HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-19_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 19, 1988 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All agenda items listed with an asterisk (�) and in bold print are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. -A. Preliminary Plat Approval - Edina Highlands 2nd Addition - Steven L. Utne, 5257 Lochloy Drive - Lot 6, Block 1, Edina Highlands (Continue to 3/6/89) B. Conditional Use Permit - Good Samaritan United Methodist Church - 5730 Grove Street - Construct New Sanctuary and Fellowship Room C. CDBG Funding for Handicapped Access Improvements to Edina Community Center III. ORDINANCES. First Reading: Required offering of Ordinance only. Second Reading: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of all members of Council required to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. A. First Reading - Ordinance No. 124 -A6 - Establishing Salaries for,Elected Officials IV. - SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS A. White Oaks Neighborhood Association V. AWARD OF BIDS A. Six (6) 1989 Police Pursuit Vehicles Including One (1) Vehicle for Edina Fire Department B. Fertilizer for Braemar Golf Course C. Range Golf Balls VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Approval of Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of 12/13/88 B. City Manager Evaluation C. NLC 65th Annual Congress D. Mayor's Appointment Process - Fred Richards VII. RESOLUTIONS. Favorable rollcall vote by majority of quorum to pass. A. 1NDOT Federal Aid B. Compensation Rates C. Designation of Official Newspaper D. Reappointment of Joan Lonsbury to Metropolitan Park & Open Space Commission Agenda Edina City Council - 12/19/88 Page Two VIII. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS. A. Petition for Street Vacation - Scriver Road - Set Hearing Date (1/23/89) IX. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL X. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XI. FINANCE A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 12/19./88: General Fund $857,208.61, Art Center $10,051.77, Capital Fund $5,747.79, Svimming Pool Fund $61.72, Golf Course Fund $124,301.74, Recreation Center Fund $206,039.89, Edinborough Park $19,442.07, Utility Fund $31,841.61, Storm Sever Utility $1.939.76, Liquor Dispensary Fund $97,003.39, Construction Fund $173,965.86, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $1,020.675.00', Total $2,548,279.21 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Thurs Dec 29 Year -End Council Meeting 5:00 p.m. Mgr. Conf. Rm Fri Dec 30 CENTENNIAL PICNIC -IN- THE -PARK 6:30 p.m. Edinborough Park Mon Jan 2 NEW YEARS DAY HOLIDAY CITY HALL CLOSED Mon Jan 9 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Jan 16 MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY CITY HALL CLOSED Mon Jan 23 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Feb 6 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Feb 20 PRESIDENTS DAY CITY HALL CLOSED Mon Feb 27 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room A. N O REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: _ Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: December 19, 1988 Subject: S- 88 -13, Preliminary Plat approval Ballantrae Addition, Steven L. Utne Recommendation: Continue hearing to March 6; 198 9. Info /Background: Agenda Item # II. A. Consent 0 Information Only [] Mgr . Recommends [] To HRA ❑ To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion The subject proposal is affected by the moritorium on subdivisions of single family properties_ 91Nr��, - • ,h�RPOMtt'0 • Joao REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: December 19, 1988 Subject: C -88 -3 Good Samaritan United Methodist Church Recommendation: Agenda Item # II. B. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Approval of the Conditional Use Permit subject to a Proof of Parking Agreement requiring City review of parking prior to adding additional seats to sanctuary. Info /Background The original request by the church included a proposed new driveway access from Tracy Avenue. This would be accomplished by removing an existing home and constructing a new driveway to the northeasterly parking lot of the church. The Planning Commission recommended that this new access not be approved. Since the Commission meeting the church has withdrawn its re- quest for the driveway. They may propose the drive at a future date. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1988, AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER'S MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, William Lewis; Lee Johnson, John Bailey, Helen McClelland, Gordon Johnson, David Runyan, John Palmer, Virginia Shaw and Geoff Workinger MEMBERS ABSENT: Jane Paulus and Del Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Craig Larsen, City Planner Jackie Hoogenakker, Secretary I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Commissioner Runyan moved for approval of the November 2, 1988 Community Development and Planning Commission Minutes. Commissioner Palmer seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. C -88 -3 Conditional Use Permit Good Samaritan United Methodist Church 5730 Grove Street Mr. Larsen presented his staff report noting the church has presented a plan which is well designed and well sited. Adequate on -site parking is provided and parking will be well screened. He expressed concern over the proposed Tracy.Avenue access /driveway. The church does have access from three streets. The only benefit seems to be the ability to construct a sign on Tracy Avenue. Mr. Larsen concluded that he doesn't believe removing a home and constructing a long drive way will benefit the neighborhood. If the access to Tracy were eliminated he said he would recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit subject to a Proof of Parking Agreement requiring a review of on site parking demand prior to the addition of the 38 additional seats in the sanctuary. Representatives for the church, Mrs. Naas, Minister Gordon Minehart, Mr. Strachota, architect, Carlson Mjorud Architecture Ltd., and interested neighbors were present. Mrs. Naas spoke to the Commission on how important it is for the church to achieve visibility from Tracy Avenue. She explained that Tracy Avenue is a major through -a -fare within the City and an identification sign on Tracy Avenue for the church is needed. She pointed out the church buildings are hidden within the topography and dense vegetation of the area. Mrs. Naas said a main reason for the proposal of a new road off Tracy Avenue is to gain the needed visibility and an easier identifying address for persons who are non - parishioners. Gordon Minehart, minister for the church submitted to the Commission a report and pointed out three concerns felt by the church which are listed in the report from a book Twelve Keys to an Effective Church, by Kennon L. Callahan. The three concerns are as follows: "1. Can the church site be easily seen from major traffic arteries? 2. How many people in fact see the church site each day? 3. How many people see the church site in a given week ?" Mr. Minehart reiterated Mrs. Naas's statements on how important it is for the church to achieve visibility. He asked the Commission to note that if the proposed road access from Tracy Avenue is approved the area would be beautifully landscaped. Mr. Strachota, architect for the project explained with graphics the proposed additions and the proposed road. Residents of the area spoke favorably of aspects in the proposal but expressed concern regarding the proposed road. Mr. Whitmore, 5712 Tracy Avenue pointed out if the road is approved impacted residents would experience a loss of privacy and a possible decrease in their property values. Mr. Whitmore said construction of the proposed road, though narrow, would adversely impact the topography and vegetation of the area. William Hamglen voiced a concern regarding vehicle speed on Tracy Avenue and the possibility of a potential safety hazard developing if another curb cut is allowed. Wayne Fridlund, 5712 Grove Street, told the Commission he resides on the property next to the proposed road, and his family also owns the vacant lot next-to the proposed road. He explained if approved, his privacy would be lost by a road running along the width of his rear yard. He added all rear yards, if road approval is granted, would be accessible to vehicular disturbances. Mr. Fridlund added that there have been instances where youths have "partied" in the parking area for the church and another access would make the site appealing for youths to occasionally use the parking area as a meeting place. Mr. Larry Fisher, 5705 Wycliffe Road and Audrey Clay, 5716 Wycliffe Road,. told the Commission they whole - heartily agree with the proposed requests from the church. They said the church needs the visibility which can be achieved by a Tracy Avenue address and access. They asked the Commission to approve this request. It was pointed out by Mr. Fridlund that the proposed road does not impact the residents on Wycliffe Road. Commissioner Runyan said he understands the churches need for visibility and asked Mr. Larsen to clarify his reasons for opposing this request. Mr. Larsen said he sympathizes with the church's need for visibility but does not see a community gain when a single family home is removed and a long drive -way is constructed. In a sense the neighborhood would be fragmented if a road's construction results in the razing of a single family home and the opening up of rear yards to this.road. Commissioner Palmer said he agrees with Mr. Larsen's observations that to add an additional curb cut on Tracy Avenue and to raze a single family home to gain visibility for the church does not make good planning sense. Commissioner Palmer questioned how long the church has owned the property where the house is located. Mrs. Naas said the church has owned the site for two months. The Commission asked Mr. Larsen for clarification on if an identification sign could be erected on the recently purchased property on Tracy Avenue even if a road was not constructed. Mr..Larsen responded that the property in question is not contiguous to the church proper and therefore a sign could not be erected. The property could be sold or used as rental property for the church. Mr. Larsen pointed out there is a City right of way between the church proper and the recently purchased property. Commissioner L. Johnson pointed out the construction of the proposed road would require a large amount of fill and the grove of trees would have to be eliminated. Mr. Strachota said that is a good point and the site would have to be restored with vegetation. Commissioner L. Johnson said the proposal is very well done but he would have difficulty in recommending approval of the access to Tracy.Avenue. Commissioner Bailey agreed and said in a sense the City would be creating a "neck" entrance into the site. Commissioner G. Johnson explained that he also supports aspects of the proposal but cannot support the proposed road. It would divide a block and create another curb cut on Tracy Avenue. Commissioner G. Johnson pointed out that a single family home generates between 6 -10 trips per day and the church would generate many more trips per day. He added he understands their need for visibility but cannot think of a solution to meet that need. Commissioner G. Johnson. asked Mrs. Naas if the Commission supports the staff recommendation of eliminating the proposed road would the church continue with the plans for the addition. Mrs. Naas.replied'that the church would continue with their plans for expansion. Commissioner Palmer moved to recommend approval as stated in the staff report. Commissioner Bailey seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. COIN DIZ10PlAL USE NUMBER C -88 -3 L O C A T 10 N 5730 Grove Street REQUEST Construct new sanctuary and fellowship room. EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT NOVEMBER 30, 1988 C -88 -3 Conditional Use Permit Good Samaritan United Methodist Church 5730 Grove Street Request: Construct new sanctuary and fellowship room Good Samaritan Church has applied for a Conditional Use Permit which would permit a proposed addition of some 20,000 square feet to the existing church. The existing church contains approximately 18,500 square feet. The addition would contain a new sanctuary and fellowship room. The existing home on church property would be removed. The proposed sanctuary would contain a total of 418 seats. At one parking space for each 3 seats the Zoning Ordinance would require 140 spaces. According to the church concurrent uses generate a need for 14 additional spaces. The proposed plan would provide 161 parking spaces, or 7 more than required. The proposed plan does allow for the addition of 38 seats to the new sanctuary. If that happens 10 additional parking spaces would be provided to meet the additional demand. Parking would be provided in 2 separate lots. A majority of the parking, 102 spaces, would be behind the new sanctuary and at an elevation approximately 5 to 10 feet lower than Grove Street. Currently, the church has frontage on Grove Street and Wycliff Road. In addition there is access to church parking from the Warden Avenue cul de sac. The church, in order to increase their visibility, would like to have a direct connection to Tracy Avenue. To facilitate this, they have acquired a home on Tracy which would be removed to provide another drive way access to the site. Since the driveway is approximately 300 feet long the main advantage of the additional access would be the ability to construct a sign. The design and materials for .the proposed addition are in keeping with and compatible with the existing church. All buildings, parking and drive aisles comply with our setback requirements. A landscaping plan and schedule which complies with Ordinance requirements has been submitted. Recommendation The church has presented a plan which is well designed and well sited. Adequate on -site parking is provided and parking will be well screened. I am, however, concerned by the proposed Tracy Avenue access /driveway. The church does have access from three streets. The only benefit seems to be the ability to construct a sign on Tracy Avenue. I don't believe removing a home and constructing a long drive way will benefit the neighborhood. If this access to Tracy is eliminated I would recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit subject to a Proof of Parking Agreement requiring a review of on site parking demand prior to the addition of the 38 additional seats in the sanctuary. CMA Carlson Mlorud Architecture Ltd. November 16, 1988 Mr. Craig Larsen CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 4100 Excelsior Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 612/922 -6677 RE: Proposed Addition to the Good Samaritan United Methodist Church Mr. Craig Larsen, Members of the Edina Planning Commission, Members of the Edina City Council and Neighbors of Good Samaritan Church: With the growth of the congregation and resulting need for additional worship and meeting space, the Good Samaritan Church community is proposing to build a new addition to their present facility. The proposed facility would be approximately 20,000 square feet in addition to the existing building which is approximately 18,500 square feet. It would contain a. sanctuary designed to seat 418 ( including a 50 seat choir) , with expansion capability to 456 seats. The proposed addition also. contains four new Sunday School classrooms, a new Fellowship Room, Youth Center and Choir Practice Room. The congregation is also proposing a modest anterior renovation within the existing facility. Of great interest to the congregation is the architectural compatibility of the new facility with that of the present building. To accomplish this, the Architect has utilized architectural forms that are compatible with the style of the original building. In addition, the existing brick will be matched and utilized for the exterior of the new facility. As a means to increase public visibility of the Church, Good Samaritan Church is proposing that they be allowed a entrance driveway access directly from 5716 Tracy Avenue property recently purchased. A sign identifying the Church is also proposed at the new Tracy entrance. Please note that this driveway will cross a City right -of -way that borders the east edge of the eastern parking lot (see attached plan). Mr. Craig Larsen November 16, 1988 Page Two The congregation is concerned that with the new facility, adequate on-site- parking be built to accommodate increased demands. In order to minimize the impact on the site and the surrounding neighborhood, the Architect has main- tained the parking in two distinct areas on the site. We propose the following computations for obtaining the required parking: - Sanctuary: 368 seats, + 50 seat choir = 418 seats. 418 seats divided by 3 = 140 - Concurrent Uses: Teachers -20 people + adult classes 20- people = 40. 40 divided by 3 = 14 Required Parking Stalls = 154 Future Growth: -, Additional sanctuary seats. 38 seats divided by 3 = 13 - Required stalls. 154 - Parking stalls required in the future. 167 - Proposed parking on site: 159 parking stalls + 2 garage stalls = 161 - Future stalls = 10 With the provision for 38 additional seats in the sanctuary area, a need for additional parking stalls will arise. Attached to this letter is a plan outlining the addition of 10 parking stalls. This will bring the parking total to 171 stalls in the future. All parking is computed by assurr.ing an average of 3 persons per car. Please note that current striped parking stalls on site amount to 104. We thank you for the consideration of this proposal. Sincerely, GOOD SAMARITAN CARLSON MJORUD ARCHITECTURE LTD. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. Betty Naas Bruce M. Carlson, AIA Building Committee Chairperson Gordon Minehart, Minister Enc: Site Plan dated 11/16/88 GOOD SAMARITAN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 5730 GROVE STREET. EDINA, MINNESOTA 55436 (612) 929 -0049 - S R. GORDON MINEHART, MINISTER JOHN C. DARLINGTON, MINISTER November 2, 1988 Dear Neighbor, On behalf of the congregation of Good Samaritan United Methodist Church of Edina, I extend to you greetings and best wishes of this autumn season. As some of you may know, Good Samaritan Church is bringing to a close a very active year of planning for the future. Last autumn, the church con- gregation voted to organize a building committee to develop plans for enlarging the church to better serve a growing membership. Our plans won't be completed until early next year, at which time the congregation must vote to approve them. We must also bring our plans before the Edina. Planning Commission and City Council for their approval before we proceed. When Good Samaritan was founded at our present Grove Street location in 1961, we had 140 members. We have grown to a membership of over 800, friends and neighbors like yourselves from Edina and surrounding areas. Many community groups regularly use the church programs and building. Good Samaritan encourages this because the Church thus becomes a community - wide asset. We have outgrown our building. We would like to show you our plans, listen to your ideas and suggestions, and learn whatever concerns you may have. We want to.hear from you. We cordially invite you to an open house on Wednesday, November 16, at 7 :30 p.m. at the Church, 5730 Grove Street. We plan a short presentation of the proposed building plans and model. A question and answer period and refreshments will follow. Hope to see you there. Sincerely, Bet y Naa R Gordon Minehart, Minister Chairperson, Building Committee Good Samaritan United Methodist Church M" OEM 2 rd wag � rn^nv xxrmoF m LU � z cr \ / � ____ A Vision For The Future Good Samaritan United Methodist Church South Elevation r1 0 nil 111 West Elevation 7 Good Samaritan United Methodist Church Carlson Miorud Architecture Ltd 5150 01016 9t1661 E0In6, Min —ol6 55696 999 -0019 4100 E-16101 111,0. Min- apoll.. Ml nn.191. 354th 919 -9611 8M. A Vision For The Future Good Samaritan United Methodist Church North Elevation 77 East Elevation Good Samaritan United Methodist Church Mjorud Architecture Ltd 5730 0.... 51-1 Edina. Minne-1• 55436 029-0049 41110 E...W., BI.d- MI .... I.H.. — n...1. 15416 .22-11 611— WYCIlYTG f uwu le [+tilt said ......0"GOOD SAMARITAN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ©N BA.11-1.11-'HMAnS a. GE9i 730 GROVE ST. EDINA Df SIGNED rLPx x0: DAr E: e.: DlflDxf xE Y�LF: III eelD CENTS Lx�L■ .,[WE [ fox. rxeawn ++x wfxu[ rwowe WYCLIFFE ROAD eT PARRI O BTALL. A -- TING Elm cm r 1r ERITS ENf If OP -OFF i • ► Vi1 jo For The Future o d m itan -� of ed M i t dist Church C I LLO W } F I14 R N O �✓ NEw C ABr AIN QQ,LII .I ! I I lNC HAWKES LAKE ENTRJ1111 ll, //✓ ® TOTAL PARI(INO 9TALLB- ISE - 1 PARRINO BTALL LL NTR TO / Site Plan - -_ z Z TRACY AVENUE Good Samaritan United Methodist Church Carlson Mjorud Architecture Ltd sTeo OIP.. 91n.1 EEIn., YlnnneO ee Aee 929 -0048 U00 Ert.IFlO, Bbd. NlnnnPOIIF. Nlnnnol• ee.le o:: -een -- - - elavee II -I I -II II ! I I i lid ' ' � I STORAGE -- LARGE GATHERING SPACE CLASSROW I [_I - CLASSROOMA STORAGE ox _ MEETIM ROOM _ CLASSROOM USIARY - J M A Vision For The Future Good Samaritan United Methodist Church . rf� _ IBl41aW 'mum El FELLOWSF9P ROOM •`; .' / \ y �y1 J1 yik�'\ i OR4 iI % �i 4 K�.`':; . 11' - yam' -,'. . " Hil f..: I{ lid 111 _ ��,•`/ \ �/ .� t��� L� - �i��;, � ��7I'�1/1,,' 60ATS -- T.— l - 74t• -r" n711 1� I.I I'14i Fl .11 l_i�iij- A.. /� % - n�ii r i = _1E�IHY�I �i — f Second Floor Plan -1 - \� o e' /' � � �' / ' � / /SOe • oe R�rtl�. .t�s SEATS //� L — 7 �.._ -- y r - y ♦ • _ [ -� /� I —[ / _ w J`�'` /SACRISTY I \` \... ___ ANP- T - - -- Samaritan Unite - d Methodist -- dist - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- \ _ - - Goo- -d Church Carlson Mjorud Architecture Ltd sroo G1016 311— E$In•, Y o lnnol• 55.36 0210-0049 aoo Ert•I.1•r 91x0..111 oil., M1 nne••1. 55.1$ 922 -6477 — $lave$ W N 7iTCFIAG II jl ROOM JANITOR CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM - -]- ' f-1' MECHANICAL CHOIR ROOM I CLASSROOM I. Good Samaritan United Methodist Church Carlson Mjorud Architecture Ltd 5130 G'... 5"..1 E.I..• U,.....1. 55.30 920-0040 .100 8.1d. .1nn­.1.. .1.....1. 55.15 922-6— W3VN rp A Vision For The Future CRIB NURSERY CLASSROW CLASSROOM MECHANICAL `cE tj F OFF OFFICE PASTOR'S S�TLJDY 'K'/ NC Good Samaritan United Methodist Church pf -1... ME - "6%: --E -!J U, 'RESOURCE Jtn- HUMAN TODDLER ROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM . VOLUN rEER S TEE FM Room ASSOC, PASTOR'S STUDY NURSERY RESOURCE ROOM SCHOOL DIRECTER J I A SST %/ !j YOUTH CE vnrnv AB WE MEN I x Ili W N 7iTCFIAG II jl ROOM JANITOR CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM - -]- ' f-1' MECHANICAL CHOIR ROOM I CLASSROOM I. Good Samaritan United Methodist Church Carlson Mjorud Architecture Ltd 5130 G'... 5"..1 E.I..• U,.....1. 55.30 920-0040 .100 8.1d. .1nn­.1.. .1.....1. 55.15 922-6— W3VN ` pr OT SYMBOL COMMON NAME PLANT SCHEDULE BOTANICAL NAME SIZE ROOT QUANTITY NOTES A Austrian Pine Pinus nigra 12 -18' MM 6 Transplant on site B Austrian Pine Pinus nigra 10' BB 7 C Black Hills Spruce Picea glauca densata 10' MM 4 Transplant on site D Black Hills Spruce Picea glauca densata 10' MM 5 E Crabapple var. Malus sp. 3 -5" MM 8 Transplant on site F Amur Chokecherry Prunus maackii 6" MM 1 Transplant on site G Canada Red Chokecherry Prunus virginiana 4" MM 2 Transplant on site H Japanese Tree Lilac Syringa reticulata 2�" MM 1 Transplant on site I Northwood Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Northwood' 2'" BB 1 J Dwarf Mugho Pine Pinus mugo mugho 24" BB 4 Transplant on site K Dwarf Korean Lilac Syringa meyeri 3 -5' BB 19 Transplant on site L Anthony Waterer Spirea Spirea bumalda var. 18" Pot 33 M Rosy Glow Barberry Berberis atropurpurea var. 15" Pot 21 N Crimson Pygmy Barberry Berberis atropurpurea var. 15" Pot 9 0 Red Sprite Winterberry Ilex verticillata var. 15" Pot 11 P Broadmoor Juniper Juniperus sabina var. 24" Pot 56 Q Table Top Blue Juniper Juniperus scopulorum var. 24" Pot 9 R Scandia Juniper Juniperus sabina var. 24" Pot 18 S Winged Euonymus Euonymus Alata 3' BB 3 T Fernleaf Buckthorn Rhamnus frangula asplenifolia 4' Pot 2 U Techny Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis var. 5' BB 4 V Globe Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis globosa 18" Pot 1 W Pyramidal Yew Taxus cuspidata capitata 3' BB 2 X Hahs Viburnum Viburnum trilobum var. 30" BB 4 Arthur I Felker, C.P.A. Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants December 6, 1988 City Council Members City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55435 Re: Conditional Use Application Tracy Avenue Property Good Samaritan Church Dear Council Members: Please consider carefully the application to put a roadway through a residential lot. This roadway would do little else than to create a more fragmented neighborhood, and seriously de —value the homes along that stretch of Tracy Avenue. The church presently has access to its parking area which apparently served its needs quite well if it now must expand its building. There is no justification for destroying a neighborhood for the bene- fit of a non taxpaying entity. Thank you. Arth J. Felker 5500 Merritt Circle Edina, MN 55436 6401 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, MN 55432 (612) 571 -8494 o e P -� Cn • �N�UAPOM�bO • Iaaa REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: - Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: December 19, 1988 Subject: Transfer of Year XIII CDBG Funds Recommendation: Agenda Item # I. c. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Approve staff recommended transfer of $55,803.66 to Handicapped Access project. Info /Background: The proposed transfer of funds is as follows:- Year XIII Project Current Budget Amt. Transferred Comp. Plan Asst. to Low Income Housing Rehab $10,000.00 $19,470.66 $48,333.00 $10,000.00 $19,470.66 $26,333.00 Remaining Balance 0 0 $20,000.00 The estimated cost of handicapped improvements to the Community Center is $115,000.00. The proposed reprogramming would add $55,830.66 to our current handicapped access budget of $40,000.00. However, $20,000.00 is committed to approved projects at Pamela %. Park and Arneson Acres. The balance of the estimated cost, approximately $40,000.00, would come from Year XIV funds. These funds are available and uncommitted at this time. The proposed transfer does not affect funding for H.O.M.E. or Child Day Care. The funds proposed to be transferred are uncommitted or excess project funds. If the funds are not transferred they would revert to the County on January 1, 1989. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby request the following re- allocation of funds in Year XIII of the Community Development Block Grant Program: Comprehensive Plan Assistance to Low Income Housing .Rehabitation Existing Budget Proposed Budget $10,000.00 19,470.66 48,333.00 ADOPTED this 19th day of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) $ -0- -0- 22,000.00 CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 19, 1988 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 23rd day of February, 1989. Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk Y 9%?4A. 21f o 57' r 1 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: DECEMBER 15, 1988 Subject: AMENDMENT TO ORD. NO. 124 ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS Recommendation: Agenda Item # III.A Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution 0 Ordinance Adoption of Ordinance No. 124 -A6 Establishing Salaries for Elected Officials, with waiver of Second Reading. Info /Background: The salary increases for the City Council were approved by resolution at the Council Meeting of October 3, 1988 when the 1989 Budget was formally adopted. The amendment to Ordinance No. 124 is now to further evidence the increase in salaries approved by resolution prior to the November 8, 1988 election, pursuant to M.S. 415.11. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby approves the following salaries for members of the City Council, effective January 1, 1989: Mayor $7,050 annually Council Members 5,100 annually and that the:-intent of this resolution -is to amend Ordinance No. 124; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to prepare and and publish an appropriate ordinance amendment as a formality to further evidence the increase in City Council salaries but the salary increase shall be effective pursuant to this resolution. ADOPTED this 3rd day of October, 1988. ORDINANCE NO. 124 -A6 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Pursuant to the resolution adopted by the City Council on October 3, 1988, the salaries of members of the Edina City Council shall be as follows commencing January 1, 1989: Mayor Council Members $7,050 annually 5,100 annually Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading ATTEST: December 19, 1988 Waived City Clerk Mayor Agenda Item: IV. A. WHITE OAKS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION December 16, 1988 The Edina City Council Edina City Offices 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Townes Road Marsh Dear Council Members: The White Oaks Improvement Association would appreciate the opportunity to appear briefly before you at your regular meeting of December 19, 1988, for.the purpose of reporting to you the efforts of the association to preserve Lot 9, White Oaks Second Addition, for its natural open space and ponding capacity as intended by the original developer. At that time, we would formally request that the' city consider acquiring an interest in Lot 9 to effectuate the public purposes of preserving the natural open space of the entire Townes Road marsh and assuring that the present ponding capacity of adjacent Lot 1, White'Oaks Third Addition, is not adversely im- pacted by any proposed development of Lot 9. We would also offer such limited financial and other assistance as our association is able to give in conjunction with any other private persons who might also be able to donate some- thing to assist the city in acquiring such an interest in Lot 9. Any suggestions or recommendations as to how this might be achieved would be appreciated. CFS:jh cc Mr. Craig Larson, Planning Mr. Fran Hoffman, Engineering Mr. Bob Kojetin, Parks Dr. Donald McMillan Respectfully submitted. WHITE OAKS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION By �i�7 '— • AV Connor F. Schmid Secretary /Treasurer 4711 Meadow Road Edina, Minnesota 55424 IN WHITE OAKS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION December 16, 1988 The Honorable .C. Wayne Courtney and the Edina City Council Edina City Offices 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re Townes Road Marsh Dear Mayor Courtney and Council Members: Our neighborhood association officers and directors have continued to investigate and pursue potential means of preserving the portion of the Townes Road marsh described as Lot 9, White Oaks Second Addition, for open space and storm water ponding reserve as intended by the original developer of the White Oaks neighborhood and as maintained for nearly 50 years. We have requested a brief opportunity to advise the city of our progress and request assistance in achieving what we believe to be an appropriate public purpose, as well as enabling us to help con- tinue to preserve our unique neighborhood. Historical Planning Intent We have confirmed with Mrs. Frank Ecklund, widow and partner of White Oaks developer, Frank Ecklund, what was obvious from the deeds, dedicating, platting, and subdivision. That is Lot 9, White Oaks Second Addition, was not intended to be devel- oped. Mrs. Ecklund advised that after the Village of Edina re- jected several offers of donations or dedication of Lot 9, similar to the ponding dedication on adjacent Lot 1, White Oaks Third Addition, the Ecklunds just held the lot. She stated that they were finally prevailed upon by the owner of 4700 Townes Road to' transfer Lot 9 to him to be held in its natural,condition, like Lot 1. Unfortunately, the transfer was made by simple quit claim deed without specific express conditions. Current Phvsical Situation Lot 9, according to proposed plats submitted to the planning department, appears to be at the same level as the adja- cent Lot 1, which is a dedicated ponding area. Several neighbor- hood residents who regularly observe the marsh can testify as to the nearly complete utilization of both'Lot 1 and Lot 9 to _avoid street flooding during heavy storms not as severe as the July, 1987, storms. It is difficult to perceive that filling of one - quarter of an acre and the accelerating of storm water off that quarter acre by any proposed roofing and driveway will not ' The Honorable C. Wayne Courtney and the Edina City Council Page 2 December 16, 1988 threaten to overwhelm the dedicated q7WjbV@M1bl three - quarter of the acre ponding capacity of Lot 1. Environmental Aspect Lot 9, as a number of persons, including those from other nearby neighborhoods, can attest, is a critical part of a rare and vanishing type of open space and a sanctuary for birds and animals, which at one time included a red fox and an occa- sional deer. The opinion that the placement of a residence in the southeasterly quarter will drastically impair and probably destroy the nature of the marsh as it exists seems universal and incon- testable. Action Taken To encourage and assist the city in meeting the goals of preservation of unique and attractive open space and providing for adequate storm ponding areas, the association had attempted to have the immediate past owner (Ken Monroe) of 4700 Townes Road consider a charitable donation of Lot 9 to the city. This effort in 1986 resulted in the owner's request for deeds to effectuate a• transfer which the owner had placed in escrow with the city attor- ney subject to the owner's final decision. Unfortunately the owner did not follow through. Instead, we learned that a devel- oper, Dick Andron, entered into a purchase agreement in June, 1983, with Monroe. Apparently, for over a year Edina Realty has unsuccess- fully tried to market the Lot 1, presumably because of the obvious water problems, to say nothing of the substantial change of char- acter it would bring to the immediate neighborhood and Lot 9 itself. Association officers have recently asked Andron to con- sider the negative impact of development, the apparent problems of development, and the possibility of some type of charitable con- tribution. The association has learned that the owner is. engaged in litigation to try to compel Andron to carry out the purchase agreement, which Andron resisted according to pleadings on file with the court. It would appear that the factual questions raised by the pleadings relating to whether the lot is feasibly buildable and whether the purchase agreement is enforceable may be difficult to resolve. The Honorable C. Wayne Courtney and the Edina City Council Page 3 December 16, 1988 Proposal. : C.- To encourage the city to examine the desirability of preservation of this unique marsh area and acquisition of the ponding capacity of Lot 9, the association agrees to donate up to $500 to add to any previously donated fund, which the city can accept, of an equal amount or more for the purpose of acquisition of an open space or park interest in Lot 9. We believe that there are a number of private persons who would consider contributing to such a fund, if one were properly organized and acceptable to the city. The association would agree to assist in publicizing or, implementing such a fund for the city. Further, should the city have some concerns about the liability of the city for ownership or care and maintenance, the association is prepared to undertake that obligation, as it has in the care of the White Oaks meadow, which appears to be within the association's corporate purposes. We would appreciate an opportunity to appear briefly before you at your regular meeting of the 19th to urge your con- sideration of this request and benefit from any of your sugges- tions or those of staff which might assist in the association's efforts to get some kind of program in motion before the end of the tax year that might resolve the status of Lot 9. Respectfully-submitted, WHITE OAKS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION By Connor F. Schmid Secretary /Treasurer 4711 Meadow Road Edina, Minnesota 55424 CFS:jh cc Mr. Craig Larson, Planner Mr. Fran Hoffman, Engineer Mr. Bob Kojetin, Parks A. o REQUEST FOR PURCHASE •?`�fIMM . TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CRAIG G. SWANSON, CHIEF OF POLICE VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5 000 DATE: December 15, 1988 AGENDA ITEM V.A ITEM DESCRIPTION: Six (6) 1989 full -size Police Pursuit Ve is es including one.vehicle for Edina Fire Department Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1, THANE HAWKINS POLAR CHEVROLET 1. $ 76,840.00 1801 East County Road "F" 2' White Bear Lake, 14N 55110 2 3. 4. 5. 3. 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Low Bidder -- Polar Chevrolet GENERAL INFORMATION: Replacement Vehicles (Per State. of Minnesota Purchasing Cooperative) Acceptable replacement vehicles to be acquired through cooperative bidding. Costs are approximately 6.85% greater than 1988 purchases. Units will be maintained as first line patrol vehicles for a minimum of two (2) years. 9G -s / Signature The Recommended bid is within budget not MINA POLICE DEPARTMENT Department „ John Wallin enneth Rosland, City Manager �6 r 91NA. ,lrr REQUEST FOR PURCHASE ASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5 000 DATE: December 7, 1988 AGENDA ITEM y.B ITEM DESCRIPTION: Fertilizer for Braemar fairways, tees, and greens. _Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Turf Supply Company 1• $7426.14 2. Albrecht Landscaping & Grass Roots Turf 2• 10,942.00 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Turf Supply Company 7426.14 GENERAL INFORMATION: Fertilizer for Braemar Golf Course fairways, tees, and greens. c The Recommended bid is Parks & Recreation Department V within budget not Kenneth Rosland City Manager i CITY - "OF EDINA URCHASE REQUISITION i ----------------- - - - - -- _.::LIVER MATERIAL TO: MATERIAL NEEDED BY: SUGGESTED SOURCE OR USUAL SOURCE: REQUISITION NO. DATE ADDRESS o2 P.O. NUMBER QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT CHARGE ACC'T. 97 - YSS-S y t1L1 Gtt1VHlt yuulH11u1V3 rule rumumAz)ta uvtx ,iluu.uu SOURCE:' AMOUNT OF QUOTATION: I - ) (ay- ,r- 12.��c- c -((.� 2.) 91 %S41. °` . 2. �j /1.�„�s.,� -6-'odo T "l 1 u� 2.) 3.) t.,tF APPF 3..; AL �l 'Di) M7' �"Ag:r ,N THIS SPACE RECEIVED APPR0VFT) 19 'j ALBRECHT LANDSCAPING - MAINTENANCE - IRRIGATION - EXCAVATION 1408 West County Road C - Roseville, Minnesota 55113 - (612) 633 -4510 November 30, 1988 Braemer Golf Course ATTN: MR. JOHN NULUND 6364 Dewey Hill Road Edina, MN 55435 Dear Mr. Nylund: As a dealer for Par Ex products, we would like to participate in the "request for bids" part of your fertilizer needs. We believe that the request was for 8 tons of 24 -4 -12 with I.B.D.U. and for 1 ton of 20 -0 -16 greens grade with I.B.D.U. Nitrogen source. We bid as follows: =20-0-16 00 /ton 0 /ton In addition to these costs we will allow a 7% discount if you can get the order to us before December 12th, and if you will accept immediate delivery upon receipt of your Purchase Order. Respectfully, OMPANY Dwayne E. Albrecht President DEA:rmh QUOTE FORM GRASS ROOTS TURF EQU I RMENT CO. -- i�ca2MaC' 6143 SOUTHWEST 63RD STREET DES MOINES, IA 50321. CeA- N-,-k 515 -285 -7620 CUST. ORDER SHIP VI A TERMS cow �x QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT $ O%a C." 1 'L{^ tl7 � —° b 288 !HANK YOU FOR CONTACTING GRASS ROOTS TURF. WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE THE BEST COMMERCIAL QUALITY TURF PRODUCTS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR NEEDS. QUOTES ARE SUBJECT TO MANUFACTURES PRICE CHANGES, IN -STOCK AVAILABILITY AND COR ONS OF ERRORS. WE LOOK FORWARD TO BEING OF SERVICE TO YOU. QUOTED BY DATE I "� �$ EXPIRESJa ACCEPTED DATE REQUEST FOR PURCHASE J TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: December 13, 1988 AGENDA ITEM V . C ITEM DESCRIPTION: Range Golf Balls Company Amount of Quote or Bid �• Spalding 2. $ 8,250 3 2. 4. 3. 5. 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Spalding $ 8,250 GENERAL INFORMATION: 1500 dz Range.Golf Balls. Spalding is the sole supplier. 1 9.AWT�&�"wWii�� Parks & Recreation Department The Recommended bid is v jv-)C-� within budget not wit in b ge John W n, Finance Director Kenneth Rosland, City CITY OF EDINA PURCHASE_ REQUISITION REQUISITION NO. DATE IZ / �Z 19Cj 'LIVER MATERIAL T0: MATERIAL NEEDED BY: S P . 0. NUMB ER 67,2 SUGGESTED SOURCE OR USUAL SOURCE: ADDRESSf GJ N l� ��- pnx q 41 C.h i c.o p ee � M o► , o l o Z l -� q o 1 QUANTITY • DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE .AMOUNT CHARGE ACCT. . 00'c*% 2-7 Y63 OTTFRUATF IN nTATTnx?c rnv DilDrv. "crc SOURCE: AMOUNT OF OUOTATION: 1 •) Sole 5vpp 1 I eA ' 2.) 3.) ''PARED BY:-ati4 �•J 3. 'DO KOT ;.?.K TN THIS SPACE RECEIVED 19_ APPROVED - - 'i MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE DECEMBER 13 1988 9:00 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Fran Hoffman, Chairman Alison Fuhr Gordon Hughes Bob Sherman Craig Swanson MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Cap Ms. SECTION A Paul Coniaris, 7509 Hyde Park Drive Idith Almog, 7519 Hyde Park Drive James Nicholson, 7508 Hyde Park Drive Mina Adamovich, 4360 France Avenue South, 467 Jeane Garrison, 4360 France Avenue South, 468 tain Leonard Kleven, Edina Police Department Joan Waterstreet, Edina Police Department VI. A. Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. (1) Request for "NO PARKING ANYTIME" signs on south side of Morningside Road, east and west of Edina Morningside Condominiums driveway. Request received from Ms. Mina Adamovich, President of Edina Morningside Condominium'Association. ACTION TAKEN: This unscheduled agenda item was brought before the Committee by the President of the Association, Ms. Mina Adamovich, and another condominium resident, Ms. Garrison. Their concern was that vehicles parked on either side of the condominium driveway obstruct vision to those trying to gain access to Morningside Road. The area in question would involve a three - car prohibition. When questioned by Mr. Hoffman about resident and guest parking, Ms. Adam - ovich stated that there is adequate space available even with the loss of the three parking spaces. She also commented that larger vehicles, such as garbage trucks, had trouble negotiating the driveway with vehicles parked so near the entrance. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING December 13, 1988 Page 2 (Continued) - (2) (3) pqr. Hughes moved that "NO PARKING ANYTIME" signs be installed on the south side of Morningside Road to include an area 25 feet west of the driveway and to extend to France Avenue. Mrs. Fuhr seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. Request for three -way "STOP" signs at the intersection of Parkwood Lane and Parkwood Road. Request received from E. E. Powers, 5500 Parkwood Lane. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Powers contacted the Police Department with his concern that there had been several "near miss" type situations at this intersection. In review, there appeared to be a lack of defined right -of -way accompanied by some clearview problems at this location, due primarily to one large mugho pine shrub located at the southeast corner of the intersection. Captain Kleven stated that present law states that at a "T" intersection, the "through" leg of traffic has the right of way. He suggested that this be further defined at this intersection. Mr. Swanson moved to install a "YIELD" sign on Parkwood Lane at the inter- section of Parkwood Road, and also to review the southeast corner of the intersection for possible clearview violations. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. Request to review parking situation on north side of West 50th Street, east of Edina Court to Maple Road, on Sundays only from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Request received from residents of Edina Court. ACTION TAKEN: This also was an unscheduled agenda item that was brought before the Committee by Captain Kleven. In the month of November, a motion had been passed to permanently place "NO PARKING EXCEPT SUNDAYS, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM" signs on the north side of West 50th Street, east of Edina Court to Maple Road. This action was to alleviate parking problems for those attending services at St. Stephen's Church. However, residents of Edina Court now feel that visibility to West 50th Street has been greatly affected by extending parking right up to the intersection. Mr. Hoffman suggested that the closest sign to the intersection was approximately 75' east of the area and if the curbline between the sign and Edina Court were free of vehicles, there should be no visibility problems. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING December 13, 1988 Page 3 (Continued) Mr. Hoffman moved that "NO PARKING BEYOND" signs be added below the existing signs to enhance access and visibility from Edina Court Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. None. SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. (1) Discuss traffic safety concerns, Bonnie Brae Drive and Hyde Park Drive. Petition received from numerous area residents. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Nicholson, a representative of the neighborhood, began by outlining the growing concern for safety as stated in the petition. The concern is mainly with vehicles using Bonnie Brae Drive and Hyde Park Drive as a "through" street or short -cut between Gleason Road and Dewey Hill Road. The residents feel that while the streets are generally safe for children and pedestrians, there is a now a safety concern regarding unfamiliar traffic and speed. He also felt that the recent findings regarding Halifax Avenue were somewhat unrelated to their issue, as the Halifax issue involved business versus residential traffic patterns. The concensus of the neighborhood is that the most viable solution would be to cul -de -sac Bonnie Brae Drive. Captain Kleven reported that three radar surveys had been completed. These surveys were conducted between 4-and 6 PM, which was noted by the residents as peak times of traffic during the work week. The first one and one -half hour survey showed 15 vehicles traveling at a top speed of 30 mph, the second survey showed 17 vehicles in a one and one -half hour period, with highest speed being 29 mph, and the third survey showed 29 vehicles with a top speed of 34 mph. The accident history from 1983 to present shows two (2) accidents in this area, one being a personal injury bike versus automobile accident in 1987, and the second being a hit and run vehicle sideswipe accident in 1988. The Traffic Enforcement Unit was also assigned to the area for a half hour period, and noted only one vehicle on the road- way with a speed of 22 mph. Mr. Hoffman stated that the Engineering Department had conducted a survey and in an 8 -hour period, 93 vehicles were counted on Bonnie Brae Drive, TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING December 13, 1988 Page 4 (Continued) primarily traveling to and from the south on Gleason. He asked the repre- sentatives if the north end neighbors realized that the placement of a cul- de -sac at Bonnie Brae and Gleason Road would double their traffic. Mr. Nicholson replied that they had, in fact, signed the petition. He also stated that the figures and surveys did not surprise him, as the problem seemed also to be seasonal with the worst times being spring and summer months. Mrs. Fuhr asked Mr. Hoffman if there was a precedent to installation of a cul -de -sac similar to this instance, to which Mr. Hoffman gave a negative reply and stated that to date traffic diversion had been the most extreme option. Mr. Hoffman asked the residents if sidewalks were discussed as a possible option and was told that they were not discussed as they were not seen as the best possible solution. Mr. Swanson expressed his opinion that the key issue that the Committee is designed to evaluate is the safety issue. The Committee is there to study the facts as they are presented, and it would seem that the facts reveal that there are no large volumes, there are not a high percentage of accidents, and there is no defined speed problem. He stated that the situation would seem to be very similar to that recently expressed by residents of Belmore Lane. In that instance, it was recommended that residents further consider installation of sidewalks and the City also place advisory pedestrian caution signs to alert traffic to adults and children in the area. He also maintained that this might be more a planning issue than that of traffic safety. Mr. Hoffman also added that the key aspects of the Traffic Safety Committee were engineering, education and enforcement. These would be the established guidelines that the Committee would work around. Also Captain Kleven stressed that a 25 mph advisory sign is an advisory sign only and was not enforceable. This is due to State mandates of minimum 30 mph speed limits in residential areas except for school zones with special circum- stances. The residents then asked about the possibility of plac on Hyde Park Circle and Hyde Park Lane and also on the Drive and Bonnie Brae Drive. Mr. Hoffman replied•that of the residents seemed to be to interrupt the flow of Gleason and Dewey Hill and, thereby, end the advantage as a shortcut. Mr. Hughes also added that, typically, used as speed control measures and this appeared to be neighborhood. ing "STOP" signs curve of Hyde Park he felt the objective traffic between of using this route "STOP" signs are not a self - contained Mr. Swanson moved to install the newly designed 25 mph advisory and pedes- trian signs on Hyde Park Drive and Bonnie Brae Drive, to have the residents survey the area as to installation of sidewalks, to conduct traffic counts and speed surveys in May of 1989 between the hours of 2:30 and 5:00 PM1_ TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING December 13, 1988 Page 5 . (Continued) and to evaluate any further signing. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. (2) Request for additional "HANDICAPPED PARKING" in the area of West 49 -1/2 Street Ramp. Request received from Mrs. Alison Fuhr, Edina Traffic Safety Committee. ACTION TAKEN: This unscheduled agenda item was brought before the Committee by Mrs. Alison Fuhr. Following recent surgery which necessitated the use of crutches, she became increasingly aware that the handicap parking situa -, tion, especially in the area of the West 49 -1/2 Street Ramp, seemed less than adequate. The areas designated as "HANDICAPPED PARKING" are still quite some distance from the north side West 50th Street merchants and also steps and inclines must be negotiated. Captain Kleven informed the Committee that vehicles designated "HANDICAPPED" could lawfully park in any area, even those not designated as such. He also stated that he had advised the merchants to save the signed "HANDICAPPED" stalls for customers, as their handicapped employees with appropriate permits could park legally in other areas of the lots or ramps. Mr. Swanson commented that it might be appropriate to review the entire handicap parking issue in the West 50th Street/France Avenue area. Mr. Hoffman moved to continue the item until the next meeting pending review of the "HANDICAPPED PARKING" in the West 50th Street /France Avenue area. Mn. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. Respectfully submitted, EDINA TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE i w91�1r�1r o e� o 71 \i Rro�,tyJ • lose REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & Council Members Agenda Item # VT-B• From: Peggy Kelly Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: December 16, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: CITY MANAGER'S REVIEW ❑I To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: That the attached summary of the City Manager's evaluation be read by Mayor Courtney at the Council Meeting of December 19, 1988, with time allowed for comment by Council and audience. Info /Background: The Personnel Committee held a very thorough evaluation session with the City Manager on December 8, 1988, to review his performance in 1988 and his goals as established through the strategic planning process. The attachment is a summary of this session. On Thursday, December 8, 1988, the Mayor, C. Wayne.Courtney, and Council Member, Peggy Kelly, on behalf of the Council, reviewed the performance of the City Manager, Ken Rosland, for the 1988 year. The City Manager evaluation . forms, completed by the Mayor and Council, were used as guidelines as well as the Manager's goals as established through the strategic planning process. In all areas - -Council relationship, goal setting, community relationship, organization leadership, inter - organizational cooperation, task performance and Manager's goals - -Mr. Rosland was found to be operating at least as expected and in most cases above average to outstanding. In Council relationship, the group was very pleased with the new reporting sheets and financial analysis documents. It was hoped that time would be set aside at meetings for quarterly Manager's updates on the status of the City and progress towards strategic goals. It is best if the Council knows as soon as possible if problems arise in-major areas so they can prepare policy decisions. The goal setting process is improving. Ken has worked very hard to implement the Council's strategic planning process. The organization, as a whole, needs to work together to focus on major and long -range goals. A priority list was suggested.as a possible tool for direction. Ken's greatest strength has always been and continues to be his community relations.' He works hard to please the public and "is almost responsible to a fault." Several areas of communication were suggested: 1) a newsletter; 2) more extensive use of Cable TV; and 3) expanding the Highlander. In inter - organizational cooperation, it was felt that Ken has done an excellent job of representing Edina in other levels of government. His reputation as a leader in the metro area is growing each year. It was suggested that the City pursue an expanded relationship with the School District as we jointly plan to serve our citizens with the most cost - effective services. Within the area of task performance, labor negotiations and staff development are areas of concern. Ken creates a wholesome, efficient and positive atmosphere in which to work. He should delegate more detail to the staff so he can be free to work with the Council on developing long -range plans. Within the organization as a whole, suggestions were made to.: 1) have regular meetings with the Commissions; 2) improve communications between Council Members and staff; 3) develop a greater level of trust within the Council; 4) improve the strategic planning process; 5) meet with legislators, County and metro representatives more often; 6) take active part in associations; and 7).improve communications with our citizens. In summary, it was felt that the Centennial Year was a busy and highly successful one directed-by an efficient and hard working leader. There were few surprises, much improved planning tools, and a generally healthy and responsive atmosphere within the City. . aTr of EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612 - 927 -8861 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Councilmember Richards RE: National League of Cities 65th Annual Congress of Cities Agenda Item VI X December 12, 1988 I had the privilege and opportunity to attend the 65th Annual Congress of Cities sponsored by the National League of Cities in Boston, Massachusetts on December 3 -7, 1988. Overall, I believe that our city's presence at this conference was enlightening and beneficial. While we have not attended these national conferences before, there is a strong delegation from the State of Minnesota in attendence. The opportunity to meet many elected officials from Minnesota cities in one place was helpful. The sharing of ideas and expressions of concerns in areas of mutual interest appeared to be most helpful. I sense three general themes at the conference which I believe will impact Edina: (a) There will be increasing mandates of obligations imposed upon local governments by both federal and state governments but not necessarily with a corresponding financial commitment to local governments mandated to initiate certain actions. (b) Dealing with municipal infrastructures will become increasingly important. The necessity to deal with various alternatives for payment of replacing, repairing and /or maintaining that infrastructure will be of vital interest to municipalities. (c) The generation of revenues will more and more come from usage fees, direct extractions, and /or some form of linkage fees. Reduced reliance upon traditional ad valorem taxes to fund general operating budget will occur. Having participated in these events for over, four days, I also obtained a new and better understanding of the absolute necessity to make a commitment to resource recovery, including recycling. As will be detailed below in trying to identify the materials I returned with, I would encourage every councilmember to review the recycling materials. Other, suggestions I have would be to explore whether or not we should send a member of the council or a member of our recycling commission to a conference next winter to learn more about recycling. I also think it might be important for our council to collectively visit such resource recovery operations as are at Reuter's and /or various landfills and other types of operations in our metro area. I believe we should seriously look at making a concerted effort to strengthen our plans to provide for recycling of waste collected in our city on a city -wide basis as well as offering as many types of incentives and inducements as we can to our citizens to participate in this program. I attended numerous meetings that dealt with involvment of the private sector in providing traditional municipal services. There appears to be a growing trend towards privatization. I believe it may well be in our best interests to explore these alternatives to see if any are applicable to our community. For example, there is much about asset management which is to say the sale and disposition of assets owned by a municipality which are not otherwise serving as income producing revenue assets at the present time. Another example is the sale of municipal assets to the private sector with lease -back arrangements. Lastly, and particularly for the concil's interest, there was a presentation on trends in politics (as that might be loosely defined as it impacts local government) which is an extensive study done by the Gallop organization. These materials are included in the packet I returned with. overall, I believe the information and materials obtaiend at this conference can and should be beneficial to our community. I would hope we would continue to explore efforts to participate fully in recycling, that we deal with the maintenance and replacement of our infrastructure based upon what we now perceive to be our responsibilities with no commitment from state and federal funding sources, and that we continue to plan for our future as well as we have in the past. Ken will have all of the information and materials I gathered. I hope that each of us can spend some time looking at the materials to assist us in dealing with our community's issues. A catalogue of the materials include the following: 1. Program and various informational materials on activities of the National League of Cities. 2. Municipal Finance - bond rating services 3. Policy Committee Position papers of several cities involved in the National League of Cities, including Community and Economic Development, Finance Administration and Intergovernmental Relations, Human Development and Transportation and Communications. 4. Mapping of municipalities 5. Deferred Compensation Programs for public employees 6. Programs involving children within the community 7. Miscellaneous reports on presentations at the conference, including one by the City of Minneapolis, Municipal Foreign Policy and the ICMA (International City Management Association) Catalog of Publications and Services 8. Telecommunications materials including cable television and proposals discussing 24 -hour city hall through telecommuni- cations 9. Key legislative issues dealt with in the U.S. Congress 10. Rules and regulations pertaining to stormwater treatment facilities and drinking water standards 11. Fire prevention activities 12. Municipal cleanup project entitled "Take Pride in America" 13. Deep Root program regarding public improvement projects 14. Recycling materials including a presentation on the Boston Harbor situation and cleanup of that important facility 15. Census materials for 1990 16. Management of public facilities including municipal golf courses 17. Financing of public improvement projects, including financing by private sector 18. Management of catastrophies striking local municipalities 19. Airport noise report 20. Gallop - Study of the American Electorate. 5ZSAM A. 0 • • � ~�URPOMSbO • 1888 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman City Engineer Date: 19 December, 1988 Subject: Resolution for Federal Aid - Mn /DOT Commissioner to Act As.City's Agent Recommendation: Agenda Item # VILA Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Authorize the attached Resolution per Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn /DOT) request to allow Mn /DOT to act as agent for Federal funds on City Federal Aid projects. Info /Background: This is an agency agreement which provides for administration of a Federal Aid project conducted by the City. The City has not conducted any Federal Aid projects in the past due to insufficient road construction funds which would reach a City street project. Typically, Federal Aid projects within the borders of the City are projects on either county or state roads within its borders. If a Federal Aid eligible City street project was conducted within the City, the Commissioner would handle administration of the project and the City Engineer would conduct the active supervision and direction of the work to be performed under any contract left for the aforesaid project. As such, this resolution results normally in an annual agency agreement not used but requested by Mn /DOT. f MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AID FORM NO. III Be it resolved that pursuant to section 161.36, Subdivision 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes, the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as agent of the City of to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of local roads and bridge, and the Mayor and the City clerk are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the City to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Transportation prescribing the terms and conditions of such contracts in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement" a copy of which said agreement was before the City Council, assuming on behalf of the City all of the obligations therein contained. (SEAL) (Submit in duplicate) Note: Attach certification by City Clerk with each copy of resolution. I RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivision 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes, the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as agent of the City of Edina to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of local roads and bridges; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the City to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Transportation prescribing the terms and conditions -of such contracts in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement" a copy of which said Agreement was before the City Council, assuming on behalf of the City all of the obligations therein contained. ADOPTED this 19th day of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 19, 1988, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 11th day of January, 1989. City Clerk q1�A. a e l:• 71 cn o • • ��DRpOtNS °V lose REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER Agenda Item # VII.B From: CEIL SMITH, AS TO MGR. Consent 0 Information Only ❑ j Date: DECEMBER 16, 1988 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: 1989 COMPENSATION RATES To Council Action ❑ Motion .Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adoption of the attached resolution setting compensation rates for City employees for 1989. Info /Background: The attached compensation rates for 1989 were incorporated in the 1989 Budget for the City of Edina as adopted October 3, 1988. However, the Council should formally approve the compensation rates by resolution. • RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION RATES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby establish the following salary schedule for fulltime personnel for 1989: 33,924 35,920 37,915 39,911 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Executive Management 24,660 26,202 27,743 29,284 30,826 $21,253 Level 3 $50,619 $53,994 $57,368 $60,743 $64,117 $67,492 Level 2 38,938 41,533 44,129 46,725 49,321 51,917 Level 1 34,071 36,342 38,613 40,885 43,156 45,428 Technical Management Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Technical Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 General Level 2 Level 1 Public Safety PS Management 3 PS Management 2 PS Management 1 PS General 2 PS General 1 $31,393 33,486 35,579 37,672 39,765 41,858 29,933 31,929 33,924 35,920 37,915 39,911 28,123 29,998 31,873 33,748 35,623 37,498 23,119 24,660 26,202 27,743 29,284 30,826 $21,253 22,670 24,087 25,504 26,921 28,338 19,469 20,766 22,064 23,362 24,660 25,958 17,765 18,950 20,134 21,318 22,503 23,687 $16,143 17,219 18,295 19,371 20,448 21,524 15,331 16,354 17,376 18,398 19,420 20,442 $41,073 44,670 .48,266 51,322 52,300 38,423 41,803 45,129 48,023 49,025 34,935 37,964 41,073 43,669 44,917 21,334 23,227 25,159 26,715 16,981 18,413 19,928 21,218 w91��r'lr A. o e_, . lee's REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & Council Members Agenda Item .* VII.C. From: Kenneth Rosland Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: December 16, 1988* Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Ell Discussion Recommendation: Edina Sun - Current to serve as the Edina official newspaper Info /Background: Attached is a memo to me from Jim Knutson. As you can see, the cost for submitting our legal notice of the moratorium was extremely expensive at the Star Tribune. If we use the Star, our costs could be into the $60- 70,000 a year category, which obviously has not been budgeted for this year. We asked Tom Erickson to research our options regarding an official newspaper. As you can see from his attached letter, we have the option of appointing the Sun as our official newspaper but changing at a later date if we so desire. Also, the letter indicates that we do have a choice of an official newspaper since no paper offices in the City of Edina. It is my opinion that we should stay with the Sun at the present time, keep the pressure on to improve their distribution and if in fact they do not improve, we can change at any time we so desire. However, we must budget additional dollars to do that or take those dollars from the Contingency Fund. I know the distribution of the Sun has been frustrating to many. I really don't have an answer, but I cannot see us going any other direction at the present time. We will do our best to monitor them and encourage them to do a better job of their distribution. M E M O R A N D U M To: Ken Rosland, City Manager From: Jim Knutson, Assistant Finance Director Subject: Designation of Official Newspaper Edina Sun - Current vs Star Tribune Date: December 16, 1988 Based on our comparison of the two papers: 1. Price: For cost analysis, we submitted to both papers the legal notice for a moratorium on the platting and subdivision of lots in the City of Edina and the costs were as follows: Edina Sun - Current - $ 33.29 Star Tribune - $438.90 The results show the Star Tribune is approximately 13 times more expensive than the Edina Sun - Current for this legal ad. This was done to accurately compare the cost of each newspaper. 2. Annual costs: Legal advertisements are expensed in administrations budget.- Total Edina % of Cost Sun only Total 1988 YTD $5,189 $3,352 64% 1987 $3,570 $2,012 56% 1986 $4,589 ? ? Advertisements in other newspapers are generally duplications. For example, Public Works will advertise in the Edina Sun and Chapin publications for competitive bid purposes. 0 Subject: Designation of Official Newspaper Edina Sun - Current vs Star Tribune Date: December 16, 1988 3. Circulation: Sun: Every household receives the weekly newspaper in the City of Edina. Star Tribune: Per Star Tribune Circulation Dept., they have a circulation of daily papers of approximately 69.4% of all City of Edina households. 4. Change of Official Newspaper: Research performed by the City Attorney indicates that the City can change designation of Official Newspaper at any time during the year. 380 PARE AVENUE NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 (212)415-9200 3 ORACECHURCH STREET LONDON EC3V OAT, ENGLAND 01 -929 -3334 36, RUE TRONCHET 73009 PARIS, FRANCE 01- 42- 66 -59 -49 040 FIRST NATIONAL BANE BUILDING P. O. BOX 848 ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 58903 (507)288 -3156 510 NORTH CENTRAL LIFE TOWER 445 MINNESOTA STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 85101 (612) 227 -8017 DOBSEY & WHITNEY A P�Z"H tUCLUDMO PIMM-81- CO-MO 10- 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 (612)340 -2600 TELEX 29 -0605 TELECOPIER (612)340 -2868 Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland City of Edina 4801 West 50 Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 THOMAS S. ERICKSON, P. A. (612) 340 -2659 December 12, 1988 Re: Official Newspaper Dear Mr. Rosland: 1200 FIRST INTERSTATE CENTER 401 NORTH 31- STREET P. O. BOX 7188 BILLINGS, MONTANA 89103 (406)252 -3800 201 DAVIDSON BUILDING 8 THIRD STREET NORTH GREAT PALLS, MONTANA 89401 (406)727 -3632 127 EAST FRONT STREET MISSOULA. MONTANA 89802 (406) 721 -6025 318 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 (612)475-0373 The City is considering naming the official newspaper for 1989. This designation of official newspaper is done pursuant to Minn. Statute § 412.831, which states that the city council, annually at its first meeting of the year, shall designate a legal newspaper of general circulation in the city as its official newspaper. Though the statute makes reference to the first meeting of the year for the time of designation, it has been generally understood that the timing is not mandatory, but that the city can make a designation at another time. Therefore, I understand that the City of Edina generally has made its designation prior to the end of the year so as to give notice to the newspaper of its designation.. You have asked whether or not once the designation is made if it may be changed during the year. The Attorney General has opined (Op. Atty. Gen., 4718, March 10, 1962) that, in the absence of contract between a municipality and a newspaper, a municipality could properly change its designation of an official newspaper at .a time other than'the first council meeting of the year. Also, as stated, the timing of the designation seems to be only "directory" and not mandatory, and there would seem to be no reason why the City cannot change its designation during the course of the year if no contract is entered into with any given newspaper. OORSEY ,& WHITNEY Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland December 12, 1988 Page Two However, the ability of the City to designate an official newspaper is limited by Chapter 331A, Minn. Statutes. A copy of that statute is attached. By Section 331A.04, an order of priority is established for the designation of official newspapers which qualify as an official or.legal publication under Chapter 331A. The priority is as follows: 1. If a qualified newspaper has its principal . office (called by statute, the "known office of issue ") for its regular newspaper business in the city, then that newspaper shall be designated. 2. If no qualified newspaper has such a principal office in the city, then the city shall designate one which has a secondary office in the city. A secondary office is defined as an office other than a principal office, and in a community other than that in which the principal office is located, which secondary office.is for the purpose of enhancing its coverage of and service to the community in which it is located, which is open on a regular basis to gather news and sell advertisements and subscriptions, and which is devoted primarily to business related to the newspaper. 3. If there is no qualified newspaper with a principal or secondary office in the city, then the city may designate "a qualified newspaper of general circulation . . ." in the city. It is our understanding, after having checked with Mr. L.J. Canning of the Edina Sun - Current, that the principal office,of the Edina Sun- Current is in Bloomington and not Edina, and that the Edina Sun - Current has no other offices (therefore, no "secondary office ") in Edina. Also, it is our understanding that the Minneapolis Star - Tribune has no principal or secondary office in Edina. Further, after consulting with Marce Daehn, we are aware of no other newspaper which would qualify as.an official or legal publication which has any principal or secondary office in Edina. This means, then, that Edina may designate any "qualified newspaper of general circulation" in the city for purposes of being its official and legal publication. You might also be interested in reading Section 331A.06 which regulates the fees that can be charged a munici- pality for publications in the official newspaper. S„ e December 13, 1988 MINNESOTA SUBURBAN City Council NEWSPAPERS City of Edina Representing Sailor, 4801 West 50th Street Current, Sun - Current Edina, Mn. 55424 and Post Publications Dear Council Members: We would appreciate your designation of the Edina Sun - Main Office Current to be your official newspaper for the year 1989. 7831 East Bush Lake Rd. Bloomington, MN 55435 The new rate structure for legals effective January 1, 1989 612. 896 -4700 will b a: Satellite Offices 1 column width 1209 East Cliff Road Burnsville, MN 55337 53.7 cents per line - first insertion 612 -890 -4456 29.9 cents per line - subsequent insertions 464 Second Street Excelsior, 55331 This rate is based on our column width of 11.5 picas. 612- 474 -0285 85 p Babcock Trail Inve We will provide, at no additional charge, two notarized Inver Grove Heights, P g � MN 55075 affidavits on each of your publications. Additional 612 - 451 -6439 notarized affidavits, on request, will be furnished at 35 cents each. All publications should reach this office by Wednesday a.m. preceding our Monday publication. However, we would appreciate receiving any large quantities of legals or any lengthy legals at an earlier time. In order to expedite our services to you, it is requested that you direct your publications .to the attention of Meridel Hedblom, Legal Publications, 7831 East Bush Lake Road, Bloomington, Mn. 55435. We appreciate being considered as the official newspaper for the City of Edina. It has been a pleasure working with you and we look forward to a continued working relation- ship. Sincerely, MINNE TA SUBURBAN NEWSPAPERS L.J. anning Publisher LTC /mc BE IT RESOLVED by the hereby designated as 1989. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Edina City Council that the Edina Sun - Current be and is the Official Newspaper for the City of Edina for the year ADOPTED this 19th day of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 19, 1988, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of December, 1988. City Clerk A. Cn v �, �o • f �vABWovu, • REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: EDINA CITY COUNCIL From: C. WAYNE COURTNEY, MAYOR Date: DECEMBER 16, 1988 Subject: APPOINTMENT TO METRO- POLITAN PARK & OPEN SPACE COMMISSION Recommendation: Agenda Item # VII.D Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Adoption of the attached resolution nominating Joan Lonsbury for reappointment to the Metropolitan Park & Open Space Commission. Info /Background: I received the attached letter from Joan Lonsbury advising that her term on the Metropolitan Park & Open Space Commission is ending and asking for the support of the Council for her reappointment. 1?RCl1T TTTTnM WHEREAS, the term of Joan Lonsbury on the Metropolitan Park and Open Space Commission will expire in January, 1989, and WHEREAS, Joan Lonsbury has been a dedicated representative of the City of Edina and the cities of Robbinsdale, Golden Valley, St. Louis Park and Richfield; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby nominates Joan Lonsbury for reappointment; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Edina City Council urges the Metropolitan Council to approve the reappointment of Joan Lonsbury to the Metropolitan Park and Open Space Commission. ADOPTED this 19th day.of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted . by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 19, 1988 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of December, 1988. City Clerk JLL' aOan SZY Zoniguty 5904 -r6,,,. ,;4,7,.U.- crSOULA Zdina, Ainnziota 55410 A vttl v -t 7 L It I r A/P., ✓tit Y L Zpu 12VQOT TTTTONT WHEREAS, the term of Joan Lonsbury on the Metropolitan Park and Open Space Commission will expire in January, 1989, and WHEREAS, Joan Lonsbury has been a dedicated representative of the City of Edina and the cities of Robbinsdale, Golden Valley, St. Louis Park and Richfield; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby nominates Joan Lonsbury for reappointment; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Edina City Council urges the Metropolitan Council to approve the reappointment of Joan Lonsbury to the Metropolitan Park and Open Space Commission. ADOPTED this 19th day of December, 1988. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 19, 1988 and'as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of December, 1988. City Clerk C 1.3A. e,, nl ch REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: MARCELLA DAEHN , CLERK Date: DECEMBER 15, 1988 Subject: PETITION FOR STREET VACATION - SCRIVER ROAD Recommendation: Agenda Item # VIII.A Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr . Recommends ❑] To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution ❑ _Ordinance Adoption of resolution setting 1/23/89 as hearing date for the vacation of part of Scriver Road right of way. Info /Background: A petition has been filed with the City requesting vacation of a part of the Scriver Road right of way, dated December 12, 1988. A hearing date of January 23, 1989 is recommended to allow time for the required publication and mailing of notices to adjacent property owners and utility companies. FEE - $75.00 PETIT10i+ TO VACATE STREET TO r:. CGUCIL OF TPE CITY CF E[AdA DATED December 12, 1988 The undersigned represent that they are the xwg of owners of real property aLutting on the line of Scriver street from Lot-1. -Block 2 Acres to Lot 1 , Block 2 H land Acresand petition that said portion of ,said street be vacated. The facts and reasons for this application are as fol lovis: Edina's Tans changed, Scriver Road was laid through a d across th ad oining plat on he West to service other properties and the pFan was abali onfa. n consideration o vacating the street as herein petitioned the undersigned hereby jointly and severally waive any and all claims for any damages resulting from the vacating and discontinuing of said street. SIG, %ATUP,E CF Cldt <EitS ADDRESS _ DESCRIFT10H CF PROFERTY lllzzlel�/ _ Exhibit B. attached hereto D as i er Graphic on Exhibit B -1 Cai=n n ,'►`m nL ,V,0 �o er of Attorney attached 2500 First Bank Place West ,.�,.,:•.:,., Minneapolis, MN 55402 Ai Exhibit A Power of Attorney Exhibit A -1 Affidavit of Continuance This petition was circulated Ly Not required 1,/? -336-0 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS WHEREAS, W.c tatcd Ikota, hays made a caneeA ob coaching hockey in the Edina Schootz zince 1958, and WHEREAS, duking the past thi ty years hiz hockey teams have achieved 567 wing, 37 ties and one. y 127 Zos s eis , and WHEREAS, Edina hockey teams have made 18 appeaAancez in Mate tournaments, and WHEREAS, Edina hockey teams have won 8 State Champio"hips, and WHEREAS, zucce�sz hays come to Edina hockey teamz in tange patt because ob the extra- ondinatc.y abit ty and Zeadeuhip .ob Coach Ikota and hi.6 .Love ob and dedication to the zpont ob hockey; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that it heAeby extend,6 heats tseZt congnatuZatc:ons. to COACH WILLARD IKOLA bon hips outstanding coaching accomptizhment6 and commends him bon the high sta.ndaAds ob atheetic pro6iciency and goad sportsmanship as exempZi hied by the teams he has coached. ADOPTED tha 19th day ob DecembeA, 1988. Ma yon _ 12 -19 -88 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT N0. INV. Y P.O. SSAGE i° 10 -4204- 280 -28 3 10-4208-480-48 40- 3800 - 000 -00 10 -2148- 000 -00 10 -4204- 480 -48 10- 4201- 260 -26 28- 4504 - 702 -70 019362 8078 -- 30- 4201 - 781 -78 10- 4201 - 500 -50 1019 7948 30- 4201- 782 -78 i, 9 ^o• ;a I 30 -4201- 781 -78 1 30- 4248 - 783 -78 30752 8085 30- 4504 - 783 -78 30746 7943 30 -4201- 781 -78 30- 4304 - 782 -78 7894 8084 1 0- 4266 - 420 -42 - - - - - -- - -- -. -- 10- 4504 - 510 -51 11567 28 -4201- 701 -70 - 28- 4201 - 701 -70 10- 4540- 440 -44 501183 4 4 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER • CHEC DATE AMOUNT _ VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 354705 12/05/88 20.00 LANCE LUNDSTEN 1989 DUES _. _ _ . - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -20.00 • 354706 12/05/88 49.05 FRANCIS CALLAHAN MILEAGE NOY 4. - - -- - -- - - - -- - -- -49. 05_+ 354707 12/05/88 702.74 SHIDLER GROUP OVER PAYMENT ' - - -- 702.74 -8 - - -- - o. 354708 12/05/88 3,906.25 SW SUB CABLE COMM CABLE TV 3, 906.25_• 354709 12/05/88 75.00 HEALTH AND ENVIRO SUBSCRIPTION I' - - -- - - - 7S.00 ar al 354710 12/05/88 198.00 JOHN E OLSON SERVICES 198.00 4.I'; 354711 12/05/88 103.00 ISIA GEN SUPPLYS - -- - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - -1 03.00_• - ---103, 00--* 354712 12/05/88 75.00 RENAE BAECHLER SERVICES �,_ - - - --- - - - - -- 75.00 • :4p ;L„ 354713 12/05/88 2,426.63 MID /COM INC MICROFILMING 1 -- - - - - -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- - - -- -2, 426 . 63 - � -.. 354714 12/05/88 320.00 PREMIER OUTDOOR SERV PROF SERVICES - - - -- - -- 320.00 • dl.l 354715 12/05/88 1,500.00 DALLAS BRASS SERVICES -- - -- - - - -- -- - - --i,500. 00 *r" 354716 12/05/88 107.94 BAKER POOLS REPAIRS ' -- 354716 - - - -- - -- 12/05/88 -- - - -- - 190.00_ BAKER POOLS -- GENERAL SUPPLYS 297.94 i - -- - - - -- - - - " _ __ 354717__ -__- 12/05/88 _______ -__ -_ -_ 11600.00 _ UM - BACH_SR SERVICES 11600.00 * ' - 354718 _ - -- 12/05/88 - - - -- 82.15 -82.15 - D9VERN8 INS -- ------ -. - - -- - - ALARM SERVICE -- - - - -- -- il^.j _354719 -_ 1.2/_05/88 - 278.75 DAVID BLOOD UNIFORM ALLOWENCE I" 278.75 9 - -.. n 354720 - 12/05/88 49.00 GRAPHIC UNLIMITED COMPUTER SUPPLYS 49.00 - - - -- - -- - i " _354721 12_/05/88 __ _ _45.00 _ - _ BELINDA _HEEB 45.00 • _ _ . -REFUND.. 354722 - 12/05/88 45.00 MARCIA RINEK REFUND -- - 45.00 • - -- - - - -- - - - -- - ,Z�_- 354723 12/05/88 - 355 _50 ORR SAFETY EQUIP _ REPAIR PARTS 12 -19 -88 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT N0. INV. Y P.O. SSAGE i° 10 -4204- 280 -28 3 10-4208-480-48 40- 3800 - 000 -00 10 -2148- 000 -00 10 -4204- 480 -48 10- 4201- 260 -26 28- 4504 - 702 -70 019362 8078 -- 30- 4201 - 781 -78 10- 4201 - 500 -50 1019 7948 30- 4201- 782 -78 i, 9 ^o• ;a I 30 -4201- 781 -78 1 30- 4248 - 783 -78 30752 8085 30- 4504 - 783 -78 30746 7943 30 -4201- 781 -78 30- 4304 - 782 -78 7894 8084 1 0- 4266 - 420 -42 - - - - - -- - -- -. -- 10- 4504 - 510 -51 11567 28 -4201- 701 -70 - 28- 4201 - 701 -70 10- 4540- 440 -44 501183 4 4 ___l �I 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 2 CHECK-NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. i P.O. Y MESSAGE J -- - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- - BALLOT PRINTING REFUND " AMBULANCE 10- 4600 - 180 -18 10 -1145- 000 -00 10- 3180- 000 -00 *sR -CKS z 7 e io ,a 0 :8 4201 - 820 -82 355.50 s SERVICES 50 -4201- 860 -86 s DUES 3S4724 12/05/88 525.00 TREE TRIMMING SCOTT CROSBIE SERVICES 30 -4201- 781 -78 HENN COUNTY 23= 3625 = 000 -00 - - - - -" 525.00 + SNOW PLOWING 50 -4248- 841 -84 7 354725 1205/88 260.00 12/06/88 - - - WORDSCAPES COMPUTER PRINTING 10 -4 4516- 510 -51 7918 °i n' 260.00 s - - -- -- - -- 354726 12/06/88 60.00 HELEN B. BERGERUD POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 "I 235.00 60.00 + 354735 - __12/06/88_ ' 354727 12l06%85 60.00 i POSTMASTER - -- POSTAGE 10 -4290- 510 -51 -- - _ MKTG FACTORS-INC- v 60.00 35473S 12/06/88 123.03 369.10 MKTG FACTORS INC 354728 12/06/88 360.00 - -- -- RICHARD NISSEN REBATE- 10- 4156 - 510 -5f 71 354736 360.00 + MN PLANNING ASSOC - nI - -- - - - -- -- - -- 50.00 s ` ^ 354737 354729 126 /88 360.00 ROBER T GRUNDSTROM REBATE 10- 4156 -�( =51 -- �. 360.00 + 12/06/88 405.00 TOM HORWTH 354730 12/06/88 406.00 12/06/88 GERALD DREVLOW REBATE 10- 4156 - 510 -51 BALLOT PRINTING REFUND " AMBULANCE 10- 4600 - 180 -18 10 -1145- 000 -00 10- 3180- 000 -00 *sR -CKS z 7 e io ,a 0 :8 4201 - 820 -82 __SERVICES SERVICES _50- 50-4201- S40 -S4 - -__ - - SERVICES 50 -4201- 860 -86 s DUES 10- 4204 - 120 -12 SERVICES 10- 4201 - 647 -64 30024 7636 TREE TRIMMING 354732 _ 12/06/88 1,828.83 HENN COUNTY 23= 3625 = 000 -00 - - - - -" ,.I 23 -3625- 000 -00 SNOW PLOWING 50 -4248- 841 -84 50- 4540 - 861 -86 91461 7029 I -; __354733 - 12/06/88 - - - 6.00 MARY JANE CLAYTON 6.00 * - - -- -- - -- 354734 _12/06/88 235.00 - - HELEN B. BERGERUD 'I 235.00 -- - - -- - - ��" 354735 - __12/06/88_ 123.03 MKTG FACTORS INC i 354735 12/06/88 _ 123.04 _ MKTG FACTORS-INC- v 35473S 12/06/88 123.03 369.10 MKTG FACTORS INC - - - - -- -- • •v I• 354736 12/06/88 50.00 MN PLANNING ASSOC - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- -- - -- 50.00 s ` ^ 354737 12/06/88 159.00 RON JOHNSON 159.00 + �. 354738 12/06/88 405.00 TOM HORWTH 354738 12/06/88 9.00.00 TOM HORWTH 354738 _ 12%13/88 44.45 TOM HORWTH - �.' 354738 12/13/88 44.45- TOM HORWTH -: - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- 1,305,_00 354739 12/06/88 210.00 JERRYS LANDSCAPE 210.00 s `. 354740 12/06/88 80.00 CESCO BALLOT PRINTING REFUND " AMBULANCE 10- 4600 - 180 -18 10 -1145- 000 -00 10- 3180- 000 -00 *sR -CKS z 7 e io ,a 0 :8 4201 - 820 -82 __SERVICES SERVICES _50- 50-4201- S40 -S4 - -__ - - SERVICES 50 -4201- 860 -86 s DUES 10- 4204 - 120 -12 SERVICES 10- 4201 - 647 -64 30024 7636 TREE TRIMMING 10 -4105- 644 -64 SERVICES 10- 4201 - 644 -64 TART WORK SOLD 23= 3625 = 000 -00 - - - - -" ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 SNOW PLOWING 50 -4248- 841 -84 REPAIR PARTS 50- 4540 - 861 -86 91461 7029 I -; 1988 ' -v OF EDINA 354745 CHECK 'ISTER CHE _ OATE - AMOUNT VENDOR- - ITEM DESCRIPTION s ` 354741 12/06/88 45.00 SUE COLE REFUND - rl 45.00 » 354746 _ - - °' 354742 12/06/88 132.90 TEENERS COSTUME CEN SUPPLYS ° 8155 132.90 » z. 9L 285.00 y - 354743 12/06/88 688.00 BSC MECH SEVICES . 35474712/07/88_ 688.00 • 35.80 NATL -AUTO _DEALERS- - I 10 -4504- 560 -56 2 =;1 'i 12 -19 -' WE 3 I ACCOUNT NO. INV. • P.O. _SSAGE 28- 4201 - 701 -70 - 30- 4504 - 781 -78 8102 10 30- 4201 - 782 -78 20879 7909 14 -- 11 *s• -CKS 17; :r. V 354745 12/07/88 45.00 DONNA BARN REFUND 4201 - 701 -70 s 45.00 • - - - - -- -28- 354746 _ - - 12/07/8.8 _ 285.00 - ARCHERY CENTER - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - SERVICES 10- 4201 - 647 -64 5080 8155 z. 285.00 y - - - - cc 35474712/07/88_ 35.80 NATL -AUTO _DEALERS- - - SUBSCRIPTION 10 -4504- 560 -56 2 =;1 35.00 • - -- ---- - -- - -- ,. -`! 354748 12/0.7/88__ _45.00 _ _ CORE_RESTORE INC INK CART 27- 4516 - 661 -66 5976 8103 354748 12/13/88 3.60 ____COPIER CORE RESTORE INC FELT BAR 27 -4516- 661 -66 6003 8103 3' - - -,' "I 48.60 + 354749 12/07/68 52.58 RALPH -B CAMPBELL III MEETING EXPENSES 10 -4212- 510 -51 -- -_, 52.58 • I' 354750 12/07/88 3,366.00 CROIJLEY CO INC HOCKEY RINK FENCING 2549 7397 - -- - 10= 4201�'i- 4 - -64 3,366.00 + "I 354751 12/09/88 270.00 PLANT EQUIP INC BUTTERFLY VALVE 40 -4 4540 - 801 -80 11174 7643 n'l ' 270.00 • (' i_ °' 354752 12/09/88 146.00 GARY SMIEJA -- GEN SUPPLYS 40= 4504= 803 =80 - -- - I;'! 146.00 • fns, - - - - 354753 - - ..__ -- - 12/09/88 --- - -- - - - - - 460.00 -- - MN PARENT __ - -- -- - - ADVERTISING - - -- _ _ 30- 4214 - 781 -78 -- .. , 460.00 • "4 354754 12 WSW 600.00 VAUGH DISPALY CEN SUPPLYS 30 -4504= 784 -78 1693 7775 -- 600.00 + n 354755 12/09/88 126.00 HENN CTY SHERIFF MAPS - 10- 4504 - 260 -26 47 126.00 r "'I 354756 12/09/88 179.90 CONTACT MOBILE COMM 24 VOLT CONVERTORS 10= 4540= 56b__S6 8901 7686 - _ 179.90 » ' 354757 12/09/86 24.00 BLMGT RENTAL 6 SALES RENTAL - 50 -4248- 860 -80 21337 7642 *' 354757 12/09/88 24.00- BLMGT RENTAL d SALES RENTAL 50- 4248- 861 -80 21337 7642 s'r -1 354757 12/09/88 -- 24.00 BLMGT RENTAL 6 SALES -- -- - - -- RENTAL - 50 -4248- 861 -86 21337 7642 - - -- 24.00 354758_ 12/09/88 236_75 MS_C GAUGES 40- 4540 - 801 -80 19233 7657 ;.n I, f. V I 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 4 CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT_ - - _ VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 9 P.O. • MESSAGE - J� 236.75 354759 12/09!88 496.38 496.38 LITTLE FALLS MACH PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 2077 7445 � s i -- 354760 - - - 12/09/88 370.00 MIKES FIXTURES POSTS 10- 4540= 390 -30 361E 7571 7 ° 370.00 • n ssssss *90-CKS 354763 12/09/88 61.16 - -- PORTER CABLE PARTS 10- 4504 - 560 -56 693578 7498 ; 61.1 6--i- -- - - - -- i 71 354764 12/09/88 109.92 CONVEYORS PARTS 10 -4504- 318 -30 C73693 7708 °I i" 109.92 s - - - - - -- - - 354765 -- - 12/09/88 -- 75.00 STANLEY R MANN - -- REPAIR MANUAL 10 -4504- 560 -56 7716 ?; ;s 75.00 s -- - - - - -- - ,.I 354766 _ _ - - -- 51.85 _ - - MECO _ _ - -_ TOOLS 10 -4580- 301 -30 413554 7439 51.85 s - - - -- -- -- i­____354767_ - 12/09/88 - - - -- -- 78.24 -s WARNING LITES OF IL - - -- PARTS 10- 4504 - 343 -30 416153 7785 ;:i 7 8.24 . - - - - -- - - - - -- -- 354768- __ -_ -1- 2/09/88 170.41- POWER PROCESS - - -- GEN SUPPLYS 40- 4504 - 801 -80 092129 7879 170.41 s -- 354769 _ 12/09/88 - - -- -75.0 OSMAN SHRINE HI HATS SERVICES 30 -4224- 781 -78 0 -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- I` 354770__- 12/09/88 - - - 30.00 _ GOLDENTONES - SERVICES 30 -4224- 781 -78 30.00 -- 354771 12/09/88 50.00 JOANN FUNK SERVICES 30- 4224 - 781 -78 so. 00 - -- 354772 12/09/88 75.00 RITA MUSTAPHI -- - -- - - - - SERVICES 30 -4224- 781 -78 75.00 s - -- 354773 _ 75.00 WEST BANK SCHOOL - SERVICES 30- 4224 - 781 -78 75.00 s -- -- - - '' 354774 _ 12/09/88 50.00 -_ LARRY MALMBERG SERVICES 30 -4224- 781 -78 50.00 s 354775 - - - - -- 12/09/88 - -- 75.00 JIM SCHATTAUER -- SERVICES 30 -4224- 781 -78 ,. 75.00 K - - - - -- -- - ----- - - - --- - - -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - - , 3S4776 _ 1.2/09/88 -- - 65.00 ASALLY BANKRUDE SERVICES 30 -4224- 761 -78 65.00 - - - - -- '_. - 354777 - - -- 12/09/88 50.00 JIM WHITMAN SERVICES 30 -4224- 781 -78 =I. i_. 50.00 i ..- --- - - - - -- - -- - - - ^�- - __354778, _- .12/09/88 .--75..00.-- PETERSON SERVICES 30- 4224 - 781 -78 IF 1988 OF EDINA CHECK 'STER 12 -19 -Q `GE S ' CHEG. _._ DATE AMOUNT _VENDOR _ _ _ - ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. s __SSAGE - - -- - - -- r I 75.00 • 1 I' 354779 12/09/88 300.00 TOM PRIN SERVICES 30- 4224 - 781 -78 300.00 • j' 354780 12%09%88 50.00 DON BROWN SERVICES 30 -4224- 7811 -78 �V r' 50.00 + ^, ' V 354781 12/09/88 75.00 MARK STILLMAN SERVICES 30- 4224 - 761 -78 75.00 » ,' 354782 12%09/88 75.00 DAVE LANGHOL2 SERVICES 30 -4224- 781 -78 rj 75.00 + P 354783 12/09/88 525.00 KATHY GUSTAFSON SERVICES 30- 4224 - 781 -78 yr "i 525.00 » 354784 12/09%88 3,536.00 CITY OF MTKA AGREEMENT I494 10 =4201- 508 -50 -- z' 3,536.00 + ;z 354785 12/09/88 2,324.08 REIKE CARROLL SERVICES 40 -4201- 800 -80 zrl 2,324.08 + 354786 12/09/88 206.88 TIC PICTURE FRAMING PICTURE FRAMING 10 -4504- 624 62 454362 7688 - •. 206.88 + 354787 12/09/88 20.00 MN 6FOA - -- DUES •i"; 20.00 + , '. o j' 354788 12%09/88 41.97 TARGET --- SUPPLYS -- �1 41.97 + 354789 12/12/88 603.00 MARIAN ALSTAD INSRTUCTOR 23- 4201- 611 -61 - il „ 603.00 + •.V 354790 12%12/88 540.00 JEAN GRAPP - - INSTRUCTOR 23= 420f= 61 "1 =61- - -- -- •, 540.00 + - - 354791 - -- -- - - 12/12/88 - - -- 600.00 - -- - - -- -G PATRICIA EISHEKER - -- INSTRUCT08 23= 4201- 61f -61 600.00 + -r 3S4792 12/12/88 112.00 J THOMAS NELSON INSTRUCTOR 23= 44101 -61��� - -- - • 112.00 + 354793 12/12/88 63.00 JUDY LIEBER INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 • '� 63.00 + 354794 12/12/88 332.00 TOBIE DICKER INSTRUCTOR 23 =�P0i- 61=61 - -- •j 332.00 + I v j 354795 - 12 /12/88 - -- - - - -t 10.50- - -- SUE DAVIES - - -- - - INSTRUCTOR - - -- - -23 -4201- 611 -61 - - - qp 110.50 + I~ 354796 12%12/88 721.00 MONICA RUDOUIST -._ INSTRUCTOR 23= 4$61 61 - • 'i 721.00 • 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 6 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. 9 MESSAGE V, 354797 12/12/88 39.00 BOBO ZINN INSTRUCTOR 23 -4201- 611 -61 • 39.00 s 354798 12/12/88 180.00 SUSAN FRAME INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 180.00 s -- - - -- - 354799 1c^ ^/12/88 240.00 MARGARET GUST INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 240.00 « -- 354800 12/12/88 144.00 BETSY BRYANT INSTRUCTOR 23 -4201- 611 -61 144.00 _ -- 354801 12/12/88 225.00 DOROTHY ODLAND INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 225.00 • - - -- - 354802 12/12/88 130.00 - THOMAS POLZINE PT MAINT 23- 4120 - 612 -61 130.00 s - — - - - -- - - -- - 354803 12/12/88 120.00 THOMAS HENRY PT MAINT 23- 4120 - 612 -61 120.00 s - - - 354804 12/12/88 3,899.50 CAIN OUSE ASSOC SERVICES 60 -1300- 005 -20 3,899.50 s -- -- -- — - — - - - -- 354805 12/12/88 320.00 SOCIETY OF REAL SREA DUES 10 -4204- 200 -20 320.00 • -- - — 354806 12/12/88 14,526.48 GUNDERSON BROS PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 14,526.48 s - - -- - - - 354007 12/12/88 16,247.50 KEY WELL DRILLING PAYMANT 60 -2040- 000 -00 16,247.50 s 354808 12/12/88 125,771.83 ANNANDALE CONTRACT PAYMANT 6072040 - 000 -00 125,771.83 • - 354809 12/12/88 6,622.97 PROGRESSIVE PAYMENT 60 -2040- 000 -00 6,622.97 s -- 354810 12/13/88 353.99 MARLIN IND DIV EDUCATION 10- 4202 - 280 -28 353.99 s -- 354811 12/13/88 133.14 TC CATERING FOOD SEMINAR 27 -4202- 661 -66 361606 819 133.14 s - 354812 12/13/88 465.00 LUIS HERNANDEZ REFEREE 27 -4100- 667 -66 465.00 s 354813 12/13/88 45.00 JIM BARTELL REFEREE 27 -4100- 667 -66 45.00 s - -- 354814 12/13/88 31.30 SIGNAL SYSTEM INC GEN SUPPLYS 28- 4504 - 702 -70 6497 8104 31 .30 354815 12/13/88 123.30 COOL AIR REPAIR 28 -4248- 702 -70 45621 7910 /� wpm -- -- I 988 C*TY OF EDINA CHECK ' ISTER 12 -19 -/ 1GE 7 I` CHEt . DATE _ _ AMOUNT VENDOR - ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M _ P.O. - - -- -- SSACE - W 123.30 » - - - -J I, 354816 12/13/88 896.40 HOLMSTEN ICE RINKS RINK GLASS PAD 28- 1300 - 000 -00 7850 7531 � 896.40 » �'I 354817 12%13/88 4,982.16 MIDWEST ACOUSTICS 6 ACOUSTIC SUPPLYS - oy '., 4 420 30 -1 - 7811 -7A - w'�i 4,982.16 • "� 354818 12/13/88 30.35 NORTHERN GEN S7UPPLYB - - - - --.- -- 10-4504-644-64-266864-7806 ,. i awl 30.35 • :a 354819 12%13/88 25.00 MICHAEL A. YACOUB REFUND TAXI LIC 10 -3074- 000 -00 - -- �rl. 25.00 • ;. I 354820 12/13/88 39.90 MONICA RUDOUIST ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 �+I 39.90 354821 12/13/88 233.80 BETTY PEDDIE ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625-0000 -00 - _ - �rj 233.80 + .i 354822 12/13/88 51.80 NORMA HANLON ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 51.80 » 354823 12/13/88 51.80 BETSY BRYANT ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 r 51 .80 • ,. - - - - - - - ' 354824 12/13/88 -" 35.00 - -- PHYLLIS HAYWA ART WORK SOLD -- - - - -23 -3625- 000 -00 - -- - - -- -- " -- 35.00 » 354825 12113/$8 77.70 MAUREEN BROCKWAY ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 - -- �r 77.70 » 354826 12/13/88 41.93 RICK GRAVROK ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 r 41.93 + 354827 12%13/88 35.63 EALEANOR ROBERTS ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625= 000 =00 yri 35.63 » 354828 12/13/88 271.72 ANN WIDERSTROM ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 -- 271.72 + , 354829 12/13/88 51.45 BETTY THOMPSON- AT WORK SOLD 51.45 • 354830 12/13/88 31.50 SYLVIA SUNDING ART WORK SOLD -23 -3625- 000 -00 31.50 • 354831 12%13/88 200.83 SPECIAL EFFECTS AR T WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 - - r ' 200.83 • r� 'I 354832 12/13/88 33.60 33.60 + -- - MARY SKOY ART WORK SOLD -- 23 -3625- 000 -00 "i 354833 82.60 ROXANNE SORENSON ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625---6Ob -00 - -- -- 12%13%88 rr 82.60 • v i 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 8 - 1 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE 354834 12/13/88 31.50 BETH ROSENTHAL ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 31.50 • 354835 12/13/88 130.90 SHARON McKISSON ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 130.90 s - -- - - -- - - - 3S4.S36 12/13/88 46.83 CAROL MEIDLINGER ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 46.83 s 354837 12/13/88 82.60 KRYSTAL LEEBRICK ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 82.60 ;, - - -- - - 354838 12/13/88 44.45 MARY KRAUTER ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 44.45 e - - - - -- 354839 12/13/88 137.20 ALICE JOHNSON ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 137.20 s - 354840 12/13/88 154.00 JEAN HAEFELE ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 154.00 • - 354841 12/13/88 _ 45.50 DONNA GARLINGHOUSE ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 45.50 - 354842 12/13/88 284.69 NANCY GRIMSBY ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 284.69 s -- -- - 354843 12/13/88 77.70 TOBIE DICKER ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 77.70 • - -- 354844 12/13/88 69.30 BRAD BENN ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 69.30 - -- 354845 12/13/88 95.39 CAROL ARENDS ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 95.39 + 354846 12/13/88 56.90 EDINA FOUNDATION ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 56.90 t - 354847 12/13/88 28.70 NANCY HAMMER ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 28.70 r - - - -- 354848 12/13/88 117.50 HEOMAN SALES SUPPLYS 10 -4504- 510 -51 21729 8255 117.50 • 354849 12/13/88 457.00 LOVERING ASSO GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 5712 7770 457.00 * - 354850 12/13/88 185.00 BRADLEY CONCRETE PROF SERVICES 30- 4201 - 782 -78 7860 185.00 s - _ 354851 12/13/88_ 208.01 HARMON GLASS GLASS 10- 4504 - 646 -64 118068 7710 208.01 s - - - -- - - 354852 12/13/88 60.00 A.T.O.M. MEMBERSHIP 10- 4202 - 420 -42 12 -19 -88 PAGE 9 ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. - 1r 10- 4901 - 420 -42 7525 7533 `Iy 10 -4202- 420 -42 5150B - - 10 -4504- 470 -47 19257 8252 10- 4901 - 420 -42 3S4858 12/13/88 1,800.00 STEVEN P GEIGER SERVICES 10 -4202- 420 -42 - - - -- - -- vII' 1,800.00 354859 12/13/88 50.00 JOEL RADJENOVICH REIMS CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 440 -44 v, 50.00 + �I. 354A1 1 _ 1- 2/_12/88._ _ _ -- _ 33.33 _ _ ACE SUPPLY _ _ _ _ _ _SUPPLYS 33.33 • - - - -- v r,l 354A29 12/12/88 119.10 ALBINSON 354A29 _ _ 12/05/88_ _ 563.59 ALBINSON 682.69 - -- - .._ - -- __354A30 __ 12/13/88 - 48.00 ALFONS ANDERSON 48.00 * -- - -- - - -- - -- v, SUPPLYS REMODLING _- - BEER LINE CLEAN 354A39 1988 CITY OF EDINA ALTERNATOR REBUILD CHECK REGISTER v 12/12/88 79.28 REBUILD SUPPLYS_ _ 7985 354A39 12/12/88 _ 40.26 CHEC DATE - AMOUNT r, VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 32.10 ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS °• 354A39 _ 12/12/88 _ 27. 15 ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS 60.00 « 12/12/88 59.25 _ _ ALTERNATOR REBUILD 354853 12/13/88 236.00 12/12/88 COMM SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT vl PARTS _7987 1611 354A39 236.00 s ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS �= 354A39 12/12/88 15.80 ALTERNATOR _ REBUILD _ _ PARTS In 354854 12/13/88 3,345.A1 87.70 HENN CTY TREAS SERVICES v 3,345.81 + 24S.49 REBUILD 354855 12/13/88 140.00 354A39 GOVT TRAINING SERVICES ALTERNATOR REBUILD SUPPLYS 140.00 + ! °= 354856 12%13/88 483.00 SHORELINE SUPPLYS 483.00 « 354857 12/13/88 265.00 354A49 ROGER LAURENCE RADIO EQUIPMENT v LAUNDRY 265.00 + 12 -19 -88 PAGE 9 ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. - 1r 10- 4901 - 420 -42 7525 7533 `Iy 10 -4202- 420 -42 5150B - - 10 -4504- 470 -47 19257 8252 10- 4901 - 420 -42 3S4858 12/13/88 1,800.00 STEVEN P GEIGER SERVICES 10 -4202- 420 -42 - - - -- - -- vII' 1,800.00 354859 12/13/88 50.00 JOEL RADJENOVICH REIMS CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 440 -44 v, 50.00 + �I. 354A1 1 _ 1- 2/_12/88._ _ _ -- _ 33.33 _ _ ACE SUPPLY _ _ _ _ _ _SUPPLYS 33.33 • - - - -- v r,l 354A29 12/12/88 119.10 ALBINSON 354A29 _ _ 12/05/88_ _ 563.59 ALBINSON 682.69 - -- - .._ - -- __354A30 __ 12/13/88 - 48.00 ALFONS ANDERSON 48.00 * -- - -- - - -- - -- v, SUPPLYS REMODLING _- - BEER LINE CLEAN 40- 4540- 802 -80 60879 7877 y ««« -CKS v 10- 4504 - 322 -30 506057 7722 25-4924-520-52__.S018688034 27- 4630- 663 -66 v 354A39 12/12/88 87.84 ALTERNATOR REBUILD SUPPLYS 354A39 12/12/88 79.28 REBUILD SUPPLYS_ _ 7985 354A39 12/12/88 _ 40.26 _ALTERNATOR ALTERNATOR _ REBUILD _ TARPS r, 354A39 12/12/88 32.10 ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS °• 354A39 _ 12/12/88 _ 27. 15 ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS 354A39 12/12/88 59.25 _ _ ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS 7707 354A39 12/12/88 70.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS _7987 1611 354A39 12/_12/88 98.96 ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS �= 354A39 12/12/88 15.80 ALTERNATOR _ REBUILD _ _ PARTS 354A39 12/12/88 87.70 ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS __354A391.2/12/88 24S.49 REBUILD 354A39 12/12/88 74.40 ALTERNATOR REBUILD SUPPLYS 4 918.23 « -, 354A49 12/07/88 212_31 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY r 40- 4540- 802 -80 60879 7877 y ««« -CKS v 10- 4504 - 322 -30 506057 7722 25-4924-520-52__.S018688034 27- 4630- 663 -66 v » «« -CKS 10 -4504- 301 -30 1613 7882 10 -4504- 301 -30 1616 10-4504-560-56-1617 _7985 _ 7985 10- 4540 - 560 -56 6435 7876 _ 10- 4540 - 560 -56 6480 7957 10- 4540 - 560 -56 5894 7346 10- 4540 - 560 -56 12110 7728 10- 4540 - 560 -56 12105_7824 10- 4540- 560 -56 6485 _ 7977 10- 4540 - 560 -56 6369 7707 10- 4580 - 560 -56 1615 10 -4620- 560 -56 _7987 1611 _ 7786 -v •«• -CKS ,. 10- 4262 - 440 -44 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 10 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. M MESSAGE 354A49 12/07/88 13.50 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10 -4262- 520 -52 354A49 12/07/88 97.05 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 520 -52 354A49 12/12/88 10.29 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 628 -62 354A49 12/07/88 32.00 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 27- 4262 - 663 -66 354A49 12/07/88 127.47 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 30- 4262 - 782 -78 3S4A49 122/07/88 41.92 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY SO- 4262 - 821 -82 354A49 12/07/88 34.67 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 841 -64 3S4A49 12/07/88 53.53 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262 - 861 -86 622.74 » - -- ssssss sss -CKS 354ASS 12/13/88 545.00 AMERICAN TEST CENTER EQUIP MAINT 10 -4274- 440 -44 881127 8003 545.00 s ssssss sss -CKS 354A68 12%13/88 8,510.84 ARPS TREE SERVICE STUMP REMOVAL 10 -4248- 646 -64 8,510.84 s ssssss sss -CKS 354ASO 12/12/88 104.84 ASTLEFORD INTL PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 A50397 7797 354A80 12/12/88 104.84 ASTLEFORD INTL _ _ PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 A50376 7797 209.68 s sss -CKS 354A96 12/12/88 96.45 AUTOMOBILE SERV CTR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 100300 7727 96.45 *T - - ssssss *04-CKS 354605 12/13/88 20.00 BACH -BILL PAYMENT 30- 4120 - 783 -78 354805 12/13/88 2.25 BACH -BILL MILEAGE 30- 4208 - 781 -78 354B05 12/13/88 25.00 BACH -BILL POSTAGE 30-4290- 781 -78 354805 12/13/88 28.68 BACH -BILL GEN SUPPLYS 30 -4504- 781 -78 354805 12/13/88 38.05 BACH -BILL GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 354805 12/13/88 13.65 BACH -BILL OFFICE SUPPLYS 30- 4516 - 781 -78 127.63 sss -CKS 354807 12/13/88 820.23 BADGER METER INC WATER METERS 40 -1220- 000 -00 561938 354807 12/13/88 1,483.22 BADGER METER INC WATER METERS 40 -1220- 000 -00 561766 354807 12/13/88 4,454.40 BADGER METER INC WATER METERS 40- 1220- 000 -00 561761 6,757.85 • rsssss sss -CKS 354BIO 12/13/88 11.81 BALDWIN SUPPLY CO. PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 246154 7709 11.81 s - — - - - -- - - sss -CKS 354813 12/05/88 477.18 BARR ENGINEERING NEW 9 HOLE GC 27- 1300 - 002 -00 1988 CITY OF EDINA 354827 12/06/88 v 354627 12/06/88 354827 12/06/88 r r »s » »r 354930 12/05/88 354830 12/05/88 CHEC - DATE !I 12/05/88 354830 ♦r' 354B30 12/05/88 354830 12/05/88 354830_ �' 5I 354830 12/05/88 r �I 354818 - 12/12/88 STORAGE BOXES -- 354818 - 12/12/88 -- r 91 354818 12/12/88 14.80 354618 -____- BROS. 32.34 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10-4540-560-56 5939 CREDIT 354922 12/09/88 BATTERY WAREHOUSE 354B22 12/09/88 6486 354622 12/13/88 ' 354622 12/09/88 I 354822 12/09/88 7809 49.59 BERTELSON 152.36 _ _ BATTERY WAREHOUSE_ _ _ __ PARTS - - - - -- 0 0 -4540- 560 -56 354825 12/09/88 354827 12/06/88 v 354627 12/06/88 354827 12/06/88 r r »s » »r 354930 12/05/88 354830 12/05/88 354830 __ 12/13/88 __ 354830 12/05/88 354830 12/13/88.___ 354B30 12/05/88 354830 12/05/88 354830_ 12/13/88 354830 12/05/88 �r 354830 12/12/88 INVENTORY 354830 1_2/13/88-_ �+ _ _AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. 8 P.O. BSAGE 354832 12/12/88 2�. 354B32___ 12/05/88.____ r �I BROS. INC. STORAGE BOXES rsr »rr BERTELSON sal 354B34 - -- 12/12/88 - - v 100.00 BENNETT -WAYNE POLICE SERVICES _100.00 r 117.50 CHECK REGISTER TRUCKING INVENTORY 12 -19 -88 PAGE 11 �+ _ _AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. 8 P.O. BSAGE f 477.18 - - - -- -- 161.01 BERTELSON BROS. INC. STORAGE BOXES -- _45.31- BERTELSON BROS. INC. FILE FOLDERS 14.80 rar -CKS BROS. 32.34 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10-4540-560-56 5939 CREDIT _________.30.S6 92.61 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 6486 _7517 7549 BROS. ___ INC. 257.69 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 7477 7809 49.59 BERTELSON 152.36 _ _ BATTERY WAREHOUSE_ _ _ __ PARTS - - - - -- 0 0 -4540- 560 -56 9086 7711 __ INC. 535.00 r BERTELSON BROS. _1 - - _7711--_ --- --- _ BERTELSON BROS. - - - — - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - -- rrr -CKS ,a 259.60 BEER WHOLESALERS BEER 27- 4630- 663 -66 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS GEN SUPPLYS 45.84 _ 44.50 ._ BEER WHOLESALERS BEER 27- 4630- 667 -66 1,372.20 BEER WHOLESALERS _ _ _ __- BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 2,417.15 BEER WHOLESALERS BEER 50- 4630- 842 -84 1,678.50 _ -_ BEER WHOLESALERS BEER 50- 4630- 862 -86 V 5, 771.95 - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - 100.00 BENNETT -WAYNE POLICE SERVICES _100.00 r 117.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 249.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 217.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 584.56- s -- - -- - - - - -- -- 161.01 BERTELSON BROS. INC. STORAGE BOXES -- _45.31- BERTELSON BROS. INC. FILE FOLDERS 14.80 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS 31.60- BERTELSON BROS. INC. CREDIT _________.30.S6 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS 34.00 BERTELSON BROS. ___ INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS 438.05 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS 49.59 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS 73.99 BERTELSON BROS. __ INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS 23.16 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLYS .________.34.36 _ BERTELSON BROS. INC. GEN SUPPLYS 873.53 _ . BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS PD 2 CORES 22.50 - 23.34 _ _ BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS GEN SUPPLYS 45.84 42.31 BILL BOYER FORD PARTS - - -- - 10 -4100- 430 -42 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 862 -86 — - - -- -rrr -CKS - *00-CKS - -- - ` 10- 4504 - 510 -51 414710 8031 10- 4516 - 140 -14 420844 8024 10-4516-260-26-42S988-- -- - 10 -4516- 510 -51 10- 4516 - 510 -51 425988 r 10- 4516 -510 -5 1 423052 10- 4516 - 510 -51 422803 10- 4516 - 510 -51 425989 ._r 10- 4516- 510 -51 424174- -- - 10 -4516- 510 -51 420843 28- 4504 - 702 -70 425989 r v -- - — -- rrr -CKS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 87048 7652 28- 4504 - 702 -70 87282 7915 - -- -- - -- - rrr -CKS -� 10 -4540- 560 -56 739146 7993 ;" a LL 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 12 `d CHECK NO_. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 9 P.O. 0 MESSAGE 42.31 » s » «» -CKS 354862 12/12/88 11.13 BOYUM EQUIPMENT PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 3029 7990 1 1 . 1 3 » _ - - -- - - - - ## «a «a «»» -CKS 354B72 12/05/88 69.05 BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE EMPLOYEE SEMINARS 10- 4212 - 510 -51 69.05 » »a # # ## • »« -CKS 354878 12/12/88 140.88 BRISSMAN- KENNEDY INC CLEANING SUPPLYS 10- 4512 - 520 -52 111375 8029 140.88 » - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- » »» -CKS 354880 12/05/88 95.53 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 10-4250- 628 -62 95.53 » — « # #a #« _ « »» -CKS 354882 12/12/88 337.83 BRUNSON INSTRUMENT SUPPLYS 40- 4504 - 801 -80 074634 7375 337.83 » « »« —CKS 354891 12/06/88 837.66 BURY d CARLSON INC. BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 301 -30 31586 354891 12/06/88 21088.00 BURY & CARLSON INC. BLACKTOP 40- 4524 - 803 -80 31586 2,925.60 « # « » # ## »»» —CKS 354C07 12/06/88 1,430.03 CARGILL INC. SALT 10- 4538- 318 -30 897325 7438 354C07 12/06/88 2,648.72 CARGILL INC. SALT 10- 4538- 318 -30 898268 7438 4,078.75 » 354C08 12/12/88 111.82 CARLSON LK ST EQUIP. PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 P45936 7724 354C08 12/12/88 9.86 CARLSON LK ST EQUIP. PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 P46240 7898 «« # # ## » »» -CKS 354C25 12/05/88 52.70 CHAPIN PUBLISHING CD ADVERTISING 10- 4210- 140 -14 92322 52.70 » »» «-CKS 354030 12/13/88 157.40 CITY BEER BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 354C30 12/09/88 163.55 CITY BEER BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 354C30 12/09/88 123.05 -- CITY BEER BEER 50- 4630- 862 -86 444.00 » # «a #» » »» -CKS 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK 'ISTER 12 -19 -r %GE 13 !+ .i. CHEI DATE ------- .-- .-- ..--- __ —_ AMOUNT —_- -- VENDOR - -- - - _ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. Y P.O. _SSAGE 354C34 _ _ 12/06/88 180.71 CITY OF.RICHFIELD_ _ _ LIFT STATION 10- 4252 - 345 -30 ` 180.71 + -- - - _ 4 - -- -- - - - -- -- - -- _ _+ ++-CKS rI^I 354036 12/06/88 36.75 CITY WIDE SERVICES WINDOW CLEANING 50- 4248 - 841 -84 - - - - - - - - -- - -_ 36. 75 354C37 12/07/88 3.23 CLANCY DRUG INC. GEN SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 420 -42 354037 12/07/88 - - - -- - 43.95 - - CLANCY DRUG INC. -- - -- -- GEN SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 47.18 + - v «v« -CKS ._i 354C44 12/09/88 83.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COKE 27- 4624- 663 -66 354044 - 12/07/88 393.50 COLA BOTTLING CONCESSIONS 28- 4624- 703 -70 3S4C44 12/06/88 328.60 COCA COLA BOTTLING _ _ _ MIX 50- 4632- 622 -82 354044 12/06/88 947.40 COCA COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632- 842 -84 I' 354044 _- _ _- 12/06/88 __- _ ---- 1,017.55 _ _ COCA COLA BOTTLING - - MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 2,770.05 v -- - -- - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- . - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- +v+ -CKS ..I yI° 354C51 12/12/88 725.80 COMM OF REVENUE FUEL _ _ 10 -4612- 560 -56 2068 725.80_ s �. v «+ -CKS 3S4C5S 12/12/88 97.26 COMPONENT TECH - PARTS- 10- 4546= 54'0 =5G 46890 7714 — - - -- r 97.26 + ` 354C64 — - 12/05/88___ _ 62.59 CONT- MINNESOTA COFFEE POT 10-4SO4-520-S2 139463 354C64 12/13/88 45.28 _ CONT- MINNESOTA GEN SUUPLY 27 -4504- 663 -66 - - -- - -- vl'! 354C64 12/13/88 416.23 CONT- MINNESOTA GEN SUPPLYS 27- 4524 - 663 -66 - - -- -- -- -- - .524-10--*----- .. �I,•, « « « # »« __ - - -- -- -- - ---- - - -- -- -- -- - -- � **O-CKS 354075 12/12/88 37.80 COURTNEY WAYNE C - MILEAGE f0 =4 4208 = 100 =10 -- - - - 37.80 + r, 'I 354C83 CRYSTAPLEX PLASTICS 994ese 12/05/88 84.00 6ROW GEN SUPPLYS 28- 4504 - 702 -70 C1846 7742 84.06 is, - - - - - -- +v« -CKS . ~� 354C92 12/12/88 261.00 CUSTOM FIRE APP REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 2394 7873 -' 261_00 + �;` i *ow-CKS �r • 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 14 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. N MESSAGE 354003 12/06/88 169.62 D 3 V SALES GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 33872 7942 169.62 • # » » » #» * ** -CKS 354D09 12/13/88 47.03 DAEHN - MARCELLA MILEAGE 10 -4208- 140 -14 354D09 12/13/88 7.22 DAEHN - MARCELLA SUPPLYS 10 -4504- 180 -18 54.25 * » » » »* * ++ -CKS 3S4D27 12/07/88 38.70 DAVE S FOOD WAGON ICE CREAM 27 -4624- 663 -66 38.70 » # # » #» * ** -CKS 354D29 12/09/88 179.90 DAVIDSEN DIST. INC. BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 179.90 * ++ -CKS 354D38 12/0.9/88 2,279.40 THE DAVEY CO TREE TRIMMING 60 -1300- 013 -18 2,279.40 * - -- — - -- * * # » »» ** *-CKS 354D45 12/12/88 39.02 DELEGARD TOOL CO. TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 71756 7721 39.02 s * » » *# ** *-CKS 3S4D47 12/05/88 23.86 DEPENDABLE COURIER ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 510 -51 11439 23.86 • - -- - * ** -CKS 354061 12/12/88 444.00 DIETRICKSON -BILL INSTRUCTOR 23- 420.1- 611 -61 444.00 ::::6S * ** -CKS 12/05/88 139.50 DIXIE PETRO -CHEM INC WATER CHEM 40- 4622 - 805 -80 301624 5727 354D65 12/05/88 265.50 DIXIE PETRO -CHEM INC WATER CHEM 40- 4622 - 805 -80 314824 5727 354D65 12/05/88 292.50 DIXIE PETRO -CHEM INC WATER CHEM 40 -4622- 805 -80 308942 5727 ` 697.50 - -- - — -- * ** -CKS 354D79 12/05/88 4,645.18 DORSEY 6 WHITNEY LEGAL SERVICES 10 -1145- 000 -00 340558 ` 354D79 12/05/88 3,895.18 DORSEY d WHITNEY LEGAL SERVICES 10 -1145- 000 -00 340557 354D79 12/05/88 793.55 DORSEY 8 WHITNEY LEGAL SERVICES 27 -4201- 661 -66 340559 354D79 12/05/88 1,851.63 DORSEY 3 WHITNEY LEGAL SERVICES 28- 4201 - 701 -70 340559 _ 354D79 12/05/88 955.41 DORSEY 4 WHITNEY LEGAL SERVICES 40- 4201 - 800 -80 340560 354D79 12/05/88 1,939.76 DORSEY 8 WHITNEY LEGAL SERVICES 41 -4201- 900 -90 340560 47i F CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 15 •r ' ! -1988 CHEC DATE -- - -- -- AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. Y P.O. - - - -- -- 6SAGE v � 14,080.71 - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- I� 5 iif -CKS � ' 354087 — - -- _ 12/13/88 20.00 -- - - - - DUNE BUGGY SUPPLY - -- REPAIR 28- 4624 - 703 -70 29214 8171 20.00 i - - ------ - - iii —CKS 354E08 12/13/88 198,895.00 EAGAN CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 28- 1300 - 000 -00 is - - - -- - 198,895.00 ifi —CKS _I 354E14 12/05/88 11082.80 EARL F. ANDERSON SIGNS 10- 4504 - 343 -30 84099 7164 r 354E14 12/12/88 200.43 EARL F. ANDERSON REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 540 -54 84327 7383 . 354E14 - - - 12/12/88 - - - - - -- — - -1 78.00 EARL F. ANDERSON - - - -- - - - - -- -- SIGNALS 10- 4542- 325 -30 84385 7491 � , 361 .23- � -- -- - -- - - — — . *o*-CKS 354E17 12/13/88 2,448.65 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE BEER 50- 4630- 822 -82 ____354E17 12/06/88__ _ 7,546.20 _ EAST SIDE BEVERAGE 50- 4630- 842 -84 ` 354E17 12/06/88 6,286.20 _BEER_ EAST SIDE -BEVERAGE----- BEER 50- 4630 - 862 -86 -- -- rr' 16,281.05 i — --- - -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - - -- —iii —CKS v - 354E33 -- - - -- 12 /05/88 90.00 EDINA CHAM OF COM DUES 10 -4204- 140 -14 ` v i*,P-CKS �,. 354E39 12/06/88 20.94 EDINA LIQUOR STORE CABLE COMM 10 -2146- 000 -00 20.94 + ril i #i «ff iff -CKS ' I " 354E71 12/13/88 14.89 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY - ---'REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 440 -44 14.89 i o**-CKS 354E81 -_ ,_ __ 12/12_/88 — 96. OS__ __ - _ __ _ENGINE. PARTS SUPPLY PARTS 10-4540- 560 -56 100784 7385 �I 96.05 • — — - — -- -- - - e" : f #fiii -- --- — - -- - - -- - -- - -- --- - - -- -- - -- - - -- fff —CKS � - �.I'� 354F02 12/07/88 487.80 FACILITY SYSTEMS CHAIR 25- 4424 - 520 -52 32398 3760 ",- 354F02 -___— 12/07/88 —__ - -- 35.00 ._ _ FACILITY SYSTEMS SERVICES CHG 25 -4924- 520 -52 32400 3760 354F02 12/07/88 609.88 — FACILITY SYSTEMS PLAN REMODLING 25- 4924 - 520 -52 32399 354F02 12/12/88 95.00- FACILITY SYSTEMS CREDIT 25- 4924 - 520 -52 ' 1,037.68 i �, "'I iiitfi 000-CKS • v 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 16 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. it P.O. M MESSAGE r d 354F19 12/12/88 513,862.50 FIRST TRUST BOND PAYMENT 10- 1145- 000 -00 3S4F19 12/12/88 150,000.00 FIRST TRUST BOND PAYMENT 10 -1145- 000 -00 354F19 12/12/88 50,000.00 FIRST TRUST BOND PAYMENT 27- 2060 - 000 -00 ' 354F19 12/12/88 46,062.50 FIRST TRUST BOND PAYMANT 27- 4300 - 661 -66 354F19 12/12/88 900,000.00 FIRST TRUST BOND PAYMENT _ 66- 2060 - 000 -00 354F19 12/12/88 120,675.00 FIRST TRUST BOND PAYMENT 66- 4300 - 000 -00 1,780,600.00 * * * ** ** ** *-CKS 354F37 12/12/88 12.00 FLOYD LOCK & SAFE CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 41735 7172 12.00 * * ** -CKS 354G01 12/07/88 515.10 G d K SERVICES LAUNDRY 4262- 301 -30 354G01 12/07/88 177.12 G 6 K SERVICES _________10- LAUNDRY to -4262- 646 -64 354G01 12/07/88 184.44 G & K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLYS 10- 4512 - 540 -54 354G01 12/07/88 260.70 G 3 K SERVICES LAUNDRY 10 -4626- 560 -56 354G01 12/07/88 49.44 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 28- 4262 - 702 -70 354G01 12/07/88 267.00 G 3 K SERVICES LAUNDRY 40 -4262- 801 -80 1,453.80 * * * * ** **o-CKS 354G16 12/12/88 210.80 GAS SUPPLY INC. PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 110242 7519 210.80 - - -- - - -- -- * ** -CKS 354624 12/13/88 216.90 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS REPLACE CONTROL BRD 10- 4248 - 440 -44 42655 216.90 * * ** ** * ** -CKS 354G26 12/13/88 36.14 GENERAL OFFICE PROD SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 420 -42 354G26 12/13/88 12.27- GENERAL OFFICE PROD CREDIT 10- 4504 - 420 -42 23.87 * -- - - -. _. - ::4G32 *** -CKS 12/12/88 359.92 GENUINE PARTS CO. SUPPLYS 10 -4504- 560 -56 995416 7702 354G32 12/12/88 58.68 GENUINE PARTS CO. SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 560 -56 995833 7702 354G32 12/12/88 37.91 GENUINE PARTS CO. PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 993373 7623 354G32 12/12/88 25.96 GENUINE PARTS CO. PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 998607 7822 354G32 12/12/88 40.79 GENUINE PARTS CO. PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 977017 7968 354G32 12/12/68 49.95 GENUINE PARTS CO. PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 994962 7653 354G32 12/12/88 35.10 GENUINE PARTS CO. PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 877000 7903 354G32 12/12/88 236.00 GENUINE PARTS CO. PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 994147 7761 ` 354G32 12/12/88 5.03 GENUINE PARTS CO. PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 998426 7817 ` 354G32 12/12/88 23.29 GENUINE PARTS CO. PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 997723 7796 872.63 354G33 12/09/88 500.00 GEREBI -LIZ '' SERVICES 30- 4224 - 781 -78 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -68 PAGE 17 _'CHEC DATE _ —_ AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. SSAGE 1 .r '! 500.00 + t �'',___354G38 -- 100.00 GEORGE _ -- POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100- 430 -42 100.00 + -- - — - - -- w171 - 354G61 12/12/88 180.00 GORMLEY- RAYMOND INSRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 I' - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- -- 180.00 sss #ss 354668 12/12/88 237.60 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. BATTERIES f0- 4504 - 560 -56 720959 7867 354G68 12/12/88 30.18 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. SUPPLYS 10- 4504- 560 -56 726635 7161 _ 3S4G68 _ 12/12/88 _ 59.73 _ GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. SUPPLYS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 719905 7813 354668 12%12/88 44.04 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. _ SUPPLYS 10 -4540- 520 -52 727241 7996 \., I=' 354G68 12/12/88 164.84 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. SUPPLYS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 670570 7009 t.: _354G68. 12/12/88 _ __ 184.85 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO._ SUPPLYS 10-4540- 540 -54 670570 7009 354G68 12/12/88 184.84- GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. _ SUPPLYS — _ 10- 4540 - 540 -54 670570 7009 354G68 12/12/88 59.11 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. SUPPLYS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 717344 7161 354668 12/12/88 _ 421.50 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. SUPPLYS 40- 4504 - 807 -80 724026 7907 'I 354668 12%12/88 51.71 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. _ PLIERS ETC 40- 4540 - 802 -80 718089-7787 _ %„" 354668 12/12/88 70.20 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. SUPPLYS 40- 4540 - 802 -80 718573 7791 +s+ -CKS 354G76 12/09/88 2,165.16 GREEN ACRES SPRNKLR WINTERIZR SPRINK 10 -4201- 643-64 8161 �r 2,165.16 • I3, + # # #s# +++-CKS __ 354G80_ 12/_13/88 29.94 _ GREER -PAT ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 I,, 354680 12/09/88 100.00 GREER -PAT __ EXHIBT FEE 30- 3501- 000 -00 -- —" — w 129.94 s ssssss - - - -- - -- - - -- + ++ -CKS - -- w',,j 354G92 - - - - 12/12/88 - -- - - -- - - - -- 630.00 - - GUSTAFSON -KATHY -- - - INSRUCTOR 23- 4201- 611 -61 ,� 630.00 + - - -- - - - - -- - v�. t - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - _ _ ++ *-CKS v 47 354G96 12/12/88 29.68 GUY SPEAKER CO. PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 30662 7883 29.68 + \ I 51 +s +-CKS 354H09 12/07/88 1,455.47 HALLMAN OIL — 10 -4618- 560 -56 40600 7552 354H09 12/07/88 660.00 HALLMAN OIL 10- 4618 - 560 -56 40611 7552 I ` — 2,11S.47 + — - - -- — - -- �, + #ssss +++ -CKS �r Sww 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 18 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. M MESSAGE 354H21 12/13/88 44.76 HARMON GLASS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 169821 7896 354H21 12/13/88 198.01 HARMON GLASS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10 -4248- 560 -56 169796 7823 354H21 12/13/88 78.94 HARMON GLASS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 169805 7875 ' 321.71 + 354H22 12/09/88 100.00 HAROLD SWANSON POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 100.00 + » » » »ss *** -CKS 354H28 12/12/88 42.40 HAYDEN- MURPHY EQUIP SUPPLYS 10 -4504- 301 -30 191301 8530 354H28 12/12/88 105.00 HAYDEN- MURPHY EQUIP HOSE 40- 4504 - 803 -80 21879 7819 3S4H28 12/12/88 20.00 HAYDEN- MURPHY EQUIP GEN SUPPLYS 40 -4504- 803 -80 21927 7878 354H28 1 ^2/05/88 15.81 HAYDEN- MURPHY EQUIP PARTS 40 -4540- 803 -80 22030 7878 354H28 12/122/88 170.00 HAYDEN- MURPHY EQUIP PARTS TOOLS 40- 4580 - 801 -80 198313 1834 353.21 ** » »*» *** -CKS 354H31 12/12/88 193.00 HAYWA- PHYLLIS INSTRUCTOR 23 -4201- 611 -61 193.00 + * ** -CKS 354H42 12/05/88 79.52 HERMAN MILLER INC. REMODELING 25- 4924 - 520 -52 121292 7061 3S4H42 12/06/88 3,490.48 HERMAN MILLER INC. REMODELING 25- 4924 - 520 -52 117939 7061 3,570.00 ***-CKS 354H65 12/09/88 100.00 HOFFMAN- WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES 10 -4100- 430 -42 100.00 • _- .- - _ ** *-CKS 354H80 12/12/88 118.61 HOSE INC. HOSE 40- 4540 - 801 -80 H11467 5956 118.61 + ** » » »» *** -CKS 354I59 12/12/88 175.95 INTERIOR COM SYS. TELEPHONE - - 30- 4256- 782 -78 22626 8196 175.95 + *** -CKS 354J27 12/13/88 11.00 JERRYS FOODS CLEAN SUPPLYS 10- 4512- 440 -44 11.00 * _ ** »* »» *** -CKS ` 354J35 12/12/88 23.18 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 10 -4201- 508 -50 3697 8204 23.18 + ■ *+ -CKS AMOUNT __ CHECK REGISTER __ VENDOR_ 98.22 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHEC JOHNSON -NAOMI 15.00 -__ JOHNSON -NAOMI 45.00 JOHNSON -NAOMI 3S4J41 12/05/88 44.95 -- JOHNSON -NAOMI 171 .1 1 s -- — - -- - I' 354J66 12/12/88 354J66 12/12/88__ 12/12/88 354J66 12/12/88 DOOR FRAME 354J66 12/12/88 7022 354J66 12/12/88 I,. _. ----------- - -- AMOUNT __ CHECK REGISTER __ VENDOR_ 98.22 JIM HATCH SALES 98.22 + 57.00 JOHNSON -NAOMI 15.00 -__ JOHNSON -NAOMI 45.00 JOHNSON -NAOMI 9.16 JOHNSON -NAOMI 44.95 -- JOHNSON -NAOMI 171 .1 1 s -- — - -- - ITEM_DESCRIPTION TOOLS 12 -19 -88 PAGE 19 i ACCOUNT NO. INV. Y P.O. 8SAGE �J 10 -4504- 643 -64 6848 7731 CLASS REGISTRATION 23- 3500 - 000 -00 _ PRO SERVICES 23- 4201 - 611 -61 ADVERTISING 23- 4214 - 611 -61 GEN SUPPLYS 23- 4504 - 612 -61 CRAFT SUPPLYS 23 -4588- 611 -61 s' .I v ti: « «« -CKS 3.S4K05 12/12/88 277.34 K d K SALES DOOR FRAME 10 -4540- 520 -52 27852 7022 _. ----------- - -- - - - -- 277 _34 -� -- -- - -- - -- - ~ « *« -CKS 354K09 12/12/88 210.72 KAMAN BEARING d SPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 651691 7512 354K09 12/12/88 251.37 KAMAN BEARING d SPLY REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 653168 7940 ' - -- -- - - - - - -- 462.09 « y * «* -CKS 354K3.5 12/12/88 26.39 KNOX LUMBER CO. EXP JOINT 10- 4504 - 301 -30 602151 7639 354K35 12/13/88 21.89 KNOX LUMBER CO. FORM MATERIAL 10- 4504 - 301 -30 629540 7577 354K35 12/05/88 22.20 KNOX LUMBER CO. GEN SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 646 -64 629207 7818 v 354K35 12/05/88 78.10 KNOX LUMBER CO. LUMBER FOR RINK 10- 4504 - 646 -64 6292227891 354K35 12/05/88 133.32 KNOX LUMBER CO. LUMBER 10- 4604- 646 -64 628844 7788 3S4K3S 12/06/88 265.00 KNOX LUMBER CO. DRILL PRESS 27 -45S0- 664 -66 629241 7955 354K35 12/07/88 112.10 KNOX LUMBER CO. _ BLDG MATERIAL __ _ 27 -4604- 662-66 628815 8001 354K35 12/13/88 21.70 KNOX LUMBER CO. GEN SUPPLYS 28- 4504 - 702 -70 628969 8106 680.70 • �' 3S4K47 12/13/88 8,295.39 KORTUEM SALES TRACTOR SNOW 27- 1340 - 000 -00 1057 O571 354K47 12/13/88 406.51 KORTUEM SALES TOOLS 27- 4580 - 664 -66 5379 7935 • _8,701.90 :1` *«« -CKS 354KS7 12/13/88 3,365.65 KUETHER DIST. CO. BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 v, 354KS7 12/09/88 4,904.03 KUETHER DIST. CO. BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 ..I —__ — 8,269.68 • r ** *-CKS 3S4K63 12/13/88 171.51 KUSTOM ELECTRONICS RADIO UNIT 10 -4901- 420 -42 ♦.; "; 171 .51 +** -CKS 3S4L04 1_2/12/88 237.25 LAHASS CORPORATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10- 4248- S60 -56 2211 7816 v ti: c 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 3S4L10 12/12/88 3S4L28 12/122/88 354L28 12/12/88 3S4L28 1 2/12/88 3S4L 28 12/12/88 3S4L28 12/12/88 3S4L28 122/12/88 354L28 12/12/88 3S4L28 122/12/88 3S4L28 12/12/88 3S4L28 12/12/88 3S4L28 12/12/88 3S4L28 12/12/88 354L28 12/12/88 354L28 122/12/88 354L28 12/12/88 « «« ««« 354L32 12/12/88 « « « « «« SUPPLYS 3541-38 12/06/88 « « « « «« 354L66 12/12/88 354L66 12/12/88 3S4L66 12/12/88 3541-66 12/12/88 3541_82 12/05/88 CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 20 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. N MESSAGE 237.25 « »«s -CKS 193.00 LAKELAND ENGINEERING 2 WAY VALVE 40 -4540- 801 -80 83873 6816 193.00 • - - «s« -CKS 198.59 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLYS 10 -4504- 301 -30 7301 336.16 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 10 -4504- 322 -30 7506 253.59 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 10 -4504- 322 -30 7295 465.55 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4504 - 322 -30 7377 182.74 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 325 -30 7300 287.70 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLYS 10 -4504- 646 -64 7505 252.05 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 646 -64 7567 453.70 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLYS 4540- 560 -56 7566 182.16 LAWSON ___ PRODUCTS PARTS ___10- 10- 4540- S60 -S6 7212 389.09 LAWSON PRODUCTS PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 7808 454.47 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLYS 40- 4504 - 801 -80 7504 305.42 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4504 - 801 -80 7298 347.38 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 7299 180.58 LAWSON PRODUCTS PARTS 40 -4540- 803 -80 7503 333.08 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS _ 40 -4540- 803 -80 7378 4,622.26 « « «« -CKS 4,035.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES SUBSRIPTIONS 10 -4204- 140 -14 4,035.00 « -- - -- « «« -CKS 552.00 LEITNER COMPANY SEED 27- 4562 - 664 -66 552.00 « « «« -CKS 54.00 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 76975 7513 110.00 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 77765 7723 185.85 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 75774 7204 62.31 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT PARTS _ 10- 4540- S60 -56 76785 7450 412.16 • _ « «« -CKS 53.19 LYNDALE HARDWARE GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 53.19 • - - - 3S4L97 12/09/88 100.00 100.00 s « «« -CKS MERFELD -BERT POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 « «« -CKS v I- 354M17 12/12/88 670.00 MCDOWELL- MARGARET UMECK REGISTER 12-19-88 PAGE 21 - - - - -- - 670 -. 00- s CHEC4. DATE 12/12/88 - -_ - -- VENDOR_ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. @ P.O. SSAGE i '' 354M02 - 12/12/88 _ - _14.86 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 90194 7632 v 354M02 12/12/88 58.12 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -Sb 90302 7632 MCGUIRE �.I' SUPPLY GEN SUPPLYS 10 =4504- 560 -56 72.98 • 354M19 12/07/88 1,049.08 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY »s » » »» 10- 4540 - 560 -56 354M27 354M19 12/07/88 _ 69.67 - MCGUIRE } SUPPLY TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 12%13/88 354M19 12/07/88 2,046.45 MCGUIRE •* *-CKS SUPPLY 354M07 _ 12/13/88 - -. 4,682.15 MARK VII SALES BEER 50 -4630- 822 -82 354M07 12/06/88 91288.88 MARK VII SALES - BEER 50- 4630- 842 -84 _ _ 354M07 12/12/88 8,706.90 MARK VII SALES BEER BILLS 50- 4630 - 862 -86 I - -- - -- — - - 22, 677.93 » v � + ++ -CKS I" 354M15 12/06/88 151.25 MAYO DISTR. BEER 50 -4630- 822 -82 ...i' 354M15 12/13/88 170.00 MAYO DISTR. BEER 50- 4630- 842 -84 354M15 — 12/06/88 - - 260.00 - MAYO DISTR. -- - - BEER 50- 4630- 842 -84 581 .25 * - - - - - ---- -- - -- -- - 354M16 12/12/88 938.00 MCCAREN DESIGNS PROF SERVICES 30- 4224 - 782 -78 354M16 12/12/88 437.50 MCCAREN DESIGNS ___ PROF SERVICES 30- 4224 782 -78 _ 354M16 12/05/88 66.58 MCCAREN DESIGNS PLANTINGS 30- 4560 - 782 -78 8016 -- -- — - — - -- 1,442.08 » v I- 354M17 12/12/88 670.00 MCDOWELL- MARGARET INSRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - 670 -. 00- s II{ 354M22 12/12/88 - -_ - -- Wlail i v 354M19 12/07/89 46.80 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GEN SUPPLYS 10 =4504- 560 -56 354M19 12/07/88 1,049.08 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 354M27 354M19 12/07/88 _ 69.67 - MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 12%13/88 354M19 12/07/88 2,046.45 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY _ PARTS _ - - -- - - --- - 10- 4620 - 560 -56 v' 'I 3,212.00 + 168.03 MCNEILUS STEEL _ _ SUPPLYS _ 109.46 MCNEILUS STEEL PARTS 277.49 29.45 _ MED_OXYGEN b EQUIP FIRST AID SUPPLYS 29.45 i - -- 1,949.90 _- 370.00 494.65 483.05 437.25 160.30 412.70 MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY SERVICES ICE MELT - - SUPPLYS — PLOW WAX SUPPLYS GEN SUPPLYS GEN SUPPLYS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 51473 7579 10- 4620- 560 -56 54711 7885 0 -4510- 440 -44 * ** -CKS 000-CKS * ** -CKS 10 -4201- 647 -64 20548 8026 10- 4504 - 318 -30 20525 _ 7962 10- 4504 - 318 -30 20375 7651 10- 4504 - 318 -30 20331 7624 10- 4620- 560 -56 20398 _7704 _ 27= 4504 - 667 -66 20575 8113 - - 28- 4504 - 702 -70 20527 8000 ,j W I_i - 354M22 - - - - -- 12/12/88 II{ 354M22 12/12/88 - -_ - -- Wlail i v * * » * »» 354M27 12/09/88 354M27 _- _ 12/ 12/88 . :i 354M27 12/12/88 354M27 12/12/88 354M27 12/12/88 354M27 12%13/88 v-I 3' 354M27 12/05/88 168.03 MCNEILUS STEEL _ _ SUPPLYS _ 109.46 MCNEILUS STEEL PARTS 277.49 29.45 _ MED_OXYGEN b EQUIP FIRST AID SUPPLYS 29.45 i - -- 1,949.90 _- 370.00 494.65 483.05 437.25 160.30 412.70 MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY SERVICES ICE MELT - - SUPPLYS — PLOW WAX SUPPLYS GEN SUPPLYS GEN SUPPLYS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 51473 7579 10- 4620- 560 -56 54711 7885 0 -4510- 440 -44 * ** -CKS 000-CKS * ** -CKS 10 -4201- 647 -64 20548 8026 10- 4504 - 318 -30 20525 _ 7962 10- 4504 - 318 -30 20375 7651 10- 4504 - 318 -30 20331 7624 10- 4620- 560 -56 20398 _7704 _ 27= 4504 - 667 -66 20575 8113 - - 28- 4504 - 702 -70 20527 8000 ,j 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 22 1 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. 11 MESSAGE 354M27 12/13/88 488.75 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLYS 28- 4512- 702 -70 220578 8112 354M27 12/13/88 308.90 MERIT SUPPLY CLEAN SUPPLYS 28 -4512- 702 -70 20540 7836 354M27 12/06/88 398.20 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 20538 8018 354M27 12/05/88 365.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 782 -78 20493 7944 354M27 12/12/88 237.20 MERIT SUPPLY LUBE 40- 4504 - 801 -80 20349 7633 354M27 12/12/88 414.00 MERIT SUPPLY SUPPLYS 40- 4504- 801 -80 20518 7959 354M27 12/06/88 480.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLY 40- 4504 - 801 -80 20456 7730 354M27 12/12/88 480.00 MERIT SUPPLY SUPPLYS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 20421 7729 3541127 122/12/88 180.00- MERIT SUPPLY SUPPLYS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 20421 7729 354M27 12/12/88 180.00 MERIT SUPPLY SUPPLYS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 20421 772229 354M27 122/13/88 88.20 MERIT SUPPLY PUMP HSE PAINT 40 -4544- 801 -80 20594 8125 7,568.10 s - - - - -- - sss -CKS 354M30 12/07/88 3,425.00 MET WASTE CON COMM MWCC REPORT 10- 3095 - 000 -00 3,425.00 s sss #ss sss -CKS 354M39 12/13/88 133.55 MID CENTRAL INC. GEN SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 440 -44 3670 133.55 s sss -CKS 354M41 12/06/88 371.97 MIDLAND PRODUCTS CO. CONCESSIONS 28- 4624- 703 -70 31700 7756 354M41 12/13/88 290.40 MIDLAND PRODUCTS CO. _ CONCESSIONS 28- 4624 - 703 -70 27804 8012 662.37 woo-CKS 354M46 12/13/88 19.40 METZ BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 28- 4624 - 703 -70 8110 19.40 r s # # # ## **O-CKS 354M51 12/12/88 232.14 MIDWEST WIRE d STEEL STEEL POSTS 10- 4504 - 260 -26 20140 7650 354M51 12/05/88 657.00 MIDWEST WIRE d STEEL MARKER STAKES 10- 4504 - 318 -30 20331 7719 889.14 r sss -CKS 354M63 12/09/88 187.55 MN. BAR MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 354M63 12/09/88 510.75 MN. BAR BAR SUPPLYS 50- 4632- 862 -86 698.30 • rsr #s« -- -- sss -CKS 354M73 12/12/88 88.00 MN. ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACTS 30- 4288 - 782 -78 110392 8191 88.00 + ss # « «s sss -CKS 354M76 12/12/88 53.57 MN. GLOVE GLOVES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 26554 7881 53.57 s � _m*sc" '12 -.DATE--.------- _-- ') ss*meu 12/05/88 |' -3s*wou-____1e{06/88 ______ xmouwT_._ *a.e1 68.21 _ 135. 02 * ^"=°° "=°'n/L" MN. ouawmeAw wsuo AovsnrIaImm MN.-SUBURBAN NEWS-----. -ADVERTISING 1e-19-88 p*Gs eo ACCOUNT mm. xwv. w P.O. -~'$oAGE ***-oww 10-4e10-140-14 10-+21*-140-1* , **~-cwa !_ 354mos-----'i-2/ij/�ba-----'---'---161-.00'------mTw4.—RomWmew-----''--wsm ***-Cwe ~~.,! os*mas 12/13/8e 113.75 mw. uAwmsn espwxn pwoTa 10-45*0-**0-44 070891 e091 ~~- ---_113.75 .p--_-_-_-_-__ ' .� �-' ***-Cwe |"| 3s*m93 1e/os/ee ' 7s.00 - mwronoLA smuzp m«zmT - ---------10-4e74-4e0-4e **0-umw 751909 ' 3s*m93 1e/13/88 199.50 moTuooLA wsavICsa 10-4274-4e0-4e 308680 35*m93 _le/os/ae ----- 208.20 mornaoLA sowIp mAxwr 1*-*e7*-4e0-*e 739933 ' eo'ww 35*m93 12/0s,8e---- 149.7s moTonoLA -- --------- smwIp mAxmT- ---------'lm�4erw-4ao-*a 7*65 7s7301 - ~~= L ss*mys 12/13/e8 3»o � oo moromoLA msp�*ns�s mT pwmTm 10-*901-4e0-42 3e7769 7487 -----'----- - , **~-cwa !_ 354mos-----'i-2/ij/�ba-----'---'---161-.00'------mTw4.—RomWmew-----''--wsm SuppLvS �� **�7�e�r�-A���---7��s--'-- -- ~~- 161 .00 * .� �-' **0-umw ^�� | 354w*I_ 1e/05v88 eo'ww *re ww wnuwn -----'------------------ msw auppLva �m-�sww-rne-�w �wpse 7*65 ` �o.no� -----'----- - - -- --�--- -- -- - ~**-cm� .' ^~ i 3s+ms6 ve/ve/we as.Is wowT*snm powsn pnwo. p*mTo 10-*S40-S60-56 23e2e* 7071 � i - - ---------------'---------����--------------------- as Is -----' ---'--''- ' ~ |�i *~ *****~ '------ -----�- - *~*-cwa ~ 3s4w66 va/oo/ao -6o.00 ----'--wmnr*oTAn ICE -----� -mix ---- - ���aoe-oee-ue -� --- - ' osx wae ve�oa�oo vye.so mnnT*orAn zns ICE nunsw SO-4632-842-84 - 3s*w68 --.-12/06/88- ----- eoo s* �-----�---------------_--_--_- monTowTAn zns z wvswroe� sw-463e-862-86 ~ w8s uw-a � - ' ' 32.00 � ~ 3s*030 -- ---72/07/V8----'------1u.ia------- OLD 'DUTCH-FOODS 27-46e4--663-66 ---- ^�~1 16.1e * * '~ ^~ �� _-- **p-CN� ^. --_3S4O44__--_12/12/88 OLYMPIC -PP@!S_ 4 81e9 .= � 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 24 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE ` 97.50 • s #s » *# ~ w*s -CKS 354P05 12/12/88 280.92 PAPER CAL STEEL CO. STEEL FOR TARGETS 10- 4504 - 420 -42 43071 7390 - 280.92 » -- -- — - .- ss »css * ** -CKS 354P18 12/13/88 392.55 PAULSON ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 354P18 12/13/88 446.75 PAULSON SERVICES 23- 4120 - 613 -61 839.30 - -- sss * #s *** -CKS 354P30 12/13/88 204.75 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632- 822 -82 354P30 12/13/88 _ 460.05 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING MIX 4632 - 842 -84 354P30 12/13/88 388.15 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING MIX ____50- 50- 4632 - 862 -86 1,052.95 * ** -CKS 354P48 12/12/88 37.50 PIP PRINTING PRINTING 30- 4600- 781 -78 3924 8164 354P48 12/12!88 83.05 PIP PRINTING _ PRINTING _ 30- 4600 - 781 -78 3934 8182 120.55 s * » » » »» ` * ** -CKS 354PS8 12/06/88 27.20 PLUNKETTS GEN SUPPLYS 28- 4504 - 702 -70 562181 27.20 -- * »s » »» ---- -- - ** »-CKS 354P76 12/13/88 955.50 PRECISION DYNAMICS GEN SUPPLYS 30- 4504 - 783 -78 106550 7852 955.50 s * ** -CKS ` 3S4P78 12/13/88 116.00 PRINTERS SERV INC BLADE SHARP 28 -4274- 704 -70 32256 116.00 * * ** -CKS 354P80 12/05/88 5,377.41 PRIOR LAKE AGG. SAND GRAVEL ROCK 10 -4522- 318 -30 _ i 5,377.41 * - s » » » »» - _ _ » »» -CKS 354P86 12/12/88 266.00 PROG CONSULTING ENG TESTING 40 -4248- 801 -80 266.00 s * »* -CKS 354P94 ` 12/12/88 15.00 PUBLICITY CENTRAL ADVERTISING - - - --30 -4214- 781 -78 2811 8190 15.00 s _ - 354R33 12/12/88 2_1802.95 REX DISTR. BEER BILLS 50- 4630- 862 -86 - - -- 11,303.65 s - — - - -- -- I It 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -8r ''AGE 25 .. . • CHEC DATE____ - _ AMOUNT —_ - VENDOR - ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. SSAGE 000-CKS 354009 12/13/88 124.87 QUALITY REFRIG. REPAIR REFRIG 27- 4248 - 663 -66 61427 c r 124.87 R - - -- -- - - - - -- - - RRR -CKS 354020 12/13/88 128.08 QUICK SERV BATTERY PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 27816 7626 354020 12/13/88 26.54 QUICK SERV BATTERY PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 26842 7626 354020._ _ 12/1.3/88 - -- -- - -- 120.08 QUICK SERV BATTERY__- PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 27669 7880 274.70 + - - - - - - rrrsss -- _ rRR -CKS 354022 12/05/88 23.15 QUIK PRINT PRINTING 28- 4600- 707 -70 31241 8010 - - - - - -- 23.15 « R «r «ss *00-CKS 354R01 12/13/88 122.20 R d R SPECIALTIES REPAIR 28-4248-162-76_69927_8019 122.20 • I rrrrRS - --RRr -CKS - - - -_ 354R13.__ -_ - 12/13/88 -_ - 132. 00 _ - _RADIO. INSTALLS EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226- 440 -44 12743 132.00 _ _ _ - i F _ Rr «sas *00-CKS „ 354R17 12/05/88 12,869.00 RAYMOND HAEG PLUMB. CONSTRUCTION 27- 1300 - 001 -00 ' - -- - - - -- -- - - -- 12,869.00 t RRr -CKS 354R22 12/05%88 60.00 REM SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLYS 30 =4504- 782 -78 10094 8090 �.� 60.00 • rRR -CKS 354R25 12112188 108.00 RENTAL EQUIPMENT & SALES TOOL RENTAL 10- 4540 - 520 -52 9345 7874 354R2S 12/13/88 53.05 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES SAW REPAIR 10- 4580 - 644 -64 9234 7706 I 161.05* -- s, RrrrRS rrR -CKS -� 04- rRRRRR rRR -CKS 354R33 354R33 12/13/88 12/13/88 2,817.20 5,683.50 REX DISTR. REX DISTR. BEER BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630- 842 -84 _ - 354R33 12/12/88 2_1802.95 REX DISTR. BEER BILLS 50- 4630- 862 -86 - - -- 11,303.65 s - — - - -- -- i7nn L11T Ur tUINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 26 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. S P.O. M MESSAGE 354R37 12/12/88 190.00 RIDDLE CONTROL PROD. PED BASE 10 -4540- 330 -30 881011 7284 , 190.00 # * ** -CKS 354R49 12/13/88 213.75 ROAD RESCUE FIRST AID SUPPLYS 10- 4510 - 440 -44 90271 213.75 # * ** -CKS 354R51 12/13/88 80.66 RFG PET & SUPPLY SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 470 -47 31227 8253 80.66 * * ** -CKS " 354R53 12/13/88 43.20 ROBERT B. HILL SALT 10- 4504 - 440 -44 10671 43.20 * — — -- - - -- -- - -- - ** *-CKS 354877 12/13/88 378.60 ROYAL CROWN BEV. MIX 50- 4630- 842 -84 354877 12/13/88 61.30 ROYAL CROWN BEV. MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 354R77 12/13/88 298.90 ROYAL CROWN BEV. MIX — - -- 50 -4632- 862 -86 738.80 * ** -CKS 354R83 12/12/88 131.92 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 55599 7546 354R83 12/12/88 112.77 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 55614 7578 244.69 r- * ** -CKS 354S10 12/13/88 210.00 SCHLOSSER ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 210.00 • -- - -- - - C. - -- * **-CKS c. 354S15 12/12/88 74.47 SEARS PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 7812 354S15 12/12/88 61.03 SEARS PARTS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 7330 354S15 12/12/88 110.58 SEARS TOOLS — 10 -4580- 560 -56 10769 7236 246.08 * 354SIG 12/13/88 133.63 SEARS ROEBUCK b CO GEN SUPPLYS 28- 4504 - 702 -70 890335 133.63 * 354S17 12/12/88 242.90 STEWART LUMBER POSTS — 10 -4540- 390 -30 167542 7570 242.90 t. * ** -CKS 354520 12/05/88 256.00 - SEIDEL- ROXANNE SERVICES 30 -4201- 781 -78 256.00 * * # » # ** — ------ _ _ # »s -CKS i ..,.^^ CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 27 CHEC `. DATE_ - AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 8 P.O. SSAGE 354S27 12/12/88 _. _ A16.45 SHERWIN WILLIAMS _ _ _SUPPLYS_ - -__ -4504- 335 -30 82624 7793 i 116.45 - -10 ' " - ssssss -- - - -- ---- - - - - -- **•-CKS ` ': , 354S30 12/05/88 200.58 SIGN CENTRAL GEN SUPPLYS - - -- 30 -4504- 782 -78 63599 8087 - - - ---- 200 .58 **s -CKS 354S32 354832 12/13/88 12/09/88 1,250.00 SOFTWARE FIRST NEW SOFTWARE 10 -4901- 600 -60 16736A 811 1 `• 143.35-+4a-.40-- SOFTWARE FIRST COMPUTER SUPPLYS 25- 4906 - 510 -51 14063 8079 - _ 1,393.354-3 .. _ * ** -CKS I i - - -- 354536 354536 - - -- 12/13/88 -- 3,795.60 SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO. BEER 50 -4630- 822 -82 - -- `I 12/09/68 7,372.10 SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO. BEER 50- 4630- 842 -84 j-,167.70 * ** -CKS 354845 - - - - -- 354845 12/13/88 ------ 12/12/88 - - - - -- 8.95 13.75 8T. PAUL BOOK - - - - - - -- - - - - SUPPLYS 10 -4504- 420 -42 890885 8181 - -- - ST. PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLYS 27- 4516 - 661 -66 890834 *00-CKS 354549 12/13%88 87.08 -- - SMITH- CECELIA - -- - - MILEAGE 10 -4208- 140 -i4 - j 87.08 s ' ssssss _ - -_ -- s** -CKS 354S54- -_ 12/12/88 65.89 STAR d TRIBUNE - ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 510 -51 65.89 * -- -- -- - - -- - >I srssrr - -- -- -- - - - - -- *** -CKS ^z " 354S61 354561 12/07/88 12/07/88 890.06 STATE TREASURER STATE SURCHC REPORT - 10- 3095 - 000 -00 - - -- 354S61 12/07%88 _890.66 890.66- _STATE TREASURER __ STATE TREASURER - STATE SURCHC REPORT 10- 3095 - 000 -00 "Ij°i 354561 12/07/88 224.00 STATE TREASURER STATE SURCHC REPORT STATE SURCHC 10- 3095 = 000 -00 -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- 1 , i 114.06 !e REPORT 10 -3113- 000 -00 srs -CKS 354S73 12/13%88 4,618.18 STRGAR- ROSCOE -FAUSH CONSRUCTION - -- - 60= 1170- 840 -00 881092 4,618.18 s '3I ***-CKS -354577 12/05/88 700.76 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET PARTS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 98717 7892 - -- -- - "— 354878 — 12/05/88 2.10 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 646 -64 137767 7520 -GEN 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 28 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. M MESSAGE / 3S4S78 12/05/88 439.60 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PERAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 135098 5530 3S4S78 12/12/88 102.13 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 7625 3S4S78 12/05/88 61.72 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP WADING POOL PIPING 26- 4504 - 682 -68 136193 7087 354578 12/13/88 168.91 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PLUMBING REPORTS 27- 4540 - 667 -66 8009 354578 12/06/88 46.94 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLYS 28- 4504 - 702 -70 138729 7922 354S78 12/05/88 197.98 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PUMP SYS PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 136193 6814 354578 12/05/88 93.79 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PUMP SYS PART 40- 4540- 801 -80 136262 7091 3S4S78 122/12/88 313.96 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PLUMBING SUPPLYS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 7870 354578 12/05/88 76.13 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PUMP SYS PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 136049 6966 1,503.26 s �p « «s -CKS 354592 12/05/88 52.66 SYSTEM SUPPLY COMPUTER SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 110908 7947 52.66 s «s« -CKS 3S4S96 12/06/88 80.00 SCHUENEMAN -AMY SERVICES 27 -4201- 662 -66 80.00 s 354597 12/09/88 828.19 SEH SERVICES 40- 4201 - 800 -80 3238 3S4S97 12/12/88 941.53 SEH ODOR CONTROL STUDY 40- 4201 - 801 -80 3241 5320 1,769.72 s s « «s «s ss« -CKS 3S4T08 12/07/88 27.46 TARGET GEN SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 180 -18 3S4T08 12/13/88 55.15 - TARGET FILM 27 -4516- 661 -66 -- - - -- - _- - - N,: «« «sss 354T14 12/12/88 321.12 TEXGAS CORP. PROPANE 10- 4504 - 301 -30 7429 _ 321.12 s sss -CKS ' t 354T20 12/06/88 292.80 292.10 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING 10- 4600- 628 -62 8554 7858 354T20 12/06/88 21.10 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING 10- 4600- 628 -62 8566 7858 ' 313.90* 313-20 sss -CKS ' 354T29 12/07/88 6,574.42 THOMSEN - NYBECK LEGAL 10 -4201- 220 -22 C 354T29 12/06/88 11,500.80 THOMSEN - NYBECK LEGAL 10- 4201 - 2220 -22 18,075.22 s 354730 12/06/88 12,169.60 THORPE DISTR. INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 12,169.60 s sss -CKS ' 354T40 12%12/88 29.97 TOLL COMPANY SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 322 -30 34272 7717 354T40 12/12/88 73.01 TOLL COMPANY SUPPLYS 10- 4610- 560 -56 440454 7815 CG 1988 CITY OF EDINA - — CHECK REGISTER c CHE( DATE_'_ AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION `. 354T40 12/12/88 53.64 TOLL COMPANY SUPPLYS - 156.62 t 354T53 - - -- - 12/12/88 - - - - -- 5, 150.06 - -- -TRACY OIL -- ---- - - - - -- GASOLINE ° 5, 150.06 t w «1st« -- -- - - - -- -- - - - -- 354T78 12/05/88 _ _ 61.75 TWIGS DELI CLEANING 354T78 12/05/88 12.87 TWIGS DELI OFFICE SUPPLYS 74.62 w 3S4T82_____1_2/06__/es _ —__ 61.43 TWIN CITY ELEVATOR REPAIR I, « «wttw 354T88 12/06/88 32.16 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE MIX ' ttwwtt 12 -19 -5' `AGE 29 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. 3SAGE 10- 4610- 560 -56 226314 7992 tws -CKS " 10 -4612- 560 -56 T5867 — - •ww -CKS 30- 426.2- 782_ -78 1541 8008 30- 4516- 781 -78 1541 8008 -- - -- - - - --- -- - woo-CKS 10 -4248- 520 -52 11555 50- 4632- 862 -86 i- 354T91 12/06/88 739.54 TWIN CITY TESTING AIR MONITORING 40- 4248 - 801 -80 739.54 • I' 354U08 _ 12/13/88 _ _53.95 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORMS 53.95 w - -- - - - -- wswtt« `I 354U14 12/12/88 45.13 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP SUPPLYS 354014 12/12/88 37.40 ELECTRIC CORP SUPPLYS ,I 354014 12/12/88 227.70 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP SUPPLYS - 354U14 12/12/88 227.70 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP SUPPLYS 354014 12/12/88 7,751.08 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP MOTOR STARTERS 10 -4266- 440 -44 10834 tww -CKS - *t* -CKS 10- 4540- 540 -54 826259 7964 27- 4540 - 662 -66 798203 6960 28- 4540 - 702 -70 810039 7426 28- 4540 - 702 -70 812910 7426 40- 4540 - 804 -80 7260 .lai 8,289.01 « �a,i twttst tws -C_KS 354U30 12/06/88 40.50 US WEST PAGING SERVICES CONTRACT 30- 4288 - 781 -78 120082 8095 40.50 s 000-CKS ' 354V10 12/13/88 435.03 VALLEY INDUSTRIAL L P FUEL - 28- 4612- 704 -70 — .. . 435.03 s a ___354V.1_5 12/06/88 16_00- VAN PAPER CO. CREDIT 10- 4514- 520 -52 o**-CKS 1988 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 12 -19 -88 PAGE 30 CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. q P.O. M MESSAGE 4 r 354V15 12/12/88 364.90 VAN PAPER CO. SUPPLYS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 235989 8166 354V15 12/06/88 534.30 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER BAGS 50- 4514 - 842 -84 234446 7920 • 354V15 12/06/88 805.80 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER BAGS 50- 4514 - 862 -86 234447 7920 �! 1,689.00 » • 4 » »» -CKS 354V30 12/05/88 433.17 VANTAGE ELECTRIC ELECTRIC WORK 25- 1320 - 000 -00 010456 8017 • 354V30 12/06/88 102.67 VANTAGE ELECTRIC OUTDOOR LITES 27- 4201 - 664 -66 10458 8028 354V30 12/05/88 363.53 VANTAGE ELECTRIC PROF SERVICES 30- 4201 - 782 -78 99 8089 899.37 « saga «a aaa -CKS 354V46 12/12/88 68.65 VESSCO REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 5322 7562 68.65 « »a» -CKS 354V80 12/12/88 317.76 VOSS ELECTRIC SUP SUPPLUS 10 -4504- 322 -30 242608 7630 354V80 12/12/88 443.82 VOSS ELECTRIC SUP SUPPLYS 27- 4504- 662 -66 239680 354V80 12/12/88 93.60 VOSS ELECTRIC SUP SUPPLYS 27- 4504 - 6622 -66 2422611 78122 354V80 12/12/88 53.25 VOSS ELECTRIC SUP SUPPLYS 28- 4504 - 702 -70 242609 7790 908.43 ::4U***O: » »a -CKS 12 ^/12/88 15.07 W.W. GRAINGER VAC CAPS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 214545 7209 354W08 12/07/88 136.50 W.W. GRAINGER FURNITURE REPAIR 27- 4504- 662 -66 354W08 12/12/88 254.01 W.W. GRAINGER BTLL HEATER 40- 4540 - 802 -80 040163 7825 354W08 12/12/88 387.45 W.W. GRAINGER BTU HTR 50- 4540 - 860 -86 037448 7635 354W08 12/12/88 387.45- U.W. GRAINGER BTU HTR 50- 4540 - 860 -86 037448 7635 354W08 12/12/88 387.45 W.W. GRAINGER BTU HTR 50- 4540 - 861 -86 037448 7635 793.03 « 354W09 12/12/88 194.04 W.W. GOETSCH BOOSTER PUMP PTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 481741 7647 194.04 s ««« -CKS 354W15 12/09/88 100.00 WALTER JOHNSON POLICE SERVICES 10 -4100- 430 -42 100.00 s sss » «« «ss -CKS v E 354W28 12/12/88 340.20 WATER PRODUCTS GATE VALVU INSERTS 40- 4504 - 803 -80 082829 7803 354W28 12/12/88 220.20 WATER PRODUCTS COPPER PIPE 40- 4540 - 803 -80 081513 7580 560.40 « �r s « « » «« « »s -CKS 354W35 12/07/88 178.20 WEIGLE -SUE MILEAGE 10 -4208- 600 -60 178.20 » • �. 354W36 12/13/88 23.40 WEIS AM FIRE EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 440 -44 026922 7256 t 12 -19 -8P PAGE 31 ACCOUNT NO. INV. 6 P.O. SSAGE 10 -4610- 560 -56 74195 7718 sss -CKS - -- -- sss-CKS 10 -4540- 540 -54 16408 7559 sss-CKS 27 -4636- 667 -66 55280 8007 _00___ ___ WROBLESKI -HENRY - POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 � ,I 1988 CITY OF EDINA 100.00 s CHECK REGISTER CHE1 DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 354X05 12/12/88 120.00 XEROX CORP. SUPPLYS -- - -- -- - - - - - -- —..� — - - -- 23.40 - - - -- - - -- -- - -- — - -- ..I' 354Z14 12%12788 105.32 ZIEGLER INC lip _354W44_— 12/12/88_ 408.58 408.58 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. - -- WELDING ROD - -- - -- PARTS 3S4Z14 __ - » _ __.41.73 -- ZIEGLER INC ��' sss »s• = 354Z14 12/12/88 - 275.00 "i 354W49 12/12/88 103.58 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT PARTS 67,000.00 ZIEGLER INC - - - -- -- 103.58 * -- i" _ I�'I rsssss 354W76 12/05/88 1,125.00 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY TEE MATS — °" '"' . °e _ -_ _ FUND 10 _ TOTAL FUND_ 1,125.00 s 10,051.77 - — FUND 23 TOTAL — _GENERAL _ ART CENTER 5,747.79 = 354W92 12/09/88 100 12 -19 -8P PAGE 31 ACCOUNT NO. INV. 6 P.O. SSAGE 10 -4610- 560 -56 74195 7718 sss -CKS - -- -- sss-CKS 10 -4540- 540 -54 16408 7559 sss-CKS 27 -4636- 667 -66 55280 8007 _00___ ___ WROBLESKI -HENRY - POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 � ,I 100.00 s -- — -- -" 354X05 12/12/88 120.00 XEROX CORP. SUPPLYS -- - -- -- - - - - - -- —..� — - - -- - - - - --- 120.__00_» - - - -- - - -- -- - -- — - -- ..I' 354Z14 12%12788 105.32 ZIEGLER INC PARTS 354Z14 12/12/88 222.34 ZIEGLER INC PARTS 3S4Z14 __ - - -__ 12/12/88.` — _ __.41.73 -- ZIEGLER INC PARTS = 354Z14 12/12/88 - 275.00 — ZIEGLER INC -- - -- - -PARTS -� 354Z14 12/05/88 67,000.00 ZIEGLER INC MOTOR GRADER 67,644.39 s _ I�'I rsssss �1O 857, 208.61_ — °" '"' . °e _ -_ _ FUND 10 _ TOTAL FUND_ 10,051.77 - — FUND 23 TOTAL — _GENERAL _ ART CENTER 5,747.79 5,446.44 FUND 25 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND 61.72 _ —FUND-26.—TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND 124,301.74 _ FUND 27 TOTAL _ GOLF COURSE FUND _ 206,039.89 FUND 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND 19,442.07 FUND 30 TOTAL EDINSOROUGH PARK A`I 31,841.61 FUND 40 TOTAL _ UTILITY FUND 1,939.76 FUND 41 TOTAL STORM SEWER UTILITY 97,003_.39 FUND SO__TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 173,965.86 FUND 66 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 5' 1,020,675.00 FUND 66 TOTAL IMP BOND REDEMPTION •2 2,548,279.21 e,548,e?7A3— TOTAL - - 10- 4504 - 510 -S1 »s» -CKS sss -CKS 7477 sss -CKS 10=4540 = 560 =56- 45055 -7637 10 -4540- 560 -56 48207 7795 10- 4540 - 560 -56 48398 7804 10- 4540 - 560 -56 08862 7886 10- 4901 - 305 -30 YG4320 6689 sss -CKS