HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-07-11_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 11, 1988 ROLLCALL I. APPROVAL OF HRA MINUTES OF JUNE 20, 1988 II. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL CENTENNIAL UPDATE RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE - Clinton J. Christopher I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All Agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member of citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. * II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of June 20 and Special Meetings of May 16 and June 6, 1988. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment hears. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plat ARRroval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. * A. Lot Division - Lots 15, 16 and 17, Block 2, Brookside Heights 5037 William Avenue * B. Set Hearing Date. (8/1/88) 1. Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Mixed Development District IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. AWARD OF BIDS * A. Intercom Alert System * B. (1) One Ton Pick -up Truck * C. Emergency Purchase of Well Screen (Well #4) * D. . Emergency Repair of Fire Truck VI. RECOMMENDATIONS ANDREPORTS * A. On -sale Wine License Renewal - Vie de France Restaurant B. Adoption of 1988 -89 Work Program C. Exterior Completion of One and Two Famiy Residential D. Appointment - Community Health Services Advisory Committee E. Water Report * F. Feasibility Report - Set Hearing Date 7/18/88 Edina City City Council Agenda July 11, 1988 Page 2 VII. RESOLUTIONS. Favorable rollcall vote by majority of quorum to pass. * A. To Levy Sanitary Sewer/fiatermain Connection Charges - Lot 2, Blk 1, Smaby Addition (PID 32- 117 -21 -14 -0060) * B. To Change Polling Location for Precinct #18 C. Revision of Final Plat Resolution - Engstrom Harnie Addition VIII. PUBLIC HEARING ON CABLE TV FRANCHISE A. Resolution - Proposed Transfer of the City's Cable Television Franchise to a New Grantee . B. Amending Ordinance No. 1120 to Change the Name of Grantee IX. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL X. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XI. FINANCE * A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 7/11/88: General Fund $369,487.97, Art Center $8,227.26, Capital Fund $2,859.27, Swimming Pool Fund $5,309.99, Golf Course Fund $45,178.12, Recreation Center Fund $2,973.94; Gun Range Fund $998.72, Edinborough Park $14,398.93, Utility Fund $230,864.44, Liquor Dispensary Fund $22,706.79, Construction Fund $5,425.00, Total $708,430.43. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Mon July 18 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Aug 1 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room. Mon Aug 15 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Tues Sept 6 First Budget Hearing 4:30 p.m. Mgr's Conf Room Thur Sept 8 Budget Hearing 4:30 p.m. Mgr's Conf Room Mon Sept 12 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Thur Sept 15 Budget Hearing 4:30 p.m. Mgr's Conf Room Mon. Sept 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room A, Ow., g Le �EL�7-7 y RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE WHEREAS, CZinton J. Chv:ztopheh was a tong time tcez.ident of the City o6 Edina; and WHEREAS, he was hetd in high esteem by aU who knew him bon his many civic .Lntene6t,s- and his e66otris in seAv.ing his community; and WHEREAS, in 1939 he was one o6 the 6ounde)u o6 St. Stephen's Epc�scopat Church in Edina; and WHEREAS, he 6eAved as president o6 the Edina CountAy Ctub in 1953; and WHEREAS, he was appointed by Govetcnon Luther Voungdaht as advizony commiss.ioneA ob the Minnesota Denatr tment o6 Business Devetopment and held that position'-..' under, bouts govetcnotus; and WHEREAS, he� ways erected Pt trident ob the Edina VtZ&ge CounciZ and seAved during the post Wotctd. Wa% II yewL6 ob 1946 thtcough 1947 when Edina began its bu.itd.ing boom; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Councit does hereby mouton the passing ob CLINTON J. CHRISTOPHER and extends its condotences to his son and daughters, to his gAandch.iidAen and goat gtrandckitdtcen. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Ruotution be entered into the M.inuta Book ob the Ed.ina.. City Counc t and that a copy be ptcezented to his bamity. ADOPTED this filth day ob Jury, 19.88.. 0A MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL . JUNE 6, 1988 The Edina City Council held a special meeting on Monday, June 6, 1988 at 4:30 p.m. to receive the report of the Park and Recreation Task Force. Present were Members Kelly, Smith, Richards, Turner and Mayor Courtney. Staff present were Manager Rosland, Assistant.Manager Hughes, Park and Recreation Director Kojetin and Clerk Daehn. Task Force Members present were Joan.Lonsbury, Chair, Don Wineberg, Linda Farrell, Patrick Finley, Coletta Furlong, Peter Meyers, Jill Blooston and Lynn Shackelford. Chair Joan Lonsbury advised that the Task Force, as directed by the Council, had: 1) Made an inventory of existing Park and Recreation facilities; 2) Conducted a public opinion survey.concerning programs, maintenance, and fees /charges; 3) Compared Edina's maintenance staffing.budget with other cities; 4) Conducted an independent audit concerning the present condition of parks and facilities;,_ 5) Compared Edina's user fee structure with other cities; and 6) Had drafted findings and recommendations. Mr. Wineberg explained the main objectives, method and timing of the public opinion survey and reported on the key findings as contained in Appendix C of the Report. Mrs. Furlong reported on the survey of Park and Recreation Department of other cities as contained in Appendix A of the Report. She explained that the comparisons with other cities was extremely difficult because they handle park maintenance duties in various ways. The same is true for fees and charges. The park audit was the joint effort of all members of the Task Force, with some special assignments. The enterprise facilities were not included in the audit. The overall impression was very positive and many of the deficiencies noted were already scheduled for routine maintenance during the summer. Three general weaknesses that seemed to affect many Edina parks were: 1) condition of bleachers, 2) restrooms, and 3) drinking fountains. The conclusions as outlined in the Report were summarized as follows. Based upon the public opinion survey the parks and recreation facilities meet the desires and expectation of the residents. In general, Edina's parks are maintained to a reasonable level and meet the expectations of the community. Most of the neighboring cities do not charge field maintenance fees for youth athletics. The public opinion survey indicated that the present fee structure, including the recently adopted field maintenance fee, is generally well received. Following the presentation of the findings and conclusions the Council Members briefly discussed the report in general and how to proceed with the information-it provided. It was informally agreed that it should be referred to the Park Board for their comments and then be placed on the Council Agenda for further consideration. No formal action was taken and no other business was discussed by the Council. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. City Clerk MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 16, 1988 The Edina City Council held a closed meeting on May 16, 1988 at 6:00 p.m. at Edina City Hall regarding potential litigation in connection with flooding following the July 1987 rainstorms. Present were Members Kelly, Smith, Richards, Turner and Mayor Courtney. Staff in attendance were Manager Rosland, Engineer Hoffman, Assistant Manager Hughes, Assistant to Manager Smith, City Attorney Erickson and Clerk Daehn. Also attending were Marty Burger'of Home Insurance Company and Jim O'Neil of Faegre- Benson, attorney for Home Insurance. Engineer.Hoffman updated the Council Members on the areas in the City where flooding occurred last July and specific areas that have potential for some upgrading of the storm water storage system. Also presented was data for a proposed storm water management plan. Representing the City's insurer, Home Insurance Company, Attorney Jim O'Neil advised the Council Members of their legal position with regard to claims filed and potential litigation. The Council asked Engineer Hoffman to develop and bring back for Council consideration alternatives for a city -wide storm water plan. No formal action was taken and no other business was discussed by the Council. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. City Cler MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 20, 1988 Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner and Mayor Courtney. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' GOLF TEAM AND BOYS' TENNIS TEAM COMMENDED. Mayor Courtney presented resolutions of commendation for the Edina High School Girls' Golf Team and the Boys' Tennis Team for recent accomplishments in winning state championships. The resolutions were adopted unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED. Motion was made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Turner to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF MAY 16 AND JUNE 6. 1988 APPROVED. Motion was made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Turner to approve the minutes of the Regular Meetings of May 16 and June 6, 1988. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. PUBLIC HEARING CONCLUDED: SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. P -S -45 ABANDONED. Engineer Hoffman recalled that a public hearing was conducted on May 16, 1988 for Sidewalk Improvement No. P -S -45 on-West 62nd Street from France Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue as the result of a petition from residents in the area. The Council had continued the hearing and had referred the issue of traffic on the W. 62nd Street to the Traffic Safety Committee for their recommendations. The Traffic Enforcement Unit of the Police Department had been stationed in the area and their reports showed a large number of vehicles in excess of 30 mph, some in excess of 50 mph and that the greatest number of violations occurred during the morning rush hour. It was determined that West 62nd is typical of any other collector street, i.e. Valley View or Wooddale Avenue. The action of the Committee was to recommend further enforcement and the placing of oversize speed limit signs to attempt to educate the drivers on the street. Engineer Hoffman recalled that at the last meeting he had explained that a sidewalk on West 62nd Street is in the City's long range Comprehensive Plan but that it is not yet scheduled in the Capital Plan. The proposal of an asphalt path on the south side of West 62nd Street was made to minimize cost with the expectation that the roadway would be rebuilt and the path removed and replaced with a concrete sidewalk. During the hearing it was evident that a concrete sidewalk should be constructed instead of asphalt. The West 62nd Street residents oppose the walk even though all neighbors south of West 62nd Street would be assessed for the construction cost. The new estimated assessment amount would be $504.00 per lot to be spread over a three year period. The estimated assessment for asphalt was $270.24 per lot. Engineer Hoffman also recalled that there was some question as to where the walkway should go with regard to the property at 4301 -05 West 62nd Street. It is felt that it should be constructed on the east side of the property to connect to the sidewalk on Valley View Road. He said that a reminder notice was sent to affected property owners stating the proposed assessment for concrete. One letter and six phone calls have been received in opposition. Engineer Hoffman outlined the following alternatives: 1) Wait until West 62nd Street comes up in the Capital Plan for reconstruction as a State Aid street; proposed assessment would be $20.00 /foot for properties abutting, with no assessment to non - abutting properties; 2) Proceed with construction of the concrete sidewalk and assess the area bounded by West 62nd Street on the north to the Crosstown 62 on the south; and 3) Proceed with . project and assess all property owners in the proposed area except property owners abutting West 62nd Street. Member Turner asked if the Traffic Safety Committee had discussed the issue of need for a sidewalk. Engineer Hoffman said they had looked at the safety issue in terms of other collector streets in the area that do also do not have sidewalks but had not debated it as the key issue. Mayor Courtney then called for public comment. Speaking in objection to the proposed sidewalk project were: Tim Jordan, 6232 Peacedale Avenue; Janice Thang, 6312 Peacedale Avenue; Jerry Kopvetier, 4129 West 62nd Street; Silas Weir, 6301 Halifax Avenue; Douglas Yarwood, 4111 West 62nd Street; Bob and Georgia Book, 6201 Brookview Avenue, speaking for other five people in condominium; Robert Perrault, 6212 Peacedale Avenue; Ralph Schoenrock, 6228 Peacedale Avenue; and Randolph Hippe, 4213 West 62nd Street. Speaking in support of the project were: Jim Deusterhoff, 6320 Peacedale Avenue; Teri Ellis, 5223 Halifax Avenue; and Paul Wyse, 6301 Peacedale Avenue. Member Kelly asked when West 62nd Street would be up for reconstruction. Engineer Hoffman replied that it would be at least five years or more. Member Smith asked how those streets that are scheduled in the Capital Plan compare with West 62nd Street as to traffic hazard, etc. Engineer Hoffman said that those street have as much or more traffic or the pavement is in worse condition. Sidewalks have been an added extra for State Aid projects; prior to 1973 there were no sidewalks on any State Aid streets. Subsequently, the Council adopted a policy of trying to place sidewalk on at least one side of all major streets. Member Smith commented that the Edina School District has historically been responsive to concerns about picking up /dropping off children where there is a safety issue. He said he did not understand how a sidewalk on the south side of West 62nd Street would help residents get to Pamela Park because there is no crosswalk. He also asked if in order to move this project along some other -more urgent sidewalk project would have to be delayed. Engineer Hoffman explained that.° the petition was to provide access for pedestrians to get to France Avenue and to.. -. :_.. Valley View Road as well as to the park and that sidewalk on West 62nd Street as included in the:Comprehensive Plan was to tie the two sidewalk systems together..` He said that staff is reviewing the 1980 sidewalk plan prior to the 1989 Budget hearings to re- evaluate the priorities. Member Smith moved that the proposed Sidewalk Improvement No. P -S =45 for West 62nd Street from France Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue (south side) not be approved and that the project be abandoned at this time " for the reasons that there are presently other priorities for sidewalks and that West 62nd Street does not present eminent danger to pedestrians. Motion was seconded by Member Turner who stated she supported the long range Comprehensive Plan for sidewalk priorities, that it made more sense to do the sidewalk improvement when the street is improved, and that she strongly supported the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Committee regarding West 62nd Street. Member Kelly commented she would support the motion if the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Committee are approved and that she agreed that the sidewalk should be built when the street is improved. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried; project abandoned. PUBLIC HEARING ON SOUND WALLS /SIGHT BARRIERS CONCLUDED: RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED FOR MNDOT HIGHWAY REPAIR AND LEGISLATIVE ACTION THRU AMM. Engineer Hoffman stated that this is the fourth time the subject of sound walls /sight barriers has been discussed since November, 1987. He recalled that initially the City has received petitions last year for some type of sound walls along Highway 100 between West 44th and 50th Streets from residents on the east side. Later a second petition was received from residents on the west side of Highway 100. At its meeting of April 18, 1988 the Council asked that additional information be brought back on seven issues relating to sound walls. Engineer Hoffman said that the Assessor would report on their research regarding property values, that consultants Strgar- Roscoe - Fausch, Inc. would give results of the neighborhood survey regarding funding and would present graphics regarding types of sound walls. Research - Property Values - Assessor Ralph Johnson stated that there is no special classification or explicit tax relief for noise affected properties in the State of Minnesota. The effects of noise or any other negative or positive influence on market value should be reflected in the Assessor's valuation for that purpose. Within the study area, the negative effect of highway traffic has been considered and reflected in previous years' assessments. Appraiser Ed Pederson reported that as requested a sales analysis, as is usual assessment procedure, was performed on single family residential homes located adjacent to Highways 100 and 62. The purpose was to determine whether these homes were being assessed at a higher relationship to selling prices than the rest of the community. The market study included 74 sales occurring from September, 1985 through September, 1987. Statistical comparison between the sales study area and the City of Edina inclusive, shows a comparable relationship between selling price and the Assessor's market value. The median sales ratio varied only 2 -48 higher in the study area; a variance that can be found in other areas within the City when comparing a small sample area against the overall City assessment. Based upon the results of the study, the Assessor's office at this time would recommend no additional reduction in value for the properties within the study area. Continued analysis on a regular basis will be utilized to determine any further market fluctuations. Impact Noise at Minnehaha Creek Bridge /Fence Heights - Staff met with the consultant and MnDOT engineers regarding the impact noise at north end of the Minnehaha Creek Bridge. A sag in the roadway has been identified which causes larger vehicles as they cross the area to conduct a booming noise. MnDOT has agreed to correct the problem this summer, either through a technique called mud jacking or by replacement of that portion of the concrete. With regard to fence heights, MnDOT said they have a certain standard for fence heights along the freeways in the metropolitan area and that standard shall remain. Neighborhood Funding/Opinion Survey - Jim Kranig, consultant, stated that a postcard survey was mailed to 280 residents in the affected area and 198 responses were received. Approximately 328 of the respondents said traffic noise from Highway 100 does bother them and 688 said it does not. Approximately 658 of those said the noise bothered them during the nighttime hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Approximately 788 of them said noise bothered them during the 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. period; 878 of those said noise bothered -them during the daytime hours of 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Approximately 388 of all respondents said they would want noise walls and 628 said they did not even if there was no direct cost to them. Approximately 208 of the total respondents indicated that they would be willing to contribute some amount toward noise walls through assessments. Given the responses, the average funding level for those who would agree to assessments would.be $530 per year. This would yield a total of $20,600 per year and $206,000 for the full assessment. period. Two patterns did emerge from the responses. First, those who indicated that they are bothered by the noise generally are within the area which exceeds 65 decibels during daytime hours. The second involved those who are willing to pay some amount through assessments; these respondents are essentially.a subset of those bothered by the noise. Mr. Kranig also presented slides taken in the metropolitan area which illustrated the types of noise walls that have been constructed. Asphalt /Noise Reduction - As to other non -wall noise reduction techniques, Mr. Kranig stated that the use of bituminous pavement was investigated. In reviewing a number of studies the results show that new bituminous pavement is somewhat quieter than new concrete pavement. However, the difference is barely perceptible. In addition, noise levels increase as the bituminous pavement ages while noise levels decrease as concrete initially ages. A thin bituminous overlay on concrete was found to lose its initial noise advantage very quickly while a thick overlay was found to be similar to bituminous pavement. However, bituminous overlays can delaminate with age and could result in creating a heavy truck impact noise condition. Mr. Kranig explained that active noise reduction technology uses amplifiers to produce out -of -phase sound which cancels the undesirable sound. Current research is being done in areas of confined noise, such as ventilation fans, automobile and airplane interiors and industrial machine operations. No research could be found in active noise reduction for highways which appears to be applicable for this area. Hennepin County Input - Engineer Hoffman said that the Hennepin County Board currently does not have a policy on noise walls as they do on light rail transit, solid waste, etc. In talking with staff, their position seems to be that on any roadway project they will build to meet the Federal standards of 70 decibels with regard to noise levels. Recommendations - Engineer Hoffman presented staff recommendations as follows: 1) Consider amending the Comprehensive Plan with regard to noise impact, and 2) Pursue legislative action for funding noise walls via motor vehicle excise tax through the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM). Following the presentations, Mayor Courtney called for public comment. Speaking in support of construction of sound walls /sight barriers were: Margaret Francis, 4609 Cascade Lane; Ruthann and Richard Holetz, 4609 Sunnyside Road; and Phyllis Carrico, 4907 Sunnyside Road. Speaking in opposition were: John and Trudy Kellogg, 5009 Edinbrook Lane; Kelsey Smith, 4801 W. 44th Street; Dudley Parsons, 4437 Brookside Terrace; and Pat Bowles, 4375 Brookside Terrace. Member Smith asked for a clarification of the repair work that MnDOT has agreed to do at the bridge and what were the results of the survey. Engineer Hoffman explained that it took a great deal of time to identify the source of the noise impact problem other than the expansion joints. They have concluded that the impact noise on the north end is caused by the sag in the roadway; on the south side they may only find it to be an expansion joint problem. He said that, regarding the results of the survey, although the state law was changed in 1987 to allow cities to special assess for noise wall projects; the findings are that there is insufficient support from the larger neighborhood for a special assessment project even though there is good support base from the smaller group near the highway and if something were done to mitigate the highway noise additional funding would have to be found. Member Richards offered the following resolutions and moved adoption and directed the Manager to submit them to the agencies named: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Edina City Council has been undertaking studies on noise impacts along metropolitan freeways in Edina; and WHEREAS, a noise impact problem has been identified at Minnehaha Creek Bridge on T.H. 100; and WHEREAS, the noise created by the highway and bridge at Minnehaha Creek needs to be abated by repair of said area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby requests that the Minnesota Department of Transportation take appropriate action to repair T.H. 100 at Minnehaha Creek prior to September 1, 1988. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Edina is in the process of updating its Strategic Plan to deal with issues resulting from the continued urbanization of the City; and WHEREAS, highway traffic noise has been identified as one of these issues; and WHEREAS, the issue appears to be a metropolitan as well as an individual City issue, given the widespread problem in Edina and the many other cities in the metropolitan area with similar residential proximity to major roadways; and WHEREAS, it is felt that a metropolitan approach is needed to address the traffic noise problem which stems from regional highway traffic; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina considers the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities to be the appropriate metropolitan agency to investigate the issue; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby requests the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities to establish a legislative policy and lobby for a position to develop a funding mechanism for noise barriers on roadways that are already established and not a part of new construction; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this funding mechanism might consist of funding between private property owners, municipalities and the State of Minnesota and that the Association of Metropolitan consider recommending that the State funding source be from the motor vehicle excise tax. Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Member Turner who added that this issue fits in with one of the issues in the Strategic Plan - the broad issue of urbanization of the community. The increasing noise, traffic and clean air problems will continue to increase and as the City works through the Strategic Plan we should have in mind other ways of dealing with this. z: Rollcall:1: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Kam: Resolutions adopted. *REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY REZONING AND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PINEWOOD TOWNHOMES (HARVEY SWENSON) WITHDRAWN. Motion was made by Member Kelly:and seconded by Member Turner to accept withdrawal of the application for preliminary rezoning to PRD -2 District and preliminary plat for Pinewood Townhomes as requested by the s1, proponent. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED FOR SWENSON'S REPLAT OF LOTS 1. 2 and 3 EDENMOOR ADDITION. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Larsen presented the request for preliminary plat approval for property generally located west of Sherwood Road and north of Edenmoor Street extended westerly. He recalled that at its May 16, 1988 meeting the Council considered a proposal to redevelop the subject property with a 6 -unit townhouse development. The Council voted to order staff to prepare findings to support denial of the townhouse proposal. Subsequent to the Council action the proponent.has withdrawn his townhouse proposal and has submitted a proposal to develop the property with four single family lots. The proposal was considered by the Community Development and Planning Commission on June 1, 1988. The initial single family proposal showed the four lots served by a cul -de -sac on the southerly portion of the property adjacent to the rear yards of the houses on Richwood Drive. Following discussions with some of the immediate adjoining neighbors and with the City Engineer the proponent submitted an alternate proposal which illustrated a new public street located on the northerly portion of the property immediately south of the Harvey Hansen office building. The proposed lots.range in size from 10,136 square feet to 16,112 square feet in area with an average lot size of 12,693 square feet and meet or exceed Zoning Ordinance requirements for single family lots. The plat proposes a 40 foot right of way, a 28 foot wide street and a hammer head cul -de -sac. This compares to our normal 50 foot right of way, 30 foot street and circular cul -de -sac. The reduction of right of way and street width allows for deeper lots and more desirable placement of homes. Engineer Hoffman has reviewed and approved the proposed road design. Planner Larsen advised that the Planning Commission looked at both of the proposals and they as well as staff preferred the placement of the public street on the northerly portion of the property as it would create a more desirable relationship with the existing homes to the south. The lot sizes compare favorably to the lot sizes in the Richmond Hills neighborhood. The Planning Commission recommended preliminary plat approval subject to: 1) Final Plat approval, 2) Developer's agreement, and 3) Subdivision dedication. Planner Larsen advised that the proponent, Harvey Swenson, was present to respond to questions. Member Smith asked if there would be any access onto Vernon Avenue. Engineer Hoffman said access would only be by the new public street. Ron Cohen, 5213 Richwood Drive, expressed concerns of the neighborhood as to storm water drainage and berming on the south side of the proposed plat and the type of houses that will be built. Planner Larsen responded that the grading plan will be reviewed by the Engineering Department as well as the watershed district prior to final plat approval. Storm water will drain to the low point as in the previous townhouse, proposal and will be picked up by the storm sewer on Vernon Avenue. In response to the type of houses to be constructed, Planner Larsen said he was not aware of any covenants on the property. No further comment being heard, Member Richards introduced the following resolution and moved adoption, subject to l) Final Plat approval, 2) Developer's agreement, and 3) Subdivision dedication: RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SWENSON'S REPLAT OF LOTS 1. 2 AND 3. EDENMOOR ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "SWENSON'S REPLAT OF LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 EDENMOOR ADDITION ", platted by Harvey G. Swenson and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of June 20, 1988, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval. Motion-for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. BID AWARDED FOR BRAEMAR PAVILION RENOVATION - PHASE I. Manager Rosland presented. bids for Braemar Pavilion Renovation - Phase I showing Eagan Construction Company at $691,200, Shaw- Lundquist Association at $575,900, Hagman Construction, Inc. at $769,000, Merrimac Construction Company at $779,990 and New Mechanics Companies at $817,400. He said that the low bidder has a reputation for good work and completion on time and would recommend award to bid to Eagan Construction. He advised that bids for Phase II would be on the August 1, 1988 Council Agenda. Member Kelly moved award of bid for Braemar Pavilion Renovation - Phase I to recommended low bidder, Eagan Construction Company, at $691,200. Motion was seconded by Member Richards. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *BID AWARDED FOR TREE TRIMMING - SW QUADRANT OF CITY. Motion was made by Member. Kelly and seconded by Member Turner to approve award of bid for tree trimming - SW quadrant of City to recommended low bidder, Davey Tree, at $2.90 /in. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR REMOVAL OF DISEASED TREES. Motion was made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for removal of diseased trees to recommended low bidder, Asplundh, at $8.50 /in. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR TREE.STUMP REMOVAL. Motion was made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for tree stump removal to recommended low bidder, Arps, at $1.30 /in. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR SALE OF USED LEVER VOTING MACHINES. Motion was made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for purchase of used lever voting machines to sole bidder, Klein's Scrap Iron & Metal Company, at $3.61 per machine, FOB Barrett Moving and Storage Company, 7100 Washington Avenue So. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. BIDS AWARDED FOR INSURANCE RENEWALS. Ceil Smith, Assistant to Manager, presented insurance quotations for the City's insurance renewals as follows: Premiums Option #1 TRANSCONTINENTAL - Liquor - $500,000 limit $ 53,600 PENCO - General Liability - 500,000 limit 124,719 Automobile - 500,000 limit 54,102 (no comp. or collision) LEAGUE - Workers Compensation Between $130,452 and $398.687 Premium = $103,452 + (losses x 1.10) Premium does not vary with losses; except Workers Compensation Option #2 TRANSCONTINENTAL - Liquor - $500,000 limit 53,600 HARTFORD - General Liability - 500,000 limit 81,208 ($5,000 deductible property damage) Automobile - 500,000 limit 54,104 (no comp. or collision) LEAGUE - Workers Compensation Between $103,452 and $398,687 Insured pays all Property Damage claims under $5,000 Option #3 HOME INSURANCE - General Liability, including Liquor - $500,000 86,991 Automobile 500,000 34,026 (includes $3,117 charge for comp. and collision- Fire Trucks) HOME INSURANCE - Workers Compensation 358,939 Present Plan - Premium varies with losses on all lines Option #4 TRANSCONTINENTAL - Liquor - $500,000 limit 53,600 LEAGUE - General Liability - 600,000 limit 106,238* Automobile 600,000 limit 19,925 (no comp. and collision) LEAGUE - Workers Compensation Between $103,452 and $398,687 * Claims made coverage - $36,750 to purchase extended reporting endorsement Property HARTFORD 41,782 ROYAL 42,833 HOME INSURANCE 40,781 LEAGUE 52,891 ZURICH 54,000 Based on the fact that Option #3 (Home Insurance) results in the lowest cost to the City four out of the five past year periods, staff would recommend award of bid to Home Insurance for General Liability including Liquor, Automobile and Workers Compensation. Staff would recommend award of bid to The Hartford for Property Insurance based on consideration as to payment of the premium (25% down and remaining amount amortized over 9 months) and past performance. Following . presentation of the bids and discussion of the City's insurance, Member Richards moved approval of Option #3 and award insurance bids as follows: HOME INSURANCE - General Liability, including Liquor $ 86,991 Automobile 34,026 HOME INSURANCE - Workers Compensation 358,939 Motion was seconded by Member Turner.. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Member Turner moved award of bid for Property Insurance as follows: HARTFORD - Property $ 41,782 Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF JUNE 14, 1988 APPROVED. Fran Hoffman; Chairman of the Traffic. Safety Committee referred to item Section A(3) regarding traffic safety concerns on West 62nd Street at Peacedale Avenue which was referred to the committee by the Edina City Council and noted that a report had been presented earlier in the meeting in connection with the hearing on the proposed sidewalk improvement on West 62nd Street. As to item Section C(1) he said there was a lengthy discussion as requested from members of The Lanterns Association on the installation of the barricade at West 51st Street and Halifax Avenue. The_ '} action was taken following a request from residents on Halifax and concern regarding volume and speed of traffic. He explained what had transpired at the meeting and reported that the Committee moved to continue the matter for one month pending traffic count surveying of adjacent streets and in The Lanterns parking... lot area and to place "NO THRU TRAFFIC" signs at the entrances to The Lanterns., William Phillips, on behalf of the residents at The Lanterns, read a prepared statement giving their position on the barricade and asking that consideration be given to the concerns of the residents of The Lanterns. Member Richards commented that it makes sense to get the additional traffic survey and then consider the matter in another-month. He said he had received call from residents on Bruce Avenue about diverting more traffic into their street. Member Turner moved to approve the following recommended action listed in Section A of the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of June 14, 1988: 1) That Loch Moor Drive be assigned schedule by the Traffic Enforcement Unit to create a Police deterrent and also to more accurately assess the speed problem, 2) That in response to traffic safety concerns in the Morningside area impacted. by a traffic task force study in St. Louis Park, traffic counts be scheduled in the next week for Edina's affected areas and that we do additional traffic counts as each alternative is implemented by St. Louis Park, 3) That the Committee report back to the Edina City Council that West 62nd Street does, in fact, exhibit unsafe conditions with the addition that the matter has been referred to the Police Department's Traffic Enforcement Unit, and also that the speed limit signs in the area be enlarged, and to acknowledge Sections B and C of the Minutes. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. ON SALE WINE LICENSE RENEWALS APPROVED. Manager Rosland advised that applications have been received for On -Sale Wine License renewals from seven of the restaurants in the City. The Police Department has made their examinations and inspections and would recommend renewal, subject to conditions as noted on the individual reports. Member Smith moved approval of On -Sale Wine License renewals, subject to the Police Department's recommendations for the following restaurants: Boundary Waters Restaurant, Empress Restaurant, Good Earth, Original Pancake House/My Pie, Ediner, Pantry Restaurant and Szechuan Star. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. .Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. COMMITMENT NOT MADE FOR DECENTRALIZATION OF FIRST CALL FOR HELP/UNITED WAY SERVICES. Manager Rosland referred to a memorandum from John Senior, Jr., Chairman of the Human Relations Commission, in response to the request of the Council that they research the issue of decentralization of First Call for Help (United Way Service). The Commission feels that the City of Edina need not make any commitment at this time because usage studies show that the services already available to our area are adequate. United Way is currently negotiating with Hennepin County regarding the use of their staff person now located in Bloomington. If progress is made on using this person for Edina, Richfield, Eden Prairie and Bloomington, the cost would be minor and would be shared by the , cities. Because of several options that will be available in the future the Commission feels we should not make a commitment at this time. As a member.of the South Hennepin Human Services Council Board, Member Turner said that the position of the Board was for decentralization. She added that because the United Way's advisory committees are exploring the whole question of how to increase public knowledge of First Call for Help and its number she .concurred that the recommendation of the Human Relations Commission is appropriate. She said there is a difference of opinion as to whether there should be one number for the entire metropolitan area or different numbers for each community. South Hennepin Human Services Council's concern is the importance of linking the person with a problem with the appropriate resource to help solve the problem. Member Turner said she would support the Human Relation Commission's position but suggested that.the Council might send a letter to First Call for Help expressing interest in the importance of good inquiry and referral in this area, not taking a stand on how it is to be delivered. Member Turner moved that a letter be-sent to First Call for Help advising them of the recommendation of the Human Relations Commission for no commitment at this time and expressing the City's interest in the importance of educating the public to use the First Call for Help number. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried.• FEES AND CHARGES STUDY PRESENTED. Manager presented the Fees and Charges Study which had been requested by the Council several months ago. He said no action is needed at the present time and that this is just one portion of the many materials the Council will be receiving over the next several months that will all culminate in the budget process. Member Smith complimented the staff for the effort in producing the study and said that prior to budget time he felt the need to discuss the philosophy relating to the fees and charges the City collects. Member Turner suggested that the time to do this may be when the 1989 Budget Assumptions are presented. No formal action was taken. 1989 BUDGET HEARING DATES SET. Manager Rosland advised that the budget process will begin with a budget preview showing various budget assumptions at the Council Meeting of July 18, 1988. The proposed budget will be ready for submission to the Council on September 1, 1988. Staff would recommend the following tentative dates be set for 1989 Budget Hearings: September 6, 8 and 16, 1988 from 4 :30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Council informally agreed to reserve those dates for budget hearings. CITY TO CONSTRUCT TRAFFIC DIVERTER AT SUMMIT /INTERLACHEN BLVD. Assistant Manager Gordon Hughes recalled that at its meeting of June 6, 1988 the HRA had made a decision not to partially fund the traffic diverter at Summit Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard as requested by Robert Hamilton, owners of Interlachen Town Homes. Subsequently, a letter was sent to Mr. Hamilton and Westminister Corporation advising them of the decision and also informing them that if they could not come to an agreement regarding the diverter within two weeks that the City`will construct a simple diverter, cost of which will be the responsibility of Westminister. Assistant Manager Hughes said that he has the concurrence of Westminister that they will use their budgeted amount of $4,000 for construction of the diverter, but that he had not heard from Mr. Hamilton. Consequently, the City will be constructing a simple diverter within the next few weeks. No action was taken. 1988 -89 WORK PROGRAM PRESENTED AND DISCUSSED. Assistant Manager Hughes referred to the draft of the 1988 -89 Work Program that had been given the Council and said the elements of the program are based upon the issues which were identified at the Strategic Planning Retreat of April 9, 1988. He asked for comments and input from the Council so that the program could be adopted at the July 11, 1988 meeting. No formal action was taken. LANE AYRES LETTER DISCUSSED REGARDING ONE YEAR LIMIT FOR EXTERIOR COMPLETION OF RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS. Lane Ayres, 4407 Branson Street, spoke in support of his letter to the Council urging consideration of an ordinance that would place a one year limit from time of permit to exterior completion of residential building projects. He referred to an ordinance which was adopted by the City of St. Louis Park that is intended to protect neighbors from the visual blight of unsightly, unending projects and property value declination and said is has worked well. Following some discussion the Council informally directed the staff to draft an ordinance to deal with the issue to be considered by the Council at its meeting of July 11, 1988 and to get input from the City Attorney, the Planning Commission and the Building Constructions Appeals Board. APPOINTMENT TO COMMUNITY CENTER BOARD DISCUSSED. Member Smith asked if the terms for the Council's representatives on the Community Center Board ran concurrent with the School Board terms or with the City's other advisory boards /commissions. He also advised that Elie Reid would like to retire from the Board. It was agreed that the terms should be consistent with the City's other advisory boards whose terms run to February 1 and that the matter of a replacement-for Mrs. Reid be placed on the next Council Agenda. APPOINTMENT TO COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO BE MADE JULY 11. Member Kelly recommended that the Council conduct interviews prior to the July 11th Council meeting so that an appointment could be made to fill the vacancy on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee at the Council meeting on that date. It was agreed to interview applicants at 6:00 p.m. on July 11. MANAGER'S REVIEW AND COUNCIL SALARIES DISCUSSED. Member Kelly questioned if the timing for the Manager's review at year end was out of sequel with the budgeting process. Member Turner commented that she felt the schedule as laid out originally was okay. Member Kelly also raised the issue of again looking at Council salaries in comparative cities prior to budget hearings. TREE TRIMMING BIDDERS DISCUSSED. Member Kelly said she has had several inquiries from tree trimmers regarding how to get on a list when bids are sent out. Manager Rosland advised that they should call-the City Forester and request that their names be put on the list for bids. COUNCIL REMINDED OF FOLLOW -UP SESSION ON JUNE 27. Member Turner reminded the Council Members of the follow -up session with Barbara Arney scheduled for Monday, June 27 from 5 to 9 p.m. Member Richards commented that he would be late for the meeting. REPORT GIVEN ON LMC CONFERENCE. Member Turner reported.that she and Mayor Courtney had attended the League of Minnesota Cities Annual Meeting held on..June 9, 1988 and that they had presented the Council's position in opposition to the proposed amendment for increased dues. She reported that the amendment received a majority vote for approval. PROPOSED MLC LAWSUIT DISCUSSED. Member Turner said the Board of the Association of Metroplitan Municipalities would be meeting prior to the next Council Meeting and asked regarding the status of the proposed Municipal Legislative Caucus lawsuit regarding the property tax bill. Manager Rosland responded that he feels the operating committee probably will recommend that the lawsuit not be commenced and that he would keep the Council informed on the issue. LETTERS FROM RESIDENTS OF DEWEY HILL WEST CONDOMINIUMS DISCUSSED. Manager Rosland advised that several letters had been received from residents of Dewey Hill West Condominiums regarding the condition of the pond on their complex and requesting that the City take some positive action regarding the water loss. Specifically, they are asking the City to seal the pond and add water. He commented that the pond is on private property and that the City has never done this in the past and that he would so advise the individuals who have written the letters. ENGINEER AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES COMMENDED. Manager Rosland commended the City Engineer and the Public Works employees for their efforts in keeping the water ban in force during this time of lack of rainfall. He said water pressure is a serious problem but that the crews seem to be keeping it under control. CABLE FRANCHISE TO BE AUCTIONED. Manager Rosland advised that the upcoming cable franchise sale will be an auction sale in New York City. The SWSCC is negotiating with the company on behalf of the cities regarding the Relief Ordinance. The company has offered $880,000 to keep the Relief Ordinance in place until 1992 but the cities feel it is worth more. He said he would keep the Council posted as the negotiations develop. *CLAIMS PAID. Motion was made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Turner to approve payment of the following claims dated 6/20/88: General Fund $758,826.92, Art Center $5,515.11, Capital Fund $164,289.54, Swimming Pool Fund $5,459.16, Golf Course Fund $65,754.71, Recreation Center Fund $1,231.22, Edinborough Park $4,893.83, Utility Fund $18,616.30, Liquor Dispensary Fund $107, 095.58, Construction Fund $752.50, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $120,675.00, Total $1,253,109.87; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims dated 5/31/88: General Fund $425,082.15, Art Center $1,408.23, Swimming Pool Fund $426.82, Golf Course Fund $12,247.36, Recreation Center Fund $5,909.10, Gun Range Fund $672.84, Edinborough Park $9,745.47, Utility Fund $21,471.88, Liquor Dispensary Fund $283,002.84, Construction Fund $290,00, Total $760,256.69. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. City Clerk MINUTES EDINA.HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JUNE 20, 1988"` Answering rollcall were Commissioners Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner and Courtney. MINUTES of the HRA Meeting of June 6,' 1988 were approved as submitted by motion of Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Ayes:. Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney -- Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, the meeting was.adjourned by motion of Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Motion carried. Executive Director . ,, LOCATION _ III. A. MAPCONSENT ITEM LOT NUMBER DIVISION LD -88 -7 L O C A TI O N 5037 William Avenue. EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: McClelland, G. Johnson, D. Johnson, V. Shaw, D. Runyan, L. Johnson LD -88 -7 Helen Vincent 5037 William Avenue_ Lots 15, 16 and 17 Block 2, Brookside Heights Refer To: Attached Survey General Location: Northeast corner of William Avenue and West 51st Street Mr: Larsen informed the Commission the subject property is comprised of 3 individually platted lots measuring 50 X 136.5 feet each. The proponent desires to divide lot 16, the middle lot adding,25 feet each to lot 15 and 17. The result will be two 75 foot and 136.5 foot lots. Mr. Larsen explained an existing garage will be removed and a new garage will be constructed in a conforming location on the northerly parcel. Mr. Larsen pointed out the resulting lots each measure over 10,000 square feet in area and meet all other ordinance requirements. A similar division occurred on the Block is 1983. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval of the division as presented. Commissioner.McClelland moved for approval of the lot division request. Commissioner D. Johnson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried. - -- -- - - - - - -- - — COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING- COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JULY 6, 1988 LD-88-7 Helen Vincent 5037 William Avenue Lots 15, 16 and 17 Block 2, Brookside Heights Refer To: Attached Survey General Location Northeast corner of William Avenue and West 51st Street The subject property is comprised of 3 individually platted lots measuring 50 X 136.5 feet each. The proponent desires to divide lot 16, the middle lot adding 25 feet each to lot 15 and 17. The result will be two 75 foot and 136.5 foot lots. An existing garage will be removed and a new garage will be constructed in a conforming location on the northerly parcel. The resulting lots each measure over 10,000 square feet in area and meet all other ordinance requirements. A similar division occurred on the'Block is 1983. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the division as presented. L esrr s PROPOSED DIVISION PLAT FOR, MRS, HELEN VINCENT 3031 William Avenue Edina, MN 53e36 ��o ? DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED NORTHERLY PARCEL: /r•. rN f �� lot 11 and the North one nett of Lot 16, Block 2, "BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS ", Including that portion _ __r_s_a_ar •. _.• a s. r 'a a r.... r of the west one nail of the vacated alley adjoining which Iles between IM easterly extension 01 the north line of said Lot 11 and the south line of the North one hall of said lot 16. �'O DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOUTHERLY PARCEL, Lot IS and the South one hall of Lot 16, Block 2, "BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS ", Including ` x• ! 1 9 lhal porllen of the west one hall at the vacated alley ties • -;•� : . � 1 • seer /, adjoining which Between the easterly extension of Y I q Y the line e ••. E I I t.nrw. aeirrr south of said Lot IS and the north line of the south one nail of sold lot 16. L s ' Z wM • Q r.r.wr.grr,•..r 14 1 I I , I I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I ale a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of Ine Stale of Mlnnesola, Y /n.... I • uJt � � r re4r..r.a •�• , ? � Dated this liln day of June, 1986. j !• .rrr.r ; ELAN, F IELD 6 NOW AK, INC. Surveyors • K ` , V Bruce W . Grlvno j I ' Minnesota License No. I1253 NOTE St - -- ra..ra _— ••- Area of northerly parcel - 10,221 square loot Area of southerly parcel 10,231 square lest S /ST STREET ►PEST esrr s RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land constitute various separate parcels: Lots 15, 16 and 17, Block 2, BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): Lot 17 and the North one half of Lot 16, Block 2, " BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS ", including that portion of the west one half of the vacated alley adjoining which lies between the easterly extension of the north line of said Lot 17 and the south line of the North one half of said Lot 16; and Lot 15 and the South one half of Lot 16, Block 2, " BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS ", including that portion of the west one half of the vacated alley adjoining which lies between the easterly extension of the south line of said Lot 15 and the north line of the south one half of said Lot 16. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825, are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be approved for by those ordinances. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of July 11, 1988 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 15th day of July, 1988. City Clerk 91;4A. ,- ° REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ted Paulfranz, Fire Chief VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: June 30, 1988 AGENDA ITEM V. A ITEM DESCRIPTION: Intercom Alert System Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Audio Engineers 1 2. Interior Communications 2. ____ 3. Low Voltage Contractors 3. ____ 4. Executone of Minneapolis, Inc. 4. $5,995.00 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Executone of Minneapolis, Inc., at $5,995.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This equipment is to replace and upgrade an existing fire station intercom system. The new system will integrate emergency radio dispatch, telephone and intercom. Specifications were sent to four companies listed; one could not do the work, two did not respond. The recommended quote is within expectations and budget. Signature The Recommended bid is within budget n FIRE Department ®l1.TA.� REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5 000 DATE: 7 .July, 1988 AGENDA ITEM V. B ITEM DESCRIPTION: 1 Ton Truck Company 1. Superior Ford, Inc. 2. Southdale Ford 3. Minor Ford 4. 5. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 12,689.00 2• $ 12,789.00 3. $ 12,850.00 4. 5 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: superior Ford, Inc. $ 12,689. 00 GENERAL INFORMATION: Purchase of 1 Ton Truck to replace existing vehicle. Funded thru equipment replacement fund. 'a. Public Works - Streets Sin r Department The Recommended bid is within budget not within r KS nneth Rosland City Finance Director REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis J. Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.00 DATE: 7 July, 1988 AGENDA ITEM v _ r. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Company Amount of Quote or Bid Layne Minnesota 1 $ 9,095.00 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Layne Minnesota - $ 9,095.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: During emergency overhaul of Well #4, it was discovered that the orig- inally placed well screen (1961) was the wrong size and needed replacement to prevent sand from being pumped up the well. Johnson Companies are a local manufacturer of well screen (only one of three in U.S.). City ordered 107 feet of new well screen from Johnson thru Layne Minnesota (well repair company)..Purchase funded from Utility Fund. See additional details in water report. Si natur The Recommended bid is within budget not Finance Director 4ir Kenneth Rosland,�C* Manager s r" 1r7A. A,t O 9e 'T �o,J REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ted Paulfranz, Fire Chief VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.00 DATE: July 7, 1988 AGENDA ITEM V . D ITEM DESCRIPTION: EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO AERIAL TOWER Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Custom Fire 1. $6,339.10 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Custom Fire — $6,339.10. GENERAL INFORMATION: Emergency repairs, as fire pump was damaged and failed capacity tests. Repaired and replaced pump impeller, shaft, bearings and valves. Custom Fire is the area service representative for this aerial platform and pump. I FIRE Signature Department The Recommended bid is x within budget not within bgdg* ohn If , E�nance Director 4o v- kennefh Rosland, A. e, Cn v Nov .�y • RPZM< 1888 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: JULY 11, 1988 Subject: WINE LICENSE RENEWAL Recommendation: Agenda Item # VI . A Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA M To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Approval of wine license renewal for Vie de France Restaurant is recommended' by the Police Department. Info /Background: Attached are copies of recommendations for a wine - license renewal for Vie de France Restaurant. A conditional approval of the license is recommended. M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager DATE: July 7, 1988 FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT:'- Wine License Renewal - Vie de France Restaurant The Vie de France Restaurant was examined for the purpose of wine license renewal. This examination included criminal checks on the corporate managers and local managers of the establishment, a review of calls and complaints responded to by the police at the license location, and an inspection of the license location to monitor compliance with ordinances and statutes. The service of wine was suspended at Vie de France on June 30, 1988 due to the restaurant's failure to provide sufficient information to process the renewal. The restaurant failed to provide information on bonds, insurances and corporate managers prior to the renewal process. These errors appear to be errors of omissions and no deception is noted. Upon the receipt of necessary information, criminal checks on the principals responsible for the restaurant were conducted. No information was found that would affect the operation of the license. Police responses to Vie de France were reviewed and none found that reflected on the management of the license. An unannounced, on -site inspection was conducted on June 15, 1988. It was found that the wine license was not - properly displayed and there was not a licensed manager on duty. Both local and corporate managers have been explained the license renewal procedures and the inspectional process. They seem to understand the requirements of the City and have been cooperative in achieving compliance. Random checks will be conducted to monitor this compliance. If problems are noted, the issue should be returned to the City Council for appropriate action. If you have any questions, please contact me. s CRAIG . SWANSON CHIEF OF POLICE CGS:nah M E M O R A N D U M I , TO: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police DATE: July 5, 1988 FROM: Sgt. Roger Olwin SUBJECT: Renewal of Wine License - Vie de France 3640 W. 70th St. REFERENCE: Memo Dated June 17, 1988 Mr. Warren D. Fay, assistant to the vice - president of Vie de France, has now submitted all of the necessary forms and signatures to include: - Part I - Jeffrey Newman -_Part I - Alexandre Vilgrain - Part II - Vie de France corporate information - Five signed releases of corporate managers - MN Liquor License Board Certificate of Insurance with notification clause included A letter has been sent to Vie de France to cease to serve or sell wine pending renewal, along with Mr. Fay notifying manager Marcia Miller to discontinue wine sales as of July 1, 1988. Affidavit of good character letters have been sent on the new corporate managers and I expect their return soon. The corporate officers have been investigated for criminal violations and have all been found clear. There have been no calls for service to Vie de France relating to liquor or license violations. Five applications have been received for manager licenses and all have a clear criminal history. All related documents are on file in the Investigative Division. As previously noted, an on -site inspection was conducted on June 15, 1988 which revealed that the wine license was not properly posted and there was not a licensed manager on duty. T. R ROGER OLWIN INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION RO:nah M E M O R A N D U M TO: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police DATE:. June 17, 1988 FROM: Sgt. Roger Olwin SUBJECT: Renewal of Wine License - Vie de France 3640 W. 70th St. The application for renewal was submitted by Robert Neil Blessing, Jr. and was received by the City Clerk on June 14, 1988. The renewal cannot be completed for the following reasons: 1. The application shows two additions to corporate management, Jeffrey Newman and Alexandre Vilgrain. A Part I form is required to be submitted by both. 2. A new Part II form is required to be submitted. 3. We did not receive five (5) signed releases by corporate management. 4. The liquor license bond was not submitted on the form required by the State of Minnesota and contains different language therein. 5. The certificate of insurance is not consistent with the license period July 1, 1988 to July 1, 1989. The insurance expires August 29, 1988. 6. The ordinance requires the application to be submitted 60 days prior to expiration. We have received five applications for managers and all have a clear criminal history. An on -site inspection was conducted on June 15, 1988 which revealed that the wine license was not properly posted and there was not a licensed manager on duty. Mr. Warren Fay in McLean, Virginia, 703 -442 -9205, was telephoned on June 17, 1988 and notified of the above. Mr. Fay requested that forms be shipped via Federal Express and he would have them completed within ten (10) days. Mr. Fay stated the expiration date on the insurance is standard for all the restaurants and he will contact the insurance company for a rider or notification clause if the insurance is or is not renewed. Mr. Fay further requested an official extension of the wine license for 30 days for completion of forms. Mr. Fay requested a telephone call on the decision so he could make necessary notification for discontinuance of the sale of w' T. ROGER OLWIN INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION RO:nah This application must be completed by each individual who will be in charge of a premises licensed to serve on -sale wine pursuant to Edina Ordinance No. 902. A licensed manager must be present on the premises during all times that wine is offered for sale.. A Manager's License is not transferable to other individuals and shall be restricted to the licensed establishment named in this application. Applicant's Name: First Middle(Full) Last Maiden Present Address: ?5(0\-\ �V\aACIE- �M1- '�No Ro�bcrsc\'A \ti Mr Telephone No.: Name and Address of Restaurant at which you will be employed: Date of Birth: „ �,- 3U-S01 Sex:. M F _ Height:. 9 Weight: Eye Color Hai'r Color pWh Driver's License Number: Names and Addresses of Establishments engaged in the sale of Intoxicating Liquor, at which you were previously employed. (Use separate sheet if necessary.) -1- Have you been convicted of a crime within the previous five years, any violations, of any law of the United States, the State of Minnesota, or other state or territory, or of any local ordinance with regard to: (1) manufacture, sale, distribution, or possession of intoxicating liquor,or controlled substances; (11) gambling; (111) theft; or (IV) vice. If so, provide the following information: Crime: Date of Conviction: Place of Conviction: County State hereby. certify that I have reviewed and understand the pertinent sections of Edina Ordinance No. 902, Edina Ordinance No. 141 and State laws and regulations and that this application and accompanying materials are true and correct to my knowledge. (�-c3 -fig Date Gl G— Signature o pplicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this !'.day of 19 .lye My Commission Expires: 4/85 -2- CITY OF EDINA OFFICE USE ONLY New Renewal Fee s Date of Approval 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 (61 2) 92 7 -8861 APPLICATION FOR MANAGERS LICENSE. This application must be completed by each individual who will be in charge of a premises licensed to serve on -sale wine pursuant to Edina Ordinance No.. 902. A licensed manager must be present on the premises during all times that wine is offered for sale. A Manager's License is not transferable to other individuals and shall be restricted to the licensed establishment named in this application. Applicant's Name: Present Address: 16ama aG)5 /First h iddl .(Full) Last Maiden Name and Address of7e7aurant Telephone No.: (&a) Y5S- 7340 which you will be employed: Yd r )1/1i .14�1/35 Date of Birth: `S 6 Sex: • M F X Height: Weight,: 2 Eye Color JH /air Color Driver's License Number: /o Names and Addresses of Establishments engaged in the sale of Intoxicating Liquor, at which you were previously employed. (Use separate sheet if necessary.) -1- Have you been convicted of a crime within the previous five years, any violations of any law of the United States, the State of Minnesota, or other state or territory, or of any local ordinance with regard to: (1) manufacture, sale, distribution, or possession of intoxicating liquor or controlled substances; (I1) gambling; (111) theft; or (IV) vic e. If so, provide the following information: Crime: Date of Conviction: Place of Conviction: County State hereby certify that I have reviewed and understand the pertinent sections of Edina Ordinance No. 902, Edina Ordinance No. 141 and State taws and regulations and that this application and accompanying materials are true and correct to my knowledge. a/z Date S'gnature of Applicant Subscribed an sworn to before me this d y' of 19� �Z My Commission Expires: 5'—_76 _ po 4/85 -2- GLF.P.LD i:. NOTArY P'!TBLIC - [ H NNEPIN COUNTY MY Corunission Ex;ires A, s o ty ;? _ ue. 30, 199 --- .�L..r.1i_'�u �J.��u��'�' . 117. y7�e1 ,+7�.:11{G�i'fF1L'ii5`�1S�IIY� •n . oi■ AL OFFICE USE ONLY c New Renewal >: .,� e - Fee Fi v Date of Approval 4801 WEST FIFTIETH 'STREET EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424;'x; 161 2) 927.8861 . APPLICATION FOR MANAGER S LICENSE °?;r This application must be completed by each individual who will be in' charge of a premises licensed to serve on -sale wine pursuant to Edina Ordinance, No. 902. A licensed manager;, must be present on the premises during ll times that wi'n S offered for sale. 'A Manager. {l g I "''.. 9 License is not transferable to other individuals and shall At restricted to the licensed , ;.; establishment named in this application. ,c.i core .. r Applicant's Name: T1 rd a�1l Re First M)ddle(Fulll) :: :: Last Malden t+�" Present Address: MAD ON �VtQ 0 Z' - 'r p � o) 4� `C� 34f r • Telephone No.:,. (to i Name and Address of Restaurant at which you will be employed: CCOAM Date of Birth: �� %� Sex: M F Jrr Height: Weight: Eye Color itct)r) Hair Color Driver's License Number: Names and Addresses of Establishments engaged in the sale of Intoxicating Liquor, at which you were previously employed. (Use separate sheep if necessary.) 1F 646uxcja W �i Have you been convicted of a crime within the previous five.years, any violations of an� yi law of the United States, the State of Minnesota, or other. state or territory, or of any, local ordinance with regard to: (1) manufacture, 'sale, distribution,''or possession, of-. Intoxicating liquor or controlled substances; (II.). amblin 9 9 %.~.(III.)- ..theft;. or_- ..(IV)••vice. J:.•� �.:.� •° If so,- provide the following information: Crime: Date of Conviction : .:.".Place of Conviction: County State ,I hereby certify that I have reviewed and understand the'pertinent_sections of.,Edina. A��: Ordinance No. 902, 'Edina'Ordinance No.' 141 and State. laws and regulations.ancl,that :.;t :. this application and accompanying materials are true and.'cor.rect to my.knowledge. Date Signature of-Applicant Su ribed an worn to before me this � e �•-•--�- -� J -1"" L day of (,t/nF_ 19 ? . , �. A °,i� Etr r .i.1 �'j ;r4 > r.,, +�c'ta =i�r ► ort a IIC „4 i My Commission Expires. � 1y �, ,. BARBARA A. DEDNARCZYK A. "NOTARY Pi U311C— MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNT`! M COMM Expiiet luly,19,1991- .•e '�� °.tl,) :3 •t t, >+fa.Fii: ., 1;. •°',GI(�1y pl- . y 1 •'1 i�'Itls_,� J- 31c',tif?.I l; � +i."} >:� ._...•....` .,. ... _. ..... - I i....' � t I �i � � is i�:�l� .�!�.' _t .� J' �iC u�'�.. '1 � +�''Y(M1L arfiFi a�(�_M 27.1. .'i�� T Tfl II I I I •t• `� {�° t y�� '�ar�.._.._ ....,_.. ..... _ .... .. ._.. . , — ....,. ..... , Tai.• , t -T OFFICE USE ONLY yN Ce: New L Renewal: CITY OF Fee 51, Five. I N A Date of Approval iJis I / ft j 4801 WEST FIFTIETH 'STREET EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424;2 16121927.886.1 APPLICATION FOR MANA6'�R S LICENSE This application must be completed by each individual who ''Will be in' charge of a premises licensed to serve on -sale wine pursuant to Edina Ordinarl C6.No. 902. A licensed manager .; %J must be present on the premises during all times `.flat wiln� ��..offered for sale. •A Manager's tl.. , License is not transferable to other individuals and shal',�t��,•restricted,to.the licensed••:i.,;,-jQ n establishment named in this application. ,r.l aoI r; !' ' :yl ► %�'?'� Applicant's Name: i „''i First 4-1 iddle(Fu Ir)';_;. Last Maiden...” K Present Address: h t; 1 f• ,rl ? Telephone. No.:,, 661 Z )S2,fj_'�'';�;k Name and Address of Restaurant at which you will be employed: � rr y�i I _i64 Gtlr ►4 Ili. Date of Birth. Sex. M Height: � 3 Weight: Eye Color Hair Color Drivers License Number: ''��•`'• Names and Addresses of Establishments engaged in the sale of Intoxicating Liquor, at . I;:, . which you were previously employed. (Us arate shegt if necessary.) 7JS I ,.fir.• '. �,.� ;.,,. r_�' ,.�� ''• �I; f Have you been convicted of a crime within the previous five : years „•any- ,violations'of ~any;? law of the United States, the State of Minnesota, or other: state or territory,'- or 'of an ,'!a..r local ordinance with regard to: (1) manufacture, sale, ` distribution ;'`orI ° posses sjo,wof�,,-' } intoxicating liquor or controlled substances; (11.) X. vice:•,.'r::' -:� a ., If-so,-Provide the following information. ^'{} Crime: ,Date oflConviction: ' Place of Conviction: ,, . •..... ,.:^ .:...,.,,. . {...:�::; County ­j:. State ;� f ^.i.:): i.iKlli {.d §.ilj� IaU's.U1, ap t I hereby certify that I have reviewed and understand ti`f4!':pertinent . section s . of„ Edina;f�:"-, Ordinance No.' 902, 'Edina Ordinance No. 141 and �Stafe.lbw!s:'and, regulations and.jthatli;��j this application and accompanying materials are true and:•correct to my knowledge i%'!' 14. �iPl�) ii i rrt,tfd..a� ti 5y' Date Signature of•::Applicant' "'�;� '” �y' ' 1 ' .... .,........•w ,.,..+....�...... ;_... .-r+a gall . � , I:!'`n� 11 ' ,Subscribed and sworn to before me this iY-(_ da y of ��✓ �•�� I�i I•!; It; ;I;'IIV�l1i 1C� ,1 ;'!i� "l u, ,�v.dv � , / (/�[66tf�y ✓1 ! ,. X. My Commission Expires: 4� J41;14 ti 1 «.11 K 1 -r. •.: t '�tST i1 ,I `.I` '.1 ' i(111�'"G yl� rl ! '.L�.✓`...a�'JI- d.''�'� , r 1 {tl1;r i!r: J 1 1 JAY, Mii�w"1Iri13(f ;,�tlf ia�l' �i'• �I. •�I r•:,, •�.I. r ,I ' � ,{ •,1;:r:J ;,,.� i.i) ,.li :, r',�!',�3v'.'J Iic ^41'f1j41'd trl '�3W�t�1, {1�1`J�''r!('�:�,�P�,' f I I ,i 7t 1 611 .. , ,, 1 I �, I 1 � I I . !of It- 41z}i /Jt!lryT` !,• . _ _ ...L. .. Zi j. , � 1 �, f�i,lµtf...p...«.T:•p.- • ,... I. td� , is , I {,, I;;,It;, JIi�►�r'fitift I,t 11,:� t ;r' I fl;'{t(��I put; (,� �cr t�,y a +,, 1 ... -. ... .. _._.. . ,....._.,.....�:..� Ildv •, •4 �+ !} { ,LI � t lir•'a�'+•:',44{.Y•i'..wlz� .4•a.� .. �..— ...... _. -� � � ' . I, I, 1 I I J ! ; , lu � (� v tp �'�'� , ry]�i,k,f ��,iis,��*.{, t r1 () L74 1 r:. I .. .... _ .. .. ..,_ ._,. , .•,•.+:r � r'+Y.� • `I, 4/85 —2— :emu 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREE OFFICE USE ONLY New Renewal t// Fee Date of Approval EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 (612) 927 -8861 APPLICATION FOR MANAGER 0S LICENSE This application must be completed by each individual who will be in'charge of a premises licensed to serve on- sale.wine pursuant to Edina Ordinance No. 902. A licensed manager must be present on the premises during all times that wine is offered for sale. A Manager's License is not transferable to other individuals and shall be restricted to the licensed establishment named in this application. Applicant's Name: EL&A rst 1--1/ e(Fu Present Address: 3 rr- l- (2 3 L s Maiden Telephone No.: (L Name and Address of Restaurant at which you will be employed: 3 Rio c �,= s ; -7e-) 1"4'- y 3 5 Date of Birth : / G, y Sex: M F ><_ Height: S // " Weight: / 5 S Eye Color (u a Hair Color !!�� KJ2n . Driver's License Number: �� - ,�vU - �r, i - -/G/ - Names and Addresses of Establishments engaged in the sale of Intoxicating Liquor, at which you were previously employed. (Use separate sheet if necessary.) A!-IiP t2 6- 5 &.-,-r /gore r:' Ai -r l r4 ll�— ►2 y�.r -1- ,y[ Have you been convicted of a crime within the previous five years, .any violations of any law of the United States, the State of Minnesota, or other state or territory, or of any local ordinance with regard to: (1) manufacture, sale, distribution, or possession of intoxicating liquor or controlled substances; (11) gambling; (III) theft; or (IV) vice. If so, provide the following information: Crime: Date of Conviction: Place of Conviction: County State hereby certify that 1 have reviewed and understand the pertinent sections of Edina Ordinance No. 902, Edina Ordinance No. 141 and State laws and regulations and that this application and accompanying materials are true and correct to my knowledge. IA) Da to Subscribed and worn to before me this �! da of c ILY 19 ry My. Commission Expires: Nom'. c;FES +'�`�• tom, N,y ��.,�p1. LX` „T/�`�•�' . Sigr{ature of Applicant 4/85 -2- r r too -JC KOCITY OF q_P DINA OFFICE USE ONLY Renewal: t/ Fee: foo Date of Council Approval: 4801' WEST FIFTIETH STREET on -Sale Wine License Renewal NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: Vie de France Bakery and Cafe ADDRESS OF ESTABLISHMENT: 3640 W. 70th Street, Edina, MN 55485 FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: (As listed on the attached Minn. Dept, of Public Safety Form #9114 (2 -86) EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 (6 1 2) 927 -886 1 Application PHONE NO. ( 612 ) 929 -8693 C750..00 Robert Neil Blessing, Jr. First Middle(Full) Last (Maiden) 2108 South Bay Lane. ' Reston, VA 22019 (703) 476 -5059 10/8/43 Phone No. Date of Birth On the reverse side of this form, list the full name (including the full middle name), present home address and birthdate of the - following: 1. All partners, if the restaurant is owned by a partnership; 2. All officers and directors as well as shareholders with a 10% or greater interest, if the restaurant is owned by a corporation. The following.shall be submitted herewith to constitute a full and complete renewal application as required by Edina Ordinance No. 902 and State Law: * A completed Minnesota Department of Public Safety Form #9114 (2 -86) * One of the following: a. "Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance" - for the license period. $50,000 per person; $100,000 more than one person; $10,000 property destruction; $50,000 and $100,000 for loss of means of support, or b. A bond of a surety company for the license period in the form required by the City with a minimum coverages as provided in "a" above, or c. A Certificate of the State Treasurer that the licensee has deposited with him $100,000 in cash or securities which may legally be purchased by saving banks of for trust funds having a'inarket value of $100,000. (If applicant claims exemp.tiQp',febm the above "a", "b ", or pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.8019"proof `of such exemption shall be established by affidavit given by the•. applicant'..,) * Surety Bond with a penal sum of $5,000;'pursuant to Edina Ordinance No. 902, Sec. 11. * An investigation deposit of,$100. (over) to —36 3 i * The required license fees. * Notice and Authorization for Release of Information. Information regarding any proposed remodeling, addition or deletion of equipment must be submitted to the Edina Health Department prior to installation or commencement of construction. Has there been a change in the size or seating capacity of the licensed premises? If yes, explain. No 'Have there been any material changes in the right, title, interest, lease or franchise requirements in the business during the previous term of license? -If yes, explain and furnish support documents. No Names, Addresses and Birthdates of Partners or Directors, Officers and Shareholders: See Attached Applicant and all associates in the On -Sale Wine License Renewal form will strictly comply with all of the laws of the State of Minnesota governing the taxation and sale of intoxi- cating liquor; the rules and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Control Commissioner, and all ordinances of this municipality. I hereby certify that I have read and understand every question in this form and PS 9114 (2 -86) and that the answer to every question in both forms is true of my own knowledge, information and belief. I further understand that the giving of false information in this form, and /or the failure to give required pertinent information, constitutes cause for the immediate revocation of any and all licenses and permits hereunder. June 13, 1988 Date Subscribed and sworn to before me this ti 13th day of June 19 88. Notary Public My commission expires: July.8, 1991 Sigh ure of Appli an (To t signed as n he attached Minn. Dept. of. Public Safety For X19114 (2 -86) VIE DE FRANCE RESTAURANT CORPORATION APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: NAME ADDRESS SEX DATE OF BIRTH SOC. SEC. NO. POSITION % OF OWNERSHIP — Robert N. Blessing, Jr. 2108 South Bay Lane M 10/08/43 290 -38 -7181 President Reston, Virginia 22091 Thomas S. Vesolich 13496 Lake Shore Drive M 05/01/44 176 -36 -1961 Vice- President, Herndon, Virginia 22071 Operations Jeffrey I. Newnan 6305 Swan Landing Court M 09/26/52 231 -76 -4669 Vice President, Burke, Virginia 22015 Human Resources Guy Tuleu 5, rue Jean Carries M 02/01/32 French National Secretary /Treasurer Paris, France �- Jean -Louis Vilgrain — 15, rue Croix des Petits M 01%22134 FrenchNational Chairman of the Board Champs, 75001 Paris, France j.- Richard Sharoff 628 Live Oak Drive M 08/25/46 049 -34 -6161 Director McLean, Virginia 22101 Richard Ripp, 304 N. Belmont Avenue M 02/14/30 358 -18 -6643 Director Richmond, Virginia 23220 Alexandre Vilgrain 15, rue Croix des Petits M 04/10/54 French National Director Champs, 75001 Paris, France Vie de France Corp.* 8201 Greensboro Drive Vie de France 100.0% McLean, Virginia 22102 Stockholder * Vie de France Restaurant Corporation is a totally owned subsidiary of Vie de France Corporation. ` ** Mr. Jean -Louis Vilgrain has controlling interest over Vie de France Corporation. .. 3543I i MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY PS 9114 (1 -87) PHONE (612) 296 -6159 LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION 333 SIBLEY • ST. PAUL, MN 55101 APPLICATION FOR COUNTY OR CITY ON SALE WINE LICENSE NOT TO EXCEED 14% OF ALCOHOL BY VOLUME EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. If a.corporation, an officer shall execute this application. If a partnership, a partner shall execute this application. If this is a first application attach a copy of the articles of incorporation and by -laws. Applicants Name (Business, Partnership, Corporation) Trade Name or DBA Vie de France Restaurant Cb rp. Robert N. Blessing, Jr. DBA Vie de France Bakery & Cafe Business Address Business Phone Applicants Home Phone 8201 Greensboro Dr. #1200 ( 703 ) 442 -9205 ( 703 ) 476 -5059 City McLean, VA 22102 County Fairfax State VA Zip Code 22102 Is this application If a transfer, give name of former owner License period ❑ New N Renewal ❑ Transfer I From 7/1/88 To 6/30/89 If a corporation, give name, title, address and date of birth of each officer. If a partnership, give name, address and date of birth of each partner. SEE ATTACHED Partner /Officer Name and Title Address DOB Partner /Officer Name and Title Address DOB Partner /Officer Name and Title Address DOB Partner /Officer Name and Title Address DOB CORPORATIONS State of Date of Certificate Incorporation Delaware Incorporation 7/10/85 Number FB 00454819 Is corporation authorized to do business in Minnesota? X:] Yes ❑ No If a subsidiary of another corporation, give name and address of parent corporation Vie de France Corporation THE BUILDING Name of Owners Building Owner Gabbert & Back Co. (MGT. CO.) Address 3510 W. 70th St., Edina, MN 55435 Has the building owner any connection Are the property taxes deliquent? ❑ Yes 1) No direct or indirect, with the applicant? ❑ Yes ❑(No Describe the premises to be licensed French Bakery and Cafe located within indoor single level Mall - Minneapolis Galleria THE RESTAURANT 'hat is the 100 During what hours will 9: 00 - 9: 00 pmNumber of people eating capacity? food be available? restaurant will employ? 40 L ow many months per year Will food service be the principal 12 months ll the restaurant be open? business of the restaurant? IN Yes ❑ No If this restaurant is in conjunction with another business (resort, etc.), describe the business. None OTHER INFORMATION 1. Have the applicant or associates been granted an on -sale non - intoxicating malt beverage (3.2) and /or a "set -up" license in conjunction with this wine license? ❑ Yes D1 No 2. Is the applicant or any of the associates in this application a member of the county board or the city council which will issue this license? ❑ Yes K] No If yes, in what capacity? (If the applicant is the spouse of a member of the governing body, or another family relationship exists, the member shall not vote on this application.) 3. During the past license year has a summons been issued under the liquor civil liability law (Dram Shop) (MS. 340A 802). ❑ Yes IN No If yes attach a copy of the summons. 4. Has the applicant or any of the associates in this application been convicted during the past five years of any violation of federal, state or local liquor laws in this state or any other state? ❑ Yes IN No If yes, give date and details. 5. Does any person other than the applicants, have any right, title or interest in the furniture, fixtures or equipment in the licensed premises? ❑ Yes M No If yes give names and details. 6. Have the applicants any interests, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota? ❑ Yes X No If yes, give name and address of the establishment. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE )RE N� AND THAT THE ANSWERS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT OF MY OWN KNOWLEDGE. 1 Robert N. Blessing, Jr. 6/13/88 nature o ppIican Date IF LICENSE IS ISSUED BY THE COYNTY BOARD; REPORT OF COUNTY ATTORNEY I certify that to the best of my knowledge the applicants named above are eligible to be licensed. ❑ Yes ❑ No If no, state reason. Signature County Attorney County Date REPORT BY POLICE OR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant, and the associates, named herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any violation of Laws of the State of Minnesota, Municipal or County. Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as follows /1%9!7h e!. pol": S rif Departmen me Tye C n / lsignati! r N VIE DE FRANCE RESTAURANT CORPORATION APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: NAME ADDRESS SEX DATE OF BIRTH SOC. SEC. NO. POSITION % OF OWNERSHIP Robert N. Blessing, Jr. 2108 South Bay Lane M 10/08/43 290 -38 -7181 President Reston, Virginia 22091 Thomas S. Vesolich 13496 Lake Shore Drive M 05/01/44 176 -36 -1961 Vice- President, Herndon, Virginia 22071 Operations / Jeffrey I. Newman 6305 Swan Landing Court M 09/26/52 231 -76- 4669 Vice President, Burke, V.rginia 22015 Human Resources Guy Tuleu 5, rue Jean Carries M 02/01/32 French National Secretary /Treasurer Paris, France Jean -Louis Vilgrain ** 15, rue Croix des Petits M 01/22/34 French National Chairman of the Board Champs, '75001 Paris, France Richard Sharoff 628 Live Oak Drive M 08/25/46 049 -34 -6161 Director McLean, Virginia 22101 - Richard Ripp 304 N. Belmont Avenue M 02/14/30 358 -18 -6643 Director Richmond, Virginia 23220 Alexandre Vilgrain 15, rue Croix des Petits M 04/10/54 French National Director Champs, 75001 Paris, France Vie de France Corp.* 8201 Greensboro Drive Vie de France 100.0% McLean, Virginia 22102 Stockholder * Vie de France - Restaurant Corporation is a totally owned subsidiary of Vie de France Corporation. ' ** Mr.-Jean-Louis Vilgrain has controlling interest over Vie de France Corporation. • l .y 3543I 7 Corltinental Casualty Company CNA For A II t he• Commit nu•nh yon .Make. AN I L L I N O I S C O R P O R A T I O N POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL ATTORNEY -IN -FACT Know All Men by these Presents, That CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and having its principal office in the City of Chicago and State of Illinois, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Edward F. Pugh, James G. Smith, Frederick L Dubin, John M Garrett, Margaret B. Lindsey, D. Michael Hays,, Pamela K Schriver, Individually of Washington, D.C. Its true and lawful Attorney -in -fact with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute in its behalf bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature - IN UNLIMITED AMOUNTS - and to bind CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY and all the acts of said Attorney, pursuant to the authority hereby given are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By -Law duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company. "Article IX— Execution of Documents Section 3. Appointment of Attorney -in -fact. The President or a Vice President may, from time to time, appoint by writtencertificates attorneys -in -fact to act in behalf of the Company in the excecution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorneys -in -fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority, shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President or any Vice President or the Board of Directors may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney -in- fact." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the_Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 3rd day of April, 1957. "Resolved, that the signature of the President or Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to Section 3 of Article IX of the By -Laws, and the signature of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power, and any power or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company." In Witness Wheteof, CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed on this 2nd day of March 1987 CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY State of Illinois) ss County of Cook ( S SEAL J. E. Purtell Vice President. On this 2nd day of March 19 came 87 ,before me personally c J. E. Purtell, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the Village of Glenview, State of Illinois; that a is a Vice- President of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument: that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed pursuant to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporation. •��� A. S NOTARY PUBLIC 0 O f Leslie A. Smith Notary Public. CERTIFICATE My Commission Expires November 12, 1990 I, M. C. Vonnahme, Assistant Secretary of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the Power of Attorney herein above set forth is still in force, and further certify that Section 3 of Article IX of the By -Laws of the Company and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in said Power of Attorney are still in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my me and affixed the seal of the said Company this 1St day of Jul` 19 88 �t- P,,E M. C. Vonn a Assistant Secretary. SEAL/ ? ', Form 1. 23142 -B INV. NO. G- 56623 -A INSURED Vie de France Restaurant Corp. 8201 Greensboro Drive Suite 1200 McLean, Virginia 22102 t 1. �id its �, r=r;.+ -• ISSUE D +iE "fit DDiYY) i NIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS O RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. i COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CCMPANY -ET_r` -R Continental_ Insurance Company COMPANY ER International Insurance Company COMPANY .� Transcontinental Insurance Company COMPANY LETTER CCV..PANY _ET7cR ' THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE _.Twora, POLICY NUMBER PRODUCER c PCL:CY _ r'FL 710u I _ IE I :'4 DDrrY) Corroon & Black, Inc. of Washington, D.C. Bethesda Metro Center juite 400 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 INSURED Vie de France Restaurant Corp. 8201 Greensboro Drive Suite 1200 McLean, Virginia 22102 t 1. �id its �, r=r;.+ -• ISSUE D +iE "fit DDiYY) i NIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS O RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. i COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CCMPANY -ET_r` -R Continental_ Insurance Company COMPANY ER International Insurance Company COMPANY .� Transcontinental Insurance Company COMPANY LETTER CCV..PANY _ET7cR ' THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER ,t ! E '.:' D7.h'YI c PCL:CY _ r'FL 710u I _ IE I :'4 DDrrY) LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS a OCCU= RRE NCE =.GGREGATE GENERAL LIABILITY A COMPREHENSIVE FORM CBP 1015491 i08/29/87 !08/29/88 I JUIRY i i S X X J PREMISES /OPERATIONS UNDERGROUND EXPLOSION & COLLAPSE HAZARD ?AOPERTY M1+AG` X PRODUCTS /COMPLETED OPERATIONS X CONTRACTUAL INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS i I i ICOMBINED $1,000 I i`j 1 / 0 0 0 I X BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE X X +. PERSONAL INJURY I PERSONAL INJURY 1$1,000 x Liquor Legal Liability A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO CBP 1015491 08/29/87 08/29/88 K-DILY �;PERPERSO,1,) $ i ALL OWNED AUTOS (PRIV. PASS.) ALL OWNED AUTOS OTHER THAN PRIV. PASS. / i I 30CILY "Jj .� ACCDc RY '.`iTI $ HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS X PROPERTY DAMAGE $ X GARAGE LIABILITY BI & PO COMBINED $1,000 I EXCESS LIABILITY B x UMBRELLA FORM 523 491217 -2 08/29/87 08/29/88 COMBINED $5,000 $ 5, 000 E OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM C WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY WC 40 0877955 08/29/87 08/29/88 STATUTORY A-, 000(EACH ACCIDENT) ! 0 0 0 (DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT) I: $ Q O Q LDSSEASE EACH EMPLOYEE)} OTHER A Contents CBP 1015491 08/29/87 08/29/88 All Risk Blanket E All Locations 4 vcat.nir iv yr vrcnn i wrv,7iLVl.A I IVIV J/V CF11l.Lt J /JYtG1Al I I tM5 I - * As respects General Liability /Liquor Legal Liability. If coverage is not '. continued past August 29, 1988, Certificate Holder will be notified directly. ty of Edina SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVfi PIRATION DATE THEREVI s01 W. 50th Street MAIL 30 DAYS WRITT Edina, Minnesota 55424 LEFT, BUT FAILURE OF ANY KIND UPON 3E+J_° CB1 eESC81SED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EX- f THE "-SUN G COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO NOTICE T THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE JCH NOTI S LL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY IP$Y. IYt 44ENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED R • E EXATIVE / ` -77 P'_PRODUCER oon & Black, Inc. Washington, D.C. Bethesda Metro Center ,uite 400 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 e In .r 'S�Ni jr`a tX ISSUE AN DATE I MIM /DD /YY) 06/13/88 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS I' NO PIGHTS U ?ON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, iEXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. [ -' COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CCrAPANY LETTER Continental Insurance Company I COMPANY INSURED I LETTER International Insurance Company !: ; Vie de France Restaurant Corp. ! COMPANY ;a 8201 Greensboro Drive LETTER r Transcontinental Insurance Company l' Suite 1200 McLean, Virginia 22102 ! L T, ERNY E LEII ^R ° THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE I POLICY NUMBER POLICY - ;FECTNE GATE !'. "NDDPyY) POLICY DP?ATION DATE (S14VDOM/) LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS R OCCURENCE AGGREGATE A GENERAL LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE FORM CBP 1015491 I 08/29/87 1 08/29/88 ypplLV ' INJURY C J PROPERTY DANIAGE $ i S - PREMISES /OPERATIONS UNDERGROUND EXPLOSION & COLLAPSE HAZARD I I PRODUCTS /COMPLETED OPERATIONS CONTRACTUAL INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS 61& PD EDI 1,000 $ 1,000 BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE Ix PERSONAL INJURY - Liquor Legal Lia bility y INJURY $ 1,000 ' A _ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS (PRIV. PASS.) ALL OWNED AUTOS !OTHER TH.AN1 (OTHER PASS. / HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS CBP 1015491 08/29/87 08/29/88 rea�yaSUN) ! 1k, Ci �'CPy E9 ACC` V4T) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ GARAGE LIABILITY COMB NED $ 1,000 1 B EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM 523 491217 -2 08/29/87 08/29/88 coMe °EO $ 5,00 0 $ 5,000 1 C WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND WC 40 0877955 08/29/87 08/29/88 I STATUTORY , U CY .EACH ACCIDENT) r- 4 I DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT) i EMPLOYERS ' LIABILITY i I (D!SEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE) A OTHER Contents CBP 1015492 08/29/87 03/29/88 lAll Risk Blanket IAll Locations ° • ••+•• �• •+• �•.r••.v���r•.v�niiV i�.J,vcnIL.LGJlJr C�.:AL IIGMA ty of Edina SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EX- PIRATIAN. DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO 301 W. 50th Street '_ ` MAIL 3lJ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE 14 Edina, Minnesota 55424 LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY E OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPA Y. IT _GENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. R, AUTHORIZED REPRESEN , MN PS 9116 -01 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION SURETY BOND LIQUOR CONTROL DIRECTOR WINE ON SALE Not to exceed 14% of Alcohol by Volume BOND No. 5259850 Know all uten by Our prrunto That we ' Vie de France Restaurant Corporation as principal, and Continental Casualty Company a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois and duly authorized to transact a corporate surety business in the State of Minnesota, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the county or city of Edina State of Minnesota, in the penal sum of * * * * * * * * * ** FT VF THf111SANn ( s, non on ) * * * * * ** dollars, good and lawful money of the United States to be paid to said county or city of Edina Minnesota for, wltich.f,ayment we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. , ' ;Sealed v,'ir1, our hands and seals this 20th day of June 19 $$ t Whereas.`,The .above bounden principal desires to carry on the business of handling wine not to exceed 1410 of alcohol by volume anN)n SAle" dealer, in the said county or city of Edina Minnesota and is about to be OrAtitee a license for that purpose in pursuance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340, as amended. NOW;'TMREFORE, The condition of this obligation is such that if the principal shall comply with the terms of said license or zany; rnodi,fic ations, extensions or renewals thereof, and with the provisions of the above entitled act of the legislature of the State of it may at any time be amended and supplemented, and all other acts and laws of the State of Minnesota, and with thte rules, jegulations and decisions lawfully made and issued by the proper authorities of the State of Minnesota relating thereto, and that 'if 'fhe said principal shall further pay to the said county or city when due, all taxes, license fees, penalties and other charges provided by law, and that in the event of any violation of the provisions of any law relating to the retail "On Sale" of intoxicating liquor, such bond shall be forfeited to the said county or city as in said act provided, and that if the said principal shall pay to the extent of the principal amount of this obligation any damages for death or injury caused by or resulting from the violation of any of the provisions of this act, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. The surety company consents to be bound by this obligation, notwithstanding any informality in its execution. This bond is for the license period commencing _ July 1, 1988 and ending June 30, 1989 Witness our hands and seals this 20th day of June 19 88 Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of — Linda S. Thompson (Seal) Vie de France Restaurant Corporation By:// mas S. V . olW,1)V.P. as to rinci al : �obert N. Blessing, President (Seal) Continental Casualty Com as to surety •t tl ST'XTF,pFkXMM=,X Virginia By: John M1 Garrett, Atty.- I' -Fac 1 i ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Individual ss. County or City of Fa i rfax On this 20 of June ' 19 88 , before me, a notary public within and for said county or city appeared THomas S. Vesol i ch to me known to be the person signing as principal herein, and stated that he signed the same of his own free will and accord. (SEAL) 0� Virginia Fa i rfax County or City,kiGkam My Commission expires ,lulu R, 19 ()l ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR CORPORATION STATE OF hjpX. 4WM%( Vi rai ni a ss. County or City of _. Fairfax ) On this 20th day of June , 19 88 , before me appeared Rnhert N_ Blessing. jr- to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the President of the Xq(Ak(k Vie de France Restaurant Corp- ;that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said __ _ Robert N. Blessing, Jr. acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. WO y Public Virginia Fa i rfa x County or City,)MpXXW)Q)p <SEAL) My Commission expires July 8, 1991 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SURETY ' ice• STATE OF aN((XA%)9=6XXwpXXA Virginia County or City of �9K�y��t��%�. Fairfax On this 20th day of June , 19-8. -, before me personally appeared John M. Garrett , to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is Attorney -in -Fact of the Continental Casualty Company , that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of that corporation an8 that said instrument was executed in behalf of the corporation by authority of its board of directors, and said John M. Garrett acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation ary Public Maryland ,.. 1 /; t • Montgomery County or City, 9ffi)A 1SEALl My Commission expires .o N 0 cc 0 m U U 11 v O J � t- o is C U G U 0 cc z co V) O N v O p� `" L O C O O LL ca C Ci O A Y .a 0 y �] U U �o o `O O C 0 > o c I a U a Q y U ° °, o 0 �o LIQUOR LICENSE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Vie de France Restaurant And Retail Bakery Corporation, as Principal, and Continental Casualty Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and duly licensed and authorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Edina, Minnesota, in the penal sum of five thousand ($5,000.00), lawful money of the United States of America, for the use and benefit of said City of Edina and all persons suffering damages by reason of the breach of the conditions of this bond, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made to said City of Edina or its assigns, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Vie de France Restaurant And Retail Bakery Corporation is the holder of a liquor license granting privileges by said license to be exercised in the City of Edina, State of Minnesota. NOW, THEREFORE, The condition of the obligation is such that if Vie de France Restaurant And Retail Bakery Corporation shall faithfully account for and pay to the City of Edina, all license fees, service fees, taxes and penalties levied by the City of Edina, and shall faithfully discharge all obligations, duties and responsibilities relating thereto, then this obligation shall be void; OTHERWISE, to remain in full force and effect; SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to the following terms and conditions. 1. This bond shall become effective on the date of the issuance of the license by the City of Edina and shall remain in full force and effect until cancelled, as therein after provided, or until such permit has expired, or in the event administrative action and any and all appeals arising therefrom are finally adjudicated in accordance with the applicable laws. 2. This bond may be cancelled as to liability for future defaults at any time by the Surety or by the City of Edina, upon giving thirty (30) days written notice, in which event the liability of the Surety shall at the expiration of said thirty (30) days, cease and terminate, except as to such liability of the Principal for such taxes, penalties and interest as may have accrued prior to the expiration of said thirty (30) days, it being understood that the Surety shall be liable for the default of the Principal in fully discharging any liability on his or its part as above set forth, accruing during the life of the license and while this bond is in full force and effect. 3• The liability of the Surety on account of all defaults occurring during the entire effective period of this bond shall not exceed the amount above stated. IN TESTIMONY, WHEREOF, said Principal has hereunto subscribed their names or has caused this instrument to be signed by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 9th day of July, 1987. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of: Vie d 'T'ra'ce Restaurant And Reta'1 Bakery Corporatioq:, As'to Principal As to Surety Seal bert N.'Blessing,/ Jr /., President Continental Casualty,Com SSuure-t^�y, ( Seal ) D. MichdleL Hays, jttorney —In —Fact A. �1 o�e� ch •'N�RppMS��/ ieBB REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KENNETH ROSLAND Agenda Item # VI-B. CITY• MANAGER From: GORDON HUGHES Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: JULY 11, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: 1988 - 1989 ❑ To Council WORK PROGRAM Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adopt 1988 - 1989 Work Program. Info /Background: Attached is the proposed 1988 — 1989 Work Program which has been revised in accordance with the Council's directive of June 20, 1988. r 1988 - 1989 WORK PROGRAM ISSUE #l. In light of the report of the Park and Recreation Task Force, how can Edina's parks, recreational facilities, and programs adapt to meet the future needs of our residents? Goal: Park and Recreation facilities and programs which respond to the changing needs and desires of the community. Focus: As part of the 1987 -88 work program, the Council established a citizen Task Force to assess our park and recreation facilities, park maintenance' standards and fees and charges structure. The Task Force provided a "snapshot in time" of Edina's parks and facilities and also conducted a public opinion survey which obtained our resident's attitudes concerning the present park and recreation system. With the findings of the Park and Recreation Task Force, the City•is now in a position to develop a strategy for park and recreation facilities and programs for the future. Short-Term Objectives: Update the conmiun.ity facilities element of the Comprehensive Plan by adopting a year 2000 Park and Recreation Plan. Work Program: Assign the Park Board the task of undertaking and completing the year 2000 Edina Park and Recreation Plan. Staff services will be provided by the Planning Department and Park and Recreation Department. - Elements of the Assigrvnent Review the Park and Recreation Task Force Report. * Involve the conununity organizations if desired by the Park Board Establish goals and priorities concerning the Year 2000 park and recreation s }stem with particular respect to: - Park and open space acreage Park development Recreation programmming including specialized programming such as adaptive recreation Review alternatives and develop strategies to address identified goals * Prepare a revised five year capital improvement plan Timetable: September, 1988 - Organizational Meeting - Council & Park Board January, 1990 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment Budget Implications: Park and Recreation Man would be undertaken by City staff. Costs ft�r printing should not exceed $1,000.00. ISSUE #2. What steps should the City take to upgrade its aging infrastructure, particularly underground utilities? Goal: A. public infrastructure which is maintained in sound condition. Focus: Edina Is of the system improves by more ability capital basic utility system is in place with only a few areas City left unserved. However, much of the existing is dated and may require upgrading or capacity rents to remain functional or to meet the needs created intense land uses. A related issue is the City's to develop a long range, stable revenue source to fund improvements. Short -Term objective: Update the underground utilities portion of community facilities element of the Comprehensive Plan. Work Program. and Timetable: Undertake a comprehensive water system plan analysis, storm water system plan analysis. and sanitary sewer system plan analysis. Amend community facilities element and capital improvement plan to reflect findings_of system analysis - January 1990. Budget Implications: Water,.storm sewer, and sanitary sewer system analysis will require the use of consultants. Estimated costs are: Water Analysis $25,000 Sewer Analysis $15 - 20,000 Storm Sewer $75,000 Costs will be funded through the Utility Fund ISSUE 413. How can, the City expand its revenue sources in light of its inability to rely -on traditional methods of raising revenues? Goal: Long term stability in city revenues with minimal reliance on other levels of government. a% Focus: The City's ability to provide efficient and effective municipal services continues to be compromised by our inability to depend solely upon real estate taxes for revenue. This inabiliLy has been intensified in recent years due to state tax policy which increases Edina's tax burden to the benefit of other cities. As a result. Edina tax payers will pay more tares but may realize reduced municipal services. Other revenue sources must, therefore, be utilized if our present service levels are to continue. Short -Term Objectives: Maximize return on the working capital fund within the investment parameters provided by law. Identify and review the feasibility of additional fees and charges to fund the capital improvement plan. Identify and review the feasibility of tapping non - traditional revenue sources for supporting the City operating budget. Work Provram and Timetable: Continue the work of the staff task force relative to fees and charges to fund the capital improvement plan. Establish a thinic tank of community leaders to brainstorm alternative revenue sources. Budget Implications: No budget implications are expected. ISSUE 04. How can Edina maintain its high - quality living and working environment in light of the effects of increased urbanization especially traffic related impacts? Goal: Minimize adverse impacts of high- volwne roadways on existing developments while providing roadways that operate at acceptable service levels. Focus: The Council has identified the ongoing trend of increased urbanization which is manifested in more intense ,developments and traffic and transportation related impacts such as congestion and noise. Of particular interest is the southeast quadrant of the City which is most affected by land use intensity and Llie regional roadway system. The development of the Hedberg ;property in Edina and the Homart property in Bloomington have increased the awareness of transportation related issues.particular to the I -494 corridor. Short- 'fermi Objective: E:�plore new methuds of controlling traffic related impacts associated with the I -494 corridor. Work Program: Participate in the Joint Powers Organization being established. among I -494 corridor cities. Implement -a travel demand management ordinance or policy for Southeast Edina. Consider amending the Comprehensive Plan Co include policies concerning roadwav noise. Budget Implications: Preparation of a travel demand management ordinance will result in legal fees. These fees will be included in the tax increment budget for Southeast Edina. ISSUE 05. How will Edina comply with mandates imposed by Heiuiepin County retarding t1:e diversion of recyclables from the solid waste stream? Goal: Divert 39% of the city -wide solid waste stream through recycling for calendar year 1992. Focus: Edina initiated a door -to -door residential recycling program serving approximately 3000 single family residences in 1986. The program was expanded to approximately 6000 homes in 1988. In addition, the City maintains a recycling drop -off facility and has, by ordinance,. mandated the separate collection of compostable materials. The present door -to -door program, the drop -off facility, and the compost collection mandate are estimated to divert 10% of Edina's waste stream in 1988. Short Term Objective: Provide household pickup of recyclables, at least on a monthly basis, for all single family and two family dwellings, effective April 1, 1989. Accomplish a diversion of 16% of the City's solid waste stream for calendar year 1990. Work Program and Timetable: Request the Recycling Commission to present alternatives for city -wide household collection for council review in connection with the adoption of the 1989 City budget. Budget Implications: A household pick -up program on a weekly basis for all single family and two family homes would cost approximately $2 -3 per home per month. Based on 14,000 homes, annual costs would range from 5336,000 to $504.000. If the County continued its present 50% cost sharing policy, net City costs would be $168,000 to $252,000. The City may wish to pass costs on to customers by way of utility billings. August. 1988 Present alternatives for city -wide household pick -up. April 1, 1989 Implement city-wide program Ongoing, _ Cooperate with multi - residential buildings to encourage apartiuent/ condominium recycling. Cooperate with office buildings and other non- residential developments M promote recycling. J r (- •n REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Ken Rosland From: John Schirmang Building Inspections Date: 7_7_88 Subject: Exterior completion of one and two family residential Recommendation: A new ordinance. Info /Background: Agenda Item # °1 • c, Consent Information Only [] Mgr . Recommends To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution 0 Ordinance The members of the Building Construction Appeals Board met and are 100% in favor of an ordinance that requires the exterior completion of one and two family residential property within one year of the date of the issuance of a building permit. The members of the Planning Commission also agreed there should be such an ordinance. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION me6 To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman Director of Public Works Date: 7/8/88 Subject: Well Water Report Recommendation: Agenda Item # VI. E Consent ❑ CONSUMPTION Information Only ❑ 104 GPCD Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance July 198 Discussion No immediate action unless a policy change is desired. Info /Background: This report is to provide an update on water use in the community during the ongoing drought. The chart below gives the average gallon per capita consump- tion for 1987. 1987 MONTHLY PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION MONTH CONSUMPTION January 104 GPCD February 106 March 132 April 197 May 207 June 346 July 198 August- 243 September 200 October 109 November 99 December 121 1987 was an unusual year with a very dry June and a very wet July after July 23rd. R REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Well Water Report Agenda Item VI.E Page Two During the month of June, 1988, the average gallon per capita consumption was approximately 450 gallons. This meant the City well system was pumping virtually non -stop for the month of June. During the non -stop pumping scenario, four of the seventeen wells draw down on the aquifer was severe enough to cause loss of pumping ability. We were able to restore pumping capacity by adding length to each well. However, this is not a normal circumstance during any previous year. The pumping total for June was in excess of 593,000,000 gallons. The 1987 June per capita use of 346 gallons was considered excessive. The June 1988 rate of 450 gallons per capita suggests that more conservation is needed. The current ban with staff enforcing the ban has worked for most days. There has been four mornings where the water pressure was critically low in the higher elevations of Edina. Yesterday's rain brought a small reprieve to the system which allowed the Utility Department to do some much needed maintenance on our equipment. Additionally, we have had a major problem with Well #4 due to sand being pumped up from the aquifer. After studying the well records, it was obvious that a problem must exist in the well's screen system. We have pulled the well and are repairing it. The well should be back on line late next week.. If Well X64 works properly, a small margin of capacity should be available so that maintenance may be performed on other wells. We believe that the current sprinkling ban will work.if the residents and businesses understand that the tremendous amount of water being pumped needs to be applied carefully and more conservation efforts should be promoted. e 0 V it po." O� 188a REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman City Engineer Date: 7/7/88 Subject: Feasibility Report Set Hearing Date 7/18/88 Recommendation: Set hearing date on 7/18/88. Agenda Item # -i _ F Consent 0 Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Info /Background: The following improvements have been investigated and it has been determined that they are feasible and their construction would be in the best interest of the overall development of the City of Edina. IMPROVEMENT AND LOCATION ESTIMATED COST P -BA -282 (100% Petition) Permanent Street Surfacing and Curb and Gutter $ 36,665.53 Apache Road and Indian Way West in Indian Hills Addition P -BA -284 Permanent Street Surfacing and Curb and Gutter $251,248.89 Minnesota Drive from France Avenue to Edinborough Way f, M REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: JUNE REGAN, ASSESSING TECHNICIAN Date: JULY 7, 1988 Subject: LEVY OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN CONNECTION CHARGES FOR LOT 2, BLK 1, SMABY ADDITION (5424 GROVE STREET) Recommendation: Agenda Item # VII,A Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance Adoption of a resolution authorizing assessing of the utility connection charges against Lot 2, Block 1, Smaby Addition. Info /Background: The above connection dharges were not paid at the appointed time of obtaining the permit requesting connection to these services. The error was likely due to the transition time in processing the Smaby plat. It is the policy of the City to collect these fees at the time of connection or to .provide the owner with the option of spreading the payment over a period of six (6) years at the rate of 7.5% interest per annum. Inadvertently, this was not placed on the Council Agenda previously. The property owner has been advised that the Council will take action on this matter at its meeting of July 11, 1988. cirr of 4REDINA 801 WEST 50TH STREET. EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612 - 927 -8861 June 29, 1988 James R. /Marilyn M. Breitenbucher 5424 Grove Street Edina, MN 55436 Re: Connection Charge: Sanitary Sewer #206 = $ 764.72 Watermain Lat. #127 607.86 Lot 2, Block 1, Smaby Addition 32- 117 -21 -14 -0060 This letter is to inform you that the City of Edina Council will be taking action on July 11, 1988, to authorize the assessment of the Connection Charges as stated above. See letter of February 9, 1987, attached. You may pay the whole of the assessment, without interest, to the City Treasurer, on or before November 15, 1988. If not prepaid by that date, the assessment will be payable in six (6) annual installments. The first pay- ment wi.11-be payable together with real estate taxes payable in'1989, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 7.5% per annum. To each subsequent installment shall be added interest for one year on the unpaid balance. Partial prepayments on assessments have not been authorized by ordinance. Sincerely, J ne B. Regan, Assessing MMCITY OF' ffflEDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612 - 927 -8861 February 9, 1987 James R. /Marilyn M. Breitenbucher 5424 Grove Street Edina, NN 55436 I c� c- to ry �i �Co�e • G0 PPP00 a r t-6 Re: Connection Charge: Sanitary Sewer #206 = $764.72 Watermain Lat. #127 = 607.86 Lot 2, Block 1, Smaby Addition 32- 117 -21 -14 -0060 . It has come to our attention that the above connection charges were not paid at the appointed time of- obtaining the permit requesting connection to these services. The error was likely due to the transition time in processing the Smaby plat. It is the policy of the City of Edina to collect these stated fees at the time of connection or to provide the owner with the option of spreading the payment over a period of six (6) years at the rate of 7.5% interest per annum. If no response to this correspondence, we will levy these charges against the property as described above with the first payment commencing with the taxes payable in 1988. Sincerely, JuYle B. Regan, Assessing Technician City of Edina RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby authorize the assessment of the connection charge for Sanitary Sewer No. 206 in the amount of $764.7.2 and the connection charge for Watermain Lateral No. 127 in the amount of $607.86 for a total of $1,372.58 to be levied against Lot 2,-Block 1, SMABY ADDITION (PIN 32- 117- 21 -14- 0060), 5424 Grove Street, payable over a period of six (6) years, the first payment collectible with real estate taxes payable in 1989,-and with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 7.5% per annum. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To. KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: JULY 7, 1988 Subject: CHANGE OF POLLING LOCATION FOR PCT. 18 Agenda Item # VII�• B Consent [] Information Only ❑ Mgr . Recommends To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of .Edina, Minnesota that the polling place for Precinct 18 in the City of Edina be changed from Lutheran Church of the Master, 7128 France Avenue South, to Edinborough Park, 3300 Edinborough Way. Info /Background: Prior to September, 1984 voters in Precinct 18 voted at the Southdale YMCA. When that facility was no longer available for elections, the location for Precinct 18 was moved-to Lutheran Church of the Master. ..Although it was located.outside the boundaries of the precinct, it was allowable according to Election Law, and was the only feasible location at that time. Now that Edinborough Park exists, I would recommend that the polling place for Precinct .18 be moved to Edinborough Park for these reasons: 1) It is located within the precinct boundaries. 2) It is -City property. 3) Many of the voters in Precinct 18 are seniors who live on York Avenue and probably could walk to Edinborough Park to vote. `-t< A. ,lr oe C REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Ken Rosland, Manager From: Marcella Daehn, Clerk Date: July 6, 1988 Subject: Final Plat Resolution - Engstrom Marnie Addition 0 Recommendation: Agenda Item # vll.c Consent ❑ Information Only Mgr . Recommends Action ❑ To HRA To Council ❑ Motion El Resolution ❑ Ordinance Adoption of-the revised resolution approving Final Plat for Engstrom Marnie Addition. Info /Background: At the regular meeting of December 21, 1987 the Council adopted a resolution approving Final Plat for Knob Hill ( Marnie Development, Inc.) At that time the developer had not furnished the names of the individuals who were platting the property. Today the developers brought in the final plat for signatures. The plat name has been revised and a number of individuals are named on the plat. A revised resolution should be adopted by the Council reflecting this information. Copies of the resolution of 12/21/87 and the revised resolution are attached. MINUTES 8 3 OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 21, 1987 Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Richards-, Smith, Turner and Mayor Courtney. EDINA MASONIC LODGE PRESENTS $1-500 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY. John.Martin and Scott Whipple presented a check in the amount of $1,500 to the City from the Edina Masonic Lodge for use by the Fire Department for the acquisition of equipment for the Edina Rescue Squad. On behalf of the Council, Mayor Courtney thanked the Lodge for this gift and presented the following resolution which was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, for the past ten years the Edina Masonic Lodge has donated money for the Edina Fire Department for its rescue equipment; and WHEREAS, this money has been earned by members of the Lodge from their efforts in putting on an annual Edina Flapjack Festival; and WHEREAS, a.check in the amount of $1,500 has been generously given to the Edina Fire Department for purchase of rescue equipment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that most sincere appreciation be expressed to all members of the Edina Masonic Lodge for its interest in the well -being of all Edina residents through this generous contribution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be entered into the pages of the N Minutes Book of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy be presented to the Lo EDINA MASONIC LODGE = as a token of gratitude of the Edina City Council. m ADOPTED this 21st day of December, 1987. Q CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 7 1987 APPROVED. Motion was made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Turner to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 7, 1987 as submitted. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR KNOB HILL. Planner Craig Larsen presented the request for Final Plat Approval for Knob Hill, generally located south of West 66th Street and west of Highway 100. He recalled that preliminary plat approval was granted by the Council on October 19, 1987. The subdivision would create five new buildable ilots; Lots 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 would be new lots and Lots 1, 5 and 6 would be retained for existing dwellings. Several conditions were imposed at preliminary approval and those have been met to staff's satisfaction. Planner Larsen pointed out that the two most affected properties, are immediately to the south of the subject property and that the roadway, Nob Hill Drive, will be extended between those homes to serve the new lots. Retaining walls will be required adjacent to those properties. He advised that the City Engineer had met with the two affected property owners and has discussed the construction techniques of the retaining walls and also the landscaping that will be installed as part of the development process. Staff would recommend final plat approval, subject to a subdivision dedication fee based on a land value of $225,000. Engineer Hoffman explained that he had talked with the Christiansons, 5008 Nob Hill Drive, and they have indicated the type of boulder retaining wall and landscaping they would prefer. He added that he had met with Eva May, 5023 Nob Hill Drive, and her landscape architect about the downhill side and possible changes they would like to see made in the landscaping and the retaining wall design in terms of height which can be accommodated. Engineer Hoffman said that the developers have indicated that they do not intend to start construction until the end of the winter season and that will give ample time to work out the fine details of the plan with both property owners. He concluded that he believed that everyone was in concert with what they are trying to achieve regarding proper landscaping, retaining walls, etc. He i noted that Peter Marnie, Marnie Development, Inc., and Mr. Bishop of James R. Hill, Inc., engineers for the project, were present to answer questions. No public comment was heard. Member Richards moved adoption of the following resolution, subject to payment of a subdivision dedication fee of $18,000: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR KNOB .HILL BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina. Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "KNOB HILL ", platted by (names to be supplied by developer) and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 21, 1987 be and is hereby, granted final approval. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. (REVISION) 7 -11 -88 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "ENGSTROM MARNIE ADDITION ", platted by Ronald A. Zamansky and Lynn L. Zamansky, his wife,. Bahram Mozayeny and_Minoo Iozayeny, husand and wife, Richard J. Krentz and Patricia A. Krentz, husband and wife, and William W. Krentz, single, and Eugene S. Hauser and Georgia Hauser., husband and wife, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 21.,.1987 be and is hereby granted final approval. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned.duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 21, 1987 and as revised at.its.Regular Meeting of July 11, 1988. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 12th day of July, 1988. City Clerk RFg0T.TTTT0N BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "ENGSTROM MARNIE ADDITION ", platted by Ronald A. Zamansky and Lynn L. Zamansky, his wife,:_Bahram Mozayeny and -Minoo Iiozayeny, husand and wife, Richard J. Krentz and Patricia A. Krentz, husband and wife, and William W. Krentz, single, and Eugene S. Hauser and Georgia.Hauser., husband and wife, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 21,.1987 be and is hereby granted final approval. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ). CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 21, 1987 and as revised at its.Regular Meeting of July 11, 1988. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 12th day of July, 1988. City Clerk V a REPORT /RECOMMENDATION . To: THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL From: KENNETH ROSLAND Date: JULY 11, 1988 Subject: RESOLUTION: PROPOSED TRANSFER OF THE CITY'S CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE TO A NEW GRANTEE Recommendation: Agenda Item # VIII A & B Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Adopt the attached resolution and amend Ordinance No. 1120. Info /Background: The attached resolution provides the background concerning the requested resolution and ordinance. The effect of the resolution and ordinance is to permit the transfer of the franchise from Rogers Cablesystem of Minnesota Limited Partnership to Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. which is a general partnership. The operating committee of the cable commission recommends approval of the transfer. o e M o REPORT /RECOMMENDATION . To: THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL From: KENNETH ROSLAND Date: JULY 11, 1988 Subject: RESOLUTION: PROPOSED TRANSFER OF THE CITY'S CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE TO A NEW GRANTEE Recommendation: Agenda Item # VIII A & B Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Adopt the attached resolution and amend Ordinance No. 1120. Info /Background: The attached resolution provides the background concerning the requested resolution and ordinance. The effect of the resolution and ordinance is to permit the transfer of the franchise from Rogers Cablesystem of Minnesota Limited Partnership to Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. which is a general partnership. The operating committee of the cable commission recommends approval of the transfer. r_, ! I 7831h(IOD) :TSE:070688 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION GIVING FINAL APPROVAL TO A TRANSFER OF THE CITY'S CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE WHEREAS, the City of Edina, Minnesota ( "City ") has granted a cable television franchise (the "Franchise ") to Rogers Cablesystems-of Minnesota Limited Partnership ( "RCMLP ") ursuant to City's cable communications ordinance (the "Franchise Ordinance "); and WHEREASm Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. ( "RCTSI ") is the sole general partner of RCMLP.and is a wholly =owned subsidiary of Rogers U.S. Cablesystems,_Inc. ( "RUSCI "), which is a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rogers Cablesystems of America, Inc. ( "RCA ") (collectively called herein the "Rogers Companies "); and WHEREAS, the Rogers Companies have acquired all the limited. partnership interests in RCMLP; and WHEREAS, there.is no need for RCMLP to operate the Franchise now that the Rogers Companies has acquired all the limited partnership interests in RCMLP; and WHEREAS, the Rogers Companies seeks to dissolve the RCMLP limited partnership and transfer the Franchise to the general partner, RCTSI; and WHEREAS, the proposed transfer will not cause a change- in the controlling interest in, or a change in the operation of, the Franchise, because -RCTSI is the general partner of RCMLP; and WHEREAS, the proposed transfer has been reviewed and discussed by the Operating Committee of the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission ( "SWSCC ") which-has forwarded the proposed transfer, to the City with a recommendation for approval; and WHEREAS, it appears that the proposed transfer will be in the general public interest and will not adversely affect subscribers to the City'.s cable system. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved: A. The City hereby consents to and approves the transfer of the Franchise from RCMLP to RCTSI and the dissolution of RCMLP; such - consent and approval is conditioned -1- w e 7831h(IOD):TSE:070688 on (i) the filing by RCTSI of a written.Acceptance Agreement ( "Acceptance ") in a form and substance acceptable to the City and containing the requirements set forth in Article XIV, Section 2 and Article XII, Section 1 of the Franchise Ordinance whereby RCTSI agrees to assume, perform, and discharge those obligations and duties of RCMLP in the Franchise Ordinance, including an opinion of legal counsel, guarantees and other documents, as required by said Article XIV, (ii) the.adoption of a similar resolution by all of the cities,of Eden Prairie, Hopkins, Minnetonka and Richfield within 90 days. after adoption of this resolution, and (iii) the filing of all of the documents required at (i) above within 30 days after the last date of adoption of a similar resolution by all of the cities . listed at (ii) above. B. The City declares as of the time of this Resolution that'the Franchise and all agreements entered into by RCMLP are deemed in full force and effect and will, remain .unchanged by the transfer, except that RCTSI will replace and be responsible as the successor in interest to all obligations and rights held formerly by RCMLP. C. The City notes that Section 6, subdivision 2, of the 1985 Relief Ordinance provides for automatic termination of the relief therein when the Grantee collects one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) as measured from September 1, 1984, in gross revenue. The City intends that the Relief Ordinance will terminate pursuant to said subdivision only if gross revenues exceed one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000),, from the franchises held by RCTSI in the cities of Edina, Hopkins, Eden Prairie, Richfield and Minnetonka, irrespective of revenues received from all other franchises held, owned, or operated by RCTSI. This statement of intent does not affect any other subdivisions of said Section 6. Passed and adopted this day of 1988, by the City of Edina. DATED: CITY OF: EDINA ATTEST: City-Clerk �z By: Its: And: Its: 7830h(IOD) :TSE:070688 ORDINANCE NO. 1120 -A4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1120 TO CHANGE THE NAME OF GRANTEE THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That Article I, Section 2, Paragraph J of said Ordinance be amended to read as follows: J. "Grantee is Rog-e- r-&- abler, st �- t�i.�x�esata Tim{ ted P"�+�e,Ti�; - a-- �ii�ese• Ea- �#- ��t- ed•- ga��ae�skr�g;- wi�k�- Rege�s Gala- Ysema�€ - aeset- ar- �ae�T- a- A4aaese�a- cc��cxas3ca -, -u -the .Ge*e*a 1- taer- Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. SECTION 2. This Ordinance will be effective in accordance with the provisions of Article XIV of said Ordinance, including delivery to the City of the acceptance, opinion of legal.counsel, guarantees and other documents as reqired by said ARticle XIV, and provided further, however, that it shall become effective only if all of the cities of Eden Prairie, Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka and Richfield adopt an ordinance similar to this - Ordinance within ninety (90) days after the adoption of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Subject to the provisions of Section 2 hereof, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon adoption and publication. Passed and adopted this 11th day of July, 1988. CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA By Its And Its Attest: City Clerk r w_- - - - -- -- - - - - - _-- _________---- ___ —_�_ 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 1 rurry un nATr AWAIM7 llrunnn •TQY ncorniaTfnu err nlluT Vn T." A O n Y YCOOArr z e fie i so 3 i z 3 a 4 sssrss e sss -CKS 0 s ° 9 — —89— OT—s 9 10 '1 lz 1O •sssss n 12 sss —CKS 3 1. 0 13 ° ss qs — ss► -CKS n zo le s� ] —t0t -m 06 AeHINE -9 PPLY - 103+8060 -" 0 ie 3ise 000-90 tMBU— 2 ° 285.00 s z4 al =° •sssss 31 sss —CKS z° ze 9] 28 == 193003 06/24/88 82.15 ALBINSON GEN SUPPLIES f0- 4504 - 260 -26 za 193003 07/05/88 47.30 ALBINSON GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 260 -26 476016 s 24 1_93003 06/3_0/88 _ 79.30 ALBINSON GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 646 -64 91 9 2° 193003 07/01/88 120.85 ALBINSON BLUE PRINTING 10- 4570 - 260 -26 33 2B 193003 07/01/88 73.05 ALSINSON CONST IN PROGRESS C 27- 1300 - 000 -00 3a 27 402-6S s 33 3e 28 29 193004 07/05/88 10.50 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10 -4262- 440 -44 140628 3 3 3O 193004 07/05/88 44.65 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10-4262- 440 -44 139006 ,o 31 193004 07/05/88 54.29 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 440 -44 141006 •� 32 193004 07/05/88 43.29 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10 -4262- 440 -44 141005 42 33 939Q4 0 L OS/88 49.35 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10-4262- 440 -44 140006 I43 34 193004 07/05/88 48.82 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10 -4262- 440 -44 141006 4b 31 193004 07/05/88 112.42 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 27- 4262 - 663 -66 4p 3B 193004 06/24/88 84.66 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 27 -4262- 663 -66 ,o J1 193004 07/05/88 66.41 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 30 -4256- 782 -78 139505 9 3B 193004 07/05/88 63.57 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 30- 4262 - 782-78 137906 �50 3D 34.04 0a 22.49 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 821 -82 ,Z 40 193004 06/30/88 19.12 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50 -4262- 841 -84 Ie3 q1 193004 06/30/88 24.60 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50 -4262- 861 -86 e4 644.17 s 5n 4] 4 •sssss 4 sss -CKS IeJ �b9 eo a° 193008 06/24/88 51.00 KAMAN BEARING 6 SPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 61 47 193008 06/30/88 112.24 KAMAN BEARING 6 SPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ;3 a° 163.24 s e4 49 193009 07/01/88 3,536.72 ASTLEFORD INTL CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 b5 6; 11 6/244/ 8 479.78 ASTLEFORD INTL REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 lee 3z � 3 4, 01 6 .50 ■ e9 ]O 34 ••sss• sts —CKS ]2 1S ]3 °° 193012 ]] 06/24/68 28.95 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE C. CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 �7. ] �.,+rrar.rs, �11!'�k.M�4+M;w�,�z•,xt.` ._ , i �1 oY q °0 0 i 9 1 i 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 2 HECK NQy DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE 3 28.95 r 1 2 a 193013 06/24/88 140.28 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 �' 193013 06/30/88 101.32 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 1563 ° ° 193Q13 06/30/88 38.99 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 454_0-560 -56 11705 n ' 193013 06/30/88 140.45 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540-560 -56 ° ° 193013 06/24/88 96.75 ALTERNATOR REBUILD SAFETY EQUIPMENT 10 -4642- 301 -30 ° ° 5i7,79 s .z ° 193013 07/05/88 55.09 * Alternator Rebuild Co. Repair Parts 10- 4540 - 560 -56 a �1z •ssrrs sss -CKS ' 193025 06/27/88 28.00 ALFONS ANDERSSON COST OF GOODS SOLD 27- 4630- 663 -66 "a 28.00 • 1° •s•••■ rss -CKS 20 1� zz ``o°I 193030 06/24/88 439.94 BERNARD J MULCAHY CO REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 520 -52 2; 'i 439.94 ■ 26 1_' 43031 06/24/88 95 88 BERT LSON BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 2e -1 193031 06/30/68 20.77 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 510-51 23 193031 06/30/88 77.63 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504 - 510 -51 zal ].93031 07/05/86 16.27 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 al a 193031 07/05/88 71.80 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 510-51 386341 13 zG 193031 06/24/88 8.04 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 30- 4516-781 -TB 135 271 i h° z° zp ]°I ••srss ••s -CKS a� 3a ±° a'1 193033 06/30/88 407.00 BERGFORD TRUCKING COST OF GOODS 50- 4626- 822 -82 -1 193033 06/30/86 582.00 BERGFORD TRUCKING COST OF GOODS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 4z J° 93933 0_ §/30/88 593.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING COST OF GOODS 50 -4626- 862 -86 as 3a 3s 1 , 582.50 • a5 ae 3e •ssrrs sss -CKS a 37' a0 193035 06/24/88 142.50 BOUSTEAD ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 801 -80 '0 as 142.50 • 5z 40 a l .z •rrss• 000-CKS 153 X55 193041 06/24/88 1,547.88 BURY b CARLSON INC BLACKTOP f0- 4524- 301 -30 5J II 193041 06/27/88 497.25 BURY 6 CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 301 -30 aB '' 2,04S.13 • e° ° ° a5 •rrrr• sss -CKS el ie3' 'I 193046 06/24/88 162.52 BLUMBERG PHOTO GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 781 -78 es 51. 1 162.52 s e� tae 193047 07/05/88 26.09 BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY ADVERTISING OTHER 23 -4214- 611 -61 830424 e° Sal 193047 06/27/88 459.00 BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY OFF SUPPLIES 30- 4516-781 -78 'al 193047 06/30/88 59._85 BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY OFFICE SUPPLIES 30- 4516- 781 -78 ,z " 193047 06/24/88 11.60 BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY OFFICE SUPPLIES 30 -4516- 781 -78 3 l.,l 556.54 • )5 ' i �1 oY q °0 0 i 9 1 i ~ 1986 Cl jr sozm* � CHECK NO. D8?E-_- � cosux n^ (ER 07-11-88 .s 3 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE | 193053 07/OS/88 101.44 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 10-4250-628-62 A 193053 07/OS/88 SO . 00-, BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL E7-42SO-662-66 7 238.9e 0 13 193054 07/OS/88 241.74 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-S60-S6 78643 1930S4 07/OS/88 42.S6 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 10-4S40-S60-S6 7737� :4 1930S4 06/24/88 6S.36 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 10-4S40-S60-S6 1: 349.66 17 la 193060 06/30/88 71.20 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD 26-4624-683-68 411384 22 "[---193or.o 06/24/88 331.69 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE COST OF GOODS 27-4624-663-66 23 193060 06/27/88 89.00 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD 27-4694-663-66 25 193060 07/OS/88 407.EE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE COST OF GOODS 27-4624-663-66 26 -1, 93 06 0 --0-6/E7/88 17.5. 49 —AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD 27-4624-663-66 2'8 Z, 193060 07/05/88 374.32 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE COST OF GOODS 27-4624-663-66 1,448.92 30 1 93061! 06/24/88 1 31.20 BROCK WHITE SUPPLIES 10-4504-440-44 37 19306?- 06/24/88 108.81 BROCK WHITE REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-540-54 38 193064 07/01/88 201.80 THERMAL CO I O-45-4b---S4-0--S4 45 193064 06/30/88 1,730.84 THERMAL CO REPAIR PARTS SO-4540-861-86 46 48 71 19306S 06/24/88 119.18 CULLIGAN PROF SERVICES 10-4201-630-62 0 3 193067 07/05/88 328.18 CAPITOL CITY DIST CO COST OF GOODS 50-4628-822-82 �7 j 193067 07/05/88 328.19 CAPITOL CITY DIST CO COST OF GOODS 50-4628-842-84 100 :91 —L93067 —07/OS/88 328.19 CAPITOL CITY DIST CO COST OF GOODS 50-4628-862-86 984.56 1 193071 07/05/88 359.00 CENTURY FENCE PROF SERVICES 10-4201-647-64 9592 3S9.00 sa 11 193078 06/24/88 9S3.60 COCA COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD 50-4632-862-86 953.60 114 _ ww d d A d a a a .4 4 �4 i i i 41 e 0 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 4 r CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE �' 14 # *s #ss - - -- ---- - - - - -- sss -CKS 3 05� 193087 06/24/88 136.98 CURTIN MATH SCI SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 482 -48 ° e 136.98 + 7 e � 09 ssssss **o-CKS ° �o 193090 06/24/88 327.96 CERT POWER TRAIN REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13 r "I 327.96 # 14 1 2I - 15 I ° " 193091 06/27/88 20.50 CITY OF EDINA WATER 23- 4258 - 612 -61 t7 r'''1 193091 06/27/88 27.10 CITY OF EDINA WATER 27- 4258-662 -66 t° 15 _ -.__ -193091. __06/27/69 2fi7_41 CITY OF_EDINA__ WATE_R 27- 4258 - 66_2 -66 20 151 193091 06/27/88 20.50 CITY OF EDINA _ WATER 27 -4258- 664 -66 2t ,1171 193091 06/27/88 20.50 CITY OF EDINA WATER 28- 4258- 702 -70 22 __- t9309fi- 96f2 / 8__ _ 20 50 GI -T1� OFEB�NF. _ WATER 294258.- 74'--z'v^ 2e 13; 193091 06/30/88 737.11 CITY OF EDINA WATER 30- 4258 - 782 -78 =5 193091 211 06/27/88 27.10 4 1 4 T 9 -r`i P - T!_T� cT CITY OF EDINA WATER 50- 4258 - 841 -84 28 27 28 2 r 231 193092 07/01/88 203.39 C Q S DIST INC COST OF GOODS SOLD 23- 4624 - 613 -61 70364 24. 193092 06/30/88 82.13 C 6 S DIST INC COST OF GOODS SOLD 23 -4624- 613 -61 70273 ;' 285.52 33 (.fl * ** -CKS J6 I171 t =9 193101 06/24/88 348.00 CHEMSEARCH REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 3 38 348.00 s 30 40 311 133 s # # # *# *o*-CKS 4t 43, I4 193120 06/24/88 10,393.50 DORSEY 6 WHITNEY PROF SERVICES LEGAL 10- 4218 - 220 -22 45 , -5 10,393.50 s �C 4�1 �3 so ° __ 193125 06/30/88 _478.80 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 365 -30 19428 ;2 ! 193125 07/01/88 1,215.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 540 -54 19409 83 " 193125 06/24/88 489.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 645 -64 54 l42 193125 06/27/88 11_290.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 645 -64 „1 43 193125 06/24/88 498.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 645 -64 77 .44I 193125 06/27/88 498.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504- 645 -64 5B _193 -1-25 06/24/88 468.90 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10 -4512- 540 -54 eo) 193125 06/30/88 288.45 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10 -4512- 540 -54 19370 e1 47 193125 06/24/88 444.00 MERIT SUPPLY TIRES 6 TUBES 10- 4616 - 560 -56 eat s 193125 06/24/88 272.25 MERIT SUPPLY ACCESSORIES 10- 4620- 560 -56 64 193125 06/30/88 437.25 MERIT SUPPLY ACCESSORIES 10- 4620 - 560 -56 19387 °� 5'I 193125 06/24/88 874.50 MERIT SUPPLY ACCESSORIES 10 -4620- 560-56 6° ____193125____ 07/05/88 123_60 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 23- 4512- 612 -61 19429 °B1 °v 52 193125 07/05/88 80.40 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504- 663 -66 19336 53 193125 07/05/88 77.70 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 664 -66 19484 70 54 - 193125 06/24/88 280.65 MERIT SUPPLY CONTRACTED REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 702 -70 711 193125 06/27/88 940.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 n 73 56 ,Z7 193125 06/24/88 997.40 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 74 75 1 7 Lt �t L 1� 5 J; W u '0I 193135 06/30/88 2.85- EAGLE WINE CASH DISC 50- 3710 - 003-00 82934 10 193135 _ _- 07/05/88 - -._ -_ 1_5.44 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD 50- 4632 - 822 -82 86173 ,� - - - ? 193135 07/05/88 70.65 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD 50- 4632 - 822 -82 85335 Ix 193135 06/30/88 142.56 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS 50-4632-842 -84 82934 " 193135 06/30/88 221.25 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS 50-4632- 862 -86 82935 1e ie 442.62 • 17 ,e 193136 06 /30/88 _6-_35_28 EARL F ANDERSON GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 343 -30 10 20 193136 06/30/88 329.00 EARL F ANDERSON GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-343 -30 x 193136 06/24/88 218.30 EARL F ANDERSON GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 343 -30 xx 193136 06/24/88 165.90 EARL F ANDERSON GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 627 -62 2 23 4 19313G 06/24/88 43.00 EARL F ANDERSON PRINTING 26- 4600 - 681 -68 25 == 193136 06/30/88 175.00 EARL F ANDERSON GEN SUPPLIES 40-4504 - 803 -80 80544 1e 1., 566.48 • x' I; --- - -- - - --- -- xe 2. I23 •••••• ••• -CKS ]1 193138 06/30/88 38.85 ED PHILLIPS 6 SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD 50- 4630- 862 -86 1-. 193138 07/04/88 38.61 ED PHILLIPS 6 SONS COST OF GOODS 50- 4632-842 -84 84815 T.46 • °' F. o T f-- --- - -- - - - - -- xe "i •►•••• ••• -CKS xe O ;° - o 193143 07/05/88 612.97 EMRICH BAKING CO GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504-663 -6 - 193143 06/30/88 - 419.63 EMRICH BAKING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD e7- 4624 - 663 -66 Ix _ 193143_ -____ 06/24/88 _ _633.53 EMRICH BAKING CO COST OF GOODS 27 -4624- 663 -66 4, 193143 07/05/88 197.53 EMRICH BAKING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD 27- 4624- 663 -66 4e 1,863.66 s 'e r••- ao ]n 5° "1_ ._1_93f4S 06/24/88 349_03 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY SAFETY EQUIPMENT f0 -4642- 301 -30 51 - ex 193148 06/24/88 61.78 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY SAFETY EQUIPMENT 10 -4642- 301 -30 e° ee 410.81 s e' ee 3'- i•i••• rss- K �> ee _ _193150 06/24/88 15.99 ELECTRONIC CENTER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ao 15.99 • ai ex *00-CKS e. 193153 06/24/88 149.17 ENGINE PARTS SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ee 91' 149.1 7 s e� - e9 5xl6° �� rss•rr •s• -CKS , ,I x 193156 07/05/88 24.35 FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL FIRST AID SUPPLIES 10-4510-440-44 286770 ; :e� 193156 07/05/88 138.18 FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL FIRST AID SUPPLY 10- 4510- 440 -44 286767 ;�, 1988 CITY O OF EDINA C CHECK REGISTER 0 07 -11 -88 PAGE 5 CHECK NO. D DATE A AMOUNT V VENDOR I ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. 9 MESSAGE 193125 0 06/24/88 4 499.30 M MERIT SUPPLY G GEN SUPPLIES 3 30- 4504- 782 -78 - _ 10,2S3_20 ! _ x 193125 0 _____ _ _ Merit Supply G _ , 30- 4504- 782 -78 e 4 424w* 0 07/05/88 4 44.20 * M Merit Supply C Contracted Repairs 2 28- 4248 - 702 -70 • ••• -CKS e 193135 0 06/30/88 4 4.43- E EAGLE WINE C CASH DISCOUNT 5 50 -3710- 003 -00 8 829345 e e & moo uzT, OF � | � "wrr"wn nA � l ~0 .,,1� 193183 0 193183 0 1 93183 93183 0 193168 0 193188 o 193188 0 193188 0 193t92 0 193194 0 193194 0 193194 0 19119 4 193196 0 193199 0, 193199 0, 193200 ol ~0 .,,1� i 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -85 PAGE 7 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION Y Y i � n :° +••••• + ** -CKS 1.20, 193218 07/01/88 1,217.35 HALLMAN LUBRICANTS 10- 4618 - 560 -56 37684 zz, 21 193220 06/24/88 168.00 HAR NED LUMBER CO GUARD RAIL MATER AL 10 -454 -343 -3 168.00 • z r. + *• -CKS _193238 06/24/88 76.50 WM H MCCOY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 314 -30 193238 06/30 /888 12.00 WM H MCCOY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 314 -30 110602 1�3=i 193238 06/24/88 12.00 WM H MCCOY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 314 -30 100.50 CKS ' 193245 07/05/88 43.20 ROBERT B HILL GEN SUPPLIES f0- 4504 - 440-44 �3e 193245 07/05/88 58.80 ROBERT B HILL CHEMICALS 27- 4564 - 664 -66 e 102.00 • e 40 s 1,41 *+ *# #+ e az *** -CKS e 4' 193248 06/24/88 95.65 HARMON GLASS 4G 95.65 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4245 -560 -5 1. * e L 41 * *+ -CKS e e 4. 1.932_53 06/24/88 34.50 HUMPHREY RADIATOR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 ° e ' 193253 06/24/88 105.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4245- 560 -56 e' 193253 06/24/88 26.50 HUMPHREY RADIATOR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 e1 166.00 • e si ei 13 * *• #** of ••* -CKS ' 193269 07/05/88 78.07 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO - _ _ 7; sc 78.07 • n 7! + ,.a r! 1v�F�mu[e;lfAAld ►lA1M.4<1i4eAi •, i'(�. - + _ _ 7 e a +o n - +e - +e n +e +9 - z9 22 13 24 :e 27 ze x- 3 35 - 3 39 ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. 9 9 MESSAGE 3_I .. }- r #•,e» - -- -- - - o**-CKS 193204 0 07/01/88 8 87.25 G GEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY C CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1 10 -4248- 440 -44 6 605765 el 193_2204 0 07/01/88 1 102.35 G GEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY C CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1 10-4248- 440 -44 6 606970 193204 0 07/01/88 1 140.80 G GEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY C CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1 10-4248- 440 -44 6 609914 °i 3 330.40 • 193214 0 06/24/85 9 96.72 T TOLL COMPANY W WELDING SUPPLIES 1 10- 4610 - _ 1 06/24/88 1 149.75 T TOLL COMPANY W WELDING SUPPLIES 1 - 560 -56 193214 0 07/01/88 6 6.00 T TOLL COMPANY T TOOLS 2 27- 4580 - 664 -66 3 30765 __ - -_ -- 19-3214. - - 06/30/88 5 57.28 T TOLL COMPANY G GEN SUPPLIES 3 30591 309.75 4 + ,.a r! 1v�F�mu[e;lfAAld ►lA1M.4<1i4eAi •, i'(�. - + _ _ 7 e a +o n - +e - +e n +e +9 - z9 22 13 24 :e 27 ze x- 3 35 - 3 39 f I } ,.. .,., �. .�iUAxail�. ��.�� ���• ,;�roAWtr,. ", "ai4�,�,..ra�,1�.,.: _ , J 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 -PAGE 8 __CHECK NO. DATE_ AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. M MESSAGE 'I__. •*:ev*, z — — - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - ••• -CKS ; 193278 07/01/88 21.50 JERRYS FOODS MEETINGS EXP. 10 -4206- 440 -44 1_93278_ 06/30/88_ 12_39 JERRYS FOODS ADV PERSONNEL ° 193278 06/27/88 40.63 JERRYS FOODS GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4212- 510 -51 10- 4504 - 140 =14 u 193278 06/27/88 .61.08 JERRYS FOODS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 440 -44 ji, 0 - 119!1 -- 1.932.78_ 07/_.01./88_ __34_._58 JERR_Y.S._FOODS. GEN SUPPLISES 10- 4504 - 440 -44 : 193278 06/27/88 396.75 JERRYS FOODS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 13 z_ 1 93278 06/27/88 4.90 JERRYS FOODS GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 600 -60 _ '; 1_9 S 3278 06/27/88 66.40 JERRYS FOODS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 646 -64 ° 193278 06/27%88 S6.42 JERRYS FOODS GEN SUPPLIE 27- 4504 - 662 -66 a '` 699.65 t e 1:7 0 xo 17 - *** —CKS 33 0_ 193286 06/24/88 301.94 JUSTUS LUMBER GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 507 -50 �21 2' si 301.94 • z, z,j • * ** ** - - ze z' --- - - - - -. - __ __------ --- -- -- ---------- - - " - -- *** -CKS Se J_ 193292 06/27/88 200,476.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO INSURANCE 10 -4260- 510 -51 — _— 200, 476.00 s 31 **o-CKS 3. zl 193295 06/24/88 1,660.70 TRIARCO ARTS 6 CRAFT CRAFT SUPPLIES 10- 4588 - 624 -62 a a, 1,660.70 * ° _ n :1 •** -CK _._1.93300— 07/05/88 - -- 16..99 KOKESH ATHLETIC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 621 -62 _ 14901 �'; z "j 193300 07/05/88 95.00 KOKESH ATHLETIC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 621 -62 14795 193300 07/05/88 994.00 KOKESH ATHLETIC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504-623 -62 laa 14900 '6 _1.9330.0_ 07/05/88 — 59.85 KOKESH ATHLETIC GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-624 -62 14796 I" ° 193300 06/24/88 592.40 KOKESH ATHLETIC GEN 3UPPLIEB 10 -4504- 624-62 as °o f8 1 A'FHLET- I-C-- -°-- GEN — SUPPL =IE e4 Fee 7o -- so OT /OS /88 75.00 KOKESH ATHLETIC GEN SUPPLIES 'I 28- 4504 - 702 -70 14718 'na 1,833.24 * n, °zi •►tsts _ n° °3i °' 193304 06/24/88 129.90 KNOX LUMBER CO. GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 318 -30 nv °B 933,04_06/e4/88 104_10 KNOX LUMBER COO — GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325 -30 193304 06/30/88 16.98 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 390 -30 634379 eo e, 193304 06/30/68 13.99 KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 322 -30 634483 °z 193304 06/27/88 403.39 KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 °'' a. ea - 540 —S4 193304 06/24/88 130.42 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 10 -4604- 646 -64 193304 06/24/88 124.68 KNOX LUMBER CO (UMBER' 10- 4604- 646 -64 as ! ___193304_ 06427/88_ 124_68 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 10- 4604-646 a' e° ea -64 'z 193304 06/30/88 124.68— KNOX LUMBER CO CORRECTION 10- 4604 - 646 -64 193304 06/24/88 11.99 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 612 -61 70 193304 06/27/88 29.38 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 26 -4504- 682 -68 z 193304 07/05/88 15.31 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 27- 4604 - 662 -66 582873 ia 980.14 oa } ,.. .,., �. .�iUAxail�. ��.�� ���• ,;�roAWtr,. ", "ai4�,�,..ra�,1�.,.: _ , J 1989 C. JF EDINA CHECK k TER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION J 07 -11 -88 ;E 9 J1 ✓ ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. M MESSAGE n ** +_CKS s 193308 07/01/88 391.00 PARK NIC MED CTR PHYSICAL EXAM 10 -4246- 510 -51 °7 391.00 + s 9 " 193309 07/05/88 62.00 LIEN INFECTION CON PROF SERVICES 27 -4201- 663 -66 'o 2 + ++ —CKS ,3 14 ,e ,e 17 e 193313 06/24/88 124.78 JOHN H FOSTER GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325 -30 i 78 124. + ,9 '- 20 ------- --- - --'- -- + * * * ++ 17 --- ------ .— .— __ -- - -- - -- ------ - - ---- + *� —CKS , 22 �224 19331 9 06/24/88 441.43 ANCHOR PAPER PAPER SUPPLIES 10- 4514 - 520 -52 23 -- — — 441 .43 * z5 26 *�srt * ** —CKS 27 2e ____- - -- -- - - -- -- ' 193317 06/30/88 251.87 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 322 -30 3° 193317 06/24/88 2_67.08 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325-30 3 193317 06/30/88 368.22 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325 -30 33 193317 06/30/88 344.97 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-646 -64 3a 37 93317 - 06/24/88_ —_1 -35.53 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 10-4540 - 540-54 3e i 193317 06/30/88 349.55 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 646 -64 37 3 193317 06/30/88 1,010.96 LAWSON PRODUCTS ACCESSORIES 10- 4620 - 560 -56 38 39 193317_ 06/30/88 102.80 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN 40 -4504- 801 -80 ao "I 193317 06/24/88 228.74 LAWSON PRODUCTS _SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 d1 193317 06/30/88 232.19 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4540- 801 -80 42 a3 193317 06/_24/88 312.62 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803-80 44 45 ae 3,604.53 * "i 193318 06/30/88 15.15 LEEF BROS INC PROF SERVICES 23- 4201 - 612 -61 47 4e 193318 06/24/88 11.40 LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 27- 4262- 664 -66 49 193318 06/30/88 11.40 LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 27- 4262 - 664 -66 568327 50 e, 193319 07/05/88 _37.95 1,070.00 LEITNER COMPANY SOD 6 BLACK DIRT 27 -4562- 664 -66 I56 5 1 , 070. 00 * !J- * + + * ** * ** —CKS 57 ao 193323 07/01/88 10.50 LINHOFF PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 4508 - 440 -44 133809 °1 all 193323 07/01/88 12.00 LINHOFF PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 4508 - 440 -44 133962 °2 e3 22.50 * 64 _ r.l i0: 193324 06/27/88 1,852.11 LOGIS DATA PROC OTH 10- 4233 - 160 -16 e5 °° e7 ' 51' 933e4 06/27/88 1,693.55 LOGIS DATA PROC OTH 10 -4233- 200 -20 ee _ 52I 193324 06/27/88 3,262.50 LOGIS DATA PROC OTH 10 -4233- 420 -42 69 3 193324 06/27/88 1,235.83 LOGIS DATA PROC OTH 40-4233- 800 -80 70 71 541 193324 06/27/88 180.48 LOGIS DATA PROC OTH 50 -4233- 820 -82 72 193324 06/27/88 180.48 LOGIS DATA PROC OTH 50- 4233 - 840 -84 73 56 193324 57 06/27/88 180.49 LOGIS DAT PROC OTH 50- 4233 - 860 -86 74 77 7 e A 6 d e la 'e �e a e • b b b • 1988 CITY O OF EDINA C CHECK REGISTER 0 07-11 -88 PAGE 10 T CHE- CK_- N.4---D.iT_E A AMOUNT V VENDOR I ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. A MESSAGE 2 8 8,585.44 * 2 2 _ - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - — - _ CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1 _ _ 4 4 05 193325 0 06/24/88 2 269.34 L LONG LAKE FORD TRACT R REPAIR PARTS 1 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ° ° 7 9 309.54 s � l s** –CKS t 9 "I 193329 0 06/30/88 4 4,800.00 L LAYNE MINNESOTA CO C CONTRACTED REPAIRS 4 40 -4248- 801 -80 3 12 193329 0 06/24/88 4 4,800.00 L LAYNE MINNESOTA CO C CONTRACTED REPAIRS 4 40 -4248- 801 -80 t t° 21 9 9,600.00 * t t0 se 13 1 17 41 s * * *r* * *r* –CKS 1 1° : . 2 20 19 " 193331 06/24/88 — 358.70 LAHASS CORPORATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 2 _ 07/01/88 6 6,730.00 L LAHASS CORPORATION S SNOW PLOWS 1 10- 4901-305 -30 4 43167 2 2z 0_ 1 9333 1 0 07/01/88 6 6,148.00 L LAHASS CORPORATION S SNOW PLOWS 1 10-4901- 305 -30 4 43166 2 23 24 13,236.70 * 2 25 d 2 26 13,- 930_00 L LEAGUE OF MN CITIES D DUES 1 10 -4204- 140 -14 2 2B 22 13,930.00 * 24 l * * * * ** * * ** –CKS 2 2, 2 3 06/30/88 2 242.888 L LAKELAND ENG R REPAIR PARTS 4 40- 4540 - 801 -80 8 82318 33 * ** –CKS > a a9 " 193343 0 06/30/88 7 78.93 M MINNESOTA GLOVE G GEN SUPPLIES 1 10- 4504 - 301 -30 2 2 O86 4 41 3`II 193343 0 06/24/88 1 115.08 M MINNESOTA GLOVE G GEN SUPPLIES 1 10-4504- 560 -56 a a2 '41 2 205.65 * 4 45 i' 4 46 I36 193344 0 07/01/88 9 98.98 M MED OXYGEN 6 EQUIP U UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1 10 -4274- 440 -44 8 88167 4 4 Ira 4 98.98 s a ao 130 5 50 30 r *rrrr * ** *–CKS 5 52 40 5 5] L f L y1 d v �r b b 7 Ah l.;7 # ## -CKS =2 193379 06/30/88 32.85 METRO FONE COMM GEN SUPPLIES 40-4504 -80 -80 T 5 za �;�` 32.85 • ze z3 #• # # ## - - - - - -- - - - -- ### -CKS ze �. 193400 06/24/88 142.74 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES 10-4616 - 560 -56 s 193400 06/24/88 1,228.16 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRE$ 10- 4616 - 560 -56 as 1,368.90 • — _ m # ## -CKS a ae 193412 07/01/88 51.07 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS 23 -4624- 613 -61 ' 193412 07/01/88 85.05 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS 23-4624 - 613 -61 .; 193412 07/05/88 28.70 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 23-4624-613 -61 14989 'z 1 ' _ 19341207/05/88 23.70 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 23 -4624- 613 -61 14997 ;;' �''� - -- 188.52 • 3 4e 4,'I ### -CKS .e ' 4D 193421 06/30/88 14.50 OLSON CHAIN b CABLE GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504- 782 -78 so - 14.50 • ai ' az I41I # # #• ## as z ### -CKS e4 as 193424 06/24/88 45.96 OLD DOMINION BRUSH REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 �� 45.96 • ae n -. i- - — -- - -- _.- ----- -. _-- - - - --- _ eo # # # # #• -- eo ### -CKS e1 at ° ea • i 19 -431 06/30/88 25.40 PIP PRINTING PRINTING 30- 4600 - 781 -78 164 "; 193431 07/01/88 33.35 PIP PRINTING PRINTING 30- 4600 - 781 -78 3069 es 193431 06/30/88 28.40 PIP PRINTING PRINTING 30- 4600-781 -78 3034 ee " e� 193431______06/30 /88 � 28.40- PIP PRINTING PRINTING 30- 4600 - 781 -78 3034 'z 193431 06/24/88 20.00 PIP PRINTING PRINTING I of 30 -4600- 781-78 ?Q' :-i 193431 o /aa 28 en P�- p_— °.�'•-NTTIIG n aFii 7wL Za inia ' 110 iG L2 1934* *• 07/05088 -28.40 PIP Printing Printing 7. s, * g 30- 4600 - 781 -78 ••• -CKS ;.� •I 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 12 1988 CITY O OF EDINA C CHECK REGISTER 0 07 -1 P PAGE 11 CHECK NO. D DATE A AMOUNT V VENDOR I ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT NO. INV. A A P.O. N N MESSAGE 193359 0 07/01/88 3 36.96 M MINN TORO INC R REPAIR PARTS 2 27 -4540- 664 -66 : : ' __ -- _ _1.93359 0 06/24/88_ 3 323_35 M MINN TORO INC R REPAIR PARTS 2 27- 4540- 664 -66 ; ; 3j 6 605.46 • e e 193360 0 06/27/88 2 20.50 M MINNESOTA WANNER G GEN SUPPLIES 1 ' 10- 4504- 322 -30 ' 193360 0 06/27/88 3 30.90 M MINNESOTA WANNER G GEN SUPPLIES 1 10- 4504- 646-64 ° ° _193360_______06 / /_24/88_____ 2 268. 18 M MI_NNESOTA WANNER R REPAIR PARTS 1 n I° 3 327.08 # - - 10-4540-560-S6 u ____• # # # #•# # ### —CKS e u 193367 0 06/24/88 7 73.00 M MCGARVEY COFFEE G GEN SUPPLIES 1 10- 4504 - 510 -51 e e - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - - -- -— 7 73_00 • z zo •I 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 12 • • • • ■ v� is a 0 • �I • 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 12 -- CHECK N_Q QATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 8 P.O. • MEBSAGE 193433_ 06/30/88__._— ____.– 50.90_ P_AUS_T_IC_b SONS COST OF GOODS 50 -4632- 862 -86 740 ' � 50.00 • '– e c e 91 ,i 193435 07/05/88 392.47 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS 50- 4632 - 842 -84 85465 0 ° 1:1 -- - -- -- - - ---_ -- _392.47 r +z #rrrsr u _ ### –CKS ,• ,e I, 193443 07/05/88 59.39 POMMER MFG CO COMMODITIES 10- 4500- 500 -50 14521 59.39 s +e �20 rrrrss =+ t## –CKS _ 193446 06/24/88 23.20 PIONEER RIM 6 WHEEL REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- __ =' =t =9 560 -56 lie, , 23.20 s 2, - - - -- --- - - - - -- - - - - - -- # #s –CKS :e ' 193448 06/30/88 338.40 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING 10- 4600 - 628 -62 °I 193445 07/05/88 234.50 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING 23- 4600 - 611 -61 31I 572.90 r ' 27 93449 06/3.0/89 470.60 PFC EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 35, e 40- 4540 - 805 -80 76545 `i 470.60 s �' ►rtrtr 391 rrr –CKS 23 193451 06/24/88 78.75 QUALITY WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS 50- 4630- 842 -84 i6_ '- _ _193451 06/30_/88 33.90 QUALITY WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS 50- 4630-862 -86 :'1 112.65 s .e 51 rtrrrr se 371 r## –CKS ;at 391 '_'1_ 193460 06/24/88 49.65 - ROYAL CROWN BEV COST OF GOODS SOLD 50 -4632- 822 -82 so °p __193460_ _- 06/24/88 262.60 ROYAL CROWN BEV COST OF GOODS SOLD 50- 4632- 842 -84 e'1 193460 06/24/88 377.30 ROYAL CROWN BEV COST OF GOODS SOLD 50- 4632 - 862 -86 e= a= 689.55 s s. i, ea 1 as rrrrr# ee ###— 57 s 193462 06/30/88- _ 20._00 RENTAL EQUIP 6 SALES CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248- 644 -64 8445 sa s °1 193462 06/30/88 55.75 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 644 -64 8462 ei 1 °_ 193462 06/30/88 39.50 RENTAL EQUIP 6 SALES TOOLS 10 -4580- 644 -64 8324 eII 193462 06/27/88 21.90 RENTAL EQUIP 8 SALES GEN SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 6°, 193462 06/30/88 97.20 RENTAL EQUIP 8 SALES LAUNDRY 40- 4262 - 801 -80 8511 n, ee 234.35 • ee 193463 06/24/88 3,481.30 REX DIST COST OF GOODS SOLD 50- 4630 - 822 -82 as 193463 06/24/88 5,171.85 REX DIST COST OF GOODS SOLD 50- 4630- 842 -84 7O _ 19346_3 06/24/88 3,036.30 REX DIST COST OF GOODS SOLD 50- 4630- 862 -86 IN c 11,689.45 • *tor ±r 7, 75 1 # #s –CKS r� L v V L.I L.I Y 4r r y l V V b �I VI ,IIII r 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 PAGE 13 _CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. 9 MESSAGE ' .193469 - _06/30/88___ - -37.00 ROAD MACHINERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 L10719 2 37.00 # e e ° _-- -#s• ##s •#• -CKS v ° "I ° 193484 06/30/88 117.22 AMERICAN SHARECOM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 9 ° _f_L7_.22 • 13 ■s#ss# ##• -CKS p. e 193490 06/30/88 99.16 SHERWIN WILLIAMS GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 17 193490 06/30/88 115.25 SHERWIN WILLIAMS GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 325 -30 ° 193490 ----06/30/88 1.64.77 SHERWIN WILLIAMS GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504 - 325 -30 10 20 21 ` 193490 06/30/88 115.09 SHERWIN WILLIAMS TOOLS 10-4580- 301 -30 I 193490 06/30/88 358.22 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 28- 4544- 702 -70 22 ° - 852.49 # xi 214 • # #sss ►## -CKS 23 2e 7 193492 06/24/88 22.45 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 2J1 193492 06/27/88 31.63 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 54.08 # 31 a • ## # #• ### -CKS 33 " 193496 07/05/88 65.21 SPALDING RANGE BALLS 27- 463'6- 666 -66 37 =' �! G5.21 # 3e 30 0 #• # -CKS :1 193502 06/30/88 100.00 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 3986 92 143 e3 ° 193502 06/27/88 91.G5 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 .5 193502 06/24/88 286.19 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- S60-56 477.84 # 14e 193503 07/OS/88 13.44 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 520 -52 15O °r__ 1.93503 06/30/88 100.00 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 ;Z e3 193503 06/30/88 122.00 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 520-52 193503 06/24/88 118.59 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 1514 2 193503 _ 06/30/88_ 118.04 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP ACCESSORIES 10- 4620 - 560 -56 15 a " 193503 06/30/88 21.00 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 "i 193503 06/30/88 51.04 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLIES 26- 4504-682 -68 158 193503 06/30/88 13.36 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLIES 26- 4504- 682 -68 e1 " 193503 06/30/88 100.00 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504- 801 -80 ' 193503 07/01/88 143.31 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 801 -80 132304 ea ° 193503 06/30/88 182.48 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 803 -80 e3 ' 983.26 • e3 ;oI - • # *##� - -- - - - -- -- - •## -CKS ee ae i 193508 07/05/88 13.61 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 420 -42 e° 193508 07/05/88 104.03 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 470 -47 846023 7z 193508 07/05/88 26.08 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 470 -47 845958 )2 193508 06/27/88 24.85 ST PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 27-4516 - 661 -66 74 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 14 40 9' .� V � cc�FFe���,,'`���1 �i:" t ;r. .t��; ���` ��:i -.F r �iJ: ��.�;.il u. � - ri. :��� _ _..I . �. i. .. .. �. ,.F. J�' it�w %ki.,�+ri_i?�ge�i�l��N�19Kt�, R�'HI{�WS � � A�JK1 '���')��U�'1liiii�r;$�n..�e � ,. i, : ;;. .. 1988 CITY OF EDINA _ - _CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT CHECK REGISTER ITEM 07 -11 PAGE 15 IPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. A MESSAGE L;. 193553 07/01/88 87.32 06/24/88 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GEN SUPP 40- 4504- 804 -80 769539 193553 0.7/05/88 ei,_32- UNITED..ELECTRIC_CORP WILLIAMS 12,740.00 s CORRECTION 40- 4504 - 804 -80 193553 07/01/88 87.32 193564 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GEN SUPP 40- 4540 - 804 -80 769539 193553 ' 06/27/88 82.50 ssss:t - - UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 50- 4540 - 861 -86 ' 209.97 • 193570 07/05/88 467.96 GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 646 -64 •w + +ss Ile1_}I 193575 0_6/_27/88 193575 06/30/88 193575 06/24/88 193575__ -_ 06/24/88 ssssss 125.02 140.00 60_00- 769.62 s VERSATILE VEHICEL Y d EQUIP 27- 1340 -000- O tss -CKS 10 ss ECTRIC PROF SERVICES 30- 4201 - 782 -78 10249 VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO PAPER SUPPLIES PAPER SUPPLIES VO33 GEN SUPPLIES VOSS GEN SUPPLIES VOSS GEN SUPPLIES VOSS CON R,loo, •ec WATER PRODUCTS WATER PRODUCTS WATER PRODUCTS CASTINGS CASTINGS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 50- 4514- 94P -R4 P1nP" 10 -4504- 375 -30 10- 4504 - 520 -52 10- 4504- 642 -64 10- 4504- 646 -64 40- 49n4- RnI -Rn 10- 4552- 34S -30 10 -4552- 345 -30 27- 4540- 664 -66 �G J 193579 06/24/88 ° 111111 STEEL -HDWE GEN SUPPLIES ° 193563 07/05/88 12,740.00 _29 O1 WILLIAMS 12,740.00 s GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 390 -30 120079 193579 193564 07/05/88 14.00 w - -- f0- 4504 - 560 -56 14.00 s �di ssss:t - - - - -- - - - - -- - STEEL -HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 ' 19357_9 06/24/88 193570 07/05/88 467.96 GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 646 -64 487.96 • 06/27/88 c. WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE TOOLS 10- 4580 -30 -30 193579 06/24/88 35.60 I 193572 06/24/88 450.10 193572 06/24/88 183.75 WILLIAMS STEEL =HDWE TOOLS 10 -4580- 301 -30 125870 633.85 • v �= 193579 06/30/88 57.83 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE TOOLS 1.93573- 06/27/88_-____335.55 193579 06/24/88 193573 06/27/88 152.10 TOOLS 40- 4580- BO1 -80 193573 06/27/88 102.00 ` 193573 06/24/88 371.36 ;I 193573 06/30/88 80.40 1 , 041.41 • •w + +ss Ile1_}I 193575 0_6/_27/88 193575 06/30/88 193575 06/24/88 193575__ -_ 06/24/88 ssssss 125.02 140.00 60_00- 769.62 s VERSATILE VEHICEL Y d EQUIP 27- 1340 -000- O tss -CKS 10 ss ECTRIC PROF SERVICES 30- 4201 - 782 -78 10249 VAN PAPER CO VAN PAPER CO PAPER SUPPLIES PAPER SUPPLIES VO33 GEN SUPPLIES VOSS GEN SUPPLIES VOSS GEN SUPPLIES VOSS CON R,loo, •ec WATER PRODUCTS WATER PRODUCTS WATER PRODUCTS CASTINGS CASTINGS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 50- 4514- 94P -R4 P1nP" 10 -4504- 375 -30 10- 4504 - 520 -52 10- 4504- 642 -64 10- 4504- 646 -64 40- 49n4- RnI -Rn 10- 4552- 34S -30 10 -4552- 345 -30 27- 4540- 664 -66 �G J 193579 06/24/88 20.23 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 _ 193579 __,06/30/88 _29 O1 WILLIAMS STEEL_HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 390 -30 120079 193579 06/24/88 53.63 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE GEN SUPPLIES f0- 4504 - 560 -56 193579 06/27/88 37.12 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 ' 19357_9 06/24/88 76.86 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 646 -64 193579 06/27/88 47.63 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE TOOLS 10- 4580 -30 -30 193579 06/24/88 35.60 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE TOOLS 10- 4580- 301 -30 06/30/88____- ___59, 47 WILLIAMS STEEL =HDWE TOOLS 10 -4580- 301 -30 125870 'i 193579 06/30/88 57.83 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE TOOLS 10- 4580-560 -56 124202 193579 06/24/88 77.98 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE TOOLS 40- 4580- BO1 -80 494.36 s 4p mr ssstst D 000-CKS 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 16 J J m to �rllt,' vl, VI la v vh VI' v V 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 16 _ _ CHECK -NO DATE_ AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. Y P.O. A MESSAGE • I �s 193582 ._____ 07/01/88_.___._ - ____303.44._ - GORDON SMITy_CO GAS_ 27 -4612- 664 -66 1779 ; 193582 07/01/88 465.03 GORDON SMITH CO GASOLINE 27- 4612- 664-66 1767 768.52 s ° le 9� 7 rrr -CK3 Di ,o — 193586 . 06/24/88 __.__ _72. 04 WW_ GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 10 =4540- 560 -56 ;z 193586 06/30/88 294.85 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 646 -64 ,3 193586 06/24/88 294.85- W W GRAINGER CORRECTION 10- 4540 - 646 -64 " 193586._ 06/24/88 294__85 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 646 -64 ° 193586 06/30/88 294.95 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 646 -64 193586 06/24/88 294.85 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 10-4540- 646 -64 ° 193586 _- 06/27/88 _ -__. -_ _ 86.85. _ W_W GRAINGER -4540- 64_ 6 -64 zo D 193586 06/30/88 121.94 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 802 -80 z, 'I u 1 , 165.38 s D: z] " rsrsrs rrr -CK =° ze 193592_ _ _07/01/88_ - -__ 495_00 — MID CENTRAL INC 'FIRE HOSE 10- 4901 - 440 -44 3014 =' :e 31 495.00 i rsr «rr rrr -CKS ]] 193594 06/30/88 3,041.67 STORE FRONT PROF SERVICES 10- 4201 - 504 -50 - - - -- -- -- 3.041.,_67 • ]] ]e stst «« ssr -CKS I]° ]D 193601 06/30/88 19.23 WESTSIDE EGIP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 14217 ., 19.23 i .z 193602 06/24/88 396.00 XEROX CORP PROF SERVICES 10- 4201 - 600 -60 4. .] 396.00 r .a 47' ae rrr —C 4D --193612 06/27/88 11_,002 _60 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 314 -30 ]o 152 'j 193612 06/24/88 8,216.15 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 314-30]] 193612 07/05/88 9,624.74 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR BLACKTOP 10- 4524-314 -30 903 °' 28,843.49 s "n ]e 193613 06/30/88 230.57 MCNEILU3 STEEL ACCESSORIES 10- 4620 - 560 -56 29344 57 -- -- 230_57 i 'Go1 rrr -CK3 e2 e] 6. 193700 06/24/88 114.95 ASHLAND CHEM GEN 9UPPLIE3 10- 4504 - 335 -30 51653 I 193700 06/24/88 114.95 ASHLAND CHEM PAINT 10- 4544- 335 -30 479177 ae _1.93700__ 0.6/24/88 120,00- ASHLAND CHEM PAINT 10 -4544- 335 -30 374737 �;A1 109.90 i ec 193701 06/24/88 339.00 JOHN 2IITTEL GRNHSE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 390 -30 �o 339.00 r 1.93702 0.6/24/88_ 48_25 GENIUNE PARTS CO REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 7e 1 _ �na7 rr;hh,e°+emloiR�ZL L i l L L Y �- M e 1. 4 4 hw V 1r bI d � OI 1 - 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -1 PAGE 17 CHECK NO_DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. Y MESSAGE 193702 06/24/88 74.47 GENIUNE PARTS CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2 _.193Z02 06/24/88___ 29_.71- GENIUNE PARTS CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ° 193702 06/24/88 9.53 GENIUNE PARTS CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 e ` 193702 06/24/88 27.37- GENIUNE PARTS CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ° - 1.93702 0_6/24/68 26.82 GENIUNE PARTS CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560-56 ' Io 101.99 • p- 193703_ 06/24/88___ ____103._21 HOSE INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 646 -64 ,o : 103.21 + ro 193704 06/24/88 236.86 HOSE INC REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 14 ° ,a n " 193705 06/24/86______ _33_30 MIDWEST INDU3_SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 325 -30 e 110 zo i 193705 06/24/88 89.43 MIDWEST INDUS SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 117.73 + 22 23' 193706 06/24/88 371.00 3WANSON BR03 GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 345 -30 371.00 s - -- - Ize 193707 06/24/88 88.00 MUELLER SALES CORP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 801 -80 213 zi .. 193707 06/27/88 j 37.99 MUELLER SALES CORP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 805-80 125.99 + 3:, =7 193708 06/24/88 19.96 TOWN 6 COUNTRY DODGE REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 >> - -- - - - - -- - 19__96 * 3e 193709 06/24/88 110.12 SUPERIOR PLASTICS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 801 -80 3e 37 3e ° 110.12 + 314 "I 193710 06/24/88 465.19 JIM HATCH SALES TOOLS 10-4580- 301 -30 42 - - - - - -- 465.19 * u+ '1 " 193711 06/24/88 482.75 FACILITY SYS BLDG IMPROVEMENT 25- 4924- 520 -52 • °� ii1 193711 06/30/88 2,362.52 FACILITY SYS BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 25 -4924- 520 -52 ;7, 2.845.27 ► e 4° "19331.2 _06/2_4/68 38.00 FURNITURE GALLERY GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 662 -66 °1 ni 38.00 * e2 ea 2 193713 06/24/88 200.00 MARY C. MCGLONE PRINTING 27 -4600- 661 -66 aI 200.00 * °° 1- 937.14 06/24488 18.00 MIDLAND HEATING MECHANICAL leo �o e: PERMITS 10- 3130- 000 -00 18.00 193715 06/24/88 570.53 RAINBOW LEASING EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10- 4226 - 507 -50 ez 63 5� 570.53 * °a en "L - 193716 - _147._32_ FORD- MCNUTT_GLASS CO CONTRACTED REPAIRS 27- 4248- 662 -66 ee °'� "i 193716 06/24/88 147.96 FORD- MCWUTT GLASS CO CONTRACTED REPAIRS 27- 4248 - 662 -66 ev 295.28 • 70, ' 193717 06/24/88 300.00 TED HARRIS LANDSCAPE PR ER ICES -4 - - 21 300.00 + E71: 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 18 4 0 1 v v v I i 1988 CITY O OF EDINA C CHECK REGISTER 0 07 -11 -88 P PAGE 18 NO_DATE A AMOUNT V VENDOR I ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT NO. INV. R P.O. N M MESSAGE r -r . :''.:1 ��Hlli4ll1$6da1fARyEB05W «yr v,y�,��. b ►w V SAFETY EQUIPMENT AIR PA REPAIR PARTS CASTINGS AMBULANCE GEN SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS RENTAL INCOME 07 -1 PAGE 19 INV. R P.O. M MESSAGE 10- 4642 -301 10- 4540 - 520 -52 fO- ARAA- 7'%A-1A IV-4SSi:-l4h -SU 10- 4552- 345 -30 10 -3180- 000 -00 10-4SO4-62S-6P- 26-4624-683-68 26- 4624- 683 -68 26-4624- 683 -68 26- 4624-683 -68 30 -3507- 000 -00 193749 06/24/88 419.99 419.99 COLOR TILE GEN SUPPLIES r� 1988 CITY OF EDINA 15.00 CHECK REGISTER I CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR • i 50.00 • 07/05/88 18.62 j` 193738 06/24/88 246.24 JIM HATCH SALES 06/24/88 198.42 SIGN CENTRAL 246.24 • 30- 4540 - 782 -78 ^, 193739 06/24/88 18.50 ENTRONIX 193752 .. 07/05/88 04_--- 18.50 • PROF SERVICES 30- 4201 - 782 -78 4-937 -52 O6 / -E4IP6 14.95 TANDY ALARMl -6G, PROF - SERVICES - 30�420T- 782 =78- ' -- 193753 14.95 • lq9- 8- 162.00 • 159.04 PRECISION BUS SYS 193741 06/24/88 62.80 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORP • 62.80 • ` 193742 06/24/88 415.09 SPS CO 415.09 • I' 193743 06/24/88 189.00 VIKING AUTO SPRNKLER '= 189.00 e' 193744 06/24/88 495.00 ESS BROS. 193744 06/24/88 530.00 ESS BROS. 1,025.00 ■ 1�+ 193745 06/24/88 300.00 HEIDI GABBERT I,; - - -- -- 300.00 193746 06/24/88 110.00 AMER RED CROSS -MPLS 110.00 • i i_r" 193747 06/27/88 1,486.91 TROPICAL SNO OF MN 193747 06/24/88 TROPICAL SNO OF MN 193747 06/24/88 207.00 TROPICAL SNO OF MN 193747 06/24/88 138.00 TROPICAL SNO OF MN :2,116.07 • S' 193748 06/24/88 85.00 ML ENSMINGER `" 85.00 • b ►w V SAFETY EQUIPMENT AIR PA REPAIR PARTS CASTINGS AMBULANCE GEN SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS RENTAL INCOME 07 -1 PAGE 19 INV. R P.O. M MESSAGE 10- 4642 -301 10- 4540 - 520 -52 fO- ARAA- 7'%A-1A IV-4SSi:-l4h -SU 10- 4552- 345 -30 10 -3180- 000 -00 10-4SO4-62S-6P- 26-4624-683-68 26- 4624- 683 -68 26-4624- 683 -68 26- 4624-683 -68 30 -3507- 000 -00 193749 06/24/88 419.99 419.99 COLOR TILE GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 <I 193750 06/24/88 15.00 PUBLICITY CENTRAL PROF SERVICES 30 -4201- 781 -78 15.00 • " 193751 07/05/88 18.62 SIGN CENTRAL GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 193751 06/24/88 198.42 SIGN CENTRAL REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540 - 782 -78 217.04 • 193752 .. 07/05/88 04_--- __ALARMLOCK_ PROF SERVICES 30- 4201 - 782 -78 4-937 -52 O6 / -E4IP6 X59 04 ALARMl -6G, PROF - SERVICES - 30�420T- 782 =78- ' -- 193753 06/24/88 lq9- 8- 162.00 • 159.04 PRECISION BUS SYS OF I E S PP IE -4 - - " 162.00 • 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 20 , o -- e D iol8 nl fl� �e V a. v v yll +Y � V . . , , ,..i . IM'MMV<llflldr_'11 -h.r, .. 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 20 _ --CHECK-NO--DATE- ,_ AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. A P.O. A MESSAGE , i a '! 193754 _- . 06/24/88 _ _ _21_..25_ NORTH_S1AR_TURF REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-664-66 14 l 193754 06/24/88 20.61 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 664 -66 s' s 41.86 • 3!I 193755 06/24/88 190.23 C 8 S DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD 23 -4624- 613 -61 0 9 190.23 • ° 0� 193756 06/24/88 288.25 RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF COST OF GOODS SOLD 23- 4624 - 613 -61 3 193756 07/01/88 14.59 RUBENSTEIN 6 ZIFF COST OF GOODS 23-4624 - 613 -61 in _._193756 07/0.1/88 193.53 RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF COST OF GOODS 23 -4624- 613 -61 e 496.37 • ie 193757_ ---06/24/88.- 76 NORTHWEST_ GRAPHIC COST OF GOODS SOLD 23 -4624- 613 -61 zo 62.76 • z, ° 193758 07/05/88 41.40 MATHISON CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD 23 -4624- 613 -61 84088 122 n 193758 07/01/88 6.51 MATHISON CO. COST OF GOODS 23- 4624 - 613 -61 83232 193758 06/24/88 11.16 MATHISON CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD 23- 4624 - 613 -61 3° - - - - - -- 59 0? • n :e ssssss s•• -CK3 3, 3 193761 06/27/88 300.75 NERCO DISTR INC. COST OF GOODS 26 -4624- 683 -68 ` 193761 06/24/88 187.30 NERCO DISTR INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD 26- 4624 - 683 -68 133 _11376]- 07/05/88 238.62 NERCO DISTR INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD 26 -4624- 683 -68 42313 3e ;L. ' 193761 07/05/88 30.46 NERCO DISTR INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD 26- 4624- 683 -68 41962 3 757.15 • 3 30 . 193762 06/30/88 67.40 NORTHERN AIRE GEN SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 1406 •0 -- 193762 06/24/88 111.27 NORTHERN AIRE SAFETY EQUIPMENT 26- 4642 - 681 -68 I'= 178.67 s ' 193763 06/24/88 226.94 AMER LASER -CUT GRA. GEN SUPPLIES 28 -4504- 702 -70 �s le> "f 193763 06/24/88 27.10- AMER LASER -CUT GRA, CORRECTION 40-3800-000 -00 .e ' ^ 193763 06/24/88 27.10 AMER LASER -CUT GRA. MISC 40-3800-000 -00 ie 226.94 • eO L le, ° 193764 06/24/88 10.00 MN MAYORS ASSOC CONFERENCE 8 SCHOOL 10 -4202- 100 -10 ;e3 ;l 10.00 • lee " 193765 06/27/88 225.22 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 10 -4201- 160 -16 137 193765 06/24/88 453.32 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 10-4201- 160 -16 _193765 - _07/01/88__ 228.05 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 10_420101 1 16_0 -16 loo eo ` 193765 06/24/88 693.00 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 40- 4201 - 800 -80 e, 193765 07/01/88 462.00 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 40- 4201 - 800 -80 i_ 193765 06/27/88 687.23 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 40 -4201- 800 -80 e, "i 193765 07/01i88 77.02 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF.SERVICES 50- 4201 - 820 -82 es j 193765 06/24/88 74.12 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 50- 4201 - 820 -82 193765__ - -- _06/27/88 __---- 54 -,00 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF _SERVICES 50- 4201 - 82_0 -82 e ' 193765 06/24/88 74.12 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 50- 4201-840 -84 69 193765 06/27/88 154.00 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 50- 4201 - 840 -84 10 193765 07/01/88 77.02 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 50 -4201- 840 -84 1; sI 193765 06/27%88 154.00 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 50 -4201- 860 -86 193765 06/24/88 74.12 ACCOUNTEMPS PROF SERVICES 50- 4201 - 860 -86 _ ve , . . , , ,..i . IM'MMV<llflldr_'11 -h.r, .. X 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER f� 07 -1 PAGE 21 `- __CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. 0 MESSAGE �I l \ L i V �o b V V' \r VI \.I'! 193765 07/01/88 77.02 ACCOUNTEMPS 4p 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 22 4 PROF SERVICES 50 -4201- 860 -86 = - -- - -.-3,664-.24 ! - -- ' •I 193766 06/24/88 9,782.58 MPLS WATER WORKS -FIN WATER PURCHASED 40- 4640 - 803 -80 e �_ - - - - - -- - 9,782.58 • 7 �• 193767 06/24/88 83.00 IDS OFFICE SUPPLIES 27- 4516 - 661 -66 e ° I ,z " 193768 06/24/88 47.38 ROBERT MAY MISC 40 -3800- 000 -00 " 47.38 + „ 193769 06/24/88 27.10 MOODY HAMILTON MISC 40- 3800 - 000 -00 h9 --- - - - -- - --- - - - - -- _2_7__10 s ,o 'I 193770 06/24/88 27.50 WUNDERLICH ENG. MISCELLANEOUS 40- 3800- 000 -00 zo i` _- 27.50 • I3= 23 I ii 193771 06/24/88 24.28 ROBERT BURNHAM MISC 40 -3800- 000 -00 za x, I--- - --- - -- - - - - -- - -_ --- _- --_'_' 24.28 • Iz6 27 193772 06/24/88 26.25 LOWELL BROIN MISCELLANEOUS 40- 3800 - 000 -00 ze JO 26.25 • 3, 193773 06/24/88 71.69 LYNDALE HARDWARE ALARM SERVICE 30- 4504- 782 -78 3 __193773 ___0T /0- 1/88_- ___ 43.90 LYNDALE_HARDWARE GEN SUPP 30- 4504- 782 -78 218701 Je 115.59 • °e 3 „i 193774 06/24/88 316.95 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 10 -4250- 301 -30 39 'o "I 193774 06/24/88 79.30 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 10- 4250 - 520 -52 193774 06/24/88 06/24/88____ 52.79 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 10- 4250 - 520 -52 12t � _19377 316_95 WASTE MGMT - SAVAGE RUBBISH 10- 4250- 540 -54 193774 06/24/88 211.30 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE _REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVAL 10 -4250- 645 -64 .< 193774 06/24/88 52.82 WASTE MGMT - SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 10- 4250- 645 -64 ., e ._- _193774 06/24/88 31_28 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 23- 4250 - 612 -61 a7+ 193774 06/24/88 79.24 WASTE MGMT - SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 26 -4250- 682 -68 e "___ 193774 06/24/88 211.27 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 27 -4250- 662 -66 .o �O ] 93774___06/24/88 52_.79 WASTE MGMT= SAVAGE RUBBISH_ REMOVAL 27 -4250- 664 -66 31 193779 06/24/88 158.60 WASTE MGMT - SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 28- 4250 - 702 -70 193774 06/24/88 158.60 WASTE MGMT - SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 30 -4250- 782 -78 33 193774 06_/24/88 280.60 WASTE MGMT - SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 50 -4250- 841 -84 193774 06/24 /888 280.60 WASTE MGMT - SAVAGE RUBBISH REMOVAL 50- 4250 - 861 -86 2,283.09 • I;e ,9 '•I 193775 ` 06/24/8A 11.90 DAY - TIMERS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 30- 4516 - 781 -78 lev- e, 11.90 s e: _ "i 193776 _ 07/01 /88 61.45 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 10 -4210- 140 -14 e3 . 9, 193776 06/24/88 80.00 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 10 -4210- 140 -14 99 'I 19 377606/30/8923691_ MN SUBURBAN_NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 10 -4210- 140 -14 e7` 193776 07/05/88 83.70 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING OTHER 23- 4214 - 611 -61 _28S88689 6 462.06 70 'i 193777 06/24/86 24.S5 TOOLS BY OLSEN REPAIR ART 27 -4540- 6 - 7] 7 24.85 + 7, 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 22 4 qY F 3 r v ti, CHECK NO-..DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. P.. N MESSAGE 2j Y ro.i —_ 193778 _06/24/_88_______ — - -_- _85._00 ECOLAB PEST_ELIM_ SERVICE CONTRACT EO 30- 4288- 781 -78 ' ` 85.00 s _ s e sss -CKS le -� D ° 193780 06/24/88 96.05 COMM OF REVENUE GASOLINE 10- 4612- 560 -56 I10 + N ' 193781 06/24/88 138.57 ROBERTS HAMILTON CO. REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 520 -52 " 138.57 • le It n 193782 06/24/88 1.00 LA SHELLE SMITH AMBULANCE 10- 3180- 000 -00 e +D — -- Yo i Y � ' 7 193783 06/24/88 285.00 LUELLA A. SWAN AMBULANCE 10 -3180- 000 -00 zz ° 193783 06/24/88 285.00— LUELLA A. SWAN CORRECTION 10- 3180- 000 -00 YY 00 + 'Y4 193783 07/05 -88 285.00 * Luella A. Swan Ambulance 10- 3180- 000 -00 2e Ye 193784 __ -_- _06/24/88_ ._._____36.00 DAVID FRAVENSHUH REGISTRATION FEES 10- 3500- 000 -00 Y' 36.00 s -- ze � co 193785 06/24/88 9.00 PAT GREER MILEAGE 30- 4208 - 781 -78 9.00 + ' Y3 06/27/89_ 25 00 KATHY GUSTAFSON PROF SERVICES 30- 4201 - 781 -78 Ye 25.00 s cDi i 193787 06/27/88 25.00 MICHAEL GATLIN PROF SERVICES 30 -4201- 781 -78 ;° 31I 25.00 + 41 -_193788 06/27/88 25_00 BILL DIETRICKSON PROF SERVICES 30- 4201 - 781 -78 ;4 "i 25.00 s ♦. =' 4e 4e "I ALSTAD PROF SERVICES OTHER 30 -4224- 781 -78 ;' 193789 0_6/24/88 25.00 Msoic °JI 25.00 + e aD °e Marian Alstad eo '_'I-- 193790 06/24/88 35.00 CHIPPEWA GRAPHICS PRINTING 10- 4600 - 627 -62 e1 u <G 35.00 s IeY i a4 2 193791 06/24/88 66.00 NEBCO DISTR. INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD 26- 4624- 683 -68 ;; "' 66.00 + ee _1.93792.__ _- 06/24/S8_ 85,00 BLMGT LOCK 6 SAFE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 50 -4248- 841 -84 �eD — eo "j 85.00 + e1 .'1 eY ° 193793 06/24/88 33.05 EDINA LIQUOR STORE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 100 -10 54 33.05 • e; s' MC GEN SUPPLIES ea ' , CAREN DESIGNS 3,310.78 • ev m. 70 "( 193795 07/05/88 480.00 PEAK CONSTR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4248- 646 -64 '14 193795 07/05/88 490.00 PEAK CONSTR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4248- 646 -64 5844 )Y e 193795 06/24/88 4,950.00 PEAK CONSTR UNALLOCATED CONST C. 60- 1300 - 007 -20 S] 7e 1 v f 1988 CITY O OF EDINA C CHECK REGISTER : PAGE 22 :7-1:-88 P v f C: r -. L L L L L L V V V �r V V -V 1I` e° 193808 06/30/88 12.72 BR BENSON LAUNDRY 40- 4262- 801 -80 al 65.67 • e2 _ °3 "I 193809 07/05/88 164.00 AKONA CORP. LINE MA INGS - - - 193809 06/27/88 410.00 AKONA CORP. INVALID OBJECT 10- 4563- 642 -64 ee - - - -- -- -- - - 574.00 • _ eo • e° I 193810 06/27/88 1,430.00 MN VALLEY FENCE CON. BUILDINGS 27 -1320- 000 -00 '0 1,430.00 • "+ �i ° 193811 06/27/88 765.84 VIKING FOREST PROD. GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 647 -64 7 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 24 is 1988 CITY O OF EDINA C CHECK REGISTER 0 07 -1 P PAGE 23 CHECK_ N0. D DATE A AMOUNT V VENDOR I ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. M M MESSAGE 193795 0 07/OS/88 4 475.00 P PEAK CONSTR U UNALLOCATED CONSTR 6 60- 1300 - 007 -20 ' ' J - -- - -- ----- - - - - - -- 6_395 _00 s 2 2 193796 0 06/24/88 6 654.25 T TEAM MKT G GEN SUPPLIES 3 30 -4504- 783 -78 ° ° 654.25 • ' ' I" s ssser• • •o• -CKS 1 10 IiD " - - -- - --------- - - - - - -- - - - -'- 1 MINNESOTA FABRICS G GEN SUPPLIES 1 10- 4504 - 624 -62 � 12ll 193798 0 06/30/88 4 4.54 M MINNESOTA FABRICS G GEN SUPPLIES 1 10- 4504- 624 -62 5 59533 193798 _ 0 07/05/88 4 40.70 M MINNESOTA FABRICS C CRAFT SUPPLIES 2 23- 4588- 611 -61 5 59536 a a 53.55 • ° n - -- - -- • •r• -CKS z zo 193800 0 06/27/86 4 483.05 J JERRYS PRINTING D DUE FROM STATE AID 1 10- 1132- 000 -00 2 2z �17 1 193800 0 07/01/88 9 90.46 J JERRYS PRINTING P PRINTING 3 30- 4600 - 781 -78 1 1542 33 573.51 s 2 - 21 _.193801_ - -__ 0 06/27/88 2 223_96 _ B BRAEMAR MAILING SERV D DUE FROM STATE AID 1 10 -1132- 000 -00 3 2. 2 2 223.96 • u u m 30 193802 0 06/27/88 1 160.00 B BRAEMAR MON. LEAGUE C COMP HANDICAPPED 2 27- 3470- 000 -00 7 71 160.00 • i i3 2 - _ _193803 -- .__06/27/88 7 701.00 C CARNES LIGHTING G GEN SUPPLIES 3 30- 4504- 782 -78 ' 'e 701.00 s J _ 1 193804 0 06/27/88 9 909.00 P PLYWOOD MINNESOTA G GEN SUPPLIES 3 30- 4504- 782 -78 ; 3e 193804 0 / I 80.00 P PLYWOOD MINNESOTA G GEN SUPPLIES 3 30- 4504 - 782 -78 5 54554 . .II 989.00 + : : 193805 0 06/27/88 2 256.00 R ROXANNE SEIDEL P PROF SERVICES 3 30- 4201 - 781 -78 °i 2 256.00 ■ . .e "i 1 193806 0 06/27/88 4 4,500.00 P PACE LAB. P PROF 3ER ICES 0 0 -42 1 -80 - , ,o 4,500.00 • eo n Ji 1 193807 0 06/27/88 2 2,213.18 A AVR INC. C CONCRETE 1 10 -4528- 302 -30 193807 0 06/27/88 1 1,147.40 A AVR INC. C CONCRETE 1 10- 4528 - 302 -30 193807 0 07/05/88 2 294.38 A AVR INC. C CASTINGS 1 10 -4552- 345 -30 8 81303 e as ' e 3,6S4.96 193808 06/27/88__- 5 52 -_95 B BRBENSON L LAUNDRY 1 10- 4262- 646 -64 ee 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 24 is 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07-11-88 PAGE 24 CHECK NO DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 2 765.84 ••• -CKS , .-----1-93 1 .-0.6Z27ZS 11-7 LY-NDALE-GARDEN-.CTR -GEN-SUPPLIES-1-0=4504-643-64- 7 193813 07/05/88 117.91 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-643-64 3330 9 193813 06/30/88 12.97 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-643-64 130.88 193814 06/27/88 133.e0 SUE WEIGLE MILEAGE 10-4208-600-60 13 14 133.20 • 11: 193815 06/e7/88 1,181.04 LABOR RELATIONS ASSN PROF SERVICES 10-4201-140-14 7 a S. 20 2; 193816 06/27/88 11.83 DEPENDABLE COURIER ADV. PERSONNEL 10-4212-510-51 2 11.83 • 23 U 193817 06/27/68 108.00 MIDWEST REMODELING , BUILDING PERMITS 10-3095-000-00 25 26 108.00 27 193818 06/27/88 78.41 COPY DUP PROD GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-540-54 3; 78.41 • 3 ia. 193819 06/27/88 1e6.00 RIDDLE CONTROL PROD REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-330-130 33 00 • 3 5 193820 06/30/88 465.00 PRECISION DYNAMICS GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-783-78 3 193820 06/e7/88 955.50 PRECISION DYNAMICS GEN SUPPLIES 30-4504-783-78 1,420.50 • 4 42 -9 8 8 IS3.34 MN DEPT OF JOBS UNEMPLOYMENT COMP. i0-4160-510-sl 43 44 31- 153.34 46 • -CKS 7 193823 07/01/88 441.75 BARRETT MOV & STOR CONTRACTED SERVICE 10-4e0l-180-18 1., aO 31 -9 3 8 2 3-07/_�I./ 0-8- 4S6.00 BARRETT.MOV & STO R PROF SERVICES 0 10-4eot-184-18 52 897.75 • 53 .21 193824 06/30/88 28.00 SUSAN WOHLRABE PROF SERVICES 10-4201-508-50 28.00 5: 193826 07/01/88 900.00 LAKE RESTORATION PROF SERVICES 10-4201-358-30 :2 -7 900.00 • 3 e. 193827, 67/.01/88 28.35 ED GLANDER, MIEAGE. 40-4208-806-80 is :11 ail 28.35 • Leo 193828 07/01/88 21.:: MARION GILBERT REGISTRATION FEES 10-3500-000-00 7. 21.00 71 72 SGi 193829 07/01/88 5.00 SUSAN ERICKSON REGISTRATION FEES 10-3500-000-00 73 7. v �r V \y i b� I �I v �r 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR 07 -1 PAGE 25 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 6 P.O. 9 MESSAGE ` 5.00 • : 193830 07/01/88 40.00 MAREENA MOHN REGISTRATION FEES 10- 3500- 000 -00 5 40.00 • e 193831 06/30/88 416.52 MARILU PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 623 -62 68699 0 ° pl 416.52 • io - " 193832 "I 06/30/88 195.00 FRIDEN ALCATEL POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 z 13 195.00 • e _ 193833 07/01/88 76.00- CARLSON STORE FIX CO MACHINERY 25 -4942- 001 -23 24210 193833 06/30/88 90.00 CARLSON STORE FIX CO MACHINERY 25 -4942- 001 -23 24180 ° ie •r•••• 1. n xi •+• -CKS xz 23 193845 06/30/88 32.50 TRESTMSAN MUSIC CTR. GEN SUPPLIES f0- 4504 - 624 -62 z. :e 32.50 • xe zz 193846 06/30/88 6.00 MINNESOTA TWINS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 627 -62 xe m n 6.00 • 31 193847 06/30/88 9.00 PAT GREER MILEAGE 30 -4208- 781 -78 3 ` 9.00 • - 3°' 193848 06/30/88 184.59 MN CELLULAR TEL CO. DUES d SUBSCRIPTIONS 10 -4204- 140 -14 37 193848 07/05/88 425.11 MN CELLULAR TEL CO. EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10- 4226- 420 -42 3° 609.70 • 3° 193849 06/30/88 58.92 CREATIVE CONCEPTS ADVERTISING OTHER 30- 4214 - 781 -78 69966A .o *x - - -- - -- 58.92 • u 193850 06/30/88 68.80 DIANA HEDGES COST OF GOODS SOLD 23- 4624 - 613 -61 1 _193850 06/30/88 68.60 DIANA HEDGES COST OF GOODS SOLD 23- 4624- 613 -61 "' 193850 06/30/88 68.80- DIANA HEDGES CORRECTION 23 -4624- 613 -61 .9 .c °i 68.60 • eo °i 193851 06/30/88 150.00 SUZIE KELM ADVERTISING OTHER 23 -4214- 611 -61 ea 150.00 • I °. ee v ' 193852 06/30/88 120.00 CY TURNBLADH SAL TEMP EMP 23 -4120- 612 -61 193852 06/30/88 126.00 CY TURNBLADH PROF SERVICES 23- 4201 - 611 -61 how - - ---- -- -- -- - -"- 246.00 + Leo ai ' 193853 06/30/88 176.00 BARBARA TURMAN SALARY TEMP EMP 23- 4120 - 611 -61 63 193853 ' 06/30/88 72.00 BARBARA TURMAN PROF SERVICES 23 -4201- 611 -61 63 °I 248.00 + e - __193854_ 06/30/88 _ 336_00 SUSAN FRAME PROF SERVICES 23 -4201- 611 -61 ee 6' ee 193854 06/30/88 160.00 SUSAN FRAME GEN SUPPLIES 23- 4504- 611 -61 eY 193854 06/30/88 90.70 SUSAN FRAME COST OF GOODS 23- 4624 - 613 -61 70 ,I 586.70 + 71 n 193855 06/30/88 97.50 BOBO ZINN PROF SERVICES 23- 4201-611 -61 n 7. 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11-88 PAGE 26 4 yY` L Y C 1, 1 .. ' : � ^ +.''� �.:;1 , r. .�.e't;{/,'I41i340SV••1...L� N9t ..�c,L L� + � !I rdiB .. � +✓M/M1MI�I���. t� ,r �`�1�7'� � .Fil4i!5 Y„ .J �'. .1.' :I l J ' V • f I_ I i' 1yl'- I41 I<3 ai 3 V v r I 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 PAGE 27 - - -- CHECK- NO. DATE _ - AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE 193873 06/30/88 18.34 MN AMVETS NEWS ADVERTISING 50 -4214- 862 -86 - -- - - -- - 55- ._00 -• 193874 06/30/88 60.00 SEASONS OF EDINA ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 822 -82 67 193874 _ 06/30/88 60 -.00 SEASONS OF EDINA ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 842 -84 e 193874 06/30/88 60.00 SEASONS OF EDINA ADVERTISING 50- 4214- 862 -86 ° 180.00 s 10 193875_ _ 06/30/88 -- - _.40.23__ -_ Muzak- A DVERTIIS�1- 0- 4p q 3 g : 93875 6/39/88 40 23----- -MUZAK -- 6 1° 193875 06/30/88 40.23 MUZAK ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 862 -86 4 ss►sss - - -- sss -CKS 1° ,e 20 193877 07/05/88 95.20 TODD ANDERSON PROF SERVICES 10- 4201 - 630 -62 =1 193877 06/30/88 419.60 TODD ANDERSON PROF SERVICES 10 -4201- 630 -62 I22 - - _- 514.80 s 23 24 193878 06/30/88 18.00 F. DORIS SHAPIRO DUE FROM HRA 10- 1145 - 000 -00 I2] 2e - - - "" " - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - -- - 1$_ 00! 27 2e 193879 06/30/88 21.00 MAUMA MEETINGS EXPENSE 10- 4206 - 140 -14 xs w -- - - - - -- 21. 00 s 21 133 193880 06/30/88 225.00 PHP AMBULANCE REFND 10- 3180 - 000 -00 J4 225 _00 s '] 193881 06/30/88 150.00 DOROTHEA RONNING AMBULANCE REF 10 -3180- 000 -00 7 ]B - 150.00 • - J° 0 193882 06/30/88 462.00 GENE DAVIS PROF SERVICES 10- 4201 - 600 -60 42 193882___ _06/30/88___ 40.05 GENE DAVIS MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 600 -60 ,3 502.05 • .el e _ -_ 193883_ - ._06/30/88 64.45 BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE ADV PERSONNEL 10- 4212 - 510 -51 ;B 64.45 s I4° ORLEANS HILL GEN SUPPLIES SO-4504-820-62 193884 06/30/88 163.81 ORLEANS HILL GEN SUPPLIES 50 -4504- 840 -84 1 93884 06/30/88 163.81 ORLEANS HILL GEN SUPPLIES 50 -4504- 860 -86 e? _ _ 491.43 s '] ]e 193885 06/30/88 19.00 ELIZABETH MILNE REG FEE REFUND 10- 3500- 000 -00 °B - ._193885 ------ 06/30/88 19.00- ELIZABETH MILNE CORRECTION 10- 3500 - 600 -60 eo 193885 06/30/88 19.00 ELIZABETH MILNE REGISTRATION FEES 10- 3500 - 600 -60 el - 19.00 s es e] 54 193886 06/30/88 10.80 GE SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-646-64 e] 10.80 s ee 67 ' 193887 06/30/88 108.00 GREATWAY GRAPHICS PRINTING 30- 4600 - 781 -78 2370 193887 07/05/88 172.80 GREATWAY GRAPHICS PRINTING 30- 4600- 781 -78 2394 7 °� 280.80 • 193888 - 06/30/88 30.00 BETTY ENGLE LEVIN GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 781 -78 7] 74 7 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 28 f ■ �I L.l 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 28 CH O DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. • MESSAGE 30.00 • + _ °I 193889 06/30/88 50.00 PAT GLESENER PROF SERVICES OTHER 30- 4224 - 781 -78 50.00 • 6 71 193890 06/30/88 125.00 DAVE LAWRENCE PROF SERVICES OTHER 30- 4224 - 781 -78 ° 125.00 • o le - 193891 06/30/88 - 25.00 DEE GEE WALIS PROF SERVICES OTHER 30- 4224 - 781 -78 +3 25.00 • +a +e ' 193892 06/30/88 25.00 KATHLEEN WALTERS PROF SERVICES OTHER 30 -4224- 781 -78 17 25.00 • e 19 193893 06/30/88 50.00 HELENE DELZER PROF SERVICES OTHER 30 -4224- 781 -78 20 xi 6, 50.00 • 22 v ' 193894 06/30/88 75.00 CAROLYN LONNING PROF SERVICES OTHER 30 -4224- 781 -78 =� 75.00 • 26 27 - �i 193895 06/30/88 75.00 DEL NORLING PROF SERVICES OTHER 30 -4224- 781 -78 2a 75.00 • Ie+ 193896 06/30/88 65.00 STEVE BUDAS PROF SERVICES OTHER 30- 4224 - 781 -78 65.00 • )' 3" ' 193897 06/30/88 100.00 RONALD BLAKE PROF SERVICES OTHER 30- 4224 - 781 -78 37 100.00 • 193898 06/30/88 50.00 LAIRD SCHMIDT PROF SERVICES OTHER 30- 4224 - 781 -78 lax Z 50.00 • �aa 193899 06/30/88 75700 CYNTHIA KATZ PROF SERVICES OTHER 30 -4224- 781 -78 .6 75. 00 • 46 47 ' 193900 06/30/88 25.00 STERLING ROBSON PROF SERVICES OTHER 30- 4224 - 781 -78 0 25.00 • lec 193901 06/30/88 25.00 MARY JO SAVAGE PROF SERVICES OTHER 30 -4224- 781 -78 6J 25.00 • 6• tl 66 193902 06/30/88 25.00 MARY JO SAVAGE PROF SERVICES OTHER 30 -4224- 781 -78 25.00 • ho+ 193903 06/30/88 211.75 FILM FUNDS TRST FUND PROF SERVICES OTHER 30- 4224 - 781 -78 e 211.75 • e2 193904 06/30/88 352.00 KENNETH SCHUELLER GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 390 -30 6a -' 352.00 • e6 67 193905 06/30/88 126.12 BORCHERT- INGERSOL REPAIR PARTS -as 10- 4540 - 560 -56 131382 ao 126.12 • 70 , 193906 06/30/88 80.00 GUY SPEAKER CO. REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 29459 » 80.00 • 7• 76 ' ^ _ -' -- 48.00 �*_--_--__'_'-_'__ 3so.00 * � � | / 19813 oIr, or soIm« xmv SCHUENEMAN CHECK REGISTER ! 07-11-88 PAGE 29 160.00 * � 1939e3 07/05/e8 18.00' oAaoLo oALLAwo ous FROM xn* i- \ . cxscx mo� m^Ts -D»NNY0u4w»7n CO. CONTRACTED er ' 07/01/88 GE 160. 00 * SEED CHEM FERTILIZER 1612 00 / 19392S 07/01/88 193907 06,30/88 LARSON CO. COUNTY ' —' - ------- ' -- ------------- '------- -'---------'------------ . 193920 or/os/eo 160. JIM xwoTnow mzLsxos | 193908 oa/so/oo 412.54 WHEELER LUMBER GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-302-30 45133 ^ | -- � 193909 06/30/88 i" ' .. ' 193910 vo/so/oa 58.70 CAMPBELL SPORTS LAUNDRY 58.70 17 | . 19391 1 06/30/88 _ 202.20 JACK MORAN PROF SERVICES 10-4201-508-50 . | '. 202.20 19391e _ 07/05/8e_ | ~ ' ! 230. 00 ~ |,. 193913 ' 07/os/8e. _a7`VooC_AwwIS_ SEWER REPAIR � 67.00 . 19391* 07/05/88 _ ' 4*.3e -_--_'_oC_ HEY -co_----_______---SERVICE . **.32 ^~ � 19391 07/05/88 sso oo ___GnugERS POWER suVIp GsN_o!��LI /35 | _ -' -- 48.00 �*_--_--__'_'-_'__ 3so.00 * � � | 193916 07/os/88 160,00 xmv SCHUENEMAN PROF SERVICES ! 18.00 _*_-_--_-___---_-__ 160.00 * � 1939e3 07/05/e8 18.00' oAaoLo oALLAwo ous FROM xn* i- 1939t7 07/05/e8 --- _-1.ao.ov-___-- -D»NNY0u4w»7n CO. CONTRACTED er ' 07/01/88 206.06 160. 00 * SEED CHEM FERTILIZER 1612 00 / 19392S 07/01/88 161.00 * GUSTAVE LARSON CO. - i� ! *~~*~' — —' - ------- ' -- ------------- '------- -'---------'------------ 193920 or/os/eo 1*.6e JIM xwoTnow mzLsxos e7-4e01-662-66 ooa * 40-*s40-801-80 9310 10-*208-160-16 I �.'\ 1939e1 07/05/88 48.00 mFooA uumFsnswcs u uu*uuL 10-4e0e-160-16 �_. - -_ _ -' -- 48.00 �*_--_--__'_'-_'__ ] ^'| 1939e2 .] o7/os/oo �o oo � oopx�� 7owm ous reom *nA 18.00 _*_-_--_-___---_-__ 1939e3 07/05/e8 18.00' oAaoLo oALLAwo ous FROM xn* i,' -- ' — - '-- ------ ---1g`»»-~------------'-- --- ------'-----�----______� | 193924 07/01/88 206.06 TESSMAN SEED CHEM FERTILIZER 19392S 07/01/88 43.41 GUSTAVE LARSON CO. REPAIR PARTS 10-11*5-000-00 .^. 141 4 10-1145-000-00 30-*ss8-78e-78 1*21*6 L�- 10-4s40-se0-se ss9091 � -L r` L .."�'.. -.MYW Mi +'..✓... ... rW'i.. 1Y i.YYMWsw� I v' 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 30 -- _CHECK__NC,_DATE___ AMOUNT__ VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE 193925 07/01/88 393.31 GUSTAVE LARSON CO. REPAIR PARTS 50- 4540 - 861 -86 558697 3 -- 436..72 4 41 - - -� - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- e 5 193926 07/01/88 9.46 RUTH NOACK REGISTRATION FEES 10- 3500 - 000 -00 ° 9.46 + e *041-CKS 10 6 ;fir 193928 07/01/88 19.00 CHRISTINE MISSELT REGISTRATION FEES 10- 3500 - 000 -00 13 " ill 19.00 * 14 �e " 193929 07/01/88 80.00 HENN TECH CTR CONFERENCE b SCHOOL 10 -4202- 440 -44 17 14 80.00 * ;a 193930 07/01/88 285.00 JANET HALL AMBULANCE 10- 3180 - 000 -00 21 " 285.00 * 22 :6 i_ 24 .1 193931 07/05/88 1,146.71 HENN CTY MED CTR FIRST AID SUPPLY 10- 4510 - 440 -44 6371 25 2,1 193931 07/01/88 468.75 HENN CTY MED CTR CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4510 - 440 -44 26 27 211 _ZIP - 1,615.46 * 27I 193932 07/01/88 403.30 EMER MED PROD FIRST AID SUPPLIES 10- 4510 - 440 -44 38157 241 193932 07/01/88 16.92 EMER MED PROD FIRST AID SUPPLIES 10- 4510- 440 -44 38460 5 2 5 420.22 • 33 V7, -- - 193933 07405188 22.00_ LEANN VITO CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4248- 440 -44 'S J6 20. 193933 07/05/88 10.00 LEANN VITO CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4248- 440-44 1175 29 3C 32.00 * 5 5 4 3) 193934 07/01/88 70.00 EDINA FOUNDATION PROF SERVICES 10 -4201 -508 -5 41 _I 70.00 * 42 44 '4 193935 07/01/88 17.00 CF ANDERSON FIRST AID SUPPLY 10- 4510- 440 -44 136345 45 =5 76 17.00 * '° 47 193936 07/01/88 1,090.80 SUN ELECTRIC TOOLS 10-4580-560-56 4e 49 30I ]71 -- 1 , 090 . 80 * 152 50 51 193937 07/01/88 782.30 MIDWEST FENCE REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 540 -54 49985 33 d1 42 782.30 * °' es se 43 193938 07/01/88 789.00 LIGHTING RESOURCES GEN SUPPLIES 28- 4504 -702 -7 88630 57 4'' 193938 07/01/88 824.00 LIGHTING RESOURCES GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 45 - - - - 1.613_00 ao so 46 47 193939 07/05/88 111.00 GRANDMAS CUPBOARD COST OF GOODS 27- 4624- 663 -66 61 a2 40 _ 111 . 00 e4 401 "- 51L 193940 07/05/88 252.00 LOW CAL COOKIE DISTR COST OF GOODS 27- 4624- 663 -66 69 66 67 - - -- 252.00 * 66 92 X69 53 193941 07/05/88 114.00 MOTOROLA EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 420 -42 L711 54 193941 07/05/88 230.28 MOTOROLA EQUIP MAINT 10 -4274- 420 -42 ''S 56 344.28 • 77 74 77 93.9 2 07/0518@ 35 @.35 ROBBINSDALE FARM GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 470 -47 22949 7a I v' •1988 Y OF EDINA CHECk iISTER ! 07 -11 -8b PAGE 31 L_ CHECK NO. PATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE 193942 07/05/88 44.61 ROBBINSDALE FARM GEN SUPPLIES 402.96 10- 4504 - 470 -47 22504 ' L 'I 193943 07/05/88 106.48 PONY EXP RELOADERS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 430 -42 1 I - -- - -- - 1 06. 48 * 4 ° 193944 07/05/88 33.63 JAY W. BRASK MEETING EXF 193949 07/05/8$ - - MICHAEL SIITARI -.... - - -- 33.63 ' -" - -- 83.94 193945 07/05/88 35.95 KEN KANE JR. MEETING EXF 150.00 3. --- - - -- -- - - - -- 35 .9S * - - - -- - -- 07/05/88 90.00 v TELETYPE SERVICES 193946 07/05/88 27.27 WILLIAM BERNHJELM MEETING EXF BSI INC. "I 193951 07/05/88 195.00 _ WILLI_AM_BERNHJELM UNIFORM ALL - -- -- - - - - - - - -- 1 95.0 0 * 47.27 * -_-. - 07/05/88 6 000 00 NORTHERN LIGHTER PR_0 GEN SUPPLIES _.193947 07/05/88 -- 25.47 ROBERT CLABO MEETING EXF 25.47 d 193948 07/05/88 12 y3! i 12'_- _193949 193956 07/_65/88 _65 12.65 « SUPRA COLOR LABS_ MICHAEL SIITARI PHOTO SUPPLIES DUES 193949 07/05/8$ _20_.00 63.94 MICHAEL SIITARI b SUBSCRIPTIONS AMMUNITION 83.94 07/05/98 -...282.60 193950 07/05/88 150.00 BUR OF CRIM APPR. TELETYPE SERVICES 282.60 193950 07/05/88 90.00 BUR OF CRIM APPR. TELETYPE SERVICES - 193953 240.00 * 52.50 BSI INC. '^-!' 193951 07/05/88 195.00 NW SCIENTIFIC LAB. PROF SERVICES - -- -- - - - - - - - -- 1 95.0 0 * 10 -4206- 420 -42 10- 4206 - 420 -42 10 -4206- 420 -42 10- 4266 - 420 -42 10 -4206- 420 -42 10 -4508- 420 -42 10 -4204- 420 -42 10 -4572- 420 -42 10- 4268 - 420 -42 10- 4288-420 -4E 10- 4201 - 420 -42 1 193952 07/05/88 16.00 TOM SLANGA REFND PARKING PERMIT 10- 1145- 000 -00 16.00 °i 193953 07/05/88 74.75 TAYSTEE BAKING CO. 74 -.75 COST OF GOODS SOLD 26 -4624- 683 -68 �o - -- - - -- - -- - _ _* 193954 07/05/88 120.00 MN BUS SYS INC. TELEPHONE 120.00 • 193955 07/05/88 16,415.50 JOE GREVPNER PERSONAL SERVICES - - 1_9395.5 0]/05/88 1,299.00 JOE GREVPNER PERSONAL SERVICES 17,714.50 4A 193956 07/05/88 50.00 RICHARD G REVORD MEMBERSHIPS 50.00 v S_I 07/05/98 -...282.60 TROPHY WORLD PROF SERVICES � 282.60 v 33 S4I 193953 07/05/88 52.50 BSI INC. PROF SERVICES il:�339_ 07/05/88 6 000 00 NORTHERN LIGHTER PR_0 GEN SUPPLIES 27 -4256- 662 -66 12455 27- 4100 - 661 -66 27- 4100 - 661 -66 27 -3410- 000 -00 10 -4201- 580 -50 10- 4201 - 508 -50 10- 4504 - 509 -50 7 2 I i it e 0 0 11 131 14 1e11 , nv 12714 411 42- 1 c L "1988 CITY OF EDINA rwrew Nn nATC AMAIIMT CHECK REGISTER 07 -11 -88 PAGE 32 UCMnnA TTCM nCQr0T0TTnM ArrA11WT Mn TMU A D n A MCQQACC t 3� 6,000.00 3 193960 07/05/88 - 22.98 PHOTO FAST - GEN SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 611 -61 29416 e ' G - -- -- - - - -- -- 22.98 - * e 7 e G * * *-CK 1 10 '__.- _193962 ___ 07/05/88__.-- _-- __- _- ._. -.._- _73.80--- _- _- AILEEN_KULAK - -_ -- MILEAGE -__ 27 -4208- 661 -6.6 1z D 73.80 * - 13 14 2j_ 193963 07/0_5/88 25.00 SESAC DUES 28- 4204 - 701 -70 ;6 3 25.00 * 1s le 't .193964 . --07/05/88 - - 41.00 - A -1 ROOTMASTER -- - - - - - - - -' CONTRACTED REPAIRS - - - - -- 28- 4248 - 702 -70 44645 -- - -- 10 20 ,GI 41 .00 * 21 22 ° 193965 ! 07/05/88 27._20 PLUNKETTS GEN SUPPLIES 28- 4504 - 702 -70 27 24 ci 27.20 * ze 2e - 75_.00 MIAMA DUES 28- 4204 - 701 -70 27 2e 22, 75.00 - 23 24 193967 07/05/88 10.00 ST PAUL EN CONSRTIUM GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 507 -50 71 .; 10.00 * L7 1.93968_- 07105/88 12.09 C. WAYNE COURTNEY MEETING EXP 10- 4206 - 100 -10 36 i'I 193968 07/05/88 33.30 C. WAYNE COURTNEY MILEAGE 10 -4208- 100 -10 3 c -91 45.39 * ' 40 3' 193969 07/05/88 900.00 LESCO MARKETING d EQUIP 27- 1340 - 000 -00 41 900.00 * 42 43 34 I 193970 07/05/88 5.00 COMM OF TRANS BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 10- 4502 - 420 -42 65053 46 JGI - -- 5.00 * °7 6 4 4e 3' 193971 07/05/88 400.00 MARTIN - MCALLISTER PROF SERVICES 10 -4201- 420 -42 1330 40 '° 400.00 * 70 39 61 4'I 193972 07/05/88 74.95 STREICHERS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 51460 :3 41 74.95 * 6° 193973 07/05/88 88.29 SOUTHDALE COUNTRY ST PROF SERVICES 10 -4201- 508 -50 eei 44 45 - 88.29 * 6B O O °G 193974 07/05/88 15.29 TERRENCE KEHDE MEETING EXPENSE 10 -4206- 440 -44 e1 °7 4e 03 64 49i 193975 07/05/88 97.28 RUTH SCHMOLL GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-44Y--4-4- 6� '= 97.28 * ee ee 32 193976 07/05/88 681.00 MN CONWAY FIRE 6 SAF SKULL SAVER 10 -4901- 440 -44 117450 60 53 sa 681.00 * 70 72 '' 193977 07/05/88 38.58 SIGN CENTER INC GEN UPPLIES 10 -45 - - ]3 38.58 * 7° 57 77 t .l k r� Q t c t t t t t 1C �C ti a 4 G 4 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07- PAGE 33 CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. M MESSAGE z 3t__ Iz _193978____07/05 /_88._ 256_,_00 RDXANNE SEIDEL PROF SERVICES 30 -4201- 781 -7A " 256.00 • " __ 193979 07/05/88 375_00 MINNETONKA IRON WOK CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30- 4248 - 782 -78 9328 e '' e n I 375.00 • ° ° 193980 3333_ -. 07/05/86 —__— 62.20- _MARCELLA_DAEHN_ MILEAGE 10 =4208- 140 -14 193980 07/05/88 30.46 MARCELLA DAEHN GE-N- SUPPLIES 10-4504 - 180 -18 3 17 92.66 • 4 ,e 193981 07/05/88 2,163.00 MN GOLF ASSOC. HANDICAP FEE 27- 3470 - 000 -00 7� 2,163.00 • e - ` 193982 07/05/88 27.00 FLORAL CONSULTANTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 140 -14 511528 zo z, ;el ., _ 27.00 • ---- zx z3 •4•••• z4 369,487.97 FUND 10 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2e _ _ - _ _ 5,227.26 _ FUND _23 TOTAL ART CENTER z' c 2,859.27 FUND 25 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND Jm� 5,309.99 --3 2fi1 59 FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND �I 45,178.12 FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND 31 2. 2,973.94 3.053.4 FUND 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND i3 " 998.72 FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND — 14,398.93 _ — = �T886.3? FUND-30 TOTAL ED_INB_OROUG_H PARK 3' 3e 230,864.44 FUND 40 TOTAL UTILITY FUND 22,706.79 FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 39' 5,425.00 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 3° 3: J3 _ - -_ —_- 708,430.43 x-081786 --86 TOTAL O axe a3 ia- 44 ae 4e 47 O 49 ao ,) ,r - e3 e4 ee ee A ee e° •, n :a eo ei 64 0 I ui ,ea e3 ee I ,i e° 70 2 71 n 7e ` 4