HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-19_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL AAA SPECIAL CITATION - Outstanding Pedestrian Safety Record Award I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All agenda items listed with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are considered to be routing and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Analysis of Assessment by City Manager. Public comment heard. Action of Council by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council required to pass. A. Maintenance Improvement No. M -88 - 50th Street and France Avenue Business District B. Tree Removal Assessment No. TR 48 - Various locations of Diseased Trees C. Aquatic Weeds Improvement No. AQ -88 - Mill Pond and Indianhead Lake D. Street Improvement No. BA -272 - Dearborn Court in Dearborn Addition and Blake Woods Addition E. Street Improvement No. BA -273 - Antrim Terrace in Edina Oaks F. Street Improvement No. BA -275 - Green Farms Road and Apple Lane in Parkwood Knolls 22nd Addition G. Street Improvement No. BA -276 - Green Farms Road; Green Farms Court; Interlachen Court and Interlachen Road in Interlachen Heights, and Interlachen Road from Ridge Road Easterly 125 feet plus or minus III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. -Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Plat Approval 1. PRD -4 Planned Residence District to PSR -4 Planned Senior Citizen District - Elder Homestead - Generally located in the northwest quadrant of the York Avenue /Parklawn intersection 2. R -1 Single Dwelling.Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District — Erhardt Addition - Generally located in the southeast quadrant of the Brookview Avenue/Valley View Road intersection B. Preliminary Plat Approval - Edina Highlands 2nd Addition - Lot 6, Block 1, Edina Highlands (Continue to 10/3/88) C. Conditional Use Permit - Edina Community Lutheran Church - Generally located south of 54th Street and vest of Halifax Av (Contd from 8/15/88) IV. PUBLIC HEARING ON DIVERTING TRAFFIC - Halifax Av - W. 51st to W. 54th Street V. ORDINANCES. First Reading: Requires offering of Ordinance only. Second Reading: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of all members of Council required to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. A. First Reading - Ordinance No. 1105 - Storm Drainage Utility Agenda Edina City Council September 19, 1988 Page Two VI. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS VII. AWARD OF BIDS A. One Test Well for Well Development B. Sidewalk Improvement No. S -44 - Gleason Road from Valley View Road to Lochmoor Drive (Contract #88 -7) VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Approval of Traffic Safety.Committee Minutes of 9/13/88 B. Sewer/Water Rates C. Purchase of Golf Dome D. Report on Radon E. 1988 NLC Congress of Cities - December 3 -7 - Boston F. Report on West 69th Streeet (Southdale Center Expansion) IX. COMMUNICATIONS /PETITIONS A. Petition for Water Main Extension - 10 and 11 Woodland Road X. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL XI. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XII. FINANCE A. Resolution Relating to $10,175,000 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1988; Authorizing Issuance and Calling for Public Sale Thereof B. Resolution Relating to $5,100,000 G.O. Taxable Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1988; Authorizing Issuance and Calling for Public Sale Thereof C. Resolution Relating to $3,160,000 G.O. Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 1988; Authorizing Issuance and Calling for Public Sale Thereof D. Resolution Relating to $2,470,000 G.O. Recreational Facility Bonds, Series 1988; Authorizing Issuance and Calling for Public Sale Thereof E. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 9/19/88: General Fund $812,276.30, Art Center $3,042.30, Swimming Pool Fund $529.38, Golf Course Fund $16,600.10, Recreation Center Fund $303,764.12, Gun Range Fund $139.01, Edinborough Park $12,107.84, Utility Fund $7,512.68, Liquor Dispensary Fund $90,665.67, Construction Fund $34,455.34, Total $1,281,092.74 and for confirmation of payment of the following Claims dated 8/31/88: General Fund $521,617.67, Art Center $866.12, Swimming Pool Fund $2,480.46, Golf Course Fund $20,341.09, Recreation Center Fund $6,385.35, Gun Range Fund $380.66, Edinborough Park $10,191.83, Utility Fund $47,080.14, Liquor Dispensary Fund $198,737.87, Construction Fund $9,288.64, Total $817,369.83 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Mon Oct 3 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Sat Oct 15 EDINAMITE 7:00 p.m. Edinborough Park Mon Oct 17 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Nov 7 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Tues Nov 8 GENERAL /CITY ELECTION Polls open 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Mon Nov 21 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room i ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT COUNTY NO. M -88 LEVY NO. 11183 FOR: MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT NO. M -88. LOCATION:- 50th Street and France Avenue Business District. CONTRACTOR: City of Edina Payroll - Ed Lancello $ 28,016.49 Public Works Crew 2,710.76 Extra Summer Help 1,662.55 $ 32,389.80 CONTRACTED SERVICES: Mileage - Ed Lancello $ 261.03 Contract - Sidewalks 1,355.82 $ 1,616.85 COMMODITIES: Cleaning Supplies $ 77.70' Seeds, plantings & trees 1,174.00 Repair parts 3,410.35 General supplies 3,354.37 Concrete 84.60 $ 8,101.02 $ 42,107.67 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 49.17 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $ 42,156.84 ASSESSABLE UNITS:. 295,030 ASSESSABLE SQUARE FEET. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: $0.14289 ASSESSABLE COST: $ 42,156.84 COUNTY CHARGE: 1.45 .p 'Y[., I JO. L7, TO BE ALLOCATED TO TAXES DUE AND PAYABLE IN 1989. FIRST YEAR INTEREST FIGURED AT 9.0% OF TOTAL PRINCIPLE x 1.28219 YEARS. e II. A. ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT II: B. COUNTY NO. TR -88 LEVY NO. 11186 (1 YR.) 11187 (5 Yr.) FOR: TREE REMOVAL PROJECT NO. TR -88. LOCATION: Various Locations of Diseased Trees within the City of Edina. TOTAL COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,413.50 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 10 ASSESSABLE LOTS. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: ALLOCATED INDIVIDUALLY PER SIZE OF TREE REMOVED: ASSESSABLE COST: $2,413.50 COUNTY CHARGE: 2 UNITS @ 1 YEAR = $ .10 8 UNITS @ 5 YEARS 2.00 $ 2.10 2,415.60 FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH TAXES DUE IN 1989. FIRST YEAR INTEREST FIGURED AT 9.0% OF TOTAL PRINCIPLE x 1.28219 YEARS. y ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT COUNTY NO. AQ -88 LEVY NO. 11188 FOR:- AQUATIC WEED IMPROVEMENT NO. AQ -88. LOCATION: Indianhead Lake CONTRACTORS: Clean Flo Labs, Testing, Permits. $ 6,893 TOTAL COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,893 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 33 Homes. .PROPOSED ASSESSMENTL $ 208.87 PER HOME. LOCATION: Mill Pond CONTRACTOR: Clean Flo Labs, Testing, Permits. $ 9,918.00 LESS CITY OF EDINA SHARE: 1,500.00 TOTAL COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,418.00 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 63 Homes. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: $ 117.74 PER HOME. TO BE ALLOCATED TO TAXES DUE AND PAYABLE IN 1989. FIRST YEAR INTEREST FIGURED AT 9.0% OF TOTAL PRINCIPLE x 1.28219 YEARS. II: C. 4 r_ Stephen J. Snyder 4601 Sunnyside Road Edina, Minnesota 55424 September 10, 1988 Mayor Wayne Courtney City of Edina Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 RE: Edina Mill Pond Assessment/ AQ88 Dear Mayor Courtney: Please accept this letter as a written objection to the notice of assessment for the Edina Mill Pond residents. I am enclosing six additional copies for the council and staff. Specifically, I object to that portion of the Mill Pond weed harvesting assessment applicable to the use of chemicals applied to control aquatic vegetation in.the Mill Pond. Mill Pond residents were first advised after - the -fact by Mr. Hughes' August 25, 1988 letter that chemicals had been applied to control aquatic vegetation in connection with the weed harvesting on the pond. To the best of my knowledge, adjacent landowners were given no prior opportunity to register opposition to that program. I understand that the chemical Diquat was utilized. According to Wayne Barstad of the DNR Ecological Services, Diquat is a moderately toxic chemical which is absorbed by soil particles in the water -or by sediment in the pond. From what I have been able to determine, the application of the chemicals to the 1\4ill Pond was done in violation of the terms of the DNR permit for that application. First, the contractor applying the chemicals was required to post warning signs on the perimeter of _ the pond to advise homeowners and others of the potential toxicity to humans, animals, and fish. I believe that no such warning signs were posted. No one utilizing the pond had any knowledge of the chemicals being applied to the pond. Mayor Wayne Courtney September 10, 1988 Second Page Second, the permit had been issued by the DNR on the express condition that water was not flowing in Minnehaha Creek and therefore the chemical would not pass downstream from the Mill Pond. However, before the week of August 22 when the weed harvesting, and apparently the chemical application, occurred, rainfall had increased and the creek was flowing again. The application of the chemicals under those circumstances was in violation of the permit terms and created a potential hazard without warning to those downstream from the pond. It seems to me simply inappropriate to assess taxpayers for the cost of a permit for the application of chemicals when the chemicals were.applied by the contractor contrary to the terms of the permit. The issue involving the use of chemicals on the Mill Pond is, of course, much broader than the $150 permit fee charged by the DNR. I strongly recommend that the City consider a policy for the management of the Minnehaha Creek resource before continuing the practice of weed control by cutting or chemicals. The water flowing in Minehaha Creek itself is quite clear. The extensive weed and algae growth which has occurred is. caused by phosphorous fertilizer runoff and the deposits of leaves and lawn debris from storm sewers. To the best of my knowledge, there are no regulations, voluntary or otherwise, to control these practices by _riparian owners. As far as I have been able to determine, most of the landowners adjacent to the Mill Pond, for example, apply phosphorous fertilizers to their back lawns sloping toward the pond. These fertilizer applications run off into the pond and the creek and stimulate the weed growth. It seems to me to be foolish to fertilize the pond weeds and algae and then later apply toxic chemicals to kill that growth. Killing the weeds and algae by chemicals merely causes the aquatic plant material to be deposited on the bottom, with no reduction in the phosphorous levels and with a cumulative effect year after year. I suggest that the City address an overall policy for the creek in connection with this assessment. At a minimum, landowners riparian to the creek and pond should be annually advised that fertilizers containing phosphorous should not be applied on backyards or other areas sloping to the creek. Voluntary controls would help. For about three years running, I have suggested by letter to Mr. Hughes that the annual assessment to Mill Pond residents include some educational information for residents regarding the impact on aquatic vegetation from the use of phosphorous -based fertilizers. Non - phosphorous fertilizers are an available option. I recognize that the weed and algae growth in the Mill Pond is part of a system -wide problem for the entire creek, beginning with Lake Minnetonka. Proper controls for the riparian landowners in Edina will be effective in restoring the creek to its natural condition only if we receive similar cooperation from upstream communities. However, someone has to start. If the City of Edina were to take appropriate actions, its staff would then be in a position to seek cooperation from upstream communities or to obtain voluntary or compulsory restrictions on a county -wide basis for the protection of the Minnehaha Creek watershed. If the new introduction of phosphorous fertilizers can be restricted, then the annual harvesting of weeds in the Mill Pond may have some long term benefit toward restoring the creek and the pond to its natural condition without the danger of toxic chemicals. i Mayor Wayne Courtney September 10, 1988 Third Page As mentioned above, I specifically object to the assessment against my property of any portion of the payment for the application of chemicals to the Mill Pond. Sincerely, Stephen J. ;Snyder SJS:tm enc. cc: Clerk, City of Edina ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT II. D. COUNTY NO.. BA -272 LEVY NO. 11195 FOR: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -272 LOCATION: Dearborn Court in Dearborn Addition and Blake Woods Addition. CONTRACTOR: Bituminous Roadways, Inc. $ 11,305.37 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: 1,356.64 $ 12,662.01 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 35.00 $ 12,697.01 CAPITALIZED INTEREST AT 9.0%: FROM: May 18, 1987 TO: September. -19, 1988 490 days at $3.13 per day. $ 1,533.69 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 14,230.70 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 10 ASSESSABLE LOTS. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: $ 2,241.18 PER ASSESSABLE LOT. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: $ 1,423.07 PER ASSESSABLE LOT. ASSESSABLE COST: $ 14,230.70 COUNTY CHARGE: 5_nn TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1989 THROUGH 1998. FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH TAXES DUE IN 1989. FIRST YEAR INTEREST FIGURED AT 9.0% OF TOTAL PRINCIPLE x 1.28219 YEARS. II. E. ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT COUNTY NO. BA -273 LEVY NO. 11196 -- FOR: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -273. LOCATION: Antrim Terrace in Edina Oaks Addition. CONTRACTOR: Bituminous Roadways, Inc. $ 8,264.80 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: 1,157.07 $ 9,421.87 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 25.00 $ 9,446.87 CAPITALIZED INTEREST AT 9.0%: FROM: June 15, 1987 -TO: September 19, 1987 462 days at $2.33 per day. $ 1,076.48 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,523.35 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 5 ASSESSABLE LOTS. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: $ 2,284.50 PER ASSESSABLE LOT. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: $ 2,104.67 PER ASSESSABLE LOT. ASSESSABLE COST: $10,523.35 COUNTY CHARGE: 2.50 $10,525.85 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1989 THROUGH 1998. FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH TAXES DUE IN 1989. FIRST YEAR INTEREST FIGURED AT 9.0% OF TOTAL PRINCIPLE x 1.28219 YEARS. ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT FOR: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -275. LOCATION: Green Farms Road from Addition to the North Apple Lane from Green Knolls 22nd Addition. CONTRACTOR: Bituminous Roadways ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: II. F. COUNTY NO. BA -275 LEVY NO. 11197 the North line of Parkwood knolls 21st line of Parkwood Knolls 22nd Addu to i b. Farms Road West to West line'of Parkwood Inc. $ 24,643.51 2,957.22 $ 27,600.73 50.00 CAPITALIZED INTEREST AT 9.0%: FROM: May 18, 1987 TO: September 19, 1988 490 days at $6.82 per day. $ 3,341.75 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ "30,992.48 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 16 ASSESSABLE LOTS. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: $ 2,826.19 PER ASSESSABLE.LOT. PROPOSED.ASSESSMENT: $ 1,937.03 PER ASSESSABLE LOT. ASSESSABLE COST: $ 30,992.48 COUNTY CHARGE: R_nn TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1989 THROUGH 1998. FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH TAXES DUE IN 1989. FIRST YEAR INTEREST FIGURED AT 9.0% OF TOTAL PRINCIPLE x 1.28219 YEARS. II. G. ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT COUNTY NO. BA -276 LEVY NO. 11198 FOR: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -276. LOCATION: Green Farms Road from the North Line of Parkwood Knolls 22nd Addition to Interlachen Road. Green Farms Court from Interlachen Road to cul -de -sac. Interlachen Court from Interlachen Road to cul -de -sac. Interlachen Road from West line of Interlachen Heights to 123 feet t East of Ridge Road. CONTRACTOR: Bituminous Roadways, Inc. $55,624.91 ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL: 5,562.49 $61,187.40 PUBLISHING AND SUPPLIES: 75.00 $61,262.40 CAPITALIZED INTEREST AT 9.0% FROM: May 18, 1987 TO: September 19, 1988 490 days at $15.11 per day. $ 7,403.69 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . . . . . . . . . . . . $68,666.09 ASSESSABLE UNITS: 21 ASSESSABLE LOTS. 115 ASSESSABLE FEET. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT: $3,788.32 PER ASSESSABLE LOT. $6.25 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: $3,235.04 PER ASSESSABLE LOT. $6.35 PER ASSESSABLE FOOT. (Curb /Gutter only 2 lots) ASSESSABLE COST: $68,666.09• COUNTY CHARGE: 11.50 $68,677.59 TO BE SPREAD OVER 10 YEARS - 1989 THROUGH 1998. FIRST YEAR PAYABLE WITH TAXES DUE IN 1989. FIRST YEAR INTEREST FIGURED AT 9.0% OF TOTAL PRINCIPLE x 1.28219 YEARS. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED ON ACCOUNT OF VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City has given notice of hearings as required by law on the proposed assessment rolls for the improvements hereinafter referred to, and at such hearings held on September 19, 1988, has considered all oral and written objections presented against the levy of such assessments. 2. Each of the assessments as set forth in the assessment rolls on file in the office of the City Clerk for the following improvements: Tree Removal Project No. TR -88 Aquatic Weeds Improvement No. BA -272 Street Improvement No. BA -272 Street Improvement No. BA -273 Street Improvement No. BA -275 Street Improvement No. BA -276 does not exceed the local benefits conferred by said improvements upon the lot, tract or parcel of land so assessed, and all of said assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper assessments on account of said respective improvements to be spread against the benefitted lots, parcels and tracts of land described therein. 3. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments, the first of said installments, together with interest at a rate of 9.0% per annum on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1989, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1989. To each subsequent installment shall be added interest at the above rate for one year on all then unpaid installments. ,The number of such annual installments shall be as follows: Name of Improvement TREE REMOVAL PROJECT NO. TR -88 (LEVY NO. (LEVY NO. AQUATIC WEED IMPROVEMENT NO. AQ -88 STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -272 STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -273 STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -275 STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -276 Number of Installments 11186) 1 year 11187 5 years 1 year 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 4. The City Clerk shall forthwith prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a copy of this resolution and a certified duplicate of said assessments with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended on the tax lists of the County in accordance with this resolution. 5. The City Clerk shall also mail notice of any special assessment which may be payable by a county, by a political subdivision, or by the owner of any right -of -way as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, Subdivision 4, and if any such assessment is not paid in a single installment, the City Treasurer shall arrange for collection thereof in installments, as set forth in said Section. O e >4 ch �O •'N�bRPOAN�KO • i09e REPORTMECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: September 19, 1988 Subject: Z -88 -5 & S- 88 -10, RPI. Services, Inc. PRD -4 to PSR -4. Recommendation: Agenda Item # III. A. 1. Consent, Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion The Planning Commission recommends Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Plat approval subject to: 1. Final Rezoning and Final Plat Approval. 2. Proof of'Parking Agreement including garages as per Ordinance. .3. Increasing drive aisle width to 24 feet. 4. Drainage plan and landscaping plan. 5. Dedication of right -of -way for right turn lane from York to Parklawn. 6. Maintenance of Parklawn sidewalk. 7. Installation of street light wiring at drives. 8. Exchange of property with 7500 York to satisfy Zoning Ordinance re- quirements for 7500 York INFO /BACKGROUND The proposed site for this building is currently owned by 7500 York, but is separated from their building by Parklawn Avenue. The proponents would acquire a similarly sized parcel, south of Parklawn and northwesterly of 7500 York from Hedbergs and swap parcels with 7500 York. This is a trade we have encouraged for some time. It allows 7500 York to "square off" their site and to have all of their property south of Parklawn. The proponents -will get the more desirable York site for development. The Hedberg parcel is currently included as an apartment site in the Centennial Lakes development of United Properties. r The original proposal called for a four story, eighty unit building. At the Planning Commission meeting a revised plan calling for a three story, seventy -two unit building was submitted. The attached staff report is based on the 80 unit proposal. The proposed use combines apartment living with the availability of full nursing care services. Since each unit contains complete facilities, including a kitchen, rezoning to (PSR) Senior Citizen District rather than Nursing Home (PRD -5) is required. The operation will, however, more closely resemble a nursing home. Attached are a site plan, conceptual floor plan, and proof of parking plan for the proposal. The proof of parking plan illustrates enclosed and surface parking in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. The construction of the garages and additional surface parking would be required only if needed in the future. The proposed site plan illustrates a right turn in right turn out from York Avenue. The Planning Commission recommended eliminating this curb cut. LOCATION 'MAP L O C A TI O N The northwest quadrant of the intersection of York Avenue and Parklawn Avenue. REQUEST Rezoning from PRD -4 to PSR -4 and Preliminary Plat. EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON SEPTEMBER 7, 1988 AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman William Lewis, John Bailey, Lee Johnson, Del Johnson, Helen McClelland, Gordon Johnson, David Runyan, John Palmer, Jane Paulus and Geof Workinger MEMBERS ABSENT: Virginia Shaw STAFF PRESENT: Philip Dommer, Senior Planner Jackie Hoogenakker, Secretary Commissioner D. Johnson moved for I'iarah 3, 1988 Board of Appeals and Adjustments Meeting Minutes. -- ner Palmer seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion - " >- Commissioner Palmer moy !•'`a proval of the July 27, 1988 Community Development and Plannin „�_ " sion Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Paulus seconded the motion _,� M. oted aye. Motion carried. Commis orkinger moved for approval of the August 24, 1988 Community Develop`" Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner D. Johnson sec a motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. Preliminary Rezoning, PRD -4, Planned Residence District to PSR -4, Planned Senior Citizen District, S -88 -10 RPI Services, Inc. and Preliminary Plat Approval for Elder Homestead General Location: The northwest quadrant of the intersection of York Avenue and Parklawn Avenue. Mr. Dommer presented his staff report noting the proposed use and development of the property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and objectives of the Southeast Edina Plan. Staff is comfortable with the density issue given -the cluster concept and use of the property, its proximity to 494 and the major roadway improvements in the area associated with the Hedberg project. This type of project also warrants some consideration for reduced parking. This can comfortably be handled by a Proof of Parking Agreement should the proponent submit evidence to support the reduced parking. Staff recommends preliminary zoning and plat approval contingent on the following: 1. Final Rezoning 2. Final Plat Approval 3. County review and approval of the York Avenue access 4.' Proof of Parking Agreement 5. 24 foot two way drive aisles 6. Approved drainage plan 7. Approved landscape plan 8. Dedication of sufficient right of way for a new right turn lane from York Avenue south onto Parklawn Avenue 9. Maintenance and repair of Parklawn sidewalk 10. Installation of street light wires in split conduit at drives 11. Transfer of the parcel north and west of 7500 York and south of Parklawn from the proponent to 7500 York to satisfy its open space requirement. Mr. Brian Pellowski, Robert Peterson and Arvid Elness were present representing RPI. Services Inc. Mr. Pellowski informed the Commission RPI, Services developed a project similar to the presented proposal in Minnetonka. He added the facility in Minnetonka is operating efficiently and meeting the needs of its elderly residents. Commissioner McClelland asked if the facility in Minnetonka has experienced any problems with parking, noting the parking stalls on the proposed site are less than what is required by the City's ordinance. Mr. Pellowski told the Commission the Minnetonka facility has 13 parking stalls. Two residents at that facility have their drivers license, needless to say parking has not been a problem. Mr. Pellowski added the residents that will inhabit the proposed building are individuals 75 years + in age who need personal care to meet their daily needs. He noted very few individuals are capable of operating a car which is why the need for parking stalls is minimal. Commissioner G. Johnson said he has a concern regarding the curb cut on York Avenue. He added the speed allowed on York at that point is 35 m.p.h., which many vehicles exceed, another curb cut may be a safety concern. Mr. Elness told the Commission the elimination of the curb cut would not be a problem. Mr. Elness explained to the Commission that changes have occurred with the proposal. The proposal has been revised to 3 stories, instead of the original 4 stories and the number of units has been reduced from the original 80 to 72. With the aide of graphics Mr. Elness explained the facility and traffic flow. He added based on his experience 41 parking stalls are more than adequate for this facility. He noted that this facility will be considered the "flagship" for the developers therefore assuring the Commission it will be a quality development. Commissioner G. Johnson commented that it may be beneficial for the City to look at the possibility of requiring less parking stalls than proposed to gain more greenspace on this site. He added in his opinion the proponent and City should enter into a proof of parking agreement. Commissioner G. Johnson also recommended that the City require garages on this site.' The addition of garages can be worked into the proof of parking agreement. Commissioner McClelland expressed enthusiasm for the concept of this proposal but agreed with Commissioner G. Johnson's recommendation of a proof of parking agreement with the inclusion of garage stalls. Mr. Peterson responded.that RPI would also be favorable to the suggestion of additional greenspace but questioned what the proof of parking agreement entails. Commissioner G. Johnson explained when the City requires a proof of parking agreement it is asking the.proponent to enter into a written agreement stating that should the need arise for additional parking and garages, parking spaces and garages must then be developed on site to meet the requirements stipulated by City Ordinance. Mr. Elness stated RPI., Inc. would find it agreeable to enter into a proof of parking agreement with the City. A discussion ensued regarding the reduction of hardsurface parking . Mr. Dommer calculated that with the reduction of units from 80 to 72, the parking stall requirement would be 54. He added that if the Commission regarded the existing facility in Minnetonka where there are 13 stalls for 29 units as a good indicator for parking then 33 stalls would be needed for 72 units. Commissioner Runyan -told the Commission he is very comfortable with staff recommendations and the recommendation of entering into a proof of parking agreement between the City and the proponent. He added additional greenspace vs. hardsurface parking is a very favorable plus for this site. Commissioner G. Johnson moved to recommend preliminary plat and preliminary rezoning approval subject to staff conditions with the recommendation that #3 of the staff conditions be eliminated, the Commission recommends no access on York Avenue, with the additional recommendation that the City and the proponent enter into a proof of parking agreement with the condition of garage inclusion pursuant to the requirements stipulated in the Zoning Ordinance, with the further recommendation that the parking stalls stipulated on the plat be revised from the original 41 parking stalls to 33 parking stalls to reflect the reduction in units from 80 to 72 thereby creating additional greenspace. Commissioner Paulus seconded the motion. A brief discussion ensued regarding change in use if the facility changes ownership. It was concluded that a change in use would be unlikely due to the configuration of the proposed dwelling units and there relatively small square footage. If the use should change from the requested PSR zoning, City staff, the Commission and Council would be required to review the change and if changes were required they would have to be met during rezoning process or final development process. Upon roll call vote:. Ayes: L. Johnson, J. Bailey, D. Johnson, G. Johnson, H. McClelland,, W. Lewis, D. Runyan, J. Palmer, J. Paulus, G. Workinger. IMotion carried. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SEPTEMBER 7,1988 Z -88 -5 Preliminary Rezoning, PRD- 4,.Planned Residence & District to PSR -4, Planned Senior Citizen District, S -88 -10 RPI Services, Inc. and Preliminary Plat Approval for Elder Homestead General Location: The northwest quadrant of the intersection of York Avenue and Parklawn Avenue. The subject property is currently an undeveloped site of 83,302 square feet. To the north is the York Plaza Condominiums. To the west is the South Haven Apartments. To the south across Parklawn Avenue is the 7500 York building and across York Avenue to the east is the Yorkdale Townhome project. The proponents.intend to develop the site with a four story apartment building for senior citizens. There are 20 four unit clusters in the building. The site is currently zoned PRD -4, Planned Residence District. The proposed zoning for the property is PSR -4, Planned Senior Citizen District. The site is also currently platted as an Outlot and owned by 7500 York as open space, therefore platting into lots and block is necessary as required by the zoning ordinance. Immediately south west of the site across Parklawn is a vacant outlot. Upon approval of the subject proposal, RPI will transfer this vacant outlot to 7500 York so it may maintain its open space requirement. This is a logical transfer since it is immediately adjacent to 7500 York. Access to the,site is gained from the southbound lane of York Avenue and from two separate curb cuts on Parklawn Avenue. Hennepin County approval is required for entry to York Avenue. The internal circulation of the site functions with or without the York,Avenue curb cut. The City desires to establish a right turn lane onto Parklawn Avenue from southbound York. This would enhance the Parklawn access and reduce the need for access from York Avenue. The proposed use of the property is for an intermediate care apartment. The building is arranged in clusters of 4 units. Each resident has an individual unit of approximately 450 square feet containing a living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Residents of each cluster share a 400 square foot semi - private parlor which is physically separated from the rest of the building. Theoretically, each cluster could be considered as one unit. A variety of services are provided for the resident including congregate dining, housekeeping and transportation services. Residents may contract for additional services including health care as needed. A similar 28 unit project is currently operating in Minnetonka. The proposed use and development of the property is consistent with the proposed zoning and meets the majority of the technical requirements of the ordinance. Several variances, however, are required. The zoning ordinance requires 60 parking stalls for the project, 20 of which are to be enclosed spaces. The current proposal shows 50 exposed parking spaces. The zoning ordinance also limits the density of the site to 67 units by requiring a lot area of 1,250'square feet per dwelling unit. A credit of 250 square feet per unit would be applied if the project were within 2000 feet of the France Avenue -494 Interchange. The project is approximately 2800 feet from the interchange. If the credit were applied, 83 units would be permitted on site. Drive aisle widths are also substandard on site. Recommendation The proposed use and development of the property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and objectives of the Southeast Edina Plan. The staff is comfortable with the density issue given the cluster concept and use of the property, its proximity to 494 and the major roadway improvements in the area associated with the Hedberg project. This type of project also warrants some consideration for reduced parking. This can comfortably be handled by a Proof of Parking Agreement should the proponent submit evidence to support the reduced parking. Staff recommends preliminary zoning and plat approval contingent on the following: 1. Final Rezoning 2. Final Plat Approval 3. County review and approval of the York Avenue access 4. Proof of Parking Agreement 5. 24 foot two way drive aisles 6. Approved drainage plan 7. Approved landscape plan 8. Dedication of sufficient right of way for a new right turn lane from York Avenue south onto Parklawn Avenue 9. Maintenance and repair of Parklawn sidewalk 10. Installation of street light wires in split conduit at drives 11. Transfer of the parcel north and west of 7500 York and south of Parklawn from the proponent to 7500 York to satisfy its open space requirement. i yJ'j tee— r _ � --.` • \�•� •\ _ �2 T`� '• r DRAINAGE � e -• N PAR"' ETBAC�C 1 1 Lu Z t - X20.) CLUSTER i Q - - - -... _ . - -- - 1 •_ �n f ._. 0 -DWELLING UNITS rte` {3) STORIES V. - r _ TO Zrr LLJ LLJ Lij Cie Z. Tr - tit / ✓.- �li � _ � - � i � � �- F ', • Z . ' � 'J �• " "fry : �� ,•- • - '�,'�O ' i '� `•'1f= _ SITE PLAN 06 ./r q.y �. r - - w •�j �r R � �a� +,�. � a!�j �� , `fib �• ���i • TYPICAL FLOOR .,:,.,, X'ldcr -T I I I\I .E //S�` T E A D EDINA, MINN[sOtA CORRIDOR o p TYPICAL CLUSTER em�m, Arvid Elncss Architects Inc ❑idler Vunh HudduiX Surte 200 510 Fast Avenue North A,innej[edis. Alinnesou 55403 TrleVhone fi12.339 550N - t. AucusT - wee SUBJECT PARCEL r_• :' `- -. yr ,ice ..,, - •`- .'CI ; ... ,•' .•. • t t•, I.I .•. I II . • r . ! -rK S • f .. 'I C; • I p — J. `•. j Z IxIs ❑N ..' 'i .. LJ „ ,. ... •.. ' eun01NG •••� - �..' rot,9Nn•:, Ir '.0 1B4 I ' BLOCK ,I ' APAe TMINT_ „j„�`''sf .> i 0 _ -t - \��'�_' = . r.: `'_�_ ` r. ,.,rte • ✓,�� •r �'I ; t r :PARK LAWN AVENUE y .'I` a...... ( I I E •1 t- — %/ _ _ e ; r• Ba %' _r- - ±. ; i•; — ii;' %rely _ _ --- :_ -J ,OC ,'j II f : i o. ,� i '', ..= _ °______,. --� ,��� w ,. �:•� ...��:..: ; i i PLAN \ OR IN._ SITE �I 40•o• IiIiI I NOTE: L_I ,. .. - `,,,,,�/•:, � I'' '� "<I B rNr T'Sroiwrw owc Nu..rNr n rro•.ucN. ' r •-� ;) &.• rm : °:: "cF yiH:rrt 0, nn (if $tun emrowc uu. r n vc• ��'� leer._.. �°Il -`,`•` \ t•l I OUTLI H� M�STE r 7500 YORK ' PARCEL TO BE TRANSFERED PRELIMINARY PLAT OF EDEN PLACE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF EDINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA LMA :- �:mm m: Arvid ElnessArchitects Ine Butler Nonh Building Suite 200 610 Ant Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 6610.7 Telephone 612.939.6608 IS AUGUST nee 24 AUGUST 19ee I t �I J 1 �1 lass REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # III. A. 2. From: Craig Larsen Consent ❑ Information Only. ❑ Date: September 19, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Z -88 -6 amd S- 88 -11, R -1 H1 To Council Single Family to R -2 Two Family and one Action ❑ Motion lot subdivision 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Plat subject to: 1. Final Rezoning 4. Curb Cut Location Approval 2. Final Plat 5. Separate Utility Connections 3. Subdivision Dedication Info /Background: The existing lot is a through lot with frontage on both Valley View Road and Brookview. The Brookview frontage is developed with a single family home. It would remain. The proposal would split off the Valley View frontage for the construction of a new two family dwelling. Dommer caiculated that wit the reduction of units from 80 to 72, th ing stall requirement would be 54. He added that if the Commission ded the existing facility in Minnetonka where there are 13 stalls for nits as a good indicator for parking then 33 stalls would be needed for 7 ts. Commissioner_ Runyan told the Commission he is very comfortable with s recommendations and the recommendation of entering into a proof of parkin Bement between the City and the proponent. He added additional greens vs. hardsurface_ parking is a very favorable plus for this site. Commissioner G. Johnson moved to recomm preliminary plat and preliminary rezoning approval subject to staff conditi with the recommendation that #3 of the staff conditions be eliminated, the fission recommends no access on York Avenue, with the additional recommend that the City and the proponent enter into a proof of parking agreement w' the condition of garage inclusion pursuant to the requirements stip ed in the Zoning Ordinance, with the further recommendation that the king stalls stipulated on the plat be revised from the original 41 parking is to 33 parking stalls to reflect the reduction in units from 80 2 thereby creating additional greenspace. Commissioner Paulus seco the motion. A brief discuss' ensued regarding change in use if the facility 'changes ownership. It was cluded that a change in use would be unlikely due to the configuration of proposed dwelling units and there relatively small square footage. If t se should change from the requested PSR zoning, City staff, the Commiss and Council would be required to review the change and if changes were requ' they would have to be met during rezoning process or final develop process. n roll call vote: Ayes: L. Johnson, J. Bailey, D. Johnson, G. Johnson, H, lelland, W. Lewis, D. Runyan, J. Palmer, J. Paulus, G. Workinger. Motion carried. P Q0 A-.DwI Z -88 -6 Preliminary Rezoning, R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District & to R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District, Peggy C. Erhardt S -88 -11 Estate and Preliminary Plat Approval for Erhardt Addn. Mr. Dommer presented the staff report and noted the proposed plat and rezoning is consistent with the principles and land use designations set forth in the Edina Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends preliminary rezoning and preliminary plat approval conditioned on: 1. Final Rezoning 2. Final Plat Approval 3. Subdivision Dedication 4. Curb Cut Location Approval 5. Separate Utility Connections Mr. Robert and Ronald Erhardt were present. Mr. Ron Erhardt explained to the Commission the property in'question is the estate of their .mother. He added one of them would reside in the existing house and the other would reside in the proposed new double bungalow. Mr. R. Erhardt____ _ said this piece of property has been in the family for many years. Commissioner McClelland moved to recommend preliminary rezoning and preliminary plat approval on the basis of the grandfather clause and subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Palmer seconded the motion.. Ayes: L. Johnson, D. Johnson , G. Johnson, J. Bailey, H. McClelland, W. Lewis, J. Palmer, J. Paulus, G. Workinger, D. Runyan. Motion carried. t :,r Ob NUMBER Z -88 -6 and S -88 -11 L O C A T10 N Southeast quadrant of the Brookview Avenue - Valley View Road intersection. REQUEST Create one new buildable lot. Rezone from R -1 to R -2. EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SEPTEMBER 7, 1988 Z -88 -6 Preliminary Rezoning, R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District & to R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District, Peggy C. Erhardt S -88 -11 Estate and Preliminary Plat Approval for Erhardt Addition General Location: Southeast quadrant of the Brookview Avenue - Valley View Road intersection. The subject property is currently developed as a single dwelling unit property. The site is defined as a through lot with 115 feet of frontage on Brookview Avenue to the west and 156 feet of frontage on Valley View Road to the east. To the north is a single family home. To the south is a double bungalow fronting on Valley View Road and a single family home fronting on Brookview. The property measures 24,374 square feet in area and has a depth of 215 feet at the center of the lot. The preliminary plat proposes to divide the property creating one new buildable lot. The new lot will front on Valley View Road. It is proposed that the new lot be zoned R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District. The lot fronting on Brookview Avenue will remain as a single family dwelling lot. The new lot exceeds the lot width requirement for an R -2 lot but would require a variance from the 15,000 square foot lot area requirement. The lot contains 12,476 square feet. The remaining single family lot would require a variance from the 25 foot rear setback requirement and the 120 foot lot depth requirement. The lot measures 104 feet at the center. The Comprehensive Plan illustrates the area fronting on Valley View as suitable for low density attached residential. Existing buildings along Valley View Road contain between two and five units. Lot sizes range between 10,000 square feet and 15,000 square feet. The R -2 lot immediate to the south of the subject property has an area of 11,500 square feet. Recommendation Despite the minor deficiencies from the ordinance requirements. Staff believes there are several reasons to support the proposal. Lot Size The area of the double dwelling unit lot is below the requirement, however, it is compatible with the other R -2 properties in the vicinity. The R -1 lot exceeds the ordinance minimum as proposed and is larger than several other R -1 lots on Brookview. Character and Symmetry The streetscape along Brookview Avenue will remain unchanged. The R -1 properties along.Brookview Avenue are not impacted by the proposal. The new double dwelling on Valley View Road will appropriately fill in a noticeable gap. The new unit will be developed within all required setbacks and orients logically to Valley View Road. Community Planning The proposed plat and rezoning is consistent with the principles and land use designations set forth in the Edina Comprehensive Plan. Staff therefore recommends preliminary rezoning and preliminary plat approval conditioned on: 1. Final Rezoning 2. Final Plat Approval 3. Subdivision Dedication 4. Curb Cut Location Approval 5. Separate Utility Connections / Q 7 !J� Q ELM P PROPOSED: ERHARDT f , ADDITION `4. e...Irrl� r..... 1 �1 '4 7 itp � •: !• S - rd SURVEY FOR, THE ESTATI OF ►EDDY C. IRNAROT (' DISCRI►TIONs Let' H, Slack 1, ►osesdals Aefae, Hennepin Cbutttr, Minn,.IRhp1 that pOrllan taken for read purposes as par Document ale, ltaoqu,. .. 1,.,,.. We hereby certtly that !1111 Is I tree and 9orfNlr repro sentatIon of "i aorler'•�� M,�fte atundarles 61 the land look@ described and of 1111 location of all b01141nps, 11 ear, ttseraso. and III v16111►. ancreat m to: II any, from Of an said land, c. Dated 11111 Tth day of Jolt, lots. A N O W A K, I N C. Surveyors �{ r•'i:Ituu W, /Orlon@ w Alllleoapla 1196011 No. 1115) NOTESI Bearings shorn are an an assumed baste. @ } t a Area of property It 111 lTe•s uare f t N )fe /I. / X., to tit t 0 ea ..: !1111911 Merkl Tap of hydrant Southeast corner of Sroakvtsr Avesue Ind Vallij;waW Haag. • SII, LO tut, r , ' s • �f���' a �; ';t ' r t +;• .. . l.4i l��d�_�.;d:�19)l4 -Lt a:.3... :•�i•. �1�11f•.�.., -._._ _ _. _' �� SfO� /,.a O eji it it 0 ea ..: !1111911 Merkl Tap of hydrant Southeast corner of Sroakvtsr Avesue Ind Vallij;waW Haag. • SII, LO tut, r , ' s • �f���' a �; ';t ' r t +;• .. . l.4i l��d�_�.;d:�19)l4 -Lt a:.3... :•�i•. �1�11f•.�.., -._._ _ _. _' �� SfO� /,.a O f 14 September 1968 Edina City Council City of Edina Planning Dept. 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 To Whom it May Concern -- AGENDA ITEM III.A.2 BYRON H. ARMSTRONG, M.D. SKIN DISEASES ..A=SOUTHDALE MEDICAL BLDG. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55435 TELEPHONE: - 1V7-- 1oO(r+L Re: Case file 288-6, S88 -11 Before I bought my home I lived at 6241 in the same block of Brookview Ave. where the proposed rezoning and creation of a new lot are proposed by Ronnie P. Erhardt. That was 20 years ago. I also know that someone else in that block slipped in an extra building on one of the lots on that same east side of Brookview. What happens when the city council okays building an oversized building on an undersized lot and then locates it so far off the street that it sits in my backyard and shades my garden plot? Just look next door. From what I have been able to learn, the fact that I cared for this strip of property along the west border of my lot at 4119 W. 62nd street for so many years means it is mine. Then when the neighboring property is sold to a young couple of scofflaws who tear down my garden fence 75 times, first allow and then lead them large dog to defecate on my lot, then Robert Kidd assaults me 4 times (once in the presence of an Edina officer) and both he and Becky make harassing phone calls, then they and Viktorsen tear down bushes and trees on my land and then build a metal fence on my land and design the runoff from their property to roll.down the hill onto my lot...and on and on. How do I get the triple damages due me by statute? And how do I get that fence offmy land? Resurveying on two subsequent days, letters and calls to the mayor, the chief of police, the city manager, both city attorneys have produced no results to date. (At least with the fence, their unattended dog no longer craps in my garden and backyard. Now they have trained him to do his job in Pamela Park, off the leash, and they never pick up after him.) If existing lots are of such a size that they can be divided without granting multiple exceptions to the statutes on the books and new construction is done in such a way that it does not have adverse effects on the adjoining properties and the neighborhood, permission should be granted to do so. There should also be some provision made to compensate adversely effected nearby property owners and consideration be made to requiting adjust- ments to the landscaping to lessen the impact of new construction (or "planting it out" as they do in California and other places). In the case at point here, How many variances would have to be granted to make construction of yet one more duplex on the ground available? Who determines how much compensation I have coming as the result of past actions by the council? How do I get this fence off my property? Looking forward to your r ies, BYR N H. ARMSTRONG, M.D' 4119 W. 62nd Street Minneapolis, Mn. 55424 A. �1 o�e� VJ 0 as REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: September 19, 1988 Subject: S -88 -9, Preliminary Plat Approval, Edina Highland Recommendation: Agenda Item # III. B. Consent 0 Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Continue public hearing to October 3, 1988. Info /Background The proponent has asked to delay the public hearing on his proposal. A. 11 0 BBB REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # III. C. From: Craig Larsen Consent ❑X Information Only Date: September-19, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: C -88 -2, Conditional ❑ To Council Use Permit for Edina Community Lutheran Churcl Action ❑ Motion 4.113 West 44th Street continued from- ❑ Resolution August 15, 1988. ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Grant Conditional Use Permit subject to an executed Proof of Parking Agreement prior to issuance of a building permit. Info /Background: The church has agreed to a Proof of Parking Agreement prepared by City Staff. It should be executed in the near future. o e; ch 9Y2, 0 ' •'NR1RP(IRH�O• REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor.& City Council From: Francis Hoffman Chairman, Traffic Safety Committee Date: 16 September 1988 Subject: Halifax Avenue Public Hearing Agenda Item # m Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: (A). Leave situation as currently stands and review again after ramp is fully open and theater is in operation. (B) Re- install partial divertor as previously existed. (C) Final finding that Halifax functions as a neighborhood collector. Info /Background: This issue was referred to Council for final action from the Traffic Safety Com- mittee. Clearly, a split opinion on the Committee exists. Approximately eight hundred hearing notices were mailed to neighbors in northeast Edina. Many written responses were received with some very thoughtful comments. Upon reading the letters, it is_clear how difficult the safety issue can be. Some older residents use Halifax Avenue to access the 50th and France Commercial Area, as a safer route to travel. This results in higher volumes on the street increas- ing the possible traffic conflicts with neighbors on Halifax. The attached information includes: (A) Notice of Public Hearing (B) Letters from residents (C) Area map showing various traffic counts during and after study period (D) Larger area map showing traffic volumes on various collector streets. The information provided and opinions rendered in this report use observations of the chairman of the Committee and recommendations should be reviewed in that light. The staff will present information on functional classification of City streets, traffic and license plate surveys at the Council meeting. JE61NA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612 - 927 -8861 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Edina City Council will meet on September 19, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. at Edina City Hall to conduct a public hearing on the issue of diverting traffic on Halifax Avenue from West 51st Street to West 54th Street. The background for this public hearing is a result of a petition from residents on Halifax Avenue asking that the traffic patterns on Halifax be changed by diverting traffic. The resident's concerns involved increasing through traffic travelling to and from the 50th and France Commercial Area. The residents appeared before the Traffic Safety Committee and the Committee recommended to City Council that a traffic diverter be placed at 51st and Halifax to prevent traffic leaving the 50th and France Commercial Area. The effect of placing the diverter at 51st and Halifax to prevent southbound traffic from entering Halifax resulted in an average daily traffic volume of 1,130 being reduced to an average daily traffic volume of approximately 640. This diverter had a positive effect on Halifax and a disadvantage for residents from 50th and 54th Streets between France Avenue on the east and Minnehaha Creek on the west who had to seek an alternate route home from the 50th and France Commercial Area. After a test period of two months, the diverter was removed to determine to what extent people's travel patterns had been changed. The new traffic count with no diverter was 1,035 vehicles per day. From license plate studies done on Halifax Avenue, the vast majority of the people who use Halifax Avenue live in the immediate neighborhood or in northeast Edina (east of Highway 100 and north of Crosstown Highway 62). Notices of this hearing were sent to area residents from 50th Street on the north, to 58th Street on the south, France Avenue on the east and Wooddale Avenue on the west. These area residents comprised the majority of people who travel Halifax on a daily basis. The issue before City Council is whether Halifax Avenue is strictly a local residential.street or functionally should work as a neighborhood collector street which serves as access to the 50th and France Commercial Area: If you have comments on this issue, please address a letter to the City Clerk which will be placed in hands of City Council for review at the September 19th meeting or appear at the Council meeting. r A M E R I C A N R E A L E S T A T E S E R V I C E S September 15, 1988 City Clerk City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Halifax Avenue Traffic Diversion To Whom It May Concern: This letter is in response to your notice of a public hearing regarding Halifax Avenue. As an owner of a home at 5521 Oaklawn Avenue I am in complete support of the installation of a permanent diverter at the corner of 51st and Halifax. I believe it would be a great improvement to the neighborhood. Best regards, �-' �01 Thomas F. Lund TFL:bap 3601 MINNESOTA DRIVE - SUITE 120 - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435 • 612/831 -0707 5208 Halifax Ave. S. Edina, i /_N 5"-424 September 15, 1988 Edina City Mall 4801 V1 50th St. Edina, i -N 55424 - ear Council �Vembers: `,`Ie anprecia.te the interest you are.showing in our predicament here on Halifax Avenue. I am sure you would agree that peace and tranquility contri- bute a great -deal to the mental and emotional health of our residents. ,Vith the increased air pollution and loud noise caused by all the planes flying over this area these days, we would appreciate so much:..if you could direct the traffic. where it is supposed to be - -on customary business routes and allow theaittle children and their parents a sense of security and safety. For people who drive cars, the problem would not be too great since they could arrive at their destination without serious delay. It might even contribute toward the beautiful quality of patience for many drivers! The residents making this request of you are people with a vision who have given this serious consideration for the well- being of one or two generations. We wish to express special thanks to Dir.,Glenn Smith for his strong support and encouragement. Our sincere thanks to all of you for your help and concern. With our gratitude and prayers for God's help and blessings, MS. CRYSTAL GREGUSON iI ;7 Edina Office-50th & Rance 3930 West 491A Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 (612) 920 -1960 Oka- a.. tit Wz /�'` ���� � �, ' fulrc_ �. � � � I 7 t S 7�a 7L WafJ,�, 44 9za UZ 12 e/ le- C7 � 1 ,S /3 7 A7 X x A,-k- -------------- P.Q.S; (/e Zt)c, - __ - ----- -_____ _.. ..-- �hua�_....._..cS.rc- ��.�'v- %'sue---- -o.u•f .�2c,lc�.c�.�s. . ,� �c�.y %e ccc,v-s.2..--- - -_... - - - -- - - -I,c_ - - - -oU __ ------ h?Cc r?. }/ -- - (f, S� cep . _ �i DoT ---- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- ASP - ----- a, ._ (24 n.n,4.," 1 sarci" ce.. - - - - -- -._AS _ _2v Ccw 40 v / P rvb /ezn c O Ldd s c) 1 L) .e Loa r.7 . -...- r"15 50411 Cis � �r C�crne dou)n At Ira - O nd- wort, S&P S i yn ruA n ems re -" d . S� nC.ere r . V c ez, /i n r. I S.-alee —A6-VXAjt . W6 Lj LA1q OL / U �, -.-� � '`� ��.✓ T..�t Tom- r,�y �+-.�✓ ,. U �u i�.�� � s7 � �..e� i�• -t�- . 77' �, ZZ: xe SUZIE KUNTZ 5125 Halifax Ave ,.c_CL eft. 0454, At col &' '11f �o xf _177 a 4-11z-al� 12- / lfgS- September 7, 1988 Edina City Council 4801 West 50th St. Edina, Mn. 55424 Dear Council Members: My name is Teresa Forliti and I have lived at 5336 Halifax Avenue South for 29 years. First of all I want to thank Councilperson Glenn Smith for his strong support on the problem of reducing traffic on Halifax Avenue South and keeping the street residential. Also I want to appeal to the Edina City Council and the Edina Traffic Safety Committee to reconsider and reposition the partial barrier back on 51st Street; or some kind of reduction of traffic on Halifax. Since the barrier has been removed, there has been a substantial increase in the amount 'of traffic. I would appreciate it very much if the Council and Safety Committee would consider the facts presented. Also I would like to remind you of the Edina City Council mission - "The Mission of the City of Edina is to do our part in maintaining Edina as a premier community in the Twin Cities area." Thank you - Teresa Forliti 5336 Halifax Ave. S. Edina, Mn. 55424 cc: Traffic Safety Committee City Council Edina City all Edina, ,21 55424 Dear Council Plembers , iIy husband and I cannot understand ti sign by our driveway. By -the time anyone sees the s_gii, they are already speeding down the avenue. V,re are senior citizens and have lived liere for- eleven years. Toe traff, c seems to be ieavier and faster every year. 11ould really -like, to k_ZO:r -izat good that unsightly sign :does. e viere very pleased with- t ie diverter at 5lst. ~lnce_'c 1:yr'D i �„ R L (m Edina 49'/2 Street Office 3930 West 491/2 Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424 • (612) 920 -1960 August 29, 1988 Edina City Council Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Council Members: We are writing to request that the traffic restrictor on Halifax Avenue be reinstated. Since it has been removed, traffic on Halifax has increased dramatically, much to our dismay. We have lived on Halifax for 32 years and seen the traffic increase since that time. We don't feel the public has or ever will be "educated" not to use Halifax as a short -cut to 50th and France... Our main concern is safety for the numbers of children-and elderly on our street; not the convenience of others who use our street as a short -cut. We have no children at the present, but if we did I.would be very concerned. It seems to us that Edina prides itself on its safe, family neighborhoods. We need your support -to make our street the same. We would like to thank Glenn Smith -for his strong support of this issue and would urge others on the council to consider the facts and do the same.. Please don't allow the inconvenience of others using Halifax override the main issue at stake; the safety of the neighborhood on Halifax. The signs in- dicating our neighborhood are nice but not helpful in alleviating the traffic problem. You can't see them until you have already turned onto Halifax on either end. Please carefully consider our request. Since ely, Linda and John Smaby t�- t`�E9 d1nc 1 Re °�ryj REALTORS ©, MLS s S, G O Jt % 0 N pq 0� C' a '� 0 N T 4 P� 'SPA P14 IG 2700 CAMPUS DRIVE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441, AREA CODE (612) 553 -7800 September 3, 1988 Mr. Fran Hoffman City Engineer City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Mn 55424 Dear Mr. Hoffman: There are two purposes in writing this letter. First, to express appreciation for the opportunity to appear before the Traffic Safety Committee. My observation was there was a sincere desire -to resolve a situation with benefit for both parties. It was evident, however, one member of the committee had committed himself solely to maintaining the barrier. Second, while understanding that no one enjoys an excess of traffic and appreciating the desire to lessen such a condition I felt the decision to use a sign to direct other than relatively local residents potentially could serve. It seemed a potentially effective measure. . Respectfully, however, the placement.of the sign is such that I do not think you can gain the desired objective. It is positioned so far back from the entry to Halifax Avenue that it cannot convey its message to anyone entering Halifax until fully onto the avenue. The result, of course, is that passage continues on Halifax. If you sincerely wish to make a valid test in an effort to lessen traffic the sign should be positioned adjacent to the large arrow. At that point, those not local residents and those willing to respond to such a sign would not enter. In fairness to those living adjacent to Halifax and seeking a rational solution to the matter the sign murt be given the opportunity to be read prior to entry to Halifax. We will appreciate your taking such an action to make possible a valid test. S' ely� CFC /dh C s ey . a H son �•�- GI�c�G �;ii �t'`C�.Ei ,�iL�- (/IvCt,i:.�,�,LL ' °�Cv�'� U4 C Ld `� /w � ?�.� �.av ,'� ��/� L(_�l ✓� �: � /�f Lam- �� -/� � C� L.�C -(� C� �C /4— —�G�C ��.�✓ l L�`C �.vc�'�v' GAL LCD— C-,L AL"L4, (vJ �V-= /i,��,�:�L -ci �- (%c��.l�C�ii �?i[.�<: -�=— ct•— fC:1 /YLC„ � n Auvust 2,8. 199_ 8 Dear Council Members. When I attended the last meet i nv held on the issue of Halifax Ave. S. traffic A►_►aust . ^J. 1988. 1 was astonished how the issue was handled. Mavor Courtney completely discounted hands up in the air to voic=e their concerns about the subject. Probably yes, he did not see them. but surely this would ncit .justify a rulina in anv other legal action. 1 myself would have liked the opportunity to voice my deep conc=erns on the matter and will do so in detail if the opportunity is given Sept. 19, 1988. But before then I want you to hear me out. I moved to Edina b months ago. I am a real estate broker licens=ed in Texas. It took me several months to choose to be livinq in Edina. It took careful consideration and a huae amount of effort for me to educate myself in a new city. but Edina was my choice. Althouqh I did not sit on the street Halifax, for a week to determine the traffic situation before I purchased my house - today I wish I had. You see. I have a 4 year old daughter and would have an 11 year cold son, but due to a similar situation as this issue (nice neighborhood. only resibents would travel through the area, etc.) . I .last my son to a car - bicycle accident. I do 'not want this to haooen again, nor do I want to hear about this haooeninq to my neiahbcrr. The traffic= is a problem not iust for me. but for Others who may not even have children on our street. My main concern is my child though. Not as a threat of anv scirt. but if Erie - si tuatiOn cannot be dealt with in some more effective way than a local traffic sign. I will put my house up for sale and move to a different area. Mothers and fathers have enOuah to worry about with out havinq to worry excessively about the safety of their children Dlavina in their own front varde. How many times do you have to wait in the morninq backinq out of your driveways waitino for 1 - -3 cars to pass by before you can even dare attempt to vet out? I have to wait daily. If I had bc-ught a home on Franc=e Ave. or Xerxes I would have been aware of the possible delays oettinq out of my driveway. This brinqs me to my ether point. Somewhere I. was under the impression that Edina was a premier neiahborhood. With the Present situation I believe Edina was misrepresented to me. I also believe you have the rower to help - Will you ? I would like to thank Council member Glenn Smith for his support and Leslie Turner for the vote of confidence of her willingness to take a deeper look into the situation. A question I'd like you all to ask yourselves - What would you do after viewinq all the hard fa=ts if you were residing on Halifax and had children? Thank you for your time'. Sincerely. Suzanne H. Kuntz - 5125 Halifax Ave. S. _1_ C I 44 P�� azr- MAN Y.006 n AK�<m�[ 5�- �` � ''t f�, September 7, 1988 Dear Councilmembers, The matter of Halifax Avenue South requires your attention for several important reasons. First, the issue has digressed from a situation where residents of the block asked the Traffic Safety Committe for a solution to the excessive traffic on the street. and were given a viable solution by the committee, to a situation where the committee is consideri'ng changing the status of the street to a collector street. This avoids the problem, and potentially makes the traffic problem worse. It certainly doesn't address the original concerns of the people on the block. Secondly, I feel that the council must realize that the problem on Halifax Avenue is a legitimate concern of intelligent voters that cannot and will riot be ignored until a reasonable solution is implemented. The restriction to southbound traffic, which the Traffic Safety Committee suggested, implemented, and studied, proving its efficacy, should be reinstated and any notion of Halifax Avenue South between 50th and 54th streets becoming a collector type street be summarily dismissed. Thank -you for your attention, Dan i e m i l ey, M. D. 5204 Halifax Avenue South Edina, MN 55424 September 14, 1988 Edina City Council Traffic Safety Committee 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Member of the Traffic Safety Committee: My husband and I were so delighted to live on a residential street earlier this summer. Now, once again, I cannot turn into my drive way without using my turn signal a block away. Cars honk their horns,that I am in their way, when I turn into the drive, or try to pass before I can turn. When I trim the grass on my curbing, it is actually dangerous. Two blocks away from Halifax is a through street, France.. If neighbors were forced to drive eight or ten blocks to find a thru.street that would be another story, but France is only two short blocks from Halifax. Four -way stop signs at 52nd and France were installed several years ago after many, serious accidents.`' Certainly this is proof that for many years there has been a traffic problem on Halifax from 50th to 54th street. We do appreciate the traffic studies.that have been taken, which always indicates too much traffic. Unfortunately the traffic signs of "local traffic" was unsuccessful. Sincerely yours, Charles J., Balogh Mary Ruth Balogh - F 'L/1- ',c.tiv .�.�<< �--' cam'✓ G� /�� Ll- �l� -�'� lot Ze a Dear Edina City Council, I am writing once again to plea with you con- cerning the Halifax Avenue issue. We are the very first house affected after the curve in the road at 51st St. The traffic increase since you re- moved the barrier is incredible and the Education part of your plan seems to have failed and people have returned to their old, ad..habits of using Hali- as a cut through street on their way. elsewhere. We are now unhappy Edina residents and dis- appointed in the way in which this matter has been handeled. Mind you, we are very grateful that the barricade was installed in the first place but, the issue was the number of cars using our street nad the traffic counts proved that our comp- laint was indeed legitimate and warranted. Our summer was a pleasure and our fall is a nightmare due to the constar1r, : worry for the safety of our son if he is outside in our front yard. Our sincere thanks go to Mr. Glenn Smith for his support and sincere address of the problem. The last City Council meeting was a grave dis- appointment and he was an honorable and fair per- son with whom to deal. Please reconsider the barrier or barricade on our lovely, residential street. Or at the very least we would like assurance that the Local Traffic be enforced and we would like, to see that an Enforced sign be in place and a Local Traffic sign be placed prior to the entrance onto Halifax Avenue. Thank you for your consideration to this critical problem.. 5125 Halifax Ave. S. Edinav MN 55424 September 13, 1988 Dear Edina City Council, is to insure that my voice is This letter Dgt support the heard and to notify you that i do to of Halifax Ave. S. reclassificati011 t. I want my street to remain a Residential street and for the traffic to 1 do not believe that all a been considergA _or exhausted., Have ypy.gonsidered timing the lights in the area or adding left, tunn somg,.inter,eq-tions? This decision will lanes at __ _ I * - -You- open- this have very big repercussions anc if area to additional-traffic, You w ill be responsible for turning our neighborhood jUnto a dangerous Other people traveling down our street. They are faster, not about children playing or cars backing -They - are not there-for the-- out of driveways. j f frustration due sceneryp but for a quick release - to a long day and --A horrible traffic problem. Would you feel safe by such an invasion. The people Of this neighborhood pride themselves on the clean yards and well kept houses- Please do not dump this-garbage-on-us7va- I would not mind if the People traveling down neighborhood. As it stands though, they speed, run stop signs,-tailgate,-and are-generally-unsafe.-­- This step would not be toward progres5y but a step-into--the -opposite-direction. Thepekghborhood would suffer, your constituents would not be last, and another piece Of pleased to say, the -lcn with a very unappealing Edina would be tainted situation.- -- ° I am originally from a very distinguished family and neighborhood in San Antonio, Texas. I have seen this happen before to some of the most beautiful streets in the city. Property values drop4 pride—in—the-community drops, people move-and­---- the neighborhood is lost to apathy and contempt. I appreciate 'your time and commitment in reading this letter and finding a good solution to all of our traffic problems in our area. I pray that you keep our neighborhood safe. Sincerely, | _ , j ~ -�� Hal G. Kuntz II Bennett 8 Mary Porter 5120 Halifax Avenue South Edina, MN SSg24 Traffic. Safety Council. Edina City Council 8801 West 50th Street Edina, MN SSg24 September 1'i , . 1988 Dear Councils: Halifax Avenue between 50th and 54th street is our neighborhood. Any city council decision to change this neighborhood street into a "collector" street would be unjustified and unfair. This neighborhood has concerns about traffic levels today and the increasing traffic levels which will occur in.the future with the expansion of the ramp, new movie theaters and other expansions of businesses and nearby churches. I believe we are flexible to new input and the recommendations of others. The creation of a new "collector" street is not a positive recommendation. The result will be increasing levels of traffic along Halifax but also further penetration of traffic into the surrounding larger neighborhood. This recommendation benefits no one. Our objection to traffic on Halifax has never been against the use of this street by our neighbors. We believe a significant portion of the.traffic (especially southbound) is better meant to be directed to France Avenue. Certainly there must be some compromise that will adequately address everyone's concerns. The creation of a Halifax Collector Street serves the concerns of no one. S'nce ly; 4 /� /, Ir Dr. Bennett and Many Porter September 13, 1988 Dear Council Persons, This letter concerns the possibilty of diverting traffic on Halifax Avenue from ,V. 51st Street to W. 54th,Street. We live on 51st and Indianola Avenue. My husband and I strongly support the re -. sidents on Halifax in their effort to find a :ray to reduce traffic through that short dis- tance. At issue is the safety not only of child- ren but also of pedestrians who are forced to walk in the street (several regulars are older' people, some with walking aids). A secondary concern is the maintai.nance of the neighbor- ` hood athmosphere along Halifax, thus,protect- ing property values. Some find irksome the small.adjustment in driving habits necessitated by the proposed change. Surely the benefits of diverting traffic from this area willa.be uppermost in your minds as you consider this matter. I - - -, zx --I z r' /� �z ;-4� 17 lip -FO 4a, ha.�e ce -Prop -cea2 -old drtu3f'&✓ WZC4 peflojvc a4Crs � � � �w�` -Ize�ere- 4La- c@oce�t. oCtl�, 5fi'N�'f c� IvhiNtCc ? yeg +L Scwv�, Ct�S�r6yC, • emu.- �vG95 50 `-IiilQf Jim srvr�e,��r l�oprnJc puh(ic �eoninq nom+ � `J�� cow ,� n� . -fio rePl Aa rocd (LrG/ Ol'1 D(,Q�z� sf LcFd r- cah , e1" Uol U-41m,' of `FY'Ct�ic�, �s Ce �c�u,Q, o-F i-�c3,Lc-�cc� b�°�vvtiVJq � ayd mai`y ohs wr6l hold -{-�c, UGf� axaleil. 0 - 1�leah�r'g'- '/�cbr��c�nyf�a�� -- U - af ate.- — = = -- - 7 ---- (/"BYL — --U _-7of0 C� ./241,�i,�F� GzE¢t�i�22�_%�u►`� - -- 7,�e.2. vow— A Wm r i September 16, 1988 Edina City Council and Traffic Safety Committee 4801 West 50th Street Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Council and„Committee Members: As a 20 year resident of Halifax Avenue, we have noticed an increasing amount of traffic on "our" street over. this period of time. We feel as the newer families with young children move into the neighborhood and as well as the older residents of Halifax that Halifax Avenue should be as safe and serene as any other Edina" residential street. We have to ask, "Why do you need to consider Halifax Avenue as a "collector" street and why should Halifax Avenue be singled out in order to provide the residents of 58th and Wooddale and surrounding; area easy access to 50th and France shopping ?" These residents seem to feel inconvenienced if Halifax isn't available to them. However, the residents of Halifax Avenue are truly the inconvenienced ones, particularly when we have to wait for 10 cars to pass before we can get out of our driveways or before crossing the street. Please consider keeping,Halifax Avenue a residential classification so we may enjoy our homes and neighborhood. Sincerely, Ralph fnd"Ilaire Oie� 5220 Halifax Avenue Edina, MN 55424 5501 Oaklawn Avenue Edina, MN 55424 September 16,.1988 Dear City Council Members, I am a resident of South Harriet Park and have always used neighborhood streets to access the public facilities in Edina. When the baracade was installed on 51th.and Halifax I felt it was to control some of the traffic during the Art Fair. However when the street remained closed for the next month or so I deeply resented having to go around to France or Wooddale to get back to my home. I know of no other street in Edina that is blocked off from traffic just to reduce the traffic for the local residents. Why are they any more important than the people who live on Woodland or Tower? Traffic is heavy on those neighborhood streets going to the Junior High and Community Center. Would the Council consider closing those streets to all but local traffic? A quick check of the recent home 51st indicates that 19 of the 58 sure those buyers knew there was they purchased there. It is not I think the signs that have been discouraging_ traffic on Halifax. to use that street to go to 50th Sincerely, . Mary J an Weigel sales.on Halifax between 54th and home have been sold since 1982. I am extra traffic on the street before a recent phenomenon. installed may have some effect on As a local resident I will continue and France. e�Ll e rt Z7. Al Ila JeLere el Cc c..2-j Zo ""4-1,r"j e;ry 0,C) NC. tt vim, TWA. /-/L- /`�2.o -tom a &a6w- r' • � / /�,.� � 0 / L- s`'l �'�� L L-i-Ci i :.'1Gi -J �i�iC.L•CP Jy =�� V Gin . •� �. 02,, f Lifetouch National School Studios Inc. Sept. 14 1988 ',lvnea�onc. iil,rreso;a City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN. 55424 Gentlemen: RE: Issue of Diverting Traffic on Halifax Avenue.. We are unable to attend the public hearing on Sept. 19th. We were not petitioners and most likely would not be on this issue. We reside at 5028 Halifax Avenue, which is on the curve toward France. From just observing, we see no compelling reason for diverting or blocking southbound traffic entering Halifax, as you tested. It seemed to harass and adversely affect many to satisfy few. The present plan or test, using the 'local only traffic' plan seems satisfactory as it permits those who live south of 54th to use a convenient route without seeming to hurt or bother any resident too much. The more important issue, to us, would be to slow the traffic,.,from 50th coming south on Halifax. There is too much excess speed as they take the curve. -They must screech to a stop so as to avoid hitting the lamp post or jumping the curb onto our lawn or crashing into the Lanterns sign. In the winter time, especially, on numerous occasions, the cars take the curve too fast and slide off the street, over the curb and into the lamp post or other traffic and persons who happen to be in 'their path. This is an issue where your thrust should be, the speeding on the Halifax curve. To us, it seems that you have solved the Halifax traffic with the present arrangement. Thank you. Very truly yours, X 'Steven Subak 5028 Halifax AVe. Employee Owned JAMES W. ROCKWELL 5527 PARK PLACE EDINA, MINN. 55424 ,1` I l _lllC�J2/// %� G t�' 7 emm= Charles E. Brown 5029 Bruce Place Edina, Minnesota 55424 September 15, 1988 City Clerk City of 'Edina, 4801 West_50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Sir or Madam: Mrs. Brown and I hope to attend the hearing on September 19 relative to the diversion of traffic from Halifax Avenue. I'm• outlining our thoughts on this matter below, and will be pleased to comment in person on them if time _permits at the hearing. It seems to us that there are two or three key issues which. the Council will be addressing: First, is there adequate supporting rationale to divert traffic from Halifax and simply move it over to other streets? Halifax has always had a fairly high flow of traffic because of its proximity to the .50th- France Avenue shopping area. People who bought houses on Halifax must have recognized that condi- tion. Closing Halifax,to southbound traffic now would simply move it to already- crowded 50th Street and France Avenue, as well as some of the other less traveled streets where home owners may have bought their property in anticipation of having less traffic. Another question is whether it is fair to inconvenience many people in the immediate neighborhood. For example, Mrs. Brown and I use Halifax Avenue one or more times.a day as a direct route from our home to the 50th- France area. When Halifax was temporarily closed to southbound traffic, we used. 50th or France Avenue -- already over - utilized. For reasons stated above, we feel that Halifax Avenue should remain open to traffic in both directions, as it has been. If the Council should determine not to keep Halifax open to southbound traffic, then our suggestion would be to place City Clerk - 2 the diverter dents in the one block on to use 50th considerably neighborhood. the entrance September 15, 1988 just south of 51st Street, thus permitting resi- immediate area to reach their homes by traveling Halifax and then going west, rather than having or France. That would cut down "thru traffic" without seriously inconveniencing the immediate In fact, I suppose a sign could be placed at Df Halifax, "No Thru Traffic ". Charles E. Brown JO Sincerely yours, Sept. 12, 1988 Dity Clerk Edina City,Council 4801 West 50t',. Street Edinac Minn. 55424 Dear City Cleric: I don't think I'll be able to attend your hearing on the traffic diverting issue -- Halifax W. from 51st. to 54th. Street. I am a creature of habit --been going and coming the same way for years, back and forth on Halifax, to and from 50th. Street to shop at Lunds, Clancys', bank and do business with the 50th. street merchants. It's t he short- est route and most convenient. We use it several times a day.. If you cut our return as you have experimentally done, we and I'm sure a sizeable number of us in our area will quit shopping the 50th. stores and go out to 'Jouthdale. Your barricade road -block was most frustrating, very inconvenient resulting in a loss of time, back - tracking, and additional mileage to say hothing of a rise in my blood- pressure due to my continu2i4l.y heading home the old ,ray (force of habit) only to have to c$'rcumvent again and take the long way home.. Barricading 51st. was a stupid thing to do. The limited number of local 51st. tot 54th. residents should have anticipated the inevitable areas' growth and the resulting increased traffic when they built or bought their homes there. U'hen we built our home here in 1940 KELLOGG AVENUE WAS A DIRT ROAD. There werd fewer houses, less traffif:. Traffic is a lot heavier now out front, but does this warrant my petitioning the Council for referential treatment? However vocal I got orwhatever clout I might think I had, I wouldn't expect you to re -route the traffic on Kellog g - -humor me and inconvenience all others. Not really! A public street should provide access to the residents of the entire area. There-should be no favoritism, no exceptions.. Public roads should be open to the public. No special treatment to a priviledged few. So the years pass, the area builds up, and traffic is bound to increase. If it gets too tough, we can all move out to the country! P, ellogg Ave..South Minn. 55424 4-�, \3 , v: gWw C:14-- tvl 0 vl � ov" tom,.,, % 5 S Lk S Qe.o J ��� � � Z o�,.... vu �., cw�ov� c�• S o.� � e%,�ll -�o �2 � cz d �2 c- �•- .¢.d�' e d _ ... . 141 .Fir 1 �e I --- ._..__.. . -- -- . _ _...- ._...�. __•0 �;- o�,��i � �: \ h� � a'�-\ ue J. � t� �-i c .2,d �� v.rQ -�R � � �n� JN �� v%l o, My �0�F ,—).E Ilt Z�- � 49 C- k )�,q 10 / ij�w I )'T�7ER l z G70 �� rb 7b b -Ry (f oo R -Aj -Y 14 0 66 i� �TZLS 72-D L�) T/7,�f (ST Cp /gm )z,6ks 7R, -3 3 3 � e'r lo, 14K All J---3 a ,Sfft / &.,9tss5l ... ..... lo Q 4075 W. 51st Street ELNES MARKETING 3925 W. 44TH STREET MNNEAPOUS, MN 55424 TELEPHONE (612) 925.5113 FAX (612) 925-3034 City Clerk City of Edina 4801 W. 50th. Edina, MN 55424 I feel that the plan to divert traffic from Halifax Avenue is ridiculous. There are numerous routes in any neighborhood that the residents frequently utilize.. If it only takes a peitition to provide you with a nearly private street by your home I'm sure that a number of other streets would meet the same criteria as Halifax. Your own survey indicated that most of the vehicles -traveling the street are from the area. Certainly some of the areas through IV the Country Club area are more abused by non - neighborhood traffic than is Halifax. ' Within our own neighborhood I know other streets that would deserve the same consideration as given Halifax When the diverter was in position during the test period I found it quite inconvenient, and was forced to create a new route thereby putting additional stress on France, Wooddale, or Arden. I'm confident that you'll agree that neither France or Wooddale needs more traffic. I use Halifax not _.:only to access the grocery store but also as a convenient route to work. All, of the neighborhood residents pay sufficient tax to ensure their rights to use the streets necessary for convenient travel and I am strongly opposed to any .permanent change that restricts my access to this area. a� 4 Sincerely, �GC tom/ Rick Elnes G �- ' x7 J J l/,;k lh tano /Q AL, 4075 West 51 Street Minneapolis, MN 55424 12 September 1988 City Clerk Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear City. Clerk: We are unable to attend the 19 September public hearing on the issue of diversion of Halifax Avenue traffic. We would like to be heard on this issue and would appreciate it if this letter is read. We are certainly aware of and do appreciate the concern of Halifax Avenue residents. Data.provided in the meeting notice clearly demonstrate that many residents of this area use Halifax as a feeder street. We have noticed many times that traffic using Halifax passes at high speed. Obviously, using the barricade to divert this traffic only "squeezes the, toothpaste to the other end of the tube." As we have said at a previous meeting, using the barricade technique is impractical for residents here at the Lanterns. But there is a potential solution that may not have been discussed. Perhaps traffic control.bumps could be installed several yards south of 51st Street and north of 52d Street on Halifax Avenue. This would have the effect of slowing the traffic that uses Halifax for convenience. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely , 4A, � , Mr. and Mrs. William S. Phillips Apartment #109 - The Lanterns Sept. 10, 1988 Edina City Council 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, 117innesot., , 55424. ATTENTION: City Clerk I received your communication today regarding the "issus of diverting traffic on Halifax Ave. ". I have been a resident at 5504 Kellogg Ave. for almost 48 yeprs. The shopping area existed on 50t .h at that time. If we must take another route to go to Lunds, the Post Office, Clancies, etc., it is necessary to travel on a residential street, just how do we get to these destinations, and return home? Each "residential area" should have the same consideration. I hope the council will not permit the residents of Halifax Ave. the privilege of barricading the street from other residents. 'ghat is to prevent other "residential areas" from demanding their street be maintained for_only local residents: Sincerely yours, C(-d � M I -46P �11 eg- ded �a3eKCe C. %lc��rnn[ ugk 5616 Woos c�tesf u3ive Edna, M iKKesofa 55q ,2q �Q ol Iry I 2 5'C -i�.r ► ci sr F,-, 2..C4 i t.t $L O T "� a ,.► A a! D u H >7 Bz 4. To A TIC ,.j a 1 !v o u z u L Al -?a -:7 rf s o P PO T v r> > Ty Tv Itc4 ,ant ?A 'D, 14 p 14= -T a- - R'rvcr 1 J?b G.J ?!+L-` JQ P.GR R4 AL1 2 4 '7AP PSr y qc �F is JYo IT q - Z vC l�L J1I (_) C :a BPJZ iFODD j �(T�7. IT S -! t4e- of N Sal: bo ►' Axrp �;? A xreL4 i =ol� IGL>✓t�oy.r� Go��►f6 vole i w�ST S�4,e�1i7 i / N 136 L 44 14 :PL 'OF E- bir! A 3=v� '`f � y � �? rs a� a � a! o� � r.�c »✓ ra.;� Fo lz � � yZ� s� �� i »r��c sv��c:n. Cc7rvsJ� taa , � �r,�s�x -arc io J3 C-- J4 /"72 0 3LG C -AJ C' H jr: 1= L -7 /-/4C- Al /O6LuC -'D rP Cri-- S&-TS "7 i3c-r Su- e .L D rip ifr7G� S WD / >ao hOT C•ails?PC ��yseILr- Pao 1�r o y= 7HL-' jr c7 C A L L �: -9 tic 7lf� t =v���$ s�N �x,;ci_�� c��n��y 19C�,.s7- z�1. 118C= S1EcIILL =LvI 0 34 /-i AL r r✓ tax ��ice eil/lozEenson 5233 - AinnegZaga Blvd. Edina, Ainneiota 55424 coj ate, I I.t) CLO n D 4- ' A � ` I {h1� (Jim 1--r -� (J1.P�� -an 6-�. ��11�- ,mss- •zl.�cL U-�- . ���� �- �j_,,� -Este �t- .-- �- :�.,...LP m6--�p `� l'/',�.i•,,.r.,,.�.c�.P" � dz",C.- .e,-t; . �._' � J,�,�� �.�-L .S�•v I1'�7.C� 6�� �i�I CC�Q c.�% CFiyG i/L- �s9- -`I�I�CG s- °L'��e -`�` • ��,c -Q�., 14- -u bf- n v`�- -- - I� �- t-�Q z( �- per+ lr ►uo c -� 13 • 44,P1, � ter:• 's <J August 25, 1988 City Council City of Edina Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Council Members: I am opposed to barricading Halifax Avenue from 51st to 54th Street. If residents of this area are allowed to dictate traffic flow, why not others on parallel streets? Although I occasionally drive both.north and south on Halifax, I proceed at a speed appropriate to a residential area and have seldom if ever noticed others doing otherwise. Also, I have talked with a friend, Marty Donnelly, who lives in the 5300 block of Halifax and he sees no reason for barricades or one -way traffic. Sincerely, Ted Stephens Edina Resident since 1958 5608 Brookview Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424 CC: Craig Swanson, Chief of Police . mod: it a. � /y% %� /!. .SSYa• y J �• /� �� Frd ll . -, t 1- ?46, /e R rt /t f.� U rc. �d r �' 2 o`v Pr►r %i� 9�u � T.�a x %l �/ P . L�2�+ � acv e � � 1.� � � �. — Cd.�t'�`n.u� � I^�/lQc� %.•... �CCPS.I'[,6 /e �d �/=47 1`i'C 7- rvir.. �o�/�. Q<<r2C7'�id/1f; //(e T011dw.;15 are - e",- -e A c cL ( , t f� SU'E 4 .. d /�.- a n c a r e � h � 6 -e P.1 cc. !�•J'��(� b :,cJ,.�ex, a ems. i'�' /[u Z` aCCr -6(e %io.xerr ate. / �r,.X Cveie I7uc Ct' Gt- ��.F�' Sd Ltf� a r.c� F'�a itch c✓ar c<. Q C L (f Aet -9 -ed o„✓Kers ou,tti.,. f.ca /,-7 tu�e.�f� y•c'urr. �k ps e e h rL) e r h G&- e /,,.a e �`� r 1 -�; e« C P i , `„ �-4,L ers o �' $OiZ, a.�a!�•tc war, ILO off' -/-X ccrecc . . QA� © KC ;', i St rQ of r in . Z4,`rrg It ve 71�e-,•c `% P7 erc� -� •e cf d n f ry� S �vc e. fs- Titc�'� �c! er it a f- co.na �r�....- �n C� Cc la c a JJ 7/a �/ --e'C -6-cLj J� Td C�� /I� 7 R K ! � /�,2 S'Tie 2 1'J' %2Gc rye p !o C lO w %l tt v Gi Pr'Jex 0,L C"Aerli P.s Gil 01 %frUp.� 02�u.POn Yu?�c1 Q.:d fZ1 F!� Gr;) le' %trace v e . � ) Co �e � ✓ e ��— X02 o�(e u.!'i k.5 �!(Q l-�y ,,,, a ., h,-, o/ 5-6 &-k J.J �✓u �'Tatx Lli .ti..Q �c/vQ�nc� `.IrG/e //!c,44 Ca ;.- (Cl t ,,t d I.e e K f e ,,f-, ✓� I"PJ`fr.` c P a.ti rtr�. /. ��� ✓� fe We l �r cv, /l l - .re 7� 7 zJr- rYl a -,e ue,ri ! (J r -�•i r'eJ-F-r -,•� f <<�.e.•5./id Ce /t� 6r4 lOV �Je / K/O✓[�Pr7`u/ CD'- �•�r'!iA/lr�s, ,sr�ir.�. � �`/IP� � !!J �� �i C'{r~ XPJ✓ for Cr C�xrc'iLJe_f ONr cJ .SPi'�C P ✓' l n S P r: cr ^P C. r di v,fio y as cc.h . I-v low It �-Q. -- 166- �s v Zj-_ ^- . ��� ��� ����j �_" w�� �t:s. MR 8 MRS JOHN DONNELLY 4075 NEST 51ST APT. 108 EDINA, MN 55424 17 ''� .✓ c`zG- �- �-- L -�-� -� � L -�- '°tee -�, ,�'� �_ �t J er 4,MWI. n IJ 7-1 z21- 4c) Z) /L) e7 AFL y 0� C�Fi GGl+ -�7z cf xf yoZS -3o�•a An {� F +o tj SYth S +r-t �-i'. Ci r i a b y ter- e S i ,s s� on ec�a c r-: �� A 6Arf:L� y7� -+ �'_ `P _G:...- - - - - __I.k 9 /9 /ax i �✓�- .Fin�ci l l2 GCrLb� 5 y�'d Alw if SO Wood la d I 'r ale September 14, 1988 City Clerk City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Mn. 55424 Dear Madam: I believe.in order to properly evaluate the issues raised on the reverse of this page, you should be aware of the history of this area. First, the commercial area was established before a great majority of the homes were built on Halifax Ave. When the homes were built, mostly beginning in 1946, there were generally of a smaller size than those on Indianola and Arden. The reason being that everyone knew that Halifax was a collector street and lots were cheaper. Now, if Halifax is blocked off from access to the South Harriet Park area, it will create an alternative to use Indianola. Juanita and Minnehaha Blvd. as the inside route to South Harriet Park. These homes are larger and values greatly exceed those on Halifax. The problem involves around peoples habits and reasons for doing so. My wife is apprehensive about driving on busy streets such as France Ave. By using Halifax for her trips to the bank, Lunds, post office, etc., she finds-peacefulness in accomplishing her commercial needs. Should streets be cut off to frustrate this feeling of tranquillity, she will look for another place to satisfy her shopping experience. It isn't the distance that matters so much as the serenity in coming and going. This writer has. lived on Brookview Ave. since 1941 and built another home on Philbrook Lane in 1953 where I still reside. (Cordially, Robert E. Hanson 4404 Philbrook Lane 5416 Halifax Lane Edina, MN 55424 September 13, 1988 City Clerk City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 City Clerk: Subject: Hearing scheduled 9 -19 -88 On the matter of restricting traffic.to.one direction between 50th Street and 54th Street on Halifax Avenue, we are firmly opposed. The Halifax Avenue route from 50th to our home is the most direct and convenient option we have when-conducting any business with the 50th Street merchants. There are very few other routes to 54th Street from 50th Street and of the others the Halifax Avenue route is best. If we.are leaving Lunds, for example, we would be forced to access busy France Avenue.south to 54th Street or travel west on 50th then south on Arden Avenue via Minnehaha Boulevard to 54th Street. Rather than do either, we would elect to do business at Southdale or in other suburbs convenient to our work sites. We often stop at Lunds or Clancy Drug on our way home from work since our return route is via 50th and Wooddale off Highway 100. We have lived at this address for twelve years and have not noticed any escalat- ing traffic problems on Halifax Avenue so are perplexed as to why this action is suddenly being considered. We would much prefer the village spent time and money removing the boulevard projection from the Halifax Avenue /51st Street intersection which unduly hampers maneuverability at that corner. Another inprovement we would recommend is a three -way stop sign.on Halifax Avenue at the Lunds exit which would help unsnarl the frequent gridlock encoun- tered there. There are five adults in our household who share the views expressed here. Respectfully, `L, Jbhn and Martha Helg son September 12, 1988 Edina City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 To whom it may concern: Regarding the issue of diverting traffic on Halifax Avenue, I submit that any action by the Council which serves to increase traffic on Minnehaha Parkway between 52nd and 54th streets should be avoided. As you're aware, Arden Park is a neighborhood playground where young children congregate. It is a particularly busy area during the outdoor skating season and in'`the fall when.football teams practice there. Traffic diverted from Halifax goes to France Avenue, Wooddale Avenue or Arden.Avenue. Southbound Arden Avenue flows directly onto Minnehaha Blvd. Another concern is that some of.the southbound traffic diverted from Halifax will choose to take left hand turns off of W. 50th onto southbound Arden Avenue. This will further congest the already crowded West 50th situation. It woulo seem that any action which is favorable to the Halifax residents is unfavorable to the residents of Arden, Minnehaha Parkway and Wooddale. France is already too congested. Sincerely, Jeffrey 0. Stewart 5428 Park Place Edina, Minnesota 55424 5500 Halifax Lane - Edina, MN 55424 September 12, 1988 City Clerk City of Edina 4801 West 50th St. Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear City Clerk: This is to express my opinion on the matter of the issue of diverting traffic on Halifax Avenue from West 51st Street to West 54th Street. In my opinion, Halifax Ave. is.not strictly a residential street. Functionally, it should work as a neighborhood collector street which serves as access to the 50th and France commercial area. Please place this in the hands of City Council for review at the September 19, 1988 Council meeting. Thank you. Sincerely, rson i�T oV1 r� is FC' ! 4 14 _Fo cI P►�oPus��L --a CST D owr1 (z- C- c) N' f4,4LIr --/9K - ,f-F 1 �EPL�c� 7-c L, 4- CwV.ly D r 1 X C n .a z n D c rl L r„ sI i -14e l-L"�--�� Ttt�G i O;v a 4 C �� 12te 71" G N /0 5404 Oaklawn Av 5309 Minnehaha Boulevard, Edina, MN 55424 No address given No address given .,6s,-() 77Z aaAA. AZIA -%6t; . me-t.� � CLLt,ctJ 1%le�vs.�r r� A,- vp 4 O sing unto the Lord a new song! Psalm 98:1 U , . FRATERNAL BENEFITS AND FINANCIAL $ERVICFS With our compliments FOR LUTHERANS 7263 1 -86 1 ,-� ja� dh � •- . D 1 %. tt --�__-_______----_-_--_--__--_---__----_-_-_--_-----'____--__'-__--_ ------ '--------����r����^�--lw�^__�_���^�_______ �..�� � �/o � Da��? �,� /.� � � _ L�� ,, � /J City of Edina 4501 West 50th Street Edina. Minnesota 55424 September 14, 1958 Dear Sirs= Re: Halifax Avenue Access My wife, Doris, and I live at the south end of said street and have refrained from comment on the barricade to this point. However, we would like to register a strong negative vote against the restoration of the barricade. Halifax; Avenue allows us a direct route to Lund's and the post office with minimum stops. When the barricade was in place, we either detoured through the streets to the west of Halifax or were required to go on France with its lights and traffic. I see absolutely no reason why the residents along Halifax Avenue should be allowed the privilege of traffic restriction - the cars that must detour are then added to the already great number that must use 54th Street in front of our home! (...can we request a barricade for 54th'7} As your recent study revealed, most of the cars are those of Edina residents from the south and southwest areas of the city they are the locals and they should continue to have direct access to the shopping area at 50th and France. Please allow the current pattern of traffic to continue for Halifax Avenue. and allow the rest of Edina's residents freedom of passage. Respectfully yours, V Burton and Doris Grimes 5400 Halifax Lane Edina, Minnesota 55424 DOUGLAS E. REITE 5421 HALIFAX LANE EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 September 14, 1988 Edina City Clerk 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Edina City Council: Re: Proposal to divert traffic on Halifax Avenue (51 St. • 54 St.) I object to the concept that would permit a few persons to confiscate the use of a street that was constructed and main.. twined by public funds. What would happen if everyone demand- ed the same privilege? ' We have lived at 5421 Halifax Lane since 1956 and would consider it an imposition to be required to detour around Halifax Ave. when going to or from Lundos or Clancy ®s. France Avenue already, has more traffic than it can handle, and no good alternative exists west of Halifax Avenue. We are as entitled to the use of Halifax Avenue as any who now are.deolaring °squatters rightu. Most of the current agitation is coming from recent move-ins. If privacy is their concern, why didn "t they move in to a culdesac or a rural location? The argaement that children can8t safely play in the street leaves me cold. It is not intended to be a playground. Two exelent parks have been built and equiped in the immediate area, and paid for by all of the neighborhood. I suggest that our efforts be directed to up grading France Avenue to the standards of the thoroughfare it should be all the way from 494 to Excelsior Boulevard. This would minimize the traffic that now,has to use side streets. Do not restrict Halifax Avenuel Sincerely, D, E. Reite 5421 Halifax Lane, Edina, Minnesota September 10, 1988 To the Edina City Council: I am unable to attend the September 19 meeting in regards to the traffic question.on Halifax Avenue. However, I want to say that I do not mind a traffic diverter, but I DO NOT wish to be made to stay,off Halifax if I care to go that way. I live on 54th Street, so I can really understand what a lot of traffic is like. If,cars.stay within the speed limit, they should be allowed to use the street. It seems totally unfair for certain blocks to have their own private street.. And the precedent set will most certainly cause future problems. Many Edina streets could claim too much traffic in the eyes of the homeowners. Our city just has more traffic than it used to, like it or not. So if Halifax is lucky enough to get a "traffic diverter placed at 51st Street, at least remove the "Local Traffic Only" signs so that other tax paying neighborhood residents don't have to feel like law- breakers when on that street. D , 1 Lynn Timmer 5348 Oaklawn Avenue Edina September 16r 1988 Dear City Council: � I have received the notice of the Halifax Avenue hearing on September 19, and I would like to comment on the d diversion of traffic on Halifax Avenue. , I have lived on Kellogg Avenue since 1980, and I have used Halifax Avenue frequently as a route to the 50th and France area, particularly Lund's grocery store. This summer, I found that I was significantly inconvenienced by the placement of the diverter on Halifax and 51st Street. However, I understand the concern of the Halifax Avenue residents regarding traffic volume. Their position troubles me, though, for a variety of reasons: 1. If Halifax Avenue is closed, or partially closed, can residents on other "collector streets" then demand limited access to their streets? For example, could residents of Sunnyside Road ask that th6ir road be blocked to the 44th and France area? I am concerned that blocking Halifax Avenue would set a difficult precedent. 2. The diverter is extremely unattractive. If Halifax Avenue residents wish to block others' access to 50th Street, they must also block their own. If the Council votes to block the street, they should block it all the way, with a curb, median strip, etc. The blockade should be somewhat aesthetic, and the residents of Halifax Avenue should be assessed for those "improvements". 3. The 50th and France commercial area is not a new development. Residents who bought houses on the street must surely have realized that the commercial area would attract additional traffic. I believe that the existence of "collector streets" is inevitable in a dense area such as east Edina. Blockading Halifax Avenue may only create additional problems for other area streets. I do not feel that my use of Halifax Avenue is inappropriate, since I drive well within the bounds of automobile safety. I urge you not to create a blockade of Halifax Avenue. Sincerely, Ellen Engstrom 5412 Kellogg Avenue Edina, Minnesota MAP KEY I WEEKDAY COUNTS BEFORE DIVERSION *000 WEEKDAY COUNTS AFTER DIVERSION 0000 WEEKEND COUNTS BEFORE DIVERSION 0000 WEEKEND COUNTS AFTER neucncinu n rlr% Ed,ina. Cf. 1936 WE ST 5 lb- L—ST- 1-461 - 3 14 -566 F c 6100 Wooddale L C) 041 . 5100i > I c 4 El- c q co Li ST] 634 1035 LIJ:--truce '1, 99 > / I wi ` < > 7 �d ,_/J � � �? I j l I i i 644 <�' Li: < < >1 14 G z 0 len ! 1 zi 975 O < Z), 177" nd. 0 WEST cr 1 676' < so 201 614 _� _ 2 15.61 ST. �J r 675 - 1. 739 467 914 LL- I W. La: < ST. ul 760 AL z won 0 T" ct: 3 i j I I � �'Z� // '� j' LL! z & i Yi of I �i i � O i i 587 LWe STJ L- - -) 1.h -J970' TRAFFIC COUNTS AFTER DIVERSION WAS REMOVED Q O �D Y 44th' mJ.. 100 i0 m v NT ' AVE. ST. TERR 140 y ¢ TOWNS 0 CC. CIR. W a W w s S > > a a �Z OAKS uj BRIDGE LA ._ W. 48 ; Z s uj l J 0 U W 1 x U 7 O z �uamQ 3 O u W. IO-• 49TH S' p c <U R0 I a a900 15 __. -2 ot- 18— 66 rgv1o8N I R2�W WOOD 4L m VIEW 0 I A i ,cgr0,7. 0 W W > N Q 7TOWER% v / ' J W 7 e J ✓ \ 100 D z W a W 9RU 55 li TH I S� T. I 2 W > Y G Y K J O Q Y o n a a O m - ST W > W. al T28N R24w U 60TH W W a 'a 7 8 z'' U, 3: w l8t 17 t. t. Z i gtst ST o m z z f28N R24W X19 20 CHO`M CURVE v� m a w SO 29 CIS w a 162 HDI 'Q a /57sre, FF - w a LITTLE ST W �n o 121' OQ Q Z I : o MORNING Y U O u SIDE Q j boc d 7 ' a BRAN W r� p4 3 ggTH MAT, U_ X {L _ ; a l ILJ n L3J 1 54T L'z .�+wrer 142ra W....FULL..R:�. ::•.ST�::'•::• .ABBO C/. J 1/ W II W. o SSTH x I' LL Q Q W) = i rah I 555 al _ J w 56TH ST. LU ' Oo t o I a �+ w 5T. a m v W. 57 TH o FND I 0 300 OQ vi a a \ W w a i x ¢ a 0 W, 153 60TH :i 60 TH a ST. 3: w _ gtst ST o m z z f28N R24W X19 20 CHO`M CURVE v� m a w SO 29 w a 162 HDI /57sre, W. a - 9 -i5 -88 Dear Edina City Council,. The--residents on Halifax Ave S., between 51st and 52nd.Ste, strongly urge the Edina City Council to make their decision, re- garding.the traffic situation on Halifax Ave, upon the information gathered by the City of Edina and the neighborhood, Halifax Ave Issues summary sheets have been-distributed to the Edina City Council members, the City Manager, and Traffic. Safety!Committee members Mr. Hoffman, Capt. Kleveniand Chief Swan- son. Attached are extra copies for other interested individuals. We have tried to summarize all of the issues in the attached packets. Included in the data stack are the following ;items 1. Survey of residents.regarding the classification of Hali- fax Ave 2. Survey of residents regarding the temporary partial barn ier. . 3e Survey of residents, from adjacent streets, prior to in- stallation of the temporary partial.barriere 4e. Copy -of the raw data upon which the:iissue sheet percent- ages are based. 5e Ages of the residents on Halifax Ave, between 51st and 54th St. 6e Length of occupancy of the.residents on Halifax Ave We implore that the City of Edina keep Halifax Ave Se, be- . tween 51st and 54th St.,.classified:.as a residential street and reduce the traffic and speed on-Halifax Av:-e Thank you very much. Sincerely, L' John Crist Anne Me Bishop 929 -44+7 5324 Halifax Av: Se 7 t Halifax: Avenue Issues Sep 14, 1988 -T'raf f i c Problems on Halifax Ave. So. During the time that the temporary barri.er was in place, the following traffic problems were virtually eliminated: 1. Cars passing very close to pedestrians. 2. Speeding cars. _. Being cut off as we turn into our drives even though we have our turn signals on. 4. Cars following us very closely (tailgate) all along Halifax. 5. Being passed if the driver behind you doesn't think: you are going fast enough. 6. Being hit by speeding cars as we back. out of our driveway, which has occurred at least twice. 7. Problems of winter time walking are aggravated by traffic we used to have: a) Dark:. b) Slippery for cars and pedestrians. c) Street is narrowed by snowbanlKs. d) Snow ridq_e block :.s retreat to qet off of street. In general, the remaining traffic did not treat our neighborhood street as their own personal freeway while the barrier was in place. -Major arterial, France Hv. , par al l el s Halifax Av. one block: away, negating any need for changing Halifax: Av. to a collector street. - Summary of Traffic Volume: 1. Max; i mum allowable on residential street is 100C) cars per .day per City of Edina guidelines. 2. 1170 cars per day before barrier. 3. 640 cars per day while barrier was in place. 4. cars per day two weeks after barrier removed, Surveyed on non - peak:: traffic day. 5. Volume on adjacent residential streets essentially unaffected by barrier. -60 families with 30 children live on Halifax Av.S. between 51st and 54th Streets. 15 are 5 years old or younger. - Edina Theater is now expanding its seating capacity, which will probably increase the traffic on Halifax Av. -Parking ramp expansion near 51st and Halifax will probably also increase traffic on Halifax: Av.S. -There are three churches next to Halifax Av., one of which is expanding its facility. -No si dewal k:s ex; i st on Hal i f ax; . Av. - Halifax Av. serves as a pedestrian thoroughfare to 50th and France commercial area. - Temporary barrier did not restrict access to the 50th and France commercial area. - Survey Results: 1. 90 of Halifax; Av. households contacted (Feb.1988) favored installing a barrier. 2. 91% of Halifax Av. households contacted (Aug.1988) want to k %eep Halifax: Av. classified as a residential street. Halifax Avenue Issues Sep 14, 1988 887: of households contacted on adiacent streets said there is a traffic problem on Halifa; Av: Opposition to the barrier consists of: 1. Lanterns Apartments. Several residents on adiacent streets. The focus of their concerns is: a. Thirty second addition to some of the Lanterns residents return car trip from 50th and France. b. Two additional right hand turns added to return car trip from 50th and France. Two other alternatives that could solve the Halifax traffic problem without significantly affectinq access to and from 50th and France were -not explored by the city: 1. Same barrier as previous one, but located one half block: south at 5100 Halifax; Av. Barrier at .54th and Hal i f a:; . �P 13EFO2E %A"1ERt MAP KEY ADT WEEKDAY COUNTS A 0 7 WEE£ U?ZZ) doIt?Z7s Edina Ct. I I !936 I. 4, LWT I ,h•. -� I Q j 314 � W 5661 of ' + al ' I6100 LWooddale La. \ I C) o: I —�J = N �I 510 0 ,t w 1129 'l—Bruce ., ( Q ; > _ a, LA pct �} I z.t o 1148 I �h� I _�2y3 537 I a' 150 i Z a:t I \ 1-,56 O; 676 WEST 52nd; rJ V ST 729 i \ . - 'd k. I It I I' fib\ t ! J!. W L . �3 rd:. J STL c�� L... Li Z. W) LW EST) I _ _ —1 �_� �._._.. —_ \ \ �4!h. �--I 970 S I . J'-- -ti- - -_ — r • < /000 F • 1P i �.�C,�Tb4��T G�' ,� HxfjcN2(TT -F/N /CJUI`'IQ��cS MEAK Y AR� Du rZ r�u G • BA22r �R ADT WEq: COUNTS 4'7 ZO,c-Edina 7 G'OZl.t75 —. �-• • —! Lw�T — -� 566— oj!- LWooddoljn -� j i � • ._•___.. � J � � i � o o.: I ► 610 0 ! r :N 04 �'_r� _ 5 lOOr i j - i acv >%— - -- - '� st 66 Ld � • � .� �/� � � , � Q _ 1. � X19 �� P �•} I F- C J I /•. ' :._WEST ... C 1 •� 150 i — 537 nd. �i 73 '/ 676 T u Ld • 1 1 0• .' 3. w: 1 C: j Sc •• I .ti: - � I .O ! : � O it - - - _ .' - 1 ••. ,'1 X41'.. 1•. 1 � +I. _ I W ;• _ 4 E,'T - �. 970 • h � .. � :�:1 •5'w I • 'i is • •.tai � A" A Y PETITION We, the residents of Edina, petition the City of Edina to keep Halifax Avenue South, between 51st and 54th Streets, classified as a residential street. And if indicated, petition to reinstate a restrictor to southbound traffic on Halifax Avenue South. SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE Want Traffic restrictor reinstatE YES NO i I it '7 d(, -7 3 7 'j/ gas - 363 4 a-o -a-0 17 1 .( � l 3 3 h`z[2�ryc 19�s -/5 Z� -7i-)-'71- 7122 �Ce� A's Q ZS -1521 '?Zs--05-/,3 yzz v lt/ V✓ p---- SIGNATURE PETITION We, the residents of Edina, petition the City of Edina to keep Halifax Avenue South, between 51st and 54th Streets, classified as a residential. street. And if indicated, petition to reinstate a restrictor to southbound traffic on Halifax Avenue South. ADDRESS TELEPHONE Want Traffic restrictor reinstate YES NO �zW4 ��oo azOee 44' q 0 *8 -19 -88 PETITION We, the residents of Edina, petition the City of Edina -to keep Halifax Avenue South, between 51st and 54th Streets, classified as a residential street. And if indicated, petition to reinstate a restrictor to southbound traffic on Halifax Avenue South. SIGNATURE I ADDRESS Xt- TELEPHONE Want Traffic restrictor reinstate YES NO I— *8 -19 -88 PETITION We, the residents of Edina, petition the City of Edina to keep Halifax Avenue South, between 51st and 54th Streets, classified as a,residential street. And if indicated, petition to reinstate a restrictor to southbound traffic on Halifax Avenue South. SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE Want Traffic restrictor reinstatE YES NO 7' $ 3 c e r1 � 4,,; A, S 3 �Pev 4&- — l So *8 -19 -88 SIGNATURE d�9 PETITION We, the residents of Edina, petition the City of Edina to keep Halifax Avenue South, between 51st and 54th Streets, classified as a residential street. And if indicated, petition to reinstate a restrictor to southbound traffic on Halifax Avenue South. ADDRESS Si 17 no Ay said � � fir, TELEPHONE. Want Traffic restrictor reinstat, YES I NO d7 - SS"o st 9L z 13 641 q.�-9 9�0 4 V/� *8 -19 -88 PETITION We, the residents of Edina, petition the City of Edina to keep Halifax Avenue South, between 51st and 54th Streets, classified as a residential street. And if indicated, petition to reinstate a restrictor to southbound traffic on Halifax Avenue South. SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE Want Traffic restrictor reinstate YES I NO IV 4.,- y ;V7" ?r Sa �l ► 4u;4, A,, , Eowk fI s �` sa3a -� G 9� boy► 9.�29 - 7/Z) tgrA rrt4 �L7 - j4e2o h JX XX �X X� AX y X xX X IX *8 -19 -88 1- PETITION We, the residents of Edina, petition the City of Edina to keep Halifax Avenue South, between 51st and 54th Streets, classified as a residential street. And if indicated, petition to reinstate a restrictor to southbound traffic on Halifax Avenue South. SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE Want Traffic restrictor reinstate YES I NO J 2LI g4 j i m �r 3 — �e.1 5 1 1 5333 � 25351 Z� 4-111< A�< �Z7 - yis 7 �- s 9� y 7 (7 L?X0 101 & 7 (, C, -IzG7 �fZZ -53le� f �v -J S ^3a *8- 19 -88. Ei•. � PETITION We, the residents of Edina, petition the City of Edina to keep Halifax Avenue South, between 51st and 54th Streets, classified as a residential street. And if indicated, petition to reinstate a restrictor'to southbound traffic on Halifax Avenue South. SIGNATURE C- Vi f Soh _ Iwi ALV4�`z-. ADDRESS I TELEPHONE .5-32� X29 -% Y7 �O AX -�-zD .-/ �5 s !I- 3-z y Xx- 1 92s -yoy, Want Traffic restrictor reinstate YES NO K X X X �X X *8 -19 -88 Y Dear Neighbor, A number of families in our neighborhood, of South Harriet Park, are concerned about the excessive traffic and speed in our area. To alleviate the problem, a couple of solutions are being con- sidered by the residents and the City of Edinat 1. Close Halifax Ave S. at the 51AI Street curve (behind Lunds-). 29 Dive er be installed at 52nd Street & Halifax Ave S. au-, We would like to know if you agree with either of these options. NAME ADDRESS AGREE DISAGREE CATS WITH. WITH OPQN DTI ONS / , , TI i/ a 1°A& 1 � � IR, • �w•a►r � , �I� _ / , � I ® yI '� ffwdpell, IF I'm C Dear Neighbor, A number of families in our neighborhood, of South Harriet Park. are concerned about the excessive traffic and speed in our area - To alleviate the probles, a couple of solutions are being con- sidered by the residents and the City of Edina 1. Close Halifax Ave S. at the 511t Street curve (behind Lund &). 2. Diverter be installed-at 5213d Street & Halifax Ave S. We would like to know if you agree with either of these options.- NAME ADDRESS AGREE DISAGREE COMMENTS WITH_ WITH OPTICNS OPTICBS 1 �1�JJ J 2 fri 3 I,c?� hum , - C� Lit �C f J � lfi u h L'�(,v►,,�,C �w' u L � L d bl_ - Lwi so�.J,v,.► . 7 cfArai e-XR roc. ,_ u.?n .iron* ��✓,�,�roC� This is to advise /inform you that on Thursday, April 14, 1988 at 10:30 AM the first meeting to petition to the City of Edina Traffic Safety Committee to alleviate the problems of excessive traffic and speed on our section of Halifax Avenue South from 5032 to 5337, was put before them. We are proposing the following: 1. That Halifax be closed at 51st Street (behind Lunds). OR 2. Diverter be installed /built at 52nd Street. The petition /issues were taken in by the Edina Traffic Safety Committee and an additional proposal was made by Mr. Hoffman, Edina City Engineer,suggesting that we put in sidewalks (at,our expense). The Edina Traffic Safety Committee said that they would make a traffic study of our area which would be ready by the time of the next meeting in a.month on the second Tuesday of May. Please sign your name (in pen) next to your address and make an "X" under the column(s)that would be beneficial to you. ADDRESS NAME CLOSE HALIFAX DIVERTER 52ND ST. SIDEWALKS OTHER S3D (� 4( i TQ ,� d N t s �o ,Yo t o SJO/ �. �� z �cay�, �p 3-30 l' S3os " l 5'30 " f�,v �s .x S3/ a a� ^✓� i ry1 �/� � _ �� 5-316 '� 31 L--"Jk�A UOAA x $ T '6 eS .r3 2 ? K4 4� MA /1" ct-le—&g ADDRESS NAME CLOSE HALIFAX DIVERTER 52ND ST. SIDEWALKS OTHER SJ2 9 /,--ra je -5. Ale S332 /'/oF 5'3 3 -7 X-1 3 6 5337 RA ADDRESS NAME CLOSE HALIFAX DIVERTER 52ND ST. SIDEWALKS OTHER S,Z 3 G 'i A7,Z X SA No ,f P lof 0 This is to advise /inform you that on Thursday, April 14, 1988 at 10:30 AM the first meeting to petition to the City of Edina Traffic Safety Committee to alleviate the problems of excessive traffic and speed on our section of Halifax Avenue South from 5032 to 5337, was put before them. We are proposing the following: 1. That Halifax be closed at 51st Street (behind Lunds). OR 2. Diverter be installed /built at 52nd Street. The petition /issues were taken in by the Edina Traffic Safety Committee and an additional proposal was made by Mr. Hoffman, ,Edina City Engineer,suggesting that we put in sidewalks (at our expense). The Edina Traffic Safety Committee said that they would make a traffic study of our area which would be ready by the time of the next meeting in a month on the second Tuesday of May. Please sign your name (in pen) next to your address and make an "X" under the column@that would be beneficial to you. ADDRESS NAME CLOSE HALIFAX DIVERTER 52ND ST. SIDEWALKS OTHER sz o SA o IV of .SZ oS s `YLd Sz09 •, �% z� , sz 0 ., 1 a" no sz 13 •• s2/& •• s2 17 ,SZ ,Z •� I �� z N Q WE ADDRESS NAME CLOSE HALIFAX DIVERTER 52ND ST. SIDEWALKS OTHER qq j,L-P,?K Lj t I p 'n (7 ye-sz nv 3 9 177,9,CA /V MAI pf-'t,< s- ike, �J \40 This is to advise /inform you that on Thursday, April 14, 1988 at 10:30 AM the first meeting to petition to the City of Edina Traffic Safety Committee to alleviate the problems of excessive traffic and speed on our section of Halifax Avenue South from 5032 to 5337, was put before them. We are proposing the following: 1. That Halifax be closed at 51st Street (behind Lunds). OR 2. Diverter be installed /built at 52nd Street. The petition /issues were taken in by the Edina Traffic Safety Committee and an additional proposal was made by Mr. Hoffman, Edina City Engineer,suggesting that we put in sidewalks (at our expense). The Edina Traffic Safety Committee said that our area which would be ready by the time of second Tuesday of May. Please sign your name (in pen) next to you, columrKgthat would be beneficial to you. they would make a traffic study of the next meeting in a' onth on the r address and make din /`X" under the ADDRESS NAME CLOSE HALIFAX DIVERTER 52ND ST. SIDEWALKS OTHER Alp- 5"03 S/D I/ fi/ uwI ' !J�J S/0 h0 Sr � J/�,� f S120 � /= S / .Z/ S au h 61 Yl 0 Ylpf� 7)0 no Hi heiqho rs- �1(e.�. med. tD a m� At dluatA on households on �i'I'liS s1Y1�r council. �IQQ,S2 iA kL �FCw rY1 i n ui°�s $ tOrn� i th-c, at' SI'kd' IIelow an& Petum . M irm Hwive Anrzl3tshop j5m3 HAI ifAx or 6324 HAIWAX q?h�ih21 af'Lq- 4041 fleo4e it1Urn b.1 Fr ida�y Avq. 2&, iq ea. WCQpprc4dk. YWY asslsto,nue,- 7hankyou saw :- :addntss�sz� .:years 4f about address: Aje6oF Ompar)t of housthold..• !�Nuw,htrcfi I�Mt�s sc�lt �o et6 ?rC Govncilorlru{fic. Safes ComMr+lre rcaprlilgq By u.nAe Tnc, �vaw. or �r � i c. ��CfCtt. �i15CAuInci� (�}tl 14(�� BiIS (.Ot�r►Gil 11M'o� iG� V yam► hmwci �Irc��s _Hi Neiqhbors- W�med--tD co At dlata� on households on �)is siY1�P�1' -For �I'h2 �i'�M council. PlaASZ iAk-LI 'FGW rYliilut�s $ COrn$) luFc. icAr Ott' Shat {aclow and. ketum ICI Irwi �3ite Arm 13tshop X133 HAI 4A)c or 5324 hh 1)fAx ft0l-- 4047 Flux It1Urn 12, FridN Auq. Z(,, m8. LLX Oppre U d� ywyp ass i stvi n c e.-M)41 n LYou "'Add peeps: :Years ar abovt uddress: 1511r.. ;-. Aja c,F O=pa n-ft of house hold,.,. `►�uw►auof I�Hus swit a 10 %V.; Council orWuikc. Sa" Comnv*e moardlr►q J*j,, issue of 4h^aOi c �rfar� �IesGouncq Mta� kF4�,r bits founcil Mtal rain P16 rwd SEN1DX(?jrjMN Iq Amu try �rit�nds v Hi Neighbors- Vqe.ntedLiD co iIc dlata on households on phis council . pla S�2-bkg.. ACw n'li►1utCS $ cOrnolth�,. . icAr shtd� Ialocu un�. r�etum M Irwi �k3lteft Amnt P..>isohop j5ms HAI iFAX a' 5324 �1hfi%A q?h'I$21 ai'aq- riot) Flfo4e, It1Urn lei Fr i Auq. ?,&I iq Sao WC re U a It wr, ass i StOl c c- 7h41% Vio u COMM "m omw momw commo COW -wo � smim mw p n �Qddress: ..years ato abovt address: i t )�esaf &zvpant of houstholdo. 'i0 3% 8' 0 Hi Neiqhoors- on�med. -tD co '�? ile dlata on households is s� dv For �h2 �i`�'� ouncil. Pluse iA k. *few rY) i 11 utCS 'fD COMP Ifh<o icar shed' 240U and. return M irnn �&3v � 61514 �Cnnz P>tishop i �r� HA lifa�x Flux Itturh 121 F Awq - 2&, iq ea. WCQpprt(-4dk.-, y6ur ass i s A n c e -7iol n t of saw SNOW Yea rs at a loo ue. address: Ajaof &aPant of houx-holdu. sz, 11 "Nuw►►wr oP kNcas st�v1+ � ; lb jvc Gouncilor'irufkc Sawhq CcmMr�k� reo�ard��q fie, issue of 41''Attt c er frrcaas IsY yew hOtUSfAOld 4K�YGS Defc7rt b1esCounc4 Mtr� � 8i is (.aMCil Mtq J Hi Neiqhloors- yyc co At dlatA on households on +bis stnPe-For council . plaseiZlkgo �FCW rY1i11ui'�s -� �Orn�Ith�c. �kar Shfe�h laclocu an6l ►refum m IN Hove" Arm P..*sphop X133 HAI ifAx a' 5324 �IltflUc 0124pdih21 °1101- 4047 Please Yeturn b.1 Fr idN Auq 0 u. I iq 88 * p � y ..Add n��s � 5aal years at above aGtdrGss: i l Ajeso` Occupants of householdu. 6b 53, a5 "Nuwtla�ro¢ kHu�s strvlt lb GouncilorTrajhc Sufi ComMr*e req�a�l�r�l I; Ot issU of 4^oOi c miw bits Camcil Mtn I I v uuwd "-erlcoots � rc�MC.s Hi Neighbers- we. Ned co At Mat& on howho!Ai - on or council . plem izl k." fGW rYl i 11 utCS '+D COrnp I ICar c�tt' sheet VaAow, an6t return .. ICI HDA AT)rv, P.,>iehop j5i33 HAI iFA)( or 5324 �IIW_Ax �?.�•Ih�l q2q- 4047 Plta�e return b.1 F u, iq sa. l Oppre c�� wr asst Am - --- - - -v - -- - - - -_- Address 5z.z, �E,� Years ah above address: � 3- AgeSOf Ocwparits of househoid,:. NuMht„r oP I awt . It8'41V.. GouncilorTiraific S" Coonav►r+fte regardtqq Ott isslAA of 4Y'Atfi c. BY Y" . �tfvrt e1�5 Cou ncq ryyt� AtF4o+r bits Council Mtq Ewa j Hi h eiqh o rs- q e.. me dL ID co ile Mat& on households -- _ on "is stYYP�' -For �i'he fr`� counci ( . piftse it1 ICL e-sh %FCw m i n ulDcor m I th{ah IOAOc�, d, r�e tum m IN i Anrz P.;Pflsphop, :. X133 HAI ifAx a' 5324 k�l 1)+;%)( �2�•Ih2► af2q- X04) da PIS YttUrh 2�Avq. , 88. .. WC Oppm U clit your assistgnce 7hainkyou - - - - -- — — — — — — — - - - -- -- "Add ::years at above, address: 8 Aje6oF pmean-ft,of householdt. "m Hi h6qhborsaw � nte�.ID. �o Vile, dl�atA on households - -- -on- 'or- -- PeQSZ iAIGi.it %FCW rYlinut'CS 'iD tOrn� IuFc. icAr ush {dr IaAow an6t ketum M Irwi 14Dsl�r Amrz PLopfsphop 15M3I-AV1W O1' 5324 �IllfA)c 012b-O52I ftdI- 4o47 �IfAa2 xtUrh LI FridN Aug. 2� � ma. Y6UY ass i Sf —7N n L q n�c yol Addnc�s: sZ34 'QALJ PlPx .Years air above address: 44- rR> Aiesof Occupants of hous-choldo. Nuwnhu of kw" �b� Gouncilor�vuffic S" CaMMi#tG KgA1ZI1nGi b�tfoK �IoS Gou ncr► Mtq kF4or I bits Camul Mid fwd SEfjIOA CfnZ.-C-M$ t3y - �ritX��li � rcl�ii ac l Hi Neiqhbors- Wc Co. Ile. Mat& use on hoholds — -on __ is sin�d-.- �-o- r ire- fa` - -- council plase tFCW �'Ylillut'CS'iDCornPlu! -c. ticAr,�h�vF h4ocu unQi. aefum ICI Irnn Hwi�r Anrz P,;Pisohop j5ns HAI iFA)c o,' i�h+pkx �J2� -Iy2� �f2q- fat) Flux IttUry, 12m f:Yidmj Auq. Z& , ma . re cif d� assn StA cc —?fan k, ou PUY n y ,.Qddi�h5' SZqo F�p►uca7� If.4ri at above address : 3$ ww Aqe& of &tupa r)-ft of household(: stW10 if- Cir1Z6V Nurnmwof kHws se�vlt 'Wvt. Gouncilor3ruffic. � S" ComMt*e rtaprd1rM The. issue of- 4rAfftc vauwd �cfart. �los Gouncq Mta, p�f�4t�r 8�is (,ounci l Mtq ay 'V F 1COds � rcMCs Hi �Ieigh bors- �c nt�ildaf&on households s {e�� ur c �►cou »ci I . _ _. �'1QA,S2 -iAIG� �f.W rYlirlutCS $ �orn� IUFc. icar � shtah Iaclo0 an6t ketum m Irm Hwl�ir Arynt 5 P>iisphop �r�s HAI►(�X �I�eu� ►�turh 12y i=riday Auq. LLX Oppre U ol ywy ussistAncd 7hol T, Lyou — — — — -- qwAm re Years at above.. oddress: I Y,:A� AjaoF & of houstholdo. `l,31, 11,513 '' Nuhnh,�..r of IeHc�vs stN1+ r �s�Nt, Gouncilor�rafftc. ; Spf;," � ComMtflcG rtoprd 11th , , issue Of- qy'odtt c hwhold elasCOUnc+l Mtz► AcF4tr axis (,avncil Mtq try frt�ds � rcl�tivts V/ Hi Neiqhloors- vq me 6L -tD ile, dluta on households o�- - -is stet- For —fie €i�j cou -nei -I . �12A,S2 iAk¢. *FCw minu corm I chc„ kAr af� sheaf Ia4ow and. +�etum Mirm Hate Anrzpprshop $133HAIifAX 5324 �Ihf�c q?h�1y21 al'Lq• 4017 Flax mturh b.1 fridul A2(, I m8. Oppm U aIt 6uY ass! Sf — q n�c lban Lyo � mw amwm amw Qddr�ss: 6-3cv Yeari at above. uotdress: 7 Na aF Occupa nos of ' houu hol d: S31lo - Na.�P,�yc z. 2�z t�rS U HI heiqhbors- . W c nteO. -tD—so ile Oat& on householo(l • 1'IfASe'luke-tf fCw rllfnut'i�s 41M .iCaY oSh rah {a.docu � N1 irm 5ns HAI iFm �Zti'Ih21 - D CO M40 a me kft m Anne, P.;)ilsohop a' X324 �Ill-f7�X ftq- 4047 Fire vttvrh F id Au . 2� m e8 LOO Opre U a k..- YWY assn st - � n�c iNn LYOL :adan��s:�c� Years ah a oue. address:'� Aja of Ocupa n-ft of hou se. ho�d:g�2` Nuw►h�t„rof k swat ib %v.,. GouncilorTraffic. Safes Comnit*t rc�ar��rt� 6sM of- 4Y'afti c n�� �r P►rtcnds sy yaw iwust0solcl o rel@�ac.z �i`�►G ���SGouncl► I�tt1 it `.I4¢4Gr biIS Counul Hi heiqhbors- nte0.la come� de Glala on �4his strre t3For � +i �e Plfas2-lugif FCw m�nuNs icar Ifet VlAocu on households. -� torn It+c, and, relum M IN Hwl{�r Amrz P..>6hop j5M5 HAI ifmc or 6 324 1)fAx �i?h�1y21 °i'tqdw 4047 Flux YttUrh 12y FridN A uq. 2,, ma. WC Appreud� y6u Y ass�stgncc- 7hankyou ,MEOW ftm '.Addncss 5301 :Years at above oddress: y3� Aia of &upon ft of hout d; 'Nuw►Mhrt„rof kHtas sw�+ ivc oriratfic. .,, 11 COMMt*G "Oprdirm.- it4L i6sm of 4Y'Affi C ey �Prtur�ds Isy yew houstl� a re�vci �cfort. slnGanc�l MFa� kF4ur 8lis Counul Mtq Hi Neighbors- c co m� itt" � dlata� on ho....,-.. holds on �f'hiS s�Y1le�1' -fir �I'h2 �i council . Atw Tease -take. mtnu -ID � -� �orn��. far SI'kd' h clocv An6� refum WOO �3v x a' S P>16hop g2�•Iti2� q2q- 4041 Flux return b..j FriddM Auq- u, M68. Q CSId'O� ywr OISSi stA nCC -7hAh t'You , cow :years at above address: /a .: Aje,SaF &cupant of household,*. ro,red.. Nunn►ur o¢ It"W stNi+ . Ib %Vo COMA orTiruffic. _ Sa ComMr�ce rula�i� i issues Of 4h''citfit c e�► �r�cnats ey year hou3t0ookl a Kb'Mvti I ..ftfarG 6jisGauncq Mho i i .AcF4�r' 61 IS. Ca�nul Mtq Hi h eiqh bo rs Vq e. me 6. tD co vile dlata� on households on �his street -Foe €i'�I counci I . Plftse -zl kg., Qw m i n ut�s -b corm I m-c. iciar crtt sh {at 13Aow Andy. kefium :. MIN 14DA�' Annt 13rsho� X133 HAI iFmc a' 5324 �IllfAx g2ti-14521 q2q- 4047 FIC44e YttUrh 12M Fr ON Avg. 2&, iq 98. LLX Qppn U d� 6Ur ass St -o� ncc yo ,Add re cos � ..Years at abode. oddress: Z Ajeb oF Occupant of houstholdo.,)3Ia6, �Numb" of le*#, sw+ ia%Q. Gouncilorlyufftc. S" Comon*c rtwdinq Th% issW, ofi4Y'dftc ay Ufvrt lbl is Cocu " 0 Mh AcHtnr bits Council Mtn raw hautAol�l 4 rc�vcs ones ive, _Hi Neiqhloors- VIcnied-iD co sk dot& on households on 41nis .stred-.FO r council. �I�ease-I�lrL I�. dew menu -t� c ornp ice. icAr shee t �t hAow and. retum M irnn HDslr�r Anrz a 5 1)fAx h �I��s HAI iFAX ftOl-P 4047 Flaw.. returh bm Fr id&4 Auq. 2& , iq 68. LLX oppre c-4 a4t ywy ass i stA nce -r7han LYou MEOW •� �� �� �� s �� �� e� a �� v� :Years at above. address: 157 qrs. Aja oF &tupa n-ft of house. hol do, E59- 5P ss Nurnlwrof I swt lb ttq, GouncilorTrafftc Safes ComMr*c reopmlnm 'I The. essuu of 4Y'A&t c ftfort. flI* CA) ncq Miaj Acflt�r 8i is council ey fricnds 6aust0idcl � 4 re�Hrci sews be P�LVtninq BYI 5piy�Yi v at Hi vye.med--tD cornv plc dlat& on householeAs, n Otis s�i1' -For councr l . 1'Iftse -IAkre. �v minutt's �Dcorns)lm-(.., tietir � sl'kvt 13Aow and. return M ►rno �a 5 hfAx _. �n�s HAI►Fi�x 012AP-ey2I qZq- 4of7 Flta�e Irr�GlUrn 12y FridoU�� Auq- Z(,, lqoae W. n OPPYt U d� Y6UY ass i stogy ?I c-.7%a IN LYOL sow-%= Addrticols: s rz. �4 d4, .4,r.5. :years at above. address: I Aja oF Occupants of ham hol do. 3 s, 3� Hi heighloorsam vA c nie & -tD co ile. dl�ata� on househoik- .0y) This sh�e�'=For €i t counci I . plase -b 16L %FCw menu -b corny Inc,. � c� {.low ant ►-etum _ m IN HDAY" Anrz P>ishop X033 HAI ifAy a' Vb24 HAI)-t-Ax �?h-I�21 a12q• 4ot1 FlUx vtil)rvi F id Aul. Z� M680 any , U. appre ua ssi st � YwY � oi n c e.-7N n LYOU are 9.6 :53� ..Years ah above. oddrtss: `/ Aga oF &xvvo nt of house. hoId,:.ZO,ZO, 5' , a'd 'S'i> cam Hi We.medlz. �rry� At dlatc� on howhoiai on This sh7e-40, For council. vtQA.S2 kL *few rYl l n utCS $ comp I th-(�, �ICar cat' sl'kd' Iraclow and return. LOP M NwlPr Ay)yv, P.;Pid:-,hop X133 HAI ifA)( a' 5324 11 t-Ax q?h•1y21 al2q- 401t1 Flax Ytturn b.1 P7ridN Avq. t&, mae l�2 Q re . � p CadIt ass• SIA cC- 7MOIn LYOL. '*Addretvs: 5siG 14 :years 41' above, address: a'lz .. �ga oF Occlipa n-ft of house hol 6'O, 6 I Hi Neighlows- to y Red'. 1D co At dlotha on hovseholo6 on is s'�Y1�P�-For �i`�►� council . T I�QAS�2 iZ1 bL Arw rY1i 11 ut'�s ' f D corny I eh�. �kar Net 1240(A.) un& return m mm Hwk�r � 5�c»ne, P.,.-)1,5hop � �n�s HAI iFAY a12SP•Ihzl 404rl Flux Ytturn b.1 Frid" Aug. u., lase. 1 e. -:M41 n tYoc UX qppvt u d y&jY ass i s ,NEW regois: S31 r? .:years at above address: Ades cF txcupants of hou ..Nu�nlwr of kHc vs swat 1b 4W, GouncilorTrutftc Saftt4 ComMftc regardinq J'hL ijjsuu ofi4r'o&tc ft fllS Gou ncq Mtz► kF4w aps Canal Mtq ic�- � rs. se. hold: re-ired 77 C-0 nger'' Iww t3y �rit�er�ds � re�iv�s Hi heiqh bovs- .Vq e- me dL -D co At dlat& on households on phis street- F�or�he �i`�v� �ounci l _ �1'QQSZ'�I k¢. %FCW rY1 i 11 utts +Corns-e- I ul-c. dear � shral� h.c.Iocu an rftm M iN 14Djv Ay)rz P>vhop �ms RAI iFAY a' 5324 �111'i7�X q?h�Ih21 �'Lq- 4049 �Ifu�e. 1'�1Urh i?� F Auq. 2� � M680 lie. Oppit U d� y6ur ass i Am n c e --7hol �n ,you ars 0 above ad ress: Aqa oF occupants. of household*.. 6 7 f z� ,Nuwt►urcfi lt*m swat ��`�W�, GouncilorT�ufkc S" ComMr*e rcoprd1"q � 0 fricnd: .' i ¢►re�acs by yap ncustaol�t '' �cfort. b��s Cancq Mtq r kF1t„r bits Council Mtq � ,Hi heiqhbors- co ile dlatA on househol�U .on *-rniS shY1PPPJt -Fo 1^ �i council . la kLe 1?w Y minu'iDcOrnpIthc, Shrd' h4ow and. aetum .. M Irm HD3klr Ar)rz ,*-)rshop 513 HAI iFA)( a' 5324 �1h+pkx q2h-1y21 ai2q- Oat) �Ieaa2 veiUrh b.M FridN Auq. 2&, lqeao L 1e.Appreua� YWr assnstgnc� M) 01 r►kyo� -- - - - -- — — — — — - - - -- -- :Addne e2s: :::years cfi above address: a� ors. Aja oF occupa aft of houst hol &P. ;: Nuw►ht r of kHws suit .. lb iW, Council orTrufkc, Said ComMr+lcc ;I fie. isskt Of 4r'ottt c hwwd ��Cf�c fll�Gounci� Mtt1 ikf�tr 8lis Camcil M�q �y �r itx�ds � rcl�tivts .i' Hi N com� plc dlata� on householon Ths .sivYe' -F�r �f1�e �i`.�1� counci I . Plase iAICL *FCW rYlif1utrs -�D corno1m-c. iCar she&t h4ow anal. keturn M ir* HD31t)r � Ann& P- .0o) hfi`� 5m3 HAIi�F,�x q2� -Ih2� °Ml.q- 404) Flax 1tiurh 12j Friday Avg. 2(, , iqoao LtX oppyt a a ko ywy 01 SS sta nce 7han Lyot ,MEOW M� Addrtss� S3z,4 Years at above address: A, oF O=pn -ft a Of household.; /J d is f �Nuw►turof kHc" sw+ 1b 44, GouncilorTra4fic. S" Comwv*e Kopvdtnq �.� fit, ISSW, afi4Y'Att(c c�►friunds by yawheusthold � o re�vci cq) 3643-5 8 �1�5Gounci� IVMM� � ui 8it5 Gourwil Mtq Hi Neiqhbors We. c� ale dlatA on househoias on phis street -Fore �;`�'1� council . Pi 'CQSZ iA�G¢ifl. %FCW PY1i11UT�i -f D comp Ivl-c. Car aSh eaf {aAow and. kttum . M Irnn Nwtw, ..-)tshop X133 HAI 60JZ4 �I)W-Ax Flux IrtlUrh b..j F Avq* 2& I msee LOC4pprec4olk, wyp aSS i AA c e —� n Addncgvis spas years 0 above, address: 9 ,Aqesof occupants of houstholdo.. 40 y.� :Nuw►I�ero* tewws xvlt lb itto Gouncilorlm4fic .:;Sufi [ommr+lrc rcgardirm i i ji s LU afi4rAdtic �D�cfort. ���CAUnc� Nlt� �Acf4G+r 8��s Council Mid r twu Wd - a seM-f !/ ay �ritX�ds Hi heigh b ors- � �eQ.1a co Ae dlata on households. on�is s�� -For counci I . �lea.s.e -IAkR. *FGw menu + corn$ ice. �ICar � Shraf' Iaclocu an6�. refum M iron HDJV � 5�cnnz P.-> h � �r� 1�1►�x Flux IttUrn b.1 Fr iddAl AWq - 2& I Iq 08 0 re d y6u r a ss st —7?�a n LYo u o�ncc __ Address: .:Years at above odd )ga OF Ocupa n-ft i �,, Ss: houscholit. coAl Numb" of kw"" sub+ lb %V., WOW lorTrufkcl Safes ComMr+ire rtgardinq !; fit, ISSUU of *'aCt( c b'Cfart, k1�4tnr bliscounA �h 8�is Council Mfi byyowhwwd j 9' oy �rttar�ds 4 K�MG1 non I ✓ Hi heighloors- Vqe.nied--tD co At dlata� on households on This ,slY�et -For counci I . piftse -IA kjL i Qv m i n utrs -� corm I ch<, �kar O 44ou an6L pefum M irm NDjk/r �nne,l3rsho� $133 �A��X � 5324 �111fTx �I2�-1y21 af2q- FlGUe Yeturn b.Al Frid&4 Aug. u, iqe8o Oppre Ud% yw Y OISSi S"i' — o� n c� �n �.you years at above. uddress: I I yes :. Aie&oF &xmear)-ft of houscholdto ��Nurnh�.raF kHws stmt lb 14, GouncilorTraific .' Saf* ComMrfkc rcmprd�nq OWL issue afi 4YWf ic Mhr� `kFkir bits Camul Mtol hou w(A 6z 4 �7-5 ay frit�ds Hileighbers- yV � me 4� -1a com Mat& on households on phis . rs�Pe�i' -For �i counci I . Mus2-IAk�e. Few minut�'s -b Corn� tice � s0'kvf Ii.loc,v an6t rftm m Irnh Hwi�ir AY)rz .,-vtshop X133 HAI &Ax a' 5324 hfAx Flux vf►iUrh b.1 Frid N LLX appre c4 d �G wr ass 1 stogy ce -lbol n ty0c n :.Years at about address: q rno. .. Aja of &tupa n-ft of houst, holdu. '.Nu�nh,trof kHtvs swat 'Ia'0'ht. Gouncilor'Tia�ftc Safdm ComMt*e rceardinq The. igsuu, of 4Y'Afft c O wwd ftiarc fll�sGancq Nli� Acfi�r 8��s Gounci� Mtol Zg A z(O ay �rit�ds a rc1��flv�Gs ,r Hi Neiqhbors- we. me tt -tD co � d►atA on householas on phis srr�e�1':F�r �i`�'1� council . Piftse %1IG� %FGw rYl in ut'�s �b cOrnp ItA-c, ica r � shrah hAow and. aeivm 'ta M Il'YVi l4wite Arm& P,7 tShop X133 HAI i{TX a' 5324 hfAx q?h�1h21 °�'Lq- riot) Flux mtUrh 121 ftidN Auq. Z& , mea. lie. Oppre U ol� ywr a ss i stogy n c �-�i}�a� n now Addreevs: .:years at above, uddress: Aja oF Occupants of househddu. NurnhLIrof kw" swat �%V., Gouncilor�raffic. S" ComMrfke regav�t� 00. '? `l'i�tt.isslAi afi�lY'Attic �rPr�cnAs ey yw heustiwld tcfort. 611s Ccu nNl MN a — Atf4or bits Camcil Mfq — a hddre� G _. :�Jm�MAt—plol r �✓ CIA pto (EGDft) P. S1 Win A—) 74 40 Ft 3 3(0 mO ✓ R 33 2 p O fll �o S AM-116i -401 -110 dp �f 0 6 33 14 t 91 %, KS 9 r _ • a hddre� G _. :�Jm�MAt—plol r �✓ CIA pto (EGDft) P. S1 Win A—) 74 40 Ft 3 3(0 mO ✓ R 33 2 p O fll �o S AM-116i -401 -110 dp �f 0 6 33 14 t 91 %, KS 9 �j -00 s�o �'3 rt .S3 z/ c- H -// R _S3 z y R .S�ao�c 79 5-2-0 C/ 37 % Z/Z qp /D R SZ/ Z c yo 38, S� R S3 2-9 J RS3 3 Z S;7 (� 37,3G s- KS�z/> c 63 (a s Rs �o c 5-2J y(f y R 52, R S��y c 33. 3y S 24, / R R Sz 3 Z yo qo 3 9j' R -45300 C, qe vo /D S _30 9 c 5-01 36 3s- 3 30 S .3 'R 5 31 C- R S3�O c 71 67 rt .S3 z/ c- H -// R _S3 z y S- R -T3.2--S c Z/Z qp /D R S3 2-9 J RS3 3 Z S;7 (� R JD 3 3 R s3 3 6 c. s ow 33 AA 3� is H -// S- 31 - q(,' ow 33 AA 3� s,zoo 5-3 ? c 77 S i . R S3-20 c '13 /rTX !s S3zyc 335 J� 37-40 C/ 37 R S.z/ Z c y0 3SJ gJ � 31 - yo rt S l 32-3(, S— RSA /7 c �3 6y R.S33Z S17 R 53 3.3 le R 5;z Rs��y C, 33.3y R .Sz 3 z �� 4/o R,S.z3 3q, S- P--05'3 0 0 G J. y0 l0 S a 730/ c- $ J 2S� S3o RS3o 36 3-1- / -5 J J J J 31_1 X30 S- ,3 C- 5-3 ? c 77 S i . R S3-20 c 7/ 67 /rTX !s S3zyc 335 J� R 53.z-.5 - c 41Z qo /0 31 - yo R S3 2-9 c 63 R.S33Z S17 R 53 3.3 R .5-3.3 L S,S� J-33 �O `r -/ 5l- 8 y Ac- t fj►tA�KET Quaau�rTY D -S /rTX !s 30 31 - yo y/ Ito lip . ,37 AG�5 p Cc_q{IAAJ7S G A T F i2 r-IgAopu 18 I C- E�T F 2 S S E--/UT e Lr f(O 5�. NG 1 E � 2Y T1—(1S 2e L,4--r i V £ S ¢Aso 2� d�r s 1-1�f t .l�lfi .U�i'r J,1 -fit' �,F}�1 j ► 1.1-ff IM f( AF TF_2. 8 /r5- I c fw ]kf'C 1kt� 8/30 Y F—A 2S A T A DD 2 E55 oo �tETALLF6Y 6D o - S _.1 -�rf I.1'1'(.i,i' ij o ,? - ;2S ' (( ,o .I O 16 -;20 36- 40 1111 o err_�s 1 AG�5 p Cc_q{IAAJ7S G A T F i2 r-IgAopu 18 I C- E�T F 2 S S E--/UT e Lr f(O 5�. NG 1 E � 2Y T1—(1S 2e L,4--r i V £ S ¢Aso 2� d�r s 1-1�f t .l�lfi .U�i'r J,1 -fit' �,F}�1 j ► 1.1-ff IM f( AF TF_2. 8 /r5- I c fw ]kf'C 1kt� 8/30 AGENDA ITEM IV. David and Sharon MAETZOLD 5114 Halifax Ave. So. Edina, Mn. 55424 Edina City Council c/o City Hall Edina, MN 55424 ' Dear Members of the City Council: We sincerely request that you reinstall the barricade to block the southbound traffic starting at the curve near 51st and Halifax. We have lived here since 1979 and have seen the traffic steadily a6d "dangerously" increase. The traffic restrictorreduced our traffic flow from 1,130 to 640 cars per day.- This is still a substantial number of cars. It was mentioned at the last City Council meeting that the barricade should be removed "because people have learned that they're not to use Halifax as a short-cut to Frahce." However, that is not the case/ When the restrictor was removed the traffic was back to 11035 cars a day! That's just 95 cars short of the original number. On another day and car count, there couldn't been even MORE traffic again! It's not Just the numbers, it's the speed and recklessness of MANY of the drivers, especially those at night. You can hear them "tromping" the accelerator from blocks away. While observing traffic we see many cars zooming South on Halifax only to make a left turn on 52nd. There are few people who actually make a complete stop for the 52nd and Halifax intersection Even a city traffic , y ra c observer commented "I can't believe h - , eve ow many people don't make a complete stop!" We ask, also, that you please do NOT rename Halifax as a "collector" street. We have spent thousands of dollars to improve our house. We pay the same amount of taxes as many of the other residents several streets over. If the traffic numbers remain high on Halifax, the property values will most certainly decrease. Can rezoning be far behind? It only takes US an extra minute to drive around. The people who live in adjoining areas have alternate ways to get home besides using our street as a "beat-the-clock" thoroughfare. Please, we are part of Edina! Let's uphold the quality living standards for our street as shown in other parts of Edina. W Dave and MAETZOLD �� � / ~ iU�/' >L+~ � _�' P * » - ` v `� . . ` AGENDA ITEM IV, ry kLlnQ4�2 LI-Y) 911J(1/7 -1/ /7/k de-u-k t! Aj I, 3 7 ' ((0 J, 7 r Iw_ _/ /` / r - ka -a- k-Y- Q ---Wood a-/ _�_56 AZL-A- 1 n.(o y,. ,.. C,.,-,;- I AGENDA ITEM IV. September 19, 1988 To the members of the Edina city council: We are writing to support the goal of reducing the traffic level on Halifax Avenue between 51st and 54th Streets, to keep it similar to that of the adjoining residential streets. The "NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC ONLY" signs have not worked;' traffic quickly returned to previous levels. The temporary barrier preventing southbound turns to Halifax Avenue did work, and it seems to us, fairly. It was incon- venient to drive the two extra blocks out to France Avenue when.leaving the corner, but it was not more difficult or risky. To us, the barrier looks like a good balance between competing interests. It allows for unchanged, familiar access to the business area for the entire extended NE Edina neighbor- hood, a very slight change in departure route, minimal traffic increase on adjoining streets (according to the traffic count) and a substantial reduction in the Halifax Avenue total traffic count. We have lived at 5309 Halifax Avenue for 15 years. Our neighborhood worked together in 1933 when we .realized that adjacent single family homeowners had no say at all when an entire block was demolished to anlarge a church parking lot. As a group we supported the Conditional Use Permit procedure which became part of the City code, aAd allows for timely input by homeowners. Our neighborhood "mix" has changed -a lot since then. We have many new young.families. We are very happy that they have the same concern for maintaining the residential quality of the neighborhood, and the same willingness to work together on a neighborhood problem. High traffic levels do detract from a neighborhood street. The traffic count on Halifax is pushing the upper limit for a local residential street. There is still time to do something about it. We would like to see the Council take the position that traffic on Halifax should be controlled at a residential street level. We think the barrier at 51st is a good idea. If the Council can't support that option, we think you should commit. to active testing of other alternatives. Sincerely, Mary and David Thatcher 922 -6874 AGENDA ITEM IV. David and Sharon MAET OL_D 5114 Hal i f am Ave. So. Edina, Mn. 55424 Edina City Council C/o City Hall Edina, MN 55424 Dear Members of the City Council We sincerely request that you reinstall tine barricade to block: the southbound traffic starting at the curve near 51st and Halifax. We have lived here since 1979 and have seen the traffic steadily and "dangerously" increase. The traffic restr i ctor reduced our traffic flow from 1,130 to 640 cars per day. This is still a substantial number of cars. It was mentioned at the last City Council meeting that the barricade should be removed "because people have learned that they're not to use Halifax as a. short -cut to France." However, that is not the case! When the restrictor was removed the traffic was back: to 1jO35 cars a day! That's just 95 cars short of the original number. On another day and car count, there couldn't been even MORE traffic again! It's not .just the numbers, it's the speed and recklessness of MANY of the drivers, especially those at night. You can hear them "tromping" the accelerator from blocks away. While observing traffic we :wee many car= zooming South on Halifax only to make a left turn on 52nd. There area few people who actually make a complete stop for the 52nd and Halifax intersection. Even a city traffic observer commented, "I can't believe' how m,-any people don't make a complete stop! " We ask, also, that you please do NOT rename Halifax as a "collector" street. We have spent thousands of dollars to improve our house. We pay the same amount of taxes as many of the other residents several streets over. If the traffic numbers remain high on Halifax, the property values will most certainly decrease. Can rezoning be far behind? It only takes US an extra minute to drive around. The people who live in adjoining areas have alternate ways to get home .besides using our street as a "beat- the - clock:" thoroughfare. Please, we .are part of Edina! Let's uphold the quality living standards for our street as shown in other parts of Edina. '..knCerel y, Dave a gran IH��ETZOI_1� 1 AGENDA ITEM IV. 4 0-5� �e -4-0 F-AoZo, a v It AGENDA ITEM IV. September 19, 1988 To: The City Council Members From: John Raichert Re: Diversion of'Traffic on Halifax Avenue City Council Members: I've been watching with interest these past few months the issue regarding the diversion of traffic from Halifax Avenue. For the past nine years I've resided at 5116 Indianola Avenue and I presently office and work in the 50th and France area. After careful review I must say I am.strictly opposed to placing any diverter on Halifax Avenue. I have noticed during the time the diverter was in place an increase in traffic on Indianola Avenue, much of which was Halifax residents using Indianola as a route to their homes. But, the even greater consideration for all local residents while the diverter was in place was the fact that we found our only access to our homes was via the turn off 50th Street to Indianola /Juanita by Covenant Church. To execute this turn especially during busy business hours is hazardous and risky at best. Travelling west bound on 50th and trying to turn left with heavy traffic both behind you and in the upcoming lane is difficult and only tends to clog the already slow moving traffic in the 50th and France area. And although slow moving traffic is a concern, my greater consideration is the safety factor as I found this turn most risky and hazardous as a local resident. It is for these reasons I strongly urge the Council to continue to route the traffic "as is" with keeping the "local traffic only" .sign in place on Halifax to remind us all to restrict our driving on Halifax to local use only in fairness to our Halifax neighbors. Sincerely. . John Raichert JR:kh AGENDA ITEM TV. L4 L/ 6 14- Awsl-)Ip Aj PAGE I ,sQc>,5 44,-6- S. �D1 A-,1-41 15syzv r AM Ao. ...... C)F- 7-2,D A-) ......... .. . AGENDA ITEM IV. PAGE 2 oo9--.-- J Al S AVD C CS c e L- x/O C-25 77 2w e7k -ellvl— L -- --------- - - - ------- -- - 7D J-4 A AGENDA ITEM IV. Page 1 --- — ---- -- xZV -- L)o&—'J— VIU7 AGENDA ITEM IV. Page 2 ;e-ePe z-x �.i �d�z� Ofr-aion AGENDA ITEM IV. 4075 (Weit '7ifty-fkit S-tUF-t (innfaota 59424 .1 Jilt.' 17y, cA- AGENDA ITEM IV. Page I _. Mrr.- W i��iam �. Strang I6 Woo .,J RoaA, ciina, Minnesota 55424 To C_ �i sf Utah Lp ww. s Vu 4x�j. -6� 6e,,3, --b\JL� U U AGENDA ITEM IV. � Page 2 �S w AGENDA ITEM IV. Ale at-e, SO"YA_ ne,51'den hfJ_ _Strect. _7 ........... ajC�i e2ver pm+-eer h_fAik) boil (-e 5) to �C- _ gr.�a� __�lol um �s off' _ �a�F��_ - - - - -- -- . -- --- .----- - - - - -- -- - - - - -. - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- rice, 4D ------- ------------ Avt.K ?11 Olt AGENDA ITEM IV. X, , � wit" - /", -2� t a--— �� n 9/1 ,F/ ,pe a cf- /I I S I e 7' r• ` S ,,t acs r o,.t e. 4 y o u r V `I ` \ 0 ]� c e Vl /\ z I-le Ycw� �' H -a jYt.c✓' co tt�1 wl- I�GLLet -(i/ DeA e j A✓ talc ee f ✓ fro- Jl� i� Tz �e a!� D`Z� -t ✓` h�v 7`C , a v-c � �� �`c �e.� s �✓� ��` � � �.c 2 ors e � w G . J Ic1 ✓ Q i vl . U S i in CAL 1/ 0 �l �C , o o /` S 2 YK o✓ L / ✓y 6 +�7 (�JO V ��J- �, /C 0 J `Z C a YJ C � (9 4 f? G nI AGENDA ITEM IV. Z 11GIL—e w I o f �. �,�� 47Y `/JvYcl 's T`� ei'✓' �U! s S, cJ e� AGENDA ITEM IV. l 7L Cf/.9rryi�� f��`ilrG�9� �i G'o /l�c�oie s �,e e ��A rcls ��o�ec I -)-el �-r� AGENDA I?Fkl IV 7� ^ /rte' f 6 Cie r f t � �=- Jul S�.r � �.fC`� %/ % � �( / o o re, / 17 A 'lease (Jo l- rr��cr�O'� c c. e-71 vc 0 0 &rl- %L6 1(f 7D er -Zif-I'll le-59 /I tl*011llf 3K-V Z) r C .G. �._. S• :i`�: ':11�' ilvf � � J -%r�, �- %f.7.J t/C.r� • ` � ` ^�/ ��. � •, .- � 1 - so ;Pi Cn • �NroRroM�SID • REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # °•A• From: Francis Hoffman', /d Consent ❑ City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: 16 September, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Storm Drainage Utility ❑X To Council Ordinance 1105 ❑ Action Motion ❑ .Resolution 0 Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approve first reading of the Ordinance 1105. Info /Background: The attached ordinance was drafted for implementation of the storm water drainage utility. Additional issues that will be discussed during the ordinance review include: drainage rate of schools versus church (staff will have graphics) and tax implications as we understand the issue. Also, the hospital has requested that they be moved from commercial rate to.an institutional rate. 1;00 .ORDINANCE NO. 1105 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A STORM WATER DRAINAGE UTILITY. SHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section I. .Storm Water Drainage Utility. (a) Storm Water Drainage Utility Established. The municipal storm sewer system shall be operated as a public utility pursuant to Minn. Stat. Section 444.075 from which revenues will be derived subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and Minnesota statutes. The storm water drainage utility will be part of the Public Works Department and under the administration of the Public Works Director. (b) Definitions. (1) Residential equivalent factor. (REF) - One (1) REF is defined as the ratio of the average volume of runoff generated by one (1) acre of a land use to the average volume of runoff generated by one (1) acre of typical single family residential land, during a standard one (1) year rainfall event. Section II. Storm Water Drainage fees. Storm water drainage fees for parcels of land shall be determined by multiplying the REF for a parcel's land use by the parcel's acreage and then multiplying the resulting product by the storm water drainage rate. The REF values for various land uses are as follows: CLASS LAND USES REF 1 Single S Double Family 1.00 2 Multiple 3.00 3 Commercial 5.00 4 Schools 1.25 5 Churches 3.00 6 Institutional 3.00 7 Parks .25 B Golf Courses .25 9 Cemeteries .25 10 Industrial. 5.00 For the purpose of calculating storm .water drainage fees, all developed one family and duplex parcels shall be considered to have an acreage of .37 acre. The storm water drainage rate shall be $5.00 per quarter per REF -acre. (a) Adjustments. The Council may adopt policies recom- mended by the Public Works Director, by resolution, for adjustment of the storm water drainage fee for parcels based upon hydrologic data to be supplied by property owners, which data demonstrates a hydrologic response substantially different from the standards used by City to establish the REF. Such adjustments of storm water drainage fees shall not be made retroactively. (b) Exemptions. The following land uses are exempt from storm water drainage fees. (1) Public rights of way. (2) Vacant, unimproved land with ground cover. Section III. Payment of Fee. Statements for storm water drainage fee shall be computed every three (3) months and invoiced by the Finance Department for each account on or about the twentieth (20th) day of the month following the quarter. Such statement shall be due on or before the day of the month stated on the billing. Any prepayment or overpayment of charges shall be retained by the City.and applied against subsequent quarterly fees. (a) Recalculation of Fee. If a property owner or person responsible for paying the storm water drainage fee questions the correctness of an invoice for such charge, such person may have the determination of the charge recomputed by written request to the Public Works Director made within sixty (60) days of mailing of the invoice in question by the City. (b) Penalty for Late Payment. Each quarterly billing for storm water drainage fees not paid when due shall Incur a' penalty charge of ten percent (10X) of the amount past due. (c) Certification of Past Due Fees on Taxes. Any past due storm water drainage fees in excess of ninety (90) days past due on October 1 of any year may be certified to the County Auditor for collection with real estate taxes in the following year pursuant to Minn. Stat. Section 444.075, Subdivision 3. In addition the City shall also have the right to bring a civil action or to take other legal remedies to collect unpaid fees. Section IV. The City Council may, by ordinance, increase, diminish or change the amount and basis of the drainage fee herein established, from time to time. Section V. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. fP�.w A. k 9S��j.U� ° '1 Cn REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5 000 DATE: September 16, 1988 AGENDA ITEM vII.A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Company Amount of Quote or Bid �. See Attached Bid Tabulation 2. 2. 3. 3 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Keys Well Drilling, Inc. - $17,850.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project would be to drill a small test well to determine the suitability of the well site selected for City Well No. ;19. The engineer's estimate was $14,200.00. We have taken quotes twice in the past sixty days to determine if we could get lower prices. We were not successful due to the continued backlog of well work in the metro area. As such, we recommend that the low bid be awarded. 'a A. 144) / ,or r —�-,1' Si atur Department The Recommended bid is within budget not witl)in tyddget ohn Wallin, ance Director Kenneth Rosland, City Manager BID TABUTATION CITY OF EDINA. MINNESOTA CONTRACT # 88 -6 (ENG) DRILL TEST WELL September 14, 1988 11:00 A.M. BIDDER TOTAL _Keys Well Drilling $ 17,850.00 Mark J. Traut Wells. Inc. $ 20,674.00 _Layne Minnesota $ 22,395.00 E.H. Renner & Sons $ 46,557.50 H°4 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE ti_h �q 0 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: September :16, 1988 AGENDA ITEM VII. B. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Sidewalk Improvement S -44 - Gleason Road from Valley View Road to Lochmoor Drive (Contract 88 -7) Company Amount of Quote or Bid 7• See Attached Bid Tabulation. 2. 2. 3. 3 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Gunderson Brothers Cement Contractors Co., Inc. - $ 72,945.15 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project was approved by City Council earlier this year and is funded by the state aid fund. Sig ure The Recommended bid is within budget not Department Kenneth Rosland, City Wallin, ger Director i September 15, 1988 11:00 A.M. BID TABULATION CITY OF EDINA. MINNESOTA CONTRACT # 88- 7- (ENG). SIDEWALK - GI.EASON ROAD FROM VALLEY VIEW ROAD TO.LOCHMOOR DRIVE BIDDER TOTAL Gunderson Bros. Cement Contractors Co Inc $ 72,945.15 Progressive Contractors, Inc S 90,856.00 Lakeland Nursery $2,912,317.50** * *Error by contractor in placing decimal in his unit prices on bid Contractor thought it added uR to $109.117.50. However, by extending_ unit prices per our specifications the answer was $2,912,317.50. Engineers Estimate S 93,615.00 Cn • `� row 2�° • �aaa REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor Courtney & Council From: Kenneth E. Rosland Date: September 9, 1988 Subject: PURCHASE OF GOLF DOME Recommendation: Agenda Item # VII. E. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion City of Edina purchase the Edina Golf Dome Info /Background: Attached to this report is an appraisal which we finally received from C. E. LaSalle & Associates. They were hired to appraise the Golf Dome and submit a report to us. The Park Board, in its report to the City Council, recommended to pursue the purchase of the Dome. The Golf Dome will generate between $50,000 and $75,000 above and beyond its operating costs and bonded indebtedness to help pay for the Arena bonds. As you recall, this is in our staff recommendations to you, as well as the Park Board presentation to you. The appraisal was done using an income approach and a cost approach. The summary of those two approaches indicated to the appraisers that a fair market value of the Golf Dome is $620,000. The selling price set by the owners, as you may recall, is $575,000. Therefore, with these facts in hand and the Park Board's interest to pursue the purchase, I would recommend that we buy the Golf Dome at the sale price of $575,000. 1 APPRAISAL REPORT.. i i -of- r1be INDOOR GOLF DRIVING RANGE J BRAEMAR PARK AND GOLF COURSE EDINA, ' MINNESOTA a .lt r.a — for KENNETH E. ROSLAND CITY MANAGER, CITY OF EDINA + 1 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 a a* as of AUGUST 25, 1988 I El El 13 ®® ; 13r 7❑ 13 E LaSalle &Associates ®�. Q Suite 140, 7400 Metro Boulevard r' ' Edina, Minnesota 55435. (612) 835 -1001 C. E. LASALLE SRPA. ASA. SR /WA C. E. LASALLE & ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS & CONSULTANTS SUITE 140 7400 METRO BOULEVARD EDINA, MINNESOTA 55435 September 8, 1988 TELEPHONE 612 -835 -1001 Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland. City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 RE: Appraisal Report Edina Golf Dome Dear Mr. Rosland: At your request, we have personally inspected and analyzed the above referenced structure for the purpose of estimating its fair market value as of August 25, 1988. Based on our study and investigation, it is our opinion that the•fair market value -of the subject is: SIR HUNDRED.TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($620,000) presuming special assessments, liens, and other encumbrances, if any paid by seller prior to transfer of title. The property is appraised in fee simple -- unencumbered. A summary of the various considerations involved in arriving at.this opinion can be found in the attached appraisal report. It is repectfully submitted for your inspection. Very truly yours, C. E. SALLE & OC E C. E. LaSalle, SRPA Richard J. Hurl,61 CPA RJH /sfr Attachment Page No. PURPOSE AND DATE OF APPRAISAL- - - - - - - - - _ _ _ 1 LOCATION AND NEIGHBORHOOD - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 SITE DESCRIPTION . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 OPERATION OF GOLF. DOME - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 HIGHEST AND BEST USE..; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - g COST APPROACH - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 INCOME APPROACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ 12 RECONCILIATION OF INCOME - - - - - - - _ - _ _ _ 15 CORRELATION AND FINAL CONCLUSION OF VALUE - - 16 Addendum Photographs of Subject Cost Estimates Income and Expense Statement Limiting Conditions Qualifications of Appraiser Certificaiton of Appraiser. APPRAISAL REPORT t Edina Golf Dome i PURPOSE AND DATE OF APPRAISAL The City of Edina is considering the purchase of the indoor golf driving range located at Braemar Park and Golf Course. The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the fair market value of that structure only. The property was inspected on August 25, 1988, and all conclusions of value revolve around that time. MARKET.VALUE -- The most probable price in terms of money which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus.` Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a. specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: 1. buyer and seller are typically motivated. 2. both parties are well informed or well advised, and each acting in what he considers his own best interest. 3. a reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market. 4. payment is made in cash or its equivalent. 5. financing, if any, is on terms generally available in the community at the specified date and typical for the property type in its locale. 6. the price represents a normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special financing amounts and /or terms, services, fees, costs, or credits incurred in the transaction. 1 F .1d m �],R C "01 r AOF Em A10P.. I A- 24 EM 0 _g BROOKLYN PARK „ A 4, IAGUNDS [lo VIEW J c L. —1. cl—s SIH A4 P.116 103 p2 ': ----- - - UUNLY!"I” A11011 !OREVIE�W IUD lr, - I—, ) , " U CENTER TER L Z. Al. J — ----- --- -------- ---- an % ..9_. �la 1� •. -� .:!!�' '��ry' ? 1 ­­n r ---- -------- -1 W N. CE33 ci top )I BRIGHTON ED . ..... ' I r kf YSTA U R1 Eq 11tj -v P." ;j;; COLUMBIA ea x; _110611- s oRD HOPE CJbitl I I ILA., a ALE R )BbIN RnStVIEE A. �IYICUTH .71 f S T 1AN11py ci4_ I"! r 27 At 3 "cli, 52 o' -.T — 1691 r Medidne 30 Lake FALCON I I Ti 55 1 .1 0.1d., v,ip.y GOLDEN Lila VALLE r L a3 iial Y� 0, r� 52 NHS 01 7-0- ­ V. 30 WAVZ';� Q51 q: "U" 71 > ST. PA 0 - .... Ili, ; 4 L. '2 UL m I is! N E, MIS— IF A, 19 "I log A'. I . m VETO KA T L UIS HOPKIN'§, AR • N. IT- 7, x. mm -lu I.U_ _L'L EDINA nI-2c5l A 9D C, 0 I.A. A If x a IIAAAW I*h -- -- Lo 1: 11 - ..' — • 13 11 Hy c 11 AT __0 2 Mend t 'K -rz. I fill, :,-St. P-1 r A,, ICHFIELD Inlernulion5i Alrpoil s li 03 C3 E13 V EDEN 'RAIRIE o. 133 t A. • r C C. E. LaSALLE & ASSOCIATES AREA MAP Suite 140 7400 Metro Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55435 r APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome LOCATION AND NEIGHBORHOOD The.subject property is located in the City of Edina, a suburban community approximately eight miles southwest of the central business district of Minneapolis. It is a community of approximately 16 square miles and has grown to a population of 46,000. Most of the area consists of single family residences, but Edina also has 1,900 apartment units, 4,500 condominium and townhouse units, and an extensive retail shopping facility along with a number of increasing businesses. The Metropolitan Council estimates that the average family income of Edina is $47,500, with the average home value in the community at $133,700. The future of Edina can be attributed to its location. It is easity accessible to both Minneapolis and St. Paul as well as to the Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport. Its freeway system is well planned with I -494 on the southern border, Hennepin County Road 18 on the western border and T. H. 100, the Beltline, running north and south through the center of the community. The well planned residential sections of the community provide quick and convenient access to these major traffic arteries.. The subject property is on the Braemar Park and.Golf Course located in the northeast quandrant of Hwy 18 and.I -494. Surrounding the park are upper scale single family residences. r C. E. LaSALLE & ASSOCIATES Location Map suite 140 7400 Metro Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55435 r APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome SITE DESCRIPTION The site used for the operation of the dome is located on the Braemar Park and Golf Course property. It can be accessed via Valley View Road from Highway 18, or via Dewey Hill Road or Gleason Road from other parts of Edina. The site is comprised of a parking lot and a chain link fence enclosure for the actual dome. The dimensions are ` approximately 350' x 390' providing 136,500 square feet or 3.1 acres. The site has been leveled to accommodate the structure with an elevation rise at the west end of the parking lot. The site'.is not included in the value estimate. r I APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE The dome is an air supported structure with approximate measurements of 270' x 290', x 70' x 2901. The orientation of the structure is north /south with the entrance at the north end.: The south end is 270' wide, the sides are 290' and angle somewhat to the south end which is 70' wide providing an area of about 45,900 sq. ft. The dome was installed in 1983. The entrance comes into the lobby area which extends out from the dome and measures 29' 6" x 291. Walls are of 4' x 8' plywood panels, ceiling is tongue and groove cedar with exposed beams, vaulted ceiling, suspended 4' fluorescent lights, and carpeted floor. Two restrooms, each with ceramic floor and walls and containing three fixtures, are located off the lobby. The air handling system is also located off the lobby. A King Air System, with a 3,125,000 BTU gas fired heater is the primary inflation system. There is a back -up system powered by an electric motor and a'second back -up powered by a natural gas fired auxiliary engine. Primary electric service is 700 amps split into five panels plus a separate 100 amp service for the back -up fan. The floor of the dome is asphalt and covered with a cushioned artificial turf. The tee areas are at the north end, or wider end of the structure and are two _tiered.. There are 29 on the lower level and 20 on the upper level, or mezzanine. 4 0 F APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE (CONT'D7 The mezzanine is constructed of wood with'6' x.61 uprights,. 6" x 18" laminated stringers, and 2" x 6" decking. A stairway is located at each end. There are gas radiant heaters for the lower tee areas. Lighting is provided by 16 quartz halide fixtures for the interior of the dome. The walls are a double membrane, Tedlar coated outer skin, with netting in the areas subject to being struck by balls. The maximum ceiling height is 75, at the south end of the structure. A steel cable harness system placed over the entire dome ancors it to the.pad. The subject dome had collapsed just before the appraisers visit, so there is some required repair of lights and areas around emergency exits. In addition,'there are some repairable tears in the inner membrane that will be attended to this fall, prior to the indoor golf season. From the visit made to the dome and a walk through inspection, it appears the structure is in good condition. PARKING LOT AND LANDSCAPING• The parking lot approximately 230' x 100' and is paved with asphalt. One row of parking stalls is along the side facing the dome and double row is in the center of the lot. Sixty cars can be accommodated. There are some broken up spots in the paving, but overall the lot is in average.condition. 5: APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE (CONT'D) The'area around the'dome is planted with grass. Some shrubs and trees have also been used, but to no great degree.- The entry and lobby area was built,.and is owned by the City of Edina. r 6 APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome OPERATION OF GOLF DOME The dome is owned by a group of investors and is on land owned by the City of Edina. The original agreement between the two parties, called for the investors to retain profits generated by the operation of the dome during the indoor golf season, November through April. This agreement was written in 1983 for a term of 15 years, expiring on April 30, 1998. The City received rent for the land and the use of the dome for other activities from May through October. Rent is $3000 per year plus the following percentage of sales: ' 3% over $150,000 to $250,.000 4% over $250,000 to $350,000 5% over $350,000 The land rent was waived from 1986 thru April 30, 1989 by the City for an agreement by the owners to provide artificial turf suitable for soccer and fencing around the dome. It is expected that the terms of the original lease would be reinstated beginning May 1, 1989. APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome HIGHEST AND BEST USE HIGHEST AND BEST USE -- That reasonable and probable use that supports the highest present value, as defined, as of the effective date of the appraisal. Alternatively, that use, from among reasonably probable and legal alternative uses, found to be physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and which results in high- est land value. The definition immediately above applies.specifi - cally to the highest and best use of land. It is to be recognized that in cases where a site has existing improvements on it, the highest and best use may very well be determined to be different from the existing use. The existing use will con - tinue, however, unless and until land value in its highest and best use exceeds the total value of the property in its existing use. Implied within these definitions is recognition of the contribution-of that specific use to community environment or to community development goals in addition to wealth maximization of individual pro - perty owners. Also implied is that the determination of highest and best use results from the appraiser's judgment and analytical skill, i.e., that the use determined from analysis represents an opinion, not a fact to be found. In appraisal practice, the con - cept of highest and best use represents the premise upon which value is based. In the context of most probable selling price (market value) another appropri- ate term to reflect highest and best use would.be most- probable-use. The above definition is from Real Estate Appraisal Termino- logy. American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, Ballanger Publishing Company. Normally, the estimation of highest and best use is directed to the entire property - land and building. 8 APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome r HIGHEST AND BEST USE (CONT'D) - -- However, in this case; the City of Edina owns the "land upon which the dome is located. The dome has done well at this location since its opening. The City is interested in acquiring the dome for continued operation as apart of the park system. The land is not a part of the appraisal, but the highest and best use of the property is considered the ongoing present use. 9 APPRAISAL REPORT i Edina Golf Dome COST APPROACH The Cost Approach is a method of estimating market value based on the current cost of replacing improvements on today's cost levels, less reasonable allowances for depreciation which has accrued over the years, and includes the value of lanscaping, site improvements and other components of the property, but does not include the value of the land which the City considers a part of the park system. REPLACEMENT COSTS: The City of Edina has obtained quotes from two suppliers of air supported structures, Yeadon Fabric Structures Ltd., and Air Structures International, Inc. These quotes, in conjunction with information taken from Marshall Valuation-Service a nationally recognized cost service published by Marshall and Swift Publication Company,.were used to develop the replacement Cost of the dome. The quotes did not -cover identical items in the construction of a dome so adjustments were made to put them on a comparable basis. After adjustments, the three cost estimates fell in a very tight range between $750,000 and $774,000. These cost estimates are included in the addendum. The cost summary that follows is a composite of the three.cost estimates. 10 r APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome COST APPROACH (CONT'D) DEPRECIATION: The dome was constructed in 1983 and is five years old. The normal life for such a structure is about 12 - 14 years, according to Marshall Swift and a dome manufacturer. The subject property, after minor repair of tears of the interior liner and light standards, would be considered.in good condition. Given the care, maintenance and physical condition, the effective age of the dome is estimated at 3 years, indicating an overall depreciation rate of approximately 20 %. SUMMARY OF COST APPROACH Basic Structure, including double membrane with 24 of Tedlar coated .outer membrane, all reinforcing cables, infla- tion and heating equipment, doors, lights $450,000 Interior Floor Surface 94,000 Netting 12,000 Site work, including concrete, plumbing and electrical 90,000 Mats, dividers, balls, mats, and office equipment 100,000 Erection 10,000 Fencing 10 000 TOTAL Less: Depreciation - 20% Deferred Maintenance Net Value of Dome 11 766,000 766,000 (153,200) (5,000) $607,800, say $610,000 APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome INCOME APPROACH The income approach is an appraisal procedure which converts anticipated rent to be derived from the ownership of property into a value estimate. The income approach is widely applied in appraising income- producing properties and though the subject property is unique, it could would perform the function of an investment or income- producing property and would have an appeal for the investment oriented community. FAIR MARKET RENT: Fair market rent is usually estimated by comparison with other properties which are currently rented in the marketplace. The rent a typical tenant pays is usually the result of an extensive shopping process in which available alternates are compared. The subject property is a special purpose building that is not found in the marketplace. There are no comparable buildings from which to establish a market rent, therefore, we have relied on the actual income generated by the facility. The.income and expense statement provided by the City, was for the recent year ended April 30, 1988. It was prepared by the investors and reviewed by the City. The net income generated by the dome for the winter golf season (November through April) is retained by the investors. This represents the return on their investment and is the basis for value under the income approach. 12 le- 2 f APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome INCOME APPROACH (CONT'D) CAPITALIZATION: Capitalization is the process of converting rent into a value conclusion. The capitalization rate can be developed by utilizing the band of investment technique which reflects the financing conditions normally found in real estate transactions. In simple mortgage- equity analysis, the band of investment technique is used to derive the overall rate. The mortgage rate and equity rate are weighted and an overall rate is derived. In this instance, due to the non - permanence of the dome, and the lack of ownership of the underlying land, there is no equity build -up and the cost of the dome must be entirely recovered. The original agreement between the investors and the City, when reinstated, would have 10 years to run, therefore 10 years becomes the payback period for the dome. Financing for a project like this would be looked at as personal property rather than real estate. The higher risk factor would result in a rate estimated to be 3 - 5 points over prime, depending on the borrower. The overall rate is the sum of the competative interest rate and recapture rate. With the prime rate currently at 10 %, we estimate that the borrowing rate would be 14 %. Coupled with.a 10 year pay back period, a constant of approximately .194 is developed and becomes the capitalization rate. The income statement provided by the City has been modified 13 C APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome INCOME APPROACH (CONT'D) to reflect the results of a normal year and to remove depreciation and interest from the expenses. A management expense attributable to the investors must be recognized. We have estimated 5% of sales as an appropriate charge. The land lease will be reinstated in 1989 at $3000 per year plus 3% of revenue over $150,000 and under $250,000, for a total of $5170. The net income remaining is capitalized to obtain an indication of value. SUMMARY OF INCOME APPROACH Fees and Concession Sales $222,349 Less: Sales Tax 13.055 209,294 Expenses: Salaries & Related Expenses_ 30,368 Maintenance & Supplies 14,009 Legal & Accounting 3,102 Insurance 10,811 Management & Office .Expense 13,111 Other 1,658 Rent 5.170 Total Expenses 78.229 Operating Income 131,065 Less: 5% of Net Sales Investor /Entrepreneur Fee 10.465 120,600 Indication of Value: Net Operating Income 120,600 = 621,649 Overall Rate .194 say $620,000 14 APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome RECONCILIATION OF INCOME Per Statement - City of Edina $ 82,885 Add: Interest 19,460 Depreciation /amortization 48,390 Less: Insurance Reimbursement 14,500 Rent 5,170 Investors /entrepreneur charge 10,465 Net Adjustment to Income Adjusted Net Income 15 67,850 30,135 37,715 $120,600 r i' APPRAISAL REPORT Edina Golf Dome CORRELATION AND FINAL - CONCLUSION OF VALUE Cost Approach $610,000 Market Approach N/A Income Approach $620,000 The subject property is unique from two standpoints. First, the structure is not frequently traded in the marketplace. Secondly, there is no value assigned to the underlying land. The replacement cost of a new dome is substantiated by cost estimates from two air structure manufacturers and the data provided by Marshall and Swift. However, depreciation estimates are based upon effective age and remaining life so are subjective in nature. We have tended to place more emphasis on the value derived from the income approach even though it does not have a traditional market - derived income stream. The income and expense provided by the city have been analyzed and felt to be reliable. Therefore, it is out opinion that the.value of `the dome, without land, is: SI %'HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND ($620,000) 16 Ar- ADDENDUM r� e .,�r 4 �; t � � r. �� �: . b `' - . _� ..; -�'��, � ,mss $►. . . ,- � s ' _ —� �' � _ � � � e � '�` � � ..� .... � _tics �'t -, .._ _ _ e J �' � '� � \ s' ,.y i f. .::::::;�::::... � � . ' ��: � i � � o — , �- � . :4— �. �. fli�R �ftgF� ,S � r�.♦ ,1_� 'r 1 ' _� � � � � ti,� � �. ;so. i -= � � <. -� �.. 4 1� _ v Ar e x q _ v Ar e hr el iL 'S r VIEW SHOWING HILLY AND WOODED SURROUNDING AREA 05118 %1988 09:59 YEADON FBRIC STRUCTURES•#,* 519 821 901014705001 P.01 VEADON s Fabric Structures Ltd. _. 550 Imperial Road Guelph, Ontario N I H 6R I May 18 , 1988 Tel: 519- 821 -9301 Fax: 519 -821 -9010 FAX TRANSMISSION: 612- 633 -2019 EDINA Golf.DOme C/O K.J. Investments, P O Box 12886 St. Paul, Minnesota 55113 Attn: Mr.Ron Flanagan Dear Ron: Further to our recent discussion,I am pleased to provide, you with a replacement cost for your installation at Edina. Yeadon's price will be as follows: i 1. Double membrane air structure - 24 oz. Tedlar coated outer membrane - 14 oz. inner membrane 2. All required reinforcing cables. 3. 4m BTU natural gas fired furnace. 4. Standby inflation fan with independent power'source and controls for automatic operation. 5• 1 revolving entrance door. 6• 5 emergency exit doors. 7• 16 - 1000 W metal halide lamps c/w reflectors, bulbs, guards, ballasts, stands and twistlock connectors. 8. Photohelic pressure sensor. 9• Concrete perimeter anchor beam. 10. Concrete pads for equipment. lL. Electrical distribution to lighting and equipment. .../2 05i18i1988 0959 YEADON FBRIC STRUCTURES** 519 821 901014705091 P.02 R.J. Investments _ 2 _ May.18, 1988 12. installation of items 1 13. Stamped engineer's drawings. 14. All applicable.duties. 15. Shipping to Minnesota. Yeadon's price $558,081 US We are pleased to provide budget prices for the following items: 15. Blacktop surface inside structure. $ 19,000. 17. Turf covering asphalt surface. 75,000. 18. Netting. 12,000. 19. Fencing. 10,000. j . Total estimated replacement cost $674,081. In addition to the above, the following items have not been included in our price. 20. Cost of a building permit. . 21. Cost of bringing fuel and power to the site. 22. Cost of driving platforms, clubs, balls, mats, etc. 23. Cost of other operational equipment. 24. Cost of landscaping. Thank you very much for this opportunity to quote. Yours ve truly YEADON RTC STRUCTURES LTD. Da� Buckl •y Secretar Treasurer dwb :sc ' a s COST PER MARSHALL AND SWIFT Good,'Tedlar fabric, concrete perimeter beam, flooring, lighting, inflation and heating system 12.00 sq. ft Dome size 45.900 sq. ft. 550,800 Fencing 10,000 Site work, plumbing, electrical 90,000 Balls, mats dividers, office equip., etc. 100,000 750,800, say, 750,000 r AIR STRUCTURES INTERNATIONAL, INC. Following is a breakdown of the costs for a dome similar to the existing golf domes. This quote includes: A dome 270' wide at the front, 90' wide at the rear, and -- 75' high at the highest point. Cabling and steel channel iron Blowers and heaters and standby equipment Tedlar finish on fabric Entrance door and emergency doors Lighting Engineering Total price for above items ...................... $450,000.00 Site work, including electric, plumbing, concrete, etc.... ............ .....:......................... 90,000.00 Start up items such as balls, mats, dividers, office equipment, etc ............................. 100,000.00 Erection....... ...... .......................... 10,000.00 $650,000.00 to $700,000.00 Items not included in this quote which must be locally quoted are fencing,.blacktop, artificial turf, or additional netting. i GOLF DOME ASSOCIATES, INC. STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1988 INCOME Dome Fees and Concession Sales Insurance Reimbursement Total Income OPERATING EXPENSES Supplies Repairs and Maintenance Wages Temporary Labor Office Supplies Insurance Management Fees Advertising Printing .Postage Telephone Services Accounting Legal Payroll Taxes Sales Tax Bank Charges Depreciation Amortization Interest Donations Miscellaneous I Total Expenses Net Income $ 222,349 14,500 6,739 4,828 23,9.11 4,512 1,541 10,811 6,000 5,971 -0- 25 838 901 3,039 63 1,945 13,055 277 48,200 190 19,460 500 1,158 236,849 153,964 82 885 f r C.E. LASALLE APPRAISAL QUALIFICATIONS PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: Society of Real Estate Appraisers, currently certified through 1990 SRPA.. Senior Real Property Appraiser SRA - Senior Residential Appraiser Past President and Director, Minneapolis Chapter 44 Past Chairman of Education, Finance, Research, Legislation, Licensing Program; Scholarship, Professional Practices and By -Laws Committees. International Right -of -Way Association Senior Member SR/WA designation #1239 President and Director of Northstar Chapter 20 Past Chairman of Right -of -Way Valuation and Prog=;_m Committees. American Society of Appraisers Senior Member, ASA designation -Urban Properties Past President and Director of Twin Cities Chapter Past Chairman of Membership and Program Committees. Minneapolis Board of Realtors Member, Multiple Listing Service - MLS Confidential Data Exchange Past Director and Chairman Metro Data Exchange Vice President and Director SPECIALIZED EDUCATION• Real Estate Appraisal I. University of Indiana, 1961 Real Estate Appraisal II, University of Wisconsin, 1962 Real Estate Appraisal IV, University of Georgia, 1969 Principles and Techniques of Appraising, (101) Macalaster College Income Property Valuation, (201) University of Sanata Clara, CA, 1979 Appraisal of Parcel Acquisitions - Course 401, International Right of Way Association Building Cost Estimating Course, Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis Highway Engineering, Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis Actively participated in the preparation and presentation of professional appraisal courses, seminars and programs sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, International Right of Way Association, American Society of Appraisers and,Board of Realtors. Approved as qualified instructer by the State of Minnesota. Has lectured for the Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, Minnesota Trial Lawyers Association. APPRAISAL EXPERIENCE• Professional real estate consultant and appraiser since 1960; entered private practice in 1962 and currently President of the firm C. E. LaSALLE & ASSOCIATES, Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants.' Appraisal services performed: - aircraft sound and noise impact studies on single family residential properties - transmission line impact studies on residential properties - highway impact study on surrounding real estate values - feasibility studies of various projects Additional appraisal services include partial and total acquisition appraisals relative to h_gh�oay acquisitions, transmission line acquisitions, pipeline easements, flowage easements, and redevelopment activity. Market value estimates and appraisals have been provided for acquisitions, sales, mergers, mortgages, internal revenue taxation problems, real estate . -. problems, probate court, donation, ti re -use appraisals, rehabilitation appraisals, etc. Type of properties appraised include investment, commercial, industrial, institutional and special purpose properties, machinery,, fixtures and special equipment as well as residential, agricultural and recreational properties. Appointed DISTRICT COURT COMMISSIONER in condemnation actions and COURT APPOINTED RECEIVER in Hennepin County. Court appointed appraiser in probate matters in Hennepin County and Carver County. Qualified and testified as an EXPERT WITNESS in Federal District Court, as well ..as State District Courts. Area of activity has been concentrated in the Minneapolis /St. Paul Metropolitan area; however, tributary areas extend throughout Minnesota, States of North Dakota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Florida, and Montana. T;*pical clientele include the following: . Governmental Agencies: Minnesota Department of Transportation Minnesota Public Service Commission Minnesota Attorney General Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Metropolitan Council Hennepin County Attorney Hennepin County Highway Department Corporations (Partial Listing): Atlantic Richfield Petroleum Bemis Corporation Brown & Williamson Tobacco Company Cargill Company Chrysler Corporation Continental Casualty Insurance Dow Chemical Eastman Kodak Eaton Corporation Eli Lilly and Company Insurance of Wausau Equitable Insurance Company Fairchild Semiconductors Fireman's Fund First Federal Savings & Loan First National Bank of Minneapolis FMS Corporation Ford Motor Company Gamble - Skogmo General Foods. Corporation General Mills, Inc. General Mortgage Investment H. & Val J. Rothschild Honeywell Waldorf Corporation Anoka County Highway Department Anoka County Attorney Minneapolis City Attorney Minneapolis Community Development Ag City of Fridley City of Bloomington City of Golden Valley City of Inver Grove Heights IBM John Deere Company Kaiser Aluminium Knutson Company Koppers Corporation Lawyer's Title Insurance Co. Lennox Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Morgan Guaranty Trust of N.Y. Northern States Power N.W. Bell Telephone Co. Owens- Corning Fiberglass Co. Phelps Dodge Industries Pillsbury Corporation Red Owl Stores Royal Globe Insurance Co. St. Paul Fire & Marine Shell Oil Company Skelly Oil Company Snyder Drug Stores Standard Oil Company Travelers Insurance Co. Univac University National Bank Western Electric Westinghouse Xerox Corporation APPRAISAL QUALIFICATIONS OF RICHARD J. HURLEY EDUCATION Bachelor -of,- Business Administration with an Accounting Major - University of Minnesota Advanced Accounting Studies at Bemidji State University Passed Uniform Certified Public Accounting Examination - 1985 Society of Real Estate Appraisal Course 101 = University of Minnesota Equivalency Tests Passed for .American Institute of Appraisers 1A -1 Real Estate Appraisal Principles 1987 1A -2 Basic Valuation Procedures 1987 1B -A Capitalization Theory and Techniques, Part A 1988 1B -B Capitalization Theory and Techniques, Part B 1988 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS International Right of Way Association RECENT SEMINARS ATTENDED Business Valuations, sponsored by American Society of Appraisers Appraisals for Acquistion — Department of Natural Resources. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE C. E. LaSalle & Associates Staff Appraiser Work includes appraisals on commercial, industrial, residential, and investment oriented properties, including office buildings, industrial buildings and development land. Clients served include various government agencies, law firms and private investors. Qualified and testified as expert witness in Hennepin and St. Louis Counties. Bouley, Heutmaker. Zibell & Co. CPA's Senior Auditor Preformed audits, reviews, compilations, and prepared tax returns for clients. Ziegler. Inc.. Vice President Ziegler, Inc. is a large dealership for Caterpillar, Inc. Responsible for all accounting and data processing for parent company and all subsidiaries. PARTIAL LIST OF TYPICAL CLIENTS: Government Units Law Firms State of Minnesota Gunn, Olson, Seran Hennepin County Anoka County Plant, Mooty, Mooty, City of Bloomington and Bennett City of Golden Valley Mr. Edward Hagerty Meshbesher, Singer and Spence, Ltd Harstad & Rainbow Types of Properties Office Buildings Development Land Warehouses Industrial Buildings Restaurants Retail Centers Service Stations Apartment Buildings Single Family Homes C. E. LASALLE & ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS & CONSULTANTS SUITE 140 7400 METRO BOULEVARD. EDINA, MINNESOTA 55435 C. E. LASALLE SRPA. ASA. SR /WA APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION The undersigned appraiser hereby certifies that: I have personally inspected the subject property. TELEPHONE 612 -835 -1001 I have no present or contemplative. interest in the real estate that is the subject of this appraisal report. I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the subject matter of this appraisal report or the parties involved. The amount of my fee is not contingent upon reporting a predetermined value or upon the amount of value estimate. To the best of my knowledge and belief statements of fact contained in the appraisal report, upon which the analysis, opinions and conclusions expressed herein are based, are true and correct. That this appraisal report sets forth all of the assumptions and limiting conditions affecting the analysis, opinions, and conclusions . contained in the report.. The appraisal report has been made in conformity with and is subject to the requirements of the Code of Ethics and standards of professional practice in conduct of the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. No one other than the undersigned prepared the analysis, conclusions and opinions concerning real estate that are set forth in the appraisal report. Additional information relating to documentation, substantiation, reasoning and justification is maintained in my files and may be made available upon request. C. E. LaSal1 SRPA l Richard J. Huy, CPA C. Wayne Courtney, Mayor AGENDA ITEM VII.E 4So ry but I cannot attend tonite's meeting. /_�?�- �?�✓.�t�. C �c-�� /'- ..cam -c tier -.c.c. �Z.J Lam:. /� /��..�r2�� SG �l�re.. C�'- 1`-�7t -e.� ? �.�Zy- _.._ _ (/.� /_ :.f� __ ���.�Gc.� ? `��4��,� -G� /�K-� � "�"`- -C _c�Z�. c� �fL� /[X/✓.'ilLl�2c- cC.A�tJ.._:� . • MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 13, 1988 s 9:00 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Fran Hoffman, Chairman Alison Fuhr Lois Coon Gordon Hughes Craig Swanson MEMBERS ABSENT: Non OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. SECTION A e John Knodle, 7609 Gleason Road Charles Yeschke, 6800 Chapel Lane Patricia Robbins, 6028 Chapel Lane Eleanor Amberg, 6804 Chapel Lane Mary Dinneen, 7611 Gleason Road Barbara Kennedy, 7631 Gleason Road Andrea Carroll, 6520 Belmore Lane Renelle Nelson, 7627 Gleason Road Stan Knodle, 7609 Gleason Road Sherry Wilson, 401 Griffit Street Jill Anecki, 400 Griffit Street Joan Waterstreet, Edina Police Department Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. (1) Discuss traffic safety concerns and signing in 7600 block of Gleason Road. Continued from August 1988 meeting. ACTION TARN: Mr. Craig Swanson began by reviewing the speed surveys which had been conducted prior to the meeting. The area was surveyed on four different occasions primarily between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM on August 29th through September 7th. The findings were characteristic of like roadways in Edina with a 85% compliance rate noted. Broken down, this means that of over 1,000 vehicles surveyed, 8 citations would have been written. The observation was made'that the issue was really not illegal speed as much as excessive speed given the course of the roadway. A TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES September 13, 1988 Page 2 (Continued) Mr. Hoffman presented the Engineering Department overview which was con- ducted on Gleason Road from County Road 62 south to approximately West 78th Street. His observations were that the location of the driveway at. 7609 Gleason Road was indeed a hazard geographically due to being at the apex of the curve. Also, in that area the road surface might need to be redone due to settling. In addition, on -going installation of advisory 25 mph speed and curve signs was taking place to further reduce the risks. Mr. Hoffman also queried the possibility of placing bollard and chain approximately 50 -100 north of the 7609 Gleason driveway to keep vehicles from crossing onto the resident's property. Residents of this area questioned the possibility of "STOP" sign installa- tion and also weight limitations for Gleason Road. Mr. Hoffman advised that, being a collector street, the weight limitation of 9 -ton was not really an issue and also advised that it would be difficult to decide which area of Gleason Road to sign due to the geometrics of the entire roadway. He also advised Mr. Knodle, the resident of 7609 Gleason Road, where he might view a bollard and chainewhich had already been installed due to similar circumstances. Mr. Swanson moved to implement the engineering recommendations of advisory signing and road resurfacing along with installation of bollard and chain based on concurrence by affected residents. Ms. Coon seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. (2) Request to sign both sides of Chapel Lane, "NO PARKING, 8 AM - 4 PM", SCHOOL DAYS". Petition signed by all residents on Chapel Lane. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman opened by asking those represented to state the perceived problems in the area. Mr. Charles Yeschke answered that, in short, their neighborhood is being overrun with garbage. Students using Chapel Lane for on- street parking during school hours are leaving litter and debris behind each day. Local residents are willing to put up with the inconvenience of not parking in front of their homes as opposed to living with the situation as it now stands. They also believe that the proposed signing will not displace the student parking permanently, but merely redirect them to the next closest location, that being Chapel Drive. Mr. Swanson moved installation of "NO PARKING 8 AM = 4PM11, SCHOOL DAYS" signs on both sides of Chapel Lane. Ms. Funr seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING September 13, 1988 Page 3 (Continued) SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. None. SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. (1) Request to upgrade the intersection of Griffit Street and Belmore Lane from a two -way "STOP" to a four -way "STOP ". Continued from August 1988 meeting. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman began by reviewing the traffic counts which had been taken since the August meeting. In summary, approximately 695 to 700 cars per day traveled Belmore Lane. He also advised that Maloney Avenue is actually considered the collector street in the area. Mr. Swanson recapped the accident history from 1933 to present. Thus far, there has been only one property damage accident.in 1984 at the intersection of Belmore Lane and Griffit Street. Two speed surveys were conducted, one on August 17th and one on August 30th, with the first being conducted between 1:00 and 3:00 PM and the second between 3:00 and 5:00 PM. The August 17th survey revealed 93% compliance to posted speed limits and the August 30th survey showed 84% compliance. This, again, was a typical traffic picture for like areas of Edina. Local residents had several concerns, those in part being clearview problems, more young children in the neighborhood, and increased traffic in the area. This, they felt, is due to more vehicles using Belmore to avoid Excelsior Avenue. They also believe that there is an excessive speed problem and that pedestrians must walk into the roadway in order to see traffic coming over the hills on Belmore Lane either east or west- bound. Ms. Fuhr asked Mr. Hoffman to review the criteria for a 4-way "STOP" sign. He responded by stating there must be a significant accident history, large volumes or unique circumstances. He also asked the residents, represented if sidewalks had been viewed as a possible option. Ms. Fuhr moved, for discussion purposes, to install a 4 -way "STOP" sign. There was no second to this motion. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES September 13, 1988 Page 4 (Continued) Ms. Sherry Wilson viewed the increased traffic accompanied with more young children in the neighborhood as unique circumstances that would allow for placement of such signs. Mr. Hughes stated that he was confused as to what the real issues were, whether they be clearview, speed, increased volumes, and he also stated that the circumstances, in his opinion, were not unique when compared to like areas of the city. Mr. Swanson moved to defer the item to the next meeting and prior to that � refer the item a ain to the Traffic Enforcement Unit for enforcement activity and study, 2) conduct a license plate survey of vehicles using Belmore Lane, -3� review the area for possible clearview violations and correct same, and T4T have the residents survey the neighborhood regarding installation of sidewalks. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. Respectfully submitted: EDINA TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE o e V` Cn RPOMN�O • nun REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item #• B From: KENNETH ROSLAND Consent ❑ CITY MANAGER Information Only ❑ Date: SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: SEWER AND WATER RATE ❑ To Council STUDY Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approve a.water rate increase to $.40 per 100 cu.' ft., a sewer rate increase to $1.15 per.100 cu. ft., and elimination of the tier system for sewer charges. Info /Background: Attached is an updated report and supporting information for the proposed sewer and water rate increase. M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENNETH ROSLAND CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: SEWER AND WATER RATES DATE: SEPTEMBER 19. 1988 As a follow -up to the City Council's comments and directions of August* 1. we have re- analyzed the sewer and water rate structure to assist the Council in its decision regarding rate adjustments. REASONS FOR RATE ADJUSTMENTS Sewer and water rate increases are required for three reasons: A. Increase in MWCC Collection and Treatment Charges The Metropolitan Waste Control Commission has raised its charges to the City by $112,760 or 5 %, in 1988. It is important to note that sanitary sewer charges account for approximately 75% of our utility bill. Virtually all of this sewer charge is attributable to MWCC charges with only a small percentage attributable to City related sanitary sewer costs. B. Capital Improvements The City water system requires the construction of one additional water tower and the installation of one new well. It should be noted that our last water tower was constructed in 1970 and our last well was installed in 1973. The cost of these improvements total approximately $1.5 million. We propose to finance these improvements through a bond issue of $1.0 million in combination with $500,000 from the Utilities Fund surplus. The reduction of borrowing from $1.5 million to $1.0 million will reduce our annual principal and interest payments to about $144,000. C. Operating Losses in the Utilities Fund The Utilities Fund incurred an operating loss of $279.294 in 1985 and $589,891 in 1986. On January 1, 1987, the City increased sewer rates by 25% and water rates by 10%. Nevertheless, our recently completed audited financial statements show a loss of $73,681 for 1987, even though heavier than normal water usage was experienced prior to the July 23, 1987 flood. We expect the trend of.operating losses will continue without rate increases. PROPOSED RATE INCREASES The objectives of our proposed rate increases are to: o cover increases in MiCC rates o finance improvements to the water system o break even on Utilities Fund operations After reviewing our projections presented at the August 1 meeting, we believe that we can accomplish the above objectives by way of a $.07 per 100 cu. ft. water rate increase rather than a $.09 increase as presented earlier. We continue to recommend a sewer rate increase from $1.10 cu. ft. to $1.15 per 100 cu. ft. in order to cover MWCC charges. Based upon Council direction, we propose to maintain the current minimum charge of $27.10 rather than to increase it to $31.40 as previously recommended. At the same time, however, we suggest that this minimwn charge should apply for the first 1800 cu. ft. of usage rather than the present 2000 cu. ft. threshold. This recommendation is made in order to avoid a new.tier system which would be caused by increasing rates on one hand, while preserving the minimum charge of $27.10 on the other. According to our records, 5,148 of our 13,623 utility customers (i.e. 38 %) used less than 2000 cu. ft. during the past winter quarter, thereby qualifying for the minimum charge. If the threshold were reduced to 1800 cu. ft, 4382 customers (i.e. 32 %) would have qualified for the minimum. Therefore, we believe that reducing the minimum to 1800 cu. ft. would have little effect on most small water and sewer users. The cost impact for those between 1800 cu. ft. and 2000 cu. ft. would be quite nominal. For example, a user of exactly 2000 cu. ft. would be charged $30.20 rather than $27.10: First 1800 cu. ft. $27.10 200 cu. ft. additional water .80 200 cu. ft. additional sewer 2.30 Total $30.20 The $.07 per 100 cu. ft. water rate increase would increase total revenues by approximately $210,000 which should cover our costs for capital improvements as well as cover operating costs. Therefore, our present and proposed rates are: PROPOSED RATE INCREASES The objectives of our proposed rate increases are to: o cover increases in MWCC rates o finance improvements to the water system o break even on Utilities Fund operations After reviewing our projections presented at the August 1 meeting, we believe that we can accomplish the above objectives by way of a $.07 per 100 cu. ft. water rate increase rather than a $.09 increase as presented earlier. We continue to recommend a sewer rate increase from $1.10 cu. ft. to $1.15 per 100 cu. ft. in order to cover MWCC charges. Based upon Council direction, we propose to maintain the current minimum charge of $27.10 rather than to increase it to $31.40 as previously recommended. At the sane time, however, we suggest that this minimum charge should apply for the first 1800 cu. ft. of usage rather than the present 2000 cu. ft. threshold. This recommendation is made in order to avoid a new tier system which would be caused by increasing rates on one hand, while preserving the minimu►u charge of $27.10 on the other. According to our records, 3,148 of our 13,623 utility customers (i.e. 38 %) used less than 2000 cu. ft. during the past winter quarter, thereby qualifying for the winimum charge. If the threshold were reduced to 1800 cu. ft, 4382 customers (i.e. 32 %) would have qualified for the minimum. Therefore, we believe that reducing the minimum to 1800 cu. ft. would have little effect on most small water and sewer users. The cost impact for those between 1800 cu. ft. and 2000 cu. ft. would be quite nominal. For example, a user of exactly 2000 cu. ft. would be charged $30.20 rather than $27.10: First 1800 cu. ft. $27.10 200 cu. ft. additional water .80 200 cu. ft. additional sewer- 2.30 Total $30.20 The $.07 per 100 cu. ft. water rate increase would increase total revenues by approximately $210,000 which should cover our costs for capital improvements as well as cover operating costs. Therefore, our present and proposed rates are: CURRENT RATES PROPOSED. RATES WATER . $.33 per 100 cu. ft. $.40 per 100 cu. ft. SEWER 1 to 2000 cu. ft. — $20.50 $1.15 per 100 cu. ft. 2001 to 4000 cu. ft. - $32.75 4001 to 7000 cu. ft. - $56.25 7001 cu. ft. and over - $1.10 per 100 cu. ft. MINIMUM CHARGE $27.10 for first 2000 cu. ft. $27.10 for first 1800 cu. ft. ELIMINATION OF TIER SYSTEM FOR SEWER CHARGES We continue to recommend that the tier system for sewer charges should be eliminated. As explained in earlier memos, the tier system, in effect, causes the lower user to subsidize the sewer charges for the higher user. A rate system based on actual usage is recommended. COMPARISON WITH SURROUNDING CITIES The attached graphics have been revised to reflect the rate structure which we are now reconmeuding. We believe you will agree that Edina's rates continue to compare very favorably with our neighbors. b CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER RATE COMPARISON' Current Rates . Proposed Rates Water $33 per 100 cuft $.40 per 100 cuft Sewer 1 cuft to 2000 cuft - $20.50 $1.15 per 100 cuft 2001 cuft to 4000 cuft - $32.75 4001 cuft to 7000 cuft - $56.25 7001 cuft and over - $1.10 per 100 cuft Meter Charge $0.00 $0.00 Minimum Charge $27.10 $27.10 Total Sample Revenue for One Quarter 4 4 SA Q17.30 Average User Charge For One Quarter $43.96 45.50 Sample includes 108 Users APPENDIX A SAMPLE REVENUE (108 USERS) $5,206.64 $5,347.55 $5,288.80 $4,693.64 $4,913.47 AVERAGE USER $48.21 $49.51 $48.97 $43.46 $45.50 CITY OF EDINA SEWER b WATER RATE STUDY JULY 1988 THE FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF SEWER AND WATER RATES BY SELECTED CITIES.. FOR COMPARITIVE PURPOSES, WE HAVE COMPLETED A SAMPLE OF 108 RESIDENTS USING SIMILAR QUANTITIES OF WATER USED FOR ALL CITIES. THIS ANALYSIS SHOWS EDINA'S PROPOSED RATES COMPARE FAVORABLY WITH THE OTHER CITIES RATES. CITY OF EDINA ST. LOUIS PARK RICHFIELD HOPKINS CURRENT RATES PROPOSED RATES SUMMARY OF QUARTERLY SEWER 6 WATER CHARGES: WATER: $.84/100 CUFT $.64/100 CUFT $.33/100 CUFT $.40/100 CUFT 1st 3,000 CUFT $.489/100 CUFT NEXT 44,000 CUFT $.455/100 CUFT MINIMUM USEAGE MINIMUM USEAGE OVER 47,000 CUFT $.420/100 CUFT 2,000 CUFT: 1,800 CUFT: $6.60 $6.60 SEWER: $.882/100 CUFT $.67/100 CUFT $1.12 /100 CUFT $1.15 /100 CUFT 1 TO 2,000 CUFT $20.50 2,001 TO 4,000 CUFT $32.75 MINIMUM.USEAGE 4,001 TO 7,000 CUFT $56.25 1,800 CUFT: 7,001 AND OVER $1.10 /100 CUFT $20.50 FIXED CHARGE $6.35 $4.50 $.00 $.00 $.00 METER CHARGE $3.92 $3.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 SAMPLE REVENUE (108 USERS) $5,206.64 $5,347.55 $5,288.80 $4,693.64 $4,913.47 AVERAGE USER $48.21 $49.51 $48.97 $43.46 $45.50 APPENDIX B CITY OF EDINA 'AGE 1 OF 2 SEWER & WATER RATE STUDY JULY 1988 CITY OF EDINA ST. LOUIS PARR RICHFIELD HOPKINS CURRENT RATES PROPOSED RATES 1200 CUBIC FEET: WATER $5.87 $10.08 $7.68 $6.60 $6.60 METER CHARGE 3.92 3.00 SEWER 10.58 8.04 13.44 20.50 20.50 FIXED CHARGE 6.35 4.50 $26.72 $25.62 $21.12 $27.10 $27.10 1800 CUBIC FEET: WATER $8.80 $15.12 $11.52 $6.60\ $6.60 METER CHARGE 3.92 3.00 SEWER 15.88 12.06 20.16 20.50 20.50 FIXED CHARGE 6.35 4.50 $34.95 $34.68 $31.68 $27.10 $27.10 2000 CUBIC FEET: WATER $9.78 $16.80 $12.80 $6.60 $8.00 METER CHARGE 3.92 3.00 SEWER 17.64 13.40 22.40 20.50 23.00 FIXED CHARGE 6.35 4.50 $37.69 $37.70 $35.20 $27.10 $31.00 2100 CUBIC FEET: WATER $10.27 $17.64 $13.44 $6.93 $8.40 METER CHARGE 3.92 3.00 SEWER 18.52 14.07 23.52 32.75 24.15 FIXED CHARGE 6.35 4.50 $39.06 $39.21 $36.96 $39.68 $32.55 3100 CUBIC FEET: WATER $15.13 $26.04 $19.84 $10.23 $12.40 METER CHARGE 3.92 3.00 SEWER 27.34 20.77 34.72 32.75 35.65 FIXED CHARGE 6.35 4.50 $52.74 $54.31 $54.56 $42.98 $48.05 4000 CUBIC FEET: WATER $19.22 $33.60 $25.60 $13.20 $16.00 METER CHARGE 3.92 3.00 SEWER 35.28 26.80 44.80 32.75 46.00 FIXED CHARGE 6.35 4.50 $64.77 $67.90 $70.40 $45.95 $62.00 APPENDIX B CITY OF EDINA PAGE 2 OF 2 SEWER & WATER RATE STUDY JULY 1988 CITY OF EDINA ST. LOUIS PARR RICHFIELD HOPXINS CURRENT RATES PROPOSED RATES 4100 CUBIC FEET: WATER $19.68 $34.44 $26.24 $13.53 $16.40 METER CHARGE 3.92 3.00 SEWER' 36.16 27.47 45.92 56.25 47.15 FIXED CHARGE 6.35 4.50 $66.11 $69.41 $72.16 $69.78 $63.55 7000 CUBIC FEET: WATER $32.87 $58.80 $44.80 $23.10 $28.00 METER CHARGE 3.92 3.00 SEWER 61.74 46.90 78.40 56.25 80.50 FIXED CHARGE 6.35 4.50 $104.88 $113.20 $123.20 $79.35 $108.50 7100 CUBIC FEET: WATER $33.33 $59.64 $45.44 $23.43 $28.40 METER CHARGE 3.92 3.00 SEWER 62.62 47.57 79.52 78.10' 81.65 FIXED CHARGE 6.35 4.50 $106.22 $114.71 $124.96 $101.53 $110.05 8000 CUBIC FEET: WATER $37.42 $67.20 $51.20 $26.40 $32.00 METER CHARGE 3.92 3.00 SEWER 70.56 53.60 89.60 88.00 92.00 FIXED CHARGE 6.35 4.50 $118.25 $128.30 $140.80 $114.40 $124.00 SUMMARY OF QUARTERLY SEWER S WATER CHARGES: WATER: $.84/100 CUFT $.64 PER 100 CUFT $.33 PER 100 CUFT $.40 PER 100 CUFT 1st 3,000 CUFT $.4891100 CUFT NEXT 44,000 CUFT $.455/100 CUFT MINIMUM USEAGE MINIMUM USEAGE OVER 47,000 CUFT $.420/100 CUFT 2,000 CUFT: 1,800 CUFT: $6.60 $6.60 SEWER: $.882/100 CUFT $.67/100 CUFT $1.12 PER 100 CUFT $1.15 PER 100 CUP 1 TO 2,000 CUFT $20.50 2,001 TO 4,000 CUFT $32.75 MINIMUM USEAGE 4,001 TO 7,000 CUFT $56.25 1,800 CUFT: 7,001 AND OVER $1.10 PER 100 CUFT $20.50 METER CHARGE $3.92 $3.00 $.00 $.00. $.00 FIXED CHARGE $6.35 $4.50 $.00 $.00 $.00 Sewer & Water Rate Study Current vs.. Proposed Rates Quarterly Bill in dollars 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 500 100015002000250030003500400045005000550060006500700075008000 Usage in Cubic Feet — Edina — Current .... Edina — Proposed Sewer & Water. Rate Study Sample of Selected Cities Quarterly Bill in Dollars 0 500 10001, 500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 Usage in Cubic Feet °• ° ° °--••• StIouis Park Richfield Hopkins Edina — Proposed Y o e Cn ILA- 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION lase To: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # E D• From: David A. Velde Consent ❑ Information Only 0 Date: September 19, 1988 Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Radon Gas ® To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Purchase 10 Radon Detection Kits to test randomly selected homes in Edina. Info /Background Attached. 1 Background Information Radon is an odorless, colorless and tasteless radioactive gas that occurs naturally in the environment as a decay product of uranium and thorium, elements found in the earth's crust. Radon is an inert, or chemically inactive gas. As radon decays, it breaks down into more chemically active particles. In the outdoor environment the decay products are diluted by other atmospheric gases, but indoors they may accumulate. to unsafe levels. Exposure to high concentrations of radon has been associated with lung cancer in underground miners working in poorly ventilated areas. The potential for significant public health impact due to chronic exposure.to low level radon concentrations is being examined by the scientific community. Concentrations of radioactive elements vary widely although they are generally higher in granite or igneous rock and lower in sedimentary of limestone rock. Radon enters a building through cracks or openings that are exposed to the surrounding soil /substrate, e.g., sewer pipes, sump pumps, cracks in the foundation, joints between walls and floors. In addition, radon dissolved in water can be released to the air by the churning action of water flowing into sinks and showers and in toilets. Radon levels are affected-by meteorologic conditions e.g., temperature, wind speed, barometric pressure, as well as characteristics of the indoor environment, such as, location within the structure, weatherization, design and construction of space below the living levels. Radon concentrations are commonly expressed in picoCurie per liter (pCi /1).of air - -a common unit of measurement of the concentration of'radioactivity in a substance.. Pico is a prefix meaning one - trillionth (1 /1,000,000,000,000) and Curie is a measure of radioactivity. One pCi /l means that about two atoms of radon decayed into other elements per liter of air. Currently, no standards, i.e., maximum permissible levels, exist for radon in indoor environments. Various guidelines for airborne radon levels in buildings have evolved. Since 1986, the most widely quoted guideline in the United States is 4.0 pCi /1. Other recognized guidelines range from low.2.5 pCi /1 for new construction by the World Health Organization to a high of 11 pCi /l for remodeled houses in Sweden and 8 pCi /l by the National Council on Radiation. Protection Measurements. The range of guidelines reflects scientific debate about the health consequences of low -level exposure to radon as well as the broader issues.such as site- specific outdoor levels and economic feasibility. The guidelines are based on annual average measurements. Radon levels are measured in a variety of ways. As a screening technique, short -term measurements can be made under worst -case conditions, using charcoal canisters. In Minnesota the best time to measure using these canisters is in winter when ventilation is reduced. When used as a screening tool, these canisters can remain in place for 2 -7 days. Alpha -track detectors (ATD) are usually left in place for 3 -12 months which gives a longer term average measurement that is more reliable and a better measure of actual risk. Although radon levels in homes vary throughout the country, there is a consensus that initial screening measurement should.be viewed seriously. In 1986, after EPA had reviewed results of studies from several areas in the U.S., that agency recommended that all houses undergo initial screening. *Survey of Radon in Minnesota Homes, Minnesota Department of Health, August 1988. Current Status At the present time, the department is not aware of any homes in Edina which have a radon level above the EPA guideline of 4 pCi /1. A member of the Edina CHS Advisory Committee had her home tested for radon and the level was below the EPA guideline of 4 pci /l. Radon levels can be easily measured by placing a charcoal canister or an Alpha Track device in your home. These kits are available from the American Lung Association (871 -7332) for $25.00. The home owner exposes the device in their home for the prescribed period of time, then mails it back to the laboratory for analysis. We have received a few calls regarding radon and have advised the homeowner to contact the American Lung Association for a test kit. The Department encourages homeowners to test their home.. We also advise them to use the Alpha Track device for the testing. This device samples the home for a longer period of time thereby giving the homeowner a more accurate reading of actual radon level in their home. We also caution the resident against depending upon the test results obtained from neighboring homes. There have been several instances where radon levels have been high in one home and the next door neighbors home has been below the EPA guideline. The following guideline will help people determine what action they should take after testing their home and obtaining the test results: Radon Concentration. (pCi /1) Table 1 U.S. EPA Guidelines* Recommended Urgency of Reduction Efforts 200 or above Action to reduce levels as far below 200.0 pCi /l as possible is recommended within several weeks after measuring these levels. If action is not possible, the homeowner should determine, in consultation with appropriate State or local officials, if temporary relocation is appropriate until the levels can be reduced. 20 to 200 Action to reduce levels as far below 20.0 pci /l as possible is recommended within several months. 4 to. 20 Action to reduce levels to 4.0 pCi /l or less is recommended within a few years, and sooner if levels are at the upper end of this range. less than 4 While these levels are at or below the EPA guideline, some homeowners, at their discretion, might wish to attempt further reductions. *Adapted from EPA publication, Radon Reduction Techniques for Detached Houses, Technical Guidance, 2nd Edition. Recommendation At this time, the.Department does not have access to data about radon in homes in Edina. The Minnesota Department of Health performed a survey for radon on a statewide basis and.released their report in August, 1988. The results of this survey indicate a problem does exist with radon in Minnesota, however, the sampling was very broad based and does not identify specific locations or areas where one should be.concerned about radon. I believe it would be worthwhile to purchase ten radon kits and test a sampling of homes in Edina. The ten kits would be placed inside private homes at five locations in the City. The locations would be selected based upon the predominant soil formation in the city such as peat, sand, clay, and gravel. The results of this survey would be shared with the homeowner. and would serve as an indicator of the radon problem in Edina. 0 .Z' - f %.y A. o @ ' ' 1 n. '" ll • ��Eq.pM�� V • �, REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND,-MANAGER From. MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: SEPTEMBER 16, 1988 Subject: NLC CONGRESS OF CITIES Recommendation: Info /Background: Agenda Item # Consent 0 Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Several mailings have been received regarding the 1988 NLC Congress of Cities to be held December 3 -7 at Boston, Massachusetts. This has again been placed on the Council Agenda for 9/19/88 for consideration by the Council. Advance registration must be received by October 31. I will have the two brochures (too large to copy) available at the meeting. Attached is- summary data on the conference. �� P " ' League of Minnesota Cities July 22, 1988 183 University Ave. East St. Paul, MN 55101 -2526 (612) 227.5600 (FAX: 221.0986) TO: Mayors, Managers, Clerks FROM: Ann Higgins, Federal Liaison SUBJECT: 1988 NLC Congress of Cities, December 3 -7, Boston, Massachusetts City officials need to begin planning now to attend the 1988 NLC Congress of Cities, December 3 -7, in Boston. LMC urges you to make decisions immediately regarding registration and travel arrangements to take advantage of lower fares and convenient accommodations. Attendance by city officials is likely to be very high since the historic area and opportunities for lively meetings combine to offer a strong interest for officials seeking the latest information and up -dates on urban issues. If your city clerk does not have a conference program brochure and registration form from the National League of Cities, please call and request one. TRAVEL AND HOTEL RESERVATIONS Below please find flight schedules and available airfares arranged by International Travel Exchange. Cindy Arendts is providing the bookings for travel reservations for Minnesota city officials on the flights listed here. If you have questions, please call her at 612 - 483 -8236. Please pay close attention to fare restrictions and deadlines for reservations and payment. In order to obtain the lower fares, it is important to be certain that you will not need to change or cancel your flight reservation because costly penalties are imposed. Airline Flight Schedule and Airfare Information The following flights are available for travel to and from the conference: TO BOSTON: Friday, December 2 departs Mpls /StP arrives Boston Northwest #720 8:05 a.m. 11:50 a.m. *Northwest #1642 5:50 p.m. 9:35 p.m. Saturday, December 3 Northwest #720 8:05 a.m. FROM BOSTON: Wednesday, December 7 departs Boston. Northwest #47 4:10 p.m. Northwest #357 6:55 p.m. Thursday, December 8 Northwest #153 9:00 a.m. 11:50 a.m. arrives Mpls /StP 6:20 p.m. 8:45 p.m. 10:57 a.m. *Reservations on NW #1642 outgoing and returning on either Wednesday or Thursday will result in lowest available fare, due to late time of day departure. Check with travel agency. Fares available as of'7/19/88z $195.50 — $210.50 (including taxes) Airfares and times are subject to change International Travel Exchange will provide up -to -date information on lowest available fares and seating as well as flight schedule changes. Please be sure to contact Cindy Arendts if you have questions. (See phone numbers listed below.). To make reservations, call Cindy Arendts at International Travel Exchange at 612- 483 -8236 or 1- 800 - 328 -6795, Extension 483. -The address for the travel agency is as follows:. Cindy Arendts International Travel Exchange 3585 North Lexington Avenue, Suite 120 .,St. Paul, MN 55126 . Limited Super Saver seats are available on the flights listed above." Make your reservations early to obtain lowest available rates. These rates are based on non - refundable, non - exchangeable tickets.. It would be preferable to make reservations at higher, non - restrictive rates if you are likely to need to change your travel plans after you have made your reservations. PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS BEFORE OCTOBER 15 TO ASSURE BEST POSSIBLE SEATING AND FLIGHT SELECTION. LIMITED SEATING IS AVAILABLE ON ALL FLIGHTS LISTED, BUT AVAILABILITY DEPENDS ON DEMAND. Northwest Airlines will guarantee refunds in case airfares are lowered after ticketing is completed for those with reserrvations made earlier. If ticketing is not complete prior to the effective date for higher rates, higher rates will prevail. Hotel Accommodations - A Word of Caution It is equally important to avoid any cancellation or changes in NLC Conference registration since the demand for hotel space will be high, resulting in hotel accommodation reservations at distant locations for late registrants. If you change your arrival date, the hotel may not agree to hold your reservation (and release your room, while retaining your deposit). HOTEL ROOM RESERVATIONS MUST BE GUARANTEED BY A NATIONAL CREDIT CARD OR BY SENDING THE HOTEL A DEPOSIT NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 4 (AFTER YOU HAVE RECEIVED CONFIRMATION OF YOUR ACCOMMODATIONS FROM THE HOTEL). THE HOTEL WILL AUTOMATICALLY CANCEL YOUR HOTEL RESERVATION UNLESS SUCH ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE. IMPORTANT NLC PROGRAMS. The recently opened Hynes Convention Center will be the site of NLC Conference programs. Hotels adjacent to the center offer more than 5,000 rooms, along with enclosed walkways linking the convention center to shopping areas. The NLC brochure that has been sent to many cities also describes pre- conference seminars and other related conference events and activities. Many require payment in addition to the NLC conference. - registration fee. Please note that registrations postmarked by September 5 are at a reduced rate (early registration). NLC has invited both presidential hopefuls to address the conference so city officials may get a chance to hear a major address by the president- elect. Four workshop tracks have been organized: "Investing in People and Neighborhoods"; "Creating Economic Vitality"; "Financing Your City's Infrastructure" and "Controlling and Managing Growth". In addition, there are sessions emphasizing leadership skills including "Leadership Dynamics - Dynamic Leadership" and "New Ways to Deliver Traditional Services". .In addition to the major program tracks, the conference also offers a variety of special workshops on such topics as "Reconciling Public Office, Family and Career "; "Hot Topics for Local Legislative Control"; "Siting Municipal Incinerators"; "City and Bank Partnership for Community Reinvestment", etc. Workshops will be held on Sunday, December 4, as well as on Monday - Wednesday, Deecember 5 -7. Minneapolis be will be featured in a program on neighborhood livability, along with other innovative and helpful how to presentations from cities across the nation. NLC POLICY COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND POLICY ADOPTION Minnesota city officials serve on all 5 NLC Steering Committees. Policy recommendations from each of those committees will be reviewed by the full NLC Policy Committees (to which LMC is authorized.to appoint UP to 5 additional Minnesota city officials to serve as policy committee members for a one -year term which commences each year at the NLC Congressional -City Conference, held in February or March; those appointments may also be renewed for addtional terms.) Policy committees will meet to deliberate and vote on policy recommendations on Sunday, December 4. Those actions will then be, reviewed by the NLC Resolutions Committee on Monday, December 5. Policy committee meetings will be in the morning at 9:00 a.m.; and again in the afternoon. Afternoon committee sessions are scheduled to end by 4:30 p.m. (A more detailed schedule Of-committee meetings will be available in the fall; committees will be scheduled for either the a.m. or p.m. slots; no committee meetings will be scheduled for the full day on December 4.) City officials appointed to 1988 NLC policy committees are expected to attend those important policy development discussions and anticipate in the policy review and adoption. City officials serving as NLC voting delegates for their city or for LMC will have voting privileges at the NLC Business Meeting, to be held on Wednesday, December 7, beginning at 10:30 a.m., immediately following the closing general session. It is very important that the League have a full slate of voting delegates present for the business meeting. Please plan your schedule accordingly if you are appointed a voting delegate (or alternate) for your city. FUTURE MAILINGS AND INFORMATION ON LMC DELEGATION ACTIVITIES Later this fall, I will mail information on policy issues and Minnesota delegation activities to all city officials who currently serve on NLC committees as well as to all other city officials registered for the confereence. The League is making special arrangements this year for exciting and unusual delegation programs at the NLC conference. We want to give LMC member city officials a chance to take part in special programs planned especially for LMC delegates. You'll hear more about these activities in the fall when NLC registration information will provide the League with a list of those registered for the conference. Right now, be sure to reserve Sunday afternoon, December 4, at 5:OO p.m. for the LMC Delegation Caucus, a meeting that has traditionally preceded the final policy adoption session for the conference delegates. The delegation meeting will be held in the Hynes Convention Center. Room location and other information will be available at a later date. n 0 e t4 U) \ APOM iaaa "t6O/ REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To:. Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman City Engineer Date: 15 September 1988 Subject: W. 69th Street between France and York Avenue Southdale Final Plan Approval Recommendation: No action needed at this time. Agenda Item # �. Consent 0 Information Only 0 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Info /Background: City Council asked that staff report back to Council on 9/19/88 as to the status of the roadway design discussions between Southdale and the Galleria. Center Companies, Galleria and City staff met once to discuss the issue of W. 69th Street as it abuts both properties. The results of the meeting were that the traffic engineers for both parties and City engineering staff work out a traffic flow plan acceptable to both sides. The engineers here have met and reached an alternative solution which should meet traffic demands on both sides of the street. The geometric details have yet to be finalized but the plans are developed enough that City staff would accept the preliminary plans as a guide to follow in development of preliminary construction plans. of 4j` ,4A. �rlr� 4 e REPORT/RECOMMENDATION MENDATION To: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL From: KENNETH ROSLAND, MANAGER Date: SEPTEMBER 16, 1988 Subject: CALL FOR PUBLIC SALE - VARIOUS BOND ISSUES Recommendation: Agenda Item # xU-.A -D Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA [] To Council Action ❑ Motion El Resolution ❑ Ordinance Adoption of the resolutions authorizing issuance and calling for public sale of the four bond issues. Info /Background: On September 19, the City Council will consider various resolutions which invite bids for the bonds relative to the Hedberg,project as well as the storm sewer utility projects, water utility projects and the arena project. Bids will be opened on the afternoon of October 3, 1988, and will be presented to the Council that evening for consideration. In regard to the Hedberg project, we are recommending that the City solicit bids only for the bonds necessary to finance the acquisition of the public property, pay park fees, and cover legal and administrative costs. We suggest that bonds to finance the park improvements and other development related costs should be sold later this year after the land acquisition phase is completed. 1 1n1A. ,fir e REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND,- MANAGER From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: SEPTEMBER 15, 1988 Subject: PETITION FOR WATER MAIN EXTENTION Recommendation: Agenda Item # Consent [] Information Only [] Mgr. Recommends [] To HRA 0 To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance That the petition for watermain extention for 10 and 11 Woodland Road be referred to the Engineering Department for processing. Info /Background: The attached petition was-received from the property owners at.10 and 11 Woodland Road requesting City water -to be supplied to these two homes which currently are not serviced by City water. t Wiliam 0. Krebs, Jr. SFIEARSON Vice President ;LEI1,l��T i �1 1 An American Express company gMEGII(/W E1�PE55 September 9, 1988 To The Honorable Council of the City of Edina: Please accept this petition for City water to be supplied in the street for the two homes listed on the enclosed petition. I was not able nor was it necessary to have 60% of the properties abuttly to sign because they have city water already. Sincerely, Y. Krebs, J Home # 926 -9793 Work # 227 -0707 q 445 Minnesota Street 612 227 0707 Member of all principal security, Saint Paul, MN 55101 800 421 0018 option, and commodity exchanges. r\ PETITION FOR WATER V..AIlt EXTENSION TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA: DATED 8--30— 8 -_ The undersigned being owners of not less than 511% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said City: between _ and etween and between between and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTIOrl OF CITY MATER t?Al d EXTENSIOrl THEREIN, and that the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 39G, Laws of Minnesota, 1953. Said assessment to be on a per- connection basis. SIGNATURE OF 0141NERS ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY I. This pct: t'; on -:as circulated by�%� /�.EaS �' DAMES /I'Ik 1�E✓ SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE 110TE: THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAT PETITIONS BE SIGNED BY 011HERS OF 00% OF A�UTTINC. PROPERTIES WIERE.VER POSSIBLE. R -74 CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA PRE - SALE /FINANCE PLAN REPORT 1988 BOND ISSUES SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 PUBLIC FINANCIAL SYSTEMS 512 NICOLLEr MALL, SURE 530 -MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55M PUBLIC FINANCIAL SYSTEMS 512 Nicollet Mall, Suite 550 • Minneapolis, MN 55402 • (612) 333 -9177 DATE: September 16, 1988 TO: City Council Members and Staff Edina, Minnesota FROM: Public Financial Systems, Inc. SUBJECT: Pre -Sale Report 1988 Bond Issues Executive SummarylRecommendations This report describes the finance plan for the sale of four bond issues. The $5,100,000 G.O. Taxable Tax Increment Bonds and the $10,175,000 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds will finance a portion of the City's participation in the Hedberg Project. The $3,160,000 G.O. Utility Revenue Bonds are being sold to finance improvements to the City's water and storm sewer system. The final issue is $2,470,000 in G.O. Recreational Facility Bonds to finance ice arena and golf course improvements. It is recommended that the City Council authorize the sale of bonds as described in this report. The details of each bond issue and the projected debt service schedules are included as Appendix A. Market Conditions Market conditions have been relatively stable during 1988. The Bond Buyer's Index (BBI) began 1988 at 7.83% and dropped to a low of 7.40% in February. The Index rose slowly through the quarter reaching 7.90% on March 31. The Index showed little change during the summer months. In August, the BBI rose slightly following the increase in the Discount Rate and bank prime rates. In recent weeks, the Index has improved and now stands at 7.59 %. This marks the low point in the BBI since March and is well below the 7.73% average for the year. It is important to keep these conditions in historical perspective. While interest rates are not as favorable as in late 1986 and early 1987, they are still good when compared with recent history. The graph on the following page illustrates the trends in the BBI since 1982. Pre -Sale Report September 16, 1988 Page 2 We expect that the cycle of stable to moderate changes in interest rates will continue for the foreseeable future. The recent increase in the prime rate will exert some upward pressure on interest rates. There are not significant factors that would indicate a rapid increase in rates prior to the proposed sale date. It is, however, difficult to predict interest rates. Bond interest rates are affected by broad national (i.e. budget deficit, inflation, stock market) and global (i.e. balance of trade, world debt, Persian Gulf) economic factors. Many key factors point to higher rates in the future. None of the indicators appear to be so negative that a sharp rise in rates is likely. TREND OF BOND BUYERS INDEX 14 13 12 11 x 10 X m 9 Al 8 7 6 5 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Year Prepared by: Public Financial Systems, Inc. 8.10 8.05 8.00 7.85 7.90 7.85 7.80 7.75 7.70 7.65 7.60 7.55 7.50 Bond Buyers Index 1988 5/6 6/3 7/1 8/5 , 9/1 Week Ending Pre -Sale Report September 16, 1988 Page 3 RATING The City of Edina is one of the leading credits in the State of Minnesota. It is important that the bond ratings be given special attention, particularly with a large increase in indebtedness and given that the City has not been reviewed since 1986. As part of the debt issuing process, staff from both Standard & Poor's and Moody's are scheduled to visit Edina. These visits will occur on September 20 and September 22, respectively. The ability to see the City, to visit the site of the Hedberg Project, and to discuss the bond issues with the City Staff insure that all concerns will be properly examined. A comparison of some key rating factors for Edina and similar metropolitan area cities is included in Appendix B. There are two key factors in the rating analysis for these issues. The first is the financial feasibility of the City's participation in the Hedberg Project. Part of the review process will focus on the financial analysis of the tax increment, the agreements with the developer, and the overall schedule for the project. The second key factor is the amount of additional debt. An increase in debt must be balanced against the needs for the projects and the revenue impact of debt service. We believe that these issues are part of a prudent debt management strategy for a community like Edina. The increased indebtedness still leaves Edina on the low tier for similar communities. ISSUING PROCESS To enable the City to purchase property by October 14th, the issuing process has a tight schedule. The proposed timetable for the issuance of these bonds is as follows: September 19 Council action to initiate sale process. Week of September 19 - Official Statement to printers. Notice of Sale published. September 20 - Standard & Poor's rating visit. September 22 - Moody's rating visit. September 26 - September 30 Preparation for bond sale. Rating assigned. Market development. October 3 Bond sale. October 13 Closing (estimated) We have enjoyed serving as your financial advisor and look forward to making these bond issues successful. Respectfully submitted, PUBLIC FINANCIAL SYSTEMS, INC. APPENDIX A BOND ISSUE SUMMARY SHEETS DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULES 15.100.000 G.O. TAXABLE Tax Increment Bonds Authority S Purpose: The Bonds will be issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 475 and 469 for the purpose of financing a portion of the public costs of the S.E. Edina Redevelopment Project Area (Hedberg Project). Security: The Bonds will be general obligations of the City for which the full faith and credit and unlimited taxing power is pledged. The Bonds will be payable from tax increment revenue collected from tax increment financing districts located in the S.E. Edina Redevelopment Project Area. Tax- Exempt: No Bank Qualified: No Private Activity Bonds: NA Mon -ANT: Yes Components of Issue: Land Acquisition $1,553,523 Land Write -down 800,000 Park Fee 965,158 Administration 231.000 Total Project Costs 3,549,681 Capitalized Interest 1,425,319 Costs of Issuance 30,000 Discount 95.000 Total Bond Issue $ 5,100,000 Bonds Dated: October 1, 1988 First Interest Payment: August 1, 1989 Maturity Schedule (February 1): Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount 1995 $ 125,000 2000 225,000 2005 375,000 1996 50,000 2001 225,000 2006 450,000 1997 100,000 2002 250,000 2007 650,000 1998 125,000 2003 300,000 2008 825,000 1999 150,000 2004 350,000 2009 900,000 Call Feature: Callable at par on February 1, 1998 and any interest payment date thereafter. September 16, 1988 $10.175.000 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds Authority S Purpose: The Bonds will be issued pursuant to Minnesota Year Statutes, Chapters 475 and 469 for the purpose Year of financing a portion of the public costs of the 1995 S.E. Edina Redevelopment Project Area (Hedberg 2000 Project). Security: The Bonds will be general obligations of the City 1996 for which the full faith and credit and unlimited 2001 taxing power is pledged. The Bonds will be 2006 payable from tax increment revenue collected from 1997 tax increment financing districts located in the 2002 S.E. Edina Redevelopment Project Area. Tax- Exempt: Yes Bank Qualified: No Private Activity Bonds: No Mon -AMT: Yes Components of Issue: Land Acquisition $6,415,157 2004 Park Fee 1,007,888 2009 Administration 469,000 Call Feature: Total Project Costs 7,892,045 Callable at Capitalized Interest 2,052,955 February 1, Costs of Issuance 40,000 Discount 190,000 interest payment date Total Bond Issue $10,175,000 Bonds Dated: October 1, 1988 First Interest Payment: August 1, 1989 Maturity Schedule (February 1): Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount 1995 $ 250,000 2000 425,000 2005 750,000 1996 75,000 2001 475,000 2006 825,000 1997 175,000 2002 525,000 2007 1,325,000 1998 250,000 2003 625,000 2008 1,650,000 1999 325,000 2004 700,000 2009 1,800,000 Call Feature: Callable at par on February 1, 1998 and any interest payment date thereafter. September 16, 1988 NEDBEItG PROJECT TOTAL BUDGET FOR CITY PARTICIPATION TAXABLE TAX-EXEMPT SUBTOTAL 6,741,271 13,325,874 ADMINISTRATION 231,000 469,000 LAND 1,553,523 6,415,157 PARK FEE 965,158 1,007,888 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS 452,986 1,902,829 LAND WRITEDOWN (RETAIL) 800,000 350,000 STORK DRAINAGE 25,000 200,000 PARK 2,922,672 3,800,000 NOOSING SITE WORK 2,969,604 190,000 SUBTOTAL 6,741,271 13,325,874 ADMINISTRATION 231,000 469,000 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 19,998 60,000 CONTINGENCY 263,059 590,282 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS .......... 7,255,328 .......... 14,445,156 DISCOLAIT 197,000 350,000 COSTS OF ISSUANCE 25,000 40,000 CAPITALIZED INTEREST 2,922,672 3,764,844 TOTAL BOND ISSUE 10,400,000 18,600,000 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---------- ---- - - - - -- COSTS TO FINANCE INITIAL BOND ISSUES TAXABLE TAX-EXEMPT LAND 1,553,523 6,415,157 PARK FEE 965,158 1,007,888 LAND WRITEDOWN (RETAIL) 800,000 ADMINISTRATION 231,000 469,000 TOTAL COSTS TO FINANCE --- -- - - -- - 3,549,681 -- -- - - - - -- 7,892,045 X Of TOTAL COSTS 48.93% 54.63% DISCOUNT 95,000 190,000 COSTS OF ISSUANCE 25,000 40,000 CAPITALIZED INTEREST 1,430,319 2,052,955 TOTAL BOND ISSUE ---------- 5,100,000 ---- - - - - -- 10,175,000 X TOTAL DEBT 49.04% ---- -- - - -- ---------- 54.70% ---- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- RESTRUCTURED DEBT OPTION I....................... REVENUES .......................I .......... ............................... EXPENSES ..... ............................... PREPARED BY Public Fineneial System, Inc. ( 15 -Sep -88 ) PAGE 1 PROJECT PROJECT EDINBORUGN TAX BOND INCREMENT PROCEEDS INVESTMENT . INCOME OTHER TOTAL REVENUES COSTS HEDBERO COSTS OTHER DEBT SERVICE 1988 TAX•EXE1iT 1988 TAXABLE 1989 TAX-EXEMPT 1989 TAXABLE TOTAL EXPENSES PERIOD CUR. INVEST. - .DATE .................................................................................................................................................................. BALANCE BALANCE RATE DATE Jan-88 Feb -88 104,322 0 11,116 0 115,438 14,167 14,167 109,297 69,257 513,683 135,775 0 0 0 0 0 637,147 ............................... 2,743,906 (637,147) 2,106,759 5.500 Jan -88 Mar -88 9,418 9,418 14,167 19,559 0 0 0 0 0 219,199 (103,761) 2,002,998 5.500 Feb -88 Apr-88 Nay-88 9,125 9,125 89,167 140,000 141,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,726 370,917 (24,308) 1,978,690 (361,792) 1,616,898 5.500 5.500 Mar -88 Apr -88 Jun-88 8,240 7,076 8,240 7,076 14,167 14,167 140,000 140,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 154,167 (145,927) 1,470,971 5.500 May -88 Jul -88 807,801 6,405 814,206 14,167 140,000 513,863 0 0 0 0 0 154,167 (147,091) 1,323,880 5.500 Jun-88 Aug-88 Sep-BS 6,403 6,403 14,167 140,000 135,775 0 0 0 0 0 668,030 289,942 146,176 1,470,056 (283,539) 1,186,517 5.500 5.500 Jut-88 Aug-88 Oct•88 15,275,000 6,OBB 5,420 6,088 15,280,420 14,167 14,167 355,225 591,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,167 (8,079) 1,178,438 5.500 Sep•B8 Nov-88 38,216 38,216 11,055,893 0 0 0 961,142 14,319,278 15,497,716 5.500 Oct -88 Dec -88 807,801 45,782 853,583 67,501 0 0 0 0 11,055,893 (11,017,677) 4,480,039 5.500 Nov -88 Jan-89 Feb -89 13,725,000 22,335 21,846 22,335 130746,846 357,901 663,863 0 0 0 0 0 0 67,501 1,021,766 786,082 5,266,121 (999,429) 4,266,692 5.500 5.500 Dec -88 Jan-89 Mar -89 49,181 49,181 357,901 357,901 325,775 135,775 0 0 0 0 819,451 12,927,395 17,194,087 5.500 Feb -89 Apr-89 78.099 78,099 357,901 119,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 357,901 (308,720) 16,885,367 5.500 Mar -89 May-89 76,477 76,477 357,901 0 0 0 477,151 (399,052) 16,486,315 5.500 Apr-89 Jun-89 74,917 74,917 357,901 0 0 0 357,901 (281,424) 16,204 891 5.500 May -89 Jul -89 1,063,784 73,624 1,137,408 357,901 508,988 0 0 0 0 357,901 (282,984) 15,921,907 5.500 Jun -89 Aug-89 Sep-89 75,595 69,386 73,595 69,386 357,901 185,775 627,490 429,990 0 311,725 0 268,181 866,889 2,181,062 270,519 16,192,427 (2,107,467) 14,084,960 5.500 5.500 Jut-89 Aug-89 Oct -89 63.E 63.895 357,901 357,901 569,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 357,901 (288,515) 13,796,445 5.500 Sep -89 Nov-89 61,255 201,300 262,555 1,535,808 0 0 0 0 927,151 (863,256) 12,933,189 5.500 Oct-89 Dee -89 1,063,784 56,359 1,120,143 357,901 0 0 0 0 1,535,808 (1,273,253) 11,659,936 5.500 Nov -89 Jan-90 55,188 55,188 357,901 658,988 0 0 0 0 0 357,901 762,242 12,422,178 5.500 Dee -89 Feb -90 Mar -90 54,731 48,741 54,751 48,741 357,901 134,475 376,494 257,994 311,725 0 268,181 1,016,869 1,706,770 (961,701) 11,460,477 (1,652,039) 9,808,438 5.500 5.500 Jan -90 Feb -90 Apr 90 14,247 46,247 357,901 357,901 96,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 357,901 (309,160) 9,499,278 5.500 Mar-90 Nay90 42,599 42,599 357,901 0 0 0 0 454,201 (409,954) 9,089,324 5.500 Apr-90 Jun-90 40,937 40,937 357,901 0 0 0 0 357,901 (315,302) 8,774,022 5.500 may-90 Jul -90 1,092,674 39,488 1,132,162 357,901 503,925 0 0 0 0 357,901 (316,964) 8,457,058 5.500 Jun -90 Aug-90 Sep-90 39,381 36,065 39,381 36,065 357,901 357,901 184,475 376,494 257,994 0 311,78 0 268,181 861,826 1,756,770 270,336 8,727,394 (1,717,389) 7,010,005 5.500 5.500 Jul -90 Aug-90 at'� 31,392 31,392 357,901 566,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 357,901 (321,836) 6,688,169 5.500 SOP-90 Nov-90 28,654 28,654 1,535,809 p 0 0 904,201 (872,809) 5,815,360 5.500 Oct -90 Dee•90 1,092,674 23,200 1,115,874 357,901 0 0 0 0 1,535,80 (1,507,155) 4,308,205 5.500 Nov-90 Jan -91 21,483 21,483 14,167 653,925 0 0 0 0 0 357,901 1 757,973 5,066,178 5.500 Ose•90 Feb -91 Mar -91 21,738 21,758 14,167 133,125 376,494 257,994 311,725 0 268,181 668,092 1,361,686 (646,609) 4,419,569 (1,339,948) 3,079,621 5.500 5.500 Jan -91 Feb -91 Apr-91 17,186 14,122 17,186 14,122 14,167 14,167 72,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,167 3,019 3,082,640 5.500 Mar-91 May -91 13,962 13,962 14,167 0 0 0 0 87,067 (72,945) 3,009,695 5.500 Apr -91 Jun -91 13,794 13,794 14,167 0 0 0 0 0 14,167 (205) 3,009 490 5.500 May -91 JuL•91 1,258,780 13,793 1,272,573 14,167 498,600 0 0 0 0 14,167 (373) 3,009,117 5.500 Jun-91 Aug-91 Sep -91 15,533 15,533 14,167 183,125 376,494 257,994 311,725 0 268,181 512,767 1,411,686 759,806 3,768,923 (1,396,153) 2,372,770 5.500 5.500 jut-91 Aug-91 Oct -91 14,075 10,875 14,075 10,875 14,167 14,167 522,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,167 (92) 2,372,678 5.500 Sep-91 Nov -91 9,669 9,669 14,167 0 0 0 537,067 (526,192) 1,846,486 5.500 Oct-91 0 0 0 14,167 (4,498) 1,841,988 5.500 Nov-91 PREPARED BY Public Fineneial System, Inc. ( 15 -Sep -88 ) PAGE 1 RESTRUCTURED DEBT OPTION I....................... REVENUES .......................I I .......... ............................... EXPENSES ........... ............................... PREPARED BY PubLic FinaneiaL Syaten, Inc. ( 15- Sep -88 ) PAGE 2 PROJECT PROJECT EDINBORUGH TAX BOND INVESTMENT TOTAL COSTS COSTS DEBT 1988 1988 1989 1989 TOTAL PERIOD CUM. INVEST. DATE ................................................................................................................................................................................. INCREMENT PROCEEDS INCOME OTHER REVENUES HEDBERG OTHER SERVICE TAX-EXEMPT TAXABLE TAX-EXEMPT TAXABLE EXPENSES BALANCE BALANCE RATE DATE - Dac_91 . 1.255,780..... - - - . 8,453 - - - .... 1,267,233 . - -14,167 . . . ... ..... ...... 0 ..... 0 0 0...14,167 ............................... 1,253,066 2,743,906 3,095,054 5.500 Feb-92 0 0 28,334 780,325 376,494 257,994 ..... 311,725 ..... 268,181 2,023,053 • • (2,023,053) 1,072,001 - 0.000 ..Dav91 Feb -92 Aug -92 1,871,045 0 1,871,045 85,002 775,900 376,494 257,994 311,725 268,181 2,073,296 (202,251) 869,750 0.000 Aug -92 Feb -93 1,871,045 0 256,300 2,127,34S 85,002 1,321,000 376,494 257,994 311,725 268,181 2,620,396 (493,051) 376,698 0.000 Feb -93 Aug -93 2,419,072 0 2,419,072 85,002 739,100 376,494 257,994 311,725 268,181 2,038,496 380,576 757,274 0.000 Aug-93 Feb-94 Aug-94 2,419,072 2,536,829 0 0 2,419,072 85,002 1,286,100 376,494 257,994 311,725 268,181 2,585,496 (166,424) 590,851 0.000 Feb-94 Feb -95 2,536,829 0 2,536,829 85,002 703,550 376,494 257,994 311,725 268,181 2,002,946 533,883 1,124,734 0.000 Aug-94 Aug -95 2,595,180 0 2,536,829 2,595,180 85,002 85, 002 1,000,450 734,450 626,494 368,244 362,994 251,994 $36,725 304,300 393,181 262,181 3,024,846 2,006,171 (488,017) 589,009 636,717 1,225,727 0.000 0.000 Feb-95 Aug -95 Feb -96 2,595,160 0 2,595,180 85,002 1,479,650 443,244 301,994 379,300 312,181 3,001,371 (406,191) 819,536 0.000 Feb-96 Aug -96 Feb -97 2,654,698 2,654,698 0 0 2,654,698 85,002 693,200 365,731 249,569 301,788 259,756 1,955,046 699,652 1,519,187 0.000 Aug -96 Aug -97 2,715,406 0 2,654,698 2,715,406 85,002 85,002 1,438,250 651,125 540,731 359,781 349,569 244,669 426,788 297,538 334,756 256,081 3,175,096 1,894,196 (520,398) 821,210 998,789 1,819,999 0.000 0.000 Feb -97 Aug -97 Feb -98 Aug-98 2,715,406 2,777,328 0 0 2,715,406 85,002 1,396,100 609,781 369,669 497,538 381,081 3,339,171 (623,765) 1,196,234 0.000 Feb-95 Feb -99 2,777,328 0 2,777,328 85,002 658,300 351,156 238,481 290,638 249,894 1,873,471 903,857 2,100,091 0.000 Aug-98 Aug -99 2,840,489 0 2,777,328 85,002 1,351,550 676,156 388,481 565,638 424,894 3,491,721 (714,393) 1,385,699 0.000 Feb -99 Feb -2000 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 612,850 339,781 231,056 281,013 241,231 1,790,933 1,049,556 2,435,255 0.000 Aug-99 Aug -2000 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 1,306,050 764,781 456,056 631,013 466,231 3,709,133 (868,644) 1,566,611 0.000 Fab -2000 2,840,489 85,002 566,900 324,694 219,806 266,588 229,981 1,694,971 1,145,518 2,712,129 0.000 Aug -2000 Feb -2001 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 1,360,000 799,694 444,806 643,588 479,981 3,813,071 (972,582) 1,739,547 0.000 Feb -2001 Aug -2001 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 566,000 307,594 208,556 255,088 217,481 1,639,721 1,200,768 2,940,315 0.000 Aug -2001 Feb-2002 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 1,307,250 832,594 458,556 705,088 492,481 3,880,971 (1,040,482) 1,899,833 0.000 Feb -2002 Aug-2002 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 512,750 288,563 196,056 238,775 203,731 1,524,877 1,315,612 3,215,445 0.000 Aug-2002 Feb-2003 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 1,254,000 913,563 496,056 738,775 528,731 4,016,127 (1,175,638) 2,039,807 0.000 Feb -2003 Aug -2003 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 459,500 265,750 181,056 220,525 187,481 1,399,314 1,441,175 3,480,981 0.000 Aug -2003 Feb -2004 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 1,200,750 965,750 531,056 795,525 562,481 4,140,564 (1,300,075) 2,180,906 0.000 Feb -2004 Aug -2004 2,640,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 705,750 239,850 163,381 199,250 168,544 1,561,777 1,278,712 3,459,618 0.000 Aug-2004 Feb -2005 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 1,186,500 989,850 538,381 799,250 543,544 4,142,527 (1,302,038) 2,157,580 0.000 Feb-2005 Aug -2005 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 689,250 211,725 144,444 176,750 149,606 1,456,777 1,383,712 3,541,292 0.000 Aug-2005 Feb -2006 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 1,118,250 1,036,725 594,444 876,750 549,606 4,260,777 (1,420,288) 2,121,004 0.000 Feb -2006 Aug -2006 2,640,489 0 2,840,489 85,002 621,000 180,788 121,719 150,500 129,406 1,288,415 1,552,074 3,673,078 0.000 Aug -2006 Feb-2007 Aug -2007 2,840,489 2,840,489 0 0 2,840,489 85,002 1,505,768 771,719 1,250,500 829,406 4,442,415 (1,601,926) 2,071,152 0.000 Feb -2007 Feb -2008 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 41,555 131,100 88,406 109,250 93,531 463,842 2,376,647 4,447,799 0.000 Aug -2007 Aug -2008 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 1,781,100 913,406 1,484,250 968,531 5,147,287 (2,306,798) 2,141,001 0.000 Feb -2008 Feb -2009 2,840,489 0 2,840,489 2,640,489 2,840,489 68,400 1,8,400 46,125 946,125 57,000 1,557,000 48,688 998,688 220,213 5,370,213 2,620,276 (2,529,724) 4,761,277 2,231,553 0.000 0.000 Aug-2008 Fab -2009 Aug -2009 Feb -2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,231,553 0.000 Aug-2009 ...................................................................................................................................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,231,553 0.000 Fab -2010 100,499,297 29,000,000 1,533,564 457,600 131,490,461 25,075,456 1,579,113 36,878,385 22,550,238 13,538,560 18,467,706 ............................... 13,913,356 132,002,814 (512,353) apart W Ypp�uupq�puutptpuuttpmuu�pt�pt�uuutuutuuuupuuu�up�utptu�pp�Y��tt�ppppuppp�uuutpupu�puptpppup PREPARED BY PubLic FinaneiaL Syaten, Inc. ( 15- Sep -88 ) PAGE 2 RESTRUCTURED DEBT OPTION I.......... 1988 TAN - EXEMPT ...........I I .......... 1988 TAXABLE ...........I 10,175,000 ANNUAL 5,100,000 ANNUAL PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST PRINCIPAL DEBT PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST PRINCIPAL DEBT DATE PAYMENTS ..................................... (X) PAYMENTS ............................... & INTEREST SERVICE DATE .................................. PAYMENTS (X) PAYMENTS ............................... L INTEREST SERVICE Jan-88 6.000 0 0 Jan -88 9.000 0 0 Feb -88 6.000 0 0 Feb -88 9.000 0 0 mar.88 6.000 0 0 Mar -88 9.000 0 0 Apr -88 6.000 0 0 Apr -88 9.000 0 0 May -88 6.000 0 0 May -88 9.000 0 0 Jun -88 6.000 0 0 Jun -88 9.000 0 0 Jul -BB 6.000 0 0 Jul -88 9.000 0 0 Aug -88 6.000 0 0 Aug -88 9.000 0 0 Sep -88 6.000 0 0 Sep -88 9.000 0 0 Oct -88 6.000 0 0 Oct -88 9.000 0 0 Nov -88 6.000 0 0 Nov -88 9.000 0 0 Dee -88 6.000 0 0 0 Dee -88 9.000 0 0 0 Jan -89 6.000 0 0 Jan -89 9.000 0 0 Feb -89 6.000 0 0 Feb -89 9.000 0 0 Mar -89 6.000 0 0 Mar -89 9.000 0 0 Apr-89 6.000 0 0 Apr -89 9.000 0 0 May -89 6.000 0 0 May -89 9.000 0 0 Jun -89 6.000 0 0 Jun -89 9.000 0 0 Jul -89 6.000 0 0 Jul -89 9.000 0 0 Aug-89 6.000 627,490 627,490 Aug -89 9.000 429,990 429,990 Sep -89 6.000 0 0 Sep -89 9.000 0 0 Oct -89 6.000 0 0 Oct -89 9.000 0 0 Nov -89 6.000 0 0 NOV -89 9.000 0 0 Dee -89 6.000 0 0 627,490 Dee -89 9.000 0 0 429,990 Jan-90 6.000 0 0 Jan -90 9.000 0 0 Feb -90 6.000 376,494 376,494 Feb -90 9.000 257,994 257,994 Mar -90 6.000 0 0 Mar -90 9.000 0 0 Apr -90 6.000 0 0 Apr -90 9.000 0 0 May -90 6.000 0 0 May -90 9.000 0 0 Jun-90 6.000 0 0 Jun -90 9.000 0 0 JuL -90 6.000 0 0 Jul -90 9.000 0 0 Aug-90 6.000 376,494 376,494 Aug -90 9.000 257,994 257,994 Sep -90 6.000 0 0 Sep -90 9.000 0 0 Oct -90 6.000 0 0 Oct -90 9.000 0 0 Nov -90 6.000 0 0 Nov -90 9.000 0 0 Dee -90 6.000 0 0 752,988 Dee -90 9.000 0 0 515,988 Jan -91 6.000 0 0 Jan -91 9.000 0 0 Feb -91 6.000 376,494 376,494 Feb -91 9.200 257,994 257,994 Mar -91 6.000 0 0 Mar -91 9.200 0 0 Apr -91 6.000 0 0 Apr -91 9.200 0 0 May -91 6.000 0 0 14ay -91 9.200 0 0 Jun -91 6.000 0 0 Jun -91 9.200 0 0 JuL-91 6.000 0 0 Jul -91 9.200 0 0 Aug -91 6.000 376,494 376,494 Aug -91 9.200 257,994 257,994 Sep -91 6.000 0 0 Sep -91 9.200 0 0 Oct -91 6.000 0 0 Oct-91 9.200 0 0 Nov -91 6.000 0 0 Nov -91 9.200 0 0 PREPARED BY Publ(e Financial Syateais,.Inc. ( 15- Sep-S8 ) PAGE 3 RESTRUCTURED DEBT OPTION PREPARED BY Publte Flnancfel System, Inc. ( 15- Sep -88 ) PAGE 4 I .......... 1988 TAX - EXEMPT ........... �.......... 1988 TAXABLE ...........� 10,175, 000 ANNUAL 5,100,000 ANNUAL PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST PRINCIPAL DEBT PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST PRINCIPAL DEBT DATE ..................................... PAYMENTS (X) PAYMENTS ............................... i INTEREST SERVICE DATE .................................. PAYMENTS (X) PAYMENTS ............................... i INTEREST SERVICE Dee -91 ... ............................... 6.000 0 0 Dee -91 9.200 0 0 Feb -92 0 6.150 376,494 376,494 752,988 .. ............................... Feb -92 9.300 257,994 257,994 515,988 Aug -92 6.150 376,494 376,494 Aug -92 9.300 257,994 257,994 Feb -93 6.300 376,494 376,494 752,988 Feb -93 9.400 257,994 257,994 515,988 Aug -93 6.300 376,494 376,494 Aug -93 9.400 257,994 257,994 Feb -94 6.500 376,494 376,494 752,988 Feb -94 9.500 257,994 257,994 515,988 Aug -94 6.500 376,494 376,494 Aug -94 9.500 257,994 257,994 Feb -95 250,000 6.600 376,494 626,494 1,002,988 Feb -95 125,000 9.600 257,994 382,994 640,988 Aug -95 6.600 368,244 368,244 Aug -95 9.600 251,994 251,994 Feb -96 75,000 6.700 368,244 443,244 .811,488 Feb -96 50,000 9.700 251,994 301,994 553,988 Aug -96 6.700 365,731 365,751 Aug -96 9.700 249,569 249,569 Feb -97 175,000 6.800 365,751 540,751 906,462 Feb -97 100,000 9.800 249,569 349,569 599,138 Aug -97 6.800 359,781 359,781 Aug -97 9.800 244,669 244,669 Feb -98 250,000 6.900 359,781 609,781 969,562 Feb -98 125,000 9.900 244,669 369,669 614,338 Aug -98 6.900 351,156 351,156 Aug -98 9.900 238,481 238,481 Feb -99 325,000 7.000 351,156 676,156 1,027,312 Feb -99 150,000 9.900 238,481 388,481 626,962 Aug -99 7.000 339,781 339,781 Aug -99 9.900 231,056 231,056 Feb -2000 425,000 7.100 339,781 764,781 1,104,562 Feb-2000 225,000 10.000 231,056 456,056 687,112 Aug -2000 7.100 324,694 324,694 Aug -2000 10.000 219,806 219,806 Feb -2001 475,000 7.200 324,694 799,694 1,124,388 Feb - 2001 225,000 10.000 219,806 444,806 664,612 Aug -2001 7.200 307,594 307,594 Aug -2001 10.000 208,556 208,556 Feb -2002 525,000 7.250 307,594 832,594 1,140,188 Feb - 2002 250,000 10.000 208,556 458,556 667,112 Aug -2002 7.250 288,563 288,563 Aug -2002 10.000 196,056 196,056 Feb -2003 625,000 7.300 288,563 913,563 1,202,126 Feb - 2003 300,000 10.000 196,056 496,056 692,112 Aug -2003 7.300 265,750 265,750 Aug -2003 10.000 181,056 181,056 Feb - 2004 700,000 7.400 265,750 965,750 1,231,500 Feb -2004 350,000 10.100 181,056 531,056 712,112 Aug -2004 7.400 239,850 239,850 Aug -2004 10.100 163,381 163,381 Feb -2005 750,000 7.500 239,850 989,850 1,229,700 Feb -2005 375,000 10.100 163,381 538,381 701,762 Aug -2005 7.500 211,725 211,725 Aug -2005 10.100 144,444 144,444 Feb -2006 825,000 7.500 211,725 1,036,725 1,248,450 Feb -2006 450,000 10.100 144,444 594,444 738,888 Aug -2006 7.500 180,788 180,788 Aug -2006 10.100 121,719 121,719 Feb -2007 1,325,000 7.500 180,788 1,505,788 1,666,S76 Feb - 2007 650,000 10.250 121,719 771,719 895,438 Aug -2007 7.500 131,100 131,100 Aug -2007 10.250 88,406 88,406 Feb -2008 1,650,000 7.600 131,100 1,781,100 1,912,200 Feb - 2008 825,000 10.250 88,406 913,406 1,001,812 Aug -2008 7.600 68,400 68,400 Aug -2008 10.250 46,125 46,125 Fab -2009 1,800,000 7.600 68,400 1,868,400 1,936,800 Feb - 2009 900,000 10.250 46,125 946,125 992,250 ............ 10,175,000 �t ..... ■ ............................... 12,375,238 22,550,238 22,173,744 tltttttlt ■tltlt ............ 5,100,000 tttltltltlt■ ..... ............................... 8,438,560 13,538,560 ttltttttltltttltftltttltlttltlttlttl 13,280,566 PREPARED BY Publte Flnancfel System, Inc. ( 15- Sep -88 ) PAGE 4 RESTRUCTURED DEBT OPTION I .......... 1989 TAX- EXEMPT ...........I I.......... 1989 TAXABLE ........... I 8.425,000 ANNUAL 5,300,000 ANNUAL PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST PRINCIPAL DEBT PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST PRINCIPAL DEBT DATE PAYMENTS .................................. (X) PAYMENTS .... ........................... i INTEREST SERVICE DATE ..............................................................--- PAYMENTS (X) PAYMENTS i INTEREST SERVICE Jan-88 6.000 0 0 Jan -88 9.000 0 0 Feb -88 6.000 0 0 Feb -88 9.000 0 0 Mar -88 6.000 0 0 Mar -88 9.000 0 0 Apr -88 6.000 0 0 Apr -88 9.000 0 0 May -88 6.000 0 0 May -88 9.000 0 0 Jun -88 6.000 0 0 Jun -88 9.000 0 0 Jul -88 6.000 0 0 Jul -88 9.000 0 0 Aug -88 6.000 0 0 Aug -88 9.000 0 0 Sep -88 6.000 0 0 Sep -88 9.000 0 0 Oct -88 6.000 0 0 Oct -88 9.000 0 0 Nov -88 6.000 0 0 Nov -88 9.000 0 0 Dec -88 6.000 0 0 0 Dee -88 9.000 0 0 0 Jan -89 6.000 0 0 Jan -89 9.000 0 0 Feb -89 6.000 0 0 Feb -89 9.000 0 0 Mar -89 6.000 0 0 Mar -89 9.000 0 0 Apr -89 6.000 0 0 Apr -89 9.000 0 0 May -89 6.000 0 0 May -89 9.000 0 0 Jun -89 6.000 0 0 Jun -89 9.000 0 0 Jul -89 6.000 0 0 Jul -89 9.000 0 0 Aug -89 6.000 311,725 311,715 Aug -89 9.000 266,181 268,181 Sep -89 6.000 0 0 Sep -89 9.000 0 0 Oct -89 6.000 0 0 Oct -89 9.000 0 0 Nov-89 6.000 0 0 Nov -89 9.000 0 0 Dee -89 6.000 0 0 311,715 Dee -89 9.000 0 0 268,181 Jan -90 6.000 0 0 Jan -90 9.000 0 0 Feb -90 6.000 311,725 311,715 Feb -90 9.000 266,181 268,181 Mar -90• 6.000 0 0 Mar -90 9.000 0 0 Apr -90 6.000 0 0 Apr -90 9.000 0 0 May -90 6.000 0 0 May -90 9.000 0 0 Jun -90 6.000 0 0 Jun -90 9.000 0 0 Jul -90 6.000 0 0 Jul -90 9.000 0 0 Aug -90 6.000 311,725 311,715 Aug -90 9.000 268,181 268,181 Sep -90 6.000 0 0 Sep -90 9.000 0 0 Oct -90 6.000 0 0 Oct -90 9.000 0 0 Nov -90 6.000 0 0 Nov -90 9.000 0 0 Dec -90 6.000 0 0 623,450 Dee -90 9.000 0 0 536,362 Jan -91 6.000 0 0 Jan -91 9.000 0 0 Feb -91 6.000 311,725 311,725 Feb -91 9.200 268,181 268,181 Mar -91 6.000 0 0 Mar -91 9.200 0 0 Apr -91 6.000 0 0 Apr -91 9.200 0 0 May -91 6.000 0 0 May -91 9.200 0 0 Jun -91 6.000 0 0 Jun -91 9.200 0 0 Jul -91 6.000 0 0 Jul -91 9.200 0 0 Aug -91 6.000 311,725 311,725 Aug -91 9.200 268,181 268,181 Sep -91 6.000 0 0 Sep -91 9.200 0 0 Oct -91 6.000 0 0 Oct -91 9.200 0 0 Nov -91 6.000 0 0 Nov -91 9.200 0 0 PREPARED BY Publte Financial Systems, Inc. ( 15-SeW88 ) PACE 5 RESTRUCTURED DEBT OPTION I .......... 1989 TAX - EXERT ...........I I.......... 1989 TAXABLE ...........I PREPARED BY Public Financial Systems, Inc. ( 19- Sep-88 ) PAGE 5 8,425,000 ANNUAL 5,300,000 ANNUAL PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST PRINCIPAL DEBT PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST PRINCIPAL DEBT DATE .................................. PAYMENTS (%) PAYMENTS ............................... i INTEREST SERVICE DATE .................................. PAYMENTS M PAYMENTS ............................... i INTEREST SERVICE Jan -88 6.000 0 0 Jan -88 9.000 0 0 Feb -88 6.000 0 0 Feb -88 9.000 0 0 Mar -88 6.000 0 0 Mar -88 9.000 0 0 Apr -88 6.000 0 0 Apr -88 9.000 0 0 May -88 6.000 0 0 May-BB 9.000 0 0 Jun -88 6.000 0 0 Jun -88 9.000 0 0 Jul -BB 6.000 0 0 Jul -88 9.000 0 0 Aug -88 6.000 0 0 Aug -88 9.000 0 0 Sep -88 6.000 0 0 Sep -88 9.000 0 0 Oct -88 6.000 0 0 Oct -88 9.000 0 0 Nov -B8 6.000 0 0 Nov -88 9.000 0 0 Dee -88 6.000 0 0 0 Dee -88 9.000 0 0 0 Jan -89 6.000 0 0 Jan -89 9.000 0 0 Feb -89 6.000 0 0 Feb -89 9.000 0 0 Mar -89 6.000 0 0 Mar -89 9.000 0 0 Apr -89 6.000 0 0 Apr -89 9.000 0 0 May -89 6.000 0 0 May -89 9.000 0 0 Jun -89 6.000 0 0 Jun -89 9.000 0 0 Jul -89 6.000 0 0 Jul -89 9.000 0 0 Aug -89 6.000 311, 78 311,725 Aug -89 9.000 268,181 268,181 Sep -89 6.000 0 0 Sep -89 9.000 0 0 Oct -89 6.000 0 0 Oct -89 9.000 0 0 Nov -89 6.000 0 0 Nov -89 9.000 0 0 Dee -89 6.000 0 0 311,725 Dee -89 9.000 0 0 268,181 Jan -90 6.000 0 0 Jan -90 9.000 0 0 Feb-90 6.000 311,725 311,78 Feb -90 9.000 268,181 268,181 Mar -90 6.000 0 0 Mar -90 9.000 0 0 Apr -90 6.000 0 0 Apr -90 9.000 0 0 May -90 6.000 0 0 May -90 9.000 0 0 Jun -90 6.000 0 0 Jun -90 9.000 0 0 Jul -90 6.000 0 0 Jul -90 9.000 0 0 Aug -90 6.000 311,725 311,M Aug -90 9.000 268,181 268,181 Sep-90 6.000 0 0 Sep -90 9.000 0 0 Oct -90 6.000 0 0 Oct -90 9.000 0 0 Nov -90 6.000 0 0 Nov90 9.000 0 0 Dee -90 6.000 0 0 623,450 Dee -90 9.000 0 0 536,362 Jan -91 6.000 0 0 Jan -91 9.000 0 0 Feb -91 6.000 311,725 311,725 Feb -91 9.200 268,181 268,181. Mar -91 6.000 0 0 Mar -91 9.200 0 0 Apr -91 6.000 0 0 Apr -91 9.200 0 0 May -91 6.000 0 0 May -91 9.200 0 0 Jun -91 6.000 0 0 Jun -91 9.200 0 0 Jul -91 6.000 0 0 Jul -91 9.200 0 0 Aug -91 6.000 311,725 311,78 Aug -91 9.200 268,181 268,181 Sep -91 6.000 0 0 Sep -91 9.200 0 0 Oct -91 6.000 0 0 Oct -91 9.200 0 0 Nov -91 6.000 0 0 Nov -91 9.200 0 0 PREPARED BY Public Financial Systems, Inc. ( 19- Sep-88 ) PAGE 5 $3.160.000 G.O. Utility Revenue Bonds Authority & Purpose: The Bonds will be issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 475 and 444 for the purpose of financing improvements to the municipal water and storm sewer systems. Security: The Bonds will be general obligations of the City for which the full faith and credit and unlimited taxing power is pledged. The Bonds will be payable from the net revenues of the City's Utilities Fund. Tax - Exempt: Bank Qualified: Private Activity Bonds: Non -AMT: Components of Issue: Yes No No Yes Project Costs Capitalized Interest Costs of Issuance Discount Total Bond Issue Bonds Dated: October 1, 1988 First Interest Payment: August 1, 1989 Maturity Schedule (February 1): $3,000,000 80,500 20,000 59.500 $3,160,000 Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount 1990 $ 170,000 1994 300,000 1997 375,000 1991 250,000 1995 320,000 1998 395,000 1992 275,000 1996 350,000 1999 425,000 1993 300,000 Call Feature: Callable at par on February 1, 1994 and any interest payment date thereafter. September 16, 1988 City of Edina $3,160,000 G.O. Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 1988 ANNUAL P 3 I DATE PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST P B 1 105% .......... ............. ....... .............. ............. ............. 01- Aug -89 169,002.08 169,002.08 01 -Feb -90 170,000.00 5.750 101,401.25 271,401.25 462,423.50 01 -Aug -90 96,513.75 96,513.75 01- Feb -91 250,000.00 5. 900 96 ,513.75 346,513.75 465,178.88 01- Aug -91 89,138.75 89,138.75 01- Feb -92 275,000.00 6.000 89,138.75 364,138.75 475,941.38 01-Aug-92 80,888.75 80,888.75 01-Feb-93 300,000.00 6. 150 80 ,888.75 380,888.75 484,866.38 01-Aug-93 71,663.75 71,663.75 01-Feb-94 300,000.00 6.300 71,663.75 371,663.75 465,493.88 01- Aug -94 62,213.75 62,213.75 01 -Feb -95 320,000.00 6.450 62,213.75 382,213.75 466,648.88 01- Aug-95 51,893.75 51,893.75 01-Feb -96 350,000.00 6.600 51,893.75 401,893.75 476,476.88 01- Aug-96 40,343.75 40,343.75 01- Feb -97 375,000.00 6.700 40,343.75 415,343.75 478,471.88 01- Aug -97 27,781.25 27,781.25 01 -Feb -98 395,000.00 6.750 27,781.25 422,781.25 473,090.63 01- Aug-98 14,450.00 14,450.00 01 -Feb -99 ------ 425,000.00 -- - - - - -- 6.800 14,450.00 --------- - - - - -- 439,450.00 ------- - - - - -- 476,595.00 ----- - --- -- -------------- 3,160,000.00 --------- - - - - -- 1,340,178.33 ------- - - - - -- 4,500,178.33 ------- - - - - -- 4,725,187.29 BOND YEARS - 20,423.333 INT. START DATE - 01-Oct-88 AVG.LIFE - 6.463 YRS. DELIVERY DATE - 01- Oct-88 AVG.000PON - 6.5620 % ACCRUED INTEREST- $0.00 N.I.C. - 6.8533 X DISCOUNT - $59,500.00 FOOTNOTES (1) Components of Bond Issue Project Costs 3,000,000 Costs of Issuance 20,000 Discount 59,500 Capitalized Interest 80,500 Total Bond Issue 3,160,000 (2) No outstanding storm sewer revenue supported debt. (3) First revenue collected 1st quarter 1989. (4) 10 year debt retirement /level annual payments Prepared by Public Financial Systems, Inc. 16 -Sep -88 12.470.000 G.O. Recreational Facility Bonds Authority & Purpose: The Bonds will be issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475 and Minnesota Laws 1961, Chapter 655 for the purpose of financing improve- ments to the municipal golf course and ice arena. Security: The Bonds will be general obligations of the City for which the full faith and credit and unlimited taxing power is pledged. The Bonds will be payable from the net operating revenues of the municipal liquor store, golf course and ice arena. Tax - Exempt: Bank Qualified: Private Activity Bonds: Non -AMT: Components of Issue: Yes No No Yes Project Costs Capitalized Interest Costs of Issuance Discount Total Bond Issue Bonds Dated: October 1, 1988 First Interest Payment: July 1, 1989 Maturity Schedule (January 1): $2,400,000 0 24,000 46.000 $2,470,000 Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount 1992 $ 25,000 1998 25,000 2004 225,000 1993 25,000 1999 25,000 2005 250,000 1994 25,000 2000 25,000 2006 270,000 1995 25,000 2001 175,000 2007 275,000 1996 25,000 2002 200,000 2008 • 325,000 1997 25,000 2003 200,000 2009 325,000 Call Feature: Callable at par on January 1, 1998 and any interest payment date thereafter. September 16, 1988 City of Edina 52,470,000 G.O. Recreational Facility Bonds, Series 1988 (2) Debt Limit Liquor Store Net Income Golf Course Net Income Arena Net Income Golf Course Depreciation Arena Depreciation Liquor Store Depreciation Debt Service 313,419 99,334 21,241 106,516 46,216 96,361 97,690 780,777 Prepared by Public Financial Systems, Inc. 16 -Sep -88 ANNUAL P & I PLUS: PLUS: TOTAL DATE .......... PRINCIPAL .......... RATE ...... INTEREST .............. P 8 I ............. 100% EXISTING DEBT ............. ............. 1989 BONDS ............ DEBT ............. 01- Jan -89 45,437.50 45,437.50 01-Ju1-89 90,875.00 90,875.00 136,312.50 140,500 276,812.50 01- Jan -90 90,875.00 90,875.00 01 -Jul -90 90,875.00 90,875.00 181,750.00 137,187 108,249 427,186.00 01- Jan -91 90,875.00 90,875.00 01- Ju1-91 90,875.00 90,875.00 181,750.00 133,725 144,332 459,807.00 01- Jan -92 25,000 6.000 90,875.00 115,875.00 01- Jul -92 90,125.00 90,125.00 206,000.00 130,125 144,332 480,457.00 01- Jan -93 25,000 6.150 90,125.00 115,125.00 01-Ju1-93 89,356.25 89,356.25 204,481.25 174,500 202,487 581,468.25 01-Jan-94 25,000 6.300 89,356.25 114,356.25 01- Jul -94 88,568.75 88,568.75 202,925.00 166,800 198,752 568,477.00 01-Jan-95 25,000 6.450 88,568.75 113,568.75 01- Jul -95 87,762.50 87,762.50 201,331.25 158,900 199,766 559,997.25 01-Jan-96 25,000 6.600 87,762.50 112,762.50 01- Jul -96 86,937.50 86,937.50 199,700.00 150,850 200,360 550,910.00 01- Jan -97 25,000 6.700 86,937.50 111,937.50 01- Jul -97 86,100.00 86,100.00 198,037.50 142,675 200,537 541,249.50 01- Jan-98 25,000 6.750 86,100.00 111,100.00 01- Jul -98 85,256.25 85,256.25 196,356.25 182,250 200,325 578,931.25 01 -Jan -99 25,000 6.800 85,256.25 110,256.25 01 -Jul -99 84,406.25 84,406.25 194,662.50 169,500 199,735 563,897.50 O1-Jan -2000 25,000 6.950 84,406.25 109,406.25 01- Jul - 2000 83,537.50 83,537.50 192,943.75 156,525 198,717 548,185.75 01-Jan-2001 175,000 7.100 83,537.50 258,537.50 01- Jul - 2001 77,325.00 77,325.00 335,862.50 0 202,040 537,902.50 01 -Jan -2002 200,000 7.200 77,325.00 277,325.00 01- Jul -2002 70,125.00 70,125.00 347,450.00 0 199,710 547,160.00 01 -Jan -2003 200,000 7.300 70,125.00 270,125.00 01- Jul -2003 62,825.00 62,825.00 332,950.00 0 201,732 534,682.00 01- Jan -2004 225,000 7.400 62,825.00 287,825.00 01- Jul -2004 54,500.00 54,500.00 342,325.00 0 202,910 545,235.00 01 -Jan -2005 250,000 7.500 54,500.00 304,500.00 01- Ju1-2005 45,125.00 45,125.00 349,625.00 0 198,410 548,035.00 O1 -Jan -2006 270,000 7.500 45,125.00 315,125.00 01- Jul -2006 35,000.00 35,000.00 350,125.00 0 203,097 553,222.00 01- Jan-2007 275,000 7.550 35,000.00 310,000.00 01- Jul -2007 24,618.75 24,618.75 334,618.75 0 201,808 536,426.75 01-Jan -2008 325,000 7.550 24,618.75 349,618.75 01-Ju1 -2008 12,350.00 12,350.00 361,968.75 0 199,728 561,696.75 01- Jan -2009 325,000 7.600 12,350.00 337,350.00 2,470,000 2,918,525.00 5,388,525.00 5,388,525.00 1,843,537 11,243,159.00 BOND YEARS - 39,282.50 INT. START DATE 01- Oct-88 AVG.LIFE - 15.90 YRS. DELIVERY DATE 01- Oct-88 AVG.000PON - 7.43 % ACCRUED INTERES $0.00 N.I.C. - 7.55 % DISCOUNT $46,000.00 - ------------------------------------------------------- FOOTNOTES (1) Components of Bond Issue Arena Improvements 1,850,000 Golf Course Improvements 550,000 2,400,000 Costs of Issuance 24,000 Discount 46,000 Capitalized Interest 0 Total Bond Issue 2,470,000 (2) Debt Limit Liquor Store Net Income Golf Course Net Income Arena Net Income Golf Course Depreciation Arena Depreciation Liquor Store Depreciation Debt Service 313,419 99,334 21,241 106,516 46,216 96,361 97,690 780,777 Prepared by Public Financial Systems, Inc. 16 -Sep -88 APPENDIX B COMPARISON OF KEY BOND RATING FACTORS COMPARISON OF KEY BOND RATING FACTORS Rating: Moody Ia Standard 8 Poor's Population: 1987 Estimate 1980 Census % Change 1980.1987 Property Value (1987/1988): Indicated Market Value Per Capita Assessed Value Fiscal Disparity Contribution Fiscal Disparity Distribution Captured Tax Increment Value Net Assessed Value Per Capita General Obligation Debt: Total G.O. Debt Supported Primarily By Property Taxes Taxes /Special Assessments Tax Increment Revenue Total Debt: Per Capita Per Indicated Market Value Per Assessed Value Property Taxes Payable 1988 Total Mill Rate Payable 1988 City Mill Rate ................................................................... ...... ......................... Golden St. Louis Edina Plymouth Valley Roseville Minnetonka Fridley Park -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aal As As Aa1 As Aal Aal AA+ AA- 45,924 43,834 21,527 34,608 43,025 29,310 43,363 46,073 31,615 22,775 35,820 38,683 30,228 42,931 - 0.32% 38.65% -5.48% -3.38% 11.22% -3.04% 1.01% 3,190,473,220 2,228,237,488 69,473 50,834 775,009,761 536,820,258 (64,666,035) (63,728,781) 18,583,073 25,367,432 (23,366,739) (21,124,869) 705,560,060 477,334,040 15,364 10,890 1,234,959,255 57,368 324,506,406 (35,902,244) 10,632,991 (30,334,486) 268,902,667 12,491 1,535,513,288 44,369 343,324,012 (49,927,271) 22,975,300 (16,538,164) 299,833,877 8,664 44,555,000 55,715,000 30,119,368 41,420,000 4,130,000 470,000 500,000 30,450,000 10,739,368 16,005,000 37,275,000 14,175,000 19,380,000 22,720,000 6,780,000 6,960,000 2,225,000 970 1,271 1,399 1,197 1.40% 2.50% 2.44% 2.70% 5.75% 10.38% 9.28% 12.06% 96.890 116.605 107.833 114.249 12.150 15.618 18.996 14.593 Prepared by Public Financial Systems (16- Sep -88 ) !.,700,299,411 62,761 559,195,867 (94,507,113) 20,911,421 (13,950,182) 471,649,993 10,962 1,037,784,333 35,407 229,580,273 (37,235,245) 23,382,622 (14,382,622) 201,345,028 6,869 1,898,004,783 43,770 429,961,943 (47,631,564) 27,502,221 (18,959,980) 390,872,620 9,014 48,150,000 28,400,000 21,900,000 46,320,000 7,700,000 11,750,000 1,830,000 20,700,000 10,150,000 1,119 969 505 1.78% 2.74% 1.15% 8.61% 12.37% 5.09% 121.211 118.541 115.538 18.859 14.992 18.321 1988 CI,. OF EDINA 09 -19 -88 PAGE 1 CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO.. DATE _ ---------AMOUNT- VENDORITEM_ DES CRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 8 P.O. N MESSAGE a56eea - noinoino "2.49000 FRANK B HALL A CO 7N5URANCE 10-4260-510-53 034052 x - - - 3.188 . 00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 7 . 263705 09/09/88 972.50 CLUB CLASSIC SERVICES ° 10-4201 - 508 -50 4115 5904 972.50 • o - * * * * ** - -- - - - -- -* ** -CKS 263707 09/12/88 -. _ 199.98 .- _JOAN__ORVIS.. - - -_ ..__- _PROF_SERVICES 28- 4201 - 701 -70 ,eJ 199.98 +e 263708 09/12/88 __. _ 300.00 - TRN PRODUCTIONS TRN - PRODUCTIONS01= 627 =62_ - -- ,o xol 300.00 * x, x: 263709- -- __._09/09/88- __55.00 --,-----GREATER MPLS AREA - - - - -- _GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 10- 4504- 200 -20 =.I 55.00 * xe 'xe * * * * ** - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - --- - *00-CKS 27 263711 09/12/88 MGFOA CONF 6 SCHOOLS 10 -4202- 160 -16 30l - -- -95.00 95._0.0 s - -- I3, 09/12/88 161.82 JULIA STOKER AMBULANCE 10- 3180 - 000 -00 �j263712 _1 61...82 i __ _ -. -- -_ . .. -__ 33 _ �3e 263713 09/12/88 80.00 BAKER POOLS CHEMICALS 26- 4564 - 682 -68 30463 78 - - - - - -- - 80.._00 + -- - - -- - 3 263714 09/12/88 3,250.00 C.E. LASALLE d ASSOC SERVICES 27 -4201- 664 -66 6503 14 x" _ -- - - - 3.250.00 s - - -- -- -- - ,< 263715 09/12/88 125.00 THOMAS HENRY SERVICES 23- 4120 - 612 -61 125_0 0 ,7 .e _s 263716 09/12/88 113.00 KATHERINE GUBTAFSON SERVICES .o O -- -- - -- - - 1_t3 -._0 0- * - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- e , :x1 e3 263717 09/12/88 294.00 MONICA RUDOUIST SERVICES 23 -4201- 611 -61 °4 - - - -- - - - - - -- 294 . p 0 ±— - - -- - -. -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- 3e' ° °� 263718 09/12/88 114.00 TIMOTHY IVERSON SERVICES 23- 4201 - 611 -61 el 3e _ 1 14. 0 0 * - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- -- e° * ** -CKS 263720 09/12/88 162.00 MARY HOLMGREN SERVICES 23 -4201- 611 -61 162.00 * 263721 09/12/88 362.00 STARRI HEDGES SERVICES 23- 4201 - 611 -61 362.00 * 263722 09/12/88 483.00 PAT WOLF SERVICES 23 -4201- 611 -61 e° 70 l 7, 721 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 09 -19 -88 PAGE CHECK NO. DATE _ ._ _._ _ AMOUNT. _ - VENDOR -__ _ ITEM_DESCRIPTION _. --- - ___ACCOUNT_NO__ INV___R P.O. -A MESSAGE �. :F, i33.0 483.00 r„ 263723 09/12/88 460.00 TOBIE DICKER SERVICES 23- 4201 - 611 -61 - - - -- - 460.00 * -- -- - . v * * * * ** v 4r V rY 4y • 41► r► 263725 09/12/88 300.00 PATRICIA GEISHEKER SERVICES 23 -4201- 611 -61 300.00 * 263726 09/12/88 8.00 NAOMI JOHNSON GENERAL SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 611 -61 263726 09/12/88 65.00 NAOMI JOHNSON CRAFT SUPPLIES 23 -4588- 611 -61 - 73.00 * 263727 09/12/88 11.00 UNITED WAY MPLS GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 5078' -- - - 1 1 . 0 0 * - 263728 09/12/88 700.00 PRO CARPET CLEANERS SERVICES 10- 4201 - 520 -52 _ 700.00 * 263729 09/12/88 31000.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10 -4290- 510 -51 -- - - - - -- - - - 3.000.00 • - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- -- -- - 263730 09/13/88 170.00 LAKE COUNTRY CHAPTER CONF & SCHOOL 10 -4202- 490 -49 170.00 263731 09/12/88 31.88 METRO MECH CONTRACT GENERAL SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 13831 263732 09/12/88 40.00 DEPT OF LABOR DUES 30- 4204 - 781 -78 - -- - - - -- - -- .40.00 • -' - -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- - --- - - - -.._ ___--- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - 263733 09/12/88 14.50 CENTRAL PURCHASING GENERAL SUPPLIES 28-4504 - 702 -70 1770 -- --- __14_.50- 5923 " "CKS I' iz - -1 0 ,o -- '1z -1 3 I,. i,el '+e j+o zo ,zi 13 J5 .11 263734 09/13/88 15.00 DICK OESTREICH LICENSE 40- 4310 - 809 -80 �, 263734 09/13/88. ____ ___ _ 15.00 __- .._.. -__ DICK_OESTRE -I CM __LICENSE_ -_ _ 40-43_10-809_-80__________ 30.00 * 263735 09/12/S8__________10.49 _ __- JIM_SMITH__ -__ --- .UNIF_ORM_ALLOWANCE 10 4266- 440 -44 10.49 • - - -- 263736 09/12/88__.__ -_ _15. -00.__ ____CITY_ &_STATE.__ .DUES_&- SUBSCRIPTIONS- _. --1.0 -4204- 140_ -14_ 15.00 * 40 263737.___._09/12 484 30.00 GERRY TRAINOR LAUNDRY 28- 4262 - 703 -70 40 w 0 30.00 • 263738 09/13/88 _ ____ _- _. 149.95 __._ _P_RESSWRITE TROPHIES .- GENERAL SUPPLIES- __ - -._ -. 10- 4504 -430- 421.00.1_ 149.95 * 263739__ -- 0.9/_13/88 80_.00_- ST_._ PAUL --- CAM ERA PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 4508 - 420 -42 80.00 263740_ -_ ___09/- 13/88___ -- _50._00 - A_.P_._C_._0.�_� -- EQUIP MAINT tA- 4P7A- AP0 -AP v, e] �ev 7 1± 1988 CIT. jF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 09 -19 -88 PAGE 3 r CHECK NO. DATE - _ AMOUNT__- _ VENDOR ACCOUNT _NO. -INV. # P._O.0 MESSAGE___ 50.00 * 2 r 3 263741 09/13/88 45.00 HEALTH EAST FAMILY _ REFUND LICENSE - 10-3055- 000 -00 - -- -4 3 45.00 * i° r 263742 09/13/88 3,488.26 BURY & CARLSON PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 9 3,488.26 * 1O r 263743 09/13/88 21.25 MARK T. SCHEUNEMAN INSURANCE 10- 4156- 510 -51 I12I 21.25 s 1' 1° r 263744 09/13/88 62.50 POSTER PERFECT ADVERTISING 30 -4214- 781 -78 is 3381 17 62.50 * 1° 263745 09/13/88 400.00 CUMMINS DIESEL SALES SERVICE CONTRACTS 30- 4288 - 781 -78 505241 1211 400.00 * 221= 263746 09/13/88 78.00 LIZ GEREBI T SWIM PROGRAM 30 -3511- 000 -00 24 -3 78.00 * 127 263747 - - - -.---- 09/13/88 - - - --- -.. 75.00 - - _. - - - -- -- -- --- --- - - - - -- - - - -- OSLO 1i2 - --.... - -- --------- PROF SERVICES - - - 30 -4201- 781 -78 - -- __ .2° aol 75.00 + 311, 263748 - - -- - 09/13/88 -- - -- 35.00 -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- MARY ELLEN SKEESICK - - - - PROF SERVICES 30- 4201 - 781 -78 3 3 35.00 s 34 33 r 263749 09/13/88 75.00 JOAN MICKSON PROF SERVICES 30- 4201 - 781 -78 37 75.00 a 311 f. 39 asa * ** ------------ -- - - -- sss-CKS I41 a3 263751 09/13/88 ___ ________._ 275.43__ - - ___NEWARK. ELECTRONICS . -_ ._ REPAIR. PARTS__ - - - -- 1 --4540- 540 -54 .O111 883 6751 a4 275.43 s --------- - --J43 a 7 L 263752 ____09/1.3/88_ 425.00 GENERAL _L SUPPLY 10- 4504 - 646 -64 17850 48 425.00 IA9 `y :50 263753 09/13/88 _ - -_ -._ ___... 32.88 __. _ ___AUTO - WHOLESALERS- _. -_ ._.REPAIR -PARTS 10-4540-.56-O--S6-85687--6613------- 31 '3z 32.88 s _ 33 1S4 263754 _ -.- 09/13/88_- 126.58 ____- DIESEL -, COMPONENT S__._,_- ..._REP.A -IR PARTS_ _ 10- 4540 - 560 -56 35123 6548 I:., 126.58 s - - -- - i37 �r .50 263755 09/13/88 _ _ _ 95.08 _ _APPLIED FLUID POWER REPAIR PARTS .__ _ 10 -4540- 560 -56 S_O1.06 6680 39 60 95.08 * - - -- - -- - -- -- - -61 °2 263756 - 09/13/A8352.00BERGIN AUTO _BODY CONTRACTED REPAIRS -- - - 10 -4248- 560 -56 6166 6767 . °4I 352.00 * - -- 63 263757 09/13/88.. .67.60 ED MCDEVITT. CO. REPAIR PARTS -_ _ _. .___ .- _ 10-4540-560-56 72878__ P °r 67.60 s - P9I . 70 E 263758 27..95_ LJ RUBBER _STAMP OFFICE_ SUPPLIES 10 -4516- 440 -44 2216 r 263758 09/13/88 19.15 LJ RUBBER STAMP OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 440 -44 2241 1'7 '3 47.10 * 3 Q • s v 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE._ v 263759 v 263760 263761 263761 �r 263761 v+ 263762 r 263763 CHECK REGISTER 09 -19 -88 PAGE 4 AMOUNT VENDOR __ _.ITEM DESCRIPTION --ACCOUNT.-NO. INV. N_P.O. -A MESSAGE —_ - 09/13/88 322.00 SYNDISTAR INC. 322.00 * 09/13/88 . _ -- _ 172.50 MOP _ -- -- -- . -- 263765 172.50 * 8,217.92 09/13/88 33.33 CHIEF OF POLICE 09/13/88 33.33 CHIEF OF POLICE 09/13/88 33.34 CHIEF OF POLICE - - - - - 100. 00 • - 09/13/88 67.95 AILEEN KULAK 25.00 67.95 + _ 09/13/88 2,488.20 DAVEY TREE EXPERT -- - - - - -- .. 2, 488. 20 FIRE PREVENTION 10- 4650- 440 -44 32744 _ UNIFORM ALLOWANCE-- ___10- 4266_440 -44 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING ADVERTISING MILEAGE CONSTRUCTION 50- 4214- 822-82 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 862 -86 12 _ ]I 4 .e e i7 e - o IP - -- 13 - - - - - -- gel �n 27- 4208 - 661 -66 Ito -- -------- -- - - - -- X20 60- 1300 - 013 -18 100100 '22 2] 24 • 263A10 09/12/88 • 467.78 ACCOUNTEMP8 SERVICES 40-4201- 800 -80 6780 i27 * ** -CKS 2e e ]I ]s,1C ']e — - - - -- � - - - -- - - -�- -177 7e J0� 401 1421 43" 441 •.e ae 47 �4S' -40 0 e�01 bz 74 e` sa e7 90 50 � 60 e2 e] a4 I67 ee a7, 70 * ** -CKS nl 756 7 263765 09/13/88 8,217.92 DEDE HENSEL PROF SERVICES 28- 4201 - 701 -70 �r 8,217.92 * 263766 09/13/88 25.00 M.A.U.M.A. - MEMBERSHIP 10- 4204 - 140 -14 r 25.00 263767 09/13/88 75.00 ROBERT ADNEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 30- 4224 - 781-78 1r 75.00 • 263768 09/13/88 200.00 MINNESOTA CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 30 -4224- 781 -78 r 200.00 * 263769 09/13/88 50.00 ILYA DIESMAN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 30- 4224 - 781 -78 r 50.00 * 263770 09/13/88 50.00 STEVE HEGMAN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 30- 4224 - 781 -78 r 50.00 263771 09/13/88 75.00 ANDREA STERN CONTRACTED SERVICES 30 -4224- 781 -78 'r 75.00 + 263772 09/13/88 __.__ 4,950.00 OXLEY, MARSHALL 6 ASSOC.- SERVICES - -- ____ - -.30- 4201 - 781 -78__ e637:?e 263772 0914 37988 09/13/88 666.67 2,000.00 0. MARSHALL 6 ASS86 OXLEY, MARSHALL 6 ASSOC. ADVERTISING SERVICES 50 4214 862 86 30- 4201 - 781 -78 6,950.00* 263773 - . 09./13/88 96. 07 CECELIA_- SMITH_ MILEAGE 10 -4208- 140 -14 96.07 * - - -- ` �A 263774 09/13/88 - 592,128.00 HARRIS BANK DUE FROM HRA - - _.10 -1145- 000- 00____ 592,128.00 * • 263A10 09/12/88 • 467.78 ACCOUNTEMP8 SERVICES 40-4201- 800 -80 6780 i27 * ** -CKS 2e e ]I ]s,1C ']e — - - - -- � - - - -- - - -�- -177 7e J0� 401 1421 43" 441 •.e ae 47 �4S' -40 0 e�01 bz 74 e` sa e7 90 50 � 60 e2 e] a4 I67 ee a7, 70 * ** -CKS nl 756 7 1988 Cl, .1F EDINA CHECK RE,*..aTER 09-19 -88 PAGE 5 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT _ VENDOR -.. ITEM- DESCRIPTION __- ____ACCOUNT NO. INV. #_P.- O___Y -- MESSAGE-_ 263A10 09/12/88 123.20 ACCOUNTEMPS SERVICES 50-4201- 820 -82 12 263A10 09/12/88 123.20 ACCOUNTEMPS SERVICES.__. _ _50- 4201- 840- 84 4 263A10 09/12/88 123.20 ACCOUNTEMPS SERVICES 50- 4201 - 860 -86 5 837.38 + e 7 • # #*s# -- - - -- -- - - -- -- s #*-CKS �9 w 263A15 09/12/88 - 32.00 ADAMS PEST .CONTROL SERVICES_ _ _ .. _- 26- 4201 -- 682-68_ _ - _ -_ - -(,z 32.00 * �t3 u . lie) 263A17 09/13/88 715.44 ADS TO GO DUES 10- 4204 - 140 -14 263A17 09/13/88 __ 420.83 ADS TO GO ADVERTISING _. _ -- 50- 4214 - 822 -82 20 263A17 09/13/88 420.84 ADS TO GO ADVERTISING 50- 4214-842 -84 21 263A17 09/13/88 420.83 ADS TO GO ADVERTISING 50-4214 - 862-86 22, 1977.94 + 23 25 ***-CKS !z7�. '2e 263A29 09/12/88 309.96 ALBINSON BLUE PRINTING 10- 4570 - 260 -26 490811 v 309.96 # 263A30 09/12/88 34.00 ALFONS ANDERSON INVENTORY 27- 4630- 663-66 ;3 ` 34.00 • U. 35 _ - _ __ __ __-- ___._-- .____. - -_. -__ 3e sssss# - - -- - - - -- --- - -- - - - - -- -- s #s -CKS 37 i3s. 30 263A39 09/13/_88__- _- 113.40 _ ALTERNATOR REBUILD- -____- GENERAL SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 1589 6685 40 113.40 �✓ 143 _ - - _ _ - - -- -- - -- -- .. _. _ _ # #* -CKS - - -44 �+ 263A41 09/09/88 161.12 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS 27 -4624- 663 -66 4e' 47 263A41 09/13/88 —_.- _496.46 _ _AMBAS-SADOR_SAUSAGE____ CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 663 -66 48 657.58 * -149 50r. **s -CKS -- - -5 1 263A49 09/12/88 264.47 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY - 10- 4262- 440 -44 34' l♦ 263A49 09/12/88- _._ 288.00_ AMERICAN beey.LINEN __- LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 520 -52 l 552.47 + -- - - -- - - - - -- - -- 57 263A60 09/13/88 465.33 ANCHOR PAPER PAPER SUPPLIES 10- 4514 - 520 -52 386979 6844 a; L. * * * *s* --- --------- - - - - -- + #* -CKS e \ 263A62 09/13/88 258.40 ANDERSON -TODD SERVICES 10- 4201- 630 -62 C9 258.40 * J0 1 **s -CKS 731 �+ 74 f 263A82 09/13/88 - _._ 10.84 AT d T TELEPHONE __. _ - -10- 1130 - 000 -00__ -_._- 7� 0 s 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 09 -19 -88 PAGE 6 Asa CHECK NO.. DATE __.__.__._.__.___..___._. AMOUNT- ._- ___,_______ -__ - - -_ - -. VENDOR _ ._._., I.TEM__ DESCRIPT ION - __-- _-- ___A_CCOUNT NO_INV__ M__P._0_._ - #_ MESSAGE__ .. 10.84 s - - 2 ---le- 263A83 09/13/88 17.29 AT 6 T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 10 -4256- 510 -51 !' r► 17.29 s 17 �� srrsss sss -CKS ° 263A98 _ 09/12/88 _._ _.._... __ ......._ 193.00 .____..__...AVR I INC - ____.__ CON CRETE 10- 4528 - 301. - 3086287___- -____. ,:I= 263A98 09/12/88 929.50 AVR INC CONCRETE 10- 4528 -314- 30.86664 r 263A98 09/12/88 549.25 AVR INC CONCRETE 10 -4528- 314 -30 86641 263A98- -_ -. -- _09./.1.2/88._____- ___ - - -_ 147..80 --------..AVR CONCRETE_ 10- 4528 - 380 -30 87013 to 1,819.55 I,° 263A99 . ..__._ 09/13/88.._. _._____.. _.._____. _6.35 ___._._____AXT- LYLE..___- GENERAL._SUPPLIES,_-- __- -_29 -- 4504 - 722 -7.2_ 263A99 09/13/88 19.02 AXT -LYLE COST OF GOODS SOLD 29- 4624 - 722 -72 21 V 25.37 a 2a I23 12x1 ssssrs sss -CKS . --iZ' 6 2 263803 _ _._ -. 09109/88 -__— ______.______.32.33 -- -___.- BENSON___.___.___.LAUNDRY - -___ 1.0 -- 4262 - 30_1_ - 30_2_8907 _ 263803 09/09/88 32.33 BENSON LAUNDRY 10 -4E62- 301 -30 24723 r1 263803 09/09/88 34.45 BENSON LAUNDRY 10 -4262- 646 -64 28215 3 srsr #s ;3. 000-CKS t3LC 263805 09/13/88 25.00 BACH -BILL POSTAGE 30 -4290- 781 -78 137 40 263605 09/13/88 24.04 BACH —BILL GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504— T81 -78 13�. 263805____._ --09/13/8825_.84___BACH —BILL_ — GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 +o 74.86 a - 411 + az -CNS X43% - - - - -- - ----------------- ..__....._ -- ---- .__ - - - - -- --------- ------- °------ -• - - -- - ------ -- - - - - -- - - - -- sss -_�e41 qp 263818 09/13/88 lqp srssss 263822 09/12/88 263822 09/12/88 263B22 09/13/88 263B22 09/09/88 0 263822 09/13/88 � '� ssrsrs 263B25 - - -- - -09/ 12 /88 • srsrrs ' 263B30 09/13/88 P! 263B30 09/13/88 • 263B30 09/13/88 74.28 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 90024 6535 74.28 a 465.80 BEER WHOLESALERS CONCESSIONS 1,984.30 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY - - -____ 868_.70__- __BEER_ WHOLESALERS _____INVENTORY 2,798.55 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 2,151.75 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY - .._8.. 269..-1 -0 -i - - - - -- - -- -- 27 -4624- 663 -66 27- 4630- 663 -66 SO- 4630- 822 -82 SO- 4630- 842 -84 50- 4630- 862 -86 100.00 BENNETT -WAYNE POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 -430- 100.00 a _12;64 BERTELSON -EROS -_INC GENERAL _ SUP - PLY _ 10- 4504 - 180 -18 40245_5_ 6849 22.90 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 560 -56 399707 128.00 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 510 -51 401925 sss -CKS i� C fie, sss -CKS e3a 64 63 lee sss -CKS evl � 1 ,: ra ( ��,+i!'Gf7�$'?Cir i e.. .,r ! {K R a 1988 CI F EDINA CHECK RL ER 09 -19 -88 E 7 L CHECK NO. DATE _ _..__.__.. - AMOUNT _ VENDOR___ - -_- .,- ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. _i_P_ -0. -_A MESSAGE _ 263B30 09/13/88 139.28 BERTEL30N BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 510 -51 401924 �2 302.82 # - - - - - - -- - - -- — - 4 `, sisis# s ## -CKS I, e C:. • 263832 09/13/88 355.50 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 802 -80 84684 6562 iss #s# 263877 09/09/88 ssssii 263880 09/12/88 263881 09/09/88 263881 09/09/88 263B81 09/09/88 263881 09/09/88 263B81 _ 09/09/88__ _ 263B83 09/13/88 # # # # ## 263B91 09/12/88 263891 09/12/88 263C08 09/13/88 V 263C29 09/12/88 `i 1., 263C30 09/09/88 263C30 09/09/88 263C30 09/09/88 263C36 09/13/88 355.50 • 10 11 ss» -CKS .12I 15 14 __- _- .- ..-- 3,192.46 BRAUN ENG- TESTNG INC SERVICES — - -- 10- 4201 - 540 -54 - — -— 03635 1el 3,192.46 » - - -- 117 1e _ Ilo 50.00 BROWNING FERRIS CONTRACT SERV 27 -4200- 664 -66 137214 22 25 50.00 # 5,319.36 BRW INC. CONSTRUCTION 60- 1300 - 186 -03 25 20 7,106.69 __.. _ __ BRW INC. _ CONSTRUCTION 60- 1300 - 284 - 0449267 27 "2e 594.30 BRW INC. CONSTRUCTION 60 -1300- 284 -04 49807 3,000.00 BRW INC. CONSTRUCTION 60- 1300 - 365 —OE _ _ 3,000.00 BRW INC. CONSTRUCTION - - — _ - -- 60- 1300 - 379 —01 1,1 0 19,020.35 » - — - -» 34 - 35 37.16 BRYAN ROCK PROD. INC INFIELD MIXTURE 10- 4561- 642 -64 5B' 37.1.6 i#s —CKS 41 42 43 1,482.27 BURY 6 CARLSON INC. BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 301 -30 30731 45 85.56 BURY 6 CARLSON INC. BLACKTOP 40 -4524- 803 -80 30731 i4e; 1 , 567. 83} —_ -- _ - --- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - -- — 14er » »»—CKS ieol 6.08 CARLSON LK ST EQUIP. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 P41879 6661 6.08 » "� X75 *** -CKS -- „ '5° 1eo 20.00 CHIPPEWA GRAPHICS PRINTING .- _ -, _1_0- 4600 - 627 -62 4971 6902 co 20.00 » -- e21�. 73.45 _ CITY BEER INVENTORY _ 50- 4630 - 822 -82 64I 419.40 CITY BEER INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 bsl 88.05 CITY BEER INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 R° 580.90 s #s -CKS 71 36.75 CITY WIDE SERVICES CONTRACTED REPAIRS 73 50- 4248 - 841 -84 36.75 » 74 75 w _ - 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 09 -19 -88 PAGE 8 w G CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR._ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT .NO. _INV. .M_- P.O._ -8 MESSAGE _ , W x I' ssssss - sss -CKS , ur 263C44 09/12/88 712.50 COCA COLA BOTTLING CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 663 -66 °. 263C44 09/13/88 440.75 _ COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822- 82_______________ 263C44 09/09/88 925.44 _ COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50-4632- 842 -84 1° yr 263C44 09/13/88 1,106.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862-86 3, 1 84.69 r - - - - - - -- - r, r #ssss so*-CKS I ;;,; 263064 09/09/88 374.40 CONT- MINNESOTA GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 663 -66 " r 263C64 09/09/88 127.90 CONT - MINNESOTA CLEANING SUPPLIES 27- 4512 - 663 -66 ;oQ 263C64 09/09/88 3,934.54 CONT- MINNESOTA CONCESSIONS 2T- 4624 - 663 -66 - - - . -_ -. xo 4,436.84 s z, V► z a ssssss sss -CKS x4 yr 263C87 09/09/88 16.19 CURTIN MATHESON SCI GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 482 -48 909276 xa v 263087 09/09/88 _ __ 137.07 _. CURTIN MATHESON SCI GENERAL SUPPLIES____- _ -__10- 4504 = 482 - 48_919.049.6469 _ _ •- - 153.26 r �1 ssssss - ---- - - - - -- - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - --- - - - --- -- sss -CKS ,�- Vr 263C89 09/09/88 61.37 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 16775 5615 '° »II� - 61.37 r -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- - a! • D7 ssssss sss -CKS , I4 263D33 09/13/88 94.50 DAVIS- EUGENE PROF SERVICES 10- 4201 - 600 -60 ~" %v 263D33 09/13/88 22.95 DAVIS- EUGENE MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 600 -60 42 ate, 11-7-.4S * - - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- -- -- rr ssssss sss -CKS l4n °6 47 � 263D43 09/13/88 32,400.00 DELANO ERICKSON ARCH CONSTRUCTION 28-1300- 000 -00 8807 49I yr 32,400.00 • 5° srs -CKS as 263E08 09/13/88 -__ .__ 260,553.00 _ -EAGAN CONSTRUCTION _ CONSTRUCT,I_ON _ _28- 13.00- 000 -00 nal 260,553.00 s nn 'an t #sssss - - - -- - -- . - - - - - - - - -- #s# -CKS nol e fe 263E17 09/09/88 4,509.25 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822 -82 °7 ea 4 263E17 _ 09109/88 __ 10,600.55 ________EAST _SIDE- BEVERAGE 50- 4630 - 842 -84 a,I 263E17 09/09/88 10,483.00 _INVENTORY EAST SIDE BEVERAGE INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 862 -86 jay 25,592.80 s �;Iy sssssr - srs -CKS ao w 263E41- _____09/1.2/88 _ - _ — _76.00 ___- ___EDINA_PUBLIC_SCHOOLS ___CONF_d_SCHOOLS _ 23 -4202- 611 -61 _76.00 # r sr■ -CKS 1988 Cl, .F EDINA CHECK RE._.fER 09 -19 -88 PAGE 9 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION - -__ ACCOUNT_ NO_INV. OP. _0 MESSAGE 263E63 09/13/88 14.23 ELECTRONIC CENTER REPAIR PARTS _ - _ -_10- 4540 - 390 - 30_478660 6628 I 14.23 s -- -- ° e_ rsrrsr srs -CKS 1 el 263E78 09/13/88 203.73 EMRICH BAKING CO. CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 663 -66 263E78 09/09/88 200.61 EMRICH BAKING CO.. CONCESSIONS _ 27- 4624 - 663 -66_ _ _ r -_ - -- -- - _______ _ .12 ssssss _______________ •rr -CKS ,e) 263F56 09/09/88 3,482.00 FRANK B. HALL & CO. INSURANCE _ 10- 4260- 510 -51 ___ 034052 17 263F56 09/09/88 313.00- FRANK B. HALL 6 CO. CREDIT 10 -4260- 510 -51 034830 !; °i' - -- a.� nn_... - - -. err. -oo- -� 3.169 .00 - - - - !zo ssssss srs -CKS 22 . 263G01 09/09/88 489.60 G & K SERVICES __. _ _ -_ LAUNDRY - -_ '24I 23 10 -4262- 301 -30 263G01 09/09/88 227.40 G 6 K SERVICES LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 560 -56 126 � ' 263601 09/09/88 _ 187.62 G 6 K SERVICES LAUNDRY 10 -4262- 646- 64______ v° 263G01 09/09/88 182.40 G 6 K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512-540 -54 _ _ 1, 263G01 09/09/88 48.00 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 28- 4262- T02 -70 ' 263G01 09/09/88 - 257.10 — G_6_K_SERVICES _ _LAUNDRY__ —__ 40 -4262- 801 -80 13 1,392.12 s - 13 ssssss rrr- CKS �r 263G24 09/13/88 450.00 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS RADIO SERVICES 10- 4294 - 560 -56 92808 6793 3] 263G24 09/13/88 _ _ 57.19 GEN, _COMMUNICATIONS ____RADIO SERVICES 10-4294- 560 -56 9_4453 6794 u0 I4 - 263G24 09/13/88 450.00 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS RADIO SERVICES 10-4294-560 -56 92807 679E 41 957.19 r 42 - 4� ss ; * ;• rss -CKS - 46 l V 14e - 263G32 _ 09/13/88 _ 20.71 __ GENUINE_ PARTS CO. _ GENERAL SUPPLIES :47 ae 263632 09/13/88 23.05 GENUINE PARTS CO. REPAIR PARTS 10-4540- 560 -56 047435 '40 263G32 09/13/88 85.38- GENUINE PARTS CO. CREDIT 10- 4540 -560 -56 081419 60' 263632 09/13/88 ___. _. ___....7fi.09 GENUINE PARTS CO. _ _ REPAIR 10- °f 263G32 09/13/88 3.50 GENUINE PARTS CO. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 047507 °] �i 37.97 r °a - srssss rrr -CKS — 1- 58 263638 09/12/88 100.00 GEORGE BUTLER POLICE SERVICES 100.00 � 'az rrrrss srr -CKS 64 t, 263G68 09/13/88 37.28 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 660438 6825 °• 37.28 r _ ssssss rrr -CKS I,7or 263G84 09/12/88 77.99 GRINNELL CORP. GENERAL SUPPLIES 'ol 26- 4504 - 682 -68 189541 6538 1,+ 77.99 + 19 -- - - - - • 1 0- 4502 - 420 -42 074998 25.70 s h! . s•ss:s 000 -CKS 263J14 __._. 09/1.3/88_.._.__. .__._,.. -_ _._ 62.50 - _._.- JA COB SON- SUPPLY... - -. -. _ - _. - 783 -78_____.___ _ 62.50 _ 891.98 _ 6842__,_____ ,.� •rssr• - -- - - -- -- - -. rr• -CKS r 263J27 09/13/88 27.10 JERRYS FOODS PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 4508 - 627 -62 263J27. _ . 09/12/88 .67.89 _._-____-_- _JERRYS_.FOODS GENERAL _SUPPLIES- .__.- _ - --_23 -4504- 6,11 -61 94.99 ---- .. - - - - -- r "i • ' •••rr• i ... - - -- -- -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - -- s r • -CKS_ v 263J35 09/12/88 127.00 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 23- 4600- 611 -61 2550 Y Ai f.. tl• � c � Cr' fi r hil•. 7'd . i hV�' T f�A. 1988cCITY O OF EDINA C CHECK REGISTER 0 09 -19 -88 P PAGE f0 v' CHECK NO. D DATE.---.--,-. _ __ -._- .AMOUNT _. _ . _ ._____.__VENDOR__.______.. _. -ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT _N0,_ INV. 9_P- .0._ -_ t M MESSAGE • • V ' 'z - -- -- 5 f fs -CKS ._... � �� v 2 263G94 0 09/13/88 2 244.20 G GUSTAVE LARSON CO. R REPAIR PARTS 5 50- 4540- 841 -84 3 361745 6 4 e 263G94 _ __ 09/- 13/ 88..._......11. 4 4L- __G.USTAVE._LARSON. C CO..______ - 50-4540- 841 -84 3 361778 i �a 232.79 • - - -- __CREDIT_---- _ _____- ___ - -- 5 - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- ..... _....... - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - - • • • -CKS v 2 263H22 0 09/12/88 1 100.00 H HAROLD SWANSON P POLICE SERVICES 1 10- 4100 - 430 -42 ;] I, e e v 2 2631423 0 09/12/88 1 143,007.00 H HARRIS HOMEYER CO. I INSURANCE 1 10 -4260- 510 -51 i ite - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - --1 43, 0 0 7 ..0 0. • - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- - 2 20�� -- - -------- - - - - -__ ; ;si v s s•sfrs - •rr -CKS f fz;' 263H34 0 09/09/88 2 2,991.51 H HENN COUNTY TREAS. R ROOM 6 BOARD 1 7 =1 10- 4286- 220 -22 1 17197 7 �/. 2 2,991 .51 • ! !ze ••rss• 2 - -- -_10- 4 -' - sss -CKS n1 2631436 s H�NNr- G44�N1X,M - - - FIRSTAID - 4510_440 = 6647 - � � z63H63- 0 09/12/88 9 92.79 I - - - -- - F - S =44 6 6676 I I�aI v 2 625.60 • -- r rrs -CKS ; ;3 - v - -, 2631465__.._ -__ 0 09/1.2/881- 0 00_ ._00___.- ____HOFFMAN_U I ILL IAM_ -- __ P POLICE _ SERVICE -S - 1 10- 4100 - 430 -42 � I79� 100.00 • . .. v 1 141 srffrf 1 143* V 2 263H85 0 09/13/88 2 28.50 H HUMPHREY RADIATOR C CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1 10- 4248 - 560 -56 6 6630 1 1 " "1 ..... _- - ------- - _.___- -___ — —_ _29.50_.x._ - - -_ 1 147tI1 y • ••sss• s 263I05 0 09/13/88 2 25.70 I I C M A B BOOKS 1 s CKS 0- 4502 - 420 -42 074998 25.70 s h! . s•ss:s 000 -CKS 263J14 __._. 09/1.3/88_.._.__. .__._,.. -_ _._ 62.50 - _._.- JA COB SON- SUPPLY... - -. -. _ - _. - 783 -78_____.___ _ 62.50 _ 891.98 _ 6842__,_____ ,.� •rssr• - -- - - -- -- - -. rr• -CKS r 263J27 09/13/88 27.10 JERRYS FOODS PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 4508 - 627 -62 263J27. _ . 09/12/88 .67.89 _._-____-_- _JERRYS_.FOODS GENERAL _SUPPLIES- .__.- _ - --_23 -4504- 6,11 -61 94.99 ---- .. - - - - -- r "i • ' •••rr• i ... - - -- -- -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - -- s r • -CKS_ v 263J35 09/12/88 127.00 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 23- 4600- 611 -61 2550 Y Ai f.. tl• � c � Cr' fi r hil•. 7'd . i hV�' T f�A. Y Ai f.. tl• � c � Cr' fi r hil•. 7'd . i hV�' T f�A. 1988 CI1. jF EDINA CHECK REb__iER 09 -19 -88 r., ,iE 11 CHECK NO. DATE _ _ AMOUNT VENDOR _ ITEM DESCRIPTION__ -__ ACCOUNT-N-0- INV. N P_.0._A MESSAGE. - - -_ 127.00 * 12, ; I IA s *sss* sss -CKS ' 17 263J41 09/13/88 .. _ 320.37 JIM HATCH SALES GENERAL SUPPLY ___ 40- 4504 - 803 =80 -8.600 6602_- 320.37 * ° 10 s *ssss _ -- - -- - - -- -- - - -- - sss -CKS ++ -_ . 3 263K35 09/13/88 49.49 KNOX LUMBER CO. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 627833 6812 Q* 263K35 09/12/88.-__.___ -_ -. __ 64.01 _ - _ KNOX -LUMBER _CO, ___-GENERAL SUPPLIES___ -28 -4504- 702 -70 642886 6836 - 113.50 * !17 ':° *s *-CKS_- zol 263K45 09/12/88 60.50 KOKESH ATHLETIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 623 -62 16350 6907 ,Z;F - - - 60.50 . * - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- 24l �, sssss■ sss -CKS Z;li. 263K57 09/09/88 - - - 3,084.25 KUETHER DIST. CO. -- -- - --- - - - - INVENTORY - -- -- - - - - -- — ------- 50- 4630- 822 -82 - -- - -- - - - - - - -- ------ - - -- -- .z8 263K57 09/09/88 5,200.98 KUETHER DIST. CO. INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 31 1� - 33 suss* * ** -CKS 351 263L02 09/13/88 351.50 LABOR RELATIONS ASN. SERVICES 10 -4212- 510 -51 J7 v 351 .50 s I3 .4 sss *ss 41 * ** -CKS a2 � 263L06 09/12/88 1,770.00 LAKE RESTORATION SERVICES.__ -. 10 -4201- 358 - 30.6674 -_ -6770 44 1,770.00 * 4' i4e s *ss *s - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - --- - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- s *s- CKS�4er 47` 4° V 263L30 09/12/88 1,379.00 LAYNE MINNESOTA CO. REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 16167 6748 '0' 71 t. 263L30 09/12/88 1,430.00 LAYNE MINNESOTA CO. REPAIR PARTS _ _ _____40- 4540 - 801 - 80_16164_ 6746 '32 263L30 263L30 09/12/88 11550.00 LAYNE MINNESOTA CO. REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 16165 6749 53 4,359.00 * ,.- es� *ss * ** sss -CKS '" I `r 'e - 5o l% 263L34 09/12/88 12.05 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY _ 27 -4262- 664 -66_ :oor 12.05 s !62 . T s ** -CKS 64I ` 263L46 09/13/88 60.00 LIEN INFECTION CON SERVICES 10 -4201- 630 -62 001717 "s 263L46 09/13/88 34.25 LIEN INFECTION CON SERVICES _27- 4201_ - 663 -66 1771-2 94.25 • - - - .. 6v 7J . ssssss - - -- -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- * ** -CKS 71 7zr 263L56 09/13/88 17.25 LINHOFF PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 4508- 440 -44 140132 75)�e S 1 ' ::iNr�r.�f+ll.�iA:fi'R���+'"��. [ l�:`,:�fiv !� i!1`,y�.:fi *s q+k'1 -- -.—• —_ — __.__ 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 09 -19 -88 PAGE 12 low CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR- ITEM DESCRIPTION -__ _._ACCOUNT NO. INV. #-P-.O. M MESSAGE r. 17.25 + 2 t * * -CKS ' r a 7 • 263L62 09/13/88 80.00 LOLA EDMON SERVICES __ - -_ 27- 4201 - 662 -16 0815. 5757 al 80.00 • - - f0( ,0 ttt -CKS z ,9 r 263L66 09/13/88 27.28 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- S60 -56 073697 6633 ;;� _. _. 27.28 t v 111111 ttt -CKS 1e 19 263L97 09/12/88 100.00 MERFELD -BERT POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100- 430 -42 21 v 100.00 t 2 123, 2■ 263L98 09/12/88 1.99 MACHOLDA-ED CASH OVER /UNDER 26 -3720- 000 -00 —~2] v 263L98 09/12/88 7.37 MACHOLDA -ED LAUNDRY 26-4262- 682 -68 16 v' 263L98 09/12/88 7.15 MACHOLDA -ED - GENERAL SUPPLIES ---------26-4504-682-68- 16.51 t - v � v 263M07 09/13/88 4,622.80 MARK VII SALES INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 99 263M07 09/09/88 11,497.45 MARK VII SALES INVENTORY. 50- 4630- 842 -84 263MO7 09/09/88 7,858.35 MARK VII SALES INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 97 v 23,978.60 t 9Cti 111111 •vt- CK3 — ■i ■2 263M15 09/09/68 237.50 MAYO DIET. INVENTORY 49 -- _ _ 50- 4630- 842 -84 .■■ 237.50 t - -- a5 ■e 263M16 09/13/88._._ 969.41' a7M1 . _ MCCAREN DESIGNS- __-- _ —._ -_ SERVICES30- 4224 - 782 -78 L,I 263M16 09/13/88 1,071.88 MCCAREN DESI6N3 SERVICES 30- 4224 - 782 -78 : ■o w 263M16 09/13/88 980.94 MCCAREN DESIGNS PLANTINGS & TREES 30- 4560- T82 -78 14819 6263 150 - 3, 022.23 ; 5, ea Vy 263M17 09/12/88 115.00 MCDONELL- MARGARET SERVICES 23- 4201 - 611 -61 - 115.00 t - eel — - - - - --- — - -- — — - - - - -- -- -- -- "57 r/ 263M18 09/13/88 74.60 MCGARVEY COFFEE GENERAL SUPPLY 10- 4504- 510 -51 49122 ao� 74.60 t v 263M19 09/12/88 12.77 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 e2 - - - -- -- gin. v 111111 �ee+ ttt -CK3 „� 263M25 09/13/88 9.30 MED OXYGEN 6 EQUIP EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 440 -44 'e9 v 263M25 09/13/88 142.60 MED OXYGEN d EQUIP EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 440 -44 '7 J1 , 263M25 09/13/88._ _27.14 MED OXYGEN 6_EQUIPFIRST_AID SUPPLY 10 -4510 - 440 -44 72 263M25 09/13/88 32.83 MED OXYGEN 6 EQUIP FIRST AID SUPPLY 10- _ 4510 - 440 -44 211.87 • 74 -7 75 -. - -- -- - ---- �.`------ `.. - - -�` — —. _ 7 • 1988 CI's jF EDINA CHECK RE6 -_i'ER 09 -19 -88 ...4f E 13 `L CHECK NO. DATE _.__ _ _- AMOUNT _ VENDOR _. ITEM DESCRIPTION - _- _ _ _ACCOUNT — NO. INV. B_ P.0_9. MESSAGE___ i' # # # # ## 263M27 263M27 263M27 263M27 263M27 263M27 263M27 263M30 # # # # ## 263M39 r 263M42 263M63 263M63 263M63 263M66 263M70 263M76 263M81 V ssssss 09/13/88 220.00 MN. CONWAY 220.00 s 09/1.3/88- ._ -_ - 09/13/88 122.96 _—_MN.__GLOVE-___- 122.96 CLOTHING REPLACEMENT 10- 4574 - 440 -44 120711 6655 GENERAL SUPPLIES_ 10- 4504 = 301 -30 23641 6434 210.18 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 723786 6623 210 -.18 -! -- -- s #s -CKS °1 54 163 f: * ** -CKS P� 73 a 71 . 72 7J s #s -CKS I7,.' * ** -CKS _ 14 09/13/88 453.25 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 314 -30 19821 6600 09/13/88 _ ._. _ 296.00 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLY 10- 4504 - 540 -54- _19835 el 09/13/88 432.00 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10 -4512- 540 -54 19887 ° 111 09/13/88 437.25 MERIT SUPPLY PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 19836 10 09/12/88 432.00 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES._ __ 28 -4512- 702 -70 19957 6854 !:2' 09/12/88 498.40 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 30 -4504- 782 -78 19943 6841 13 09/13/88 414.00 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 80.1 -80 19886 10' - - -- — - 2j962.90 * - - -- - -- - - - - - -- — - - 10I sss -CKS 117 1 6 r` 09/09/88 544.50 MET WASTE CON COMM BLDG PERMITS 10 -3095- 000 -00 21 544.50 * 22 I23 r 24I - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- - **o-CKS -5 2° 09/13/88 486.00 MID CENTRAL INC. CLOTHING.REPLACEMENT_._ 10 -4574- 440 - 4-4-3413 _- 6774 27 f.. 486.00 30 � '31� - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - -. . -. _ _ - - -- - ---- - - - - -- - — -- sss -CKS 3 33 09/12/88 6,932.75 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 380 -30 1642 1 6,932.75 # - - _..- - - - -- -- -- - -- - -,;6 - - - # ## -CKS i 40 - -- 09/09/88 313.21 - -- - - -. MN. BAR -- INVENTORY - - -- 50- 4632 - 822 -82 -- 41 09/09/88 338.67 MN. BAR INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 =;� 09/09/88 99.95 MN. BAR __ INVENTORY _._._._ _. _50-4632- 862 -86___ - - -- 751.83 s 45 as10 49 09/13/88 21.00 MN. BUS. SYS. INC. SERVICES 27- 4201 - 662 -66 13952 6914 31 21.00 # _ -- - -- -- - -- - - - - -- -- -- - - - -3 2 sss -CKS 'S4. 1 -14 09/13/88 220.00 MN. CONWAY 220.00 s 09/1.3/88- ._ -_ - 09/13/88 122.96 _—_MN.__GLOVE-___- 122.96 CLOTHING REPLACEMENT 10- 4574 - 440 -44 120711 6655 GENERAL SUPPLIES_ 10- 4504 = 301 -30 23641 6434 210.18 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 723786 6623 210 -.18 -! -- -- s #s -CKS °1 54 163 f: * ** -CKS P� 73 a 71 . 72 7J s #s -CKS I7,.' ***-CKS 113A � 4,1 6 14f t49 I 263P22 1988 CITY OF EDINA PAVEMENT MGMT SYS SERVICES CHECK REGISTER 7425 10-4201-260-26 09-19-88 PAGE 14 (57 Ieu 51000.00 70: 174 4— 7 **o-CKS CHECK NO. DATE ..--..--,.---.----..-ITEM-..DESCRIP-TI.ON---------.--ACCOUNT.-NO-.--I.N.V.--*--P..,O.—# MESSAGE 12 263M91 09/12/88 263.80 263P24 MODERN EQUIPMENT CONTRACTED REPAIRS -.40-4248-805-80004691 6543 ------_-__--REPAIR -PARTS----.---.---- JV 4540-560-56 - m_ ..- 371S23 6699 263.80 09/13/88 71.50 PBE REPAIR PARTS -_ 10-4540-560-96 - -_ . ­ . - 37I486 6699 134.79 • * *s_ -CKS j7 1 "d rr 263NO3 09/12/88 570.00 MPLS SEWER & WATER CONTRACTED REPAIRS 40 -4248- 801 -80 20293 6765 11. 570.00 .. .. .... 09/12/88 ___._________l,730.A0 -PEPSI.. COLA BOTTLING__ 263P30 09/13/88 173.eS PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 822 -82 263P30 09/09/88 486.85 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING *0*-CKS llf PEPSI COLA -- INVENTORY 50-4632-862-86 115 263N16 09/13/88 6.01 N.S.P. COMPANY POWER 10-4252-345-30 1,7 "a I 6.01 • l'T ------------ 263P40 lio 6.64 PHOTO FAST ADVERTISING 23-4214-611-61 26847 L..263P.40___0_9./1,2/_8 ***-CKS .28.77 PHOTO FAST ADVERTISING 23-4214-611-61 26844 35.41 •i-7 ii 263N68 326.50 -NORTHSTAR ICE ------,--..INVENTORY 50-4632- 822 -82 12214 263N68 09/09/88 513.50 NORTHSTAR ICE INVENTORY 50-463E-862-86 125 840.00 • 12CI 27 �WIT OR 4 MN MEW R q ***-CKS I 263024 09/13/88 __OFFSET__PRINT.ING_._.­ ------- _PRINTING 10-4600-420-42 29244 3y 305.10 351 59.50 263PI1 09/13/88 _64-44-- PARK NIC MED CTR PHYS EXAM 10-4246-510-51 137 3 141 ***-CKS 113A � 4,1 6 14f t49 I 263P22 09/09/88 51000.00 PAVEMENT MGMT SYS SERVICES 7425 10-4201-260-26 ez 183 "4 _4-* vow C K S ..... . .. ... .. (57 Ieu 51000.00 70: 174 4— 7 **o-CKS 263P24 ..__._09/13/S8___ ------_-__--REPAIR -PARTS----.---.---- JV 4540-560-56 - m_ ..- 371S23 6699 263P24 09/13/88 71.50 PBE REPAIR PARTS -_ 10-4540-560-96 - -_ . ­ . - 37I486 6699 134.79 • %V 263P30 09/12/88 ___._________l,730.A0 -PEPSI.. COLA BOTTLING__ 263P30 09/13/88 173.eS PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 822 -82 263P30 09/09/88 486.85 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 - 84 PEPSI COLA -- INVENTORY 50-4632-862-86 2,643.70 7BOTTLING ------------ 263P40 09/12/88 6.64 PHOTO FAST ADVERTISING 23-4214-611-61 26847 L..263P.40___0_9./1,2/_8 .28.77 PHOTO FAST ADVERTISING 23-4214-611-61 26844 35.41 •i-7 �WIT OR 4 MN MEW R q 371771 FIT w" I ***-CKS 113A � 4,1 6 14f t49 I �53 j54 lee eo ez 183 "4 _4-* vow C K S ..... . .. ... .. (57 Ieu 70: 174 4— 7 **o-CKS 1988 Cl, jF EDINA CHECK RE. -,fER 09 -19 -88 -.iE 15 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 9 P.O. # MESSAGE , i2 263PSS ssssss 263P66 ssssss 263P78 111111 263P80 y ssssss 263P90 �. ssssss 263022 b ssssss b 263R13 d •rsrss �_v 263R15 ssssss 263R25 b 263R25 0 09/09/88 27.20 PLUNKETTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 28 -4504- 702 -70 528684 .2 stssst 27.20 s •• * -VK� e9C ' �L4 263R27 e le.1 25.75 REPYA LICENSE 10- 4310 - 560 -56 G3 263R27 ss• -CKS 3.58 REPYA GENERAL SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 540 -54 m; - - —_ 09/13/88. 6.27 - ,. 09/13/88 428.60 PONY EXP RELOADERS AMMUNITION 10 -4572- 420 -42 61.75 REPYA GENERAL SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 428.60 s - - -- - -- -- - -- -- � i13 sss-CKS ,+ he 09/09/88 52.00 PRINTERS SERV INC EQUIP MAINT 28 -4274- 704 -70 29170 1" 52.00 s ,e ,°� -- - - -- sss -CKS 20 z, 22 09/12/88 _. _._ 146.38 - _ PRIOR LAKE AGG, -, _... GENERAL _ES __ -40- 4504 - 801 -80 29 24 146.38 • 2' 26 sss - CKS._._ 27 -,2 09/13/88 9,458.53 PROG CONTRACTORS PAYMENT 60 -2040- 000 -00 e, __ 9,458.53 • _- sss- CKS '+' 3el09/09/88 16.45 OUIK PRINT PRINTING 28- 4600 - 701 -70 030144 6839 •" 16.45 s 'B' 9° - - - -- - - --__ --- -- -- -- - -- -------------- - - - - -- sss -CKS .O <, 42.e 09/13/88 112.00 RADIO INSTALLS EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226- 440 -44_- 12063 4.� 1 12. 00 s 45 ae, — — sss - CKS_ <e 49 09/12/88 570.53 RAINBOW LEASING EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226 - 507 -50 M61036 3.1 e,• - _ 570.53 -s - --- - - - -79 L - -- I;sss-CKS lee 09/13/88 49.99 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 9455 6505 09/13/88 242.95 RENTAL EQUIP R SALES TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 9478 6796 'o 292.94 s - - o .2 stssst •• * -VK� e9C �L4 263R27 09/13/88 25.75 REPYA LICENSE 10- 4310 - 560 -56 G3 263R27 09/13/88 3.58 REPYA GENERAL SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 540 -54 m; 263R27 09/13/88. 6.27 - REPYA GENERAL SUPPLIES------- 10-4504-560-56 +n l 263R27 09/13/88 61.75 REPYA GENERAL SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 97.35 •tssss " sss-CKS I 263R77 09/13/88 177.10 _ROYAL CROWN BEV. _ __.INVENTORY-.___ __-- __50_- 4632 - 822_82 _ - -_ —P ® e 263S26 __..__09/-12/88 263S27 09/09/88 263S27 09/09/88 263S27 09/09/88 263SE7 ..09/09/88 V.W sittts yr 263S36 263S36.. 162.80 TO IONS 27-4624-663-66 68566 6843 24 162.80 r 4w­ 263554 1988 CITY OF EDINA 227.62 CHECK REGISTER n 09-19-88 PAGE 16 __34T.50._.._____,____SHERWIN 09/13/88 WILLIAMS.,.,----------.-.--GENERAL--$UPPLI,E.S.---.-- 28-45.04-7-02-709-4645--_ CHECK NO.--- DATE- OUNT--.---.----,.-.---YENDOR WILLIAMS ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. 0 MESSAGE 78.75 263R77 09/13/88 244.80 ROYAL CROWN BEV. INVENTORY 50-4638-84E-84 -40+-S4-- 489.55SHERWIN WILLIAMS 263R77 09/13/88 _277.20 ROYAL- CROWN.BEV. INVENTORY__. — -------- --- - ------- 12 3f 3 699.10 Ib 7 rsttss — ---------- ***-CKS . 263R79 09/12/88 18.75 RTW INC. INSURANCE 10-4260-510 -51 ------- - .18 _ 75 - --------- :12 '13 rttsss *o*-CKS 14 ' 263S20 S2 09/13/88 256.00 SEIDEL-ROXANNE PROF SERVICES 30-4201-781-78 256.00 r 119 - 120 stsstt ***-CKS 121 IT 263S26 __..__09/-12/88 263S27 09/09/88 263S27 09/09/88 263S27 09/09/88 263SE7 ..09/09/88 V.W sittts yr 263S36 263S36.. 162.80 TO IONS 27-4624-663-66 68566 6843 24 162.80 r 4w­ 263554 09/12/88 227.62 n __34T.50._.._____,____SHERWIN 09/13/88 WILLIAMS.,.,----------.-.--GENERAL--$UPPLI,E.S.---.-- 28-45.04-7-02-709-4645--_ 34.12 493.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 28-4544-70E-70 87409 78.75 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT E8-4544-T02 -70 96897 -e4-3SS-6-- -40+-S4-- 489.55SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT E8-4544-70E-70 89488 ozr 1,408.:FS--o 1,408.80 3 09/09/88 4,294.55 SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO. INVENTORY -.-0-9/019/­-88.-..-.-------.------ -1625-0------SOUITHSI-DE--D.IS.TR_._-CO. -1-NMENTIORY. 4,457.05 * . 263S78. 263S92 09/12/88 STAR & TRIBUNE STARK ELECTRONICS ADVERTISING REPAIR PARTS 50-4630-8EE-SE 50-4630-862-85 10-4212-510-51 40-4540-804-80 859300 6741 STAT,E, TRFASURER,,. . — --- ---------- BLDG PERM 1 0 SUR CHG TAX 10-3113-000-00 -----.,---SUBURBAN -PLUMB. SUP � _R EPA I RP ART-S- .10-4540-560-S6 35I496 67 15.95 * _r .39.68 SYSTEMISUPPLY GENERAL.SUPPLIES' 10-4504-440-44 090146 6840 ***-CKS ilq 3 3 ;42 143% ttr- CKS-- -- -- -- ,aAi to 149 L ***-CKS j53 5f 5 s 157 000-CKS lee - ------------- — it r 'S 'p v , mvxw 7" R7111 fr �r m T I. wl—w mm ---- ---------- ---- 4w­ 263554 09/12/88 227.62 263S56 09/13/88 34.12 34.12 trrttt 263561 e63858 -e4-3SS-6-- 09/09/88 141.00 1,111.70 263S78. 263S92 09/12/88 STAR & TRIBUNE STARK ELECTRONICS ADVERTISING REPAIR PARTS 50-4630-8EE-SE 50-4630-862-85 10-4212-510-51 40-4540-804-80 859300 6741 STAT,E, TRFASURER,,. . — --- ---------- BLDG PERM 1 0 SUR CHG TAX 10-3113-000-00 -----.,---SUBURBAN -PLUMB. SUP � _R EPA I RP ART-S- .10-4540-560-S6 35I496 67 15.95 * _r .39.68 SYSTEMISUPPLY GENERAL.SUPPLIES' 10-4504-440-44 090146 6840 ***-CKS ilq 3 3 ;42 143% ttr- CKS-- -- -- -- ,aAi to 149 L ***-CKS j53 5f 5 s 157 000-CKS lee - ------------- — it r 'S 'p v , mvxw 7" R7111 fr �r m T I. wl—w mm 1988 Cl. jF EDINA CHECK RE. _(ER 09 -19 -88 ....2E 17 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE 263592 09/12/88 100.00 SYSTEM SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 090146 6840 I;,� 139.68 # +I tr #ss# tat -CKS ; 263596 09/13/88 80.00 SCHUENEMAN -AMY SERVICES 27- 4201 - 662 -16 0814 5756 80.00 # ; °, �l tas #ss ttt -CKS i3) 263T04 09/12/88 15.00 TAYLOR SALES. CLEANING SUPPLY 4512_683_68 37243 +eJ� 15.00 _26- tts -CKS _ zol 121 `- 263708 09/09/88 189.12 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLY 10- 4504 - 440 -44 2z 2]1 263T0S 09/09/88_ _ 44.97 TARGET- REPAIR PARTS. 10- 4540- 440 -44 - - -- — 2+ 234.09 # :a 26 2] 26 263728 09/13/88 113.64 THOMPSON LUMBER CO. CONSTRUCTION 29 -1320- 000 -00 214936 6725 113.64 # �] ]] 263T29 09/12/88 10,073.56 THOMSEN- NYBECK SERVICES 10-4201- 220 -22 13+ 263729 09/12/88 11,344.86 THOMSEN- NYBECK SERVICES - -10- 4201 - 220 -22_ - - - -- - -- —1 35 21,418.42 t ]� .s �]e ]9V 263730 09/09/88 13,947.85 -- THORPE - DISTR. - - - -- -- INVENTORY -- 50- 4630 - 862 -86 - - +o 13,947.85 ; +1 Id2 43A- .4 :::T+a 42 09/13/88 30.46 TOOLS BY OLSEN GENERAL SUPPLY 27- 4504 - 664 -66 13114 6846 Iaa 4] --- - - - - -- -- - 30.46 t - - -- I+8I #t #tt# ###-CKS +9 l50 61 263753 09/09/88 5,760.30 TRACY OIL GASOLINE 10 -4612- 560 -56 63 5,760.30 # a+ e6 st #tta # #t -CKS ia' 66 263772 09/09/88 _ 276.00 ..- TROPICAL SNO OF MN CONCESSIONS _- .- -_26- 4624 - 683 -68 8829 5483_ - Ao - �� 276.00 t 61 62 -one/ 4 263T75 09/12/88 135.00 TURNBLADH -CY SERVICES 23 -4201- 611 -61 _. 135 ..0 0 t _ - -- - -- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - 'en 69 - - -- t #ss ## # #t -CKS '_ I;2� 263778 09/13/88 28.33 TWIGS DELI GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 781 -78 1481 '] 28.33 * '+ e 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 09-19 -88 PAGE t8 CHECK NO. DATE _ ___ .___ _AMOUNT -___ _ VENDOR_. - -- ITEM .DESCRIPTION__ ACCOUNT N0. INV. ti P.O. # MESSAGE s ## -CKS •r _ 263T88 09/09/88 73.20 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 ;h 263788 09/09/88 ____ _ -_ _____ 15.48 TWIN CITY HOME -JUICE INVENTORY__ _. __- —__50- 4632_- 862 -86 el 88.68 r - - - - - — - - -- -- -- - - - -�9I +o _ # + # # ## ssr -CKS. +:r _ 263U14 09/13/88 40.64 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 792535 6768 13 +` 40.64 # te• ;n #s# #s# #sr -CKS e i+ar 263U20 09/12/88 475.00 UNIVERSITY OF MN DUE & SUBSCRIPTIONS 10- 4204 - 140 -14 21 475.00 + 22 z3r ze 263U25 09/13/88 224.00- _ UNIVERSAL MED SERV CREDIT _ 10- 4902 - 440 -44 807036 M 263U25 09/13/88 405.05 UNIVERSAL MED SERV EQUIP NEW 10 -4902- 440 -44 807014 _ J - 181.05 + , ''1• + # + * ## ### -CKS N+ 263V10 09/09/88 300.26 VALLEY INDUSTRIAL GASOLINE--- __. 28- 4612 - 704- 70_ 3' 300.26 + -_— ____.- ___ 37 V 36 - - -- - - - - -- -- -- -- ---- -_ - - -- - -- - - - - -- - -__ - - - -- ` - - --- -- - - -- — -- - #r# -CKS I4 +I 263V43 09/09/88 480.00 VERSATILE VEHICLE LEASE LINES 27-4276-665-66 774 6713 '39• a2 263V43 09/13/88 750.00 _ VERSATILE VEHICLE LEASE LINE _ _ _ 27- 4276-665 -66 263V43 09/09/88 654.00 VERSATILE VEHICLE LEASE LINES 27- 4276-665 -66 748 6791 j 11884.00 + •]'Q tae s:sssr _ rir -CKS :s 10 263V80 09/13/88 ___ -- - 29.85 -_. -__ VOSS ELECTRIC SUP GENERAL_SUPPLIES-- _- _ —.10- 4504- 540 -54 238814 6769 3z 1+ 263V80 09/13/88 168.00 VOSS ELECTRIC SUP REPAIR PARTS 10-4540- 322-30 238944 6858 _ V 197.85 + �+ ]3 - srrsrs - - .. _- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - ---- - -' - -- - - -- -- -- - ----- - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - --------------- - - - - -- - - *rt -CKS lee - - --» �s 263W08 09/01/88 43.65 W.W. GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 201220 6761 'e 263W08 09/13/88 - -- ____.- 137.20. W.W. GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES_ _ -__10 -4504- 440 -44 296480 6647_ 263W08 09/13/88 95.67 W.W. GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 299042 6679 6111 �y _--._. ez e3^ gee 263W11 09/12/88 237.69 W. GORDON SMITH GASOLINE -____- -- — 27 -4612- 664 - 66__1880 5636_ 237.69 r srssrs - - - - -- +rr -CKS 7 .4 72 t „I 263W15 09/12/88 100.00 WALTER JOHNSON POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 7314 1.988 C1 F EDINA CHECK R, (ER 09 -19 -88 ,E 19 CHECK NO. DATE__ _.__- _____AMOUNT _ . _ VENDOR DESCRIPTION- _ACCOUNT _NO. _INV. - - „ #_P.O. 0 MESSAGE_ - �• 100.00 * I; ,e 263W28 09/13/88 _ - -. 190.00. WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 27- 664 -66 263W28 09/13/88 _ _ _ -__ 190.00- _ WATER PRODUCTS __- REPAIR PARTS .4540- _ 27- 4540 - 664 -66 _ _ �. 263W28 09/13/88 190.00 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 664 -66 075390 6777 O I11 190.00 * ** *-CKS I�b� 263W35 09/12/88 153.68 WEIGLE -SUE MILEAGE 10 -4208- 600 -60 7 b 153.68 * j19% ** *-CKS zi I22 263W81 09/13/88 _ - -_ 12.00 WM H MCCOY GENERAL SUPPLY. __— 10- 4504 - 314 -30 125804 6660 -- - 2]1 '24I 12.00 * -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- -- — its 2e * * * * ** - - - -- - _. -. - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- ** *- CKS - - -J b 263W92 09/12/88 100.00 WROBLESKI -HENRY POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 j31% - -- - - - - -- 1 00. 00 * - -- b * * * *** *** -CKS ']4 130 Tam+ ]O * * * * ** 40 '41 so*-CKS 812, 276.30 812 2:F 6.T 0­ FUN i9 TOTAt GENERAL FUND 42 4] � 3,042.30 FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER 529.38 FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND 45+ b 16,600.10 FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND d6 303, 764.12-__.3$3 , 764 . 07 -__ .__ FUND 28 TOTAL____ ____ RECREATION CENTER FUND 148, 139.01 FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND 4D 12,107.84 FUND 30 TOTAL EDINBOROUGH PARK sc 7,512.68 _ FUND 40 TOTAL _ UTILITY FUND 90,665.67 �2,6fis. rte FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND ARPROYFD FM PAYMM �sJ •► 34,455.34 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 54 ]s f�7 TOTAL yr 1,281 092.74 rpm sO so rc 02 IeJ 6a _ M 166 67 ev 70 71' P2IJJI 7]I 7441 • r / 1 1 1 1 1 i i i G, c �1 1988 Y Y OF EDINA C CHECF ,ISTER 0 08 -31 —, CHECK N NO. DATE A AMOUNT V VENDOR I ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT NO. INV. 9 9 P.O. i ' 0 091'141488 4 42.71 E ED PH;L6;PS 6 60-3700-962-46— M MANUAL = 12 0 ## #### # -,. £ 50-4628-862 86 M MANUAL ' le 214198 0 08/24/88 7 7,866.41 G GROUP HEALTH H HOSPITALIZATION 1 10- 4156 - 510 -51 M MANUAL � �10 ssssss # ### —CKS " Je 3 , , s PAGE i MESSAGE t- 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -31 -88 PAGE HECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. R P.O. N MESSAGE •IZI 218F14 — 08/24/88 — 926.03 FIDELITY BANK -- — MEDICARE — 10- 4162 - 510 -51- ' 5 M>ti•t e 218H83 08/24/88 250 000.00 HRA DUE FROM HRA 0 -1145= 006 =C0 " of 250, 000.00 • � 11' 222P32 08/24/88 22,232.24 PERA — PENSIONS - - 10- 4145 - 510 -51 3 1 22,232.24 • -� Ise �17, -- �ss•s� _— -- - - - -_- _ _ __ - -- - - - -- -- _ _ __ _ -- -- _ - - -_— -_— 222P70 08/24/88 465.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10-4290-510-51 e� 465.00 • 19 — 2cl 21 4i�iri 22 223C51 08/24/88 53.76 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX 10- 3357 - 000 -00 —23 223C51 08/24/88 165.54 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX 23- 3357 - 000 -00 24 223C51 08_/_24_/88 1,_199.87 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX 26 -3357- 000 -00 25, 223051 08/24/88 13,535.02 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX 27- 3357 = 000 -00 -26' 223C51 08/24/88 45.87 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX 2S- 3357 - 000 -00 27 223C51— 08/24/88 _118,67 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX 29 -3357- 000 -00 201 223C51 08/24/88 362.25 COMM OF REVENUE _ SALES TAX _ 30 -3357- 000 -00 - 29 223C51 08/24/88 545.27 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX 40 -3357- 000 -00 223C51 08/24/88 7,979.22 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX 50- 3357 - 001 -00 13' 1 223051 08/24/88 16,111.71 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX �335`i= 302=00 L_721 223C51 08/24/88 15,014.12 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX 50 -3357- 003 -00 MANUAL rr• -CKS ° e MANUALlo o I, 2 •s* -CKS 13 - -- MANUAL 17 Ilc •*• -CKS - : I MANUAL 22 + +• -CKS - - -- MANUAL- — MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 14 ° •ii1M4• so*-CKS 37 223E26 09/14/88 4.01- ED PHILLIPS 50 =37T0 822 =82 MANUAL 'as "30 223E26 09/14/88 2.76- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 'i39� 79 223E26 09/14/88_ 12.99- ED _PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL 52 40 223E26 09/14/88 1.51- ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 41 223E26 09/14/88 6.36- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 42 223E26 09/14/88 1.85- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL _ se 43 223E26 09/14/88 63.85 ED PHILLIPS 50 =3710---842-- 8 MANUAL 57 '44 223E26 09/14/88 1.85- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 504 4S 223E26 09/14/88 63..85- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL e, 46 223E26 09/14/88 1.85 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 84E -84 MANUAL '61 223E26 09/14/88 2.84- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL e2 -48 223E26 09/14/88 8.14- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 6 °9 223E26 09/14/88 7.14- ED PHILLIPS 50_37i__0_-862_-S6 MANUAL e5 70I 223E26 09/14/88 2.71- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL .'6 a7, II 223E26 09/14/88 30.96- ED PHILLIPS _ _50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ' 5' 52 223E26 09/14/88 2.63- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL f 33 223E26 09/14/88 2.79- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 171 "�s4 223E26 09/14/88 138.14 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626_- 822 -82 MANUAL 6 223E26 09/14/88 75.70 ED PHILLIPS 50=4626= 842 =S4— -MANUAL--- 223E26 09/14/88 318.25 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL = 57 75 v 1988 CHECK I OF EDINA NO _DATE AMOUNT COOPER CHECk ISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT_ NO. INV. 08 -31 -, 'AGE 3 0 P.O. 9 MESSAGE 223682 09/14/88 90.20— GRIGGS i 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 2 223E26 223E26_ 09/14/88 . 09/14/88 _. 1,548.08 _ 139.85 - _ ED - ED PHILLIPS PHILLIPS _ _ _ _ ._.___..._ 50- 4626 - 862 -86 __. 50- 4626-862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 4 223E26 09/14/88 357.25 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL ' 50-3710- 822 -82 223E26 09/14/88 401.80 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ° COOPER 223E26 _09/1 -4/88 247.20 ED_PHILLIP3 223G82 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL­, ' 223E26 09/14/88 247.20- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL j° v ° 223E26 09/14/88 247.20 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 10 09/14/88 223E26 __ _ 09/14/88 __ ___- ______284.40_ ED PHILLIPS ._ 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ,z ° I' 223E26 223E26 09/14/88 09/14/88 185.20 247.20- ED ED PHILLIPS PHILLIPS 50-4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL fit] MANUAL " '2 _223E26 _09/14/88 1_,_299_._00 ED_ PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 - MANUAL "i 223E26 08/24/88 57.03 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50 -46E8- 862 -86 _ -MANUAL __ MANUAL 7 14 223E26 223E26 09/14/88 09/14/88 814.65 263.55 ED ED PHILLIPS PHILLIPS _ ._ -_ _ 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL '0 MANUAL °I 223E26 09/14/88 271.15 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 2+ r'7 223E26 08/24/88 37.00 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 MANUAL B COOPER 50 -4626- 822 -82 6,104.36 r iec 223G82 09/14/88 riz ssssss COOPER 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL _ ss• -CKS :0 i 1,748.57 6RIGG3 COOPER 50= 4626-842 -84 —MANUAL—'49 27 41 42 � w 223GS2 09/14/88 6.20— GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700- 822 -82 MANUAL 223682 09/14/88 90.20— GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL t 223682 09/14/88 5_.55— GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL 223G82 09/14/88 10.91— GRIGGS COOPER 50-3710- 822 -82 MANUAL— 223GS2 09/14/88 18.44— GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710- 822-82 MANUAL ` 223G82 ___6.60— _GRIGGS COOPER 50-3710_-842-84 MANUAL__ 223G82 09/14/88 34.97 — BRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL 37I 223G82 09/14/88 15.58— GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842-84 MANUAL 223GS2 09/14/88 149.66— GRIGGS COOPER 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL <o� 223G82 09/14/88 6.38— GRIGGS COOPER 50 -3 3710=862=86 - MANUAL 4+ 223GSE 09/14/88 10.37— GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL `2 223G8209/14/88 10.37— GRIGG3_CO_OPER 50 — 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 4'� 223G82 09/14/88 10.37 GRIGGS COOPER _ 50- 3710-862 -86 _ __M MANUAL I <�� 223G82 09/14/88 921.85 GRIGGS COOPER 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL iec 223G82 09/14/88 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 1471 223692 09/14/88 1,748.57 6RIGG3 COOPER 50= 4626-842 -84 —MANUAL—'49 223G82 09/14/88 7,482.77 GRIGGS COOPER 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 'O l 223G82 __09/1 -4/88 545._49 GRIGGS COOPER_ 50 —_ 4628 - 822-82 MANUAL ;2t 223G82 09/14/88 778.84 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL i °3I 223G82 09/14/88 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -64 MANUAL !3' 4 223G82 09/14/88 330.05 GRIGGS COOPER 50-4628- 842 -84 MANUAL feel, 223GS2 09/14/88 518.37— GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 =86 MANUAL '57 223GS2 09/14/88 318.86 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 5`1 223682 09/14/88 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL Z24 co 223G82 09/14/88 518.37 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 -MANUAL 223GS2 09/14/88 14.62- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 223GS2 09/14/88 518.37 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL f4� 223G82 08/24/88 18.48 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50 =4 4632= 822 =82 MANUAL 223G82 08/24/88 121.99 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 MANUAL ;7�� 223G82 08!24!88_ _ __1_02_90_ GRIGGS COOPER- INVENTORY - 50 -4632- 862 -86 MANUAL f,I 12,518.69 r — - - - - -- — - I 71, •rsrrr 223J62 09/14/88 2.95- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 ww rss -CKS MANUAL 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -31 -88 PAGE CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 9 P.O. N MESSAGE 0 2 09/14/88_ 223J62 09/14/88 21.43- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 'z �' 223016 a _ 223J62 -- - 09/14/88 -- - 3.66- -- - - — JOHNSON WINE - - — -- - - - - -- 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 223016 09/14/88 5.67- QUALITY 223J62 09/14/88 3.60 -- JOHNSON WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL- e 2,344.58 s `le. 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DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 9 P.O. A MESSAGE y 2 223016 09/14/88 1,690.67 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL '2 ' 223Q16 09/14/88 577.35 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628-822 -82 MANUAL i, 223016 09/14/88 32.00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 5 I' 223016 09114188 81.75 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ° I6 22301.6 _09/14/88 _80.00 QUALITY WINE _50- 4628- 842 -84 _ _ MANUAL e o 223016 09/14/88 1,569.65 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL--'- 223016 09/14/88 80.00— QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL l ° 223016 09/14/88 79.20 —__- ____QUALITY WINE _ 50 -4628- 842 -84 _ MANUAL _ " 223016 09/14/88 565.60 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 1i3� 223016 09/14/88 136.65 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL "1I 223016 09/14/88_ 84.75_ QUALITY__WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 _ MANUAL 223016 08/24/88 P37.SO QUALITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822 -82 MANUAL ° 223016 08/24/88 237.50 QUALITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 MANUAL ° 223016 08/24/88 _ _ 237.50 ._ QUALITY-WINE INVENTORY - - - - -- - - 50 -4630- 862 -86 MANUAL ,z;I. 9,333.56 - - -- I2 '` +++ -CKS 224N16 08/24/88 529.38 NSP ELECTRIC 10- 1130 - 000 -00 MANUAL 22016 08/24/88 _898.42 NSP _ ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 301 -30_ _ MANUAL e 221 224N16 08/24/88 13,213.14 NSP ELECTRIC 10- 425E - 321 -30 MANUAL I :4 4 2' 224N16 08/24/88 11,157.44 NSP ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 322 -30 MANUAL — 224N16 08/24/_88 2,4_73_.70 NSP ELECTRIC 10- 4252- 330 -30 MANUAL 5 224N16 08/24/88 105.77 NSP ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 345 -30 MANUAL 3,I 261 224N16 08/24/88 109.07 NSP ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 358 -30 MANUAL }' z; 3, �1 - L_._—._224N16___ 08/24/88 2,O25.P0NSP _ ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 375 -30 MANUAL ° 224N16 08/24/88 724.97 NSP ELECTRIC 10- 425E-440 -44 MANUAL 1 �2D 224N16 08/24/88 45.10 NSP ELECTRIC 10-4252- 460 -46 MANUAL 137 3 '° 224N16 08/24/88 7,286.07 NSP ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 520 -52 MANUAL ;; 224N16 08/24/88 2,305.84 NSP ELECTRIC 10- 4252 = 540 -54 MANUAL 32 224N16 08/24/88 5,878.65 NSP ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 646 -64 MANUAL 33 _224N16 ___08/24/_88 510.-96___ NSP ELECTRIC 23- 4252 - 612 -61 _ MANUAL 'a^` 74 224N16 08/24/88 1,221.32 NSP ELECTRIC 26- 4252- 682 -68 MANUAL J5 224N16 08/24/88 3,748.79 NSP ELECTRIC 27- 4252-662 -66 MANUAL 36 224N16 08/24/88 27_5.33 NSP ELECTRIC 27- 4252 - 664 -66 MANUAL 1- 1 224N16 08/24/88 4,894.72 NSP ELECTRIC 28- 4252 =102 -70 MANUAL ;.9I 'I 224N16 08/24/88 222.90 NSP ELECTRIC 29- 4252 - 722 -72 MANUAL 5r 39 224N16 08/24/88 9,_579_,11 NSP ELECTRIC 30- 4252- 782 -78 _ MANUAL _ .�V 40 224N16 08/24/88 2,448.42 NSP ELECTRIC 40- 4252 - 801 -80 MANUAL 53I "' 224N16 08/24/88 40,654.95 NSP ELECTRIC 40 -4252- 803 -80 MANUAL �a2 224N16 08/24/88 2,671_.99 NSP ELECTRIC 40- 4252- 804 -80 MANUAL , 224N16 08/24/88 1,080.37 NSP ELECTRIC 50- 4252 - 821 -82 MANUAL 44 224N16 08/24/88 866.35 NSP ELECTRIC 50 -4252- 841 -84 MANUAL 46 224N-16 08/24/88 637_20 NSP ELECTRIC 50 -4252- 861 -86 MANUAL 46 115,565.16 + ----- -- -- -- - e 48 4e + + + + ++ +++ -CKS e4l 491 - ,I �so 224U27 08/24/88 132.18 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10- 1130 - 000 -00 MANUAL "" {(I"1 224U2 08 7 124/88 7.85 US WEST-COMM _ _ __TELEPHONE 10- 4256- 460 -46 MANUAL r 152. 224U27 08/24/88 3,429.67 US WEST COM TELEPHONE 10- 4256- 510 -51 MANUAL f,l 133 224U27 08/24/88 302.19 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 622 -62 MANUAL 1,0 54 71 08/24/88 101.82 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 628 -62 MANUAL 72 55 224U27 08/24/88 96.58 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10 =4256= 646 =d4 MANUAL 73 �'6 224U27 08/24/88 144.05 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 23- 4256 - 612 -61 MANUAL 74c PVT 1988 CITY OF EDINA AMOUNT CHECK REGISTER US 2 224U27 08/24/88 S9.27 COMM _ 3 -. 224U27_ 08/24/88 - - - - - - -- 312.21 WEST ° 224U27 08/24/88 52.78 US S 224U27 08/24/88 228.78 COMM ° 224U27 08/24/88 39.09_ WEST 1—n 4-u-2-7 08/24/88 50.74 US °j .224U27 08/24/88 104.38 27- 3230 - 662 -66 -- 224U27 08/24/88 -- - -- _- 307.80 228873 224U27 08/24/88 148.86 GOLF " 1-224U2.7 224U27 08/24/88 176.55 z ° •L9 1 08/24/88 124.80 08/24/88 391.19 BRAEMAR GOLF 5,819.60 • 14' 27 -4120- 666 -66 MANUAL I37) 13I tftttt 08/24/88 49.96 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27 -4202- 661 -66 4017 4017 225700 08/24/88 9,288.64 1s 9� 25.00 BRAEMAR 9,288.64 - z" CASH ttttst MANUAL Iz2 10]21 __228B73 22SB73 08/24/88 zz BRAEMAR Via- 08/24/88 64.64 • . ^. ]I ,<�� j4 "• .64 CHECK REGISTER US WEST COMM US WEST COMM _ US WEST COMM US WEST COMM US WEST COMM US WEST _ COMM US WEST COMM _- - US WEST COMM US WEST COMM US WEST COMM US WEST COMM ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE _ TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE _ TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS PAYMENT 26- 4256- 682 -68 27- 4256- 662 -66 27- 4256- 664 -66 28- 4256- 702 -70 29- 4256- 722 -72 _ Jb- 4255= 782 -78 40- 4256 - 801 -80 40- 4256 - 803 -80 50- 4256- 821 -82 50- 4256- 841 -84 50 -4256- 861 -86 08 -31 -88 PAGE 6 d # P.O. # MESSAGE MANUAL z MANUAL 14 MANUAL s MANUAL I° MANUAL n -- MANUAL ~ -D MANUAL MANUAL = MANUAL 13 MANUAL 14,4 MANUAL — I17 — - - - - -- - - ttt -CKS 20 60 -2040- 000 -00 MANUAL 21 ttt -CKS BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH —� �7- 4504 - 663 -66 MANUAL -- - 229P70 08/24/88 4D 229P70 f511 52 tttttt %s3 34 22P32 5� 22P32 156 — \57 L1 168.57 2,000.00 135.00 2,303.57 t ttt -CKS eo c _ POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 MANUAL ez- POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10-4290- 510 -51 MANUAL "4 Q ---MANUAL — 05 r •IW - -- - - - - -- — — - - -- itt -CKS _ I 7C 228B7308/24/88 50.00 BRAEM_AR_GOLF__ PETTY CASH 27- 3230 - 662 -66 MANUAL 36 20 228873 08/24/88 293.63 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4120 - 663-66 MANUAL ° •L9 1 228873 08/24/88 391.19 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27 -4120- 666 -66 MANUAL I37) I30 22BB73 08/24/88 49.96 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27 -4202- 661 -66 MANUAL I311 228873 08/24/88 25.00 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 21=46_00=66i_ =6b MANUAL 10]21 22SB73 08/24/88 6.38 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4624 - 663 -66 MANUAL ,<�� j4 "• °— 880_80 J331 34 45 35 tttt *t ttt -CKS «. 14" 13o 37 229701 08/24/88 307.20 BOOKER T GENERAL SUPPLY __ 10- _4504 =b00 =60 MANUAL 4n 46' 8 � 307.20 t - • 140 salt sssttt - - - -- S 143I 229707 08/24/88 65.45 A PLUS PRESORT POSTAGE 10-4290 - 510 -51 MANUAL 65.45 t 229P70 08/24/88 4D 229P70 f511 52 tttttt %s3 34 22P32 5� 22P32 156 — \57 L1 168.57 2,000.00 135.00 2,303.57 t 08/24/88 22,232.24- PERA PENSIONS 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL 08/24/86 22,232.24" PERA PENSTON I (F-_4i-45= 510 =51 MANUAL .00 t e ttt -CKS eo c _ POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 MANUAL ez- POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10-4290- 510 -51 MANUAL "4 POSTMASTER POSTAGE ---MANUAL — 05 r •IW - -- - - - - -- — — - - -- itt -CKS _ I 7C 08/24/88 22,232.24- PERA PENSIONS 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL 08/24/86 22,232.24" PERA PENSTON I (F-_4i-45= 510 =51 MANUAL .00 t e 1988 ( OF EDINA CHECk ISTER 08 -31 —i 'AGE 7 W , CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. Y MESSAGE W z z `' •t * * ## ### —CKS 4 7 ' 230725 09/14/88 1.38— BRU ENTERPRISES 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ° ° 23072509/14/88 1.38— BRU_ENTERPRISES 50-3710-842-84 -MANUAL _ MANUAL a e 7 ' 230725 09/14/88 92.00 BRU ENTERPRISES 50- 4628 - 822 -82 - MANUAL _ 1° W e 230725 09/14/88 92.00 BRU ENTERPRISES 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 0 ° - -- ------------------- - - - - -- 181_.24 �--- - - - - -- �: " 230726 08/24/88 255.00 MN ASSC ASSESS OFF CONFERENCES 10 -4202- 200 -20 MANUAL 114 ##s —CKS S 8 230E26 09/14/88 75.70— ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL z, 230E26 09/14/88 107.35— ED PHILLIPS zz er ' 50 -3700- 862 -86 MANUAL e 230E26 09/14/88 _ .47— ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710-822 -82 MANUAL n� 19j 230E26 09/14/88 .36— ED PHILLIPS - - -- 50- 3710- 822 -82 — -- — MANUAL r �22 230E26 09/14/88 8.63— ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 230E26 09/14/88__— 2_50— ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 __ MANUAL Zqa 230E26 09/14/88 8.03— ED PHILLIPS 56 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL _rM 230E26 09/14/88 .68— ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL IZ4 230E26 09/14/88 1.50— ED_ PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL z3 230E26 09/14/88 5.37— ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL Y M26 230E26 09/14/88 7.59— ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL r _— _230E26 - _09/14/88 2.66- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL e 230E26 09/14/88 11.94— ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL- 40 �• �0 230E26 09/14/88 1.51— ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL I38G E3_0E_26 09/14/88 4.98— ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 30 " 230E26 09/14/88 3.47— ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710= 862 =86 MANUAL 4J 230E26 09/14/88 1 51— ED PHILLIPS — :42' �j4 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL IJ3, --230E26 09/14/88 ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL -- - -- - -- - - --- - -- -- __ _ _ A, 230E26 09/14/88 431.76 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL �35 230E26 09/14/88 75.16 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL ler 36 230E26 09/14/88 379.50 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL !48 3' 230E26 09/14/88 75.70— ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL <o X36 230E26 09/14/88 75.70 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL -Vi I30 230E26 09/14/88 — 173_80 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4626- 862 -86_ -_ MANUAL _ " ` 4o 230E26 09/14/88 75.70 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4626- 862 -8b MANUAL 53 X42 230E26 09/14/88 250.65 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 15° 230E26 09/14/_88 47.90 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 43 230E26 09/14/88 5.10 ED PHILLIPS 50- 462S- $22 -$2 MANUAL " =' X441 230E26 09/14/88 36.60 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL '° 46 _230E26 09/14/88 105.95 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 ___ MANUAL !94 __ _ . _ - _..__ —____— _ — _. —.. 60 46 230E26 08/24/88 50.00 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL � 6 230E26 09/14/88 .00 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL °2 Ja8 230E26 09/14/88 537.60 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL alt 4o 230E26 09/14/88 42.90 ED PHILLIPS 56= 462$— $42 —$4 MANUAL 61 '° 230E26 09/14/88 216.45 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ' 51L_230E2608/24/88 _ 25. -70._— ED PHILLIPS -__ _ INVENTORY _50- 4628 - 842 -84_ __ _ MANUAL )� zl 230E26 09/14/88 803.21 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL � �53I 230E26 09/14/88 1,194.40 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 'I I64 230E26 09/14/88 57.03— ED PHILLIPS 50-4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL I „4 55 230E26 09/14/88 498.30 ED PHILLIPS 50= 462$= $62 =86 MANUAL 73 X56 230E26 09/14/88 .00 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 74 75 4 r � qm 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV 08 -31 -88 PAGE 8 OP. 8 MESSAGE "21 4,650.91 + ' 230362 09/14/88 3.97— JOHNSON WINE " 230J62 09/14/88 14.81— JOHNSON WINE � S .34— _JOHNSON WINE__ ° 230J62 09/14%88 2.74— \I,° WINE 230682 09/14/88 2_.945— GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 822 -82 09/14/88 ' 230G82 09/14/88 750— _ GRIGGS _ COOPER 50- 3700842 =84 `0 °i 230J62 230G82 09/14/88 37.40— GRIGGS COOPER 50 -3700- 862 -86 63.56— _ JOHNSON 230G82 09/14/88 12.26— 63.56 COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 'C. _ _ 230G82 _ 09/14/88 _ 12.77- GRIGGS ._ COOPER _ 50- 3710 - 822 -82 - " 230G82 09/14/88 7.69- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 6 230 .762 2 230G82 09/_14/88 9.71- GRIGGS COOPER 50 -3710- 842 -84 "i 230G82 09/14/88 3.83- GRIGGS COOPER _ 50- 3710- 842 -84 :'! 230G82 09/14/88 95.88- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710- 842 -84 ° 230G82 09/14/88 6.59- _ GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 ° 230G82 09/14/88 -- — - - 4.38- GRIGGS COOPER- - -- - - -- -- 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - — - 7 230G82 09/14/88 23.45- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 °i 230G82 09/14/_88 81.05- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86_ 230G82 09/14/88 12.65- GRIGGS COOPER _ _ 50 -3710- 862 -86 DLO 230G82 09/14/88 13.18- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 2'i 230G8209/14/88 _612._81GRIGGS-COOPER 50- 4626- 822 -82 22 J 230G82 09/14/88 4,794.06 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 -�23 230G82 09/14/88 329.50 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626- 842 -84 �24 230682 09_/1 /88 052.39 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626-862 -86 J `Gi 230G82 09/14/88 659.00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 230G82 09/14/88 638.47 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 27, 230G82 09/14/88 .00 GRIGGS _COOPER _ _ _ _ 50 -4628- 822 -82 _ ` 2Bf 230G82 09/14/88 384.65 GRIGGS COOPER 50-4628- 822 -82 2B 230G82 09/14/88 219.05 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628- 842 -84 ' 702_30G82 09/14/88 191.74 GRIGGS COOPER 50 -4628- 842 -84 " 230G82 09/14/88 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50 =4628= 842 =84 11 21 230G82 09/14/88 485.28 GRIGGS COOPER 50 -4628- 842 -84 230G82 09/14/88 1,172.69 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 `1 230682 09/14/88 632.70 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628- 862 -86 351 ,,,,'J 230G82 230G82 09/14/88 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50-4628 - 862-86 08/_24/8.8 90.96 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50-4632- 822 -82 " 230682 08/24/88 74-1 8 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50 -4632= 842 =84 , 12 1' rrr -CKS a ,v MANUAL n -- -- MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL �I MANUAL :'" MANUAL el - -- MANUAL- MANUAL ° MANUAL MANUAL - MANUAL 22 X23 MANUAL 2 -- MANUAL 2r MANUAL 2, lb MANUAL 2' an -- - - MANUAL MANUAL JO MANUAL -- - - MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL -- - - MANUAL - -- 13, MANUAL 133o "r -- MANUALy" MANUAL •MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL "' MANUAL I "nl� MANUAL —y V'0 230G82 08/24/88 199.28 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50-4632-862-86 MANUAL L7 ' rrrrrr 2 ' 230362 09/14/88 3.97— JOHNSON WINE " 230J62 09/14/88 14.81— JOHNSON WINE 5230362 09/14/88- .34— _JOHNSON WINE__ ° 230J62 09/14%88 2.74— JOHNSON WINE 7 230J62 09/14/88 13.65— JOHNSON WINE ° 230.762 09/14/88 71.15— JOHNSON WINE ° 230362 09/14/88 6.32— JOHNSON WINE °i 230J62 09/14/88 5.02— JOHNSON WINE h230362 _ 09/14/88 _ 63.56— _ JOHNSON WINE 2 230J62 09/14/88 63.56 JOHNSON WINE 7 230J62 09/14/88 63.56— JOHNSON WINE 4 230J62 09/14/8_8 JOHNSON WINE Si 230J62 09 /114/88 _4.22— 2.45 . JOHNSON WINE 6 230 .762 09/14/88 740.88 JOHNSON WINE rrr —CKS 50 --37"= E22 -82— -- --MANUAL — r 157 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 59''s an 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50= 371 -0 -8424 MANUAL a5 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL rrl _ 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ' • 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50 =4b26= 822- 82 - - -- - -- - MANUAL_ - -- jl 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL I' "'' •1988 ( OF EDINA CHECK ISTER 08 -31 —z JAGE CHECK NO. DATE __— AMOUNT — VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. N MESSAGE ,rzl 230J62 09/14/88 3,557.01 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 12 3 230J62 09/14/88 _. 14.00 -. JOHNSON WINE '' 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL ' _. 230J62 09/14/88 16.10— JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL ° 230J62 09/14/88 15.75 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL ° Ion 230J62 _ 09/14/88 3, 177.82___ JOHNSON WINE- -__ 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL__ e ' 230J62 09/14/88 3,177.82 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 19 �, 230J62 09/14/88 3,061.15- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL � 230162 _ __ _ 09/14/88 c _ _ _ 132. 42- JOHNSON -WINE _ _ _ � _ 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL _ ,z Ii 230J62 09/14/88 15.75 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL ° 230J62 09/14/88 .35 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 10I v121 230J62 09/14/88_ 9.10_ JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL _„ a I„ 230J62 09/14/88 396.70 JOHNSON WINE - - - -- — — 50 -4628- 822 -82 - -- _ -- MANUAL 230J62 09/14/88 2.80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL O e30J62____ -, 09/14/88 _.____34.15 JOHNSON WINE _ — 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL �.o� ° 230J62 09/14/88 274.62 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 21 230J62 09/14/88 1,363.31 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL _ _ 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 1Oi 230162 09/14/$$ 631.95 JOHNSON WINE ° 9 230J62 09/14/88 10.50 JOHNSON WINE - - -- i 50- 4628-842 -84 MANUAL n 230J62 09/14/88 14.70 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628 - 842-84 MANUAL z�l� '� __230J62 _ 09/1 -4/88 8.42- JOHNSON WINE 50-4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 27 az 230J62 09/14/88 420.85 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL ,�23 230162 09/14/88 502.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL I'=1 26 230J62 09/14/88 9.45 JOHNSON WINE I 25 230J62 09/14/88 4.90 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628- 862-86 _— MANUAL J',1 -zG� 10 7 r 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 31 5I ssssss sss —CKS 1' 41_ ,9 3.19 ,< ss ++ss -------- - - - - -- — - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- Sri -CKS _23_0016 09/14/88 3.46- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136 ''� 230016 09/14/88 49.08- QUALITY WINE —MANUAL 41I 230016 09/14/88 2.61- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL °= 230016_ 09/14/88 74_ .34- QUALITY _WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ° 230016 09/14/88 .99- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 230016 09/14/88 5.68- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL a�I 230016 09/14/88 147.46- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL � 230016 09/14/88 4.90- QUALITY WINE 56- 3110 = 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL---' °°_1 09/14/88 .83- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 23001609/14/88 2,453_77 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 230016 09/14/88 3,716.53 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 _ __ MANUAL °3I 230016 09/14/88 7,373.39 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL IE; 230016 09/14/88 345.25 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL � 230616 09/14/88 29.50- QUALITY WINE 50= 4628 - 822 -82 _ MANUAL ,, ._, 230016 09/14/88 261.25 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL on 230016 09/14/88 98,85_ QUALITY _WINE_ 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL �.. 230016 09/14/88 567.20 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 _ MANUAL �I 230016 09/14/88 489.05 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL "` 230016 09/14/88 82.50 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL �I� 15, 068.94 • -- - - --_ o-IoIsi sss -CKS ��1 230SOS 09/14/88 60.00 SALUD AMERICA 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 170 60.00 + —pzl ;" 0 ssssss sss —CKS 1' 41_ I- 1988 CITY OF EDINA � 2 ' __230U20 08/24/88 _ 310.00__ 4 310.00 s 5 la� rrrrrr CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION U OF_M._ —___ __ SCH00_LS________ �I0 232C33 08/24/88 144,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 232C33 . 08/24/88 _._ _ _ _ 144,000.00- _ - ._CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER - �I11� .00 - -- - -- rrrrrr 131 14' 232F14 08/24/88 232F1.408/24/88 17 18 Lo 9I 12,842.50 FIDELITY BANK SOCIAL SECURITY 839.96 _ FI_DEL-ITY_ BANK. _ MEDICARE 13,682.46 + - �z0 236C47 08/24/88 410.40 121� A P.O. i MESSAGE 410.40 �! C32; �3 rsssrr MANUAL I?5i 236086 08/24/88 7,431.80 � 1V 7,431 .80 + 2. `.J5 236P42 08/24/88 c 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL s �zv 50- 1010 - 000 -00 :::p70 32 08/24/88 22,238.88 COMM LIFE INS CO LIFE INSURANCE _\k - EALTH HOSPITALIZATION . 10- 4156= 510 =51 -__ __ MANUAL — ~33, * *i -CKS. PERA - - PENSIONS 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL 08 -31 -88 PACE 10 22,238.88 r ACCOUNT NO. INV. A P.O. i MESSAGE C32; 2 _10- 4202 - 200 -20 MANUAL 13 »� rrsrrs � 1V rrr -CKS 7 �e `.J5 236P42 08/24/88 - -- _ 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL s 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL_ 13, 059.70 + �d7 14 37 `.38 39 - rtr -CKS_ 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL B� 10 -4162- 510 -51 _ - - MANUAL 40 237745 +rr -CKS ; PIRKL ASSN SERVICES 10 -4157- 510 -51 MANUAL 27 - -- - - --- - -_ -- - -- -- rrr –CKS -- .2a z. S` I3,I EALTH HOSPITALIZATION . 10- 4156= 510 =51 -__ __ MANUAL — ~33, * *i -CKS. PERA - - PENSIONS 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL 22,238.88 r C32; ,z »� rrsrrs — -- --- - - - - -- rrr–CKS a^ `.J5 236P42 08/24/88 13,059.70 PHYSICIANS HEALTH HOSPITALIZATION 10 -4156- 510 -51 MANUAL 4Cr 76 13, 059.70 + �d7 14 37 `.38 39 rrrrrr — 4 7 rrr -CKS -5-i18 S1 1 40 237745 09/01/88 1,500.00 PIRKL ASSN SERVICES 27 -4201- 664 -66 - MANUAL- -•I 1,500.00 + 1f 43 rrrrrr ire =CKS - -SJ Q44 5n,. 45 237E17 09/14/88_ 64.0_0 EASTSIDE BEV 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 'S,I ro 4E J47 237E17 09 /114/88 64.00– EASTSIDE BEV _ ___ 50- 3710- 842 -84- — MANUAL -,61I 237E17 09/14/88 64.00– EASTSIDE BEV 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 02�� 40 237E17 09/14/88 401.40 EASTSIDE BEV 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL a4 40 237E17 09/14/88 465.40 EASTSIDE BEV 50= 4628=842 =84 MANUAL— 237E17 09/14/88 401.40- EASTSIDE BEV 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 511 401.40 + 52 _M1 S3 54 rrrrrr rrr -CKS ° I71 • 55 237E26 09/14/88 161.56- ED PHILLIPS 50= 3700 - 822 -8� - -- MANUAL - �36 t7 237E26 09/14/88 - 29.98- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 822 -82 MANUAL 5 --.� 4 _— 77­'-777b, • 1988 t OF EDINA , _CHECK NO_DATE AMOUNT ' 237E26 09/14/88 _ _ _ 29.98 ' 237E26 09/14/88 36.38 237E26 09/14/88 555.37- ° 237E2609/14/88 36.38 - ' 237E26 09%14/88 555.37 _ 237E26 09/14/88 719.82- ° _ 237E26 09/14/88 237E26 - - 09"! ;:°° 4e.7 1 237E26 09/14/88 1.16 - .76 13� 237E26 09/14/88 -- -- 114 237E26 09/14/88 .76- ° 237E26 _ 09/14/88 1.41- ,i - ° 237E26 09/14/88 2.22 r.17 237E26 09/14/88 .76 Ie� 237E26 09/1_4/_88 .76- zoi 237E26 09/14/88 .76 237E26 09/14/88 22.35 (21 237E26_ 09/14/88 1.27- 22 237E26 09/14/88 .76- y�23 237E26 09/14/88 22.35- 24 237E26 105.29 25 237226 09/14/88 105.29 - ,�LOi 237E26 09/14/88 8.96 - 2`1 237E26 7.31 20 -- 237E26 09/14/88 42.36- W. 29 237E26 09/14/88 2.48- `30 237E26 09/14/88 .75- 237226 09/14/88 9.49 - 1.]2 237E26 09/14/88 7.31 - "� 237E26_ -_ 09/14/88 __.._ S.27- 34 237E26 09/14/88 8.96 " 237E26 09/14/88 2.14 - J6_ 237E26_ 09/14/88 3.58 -_ 237226 _ 09/14/88 .77- r" 237E26 09/14/88 .77 J9 237E26_ 09/14/88 _ 5.$1- 40 237E26 09/14/88 82.02- x41 237E26 09/14/88 5.51 .2 237E26 09/14/88 82.02 4' 237E26 09/14/88 1,117.01 x44 237E26 09/14/88 4.20- 45 237226 -__ 09/14/8.8 _ 70._90_ n6 237E26 09/14/88 4.20 237E26 09/14/88 1,117.01 - �aB 237E26 09/14/88 26.60 - 4: 237E26 09/14/88 124.30 x50 237E26 09/14/88 5,264.71 237E26__ 09/1.4/88 _2,1 -18.36 _ 52 237E26 09/14/88 5,264.71- " 237E26 09/14/88 26.60 54 237E26 09/14/88 19.25- 55 237E26 09/14/88 '4,101.39 0 56 237E26 09/14/88 19.25 ' V CHECK ISTER 08 -31 -, 'AGE 11 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. A MESSAGE EB- PHILLIPS '0 -37"0 888 8c- MANUAL 12 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 822 -82 MANUAL - _ - ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL ' ED_PHILLIPS _ 50- 3700 - 842 -64 MANUAL ° ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700- 842 -84 MANUAL 'o ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700- 862 -86 MANUAL 10 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700- 862 -86 _ MANUAL 11 -ED PHILLIPS - - -- -- - - - - -- - so 3700 es2 06- MANUAL „) ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL �a ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ° ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 20 z° ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL + ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 1.2. ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 822 -82 _ _ MANUAL _ 4 ED PHILLIPS 50 -371G- 822 -82 MANUAL _ 2- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 27;� ED_PHILLIP3 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL____ ° ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 822 -82 - --- - - - - -- - MANUAL ?s� ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 3°! 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DATE _- AMOUNT VENDOR CHECK REGISTER ZI 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 2 26.60 J JOHNSON W WINE ' 2 237J62 09/14/88 _ _ _ 5,264. -71 - -_ JOHNSON W WINE ° 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 4 4,101.39 J JOHNSON W WINE ° 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 1 19.25 J JOHNSON W WINE ° 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 2 2.21.25 _ ' 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 0 00 J _JOHNSON_WINE_ _ _ 237J62 0 09/14/88 5 5.25 J JOHNSON W WINE s 2 237J62 _ _ 09/14/88 - - _ _ _ .3S JOHNSON W WINE ° 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 . .00 J JOHNSON W WINE 237J62 0 09/14/88 7 76.00 J JOHNSON W WINE 2 2 23TJ62 _ __09/14/88 _ ______1 J JOHNSON OHNSON J 13 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 . .00 J JOHNSON W WINE 237,162 0 09/14/88 8 896.55 J JOHNSON W WINE " 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 J JOHNSON W WINE '6 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 2 22.50- J JOHNSON W WINE 237J62 0 09/14/88 . .00 J JOHNSON W WINE B 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 7 729.78 J JOHNSON W WINE _ 237J62 0 09/14/88 5 549.97 J JOHNSON W _ 2Oi 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 1 12.60 J JOHNSON W WINE 21 2 237.762_ _ _ 09/14/88_ —___ 1 1 .40 J JOHNSON W WINE__ _ 22 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 7 77.20 J JOHNSON W _ 23 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 . .00 J JOHNSON W WINE ° 2 237J62 0 09/14/88 . .00 J JOHNSON W WINE 1 1 , 325 .20 i 2.] J =° TEM DESCRIPTION 08 -31 -88 PAGE 14 —ACCOUNT NO. 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MANUAL 4^ MANUAL 5 . MANUAL �32I MANUAL '» MANUAL °S;. MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL '" r MANUAL lee - - - -- - MANUAL - °+ MANUAL MANUAL °4 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL iii -CKS I-', MANUAL I74 G 7 `Za 237P20 09/14/88 4.00 PAUSTIS 6 SONS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL ' 'O 237P20 09/14/88 402.05 PAUSTIS & SONS 50 -4628- 862-86 MANUAL ' 237P20 09/01/88 75.00 PAUSTIS 6 SONS INVENTORY 0632= 862 -86 MANUAL— —^4 4 �✓32 481.05 • :4 •iiii# "1 237016 09/14/8_8 2.61- QUALITY WINE 23TQ16 09/14/88 29.70- QUALITY WINE -. 237016 09/14/88 1.22- QUALITY WINE I'e _- 23TQ16 —____- 09/14/88 QUALITY WINE ' 237016 09/14/88 3.86- QUALITY WINE 237016 09/14/88 11.99- QUALITY WINE 142 237016 09/14/88 5.51- QUALITY WINE_ 4' 237016 09/14/88 1,484.16 QUALITY WINE 044 237016 09/14/88 5,419.25 QUALITY WINE 45 237016 09/14/88 _26- 0_._2S QUALITY WINE 46 237016 09/14/88 121.40 QUALITY WINE °' 237016 09/14/88 384.60 QUALITY WINE `40 237016 09/14/88 1,197.75 QUALITY WINE_ 49I 237016 09/14/88 550.75 OUALITY WINE ES °I 237016 09/01/88 78.75 QUALITY WINES 237016 09/01/88 78.75_ QUALITY WINES 3Z 9,412.38 i -- -- — �53 164 4• 56I 237T22 09/14/88 2.00 THE WINE COMPANY INVENTORY INVENTORY 50- 3710- 822 -82 -50=37iG= 822 =82- SO- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 -50=462b= 822 =82- 50 -4626- 842 -84 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50 -4628- 822 -82 50 -4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 �0 =4b28- 862 =86- 50- 4630- 842 -84 50_4630- 862 -86 50- 4628- 842 -84 4 -- i#s -CKS - a i4 MANUAL 14. MANUAL 4^ MANUAL 5 . MANUAL �32I MANUAL '» MANUAL °S;. MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL '" r MANUAL lee - - - -- - MANUAL - °+ MANUAL MANUAL °4 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL iii -CKS I-', MANUAL I74 G 7 4• 56I 237T22 09/14/88 2.00 THE WINE COMPANY INVENTORY INVENTORY 50- 3710- 822 -82 -50=37iG= 822 =82- SO- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 -50=462b= 822 =82- 50 -4626- 842 -84 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50 -4628- 822 -82 50 -4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 �0 =4b28- 862 =86- 50- 4630- 842 -84 50_4630- 862 -86 50- 4628- 842 -84 4 -- i#s -CKS - a i4 MANUAL 14. MANUAL 4^ MANUAL 5 . MANUAL �32I MANUAL '» MANUAL °S;. MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL '" r MANUAL lee - - - -- - MANUAL - °+ MANUAL MANUAL °4 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL iii -CKS I-', MANUAL I74 G 7 1988 Y OF EDINA CHECK ISTER 08 -31 -, ?AGE 15 CHECK NO. DATE _AMOUNT_ VENDOR - - - -- -- ITEM DESCRIPTION -- - - - -- ACCOUNT NO. INV. -- — - Y P.O. N MESSAGE - 2 + 237T22 09/14/88 192.00 THE WINE COMPANY 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL _ ' -- - 194.00 + - - - - -- - -- -- - ! ' al-- e *** -CKS e 7 • 'I 239H83 09/01/88 110,000.00 HRA HRA TRANSFER 10- 1145 - 000 -00 MANUAL jg 6 s 110,000.00 to � - -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- — - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - — -- -- -- - _ ** -CKS 11 ;1z ' :3 t a ::3*795 09/01/99 — RU_TTGER_ 3 LODGE _ CONFERENCE - 4 1022 - 46046 MANUA j17� I13 tal 456.00 � .0_L -- .e 243796_ 09/01/88_ -_ _ _ ____. _____ __- _70.00 MDI_AI ___ -- - _ CONFER.ENCE_-- __-- -4202- 420 -42 MANUAL 20 70.00 + _- ___1_0 _ ,22 17I ***-CKS_ 243N12 09/01/88 2,701.33 MUTUAL BENEFIT _ DISABILITY 10- 4158- 510 -51 _'za MANUAL 2G 2' - -- 2,701_33 • ' - - - - - --- 6 . r23 i za * * * * ** * ** -CKS I3C . _ j3t 3 25 244E26 09/14/88 8.24- ED 4IILLIP8 50- 37100 =6262 MANUAL •33 y �2Gi 244E26 09/14/88 6.36- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 3 `7i _ 244E26_-09/14/88_- 09/14/88---- ED_PHILLIPS- 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL ; 3 -a 244E26 09/14/88 1.55- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3716- 842 -84 MANUAL 137 29 244E26 09/14/88 4.32- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL jJe 30 1 244E26 _09/14/88 2.40- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL f 39. "I 244E26 09/14/88 3.56- ED PHILLIPS S V- 3 71 6--_6 4 2 - 6 4 MANUAL a, —321 244E26 09/14/88 4.14- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL '' 331 244E26 09/14/88 2.47- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL '"' 244E26 09/14/88 7.18- ED-PH ILL I Ps 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL V 35 244E26 09/14/88 888.00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 6 'G 244E26 09/14/8_8 120.40 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL a7 244E26 09/14/88 77.94 ED PHILLIPS _ _ 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL sn 244E26 09/14/88 359.45 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 39 _ 244E26 09/14/88 636.95_ ED PHILLIPS _ 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL eo 244E26 09/14/88 824.20 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL - +3 "' 244E26 09/14/88 432.85 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 42 244E26 09/14/88 356.65 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 244E26 09/14/89 414.15 ED PHILLIPS 50= 4628 - 862 =86 MANUAL ��I• 244E26 09/14/88 247.35 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL �"" 43 4,299.96 • e7 `a7 6 * * * * ** o**—CKS e. e2 ae e3 rta ' aol 244G82 09/14/88 17.42- GRIGGS COOPER _ b- 5��8>s2= MANUAL e= 244G82 09/14/88 24.31- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 244G82_ 09/14/88_ _ 61 _05- GRIGGS COOPER_ _ 50- 3700-862 -86 MANUAL 52 244G82 09/14/88 20.14- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710- 622 -82 _ MANUAL "";" 244G82 09/14/88 14.32- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ' 'a 244G82 09/14/88 15.58- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL Z� S5 244G82 09/14/88 8.47- GRIGGS COOPER 50= 3710= 842 =84 — MANUAL -- 56 244682 09/14/88 54.41- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 17" 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -31 -88 PAGE 16 ATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV Ll .: -- 0- NE 90 -17aO- APP -Aa P.O. Y MESSAGE .1 MANUAL 3 MANUAL MANUAL I5 MANUAL ° MANUAL I; MANUAL ° MANUAL " MANUAL _ MANUAL ,3 MANUAL !1 MANUAL I,° MANUAL T MANUAL 1° MANUAL :lv MANUAL 21 MANUAL '22 MANUAL 124 MANUAL 25 MANUAL - -- ##*-CKS i3l --MANUAL--- MANUAL ?4b MANUAL ,R MANUAL 37 MANUAL �J9. MANUAL J3 MANUAL MANUAL �4f MANUAL MANUAL <� MANUAL MANUAL I,el MANUAL 41 MANUAL MANUAL 51 MANUAL - -;°3 MANUAL 31 MANUAL - MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 5v ~ -- ' MANUAL.- MANUAL j62 MANUAL IR4 -- I MANUAL -- �- MANUAL r MANUAL - MANUAL Ir+ -pis -CKS J.. MANUAL e 2 244G82 09/14/88 17.26- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 ____244GS2• 09/14/88 COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 244G82 09/14/88 27.16- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 !rI 5 244G82 09/14/88 7.14- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 ° _244G82 09/14/88 _779.09 GRIGG3_COOPER 50- 4626 - 822 -82 ' 244682 09/14/88 2,720.73 GRIGGS ___ _ COOPER 50-4626 =842 -84 ° °I 244682 09/14/88 2,069.06 GRIGGS COOPER 50 -4626- 862 -86 244G82 _ 09/14/88 _ __1,006.86_. GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 ° 244G82 09/14/88 .00 GRIGGS _ _ _ COOPER _ _ 50- 4628 - 822 -82 244G82 09/14/88 45.19- GRIGGS COOPER SO- 4628 - 822 -82 12 244GS2 09/14/88 7.16.13 GRIGGS COOPER__ 50- 4628 - 822 -82 13 244GS2 09/14/88 85.10- GRIGGSCOOPER ^. 50 -4628= 842 -84 �14' 244G82 244G82 09/14/88 5.49- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628- 842 -84 �16) 15 244G82 09/14/88 - - - - -- - - -- 423.70 - -_ - -- GRIGGS COOPER - - 50 -4628- 842 -84 244G82 09/14/88 863.00---- GRIGGS - - - -- -- - - - -- - -- COOPER - - - - - -- —50- 4628 - 842 -84 t 17 244GS2 09/14/88 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50 -4628- 842 -84 'BI 244GS2 09/14/88 356.86 GRIGGS COOPER 50 -4628- 862 -86 191 244GS2 09/14/88 1,358 11 GRIGGS COOPER 0- 462✓9= 862 =86 b2. 244G82 09/14/88 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50-4628 - 862 -86 21 22' _ . 984912 # , - - - - -- - z4 25, JOHNSON 50= 371 -0= 822 =82 244J62 09/14/88 4.98- DINE y1�261 244J62 09/14/88 6.71— JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 1:.1 27i _244J62 09/14/88 56__62— JOHNSON -WINE 3710 - 822 -82 244J62 09/14/88 15.13— JOHNSON _ WINE _ -50- 50 -3710- 842 -84 r ° 244 ,162 09/14/88 6.22— JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 �JO 244J62 09/14/88 58.28— JOHNSON WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 3' 244J62 09/14/88 1.04— JOHNSON WINE 321 244J62 09/14/88 41.29— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 33� _244J62 09_/14/85 ___3_02— JOHNSON WINE _ _ _ 50- 3710 - 862 -86 34 244J62 09/14/88 2,831.00 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4626- 822 -82 �75 244J62 09/14/88 14.88 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 IJ6 244J62 09/14/88 16.10 JOHNSON_WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 3' 244,162 09/14/88 2,913.69 JOHNSON WINE 50 =4626= 842 =84 1018 244J62 09/14/88 2,063.80 JOHNSON WINE SO- 4626- 862 -86 J9 _244J62 _ — 09/14/88_ 7_70 JOHNSON 50 -4626- 862 -86 01 244,162 09/14/88 9.10 JOHNSON _WINE_ WINE 50 -46E8- 822 -92 *01 41 244J62 09/14/88 5.95 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 42 4'� 244J62 09/14/88 668.64 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 =46M- 244J62 09/14/88 489.51 244J62 09/14/88 1,512.34 JOHNSON WINE 50 822=82 50- 4628- 842 -84 �45 244J62 09/14/88 24.85 JOHNSON _WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 244J62 09/14/88 623.23 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 �47 244 .162 09/14/88 6.30 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 40 _244J62 09/14/88 30.92- JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 °° 244J62 09/14/88 .70 JOHNSON WINE 50= 4628 = 862 =86- `r"''I 244162 09/14/88 104.32 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 S1I 244.762 09/14/88 302.70 —_ _JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 52F244J62 09/14/88 5.25 JOHNSON WINE — __ 50- 4628 - 862 -86 `53 11,375.95 • Ll .: -- 0- NE 90 -17aO- APP -Aa P.O. Y MESSAGE .1 MANUAL 3 MANUAL MANUAL I5 MANUAL ° MANUAL I; MANUAL ° MANUAL " MANUAL _ MANUAL ,3 MANUAL !1 MANUAL I,° MANUAL T MANUAL 1° MANUAL :lv MANUAL 21 MANUAL '22 MANUAL 124 MANUAL 25 MANUAL - -- ##*-CKS i3l --MANUAL--- MANUAL ?4b MANUAL ,R MANUAL 37 MANUAL �J9. MANUAL J3 MANUAL MANUAL �4f MANUAL MANUAL <� MANUAL MANUAL I,el MANUAL 41 MANUAL MANUAL 51 MANUAL - -;°3 MANUAL 31 MANUAL - MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 5v ~ -- ' MANUAL.- MANUAL j62 MANUAL IR4 -- I MANUAL -- �- MANUAL r MANUAL - MANUAL Ir+ -pis -CKS J.. MANUAL e V� 40 Ab 198E Y OF EDINA CHECi :ISTER 08 -31 -. PAGE 17 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. N MESSAGE = 244016 09/14/88 14.81- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ' ° _— __244016___.____ 09/14/88.__________ __._.__ 1..70-__ ___ —_ QUALITY _ WINE -- - -- -- " " - 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL J 244016 09/14/88 1 .36- QUALITY WINE - -u - ___ 50 -3710- 822 -82 - - -- MANUAL 4 '5 . ' e 244016 09/14/88 26.10- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 6 244016 09/14/88 34_61_- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 7 ' 244016 09%14%88 3.33- QUALITY WINE _ 50- 3710- A42 -84 _ _ MANUAL e o ° 244016 09/14/88 .67- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 10 _' _._— _24401609/14 /88_ 1_.44- QUALITY WINE 50- 371 0- 862 -86 MANUAL 11 " 244016 09/14/88 .92- QUALITY WINE - -- - -- _ 50- 3710 - 962 -86 _ MANUAL _ " �12 244016 09/14/88 .85- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL i+3 14 ___244016 09/14/88 _19.97- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL J17 13 244016 09/14/88 25.88- QUALITY WINE 50 -37 10- 862 -86 _ _ _ __ — - MANUAL 1+7 4I " 244016 .244016_ 09/14/88 09/14/88 1,305.42 _- 1.,729,59 - QUALITY WINE - -- _QUALITYWINE --- - - - - -- 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL Io ' '° 244016 09/14/88 1 ,294.25 QUALITY WINE -�` -- 50- 4626 - 862 -86 - -- -- - MANUAL - -_ _1) !2+ " 244016 09/14/88 998.86 QUALITY WINE 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 122 18 24401_6 09/14/88 6_7._95_ QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 19, _ 244016 244016 09%14 /888 09/14/88 6Y.93- 169.10 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE - - -- 50- 4628 = 822 -82 50- 4628 - 822 -82 - MANUAL MANUAL z4 zJ =6 =2 23 244016 244016 09/14/88 09/14/88 00 135.50 OUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE ___ _ _ _ 50- 4628-822 -82 50-4628-822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL I27 _° 244016 _ 09/14/88 _ 1,477.40 QUALITY WINE_ 50-4628-822 -82 MANUAL 31 25 GI 244016 09/14/88 333.45 DUALITY WINE _ 5G -4 4628 - 842 -84 _ _ MANUAL ;33 J 244016 09/14/88 66.74 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL -4 27I___ z0 _244016- 09/14/88 92.25__ QUALITY WINE 50- 862 -86 MANUAL '3S 244016 09/14/88 84.55 QUALITY WINE _4628- 50- 4628 - 862 -86 _ _ MANUAL '37 =9 30 244016 09/14/88 142.75 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 3 31 7, 7,530.29 39' 40 3 J7 3 istyM• sss —CKS i1 I42 _521 , 617. 67 FUND 1 0 TOTAL GENERAL FUN_ D_ 14, 3° 866.12 _______ FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER _ - - -- -- - '- - - -'a, 35 2,480.46 FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND 4[ 3G 20,341.09 6,385.35 FUND 27 TOTAL FUND 28 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND RECREATION CENTER FUND 47. ��f3 4a 3' 39 380.66 FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND Iro 79 ______ 10,191._83 FUND L_ _30_TOTA EDINBORO_UGH PARK_ I " °0 47,080.14 FUND 40 TOTAL _ UTILITY FUND — - " -- -- _ - 57 "„ 41 198,737.87 198, 914.17 FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND .4 42 43 9,288.64 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND -3 i .� °° 4� 817, 369.83 91T,946.73 TOTAL 158 SO � 47 44 60 6I IP2 f4 SO SI [5 66 67 4 52 54 55 rn 71 4 71 56 37 73 74 77 / -[