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2022-08-24 Planning Commission Regular Meeting
Ag enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all, Council Cham ber s Wednesday, August 24, 2022 7:00 PM Participate in Public H ear ing(s). Call 888-504-7949. E nter Participant Passcode 222832. Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak. An operator will introduce you when it is your turn. I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Draft Minutes of Regu la r Meetin g Ju ly 27, 2022 B.Draft Minutes of Regu la r Meetin g August 10, 2022 V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Pu b lic Hea rings A.B-22-15, setba ck va ria n ces at 5900 Zen ith Ave. S. B.Prelim ina ry Rezon ing from PID, Planned In d u stria l District to PUD, Pla n n ed Un it Develop m ent a t 5146 E d en Aven u e (Form er Public W orks Site) VII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.2023 Pla n n ing Com m ission W ork Pla n VIII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents IX.Sta; Com m ents X.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli>cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: August 24, 2022 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Draft Minutes of R egular Meeting July 27, 2022 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the draft minutes from J uly 27, 2022. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Minutes July 27, 2022 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 1 of 4 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers July 27, 2022 I. Call To Order Chair Agnew called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Strauss, Barberot, Alkire, Bennett, Olson, and Chair Agnew. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director and Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Hayward, Padilla, Smith. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Miranda moved to approve the July 27, 2022, agenda. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Community Comment Ms. Julie Risser, 6112 Ashcroft Avenue, addressed the Commission regarding the City taking action against racist actions occurring in the City and park inclusive signage. Ms. Nora Davis, 6921 Southdale Road, addressed the Commission concerning people not being able to call in for Community Comment. Ms. Janey Westin, 6136 Brookview Avenue, addressed the Commission about the construction process of the View 44 Apartments and the complete closure of Valley View Road. V. Public Hearings A. B-22-13, 5916 Kellogg Ave. 3.8% Impervious Surface Variance Request Assistant Planner Aaker presented the request of an 3.8% Impervious Surface Variance for 5916 Kellogg Ave. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 2 of 4 Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Will Wetterlin, 5916 Kellogg Avenue, applicant, addressed the Commission. Public Hearing Ms. Ann Thompson, 5912 Kellogg Avenue, addressed the Commission and supported the variance request. Commissioner Strauss moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Alkire seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed and indicated approval of the variance. Motion Commissioner Olson moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the 3.8% Impervious Surface Variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Alkire seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Site Plan Review with Multiple Variances – 4404 Valley View Road Director Teague presented the request of 4404 Valley View Road for a site plan review with multiple variances. Staff recommends approval of the Site Plan with Variances, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Ms. Rebecca Remick, Owner City Homes and Mr. Jesse Barth, Minnetonka Beach, MN addressed the Commission and answered questions. Public Hearing Ms. Julie Risser, 6112 Ashcroft Avenue, addressed the Commission. She indicated she was not in favor of this. Ms. Janey Weston, 6136 Brookview Avenue, addressed the Commission and indicated she had several concerns with the site plan. Ms. Rita Paris, 6020 Fairfax Avenue, addressed the Commission and voiced her concerns about the site plan. Commissioner Bennett moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 3 of 4 The Commission discussed the site plan. Supports the site plan but preferred the previous plan better Appropriate proposal and brings variety and versatility Supports a boulevard style sidewalk on Valleyview Need more row homes in the City for infill The site plan is a better layout than the previous one The project is highly consistent with the small area plan for this area Shares the concern with people about the driveways An entrance sign to the neighborhood would be ideal Density fits in with the neighborhood Previous proposal handled the parking in a better way Liked the ability for turning around in the driveway Better transition between the commercial and residential than previous site plan Concerned with the number of garages in the site plan Motion Commissioner Strauss moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the Site Plan Review with Multiple Variance at 4404 Valleyview Road, as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 ayes, 2 nays (Miranda, Agnew). C. Preliminary Rezoning & Preliminary Development Plan for Solheim Companies at 4600 and 4620 77th Street West Director Teague presented the request of preliminary rezoning and preliminary development plan for Solheim Companies at 4600 and 4620 77th Street West. Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Kurt Gunsbury and Mr. Jason Ford of Solhem Companies along with Mr. Craig Hartman, Principle of Lindholm Design Group addressed the Commission and answered questions. Public Hearing Ms. Christine Bremer, 6001 Ewing Avenue South, addressed the Commission and supported the rezoning and preliminary development plan. Mr. Steve Brown, 5528 Halifax Lane, addressed the Commission and supported the project. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 4 of 4 Commissioner Bennett moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the rezoning and preliminary development plan. Motion Commissioner Alkire moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the Preliminary Rezoning & Preliminary Development Plan for Solheim Companies as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. Commissioner Miranda requested a friendly amendment to the motion to add a condition limiting the maximum speed on the drive entrance to the park to 20 mph. The amendment was accepted. The motion passed unanimously. Motion carried. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. 2023 Planning Commission Work Plan Director Teague presented the request of 2023 Planning Commission Work Plan for continued discussion by the Commission. Staff and the Planning Commission discussed the 2023 Work Plan. Video of the Planning Commission discussion can be viewed on the City website. VII. Chair and Member Comments Received. VIII. Staff Comments Received. IX. Adjournment Commissioner Strauss moved to adjourn the July 27, 2022, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 9:59 PM. Commissioner Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Date: August 24, 2022 Agenda Item #: I V.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Draft Minutes of R egular Meeting Augus t 10, 2022 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the draft minutes from August 10, 2022. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Minutes August 10, 2022 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 1 of 3 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers August 10, 2022 I. Call To Order Chair Agnew called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Strauss, Alkire, Barberot, Bennett, Olson, Padilla, Smith, and Chair Agnew. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Emily Bodeker, Assistant Planner, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Hayward. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Alkire moved to approve the August 10, 2022, agenda. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, July 13, 2022 Commissioner Miranda moved to approve the July 13, 2022, meeting minutes. Commissioner Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. V. Community Comment None. VI. Public Hearings A. Front Yard Setback and Fence Height Variances – 4914 Bruce Avenue Assistant Planner Bodeker presented the request for a front yard setback variance and fence height variance. Staff recommends approval of the front yard setback variance and fence height variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Commissioner Bennett arrived at the meeting. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Brennan Galloway, owner, reviewed the plans and answered Commission questions. Public Hearing None. Commissioner Miranda moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the variances. Motion Commissioner Alkire moved that the Planning Commission recommend of the front yard setback variance and fence height variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein with the condition that the owner place landscaping of at least three feet in height when mature along the six-foot fence on the 50th Street border. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. The Commission discussed the additional condition to the motion. The Commission did not vote on this motion but Commissioner Alkire offered an alternative motion. Commissioner Alkire moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the front yard setback variance and fence height variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein with the condition that the owner add appropriate landscaping in front of the newly constructed fence and replaced to the east along 50th Street. Commissioner Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. 2023 Planning Commission Work Plan Chair Agnew presented the 2023 Planning Commission Work Plan and asked that the Commission discuss the initiatives one by one. Staff and the Commission discussed the 2023 Work Plan initiatives. VIII. Chair and Member Comments Received. IX. Staff Comments Received. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 3 of 3 X. Adjournment Commissioner Strauss moved to adjourn the August 10, 2022, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 8:17 PM. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Date: August 24, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-22-15, setback varianc es at 5900 Zenith Ave. S . Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance request as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: A .1- foot south side setback variance, a .1- foot east front yard setback variance and a 6.2-foot north side street setback variance to allow a new a second-floor addition at 5900 Z enith Avenue S. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Site Location Applicant submittal Engineering Memo Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Staff Pres entation The subject property, 5900 Zenith Avenue S is in the south/west corner of Zenith Avenue and 59th Street W. The existing home, built in 1950, is a one-story rambler with an attached single car garage that faces Zenith Ave. The existing one-story rambler has an 8.8-foot non-conforming north side street setback and a .1-foot nonconforming south and east setback. The applicant has submitted a request for 3 existing nonconforming setback variances to construct a second-floor addition that aligns with the current non-conforming setbacks of the existing house. A small alternate setback addition to the garage allows for a 2-stall garage on the main level. Except for the existing nonconforming setbacks, the proposed project meets all other zoning requirements. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features 5900 Zenith Avenue S is a one-story rambler built in 1950. The current home does not meet the setbacks required in today’s code from the north, east or south lot lines. The existing setback to the north property line is 8.8 feet instead of today’s required setback of 15 feet. The nonconforming setbacks to the east and south are within 1.2 inches. The proposed addition will maintain the existing setbacks on all sides of the house. The proposed addition is a second-floor August 24, 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner B-22-15, A .1- foot south side setback variance, a .1- foot east front yard setback variance and a 6.2-foot north side street setback variance to allow a new a second- floor addition at 5900 Zenith Avenue S. Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 addition, which does not fall within the allowable non-conforming alternate setback standard. The plan matches the existing nonconforming north, east and south setback of the 1st floor. All three setbacks are nonconforming and are a design challenge with a corner lot requiring deeper setbacks than an interior lot. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage The Engineering Department has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their, July 21, 2022, memorandum. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – Side yard West Side – Rear Yard South – Side street East Side – Front Yard 15 feet 8.8 feet existing 25 feet 5 feet 4.9 feet existing 34.9 feet 34.8 feet existing 8.8 feet* (second floor) 8.8 feet proposed 34.8 feet * 4.9 feet (second floor) 4.9 feet proposed *34.8 feet (second floor) 34.8 feet proposed Building Coverage Impervious Surface Coverage Building Height 30% 50% 30 feet 24.3% 32.7% 25 feet *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: STAFF REPORT Page 3 1. Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The practical difficulty is caused by how the existing house is situated on the lot. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and the proposed addition complies with zoning standards except for the setback requirements. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing location of the home and the required setbacks. Due to the addition being on a different floor, the non-conforming setback standard does not apply. The home will be refurbished and modified within the existing setbacks. The original home was constructed without variances. 2. There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing house has non-conforming setbacks and was built prior to the current ordinance requirements. There were no variances grated for the original construction of the home in 1950. The proposed addition will continue the non-conforming setback on the second floor that was allowed in 1950 when the original home was built. Setback requirements have changed over time creating non-conformities. This was not self-created by the applicant. The proposed addition conforms to all other zoning standards. 3. Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The additions to the home will be similar to other home improvements within the neighborhood. Recommended Action: Approve an 8.8-foot north side street and a .1 foot east and south setback variance for an existing non-conforming home at 5900 Zenith Ave S. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposal meets the variance criteria. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing location of the home and existing non-conforming setbacks. 2. The proposed addition is reasonable and was not self-created. The current house has non- conforming setbacks and was built prior to the current setback requirements. STAFF REPORT Page 4 3. Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Survey and plans date stamped July 22, 2022. 2. Comments and conditions listed in the Engineering memo, July 21, 2022. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 590 0 Zenith Lege nd Addresses August 2, 202 2 1 in = 47 f t / m m 2 SPECIAL NOTICE, CROIX DESIGN and DRAFTING, NC. ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS AND/OR OMMISIONS. THESE DRAWINGS ARE DESIGN CONCEPT ONLY. EVERY IST-CRT HAS BEEN MADE DESIGNM AND PREPARING THESE FLANS AND CHECK.R6 NEM FOR ACCURACY. THE °LINER GENERAL CONTRACTOR WS-CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS MUST CHECK ALL DETAILS AND DIMENSIONS AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CHAIVsEe OR ADJUSTMENTS REOJIRED DURING ACTUAL CCNVITRUCTIGN. NO RE-PRESENTATION IS MADE OR RIFLED FOR ACCURACY. I:COPT-RIGHT NOME, ALL RIGHTS REeeRvED THESE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND ALL RELATED WORKS AlRE PROTECTED BY unit, STATES COPYRJGHT LA1.15, AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISTRIBUTED OR ONERWISE USED N ANY MAKER WITH OJT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF CROIX DESIGN and DRAFTING, NC. CROIX DESIGN and DRAFTING, INC, O O m m O ClaSOcIONal o. I 1 I 01 ti -tt Ing2R 6 aaaaaa z Z C G) r- O C.D TT1 iND fV • cp m --1 VNI(n dO ABC i25'-0 V4' FROM TOP of BLOCK to TALLEST PEAK FROM ASSUMED GRADE to TALLEST PEAK DESIGN and DRAFTING BY: CRX CESIGN &DRAFTING,INC. *ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN and DRAFTING SERVICE • •HOME PLAN SERVICE • CUSTOM HOMES • REMODELING • • PHONE: 763.757.5997•ANDOVER, MINNESOTA• •WWW.CRODCDESIGN.COM• BUILT BY: FOX HOMES s I NM MN 1 m 11 m m ri O z m r-rrr 3> O z ClaSOcION,A O O cr) rrr ClaS0c102:1,A co 73 NJ HVri3CI 9NINNVld i25'-9 1/5' FROM ASSUMED GRADE to TALLEST PEAK t25.-0 FROM TOP of !BLOCK to TALLESX,,,PEAK g BUILT BY: . SPECIAL NOTICE: 2 u N 31 GI .C) -4 F 0 )( I-I 0 MES OFFICE: 763.757.5997 FAX: 763.757.4383 EC 0 I )( CROIX DESIGN and DRAFTING, NC. ACCEPTS NO RESPCNSIBILITY FOR AND/OR OMMISIONS. THESE DRAWINGS ARE DESIGN CONCEPT ONLY. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE DESIGNING AND PREPARING THESE PLANS MD CHECKING THEM FOR ACCURACY. THE OUNER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUB-CONTRACTORS, AND SUPPLIERS MUST CHECK ALL DETAILS AND DIMENSIONS AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY CHANGES OR ADJUSTMENTS REQUIRED DURING ANDOVER, MINNESOTA DESIGN &DRAFTING,INC. YAVW.CROIXDESIGN.COM • ACTUAL CONSTRICTION. NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE OR IMPLIED FOR ACCURACY. VNIOB 30 AllO ExisT•4 1' EXISTING 13EIDIRM. "3 12'.5' 5'-0' 6'-4' 24' CANTILEVER ABV. or So S. BLK FOUNDATION for GAS FIREPLACE ADDITION ABOVE, VERIFY w/ eulizes r J J t36.-0' i22'-0' / R151;10-vE- MOM as NEEDED O<Y>(YXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYXXXXXW<XXX • ei 7 — L \ \ \ \ \ • LL • *10'4Y II0'-4' FOX HOMES CV //// N (?K/ L MECI-1./LAUN. EX8T's. SAN / V i2'-10' te/-3' Ja y FAMM. EXISTING ILY R tnC)/ 1 /4 M► rg rtm r. = = = = S'-0' 18'40' 9 6 • 9 WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS ..\\\\\\ ASSUMED EXISTING ERG. WALLS .9:97-: = NEW WALLS NEW BEARING WALLS NEW FOUNDATION 000‹ EXISTING FOUNDATION / / CITY OF EDN JUL 22 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT M . 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PLANNING DEP,A,H1 CONST. 4 FRAMING NOTES NI BUILD OUT NEW STAIR OVER EXISTING STAIR to MAINTAIN WIDTH PER CODE, FIELD VERIFY LOCATION NOTEM FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY with DRAWINGS t14'-(3. 3V SERV, DOOR 7 .\\ in FOX HOMES SHEET OF 9 CADD FILE • 22189 -0 . 60-4' b'Ox3'6 PICTURE 410'43' NEW 4' CONC. SLAB, REPLACE EXISTING CONC. SLAB ae NEEDED REMODEL GARAGE 4' CONC. SLAB FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING GARAGE DIMENSIONS Qg 3'0x5 .0 SGL. HNG. WALL TYFE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS \\\\\\ ASSUMED EXISTING ERG. WALLS -•:vx% = NEW WALLS NEW BEARING WALLS NEW FOUNDATION >( EXISTING FOUNDATION / / SWEET O 0F9 C.101) FILE • 22189 2'0146'8 FKIDR BED RM. "3 8'- 2'-6' 3' - 10' *3V-0' *10'-4' T-4' 3 .0)(5'0 3'0)(5'0 3'0)6'0 WNG. SGL. HJG SGL. ENG. / 4'-1013/16' 9.4x12 .0 CARPET ii 8' -9 sib'-0' • / • 7////// NEW MSTR. SUITE 16 '0x11'4 CARPET 9.-4' . 3' - 10' 3'-6' 0 2'0003 FKTDR. 11'6)(10'8 CARPET At" ,iri) - • - /A 4;/ / az-•4 2'4x3 2.6x5.0 SGL. EAJG. r 2 .6x5.0 SGL. ENG. 2'6)6'0 SGL. ERJG 8 8.-5 5/8' 15'-0' in 9 CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTEW FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY w1th DRAWINGS 3'0x5.0 SGL 0 o— FOX HOMES DINING RM. PROPOSED 18' FLOOR TRUSSES • 191' OC. If2 . SAG-RESISTANT GYPISD. at CEILING (TYP.) MUD RI. 1/4'•I'-0' CROSS SECTION ALL HEIGHT CALCULATIONS FOR FOUNDATIONS ARE BASED ON NE USE OF MODULAR BLOCK IF RILL HIGH BLOCK w/ 3/8' JOINTS IS USED, CONTRACTORS SHOULD ADJUST HEIGHTS ACCORDINGLY OBEs SEDR11. *3 112' SAG-RESISTANT GYPI3D. w/ VAPOR BARRIER • CLG. SEDRM. 3/4 TiG *858.4 GRADE • FRNT OF HOME EXISTING 248fr • 16 0.C. ' L SN sos-FLOSi 1% GARAGE co FOX HOMES WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS \\\\\\ ASSUMED EXISTING BRG. WALLS :5-:-:-.-:-: = NEW WALLS NEW BEARING WALLS NEW FOUNDATION (XXX EXISTING FOUNDATION / / CITY OF EDINA JUL 22 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ROOF TRUSSES • 24' O.C. 12 NEW 6/12 ROOF 5 R45 BLOWN INSULATION ROOF • 24 OC. R4.3 01.1N INSULATION SHEET OF 9 GADD FILE ' 22189 • • AS-BUILT RIGHT ELEVATION SIDE STREET E AS-BUILT LEFT ELEVATION 1/8'•I'-0' REAR ELEVATION AS-BUILT • AS-BUILT ONT ELEVATION DEMO PLAN MAIN LEVEL PLAN WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS ITEMS to be REMOVED EXISTING FOUNDATION NOTEIU FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMIENSICN8 TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY with DRAWINGS SWEET O op 9 CADD FILE • nos FOX HOMES CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS •••••\ ASSUMED EXISTING ERG. WALLS .9.--Nt. NEW WALLS K NEW BEARING WALLS NEW FOUNDATION 000‹ EXISTING FOUNDATION / / CITY OF ErDi! JUL 22 7.022 PLANNING DEPAH1 MENT EXSTe. EAT14 324'-0' 116 .-4' EXGrg. MECI-ULAUN. 310'-10' EXISTING FAMILY RM. ar-fy *36' - 0' 7§, CM NOTEW FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY with DRAWINGS • I-EET OF 9 S CAD!) FILE • 22189 322'-0. \ \ \ • \ \ \ \ • \ \ \ \ • \ \ \ BOX CUT F.P. ABOVE • • • • • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N 310,-0, 3I0'-4' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • \ • • • 32'43, 411r F i r I I a r---1 II II L_ _J I • • 12 32' (3,". C-2" gir EXISTING; BEEDIRM. 03f, /-s. IP-4' .5' 32'43' 34.-3' 1 -1' /777\21 A I I./// IFAMil AS-BUILT FOUNDATION PL AN -4' 41 32'43' .4 *11.-5' 1/4'3E-0' XIb , 1,741 35'43' j. 32'-6' 32'-II' 32'-11' - ' 22 7777M/ FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING GARAGE DIMENSIONS WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS \\\`‘ NEW WALLS NEW BEARING WALLS ' MAIN LEVEL PLAN SHEET C.) 6F9 CADD FILE 11 22189 NOTEUI FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY with DRAWINGS CITY OF EDINA JUL 22 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT VD 0 Li t24.-0' "`\\\\\\`\`"\\""`""`""""\ ?P. t2'-1' 15'-3' t2'-3' ±13.-Et. ±2.-60 t4'-1' 11W-6' EXISTING IBEIDIRM. *1 tI3'-'3' EXISTING LIVING RM. tI4'-0' EXISTING DINING 7i1 C. EXISTING KITCHEN *360-42: 45-151.11LT BOX F.P. w/ 81-1T.FIG AP O 5. aD m m n O ClagOciONd O Ow Crnp m wmg 3333 4T I- '.2222 tkAA (P CP CP (P 111 r% -1— InM215 se AN~a 1-TI aaaa R2222-- Cl in O z Fri m O FROM ASSUMED GRADE to TALLEST PEAK FROM TOP of BLOCK to TALLEST PEAK ±25'-0 1/4' 1/E3' 4: DESIGN and DRAFTI1, BY: \al=1&131RAFTING,INC. •ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN and DRAFTING SERVICE • • HOME PLAN SERVICE • CUSTOM HOMES • REMODELING • • PHONE: 763.757.5997 • ANDOVER, MINNESOTA • •WWW.CROIXDESIGN.COM• BUILT BY: FOX HOMES SPECIAL NOTICE= CROIX DESIGN and DRAFTING, NC. ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS ANO/OR OMMISIONS. TR8E DRAWINGS ARE DESIGN CONCEPT ONLY. EVERY EFFORT 1445 BEEN MADE DESIGNING AND PREPARING THESE FLANS AND CI-IECK.ING THEM FOR ArOwACT. 114E OINER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUB-CONTRACTORS, AND SUPPLIERS MUST CHECK ALL DETAILS AND DIMENSIONS AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY r -40*.r.g6 OR ADJUSTMENTS ssouiseo DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION NO REPRESENTATION 18 MADE OR IMPLIED FOR ACCURACY. OCOFTIRIGHT NOME, ALL RICAI-ITES RESERVED THEBE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND ALL RELATED WORC.5 ARE PROMOTED BY UNITED STATES COFTPJGHT LAWS AND MAY NOT HE REPRODUCED, DISTRIBUTED OR OTI-ERWISE USED N ANY MANNER WIN OUT THE EXPRESS LINITTEN FEIRMISSICN OF CROIX DESIGN and DRAFTM, NC. CROIX DESIGN and DRAPING, NC. 1 n-r -4 0 z 4aS0c101ci G e 1- 11 —1 m ]). O z 43SOcION01 0 -0 0 CP 111 A rrn O z - E E es, IMO ±25'-9 Tl/S' FROM ASSUMED GRADE to TALLEST PEAK ±25'-0 Mal TOP of BLOCK to TALLEST PEAK m a , e SPECIAL NOTICE: 2 v 21 CI G; BUILT BY: FOX HOMES OFFICE: 763.757.5997 CROS( DESIGN and DRAFTING, INC. ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR 1.•,..,c, AND/OR OITIISIONS. THESE DRAWINGS ARE DESIGN CONCEPT ONLY. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE DESIGNING AND PREPARING THESE FLANS AND Cl-ECKING 11-61 FOR ACCURACY. THE ..,.... GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUB-CONTRACTORS, AND SUPPLIERS MUST CHECK ALL DETAILS AND FAX 763.757.4383 CC 0 I X ANDOVER, MINNESOTA 14 .C) DIMENSIONS AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CHANGES OR ADJUSTMENTS REQUIRED DURING DESIGN &DRAFTING,INC. WWW.CROIXDESIGN.COM • ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE OR IMPLIED FOR ACCURACY. .•-•••••• .416. t241 -E2' 12 .-8' 5'-0' 24' CANTILEVER ABM or Se 5' ELK FOUNDATION for GAS FIREPLACE ADDITI1s1 ABOVE, VERIFY WI BUILDER. I AVAIV.//MAIMIW \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 18 .-0 . FOX HOMES CV CV 1 3< K K K K x- K K x K - r L \ \ \ \ \ \ marg. MECI-ULAUN. — N N / / / 9 • WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS \\\\\\ ASSUMED EXISTING ERG. WALLS :•••••;•:•.•• NEW WALLS .Ifega NEW BEARING WALLS NEW FOUNDATION 000‹ EXISTING FOUNDATION / / CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT t14.-00 1221-0' t100-0 . DST 7.7 - -FastINEetacK ari NEEDED r----11 II I N N / N / EX8T'e. BATH N N 45 3131 -3' 8 i&L9 EXISTING 0 FAMILY RM. /C7") 4/4 UVA 1/4'•1'-0' ALL HEIGHT CALCULATIONS FOR FOUNDATIONS ARE BASED ON THE USE OF MODULAR BLOCK IF RILL EP HIGH BLOCK w/ 3/0' JOINTS IS USED, CONTRACTORS SHOULD ADJUST HEIGHTS ACCORDINGLY in PROPOSED FOUNDATION PLAN NOTEW FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY with DRAWINGS •361-0' SHEET O OF 9 GADD FILE '1 22499 436'-0' iI0'-4' 0 3'0)(5'0 5V PATIO DOOR SGL I-NG. PROPOSED SxS CEDAR POST, (3/THUS 1/4'.1.-0' MAIN LEVEL PLAN 0 1- (VI 1/8' LVL 140R. \- V .4 fi 10 A GIRDER FLOOR MISS _ /I \\\ 7 • 4'40 13AW' NEW ZERO CLEARANCE GAS FIREPLACE, (VERIFY HEARTH 4 SURROUND) NEW GREAT RM. 420-5' sw r,Au C K TCH DBL. 3'0 SERV DOOR NEW 3' 5'0)(3'6 w/ DBL 841D I = ^ PICTURE ;11 =.— = V-5 5/13' \ \ • 2'0%6 41 45.-5' 4241 -0' 12'4' ScO' 6.-4* 4 !! Ill 7 .4. DINING W. MUD Rm. VERIFY DNING • BANGter w/ BUILDER • • 1\ \\'• co BLP ET NEW 414'-0' NEW PANT. WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTNG WALLS s•\\\••\ ASSUMED EXISTING ERG. WALLS .w-cx = NEW WALLS NEW BEARING WALLS NEW FOUNDATION 000( EXISTNG FOINDATION 7 / CITY OF EDINA JUL 22 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONST. 4 FRAMING NOTES Ei BUILD OUT NEW STAIR OVER EXISTNG STAIR to MAINTAIN WIDTH PER CODE, FIELD VERIFY LOCATION NOTEW FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY With DRAWINGS Et=1 REPLACE EXISTING CONC. SLAB as NEEDED REMODEL GARAGE 4' CONC. SLAB FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTNG GARAGE DIMENSIONS NEW 4' CONC. SLAB, 00-0' "eV aD in RAILING 181 -0' OFFICE 11'-3' 2'6xb'8 R PKTD SHEET op 9 CADD FILE • 22I&3 • FOX HOMES 5'0x3'6 PICTURE Qg 3'0)(5'0 SGL. ENCS Ash 41k77;jr z //////:''''"rralF7 2'6x50 SGL.HWI. 4'-10 I3A6' of 9 G4,01) FILE ' 22189 3'-I0' I2'r2' 7 5/5' NOTEill FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY With DRAWINGS WALL TYFE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS s\\.\\\\\ ASSUMED EXISTING 8Ra WALLS :.v.% NEW WALLS ',,o' A NEW SEARING WALLS NEW FOUNDATION 00‹ EXISTING FOUNDATION / / CITY OF EDINA JUL 22 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT /8 t3(2.-0' t24'-0' P-13' DoT 4i • V 1%/1/00 CM 4'-1013/16' 0 iv 0. IL ........................../......................... 844./ROD MSTR SUITE 3'-6' t3'-1 Va4,08 FIRDR in 0 s'-5 11'6x1O'S co ' 2'4x3 SGL. I4NG. SGL. I4Na 2 .6x5•0 2'6x5'0 2'-6' -BEIDIRM. *2 CARPET FOX HOMES SHEET C.) w-S. 3.0x50 30)60 3'0)5'0 SGL. HNG SGL. HNG. SGL. HNG. 3.0)(5'0 I-ING. FOX HOMES 12 ROOF TRUSSES • 24' O.C. 12 ROOF TRUSSES • 24' O.C. NEW 6/12 ROOF S R49 = OtIN INSUL TION R49 BLOM INSULATION ROOF • 24' O.C. BEDRII. 3/4 T40 PROPOSED 1/4'•I'-0' CROSS SECTION ALL HEIGHT CALCULATIONS FOR FOUNDATIONS ARE BASED ON THE USE OF MODULAR BLOCK. IF FULL 8' HIGH BLOCK Ly/ 3/8' JOINTS IS USED, CONTRACTORS SHOULD ADJUST HEIGHTS ACCORDINGLY SFS SEDRM. *3 112' SAG-RESISTANT GYP.BD. w/ VAPOR !BARRIER • CLG. Ii 18' FLOOR TRUSSES • 19.2' O.C. DINING xisT,401.113- EXISTING 2 • 16 O.G. ;ft • A 1/2' SAG-RESISTANT GYP.IBD. at CEILING (TYP.) 1898.4 GRADE • FfieNT Cc HOME MUD RM. GARAGE n WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS \\\\\\ ASSUMED EXISTING BRG. WALLS .o c':•; = NEW WALLS NEW BEARING WALLS NEW FOUNDATION 00.0‹ EXISTING FOUNDATION / / CITY OF EDINA JUL 22 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT WU 642 ROCF 1r i —1 L y L__J OF 9 SHEET CAD FILE' 22189 1 mfl® DUD DUCIE1 DODD I/8' • l'-er RIGHT ELEVATION 1/13'•1.-0. REAR ELEVATION CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTE'S FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY with DRAWINGS AS-BUILT A *-1 vLs17,/ ..% Oc 7, 4) 04/4 ), 4/A) ABuILT .11,FRONT ELEVATION Nr 1/8.•1.-0. MAIN LEVEL PLAN •N• r,==' • '(N // ' ,,„ L 11 / WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS ITEMS to be REMOVED EXISTING FOUNDATION DEMO PLAN AS-BUILT LEFT ELEVATION SHEET O OF 9 CAPD FILE • 22189 FOX HOMES AS-BUILT SIDE STREET -J FOX HOMES CADD FILE II 22189 FOUNDATION PLAN AS-BUILT 1/4'.1.-0' WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS \\\\\\ ASSUMED EXISTING ERG. WALLS ....sc..% NEW WALLS =f!! NEW BEARING WALLS NEW FOUNDATION 00<X EXISTING FOUNDATION / / PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA JUL 22 202? NOTEW FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY with DRAWINGS 9 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *10 .-0' TT, 4/.////,_ 7u *4. Ad1111111/I AdliI F 1 1 F 1 I 0 1 r 1 1 I I I1 1 i I 1 - LL_ _i 1 11 .4* *T-1' L-----------/4.-4' -±-4'.-75T' *16.-4' MECI-IJLAUN. IJ 4 4- FAMILY RM. EXOT' V 9 33W-0' EX81"0. BOX OUT FP. ABOVE SWEET Qv 9 0 FOX HOMES SWEET O CF 9 GADD FILE • 2209 - !ID'-0' • i2I-5. WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING WALLS NEW WALLS NEW BEARING WALLS ±22'-0' MAIN LEVEL PLAN 1/4'.1C0' ( NOTEM FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN ACCURACY with DRAWINGS CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT \\\ I SOX SOX OW F.P. w/ SHIRK. CAP :24.-0' EXISTING KITCHEN s2V-2' i4.-1' sb. kb • EXISTING DININCx .45-BUILT FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING GARAGE DIMENSIONS to r EXISTING LIVING IRt•l. 1.090.4 6982 34.9 I .. • tts Cantdever He / 899.8/ / / 33.3 \ .697.7 It .Roe1.`657 I 697.4 • • / • / // / / /, / / - 996,0i Residence / / / No. 5900 / . ///// Elec Meter Proposed Site Plan Survey For: BELLIN CONSTRUCTION Property located in Section 20, Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota Property Address: 5904 Zenith Avenue South Edina, MN 897.8 Benchmark: Top nut of hydrant at the northeast corner of Zenith Avenue South and West 59th Street. Elevation = 901.25 feet Original 1st Floor Elevation 899.8 z / 897.0 697.6 498.2 697.6 N 89'42'11" W 127.97fr?i 10'0 ( 420" .597.5 egress well 9 9 1,3 2 ,r) a? a_ -o. o w in s O l as O 897.3 I _ 497.0 697.5 5972 4'0" 897.2 t? ,TR. i 05- .00- a ,Ne ,s, 9' ` il-e• TO" egress well z 1M-7r 6x . LT-- .-- 897.2 43'0" „896.6 656.4 O C.r) Q.) Q.) 696.3 (1) 696 3'0" o 5- below .1>( ,2nd Story 34.9 8 ,13 895.8l - - 40" bore/da'-- -- 697,5- Wood Pence 0.6' South of LJne magnall .. ' .....l -P,, .,Wood rencerNir,. I ' ; 896.11. .. I t 5"cherry \ ,, ,,,,,,, I -.Z.Y. 8 6967 ‘,,,, 497.5 .,,, 5 ZZ 0, 'S. 9 as 11 i x ,.i ;, ! m0 W • )1 ; , . C al V .. 3 , -,br=, 6 9 60 ! .6`,c ,i-- CO / 697.0 6966 ,- - - 6941- Overheares 697.0 I 897.1 .„897. 697.2 ti Von/ Fence 896.1 096.1 St 897.4 Porch N • '43'32" E 127.75 Measured 127.96 Plat 596.0 34. //////// /////// ° '-Egress Well Residence Gar 81 /' No. 5905 897.8/ / . /" .4 697.9 897.4 6962 Concrete DAveudy 0 900.0 4 a ..896.0 697.3 _4696.4 Lot 2, Block 6, HARRIET MANOR SECOND ADDITION Hennepin County, Minnesota ja ,1396.4 Drainage Area Summary To rear Alley To Zenith Avenue S Existing Imp. 1577 sf 632 sf Proposed Imp. 1066 sf 1644 sf 557.4 Driveway 38.9 897.5 897.2 4%_t- Dow 697.5 697.2' DEMARC LAND SURVEYING G. ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis. Minnesota 55428 dernarcinc.com ,uru-ru-ars Trrtifirair The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duty Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 15th day of April 2019. Signed City of Edina Doe pr.ro, , F.B.NO. ED' 0192 11. Rona:, John SCALE: 1" = 4 1:40 • Denotes Found Iro O Denotes Iron Monument O Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only Denotes Existing Contours Denotes Proposed Contours .400.0 Denotes Existing Elevation 00E02)Denotes Proposed Elevation --- Denotes Surface Drainage CITY OF EDINA F3surycytharriet manor 2nd addition - henneplin2-6 hrn-6-246110255inv880443 siteplan.dwg JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT INVOICE NO. Basis for bearings is assumed Proposed Hardcover Lot Area 6.390 sq ft Building 1,683 sq ft Porch 101 sq ft Deck 155 sq ft Entry Allowance -50 sq ft Total 1,559 sq ft Percentage 29.56% 900.6 Proposed 1st Floor 898.82 Proposed Top of Foundation 898.52 Proposed Garage Floor 890.82 Proposed Basement Floor Type of Building Full Easement Rev Drawn By j. se„, (SHOWING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS) -for- DeLaitsch PROPOSED ELEVATION. EXISTING ELEVATION. DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. MEASURED DISTANCE DISTANCE PER RECORD PLAT 01 -11) DENOTES x 1011.2 DENOTES DENOTES (MEAS.) DENOTES (49.6-PLAT) DENOTES 895.9 NOTES - Field survey conducted on 09/23/2021. - BEARING'S SHOWN ARE ON ASSUMED DATUM. - This survey was prepared without the benefit of titlework. Easement, appurtenances and encumbrances may exist in addition to those shown hereon. This survey is subject to revision upon receipt of a title insurance commitment or attorneys title opinion. MH O 0 cp PROP/- BITINOUS, ••I WATCH - -0-34 19 Rev. 07/21 /22, gar., porch, southerly house setba ERIC R. VICKARYOUS Date: July 6th. 2022 Reg. No. 44125 Ci\Users\erIcj\OneDrIve\CAD-1D\21331 cert 5900 zenith fox\cNig\21331PRORdwg 7/21/2022 5123117 PM CDT 787 5 8r9,5.6 LEGEND • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND El DENOTES UTILITY BOX © DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE DENOTES FIRE HYDRANT 4-(c) DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR X DENOTES EXISTING FENCE BENCHMARK BENCHMARK: TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT, ELEV. = 897.45 (PER CITY OF EDINA BENCHMARK WEBSITE), NE QUADRANT OF ABBOTT AVE. SO. & 59TH STREET WEST. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BLOCK 6, HARRIET MANOR 2ND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. JOB #21331cert x 897.0 TP 896.2 TCCC- 2- - 897.8 cV o GF 11 DECK ohw 899.3 I .• l .-1- 4, N TOB , I I I I EXISTING HOUSE - L • ..• I / X - A 2 900.6 FFE GF898.4 38.7 I I CITY OF EDINA -I JUL 22 202Z PLANNING DEPARTMENT 895.1 -596 TCC BE 3' C.00-DALLEYCE.4 896.8 0 ;. 898.1 x 897.4 ,6 0 x 896A3 01 \ // \ 6 °3 7/ c \-3 34.8 6 -3..- .0 12.0 ro cl, Fr) DI- / ..e...- /4. to • 0) r) C o 01 899.2 i r) t it TOB a. - ..., I 0 in / C 0 i 24.2 / e\ci- -5' WOOD A FENCE-21( A A ; 720.,_ - - 89 esi7. 8.4 .7 / x / 4 . 4:)‘'‘ A 89 9 8.0 ----01.-. x9_9_ .4: ---- - _Fis1D.350PEN -abL--.. ..„.3! 896.7_/_ \896.0 897.0 N89°45'25"W 897.0 -6 127.73 (MEAS.) TP x .2-:( 34.9 895.7 ....."7- (127.97-PLAT) 897.6 OW -PROP.SILT x 897.4 °°5:) 897.5 Ct1 xx1Z . 9 . 67 89p.3 -8 27'07"W 897.8 \ 0,4 899.0 1$.1 24.3 - 12.0 914.5 899.8 x 896 3 (896.F TCCC-BE -897-- - / ILTC 11.8 HS-PEAK FFE EXISTING HOUSE if/ 897.9 (127.97-PLAT) 27.74 897.8 MEAS.) 896.3 --••• 787.4 0, FND.77 -- ----- 'N.00k 897'9 egg TC 31.3 ------›- zw - GE 'b1.-- ----. Cr.) ,--, IN . \\ 897.3 7.5 • < 897.3 TC 897.1 a H D 898.0 TCCC 0 ..tm 897.1 TCCC (f) 60 X 897.7 12 13 14 15 I I 11 I • • 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 - TOTAL LOT AREA = 6,394 sq. ft. - EX. HOUSE = 1,266 SQ.FT. - DECK = 120 SQ.FT. - SIDEWALK & PAVERS = 233 SQ.FT. - DRIVEWAY = 99 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED GARAGE = 220 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED BITUMINOUS = 81 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED PORCH = 72 SQ.FT. ACRE LAND SURVEYING Serving Twin Cities Metro area and beyond Fl 763-458-2997 acrelandsurveyagmail.com 1 6 17 18 1 9 897.6 TC 897.5 TC 896.9 TC r 896.7 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: #5900 Zenith Ave. South, Edina, MN 55410 L NORTH 0 20 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. 11,1H-BM5000 897.3 TC 896.9 TC AREAS 0 895.3 895.4 Lx ow TC 895.6 895.1 \ctC)‘\ - 895.6 1-<-- 14 - 895.4 TC 895.4 TC 895.2 TC 10.0 59TH STREET WEST 896.1 TC 898.1 +895.8 FNIDIP I hereby certify that this plan, survey or report was prepared by I me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. BC 926.6 HS-PEAK 4896.9 FNDLS44655 -for- DeLaitsch (SHOWING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS) • C) 7897.0 -896- 895.1 - TCC BE-ALLEY 3' / 001) FENCER 2- - I I 896.8 )i -N-89°27'07"W T Q z LLI M a Mo b. AREAS cLo 900.6 FFE 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 111 112 113 114 Rev. 07/21/22, gar., porch, southerly house setba ERIC R. VICKARYOUS Date: July 6th. 2022 Reg. No. 44125 I° Ci\Users\erIcj\OneDrIve\CAD-1D\21331 cert 5900 zenith fox \dwg\ 21331PRORdwg 7/21/2022 5123117 PM CDT 896.1 TC TC oot 12.0 897.8 914.5 GF 11.8 HS-PEAK EXISTING HOUSE 896.9 TC 899.3 TOB I • -I- EXISTING HOUSE 926.6 HS-PEAK 38.7 I I 11 I 895.6 PP O 0 VI LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BLOCK 6, HARRIET MANOR 2ND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. NOTES - Field survey conducted on 09/23/2021. - BEARING'S SHOWN ARE ON ASSUMED DATUM. - This survey was prepared without the benefit of titlework. Easement, appurtenances and encumbrances may exist in addition to those shown hereon. This survey is subject to revision upon receipt of a title insurance commitment or attorneys title opinion. 195.9 P JOB #21331cert I 166') 896.0 897.0 A 0.‘ • 895.6 \ )1\ N 0) CO 896.7 893 ,-T -5' WOOD FENCE- -..., I A A ----A, 896.7 96.3 --34.9- /I r x 897.4 x 896/411 // / / - -/L- - - 4. 9' PROe). ----- - B17 MINOUS, MATCH ohs.* 897.6 OW -PROP.SILT x 897.4 ccii 897.5 N89°45'25"W 897.7 897.0 89-7:1- 4 xWJC4*- x 127.73 (mEAs.).] TP 98•L„ir 34.9 (127.97-PLAT) X 12.0 ohw DECK 898.0 - - -/ csi 24.3 898.0 899.8<•• \ CONCRETE FFE 898.1 co \-34.8 t '" 1 x898.4 / / 898.4 GF 1 1 L- 1 - CC 897.8 897'9 tIrASAPPLE-12 31.3 A 0 O O Z O FND.g8OPEN 896.77 x 897.7 897.5 --••••, 897.4 896.3 FND.77 -- - 97.5 .510, \r8 C 97.3 897.3 GE TC O 897.1 0 TCCC CO 60 - TOTAL LOT AREA = 6,394 sq. ft. - EX. HOUSE = 1,266 SQ.FT. - DECK = 120 SQ.FT. - SIDEWALK & PAVERS = 233 SQ.FT. - DRIVEWAY = 99 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED GARAGE = 220 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED BITUMINOUS = 81 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED PORCH = 72 SQ.FT. TC ACRE LAND SURVEYING Serving Twin Cities Metro area and beyond 9 763-458-2997 acrelandsurvelyagmail.com 115 116 117 118 119 120 0 co 895.6 896.2 TCCC- LEGEND DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND DENOTES UTILITY BOX DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE DENOTES FIRE HYDRANT CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: #5900 Zenith Ave. South, Edina, MN 55410 DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR DENOTES EXISTING FENCE 01311) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. x 1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. DENOTES DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. (MEAS.)DENOTES MEASURED DISTANCE (49.6-PLAT)DENOTES DISTANCE PER RECORD PLAT BENCHMARK BENCHMARK: TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT, ELEV. = 897.45 (PER CITY OF EDINA BENCHMARK WEBSITE), NE QUADRANT OF ABBOTT AVE. SO. & 59TH STREET WEST. 895.2 TC 895.4 TC 895.4 TC 895.5 14 -J CITY OF EDINA JUL 22 2022 897.6 PLANNING DEPARTMENT T Cri.° 897.5 90 TNH-BM5000 „ 897.3 L_ NORTH 0 20 1W1 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. 895.3 895.4 x ow TC 898.1 4,895.8 FNDIPI hereby certify that this plan, survey or report was prepared by I me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. BC 59Th STREET WEST 80R 896 -897- - 896.F TCCC-BE 897.9 (127.97-PLAT) 27.74 (MEAS.) 899.2 TOB if 24.2 4896.9 FNDLS44655 896.9 TC -for- DeLaitsch (SHOWING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS) 897.6 TC 895.6 PP 1395.9 NOTES - Field survey conducted on 09/23/2021. - BEARING'S SHOWN ARE ON ASSUMED DATUM. - This survey was prepared without the benefit of titlework. Easement, appurtenances and encumbrances may exist in addition to those shown hereon. This survey is subject to revision upon receipt of a title insurance commitment or attorneys title opinion. 896.1 TC 897.9 (127.97-PLAT) 27.74 (MEAS.) 896,.8 896.F TCCC-BE -897- - ••••* - 38.7 LEGEND DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND DENOTES UTILITY BOX DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE DENOTES FIRE HYDRANT DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR x DENOTES EXISTING FENCE (<10 DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. x 1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. DENOTES DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. (MEAS.)DENOTES MEASURED DISTANCE (49.6-PLAT)DENOTES DISTANCE PER RECORD PLAT BENCHMARK BENCHMARK: TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT, ELEV. = 897.45 (PER CITY OF EDINA BENCHMARK WEBSITE), NE QUADRANT OF ABBOTT AVE. SO. & 59TH STREET WEST. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BLOCK 6, HARRIET MANOR 2ND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. JOB #21331cert 1:e.".".^... 897.0 TP +895.8 FNDIP I TCCC 3' / 895.1 - -896- / BE-ALLEY OOD FENCER --8 2- 896.8 ---1".:TE-19°27'07"W I•s. -PROP.SILT °0c):897.5 0) x 897.4 CO ,- 896.7 895.3 s s 1 7--5' WOOD FENCE- -.... A A A -‘.-- Rev. 07/21/22, gar., porch, southerly house setba ERIC R. VICKARYOUS Date: July 6th, 2022 Reg. No. 44125 10 Ci\Users\erIcj\OneDrIve\CAD-1D\21331 cert 5900 zenith fox\dwg\21331PROP,dwg 7/21/2022 hereby certify that this plan, survey or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 896.2 TCCC 06 897.8 \coy 899.0 18.1 914.5 899.8 </e 11.8 HS-PEAK FFE EXISTING HOUSE 12.0 OD 891 24.3 co 4'____A 898.0 CONCRETE 897.8 - 897.9 ArA.BAPPLE-12 31.3 898.tl CV \ co \r 34.8 (AD co I IN A I III L- 11 /- N18:7g5/0PEN • 897.0 127.73 (mEAs.). TP - 34.9 (127.97-PLAT) x 897.7 787.5 897.4 nc0. 898.3 ~Ipr 897.3 TC 7.5 GE 897.5 TC 00 • • < 0\ w Fr) (n o I E-=)„si Ov O ACRE LAND SURVEYING Serving Twin Cities Metro area and beyond F1 9 763-458-2997 acrelandsurvelymgmail.com 897.3 a T 897.1 ID TCCC 0 897.1 (f) TCCC 60 a H z 110 01 112 113 114 05 116 117 08 09 120 TC II I 0 Co 895.6 rc e***-- 8 GF 97.8 • ohW GF 898.4 CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 ?022 PLANNING DED-'14--1"1.ENT 0 MH +896.9 FNDLS44655 895.4) TC X ow 895 TC .3 895.4 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: #5900 Zenith Ave. South, Edina, MN 55410 903.5YC) TNH-BM5000 897.3 L NORTH 0 20 1W1 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. 895.4 TC 895.2 TC \896.0 897.0 N89°45'25"W 895.7 896.7 - -34.9 96.3 // / ,V) /// x 897.4 X 896/1 / ..04( w 01 A BI,TOMINOUS, MATCH 4. 10!0 12.0 59TI-1 STREET WEST RQR 3 it 24.2 898.0 898.4 / _ _/ 897.7 A x 9914_ _e07.7 .89-7 Y V98.21 899.3 TOB EXISTING HOUSE 0 900.6 FFE I eN I L- 4.1 899.2 TOB 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 17 I 8 1 9 5123117 PM CDT 896.9 TC 896.9 TC AREAS - TOTAL LOT AREA = 6,394 sq. ft. - EX. HOUSE = 1,266 SQ.FT. - DECK = 120 SQ.FT. - SIDEWALK & PAVERS = 233 SQ.FT. - DRIVEWAY = 99 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED GARAGE = 220 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED BITUMINOUS = 81 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED PORCH = 72 SQ.FT. IA r („, f- 895.6 14 --)-1 926.8 HS-PEAK 898.1 BC ohy)( 897.6 OW 895.6 TP897.0 897.6 TC 895.4 TC 897.5 TC 59TH STREET WEST 0 (/) 895.6 896.1 TC 0 1 cn1 1 0 97.5 GE 00 ,-; (i) 897.3 TC 897.1 TCCC 897.1 897.3 TC T TCCC Ent o. 0 o 0:2, 0 o Z iLC°)'NIC' •1°.1 ,,/ 896.9 897.0 x 26.9 TC TP ZENITH AVE.1SOUTI-1 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: #5900 Zenith Ave. South, Edina, MN 55410 -for- DeLaitsch (SHOWING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS) r 903.2'') TNH-BM5000 NORTH 0 20 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. 895.3 895.4 x ow TC 895.f - TC C BE-ALLEY I 3'1 OOD FENCE--1., 896.8 ' 895.1 DENOTES EXISTING FENCE 0{31) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. x 1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. DENOTES DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. (MEAs.)DENOTES MEASURED DISTANCE (49.6-PLAT)DENOTES DISTANCE PER RECORD PLAT BENCHMARK BENCHMARK: TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT, ELEV. = 897.45 (PER CITY OF EDINA BENCHMARK WEBSITE), NE QUADRANT OF ABBOTT AVE. SO. & 59TH STREET WEST. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BLOCK 6, HARRIET MANOR 2ND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. NOTES - Field survey conducted on 09/23/2021. - BEARING'S SHOWN ARE ON ASSUMED DATUM. - This survey was prepared without the benefit of titlework. Easement, appurtenances and encumbrances may exist in addition to those shown hereon. This survey is subject to revision upon receipt of a title insurance commitment or attorneys title opinion. JOB #21331cert LEGEND • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND El DENOTES UTILITY BOX DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 4^(c) DENOTES FIRE HYDRANT DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR 895.4 TC 895.2 TC 896.2 TCCC- CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MHO 27 5 g 95.9 P --89712- A---4 897.7 \896.0 897.0A N89°45'25"W f >99.7.-7C-- - ,Ta57:7x 127.73 8.9.73--. 4 V598•L ,,c x 897.4 °cA 597.5 / ,,.3 , 9 ‘ 6.7 S I i 24.2 / /- ‘- x 898.4 / 898.04'-z --CI---- R18:755/OPEN \-7--.5' WOOD FENCE-:... d- ----- ---- - - -/ /‘ c0 89p.3 899.2 1 897.6 w TOB I ow PROP ---- BI OMINOUS, ATCH -PROP.SILT x 897.4 oh4 7"W 897.8 \\ cox 800.0 .1 OhW 12.0 914.5 11.8 HS-PEAK - c7) - - -80-..1 - -N. 897.8 cd ---P \,_< 4.1t.s,, 897'9 agAbAPPLE-12 / - 31.3 24.3 ._____Ax 898.0 899 8 </ FFE N 898. 6 EXISTING HOUSE N CONCRETE x 897.7 895.8 FNDIPI hereby certify that this plan, survey or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ERIC R. VICKARYOUS Ci\Users\erIcj\OneDrIve\CAD-1D\21331 cert 5900 zenith fox\dwg\21331PRORdwg Rev. 07/21/22, gar., porch, southerly house Date: July 6th, 2022 Reg. No. 44125 928.8 HS-PEAK EXISTING HOUSE (aD- FFE 899.3 TOB -x-NE 898.1 BC , 898.4 SF r”. 1 1 1 L_ 1 - 38.7 setba 1 0 11 7/21/2022 41896.9 FNDLS44655 ACRE LAND SURVEYING Serving Twin Cities Metro area and beyond ..I II II 763-458-2997 acrelandsurveyagmail.com 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ilo 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 115 119 120 5123117 PM CDT I I (.4 o••-••• uj < (Yi; co 0 Loin [ -1t9.-11- 895.L1 _J _J < O 895.5 14 lc 14 (mEAs.)..i IP 895.6 \ 34.9 895.7 Z (127.97-PLAT) TCCC-BE -897- - 896„8- --- 897.9 (127.97-PLAT) 27.74 (MEAS.) 787.4 FND.75 - oN\ 898.3 897.3 TC 11 F- .o 897.8 GF 12.0 896.7 -34.9- 96.3 // //, I x 896A3 x / co to 17 AREAS - TOTAL LOT AREA = 6,394 sq. ft. - EX. HOUSE = 1,266 SQ.FT. - DECK = 120 SQ.FT. - SIDEWALK & PAVERS = 233 SQ.FT. - DRIVEWAY = 99 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED GARAGE = 220 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED BITUMINOUS = 81 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED PORCH = 72 SQ.FT. -J r 903i' TNH-BM5000 895.6 x 897.0 TP 0 LEGEND 98.0 MH Cg 597-1 STREET WEST 895.3 895.4 x ow TC 895.6 897.5 ggBE 895.1 - -896-- TCC BE-ALLEY 3' OOD FENCE-I X ▪ 896.8 896.8- 898.3 \ 897. 1 4 1.... TC FND.77 -- ------- N .d„,c,‘"‘ '‘ 897.3 TC "b1°‘ - 97.5 GE 1:i -89X+2- - 8r--' 9°27'07"W -897-- - 897.9 (127.97-PLAT) 27.74 (MEAS.) EXISTING FENCE PROPOSED ELEVATION. EXISTING ELEVATION. DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. MEASURED DISTANCE DISTANCE PER RECORD PLAT 897.3 TC 897.1 0 TCCC 897.1 TCCC (.1) 60 897.8 • 897'9 `CRABAPPLE-12 31.3 -- - 896.7 00 lC) .< (11 (897.8 \ coy 899.0 12.0 914.5 11.8 HS-PEAK EXISTING HOUSE / i/ -34.9 96.3 / x 896A // fir-- -4. 898.0 1$.1 24.3 899 8 ,1 x FFE )(1.-ii 898.N •.7t. CONCRETE GF 897.8 I C•I DECK 34.8 co L0 00 </". / • + 899.2 I III TOB _ 12.0 obW BENCHMARK BENCHMARK: TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT, ELEV. = 897.45 (PER CITY OF EDINA BENCHMARK WEBSITE), NE QUADRANT OF ABBOTT AVE. SO. & 59TH STREET WEST. 04 897.6 OW -PROP.SILT of 897.5 x 897.4 A O w 03 x,896.7 893 --5' WOOD FENCE-- s l 24.2 898.4 / 898.0 -al-, _/ 896.7_/_ FND. 50PEI et') \896.0 897.0 SCLC°895.6 A-A 897.7 x 8.7:"13 4 v898.2:c (127.97-PLAT) N89°45'25"W 127.73 (MEAS.) -34.9 - 899.3 TOB I / • e • EXISTING HOUSE I - I" I I - CC LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BLOCK 6, HARRIET MANOR 2ND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AREAS - TOTAL LOT AREA = 6,394 sq. ft. - EX. HOUSE = 1,266 SQ.FT. - DECK = 120 SQ.FT. - SIDEWALK & PAVERS = 233 SQ.FT. - DRIVEWAY = 99 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED GARAGE = 220 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED BITUMINOUS = 81 SQ.FT. - PROPOSED PORCH = 72 SQ.FT. GF 898.4 NOTES - Field survey conducted on 09/23/2021. - BEARING'S SHOWN ARE ON ASSUMED DATUM. - This survey was prepared without the benefit of titlework. Easement, appurtenances and encumbrances may exist in addition to those shown hereon. This survey is subject to revision upon receipt of a title insurance commitment or attorneys title opinion. 38.7 895.9 4896.9 FNDLS44655 ACRE LAND SURVEYING Serving Twin Cities Metro area and beyond 763-458-2997 acrelandsurvelyagmail.com II I II A•tZ ERIC R. VICKARYOUS Date: July 6th. 2022 Reg. No. 44125 C1\Users\erIcj\OneDrIve\CAD-1D\21331 cert 5900 zenith fox\dwg\21331PRORdwg 7/21/2022 Rev. 07/21/22, gar., porch, southerly house setba 115 116 117 118 119 120 10 I 1 JOB #21331cert CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: #5900 Zenith Ave. South, Edina, MN 55410 -for- DeLaitsch (SHOWING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS) L NORTH 0 20 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft.. *1 CITY OF EDINi\ JUL 22 202? 897.6 TC PLANNING DEPARTMENT 895.4 TC ..0 IRON MONUMENT FOUND UTILITY BOX SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING CONTOUR DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES DENOTES 4f -1:1) DENOTES X 1011.2 DENOTES / DENOTES (MEAS.)DENOTES (49.6-PLAT) DENOTES 896.1 TC 897.5 TC 895.4) TC 895.2 TC 896.2 TCCC- 895.1 PRO.- -- BISOMINOUS, ATCH x 897.4 897.3 TC x 897.7 895.5 C/) 14 896.9 TC 896.9 TC 900.8 FFE 926.8 HS-PEAK 898.1 BC 41895.8 FNDIP I hereby certify that this plan, survey or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 111 112 113 114 5123117 PM CDT Main Level Remodel, 2nd Story Addition for Cassie + Brian Delaitsch 5900 Zenith Ave. S Edina, MN 55410 CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT As-Is Property As-Proposed Elevation Main Level Remodel, 2nd Story Addition for Cassie + Brian Delaitsch 5900 Zenith Ave. S Edina, MN 55410 CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT As-Is Property As-Proposed Elevation Main Level Remodel, 2nd Story Addition for Cassie + Brian Delaitsch 5900 Zenith Ave. S Edina, MN 55410 CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT As-Is Property As-Proposed Elevation Main Level Remodel, 2nd Story Addition for Cassie + Brian Delaitsch 5900 Zenith Ave. S Edina, MN 55410 CITY OF EDINA JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT As-Is Property As-Proposed Elevation Main Level Remodel, 2nd Story Addition for Cassie + Brian Delaitsch 5900 Zenith Ave. S Edina, MN 55410 CITY OF EDINA ,JUL 2 2 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT As-Is Property As-Proposed Elevation DATE: 7/21/2022 TO: Cary Teagu e – Plan ning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 5900 Zenith Ave - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and u tility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the req uest of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included an existing condition survey, floorplans, and existing and proposed elevations dated 7/15/2022 Summary of Work The applicant proposes to add a second floor to the existing home. The request is for a setback variance. Easements No comment. Grading and Drainage Site drains towards the alley and eventually to Minnehaha Creek. Stormwater Mitigation A stormwater management plan was not required because the scope only included less than 400 SF of new impervious. Should this work be considered as new home permit, a stormwater management plan and final as - built survey may be required. Floodplain Development No comment. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was provided and no issues are anticipated. Street and Driveway Entrance No comment. Public Utilities Water and sanitary is served from the water main along Zenith Avenue. Sump line available for connection. Permit and compliance with Policy SP -006 required for connection. Miscellaneous A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit may be required, applicant will need to verify with the district. A groundwater well of unknown status is located onsite. Well sealing record will be required prior to starting work. Thus, coordination with Minnesota Department of Health will be required . Setback variance request 5900 Zenith EdinaMN.gov 2 EdinaMN.gov 3 EdinaMN.gov 4 EdinaMN.gov 5 EdinaMN.gov 6 EdinaMN.gov 7 EdinaMN.gov 8 EdinaMN.gov 9 EdinaMN.gov 10 EdinaMN.gov 11 EdinaMN.gov 12 EdinaMN.gov 13 Date: August 24, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:P reliminary R ezoning from P I D, P lanned Industrial Dis tric t to P UD, P lanned Unit Development at 5146 Eden Avenue (F ormer P ublic Works S ite) Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the P reliminary R ezoning to P U D. I N TR O D U C TI O N: United P roperties and Jester Concepts are proposing to re-develop the 3.3-acre vacant old public work site at 5146 Eden Avenue. As proposed, at full build out, the site would include: A 6-1/2-story, 86-unit senior cooperative project (owner occupied) with underground parking. (Applewood P ointe Cooperative) Ten percent (10%) of the units would be for affordable housing (9 units). A two-story, 13,500 square foot 347 seat restaurant with 31 surface parking stalls. Additional parking would rely on the public Jerry’s parking ramp to the west. A 31,643 square foot green space/public plaza area with pedestrian walkways to the pedestrian bridge, now under construction, that will connect the Jerry’s parking ramp. P hase 1 of the project would be the senior housing development. P hase 2 would be the restaurant site, followed by the park. T he P hase 2 portion of the project would require future site and building plan review and approval of the P lanning Commission and City Council. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Planning Staff Report Memo - Affordable Hous ing Manager Memo - Building & Fire Memo - Engineering Traffic and Parking Study Pres entation - Evolution of the Grandview Yard Propos al Draft PUD Ordinance Plans and Renderings 1 of 3 Plans and Renderings 2 of 3 Plans and Renderings 3 of 3 Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Site Location, Zoning, & Comp. Plan Grandview Development Framework Grandview Trans portation Study United Properties and Jester Concepts are proposing to re-develop the 3.3-acre vacant old public work site at 5146 Eden Avenue. As proposed, at full build out, the site would include: A 6-1/2-story, 86-unit senior cooperative project (owner occupied) with underground parking. (Applewood Pointe Cooperative) Ten percent (10%) of the units would be for affordable housing (9 units). A two-story, 13,500 square foot 347 seat restaurant with 31 surface parking stalls. Additional parking would rely on the public Jerry’s parking ramp to the west. A 31,643 square foot green space/public plaza area with pedestrian walkways to the pedestrian bridge, now under construction, that will connect the Jerry’s parking ramp. Phase 1 of the project would be the senior housing development. Phase 2 would be the restaurant site, followed by the park. The Phase 2 portion of the project would require future site and building plan review and approval of the Planning Commission and City Council. To accommodate the request the following is required: Preliminary Rezoning from PID, Planned Industrial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development. The Rezoning includes an Overall Development Plan for the entire site, as the project will be developed in phases. Flexibility is requested through the PUD Ordinance to vary from setback, building height, building material, parking, and floor area ratio (FAR) requirements. The PUD Zoning is also used to ensure the affordable housing on the site. August 24, 2022 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director Preliminary Rezoning from PID, Planned Industrial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development at 5146 Eden Avenue (Former Public Works Site) Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 The applicant did go through the sketch plan process and have made the following changes to the plans based on the feedback: Reduced the number of parking stalls for the senior housing from 173 to 143 stalls. Recessed and highly articulated facades to facilitate building scale: The center of the east façade facing Arcadia has been further recessed from 5-0 previous setback to a 7-0 setback. Additional building articulation is created by recesses at the stair towers and exits. The top level of the of the east façade’s center has been even further recessed an additional 8-0 in depth to create a continuous resident and library balcony facing Arcadia. Southeast and Northeast corner units have oversized balconies to soften and articulate the most visually prominent corners of the building. Projecting roof elements at the building’s corners create visual interest. The Co-op’s west wing’s top floor has full-width balconies on the north and south ends, creating deep shadow lines and accentuating the building massing. Contrasting materials, including brick, cast stone and metal have been used to articulate the building’s massing and bring visual interest to its facades Resident balconies along Arcadia Avenue promote activity and recessed to promote safety: All units along Arcadia Avenue have recessed balconies activating and addressing the street. Incorporated Building circulation into landscape terraces; Stairway Connections to Arcadia: Stairways and entrances are integrated into the landscape terracing and connect the building directly to the public sidewalk at Arcadia Landscaped terracing along Eden and Arcadia screens and softens the sidewalk to building transition. Portions of the landscape terracing have built in seating for pedestrian use. Public Art Sculpture locates in prominent areas: The prominent sweeping corner at Eden Avenue and Arcadia is accentuated by a location for public art, surrounded by landscaped terracing and seating adjacent to the sidewalk. Site-wide Landscape & Terrace Concept with seating to activate pedestrian interaction: Geometric landscaped terracing with integrated seating lines the sidewalk along Eden and Arcadia and create pedestrian-friendly edges. The terraces and seating visually connect to terracing and seating throughout the site, including Restaurant and Grandview Yard areas. Street Connection at South Outdoor Plaza: At the lower level, a large south-facing outdoor plaza is created along Eden Avenue and the public sidewalk, with seating and landscaping adjacent to a resident entrance. Resident bicycle, pet care and workshop spaces have been moved to line the south façade at this plaza, with large, glazed storefront-type openings facing the public sidewalk and Eden Avenue. STAFF REPORT Page 3 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Retails shopping; zoned PCD-2, Planned Commercial District, and guided MXC, Mixed Use Center (20-100 units per acre). Easterly: Office building; zoned POD, Planned Office District and guided MXC, Mixed Use Center (20-100 units per acre). Southerly: Our Lady of Grace church and school; R-1, Single dwelling unit district and guided LDR, Low Density Residential. Westerly: Railroad Tracks, Jerry’s public parking ramp and commercial uses; zoned PCD-2, Planned Commercial District and guided MXC, Mixed Use Center. Existing Site Features The subject property is 3.3 acres in size, slops up from Eden Avenue and contains a surface parking lot which served the old public works operation. Planning Guide Plan designation: MXC, Mixed Use Center (20-100 units per acre). Zoning: PID, Planned Industrial District Site Circulation/Traffic Primary vehicular access to the senior housing off both Eden Avenue and Arcadia Avenue. Access to the restaurant and park would be off Arcadia. Pedestrian sidewalks would be provided along Eden and Arcadia, through the park which would connect to the pedestrian bridge over the railroad tracks to connect to the public parking ramp. SEH conducted a traffic study, which concludes that the proposed project can be supported by the existing roads and proposed new configuration of Arcadia and Eden Avenue, including the round-a-bout. (See attached traffic study.) The study does make the following recommendations: The Vernon Ave/Arcadia Ave intersection be monitored in the future to understand if there are any future operations or queueing concerns that should be addressed once development changes occur and as general background traffic volumes increase. Signal timing adjustments and coordination along Vernon Avenue may be necessary to accommodate background traffic demand in addition to new development traffic. Specifically monitor signal timings at the Vernon Ave/SB TH 100 interchange ramp and Vernon Ave/Interlachen Blvd. Consider spacing the two proposed driveways on Arcadia Avenue further apart to avoid turning conflicts or driver confusion. Encourage public parking in the parking ramp for the restaurant to double trips onto the roadway network. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Monitor valet parking activity and circulation to mitigate safety issues on Arcadia Ave during peak periods. Parking Based on the proposal for an 86-unit senior co-operative and a 13,500 square foot 347 seat restaurant 231 spaces are required: 65 for the senior housing and 166 for the restaurant. The project proposes 143 spaces for the housing and 31stalls for the restaurant. Public parking stalls are available adjacent to the restaurant site in the Jerry’s parking ramp. A parking study was done by SEH, which concludes that there is an average of 215 unused parking stalls available. These stalls would provide the additional parking stalls needed to accommodate the proposed restaurant and public park. (See pages 10-11 in the attached traffic and parking study.) Landscaping Based on the perimeter of the site, 41 overstory trees would be required. The applicant is proposing 85 overstory trees in the boulevards along the public-streets and the interior of the project. (See attached landscape plan.) A full complement of understory shrubs and bushes are proposed. Grading/Drainage/Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined in their review memo. (See attached memo dated August 18, 2022.) The phase 1 grading would be completed by the housing developer; the city would then grade the restaurant site and the park site. A Site Improvement Plan Agreement would be required for each final site plan approval. Any approvals of this project would be subject to review and approval of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, as they are the City’s review authority over the grading of the site. Building Material The building materials for the senior housing would be a combination of polycarbonate panel, metal panel, stone and glass. (See attached renderings.) The applicant is requesting flexibility on building material (brick and stone) at the base 60 feet up, 20-foot height at the first floor, and the 75% transparency at ground level. The building will have stone at the base of the building, but not 60 feet high. The buildings will be transparent on the first floor, just not up to 75%. Due to the building being all residential, the proposed first floor height is reasonable. Mechanical Equipment No mechanical equipment has been shown on the plans. Any rooftop and/or ground level equipment would have to be screened if visible from adjacent property lines. Final Plans must include location of mechanical equipment and the means of screening. No ground level mechanical equipment shall be located within the front yard of the development. STAFF REPORT Page 5 Signage The signage allowed on the site should correspond to the use. The housing uses would be subject to sign regulations of a residential district; the retail/restaurant uses would be subject to sign regulations of commercial districts. This would be written into the PUD Ordinance. Living Streets/Multi-Modal Consideration Sec. 36-1274. - Sidewalks, trails and bicycle facilities. (a) In order to promote and provide safe and effective sidewalks and trails in the city and encourage the use of bicycles for recreation and transportation, the following improvements are required, as a condition of approval, on developments requiring the approval of a final development plan or the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to article V of this chapter: (1) It is the policy of the city to require the construction of sidewalks and trails wherever feasible so as to encourage pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the city. Therefore, developments shall provide sidewalks and trails which adjoin the applicant's property: a. In locations shown on the city's sidewalk and trail plan; and b. In other locations where the council finds that the provision of such sidewalks and trails enhance public access to mass transit facilities or connections to other existing or planned sidewalks, trails or public facilities. (2) Developments shall provide sidewalks between building entrances and sidewalks or trails which exist or which will be constructed pursuant to this section. (3) Developments shall provide direct sidewalk and trail connections with adjoining properties where appropriate. (4) Developments must provide direct sidewalk and trail connections to transit stations or transit stops adjoining the property. (5) Design standards for sidewalks and trails shall be prescribed by the engineer. (6) Nonresidential developments having an off-street automobile parking requirement of 20 or more spaces must provide off-street bicycle parking spaces where bicycles may be parked and secured from theft by their owners. The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required shall be five percent of the automobile parking space requirement. The design and placement of bicycle parking spaces and bicycle racks used to secure bicycles shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Whenever possible, bicycle parking spaces shall be located within 50 feet of a public entrance to a principal building. (b) The expense of the improvements set forth in subsection (a) of this section shall be borne by the applicant. The applicant would be installing boulevard sidewalks Arcadia and Eden Avenue. Part of this City project includes the construction of a pedestrian bridge over the railroad tracks to connect to the Jerry’s public parking ramp. This will open up shared parking opportunities for the subject property, as well as adjacent properties to the north and east. STAFF REPORT Page 6 Grandview Development Framework The proposed plans contain two key elements in the Framework: A bridge that would connect the Jerry’s parking ramp and a large public green space. (Bridge is currently under construction.) Plans show the bridge and a 31,643 square foot public plaza. (See attached Development Framework Document.) The applicant has done a nice job addressing the 7 Guiding Principles for the Grandview District as demonstrated below. (Taken from page 7 in the applicant submittal package.) 1. CREATE VIBRANT CONNECTED DISTRICT The proposed combination of residential, commercial and public space adds vibrancy to the surrounding commercial and multi-family neighbors. Public art elements will be included on each of the three sites to create a unique place that is connected by roadways, sidewalks and bicycle access. Future access to the railroad is possible if freight operations were to cease in the future. The mixture of uses are intentionally selected to create a catalyst that may inspire other aging properties to redevelop in a similarly vibrant manner. 2. NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER WITH REGIONAL CONNECTIONS The proposed scale of development is appropriate for a new mixed-use neighborhood while also taking advantage of the regional connections via Highway 100 and local road network. Residential senior cooperative living expanded dining services and amenities, and a public green-space combine to create a new place for neighborhood residents of all ages to visit and experience. Private development tax capacity generation, with new home ownership opportunities for Edina residents are combined with a new hospitality, dining and event destination and a new public space, all within easy reach of neighborhoods on both sides of Highway 100. 3. TURN PERCEIVED BARRIERS INTO OPPORTUNITIES The site’s elevations and grading are used to create a terraced, cascading topography from the pedestrian bridge and connecting trail at the north down to the Grandview Yard, stepping down to outdoor dining and activities areas at the Restaurant, and finally utilized for below-grade residential parking and features at the Senior Cooperative. The railroad track barrier is now spanned to better connect properties throughout the district and improving access to existing parking resources. 4. DESIGN FOR THE PRESENT & FUTURE The development considers current and future needs by pursuing logical increments of change using key parcels as stepping stones to a more vibrant, walkable, functional, attractive and life-filled place. Landscaped terraces and outdoor activity and seating areas line Arcadia Avenue leading up to Grandview Yard with its pedestrian trails and bridge connection. These features will shape the land use patterns of adjacent parcels and future area development, connecting the district with existing parking resources. 5. ORGANIZE PARKING The plan strategically minimizes surface parking by maximizing below-grade parking and shared access routes along with shared use of existing public parking facilities. The Restaurant site provides only 31 parking spaces and relies on shared public parking with valet drop off service. The Senior Cooperative provides minimal short-term and drop off parking stalls and features indoor guest parking at the north entrance level, with all resident parking and move-in access located below- grade and accessed from Eden Avenue. The adjacent Grandview Parking Structure has been improved to serve as a safe and welcoming resource for existing users as well as future visitors to the new Grandview Yard. 6. IMPROVE MOVEMENT FOR ALL AGES The development improves movement within and access to the District for people of all ages by facilitating multiple modes of transportation and preserving future transit opportunities provided by the rail corridor. In addition to its pedestrian and bike-friendly north/south connections, it spans the STAFF REPORT Page 7 railroads to connect the District east/west and does not hinder future transit if freight operations were to cease in the future. Roadway improvements to Eden and Arcadia are currently underway, and the new pedestrian bridge and trail are also under construction. 7. CREATE AN IDENTITY & SENSE OF PLACE The development incorporates natural spaces into high quality and sustainable development that reflects Edina’s innovative development heritage. The combination of the Grandview Yard with a privately operated hospitality, dining and event destination creates an overlapping synergy of activities and opportunities, year-round. Combined with the animating vitality of 86 ownership residential living units, a sustainable and unique identity is created unlike any other in Edina. Each element of the redevelopment site will feature public art to engage visitors, residents and the community. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Per Section 36-253 the following are the regulations for a PUD: 1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PUD District is to provide comprehensive procedures and standards intended to allow more creativity and flexibility in site plan design than would be possible under a conventional zoning district. The decision to zone property to PUD is a public policy decision for the City Council to make in its legislative capacity. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. 2. Applicability/Criteria STAFF REPORT Page 8 a. Uses. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, and uses allowed by administrative permit contained in the various zoning districts defined in this Chapter shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within a PUD district, provided they would be allowable on the site under the Comprehensive Plan. b. Eligibility Standards. To be eligible for a PUD district, all development should be in compliance with the following: i. where the site of a proposed PUD is designated for more than one (1) land use in the Comprehensive Plan, the City may require that the PUD include all the land uses so designated or such combination of the designated uses as the City Council shall deem appropriate to achieve the purposes of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; ii. any PUD which involves a single land use type or housing type may be permitted provided that it is otherwise consistent with the objectives of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; iii. permitted densities may be specifically stated in the appropriate planned development designation and shall be in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and iv. the setback regulation, building coverage and floor area ratio of the most closely related conventional zoning district shall be considered presumptively appropriate, but may be departed from to accomplish the purpose and intent described in #1 above. The proposed plans meet the above standards to justify a PUD. The project includes significant pedestrian improvements, most important is the pedestrian bridge over the railroad track, which the City of Edina currently has under construction. The proposal includes a restaurant, which will attract people to the areas and the proposed public park on the north end. The proposal would create a more efficient and creative use of the property than existing. The project reduces parking on the site by taking advantage of the existing Jerry’s public parking ramp. The project includes 10% of the units within the project for affordable housing. As a rezoning, this project is subject to the City’s Sustainability Policy. The sustainability manager has reviewed the proposal and submitted comments within the engineering memo. (See attached.) Comprehensive Plan The proposal also meets the following goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan: 1. The 9 affordable housing units would help the City of Edina achieve its goal with the Met Council of creating 1,804 units by the year 2030. 2. Create and maintain housing options that serve a diverse range of ages, household types, and economic situations. STAFF REPORT Page 9 3. Ensure that public realm design respects community character, supports of commercial and mixed-use development, promotes community identity, and creates high quality experiences for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and motorists. 4. Per the Mixed-Use Land Use Description: “Primary uses: Retail, office, service, multifamily residential, and institutional uses.” 5. “Mixed-use development allows for a savings in time and convenience for residents who choose to live in closer proximity to where they work and shop. Community interest is served by this type of development, as the city is able to integrate additional residences and businesses more efficiently within existing city infrastructure. Pedestrian amenities and proximity of uses encourage more trips to be made by foot or bike, reducing the increase of congestion that can otherwise result from conventional development of separated land uses.” 6. “Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. • Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. • Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. 7. “Support the development of mixed-use districts that provide a variety of living opportunities within a walkable and livable area.” STAFF REPORT Page 10 COMPLIANCE TABLE City Standard (PID) Comp. Plan Proposed (Measured from building to the lot line) Building Setbacks to the perimeter lot line - Residential Front – East (Eden Avenue) Front – South (Arcadia Avenue) Side – West Rear – North Building Setbacks to the perimeter lot line - Restaurant Front – East (Eden Avenue) Front – South (Arcadia Avenue) Side – West Rear – North based on height (79 feet) based on height (79 feet) based on height (79 feet) based on height (79 feet) based on height (30 feet) based on height (30 feet) based on height (30 feet) based on height (30 feet) 5 feet* 5 feet* 10 feet* 100+ feet 10 feet* 130 feet 10 feet* 100+ feet Density 20-100 units/acre Compliant (26 units per acre) Building Height Four Stories and 48 feet 6.5 stories* Restaurant is Code Compliant Building Coverage Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 45% .50% (Adjacent zoning PCD-2 Zoning allows 1.5 FAR) – Comp Plan Guides the site for PCD-2 Uses 34% 1.4%* Parking Stalls – Residential (Senior Housing) Parking Stalls – Restaurant .75 units per unit = 65 spaces One space per 3 seats + one space per employee on a max. shift (166 spaces) 143 spaces Variance required (31 spaces on site plus the Jerry’s parking ramp) *Variance Required STAFF REPORT Page 11 PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues Is the proposed development reasonable to justify PUD rezoning of this site? Yes. Staff does support the revised PUD, for the following reasons: 1. The location of this site in the Mixed-Use Center in the Grandview District. While the existing zoning is PID, Planned Industrial District to reflect the previous public works facility, the surrounding zoning is predominantly PCD-2, Planned Commercial District. The PCD District allows restaurants and multifamily housing. Therefore, the uses proposed are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the surrounding zoning. 2. The provision of public space (public park) makes up 23% of the site. The proposed restaurant and park shall blend together. 3. The pedestrian experience along Eden and Arcadia Avenue would be improved compared to existing conditions. The pedestrian bridge over the railroad tracks will open all uses east of the railroad tracks the Jerry’s parking ramp and commercial uses to the west. 4. The project would provide 10% of the units (9 units) within the building for affordable housing for seniors earning 50% area median income (AMI) for the Twin Cities. These units would help the City of Edina achieve its goal with the Met Council of creating 1,804 units by the year 2030. This is the first multifamily ownership development containing affordable housing units that has been reviewed in recent years. It complies with strategies outlined by the Housing Strategy Task Force and the Comprehensive Plan. (See more detail in the attached memo from the Affordable Housing Development Manager.) 5. The proposal meets the City’s criteria for PUD zoning. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for Mixed Use Center, which allows for retail and multi-family housing in a density range of 20-100 units per acre. The applicant is proposing to use the site as a horizontal mixed-use development including multi-family residential, restaurant and park. Project would meet the City’s affordable housing policy, by including the units in the residential building (9 units). The restaurant will attract people to the areas and the proposed public park on the north end. The proposal would create a more efficient and creative use of the property than existing. The project reduces parking on the site by taking advantage of the existing Jerry’s public parking ramp. 6. The existing roadways and parking would support the project. SEH conducted a traffic study, which concludes that the proposed project can be supported by the existing roads and proposed new configuration of Arcadia and Eden Avenue, including the round-a-bout. STAFF REPORT Page 12 Recommendation A case can be made for approval and denial of this project. Below provides options for the planning commission and city council to consider: Approval Recommend the City Council approve the request for Preliminary Rezoning from PID, Planned Industrial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed land uses, and density are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposal meets the City’s criteria for PUD zoning. The PUD zoning would: a. Promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City. c. Provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses. d. Project is of high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. e. Maintains the efficiency of public streets and utilities. f. Provides a mixture of land uses within the development. g. The project provides 9 units of affordable housing within the development. 3. The PUD would ensure that the development proposed would be the only building that would be allowed on the site unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. 4. The provision of public space (public park) makes up 23% of the site. The pedestrian experience along Arcadia and Eden would be improved. The pedestrian bridge over the railroad tracks connects uses to the east to the Jerry’s public parking ramp. 5. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. The 9 affordable housing units would help the City of Edina achieve its goal with the Met Council of creating 1,804 units by the year 2030. b. Create and maintain housing options that serve a diverse range of ages, household types, and economic situations. STAFF REPORT Page 13 c. Ensure that public realm design respects community character, supports of commercial and mixed-use development, promotes community identity, and creates high quality experiences for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and motorists. d. Per the Mixed-Use Land Use Description: “Primary uses: Retail, office, service, multifamily residential, and institutional uses.” e. “Mixed-use development allows for a savings in time and convenience for residents who choose to live in closer proximity to where they work and shop. Community interest is served by this type of development, as the city is able to integrate additional residences and businesses more efficiently within existing city infrastructure. Pedestrian amenities and proximity of uses encourage more trips to be made by foot or bike, reducing the increase of congestion that can otherwise result from conventional development of separated land uses.” f. “Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. • Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. • Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. g. “Support the development of mixed-use districts that provide a variety of living opportunities within a walkable and livable area.” 6. The existing roadways and parking would support the project. SEH conducted a traffic study, which concludes that the proposed project can be supported by the existing roads and proposed new configuration of Arcadia and Eden Avenue, including the round-a-bout. 7. The proposed uses would be an upgrade to existing conditions and previous development on the site. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plans must be generally consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans dated July 25, 2022. 2. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of any building permit. 3. Provision of code compliant bike racks for each use near the building entrances. 4. The Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum requirements per Section 36-1260 of the City Code. STAFF REPORT Page 14 5. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be screened per Section 36-1459 of the City Code. 6. Submit a copy of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district’s requirements. 7. A Developer’s Agreement/Site Improvement Plan Agreement is required at the time of Final Approval. 8. The project must conform to the City’s affordable housing policy and sustainable buildings policy. 9. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the director of engineering’s memo dated August 18, 2022. 10. Compliance with the SEH Traffic & Parking Study recommendations. 11. Subject to the Zoning Ordinance Amendment revising the PUD, Planned Unit Development for this site. 12. Submittal of a construction management plan subject to review and approval of city staff prior to issuance of a building permit. The plan must demonstrate minimal impact to pedestrian and vehicle movement. 13. Hours of construction must be consistent with City Code. 14. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the fire marshal and building official’s memo dated August 15, 2022. 15. Maintenance of sidewalks and streets internal to the site to be responsibility of property owner. Maintenance of sidewalks on Eden Ave and Arcadia Ave will be by the City. City snowplowing operations are 5-ft wide on these sidewalks. Public sidewalk shall be a minimum of 5 feet in width with a 5-foot boulevard. Denial Recommend the City Council deny the request for Preliminary Rezoning from PID, Planned Industrial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Denial is based on the following findings: 1. Does not adequately address the Seven Guiding Principles of the Grandview District. 2. The project does not include vertical mixed uses. STAFF REPORT Page 15 3. The proposed housing project is too large for the site, including the setbacks too closed to the front lot lines. 4. The proposal does not meet the City’s criteria for PUD zoning. The proposal does not meet the purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the request subject to the findings and conditions listed above. Deadline for a City decision: November 15, 2022 TO: Cary Teague, Community Development Director FROM: Stephanie Hawkinson, Affordable Housing Development Manager DATE: January 10, 2022 RE: Grandview Yards Site Plan Submittal The proposed 5146 Eden plan entails redeveloping a City owned parcel that has been vacant for many years. On the south end is a proposed 90-unit senior cooperative, of which 10% or 9 units will available at affordable prices per the Affordable Housing Policy. This is the first multifamily ownership development containing affordable housing units that has been reviewed in recent years. It complies with strategies outlined by the Housing Strategy Task Force and the Comprehensive Plan. Compliance with Comprehensive Plan Goal 1.1: Seek to accommodate the total new households projected to locate in the city by the year 2040. Goal 1.1e: Providing lifecycle housing opportunities to allow residents to remain in the city throughout all life stages Goal 1.1.f: Addressing climate change through higher density development patterns that help reduce vehicle emissions Goal 2.9: Promote owner-occupied units over rental units when providing affordable housing. Goal 3.2: Where appropriate and guided by city policy, encourage the development of walkable neighborhoods that provide a range of daily needs within walking distance, potentially reducing reliance on cars. Goal 4.1: Promote increased housing opportunities and a diversity of housing types by promoting the creative and innovative use of land guided for residential/commercial mixed-use while promoting transit use and other mobility alternatives. Goal 4.2: Promote a vision of community that is inclusive of a range of ages, incomes, abilities, and other demographics, and offers a range of housing options. Compliance with Housing Strategy Task Force Report Goal 1: Promote lifecycle housing. Actively work to create lifecycle housing to support a range of housing options that meet people’s preferences and circumstances in all stages of life, such as renters, first-time homebuyers, empty nesters, and seniors. I understand there may be concerns regarding the perceived concentration of age restricted housing in this area. I am not concerned by this. Rather with the library, senior center and other amenities I think it is appropriate. Furthermore, there is a great need for more housing options for seniors. August 15, 2022 Cary Teague, Community Development Director David Fisher, Chief Building Official & Dave Ehmiller, Fire Marshal 5146 Eden Ave S – Grandview Project – Senior Cooperative Apartment five-stories and two-levels of underground parking – a three-level building including a Restaurant. Information / Background: New seven-story & five-story apartment building with 86-units with underground parking. In addition to a new three-story building that includes a restaurant. - The Co-op Apartment would be an S-1 Parking and R-2 Residential apartment building, and the restaurant building would be an A-2 Assembly using the 2020 Minnesota State Building Code & Fire Code and adopted appendices. - Separate addresses will be required for each building. - Separate permits will be required for each building. - Provide a complete Building Code analysis with plans when submitting for the building permit. - An NFPA 13 Fire Sprinkler System is required in each building. - Buildings two (2) or more stories in height shall be provided with shut-off valves and water-flow devices for each floor. - A permanent map is to be located at the FAAP and main sprinkler riser. The map shall show the location of control valves and drains for each sprinkler zone. A space shall be provided at the main riser for annual sprinkler test papers. - All Fire Department connections must be no more than 100 feet from an accessible fire hydrant and within 50 feet of the main entrance; be fully visible and immediately accessible by fire personnel for each building (placement subject to approval by AHJ) - Fire department access roads are to be installed and maintained per 2020 MSFC or per AHJ approval for the whole site and for each building. - Ensure adequate Emergency Responder Radio Coverage per policy number SP-022-F2 in each building. - See Fire Permits and Policies page on the city website for additional information. (https://www.edinamn.gov/717/Fire-Permits-Policies) - Verify there is adequate assessable parking. This has been an issue in some of the older buildings. - Recommend that one EMS accessible elevator is provided for the residential Co-op STAFF REPORT Page 2 - Verify noise ordinance will be complied with and that it’s understood. - Working Hours: Monday – Friday 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Saturdays – 9A.M. to 5 P.M. Sundays and Holidays – No Work Allowed - Verify Address and recommend a 30, 60 and 90 percent meeting with staff before applying for the building permit. DATE: 8/18/2022 TO: 5146 Eden Ave, Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague – Community Development Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE, Graduate Engineer RE: 5146 Eden Ave – Development Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for pedestrian facilities, utility connections, grading, flood risk, and storm water. Plans reviewed included c ivil, landscape, and survey drawings dated July 25, 2022. Review Comment Required For General 1. Deliver as -build records of public and private utility infrastructure post construction. Certificate of Occupancy 2. Maintenance of sidewalks and streets internal to the site to be responsibility of property owner. Maintenance of sidewalks on Eden Ave and Arcadia Ave will be by the City. City snowplowing operations are 5 -ft wide on these sidewalks. If owner wants a wider path, this would be the responsibility of the owner. General Comment 3. Provide easement for existing watermain onsite. Certificate of Occupancy Survey 4. An existing and proposed site condition survey is required. Grading/Building Permit 4.1 Show all existing and proposed public and private easements. Grading/Building Permit Living Streets 5. Design sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. Grading/Building Permit 6. Saw cut concrete sidewalk joints on public sidewalks. Grading/Building Permit 7. Public sidewalk to be minimum 5’ in width with a 5’ boulevard. Grading/Building Permit 8. Staff recommends consideration of marked/raised crosswalks within parking lot to prioritize pedestrian circulation. General Comment 9. Staff recommends inclusion of more ramps throughout the site to improve accessibility. General Comment Traffic and Street 10. Review fire access requirements with fire department. Fire truck turning template attached. Grading/Building Permit 11. Provide traffic study and implement City -approved recommendations. Grading/Building Permit 12. Driveway entrance permit required for entrance reconstruction and the two new entrances on Arcadia. Building Permit 13. Road patching shall conform to Edina Standard Plates 525, 540, & 541on Eden Ave. patching on Arcadia Ave shall conform to 540 and 543. Certificate of Occupancy 14. Provide easements, if necessary, for sidewalk facilities where city has maintenance responsibility. Certificate of Occupancy 15. Proposed trees, vegetation, signage and other items adjacent to intersections should maintain a clear view zone as defined in Section 26-190 of City Code. Grading/Building Permit Sanitary and Water Utilities 16. Verify fire demand and hydrant locations. Grading/Building Permit 17. Domestic water shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. Grading/Building Permit 18. Domestic sanitary shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. Grading/Building Permit 19. Apply for a sewer and water connection permit with Public Works . Prior to Starting Utility Work 19.1 Meter required for building service line and combined lines. No meter required for fire only service line. Grading/Building Permit 19.2 Public Works to determine acceptable installation methods. Grading/Building Permit 20. Disconnected sanitary and water services to be capped at main. 21. A SAC determination will be required by the Metropolitan Council. The SAC determination will be used by the City to calculate sewer and water connection charges Grading/Building Permit 22. Single connection from main for fire and domestic, split after main connection. Grading/Building Permit 23. A verified well is located onsite. Wells not in use must be sealed by a licensed well contractor per MN Rules, Chapter 4725. Well sealing record required prior to building construction. Grading/Building Permit Storm Water Utility 24. Provide geotechnical report with soil borings. Grading/Building Permit 25. Provide hydraulic and hydrologic report meeting watershed and state construction site permit requirements. Grading/Building Permit 26. Submit watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement in favor of watershed. Grading/Building Permit 27. Additional detail needed to confirm positive drainage away from proposed buildings’ foundations. Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 28. A SWPPP consistent with the State General Construction Site Stormwater Permit is required. Grading/Building Permit Constructability and Safety 29. Construction staging, traffic control, and pedestrian access plans will be required. Grading/Building Permit 30. Retaining walls over 4 -ft in height require design by a structural engineer. Various proposed onsite. Grading/Building Permit Sustainability 26. This project must comply with Edina’s Sustainable Buildings Policy . Developer should contact Sustainability Manager Grace Hancock to initiative compliance process. General Comment Other Agency Coordination 27. MDH, MPCA and MCES permits required as needed. Grading/Building Permit 28. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit is required. Grading/Building Permit Grandview Yard Traffic Study Edina, Minnesota EDINA EDINA 168382 | August 2022 GRANDVIEW YARD TRAFFIC STUDY EDINA 168382 ES-1 Executive Summary Background & Purpose The City of Edina requested a traffic study be completed for the proposed Grandview Yard development at 5146 Eden Avenue (old Public Works site). The 3.125-acre parcel is located on the northwest corner of Eden Avenue and Arcadia Avenue in the City of Edina, Minnesota. The development proposes a 90-unit senior cooperative housing (co-op), a 2-story 13,500 SF dine-in restaurant, and a 0.73-acre green space/public plaza. See Appendix A for a concept of the proposed Grandview Yard development. The existing transportation conditions for the area include the following near-term planned improvements: · Eden Avenue/SB TH 100 Ramp Removal · Eden Avenue at Arcadia Mini-Roundabout · Eden Avenue at Grange Road and Eden Avenue at Willson Road Mini-Roundabouts · Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) Bridge Reconstruction, a Hennepin County project, includes pedestrian improvements, a dedicated westbound left-turn land, improved signal timings, and the removal of the southbound free-right turn movement at the TH 100 SB ramp and signal retimings. As part of the no build traffic, the study confirmed the land use sizes and included the estimated trip generation for the planned redevelopments at 5100 Eden Avenue (Eden 100 building) and 4917 Eden Avenue (old Perkins site). The purposes of the traffic study include a parking demand review for the Grandview Yard development and an analysis of the No Build operations and Build operations associated with the proposed development and the impacts expected on the surrounding roadway network and study intersections. Traffic Study Conclusion Summary: · The parking needs for the Senior Housing development are met per City code and ITE Parking Generation Manual. · The parking needs for the Restaurant development are met per the City code and ITE Parking Generation Manual. This based on the results from the Grandview Parking Ramp study, which concluded adequate capacity in the public parking garage to accommodate additional parking demand in the area. · The proposed Grandview Yard development is expected to generate 1,424 weekday daily new trips, 28 AM peak hour new trips, and 128 PM peak hour new trips. · No Build operations were not significantly impacted by the new trips due to the relatively small number of new trips distributed to each intersection during the peak hours within the Grandview network. · The planned mini-roundabouts along Eden Avenue at Arcadia, Grange, and Willson are all expected to perform well (intersection LOS A) with the 2024 and 2042 Build volumes. · Traffic operations for the 2024 No Build scenario are acceptable, with intersections performing at LOS C and no major congestion concerns at the primary study intersections. Some queueing concerns exist during the peak hours for the EB and WB approaches at the Vernon Ave/TH 100 SB Ramp and for EB and SB movements at Vernon Ave/Interlachen Blvd. Executive Summary (continued) GRANDVIEW YARD TRAFFIC STUDY EDINA 168382 ES-2 · Traffic operations for the 2042 No Build scenario are acceptable, with intersections performing at LOS C or better with no major congestion concerns at the primary study intersections. LOS E is expected for the northbound approach at Vernon Ave/Arcadia Ave during the AM peak hour with maximum queue lengths extending past the adjacent driveways on Arcadia Ave. Similar queueing concerns as the 2024 No Build scenario are experienced at other study intersections. · Traffic operations for the 2024 Build scenario are comparable to the 2024 No Build conditions. LOS D is experienced for the northbound movement in the AM peak hour at the Vernon Ave/Arcadia Ave intersection. · Traffic operations for the 2042 Build scenario are comparable to the 2042 No Build conditions. Some movements, however, experienced increased delay: LOS E for NB and SB approaches at Vernon Ave/Interlachen Blvd, LOS E for NB right-turn at Vernon Ave/Arcadia Ave in AM peak hour, and LOS E for the WB approach at Vernon Ave/TH 100 SB ramp. Recommendations summary: · It is recommended that the Vernon Ave/Arcadia Ave intersection be monitored in the future to understand if there are any future operations or queueing concerns that should be addressed once development changes occur and as general background traffic volumes increase. · Signal timing adjustments and coordination along Vernon Avenue may be necessary to accommodate background traffic demand in addition to new development traffic. Specifically monitor signal timings at the Vernon Ave/SB TH 100 interchange ramp and Vernon Ave/Interlachen Blvd. · Consider spacing the two proposed driveways on Arcadia Avenue further apart to avoid turning conflicts or driver confusion. · Encourage public parking in the parking ramp for the restaurant to double trips onto the roadway network. · Monitor valet parking activity and circulation to mitigate safety issues on Arcadia Ave during peak periods. SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. GRANDVIEW YARD TRAFFIC STUDY EDINA 168382 i Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................ 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................ 1 1.2 Relevant Studies and Policies ................................................................ 1 2 Existing Conditions ..................................................... 3 3 Planned Development ................................................ 9 4 Parking Demand Review ............................................ 9 5 Traffic Forecasting ................................................... 11 5.1 Background Forecasting ....................................................................... 11 5.2 Trip Generation – 5146 Eden Ave (Grandview Yard) ........................... 11 5.3 Trip Generation – Surrounding Developments ..................................... 12 5.4 Trip Distribution .................................................................................... 14 6 Traffic Operations Analysis ...................................... 15 6.1 Intersection Analysis ............................................................................. 16 6.2 Travel Demand Management Policy Review ........................................ 22 7 Conclusions and Recommendations ........................ 23 List of Tables Table 1 – Trip Generation for 5146 Eden Ave (Grandview Yard) ............................. 12 Table 2 – Trip Generation for 5100 Eden Ave (Eden 100 Building) ......................... 13 Table 3 – Trip Generation for 4917 Eden Ave (Old Perkins Restaurant).................. 13 Table 4 – Level of Service Thresholds ..................................................................... 15 Table 5 – 2024 No Build Operations Summary ........................................................ 17 Table 6 – 2042 No Build Operations Summary ........................................................ 18 Table 7 – 2024 Build Operations Summary .............................................................. 20 Table 8 – 2042 Build Operations Summary .............................................................. 21 List of Figures Figure 1 – Project Location ........................................................................................ 2 Figure 2 – Vernon Avenue Reconstruction (2024) ..................................................... 4 Figure 3 – Eden Avenue & Arcadia Mini Roundabout Concept ................................. 5 Contents (continued) GRANDVIEW YARD TRAFFIC STUDY EDINA 168382 ii Figure 4 – Mini Roundabouts Concept on Eden Avenue at Grange Road and Willson Road ..................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 5 – Existing Conditions .................................................................................... 8 List of Appendices Appendix A Grandview Yard Concept Plan Appendix B Intersection Volume Figures Appendix C Traffic Operational Results GRANDVIEW YARD TRAFFIC STUDY EDINA 168382 Page 1 Grandview Yard Traffic Study Prepared for Edina, Minnesota 1 Introduction 1.1 Background This traffic study was conducted to focus on the traffic impacts due to the proposed development at 5146 Eden Avenue, located on an approximately 3.125-acre parcel on the northwest corner of Eden Avenue and Arcadia Avenue in the City of Edina. This site is also known as the former public works site for the city and currently sits vacant. Over the past several years, the City has developed a framework for revitalizing the Grandview District, and this development looks to meet the guiding principles and vision set for the district while also supporting other planned projects in the district. See Appendix A for a concept of the proposed Grandview Yard development. The proposed full build out of the 5146 Eden Ave site includes: · 90-unit senior housing cooperative project, including 173 underground parking spaces · 2-story 13,500 square-foot, 347 seat restaurant, including 32 surface parking stalls and use of public parking ramp · 31,643 square-foot green space/public plaza, with connection to future pedestrian bridge (currently under construction) This study also confirmed the land use sizes for the redevelopments occurring at 5100 Eden Avenue and 4917 Eden Avenue (old Perkins site) and included the trip generation in the no build traffic conditions for this study. · 5100 Eden Ave: 138 housing units · 4917 Eden Ave: 196 housing units and 3,700 square-foot restaurant 1.2 Relevant Studies and Policies The project area has been studied several times in recent years. Some studies were conducted to develop Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) for redevelopment parcels, while other studies included local roadway and intersection improvements and high-level planning concepts. The following studies and policies were primarily used by either incorporating the data or as a reference: · Parking Study Update for Grandview Parking Ramp (2022) · East Grandview Transportation Study (2021) · Travel Demand Management Policy (2021) · Traffic and Parking Study for 4917 Eden Avenue (2021) · Eden Avenue Traffic Study (2020) · Grandview District Transportation Study (2016) · Grandview District Development Framework (2012) SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 2 Figure 1 – Project Location SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 3 2 Existing Conditions The following is a description of each of the major roadways and intersections within the project area. The bold/italicized text discusses planned roadway improvements that are currently in the design or planning phase and are assumed to be considered “No Build” conditions for the purposes of this study. Highway 100 TH 100 is a north-south freeway facility that extends over 15-miles through the western side of the metro area. Through the interchange, TH 100 has 3-travel lanes in each direction, with a posted speed limit of 60 miles per hour (MPH) and carries approximately 124,000 vehicles per day. Northbound TH 100 has a single low speed (20 MPH) exit ramp that connects to Grange Road. There are two entrance ramps from W. 50th Street to northbound TH 100 with an eastbound loop ramp and a westbound right turn. Southbound TH 100 has a single lane exit to access Vernon Avenue to the west and 50th Street to the east, a connection to a collector-distributer (CD) roadway system also allows access to Arcadia Avenue. There is a single entrance ramp connection to southbound TH 100 that is part of the CD roadway with access from Vernon Avenue. Planned Improvements: Eden Ave/SB TH 100 Ramp Removal The southbound TH 100 on-ramp from Eden Avenue is planned for removal by 2024, and was not included as part of the project year of opening roadway conditions for this study. Vernon Avenue S Vernon Avenue S is a west-east A-Minor Arterial roadway designated as a County State Aid Highway 158 (CSAH 158) for Hennepin County. It is a 4-lane divided roadway that serves as a primary regional corridor, connecting drivers to TH 62, TH 100, residential areas, and commercial areas such as the Grandview District. The posted speed limit is 30 MPH. Sidewalk facilities exist primarily on the north side of Vernon Avenue S within the focus area. Vernon Avenue S transitions into W 50th Street on the east side of TH 100. Access to both directions of TH 100 is provided from Vernon Avenue. In the study area, the corridor carries between 12,400 to 19,000 vehicles per day based on the most recent daily traffic numbers. Planned Improvements: Vernon Ave Bridge Reconstruction Hennepin County is currently in the design phase to reconstruct the Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) bridge over the Canadian Pacific Railroad. The project includes intersection improvements and modifications to the three adjacent intersections of Interlachen Boulevard, Arcadia Avenue, and the TH 100 Southbound ramp terminal. The project is anticipated to begin construction in 2023 and completed in 2024. The following improvements are included in the project area: · Pedestrian Improvements throughout the project area, including: - Widening sidewalks on railroad bridge. - ADA pedestrian ramps at all crossings and new sidewalk connections. SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 4 - Improved crossings at both Arcadia Avenue and the TH 100 SB Ramp. · Interlachen Boulevard Intersection: - Adding a westbound left turn lane and signal phase. · TH 100 SB Ramp Terminal Intersection: - Remove southbound free right turn movement and realign to the traffic signal. Figure 2 – Vernon Avenue Reconstruction (2024) W 50th Street W 50th Street and Vernon Avenue S are a common roadway, with Vernon Avenue S designated to the west of TH 100 and W 50th Street designated to the east of TH 100. Like Vernon Avenue S, W 50th Street is also a west-east A-Minor Arterial roadway within the study area. It is a 4-lane roadway that also serves as a regional corridor in the City. The posted speed limit is 30 MPH. Near the TH 100 overpass, sidewalk facilities exist only on the north side of the roadway. Sidewalk facilities are provided on both sides of the roadway east of Grange Road. In the study area, the corridor carries between 19,000 to 27,000 vehicles per day based on the most recent daily traffic numbers. Eden Avenue Eden Avenue is a west-east Minor Collector roadway designated as a Municipal State Aid (MSA) Route for the City of Edina. It is a 3-lane undivided roadway that connects between Vernon Avenue to the west and W 50th Street to the east with a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour (MPH). Sidewalk facilities exist on both sides of the roadway except a short segment with sidewalk only on the south side between Brookside Avenue and Arcadia Ave/Normandale Rd; this missing segment will be constructed with a planned 2021 project. Access to southbound TH SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 5 100 is provided from Eden Avenue. In the study area, the corridor carries between 3,600 to 5,200 vehicles per day based on the most recent daily traffic numbers. Planned Improvements: · TH 100 ramp removal; after Hennepin County Vernon Avenue project (2024). · Eden Ave & Arcadia Mini-Roundabout (2022) The Eden Avenue Traffic Study (2020) completed for the City included the recommendations for improvements along Eden Avenue at both Arcadia Avenue and the TH 100 Southbound ramp terminal intersections. The intersection of Eden Avenue and Arcadia Avenue will be converted from an all-way stop controlled intersection to a mini-roundabout controlled intersection to improve safety and operations. The construction of the roundabout is anticipated in 2022. The analysis showed the current Eden Avenue entrance ramp to southbound TH 100 could be removed without significant impacts to the roadway network. Rerouted traffic to the Vernon Avenue ramp intersection added delays but did not create a considerable impact. The ramp removal reduces the volumes along Eden Avenue and reduces access. The ramp removal is anticipated to be removed in 2024. Figure 3 – Eden Avenue & Arcadia Mini Roundabout Concept Arcadia Avenue and Normandale Road Arcadia Avenue and Normandale Road are two local minor collector roadways included in the study area; both facilities are 2-lane undivided roadways with speed limits of 30 MPH. Arcadia Avenue connects between Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue, while Normandale Road extends to the south as a western freeway frontage road. Due to the proximity to the Our Lady of Grace Catholic School (OLG), Normandale Road is also within a 20 MPH school speed zone. Arcadia SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 6 Avenue carries approximately 1,100 vehicles per day and Normandale Road carries approximately 2,100 vehicles per day based on the most recent daily traffic numbers. Most of the new traffic from the development will utilize Arcadia Road to access the Grandview Yard site. Grange Road and Willson Road Grange Road and Willson Road are two local minor collector roadways included in the study area; both facilities are 2-lane undivided roadways with speed limits of 30 MPH. Grange Road connects between W 50th Street and Eden Avenue, while Willson Road extends to the south as an eastern freeway frontage road. Willson Road is designated as a Municipal State Aid (MSA) Route for the City of Edina and carries approximately 4,400 vehicles per day. Grange Road carries between 6,000 and 8,000 vehicles per day based on the most recent daily traffic numbers. Planned Improvements: Two mini roundabouts along Eden Avenue Based on the alternatives analysis completed in the East Grandview Transportation Study (2021), the intersection of Eden Avenue at Grange Road and Willson Road is programmed for improvements related to the redevelopment in the area and possible TIF funds. The existing all- way stop controlled intersection is skewed and has a large footprint that adds to driver confusion. The planned improvement project includes two mini roundabouts closely spaced together Eden Avenue at Grange Road and Willson Road. The design realigns Willson Road to connect directly across from the southern City Hall parking lot access, and Grange Road would be constructed as a separate T-intersection. Reference the East Grandview Transportation Study for a comprehensive traffic analysis of this configuration. Figure 4 – Mini Roundabouts Concept on Eden Avenue at Grange Road and Willson Road SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 7 The following is a comprehensive list of all thirteen (16) intersections included in the full traffic analysis area; the main study intersections are also noted. 1. Vernon Ave/Gus Young Ln/Retail Access(1) Minor Stop Control 2. Vernon Ave/Interlachen Blvd(1) Traffic Signal(3) 3. Vernon Ave/Arcadia Ave(1) Eastbound RIRO(2) 4. Vernon Ave at TH 100 SB Ramp(1) Traffic Signal(3) 5. Vernon Ave at TH 100 NB Ramp(1) Free Movements 6. W 50th Street at Eden Ave Minor Stop Control 7. Arcadia Ave at TH 100 SB Ramp connection Minor Stop Control 8. Arcadia Ave at Eden 100 Driveway/Proposed Restaurant Driveway(1) Minor Stop Control 9. Arcadia Ave at Proposed Senior Living Driveway(1) Minor Stop Control 10. Grange Road at TH 100 NB Ramp Minor Stop Control 11. Vernon Ave at Eden Ave(1) Traffic Signal 12. Vernon Ave at Brookside Ave Minor Stop Control 13. Eden Ave at School/Church/Proposed Senior Living Driveway(1) Minor Stop Control 14. Eden Ave at Arcadia Ave/Normandale Rd(1) Mini Roundabout(3) 15. Eden Ave at Grange Rd Mini Roundabout(3) 16. Eden Ave at Willson Rd Mini Roundabout(3) Notes: (1) Main Study Intersections (2) Right-In/Right-Out Intersection (3) Planned Improvements included in No Build scenario Figure 5 summarizes the no build 2024 traffic control at the study area intersections. Additional intersection figures can be found in Appendix B. SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 8 Figure 5 – Existing Conditions SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 9 Vehicle Volumes To perform the operational analyses, the City provided vehicle turning movement data from recently completed studies within the study area, in addition to MnDOT count data and MnDOT ramp detector volume data. No new traffic data or observations were performed as part of this study. The East Grandview Transportation Study’s volume database from the Build scenario that included the existing and short-term planned transportation improvements were used as the no build 2024 volumes in this study. The foundation for most of this data included counts collected in 2019 and 2021 within the study area to ensure that most recent development traffic, such as the Avidor apartment complex, was included as much as possible in the analysis. Earlier turning movement count data was used, when necessary, for balancing purposes. With the study area having been thoroughly reviewed in recent years, an existing conditions analysis was not conducted. The study analyzed the anticipated year of opening 2024 traffic volumes, which will be discussed in the next section. 3 Planned Development The focus of this study is the planned development for the Grandview Yard area located at 5146 Eden Avenue, which is the location of the former public works site. The proposed full build out of the site includes: · 90-unit senior housing cooperative project, including 173 underground parking spaces · 2-story 13,500 square-foot, 347 seat restaurant, including 32 surface parking stalls and use of public parking ramp · 31,643 square-foot green space/public plaza, with connection to future pedestrian bridge (currently under construction) See Appendix A for a concept of the proposed Grandview Yard development. This study also included the confirmed land use sizes for the developments occurring at 5100 Eden Avenue (Eden 100 Building) and 4917 Eden Avenue (old Perkins site). Previous traffic studies have been completed in the Grandview area that included some differences in the number of proposed units and/or square footage. This analysis made the updates and revised the analysis appropriately – and ultimately, these differences made a nominal impact in the review. · 5100 Eden Ave: 138 housing units · 4917 Eden Ave: 196 housing units and 3,700 square-foot restaurant Trip generation traffic was added to the forecasted background traffic volumes for both the 2024 and 2042 forecast years. 4 Parking Demand Review Another component to this traffic study was to complete a parking demand review for the proposed Grandview Yard development. Parking requirements were reviewed using both City Code of Ordinances parking requirements and the ITE’s Parking Generation Manual. The SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 10 calculated parking demands were then compared to the planned parking stall layouts for the land uses to understand if the parking supply meets the expected demand during the peak period(s). Overall, the planned parking for Grandview Yard, which includes the spaces available in the nearby public parking ramp, will provide adequate number of spaces to accommodate the parking demands for the 347-seat restaurant and the 90-unit senior living co-op. There are no parking demands necessary for the proposed green space. Division 3, Subdivision II, Section 36-1311 of the City Code states: (c) Senior citizen dwelling unit buildings in the PSR-4 and PSR-5 subdistricts. (1) 0.5 exposed spaces and 0.25 enclosed spaces per senior citizen dwelling unit1. (2) In addition to subsection (c)(1) of this section, the following spaces are required: a. One completely enclosed and one exposed space for each nonsenior citizen dwelling unit located in a building in the Planned Senior Residence District; b. One completely enclosed space per vehicle owned by the building's management and stored on the property; and c. One exposed space for each employee who is not a resident of the building. (d) Restaurants (except within shopping centers). Spaces equal in number to one-third the maximum seating capacity, plus one space for each employee on the major shift. Notes: 1 For this review, the City allowed enclosed spaces to replace the number of required exposed parking spaces for senior citizen housing. Senior Housing The proposed senior housing co-op will include a total of 90-units and 3 employees. The site includes an underground parking garage with 173 spaces. It is expected that these spaces will be used by residents, staff, and visitors of the complex. There are a small number (<10) of exposed parking spaces proposed for the site. The City Code requires a total of 71 parking spaces and the ITE Parking Generation Manual (ITE Code 252, Senior Adult Housing-Multifamily) requires a total of 55 spaces. Therefore, the parking needs for this development are met per the City Code and ITE. Restaurant The proposed restaurant will be approximately 13,400 SF, include 347 seats, and will staff approximately 50 employees during a peak shift. The site includes 32 surface parking spaces. The development expects that all staff members will utilize the public parking garage. Once the parking lot is full, patrons will either utilize the public parking garage or use the valet service (which will park near or in the public parking garage). The City Code requires a total of 166 parking spaces (115 spaces for patrons + 50 spaces for employees) and the ITE Parking Generation Manual (ITE Code 931, Quality Restaurant) requires a total of 180 spaces. Assuming SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 11 that all of the employees will utilize the public parking garage and patrons will utilize the public parking garage once the surface lot is full, a total of 134 parking spaces will be required during the peak period from the existing parking ramp. A Parking Study Update for Grandview Parking Ramp was recently completed in May 2022 for the public parking ramp and was referenced as part of this review. The study reviewed and summarized the existing parking ramp usage during the weekday and weekend late afternoon and evening time periods. The parking ramp has a total of 273 parking spaces, with 210 regular spaces and 63 3-hour restricted parking spaces. During the analysis periods, an average occupancy of 21.25% (215 unused spaces) was observed for the entire parking ramp during the weekday evening periods and an average occupancy of 21.0% (216 unused spaces) was observed for the entire parking ramp during the weekend late afternoon periods. Overall, these results conclude that a significant number of parking spaces are available during the late afternoon and evening time periods throughout the week. Based on the Grandview Parking Ramp study, there is an average of approximately 215 unused spaces in the parking garage during the weekday and weekend afternoon or early evening peak periods. Since these unused spaces exceed the required 134 parking garage spaces for the restaurant, the parking demands are met per the City Code and ITE. 5 Traffic Forecasting 5.1 Background Forecasting Future traffic forecasts were developed based on the City of Edina’s Comprehensive Plan and previous studies in the project area. Most roadways within the project area have a growth rate of between 0.2% and 0.5%. Based on the low growth rate and previous projects, including the East Grandview Transportation Study and the Eden Avenue Traffic Study, a growth rate of 0.3% per year was applied to all intersections in the study area. This growth rate was used to forecast the background traffic to the 2024 and 2042 future years. Intersection volume figures can be found in Appendix B. 5.2 Trip Generation – 5146 Eden Ave (Grandview Yard) A trip generation analysis was performed for the Grandview Yard development site based on the average rates provided in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. The existing lot is currently vacant, and the proposed development includes a senior housing co-op, a dine-in restaurant, and a green space/public plaza. The land uses that were used for estimating the new trips include Senior Adult Housing – Multifamily (ITE Code 252) and Fine Dining Restaurant (ITE Code 931). All the trips are assumed to be new trips to the area. The Grandview Yard development also includes an approximately 0.73-acre green space. Due to the small area, there are no additional trips expected to be generated for the green space. It is assumed that trips to the park will be either be multi-use trips to other businesses in the area or will be accessed by a non-motor vehicle mode of transportation (i.e. walking, bicycling, or rolling). Due to the nature of these land uses and as a conservative approach, there were no pass-by trips or multi-use trip reductions applied to the trip generation estimates. The previously completed East Grandview District traffic study assumed that the land use at 5146 Eden Avenue was to include 165 residential apartment units. Using the previous 10th Edition for ITE Trip Generation Manual and the previous land use size assumption, the trip generation rates SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 12 estimated a total of 898 daily new trips, 59 AM peak hour new trips, and 73 PM peak hour new trips. Therefore, with this updated study, a total of 526 daily trips were added, 31 AM peak hour trips were removed, and 55 PM peak hour trips were added to the network compared to the previous East Grandview District study. Table 1 summarizes the previous and updated trip generations for each land use, including the estimated new daily and peak hour trips added to the roadway network. Table 1 – Trip Generation for 5146 Eden Ave (Grandview Yard) Site Address Land Use (ITE Code) Size Daily AM Peak PM Peak Previous Land Use Size Assumption1 5146 Eden Ave (old Public Works Site) Multifamily Housing (Mid- Rise) (221) 165 Units 898 59 73 Current Proposed Land Use Size2 5146 Eden Ave (old Public Works Site)3 Senior Adult Housing – Multifamily (252) 90 Units 292 18 23 Fine Dining Restaurant (931) 13,500 SF GFA 1,132 10 105 Total Trips 1,424 28 128 Total Trip Difference +526 -31 +55 Notes: 12021 East Grandview District Traffic Study (ITE Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition) 2ITE Trip Generation Manual 11th Edition 3 Proposed green space has no trip generation; therefore users are assumed multi-use trips 5.3 Trip Generation – Surrounding Developments Additionally, this study also confirmed the land use sizes for the redevelopment plans at 5100 Eden Avenue (Eden 100 Building) and 4917 Eden Avenue (old Perkins Restaurant site). This study updated the trip generation for each site from previous studies to be included in the No Build traffic volumes. The Grandview East Transportation Study’s trip generation traffic for 5100 site used the same land use size that was confirmed by the City for this study (138 residential apartments); however, the earlier version of the ITE Trip Generation Manual was used. Table 2 summarizes the differences in the trip generation between the two ITE Trip Generation Manual editions. In general, the estimated trips were higher with the 10th edition compared to the 11th edition with a slight decrease in trips during the PM peak hour. Ultimately, the differences in trips during the AM and PM peak hour have nominal impact to the operations. Note that existing traffic generated by the Eden 100 offices were not extracted from the No Build traffic volumes; therefore, the traffic volumes provide a conservative analysis. SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 13 Table 2 – Trip Generation for 5100 Eden Ave (Eden 100 Building) Site Address Land Use (ITE Code) Size Daily AM Peak PM Peak Previous Trip Generation1 5100 Eden Ave (Eden 100 Building) Multifamily Housing (Mid- Rise) (221) 138 Units 751 50 62 Current Proposed Trip Generation2 5100 Eden Ave (Eden 100 Building) Multifamily Housing (Mid- Rise) (221) 138 Units 627 51 54 Total Trip Difference -124 +1 -8 Notes: 12021 East Grandview District Traffic Study (ITE Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition) 2ITE Trip Generation Manual 11th Edition The 2021 Traffic and Parking Study for 5917 Eden Avenue’s trip generation used comparable land use sizes, with a small difference in the number of dwelling units (reduced from 208 to 196). The square footage for the fast-food restaurant remained the same at 3,700 SF. The ITE Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition was also used in the previous study. Table 3 summarizes the differences in new trips using the previously assumed land use sizes and the updated land use sizes. Overall, a total of 144 net daily trips were added to the network and 65 net AM peak hour trips were added to the system. There was nominal change in the trip generation for the PM peak hour. Note that 2021 Traffic and Parking Study did not account for potential internal trip reduction between the land uses, which contributes to a more conservative traffic analysis. Ultimately, these trip differences were factored into the No Build volumes for this study. Table 3 – Trip Generation for 4917 Eden Ave (Old Perkins Restaurant) Site Address Land Use (ITE Code) Size Daily AM Peak PM Peak Previous Land Use Size Assumption1 4917 Eden Ave (old Perkins site) Apartments 208 Units 1,132 75 92 Fast Food Restaurant without Drive-thru 3,700 SF GFA 1,281 93 105 Total Trips 2,413 168 197 Updated Land Use Size2 4917 Eden Ave (old Perkins site) Multifamily Housing (Mid- Rise) (221) 196 Units 890 73 76 Fast Food Restaurant without Drive-thru (933) 3,700 SF GFA 1,667 160 123 Total Trips 2,557 233 199 Total Trip Difference +144 +65 -2 Notes: 12021 Traffic and Parking Study for 4917 Eden Avenue (ITE Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition) 2ITE Trip Generation Manual 11th Edition SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 14 5.4 Trip Distribution The new trips were distributed to the intersections within the study area based on existing traffic data, proposed access locations, and logical transportation routes. The general trip distributions are the same or comparable to previously completed studies in the area, and are summarized below: · 15% to/from the west · 20% to/from the east · 30% to/from the south (via northbound TH 100) · 30% to/from the north (via southbound TH 100) · 5% to/from the south (via Normandale/W Frontage Road) 5.4.1 Restaurant Parking and Valet Distribution The proposed restaurant’s on-site parking lot will have 32 parking spaces, which are assumed to be used entirely by customers during the peak period. Employees are expected to utilize the Grandview Public Parking garage. Once the on-site spaces are full, customers will either use the valet service at the restaurant’s entrance/main parking lot or utilize the Grandview Public Parking lot. Valet parking is expected to use street parking on Brookside Avenue and/or the public parking garage. During the PM peak hour, 70 entering trips and 35 exiting trips are expected for the restaurant. New trips that are included in the valet service trips and the trips that enter the main lot before driving to the public parking garage were added to the network twice to account for this activity. Based on the expected parking activity distribution, the following activity is expected: · Restaurant Parking Lot - 32 trips (45%) assumed to enter the main lot until full - 17 trips (25%) assumed to enter the main lot to utilize the valet service or prior to driving to the public parking garage. · Grandview Public Parking Garage - 21 trips (30%) assumed to enter the public parking garage off Vernon Ave at either the Interlachen Blvd signal or at the at Gus Young Ln/Retail access. - Approximately 16 trips are expected to enter at Interlachen Blvd and 5 are expected to enter at the Gus Young/Retail access. - Trips assumed to enter the main lot prior to driving to the public parking garage are assumed to be small (~5 trips) and are expected to access the public parking garage via Arcadia Ave and Gus Young Lane. Grandview Public Parking entrance sign on Gus Young Boulevard. SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 15 · Valet Parking/Brookside Avenue - 17 trips (25%) of new entering trips will utilize valet service or access the main lot before driving to the public parking garage. - Most of these trips are expected to utilize valet, which will likely access space on Brookside Avenue via Arcadia and Eden. The Build Traffic Volumes for the 2024 and 2042 analysis years are included in Appendix B. 6 Traffic Operations Analysis Traffic operations analyses were conducted to determine the level of service (LOS), delay, and queueing information for the AM and PM peak hour conditions for the no build and full build scenarios. LOS is a qualitative rating system used to describe the efficiency of traffic operations at an intersection. Six LOS are defined, designated by letters A through F. LOS A represents the best operating conditions (no congestion), and LOS F represents the worst operating conditions (severe congestion). For the study intersection it was assumed that a LOS D or better, for all approaches and the overall intersection, represents acceptable operating conditions. LOS for intersections is determined by the average control delay per vehicle. The range of control delay for each LOS is different for signalized and unsignalized intersections. The expectation is that a signalized intersection is designed to carry higher traffic volumes and will experience greater delays than an unsignalized intersection; driver tolerance for delay is greater at a signal than at a stop sign. Therefore, the LOS thresholds for each LOS category are lower for unsignalized intersections than for signalized intersections Table 4 – Level of Service Thresholds Level of Service Average Control Delay (sec/veh) Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection (Stop Control/Roundabout) A 0 to 10 0 to 10 B > 10 and ≤ 20 > 10 and ≤ 15 C > 20 and ≤ 35 > 15 and ≤ 25 D > 35 and ≤ 55 > 25 and ≤ 35 E > 55 and ≤ 80 > 35 and ≤ 50 F > 80 > 50 Operational analysis was conducted using Synchro/SimTraffic software (version 11) for all study intersections. The average of ten simulation runs were performed to determine the necessary measure of effectiveness (MOE’s). The East Grandview Transportation Study performed the roundabout analyses using the Highway Capacity Software (HCS7), which implements the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) calculations. The study found that operational results of the roundabouts were similar to SimTraffic results. Therefore, this study only utilized Synchro/SimTraffic software to analyze each intersection control option and does not include reports from HCS. SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 16 Currently, there is not a standard traffic operations analysis tool to evaluate a mini roundabout; there are only guidelines for the expected operational capacity of the intersection. It should be noted that a mini roundabout would have slightly less capacity than any single-lane roundabout examined in this section. FHWA guidance suggests a total entering demand for a mini roundabout to be less than 1,600 vehicles per hour on all approaches, this threshold will be reviewed at each of the roundabout-controlled intersection. 6.1 Intersection Analysis The operations analysis summary will focus on the directly impacted study intersections, and the full analysis summary is included in Appendix C for all study intersections. 6.1.1 No Build Conditions The traffic operations analysis for the no build conditions includes the background traffic volumes and the existing or planned roadway/intersection conditions. 2024 No Build In the 2024 No Build scenario, the intersections will operate at LOS C or better with no major congestion. The traffic operations summary for the primary study intersections for the Grandview Yard development are summarized below in Table 5. Most approaches are operating at a LOS C or better with some movements operating at LOS D, which is considered acceptable. See Appendix C for detailed individual intersection turning movement LOS. The peak hour volumes entering the three mini-roundabouts planned along Eden Avenue (Arcadia, Grange, and Willson) perform acceptably with intersection LOS A in both peak hours and all fall below FHWA’s 1,600 vph threshold, with the three mini-roundabouts ranging from approximately 875 vph to 1,165 vph. 2042 No Build Conditions In the 2042 No Build scenario, the intersections will continue to operate at LOS C or better with no major congestion. The traffic operations summary for the primary study intersections for the Grandview Yard development are summarized below in Table 6. Most approaches are operating at LOS C or better with some movements operating at LOS D, which is considered acceptable. An LOS E is seen for the northbound approach at Vernon Ave at Arcadia Ave during the AM peak hour. See Appendix C for detailed individual intersection turning movement LOS. The peak hour volumes entering the three mini-roundabouts planned along Eden Avenue (Arcadia, Grange, and Willson) perform acceptably with intersection LOS A in both peak hours and all fall below FHWA’s 1,600 vph threshold, with the three mini-roundabouts ranging from approximately 920 vph to 1,220 vph. SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 17 Table 5 – 2024 No Build Operations Summary Intersection Approach AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Approach (Delay / LOS) Intersection (Delay / LOS) Approach (Delay / LOS) Intersection (Delay / LOS) Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 18.6 / B 20.6 / C 17.0 / B 17.2 / B WB 14.3 / B 16.7 / B NB 24.2 / C 18.5 / B SB 19.6 / B 14.9 / B Vernon Ave at Gus Young Lane/Retail EB 16.1 / C 4.2 / A 21.7 / C 5.6 / A WB 15.7 / C 26.2 / D NB 3.5 / A 3.6 / A SB 2.2 / A 2.9 / A Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 23.0 / C 22.9 / C 26.1 / C 30.1 / C WB 13.9 / B 21.0 / C NB 43.7 / D 50.8 / D SB 30.6 / C 44.9 / D Vernon Ave at Arcadia Ave EB 6.9 / A 5.5 / A 5.3 / A 4.7 / A WB 1.2 / A 1.2 / A NB 19.9 / C 20.7 / C SB Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB 18.8 / B 22.7 / C 16.0 / B 25.7 / C WB 23.1 / C 27.7 / C NB SB 28.6 / C 36.4 / D 50th St & NB TH 100 EB 2.6 / A 2.7 / A 2.5 / A 2.2 / A WB 2.8 / A 1.8 / A NB SB Eden Ave at Senior Living West Driveway/School Access EB 1.3 / A 5.2 / A 1.1 / A 1.3 / A WB 4.7 / A 0.7 / A NB 13.0 / B 10.3 / B SB 34.1 / D 8.7 / A Eden Ave at Arcadia Ave/Normandale Rd (Roundabout) EB 2.7 / A 3.8 / A 3.5 / A 3.4 / A WB 4.0 / A 2.8 / A NB 4.4 / A 4.4 / A SB 5.0 / A 3.4 / A Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB 0.0 / A 0.8 / A 0.0 / A 0.3 / A WB 6.8 / A 4.4 / A NB 0.1 / A 0.1 / A SB 0.3 / A 0.1 / A Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East Driveway EB 0.0 / A 0.5 / A 0.0 / A 0.4 / A WB 0.0 / A 0.0 / A NB 0.5 / A 0.6 / A SB 0.4 / A 0.3 / A SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 18 Table 6 – 2042 No Build Operations Summary Intersection Approach AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Approach (Delay / LOS) Intersection (Delay / LOS) Approach (Delay / LOS) Intersection (Delay / LOS) Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 16.1 / B 21.3 / C 19.2 / B 17.7 / B WB 13.9 / B 18.4 / B NB 25.0 / C 18.9 / B SB 20.7 / C 14.8 / B Vernon Ave at Gus Young Lane/Retail EB 13.7 / B 4.5 / A 25.0 / D 6.7 / A WB 18.1 / C 33.9 / D NB 3.7 / A 4.1 / A SB 2.4 / A 3.0 / A Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 25.9 / C 24.6 / C 30.4 / C 33.7 / C WB 15.7 / B 23.0 / C NB 41.4 / D 52.9 / D SB 31.7 / C 49.9 / D Vernon Ave at Arcadia Ave EB 9.1 / A 7.9 / A 6.5 / A 6.2 / A WB 1.2 / A 1.2 / A NB 36.9 / E 33.2 / D SB Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB 20.0 / C 24.0 / C 17.0 / B 27.8 / C WB 25.0 / C 29.8 / C NB SB 29.1 / C 39.7 / D 50th St & NB TH 100 EB 2.6 / A 3.4 / A 2.6 / A 2.4 / A WB 3.9 / A 2.1 / A NB SB Eden Ave at Senior Living West Driveway/School Access EB 1.4 / A 6.2 / A 1.6 / A 1.7 / A WB 5.3 / A 1.0 / A NB 16.4 / C 11.3 / B SB 17.1 / C 7.8 / A Eden Ave at Arcadia Ave/Normandale Rd (Roundabout) EB 2.9 / A 4.0 / A 3.7 / A 3.6 / A WB 3.9 / A 3.0 / A NB 4.7 / A 4.6 / A SB 6.0 / A 3.5 / A Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB 0.7 / A 0.4 / A WB 7.0 / A 4.3 / A NB 0.1 / A 0.2 / A SB 0.3 / A 0.1 / A Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East Driveway EB 0.5 / A 0.5 / A WB NB 0.5 / A 0.7 / A SB 0.4 / A 0.3 / A SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 19 6.1.2 Build Conditions The traffic operations analysis for the build conditions includes the background traffic volumes and the new trips expected for the Grandview Yard development site. The existing or planned roadway conditions were continued to be used in the build analyses. 2024 Build Conditions In the 2024 Build scenario, the intersection operations are comparable to the 2024 No Build conditions with intersections operating at LOS C or better with no major congestion concerns. The traffic operations summary for the primary study intersections for the Grandview Yard development are summarized below in Table 7. Most movements are operating at LOS C or better with some movements operating at LOS D, which is considered acceptable. The northbound movement at Vernon Ave/Arcadia Ave intersection during the AM peak hour experiences slightly more delay compared to the No Build scenario, with approximately 8 seconds of delay per vehicle added due to the new trips for the redevelopment. See Appendix C for detailed individual intersection turning movement LOS. The peak hour volumes entering the three mini-roundabouts planned along Eden Avenue (Arcadia, Grange, and Willson) perform acceptably with intersection LOS A in both peak hours and all fall below FHWA’s 1,600 vph threshold, with the three mini-roundabouts ranging from approximately 895 vph to 1,200 vph. 2042 Build Conditions In the 2042 Build scenario, the intersection operations are relatively comparable to the 2042 No Build conditions with intersections operating at LOS C or better with the exception of the Vernon Ave/Interlachen Blvd intersection operating at LOS D during the PM peak hour. It is expected that routine signal timing adjustments can be made to alleviate these delay concerns in the future to achieve acceptable operations. The traffic operations summary for the primary study intersections for the Grandview Yard development are summarized below in Table 8. Most movements are operating at LOS D or better. However, compared to the 2042 No Build operations, some movements are expected to experience slightly increased delay including the LOS E expected for the northbound and southbound approaches at Vernon Ave/Interlachen Blvd, LOS E in the AM peak hour for the northbound right-out movement at Vernon Ave/Arcadia Ave, and the westbound approach at the Vernon Ave/TH 100 SB ramp. See Appendix C for detailed individual intersection turning movement LOS. The peak hour volumes entering the three mini-roundabouts planned along Eden Avenue (Arcadia, Grange, and Willson) perform acceptably with intersection LOS A in both peak hours and all fall below FHWA’s 1,600 vph threshold, with the three mini-roundabouts ranging from approximately 940 vph to 1,255 vph. SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 20 Table 7 – 2024 Build Operations Summary Intersection Approach AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Approach (Delay / LOS) Intersection (Delay / LOS) Approach (Delay / LOS) Intersection (Delay / LOS) Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 20.9 / C 21.4 / C 17.6 / B 17.2 / B WB 14.1 / B 17.0 / B NB 25.0 / C 18.3 / B SB 21.0 / C 15.0 / B Vernon Ave at Gus Young Lane/Retail EB 15.4 / C 4.5 / A 21.4 / C 5.6 / A WB 17.2 / C 26.8 / D NB 3.7 / A 3.6 / A SB 2.4 / A 2.8 / A Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 23.3 / C 23.0 / C 26.8 / C 31.5 / C WB 14.1 / B 21.5 / C NB 40.3 / D 50.5 / D SB 31.0 / C 48.9 / D Vernon Ave at Arcadia Ave EB 9.1 / A 7.3 / A 6.3 / A 5.6 / A WB 1.1 / A 1.2 / A NB 28.6 / D 23.9 / C SB Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB 20.3 / C 23.9 / C 16.9 / B 27.1 / C WB 24.8 / C 31.9 / C NB SB 28.8 / C 36.3 / D 50th St & NB TH 100 EB 2.6 / A 2.8 / A 2.5 / A 2.4 / A WB 3.0 / A 2.3 / A NB SB Eden Ave at Senior Living West Driveway/School Access EB 1.4 / A 5.0 / A 1.3 / A 1.4 / A WB 4.5 / A 0.8 / A NB 12.1 / B 9.4 / A SB 19.2 / C 11.8 / B Eden Ave at Arcadia Ave/Normandale Rd (Roundabout) EB 2.8 / A 3.6 / A 3.5 / A 3.5 / A WB 3.6 / A 3.0 / A NB 4.5 / A 4.4 / A SB 4.8 / A 3.5 / A Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB 8.5 / A 0.8 / A 5.3 / A 0.9 / A WB 6.6 / A 5.4 / A NB 0.1 / A 0.5 / A SB 0.3 / A 0.2 / A Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East Driveway EB 7.3 / A 0.5 / A 11.7 / B 0.8 / A WB 0.0 / A 0.0 / A NB 0.5 / A 0.9 / A SB 0.3 / A 0.4 / A SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 21 Table 8 – 2042 Build Operations Summary Intersection Approach AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Approach (Delay / LOS) Intersection (Delay / LOS) Approach (Delay / LOS) Intersection (Delay / LOS) Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 26.0 / C 21.2 / C 15.9 / B 18.6 / B WB 14.6 / B 20.0 / C NB 24.5 / C 20.0 / C SB 20.4 / C 15.0 / B Vernon Ave at Gus Young Lane/Retail EB 14.0 / B 4.9 / A 24.2 / C 6.9 / A WB 20.4 / C 30.9 / D NB 4.1 / A 4.6 / A SB 2.4 / A 3.5 / A Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 26.7 / C 25.4 / C 33.1 / C 37.3 / D WB 15.9 / B 23.3 / C NB 40.1 / D 55.4 / E SB 33.1 / C 60.3 / E Vernon Ave at Arcadia Ave EB 10.0 / B 8.2 / A 8.1 / A 8.0 / A WB 1.2 / A 1.2 / A NB 32.2 / D 41.1 / E SB Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB 21.0 / C 25.6 / C 18.9 / B 30.5 / C WB 28.8 / C 38.2 / D NB SB 28.7 / C 39.5 / D 50th St & NB TH 100 EB 2.7 / A 3.8 / A 2.8 / A 3.0 / A WB 4.5 / A 3.2 / A NB SB Eden Ave at Senior Living West Driveway/School Access EB 1.5 / A 6.5 / A 1.5 / A 1.7 / A WB 4.9 / A 0.9 / A NB 18.8 / C 12.0 / B SB 20.4 / C 11.5 / B Eden Ave at Arcadia Ave/Normandale Rd (Roundabout) EB 2.9 / A 4.1 / A 3.7 / A 3.7 / A WB 4.4 / A 3.2 / A NB 4.7 / A 4.7 / A SB 5.2 / A 3.6 / A Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB 10.6 / B 0.8 / A 5.6 / A 0.9 / A WB 7.0 / A 5.4 / A NB 0.1 / A 0.4 / A SB 0.3 / A 0.3 / A Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East Driveway EB 9.6 / A 0.6 / A 8.4 / A 0.7 / A WB 0.0 / A 0.0 / A NB 0.5 / A 0.9 / A SB 0.4 / A 0.4 / A SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 22 6.2 Travel Demand Management Policy Review The City of Edina approved a Travel Demand Management (TDM) Policy in April 2021 to help identify and manage negative traffic impact as a result of new development. The TDM policy outlines two tiers for TDM Plans that can be reviewed by the developer depending on the proposed land use and size. This traffic study does not specifically include a TDM Plan for the development. However, based on the operations analyses, the proposed site plan, and sketch plan proposal submitted to the Planning Commission in January 2022, the Grandview Yard development is expected to align with the City’s TDM goals in several ways, including: · The Grandview Yard development will connect directly with the pedestrian bridge currently under construction (anticipated 2022 completion) and achieve goals to accommodate multimodal and active transportation in the Grandview District. The pedestrian bridge will also span across the existing railroad tracks, which poses as an existing barrier in the District. · The proposed public green space/plaza proposes to include pedestrian routes, terrace seating, a sloped lawn, and public restrooms. The green space also allocates space for event space to host small community gatherings. This amenity will be an attractive land use to further support an active and vibrant community for the area. · The restaurant land use will rely on the existing public parking garage to accommodate the parking demand and eliminate some single-occupancy trips on Arcadia Avenue. According to the parking study and trip generation review, there is adequate parking capacity in the public garage to accommodate the parking demand. · The development is within close proximity to existing transit services on Vernon Avenue. · The Grandview Transportation Plan proposes sidewalks along the south and east lot lines. · The planned roundabout at Eden Avenue/Arcadia Avenue and improvements on Eden Avenue in the project area are expected to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and attract additional non-motorized users to the area. · The intersection operations analysis for the 2024 and 2042 Build scenarios do not show significant operational concerns due to the proposed development. Additional strategies that the development may consider to limit the number of single-occupancy vehicle trips and optimize the transportation network in the Grandview District include: · Designated rideshare drop-off areas and/or carpool parking spaces · Bicycle parking areas and accessible ramps · Discounted transit passes/transit benefits · Electric vehicle charging stations · Educate residents, employees, and customers on the benefits of carpooling and/or active transportation options, including maps of the surrounding bicycle networks and transit routes · Discourage trips into the restaurant parking area when the main lot is at capacity by additional signing and wayfinding to the public parking garage. SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 23 7 Conclusions and Recommendations This study was intended to analyze the traffic operations of the proposed Grandview Yard development located at 5146 Eden Avenue (former Public Works site), which currently is vacant. The 3.125-acre parcel is located on the northwest corner of Eden Avenue and Arcadia Avenue and is proposed to include a 90-unit senior cooperative housing, a 2-story 13,500 square-foot restaurant, and an approximately 32,000 square-foot green space/public plaza. The purpose of the study was to identify any operational concerns due to the new traffic expected to be generated by the proposed development. Traffic Study Summary: · The parking needs for the Senior Housing development are met as the proposed site includes a 173-space underground parking garage and the City code requires a total of 55 spaces. · The parking needs for the Restaurant development are met with consideration of the existing public parking ramp adjacent to the development. The City Code requires a total of 166 spaces and the restaurant will have access to 32 on-site parking spaces and the available Grandview public parking garage stalls, which provides an average of 215 unused spaces during peak periods (per the Grandview Parking Ramp study). · The proposed Grandview Yard development is expected to generate 1,424 weekday daily new trips, 28 AM peak hour new trips, and 128 PM peak hour new trips. · No Build operations were not significantly impacted by the new trips due to the relatively small number of new trips distributed to each intersection during the peak hours within the Grandview network. · The planned mini-roundabouts along Eden Avenue at Arcadia, Grange, and Willson are all expected to perform well with the 2024 and 2042 Build volumes. · Traffic operations for the 2024 No Build scenario are acceptable, with intersections performing at LOS C and no major congestion concerns at the primary study intersections. All approaches operate acceptably at LOS D or better. · Traffic operations for the 2042 No Build scenario are acceptable, with intersections performing at LOS C or better with no major congestion concerns at the primary study intersections. LOS E is expected for the NB approach at Vernon Ave/Arcadia Ave during the AM peak hour. · Traffic operations for the 2024 Build scenario are comparable to the 2024 No Build conditions. All intersections and movements operate at LSO D or better. Additional development traffic has nominal impact to operations. · Traffic operations for the 2042 Build scenario are comparable to the 2042 No Build conditions. The additional development traffic does add delays for a few approaches that reach LOS E during the peak hours, but overall, all intersections operate at a LOS D or better. Recommendations summary: · It is recommended that the Vernon Ave/Arcadia Ave intersection be monitored in the future to understand if there are any future operations or queueing concerns that should be addressed once development changes occur. · Signal timing adjustments and coordination along Vernon Avenue may be necessary to accommodate background traffic demand in addition to new development traffic. SAVE AS REPORT TITLE... EDINA 168382 Page 24 Specifically monitor signal timings at the Vernon Ave/SB TH 100 interchange ramp and Vernon Ave/Interlachen Blvd. · Consider spacing the two proposed driveways on Arcadia Avenue further apart to avoid turning conflicts or driver confusion. · Encourage public parking garage parking for the restaurant/discourage double trips onto the roadway network · Monitor valet parking activity and circulation to mitigate safety issues on Arcadia Ave during peak periods. Appendix A Grandview Yard Concept Plan Appendix B Intersection Volume Figures !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(Vernon Ave SGus Young Ln Arcadia AveInterlachen Blvd Eden Ave Grange RdW 50th St Normandale RdBrookside Ave?úA@ ?úA@ 11 2 3 4 15 10 6 7 1 12 13 14 16 5 98 Planned/Existing Lane Geometrics Figure1Grandview Yard Traffic StudyEdina, MN Project: EDINA 168382 User Name: bandertProjection: Hennepin County Coords.Source: ESRI Online Print Date: 7/28/2022 èéEden Ave Vernon Ave11 ³>=³>P>PP>³Arcadia Ave!"$Eden Ave6 > W 50th St ³P³>³ = Eden Ave Brookside Ave12 !"$=>P³>Eden Ave Our Lady Of Grace School Access13 !"$OP=>OPèéVernon Ave Gus Young Ln2 Interlachen Blvd>PP>>P>³P>³Vernon Ave 3 !"$= ³³³PèéVernon Ave TH 100 West Ramps4 >=O³³=³OGus Young Ln Vernon Ave1 ³>=³P>³O=O=!"$ !"$S TH 100 Ramp Arcadia Ave7 ³³>=W 50th St TH 100 East Ramps5 ³³=³³=!"$Driveway Arcadia Ave8 OP>=!"$Arcadia Ave9 ³³!"$ Eden Ave Normandale Rd14 Arcadia Ave!",$Eden Ave Willson RdGrange Rd!",$ 3 / (10)143 / (91)42 / (52)98 / (95)95 / (158)44 / (73)174 / (142)125 / (142)102 / (101)239 / (168)111 / (125)35 / (33)³>=³>=³>=³>=15 !"$City Hall16 Eden AveGrange RdEden Ave OP Willson RdP=>OOPOPOPOPOPOP OP!"$Grange Rd10 >==TH 100 Ramps ³=³>= Roundabout Control Intersection GeometricsOP !"$ Signalized Intersectionèé Minor Street Stop Control !",$All Way Stop Control Intersection IDX => !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(Vernon Ave SGus Young Ln Arcadia AveInterlachen Blvd Eden Ave Grange RdW 50th St Normandale RdBrookside Ave?úA@ ?úA@ 11 2 3 4 15 10 6 7 1 12 13 14 16 5 98 2024 No Build Conditions Figure2Grandview Yard Traffic StudyEdina, MN Project: EDIN A 168382 User Name: ljohnsonProjection: Hennepin County Coords.Source: ESRI Online Print Date: 8/2/2022 èéEden Ave Vernon Ave11 190 / (164)2 / (4)198 / (220)2 / (2)619 / (915)260 / (276)6 / (2)5 / (10)4 / (5)11 / (7)383 / (493)117 / (107)Arcadia Ave!"$Eden Ave6 > 1372 / (867)181 / (119) 692 / (1336)4 / (8) W 50th St 0 / (0)192 / (237)= Eden Ave Brookside Ave12 !"$=>³>3 / (4)372 / (355) 4 / (2)360 / (372)3 / (13)0 / (15)Eden Ave Our Lady Of Grace School Access13 !"$=> 1 / (0)322 / (347)152 / (17)53 / (10)151 / (18)2 / (1)249 / (371)109 / (15)0 / (2)1 / (4)=>Eden Ave Normandale Rd14 Arcadia Ave!",$ 94 / (80)295 / (173)44 / (49)64 / (81)70 / (87)15 / (9)49 / (59)306 / (291)46 / (50)116 / (110)46 / (110)17 / (26)Eden Ave Willson RdGrange Rd!",$ 3 / (10)143 / (91)42 / (52)98 / (95)95 / (158)44 / (73)174 / (142)125 / (142)102 / (101)239 / (168)111 / (125)35 / (33)!"$Grange Rd10 171 / (246)304 / (225)5 / (5)80 / (88)154 / (115)138 / (193)2 / (2)>=4 / (40)=TH 100 Ramps èéVernon Ave Gus Young Ln2 Interlachen Blvd308 / (376)379 / (420)81 / (73)19 / (29)67 / (116)13 / (24)178 / (292)560 / (769)64 / (37)162 / (99)84 / (80)373 / (426)Vernon Ave 3 !"$= 769 / (869)166 / (167)914 / (1180)32 / (39)³=Gus Young Ln Vernon Ave1 !"$ 61 / (65)4 / (12)52 / (73)13 / (9)720 / (1008)76 / (59)12 / (12)4 / (12)12 / (12)29 / (27)467 / (456)57 / (55)³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³ èéVernon Ave TH 100 West Ramps4 546 / (514)419 / (329) 697 / (896)383 / (450)223 / (355)66 / (63)366 / (655)³>=³>³=W 50th St TH 100 East Ramps5 585 / (335)965 / (843) 691 / (1247)372 / (304) ³=³=³=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>³=Arcadia AveIntersection ID Turning MovementsOP X XX / (XX)AM Peak Hour Vo lumePM Peak Hour Vo lume !"$ Signalized Intersectionèé Minor Street Stop Control !",$All Way Stop Control Roundabou t Control15 !"$City Hall16 5 / (5)139 / (70)41 / (52) 10 / (10)143 / (159)215 / (226) Eden Ave 5 / (22)0 / (0)5 / (5)Grange Rd104 / (168)249 / (177) 190 / (142)225 / (237) Eden Ave 241 / (155)142 / (158)Willson Rd!"$S TH 100 Ramp Arcadia Ave7 ³16 / (25)51 / (19)117 / (228)³225 / (206)>=!"$Driveway Arcadia Ave8 22 / (14)15 / (10)164 / (236)4 / (11)203 / (192)10 / (27)!"$Arcadia Ave9 179 / (246)213 / (219)!"$209 / (253)0 / (0)45 / (73)³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³=³>>=>=³³³=³> !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(Vernon Ave SGus Young Ln Arcadia AveInterlachen Blvd Eden Ave Grange RdW 50th St Normandale RdBrookside Ave?úA@ ?úA@ 11 2 3 4 15 10 6 7 1 12 13 14 16 5 98 2042 No Build Conditions Figure3Grandview Yard Traffic StudyEdina, MN Project: EDINA 168382 User Name: bandertProjection: Hennepin County Coords.Source: ESRI Online Print Date: 8/2/2022 èéEden Ave Vernon Ave11 200 / (171)2 / (4)208 / (231)2 / (2)653 / (964)273 / (290)6 / (2)5 / (11)4 / (5)12 / (7)404 / (520)123 / (113)Arcadia Ave!"$Eden Ave6 1446 / (913)191 / (125) 727 / (1409)4 / (9) W 50th St 0 / (0)201 / (249)= Eden Ave Brookside Ave12 !"$³>3 / (4)389 / (371) 4 / (2)380 / (390)3 / (14)0 / (16)Eden Ave Our Lady Of Grace School Access13 !"$=> 1 / (0)336 / (362)161 / (18)56 / (11)159 / (19)2 / (1)263 / (389)115 / (16)0 / (2)1 / (4)=>Eden Ave Normandale Rd14 Arcadia Ave!",$ 98 / (83)309 / (180)47 / (52)67 / (85)74 / (91)16 / (10)52 / (54)322 / (305)49 / (53)122 / (115)49 / (116)16 / (28)Eden Ave Willson RdGrange Rd!",$ 3 / (10)143 / (91)42 / (52)98 / (95)95 / (158)44 / (73)174 / (142)125 / (142)102 / (101)239 / (168)111 / (125)35 / (33)!"$Grange Rd10 180 / (259)319 / (235)5 / (5)84 / (91)161 / (120)143 / (202)2 / (2)>=4 / (43)=TH 100 Ramps èéVernon Ave Gus Young Ln2 Interlachen Blvd325 / (396)400 / (443)85 / (77)20 / (31)70 / (122)14 / (26)187 / (307)590 / (809)67 / (39)171 / (104)89 / (85)393 / (448)Vernon Ave 3 !"$= 810 / (916)174 / (174)963 / (1242)34 / (41)³=Gus Young Ln Vernon Ave1 !"$ 64 / (68)4 / (13)55 / (77)14 / (10)759 / (1062)80 / (62)13 / (13)4 / (13)13 / (13)31 / (29)492 / (481)60 / (58)³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³ èéVernon Ave TH 100 West Ramps4 575 / (542)439 / (344) 733 / (943)403 / (474)235 / (374)69 / (66)385 / (689)³>=³>³=W 50th St TH 100 East Ramps5 617 / (353)1014 / (886) 727 / (1313)391 / (319) ³=³=³=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>³=Arcadia AveIntersection ID Turning MovementsOP X XX / (XX)AM Peak Hour VolumePM Peak Hour Volume !"$ Signalized Intersectionèé Minor Street Stop Control !",$All Way Stop Control Roundabout Control15 !"$City Hall16 5 / (5)146 / (74)44 / (55) 11 / (11)148 / (167)225 / (237) Eden Ave 5 / (23)0 / (0)5 / (5)Grange Rd109 / (177)259 / (185) 197 / (147)234 / (249) Eden Ave 252 / (160)150 / (166)Willson Rd!"$S TH 100 Ramp Arcadia Ave7 ³17 / (27)54 / (20)122 / (240)³237 / (215)>=!"$Driveway Arcadia Ave8 22 / (14)15 / (10)172 / (249)4 / (11)215 / (201)10 / (27)!"$Arcadia Ave9 187 / (259)225 / (228)!"$217 / (265)0 / (0)48 / (77)=>Driveway³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³=³>>=>=³³³=³>> !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(Vernon Ave SGus Young Ln Arcadia AveInterlachen Blvd Eden Ave Grange RdW 50th St Normandale RdBrookside Ave?úA@ ?úA@ 11 2 3 4 15 10 6 7 1 12 13 14 16 5 98 2024 Build Conditions Figure4Grandview Yard Traffic StudyEdina, MN Project: EDIN A 168382 User Name: ljohnsonProjection: Hennepin County Coords.Source: ESRI Online Print Date: 8/2/2022 èéEden Ave Vernon Ave11 190 / (164)2 / (4)200 / (226)2 / (2)620 / (918)261 / (285)6 / (2)5 / (10)4 / (5)11 / (7)383 / (495)117 / (107)Arcadia Ave!"$Eden Ave6 > 1373 / (871)182 / (132) 692 / (1338)4 / (8) W 50th St 0 / (0)194 / (246)= Eden Ave Brookside Ave12 !"$=>³>3 / (22)374 / (361) 4 / (2)361 / (381)3 / (13)0 / (24)Eden Ave Our Lady Of Grace School Access13 !"$=> 3 / (4)322 / (369)152 / (17)53 / (10)151 / (18)3 / (3)249 / (387)109 / (15)2 / (4)4 / (6)=>Eden Ave Normandale Rd14 Arcadia Ave!",$ 96 / (108)297 / (177)44 / (49)64 / (81)70 / (91)15 / (9)49 / (68)308 / (293)47 / (50)116 / (132)46 / (112)17 / (31)Eden Ave Willson RdGrange Rd!",$ 3 / (10)143 / (91)42 / (52)98 / (95)95 / (158)44 / (73)174 / (142)125 / (142)102 / (101)239 / (168)111 / (125)35 / (33)!"$Grange Rd10 173 / (252)307 / (244)5 / (5)80 / (88)154 / (115)138 / (193)2 / (2)>=4 / (40)=TH 100 Ramps èéVernon Ave Gus Young Ln2 Interlachen Blvd309 / (376)379 / (420)86 / (89)19 / (29)67 / (116)13 / (33)178 / (292)560 / (769)64 / (37)162 / (99)84 / (80)373 / (426)Vernon Ave 3 !"$= 774 / (885)175 / (188)914 / (1189)32 / (39)³=Gus Young Ln Vernon Ave1 !"$ 61 / (65)4 / (12)52 / (75)13 / (9)720 / (1008)77 / (62)12 / (12)4 / (12)12 / (12)29 / (27)467 / (456)57 / (55)³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³ èéVernon Ave TH 100 West Ramps4 549 / (524)419 / (329) 706 / (926)383 / (450)225 / (361)69 / (82)366 / (655)³>=³>³=W 50th St TH 100 East Ramps5 585 / (335)968 / (853) 691 / (1249)381 / (332) ³=³=³=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>³=Arcadia AveIntersection ID Turning MovementsOP X XX / (XX)AM Peak Hour Vo lumePM Peak Hour Vo lume !"$ Signalized Intersectionèé Minor Street Stop Control !",$All Way Stop Control Roundabou t Control15 !"$City Hall16 5 / (5)140 / (83)41 / (52) 10 / (10)144 / (166)215 / (226) Eden Ave 5 / (22)0 / (0)5 / (5)Grange Rd104 / (168)250 / (190) 190 / (142)227 / (244) Eden Ave 244 / (174)142 / (158)Willson Rd!"$S TH 100 Ramp Arcadia Ave7 ³16 / (25)54 / (38)117 / (229)³234 / (228)>=!"$Driveway Arcadia Ave8 22 / (14)15 / (10)1 / (15)166 / (241)4 / (11)1 / (43)210 / (199)10 / (27)!"$Senior Housing Access Arcadia Ave9 7 / (6)0 / (0)2 / (4)179 / (275)1 / (4)214 / (263)!"$209 / (253)0 / (0)45 / (73)³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³=³>>=>=>=³>³=³=³>=>Restaurant Access Senior Housing Access !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(Vernon Ave SGus Young Ln Arcadia AveInterlachen Blvd Eden Ave Grange RdW 50th St Normandale RdBrookside Ave?úA@ ?úA@ 11 2 3 4 15 10 6 7 1 12 13 14 16 5 98 2042 Build Conditions Figure5Grandview Yard Traffic StudyEdina, MN Project: EDIN A 168382 User Name: ljohnsonProjection: Hennepin County Coords.Source: ESRI Online Print Date: 8/2/2022 èéEden Ave Vernon Ave11 200 / (171)2 / (4)210 / (237)2 / (2)654 / (967)274 / (299)6 / (2)5 / (11)4 / (5)12 / (7)404 / (522)123 / (113)Arcadia Ave!"$Eden Ave6 1447 / (917)192 / (138) 727 / (1411)4 / (9) W 50th St 0 / (0)203 / (258)= Eden Ave Brookside Ave12 !"$³>3 / (22)391 / (377) 4 / (2)381 / (399)3 / (14)0 / (25)Eden Ave Our Lady Of Grace School Access13 !"$=> 3 / (4)336 / (384)161 / (18)56 / (11)159 / (19)3 / (3)263 / (405)115 / (16)2 / (4)4 / (6)=>Eden Ave Normandale Rd14 Arcadia Ave!",$ 100 / (111)311 / (184)47 / (52)67 / (85)74 / (95)16 / (10)52 / (70)324 / (307)50 / (53)122 / (137)49 / (118)16 / (33)Eden Ave Willson RdGrange Rd!",$ 3 / (10)143 / (91)42 / (52)98 / (95)95 / (158)44 / (73)174 / (142)125 / (142)102 / (101)239 / (168)111 / (125)35 / (33)!"$Grange Rd10 182 / (265)322 / (254)5 / (5)84 / (91)161 / (120)143 / (202)2 / (2)>=4 / (43)=TH 100 Ramps èéVernon Ave Gus Young Ln2 Interlachen Blvd325 / (396)400 / (443)90 / (93)20 / (31)70 / (122)14 / (35)187 / (307)590 / (809)67 / (39)171 / (104)89 / (85)393 / (448)Vernon Ave 3 !"$= 815 / (932)183 / (195)963 / (1251)34 / (41)³=Gus Young Ln Vernon Ave1 !"$ 64 / (68)4 / (13)55 / (79)14 / (10)759 / (1062)81 / (65)13 / (13)4 / (13)13 / (13)31 / (29)492 / (481)60 / (58)³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³ èéVernon Ave TH 100 West Ramps4 578 / (552)439 / (344) 742 / (973)403 / (474)237 / (380)72 / (85)385 / (689)³>=³>³=W 50th St TH 100 East Ramps5 617 / (353)1017 / (896) 727 / (1315)400 / (347) ³=³=³=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>³=Arcadia AveIntersection ID Turning MovementsOP X XX / (XX)AM Peak Hour Vo lumePM Peak Hour Vo lume !"$ Signalized Intersectionèé Minor Street Stop Control !",$All Way Stop Control Roundabou t Control15 !"$City Hall16 5 / (5)147 / (87)44 / (55) 11 / (11)150 / (174)225 / (237) Eden Ave 5 / (23)0 / (0)5 / (5)Grange Rd109 / (177)260 / (198) 197 / (147)236 / (256) Eden Ave 255 / (179)150 / (166)Willson Rd!"$S TH 100 Ramp Arcadia Ave7 ³17 / (27)57 / (39)122 / (241)³246 / (237)>=!"$Driveway Arcadia Ave8 22 / (14)15 / (10)1 / (15)174 / (254)4 / (11)1 / (43)222 / (208)10 / (27)!"$Senior Housing Access Arcadia Ave9 7 / (6)0 / (0)2 / (4)187 / (288)1 / (4)226 / (272)!"$217 / (265)0 / (0)48 / (77)=>³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³>=³=³>>=>=>=³>³=³= > >³>=³>=2 / (15)0 / (0)0 / (28) Restaurant Access Senior Housing Access Appendix C Traffic Operational Results Table B1Grandview Yard2024 No Build Conditions - Realigned Wilson Rd, Mini-Roundabouts at Eden/Grange and Eden/WilsonAM & PM Peak HoursL T R Total L LOS T LOS R LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSStorage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockThru (2)---->% BlockLeft (2)<----Link Length(feet)Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockRight (2)---->% BlockThru (2)<----Storage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 6 5 4 15 21.6 C 22.2 C 5.6 A 18.6 B 50 20 3700356 20 3900 000WB 198 2 192 392 19.9 B 13.6 B 8.3 A 14.3 B 20.6 C 100 8214701 % 635 67 21900 000NB 2 619 260 881 62.1E31.4 C 6.4 A 24.2 C 100 20 41022 % 379 1863232 %0250 61220SB 117 383 11 511 28.2 C 17.4 B 13.1 B 19.6 B 145 6415401 % 792 89 171 1 %0000Vernon Ave at Gus Young Ln EB 12 4 12 28 21.7 C 25.9 D 5.4 A 16.1 C00000204 20 49 1 %050 20 31WB 52 4 61 117 22.0 C 24.3 C 10.3 B 15.7 C 4.2 A00000418 34 86 6 % 3 % 50 3186NB 13 720 76 809 7.0 A 3.4 A 3.7 A 3.5 A 100 20 2700792 20 2100140 20 20SB 57 467 29 553 10.3 B 1.3 A 1.3 A 2.2 A 100 20 720038202000 000Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 178 560 64 802 37.9 D 18.9 B 17.7 B 23.0 C 150 10722001 % 382 1883821 %0000WB 81 379 309 769 27.6 C 13.3 B 11.4 B 13.9 B 22.9 C 200 46 12700390 110 25700 000NB 19 67 13 99 51.2 D 44.2 D 30.1 C 43.7 D 50 2086023 % 438 60 14000 000SB 373 84 162 619 37.1 D 29.5 C 16.2 B 30.6 C 590 185 34901 %0111 24800 000Vernon Ave & Arcadia Ave EB0914 32 9460.0 07.0 A 4.4 A 6.9 A00003 % 390 85 324 13 %0000WB076907690.0 01.2 A0.0 01.2 A 5.5 A00000 00000 000NB00166 1660.0 019.9 C 19.9 C00000 00000295 67 179SB00000. A00000 00000 000Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB0697 383 1,0800.0 023.6 C 10.1 B 18.8 B00000152159 204007582 177WB 419 5460965 35.3 D 13.6 B0.0 023.1 C 22.7 C00000378 27548500 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 366 66 223 655 38.1 D 38.9 D 10.4 B 28.6 C 500 115 227001106 167 26300300 58 13950th St & NB TH 100 EB0691 372 1,0630.0 01.6 A 4.4 A 2.6 A00000 00000 000WB0965 585 1,5500.0 01.9 A 4.2 A 2.8 A 2.7 A00000171 20 6802 % 252350NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00000. A00000 00000 00050th St & Eden Ave EB0692 4 6960.0 00.6 A 0.5 A 0.6 A00000342 20 2000 000WB 181 137201,553 6.9 A 0.7 A0.0 01.4 A 1.6 A 120 481080032702000 000NB00192 1920.0 00.3 A 7.4 A 7.2 A00000242 48 12400 000SB00000. A00000 00000 000Eden Ave & Brookside Ave EB 4 3600364 3.7 A 1.0 A0.0 01.0 A 100 20 280063502000 000WB0372 3 3750.0 00.8 A 0.5 A 0.8 A 0.9 A00000 00000 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00330.0 0 0.0 03.1 A 3.1 A00000345 20 2000 000Eden Ave & OLG Entrance EB 2 249 109 360 4.8 A 1.6 A 0.5 A 1.3 A00000140 20 6900 000WB 152 322 1 475 7.7 A 3.4 A 0.1 A 4.7 A 5.2 A00000676412800 000NB 530151 204 30.6 D0.0 06.7 A 13.0 B 320 31 12000 00000100 33111SB 1001 34.1 D0.0 0 0.0 034.1 D00000239 20 2000 000Eden Ave & Arcadia Ave EB 49 306 46 401 2.0 A 3.0 A 1.8 A 2.7 A0000067 277500 000WB 44 295 94 433 3.0 A 4.2 A 3.5 A 4.0 A 3.8 A0000082 4413400 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 64 70 15 149 3.9 A 5.0 A 3.9 A 4.4 A00000642 27 7700 000SB 17 46 116 179 3.7 A 5.1 A 5.1 A 5.0 A00000156 36 10400 000Arcadia Ave & SB TH 100 EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 51016 67 6.4 A0.0 01.4 A 5.1 A 1.0 A 340 27 6700 00000 000NB022502250.0 00.2 A0.0 00.2 A000002020 6800 000SB011701170.0 00.2 A0.0 00.2 A0000058802000 000Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 15022 37 7.0 A0.0 06.6 A 6.8 A 0.8 A00000235 23 5300 000NB0203 10 2130.0 00.1 A 0.0 A 0.1 A00000200000000SB 4 1640168 1.6 A 0.3 A0.0 00.3 A000002020 3300 000Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East DrivewaEB00000. A00000 00000 000WB00000. A 0.5 A00000 00000 000NB021302130.0 00.5 A0.0 00.5 A0000015602000 000SB017901790.0 00.4 A0.0 00.4 A000002002000 000Eden Ave & Grange Rd EB 190 2250415 3.6 A 4.8 A0.0 04.2 A00000700 34 11100 000WB0249 104 3530.0 02.8 A 5.0 A 3.4 A 3.6 A0000079 4712200 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 1420241 383 3.2 A 1.7 A 3.4 A 3.2 A0000080 3912800 000Eden Ave & Willson Rd/City Hall EB 10 142 215 367 1.1 A 1.6 A 1.2 A 1.4 A0000079 20 6300 000WB 41 139 5 185 2.9 A 4.3 A 3.1 A 4.0 A 2.4 A00000314 23 9000 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 209045 254 3.2 A0.0 03.2 A 3.2 A00000432 25 8400 000SB 505 10 3.0 A 0.3 A 2.8 A 0.8 A00000349 20 2800 000Grange Rd & NB TH 100 EB 1710304 475 11.2 B0.0 02.6 A 5.6 A 320 55 11900 00000200 20 98WB00440.0 0 0.0 04.8 A 4.8 A 3.5 A00000159 20 2600 000NB 154 138 2 294 2.1 A 1.1 A 1.9 A 1.5 A0000080 249400 000SB080 5 850.0 00.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A00000180 20 2000 000AM Peak HourVehicle Queing Information (feet)Right Turn LaneIntersectionApproachDemand Volumes Delay (s/veh)LOS ByApproachLOS ByIntersectionLeft Turn Lane Through Lane (s) Grandview Yard2024 No Build Conditions - Realigned Wilson Rd, Mini-Roundabouts at Eden/Grange and Eden/WilsonAM & PM Peak HoursL T R Total L LOS T LOS R LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSStorage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockThru (2)---->% BlockLeft (2)<----Link Length(feet)Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockRight (2)---->% BlockThru (2)<----Storage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1Vehicle Queing Information (feet)Right Turn LaneIntersectionApproachDemand Volumes Delay (s/veh)LOS ByApproachLOS ByIntersectionLeft Turn Lane Through Lane (s)Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 2 10 5 17 19.0 B 22.9 C 5.5 A 17.0 B 50 20 2001 % 356 20 5200 000WB 220 4 164 388 22.1 C 14.2 B 10.2 B 16.7 B 17.2 B 1008714801 % 635 69 23000 000NB 2 915 276 1,193 43.5 D 22.3 C 5.7 A 18.5 B 100 20 21026 % 379 1923482 %0250 66268SB 107 493 7 607 25.5 C 12.9 B 10.3 B 14.9 B 145 5414100792 84 17100 000Vernon Ave at Gus Young Ln EB 12 12 12 36 31.8 D 29.4 D 5.7 A 21.7 C00000204 20 54 2 %050 20 32WB 73 12 65 150 35.3E36.1E14.4 B 26.2 D 5.6 A00000418 58 162 20 % 4 % 50 3999NB 9 1008 59 1,076 6.4 A 3.6 A 3.6 A 3.6 A 100 20 2000792 20 2700140020SB 55 456 27 538 14.4 B 1.7 A 1.7 A 2.9 A 100 25 750038202000 000Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 292 769 37 1,098 45.1 D 19.3 B 20.3 C 26.1 C 150168 22903 % 382 2033773 %0000WB 73 420 376 869 35.3 D 20.5 C 18.9 B 21.0 C 30.1 C 200 52 11600390 167 31500 000NB 29 116 24 169 60.3E51.0 D 38.8 D 50.8 D 50 33100044 % 438 108 24500 000SB 426 80 99 605 52.1 D 36.3 D 20.5 C 44.9 D 590 236 484 2 % 1 %0125 27500 000Vernon Ave & Arcadia Ave EB01180 39 1,2190.0 05.4 A 3.7 A 5.3 A00002 % 390 70 293 8 %0000WB086908690.0 01.2 A0.0 01.2 A 4.7 A00000 00000 000NB00167 1670.0 020.7 C 20.7 C00000 00000295 71 169SB00000. A00000 00000 000Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB0896 450 1,3460.0 019.8 B 8.3 A 16.0 B00000152159 213007579 187WB 329 5140843 44.1 D 17.1 B0.0 027.7 C 25.7 C00000378 25344900 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 655 63 355 1,073 46.5 D 54.8 D 15.2 B 36.4 D 500 225 393001106 273 458 6 %0300 11137050th St & NB TH 100 EB01247 304 1,5510.0 02.0 A 4.5 A 2.5 A00000 00000 000WB0843 335 1,1780.0 01.5 A 2.4 A 1.8 A 2.2 A00000171 20 530025 2036NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00000. A00000 00000 00050th St & Eden Ave EB01336 8 1,3440.0 00.9 A 0.7 A 0.9 A00000342 20 2000 000WB 119 8670986 18.2 C 0.4 A0.0 02.7 A 4.7 A 120 5713400327 20 5200 000NB00237 2370.0 02.1 A 35.1E33.7 D00000242 11127400 000SB00000. A00000 00000 000Eden Ave & Brookside Ave EB 2 3720374 4.2 A 0.8 A0.0 00.8 A 100 20 2000 00000 000WB0355 4 3590.0 00.2 A 0.1 A 0.2 A 0.7 A00000 00000 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 15013 28 9.1 A0.0 03.4 A 6.6 A00000345 20 4100 000Eden Ave & OLG Entrance EB 1 371 15 387 3.4 A 1.1 A 0.2 A 1.1 A00000140 20 5500 000WB 17 3470364 4.2 A 0.6 A0.0 00.7 A 1.3 A0000067 207300 000NB 10018 28 13.9 B0.0 08.5 A 10.3 B 320 20 3200 00000100 20 41SB 402 6 12.1 B0.0 03.5 A 8.7 A00000239 20 2000 000Eden Ave & Arcadia Ave EB 52 291 50 393 2.8 A 3.7 A 2.7 A 3.5 A0000067 317000 000WB 49 173 80 302 2.6 A 3.0 A 2.6 A 2.8 A 3.4 A0000082 287300 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 81 87 9 177 4.0 A 4.8 A 4.1 A 4.4 A00000642 26 7800 000SB 26 110 110 246 3.4 A 3.4 A 3.3 A 3.4 A00000156 31 9700 000Arcadia Ave & SB TH 100 EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 19025 44 6.4 A0.0 01.2 A 3.3 A 0.5 A 340 20 5000 00000 000NB020602060.0 00.1 A0.0 00.1 A000002020 5600 000SB022802280.0 00.3 A0.0 00.3 A0000058802000 000Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 10014 24 6.2 A0.0 03.3 A 4.4 A 0.3 A00000235 20 3800 000NB0192 27 2190.0 00.1 A 0.0 A 0.1 A000002002000 000SB 11 2360247 1.2 A 0.1 A0.0 00.1 A000002020 3600 000Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East DrivewaEB00000. A00000 00000 000WB00000. A 0.4 A00000 00000 000NB021902190.0 00.6 A0.0 00.6 A00000 00000 000SB024602460.0 00.3 A0.0 00.3 A000001902000 000Eden Ave & Grange Rd EB 142 2370379 4.4 A 5.3 A0.0 05.0 A00000700 31 11000 000WB0177 168 3450.0 02.2 A 2.2 A 2.2 A 3.2 A0000079 309000 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 1580155 313 2.5 A 1.1 A 2.4 A 2.4 A0000080 208300 000Eden Ave & Willson Rd/City Hall EB 10 159 226 395 1.9 A 1.9 A 1.7 A 1.8 A0000079 20 6400 000WB 52 70 5 127 3.3 A 4.0 A 3.0 A 3.7 A 2.8 A00000314 20 7300 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 253073 326 3.8 A0.0 03.6 A 3.8 A00000432 31 9600 000SB 5022 27 3.3 A0.0 03.0 A 3.0 A00000349 20 3500 000Grange Rd & NB TH 100 EB 2460225 471 21.9 C0.0 03.5 A 13.0 B 320 92 24000 00000200 20 150WB0040 400.0 0 0.0 06.5 A 6.5 A 7.5 A00000159 21 5500 000NB 115 193 2 310 2.7 A 2.0 A 1.0 A 2.2 A0000080 2711600 000SB088 5 930.0 00.4 A 0.3 A 0.4 A0000018002000 000NOTES1. If the reported queue is greater than zero (0), but less than ft, a minimum of ft is reported.2. Block Percentage is proportion of analysis time (1 hour) the storage lane or through lane is blocked or blocking.3. Multiple storage lanes of different length are averaged together to show the "Effective Storage Length" per lane.PM Peak Hour Table B2Grandview Yard2024 Build Conditions - Realigned Wilson Rd, Mini-Roundabouts at Eden/Grange and Eden/WilsonAM & PM Peak HoursL T R Total L LOS T LOS R LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSStorage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockThru (2)---->% BlockLeft (2)<----Link Length(feet)Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockRight (2)---->% BlockThru (2)<----Storage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 6 5 4 15 29.6 C 24.3 C 5.9 A 20.9 C 50 20 3500356 20 4100 000WB 200 2 192 394 19.9 B 15.5 B 8.2 A 14.1 B 21.4 C 100 7914701 % 635 63 21200 000NB 2 620 261 883 61.2E32.6 C 6.4 A 25.0 C 100 20 78022 % 379 1873503 %0250 65269SB 117 383 11 511 29.1 C 18.8 B 15.2 B 21.0 C 145 6414401 % 792 94 195 1 %0000Vernon Ave at Gus Young Ln EB 12 4 12 28 22.7 C 26.8 D 4.7 A 15.4 C00000204 20 47 1 %050 20 31WB 52 4 61 117 23.5 C 26.3 D 11.5 B 17.2 C 4.5 A00000418 37 114 7 % 3 % 50 3083NB 13 720 77 810 5.9 A 3.6 A 3.9 A 3.7 A 100 20 2500792 20 5200140020SB 57 467 29 553 10.8 B 1.4 A 1.2 A 2.4 A 100 23 7600 00000 000Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 178 560 64 802 34.9 C 20.4 C 17.9 B 23.3 C 150 9920601 % 382 1923811 %0000WB 86 379 309 774 28.1 C 13.4 B 11.2 B 14.1 B 23.0 C 200 49 12200390 108 24700 000NB 19 67 13 99 44.5 D 41.7 D 27.0 C 40.3 D 50 2179023 % 438 58 12800 000SB 373 84 162 619 37.4 D 29.1 C 17.1 B 31.0 C 590 185 36801 %0116 26500 000Vernon Ave & Arcadia Ave EB0914 32 9460.0 09.2 A 6.8 A 9.1 A00005 % 390 11734918 %0000WB077407740.0 01.1 A0.0 01.1 A 7.3 A00000 00000 000NB00175 1750.0 028.6 D 28.6 D00000 00000295 78 222SB00000. A00000 00000 000Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB0706 383 1,0890.0 025.5 C 10.8 B 20.3 C00000152166 207007580 177WB 419 5490968 38.0 D 14.6 B0.0 024.8 C 23.9 C00000378 28749000 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 366 69 225 660 37.9 D 40.4 D 10.2 B 28.8 C 500 122 243001106 171 27400300 54 12450th St & NB TH 100 EB0691 381 1,0720.0 01.6 A 4.4 A 2.6 A00000 00000 000WB0968 585 1,5530.0 02.2 A 4.3 A 3.0 A 2.8 A00000171 20 12202 % 252250NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00000. A00000 00000 00050th St & Eden Ave EB0692 4 6960.0 00.6 A 0.4 A 0.6 A0000034202000 000WB 182 137301,555 7.3 A 0.7 A0.0 01.5 A 1.7 A 120 481070032702000 000NB00194 1940.0 00.4 A 7.2 A 7.0 A00000242 47 11100 000SB00000. A00000 00000 000Eden Ave & Brookside Ave EB 4 3610365 3.8 A 1.0 A0.0 01.0 A 1000200063502000 000WB0374 3 3770.0 00.7 A 0.6 A 0.7 A 0.9 A00000 00000 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00330.0 0 0.0 03.0 A 3.0 A00000345 20 2000 000Eden Ave & OLG Entrance EB 3 249 109 361 4.7 A 1.7 A 0.6 A 1.4 A00000140 20 8100 000WB 152 322 3 477 7.8 A 3.0 A 0.7 A 4.5 A 5.0 A00000676012500 000NB 530151 204 28.1 D0.0 06.9 A 12.1 B 320 29 11000 00001 % 100 33110SB 402 6 25.5 D0.0 06.6 A 19.2 C00000239 20 2000 000Eden Ave & Arcadia Ave EB 49 308 47 404 2.0 A 3.0 A 1.9 A 2.8 A0000067 267700 000WB 44 297 96 437 3.1 A 3.8 A 3.1 A 3.6 A 3.6 A0000082 4411600 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 64 70 15 149 4.0 A 5.2 A 3.7 A 4.5 A00000642 28 7000 000SB 17 46 116 179 4.6 A 4.9 A 4.7 A 4.8 A00000156 36 10300 000Arcadia Ave & SB TH 100 EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 54016 70 6.3 A0.0 01.3 A 4.9 A 1.0 A 340 26 6100 00000 000NB023402340.0 00.2 A0.0 00.2 A000002020 5600 000SB011701170.0 00.2 A0.0 00.2 A0000058802000 000Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB 2002 8.5 A0.0 0 0.0 08.5 A00000261 20 3100 000WB 15022 37 6.7 A0.0 06.5 A 6.6 A 0.8 A00000235 21 4700 000NB 1 210 10 221 1.3 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A00000 00000 000SB 4 166 1 171 1.5 A 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.3 A000002020 2500 000Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East DrivewaEB 7007 7.3 A0.0 0 0.0 07.3 A00000268 20 3100 000WB00000. A 0.5 A00000 00000 000NB 1 2140215 2.3 A 0.5 A0.0 00.5 A0000015602000 000SB0179 2 1810.0 00.3 A 0.4 A 0.3 A00000200000000Eden Ave & Grange Rd EB 190 2270417 3.7 A 5.2 A0.0 04.5 A00000700 37 12500 000WB0250 104 3540.0 02.7 A 4.7 A 3.2 A 3.6 A0000079 4712200 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 1420244 386 3.3 A 1.5 A 3.2 A 3.1 A0000080 3510900 000Eden Ave & Willson Rd/City Hall EB 10 144 215 369 1.2 A 1.6 A 1.3 A 1.4 A0000079 20 6200 000WB 41 140 5 186 3.1 A 4.2 A 2.5 A 3.9 A 2.3 A00000314 24 8000 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 209045 254 3.0 A0.0 03.1 A 3.0 A00000432 24 8100 000SB 505 10 3.4 A 0.2 A 2.6 A 0.7 A00000349 20 2800 000Grange Rd & NB TH 100 EB 1730307 480 12.2 B0.0 02.5 A 6.0 A 320 58 13200 00000200 20 83WB00440.0 0 0.0 04.1 A 4.1 A 3.7 A00000159 20 2600 000NB 154 138 2 294 2.1 A 1.1 A 0.2 A 1.5 A0000080 218600 000SB080 5 850.0 00.4 A 0.7 A 0.4 A00000180 20 2000 000AM Peak HourVehicle Queing Information (feet)Right Turn LaneIntersectionApproachDemand Volumes Delay (s/veh)LOS ByApproachLOS ByIntersectionLeft Turn Lane Through Lane (s) Grandview Yard2024 Build Conditions - Realigned Wilson Rd, Mini-Roundabouts at Eden/Grange and Eden/WilsonAM & PM Peak HoursL T R Total L LOS T LOS R LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSStorage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockThru (2)---->% BlockLeft (2)<----Link Length(feet)Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockRight (2)---->% BlockThru (2)<----Storage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1Vehicle Queing Information (feet)Right Turn LaneIntersectionApproachDemand Volumes Delay (s/veh)LOS ByApproachLOS ByIntersectionLeft Turn Lane Through Lane (s)Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 2 10 5 17 19.9 B 23.5 C 6.6 A 17.6 B 50 20 2701 % 356 20 5500 000WB 226 4 164 394 22.1 C 16.2 B 10.3 B 17.0 B 17.2 B 1009214901 % 635 73 25400 000NB 2 918 285 1,205 34.5 C 22.1 C 5.6 A 18.3 B 100 20 41026 % 379 188 317 1 %0250 56 146SB 107 495 7 609 24.7 C 13.1 B 8.8 A 15.0 B 145 5613401 % 792 89 198 1 %0000Vernon Ave at Gus Young Ln EB 12 12 12 36 25.9 D 30.8 D 5.7 A 21.4 C00000204 21 63 3 %050 20 31WB 75 12 65 152 33.5 D 38.2E15.6 C 26.8 D 5.6 A00000418 56 163 21 % 3 % 50 3697NB 9 1008 62 1,079 7.0 A 3.6 A 3.4 A 3.6 A 100 20 2400792 20 3500140020SB 55 456 27 538 13.7 B 1.7 A 1.5 A 2.8 A 100 24 730038202000 000Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 292 769 37 1,098 46.3 D 19.7 B 18.8 B 26.8 C 150169 23004 % 382 2053824 %0000WB 89 420 376 885 36.2 D 20.3 C 19.2 B 21.5 C 31.5 C 200 62 14200390 16234800 000NB 29 116 33 178 60.3E51.1 D 41.3 D 50.5 D 50 26100043 % 438 109 26500 000SB 426 80 99 605 56.6E37.9 D 24.3 C 48.9 D 590 2595623 % 1 %0134 27500 000Vernon Ave & Arcadia Ave EB01189 39 1,2280.0 06.3 A 4.8 A 6.3 A00003 % 390 90 316 10 %0000WB088508850.0 01.2 A0.0 01.2 A 5.6 A00000 00000 000NB00188 1880.0 023.9 C 23.9 C00000 00000295 85 190SB00000. A00000 00000 000Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB0926 450 1,3760.0 020.6 C 9.1 A 16.9 B00000152166 212007581 180WB 329 5240853 51.2 D 19.6 B0.0 031.9 C 27.1 C00000378 27748900 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 655 82 361 1,098 45.9 D 53.8 D 15.3 B 36.3 D 500 230 391001106 273 456 6 %0300 10932250th St & NB TH 100 EB01249 332 1,5810.0 02.0 A 4.6 A 2.5 A00000 00000 000WB0853 335 1,1880.0 02.2 A 2.4 A 2.3 A 2.4 A00000171 20 720025 2043NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00000. A00000 00000 00050th St & Eden Ave EB01338 8 1,3460.0 00.9 A 0.7 A 0.9 A0000034202000 000WB 132 87101,003 17.3 C 0.4 A0.0 02.6 A 5.8 A 120 5713000 00000 000NB00246 2460.0 01.9 A 46.7E44.9E00000242 13229000 000SB00000. A00000 00000 000Eden Ave & Brookside Ave EB 2 3810383 3.1 A 0.9 A0.0 00.9 A 10002000 00000 000WB0361 22 3830.0 00.3 A 0.2 A 0.3 A 0.9 A00000 00000 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 24013 37 9.2 A0.0 03.7 A 7.3 A00000345 20 4900 000Eden Ave & OLG Entrance EB 3 387 15 405 6.5 A 1.3 A 0.2 A 1.3 A00000140 20 7600 000WB 17 369 4 390 3.9 A 0.7 A 0.4 A 0.8 A 1.4 A0000067 207200 000NB 10018 28 11.4 B0.0 08.6 A 9.4 A 320 20 2600 00000100 20 36SB 604 10 15.5 C0.0 03.1 A 11.8 B00000239 20 2400 000Eden Ave & Arcadia Ave EB 68 293 50 411 2.9 A 3.8 A 2.9 A 3.5 A0000067 337500 000WB 49 177 108 334 2.8 A 3.1 A 2.8 A 3.0 A 3.5 A0000082 308800 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 81 91 9 181 4.0 A 4.8 A 3.9 A 4.4 A00000642 28 7300 000SB 31 112 132 275 3.4 A 3.6 A 3.5 A 3.5 A00000156 36 10400 000Arcadia Ave & SB TH 100 EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 38025 63 7.0 A0.0 01.4 A 4.7 A 0.8 A 340 20 5900 00000 000NB022802280.0 00.2 A0.0 00.2 A000002020 5600 000SB022902290.0 00.4 A0.0 00.4 A00000588 20 2400 000Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB 15028 43 7.6 A0.0 04.0 A 5.3 A00000261 25 5800 000WB 10014 24 7.9 A0.0 03.7 A 5.4 A 0.9 A00000235 20 4000 000NB 43 199 27 269 1.6 A 0.3 A 0.0 A 0.5 A000002020 3400 000SB 11 241 15 267 1.6 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.2 A000002020 4500 000Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East DrivewaEB 6006 11.7 B0.0 0 0.0 011.7 B00000268 20 3100 000WB00000. A 0.8 A00000 00000 000NB 4 2630267 2.3 A 0.9 A0.0 00.9 A00000156 20 4000 000SB0275 4 2790.0 00.4 A 0.1 A 0.4 A000002020 2000 000Eden Ave & Grange Rd EB 142 2440386 4.7 A 5.8 A0.0 05.4 A00000700 35 13000 000WB0190 168 3580.0 02.3 A 2.3 A 2.3 A 3.5 A0000079 319200 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 1580174 332 3.0 A 1.3 A 2.9 A 2.9 A0000080 2811100 000Eden Ave & Willson Rd/City Hall EB 10 166 226 402 2.6 A 2.4 A 2.0 A 2.2 A0000079 208500 000WB 52 83 5 140 3.4 A 4.0 A 3.5 A 3.8 A 3.8 A00000314 20 6800 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 253073 326 5.9 A0.0 06.1 A 5.9 A00000432 36 13000 000SB 5022 27 2.8 A0.0 03.3 A 3.2 A00000349 20 3300 000Grange Rd & NB TH 100 EB 2520244 496 27.0 D0.0 03.9 A 15.4 C 320 10527200 00000200 27181WB0040 400.0 0 0.0 07.3 A 7.3 A 8.9 A00000159 21 6200 000NB 115 193 2 310 2.7 A 2.0 A 5.7 A 2.2 A0000080 2710000 000SB088 5 930.0 00.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A0000018002000 000NOTES1. If the reported queue is greater than zero (0), but less than ft, a minimum of ft is reported.2. Block Percentage is proportion of analysis time (1 hour) the storage lane or through lane is blocked or blocking.3. Multiple storage lanes of different length are averaged together to show the "Effective Storage Length" per lane.PM Peak Hour Table B3Grandview Yard2042 No Build Conditions - Realigned Wilson Rd, Mini-Roundabouts at Eden/Grange and Eden/WilsonAM & PM Peak HoursL T R Total L LOS T LOS R LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSStorage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockThru (2)---->% BlockLeft (2)<----Link Length(feet)Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockRight (2)---->% BlockThru (2)<----Storage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 6 5 4 15 24.8 C 20.5 C 3.0 A 16.1 B 50 20 3100356 20 3500 000WB 208 2 200 410 19.3 B 20.0 C 8.5 A 13.9 B 21.3 C 100 7714301 % 635 63 21700 000NB 2 653 273 928 65.7E32.3 C 6.3 A 25.0 C 100 20 26026 % 379 1923493 %0250 69248SB 123 404 12 539 29.3 C 18.4 B 17.3 B 20.7 C 145 6815501 % 792 99 209 1 %0000Vernon Ave at Gus Young Ln EB 13 4 13 30 21.3 C 17.1 C 5.3 A 13.7 B00000204 20 460050 20 37WB 55 4 64 123 25.1 D 26.6 D 11.3 B 18.1 C 4.5 A00000418 38 93 9 % 3 % 50 3086NB 14 759 80 853 6.2 A 3.6 A 3.9 A 3.7 A 100 20 2300792 20 7300140020SB 60 492 31 583 11.1 B 1.4 A 1.4 A 2.4 A 100 23 750038202000 000Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 187 590 67 844 39.2 D 22.2 C 20.4 C 25.9 C 150 11422602 % 382 2043862 %0000WB 85 400 325 810 30.6 C 14.5 B 13.3 B 15.7 B 24.6 C 200 53 14100390 122 25900 000NB 20 70 14 104 41.9 D 43.9 D 25.5 C 41.4 D 50 2067025 % 438 61 14300 000SB 393 89 171 653 39.2 D 29.1 C 16.6 B 31.7 C 590 195 404 1 % 1 %0123 27400 000Vernon Ave & Arcadia Ave EB0963 34 9970.0 09.2 A 6.6 A 9.1 A00005 % 390 11536216 %0000WB081008100.0 01.2 A0.0 01.2 A 7.9 A00000 00000 000NB00174 1740.0 036.9E36.9E00000 00000295 91256SB00000. A00000 00000 000Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB0733 403 1,1360.0 024.8 C 11.2 B 20.0 C00000152163 208007588 181WB 439 57501,014 38.9 D 14.7 B0.0 025.0 C 24.0 C00000378 28947200 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 385 69 235 689 38.0 D 41.9 D 10.5 B 29.1 C 500 121 262001106 173 30200300 56 14250th St & NB TH 100 EB0727 391 1,1180.0 01.6 A 4.5 A 2.6 A00000 00000 000WB01014 617 1,6310.0 03.2 A 5.0 A 3.9 A 3.4 A00000171 20 12602 % 2528 51NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00000. A00000 00000 00050th St & Eden Ave EB0727 4 7310.0 00.6 A 0.4 A 0.6 A00000342 20 2000 000WB 191 144601,637 7.4 A 0.7 A0.0 01.5 A 1.7 A 120 501180032702000 000NB00201 2010.0 00.3 A 7.4 A 7.2 A00000242 48 11800 000SB00000. A00000 00000 000Eden Ave & Brookside Ave EB 4 3800384 4.7 A 1.0 A0.0 01.0 A 100 20 2500635 20 2000 000WB0389 3 3920.0 00.8 A 0.4 A 0.8 A 0.9 A00000 00000 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00330.0 0 0.0 03.6 A 3.6 A00000345 20 2000 000Eden Ave & OLG Entrance EB 2 263 115 380 5.0 A 1.7 A 0.7 A 1.4 A00000140 20 8000 000WB 161 336 1 498 8.4 A 3.7 A 1.4 A 5.3 A 6.2 A000006769 13200 000NB 560159 215 41.3E0.0 07.8 A 16.4 C 320 37 14800 00001 % 100 36135SB 1001 17.1 C0.0 0 0.0 017.1 C0000023902000 000Eden Ave & Arcadia Ave EB 52 322 49 423 2.1 A 3.1 A 2.2 A 2.9 A0000067 317900 000WB 47 309 98 454 3.2 A 4.1 A 3.3 A 3.9 A 4.0 A0000082 4512900 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 67 74 16 157 4.1 A 5.3 A 4.1 A 4.7 A00000642 29 8000 000SB 16 49 122 187 5.5 A 5.7 A 6.2 A 6.0 A00000156 41 12100 000Arcadia Ave & SB TH 100 EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 54017 71 7.2 A0.0 01.3 A 5.7 A 1.2 A 340 27 6400 00000 000NB023702370.0 00.2 A0.0 00.2 A000002020 6200 000SB012201220.0 00.4 A0.0 00.4 A0000058802000 000Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 15022 37 7.5 A0.0 06.7 A 7.0 A 0.7 A00000235 23 3900 000NB0215 10 2250.0 00.1 A 0.0 A 0.1 A000002002000 000SB 4 1720176 1.8 A 0.3 A0.0 00.3 A000002020 3000 000Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East DrivewaEB00000. A00000 00000 000WB00000. A 0.5 A00000 00000 000NB022502250.0 00.5 A0.0 00.5 A00000 00000 000SB018701870.0 00.4 A0.0 00.4 A000002020 2000 000Eden Ave & Grange Rd EB 197 2340431 3.7 A 5.1 A0.0 04.5 A00000700 36 10000 000WB0259 109 3680.0 02.8 A 4.5 A 3.2 A 3.7 A0000079 4512200 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 1500252 402 3.8 A 1.7 A 3.4 A 3.4 A0000080 4613600 000Eden Ave & Willson Rd/City Hall EB 11 148 225 384 1.3 A 1.6 A 1.3 A 1.4 A0000079 20 6300 000WB 44 146 5 195 3.2 A 4.4 A 3.0 A 4.1 A 2.4 A00000314 26 7800 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 217048 265 3.2 A0.0 03.2 A 3.2 A00000432 26 8900 000SB 505 10 4.1 A 0.3 A 3.5 A 0.8 A00000349 20 3300 000Grange Rd & NB TH 100 EB 1800319 499 12.5 B0.0 02.6 A 6.2 A 320 60 14000 00000200 20 95WB00440.0 0 0.0 04.3 A 4.3 A 3.9 A00000159 20 2600 000NB 161 143 2 306 2.0 A 1.2 A 0.3 A 1.5 A0000080 218200 000SB084 5 890.0 00.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A0000018002000 000Vehicle Queing Information (feet)Right Turn LaneIntersectionApproachDemand Volumes Delay (s/veh)LOS ByApproachLOS ByIntersectionLeft Turn Lane Through Lane (s)AM Peak Hour Grandview Yard2042 No Build Conditions - Realigned Wilson Rd, Mini-Roundabouts at Eden/Grange and Eden/WilsonAM & PM Peak HoursL T R Total L LOS T LOS R LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSStorage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockThru (2)---->% BlockLeft (2)<----Link Length(feet)Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockRight (2)---->% BlockThru (2)<----Storage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1Vehicle Queing Information (feet)Right Turn LaneIntersectionApproachDemand Volumes Delay (s/veh)LOS ByApproachLOS ByIntersectionLeft Turn Lane Through Lane (s)Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 2 11 5 18 36.1 D 22.4 C 5.5 A 19.2 B 50 20 2901 % 356 20 5800 000WB 231 4 171 406 24.3 C 15.8 B 10.6 B 18.4 B 17.7 B 1009514901 % 635 78 28200 000NB 2 964 290 1,256 33.9 C 22.9 C 6.3 A 18.9 B 100 20 38028 % 379 1963592 %0250 66248SB 113 520 7 640 25.0 C 12.9 B 8.1 A 14.8 B 145 5714101 % 792 90 198 1 %0000Vernon Ave at Gus Young Ln EB 13 13 13 39 33.0 D 34.8 D 4.9 A 25.0 D00000204 23 61 3 %050 20 33WB 77 13 68 158 43.7E41.0E21.5 C 33.9 D 6.7 A00000418 67 218 26 % 6 % 5043100NB 10 1062 62 1,134 7.7 A 4.1 A 3.7 A 4.1 A 100 20 2701 % 792 20 7300140020SB 58 481 29 568 14.7 B 1.7 A 1.7 A 3.0 A 100 27 700038202000 000Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 307 809 39 1,155 58.0E20.4 C 17.6 B 30.4 C 150184 23003 % 382 2203803 %0000WB 77 443 396 916 37.5 D 21.6 C 21.9 C 23.0 C 33.7 C 200 53 12101 % 390 1883491 %0000NB 31 122 26 179 62.5E52.6 D 44.1 D 52.9 D 50 31100047 % 438 114 25700 000SB 448 85 104 637 58.8E37.0 D 23.7 C 49.9 D 590 2635624 % 1 %0143 27500 000Vernon Ave & Arcadia Ave EB01242 41 1,2830.0 06.6 A 4.3 A 6.5 A00003 % 390 88 289 11 %0000WB091609160.0 01.2 A0.0 01.2 A 6.2 A0000015202000 000NB00174 1740.0 033.2 D 33.2 D00000 00000295 88 224SB00000. A00000 00000 000Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB0943 474 1,4170.0 021.0 C 8.7 A 17.0 B00000152166 209007580 181WB 344 5420886 48.6 D 18.1 B0.0 029.8 C 27.8 C00000378 27246300 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 689 66 374 1,129 50.3 D 59.9E16.5 B 39.7 D 500 252430001106 295 486 9 %0300 13239850th St & NB TH 100 EB01313 319 1,6320.0 02.1 A 4.7 A 2.6 A0000037802000 000WB0886 353 1,2390.0 01.9 A 2.7 A 2.1 A 2.4 A00000171 20 810025 2042NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00000. A00000 00000 00050th St & Eden Ave EB01409 9 1,4180.0 01.0 A 0.7 A 1.0 A00000342 20 2000 000WB 125 91301,038 19.0 C 0.4 A0.0 02.6 A 6.8 A 120 5413200327 20 6800 000NB00249 2490.0 01.4 A 58.4F56.6F00000242 15432100 000SB00000. A00000 00000 000Eden Ave & Brookside Ave EB 2 3900392 4.2 A 1.0 A0.0 01.0 A 10002000635 20 2000 000WB0371 4 3750.0 00.3 A 0.2 A 0.3 A 0.9 A00000 00000 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 16014 30 9.6 A0.0 03.8 A 6.8 A00000345 20 4200 000Eden Ave & OLG Entrance EB 1 389 16 406 10.3 B 1.6 A 0.7 A 1.6 A00000140 20 11000 000WB 18 3620380 4.9 A 0.8 A0.0 01.0 A 1.7 A0000067 209400 000NB 11019 30 12.1 B0.0 010.9 B 11.3 B 320 20 2800 00000100 20 32SB 402 6 10.4 B0.0 02.7 A 7.8 A00000239 20 2000 000Eden Ave & Arcadia Ave EB 54 305 53 412 3.1 A 3.9 A 2.9 A 3.7 A0000067 357600 000WB 52 180 83 315 2.8 A 3.1 A 2.9 A 3.0 A 3.6 A0000082 308900 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 85 91 10 186 4.3 A 4.9 A 4.3 A 4.6 A00000642 29 7300 000SB 28 116 115 259 3.6 A 3.6 A 3.4 A 3.5 A00000156 31 9200 000Arcadia Ave & SB TH 100 EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 20027 47 6.5 A0.0 01.2 A 3.7 A 0.5 A 340 20 4800 00000 000NB021502150.0 00.2 A0.0 00.2 A000002020 5600 000SB024002400.0 00.3 A0.0 00.3 A00000588 20 2000 000Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 10014 24 5.7 A0.0 03.4 A 4.3 A 0.4 A00000235 20 4000 000NB0201 27 2280.0 00.2 A 0.0 A 0.2 A000002002000 000SB 11 2490260 1.6 A 0.1 A0.0 00.1 A000002020 2800 000Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East DrivewaEB00000. A00000 00000 000WB00000. A 0.5 A00000 00000 000NB022802280.0 00.7 A0.0 00.7 A0000015602000 000SB025902590.0 00.3 A0.0 00.3 A000002002000 000Eden Ave & Grange Rd EB 147 2490396 5.3 A 6.5 A0.0 06.1 A00000700 39 16600 000WB0185 177 3620.0 02.3 A 2.2 A 2.3 A 3.8 A0000079 309200 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 1660160 326 3.1 A 1.1 A 2.9 A 2.9 A0000080 2611500 000Eden Ave & Willson Rd/City Hall EB 11 167 237 415 1.8 A 2.1 A 1.8 A 1.9 A0000079 207900 000WB 55 74 5 134 3.5 A 4.0 A 3.6 A 3.8 A 3.0 A00000314 20 6400 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 265077 342 4.2 A0.0 04.0 A 4.2 A00000432 35 10900 000SB 5023 28 3.2 A0.0 03.2 A 3.2 A00000349 20 3300 000Grange Rd & NB TH 100 EB 2590235 494 34.4 D0.0 04.5 A 19.7 C 320 12430600 00000200 42202WB0043 430.0 0 0.0 08.0 A 8.0 A 11.1 B00000159 24 5100 000NB 120 202 2 324 3.2 A 2.4 A 1.1 A 2.7 A0000080 3011600 000SB091 5 960.0 00.4 A 0.3 A 0.4 A0000018002000 000NOTES1. If the reported queue is greater than zero (0), but less than ft, a minimum of ft is reported.2. Block Percentage is proportion of analysis time (1 hour) the storage lane or through lane is blocked or blocking.3. Multiple storage lanes of different length are averaged together to show the "Effective Storage Length" per lane.PM Peak Hour Table B4Grandview Yard2042 Build Conditions - Realigned Wilson Rd, Mini-Roundabouts at Eden/Grange and Eden/WilsonAM & PM Peak HoursL T R Total L LOS T LOS R LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSStorage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockThru (2)---->% BlockLeft (2)<----Link Length(feet)Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockRight (2)---->% BlockThru (2)<----Storage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 6 5 4 15 33.5 C 28.5 C 5.0 A 26.0 C 50 20 3501 % 356 20 4800 000WB 210 2 200 412 20.0 C 9.9 A 9.0 A 14.6 B 21.2 C 100 8214801 % 635 66 20500 000NB 2 654 274 930 62.3E31.7 C 6.3 A 24.5 C 100 20 81024 % 379 1963623 %0250 71265SB 123 404 12 539 29.5 C 17.9 B 16.0 B 20.4 C 145 7016801 % 792 93 188 1 %0000Vernon Ave at Gus Young Ln EB 13 4 13 30 22.8 C 21.2 C 5.6 A 14.0 B00000204 20 390050 20 33WB 55 4 64 123 24.6 C 27.8 D 16.3 C 20.4 C 4.9 A00000418 38 129 7 % 4 % 50 3089NB 14 759 81 854 7.5 A 4.0 A 4.1 A 4.1 A 100 20 2500792 20 8200140020SB 60 492 31 583 10.9 B 1.4 A 1.3 A 2.4 A 100 24 7000 00000 000Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 187 590 67 844 37.0 D 23.9 C 23.2 C 26.7 C 150 10922402 % 382 2133942 %0000WB 90 400 325 815 31.3 C 14.6 B 13.5 B 15.9 B 25.4 C 200 54 12700390 121 28800 000NB 20 70 14 104 40.9 D 42.4 D 27.2 C 40.1 D 50 2072024 % 438 60 13100 000SB 393 89 171 653 39.7 D 31.4 C 18.6 B 33.1 C 590 202 424 1 % 1 %0124 26600 000Vernon Ave & Arcadia Ave EB0963 34 9970.0 010.1 B 6.8 A 10.0 B00005 % 390 13037419 %0000WB081508150.0 01.2 A0.0 01.2 A 8.2 A00000 00000 000NB00183 1830.0 032.2 D 32.2 D00000 00000295 90259SB00000. A00000 00000 000Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB0742 403 1,1450.0 025.8 C 12.3 B 21.0 C00000152169 209007593 193WB 439 57801,017 45.1 D 16.2 B0.0 028.8 C 25.6 C0000037832248400 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 385 72 237 694 37.3 D 41.8 D 11.0 B 28.7 C 500 117 226001106 168 28000300 58 15850th St & NB TH 100 EB0727 400 1,1270.0 01.7 A 4.6 A 2.7 A00000 00000 000WB01017 617 1,6340.0 04.0 A 5.2 A 4.5 A 3.8 A00000171 25 14502 % 2527 58NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00000. A00000 00000 00050th St & Eden Ave EB0727 4 7310.0 00.6 A 0.3 A 0.6 A00000342 20 2000 000WB 192 144701,639 8.0 A 0.8 A0.0 01.7 A 1.9 A 120 521140032702000 000NB00203 2030.0 00.4 A 8.6 A 8.3 A00000242 51 14000 000SB00000. A00000 00000 000Eden Ave & Brookside Ave EB 4 3810385 4.1 A 1.0 A0.0 01.0 A 100 20 300063502000 000WB0391 3 3940.0 00.8 A 0.5 A 0.8 A 0.9 A00000 00000 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00330.0 0 0.0 04.2 A 4.2 A00000345 20 2000 000Eden Ave & OLG Entrance EB 3 263 115 381 4.2 A 1.8 A 0.6 A 1.5 A00000140 20 7100 000WB 161 336 3 500 8.2 A 3.4 A 1.4 A 4.9 A 6.5 A00000676613000 000NB 560159 215 48.3E0.0 08.2 A 18.8 C 320 41 17700 00000100 38135SB 402 6 25.8 D0.0 09.7 A 20.4 C00000239 20 2000 000Eden Ave & Arcadia Ave EB 52 324 50 426 2.2 A 3.1 A 2.1 A 2.9 A0000067 297300 000WB 47 311 100 458 3.7 A 4.6 A 4.1 A 4.4 A 4.1 A0000082 5015200 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 67 74 16 157 4.2 A 5.2 A 4.0 A 4.7 A00000642 30 8100 000SB 16 49 122 187 4.6 A 5.0 A 5.4 A 5.2 A00000156 38 10700 000Arcadia Ave & SB TH 100 EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 57017 74 6.6 A0.0 01.4 A 5.5 A 1.1 A 340 29 5900 00000 000NB024602460.0 00.2 A0.0 00.2 A000002020 6300 000SB012201220.0 00.2 A0.0 00.2 A00000 00000 000Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB 2002 10.6 B0.0 0 0.0 010.6 B00000261 20 2400 000WB 15022 37 7.7 A0.0 06.6 A 7.0 A 0.8 A00000235 22 4800 000NB 1 222 10 233 1.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A000002002000 000SB 4 174 1 179 1.7 A 0.3 A 0.2 A 0.3 A000002020 3800 000Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East DrivewaEB 7007 9.6 A0.0 0 0.0 09.6 A00000268 20 3600 000WB00000. A 0.6 A00000 00000 000NB 1 2260227 2.3 A 0.5 A0.0 00.5 A0000015602000 000SB0187 2 1890.0 00.4 A 0.6 A 0.4 A000002002000 000Eden Ave & Grange Rd EB 197 2360433 3.7 A 5.3 A0.0 04.6 A00000700 34 13300 000WB0260 109 3690.0 03.0 A 5.3 A 3.6 A 3.9 A0000079 4912500 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 1500255 405 3.5 A 1.4 A 3.7 A 3.5 A0000080 4215300 000Eden Ave & Willson Rd/City Hall EB 11 150 225 386 1.2 A 1.6 A 1.3 A 1.4 A0000079 207000 000WB 44 147 5 196 3.0 A 4.3 A 3.5 A 4.0 A 2.4 A00000314 25 8000 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 217048 265 3.2 A0.0 03.2 A 3.2 A00000432 27 7700 000SB 505 10 2.6 A 0.3 A 3.3 A 0.7 A00000349 20 2400 000Grange Rd & NB TH 100 EB 1820322 504 12.8 B0.0 02.7 A 6.4 A 320 59 14300 00000200 20 109WB00440.0 0 0.0 03.9 A 3.9 A 4.0 A00000159 20 2600 000NB 161 143 2 306 1.9 A 1.3 A 0.5 A 1.5 A0000080 218600 000SB084 5 890.0 00.4 A 0.6 A 0.4 A00000180 20 2500 000Vehicle Queing Information (feet)Right Turn LaneIntersectionApproachDemand Volumes Delay (s/veh)LOS ByApproachLOS ByIntersectionLeft Turn Lane Through Lane (s)AM Peak Hour Grandview Yard2042 Build Conditions - Realigned Wilson Rd, Mini-Roundabouts at Eden/Grange and Eden/WilsonAM & PM Peak HoursL T R Total L LOS T LOS R LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSDelay(S/Veh)LOSStorage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockThru (2)---->% BlockLeft (2)<----Link Length(feet)Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1% BlockRight (2)---->% BlockThru (2)<----Storage(feet) 3Avg.Queue(feet) 1MaxQueue(feet) 1Vehicle Queing Information (feet)Right Turn LaneIntersectionApproachDemand Volumes Delay (s/veh)LOS ByApproachLOS ByIntersectionLeft Turn Lane Through Lane (s)Vernon Ave at Eden Ave (Signal) EB 2 11 5 18 15.0 B 22.3 C 4.5 A 15.9 B 50 20 2001 % 356 20 5300 000WB 237 4 171 412 25.9 C 7.9 A 12.3 B 20.0 C 18.6 B 1009814901 % 635 88 28600 000NB 2 967 299 1,268 38.2 D 24.0 C 6.3 A 20.0 C 100 20 21031 % 379 2133844 %0250 83302SB 113 522 7 642 26.8 C 12.7 B 8.0 A 15.0 B 145 5813101 % 792 91 182 1 %0000Vernon Ave at Gus Young Ln EB 13 13 13 39 30.3 D 37.6E5.7 A 24.2 C00000204 20 61 3 %050 20 41WB 79 13 68 160 38.3E48.3E19.8 C 30.9 D 6.9 A00000418 64 166 25 % 8 % 504498NB 10 1062 65 1,137 9.0 A 4.6 A 4.0 A 4.6 A 100 20 2801 % 792 20 10500140020SB 58 481 29 568 17.1 C 1.8 A 1.6 A 3.5 A 100 32910038202000 000Vernon Ave at Interlachen Blvd (Signal) EB 307 809 39 1,155 55.2E25.2 C 22.9 C 33.1 C 150191 22906 % 382 2464066 %0000WB 93 443 396 932 39.8 D 21.4 C 21.7 C 23.3 C 37.3 D 200 65 13801 % 390 1863531 %0000NB 31 122 35 188 64.9E56.0E44.9 D 55.4E50 3097048 % 438 127 30900 000SB 448 85 104 637 69.2E49.3 D 31.1 C 60.3E590 3177385 % 1 %0162 27500 000Vernon Ave & Arcadia Ave EB01251 41 1,2920.0 08.2 A 6.4 A 8.1 A00006 % 390 12435614 %0000WB093209320.0 01.2 A0.0 01.2 A 8.0 A0000015202000 000NB00195 1950.0 041.1E41.1E00000 00000295 113281SB00000. A00000 00000 000Vernon Ave/50th & SB TH 100 (Signal) EB0973 474 1,4470.0 022.5 C 11.6 B 18.9 B00000152175 213007596 184WB 344 5520896 64.2E21.4 C0.0 038.2 D 30.5 C0000037832648800 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 689 85 380 1,154 49.3 D 62.5E17.4 B 39.5 D 500 251432001106 298 489 9 %0300 12938450th St & NB TH 100 EB01315 347 1,6620.0 02.2 A 5.0 A 2.8 A0000037802000 000WB0896 353 1,2490.0 03.4 A 2.8 A 3.2 A 3.0 A00000171 20 121 1 %025 2043NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB00000. A00000 00000 00050th St & Eden Ave EB01411 9 1,4200.0 01.0 A 0.8 A 1.0 A00000342 20 2200 000WB 138 91701,055 20.4 C 0.4 A0.0 03.0 A 6.4 A 120 6214500327 20 8100 000NB00258 2580.0 06.0 A 51.9F50.5F00000242 14531400 000SB00000. A00000 00000 000Eden Ave & Brookside Ave EB 2 3990401 3.5 A 1.0 A0.0 01.0 A 1000200063502000 000WB0377 22 3990.0 00.4 A 0.2 A 0.4 A 1.1 A00000 00000 000NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 25014 39 11.7 B0.0 04.0 A 9.1 A00000345 20 4700 000Eden Ave & OLG Entrance EB 3 405 16 424 10.5 B 1.5 A 0.4 A 1.5 A00000140 20 8100 000WB 18 384 4 406 4.9 A 0.8 A 0.4 A 0.9 A 1.7 A0000067 208600 000NB 11019 30 12.7 B0.0 011.7 B 12.0 B 320 20 2600 00000100 20 36SB 604 10 16.9 C0.0 03.5 A 11.5 B00000239 20 2800 000Eden Ave & Arcadia Ave EB 70 307 53 430 3.3 A 3.9 A 3.1 A 3.7 A0000067 377600 000WB 52 184 111 347 3.0 A 3.3 A 3.0 A 3.2 A 3.7 A0000082 369600 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 85 95 10 190 4.4 A 5.0 A 3.6 A 4.7 A00000642 29 8700 000SB 33 118 137 288 3.7 A 3.5 A 3.6 A 3.6 A00000156 34 9500 000Arcadia Ave & SB TH 100 EB00000. A00000 00000 000WB 39027 66 7.2 A0.0 01.3 A 5.0 A 0.8 A 340 21 6400 00000 000NB023702370.0 00.2 A0.0 00.2 A000002020 5600 000SB024102410.0 00.4 A0.0 00.4 A00000588 20 2000 000Arcadia Ave & Restaurant Lot Driveway EB 15028 43 9.1 A0.0 03.7 A 5.6 A00000261 26 5700 000WB 10014 24 7.2 A0.0 04.4 A 5.4 A 0.9 A00000235 20 4800 000NB 43 208 27 278 1.7 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.4 A000002020 3600 000SB 11 254 15 280 1.5 A 0.2 A 0.2 A 0.3 A000002020 3100 000Arcadia Ave & Senior Living East DrivewaEB 6006 8.4 A0.0 0 0.0 08.4 A00000268 20 3300 000WB00000. A 0.7 A00000 00000 000NB 4 2720276 2.3 A 0.9 A0.0 00.9 A00000156 20 5500 000SB0288 4 2920.0 00.4 A 0.1 A 0.4 A000002020 2000 000Eden Ave & Grange Rd EB 147 2560403 4.5 A 5.5 A0.0 05.1 A00000700 33 14300 000WB0198 177 3750.0 02.5 A 2.8 A 2.6 A 3.5 A0000079 3410600 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB00000. A00000 00000 000SB 1660179 345 2.9 A 1.4 A 2.9 A 2.8 A0000080 2811700 000Eden Ave & Willson Rd/City Hall EB 11 174 237 422 1.4 A 2.0 A 1.7 A 1.8 A0000079 207900 000WB 55 87 5 147 3.7 A 4.3 A 3.3 A 4.0 A 3.0 A00000314 22 7600 000MINI ROUNDABOUT NB 265077 342 4.0 A0.0 03.9 A 4.0 A00000432 31 10900 000SB 5023 28 4.1 A0.0 03.7 A 3.8 A00000349 20 3600 000Grange Rd & NB TH 100 EB 2650254 519 28.6 D0.0 04.0 A 16.6 C 320 114 26700 00000200 29192WB0043 430.0 0 0.0 07.8 A 7.8 A 9.6 A00000159 23 5900 000NB 120 202 2 324 3.0 A 2.1 A 0.9 A 2.4 A0000080 3011100 000SB091 5 960.0 00.4 A 0.7 A 0.4 A00000180 20 2000 000NOTES1. If the reported queue is greater than zero (0), but less than ft, a minimum of ft is reported.2. Block Percentage is proportion of analysis time (1 hour) the storage lane or through lane is blocked or blocking.3. Multiple storage lanes of different length are averaged together to show the "Effective Storage Length" per lane.PM Peak Hour The CITY of EDINA The CITY of EDINA Evolution of Grandview Yard Proposal for 5146 Eden Avenue (2010 – 2022 Summary) August 5, 2022 Prepared by Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager The current redevelopment proposal for 5146 Eden Avenue is based on ten years of community engagement and exploration of nine previous concepts. The background that led to the current proposal is summarized here. 1 Vision Planning for Grandview District 52+ member group of residents prepared vision plan from 2010‐2012; Framework approved by City Council in April 2012 •Seven Guiding Principles •Transportation, Land Use, Sustainability & Public Realm components •Transition away from industrial uses and toward neighborhood node with mixed‐uses •Improve multi‐modal connectivity •Create “go to” and “stay at” place •Create meaningful public realm experience 2 From 2010 to 2012, two Community Advisory Teams were assembled to provide guidance and recommendations to the City Council regarding the re‐use of the 3‐acre property that was home to the Edina Public Works Department since 1962. Having outgrown site and facility, a new larger property at 7450 Metro Blvd. was purchased and the Public Works Department relocated to that new facility. Led by members of the Planning Commission and other concerned stakeholders, these Community Advisors realized that this change presented an opportunity to transition away from the industrial‐type uses that remained in Grandview area. The preferred direction is better integrated with the surrounding residential neighborhoods and businesses. 2 Vision Planning for Grandview District 3 The first Community Advisory Team prepared Seven Guiding Principles to shape the long‐ term vision for this area. These Principles were also embraced by the second Community Advisory Team and approved by the City Council in 2012. 3 Vision Plan for 5146 Eden Ave. 2012 Development Framework envisioned (see pages 18‐21) Residential 82* units Community structure 50,000* Sq Ft Public realm 28,000* Sq Ft; activated and connected Parking Shared and organized East west connector Bridge spanning railroad tracks Sidewalks Along Eden & Arcadia * Approximate sizes 4 The second Community Advisory Team prepared a mixed‐use vision for the old Public Works site at 5146 Eden Ave. A public green space was envisioned to complement a possible public facility like a community center. These elements were envisioned to be constructed on top of a multi‐level underground parking structure to be used by residents, visitors and downtown commuters. The inclusion of new residential buildings was considered essential so that people would be in this area 24‐hours per day –not just when the businesses were open. There was a great deal of conversation about a public facility like a community center. Some members of the advisory team liked the idea of a new community building located north of Hwy 62 to better serve the northern neighborhoods of Edina. Transportation routes and public realms connections were also strongly supported by the members of the advisory team. 4 2016 ‐City hires HRA & Pros Consult to study community center but construction and operational costs higher than supported 2018 ‐City re‐ engages Frauenshuh to study high‐rise and mid‐rise options with arts/senior center but unable to reconcile public costs 5 2021 – 2022 ‐City re‐engages Frauenshuh to coordinate for‐sale housing developer with hospitality user and public space 2020 ‐City re‐ engages Frauenshuh to study more traditional mixed uses with simple public open space but concept not well received 2018 2020 FOR 5146 EDEN AVENUE In 2013, a third Community Advisory Team was assembled to refine plans and process to redevelop the 5146 Eden site. Ultimately, a Request for Interest (RFI) was issued to the real estate development community. After interviewing many different development teams, the City Council chose to work with a team that was led by Frauenshuh and Opus. Using the initial (2012) vision as a starting point, the City/HRA explored eight different concepts with Frauenshuh and a variety of design partners. Creation of an acceptable development plan proved to be vastly more complicated than initially envisioned. A wide variety of concepts were considered, evaluated and explored. A concept to eliminate the housing and retain the full parcel for a larger community building was also considered. Many hurdles were encountered and at times, the Edina HRA considered starting over with new partners. The first eight concepts evaluated in partnership with Frauenshuh were deemed unacceptable due a wide variety of reasons. The high construction and operational costs of a large‐scale community building were concerning to the City Council due to the high debt burden potentially imposed on tax payers. Partnerships with Metro Transit were initially considered, but Metro Transit’s priorities shifted as the final layout of the Southwest LRT took shape (Grandview is no longer anticipated to include a park‐n‐ride). Summaries of the eight concepts follow. 5 6 Concept #1 Central Civic with North Residential and South Office Initial Concepts for DiscussionDiscovering the Potential May 19, 2015 Public Workshop Public Space & Public Parking Multi‐Family residential Office Concept #2 Central Civic with North Residential and South Residential Concept #3 North Civic with South Residential Birds‐eye view of initial concepts 1, 2 & 3; prepared by Reynolds Design Group to determine community preferences for future redevelopment at 5146 Eden Ave. Concept #3 –a mixture of housing, parking and community space with strong public realm improvements was the preferred direction. The next concepts more fully explored the elements in Concept #3. 6 Preliminary Program •60,000+ SF community center •8,000 SF restaurant/café •New east‐west shared street •outdoor civic plaza •170 apartments •57% public land & 43% private •Streetscaping of Eden & Arcadia •Widening of Arcadia 7 Concept #4 Civic and Residential combination September 1, 2015 Public Parking This September 2015 concept demonstrates how a new community facility with multi‐level underground parking could serve as a catalyst to encourage investment in surrounding properties. A six‐story residential building (with underground parking) was envisioned for the south portion of the property. This concept anticipated a large‐scale community building with space for arts and general community programming. A large restaurant and new shared street/bridge was also included in this concept. As the building grew, the remaining green space continued to be reduced. 7 8 Concept #5 Performing Arts / Community Center Concept 2015‐2016 •HGA Architects •May 2016 •70,000 Sq. Ft. •$43 million capital cost The general interest in Concept #4 led to further programming and cost exploration in 2016. The City hired HGA architects, Schuler and Shook Associates and Prose Consulting to prepare a more refined concept of a large‐scale community building that could house an expanded art center, a community theater and multi‐generational community space to host events for seniors and residents of all ages. As the operations were better understood, the conceptual facilty grew in size and cost. Due to the operations during the typical business hours, shared parking would not be possible. The Edina HRA/City Council was not supportive of this concept due to the high construction cost, the high operational and maintenance costs and the low rate of cost recovery. After this Concept was abandoned, the City took some time off from site planning. 8 High Rise Concept Study •Residential High‐Rise •Art/Senior civic facility •Artist/affordable lofts •District parking •Green rooftop park plaza 9 Concept #6 Art/Senior Center with public green and Residential January 2018 With the large‐scale community facilty unable to win funding support, the development team considered other options. A more ambitious and transformational concept was explored to determine if increased density and scaled down civic facility might yield more attractive fiscal benefits to the City. This concept included luxury high‐rise apartments, affordable and/or artist townhouses, underground public parking, three level combination arts center and senior center with rooftop green space. After initial review, the construction and operational costs to the City were not supported by the City Council/Edina HRA. This concept was abandoned. 9 •140‐150 apartments •20k to 50k Sq Ft Arts & Senior Facility •Green space •Shared parking •May to September 2018 •Operational study to estimate cost recovery 10 Concept #7 Community Arts and Active Adult Center July 2018 Another scaled down hybrid concept was explored in spring/summer 2018. This concept included a mid‐rise apartment building and a smaller community building intended to solely replace Edina’s art center and senior center. It was hoped that this concept would cost less for the City to build and operate, while also allowing room for open green space. Under this concept, about 1.5 acres would be sold for private apartments and 1.8 acres retained for public use. While construction costs were reduced, operational efficiencies were not achieved due to the larger staff required to operate the new community building. The City Council was concerned about the impact of this project to the tax payers. The City and Frauenshuh were also unable to find agreeable real estate terms. This concept was abandoned. 10 11 Concept #8 Residential, Office, Public Outdoor Space (December 2020) •90 for‐sale housing units •30k to 50k Sq Ft medical office •Public green space •East west connector bridge •Covered parking •December 2020 The pandemic of 2019‐2020 scuttled efforts to re‐initiate site planning efforts for nearly two years. In late 2020, Frauenshuh suggested a pure market‐rate development that provided revenue to the City/HRA without the high debt burden of building a new community facility. This concept included an outdoor public green space that would be constructed and maintained by the owners. This concept also included the public realm improvements (sidewalks and pedestrian bridge) and added a mixture of day‐time users and 24‐hour residents. This concept was not well received and found many critics during the Sketch Plan review phase of spring 2021. This concept was abandoned. 11 None of the nine (9) previous concepts have advanced past the exploratory phase. Unresolved hurdles include: •Undesirable real estate terms •Lack of interest in shared parking by Metro Transit •High construction cost of public facility •High cost of structured parking for public facility •High operational cost of public facility •Concerns about debt burden to City taxpayers •Unclear need, demand and support for new public facility at this location The 2022 Grandview Yard proposal is based on insight collected over ten years of public input and concept exploration. 12 Since the Grandview Development Framework was completed in 2012, the City has explored nine (9) different redevelopment scenarios for this site. Unfortunately, none of these concepts have gained a sufficient degree of support to move forward and be funded and constructed. In Spring 2022, the City set out to prepare a full proposal for Concept #10.The Grandview Yard proposal includes three elements that have generally received higher levels of support as community input has been solicited over the years. The elements are: (1) for‐sale housing, (2) restaurant with indoor and outdoor dining, and (3) extensive outdoor public realm assets and improvements centered upon an outdoor public space that can be activated for a variety of community‐oriented purposes. 12 Grandview Yard Proposal – August 2022 13 In June 2022, the Edina HRA entered into sales contracts with United Properties and Jester Concepts. The Edina HRA then engaged Confluence and Loucks to prepare a site plan that accommodates new housing, new restaurant and new public green space. A formal proposal to rezone and redevelop the site was submitted by United Properties. That proposal will be reviewed and considered by the Edina Planning Commission and Edina City Council in August /September 2022. 13 Grandview Yard Proposal –Shared Restaurant Parking 14 Proposed 15,000 Sq Ft restaurant on 0.7 acres with shared parking Typical 11,000 sq ft restaurant on 3.1 acres with 230+ private parking stalls 32 parking stalls Food and drink was a consistent desire by community residents of all ages. The proposed restaurant is intended to be the “attractor” to the site. The restaurant is designed to meet the needs of many types of customers so that it can be successful for years to come. From a land use perspective, the restaurant site is highly efficient – rather than 200+ dedicated parking stalls (like most suburban restaurants), only 32 stalls are proposed on site with most employees and customers intending to use valet parking or the adjacent public parking garage. 14 Comparison of 2022 Proposal vs 2012 Vision 2012 Development Framework 2022 Grandview Yard Proposal Residential 82 units 86‐90 for‐sale units proposed Community structure 50,000 Sq Ft 15,000 Sq Ft restaurant with indoor and outdoor event spaces proposed Grandview Commons green space 28,000 Sq Ft Approx 28,000 Sq Ft public green space proposed Parking Shared and organized; work cooperatively with Metro Transit Private parking for residents; shared parking for restaurant and public space; rely on existing Grandview Parking Structure rather than building more public parking; Metro Transit not interested in park‐n‐ride for this area East‐west connector Sidewalk, bridge and road spanning railroad tracks Pedestrian bridge and sidewalk under construction; roadway not feasible Sidewalks Along Arcadia and Eden Proposed along Arcadia and Eden 15 In conclusion, the 2022 Grandview Yard proposal is based on ten years of community engagement and concept exploration. While a large publicly owned and financed community building does not seem likely for this site, the Edina HRA board and project team intend to deliver they type of experience described in the Development Framework using a privately operated restaurant and public green space as the attractors to the site. 15 Existing text – XXXX Stricken text – XXXX Added text – XXXX ORDINANCE NO. 2022-___ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ADD PUD-24, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-24, AT 5146 EDEN AVENUE The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Chapter 36, Article VIII, Division 4 is hereby amended to add the following: Sec. 36-517 Planned Unit Development District-24 (PUD-24) – Grandview Yard (a) Legal description: (b) Approved Plans. Incorporated herein by reference are the re-development plans, including the master development plan for the site received by the City on ___________ except as amended by City Council Resolution No. 2022-___ on file in the Office of the Planning Department. (c) Principal Uses: All uses allowed in the PCD-2 Zoning District Multifamily Residential Parks (d) Accessory Uses: All accessory uses allowed in the PCD-2 Zoning District. All accessory uses allowed in the PCD-2 Zoning District (e) Conditional Uses: None Existing text – XXXX Stricken text – XXXX Added text – XXXX 2 (f) Development Standards. In addition to the development standards per the PCD- 2 Zoning District, the following shall apply: (g) Signs shall be regulated per the PCD-2 Zoning District for the retail uses, and PRD, for the residential uses. (h) The residential housing on the site shall include 10% of all the dwelling units (9 units) to meet the City’s definition of affordable housing at the time of approval. Proposed (Measured from building to the lot line) Building Setbacks to the lot line - Residential Front – East (Eden Avenue) Front – South (Arcadia Avenue) Side – West Rear – North Building Setbacks to the lot line - Restaurant Front – East (Eden Avenue) Front – South (Arcadia Avenue) Side – West Rear – North 5 feet 5 feet 10 feet 300 feet 10 feet 130 feet 10 feet 140 feet Building Height 7 stories Building Coverage Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 45% 1.5% Parking Stalls – Residential (Senior Housing) Parking Stalls – Restaurant 143 spaces Variance required (31 spaces on site plus the Jerry’s parking ramp) Existing text – XXXX Stricken text – XXXX Added text – XXXX 3 Section 3. This ordinance is effective immediately. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: ATTEST: ______________________________ _____________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of _______, 2022, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of ____________, 20 22. ________________________________ City Clerk 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 PROPERTY OWNER EDINA HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 4801 W. 50th St., Edina MN 55424 UNITED PROPERTIES JESTER CONCEPTS (612) 354-3135 | POPE DESIGN GROUP SHEA LOUCKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. SENIOR COOPERATIVE RESTAURANT GRANDVIEW YARD 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 • • • • • • • • Johnston, IA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Edina, MN • • • • • • • • • COV, Edina, MN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 2 2 3 4 6 7 8 5 1 1 3 54 6 78 TRAMMELL CROW SENIOR APARTMENTS JERRY’S FOODS JERRY’S ENTERPRISES PARKING RAMP RETAIL RETAIL THE HILLTOPOUR LADY OF GRACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 VEHICULAR CIRCULATION PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATIONLEGEND 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 ARCADIA AVEEDEN AVEBROOKSIDE AVE 1 1 2 2 3 3 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 The proposed scale of development is appropriate for a new mixed-use neighborhood and a public green-space combine to create a new place for neighborhood residents with all resident parking and move-in access located below-grade and accessed from The development improves movement within and access to the District for people of 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 ---------- .43 ---- ----------273 3.09 86 143 -- 174 273 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 GRANDVIEW YARD RESTAURANT SENIOR COOPERATIVE 1 2 5 3 4 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PUBLIC ART SCULPTURES & INTERACTIVE ARTWORK LOCATED IN PROMINENT AREAS COOKING & DINING EXPERIENCE PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIONS ACROSS SITES RESIDENT BALCONIES ALONG ARCADIA AVENUE TO PROMOTE ACTIVITY & RECESSED TO PROMOTE INCORPORATED BUILDING CIRCULATION INTO LANDSCAPE TERRACES STAIRWAY CONNECTIONS TO ARCADIA PUBLIC ART SCULPTURES LOCATED IN PROMINENT AREAS SEATING TO ACTIVATE PEDESTRIAN INTERACTION 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 GRANDVIEW YARD TERRACE SEATING PUBLIC EVENT LAWN ADA PED ROUTE ACTIVITY AREAOUTDOOR DINING ARCADIA AVE SECTIONENTRY PLAZA OUTDOOR PLAZA RESTAURANT SENIOR COOPERATIVE PARKING EXISTINGRAILROADSERVICE AREA RESTAURANT VALET PUBLIC RESTROOM PED BRIDGE SHORT TERM PARKING UPPER PARKING ACCESS LOWER PARKING ACCESS LANDSCAPE TERRACE + PUBLIC ART AMENITY COURTYARD 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 PROPOSED SECTION PROPOSED GRANDVIEW YARD PROPOSED SENIOR COOPERATIVE 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 GRANDVIEW YARD TERRACE SEATING PUBLIC EVENT LAWN ADA PED ROUTE OUTDOOR DINING ARCADIA AVE SECTIONENTRY PLAZA OUTDOOR PLAZA RESTAURANT PARKING EXISTINGRAILROADSERVICE AREA RESTAURANT VALET PUBLIC RESTROOM PED BRIDGE SHORT TERM PARKING UPPER PARKING ACCESS LOWER PARKING ACCESS LANDSCAPE TERRACE + PUBLIC ART AMENITY COURTYARD PUBLIC ART IS PROPOSED TO BE INTERWOVEN THROUGHOUT THE PUBLIC REALM AREAS INCLUDING THREE INSTALLATIONS IN THE YARD: AT THE PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE ALONG ARCADIA, COVERED OPEN AIR GAZEBO ADJACENT TO THE PUBLIC EVENT LAWN, ENGAGING SERIES OF ART ELEMENTS ALONG THE ADA PEDESTRIAN ROUTE. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC ART IS ANTICIPATED IN STRATEGIC LOCATIONS OF THE SENIOR CO-OP SITE. SENIOR COOPERATIVE ACTIVITY AREA 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 RESTAURANT GRANDVIEW YARD SENIOR COOPERATIVE 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 RESTAURANT GRANDVIEW YARD SENIOR COOPERATIVE 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 PUBLIC EVENT LAWN TERRACE SEATING ADA PED ROUTE OUTDOOR DININGRESTAURANT PED BRIDGE PARKING PARKINGSERVICE AREA RESTAURANT VALET EXISTING RAILROAD ACTIVITY AREA 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 TERRACE SEATING ADA PED ROUTE OUTDOOR DINING RESTAURANT PED BRIDGE PARKING PARKING SERVICE AREA RESTAURANT VALET EXISTING RAILROAD FUTURE ARTISTIC GAZEBO FUTURE SERIES OF ENGAGING ART PIECES PUBLIC EVENT LAWN ACTIVITY AREA 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 TERRACE SEATING ADA PED ROUTE OUTDOOR DINING RESTAURANT PED BRIDGE PARKING PARKING SERVICE AREA RESTAURANT VALET EXISTING RAILROAD FUTURE ARTISTIC GATEWAY PUBLIC EVENT LAWN FUTURE ARTISTIC GAZEBO ACTIVITY AREA 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 TERRACE SEATING ADA PED ROUTE OUTDOOR DINING RESTAURANT PARKING PARKING SERVICE AREA RESTAURANT VALET PUBLIC EVENT LAWN FUTURE ARTISTIC GATEWAY FUTURE ARTISTIC GAZEBO FUTURE SERIES OF ENGAGING ART PIECES ACTIVITY AREA 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 FFE 934.52ND FLOOR 948BASEMENT 921.5 FFE 930.5BASEMENT 918.5 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 FFE 934.52ND FLOOR 948BASEMENT 921.5 FFE 930.5BASEMENT 918.5 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 FFE 934.52ND FLOOR 948BASEMENT 921.5 FFE 930.5BASEMENT 918.5 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 2. THE PROJECT INCLUDES BOTH PUBLIC REALM IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE MCWD 325 BLAKE ROAD REGIONAL STORMWATER AND GREENWAY PROJECT (MCWD PROJECT) AND PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE ALATUS 325 BLAKE ROAD MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT. INTENDED SEQUENCING OF MAJOR CONSTRCUTIONACTIVITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS:a. INSTALL VEHICLE TRACKING BMP b. INSTALL SILT FENCE AROUND SITE, INLET PROTECTION IN STREET c. CLEAR AND GRUB SITE d. STRIP AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL e. REMOVE PAVEMENTS AND UTILITIES f. ROUGH GRADE SITE g. IMPORT CLEAN FILL AS NEEDED FOR REPLACEMENT AND BALANCE h. INSTALL UTILITIES i. INSTALL STORMWATER SYSTEM BUT KEEP OFFLINE UNTIL SITE ESTABLISHED j. INSTALL CURB & GUTTER k. FINAL GRADE SITE l. INSTALL PAVEMENTS AND SIDEWALKS m.INSTALL LANDSCAPING n. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM STORMWATER SYSTEMS WHEN ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE AND THE SITE IS STABILIZED, REMOVE SILT FENCE AND RESTORE ANY AREAS DISTURBED BY THE REMOVAL 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 END OF LINE CLEANOUT IN LINE CLEANOUT 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 LOT 2 LOT 1 LOT 3 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 A - WOOD 137 6.5 1893 88.9 0 0 100 4.6 0 0 A - WOOD 550 41.3 755 56.5 30 2.2 0 0 0 0 A - WOOD 827 38.3 213 10.6 30 1.4 6 .4 1090 49.3 A - WOOD 1477 62.6 155 6.6 30 1.3 44 1.8 655 27.7 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 • • • • • • • LOT 1 LOT 3 LOT 2 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 NAME AREA B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 NAME AREA COUNT B1 1 B2 2 B3 9 B4 10 B5 10 B6 6 B7 8 B8 8 B9 7 B10 8 B11 1 B12 4 B13 3 B14 1 B15 4 B16 4 LEVEL COUNT 102 37 4 143 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 MASONRY - 1 4945.58 18 MASONRY - 2 2235.88 8 8795.38 33 TEXTURED CONC. 3349.52 13 METAL PANEL 7511.21 28 MASONRY - 1 3794.72 14 MASONRY - 2 1980.65 7 9136.58 34 TEXTURED CONC. 4913.66 18 METAL PANEL 7249.8 2759'-0"T.O. ROOF SHEATHING79'-0"4'-4"T.O. ROOF SHEATHING 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 MASONRY - 1 1430.61 10 MASONRY - 2 1508.34 11 5821.33 42 TEXTURED CONC. 1469.99 11 METAL PANEL 3510.03 26 MASONRY - 1 1357.42 11 MASONRY - 2 1185.51 10 5239.82 45 TEXTURED CONC. 435.05 4 METAL PANEL 3515.83 30 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 WOOD LOOK PRECAST STONE DARK GREY VERTICAL METAL PANELS TEXTURED CONCRETEPRECAST STONE CELLULAR POLYCARBONATE PANELS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 GREAT ROOM UNDERGROUND RESIDENT PARKING UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 5146 Eden Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 07-25-2022 #75372-22075 Survey Responses 30 January 2019 - 17 August 2022 Public Hearing Comments-5146 Eden Ave Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: Grandview Yard, 5146 Eden Avenue No Responses VISITORS 7 CONTRIBUTORS 0 RESPONSES 0 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous EdinaMN.gov 1 Site EdinaMN.gov 2 Site Zoning -PID EdinaMN.gov 3 Site 3.Patterns for a Neighborhood Center Land Use Land Use Plan ArcadiaAveHwy100Public Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-use Center Office Medium/High Density Residential 154/05/12 Site 3.Patterns for a Neighborhood Center Land Use ArcadiaAveHwy100Illustrative M aster Plan Existing Buildings Potential Development Proposed Civic Community Buildings 164/05/12 Site 3.Patterns for a Neighborhood Center 27 4/05/12 Public Realm C A D B F H H G E ArcadiaAveHwy100HankersonSummitSunnyslopeWFrontageRdSherwoodBrooksideDaleDr52nd St 51st St Public Realm /Open Space Diagram A.GrandView Commons B.GrandView Steps C.GrandView Crossing D.Arcadia Streetscape E.Gus Young Streetscape F.Arcade Connection G.Vernon Streetscape H.Eden Streetscape Site Date: August 24, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:2023 P lanning C ommis s ion Work P lan Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: No action requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: C ontinue discussion on the attached draft 2023 P lanning C ommission Work P lan. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft 2023 Work Plan Template Updated 2021.06.08 Commission: Planning Commission 2023 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative # 1 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Review Land Use Applications Deliverable: Final Decisions on variances and recommendations to the City Council on CUP, Site Plans and Rezoning Leads: Staff Target Completion Date On-going Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No budget required. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Yes. 60-80 staff hours per week (between 3 planners and administrative assistant) Liaison Comments: This is the bulk of the Planning Commission responsibilities; including reviewing the packets (staff reports, plans, studies, and applicant narratives twice per month) City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative #2 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Cahill District Area Plan Deliverable: Recommendation to City Council on adopting the District Plan into the Comprehensive Plan Leads Agnew & Alkire Target Completion Date June Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) This study is already included in the City’s budget. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Yes. 10-20 staff hours per week Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Progress Q4: Initiative #3 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Consideration of the future of parking in Edina. This would be a collaborative activity shared among E&E, Transportation and Planning Commissions (1-2 members from each commission). Work product is a recommendation to our various commissions and then ultimately to the City Council about what parking initiatives to pursue over the next 10-15 years, in what order, and what commissions/resources should be assigned to each. An example idea to be considered is Parking Benefit Districts. Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council Leads: Alkire Assist: Miranda, Strauss Target Completion Date On-going Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No additional budget required. Potential consulting fees if needed would come from the Community Development Department budget. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Yes. Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative #4 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Development Review/Sketch Plan Process follow up. Deliverable: Recommendation to City Council on development process. Lead: Olson Assist: Bennett Target Completion Date March Sub-Committee Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): 40+ Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative #5 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Consider the next “Areas of Potential Change” for future small area planning. Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council. These areas would then be studied further in the next Comprehensive Plan update. Lead: Miranda Assist: Bennett Target Completion Date May Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Yes. 10-20 hours? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative #6 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Accessory Dwelling Unit. This would be a follow- up/continuation of the work done in 2022. Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council of an Ordinance Amendment regulating accessory dwelling units. Leads: Smith, Bennett Target Completion Date August Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): 5 hours per week? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative #7 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Consider climate action plan and investigate what can be put in to City Code. (Potentially adding conditions to conditionally permitted uses focusing on sustainability.) Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council regarding an ordinance amendment Leads: Smith, Padilla Target Completion Date December Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): 40+? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative #8 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title: Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding commercial landscaping Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council regarding an ordinance amendment Leads: Alkire, Olson Target Completion Date October Sub-Committee or Working Group Budget Required: (Completed by staff) No. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): 40? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Progress Q4: Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.)