HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-05_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1988 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL CENTENNIAL UPDATE EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - James Singleton I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All agenda items listed with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. * II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Joint Council/HRA Meeting and Regular Meeting of September 12, 1988 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Preliminary Plat Approval - Irwin First Addition Lot 2, Block 1, Charles and Ilene Wright Addition - Generally located east of Valley View Road and west of Moccasin Valley Road (Contd from 11/21/88) B. Subdivision Moratorium Ordinance C. Final Rezoning Approval - R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District to R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District - Lots 1-, 2 and 3, Indian Hills 3rd Addition - Generally located south of McCauley Trail West and west of Gleason Road D. Final Rezoning and Final Plat Approval - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit.District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District - Erhardt Addition - Generally located in the southeast quadrant of the Brookview Avenue/Valley View Road intersection E. Set Hearin Date (12/19/88) 1. 1. Preliminary Plat Approval - Edina Highlands 2nd Addition - Steven L. Utne - 5257 Lochloy Drive - Lot o, Block 1, Edina Highlands * 2. Conditional Use Permit - Good Samaritan United Methodist Church - 5730 Grove Street - Construct new sanctury and fellowship room * 3. Reprogram CDBG Funds for Handicap Accessibility Improvements - Edina Community Center IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. AWARD OF BIDS * A. Park Shelter Buildings- Reconstruct Restrooms to Handicap Accessibility (Contd from 11/21/88) * B. Drilling and Construction of Municipal Well #19 VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Approval of Park Board Recommendations of 11/15/88 B. Recommendation - Senior Center C. Benefits Study Edina City Council Agenda Page Two RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS (CONTD) D. Fees and Charges - 1989 1. Resolution Setting Park & Recreation Fees /Charges 2. Resolution Setting Ambulance Service Fees 3. Ordinance No. 171 -A28 - To Increase or Decrease Certain Fees E. Traffic Safety Committee Appointment F. 1988 -89 Strategic Planning Calendar G.' Draft Agenda - Joint Council /Park Board Meeting (12/13/88) H. Reappointment to Metropolitan Council - Dottie Rietow I. Set Year End Council.Meeting Date (12/29/88) J. Amendment of Minutes - 8/1/88 - Lot Division for 6315 -6319 Timber Trail VII. PUBLIC HEARING - TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP /CONTROL OF CABLE FRANCHISE GRANTEE A. Resolution To Approve The Proposed Change of Ownership and Control of Grantee VIII. RESOLUTIONS A. Reappointment of Alison Fuhr to Rapid Transit Board B. Designation of Director and Alternate Director - Suburban Rate Authority C. Designation of Director and Alternate Director - LOGIS D. Designation of Official Newspaper for 1989 IX. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL X. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XI. FINANCE A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 12/5/88: General Fund,$89,350.26, Art Center $1,912.68, Capital Fund $5,212.03, Golf Course Fund $23,791.87, Recreation Center Fund $6,989.49, Gun Range Fund $1,352.62, Edinborough Park $5,882.90, Utility Fund $204,064.22, Liquor Dispensary Fund $2,672.12, Construction Fund $7,685.58,--Total $348,913.77 Mon Dec 12 Tues Dec 13 Mon Dec 19 Mon Jan 9 Mon Jan 23 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS EDINA CENTENNIAL FOUNDERS' DAY Joint Council /Park Board Meeting Regular Council Meeting Regular Council Meeting Regular Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. Council Room 8:00 p.m. Council Room 7:00 p.m. Council Room 7:00 p.m. Council Room 7:00 p.m. Council Room MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY /CITY COUNCIL HELD AT EDINA CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 A joint meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council was convened to consider concurrently in public hearing the Overall Development Plan, Final Rezoning to MDD- 6,Mixed Development District, Final Plat, Final Site Plan and the Amended Redevelopment Agreement for the Hedberg Development. Action was taken by the HRA and the Council individually as required. Answering rollcall were Commissioners /Members Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner and Courtney. MINUTES of the Joint HRA /Council Meeting of March 7, 1988 and HRA Minutes of August 1, 1988 were approved as submitted by motion of Commissioner/Member Turner, seconded by Commissioner/Member Smith. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON HEDBERG DEVELOPMENT CONDUCTED: OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVED: FINAL REZONING TO MDD -6 MIXED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT GRANTED: FINAL PLAT APPROVAL GRANTED: FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVED: AND AMENDED REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT APPROVED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. The staff report on the Hedberg project as presented to the Community Development and Planning Commission noted the following since the Council granted preliminary rezoning and preliminary plat approval on October 12, 1987. First, the Council has approved the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the development. Second, the HRA and the East Edina Housing Foundation have approved and executed a redevelopment contract with the developers. Third, the Zoning Ordinance has been amended to allow retail as a permitted principle use in the MDD -6 District. For a project of this magnitude, state law requires the Pollution Control Agency (PCA) to issue an Indirect Source Permit (ISP) to insure the development does not violate air and noise pollution standards. Changes made in the development plan are loss of the proposed health club, minor changes to the park (i.e. relocation of the park building), reduction in square footage in retail and office space and in the number of housing units. Phase I of the project includes 276 housing units, 201,000 square feet of retail space, 106,900 square feet of office and 39,050 square feet of theatre (8 screens and 2,644 seats). Manager Rosland introduced Boyd Stofer, President of United Properties, and developer of the project. Mr. Stofer said he was pleased that after all the time and effort that has been put into the project that there is now something to show for it. The master plan has evolved, with modifications, improved and somewhat changed from the original concept. The two constants that have remained are the major housing component, which was one of the public goals, and the public park amenity comprising about 25 acres of the site or one - fourth of the land area. He complimented the City staff, who have been involved with the project, for their efforts in helping forge an important and successful public /private partnership on the project. Mr. Stoffer commented that the co- developers would speak on the retail and theatre, medical /office, and housing components of the project. He noted that it was important to get some tax increment going to pay back the bonds on the Phase I development which totals over $90 Million dollars. United Properties has engaged the firm of Smallwood Reynolds of Atlanta, GA to work on the design of the south end of the site which anchors the project and drives the financial aspect of the project. Although the precise time of the office component is unknown, several key tenants are being pursued. Market research has been done regarding naming the project, with input from the City and co- developers. The name selected is "Centennial Lakes ". The name reflects the importance of the City's involvement and the fact that this is the 100th anniversary of the City of Edina. The lakes feature is to emphasize the three major lakes aspect of the public park and it is felt that the name will work well throughout the project. Peter Jarvis, BRW, highlighted the refinements to the master plan. The basic structure remains the same from the housing on the east half, the north /south park development linking to the non - residential development on the west side parallel to France Avenue. The refinements that have occurred within the last six months include the final definition of Phase I medical office building at 106,900 square feet with a parking ramp which will appear at grade from France Avenue; the eight screen theatre complex; the retail and park headquarters element.(between 76th Street and Parklawn) in the range of 200,000 square feet with structured parking again appearing as surface parking from France Avenue and with a direct visual connection through to the central headquarters park facility. The retail cluster of four buildings have one modification with the elimination of the athletic space which was proposed earlier. The south refinement, partly market and partly architecture, has to do with the office element. Earlier there were three buildings and a high -rise residential and more of a density statement like Parcel C on Parcel E. Mr. Jarvis pointed out that one of the suggestions made by the Council was the desire for a greater housing mix. On Parcel E a higher density housing statement has been incorporated, to be determined in the future whether it is ownership or rental. On Parcel E the range is proposed at 400 -410 dwelling units with overall density of about 62 units /acre,. The overall number of housing units has come down by approximately 150. One of the reasons is the concern that the office buildings, in the earlier version of the master plan subsequent to further market analysis, was too large. The conclusion was to build four buildings instead of three in four incremental office phases with slightly smaller floor plates still totaling the same number of square feet and to attempt to cluster them in a closer configuration interconnected with a large parking facility. Service for the office buildings is completely below grade as is service for all retail, including recycling and trash removal areas. Parcel G in Bloomington remains the same and is contemplated as a hotel. Phase I includes all of the retail and parking, the theatre, the medical office building and the housing on Parcel C. Grading will not only include those sites but will include the creation of a pond, with rough grading of the park area on the north end. Essentially no grading will be done south of 76th Street except to clean up the face area from the sand and gravel operation and the debris that has been scattered around the site. On the environmental side, Mr. Jarvis explained that the final EIS has been completed and the draft ISP has been submitted to the PCA and it appears that the target date of September 18 will be met. Remaining is the watershed district approval, the final grading plan and several semi - esoteric permits at the state level that must be acquired. The developers are awaiting a grading start in mid- October, subject to the developers' agreement being signed, the bond issue occurring, with the physical development of medical office building and retail complex taking place as soon as the pad area is brought to rough grade. Building construction will begin when all the site grading is done, probably shortly after January 1. The major street and utility construction work that is all part of Phase I will take place starting in the spring of 1989. The central park construction, with roughly $3.8 million allocated to park in Phase I, will include completion of the west side and the pond, and will be completed on the east side to match logical construction staging. Warren Beck, Gabbert and Beck and co- developer stated that the retail component is essentially the same as at preliminary approval. Upscale stores are proposed providing consumer hard and soft goods with a high level of efficiency. Concentration is on acquiring 4 to 5 stores with needs of approximately 25,000 square feet on the ground level with a possible second tier which would have 12,000 square foot sizes available. Negotiations with retailers are in various stages and the reception continues to be very good. Also being investigated are opportunities for 15 -20 small stores. Target for occupancy is the fall of 1989. Larry Laukka, L. A. Laukka Development Company and co- developer, spoke to the housing component. He explained that the process was begun by inviting four firms to compete on the project. They were given ideas and parameters and following the competition, the same architect was selected that did the Edinborough project, Architectural Forum Inc. The site plan is essentially the same with six buildings of 40 -46 units .each. Flexibility was one of the criteria that the architects were asked to deal with which will allow the marketing of modest priced housing in this area that is less than $100,000. There is also the flexibility of offering moderate priced housing which would be something in excess of $100,000 - $140,000. This will depend on how the market perceives involvement and acceptability. If the units are moderate price range instead of modest priced, a few things must be done differently. One would be to offer an elevator opportunity in the building. Another criteria was the ability to move the walls and to exchange units, i.e. to expand - put two units where three would normally go. Mr. Laukka said that this was in response to the suggestions and concerns of the Council as to the type of housing they felt should be developed in this area. He explained that they know enough about the marketplace to conclude final plans now for a 46 unit building, with sizes that range from 784 to 1233 square feet, predominantly two bedroom homes, but some will be one bedroom. The anticipated sale price would be $65,000 up to $105,000. For a focus point, he said that Edinborough ended from $63,000 to $91,000. Effort has been made to work with the site which provides different opportunities and problems. The opportunities are obvious - to build - to develop - to provide housing against the major amenities of the site and the commercial sector of this mixed use development. Mr. Laukka exhibited graphics showing elevations and exterior materials which will include more brick. Architecturally, he said these buildings will fit very well and will appear rich and established. The landscape budget has been boosted to make the plan work together. Primary market will be the modest budget, single households, couples and retirees and is targeted for the first -time home buyer, younger market and empty- nesters. Mr. Laukka said that the second mortgage program will also be modified and that they are working with City staff on the criteria. Parking, underground and above grade, is about the same. Mr. Jarvis commented.on the medical office building element of the development. The firm of BRW is the architect on the medical office building and the retail component. Drawings presented were 75% through construction drawings and current pricing is being done by the general contractor, Kraus Anderson. Construction material is a combination of a granite -like product. The building would be a six -story building and on the water side, a five story building. The theatre is a standard General Cinema building and is considered to be their highest grade prototype. Architects for General Cinema are on the West coast but BRW will be handling all landscaping, all final site planning and site engineering. Following the presentation by the developers, Manager Rosland advised that the Community Development and Planning Commission reviewed the project at its meeting of August 24, 1988 and recommended final approval. The developers are now requesting approval of the overall development plan, final plat and final site plan for Phase I. He referred to his memorandum of September 12, 1988 to the Council regarding the other documents that the HRA /Council will be asked to authorize relative to the project. The major points covered in the memorandum were: 1) Phase I Land Ownership, 2) Phase I Development, 3) Phase I - Public Costs, 4) HRA and City Contribution From Developer, 5) Park Development Priority, 6) Housing Program, 7) Tax Increment Analysis, 8) Analysis of Risks, 9) Post Phase I, and 10) HRA and Council Actions. In conclusion, he said that staff believes that the project is one the City can be proud of; that they have put together a strong and positive public /private partner relationship; and that they have covered all of the real shortfalls and have protected the City in every degree possible. The hearing was then opened to questions from the HRA /Council. Member Turner - 1) Asked if there are any conditions attached to the ISP that were.out of the ordinary. Mr. Jarvis said that nothing that had not been forecast has surfaced. There are a couple of restrictions. For example, calling for a traffic study prior to the last 175,000 square feet of office space being constructed that conceptually can be modeled with the same relative impact of the Bloomington agreement. There is not a requirement that by ordinance the City must adopt some kind of Traffic Demand Management (TDM) that affects this project or every other project. It was concluded that that would be one of several options for mitigation to the extent that was necessary. 2) Asked if there has been further discussion of the transit way. Manager Rosland said that the transit way has been discussed with Gabbert and Beck and with the management team of Southdale regarding the transit way moving up through and around their facilities and staff is working towards accomplishing that. Everyone along the transit way is in favor of it. The City attorneys have been asked to look at how that might be accomplished by creation of an economic development district. 3) Regarding the housing element,,_Member Turner asked if in the development agreement we have the same kind of income parameters that we had at Edinborough. Mr. Laukka said that the primary range is still modest housing and that in the past two to three years that modest income level has been at $38,000. They look to sell 80% at that level. It has now gone to $40,100. The proposed housing units are still positioned to sell within that price range. The primary effort initially will be to work within that modest income range and attempt to find housing for that market. He said there is the flexibility to go up, which means larger units, no second mortgages, elevators, etc. It is sensed that there is an interest in this community for that. 4) Inquired where or not there could only be 20 -30% of the units in this development receiving a second mortgage or be targeted at below the $40,000 income limit. Mr. Laukka said no, unless in a subsequent phase there would be a change in the rules. He added that another market has surfaced, the over 60- year -olds that have moved into that part of Edina. Some of them are coming from modest housing within the City or from close by and are interested in remaining in this general location. They have the equity because of selling their homes. They are vacating that home which makes it available to another modest buyer. If there is a demand from that category, he said they want to entertain them but would come to market now with what has been suggested. Member Richards - Asked for a review of the parking, particularly on the west side and whether or i not there would be any restrictions. Mr. Jarvis responded that all of the sites' as they are developed will have blanket parking agreements in perpetuity to allow public parking. He said that parking will be first come, first served; public parking. Member Smith - 1) Asked if the developers are working on final plans for recycling in both the commercial and residential areas. Mr. Jarvis commented that is correct. Mr. Laukka stated that for the residential areas it is no particular problem except trying to figure out exactly how to separate it and what to do with it. 2) Member Smith said his understanding regarding the park amenity is that the Park Department will be developing plans for it and that there will be a trust fund for maintenance so that this will not become a burden for the taxpayers. Manager Rosland responded that there are two areas for maintaining the park, one is the trust fund and the second is the retail, office and residential who will all pay a maintenance fee each year. 3) Regarding parking problems, Member Smith asked that the developers do everything possible to alleviate the need for more than an inordinate amount of police patrolling, i.e. pathway lighting, parking ramp and parking-lot lighting. Member Kelly - Written comments concerning the proposed Hedberg project were read by Member Kelly, summarized as follows: She has lived with conservative financial guidelines and uses the same philosophy when approaching the Edina City Budget and future forecasting and _felt she represented a large majority of Edina citizens. Edina, in its mission statement professes to be a locally funded community and yet in recent years the management has become involved in three tax increment projects using outside funds and tools. Now, we are in the final state of proposing a fourth district. Tax increment was established historically to help depressed areas redevelop for economic and human needs. It was meant to be used where there was no other way that the property would develop privately and it is not without a price and without risk. Cities have abused this technique and the legislature has been attacking the principal. Except for the pre -'79 districts, none will be exempted from fiscal disparities and will share the revenue on commercial and industrial growth on a 40 -60 basis. School referendum money and county roads are to be paid before the bond money is paid and there. is movement to do away with the homestead credit. Where there is no other way to encourage development, these exceptions don't seem so bad, but on 100 acres of the most valuable vacant land in the state she did not feel it is necessary. Under private development we could be assured of a far greater tax base to support our aging infra - structure in future years. The housing component is directed to the first time home buyers in the 25 -35 age group which is decreasing rapidly. The fear is that there will be a smaller market for this type of housing with a much smaller potential for resale. As to the market for empty nesters, how many are willing to buy a 1300 square foot unit for $111,000 in a project that does not have the unique concept of a beautiful enclosed park as does Edinborough? If assumptions are wrong, the site for the housing for this project is in the existing tax increment district for Edinborough and could well accommodate additional buildings. Concern was expressed for the potential for far greater automobile use. Regarding the park, concern was stated as to who would really use it considering the demographics of Edina and who would pay to maintain it. The price the City is being asked to pay is far too great for the needs afforded to be met. It will burden future generations and cause present residents' taxes to go for services to the district when they should be used to improve and maintain the quality of life that they have been used to in Edina. Member Kelly concluded her statement by saying that she could not support this proposal and that if it were put to a community vote it would fail overwhelmingly. While the project is very attractive, and the development team is an excellent team, she encouraged the developers to pursue their plan using private funding. Member Turner then asked Mr. Jarvis to reiterate some of the TDM measures that are a part of the mixed use development. Mr. Jarvis explained that as a result of the mixed use development, there will be an overall trip reduction of 15% simply because of the mix of retail, office, recreation and residential all on the same 100 acres. It is projects with this type of density and Edinborough, not to mention Southdale itself and or the medical area to the north, that allow the kind of transit concept that Edina started planning for in southeast Edina when the Yorktown project was approved in 1971 -72. When Yorktown was approved there was a right of way reserved for a linear park and future implementation if the City so chose for the transit way that was very specifically identified. Mr. Jarvis said that what has happened in this.project, as well as what has already been designed and built at Edinborough, was the east -west park linkage that allows for a transit way over to Edinborough Park. Essentially, it is an off -road transit system that can tie all the projects, both residential and non - residential from Southdale south to Edinborough Park. In terms of TDM on the site itself, special areas will be designed in all of the parking lots for high occupancy vehicles. The developers are still determining with MTC, and in part with Hennepin County and the City, the most appropriate way to handle normal MTC buses so that bus stops and shelters can be accommodated in the most appropriate fashion for the whole site, which will be separate from the off-road-transit system. Beyond that, he stated that a series of incremental management things will be done in the office and retail area to encourage car pooling and high occupancy vehicles, van pooling and transit that has to do with preferential parking areas, with marketing programs and coordination on -site and hopefully it is not going to be an isolated park in relation to the whole I -494 corridor. Mr. Jarvis clarified that at Edinborough, given a job -based interview as people bought units, that over 8% were immediately in the southwest sector. The significance of that in the larger planning context is that they don't hit the freeway system or I35W'or I -494 because they are working within one to one and a half miles of the site. Mayor Courtney then called for public comment. Walter Sandison, 4612 W. 58th Street, stated he was not in support of using tax increment financing for the project. Rolf Engstrom, 7615 Edinborough Way, stated these concerns: 1) that the master plan now shows 10 -13 story buildings on Parcel E; 2) that the original plan of a 3 -story building was more appropriate and acted as more of a buffer between the Edinborough project and the offices on the west side of the project; and 3) that the present traffic especially during the rush hours is already congested and will be more congested by the proposed development. Regarding the high -rise building proposed for Parcel E, Member Turner asked if the action to be taken would approve anything specific for Parcel E. Manager Rosland said no, both Parcels A and E are conceptual housing; there is no specific proposal and both are in future phases of the project. Mr. Jarvis commented that the original master plan was at about .99 FAR; as a ratio Edinborough was at 1.0 FAR, meaning one square foot of development for one square foot of real estate across the entire site. The proposed project is now at about .77 FAR. The overall residential component has been reduced from approximately 1500 to 1100 -1120 units. In the office component, it has dropped from 1,500,000 sq. ft. to 1,250,000 sq. ft., including the medical office building. All of the environmental studies and the ISP are predicated on the original master plan, very purposefully, because that is 20% higher. Member Turner stated that one of Mr. Engstrom's concerns was the traffic congestion now and that it can only get worse. She asked when the proposed France Avenue widening will be done. Engineer Fran Hoffman said in 1990. Further, he said when an area is developed you have urbanization and that the congestion on France Avenue is mainly because of back -up from traffic lights. Hennepin County and MNDOT are saying.with the improvements to France Avenue it will handle up to 30,000 plus cars per day; we are now at the low 20,000's. He pointed out that now West 76th Street is the only east -west street going through. The proposed project will enable traffic to use Minnesota Drive and Parklawn in addition to connect from France Avenue to York Avenue. Dean Foley, resident of Edinborough, said he was concerned about Minnesota Drive bringing commercial traffic through the residential area to the East. Engineer Hoffman responded that West 76th Street is the one that goes into Richfield and that Richfield is looking towards upgrading this street. The functions of West 76th will continue; no dramatic change is expected. He added that in looking at the I -494 Corridor Plan, if the freeway is broken down in total, vehicles would probably use the parallel arterials in the cities of Edina, Bloomington and Richfield. That is why the City is working very hard to get the freeway upgraded so that we don't have extraneous traffic using City arterial streets anymore than necessary. Member Kelly asked what percentage of occupancy of the Edinborough homes are Edina residents. Mr. Laukka said that approximately 50% have an Edina domicile basis. There being no further comment, Commissioner/Member Richards moved that the public hearing be closed. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. All voted aye. Member Richards commented that many of the questions concerning the project have been answered somewhat. He said he was more excited about Centennial Lakes than he was with Edinborough. At the start we did not know much about Edinborough but we now know a lot from Edinborough that will carry over to this project. First, Edinborough was designed to serve Edina residents - that has worked and will continue to work in Centennial Lakes. He said he did not share Member Kelly's view about taking outside funds, that we are doing just the opposite by using our own resources locally, keeping them locally and truly creating a public /private partnership in which we all benefit. For example, when we talk about the contribution that the developers are making, the City is getting a $5 Million contribution, albeit the last $2 Million is not guaranteed, to contribute to our parks system that we would never end up with if this property was developed in the traditional manner. For that all of the citizens benefit and not just in the local area. In looking at Edinborough Park, we can seethe tremendous usage of that park by not just the daytime residents and the permanent residents of that environment that use Edinborough. What we get is the best of all worlds - a facility that is used by all the citizens but yet substantially paid for by the developers and maintained by a perpetual maintenance fund that should not cost the taxpayers of Edina one dime. As to the question on traffic, as has been pointed out, you get less traffic with a mixed use development. Member Richards stated that when we have an opportunity to take 100 prime acres in the City of Edina and have them developed in an integrated plan we get a better regulation on traffic - we benefit far more by seeing this type of mixed unit development than simply by taking a piecemeal approach. He said he did not feel we are doing anything out of the ordinary and are taking a very conservative view as all the runs and studies on revenues and expenses have indicated. No one can give any assurances that this is all going to pan out the way we think. Typically, in the City of Edina we are doing something first class, we are doing it so we are not spending the last dollar, we are not creating a burden on the citizens as far as paying for this facility and the public improvements. For those reasons, Member Richards said he would support the proposed development. Member Richards moved Second Reading and adoption of the following ordinance, and adoption of the following resolutions: ORDINANCE NO. 825 -A20 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 825) BY ADDING TO THE MIXED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MDD -6) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 6 or Ordinance No. 825 of the City is amended by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the Mixed Development District (Sub - District MDD -6) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: Tract A: Parcel I: The South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 32,-- Township 28 North, Range 24, except the West 50 feet thereof, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. Parcel II: The Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32, Township 28, North, Range 24, except that part platted as Eden Place Addition; and except the West 50 feet thereof; and except that part described as beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4; thence North along the Nest line thereof a distance of 43.0 feet; thence East parallel with the.South line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 a distance of 50 feet to the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence South parallel with the West line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 a distance of 10.0 feet; thence East parallel with the South line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 a distance of 10.0 feet; thence Northwesterly on a straight line to the actual point of beginning, according to the United States Government,Survey thereof and situated in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. Parcel IV: The West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32, Township 28 North, Range 24, except the West 50 feet thereof; and except that part described as beginning at the Northwest corner of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4; thence South along the West line thereof a distance of 43 feet; thence East parallel with the North line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 a distance of 50.0 feet to the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence North parallel with the West line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 a distance of 10.0 feet; thence East parallel with the North line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 a distance of 10.0 feet; thence Southwesterly on a straight line to the actual point of beginning, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. Tract B: Parcel II: That part of the North One -half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 27, Range 24, described as beginning at a point on the North line thereof 1304.875 feet West along said North line from the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 5; thence West along said North line 354.75 feet; thence South, parallel to the East line of said Northwest Quarter, 475.5 feet; thence Northeasterly to a point which is 327.7 feet South along a line drawn parallel to the East line of said Northwest Quarter from the point of beginning; thence North along said last described parallel line to the point of beginning, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Hennepin County, Minnesota. And That part of the South One -half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 28, Range 24, described as beginning at a point on the South line thereof 1304.875 feet West along said South line from the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 32; thence West along said South line 354.75 feet; thence North, parallel to the East line of said Southwest Quarter, to the North line of the South One -half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 32; thence East along said North line 354.75 feet, more or less, to an intersection with a line drawn North, parallel to the East line of said Southwest_Quarter, from the point of beginning; thence South along said last described parallel line to the point of beginning, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 388764." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT ADDITION ", platted by Kenneth M. Anderson, Personal Representative of the Estate of Fred W. Hedberg, deceased and unmarried, John W. Hedberg and Jean Hedberg, husband and wife, Michael T. DeCourcy, also known as Michael DeCourcy, and Merry L. DeCourcy, husband and wife, Michael T. DeCourcy as attorney in fact for Donald DeCourcy and Catherine L. DeCourcy, also known as Catherine DeCourcy, husband and wife, Elizabeth T. DeCourcy, an unremarried widow, Cecilia Talbot, a single person, and Bertram Talbot, a single person, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of September 12, 1988, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL SITE PLAN - PHASE I FOR SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Final Site Plan - Phase I for South Edina Development Addition presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of September 12, 1988, be and is hereby approved. RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE SOUTHEAST EDINA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN; RATIFYING AND AFFIRMING THE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "City "), as follows: 1. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA ") and the Edina City Council have previously approved a redevelopment plan, as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 469.002, subdivision 16, designated as the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan (the "Plan "). Acting pursuant to the Plan the HRA proposed to acquire certain land in the area included in the Plan and to sell and transfer a portion of such land to the East Edina Housing Foundation (the "Foundation "), pursuant to a Land Sale Agreement by and between the HRA and the Foundation dated on or as of March 14, 1988 (the "Agreement "). Pursuant to a resolution dated March 14, 1988, the City approved the form of a consent (the "Consent ") by the City attached to the Agreement. Pursuant to such authorization the Mayor and City Manager executed and delivered such Consent. It is now proposed that the Agreement be amended and restated and an Amended and Restated Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment (the "Amended Agreement ") be entered into between the BRA and the Foundation. The Amended Agreement provides for the execution of a consent by the City (the "Amended Consent "). A form of the Amended Consent is attached as an exhibit to the Amended Agreement. A draft of the Amended Agreement has been prepared and submitted to the City and is hereby directed to be filed with the City Clerk. 2. The execution and delivery by the Mayor and City Manager of the Consent to the Agreement is hereby ratified and affirmed. 3. The form of the Amended Consent is hereby approved subject to such modifications as are deemed appropriate and approved by the city attorney and the City Manager, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution of the Amended Consent by the Mayor and City Manager. The Mayor and City Manager are directed to execute the Amended Consent upon execution of the Amended Agreement by the HRA and the Foundation. The Mayor and City Manager are also authorized and directed to execute such other instruments as may be required to give effect to the transaction herein contemplated. Motion for adoption of the ordinance and the resolutions was seconded by Member Turner. Commissioner Richards moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE SOUTHEAST EDINA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN; RATIFYING AND AFFIRMING THE EXECUTION OF VARIOUS AGREEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA "), as follows: 1. Recitals. The HRA and the Edina City Council have previously approved a redevelopment plan, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 16, designated as the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan (the "Plan "). Acting pursuant to the Plan the HRA proposed to acquire certain land in the area included in the Plan and to sell and transfer a portion of such land to the East Edina Housing Foundation (the "Foundation "), pursuant to a Land Sale Agreement by and between the HRA and the Foundation (the "Agreement "). By a resolution adopted March 14, 1988, the HRA approved the form of the Agreement and authorized any two officers of the HRA to execute and deliver the Agreement on behalf of the HRA with such modifications as are deemed appropriate and approved by the attorney for the HRA and the Executive Director of the HRA. Pursuant to such authorization the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the HRA have executed and delivered the Agreement to the Foundation, which Agreement is dated on or as of March 14, 1988. It is now proposed that the Agreement be amended and restated and an Amended and Restated Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and the Foundation (the "Amended Agreement ") has been presented to and reviewed by the HRA. 2. Approval of Sale of Land. A public hearing on the sale of the Land to the Foundation was held by the HRA on September 12,-1988. The sale of the Land to the Foundation pursuant to the Amended Agreement is hereby approved. 3. Ratification of Execution and Delivery of Agreement. The execution and delivery of the Agreement dated on or as of March 14, 1988 by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the HRA is hereby ratified and affirmed. 4. Authorization for Execution and Delivery of Further Documents. The form of the Amended Agreement is hereby approved subject to such modifications as are deemed appropriate and approved by the attorney for the HRA and the Executive Director of the HRA, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution of the Amended Agreement by any two officers of the HRA. Any two officers of the HRA are directed to execute the Amended Agreement. Any two officers of the HRA are also authorized and directed to execute such other instruments as may be required to accomplish the transaction herein contemplated including but not limited to any amendments or supplements to the Amended Agreement and other agreements as may be necessary to accomplish the transactions contemplated by the Amended Agreement. The execution of any such amendments, supplements or agreements by any two officers of the HRA shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of such documents by the HRA in accordance with this Resolution. ATTEST: Chairman Executive Director Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Commissioner Turner. Following discussion on the motions, Mayor Courtney called for rollcall vote. Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Nays: Kelly Ordinance and resolutions adopted. Member Richards moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as follows: l.--It is found and determined that the following described easement for street purposes should be considered for vacation, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota. Statutes, Sections 412.851 and 160.29: That part of West 76th Street lying east of France Avenue and west of the westerly intersection of Edinborough Way and West 76th Street. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice included in paragraph 3 hereof for the purpose of holding a public hearing on whether such vacation shall be made in the interest of the public. 3. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said hearing to be published once a week for two weeks, in the Edina Sun - Current, being the official newspaper of the City, the first publication at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing and to post such notice, at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing, in at least three (3) public and conspicuous places within the City, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Such notice shall be in substantially the following form: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota will meet at the Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street on October 3, 1988, at 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposed vacation of the following street right of way: That part of West 76th Street lying east of France Avenue and west of the westerly intersection of Edinborough Way and West 76th Street. All persons who desire to be heard with respect to the question of whether or not the above proposed street right of way vacation is in the public interest and should be made shall be heard at said time and place. The Council shall consider the extent to which such proposed street right of way vacation affects existing easements within the area of the proposed vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric, telephone, or cable television poles and lines, gas and sever lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such easement area or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto, for the purpose of specifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of any such easements, and such authority to maintain, and to enter upon the area of the proposed vacation, shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Nays: Kelly Resolution adopted. Commissioner/Member Richards moved adjournment of the joint HRA /Council Meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner /Member Turner. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Executive Director, HRA City Cle MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 Answering rollcall were Member Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner and Mayor Courtney. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED. Notion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 15, 1988 APPROVED. Notion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner to approve the minutes of the. Regular Meeting of August 15, 1988. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. APPEAL FROM BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION HEARD: VARIANCE GRANTED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Craig Larsen presented the appeal of James and Linda M. Masica, 6817 Valley View Road, from the decision of the Board of Appeals on August 18, 1988 to deny a 28 foot front yard setback variance. The proponents are pursing a plan to remove the existing dwelling to construct a new home on the site. The matter was heard by the Board of Appeals on two separate occasions. In March, 1988 the request was for a 22 foot setback from Valley View Road where normally a 50 foot setback is required. The Board indicated that they would not approve such a variance and offered the proponents the opportunity to redesign and resubmit an alternate plan. At its meeting of August 18, 1988 the Board considered a proposed modified dwelling with a setback of 34 feet, 16 feet short of what is required. The existing house has a setback of 34 feet and the proponents are asking approval to continue the existing setback. The Board decided that because of the size and shape of the lot there was enough room on the site to build a house of adequate size and still observe the required 50 foot setback and voted to deny the variance. That decision has been appealed by the proponents.. James Van Valkenburg, representing the proponents, stated that the present request is to build the new house with the existing 34 foot setback from Valley View Road. He noted that the 50 foot setback requirement is an average of the two neighboring lots. On one side the house is set back some 30 feet, on the other side the setback is approximately 74 feet. The proponents feel that a hardship exists as the topography as it abuts Valley View Road is unbuildable, is fully wooded, with difficult terrain. The hill with regard to a driveway is a problem and will be major to change. The lot is an unusual shape and the plan is to get as far forward as can be to utilize the lot. It was noted that there are many neighboring lots that are closer to the street. The proponents request that the Board of Appeals decision be overruled and that the variance be granted. Member Turner asked how many feet of buildable area there is on the lot. Planner Larsen stated there is approximately 8,000 square feet if you took into consideration all the area within the required minimum setbacks. James Masica, proponent, stated that the setback requirement would require that out of a 3/4 acre lot there would be very little usable backyard. He said there is a steep grade, up from Valley View Road making the house invisible during the summer because of the woods. He indicated that he did not wish to remove any of the vegetation. Member Kelly stated that it is an unusual shaped lot, hilly and that the driveway presents a problem. She said that she felt what is proposed is a fine idea. Member Kelly moved that the decision of the Board of Appeals be overruled and that the 16 foot front yard setback variance be granted for the property at 6817 Valley View Road. Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Courtney Nays: Turner Variance granted. *LOT DIVISION APPROVED FOR PART OF LOTS 2 AND 3. CASSIN'S OUTLOTS (FAIRVIEW SOUTHDALE HOSPITAL). Notion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land constitute various separate parcels: Parcel A: That part of Lots 2 and 3, Cassin's Outlots according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying northerly of West 65th Street, southerly of County Road No. 62, westerly of the west line of Lot 1, Block 1, SOUTHDALE ACRES, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and easterly of France Avenue South and Parcel B: That part of Parcel 1, 2 and 3 as described in Certificate of Title number 608806 lying within highway easement Doc. No. 576247 described as a 25 foot strip and a 50 foot strip adjoining a 125 foot parallel line described in said easement , which lies southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 50 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of Section 29, Township 28 North Range 24 West, distant 1107.1 feet north of the West 1/4 corner thereof; thence run easterly at an angle of 74 degrees 24 minutes (as measured from north to east) for a distance of 124.1 feet; thence deflect left along a tangential curve having a radius of 1527.89 feet (delta angle 19 degrees 23 minutes) for a distance of 516.9 feet; thence tangent to said curve for a distance of 30 feet; thence deflect left along a tangential curve having a radius of 716.2 feet, (delta angle 16 degree 59 minutes) for a distance of 212.3 feet; thence tangent to curve to the intersection with the base line of said 125 foot parallel line; thence northeasterly along said 125 foot base line of parallel line to the east line of said parcel 3 and there terminating. WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to combine said tracts into the following new and separate parcel: Parcel A and Parcel B as described above WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said parcel as a separate tract of land does not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcel as a separate tract land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said conveyance thereof as a separate tract of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no subdivision be made of said Parcel unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR BERENBERG FIRST ADDITION CONTINUED TO 10/3/88. Motion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner to continue the hearing for preliminary plat approval for Berenberg First Addition to October 3, 1988. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *HEARING DATE SET FOR VARIOUS PLANNING MATTERS. Motion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner setting September 19, 1988 as hearing date for the following planning matters: 1) Preliminary Rezoning - PRD -4 Planned Residence District to PSR -4 Planned Senior Citizen District - RRI Services, Inc: and Preliminary Plat Approval.of Elder Homestead - Generally located in the northwest quadrant of the York Avenue /Parklawn intersection. 2) Preliminary Rezoning - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District - Peggy C. Erhardt Estate and Preliminary Plat Approval for Erhardt Addition - Generally located in the southeast quadrant of the Brookview Avenue/Valley View Road intersection. 3) Preliminary Plat Approval - Edina Highlands 2nd Addition - Steven L. Utne - 5257 Lochloy Drive - Lot 6, Block 1, Edina Highlands. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. VACATION OF WILLSON DRIVE ON PLAT OF EDENMOOR APPROVED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Engineer Hoffman presented the request of Harvey Swenson to vacate Willson Drive on the plat of EDENMOOR. He explained that Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, EDENMOOR, are being replatted by Mr. Swenson and the replat has been granted preliminary approval. The south end of Lot 3 had excess right of way which is not necessary for the new replat as the new roadway will be on the north side of Lot 3. All utility companies find the vacation request acceptable. Because it has been concluded that this right of way will never be used for public roadway, staff would recommend approval subject to final plat being granted. R.F.D. Johnson, 5260 Richwood Drive, asked that the vegetation planted years ago in the area of the proposed vacation not be disturbed. Mr. Swenson commented that he does not intend to disturb the vegetation, there will be some grading when the new homes are built but that his intent is not to disturb the trees. Engineer Hoffman commented that the grading plans show not disturbing the area that is of concern to Mr. Johnson and that the grading for the new plat will.ensure that all the storm water drains off to the southwest. Member Richards asked Mr. Swenson to keep Mr. Johnson apprised of all things happening on the property. No further comment being heard, Member Richards introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council, adopted the 15th day of August, 1988, fixed a date for a public hearing on the proposed vacation of the following described street: That part of Edenmoor Street (dedicated as Willson-Drive on the plat of " EDENMOOR, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ") lying west of the southerly extension of the east line of Lot 3, Block 3, "EDENMOOR, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ^, according to the recorded plat thereof. WHEREAS, two weeks' published and posted notice of said hearing was given and the hearing was held on the 12th day of September, 1988, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the public that said street vacation be made; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the extent to which the vacation affects existing easements within the area of the vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric, cable or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same, or to enter upon such street or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the above described street is hereby vacated; and that the Clerk is authorized and directed to cause a Notice of Completion of proceedings to be prepared, entered in the transfer record of the County Auditor, and filed with the County Recorder, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. *BID AWARDED FOR USED HYDRAULIC ARTICULATED MOTOR GRADER. Motion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for a used hydraulic articulated Motor Grader to recommended low bidder, Ziegler, Inc., at $67,000.00. Motion carried,,on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR ONE TON PAVER. Motion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for a one ton paver to recommended low bidder, Ruffridge Johnson, at $5,843.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE APPROVED FOR EDINAMITE. Motion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner to approve issuance of a Temporary On -sale Liquor License to The Edina Foundation for EDINAMITE to be held on October 15. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *ELECTION JUDGES APPOINTED FOR GENERAL ELECTION 11/08/88. Motion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the following election judges be appointed to serve on the election boards for the General /City Election to be held on November 8, 1988, and that the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized to make any substitutions or additions as may be deemed necessary: Precinct 1 - Eugenia Williams, Chair, Lois Hallquist, Dorie Capetz, Arlene Friday, Virginia Vonhof, Audrey Krengel, Barbara Anderson, Celia Nightingale, Shirley DeLeo, Ruth Amdahl; Precinct 2 - Marjorie Ruedy, Chair, Pauline Carroll, Joan Flumerfelt, Kathleen Saterbak, Suzanne Hirsch, Elizabeth Anfinson, Naomi Johnson, Sara Kirkman, Maryann Haemig, Dianne Gens; Precinct -3 - Linda Smith, Chair, Carol Bucklin, Deidre Hedrick, Marie Goblirsch, Patricia Dill, Kathleen Stiehm, Barbara Bergan, Jane Andrews, Christine Morgan, Marie Vorlicky; Precinct 4 - Shirley Dibble, Chair, Rachel Schoening, Margery Brothers, Virginia Courtney, Marion Cracraft, Jeanette Lushine, Joanne Downey, Sharon Hegstrom, Marianne Schoenecker, Betty Goughnour; Precinct 5 - Carol McPheeters, Chair, Rosemary McGlynn, Phyllis Cooper, Betty Benjamin, Mildred Karr, Susan Little, Carol Ledder, Marjorie Grinnell, Helen Groth, Diane Kirkland; Precinct 6 - Jane Bains, Chair, Catherine Swanson, Mary Cleaveland, Barbara Berbers, Susan Zwakman, Sherrill Borkon, Marjorie Borrman, Gertrude Rocheford, Eleanor Westerberg, Donna White; Precinct 7 - Bess Brudelie, Chair, Helen Peterson, Naomi Ward, Kathleen Engquist, Gertrude Snoeyenbos, Eunice Overby, Delores Paul, Avalda Wildermuth, Donna Hunter, Darlene White; Precinct 8 - Jane Moran, Chair, Myra Hykes, Kathleen Bradford, Jeanne Mueller, Barbara Raap, Moan Reding, Lee Strang, LuJean Swenson, Mary Webber, Barbara Andrews; Precinct 9 - Aileen Konhauser, Chair, Jacqueline Lindskoog, Colleen Crew, Helen Connell, Marilyn Balker, Patricia Monson, Mary Diehl, Gertrude Nulsen, Carolyn Seterberg, Florence Boughton; Precinct 10 - Barbara Erlandson, Chair, Mary Shoquist, Shirley Byrne, JoAnn Lonergan, Kathryn Rivers, Jeannine Westling, Marilyn Devereaux, Ruth Haggerty, Marguerite Ratelle, Ilona Kerin; Precinct 11 - Geneva Smith, Chair, Sharon Lee Smith, Alice Burnell, Gina Sherman, Carol Melichar, Delphine Duff, Karen Vickman, Joy Perunovich, Rosemary Sweeney, Betty Pollitt; Precinct 12 - Ardis Wexler, Chair, Shirley Bjerkin, Carol Hite, Mary Scholz, Doris Marchuk, JoAnne Chayer, Marjorie Erstad, Lois Denker, Wynn Meeker, Jan Burnett; Precinct 13 - Doris Peterson, Chair, Amy Woods, June Schmidt, Irene O'Neill, Kathleen Garnatz, Margaret Polta, Elaine Tollefsrud, Pauline Mertes, Ann Matula, Hattie Jackson; Precinct 14 Mary Jane Platt, Chair, Joyce Hanson, Donna Brastad, Maxine Hatzung, Anne Frances, Lael Pederson, Esther Olson, Louise Carlson, Mary Strother, Geraldine Sjoblom; Precinct 15 - Katherine Luikens, Chair, Jean Hare, Carol Hanson, Jean Teasley, Marjorie Johnson, Carolyn Klus, Maxine Wallin, Merry Krueger, Elna Kassen, Bernie Schaeffler; Precinct 16 - Mary.McDonald, Chair, Nathalie Person, Patricia Halvorson, Bonnie Bjerken, Bernadine Chapman, Donna Montgomery, Kathryn Larson, Mary Zotalis, Caroline Scott, Marlys Chase; Precinct 17 - Lorna Livingston, Chair, Jean McDermid, Marie Bachman, Louise Jackson, Florence Tretten, Mary Ryan, Joyce Koets, Yvonne Ford, Virginia McWethy, Katherine Saunders; Precinct 18 - Jean Erdall, Chair, Selma Shelton, Patricia MacCornack, JoAnn Streed, Betty Lou Petersen, Doris Blake, Phyllis Fuller, Myrtle Grette, Kathleen Tierney, Audrey McCarthy; Precinct 19 - Charlotte Scanlon, Chair, Jean. Altman, Connie Bing, Jeannene Wurst, Alyce Hamilton, Ardis Dorsey, Erthei Johnson, Luverne Graham, Linda Anderson, Anne LaBovsky; Precinct 20 - Patricia Olander, Chair, Anita Delegard, Zelma Gray, Evelyn Herkal, Harriet Koch, Sheila Luff, Mary Vanek, Kate Wyers, Charlotte Burns, Lois Devitt. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *1988 IAFF CONTRACT SETTLEMENT PROPOSAL APPROVED. Motion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby approves the 1988 IAFF Contract Settlement Proposal as presented. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *1988 -89 LOCAL 49 OPERATING ENGINEERS CONTRACT SETTLEMENT APPROVED. Motion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby approves the 1988 -89 Local 49 Operating Engineers Contract Settlement as presented. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. GOLF DOME PURCHASE CONTINUE TO 9/19/88. Manager Rosland recalled that when the report on the proposed improvements to the Braemar Park facilities was presented to the Council approximately six months ago one of the recommendations in the report was to purchase the Golf Dome. At that meeting it was requested that an independent appraisal be obtained and also that the Park Board consider the matter and make their recommendation. Subsequently, the Park Board has recommended that staff pursue the purchase of the Golf Dome and the firm of C. E. LaSalle & Associates was asked to appraise the property. The appraisal dated August 25, 1988 was done using an income approach and a cost approach. The summary indicated to the appraisers that a fair market value of the Golf Dome is $620,000. The selling price set by the owners is $575,000. Manager Rosland explained that one of the key reasons for pursuing the purchase is that it can carry its own cost but also add $50- 75,000 to help pay for the bonds that were sold for the Braemar Arena improvements. He noted that a letter had been received from W. H. McFadden, 7500 Cahill Road, who raised several questions regarding the proposed purchase of the Golf Dome, that are basically answered by the appraisal report. He said he would contact Mr. McFadden as soon as he could be reached to answer his questions. Member Richards asked if the statement of income and expense for the year ended April 30, 1988 is one staff is comfortable with regarding projected revenues and expenses if the Golf Dome were owned by the City. Manager Rosland said that is correct. Member Richards suggested that the appraisal report and the statement of income and expenses be reviewed also by the Finance Director for his opinion as to projected revenues and expenses. Further, that Park Director Kojetin advise what percentage of usage of the Golf Dome might be related to activities other than the driving range. Member Richards then moved that the matter of the purchase of the Golf Dome be continued to September 19, 1988 so that the requested information could be brought to the Council. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Member Smith commented that he would like to see more data as to depreciation for the structure. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. *PETITION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON WEST SIDE OF XERXES AVENUE BETWEEN 60TH /62ND STREETS REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Motion of Member Richards was seconded by Member Turner to refer the petition from residents on Xerxes Avenue between 60th and 62nd Streets for sidewalk construction on the west side to the Engineering Department for processing. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *PETITION FOR RESTORATION OF STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM FROM CHATEAU EDINA ASSOCIATION 6415 AVENUE, REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Motion of Member Richards was seconded by Member Turner to refer the petition from Chateau Edina Association, 6415 York Avenue South, for restoration of storm drainage system to the Engineering Department for processing. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. MINNESOTA DRIVE UTILITIES AUTHORIZED: BIDS TO BE TAKEN ( WATERMAIN NO. 365, STORM SEWER NO. 186, SANITARY SEWER NO. 379). Engineer Hoffman explained that the Minnesota Drive utilities projects are part of the Hedberg project. The estimated costs for the projects are as follows: WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. P -WM -365 $45,291.68 Location: Minnesota Drive from France Av to Edinborough Way STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. P -ST.S -186 $70,874.76 Location: Minnesota Drive from France Av to Edinborough Way SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. P -SS -379 $23,380.58 Location: Minnesota Drive from France Av to Edinborough Way Total estimated cost for the three utility projects is $139,547.02, proposed to be assessed against Phase I development of the Hedberg project. The total Phase I square footage is 2,452,428 square feet. Estimated cost would be $.0569 per square foot. Member Richards moved adoption of the following resolutions: RESOLUTION APPROVING MINNESOTA DRIVE UTILITIES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed requesting the Council to construct watermain, storm sewer and sanitary sewer improvements on Minnesota Drive from France Avenue to Edinborough Way, and to assess the entire cost against Phase I development of the Hedberg project according to the provisions of the developer's agreement. 2. The making of said improvements in accordance with said petition is hereby ordered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031. Said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 365, STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 186 and SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 379. The entire cost of said improvements is hereby ordered to be assessed against Phase I development of the Hedberg project. RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 365, STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 186, AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 379 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun - Current and Construction Bulletin the following notice of bids for improvements: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WATERMAIN, STORM SEWER AND SANITARY SEWER CONTRACT #88 -8 (ENG) BIDS CLOSE SEPTEMBER 28, 1988 BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street at 11:00 A.M., Thursday, September 28, 1988. The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., Monday, October 3, 1988 to consider said bids. The following are approximate major quantities: 980 LF 8" and 10" V.C.P 1,219 LF 12 ", 15" and 18" R.C.P. 1,265 LF 6" and 10" D.I.P. 5 EA Manholes 9 EA Std. Catchbasins 2 EA Std. Hydrants Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $25.00 (by check). Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and specifications with a bona fide bid. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of all bids. All plans mailed, enclose separate check for $5.00 payable to the City of Edina for postage and handling. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Resolutions adopted. MALIBU DRIVE UTILITIES AUTHORIZED (GRADING, GRAVELING. CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACING IMPROVEMENT NO. P -BA -281, WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO P -WM -363 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. P -SS -377, STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO P -ST S -185)• BIDS TO BE TAKEN. Engineer Hoffman advised that the Landmark Addition was approved earlier this year and-the developer's agreement petitioned the City to construct sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer improvements for the plat and to grade and gravel Malibu Drive adjacent to the site. The project costs will be assessed back to the developer on a three year basis. Additionally, Van Valkenburg Park is adjacent to the roadway. It is proposed that the portion of the road costs that would be assessed to the abutting park land be over ten years. Estimated costs were presented as follows: GRADING, GRAVELING, CONCRETE CURB & CUTTER AND $29,217.87 BITUMINOUS SURFACING IMPROVEMENT NO. P -BA -281 Location: Malibu Drive from Lincoln Drive to 655' southeasterly Proposed to be assessed against 1,160.54 feet, with estimated cost per lot of $25.18 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. P -WM -363 $51,014.13 Location: Mailbu Drive from Lincoln Drive to 710' southeasterly Proposed to be assessed against 5 lots with estimated cost per lot of $5,773.72 -Amount to be financed by Utility Fund for oversizing main $22,145.51 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. P -SS -377 $35,663.65 Location: Mailbu Drive from Lincoln Drive to 710' southeasterly Proposed to be assessed against 5 lots with estimated cost per lot of $7,132.73 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. P -ST.S -185 $17,733.75 Location: Mailbu Drive from Lincoln Drive to 290' southeast Proposed to be assessed against 140,300 square feet with estimated cost per assessable foot of $0.126 Member Turner moved adoption of the following resolutions: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MALIBU DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed requesting the Council to construct watermain, sanitary sewer and storm sewer improvements and grade and gravel Malibu Drive and to assess the entire cost against the property of petitioner. 2. The making of said improvements in accordance with said petition is hereby ordered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031. Said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as GRADING, GRAVELING, CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACING IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -281, WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -363, SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT N0. SS -377 AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S -185. The entire cost of said improvements is hereby ordered to be assessed against the properties abutting on said Malibu Drive where said improvements are to be located, except that part of the cost of WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WN -363 to be financed by Utility Fund for oversizing main. RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR GRADING, GRAVELING, CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACING IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -281, WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT N0. WM -363, SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT N0. SS -377 AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO ST S -185 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun - Current and Construction Bulletin the following notice of bids for improvements: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SANITARY SEWER. WATERMAIN, STORM SEWER AND GRADING AND GRAVELING CONTRACT #88 -8 (ENG) BIDS CLOSE SEPTEMBER 28, 1988 BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street at 11:00 A.M., Thursday, September 28, 1988. The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., Monday, October 3, 1988 to consider said bids. The following are approximate major quantities: -707 LF 8" V.C.P 7 EA Std. Manholes 710 LF 12" D.I.P. Water Main 20 LF 16" D.I.P. Water Main 276 LF 12 ", 15" and 18" R.C.P. 8 EA Catch Basins 1,886 TONS Cl. 2 Gravel 2,000 CY Excavation Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them. may be returned unopened. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of.the City Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $25.00 (by check). Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and specifications with a bona fide bid. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of all bids. All plans mailed, enclose separate check for $5.00 payable to the City of Edina for postage and handling. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Mayor Courtney. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney LETTER FROM BLOOMINGTON RESIDENT CONCERNING POLICE DEPARTMENT DISCUSSED. Member Smith referred to a copy of a letter from a Bloomington resident regarding her treatment by the Edina Police Department in connection with an accident. He said it would have.been helpful to have had a memorandum in the packet explaining that this matter has been responded to and resolved. Chief Swanson assured the Council that the department does respond to each-and every complaint of the department and that in this case the letter was written out of frustration and the letter had not reflected what had actually occurred. He stated that the matter has been resolved. CONDOLENCES OFFERED TO ATTORNEY ERICKSON CONCERNING LOSS OF BROTHER. Member Kelly asked that, on behalf of the Council, condolences be extended to Attorney Tom Erickson on the recent death of his brother. INFORMATION CONCERNING TESTING FOR RADON TO BE MADE AVAILABLE. Member Turner commented on the recent radio reports concerning concentration of radon in homes in the state and the suggestion that residents call the Minnesota Department of Health. She asked if there is role for the City concerning such testing. Manager Rosland said he would ask the Health Department to develop information for the Council regarding this subject. *CLAIMS PAID. Motion was made by Member Richards and seconded by Member Turner to approve payment of the following claims per pre -list dated 09/12/88: General Fund $413,408.81, Art Center $2,558.07, Capital Fund $13,262.23, Swimming Pool Fund $3,988.15, Golf Course Fund $25,591.77, Recreation Center Fund $28,851.02, Gun Range Fund $876.70, Edinborough Park $11,118.92, Utility Fund $223,144.49, Liquor Dispensary Fund $28,786.19, Construction Fund $6,419.12, Total $758,005.47. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. City Cler w91N�.j� ch �* REPORT/RECOMMENDATION lose To: Kenneth Rosland A(�Qnda Item # III. A. From: Craig Larsen Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: s -88 -12 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Irwin First Addition Lot To Council 2, Block 1, Charles and Ilene Wright Addition Action El Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Preliminary Plat approval has been recommended by the Planning Commission. The Council continued this hearing at its November 21, 1988 meeting asking the proponent to provide specific information relative to the location of driveways, pads for the proposed homes, and drainage. The proponent has submitted the attached site development plan for Council review. The plan illustrates driveways on the south side of each lot which provides the maximum distance from the intersection of Valley View Road and Dakota Trail. The plan also illustrates the proposed house pads, drainage, and driveway slope. The proposed development is acceptable to the City Engineering Department. The proponent will present drawings of the proposed homes at the City Council meeting. I LOT DETAIL /45.38 ' i Y _ HOU5E PAD i i c ego. � \ \ � \ Chl 89 i.o 1 , , o y , Q I \� I 888.4 , / IL � f I �� O ko Q \ wet 1 O Gar. � � I � � �* U CC �) 1h I � \ ` 131.00 ovor 3 c • I u. %n Z70-- - I 1 14 Fu or FX,st; w wa►I "9 \ \ HOUSE J , \ as9.3 \PAD 889.3 I I M ~ 890.0 Is Is % ( (` % New Refalv%l 6��•4 3 c \_ Wal f n 9 1 '\ - - -� 88'0/49' 30 IV El W Q / / L_ JOR 11O _8.8.1075 IRWIN FIRST ADDITION Preliminary Plat 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 2. BLOCK 1. CHARLES AND ILENE WRIGHT ADDITION, C.IT V 01 EOINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA AMC RESERVING EASEMENTS Or Rrr-(IRD 1 ��•'• ,i\ 9'FO ♦ ,� 1 , 1 I-�r`t , %.SII'J '•il.i.l :': TRAIL 1 n � yn•I ;R.oI / / . I 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / . 1 . 1 • 1 � I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 ' � � I 1 , 1 I 1 \ / I la•-s vKseA Iv1 staff 1' ti >• °•�T- i,r-------1-----4----------T---------- =- AI��i�•—� cu 1 - 1--------------- - - - - -- r I � / / SQ Q 5Q IBQ 1511 1 � / F - -- — — — — — _, / SUU IN FEET I / •• r / SCALE: 1 INCH . 70 FEET 1 / GATE : OCTOBER te. Zoe lees S•�. I yry ` V. :OCTOBER tote .� bar• G 2+ 5. yr I / ) n,,,er vnUF roar rAN Ob .a. snpo.ea n+ urWW mF dhee+ .uOe.MHm and rner E " 0 doll I • / SIOr,IWI dMLIOd.5 -1Y.r order rnr 1.- e1 rM 1 / .Lf r�.F IINFen, nn. R.a N.. 115/0 PREPARED FOR : WALLY IRWIN 7400 METRO BLVD. SUITE 26e EDINA. MINNESOTA SS.27 PREPARED BY : HEDLUND PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING 8)01 EAST BLOOMINGTON IREEWAT BLOOMINOION , MINNESOTA 15.20 OIrONE ISIl1 S$S -Oleo HEDLUND �'U 'v E',po ,nO S_rvnq A. o e 40 t, Cn • RPP Mt`O/ REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: December 5, 1988 Subject: Z -88 -7, Rezoning to R -1 for Lot 1, 2 and 3, Indian Hills 3rd Addition Recommendation: Grant 2nd Reading for the Rezoning. Agenda Item # III. c. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA M To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Discussion INFO /BACKGROUND The Council approved the. preliminary rezoning from R -2 to R -1 on November 21, 1988. The rezoning requires a second reading by the Council. INDIAN HILLS 3130 .ADDITION J O I �... /• ,p.p p C visa <' - C,�, 0 14 �a Li ::�/ z/s.is f� i 13„ .,H - /yb5 y, Di M 169- 419 L:L C:a o �^ �. NB 3 � n„ o 96' ....1 /3 00.... M TAP 00 5 . :, ACV .�( •'r N^' •��' 67Y� l *). H..� b� o t`.., ,e [ `ao do� n/y�� Q`Q ,`P o.i�\ a�\ �-•}o rip.;`�' nRC�C sio o )z • 4 j a LN M1 • � ..y �\ ? \ °\ ra^ % 6 O 17971 .g °r a. 3 � � M1�\ ..�r � 11av e.aQ, •,o Y0� � ��h0 .. J.bv 0 1• \�sa- � 1� N v s) e I / V • f i' .,0 �"'' tei • C° :S; "� -� ^��� Nes'zs'oa•z I ti` yo® .: ,\ IO w/ 0 .1 /� �•.�1� II " //N 4 4 . �1 I N3 rr N p„ b s °12 12 ' / \ Y\ `, i�' `� `i•'. O. A JAt E '` �. TLOZ \ • O I �... /• ,p.p p C visa <' - C,�, 0 14 �a Li ::�/ z/s.is f� O 4g�DE O� ? [ 270.Sb. - /yb5 y, • ly °y GS // 1B'f: a j =.e : R�A, ,R r o �N � �..'Ja7' %A's N 3. 5 �L•ZO.iI ARRow Or-'A /NAGS AND UT /L /Ty E ASEMENTS 0 I ARE SHoW N T Nus: f � b 5 ♦♦ /101- u 11 BE /NG 5.0 FEET /n/ W1'07 -N, UN OTHERW /SE /NO/GATEO, AND A0.7b /NjNa LOT" L /NES, ANO /o, O FEET /N {N/pTy AND AOToiN /NG� Rle'"7- qc- WAY uNEs, AS S<1oWm qV �E PLAT. RON KRUEGER AND ASSOCIATES 0 loo 200 S LAND SURVEYORS AND DENOTES IRON MONUMENT ENGINEERS BEARINGS SHOWN ON AN ASSUMED ends E '` k At A. o e Cn v �o ' • ,� RPOMt��/ iBBB REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: December 5, 1988 Subject: Z -88 -6 and S -88 -11 Erhardt Addition Agenda Item # III. D. Consent F� Information Only [] Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA El To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Final Rezoning and Final Plat Approval subject to subdivision dedication based on a value of $45,000. 4 INFO /BACKGROUND Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Plat Approval were granted by the City Council on October 17, 1988. Subdivision No. S'' 9- e-11 SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT T0: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NAME: rr?Jro�� OU/ LAND SIZE: / kIe6LI. LAND VALUE: �` J (By: Date: Z 2 ) The developer of this subdivision has been required to A. grant an easement over part of the land ElB. dedicate o of the land C donate $ ' as a fee in lieu of land As a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 5% of land dedicated) 1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition beneficially expands the park. 2. If property is 6 acres or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. II3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, cr stream. 4. If property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. 5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his- toric value. 6. B. Cash Required 1. In all other instances than above. 2. r I� M w 5 w i w x 0 0 Q so ERHARDT A IANC rVIE a I z I 4 0 G ADDITION \ �j - •OO /1t t/4 OF la w TJ 4 t r 'n t Ir T G of e9/c300w 1 257% lot- (7v1� 1-k L' �✓ t , fIa• YI O F tw• frY•I1: tit Tr 4W J I� fWrr• Itch, N« r� r f•� f. 1rr/1, �r r .rTrNr •I W rll•ry Mr1r/ Tw •IW1r r• W /YY N /Ir•••Y ri f•wd J r�qY Yrfr . YN Y. nrt 1 `f•...rl. r •. fw...w1. rr.1r. wr. ••••.• tlN 1wl.w 1rr w r••/ /.r1.... r• /r�rr Irw•r•. + •rr W rr .• r •...q.• r rl•r1r «ern fa.lnr r •r Wr rrw/ WI fr 4YY •I 5r�i O•Irr /r.•r1, •r •. br r ••rt f. /ryr•r W ••r•C Y•w 1 rr•.r�N.... Y.. _� ti N . 1Y-. /..rw Y r N•r•1 w 11 •• rr- 1• /fr•1/ M r14r [.•101 �1•rl• YY s/� r YI•r C. mi • w wr•r•1 r�r••rWlw /�.. wrllrp /•.•r1 A Wti Irrrh rr•rl r1r••wWlw elm «•1 111un « sn• 1r r...L.y .rlrr.r r rwl.yr rr•r• w m•�1� J w •�1• r/111 rr 1M h, r rrn / f •r•1, f•rwl rw ••w1•I r•r M It• 4u1• •f Hd (yWr• /r•rh. •Ir r. r ti10 t. Irrr1 w WII •f E. I•YY. =rY rrYr• iM.1. • +Y � • �rrw•rw�M: 1 r'•w rN•w .rN•�•r1• w..w•• r •rN1r W /TM wrr.f r Yr• •10 r I.•r••l Y/ItIY. YY Yrr NN • '•flr•wYlrw J W/ r1: r•r •11 r.•r.• w rlr r. r W ••r r Wr./Mr .! • fY11 tl•1 NI 11.�Y /n. •M rw.••11 N/r•/ Y W 1•r = ��: r YIr W •�r •'rfr/r1 11r r • 11 .••y•.• W /1.1 � W1 r+ M rr v r►Ir• •y}•y . r 4rW1r � W rW. wr W.• .. 4.r•r. Ir rnrl.r 4r�•rY 4•rrr r. ION �, l CA ooc. NO- C3 - IEGAN /FIELD 8 NOVAK /wC. IV SURVEYORS �t ...e.,.[ /n Colt Of s 1 4i \ 4 t 9 lt - ..11..1[ -• + \ 1 _ �(37— T- tll[ tW W MI[• OOU. OI •OO.� I ` O O<110rU 101-/OO OO•.O1 \ fowl. tr[ (7 • `D O[•Vlt[ Yo. [1011.•111 �1 d w/u q nru 9 00)15 Tr /wyry 4r••1w'• /•nIf1Y1• r• rbwl•yr rfw r tll•- ��•�, ► 1..rr..rwy;. r.v. f1r.... /�/ OII•. 11AY1• � tll• fYl •/ 1/•Yf1 �ITIf. ••• r/ •y r — "I- w W 1r1• r•r 1 •I Y1r. fIW1•. ` Iv ^try WJ YI/ tb. �••f 1 r= r rwr•r11•r •f W •I Ir••r•wYtrrlr W t•r� � ~It. W .111•. •i • r M_.� N wy f111 r W rr.rrr/r Y v. rrrr W •Iw.r rYw1f �N •r/ •�r•Y r ErrrW w /rr•rY •Y•n••• Wlrr IY.II, WI.1•Ir I. r r rI//1 y •I /11 •• /1•/ ■11T• w .•.•. ., I/MIIT1 tY M . \r l! fl•01 Y)Yll•11, rw••r• r•r11• /rr•rY Ilr.••f ••rr rr) W1 1•••• /rrl• 1w�r Mw )••r• r.• ••w I •1. MY Ir Ir r•wYr r W r•r Yr•�•y •/ IY� rl• •. f•INr. •••r••1• r•w1) yrlr w I •!•r1 w.w• n'nu, r.1w1• r +w. /rw.r1. . fr•••n1 tttrr,�1 =., rw•••Y l� N 1/•C. Yr .Y• W W •r•— dw N wrti rr.r•r •. ur.... /•rw.. Err) rr -.r•• w� •/1•r1• Yr/tV. /•rr1• N'w11• Y•r•.Y 1 rM1 rnrl) 14r W •.Y+ N•r N r•Yl r•111w W !r Y/ Ir •.•«/ •. W •/f1r W ��/� •1 Ire. N �•'•1r/.J /• 11• i«ly. 1r1) lrarr w r ONO cd RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR ERHARDT ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota that that certain plat entitled " ERHARDT ADDITION ", platted by Ronnie Phillips Erhardt and Robert Erhardt as personal representatives of The Estate of Peggy Chalmers Erhardt, also known as Peggy C. Erhardt, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 5, 1988, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of December 5, 1988 and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 7th day of December, 1988. City Clerk kA. V 91N�11. 4 o e� ch • POMSbO� 1898 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: December 5, 1988 Subject: CDBG Funding for Handicapped Access Improvements to Edina Community Center. Recommendation: Agenda Item # III. E. 3. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA U] To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Set hearing date for December 19, 1988. INFO /BACKGROUND Hennepin County has approved our request to fund an elevator and handicapped restrooms at the Community Center. In order to fund the project we will need to transfer unused funds from other projects to this project. Notice of the hearing on December 19, 1988, will be published in the Sun - Current. 91;IA. •l � , REQUEST FOR PURCHASE '"titar.nu.••9 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF 5 000 DATE. December 2, 1988 AGENDA ITEM V • A ITEM DESCRIPTION: Park Shelter Buildings- Reconstruct Restrooms Companv Amount of Quote or Bid 1• Peak Construction 1 - $ 25,936 2• Met -Con Metro Inc. 3. 2• 32,618 James H. Dols Construction Co., Inc. 3. 4. 37,886 5. 4- 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: ,Peak Construction GENERAL INFORMATION: 25,936 Reconstructing Restrooms at Arneson Acres Historial and Garden Center and Pamela Park shelter building to handicap accessibility. Funds to come from Community Development Block Grant. The Recommended bid is within budget not within Park & Recreation Department Rosland, City W/din, fiance Director w9t %A.r� ° 'T, 0\' REQUEST FOR PURCHASE ''^tienmw�� °O axa TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.00 DATE: December 2, 1988 AGENDA ITEM v -ft, ITEM DESCRIPTION: Drilling & Construction of Municipal Well X619 Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. E. H. Renner & Sons 1. $128,284.00 2. Bergerson - Caswell 2. $144,644.00 3• Layne Minnesota Co. 3. $151,298.00 4• Keys Well Drilling 4. $155,734.00 5. 5. Engineers Estimate: $121,016.00 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: E. H. Renner & Sons $128,284.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project is the drilling of Well #19. This would be a new municipal well which would produce approximately 1,000 gallons per minute from the Jordan Aquifer. This portion of the project is for the drilling and construction followed by a bid to construct the well house and pump apparatus in a second bid. The price bid is a very good bid considering all the well projects current- ly underway. This project would be funded from the Utility Fund Sig ature The Recommended bid is within budget not within Public Works Department mennein Hosiana, uny Manager o e ch o H✓J `S L' �y REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and City Council From: Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation Dept. Date: December 2, 1988 Subject: Park Board Recommendati Recommendation: Agenda Item # VT . A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion RECOMMEND THAT GREENSFEES FOR THE SILVER ANNIVERSARY TOURNAMENT JULY 9, 1989, BE WAIVED. RECOMMEND APPROVAL ON A ONE -TIME BASIS DEKHOCKEY FOR THE 1989 SEASON AT LEWIS PARK. RECOMMEND THAT THE PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROCEED WITH DEMOLISHING THE PADDLE TENNIS COURTS. Info /Background: The Park Board discussion centered around the greensfees that were waived for the Centennial Golf Tournament scheduled to be played at the three Edina golf courses. There were not enough participants so it was felt that Braemar would not be a host of the Centennial Golf Tournament. Then the conversation centered around Braemar Golf Course's 25th anniversary and the possibility of having all the people in Edina who were not able to participate in the Centennial Tournament to meet at Braemar in 1989 for a Silver Anniversary Tournament. If the greensfees were waived, it would make a more attractive tournament for a whole City golfing activity again. - CONTINUED NEXT PAGE - The leasing discussion centered on the question does dekhockey fit the staff's suggested lease arrangement (Category Two of attachment). Since it did relate to their recommendation, it was suggested that each individual leasing arrangement be considered on how it fits into the lease policy, if adopted. Because of the time frame of dekhockey starting up in March, it was the recommendation of the Park Board that dekhockey meets the criteria in category two of the suggested leasing policy and the mission statement of the Park and Recreation Department and that we enter into a one -year trial period with the dekhockey operation. The paddle ball court has had annual repair since the time it was donated to us. Based on the Loss Control Report to Management from Home Insurance, the recommendation from staff was to demolish the paddle ball court immediately based on the small amount of use of the facility and the high liability to the city. We used the same criteria we do when playground equipment is removed immediately on the fact that it has become a liability to the city because of design or wear and tear. N EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 p.m. November 15, 1988 Edina City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Christianson, Jim'Fee, Mac Thayer, Jean Rydell, Bill Lord, Itti Furlong Don Wineberg, Andrew Montgomery, Bill Jenkins, Scott Johnson Bob Kojetin, John Keprios, John Valliere, Bill Bach, Stacey Kness Ray Vander Kelen, Braemar Golf Association Mr. Kojetin indicated the December 13, 1988, Park Board meeting will be a joint meeting with the City Council at 8:00 pm to discuss strategic planning. Mr. Christianson called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. I. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 11, 1988, MEETING MINUTES Jim Fee MOVED TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 11, 1988,' MINUTES. Jean Rydell seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. II. BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE Anniversary Tournament - Mr. Valliere indicated July 8, 1989, is the 25th anniversary of Braemar Golf Course. Mr. Valliere is proposing a double shotgun tournament with 144 people playing in the morning and 144 playing in the afternoon of Sunday, July 9. Mr. Valliere proposes that the tournament fee include costs of the event including prizes, food, and a dance. Mr. Valliere reminded the board the greensfees were waived for the Centennial Tournament which was not played. Mr. Valliere is proposing that the greensfees be waived for the Silver Anniversary'Tournament so all residents of Edina can participate. Mr. Kojetin indicated that the Braemar Golf Association would be the volunteer organization hosting the tournament. Bill Lord MOVED THAT GREENSFEES FOR THE SILVER ANNIVERSARY TOURNAMENT JULY 9, 1989, BE WAIVED. Mac Thayer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Executive Course Buildine - Mr. Kojetin reviewed the executive course building progress. Bids will be opened Thursday, November 17, for the executive course building. Mr. Valliere and Dan Dornseif spent a lot of time designing and studying the building layout. Plans have been picked up by 44 bidders which could make for a low bid. Mr. Valliere explained some of the specifications of the building. The upper level is 40' x 30' which will include storage for golf balls, a work area, public restrooms, and vending machines. There will also be a small waiting area for people coming to the executive course. A concern is that a building of that size could overpower the present clubhouse. The west side will have a small screened patio; the south side is the entrance; the north side will have an outside walk -up window for buying buckets of golf balls and paying executive course greensfees. There will be a storage area underneath for 20 - 22 golf cars. The building had to be elevated to accommodate golf car storage under it. It seems the bidding , contractors' main concern has been the poor soil condition. The long range plan was estimated for $200,000 plus $50,000 for additional space for golf car storage,.but now the two are incorporated. The building will be closed November through March, so the outside of the new building will be protected from vandalism for the months it is closed. March 15 is the recommended completion date. - 1 - Progress Report on New Tee Layout - Mr. Valliere indicated plans for tee improvement. The plan is to enlarge and reconstruct three to four tees per year over a period of about seven to eight years for completion and to design some type of layout continuity i.e. benches, ball washers, and signs for hole information and layout which will be considered on all of the tees at Braemar. The present tees are not large enough to meet traffic needs and should be re- designed. The cost could be $4,000 to $6,000 per tee. Mr. Christianson asked if we are better off putting money into things that make it nicer to play. Mr. Kojetin said most of the money will be going into the repair and construction of new tees which would address that issue. Mr. Lord said the only negative comments he has heard from people is on the condition of the tees.. He thinks controlling access to the tees will improve the course greatly. New Nine Hole Course - Mr. Kojetin indicated that the new nine hole is progressing slowly because the layout at the present time consists mostly within the low, southern, swampy area of the park. We have had various plans and are now working on the layout consisting of more of the area in the high ground on the east side of the park and also the area of the soccer field. This would include minimum usage of the layout within the low swampy land. This would be more conducive to the Watershed District and the Corps of Engineers in approving the overall plan of the new nine holes. Mr. Kojetin indicated on a plan some of the different alternatives that have been looked at. IV. LEASING /RENTING POLICY Mr. Keprios handed out a memo that was discussed by the park staff and then discussed some leasing /renting guidelines with the Park Board. (See attached.) Mr. Christianson confirmed that "renting" is a one -time action and "leasing" is a long term action. It was asked if Arneson Acres is considered an enterprise facility. Mr. Christianson said we can decide whether or not a facility [Arneson Acres] can be an enterprise facility and can rent or lease to a church. Mrs. Furlong asked if it seems like Arneson Acres can generate revenue needed for other areas, would it ever become an enterprise facility? Mr. Kojetin said in a sense, Arneson Acres is rented by the Historical Society and Garden Council. Mr. Keprios then referred to the recommendation of last month of leasing Lewis Park for Dekhockey. Mr. Keprios considers Dekhockey as one of the activities that can be classified as a recreational activity in the staff's report. Dekhockey is the type of good community recreational activity that we could lease the facility and generate income from since it would be very difficult with the size of the park staff to add this activity to the administration of the park department. Mr. Christianson asked other than Dekhockey, are there any other items pending adoption of a policy? Mr. Kojetin indicated at present he does not know of any other pending item. Mr. Lord recommended each request be analyzed first by the staff and then recommended to the Park Board. Jean Rydell MOVED TO ADOPT THE POLICIES AS WRITTEN BY THE STAFF. There was no second and no vote. Bill Lord MOVED TO APPROVE ON A ONE -TIME BASIS DEKHOCKEY FOR THE 1989 SEASON AT LEWIS PARK. Mac Thayer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Christianson asked board members to review the written guidelines and prepare to act on a policy in January. He asked Mr. Keprios to specify in Category 3 which facilities are enterprise facilities. - 2 - V. HISTORICAL MUSEUM UPDATE Mr. Kojetin gave an update on the establishment of the historical museum as proposed as the lasting memorial for the Centennial. Mr. Kojetin had requested that the Centennial Commission give approval to proceed with the next design phase of the museum so plans could be ready by the December 30 Centennial event. It will cost approximately $5,000 for the next phase plan design. The Centennial Commission gave its approval of the $5,000 expenditure for the design phase. VI. - SENIOR CENTER UPDATE Mrs. Rydell gave"a report of the Senior Center Research Committee which has finalized its recommendation to move to the West Community Room in the Community Center building. Because of the immediate decision to get operations going, it was recommended that December 27 be the .moving date of the Senior Center to the Community Center. Congregate dining will have its last dinner on December 23 and will not start its new program at the Community Center until February 6, 1989. There are still some plans to be completed on congregate dining. A handicap accessible elevator will be placed in the building with funds provided by the Community Development Block Grant. It is also recommended that the Senior Center remain at the Community Center until such time as a new facility can be considered. Sue Weigle's office will be located in one of the three offices in the West Community Room. The City will have to do some minor alterations to install doorways into the West Community Room before the move can be made. Mr. Kojetin stated the next step is to inform the seniors by creating a brochure giving the specifics of the move, time table, location, and specifics of the new center. Mr. Kojetin also said that he is working with the Health Department on the kitchen facility, and the elevator must be under contract before December 31, 1988, to use grant money from 1988 for the elevator and handicap bathrooms. The Community Center Board has given its approval, and the School Board is also making their recommendation for approval. Mr. Kojetin recommended.that we proceed with this recommendation to the Council for final approval with the understanding that we are in the process of working out a contract with the School District. Mrs. Weigle said we are trying to ward off as many problems as possible such as parking. We are trying to work with the School District on a bus route to get the seniors to and from the center. Mr. Weigle stated we can work with Community Education but we don't want people to think we are part of Community Education; we are part of the City and the Park and Recreation Department. VII. OTHER Mr. Keprios mentioned 17 windows were vandalized at the Arneson Acres greenhouse. Mr. Kojetin indicated Centennial Lakes is in Phase I which is grading. He said a Park Board member should be appointed to sit on the designing board in the next month or two. It has come to the attention of the Park Department that the paddle ball court has lived its life and at this time is very expensive to repair for the amount of usage it receives. We have received a recommendation from the insurance company to either demolish it or completely build a new one. Mr. Valliere estimates people use it about twice a week on winter evenings. Mr. Kojetin stated it would cost about $20,000 to rebuild the paddle court, and it would have to be moved when the new nine hole course is constructed. - 3 - Jim Fee MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROCEED WITH DEMOLISHING,THE PADDLE TENNIS COURTS. Jean Rydell seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. VIII.ADJOURNMENT Jean Rydell MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:55 PM. Jim Fee seconded the motion. MOTION . CARRIED. ITEMS FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL Bill Lord MOVED'THAT GREENSFEES FOR THE SILVER ANNIVERSARY TOURNAMENT JULY 9, 1989, BE WAIVED. Mac Thayer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Bill Lord MOVED TO APPROVE ON A ONE -TIME BASIS DEKHOCKEY FOR THE 1989 SEASON AT LEWIS PARK. Mac Thayer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Jim Fee MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROCEED WITH DEMOLISHING THE PADDLE TENNIS COURTS. Jean Rydell seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. - 4 - RENTING /LEASING PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FACILITIES When individuals, groups, or organizations make a request to rent or lease municipally -owned Edina Park and Recreation Department facilities, there are several, issues and questions that need to be addressed. The first question to be answered is whether or not the activity is in keeping.with the Edina Park Board's and Edina Park and Recreation Department's mission statements. More specifically, the requested activity must be in keeping with that particular facility's mission statement and /or policies as set by the Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department. To begin with, there are basically three categories of facilities in the Edina Park and Recreation Department: 1. Park facilities that are designed exclusively to be open to the public for the public good and not available for rent. Examples: g p playground equipment areas, various tennis courts, certain picnic areas, open space parkland, park benches, etc. 2. Park facilities that are designed to be open to the public and /or civic groups with an option to rent for organized exclusive use. Examples: Cornelia Park shelter building, picnic areas, ballfields, Arneson Acres facilities, warming houses, Grange Hall, Cahill School building, and the like. 3. Enterprise facilities that are designed to collect a fee or charge to use that particular facility and is also available for exclusive use rentals. Examples: Edina's six enterprise facilities. Each enterprise facility has its own mission statement, all of which are almost identical in nature with the exception of V Edinborough Park which is a unique multi -use facility that falls into both category two and three. Each enterprise facility also has its own facility rental policies that are unique to that particular facility in accordance with their mission statements. Renting of park facilities is not new; however, there are increasing requests for renting park facilities in Category two. Because Category two facilities were not designed - exclusively for rent, there are several issues or questions that must be addressed with every request, such as: - What depreciation impact will the activity have on the facility and /or equipment? Will the elimination of public access to the facility during this rental be an / acceptable level? - Will the dollars collected in rent be worthy of the expenses incurred? - Will the activity have an impact on the environmental surrounding (positive or negative)? In other words, will the neighbors and /or general public view this activity as a nuisance? - Will the City of Edina.be held liable for any of these activities? - Is this activity a worthwhile risk? - Is the individual, group, or organization Edina based /Edina taxpayers? Is the rental in keeping with the individual facility's policies? In other words, each rental request in category two (2) must be judged on its own merit. The issue of leasing park facilities brings about new questions. The recommendation of the Edina Park and Recreation Department staff is that a request to lease park facilities must successfully meet all criteria for Category 2 facilities but first must meet one primary criteria: Is the requested use one that is in keeping with the Edina Park and Recreation Department's mission statement? Is the proposed activity one that: 1. the Edina Park and Recreation Department would like to offer to Edina residents but is currently unable to due to lack of available resources ? - 2. will have a positive impact on the total park and recreation program? 4 3. will likely be a successful recreation program? In short, leasing of park facilities is only viable when the requested activity is a recreation - related activity that the Edina Park and Recreation Department would otherwise offer itself if given adequate resources. I A. �1 o e � A �� \NroRppM��O� �B6e REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and City Council From: Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation Dept. Date: December 2, 1988 Subject: Senior Center Research- Committee Recommendations Recommendation: Agenda Item # VI. B Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Accept the recommendation of the Senior Center Research Committee that we enter into a contract with the Edina School District and temporarily relocate the Senior Center to the Community Center on December 27. The recommendation of the Senior Center Research Committee has been accepted by the Park Board. Info /Background: The Senior Center Research Committee has been meeting since July 5 to consider alternative locations for the Senior Center (minutes attached.) The Senior Center Research Committee makes the following findings and recommendations: I. TEMPORARILY RELOCATE THE SENIOR CENTER TO THE COMMUNITY CENTER The Committee looked at Vernon Terrace, office /warehouse space in southeast Edina, office space in the Southdale area, Edinborough Park Senior Plaza building, a Montessori School facility, Edina elementary schools, Edina churches, and the Community Center. The Community Center offered the most suitable space and facilities available at the present time. Recommend that the City of Edina enter into an agreement with the School District for five years with all fees for rental and use of the facility waived. The City would contract with the School District for janitorial services in the West Community Room based on need of clean -up during each day at the janitorial rate of the School District. - CONTINUED NEXT PAGE - i II. CONTRACT WITH VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA FOR CONGREGATE DINING The Committee recommends that we enter into a contract for one year with the . Volunteers of America to provide the congregate dining program. The City cost for this program is estimated to be $4,000 based upon the following arrangement: Volunteers of America would enter into a contract with Salaam Catering, who are presently located in the Community Center. Salaam would prepare the meal at a cost of $2.50 per meal. Volunteers of America would pay $2 per meal, and the City would contribute 50 cents per meal. Under the agreement, Salaam Catering would heat all of the food and bring it to the third floor boardroom where the Volunteers of America would serve the food to the seniors. Volunteers of America presently estimates a total of 50 meals daily. However, if this number reaches 90 to 100 meals per day, Volunteers of America would then resume the operation of congregate dining 100 percent, and would pay the full cost of the program. We have investigated the possibility of the Volunteers of America using the kitchen and doing all preparation on the third floor boardroom, but the present equipment is not adequate to prepare food and would have to be reconstructed at a cost of at least $15,000. III. IMPROVE ACCESS TO, SOUND PROOFING OF, AND AIR CONDITIONING FOR THE WEST COMMUNITY ROOM The Committee recommends that we install doors into the present office to make an entrance to the West Community Room and install walls for better sound proofing in the West Community Room. Air conditioning is also recommended. Total cost estimated at $25,000. IV. INSTALL A HANDICAPPED ELEVATOR AND HANDICAPPED RESTROOM FACILITIES The Committee recommends the City should proceed to transfer Community Development Block Grant funds to fund handicapped improvements. Agreement will be made among City, County, and School District to facilitate construction. The City should schedule hearings for December 19 for the transfer of CDBG funds. We presently estimate handicapped accessibility improvements to cost $115,000. V. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED COSTS 1989 Expenses - Facility Improvements $ 25,000 Congregate Dining 4,000 Handicapped Accessibility 115.000 $144,000 Revenues City Operating Budget $ 29,000 CDBG 115,000 The City provided $50,000 in the 1989 contingency budget for the Senior Center. SENIOR CENTER RESEARCH COMMITTEE Notes from July 5, 1988, Meeting Present: Glenn Smith, Bob Kojetin, Sue Weigle, Bob Kelly, Jean Rydell The present Senior - Center has 8500 -9000 square feet. A minimum of 9000 square feet is required. Congregate dining requires a kitchen area and moveable tables. If the Senior Center is in a mixed use area, something will have to be done to table set -up. About 100 seniors use congregate dining. Other activities of the Senior Center besides congregate dining: entertainment, group meetings, classes, free time, recreation, meeting area, reading, visiting, pool tables. The Senior Center's population is 1500. The average age is 75. Sue asked how people would get inside the Community Center building and about parking; most people drive to the Senior Center. It was suggested that Sue survey the Senior Center members as to their needs, desires, and how they get to the Center. Jean Rydell suggested looking at churches to see what their availability would be. Mr. Kojetin can get a list of all the places in the City that have kitchens. Mr. Smith asked if some senior activities could be held in the elementary schools. South View School would seem to meet the immediate needs of the Senior Center. Sue is concerned about who would do the programming since the Senior Center is much more than congregate dining. ** The next meeting will be at the Senior Center, 7151 York Avenue South, on Wednesday, July 13, 4 :00 p.m. •m•d 00 :7 IV '61 CTnf ',Kupsans uo 2uliaam elgissod P ao3 uosugof 2nou ioujuoa pZnoM au piss uiiefox qog •sai4zliOPJ JOIUOD .CliunmmoO aqq go anol P ansq 01 uosugof 2noa gjTm jaam of aajuaO XiTunmmoO aqq IV aq pZnoM 2ullaam jxau ano gsgq papTOap sum 1I 09 Xq gaaj OZ KT9jvmixoaddv aouds P saxsj gaigM 2uiuip ajP2aa2uo3 aoj do jas aaaM salgPq eq:l aaagm uaas agl IV paxool OM •aaquaO aotueS aql IOU pup uuipg go XgTD agj Xq peuMo eaP aaquaO aoiues agj* uTgITM xuzs quamgapdmoo eaagq aqq pup 's9no4s 'aoluaa2zajaa aqq 2uipnlOul seanlxi3 agl 90 ZIP apgq pauasal pup XITTTDPj eqj paanol aM •qno papuuq sPM salIinlgOP aql IIP JO 2uilsil y •XPp Ipmaou u 2uzanp san000 1pgM PUP aalueo aoTues eqq 3P mua2oad aqq passnosip el2T9M anS •2uzagas goango P uigjTm Injss000ns uaaq qou spq IT pup 'sigj paial anpq speaP aegjo qugq paasoipui al2TOM ans •szspq snonuiluoo u uo iou ing amiq of emit moat pasn aq pinoo jugq uaap up sZ goango y •xaaM age inog2noagq saTITAijop Iuea93jip aoj pasn eau sagoango ui spaau asodand IPa9ue2 Isom asnuoaq dnoa2 aoivas P aoj samz2 IIu Is apisP has moon s anpq oI sagoango ag:l,3o amos a0J :lInoijjtp sum IT gpgq suM 2uilaaJ aqs •saililiOuJ goango go asn egq uo pleg sPM uoissno;ip y •gounl anpq pup Ioogas Xapluamala Kuu OIUT 02 04 elgi2il9 si aoivas P mua2oad Ioogos P aapun 'sloogos Kauluamala aqa ui gounl 0:1 02 ao aqudioiiapd of axtl pZnoM saoiues j1 �Pgq paqPOipul oslP aqS msa2oad u go puix sigq ul aqudzoiaasd of qou popuammooaa XTg2ig oxmea -saw 'aouaiaadxa gsud aaq uo espg 'ONTIpdmoo uaaq qou spq samil 2ueaaJJjp IV uana 2uipjznq emus eqj ul 2ui1eem saoiues pup spjx 2unoX jugj smeas jI •Injssaoonsun uaaq spq qnq ueaP uuIilodoajam aqq ui paiaa uaaq spq loogos XJRIUemala up uigITM msa2oad aoivas s OIRUlpaooO 01 2UTXII jugj paIPOipui oxmau -saw •sloogos XJPluamela ui 2uiuip 9gP2aa2uoO 30 seililigissod pessnosip pus dnoa2 2uiuip eau2aa2uoo eqj g2TM sxaoM oqM oxmea -saw moat IIPO P panlaoea ui3afox qog •sloogos XJv3u9m9le Is S913TTTOPJ 2ulsn saoluas uo.plaq sPM uoissnosTa sulpg 'ginoS anuany xao2� IS1L 'JOIUOD aoluaS Puipg egl Is 19W •m•d 00:7 886,1 'ET JCinf 3311INWOO HO2MSHII IIBZH30 'IOMS SENIOR CENTER RESEARCH COMMITTEE July 20, 1988 The Committee met at the Edina Community Center with Doug Johnson.- We toured the building and looked at areas at the Community Center. After evaluating all of the areas it was determined- that -a possible and logical place for the Edina Senior Center would be the hallway in front of the lunchroom. A dividing .wall could be constructed in the hallway at the two ends with a small office. This total area could be approximately 30' x 100' which could be used. Also a partition could be constructed in the lunchroom so the northwest corner could be used separately from the other lunchroom for congregate dining. Different topics were discussed and individuals were assigned further investigation. Glenn Smith would investigate the possibility of using the Vernon Terrace Condominium on Vernon Avenue. Bob Kojetin would investigate the possibility of obtaining handicap money from the City to construct an elevator on the northwest corner in the stairwell. Sue Weigle would try to find a count on the number of cars being used by the seniors. It was a possibility that maybe the Foundation could contribute to the purchase of doors for the partition in the hallway. The Vo Tech School could possibly do the wall construction. Other questions that came up of possibilities: the senior building would probably be used from 9 am to 4 pm with the possibility that the room would be used for other activities in the evening. The first floor of the Community Center is exclusively used for child care and other special groups that have been mandated by the State that must be on the first floor of.a facility. It was suggested that South View Junior High be used. It was decided that this facility is using all possible space and would be a poor mix for the seniors even though it had a good entrance from the outside. The Valley View Junior High actually has more room available, possibly seven rooms, but very difficult access from the outside. If the Senior Center moved to the Community Center,. it-is a possibility that more bus service would have.to be used to bus seniors from the Southdale area to the Community Center whereas now many of the seniors can walk to the present Senior Center location. Maybe school busses could be used during mid -day to help transport seniors. The possibility of using the kindergarten ramp for access to the second floor of the Community Center could give another access besides the proposed elevator. At present approximately 1000 kids use the Community Center lunchroom between 11 am and 1 pm. I PROGRESS REPORT ON SENIOR CENTER RELOCATION At this time I would like to inform you that a possibility for additional funding could occur for a proposal for a new senior center location. A research committee has been meeting for the past four weeks and will continue to meet once a week until a solution has ieen reached and a proposal has been submitted to the Park Board. This information should bring you up to date as to where we are. The first challenge that we are working with is to have some immediate temporary solution as of January 1, 1989, for a senior center location. The following considerations have been discussed: Elementary Schools - It was recommended from other communities and from congregate dining that the compatibility of "seniors in an elementary school has not worked. It has been tried in other communities and has failed. Discussion was to eliminate this as a possibility. Churches - Churches have been used in other communities but have not been a total solution because it is very difficult for a church to give up use of a large room exclusively for a senior program for any length of time. It has worked in some communities on a part -time basis, but the church cannot give up this large space since they are also in need of large areas and it would have to be a type of mixed use with the congregation and the seniors. Discussion was to eliminate this as a possibility.. South View Junior High - Discussion was held to use the southeast entrance to the school off the parking lot which enters directly into the lunchroom and possibly to rooms on the west hallway from the cafeteria. This would be difficult for the school because of the higher usage of parts of this building for other school activities. Although it has an excellent access from the parking lot, we felt it would not be compatible for seniors. Valley View Junior High - This school was considered because it has seven rooms available for some other type of activity. The location of the rooms, the difficult access to the building, and a long walk from the parking lot to the facility created problems for seniors. Discussion was to eliminate this as a possibility. dina Community Center - A tour of this facility showed a possibility was promising that ,with minimum construction work, it could possibly happen. The location would be the second floor hallway outside the present cafeteria. Walls could be constructed on each end of the hallway and an interior office could be constructed. This room would be approximately 30'x100' in size. A divider could also be constructed in the�northwes•t corner of the cafeteria between the seniors and the present users, the child care center, in the cafeteria. The present use in the cafeteria is approximately 1000 kids per day for lunch. There would definitely have to be an elevator constructed in the northwest corner of the Community Center to have access to the second floor. The City of Edina's handicap funding is eligible to be used for this application. Also a new parking lot area would have to be adjacent to this entrance with approximately 30 parking spaces. Discussion was to continue investigation into this possibility. Vernon Terrace Condominiums - The committee toured this facility July 26. It seems to be a good possibility for a temporary location. The dining room holds approximately 75 people for lunch. The apartment serves breakfast and dinner, not lunch, for its residents, so this would lend itself excellent to congregate dining. The room could also be used before and after lunch. Other rooms are available for other types of senior activities. There are storerooms in the lower level accessible by elevator which could be adapted and used with a minimal type of painting and floor treatment. Investigation is to continue on this with the owner. There is a positive response from the manager and probably temporary or immediate cost of use is being investigated. Edinborough /Hedberg - Has not been considered at this item for an immediate use. Looking at the long range, this is probably the ultimate spot that the senior center should be located. No recommendation has been made at the present time. At the present time, I cannot give you any projected cost of a new location for the senior inter. Things that could occur would be construction cost of walls at the present ,ommunity Center. There may be some cost that could occur to refinish the storerooms at ,i,• the Vernon Terrace Condominiums. A gut reaction would be that we are looking probably at a $10,000 - $25,000 capital expenditure to consider either the Community Center or Vernon Terrace Condominiums as a possible future temporary location for the senior center program. SPACE NEEDED FOR THE SENIOR PROGRAM September 7, 1988 1. Congregate Dining: Space for approximately 90 people for noon lunch. " 2. Refrigerator space, oven space, counter space, and storage space in the kitchen for noon meal preparation. 3. Present congregate dining under contract with the Volunteers of America. 4. Large meeting space for approximately 200 people. 5. Office space for one program coordinator. 6. Telephone service for congregate dining and office area. 7. The privilege of working with rooms on a reserved basis for specialized programs throughout the week. 8. Area will not be used on Saturdays or Sundays with some evening activities on a rare occasion for special events. Time in the building: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 9. Presently the senior center owns its own refrigerator, oven, freezer, tables and chairs for 200 people, and all office equipment. 10. Possibility of contracting janitorial services for cleaning. 11. Presently the Senior Center has about 10,000 square feet. Looking for this as a temporary or permanent location. M E M O R A N D U M TO: Senior Center Research Committee FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Meeting with Edina School District about the West Community Room at the Edina Community Center DATE: September 30, 1988 Since our last meeting, I have continued to investigate the possibility of the West Community Room at the Edina Community Center. A meeting was held in Mr. Rosland's office to further discuss the probability of the West Community Room with Mr. Ray Smyth, Mr. Jim Hammond, Mr. Doug Johnson, and Mr. Bob Kojetin. The discussion was focused around the West Community room and its possibility of being used for the Senior Center. It was a positive discussion, and it was suggested that we continue to proceed with the recommendation. It was also suggested that we further investigate the elevator and to consider thinking of a type of lease arrangement that could be made between the City of Edina and the Edina School District. Topics that were brought up and discussed were the $90,000 - $110,000 probable cost for the elevator which was a cost figure from Clark Engler, the School District architect; revamping of the two restroom facilities on the third floor to handicapped facilities; parking on the north side along the street of the Community Center or other possibilities of parking within the Community Center area and its probable cost; the cost for air conditioning for the third floor north end of the building or the exact cost to air condition the West Community Room. At the present time, I am working closely with the funding for the elevator and am working with the County and the Planning Department to start the feasibility planning for construction on an elevator and the handicapped restrooms. As the meeting ended, we both understood that a final commitment on this project could not be.finalized until after October 18. It was decided we would continue working toward use of the West Community Room as a location for the Senior Center. SENIOR CENTER RESEARCH COMMITTEE November 8, 1988 4:30 p.m. Edina City Hall A sub - committee of the Senior Center Research Committee met on November 8, 1988. Bob Kojetin, Bob Kelly, and Sue Weigle attended. Mr. Kojetin announced the official confirmation of the Edina Senior Center placement at the Edina Community Center will be made on Thursday, November 10, at the Community Center Service Board meeting. The contract regarding terms of the City /Community Center responsibilities has not been totally worked out but will be shortly. The City's first goal will be to install an elevator in the northwest corner of the Community Center. Meetings have been going on regularly to work out the purchase of an elevator. The entire community Center will be designated a handicap access building so a full grant can be made. The buildings is being surveyed at the present time. The official moving date to the Community Center will be Tuesday, December 27. As much preparation will be done prior to moving as possible. Tom Nelson will be contacted to do a site drawing of the third floor location including the main Senior Center room, rest rooms, elevator (both the new elevator and the freight elevator), proposed congregate dining site, door use, parking, and roadways leading to the Center. This will be included in a brochure that will be sent to current Senior Center members. It will also include plans for upcoming and on -going activities planned for the Center. Mr. Kojetin will make a presentation at the Congregate Dining Thanksgiving dinner. He feels it will be good to make a verbal presentation before the brochures are sent out. He will also have the opportunity to answer questions. Sue Weigle will make similar presentations at the AARP Board meeting, the AARP November meeting, and the Senior Center Birthday Celebration. Sue will call Joanne Demko from Volunteers of America regarding stopping and starting the Congregate Dining program. She will ask V.O.A. to submit plans for refurbishing the board room kitchen and if they would want to contract with the present food program already in place at the Community Center. Mr. Kojetin investigated the Montessori School on Barrie Road owned by Marsh Evenson. The facility rents for $9 per square foot with 19,000 square feet available. Subjects to discuss at the meeting with Doug Johnson include: whose chairs whose tables leasing room after hours phones - direct number Community Resource Room noise factor contract for bus driver The Senior Center Research Committee report will be on the agenda for the November 15, 1988, Park Board meeting. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. SENIOR CENTER RESEARCH COMMITTEE November 15, 1988 Present: Bob Kojetin, Sue Weigle, Jean Rydell, Bob Kelly, Doug Johnson Movinj_r_Date: December 27, 1988., was confirmed with Mr. Johnson as the start date for the move. Congregate Dinin Congregate dining will have its last dinner December 23 and will resume February 6, 1989. Mr. Kojetin suggested some sort of open house February 1 before the actual beginning of the congregate dining again. Sue will confirm this before the brochures are printed. She has set up a meeting with Tom Nelson to work on the brochures. Mr. Johnson asked about the times the board room and kitchen would be needed for congregate dining. Sue said they would need the kitchen from 9am - 2:30pm. Mr. Johnson said the hallway could be used as overflow without noise being a factor. Kitchen: Health Department recommendations for the kitchen area: Cover area with individual counters. Use current three - compartment sink. Buy convection oven. Storage for paper, plastics, etc. Doug Johnson will check on boardroom storage for the paper products. Mr. Kojetin will set up a meeting with Colleen (Health Department), Mr. Johnson, and Sue to further discuss the kitchen. Sue's Office: Sue would like a door facing to the west. Mr. Johnson suggested knocking out a wall to enlarge her office. It could be ready within two to three weeks. Mr. Kojetin indicated that the City had included $50,000 in the capital improvement budge for the Senior Center move. This money could be recommended for improvements to Sue's office for doorways and other improvements to the community room. Also, money could possibly be allocated for kitchen appliances. The money for the elevator and handicap bathrooms, which is anticipated to cost around $100,000 to $120,000, will be paid by Community Development Block Grant funds. The elevator should be under contract by December 31, 1988, to use the available 1988 funds. Mr. Kojetin will speak with Clark Engler and have him start on the elevator specifications. The Edina School District administration offices have now been approved to move to the second floor lunchroom area at which time consideration for air conditioning could be included in the third floor community room area. There is also a possibility that the City could enter into an agreement with the School District to share some of the cost for air conditioning the west community room and could be added into the overall contract between the Senior Center and the School District. Buses: Mr. Kojetin will-talk with Jim Hamann about contracting with a janitor to do a noon run from Xerxes to York and north on York to make a loop like a school bus with five or six stops. He will also discuss sharing the telephone in the boardroom to be used for congregate dining. Mr. Johnson asked about seniors using the paratransit system. Sue indicated it costs $1 each way for paratransit which is $2 plus the suggested meal donation of $1.25 for a total of $3.25 each day. Sue said the seniors are concerned that if they have to pay $3.25 for congregate dining, they might as well stay at 7151 York or their own senior facility and have a meal for about $5. Miscellaneous Comments: All moveable items at the Senior Center belongs to the City. Two pool tables will be moved into the area where the coat racks are. Sue will check into some type of locking cover for the pool tables. Sound is not a problem. Sue will order three phones. Bob Kelly mentioned that AARP would like to donate something to give them a feeling that "this is ours ". Sue suggested a portable white board or bulletin board. Programmin Sue has spoken with Maureen from the Community Center and has worked out classes to begin January 17. She has also met with the woodworking group and discussed a whittling program for Tuesdays from 1pm - 3pm. Sue has set up free tax assistance for February through April. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # VI.D. From: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: DECEMBER 2, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: FEES AND CHARGES - 1989 E To Council Action ❑ Motion M Resolution 0 Ordinance Recommendation: Adoption of the following: 1. Resolution setting Park & Recreation Department Fees and Charges 2. Resolution setting Ambulance Fees 3. Amendment to Ordinance No. 171, with waiver of Second Reading. Info /Background: Attached are the the following: 1. Resolution setting Park & Recreation Department Fees, together with background information for previous years. Figures in bold type are increases in 1989. 2. Resolution setting Ambulance Service Fees. 3. Ordinance No. 171 -A18 To Increase or Decrease Certain Fees. The fee amounts all represent increases with the exception Fee No. 36a for Sunday intoxicating liquor sale license (Clubs only) which by statute cannot exceed $200.00 per annum. The revenues projected in the Budget for 1989 which was adopted in September were based on the fee increases as proposed. I would recommend adoption of the increases as listed. Agenda Item VI.D.1 RESOLUTION SETTING PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEES AND CHARGES FOR 1989 BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the following Fees and Charges for the year 1989, as submitted by the Park Board, be approved: Park and Recreation Playground $ 8.00 T -Ball $22.00 Aquatic Instruction 22.00 Tennis Instruction 22.00 Art Center Memberships: Class Fees: (8 weeks) Family 35.00 Adult Member 65.00 Individual 25.00 Adult Non - Member 72.00 Child Member 40.00 Art Center Rental 75.00 /group Child Non - Member 44.00 Arena Single Hour Rate Late Night (midnight or later) Open Skating (Youth & Adult) Skate Rental Skate Sharpening Summer Rental Pavilion Season Tickets (Effective 10/1/88) Resident Family Resident Individual Non - Resident Family Non - Resident Individual Classes (as of January 1, 1989) Pistol - 1/2 hour 25 Rounds Trap Building - per hour Season Tickets: Resident Family $48.00 Resident Individual 31.00 Non - Resident Family 54.00 Non - Resident Individual 36.00 Patron Cards: Individual Additional Family Member Computerized Handicaps: Resident Non - Resident Golf Cars: 18 Holes 9 Holes Group Golf Lessons: Adult Junior 50.00 45.00 11.00 15.00 Gun Ranee Pool (As of September) $ 85.00 70.00 2.50 1.06 1.50 500.00 /day Daily Admission: Adult and Youth Braemar Golf Course Lockers: Men's 72" Men's 42" Ladies' 72" Club Rental Pull Carts Golf Cars - Seniors: 18.00 18 Holes 9.50 9 Holes Golf Range: 45.00 Large Bucket 23.00 Small Bucket Warm Up Bucket $60.00 40.00 70.00 50.00 45.00 4.00 4.50 45.00 $2.50 33.00 22.00 14.00 5.00 1.75 15.50 8.50 3.75 2.50 1.00 Braemar Green Fees 18 Hole Non - Patron 13.50 Seniors: 18 Hole Patron 10.00 18 Hole Non - Patron 12.50 9 Hole Non - Patron 8.50 18 Hole Patron 9.00 9 Hole Patron 7.00 9 Hole Non - Patron 8.00 9 Hole Patron 6.50 Group Fees 17.00 Group Fees 9 Hole 10.00 Group Car Fees 23.00 Executive Course Green Fees Adult Non - Patron 6.25 Sr. & Jr. Non - Patron 5.25 Adult Patron 5.25 Sr. & Jr. Patron 4.25 Golf Car - everyone. 7.00 Pull Carts 1.75 Group Fee 7.00 Braemar Clubhouse Braemar Room: Night Rate Resident 450.00 Day Rate Resident 225.00 Night Rate Non -Res. 500.00 Day Rate Non -Res. 275.00 Edinborough Park Pool /Track /Skating: Daily Pass - Youth and Adult 2.50 Annual Pass - Individual 150.00 Annual Pass - Family 200.00 Lockers ,25 Towels .50 Skate Rental 1.25 Building Rental - Category #1 $150.00 day + City of Edina - Boards and Associations $12 /man hour for set -up and tear down Building Rental - Category #2 Edina based civic organizations including Edina Schools (per hour) Great Hall 125.00 Arena 50.00 Theatre 50.00 Pool 75.00 Grotto 25.00 Building Rental - Category #2 Edina based civic organizations including Edina Schools (exclusive use) Great Hall 500.00 Arena 100.00 Theatre 100.00 Grotto - 50.00 Building Rental - Category #3 Edina residents/business (per hour) Great Hall 300.00 Arena 75.00 Theatre 125.00 Pool 125.00 Grotto 60.00 Building Rental - Category #3 Edina residents/business (exclusive use) Great Hall Arena Theatre Pool Grotto Building Rental - Category #4 Non -Edina residents/business (per hour) Great Hall Arena Theatre Pool Grotto Building Rental - Category #4 Non -Edina residents/business (exclusive use) Great Hall Arena Theatre Pool Domestic Photography by Professional Photographer Grotto Great Hall mixed use Ice Rink & Great Hall Commercial Photography by Professional Photographer Grotto Theatre Great Hall Ice Rink Mixed Use Box Lunch Program: Catering Kitchen: (assessed for use Groups size over 200 Groups size over 300 Groups size over 500 Commercial Use: (trade shows, etc.) Exclusive all day use Miscellaneous Charges: Table Rental to Edina Park Plaza and Corporate Center East Children's Birthday Parties (limit Dance Floor set -up Mirror Ball of kitchen) 2 tables) 1,000.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 60.00 350.00 125.00 150.00 150.00 85.00 1,200.00 225.00 225.00 250.00 15.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 6.00 -10.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 2,000.00 5.00 /table 15.00 /table 50.00 20.00 Park Department Rentals Arneson Acres Terrace Room: $100 /day ($50 /1st hour, $25/hr after) Braemar Ballfields: $35/hr - no lights, $55/hr - with lights General Park Areas: $50/hr - commercial use (i.e. TV Commercials) Picnic Shelters:,_ $35 up to 50 people, $70 over 50 people (Lake Cornelia Park) Snowmobile: $600 /day Rental of Athletic Field: $30 /game, $50 /game with lights Portable Bleachers: $150 /day or $50/hr + delivery charge Recreational Picnic Equipment: Free usage Tupa Park: $125 /day Park and Recreation Activity Registration Refund Fee: $5.00 .! ` EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEES AND CHARGES OTHER THAN BY ORDINANCE PARK AND RECREATION 1989 1988 1987 1986 Playground ......................$ 8.00 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 $ 6.00 Aquatic Instruction ..............22.00 .1.50 21.00 20.00 18.00 T -Ball . ..........................22.00 Resident Family ................60.00 21.00 20.00 18.00 Tennis Instruction ...............22.00 70.00 21.00 20.00 18.00 ART CENTER Memberships Family.. .. ...............35.00 Individual ....................25.00 Class Fees (8 weeks) Adult Members ..................65.00 Adult Non - members .............. 72.00 Child Member ...................40.00 Child Non - Members ............ .44.00 Art Center Rental .................75.00 /group ARENA 35.00 Single Hour Rate (as of Sept) .... 85.00 Late Night (midnight or later) ... 70.00 Open Skating (Youth & Adult) ...... 2.50 Skate Rental ......................1.06 72.00 Skate Sharpen ................. .1.50 Summer Rental Pavilion ......... $500 /day Season Tickets (Eff. 10/1/88) 44.00 Resident Family ................60.00 38.00 Resident Individual ............ 40.00 Non Resident Family ............ 70.00 Non Resident Individual ........ 50.00 Classes (as of January 1, 1989).45.00 GUN RANGE Pistol 1/2 hour ................... 4.00 25 rounds trap .................... 4.50 Building - per hour ...............45.00 POOL Season Tickets Resident Family ................48.00 Resident Individual ............. 31.00 Non - resident Family ............ 54.00 Non - resident Individual ........ 36.00 Daily Admission Adult - - - -- Youth - - - -- Adult & Youth ...................2.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 65.00 60.00 48.00 72.00 66.00 56.00 40.00 40.00 32.00 44.00 44.00 38.00 45.00 /group 30.00 /group 80.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 60.00 55.00 2.50 2.25 2.25 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.50 1.50 1.50 $500 /day $500 /day 55.00 52.00 35.00 32.00 62.00 37.00 40.00 4.00 4.50 45.00 46.00 44.00 30.00 28.00 50.00 33.00 2.50 52.00 52.00 32.00 32.00 62.00 62.00 37.00 37.00 40.00 35.00 4.00 3.75 4.50 4.00 45.00 40.00 44.00 40.00 28.00 25.00 50.00 45.00 33.00 30.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 Figures in bold italics are proposed by Park Board from September 13, 1988. All figures in bold type are increases in 1989. e Patron Cards Additional Family Member....... 45.00 Individual .....................50.00 Computerized Handicaps........... Residents ......................11.00 Non - Residents ..................15.00 Lockers Men's 72 " ......................33.00 Men's 42 " ......................22.00 Ladies 72 " .....................14.00 Club Rental .......................5.00 Pull Carts ........................1.75 Golf Cars 18 holes .......................18.00 9 holes ........................9.50 Golf Cars - Seniors 18 holes .......................15.50 9 holes ........................8.50 Group Golf Lessons Adult ..........................45.00 Junior .........................23.00 Golf Range Large Bucket ....................3.75 Small Bucket ....................2.50 Warm Up Bucket ..................1.00 Green Fees 18 hole - non patron ........... 13.50 18 hole - patron ...............10.00 9 hole - non patron ............ 8.50 9 hole - patron ................7.00 Green Fees - Seniors 18 hole - non patron ........... 12.50 18 hole - patron .............. .9.00 9 hole - non patron ............. 8.00 9 hole - patron ................6.50 Group Fees .......................17.00 Group Fees 9 hole ................10.00 Group Car Fees ...................22.00 Executive Course Adult - non patron ..............6.25 Adult - patron ..................5.25 Sr. & Jr. - non patron .......... 5.25 Sr. & Jr. - patron ..............4.25 Golf Car - everyone .............7.00 Pull Carts ......................1.75 Group Fee .......................7.00 Braemar Room Night Rate - resident ......... 450.00 Night Rate - non resident..... 500.00 Day Rate - resident ........... 225.00 Day Rate - non resident ....... 275.00 GOLF COURSE 45.00 50.00 10.50 33.00 22.00 14.00 5.00 1.75 18.00 9.50 15.00 8.00 44.00 22.00 3.75 2.50 1.00 13.00 9.50 8.00 ;6.50 12.00 8.50 7.50 6.00 16.00 10.00 20.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 1.75 7.00 450.00 500.00 225.00 275.00 40.00 45.00 10.00 30.00 20.00 12.00 4.50 1.50 17.00 9.00 14.00 7.50 42.00 22.00 3.25 2.25 .75 12.00 9.00 8.00 6.00 11.00 8.00 7.00 5.50 15.00 W @I 6.00 5.00 5.00 4-.00 1.50 400.00 450.00 200.00 250.00 35.00 40.00 8.00 30.00 20.00 12.00 4.50 1.50 16.00 8.50 13.00 7.00 40.00 20.00 3.25 2.25 .75 11.50 8.50 7.00 5.50 10.50 7.50 6.50 5.00 14.00 18.00 All figures in bold type are increases in 1989. r L Building Rental - Category #2 Edina based civic organizations including Edina Schools (per hour) Great Hall .................125.00 100.00 Arena ...................... 50.00 40.00 Theatre .................... 50.00 40.00 Pool ....................... 75.00 60.00 Grotto ..................... 25.00 25.00 Building Rental - Category #2 Edina based civic organizations including Edina Schools (exclusive use) Great Hall .................500.00 475.00 Arena ......................100.00 75.00 Theatre ....................100.00 75.00 Grotto ..................... 50.00 50.00 Building Rental - Category #3 Edina residents/business (per hour) Great Hall ..................300.00 250.00 N/A ' Arena ........................75.00 60.00 50.00 Theatre .....................125.00 110.00 100.00 Pool ........................125.00 110.00 100.00 Grotto .......................60.00 60.00 50.00 Building Rental - Category #3 Edina residents/business (exclusive use) Great Hall ................1,000.00 800.00 Arena .......................150.00 150.00 Theatre .....................150.00 150.00 Pool ........................200.00 200.00 __Grotto ...................... 60.00 60.00 Building Rental - Category #4 Non -Edina residents/business (per hour) Great Hall .................350.00 300.00 Arena ......................125.00 85.00 Theatre ....................150.00 150.00 Pool .......................150.00 150.00 Grotto ..................... 85.00 85.00 All figures in bold type are increases in 1989. EDINBOROUGH Pool /Track /Skating Daily Pass - Youth & Adult...... 2.50 2.50 Annual Pass - Individual ...... 150.00 100.00 Annual Pass - Family .......... 200.00 150.00 Lockers ............................ .25 .25 Towels ............................ .50 .50 Skate Rental .. ...................1.25 1.25 Building Rental Category #1 - City of Edina - Boards and Associations ...... $150 /day + $125 /day + $12 /man/hr $12 per man/hour for for set -up and tear set -up and tear down down Building Rental - Category #2 Edina based civic organizations including Edina Schools (per hour) Great Hall .................125.00 100.00 Arena ...................... 50.00 40.00 Theatre .................... 50.00 40.00 Pool ....................... 75.00 60.00 Grotto ..................... 25.00 25.00 Building Rental - Category #2 Edina based civic organizations including Edina Schools (exclusive use) Great Hall .................500.00 475.00 Arena ......................100.00 75.00 Theatre ....................100.00 75.00 Grotto ..................... 50.00 50.00 Building Rental - Category #3 Edina residents/business (per hour) Great Hall ..................300.00 250.00 N/A ' Arena ........................75.00 60.00 50.00 Theatre .....................125.00 110.00 100.00 Pool ........................125.00 110.00 100.00 Grotto .......................60.00 60.00 50.00 Building Rental - Category #3 Edina residents/business (exclusive use) Great Hall ................1,000.00 800.00 Arena .......................150.00 150.00 Theatre .....................150.00 150.00 Pool ........................200.00 200.00 __Grotto ...................... 60.00 60.00 Building Rental - Category #4 Non -Edina residents/business (per hour) Great Hall .................350.00 300.00 Arena ......................125.00 85.00 Theatre ....................150.00 150.00 Pool .......................150.00 150.00 Grotto ..................... 85.00 85.00 All figures in bold type are increases in 1989. p: EDINBOROUGH (cont.) Building Rental - Category #4 Non -Edina residents/business (exclusive use) Great Hall ...............1,200.00 1,000.00 -`i Arena ......................225.00 200.00 Theatre ... ..................225.00 200.00 Pool .......................250.00 250.00 Domestic Photography by Professional Photographer Grotto........ ........... 15.00 15.00 Great Hall-mixed use....... 75.00 75.00 Ice Rink & Great Hall...... 100.00 100.00 Commercial Photography by Professional Photographer Grotto .....................150.00 150.00 Theatre ... .................200.00 200.00 Great Hall... ............300.00 300.00 Ice Rink ...................300.00 300.00 Mixed Use ..................500.00 500.00 Box Lunch Program ...:.........6.00 -10.00 6.00 -10.00 Catering Kitchen (assessed for use of kitchen) Group size over 200...........50.00 50.00 Group size over 300...........75.00 75.00 Group size over 500..........100.00 100.00 Commercial Use Trade Shows, etc. Exclusive all day use........ 2000.00 2000.00 Miscellaneous Charges Table Rental to Edina Park Plaza and Corporate Center East...... 5.00 /table Children's Birthday Parties..... 15.00 /table limit 2 tables Dance Floor set- up ..............50.00 Mirror Ball .....................20.00 5.00 /table 15.00 /table limit 2 tables 50.00 20.00 PARK DEPARTMENT RENTALS Arneson Acres Terrace Room: $100 /day ($50 /1st hour, $25/hr after) Braemar Ballfields: $35/hr - no lights $55/hr - with lights General Park Areas: $50 /hr - commercial use (i.e.,TV Commercials) Picnic Shelters: $35 up to 50 people $70 over 50 people (Lake Cornelia Park ) Showmobile: $600 /day Rental of Athletic Field: $30 /game $50 /game with lights Portable Bleachers: $150 /day or $50/hr. + Delivery Charge Recreational.Picnic Equipment - free usage Tupa Park $125 /day Park and Recreation Activity Registration Refund Fee: $5.00 All figures in bold type are increases in 1989. Agenda Item VI.D.2 RESOLUTION SETTING AMBULANCE FEES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following ambulance service fees: AMBULANCE FEES Service Level Fees for Ambulance Service, including medical treatment and /or transportation to a medical facility: Level I - On Scene Treatment $ 60.00 Specialized medical services performed at scene with no transport involved _Level II - Minor Care (BLS) 245.00 Vital Signs Splinting Bandaging, etc. Level III - Moderate Care (ALS) 295.00 I.V. Setups EKG Monitoring Spine immobilization _Level IV - Major Care 345.00 Level III plus any: Medications MAST (inflated) Additional manpower Mechanical extrication Level V - Cardiac Arrest 395.00 Level IV plus any: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Defibrillation Additional Charge for Transportation to Downtown Hospitals 60.00 Abbott /Northwestern, Minneapolis Children's Medical Center, Mt. Sinai, Fairview (Lutheran) Deaconess, Fairview Ridges Medical Center, Hennepin County Medical Center, Metropolitan Medical Center, Fairview/ St. Mary's, University of Minnesota, North Memorial Medical Center, Veterans' Administration Agenda Item VI.D.3 ORDINANCE NO. 171 -A28 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 171 TO INCREASE OR DECREASE CERTAIN FEES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. The amounts of the following described fee numbers of Schedule A to Ordinance No. 171 are amended to read as follows: ORD. SEC. NO. NO. PURPOSE OF FEE /CHARGE 201 5 Public Dance Permit 202 Bowling alley license 204 4 Bingo occasion, gambling device, raffle license 211 5 Machine or amusement device license 408 1 Building Code compliance inspection 434 27(f) Public or semi - public swimming pool license 434 28(F) Public or semi - public whirlpool bath or therapeutic swimming pool license 643 5 License to refill fire extinguishers 644 3(d) Permit fee for cleaning of commercial cooking ventilation system 645 4 Sprinkler permit fees: Number of Heads 1 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 25 26 - 50 AMOUNT $35.00 Business enterprise — $35.00 per annum plus $10.00 per lane Bona fide club - $5.00 per annum per lane $35.00 per annum FEE NO. $35.00 annually per establishment, plus $5.00 per machine /device for all machines /devices described in Section 1. $75.00 per hour with a minimum of $75.00 $250.00 per annum for each pool enclosed part or all of the year $135.00 per annum for each outdoor pool $55.00 per annum for each bath or pool 1 2a 2b 4 5a 5b 10 17a 17b 18 $15.00 per annum per person 22 to be licensed $35.00 for each permit $40.00 (minimum fee) $60.00 $60.00 for first ten plus $22.00 for each additional ten or fraction thereof $104.00 for first twenty -five plus $17.00 for each additional ten or fraction thereof 50 22. la 22. lb 22. lc 22.ld Ordinance No. 171 -A18 Page Two ORD. SEC. NO. NO. PURPOSE OF FEE /CHARGE AMOUNT FEE NO. 645 4 Sprinkler permit fees: Number of Heads 51 - 100 $155.00 for first fifty, plus 22.1e $11.00 for each additional ten or fraction thereof 101 - 200 $210.00 for first one hundred 22.1aa plus $9.00 for each additional ten or fraction thereof 201 plus $300.00 for first 200 plus 22.1bb $6.00 for each additional ten or fraction thereof 645 4 Fire pump installation $75.00 22.1f and associated hardware Standpipe installation $75.00 22.lg Each additional standpipe $5.00 22.1h 661 1 False fire alarm $175.00 for third and each 22a response fee subsequent response within one calendar year 731 5 Food establishment $345.00 per annum ($335 certified) 25a license plus $85.00 per annum for each additional facility Take out facility $230.00 per annum ($165 certified) 25al license Packaged food sales $110.00 per annum 25a2 license Food warehouse $50.00 per annum 25a3 license Catering food $345.00 per annum ($335 certified) 25a4 establishment plus $85.00 per annum for each license additional facility Itinerant food est- $50.00 per event 25b tablishment license Retail candy shop license $35.00 per annum 25c Readily perishable food $55.00 per annum 25d vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more readily $275.00 per annum 25e perishable food vehicles license Bakery food vehicle $50.00 per annum 25f license Catering food vehicle $130.00 per annum, plus $15.00 per 25g license annum for each additional vehicle Perishable food vehicle $55.00 per annum 25h license Fleet of 5 or more $275.00 per annum 25i perishable food vehicles license Ice vending machine $10.00 per annum for each machine 25k license dispensing packaged ice $20.00 per annum for all other ice machines Ordinance No. 171 -A28 Page Three ORD. SEC. NO. NO. PURPOSE OF FEE /CHARGE AMOUNT FEE NO. 761 3 License to operate a Hotels - $150.00 for 1 -50 rooms 27a hotel, lodging or and $1.00 per each room over 50 boarding house Lodging and boarding houses - 27b $55.00. per location 902 10 Sunday intoxicating liquor $200.00 per annum 36a sale license (Clubs only) 1101 1(a) Sewer Rental Charge: Single family dwellings, Based upon water usage during 37a townhouses, two - family winter quarter. (Three -month dwellings, apartment period falling between Nov. 1 buildings containing and March 1.) four or less dwelling units: To and including 1800 $20.50 per quarter cubic feet From 1801 cubic feet $1.15 per 100 cubic feet and over Apartment buildings with $88.50 plus $16.50 for each 37b more than four dwelling unit over four, or $1.15 per units hundred cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater Commercial and $23.00 per water meter or 37c industrial buildings, approved sewage metering device including schools and on premises, or $1.15 per hundred churches cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater 1111 3(A) Water service 1. 40 cents per 100 cubic feet 39a for areas of City except areas described in 2 and 3 1111 3(b) Minimum charge of $6.00 per 39d quarter will be made where water consumption amounts to less than 1800 cubic feet 1301 6 Garbage hauler license $75.00.'per annum first vehicle, 41 $30.00 for each additional vehicle 1303 5 Solicitor's permit $35.00 per annum 43 1331 3 Taxicab drivers license $35.00 per annum 46 1361 1 False alarm response'fee $75.00 for the third and each 48 subsequent response 1432 4 Taxicab license $35.00 per annum for each vehicle 49 Ordinance No. 171 -A28 Page Four Sec. 2. Following publication, the effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 1, 1989. First Reading: December 5, 1988 Second Reading: Waived Published in the Edina Sun - Current on December 14, 1988 ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor Departmentmministration Fees and Charges Study Ordinance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 902 Sunday (Clubs Only) $ 200.00 per annum Staff time of Clerk, Police and Health Departments in issuance of license intoxicating liquor and regulatory enforcement. Includes background checks on applicants license (20 minutes per applicant), police management (15 minutes per applicant), inspection of Liquor /storage /service areas 4 times per year (2 to 3 hours per year by technical management personnel), and clerical /clerk time (1+ hours). 902 Intoxicating liquor $ 1,400.00 per annum Staff time of Clerk, Police and Health Departments in issuance of license, on -sale license and regulatory enforcement. Includes background checks on applicants (20 minutes per name checked), police management (15 minutes per applicant), inspection of liquor storage /service area four times per year (2 -3 hours per year by technical management personnel) and clerical /clerk time (2 hours). 902 Non - intoxicating malt liquor $ 220.00 per annnum Staff time of Clerk, Police, and Health departments in issuance of license on -sale license for new license regulatory enforcement. Includes background checks on applicants (20 $ 165.00 per annum minutes per name checked), police management (15 minutes per application), for renewal inspection of liquor storage /service area 4 times per year (1 -2 hours per year by technical management personnel), and clerical /Clerk time (new 2 hours, renewal 1+ hours). 902 Non - intoxicating malt liquor $220.00 per annum Staff time of Clerk, Police and Health Departments in issuance of license Off-3a16 license for new license and regulatory enforcement as necessa ry. Includes background checks on $ 165.00 per annum applicants (20 min. per name checked per application), police management for renewal (15 min. per application), and clerical /clerk time (new -2 hours/ renewal 1+ hours). 5 •. Deparlrnendminisirati °° Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Staff time of Clerk, Police and Health Departments in issuance of license 902 On -sale vine license per year - restaurants with and regulatory enforcement. Includes background checks on applicants (20 50 or fewer seats $ 550.00 min. per application), police management (30 min. per application), 51 -100 seats inclusive 600.00 regulatory inspection (2 -3 hours, plus additional inspection if complaint), 101 -150 seats inclusive 650.00 inspection of liquor storage /service area4 times.per year (2 -3 hours by Over 150 Seats 700.00 technical management personnel), and clerical /clerk time (1+ hours). by statute fee shall not exceed 1/2 license fee for on -sale liquor license 902 Manager's license $50.00 per year Staff time of Clerk and Police Department in issuance of license. Includes background checks on applicants (20 min. per name checked), police management (15 min. per application), limited enforcement (time varies), _ and clerical /clerk time (1 hour). 902 Temporary non - intoxicating $35.00 Staff time of Clerk and Police Department in issuance of license. Includes liquor on sale license background checks on applicants (20 min. per name checked), police management (15 min. per application),and clerical /clerk time (1 hour). Department. Finance Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 1101 -1102 Sever Rental up to 1800 cu ft. $20.5 The rates for sever and water service are set to recover the costs over 1800 cu.ft. $1.15 r (supply, distribution, purification, collection, disposal, depreciation, 100 cu:ft. and administration) of providing each service to the general public The costs of the public utility are reviewed annually with the rates adjusted accordingly. 1111 Water Usage up to 1800 cuft - $6.60 over 1800 cu.ft.- $.40 ler 100 cu. ft. Fire Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description % Amount Justification of Amount Charged Fee based on complexity of hazard or size of facility, Level I minumum time is expected to be 1 hour. Service provided: consultation concerning 612 Special Hazard Permit Level I $ 25.00 / year codes and regulations for the safe handling of materials or processes, plan review, field inspection and emergency response 612 Special Hazard Permit Level II $ 50.00 / year Fee based on complexity of hazard or size of facility, Level II minumum time is expected to be greater than 1 hour and require additional efforts. Service provided: consultation concerning codes and regulations for the safe handling of materials or processes, plan review, field inspection and emergency response 612 Special Hazard Permit Level III $ 100.00 / year Fee based on complexity of hazard or size of facility. Level III will require several hours and several inspections. Service provided: consultation concerning codes and regulations for the safe handling of materials or processes, plan review, field inspection and emergency response 645 Installation permit sprinkler fire protection system min fee - $40.00 to + $300.00 Schedule based on number of heads Service provided include consultation with owners, developers, and contracte s, plan review, and field inspection. Fee is based'on amount of work involved and size of system. Minimum work would require one field inspector for plan review and field inspection. 645 Installation Fire Pump $ 75.00 Services include consultation, field inspection, p , plan review and testing. Minimum work requires one inspection and several site inspections. 661 False Fire Alarm $ 175.00 For the third emergency fire per response P p year - minimum response includes one engine with four men for 30 minutes Fire Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 645 Inspection - fire control standpipes $ 75.00 Services provided include consultation on design, g , plan review and field inspection to assure compliance with codes and regul9tions. Minimum of one inspector and multiple site visits. 643 License to service fire extinguishers $ 10.00 arson er P P annually Services include inspection of applicants test scores and maintenance of records. Time involved is approximately 10 minutes per applicant. 644 Permit to clean Comm- ercial cooking vent- ilation systems $ 35.00 per inspection Services include 24 hour call for inspection, field inspection, approval consultation, and record keeping. P ng• Minimum 30 minutes to 1 hour per inspection. 645 Installation of Fire alarm system minimum $45.00 to $ 300.00 + Fee is adjusted based on cost of installation (size of system). Service provided includes consultation with designer, contractor, and owner, plan review and field inspection. Resolution Fee for Ambulance Transportation protection system Level I Treatment $ 60.00 Specialized care at scene without transport. May involve drugs, cardiac monitoring, etc. Minor (BLS) Level II $245.00 Basic Level of care with transport, splinting, bandaging, etc. Moderate (ALS) -Level III $295.00 Moderate care with transport, I.V. Setup, Oxygen, ERG, etc. Major (ALS)Level IV $345.00 Level III care plus additional services of medication, etc. Fire Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Resolution Fee for Ambulance Transportation continued I Cardiac Arrest Level V $395.00 Level IV services plus CPR or defibrillation Additional Chg. $ 60.00 For "out of area" transport - downtown hospitals All charges based on extra level of service of paramedics (ALS) and to defray some additional costs associated with emergency response, drugs, equipment, supplies, overtime and man- hours. 406 Code compliance $ 75.00 Fee based on time involved for consultation and plan review. Requires Inspection a minimum of one inspector. Health Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Inspect outdoor swimming pools for water ualit and q y proper safety equipment. 434 Outdoor Swimming Pool License $ 135.00 per year Health department staff perform 5 inspections p per year resulting in 5 hours 434 Whirlpool License $ 55.00 per year Inspect whirlpool for ro er safety equipment P P y qu pment and eater quality. Health Department staff perform 5 to 12 inspections per year per pool resulting in 1 to 2 hours per whirlpool. 434 Indoor Swimming Pool $ 250.00 per year Inspect swimming ng pool for health and safety compliance. Measure chlorine License an P of pool water, provide a safe swimming environment for the public. Investiga e complaints about pools and reports of disease outbreaks. MLnimum of 12 • inspections per year. resulting in staff time of 12 hours per year per pool. 712 Septic Tank Installation $ 25.00 per installatio Inspect design and installation Permit of septic systems to prevent malfunctions of systems causing land and water pollution. No systems installed in the past 15 years. Estimate 1 hour of health department staff time per installation 712 Septic Tank Pumping $ 20.00 per permit Investigate and monitor routine i g pumping of septic tanks. Maintain Permit a record of tank pumping on all properties with septic tanks. Health department staf spends 45 minutes per permit. Department: Health Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged This license should be repealed as it is no longer valid 721 License to produce, $ 100.00 per annum distribute and haul milk Food Establishment $ 345.00 per annum Inspect food establishment for safe food handling practice, prevent foodborn License illness outbreaks, investigate complaints, train foodhandlers, provide 731 quarterly newsletters to licensed facilities, and provide compliance Inspections. All services provided by Health Department staff equaling 10 to 12 hours per year for each licensed facility. 731 Take out food Inspect food establishment for safe food handling practice, prevent foodborn establishment license $ 230.00 per annum illness outbreaks, investigate complaints, train foodhandlers, provide quarterly newsletters to licensed facilities, and provide compliance inspections. All services provided by Health Department staff equaling 3 to 6 hours per facility. 731 Packaged food sales $ 110.00 per annum Inspect food establishment for safe food handling practice, prevent foodborn license illness outbreaks, investigate complaints, train foodhandlers provide quarterly newsletters to licensed facilities, and provide compliance Inspections. All services provided by Health Department staff equaling 2 to 4 hours per year for each facility. 731 Food Warehouse License $ 50.00 per annum Provide inspections to insure food is warehoused in a safe and sanitary manner. Estimate 1 to 2 hours inspection time per facility by health deparment staff. 731 Itinerant Food Establish- $ 50.00 per event Provide health department inspection of each food stand. Prevent foodborne ment license illness outbreaks by ensuring safe food handling procedures are implemented. Staff time is 1 hour per license. Health Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Retail Candy License $ 35.00 per annum Justification of Amount Charged Inspect candy shops to ensure candy is handled in a safe and sanitary manner. 731 Health department staff time is 1 hour per license. 731 Food Vehicle License $ 55.00 per annum per Inspect food vehicles to ensure food is transported in a safe and sanitary vehicle, $275.00 per annum manner. Health department staff provides 2 to 8 hours per year for each for 5 or more vehicles license depending on the number of vehicles. 731 Food Vending Machines $15.00 per annum Inspect Vending Machine for cleanliness. Sample food items for per vending machine micro- biological analysis, respond to consumer complaints. Staff time equals 15 minutes to 1 hour per year for each license. 751 Fumigating Permit $12.00 per permit No longer valid due to inactivity -- ordinance should be repealed. 761 Hotel, Lodging and $150.00 per year for Inspect lodging facilities for health and safety. No such facilities Boarding License up to 50 rooms and $1.00 at this time. Estimate 1 to 3 hours er p year for inspection and enforcement per room above 50 actions of Health department staff time. 1301 Garbage Hauler's License $ 75.00 per annum plus Inspect trucks for safety and maintenance. Respond to complaints from the $ 30.00 for each additio al public about garbage haulers. Health department staff spends 60 to 80 hours vehicle over one per year on this service. 1302 Scavenger License $ 25.00 for first licena License required to pump septic tanks. Purpose is to identify_vhere the $ 15.00 for renewal then - pumpers dispose of the sewage and prevent inappropriate disposal of sewage. after Health department staff spends 30 minutes per license per year. Department: Police Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Staff time includes background checks on applicants, review of application, 201 Public Dance Permit $35.00 per Event Level I approval by police chief, and planning time for Police resources needed to cover the event. There is a high potential for police activity for this type of permit. Background check involves a clerical person checking state a national records on individuals owning or managing the licensed business or activity plus checking on previous calls for service at the location. This information is submitted to the Chiuef for his review and action. Other City officials may also review and act on the permit, i.e. City Clerk, Health Department, etc. 202 Bowling Alley License $35.00 per year per Staff time includes background checks on applLc ants, review of application alley and approval by chief. High potential for police responses due to juveniles. .Background checks and staff review are performed the same as listed in previous justification. 203 Kart Track License $5.00 per Kart No Kart Tracks currently located in Edina $40.00 MLnumum 204 Bingo, Gambling $35.00 Staff time includes background checks on applicants, review by staff and Device License approval by Chief. Potential for frequent police responses. Background checks and staff review are performed the same as listed In the first Justification. 211 Mechanical Amusement $35.00 per establishme t Staff time includes background checks on applicants, review by staff and Devices (Pinball, etc.) plus $5.00 per machine approval by Chief. Potential for frequent police responses. Background checks and staff review are performed the same as listed in the first Justification. Department:Police Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Dog License Amount Neutered initial Justification of Amount Charged Fees offer partial recovery of costs of animal control program including 312 License - $7.00 the investigation of complaints, animal bites, and patrol for animal Annual Renewal -$3.00 violations. Licensing provides a means of identification and insures Non - neutered initial animal imunization against rabies. Additional costs include clerical license - $20.00 and computer time involved in selling and maintaining license records. Annual Renewal - $6.00 312 Disposal of Dead $10.00 plus fees Recovery of costs involved in icki p ng up and disposing of dead animals. Animal charged by vet 312 Redemption of impounded lat impound - $25.00 Recover of costs involved is pickup and kennels P zNS of Loose animals. animal 2nd impound - $50.00 Progressive fee for frequent violators. t 3rd or more - $100.00 Plus $7.00 per day kennel fee 312 Commercial Kennel $50.00 None in Edina at present - fee charges would 8 probably be used to License cover potential complaints or inspections. 1032 Loudspeaker Permit $5.00 Staff time includes review and approval b PP y police chief and other city officials. This permit creates a high probability of police response to complaints. Department: Police Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Fee charged to partially recover the costs of issuing permits, enforcement 1232 Employee Parking Permit $24.00 per year or 50th and France $2.00 per month pro- of parking regulations, and for the value of extended parking privilege. rated 1303 Peddler and Solicitor $35.00 per year Fee used to partially recover the costs of background checks on applicants Registration and the reponse to high numbers of complaints about solicitors. 1307 License for sale of $50.00 / $100.00 No businesses of this type in Edina motor bikes/ license for renting motor bikes 1321 Cigarette Sale License $12.00 each counter Fee covers costs of approval process through various City departments, or machine potential for inspections and complaint investigations. 1331 Taxicab Driver License $35.00 Staff time includes background checks on applicants, approval by chief and various departments. 1353 Massage parlor and Business - $250.00 Staff time includes background check of applicants and approval by police individual massage license Individual - $50.00 chief. A very detailed background analysis is done in these Investigation fee cases. Businesses vould also be inspected by building, health and planning deposits: departments. Very high possibility of regulatory inspections and /or Business - $1500 complaint investigation. Individual - $50 Department - Police Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 1361 False alarm response $75.00 for 3rd Partial recovery in costs involved in responding to alarm calls plus fee and subsequent false costs involved in the false alarm reduction program. Each alarm call alarm in each calendar requires two officers. Costs of the alarm reduction program include year. recordkeeping, printing, and billing. 1432 Taxicab License $35.00 per vehicle Background checks on business owners and managers, B approval by police chief and other departments, cost of license stickers and potential for complaint investigations. Department: Planning Fees and Charges Study. Ordinance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 451 Sign i Bench Permit Sign . $ 50.00 Review Applications per ordinance sign ordinance enforcement/ Bench Monitor Bench . $ 10.00 per year Location and inspect condition. Staff time necesssary'to check applications and provide enforcement (1 to 2 hours technical management) 801 Plat and Subdivision Filing 225.00 + $ 5.00 per to Review proposal, staff report and recommendation g p , publication and notice to property owners. Fee involves staff time, public hearings, mailings and publications. (Many hours by Technical Management and Executive Management staff) 825 Rezoning $ 600.00 Review proposal, staff report and recommendation property owners. Fee involves staff time 'publication and notice to public hearings, mailings, and publications (many hours by technical management and executive management staff) 825 Temporary Retail Sales ' $ 300.00 per axle Review permit and arrange for inspections by the Pollee and Fire Departments in a PID Fee includes staff review and inspection of premises (3 to S hours by Fire, Police and technical personnel) 825 Conditional Use Permit S 500.00 Review proposal, staff report and recommendation property owners. Fee includes staff time ' publication and notice to Public hearings mailings and publications (range of hours committed based on complexity of proposal rlanning Department: Ordinance No. FFee Description 825 nce Fees and Charges Study Amount Justification of Amount Charged Residential $ 50.00 Review proposal, staff report and recommendation, notice to Non - Residential . $100.0 and public hearings. Property owners g Fee includes staff time and cost of mailings. (Clerical and Technical management time involves wide range of hours based on complexl of proposal) 825 I Final Development I $ 200.00 Flan Same as Rezoning 825 Lot Division $ 20.00 Review proposal, staff report and recommendation. Normally an hour preparation plus meeting time. ' Department: Building Fees and Charges Study Ordinance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 406 Building Permit Based on Valuation: Fee structure set by the State. Minnesota. of Fee includes the Valuation guarantee that the work is being accomplished by a licensed $1 to $500 Amount worker and inspections are made by technical management 8 personnel $15.00 when installation is large or the department receives a call that the $501 to $2000 $15 for first work is complete. Will not inspect permits that department does not $500 plus $2 for receive a call back on, however, there are occasional spot check calls. each add'tl $100 Inspections involve technical management and clerical time (1+ hours). $2001 to $25000 $45 for first $2000 plus $9 for each add'tl $1000 $25001 to $50000 $252 for first $25000 plis $6.50 for each add'tl $1)00 $50000 to $100000 $414.5 for first $50000 Plus $4.50 for each add' :l $1000 $100000 to $500000 $639.5 for first $100000 plus $3.50 for each add' 1 $1000 $500000 to $1000000 $2039.5 for first $50000 plus $3.00 for each add' 1 $500000 $1000000 and up $3539.5 for first $10000)o plus $2 for each add'tl $1000 ng Fees and Charges Study K ee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged ng Code Compliance $60.00 per hour Fee charged ns inspection p minimum $60 fee to perform inspection of installation to ensure compliance with municipal and state building codes. Includes 1 hour for inspection (technical management) and 30 min for paperwork (clericalj. 411 Permit for moving of $50.00 buildings , Coordinate move with Pollee and Engineering to ensure traffic safety and road capacity. Includes one inspection by technical mangement personnel (1 hour), police /engineering time (1 hour) and clerical time (15 minutes). 411 Indemnity for damages $500.00 sustained by reason of Fee to cover damages to public property during the moving of buildings. the moving of buildings , 629 Oil burner's installer's $25.00 license, stoker installer's Fee guarantees installation is being done by a licensed mechanical License, hot water heating worker. Inspections are made by technical management staff on installer's license, meth. large installations and where the building department receives warm air installer's license, a call that the work has been finished. Inspections are not made air conditioning installer's when the finishing call it not received, however, there are license and refridgeration occasional spot check calls. installer's license. 431 Casfitting License $25.00 Same as above 431 Water conditioning $25.00 Same as above equipment installation permit Department: Building Fees and Charges Study Ordinance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 432 -A1 Plumbing permit, gas fitting permit Fee guarantees installation is being done by a Licensed mechanical worker. Inspections are made by technical management'ataff on Each fixture large installations and where the building department receives Rough -in fixtures $8.00 a call that the work has been finished. Inspections are not made Setting fixtures $6.00 when the finishing call is not received, however, there are occasional on prev. rough -in spot check calls. Approximately 30 minutes per inspection for $6.00 technical staff and 20 minutes for clerical staff Beer Dispenser $5.00 Blow off Basin $9.00 Catch Basin /Flammable waste trap $9.00 Electric Water Heater $9.00 Hydraulic Valve $9.00 Manholes $9.00 New ground run for existing bldgs. $9.00 Roof Drains $9.00 Sump and Receiving Tanks $9.00 Water treating device $9.00 For extending water lines: $9.00 automatic washer refrLdgerator cut into line Air conditioning sprinkler system (fire /lawn) Sewer - sanitary or storm $18.00 Water $18.00 Installing Water Meter $18.00 Taps: 3/4 inch $100.00 1 inch $100.00 Building I rDepartment: Fees and Charges Stud Y nce No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 433 Warm air, ventilation, air conditioning, warm Fee guarantees installation is being done by a licensed mechanical air winter heating work worker. Inspections are made by technical management staff on permit large installations and where the building department receives a call that the work has been finished. Inspections are not made when the finishing call is not received, however, there are occasional Furnace - including ducts, spot check calls. Approximately 30 minutes per inspection for registers, etc. up to technical staff and 20 minutes for clerical staff 100,000 BTU $23.00 each add'tl 50,000 BTU $8.00 Replacement-furnace only up to 100,000 BTU $13.00 each add'tl 50,000 BTU $8.00 Alteration, additions or repairs to existing cyst. Up to $500.00 $13.00 Each add'tl $500.00 $8.00 Air conditioning coils added to existing syst. up to 1,000 CFM $18.00 each add'tl 1000 CFM $8.00 Direct gas fired unit used as a winter air conditioning system up to 100,000 BTU $23.00 each add'tl 50,000 BTU $8.00 #N /AI Department: Building Fees and Charges Study Ordinance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 433 Warm air all -year conditioning system Fee guarantees installation is being done by a licensed mechanical vork permit vorker. Inspections are made by technical management staff on large installations and vhere the building department receives a call that the vork has been finished. Inspections are not made Furnace -air conditioning when the finishing call is not received, hovever, there are occasional spot check calls. Approximately 30 minutes per inspection for etc. technical staff and 20 minutes for clerical staff 100,000 BTU heating 100,000 BTU heating and 1,000 CFM air cond. $33.00 Each add'tl 50,000 BTU and 1,000 CFM $8.00 Duct systems-heating- air conditioning Up to $500.00 $13.00 each add'tl $500.00 $8.00 Each system - heating and cooling up to 1000 CFM $16.00 each add'tl 1000 CFM $6.00 Heating or Cooling 'only up to 1000 CFM $16.00 each add'tl 1000 CFM $6.00 Alterations,addtions or repairs to existing syst. up to $500.00 $13.00 each add'tl $500.00 $8.00 Department�-llding Fees and Charges Study Ordinance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 433 ummer air conditioning ark permit (such as attic Fee its r /fan coil or fan guarantees installation is being done by a licensed mechanical oil Sa basement) worker. Inspections are made by technical management staff on large installations and where the building,department receives ach system Incl. duct work a call that the work has been finished. Inspections are not made p to 1000 CFM $18.00 when the finishing call is not received, however, there are occasional ach add'tl 1000 CFM $8.00 spot check calls. Approximately 30 minutes per inspection for technical staff and 20 minutes for clerical staff Alteration, additions or repairs to existing systems p to $500.00 $11.00 ach add'tl $500.00 $6.00 igh Velocity systems (small pipe and diffuser type systems) p to 1200 CFM $22.00 ach add't1 1200 CFM $27.00 entilation work permit General ventilation- including fan and duct systems up to 2000 CFM $20.00 each add'tl 1000 CFM $8.00 Noxious vapors and /or flammable material spraying up to 2000 CFM $20.00 each add'tl 1000 CFM $8.00 DepartmenPuLldLng Ordinance No. Fee Description 433 Gas Burner, gas stove, range, as log, etc. work permit 'or any permit installing as stoves,ranges,gas water eaters, process gas burners, r other similar gas burning evices not used in connection Lth a heating system, the fee harged shall be as follows for each such device included in such permit: Input: up to 99000 BTU $9.00 100000 to 199999 BTU $13.00 200000 to 399999 BTU $18.00 400000 to 599999 BTU $31.00 600000 to 999999 BTU $44.00 1000000 to 2499999 BTU $76.00 2500000 to 9999999 BTU $100.00 10000000 to 49999999 BTU $119.00 50000000 to 74999999 BTU $145.00 75000000 BTU and up $208.00 Alteration or repairs to existing burner or equipment Up to $100.00 $13.00 each add'tl $100.00 $8.00 Fees and Charges Study Amount I . Justification of Amount Charged Fee guarantees installation is being done by a licensed mechanical worker. Inspections are made by technical management staff on large installations and where the building department receives a call that the work has been finished. Inspections are not made when the finishing call is not received, however, there are occasional spot check calls. Approximately 30 minutes per inspection for technical staff and 20 minutes for clerical staff Department$.ilding Ordinance No. Fee Description 433 Gas Burner, gas stove, range, gas log, etc. work permit (continued) ,P gas installations (anal. aping, controls,diluter tc.) ank - 500 gal. or less $13.00 000 gal. or less $19.00 ver 2000 gal. $30.00 Fees and Charges Study - Amount Justification of Amount Charged Oil burners, tanks, and equipment work permit 011 burners connected to fuel oil tank not burled or enclosed: for inputs not over 2 gal. /hr $15.00 for inputs not over 4 gal. /hr $27.00 for inputs not over 7 gal. /hr $42.00 for inputs not over 18 gal. /hr $76.00 for inputs not over 75 gal. /hr $90.00 for inputs not over 350 gal /hr $119.00 for inputs not over 500 gal /hr I $144.00 for inputs over 500 gal. /hr . $210.00 Fee guarantees installation is being done by a licensed mechanical worker. Inspections are made by technical management staff on large installations and where the building department receives a call that the work has been finished. Inspections are not made when the finishing call is not received, however, there are occasional spot check calls. Approximately 30 minutes per inspection for technical staff and 20 minutes for clerical staff 0 oeparcmentpuilding Fees and Charges Study Ordinance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 433 oil burners, tanks, and equipment work permit (cont'd) Fee guarantees installation is being done by a licensed mechanical worker. Inspections are made by technical management staff on large installations. and where the building department receives a call that the work has been finished. Inspections are not made For any tank not burled or enclosed: when the finishing call is not received, however, there are occasional spot check calls. Approximately 30 minutes per inspection for technical staff and 20 minutes for clerical staff 560 gallons or leas $13.00 er 560 gallons $16.00 For any tank buried or to be enclosed: 560 gallons or less $13.00 Over 560 gallons $18.00 Over 2,000 gallons $34.00 Alterations or repairs to existing burner or equip.: Up to $100.00 $10.00 Each addt'1 $100.00 $5.00 Gas Piping Work Permit Same as above Up to 2 "piping with 3 or less openings $13.00 Over 3 openings - per opening $2.00 ` Over 2 "piping with 3 or less openings $18.00 Over 3 openings - per opening $2.00 I FDepartmentp.Llding Fees and Charges Stu dy - - _ Ordinance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged 433 Refrigeration system work permit Fee guarantees installation is being done by a licensed mechanical For worker. Inspections are made by technical management staff on each system up to and large installations and where the building department receives including 36,000 BTU 3 tons $1300 a call that the work has been finished. Inspections are not made Each addt'l 36,000 BTU $8.00 when the finishing call is not received, however, there are occasional spot check calls. Approximately 30 minutes per inspection for technical staff and 20 minutes for clerical staff 433 Factory Built Chimney and fireplace work permit Same as above For factory built chimney: up to 8" inside diameter $12.00 Over 8" inside diameter $14.00 Factory built fireplace, Franklin Stove, fireplace stove, etc., when installed with a factory built chimney $17.00 433 Cleaning commercial and industrial air conditioning Same as above system and /or ventilation system work permit Up to $500.00 $16.00 each additional $500.00 $10.00 Note: Fee based on individual systems Departmentauilding Ordinance No. Fee Description 433 Stokers and powdered fuel burner work permit Installation of a stoker where the grate area of the furnace or boiler such stoker is required to serve does not exceed 14 sq. ft. Each addt'l square foot in the grate area IInstallation.of a powdered fuel burner or burners where capacity of such burner does not exceed 350 lbs. per hour For each addt'l 25 lbs. of capacity Alterations or repairs to existing stoker or equipment: Up to $100.00 Each addt'l $100.00 Fees and Charges Study Amount Justification of Amount Charged $11.00 $1.00 $9.00 $1.00 $11.00 $3.00 Fee guarantees installation is being done by a licensed mechanical worker. Inspections are made by technical management staff on large installations and where the building department receives a call that the work has been finished. Inspections are not made when the finishing call is not received, however, there are occasional spot check calls. Approximately 30 minutes per inspection for technical staff and 20 minutes for clerical staff Same as above Parks Department:.__ Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Resolution Playground Program $ 8.00 To help offset the costs of one director, 20 instructors, supplies, and paperwork. 502 playground participants @ $21 m $ 10,542 Resolution T -Ball $ 22.00 To help offset the costs of one director, 2,in3tructors, uniforms, equipment, and paperwork. 236 T -Ball participants @ $21 = $ 4,956 Resolution Tennis Instruction $ 22.00 To help offset the costs of one director, 3 instructors, equipment, and paperwork. 409 Tennis participants @ $21 e $ 8,589 Resolution Facility Rental Arneson Acres Terrace Room $100 /day To offset cost of wear and tear of facility and litter removal. Braemar Ballfields -no lights $ 35.00 1hr Braemar Ballfields- lights General Park Areas - comoerci $ 55.00 /hr $ 50.00 /hr Total revenue for facility ental: Y $8,781.75. Picnic Shelter -Lake Cornelia up to 50 people $ 35.00 over 50 people $ 70.00 Showmobile $600.00 /day Athletic Field -no lights $ 30 /game Athletic Field - lights $ 50 /game Portable Bleachers $150 /day or $50 /hr + delivery charge Picnic Equipment free Tupa'Park $125.00 /day Park 6 Recreation Activity Registration Refund Fee $ 5.00 Resolution Field Maintenance $ 5.00 To offset field maintenance cost for athletic association games. Arena Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Resolution Ice Rental Prime $85 /hr Based on competitive market rate and operational and maintenance break even. Non -Prime $70 /hr (3700 hours) Skate Rental *$1.06 Competitive with market rates. Skate Sharpening $1.50 Competitive with market rates. Public Skating *$2.50 To be in line with the Pool and Edinborough. Cost is high but does not meet hourly ice rates. Participants: (winter): 5,978 (summer): 625 Season Tickets Resident Individual Resident Family Non - resident Individual Non - resident Family *$35.00 *$55.00 *$50.00 *$70.00 Concept is only available in one other Arena and that is a swimming, ng, ice, racquetball facility resulting in a much higher pass price. Numbers of tickets sold: Resident Individual: 40 Resident Family: 125 Non - Resident Indiv: 16 Non -Res. Family: 19 Merchandise Laces *$1.59 Competitive with market rates. Hockey Tape *$1.59 Dry' .Floor Rental $500 per day Competitive with market rates. Parking Lot Rental $100 per day For large companies, movie crews, etc. Gut reaction to price. Concession Sales Revenue: $15,000.00 * tax included in pr i Retail prices of food and beverages sold in concession area cover cost of . food, food preparation, and expenses of operating and cleaning concession a area. Based on 35 percent food cost industry standard. Classes $45.00 Art Center Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance .a No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged To offset the cost of operation of the Art Center. Competitive sales of art Resolution General Supplies $.58 - $50.00 supplies to students for convenience. Suggested retail prices 40% markup. Membership Family $35 To help ffset cost of p printing and discounts to members on classes and Individual $25 supplies. Cost is slightly higher than other equivalent facilities. Registration Adult Member $65 Profits used for administrative coats and supplies not covered in fees .Adult Non - Member $72 charged to students. Hourly rate based on a 60X /40X split for instructors' Child Member $40 salaries. Child Non - Member $44 Workshops $3 - $5 hr Room Rentals - three hour $75 - $150 Includes one hour of instructional activity and supplies. Offsets administrative and maintenance costs. Gift Gallery and $1 - $ 11000 Artwork sold on commission basis to participating sales. Offsets cost of Gallery Sales gallery manager and building maintenance. 40% to Art Center and 60X to artist in Foss Gallery. 30X to Art Center and 70X to artist in Clark Gift l� Gallery. Edinborough Park Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Resolution Table Rental to Edina $5.00 per table Offset wear and tear of equipment Park Plaza & Corporate Center East i Building Rentals $150 /day Token fee consideration for Park and Recreation sponsored - Category Al p lus $ 12 per man /hr programs rams Balance is inkind agreement City of Edina - Boards for set -up and tear do and Associations Building Rentals Offset cost of park maintenance and utilities Category 82 (Per Hour) Per Hour Area Edina based civic $ 125 Great Hall organizations including $ 50 Arena Edina Schools $ 50 Theatre $ 75 Pool $ 25 Grotto Building Rentals Category I2 Offset cost of park operations. Minimum fee is $475 with additional fees Fee Area based on additional areas used. (Exclusive Use 4 -6 hrs) $500 Great Hall Edina based civic $100_ Arena organizations including $100 Theatre Edina Schools $ 50 Grotto Building Rentals Offset cost of park mainttnance and utilities with profit margin included Category N3 (Per Hour) Per Hour Area Edina residents /business $300 Great Hall $ 75 Arena $125 Theatre $125 Pool $ 60 Grotto Edinborough Park Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Resolution Building Rentals To offset park operations based on consistency of market values in Category N3 F =e Area Metropolitan area. Minimum fee is $800 with additional fees based (Exclusive Use 4 -6 hrs) $1000 Great Hall on additional areas used. Edina residents /business $150 Arena $150 Theatre $200 Pool $ 60 Grotto Building Rentals Offset cost of park maintenance and utilities with profit margin included Category N4 (Per Hour) Per Hour Area Non -Edina resident and $350 Great Hall business $125 Arena $150 Theatre $150 Pool $ 85 Grotto Building Rentals To offset park operations based on consistency of market values in Category /4 F =e Area Metropolitan area. Minimum fee is $1000 with additional fees based (Exclusive Use 4 -6 hrs) $1200 Great Hall on additional areas used. Non -Edina residents and $225 Arena business $225 Theatre $250 Pool Dance Floor $ 50 Offset wear and tear of equipment Mirr�Qr Ball $ 20 Offset wear and tear of equipment Catering Kitchen Groups 200 $ 50 Charged to caterers to cover maintenance.and clean -up as well as Groups 300 $ 75 use of equipment Groups 500+ $100 Commercial Use - trade $ 2,000 To cover cost of park operation which is consistent with market values in shows, etc. the Metropolitan area with additional rationalization of using public property for profit making venture. Edinborough Park Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Resolution Daily Pass for Pool, Track, Open Basketball $ 2.50 Offset the cost of facility operations , Annual Pass - Individual $150.00 Annual Pass - Family $200.00 Locker Fee $ .25 For use of lockers in locker rooms (quarter returned at completion of use) Towel Fee $ .50 To cover cost of towel service Skate Rental $ 1.25 To cover the cost of and upkeep of skate inventory Box Lunch Program $6 - $10 To cover the cost of food and preparation to include an approximate 33X profit margin in lieu of rental cost of area with groups of 50 plus Domestic Photography Range Per Hour: Fee based on area of park used. Justified as a location fee giving us the by Professional $15 - Grotto ability lose y to park area from general public during photo session as well Photographers $75 - Great Hall- as a way to minimize and control volume of requests. or Mixed use $100 -Ice Rink 6 Great Hall Commercial Photography Range Per Hour: Same as domestic photographer with the increased rate based on the principle by Professional $150 - Grotto of using public property at the expense of public use for a profit making Photographers $200 - Amphitheatre venture $300 - Great Hall $300 - Ice Rink $500 - Mixed Use Birthday Party Table $15 /table Offset cost of set -up /tear -down and clean up. In addition the cost Set -Ups limit of two tables rationalizes closing West Commons park area from the public and minimizes with seating of 16 and controls volume of requests. Gun Range • Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Resolution 1/2 hour for shooting pistol $4.00 To help offset operational and administrative costs of the Gun Range.. or rifle on the indoor range Rates are the same as the Minneapolis Gun Club rates., 25 rounds of trap on outdoor $4.50 range One hour of rental for growls $45.00 of 10 or more ,One can of pop from vending $ .50 Reasonable mark -up rates on pop p anpaper targets provides an affordable machine service to Gun Range participants and helps offset Gun Range expenses. xpenses. Patterning board for shotgur. $ 1.00 Paper target for indoor ran e. $ .05 1988 Fees One box of shotgun shells Reasonable mark -up on all ammunition sold at the Gun Range g provides an 12 gauge $ 6.00 affordable service to shooters and helps offset Gun Range expenses. 20 gauge $ 5.50 One box of pistol /rifle amm .'22 caliber e $ 3.50 .38 caliber $12.50 •9 mm $13.50 .45 acp $14.50 Golf Department Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged For reservation privileges and greens fees discounts to Edina residents. Resolution Patron Cards Individual $ 50.00 Additional $ 45.00 Resolution Greens Fees Offset golf course operational costs and provide customers with top quality 18 -hole patron $ 10.00 Provides lower rates to Edina residents. 18 -hole senior patron $ 9.00 18 -hole non - patron $ 13.50 Top price Metro area: $ 17.00 (1 course) 18 -hole senior non - patron $ 12.50 Bottom price Metro area: $ 10.00 9 -hole patron $ 7.00 Average price Metro area: $ 11.00 9 -hole senior patron $ 6.50 Braemar price: $ 13.00 9 -hole non - patron $ 8.50 9 -hole senior non - patron $ 8.00 18 -hole group fee $ 17.00 9 -hole group fee $ 10.00 Resolution Computer Handicap Service Res. $ 11.00 USGA Handicap Service for customers. Major part of fees goes to computer Non -Res. $ 15.00 company. Balance covers cost of maintaining. Resolution Lockers Mens 72° locker $ 33.00 Offset Golf Course operational costs including cleaning and maintenance of Mens 42° locker $ 22.00 locker rooms. Ladies 72" locker $ 14.00 Resolution Group Lessons Basic Lessons $ 45.00/5 lessons Covers cost of use of space on driving range, balls furnished, and services Advanced Basic Lessons $ 50.00/5 lessons of five professional instructors. Intermediate Lessons $ 75.00/5 lessons Retained by Golf Course: S 3,787. Junior Lessons $ 23.00 Department: Golf Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Resolution Junior Book (10 rounds) $ 45.00 Offset Golf Course operational costs and encourage junior golf. Available Edina residents 12 -18 years old. Resolution Motor Golf Cars 18 -hole $ 18.00 Offset Golf Course operational and cost of initial cost of cars 18 -hole senior $ 15.50 plus maintenance of same. 9 -hole $ 9.50 9 -hole senior $ 8.50 18 -hole group rate $ 22.00 Resolution Pull Cart $ 1.75 Offset Golf Course operational costs. Club Rental $ 5.00 Offset Golf Course operational costs. I Golf - Executive Course Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Resolution Executive Course Greens Fee Adult - Patron $ 5.250 To offset operational costs and to continue to make improvements and provide Adult - Non - patron $ 6.25 quality golf course. Sr. and Jr. Patron $ 4.25 Sr. and Jr. Non - patron $ 5.25 Group Fee $ 7.00 Motorized Golf Car $ 7.00 Top Rate $ 6.00 (Braemar) Pull Cart $ 1.75 Bottom Rate $ 5.00 Average Rate $ 5.25 Driving Range Large Bucket $ 3.75 To offset cost of balls, operating costs, and upkeep of range area. Small Bucket $ 2.50 Warm -up Bucket $ 1.00 r i Golf - Grill Department: Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Resolution Food Sales Retail prices of food and beverages sold in grill cover cost of food, food Beer Sales preparation, and expenses of operating and cleaning grill area. Based on 35 percent food cost industry standard. r i Department: Golf - Clubhouse Fees and Charges Study Ordnance No. Fee Description Amount Justification of Amount Charged Costs based on costs of cleaning, maintenance, and supervision vith lover Resolution Braemar Room Rental rates to residents of Edina. Market rate. Night Rate - Resident $ 450.00 Night Rate - Non - resident $ 500.00 Day Rate - Resident $ 225.00 Day Rate - Non - resident $ 275.00 Market price varies vith size and location. Average comparable price is $450. Top Rate $700 Bottom Rate $300 (VFW) Pool Department: Ordinance No. Fee Description Resolution i Daily Admission Fees and Charges Study Amount Justification of Amount Charged $2.50 per swim On the high end of the competitive market. Approximately 8,460 daily children or adults Season Tickets Resident Individual $ 30.00 Resident Family $ 46.00 Non- Resident.Individual $ 36.00 Non - Resident Family $ 54.00 Concession Sales Swim;Instruction I $ 21.00 Pool Rental $428.00 /day Plus any out of pocket expenses i.e. personal cost of goods sold, et �+ a To help offset the operational and administrative costs of running a 450,000 gallon municipal pool. Resident Individual 174 @ $28 ea e $ 4,872 Resident Family 1051 @ $44 ea - $46,244 Non - Resident Individual 56 @ $33 ea e $ 1,848' Non - Resident Family 283 @ $50 ea a $14,150 Retail prices of food and beverages sold in concession area cover cost of food, food preparation, and expenses of operating and cleaning concession area. Based on 35 percent food cost industry standard. To help offset the transportation and teaching costs of running an aquatic swim program for 900 participants. 897 swimmers @ $21 ea - $ 18,837 Offered only to the Edina Swim Club one weekend a year for their Aquatennia Meet. The fee is used to help offset the revenue lost over the weekend and is competitive with the market. o e \N�URPOMt`O/ BB8 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KENNETH ROSLAND CITY MANAGER From: GORDON HUGHES ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Date: DECEMBER 5*, 1988 Subject: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Recommendation: Info /Background: Agenda Item # VI. E Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr . -Recommends ❑ To HRA © To Council Action F3 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion We have received two applications for the seat vacated by Lois Coon on the Traffic Safety Committee. The application of Harriet D. Walsh is attached for your review. Mr. Robert Sherman has also applied for the position. Mr. Sherman has not as yet completed an application form, but I believe he is well known to the Council due to his past civic duties. He is presently a member of the Citizen's Safety Council. His application will be available for your review at Monday's meeting. + CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 j i APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO ADVISORY BOARDS /COMMISSIONS NAME �/4 I G T T LJ. W A LS ADDRESS D�DAL� ZIP CODE 5!E42.Ll HOME PHOIQE��D77�j WORK PHONE NUMBER OF YEARS RESIDENT OF EDINA 19 EMPLOYMENT (Firm and occupation /profession) PST lEE0 76Atel'+ Eli _ OGCI,tpl= }TIOCJA -T"l4 ERAPl5i' 9 -Cf KE I `5 I DM Ip�IST aZl�, CIVIC, PROFESSIONAL, COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES MAICIr 'air GkU( —, W r q 3Ldlft SC Sus vy� "CL I gar CJer PREVIOUS PUBLIC EXPERIENCE (Elective or appointive) Sec dy C EDUCATION 1Gr(�� O � S S 1TV OF N NN •�., Briefly list aspects of your experience which you believe qualify you for this advisory board /commission and why you are interested in serving: • o� b v and t l :ad cr s h i �� eti de r i en c e 1'j,aw�° +wo v�ea,so n �'or sery i rc� . 1. � zcc a.6o o� daKit., S I�IA 0.i'1 o r%S to Ed t in 9k 2. I� i s 00400-'Tti" e. I serves rKy ci , . APPOINTMENT PREFERENCE: Community Development & Planning Commission Edina Park Board Board of Appeals and Adjustments Human Relations Commission South Hennepin Human Services Council Edina Recyling Commission would ba tn4-ertPAe4 ear u. DATE %�&V. j$'_ J L� g'f� SIGNATURE Heritage Preservation Board Advisory Board of Health Traffic Safety Committee Building Construction Appeals Board Edina Art Center Board The Edina Foundation Board h 4 �Slac c cw% e N u.rn an Feel free to use the back of this sheet - - - Please return to City Clerk's office. j'��}ro Coahc:l der Sw e�raa ly N ,7"d► is o � P� _ 1s $5"o qC,� tic h c Mcull o •mCA+ Ce4er's MQ I -I eox n tar , t e oLd YWCA= e r 4% v dire Oror.- S M �eS�a�l Ger•! -crr', S� -.1r1 sxy Sr. College y end • rJrt o,c4;v; cen+e r- assoc. �e51d y � de��- Tern awn 1V.y Or need uew �as��er��- romp d Pr�s� y b� ♦ . re S identi- - �! w Ybrai h erd v+�cnn 'Q chLLrC6 . �rSr hom��h � CaMnrrl Gs�Z Deacon - 83•�'� e r-Chrts an 'n " Uctr1 nno��' C� d�s�- ric�-loaacrd �nn.em b e.�r' Co r 5 m eol Ae-W 4V S' :i A. lees REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KENNETH ROSLAND Agenda Item # vI . F. From: CITY-MANAGER LESLIE TURNER AND Consent ❑ GORDON HUGHES Information Only 0 Date: DECEMBER 5, 1988 Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: 1989 CALENDAR AND 0 To Council STRATEGIC WORK PROGRAM Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance 0 Discussion Recommendation: 1. Adopt the recommended work program calendar 2. Continue the discussion of regular Council meeting dates to the December 19, 1988 agenda Info /Background: T Please see 1988 -1989 Work Program Dates attached. �1 1988 -1989 WORK PROGRAM DATES The following dates are recommended for the various elements of the Work Program: • PARK AND RECREATION PLAN AMENDMENT Council /Park Board Meeting December 13, 1988 Mid -Point Review April, 1989 Park Board Approval October 10, 1989 _Planning Commission Approval November 1, 1989 Council Approval December 4, 1989 • UTILITIES PLAN AMENDMENT Report from Consultants and Staff July 3, 1989 Planning Commission Approval November 1, 1989 Council Approval December 4, 1989 • REVENUE SOURCES Establish "Think Tank" by February 1, 1989 "Think Tank" Report May 1, 1989 • I- 494 /TDM- ISSUES Appoint Elected Official to J.P.O. January 9, 1989 Report to Council September 11, 1989 • RECYCLING Presentation to Council December 19, 1988 Commence Project April 1, 1989 GENERAL ISSUES REGARDING 1989 CALENDAR • STRATEGIC PLANNING RETREAT - We recommend Saturday, March 11, 1989 for our Planning Retreat. • BUDGET - Due to the new tax laws, our budget process may need to be moved up in the Calendar. We are advised that our maximum 1990 levy must be submitted by August 1, 1989, rather than in October as in prior years. The Council will have three basic alternatives regarding the 1990 budget process. 01 The Council could accelerate its entire budget process such that the first budget assumptions meeting is held in May and the budget is adopted prior to August 1. 02 The Council could hold its budget assumption meetings in July, submit the maximum levy on August 1, and then complete the budget process by October 1. Presumably, the actual levy certified in October could be less than the levy submitted in August. J 03 The Council could leave the present budget calendar in place but, on August 1, submit a maximum levy equal to our state imposed levy limit. As noted in 4,12, we presumably could then levy less based upon the budget adopted in October. • COUNCIL MEETING DATES - July 3 is our first scheduled meeting in July. Should this date be changed to accommodate individuals wishing to take a long Independence Day weekend? • Also, four regularly - scheduled Council dates are pre- empted by Monday holidays in 1989. Does the Council wish to change its policy to meet the next day (i.e. Tuesday) rather than the following week? The Council may wish to consider moving this regular meeting date to the first and third Tuesday's in order to avoid 'Monday holidays altogether. o e CD O • 'N�RppMtit'� • lase REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: _ KENNETH ROSLAND Consent CITY MANAGER From: Information Only [x] ROBERT KOJETIN AND Mgr. Recommends GORDON HUGHES Date: DECEMBER 5, 1988 Subject: DECEMBER 13, 1988 COUNCIL /PARK BOARD MEETING Recommendation:. Agenda Item # VI.G Consent ❑ Information Only [x] Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Info /Background: The Council and Park Board will meet jointly on December 13, 1988 at 8:00 PM to discuss the issue relating to our future park and recreation needs. Attached is a copy of the relevant part of the 1988 -1989 Work Program which deals with this issue. We suggest the following draft agenda for this meeting: 1. Introduction of Council and Park Board members 2. Overview of Park and Recreation Task Force Report 3. Discuss Elements of the Assignment as contained in the Work Program 4. Review Timetable including advisability of a progress meeting some- time during 1989 We suggest that you briefly review the Park and Recreation Task Force Report prior to the December 13 meetingl. Please advise if you need a new copy of this report. CITY OF EDINA 1988 - 1989 WORK PROGRAM ISSUE 01. In light of the report of the Park and.Recreation Task Force, how can Edina's parks, recreational facilities, and programs adapt to meet the.future needs of our residents? Goal: Park and Recreation facilities and programs which respond to the changing needs and desires of the conununity. Focus: As part of the.1987 -88 work program, the Council established a citizen Task Force to assess our park and recreation facilities, park maintenance standards and fees and charges structure. The Task Force provided a "snapshot in time,' of Edina's parks and facilities and also conducted a public opinion survey which obtained our resident's attitudes concerning the present park and recreation system. With the findings of the Part: and Recreation 'rusk Force, Lhe City is now in a position to develop a strategy for park acid recreation facilities and programs for the future. Short -Term Objectives: Update -the coumiunity facilities element of the Comprehensive Plan by adopting a year 2000 Park and Recreation Plan. Work Program: Assign the Park Board the task of undertaking and completing the year 2000 Edina Park and Recreation Plan7 Staff services will be provided by the Planning Department and Park and Recreation Department. Elements of the Assigrunent • Review the Park and Recreation Task Force Report. • Involve the conununity organizations if desired by the Park Board • Establish goals and priorities concerning the Year 2000 park and recreation system with particular respect to: - Park and open space acreage - Park development Recreation programming including specialized progranuning such as adaptive recreation • Review alternatives and develop strategies to address identified goals Prepare a revised five year capital improvement plan Timetable: September, 1988 - Organizational Meeting - Council & Park Board January, 1990 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the term of Dottie Rietow on the Metropolitan Council will-expire in January, 1989, and WHEREAS, Dottie Rietow has been .a. dedicated representative of..the..City.'of Edina and the other municipalities in District 11; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby nominates Dottie Kietow for reappointment; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Edina City Council urges the Honorable Rudy Perpich .to approve the reappointment of Dottie Rietow as the District 11 representative on the Metropolitan Council. ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of December 5, 1988 and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 7th day of December, 1988. City Clerk O1,.lA. At o e REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: JOHN. WALLIN, FINANCE DIR. Date:. DECEMBER 2, 1988 Subject: YEAR END COUNCIL MEETING Recommendation: Agenda Item # v, -I Consent 0 Information Only [] Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA El To Council Action [I Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance That Thursday, December 29, 1988, at 5:00 p.m. be set as the Year -End Council Meeting. Info /Background: The Year -End Council Meeting is primarily to approve payment of claims and transfer of funds to be included in the current year. Other business can be included-on the agenda if action needs to be taken before the first Regular Meeting in January. (01/09/89) r o e � i'�ibRroM� J REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # yT _ J From: Craig-Larsen Consent 0 Information Only ❑ Date: December 2, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Revision of 8/1/88 0 To Council City Council Minutes Action ❑Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Amend City Council Minutes of August 1, 1988. Info /Background: On August 1, 1988, the City Council approved a minor lot division. Due to an error in the legal description, the proponents have requested that the minutes be amended to accurately describe the division approved. *LOT DIVISION APPROVED FOR LOTS 10 AND 11 BLOCK 1 'INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION (6315 AND 6319 TIMBER TRAIL). Notion was made by Member Smith and seconded by 11 Member Turner for adoption of the following resolution: D\ RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land constitute various separate parcels: _ Lot 10, Block 1, INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION and Lot 11, Block 1, INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION, lying Southerly of a line drawn from a point on the West line of said Lot 11, distant 32.0 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof to a point on the East line of, Lot 10, distant 7.65 feet North of the Southeast corner ct +ca� o „f � thereof q �r,f and Jc3 H/ That part of Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION, lying ti v.) of a line drawn from a point'on the West line of said Lot 11, distant 32.0 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof to a point on the East line of Lot 10, distant 7.65 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AS AMENDED: - Lot 10, and that part of Lot 11 lying North of a line drawn easterly-'from a point on the West line of said Lot 11 as measured along said West line, distant 32.00 feet southerly of the Northwest corner thereof, to the Northeast corner of said Lot 11. All in Block 1, Indian Hills 3rd Addition. Lot 11, Bloch 1, Indian Hills 3rd Addition, except that part thereof lying North of a line drawn easterly from a point on the West line of said Lot 11 as measured along said West line, distant 32.00 feet southerly of the Northwest corner thereof, to the Northeast corner of said Lot 11. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land constitute various separate parcels: Lot 10, Block 1, INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION and Lot 11, Block 1, INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Lot 10, and that part of Lot 11 lying North of a line drawn easterly from a point on the West line of said Lot 11 as measured along said West line, distant 32.00 feet southerly of the Northwest corner thereof, to the Northeast corner of said Lot 11. All in Block 1, Indian Hills 3rd Addition and Lot 11, Block 1, Indian Hills 3rd Addition, except that part thereof lying North of a line drawn easterly from a point on the West line of said Lot 11 as measured along said West line, distant 32.00 feet southerly of the Northwest corner thereof, to the Northeast corner of said Lot 11. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that,the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of December 5, 1988 and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 7th day of December, 1988. City Clerk ti4�1C j\ 67, r ml r\ y; REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: COUNCIL MEMBERS From: THOMAS S. ERICKSON, . CITY ATTORNEY Date: DECEMBER 2, 1988 Subject: PUBLIC HEARING - TRANSF OF OWNERSHIP /CONTROL OF CABLE FRANCHISE GRANTEE Recommendation: Agenda Item # VTT . Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance 0 I would recommend that the Public Hearing on the Transfer of Ownership and Control of the Cable Franchise Grantee be continued,to the meeting of December 19, 1988, because legal documents are not yet finalized. Info /Background: RESOLUTION RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE ACQUISITION OF ROGERS CABLESYSTEMS OF THE SOUTHWEST, INC., BY KBL CABLE, INC. WHEREAS, each of the Cities of Eden Prairie, Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka and Richfield, Minnesota ( "Member Cities "), all of the members of the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission (11SWSCCI1), granted a cable television franchise to Rogers Cablesystems of Minnesota Limited Partnership (t1RCMLP11) pursuant to each City's cable communications ordinance (the ordinances and the grants of the franchise are collectively referred to as the "Franchises "); and WHEREAS, RCMLP subsequently decided to dissolve and the Member Cities approved the transfer of the Franchises to Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. (11RCTSI11) , which, upon the dissolution of RCMLP, will be the grantee under the Franchises; and WHEREAS, RCTSI is a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rogers U.S. Cablesystems, Inc. (11RUSCI11), which in turn is a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rogers Cablesystems of America, Inc. ( "RCA"). RCA is a wholly -owned subsidiary of RCA Cablesystems Holding Co. ("ROACH"), which in turn is a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rogers U.S. Holdings, Limited (11RUSHL11) , a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rogers Communications, Inc. (11RCI11) ; and WHEREAS, KBL Cable, Inc. ( "KBLC11), a Texas corporation and a wholly -owned subsidiary of KBLCOM Incorporated ( "KBLCOM "), has agreed to acquire all of the issued and outstanding common stock and all of the issued and outstanding preferred stock of RCACH; and WHEREAS, under the Franchises, the acquisition by KBLC of all of RCACH's issued and outstanding common and preferred stock constitutes a transfer by means of a fundamental corporate change with respect to RCACH and its subsidiaries, including RCTSI; and .WHEREAS, under the Franchises, any transfer of the Franchises requires the approval of the Member Cities; and WHEREAS, KBLC, as the parent company of RCTSI, desires to leave the Franchises in the name of RCTSI and, to the extent not inconsistent with state or federal law, including the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, to guarantee, unconditionally, the full performance of all the obligations and commitments of RCTSI and its parent companies under the Franchises and all other ordinances and agreements between the Member Cities and RCTSI relating to the Franchises; and WHEREAS, RCI desires the Member Cities to release it and RUSHL from any and all obligations -and responsibilities relating to the Franchises or to RCTSI's performance thereunder; and WHEREAS, the Operating Committee of the SWSCC, with the assistance of the Herbst Law Firm, Ltd., and Don Richards __Associates, has reviewed the proposed acquisition by KBLC of control over RCTSI and the legal, technical,_ financial and character qualifications of KBLC and its parent company, KBLCOM; and WHEREAS, the Operating Committee has presented reports and information to the SWSCC regarding the acquisition of control by KBLC over RCTSI for consideration; and WHEREAS, on November 30, 1988, the SWSCC conducted a joint public hearing on behalf of the Member Cities regarding KBLC's acquisition of control over RCTSI and KBLC's request that the Franchises remain in the name of RCTSI; and WHEREAS, based on the reports and information received from the Operating Committee and on the results of the joint public hearing, the SWSCC has found no reason to disapprove of the acquisition.by KBLC of control over RCTSI or of KBLC's request to leave the Franchises in the name of RCTSI. NOW, THEREFORE, the SWSCC at a special meeting, resolved as follows: 1. The SWSCC hereby approves and recommends to the Member Cities that each of them consent to and approve KBLC's purchase of the common and preferred stock of ROACH (resulting in the acquisition of control by KBLC over RCTSI) and the maintenance of the Franchises in the name of RCTSI, subject to the following conditions: a. Within ten days of the date KBLC acquires all of the issued and outstanding common stock of ROACH, KBLC and KBLCOM shall file with each Member City an executed copy of a Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance substantially in the form and substance of Exhibit 1 attached hereto, along with an executed copy of each document required by said Agreement (including, without limitation, an opinion of legal counsel, certified articles of incorporation of RCTSI, KBLC and KBLCOM, evidence of insurance coverage as required by the Franchises, RCTSI's letter of credit, and RCTSI's bond); and b. RCTSI shall have performed its obligations under the Stipulation of Settlement and Release dated - 2 - , 1988, including, without limitation, the payment to SWSCC of $3.5 million. C. Subject to the terms of the letter agreement dated October 17, 1988, between KBLC and the SWSCC, KBLC shall reimburse the SWSCC (which, in turn, shall reimburse its Member Cities, pro rata) for all reasonable costs, expenses and professional fees incurred as a result of the approval of KBLC's acquisition of the common and preferred stock of RCACH (and the resulting acquisition of control over RCTSI. 2. The SWSCC recommends to the Member Cities that upon KBLC's and RCTSI's performance of the foregoing conditions, each Member City release RCI and RUSHL from any and all responsibilities, liabilities, claims and disputes, known or unknown, related to or arising from the Franchises or to RCTSI's performance thereunder, or from the approval of KBLC's acquisition of control over RCTSI. 3. The SWSCC recommends to the Member Cities that each of them waive any right of first refusal to purchase the Franchise or related System, but only as such right -of- first- refusal would apply to the request for approval of the acquisition of control by KBLC over RCTSI by the acquisition of the common and preferred stock of RCACH by KBLC. Dated this 3 D day of November, 1988. SW2 12/1/88 SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN CABLE COMMISSION B Y Its Chai " rson 3 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION GIVING FINAL APPROVAL TO THE ACQUISITION OF ROGERS CABLESYSTEMS OF THE SOUTHWEST, INC., BY KBL CABLE, INC. WHEREAS, -the City of Edina , Minnesota (the "City ") , granted a cable television franchise to Rogers Cablesystems of Minnesota Limited Partnership ( "RCMLP") pursuant to the City's cable communications ordinance (the ordinance and the grant of the franchise are referred to collectively -as the "Franchise "); and WHEREAS, RCMLP subsequently decided to dissolve and pursuant to Amending Ordinance No. , the City approved the transfer of the Franchise to Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. ( "RCTSI"), which, upon the dissolution of RCMLP, will be the grantee under the Franchise; and WHEREAS, RCTSI is a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rogers U.S. Cablesystems, Inc. ("RUSCI"), which in turn is a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rogers Cablesystems of America, Inc. ( "RCA"). RCA is a wholly:-.owned subsidiary of RCA Cablesystems Holding Co. ("ROACH"), which in turn is a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rogers U.S. Holdings, Limited (" RUSHL"), a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rogers Communications, Inc. ("RCI"); and WHEREAS, KBL Cable, Inc. ("KBLC"), a Texas corporation and a wholly -owned subsidiary of KBLCOM Incorporated ( "KBLCOM "), has agreed to acquire all of the issued and outstanding common stock and all of the issued and outstanding preferred stock of RCACH; and WHEREAS, under the Franchise, the acquisition by KBLC of all of RCACH's issued and outstanding common and preferred stock constitutes a transfer by means of a fundamental corporate change with respect to RCACH and its subsidiaries, including RCTSI; and WHEREAS, under the Franchise, any transfer of the Franchise requires the approval of the City; and WHEREAS, KBLC as the parent company of RCTSI, desires to leave the Franchise in the name of RCTSI and, to the extent not inconsistent with state or federal law, including the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, to guarantee, unconditionally, the full performance of all the obligations and commitments of RCTSI under the Franchise and all other ordinances and agreements between the City and RCTSI relating to the Franchise; and WHEREAS, RCI desires the City to release it and RUSHL from any and all obligations and responsibilities relating to the Franchise or to RCTSI's performance thereunder; and WHEREAS, the Operating Committee of the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission (the "SWSCC"), with the assistance of the Herbst Law Firm, Ltd., and Don Richards Associates, has reviewed the proposed acquisition by KBLC of the common and preferred stock of ROACH (and the resulting acquisition of control over RCTSI) and the legal, technical, financial and character qualifications of KBLC and its parent company, KBLCOM; and WHEREAS, reports and information regarding, the qualifications of KBLC and KBLCOM were prepared and the Operating Committee presented these reports to the SWSCC so that a recommendation could be made as to the acquisition of control by KBLC over RCTSI; and WHEREAS, on November 30, 1988, the SWSCC conducted a joint public hearing on behalf of its member cities regarding KBLC's acquisition of control over RCTSI and KBLC's request that the Franchise remain in the name of RCTSI; and WHEREAS, based on the reports and information of the Operating Committee and the results of the joint public hearing, the SWSCC found'no reason to disapprove of the acquisition by KBLC of control over RCTSI or of KBLC's request to leave the Franchise in the name of RCTSI, and the SWSCC recommended to the City that it approve said acquisition and request; and WHEREAS, the City, after considering KBLC's technical ability, financial condition, character and legal qualifications, and based on the recommendation of the SWSCC, has found no reason to disapprove of the acquisition by KBLC of the common and preferred stock of ROACH (or the resulting acquisition of control over RCTSI) , or of KBLC's request to leave the Franchise in the name of RCTSI. NOW, THEREFORE, be it-resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina ; 1. That the City hereby approves the acquisition by KBLC of the common and preferred stock of RCACH (and the resulting acquisition of control over RCTSI), and the maintenance of the Franchise in the name of RCTSI, subject to the following conditions: a. Within ten days of the date KBLC acquires all of the issued and outstanding common stock of ROACH, KBLC and KBLCOM shall file with the City an executed copy of a Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance substantially in the form and substance of Exhibit 1 attached hereto, along with an executed copy of each document required by the Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance (including, without limitation, an opinion of legal counsel, certified articles of incorporation of RCTSI, KBLC and KBLCOM, evidence of insurance coverage as required by the Franchise, RCTSI's letter of credit, and RCTSI's bond); and UMM b. RCTSI shall have performed its obligations under the Stipulation of Settlement and Release dated , 1988, including, without limitation, the payment to SWSCC of $3.5 million; and C. Subject to the terms of the letter agreement dated October 17, 1988, between KBLC and the 'SWSCC, KBLC- shall reimburse the SWSCC (which, in turn, shall reimburse its Member Cities, pro rata) for all reasonable costs, expenses and professional fees incurred as a result of the approval of KBLC's acquisition of the common and preferred stock of.RCACH (and the resulting acquisition of control over RCTSI). 2. Effective only upon the performance by RCTSI and KBLC of the conditions set forth in paragraph 1 hereof, the City forever releases and discharges RCI and RUSHL from any and all responsibilities, liabilities, claims and disputes, known or unknown, related to or arising from the Franchise or RCTSI's performance hereunder, or the approval of KBLC's acquisition of control over RCTSI. 3. The City hereby waives its right of first refusal to purchase the Franchise or related system, but only as such right -of- first - refusal applies to the request by KBLC for approval of the acquisition of control by KBLC over RCTSI. 4. In the event KBLC fails to comply with any of the above requirements within the time specified, unless the time is extended by the City, this Resolution and any and all approvals, releases, discharges and waivers by the City set forth herein shall be null and void. 5. This Resolution shall become effective only if all of the cities of Eden Prairie , Hopkins , Minnetonka , and Richfield adopt a substantially similar resolution within sixty (60) days after the adoption of this resolution. This Resolution is passed and adopted the day of December , 1988. DATED: CITY OF: Edina ATTEST: SW2 - 12/1/88 The Mayor - 3 - City Clerk ' SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN CABLE COMMISSION C/O Herbst & Thue, Ltd. 950 Northland Plaza 3800 West 80th Street Bloomington, MN 55431 (612) 893 -6711 Ms. Leslie Turner 6701 Parkwood Lane Edina, MN 55436 Mr. Fred Richards 7225 Fleetwood Dr. Edina, MN 55435 Ms. Peggy Kelly 22 Circle West Edina, MN 55436 Dear Ms. Turner: December 2, 1988 Mr. Glenn Smith Video Training Resource, Inc. 7500 W. 78th St. Edina, MN 55435 Mayor C. Wayne Courtney 4313 Eton Place Edina, MN 55424 Enclosed please find materials for your consideration at the Edina City Council meeting on Monday, December 5, 1988, under agenda item VII, "Public Hearing- Transfer of Ownership /Control of Cable Franchise Grantee ". Due to final negotiations by the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission (SWSCC) taking place on Friday on the enclosed agreement, we were not able to include them in the actual council agenda packet. Terms.of the transfer agreement were arrived at and agreed upon by all parties, so we request your council's action as previously scheduled. Within your council packets, you received a Resolution signed by the Chairperson of the SWSCC recommending approval of the transfer of the cable system from Rogers Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. (RCTSI) to KBL Cable, Inc. (KBLC). Also enclosed in your packet is a Resolution for the council's review and passage giving final approval of the transfer (subject to the closing on the Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance). It is required that each of the five Member Cities approve and execute the Resolution. We have enclosed with this letter a Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance, the execution of which by the Member Cities and KBL Cable, Inc. and KBLCOM Incorporated will effect the transfer of the Franchise. This document has been prepared with the assistance of the Member City city attorneys and KBLC's attorney. Description of Transfer RCTSI is a subsidiary of Rogers U.S. Holdings, Limited ("RUSHL"),which has recently agreed to sell all of the Cities of Eden Prairie, Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka & Richfield December 2, 1988 Page 2 outstanding common stock and Series A Multiple Voting Preferred Stock of its wholly -owned subsidiary, RCA Cablesystems Holding Co. ("RCACH") to KBLC. Although KBLC's.acquisition of control over RCTSI constitutes a fundamental corporate change in RCTSI and, therefore, a "transfer" under the Franchise, KBLC intends to operate the system through RCTSI. Therefore, KBLC has requested that the Franchise not actually be transferred to KBLC as a new Grantee, but rather that the Franchise be left in the name of the existing Grantee subject to KBLC's agreement to guarantee the full and prompt performance under the Franchise. The Consent Agreement and Guaranty of.Performance is the document.by which KBLC and its parent company, KBLCOM, agree to guarantee RCTSI's performance under the Franchise. Council Action Required on the Transfer The SWSCC requests that the action taken by the City Council Monday night include a public hearing on the proposed transfer, passage of the Resolution giving final approval of the acquisition of RCTSI by KBLC, and approval of the enclosed documents. The Consent Agreement and Guaranty of Performance does not need to be signed until the °closing with KBLC, which will be no later than March 10, 1988. If you have any questions regarding the process, you may contact me or Greg Peterson at 893 -6711. Alternatively, Tom Erickson, who has participated in the process, can respond to your questions at Monday's meeting. Thank you. Very truly yours, Adrian E. Herbst GP /kd Enclosures cc: Tom Erickson, City Attorne Marcella Daehn, City Clerk y RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the term of Alison Fuhr on the Regional Transit Board expires on January 1, 1989, and WHEREAS, Alison Fuhr has been a dedicated representative of the City of Edina; BE IT RESOLVED by,the City..Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby nominates Alison Fuhr for reappointment; BE IT FURTHER ESOLVED that the Edina City Council urges the Metropolitan Council to approve the reappointment of Alison Fuhr to the Regional Transit Board. ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I. the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 5, 1988, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 7th day of December, 1988. City Clerk 4q��rj I o e )11 h O REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Ken Rosland, Manager From: John Wallin, Finance Dir. Date: December 1, 1988 Subject: Director & Alternate Director, Suburban Rate Authority Recommendation: Agenda Item # VIII . B , Consent 0 Information Only ❑ Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA El To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance Adoption of resolution appointing Director and Alternate Director of the Suburban Rate Authority. Info /Background: Before year end the Council must designate the Director and Alternate Director to the Suburban Rate Authority. I would recommend that.the-Council designate the same individuals as last year per the attached resolution. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: John C. Wallin is hereby designated to serve as a Director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and James L. Knutson is hereby designated to serve as Alternate Director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1989 and until their successors are appointed. ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 5, 1988, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 6th day of December, 1988. City Clerk 4• lY�� o e 7 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Ken Rosland, Manager Agenda Item # VIII . C From: John Wallin, Finance Dir. Consent. 0 Information Only ❑ Date: December 1, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Designation of Director-- To Council and Alternate Director - LOGIS Action ❑ Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Adoption of resolution appointing Director and Alternate Director of LOGIS. Info /Background: Before year end the Council-must designate the Director and Alternate Director to LOGIS. I would recommend.that the Council designate the same individuals as last year per the attached resolution. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND - ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO LOGIS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota as follows: John C. Wallin is hereby designated as a Director of LOGIS and Kenneth E. Rosland is hereby designated as Alternate Director of LOGIS for the year 1989 and until their successors are appointed. ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 5, 1988, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 6th day of December, 1988. City Clerk i4A. e REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Ken Rosland, Manager From: Marcella Daehn, Clerk Date: December 1, 1988 Subject: Designation of Official' Newspaper Recommendation: Agenda Item # VIII.D Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HR 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance Adoption of resolution designating the official newspaper for the City. Info /Background: Prior to the 1989 the Council must designate the offical newspaper for the City of Edina in which all legal notices and ordinances must be published. I would recommend that the Council again designate the Edina Sun - Current as the official newspaper for the City, per the attached resolution. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Edina Sun - Current be and is hereby designated as the Official Newspaper for the City of Edina for the year 1988. ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was.duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 5, 1988, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 6th day of December, 1988. City Clerk �I 1988 t f OF EDINA CHECK nISTER 12 -05 -86 ,AGE 1 CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT _ _ VENDOR _ ITEM DESCRIPTION __... -_ _ACCOUNT NO. INV. A P.O. 0 MESSAGE 240A21 i i 4ai 4sn i eo 05 R6;8 W1rNC SUl= UNIFORMS 10 -4 l o a r ' _ _ '•1'6'9'.'95 -+ rt ++tr ttt -CKS - -- - 47- 104 - 07 MARMON GI-ASS rED REPAIRS 0-56 169663 .. 569.69 + Qr 'I 340713 11/21/88 250.00 SCOTT CRO_SBIE _ _ !BAND SERVICES 10 -4 4596 - 627 -62 250.00 • 340714_- -___J1 /21/88 _- -__ "55.60__ -,. - _HUNT.TRUCK_LINEPOSTAGE _3,0-4240- 781 -78 200149 7839 rrt -CKS • J J J 41 i J V d d 4 340700 1,669.00__- / CAIN OUSE ASSO INC CONSTRUCTON _- 60- 1300 - 005 -20 1,669.00 340701 .11/18/88 28.34 CARLSON TRACTOR REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 107709 7564 28.34 r _ 340702_._ __11. /18/88 __. _ _ 57.62 PORTER _CABLE PRESS PULLEY 693512 7498 57.62 + ti 340703 _. 11/18/88 .46.78 EIDE SAW CUT OFF BLADE 10- 4504 - 440 -44 48207 7620 340703 11/18/88 21.23 EIDE SAW SAW BLADES 10- 4504 - 440 -44 48004 7622 * 68.01 •' 340704 11/18/88 233.97 - IL __ PAM OIL----- PARTS -- - - - 10-4620- 560 -56 224643 7169 233.97 + 340705 11/18/88 95.00 BAKER RD DIST REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 1463 7515 ,1 95.00 • 340706 11/18/88 7.50 ROGER•OLWIN MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 420-42 or 340706 11/18/88 225.72 ROGER OLWIN CLOTHING ALLOW 10- 4266-420 -42 340706 11/18/83 2.12 ROGER OLWIN __ _GEN SUPPLYS 10-4504 - 420 -42 235.34 + w 340707 11/18/88.___ _ _ 15.00___- CANTEEN COMP OF MN REFUND 10- 3056 - 000 -00 15.00 + _ _ _ - - +n ` ' 340708 _. 1 1 /18/88. _ _ ...300. 00 . CITY_ OF_.ST PAUL - TRAINING 10- 42.02- 420-42 011663 � 300.00 r 340709._______.1.1 /18/88 -_ 12.00 _- REBECCA ROGERS_- SERVICES_ 10 -4120- 180 -18 12.00 • _ - _ b 340710 _ 11/18/88. _,_ ... 285.00 DOROTHY DYSTE - _,AMBULANCE REFUND -3180- 000 -00 285.00 + .10 4w 1 . 340711 11/18/88 475.00 - MN_- PARENT - ADVERTISING 30- 4214_- 782 -78 1234 7830 i 475.00 • - _ T .__ _ _ to I . 34071211/21/88. _._.._._..569.69 ____ _ _______ __,TAPEMARK CO _ _.____PRINTING_ ,_. _ 10-4600 - 420 -42 132671 569.69 + Qr 'I 340713 11/21/88 250.00 SCOTT CRO_SBIE _ _ !BAND SERVICES 10 -4 4596 - 627 -62 250.00 • 340714_- -___J1 /21/88 _- -__ "55.60__ -,. - _HUNT.TRUCK_LINEPOSTAGE _3,0-4240- 781 -78 200149 7839 rrt -CKS • J J J 41 i J V d d 4 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -05 -88 PAGE 2 CHECK NO. DATE_ -_.__- _ AMOUNT. _ VENDOR -_ITEM DESCRIPTION__ ACCOUNT NO. INV. A P.O. *'MESSAGE 55.60 + 340715 11/21/88 164.30 DEVERNS INC PRO SERVICES 30- 4201- 782 -78 7876 7845 164.30 + 340716 11/21/88 25.00 / / NATL CTR FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS 10- 4204 - 120 -12 ' 25.00 / 340717 11/21/88 23.00 / COLLEEN PAULUS SCHOOL 23.00 +iii/// 10 -4202- 480 -48 *�. 340718 11/21/88 4.00 / / BLMGT LINO & CARPET MOLDING 25- 4924 - 520 -52 8750 4.00 slii/// 340719 11/28/88 8.00 MARY C JONES REFUND 8.00 + 10- 1145 - 000 -00 � 340720 340720 11/28/88 11/29/68 124.80 225.60 / KELLY SERVICES SERVICES 10- 4200-180 -18 451452 350.40 / KELLY SERVICES + SERVICES 10- 4200 - 490 -49 461492 • 340721 340721 11/28/88 11/28/88 20.00 20.00 COMPUTER CHEQUE OFFICE SUPPLYS 50 -4516- 820 -82 10833 340721 11/28/88 _ 20.00 COMPUTER CHEOUE COMPUTER CHEQUE OFFICE SUPPLYS 50- 4516 - 840 -84 10834 4 60.00 + OFFICE SUPPLYS 50 -4516- 860 -86 10835 340722 11/28/88 55.00 GREATER MPLS AREA SALES 10- 4504 - 200-20 55.00 + - 340723 11%22/88 240.00 / MPLS HOCKEY ✓ ✓✓ SERVICES 28 -4201- 704 -70 240.00 + / w 340724 11/22/88 50.00 / WAYZATA HIGH SCHOOL SERVICES 28 -4201- 704 -70 50.00 + 340725 11/22/88 2,403.00 LAKE CONF ASSN SERVICES 2,403.00 + 28 -4201- 704 -70 / • �!► 340726 11/22/88 120.00 / STEVE BURNS SERVICES 28 -4201- 704 -70 120.00 +• 111/// 340727 11%22/88 120.00 FRANK FISCHER SERVICES 120.00 + 28 -4201- 704 -70 340728 340728 11/22/88 11/22/88 45.00 45.00- DEBBIE STERN SERVICES 28-4001 - 704-70 340728 1_1- /22/88._ 45.00 DEBBIE STERN DEBBIE STERN SERVICES 28- 4201 - 702 -70 45.00 + _ - SERVICES 28- 4201 - 702 -70 340729. 11/22/88 45.00 SHARON HERMAN SERVICES 45.00 + _. 28- 4201 - 704 -70 340730 11/22/88____ _ 45.00_ ALICE REIMANN SERVICE8 45.00 + ✓ - 28 -4201- 704 -70 340731 11/22/88 _. 12.00 MN DEPT OF PUBLIC PERMIT 50- 4310 - 840 -84 ' /... ------ --- - -- ' - - / 1988 , ' OF soIw* ~� _i. o*scw � ^� IoTsm 1e-05-86 )AGE ' -�o�%�m� ` Jm0T� - --� --_*M�Um� \. - ------ wEmDoM - -- -- - ITEM AES.CRIPT ION COUNT NO. W� ' Imw ' w P.O. # MESSAGE E - i 12'00 y3ww73e vv/2e/mo os nV �u� ����m �uwmoo . mwpp�ro �� �� ~~° =�=�" °°�mwn »w-wsw�-�ww-o* eTmo ' r9v2 -- !'� --******--------------� --------'�--'------ -----------'--------------'-- _�_____ ____ ___ _ / 340735 1�����M� - 23.aw ^' T���� w�*�� ��ow� --- - Yw-����-�ww-w� ' es�a� ^�' -- REPAIRS ---'- - - 7799 '' r' ' - 340736 - ^4o,u* - 11/e3/88-- _- 1v/a3xuw '-_____8s7.13 �- Noom�c* '- - --- asev�csa ,u-4201-180-18 340736 11/23/88 168 �n . 28.35 pLwnsmcs NwRo*nm FLoRsmcs wmoa��w osnozcso- ----------- - �«-�e»�-oe*-�a r ��---------------'--`--^ -_v,o33-mv *~/ m��s�os ow-�ew�-��w-1m ~! 340737 11/23/88 90.0 ----- BETH YLENSKv REFUND 28-4201-701-70 =] ' 34*749 11/29/88 *11.5 msmVovsm owan essImrsR _ e7-voww~wws-ww ao�� ��ao ' -. /= . 34$T38 11/23/88 _ *s .nn "^n w/mEnq REFUND - 28-4e01-7*1-70 `� 3*07Sw _ _-' ---- 4S.ww *, - --- - ~' 1 ` 340739 11/e3/e8 100.51 � Ruro SC*moLL PETTY owS* 10-4504-440-44 — ------- 90 651 � � 3*0740 11/23/88 97.ee /^ DmrLE LOCK ouppLr Gsw oupPLv$ 10-4Sm*-4e0-4e 761*01 - - - ~ � 340741 11/e3/e8 80.00 ^^ LuczLs M mmacos wse*xCsm a7-4eVi-66e-16 .. �*07*e 11/23/88 8.00 RUTH ' owm��ow msrUmo 10-114S-000-00 - mw���___ � �� _.-~ ,.,=°,"" 86.00 ^^ m*oY wmxsJw wspAxe pwmrm *0-4540-803-80 86.00 *^�- -- - ------'- ' --' 3407*4 vv/emvom �s.�w ALPHA VIDEO m wunzO ---------------'' Gsw muppLYm ' - i- --' - on-*sw4-svu-s, w6345 '------'---'------_____-_��.��� 0* _ _ 34074.s vi/en/o8 *e.93 VmvIwm SwLuvxoww mo TYPESETTING 27-4ei4-667-66 e2731 769/ * 340746 11/29/88 S16.00 EMERALD HOTEL 3 ' , ~ ^ ~ - ^~ - ~ '~ ~ ' `~ � _ --� -- = | 29.00 EINAR JOHANSEN REPAIRS ---'- - - 7799 '' r' ' e9.00 ~ 340748 11/29/88 r ��---------------'--`--^ "- |` ----- ' --- ------_-__--- - __ _ __ �.�= =] ' 34*749 11/29/88 *11.5 msmVovsm owan essImrsR _ e7-voww~wws-ww ao�� ��ao ' 1'� `� 3*07Sw 11/29/88 250 '08 � CATS PAW CLOGGING MEMVICES 3w-*2w1~781-78 _�- --� -- I1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER i 12 -05 -88 PACE 4 CHECK N0.__ DATE AMOUNT_ "_ -_..- VENDOR . _ I_TEN DESCRIPTION- _.____ ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. Y MESSAGE ti 250.00 • 340751 11/29/88 75.00 CAROL TIMM SERVICES 30 -4201- 781 -78 75.00 + - •, 340752 11/29/88 50.00 VFW POST 1296 GEN SUPPLYS 30 -4504- 781 -78 50.00 • - 340753 11/29/86 495.00 / IDELLE PETERSON GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 .. 49S.00 •1/ - 3407S4 11/29/88 119.18 DALE LUNDGREN - MILEAGE 119.18 • - 340755 11/29/68 585.00 GOPHER STATE 1 -CALL SERVICES 40 -4201- 800 -80 585.00 + 340756 11/29/88 1,955.00 DEDE HENSEL LESSONS - 28 -4201- 701 -70 - 11955.00 + - 340757 11/29/88 2,025.00 LUIS HERNANDEZ SERVICES 27- 4100 - 667 -66 2,025.00 • - 340758 11/29/88 90.00 CARRY PERSONS - - - SERVICES - - - 27- 4100 - 667 -66 - - 90.00 • - 340759 11/29/88 400.00 / SHADE TREE ACRES TREE MOVING 27- 4560- 664 -66 7954 400.00 + - �' 340760 340760 11/29/88 11/29/88 2.66 - - -- MN TROOPER - -- ADVERTISING•_-- ---- - " - - -- 50- 4214 - 822 -82 - - - "- - - 340760 11/29/88_ 26.66 MN TROOPER 2.66 -. MN TROOPER ADVERTISING SO- 4214 - 822 -82 - 340760 11/29/88 26.66 MN TROOPER ADVERTISING - ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 822 -82 340760 11/29/88 26.68 MN TROOPER ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 862 -86 _ -------- - - - - -- - 80.00 • .. 340761 11/29/88 207.00 SCIENTIFIC PROD DIV FIRST AID SUPPLYS 10- 4510 - 440 -44 - - - - - -- - - -- 00 ii 340762 11/29/88 75.37 VECREEN IND SERV CONVEYOR REPAIRS 50 -4248- 841 -84 .. - -- -- - - - - - 75.37 • -- ..i 340763 11/29/88 86.00 CALICO CREATION FIRST AID SUPPLYS 10- 4510-440-44 1294 7764 - - - - - -- - - - -- 86.00 + � 340764 - 11/29/88 - - - -- 238.00 . / CREICTON COMPANY CAPITOL IMPROV 25 -4942- 001 -23 00573 7745 - - -. _- 238,.00 -•- �' ,' 340765 11/29/88 209.65 TRUDEAU d JOHNSON EQUIP REPAIR 23- 4548 - 612 -61 2864 - ----- - - - - -- - - --- -- - - - - -- 209:65 + 340766 11/29/88 144.00 MAUREN BROCKWAY PART TIME MAINT 23- 4105 - 612 -61 - - - - - - - - -- 1 44.00 • 340767 11/29/88 103.64 NORMA HANLON CRAFT SUPPLYS 23 -4S88- 611 -61 = :3? 1 le, TV If'r 7 .0. v . i� .' . OF EDINA CHECK (-_1STER to-%GE S 12-05-86 --CHECK NO,.--DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION-.---.----ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. • MESSAGE fe • • • • • • , 7�r 3,513.90 • TEMP HEAT 103.64 • 340768 11/29/88 37:40 INDIANNENDILK—_ JANE PARRISH PART TIME OFFICE 23-4120-611-61 37.40 • ;_____34078.4 11/29/88 250.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA 340769 11/29/88 looTio TOM POLZINE PART TIME MAINT 23- 4105 - 612 -61 qw 100.00 • 340770 340770 It/ag/se 11/29/88 242.23 TRI COUNTY DIST COST OF COMM 661940 7058 421.15 TRI COUNTY DIST COST OF COMM 23-4624-613-61 661930 7746 663.38 *v 340771 11/29/88 8,754.92 RUNYAN VOGEL GROUP CONSTRUCTION 27-1300-001-00 S, 754. 92 340772 11/29/88 360.00 REGISTRA PRO DEVELOP SCHOOL 10-4202-490-49 ___360, 00 • 340773 11/29/88 53.00 AN PUBLIC HLTH ASSN GEN SUPPLY$ 10-4504-48e-48 53. 00 • 340774 11/29/88 4,615.75 PRIME SOURCE SHELVING UNITS 25-4924-520-52 3160 7143 - - 4 +615,75 */ • 340775 11/29/88 591.75 GE COMPANY MOBILE PHONE 10-4901-420-42 7533 ----- --- 591.75 • 340776 11/29/68 158.72 FESLERS INC SUPPLYS 10-4504-420-42 22685 7841 158 ._ 72 • 340777 340777 11/29/88 1 27.90 CALLAH'AN & COMPANY BOOK 10-4502-420-42 836631 90. -1 0 -CALLAHAN.& COMPANY. -_BOOK A46egi lie. 00 • ..,__.__.._.l_0-_4S02-420-42 340778 11/29/88 — -- -19,391 16 _9HERIFFS -DEPT -----------RENTAL 19,391.16 _.___.___l,0-_4226-420-42 ------ 340779_ ---11n9/80_____60_00 _MN CHIEFS OF -- POLICE ___- __..DUES 0--4e-04--420-42 60.00 340780 _11/29/88 _____123. 00 UFF TIE T_.. DM533 7840 123.00 __._SUPPLYS -.10-4.642-120-42 340781 /29/88 _91.50 ..BUSINESS-MACHINES RIBBONS IBM 15434 7737 91.50 340782 fe • • • • • • , 7�r 3,513.90 • TEMP HEAT SERVICE CONTRACTS —.27-4288-667-66 17594 7999 - 340T83_____- 11 /22/88_._.____ 507,78 ___INSRUST RESEARCH. INDIANNENDILK—_ 10-4e42-358-30 507.78 ;_____34078.4 11/29/88 250.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA SERVICES 10-4e01 -500-50 - - --------- ---- fe • • • • • • , 7�r �I 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -05-88 PAGE 6 �+ CHECK. NO. DATE-_,-.__.__,__ — _AMOUNT_ __- VENDOR DESCRIPTION NO. INV. N P.O. f MESSAGE 'I 340785 11/29/88 283.77 ADS TO GO SERVICES 50- 4201 - 840 -84 340785 11/29/88 283.77 ADS TO 60 SERVICES 50-4201- 860 -86 851.30 • -. swiss , sir -CKS 340A09 11/28/88 4,693.63 AAA LICENSES 10- 4310 - 560 -56 - sissss sss -CKS i' _ 340A11 11/1.8/88 61.66 ACE SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 646 -64 7391 61.66 • - *00-CKS 340A18,_ ___- 11/_29/88 _______ _175.83 ADT INC. ALARM SERVICES 30- 4304 - 782 -78 699856 7952 _ 175.83 �' srssis -- - -- - *00-CKS 340A22 11/28/88 58.25 AIR COMFORT INC. BLDG RENOVATION 25 -4942- 001 -23 32313 7528 - _. - -- -- 58.25 • *00-CKS 340A29 11/18/88 114.40 ALBINSON SPOT MARKER 40 -4504- 801 -80 501522 7451 114.40 • rr - - - - -- "- - .. ----- :. rri -CKS 340A39 - __ - -.- 11/18/88- 62.60ALTERNATOR REBUILD FLASHLITES 10 -4504- 180 -18 1605 7575 j 340A39 11/18/88 201.30 ALTERNATOR REBUILD _ TARPS 10- 4504 - 301 -30 1604 7574 340A39 11/18/88 59.25 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 6276 7551 ' 340A39_ 11/18/88_ 43.26 _ _ALTERNATOR REBUILD TOOLS 4580 - 560 -56 1603 7572 � _ 340A39 11/18/88 134.76 ALTERNATOR REBUILD _ _ TOOLS _ _10- 40 -4580- 801 -80 1602 7518 501.17 • sirs•• - .. -- - - - -- -__ . ris -CKS " 340A41 If/ee/es -- 231 .51 _- AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE- _ _CONCESSIONS 4624 = 703 -70 12173 7766 6 _ , 231.51 • —_ - - —28- - - - _ -- - 340A50 11/28/88 32.40 AMERICAN RED CROSS GEN SUPPLYS 10- 4504- 625 -62 15820 - - -- - 32.40 • ssirrr ••• -CKS _ 340A53 11/23/88 118.99 AMERICAN SHARECOM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 118.99 s rsi-CKS 340A76. ._ .... _ -) 1 /22/88 .. __ - - -48 . T5 - _ ASPLUND COFFEE CONCESSIONS 28 -4624- 703 -70 281 91 7755 c T i 1� +? T e'� ,R; `•.f' ;.j� -. f , t ti , t 'i �i�d Y ti l . . vymo / OF snINw CMscw' zoTsm 12-05-8' `Aws 7 ' __-oMsCK_ NO-,-- DATE -__--__'_�"°v°c-'_ -__--- os�mRIPTxmm ACCOUwy NO, sww. 0 P.O. w MESSAGE � 48.75 ./-----VENDOR | ***-mwm , 3*0A9S__-_-j 1 /e9/88 -__-_-___-__204.20 _-___-_Awm INC--,-- -- -----'---onwcesrs oomcmsTE Ym-45ea_3mY-3m 92649 � �.. 3*0A98 11/e9/88 171.e3 AxR INC CONCRETE `0-*5ee-301-30 nvwwa ~~' o*w*no 11/29,88 *e9.00 AVR INC oomCnsTs 10-45e8-301-30 4800 3+0*98 - 11/29/88 ------- 319.e0 --� wwm INC-- - ' -- owc�sTs - -- - - ---- - �0-*sew-�m/ 3o 91149 4800 '= 1^1e*.33 . _3*ownn'_- 11����a�_-----_--____��.56 - ^^ _wXT~LYLs---_ ........ '_ �mmcsaW�Qma ��~�ae�����-7e � = ---- --'- --- ' - .� '---- - - --'- -- --- '' --- ' '- *00-mwS ~~ ' 340e03 oy0003 11/e1/88 1/ep/oo__ 43.95 aswmom LAuwonf 10-4e62-301-30 13749 � � 3*0803 lv�e��eo -----'-----e� eo. ' eswoom eswo�w ------------- m�rsTY ��woaso - ------- 10-4262-301-30 oey�� _ 3 wneoo �v/e��ou .v, �e �s aswmmw a�Fs7r w�wwmsm ---���------- '~ -^~~�~~'-~~ �n-�e�e-su�-sw '=°°" �e�na `. . // �.umum ' ww-"e�m-�w�-w* �e��n � !'`�- ----'�----- ------- ' --- - --'� - '-- - ' ------ ------ -- - so*-Cwm . 34080s 11/e3/88 63.00 -------'ewo*-ezL[----- ----�---�MILE*ms------'---'-- 30-4e08-7e1-7e 3*0oos 11/e9/88 e.ns mAcw-BILL GAS so-�as�-Tee-7a z*oeos'_-_- 1/e9/88 �7.uw aAcM-BILL -- ----msw pnaT�ms 30-4e90-781-78 � �^| s*000s 11/e3/88 ea.*s eAco-BILL ouppLrm -' �----�3o-*sow-7w1-7o --' ~~ s«000s 11/29/88 ss.*o co-BILL orpIos muppLra 30-4sv6-781-7e 3*0Bos__----11/29/88sI.81 ACN-mzLL _--- _�p����_�g��`�� �n-����-�mv-?� � *^ � esv.�v ---'----- - ------- _-_ __ '- ~~ ���-'-'----'--------- i,./ - ----------- --'-----------____ __ __ _ ***-mwm .' 340e1 i 4e -'' -'- -' 11/28/88_ RETT mOV & $TOR DEL/PICK up sLsC 10-4e36~180-18 C311e8 794e _340B1*__ �1 � ��---'-- ----�----------�-----------'--'-------'-------' -- - - - '� = ***-CKm ` 340oIw 11/18/88 153 :67 � BATTERY = -WAREHOUSE REr»^m r*R/m ;n-wsw0-saw-sm -- 4e15 — 7*44 .~` _. �*oo�e �vvv��oe we'�e . mwrTmnY wwRsoouos mspwIR PARTS 10-*5*0-S60-56 3969 7380 -_' 4 **w-o�m 34 - wmLE 11,*9^88 --- -4 4- ' - ------- � mss R uo s m�saw�R 8 - mss R ------����m������-���-------------'--� ---�' ' 4+.sw *� . . ****** __-__-____'_-'-- �-__ �____' w° 1 ***-Cwo ^. 340oe7 11/21/88 133.00 BERGFORD TRUCKING xmvswrmR' sn-*aea-oee-ee 340oe7 11/e1/88 vnv.nn�-----'msnwronD- TRUCKING -------INVENTORY ----Sn-4626-842-84 --------------' ---' ��| wpl 3*0o27 11/e1v88 220.50 msmmrmmo rmUcmImn Iwyswrmm^ 50-46e6~86e-86 nw __ ~ 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -05 -88 PAGE 8 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT / VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. A MESSAGE - 544.50 •,// r*rrii _ rr + -cKs 340830 11/29/88 36.62 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS 10 -4516- 440 -44 421867 7842 _ 340830 11/29/88 105.49 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS 10 -4516- 440 -44 421868 7842 340B30 11/29/88 286.98- BERTELSON BROS. INC. CREDIT 10- 4516 - 510 -SI " 340830 11/228/88 48.96 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS 10- 4516 - 510 -51 420843 _ 340830 11/18/88 141.20 BERTELSON BROS. INC. FILE CABINET 10 -4901- 540 -54 414875 7453 340830 11/29/88 274.00 BERTELSON BROS. INC. TIME CLOCK 27 -4504- 664 -66 422558 7861 ' 340830 11/29/88 _. 15.99 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS 30- 4516 - 781 -78 421455 7953 335.28 • rrrrrr / * *+ -CKS 340832 11/23/88 231.00 / BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS LOCKS 60 -1300- 012 -20 87050 7929 ' 231 .00 •!!! ' ririrr r *• -CKS " / _ 340850 11/18/88 60.21 / BLMGT FREEWAY DODGE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 72933 7290 60.21 « ✓ ✓✓ - / ** *-CKS _ 340BS4 11/29/88 449.78 / BLUMBERG PHOTO CABLE SUPPLYS 10 -2149- 000 -00 B109 7680 n 449.78 •iiiri - - -- - rrr -CKS 340862 11/22/88 349.81 BOYUM EQUIPMENT PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2920 7522 349.81 * + + -CK5 340977 11/29/88 2,360.55 BRAUN ENG TESTNG INC CONSTRUCTION 27- 1300 - 001 -00 13777 340877 11/29/88 2,445.85 BRAUN ENG TESTNG INC SERVICES 40- 4201 - 600-80 13778 4,806.40 * 340878 11/22/88 132.10 BRISSMAN- KENNEDY INC CLEANING SUPPLYS 10- 4512 - 520 -52 108579 7542 ` 132.10 * 340B79 11/18/88 370.23 BROCK WHITE GEN SUPPLYS 10-4504- 375 -30 302416 7428 340079 11/18/88 60.00 BROCK WHITE REPAIR PARTS 10 -4504- 375 -30 302477 7502 430.23 * r«••rs - •* «-CKS 340B82 11/18/88 30.66 BRUNSON INSTRUMENT STAKE FLAGS 40- 4504 - 801 -80 074500 7373 30.66 * ••�• ++ * ** -CKS 340B91 11/29/68 157.41 BURY d CARLSON INC. BLACKTOP 10- 4524-301 -30 31479 340B91 11/29/86 139.92 BURY d CARLSON INC. BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 301 -30 31330 - -- - ,f ?l ti'' {Sl���s ";�� { �j�YW'� -- -- _'j �f V 1988 OF EDINA CHECK ' `ISTER 12 -05 -88 PAGE 9 CHECK NO. DATE.__ -- _ -,. _. AMOUNT_ _VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION- .___ -. __ ACCOUNT _N0. INV. M P.O. A MESSAGE .. 340B91 340891 11/29/88 11/29/88 237.30 BURY d CARLSON INC. BLACKTOP 10- 4524- 647 -64 31330 340891 _... 11/29/88 - .._....._. 222.96 _ BURY 6 CARLSON INC. BLACKTOP ...... 10 -4524- 647 -64 31479 340B91 11/29/88 206.10 52.47 BURY 3 CARLSON INC. BLACKTOP 40- 4524 - 803 -80 31330 BURY b CARLSON INC. BLACKTOP 40- 4524 - 803 -80 31479 - - - - -- - -- - - - - -1. �O 1L6 _._1.b._.+ - -- -- - -- - -- +«i -CKS 340001 11/29/88 319.18 C 6 S DISTRIBUTING COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 078125 7747 v ««f -CKS 340007 _. 340007 11/21/88 _...___- ..1,267.39.. ..._ CARGILL INC. SALT _ 10- 4535- 318 -30 897075 7438 ti. 340007 11/21/88 11/21/88 1,267.39- 1,267.39 CARGILL INC. SALT 10- 4535- 318 -30 897075 7438 CARGILL INC. SALT 10-4538- 318-30 897075 7438 - - - - -- - ------ ----- - - - - -- 1,267.39_x..._._ .�, 340008 11/29/88 13,550.00 CARLSON LK ST EQUIP. PARK TRACTOR 10- 4901 - 650 -64 7645 - -- - - -- --- _13,550.00 + • ., 340009 11/23/88 104.45 CARLSON PRINTING PRINTING 10- 4600- 600 -60 43005 7930 - - -- - - -- - — 104_45 - -e- - - - -- mv - - -- « «f -CKS 340C25 340C25 11/22/88 153.00 CHAPIN PUBLISHING CO AD FOR BIDS 10- 4120 - 140 -14 91695 ., 11/29/88 45.48 CHAPIN PUBLISHING CO SERVICES CONTRACTS 30- 4288 - 781 -78 92224 7938 - - - - - - - -- 198_48_+ --34oc-eg ++ +-CKS 335.io 44 e396 v r . + «« -CKS 340C33._._— __11/28/88 X28.70 —_.__ __CITY OF EDINA WATER-- 10- 4258 - 446 -44 340C33 11/28/88 44.30 CITY OF EDINA __ —___ -- - WATER — 10- 4258 - 646-64 _ •r .. 340C33 11/28/88 27.43 CITY OF EDINA WATER 10 -4258- 646 -64 --- - - - - -- -- 3 ±_ +« «-CKS r 40C37 11/16/88 25.87 CLANCY DRUG INC. -- - - - - -- -- _ - FILM - 16-4 - 508-627 -62 - 10629 �► ` 25.87 + «++ -CKS 340055._ .__.- 1.1/18/8 _ 384..33 —. _COMPONENT .TECH _ HYD_ PUMP.- _— ______ 4540 - 5.60 -56 46080 • 384.33 + •, -- .. - -- - _1.0.- - __7548 v , - ----- --- - -- -- - - - - - i «« -CKS_ ,: 340087 11/22/$8 19.38 CURTIN MATHESON SCI GEN SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 482 -48 227459 7341 I" - - - - -- - 10 ►; - - - -- 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -05 -88 PACE 10 i CHECK _NO..__DATE - - -,_— AMOUNT_ ___ -._ VENDOR _ _ ._.,_ ....... ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT _.NO. _ INV. • P.O. • MESSAGE ' w 19.38 + r _ ssssss _ ### -CKS � 340C92 11/29/88 335.10 CUSTOM FIRE APP EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 440 -44 2396 • 340C92 -_._ 11/18/68 CUSTOM FIRE APP CONTRACT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 2368 7558 340C92 11/18/88 ,/275.00 CUSTOM FIRE APP _ REPAIR PUMP 10-4274- 440 -44 2368 7558 822.4 467,35� ssssss so*-CKS 340D03- 11/29/88 _- -__ -_- 78.10 - _ _ -_- _D_ d V.SALES . _ GEN SUPLY$ - 30- 4504 - 782 -78 33686 7749 • 78.1 0 + - - -- - ssssss ## #-CKS 340DO7 11/29/88 35.22 D. C. HEY CO. SERVICES CONTRACTS 30- 4288 - 781 -78 085787 8006 - - -- - - - - -- -- — 35_22. + --- - ' ssssss s++ -CKS 340D38 11/29/88 3,445.20 DAVEY TREE EXPERT CO TREE TRIMMING 60- 1300-013 -18 3,445.20 w/ - +++ -CKS 340E2O -_._ ..._11/23/88_.__. —. _. 85.00 ECOLAB PEST ELIM. _ - - SERVICE$__.- _ _ _ -4201- 782 -78 56580 7916 85.00 + __.. -_30 +sssss **O-CKS • �• 340275 11/28/88 230.00 EMPLOYEES CLUB SUPPLYS 10 -4504- 500 -50 -. rssss# 000-CKS 340F11 11/29/88 120.00 FEED RITE CONTROL WATER SUPPLYS 40- 4622-805 -80 120.00 + Q .,I so*-CKS 21,00_ -__ __- FRED , - -VOGT _d CO. —_ REFUND 10- 3130 - 000 -00 21.00 + - - -- - - -- sss-CKS 340624 11/29/88 40.40 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTER REPAIRS 10- 4248- 440 -44 41778 340624 11/29/88 97.70 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 440 -44 42017 340624 11/29/88 75.30 _ CEN. COMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4248- 440 -44 41431 340624 11/29/88 75.30 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248- 442 -44 41431 340624. -------- 11/29/88 ___.. - _75.30- . GEN. COMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTED REPAIRS ;_ 10 -4248- 442 -44 41431 c 340024 11/18/88 42.40 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS REPAIR RADIO 10-4294 - 560-56 41090 255.80 + , -- - - - --- -- -- - - - - -- - - -- � ### -CKS =I ._ 340G32_---- .— U,/18/08. l9 -_90- . GENUINE PARTS CO. REPAIR PARTS - __10-4S40-S60-56 26475 7525 e t _ s - -- - -* ...— iir E Toll, .._.., + •4i. t aS;il.'.f'.,�, v 1988 Cf OF EDINA ^ CHECK / `ISTER 12-05-SE AGE 11 CHECK NO—DATE AMOUNT. _ - . VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION -, A000UNT NO. INV. 8 P.O. 0 MESSAGE .. 340632 11/18/88 248.22 GENUINE PARTS CO. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 26286 7493 340G32 11/18/89 66.94 GENUINE PARTS CO. REPAIR PARTS _ 10- 4540 - 560 -56 27085 7545 340632 11/18/88 24.79 GENUINE PARTS CO. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 992714 7565 ti 340632 11/18/88 12.99 GENUINE PARTS CO. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 27036 7544 340632 ------ -A 1/18/88 __._ - 64.85 GENUINE PARTS CO. _ REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 25263 7449 340632 11/16/88 19.15 GENUINE PARTS CO. . REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 64760 7368 .� 340632 11/18/88 34.96 GENUINE PARTS CO. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 27120 7550 340632 11/18/88 286.36. -. -_ GENUINE PARTS CO. REPAIRS PARTS __.10- 4540- 560 -56 992361 7560 340G32 11/18/88 95.38 GENUINE PARTS CO. REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 992370 7761 873.54 • _ 340G33 11/21/88 288.00 GEREBI -LIZ SERVICES 30-3511- 000 -00 288.00 + rrrrrr rss -CKS 340642 1.1 /18/88 __. —_ -_ 88.66 GIL HEBARD GUNS 4572 - 722 -72 59420 7530 340G42 11/18/88 132.80 __.TARGETS GIL HEBARD GUNS _ _ _ AMMUNITION _ _29- 29-4648 - 722 -72 59420 7530 �. 221.46 • rrrrrr rrr -CKS 340G44 11/23/88 50.00 -- __GLEN - SIPE_PAINO SERV _PRO SERVICES 30 -4201- 782 -78 881122 7915 50.00 r rrrrrr _ .. 340668 11/18/88 131.48 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. SUPPLYS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 708585 7621 - -- - - ------- - - - - -- 1- 31_.48 s • r„ rrrrrr + ++ -CKS a 340G94 11/18/88 170.38 GUSTAVE LARSON CO. THERMOSTAT 10 -4540- 540 -54 S64089 7495 170.38 r ,' • rrrrrr 000-CKS r 340H21 11/18/88 A04.07 HARMON GLASS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 0 -56 169663 7447 447 • 340H21 . -._ . _1 1 / 18/88 _._ - 44.76 _._._.__--- _- __HARMON GLASS — - _ -_ GLASS - _ 1.0-454.O-S60-56 51320 7 j 148.83* = n- -ro- -� -_ - � rrrrrr -- - - ---- - -- - -- --- - - - - -- - - -- - -. rrr -CKS -- -... - -- - --- -- ------- -._... -- 340H33 11/29/88 638.27 HENN CTY SHERIFF BOOKING FEES 10- 4286 - 220 -22 - - - - — — - - -. -.- 638_.2 7 • " ...� rrrrrr *00-CKS !, e 340H62 11/28/88 24.00 HOFF WILLIAMSON GENERAL SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 236779 f 340H62 11/22/88 124.12 HOFF UILLIAMSON SUPPLYS 10 -4504- 510 -51 237970 7601 -- - - - - -. - -- --- - - -__- 1.48._72. �_--- ._... - - - -- W ' I- :j rsrrrr rrr -CKS ,. • 340HSS 11/18/88 35.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 7553 340HSS 11/18/88 85.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR RADIATOR 10- 4540 - 560 -56 7563 r �1 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -05 -68 PAGE 12 I _ CHECK.- NO -.._- DATE- ___- . -___. _- AMOUNT _ VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION NO. INV. • P.O. 0 MESSAGE __- ------.-----ACCOUNT 340NGS 11/18/88 36.50 / HUMPHREY RADIATOR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 .. - -.- -- - -- 156.50 +✓ ._ rrrrrr rrr -CKS 340I05 11/28/88 500.00 1 C M A DUES 10 -4204- 140 -14 012108 - 500.00 + rrrrrr - rrr -CKS 340I53___ ___,_ 1.1/28/58_.-__67.85 __ _I.NTL CON BLDG OFFCLS BOOKS 10 -4502- 490 -49 c 67.85 + _ - - -- -- - -- _ I rrrrrr _ rrr -CKS 340J27 11/21/88 22.26 JERRY$ FOODS EMPLOYEE SEMINAR 10 -4212- 510 -51 • - -- -- -22_26 ±_ - • - - - - rrrrrr rrr -CKS 340J35 11/29/88 63.36 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 10- 4600- 420 -42 3344 63.38 a - rrrrrr 000-CKS 340K051- 1/21/88201.16 _ __ K d K SALES CONTRACTED REPAIRS. 27604 6581 340KOS 11/21/88 375.00 K 6 K SALES REPLACE DOOR ____27-4E48-662-66 E7- 4248 - 662 -66 27603 7848 576.16 + - ' rrrrrr - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- rrr -CKS 340K3S._._. - - -- 11/18/88 _ ., 300.09 _....,___ -KNOX LUMBER CO. EXP JOINT 10- 4504 - 301 -30 602003 7379 340K35 11/18/88 199.00- KNOX LUMBER CO. CREDIT 10- 4504 - 301 -30 602004 340K35 11/18/88 43.78 KNOX LUMBER CO. INSULATION 10- 4504 - 301 -30 602005 7379 " 340K351- 1/18/88 -__ 45.14 KNOX LUMBER CO. INSULATION 10- 4540 - 520 -52 629774 7524 340K35 11/29/88 13.66 KNOX LUMBER CO. BLDG MATERIALS 27- 4248-667 -66 629132 7833 v 340K35 11/29/88 66.30 KNOX LUMBER CO. GEN SUPPLYS 27- 4504 - 667 -66 629170 7932 " 340K3S _ .11/29/88 _._._ 21 .50 _. _ . - KNOX LUMBER CO. GEN SUPPLYS 27-4504- 667 -66 629501 7738 340K35 11/29/88 60.26 KNOX LUMBER CO. PAINT 27- 4504-667 -66 629107 7768 340K35 11/29/88 60.83 KNOX LUMBER CO. REPAIR PARTS E7- 4540 - 667 -66 629166 6672 340K35_ 11/22/68 _- 25..69 -_- _ _KNOX LUMBER CO, _ - GEN SUPPLYS _ _ - _— 28- 4504 - 702 -70 601637 7758 ` 340K3S 11/23/88 55.90 KNOX LUMBER CO. GEN SUPPLYS E8- 4504 - 702 -70 626278 7832 340K35 11/22/88 27.73 KNOX LUMBER CO. GEN SUPPLYS E8- 4504 - 702 -70 629599 7674 _ i � 340K35- - _11/16/88__._. -... 115.08._ .. -_ KNOX .LUMBER CO, _ - _._REPAIR PARTS 4504 - 502 -80 601951 7255 - 6. 637.28 + - - -- _40- r ++ -CKS 340K51 11/18/88 355.00 KREMER SPRG 8 ALGN CONTRACT REPAIRS 10 -4246- 560 -56 685S 7446 " 4. rrrrrr /-----LABOR rrr -CKS " - 340L02 11/18/88 267.14 RELATIONS ASN. CONSULTANT FEE 10 -4212- 510 -51 267.14 r • • ,'tii,Ir.•'�d,lu:;�•� d���'i� \� �,, Y . �d�'�rf� ,lid i !4�d 1908 r! OF EDINA CHECK ISTER 12-05-66 'AGE 13 CHECK NO. _DATE.-- _.__.__ ..._____AMOUNT _ .__ _.VENDOR .. ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. Y MESSAGE +•+ -CKS +++ -CKS + ++ -CKS • ++** «• - - - - -- -- - - - - - -. _ - - -- -- - •*+ -CKS 340L66-- _ _ _ 11 /_1.8/88 _ ._._ 56.75. _.- . _ _ _.LONG LAKE FORD TRACT. _TRACTOR PARTS-­- - ____ -_ -. 10- 4540- 560 -56 073464 6510 56.75 + * * * + ++ •** -CKS v - 340678 W023089 4.9_50 v�OAI - T- ONOT-TVE GEN SUPP6VS 76 12584 — M-3 0 �, • * » * ** *** -CKS 340L80 . _... ___- .11/23/88 ___— -- _-./49.50 __ \— _..LYNDALE GARDEN CENTER GENERAL SUPPLIES- ____-- _— _._30- 4504 - 782 -78 12580 7863 340L80 11/21/68 .* 25.78 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR GEN SUPPLY$ 30- 4504 - 782 -78 10885 7843 w ' 75.2$$$* • 340L08 11/18/88 22.84 LAKE STATE EQUIP. REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 44991 7425 *00-CKS 340L08 _ .-____11/18/_88_ -.. _____._,.___._ _ 79,33 - _LAKE_ STATE EQUIP. _ ---REPAIR. PARTS.. __.. _______10-4s40-S60-S6 45160 7529 102.17 • 340M02 v 144.88 _ -MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. REPAIR PARTS______-- 560 -56 ., 340L36 11/21/88 165.00 LEFFLER PRINTING PRINTING 30- 4600 - 781 -78 3431 7844 QUEEN EQUIP INC. ______ REPAIR PARTS __10-4540- 10-4540-560 -56 88389 7441 394.88 + • ++•�• 340L60 11/29/88 1,279.84 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING 10 -4233- 160 -16 v 340L60 11/29/88 4,069.99 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING 10- 4233 - 200 -20 10- 4504 - 314 -30 340L6011/29 /as 3,768.98 - LOGIS PROCESSING 10- 4233 - 420 -42 • 340L60 11/29/88 11080.00 LOGIS .-DATA DATA PROCESSING 40- 4233-800 -80 340L60 11/29/88 236.76 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING 50- 4233 - 820 -82 340L60__.__— _11/29/88.__.__ _ ._._ —. 236.78 LOGIS _ _ DATA PROCESSING_ 50- 4233 - 840 -84 340L60 11/29/88 236.78 LOGIS _ DATA PROCESSING _._ 50 -4233- 860 -86 *** -CKS • .." 340M25 10,909.13 62.17 MED OXYGEN +•+ -CKS +++ -CKS + ++ -CKS • ++** «• - - - - -- -- - - - - - -. _ - - -- -- - •*+ -CKS 340L66-- _ _ _ 11 /_1.8/88 _ ._._ 56.75. _.- . _ _ _.LONG LAKE FORD TRACT. _TRACTOR PARTS-­- - ____ -_ -. 10- 4540- 560 -56 073464 6510 56.75 + * * * + ++ •** -CKS v - 340678 W023089 4.9_50 v�OAI - T- ONOT-TVE GEN SUPP6VS 76 12584 — M-3 0 �, • * » * ** *** -CKS 340L80 . _... ___- .11/23/88 ___— -- _-./49.50 __ \— _..LYNDALE GARDEN CENTER GENERAL SUPPLIES- ____-- _— _._30- 4504 - 782 -78 12580 7863 340L80 11/21/68 .* 25.78 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR GEN SUPPLY$ 30- 4504 - 782 -78 10885 7843 w ' 75.2$$$* • C • *00-CKS 340M02 __..1.1,/18/88 144.88 _ -MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. REPAIR PARTS______-- 560 -56 68400 7501 340M02 11/18/88 250.00 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. ______ REPAIR PARTS __10-4540- 10-4540-560 -56 88389 7441 394.88 + • ++•�• * ** -CKS v i _ 340M22 11/28/88 _470._34 __ MCNEILUS_STEEI__ —__ - -- -- _GEN_SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 314 -30 49938 7451 • 470.34 • *****• _... *** -CKS • .." 340M25 11/29/88 62.17 MED OXYGEN & EQUIP EQUIP MAINT 10 -4274- 440 -44 340M251- 1/29/88 125.21— _MED _OXYGEN _d EQUIP. EQUIP MAINT 10 -4274- 440 -44 88314_____ ;': 340M25 11/29/88 27.14 MED OXYGEN & EQUIP FIRST AID SUPPLYS 10-4510-440 -44 214.S2 + C • . vyao CITY or soIwA CHECK nEwIonsR va-*s-oo pwms vw ' 340m29 11/e9/88 30.00 msS8sRLI 6 KnAm2n AMBULANCE 10-3160-000-00 CHECK mO._n47s_---______ ' 11/29/88 AMOUNT -_VENDOR _ _JTsm DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. w P.O. w MESSAGE Z' � 340mee 11/e9/86 v**.nn nsnnsnLz m xnAnsn AmooLwmos ' 10-3180-000-00 ~ 3*0ne9 11/e9/88 an ' oo msnasmLz m wnwMsn AMBULANCE 10-3160-000-00 340^e9 _ ***-CwS � 340me7 11/18/88 Is7.00 MERIT auppLv nspAIe PARTS 10-4620-s60-56 eoees 7*su 40-431e-812-80 34ume711 /ee/oo vo*.wo_ nseIT ouppLr osw oupPLva e8-*504-70e-70 eosoe 77*1 _ 3*0m27 11/e9/88 1*8.10 mcnxr ouppLY nLs*wIwo wuppLnw----en-ws1e-ree-Te msTmn Fowe COMM. ao*ra 7857 ^_ 3*0m27 11/29/88 *pa.as MERIT SuppLv oswnsnwL mupPLva 30-*50*-7ee-78 e0+57 78*6 s*umev ,��ee�wo- -- '- *51.20 ^' MERIT SUPPLY esw muppLYw 3.0-+504-782-78 e04*7 7e38 _ 1^43e.55 340m80 -_'vv/ey/oo ae.au nw. nuoumo*m mswo ADVERTISING 10-4e10-140-14 � 340m80 11/e8/88 16.96 MN. nuounBAw msww wDvsnTIaImw --- --- e3-*e1*-611-61 5740e 3*0mon 11/e8/68 e3.04 � MN. ouauno*w wsuw wovsnTxmzwG e3-4214-611-61 58534 - -'- 10e'6q_��_______________ ` ~**-owa - ' | � ~ ***-cwS ~ ' ~ ' ~**-cwo ~ ~ - ~ **~-cwa - - ° � ~ _ ~ ` ***-Cmm * 340m29 11/e9/88 30.00 msS8sRLI 6 KnAm2n AMBULANCE 10-3160-000-00 n*omap ' 11/29/88 - 1*6.00 msnnsmLx u wnAnsm AnooLAmcs 10-3180-000-00 � 340mee 11/e9/86 v**.nn nsnnsnLz m xnAnsn AmooLwmos ' 10-3180-000-00 ~ 3*0ne9 11/e9/88 an ' oo msnasmLz m wnwMsn AMBULANCE 10-3160-000-00 340^e9 _ ~ 340n30. 11/ee/8e 191^729.94 »^ MET u*aTs cnm COMM msuse asmwzcs 40-431e-812-80 610* -19*,7e9.94 **� _ c 340n31 11/e1/88 40.00 msTmn Fowe COMM. sLsCTxmm p*esnm vw-*s**-vow-vw e896** 7ms9 --------'--'_--_---____40.00��_' _ 340n4 nIoL*mo rm0000Tm CO. onwnsnnzomn -- ' 28-46E4-703-70 e7469 3*01141 MzoLwmo PnoouuTm CO. CONCESSIONS 28-462*-703-70 e74sS 7754 '_- 340m46 11 /e1 /8e _----___- ev .99 METZ oAwzmn CO ' - -- oomnsnnzmwo - -' --' L'T-**e*-mm3-aa 3*0m46 11/29/8e 10.07 nsTZ B*wzwn Co ComCsnnznmm E7-*62*-663-66 340M40 -_-11/28/88_--_--'---____-v`.so_ ^' --mE?Z BAKING CO �___-__COvCs§SI *s.sa *� --'------'---- '���������9�-�n - 3*0m68 11ve8/88 171.45 mw. msLLwL*n TEL. CAR ponws 10 -4e04-1*0-14 8077e7 .' 3*0n68______1//e9/o8 s.oa _nm. csLLoLxm TEL. nuozLs pxoms 340m68 vv/es/mo �.wn mm. cs��u��n �s�. -- - - ----'---10-4226-4e0-42 nnozLs pwows 10-*226-*e0-42 ' ��wmxm ���ay�on ao,s . MN. ms��u��n TEL. moo��s �ynms vn-weea-wew-oa .! 3*0m68 --__,1/eyvoo Ts.es MN. CELLULAR TEL. MOBILE poows -mooz�s 10-*ee6-420-4e = 340m68 11/2e/88 36.s4 � nm. �s��w�*� Ts�. pwmws --- — 10-4ee6-4e0-4e | 360.7e *\� 340m80 -_'vv/ey/oo ae.au nw. nuoumo*m mswo ADVERTISING 10-4e10-140-14 � 340m80 11/e8/88 16.96 MN. nuounBAw msww wDvsnTIaImw --- --- e3-*e1*-611-61 5740e 3*0mon 11/e8/68 e3.04 � MN. ouauno*w wsuw wovsnTxmzwG e3-4214-611-61 58534 - -'- 10e'6q_��_______________ ` ~**-owa - ' | � ~ ***-cwS ~ ' ~ ' ~**-cwo ~ ~ - ~ **~-cwa - - ° � ~ _ ~ ` ***-Cmm * 1968 C.' OF EDINA CHECK ; `ISTER IAGE y 12- 05 -861 15 CHECK NO. . DATE ._.___- .- ___.. -- _AMOUNT._.. ___...__..__. VENDOR -- -._ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. • P.O. 6 MESSAGE 340MOS 11/29/88 53.40 MN. WANNER REOPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 440 -44 070845 7856 340M85 11/18/88 447.00 MN. WANNER PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 070711 340MBS 11/23/88 135.00 MN. WANNER GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 70835 7908 -- - - -- - -- --- - -- - - - -- ._635.40 _ � .. `. rrrrrr + +• -CKS - 340M93 11/29/88 291.00 MOTOROLA REPAIR RADIO 10- 4274 - 420 -42 �. 291.00 • rrrrrr - -- 000-CKS 4• / (2 checks) 340M97 11/18/88 5,998.14 ! /.. MPLS FINANCE DEPT. WATER 40- 4640- 803 -80 _ 340M97 11/29/88 2,340.38✓ MPLS FINANCE DEPT. ENG SER 60-1300 - 256 -04 34262 ° 'vim °v+vrr rrrrrr 000—CKS 340N01 _ _. _ _1 1/29/88 661 .50 __MPLS GUN CLUB PRO SH TARGETS - 29- 4648 - 722 -72 20367 7534 661.50 + rrrrrr 340NO3 11/28/88 700.00 MPLS SEWER 6 WATER CONTRACTED REPAIRS 40- 4248 - 801 -80 20654 7726 rrrrrr rrr-CKS 340N13 11/21/68 40.23 MUZAK, ADVERTISING 50-4214 - 822 -82 506812 �. 340N13 11/21/88 40.23 MUZAK ADVERTISIING 50 -4214- 862 -86 508812 •rrrrr 000-CKS 340N20 11/18/88 348.00 NATL CHEMSEARCH PRIMMER 10- 4504-301-30 075993-7715 'Ar 340N20 11/18/88 445.20 $-- NATL CHEMSEARCH ROOF CEMENT 40- 4504 - 801 -80 87921 7270 __..___ 696.00 -_ _- -NATL. CHEM SEAR CH CREDIT_. 4..0-4504.-801 -80. 97.20* 94Z0 _ _.... rrrrrr --- - - - - -- -- -- ----------- - - - - -- -- ... -- *00-CKS �. 340N22 11/29/88 6.83 NATL GUARDIAN SYS. KEYS 28- 4504 - 702-70 75287 - - - - - -- - -- ------ -.. - -- -6.83. • - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- �,, , I •rrrrr rrr -CKS • 340N72 11/18/68 664.88 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES f0- 4616-560 -56 �. 664.88 • •rrrrr rrr -CKS 340N82._ - -1- 1/29/88 45.99= _NW_ GRAPHIC SUPPLY______ CREDIT 23- 4624 - 613 - 61__015292 340N82 11/22/88 199.73 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY __- _ COST OF COMM 23 -4624- 613 -61 153956 7590 .. j 153.74 • 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -05 -88 PAGE 16 CHECK- N0.- __DATE- ___ —_ -- AMOUNT VENDOR__ -_,__ ___ITEM DESCRIPTION_ -___ —. ACCOUNT_N0. INV. 0 P.O. • MESSAGE - - V artirr .. irr -CKS 340017 11/18/88 252.00 OFFICE PRODUCTS COMPUTER SUPPLYS 25- 4906 - 510 -51 064478 7664 - - -- .._..--------- -... - - - - -- - - - - - -- 252.00 • iri -CKS - 340024 11/29/88 297.00 OFFSET PRINTING PRINTING 10 -4600- 420 -42 29442 297.00 • •rrrtt _ - . -. 000-CKS 340036 11/18/88 258.00 OLSON CHAIN d CABLE ROPE 40 -4504- 801 -80 83644 7460 - 258.00 • .... iirrr• - - - -- - •tr -CKS 340PIS 11/29/88 25.20 PAULSON GEN SUPPLYS 23 -4504- 613 -61 -- -- _ . . —_ _ . _ -. _ 25..20 • .. *00-CKS 340P31 11/23/88 500.00 PETER COTTON TRAINING 10 -4212- 510 -51 500.00 • r rrr -CKS 340P4811/29/88.— _ 93.78_ -__ __ PIP PRINTING _ PRINTING____ 30- 4600 - 781 -78 3841 7950 340P48 11/29/88 29.85 PIP PRINTING PRINTING 30- 4600 - 782 -78 3842 7951 ' 123.63 • rrt -CKS _ 340P50.__ -. 11_/18/88 __— __57.81 _ PIPE _FABRICATORS _ REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 24434 7489 57.81 • - - - _... -- — - -- - trrirr _ - -- -- - - - •r• -CKS 340P78 11/22/88 340.00 PRINTERS SERV INC Z 340.00.* AMBONI BLADES 28- 4504 - 702 -70 31730 7740 • - - - -- -- -- - .- -- ' •tt -CKS i 340009 11/21/88 122.38 QUALITY REFRIG. CONTRACTED REPAIRS 27 -4248- 663 -66 61134 122.38 v �- t**-CKS 340020 ._ 11/18/88 83.64 -- QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS _ _ _ 10 -4540- 560 -56 27605 7433 v 340020 11/18/88 35.76 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 26809 7433 340020 11/18/88 40.60 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 27617 7433 R — -- - -- - -- - 160. 00 r "i tr•itr - -- - - -- - i•r -CKS r i 1988 (--"/ OF EDINA CHECK �ISTER 12- 05- 8l�AGE 17 CHECK NO... DATE __ _AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. N MESSAGE 340R01 11/22/88 97.80. _ R 6 R SPECIALTIES REPAIRS __28- 4248- 702 -70 9885 7784 340R01 11/29/88 79.50 R 6 R SPECIALTIES REPAIR PARTS 28- 4248 - 702 -70 09893 7784 340R01 11/22/88 162.70 R & R SPECIALTIES REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 702 -70 9891 7661 - -- - - - -- - -- - -- -- -340.00 - r - - -- rr»irr _ 340R21 11/21/88 _ _ + ++ -CKS - 169.05 RED WING SHOES UNIFORMS 104262- 646 -64 97211 340R21 11/21/88 81.55 RED WING SHOES UNIFORMS 10 -4262- 301 -30 97211 340R21 11/21/88 .100.00 RED WING SHOES UNIFORMS 40- 4262 - 801 -80 97211 _.._ 350.60* ' �� `-, rirrir + ++ -CKS _ 340R35 11/22/88 23.55 RICHFIELD PLUMB 6 CO REPAIRS 28 -4248- 702 -70 1417 7267 v 340R35 11/23/88 76.50 RICHFIELD PLUMB E CO GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 1481 7049 _— ----------- - - - - -- 100. -OS r - rrr -CKS 340R49 11/29/88 435.15 ROAD RESCUE FIRST AID SUPPLYS 10- 4510 - 440 -44 090537 435.15 r - - -- -- - - - -- rrr -CKS 340R63 11/18/88_ __ ____.____._380.00_ ROGERS PAINTING _. _ _ CONTRACTED_ REPAIRS. - -_ _._.- 10 -4248- 646 -64 380.00 r »irrrr - — -- rr» -CKS ♦. 340R81 11/29/88 116.49 RUBENSTEIN 6 ZIFF CRAFT SUPPLYS 23 -4588- 611 -61 122736 7748 -- -- _ - -- -1 16.49_. +....__ �, r »rr•r ++ +-CKS 340814 11/29/88 825.91 SCHWAB- VOLLHABER CONTRACTED REPAIRS 27 -4248- 667 -66 2791 7998 825.91 -- - rrr -CKS 340S20.. -_ ____11_/23/88 _ -- 256.00 _SEIDEL- ROXANNE._ SERVICES _— 30 -4201- 781 -78 • 256.00 • - rrsrr» - + ++ -CKS 340827 11/21/88 40.64 SHERWIN WILLIAMS GEN SUPPLYS 27- 4504 - 667 -66 73672 7684 - -- — 40.64 + V' 340S30 11/29/88 474.10 SIGN CENTRAL GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 63588 7936 340S30 11/29/88 268.04 SIGN CENTRAL GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 63587 7937 _ 340S30____ 1.1/21/88 170_.00____ _SIGN_ CENTRAL-._. _ — — GEN SUPPLYS _ — 30- 4504 - 782 -78 63563 7849 I 912. 14 • -- ___ -- 000-CKS i 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -05 -88 PAGE 18 i- CHECK_ NO -.__ DATE ______AMOUNT___ —., VENDOR . ITEM_ DESCRIPTION- __ -- A- CCOUNT_ N0. INV. -A -P.O. • MESSAGE 340834 _11/16/88 _.. 1.33 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 191238 1 340S34 11/18/88 121.36- SOUTHDALE FORD .._ -- CREDIT 10- 4540 - 560-56 191136 340334 11/18/88 137.48 SOUTHDALE FORD AXLE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 190727 - -- -- -- - -.. - - -- - - - - -- 17.45. 340S35 11/29/88 41.95 SOUTHERN VACUUM VACUUM SERVICE 50- 4236- 821 -82 - - ......... 41-95 « - +irrir , + ++ -CKS _ 340537 11/23/88 163.84 SOUTHTONN MN FABRICS GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 67021 7911 `. 163.84 + rr• -CKS lry 340845 __ 11/21/88 __ ___ —__- 23.98 -_ ST. PAUL BOOK CREDIT 10- 4516 -51 0 -51 340845 11/21/88 44.03 _ _ ST. PAUL BOOK _ EMPLOYEES SIGNS 25 -4924- 520 -52 889806 7854 20.05 • 4" rrr -CKS _ 340854 11/18/88 311.48 _ _ _ _ STAR..¢ TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10., -4212-510-51 311.48 • -- - - - - -- __ -- --- . - - - -- - iirirr ++ «-CKS dw 340372 11/29/88 94.00 STREICHERS SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 420 -42 M54960 7769 94.00 • to +rim r•• -CKS - 340377 11/23/88 4,028.1E SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 4546 7285 fiv 340S77 11/18/88 4.66 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 97735 V 340S77 11/18/88 120.46 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 97471 340S77 11/18/88 37.29 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540-560 -56 97713 1m 340S77 11/18/88 15.46 / SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540-560 -56 97555 .. 340577. _______ .100.00_ /_. -. SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 70895 4,306.01 + d _340578_ 11/18/88- 82.54 - -__ SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS _ —__ 10- 4620 - 560 -56 135098 5635 340S78 1.1/22/88 26.80 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 702 -70 138124 7686 18 340578 11/18/88 128.34 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 803 -80 137540 7489 (a + +•r «• « «« -CKS 340701 11/18/88 38.49 ANDY CONSUMER SERV. /___,TANDY SUPPLYS 10-4540- 520-52 35640 7424 ft 340701 11/18/86 26.49 CONSUMER SERV. SUPPLYS 10- 4540- 520 -S2 35641 7427 .� -- - -- -- - - -- ---- A! ....64 +++ -CKS 340719 11/E9/88 3,200.00 THE PIRKL ASSOC. SERVICES 27 -4201- 664 -66 U, " "' 3,200.00 + 19,88 �t OF EDINA CHECK ISTER + 12-05 -8lAGE 19 '. CHECK N0._ DATE _ - -._ - - -_- _AMOUNT -_.. ._ VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION-_ - ,.,-___.._ACCOUNT_ NO. INV. A P.O. • MESSAGE wrrr »w -- rww -CKS 340T28 11/23/88 300.00 THOMPSON LUMBER CO. DOORS 29- 1320 - 000 -00 217198 6725 _ - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- 30 0...00__!..- - - -- - - r »»ww» rw» -CKS 340T53 11/23/88 5,780.29 TRACY OIL GASOLINE 10- 4612 - 560 -56 T5467 7713 5,780.29 + »rw »ww »rr -CKS 340T68 11/21/88 216.22 TRIO SUPPLY CO MISC 50- 4532 - 862 -86 58428 340T68 11/21/88 216.22- TRIO SUPPLY CO MISC 50- 4532- 862 -86 58428 340T68 11/21/88 216.22 TRIO SUPPLY CO INVENTORY 50 -4632- 862 -86 58428 - -- - - - - -- - --- 216.22 _r - r »w » »r rrr -CKS - 340T74 11/18/88 229.85 TURF SUPPLY CO. COLOR MARKINGS 27- 4564- 664 -66 024964 7629 229.85 + we»» »w rrr -CKS 340008 _ _ ... 11 /18/88 __._- .__— _..E,323.95 UNIFORM UNLIMITED _ UNIFORMS 10-4266- 420 -42 340008 11/29/88 1,035.20 UNIFORM UNLIMITED _ _ UNIFORM ALLOY 10- 4266- 420 -42 _ 340008 11/18/88 8.50 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORMS 10-4266-430 -42 340008 11/29/88 4.95 _ UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOY_ 10- 4266- 430-42 _ 340008 11/18/88 84.00 _ UNIFORM UNLIMITED GEN SUPPLYS _ 10 -4504- 420 -42 340008 11/18/88 28.50 UNIFORM UNLIMITED GEN SUPPLYS 10- 4504-470 -47 340006 _ - 11/29/88 .- ..- .- - 118.80 _ •. . UNIFORM .UNLIMITED ___._. ___REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560 -56 _ 3,603.90 r .__ _ www »wr rrr -CKS 340V15 11/18/88 336.35 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLYS 10 -4514- 520 -52 232835 7829 -- - - -- - - -- - ----- - - - - -- - -- 336,_35- -- �--- � - -- ' - -- - - - - - -- 1 - rrr -CKS 340V2S 11/18/88 342.65 VANS INC. GENERAL SUPPLYS 30- 4504- 782 -78 909407 7827 342.65 w ___340W08 _._. 11/18/88 314.80_ _ W.W. GRAINGER - - - - — BTLL HTR 40- 4540 - 802 -80 66807 7568 314.80 w -- - - -- — -- - - _. 340W09 _- 11/18/88 25.34.. _ W.W� GOETSCH -- . _ _ REPAIR PARTS ___..._....40- 4540 - 801 - 80, 477641 7547 25.34 w - rrrrrw - - -- -- — — - - - -- -- - - -. ..- - - - - - -- -._ - wr» -CKS �j' 340W36 11/29/88 73.13 WEIS AM FIRE EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 440 -44 015635 6595 d � r - -- ------------ -% .. 1988 CITY O OF EDINA C CHECK REGISTER 1 12 -05 - -88 P PAGE 20 L CHECK _.NO_DATE__ - -____- A AMOUNT -_ -_ -VENDOR _ I ITEM DESCRIPTION -__ - - ACCOUNT.NO. INV. 9 P.O. • • M MESSAGE ♦.�`I 3 340W36 1 11/29/88 3 3.78 W WEIS AM FIRE EQUIP R REPAIR PARTS 1 10- 4540 - 440 -44 0 01584 6 6595 340W36 1 11/29/88 3 337.16 W WEIS AM FIRE EQUIP R REPAIR PARTS _.. 1 10- 4540 - 440 -44 0 033911 7 7761 414.07 + + R RRRR• - - • - . ... -- ------- - -- - - -- R RRR -CKS �. 3 340W41 1 11/29/88 3 392.25 W WEST PHOTO F FILM 1 10- 4508 - 420 -42 1 13554 7 7918 392.25 • • � R RRRRRR *00-CKS 340W44- 1 11/18/88 1 116.63 W WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. W WELDING SUPPLYS 1 10-4610- 560 -56 7 74089 7 7364 %w 1 118.63 + + L + +R -CKS _ 340W66 t t /18/88 -_ _ _ 53.86 . . -_ _ _ _ WILLIAMS STEEL - SUPPLYS _ 10- 4504 - 560 -56 1 146830 340W66 1 11/18/88 2 24.75 W - S _____ ___ 10- 4504 - 646-64 1 139890 78.61 + + J 'Ae 000-CKS 340W71_____— 1 11/28/88 -._ _ _ 568.25_ _ _ WINFIELD DEVEL... R RENT 1 10- 4201 - 627 -62 0 010392 d 568.25 • • - ------- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - RRRrR• � � RRR -CKS %F 3 340Z14 1 11/28/88 2 294.23 / / ZIEGLER INC C CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1 10- 4248 - 560 -56 1 15468 7 7628 340Z14 _ _ -_ _ _113 -.94 / / ZIEGLER__INC__,_ R REPAIR.- PARTS-- - 42702A 7 7527 408.17 + + - __10-4540-560-56 4 1y :40ZIO 1 RRR —CKS 11/28/88 1 19.05 Z ZIP PRINTING P PRINTING 1 10- 4600 - 480 -48 4 4112 ---- - - - - - -- - -- 19.05_.+ M R RRRRRR - _ 10 TOTAL GENERAL FUND RRR -CKS 1,912.68 F FUND 23 TOTAL A ART CENTER 4 5 5,212.03 F FUND 25 TOTAL C CAPITAL FUND + —.-- __23,791.87 _ _— _ FUND 27 TOTAL G GOLF COURSE FUND + 6,989.49 F FUND 28 TOTAL R RECREATION CENTER FUND - - 40 1 1,352.62 F FUND 29 TOTAL G GUN RANGE FUND 51882.90 - ------ FUND 30 TOTAL E EDINBOROUGH PARK 204,064.22 ' '"" 061 " F FUND 40 TOTAL U UTILITY FUND r ' 2 2,672.12 F FUND 50 TOTAL L LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 7,68.5_.58. _ __ FUND 60- _TOTAL C CONSTRUCTION FUND to 3 348,913.77 X X348, 410 , 77 T TOTAL 0 0 ------------ -% ..