HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-19_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 19, 1989 7:00 P.M. (Convene Joint BRA /Councily11"ting) ROLLCALL I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING HRA /COUNCIL OF MAY 1, 1989 II. EDINA HOMESTEAD DEVELOPMENT - RPI SERVICES (Continue to 7/10/89) A. Final Rezoning PRD -4, Planned Residence District to PSR -4, Senior Citizen District (Council) B. Final Plat Approval - Outlot A, Ebenezer Society 1st Addition (Council) C. Tax Increment Financing Assistance (HRA) III. RELEASE OF REVERTER - CENTENNIAL LAKES PLAZA IV. ADJOURNMENT OF HRA EDINA CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - Alison Fuhr I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. * II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of May 1, 1989, and Joint BRA /Council Meeting of May 1, 1989 * III. CORRECTION TO FINAL PLAT - WHITE OARS 2ND ADDITION IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. AWARD OF BIDS A. Insurance Renewals 1. Property 2. General Liability 3. Worker's Compensation 4. Automobile VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Approval of Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of June 13, 1989 B. The Second Century Project C. Report on 50th /France Business District Renovation Improvement - No. 89 -9 Agenda /Edina June 19, 1989 Page Two D. E. F. F. G. H. I. J. K. City Council Guidelines_'- Street Closing Requests Mavelle Drive — 24' Easement Update - White Oaks Lots Expansion - Edina Historical Society Lighting - Van Valkenburg Park Budget Hearing Dates 'Vine License Renewals 1989 - 1990 Work Program Plastics Ban Ordinance VII. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS (50th & France) Building A. Letter - Braemar Golf League - "Sunshine Gals" - Bernice Schultz B. Petition for Street Easement Vacation - Edinborough Way - South Edina Development Addition - Set Hearing Date (7/24/89) VIII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES IX. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF.MAYOR AND COUNCIL X. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XI. FINANCE A. Resolution Setting Hearing Date - Fairview Southdale Hospital - Hospital Revenue Bonds * B. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated June 19, 1989: General Fund $725,017.85, C.D.B.G. $3,024.00, Art Center $6,051.09, Capital Fund $86.66, Swimming Pool Fund $3,362.07, Golf Course Fund $155,584.48, Recreation Center Fund $112,974.59, Edinborough Park $8,361.83, Utility Fund $9,864.08, Storm Sewer Utility $131.67, Liquor Dispensary Fund $98,363.06, Construction Fund $110,953.11, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $89,001.18, TOTAL $1,322,775.67, and for confirmation of payment of Claims dated 5/31/89, General Fund $574,651.37, Art Center $1,082.62, Swimming Pool Fund $601.47, Golf Course Fund $14,742.63, Recreation Center Fund $9,849.42, Gun Range Fund $1,703.93, Edinborough Park $8,801.09, Utility Fund $21,268.11, Liquor Dispensary Fund $212,891.75, TOTAL $845,592.39. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Mon July 10 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Room Mon July 24 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Room Mon August 7 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Room Mon August 21 Council /Human Relations Commission 6:00 P.M. Council Room Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Room O e , tit 0 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Ati.6on Fuhtc has demonstcated hen concern and commitment to the City ob Ed.ina through hen .involvement in many civic ongan.izationz, and WHEREAS she has nepnesented Edina on the Reg.iona2 Tnans-ct Board bon the past boun yeaAus, and WHEREAS bon the p}ri.on one and a hat6 yeaAus she nepne�sented Edina on the Metcopot tan Tnanz t Comm.uss..on; WHEREAS she continues to seAve on the Tnabb.ic Satiety Committee and is a member ob the Edina Citizens Satiety Councit, and WHEREAS hen achievements have made this City a betteA place in which to Live; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, FnedeA ck S. R.ichaAcds, Mayon ob the City ob Edina, join with the membe�us ob the Counc it and a t the citizens ob Edina in expussing out s.incene appreciation to: ALISON FUHR bon hen unae.bb.i sh and dedicated seAcv.ice to the City and to its citizens. ti.zens. ADOPTED this 19th day ob June, 1989. K"- S. r Ma yon '_ MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY /CITY COUNCIL HELD AT EDINA CITY HALL MAY 1, 1989 A joint meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council was convened to consider concurrently: Edinborough - Hawthorn Hotel Development and Edinborough - Housing Revenue Bonds. Action was taken by the HRA and the Council as required and as recorded. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners /Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. MINUTES of the HRA Meeting of April 3, 1989 were approved as submitted by motion of Commissioner Kelly, seconded by Commissioner Paulus. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON AMENDMENTS TO FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. ZONING ORDINANCE AND REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, EDINBOROUGH CONTINUED TO 5/15/89 Executive Director Gordon Hughes recalled that on April 17, 1989 the HRA and Council reviewed the development proposal of Hawthorn Suites for the vacant parcel at Edinborough. The public hearing on amendments to the Final Development Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Redevelopment Agreement for Edinborough was continued with the request that the following items be addressed or clarified. 1. Project signage, 2. Zoning Ordinance amendment relative to permitted hotels, 3. Public parking rights on the hotel site, 4. Provisions to insure that the hotel will be built and fees will be paid when due, and 5. Service of beer, wine and liquor at the hotel. Signage - A sign ordinance amendment will be prepared which will address commercial signage in the MDD -5 and MDD -6 districts and will control signage for Edinborough and Centennial Lakes. The same standards will be proposed that are now used in the PC -3 Commercial District. The proposed signage for the hotel would conform to the PC -3 signage standards. In addition, signage in a mixed use development should have a common theme. Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Hotels are currently an allowed use in the PC -2 and PC -3 zoning districts. The proposed amendment would allow only "suites hotels" in the MDD -5 district and would be defined as a hotel in which at least 80% of the rooms are two -room suites 400 square feet or greater in size. Parking - The revised parking plan for Hawthorn Suites provides 186 surface spaces. Eighty -six of the spaces are proposed to be reserved for hotel guests, and 100 spaces would be shared with the park on a non - exclusive basis. The reserved spaces could be signed at the entrance to the lot rather than by individual signs at each parking space. Hawthorn would construct and maintain all of the spaces. For future parking, Hawthorn would agree to a reservation in favor of the City to construct a one -level parking deck on the hotel site, provided that the lower level is enclosed and Hawthorn approves of architectural design. Hawthorn also requests assurances that ramp construction will not impact hotel operations. In consideration of the increased parking lot size and public use, the HRA would assume responsibility for the construction of the tramway /service drive area located partially on City park property and partially on hotel property as well as the public sidewalk, extending from Edinborough Way on the south and west to the westerly entrance to Edinborough Park. V Service of Beer. Wine and Liquor - John Lyons, Senior Project Director for Hawthorn Suites, read the following statement with regard to liquor: "Hawthorn understands and will comply with the existing liquor laws and ordinances with the City of Edina. Further, it accepts the opinion of the counsel to the City that complimentary beer, wine, or liquor cannot be served to hotel guests or others as an enticement, and specifically, beer, wine and liquor will not be served to guests during the hors d'oeuvre hour. This commitment is based on the understanding that if the laws, ordinances or opinions of the City change in the future, or if the City otherwise permits or suffers the service of beer, wine or liquor to hotel guests by other hotels in the City, Hawthorn will be entitled to change their operations subject to compliance with the then existing laws." Chairman /Mayor Richards called for comment from the public on the proposed project. Susan Britzius, resident of Edinborough, stated that she objected to the proposed hotel. Further, she said she was concerned about enticements that may be made by the hotel that would capitalize on the park and encourage a different type of weekend guest than the business traveler. Mike Perpich, resident and Edinborough Board member, made reference to a letter from Bob C. Tift, also resident and Edinborough Board member. The letter stated that in Mr. Tift's opinion, even though some opposition has been made, a large majority of the residents are unopposed to the hotel development. Mr. Perpich said that the Board has been contacted by very few residents who are opposed. He said that he, personally, supported the proposed project. Tom Niederer, resident of Edinborough, said that he felt the residents were uninformed about the proposed project. He objected to having a hotel in his backyard and questioned whether the community'would want to associate the transients of the hotel with Edinborough park. He voiced concerns about overcrowding, safety, upkeep, treatment of the facility by transients, and possible future sale of the hotel to a new owner. Chairman /Mayor Richards questioned Mr. Lyons further on the issue of serving of liquor and his understanding of the City's ordinance regulating liquor. Mr. Lyons said that after the meeting of April 17th he had referred this issue to.Hawthorn's counsel and had him clearly identify the liquor law process. This information will be part of the orientation for the hotel's manager. Chairman /Mayor Richards said he would not vote for the proposed project until he heard from a representative of Hyatt that they understood the liquor laws in Edina and do not intend to offer free liquor at any time while they own this property, if the Hawthorn Suites project is approved. Mr. Lyons responded that if the statement of counsel were put into his own words that, basically, counsel said the City's Attorney has given his opinion, that they do not differ with the opinion and therefore are in concurrence with it. Commissioner /Member Smith asked Attorney Erickson to restate his opinion concerning liquor. Attorney Erickson stated that under the City's ordinance beer and wine licenses are reserved for specific places, e.g, restaurants with minimum seating for 25 persons, where meals are regularly served to the public. If Hawthorn would establish that kind of restaurant they would, under the ordinance, be one of those places entitled to serve beer and wine. Commissioner /Member Smith asked if it was the intent of Hawthorn Suites to have a restaurant that would fit those qualifications. Mr. Lyons stated that the restaurant in Hawthorn Suites is not designed for the outside public, it is designed for internal use only. Commissioner /Member Kelly asked for a clarification on the proposed room rent for the hotel suites. Steve Goldman, representing Hawthorn Suites, explained the room rate structure in some detail and also discounts that may apply. They anticipate r.- that the rates will average approximately $70 -75. Commissioner /Member Kelly commented that she would be more comfortable with the higher rates that were mentioned at the previous meeting. Commissioner /Member Rice said that he concurred with Chairman/Mayor Richards that the liquor issue need to be cleared up before further consideration can be given to the project. Commissioner /Member Smith raised the question of the land use and said he was concerned that the residents at Edinborough purchased their units based upon the amenity of the indoor park and two office buildings on the site. Chairman /Mayor Richards recalled that the Council had indicated on April 17 that there was no problem with the land use and that it was appropriate. Commissioner /Member Paulus commented that it is impossible to hear every Edinborough resident and that what is important is what is best for the City, of which Edinborough is a part. She said she was in favor of the proposed project; . that this is land that will not be used for office and that here is a proposal for use of the land. She stated further that the proposed zoning ordinance amendment would be written to allow only "suites hotels" which would protect the City if the property were sold in the future. Regarding the liquor issue, she concurred that the Council needs to hear a clear statement that Hawthorn will not serve liquor. Steve Goldman answered by stating that Hawthorn Suites would not serve liquor under the conditions as they exist today. Attorney Erickson advised that, in order to bind the corporation to that statement, it could be included in the closing documents, by a separate letter or as part of the document itself. Commissioner /Member Smith said that he did not understand why Hawthorn Suites was asking the City to enclose the hotel parking if in the future the City determined it was necessary to construct a one level ramp. Mr. Lyons said their understanding of the original project dealt with their buying land from the City and developing the hotel. Shortly after the process was begun, staff advised that the City desired to create some additional parking on the site for non -hotel use. Subsequently, that has grown to the current proposal of 86 spaces for hotel use and 100 spaces for general use. The value of the land and the paving that would go into making up those 100 spaces would probably equate to $350,000. Subsequent to that, they were asked by the City for air rights to develop a parking deck over the land they would own. Typically, air rights have some value. Hawthorn then suggested: 1) they would concede the value of the public parking and 2) would make the air rights available for free. The. only thing they would ask would be that in developing the ramp that they end up with enclosed parking spaces for the lower level. Chairman /Mayor Richards commented that an enclosed ramp would be prohibitively expensive. That requirement would amount to saying they never wanted the ramp in the first place - it would appear that there is a giving and a taking involved. Mr. Lyons said his opinion was that enclosed ramps are not prohibitively expensive; that they are marginally more expensive. Chairman /Mayor Richards said the real question is the business decision as to why the hotel would insist that it has to be an enclosed ramp. Mr. Goldman elaborated that Hawthorn would be giving the City the value of the land /air rights. In exchange Hawthorn would receive some value in having enclosed parking which would make the hotel more competitive. Commissioner /Member Rice said that he did not feel there would ever be a public parking problem, but that if it would come down to the question of enclosed parking in order to add a ramp, he would vote no. Commissioner /Member Rice expressed his views on the issues raised at the April 17 meeting: Signage - Hawthorn has responded well and.he saw no problem with the signage as proposed. Liquor - Assuming that Hawthorn had clarified that question and would serve no liquor, he had no problem with that. Zoning amendment - Comfortable with the definition of the suites hotel as defined by staff. Parking - Revised parking lot plan is okay provided that Hawthorn's approval of architectural design for the one -level parking deck is not unreasonable withheld. Would object to provision that the City enclose the lower level. Public safety for Edinborough residents - Has concluded that Edinborough is a regional facility now; that the proposed hotel use may be a less desirable use than office but that it is not an unacceptable risk. Hawthorn Suites can be an asset to Edinborough and the-community. With regard to the agreement document, Commissioner /Member Rice suggested that an option to purchase replace the reverter provision. Commissioner /Member Paulus asked if Hawthorn would consider withdrawing the provision that the lower level of the parking be enclosed if the ramp is constructed. Further discussion was held on the parking lot and one level ramp, and also the signage. Chairman /Mayor Richards then asked for Hawthorn's position on the enclosed hotel parking. Mr. Goldman said he believed they would be willing to eliminate the enclosed parking if assurances would be given that there would be no business interruption to the hotel during time of construction of the ramp. Commissioner /Member Kelly said that although she believed in the concept of a suites hotel and felt that it would be an asset to the community, she said she was not prepared to act on the proposal. Chairman /Mayor Richards asked if staff had enough information to refine the documents to reflect the comments made by the Council Members and to bring back a definitive proposal to be acted upon at the next meeting. Director Hughes responded that staff could return with a final draft of the redevelopment contract, that would include specific contingencies regarding the parking ramp (to not include the provision that the lower level be enclosed). Further,,that a statement regarding liquor be included as part of the closing documents in the form of a letter from an officer of the company, as suggested by the City Attorney. Following further discussion on whether the HRA /Council was prepared to take action on the proposed project, Commissioner/Member Kelly made a motion that the public hearing on the Hawthorn Hotel Development be continued to May 15, 1989. Motion was seconded by Commissioner /Member Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED ON ISSUANCE OF REFUNDING BONDS FOR PARK PLAZA PROJECT, EDINBOROUGH; RESOLUTION ADOPTED AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BONDS: RESOLUTION ADOPTED APPROVING REFINANCING AND AMENDMENT TO INTEREST REDUCTION AGREEMENT Affidavits of notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Chairman /Mayor Richards declared that the public hearing was open and asked for public comment on the proposed refunding of bonds issued for the Edina Park Plaza elderly housing project at Edinborough. No comment or objection being heard, Chairman /Mayor Richards then called for comment from Henry Hyatt, Executive Vice President, Edina Park Plaza of Edinborough. Mr. Hyatt said he had nothing to add from his previous presentation. Chairman /Mayor Richards then declared the public hearing closed. Commissioner /Member Rice asked why the developer had requested that FHA increase the principal amount of the mortgage loan which it will insure by up to $1,100,000. Mr. Hyatt explained that if the FHA approves the increase it would go towards paying the cost of issuance, reducing some of the letter of credit cost or reducing the amount of non -rated bonds and establishing a mortgage operating deficit reserve. Commissioner/Member Rice then asked why this would be of benefit for the City. Mr. Hyatt said that the overall interest rate would be substantially reduced even with the increased debt. In addition, the City would have assurance, with the anticipated $500,000 of operating deficit reserve, that the project is that more secure. Chairman /Mayor Richards asked for assurances that no one would take any money out of the project other than for reducing debt service. Mr. Hyatt stated that they will not take any funds out if there is a mortgage increase to reimburse for previous costs of the partnership. Attorney Erickson indicated that they will be repaying themselves for some operating cost losses, but other than that there will be no funds going to the developer. Member Rice introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF HOUSING DEVELOPMENT REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS (FHA INSURED MORTGAGE LOAN - EDINA PARK PIAZA PROJECT), 1989 -A AND 1989 -B, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "City "), as follows: Section 1. Recitals and Findings. 1.1 By the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, as amended (the "Act "), the City is authorized to plan, administer, issue and sell revenue bonds or obligations to make or purchase loans to finance one or more multifamily housing developments within its boundaries, which revenue bonds or obligations shall be payable solely from the revenues of the development. Pursuant to Section 462C.07, Subdivision 1 of the Act, in the purchase or making of multifamily housing loans and the issuance'of revenue bonds or other obligations the City may exercise within its corporate limits any of the powers the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency may exercise under Minnesota ''Statutes, Chapter 462A, without limitation under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475. 1.2 The City has heretofore developed and, after due notice and public hearing, has adopted a housing plan (the "Plan ") on April 19, 1982 under the Act. The Plan sets forth, among other things, the housing needs of the City and methods for meeting such needs. The Plan has been reviewed and commented on by the Metropolitan Council pursuant to Section 462C.01, paragraph (c) of the Act. 1.3. The Act provides that the City may plan, administer and make or purchase a loan or loans to finance one or more developments of the kinds described in Subdivisions 2, 3, 4 and 7 of Section 462C.05 of the Act, upon adoption of a program setting forth the information required by Subdivision 6 of Section 462C.05 of the Act, after a public hearing thereon, and upon approval by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (the "Agency "), as provided by Section 462C.01 of the Act, on the basis of the considerations stated in Section 462C.04 of the Act. 1.4. This Council has heretofore - received a proposal that the City finance the cost of a multifamily housing development under the Act, consisting of acquisition of land located at 7800 York Avenue in the City and the construction and equipping thereon of a residential rental facility containing approximately 203 housing units and including functionally related and subordinate facilities (the "Development "). 1.5. The City has heretofore caused to be prepared and, after due notice, public hearing and submission for review and comment, has adopted a program (the "Original Program ") under the Act relating to the Development. The Original Program, as adopted on June 17, 1985, has been submitted to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency in accordance with Section 462C.05 of the Act for approval as provided in Section 462C.01 on the basis of considerations stated in Section 462C.04 of the Act, and is deemed approved under the provisions of said Section 462C.04, Subdivision 1. 1.6. Pursuant to the Original Program, the City has heretofore issued and sold its Housing Development Revenue Bonds (FHA Insured Mortgage Loan - Edina Park Plaza Project), Series 1985 (the "Prior Bonds "), and has used the net proceeds of the Prior Bonds to make a mortgage loan (the "Mortgage Loan ") to Edina Park Plaza Associates Limited Partnership, an Illinois limited partnership (the "Developer ") and a supplemental loan to Partners for Senior Communities, Inc., an Illinois corporation and a general partner of the Developer (the "General Partner "), to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Development. The Mortgage Loan has been endorsed for mortgage loan insurance by the Federal Housing Administration of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. 1.7. In connection with the issuance of the Prior Bonds and the financing of the Development, the Developer has heretofore entered into an Elderly Housing Interest Reduction Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1985 (the "Interest Reduction Agreement "), with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "Authority "). The obligations of the Developer under the Interest Reduction Agreement are secured by a Combination Mortgage, Security Agreement, Assignment of Rents and Fixture Financing Statement, dated as of October 1, 1985 (the "Authority Mortgage "), from the Developer to the Authority. 1.8. Pursuant to covenants and restrictions entered into in connection with the Prior Bonds, the Development is required to be occupied for a specified period of time primarily by elderly persons and in part (at least 20 %) by persons and families of low and moderate income. 1.9. The construction and equipping of the Development have been completed, and the Development has been partially leased. Initial leasing projections have not been met, however, and the Developer and the General Partner are in default under the loan documents securing the Prior Bonds. 1.10. This Council has received a proposal from the Developer that the City refinance the cost of the Development by issuing its refunding revenue bonds in one or more series (the "Bonds "), for the purpose of refunding and redeeming the outstanding prior Bonds, in connection with a proposed amendment and assignment of the Mortgage Loan. • 1.11. The City has heretofore caused to be prepared and has approved an amended program (the "Amended Program ") under the Act, pursuant to which it is proposed that the City issue the Bonds in one or more series and in a maximum aggregate principal amount of $17,500,000 to refund and redeem the Prior Bonds in connection with the proposed amendment and assignment of the Mortgage Loan and the refinancing of the Development. 1.12. The City has been advised by the Developer that conventional commercial financing is available to refinance capital costs of the Development only on a limited basis and at such high costs of borrowing that the scope of the Development and the economic feasibility of operating the Development would be significantly affected, but with the aid of municipal financing the operation of the Development can be made more economically feasible. 1.13. The City has been advised by representatives of the Developer and Dain Bosworth Incorporated, of Minneapolis, Minnesota (the "Underwriter "), that on the basis of information available to them and their discussions with the Developer and potential purchasers of bonds, the Bonds could be sold at favorable rates and terms to refund and redeem the Prior Bonds and refinance the Development. 1.14. The full faith and credit of the City will not be pledged to or responsible for the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds. 1.15. The City has received drafts of a Trust Indenture, a Financing Agreement and an Escrow Agreement (collectively, the "City Financing Documents "), a draft Bond Purchase Agreement (the "Bond Purchase Agreement "), and a draft Preliminary Official Statement (the "Preliminary Official Statement ") in connection with the proposed issuance and sale of the Bonds, and has caused such documents to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 1.16. Pursuant to notice duly published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City not less than 15 days prior to the date fixed therefor, this Council has held a public hearing on May 1, 1989, at which all interested persons were afforded an opportunity to express their views, in person or in writing, on the proposed issuance of the Bonds. This Council has carefully considered the views submitted at the public hearing. 1.17. It is hereby found, determined and declared as follows: (a) The Development will constitute a multifamily housing development under Section 462C.01, Subdivision 5 of the Act. The City is authorized to develop and finance the Amended Program by the authorization, issuance and sale of refunding revenue bonds or obligations payable solely from the revenues of the Amended Program and the Development. The purpose of the Development is and its effect will be to promote the public welfare and preserve the quality of life in the City by helping to maintain, provide and preserve adequate housing stock within the City and to assist persons of low and moderate income, or elderly persons, or both, to obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing within the City. (b) Based upon representations by the Developer and the General Partner, financing for the Development is not otherwise available to the Developer from private lenders upon terms and conditions which are affordable by the Developer, such financing being available only at a rate which, when combined with the cost of operating the Development as well as noneconomic factors, would impair the feasibility of the Development; the General Partner expects that the revenues to be produced by the rental of units in the Development will be sufficient to meet payments when due on the Mortgage Loan, as amended. 1.18. The findings and approvals contained in Section 1 and 2 of the resolution adopted by this Council on April 17, 1989 with respect to the Development, the Amended Program and the Bonds, to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution, are hereby confirmed. Section 2. Approval and Authorization. 2.1. This Council, being the "applicable elected representative" of the City within the meaning of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, hereby approves and authorizes the issuance of the Bonds upon the.terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. 2.2 It is hereby determined that it is desirable for the City to proceed with the issuance of the Bonds in one or more series, in fully registered form, without coupons, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $17,500,000, bearing interest at a rate per annum not to exceed 9.00% (except that the Subordinate Bonds, as defined hereinafter, may bear interest at a rate per annum not to exceed 12.00$), maturing not later than December 1, 2030, and bearing the further terms and conditions set forth in the Trust Indenture heretofore filed with the City (as the same may be amended or completed as hereinafter provided); provided, that if the Bonds are to be issued in more than one series, the . aggregate principal amount of Bonds, if any, which are not secured by the Mortgage Loan, as amended (the "Subordinate Bonds "), shall not exceed $1,600,000. Subject to the limitations set forth in this Section 2.2, authority is hereby delegated to the Mayor and the City Manager of the City, acting jointly, to determine the aggregate principal amount of Bonds of each series to be issued, the maturities thereof and the rate or rates of interest payable thereon. 2.3. The form of the Bond Purchase Agreement heretofore filed with the City is hereby approved, subject to such changes as may be deemed desirable by the Mayor, the City Manager and the City Attorney. The Mayor and the City Manager of the City are hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver a bond purchase agreement in substantially the form of the Bond Purchase Agreement heretofore filed with the City, together with such changes and completions thereof as may be approved by the Mayor, the City Manager and the City Attorney, subject to the limitations contained in this resolution, the execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of the approval of such changes and completions. 2.4. Authority is hereby delegated to the Mayor and the City Manager of the City, acting jointly, to determine the aggregate purchase price of the Bonds, provided that the aggregate compensation to the Underwriter (whether in the form of a discount, fees or other compensation) shall not exceed an amount equal to 3.00% of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds. 2.5. The forms of the City Financing Documents heretofore filed with the City are hereby approved. The Mayor and the City Manager of the City are hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver the City Financing Documents in substantially the forms herebby approved, but including such modifications, insertions and additions as are necessary and appropriate in their opinion and in the opinion of the City Attorney and consistent with the Act. The execution of the City Financing Documents by the appropriate officers of the City shall be conclusive evidence of the approval thereof by the City. 2.6. The distribution of a preliminary official statement with respect to one or more series of the Bonds to prospective purchasers, in substantially the form of the Preliminary Official Statement heretofore filed with the City and with such changes, insertions, omissions and revisions as the Mayor, City Manager and City Attorney shall deem advisable, and the use thereof by the Underwriter in connection with the offering of such Bonds, are hereby authorized and approved. The Mayor is authorized to permit the distribution of the final official statement in substantially the form of the Preliminary Official Statement, with such changes, omissions, insertions and revisions as the Mayor, the City Manager and the City Attorney shall deem advisable. 2.7. The Mayor and the City Manager of the City are authorized and directed to prepare and execute the Bonds and to deliver them to the trustee pursuant to the Trust Indenture for authentication and delivery to the purchasers thereof, together with a certified copy of this resolution and other documents required by the Trust Indenture. As provided in the Trust Indenture, the Bonds shall be executed by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Manager and impressed with the seal of the City or a facsimile thereof and shall be authenticated by the trustee, as authenticating agent, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.55, Subdivision 1. 2.8. As provided in the Trust Indenture, the Bonds are special, limited obligations of the City. Principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds are payable solely out of the revenues derived from the sources described in the granting clauses of the Trust Indenture. Neither the State of Minnesota nor the County of Hennepin shall in any event be liable for the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds or for the performance of any pledge, mortgage, obligation or agreement of any kind whatsoever that may be undertaken by the City. Neither the Bonds nor any of the agreements or obligations of the City contained in the City Financing Documents shall be construed to constitute an indebtedness of the State of Minnesota, the County of Hennepin or the City, within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provisions whatsoever, nor to constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability or be a charge against the general credit or taxing power of the State of Minnesota, the County of Hennepin or the City. 2.9. The Mayor, the City Manger and the City Clerk of the City are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to bond counsel and the Underwriter certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality of the Bonds as such facts appear from the books and records in the officers' custody and control or as otherwise known to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of the City as to the truth of all statements contained therein. 2.10. The Mayor and the City Manager of the City are hereby authorized to execute such additional agreements, documents and certificates in connection with the Bonds as may be necessary and appropriate in their opinion and in the opinion of the City Attorney and consistent with the Act. Copies of such additional agreements, documents and certificates, when executed, shall be delivered, filed and recorded as provided therein. 2.11. To evidence the exercise of the authority delegated to the Mayor and City Manager of the City by this resolution, the Mayor and City Manager are hereby directed to execute and file with the trustee named in the Trust Indenture a certificate setting forth the determinations made by them pursuant to the authority granted in this resolution, which certificate shall constitute conclusive evidence of the proper exercise by them of such authority. 2.12. The approvals hereby given to the various documents referred to above Includes approval of such additional details therein as may be necessary and appropriate and such modifications thereof, deletions therefrom and additions thereto as may be approved by the City Attorney and by the Mayor and the City Manager authorized herein to execute said documents prior to their execution; and the Mayor and the City Manager are hereby authorized to approve said changes on behalf of the City. The execution of any instrument by the appropriate officer or officers of the City herein authorized shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of such documents in accordance with the terms hereof. In the absence of the Mayor or the City Manager, the documents authorized by this resolution to be executed may be executed by the Acting Mayor or the Assistant City Manager. 2.13. Notwithstanding the approvals and authorizations contained in Section 2 of this resolution, however, the City retains the right to withdraw from participation and accordingly not to issue the Bonds if (I) the Developer or any partner of the Developer fails to provide indemnification to the City, in form and substance satisfactory to the City, in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and the refunding and redemption of the Prior Bonds, or (ii) the Developer fails to provide a mortgagee's policy of title insurance with respect to the Authority Mortgage in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority. 2.14. The approvals hereby given to the various documents referred to above supersede the provisions of Section 2.6 of the resolution heretofore adopted by this Council on April 17, 1989 relating to the Development and the Bonds. Adopted this 1st day of May, 1989. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Paulus and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards and the following voted against the same: None whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Commissioner Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE EDINA PARK PLAZA PROJECT; APPROVING THE REFINANCING THEREOF AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the Authority) as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. Pursuant to a Trust Indenture, dated as of October 1, 1985, between the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "City ") and First Bank National Association (formerly known as First National Bank of Minneapolis), as trustee (the "Prior Bonds Trustee "), the City has heretofore issued and sold its Housing Development Revenue Bonds (FHA Insured Mortgage Loan - Edina Park Plaza Project), Series 1985 (the "Prior Bonds "), in the original aggregate principal amount of $17,622,800. The Prior Bonds are presently outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of approximately $17,345,000. 1.02. Proceeds of the Prior Bonds were used to fund a mortgage loan (the "Mortgage Loan ") to Edina Park.Plaza Associates Limited Partnership, an Illinois limited partnership (the "Developer ") and a supplemental loan to Partners for Senior Communities, Inc., an Illinois corporation and a general partner of the Developer (the "General Partner "), for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and equipping an approximately 203 -unit multifamily housing development and functionally related and subordinate facilities located at 7800 York Avenue in the City (the "Development "). 1.03. The Mortgage Loan, which is evidenced by a mortgage note secured by a first mortgage lien on the Development under a Mortgage, dated as of October 1, 1985 (the "FHA Mortgage ") from the Developer to the Prior Bonds Trustee, has been endorsed for mortgage loan insurance by the Federal Housing Administration of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Mortgage Loan is presently outstanding in the principal amount of approximately $14,600,000. 1.04. In connection with the financing of the Development, the Authority has heretofore executed and delivered the following documents: (a) the Deed and Covenants Running With the Land, dated as of October 1, 1985 (the "Deed "), from the Authority to the Developer; (b) the Elderly Housing Interest Reduction Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1985 (the "Interest Reduction Agreement "), between the Authority and the Developer; (c) the Escrow Agreement, dated as of October 22,. 1985 (the "Escrow Agreement "), between the City, the Authority, the Prior Bonds Trustee, Title Services, Inc, and the Developer; and (d) the Combination Mortgage, Security Agreement, Assignment of Rents and Fixture Financing Statement, dated as of October 1, 1985 (the "Authority Mortgage "), from the Developer to the Authority. The Deed, the Interest Reduction Agreement, the Escrow Agreement and the Authority Mortgage are herein referred to collectively as the "Authority Documents ". 1.05. Under the Interest Reduction Agreement, the Authority has agreed to use tax increment derived from the tax increment financing district established by the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan and investment income thereon to lend certain amounts (the "Interest Advances ") to the Developer from time to time to pay interest on the Mortgage Loan. Under Section 1(b) of the Interest Reduction Agreement, the obligation of the Authority to make Interest Advances terminates upon an "Event of Termination," as defined therein, including a refunding or defeasance of the Prior Bonds initiated by the Developer. Upon an Event of Termination, Section 4 of the Interest Reduction Agreement requires the Developer to repay certain amounts to the Authority. The obligations of the Developer under the Interest Reduction Agreement are secured by the Authority Mortgage, which is subordinate and junior to the FHA Mortgage. 1.06. The construction and equipping of the Development has been completed, and the Development has been partially leased. Initial leasing projections, have not been met, however, and the Developer and the General Partner are in default under the loan documents securing the Prior Bonds. 1.07. The Developer has requested that the City issue its Housing Development Refunding Revenue Bonds (FHA Insured Mortgage Loan - Edina Park Plaza Project) (the "Bonds "), in one or more series, to refund and redeem the outstanding Prior Bonds and refinance the Development. 1.08. In connection with the refunding of the Prior Bonds, the Developer has requested that the terms of the Mortgage Loan and the FHA Mortgage be amended and assigned to the trustee for the Bonds. The amendments to the Mortgage Loan and the FHA Mortgage may result in an increase in the principal amount of the Mortgage Loan and /or a reduction in the interest rate thereon. Such increase, if any, in the outstanding principal amount of the Mortgage Loan may be evidenced by a supplement or amendment to the Mortgage Loan and the FHA Mortgage or by a supplemental mortgage loan and related mortgage (such supplement, amendment or supplemental mortgage loan and related mortgage being referred to herein as the "Amendments "). The Developer will remain the owner of the Development following the proposed refinancing, and the Development is to remain subject to the FHA Mortgage, as amended by the Amendments, and to the covenants and restrictions (including those in the Deed) heretofore entered in connection with the Prior Bonds. 1.09. The Developer has requested that the Authority consent to the refunding of the Prior Bonds and to the Amendments. The Developer has further requested that the Authority consent to certain amendments to the Interest Reduction Agreement and the other Authority Documents for the purposes, among others, of ensuring that the refunding of the Prior Bonds will not give rise to an Event of Termination and that the lien of the FHA Mortgage, as amended by the Amendments, will remain prior to that of the Authority Mortgage. To this end, there have been prepared and filed with the Authority drafts of a First Amendment to Interest Reduction Agreement and a Consent and Subordination Agreement (collectively, the "Authority Amending Documents "). Section 2. Approvals. 2.01. The proposed refunding of the Prior Bonds, the proposed Amendments and assignment of the Mortgage Loan and the FHA Mortgage, and the transactions described in Section 1 of this resolution in connection with the refinancing of the Development are hereby approved, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations set forth in this resolution; provided, however, that the outstanding principal amount of the Mortgage Loan, as amended by the Amendments, shall not exceed $16,000,000. 2.02. The Authority Amending Documents are hereby approved in the form heretofore submitted to the Authority, with such additions, completions, changes and deletions as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the officers of the Authority executing the same and subject to the approval of counsel to the Authority. 2.03. Notwithstanding the approvals contained in Section 2 of this resolution, however, the Authority retains the right to withdraw from participation and accordingly to refuse to consent to the Amendments if the Developer fails to provide a mortgagee's policy of title insurance with respect to the Authority Mortgage in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority. Section 3. Authorization. 3.01. Any two officers of the Authority are hereby authorized to execute and deliver the Authority Amending Documents in substantially the form heretofore submitted to the Authority, with such additions, completions, changes and..., deletions as such officers may consider necessary or appropriate, together. with such additional documents, agreements and certificates as the officers executing the same may consider necessary or appropriate to effectuate the proposed refunding of the Prior Bonds and the related transactions described herein. Such documents, agreements and certificates shall be in form and content approved by the officers of the Authority executing the same and counsel to the Authority, and the execution by such officers of the Authority of any such documents, agreements and certificates.shall be conclusive evidence of their approval. Adopted this 1st day of May, 1989. rv4It**4F Chairman Executive Director The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Rice and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards and the following voted against the same: None whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. There being no further business on the joint HRA /Council agenda, motion of Commissioner Smith was seconded by Commissioner Kelly for adjournment of the HRA. Motion carried unanimously. Executive Director REPORT /RECOMMENDATION lass To: HRA Agenda Item # HRA.III. From: GORDON L. HUGHES Consent ❑ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 19, 1989 Mgr. Recommends © To HRA Subject: ❑ To Council RELEASE OF REVERTER - CENTENNIAL LAKES PLAZA Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Reverter Clause included in the redevelopment agreement for Centennial Lakes be released as to the Centennial Lakes Plaza. Info /Background: The Centennial Lakes Redevelopment Agreements include a Reverter Clause for all private developments. Pursuant to this provision, the ownership of private properties reverts to the Edina HRA in the event that private development is not started or, if started it does not proceed to completion. For the reasons outlined in the attached letter, the retail developer is now requesting that the reverter, as it relates to Centennial Lakes Plaza be released. Staff believes that this request is reasonable, given the fact that construction has started or will shortly start on all phases of the retail project. Therefore, the likelihood that the reverter would be exercised, at this stage of construction, is extremely remote. We therefore recommend that the reverter be released with respect to the Centennial Lakes Plaza property upon issuance of the final building permit for this project. Gabbert & Beck 3510 WEST 70TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55435 16121925 4321 May 31, 1989 Mr. Gordon Hughes Assistant City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Centennial Lakes Plaza Reverter Clause Dear Gordon: Several weeks ago,prior to our entering into a lease with Highland Superstores for the Centennial Lakes Plaza, I mentioned to you that at some point during the construction that we would seek a waiver from the HRA of the reverter clause included in the redevelopment contract. This waiver was requested by Highland at least with respect to their building prior to the time that they would commence acquisition of fixtures for the store. They wanted the assurance that, since the reverter was prior to their lease, that their lease would continue in effect regardless of the reverter. At the time you indicated that you would consider recommendinq a waiver o:ce we were further along in our construction process. At this time the construction on the Highland Superstore building is well underway. The erection of steel has been completed as has the installation of underground mechanical systems. Masonry and roofing work on the building is commencing this week. On the overall project we now have building permits for Buildings A, C, and D. We anticipate completion of plans for the building permit on Building B by July 1. As you know, we have closed our construction loan on the project and have taken down our initial funding under the loan. FAX 612/925 xX)5 G Mr. Gordon Hughes May 31, 1989 Page 2 In view of the construction loan status, and as we have a substantial general contractor in Kraus Anderson on the project, it seems at this point reasonable to request a waiver of the reverter clause. I think this request is further supported in that even in the unlikely event of our inability to complete the project, the City would probably want to cause completion on the project to take advantage of the leasing that has been completed. We would like to have the waiver in place by July 1 and would not have a problem having that waiver coincide with our submission for the building permit on the final building. I would appreciate your review of the overall issues and an indication whether the HRA will now consider our request. Sinc,4're1y, r Warren Beck WB /dg CC: James Dueholm - Faegre & Benson MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 1, 1989 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. CHECK PRESENTED TO CITY FROM CENTENNIAL COMMISSION Mayor Richards announced that a check in the amount of $221,000.00 has been presented to the City from the Centennial Commission for the lasting memorial at Arneson Acres. On behalf of the Council and the City, he expressed thanks and appreciation for the efforts of Co- Chairs Betty Hemstad and Kay Bach and for all who worked on the 1988 Centennial.. JOHN MOYNIHAN DAY - MAY 24 PROCLAIMED Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Kelly for adoption of.the following resolution which was read by Mayor Richards: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, John Moynihan has served the children and staff of the Edina Schools for 39 years - -as teacher for two years and then as Principal of Concord and Creek Valley Schools since 1952; and WHEREAS, he has lovingly touched the lives of more than 4,000 elementary students; and WHEREAS, he organized the opening of Creek Valley School in 1969 and has worked with parent groups of that community for twenty years; and WHEREAS, he has served as unofficial historian to Edina Schools; and WHEREAS, John, his wife, Florence, their family of eight children, and a growing number of grandchildren have been stellar community members; and WHEREAS, he "believes in Edina" and has always been an ardent booster of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Frederick S. Richards, hereby proclaim May 24, 1989, as JOHN MOYNIHAN DAY in the City of Edina, Minnesota, and on behalf of all citizens express our sincere appreciation to him for his unselfish and dedicated service to this community. Motion was adopted unanimously. NEVA WILLIAMS COMMENDED Manager Rosland introduced Neva Williams and stated that she was the recipient of the 1988 Crime Fund Outstanding Achievement Award. He said that Mrs. Williams was hired during August 1988 as Edina's Crime Prevention Coordinator, which is a parttime position funded entirely by the Crime Prevention Fund. Her expertise and energy has dramatically improved the Department's crime prevention effort. In a relatively short time she has instructed hundreds of people in various crime prevention techniques. She has also written and produced pamphlets and newsletters and has tailor -made a crime prevention program for multiple dwellings. Manager Rosland commended Mrs. Williams for her tireless efforts in the crime prevention program and presented her with a silver pen bearing the City logo. Members of the Council joined in expressing their appreciation of her work. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented with the exception of the removal of items IV.E and IV.F. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *HEARING DATE SET FOR FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - SDPERAMERICA Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Paulus setting May 15, 1989 as hearing date for Final Development Plan - SuperAmerica, 5205 Vernon Avenue. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. SPECIAL CONCERN OF RESIDENT HEARD Dr. Paul Carson, 6001 Pine Grove Road, referred to the Council action of April 17, 1989 regarding the Blake Road improvement and 4 said he was concerned about the sidewalk to be located on the east side from Pine Grove Road to Jeffrey Lane and on the west side from Jeffrey Lane to Vernon Avenue. He questioned the safety for pedestrians who would have to cross Blake Road at Jeffrey Lane and asked why the road from Jeffrey Lane south could not be moved over so that the sidewalk would continue on the east side all the way to Vernon Avenue. Engineer Hoffman explained that it was the consensus of the residents living on Blake Road that the roadway should remain in its present location as much as possible and that the sidewalk location was in response to the concerns of the residents. Jeffrey Lane was chosen for the crossover because it provided the best sight distance from both the north and south. Dr. Carson also said he was concerned about the four oak trees beyond Pine Grove Road in the Scriver Road area. Engineer Hoffman said that the subject improvement ended at Pine Grove Road and that nothing has been designed north from that point. BID AWARDED FOR GRASS FIRE FIGHTING SLIDE -IN UNIT Chief Ted Paulfranz explained that the grass fire fighting slide -in unit would replace and upgrade a 1977 unit. The new unit has a- larger water tank, is more flexible in use and provides better performance. Since 1982 the number of grass fires in the City has steadily increased and it is expected that the unit will be used 15 -20 times per year. In addition, the unit will be used for car fires in parking ramps in the City, particularly Southdale Center and Centennial Lakes. Access into the ramps is impossible with ordinary equipment. Motion was made by Member Paulus and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for a grass fire fighting slide -in unit to sole bidder, Custom Fire, at $12,945.00. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR 5000 PSI BREATHING AIR COMPRESSOR Chief Paulfranz explained that that in the past the City has purchased air in bottles and used the Cascade system to fill them. The high pressure compressed air unit is a new approach which was presented in the current budget. Award is recommended to the second low bidder, Compressed Air and Equipment Company, as the low bidder made 14 departures from the specifications and it is felt that the second low bidder is the best bid for the Department's needs. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for the 5000 PSI breathing air compressor to recommended bidder, Compressed Air and Equipment Company, at $23,359.00. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *BID AWARDED FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY INSURANCE Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for public officials liability insurance to recommended low bidder, National Casualty, at $10,500.00 for City Council and at $4,575.00 for the HRA. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR POLICE PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Motion was made by Member Smith and vas seconded by Member -Rice for award of bid for police professional liability insurance to recommended low bidder, National Casualty, at $24,753.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. BIDS AWARDED FOR TREE REMOVAL AND STUMP REMOVAL Member Paulus asked why the City is losing the trees and if they are in a specific area. Park Director Bob Kojetin explained that this is the normal loss from trees with Dutch elm disease and that the trees are located throughout the community. There are some projections for this year that indicate a higher incidence of Dutch elm disease, whether from last year's drought,or the disease cannot be predicated. Notion was made by Member Paulus and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for-'tree removal to recommended low bidder, Precision Landscape b Tree, at $8.11 /dbh. Ayes:. Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. Notion was made by Member Paulus and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for stump removal to recommended low bidder, Outside Services, Inc., at $1.75 /in. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. REPORT ON SOUTH HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES GIVEN ON APRIL 17 DEEMED ADEQUATE Mayor Richards explained that South Hennepin Human Services Council ( SHHSC) Director Tim Culver would not be appearing inasmuch as Paul Cens had presented information at the April 17 Council meeting. He reported that he and Member Kelly had attended the annual meeting of SHHSC on April 20, together with former Council Member Turner and representatives of the City. He confirmed that the council is active and is looking at the programs and issues not only affecting the Edina community but the other three communities in the southwest sector. Mayor Richards also pointed out that the council's mission statement is an excellent one. BFI SELECTED FOR CITY -WIDE RECYCLING CONTRACT: CONTAINERS APPROVED; CURBSIDE PICK -UP APPROVED Recycling Coordinator Janet Chandler recalled that on April 17 the Council 'approved the selection of BFI and Waste Management for final recycling contract consideration. Further discussions were held between staff and the contractors, and final proposals were received on April 25. The Recycling Commission met on April 26 to discuss the proposals and make their recommendations, summarized as follows: Choice of Contractor - The proposal from BFI has the most advantages for the City. Considerations in reaching this decision were that BFI has: - Assurance of market for paper, despite current over - supply problems - Reduced costs from previous proposal - Pledged to provide same day garbage and recycling service for their customers (approximately 65% of Edina households) - Plan to institute volume based fees for garbage service on June 1, with a fee structure that would encourage recycling, composting and waste reduction. Waste Management's position changed from the previous proposal to the extent that they would require a contract provision stating that in the event there is a charge to dispose of paper, the City would pay that charge. Alternatives suggested were to delay the start of the recycling program or start the program without paper pickup. Containers - Contractor to provide a container for each household. Recycling containers have promotional and practical functions and are an important part of successful programs. The cost of containers can be spread out over the 18 month contract period, with funding available from Hennepin County at $5.00 per household. Level of Service - Recycling service point be by the garage (or side of the house), visible from the street. Concerns of convenience, pickup efficiency, neighborhood appearance and cost were taken into consideration. Ordinances - Ordinances will be presented at a future Council meeting to address the following: - definition of "recyclables" - anti - scavenging - placement of recyclables Council may also wish to consider requiring that all trash haulers, as a condition of licensing, be required to charge volume based fees. Actions Recommended - 1) Issuance of a letter of intent to contract with BFI for city wide recycling collection, effective July 1, 1989 through December 31, 1990. 2) Provision of a container for each household to be supplied by contractor. 3) Recyclables be placed by the garage (or side of house) visible from the street or alley, for collection. Coordinator Chandler displayed two containers (Shamrock and Buckhorn) and explained the features and cost of each. The Shamrock container has an optional lid at a cost of of approximately $2.50. ,Some discussion followed as to residents providing their own containers on which a decal could be placed to identify that it was for recyclables. Rolf Engstrom, 7615 Edinborough Way, asked how BFI would assure a market for paper and also if the recycling program was for mandatory for single family homes only. John Moorland, BFI, stated that they have secured contracts with local paper dealers that the dealers intend to stand by. Also, they are in contact daily with brokers around the country to establish larger contracts for more material around the metro area. Mr. Moorland said they will take on the responsibility of securing a market for paper. Coordinator Chandler confirmed that this proposal is for recycling pickup from single and double family homes only; the issue of apartments has not been addressed but, hopefully, a plan for apartment buildings will be developed in the future. The Recycling Commission had not included that the program be mandatory as part of their recommendation. Walter Sandison, 4612 W. 58th Street, questioned the need for containers and asked why residents cannot continue to put recyclables in paper bags for pickup as they have in the past two years. Peter Simon, 6612 Iroquois Trail, stated that he was the manufacturer of the Shamrock container. He asked if the Recycling Commission had a recommendation as to a specific container or if selection of a container would be left up to the hauler. Coordinator Chandler said that the Recycling Commission liked the Shamrock container and would recommend it. Member Kelly raised the issue of recycling of plastics and asked if BFI would be prepared to handle plastics if the City should enter into a program to recycle plastics. Mr. Moorland said that they are working on establishing a collection process for plastics and if that is mandated by the county or the City they would try to include plastics when the time comes. Currently there are few successful programs for collecting plastic and BFI would be looking at new equipment that is coming out for handling plastics. Member Smith asked if there would be a problem in pickup if residents used their own containers or paper bags for recyclables. Mr. Moorland said there would be no problem as long as they could determine that the contents were recyclables for pickup. Member Paulus made a motion to approve issuance of a letter of intent to contract with BFI for city wide recycling collection, effective July 1, 1989 through December 31, 1990 and that the recyclables be placed by the garage, visible from the street, for collection. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Member Smith commented that the cost of pickup could be cut by $.55 per month by having the residents place recyclables at curbside and then requiring the hauler to return the container to the garage. Member Smith moved to amend the motion that recyclables be placed curbside by the residents and that the hauler be required to return the container to the garage. Motion for the amendment was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith Nays: Rice, Richards Motion carried as amended. Member Smith made a motion that the recommended container (Shamrock) with cover be provided by the contractor for each household, with the containers being owned by the City. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Member Smith asked about the warranty on the Shamrock container. Mr. Simon said that the container is guaranteed for five years. Manager Rosland pointed out that by including a cover on the container the program cost would be increased by approximately $35,000. Mayor Richards then called for vote on the motion for containers. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith Nays: Rice, Richards Motion carried. Member Paulus made a motion that the city wide recycling program for single and double family households be mandatory. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Discussion followed on the issue of a mandatory program and enforcement. Also, volume based fees as an incentive for residents to recycle was suggested.' Mayor Richards then called for vote on the motion for a mandatory recycling program. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice Nays: Smith, Richards Motion carried. Member Paulus made a motion that staff be directed to bring back to the Council a recommendation on the issue that all City and School owned buildings and properties be required to engage in a recycling program. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. PARK BOARD RECOMMENDATION APPROVED NAMING BRAEMAR ARENA ICE SURFACES "EAST" AND "WEST" Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Paulus to approve the recommendation of the Edina Park Board that the Braemar Arena ice surfaces be designated as "East" and "West" surfaces. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. (Member Rice was temporarily absent for the vote.) PETITION OF PROPERTY OWNER (4711 MEADOW ROAD) FOR RETAINING WALL CONSIDERED: NEGOTIATIONS APPROVED. Engineer Hoffman presented the petition of Kathryn and Connor Schmid, property owners of 4711 Meadow Road, that the City change the grade as it falls back from the curb on France Avenue adjacent to the property, to construct a retaining wall to retain the fill and to direct drainage back towards the street. The petitioners would like to have the work done in.conjunction with the current reconstruction of France Avenue. Engineer Hoffman explained that the France Avenue roadway at this location is being moved 1.5 feet to the east. Staff has reviewed the petition and has reached the following conclusions: A. The existing condition has been long standing and property owner requests "correction" during the France Avenue construction. • B. The portion of the request that involves creating a retaining wall be considered for inclusion in project if County concurs. C. The portion of the request that involves creating a privacy wall or sight barrier be assessed to the property owner if property owner agrees. D. The maintenance of the wall should be documented for future owners of the property through an agreement. Engineer Hoffman noted that there are several trees located in the subject area. In staff's opinion a small retaining wall could be constructed with the trees being retained, although some may be harmed. Property owners on the east side of France Avenue have stated they would object to removal of the trees for the sake of making the grade correction. Staff would recommend that negotiations be continued with the property owner if a policy decision is made to participate with the property owner and Hennepin County on this request. Engineer Hoffman recalled that when the France Avenue project was approved, the City had proposed not to assess any property owners on Meadow Road whose back yards abutted France Avenue. For this petitioned project, staff is of the opinion that the cost of the retaining wall should be assessed at the backyard rate of 1/3 of the normal $20.00 per foot for single family homes per existing City policy ($433.55). He also noted that two other properties at 4709 and 4713 Meadow Road were affected by the grade slope, although less severely. However, neither of the owners have contacted the City although they are aware of Mr. Schmid's proposal. He explained that when an improvement is being constructed that normally the City follows an "equal or better" policy for abutting properties. Connor Schmid, petitioner, stated that this is a condition that should have been taken care of when France Avenue was initially constructed. The request is to correct and complete the previous improvement of France Avenue so that there would be the normal grade slope back to the street. He said his position would be that his property should not be assessed for this project. As far as the extension above the proposed necessary retaining wall, Mr. Schmid said he would have to look at the cost, and if it was reasonable he would participate in the cost of the wall extension. Ruth Skokan, 4751 France Avenue, presented a petition signed by 55 residents of the 4600 - 4700 -4800 blocks of France Avenue objecting to the removal of the trees in the middle of the 4700 block on France because it would increase air pollution and further damage the environment. She also raised the following issues: 1) Clarification as to narrowing of the roadway, 2) Retaining of the trees, and 3) Height of the retaining wall and material. In response, Engineer Hoffman explained that the Edina side would gain 1.5 feet because parking was forfeited. The proposed project can be accomplished and the trees can be saved. Obviously, there will be some root damage but it should not be terminal to the trees. The retaining wall would be brought up to a height so that snow and ice would fall back to the curb line. Mr. Schmid has asked that an extension be constructed on the retaining wall to equal the height of his existing wall, which would be a wood structure. Following discussion on the project as petitioned, Member Smith made a motion to approve the staff recommendation to: 1) Construct a retaining wall in conjunction with the France Avenue reconstruction project at the rear of the property at 4711 Meadow Road abutting France Avenue with cost assessed at 1/3 backyard rate per Council policy, 2) Construct additional wall above retaining wall if property owner agrees and assess /or have property owner work directly with contractor, and 3) Documentation of an agreement for maintenance of the wall. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards i, Motion carried. UPDATE GIVEN ON DEVELOPMENT OF WHITE OARS LOTS Manager Rosland advised that Andron Development Corporation has applied for a building permit to construct a single family home on Lot 1, White Oaks 3rd Addition and Lot 9, White Oaks 2nd Addition. Data submitted with the application included the required site plan, grading /fill plan, storm water analysis and information on setbacks along Townes Road used to determine front yard setback. At that time, staff requested additional information which Andron sent on April 17. Several issues still remain unresolved: 1) Required front street setback, 2) Proposed build -up building pad encroaches into area protected by easement, and 3) Mitigation of flooding problem and necessary protective drainage easements. Mayor Richards briefly reviewed the history of the subject White Oaks lots to date. In response to the concerns of the neighborhood the Council had said that the City would participate in attempting to acquire the property if the neighbors would fund one -half of the $26,600 which was the price offered. Mr. Andron has expressed no interest whatsoever in the purchase offer for the lots and subsequently has applied for a building permit as reported by staff. Mayor Richards asked if any of the neighbors wished to comment. Conner Schmid, 4711 Meadow Road, reported that they have obtained pledges that are within $200 of the one -half purchase price. The White Oaks Homeowners Association has retained a consulting engineer to look at the lots and in a preliminary report has pointed out several things which may indicate problems. Mr. Schmid also stated that in the early development of the area the marsh was originally identified as park. He concluded his remarks by strongly urging the Council to consider the acquisition of the subject lots for open space and ponding and to preserve a unique portion of Edina. Also speaking in objection to the development of the lots were Henry Hatch, 4702 Townes Road; Robert Michelson, 6076 Lincoln Drive (formerly 4702 White Oaks Road); Adele Hershey, 4412 Grimes Avenue; and Ensor Transfeldt, 4700 Townes Road. Cliff Code, 4704 Townes Road, stated that $13,400 has been pledged so far and more are expected to be received. Discussion was held on the process of the City's'acquiring the property for public purposes. Following discussion, Mayor Richards stated that, as the matter now stands, that if the developer meets all the code requirements and resolves the issues identified by staff to staff's satisfaction, there would be no further reasons for not issuing a building permit. No action was taken by the Council. RESOLUTION ADOPTED IN OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED SOLID WASTE LEGISLATION Manager Rosland advised that a proposed state -wide sales tax on refuse collection services would have an inequitable effect on Hennepin County and its municipalities. An estimated $15 Million would go from the County into a fund to support recycling programs. However, under the proposed formula, only $3 Million would be returned to Hennepin County. Staff would recommend adoption of a resolution opposing the legislation which could be sent to Edina's legislators. Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, H.F. 417 and S.F. 371 incorporate recommendations of the Governor's Select Committee on Recycling and the Environment (SCORE) which will promote recyling and yard waste composting in the state, and WHEREAS, this proposed legislation calls for extending the sales tax to solid waste collection and disposal services; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the waste abatement tax is to fund county recycling programs and statewide education, promotion and market development programs, and z • a WHEREAS, the proposed tag would place a tremendous inequity on Hennepin County residents and businesses in that the County would contribute $15 million to the' fund but only receive about $3 million back in grants in the 1990 -91 biennium, and WHEREAS, Hennepin County and its municipalities will be penalized because they have begun aggressive programs to reduce reliance on landfills while other counties who have not taken action will be rewarded; and WHEREAS, such a generous subsidy to the state and other counties will affect Hennepin County's ability to fund its own recycling /composting program, including funding of recycling program costs to the municipalities in the county; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina opposes extension of the sales tax to solid waste collection and disposal services; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any funding distribution formula must be equitable statewide; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that before any county can receive state funds, it must have'set up an internal funding mechanism for recycling. ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1989. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. COUNCIL STUDY SESSION DATES CONFIRMED Motion of Mayor Richards was seconded by Member Paulus confirming the following dates for Council Study Sessions, to be held from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Braemar Clubhouse: June 17, September 16 and December 16, 1989. Motion was seconded.by Member Paulus. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *PROPOSED SETTLEMENT OF 1989 TEAMSTER'S LOCAL 320 CONTRACT APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve the following proposed settlement of the 1989 Teamster's Local 320 Contract: 1. Wages - 4% increase 2. Health Benefits - An additional $10.00 per month contribution by the City for health insurance 3. Overtime - Employees who are scheduled to work 9 holidays, identified in the contract, shall receive an additional 1/2 time regular rate of pay for time worked. 4. Employees classified as investigators shall receive an additional $55.00 per month 5. Employees classified or assigned as a field training officer shall receive an additional $1.00 per hour to a maximum of $200.00 per month while performing the training function. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *HEARING DATE OF 5/15/89 SET FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD ON VERNON AVENUE Motion of was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that the following described easement for street purposes should be considered for vacation, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851 and 160.29: All that part of Lot 2, Block 1, Enroth's First Addition, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 2 with an assumed bearing of North 18 degrees 27 minutes 00 Seconds East distance 67.91 feet Northeasterly from the most Westerly corner of said Lot 2, as measured along said Westerly line; thence South 52 degrees 13 minutes 1* I� 00 seconds East 42.39 feet; thence North 18 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds East 100.83 feet to the North line of said Lot 2; thence North 78 degrees 16 minutes 05 seconds West 40.28 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence South 18 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds West along the Westerly line of said Lot 2 82.08 feet to the point of beginning. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice included in paragraph 3 hereof for the purpose of holding a public hearing on whether such vacation shall be made in the interest of the public. 3. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said hearing to be published once a week for two weeks, in the Edina Sun- Current, being the official newspaper of the City, the first publication at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing and to post such notice, at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing, in at least three (3) public and conspicuous places within the City, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Such notice shall be in substantially the following form: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, will meet at the Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street on May 15, 1989, at 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposed vacation of the following street right—of way: All that part of Lot 2, Block 1, Enroth's First Addition, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 2 with an assumed bearing of North 18 degrees 27 minutes 00 Seconds East distance 67.91 feet Northeasterly from the most Westerly corner of said Lot 2, as measured along said Westerly line; thence South 52 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds East 42.39 feet; thence North 18 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds East 100.83 feet to the North line of said Lot 2; thence North 78 degrees 16 minutes 05 seconds West 40.28 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence South 18 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds West along the Westerly line of said Lot 2 82.08 feet to the point of beginning. All persons who desire to be heard with respect to the question of whether or not the above proposed street vacation is in the public interest and should be made shall be heard at said time and place. The Council shall consider the extent to which such proposed street vacation affects existing easements within the area of the proposed vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric, telephone, or cable television poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such easement area or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto, for the purpose of specifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of any such easements, and such authority to maintain, and to enter upon the area of the proposed vacation, shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk - Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. COUNCIL NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENABLING STATUTES AMENDMENT PROCESS Mayor Richards referenced a letter dated March 27, 1989 addressed to the City from Donn R. Wiski, Chair of Roseville Citizens Council Legislative Committee. The letter had asked if the City of Edina had any modifications to the Plan B enabling • a legislation and whether or not the Council would endorse the amendments they are proposing relating to city manager hiring /dismissal and council member sanctions. It was informally agreed that the Council had no interest in participating in the proposed amendments for Plan B enabling legislation and directed that a letter be drafted for the Mayor's signature, addressed to the committee, indicating this response. USED CARS AT VERNON/HANSEN ROAD NOTED Member Rice referred to several used cars that have been displayed in at Vernon Avenue and Hansen Road and said that they are unsightly. He suggested that staff follow up on this. RECYCLING CHALLENGE PROPOSED Member Paulus proposed that the Council consider, as part of the recycling program, dividing the City into general districts in which the Members live and challenging each other on recyling participation by the residents in their districts. Mayor Richards said that may be a subject for discussion at a Council Study Session. REPORT REQUESTED ON FERTILIZERS USED IN PARK SYSTEM Member Smith said he would like to hear a report on the fertilizers and sprays used in the park system in response to concerns voiced by residents. Manager Rosland reported that staff had met with the residents who had raised questions on what types materials were being used. A report will be presented at an upcoming Council meeting. CONCERN EXPRESSED REGARDING DEER POPULATION AND LYME DISEASE Member Kelly said that she was concerned about the increasing deer population and health concerns for Lyme disease. She said she felt the City should get involved in this issue as she felt it was a potential health problem. STAFF COMMENDED FOR WORK ON ALL VOLUNTEERS RECEPTION Mayor Richards commended the staff members who had worked on the Annual All Volunteers Reception on April 25th and said that it was a nice function. COUNCIL BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON PORNOGRAPHY REQUESTED EARLY Mayor Richards asked that any background information for the Council concerning the issue of pornography which will be discussed at the May 15, 1989 meeting be sent to the Council members early so that they would have time to review it and reflect thereon. Manager Rosland said that a staff meeting is planned for May 8 to prepare the data and that a•report will be sent to the Council during the week. Member Rice asked if the owner(s) of Shinder have been notified of the meeting. Manager Rosland said that contact would be made with Shinders if that was the desire of the Council. Mayor Richards said he felt we would be remiss not to advise the manager or proprietor and invite them to make a presentation on the issue. CONTINUED BOARD OF REVIEW DATE NOTED Mayor Richards reminded the Council that the continued Board of Review would be held on Monday, May 8 at 4:30 p.m. in the Manager's Conference Room when the Council would act on the appeals that have been presented. UPDATE GIVEN OF AIRPORT ADEQUACY STUDY Manager Rosland referred to a letter dated April 20, 1989 from Larry Lee, Director of Community Development for the City of Bloomington, concerning the airport adequacy study being initiated by the cities of Richfield and Bloomington. A copy of the consultant request for proposals was also enclosed. Mr. Lee expressed thanks for the City of Edina's decision to participate in the study. The study is moving forward and a project management team (PMT) is being developed. Edina is being asked to appoint a representative to the team which will meet one or two times per month. Manager Rosland said that a staff member will be appointed to serve on the PMT. Member Kelly suggested that Member Rice be be appointed to the PMT as an elected official because he has expertise in this area. Member Rice said that he would be willing to serve if that would be appropriate. He commented that it would be important to get the appropriate experts on the panels with which they had knowledge and experience. CLAIMS PAID Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve payment of the following claims dated 05/01/89: General Fund $157,238.20, Art Center $8,579.33, Capital Fund $565.88, Swimming Pool Fund $288.00, Golf Course Fund $37,224.19, Recreation Center Fund $5,542.30, Gun Range Fund $469.96, Edinborough Park $6,935.08, Utility Fund $250,636.86, Liquor Dispensary Fund $9,041.77, Construction Fund $13,359.00, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $1,372.50, Total $491,253.07. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. City Clerk wg1N��r�r A. o e "Y .�y - •' ~�bAPOM��O• 1888 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: June 19, 1989 Subject: Correction to Final Plat, White Oaks 2nd Addition Recommendation: Agenda Item # III. Consent 0 Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA FLI To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Approve correction to plat. (Not subject to Moratorium since no new lots are created.) Info/Background- White Oaks 2nd Addition was approved in 1938. The plat, as recorded at Hennepin County, contained a incorrect dimension for the easterly lot line of Lot 9. The plat indicated a dimension of 107.2 feet when the correct measurement was 97.2 feet. Later, adjacent, plats contained the correct measurement. However, the original plat was never corrected. The recommended action would allow the correction to be made to the original plat. The proposed correction has no bearing on the proposal to develop this lot by Mr. Andron. All development proposals have used the correct dimension for this lot line. 3133') *,1L -3 -6b . dv. CORRECT MEASUREMENT IS OFrICF (Cf, REGISTER OF DEEDS, 1 10. LAND SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION TO PLAT Name of Plat: White Oaks 2nd Addition Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 505.175 Laws of Minnesota, 1957 Ronald L. Krueger , the undersigned a Registered Land Surveyor in and for the State of Minnesota, declares as follows: 1. That the plat of White Oaks 2nd Addition dated May 2nd, 1938 and filed on May 26th, 1938 in the office of County Recorder, County, Minnesota, in Book of Plats, page , was prepared by a Registered Land Surveyor who is not now available for the following reasons: Unavailable 2. That said plat contains errors, omissions, or defects in the following particulars, to -wit: The Northeast line of Lot 9 shows a dimension of 107.2, but field measures 97..2 as shown on the adiacent plat of Lotl, White Oaks 3rd Addition 3. That said plat is hereby corrected in the following particulars, to-wit:- Change the distance on the Northeast line of said Lot 9 from 107.2 to 97.2 Dated-4/11/89 Register a d urveyor No. 14374 State of Minnesota The above Certificate of Correction to the plat of White Oaks 2nd Addition has been approved by the City Council at a regular meeting of (Governing Body of Twp., or City) the City of Edina Minnesota, held on the day of Township, or City Clerk This Certificate of Correction has been checked and approved this day of 19 By County Surveyor NOTE: This form shall be used by surveyors when filing a notice with the County Recorder about errors or omissions on a plat which was signed by a surveyor who is now deceased or otherwise unavailable. 4 -7 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CEIL SMITH VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5000 6/19/89 DATE: AGENDA ITEM V.A.1 ITEM DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY INSURANCE Company Amount of Quote or &d 1 - Zurich 1. $ 41,268 2. Hartford 2. 43,083 3. North Brook Casualty 61,800 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: HARTFORD - $43,083 GENERAL INFORMATION: See attached. L The Recommended bid is 0 within budget not Kenneth Ro ADMINISTRATION Department _ City Wallin, jinance Director -:. M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 19, 1989 TO: Kenneth Rosland City Manager FROM: Ceil Smith Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: PROPERTY INSURANCE RENEWALS Attached to this memorandum is a premium quotation packet prepared by Jim Fee. Mr. Fee is the agent representing the City in renewing the cities Property Insurance coverages. Page 1 of the packet contain the specifications for the coverages that the City is seeking to renew. On page 2 of the packet are quotations that we received. Staff is recommending that we award the Property Insurance renewals to the Hartford Insurance Co. As you can see, the Hartford is not the low quotation but we are making the recommendation based on the explanation of policy enhancements that the Hartford is providing within their quotation. Please see page 3 of this packet for an explanation of those enhancements to be provided. On pages 4 through 10 of the packet, is a listing of the 1989 City property values for both the buildings and the contents. Should you have questions concerning the quotations or staff's recommendation, I will be prepared to answer those questions at the City Council's meeting on Monday, June 19, 1989. Mr. Jim Fee will also be available at that meeting to also answer questions. w !r: I i 491��r� ch ''' REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CEIL SMITH VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR. PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF. $5.00 DATE: 6/19/89 - GENERAL LIABILITY, AUTO LIABILITY AGENDA ITEM V.A. , 2 , 3 , 4 WORKER'S COMPENSATION ITEM DESCRIPTION: GENERAL LIABILITY, AUTO LIABILITY, Company WORK'S COMPENSATION Amount of Quote or Bid 1. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES INSURANCE TRUST 1 . $ 574,774 2. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY 2. $ 611,760 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: HOME INSURANCE COMPANY GENERAL INFORMATION: SEE ATTACHED MEMO I Signature The Recommended bid is within budget not within enneth City Manager Director M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 19, 1989 TO: Ken Rosland City Manager FROM: Ceil Smith Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: INSURANCE RENEWALS WORKER'S COMPENSATION GENERAL LIABILITY AUTO LIABILITY Attached to this memorandum are the quotations that we have received from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust and Home Insurance Co. The agent representing the City, Mr. Bill Homeyer, also contacted two other insurance companies that write municipal insurance and both ..refused to quote, because of their inability to be competitive. The staff is recommending that the Council take action to award renewals for Worker's Compensation, Auto Liability, and General Liability to Home Insurance Company. Just looking at the initial premium deposit would indicate that the League's quotation is the lowest quotation, but because of the retrospective rating of the losses for the League's Worker's Compensation and for all of the coverages offered by Home Insurance, the premium cannot truly be determined until 6 months after the policy's expire. For the sake of analysis, I have provided premium costs and using the quotations provided by both companies for the renewals against what the City's actual losses were for the last 5 years. Home Insurance Company's costs would be less for the City than the League's costs for the same losses 4 out of the 5 years examined. Unless the City experiences catastrophic losses, the premium costs provided under Home Insurance Plan would be less than that of the League's costs. Another consideration for awarding the renewals to Home Insurance is in the method of payment of the premium. The League will accept 1 premium payment per quarter with no interest charged. Home Insurance is willing to structure a premium payment schedule to allow the City to pay a balloon payment on 6/1/90, of $240,000. with no interest charged. The Finance Department estimates that during the 12 months that we would be retaining the $240,000. that we could earn approximately $21,000. in interest. Mr. Bill Homeyer, as well as myself, will be present on Monday, June 19, 1989, to answer any questions that you or the Council may have. CITY OF EDINA INSURANCE QUOTATIONS JUNE, 1989 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES TRUST $ 574,734 General.& Liquor Liability Auto Liability Worker's Compensation HOME INSURANCE COMPANY General & Liquor Liability $ 611,760 Auto Liability Worker's Compensation Annual Cost at Various Dollar Amount of Claims Historical Dollar Amount of Claims League Home Auto /GL W.C. 184 -'85 $49,903 $ 36,126 $387,061 $260,761 '85 -'86 $35,897 $545,334 $701,199 $762,969 '86 -'87 $19,628 $106,639 $455,625 $312,412 .'87 -'88 $94,572 $232,368 $593,927 $570,106 '88 -'89 $58,957 $ 68,512 $413,685 $314,057 5yr avg. $51,791 $197,796 $555,898 $470,812 (mean) Minimum Cost $338,322 $157,230 Maximum Cost $701,199 $762,969 Pay -In $574,774* $611,760** * Quarterly payments - no interest * *Payable $45,555 down, 9 monthly installments of $35,910 balloon payment of $250,000 on S -1 -90 No Interest r MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE JUNE 13, 1989 9:00 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Fran Hoffman, Chairman Gordon Hughes Craig Swanson Bob Sherman MEMBERS ABSENT: Ali OTHERS PRESENT: Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. SECTION A son Fuhr Marion Solfelt, 5820 West 68th Street Bill Frishberg, 3601 Minnesota Drive Jack Nichols, 6801 Antrim Road Edwin Moore, 4610 Golf Terrace Leonard Olson Jr., 5809 West 68th Street Dorothy Moore, 4610 Golf Terrace and Mrs. Michael Eckert, 4700 Golf Terrace Boyd Stofer, 4604 Golf Terrace Susan Covnick, 4708 Lakeview Drive V.A Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. (1) Request for "STOP" signs at the intersections of Golf Terrace at St. John's Avenue and Golf Terrace at Lakeview Drive. Continued from May, 1989 Traffic Safety Committee meeting. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman began by reviewing the motion from the May meeting which was to provide the results of traffic counts, license plate surveys and speed surveys to the residents present. The traffic count showed that Golf Terrace was similar to other east /west streets in this area, and was slightly under the threshhold of what would be categorized as a collector street. Results of the license plate survey were that most of the drivers were, in fact, from the core area around Golf Terrace. This would encompass the quadrants north of the Crosstown to West 50th Street and west of France Avenue to Highway 100. There were also some drivers from east of France Avenue into Minneapolis who were traveling Golf Terrace. These drivers were believed to be using residential routes to avoid the volumes of traffic found by taking West 50th Street. Captain Kleven presented the results of the speed survey. Eleven surveys were conducted for a total of 7 -1/2 hours. Of 375 vehicles observed, 8 would have been cited for speed violations. This is a compliance ratio of 97 %, which shows very high compliance. He also checked the intersec- tion of St. John's Avenue and Golf Terrace for possible clearview viola- tions. As the clearview ordinance is written, there was no violation. He did, however, feel that the topography of the area was such that t� TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING June 13, 1989 Page 2 drivers might have difficulty seeing east /west traffic when proceeding from St. John's Avenue onto Golf Terrace. He also reviewed the accident history, which showed four property damage accidents from 1983 to present., Mr. Hoffman suggested advisory 25 mph /pedestrian area signing which has been used in similar circumstances with much success. A resident of the area asked about "STOP AHEAD" signs in addition to possible "STOP" signs and was advised by Mr. Hoffman that we would not place this type of sign but would "flag" any new signing for the first several weeks that it was in place. Ms. Susan Covnick stated that she had seen a television news report show- ing a newly designed camera that was being tested for use in recording speed violators and wanted the Committee to consider such an item for use in the neighborhood. Mr. Swanson stated that it was, in fact, just in the test stages and it was also unknown what success this type of case would have in the court system. He also suggested that for use in Edina the costs would be prohibitive. Mr. Swanson also asked the Committee members to clarify the warrants for the requested "STOP" signs, and Mr. Hoffman replied that it would be a "special conditions" warrant caused by the topography of the intersection. Mr. Swanson moved to install at 3 -way "STOP" sign at the intersection of St. John's Avenue and Golf Terrace and also to install advisory 25 mph pedestrian area signs at the east and west entrance to Golf Terrace with additional signs in the area of the bus stop. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. (2) Request for "NO PARKING" signs, 5700 and 5800 blocks of West 68th Street. Petition received from all residents residing in this area. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Bill Frishberg, an attorney representing the Baldridges', summarized the concerns of the neighborhood as being not unlike those faced by residents of Chapel Drive and Rosemary Lane. The West 68th Street resi- dents also were contending with congestion on their streets „ono available parking areas adjacent to their homes, and litter in their-yards due to student parking in this area. Their request was to place signs such as those on Chapel Drive and Rosemary Lane to rectify this problem. Mr. Hughes moved to sign the 5700 and 5800 blocks of West 68th Street, "NO PARKING SCHOOL DAYS, 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM ". Mr. Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. (3) Discuss parking concerns for resident at 4624 Browndale Avenue. Unscheduled request received from Mr. John Palombo, 4624 Browndale Avenue. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Palombo has expressed concern to Mr. Hoffman regarding his limitations for backing out of his driveway which exits onto Edgebrook Place. The ;r, '•- TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING June 13, 1989 Page 3 resident at 4622 Edgebrook currently has two (2) on- street parking places available in front of his residence. One space is of no use as it is within 10 feet of a fire hydrant and, therefore, parking is not legal. If this resident chooses to park in the adjacent on- street space, he is directly in front of the driveway of 4624 Browndale and makes it impossible for this resident to use his driveway. Mr. Palombo is request- ing that "NO PARKING" signs be installed across from his driveway which would, in effect, remove all on- street parking for the resident at 4622 Edgebrook Place. Mr. Hoffman moved that "NO PARKING" signs be installed in front of the residence at 4622 Edgebrook Place. based on approval by the resident at this address. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. None. SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. (1) Discuss traffic safety concerns on Bonnie Brae Drive and Hyde Park Drive. Continued from December, 1988 Traffic Safety Committee meeting. ACTION TAKEN: Captain Kleven stated that he had been in contact with Mr. Paul Coniaris, who was one of the representatives at the December, 1988 meeting, and he was unable to attend today's meeting or have representation present. Captain Kleven stated that six surveys had been conducted in May of 1989 and the results of these surveys were that this area was a low volume area and that there was 100% compliance. Mr. Hughes moved that this item be dropped from the agenda with no further action. Mr. Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. Meeting was adjourned. EDINA TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE A Proposal to the Edina City Council THE SECOND CENTURY The Edina City Council's Special Commission on Future Issues and Policies 1 June 1989 THANK YOU for considering our proposal to establish THE SECOND CENTURY Project —an open, comprehensive program to identify and explore policy alternatives affecting Edina as it enters it's second century and approaches the 21st Century. First, a bit of background ... On October 8, 1988, many of us participated in a Futures Conference as part of the Edina Centennial Celebration. This conference sparked our interest to delve more deeply into issues and trends that will likely affect Edina in the mid and long term. We enthusiastically offer our services to help identify a vision of Edina in the early 21st Century; One that our children will realize; One that can be positively influenced by our decisions today. Our interest is not to supplant the ongoing strategic planning process of the City. Rather, we wish to create a longer and broader perspective for the City's strategic decisions based on the opportunities and challenges identified, analyzed and presented for City deliberation and action. THE SECOND CENTURY Project will be con- ceptual in approach and of practicability in result. The scope will be multi - dimensional and will focus on issues related, but not limited to, the following: AGENDA ITEM: VI.B. • Demographic and lifestyle changes • Regional economic adjustments • Emerging public service structures and financing • Employment trends • Transportation, housing and health care demands In order to accomplish our goal we know that individuals representing many dis- ciplines and viewpoints must actively par- ticipate. Consensus is not essential; The free- wheeling exchange of ideas is. Our proposal is that the Council endorse the Project, sanction a small steering group of motivated and dedicated individuals to define the study, actively seek the participa- tion of others in identifying and assessing the vision, and assemble and communicate that vision so that it can be clearly and readily understood by the City and the com- munity. Jim Colville, Andrew Herring, Joanne Kelly, Larry Laukka, Hazel Reinhardt and Lynne Westphal share our enthusiasm for the THE SECOND CENTURY Project. We respectfully submit their names,. along with ours, to be considered members of the steering committee should the Council en- dorse the Project's establishment and mis- sion. With Council approval, the THE SECOND CENTURY Project will begin its work by Sep- tember, 15, 1989, and report no later than September 15, 1990. Again, thank you for your consideration of our proposal. Leslie Turner George Hite o e S� IddB REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council ll From: Francis Hoffmanj- City Engineer Date: 19 June, 1989 Subject: 50th & France Renovation Update Recommendation: None. Agenda Item # H. c., Consent ❑ Information Only 0 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Info /Background: This report is to update the City Council on the project at 50th & France Business District. The staff has surveyed the business area and clearly has a sense that the retailers are concerned about business disruption again this year. Currently, we are repair- ing and rewelding all joints on the north parking ramp. Our survey would indicate that a project starting August and completed in mid -1990 would effectively deal with concerns of businesses on the corner. (See attached survey results on weeks least disruptive to business.) Additionally, we have a graphic display for the Council meeting which will demon- strate the possible replacement scenarios for the tile pavers. We intend to construct test sections on the south side of the theater for review by the business people. After a final survey, we will bid the project and recommend an award of contract to start the work in late summer. A second and third contract will be let on later dates to renovate the specialty items such as trash containers, kiosks, bell tower and canopy east of Belleson's and west of the theater. 50TH & FRANCE SURVEY RESULTS WEEKS LEAST DISRUPTIVE TO BUSINESS ADDRESS-- W. 49 1/2 ST. APR - - - - -- 1 2 3 4 MAY -- - - - - -- 1 2 3 4 JUN -- - - - - -- 1 2 3 4 JUL -- - - - - -- 1 2 3 4 AUG -- - - - - -- 1 2 3 4 SEP -- - - - - -- 1 2 3 4 OCT -- - - - - -- 1 2 3 4 X X X X NOV -- - - - - -- 1 2 3 4 3913 3918 X X 3930 X X X X 3940 X X 3944 X X X X 3948 XXXX XXXX W. 50TH ST. 3904 X X X X 3905 X X 3907 X X 3908 X X 3910 X X 3916 X X 3922 X X 3922 X X 3922 X X 3922 X X X X 3924 X X 3925 X X X X X X 3929 x XXXX 3933 x XXXX 3939 XXXX XXXX 3939 X X 3939 X X 3939 X X 3939 X X 3940 X X 3940 X X 3946 x XXXX 3948 X X X 4100 X X 4101 X X FRANCE AVE. 4924 X X X X 4926 X X 4936 X X 4940 X X X X 4948 1. X X 4950 X X 4952 X X X X 5000 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5004 X X 5010 X X 5014 X X 5020 X X 5022 X X 5024 XXXX X 5026 X X 5030 1 X X X X I X 5034 X X s o, v �' .by saga sae REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: June 19, 1989 Subject: Street Closing at 50th & France for Crazy Days Recommendation: Agenda Item # VI. D'. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action � Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Staff Committee recommends that 50th Street not be closed for the Crazy Days Sale. Info /Background: At your direction I met with Craig Swanson and Fran Hoffman to discuss the 50th and France proposal to close 50th Street for Crazy Days. We evaluated the request in light of currently allowed events which involve street closings. The attached chart indicates the events and the degree of City involvement in the events. It also indicates that the events we allow are primarily for the benefit of the general public. Crazy Days, in staff's opinion, is purely a promotional event for private benefit. Since there is no public benefit from the event staff recommends that the request to close the street be denied. F SPECIAL EVENTS CURRENTLY ALLOWED Private /Public Street Benefit Closed Public Temporary Public . Yes 15 K Permit City Fees Traffic Required Cost Collected Homecoming Art Police Yes Both Yes Parade No Traffic No & Police Police Control Reserve Block ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public PROPOSED EVENT Party's Yes Works No Private /Public Street Benefit Closed Public Temporary Public . Yes 15 K No Police Yes Both Temporary Seniors Traffic Race Control Art No Public Yes Both Yes Fair Works Donation to & Police Police Reserve Reserve Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED EVENT Crazy Days - Same as ? Private Yes Art Fair Water Street Clothing Co. 287 WATER STREET • EXCELSIOR, MINNESOTA 55331 0 (612) 474 -0474 May 31, 1989 To: Mr. Mayor and City Council Members We are sending you this letter now, in the event you may wish to refer this concept to an advisory committee. On Saturday July 29, we would like to close off 50th Street between Halifax and France Avenue from 10AM- 12noon. The reason for this request is to promote a Crazy Days Festival that will include a kiddies bicycle parade, dog cart rides, pony rides, and a unicycle/ juggler /stilt walker /mime. We will also be serving sno- cones, and having a side -walk sale. A couple of years ago you approved the street closing for the Edina Art Fair on Saturday and Sunday. This has worked out quite well for all involved. We feel that Crazy Days can become a major tradition for 50th and France. We appreciate your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely Alan Siegman 1st Vice - President and Chairman of Advertising Committee for 50th and France Business Association. A. o e 0 1988 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # VI. E. From: Francis Hoffman, /j7— Consent Z City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: 19 June, 1989 r Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Mavelle Drive Vacation 0 To Council Completion of Proceedings Action ❑Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Authorize the final vacation of a portion of Mavelle Drive per the attached description and sketch. Info /Background: This is a final step in the final completion of proceedings on the three -way agreement between Hennepin County, City of Edina and Gabberts on the properties adjacent to France Avenue and Mavelle Drive. The project has worked out well with no concerns being registered by the neighbors to the immediate west of the site. l W a J LLJ Z Q crn VACATION OF PORTION OF MAVELLE DRIVE Legal: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Rearrangement of Blocks 1, 9 and Lot 1, Block 2, Stow's Edgemoor Addition; thence South along the Westerly I line of said Lot 1 extended 36.00 feet; thence East par- allel with the South line of said Lot 1 200.00 feet; thence North parallel with the West line of said Lot 1 36.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence West along the South line of said Lot 1 200.00 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. I I REARRANGEMENT OF $ EDGEMOOR ADDITION ? LOT f, BLOCK 1 al I$ C 8 xoa ar LU zoa ar MAVELLE DR STOW'S gI NORTH SCALE: ill =40' n /tA.rA o e Cn �\NCbRP0" -' • 1888 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # From: Francis Hoffman Consent ❑ City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: 19 June, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Building Site, Lot 9 0 To Council White Oaks 2nd Addition ❑ Update Action Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance 0 Discussion Recommendation: Discussion. Info /Background: Attached is recent information submitted by Andron Design Development Construction and his engineer regarding stormwater drainage as it relates to building on Lot 9. The staff has told Mr. Andron that Alternate 4 (stormwater lift station) is the preferred alternative. It provides the least long term risk to the future property owner's building, the adjacent streets and backyard vegetation of adjoining neighbors. Alternate 3 which involves digging a larger holding area would work but create a risk that pumping might still be required if a series of rains created a sustained higher water level than normal. This is similar to the problem that existed on Minnehaha Creek during 1985 and 1986 with a constant high water level threatening to "overbank" and cause flooding. At this point,staff believes that the requirements of an engineering review could be satisfied subject to final details being submitted to the City. The staff has met with Connor Schmid and Fred Hoisington who represent the neighbors so that they are being kept abreast of the situation. Additionally, please note attached letter from a neighbor. Ron Krueger S Associates, Inc. 8080 Wallace Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 (612) 934 -4242 June 1, 1989 Mr. John Schirmang Chief Building Official City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Drainage Study for Dick Andron Lot 1 White Oaks 3rd & Lot 9 White Oaks 2nd Additions RKA #7763 Dear Mr. Schirmang: At our last meeting on May 25th, Fran Hoffman asked us to put together a letter detailing the various alternatives we are proposing for dealing with the drainage issue on this site. This letter will summarize the alternatives and their associated costs. Engineering Land Surveying Landscape Architecture Planning On April 17, 1989, our fine presented a drainage study of this site to the City staff. Our conclusions from that study were that it would be unlikely that under 100 -year storm conditions the water level of the pond would ever reach the proposed home's lowest opening elevation of 876.3. On May 2, 1989, Ron Krueger and Associates was requested by the City staff to present some additional drainage information to supplement the original drainage study. This additional study found that Andron's building site as proposed would reduce the existing pond storage by about 8 %, and increase the 100 year pond flood elevation by approximately 0.3 feet. We concluded that the additional 0.3 feet would not create a significantly worse flooding condition (specifically in regards to City streets) than presently exists. As we discussed, four alternatives were addressed to mitigate potential future flooding problems. These alternatives were no build, temporary pumping, additional pond storage, and a permanent pump and forcemain system. ' II r t Ron Krueger S Associates, Inc. 8080 Wallace Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 (612) 934 -4242 June 1, 1989 Mr. John Schirmang Chief Building Official City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Drainage Study for Dick Andron Lot 1 White Oaks 3rd & Lot 9 White Oaks 2nd Additions RKA #7763 Dear Mr. Schirmang: At our last meeting on May 25th, Fran Hoffman asked us to put together a letter detailing the various alternatives we are proposing for dealing with the drainage issue on this site. This letter will summarize the alternatives and their associated costs. Engineering Land Surveying Landscape Architecture Planning On April 17, 1989, our fine presented a drainage study of this site to the City staff. Our conclusions from that study were that it would be unlikely that under 100 -year storm conditions the water level of the pond would ever reach the proposed home's lowest opening elevation of 876.3. On May 2, 1989, Ron Krueger and Associates was requested by the City staff to present some additional drainage information to supplement the original drainage study. This additional study found that Andron's building site as proposed would reduce the existing pond storage by about 8 %, and increase the 100 year pond flood elevation by approximately 0.3 feet. We concluded that the additional 0.3 feet would not create a significantly worse flooding condition (specifically in regards to City streets) than presently exists. As we discussed, four alternatives were addressed to mitigate potential future flooding problems. These alternatives were no build, temporary pumping, additional pond storage, and a permanent pump and forcemain system. The first alternative is no build, or not proceeding with the project. This alternative is not feasible from the Owner's viewpoint. The second alternative we studied was a temporary pumping system to pump down the pond during 100 year flood events. This alternative assumed portable pumps and hoses would be rented as needed, and was presented in a memo to the City staff on May 5, 1989. A 300 gpm portable pump would pump down the pond in about 2 -3 days and would cost about $210 to rent. We estimated that the present worth of all future pump rental expenses (assuming 5% inflation and 10% interest) would be about $600. The third alternative we looked at was to provide enough additional stormwater storage on site to equal the amount of existing pond storage lost by the house construction. We estimated that the proposed additional on -site pond volume required would be about 2640 cubic yards and would cost about $7900 to construct. The soil report (3/13/87) shows that the existing water table is 6 -7 feet below the existing pond bottom. This alternative would require some additional vegetation removal on the site to build the expanded ponding area. The fourth alternative we studied was a permanent storm water lift station system that would be able to pump down the pond during flooding periods. This system would require a manhole /wet well structure with a portable pump, and a 1200' underground forcemain. The forcemain would probably be discharged into the existing storm sewer system at the intersection of Arden Ave. and Bridge Lane. We estimate that this system would cost approximately $32,900 to construct. Given the high cost of this alternative, the Owner feels that this alternative is not feasible. In summary the Owner is willing to provide both the temporary pump system (alternative 2) and additional ponding capacity (alternative 3) to mitigate the effects of future flooding, even though our drainage studies show that the proposed house would not be significantly affected by 100 year pond elevations. Since the Owner's site is only 6% of the entire 18 acre drainage area to this pond, he feels that given the cost of the permanent pump station (alternative 4), it is not appropriate for him to be 100% responsible for its cost. The Owner would however be willing to pay up to $8000 of the cost of this permanent pumping system if the City would fund the difference. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call. Sin rely, Peter J. Knae e, E. RON KRUE ER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. OC Dick Andron UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA TWIN CITIES June 15, 1989 Edina City Council Edina City 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Council Members: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Mailing Address: 420 Delaware Street S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Office Address: 350 Variety Club Heart and Research Center 401 East River Road (612) 625 -1177 FAX: (612) 626 -6032 We live at 4700 Townes Road adjacent to the Townes Road marsh. As you may recall, we offered to make portions of our recently acquired lot available to the City of Edina for additional ponding and scenic easement. This would contribute to carrying out what we understand was the original developer's plan and intent to reserve open space and create a bird sanctuary. We hope the City will ultimately take any necessary action to preserve this wonderful public and neighborhood trust. We are distressed to learn that the City is considering accepting a front setback of - only 51.4 feet for a proposed adjacent residence. The properties most immediately adjacent to the proposed new construction on the west side of Townes Road have an average setback of at least 58.5 feet. My home, which is closest to the marsh and to the proposed building, has a 60 foot setback. This seems to be the most relevant and the only property which actually extends to the same short east -west street fron orientation as the proposed building lot. The setback calculations on which this 51.4 feet were based appears to include a distant property (4600 Townes Road) of significantly different locational considerations to the proposed construction. This proposed property is around an essentially right angle corner and over a city block distant from the nearest corner of the proposed building lot. Forty -six hundred Townes Road has obviously been sited close to Sunnyside and to Townes Road to avoid intrusion into the marsh and to avoid spoiling the natural character of the marsh as a bird sanctuary in the way in which any proposed building in the marsh will destroy it. While we feel certain that the obvious problems of building in and living in the marsh basin will eventually convince any reasonable proposed, developer /buyer that such building will essentially destroy much of what makes this whole area so attractive and that such a project is neither economically or aesthetically appropriate, we strongly feel that the setback distance should be re- examined and only the most practically relevant setbacks considered. This would require at least a minimum 58.5 foot setback, more properly 60. If the average setback ordinance requires • Page 2 taking into account such an unrelated and different setback as 4600 Townes Road, it ought to be corrected before harm is done. We understand the proposed developer has tried to minimize the water problem. We also understand that the study submitted does not deal with the situation which would occur if the other owners abutting the marsh treated their property the same as the developer proposes. Should the City permit the developer fill to the adjacent portion of the marsh, we may be compelled to fill our portion of the marsh to preserve many of our trees, which would be injured by the recurrent higher water levels created by the proposed new construction filling of the marsh. We presume others would have to do the same thing to protect their property from the higher water levels resulting from the filling of the marsh for a new building. If marsh filling precipitated by the proposed building leads to a major, expensive storm sewer project, it will be solely for the benefit of the developer/buyer in our judgement and that of our neighbors. We keenly appreciate the unusual pleasure of local wildlife and open space -in such a long - established residential area like White Oaks. We hope a similar appreciation on your part will save the marsh. Sincerely, J/� Dr.. and Mrs. Ensor Transfeldt, M.D. 4700 Townes Road Edina, Minnesota cc: Mr. Craig Larson 4081 Sunnyside Road Edina, MN 55424 Dear Edina City Council, We, David Shank and Suzyn Ware, have been resid2nts of Edina for the past 18 years. Until 1979, we lived at 4517 Arden Ave. and enjoyed the marsh on Townes Road while taking walks. We often talked about wanting to buy a little old house at 4081 Sunnyside Road, if it was ever.put on the market, so that we could add on to it and stay in the Country Club/ White Oaks area. Since we needed more living space, we decided- to move to West Edina, but our homes on Benton Ave. and Larada Lane never gave us the enjoyment we had while living in the Country Club/ White Oaks area. Therefore, we were constantly looking for a way to return and on January 26, 1987, we made an offer for the property described as Lot 9 White Oaks 2nd Addition situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota(i.e. the property in question)., Our offer was rejected by.Mr. Monroe(the owner at the time), because we had a contingency in our offer stating the lot was to be buildable. Mr. Monroe accepted an offer from Mr. Andron at that time, since his offer had no such contingency. We verified that Mr. Andron's offer had been accepted by Mr. Monroe, so we contacted Mr. Andron to see if he would'be . willing to build a home for us, on said property. We dis- covered then that he also had an optiorto -buy the little old house at 4081 Sunnyside Road. He had plans to ask the city for approval to build two houses on the property, We asked ( 2 ) Edina City Council if he would consider building one house at 4081 Sunnyside Road. On February 4, 1987, we entered into an agreement with Mr. Andron to hold both properties for us until we could get estimated costs to build our home for which we already had basic plans. He proceeded to convince us to build on the property at 4081 Sunnyside Road(the property above Lot 9), since he showed us the costs to build on Lot 9 would be considerably more. On February 15, 1987, we entered into a purchase agreement with Andron, Inc. to build our home on the property at 4081 Sunnyside Road. During the construction of our home, we experienced the heavy rains and flooding of July, 1987. Even though this was probably our "100 Years Flood ", the water receded within a matter of days and did not create any problems. We understand the developer is proposing two alternatives to handle the problem of excess water.that will be created by filling in Lot 9. Either alternative will result in destruction of the natural habitat of this marsh area. The first alternative of having a storm sewer pumping station is by far the more realistic, since the ponding pool would destroy the environment more drastically. The proposal of the developer to pay one - fourth the cost of the pumping station is unacceptable, since it is for the benefit of one property owner. If the City accepts this proposal, we would r (3) Edina City Council possibly seek a class action suit to prevent the City of Edina from assessing other property owners in the Country Club/ White Oaks area for the benefit of this one property owner, since without building on Lot 9, water seems to recede just fine, even during the heavy rains of July, 1987. We have enjoyed the foliage and wildlife of this beautiful, natural area and we are very concerned that the wood ducks that have.been nesting here every spring will no longer have a place to raise their young. cerely, ✓ /Ddvid M. Shank Suzyn Ware 3 A. o Cn 0 ' •'N�bA ppMttiv� 1896 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and City Council A ends Item # 9 yI . F. From: Consent ❑ Bob Kojetin, Director Park and Recreation Dept. Information Only 0 Date: June 15, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: To Council EXPANSION - EDINA HISTORICAL SOC. Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Info /Background: Attached are the plans showing the expansion of the Arneson Acres building. The following is a timeline for construction of the facility: June 28 Advertise for bids in the Sun July 20 Bid opening at 2:00 p.m. August 7 Award bid at Council meeting DMILLER DL)NWIDDIE ASSOCIATES 612/831-1211 June 15, 1989 Re: Arneson House Addition Fr: Alan Meyer MEMORANDUM cc: File Bob Kojetin FWD KJM JTS ARM MD8859 The following is a summary of how artifacts from the Wooddale School will be incorporated in the Arneson House Addition. 2 pairs of divided light (3x5) entry doors will be used at the main and north entries. 2 divided light (3x5) interior doors will be used in the Lobby area. 1 panel door (new panel doors will be fabricated to match Wooddale doors.) 2 pairs transom doors with :arch will be used at exhibit entries. 4" wood door framing (additional will match existing.)" Wood Base (additional will match existing.) Gym Floor decking will be refinished and used to floor the permanent exhibit space. Plaster relief molding (or duplicate) will be used at the ceiling perimeter in the permanent exhibit space. Stairway handrails, handrail supports and top rail will be used at the new stairway. 1 cabinet with sink will be used in the Workroom. 1 pair lanterns will be used at the main entrance. 1 row (8 seats) of auditorium seats will be displayed in the north end of the Lobby. There are various cabinets at the Edina Works Building and the Cahill School that will be used for display or storage at the discretion of the Edina Historical Society. ARM:ko ARTIFAC.LST Too" f, O( .. 1. ncquaua 1 NUTDID ROOM EGA" vzmsm -rm"aE LOW ER LEVEL PLAN Lt t Ii - ° MILLER. DUNWIDDIE . ASSOCIATES . INC. ARNESON Houes AnnmoN ARGNITECTS TELEPHONE I614IM-Ml SDINAHUMRICALROCWY u.wu 300 blW EROTA WWI SUITE 860 MINNEAPO"t MN 884m LDINA. UlNW?.WTA _ _ .1. A3 � Q .K. —. 00 �s I ins I 1 I s � I: r-71 I "O I - G0.4.iLT�ON b1pNlaL - _. L+oRaROO� I • {— a � I - - -I I ` I�I---------- -�.---- - - - - -- '--- ��-- - - - -I' EGA" vzmsm -rm"aE LOW ER LEVEL PLAN Lt t Ii - ° MILLER. DUNWIDDIE . ASSOCIATES . INC. ARNESON Houes AnnmoN ARGNITECTS TELEPHONE I614IM-Ml SDINAHUMRICALROCWY u.wu 300 blW EROTA WWI SUITE 860 MINNEAPO"t MN 884m LDINA. UlNW?.WTA _ _ .1. A3 � 0 WORKRO r. Famummx: WORAM -- -- ---- -- MAU =D ix- ix- uaTiucmvra4?aanaomf: O l D Omca r J 1 1 I I J ,,=raw i Toam d� 0 M.-FLOOR PLAN MILLER. DUNWIDDIE . ASSOCIATES . INC. ANN roues AnnmoN ,vCmrECTS ,ELEPMOOKEM218M1r, &DINANiaroRiCALBOCI x A4 o.om taw- 30M UP"S IA DANE WYE UO MWiEAPDII& MN "4x ZDINA. I"NPBOTA rw YDeA1�� �»U=ENv WEST ELKVAIION / | � / . �---------------~------------------- � | MILLER - Jym axiffruto ELEVATION ° —~�'--' a000000Eo.ovo y ^opom�a000 Amo m a �m^.�wm�� |``. � ��� � I I i I i el NORTH EUVATION A FRAME rz Em u c^l e c im IEEHI C Y ` L) C t1 l—r-�1 MILLER • DUNWIDDIE • ASSOCIATES • INC. ARNESON HOUSE ADDMON A8 I�f1vVAt1�11 µ�H�� ULZw F (6123 031-m; SDINA HLSTOR1CAL SOCIETY oee m gem wear rM $Met • UK" ee0 • WMW ouS rxotYOU w76 6DINA. itINN880TA r,, roeeei ,ee• , ----- - - - - -- �� � - - -I -� _II- IIII__ II_- ----- - - - - -- 14 S Tl IL i�1 IL El E! a T 10.1 G MILLER - DUNWIDDIE - ASSOCIATES -!C; ARCKffEM TEP m%�WNA ANZWK HOU89 AD X BIMRICA L U : All WAMINW.1014["ra 81411150 MIWAMXII,MNimw. PPM MIMNMQTA rri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �-A i `i p ' •'N�ORPOMt�v• .BBB REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and City Council From: Bob Kojetin, Director . Park and Recreation Dept. Date: June 15, 1989 Subject: LIGHTING - VAN VALKENBURG PARK Recommendation: Agenda Item # VI. G. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Andrew Montgomery MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO USE APPROXIMATELY $130,000 FROM THE DEVELOPERS FUND FOR LIGHTING ALL THREE SOFTBALL FIELDS AT VAN VALKENBURG PARK IN THE FALL OF 1989. Bill Jenkins seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Info /Background: Van Valkenburg Park Softball Complex has been under construction for about eight years. At present we are completing the building and the fencing. The ballfields are scheduled to open for play early July. This season we have 125 softball teams playing in the City. Fifteen teams were turned down this year because of lack of field space. Without lights the new softball complex will handle 30 games per week. The request by the Park Board at this time is that we should immediately install lights at the facility. By installing lights we are able to play two more games per night - -twice the amount of games without lights. This means we will play 12 games a night, or 60 games per week. At present there is no funding for lights scheduled in our long range capital improvement. This would have to be included over the next five years. The Park Board's request is that we immediately take approximately $130,000 (a preliminary estimate of installing lights on three fields) out of the developers fund and have them installed by the 1990 season so we will be able to meet our demand. As of May 1, 1989,.there is $426,000 in the fund. At the June 5 City Council meeting it was voted to take approximately $200,000 from this fund for the Art Center expansion (with $100,000 being repaid from the capital budget and from Art Center donations within a period of five years) leaving the account at approximately $226,000 until the repayment is completed. There is still adequate funding in this account for the softball lights. At the June 13 Park Board meeting it was recommended that we proceed with'this project immediately rather than waiting a period of three to five years to complete this project. 1 i; EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 p.m. June 13, 1989 Braemar Arena MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Christianson, Jim Fee, Jean Rydell, Mac Thayer, Pat Vagnoni, Bill Jenkins, Andy Montgomery, Bill Lord MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Wineberg, Scott Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Bob Kojetin, Larry Thayer, John Valliere, Todd Anderson, Joe Greupner, Stacey Kness OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Lou Foster, Raymond O'Connell, David McEnary, Bob Helgerud, Jack Becker . 1. SENIOR CENTER TOUR Susan Weigle gave a tour of the Senior Center at its new location on the third floor of the Edina Community Center. Ms. Weigle indicated their numbers are going up on an average of 12 new members per week. Congregate dining is serving an average of 45 meals per day. The new location of the Senior Center has tapped a new.group of seniors in the community. The Park Board proceeded to.Braemar Arena for the meeting. Bob Christianson called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. 2. BRAEMAR ARENA TOUR Mr. Larry Thayer gave a brief introduction to the Arena renovation. Phase 1 included the ice surface and refrigeration system. Phase 2 included demolition of the old walls and construction of permanent walls, four brand new locker rooms, figure skating club room and administrative area. Phase 1 was completed October 1, 1988, in time for the 1988 -89 hockey season. The commons and the administrative area was completed March 20, 1989. The renovation has been very positive for the community and staff operations. 3. APPROVAL OF MAY MINUTES Jean Rydell MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 9, 1989, MEETING MINUTES. Andy Montgomery seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICE BOARD REVIEW Mr. Kojetin indicated the Community Education Board has changed to the Community Education Service Board which is divided into four different sections including Kid's Club, Community Resource Pool, Family Center, and Community Enrichment (formerly Community Education Board). The Service Board is in its second year of operation. Sixteen years ago it was set up in this community. All classes sponsored in the community would be sponsored through Community Education, and all athletic and recreation activities would be sponsored through the City since the State bill stated State money should not be used for recreation. The present system is working very well. - 1 - Mr. Christianson added the three entities other than Community Enrichment are three activities that have been governed in the last eight or nine years under the Board Education. It became apparent three years ago that there had to be some continuity in terms of how these organizations were going to be run. The Board of Education decided to bring all the organizations under one umbrella. The Community Education Service Board consists of a representative from Kid's Club, Community Resource Pool, Community Enrichment, Family Center, School Board, City Council, Park Board, and at -large members appointed by the City Council, School Board, and Community Enrichment Board. The Community Center administration also comes under the Community Education Service Board. Mr. Raymond O'Connell, the first chair of the Community Education board, said when it started the relationship with the Park and Recreation Department was very good. The problems they had were with school administration. They had to go to the State Board of Education to learn the Community Education Board reported to the School Board not to the administration. He said it has been very satisfactory to all who have served on the board to see its evolution. 5. VAN VALKENBURG PARK LIGHTING Mr. Christianson indicated after the Park Board recommendation was made to use money from the developers fund to expand the Art Center, several members of the Park Board wondered about the possibility of using some of those funds to install lighting at Van Valkenburg Park at one time. Mr. Kojetin gave some background information on the acquisition of the park. After some investigation, the staff learned it could cost approximately $15,000 for scoreboards, $110,000 for the lighting, and $5000 for architectural fees for all three fields. As of May 1, 1989, there is $426,000 in the developers fund. Approximately $200,000 will be used for the Art Center with $100,000 being paid bacl over the next five years from the Park Capital Budget and donations from the Art Center. It could take up to five years to complete the lighting project if it were budgeted in the long range Park Capital Budget. Mr. Christianson said five years is too long to wait for the Van Valkenburg project to be completed when it has been in the works for eight years. Mr. Montgomery asked what other demands could be placed on the fund. Mr. Kojetin indicated the staff has discussed using the interest (approximately $30,000 per year) for capital,improvements. Mr. Jenkins asked what kind of revenue Van Valkenburg could produce. Mr. Kojetin said it really doesn't generate that much money but could from some weekend tournaments. It is basically like the baseball complex or like a park. Currently we have 125 adult softball teams in the league which is the most we can handle at this time. We had to turn away 15 teams due to lack of field space. Mrs. Vagnoni asked if the softball players pay a user fee. Mr. Kojetin said each team pays $75 for a total of $9000 for the field maintenance budget. Mr. Montgomery asked if there should be an obligation to pay back some of the fund. Mr. Kojetin said the purpose of the fund is to improve the City parklands and facilities. Mr. Montgomery asked if the expenditure is approved, how soon could the lighting be installed. Mr. Kojetin said installation could start this summer and be completed this fall. Mr. Fee said the complex couldn't sit there another five years. Mr. Kojetin said the fields can be used for two games a night without lights and four games with lights. 2 - .I R1 S., Mr. Vagnoni asked if anything other than softball can be played at Van Valkenburg Park. Mr. Kojetin said the area could be used for touch football in the fall and youth football. Andrew Montgomery MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO USE APPROXIMATELY $130,000 FROM THE DEVELOPERS FUND FOR LIGHTING ALL THREE SOFTBALL FIELDS AT VAN VALKENBURG IN THE FALL OF 1989. Bill Jenkins seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Christianson, Mr. Jenkins, and Mr.'Fee will attend the City Council meeting on June 19, 1989. BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE NAME Mr. Kojetin indicated a letter he received from Mr. Christianson addressing different ideas regarding the name of Braemar Golf "Course" or Braemar Golf "Club" and limits on numbers of people in golf leagues. Mr. Kojetin distributed background information on the naming of the Course. It was originally named "Braemar Golf Course ". Mr. Christianson said the essence of his letter is to look at the purpose of the Golf Course. The word "club" sometimes steers the public away. Mr. Kojetin said we should reinforce the original name of "Braemar Golf Course ". There was some conversation when the course was originally built and signage was going up about calling it "Municipal Golf Course ", but the feeling at that time between the Park Board and staff was not to use the word "municipal ". Mr. Valliere said most golf courses in the country use the words, "course" and "club" interchangeably. Mrs. Vagnoni asked what the sign on Gleason Road says. Mr. Kojetin said it says "Braemar ". He said the Park and Recreation Department will be adding new signs to direct people to the Clubhouse, the office area, etc. and they will read "Braemar Golf Course ". Mr. Montgomery, a non - patron, feels it is not an easy course to get on. He doesn't feel it is a municipal course and he is not sure he feels it is a public course. It is extremely difficult for residents to play six times a year. He does not understand the problem with either word "course" or "club ". Golf League Limits Mr.. Valliere brought attention to the members of the audience and stated he perceives their biggest concern about Mr. Christianson's letter was the word "discriminatory" referring to the league limits. Mr. Christianson asked if a resident who lives in Edina and is a patron card holder can join the Men's Club tomorrow. Mr. Valliere said he could not. Any other public course has limitations. From a manager's standpoint, we have to have open time. balanced against league time. If we don't limit the numbers in the golf leagues, we would have 1500 Men's Club members. Mr. Christianson suggested not setting aside any time for anyone and have it on a first come -first served basis. IF an individual wants to join the Men's Club why can't he. It is a public facility. You are preventing a public person from using a public facility. You are discriminating against him over someone else. If you opened it up, you would have the problem solved. Mr. O'Connell asked Mr. Valliere how many hours per week are allocated to the Braemar Men's Club. Mr. Valliere said five and a half hours of starting times per week. - 3 - i1 1. I r Mr. O'Connell asked Mr. Valliere what percentage of the total time is used by leagues. Mr. Valliere handed out a breakdown of time showing 28 percent given to league play and 72 percent given to open play. Mr. Bob Helgerud, Vice President of the Men's Club, said their membership is 325. ' There are presently 168 men on the waiting list. The average person will wait about three years to get in the Club. With the limitations on the number of people it is difficult to play on Thursdays, even for Men's Club members. He feels we have some great leagues going and doesn't want to see them discontinued. Braemar is a well- managed golf course. Mr. Christianson agreed, but there is a problem when there is a public facility that people are being deprived of using. Mr. McEnary said all other cities have Men's Clubs and all have waiting lists. He said Mr. Valliere has done a great job getting times for the Men's Club. Even if you disband the Club, there will be just as many golfers on the Course. Mr. Lord asked how the Men's Club determines who plays on Thursdays. Mr. Helgerud said from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm golfers start signing up a week in advance. Mr. Christianson said the Men's Club does discriminate because it limits the amount of people that can play at a certain times, and even in that Club there are limits on who can play at certain times. His point is everyone could belong to the Club and can play at the designated times. Mrs. Mary Lou Foster, Braemar Golf Association member and women's league player., said there would be no point in having leagues if there were no allocated times. Leagues are social groups. All golf courses have leagues whether they are public or private. Mr. Christianson said no one has made a motion to change how leagues are being handled, but he thinks the leagues should be more creative in allowing more interested people to participate. Mr. Joe Greupner, Braemar Golf Professional, said if the Men's Club was opened up, it would be a challenge to handle them all. He would not recommend changing the way they are now. Resident /Non- Resident in Leagues Mr. Christianson said as the facility has become more popular the number of people who don't live or work in Edina has been diminished, so there has been a gradual focus of limiting non - residents. Mr. Kojetin indicated a letter addressed to the City Council from the Sunshine Gals League about the resident /non- resident in leagues issue. The Braemar Golf Association has recommended to stay with the policy previously passed. The staff recommends to stay with the resident rules passed in 1987. Mr. Becker indicated he thought since Braemar receives Federal funding that it cannot prevent non - residents from using the public facility. Mr. Kojetin said Braemar does not receive Federal funding, and we do not have to allow non - residents use it. Mr. Christianson said the previously accepted policy is in effect. Mr. Valliere said the Braemar Golf Association would like to clarify that people can participate in a co -rec league and a men's or women's league. Mr. Fee said that is the way the policy was recommended and approved. Braemar Golf Association would li - 4 - to recommend that maybe non - residents that have been in a league for more than 15 years could be grandfathered in rather than the elimination of all non - residents starting with the 1990 season. 25th Anniversary Mr. Kojetin indicated the 25th Anniversary Golf Celebration will be on July 9, and the Inspection Tour is scheduled for July 11. He asked if the Inspection Tour should remain on July 11 or be postponed to August since many people invited to the Inspection tour will also be invited to the Anniversary Tournament. It decided to postpone the Inspection tour to August 8. 7. OTHER Mr. Kojetin distributed a list of things going on in the Park and Recreation Department (see attached). Mr. Montgomery asked about resurfacing the basketball courts in the parks. Mr. Kojetin said Mr. Keprios has a schedule of parks being resurfaced. Todd Park and Countryside Park may be on the schedule for this year. 8. ADJOURNMENT Mac Thayer MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:55 P.M. Jim Fee seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. - 5 - O J0 � :V) REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # vI . x. From: KENNETH ROSLAND Consent ❑ CITY MANAGER - Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 19, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: F—x1 To Council BUDGET HEARING DATES Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: This is to confirm the budget hearing dates which were set at the City Council meeting of June 2, 1989. Tuesday August 8 Thursday, August 10 Tuesday August 15 (5:00 P.M. - Manager's Conference Room) REPORT /RECOMMENDATION lose To KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER Agenda Item # VI. I.' From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Consent ❑ - Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 19, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: WINE LICENSE RENEWALS a To Council Action Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approval of wine license renewals for Empress Restaurant, Dayton's Boundary Waters Restaurant, Vie de France Restaurant, The Good Earth, The Pantry, Szechuan Star and Original Pancake House /My Pie, as recommended by the Police Department. Info /Background: 8 Attached are.copies of the reports and recommendations for the above wine license renewals from the Police Department. A conditional approval for license renewal is recommended for the following restaurants: The Pantry and Original Pancake House /My Pie. a M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Wine License Renewal - The Empress DATE: June 15, 1989 The Empress was reexamined for the purpose of wine license renewal for the license period starting July 1, 1989. This examination included an updated criminal check on the owner(s) and managers of the license, a review of calls and complaints responded to by the police at the license location, and an inspection of the license location to monitor compliance with ordinances and statutes. Criminal checks on the principals responsible for management of The Empress revealed no criminal convictions that affect the management of the license. It was noted that there was a change in the number of seating from 80 to 100 and the appropriate forms had been filed. A complete review of police response to calls for service or complaints at The Empress indicated no such responses that were pertinent to mismanagement of the license or suspected law violations. An unannounced inspection of The Empress was conducted on June 13, 1989. No discrepancies were noted with regard to applicable statutes and ordinances. At the conclusion of the inspection the manager was explained the findings. Based on the above findings, license renewal is recommended for The Empress Restaurant. If you have any questions, please contact me. CRAIG G. SWANSON CHIEF OF POLICE CGS:nah LIQUOR WINE LICENSE RENE4AL /INSPECTION 1989 Empress Restaurant 3335 Hazelton Road APPLICANT DATE OF BIRTH Soon Ying Lau 04/16/26 NAMES OF COMPANY OR CORPORATE PRINCIPALS Soon Ying Lau 04/16/26 Jenny Lau y 09/30/27 Duning Lau v 05/07/56 Glenn Lau 03/12/54 Maple (I,1) Mark 02/20/58 NAMES OF LIAISED MANAGERS Glenn Lau 03/12/54 Dunning Lau 05/07/56 Wine License Renewal Application [�- Minnesota Form #9114 4-- Surety Bond form #9116 Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance Minnesota License Application c, Proof of Workers Compensation Ins, v Notice/Release Form Changes Reported e� No Part I Required Yes KIP Part II Required es X10 Record Checks Completed Ye No Wine License Inspection Completed Wes No Calls for service - wine /liquor related c! K-2 Followup inspection reccmended Yes Recommend Approval Ye No Investigator: e�z-C'�`' ;� -- 9 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Wine License Renewal - Dayton's Boundary Waters DATE: June 15, 1989 Dayton's Boundary Waters was reexamined for the purpose of wine license renewal for the license period starting July 1, 1989. This examination included an updated criminal check on the owner(s) and managers of the license, a review of calls and complaints responded to by the police at the license location, and an inspection of the license location to monitor compliance with ordinances and statutes. Criminal checks on the principals responsible for management of Dayton's Boundary Waters revealed no criminal convictions that affect the management of the license. A complete review of police response to calls for service or complaints at Dayton's Boundary Waters indicated no such responses that were pertinent to mismanagement of the license or suspected law violations. An unannounced inspection of Dayton's Boundary Waters was conducted on June 14, 1989. No discrepancies were noted with regard to applicable statutes and ordinances. At the conclusion of the inspection the manager was explained the findings. Based on the above findings, license renewal is recommended for Dayton's Boundary Waters. If you have any questions, please contact me. CRAIG G. SWANSON CHIEF OF POLICE CGS:nah LIQUOR/WINE LICENSE RENEIAL /INSPECTION 1:M Daytons Boundary Waters Rest. #100 Southdale Center APPLICANT DATE OF BIRTH John Dason Lovelace 01/01/43 NAMES OF COMPANY OR CORPORATE PRINCIPALS NAIL OF LICENSED MANAGERS Helen Faye Bowman 04/02/55 Marie Luise Schmidt v 11/23/53 DeAnn Lime Bugella v 02/16/65 Pam Adele Haupt v 03/13/64 Loretta Mae Macht 04/24/36 44a-�- e—"* 4 1! 2 a M 0 Wine License Renewal Application Minnesota Form #9114 Surety Bond form #9116 Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance v Minnesota License Application Proof of Workers Ccapensation Ins. ci Notice/Release Form v Changes Reported Yes C01- Part I Required Yes Part II Required Yes !Qo' Record Checks Completed es. No Wine License Inspection Completed (2 No Calls for service - wine /liquor related Yes Ro% Followup inspection recommended Yes Recommend Approval Yes No Investigator: �� M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Wine License Renewal - Vie de France DATE: June 15, 1989 Vie de France was reexamined for the purpose of wine license renewal for the license period starting July 1, 1989. This examination included an updated criminal check on the owner(s) and managers of the license, a review of calls and complaints responded to by the police at the license location, and an inspection of the license location to monitor compliance with ordinances and statutes. Criminal checks on the principals responsible for management of Vie de France revealed no criminal convictions that affect the management of the license. A complete review of police response to calls for service or complaints at Vie de France indicated no such responses that were pertinent to mismanagement of the license or suspected law violations. An unannounced inspection of Vie de France was conducted on June 14, 1989. No discrepancies were noted with regard to applicable statutes and ordinances. At the conclusion of the inspection the manager was explained the findings. Based on the above findings, license renewal is recommended for The Empress Restaurant. If you have any questions, please contact me. CRAIG G. SWANSON CHIEF OF POLICE CGS:nah LIQL)OVAINE LICENSE RENEWAL /INSPECTION Vie be France Bakery & Cafe 3640 West 70th Street APPLICANT Robert Neil Blessing Jr. NAMES OF COMPANY OR CORPORATE PRINCIPALS Robert Neil Blessing Jeffrey Ira Newman Guy Henri Tuleu Jean -Louis Vilgrain Richard Joseph Ripp Alexandre Vilgrain Thcmas Steven Vesolich NA°ES OF LICENSED MANAGERS Kelly Ann Stellburg Jason William Gillquist Marciia Louise Miller Susan 'Marie Black v" v v v v v' Wine License Renewal Application Minnesota Form #9114 Surety Bond form #9116 Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance Minnesota License Application Proof of Workers Ccmpensation Ins. Notice/Release Form Changes Reported Part I Part II 1989 HATE OF BIRTH v' v" Yes No Required Yes No Required Yes No Record Checks Completed Yes No f �{ /— �Xc�vlC'(: c �r� jG /2ri� — Crti /t7� (l0'dn/"n _ A�cr�•r.I i' (` !Cs ✓. 10/08/43 10/08/43 09/26/52 02/01/32 04/10/54 02/14/30 04/10/54 05/01/44 02/02/67 06/24/68 06/30/59 03/21/56 Wine License Inspection Completed gs% No Calls for service - wine /liquor related Yes W Followup inspection reccmended =e s_, No Recommend Approval Yes No Investigator: M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Wine License Renewal - The Good Earth DATE: June 15, 1989 The Good Earth was reexamined for the purpose of wine license renewal for the license period starting July 1, 1989. This examination included an updated criminal check on the owner(s) and managers of the license, a review of calls and complaints responded to by the police at the'license location, and an inspection of the license location to monitor compliance with ordinances and statutes. Criminal checks on the principals responsible for management of The Good Earth revealed no criminal convictions that affect the management of the license. A complete review of police response to calls for service or complaints at The Good Earth indicated no such responses that were pertinent to mismanagement of the license or suspected law violations. An unannounced inspection of The Good Earth was conducted on June 13, 1989. No discrepancies were noted with regard to applicable statutes and ordinances. At the conclusion of the inspection the manager was explained the findings. Based on the above findings, license renewal is recommended for The Good Earth. If you have any questions, please contact me. CRAIG G. SWANSON CHIEF OF POLICE CGS:nah V LIQUOR/WINE LICENSE 1L /INSPECTION 1989 The Good Earth 3460 West 70th Street APPLICANT DATE OF BIRTH Don William Hays v 08/24/42 NAMES OF COMPANY OR.CORPORATE PRINCIPALS Required Don William Hays v 08/24/42 George Francis Jones v 09/14/43 Peter Jan Mihajlov 12/03/39 Philip Arleigh Roberts v 10/14/38 NAIL OF LICEu MANAGERS Donna Jean Fahs �, 01/12/56 Elizabeth Lane Smart v 05/18/59 Michael Lauron Krouse y 05/18/64 Lisa Marie Mihalik v 01/10/66 Wine License Renewal Application !� Minnesota Form 19114 v Surety Bond form #9116 Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance Minnesota License Application v Proof of Workers Ccmpensation Ins. Notice/Release Form Changes Reported Yes Part I Required Yes LNG Part II Required Yes Record Checks Completed No Wine License Inspection Completed No Calls for service - wine /liquor related Yes G9 Followup inspection reccmended Yes (Toj Recommend Approval Yes ; No Investigator: 9 r' M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager a FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Wine License Renewal - The Pantry DATE: June 16, 1989 The Pantry was reexamined for the purpose of wine license renewal for the license period starting July 1, 1989. This examination included an updated criminal check on the owner(s) and managers of the license, a review of calls and complaints responded to by the police at the license location, and an inspection of-the license location to monitor compliance with ordinances and statutes. Criminal checks on the principals responsible for management of The Pantry revealed no criminal convictions that affect the management of the license. A complete review of police response to calls for service or complaints at The Pantry indicated no such responses that were pertinent to mismanagement of the license or suspected law violations. An unannounced inspection of The Pantry was conducted on June 14, 1989. There was not a licensed manager on duty at the time of inspection. At the conclusion of the inspection the employee was explained the findings and the owner was notified by telephone on June 16, 1989. An unannounced re- inspection will occur within 30 days to assure compliance. A conditional approval for license renewal is recommended. If you have any questions, please contact me. CRAIG G. SWANSON CHIEF OF POLICE CGS:nah LIQUOR/WINE LICENSE ,L /INSPECTION 1989 Pantry Restrauant 5101 Arcadia Avenue APPLICANT, Kenneth Donald Johnson v NAMES OF OOMPANY OR CORPORATE PRINCIPALS Kenneth Donald Johnson NAMES OF LICENSED MANAG�FS DATE OF BIRTH 11/03/48 11/03/48 Bruce Alan Bjorkman y 07/24/53 Shelia Mary-Jewell 11/16/57 Jane Helen Miller 09/16/43 ITEMS COMPLETED Wine License Renewal Application (� Minnesota Form #9114 v Surety Bond form #9116 Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance v Minnesota License Application y Proof of Workers Compensation Ins, v Notice/Release Form Changes Reported Yes V) Part I Required Yes o--- Part II - Required Yes% Record Checks Completed jgV No Wine License Inspection Completed © No Calls for service - wine /liquor related Yes N Followup inspection reccmnended Yes No Recoim►end Approval Yes No Investigator: a M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Wine License Renewal - Szechuan Star DATE: June 16, 1989 The Szechuan Star was reexamined for the purpose of wine license renewal for the license period starting July 1, 1989. This examination included an updated criminal check on the owner(s) and managers of the license, a review of calls and complaints responded to by the police at the license location, and an inspection of the license location to monitor compliance with ordinances and statutes. Criminal checks on the principals responsible for management of The Szechuan Star revealed no criminal convictions that affect the management of the license. A complete review of police response to calls for service or complaints at The Szechuan Star indicated no such responses that were pertinent to mismanagement of the license or suspected law violations. An unannounced inspection of The Szechuan Star was conducted on June 15, 1989. No discrepancies were noted with regard to applicable statutes and ordinances. At the conclusion of the inspection the manager was explained the findings. Based on the above findings, license renewal is recommended for The Szechuan Star. If you have any questions, please contact me. CRAIG G. SWANSON CHIEF OF POLICE CGS:nah LIQUOR/WINE LICENSE RENEvAL /INSPECTION Szechuan Star Restaurant 3655 Hazelton Road 1989 APPLICANT DA-TEE OF BIRTH Kuen Kuen Woo Huie C/ 02/27/55 NAMES OF COMPANY OR CORPORATE PRINCIPALS Kuen Kuen Woo Huie V 02/27/55 Kuen Kuen Woo Huie 02/27/55 Woon Kuen Wu _ 11/06/58 Sai Man Tn1u L 09/08/62 Tin Man Wu 09/30/60 Wine License Renewal Application. c� Minnesota Form #9114 v Surety Bond form #9116 v Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance y Minnesota License Application Proof of Workers Compensation Ins. Notice/Release Form v Changes Reported Yes CO- Part I Required Yes co, Part II Required Yes s Record Checks Completed des, No Wine License Inspection Completed Ves No Calls for service - wine /liquor related �' Followup inspection recommended Yes Recommend Approval Ye No zfInvestigator: M E M O R A N D U M TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Wine License Renewal - Original Pancake House /My Pie DATE: June 16, 1989 The Original Pancake House /My Pie was reexamined for the purpose of wine license renewal for the license period starting July 1, 1989. This examination included an updated criminal check on the owner(s) and managers of the license, a review of calls and complaints responded to by the police at the license location, and an inspection of the license location to monitor compliance with ordinances and statutes. Criminal checks on the principals responsible for management of The Original Pancake House revealed no criminal convictions that affect the management of the license. A complete review of police response to calls for service or complaints at The Original Pancake House indicated no such responses that were pertinent to mismanagement of the license or suspected law violations. An unannounced inspection of The Original Pancake House was conducted on June 15, 1989. Sgt. Olwin was served a glass of wine upon requesting wine and no food. The waitress corrected her mistake within a few minutes. The manager on duty was advised immediately. An unannounced re- inspection will occur within 30 days to assure compliance. A conditional approval for license renewal is recommended. If you have any questions, please contact me. CRAIG G. SWANSON CHIEF OF POLICE CGS:nah LIQUOR/WINE LICENSE REICWAL /INSPECTION 1989 Original Pancake House/My Pie 3501 West 70th Street APPLICANT DATE OF BIRTH Frederick Wienfield Webb. �-' 12/16/50 NAMES OF COMPANY OR CORPORATE PRINCIPALS David Popper Webb v 06/21/45 Frederick Wienfield Webb v' 12/16/50 NAMES OF LICENSED N %AWZRS Kenneth Edward Hanson ii 08/10/60 Jane Elizabeth Smalkoski cv 03/22/59 Darren Lee Buechler 05/24/66 Thcmas Joseph Charlesworth J` 03/20/64 `iiY'u:'(��.yP Wine License Renewal Application v Minnesota Form #9114 Surety Bond form #9116 Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance Minnesota License Application Proof of Workers Ccmpensation Ins. v Notice/Release Form Changes Reported Yesq Part I Required Yes (X,g Part II Required Yes (Ecy Record Checks Completed es No i Wine License Inspection Completed Pes No Calls for service - wine /liquor related (317 Followup inspection recommended es No Recommend Approval es No Investigator: Y e /f 01 J Ln O ,Y)/ REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item # 'I.J: From: GORDON L. HUGHES Consent ❑ ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 19, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA S_ ubject: To Council 198.9 -1990 WORK PROGRAM Action Motion ❑ 'Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adopt 1989 - 1990 Work Program. 0 Info /Background: Attached is a copy of the subject Work Program that has been revised in accordance with the Council's direction. CITY OF EDINA 1989 - 1990 WORK PROGRAM ISSUE #1. How can Edina maintain the quality and diversity of our housing stock and the integrity of our neighborhoods? Goal: Preserve and protect the character of Edina's residential neighborhoods and the quality of the housing stock. Focus: Edina's housing stock and residential neighborhoods are our most valuable assets. The preservation of these assets is of paramount importance. These assets are potentially threatened by two very different factors having their roots in the aging of the community. First, homes are older and therefore, more vulnerable to deferred maintenance and which may result in the deterioration of our housing stock. Second, neighborhoods are potentially impacted by demands for new housing opportunities which cannot be satisfied through traditional subdivisions. These demands for new housing can result in adverse effects on neighborhood integrity. Short -Term Objectives: Promote the maintenance and rehabilitation of housing stock through regulatory and financial incentives. Provide new standards for single family subdivision, especially in established neighborhoods. Work Program and Timetable: Adopt amendments to the Zoning /Subdivision Ordinance regulating single family subdivisions, especially subdivisions of developed lots - August, 1989. Investigate the feasibility of code compliance /truth in housing inspections prior to the sale of single family homes - September, 1989. Target CDBG loans and grants at selected neighborhoods. Pursue other home improvement loan /grant programs such as those sponsored by MHFA. Investigate home improvement programs for homes not presently owner occupied. 1989 71990 Work Program June, 1989 Page 2 ISSUE #2 - FINANCE How can the City expand its revenue sources in light of its inability to rely on traditional methods of raising revenues? How can the Council improve its monitoring of City finances? Goal: Long term stability in City revenues with minimal reliance on other levels of government. Focus: The 1988 - 1989 Work Program identified issues relating to alternate revenue sources and the need to utilize these sources to maintain present service levels. This year's work program restates this issue. In addition, the Council expressed a desire to improve financial reporting systems to improve their monitoring of expenditures. Short Term Objectives: Identify and review the feasibility of tapping non - traditional revenue sources for supporting the City operating budget. Provide a financial report at the first Council meeting of each month. Work Program and Timetable: Establish a think tank of community leaders to brainstorm alternative revenue sources: Establish think tank - 9/15/89 Report - 2/15/90 Develop a financial reporting system that provides a monthly overview of the City's expenditures and revenues for Council review. Timetable: Implement System - 7/10/89 1989 -1990 Work Program June, 1989 Page Three ISSUE #3: What environmental and public health hazards threaten the vitality of Edina and how can these hazards be addressed? Goal: A liveable city. Focus: As part of the 1988 -1989 Work Program, the City will commence a City -wide door -to -door recycling program to do our part in managing the regional solid waste disposal problem. The Council realizes, like solid waste, other issues threaten the livability of Edina. Among these at the local level are roadway noise and groundwater pollution. Other issues, such as AIDS /HIV are international in scope. Short Term Objectives: Divert 16% of Edina's solid waste stream for calendar year 1990. Increase AIDS /HIV awareness among all City employees. Improve the monitoring of the City's drinking water supply. Work Program: • Implement weekly pick -up recyclables for all single family and two family dwellings by July 1, 1989. • Undertake AIDS /HIV training for all City employees and adopt a workplace AIDS /HIV policy. • Test City wells twice annually for a broad spectrum of organic contaminants including volatile organic compounds (VOC) ISSUE #4: How can the City more effectively influence public policy, especially State Tax policy, and communicate with our residents? Focus: Edina has participated for many years with the League of Minnesota Cities, Association of Metropolitan Municipalities and the Municipal Legislative Commission to advocate local 1989 -1990 Work Program June, 1989 Page Four governments, philosophies and viewpoints. Although these relationships have been and will continue to be valuable, we believe that Edina has a special story which can be a model for effective local government. This story should not only be related to our constituents, but also to other governments and policy leaders, especially those who establish policies concerning local government finance. Short Term Objective: Develop a strategy for conveying the Edina story through a multi- faceted network of local opinion leaders and government officials in order to: • Inform residents about property taxes • Explain the relationship with other governmental units especially as it relates to taxation s Provide public education concerning legislative tax policies Work Program: Consider a public information program comprising: e A public opinion assessment focusing primarily on tax related issues • Direct communication with homeowners through newsletters and special mailers • Special communications directed at senior citizens and business owners rl� o e -7� Cn \ ~�URPOPLOA 1888 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: CITY.MANAGER AND COUNCIL From: GORDON L. HUGHES ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Date: JUNE 19, 1989 Subject: PLASTICS BAN ORDINANCE Recommendation: Info /Background: Agenda Item # vi . K: Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance 0 Discussion In accordance with City Council direction, staff has prepared the attached Draft Ordinance relating to the prohibition of plastic packaging. This Draft is patterned after Ordinances which have been adopted in other cities. Based upon our review of the Draft Ordinance, we recommend some revisions of Section 4 and Section 5 as it relates to the roll of the Recycling Commission. In Section 4, we believe that the City Manager, rather than the Recycling Commission should have the duty to enforce the Ordinance. In Section 5, we recommend that the City Manager promulgate rules and regulations subject to the Recycling Commission's recommendations and the City Council's adoption. If the City Council wishes to consider this Draft Ordinance, we suggest that a hearing date be set for July 10, 1989. At this hearing, it would be appropriate to receive testimony concerning the need to regulate non - degradable, non - returnable and non - recyclable plastic food and beverage packaging. Staff could arrange for experts to provide such expert testimony. n N ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE PACKAGING, PROHIBITING THE USE OF PACKAGING WHICH IS NOT ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE, AND ESTABLISHING THE MEANS OF MONITORING COMPLIANCE WITH AND ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND ESTABLISHING A PENALTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Legislative Purpose. The City Council finds that discarded packaging from foods and beverages constitutes a significant and growing portion of the waste in the Twin Cities metropolitan area's waste stream. Regulation of food and beverage packaging, therefore, is a necessary part of any effort to encourage a recyclable and compostable waste stream, thereby reducing the disposal of solid waste and the economic and environmental costs of waste management for the citizens of Edina and others working or doing business in Edina. The Council also finds that plastic packaging is rapidly replacing other packaging material, and that most plastic packaging used for foods and beverages is nondegradable, nonreturnable and nonrecyclable. The Council also finds that the two main processes used to dispose of discarded nondegradable, nonreturnable and nonrecyclable plastic foods and beverage packaging, are land filling and incineration, both of which should be minimized for environmental reasons. The Council also finds that chemicals hazardous to human health and to the safety of the environment are present in the composition of plastic packaging, are believed to leach into the groundwater when this packaging is placed in landfills, have been found to escape into the air when this packaging is burned in incinerators, and contribute to environmental problems associated with ash residue resulting from the incineration process. The Council, therefore, finds that the minimization of nondegradable, nonreturnable and nonrecyclable food and beverage packaging originating at retail food establishments within the City of Edina is necessary and desirable in order to reduce the City's waste stream, so as to reduce the volume of landfilled waste, to minimize toxic by- products of incineration, to make the waste stream less damaging to the environment, and to make our City and neighboring communities more environmentally sound places to live. Section 2. Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings as defined in this section: (a) "Packaging" shall mean and include all food - related wrappings, adhesives, cords, bindings, strings, tapes, ribbons, bags, boxes, coverings and containers; and shall further include cups, glasses and similar containers for drinking out of or for holding liquids, and plates and serving trays, but shall specifically exclude plastic knives, forks and spoons sold or intended for use as utensils. (b) "Environmentally acceptable packaging" shall mean and include any of the following: (1) DEGRADABLE PACKAGING: Paper or other cellulose - based packaging capable of being decomposed by natural biological or biochemical processes; (2) RETURNABLE PACKAGING: Food or beverage containers or packages, such as, but not limited to, soft drink bottles and milk containers that are capable of being returned to the distributor,. such as but not limited to, dairies and soft drink bottlers, for reuse as the same food or beverage container use at least once; (3) RECYCLABLE PACKAGING: Packaging made of materials that are separable from solid waste by the generator or during collection and are currently collected for recycling in an organized fashion in a municipally sponsored program within the City of Edina. Packaging made of either polyethylene terepthalate (P.E.T.) or high density polyethylene (H.D.P.E.) shall be considered to be recyclable if and when it is collected for recycling in the same manner as here stated. (c) "Food establishment" as used in this Chapter means a "food establishment" as defined in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 731 of the City. (d) The "Commission" shall mean the Recycling Commission of the City of Edina. Section 3. Prohibitions. No person owning, operating or conducting a food establishment within the City of Edina shall do or allow to be done any of the following within the City: Sell or convey at retail or possess with the intent to sell or convey at retail any food or beverage that is placed, wrapped or packaged, at any time at or before the time or point of sale, in or on packaging which is not environmentally acceptable packaging. The presence on the premises of the food establish- ment of packaging which is not environmentally acceptable packaging shall constitute a rebuttable presumption of intent to sell or convey at retail, or to provide to retail customers packaging which is not environmentally acceptable packaging; provided, however, that this subparagraph shall not apply to manufacturers, brokers or warehouse operators, who conduct or transact no retail food or beverage business. Section 4. Enforcement. The Commission shall have the duty and the authority' to enforce provisions of this Ordinance. Section 5. Rules and Regulations. The Commission may, upon notice and hearing, promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance and protect the health of the public, including the development of exemptions under Section 7 hereof for packaging for which there is no commercially available alternative and for flexible packaging. In promulgating such rules the Commission shall consider the legislative purposes provided in Section 1 of this Ordinance and shall consult with the operators of affected food establishments. Section 6. Duties of -the Commission. In addition to the foregoing, the charge of the Commission shall include the following: (a) Monitoring industry and governmental actions relating to environmentally acceptable packaging; (b) Advising the City Council on implementation issues; (c) Advising the City Council on the feasibility of the effective date of this Ordinance and recommending whether or not the effective date should be extended; (d) Assisting in efforts to expand the City's recycling program to include the collection of potentially recyclable materials not presently collected, including consider- ation of financial assistance; (e) Recommending actions other levels of government and industry can take to advance the goals of this Ordinance. (f) Assisting in the development and implementation of public education programs on recycling and packaging; (g) Encouraging adoption of substantially similar regulations by surrounding cities, particularly those cities with a border in common with the City of Edina. Section 7. Exemptions. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, this ordinance shall not apply to: (a) Any flexible packaging of 10 mils or less in thickness unless disapproved by the Commission pursuant to rules promulgated under Section 5 above; (b)' Any packaging used at hospitals or nursing homes; (c) Any paper, cellophane or other cellulose -based packaging that is coated with plastic; (d) Any packaging which is not environmentally acceptable, but for which there is no commercially available alternative as determined by the Commission by rule promulgated pursuant to Section 5 above. In determining whether there are commercially available alternatives, the Commission shall consider the following: (1) the availability of environmentally acceptable packaging for affected products; (2) the economic consequences to manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and other vendors of requiring environmentally acceptable packaging when available; and (3) the competitive effects on manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and other vendors involved in the sale of product brands or labels available only in packaging that is not environmentally acceptable packaging. Every rule creating an exemption under this paragraph shall be reviewed annually by the Commission to determine whether current conditions continue to warrant the exemption. Section.8. Penalties. Each violation of any provision of this ordinance or of lawful regulations promulgated under Section 5 hereof shall be a petty misdemeanor, for which the maximum fine shall be $50.00, plus costs of prosecution. Each day on which a violation occurs constitutes a separate violation. Section 9. License Adverse Action. A violation of Section 3 shall be sufficient grounds for the revocation, suspension, denial or non - renewal of any license for the food establishment at which the violation occurs. Section 10. Severability. If any part or provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person, entity, or circumstances shall be adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part, provision or application which is directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered, and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this Ordinance. or the application thereof to other persons, entities, or circumstances. Section 11. Effective effect The pursuant to the recommendations effective date of this Ordinance ATTEST: Clerk Date. This Ordinance shall take City Council may, however, of the Commission, delay the for a period not to exceed Mayor DRAFT RESOLUTION CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, discarded packaging from foods and beverages constitutes a significant and growing portion of the waste stream in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, and WHEREAS, plastic packaging is rapidly replacing other packaging material, and most plastic packaging used for foods and beverages is non - degradable, non - returnable and non - recyclable, and WHEREAS, improper disposal of plastic packaging presents a hazard to human health and the environment, and WHEREAS, plastic packaging can best be regulated on a region -wide basis in order to provide uniform standards and regulations and to reduce the cost of enforcement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City Council of the City of Edina supports legislation imposing rules and regulations on plastic packaging in the seven - county metropolitan area. FURTHER,.BE IT RESOLVED: That the City Council requests the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities and the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities area, to advocate legislation that would provide uniform standards and regulations for all cities in the seven - county metropolitan area relative to the prohibition of plastic packaging. Dated this day of 19 ti AGENDA ITEM. VII.A June 6, 1989 Edina City Council 4801 - West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55423 To whom it may concern: We are writing regarding the future of the Braemar Golf League - "Sunshine Gals." At our organizational meeting it was brought to our attention that effective in 1990 all members of the Braemar Golf Leagues must be Edina residents. Our league has been a loyal patron of the Braemar Golf Course for over ten years. Only a few of the members are Edina residents, but we hope to continue golfing at Braemar for years to come. We respectfully request that you consider a compromise to your policy of Edina residency: we suggest that current members of the league may not be terminated. The restriction of Edina residency would apply only to new members who wish to join the league. Over time, through attrition, your goal of Edina residency would still be achieved. In the meantime, Braemar (and the City of Edina) can continue to benefit from the weekly patronage of the "Sunshine Gals." Please note this league plays on the Executive Course and there is ample room for additional Edina residents to join as members. Please, re- evalute your proposed policy of Edina members only in Braemar Golf Leagues. Thank you, SUNSHINE GALS ,�4� � A / /— " zx - Bernice Schultz 6510 Humboldt Ave. So. Richfield MN 55423 SUNSHINE GALS r / �/ WA- o e A ch �'~�barow�z °v • lase REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: JUNE 14, 1989 Subject: PETITION FOR EASEMENT VACATION - EDINBOROUGH WAY Recommendation: Agenda item # VII. B. Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Adoption of a resolution.setting August 7, 1989 as hearing date for the vacation of right of way easement vacation - Edinborough Way. Info /Background: A petition has been filed with the City requesting vacation of a portion of the right of way easement of Edinborough Way, per the attached application. A hearing date of August 7, 1989 is recommended to allow time for the required publication and mailing of notices to adjacent property owners and utility companies. FeL'; , $75.00 CITY OF EDINA PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY VACATION APPLICATION Date Initiated June 13, 1989 =rJr�f 1) I hereby petition the City Council of the City of Edina to vacate all of:-. "the following described public right -of -way: L.� Street Alley Utility Easement DDrainage Easement Other` (describe) Description of area proposed to be vacated: 4 . See Attached Exhibit A Attached copy of scaled drawing showing in full detail the pro osed vacation, - See attached Exhibit B Signatur Keith E. Dahl /BRW, Inc Address 700 Third Street South, Minneapolis, MN 10 -3800 Telephone (612) 370 -0700 2) Review CITY ENGINEER by Acceptable Opposed Conditional Conditions MINNEGASCO by Acceptable Opposed Conditional Conditions N.W. BELL by Acceptable Opposed Conditional Conditions N.S.P. by Acceptable =Opposed D Conditional Conditions 10 -3800 +z 111�01 �J BRW, INC. THRESHER SQUARE 700 THIRD STREET SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55415 Date: To: C/rY OF 6ZWA ¢8� l EST er ry exMier E4/MA, 141V 1 " *?* Amy: Cary From: A�Vr# ZWN4. Re: PyBL /C' R1&#T- 40E-A1*4V I`iC 4,47 -7 /O/✓ AFIDIMSO)w V60 140 Y - scarN 45 11"V 1 Item(s): No. I Purpose: PLANNING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING URBAN DESIGN PHONE: 612/370 -0700 FAX: 612/370 -1378 TRANSMITTAL ApAumrla4✓ as you requested for your information for your approval review and return reply to sender other (see remarks) Remarks: Vqewrloll ReQvrsToA /s 4 Pner of T/F o*fii s IF Ce'Ad"riFiVAIIA . M45.5 oRtc,51D FATI 4 L 4011A&MIWIVa? AXN6 ?444 4AAS' OW of 7;VO d fTy O*C eoin/A0 f AW4RQ4FD TNO APt4647-10n/ n A40 AAW /S 4W4 2C OF 7W4F RMUIR6. 0 ;q6oT0/1. 114:.511004Z ,W , 264e To ANSWOR ANY 4POCS770 lS MINNEAPOLIS DENVER PHOENIX TUCSON S . RJid r � I #29, 18- 8902.9 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED EDINBOROUGH WAY RIGHT -OF -WAY VACATION All that part of EDINBOROUGH WAY, as donated and dedicated by SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of LOT 1, BLOCK 2, said SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT ADDITION; thence on an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees, 14 minutes 09 seconds East, along the easterly line of said LOT 1 for 100.00 feet; thence South 18 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds East, con- tinuing along said easterly line for 63.25 feet; thence North 00 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds West for 159.90 feet to an intersection with the easterly extension of the northerly line of said LOT 1; thence North 89 degrees 57 minutes 33 seconds West, along said easterly exten- sion for 20.00 feet to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT B VMS PLANNING PORTATION AQCHITECTLW LAND SURVEYING SENNETT. RINGROSE. wOIYRD. JARMS. CARONER. INC. I N 00 °07'21 "W 3 -N O h: MOO Z; N 00 °14'09 "W 659.05 - -J- 8m -I �PONT NOT +611.38 v TANGENT 67.73- • ' o� ALT n S 1091,57•w S Don 409T pn N - I 9 a p t5' W N J DRAINAN:E AND unutt N p! J P EASEYENT ' O J A- - - - _ _ _ ` h ,t. .1 VA WED PER DOG. NO EDINBOROUGH WAY 6 ^T� f m h VACATION EXHIBIT s•$I n < - m ^Nz 5 FT. DRAINAGE • unUfY EASEY[t+T , DO Oc cl 2 e <10D ov N M � - - _I_ 47.63 - -- --- -- - - ---3 ryb D R RD. NO. 17 3p v L r.Mj l ytn U h" •1 " 1� 20.00,-zjk-� 5 047932 -E 99_90 •11 CO c A -J + -BO- !6'06' R.93.00 N 00 °14'09 "W I z P 972.03 T I 0 �- -- - 369.54 - -41j q: ----------- L I •�y OJ \ use S00'41 0l E.... I ' ' .....- .- ...... 1 DR Q In In ILLJ A- onn / ! z o z fn1 fo V _J O n a I K tl J Nh 10 4 C ccr N N JJJ P� J S DaaJ. O 100 200 r I BASS FOR BEARINGS 4 ASSWED v'. • DENOTES 010N YONNYENT VMS PLANNING PORTATION AQCHITECTLW LAND SURVEYING SENNETT. RINGROSE. wOIYRD. JARMS. CARONER. INC. I N 00 °07'21 "W 3 -N O h: MOO Z; N 00 °14'09 "W 659.05 - -J- 8m -I �PONT NOT +611.38 v TANGENT 67.73- • ' o� ALT n S 1091,57•w S Don 409T pn N - I 9 a p t5' W N J DRAINAN:E AND unutt N p! J P EASEYENT ' O J A- - - - _ _ _ ` h ,t. .1 VA WED PER DOG. NO 6 ^T� f m • N g1 Non m Z s•$I n < - m ^Nz 5 FT. DRAINAGE • unUfY EASEY[t+T , mm < IT H. 2 e <10D ov U � - - _I_ 47.63 o °S ^= ryb D R RD. NO. 17 3p v L 15 - _ ytn U h" •1 " 5 047932 -E 99_90 •11 A -J + -BO- !6'06' R.93.00 POINT Not /1 }yam fu1GCHl TAA P 972.03 T I 0 �- - "3 S es.7 73•se'c q: r Ln Z a O a W w w N PREPARED JUNE 13, 1989 6 ^T� q��D � V JV P 1 HEST LING OF Hw 1, 4, N,O NN.PO '�1 1 % o�w o m� 5 FT. DRAINAGE • unUfY EASEY[t+T , Sw t /a• SEC. 32. T2B, R24 I v 5 85125'58'E " + HENN. CO. `� - - _I_ 47.63 o °S ^= ryb D R RD. NO. 17 R , 15 - _ 00 _ re I h" •1 " 5 047932 -E 99_90 •11 _ 27A49 '_ _ -J + -BO- !6'06' R.93.00 P 972.03 T I 0 �- - "3 S es.7 73•se'c L I 1276.03 \ use S00'41 0l E.... I ' ' .....- .- ...... 1 r Ln Z a O a W w w N PREPARED JUNE 13, 1989 a REPORT /RECOMMENDATION lees To: CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item # xI . A. From: KENNETH ROSLAND Consent ❑ CITY MANAGER - Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 19, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA S_ ubject: To Council SET HEARING DATE - FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL Action ❑ . Motion BONDS Fx� Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Set hearing date for July 10, 1989. Info /Background: Refer to attached Resolution. Councilmember introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO A PROJECT ON BEHALF OF FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL AND HEALTHCARE SERVICES UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT; CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING THEREON BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "Municipality "), as follows: SECTION 1 Recitals 1.1. The Municipality is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165 (the "Act "), to issue its revenue bonds to finance capital projects consisting of properties used and useful in connection with a revenue - producing enterprise, whether or not operated for profit, engaged in providing health care services, including hospitals. Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services, a Minnesota non - profit corporation ( "Fairview "), which owns and operates Fairview Southdale Hospital (the "Hospital ") located in the Municipality, has requested the Municipality issue its revenue bonds in an aggregate total amount not to exceed $17,000,000 (the "Bonds ") to finance a portion or all of the cost of additions and improvements to the Hospital and the acquisition and installation of items of equipment in the Hospital. SECTION 2 Public Hearin 2.1. Section 469.154 Subdivision 4 of the Act requires that prior to submission of an Application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development requesting approval of the Project as required by Section 469.154 Subdivision 3 of the Act, this Council conduct a public hearing on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project. Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder, requires that prior to this issuance of the Bonds, this Council approve.the Bonds and the Project, after conducting a public hearing thereon. A public hearing on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project through the issuance of the Bonds is hereby called and shall be held on July 10, 1989, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall. 2.2. The City Clerk shall cause notice of the public hearing to be published in the Edina Sun - Current, the official newspaper of the Municipality and a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality, at least once not less than fourteen (14) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing. The notice to be published shall be in substantially the following form: -2- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED PROJECT AND THE ISSUANCE OF HOSPITAL SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 469.152- 469.165 CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City), will meet on July 10, 1989, at 7 :00 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, in Edina, Minnesota, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a proposal that the City.issue revenue bonds, in one or more series, under the Municipal Industrial Development Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152- 469.165, in order to finance all or a portion of the cost of a project on behalf of Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ( "Fairview "). The proposed project will consist of various additions and improvements to and the acquisition and installation of various items of equipment in Fairview Southdale Hospital, which is owned by Fairview and located at 6401 France Avenue South in the City. The maximum aggregate principal amount of the proposed bond issue is $17,000,000. The bonds will be limited obligations of the City, and the bonds and interest thereon will be payable solely from the revenues pledged to the payment thereof. No holder of any such bonds will ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the bonds or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment against any property of the City except moneys payable by Fairview to the City and pledged to the payment of the bonds. A draft copy of the proposed Application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development for approval of the project, together with draft copies of all attachments and exhibits thereto, is available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., on normal business days. All persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place set forth above, or may file written comments with the City Clerk prior to the date of the hearing set forth above. . Dated: June 19, 1989. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL By s/ Marcella Daehn City Clerk -3- 2.3. A draft copy of the proposed Application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development, together with draft copies of all attachments and exhibits thereto, are hereby ordered placed on file with the City Clerk and shall be available for public inspection, following publication of the notice of public hearing, between the hours of 8:00 -A.M. and 4:30 P.M., on normal business days. Attest: (SEAL) Adopted this 19th day of June, 1989. Mayor City Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. -4- Councilmember Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO A PROJECT ON BEHALF OF FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL AND HEALTHCARE SERVICES UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT; CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING THEREON BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "Municipality "), as follows: SECTION 1 Recitals 1.1. The Municipality is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165 (the "Act "), to issue.its revenue bonds to finance capital projects consisting of properties used and useful in connection with a revenue - producing enterprise, whether or not operated for profit, engaged in providing health care services, including hospitals. Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services, a Minnesota non - profit corporation ( "Fairview "), which owns and operates Fairview Southdale Hospital (the "Hospital ") located in the Municipality, has requested the Municipality issue its revenue bonds in an aggregate total amount not to exceed $17,000,000 (the "Bonds ") to finance a portion or all of the cost of additions and improvements to the Hospital and the acquisition and installation of items of equipment in the Hospital. SECTION 2 Public Hearing 2.1. Section 469.154 Subdivision 4 of the Act requires that prior to submission of an Application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development requesting approval of the Project as required by Section 469.154 Subdivision 3 of the Act, this Council conduct a public hearing on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project. Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder,. requires that prior to this issuance of the Bonds, this Council approve the Bonds and the Project, after conducting a public.hearing thereon -. A public hearing on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project through the issuance of the Bonds is hereby called and shall be held on July 10, 1989, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall. 2.2. The City Clerk shall cause notice of the public hearing to be published in the Edina Sun - Current, the official newspaper of the Municipality and a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality, at least once not less than fourteen (14) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing. The notice to be published shall be in substantially the following form: -2- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED PROJECT AND THE ISSUANCE OF HOSPITAL SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 469.152 - 469.165 CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City), will meet on July 10, 1989, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, in Edina, Minnesota, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a proposal that the City issue revenue bonds, in one or more series, under the Municipal Industrial Development Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152- 469.165, in order to finance all or a portion of the cost of a project on behalf of Fairview I Hospital and Healthcare Services, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ( "Fairview "). The proposed project will consist of various additions and improvements to and the acquisition and installation of various items of equipment in Fairview Southdale Hospital, which is owned by Fairview and located at 6401 France Avenue South in the City. The maximum aggregate principal amount of the proposed bond issue is $17,000,000. The bonds will be limited obligations of the City, and the bonds and interest thereon will be payable solely from the revenues pledged to the payment thereof. No holder of any such bonds will ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the bonds or the interest thereon, nor to- enforce payment against any property of the City except moneys payable by Fairview to the City and pledged to the payment of the bonds. A draft copy of the proposed Application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development for approval of the project, together with draft copies of all attachments and exhibits thereto, is available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4 :30 P.M., on normal business days. All persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place set forth above, or may file written comments with the City Clerk prior to the date of the hearing set forth above. Dated: June 19, 1989. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL By s/ Marcella Daehn City Clerk -3- 2.3. A draft copy of the proposed Application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development, together with draft copies of all attachments and exhibits thereto, are hereby ordered placed on file with the City Clerk and shall be available for public inspection, following publication of the notice of public hearing, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., on normal business days. Adopted this 19th day of June, 1989. Mayor Attest.-' �.� �'► r� Clerk (SEAL) The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Rice and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards and the following voted against the same: None whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. -4- . ,;, MOCITY OF � E®I IMA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612- 927 -8861 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I,.the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 19, 1989 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 25th day of July, 1989. 1, Marcella M. Daehn / City Clerk �9ZNAr� �3 o �''��bAPOR,•�� °� ,eaa REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and City Council From: Bob Kojetin, Director . Park and Recreation Dept. Date: June 15, 1989 Subject: GOLF LEAGUE POLICIES FROM 10/13/87 PARK BOARD Recommendation: Info /Background: Agenda Item # Consent ❑ Information Only Fx] Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Attached are the minutes of the Park Board October 13, 1987, meeting accepting the proposed golf league policies and rules. Also attached are the November 2, 1987, City Council minutes adopting the Park Board's policies. =! EDINA PARK BOARD 4x:30 p.m. ictober 13, 1987 Edina.City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Joan Lonsbury, Don Wineberg, Jim Fee, Mac Thayer, Jean Rydell, Marilyn Wooldridge, Andrew Montgomery, Bob Christianson, Bill Lord, Nancy Gleason for Jim Moe STAFF PRESENT: Bob Kojetin, John Keprios, John Valliere, Stacey Kness Joan Lonsbury called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Lonsbury introduced Nancy Gleason, School Board member, who is sitting in for James Moe. She thanked her for attending. I.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 8, 19879 MEETING Bob Christianson MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 8, 1987, MEETING. Mac Thayer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. !I. BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE LEAGUE PLAY Bob Kojetin explained what has been happening since the last meeting when this issue was discussed. It went to Council but was tabled and sent back to the Park Board for more studying. Mr. Kojetin and John Valliere recently met with the league presidents and.other league members and had an excellent meeting on the issue. The original proposal was proposed too quickly for them to understand. After it was hashed around, they really understand what the new proposal is trying to get at. Mr. Valliere and Mr. Kojetin started the meeting with an explanation as to the Golf Committee, the Park Board, and the Park and Recreation Department and'how they all relate to each other and how the Golf Course operates. They came up with some basic rules. (See attachment A.) At the end of the meeting, the league members seemed to understand and agree with the new policies, they just wanted time to adjust to the new proposal. Mr. Valliere stated that the change in the original thrust, which was to restrict the number of leagues a person could participate in, is just a compromise. The new proposal is the same idea, but the members are allowed to do it in 1990 rather than right away. This is a comfortable compromise for Mr. Valliere. He is in a position where he can make some room for the growth he is going to get. Mr. Valliere stated that over the summer, especially in the last two months, rumors have been wild, but now all the people involved have a clearer understanding that it isn't their golf course and they have to share it. The new proposal allows Mr. Valliere to have some control down the road; it gives him some parameters and some ways to deal with policies. This proposal has not been given to the leagues, but it has been discussed with them. There is better communication between the leagues and Mr. Valliere, and they seem to have a better attitude. This new proposal looks out for the golf public at large. - 1 - t Bob Christianson MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT COUNCIL ACCEPT THE "CITY OF EDINA PARK AND {� RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSED BRAEMAR GOLF LEAGUE POLICIES" (ATTACHMENT A) THAT HAVE BEEN PRESENTED THIS EVENING. Don Wineberg seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There was a small discussion before the motion carried. Mr. Wineberg said if John Valliere has put together these recommendations, we have to live with them. Mr. Valliere said by and large, the people accept this new proposal. Mr. Lord stated if John Valliere is happy with the proposal,'we should go along with it. Mr. Kojetin listed some general statistics regarding participation in Braemar Golf Course leagues: 1150 people in golf leagues 169 people are non - residents 23 people in couples league only 43 people in Men's Club and Goldenagers 124 women in 2 or more leagues 69 people in Executive Course league and 18 -hole league Mr. Kojetin shared some comments made by people at the meeting with the golf league presidents. (See Attachment B.) Mr. Wineberg commented that the number of people we are dealing with is less than 1 percent of the golfers at Braemar. We have to maintain and upgrade our existing course rather than make another 9 -hole right now. Mr. Keptios said we should maintain and .upgrade all of our existing facilities as opposed to spending our ' resources to build new facilities. Mr. Kojetin explained the Improvement Schedule (see Attachment C) for Braemar Golf Course. Council has approved some of these items, and some are built in to the operating budget and are not capital items. Mr. Kojetin then further explained some 1988 capital plans and goals. A new driving range building should be considered in the fall of 1988 and will cost about $100,000. During the summer of 1988, Mr. Kojetin will bring a proposal for a new driving range building and a new parking lot to the Park Board. A safety fence is in the works right now. Mr. Valliere hopes to have it up within a couple weeks. It is hoped that the Golf Course will be able to fund all these items. Mr. Valliere said every department at the Golf Course has exceeded his 1987 goals all ready. (See Attachment D.) Mrs. Lonsbury congratulated Mr. Valliere on another fine year. III. 1988 BUDGET Mr. Kojetin said the budget has been passed by Council. They cut $20,000 out of maintenance section aiming at the additional man to provide janitorial services for the Senior Center, Tupa Park (Grange'Hall and Cahill School), Art Center, and Arneson Acres. Mr. Kojetin went on to explain the status of the Adaptive Recreation professional Mr. Keprios had proposed. At first it was the understanding that the Council had �. approved this position if $25,000 is cut from other areas in the budget. At the - 2 - CITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSED BRAEMAR GOLF LEAGUE POLICIES These policies are proposed in order to facilitate the growing demands of residents wanting to participate in league play and still give adequate numbers of open golf time. It is the recommendation that these proposed new policies be started with the 1990 season which gives adequate time for affected leagues and golfers time to make adjustments in their membership and rules. LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP 1. Residence All golf league members must be residents of Edina. Present league members who are non residents, may continue as such through 1989. 2. Number of Leagues Beginning with 1990, all league members are limited to play in only one league or division. 3. Numbers Limitation All league membership shall be capped at their present limitations. Any 9 -hole women's morning league, presently capped at more than 48.members, shall through attrition, reduce their membership total to 48. This will facilitate the orderly play of the 18 -hole golfers through the back nine. 4. Time Assignments It may become necessary to adjust day of play and /or starting times to make a more effective course operation. 5. Reductions Beginning 1990, the following leagues will be eliminated: National Car Rental Hennepin County League Singles League CITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BRAEMAR GOLF LEAGUE PLAY POLICIES Present Rules as of June 1986 The Edina Park Board and the Edina Park and Recreation Department in conjunction with golf course management will set such golf league policies which are appropriate and necessary, updating them as needed. Although a municipality is not constituted to give special favors to a particular group, the golf course may grant limited privileges which are consistent with the rights of the general public. General League Guidelines - Golf Leagues or Clubs should: 1. Interest themselves primarily in promoting good sportsmanship, tournament programs and social contact among its members. 2. Foster and create good public relations between their golf league and all other golfers at Braemar. 3. Be walking delegates to insure proper habits and the observance of rules and regulations concerning play and upkeep of the course. 4. Must not forget the responsibility of the management to the general public. 5. Never invade the function retained by the City management to properly administrate the course. Present Golf League Policies (1986) 1. New Members a. All new golf league members must be residents of Edina. This does not include present industrial leagues on the Executive Course. b. All new league members may be members of only one league on the regulation course. Exception: Couples League. 2. Fees League members who are not patrons, shall pay a reserve tee time fee each season. This is an addition to the non - patron green fee. This fee averages approximately 25 cents per time for the year. 3. Reserve Tee Times a. The Course Management will set aside such tee times as are necessary for each league. This reserve time may fluctuate during the golfing season. b. Braemar reserves the right to make foursomes of all groups including and during league play. c. Reservation sign up sheets shall be provided by the course management. Changes in these reserved times must be approved by the course management so as to not create conflicts. d. From time to time it my become necessary to cancel or adjust league play for a special event, or for course maintenance. C C Policies (coat) When this occurs, the earliest possible notice will be given to the affected leagues. e. League event schedules which might affect the golfing public must be clearly resolved well in advance of the event and must be approved. f. During rain or inclimate weather, if the league decides not to play, the course should be promptly notified. Conversely, if the course must close due to weather conditions, prompt notification will be given to the league officers. 4. Membership numbers The Golf Course Manager shall limit the size and number of golf leagues at Braemar Golf Course. 5. League responsibilities - golf leagues shall a. Collect and manage its own funds and programs. b. Elect officers and directors or appoint as noted in their by -laws so as to spread authority and responsibility among a large segment.,of the membership. c. Conduct their own events and golf tournaments, with the guidance from the professionals and management of the course. d. Refrain from becoming profit motivated or accumulating any assets of any nature, except in the normal operation of a golf league. The retention of monies from one golfing season to the next, be only that which is necessary for the mailings and start up of the ensuing golf season. e. Provide the course with a roster of their membership, complete with name, address, phone and officers.. f. Provide their own postage, envelops and stationary. 6. Course management a. Will not have any part in the collection of dues or the naming of the officers of any golf league. b. Will recognize that each golf league represents only that portion of the total play at Braemar, which is represented by its roster. C. Must allow only such privileges as are consistant with the rights of the residents.and the general public. d. Should insist on the right of sitting in on, or attending golf league board meetings, as an ex- officio member. e. Assist the officers and members in each league with the necessary guidance to help them perform their duties. f. Act as a facilitator in the dissemination of information concerning changes in the rules of golf, handicap information, sale of golf merchandise, rules of amateur status and tournament participation. g. Provide a maximum of three (3) separate paper copy "runoffs" for each league during each golfing season. BRAEMAR GOLF LEAGUES 1987 REGULATION COURSE Braemar Men's Club Sully Rudd 926 -2051 Braemar Women's Club 18 holes Vada Ewald 941 -1283 Braemar Women's Club 9 holes Colleen Crew 925 -1629 Edina Newcomers Cindy Nelson 922 -5120 Highlanders Klefsaas 941 -6289 Braemar Monday League Kay Murphy 938 -4287 Bowling Green Martha Hilgenforf 929 -5421 Myrtle Lerum 866 -0601 Braemar Ladies Twilight Susan Snodgrass 944 -9050 . Tuesday Clubbers Mary Alice Sadler 922 -5112 Westwood Joyce Fess 474 -0045 Couples Warren /Rose Hoglin 922 -2522 Edina Women's Golf Assoc. Judy Cilla 935 -5362 Singles Dick Wegner 330 -6760 Hennepin County Lawrence Pratt 935 -3381 National Car Joe McLeod 830 -2825 Golden Agers Ken Malek 920 -0242 11/2/87 60 non - resident fees to participate in the programs many of them are now active in. He also said that there is a revenue side to the proposed program budget and that there would be fees and charges for each program. Mr. Keprios then introduced Dr. Marcia Carthaus, Director of Special Education for the Edina School District. Dr. Carthaus said that the number of residents in attendance speaks for support of anything the City is willing to do in the area of adaptive recreation programs. She said she would be in favor of a cooperative venture and that it is important to consider the widest and comprehensive types of services and programs. The schools have an adaptive physical education staff person both in the elementary and secondary school as mandated by public law. Summer programming is offered for a three -week span but needs,to be enlarged. She stressed that we should not forget the handicapped segment of the community that are now young adults. Segregated and integrated programs. are also being looked at to see how the handicapped can participate in mainstream programs. Dr. Carthaus said the schools have a mandate to serve students beginning at age 3 who need special services and that beginning July 1, 1988 that mandate drops to birth. The school will be the agency with public health and social services that oversees the programs, e.g. home interventions, consultations, etc. She said the handicapped population is growing because medical science is saving many of these children who are severely handicapped and that we have an obligation as a school and community to serve them. Approximately 400 students go through the programs directed out of the Special Education Department. Formal education through the public schools ends for the handicapped at age 21 and many end up at vocational schools. Their total social development, what their lives become and how they are sent out is important. The City and schools must work together on this so as to maximize the opportunities and options to enhance their self concepts and esteem as to what they can offer the community. The challenge for the City and schools is what can we offer the handicapped so that they will realize their potential development. Following the presentation, Member Kelly commented that she would support the program if the parents, the School District and the Park and Recreation Department will be working together on the best use of facilities to provide a year round recreational program for the handicapped. Speaking in support of the Adaptive Recreational Program were Barbara Gill, 5716 Continental Dr, Gene Kanofsky, 5121 Windsor Av, Frona Ites, 6008 Birchcrest Dr and Pat Salmi, 4516 Edina Blvd and Patty MacArthur- Brufoldt, 4837 Westbrook Ln. Member Smith said he could support the proposal but felt some homework needs to be done regarding the program as to 1) organization within the Park Department, 2) parental input to the Park Board and 3) how the joint powers agreement will function. Member Turner said she shared the concern about parental involvement but that she felt it was not necessary to delay the decision. Member Turner then moved approval of and funding not to exceed $25,000, to come from reserves, for the Adaptive Recreational Program as a joint venture with Eden Prairie to contract with the City of Richfield to provide the services of one fulltime adaptive recreational professional. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 1998 BUDGET RE- ALLOCATIONS APPROVED. Manager Rosland reminded the Council that at its m:cting of October 5, 1987 he had presented the 1988 Budget revisions which reflected the $108,000 in reductions as approved by the Council and had requested approval for budget re- allocations which would include the Adaptive Recreational Program and would provide additional help for the Police and Administration Departments. As a result of the above Council action approving funding of the Adaptive Recreational Program from reserves, he recommended that the $25,000 be put back into the Park budget and that the re- allocations as presented at the meeting of October 5 be approved. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Kelly to approve the 1988 Budget re- allocations as presented on October 5, 1987, with the exception that funding of the Adaptive Recreational Program would be from reserves. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PARK BOARD RECOMMENDATION CONCERNING BRAEMAR GOLF LEAGUE POLICIES APPROVED. Manager Rosland recalled that at its meeting of October 19, 1987 the Council had continued consideration of the Park Board recommendation concerning Braemar Golf League policies so that the proposed policies could be published in the Edina Sun Current and public comment could be made. He reiterated the recommendation of the Park Board for approval of the "City of Edina Park and Recreation Department Proposed Braemar Golf League Policies" to facilitate the growing demands of residents desiring to participate in league play and /or open golf. Sylvia Eisler, stated that she represented a committee composed of Edina women 18 hole league members belonging to two leagues on the regulation course at Braemar. She read a statement of the committee which in summary stated that they are appealing policy #2 - Beginning with 1990, all league members are limited to play in only one league or division and are requesting that those members who are in two leagues be "grandfathered in" and allowed to remain as is as they feel that the process of attrition will open league memberships in the future. John S. Hoyt, Jr. read his L 11/2/67 -' 61 letter dated November 2, 1987 addressed to the Council which in summary expressed his appreciation and that of the Braemar Men's Club to the staff and Park Board members who took the time to restudy the proposals suggested in his letter of August 12, 1987, and stated that the recommendation of the Park Board have the full endorsement of the Braemar Men's Club. Following discussion, Member Richards moved approval of the "City of Edina Park and Recreation Department Braemar Golf League Policies" as recommended by the Park Board. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Member Richards commented that this was a difficult issue because in the early years of Braemar Golf Course these leagues and non - residents contributed to the support of Braemar so that it did not become a burden to the taxpayer. Now because of the demand for league and open play time consideration must be given to a change in policy- He added that the recommendation of the Park Board, based on the staff's recommendation, was the more fair and consistent solution. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. CANDIDATES FOR PARK & RECREATION TASK FORCE DISCUSSED. Manager Rosland stated that following discussion of the proposed Park 6 Recreation Task Force at the last meeting that the Council members and staff have submitted names of individuals for appointment thereto. Member Richards suggested that the Mayor has the obligation to select the eight individuals, two from each quadrant of the City, and the three N Park Board members who will comprise the task force. Notion of Member Richards LO vas seconded by Member Smith that the Mayor select the members of the Park 6 Recreation Task Force for consent of the Council at the November 16, 1987 meeting. LO Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney Motion-- carried. _ . ' m It was the consensus of the Council that all the Park Board members should be Q contacted as to their willingness to serve on the task force. 1988 PROPOSED LEGISLATION OF LMC AMM AND MLC TO BE DISCUSSED ON 11/16/87. Manager Rosland called the Council's attention to the 1988 proposed legislation as submitted by the League of Minnesota Cities, the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities and the Municipal Legislative Caucus. Notion of Member Richards vas seconded by Member Kelly to continue the discussion of the proposed legislation to the meeting of November 16, 1987 because of the lateness of the hour. Ayes: Kelly, Richards, Smith, Turner, Courtney ( Motion carried. 1 FOLLOW -UP TO BUDGET HEARINGS TO BE DISCUSSED ON 11/16/87. Member Turner suggested that the discussion on several issues which came up during the budget hearings _ could be continued to the meeting of November 16, 1987. It was informally agreed to talk about the issues at the next meeting as suggested. RESOLUTION ADOPTED DESIGNATING AGENTS FOR EDINA BOARD OF HEALTH. Manager Rosland referred to a memorandum from David Velde advising that in 1987 the Minnesota Legislature passed a bill called the Local Public Health Act which incorporated several separate chapters of public health statutes into one chapter. In addition, the Local Public Health Act states each Board of Health must appoint at, least one person who may be contacted by the Minnesota Department of Health in case of a public health emergency. Furthermore, the Local Board of Health may appoint an agent who has authority to sign and submit the biannual Community Health Plan, the annual Community Health Activity Report, the annual Community Health Budget and to sign and execute delegation agreements. Staff would recommend designation of the agents as proposed. Member Turner commented that the Council should continue its role of determining policy as to what public health programs the City should provide. Member Smith moved adoption of the folloving resolution: RESOLUTION APPOINTING AGENTS OF THE EDINA COMMUNITY HEALTH BOARD BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (Community Health Board) of the City of Edina, Minnesota, pursuant to its authority under Minnesota Lays 1987; Chapter 309, that it hereby appoints and authorized the folloving persons to act on the Board's behalf and bind the Board for the folloving purposes: To serve as the Board's agent according to Minnesota Lays 1987, Chapter 309, Section 4, Subd. 2, in communicating vith the Commissioner of Health betveen Board meetings, including receiving information from the Commissioner and disseminating that information to the Board, as vell as providing information to the Commissioner on the Board's behalf. Name: David A. Velde Address: 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424 Phone: (B) (612) 927 -8861 (H) (612) 561 -4009 To sign and submit to the Commissioner the prepared Community Health Plan and revisions to the plan submitted according to Minnesota Lays 1987, Chapter 309, Subd. 5 and 6. Name: Kenneth Rosland Address: 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424 1989 CITY OF EDINA ACCOUNT NO. INV. CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 121A82 05/31/89 31.60 121A82 05/31/89 6.88 121A82 05/31/89 13.47 * ** -CKS 10- 4149 - 510 -51 51.95 kkkkk* MANUAL 121A84 05/31/89 8.00 * ** -CKS 8.00 xkkkkk * ** -CKS 121F14 05/31/89 14,000.05 121F14 05/31/89 435.60 * ** -CKS 14,435.65 kkkkkk * ** -CKS 121G86 05/31/89 11,681.60 * ** -CKS 10- 4206 - 500 -50 11,681.60 kxxkkk * ** -CKS 10- 4200 - 358 -30 121M24 05/31/89 15,953.10 15,953.10 xxkkxk 121N12 05/31/89 2,355.22 2,355.22 kkkkkk 121P32 05/31/89 24,499.85 24,499.85 kkkkkk 121P42 05/31/89 19,884.00 19,884.00 kxxkkk 122C52 05/31/89 82.40 82.40 * kkkkkk 123739 05/31/89 296.25 296.25 * xkkkkk 124742 05/31/89 84.00 84.00 * CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION AT &T TELEPHONE AT &T TELEPHONE AT &T TELEPHONE AT &T FIDELITY BANK FIDELITY BANK GROUP HEALTH INC MEDCENTER MUTUAL BENEFIT P.E.R.A. PHP COMM OF TRANSP S ANDERSON MN DEPT NAT RESC TELEPHOMNE FICA MEDICARE HMO PREM PREMIUM LIFE INSURANCE PERA HMO PREM GENERAL SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL BANQUET PERMIT FEE 05 -31 -89 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 MANUAL 27- 4256 - 667 -66 MANUAL 30- 4256- 782 -78 MANUAL - ** -CKS 50- 4256 - 821 -82 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL 10- 4162 - 510 -51. MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4156- 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4162 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 1074145- 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 260 -26 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4206 - 500 -50 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4200 - 358 -30 MANUAL 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -89 PAGE 2 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * * * * ** 124E33 * * * * ** 125673 125673 125673 125673 125673 125673 125B73 125B73 125B73 125B73 125B73 125B73 * * * * ** 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 125M98 * * * * ** 125U27 125U27 125U27 125U27 125U27 125U27 125U27 125U27 125U27 125U27 125U27 125U27 A 05/31/89 32.00 EDINA CHAMBER MEETING 10- 4206 - 140 -14 MANUAL 32.00 648.68 MANUAL GAS MANUAL F; 05/31/89 50.00 GC PETTY CASH RENTAL OF PROPERTY 27- 3230 - 000 -00 05/31/89 45.00 GC PETTY CASH MEMBERSHIP 27- 3410 - 000 -00 05/31/89 11.00 GC PETTY CASH COMP HANDICAPS 27- 3470 - 000 -00 05/31/89 11.00 GC PETTY CASH COMP HANDICAPS 27- 3470 - 000 -00 05/31/89 11.00 GC PETTY CASH COMP HANDICAPS 27- 3470 - 000 -00 05/31/89 34.00 GC PETTY CASH SALARIES 27- 4120 - 666 -66 05/31/89 20.00 GC PETTY CASH SCHOOL 27- 4202 - 661 -66 05/31/89 25.00 GC PETTY CASH DUES 27- 4204 - 661 -66 05/31/89 15.49 GC PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 662 -66 05/31/89 6.97 GC PETTY CASH OFFICE SUPPLIES 27- 4516 - 661 -66 05/31/89 5.45 GC PETTY CASH CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 663 -66 05/31/89 82.12 GC PETTY CASH CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 663 -66 317.03 * ** -CKS 05/31/89 3,278.77 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256- 510 -51 MANUAL 05/31/89 804.66 * ** -CKS MANUAL * ** -CKS 447.21 MINNEGASCO GAS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 648.68 MANUAL GAS MANUAL F; MANUAL 3,112.27 MANUAL 4w, MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 1,065.02 MANUAL GAS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 110.86 MANUAL GAS * ** -CKS 05/31/89 447.21 MINNEGASCO GAS 10- 4254 - 440 -44 MANUAL 05/31/89 648.68 MINNEGASCO GAS 10- 4254 - 520 -52 MANUAL 05/31/89 3,112.27 MINNEGASCO GAS 10- 4254 - 540 -54 MANUAL 05/31/89 1,065.02 MINNEGASCO GAS 10- 4254- 646 -64 MANUAL 05/31/89 110.86 MINNEGASCO GAS 23- 4254 - 612 -61 MANUAL 05/31/89 523.88 MINNEGASCO GAS 27- 4254 - 662 -66 MANUAL 05/31/89 112.71 MINNEGASCO GAS 27- 4254 - 664 -66 MANUAL 05/31/89 2,281.00 MINNEGASCO GAS 27- 4254 - 667 -66 MANUAL 05/31/89 2,277.71 MINNEGASCO GAS 28- 4254 - 702 -70 MANUAL 05/31/89 2,289.64 MINNEGASCO GAS 30- 4254 - 782 -78 MANUAL 05/31/89 102.88 MINNEGASCO GAS 40- 4254 - 801 -80 MANUAL 05/31/89 1,733.50 MINNEGASCO GAS 40- 4254 - 803 -80 MANUAL 05/31/89 87.37 MINNEGASCO GAS 50- 4254 - 821 -82 MANUAL 05/31/89 73.35 MINNEGASCO GAS 50- 4254 - 841 -84 MANUAL 05/31/89 129.79 MINNEGASCO GAS 50- 4254- 861 -86 MANUAL 14,995.87 * ** -CKS 05/31/89 3,278.77 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256- 510 -51 MANUAL 05/31/89 804.66 US WESTCOMM., TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 622 -62 MANUAL 05/31/89 103.64 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 628 -62 MANUAL 05/31/89 51.85 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 646 -64 MANUAL 05/31/89 172.26 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 23- 4256 - 612 -61 MANUAL 05/31/89 24.90 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 26- 4256 - 682 -68 MANUAL 05/31/89 274.13 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 662 -66 MANUAL 05/31/89 55.76 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 664 -66 MANUAL 05/31/89 265.94 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 667 -66 MANUAL 05/31/89 195.07 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 28- 4256 - 702 -70 MANUAL 05/31/89 44.41 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 29- 4256 - 722 -72 MANUAL 05/31/89 50.77 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 30- 4256 - 782 -78 MANUAL OPP.' 4 i 05 -31 -89 PAGE 3 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 40- 4256- 801 -80 MANUAL 50- 4256 - 821 -82 MANUAL 50- 4256- 841 -84 MANUAL 50- 4256 - 861 -86 MANUAL * * * * ** MANUAL 1989'CITY OF EDINA 1,544.36 1,544.36 CRAGUNS CONFERENCE CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT ENTERPRISE VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 125U27 125U27 05/31/89 05/31/89 104.49 135.70 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 125U27 05/31/89 163.50 US US WESTCOMM WESTCOMM TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 125U27 05/31/89 111.72 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 5,837.57 05 -31 -89 PAGE 3 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 40- 4256- 801 -80 MANUAL 50- 4256 - 821 -82 MANUAL 50- 4256- 841 -84 MANUAL 50- 4256 - 861 -86 MANUAL * * * * ** MANUAL 129793 05/31/89 1,544.36 1,544.36 CRAGUNS CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 140 -14 12-9801 129801 06/09/89 06/09/89 124.60 BRW ENTERPRISE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 129801 06/09/89 1.88- 1.41- BRW BRW ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 129801 06/09/89 94.00 215.31* ea,ba BRW ENTERPRISE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 822 -82 * ** -CKS MANUAL ** *-CKS {3 MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS * * * * ** * ** -CKS 129A83 129A83 05/31/89 05/31/89 89.29 58.63 AT &T AT &T TELEPHONE 10- 4256- 510 -51 MANUAL 147.92 * TELEPHONE 23- 4256 - 612 -61 MANUAL 129A84 05/31/89 14.55 14.55 * AT &T TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 622 -62 MANUAL * ** -CKS 129EII 129E11 06/09/89 06/09/89 5.33- 3.24 - EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129E11 06/09/89 21.48- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129E11 06/09/89 1.68- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129E11 06/09/89 266.59 EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129E11 06/09/89 161.99 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129E11 06/09/89 84.15 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129E11 06/09/89 1,074.12 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129E11 05/31/89. 19.56 EAGLE WINE MIX 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129E11 05/31/89 165.68 EAGLE WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL 1,740.36.* 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL * * * * ** * ** -CKS 129E26 129E26 06/09/89 06/09/89 4.03- 1.46- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 1.32- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL i 129E26 06/09/89 .51- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 1 129E26 06/09/89 4.66- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 3.88- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 18.95- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 1.33- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 15.86- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 10.77- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 15.74- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 2.91- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL I, 129E26 06/09/89 14.29- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ii * * * * ** * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -89 PAGE 4 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 129E26 06/09/89 947.65 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 66.95 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 714.69 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 145.80 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 466.79 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 51.51 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 146.35 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 403.17 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 132.99 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 1,586.54 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 388.95 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 1,574.80 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129E26 06/09/89 1,077.22 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129E26 05/31/89 29.50 ED PHILLIPS BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 MANUAL 7,637.20 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 129G09 05/31/89 675.00 GOVT TRG SERV REGISTRATION 10- 4202 - 140 -14 MANUAL 675.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 129G82 06/09/89 60.37- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 822-82 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 146.76- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 191.58- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 18.57- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 16.01- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 35.10- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 84.98- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 84.98 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 84.98- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 4.80- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 15.83- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 85.93- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 8.01- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 20.28- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 800.50 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 928.60 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 1,754.88 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 4,248.92 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 240.15 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 4,248.92 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 4,248.92- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 791.71 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 1,014.17 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 4,296.42 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 400.25 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 2.79- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129G82 06/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129G82 05/31/89 166.80 GRIGGS COOPER MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL 13,951.39 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -89 PAGE 5 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 129J62 129J62 06/09/89 06/09/89 47.42- 7.52- JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129J62 06/09/89 2.96- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 129J62 129J62 06/09/89 06/09/89 129.17- 5.91- JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129J62 06/09/89 12.09- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 129J62 129J62 06/09/89 06/09/89 5.90- 11.69- JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129J62 06/09/89 61.10- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 129J62 129J62 06/09/89 06/09/89 6,458.50 29.75 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129J62 06/09/89 10.50 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 129J62 129J62 06/09/89 06/09/89 3,055.83 5.85- JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129J62 06/09/89 753.16 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 129J62 129J62 06/09/89 06/09/89 2,371.19 29.03- JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129J62 06/09/89 8.41 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - -82 MANUAL MANUAL 129J62 129J62 06/09/89 06/09/89 9.10 7.70 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE .822 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 129J62 06/09/89 295.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 129J62 129J62 06/09/89 06/09/89 21.35 15.40 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129J62 06/09/89 1,209.86 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 129J62 129J62 06/09/89 06/09/89 590.00 14.00 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129J62 06/09/89 590.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 129J62 129J62 06/09/89 06/09/89 1,168.21 15.40 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 16,304.72 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL * * * * ** * * * -CKS 129N16 129N16 05/31/89 05/31/89 23.45 12,176.50 NSP NSP POWER POWER 10- 4252 - 301 -30 MANUAL 129N16 05/31/89 10,486.14 NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 321 -30 10- 4252 - 322 -30 MANUAL MANUAL 129N16 129N16 05/31/89 05/31/89 2,296.13 158.57 NSP NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 330 -30 MANUAL 129N16 05/31/89 64.76 NSP POWER POWER 10- 4252 - 345 -30 10- 4252 - 358 -30 MANUAL MANUAL 129N16 129N16 05/31/89 05/31/89 1,798.00 665.59 NSP NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 375 -30 MANUAL 129N16 05/31/89 44.13 NSP POWER POWER 10- 4252 - 440 -44 10- 4252 - 460 -46 MANUAL MANUAL 129N16 129N16 05/31/89 05/31/89 1,269.04 1,787.35 NSP NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 520 -52 MANUAL 129N16 05/31/89 3,554.22 NSP POWER POWER 10- 4252 - 540 -54 10- 4252 - 646 -64 MANUAL MANUAL 129N16 129N16 05/31/89 05/31/89 480.06 63.92 NSP NSP POWER 23 -4252- 612 -61 MANUAL 129N16 05/31/89 2,186.71 NSP POWER POWER 26- 4252 - 682 -68 27- 4252 - 662 -66 MANUAL MANUAL 129N16 129N16 05/31/89 05/31/89 159.06 690.93 NSP NSP POWER 27- 4252 - 664 -66 MANUAL 129N16 05/31/89 6,998.50 NSP POWER POWER 27- 4252 - 667 -66 28- 4252- 702 -70 MANUAL MANUAL 129N16 129N16 05/31/89 05/31/89 1,512.70 6,055.76 NSP NSP POWER POWER 29- 4252 - 722 -72 MANUAL 129N16 05/31/89 2,313.20 NSP POWER 30- 4252 - 782 -78 40- 4252 - 801 -80 MANUAL MANUAL 1989 CITY OF EDINA - CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 129N16 05/31/89 16,341.52 NSP POWER 40- 4252 - 803 -80 129N16 05/31/89 408.21 NSP POWER 50- 4252 - 821 -82 129N16 05/31/89 637.86 NSP POWER 50- 4252 - 841 -84 129N16 05/31/89 331.94 NSP POWER 50- 4252 - 861 -86 72,504.25 * * * * ** 129P20 06/09/89 42.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 42.00 * * * * ** 129P82 06/09/89 5.92- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 129P82 06/09/89 1.76- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -'84 129P82 06/09/89 1.62- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 129P82 06/09/89 8.08- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 129P82 06/09/89 296.14 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 129P82 06/09/89 87.79 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 129P82 06/09/89 404.05 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 129P82 06/09/89 80.97 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 851.57 * * * * ** 129Q16 06/09/89 3.63- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 129Q16 06/09/89 1.03- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 129Q16 06/09/89 33.18- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 129Q16 06/09/89 1.39 - QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 129Q16 06/09/89 52.36- QUALITY WINE, 50- 3710 - 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 3.61- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 . 129Q16 06/09/89 8.48- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 .54- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 1.18 - QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 2.59- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 2.58- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 129Q16 06/09/89 1.03- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 129Q16 06/09/89 1.45- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 129Q16 06/09/89 18.86- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 129Q16 06/09/89 8.27- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 129Q16 06/09/89 59.18 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 2,618.00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 942.41 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 129Q16 06/09/89 1,659.09 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 129Q16 06/09/89 138.00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 129Q16 06/09/89 361.85 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 129Q16 06/09/89 103.00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 129Q16 06/09/89 258.75 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 360.50 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 846.90 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 53.85 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 129Q16 06/09/89 825.20 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 129Q16 06/09/89 103.50 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 129Q16 06/09/89 257.50 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 129Q16 06/09/89 144.20 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 05 -31 -89 PAGE 6 # P.O. # MESSAGE MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL b d 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 8,591.75 * * * * ** 130C47 05/31/89 840.60 # P.O. # MESSAGE j I 840.60 * * * * * ** 10- 4157 - 510 -51 MANUAL 130H83 05/31/89 120,000.00 MANUALr 120,000.00 * t * ** —CKS 10- 4256 - 510 -51 135A82 05/31/89 15.52 135A82 05/31/89 5.70 135A82 05/31/89 57.82 135A82 05/31/89 2.70 135A82 '05/31/89 8.88 * ** —CKS 90.62 * * * * ** 10- 4162 - 510 -51 MANUAL i 135C33 05/31/89 70,000.00 - 135C33 05/31/89 70,000.00 * ** —CKS .00 * * * * ** 135F14 05/31/89 14,112.24 135F14 05/31/89 474.25 MANUAL °1 14,586.49 * * * * ** 50- 3710 - 862 -86 135P32 05/31/89 24,127.81 MANUAL 24,127.81 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 136719 .05/31/89 150.00 MANUAL 150.00 136E11 06/09/89 3.00. 136E11 06/09/89 10.37 - 136E11 06/09/89 10.40 - 136E11 06/09/89 8.26 - 136E11 06/09/89 518.46 136E11 06/09/89 520.08 136E11 06/09/89 413.07 136E11 05/31/89 20.54 136E11 05/31/89 56.17 1,502.29 1,499.29 * * * * ** CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION COMM LIFE INS HRA AT &T AT &T AT &T AT &T AT &T CITY OF EDINA CITY OF EDINA FIDELITY BANK FIDELITY BANK P.E.R.A. DAYTONS EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE LIFE INS HRA TRANSFER TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE PAYROLL TRANSFER PAYROLL TRANSFER FICA MEDICARE PERA GIFT CERTIFICATES MIX MIX 05 -31 -89 PAGE 7 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE j I * ** —CKS 10- 4157 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** —CKS I`s 10- 1145 - 000 -00 MANUALr t * ** —CKS 10- 4256 - 510 -51 MANUAL y' 23- 4256 - 612 -61 MANUAL j 27- 4256- 662 -66 MANUAL { 27- 4256 - 664 -66 MANUAL 29- 4256 - 722 -72 MANUAL 1 * ** —CKS 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL * ** —CKS 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL i 10- 4162 - 510 -51 MANUAL i * ** —CKS 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL ii * ** —CKS 10- 4802 - 100 -10 MANUAL * ** —CKS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL °1 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL o 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL * ** —CKS i i 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -89 PAGE 8 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 136E26 06/09/89 41.10- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 3.42- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 .74- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 8.18- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 7.89- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 8.77- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 .39- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 5.55- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 9.19- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 2.76- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 9.19- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 5.29- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 9.19 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 2.10- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 10.16- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 11.03- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 3.12- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 138.35 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 264.86 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 156.24 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 818.64 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 394.60 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 74.25 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 342.28 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 919.09 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 .00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 555.99 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 39.25 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 877.97 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 919.09- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 919.09 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 1,103.98 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 210.50 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136E26 06/09/89 1,016.93 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136E26 05/31/89 73.75 ED PHILLIPS BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 MANUAL 6,866.99 * * * * ** * * *-CKS 136G82 06/09/89 34.38- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 34.62- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 76.25- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 46.18- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710-822 -82 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 88.79- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 39.71- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 1.72- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 2,309.04 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 4,439.68 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 1,985.64 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 86.14 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 12.83- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 24.49- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL _ - -_ AM * ** -CKS 06/09/89 •29 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 06/09/89 19.47- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 06/09/89 11.18- JOHNSON WINE 1989 CITY OF EDINA 06/09/89 21.57- CHECK RE,: :STER WINE 05 -31 -89 PAGE 9 'CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 136G82 06/09/89 24.49 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 16.82- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 136G82 06/09/89 24.49- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 8,444.71 06/09/89 9.19 JOHNSON WINE * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 06/09/89 80.33 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 06/09/89 19.47- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 06/09/89 11.18- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 06/09/89 21.57- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 06/09/89 102.38- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 06/09/89 43.10- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 9.54- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 9.54- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 9.54 JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 9.84- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 9.19 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 06/09/89 987.97 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 06/09/89 4,700.87 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 06/09/89 25.38 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL. 06/09/89 11.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 2,204.09 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 1,085.55 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 06/09/89 3.88- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 06/09/89 9.19 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 06/09/89 2,526.92 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 06/09/89 25.37 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84- MANUAL 06/09/89 881.81 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 11.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 985.62 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 881.81- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 893.01 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06%09/89 9.80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 11.20- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 06/09/89 11.20 19,264 49 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 13,344.73* * ** -CKS 05/31/89 20.00 MAUMA MEETING EXP 10- 4206 - 140 -14 MANUAL 20.00 * * ** -CKS 06/09/89 3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 06/09/89 76.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 5074628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 79.00 * * ** -CKS 05/31/89 55.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 MANUAL 05/31/89 5,000.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 MANUAL 5,055.00 * - * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT CHECK REG! S7 ZR VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 05 -31 -89 PAGE 10 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 136P82 06/09/89 5.90- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136P82 06/09/89 1.16- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136P82 06/09/89 1.74- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136P82 06/09/89 3.71- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136P82 06/09/89 4.04- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136P82 06/09/89 86.79 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136P82 06/09/89 57.98 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136P82 06/09/89 294.92 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136P82 06/09/89 185.29 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136P82 06/09/89 202.22 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136P82 05/31/89 74.43 PRIOR WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136P82 05/31/89 45.03 PRIOR WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL 930.11 * ** -CKS 136Q16 06/09/89 3.00- QUALITY WINE 50- 3700 - 842 -84 136Q16 06/09/89 4.12- QUALITY WINE 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 19.92- QUALITY WINE 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 57.23- QUALITY WINE 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 .58- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 10.84- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 8.04- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 7.35- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 58.73- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 1.27- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 1.59- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 6.72- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 14.77- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 541.54 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 2,935.60 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 738.38 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89. 802.85 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 57.90 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 127.00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 734.05 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 .00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628-842 -84 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 .00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 669.00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 157.11 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 136Q16 06/09/89 .00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL -� 6',2- * * * * ** 6,569.27* * ** -CKS 136S05 06/09/89 167.00 SALUD AMERICA 50- 4628.- 862 -86 MANUAL 167.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 136T49 06/09/89 24.50 TOW DISTRIBUTING 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 136T49 06/09/89 59.95 TOW DISTRIBUTING 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 84.45 * * * * ** * ** -CKS b. 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 137C51 05/31/89 137051 05/31/89 137C51 05/31/89 137051 05/31/89 137C51 05/31/89 137051 05/31/89 137051 05/31/89 137C51 05/31/89 137C51 05/31/89 137C51 05/31/89 137C51 .05/31/89 * * * * ** REVENUE 138720 05/31/89 * * * * ** OF 139751 05/31/89 * * * * ** COMM 142H83 05/31/89 * * * * ** TAX 143A82 05/31/89 * * * * ** SALES 143C47 05/31/89 ** * * ** REVENUE 143E11 06/09/89 143E11 06/09/89, 143E11 06/09/89 143E11 06/09/89 143E11 06/09/89 143E11 06/09/89 143E11 06/09/89 143E11 05/31/89 143E11 05/31/89 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 143E26. 06/09/89 143E26 06/09/89 AMOUNT 45.34 226.91 512.65 7,601.18 235.06 137.94 391.45 364.72 7,067.74 13,807.30 12,111.32 42,501.61 180.00 180.00 * 35,350.00 35,350.00 * 150,000.00 150,000.00 * 5.53 5.53 * 426.60 426.60 * 1.55- 3.68- 15.33- 77.48 51,604.83 51,789.00 766.70 16.65 214.70 1,239.14 28- .02- CHECK R. -ASTER COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX . COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX D VIVENZIO NORWEST BANK HRA AT &T COMM LIFE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS EQUIP MAINT BOND INTEREST HRA TRANSFER TELEPHONE LIFE INS MIX MIX 50- 4626- 862 -86 05 -31 -89 PAGE 11 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 23- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 26- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 27- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 28- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 29- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 30- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 40- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 50- 3357 - 001 -00 MANUAL 50- 3357 - 002 -00 MANUAL "y 50- 3357 - 003 -00 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4274 - 420 -42 MANUAL * ** -CKS I 10- 1145 - 000 -00 MANUAL j * ** -CKS I 10- 1145 - 000 -00 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4256 - 510 -51. MANUAL j i * ** -CKS 10- 4157 - 510 -51 MANUAL i * ** -CKS I 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL iP 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4626- 862 -86 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -89 PAGE 12 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 143E26 06/09/89 3.03- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 1.53- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 6.66- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 1.60- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 13.14- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 5.73- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 8.84- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 10.31- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 8.84- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 26.18- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 8.84 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 76.76 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 80.31 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 443.13 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 1,309.26 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 443.13 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 443.13- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 303.24 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 28.79 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 666.75 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 1,314.55 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 1,031.96 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143E26 06/09/89 573.54 c * ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL * * * * ** '759.99 5,750.97* " * -CKS 143G82 06/09/89 25.37- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143G82 06/09/89 62.62- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143G82 06/09/89 125.06- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143G82 06/09/89 1,268.67 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143G82 06/09/89 3,131.01 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143G82 06/09/89 6,252.82 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143G82 06/09/89 3.41- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143G82 06/09/89 4.16- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143G82 06/09/89 3.82- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 10,428.06 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 143J62 06/09/89 6.22- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 37.08- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 67.26- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 17.84- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 2.96- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 87.61- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 1.65- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 4.15- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 6.52- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 1,854.03 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 8.05 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 3,362.84 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 16.98 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 4,381.36 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 18.90 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1 1 (fie rp�✓ •.�' 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -89 PAGE 13 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 143J62 06/09/89 622.32 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 8.05 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 8.75 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 21.35 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 295.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 1,782.44 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 652.93 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 415.46 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 4.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 3.79- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 164.68 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 5.95 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143J62 06/09/89 6.30 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 13,394.51 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 143P82 06/09/89 3.00- PRIOR WINE -50- 4628 - 822 -82 143P82 06/09/89 1.06- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 143P82 06/09/89 4.62- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143P82 06/09/89 13.40- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143P82 06/09/89 1.03 - PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143P82 06/09/89 6.39- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143P82 05/31/89 19.95 PRIOR WINE WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143P82 06/09/89 52.85 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143P82 06/09/89 210.81 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143P82 06/09/89 670.04 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143P82 06/09/89. 319.46• PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143P82 06/09/89 51.50 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143P82 . 05/31/89 45.03 ' - * i,840.14 - '- PRIOR WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL * * * * ** 1,340.14* * ** -CKS 143Q16 06/09/89 1.23- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 24.94- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 1.03 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 7.50- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 68.70- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 4.28- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 9.48- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 1.24- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 133.64- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 .23 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 1,246.50 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 3,435.14 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 11.65- QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 6,682.11 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 122.20 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 103.00- QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 745.80 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 426.25 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 944.95 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143Q16 06/09/89 124.25 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 13,362.80 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 1 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -89 PAGE 14 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. #.P.O. # MESSAGE 143U27 05/31/89 814.36 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89 210.02 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 622 -62 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89 25.89 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 628 -62 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89 40.88 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 646 -64 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89 28.20 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 23- 4256 - 612 -61 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89 52.44 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 662 -66 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89, 154.46 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 667 -66 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89 143.08 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 28- 4256 - 702 -70 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89 307.80 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 40- 4256 - 803 -80 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89 14.10 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 50- 4256 - 821 -82 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89 14.10 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 50- 4256 - 841 -84 MANUAL 143U27 05/31/89 14.10 US WESTCOMM TELEPHONE 50- 4256 - 861 -86 MANUAL 1,819.43 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 145C33 05/31/89 127,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 50 -1010- 000 -00 MANUAL 145C33 05/31/89 127,000.00- CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL .00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 150EII 06/09/89 10.95- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150Ell 06/09/89 8.18- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150EII 06/09/89 13.18- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150Ell 06/09/89 547.37 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150Ell 06/09/89 408.97 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150Ell 06/09/89 659.21 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1,583.24 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 150E26 06/09/89 7.04- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 3.53- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 11.46- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 4.40- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 6.60- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 2.27- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822.82 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 1.61- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 8.30- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 9.21- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 6.23- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 1.56- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 12.52- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 38.06- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 7.90- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 330.13 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 220.16 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 80.89 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 460.62 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 1,903.37 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 78.25 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 1,146.59 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150E26 06/09/89 227.55 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL ,., �..�. ,. .,. .: --. 59x,5^�s "'��i'.!?i IGizF' -. � �"yv,,..'�K�"✓7 {. .. -� '! ` 1 � it�"�`4 :R + RG��?`- �E'! YY--` Td '- "'?PS'!n°,F°w^4;1Rt4?xpr?Prs� - • 4• 1989 CITY OF EDINA 13,936.46 FIDELITY BANK CHECK REGI-TER 10- 4149 - 510 -51 ' CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT FIDELITY BANK VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV 150E26 06/09/89 353.86 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 150E26 06/09/89 830.05 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 150E26 06/09/89 623.90 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 150E26 06/09/89 .00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 150E26 06/09/89 24.97- ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 842 -84 150E26 06/09/89 1,252.54 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 150E26 06/09/89 790.52 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 150G82 06/09/89 8.152.77 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 * * * * ** 150F14 05/31/89 13,936.46 FIDELITY BANK FICA 10- 4149 - 510 -51 ' 150F14 05/31/89 593.40 FIDELITY BANK MEDICARE 10- 4162 - 510 -51 14,529.86 * * * * ** 150G82 06/09/89 46.46- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 822 -82 150G82 06/09/89 103.79- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 842 -84 150G82 06/09/89 159.89- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 862 -86 150G82 06/09/89 62.19- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 150G82 06/09/89 39.38- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 150G82 06/09/89 5.03- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 150G82 06/09/89 3,109.62 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626- 822 -82 150G82 06/09/89 1,968.97 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 150G82 06/09/89 251.72 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 150G82 06/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 150G82 06/09/89 6.24- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 15OG82 06/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 150G82 06/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 150G82 06/09/89 3.54- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 150G82 05/31/89 77.96 GRIGGS COOPER MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 4,981.75 * * * * ** 150G86 05/31/89 11,434.95 GROUP HEALTH PREMIUM 10- 4156 - 510 -51 11,434.95 * * * * ** 15OJ62 06/09/89 7.00- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3700 - 822 -82 150J62 06/09/89 17.75- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3700 - 842 -84 150J62 06/09/89 12.75- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3700 - 862 -86 150J62 06/09/89 34.57- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 150J62 06/09/89 7.56- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 150J62 06/09/89 21.33- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 150J62 06/09/89 61.11- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 150J62 06/09/89 144.14- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 7862 -86 150J62 06/09/89 11.91- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 150J62 06/09/89 1,728.94 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 150J62 06/09/89 8.40 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 150J62 06/09/89 13.65 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 150J62 06/09/89 3,055.23 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 150J62 06/09/89 7,207.17 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 05 -31 -89 PAGE 15 # P.O. # MESSAGE tld MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 05 -31 -89 PAGE 16 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 1989 CITY OF EDINA MANUAL CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 150J62 06/09/89 29.75 JOHNSON WINE MANUAL 150J62 06/09/89 10.85 JOHNSON WINE 150J62 06/09/89 .00 JOHNSON WINE MANUAL 150J62 06/09/89 .756.74 JOHNSON WINE 150J62 06/09/89 .00 JOHNSON WINE * ** -CKS 150J62 06/09/89 2,131.83 JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 150J62 06/09/89 44.80 JOHNSON WINE MANUAL 150J62 06/09/89 .00 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 150J62 06/09/89 16.45 JOHNSON WINE MANUAL 150J62 06/09/89 1,191.05 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL 15,876.74 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL * * * * ** MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 150M24 05/31/89 15,664.15 MEDCENTER PREMIIUM 15,664.15 * * * * ** 150P20 06/09/89 158.50 PAUSTIS & SONS 150P20 06/09/89 4.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 162.50 * * * * ** 150P32 05/31/89 26,015.52 P.E.R.A. PERA 26,015.52 * * * * ** 150P42 05/31/89 19,618.00 P.E.R.A. PERA 19,618.00 * * * * ** 150P82 06/09/89 3.00 PRIOR .WINE` 150P82 06/09/89 5.52- PRIOR WINE 150P82 06/09/89 7.13 PRIOR WINE 150P82 06/09/89 7.13- PRIOR WINE 150P82 06/09/89 7.13- PRIOR WINE 150P82 06/09/89 14.76- PRIOR WINE 150P82 150P82 06/09/89 05/31/89 255.91 19.95 PRIOR WINE PRIOR WINE WINE 150P82 06/09/89 356.62- PRIOR WINE 150P82 06/09/89 356.62 PRIOR WINE 150P82 06/09/89 356.62 PRIOR WINE 150P82 150P82 06/09/89 05/31/89 738.06 40.13 PRIOR WINE PRIOR WINE MIX n89 2Q_ 1,386.26* * * * * ** 150Q16 06/09/89 .17- QUALITY WINE 150Q16 06/09/89 7.95- QUALITY WINE 150Q16 06/09/89 43.72- QUALITY WINE 150Q16 06/09/89 40.21- QUALITY WINE �A 05 -31 -89 PAGE 16 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 4628- 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ;*14*a _r i 9 .. ,. .: -Av. + '. .yJ. '.. h. •:'n:,H.y ri.3RrP. PTT.: �imPi".0 RIl+ ?�' 9S!+."' .wT147a.A^T!•R'•.'Rt'Rf.Tli'.1 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK RE:; STER 05 -31 -89 PAGE 17 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 150Q16 06/09/89 11.16- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 1.05 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 99.91- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 8.53- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 1.46- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 1.18- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 .90- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 9.29- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 2,185.57 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 2,010.48 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 59.08 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 4,995.21 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 426.69 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 791.95 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 17.25 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 105.00- QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 1,113.75 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 925.15 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 146.20 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150Q16 06/09/89 89.75 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 12,432.65 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 156E11 05/31/89 23.96 EAGLE WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL 156EII 05/31/89 284.13' EAGLE WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL 156E11 05/31/89 53.18 EAGLE WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL -361.27 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 574,651.37 FUND 10 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,082.62 FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER 601.47 FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND 14,742.63 FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND 9,849.42 FUND 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND 1,703.93 FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND 8,801.09 FUND 30 TOTAL EDINBOROUGH PARK 21,268.11 FUND 40 TOTAL UTILITY FUND 212,891.75 2 2,C88." FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 845,592.39* TOTAL Sbringsted ti tter Published by SPRINGSTED Incorporated, Public Finance Advisors Series MN 1989 June 1 Interest Rates Interest rates for both fixed and variable rate obligations have continued in their volatile mode over the past 90 days. While dropping slightly, short-term rates have remained near recent record highs while long -term rates have come down over the. year's earlier high levels, as can be seen by the table below: 12 -30 -88 3 -1 -89 5 -26 -89 180 -Day T -Bills 8.68 9.18 8.98 365 -Day T- Bills 9.03 9.36 8.94 Prime Rate 10.50 11.50 11.50 20 -Year T -Bonds 9.08 9.24 8.72 20 -Year BBI 7.50 7.55 7.11 30 -Year BBI 7.71 7.83 7.28 7 -Day TENR 7.75 6.50 6.62 Pressure for reductions in short-term rates is mounting as fear of inflation diminishes and the dollar remains strong versus foreign currency. Many private investors are switching to long- term investments in anticipation of lower short - term yields. Unfortunately, national and world markets react to every financial indicator with wide swings of optimism or pessimism. Sometimes we long for the "good old days" when interest rates didn't change by more than 1%4% over twelve months; fixed rate obligations were the only financing instruments available; the government didn't monitor multiple indicators of economic activity, each report released at different times; and economists were employed only to teach economics to starry-eyed college freshmen. Arbitrage Regulations The Internal Revenue Service, on May 12, released its first set of an expected series of arbitrage regulations for a 60 day public comment period. The 243 page document provides some help to issuers and related tax - exempt market participants, but a number of critical issues will have to await resolution in a second set of regulations due later this year. Public comments on the initial regulations are due before July 14. We reached several general conclusions following a first blush review. There will be no blanket exemption from arbitrage rules and rebate requirements for "plain vanilla" general obligation and revenue infrastructure related bonds, as some had advocated. 2. "Small issuers," less than $5,000,000 of government bonds in a calendar year, will be exempt from all arbitrage requirements. 3. Issuers expending all bond proceeds in six months will be exempt from rebate requirements on initial bond proceeds but will be required to rebate on bond reserves or non bona fide sinking funds. 4. Sinking funds for all issues, except those of "small issuers," will have to be monitored. When balances exceed 13 months of debt service requirements, the fund no longer qualifies as a bona fide debt service fund, and investment records and rebate calculations will be required. This monitoring will be critical for certain types of issues where debt service revenues can't be fully controlled by an issuer, such as improvement bonds which will have special assessment prepayments. 85 East Seventh Place, Suite 100 251 North Illinois Street, Suite 1510 500 Elm Grove Road, Suite 101 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101.2143 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.1942 Elm Grove, Wisconsin 53122.0037 612.223.3000 317.237.3636 414.782.8222 5. A credit of $1,000 per issue per rebate payment will be provided against required rebate amounts if the volume of bonds outstanding per issue is more than $5,000,000, with declining credits for reduced volumes outstanding. Rebate payments are due at five -year intervals from the date of original issue of bonds, and the rebate calculation is not required annually. However, Springsted continues to suggest annual calculations for issuer ease of administration and to insure an adequate set aside annually of required rebate payments. If you have questions about the proposed regulations or arbitrage requirements in general, call your Springsted Project Manager who may refer your questions to our arbitrage monitoring staff. As indicated previously, Springsted will complete the required calculations under separate contract, with the issuer retaining the responsibility of providing us with investment records. Legislative Changes Many of you still are trying to determine what the 1989 Legislature did or didn't do to you relative to public policy and finance related matters. This media doesn't permit an extensive analysis of these actions or inactions but some of the changes made in bonding authorizations are listed below: Issuers may designate an agent for the purpose of accepting, opening and tabulating proposals on bonds which must be sold through competitive bidding. This authorizes a procedure which has been widely used in the past. 2. The requirement for published notices of bond calls was eliminated if mailed notice was provided the registered holder of the called bonds. 3. Under many conditions, a municipality must remit to school districts the amount of tax increment generated by higher tax capacity rates authorized by voter approval of increased school budgets. 4. At least 90% of the tax increment revenues derived from a redevelopment district must be used to finance the cost of correcting those conditions which allowed designation of the redevelopment district status. 5. The annual reporting requirements to the Commissioner of Revenue by a municipality on the status of each local tax increment district were expanded and strengthened. The new rules apply to all districts, regardless of when certified. The required reports are due by March 1 of each year. County Capital Improvement Programs While the authority of counties to issue bonds for approved five -year capital improvement programs was threatened,' legislation to end the program was not approved. Counties which have not developed approved plans may want to do so and implement financing before next year's legislative session. Springsted has worked with a number of counties in the preparation and approval stage for such plans and we would be pleased to assist you. The original authority which was granted in 1988, and threatened in 1989, serves as an example of the difficulty municipalities have in carrying out long -term plans in today's fragile legislative environment. 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 170701 06/02/89 181.20 MPLS HEALTH DEPT PRO SERV 181.20 * 170702 06/02/89 80.00 LIFEGUARD SUITS 26- 4262 - 682 -68 80.00 * 170703 06/02/89 50.00 10- 4560 - 644 -64 50.00 170704 06/02/89 83.00 85215 1402 83.00 170705 06/02/89 100.00 STEVEN LINDER 100.00 170706 06/02/89 342.00 NATL SECURITY CONT ED 342.00 170707 06/02/89 350.00 REFUND 26- 3405 - 000 -00 350.00 170708 06/02/89 46.00 . 30- 4214 - 781 -78 191 46.00 170709 06/02/89 256.00 256.00 * 170710 06/13/89 220.00 170710 06/02/89 165.00 10- 4206 - 100 -10 385.00 * 170711 06/02/89 80.00 170711 06/02/89 40.00 SAND SEPARATOR 40- 4540 - 801 -80 120.00 * 170712 06/02/89 927.50 10- 4502- 120 -12 261420 927.50 * 170713 06/02/89 6.02 6.02 * 170714 06/02/89 1,243.00 DIANE KOOLE 1,243.00 * 170715 06/07/89 75.00 JAMES TOENSING PERFORMANCE 75.00 170716 06/07/89 80.00 PERFORMANCE 30- 4224 - 781 -78 80.00 170717 06/07/89 100.00 10- 4290 - 140 -14 100.00 170718 06/07/89 29.85 29.85 CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE MPLS HEALTH DEPT PRO SERV 10- 4201 - 420 -42 5766 SOCCER EXPRESS LIFEGUARD SUITS 26- 4262 - 682 -68 2032 GREG BRETSON BLACK HILLS SPRUCE 10- 4560 - 644 -64 THE PRINT SHOP VOL RECOG RECEPT 10- 4500- 500 -50 85215 1402 PAT GREER MAY EXPENSES 30- 3501 - 000 -00 STEVEN LINDER MAY COMMISSION 30- 3501- 000 -00 NATL SECURITY CONT ED 10- 4202 - 420 -42 ANN EMERY REFUND 26- 3405 - 000 -00 ACTIVE SENIOR ADVERTISING 30- 4214 - 781 -78 191 2067 T.I.P.S. POOL AUDIT 10- 4201 - 627 -62 T.I.P.S. SHOPPER SERV 10- 4201 - 627 -62 2066 AMM MEETING 10- 4206 - 100 -10 2035 AMM MEETING 10- 4206 - 140 -14 2035 FILTRA TECH SYST SAND SEPARATOR 40- 4540 - 801 -80 7005 1602 THE PRESERVATION POSTER 10- 4502- 120 -12 261420 TRUSTEE MPTF ;WIN GIU66 PRO SERV 30- 4201 - 781 -78 DIANE KOOLE SCHOOL 10- 4202 - 200 -20 JAMES TOENSING PERFORMANCE 30- 4224 - 781 -78 KEITH JOHNSON PERFORMANCE 30- 4224 - 781 -78 VOTER REG /ELEC SEC POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 140 -14 1 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 170719 06/07/89 170720 06/07/89 170721 06/07/89 170722 06/07/89 170723 06/07/89 170724 06/07/89 170725 06/07/89 170725 06/09/89 170726 06/07/89 170727 06/07/89 170728 06/07/89 170728 06/07/89 170728 06/07/89 170728 06/07/89 170728 06/07/89 170728 06/07/89 170728 06/07/89 170729 06/07/89 170730 06/07/89 170731 06/07/89 170732 06/07/89 170732 06/07/8.9 170733 06/07/89 170733 06/07/89 170734 06/07/89 %m o ,,,4 06 -19 -89 PAGE 2 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 28- 4504 - 702 -70 35940 2078 10- 4202 - 280 -28 40- 4518 - 803 -80 2563 1045 10- 4208 - 200 -20 40- 4540 - 801 -80 1930 30- 4504 - 782 -78 123043 1789 10- 4504- 301 -30 49273 1425 40- 4504- 801 -80 48437 1425 27- 4562 - 664 -66 2752 1794 28- 1300 - 000 -00 7841 1097 50- 4214 - 822 -82 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 862 -86 10- 4226- 507 -50 013287 10- 4204 - 120 -12 10- 4201 - 440 -44 10- 4206 - 440 -44. 10- 4208 - 440 -44 10- 4206 - 440 -44 10- 4208 - 440 -44 27- 4504 - 666 -66 52950 1238 • + qaC CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 50.00 ALCO CAPITAL RES GENERAL SUPPLIES 50.00 * 26.50 STEVE JOHNSON MEETING 26.50 * 264.69 EDWARD KRAEMER /SONS ASPHALT 264.69 * 45.50 MOREAU SANKEY MILEAGE 45.50 * 114.52 GE SUPPLY PARTS 114.52 * 104.50 WILSON ACCESSORIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 104.50 * 84.88 ABLE HOSE /RUBBER HOSE REPAIR 1,186.08 ABLE HOSE /RUBBER HOSE 1,270.96 * 871.50 CW TURF SOD 871.50 * 2,800.00 OLSEN FIRE PROTECT FIRE PROTECT EQUIP 2,800.00 * 20.00 VFW #1223 ADVERTISING 20.00 VFW #1223 ADVERTISING 202.00 VFW #1223 ADVERTISING 202.00 - VFW #1223 ADVERTISING 202.00- VFW #1223 ADVERTISING 202.00 VFW #1223 ADVERTISING 20.00 VFW #1223 ADVERTISING 60.00 * 35.67 JIMMY JINGLE COFFEE DELIVERED 35.67 * 135.00 APA APA DUES 135.00 * 100.00 CLINT COPPICUS TRAINING 100.00 * 34.98 TERRANCE KEHOE SCHOOL 7.00 TERRANCE KEHOE MILEAGE 41.98 * 8.00 WM C HANSEN SCHOOL 3.50 WM C HANSEN MILEAGE 11.50 445.00 HOSPITALITY SUPP TABLES 06 -19 -89 PAGE 2 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 28- 4504 - 702 -70 35940 2078 10- 4202 - 280 -28 40- 4518 - 803 -80 2563 1045 10- 4208 - 200 -20 40- 4540 - 801 -80 1930 30- 4504 - 782 -78 123043 1789 10- 4504- 301 -30 49273 1425 40- 4504- 801 -80 48437 1425 27- 4562 - 664 -66 2752 1794 28- 1300 - 000 -00 7841 1097 50- 4214 - 822 -82 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 842 -84 50- 4214 - 862 -86 10- 4226- 507 -50 013287 10- 4204 - 120 -12 10- 4201 - 440 -44 10- 4206 - 440 -44. 10- 4208 - 440 -44 10- 4206 - 440 -44 10- 4208 - 440 -44 27- 4504 - 666 -66 52950 1238 • + qaC 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE /170735 170735 170735 170735 170735 170738 170739 170740 170741 170742 170743 170744 170745 170746 170746 170747 170748 170749 170750 170751 170752 06/07/89 06/07/89 06/07/89 06/07/89 06/07/89 06/07/89 161.48 CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 3 AMOUNT 2012 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 445.00 06/07/89 74.06 BOB BRAMWELL MILEAGE 30- 4208 - 841 -84 74.06- BOB BRAMWELL MILEAGE 30- 4208 - 841 -84 74.06- BOB BRAMWELL MILEAGE 30- 4208 - 841-84 74.06 BOB BRAMWELL MILEAGE 30- 4208 - 841 -84 74.06 BOB BRAMWELL MILEAGE 50- 4208 - 841 -84 74.06 06/09/89 72.00 LITIN PAPER CO CRAFT SUPPLIES 23- 4588 - 611 -61 47178 1485 * * * -CKS 06/07/89 161.48 PUMPING SYSTEMS INC IRRIGATION PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 010314 2012 161.48 * 06/07/89 34.50 TOTAL SPORTS SOURCE TENNIS BALL HOPPER 10- 4504 - 627 -62 70408 1424 34.50 * 06/09/89 490.00 JACK WELSH INC CRAFT SUPPLYS 23- 4588 - 611 -61 06636 1488 490.00 * 06/09/89 72.00 LITIN PAPER CO CRAFT SUPPLIES 23- 4588 - 611 -61 47178 1485 72.00 * 06/09/89 69.30 DANIEL SMITH COST OF COMM 23 -4624- 613 -61 1635 69.30 * 06/09/89 160.00 FIREWORKS P.T. MAINT 23- 4120 - 612 -61 160.00 -* 06/09/89 476.70 DPC INDUSTRIES POOL CHEMICALS 26- 4564 - 682 -68 711738 1057 476.70 * 06/09/89 36.35 MOORLANE INC CRAFT SUPPLYS 23- 4588 - 611 -61 2043 36.35 * 06/09/89 1,004.04 MIKE ALM CONSTR ROOF REPAIR FIX ROOF 10- 4248 - 520 -52 10- 4248 - 646 -64 1673 06/13/89 2,041.55 MIKE ALM CONSTR 3,045.59 * 06/09/89 114.48 FRANCIS CALLAHAN MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 480 -48 114.48 06/09/89 345.00 CWDC INDUSTRIES LATH 10- 4604 - 260 -26 345.00 06/09/89 360.00 NASHUA CORP GENERAL SUPPLYS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 360.00 06/09/89 25.00 PAT MENEELY ART DEMO 30- 4224 - 781 -78 25.00 * 06/09/89 25.00 PHYLLIS HAYWA ART DEMO 30- 4224 - 781 -78 25.00 * 06/09/89 25.00 BOB CONNOLLY ART DEMO 30- 4224 - 781 -78 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 06/09/89 06/09/89 06/09/89 06/09/89 06/09/89 06/09/89 06/09/89 06/09/89 06/09/89 06/09/89 AMOUNT 25.00 25.00 25.00 * 25.00 25.00 * 11.14 11.14 * 14.04 14.04 * 94.00 94.00 * 72.00 72.00 * 35.00 35.00 * 17.00 17.00 * 49.00 49.00 * 49.00 49.00 * CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION BILL DIETRICHSON AGNES FINE FLORENCE NORBACK HOWARD NORBACK RAMALEY PRINTING EDWARDS SALES JENNIFER LIEN MARY SEITZ MRS ENGLUND MRS BECK AR DEMO ART DEMO SERVICES SERVICES PRINTING POOL CALKING REFUND REFUND T -BALL REFUND REFUND 06 -19 -89 PAGE 4 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 10- 4201 - 184 -18 10- 4201 - 184 -18 30- 4600 - 781 -78 124092 2198 26- 4504 - 682 -68 6464 1933 10- 3230 - 000 -00 1073500 - 000 -00 26 -3415- 681 -68 26- 3415 - 681 -68 * ** -CKS 06/12/89 25.00 KEVIN J HALLIDAY DUES 10- 4204 - 140 -14 25.00 * 06/12/89 29.50 USGA FLAG 27- 4504 - 662 -.66 2200 29.50 * 06/12/89 285.00 MRS AJ JOHNSON AMBULANCE REFUND 10- 3180 - 000 -00 285.00 * 06/12/89 2,000.00 MILLS ADVERTISING CABLE 10- 2146 - 000 -00 30501 2,000.00 * 06/12/89 3,906.25 SW SUBURBAN CABLE 10- 2146 - 000 -00 3,906.25 * 06/13/89 180.00 JEAN GRAPP AC INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 180.00 * 06/13/89 215.00 JO RUTH AC ADMIN. 23- 4120- 611 -61 * ** -CKS 215.00* d 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT ti CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 5 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE ,/1 g 215 Og - - �A,N ANiANANI -V�TGH AG -ADMIN 2.3 -4- 1-20 - 611 -61 - 170772 06/13/89 265.00 JANE KANJANANIVITCH AC ADMIN 23- 4120 - 611 -61 265.00* 489.99 * 170773 06/13/89 235.75 KRISTIN HALE AC ADMIN 23- 4120 - 611 -61 235.75 * 170774 06/13/89 100.00 PAT GEISHEKER JURIED SHOW JUDGE 23- 3265- 000 -00 100.00 * 170775 06/13/89 100.00 DAVID RICKERT JURIED SHOW JUDGE 23- 3265 - 000 -00 100.00 * 170776 06/13/89 100.00 ANA MARIA LEE JURIED SHOW JUDGE 23- 3265 - 000 -00 100.00 * 170777 06/13/89 100.00 ELIZABETH SWEDER JURIED SHOW JUDGE 23- 3265 - 000 -00 100.00 * 170778 06/13/89 100.00 JAMES SULLIVAN JURIED SHOW JUDGE 23- 3265 - 000 -00 100.00 * 170779 06/13/89 100.00 KATHY TAYLOR JURIED SHOW JUDGE 23- 3265 - 000 -00 100.00 * 170780 06/13/89 100.00* DONNA LAPORTE JURIED SHOW WINNER 23- 3265 - 000 -00 170781 06/13/89 100.00 STEVE WATSON JURIED SHOW JUDGE 23- 3625 - 000 -00 100.00 * 170782 06/13/89 50.00 CAROL DORNISH JURIED SHOW JUDGE 23- 3625 - 000 -00 50.00 * 170783 06/13/89 100.00 PETER LUPORI JURIED SHOW JUDGE 23- 3625 - 000 -00 100.00 * 170784 06/13/89 50.00 GEORGE OLSON JURIED SHOW JUDGE. 23- 3625- 000 -00 50.00 170785 06/13/89 18.14 NAOMI JOHNSON ADVERTISING 23- 4214 - 611 -61 170785 06/13/89 24.06 NAOMI JOHNSON GEN SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 611 -61 170785 06/13/89 18.87 NAOMI JOHNSON GEN SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 612 -61 170785 06/13/89 18.00 NAOMI JOHNSON OFFICE SUPPLIES 23- 4516 - 611 -61 170785 06/13/89 52.57 NAOMI JOHNSON CRAFT SUPPLIES 23- 4588 - 611 -61 131.64 * 170786 06/13/89 22.00 ART ERDALL REFUND 10- 3500 - 000 -00 22.00 * 170787 06/13/89 2,874.00 QUALITY REMODELING NEW ROOF 11- 4201 - 127 -12 2,874.00 * 170788 06/13/89 150.00 QUALITY INSULATION INSULATION 11- 4201 - 127 -12 150.00 * * * * -CKS plk 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 6 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170789 06/13/89 2,756.90 ANNANDAKE CONSTRUCT PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 2,756.90 * 170790 06/13/89 3,080.67 GUNDERSON BROS PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 3,080.67 * 170791 06/13/89 2,756.90 DN BLATTNER & -SONS PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 2,756.90 * 170792 06/13/89 17,790.05 LAYNE MINNESOTA PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 17,790.05 * 170793 06/13/89 18,263.84 HARDRIVES INC PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 18,263.84 * 170794 06/13/89 10,884.67 LANDWEHR HEAVY PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 10,884.67 * 170795 06/13/89 37,801.64 BURY & CARLSON b PAYMENT 60 -2040- 000 -00 37,801.64 * 170796 06/13/89 256.00 ROXANNE SEIDEL SERVICES 30- 4201 - 781 -78 256.00 * 170797 06/13/89 256.00 ROXANNE SEIDEL SERVICES 30- 4201 - 781 -78 256.00 * 170798 06/13/89 80.00 LUCY ROSCHE SERVICES 27- 4201 - 662 -66 80.00 * 170799 06/13/89 75.00 BARREL RECONDITIONER SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 R11505 2093 75.00 * 170800 06/13/89 11.00. MATERIALS DIST FUND GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 259 11.00 * 170801 06/13/89 17.00 ANTONINETTE KNUDSON REFUND 10- 3500- 000 -00 17.00 * 170802 06/13/89 6.00 SUE COLE REFUND 10- 3500 - 000 -00 6.00 * 170803 06/13/89 600.00 LIFETOUCH NATL REFUND 10- 1139 - 000 -00 600.00 * 170804 06/13/89 179.97 THE PHOTO MILL CAMERAS 10- 4508 - 440 - 44.107405 1862 179.97 * 170805 06/13/89 37.00 IAAI DUES /LANDRY 10- 4204 - 440 -44 37.00 * 170806 06/13/89 157.50 LUSTRE -CAL. ID TAGS 10- 4504 - 440 -44 1334 157.50 * 170807 06/13/89 55.00 METRO FIRE EQUIP REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 440 -44 001286 vi 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE__ CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170807 06/13/89 970.00 METRO FIRE EQUIP REPLACEMENT 10- 4901 - 440 -44 001293 1335 1,025.00 * 170808 06/13/89 750.00 EDINA COUNTRY CLUB REFUND 10- 3040 - 000 -00 750.00 * 170809 06/13/89 •750.00 INTERLACHEN REFUND 10- 3040 - 000 -00 750.00 * 170810 06/13/89 254.00 NATL BUSIN FURNITURE CABLE.. 10- 2148 - 000 -00 1958 254.00 * 170811 06/13/89 15.00 CITY & STATE SUBSCRIPTION 10- 4204 - 160 -16 15.00 * 170812 06/13/89 759.50 WESTERN STATES LANDSCAPE LOGS 10- 4248 - 646 -64 18330 2218 759.50 * 170813 06/13/89 12,000.00 COMMISSIONER OF SHARE 10- 4201 - 260 -26 72309 12,000.00 * 170814 06/13/89 442.50 WOODLAKE SANITARY RUBBISH HAULING 10- 4250 - 644 -64 002717 1433 442.50 * 170815 06/13/89 450.00 CURT KRIENS CONSTR LOADS 27- 4562 - 666 -66 2208 450.00 * 170816 06/13/89 200.00 MGCSA MGA 27- 4204 - 661 -66 2225 200.00 * 170817 06/13/89 13,110.00 EH RENNER PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 13,110.00 * 170818 06/13/89 74.98 ASSO. HANDLING INC CARD TABLE 10- 4504 - 628 -62 2227 74.98 * 170819 06/13/89 35.00 SUSAN FRAME ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 35.00 * 170820 06/13/89 35.00 LOU ANN LEWIS ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 35:00 170821 06/13/89 112.07 MOLLIE PAULSON ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 170821 06/13/89 64.67 MOLLIE PAULSON SERVICES 23- 4120 - 613 -61 176.74 170822 06/13/89 22.28 SPECIAL EFFECTS ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 22.28 170823 06/13/89 88.20 BETTY BELL PEDDIE ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 88.20 * 170824 06/13/89 61.60 SHARON MCKISSON ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 61.60 * 170825 06/13/89 31.50 MARGARET MCDOWELL ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 vi .� 40 lqm- 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 170826 06/13/89 * * * * ** ROPE 170A39 06/07/89 170A39 06/07/89 * * * * ** MEAT 170A41 06/07/89 170A41 06/12/89 * * * * ** LAUNDRY 170A49 06/02/89 170A49 06/02/89 170A49 06/02/89 170A49 06/02/89 170A49 06/07/89 170A49 06/02/89 170A49 06/02/89 170A49 06/02/89 170A49 06/02/89 * * * * ** AMERICAN LINEN 170A67 06/07/89 * * * * ** LAUNDRY 170A91 06/07/89 * * * * ** 10- 4504 - 318 -30 21067 2003 170A98 06/07/89 170A98 06/07/89 170A98 06/07/89 170A98 06/07/89 170A98 06/07/89 170A98 06/07/89 170A98 06/07/89 170A98 06/07/89 170A98 06/07/89 170A98 06/07/89 * * * * ** AMOUNT 31.50 * 245.00 245.00 * 71.20 119.30 190.50* 408.08 353.99 762.07 * 237.91 8.81 108.08 28.00 201.86 140.32 61.68 68.39 73.89 928.94 * 43.57 43.57 * 20.00 20.00 * 315.00 576.00- 576.00 216.50 138.63 170.73 576.00 639.75 273.93 219.93 2,550.47 CHECK REGISTER .VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION COMMISSIONER OF STATE BOARD 06 -19 -89 PAGE 8 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4201 - 200 -20 ALTERNATOR REBUILD ROPE 10- 4504 - 301 -30 1682 1908 ALTERNATOR REBUILD TANK AIR 10- 4504 - 560 -56 1681 1725 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE MEAT 27- 4624 - 663 -66 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE MEAT 27- 4624- 663 -66 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 440 -44 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 482 -48 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 520 -52 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 520 -52 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 27- 4262 - 663 -66 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 30- 4262 - 782 -78 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262 - 821 -82 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262 - 841 -84 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262 - 861 -86 AQUA ENGINEERING PARTS 10- 4504 - 318 -30 21067 2003 AUTO SOUND /ENTRONIX CHECK SPEEDO AVR INC CONCRETE AVR INC CONCRETE AVR INC CONCRETE AVR INC CONCRETE AVR INC CONCRETE AVR INC CONCRETE AVR INC CONCRETE AVR INC CONCRETE AVR INC CONCRETE AVR INC CONCRETE 10- 4248 - 56.0 -56 83357 2079 10- 4528 - 314 -30 99682 1044 10- 4528 - 803 -80 99213 1044 10- 4528- 803 -80 99213 1044 10- 4540 - 520 -52 97965 1044 40- 4528- 803 -80 98613 1044 40- 4528 - 803 -80 98246 1044 40- 4528 - 803 -80 99213 1044 40- 4528 - 803 -80 99794 1044 40- 4528 - 803 -80 98569 1044 40- 4528 - 803 -80 99072 1044 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 9 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170601 06/07/89 105.00 B & B SEAT COVERS SEAT REPAIR 10- 4540- 560 -56 8951 1682 105.00 * 170602 06/13/89 65.75 BFI PORTABLE SERV SATELLITE SERV 27- 4288 - 666 -66 65.75 * * ** -CKS 170B05 06/02/89 46.27 BACH -BILL REIMBURSEMENT 30- 4516 - 781 -78 46.27 * 170606 06/13/89 200.34 328.50 BACHMANS BACHMANS PLANTS CONSTRUCTION 60- 1300 - 189 -03 60- 1300 - 364 -02 162778 132654.1352 170B06 06/13/89 528.84 * 170B07 06/13/89 320.95 BADGER METER INC METER 40- 1220 - 000 -00 584635 1802 170607 06/13/89 693.89 BADGER METER INC METER PARTS 40- 4540 - 807 -80 585042 1802 1,014.84 * * ** -CKS. * * * * ** 170809 06/02/89 109.00 BAILEY NURSERIES ARNESON ACRES 10- 1139- 000 -00 1749 109.00 * ** -CKS * * * * ** 170813 06/02/89 148.00 BARR ENGINEERING NEW 9 HOLE COURSE 27- 1300 - 003 -00 148.00 * 170B14 06/13/89 641.25 BARRETT MOV & STOR SERVICES 10-4201-184-18.16579 641.25 * * ** -CKS * * * * ** 170622 06/12/89 1,462.45 BEER WHOLESALERS BEER 27- 4630 - 663 -66 170B22 06/12/89 948.40 BEER WHOLESALERS BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 170B22 06/12/89 2,497.25 BEER WHOLESALERS BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 170B22 06/13/89 1994.90 BEER WHOLESALERS BEER 50- 4630 - 862 -86 6,,903.00 * ** -CKS * * * * ** 170825 06/02/89 •100.00 BENNETT -WAYNE POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 100.00 * '� * ** -CKS * * * * ** 170B30 06/07/89 37.87 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENEERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 160 -16 472952 170B30 06/07/89 19.16 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 490 -49 472952 170630 06/12/89 14.87 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 474505 170B30 06/07/89 99.01 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 472952 170B30 06/07/89 50.40 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 471541 170630 06/07/89 50.40 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 600 -60 471541 170630 06/07/89 32.35 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 611 -61 472952 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 10 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170830 170630 06/13/89 06/07/89 15.60 3.80— BERTELSON BROS. INC. HOLD UP BARS 26- 4516 - 681 -68 475604 170630 06/13/89 153.60 BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. CREDIT OFFICE SUPPLIES 30- 4516 - 781 -78 30- 4516 - 781 -78 474364 469.46 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170632 170632 06/07/89 06/07/89 146.25 240.00 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS CORES LOCKER 40- 4540 - 802 -80 92614 1829 386.25 * 40- 4540- 802 -80 92613 1830 Q * ** —CKS; 170642 170642 06/02/89 06/09/89 49.05 7.36 BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY OFFICE SUPPLIES 30- 4516 - 781 -78 107166 2055 170642 06/09/89 35.08 BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLYS 30- 4516 - 781 -78 30- 4516 - 781 -78 887929 883040 2156 2149 91.49 170650 06/09/89 139.99 BEST BUY'SUPERSTORE RADIO 10- 4504- 625 -62 2145 139.99 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170B54 06/02/89 65.00 BLUMBERG PHOTO REPAIR OF EQUIP 10- 4504 - 140 -14 S9009 65.00 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170677 06/13/89 2,444.60 BRAUN ENG TESTNG INC ENG SERV 60- 1300 - 381 -01 16466 _ 2,444.60 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170691 170891 06/07/89 06/07/89 128.44— 128.44 BURY & CARLSON INC. BURY & CARLSON INC. ASPHALT 10- 4524 - 803 -80 32393 1104 170691 06/07/89 128.44 BURY & CARLSON INC. ASPHALT ASPHALT 10- 4524 - 803 -80 40- 4524 - 803 -80 32393 32393 1104 1104 128.44 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170001 170001 06/13/89 06/09/89 153.41 50.27 C & S DISTRIBUTING C & S COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 087757 2042 170001 06/09/89 239.48 DISTRIBUTING C & S DISTRIBUTING COST OF COMM COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 087154 443.16 23- 4624 - 613 -61 087106 1780 * * * * ** * ** —CKS t 170C12 06/13/89 12.00 CORNER MARKING CO LETTERS 27 -4516- 661 -66 9611 1880 12.00 * * * * ** is * ** —CKS 170C22 06/07/89 166.44 CERT POWER TRAIN• DRIVE SHAFT 10- 4540 - 560 -56 48809 1972 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 166.44 170023 06/13189 26 55 CORE RESTORE COPIER CARTRIDGE 06 -19 -89 PAGE 11 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 27- 4516- 661 -66 6340 9835 26.55 * * ** -CKS * * * * ** 170C27 06/13/89 974.25 CHEMLAWN LAWN SPRAYING 10- 4248 - 643 -64 8981 974.25 * * ** -CKS D * * * * ** 170C30 06/07/89 166.22 239.40 CITY BEER CITY BEER BEER BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 r 170C30 170C30 06/07/89 06/07/89 42.00 CITY BEER BEER 50- 4630 - 862 -86 447.62 170031 06/13/89 24,795.75 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON CITY OF BLOOMINGTON COMM HEALTH EMPLOYEE ASST 10- 4201 - 480 -48 9096 10- 4212 - 510 -51 9097 170C31 06/13/89 1,487.50 26,283.25 * ** -CKS 170C34 06/07/89 131.67 CITY OF RICHFIELD ELEC CHARGES 41- 4252 - 900 -90 79034 131.67 - * ** -CKS * * * * ** 170C37 06/02/89 64.03 CLANCY DRUG INC. CLANCY DRUG INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 260 -26 10- 4508 - 480 -48 170C37 06/02/89 3.09 67.12 * ** -CKS * * * * ** 170C44 06/07/89 327.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS COKE 26- 4624 - 683 -68 27- 4624 - 663 -66 170C44 06/12/89 06/07/89 630.00 308.75 COCA COLA BOTTLING COCA COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 170C44 170C44 06/07/89 875.75 COCA COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 170C44 06/07/89 871.20 COCA COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 3,012.70 * ** -CKS 170051 06/13/89 232.39- COMM OF REVENUE CREDIT 10- 4216 - 560 -56 170051 06/13/89 564.20 COMM OF REVENUE FUEL TAX 10- 4216 - 560 -56 331.81 * ** -CKS 170064 06/12/89 404.27 CONT- MINNESOTA GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 663 -66 170064 06/12/89 425.52 CONT- MINNESOTA CLEANING SUPPLIES 27- 4512 - 663 -66 170064 06/12/89 2,884.39 CONT- MINNESOTA CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 663 -66 3,714.18 * ** -CKS * * * * ** 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 12 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170078 06/02/89 124.00 CRESCENT ELECTRIC PARTS 10- 4540 - 322 -30 1724 170078 06/02/89 40.67 CRESCENT ELECTRIC PARTS 10- 4540 - 440 -44 1690 164.67 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170083 06/07/89 1,443.34 CRYSTAPLEX REPAIR BOARDS 28- 4248 - 704 -70 9320 1,443.34 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170085 06/13/89 23.50 CULLIGAN SOFT WATER SERV 10- 4200 - 482 -48 { 23.50 * e * * * * ** * ** —CKS i 170088 06/09/89 145.05 CURTIS 1000 PRINT 23- 4600 - 611 -61 319320 1269 170088 06/09/89 144.80 CURTIS 1000 PRINTING 23- 4600 - 611 -61 1269 289.85 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170D09 06/12/89 28.05. DAEHN — MARCELLA MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 140 -14 170D09 06/12/89 12.72 DAEHN — MARCELLA GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 180 -18 40.77.* * ** —CKS 170D19 06/07/89 58.50 DANS REGISTER SERV. CASH REG SERV 26- 4201 - 682 -68 2120 58.50 * * * * * ** { * ** —CKS 170D21 06/07/89 270.00 DANNYS CONSTR. CO. CRANE RENTAL 10- 4248 - 460 -46 6331 1640 270.00 * ** —CKS 170D27 06/07/89 251.58 DAVE S FOOD WAGON DAIRY PRODUCTS 27- 4624 - 663 -66 251.58 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170D29 06/07/8.9 136.55 DAVIDSEN DIST. INC. BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 170D29 06/07/89 219.50 DAVIDSEN DIST. INC. BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 170D29 06/07/89 250.40 DAVIDSEN DIST. INC. BEER 50- 4630 - 862 -86 606.45 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170D31 06/07/89 66.27 DAVIES WATER EQUIP STORM SEWER PIPE 40- 4540 - 900 -80 7178 1818 66.27 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 13 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170D33 06/12/89 304.50 DAVIS- EUGENE SERVICES 10- 4201 - 600 -60 170D33 06/12/89 54.72 DAVIS- EUGENE MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 600 -60 359.22 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170D45 06/07/89 9.97 DELEGARD TOOL CO. TOOLS 10- 45.80- 560 -56 7298 1428 ° 170D45 06/07/89 220.00 DELEGARD TOOL CO. IMPACT TOOL 10- 4580 - 560 -56 34888 1907 170D45 06/07/89 66.44 DELEGARD TOOL CO. TOOL KIT 10- 4580 - 560 -56 28330 1428 296.41 * F# * ** -CKS 170D61 06/02/89 100.00 DICK NISSEN POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 100.00 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170D79 06/07/89 4,526.23 DORSEY & WHITNEY_ LEGAL SERVCIES 10- 1145 - 000 -00 170D79 06/07/89 3,726.23 DORSEY & WHITNEY LEGAL SERVCIES 10- 1145 - 000 -00 170D79 06/07/89 34.50- DORSEY & WHITNEY TENNIS BALL HOPPER 10- 4504- 627 -62 70408 1424 170079 06/07/89 34.50 DORSEY & WHITNEY TENNIS BALL HOPPER 10- 4504 - 627 -62 70408 1424 170D79 06/07/89 2,826.23 DORSEY & WHITNEY LEGAL SERVCIES 27- 4201 - 661 -66 170D79 06/07/89 2,526.18 DORSEY & WHITNEY LEGAL SERVICES 66- 4218- 000 -00 13,604.87 * * * * * ** * *.* -CKS 170D81 06/09/89 461.10 DOWNEY WATER COND. GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 864 2019 461.10 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170E17 06/07/89 4,475.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 170E17 06/07/89 9,175.35 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 170E17 06/07/89 9,968.15 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE BEER 50- 4630- 862 -86 23,618.50 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170F11 06/12/89 131.00 FEED RITE CONTROL H2O TREAT EQUIP 40- 4540 - 805 -80 122727 1842 131.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170F17 06/02/89 508;987.50- FIRST NATL BK EDINA BOND INTEREST 10- 1145 - 000 -00 170F17 06/02/89 508,987.5000 FIRST NATL BK EDINA BOND INTEREST 10- 1145 - 000 -0.0 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170F19 06/02/89 508,987.50 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST 10- 1145- 000-00 170F19 06/02/89 44,437.50 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST 27- 4300 - 661 -66 170F19 06/02/89 23,790.39 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST 27- 4300 - 661 -66 ��% •,4 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 170F19 06/02/89 170F19 06/02/89 * * * * ** 170F21 06/02/89 * * * * ** 170F26 06/02/89 * * * * ** 170F56 06/13/89 170F56 06/13/89 170G01 06/02/89 170G01 06/02/89 170G01 06/02/89 170G01 06/02/89 170G01 06/02/89 170G01 06/02/89 * * * * ** 170G09 06/02/89 170G09 06/02/89 * * * * ** 170G24 06/07/89 170G24 06/13/89 170G24 06/13/89 170G24 06/07/89 170G24 06/07/89 170G24 06/12/89 170G24 06/12/89 170G24 06/12/89 170G24 06/12/89 * * * * ** 170G38 06/02/89 * * * * ** AMOUNT 108,378.44 86,475.00 772,068.83 192.65 192.65 77.90 77.90 278.00 47.00 325.00 413.70 307.20 236.92 207.44 57.97 356.23 1,579.46 285.00 78.00 363.00 19.00 70.79 145.60 266.25 70.40 28.20 472.00 28.20- 28.20 1,072.24 100.00 100.00 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST FLANAGAN SALES FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL FRANK B. HALL & CO FRANK B. HALL & CO G & K SERVICES G & K SERVICES G & K SERVICES G & K SERVICES G & K SERVICES G & K SERVICES GOVT TRAIN SERV GOVT TRAIN SERV GEN. COMMUNICATIONS GEN. COMMUNICATIONS GEN. COMMUNICATIONS GEN. COMMUNICATIONS GEN. COMMUNICATIONS GEN. COMMUNICATIONS GEN. COMMUNICATIONS GEN. COMMUNICATIONS GEN. COMMUNICATIONS GEORGE BUTLER TOILET BOWL FOOTAGE METER INSURANCE INSURANCE LAUNDRY LAUNDRY LAUNDRY CLEAN SUPPLIES LAUNDRY LAUNDRY CONT ED CONT ED RENTTAL RADIO REPAIR RADIO REPAIR MAINT CONTRACT RADIO SERV REPAIRS NEW WALKIE TALKIE REPAIRS REPAIRS POLICE SERVICES 06 -19 -89 PAGE 14 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 28- 4300 - 701 -70 66- 4300 - 000 -00 10- 4504 - 520 -52 3754 2059 40- 4540 - 801 -80 2832 1975 10- 4260 - 510 -51 10- 4260 - 510 -51 10- 4262 - 301 -30 10- 4262 - 560 -56 10- 4262 - 646 -64 10- 4512 - 540 -54 28- 4262 - 702 -70 40- 4262 - 801 -80 10- 4202 - 420 -42 5968 10- 4202 - 420 -42 5919 10- 4226 - 301 -30 31114 10- 4248 - 440 -44 49986 1325 10- 4248 - 440 -44 50164 1325 10- 4294 - 560 -56 31113 10- 4294 - 560 -56 48902 27- 4248 - 664 -66 49985 1634 27- 4504 - 664 -66 48097 9200 28- 4248- 664 -66 49985 1634 28- 4248 - 664 -66 49985 1634 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 15 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170G44 06/07/89 50.00 GLEN SIPE PIANO SERV PROF SERV 30- 4201 - 782 -78 890605 2123 50.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170G68 06/07/89 222.94 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. PARTS 10- 4540- 540 -54 429135 1992 222.94 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170G88 06/13/89 33.95 GRUBER POWER EQUIP LAWN PARTS 10- 4504 - 641 -64 33.95 * * * * ** * **-CKS 170H22 06/02/89 100.00 HAROLD SWANSON POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 100.00 * 170H23 06/13/89 1,625.00- HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 100 -10 170H23 06/13/89 1,625.00- HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 100 -10 170H23 06/13/89 10,625.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 100 -10 170H23 06/13/89 1,625.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 100 -10 170H23 06/13/89 1,625.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 100 -10 170H23 06/13/89 24,753.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 510 -51 35,378.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170H32 06/13/89 74.00 HEDGES -DIANA COMPUTER CLASS 23- 4202 - 611 -61 74.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170H65 06/02/89 100.00 HOFFMAN- WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 100.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170I09 06/13/89 90.00 IAAO DUE 10- 4204 - 200 -20 170I09 06/13/89 90.00 IAAO DUES 10- 4204 - 200 -20 180.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170I78 06/07/89 121.50 ISIA GENERAL SUPPLIES 28- 4504 - 702 -70 121.50 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170J27 06/09/89 28.51 JERRYS FOODS GENERAL SUPPLYS 23- 4504 - 6'11 -61 28.51 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170J31 06/12/89 10.99 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 260 -26 �� Swo 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER. 06 -19 -89 PAGE 16 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170J31 06/12/89 37.83 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 170J31 06/12/89 2.33 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 322 -30 170J31 06/12/89 74.10 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325 -30 170J31 06/12/89 28.07 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 170J31 06/12/89 46.65 JERRYS HARDWARE' GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 440 -44 170J31 06/12/89 147.77 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 470 -47 170J31 06/12/89 12.08 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 520 -52 170J31 06/12/89 58.29 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 540 -54 170J31 06/12/89 3.52 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 170J31 06/12/89 14.77 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 643 -64 170J31 06/12/89 43.38 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 170J31 06/12/89 7.69 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 170J31 06/12/89 520.00 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 985 -98 170J31 06/12/89 66.98 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4540 - 540 -54 170J31 06/12/89 39.95 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4540 - 560 -56 170J31 06/12/89 31.61 JERRYS HARDWARE REPAR PARTS 10- 4540 - 662 -66 170J31 06/12/89 260.00 JERRYS HARDWARE TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 170J31 06/12/89 98.00 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 661 -66 170J31 06/12/89 520.00 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 664 -66 170J31 06/12/89 120.16 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 666 -66 170J31 06/12/89 64.27 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 170J31 06/12/89 260.00 JERRYS HARDWARE TOOLS 40- 4580 - 801 -80 170J31 06/12/89 85.52 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 50- 4504 - 841 -84 2,553.96 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170J35 06/09/89 56.05 JERRYS PRINTING PRINT 23- 4600 - 611 -61 6036 170J35 06/09/89 50.12 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 23- 4600 - 611 -61 6217 1785 106.17 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170J50 06/07/89 96.14 JOHN H. FOSTER AIR RELIEF VALVE 40- 4540- 801 -80 1919 96.14 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170J74 06/12/89 32.05 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 27- 4504 - 666 -66 84599 1630 170J74 06/12/89 24.29 JUSTUS LUMBER GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 666 -66 85128 1650 170J74 06/12/89 25.64 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 27- 4604 - 662 -66 83772 1565 170J74 06/12/89 43.00 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 27- 4604- 662 -66 78438 9980 170J74 06/12/89 32.05- JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 27- 4604 - 666 -66 84599 1630 170J74 06/12/89 32.05 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 27- 4604 - 666 -66 84599 1630 170J74 06/07/85 33.38 JUSTUS LUMBER SHOP BENCH TOP 40- 4540 - 802 -80 84851 1604 158.36 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170K35 06/07/89 35.96 KNOX COMM CREDIT HOSE 10- 4504 - 390 -30 476891 1756 170K35 06/02/89 27.93 KNOX COMM CREDIT HARDWARE 10- 4504 - 646 -64 458512 1920 170K35 06/02/89 124.92- KNOX COMM CREDIT CREDIT 10- 4504 - 646 -64 458424 1913 170K35 06/02/89 160.16 KNOX COMM CREDIT HARDWARE 10- 4504 - 646 -64 458424 1913 170K35 06/02/89 .05 KNOX COMM CREDIT HARDWARE 10- 4504 - 646 -64 436582 1462 170K35 06/02/89 22.18 KNOX COMM CREDIT PLBG SIPPLIES 10- 4540 - 540 -54 477417 1745 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 17 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170K35 06/02/89 22.18— KNOX COMM CREDIT PLBG SIPPLIES 10- 4540 - 540 -54 477417 1745 170K35 06/02/89 22.18 KNOX COMM CREDIT PLBG SUPPLIES 10- 4540 - 540 -54 477417 1745 170K35 06/07/89 31.04 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR 28- 4248 - 702 -70 477054 1651 170K35 06/07/89 40.10 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERA REPAIR 28- 4248 - 704 -70 458559 1957 170K35 06/07/89 61.57 KNOX COMM CREDIT MATERIAL 40- 4504 - 803 -80 477074 1736 254.07 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170K45 06/07/89 444.93 KOKESH ATHLETIC ATHLETIC ASSOC EQUIP 10- 4504 - 621 -62 444.93 * * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170K57 06/07/89 2,773.19 KUETHER DIST. CO. BEER 50- 4630- 822 -82 170K57 06/07/89 5,806.60 KUETHER DIST. CO. BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 8,579.79 * * * * * ** *** —CKS 170L10 06/07/89 143.00 LAKELAND ENGINEERING REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 L88225 1723 143.00 * * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170L28 06/07/89 155.15 LAWSON PRODUCTS BITS MISC 10- 4504 - 301 -30 1679 170L28 06/07/89. 245.52 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4504 - 322 -30 1677 170L28 06/07/89 117.25 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS 10- 4504 - 646 -64 1678 170L28 06/09/89 569.86 LAWSON PRODUCTS FASTENERS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 9029 170L28 06/07/89 259.61 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 1681 170L28 06/07/89 420.70 LAWSON PRODUCTS BITS /BLADES 40- 4540 - 803 -80 1680 1,768.09 * * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170L30 06/09/89 410.00 LAYNE MINNESOTA CO. REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 16607 2102 410.00 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170L32 06/02/89 2,518.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES BLDG FUND 10- 4204 - 140 -14 2,518.00 * * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170L34 06/13/89 31.50 LEEF BROS. INC. PROF SERV 23- 4201 - 612 -61 31.50 * * * * * ** a * ** —CKS 170L46 06/07/89 196.75 LIEN INFECTION CON CLEANING 27- 4201 - 663 -66 196.75 * * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170L56 06/07/89 36.00 LINHOFF SLIDES 10- 4201 - 260 -26 152228 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 170L56 06/13/89 170L56 06/13/89 170L56 06/13/89 * * * * ** GARDEN CTR 170L80 06/02/89 170L80 06/02/89 170L80 06/02/89 * * * * ** MERIT SUPPLY 170L97 06/02/89 * * * * ** SALES 170M07 06/07/89 170M07 06/07/89 170M07 06/07/89 * * * * ** 170M16 06/02/89 * * * * ** DESIGNS 170M19_ 06/07/89 * * * * ** 170M23 06/12/89 170M23 06/12/89 170M23 06/12/89 * * * * ** 170M25 06/13/89 170M25 06/13/89 170M25 06/13/89 ****** 170M27 06/09/89 170M27 06/02/89 170M27 06/02/89 170M27 06/07/89 170M27 06/07/89 CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 7.00 LINHOFF PHOTO FINISHING 6.75 LINHOFF PHOTO FINISHING 6.15 LINHOFF PHOTO FINISHING e 55.90 425.00 63.00 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR 63.00— LYNDALE GARDEN CTR 63.80 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR 63.80 MED OXYGEN & EQUIP 29.95 100.00 MERFELD —BERT 100.00 MERIT SUPPLY 416.13 5,620.35 MARK VII SALES 9,008.52 MARK VII SALES 9,216.30 MARK VII SALES 23,845.17 * 950.66 MCCAREN DESIGNS 950.66 * TREES /PLANT /SHRUBS TREES /PLANT SHRUBS PLANT /TREES /SHRUBS POLICE SERVICES BEER BEER BEER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 18 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4508 - 440 -44 148831 10- 4508 - 440 -44 140264 10- 4508- 440 -44 142007 30- 4660 - 783 -78 12395 2056 30- 4660 - 783 -78 12395 2056 30- 4660 - 783 -78 12395 2056 10- 4100 - 430 -42 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 50- 4630 - 862 -86 TREES /PLANTS /FLOWERS 30- 4660 - 783 -78 493 1711 102.10 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 102.10 * 425.00 MARKETING FACTORS 425.00 MARKETING FACTORS 425.00 MARKETING FACTORS 1,275.00 * 292.02 MED OXYGEN & EQUIP 18.60 MED OXYGEN & EQUIP 29.95 MED OXYGEN & EQUIP 340.57 * 2,550.00 MERIT SUPPLY 416.13 MERIT SUPPLY 138.00 MERIT SUPPLY 495.00 MERIT SUPPLY 442.90 MERIT SUPPLY SERVICE MARKETING SERVICE MARKETING SERVICE MARKETING RESUSCITATOR REP DEMURRAGE CHARGE OXYGEN PAINT PLASTICS BAGS SHOP TOWELS GOLF CAR CLEANER GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4540 - 664 -66 1961 50- 4201 - 822 -82 50- 4201 - 842 -84 50- 4201 - 862 -86 10- 4248 - 440 -44 1867 10- 4274- 440 -44 1324 10 -4510- 440 -44 10- 4504 - 375 -30 21814 1903 10- 4504 - 645 -64 21775 1923 27- 4504 - 664 -66 21772 1945 27- 4504 - 665 -66 21811 1984 30- 4504 - 782 -78 21845 2119 * ** —CKS * ** —CKS * ** —CKS * ** —CKS * ** —CKS * ** —CKS * ** —CKS * ** —CKS AMOUNT 394.05 4,436.08 * 119.74 212.32 332.06 * 39,847.50 39,847.50 * 54.80 54.80 * 217.92 217.92 * 1,060.65 3,906.73 9,271.91 108.89 265.67 14,613.85 * 486.72 486.72 * 166.74 228.32 25.00 420.06 * 28.00 108.80 127.70 315.80 580.30 * 466.14 466.14 * two 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 170M27 06/07/89 * * * * ** CLEANING SUPPLIES 170M29 06/13/89 170M29 06/13/89 170M30 06/07/89 170M31 06/07/89 * * * * ** REPAIR PARTS 170M36 06/02/89 * * * * ** BLACKTOP 170M42 06/07/89 170M42 06/13/89 170M42 06/07/89 170M42 06/13/89 170M42 06/07/89 * * * * ** BREAD /FOOD 170M44 06/07/89 * * * * ** BAGS 170M46 06/12/89 170M46 06/07/89 170M46 06/07/89 * * * * ** 170M63 06/07/89 170M63 06/07/89 170M63 06/07/89 170M63 06/07/89 * * * * ** 170M69 06/09/89 * * * * ** AMOUNT 394.05 4,436.08 * 119.74 212.32 332.06 * 39,847.50 39,847.50 * 54.80 54.80 * 217.92 217.92 * 1,060.65 3,906.73 9,271.91 108.89 265.67 14,613.85 * 486.72 486.72 * 166.74 228.32 25.00 420.06 * 28.00 108.80 127.70 315.80 580.30 * 466.14 466.14 * MCC /MIDWEST COST OF COMM �J 06 -19 -89 PAGE 19 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30- 4512- 782 -78 21813 2031 * ** -CKS 10- 3180 - 000 -00 10- 3180 - 000 -00 10- 3095 - 490 -49 40- 4504 - 801 -80 307576 * ** -CKS 10- 4540- 560 -56 1840 * ** -CKS 10- 4524 - 301 -30 001319 10- 4524 - 314 -30 10- 4524 - 314 -30 001319 40- 4524 - 803 -80 40- 4524 - 803 -80 001319 * ** -CKS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 24781 1943 * ** -CKS 27- 4624 - 663 -66 27- 4624 - 663 -66 28- 4624- 703 -70 * ** -CKS 50- 4514 - 822 -82 50- 4632 - 822 -82 50- 4632 - 842 -84 50 -4632- 862 -86 * ** -CKS 23- 4624 - 613 -61 19637 1639 * ** -CKS CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES MESSERLI & KRAMER AMBULANCE MESSERLI & KRAMER AMBULANCE MET WASTE CON COMM BLDG PERMITS METRO FONE COMM. RENTAL MINVALCO REPAIR PARTS MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP MIDWEST CHEM SUPPLY TOWLE /LINERS METZ BAKING CO BREAD METZ BAKING CO BREAD /FOOD METZ BAKING CO CONCESSIONS MN. BAR BAGS MN. BAR MIX MN. BAR MIX MN. BAR MIX MCC /MIDWEST COST OF COMM �J 06 -19 -89 PAGE 19 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30- 4512- 782 -78 21813 2031 * ** -CKS 10- 3180 - 000 -00 10- 3180 - 000 -00 10- 3095 - 490 -49 40- 4504 - 801 -80 307576 * ** -CKS 10- 4540- 560 -56 1840 * ** -CKS 10- 4524 - 301 -30 001319 10- 4524 - 314 -30 10- 4524 - 314 -30 001319 40- 4524 - 803 -80 40- 4524 - 803 -80 001319 * ** -CKS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 24781 1943 * ** -CKS 27- 4624 - 663 -66 27- 4624 - 663 -66 28- 4624- 703 -70 * ** -CKS 50- 4514 - 822 -82 50- 4632 - 822 -82 50- 4632 - 842 -84 50 -4632- 862 -86 * ** -CKS 23- 4624 - 613 -61 19637 1639 * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 170M73 06/09/89 88.00 88.00 * * * * * ** 170M80 06/09/89 22.72 22.72 * 170M81 06/07/89 76.47 170M81 06/07/89 74.94 170M81 06/07/89 155.46 170M81 06/07/89 7.96 314.83 * * * * ** 170M85 06/07/89 43.00 170M85 06/13/89 26.05 170M85 06/07/89 116.50 185.55 * * * * ** 170M93 06/13/89 20.70-«4 - 170M93 06/13/89 81.88 170M93 06/13/89 70.04 170M93 06/13/89 1,264.691,092.00 ,266.- * * * * ** 170M97 06/13/89 1,202.57 170M97 06/13/89 1,267.62',x,' -� --^ 470.224 2, 470.19 ' * * * * ** 170N18 06/13/89 7.78 7.78 * * * * * ** 170N21 06/07/89 33.42 170N21 06/07/89 10.35 43.77 * 170N22 06/13/89 895.00 895.00 * * * * * ** 170N31 06/09/89 21.30 170N31 06/02/89 403.52 424.82 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION MN. ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACT MN SUBURBAN NEWS LEGA PUB MN. TORO INC. MOWER PARTS MN. TORO INC. MOWER BLADE MN. TORO INC. MOWER PARTS MN. TORO INC. IRRIGATION MN. WANNER REPAIR POLE MN. WANNER SPRAYER PARTS MN. WANNER CONT REPAIRS MOTOROLA RADIO REPAIR MOTOROLA RADIO REPAIR MOTOROLA RADIO REPAIR MOTOROLA 10PAGER MPLS FINANCE DEPT. EQUIP MPLS FINANCE DEPT. MAINT NATL CAMERA EXCH. TAPES NAPA AUTO PARTS BRAKES NAPA AUTO PARTS HOSE NATL GUARDIAN SYS. REPAIRS NEBCO DISTRIBUTING NEBCO DISTRIBUTING CONCESSIONS CONCESSIONS 06 -19 -89 PAGE 20 ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30- 4288 - 782 -78 50401 2148 10- 4210 - 140 -14 27- 4540- 664 -66 758007 2011 27- 4540 - 664 -66 758042 2020 27- 4540 - 664 -66 757689 1968 27- 4540 - 664 -66 758346 2011 10- 4504 - 322 -30 72324 10- 4504 - 643 -64 072459 2173 30- 4248 - 782 -78 72325 2139 10- 4248 - 440 -44 1329 10- 4248 - 440 -44 10- 4248 - 440 -44 1329 10- 4901 - 440 -44 617781 1408 10- 4274 - 330 -30 44118 10- 4274 - 330 -30 044117 10- 4508 - 440 -44 230651 10- 4540 - 560 -56 512384 1734 10- 4540 - 560 -56 1733 27- 4304 - 662 -66 120888 26- 4624 - 683 -68 7816 9746 26- 4624 - 683 -68 7536 9746 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 21 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170N54 06/13/89 13.75 NORTHERN AIRE TEST TUBES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 38040 2092 170N54 06/07/89 46.08 NORTHERN AIRE TESTING TABLETS 26- 4504- 682 -68 3785 2071 170N54 06/13/89 12.44 NORTHERN AIRE POOL JAC PARTS 26- 4512 - 682 -68 3810 2115 72.27 * o° * * * ** * ** —CKS �,,•. 170N68 06/09/89 187.50 NORTHSTAR ICE MIX 50- 4632- 822- 82c',' 170N68 06/07/89 307.50 NORTHSTAR ICE ICE 50- 4632 - 842 -84 170N68 06/07/89 409.00 NORTHSTAR ICE MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 904.00 * * * ** * ** —CKS 170N82 06/09/89 162.89 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF COMM 23 -4624- 613 -61 160596 1782 170N82 06/09/89 113.76 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 160154 1638 170N82 06/09/89 53.55 ` -5 @.59 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 160023 1635 170N82 06/13/89 239.84 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 160884 2041 570.04* - 569.99 * * * ** * ** —CKS 170027 06/09/89 6,850.00 OLD DOMINION BRUSH BROOMS 10- 4534 - 310 -30 1307 9873 6,850.00 * * * ** * ** —CKS 170030 06/13/89 300.12 OLD DUTCH FOODS CHIPS 27- 4624 - 663 -66 300.12 * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170036 06/12/89 154.07 OLSON CHAIN & CABLE SUPPLIES FOR TOOLS 27- 4504 - 664 -66 18279 2128 170036 06/12/89 219.00 OLSON CHAIN & CABLE TOOLS 27- 4580 - 664 -66 18280 2132 373.07 * 170037 06/07/89 225.00 BILL OLSON BLACK DIRT 40- 4504 - 803 -80 1040 225.00 * * * * * ** * ** —CKS 170P05 06/13/89 595.00 PAPER CALMENSON STEEL 10- 4504 - 646 -64 1030 595.00 170P06 06/13/89 13,567.00 PALANI CONSTR CONSTRUCTION 27- 1300 - 001 -00 170P06 06/02/89 39,415.00 PALANI CONSTR BRAEMAR 27- 1300 - 001 -00 170P06 06/13/89 3,116.31 PALANI CONSTR 12TH 27- 4248 - 664 -66 1792 170P06 06/13/89 2,108.77 PALANI CONSTR 5TH 27- 4288 - 664 -66 2064 170P06 06/13/89 3,982.12 PALANI CONSTR ROCK 27- 4540 - 664 -66 1769 62,189.20 * * * ** * ** —CKS -- I i I Ir 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 22 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170P11 06/02/89 385.00 PARK NIC MED CTR PHYSICAL EXAM 10- 4212 - 510 -51 i 385.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170P25 06/13/89 921.00 PEAK CONSTRUCTION REPAIR 27- 1332 - 000 -00 2146 921.00- n; * ** -CKS 170P27 170P27 06/02/89 06/02/89 1,000.00 100.00 PEAT MARWICK MAIN CO PEAT MARWICK MAIN CO AUDIT 10- 4216 - 160 -16 53089 170P27 06/02/89 150.00 PEAT MARWICK MAIN CO AUDIT AUDIT 23- 4216 - 611 -61 26- 4216 - 681 -68 53089 53089 1,250.00 * * * * ** i * ** -CKS 170P30 170P30 06/12/89 06/12/89 1,429.35 315.75 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING PEPSI COLA BOTTLING PEPSI MIX 27- 4624 - 663 -66 170P30 170P30 06/12/89 06/12/89 367.40 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 50- 4632- 842 -84 200.10 2,312.60 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170P35 06/02/89 68.66 PETERSON- BARBARA MILEAGE 30- 4208 - 781 -78 68.66 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170P58 06/07/89 27.20 27.20 PLUNKETTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 28- 4504 - 702 -70 629929 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170P72 06/02/89 143.09 143.09 POWER SUPPLY CO. GUAGES 40- 4540 - 801 -80 86572 9783 * ** -CKS 170P80 06/07/89 275.36 275.36 PRIOR LAKE AGG. SAND 10- 4528 - 365 -30 1042 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170P86 06/07/89 237.66 -PROG CONSULTING ENG CORROSITY STUDY 40- 4248 - 805 -80 2089` 237.66 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170P94 06/12/89 15.00-...: PUBLICITY CENTRAL ADVERTISING 30- 4214- 781 -78 4232 2213 170P94 06/12/89 15:00 -- PUBLICITY CENTRAL ADVERTISING 30.00* 30- 4214 - 781 -78 4232 2213 * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 170Q09 06/07/89 * * * * ** CHECK REGISTER 170R13 06/13/89 * * * * ** PAGE 23 170R21 06/07/89 170R21 06/07/89 170R21 06/07/89 170R22 06/02/89 170R23 06/07/89 * * * * ** 170R25 06/07/89 * * * * ** * 170R37 06/02/89 * * * * ** 170R47 06/07/89, 170R47 06/07/89 * * * * ** 170R49 06/13/89 * * * * ** 170R63 06/13/89 * * * * ** 10- 4226 - 440 -44 170R71 06/13/89 * * * * ** 170R77 06/13/89 CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 23 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 34.25 QUALITY REFRIG REPAIRS 27- 4248 - 663 -66 63760 34.25 * * ** —CKS 132.00 RADIO INSTALLS RADIO RENTAL 10- 4226 - 440 -44 14053 132.00 * * ** —CKS 80.95 RED WING SHOES UNIFROM ALLOWANCE 10- 4262 - 301 -30 59.45 RED WING SHOES UNIFROM ALLOWANCE 10- 4262 - 560 -56 163.95 RED WING SHOES UNIFROM ALLOWANCE 10- 4262 - 646 -64 304.35 * is 400.00 REM SUPPLIES HOT DOG STREAMER 10- 4504 - 621 -62 52589 1960 400.00 * 130.00 REEDS SALES & SERV MOWER GRINDER FLUID 27- 4504 - 664 -66 193031 1800 130.00 * * ** —CKS 360.00 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES CHAIN SAW 10- 4580 - 301 -30 13434 1917 360.00 * * ** —CKS 23.00 RIDDLE CONTROL PROD. LOCK 10- 4540 - 330 -30 890505 1587 23.00 * ** —CKS .163.52 ROAD MACHINERY SPRACKET 10- 4540 - 560 -56 1926 3,986.00 ROAD MACHINERY SANDER 10- 4901 - 305 -30 29498A 9249 4,149.52 * * ** —CKS 54.68 ROAD RESCUE VALVE 10- 4510 - 440 -44 050395 1866 54.68 * * ** —CKS 1,535.00 ROGERS PAINTING PAINT HOCKEY RINKS 60- 1300 - 014 -20 1844 1,535.00 * ° * ** —CKS 355.13 RUNYAN /VOGEL GROUP ARCH FEE 27- 1300 - 001 -00 355.13 * * ** —CKS 94.70 ROYAL CROWN BEV. MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 AMOUNT. 253.02 347.72 * 378.96 110.36 489.32 * 86.66 86.66 * 124.15 254.57 117.21 124.15- 371.78 * 488.60 488.60 * 94.00 94.00 * 15.23 15.23 * 4,986.10 10,719.25 15,705.35 43.1645.7T 43.16* 45T5 4,095.21 163.50 4,258.71 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ROYAL CROWN BEV. MIX RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF RUDY SOMMERS S.H. BARTLETT CO S.H. BARTLETT CO S.H. BARTLETT CO S.H. BARTLETT CO 06 -19 -89 PAGE 24 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 50- 4632 - 862 -86 i * ** -CKS CRAFT SUPPLIES 23- 4588 - 611 -61 137189 1784 COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 137477 2043 REMODELING ORIFACE REPAIR KIT ORIFACE ORIFACE SUBURBAN TIRE & AUTO TIRES SHERWIN WILLIAMS SOUTHDALE FORD SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO ST. PAUL BOOK STATE TREASURER STATE TREASURER GENERAL SUPPLIES PARTS.. BEER BEER OFFICE SUPPLIES BLDG PERMITS SURCHARGE * ** -CKS 25- 4924 - 520 -.52 2063 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 170R77 06/13/89 * * * * ** 27188 170R81 06/09/89 170R81 06/09/89 * * * * ** 170R84 06/02/89 * * * * ** 170S01 06/09/89 170S01 06/09/89 170S01 06/09/89 170S01 06/09/89 * * * * ** 170S10 06/07/89 * * * * ** 47775 170S27 06/09/89 * * * * ** 17OS34 06/07/89 * * * * ** 207230 170S36 06/09/89 170S36 06/07/89 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170S45 06/09/89 * * * * ** 170S61 06/07/89 170S61 06/07/89 * * * * ** AMOUNT. 253.02 347.72 * 378.96 110.36 489.32 * 86.66 86.66 * 124.15 254.57 117.21 124.15- 371.78 * 488.60 488.60 * 94.00 94.00 * 15.23 15.23 * 4,986.10 10,719.25 15,705.35 43.1645.7T 43.16* 45T5 4,095.21 163.50 4,258.71 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ROYAL CROWN BEV. MIX RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF RUDY SOMMERS S.H. BARTLETT CO S.H. BARTLETT CO S.H. BARTLETT CO S.H. BARTLETT CO 06 -19 -89 PAGE 24 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 50- 4632 - 862 -86 i * ** -CKS CRAFT SUPPLIES 23- 4588 - 611 -61 137189 1784 COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 137477 2043 REMODELING ORIFACE REPAIR KIT ORIFACE ORIFACE SUBURBAN TIRE & AUTO TIRES SHERWIN WILLIAMS SOUTHDALE FORD SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO ST. PAUL BOOK STATE TREASURER STATE TREASURER GENERAL SUPPLIES PARTS.. BEER BEER OFFICE SUPPLIES BLDG PERMITS SURCHARGE * ** -CKS 25- 4924 - 520 -.52 2063 i * ** -CKS 26- 4504 - 682 -68 27205 2009 26- 4504 - 682 -68 27188 1992 26- 4504 - 682 - 6827205 2009 26- 4504 - 682 -68 27205 2009 * ** -CKS 10- 4616 - 560 -56 54498 1452 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 540 -54 47775 8850 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 207230 * ** -CKS 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 * ** -CKS 23- 4516 - 611 -61 03379 1783 * ** -CKS 10- 3095 - 490 -49 10- 3113 - 490 -49 * ** -CKS i * * * * ** AMOUNT 44.28 44.28 * 10.58 179.16 56.40 246.14 * 5.61 162.40 150.32 318.33 * 23.20 23.20 * 80.00 80.00 * 132.21 132.21 * 464.00 464.00 10,568.26 10,568.26 13,079.10 13,079.10 6.30 6.30 40.00 40.00 f L C � ITEM DESCRIPTION 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 170565 06/09/89 * * * * ** REPAIR PARTS 170577 06/07/89 170577 06/07/89 170577 06/07/89 170578 06/12/89 170578 06/02/89 170578 06/07/89 * * * * ** NEWSLETTR 170592 06/07/89 * * * * ** BEER 170596 06/07/89 * * * * ** SPRINGS 170T08 06/13/89 * * * * ** 170T20 06/07/89 * * * * ** 170T29 06/07/89 170T30 06/09/89 * * * * ** 170T40 06/12/89 * * * * ** 170T50 06/07/89 * * * * ** AMOUNT 44.28 44.28 * 10.58 179.16 56.40 246.14 * 5.61 162.40 150.32 318.33 * 23.20 23.20 * 80.00 80.00 * 132.21 132.21 * 464.00 464.00 10,568.26 10,568.26 13,079.10 13,079.10 6.30 6.30 40.00 40.00 06 -19 -89 PAGE 25 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 23- 4588 - 611 -61 19787 1781 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 107677 10- 4540- 560 -56 107661 10- 4540 - 560 -56 107772 ;b^ 10- 4540 - 540 -54 26- 4504 - 682 -68 1914 40- 4540 - 801 -80 1912 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 050881 1969 * ** -CKS 27- 4201 - 662 -66 * ** -CKS 27- 4516 - 661 -66 * ** -CKS 10- 4600 - 628 -62 10304 1845 * ** -CKS 10- 4201 - 220 -22 50- 4630 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS 27- 4580 - 664 -66 039313 2126 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 50573 2002 * ** -CKS CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION STEBGO METALS INC. CRAFT SUPPLIES SUBURBAN CHEVROLET PARTS SUBURBAN CHEVROLET HUB CAP SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PARTS SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP BRONZE PUMP SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS SYSTEM SUPPLY COMPUTER DISKETTES SCHUENEMAN -AMY SERVICES TARGET FILING CABINETS THE PRINT SHOP NEWSLETTR THOMSEN - NYBECK LEGAL THORPE DISTR. BEER TOLL COMPANY OXYGEN TOWN & COUNTRY DODGE SPRINGS 06 -19 -89 PAGE 25 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 23- 4588 - 611 -61 19787 1781 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 107677 10- 4540- 560 -56 107661 10- 4540 - 560 -56 107772 ;b^ 10- 4540 - 540 -54 26- 4504 - 682 -68 1914 40- 4540 - 801 -80 1912 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 050881 1969 * ** -CKS 27- 4201 - 662 -66 * ** -CKS 27- 4516 - 661 -66 * ** -CKS 10- 4600 - 628 -62 10304 1845 * ** -CKS 10- 4201 - 220 -22 50- 4630 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS 27- 4580 - 664 -66 039313 2126 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 50573 2002 * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 26 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170T53 06/12/89 6,880.18 TRACY OIL GASOLINE 10- 4612- 560 -56 T10539 2097 6,880.18 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170T66 06/07/89 157.52 TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFT PLAYGROUND SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 624 -62 330773 1496 170T66 06/09/89 27.25 TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFT CRAFT SUPPLYS 23- 4588 - 611 -61 329354 1641 184.77 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170T72 06/13/89 828.00 TROPICAL SNO OF MN SOFT SERV PROD 26- 4624 - 683 -68 9435 1697 828.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170T74 06/13/89 90.00 TURF SUPPLY CO. GRASS 10- 4568 - 643 -64 026473 1817 90.00 * ** -CKS 170T82 06/07/89 61.43 TWIN CITY ELEVATOR ELEVATOR SERVICE 10- 4248 - 520 -52 12091 -61.43 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170T88 06/07/89 143.50 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 170T88 06/07/89 47.52 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 191.02 * * * * ** (2 checks) * ** -CKS 170U20 06/07/89 320.00 UNIVERSITY OF MN SCHOOL 10- 4202 - 200 -20 170U20 06/07/89 320.00 UNIVERSITY OF MN SCHOOL 10- 4202 - 200 -20 j 640.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170U30 06/02/89 60.00 US WEST PAGING CONTRACT SERV 30- 4288 - 781 -78 2029 60.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170V15 06/07/89 470.15 VAN PAPER CO. KITCHEN SUPPLYS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 260228 2034 170V15 06/09/89. 104.00 VAN PAPER CO. CUPS 26- 4624 - 683 -68 260846 2197 574.15 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170V30 06/12/89 24.82 VANTAGE ELECTRIC REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 646 -64 010680 2207 24.82 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 170V43 06/07/89 750.00- VERSATILE VEHICLE LEASSE 5 GOLF CARTS 22- 4276- 665 -66 2945 2014 j 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 27 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 170V43 06/07/89 750.00 VERSATILE VEHICLE LEASSE 5 GOLF CARTS 22- 4276 - 665 -66 2945 2014 170V43 06/07/89 50.00 .VERSATILE VEHICLE DROP OFF CHARGE 27- 4276 - 665 -66 2934 2026 170V43 06/07/89 750.00 VERSATILE VEHICLE LEASE 5 GOLF CARTS 27- 4276 - 665 -66 2945 2014 170V43 06/12/89 229.50 VERSATILE VEHICLE GOLF CAR PARTS 27- 4540 - 665 -66 .1,029.50 k k k k k k * ** -CKS 170W08 06/02/89 370.55 W.W. GRAINGER FREON 10- 4504 - 520 -52 1925 170W08 06/07/89 42.61 W.W. GRAINGER STAT 10- 4540 - 540 -54 1931 170W08 06/02/89 380.00 W.W. GRAINGER FREON 12 50- 4504 - 861 -86 1924 793.16 k k k k k k * ** -CKS 170W11 06/13/89 499.81 W. GORDON SMITH GASOLINE 27- 4612 - 664 -66 1414 1790 170W11 06/02/89 496.82 W. GORDON SMITH GAS 27- 4612 - 664 -66 1415 2017 996.63 k k k k k k * ** -CKS 170W15 06/02/89 100.00 WALTER JOHNSON POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 100.00 k k k k k k * ** -CKS 170W28 06/07/89 257.29 WATER PRODUCTS STORM SEWER PIPE 40- 4540 - 900 -80 91867 1815 257.29 kkkkkk * ** -CKS 170W49 06/07/89 270.14 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT REPAIR HOIST 10- 4540- 540 -54 19002 1743 170W49 06/12/89 3,141.60 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT FUELING STATION 27- 1340 - 001 -00 19079 1696 3,411.74 k k k k k k * ** -CKS 170W66 06/07/89 45.82 WILLIAMS STEEL PROPANE 10- 4504 - 560 -56 170W66 06/07/89 38.56 WILLIAMS STEEL PAINT 10- 4504 - 560 -56 84.38 * kkkkkk * ** -CKS 170W92 06/02/89 100.00 WROBLESKI -HENRY POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 100.00 * kkkkkk * ** -CKS 170Y05 06/07/89 2,251.78 YORK INTL CONT REPAIRS 30- 4248 - 782 -78 56506 2074 2,251.78 * k k k k k k * ** -CKS .i78789 g6�18/89 i @9 r-wDGE 23-3 X90 --00- r 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -19 -89 PAGE 28 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * * * * ** 725,017.85 725,919.14 FUND 10 TOTAL * * * -CKS GENERAL FUND 6,051.09 30 0 FUND 11 TOTAL C.D.B.G. ^ " °' FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER 86.66 FUND 25 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND 3,362.07 FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND 155,584.48. FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND 112,974.59 FUND 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND 8,361.83 8�-- @46.8@ FUND 30 TOTAL EDINBOROUGH PARK 9,864.08 FUND 40 TOTAL UTILITY FUND 131.67 FUND 41 TOTAL STORM SEWER UTILITY 98,363.06 FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 110,953.11 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 89,001.18 FUND 66 TOTAL IMP BOND REDEMPTION #2 1,322,775.67* 1,822,764.69 TOTAL r