HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.16.2021 Meeting PacketAgenda Human Rights and Relations Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Public Works, Multipurpose Rm Tuesday, November 16, 2021 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Human Rights & Relations Commission October 26, 2021 V.Special Recognitions And Presentations A.Police Chief Introduction VI.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Reports/Recommendations A.2021 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan B.Tom Oye Award Nominations (2021) C.Working Group Greenprint D.2022 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan Proposal VIII.Chair And Member Comments IX.Sta4 Comments X.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli7cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: November 16, 2021 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: From:Risi Karim, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Human Rights & Relations Commission October 26, 2021 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve minutes from HRRC October 26,2021 meeting INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description 10.26.21 HRRC Minutes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights & Relations Commission Edina Public Works Building, Multi-Purpose Rm October 26, 2021, 7 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair Epstein shared information for virtual meeting guidelines for Commissioners and those watching or listening in to the meeting. Chair Epstein called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Epstein, Commissioner Ismail, Felton, Segall, Edwards, Guadarrama; Student Commissioner Lichtenberger and Mirza Staff Present: Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator and Risi Karim, City Management Fellow Absent: Commissioner Bennett Late: Commissioner Felton III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Segall to approve the October 26, 2021meeting agenda, seconded by Commissioner Stringer Moore. Roll call vote. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Commissioners indicated the following changes to the draft minutes: • Correct italic of item 1 in section C. 2022 Work Plan Development Motion by Commissioner Felton to approve the September 28, 2021 meeting minutes, seconded by Commissioner Stringer Moore. Roll call vote. Motion carried. V. Reports/Recommendations A. Human Rights & Relations Commission 2021 Work Plan • The Commission discussed the Work Plan with the following updates: Initiative #2 – Tom Oye Award - Staff Liaison Lee shares the following dates for the initiative: o No applications have been received as of October 26th . o Commissioners are encouraged to share the poster on their various social media accounts Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Initiative #4 – Race, Justice, and Policing Community Awareness Plan & Implementation - The event was held Sunday, October 17,2021, from 3:00pm-5:00pm in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. - Early feedback from the community and Council members highlight that the event was well received. B. 2022 Work Plan Development • The Commission discussed the 2022 Work Plan and what would be completed, continued or added from this year’s Work Plan. - Staff Liaison Lee informed the Commission about the next steps in 2022 Work Plan approval process. - Manager Neal will be providing Work Plan feedback to the City Council on November 3rd - The Commission discussed the possibility of using Work Groups for one or more initiatives in 2022 C. December 7, 2021 HRRC Meeting Motion by Commissioner Stringer Moore to change the start time of the December 7, 2021 HRRC Meeting to 5:30 pm and keeping the location at Public Works, seconded Commissioner Segall. D. 2022 HRRC Meeting Dates Motion by Commissioner Felton to approve the 2022 HRRC meeting dates seconded by Commissioner Segall. Roll call vote. Motion carried. VI. Chair and Member Comments • Received VII. Staff Comments • Received VIII. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Felton to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Segall. Roll call vote. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m. Date: November 16, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: From:Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Police Chief Introduction CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: The City of Edina's new Police Chief Todd Milburn will introduce himself to the Commission. Date: November 16, 2021 Agenda Item #: VII.A. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: From:Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:2021 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: The Commission will discuss initiative updates for the 2021 workplan. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2021 Work Plan Update 11.12.21 Park Barriers and Utilization Approved by Council December 1, 2020 Commission: Human Rights and Relations Commission 2021 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative # 1 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☒ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Coordinate Days of Remembrance Recognition Deliverable Event and/or Action Leads Stringer Moore, Edwards, Epstein, Ross, Mirza, and Lichtenberg Target Completion Date April 2021 Budget Required: Funds are available. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison, Staff Support, and Communications 1.26.2021: Subcommittee will check if scheduled speaker from 2020 is available for event. 2.23.2020: Speaker has been confirmed for event. 4.27.2021: Meeting will be scheduled for subcommittee. 6.16.2021: Guest speaker and emcees, location, date/time and staff support have been confirmed. Poster redesign, day-of-event coordination, press/marketing pending completion. Event on 7/29/2021 at 7-830pm at City Council Chambers + hybrid event. 7.22.2021: Event will take place on 7.29.2021. Posters, press release, day of coordination set up, speaker picture taken. 7.29.2021: 408 views on Facebook, 13 views on YouTube, 30 people in-person. COMPLETED Initiative # 2 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Tom Oye Award: Coordinate and select one recipient for the 2021 Tom Oye Award. Deliverable Planning and awarding of Tom Oye Award Leads Edwards, Mirza Target Completion Date December 2021 Budget Required: Funds are available Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison, Staff Support, and Communications 6.16.2021: Staff Liaison will send information/timeline to subcommittee in July to start planning and coordination. 7.22.2021: Staff will send information to subcommittee by July 30. 8.19.2021: Application and Tom Oye documents sent to subcommittee for review and edits. 9.23.2021: Press release completed, and application will be open on 8/27/2021. 11.8.2021: Six nominations received. HRRC will review and vote on award recipient at 11.16.2021 HRRC meeting Approved by Council December 1, 2020 Initiative # 3 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☒ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Coordinate 2021 “Sharing Values, Sharing Communities” event focused on Race, Justice, and Policing tied to initiative #4. Deliverable Event and/or Action Leads Felton, Bennett, Segall Target Completion Date October 2021 Budget Required: Funds are available. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison, Staff Support, and Communications 4.6.2021: Subcommittee will plan on meeting with addition of commissioners to work plan item. 4.27.2021: Subcommittee provided update to HRRC and asked for feedback from Commission. Subcommittee will meet again to update based on feedback. 6.16.2021: Subcommittee will provide event proposal on 6.22.2021 to HRRC for approval. 7.22.2021: HRRC approved subcommittee proposal on 6.22.2021 and working on marketing and communications plan with staff. Event will be at City Hall on October 17 from 3-5pm. City Hall has been reserved and staff support for event has been requested. 9.23.2021: Amended motions for event format, agenda, speakers, and marketing being brought to HRRC on 9.28.2021. 10.22.2021: Virtual event broadcasted. On Facebook, event has been viewed 829 times, total reach of event 2,019. 2 survey submissions received. COMPLETED Initiative # 4 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Complete community conversations about Race, Justice and Policing that began in 2020. Deliverable Create and implement ways for community members to engage about race, justice and policing. Leads Felton, Mirza, Bennett, Segall, Ismail Target Completion Date: December 2021 Budget Required: Funds are available Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison, Staff Support, Communications and Technology 4.6.2021: Subcommittee will plan on meeting with addition of commissioners to work plan item. 4.27.2021: Subcommittee provided update to HRRC and asked for feedback from Commission. Subcommittee will meet again to update based on feedback. 6.16.2021: Subcommittee will provide event proposal on 6.22.2021 to HRRC for approval. 7.22.2021: HRRC approved subcommittee proposal on 6.22.2021 and working on marketing and communications plan with staff. Event will be at City Hall on September 12 from 3-5pm. The event title is “Stop the Hate”. City Hall has been reserved and staff support for event has been requested. Subcommittee has invited panelists to event. 8.19.2021: Promotions have been setup such as promotional videos, advertisements, and posters. Panelists are confirmed. 9.23.2021: About 60 attended in-person. On Facebook, event has 1.4k views with a reach of 3,182 and engagement of 1,018. COMPLETED Approved by Council December 1, 2020 Initiative # 5 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Bias Offense & Incident Response Plan Review and meet with police department representative quarterly for updates. Deliverable Review of response plan and report back to the commission. Consider changes, if any, in 2022. Leads Ross, Epstein, Edwards and Guadarrama Target Completion Date December 2021 Budget Required: Funds are available. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison, Staff Support, and Communications 1.26.2021: Police Chief will attend HRRC meeting the month after each quarter. The Police Chief will provide an update of Q1-2021 at the April 27, 2021 HRRC. For Q2- 2021, he will attend the July 27, 2021 meeting, for Q3-2021, the October 26, 2021 meeting and for Q4-2021, attend January 2022 meeting. 4.27.2021: Police Chief attended the HRRC meeting. Provided Q1-2021 update and process of how bias events are received, investigated, and notification. 7.21.2021: No bias events for Q2-2021 have been reported to Edina Police Department. 8.19.2021: Staff Liaison will reach out to new police chief to invite to meet with HRRC and provide update with any bias events. Initiative # 6 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Review and comment on staff proposed plan to identify barriers for participation and reach communities of color through different modes and feedback. Deliverable Review and comment on plan Leads Stringer Moore, Edwards, and Felton Target Completion Date December 2021 Budget Required: No budget required Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison and Staff Support 1.26.2021: Staff Liaison will meet with P&R Director define plan to identify barriers for participation and reach communities of color. 4.27.2021: Staff is still researching and creating plans. 5.25.2021: Staff met with other municipality to get scope of their plan and feedback methods. 7.21.2021: Staff working on plan. Planning to have plan for review and comment by end of Q3 or first month in Q4. 10.22.2021: Plan proposal will be sent to HRRC subcommittee for review on October 29. 11.8.2021: Plan proposal sent to subcommittee for review and will be available for HRRC members to review. November 5, 2021 Human Rights and Relations Commission (HRRC) and Parks & Recreation Commission (PARC) Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director; Luther Overholt, City Forester; Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Manager 2021 HRRC & PARC Work Plan Item: Review and comment on proposed plan to identify barriers for participation and reach communities of color through different modes and feedback Information / Background: The Race and Equity Task Force provided several recommendations to City staff members in various departments such as Parks and Recreation (P&R). A recurring pattern of themes in the recommendations was program utilization to ensure Parks and Recreation programs are being utilized across all Edina residents. In the recommendations, two specific methods to gather data and information were mentioned, which is collecting demographic data information via registration and seek feedback from community members to their participation level in P&R programming, reasons for their participation level, and suggestions for improvements. In 2019 and 2020, the Edina City Council directed Human Rights & Relations Commission (HRRC) and the Parks and Recreation Commission (PARC) to partner with communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming in programming by creating a plan to reach communities of color through different modes, structures of feedback, and how data will be used. In 2021, the work plan item was revised to have City staff members would create a proposed plan to identify barriers for participation and reach communities of color through different modes and feedback and the two commissions would review and provide feedback to staff on the proposed plan. In this staff report, it will provide two options to gather feedback from the community on use of park facilities and programming. The purpose of this document is for the Human Rights & Relations Commission (HRRC) and Parks & Recreation Commission (PARC) to provide feedback on the two options listed. The goals of the proposed plan is to: 1. Ensure that data collected is valuable across all community responses. 2. Ensure feedback has a measure of statistical validity. 3. Use gathered responses to plan future changes. STAFF REPORT Page 2 In order to achieve the goals stated above, there are several steps that are involved in the process such as: 1. Identify methods and process for feedback collection 2. Identify who to collect feedback from 3. Identify potential barriers for participation and park utilization to gather feedback on 4. Evaluating the results to identify trends and priorities for change to reduce barriers Identifying the Method of Feedback Collection and Who to Collect Feedback From Collecting feedback from a wide variety of community members is being recommended with two different options. Option 1, which is partnering with an organization who is specializes in creating, implementing, and reviewing data. Option 2, which will identify stakeholders within the community based on their interactions with the park through programming or facilities use. Option 1: Method: Working with a survey consultant, who will provide guidance on the community outreach, implementation of the survey and will assist in analyzing the data. Engagement Tools: Statistically valid survey. Role of the Commissions: Interested Commissioners would be invited to meetings with staff members to develop outreach and implementation of data collection. Reason for Option 1: Option 1 would allow us to get data that is statistically valid. A consultant could tailor the questions to try and get specific answers we are looking for/are interested in. The consultant can use their experience and expertise to aid in outreach and implementation of the survey. We will have raw data to work with at the end. Considerations for option 1: • Additional financial resources would be considered with an external consultant. • Data collection would take time to gather enough responses for statistical validity. • This option would help alleviate any mistrust of the City of Edina as an institution, as a third party would conduct outreach. Option 2 Method: Survey potential program users onsite at facilities throughout the city (enterprise facilities, park shelters, programming places of worship, community gathering locations, public and private). Engagement Tools: Social channels, Better Together, Survey, direct feedback Role of the Commissions: Help identify areas to conduct survey and how to reach low influence, low engagement users. Commission representation at meetings where feedback is being collected and coming up with survey questions. Reason for Option 2: STAFF REPORT Page 3 Low Engagement High Engagement High Influence Low Influence Option 2 would allow for open ended data and an assumed larger volume of data collected. By using the existing engagement tools greater participation would be leveraged. Consideration for Option 2: While themes and barriers would be extracted from the results, we would not be able to state the data is statistically valid. At best we could assume and identify stakeholders in the following groups: Group 1: Low influence, low engagement. Group 2: High influence, low engagement. Group 3: Low influence, high engagement. Group 4: High influence, high engagement. Stakeholders could assist in identifying additional community or local groups not yet engaged and identified for this process. Examples of stakeholders to self-identify and to ask for their recommendation to identify others for surveying: a) City Council b) City Commissions c) Athletic Associations d) Partners e) School District f) Community Education g) Community Foundation h) Edina Give and Go i) Edina Rotary j) City Departments k) Garden Council l) Historical Society Group 2: High Influence, Low Engagement Group 4: High Influence, Low Engagement Group 3: Low Influence, High Engagement Group 1: Low Influence, Low Engagement STAFF REPORT Page 4 Examples of probable stakeholder group outcomes: Group 4 - Athletic organizations Group 2 - Rotary, Chamber Group 3 - Historical Society, Garden Council Group 1 – New residents and residents living in apartments, workers in Edina (non-residents) Group 4: Community At-large (Social channels, Better Together, Survey, direct feedback) Groups 2 and 3: Targeted feedback (at programs, facilities, user survey, in person boards, direct feedback) Group 1: Would require the use of a third-party agency to assist on identification and response to eliminate bias and non-response. Avoid perception of alternative government motives. Trade-offs between two options: Option 1 will offer statistically valid data that we could use to make other decisions throughout the city. It will cost more but the outcome will produce a better product. Option 2 could be conducted by city staff and volunteers, but we may not get the data to identify barriers and recommend change. Engagement Tools: In order to garner multiple viewpoints, we will have a multifaceted approach to the survey in order to reach the broadest audience possible. The following engagement tools will be used: • Community At-large (Social channels, Better Together, Survey, direct feedback) • Targeted feedback (at programs, facilities, user survey, in person boards, direct feedback) • Use third party agency to assist on identification and response to eliminate bias and non-response. Avoid perception of alternative government motives Themes in Feedback to Identifying Barriers for Participation and Park Utilization • If you do not use parks, facilities or programs, what barriers prevent you from doing so? o Reasons for not using parks, facilities, or programming ▪ Price of participation ▪ Communication/messaging to community about events • Language accessibility ▪ Environment/Welcoming Feel ▪ Programming Relevancy ▪ Access to Facility • ADA Compliance • Transportation • What improvements to indoor facilities would allow you to participate? STAFF REPORT Page 5 • What improvements to outdoor facilities would allow you to participate? • What improvements to programming would allow you to participate? • What programs or services would you like to see added or expanded? Evaluate Results for Trends and Priorities After feedback the data will be reviewed to: • Determine will the data be used, who will be able to access it, for what purposes will we collect, determine data review process and next steps. • Identify trends and priorities from community members based on their responses collected. • Provide potentially recommendations on changes to increase programming, facilities, etc. • Develop a plan for review and comment on plan, engagement and analysis. Date: November 16, 2021 Agenda Item #: VII.B. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: From:Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Tom Oye Award Nominations (2021) Action, Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Select recipient of 2021 Tom Oye Award INTRODUCTION: Tom Oye Award Nominations: 6 Nominations Terrie Rose Sabeeh Mirza & Francesca Lichtenberger + Supporting Document Ethelind B. Kaba Gene and Keidy Palusky + Supporting Document Sayali Amarapurkar of AshaUSA + Supporting Document Susan Stiles & Josh Sprague + Supporting Document ATTACHMENTS: Description Ethelind B. Kaba Gene and Keidy Palusky Supporting Document Gene and Keidy Palusky Sabeeh Mirza & Francesca Lichtenberger Sabeeh Mirza & Francesca Lichtenberger Supporting Document Sayali Amarapurkar of AshaUSA Sayali Amarapurkar of AshaUSA + Supporting Document Terrie Rose Susan Stiles & Josh Sprague Susan Stiles & Josh Sprague + Supporting Document 1 Heidi Lee From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Wednesday, November 3, 2021 4:19 PM To:Heidi Lee; Jennifer Garske; Risi Karim Subject:Online Form Submittal: Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Nomination Deadline Nov. 8, 2021 How to Nominate Someone Fill out and submit this online form. For additional information or to request a paper nomination form, contact Race & Equity Coordinator Heidi Lee at HLee@EdinaMN.gov. (Section Break) Nominator's Contact Information First Name Dario Last Name Anselmo Occupation Commercial Real Estate Address 6301 S Knoll Dr. City Edina State MN Zip Code 55436 Phone Number 612-325-0130 Email Address DarioAnselmoMN@gmail.com (Section Break) Nominee 2 Name of person or group being nominated. Ethelind B. Kaba Address 5236 Richwood Drive City Edina State MN Zip Code 55435 Nominee Phone Number 612-991-2261 Contact Name, if different than above. Field not completed. Nominee Email Address ethelind.kaba@gmail.com (Section Break) Supporting Information Please provide a description of why you believe this person or group deserves the Tom Oye Human Rights Award. You can type or paste directly into the text box below or use the Upload field to upload an existing document (this can be in a variety of file formats including .doc, .txt, .pdf, etc.). If you have any other information in support of your nomination, please provide necessary supporting documents by uploading those. Please include your name on uploaded materials if possible. Text Entry Executive Director of the Ann Bancroft Foundation, Ethelind oversees the efforts of the Foundation to make life-changing opportunities available to early childhood and adolescent girls in Minnesota. In her role, she is responsible for strategic direction, shepherding high-impact awareness campaigns, maintaining strong community partnerships, expanding the reach of the Foundation, and working closely with the board of directors and staff to raise the annual budget, and managing the financial operations. Before joining the Foundation, Ethelind was the Vice President of External Affairs at the Center for Economic Inclusion, the nation’s first organization exclusively dedicated to advancing economic inclusion across all sectors in a major metropolitan area. In her role, she led strategic, effective communications, storytelling, marketing, and brand management and fund development initiatives to support efforts to build a racially equitable and inclusive economy. Passionate about advancing equity, human dignity, and potential, Ethelind previously founded The Stargirl Initiative, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering teen and tween girls, for 3 which she was named a Changemaker by MN Women’s Press. She also offers her experience and talents to several organizational committees and boards, including: National Governing Board Member, The Jeremiah Program, a nationwide organization dedicated to transforming the lives of low-income single mothers and their children Board of Regent, Augsburg University, a private university known for its commitment to an intentional experience for all students, defined by excellence and guided by faith Committee Member, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, advocates for affordable housing Previous volunteer roles also include serving as a member of the Edina Public Schools Legislative Action Committee and TPT Community Resiliency Advisory Council. Upload Supporting Information Field not completed. Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. What Happens Next The Human Rights & Relations Commission will review the nominations and make a decision in mid-November. The award will be handed out at a December City Council meeting. The commission may decline to make an award if, in its view, no nominee meets the criteria. Public Data Notice I have read and understand the Public Data Notice Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Learn about the mission of the XTORCH by watching this short video on You Tube to learn how it affects the daily lives of families in developing countries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uuS8nOTRJQ 1 Heidi Lee From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Monday, November 8, 2021 9:24 PM To:Heidi Lee; Jennifer Garske; Risi Karim Subject:Online Form Submittal: Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Nomination Deadline Nov. 8, 2021 How to Nominate Someone Fill out and submit this online form. For additional information or to request a paper nomination form, contact Race & Equity Coordinator Heidi Lee at HLee@EdinaMN.gov. (Section Break) Nominator's Contact Information First Name Shelly Last Name Loberg Occupation VP Edina Chamber of Commerce/Explore Edina Address 3300 Edinborough Way Suite 650 City Edina State MN Zip Code 55435 Phone Number 9528069064 Email Address shelly@edina.org (Section Break) Nominee 2 Name of person or group being nominated. Gene and Keidy Palusky Address 5804 York Ave S. City Edina State MN Zip Code 55410 Nominee Phone Number 404-403-1878 Contact Name, if different than above. Shelly Loberg Nominee Email Address shelly@edina.org (Section Break) Supporting Information Please provide a description of why you believe this person or group deserves the Tom Oye Human Rights Award. You can type or paste directly into the text box below or use the Upload field to upload an existing document (this can be in a variety of file formats including .doc, .txt, .pdf, etc.). If you have any other information in support of your nomination, please provide necessary supporting documents by uploading those. Please include your name on uploaded materials if possible. Text Entry It is with great respect and enthusiasm that I nominate Gene and Keidy Palusky, creators of the XTORCH for this year's Tom Oye Award in the City of Edina. I first learned about their great work when I saw them featured on KARE 11 and was immediately impressed with the creativity of their product and their philanthropy. The XTORCH is a tough, reliable solar powered flashlight, lantern and back-up cell phone charger for off-grid and just-in-case emergency use. The mission of the company is to bring mobile light and power to those who suffer without. They work in partnership with International Non-Profit Organizations, in support of their efforts in disaster relief, refugee aid, medical and general humanitarian outreach.Having grown up in the Dominican Republic, Keidy herself intimately understands what it's like to live without reliable lighting and power. XTORCH is engineered to be rugged enough for the extreme remote and at the same time ideal for everyday home use. For Gene and Keidy, XTORCH is a true labor of love, and all members of their family contribute in the business. I was struck not only by their generosity and big hearts, but by the amazing example of giving back they are for their children and community. Having light to study or work or see at night is a basic luxury that's easy for most of us to 3 take for granted. In areas of the world that experience natural disasters and in developing countries, XTORCH is a true gift of light. Gene and Keidy are the kind of citizens Edina should be very proud to have and a Edina continues to grow more diverse in population, they embody what it means to live in a global community where we look out for one another. Upload Supporting Information Field not completed. Upload More Supplemental Materials xtorch supporting document.docx Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. What Happens Next The Human Rights & Relations Commission will review the nominations and make a decision in mid-November. The award will be handed out at a December City Council meeting. The commission may decline to make an award if, in its view, no nominee meets the criteria. Public Data Notice I have read and understand the Public Data Notice Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 1 Heidi Lee From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Monday, November 8, 2021 9:34 PM To:Heidi Lee; Jennifer Garske; Risi Karim Subject:Online Form Submittal: Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Nomination Deadline Nov. 8, 2021 How to Nominate Someone Fill out and submit this online form. For additional information or to request a paper nomination form, contact Race & Equity Coordinator Heidi Lee at HLee@EdinaMN.gov. (Section Break) Nominator's Contact Information First Name MARK & JASMINE Last Name FELTON / STRINGER-MOORE Occupation CPA / LIFESTYLE EXPERT Address 5200 Tifton Drive City Edina State MN Zip Code 55439 Phone Number 6124901940 Email Address markfeltoncpa@feltonforensics.com (Section Break) Nominee 2 Name of person or group being nominated. SABEEH MIRZA & FRANCESCA LITHENBERGER Address SM: STUDENT @ EHS; FL: STUDENT @ BSM City EDINA State MN Zip Code 55439 Nominee Phone Number 479-366-7115 Contact Name, if different than above. SABEEH MIRZA Nominee Email Address SABEEHTMIRZA@GMAIL.COM (Section Break) Supporting Information Please provide a description of why you believe this person or group deserves the Tom Oye Human Rights Award. You can type or paste directly into the text box below or use the Upload field to upload an existing document (this can be in a variety of file formats including .doc, .txt, .pdf, etc.). If you have any other information in support of your nomination, please provide necessary supporting documents by uploading those. Please include your name on uploaded materials if possible. Text Entry Field not completed. Upload Supporting Information tom Oye Nomination - Sabeeh and Francesca.pdf Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. What Happens Next The Human Rights & Relations Commission will review the nominations and make a decision in mid-November. The award will be handed out at a December City Council meeting. The commission may decline to make an award if, in its view, no nominee meets the criteria. Public Data Notice I have read and understand the Public Data Notice Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Tom Oye Co-Nomination of Sabeeh Mirza and Francesca Lichtenberger Sabeeh Mirza: Sabeeh has served two terms as a student commissioner on the Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission. His service on the HRRC have included: • He was a panelist on the 2020 Race, Justice, and Policing event. • He helped with the 2021 Days of Remembrance event • He was a vital and significant contributor to the 2021 Stop the Hate event • He is a 2021 participant in the Stories We Share video series • He serves as an HRRC representative on the Human Services Task Force Sabeeh’s human rights and relations activities and leadership roles outside of the HRRC are: • He is the head of the Edina Mosaic club, which works to fight against inequalities within the school system. • He serves on the Edina District Equity Board, which revises district policy to be more inclusive. • He is Vice President of the Edina High School (EHS) Student Senate, which helps with issues between the student body and administration tied to race, gender, sexuality, etc. • He is a student board member for Edina Give & Go, which helps support students and families who cannot financially support themselves to ensure that they get the education that all kids deserve. • He is Captain of the EHS Debate Team: The goal of the program is not only to teach the process of debate to students but also to strengthen reading, writing, researching, reasoning, and public speaking skills while engaging students in timely topics that are relevant in everyday life and teamwork • He is Captain of the EHS Speech Club: This activity helps develop analysis, research, writing, leadership, creativity, and listening, -- all skills necessary to be an effective human rights and relations leader. • He is Vice President of the Orchestra Leadership Council • He is an Edina Hornet Mentor Cabinet Member (underclassmen support) • He is a member of the Model United Nations (UN) Club: A simulation in which students representing UN member states meet to find solutions to common problems. It offers a world of opportunity where concepts and principles from the classroom can come to life. STOP Francesca Lichtenberger: Francesca has served two terms as a student commissioner on the Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission. Her service on the HRRC have included: • She helped with the 2021 Days of Remembrance event • She serves as an HRRC representative on the Human Services Task Force Francesca’s human rights and relations activities and leadership roles outside of the HRRC are: • She is the founder of Red Knights for Social Justice: The goal of this club is to create more empathy and kindness at BSM and the greater BSM community and inform BSM students about human rights issues across all communities. • She is a member of the National Honor Society: Selection to NHS is a privilege, not a right. Students do not apply for membership in NHS; instead, they provide information to the Faculty Council to support their candidacy for membership. Membership is granted only to those students selected by the Faculty Council. This is not an election, nor is membership automatically conferred simply because a student has achieved a specified level of academic performance. The student must have a record of leadership, character, and service with or on behalf of others without any direct financial or material compensation. • She is a member of Red Knights Volunteer Corps: This program centers on student volunteers working in the community. Students gain experience from various volunteer opportunities such as working in hospitals and nursing homes to helping children with special needs. The purpose of this program is to allow students to stretch their knowledge of the world, meet new people, and see that faith involves service, commitment, and intellectual understanding. • She started the Native American Heritage Month at Benilde-St. Margaret (BSM) • She planned a discussion on bullying prevention at BSM • She hosted an event to highlight international human rights issues • She is a member of the Sustainability Club: The group exists to inspire others to take small steps to make a big difference in the fight against climate change. • She is a member of Link Crew: Link Crew is a national organization implemented in high schools all over the country. The ultimate purpose of the "crew" is to help freshmen, and new students feel more comfortable with their transition and help them achieve success in the first year at BSM. • She is chair (president) of Model United Nations Club: A simulation in which students representing UN member states meet to find solutions to common problems. It offers a world of opportunity where concepts and principles from the classroom can come to life. • She is on the JV Debate Team: The goal of the program is not only to teach the process of debate to students but also to strengthen reading, writing, researching, reasoning, and public speaking skills while engaging students in timely topics that are relevant in everyday life and teamwork. • She is a member of the Varsity Mock Trial Club • She is part of the Varsity Speech Club: This activity helps develop analysis, research, writing, leadership, creativity, and listening, -- all skills necessary to be an effective human rights and relations leader. • She is a member of the National Spanish Honors Society: This organization aims to promote high standards of scholarship, reward academic achievement, and create enthusiasm for different cultures and language learning. • She is a member of the National French Honors Society: The NFHS has the same purpose as the NSHS: to promote high standards of scholarship, reward scholastic achievement, and create enthusiasm for different cultures and language learning. • She helps with the Dyslexia Parent Alliance • She is the Student Council Junior Class Treasurer • She is the founder of the French Club • She is a member of the Principal’s Advisory Group STOP 1 Heidi Lee From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Tuesday, November 2, 2021 12:24 PM To:Heidi Lee; Jennifer Garske; Risi Karim Subject:Online Form Submittal: Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Nomination Deadline Nov. 8, 2021 How to Nominate Someone Fill out and submit this online form. For additional information or to request a paper nomination form, contact Race & Equity Coordinator Heidi Lee at HLee@EdinaMN.gov. (Section Break) Nominator's Contact Information First Name Feroza Last Name Mehta Occupation Freelance Journalist Address 7021 Shannon Dr City Edina State MN Zip Code 55439 Phone Number 6129407143 Email Address ferozamaster@gmail.com (Section Break) Nominee 2 Name of person or group being nominated. Sayali Amarapurkar of AshaUSA Address 5839 Long Brake Trail City Edina State Minnesota Zip Code 55439 Nominee Phone Number 6512106742 Contact Name, if different than above. Field not completed. Nominee Email Address emailsayali@gmail.com (Section Break) Supporting Information Please provide a description of why you believe this person or group deserves the Tom Oye Human Rights Award. You can type or paste directly into the text box below or use the Upload field to upload an existing document (this can be in a variety of file formats including .doc, .txt, .pdf, etc.). If you have any other information in support of your nomination, please provide necessary supporting documents by uploading those. Please include your name on uploaded materials if possible. Text Entry Dear Edina Human Rights Commission, I am writing to ask you please consider Sayali Amarapurkar and her organization AshaUSA for the Tom Oye Award. Sayali has been a resident of Edina for 20 years. She created a non- profit organization called AshaUSA to help end the stigma of mental illness in the South Asian Community. Now the organization also helps recent immigrants adapt to life in the United States. They also have a seniors group and plan activities for them. In the last year, Sayali and AshaUSA have started race talks for all ages to encourage the South Asian community to think about systemic racism and how they can help make the world a better place. Sayali is also a member of the board of the Indian Association of Minnesota (IAM) and helps organize the annual party in St Paul at the legislature every August. She also started a new event this October called the Pink Gharba. It was just last weekend and was a breast cancer awareness event and fundraiser for local charities such as Hope Chest. There was a panel discussion about breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, talking about the stigma of the disease and how the community can come together and feel more comfortable talking about cancer. The event was also a 3 Gharba dance (the nine nights of dancing before Diwali/The Hindu New Year is called Navratri.) People in attendance wore pink and the sticks for the Gharba dance were also pink to raise awareness for cancer. Sayali also works as the South Asian cultural liaison for Edina Public Schools. She helps teachers learn about the many Indian Subcontinent cultures and traditions. She also helps parents navigate the school system. With AshaUSA she has monthly YouTube panel discussions with the theme of Breaking the Stigma. Topics have been about autism and early intervention, domestic violence, infertility and more. She also started a podcast that’s in Hindi about parenting. Her boys are also amazing. I’m is a successful graduate of Edina Public Schools and is at Stanford. Atman is a senior at EHS and was the homecoming king. Both boys have their own nonprofit called Omnisight that collects glasses from here and delivers them to underprivileged kids in India. Philanthropy and charitable work are in Sayali’s blood. Every part of her is dedicated to community service, equality and love of fellow human beings. This is a link to an article about her: https://edinamag.com/these-edina-moms-are-fighting-stigma- mental-health-south-asian-community This is a link to the AshaUSA website https://www.ashausa.org/ She also did incredible work getting the word out about Covid 19 and encouraging the community to get vaccinated. Thank you for considering Sayali. Upload Supporting Information Field not completed. Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. What Happens Next The Human Rights & Relations Commission will review the nominations and make a decision in mid-November. The award will be handed out at a December City Council meeting. The commission may decline to make an award if, in its view, no nominee meets the criteria. Public Data Notice I have read and understand the Public Data Notice 4 Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Search HEALTH & WELLNESS (/HEALTH-WELLNESS) (/print/46357) Menu BY FEROZA MEHTA FROM THE JANUARY 2020 ISSUE (/ISSUE/JANUARY-2020-EDINA-MAGAZINE ) (http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=%2Fthese-edina-moms- are-ighting-stigma-mental-health-south-asian- community&media=https%3A%2F%2Fedinamag.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Files%2Field%2Fima ge%2FEDN10873_0120_AshaUSA_CE_3818.jpg) These Edina Moms Are Fighting the Stigma of Mental Health in the South Asian Community TweetLike392 We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience By clicking the Accept button, you agree to us doing so. NO, GIVE ME MORE INFO OK, I AGREE NO, THANKSNO, THANKS PHOTO BY: CHRIS EMEOTT Edina organization seeks to overcome misconceptions. Karma to Hindus and Buddhists is deined in the dictionary as, “the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.” So, when a person of South Asian descent or their family member receives a diagnosis of a mental illness, some see it as, “What did I do in a past life that made my child or my sister this way?” It’s an uphill battle for Sayali Amarapurkar and Kamala Puram. These Edina moms are on a mission to eliminate stigma around mental health issues in the South Asian community through the work of their nonproit organization, AshaUSA (https://www.ashausa.org/). Amarapurkar says, “I have struggled with depression since my teenage years and that’s why I really wanted to do something with mental health. It’s a big stigma in our community to talk about mental illnesses or even stress. Our aim is to create awareness and talk about certain issues.” Amarapurkar and Puram moved to the U.S. in the 1980s and met while doing charity work at another organization. Puram founded AshaUSA ive years ago and asked Amarapurkar to join her. The organization aims to bridge the gap in cultural understanding between people who move here from South Asia—India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Bhutan, the Maldives and Nepal—and Americans. We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience By clicking the Accept button, you agree to us doing so. NO, GIVE ME MORE INFO OK, I AGREE NO, THANKSNO, THANKS MENTAL HEALTH (/TAGS/MENTAL-HEALTH)HEALTH AND WELLNESS (/TAGS/HEALTH-AND-WELLNESS) (/print/46357) Part of their work is an initiative called Mental Health Matters. AshaUSA hosts panel discussions about parenting and how dificult it is for a child to grow up between two cultures: the culture of their parents and the one they live on a day-to-day basis at school. Another arm of the initiative is a movie night where short ilms about anxiety and depression are screened. It’s all part of sparking conversations about mental health. Puram said the issue isn’t talked about much in India. “There’s a lot of denial and limited understanding of mental health issues and a lot of taboo with it. Because of that, the whole thing gets put under the rug,” she says. “People want to talk about good things, but they don’t want to talk about problems.” Another issue is inding the right help. “People want to know if there are any South Asian mental health providers because they feel that when they go to American mental health providers they spend more than half of their time explaining the culture,” Amarapurkar says. AshaUSA is working on a list of mental health and health care providers who are of South Asian origin or who cater to the South Asian community. In addition to mental health, AshaUSA has programs for South Asian families to learn about parenting and life in America. They also oer South Asian cultural education to businesses and school districts. “When we came here we went to school, got assimilated. We went through that process slowly,” Puram says. “Many people now arrive on Friday and go to work on Monday.” This sparked AshaUSA’s latest research project: cultural integration in the workplace. They surveyed the South Asian diaspora, met with community leaders, employers and consultants. They then developed a plan for companies to understand South Asian culture and recent immigrants to understand American culture. The goal is to visit with interested companies and implement integration programs. Amarapurkar has seen the inux of immigrants irsthand in Edina. “This change has happened rapidly in the last seven to eight years, Amarapurkar says. AshaUSA is here to foster understanding. “We have this content. We are making attempts. We have programs,” Amarapurkar says. “We are willing to give our time and expertise.” (http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=%2Fthese-edina-moms- are-ighting-stigma-mental-health-south-asian- community&media=https%3A%2F%2Fedinamag.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Files%2Field%2Fima ge%2FEDN10873_0120_AshaUSA_CE_3818.jpg) (/uncover-discover-explore)(/home-grown) TweetLike392 RELATED We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience By clicking the Accept button, you agree to us doing so. NO, GIVE ME MORE INFO OK, I AGREE NO, THANKSNO, THANKS Visit our other community sites   © Copyright 2021 Tiger Oak Media All Rights Reserved (/advancements-pain- management) [WELLNESS (/WELLNESS)] Advancements in Pain Management (/advancements-pain- management) [OUTDOORS (/OUTDOORS)] Uncover, Discover & Explore (/uncover-discover-explore) [OUTDOORS (/OUTDOORS)] Home Grown (/home-grown) We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience By clicking the Accept button, you agree to us doing so. NO, GIVE ME MORE INFO OK, I AGREE NO, THANKSNO, THANKS 1 Heidi Lee From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Sunday, November 7, 2021 10:37 PM To:Heidi Lee; Jennifer Garske; Risi Karim Subject:Online Form Submittal: Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Nomination Deadline Nov. 8, 2021 How to Nominate Someone Fill out and submit this online form. For additional information or to request a paper nomination form, contact Race & Equity Coordinator Heidi Lee at HLee@EdinaMN.gov. (Section Break) Nominator's Contact Information First Name Colleen Last Name Feige Occupation Retired from Dept. Of Veterans Affairs Address 6616 Field Way City Edina State MN Zip Code 55436 Phone Number 952 935-5540 Email Address cfeige2@gmail.com (Section Break) Nominee 2 Name of person or group being nominated. Terrie Rose Address 4605 Annaway Drive City Edina State MN Zip Code 55436 Nominee Phone Number 612 414-3448 Contact Name, if different than above. Field not completed. Nominee Email Address Terrie.rose@comcast.net (Section Break) Supporting Information Please provide a description of why you believe this person or group deserves the Tom Oye Human Rights Award. You can type or paste directly into the text box below or use the Upload field to upload an existing document (this can be in a variety of file formats including .doc, .txt, .pdf, etc.). If you have any other information in support of your nomination, please provide necessary supporting documents by uploading those. Please include your name on uploaded materials if possible. Text Entry Terrie is a resilient, caring, bright, committed and collaborative woman who founded Edina’s Anti-Racism Collective. The Anti- Racism Collective works to change policies and practices in Edina neighborhoods so everyone - no matter personal or shared history, background, identity or income - can thrive. A bit of 2020 history will benefit your review. Terrie’s beloved husband died in March 2020. George Floyd was murdered in May 2020. While still grieving her personal loss, in early summer 2020 Terrie reached out to her black neighbor to ask how she was doing with all going on in Minnesota. Beyond that caring action, Terrie had neighbors gather together in her driveway (due to COVID concerns) to discuss the issues of racism brought to heightened attention due to events surrounding Floyd’s murder. She gave away Black Lives Matter signs to anyone who wanted one. But Terrie didn’t stop there. Terrie set up Zoom Meet and Greets for anyone who lives, works, goes to school or visits Edina to discuss racism and how we can support racial justice and equity. That effort led to many Zoom sessions on Learning to Lead, Learning and Unlearning, Slow Read of 1619 Project and a Journaling 3 Project all to help participants understand how to make Edina a place where everyone can thrive. The Anti-Racism Collective participated in Edina’s 4th of July Parade and was present at the Yancey Park Dedication. Partnerships are growing with other community organizations. Terrie would say there are many people of many backgrounds working on the Anti-Racism Collective and that is true. But it takes a leader to step forward and start and continue to make things happen. Terrie Rose is that leader and for her tremendous work and commitment to making Edina a place for everyone to thrive, I nominate her for the Tom Oye Award. Upload Supporting Information Field not completed. Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. What Happens Next The Human Rights & Relations Commission will review the nominations and make a decision in mid-November. The award will be handed out at a December City Council meeting. The commission may decline to make an award if, in its view, no nominee meets the criteria. Public Data Notice I have read and understand the Public Data Notice Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 1 Heidi Lee From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Monday, November 8, 2021 3:35 PM To:Heidi Lee; Jennifer Garske; Risi Karim Subject:Online Form Submittal: Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Nomination Deadline Nov. 8, 2021 How to Nominate Someone Fill out and submit this online form. For additional information or to request a paper nomination form, contact Race & Equity Coordinator Heidi Lee at HLee@EdinaMN.gov. (Section Break) Nominator's Contact Information First Name Kaylin Last Name Eidsness Occupation Communications Address 6550 York Ave. S. City Edina State MN Zip Code 55435 Phone Number 952-466-6227 Email Address kaylin@stilesfinancial.com (Section Break) Nominee 2 Name of person or group being nominated. Susan Stiles & Josh Sprague Address 6550 York Ave. S. City Edina State MN Zip Code 55435 Nominee Phone Number 952-466-6217 Contact Name, if different than above. Field not completed. Nominee Email Address susan@stilesfinancial.com (Section Break) Supporting Information Please provide a description of why you believe this person or group deserves the Tom Oye Human Rights Award. You can type or paste directly into the text box below or use the Upload field to upload an existing document (this can be in a variety of file formats including .doc, .txt, .pdf, etc.). If you have any other information in support of your nomination, please provide necessary supporting documents by uploading those. Please include your name on uploaded materials if possible. Text Entry It’s an honor to nominate Edina Rotarians Susan Stiles and Josh Sprague for the Tom Oye Award, as Susan and Josh have a huge heart for service and fostering change. Both Rotarians for many years, Josh has organized the Rotary Club of Edina’s service trip to Guatemala since 2018. Susan, who’s part Spanish and fluent in the language, has gone on the two service trips offered so far. On the most recent trip Josh and Susan met Saida, a young Guatemalan girl whose life they would forever change. Here’s a link to the article in the Sun-Current that covers all the details: https://www.hometownsource.com/sun_current/community/edina- rotarians-help-save-guatemalan-girl-s-life/article_8d870868-f56f- 11eb-ad23-7bfcda53ec67.html Susan is also a member of the Race & Equity Committee for the Rotary Club of Edina and sits on her graduating class’ Race, Equity & Inclusion Committee for her alma mater, Cornell University. 3 They would be exceptional recipients of the respected award. Thank you for your consideration! Upload Supporting Information Field not completed. Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. Upload More Supplemental Materials Field not completed. What Happens Next The Human Rights & Relations Commission will review the nominations and make a decision in mid-November. The award will be handed out at a December City Council meeting. The commission may decline to make an award if, in its view, no nominee meets the criteria. Public Data Notice I have read and understand the Public Data Notice Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. https://www.hometownsource.com/sun_current/community/edina-rotarians-help-save-guatemalan- girl-s-life/article_8d870868-f56f-11eb-ad23-7bfcda53ec67.html FEATURED POPULAR Edina Rotarians help save Guatemalan girl’s life Caitlin Anderson, caitlin.anderson@apgecm.com Aug 4, 2021 An 8-year-old girl likely would have lost her life had it not been for two Edina Rotarians who stepped in to help. Saida, who lives in a remote village of Cobán, Guatemala, developed a large, protruding cyst on her face that had begun affecting her sight and ability to breathe. The cyst, which was the size of a grapefruit, had been growing in size over the previous two years. Then, when two Rotary Club of Edina members saw her by chance earlier this year, they decided they had to intervene. And since undergoing surgery last month, Saida’s cyst is now gone. The Edina Rotarians, Josh Sprague and Susan Stiles, rst met Saida in May when they were part of a group of Rotarians that traveled to Guatemala to deliver water ltration systems to families in remote villages. While heading out to the villages, the group’s truck got a at tire, causing their schedule to be disrupted for the rest of the day. That truck happened to be stuck near Saida’s village. Both Stiles and Sprague came across her while doing work in the village, noticing, in addition to the cyst, her big smile. “She looked really sweet,” Stiles said. Later, as the group was gathering up to leave to another village, the two Rotarians saw Saida again. This time, she was with her family among other villagers, who were waving at the group. Stiles said she and Sprague looked at each other and the decision to help came as an impulse. “With the two of us together ... there was no question that it had to get done,” she said. Rotary Club of Edina members Josh Sprague and Susan Stiles pose for a photo together in Guatemala while on a trip to bring water ltration systems to families in remote villages. (Submitted photo) The two found Saida and her family, and began asking questions about her medical condition. With one bar of service, Sprague video-called his friend, Soa Posadas de Menendez, who is head of pediatrics for the Hospital Nacional Regional de Escuintla, to give Saida a visual examination of her cyst over the phone. Sprague said Posadas de Menendez made it apparent that Saida’s cyst was of immediate concern. Conversations between the Rotarians and Saida’s family were a bit tough; though Stiles is uent in Spanish and used it when speaking to them, Saida’s family’s native language is K’iche’. Stiles knew that in order to get the family on board with nding Saida treatment, she had to gain the trust of the family. And she was successful. The Rotarians – along with Saida, her parents and sister – took the ve-hour drive to Escuintla, near central Guatemala. Saida then went through a series of examinations by Posadas de Menendez, a pediatrician named Willy Menendez Nieves and other doctors from Guatemala City to gure out the source of the cyst and what the treatment would look like, according to the fundraising site. Following a biopsy, the doctors deemed the cyst to be benign. It was an odontogenic cyst, meaning it originated in a tooth or surrounding tissue, Stiles said. Then, a month later and after a series of appointments, Saida’s cyst was nally removed in July at San Juan de Dios in Guatemala City. Just before the surgery, due to a blood shortage, members of the Rotary Club of Escuintla donated blood in the case Saida needed it during surgery, which was “pretty amazing,” Stiles said. Members of the Rotary Clubs of Edina and Escuintla worked together to cover costs for the family. This includes room and board, transportation and food. The rst surgery was conducted pro bono by a surgeon whom the Rotary members knew through a friend, Stiles said. Caitlin Anderson Saida is currently recovering from surgery, and once the swelling subsides, will begin looking into further treatments or procedures to help reconstruct her face. The cyst had caused some of her facial bones to begin growing around it, Stiles explained. To cover additional costs of food, shelter, education, physical therapy and other medical expenses, Stiles and Sprague launched a fundraiser, which has so far received more than $5,500 in donations. This includes an education fund for Saida’s future in addition to helping pay back the Rotary Club of Escuintla. Rotary, and its connections all across the world, is largely what made transforming Saida’s life possible, Stiles said. “Rotary is known as service above self. And so, as a Rotarian, that’s just what we do.” Sprague said he enjoyed getting to know Saida during his time in Guatemala, especially when playing games and laughing with her while at the hospital. “The cool part was I connected with Saida immediately. And this is without language,” he said. He added that there are ways that people can make a difference – even helping one person can cause a ripple effect. “You have to just get started somewhere and there’s plenty of human need and suffering all around us,” he observed. “Choose one thing and go. Don’t wait.” To donate to Saida’s treatment, go to gofundme.com/f/help-with-saidas- treatment-recovery. – Follow Caitlin Anderson on Twitter @EdinaSunCurrent Copyright ©2020 at Sun Newspapers/ APG Media of East Central Minnesota. Digital dissemination of this content without prior written consent is a violation of federal law and may be subject to legal action. Edina Community Editor Date: November 16, 2021 Agenda Item #: VII.C. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: From:Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Working Group Greenprint Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Greenprint Advisory Board and Commission Working Group Greenprint This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group. BOARD OR COMMISSION: Human Rights and Relations WORKING GROUP NAME: Days of Remembrance WORKING GROUP OBJECTIVE: Plan an educational event WORKING GROUP CHAIR/CO-CHAIRS: Jasmine Stringer-Moore, Michael Epstein Project Title A working group may have more than one project. Days of Remembrance and Genocide Awareness event Description Describe the project and how it supports the approved work plan. One of HRRC’s ongoing work plan initiatives is to plan an event that raises awareness of the Holocaust and worldwide genocide Purpose Describe the purpose or objective of the project. e.g. develop a process, review the work The working group will be responsible for organizing the event which could entail establishing a theme, creating an agenda, picking a speaker, and assisting with logistics. Deliverables Tangible or intangible object produced as a result of the project intended to be delivered to the indicated audience. An educational hybrid event, that will be marketed to the community as free and open. Community Benefit How does this project benefit the Edina community? The community benefits from learning about the Holocaust, and its victims. It gives us an opportunity to honor the survivors, who will share their experiences, giving hope for the future. Key Dates Is there an event or a timeframe to complete certain steps? There will be several planning meetings, possibly in the evening or on the weekends, starting in December of 2021 through March/April of 2022. Promotion & Implementation What is the plan to share the project findings/completion or how will the completed project be implemented? In the past, the event has been promoted through social media, poster distribution, interviews, and personal connections. Evaluation How will the group evaluate the findings or end result of the project? This is an area that we want to improve on. The working group will implement an improved form for gathering feedback. Duration of the Group Typically six months to two years. December 2021 through May 2022 Membership & Time Commitment Working group size cap recommendation is 7 members. Estimate how much time a working group member needs to commit to. Seeking up to 2-3 members; 2-6 hours per month for 5 – 6 months. Public Notice & Member Recruitment Public notice will be given of the formation of any working group and individuals will have a minimum of 14 days after the public notice to express interest to join before members are selected. Forward the completed Greenprint to MJ Lamon for public notice. Date of working group approval from board/commission: 11/16/2021 Date for release of public notice: 11/19/2021 Date for working group member selection (must be at least 14 days after release of public notice date): 12/7/2021 Date for working group’s first meeting: Advisory Board and Commission Working Group Greenprint This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group. TBD Date: November 16, 2021 Agenda Item #: VII.D. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: From:Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:2022 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan Proposal Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: 2022 Work Plan With City Manger Comments ATTACHMENTS: Description 2022 Work Plan Devlopment Template Updated 2021.06.08 Commission: Human Rights and Relations Commission 2022 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative # 1 Initiative Type Project Ongoing / Annual Event Council Charge 1 (Study & Report) 2 (Review & Comment) 3 (Review & Recommend) 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Coordinate Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event Deliverable Event Leads Bennett, Guadarrama, Segall, Mirzra Target Completion Date October 2022 Budget Required: (Completed by staff): There is funding available for outside marketing opportunities such as ad paid in printed media and social media. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): 10 hours for Staff Liaison in 2021, 10 hours for Communications Staff in 2020 for Community Conversation Liaison Comments: The HRRC would like to host a Sharing Values, Sharing Communities that does not have a topic already assigned to the work plan. They would like to define a topic that is relevant to the community at the date of the event, such as Stop the Hate Event 2. City Manager Comments: Change initiative title to read: “Coordinate Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event. Determine topic at least four months in advance of the scheduled event.” Review and Decide. Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative # 2 Initiative Type Project Ongoing / Annual Event Council Charge 1 (Study & Report)2 (Review & Comment)3 (Review & Recommend)4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Coordinate Days of Remembrance Recognition Deliverable Event and/or Action Leads Epstein, Stringer-Moore, Mirza, Lichtenberger Target Completion Date April/May 2022 Budget Required: (Completed by staff) There is funding available for outside marketing opportunities such as ad paid in printed media and social media. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Hours by Staff liaison: 20 Communications / marketing support: 10 Liaison Comments: The Days of Remembrance Event 2021 was a hybrid event, which had about 35 people attend the event in-person and 411 views as of 9.24.2021. City Manager Comments: Change initiative title to read: “Coordinate Days of Remembrance to be held in alignment with the United States 2022 commemoration date.” Review and Decide. Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Progress Q4: Initiative # 3 Initiative Type Project Ongoing / Annual Event Council Charge 1 (Study & Report) 2 (Review & Comment) 3 (Review & Recommend) 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Bias Events Response Plan Review and meet with police department representative quarterly for updates. Deliverable Increase public awareness of Bias Events Response Plan and Bias + Discrimination form Leads Epstein, Guadarrama Target Completion Date December 2022 Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Hours by Staff liaison: 10 Liaison Comments: The Bias Event Response Plan was approved by City Council on 5/4/2021. City Manager Comments:Change this initiative to read: “Respond to Bias events as described by the Bias Event Plan and receive updates from the Police Department Quarterly.” Review and Recommend. Deliverable: Continue Bias events response plan and track how many times the plan is initiated. Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative # 4 Initiative Type Project Ongoing / Annual Event Council Charge 1 (Study & Report) 2 (Review & Comment) 3 (Review & Recommend) 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Tom Oye Award: Coordinate and select one recipient for the 2021 Tom Oye Award. Deliverable Planning and awarding of Tom Oye Award Leads Felton, Mirza Target Completion Date December 2022 Budget Required: (Completed by staff) There is funding available for outside marketing opportunities such as ad paid in printed media and social media. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? Liaison Comments: In the previous year, HRRC has received 7 applications which acknowledged the human rights work in the Edina community.The group of Rebecca Sorensen, Rachel Adegbenro and the Edina High School Black Student Union were the recipient of the 2020 Tom Oye Award. City Manager Comments: No changes. Review and Decide. Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Progress Q4: Initiative # 5 Initiative Type Project Ongoing / Annual Event Council Charge 1 (Study & Report) 2 (Review & Comment) 3 (Review & Recommend) 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Researching City facility naming policy (name from developers and officials – the untold stories of communities through DEI Lens) and fundraising policy and donation policy approved through DEI lens. Deliverable Recommend a City facility naming policy to City Council Leads Stringer Moore, Segall, Bennett, Mirza, Target Completion Date December 2022 Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? Liaison Comments: A new work plan initiative for the HRRC. City Manager Comments: Change initiative title to read: “Study and report on a City facility naming policy/criteria.” Study and Report. Deliverable: Report to Council Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Parking Lot:(These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.) -Ageism: helping community understand, how to mitigate it, educate and assess - Felony Rights and Education: Public education, voting rights access