^.:.1. n- e Gvc?i"]tf' i '�� ':nOW hLle�']e she Arai a to ne by the cLty. rdthO119"I S_ eclf 4c ilatt ao,-.)a -E?nUv has I-),ee 1 resol,,O j without difficult y, the basic question ye'-- remains. The aaplicable statute Uoul,? ap�:)ear to be Minn. Stat. 3 466.07.. Specifically, that statute states a rru]icioality s! all defend and indemnify wq of its officers and e_-ployees provided that- the off ices or emlo ee : (1) mas acting in the oe r foimunce of the duties of the position; and (2), was not guilty of .malfeasance in office, willful neglect of duty, or bad faith." 'Ihe second requirement- above (malfeasance, neglect or bad faith) can only b? address'ad on a case 17y case basis. However, co:pliance with the recuirarmn; at (1) above can be aided by a decision of the Cou.*hcil, me^orializec2 by resolution, that that it shall be the duty of Council mribl ers and City staff to serve upon such cm6nittees and board, as the Council from] time to tine determiines is a ?proprlate and in the best interests of the City. In addition to such resolutions of the Council, a directive from you to the saim effect. relative to the staff would also be useful. Such a directive could be made a part of the a-mlcyees' manual, if not already in that manual. Very truly yours, TSE:jd Thomas S. Erickson cc: Mr. John Zwakman IL RESOLUTION Council Member introduced the following Resolution and [roved its adoption: RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THAT SERVICE BY COUNCIL MEMBERS ON BOARDS AM COMMISSIONS AT REQUEST OR DIRECTION OF CITY COUNCIL IS PART OF THE PERFORMANCE OF, AND WITHIN THE SCOPE OF, THEIR OFFICIAL DUTIES. BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of Edina, as follows: WHEREAS, Council Members, from. time to time, are requested or directed by the City Council to serve on various boards and commissions, which service is for the benefit of, or is in the best interests of, the City. It is, therefore, recognized and acknowledged by the City Council that service heretofore or hereafter undertaken or to be undertaken by Council Members on such boards or commissions has been and shall be a part of the performance of, and within the scope of, the official duties of such Council Members. Dated the day of , 1988. Mayor Attest: City Clerk The motion for adoption of the foregoing was duly seconded by Council Member and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: And the following voted against the same: Whereupon said Resolution was declared passed and adopted and signed by the. Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. i I r E 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 04 -30 -88 PAGE 1 CHECK No nATF AMOUNT VFNI1flR TTFM TIFRCRTPTTnU ACCAIINT Mn TNV A P A A MFRRACF `l 2 092091 04/29/88 1501000.00- DEPOSIT ACCT PAYROLL 50 -1010- 000 -00 MANUAL ' �0.9299_t__ 49/_8.9L�8 �50�200_00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 50 -1010- 000 -00 4 a .00 _ _MANUAL -- ° rMy• *• •*• -CKS 7 ° ,092430 04/29/88 22,267.73 PERA PERA 10- 4145- 510 -51 - MANUAL ° -- - * +� *• -- 22_, 267 • - -- -- - -- - -- - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- t. •M• -CKS I; „ ,2 ,3 092506 04/29/88 12,639.86 FIDELITY CITY TO FICA 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL -, '4 '092506 04/29/88 213.23 FIDELITY CITY TO MEDICARE 10 -4162- 510 -51 MANUAL I, 17 _ +•sss�r 12, 853. 09 •0• -CKS I, 17 ,6 t9 092702 04/29/88 11299.00 JOE GREUPNER SERVI ES 27- 410= _CT9_- U ­ --MANUAL 20 21 1,299.00 • 22 • *ssrs ------- . - -st* -CKS �' 24 098138 04/28/88 111.00 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 MANUAL 25 098138 - 04/28/88 10.89 ED PHILLIPS INVENT-06" 50 8=$4 4 _ MANUAL 26 27 121.89 • 30 098190 098190 04/28/88 04/28/88 56.55 207.16 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY INVENTOR$- 50- 4632 - 822-82 50- 4- OkzR42 =194 - MANUAL -MANUAL 71 32 r 098190 04/28/88 314.63 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 MANUAL '! 33 578.34 • j; 34 3a 36 * +��• - -- - -------------------- t *r -CKS 37 098203 04/29/88 15.00 JUDY LAUFENBURGER CERTIFICATION MANUAL--;- 36 098203 04/29/88 13.74 JUDY LAUFENBURGER CENTENNIAL 10- 4201 - 509 -50 MANUAL 39 298203- 098203 04 /29 /8B 04 /229 /888 - 17.85 12.00 JUDY LAUFENBURGER_ JUDY LAUFENBURGER MEETING LUNCH 1 0- 4202 - 490 -49 10- 4204 - 140 -14 _____ MANUAL__ - MANUAL �• 40 41 098203 04/29/88 131.13 JUDY LAUFENBURGER MEETING EXP 10 -4206- 140 -14 MANUAL , 42 098203 04/29/88 8.67 JUDY LAUFENBURGER CAUCUS 10 -4206- 160 -16 MANUAL I: 47 098203 04/29/88 31.00 JUDY LAUFENBURGER MEETING 10- 4206 -0�- MANUAL .4 098203 04/29/88 4.38 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10- 4208 - 120 -12 MANUAL 40 098203 098203 04/29/88 04/29/88 5.25 24.27 JUDY LAUFENBURGER JUDY LAUFENBURGER MILEAGE MILEAGE 10 -4208- 140 -14 10- 4209 - 160 -16 MANUAL__ MANUAL .y 66 47 098203 04/29/88 9.54 JUDY LAUFENBURGER PARKING 10- 4208 - 480 -48 MANUAL a 48 098203 _ 04/29/88 6.31 JUDY LAUFENBURGER MILEAGE 10 -4208- 500 -50 MANUAL n 49 098203 04/29/88 3.20 JUDY LAUFENBURGER PARKING 2 10- 449-00- - MANUAL 60 098203 04/29/88 6.52 JUDY LAUFENBURGER POSTAGE 10 -4290- 510 -51 MANUAL I� 61 098203_ 098203 04/29/88 04/29/88 37.27 36.10 JUDY LAUFENBURGER JUDY LAUFENBURGER MEETING EXP SUPPLIES 10 -4502- 140 -14 10- 4502- 490 -49 _____MANUAL Ir MANUAL -1 72 73 098203 04/29/88 3.81 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 100 -10 MANUAL 71 64 098203 04/29/88 21.19 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 260 -26 MANUAL a° 098203 04/29/88 8.25 _ JUDY LAUFENBURGER F-_490_4-__42_0_-_42 MANUAL ;, S6 n 098203 04/29/88 4.47 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 480 -48 -- MANUAL I' `l 0 1988 CITY OF EDINA —CHECK NO. DATE 098203 04/29/88 .- 098203 _ _ 04/2.9188 098203 04/29/88 098203 04/29/88 •r�tr• 6.40 6.85 13.53 447.28 CHECK R2�iSTER 04 -30 -86 GE 2 ACCOUNT NO. INV. A P.O. _0 MESSAGE JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 507 -50 - -- JUDY - LAUFENBURGER- SUPPLIES 1 0- 4508 - 627 -62 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 28 -4504- 702 -70 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 29- 4624- 722 -72 MANUAL - - - - -- -- - -- - -- 04/29/88 -- - -------- 2,567.37 _ MANUAL _ I; ` MANUAL MANUAL 04/29/88 762.14 MINNEGASCO HEAT 10 -4254- 440 -44 •** —CKS - -- - - - -- -- 098354 - - - - -- -- - -- - -- 04/29/88 -- - -------- 2,567.37 - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- MINNEGASCO - - - -- -- HEAT 10- 1130 - 000 -00 MANUAL 098354 04/29/88 762.14 MINNEGASCO HEAT 10 -4254- 440 -44 MANUAL _098354_ 04/29/8_8 710._13 MINNEGASCO HEAT 10- 4254 - 520 -52 {MANUAL �e!� 098354 04/29/88 51119.80 MINNEGASCO HEAT 10- 4254 - 540 -54 _ `MANUAL ' -, 098354 04/29/88 11622.16 MINNEGASCO 128 10 -4254- 646 -64 MANUAL j�, _098354___.__— _9..4/29/98 _ -- 1.87._53- MINNEGASCO HEAT _ 23- 4254 - 612 -61 MANUAL 098354 04/29/88 732.89 MINNEGASCO 128 27- 4254 - 662 -66 —� — _ MANUAL 098354 04/29/88 199.55 MINNEGASCO 128 27- 4254 - 664 -66 MANUAL z: 098354 04/29/88 2,269.99 MINNEG_ASCO_ 128 28 -4254- 702 -70 MANUAL 'aeI 098354 04/29/88 3,674.21 MINNEGASCO HEAT _ 30 -4 4254- 782 -T8 MANUAL 098354 04/29/88 310.97 MINNEGASCO HEAT 40- 4254 - 801 -80 MANUAL iZ`! 098354 04/29/88 22- 751_19 MINNEGASCO HEAT_ 803 -80 098354 04/29/88 214.15 MINNEGASCO HEAT _40_- _4254- 50- 4254 - 821 -82 _ _MANUAL_ MANUAL — nl 098354 04/29/88 156.74 MINNEGASCO HEAT 50- 4254 - 841 -84 MANUAL 098354 04/29/88 250.90 MINNEGASCO HEAT 50 -4254- 861 -86 MANUAL 21,529.72 w y��tM• s *• -CKS 098391 04/29/88 735.47 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10 -1130- 000 -00 MANUAL 098391 04/29/88 25.75 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10- 4252- 301 -30 MANUAL I� 098391 04/29/88 13,317.92 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRI 10= 4425 21=0 MANUAL—­'! 098391 04/29/88 111100.15 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 322 -30 MANUAL 098391__- 04/29/88 2,.351.19- NORTHERN STATES __ ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 330_ -30 MANUAL ,j 098391 04/29/88 476.44 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC _ 10 -4252- 345 -30 MANUAL f.. 098391 04/29/88 1,927.24 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 375 -30 MANUAL 098391 04/29/88 993.07 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 440 -44 MANUAL 098391 04/29/88 45.10 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC f0- 4252- 460 -46 _ MANUAL j.,� 098391 04/29/88 1,214.86 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 520 -52 MANUAL 0983 "___04/29/BB 1_, SS2_06 NORTHERN_ STATES ELECTRI C 1 0 -4252- 540_ -54 MANUAL_i.., - 098391 04/29/88 21,416.84- NORTHERN STATES CORRECTION 10- 4252 - 646 -64 _ - MANUAL �•1 098391 04/29/88 2,416.84 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 646 -64 MANUAL 098391 04/29/88 21,416.84 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 646 -64 MANUAL 698391 04/29/88 605.63 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 23 -4258- 612 -61 _ MANUAL­ -1 098391 04/29/88 78.86 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 26- 4252 - 682 -68 MANUAL 099$91 04/29/88 813_34 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 27- 42_52- 662 -66 MANUAL :3'�� 098391 04/29/88 151.38 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC _ 27- 4252 - 664 -66 MANUAL _ '! 098391 04/29/88 4,342.99 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 28- 4252 - 702 -70 MANUAL 098391 04/29/88 361.49 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 29- 4252 - 722 -72 MANUAL 098391 04 /229/88 6,467.45 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 30- 4252 - 782 -78 MANUAL ''j 098391 04/29/88 2,167.32 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 40- 4252- 801 -80 MANUAL 098391 04/29/88 15,931.32 NORTHERN STATES _ELECTRIC 40 -4252- 803 -80 098391 04/29/88 25.75 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 40 -4252- 804 -80 MANUAL 098391 04/29/88 460.75 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50 -4252- 821 -82 MANUAL r 098391 04/29/88 637.53 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50 -4252- 841 -84 MANUAL 098391 04/29/88 26.42 68,256.32 • NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50- 4252- 861 -86 MANUAL I� 74 4w • v C v ;I • 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 04 -30 -88 PAGE 3 CHECK No nATE AMn11AIT ucunno Trcr nrernfoTTnu wnnnnuv un Tuu a o n r 4,reewnr 3 tttttt _ trt -CKS s 098415 04/28/88 9,264.60 MED CENTER HOSP 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUAL e 9,264.60 • 7 e tttttt ! 098780 04/28/88 958.44 US POSTMASTER POSTAGE - 10- 4290 - 510 -51 -- ttt -CKS — MANUAL 10 13 .098781 04/28/88 240.00 MTKA VOLUNTEER DEPT DUES 10 -4202 -430 -4 MANUAL 14 ro 240.00 t .e --- .- ._..-- - - -iit -CKS —. 'e 105095 04/29/88 28.26 COMM OF REVENUE MN STATE SALES 10 -3357- 000 -00 MANUAL 9 105095 04/29/88 191.37 COMM OF REVENUE MN STATE SALES -0000 -- ItANUAL 20 105095 04/29/88 648.06 COMM OF REVENUE MLN STATE SALES 27- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 2' 105095 105095 04/29/88 04/29/88 149.42 101.72 COMM OF REVENUE COMM OF REVENUE MN STATE SALES MN STATE SALES 28- 3357 - 000 -00 29 =3357- 000 -00 _ __ MANUAL - MANUAL _ — 22 X23 105095 04/29/88 706.09 COMM OF REVENUE MN STATE SALES 30 -3357- 000 -00 MANUAL 24 105095 04/29/88 975.75 COMM OF REVENUE MN STATE SALES 40- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 25 105095 04/29/88 6,583.53 COMM OF REVENUE MN STATE SALES 500 =3357 =001- 0 MANUAL 28 105095 04/29/88 13,069.30 COMM OF REVENUE MN STATE SALES 50 -3357- 002 -00 MANUAL 27 105095 04/29/88 11,030.19 COMM OF REVENUE MN STATE SALES 50- 3357 - 003 -00 MANUAL 2e Z9 33,483.69 t — - - -- - - - - 30 tttttt ttt -CKS 3i 32 105129 05/09/88 2,183.19 BELLBOY 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 33 105129 05/09/88 1,657.83 BELLBOY 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 34 37 3, 841.02 t — - -- - -- ----- - - - - -- - --- - - -.. 3e tttttt 000-CKS 37 .38 105138 05/09/88 1.31- ED PHILLIPS -- 50- 3710 - 822 -82 - " --- - --- MANUAL 39 105138 105138 05/09/88 05/09/88 1_31 42.25- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 822 -82 50 =3710- 822 -82 _ -_MANUAL - MANUAL----',. 40 f1 105138 05/09/88 .25- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 42 105138 05/09/88 1.31- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ; 43 105138 05/09/88 8.84- ED PHILLIPS MANUAL — 44 105138 05/09/88 1.02- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 43 105138 105138 05/09/88 05/09/88 9.55- 7.51- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL _ — MANUAL 4e 47 105138 05/09/88 73.56- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 I MANUAL 4e 105138 05/09/88 79.78- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL , 4° 105138 05/09/88 4.44- LI ED PHILPS 50= 3T.FV- -626— - -- MANUAL �- eO 105138 05/09/88 3.18- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL e1 105138 105138 05/09/88 05/09/88 1.03- 2,112.82 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS . 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4626 - 822 -8E __ MANUAL _ _ MANUAL -" e2 63 105138 05/09/88 131.40 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 84 105138 05/09/88 3,678.14 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL , SS 105138 05/09/88 3,989.00 ED PHILLIPS 60666 =662= MANUAL --'• 38 105138 05/09/88 131.40 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL , %. r - - 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK R. TER •. PYCHV MA AATC 04 -30 -88 ,:E 4 -- - -- = -- - ---- •••• -r_• .�..vv. atcn a/GatrRarlLVltl MLA.Wut11 mu. INV. R Y.U. R PIESSAGE 2 ' 105138 05/09/88 25.35 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ° _1 051.38 _- -05/09/88__ -__- __884.30 __ ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ' 105138 05/09/88 131.40- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 6 105138 05/09/88 102.75 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 7i 105138 05/09/88 751_00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 105138 05/09/88 955.30 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 -' ___MANUAL MANUAL ° ° 105138 05/09/88 318.05 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL - 05131 __- _05/09L9S _ _ _444.30 ED PH ILL I -PS 5.0_4628- 862- 86 10 11 1 105138 05/09/88 103.75 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 862 -86 _ _MANUAL MANUAL 12 13,263.44 + 13 to * * * * ** ' ** * -CK$F� 16 _105190 _ 05/09/8 6_88- 6RIGGS COOPER AND - C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 1° 105190 05/09/88 6.88- GRIGGS COOPER AND C - - - -- - -8 - -- - 50- 3710 - 822 -82 - _._... -' MANUAL W17 105190 05/09/88 6.88 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL B 19 105190 05/09/88 37.99- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 105190 05/09/88 .15 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -3770- 822-82 MANUAL .20 105190 05/09/88 7.31- ,GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 21 105190 105190 05/09/88 56.88- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 -8 842 -84 MANUAL__ 22 05/09/88 22.19- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ,27 105190 05/09/88 3.30- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 24 105190 05/09/88 55.50- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 23 105190 05/09/88 6.34- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL - ,26 105190 05/09/88 6.83- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 2' 105190 _ 3.3,0- _GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 26 105190 05/09/88 80.64- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 29 105190 05/09/88 19.57- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL i 30 105190 05/09/88 2.67- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 31 105190 05/09/88 325.24 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626 - 822-88 MANUAL r32 105190 05/09/88 15.47- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 105190 - 05/09/88 1_899.50 GRIGGS COOPER - - AND --- C --- -- 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL sa 105190 05/09/88 343.83- GRIGGS COOPER AND C - - -- - - -- - 50- 4626 - 822 -82 - _ MANUAL 105190 04/29/88 18.59 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 36 J0 1.05190 05/09/88 343.83 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 36 105190 05/09/88 11109.50 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 105190 05/09/88 2,774.87 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 30 40 105190 105190 05/09/88 341_37 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 05/09/88 165.24 GRIGGS COOPER AND C ____ 50 -4626- 842 -84 - MANUAL - - -� 105190 05/09/88 165.24 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 42 °' 105190 05/0_9/88 4,032.05 GRI_G_GS COOPER _AND _C 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 105190 05/09/88 478.00- GRIGGS COOPER ANO C 50- 4626 - 862 -86 _t _ MANUAL j 105190 05/09/88 478.00 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL ry 45 - 105190 05/09/88 478_00- GRIGGS COOP ER_AND C 50- 4626 -_ 862 -86 MANUAL 46 105190 05/09/88 366.29 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4628- 822 -82 -- _ - MANUAL .6 '6. 105190 05/09/88 93.33- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 6p 105190 05/09/88 2,844.16 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 105190 04/29/88 97.94 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 6 7O 105190 05/09/88 317.12 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL �� 61 72 Q5190 05/09/88 133.40 GRIGGS COOPER - - AND C -- 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 03 105190 05/09/88 978.53 GRIGGS COOPER AND C -- -- - -- - - - -- - 50- 4628 - 862 -86 - - - - -- MANUAL 105190 04/29/88 82.22 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50 -4632- 822 -82 MANUAL "° 69 105190 04/29/88 206.82 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50 -4632- 842 -84 MANUAL ss 14,961.03 * . - - s7 • * * * ** 7, * * * -CKS w C w e_ c Y+ w do C V V 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 04 -30 -88 PAGE 5 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. A P.O. • MESSAGE 2 3 105285 05/09/88 86_19– JOHNSON WINE_ — 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 4 105285 05%09/88 6.79– JOHNSON WINE __50- 50- 3710- 822 -82 ____________ ` _ MANUAL 5 105285 05/09/88 1.42– JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 6 105285 05/09/88 93.00– JOHNSON WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 7 105285 05/09/88 18.15– JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL j 6 105285 05/09/88 9.70– JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 9 1.05285_ — 105285 _05/09/88 05/09/88 67.96– 4.83– JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL____ MANUAL 10 11 105285 05/09/88 6.83– JOHNSON WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 AANUAL t2 105285 05/09/88 4,309.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 'MANUAL 13 105285 05/09/88 20.30 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 14 105285 05/09/88 22.05 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 1° _105285 05/09/88 4,650__40 JOHNSON WINE. _ 50 –_ 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 1° 105285 05%09/88 3,398.20 JOHNSON — WINE 50 -4626- 862 -86 — _ MANUAL 17 105285 05/09/88 17.85 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 18 105285 05/09/88 141.55 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 19 105285 05/09/88 2.45 JOHNSON WINE SO- 4628 - 822-8 MANUAL .2° 105285 05/09/88 678.71 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 31 105285_. 05/09/88 13.65 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 22 105285 05/09/88 21.00 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 _ _ MANUAL 23 105285 05/09/88 968.05 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 24 105285 05/09/88 17.85 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 25 105285 05/09/88 1,815.70 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842-64 MANUAL 26 105285 05/09/88 4.90 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 27 1A5285_ 05/09/88 683_01_ JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 2s 105285 05/09/88 14.35 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 29 105285 05/09/88 483.43 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 30 16,967.78 + . 31 32 33 +r + +r+ 105311 05/09/88 105.00 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 50- 4628- 842 -84 -- — r ** –CKS MANUAL 34 75 105311 05/09/88 105.00 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 36 210.00 37 36 39 *s*rss ** *–CKS 40 105430 04/28/88 22,423.13 PERA PERA 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL 41 .2 ` 22,423.13 • 43 **r * *r r*r =CKS 45 105433 105433 05/09/88 05/09/88 4.00 183.84 PAUSTIS PAUSTIS 6 SONS 6 SONS 50_ -4628- 822 -82 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL °6 47 .e , 187.84 • �' 49 e° 51 105451 105451 05/09/88 05/09/88 44.24– 3.93– QUALITY QUALITY WINE WINS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710- 822 -82 _____MANUAL _ MANUAL y 52 53 105451 05/09/88 3.04– QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL '- 70 105451 05/09/88 2.40– QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 –S2 MANUAL 55 105451 05/09/88 6.80– QUALITY WINE MANUAL _� 56 37 105451 05/09/88 .48– QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL r 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK 1. STER 04 -30 -86 GE 6 r CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE V3 105451 05/09/88 68.33- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL _' _— _10545.1_.._..05 /09/88 _b.87 -_ QUALITY_. WINE.______ — 371.0- 842- 84 ' 105451 05/09/88 4.80- QUALITY WINE _. —__50- 50- 3710-862-86 _MANUAL__ MANUAL r' 105451 05/09/88 30.43- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ° 1.05451 05/09/88 49_13- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 ' 105451 05/09/88 7.02- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 _MANUAL MANUAL r° 105451 05/09/88 1.19- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL ° -- 105451_ _-- 05/04./_88 32 -- QUALITY_ WINE_ __. 50- 37_10- 862 -86 MANUAL. 10 105451 05/09/88 1.36- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 — __ MANUAL r" 105451 05/09/88 2,212.32 QUALITY WINE 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 12 13 105451 05/09/88 3;417.07 QUALITY WINE _ 4626- 842 -84 4iANUAL 105451 05/09/88 1,521.40 QUALITY uINE _50- .— ...______— 50 -4 4626 - 862 -86 ._..- ______ -1 _ 'MANUAL 4 105451 05/09/88 2,456.17 QUALITY WINE 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 16 195_451 -- .051 09188 -- 303_75- QUALITY WINE _ 822 -_82_ MANUAL 16 105451 05/09/88 240.00 QUALITY WINE _50- _4628- 50 -4628- 822 -82 _ MANUAL .17 105451 05/09/88 391.90 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 1s 105451 05/09/88 4_8_.00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 9 105451 05/09/88 685.50 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 _ _ _ MANUAL .20 105451 05/09/88 678.40 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 21 105451 105451 05/09/88 05/09/88 118.65 480.00 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE 50 -_ 4628 - 862 -_86_ 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL _ MANUAL 22 I23 105451 05/09/88 135.85 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 24 105451 105451 05/09/88 05/09/88 32.00 699.60 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL__ MANUAL 25 26 27 »tots - — - 13,190.27 t — — -- - -- — - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -iii -CKS .. 28 2° 30 105506 04/28/88 13,118.27 FEDELITIY BANK FICA 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL J1 105506 04/28/88 226.46 FEDELITY BANK MEDICARE 10- 4162 - 510 -51 _ MANUAL 1 32 33 13, 344.73 » *F -CKS 34 3s 3G 105_700 04/28/88 99.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10 -4290- 510 -51 MANUAL 37 105700 04/28/88 99.00- POSTMASTER CORRECTION 10- 4290 - 510 -51 _ MANUAL 38 105700 04/28/88 99.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 MANUAL 39 — 99.00 » 40 41 42 »11111 106091 04/29/88 1521000.00- DEPOSIT ACCT PAYROLL TRANSFER — - 50- 1010- 0000 -00 - -_ -- - - - - -- »t» -CKS MANUAL - 43 44 '106091 04/29/88 152,000.00 DEPOSIT ACCT PAYROLL TRANSFER 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 4s 00 » 47 ae tstttt +++ —CKS 49 106430 04/29/88 31.61 PERA REFUND 10 -4145- 510 -51 MANUAL s° e, 31.61 » 53 S4 109451 04/29/88 78.75 QUALITIY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 MANUAL 's 109451 04/29/88 16.99 QUALITIY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 842 -84 —MANUAL:—' sa 37 95.74 + r 1988 CITY OF EDINA rwprw mn nATF AMMIWT CHECK REGISTER VCkIflnD TTCY nc0PDT0TTAU 04 -30 -88 PAGE APPAIIUT CIA T►IU 4 D A A WeOOAPV 7 1 2 *ssMe�- - -- — - -- ••* -CKS ° 110396 04/29/88 247.49 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 10 -4201- 622 -62 MANUAL 61 110396 04/29/88 7.85 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 10 -4256- 460 -46 MANUAL 110396 04/29/88 3,357.26 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE __ 10- 4256- 510 -51 MANUAL ° 110396 04/29/88 101.82 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 10- 4256- 628 -62 MANUAL ° 11.0396- — 110396 04/29/88 04/29/88 — 40.86 150.08 NORTHWESTERN NORTHWESTERN BELL BELL TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 10 -_ 4256 -_ 646 -64 __ 23- 4256 - 612 -61 _MANUAL MANUAL 10 " 110396 04/29/88 45.86 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 26- 4256 - 682 -68 ,HANUAL 12 110396 04/29/88 23_6.78 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 27- 4256- 662 -66 `MANUAL 13 110396 04/29/88 48.63 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 27- 4256- 664 -66 MANUAL '14 110396 04/29/88 317.14 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 28- 4256- 702 -70 MANUAL 15 110396 110396 04/29/88 04/29/88 37.70 377.03 -_ NORTHWESTERN_. NORTHWESTERN BELL BELL TELEPHONE TELEPHO_NE 29- 42_56- 722 -72 30- 4256 -7 782 -78 MANUAL 'MANUAL 16 " 110396 04/29/88 96.44 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 40- 4256- 801 -80 MANUAL 1B 110396 04/29/88 307.80 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 40 -4256- 803 -80 MANUAL ° 110396 04/29/88 142.72 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 50-4256-821-82 MANUAL 20 110396 04/29/88 166.65 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 50- 4256 - 841 -84 MANUAL 21 110396 04/29/88 117.12 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 50 -4256- 861 -86 MANUAL u 23 S,799.23 -- - - -- •t• -CKS 26 110700 04/29/88 25.00 POSTMASTER STAMPS 10 -4290- 510 -51 MANUAL 27 110700_ 04/29/88 50.00 75.00 * POSTMASTER POSTAGE 303 10- 4290 - 510 -51 - - - - - -- - MANUAL - -- - -- z° zo 30 •iR• *+ *** -CKS 31 32 111138 05/09/88 1.56- ED PHILLIPS _ 50- 3710 - 822 -82 _ —_- MANUAL 33L 111138. -_— 05/09/88 6.18 -._ ED PHILLIPS __ _ 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 34 111138 05/09/88 34.31- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 822 -82 _ MANUAL 3' 111138 05/09/88 7.52 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 36 1.11138 111138 05/09/88 05/09/88 1.15- 34.31- ED PHILLIPS GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50-37100= ___ 822 -S2 MANUAL MANUAL _ 37 30 111138 05/09/88 .47- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 39 111138_ 111138 05/09/88 05/09/88 6.40- 4.65- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 822 -82 50- 3710 - 8 ------MANUAL 42 -84 MANUAL 40 41 111138 05/09/88 16.27- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 42 111138 05/09/88 7.75- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 43 111138 05/09/88 71.02- ED PHILLIPS 50= SIG =$42 84 MANUAL 44 111138 05/09/88 10.28- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 642 -84 MANUAL 4' 11.1138_ 111138 05/09/88 05/09/88 5_03- 4.59- ED_ PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 371.0- 862 -86 S0- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL__ — MANUAL a6 47 111138 05/09/88 34.68- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 4B 111138 05/09/88 9.31- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 49 111138 05/09/88 .78.16 ED PHILLIPS 0_-_4€26= 5282 — HANUAL ' 70 111138 05/09/88 1,715.99 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 01 111138 111138 05/09/88 05/09/88 376.40- 1,715.99 ED PHILLIPS GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 72 77 111138 05/09/88 3,551.21 ED PHILLIPS' 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 54 111138 05/09/88 813.76 ED PHILLIPS 50- 462.6- 842 -84 MANUAL 55 111138 05/09/88 1,734.10 ED PHILLIPS 50= �b2�, ==8 - MANUAL 3° 111138 05/09/88 465.91 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL R 111255 1988 Cl., OF EDINA JOHNSON CHECK ►, STER MANUAL 04 -30 -86 GE 8 111285 05/09/88 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR MANUAL_ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE J JOHNSON WINE _50_ 50- 3710- 822 -82 - -- MANUAL 1 1 111285 111285 05/09/88 05/09/88 59.35 4.65– JOHNSON WINE 2 111138 a 1 11138, 05/09/88 05/09/86 618.80 ED PHILLIPS 05/09/88 59.35– 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _' ° J i 15..64 ED PHILLIPS- 59.35– SO- 4628 - 822 -82 50-3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ' 111138 05/09/88 47.60 ED PHILLIPS WINE -- - -- –50 -4628- 822 -82 — -�— -- MANUAL 111285 05/09%88 111138 111138 05/09/88 05/09/88 640.40 1,028.10 ED PHILLIPS ED PH_ILLIP_S ___MANUAL___ 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL ''I e * 111138 0111135 05/09/88 465.15 ED PHIlLIP3 111285 05/09/88 50- 4628- 842 -84 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL —� °.111_.18 50 -3710- 862 -86 05/09/88 05/09/88 775.80 1.01 ,75- ED PHILlIPB PHILLIPS 05/09/88 1,057.$0 SO- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL , O 111138 05/09/88 _ 503.65 ____ED ED PHILLIPS JOHNSON _ _ — 50 -4628- 842 -84_ — _MANUAL__ del 12 111138 05/09/88 459.05 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84_ MANUAL 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 6, 2 141010.72 + _ _ 50 -4626- 842 -84 _ _ — MANUAL _ ' 111285 MANUAL �• JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 111285 05/09/88 11.20 -- - - WINE 1d ••ti44 lifer 111285 05/09/88 2,967.17 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 !:� ro 111190 05/09/88 21.05– _ GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 •*• -CKS MANUAL rl jirJ 16 .W17 1B 111190 111190 05/09/88 05/09/88 1.72– GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL B 111190 05/09/88 7.71– 7.75– GRIGGS COOPER GRIGG COOPER AND AND C C _ 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL ,20 111190 05/09/88 60.85– GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 37S .10- 842 -84 MANUAL 2' 111190 111190 05/09/88 05/09/88 14,78- 58.93- GRIGGS COOPER_AND GRIGGS COOPER AND C C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -_ 3710 -_ 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL Y 22 023 111190 05/09/88 4.27– GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 24 111190 05/09/88 5.56– GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ' !yam 2' 111190 05/09/85 1,052.64 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL .28 111190 05/09/88 387.70 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 842 -84 ! 2' _1 111190 05/09/88 3,_042.44 -- GRIGGS COOPER - AND C -- -- 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL ' 28 05/09/88 2,946.37 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626 - 862 -86 _ MANUAL 029 70 111190 05/09/88 86.20 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 111190 111190 05/09/88 05/09/88 38_5.55 739.18 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER AND AND C C 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL : " ,32 111190 05/09/88 213.62 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4625- 842 -84 MANUAL I �� — 111190 _05/09/88 278.09_ GRIGGS COOPER_ C 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 3S 8,949.17 • -AND -N _ _ — - -- 50- 4628- 86P -86 - - -- 2 --- - - MANUAL .-.-.--MANUAL -- - -- -- i ' 3e •yNM *f 37 — -- -- M *s –CKS .I 111255 05/09/88 3.18– JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710– S22 -82 MANUAL 111285 05/09/88 21.15– , JOHNSON WINE –_ 3710- 822 -82_ MANUAL_ ,,I• 111285 05/09%88 4.28– JOHNSON WINE _50_ 50- 3710- 822 -82 - -- MANUAL 1 1 111285 111285 05/09/88 05/09/88 59.35 4.65– JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ' 111285 05/09/88 59.35– JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL_ J 111285 05/09/88 59.35– JOHNSON WINE 50-3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ' 111285 05/09/88 5_28- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 111285 05/09%88 .18– JOHNSON WWINE 50- 3710 - 842_ -84_ ___MANUAL___ 111285 05/09/88 3.42– JOHNSON WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 111285 05/09/88 71.22– JOHNSON WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 111285 05/09/88 1,057.$0 JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50 -4 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL —�F 111285 05/09/88 3.50 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL del 111295 05/09/88 2,967.17– JOHNSON WINE _ 50- 4626 - 842 -84_ MANUAL h 111285 05/09/88 2,978.37 JOHNSON WINE _ _ 50 -4626- 842 -84 _ _ — MANUAL _ ' 111285 05/09/88 11.20– JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 111285 05/09/88 11.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL lifer 111285 05/09/88 2,967.17 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 111285 05/09/88 14.70 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL ------------------ - - - - -- 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 04 -30 -88 PAGE 9 i CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE t_.) 111285 05/09/88 3,561.01 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 -- MANUAL 3 _111285 05/09/88- 3 -.8S JOHNSON - _WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 4 111285 05/09/88 6.65 JOHNSON WINE _ SO- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL i 111285 05/09/88 426.24 JOHNSON WINE SO- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL I° ° 111285 05/09/88 317_20 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL '7I ' 111285 05/09/88 465.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL D e'ja 111285 05/09/88 10.85 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 0j 91 111285 Os/09/88 528.85_ JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL -� o 111285 05/09/88 3.15 JOHNSON WINE _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 _ MANUAL C "' 111285 05/09/88 3.85 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 ,'MANUAL '2 111285 05/09/88 18.49 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 `MANUAL 13 111285 05/09/88 .3S JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL X14 1 111285 05/09/88 342.75 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 13 - 16 9.569.90 * "I _ 17 tt�ss ►' *-CKS '!I� 19 111311 05/09/88 40.00- EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 50 =3 3710 = 822 =8�- MANUAL G20 111311 05/09/88 250.00 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 21 210.00 * '7 zz Or 23 9 2A ••Mt #s - -- - - -- -- •*0 -CKS - 7: 23 111451 05/09/88 48.60 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 822 =82 MANUAL 26 111451 05/09/88 .15 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82- MANUAL 27 Ve 1_11451 05/09/88 S.72- QUALITY WINE SO -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 2e 111451 05/09/89 2.76- DUALITY - WINE - 50- 3710 - 822 -82 - - - MANUAL '•a p� 29 111451 05/09/88 48.60- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL I' € 3O 111451 05/09/88 48.60- QUALITY WINE SO -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL_ 31 111451 05/09/88 8.30 QUALITY WINE 50= 371G= 842 =84 MANUAL <! d' 32 111451 05/09/88 33.15- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 33 _111451_ 05/09/88 8_30- QUALITY WINE_ SO -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL '° 111451 05/09/88 3.4S- QUALITY WINE - SO- 3710 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL �' " 111451 05/09/88 .23- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 36 111451 05/09/88 --- 5.60- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 111451 05/09/88 8.30- QUALITY - 41IIVE - 1-- -- - - __ 50- 3710- 842 -84 _ MANUAL C38 111451 05/09/88 2.36- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 30 111451_ _05/_09/88 __83- QUALITY WINE 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL1 40 111451 05/09/88 31.12- QUALITY _ _ WINE __50_- 3710 - --- 50- 371- 862- 86--- - - - - -- MANUAL -- -- s 41 111451 05/09/88 4.73- QUALITY WINE SO -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 42 111451 05/09/88 3.73- QUALITY WINE SO- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL '_•r� 43 111451 05/09/88 2,430.29- QUALITY WINE _ 50 =46 4626 =822= _ 82 -- -MANUAL Z" 111451 05/09/88 2,430.29 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 43 11.1451 05/09/89_ 8430_29 DUALITY WINE 50 -4626- 822- 82____ a6 111451 05/09/88 280.11 QUALITY WINE . _ 50- 4626- 842 -84 _____MANUAL__v MANUAL G47 111451 05/09/88 1,656.86 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 48 111451 05/09/88 1,555.40 QUALITY WINE SO- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL n.1lV 49 111451 05/09/88 186.74 QUALITY WINE 5i�4ab= 862 =-8� MANUAL C so 111451 05/09/88 569.95 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 3' 111,451 05/09/88 14.75- QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -S2 MANUAL °2 111451 05/09/88 275.40 QUALITY WINE ___ 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ MANUAL 'I 77 111451 05/09/88 344.25 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL I" s .1 4 111451 05/09/88 22.95 QUALITY WINE SO -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL i „I ss 111451 05/09/88 827.10- QUALITY WINE 0 =4-6 -28= 842 =84 MANUAL G 3° 111451 05/09/88 827.10 QUALITY WINE y 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL At Y p� 5 r � 17 18 111751 05/09/88 .69- BRW ENTERPRISES 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL_ 16 111751 05/09/88 1.90- BRW ENTERPRISES 50- 37.10- 842 -84 — MANUAL v2O 111751 05/09/88 46.00 BRW ENTERPRISES 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 21 111751 05/09/88 124_60 BRW ENTERPRISES 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 22 168.01 • — — ---- -- - - - - -- -- �. 23 24 111752 05/09/88 43.08- THE WINE COMPANY 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 23 1117S2 05/09/88 3.75 THE WINE COMPANY 50- 4628 - 942 -84 MANUAL X28 111752 05/09/88 346.92 THE WINE COMPANY SO- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 27 -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- 307_.59_* 20 *•*-CKS 30 31 112198 04/29/88 7,866.41 GROUP HEALTH HOSP 10 -41S6- 510 -5i- MANUAL ti32 7,866.41 r 33 -- - -- — - — - - -- - .. 34 . - •i1g1t #i1 -- FF* -CKS 73 J0 112442 04/29/88 12,914.03 PHP HOSP 10- 4156- 510 -51 MANUAL 37 12, 914.03 • - -- - -- - -- - --- 30 39 •faiw•_ -- _ - MVt -CKS 40 — — - - - - -- -- - -- — 4' 116853 04/28/88 396.00 COMM LIFE INS LIFE INS 10 -4157- 510 -51 MANUAL 42I _ 396.00 r 43 - 44 41kMS�1• «*• -CKS 43 48 117135 04/29/88 60.61 EAGLE NV TO WINE IENRY 50- 4632 - 822 -82 — MANUAL 4' 117135 04/29/88 70.80 EAGLE WINE INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 MANUAL 48 117135 04/29/88 200.58 EAGLE WINE INVENTORY SO- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL 40 331.99 • -- so ' I 51 MMwiih _ r*• -CKS 83 117138 05/09/88 41.50 -N ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50 117138 05/09/88 6.07 -1 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 —MANUAL j ss 117138 05/09/88 11.32 — 1 '8 117138 05/09/88 1.50 -% ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 77 1988 CITY O OF EDINA C CHECK ►, S STER 0 04 -30 -8f GE 10 CHECK NO. D DATE A AMOUNT V VENDOR I ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT NO. INV. R R P.O. N MESSAGE ' 1 111451 0 05/09/88 2 236.25 Q QUALITY WINE 5 50- 4628- 842 -84 M MANUAL 111451 ___- _ _05/09/_88- _--_-- - - -.—__ 827. 1.0 Q QUALITY- WINE__ —_ _ __ 5 50- 4628- 842 -84 M MANUAL_ ` 1 111451 0 05/09/88 4 472.50 Q QUALITY WINE _ 50 -4628- 862 -86 M MANUAL ' 1 111451 0 05/09/88 8 83.25 Q QUALITY WINE S SO- 4628 - 862 -86 M MANUAL 81775_87 • y ° • •srsrl� • — - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- POSTAGE 1 10 -4290- 510 -S1 — • *• -CKS 11 1 1 2 2,000.00 + 111740 0 04/29/88 7 731.35 S STATE OF MILAN T TAX b TITLE 1 10 -4 4901 - 420 -42 - - MANUAL 14 1 1 7 731.35 -- - ie • •�a *�� - - - -- - - - - - -- - - — - -!t• -CKS N., 1968 CITY OF EDINA rurrm un nATF AMn11uT CHECK REGISTER i,runno TTCY n�enn Tnrrnu 04 -30 -88 PAGE 11 wwnnuur un Tuu 1 '2 117138 05/09/88 1.73 ; ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 3 11 -7138 __05-/09/88 13_91 -! ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 4 117138 05%09%88 55.93 -v ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _ _ MANUAL 117138 05/09/88 3.42 -,' ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ° 117138 05/09/88 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ' 117138 05/09/88 6.74 -6� ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 _ MANUAL ° 117138 05/09/88 .25• ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL ° _1_17138 117138 _05/09/88 05/09/88 _ _3. -03- 566.18, ED PH_ILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50 -3 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4626- 822 -82 _ MANUAL_ - MANUAL j 10 11 117138 05/09/88 2,075.22' ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 822 -82 44ANUAL 12 117138 05/09/88 2,796.98 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4626- 842 -84 'MANUAL 13 117138 05/09/88 25.00- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626-862 -86 MANUAL 14 117138 05/09/88 150.95 - ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL " _ 117138_ 05/09/88 607.15 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 16 117138 05/09/88 173.70• ED PHILLIPS _ _ 504626- 822 -82 _ MANUAL _ 17 117138 05/09/88 342.90v ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 1° 117138 117138 05/09/88 05/09/88 1,391.00 ✓ 303.4 0 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50 =4628= 862 =8 6__ MANUAL MANUAL 10 20 117138 05/09/88 674.00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 21 117138 117138 05/09/88 04/28/88 488.32,/ 35.50 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLLIPS INVENTORY•, 50- 4628- 862 -86 _ 50- 4630- 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL I 22 23 24 9,430.52 • 2° 27 11.7190_ 117190 05/09/88 05/09/88 11_42- 22.64- GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER AND AND C _ C — 50- 3710- 822 -82 50- 3710- 822 -82- MANUAL _ MANUAL 28 2° 0 05/09/88 17 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL J0 117190 117190 05/09/88 05/09/88 11.42- 9.12- GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER AND AND C C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 _ 50= 3710 - 822 =82 _ MANUAL MANUAL , 32 117190 05/09/88 .10 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 73 117190_ 117190 05/09/88 05%09/88 _ 3_8.15- 11.42 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER AND AND C _ C 50 -3710- 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL _ MANUALi 34 33 117190 05/09/88 7.09- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 35 _ 117190 05_/09/88 1.19- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 37 117190 05%09/88 11.62- GRIGGS COOPER AND C SO- 371.4342 =$4 _ _ ---MANUAL---. 78 117190 05/09/88 9.54- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 3° 1.17190 117190 05/09/88 05/09/88 20.56- - 7.14- GRIGGS COOPER -- - -- - -- -- GRIGGS CO- DPER AND - - -- -- AND C -- C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -3710- 842-84 MANUAL MANUAL - 4O 41 117190 05/09/88 4.39- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL '2 117190 117190 05/09/88 05/09/88 75.58- 14.88- GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER AND AND C C 50 -3710- 842 -84 _ 50- 3710 -87i8� _MANUAL MANUAL 43 44 117190 05/09/88 8.31- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 43 117190 117190 05/09/88 09/09/88 _55_67_- 22.84- GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER AND _ AND C C50- _ 50- 3710- 862 -86 ___ _ _ 3710- 862 -86 �� ____ MANUAL •__ -MANUAL ­' 46 47 117190 05/09/88 571.00 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 48 117190 05/09/88 1,907.61 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626 - 822-82 MANUAL , 40 117190 05/09/88 571.00 GRIGGS COOPER AND,C 50 =462 R _ - - MANUAL 00 117190 05/09/88 571.00- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 71 117190 117190 05/09/88 05/09/88 3,778_.94 356.80 GRIGGS COOPER COOR GRIGGS PE AND AND C C 50- 4626- 842 -84 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL _ MANUALS MANUAL °2 33 117190 05/09/88 1,027.80 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 04 117190 05/09/88 1,142.00 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL � 35 117190 05/09/88 2,783.66 GRIGGS COOPER AND C s­o----4-6- 9- 6-= "6-L5-=8V- MANUAL S° 117190 05/09/88 455.92 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 88 CITY OF EDINA CHECK h. _STER 04 -30 -8E GE 12 HECK N0. V DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. M MESSAGE 7190 05/09/88 17.49- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 3 1 17190 _ __ - 05/09/88.___.__ ___ _59.48_ - __ - -- GRIGG$COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ' 117190 05/09/88 10.39- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ' 117190 05/09/88 1,132.23 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ° 117190 05/_09/88 354.40 GRIGGS COOPER _ _ 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL ' 117190 05/09/88 477.20 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ° 117190 05/09/88 219.50 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL _GRI.GGS COOPER AND .0 _ __— _-- ___ -50 -4628- 842 -84_ -- MANUAL___' 10 117190 05/09/88 744.19 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4628- 862 -86 - MANUAL it i 117190 05/09/88 415.66 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 12 15,659.73 + r t4 I° +ei +++ 117285 05/09/88 43.50- JOHNSON WINE 50 -3700- 842 -84 + ++ -CKS MANUAL 16 17 117285 05/09/88 42.91- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL ° 117285 117285 05/09/88 05/09/88 412.06- 78.13- JOHNSON JOHNSON _WINE_ WINE _ 50- 3700 - 84_2 -84 50 -3T -00- 862 -86 _ MANUAL MANUAL ° 20 117285 05/09/88 42.00— JOHNSON WINE 50- 3700- 862 -86 MANUAL 21 117285 117285 05/09/88 05/09/88 227.61— — .97— _JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 3700 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL___; MANUAL 12 23 117285 05/09/88 2.50— JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 24 _117285 117285 05/09/88 05/09/88 21.04— 7.16— JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 2' 26 117285 05/09/88 97.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 2' _. 117285.__ —_- 05/09/88- .,_------ ----- - -_._97 �' JOHNSON_WINE ____ - - - -_— 50- 3710- 822-82 MANUAL 2B 117285 05/09/88 97.00- JOHNSON WINE -- _- 50 -3710- 822 -82 __-- _ ...... ......... MANUAL 29 117285 05/09/88 7.05- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 30 117285 117,285 05/09/88 05/09/88 9.30 9.30- JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL MANUAL 31 32 117285 05/09/88 2.38 JOHNSON WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 3_' 117285- 05/09/88_ _11.3.05— __JOHNSON_. WINE -_� —_ _— _ -- _ _ 50- 3710- 842- 84 MANUAL 3' 117285 05/09/88 9.30— JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL 37 117285 05/09/88 4.44— JOHNSON WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 36 117285 117285 05_/09/88 05/09/88 _9_._64- 91.24- JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 -50 -3 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 3' 'O 117285 05/09/88 2.74— JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 39 11.7285 117285 05/09/88 05/09/88 — 4.38 1,051.93 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE _ 50 -4626- 822 -82 50- 4626 - 822 -82 — _ — MANUAL_ MANUAL — .0 41 117285 05/09/88 .00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 42 11728_5 117285 05/09/88 05/09/88 33.60 .00 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE_ WINE 50 —_ 4_626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 842 -84 _ ______MANUAL - MANUAL 43 117285 05/09/88 5,653.58 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 43 1_L7.2.85 117285 QS/0�/88 05/09/88 00 .00 JOHNSON JOHNSON DINE WINE _ _ 50- 4_626- 842 -8_4 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL u MANUAL 46 47 117285 05/09/88 4,561.25 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 4a 117285 05/09/88 .00 JOHNSON WINE 50- -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL_! 49 117285 05/09/88 21.35 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 70 117285 05/09/88 .00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 71 17.285— 117285 05/09/88 05/09/88 6.12- 6.12- JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE _ WINE —_ —_ _ 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL____; MANUAL 52 33 117285 05/09/88 250.58 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 74 11728_5 05/09/88 6.12- JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL I 00 117285 05/09/88 2.80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 _ MANUAL 66 s7 117285 05/09/88 6.12 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL r- - - - -- ---- -- - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - --- - - - �- 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 04 -30 -88 PAGE 13 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE �►- i'�117285 MANUAL 1 05/09/88 15.40 JOHNSON WINE MANUAL 117451 117285 05/09/88 717.07 _ JOHNSON WINE __ _ 50- 4628 - 842 -84 117285 05/09/88 705.75 JOHNSON WINE I'I MANUAL 117285 05/09/88 9.45 JOHNSON WINE "' 117451 117285 05/09/88 _ 8.75 JOHNSON WINE - 50- 4628- 842 -84 117285 05/09/88 _ 443.51 JOHNSON WINE ti+- MANUAL 05/09/88 05/09/88 930.67- JOHNSON WINE I' X117285 117285 05/09/88 -__ -_ _._ 8.7S JOHNSON WINE MANUAL 10- 4156 - 510 -51 117285 05/09/88 8.75 JOHNSON WINE SO- 3710- 842 -84 117285 05/09/88 05/09/88 JOHNSON WINE WINE -- - - _- "_ -_ - -- — - - - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - - -- --- 117285 05/09/88 .930.67 — — 8.75- JOHNSON WINE — QUALITY WINE 117285 05/09/88 930.67 JOHNSON WINE " QUALITY QUALITY 117285 05/09/88 21.82- JOHNSON WINE 05/09/88 6.45- 117285 05/09/88 2.80 JOHNSON WINE X61 -� 05/09/88 _ 117285 05/09/88 _. -- 20.65 JOHNSON -... - ---- - - - - -- - WINE " 117451_ 117285 05/09/88 273.58 JOHNSON WINE °— _1 -- 17285 -- 05/09/88 - - -- 965.97 JOHNSON WINE _ 50- 3710- 862 -86 - - -- — _ _ -__- 14,537.71 - � - - - - - -- -- WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 111.7451 05/09/88 _._ 1 , 679. 90 __— _ QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 117451 05/09/88 88.77 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 117451 05/09/88 3,908.67 117415 04/28/88 9,739.08 MED CENTER HOSP 1174SI 05/09/88 - _3,893.70 _ 9,739.08 WINE 4626- 862 -86 117451 05/09/88 208.28 QUALITY — -_ _ _ -- WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 1 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL <: 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 117451 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL QUALITY 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL __ _ 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL -- _ 2.08- 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50 -3710- 822 -82 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 05/09/88 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL WINE_ - - -T SO- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 117451 50- 4628- 842 -84 'MANUAL QUALITY _ _ _ SO- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL - 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 33.60- 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 05/09/88 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL _ _ WINE SO-4628-86e-86 MANUAL — 117451 05/09/88 .18 QUALITY - - - - - -- - - srs -CKS MANUAL 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUAL _05/09/88 1.60 -- sr• -CKS j `` 117451 04/28/88 .51 QUALITY WINE DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 003 -00 -vor�zD 117451 04/28/88 1.02- QUALITY WINE CORRECTION 50- 3710 - 003 -00 __ 117451_ 05/09/88 -- _ 2.08- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 I''; 117451 05/09/88 .69- QUALITY WINE_ - - -T - 8!' 117451 05/09/88 1.16- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 117451_ 05/09/88 _ 33.60- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 _ MANUAL 117451 05/09/88 3.80- QUALITY _ _ WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 'I 117451 05/09/88 .18 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL -- _117451 - _05/09/88 1.60 -- QUALITY WINE SO- 3710- 842 -84 ' 117451 05/09/88 — 1.78- _ QUALITY WINE -- - - _- "_ -_ - -- — - - - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - - -- --- OW2, T�__ 117451 05/09/88 .92- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 117451 _ 05/09/88 _ -, _- _ _ 78.17- QUALITY QUALITY WINE _ — 50 -3710- 842 -84 117451 05/09/88 6.45- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 Ib. "I 117451 05/09/88 2.08- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 " 117451_ 05/09/88 — -- 77.85- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 ' 117451 05/09/88 1.03- QUALITY WINE ,- _ 50- 3710- 862 -86 117451 05/09/88 2.08- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 111.7451 05/09/88 _._ 1 , 679. 90 __— _ QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 117451 05/09/88 88.77 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 117451 05/09/88 3,908.67 QUALITY WINE SO- 4626- 842 -84 1174SI 05/09/88 - _3,893.70 QUALITY WINE 4626- 862 -86 117451 05/09/88 208.28 QUALITY — -_ _ _ -- WINE _ -50- 50- 4628- 822 -82 -_ — 117451 05/09/88 379.60 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 117451 05/09/88 68.85 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 z 117451 05/09/88 18.20- QUALITY WINE - - -_- - - - _ - -- - 50 -4628- 822 -82 "I 117451 05/09/88 115.65 QUALITY WINE SO- 4628- 822 -82 54 117451 05/09/8_8 208.28 WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 117451 05%09/88 160.00 _QUALITY QUALITY WINE — 50 -4628= 842 -84 0,6 117451 05/09/88 91.80 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 E MANUAL MANUAL J MANUAL MANUAL - MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL do MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL I MANUAL_ ,I _ MANUAL MANUAL r I 1988 C, . OF EDINA CHECK STER 04 -30 -8E GE 14 - CHECK_ NO__DATE_— . AMOUNT_ _ _. -__ - VENDOR TI-TEM DESCRIPTION -- ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. M MESSAGE - , •�'! 117451 05/09/88 643.15 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL -- - 117451 05/09/88 102.95 QUALITY WINE -.. _ _. _ -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 117451 05/09/88 208.28 QUALITY WINE _. _ .50 _ 50 -4628- 862 -86 _ _ MANUAL o. 117451 04/28/88 51.48 QUALITY WINE INVENTORY 50 -4632- 862 -86 MANUAL• -- - - -- - - 11,577.S4 + sw.r **v rrr -CKS ' 117701 04/28/88 105.10 FRANK WELLMAN HOSP 10- 4156- 510 -51 MANUAL 105.10 r 117702 04/28/88 23.32 MARCELLA DAEHN CONTAINERS 10 -4504- 180 -18 'MANUAL 23.32 + '� - - - -- - - - - - -- - ---- -- - - - - -- ------ - -- - -- 117901 04/2-9/88 -_ _ -_ 125.00 - POSTMASTER - - -- - - - - - -- - - - STAMPS 10 -4802- 611 -61 MANUAL 125.00 -- _ r ** -CKS „ I 118700 04/28/88 100.00 SUSAN WOHLROBE MEETING EXPENSE 10- 4206 - 140 -14 MANUAL - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- 100.00 s * * * -CK S E 119091 05/12/88 15.000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 50 1010 000 00 j9091 � 05/12/88 15,000.00- CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER - 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 4W j9091 05/12/88 150,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 119091 _ - 05/12/88 150,000.00- _ _ -CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL-,TRANSFER 50 -1010- 000 -00 MANUAL • r sss**s *** -CKS • `119442 05/12/88 22,023.63 PERA CONT TO PERA 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL - - - _ -- 22,023.63 + • . srs -CKS • 119506 05/12/88 13,244.28- FIDELITY BANK CORRECTION 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL •;', 119506 05/12/88 13,224.28 FIDELITY BANK CONT FICA 10- 4149- 510 -51 MANUAL 119506 05/12/88 13,244.28 FIDELITY BANK CONT TO FICA 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL • 119506 05/12/88 350.84 FIDELITY BANK CONT TO MEDICARE 10- 4162- 510 -51 _ _ MANUAL wf" 13,575.12 r *** -CKS 120368 -- - ` 2,443.12 MUTUAL LIFE - — LIFE INSURANCE -- 10- 4158 - 510 -51 MANUAL 2,443.12 + - - - - - — - - -- - - - -- -- , w *ss**s •!', 124135 05/12/88 37.19 EAGLE, WINE INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL 124135 05/12/88 - 48.26 „ " - -- - -_ -- -_ - -- INVENTORY - 50- 4632- 842 -84 MANUAL 85.45 + -- - -- -- . _.._____.__.._- _... —__ _.- - -- - -- - ----- •------ - - - - -- *ss -CKS ' 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 04 -30 -88 PAGE 15 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. N MESSAGE z a• 46 �e 47 46 47 �9 50 91 .z pv 53 54 55 56 57 50 -1010- 000 -00 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710- 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 SO -3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 56- 3716 - 662 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4626- 822 -82 50 -4686- 842 -84 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626_- 842 -84 50- 4626- 862 786 50- 4626- 862 -86 50 -4628- 822 -82 50 -4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 822 -82 50 -4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628 - 862 =$6 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4632- 862 -86 124190 05/09/88 9.53 —' GRIGG3 COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 124190___ ___ ' 124138 - -.- ___ -- OS/ 12/88- -___: _ ____ " ^" -�- ��o_q-v�__-- _:CI -TY-OF EDHVACORRECTION._ C 50- 3710- 822 -82 <�_. 124138 05/09/88 4.10- ED PHILLIPS tv 5 124138 05/09/88 .82- ED PHILLIPS C 50- 3710- 822 -82 6� _ 124138 05/09/88 GRIGGS ED PHILLIPS C 50- 3710- 822 -82 7� 124138 05/09/88 4.92— _ ED _ PHILLIPS` tp °j 124138 05/09/88 3.41— ED PHILLIPS C 50- 3710- 842 —S4 1.241.90 124138. 1,00.66 -__ - 3.90— ED PHILLIPS___ 50- 3710 - 842 -84 ° 124138 05/09/88 73.11— ED PHILLIPS — _ _— _ _ C 50- 3710- 842 -84 " 124138 05/09/88 73.11 ED PHILLIPS C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 z 124_138 _05/09/88 3.29— ED__P_HILLIPS_ AND C 50- 3710- 842 -84 " 124138 05/09/88 __ 73.11— ED PHILLIPS - - - - -- —� -- _ C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 141 124138 05/09/88 71.39- ED PHILLIPS C 50- 3710- 842 -84 15I -- 12413805/09 /88 .78- - -_ _ ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 842 -84 124190 124138 05/09/88 11.49- ED PHILLIPS — G 71 124138 05/09/88 38.75- ED PHILLIPS C SO- 3710 - 862 -86 B 12_4138 05/_09/88 2,142.06 ED PHILLIPS C 50- 371.0- 862 -86 dt 124138 05/09/88 _ 3,655.53 ED PHILLIPS —^ �T C 50 =3710= 862 -8b 124190 124138 05/09/88 3,655.53- ED PHILLIPS C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 211 1241.38_ —_ 05/09/88 72 124138 05/09/88 3,569.82 ED — u PHILLIPS 2.3 124138 05/09/88 1,937.87 ED PHILLIPS :4I 124138 05/09/88 410.40 ED PHILLIPS__ 124138 05/09/88 492.60 ED PHILLIPS ytg 261 124138 05/09/88 82.60 ED PHILLIPS 271 -_ 124138 05/09/88 341.75ED PHILLIPS zv 124138 05/09/88 329.20 ED PHILLIPS - W z' 124138 05/09/88 390.25 ED PHILLIPS 30, - - 124138 - - -- - - -- 05/09/88 78.00 ED PHILLIPS 124138 - - 05/12/88 - - - - 375.86 - -- ED _ PHILLIPS INVENTORY !m' =t 124138 05/09/88 1,149.00 ED PHILLIPS "i 24138 _ 05/12/88 _ — -_ _ _42.82 - ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 41 _.- .,= _. ^.b -t 14,738.96 _. z a• 46 �e 47 46 47 �9 50 91 .z pv 53 54 55 56 57 50 -1010- 000 -00 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710- 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 SO -3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 56- 3716 - 662 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4626- 822 -82 50 -4686- 842 -84 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626_- 842 -84 50- 4626- 862 786 50- 4626- 862 -86 50 -4628- 822 -82 50 -4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 822 -82 50 -4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628 - 862 =$6 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4632- 862 -86 124190 05/09/88 9.53 —' GRIGG3 COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 124190___ ___ 05/09/88 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 822 -82 124190 05/09/88 6.27— GRIGGS COOPER AND _ C — 50- 3710 - 822 -82 124190 05/09/88 58.07 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 822 -82 124190 05/09/88 49.47— GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 822 -82 124190 05/09/88 _ 50 -3710= 822 -82 124190 05/09/88 7.76 —' GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 842 —S4 1.241.90 05/09/88 1,00.66 -__ - -- GRIGGS COOPER AND_C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 124190 05/09/88 13.05— GRIGGS COOPER AND _ _— _ _ C 50- 3710- 842 -84 124190 05/09/88 13.05— GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 124190 05/09/88 6.27 -1 GR_IGG3 COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 842 -84 124190 05/09/88 13.05' GRIGGS COOPER AND _ C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 124190 05/09/88 13.05° GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 842 -84 12419005/09 /88_— 13.05____- GRIGG3_ COOPER_ AND 50 -3710- 842 -84 124190 05/09/88 99.07 —' GRIGGS COOPER AND _C_ 4 C 50- 3710- 862 -86 124190 05/09/88 62.14 — GRIGGS COOPER AND C SO- 3710 - 862 -86 124190 05/09/88 62.14 . GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 371.0- 862 -86 124190 05%09/88 4.25 -4 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 =3710= 862 -8b 124190 05/09/88 62.14- • GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL _ 4 MANUAL MANUAL -MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL • MANUAL MANUAL JtANUAL ; ' • -'MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL__ MANUAL MANUAL- MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL__ MANUAL MANUAL • MANUAL t�• —CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL t MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ -- MANUAL t MANUAL E MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL r -3 ka # # ## ' 27I 124203 05/12/88 36.49 JUDY LAUFENBURGER kkkk #k MEETING 10- 4206 - 160_16 �'" 1988 CITY OF EDINA 24.00 - CHECK 3TER 10 -4201- 642 -64 04 -30 -81 AGE 16 I _12420305/12/88 _ CHECK NO. _ JUDY AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. M MESSAGE 05/12/88 45.00 ' LAUFENBURGER _ CONT EDUC _DATE "i 124203 05/12/88 -- _ _ITEM _ LAUFENBURGER PARKING 10- 4206 - 140 -14 124190 05/09/88 6.27 -+ GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 124203 05/12/88 9.80 _ 124190 05/09/88 .__ 11.23- GRIGGS COOPER AND C _ _ _ SO -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL � MILEAGE 10 -4208- 160 -16 124190 05/09/88 2,473.44 1 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 124203 05/12/88 2.70 124190 05/09/88 313.43' GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL JUDY LAUFENBURGER PARTS 10- 4504 - 280 -26 124190 ._- 5,032.88 -y _ GRIGGS COOPER AND C _ 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL_^ 124203 05/12/88 124190 05/09/88 313.43• GRIGGS COOPER AND - -- - -- C - -- SO- 4626 - 842 -84 _ _ _ MANUAL 20.00 JUDY ° SUPPLIES 1 24 1 90 05/09/88 4,953.42' GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 10- 4504 - 627 -62 40 I 124203 124190 _ -_ 05/09/88.__ 313.43 _ _ GRIGGS .COOPER AND C 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL • „ .40 °r 124190 05/09/88 2,903.50 - GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4628- 822 -82 __ MANUAL LAUFENBURGERSUPP.LIE__3_ �''L 10- 4506 - 140 -14 124190 05/09/88 2,903.50, GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ' "`I 124203 124190 0.5/09/88 476.63_ GRIGGS COOPER AND-C- 4_628- 822 -82 ,'MANUAL 05/12/88 = 124190 05/09/88 2,903.50' GRIGGS COOPER AND ____SO- C 50-4628-822-82 ____ _ 'MANUAL LAUNFENBURGER SUPPLIES 141 ,\124190 05/09/88 652.32 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 6 0 12419Q. ___ ___ 05/09/88 _ 388.01 . GRIGGS - ,COOPER AND C 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL `124190 05/09/88 652.32 -' GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL ,124190 05/09/88 652.32 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 124190 -_____ 05/09/88 __- 10.14 -' GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 124190 05/09/88 652.32- GRIGGS COOPER AND C _ SO- 4628- 842 -84 _ _ - MANUAL _,• `•_; 124190 05/09/88 6S2.32 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 124190_ ___ 05/09/88 ___._______ 212.64 ' -- -- GRIGGS - COOPER AND C - _ 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL '� 124190 05/09/88 3,106.92• GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 862 -86 _ MANUAL =' 124190 05/09/88 3,106.92 -• GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL i4 -- 124190 - - -- - 05/09/88 -- -- -- -- - - -- 561.49 GRIGGS - COOPER AND C SO -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL _ -, 124190 05109/88 3,106.92 GRIGGS COOPER ANO C 50- 4628 - 862 -86 _ _ MANUAL 21,2S7.36 k -3 ka # # ## ' 27I 124203 05/12/88 36.49 JUDY LAUFENBURGER kkkk #k MEETING 10- 4206 - 160_16 �'" 124203 05/12/88 24.00 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SERVICES 10 -4201- 642 -64 _- _12420305/12/88 _ _ 10.00 _ JUDY LAUFENBURGER MEETING 10 -4202- 120 -12 124203 05/12/88 45.00 JUDY LAUFENBURGER _ CONT EDUC 10 -4202- 600 -60 "i 124203 05/12/88 4.25 JUDY LAUFENBURGER PARKING 10- 4206 - 140 -14 124.203_____.._05 /12/88 -___ _ _ _6.00 -JUDY_ LAUFENBURGER MEETING 10 -4206- 200 -20 124203 05/12/88 9.80 JUDY LAUFENBURGER MEETING _ 10- 4206 - 260 -26 • f1 124203 05/12/88 2.70 JUDY LAUFENBURGER MILEAGE 10 -4208- 160 -16 42'12420_3 0_5/_12/88_ 17.41 JUDY LAUFENBURGER 10- 4208 - 500 -50_ 124203 05/12/88 2.70 JUDY LAUFENBURGER _MILEAGE MILEAGE 10 -4208- 600 -60 ,,44 124203 05/12/88 15.85 JUDY LAUFENBURGER PARTS 10- 4504 - 280 -26 ._- 124203 ..__.__ _- 05/12/88_ -_ _,- _ -____ 2.85 JUDY LAUFENBURGER _- _ SUPPLIES.__._ 10- 4504 - 490 -49 124203 05/12/88 3.95 JUDY LAUFENBURGER -_ SUPPLIES _ _ 10- 4504 - 600 -60 `.S7I 124203 05/12/88 20.00 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 624 -62 49 124203 05/12/88 7.85 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 627 -62 40 I 124203 05/12/88 7.15 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 646 -64 124203 05/12/88 .40 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 780 -78 1- 24203__ - 05/12/88 - 15.00 LAUFENBURGERSUPP.LIE__3_ - 10- 4506 - 140 -14 '2 124203 05/12/88 2.39 JUDY LLAUNFENBURGER -_- PHOTO- _ 10- 4508 - 627 -62 r33I 124203 05/12/88 4.79 JUDY LAUFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 520 -52 34' 124203 05/12/88 JUDY LAUNFENBURGER SUPPLIES 10- 4604- 260 -26 ' 124203 05/12/88 _11.96 10.69 JUDY LAUNFENBURGER SUPPLIES 28- 4504 - 702 -70 x,56 37 124203 05/12/88 5.74 JUDY LAUNFENBURGER SUPPLIES 29- 4504 - 722 -72 ' kkk -CKS MANUAL 1� kka -CKS MANUAL MANUAL -- MANUAL - MANUAL MANUAL_ MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 1 11' MANUAL 4 MANUAL MANUAL '1 -4 or -- 3'1 124451 05/09/88 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR TEM_DESCRIPTION 04 -30 -88 PAGE 17 ACCOUNT NO. INV. -N P.O. M MESSAGE -- - -- - - - - - - ii* -CKS 1988 CITY OF EDINA _ _ 50- 3700 - 822 -82 _ MANUAL _ JOHNSON W WINE 5 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT WINE 5 50 -3700- 822 -82 M 230.68 i JOHNSON_ W WINE ` `- _ _ - t � JOHNSON W WINE 5 _ 5 124285_ 05/09/88 231.66 - 124285 - 05/09/88 20.44 - t, nl 124285 05/09/88 136.30 - ° 124285 _ 05/09/88 . _ 7. 50- MANUAL 124285 05/09/88 12.90- !_ " 124285 05/09/88 12.42 - _ 124285 05/09/88 4.08- WINE 5 124285 05/09/88 _ - 8.32 - " 124285 05/09/88 10.43- 61 124285. - - _ 05/09/88_ _ _. 57.89 -_ -__ MANUAL_ 124285 05/09/88 97.45 - _ _ 5 124285 05/09/88 97.45 II 124285 05/_09/88 6.2.14 WINE 5 50- 3710 - 862 -86 _ 10.88- - -- tizo! 124285 05/09/88 97.45 - �1 - 124285 _ 05/09/88_ -_ 13.15 = MANUAL 124285 05/09/88 62.14- , 124285 05/09/88 .00 r L ?° 12_4_28_5 _05/_09/88 2_.10_ r 124285 05/09/88 .00 Y 124285 05/09/88 .00 MANUAL 124285- - _ _ 05/09/88 621 .06 -' 124285 _ _._ _ 05/09/88 2,893.82 Z' 124285 05/09/88 12.60 -- 124285_ -- 05/09/88_ MANUAL J ='r 124285 0509/88 _18.55 _ 4,872.21- 'I 124285 05/09/88 18.55 50- 4626- 862 -86 M 124285 05/09/88 - -� -- 18.55 - l''� 124285 05/09/88 4,872.21 - - t 124285 05/09/88 4,872.21 ___1242_85 ° WINE 5 05/09/88 1 , 291 .23 MANUAL 124285 05/09/88 -_- 749.03 124285 05/09/88 15.75 24285_ -____ 05/09/88._____ - "_ -_ _ 13._65 124285 05/09/88 - -__ 408.45 124285 05/09/88 832.44 124285 -- 05/09/88 5.25 ''- 124285` 05%09/88 _ _ 19.95 ' ^I 124285 05/09/88 8.75 5 124285. 05/09/88 1, 042.78 _ -_ -_ 124285 05/09/88 3,106.92 124285 05/09/88 1,086.33 40 12428505_/09_ /88 12.60 4' 124285 05/09/88 1,316.01 124285 05/09/88 20.30 "I 124285 _ -_ 05/09/88 - -- 3,106_92 - e2 l 14, 610.-44 '1 -4 or -- 3'1 124451 05/09/88 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR TEM_DESCRIPTION 04 -30 -88 PAGE 17 ACCOUNT NO. INV. -N P.O. M MESSAGE _ JOHNSON WINE_ ___50- 4628 - 822 -82 _ _ MANUAL JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL _ JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL JOHNSON -- WINE -- 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ MANUAL JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL JOHNSON _WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL _ JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 =84 _ _ -- MANUAL JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL JOHNSON-WINE- _ - -_ -- _ - -- ._.50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL JOHNSON WINE _50- 4628- 862 -86 _ MANUAL JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 _ _ MANUAL _ JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL GRIGGS -COOPER-- AND C _ __- - _50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 3.78- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 iii -CKS MANUAL / E d 14 -- - -- - - - - - - ii* -CKS JOHNSON W WINE _ _ 50- 3700 - 822 -82 _ MANUAL _ JOHNSON W WINE 5 _ 5 _ JOHNSON W WINE 5 50 -3700- 822 -82 M MANUAL JOHNSON_ W WINE ` `- _ _ _ _ MANUAL _ JOHNSON W WINE 5 _ 5 _ JOHNSON W WINE 5 50 -3710- 822 -82 A AANUAL JOHNSON W WINE _- S 50- 3710- 842 -84 _ 'MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE _ _ MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE 5 50- 3710 - 842 -84 M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE _ -- - 50- 3710- 842 -84 M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE 5 -- 5 MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE 5 50- 3710- 862 -86 M MANUAL GRIGGS COOPER A AND C _ 50- 3710 - 862 -86 _ MANUAL_ JOHNSON W WINE - - 5 _ _ 5 _ M JOHNSON W WINE 5 50 -3710- 862 -86 M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE 5 50- 3710 - 862 -86 _ MANUAL GRIGGS COOPER A ANIF C 5 _ M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE 5 50- 4626- 822 -82 M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE _ 50- 4626- 822 -82 _ MANUAL _ JOHNSON W WINE 5 _ 5 _ JOHNSON W WINE 5 50- 4626- 822 -82 M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE 5 - - - - -- -- - - 50- 4626- 822 -82 M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE - - - - - - 50- 4626- 842 -84 -" - M MANUAL -- -- JOHNSON W WINE 5 50- 4626- 842 -84 M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE 5 50- 4626- 862 -86 M MANUAL J JOHNSON W WINE - ------ ___T -_ - - - - -- - -- 50- 4626 - 862 -86 - - -- - -_ -- - MANUAL- JOHNSON JOHNSON W WINE 5 50- 4626- 862 -86 M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE 5 50- 4626- 862 -86 M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE 50 -4626- 862 -86 - M MANUAL JOHNSON W WINE 5 50- 4626- 862 -86 M MANUAL 3.78- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 iii -CKS MANUAL / E d 14 1988 C,.. OF EDINA CHECK STER 04 -30 -8t 1GE 18 CHECK NO. DATE - .._ -_. _ _ AMOUNT_ _ _ VENDOR - ITEM DESCRIPTION _- ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE ! 124451 OS/09/88 17.57- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL j 124451 05/09/88 _ - _ 28.04 -- _ QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 1 1244S1 05/09/88 55.91 QUALITY WINE _ 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 .43 QUALITY WINE 50- 37.10- 842 -84 MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 - 55.91- - - QUALITY WINE - - 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 124451 05%09/88 1 .39 QUALITY WINE - - - - -- - -- - 50 -3710- 842 -84 - -- - -- MANUAL - `; 124451 05/09/88 7.26- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 124451 - .- 05/09/88 __.._._... _ 3.00- _ -- QUALITY WINE - - -_ - -- _ -_ SO-3710-842-84 MANUAL " 124451 05/09/88 19.37- QUALITY WINE _ _ _ _ _ _ 50- 3710 - 842 -64 MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 S5.91- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 tANUAL 124451 05/09/88 _- 67.65- - QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 ,MANUAL i 124451 05/09/88 3.44- QUALITY WINE -_ _ - -_- - - -- - - - _ _ SO- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 7.24- QUALITY WINE SO- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 124451 - _. 05/09/88 _ -_ 1 , 401 .27. QUALITY WINE . _ _ 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL ' 124451 05/09/88 2,795.73 QUALITY WINE _ 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 69.38- QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 124451 --- - - - 05/09/88 _ - -- - -- - _ -- 2,795.73 - - QUALITY WINE MANUAL � 124451 05/09/88 2,795.73- QUALITY WINE - - -- - - -- _ 50- 4626 - 842 -84 �� MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 3,382.19 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 124451 05/09/88__ _- _ 377.S0­-- WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 _ MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 1,754.40 QUALITY WINE SO- 4628 - 622 -82 MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 1,934.40 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL __- 124451 - 05/09/88 _ _ - _ 725.75 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL 124451 05/04/88 299.75 QUALITY WINE _ 50- 4628 - 642 -84 MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 43.25- QUALITY WINE SO- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 722.40 . _ QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 _ MANUAL 124451 05/09/88 344.10 QUALITY WINE _ 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 13, 413.42 • •trts�s •MM -CKS 205,028.16 FUND 10 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1, 134.61 . FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER 124.72 FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND 4,129.63 FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND - - -- - - -- - -- - -- 7, 097.28 - FUND_28 TOTAL -- - - RECREATION CENTER - -- - __ Handtyped checks Vs 84843 520.18 FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND _. 11,224.78 FUND 30 TOTAL EDINBOROUGH PARK 84902 22,566.54 __ - -_ FUND 40- TOTAL - -_ _ UTILITY FUND " 253,916.73 FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 505,742.63 - - - - - TOTAL -- ------- - - - - -- - - -- - -- APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. - -- - - — CHECK REGISTER DATED�� PAGES rg -- r! - - - - - -- - - ' - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- CITY MANAGER 7 Tg' - i�: i- . DIRECTOR – 1 06201/88 32.99 ALTERNATOR REBUILD CONT REPAIR S -10- 4248 - 560 -56 158013 06/01/88 85.52 1988 CITY OF EDINA SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 440 -44 CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 1 5.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- S60 -56 4352 c a 158013 06/01/88 "0-------ALT ER NAT OR-R EB U I LD REPAIR-PART 0 540= 560 =56- 1545- CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR_ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO._INV. M P.O. 0 MESSAGE 10 -4540- 560 -56 4770 158013 05/23/88 45.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD _ 10- 4540-560 -56 11452 E a 158013 4z 369.95 101010 05/31/88 108.97 AUTO MACHINE SUPPLY 104SO46.4664 10-4504 - 646 -64 158013 z 73.80 I3 REBUILD SUPPLIES _ 108.97 �7 158013 05/23/88 223.9S ALTERNATOR REBUILD TOOLS 40- 4580 - 801 -80 4 ° ssssss 158013 05 /23/88 6-6-7Ob RNATOR- REBUTL-D- -TD sss -CKS 5 ° 7 158002 16= 4256 - 510 =51- -- - - -- -- - -'� 05%311%88 �0- 88�i'f- 6 -f - -1- - TELEPHONE °I 158002 05/31/88 2.71 AT d T TELEPHONE 10- 4256- 628 -62 s 158002 05/20/88 8.30 AT d T TELEPHONE 23 -4256- 612 -61 _ 158002 05/31/88 45.54 AT 6 T _ - _ TELEPHONE _ _ 27- 4256 - 662 -66 131 .� 158002 05/31/88 18.33 AT d T TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 664 -66 •`I4 "i 158002 05/31%88 5_.20 AT d T TELEPHONE 28- 4256 - 702 -70 I,3 158002 OS %31 /88 59 AT & T- TELEPHONE-- 29 =d25b= 722= 72----- - - - - -- - -- --- "--- "- - -',7I `y <; 158002 05/31/88 102.30 AT d T TELEPHONE 30- 4256 - 782 -78 of 4 223.85 s `y; 158003 06/01/88 67.30 ALBINSON SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 468471 �1I �+0I- 158003 05/20/88 5.85 ALBINSON BLUE PRINTING 10- 4570 - 260 -26 1 3I 73.15 s - -- - -- -- 158004 05/31/88 43.62 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 440 -44 =7) ° ^' 22 158004 05/31/88 48.89 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY _ - -- '10 -4262- 440 -44 - -- - - V 2, 158004 05/20/88 31.09 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDDRY 10- 4262- 482 -48 T'I 1241 158004 05/31/88 70.39 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 30- 4262 - 782-78 31I. I, 158004 05%20%88 25.42 -- AMERICAN- LINEN-- �AUNDR 50= 4262- 821= 82------ - - - - -- - - - - -- �y0 158004 06/01/88 15.29 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262 - 821 -82 ,41 19.12 AMERICAN LINEN__ LAUNDRY 50- 4262 - 841 -84 I. 127 2a _158004 158004 _06/01/88 05%20%88 _ 19.12 _ AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262-841 -84 C=ol 158004 OS/20/88, 24.60 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50-4262- 861 -86 �:''C 158004 06/01/88 25.05 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50 -4262- 861 -86 `I- I30[ 31; - -- 32.59 s -- - -- ----- - - - - -- -<,I Z' I, ssssss -- -- ------ - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- **IF-,CKS I33I 33I 158006 06/01/88 22.21 AQUA ENGINEERING SUPPLIES - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- -- -- 10 -4SO4- 318 -30 16922 - -- b4, VV 47 42 f4 -5 �5. si 5z ssssss sss -CKS g. 158008 06%01%88 30 73 KAMAN BEAR ING 8 SPLY REPAIR PARTS - 10- 4540 - 560 -5b 158008 05/23/88 21.07 KAMAN BEARING d SPLY REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 801 -80 640461 51.80 •ts• #�M 7 sss -CKS 158013 06201/88 32.99 ALTERNATOR REBUILD CONT REPAIR S -10- 4248 - 560 -56 158013 06/01/88 85.52 ALTERNATOR REBUILD SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 440 -44 1548 158013 06/01/88 5.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- S60 -56 4352 c a 158013 06/01/88 "0-------ALT ER NAT OR-R EB U I LD REPAIR-PART 0 540= 560 =56- 1545- 158013 06/01/88 10.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 4770 158013 05/23/88 45.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540-560 -56 11452 E a 158013 06/01/88 369.95 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR"PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 1549 - 158013 06/01/88 73.80 ALTERNATOR REBUILD SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 1544 �7 158013 05/23/88 223.9S ALTERNATOR REBUILD TOOLS 40- 4580 - 801 -80 1542 158013 05 /23/88 6-6-7Ob RNATOR- REBUTL-D- -TD 40--4580m--80T--8U--154j 1 , 1 S0. 96 • 7 ^1 f 0 4 | vyoe C OF soIwA o*scw I /Tsn oa-oa-ao as e i coscw NO. o*7s AmoVmT vsmoon zTsm osaonIpTzow AouuuwT NO. INV. w P.O. w OS/31/88 89.29 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 10-42S6-SIO-Si 91 I'LIs8ols —Issols OS/31/88 S8.63 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 23-42S6-6le-61 71, 147.92 .1 IS8018 05/31/88 17.20 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 10-4256-628-62 Issols 05/31/88 .10 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 30-4256-782-TS 158026 OS/26/88 4,814.40 BADGER METER INC INV METERS 40-1220-000-00 536711 1580E6 os/e3/88 91628.80 2C 158031 05/26/88 108.24 BERTELSON BROS INC SUPPLIES 10-4SO4-SIO-51 377484 56 osorl-1/88 101.f b I S8031 0 S/31/88 26.24 ERTELSON :ROS INC SUPPLIES 1:-4S:4-S::-S; 379125 158033 06/01/88 16s.so BERGFORD TRUCKING COST OF 65 50-4626-822-82 158033 06/01/88 313.68 BERGFORD TRUCKING COST OF 65 SO-4626-862-86 786.68 -J 15803S 05/20/88 925.50 BOUSTEAD ELECTRIC REPAIRS 40-4248-812-80 230441 Ks 6- IS804i os/eo/as 149.58 BURY & CARLSON INC ASPHALT MIX 10-4S24-301-30 29403 *71 158041 OS/27/88 236 12 SURY-&-CARLSON INC—BLACKTOP-'- 0-;-4S24-;-301-30 -29603 ISS041 IS8041 05/20/88 os/20/88 1,722.71- 1,722.71 BURY & CARLSON INC BURY A CARLSON INC ASPHALT MIX ASPHALT MIX 10-4524-314-30 29403 10-4S24-3i4-30 29403 ,758041 OS/20/88 ALI MIX 1 uz;-4S24--wTV4�3"940.3 |� ' ` - - -- - ' '— - -'--'-----'--- - | 1988 CITY OF su/wA oa-oa-aa pAos o Cosnw NO. o*Ts wmouwT ACCOUNT NO. zmv. w P.O. w msaa*us � |^ "| Isa047 os/eo/oa 5e.01 eL* "| 15e0*7 05/e0/88 11.9s mL* OrrIcs awppLzsa 30-*516-781-78 814761 | !so gL e8s.33 onz ] ^~~.~~ - "! .^/ `^. '-------- wzwm rsnnzw -----` --- nuaazu* RsmovwL :, 15e053 05/31/88 90.98 anw nsp«Ie pAe7e 10-*s*0-s60-s6 68414 � �n n� y 17 1580s4 06/01/ee 25.66 BAT |'* as.aa * 1-11 ~~~~~~ I --/ 158081 06/01/e8 e14.1s uow 4�__ |~ = � �(11 _ ****** 158060 05/a3/88 4?-1.75 AMS snxona nwon*ns cosT OF nn cr-4az4-aas-oa �'1 158060 06/01/8 a 18E.47 AMD oowmoa o«un*cs Iwvsmrnmr zr-*oa4-aas-aa ' `" ***-uuo � 158062 06/01/88 22.68 BRO K WHITE auppLzsn 40-*504-801-80 _ '--_--_- - -_`^.� ***-uwo ^^! ° 158072 os/20/88 79.90 CHA 158072 05/20/88 81.60 CHA 41 16i.so IN PUBLISHING CO ADVERTISING 10-4210-140-14 83169 IN PUBLISHING 83168 3. SAFETY smuIp LAUNDRY 10-*e6e-301-30 ~~ ***-cuS (�} Isaooe os/es/uo 413. 66 n m u oIoT INC uuor OF ouuoa e3-46e*-613-61 158092 05/20/88 *17.30 c u n oIor INC nomr or Gn0000 e3-*6e*-613-61 68613 i-5-60--------o-It'@rozor-INC nnT-or-nn-------------eo-*ae*-a10-a1 tsas --- - -- - ] xsaone ns/ar/oe as** 13 c m o oInr INC uoaT OF mo e3-*6e4n613-61 aooar '} 1,100.74 71 ****~* **p-owa - eoxoom' SAUSAGE ------CnaT-op-uOu e oosuw nsuza7sn e7-*6e4-663-66 ------ oa-oa-aa pAos o vswoun zTsm osaoezprznw ACCOUNT NO. zmv. w P.O. w msaa*us � .. 4| K poo7oue*pxr urrIos aoppLIsa so-*sIa-rwi-To 81*617 ^ K pxqTomoxp*Y OrrIcs awppLzsa 30-*516-781-78 814761 umAw wswwsoY zwu ----'--------' o aupp�zsa �u-�so*-seu-sa --------'-- — -- - " '] .^/ `^. '-------- wzwm rsnnzw -----` --- nuaazu* RsmovwL iw-4eso-6e8-6e ---- -- ----------'-- - - - --''| —' ' - ' snv uAnsxouos nsp«Ie pAe7e 10-*s*0-s60-s6 68414 �] .` " 158060 05/a3/88 4?-1.75 AMS snxona nwon*ns cosT OF nn cr-4az4-aas-oa �'1 158060 06/01/8 a 18E.47 AMD oowmoa o«un*cs Iwvsmrnmr zr-*oa4-aas-aa ' `" ***-uuo � 158062 06/01/88 22.68 BRO K WHITE auppLzsn 40-*504-801-80 _ '--_--_- - -_`^.� ***-uwo ^^! ° 158072 os/20/88 79.90 CHA 158072 05/20/88 81.60 CHA 41 16i.so IN PUBLISHING CO ADVERTISING 10-4210-140-14 83169 IN PUBLISHING 83168 3. SAFETY smuIp LAUNDRY 10-*e6e-301-30 ~~ ***-cuS (�} Isaooe os/es/uo 413. 66 n m u oIoT INC uuor OF ouuoa e3-46e*-613-61 158092 05/20/88 *17.30 c u n oIor INC nomr or Gn0000 e3-*6e*-613-61 68613 i-5-60--------o-It'@rozor-INC nnT-or-nn-------------eo-*ae*-a10-a1 tsas --- - -- - ] xsaone ns/ar/oe as** 13 c m o oInr INC uoaT OF mo e3-*6e4n613-61 aooar '} 1,100.74 71 ****~* **p-owa eoxoom' SAUSAGE ------CnaT-op-uOu e e7-*6e4-663-66 ------ SAFETY smuIp LAUNDRY 10-*e6e-301-30 ~~ ***-cuS (�} Isaooe os/es/uo 413. 66 n m u oIoT INC uuor OF ouuoa e3-46e*-613-61 158092 05/20/88 *17.30 c u n oIor INC nomr or Gn0000 e3-*6e*-613-61 68613 i-5-60--------o-It'@rozor-INC nnT-or-nn-------------eo-*ae*-a10-a1 tsas --- - -- - ] xsaone ns/ar/oe as** 13 c m o oInr INC uoaT OF mo e3-*6e4n613-61 aooar '} 1,100.74 71 ****~* ****~* 1 1988 uir, or sozwA ` | CHECK -NO. _DATE AmVVxn��_ oxsou .'.L;zoTse oo-oa-o. pAos * vsNDon ITEM DESCRIPTION Aouuuwr wV._Imv. w P.O. w msom^os | 15809* os/es/oo _ _1e3.01 _ o«ox nsoIorsn SALES orpIcs oupp�Isu 27-4sI6-661-66 seso*s � . , 123.01 � - - -- - isooyy 06/01/88 237.33 ouoxmAm mnron CO ncpAzn pAnra 10-*540-560-s6 Isnnyn os/31/88 13.00 noa*mAw mnrnn CO REPAIR p«nro e7-45*0-66*-66 31828 158099 os/cv/on . zo.os nuo*nAw nnTnn CO nspAIn pxnro - - ' 27-*540-664-66 316e1 '. vsnoyy ns/ao/nn 112.80 coaxmAw moron CO asp*In pxare 27-4540-66*-66 383.98_____��_____ --------------- |'. isolas 06/01/88 -' --233.95 - msnIr ouppLv - - auppLzso ------ ---- �o-�so*-so�-so 19166 ' 158125 os/az/on *r*.ao msnIr noppLr auppLzsa 10-4so*-365-30 19101 !~' vs8125 os/as/eo *s*.ys msnIr soppLr auppLIsa 10-*50*-365-30 19118 Isa1as------oa/o, ,sn - no'------ msnIr ooppLv o-*so*-**o-** 19166 Isaias os/zn/an 90.30 msnzr aoppLr G nuppLIsn 10-*50*-6c8-6e 19165 Ismizs -- 05/?-0/88 '- *rr.s* msnIr noppLr n noppLzsa 10-4so*-6*s-64 19130 L' 1saxcs osian/ao - 4s1'sh -'- msnIr noppL, - - - --n aupp��so'-------- 10-4so*-6*5-6* 19131 Isaias 06/01/88 272.15 msnIr soppLr cLc«wImn opLr 10-*sI2-540-s* 19167 �----�-oa/o1/88 a'/*s.on msnzr suppLr wsso spawr 10-4566-643-64 19232 . 158125 --'----------437 -as MERIT SUPPLY- 19174 ' 15812s ns/ao,no 400.30 msnzT noppLr cLsamzmG npLLr 28-*51e-702-70 19199 {` /sn/as �06r01/88 --- �yr�s -----'�80.00-'--- nsn�� nopp�r cLsAwzmc soppLIsn e8-*512-702-70 19e19 1581zs 05'20/88 MERIT nuppLr CLEANING opLY '---- - c 28-*sI2-703-70 19161 ' Is8125 vs/ao/na 414.vs MERIT nuppLr suppLIsn 30-4sn*-782-78 19129 ,so`as os/ar/ao 493.25 nsnzT noppLr soppLzsa 30-4504-78e-78 19217 vse'as-----os/ar,nn --'--------497.5*-------/nenz` ooppL, muppLIco� �-oo-«so4-roa-rn 19e00 vse/as 06/01/88 *14.00 MERIT auppLr suppLIso 40-450*-801-80 19201 " 158125 06/01/88 414.00 MERIT soppLr suppLzss 40-*504-801-80 19173 ~ | 11s8136 os,ar/on 9's79.00 EARL r «wosnunw 158136 os/as/aw ,r+.00 EARL p «wosnnow `| isoi36----0s/e3/no 441.80 EARL r owosnnow �-- 10'ese.00 ~ .. A/o omppLIsn -ozowo puoro-- - isoi*3 os/e6/88 196.76 saozcx axxIwo CO cLs«mIwu npLY |^' 158143 --- os/uo/oo--- ----'14e.ss- ----cmnox oxxIwo CO ----'---SUPPLIES- 158143 06/01/88 *98.41 smaInx eAxIwo CO IwvswToaY 837.se * | oo/o1/oo---'--' 1581so 06/01/e8 ` `-''---- ---'-------- 10-1139-000-00 ryooa 10-*sn4-33s-30 79116 -- lo-4s*2-3e5-30 7913* ***-owa _ _ ------'------' ***-cxw er-w*Ie-aos-oa e7-*61e-663-66 e7-46e*-663-66 - 1s.os-----'sLcoTnowIu osmTse - — nspxIn pAnTa----'- — 10-*540-330-30 30.68 cLsurnomzn usmrsn nsp«Ie pAnro 10-*s+0-330-30 *s.rs * --''- � ***-uxn ***-Cxu Yl ._ 1988 +CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE 158192 06/01/88 373.55 WEST WELD SPLY CO WELDING SPLY 10- 4610 - 560 -56 373.55 • rfrr #r 158194 05%31%8$ 17.66 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS CONT REPAIRS 10= 4248 - 440 -44 90638- - - 158194 05/31/88 152.32 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248-440-44 90639 158194 06 /01/88 266.25 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10 -4294- 560 -56 28412 158194 05/23/88 182. 2B---------CENER- AC--COMMUNI-C- ATNY-----RAD3-CF-SER 0---�4294= 560 =56-- 90038- - 618.51 r rrrff# 158209 OS/23/88 12.65 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -S6 857685 158209 05/23/88 90.oV---------@ENU-INE -PAR REPAIR -FART - 546= 560 =56-- 857670 158209 05/23/88 101.58 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 973197 5 , 4l rrr -CK S I. �o 158158 05/20/88 218._95 FEED RITE CONTROL &_ SEQUI_P 40- 4540 - 805 -80 102230 158158 _ 05/26/88 - 631.10 FEED RITE CONTROL _MACH WATER TREAT 40-4622-805 -80 102713 3 158158 05/26/88 1,588.13 FEED RITE CONTROL WATER TREATMENT 40 -4622- 805 -80 102645 e _ 2,438.18 # 158159 05/23/88 1,328.00 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL C REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 810 -81 1921 I gI - - - t , 328. 00 r -- - - -- _ 1+ 1131 FOWLER-ELECTR3 -C-- REPAIR - PARTS-- -27= 4540= 6- 64=b -6 -- 78506 (58162 05/25/88 129.23 u, <' 5 129.23 • ,"1 7I 119,. 158181 05/31/88 287.50 GENERAL SPORTS SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 623 -62 29134 1131 158181 05/31/88 287.50 GENERAL SPORTS SUPPLIES 10� ------ ' ' 1988 oIry or soImA ------- -------'--- - - --' - '-- -----'-'-- uxsou nsoIarsn - ----- ---'-' _ _- ------------'--- oa-oa-o^ ~ pAos o os/si/on ( _ _C*ccK NO. m^rs AMOUNT --___-_--_-_'---VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT _NO. _INV. wp.o. .w msam^os ' ' 158209 06/01/88 71*.*9 oswuIws PARTS nspAIn PARTS 10-4540-560-56 S��rvm v � . " Iso2oy� _ os'23/88 _ _ _ 116.84- ncwoIws PARTS cnsoIr 10-*s*0-s60-s6 yaynre � |^ Isozoy os/us/ao _ 109 .70 _ nswoIws pAnre nspAIn pAeTn- ---- --*o-*so*-mo1-oo asrss* |�! 1s8209 06/01/88 59 .64 ncmuIms pxnrm ooppLIso *0-4sw4-801-80 15e209 ns/as/eo 51.8* �smozws p�nrn nopp�zss wo-�sn�-�m-mn wsT4*a .. |'| v^Uc3.O0- -- --- -- --- - | '---- ***-ouo isoeua 06/01,88 33e.91 muouzxs Auru ooppLv nspxzn p«mTu Jo-45*0-560-56 ` i'`--- zoe y� * � ***-cxa |` i . 158e30 --- os/es/oo --- -- 38.20 -'' xorp uILLz«muuw --- uoppLIsa — -'--'----' 10-4so4-140-1* e3587e | ' 158230 os^cs/oe 7.5s nnpr wILLIxnsnm ooppLIso 10-*so*-1*0-14 23s887 vsaaoo os/eo/oe r.ss ompp uILLI*moom nsp«In pAero 4o-4s*o-oor-am / --' ------------------------'------s�ow-�------------------------'-------------'---------'- '-- ---'-- - .' |=/ �socs, os�ea/eo v7*�so xorrsno INC n«omIwo puwosR �o-�sas-a4e-a4 sysaT ' ' ---' ' ' ' - --- - ~- 1T4.so - ------- -- ---------- '---'- -' - / - --------------------------------'---------'------ -- -------------' -- - ***-Cwa Isoeso 06/01/88 1e.00 wm x m000Y uoppLIso 10-4so4-31*-30 106656 Is8238 - - 06/01/88 '--- s4so wM * mccoY - '---- SuppLzse --- -----------1*�4612-s60-56 10-*so*-314-30 ' |' Is8o38 ns/cs,na 1z.on------ um * mccoY GAS 1046sc snso * ' . / *�*_+vr------------------------'--------------'------------- -- '----- - *"*-cwo 1s82s3 oS/es/oo xumpxpsv n«o��ron uowr nspAInn �o-*u*e-sao-sa _ _ _ea.so ---' - --' '-- --------- - - --'- -------'-- '-- --- - '-- ----- - **~-nwo |''' ` 158267 os/eo/oo say.o* IBM conpon«rIow wsa oowr 10-4288-sio-sI -_-S89.84_�-___- '1 *~~-owu � ___i . s8e a.10--------J's-oe«Ao-cnmpxwv------- REPAIR-PARTS ,0-4s40-S60-s6----- *eo�1s * ` .. / IsA277-----05/e0/88 -----'----- 100. so ---- uAnLaum pozwTzwo - —auppLIso -- --------- 10-*504-6e7-6e *14*9 vsnerr os/31/88 mo.so oAnLonw pnIwTzmc oppIus auppLIso 10-4sI6-4*0-** *1521A , ,sucrr ws/31/88 yaa.ss nAmLoow pwIwTIwo pmzwTzwG 10-4600-s,o-si *1sei � � ***-owa | - ----- - ----------- 1s8e79 os/si/on 10e.97- xsnnYa OUR ouw *uuc uunoscTIow io-1010-000-00 158e79 05/31/88 22 .21 - «cnn,o ' `snnre-Vun-nuw-*ous-------nupp�zsa OUR oum *ows nsp«Ie pAnro 10-*504-301-30 | ---1 1 �*�'' S��rvm v � n�'' ^ `J ' Isae79 os/31/88 11.98 Jsne,e OUR uuw xowE auppLIsa 10-*so4-4ao-*2 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 4 P.O. N MESSAGE OA, 158279 05/31/88 28.84 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE - SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 440 -44 3 158279 05/31/88 170.87- JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 158279 05/31/88 25.47 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE SUPPLIES 10 =4504- 520 -52 _ �5 JUSTUS LUMBER 158279 05/31/88 26.39 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 540-54 e - aUPPLIES 158279 05/31/88 2.09 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 560 -56 158279 05%31%88 108.97 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE SUPPLIES i 0= 4504 = 646 =64 - - 158279 05/31/88 37.71 26.94 JERRYS JERRYS OUR OUR OWN OWN HDWE HDWE REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520-52 10 -4540- 540 -54 IU 158279 05/31/88 12.25 - _ _.TERRYS OUR OWN HDWE _ -_ REPAIR PARTS ' 10- 4540 - 560 -56 mil 158279 05/31/88 61.99 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 = __158279 '`.♦ 36.47 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE SUPPLIES 10 -4580- 646 -64 1 158274 _05/31/88 05/31/88 4.29 JERRYS OUR'OWN_HDWE 208.35 REPAIR - -PART 23 =4504= 612 -61- - - -- M 158279 05/31/88 51.48 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE SUPPLIES 27 -4504- 664 -66 51 158279 05/31/88 _ 29.60 _..a OUR OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 664 -66 `/ 158279 05/31/88 _ 13.50 _JERRYS JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE - SUPPLIES 29- 4504 - 722 -72 17 158279 05/31/88 8.28- JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE CORRECTION 40 -1010- 000 -00 �'e 158304 158279 05/31/88 8.28 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 i 158279 05/31/88 6. SG- �ERR45 OUR- OWN -HDWE 593848 REP -AIR- PARTS a0= 4540 = 807 = -80 _ -- - 2 a I' I' III 3I+a ----- - - - - -- 1)I IV 0 233.01 - --- - - - - -- fff -CKS v= 158286 05/23/88 100.74 JUSTUS LUMBER SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 318 -30 "I♦ 158286 05/23/88 56772 JUSTUS LUMBER - aUPPLIES 10 =450A= 507 -50 23298 - -- -- -- 13 157.46 - - - -- - --- - -- Mffff f- - fff -CKS -,I 39 158300 05/20/88 120.85 KOKESH ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 642 -64 '`.♦ 158300 - - - - 0/2088 -/a 87.50 KOKESH ATHLETIC- SUPPLIES 33 208.35 - rf «-CKS .. _..a `/ earl 1SS304 06/01/88 169.31 KNOX LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 507 -50 578749 158304 05%23/88 24.93 KNOX- CUMBER -CO SUPPLIE 10 =4504= 646 =64- 595961- - i-i ♦w� 158304 05/20/88 18.00 KNOX LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 10-4504- 646 -64 593848 06/01/88 68.36 KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 582829 139--IS8304_ 40 158304 05/23/88 143.00 KNOX LUMBER CO TOOLS 10 -4580- 301 = 30595996 --------- ` - -'_- !A1 158304 05/31/88 100.32 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 10- 4604- 646 -64 582646 I ^, ' 42 158304 05/23/88 91.89 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 10- 4604- 646 -64 57178 5r4 158304 05/20/88 35.6 NbX--LUHBER CO- CONT- REPA -IR 23= 4248= 612 =61- 595885- -- - 7':*" 158304 158304 06/01/88 05/31/88 5.04 5.04 KNOX LUMBER CO KNOX LUMBER CO SUPPLIES SUPPLIE 26-4504 - 682 -68 26- 4504 - 682 -68 582934 582934 50 7 °� � - - -- 158309 - - - - -- 05/20/88 - -- 24.93 -- KNOX LUMBER CO - SUPPLIES' ___ 26 -4504- 682 -68 - - -- - - e ci 158304 OS/26/88 23.94 KNOX LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 28- 4504 - 702 -70 578783 9 158304 06 /01/88 49.46 KNOX LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 28 -4504- 702-70 582900 elr 158304 05/23/88 3- 9- 9 -KNOX- LUMBER -CO REPAIR PART 0 =4540= 803 =80- 592803 - - - - ^' -ei 158304 06/01/88 3.99 KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 576782 797.89 • �r'�� �-3I ffff #f **O-CKS I ' =1 f58 3788 9-55 -IENZNFECTI -ONION "R- OF -SERV 7 =4201= &63 =66" - -- � r 69.55 17 IV 0 I1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -8a PAGE 8 CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. R MESSAGE I- « « «t•iM « «» -CKS 158317 06/01/88 279.31 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 322 -30 158317 06/01/88 245.15 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325-30 158317 66/01/8$ -- "-- - - - - -- -79.66 - LAWSON PRODUCTS- - -' - -- G SUPPLIES` - - -- -- 10- 4504 - 330 -30 158317 06/01/88 215.10 LAWSON PRODUCTS G SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -S6 158317 06/01/88 138.83 LAWSON PRODUCTS G SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 158317 05/23/88 102.29 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 158317 05/23/88 168.36 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 09409 158317 05/23/88 472.57 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 158317 06/01/88 T0.9G LAWSON PRODUCTS PARTS - __ -10= 4620- S60 -56 - - 158317 OS/23/88 159.24 LAWSON PRODUCTS ACECESSORIES 10- 4620- 560 -56 158317 05/23/88 406.88 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 664 -66 945910 158317 06/01/88 412.02 LAWSON PRODUCTS G SUPPLIES 40 -4504- 801 -80 158317 05/23/88 118.50 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 094174 j 158317 06/01/88 367.59 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801-80 I 158317 06/01%88 472.01 LAWSON PRODUCTS - - -- G_- SUPPLIES __________40_;_4504-8O6-8O - =' 158317 06/01/88 377.20 LAWSON PRODUCTS G SUPPLIES 40 -4504- 806 -80 =' 158317 06/01/88 267.47 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 158317 06/01/88 449.82 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 158317 06/01/88 461.20 LAWSON PRODUCTS G SUPPLIES 40- 4540 - 803 -80 5,264.16 158318 05/31/88 15.15 LEEF BROS INC PROF SERV 23 -4201- 612 -61 538809 158318 05/20/88 11.40 LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 27- 4262- 664 -66 26.55 » - - - - - - -- - -- -- -- -- « « « « «« « «r. -CKS 158323 05/31/88 61.65 LINHOFF PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 450$ - 440 -44 148503 61.6S__* 158324 05/31/88 2,065.15 LOGIS COMPUTER COST 10 -4233- 160 -16 158324 2,215.37 LOGIS COMPUTER COST 10- 4233 - 200 -20 - 158324 - -05/31/88 - 05/31/8$ - -- 944.50---- LOG IS--------- - - - - -- COMPUTER - COST -- - -10- 4233 - 420 -42 - -" - - 158324 05/31/88 1,433.06 LOGIS CORRECTION 10- 4233 - 420 -42 158324 05/31/88 944.50- LOGIS CORRECTION 10- 4233 - 420 -42 158324 05/31/88 952.86 LOGIS - COMPUTER COST - 40- 4233 - 800 -80 158324 05/31/88 247.63 LOGIS COMPUTER COST SO -4233- 820 -82 158324 05/31/88 247.62 LOGIS COMPUTER COST 50 -4233- 840 -84 158324 05/31788 -- - -- 247.62 - LOGIS - -- - -- - - COMPPUTER -COST- - -50- 4233 - 860 -86 7,409.31 • - -- - - - - -- - - -. » »» -CKS '•, 158329 05/26/88 1,500.00 LAYNE MINNESOTA CO CONT REPAIRS 40 -4248- 801 -80 15972 _ 158329 05/27/89- - - -S; 561 -.-25 LAYNE MINNESOTA -CO CONT-- REPAIRS - -- 40- 4248 - 801 -80 15971 158329 05/27/88 2,477.85 LAYNE MINNESOTA CO CONT REPAIRS 40- 4248 - 801 -80 15973 158329 05/26/88 3,400.00 LAYNE MINNESOTA CO REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 15970 z _ .. - - - - -- - - - -- - -- 12, 939 . 1 0 » »» -CKS -,= 158331 06/01/88 353.70 LAHASS CORPORATION CONT REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 42490 . ^ 119;8 CITY OF soIwA \ Cxsum NO. m^rs AmOuw7 / " 1 353.70 |" |^ 158332 05/31/88 2,SiS.00 " i� cosuw RsmzoTsn oa-oa-oa pAws n vswooR zTsn oEacoIpTIow AccoowT NO. zw*. w P.O. w m_ saoAGs 7 _-____-'_' ------ LEAGUE mpmN uIrIsw-----0 usA- SUB - 10-4204-140 -14 * ,| ^| Isa34* 158344 os/31/88 05/31/88 *4.10- 86.S3 *s.ws * i/aS337 - -__1,69S.00 LAKE STATE EQUIP REPLACEMENT 10-*e7*-**0-44 w-427*-;;**0=44------'---------------- .m ' � `°'1 |�---- ` 1so343 06/01/e8 1e3.93 mIwwsouT« oLovs LAowoev /T' 1S8343 06/01/88 — 42 .SO so -�-----m-x-w'm-s-a- orA oLovs auppLzsS ." / iaa.4s ---------------------'-- � ." 10-4901-6so-6* 94e ------------------ '-' - �'| **^-owa -/ "| 10-4262-3011-30 e���T 10-+50*-6+6-64 21e58 ' .,| ^/ |' »*` �.�-__--_-- Isa34* 158344 os/31/88 05/31/88 *4.10- 86.S3 *s.ws * mso uxvmsw a suuzp MED -OXYGsN-m-E_muz mAIwTsmAwcs p-nAz 10-*e7*-**0-44 w-427*-;;**0=44------'---------------- .m ' � SEWER SERV 40-4312-812-81 158351 05/23/88 186.40 MILSCO ENGINEERING REPAIR PARTS 10-4S40-390-30 IS8351 OS/23/88 24.54 MILSCO, ENGINEERING REPAIR PARTS 10-4S40-390-30 CKS ISS355 06/01/88 40.28 MINNSOTA BEARING CO, REPAIR PARTS 10-4S40-560-56 1923S 1583S9 06/01/88 271.38 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10-4S40-S60-S6 706280 lip 158359 05/23/88 63.07 MINN TORO INC PARTS 10-4S40-560-S6 702630 —REPAIR 1583S9 06/01/88 S1.2s MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-S60-S6 706278 45 IS83S9_ O-S/23/88__ 164.08 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10-4S40-560-56 702628 U-7 158359 IS83S9 05/2 /88 os/20/88 270.70 66.77 MINN TORO INC MINN TORO INC G SUPPLIES G SUPPLIES 27-4S40-664-66 27-4S40-664-66 702S49 702734 611 583S9 09/kes/ I'S8359 os/20/88 62.83 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27-4S40-664-66 704006 IS83S9 05/25/88 160.13 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27-4S40-664-66 704825 121 IS83S9 os/2s/88 17.27 MINN TORO INC REPAIk__PARTS__'___27-_ 4S40-664-66 705160 ,1113 583S9 'IS8359 S/200/88 oos/2 6.S2 MINN TORO INC GE SUPPLIES 27-4S40-664-66 702S70 /88 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-664-66 704020 —:4.89 �110 0 ___..._ I1988 __. CITY _.___- _._.---- OF EDINA .. -. -. -- •-- .-- _____.__ _..._...._.. _ __ _..__ .__...__._� - - - - -- ---- CHECK REGISTER ----- _ ...... _._____ -. 06 -06 -86 .-AGE 10 i CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 8 P.O. N MESSAGE 158360 06/01/88 37.85 MINNESOTA WANNER SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 325 -30 069110 158360 06/01/88 25.00 MINNESOTA WANNER SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325 -30 069207 158360 05/23/88 82.59 MINNESOTA WANNER SUPPJLIES 10 -4SO4- 646 -64 068964 158360_____05/23 /88 86.40 MINNESOTA WANNER SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 069054 158360 05/23/88 11.95 MINNESOTA WANNER WEED SPRAY 10 =4566= 642 -64 069084 243.79 xxxxfix - - - xxx -CKS 158362 05/23/88 126.72 MODEL STONE COMPANY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4504 - 646 -64 27856 15$362 OS%2V88 250.54 MODEL STONE COMPANY REPAIR PARATS 10 -4510= 662 -66 27590------ - 377.26 a I xxa►« -- - - - - - -- - - sxx-CKS 158379 06/01/88 29.85 METRO FONE COMM SUPPLIES 40 -4504- 801 -80 273660 29.85 -- --- -- - - -- -- -- - -- * - -- - - - 158380 05/20/88 12,457.48 THOMSEN NYBECK PROF SERV 10- 4201 - 220 -22 12,457.48 } - 158381 05/31/88 65.89 STAR d TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10 -4210- 420 -42 65.89 ;- - - -— - - - -- 158382 05/31/88 125.80 MN FIRE INC. SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 440 -44 115263 158382 05/31/88 89.00 MN FIRE INC. SUPPLIES - 10- 4504 - 440 -44 115272 214.80 + 158400 05/23/88 169.69 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES d TUBES 10- 4616 - 560 -56 11746 158400 05/23/88 _ _ 272.82 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES d TUBES 10-4616- 560-56 11767 �. 158400 05/23/88 169.69 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO 2 10- 4616-560 -56 11745 I-; 612.20 x sxxxxx 158409 06/01/88 56.00 NELSON RADIO COMM ACCESSORIES - 10- 4620 - 560 -56 14522 � 56.00 x - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - xxx -CKS -- - - - - -- - I:• 158412 05/20/88 117.79 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 23 -4624- 613 -61 158412 05/20/88 - -- - - - -- - -- 18.47 - - - -- NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY - - -_- COST OF GOODS - - 23 -4624- 613 -61 158412 05/27/88 93.90 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GS 23 -4624- 613 -61 148910 230.16 x 158413 05/23/88 482.47 NATIONWIDE PAPERS SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 664 -66 1.' 482.47 » �.. 'I xxxxxx xxx -CKS 15$41, 0572878 599.. -00 - - -- OFFICE PRODUCTS - -- - - -10- 4288- S10 -51 49411 - - SER -CONY ---- 599.00 s v I 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 11 u' �1 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. A MESSAGE - >♦ zI ? 158417 05/31/88 -- 53.00 OFFSET PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 -4516- 440 -44 28984 4 I3) 4i 53.00 555 5 - -- 5555 -- _5555 - -- 5555 -- - �~ » +» -CKS -- `ye 158421 06/01/88 71.76 OLSON CHAIN 6 CABLE TOOLS 40- 4580 - 801 -80 - -- -- - - -- - 5555- _ -- ----- - - -- 5555 71 5.76 _11.. -- -- 55 -- + 5555 -- -- - - -- - -- 5555 •--- --- 5555_ - _ - -____ - 5555 - -- 5555 -- -- - --- - - - _ �J � »+» -CKS �.3'� 158431 0.5731788 - 33..75 - -- - P -I -P- PRINTING -23= 46-00= 61 -1 -6T '-- 5555- - - - - -- 5555-- -- ay'°, 63.75 + J + + » » »» +++ -CKS •�I J=,- 158437 05/23/88 250.00 LAKELAND FLORIST PROF SERV 10- 4201 - 180 -18 158437 05723%88 500.00 - L7►kECANb FLORIST__ PROF - -SERV 750.00 + 158438 0523/88 15.00 POWER SUPPLY CO — CONY REPAIRS -40 =4248- 804 =80 -80730 -- vz3 15.00 + ,�•�J G -- 3J !- 158462 05/23/88 - - - - 81.40 RENTAL EQUIP d SALES CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 644 -64 8025 I•' -- 81.40 5555 -- - ---- --------- 5555 -- J11 I30 158463 05/20/88 536.05 REX DIST COST OF BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 18154 158463 - - 5 %20 %$§ 265.70 — REX -DIST— - "COST - BEER 50= 4630 - 822 -82 19971 - - - "- - - <•� y 158463 05/20/88 502.35 REX DIST COST OF BEER 50- 4630 - 822-82 21307 3, -- ISS463 05/20/88 530.00 REX DIST COST BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 16351 I� i158463 05/20/88 108.10 _ _ REX DIST COST OF BEER -- 50- 4630 = 842 -84 212057 - I 158463 05/20/88 T60.5S REX DIST COST OF GOODA 50- 4630- 842-84 21342 rl 15846- OF BEER COST- SO-4630-842-84 E0006 a^I• I3,i- 158463 — 05%20%88 1 , 035.71 REX L1I St OF -GOOS -50= 4630 -' 842 =84- X1742 -- 5555 -- -- ---" y - 158463 05/20/88 677.65 REX DIST COST OF BEER 50- 4630- 842 -84 18189 158463 05/20/88 832.60 REX DIST COST OF GODS 50- 4630 - 862 -86 17924 I3L_ <o 158463 05/20%88 465.30 REX DIST COSt- OF GOOS 50 =4630- 862 -86_i9739'___ 5555- - 5555'- -- - - ' -,•,� 156463 05/20/88 693.40 REX DIST COST OF GODS 50-4630- 862 -86 21071 158463 05/20/88 515.15 REX DIST COST OF GODS 50- 4630 - 862 -86 16121 .I »I 4s �40 5 4w 158464 05/31/88 129.90 ROAD RESCUE CONT REPAIRS + » + » +» 158469 05/23/88 157.43 ROAD MACHINERY REPAIR PARTAS 157.43 + + » » » +» 10- 4248 - 440 -44 50094 10 -4540- 560 -56 L10620 + +» -CKS »»» -CKS 11 (58479 0872 78 a -367:78 li-b-IU-SPECIALTIES REPA-IR-FART 28=4248= 702 --70 -950( -- �.E 361.70 + h/ its 0 158504 0523%88 77 -28— SYSTEM SUPPLY - REPAIR - "PARTS 10 -4504- 510 -51 50674 158504 05/25/88 52.88 SYSTEM SUPPLY SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510-51 050729 158504 OS/23/88 50_00 SYSTEM SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 10 -4504- 600 -60 050674 158508 05/20/88 64.01 ST PAUL BOOK SUPPLIES 23- 4516 - 611 -61 158508 05/20/88 10.19 ST PAUL BOOK OFFICE SPLY 27 -4516- 661 -66 846305 1585 8 05727/8 2375 STAUL"-BOOK FFI- CE- SUPPLIES 27= 451-6= 661=66-846381- 158508 05/20/88 6.96 ST PAUL BOOK SUPPLIES 30- 4516 - 781 -78 846302 sss -CKS ,.I ,I � !V -^ 1988 c,. , f OF EDINA CHECK ,tSTER 06 -06-8 AGE 12 I I l CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. M MESSAGE ) 158.4.8005/2.5/88 18.75 R T W INSURANCE 10 -4260- 510 -51 ' 18.7S � ---- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - - -- -- -- - - - --- __ - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - -- - - � e sssss# - sss -CKS of 158484 05/31/88 113.22 AMERICAN SHARECOM TELEPHONE 10 -4256- 510 -51 � s 113.22 s +,� ssssss sss -CKS ,I I13I 158492 6b701788 SOUTHDALE -FORD- - -CONY- 1 -0 -4248= 560 -56 i 549 - - "- - - -- -- - - 477 REPAIR 4 158492 06/01/88 181.72 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -S6 158492 05/23/88 70.05 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -S6 176037 � o� - - -- ei - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -3 9 9.54 � - -- -- - - - - -- -- - -- -- - ----- - - - - -- - __ -- -- - - -- - - - - -- - - -- -- - - -- - - - - -- - _ � � ;� ssssss sss -CKS 158498 06/01/88 87.80 STARK ELECTTRONICS REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 804 -80 .1211 87.80 — -- - �3 ssssss sss -CKS 2 -t 158502 �b701788 - SUBURBAN - CHEVROLET CONT- REPAIRS 1D- 4248 - 560= 56- 619bb- - - - - - "- - 100 -00 2c 158502 06/01/88 130.00 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248- S60 -S6 3674 158502___ 06/01/88 52.90 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 89733 �u 158502 06/01/88 12.76- SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CREDIT 10- 4540- 560 -56 89549,� 29 158502 06/01/88 200.00- SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CREDIT 10- 4540- S60 -56 89619 158502 06/01/88 6.80 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- S60 -56 89540 158502 06/0188 23.40 SUBURBAN- CHEVROLET REPAIR -PARTS 10 =4540- 560 -56- 89237 - - -- 32 158502 06/01/88 293.50 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 89370'' I33 - - -- -- -- - 393.84 s I.4 35 158503 05/31/88 9.90 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 158503 05/20/88 135.92 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GE SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682-68 jl� 3: - 158503 06701%S8 13. -90 — SUBURBAN - PLUMB - -SUP SUPPLIES - - - -- 38 158503 06/01/88 47.56 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 130275 i 9 158503 191.56 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 805 -80 13005 _ 158503 _05/23/88 05/23/88 101.22 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP- REPAIR -PARTS 40- 4540 - 805 -80 -13005 <+ 158503 05/23/88 149.23 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 805 -80 13005 158503 05/23/88 10.92 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 807 -80 13005 Iz a3 15850b7�lB 6 1- 83------SUBURBAN- PLUMB - SUP -TOOLS - -- 44, 722.04 s 0 158504 0523%88 77 -28— SYSTEM SUPPLY - REPAIR - "PARTS 10 -4504- 510 -51 50674 158504 05/25/88 52.88 SYSTEM SUPPLY SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510-51 050729 158504 OS/23/88 50_00 SYSTEM SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 10 -4504- 600 -60 050674 158508 05/20/88 64.01 ST PAUL BOOK SUPPLIES 23- 4516 - 611 -61 158508 05/20/88 10.19 ST PAUL BOOK OFFICE SPLY 27 -4516- 661 -66 846305 1585 8 05727/8 2375 STAUL"-BOOK FFI- CE- SUPPLIES 27= 451-6= 661=66-846381- 158508 05/20/88 6.96 ST PAUL BOOK SUPPLIES 30- 4516 - 781 -78 846302 sss -CKS ,.I ,I 158545 Oil IS85-4S. 3 7 158551 Isessl i 3, ynn sess3 i sdssj- ***-CKS » »» -CKS 05/31/88 190.00 TWIN CTY GARAGE DOOR 1,263.30 10-4248-440-44 36009 05/31/88 802.75 TWIN CTY GARAGE DOOR REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-440-44 1988 CITY OF EDINA Isesefi 05/20/88 CHECK REGISTER FUEL OIL 06-06-88 PAGE 13 158525 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT -- GASOLINE - i0= 4612 = 560 =56 -51979 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. # MESSAGE 11,747.80 10-4266-440-44 05332 III 38T.25 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOW 10-4e66-440-44 06312 os o -LAUNDRY------30= 4262 = 782 -78 6289 Ai 158539 05/31/88_ 499.60 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY v�104.96 13t_ e7-4504-664-66 e2708 158531 -----os?ad/88 122.16- TURF --SUPPLY -COMP ANY-- --FERTILIZERS 158539 05/23/88 - 122-.-9 0 --------TURF-SUPPL-Y --- C ERTILIZER 30-4598 f8t-78-Z21632 743.80 -- 621.70 7 Z� **4-CKS 15852s06/.01/88 — 359.10 3 M CO SIGNS POST 10-4542-325-30 71061 10 =4504= 140 =14- 71 I58525 06/01/88 7-1--8--.20--3 TARGET -M- CO---, PAINT 10-;:4544--335 ---,30--71057- 06/01/88 1 TARGET 158525 06/01/88 93.00 3 M CO PAINT 10-4544-335-30 71058 158525 06/01/88 93.00 3 M CO PAINT 10-4544-335-30 71062 158545 Oil IS85-4S. 3 7 158551 Isessl i 3, ynn sess3 i sdssj- ***-CKS » »» -CKS 05/31/88 190.00 TWIN CTY GARAGE DOOR 1,263.30 10-4248-440-44 36009 05/31/88 802.75 TWIN CTY GARAGE DOOR REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-440-44 36009 Isesefi 05/20/88 4,167.00 TRACY OIL FUEL OIL 10-4254-520-52 158525 0526788 ?,- 580.80 TRACYO I -- GASOLINE - i0= 4612 = 560 =56 -51979 vial 37.90 UNIFORM UNLIMITED 11,747.80 10-4266-440-44 05332 III 38T.25 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOW 10-4e66-440-44 06312 os o -LAUNDRY------30= 4262 = 782 -78 6289 Ai 158539 05/31/88_ 499.60 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES e7-4504-664-66 e2708 158531 -----os?ad/88 122.16- TURF --SUPPLY -COMP ANY-- --FERTILIZERS 158539 05/23/88 - 122-.-9 0 --------TURF-SUPPL-Y --- C ERTILIZER 30-4598 f8t-78-Z21632 743.80 -- 621.70 7 Z� - - - -- — i S 8 5 *f---O 57 2 7-Z 19 9--- 50-32— TAR G E T---- SUPPLIES 10 =4504= 140 =14- I58541 05/31/88 50.32- TARGET CORRECTION 10-4504-140-14 I58541 06/01/88 13.49 TARGET SUPPLIES 30-4504-781-78 13.49 158545 Oil IS85-4S. 3 7 158551 Isessl i 3, ynn sess3 i sdssj- ***-CKS » »» -CKS 05/31/88 190.00 TWIN CTY GARAGE DOOR CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-440-44 36009 05/31/88 802.75 TWIN CTY GARAGE DOOR REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-440-44 36009 » »» -CKS 05/31/88 37.90 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOW 10-4266-440-44 05332 OS/31/88 38T.25 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOW 10-4e66-440-44 06312 os o -LAUNDRY------30= 4262 = 782 -78 6289 494.45 *: 06/01/88 165.98 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-540-54 6-6-/Ol-,766----460-66-----'--Ui4-i-TEb--ELECTRIC-CORP---SUPPLIES-----'--------4O-4SO4-806-80----------- - 645.98 * 511 158560 05/23/88 %0"� 54 I58563 05/e0/88 1w 10.00 MAMA fo. 00 41.24 VERSATILE VEHICEL MEETING 10-4206-140-14 REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-664-66 1756 *= CKS ***-wCKS -CKS ---------- r7;* 41 1I 1988 L OF EDINA CHECK h_ .STER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 14 l - -- CHECK NO. DATE - AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION - -- 7777 -- ACCOUNT NO. INV. #i P.O. #f MESSAGE 158563 158563 05/20188 05/20/88 204.30 VERSATILE VEHICEL REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 665 -66 _ 1690 _ _ :i - - -- - - - 154.87 - VERSATILE VEHICEL - REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 665 -66 400.41 - -- - - - - --- - - 7777- --- 7777 -- . --- 7777 -- -------- -- sss -CKS ; 58570 05/27/88 459.45 VANTAGE ELECTRIC PROF SERV -- - - - - -- 7777 77 77 -- 30- 4201 - 782 -78 7777 -- - - -- -- 010219 - -- I i --- - - - - - -- 7777 -- --- - - - - -- 7777 -- 7777 -- 459.45 '�.. - - - - -- 7777 -- ------------------------- ,, 7777 --- 7777 --- sss -CKS ° __ 158572 6573178 — — 3i8: -60 -- VAN- VAN - PAPER ES 1 -0; 451 -4= 520 =52- 7777 207130 - - - - -- 318.60 s 7777 -- 158573 158573 — -" 05/23/88 06/01/88 18. REPAIR PARTS - `- --- 10 -4504- 646 -64-- 234511 ,nl 158573 06/01/88 245.28 25.92 VOSS VOSS REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 322 -30 — • REPAIR PARTS — 10-4S40-322-30 7777 - -- --- --- -- - - --- zl .,� 7777— - ----- - -- 7777 -- 7777- - - --- - - - - -- 7777 -- =�� 158575 158575 05/20/88 05/20/88 24.08 WATER PRODUCTS G SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 - . , — 599.99 WATER PRODUCTS - - -- REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 624.07 - - --- -- �� ssssss ..� fl --- -- 7777 -- -- 7777 -- s ss-CKS I' ^I 158579 158579 06/01/88 06/01/88 84.94 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 120079 71 158579 05/23/88 31.35 37 -64 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE — "WILLIAMS -STEEL ACCESSORIES 10- 4620- 560 -56 114425 _I 158579 06 /01/88 129.30 �HDWE WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE TOOLS 40 =4580= 801 =80 "- 117155 7777 : -- 7777— 283.23 s 7777 -- 7777— 7777 TOOLS 40- 4580 -801 -80 119860 <,I i !'i -- 7777 - -- . . sss -CKS %r 1S85S2_---0573f788 -313750 GORDON- SMITH - -CO- - -GAS 3 158582 05/23/88 357.63 GORDON SMITH CO GASOLINE 27= 4612= 664- 66----- - - - - -- -- -' .' -- -- - 671.13 s - --- 27 -4612- 664 -66 1699 af sss — 7777 -- --- - - - - -- 7777 -- --- ,_:I . sss -CKS `I 15858S��b70178 X8747- -_:1 -1J -- GRAINGER REPAIR- PARTS— < 158586 05/23/88 172. 0 W W GRAINGER SUPPLIES f- 0= 4540 - 540 =54 -- - -- 7777 �'- -- s - - -- 7777 27- 4504 - 664 -66 I -- f5859� 03731- /g8 --- -f-67- --- -STORE -FRONT sss-CKS X04 PROF -SER 3,041.67 s TO =4201= 504 =50 - -- - - - -- -7777 r❑ 5? -- - sss -CKS 158596 05/20/88 30.96 T C HOME JUICE I5 COST G3 50- 4632- 862 -86 O7SS s - - - 7777 7777- 17 ssssss �� - - - -- 7777 -- 7777- --------- ,v 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 15 W� CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR _- ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. M MESSAGE tiZ 158612 _ 05/26/88 8,533.97 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR _ BLACKTOP_ _ _ 10 -4584- 314 -30 ' a 158612 05/26/88 7,434.27 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR BLACKTOP - 10 -4524- 314 -30 158612 05/26/88 100.02 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR BLACKTOP 40 -4524- 803 -80 6 158612 05/26/88 293.46 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR BLACKTOP 40 -4524- 803 -80 158613 05/23/88 206.31 MCNEILUS STEEL _ _ ACCESSORIES ___ 10- 4620- 560 -56 21199 - - - - - , 158613 06/01/88 74.16 MCNEILUS STEEL - REPAIR PARTS - 40- 4540 - 801 -80 24887 280.47 s I s i »ssss - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- -- sss =CKS , 158705 05/20/88 87.94 BRAEMAR MAILING SERV MAILING 23 -4802- 611 -61 n' ��I 158706 05/20/88 82.94 RUBENSTEIN d ZIFF COST OF GOODS 23 -4624- 613 -61 ' --- - - - - -- - -- 82. 94 s - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - j21 158707 05/31/88 169.65 AVR CASTING CEMENT_ _ _10 -4552- 345 -30 78.35.6_ =z 158707 05/20/88 193.00 AVR CONCRETE - 40 -4526- 803 -80 158707 05/20/88 245.32 AVR CLORIDE 40- 4528- 803 -80 158707 05/20/88 _ 745.75 AVR CLORIDE 40- 4528 - 803 -80 77S87 -' - -- 158707 05%20/88 270.20 AVR------------ CLORIDE 40= 4528-803 -80 77779 - -- ` -- - 158707 05/20/88 366.70 AVR CONCRETE 40- 4528 - 803 -80 77960 ;; - - -- - - 1,990.62 w - -- -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - ; v; =�i Rssrss sss -CKS JI - - - - -- 'i � 158709 05%2%88 f75�0- LOUISE- SCHNEIDER --- i2EFUN 30 =3587= 000 -00 -- .� 175.00 s 3 1.58710 05%20%88 37.45 8 R BENSON GLASSES - - _f0= 4642 = 301 =30 - - 37.45 f i+ (' -- -15871 f b67�i�88 b4 -58 - SEAR- -TOOCa TO =4580 =301= 30-- - - - - -- � - -- - - - - -- ,• 158711 05/20/88 44.10 SEARS TOOLS 40 -4580- 803 -80 113.68 158712 05/20/88 800.00 RAYMOND WEEGMAN SETTLEMENT 10- 4100 - 420 -42 <; - 800.00 • - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - i 158713 05/27/88 348.00 TYPESHOOTERS PRINTING 30- 4600- 781 -78 007653 l _ 158713 05/20/88 _ 350.00 __ TYPESHOOTERS _ PRINTING 30- 4600 - 781 -78 007652 158713 05/20/88 400.00 TYPESHOOTERS PRINTING 30=4600- 781 =78 7651 1 - 7 1,098.00 s I4, 5S7T4� 5370 REBI- -----LESSONS y, = 153.00 • j 158715 05%20%88 30.38 OOENTHAl3 GUNS-1 NC -- ZONT- REPATR3 29 -4248 722 -72 y;» 30.38 • n 1' f587T6 -95725 46. 1 MN- SUBURBAN - NEWS --ADVERTTSI Nu 1- 0= 42-10= 140 =14- 080428 - -r -- - - - - -- �,� ^I 158716 05/20/88 65.58 MN SUBURBAN NEWS 158716 10 -4210- 140 -14 80263 V � L,J 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 16 J r CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT _ VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. k P.O. k MESSAGE i .�i 158716 05/20/88 15.61 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADDVERTISING 10- 4210 - 140 -14 80339 I 3� 158716 05/25/88 46.91 _ _ MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING __ 10 -4210- 140 -14 080428 4� 158716 05/20/88 30.76 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING - 10- 4210- 140 -14 80337 158716 05/25/88 37.27 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING 10- 4210 - 140 -14 " �I 158716 05/20/88 17.80 MN SUBURBAN NEWS 158716 10- 4210 - 140 -14 80340 _ n 158716 05%25%88 46.91- MN SUBURBAN NEWS CORRECTION 10- 4210 = 140 -14 - - -- - -- -- 158716 05/20/88 21.53 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING 10- 4210- 140 -14 008026 158716 05/20/88 31.53 MN SUBUR @AN NEWS ADDVERTISING 10- 4210 - 140 -14 80338 "I 266.99 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - 158717 05/20/88 356.50 TREATMENT SPEC MACH 6 SEOIUIP 26 -1340- 000 -00 7205 �;� 356-x5 t -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- :- .. 141 i'nl = 158718 05/20/88 256.00 ROXANNE SEIDEL PROF SERV _ _ 30- 4201 - 781 -78 158718 05/20/88 256.00 ROXANNE SEIDEL PROF SERV 30- 4201 - 781 -T8 " 512.00 * _I s' I_ ^� 15871 657 78 52:50 - LINDENFELSER - -INC - RUBBISH - REMOVAL ---i 0= -4250= 644 =64- 19263" " - 21 -- ---- - - - - -- 752.50 # I , zzi -- 158720 05/20/88- 871.75 BAILEY NURSERIES PL- ANTING TREES- -- 10 =4S&0- 644 =64- -- - - - - 3 871.75 .i 1587c1 0572-0788 1-0- 50--- CHRI -S- ANDERSON - -- HANDICAP-FEE 7 =3470= 000 =00- - - - - - -- - - - -- 10.50 z zoi_ -- 158722 05/20/88 942.75 -'- -- AEC ENGINEERS -- -PROF SERV-------- .. - - - -40 =4201- 800 -80 - - �J° 942.75 311 158723 �S720788 19S. -O6- -tOEMER - -G -- ROBERTSON MENS -CLUB 27 =2237= 000 -00- 64271 -- - - - -- 321 195.06 s 158724 05/20%88 - 44:20 - -MPLS WELDERS- SUPPLY -- CRAFTS SPEY -- - - " - -- 23= 4588= b11 =61 -11671 - 44.20 s i 58725- �5- /c's07$8 - 6 -T -48 AdT-I 61.48 s ROF -'SERV ___30=4201_-_782=78­31675 40 158726 05/20%88 660.00 SERVICE -- LIGHTING--- -- -GEN -- SUPPLIES - - -10= 4504 - 330 - =30- -- A1 660. 00 a 43 44 45 47 so s, Isz 33 X34 35 _ SG 137 Owl 1587$7_ - 0578775 a PROF-SERV- -0= 4201 = 160=- i- 6 - - - -- - 158727 05/20/88 220.89 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERV 10 -4201- 160 -16 058276 158727 __ _05/23/88 438.90 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERV 10- 4201 - 160 -16 58568 158727 05723%88 693.00 -- ACCOUNTEMPS PROF- SERV- - + -.- _.._40= 4201 - 800 -80 - - - -- 158727 05/27/88 508.21 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERV 40- 4201 - 800 -80 158727 05/20/88 682.90 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERV 40- 4201 - 800 -80 058276 I58757 857c378 9 -3a ACCOUNTEMPS PROF-SERV- 50= 4201 - 820 -82 -- 158727 05/20/88 152.07 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERV 50- 4201 - 820 -82 058276 158727 _05/27/88_ 70.74 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERV SO- 4201 - 820 -82 158727 05%27788 70.75_ -- ACCOUNTEMPS -- -- PROF -SERV - 50- 4201 - 840 -84 158727 05/23/88 69.30 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERV 50- 4201 - 840 -84 158727 05/20/88 152.08 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERV 50- 4201 - 840 -84 058276 TS8727-----0578778 AC- COUNTEMP ROF -SER SO 4201= 860 =86 158727 05/23/88 69.30 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERV 50 -4201- 860-86 -1 - -. ,- ._- - - -- -- ---- ,_. �� -- - - -- - 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 17 l 158734 05/20/88 3,920.47 E H RENNER d SONS CONT REPAIRS - - - - - -- -- 3,920.47 - - - -- - -- - - -- v "1 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. 158738 05/31/88 05/20/88 53.59 INMAC f4Z' t X58738 05%20%8 158727 05/20/88 152.08 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERV 50 -4201- 860 -86 058276 18.39 JERRYS PRINTING I3 - - - - -- -- _. _ 3,.863.48 « 158736 05/20/88 360.00 ,.,5 158728 05/20/88 15.00 JERRY HERSHEY LICENSE 40 -4310- 809 -80 I° 15.00 s v 413 4 a 158729 05/20/88 183.96 CFS CONTINENTAL SPLY 27- 4504 - 661 -66 158737 158.729 _____05/20/88 -__ 116.91 v - CLEANING SPLY 27- 4512 - 662 -66 05/20/88 158729 05/20/88 _- __CFS 11160.60 -CONTINENTAL________ CFS CONTINENTAL _ _ COST OF-'_ 606DS _ 27 -4624- 661 -66 "1 -- - " - - -- " " -- 1,461.47 • `-- �58i3b- 30= 4504= 782 =78- -30481 -- �5TLr67�8 7�. -80- -D-3 V- BALESUPPIIES �.14 IS 72.80 158731 05/20/88 418.66 SIGN CENTRAL G SUPPLIES - - - -- 30 -4SO4- 782 -78 63057 - �'�I 158731 05/20/88 24.15 SIGN CENTRAL PRINTING 30 -4600- 781 -78 11322 el 442.81 + 158732 05/20/88 $1.60 VANS INC G SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 211 81.60 + v2, 158733 05/20/88 316.95 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 10 -4250- 301 -30 24 15873305/20 /88 52.79 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 10- 4250-440 -44 -1 158733 05%20%88 79.30 WASTE MANAGEMENT - REFUSE-COLLECT I ON_ 10 =4250= 520 -52 - - - -- r 158733 05/20/88 80.99 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 10- 4250 - 645 -64 1�7 ____158733 05/20/88 22.1.10 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 10- 4250 - 645 -64 122 158733 _ 05/20/88 _ _ 316.95 _ _ WASTE MANAGEMENT _ - REFUSE COLLECTION 10 -4252- 540 =54 V =9 158733 05/20/88 26.38 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 23 -4250- 612-61 30 158733 05/20/88 79.24 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 26- 4250 - 682 -68 =1i 158733 05%20%88 221.07 WASTE MANAGEMENT - REFUSE - COLLECTION 27- 4250= 662 -66 -- - - -- -2; 158733 05/20/88 52.79 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 27 -4250- 664 -66 „ 158733 05/20/88 158.60 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 28 -4250- 702 -70 I,= 158733 05/20/88 158.60 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 30- 4250- 7$2 =78 - 158733 05/20/88 280.60 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 50 -4250- 841 -84 3cl 158733 05/20/88 280.60 WASTE MANAGEMENT REFUSE COLLECTION 50- 4250 - 861-86 158734 05/20/88 3,920.47 E H RENNER d SONS CONT REPAIRS - - - - - -- -- 3,920.47 - - - -- - -- - - -- v "1 158738 05/20/88 158.89 JERRYS PRINTING REFUND 10 -3180- 000 -00 158738 05/31/88 05/20/88 53.59 INMAC f4Z' t X58738 05%20%8 3 -6b JERRYS_ PRINTING- 53-5 -9 w - •van 158738 05/27/88 18.39 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 50- 4516 - 822 -82 158736 05/20/88 360.00 HENNEPIN TECH CEN •< - - -- 3 60 -._ .. .0 0 - -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - v 413 158737 05/20/88 348.57 AVR INC -91 158737 05/20/88 37.713 AVR -INC v - 158737 05/20/88 526.44 AVR INC 5+ 52I I 1,012.64 - -- - " - - -- " " -- SUPPLIES CONT EDUC 40 -4240- 801 -80 1015 10 -4504- 510 -51 401709 10- 4202 - 440 -44 13820 CONCRETE 40- 4528 - 803 -80 77462 CONCRETE 40 =4528= 803 =80- 7739 1 CONCRETE 40- 4528-803 -80 77245 M MESSAGE 2 1 �i ' I , n 1 '1 2-�. a� dP 1: `t ,I 158738 05/20/88 158.89 JERRYS PRINTING REFUND 10 -3180- 000 -00 158738 05/31/88 124.00 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 23- 4600-611 -61 X58738 05%20%8 3 -6b JERRYS_ PRINTING- PRINTING 5c 158738 05/27/88 18.39 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 50- 4516 - 822 -82 V v 18 1988 CITY OF EOINp CHECK REGISTER 06 -06-88 PAGE CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 158738 05/27/88 18.39 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 50- 4516- 842 -84 158738 05/27/88 18.40 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 50- 4516 - 862 -86 471.07 r. 1587.39 05/20/88 125.41 LUNDS CONT SERV 50 -4201- 821 -82 -_ 1 25.41 s - - - - --- - -- -- --- - - - - -- -- - 158740 05/20/88 5,341.08 MPLS FINANCE DEPT WATER PURCHASED 40 -4640- 803 -80 5,341.08 * - -- - 158741 05/25/88 20.00 SANDRA JOSPERS REFUND 10 -1145- 000 -00 120.00 I- 158742 05/20/88 23.00 COMM OF MANUAL 10- 4504 - 260 -26 - 23.00 I' 158743 05/20/88 760.00 TOIVONEN PAINTING CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 646 -64 - - -- -- - - - - -- 158744 06/01/88 304.50 EUGENE DAVIS SERVICES 10- 4201 - 600 -60 158744 06/01/88 _ 35.10 EUGENE DAVIS MILEAGE _ 10 -4208- 600 -60 339.60 158745 06/01/88 ----------70.00--------GRUBERS POWER EQUIP----REPAIR PARTS - - - -10 -4540- 560 -56 158745 06/01/88 7.00- GRUBERS POWER EQUIP CORRECTION 10- 4540 - 560 -56 158745 06/01/88 7.00 GRUBERS POWER EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 1991 158745 05/20/88 490.00 GRUBERS POWER EQUIP REPLACEMENT 10- 4901- 6S0 -64 1992 560.00 158746 05/20/88 405.82 - - -GIL - HEBARD GUNS - - - - - -- AMMUNITION - - - - -- 29- 4572 - 722 -72 4731 0 - _ 158746 05/27/88 287.54 GIL HEBARD GUNS AMMO 29- 4572 - 722 -72 48571 693.36 • :1 158747 05/20/88 99.00 COLLEEN PAULUS MEHA 10 -4202- 480 -48 ' 99.00 x 158748 05/20/88 868.00 JOHN PERRETI CONT EDUCATION 10- 4202 - 140 -14 868.00 158749 05/20/88 25.00 SUPERIOR PLASTICS SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 17147 158749 05/20/88 20.71 SUPERIOR PLASTICS SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 171138 -- 158749 05/31/88 - _ 119.74 - SUPERIOR PLASTICS - SUPPLIES - - -- - - -26 -4504- 682 -68 17317 158749 06/01/88 69.18 SUPERIOR PLASTICS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 17348 158749 SUPERIOR PLASTICS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 803 -80 17344 I' ___06/01/88___________201_.76 - - - - --- 436.39 * - - - 158750 05/20/88 108.99 PETER SAABYR MILEAGE 28- 4208 - 701 -70 -- -- - - - - -- 158751 05/20/88 64.80 AILEEN KULAK MILEAGE 27- 4208 - 661 -66 - 64.80 « - _. .. 158752 05/20/88 219.11 DAVES FOOD WAGON COST OF GOODDS 27- 4624- 663 -66 - 219-.11 - - -- - - - - -- -- 158753 05/20/88 534.00 CHESTER E GROTH MUSIC SUPPLIES 10 -4596- 627 -62 18 i. 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06-06-88 PAGE 19 1. CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 158764 05/23/88 I5.00 BRUCE DEHN CERTIFICATE 021 534.00 s 15.00 2 158765 05/23/88 660.97 AAA EXCISE TAX 10-4310-560-56 - ql 158754 05/20/88 — 92.00 AFFILIATED VET SERV PROF_ SERV 10- 4201 - 470 =47 05/23/88 134.00 CINDER CO GEN SUPPLIES 40-4504-801-80 9p_.00 134.00 I� 158755 —0 S' Za- 6/88 200.00 169.31 — CARPETS BY--NOAH--- CARPET- INSTALL -------eS--4924;;;520--;;,52--- 10-4540-540-54 M32599 00 169.31 200.00 I58768 05/23/88 72.63 ISI REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 - - -- 158.50 ______AL EX 1 -8 PATTON 72.63 !2 `,,i 158.50 I5/23/88 114.60 TWIN CITY FILTER SUPPLIES 50-4504-841-84 !'4 i2 903_._20FENGL_AND'_PRESS_I NC—PR INT ING ' 4 903.20 56 �37 158770 05/23/88 1.85.00 CHECK REFRIGERATION CONT REPAIRS 30-4248-782-78 __---EASYBAR OFMN - ----- ----CONt-REPkIRS------97= 4P-48-66P--66 86025 - - - -'- 7 40.00 994.50 158760 06/01/1111 270.00 _'__SUPPLIES_____i TESSMAN SEED & CHEM O�-4SO4-302-30 A 38459 231 158760 05/E3/88 247.50 TESSMAN SEED & CHEM SUPPLIES 10-4504-643-:4 138006 138T60 08/011,88 15.59 TESSMAN SEED 4 CHEM SUPPLIES 10-4504-646- 438459 158760 05%23%88 783-79—TESSMAN -SEED .6--10 =4S66- 643 -64- 137855 " - -- 158760 05/23/88 250.00 TESSMAN SEED 6 CHEM SEED 10-4568-642-64 138006 1,S66.84 I58761 05/e3/88 3,845.00 ROGERS PAINTING CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-641-64 3,845.00 • 133 I58762 05/23/88 3,190.75 3,190.75 * PCE PROF SERV 40-4201-800-80 88012 I58763 05/23/88 3,771.87 8 W SUBURBAN CABLE CABLE 10-2148-000-00 Yc 3,771.87 158764 05/23/88 I5.00 BRUCE DEHN CERTIFICATE 40-4310-809-80 15.00 ---------- 158765 05/23/88 660.97 AAA EXCISE TAX 10-4310-560-56 - 660.97 I58766 05/23/88 134.00 CINDER CO GEN SUPPLIES 40-4504-801-80 134.00 s71 158767 05/23/88 169.31 ROBERTS HAMILTON CO REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-540-54 M32599 00 169.31 I58768 05/23/88 72.63 ISI REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 60324 51 72.63 `,,i I511769 I5/23/88 114.60 TWIN CITY FILTER SUPPLIES 50-4504-841-84 T01101 114.60 56 �37 158770 05/23/88 1.85.00 CHECK REFRIGERATION CONT REPAIRS 30-4248-782-78 47980 LJ 1988 L..f OF EDINA CH ECK I REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 20 - -CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR _ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. k MESSAGE ! / 8 i5rsrrr 05/23/88 220.05 ELEC CITY PRINTING PROF SERV 185.00 SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 803 -80 - -- 220.05 x VESS �..2� �2� 5 158771 05/23/88 50.00 158780 05/27/88 158780 05/26/88 GLEN SIPE PIANO SERV___ SERV EQUIP - - - - -- 30 -4288= 781 -78 880519 -v 158779 05/23/88 29.90 LYNDALE GARDEN CEN SUPPLIES 50.00 s CO INC REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 805 -80 4573 I� -I 158780 05/23 8 BLOOMINGTON LINOLEUM -O� 10- 4540 - 520 -52 ZNDRANI- MAUICK 70=4201= 7SfZ8- - -- 158772 05/23/ 75 - SERVICE E_I SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 644 -64 75.00 s 189.00 BRUNSON INSTRUMONT- LUMBER -10= 4604 - 260 -26- -72487 I, 158773 06/01/88 123.00 AIR COMFORT INC - - -- REPAIR PART.S - -- ----- - - -10- 4540 - 540 -54 31603 I 12l 158773 05/23/88 48.40 Tb0-00 AIR COMFORT INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 31562 171 .40 e 158774 05/23/88 27.00 GRAYBOW DANIELS CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 390 -30 421$ - -- - - -- - - -- - - _ 27. 00 s " 158775 05/23/88 28.35 CARY TEAGUE MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 120 -12 28.35 s i 158776 05/23/88 1,725.00 HINES d SONS INC CONT IN PROGRESS 60- 1300 - 007 -20 - -- - - -- - -- 1 , 725. 00 � 2 --- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- ' - - - -- - -- - -- ! / 8 i5rsrrr 05/23/88 220.05 ELEC CITY PRINTING PROF SERV 10- 4201 - 508 -50 SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 803 -80 - -- 220.05 x VESS �..2� 158778 05/23/88 171.00 JIM HATCH SALES SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 643 -64 8287 158780 05/27/88 158780 05/26/88 4.60 MESS 171.00 INC - -- -v 158779 05/23/88 29.90 LYNDALE GARDEN CEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 643 -64 80487 VESS CO INC REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 805 -80 4573 I� -I 158780 05/23 8 BLOOMINGTON LINOLEUM - - - -- - -- -- ! / 8 9.25 VESS CO INC SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 803 -80 _[__.158780 06 /01/88 _ 14.58 VESS CO INC REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 4619 '° iz 158780 05/27/88 158780 05/26/88 4.60 MESS CO INC - -- -` "REPAIR PARTS-- .- - -' - -- - - - 40 -4540- 801 -80 4601 23_66 * 87.05 VESS CO INC REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 805 -80 4573 10 -4540- 520 -52 115.48 s BLOOMINGTON LINOLEUM REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 8363- ;1 4 !e �-I 'I 'I 139 I39 158781 05/23/88 64.55 ACTION RENTAL CTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- S40 -S4 13150 1 g=al 158782 05/23/88 a2 4.'44 158783 05/23/88 158784 05/23/88 158784 06/01/88 158785 05/23/88 158785 05/27%88 W" 64_55 • 99.99 SEARS COMM CREDIT TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 99.99 s 23.66 DEPENDABLE COURIER POSTAGE 10- 4290- 510 -51 109775 -,I 23_66 * 95.40 BLOOMINGTON LINOLEUM REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 520 -52 81.41 BLOOMINGTON LINOLEUM REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 8363- TT6 -61 s -- -- - --- 52.50 BRUNSON INSTRUMONT - SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 644 -64 072284 189.00 BRUNSON INSTRUMONT- LUMBER -10= 4604 - 260 -26- -72487 241.50 s I - O= �iS40= 803= 80 "- ? 2 6 "67 - - - -- Tb0-00 - CET -SAlE EPAIR -PART 150.00 - -- s 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 21 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. k MESSAGE 1 z 3 " 158790 158787 05/23/88 103.21 HOSE INC SUPPLIE_S 10 -4504- 646 -64 H8610 4 158787 05/23/88 236.86 HOSE INC _ - REPAIR PARTS- _ 40- 4540- 80S -80 10479 �I3 158791 05/26/88 340.07 s MARK T SCHUENEMAN LIFE INSURANCE 10- 4156 - 510 -51 32.89 « -�- 158788 02is�- - 180.. -TO - BTREICHER3 -- -PARTS I 0= 4620 = 56-0 =56- 50072 -- - �}?� 50 -4274- 861 -86 8410 180.10 s 158792 05/26/88 76.46 STANS DOOR SERVICE EQUIP MAINT 50 -4274- 861 -86 8409 I" -� 547.90 IS8789 05%25%88 67.00 PUBLIC CITY CENTRAL ADVER OTHER _ -_ -- 30 -4214- 781 -78 1343_. - -- `, "1 158789 05/23/88 142.00 209.00 s PUBLIC CITY CENTRAL PAPER SUPPLIES 30- 4514 - 781 -78 1270 1 z 3 " 158790 05/23/88 3,559.55 HOME INC CDBG REIM 10 -1139- 000 -00 3,559.55 « 158791 05/26/88 32.89 MARK T SCHUENEMAN LIFE INSURANCE 10- 4156 - 510 -51 32.89 « 1 =; 158792 05/26/88 471.44 STANS DOOR SERVICE EQUIP MAINT 50 -4274- 861 -86 8410 158792 05/26/88 76.46 STANS DOOR SERVICE EQUIP MAINT 50 -4274- 861 -86 8409 I" -� 547.90 - - ^� 158793 05/26/88 150.35 TRIO SUPPLY CO SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 47858 'I 150.35 �_zc 1SS794 05/26/88 115.00 ----- - - -- -- - -- NORCOSTCO INC --------- PROF SERV 10 -4201- 508 -SO 29735 115.00 « - - - - -- - -- - 158795 05/26/88 607.38 CHEMLAWN WEED SPRAY 10 -4566- 643 -64 607 -. -38 M - -- -- - -- --- -- - - - - -- - -- -- -- - -- , �JZI f_ - -- 29.80 - RUTH MdE SPRINKLER HEAD 10 -4504- 318 -30 °1 29.80 - - - - 3 �'rl 158797 05/26/88 79.50 IOS OFFICE SPLY 27- 4516 - 661 -66 ' 158797 05%26/88 9.95 I08 - -- FFI- CE -SPLL 27 =4516. 661 =66 -- 09417-- - - - - -- -- - - -'• „� 89.45 « 4. 158798 05%26%8$ 900.00 MIDWEST VENDING CO --CONT- REPAIRS - -27= 4248 = 662 -66- -9132 `- �„ "' 900. 00 s I,i - PACE__ABORATORIEB-CONT- REPAIRS i557�f�- 6578b78 4_.04 ^^ 43 24.00 « 158800 05%26/88 951.68 GRINNELL CORD -- REPAIR-- PARTTS - -40 =4540- 801 -80- 176613 951.68 801 057U768 595- 50----------12USSELL- JOHNSON -- INC - REPAIR- -PARTS --i-0= 4540=540 =54 47049---------- "-- - - - --- sc 595. SO « SCI 158804 05/26/88 705.00 MIDWEST FENCE CO SUPPLIES 10- 4201 - 647 -64 49600 'i` :17 L 158805 05/26/88 - 30.00 MN ST HORTICULTURAL DUES 10- 4204 - 600 -60 ! "1` u ay - :I 1988 L„jY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 22 - CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. ik P.O. # MESSAGE j 30.00 15880E 05/26/$8 - -� 2b.24 - -- THOMAS WEBS -� OIL- -- - - - -- - - 29- 4504 - 722 -72 26.24 + I , • 158807 - -ii 5 /2b�8$ -- - 17 -44 -- _LYLE -AXT -- - -- -- - -- POP 17.44 s I 158808 05/26/88 _ 630.00 MPLS d SUBURBAN CONT REPAIRS _- 40 -4248- 803 -80 20582 158808 05/26/88 1,770.00 MPLS 8 SUBURBAN CONT REPAIRS 40- 4248 - 812 -80 20583 -- - ----- ___. -- Z,40 0: 00 s 158809 05/26/88 600.00 MGS CONT REPAIRS 40 -4248- 801 -80 326 _ 600.00 158810 05/25/88 225.05 SSTREFF INC SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 100 -10 64911 - - -- - -- 225.05 I 158811 05/25/88 129.74 APRES INC SUPPLIES - -- _ - -- 10- 4504 - 100 -10 _ 1271 129.74 158812 05/25/88 175.00 LAURA COOPER PROF SERV 10 -4201- 140 -14 175.00 158813 05/25/88 60.00 TOONY SWIGGUM REFUND 30- 3507 - 000 -00 _ _ 60.00 • 158814 05/25/88 2,391.00 HWEITT ASSORIATES PROF SSERV 10 -4201- 140 -14 069400 2,391.00 • 158815 05/25/88 240.00 PHYLLIS HAYWA ART CTR INST 23 -4201- 611 -61 158815 05/25/88 240.00- PHYLLIS HAYWA CORRECTION 23- 4201- 611 -61 158815 05/25/88 168.00 - - PHYLLIS HAYWA - -ART CTR INST -`"' -- 23 -4201- 611 -61 168.00 6 _- 05/25/88 - -- - - -- 240.- 00_ - - -- -BETSY - BRYANT --- - - - - -- -ART -CTR - INST------ --- -23 =4201- 611 -61 - 240.00 ' 158817 05/25/88 - -- - - -- 504.00 - JEAN GRAPP -ART CTR INST -- - 23 -4201- 611 -61 504.00 I i - 158$18 -- 05/2578 - 120: 00 - -MEG - BU-RSEY- - - - - -- - - - -- -- ART -- CTR - INST----- ---. -- 23=4201-611 -61 -- - - 120.00 s 'I 158819 - 05/25/88 - - -- 920.00 - - MARION ALSTAD - -- ART CTR INST-- . - -_ -' 23 -4201- 611 -61 11 920.00 r• � I 15$820 - 0572578$- 1 92 -.- 00 - -- DOROTOHY - ODLAND - - - - -- ART- CTR - INST - - -- -- - 23 -4201 ­611 -61 192.00 s 158821 -- - 05/25/88 - _._ .- _ - - -- 168.00 " - -SUSAN FRAME -- ART- CTR INST -_. - -- - 23 -4201- 611 -61 is 168.00 - --- 15$82e - 05725788 - -- 240.00 -- HARRY HEIM - - -- - --ART -CTR INST-- -- ---23- 4201 - 611 =61 - -" "'' 240.00 a ' 1988 CITY OF sozmA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT ,/ _158831 os/as/se 444.00 J THOMAS NELSON / |" _1s88e3 -- os/es/88 444*::ISS832 ART c |^ zwuT OS/2S/88 168.06 * ,| CTn z zwwT *nr c cTm z |°| | Iswue* os/es/an 000.00 ART c crR - _ ---------------' ART m -' z zwaT ART o o_To _ zmmT ______ z |�L--IsmP2S ���-'------' �eo.ow |' mioo-�- ." tsaeea os/es/ao e75.00 xuoY auoLsT7 ^" e75�0'6 -�- ~/ � a36 so us/es/a8 Ise.ou DIXIE psrnw o*sm 1588e7 -------------------------sw*.00'p-- 380.00 |' Ir'seas 05/25/88 290.00 - '---------' CHECK REGISTER VENDOR----- cvruRwaLAo* - ' -- ---- - -----`-- n*vmowo oonmLsY --------- ouuw Lsu wwT*v -ouaT�ruum � mAnm«nsT ouoT eus owvzsa ' svzs ooLmwuzor 1^,. _158831 os/as/se 444.00 J THOMAS NELSON zmaT I S88.37 05/as/as 444*::ISS832 ART c cTn z zwuT OS/2S/88 293. MONICA RUDGUIST ART C CTn z zwwT *nr c cTm z zmaT *nr � 06/01/88 33.OS ART c crR - _ ---------------' ART m -' z zwaT ART o o_To _ zmmT ______ z |~ s.00 xuoY auoLsT7 �^ _���---�nt.06-vr------------'-------_ ~| � a36 so us/es/a8 Ise.ou DIXIE psrnw o*sm 1^,. cTe I IwoT ART C CTn z zmaT I S88.37 05/as/as 1 600. 00 ART c cTn z zwuT ART c c7n z zwoT ART C CTn z zwwT *nr c cTm z zmaT *nr � 06/01/88 33.OS ART c crR - _ ---------------' ART m -' z zwaT ART o o_To _ zmmT ______ z = � JIM WALLACE FRAZEE RESEARCH zTsm osocezpTzom wnr cTm zmer ART CTn xwaT ART c cTe I IwoT ART C CTn z zmaT ART c cTe I Imor ART c cTn z zwuT ART c c7n z zwoT ART C CTn z zwwT *nr c cTm z zmaT *nr � �rm z zwmT ART c crR - _ ---------------' ART m -' z zwaT ART o o_To _ zmmT ______ z oo-ua-ee pAus es A000umr NO. zwv. w P.O. _w ms8e«oE | � , as-4201-aii-6i �| ----'-- '--'------- - - ^! , ' e3-4aul-611-61 |' ` ] e3_4e01_611_61 --'--------------- ---�- - ��| � / e3-4e01-611-6i .,/ " 23-4e01-611-61 .'. ' e3-4e01-611-61 ' e3-4201-611-61 e3-4201-6li-61 --��l �J e3-4e01-611-61 - e3-4e01-611-61 - .^1 e3-4e01-611-61 23-41a0-611-6t � -. e6-*564-6e2-68 e8e30* ��--'-------------�^'| =� e7-4201-664-66_373398 _____ 10-*aVl-600-60 --'----n _soIw« -Lzmuoe o7ons auppLIsm 10-4504-100-10 snINALzmuon mTons-------uzNsGLwoos1----------lw-_+so4zAuw-1w ------' -- �] | lW*zTsroAm-CALcsmY-------muppczs o=4sww=?mr=7 ------- -' _soIw« -Lzmuoe o7ons auppLIsm 10-4504-100-10 snINALzmuon mTons-------uzNsGLwoos1----------lw-_+so4zAuw-1w ------' -- �] | lW*zTsroAm-CALcsmY-------muppczs o=4sww=?mr=7 ------- -' 18.00 60 REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -S6 s 33 158857 05/27/88 570.53 RAINBOW LEASING CO EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226- S07 -50 570.53 ' 05/27/88 22.10 THE MATHISON CO i COST OF GS 23 -4624- 613 -61 70366 1988 .f OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR 06 -06 -88 PAGE 24 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. -- k P.O. N MESSAGE 1S8841 05/25/88 80.00 -- -- AMY SCHUENEMAN -- PROF SERV 27 -4201- 662 -66 0802 80.00 a 158842 -- 05/25/88 80.00 LOLA EDMAN PROF SERV 27 -4201- 662 -66 9200 80.00 s - q 158843 - -- 05/25/88 2,841.30 - ENGLAND PRESS INC -- -- PRINTING 27 -4600- 661 -66 47181 I 2,841.30 - -- - I„ 158844 05/25/88 21.28 POOLS INC -- SUPPLIES 30 -4504- 783 -78 29721 5�_ 158845 - -- 05/25/88 — - - - -- 208,39 CONTROL DATA TEMPS - -- SAL TEMP 30 -4120- 781 -78 104690 208.39 s - -- - - - - - -- I' -- 158846 05/25/88 25.00 - -00- IMPRINTERS PRINTING 10- 4600 - 510 -51 I 25 . s — —' ---- - - - - -- 2' 158847 - -- - 05/27/8_8_ - -- _ 252.00 LOW CAL COOKIES - - - --- COST.- 63 27 -4624- 663 -66 — - -- I` ' 252 00 «--------- -- - -- i�158848 158848 05/27/88 05%27%88 407.91 407:91- PROPANE GAS PRODUCT - SUPPLIES 27 -4504- 663 -66 10434 PROPANE- GAS PRODUCT CORRECTION - 27=4504= 663- b6_- - ---- - - -- -- -- - .00 -- 158849 05%27%88 -- -- - 404.12 SERVICEMASTER - -- --- PROF -- SERV -- ------ - - -27= 4201 - 662 -66 703814 ,.I 404.12 s ,i 158858 -- X5727788 - 144.00--- S-CHWAB- VELLHABER- SUPPLIES 144..00 s 27= 4504=662 =66- 38698 - - -- - - - - - - 158851 - 158851 - -- - 05/27%88 05/27/88 HEY COMPANY ---CENTRAL-- - -.- - -- — 23- 4802 -61 1 -61 60252 190.00 272.75 D C HEY COMPANY SER CONT EQUIP 30- 4288 - 781 -78 059564 = - 158852 05/27/88 768.86 BOFFIN REPLACEMENT 10 -4901- 540 -54 9975 — — 768.86 158853 05/27/88 10.50 MAUMA MAUMA 10.50 s 10- 4206- 140 -14 158854 05/27/88 383.00 D CAIN TRAVEL EXPENSES 10 -4202- 440 -44 383.00 °� 158855 05/27/88 446.35 RAMADA RENAISSANCE TRAVEL EXPENSE 10- 4202 - 440 -44 446.35 s .` 158856 05/27/88 18 00 N C E DEPT 18.00 60 REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -S6 s 33 158857 05/27/88 570.53 RAINBOW LEASING CO EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226- S07 -50 570.53 ' 05/27/88 22.10 THE MATHISON CO i COST OF GS 23 -4624- 613 -61 70366 ' ' 14e8 o/ry OF soIwA uxsum mso/o7sm wa-oo-eo pAos e7 CHECK NO. DATE - AMOUNT -VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO � �'� ' MESSAGE � IS8897 OS/31/88 vsa000 os/31/88 158899 158900 {= 41 IS890i 5 21 � ^' 1*e.sv 14z.so * TERRY ANN SALES CO 651.97 e«nn swm CO ast.yr * 05/31/88 411.09 ----------- TROPICAL uwm OF mw 411.09 * 05x31/e8 723.20 T000 AwosnoPw 723.20-*_____'---__ ---- -__-- sa e,o*s.00 rs cxsr unw»7 asRvzcsu 10-*e0-18*-18 3es.00 ---------- * --'---------- os/31/88 re onuos uA7su unwAr- -' - ----mILsAos-------�--10-*eoe-1o*-1m 42.39 * � cso*n LAKE FLORAL " v*ww * 4r * pIrms, oouso 320.00 * ` .-/ or7�m* * ' | 1 sw-------'lw-4s10-4+o-*4 16667 - - �� 36.00 |' !"| *.n5 * ^ ' �so�y�-----o�,s��8e-------------4o�0V'------cuNNIE-psnnIo----�-----cuNT-�o---- 0-4e02-**0-44 ' 40.00 i`91----- S889 88 07 u om-pzms-zw spcx CEMENT 1 .onn nn * 123 158895 OS/31/88 40.70 GENE SEARS SUPPLLY CONT REPAIR 29-4248-722-72 83230 c � 146.13 |= Isu896 05/31/88 665.00 wsnmrLsx INC osnvxosa 10-e010-000-00 was � IS8897 OS/31/88 vsa000 os/31/88 158899 158900 {= 41 IS890i 5 21 � ^' 1*e.sv 14z.so * TERRY ANN SALES CO 651.97 e«nn swm CO ast.yr * 05/31/88 411.09 ----------- TROPICAL uwm OF mw 411.09 * 05x31/e8 723.20 T000 AwosnoPw _------- 723.20-*_____'---__ ---- -__-- ws/31/88 e,o*s.00 xosL onsupmsn e'o43.on * os/31/8e 3es.00 SHARE 3es.00 ---------- * --'---------- os/31/88 *e.39 onuos uA7su 42.39 * os/31/88 1*.00 cso*n LAKE FLORAL v*ww * vs/31/88 320.00 pIrms, oouso 320.00 * aoppLIsa PROF SERV COST OF COMMODITES asnvIcasa asavzcso AwoVLwwcs BILL omnuG DOS auppLxsm POSTAGE 05/31/86 90.00 VINYL ARTS MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 27-4504-664-66 12305 10-4e01-e60-e6 1 :^ 26-*624-683-68 eees 10-4e01-630-6e e7-4100-661-66 /^u ---`,| 10-3180-000 -00 / 10-4510-440-44 ri e3-4e14-611-61 �| i� _ � I!J I� 1988 C1fY CHECK NO. OF EDINA DATE AMOUNT CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 06 -06 -88 PAGE 28 ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE ~I; 158907 OS/31/88- — 44.25 -"— - STEBGO - -_ - -- - - -CRAFT SUPPLIES------ . - - -23= 4588 = 611 =61 4933 - �, 44.25 s I', 15$9-6$ 057�1T8 �1 0- 0- MAiRY- GICLIKSENf- $WI71- REg-REFUND T0= 350-0--o00 =00- ----- -- - - --- ti� °I 21.00 s ,f I") 158909 05/3t/88 21 . 00 CAROL CARLSON -- -SWIM REG - - - -1 0= 3500--000 -00 - -- 'I 21.00 s 1S$1f1 -0 037 -617$ 22 "e- — COMPONENT -TECH REPAIR -PARTS -0= 4540 - 560= 56--38191 — - -- �,_� 158910 06/01/88 329.00 COMPONENT TECH REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 38192 - 158910 06/01/88 __329.00 COMPONENT TECH REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 38837 ° ° 158410 06/01/88 301.26 ___ COMPONENT TECH — _ REPAIR PARTS ----- - - -10= 4540- Sb0 -S6 38190 ,, 1 17 . 1,18758 s 'E T5S9 -ii X -OT78 55-20 - CFS-INC -- TOOL --1 -0= 4580- = 301 " =-30- 10629 - -- -- - ' ^^I ;r I 155.20 s :I 221 158912 06/01%88 — f56.00 - -- AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS - - - -- REPAIR - PART$- - -40 =4540- 884 -80- -13772 •i 156.00 s 15891 -- 0V/-0 788 -8 -50 AUTO- SOUOND- ENTRONIX CONT-- REPAIR f 0- 4248- 560 =5b- 8931 -- -- =� 158913 06/01/88 18.50 AUTO SOUOND ENTRONIX CONT REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 15214 158913 06/01/88 18.50 AUTO SOUOND ENTRONIX CONT REPAIR 10- 4248- 560 -56 8950 -� 158913 1%88 18.50 AUTO 3000NO ENTRONIX CONT- REPAIR -` - -f0 =4248- 560 =56 8943 - 1 1.. ", 74.00 s f ' I, 15 91 d 3670778 198 -15 EDWARD�ACES UPPLZE 26= 4504= 682 =68- 4566 - -- - - - -- — - -- �,� ►✓'= 198.15 s 158915 06701788 515.23 DICK BLICK ------ 3UPPCIES -- - - -" 10- 4504 - 325 -30 779140 515.23 s 15-8 9�6— 3b7�178 20 ERVI E-S "i -0= 3500= 000 -00 --- - - - - -- - -- - - 1M30 20.00 s 158917 06/01788 21, 174.00 POLAR CHEVROLET — REPLACEMENT - - - - "- - -10- 4901 - 305 -30 125616 .. V,, =1 158917 06/01/88 71,980.00 POLAR CHEVROLET REPLACEMENT 10- 4901 - 420-42 167879 158917 06/01/88 12,054.00 POLAR CHEVROLET REPLACEMENT 10- 4901 - 440 -44 167879 a' 15"T7 0-67317 1 -0,- 567- �6--------FOLAR- CHEVROLET— REPLACEMEN 40= 4901= 800 =80 -- 12561 -6 — " -- 1� ":' 115,795.00 s I sss -CKS i ' =0 158919 06/01/88 85.06 BORCHERT INGERSOLL REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -S6 " ^I —85:8 s - -- ------------ -------- - - - - -- - - -- - =' -__ 15S920 - -- 06/01/88 45.00 SCHAFER EQUIP TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 139294 ,I �'2i 45. 06 s -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- - - - 3S _---T5 158921 06/01/88 -17$ 433.55 MIDWAY IND SPLY SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325-30 75313 1_6_._6y _M1DWAYZND -SPl EPATR -PARTS 0= 4540= 560=56 - 75097---- - - - - -- �r'° 450.15 s 1 988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR CHECK REGISTER ITEM DESCRIPTION 06-06-88 PAGE as ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 2 05/27/88 176.04 22.10 CHEMICALS 30-4564-783-78 087524 158863 05/E7/88 128.26 JACOBSON SUPPLLY CO CHEMICALS 30-4564-783-78 087523 4 158859 - - - - -- 05/27/88---------- - - - - -- -85.00 IAAO SUPPLIES ----- - - - -10 -4204- 200 -20 689801 85.00 * ***-CKS 7 1 158860 05%27%88 HOWARD _NORBACK ___ ___-- MN CELLULAR _TELE_­CO-DUES 10-41 a 0-- 1 so- 118 f 8= 4204 = 140= f4- 1 - - - -- 163-.-96 --SUB 05/E7/88 OS/27/-88 ° HOWARD NORBACK NORBACK SERVICES MILEAGE 163.50 I5886 05/ZT/88 43.89 43.89 158861 05/27/88 254.00 BRANDOW -INC 30-4260-78i-78 3780- 1,336.47 254.00 ze, �'3, ISS862 4SE.80 TWIN CITY TESTING ------------ __2S-�4946-520-Se _30z_4544_-782-:78-63058 203.95 -&I-GNCENTRAL-USK SUPPLI I. 45F.80 203.95 �,uj �I ul 158863 05/27/88 176.04 JACOBSON SUPPLLY CO CHEMICALS 30-4564-783-78 087524 158863 05/E7/88 128.26 JACOBSON SUPPLLY CO CHEMICALS 30-4564-783-78 087523 304.30 ***-CKS 158865 05%27/88 393.00 HOWARD _NORBACK ___ ___-- SERVICES 10-41 a 0-- 1 so- 118 158865 [158865 05/E7/88 OS/27/-88 884.25 HOWARD NORBACK NORBACK SERVICES MILEAGE 10-41E0 -184-18 10-4208-180-18 I5886 05/ZT/88 43.89 43.89 _- NORBACK HOWARD HOWARD MILEAGE -REIN 1,336.47 ze, ISS866 OS/27/88 4SE.80 TWIN CITY TESTING __2S-�4946-520-Se 2. 45F.80 �,uj 158867 05727788 385 -00 JG_ ANN -C-BENAKIS�'---RUBBISH-REMOVAI:----I 0= 4250= 302--;30 All 385.00 34 I58868 05/27/88 202.59 FLORENCE NORBACK SERVICES- _- -10- 4120- 180 -18 I58868 05/27/88 309.62 FLORENCE NORBACK SERVICES 10-4120-184-18 IS8868 OS/E7/88 3.78 FLORENCE NORBACK MILEAGE 10-4208-184-18 9.9 -P 4 I58869 -1 05/27/88 I5.75 BILL OTT SERVICES 10-4120-184-18 MILEAGE- 4 17.85 -1 S8874_____'65727788 ___iLr _60 _______HAR 0 LEY _HAB I GHORST_________SERV I CES 1-0-;;4120 -;-1 84= 1 I58870 05/27/88 1.66 14,28 HAROLD HABIGHORST MILEAGE 10-4e08-184-18 I58871 05/27/88 6.30 VIRGIL L JOHNSON SERVICES 10-4120-184-18 oa 158871 05/27/88 '.63 VIRGIL L JOHNSON MILEAGE 10-4208-184-18 -6793 _._ I58872 05/27/88 ­05/21?6iB 302.40 RICHARD HERKAL SERVICES 10 -4120- 184 -18 -184-iS JS8672 2 1.89 RICHARD HERKAL-- _____MILEAGE __ -10 __ 42 0 S-L 184-18 304.29 7• 7,1 9-.-45--------ERNEST-BUFFINGTON-------VOTING 1'0=4 -120 =1 "84=18 9.45 !,. 1 7-1 1988 | ' CHECK ---^~'^~ 06 -06-88 pAos aa CHECK (, p.u� w msooAos_ .` - |" ' -Isu8?y'--'--os/eI/88-__'_ �e�ao ��v�w u uonoa esnvz�so �o-��eo-�o� �o �e�a � |^| o �----------' --- ------------ ----_���! � | .,� -- ���-�_0=4ewe-wv4o=1+-------- ��w.wo "—�M" T-0 573 086 ns8�OO --* �---CHIppsuA-8nApHI08----pezw7zzwo---—---,w 46 0 0 sou so 4514 ill' -' | %_!w �]~ ---------'--- . ( / h! +._ ee �'' ..~~.. ^~~°°."^"� wwrrIEw u=wso a-----'----------- / 28' on '| � 15887S OS/27/88 25.00 PRECISION BUSINESS SUPPLIES 10-4504-140-14 012450 t58877 OS/3i/88 239.9S COMMUNICATIONS INC NEW EQUIP 10-4902-440-44 4S27 14 OS/31/88 4,946.69 DELANO ERICKSON ARCH CONST PROGRESS 28-1300-000-00 158878 __22, e41.3 0 DELANO ERICKSON ARCH CONST PROGRESS 28-1300-000-00 158879 OS/31/88 230.00 EMPLOYEES CLUB SUPPLIES 10-4504-SOO-SO 22 ISS880 OS/31/88 80.7S ELSMORE AQUATIC LAUNDRY 26-4e6e-682,68 127 Isesee OS/31/88 40.00 LEAANN VITO CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-440-44 t163 8883 OS/31/88 840.00 IS8883 05/31/88 IS8884 f58836-40 DS/31/88 7,081.20 HERMAN MILLER INC BLDG IMP 25-4924-S20-SE 034886 /"T-,VSS--P-266-.20E-HERMAN'-MILLER-INC-BLDG-IMP Issess Ot�3i?6(3---897-OC-FACILITY-SYS'TEMS INC--BLDG' IMP____eS-4924-S20-52 27644 ,41 .21 Iseses OS/31/88 OS/31/88 1,126.12 FACILITY SYSTEMS INC BLDG IMP ES-4924-S20-S2 27643 4,253.76 FACILITY SYSTEMS INC BLDG IMP 25-4924-520-S2 26882 Isse8s OS/31/88 312.00 FACILITY SYSTEMS INC ISS88S OS/31/88 388.80 FACILITY SYSTEMS INC BLDG IMP BLDG IMP 2S-4924-S20-52 27641 06i Of 62 --FACILITY SYSTEM.S_INC__ __BLDG_IMP 2S-4924-S20-S2 es 27383 | .,� -- ���-�_0=4ewe-wv4o=1+-------- ��w.wo "—�M" T-0 573 086 ns8�OO --* �---CHIppsuA-8nApHI08----pezw7zzwo---—---,w 46 0 0 sou so 4514 ill' -' | %_!w �]~ ---------'--- . ( / h! +._ ee �'' ..~~.. ^~~°°."^"� wwrrIEw u=wso a-----'----------- / 28' on '| � 1088 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE �z Jai 158922 06/01/88 ��- 158923 06/01/88 i .l IS CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 29 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE 158924 06/01/88 - - - MECO - -. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 60798 158925 06/01/88 78.38 158926 06/01/88 — - -- - -- - -- 158927 06/01/88 z, - 158928 06/01/88 s ] 158929 06/01/88 Y l 80.00 DIANE E KOOLE CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 200 -20 ; JC 271010 05/27/88 » » » »s» 7 401 01 0 05%31 X88 ;5 401010 05/23/88 401010 05/23/88 la2l i .l IS CHECK REGISTER 06 -06 -88 PAGE 29 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE v 78.38 - - - MECO - -. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 60798 78.38 » -- - -- -- -- - - -- -- - ------------------ — - -- - -- - -- 80.00 JIM KNUTSON DUES 10 -4204- 160 -16 80.00 DIANE E KOOLE CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 200 -20 ; . - - -_. - _.—._- 7 865.00 BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 100 -10 "'I 865.00 » - -- -- - - - -- --- - - - - -- i]I - 305_04 — -- - MR SIGN COMPANY SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 335 -30 3990 IP, �14I 305. 04 » - — _- -- - - - - -- -- 21.00 -- ANN LONGTIN REFUND TENNIS 10- 3500 - 000 -00 21 .. 0 0 e -- — - -- - -- — - - -- -- -- -- - -; _I 25.32 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 267364 a' 25.32 » - -__ - -- - = ^I 17.50 SERVICE SALES CORP OFFICE SPLY 50- 4516 - 860 -86 012562 » »» -CKS 407.91 AUTO MACHINE SUPPLY 27450466366 -- 27- 4504 - 663 -66 3I 407.91 » j 8.28 "AUTO MACHINE SUPPLY 40450480184 - -40 =4504= 801- 80 - - -- 236.86 AUTO MACHINE SUPPLY 40454080580 40- 4540- 80S -80 236.86- AUTO MACHINE SUPPLY CORRECTION 40-4540-805 -80 .28 » + »» -CKS II {{ 248,640.9 5 _ FUND 10 __ TOTAL GENERAL _ FUND - - -- - - -- ;� 7,988.28 FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER pqpRQVMROA:FTAY —MENT, 26,338.41 FUND 25 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND 'I — 1 ; 624 -6f FUND -26 -TOTAL SWIMMING -- POOL -FUND 25,327.57 FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND 29,153.93 — FUND 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND i 927.64 " FUND 29 TOTAL _ GUN RANGE FUND R' 8,272.67 FUND 30 TOTAL EDINBOROUGH PARK ; C2� 261,809.61 FUND 40 TOTAL UTILITY FUND " �939--S2 FUND -50 -TOTAL -----CIOUOR-D3SPENSARS-FUND �6p -- ----'---------- -- 'tl 11725.00 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 623, 747.89 17,1 v