HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.23.2021 Meeting PacketAgenda Human Rights and Relations Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Virtual Meeting This meeting will be held electronically using Webex software. The meeting will be streamed live on the City’s YouTube channel, YouTube.com/EdinaTV or you can listen to the meeting via telephone by calling 1-415-655-0001, access code 133 185 6890 Tuesday, February 23, 2021 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Human Rights & Relations Commission January 26, 2021 V.Reports/Recommendations A.2020 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan B.2021 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan C.Chair & Vice Chair Nomination and Selection D.Edina Community Council VI.Chair And Member Comments VII.Sta1 Comments VIII.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli4cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: February 23, 2021 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: Minutes From:Risi Karim, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Human Rights & Relations Commission January 26, 2021 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the minutes from the January 26,2021 HRRC meeting INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description 1.26.21 HRRC Minutes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights & Relations Commission Virtual Meeting, WebEx, Jan. 26, 2021, 7 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair Beringer shared information for virtual meeting guidelines for Commissioners and those watching or listening in to the meeting. Chair Beringer called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Beringer, Commissioners Edwards, Epstein, Felton, Ismail, Ross, Nelson, and Student Commissioners Lichtenberger and Mirza Staff Present: Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator and Risi Karim, City Management Fellow Absent: Student Commissioner Borene Late: Commissioner Stringer Moore III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Nelson to approve the Dec 1, 2020 meeting agenda, seconded by Commissioner Ross. Roll call vote. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Commissioners indicated the following changes to the draft minutes: • No changes Motion by Commissioner Ross to approve the January 26, 2021 meeting minutes, seconded by Commissioner Epstein. Roll call vote. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions & Presentations A. City Observed List • Staff Liaison Lee gives a presentation to the Commission regarding the list of holidays that are currently observed and recognized by the City of Edina. Staff Liaison Lee also gathered feedback from the Commissioners regarding additional holidays and observances that the City of Edina should consider giving recognition to. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Approval of Schedule Change Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Motion by Commissioner Ross to approve changing the start time for the November 16th and December 7th HRRC meeting from 7:00pm to 5:30pm, Seconded by Commissioner Felton. Roll call vote. Motion carried. B. 2020 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan • The Commission discussed the Work Plan with the following updates: o #6 Bias Offense Review - The subcommittee has completed the task of creating definitions to differentiate the differences between bias offenses and bias incidents. As the subcommittee moves into their final steps, they are seeking joint approval from the Police Chief and subcommittee members before sending the proposed changes to council. o #4 Artwork and Décor Assessment Rubric for City Owned Facilities - Staff Liaison Lee shared with the Commission that due to City Hall construction there will be a delay on sending out the video. Construction at City Hall is scheduled to be completed by mid-March and upon its completion Staff Liaison Lee will then share the video with the public. C. 2021 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan • The Commission discussed the Work Plan with the following updates: o #1 Days of Remembrance - Commissioner Stringer Moore shared that she would be reaching out to former HRRC member Pat Arseneault to garner more information about how the event was conducted in years past. - Commissioner Ross suggested to the Commission that the event may have to be held virtually this year. o #3 Sharing Values Sharing Community - Commissioner Felton shares with the Commission the idea of coordinating a showing of “Jim Crow of the North” followed by a Q&A for the event. - Chair Beringer encourages Commissioner Felton to move forward with the planning and seeking clarification from the city about the scope of the event and to come back and share with the Commission once planning is further along. o #5 Bias Offense Review - Commissioner Epstein shares with the Commission that the subcommittee has one more meeting with the Chief of Police where they will seek clarification on one item before marking the review officially complete. o #6 Review and comment on staff proposed plan to identify barriers for participation and reach communities of color through different modes and feedback. - Staff Liaison Lee will be meeting with Parks & Recreation staff to determine a timeline for the creation of the plan and when that plan will be made available to the subcommittee for review and comment. VII. Chair and Member Comments • Commissioner Felton inquires about the nomination and selection process for the Chair & Vice Chair position for the 2021-2022 HRRC Cycle. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. • Commissioner Nelson notes to the Commission the passing of Henry Aaron ,an American professional baseball right fielder who played 23 seasons in Major League Baseball. • Commissioner Stringer Moore share with the Commission that President Biden has signed numerous Executive Orders aimed at closing the gaps caused by gender and racial disparities. VIII. Staff Comments • Staff Liaison Lee announces that the EEC is recruiting community members for the climate action working group, the group will help develop the city’s Climate Action Plan with a focus on equity. Expertise in the field of environment and sustainability is not required to participate in the working group. IX. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Felton to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Nelson. Roll call vote. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. Date: February 23, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:2020 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: The Bias Offense committee is seeking approval from the HRRC on the new definitions before submissions to City Council for approval. INTRODUCTION: The Commission will briefly discuss the initiatives that took place in 2020. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2020 HRRC Work Plan 2.23.2021 City of Edina Bias Offense Plan 2.21.2021 Human Rights & Relations2020 Commission Work Plan - City Council Approved: 12.03.2019March, April, and May 2020 - HRRC Meetings Cancelled - COVID-19 ResponseInitiative #1Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeOngoingApril 20204 (review and decide)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds availableCTSStaff LiaisonInitiative #2Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeOngoingDecember 20204 (review and decide)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds availableCTSStaff LiaisonReview and Decide2020 Tom Oye Award: Coordinate and select one recipient for the 2020 Tom Oye Award to be given in December. Beringer (LEAD), Edwards and Epstein12.1.2020: Award presented at 12.1 City Council meeting and framed certificate delivered to award recipients. COMPLETEDReview and DecideProgress Report: 2.28.2020: Working group members were selected & approved in December 2019.Days of Remembrance EventArseneault (LEAD), Ross, Epstein, Meek, Edwards and IyerProgress Report: 9.17.2020: Commissioners edited Tom Oye documents (press release, application form, and poster) to Communications. Key Dates: Submission Deadline - Monday, November 9, 2020. HRRC Award Recipient Decision: Tuesday, November 17, 2020. Award Recognition at City Council: Tuesday, December 1, 202010.23.2020: Tom Oye Award application was open on 9.24.2020. Press release and posters have been placed at locations within the City. Five nominations have been submitted.11.10.2020: Tom Oye Award application closed on 11.09.2020. Award recipient will be decided on November 17 meeting by HRRC.11.17.2020: Award recipients decided and will be notified. Presentation will be at 12/1/2020 City Council meeting.3.16.2020: Days of Remembrance event has been postponed due to City facilities closures in alignment with MN Department of Health COVID-19 response plan. CANCELLED. Initiative #3Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeOngoingOctober 20204 (review and decide)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds availableCTSStaff LiaisonInitiative #4Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeContinueDecember 20203 (review and recommend)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds not availableStaff LiaisonReview and DecideCo-chair a cross-commission (HRRC & EEC) committee to coordinate the "Sharing Values, Sharing Communities" event on the adaptation and / or resilience on climate change. Committee will be comprised of no more than 2-3 members from each commission and one member from each commission will serve as a co-chair.Stringer Moore (LEAD), Nelson, Meek and BeringerReview and RecommendCreate an assessment rubric / recommendation process for City facility artwork and décor to ensure it reflects diversity of race and culture (R&E 18.E.). HRRC will be the lead commission and the Arts & Culture and Heritage Preservation commissions will appoint up to 2 members for feedback on the final recommendation before it goes to Council.Meek (LEAD), Stringer Moore, NelsonProgress Report: 1.28.2020: Commissioner Meek will send email to schedule meeting with cross-commission members.1.14.2021: City Hall remodeling occurring which impacts the accessibility to Mayor's Conference Room & Atrium.7.28.2020: HRRC approved assessment rubric/recommendation process for City Council review and approval for August City Council meeting.8.18.2020: City Council approved approve the Arts & Décor assessment rubric as recommended by HRRC and to direct HRRC to conduct an assessment on the Mayor’s Conference Room and City Hall Atrium using the rubric for City Council review. RUBRIC COMPLETED7.21.2020: City Council approved removing Initiative #3 as written above; replace with new Initiative #3 "Lead Community Conversations about race, justice and policing in 2020 and make recommendations for next steps as part of the 2021 work plan process."7.28.2020: Commission reviewed subcommittee recommendations and approved to hold presentation and open forum sessions for community conversations. Remaining recommendations will be reviewed for 2021 work plan process.9.18.2020: A Community Conversation on Race, Justice and Policing on October 21, 2020 from 7p-9p via WebEx10.22.2020: Event was held on October 21 from 7-830p with six panelist and moderator. The event was available on City website, YouTube, Facebook Live, and channels 318 and 16 for viewing. COMPLETED.7.17.2020: Cross-commission met and made progress on rubric. Will have draft rubric for Commission to review at July 28 meeting.Progress Report: 2.19.2020: Emailed cross-commission members to connect. Initiative #5Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeContinueDecember 20203 (review and recommend)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds not availableStaff LiaisonInitiative #6Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeContinueDecember 20203 (review and recommend)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportFunds not availableStaff Liaison11.10.2020: Staff Liaison gathering edits from Police Chief and will send to subcommittee and schedule meeting to decide on quarterly meetings.1.14.2021: Staff Liaison to schedule meeting with subcommittee and police chief to provide update. Definitions created to differentiate between bias incident and offense has been COMPLETED. Next steps will be to submit to City Council for their review.11.24.2020: Subcommittee met to review police chief edits. Revisions will continue.2.12.2021: Bias Offense Subcommittee will present changes to HRRC for review and approval before it is submitted to City Council for review.4.9.2020: Bias offense/incident document sent to City staff and HRRC Chair for review.7.28.2020: Commission discussed inserting quarterly meeting with police staff liaison into Bias Offense/Incident Plan.8.20.2020: Staff Liaison will get feedback from police department on document.9.17.2020: Coordinating meeting with Police Chief and HRRC Subcommittee to meet.10.23.2020: HRRC Subcommittee with Police Chief Nelson to provide feedback on Bias Offense Plan. Subcommittee is revising document and adding edits. Edwards (LEAD), Stringer MooreReview and RecommendCo-chair a cross-commission committee (HRRC & PARC) in partnership with communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming by creating a plan to reach communities of color through different modes, structure of feedback, and how data will be used. (R&E 20.B.) Committee will be comprised of no more than 2-3 members from each commission and one member from each commission will serve as co-chair.Bias Offense Plan review, create definitions to differentiate between bias incidents and bias offenses within the state statute's definition, tracking and notification process for bias incidents.Epstein (LEAD), Nelson and RossProgress Report: March & April 2020 HRRC Meeting CancelledProgress Report: 2.19.2020: Emailed PARC Staff Liaison to get PARC Commissioner emails.8.22.2020: Initiative will be updated in HRRC 2021 Work Plan as "Review and comment on a plan developed by P&R and R&E staff to identify barriers for participation and reach communities of color through different modes and feedback, determine how data would be used. With the HRRC (with the PARC) implement that plan to gather information. " 10.22.2020: This initiative will be revised for 2021 HRRC Work Plan. ON HOLD - REVISED CHARGE ON 2021 HRRC WORK PLANReview and Recommend Initiative #7Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeNewDecember 20203 (review and recommend)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportCTSNAStaff LiaisonInitiative #8Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeNewDecember 20202 (review and comment)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportNA10.22.2020: Housing Task Force will attend HRRC meeting on 11/17/2020 to present housing policy.11.17.2020: Housing Task Force and Planning Commission attended HRRC meeting for question and answer session. Additional feedback provided to Housing Task Force. COMPLETED.7.21.2020: Proclamation accepted and approved by City Council meeting. COMPLETEDBeringer (LEAD), NelsonProgress Report: 9.18.2020: Staff Liaison will coordinate meeting with HRRC subcommittee for a meeting in November 2020 to review policy.Progress Report: 4.20.2020: Proclamation draft sent to Chair and Vice Chair by Nelson and KennedyReview and RecommendCelebrate 50th anniversary of HRRC in Edina by submitting a proclamation for City Council approval.Nelson (LEAD)Review and CommentReview and comment on Housing Task Force comprehensive housing policy using a race & equity lens. Initiative #9Initiative Type Completion Date Council ChargeNewDecember 20202 (review and comment)Lead Commissioners Budget Staff SupportReview and CommentAppoint up to 2 members to provide feedback on PARC's initiative (#4) to develop criteria that incorporates sustainability and equity for prioritizing capital improvements for park infrastructure needs, including playground equipment, warming houses and core amenities for expansion and replacement before final criteria goes to Council.Edwards (LEAD)10.12.2020: HRRC provided comments and questions to PARC based on the CIP Prioritization information document. Following up with PARC staff liaison if additional 11.17.2020: No updated provided if additional feedback is needed from HRRC. COMPLETED.Progress Report: 8.24.2020: HRRC Commissioners emailed the PARC plan for review and comment. City of Edina Bias Offense Response PlanCity of Edina Bias Offense Response PlanCity of Edina Bias Offense Response PlanCity of Edina Bias Offense Response Plan INTRODUCTION:INTRODUCTION:INTRODUCTION:INTRODUCTION: The Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission (HRRC) drafted the Bias Offense Response Plan (the Plan), proposed the Plan to the Edina City Council (City Council), and the City Council adopted the Plan on May 5th, 1997. The City Council directed the HRRC to review the Plan at least once per year and provide recommended amendments as needed, which the HRRC has done. DEFINITIONS:DEFINITIONS:DEFINITIONS:DEFINITIONS: • Bias:Bias:Bias:Bias: A performed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on their race, religion, national origin, sex, gender, gender expression, age, disability, or sexual orientation. • Bias Offense:Bias Offense:Bias Offense:Bias Offense: Any suspected criminal offense or incident against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias. • Bias Crime:Bias Crime:Bias Crime:Bias Crime: A criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias. A bias crime differs from other crimes when the target of the crime is selected because of the offender’s bias. • Bias Incident:Bias Incident:Bias Incident:Bias Incident: A bias incident is any actions committed against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by the offender’s bias but does not rise to the level of a crime. PURPOSES:PURPOSES:PURPOSES:PURPOSES: • To establish a procedure for appropriate and timely local responses to bias offenses thus showing strong community support for people targeted and showing zero within the boundaries of the City of Edina; • To raise awareness in the community about the city’s response to bias offenses. • To establish a Community Resources Network to be activated as needed. PARTNERSHIP:PARTNERSHIP:PARTNERSHIP:PARTNERSHIP: The HRRC will partner with citizens and organizations in the community to provide timely and meaningful support to those who have experienced a bias offense. Local community partners are identified in Appendix B, Community Resources Network. RESPONSE PLAN:RESPONSE PLAN:RESPONSE PLAN:RESPONSE PLAN: 1. Complaints regarding bias offenses may be made directly to the Edina Police Department (the Police Department) but also may be made on-line on the City’s website or made to other City departments, including the parks department and the Race & Equity Coordinator. 2. Subject to the limitations in the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Chapter 13, the Police Department will notify the Edina City Manager (City Manager) and the Race and Equity Coordinator, who will notify the HRRC Chair of a substantiated event which may constitute a bias offense. The Police Department will investigate the substantiated event to determine if a crime was committed. 3. If a complaint is made to the City other than through the Police Department, the complaint shall first be forwarded to the City Manager, who shall forward it to the Police Department to be investigated. 4. Upon completion of the investigation of a bias offense, the Police Department will notify the City Manager and Race and Equity Coordinator of the findings and classify the bias offense as either a bias crime or incident. 5. If a complaint is determined to be a bias offense crime, the Police Department will coordinate appropriate criminal charges with the prosecuting authority. The Police Department is responsible for reporting the bias crime to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. 6. The City Manager, Chief of Police, Race & Equity Coordinator, HRRC Chair and Bias Offense Subcommittee will meet to determine the appropriate level of community response. Community response options include contacting appropriate members of the Community Resources Network to inform them of a bias offense, requesting their support and development of a response plan, meeting with the victim or representatives of targeted groups to determine appropriate restorative measures by the City, and such other responses deemed appropriate under the circumstances. 7. The Race & Equity Coordinator will record and track when and where the bias offenses occurred and will provide an annual report to the Commission. The City will also inform the Minnesota Attorney General, the FBI and the Minnesota Department of Human Rights of the bias incident. Date: February 23, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:2021 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None INTRODUCTION: 2021 Work Plans were approved by Council in December 2021. The attached Work Plan has been updated with progress reports in each area. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2021 HRRC Work Plan 2.23.2021 Approved by Council December 1, 2020 Commission: Human Rights and Relations Commission 2021 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative # 1 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☒☒☒☒ Ongoing / Annual ☒☒☒☒ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Coordinate Days of Remembrance Recognition Deliverable Event and/or Action Leads Stringer Moore, Edwards, Epstein, Ross, Mirza, and Lichtenberg Target Completion Date April 2021 Budget Required: Funds are available. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison, Staff Support, and Communications 1.26.2021: Subcommittee will check if scheduled speaker from 2020 is available for event. Initiative # 2 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☒☒☒☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Tom Oye Award: Coordinate and select one recipient for the 2021 Tom Oye Award. Deliverable Planning and awarding of Tom Oye Award Leads Edwards, Mirza Target Completion Date December 2021 Budget Required: Funds are available Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison, Staff Support, and Communications Approved by Council December 1, 2020 Initiative # 3 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☐☐☐☐ Ongoing / Annual ☒☒☒☒ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Coordinate 2021 “Sharing Values, Sharing Communities” event focused on Race, Justice, and Policing tied to initiative #4. Deliverable Event and/or Action Leads Felton Target Completion Date October 2021 Budget Required: Funds are available. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison, Staff Support, and Communications Initiative # 4 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☐☐☐☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Complete community conversations about Race, Justice and Policing that began in 2020. Deliverable Create and implement ways for community members to engage about race, justice and policing. Leads Felton, Mirza Target Completion Date: December 2021 Budget Required: Funds are available Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison, Staff Support, Communications and Technology Approved by Council December 1, 2020 Initiative # 5 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☒☒☒☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒☒☒☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Bias Offense & Incident Response Plan Review and meet with police department representative quarterly for updates. Deliverable Review of response plan and report back to the commission. Consider changes, if any, in 2022. Leads Ross, Epstein, and Edwards Target Completion Date December 2021 Budget Required: Funds are available. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison, Staff Support, and Communications 1.26.2021: Police Chief will attend HRRC meeting the month after each quarter. The Police Chief will provide an update of Q1-2021 at the April 27, 2021 HRRC. For Q2-2021, he will attend the July 27, 2021 meeting, for Q3-2021, the October 26, 2021 meeting and for Q4-2021, attend January 2022 meeting. Initiative # 6 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☐☐☐☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒☒☒☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Review and comment on staff proposed plan to identify barriers for participation and reach communities of color through different modes and feedback. Deliverable Review and comment on plan Leads Stringer Moore, Edwards, and Felton Target Completion Date December 2021 Budget Required: No budget required Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison and Staff Support 1.26.2021: Staff Liaison will meet with P&R Director define plan to identify barriers for participation and reach communities of color. Date: February 23, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.C. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: From:Risi Karim, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:Chair & Vice Chair Nomination and Selection Action, Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Nominate and select the Chair and Vice-Chair of the HRRC for the 2021-2022 commission cycle. The selection results of Chair and Vice-Chair will be effective on March 1, 2021. INTRODUCTION: Date: February 23, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.D. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Risi Karim, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:Edina Community Council Action, Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Select a new commissioner to serve on the Edina Community Council on behalf of the HRRC INTRODUCTION: The HRRC currently holds a seat on the Edina Community Council, to date the seat has been filled by Commissioner Nelson who will be cycling off of the Commission at the end of February.