HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07-10_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 10, 1989 7:00 P.M. (Convene Joint BRA /Council Meeting) ROLLCALL I.- APPROVAL OF JOINT HRA /COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 1989 (Council & HRA) II. EDINA HOMESTEAD DEVELOPMENT /RPI SERVICES (Contd from 6/19/89 - Continue to 8/7/89) A. Final Rezoning PRD -4, Planned Residence District to PSR -4, Senior Citizen District (Council) B. Final Plat Approval - Outlot A, Ebenezer Society 1st Addition (Council) C. Tax Increment Financing Assistance (HRA) III. CONVEYANCE OF PHASE III - CENTENNIAL LAKES CONDOMINIUMS (HRA) IV. ADJOURNMENT OF HRA EDINA CITY COUNCIL I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. II. PLANNING MATTERS A. Set Bearing Date (7/24/89) * 1. Conditional Use Permit - Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road - Building Expansion * 2. Conditional Use Permit - Grace Church of Edina, 5300 France Avenue South - Building Expansion and Remodeling * 3. Preliminary Plat Approval - The Homes of Centennial Lakes - Hedberg Site - Generally located south of Parklawn Av and north of W. 76th St III. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IV. AWARD OF BIDS A. 3.4 Cubic Yard Articulated Loader B. 2.5 Cubic Yard Articulated Loader * C. Permanent Street Surfacing With Concrete Curb & Gutter Improvement No. BA -278 (Link Road) * D. Permanent Street Surfacing With Concrete Curb & Gutter, Sidewalk and Storm Sewer Improvement Nos. BA -283 and STS -190 * E. Cardboard Baler - York Av and Vernon Av Liquor Stores * F. Recycling Containers * G. Outdoor Warning Siren V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Mavelle Drive - 24' Easement (Cond from 6/19/89) B. Budget Assumptions C. Weed Spraying Policy D. Joint Powers Agreement - Minnesota Drive Agenda Edina City Council July 10, 1989 Page Two VI. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS A. Letter Regarding Airplane Noise - Mark and Mary Ellen Chamberlain, 7004 Bristol Boulevard B. Petition for Vacation of Drainage Easement - Nancy D. Hopf, 6728 Apache Road - Set Hearing.Date (8/7/89) VII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES VIII. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL IX. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS X. FINANCE A. PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed Project and Issuance of Hospital System Revenue Bonds on Behalf of Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services 1. Resolution Authorizing Issuance and Sale of Up to $17,000,000 of Hospital System Revenue Bonds, Series 1989A (Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services) of the City and Execution of Documents B. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 07/10/89: General Fund $194,443.59, C.D.B.G. $1,217.00, Communications $821.60, Art Center $9,406.42, Capital Fund $6,824.55, Swimming Pool Fund $5,599.69, Golf Course Fund $17,135.32, Recreation Center Fund $2,411.60, Gun Range Fund $239.92, Edinborough Park $8,788.32, Utility Fund $250,631.79, Storm Sew Utility $1,028.30, Liquor Dispensary Fund $23,674.78, Construction Fund $110,126.59, Total $632,349.47 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Mon July 24 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Aug 7 Tues Aug 8 Thurs Aug 10 Sun Aug .'13 Tues Aug 15 Mon Aug 21 Regular Council Meeting 1990 Budget Hearing 1990 Budget Hearing Ground Breaking - Edina.Historical Society 1990 Budget Hearing Council /Human Relations Commission Mon Aug 21 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room 5:00 p.m. Mgrs Conf Room 5:00 p.m. Mgrs Conf Room 5:00 p.m. Mgrs Conf Room 6:00 p.m. Council Room 7:00 p.m. Council Room MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY /CITY COUNCIL HELD AT EDINA CITY HALL JUNE 19, 1989 A joint meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council was convened to consider concurrently: 1) Edina Homestead Development, and 2) Release of Reverter - Centennial Lakes Plaza. Action was taken by the HRA and Council as required and recorded. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners /Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. MINUTES of the Joint HRA /Council Meeting of May 1, 1989 were approved as submitted by motion of Commissioner/Member Smith, seconded by Commissioner/Member Paulus. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Paulus, Richards Motion carried. EDINA HOMESTEAD DEVELOPMENT - RPI SERVICES - Motion was made by Commissioner/Member Smith, and seconded by Commissioner/Member Kelly to continue the public hearing on final rezoning, final plat and tax increment financing assistance for Edina Homestead Development to the meeting of July 10, 1989. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. RELEASE OF REVERTER - CENTENNIAL LAKES PLAZA AUTHORIZED" Executive Director Hughes recalled that the Centennial Lakes Redevelopment Agreements include a reverter clause on all private developments. Pursuant to this provision, the ownership of private properties reverts to the Edina HRA in the event that private development is not started, or if started, it does not proceed to completion. The retail developer is now requesting that the reverter, as it relates to Centennial Lakes Plaza, be released. Staff believes that this request is reasonable, given the fact that construction has started or will shortly start on all phases of the retail project. Therefore, the likelihood that the reverter would be exercised at this stage of construction is extremely remote. It is recommended that the reverter be released with respect to the Centennial Lakes Plaza property upon issuance of the final building permit for this project. Commissioner Smith introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, that it hereby waives and releases the reverter clause included in the redevelopment agreement for Centennial Lakes as it pertains to the Centennial Lakes Plaza project. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Commissioner Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. There being no further business on the joint HRA /Council agenda, motion of Commissioner Rice was seconded by Commissioner Smith for adjournment of the HRA. Motion carried unanimously. Executive Director Acting City Clerk oe`� 0 • �N�bRrOMt�O • �eea REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: HRA From: GORDON L. HUGHES EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Date: JULY 10, 1989 Subject: CONVEYANCE OF PHASE III CENTENNIAL LAKES CONDOMINIUMS Recommendation: Agenda Item # HRA. III. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ffl To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Adopt attached Resolution authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute documents conveying the Phase 3 Condominium lot to the condominium developer. Info /Background: The condominium developer, Laukka Development, is requesting conveyance of the Phase 3 condominium site for development. The Phase 3 condominium building is proposed to be somewhat different than Phases 1 and 2. First, Phase 3 will contain 42 condominium units rather than 46 units as was the case with Phases 1 and 2. Second, an elevator will be included in Phase 3 that will serve 26 of the 42 units. This will be the first condominium building served by an elevator in Centennial Lakes or Edinborough. The attached Exhibit compares the unit pricing of Phases 1, 2 and 3, and also indicates which units in Phase 3 are served by the elevator. The proposal for Phase 3 is apparently responsive to a market segment comprised of older more affluent condominium purchasers. Due principally to the elevator, the average sale price of the Phase 3 unit will be approximately $98,800, compared to $90,100 for the Phase 2 condominium. Due to this increase, fewer units will be affordable to moderate income purchasers. Based on our current policy of limiting second mortgages to units selling for $90,000 or less, 11 units in Phase 3 will qualify for second mortgage assistance, while 34 units in Phase 2 qualified for such assistance. Under the developers proposal, second mortgage funds that would normally be allocated to Phase 3 will instead be allocated to other buildings in the project to assist modest income purchasers. HRA Report /Recommendation July 10, 1989 Page Two Mr. Laukka will also present, on July 10, preliminary plans for Phase 4. Under his preliminary proposal, the unit plans for Phase 4 would be reconfigured to provide substantially larger units, which would be sold to more affluent purchasers. It is anticipated that none of the units in Phase 4 would be sold with second mortgage assistance. As the case with Phase 3, second mortgage funds which normally would have been spent on Phase 4 would be reallocated to other buildings on the project. In that this proposal for Phase 4 departs from the original concept of providing homeownership opportunities to moderate income people, staff and the condominium developer are seeking direction from the HRA concerning this proposal. If the HRA agrees with the concept, the amount of financial assistance, if any, will have to be negotiated with the condominium developer. The East Edina Housing Foundation has reviewed the proposal for Phase 3 and the preliminary proposal for Phase 4. The Foundation has authorized conveyance of the site for Phase 3 on the basis that the provision of an elevator provides a desirable housing opportunity for a different segment of condominium purchasers. The Foundation has also conceptually agreed with the proposal for Phase 4. They note that an objective of the Centennial Lakes condominium development was to provide housing opportunities for a broader cross - section of purchasers than was the case at Edinborough. The proposal for Phase 4 appears to accommodate that objective. Further details concerning Phase 4 will have to be presented to the Foundation as well. 11 RESOJjUTION RATIFYING AND AUTHORIZING THE M(ECUTION AMID DELIVERY OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the 5oard of Ccmu ssioners of the Housing and Redevelopment -A,uthority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA "), as follows: 1. Recitals. The HRA and the Edina City Council have previously approved a redevelopment plan, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, subdivision 15, designated as the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan, and have approved various amendments thereto (as so amended, the "Redevelopment Plan "). Acting pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan, the HRA has acquired certain land in the area included in the Redevclopment Plan and A has boon proposed that the HRA sell and transfer a portion of such land to the East Edina Housing Foundation (the "Foundation "), pursuant to a Land Sale Agreement by and between the HRA and the Foundation (the "Agreement "). By a resolution adopted March 7, 1988, the HRA approved the form of the Agreement and authorized any two officers of the HRA to execute and deliver the Agreement on behalf of the tARA with such modifications as were deemed appropriate and approved by the Chairman and the Executive Director of the HRA. Pursuant to such authorization the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the HRA cxecutod and- dcl- ivcred -the Agreement dated on or as of March 14, 1988. Sibsequently, by resolution dated September 1.2, 1.988, the HRA approved execution and delivery by any two officers of the HRA, on behalf of the HRA, of an Amended and Restated Land Sale Agreement. and Contract. for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and Foundation with such modifications as the attorney for the HRA and Executive Director of the HRA should approve (the "Amended Agreement "). Pursuant to such authorization the Chairman and Secretary of the [IRA executed and delivered the Amended Agreement dated on or as of September 30, 1988. In connection with the transactions contemplated by the Amended Agreement, it is now proposed that Phase TIT. of the Condominium Development be ccauenced on the property described on Exhibit A hereto (the "Phase III Condominium Property ") and that the Phase III Condominium Property be conveyed pursuant to the Amended Agreement and on the same terms and conditions as the Phase II Condominium Property was conveyed with such changes and modifications, as may be approved by the Executive Director and the Attorney to the HRA, including those resulting fram the proposed addition of an elevator and the proposed sale of units without the use of second mortgages. 2. Authorization for Execution and Delivery of Documents. Any two officers of the HRA are authorized and directed to execute such instruments and agreements as may be required or be desirable to acccrrplish the conveyance of the Phase III Condominium Property pursuant to the Amended Agreement with such changes and mxlif-ications as may be approved by the Executive Director and Attorney for the HRA. The execution of such instruments and agreements by any two officers of the IIRA shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of suuh documents by the HRA in acccrdarice with this Resolution. EXHIBIT A THE iTOMES AT CENTENNIAL TAKES PHASE III CONDOMINIUM LAND DESCRIPTION All that part of TZT 1, BLOCK 2, SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPM9NT ADDITION, according to the recordcd plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, shown as wt 3, Black 1, on the proposed plat of The Homes of Centennial Lakes. Dated as of the 10th day of July, 1989. Chairman Attest: Executive Director JUL-07-1989 11:46 FROM L.A. LAUKKA DEOELOFIIENT TO 321.7032 P.02 BLDS123 TOTAL -431021500.--4rl48;400..-4T46015o... ---------- ---------- ---------- PRICE PRICE PRICE NO. TYPE DESCRIPTION ---- ------- ----------------------- PREFIX I PREFIX 2 PREFIX 3 ---------- ---------- ---- - - - - -- 107-D TILBURY 82,000 88,000 92,000 A; 103 A-1 ABINGDON 81,500 81,500 90,000 1 -992500 106 D-2 CHELTENHAM 65,400 87,400 93,400 107 B-2 CHELTENHAM 68,400 87,400 16,400 04F000- 4 110 6-1 , GREENWICH 91,500 91,500 87,000 Ill H-1 HENLEY 62,000 65,500 N/A 4-ILBURYI.- 9440 - - -497400- -4�. 040 113 A-1 ABINGDON 84,500 86,000 90,000 115 E-1 GLOUCESTER 102,500 104,000 107,500 116 ZKL-TaW 117 9-2 CHELTENHAM 88,400 97,400 .96,400 118 E-2 BANBURY 77,500 79,500 64,000 99,M----NA 202 D TILBURY 84,500 88,000 91,000 203 A-1 ABINGDON 811500 85t500 89,500 206 B-2 CHELTENHAM 85,400 96,400 94,400 207 B-2 CHELTENHAM B9,400 86,400 97,400 4000 --74,000 210 6-2 NOTTINGHAM 73,000 76,000 84,000 211 H-2 SALISBURY 93,500 99,000 N/A ---2424- - I lt8URy---- - .--.95vo - 89T00--91,000 213 A-1 ABINGDON 84,000 85,500 89,500 215 E-1 GLOUCESTER 102,500 103,000 113,000 86,400 217 B-2 CHELTENHAM 88,400 96,400 97,400 218 E-3 TEWKESBURY 71,000 74,000 82,000 302 70,000 303 A-2 BIRMINGHAM 100�600 111,100 117,600 304 F STRATFORD 99,000 900000 99,000 -=RAT9w- 306 B-2 CHELTENHAM 87,400 88,400 95,400 307 B-2 CHELTENHAM 90,400 88,400 99,400 SAINSBORM---.. 309 C-2 READING 111t000 109,000 122,000 312 D TILBURY 8990D0 89,000 97,500 BIRMINGHAM- 10 314 F STRATFORD 87,000 90,000. 99,000 315 F STRATFORD 89,000 90,000 99,000 316 2-2 317 B-2 318 C-1 CHELTENHAM 90,400 88,400 98,400 SAINSBOROUSH 98,500 96,500 109,500 ;194--2--RMpG . ..... ... GARASES I 5000/EACH 30,000 ------- ---------- 30,000 ---------- 50,000 TOTAL -431021500.--4rl48;400..-4T46015o... ---------- ---------- ---------- JUL-07-1989 11:47 FROM L. A. LAUKKA DEVELOPMENT TO 9275032 P.03 TOTAL P.03 BLDS123 5/15/0? � ^� ' PRICE PRICE PRICE . ND. __ ------- TYPE DESCRIPTION . PREFIX 1 PREFIX 2 PREFIX J _____ --` _--_ -COSTS---'-- .......... ---------- - i0NB 261v489 2619499 261'489 _ SQADlNG 20�000 200800 %A,OOV ' . MRA IMPROVEMENTS 46,667 469667 46,667 RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS 161,000 161,000 161,000 � ---- - f&8K-DE&ICA7X#N 38,640 ' --�Qv�4�-' --�Gv�4�------ ----------------- --'--' � � - SEWER AVAILABILITY CHARGE 23,N0 33,000 %S,OOO CONSTRUCTION INTEREST V%vNN 92,000 92^000 ----' ------ A8CH�����R�'---------------S9���'----�V�>N�— --��-- �------' -- -' LEGAL 10,000 10,000 10,000 ' � SURVEY 11,500 11,500 11,500 '-'--'---TAXES/44S8RAKS- WRITEDOWN ASSISTANCE (650,000) ' (650,008) (650^000) ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------'-----f T.AL-------. --�^�� ^ --�� TOTAL �----------___.�._--_'__-� r GROSS PROFIT -~~~~~~~~- -~^------- ---------- 996,265 1901*9165 997,882 ----~-^— 31012^311 -- - --------- 'fERCENF ' 24 ----'34r48%---33;981------------�����-------- . NUMBER OF UNlTS<=90K. 3s 34 11 78 ��----�-----SECRND-4WT6W-fO8L-- 193.,-0* 9-3-f000�---- ----------�79v��------------'----'� - - ._ � � z , ' ^ ~ ' � ' ' , ` � ' �__- _ ' AVERAGE � � _ _--_--'--'--_---_--_-_- 5,948 O1618 8,455 ---------- ---------- ---------- � '--_-_--�__--_---_'__--_-----------_-- . 79423 _---_--~ ^ � . _�__ TOTAL P.03 0' REQUEST FOR PURCHASE 01 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: 10 July, 1989 AGENDA ITEM IV. A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: 3.4 Cubic Yard Capacity Articulated Wheel Loader Companv Amount of Quote or &d 1. Ziegler, Inc. $29,509 with trade -in & guaranteed repurcha i 2• Carlsons Lake State Equipment Co. 2. $60,000 with trade -in 3. (Not Bid as Specified) 3. no guaranteed repurcha i 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Ziegler, Inc. - $29,509 with a guar- anteed repurchase GENERAL INFORMATION: within 5 years on new machine This unit replaces Unit 25 -443 which was purchased on a total cost bid process in 1984. The total cost bid process provides a guaranteed maintenance and guaranteed repurchase on each machine. We have done this type of purchasing on all recent wheel loader purchases. These units are the backbone of our fleet and we can ill afford breakdown during critical times. Our first two purchases indicate that this method of purchase is very cost effective versus straight low bid. Staff will explain in more detail the total cost bidding process at the Council Meeting. Sigrfatur The Recommended bid is __X_ within budget not within Public Works - Streets Finance Director Kenneth Rosland, City Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE ° . J•'"tenr�ww••'� TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5 000 DATE 10 July, 1989 AGENDA ITEM Iv. B. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Bid Cubic .Yard Articulated Wheel Loader - Total Cost Company • Amount of Quote or &d 1. Ziegler, Inc. 2. Case Power Equipment 3. Carlsons Lake�State E ui.pment Co. (Not Bid as Specified 4. 5. $gnarranteedthrepudrehase 2•$gu'Aranteetdhrepudrehase 3•$no'guuaraneeetdrrepurch 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Ziegler, Inc. - with guaranteed repurchase of $47,500 for a net of $45,963.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This unit replaces Unit 25 -401, a 1952 road grader. Our need for road graders has diminished greatly and does not plow snow as efficiently as an articulated wheel loader. This unit and the 3.4 cubic yard unit are financed from the equipment replacement fund. The Case bid net after guaranteed repurchase would be $60,238.00. Carlsons Lake State Equipment (John Deere equipment) did not bid guaranteed repurchase but based on used equipment auction sales information, we believe the equivalent net price would be around $55,000.00. Si ature The Recommended bid is — -k-- within budget not within T1 Public Works - Streets Finance Director Rosland, Cit6 Manager e 9�N A. ' ,ttt� En REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM. Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: 10 July, 1989 AGENDA ITEM IV . C . ITEM DESCRIPTION: Link Road, Eden Avenue & Traffic Signal Improvement - Vernon Avenue Companv Amount of Quote or Bid �• See Attached Tabulation RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Midwest Asphalt Corporation $233,458.60 Subject to receipt of easement from SuperAmerica and final County agreement in a form and substance acceptable to City Manager. GENERAL INFORMATION: This bid was for construction of project identified as BA -278. This is the reconstruction of Link Road, Eden Avenue and Vernon Avenue turn lanes with traffic signal at Link and Vernon. The project will be financed thru the HRA funds in the Grandview District. The reason for the recommendation listed above is to facilitate the award and ordering of traffic signal equipment which has a long delivery time between order and delivery. This recommendation allows us to move the project forward between the July 10th and July 24th Council meetings if all things are in place. Additionally, the County has requested we enter into a cooperative construction agree- ment for the signal in which we pay for construction and they will provide maintenance. Sig Public Works - Engineering a a Department The Recommended bid is -V_ within budget not withi -but o)(n Y0I11in, Finance Director enneth Rosland. C? y Manager Im July 6, 1989 11:00 A.M. BID TABULATION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA CONTRACT 89 -11 BA -278 - Link Rd. from Vernon Ave. to Eden Ave. BIDDER TOTAL Midwest Asphalt Corp. $ 223,458.60 Hardrives. Inc. $ 233.748.40 Bury & Carlson $ 238,800.00 Alber Construction. Inc. $ 247.610.00 Alexander Construction Co.. Inc. $ 273,607.28 Engineers Estimate $ 245.688.45 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Agreement for participation in the construction of County State Aid Highway No. 158 between Eden Avenue and 300 feet North of Link Road as shown on the City Engineer's plans, Hennepin County Project No. 8945, Agreement No. PW 36- 11 -89, has been prepared and presented by the County, and WHEREAS, Plans for Hennepin County Project No. 8945 showing proposed alignment, profiles, grades, and cross sections for the reconstruction of County State Aid Highway No. 158, within the limits of the City, as a City Project, have been prepared and presented by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: That said Agreement be in all things approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Mayor and Manager are authorized to sign Agreement No. PW 36- 11 -89, Hennepin County Project No. 8945. ADOPTED this 10th day of July, 1989. CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota ) County of Hennepin ) SS City of Edina ) I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Edina at a meeting thereof held in the City of Edina, Minnesota on the 10th day of July, 1989 as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. City Clerk i REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: 10 July, 1989 AGENDA ITEM IV . D. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Blake Road Improvements and Storm Sewer Company Amount of Quote or Bid �• See Attached Tabulation 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: G. L. Contracting, Inc. $ 584,693.07 GENERAL INFORMATION: This is the bid._ for the previously approved road and storm sewer project on Blake Road. This project will be funded by State -Aid for the road and 557 of the storm sewer. Additionally, the stormwater utility will fund the balance except for the small portion of the job which is assessed to adjacent property owners. The job will start around July 13th if bids are awarded. Sign ur Public Works - Engineering Department , The Recommended bid is C within budget not within dg t / L. enn th Rosland, Finance Director Manager June 29, 1989 11 :00 A.M. BID TABULATION CITY OF EDINA. MINNESOTA CONTRACT 89 -10 IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -283 & STS -190 BLAKE ROAD FROM VERNON AVENUE TO PINE GROVE ROAD BIDDER TOTAL G. L. Contracting. Inc. $ 584,693.67 _Barbarossa and Sons. Inc. $ 592,519.00 Bury & Carlson. Inc. $ 594,000.00 Alexander Construction Co Inc- $ 618,856.63 C. S. McCrossan Construction $ 634,086.90 _Albrecht Excavating, Inc. $ 660,355.29 Progressive Contractors Inc $ 711,513.66 Engineers Estimate $ 717,146.18 �1 ' '' g U' REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: City Council FROM: John Wallin, Finance Director VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5 000 DATE July 10, 1989 IV.E. AGENDA ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION: (2) Cardboard Balers Company 1. Ver -tech, Inc. 2. RECO Store Equipment 3. Olympic Baler 4. 5. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. 7,610.00 2. 7,780.00 3. 7,500.00 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Two Olympic Balers for $7,500 $3,750 each GENERAL INFORMATION: See attached Signature Finance /Liquor Stores Department The Recommended bid is X within budget not wit c Kenneth Ro tk, cL..Q oh allin, Finance Director City Manager r. In keeping with the City Council's mandate to recycle, I recommend that the City's liquor stores begin to recycle their corrugated cardboard boxes. The most efficient and economical method of recycling cardboard is to bale it. Certain companies that recycle cardboard will only pick it up if it is baled. The current garbage pickup charge for each of the two stores that will begin this program is $294 per month. This rate could be reduced to less that $50 per month saving about $1500 for each store by the end of the year. The garbage haulers have indicated that the monthly charge could increase to over $450 per month per store starting January 1, 1990. By reducing these rates to less than $100 per month, both machines will have paid for themselves by July, 1990. Before With Monthly Total Recycle Recycle Savings Savings Last 6 months 1989 $ 294 $ 50 $ 244 $ 1464 First 7 months 1990 $ 450 $ 100 $ 350 $ 2450 Savings per store $ 3914 Total savings for both stores $ 7828 The two stores that would begin using the balers are the York and the Vernon stores. The 50th St. store is looking at the possibility of combining with other stores that now use the same garbage dumpster to purchase a baler. If room cannot be found to put a central baler, the 50th St. store would buy a baler in the near future on its own, with the possibility of selling it to the 50th and France Association if space became available. R `ZA..lt� REQUEST FOR PURCHASE �, � TO: Council FROM. Janet Chandler VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5 000 DATE July 10, 1989 AGENDA ITEM I y F ITEM DESCRIPTION: 13,600 Recycling Containers Company Amount of Quote or Bid �. See attached bid tabulation 1. 2. 2. 3. 3 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Buckhorn Container @ $5,85 GENERAL INFORMATION: Confirmation of award of bid Total Price $79,560 Signature The Recommended bid is —XL— within budget not ien 41lin, Finance Director eth Rosland, Ny Manager ,a June 23, 1989 11:00 A.M. BID TABULATION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA 13_,600 RECYCLING CONTAINERS BIDDER UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Shamrock O g'., PB O 1. G, gD 81a 6oD _Ellison Equipment �Lew�s eex��...� S (�, • �7 S�9 / 2 Buckhorn (Merit Supply) $ .S 05 $ 7 57, 6"/,, O Otto Industries $ $ Ziegler. Inc. $ $ Rehrig Pacific " $ $ Boyum Equipment Zsi rrL ') S /, . Zg $ �°�r , T A to Z Sales S S REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Craig Swanson, Chief of Police VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: July 7, 1989 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Outdoor Warning Siren Company 1. Federal Warning Systems 2. Electrical Systems of Anoka 3. Gopher Electrical Contractors 4. 5. Agenda Item IV.G Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $9,687.•50 2.$10,950-00 3.$12,,297-00 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR END: Recommend low quote. GENERAL INFORMATION: The siren wi 1 l replace the two existing sirens that were manufactured in 1958. One is no longer operational and the other one covers less than half of the needed area. The new siren will supply adequate coverage for the 50th & France and Morningside areas. 1L CtA; Signature The Recommended bid is XX within budget not Police Department Department _ _ John Wallin Kenneth Roslan`4City Manager r* ch C13RPo",t�0� .880 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # V.A. From: Francis Hoffman, Consent City Engineer 14�i Information Only ❑ Date: to July, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Mavelle Drive Vacation To Council Completion of Proceedings Action ❑ Motion Continuation from 6/19/89 0 Resolution - ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Authorize the final vacation of a portion of Mavelle Drive per the attached description and sketch. Info /Background: This is the final step in the final completion of proceedings on the three -way agreement between Hennepin County, City of Edina and Gabberts on the properties adjacent to France Avenue and Mavelle Drive. The project has worked out well with no concerns being registered by the neighbors to the immediate west of the site. Additional Information: After the June 19th meeting, we researched the question of the illuminated sign on the Sandell and Mavelle intersection. The sign conforms with all requirements of Ordinance 451. The owner agreed to limit the illumination to periods only when the store is open. , VACATION OF PORTION OF MAVELLE DRIVE Legal: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lo ut t 1, Block 1, Rearrangement of Blocks 1, 9 and Lot 1, Block 2, Stow's Edgemoor Addition; thence South along the Westerly I line of said Lot 1 extended 36.00 feet; thence East par- I allel with the South line of said Lot 1 200.00 feet; I thence North parallel with the West line of said Lot 1 36.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence West along the South line of said Lot 1 200.00 feet to I the point of beginning and there terminating. I REARRANGEMENT OF STOW'S o EDGEMOOR ADDITION I C* LOT 1, BLOCK 1 0l w I Q w I$ o z M 200.00' 200. MY MAVELLE DR NORTH SCALE: 1" =40' o e' .10 • , RPC) S=' JOBS REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item # °'B' From: JOHN WALLIN, Consent ❑ DIRECTOR OF FINANE C . Information Only ❑ Date: JULY 10, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: 0 To Council BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution - ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Review budget assumptions for discussion at July 10, 1989, Council meeting. Info /Background: See attached. i M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John Wallin, Finance Director DATE: June 29, 1989 SUBJECT: Budget Assumptions RECOMMENDATION: Review budget assumptions for discussion at the July 10 council meeting The City Council will again discuss the budget assumption process at your July 10 meeting. Attached are the revised budget assumptions for further review and discussion. The changes from the original assumptions are contractual services which was lowered from 2.5% to 1% and supplies which was lowered from 2.5 %0' to 2 %. This leaves the budget assumptions within $365 of the City's levy limit. In response to the question raised during the last meeting on June 19, concerning the Central Service allocation, payroll takes up 10 %0' of Central Services; pensions 30 %; hospitalization insurance 16%; liability and workers compensation insurance 22 %; and utilities, gas, fuel oil, and other supplies 22:'0. In response to the question concerning the breakdown of the contractual service classification, legal and court takes up 22%; light and power 26 %; data processing 6 %b and the health contract takes up 6 %. The remaining professional services include conferences and schools, dues and subscriptions, meeting expense, mileage or allowance, advertising, audit, equipment rental, contracted repairs, rubbish removal, heat, uniform allowance, equipment maintenance, and other professional Services. 1 9 9 0 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D E X P E N D I T U R E S- ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1988 1989 INCRSE 1990 SALARIES 6,225,507 6,480,151 3.00% 6,674,556 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,657,714 1,689,102 1.50% 1,714,439 COMMODITIES 600,159 624,744 2.00% 637,239 CENTRAL SERVICES 2,593,431 2,617,920 2.50% 2,683,368 EQUIPMENT 889,505 976,691 .00% 976,691 NEW PROGRAMS 302,235 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11,966,316 12,388,608 4.84% 12,988,527 SCENARIO USED 2- % INCREASE BUDGET 90 4.84% 1 9 9 0 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D R E V E N U E S- ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED _ 1988 1989 INCREASE 1990 TAXES 8,485,717 9,021,391 9,475,365 LICENSES & PERMITS 623,760 637,000 5.50% 672,035 FEES & CHARGES 1,846,161 1,838,120 5.50% 1,939,217 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AID 857,441 892,097 1.10% 901,910 TOTAL REVENUES 11,813,079 12,388,608 4.84% 12,988,527 1 9 9 0 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S E X P E N D I T U R E D I S T R I B U T I O N- SALARIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT NEW PROGRAMS ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1988 1989 1990 52.03% 52.31% 51.39% 13.85% 13.63% 13.20% 5.02% 5.04% 4.91% 21.67% 21.13% 20.66% 7.43% 7.88% 7.52% 2.33% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 1 9 9 0 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - R E V E N U E D I S T R I B U T I O N- _ ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1988 1989 1990 TAXES 71.83% 72.82% 72.95% LICENSES & PERMITS 5.28% 5.14% 5.17% FEES & CHARGES 15.63% 14.84% 14.93% INTERGOVERNMENTAL AID 7.26% 7.20% 6.94% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 1 9 9 0 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - S U M M A R Y- ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET _ 1988 1989 1990 TOTAL REVENUES 11,813,079 12,388,608 12,988,527 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11,966,316 12,388,608 12,988,527 TAX DOLLARS 8,463,892 8,991,391 9,450,365 TAX DOLLAR INCREASE 484,967 527,499 428,974 % INCREASE TAX $ 6.50% 6.23% 5.10% ABOVE LEVY LIMIT (365) MILL RATE /TAX CAP. 12.38 9.89% e EFFECTS ON RESIDENTIAL HOMES APPROXIMATE 1988 CITY TAXES APPROXIMATE 1989 CITY TAXES 1988 ESTIMATED 1988 1989 DIFFERENCE MARKET VALUE TAXES TAXES 88 -89 $139,000 $303 $150,000 $314 $11 $232,000 $614 $250,000 $640 $26 $463,000 $1,386 $500,000 $1,456 $70 COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL $463,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2,464 $500,000 $2,958 $494 ESTIMATED 1990 TAXES 1990 EST. 1990 DIFFERENCE #N /A! MKT. VALUE TAXES 89 -90 $159,000 $370 $56 TAX BUDGET $9,450,365 $265,000 $764 $124 TAX CAPACITY 83,862,307 $530,000 $1,750 $294 COMMERCIAL TAX CAP. RATE 11.3% $530,000 $3,136 $177 e - P R O P O S E D N E W P R O G R A M S - NEW PROGRAMS -90 GENERAL 1 Comp Worth 2 Elections 1990 3 Contingencies 4 Recycling 5 Utility Credit 6 Capital Plan 7 Human Relations 8 S.H.Human Services 9 Hospitalization 10 Cafeteria Plan 11 Public Health Cont 12 State Health Reim. 13 Rubbish Removal SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 75,000 75,000 75,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) 52,500 52,500 52,500 0 0 0 40,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 7,735 7,735 0 55,000 0 55,000 0 70,000 0 9,800 9,800 9,800 (22,500) (22,500) (22,500) 5,000 5,000 5,000 PAGE 1 SUBTOTAL 242,535 217,535 189,800 - P R O P O S E D N E W P R O G R A M S- PAGE - 2 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 PARK DEPT. 14 Computer Equip. 3,000 0 0 15 Overtime 5,000 0 0 BUILDING DEPT. 16 Equipment 4,000 0 0 PUBLIC WORKS 17 Gopher State Prog. 7,500 7,500 7,500 18 Elect. Fuel Monit. 11,000 11,000 11,000 PAGE 2 SUBTOTAL 18,500 30,500 18,500 - P R O P O S E D N E W P R 0 G R A M S- PAGE - 3 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 FIRE DEPT. 19 Overtime 25,000 10,000 0 20 Cont. Education 2,000 0 0 21 PERA Volunteers 15,000 0 15,000 POLICE DEPT. 22 Drug Enfcmt Off. 32,300 32,300 0 23 Patrol Officer 31,100 0 0 24 Equipment 6,900 6,900 6,900 25 Salaries (P /T) 14,000 7,000 0 26 Salaries (O /T) 18,500 10,000 0 TOTAL NEW PROGRAMS ------------ 417,835 302,235 ------- - - - - -- 230,200 ------- - - - - -- r A. o Ce: 0 4 E. �y ' • ,�bReoMtb� lees REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and City Council From: Bob Kojetin Park Director Date: July 7, 1989 Subject: WEED SPRAYING POLICY Agenda Item # v- c. Consent ❑ Information Only 0 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Posting whenever we use any type of spray. Writing articles for newsletters that go out to all residents to help educate people by discussing the use of non -24D sprays and the use of natural fertilizers. Using non -24D spray applications in all general -use areas. Using 24D on heavily -used turf such as our athletic fields and the Golf Course when necessary. Experimenting with some of our turf areas using natural fertilizers as they become r1n`ro%Eackground:market. _ On April 27, 1989, Vince Cockriel (Park Foreman) and I met with Betty Kent from the ' Minnesota Coalition of Concerned Citizens Group for Herbicides and Pam Nelson, a concerned citizen. A discussion was centered around the chemicals we have used in the parklands, what we are presently using, and the last time we had used 24D in the parks. The following points were discussed to further the development of non -24D use within the City of Edina. 1. Totally discontinue use of 24D in the City of Edina. 2. Whenever a chemical is used in the parks, we would post it. 3. Public education of the of non -24D on lawns in the community. Write articles in Edina newsletters. 4. Try to educate people to use an all natural fertilizer. In a recent discussion with Pam Nelson, she approved the ideas of posting and writing articles on the recommended policies. At their annual plant sale the Edina Garden Council sold a product called Sustain which is a natural organic fertilizer. We have also used this product in some garden areas in the City and some of the Arneson Acres gardens. This year we have purchased the remaining Sustain the Garden Council did not sell and will be experimenting with this fertilizer at Arneson Acres Park to see how it reacts to the grasses. (Pam Nelson was invited to the July 10 City Council meeting.) �J An actual size sign:'that� will be posted in parks when using chemical sprays. s ■ ■ ■ PARK ■ ■ CHEMICALLY • TREATED ■ ■ Please Sta y f ■ ■ ■ ■ Grassy'Meas ■ Until: . ■ ■ CITY OF EDINA : Park Department ■ o e Cn �o ' �•' ~�URPOM��O• Igoe REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman City Engineer Date: 10 July, 1989 Subject: Road Improvement BA -279 West 77 1/2 Street (Road Connecting Minnesota Drive with West 77th Street) Recommendation: Agenda Item # y_n. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action F11 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Review status and joint powers agreement. Authorize Mayor and Manager to sign agreement when completed. Info /Background: The purpose is to update status of road improvement with attached sketches (Exhibits 1 and 2), and sample of joint powers agreement (Exhibit 3). The project requires right -of -way purchases or negotiations. The vacant lot west of the National Car Rental property has had a couple of potential developers look at the site. Staff has attempted to-work this road project into the potential development of the vacant lot. Staff will make a presentation at the Council meeting. The following chronological listing of events is attached. 1979 - National Car Rental - City approves plat which includes an agreement which provides street easement under certain conditions. 1980 - City places proposed road on the state aid system which would allow future funds for construction. 1981 thru 1984 - No items on said road appeared on City Council agenda. 1985 - City Council becomes aware of Homart project in Bloomington in April, 1985. - During mid 1985, the City determines that the Homart project is of Metro significance. - The result is a settlement which results in a discussion of proposed road. , 1986 - Bloomington proceeds with Homart project, builds roadway around the Homart site. - Bloomington asks for cooperative construction agreement in which the City of Edina might participate. - City Council directs staff to work with National Car Rental and Bloomington on Road projects. 1987 - Staff from Bloomington, Edina, and National Car Rental develop a joint power's agreement in which Edina pays no portion of the roadway known as Minnesota Drive from France Avenue to W. 77 1/2 Street. National Car Rental maintains position that they would pay up to $200,000.00 for a portion of the actual construction of Minnesota Drive. Project costs for Minnesota Drive are approximately $800,000.00 and normally Edina would have participated at a 50% cost split because roadway is a border street. National Car Rental is unwilling to complete the negotiations until determination on W. 77 1/2 Street costs are made. - Hedberg property is under review for development and Exhibit 2 of Traffic Impact Study indicates W. 77 1/2 Street is a key street segment (see attached Exhibit 2). Hennepin County plans to widen France Avenue in 1989 north of Minnesota Drive to W. 70th Street subject to City Council approval. (Now 1990). Additionally, if the Hedberg property moves ahead in a normal course of events, the staff would.expect major reconstruction on W. 76th Street between Edinborough Way and France Avenue during 1989. - It appears important to have a good east -west arterial in place during the above construction. Traffic passing thru 76th and York could use 76th, Edinborough Way, Minnesota Drive, W. 77 1/2 Street and 77th Street to Highway 100. Additionally, ramp metering on I -494 could occur during 1990. - December, City Council authorizes project and negotiations began on right -of -way for new road. 1988 - National Car Rental indicates that land exchange with Northwestern National Life not acceptable. - Project placed on hold when it became obvious materials from Centennial Lakes were available for job. N ' t ' ' \ Err\ `S`��N• .. _ - .... s=m . . _ r. /� a v 1 �W t y.'• . sr m rcift ............ a I t A• QDP 4 t7� _. .............. N - ---- ----- -- w ` o- - o P m6Y' END, 1 t s o 12.921 7ApEN °l: • - i a 8E61A 171 T $ %•4� 'wEN a 26 4.01 BE I• _- m \\ QO 17.19 7B' y - MRA - .. . � t - ` Y~ � _ - � � J � 'ice *1► / •---' �m�'Irl I,. ` d r � ey X41' / '/ z 1 I 1 " 1 � � 1 � s I j..... .� j. t` b� � p M -- _ �.✓ ....... '� EXHIBIT I -1F. .. _,I.,.� On ST. � s � to ST. � �Z3 o ST. W Exhibit 2 N N N t '1 � Key streets and yi _ 6T to ST w FORREST OR. Intersections T. N N N N yj N g m ST. ` _ 0 V, `W DT Sd Q Key Intersections > ST: u T.pT 1111111111 Key street segments a W N. 69th ST. it i i < T. < IT'm M i Proposed New streets o 7IlSS CHFIELID ST. 1,480 POP. 37 85 IST. �! a y x r. TIrsE T2 rid He�.dbef W �d�v N sae 31 W T1. 73 to c n. f <<S1IORTH u r. ST DX °s F�DELL DR. i `�' W u r 14 th c ST > N =A• ry ILFORD OR. < Z O < J O J Lii < K m W Z W = U O S = C 1 svE. C u u z d i 75th ST. a r. Tern ST_ _ u < W ► Q J N. 76m ST. 77tH ST. 3 C 1i t. . N' em S EDIHA DID. �` 100 \ \\ BLYD ~ ��� u VIKING 4 - ua. 9 a W L TH\O�N p \� O U iHlfn N. C3 Z - -ice v41LET Off. d0tn N c W a> I ST. s s N. 81St ST, u ST. z s 34 ' •- wv ; W r. > > > i � DIXON Da. 'r CENTER c o, W u 8 N 82nd s _� c� ST. z �y < 4.1 z _ ,I T. - : <I g> F W a c N.83ra yi, P ¢ o _' �,_ > o •- 8'_rC ST. _� - RO- ,Oj, 0 < ENiNG o Analy ds of 1 -494 will *^ Q z RD. -Note: the Interchanges 5 ►. a and Lake France Avenue, and _ 1 TZIN R219 o r. nE \ 2021 z R0. �a S rL. I\\ ti ,t� w. 86tH 57. 'G,,. •' %T s EXHIBIT 3 AGREEMENT FOR DIVISION OF COST OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF STREET AND STORM SEWER THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1989, by and between the City of Bloomington, a body poli- tic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota ( "Bloomington ") , and the City of Edina, a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota ( "Edina "). . WHEREAS, Bloomington has completed construction of a street and storm sewer (including curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing, landscaping and related improvements) from France Avenue to a point approximately 1,300 feet west of France Avenue which lies along the common corporate limits of Bloomington and Edina ( "Street Improvements ")• and WHEREAS, Bloomington has requested Edina to share in the cost of the Street Improvements and Edina is willing to share such cost to the ex- tent and in the manner herein stated; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is made pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59 (the "Joint Powers Act "); and WHEREAS, the cost of constructing the Street Improvements was $ ( "Construction Costs "), which amount does not include, and which Street Improvements do not include, the cost of constructing the waterline and sidewalk along the south.side of the Street Improvements; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto wish to set forth their respective obligations with regard to the Street Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL OBLIGATIONS AND TERMS HEREIN, IT IS HEREBY AGREED THAT: 1. Bloomington, with the cooperation of Edina's Engineer, was responsible for the supervision and direction of the construction of the Street Improvements. As such, Bloomington agrees to indemnify and hold Edina harmless from and against any and all loss, cost, damage and expense, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees whether suit be brought or not -, due to any claim or demand arising out of, or claimed or alleged to arise out of, any act or omission of Bloomington or its employees, agents, contractors or suppliers in connection with the planning, engineering, construction or operation of the Street Improvements, subject, however to the provisions of paragraph 6 hereof. 2. Bloomington shall have, and has, full power and authority, for and on behalf of Edina and Bloomington, to negotiate, compromise and settle, or litigate any disputes of any kind with any contractor, supplier, surety on any bond, or with any other person or entity, arising out of or due to the construction of the Street Improvements. 3. Any and all employees of Bloomington and all other persons engaged by Bloomington in the performance of any work or services required, volunteered, or provided for in connection with the construction of the Street Improvements or required herein to be performed by Bloomington shall not be considered employees of Edina, and that any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of any of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided or to be rendered by Bloomington shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of Edina. 4. The portion of the Street Improvements within the corporate limits of Edina is adjacent to and benefits the property owned and occupied by National Car Rental ( "National "). Edina shall negotiate with National to reach an agreement satisfactory to Edina as to the amount of Construction Costs to be assessed against National's property ( "Assessed Amount "). The Assessed Amount shall also be the amount Edina shall pay to Bloomington as ' Edina's share of the total Construction Cost. Edina shall pay its share of the total Construction Cost to Bloomington immediately following the expira- tion of the appeal period, without any appeal, provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081. However, if any appeal is filed, payment by Edina shall be made only upon settlement of, or final judgment in, such appeal and then only in the amount to be paid by National pursuant to such settlement or final judgment. 5. Edina shall not be required to pay any portion of the cost of constructing the waterline and sidewalk located on the south side of the Street Improvements. 6. Edina shall maintain the storm sewer comprising a part of the Street Improvements in good and operating condition without cost to Bloomington and shall hold Bloomington harmless from and indemnified against any loss, cost or damage or expense, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees whether suit be brought or not, due to any claim or demand arising out of the failure of Edina to so maintain the storm sewer improvements. In the event the storm sewer improvements are demolished or destroyed, Edina shall have no obligation to replace or restore the storm sewer improvement. Bloomington hereby grants to Edina such easements and rights to enter on, over, under and across the portion of the Street Im- provements within Bloomington as may be necessary or desirable from time to time for-Edina to fulfill the provisions of this paragraph. 7. Until further agreement of the parties is reached, Bloomington shall maintain the street surface in good and operating condition, including snowplowing, and shall hold Edina harmless from and indemnified against any loss, cost, damage or expense, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees whether suit be brought or not, due to any claim or demand arising out of or claimed or alleged to arise out of, the negligence or failure of Bloomington to so maintain the street surface. 8. All records kept by Bloomington and Edina with respect to the Street Improvements shall be subject to the examination by the representa- tives of each at reasonable times during normal business hours. -2- 9. All notices, reports or demands required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be given when delivered personally to any officer of the party to which notice is being given, or when deposited in the United States mail in a sealed envelope, with registered or certified mail, postage prepaid thereon, addressed to the parties at the following addresses,: To Edina: 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Attention: City Engineer To Bloomington: 2215 West Old Shakopee Road Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 Attention:, Director of Public Works IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON Its Mayor Its Manager CITY OF EDINA Its Mayor Its Manager -3- Agenda Item VI.A June 28, 1989 7004 Bristol Boulevard Edina, Minnesota 55435 City of Edina Attn: Marcella Daehn, City Clerk 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 RE: Increased Airplane Noise Dear Ms. Daehn: Dave Velde, City Sanitarian, suggested that we write this letter to you, and ask that you forward it to the members of the Edina City Council. We are relatively new residents in Edina. We first moved to Cedars of Edina in July, 1988, while we looked for a home in the area. Four month later, we purchased our home on Bristol Boulevard, approximately three blocks from the apartment complex. We chose Edina because of its convenient location and reputation for a good school system. What we did not expect, however, is the substantial amount of recent airplane traffic over our home. In the last 6 - 8 weeks, it has gone from something virtually unnoticed to something extremely disruptive. Many recent days have had airplanes flying over our neighborhood as early as 6 -7 am, and lasting until 11 pm. Last night, there were two planes at midnight. Often times, there are stretches of one half hour or more when the planes have averaged one or two per minute. When we call the Metropolitan Airports Commission Noise Compla.int division, we are told this is due to unusual weather conditions. But after two months, I'm beginning to wonder if the FAA is just trying to spread the noise around. The bottom line, however, is that the features that first attract residents to Edina will not be strong enough to keep them here if it means putting up with this,much airplane noise. They might as well purchase lower priced properties in Richfield and South Minneapolis. And when that happens, we'll all lose, because our property values will also decline. Our experience over the last two months is not the same experience we had last summer when we looked for a home in this area, and many neighbors have commented that the airplane noise has never been this bad in the past. We would appreciate if the City Council would look into this matter, and purpose to resolve this problem as soon as possible. Respectfully, Mark and Mary Ellen Chamberlain Homeowners w�l1 P e U, • •' HPOMS�v • Jose REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER Agenda Item # VT _ R From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Consent Information Only ❑ Date: JULY 7, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: PETITION FOR VACATION EE To Council OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT .. Action ❑Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adoption of a resolution setting August 7, 1989 as hearing date for the vacation of a drainage easement on property at 6728 Apache Road. Info /Background: A petetion has been filed with the City requesting vacation of a drainage easement on property at 6728 Apache Road (Lot 6, Block 1, Indian Hills West). A hearing date of August 7, 1989 is recommended to allow time for the required publication and mailing of notices to adjacent property owners and utility companies. CITY OF EDINA PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY VACATION APPLICATION -Date Initiated g9 1) I hereby petition the City Council of the City of Edina to vacate all of the following described public right -of -way: Street Alley Utility Easement Drainage Easement Other _ (describe) Description of area proposed to be vacated: 32 - o 6P- Attached copy of scaled drawing showing in full detail the proposed vacation. Signature Address Telephone 2) Review CITY ENGINEER by Acceptable Opposed Conditional Conditions MINNEGASCO by Acceptable Opposed Conditional Conditions N.W. BELL by Acceptable Opposed Conditional Conditions N.S.P. by Acceptable Opposed D Conditional Conditions 10 -3800 "i o qe: Cn • ' ~�bAPOMS &O • BBB , REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item # x.A. , From: KENNETH ROSLAND Consent ❑ CITY MANAGER - Information Only ❑ Date: JULY 10, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: 0 To Council ' FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL BONDS Action El Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Info /Background: Attached are various items relating to the proposed Fairview Hospital Bond issue, including a proposed Resolution for authorizing the Bond issue. Also attached is a memorandum from Jerry Gilligan which outlines the structure and security of the Bonds as well as the risks to the City in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF UP TO $17,000,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF HOSPITAL SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1989A (FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL AND HEALTHCARE SERVICES) OF THE CITY AND THE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the.City Council (the "Council ") of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "City "), as follows: SECTION 1 Recitals and Findings (A) This Council has received a proposal from Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services, a Minnesota non - profit corporation ( "Fairview "), which owns and operates Fairview Southdale Hospital (the "Hospital ") located in the City, that the City finance a portion or all of the cost of a proposed project under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165 (the "Act "), consisting of various additions and improvements to the Hospital and the acquisition and installation of items of equipment in the Hospital (the "Project "). (B) At a public hearing, duly noticed and held on July 10, 1989, in accordance with the Act and Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project all parties who appeared at the hearing were given an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal to undertake and finance the Project and interested persons were given the opportunity to submit written comments to the City Clerk before the time of the hearing. Based on the public hearing, such written comments (if any) and such other facts and circumstances as this Council deems relevant, this Council hereby finds, determines and declares as follows: (i) the welfare of the State of Minnesota requires the provision of necessary health care facilities, so that adequate health care services are available to residents of the State of Minnesota at reasonable cost; (ii) the Project would further the general purposes contemplated and described in Section 469.152 of the Act; (iii) this Council has also been advised by representatives of Fairview that revenue bonds of the City could be issued and sold upon favorable rates and terms to finance the Project; and -3- (iv) the City is authorized by the Act to issue its revenue bonds to finance capital projects consisting of properties, real or personal, used and useful in 'connection with a revenue producing enterprise engaged in providing health care services, including hospitals and related medical facilities. (C) This Council hereby finds that the issuance and sale of up to $17,000,000 aggregate principal amount of the City's Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 1989A (Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services) (the "Series 1989 Bonds ") pursuant to the Act is in the best interest of the City and the City hereby determines to issue and sell such Series 1989 Bonds. The proceeds of the Series 1989 Bonds will be lent (the "Loan ") by the City to Fairview, in order to finance the Project and pay certain costs of issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds. (D) Pursuant to a Note Purchase Agreement (the "Note Purchase Agreement "), to be entered into between the City and Fairview, a copy of which has been presented to the Council at this meeting and which has been reviewed to the extent deemed necessary, Fairview will issue to the City its Series M Note (Edina Issue No. 3) (the "Series M Note "). The Series M Note will be issued under the Master Trust Indenture (the "Master Indenture "), dated as of August 1, 1978, between Fairview and First Bank National Association, as trustee (the "Master Trustee "), as supplemented by Supplemental Indenture No. 16 ( "Supplemental Indenture No. 16 ") to be entered into between Fairview and the Master Trustee. Under the Series M Note Fairview will unconditionally agree to repay the Loan made by the City under the Note Purchase Agreement in specified amounts and at specified times sufficient to make the necessary payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Series 1989 Bonds, when due. In addition, the Note Purchase Agreement contains provisions relating to the payment by the Company of administrative costs of the City and the Bond Trustee (as hereinafter defined), indemnification, insurance and other agreements and covenants which are required by the Act or which are permitted by the Act and which the City and Fairview deem necessary or desirable to the sale of the Series 1989 Bonds. (E) Pursuant to an Indenture of Trust and Pledge, (the "Bond Indenture ") to be entered into between the City and Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association, as Trustee (the "Bond Trustee "), a copy of which has been presented to the Council at this meeting and which has been reviewed to the extent deemed necessary, the City assigns and pledges all of its right, title and interest in the Note Purchase Agreement (except for certain rights for administrative costs and for WE indemnification), the Series M Note, the Master Indenture and the Supplemental Indenture to the Bond Trustee. In addition, the Bond Indenture, among other things, sets the interest rates, maturity dates and redemption provisions for the Series 1989 Bonds, establishes the various funds and accounts for the deposit and transfer of money and contains other provisions which are required by the Act or which are permitted by the Act and which the City and Fairview deem necessary or desirable in connection with the sale of the Series 1989 Bonds. .(F) The Series 1989 Bonds will be special limited obligations of the City payable solely from amounts payable by Fairview under the Series M Note, other than to the extent payable from the proceeds of the Series 1989 Bonds. The Series 1989 Bonds shall not be payable from or charged upon any funds other than the revenue pledged to the payment thereof, nor shall the City be subject to any liability thereon. No holder or holders of any Series 1989 Bond shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay any such Series 1989 Bond or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City except the Series M Note. The Series 1989 Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. (G) The Series 1989 Bonds will be purchased from the City by The First Boston Corporation, Dain Bosworth Incorporated and Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Incorporated (the "Underwriters ") pursuant to a Contract of Purchase (the .- "Contract of Purchase ") between the City, Fairview and The First Boston Corporation, on behalf of the Underwriters, a copy of which has been presented to the Council at this meeting and which has been reviewed to the extent deemed necessary. (H) A draft of a Preliminary Official Statement, related to the Series 1989 Bonds, has been presented to the Council at this meeting and has been reviewed to the extent deemed necessary. The Preliminary Official Statement will be distributed by the Underwriters to potential purchasers of the Bonds. Section 2. Authorization of Issuance of Bonds. In order to provide for the financing of the Project, the City hereby authorizes the issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds as revenue bonds under the Act, to be designated "City,of Edina, Minnesota, Hospital System Revenue Bonds, Series 1989A (Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Systems)" in the aggregate principal amount of up to $17,000,000. The final terms of the Series 1989 Bonds including the principal amount, maturity schedule, interest rates, provisions for redemption of the -5- Series 1989A Bonds prior to their stated maturity and purchase price to be paid by the Underwriters has not as yet been determined. The Mayor and City Manager are authorized and directed to approve the final terms of the Series 1989 Bonds on behalf of the City; provided that the principal amount of the Series 1989 Bonds does not exceed $17,000,000, the final stated maturity date of any Series 1989 Bonds is not in excess of 30 years from the date of issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds, and no interest rate on any Series 1989 Bond exceeds 9% per annum. Such approval shall be conclusively evidenced by their execution of the Contract of Purchase as provided in Section 6 hereof. Section 3. Execution of Bonds. Each Series 1989 Bond shall be executed on behalf of the City by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and the City Mana9er, and its corporate seal (which may be in facsimile) shall be thereunto affixed, imprinted or engraved. The Bond Trustee is hereby designated as authenticating agent pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.55. If any of the officers who shall have signed or sealed any of the Series 1989 Bonds shall cease to be such officers of the City before the Series 1989 Bonds so signed and sealed shall have been actually authenticated by the Trustee or delivered by the City, such Series 1989 Bonds nevertheless may be authenticated, issued and delivered with the same force and effect as though the person or persons who signed or sealed such Series 1989 Bonds had not ceased to be such officer or officers of the City. Section 4. Execution of Bond Indenture and Note Purchase Agreement. The Bond Indenture and the Note Purchase Agreement are hereby made a part of this Resolution as fully as though set forth in full herein and are hereby approved in the form submitted to this meeting, and the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute, acknowledge and deliver the Bond Indenture and the Note Purchase Agreement on behalf'of the City with such changes, insertions and omissions therein as do not change the substance of the Bond Indenture or Note Purchase Agreement and as may be approved by the Mayor and City Manager, such approval to be evidenced conclusively by their execution of the Bond Indenture and the Note Purchase Agreement. Section 5. Offering Documents. The City hereby consents to the distribution by the Underwriters to potential purchasers of the Series 1989 Bonds of a Preliminary Official Statement in substantially the form submitted to the Council at this meeting, and the distribution by the Underwriters of an official statement by the Underwriters to purchasers of the Bonds in substantially the form of the Preliminary Official ffm Statement. The City has not and will not participate in the preparation of the Preliminary Official Statement and has made no independent investigation with respect to the information contained therein or in the appendices thereto, and the City assumes no responsibility for the sufficiency, accuracy or completeness of such information. Section 6. Execution of Contract of Purchase. The Contract of Purchase is hereby made a part of this Resolution as fully as though set forth in full herein and is hereby approved in the form submitted to this meeting and, upon the determination of the terms of the Series 1989 Bonds (within the limit set forth in Section 2 hereof) and the execution of the Contract of Purchase by Fairview and the Underwriters with the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Contract of Purchase on behalf of the City, with such further changes, insertions or omissions therein as do not change the substance of the Contract of Purchase and as may be approved by the Mayor and City Manager, such approval to be evidenced conclusively by their execution of the Contract of Purchase. Section 7. Other Actions. The Mayor, the City Manager and all other officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver all other documents which may be required under the terms of the Bond Indenture, the Note Purchase Agreement or the Contract of Purchase, and to take such other action as may be required or appropriate for the performance of the duties imposed thereby or to carry out the purposes thereof. Section 8. Absence or Disability of Officers. In the absence or disability of the Mayor, the City Manager or any other officer of the City named in any instrument to be executed on behalf of the City in connection with the issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds, the acting Mayor, Assistant City Manager or other officer may execute such instrument. The execution of any instrument by an officer of the City shall be conclusive evidence of its approval. Section 9. Application to Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development. The Application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development, with attachments, is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Manager are .authorized to execute said documents on behalf of the City. In accordance with Section 469.154, Subdivision 3 of the Act, the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Application to be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development for approval of the Project. The Mayor, City Manager, City -7- Attorney and other officers, employees and agents of the City are hereby authorized and directed to provide the Department with any preliminary information needed for this purpose. The approval hereby given to the issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds is subject to the receipt by the City of the approval by the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development of the P -roject in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.154, subdivision 3, and the Series 1989 Bonds shall not be issued by the City until such approval is received by the City. Section 10. Compliance With Act. The Mayor and City Manager are directed, upon the issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds thereafter to comply with the provisions of Section 469.154, Subdivisions 5 and 7 of the Act. Section 11. Designation of City Representative. The City Manager is hereby designated for all purposes of the Note Purchase Agreement, the Bond Indenture and the Contract of Purchase as the City official authorized to execute on behalf of the City certificates, requests or consents as provided in the Note Purchase Agreement, the Bond Indenture and the Contract of Purchase. . Adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, this 10th day of July, 1989. Attest: City Clerk (SEAL) WE Mayor M E M O R A N D U M TO. Mayor and Members of the Edina City Council Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager FROM: Jerome P. Gilligan DATE: July 6, 1989 RE: Proposed Revenue Bonds for Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services In connection with the request of Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services ( "Fairview ") that the City issue revenue bonds to finance improvements and equipment at Fairview Southdale Hospital, certain questions have been raised as to the security for the bonds and as to the risks to the City in issuing the bonds. Structure and Security for the Bonds The bonds would be issued by the City under the Minnesota Industrial Development Bond Financing Act (Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.152 to 469.165). The bonds would be limited obligations of the City payable solely from payments to be made by Fairview to the City. The City would loan the proceeds of the sale of the bonds to Fairview and such proceeds would be used to pay (or reimburse Fairview for the payment of) costs of improvements and equipment at Fairview Southdale Hospital and costs of issuance of the bonds. To evidence its obligation to pay the bonds, Fairview will issue a note under its Master Trust Indenture to the City. Under the note Fairview will be unconditionally obligated to make payments sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds when due. In issuing the bonds the City will be acting as a conduit, and holders of the bonds will look to Fairview to pay the bonds. The City is not liable to make any payment on the bonds from ad valorem taxes or its general fund. Fairview Southdale Hospital is a division of Fairview and is not a separate legal entity. Other major divisions of Fairview include Fairview Ridges Hospital in Burnsville, Fairview Riverside (which is a joint venture partner with St. Mary's Hospital in the operation of Riverside Medical Center in Minneapolis) and hospitals in Princeton and Milaca, Minnesota and Shell Lake, Wisconsin. The obligation of Fairview to make the payments on the note to be issued to the City to pay the bonds DOBSEY & WHITNEY A P.en+c .— IMCLU — P- 1 ....... L C0.1 -1— will be a general obligation of Fairview, and not just Fairview Southdale Hospital. It is expected that the bonds will be rated "Al" by Moody's Investors Service and "A +" by Standard & Poor's Corporation. The bonds are expected to be sold publicly by a group of underwriters consisting of The First Boston Corporation, Dain Bosworth Incorporated and Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Incorporated. Risks to City in Connection With Issuance of Bonds The primary concern to the City from a risk standpoint is what effect a default by Fairview in the payment of the bonds would have on the City. The statute under which the bonds would be issued clearly provides that the bonds are limited obligations of the City payable solely from revenues derived from loan repayments received from Fairview. In addition, the bond documents and offering documents will contain the same recitals and provisions. The official statement under which the bonds will be offered will recite that the City makes no representation as to the information contained in the official statement and does not assume any responsibility for the sufficiency, accuracy or completeness of such information. Given these statutory and bond document provisions the City will not be liable to pay the bonds in the event of a default by Fairview. In the bond documents Fairview agrees to pay all the fees and expenses of the City in connection with the issuance of the bonds and agrees to indemnify the City against all claims and liability in connection with the bonds. In the event of a default by Fairview in the payment of the bonds, while the City should not be liable for payment of the bonds, it may incur certain out -of- pocket expenses for which it may be not able to collect reimbursement from Fairview because of its financial condition. The principal type of expense which could occur would be legal fees related to defending any claim a bondholder may attempt to assert against the City. While such a claim should be promptly dismissed-on the basis of the limitation of liability provisions in the statute and bond documents, the City would incur some expense in obtaining this dismissal. Another consequence of a default by Fairview would be the publicity surrounding such defaulted bonds which would mention the City as the issuer of the bonds. A default by Fairview should not affect the City's credit rating for its general obligation bonds. JPG:cmn DOBSEY & WHITNEY A P ... ..... v Incl.uu P. — ... 1— Coulow. .- -2- MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jack Rice DATE: July 10, 1989 SUBJECT: Hawthorne Suites Hotel In mid -June a friend called me ,wondering what had happened to-the Hawthorne Suites proposal. I told him that they had postponed appearing at the Council meeting that they had been scheduled to attend and that my opinion -was that had they appeared there was strong support on the council for approval. My friend then asked why Hawthorne had not appeared and I responded that although I had not talked to anyone at Hawthorne, my understanding from the staff was that they found the terms and conditions of the proposed agreements too onerous and confusing and had decided to withdraw. My friend said that he was acquainted with the Pritzker family, thought that they were fair people, thought that they still wanted the deal and encouraged me to contact the Pritzker's directly. I telephoned Nick Pritzker and got the impression from him that the liquor issue was a substantial stumbling block. Through subsequent communications with Tom Erickson and Pritzker it .was determined that Hawthorne could accept our attorney's opinion as to what is allowable under City and State regulation of liquor. After the liquor question was seemingly resolved I was encour- aged and told Mr. Pritzker to have his staff people ,contact our Edina staff relative to any other questions that we might resolve in order to get the Hawthorne Suites proposal back on track., Mr. Pritzker did send three-of his staff to a meeting on June 28th with Tom Erickson, Gordon Hughes and me. At that meeting the fine points of the liquor regulations were again explained and accepted by the Hawthorne group. However, other questions were raised which were basically economic. At Mr. Erickson's suggestion the Hawthorne group agreed to 'comment point by point on the previously suggested City posit -ion and get it', . back to Gordon Hughes for Gordon's thoughts and comments to the City Council before Gordon goes on vacation. I expect we will receive something from Gordon next week. I hope that my contacting Mr. Pritzker directly did not violate any City Council protocol. In any event, I wanted to inform you that the deal is not totally dead and Hawthorne is working on a new proposal to the City. If any of you have questions, please contact me and I will be happy to visit with you. r� HAWTHORN SUITES Kevin Poorman Vice president & General Counsel July 10, 1989 VIA TELECOPY Mr. Gordon Hughes Assistant City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Proposed Hawthorn Suites Edina Dear Gordon: During our June 27th meeting at Edina City Hall I agreed to write you regarding our requests for economic nd business revisions to the most recent proposed transaction wit the,City of Edina (the "City ") and Hawthorn Edina, Inc. ( "Hawth n ") ;for the proposed Hawthorn Suites hotel project (the "Hotel "), o be ;located on Lot 1, Block 1 in Edinborough development (the "Sit 11) in Edina, Minnesota. It is my understanding that two issues of paramou t Th importance to Hawthorn could be resolved to our satisfaction. ese issues. were the liquor question and the proposed ramp for utur6 public parking on the site. With respect to the liquor is e, based on. discussions with your counsel, we are under the impr ssion that-a, guest at the Hotel could request delivery from the H tel gperator. or directly from nearby liquor stores of alcoholic everages for. consumption in the guest's room or a privately reservel area in the Hotel. We could pick up the requested beverages and deliver them. to the guest. In addition, we would be allowed to cha ge the guest: the actual cost of the beverage (but are not allowed to profit) and. a delivery charge designed to offset our personnel and equipment costs incurred to deliver the beverages to guests. We would not. be allowed to store liquor in the Hotel or to po r privately purchase alcohol in the open common areas of the Hotel. Thus, our agreement to comply with Edina's liquor ordinances a d applicable state laws would not be violated by providing the del very service discussed above. We assume that an opinion of counse to the City Madison Plaza, 200 West Madison, Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 750.1234 Mr. Gordon Hughes July 101 1969 Page 2 or other documentation evidencing our understanding of our right to provide delivery of alcoholic beverages to gue is would be issued or executed. With respect to the parking ramp and reservati parking rights on .the Site by the City, we are under t based on our discussions with representatives of t there is sufficient parking for the public at the pa; believe that the proposed reservation of future publi construction of a ramp therefore is necessary for Accordingly, we believe the City should abandon its such ramp and future parking rights. During our meeting on June 27th, I hope that I concerns as to the economic viability of the H adequately. We believe that the Edinborough devel excellent site, but afire concerned that the suburban market has not shown! the kind of growth in hotel c rates as we had expected and hoped. Given our dii getting the project approved by the City and the "fl4 the market, we had decided to pull back and take a har feasibility and viability of the project. On the of have spent considerable time and invested significa design and development efforts for the proposed Ho- looking to make the Hotel justifiable on an economic b cost reductions will; be helpful. We trust that satisfied with the design of the Hotel, and approval not be controversial or difficult to obtain. i it is my understanding that we have agreed to man,, concessions and trade -offs during the design and process with the city. We respectfully request t1 consider the following: 1. The park maintenance fee of $15.00 per room established as a "flat" charge and not be increased. would be akin to the charge payable by the condomind the Edinborough development. 2. The eliminatiion of the construction of any p, space. Thus, only .code required parking spaces, for th be constructed. These spaces would. be dedicated f only. Since the parking situation at the park al adequate, we don't see: need to construct public pi Site. j i 3. The waiver of the $50,000.00 City fee pr charged by the City at completion. We are under the Dn of future A impression :e City that k. We don't parking and the public. reauests for convIyea our Dtal )pmen to you is an Minneapolis ccup ncy and ficu ties in VI n ture of I look at the. her hand, we at m Inies in. :el. We are iais, and any the City is thereof will, significant development at t e City per onth be Thqq charge AM o ers in blic parking Hot 1 would .r Hotel use pearo to be rkinq on the I to be IBSfon Mr. Gordon Hughes July 10, 1989 Page 3 that this fee is not charged to others in the City, the Edinborough development, and is probably not nece 4. Providing in the documentation with requirement that the Motel operator charge a five pez room rate Edinborough park fee or quasi -tax to offset participating in .the Edinborough development maintenance, special assessments, and other public fi paid to the City). since Edina has no bed tax tc provide for promoti n of the Hotel (while Minr Bloomington do) , we ropose that the agreements rE charge a five percent ;(5%) of room rate fee which is ti by us to offset ourl obligations to the City, the development, and Hotel promotions. as unique to nary anymore. :he ity a cent (5$) of our costs in. e.g . d park. es an taxes help us to eapo 'is and quir us to be stained Edinborough 5. A reduction) or waiver of the park dedic tion fee of $92,000 and of some part or all of the aggrega e t tal of approximately $132,004 in special assessments. I hope that this letter provides you with further to our requests for City assistance. if you have any if I may be of assistance, please call me at your cor Yours very truly, OJohn Kevin Poorman JKP:pm cc: Nick Pritzker John Lyons Steve Goldman gux ance as quss ions or venience. iq 10 '89 15:46 LEVANDER ZOTALEY , ETAL LEVAN DER, ZOTALEY, VAN DER LINDEN $r RYDLAN D A FFRO�ESSJONAL AZ�-tGCIATiON LAWYERS H2O NORTHSTAR WEST BPS MAROU ETTE AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 16 ;2) 335 -6841 P. 1/4 6ERNHARD W. LCVANDER DAVID C. WULFF BYRON L. ZOTALEY GERRI J. HILGER.5 JAMES G. VANDER LINDEN TELECOPIVR NO. 612/339 -5765 A09CFT H. RYDLAND TELECOPIER TRANSMITTAL LETTER. TELECOPIER NUMBER: G 7 —,d FROM: Tele. #612/339-6841 DATE: doe% TIME: A.M. TRANSMITTAL CONTAINS PAGES, INCLUDYNG COVER SHEET. REMARKS: r i v -V -~ ��t/1t/G/ L� /17{�..� [rrzr.I , �d !D ✓�►�,/E -o'` G�1 UG- DISTRIBUTE REPLY REQUESTED NO ACTION REQUIRED AS DISCUSSED IF ANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS TRANSMITTAL, PLEASE CALL THE TELECOPIER OPERATOR AT (612) 339 -6841. t 10 '89 15:47 LEVAIZER ZOTALEY , ETAL P.2/4 LEVANDER. ZOTALEY. VANDER LINDEN RYDLAND A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION LAWYER$ lap NORTM3TAR WEST 626 MAROUE{'TC AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 4612) 395.6841 OLRNHAAA W. LeVANDER DAVID C. WULFF QYAON L ZOTALEY July 10, 1989 OLRRI J. HILGERS JAMES G. VANDER LINOEN FAX 1612) 339.6766 ROBERT H. RYOLAND wSA/we7: A13A18942 Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Edina Cit, Edina, MN Frederick S. Glenn Smith, Peggy Kelly, Jane Paulus, Jack Rice, C Y Hall 55435 Richards, Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember ouncilmember Re: Waste Removal - Recycling Program service /Costs Dear Mayor and Councilmembers: I write to encourage the City to review carefully and watch closely what appears to be happening with the initiation of the City's recycling program and the reliance it has placed on BFI to get the job done at a fair and reasonable cost. The multiplicity of effort and charges to get a single job done may become counterproductive, generating unnecessary expense. Please let me share my own observations. My wife and I have been homeowners in Edina for 20 years. In addition to our own home we also own other single family dwellings in Edina which are rented to Edina families. We have consistently used BFI because of the fine reputation it had established for quality service at competitive prices. The potential for breakdown of both service and reasonable costs involving a company which has been allowed to develop a near monopoly in our City is what causes me to write you. We have lived in our present home for 15 years. When we first arrived we were greeted by Harry Bright, Edina's most celebrated garbage hauler. For 15 years Harry came to our home, one BFI man in one BFI truck, and hauled everything away that needed to go. Never once did I have to make a service related call to BFI. Following Harry's retirement a couple of months ago, I have had to call BF1 every week for 8 weeks as their replacement drivers had failed to pick up all our garbage on the first trip. The next working day they send a second truck to get what the first left behind. JUL 10 'e9 15 :47 LEVANDER ZOTALEY , ETAL City of Edina July 10, 1989 Page 2 P.3/4 For 15 years I paid BFI (Woodlake Sanitary service) on a once a year contract basis. My 1988 -89 contract price was $127.50 ($10.63 /month). As of March, 1989 BFI has increased its price every two months to my current bill rate for July- August 1989 of $42.50 which annualizes to $255.00. This is a 100% increase in 6 months! I am told that the dumping fees at the landfills which BFI owns have gone up tremendously. Is this the cost the public must bear for allowing the development of a near monopoly in a quasi- public service? With the advent of the City's new recycling program half of the weekly waste generated at my home (recyclables) are now to be picked up by BF1 under public contract with the City and paid for by tax dollars. Whatever the City paid for last week's pick up by BFI at my home, BFI did nothing to earn it. While the City's recycling contract went unperformed, by 10:00 a.m. on Friday two men in one BFI truck showed up under our private contract and hauled the other half of the garbage away. Friday, July 7 was our first scheduled pick up under the new program. Although we had not received the special containers, we did sort as requested, and placed everything out in front of the garage by 7:00 a.m. When no one showed up from BFI on Friday to take this one -half of my garbage, I called the "hotline" on Saturday morning only to be told by a recorder to call on Monday. Edina's Recycling Center was open on Saturday and answered its phone. So, my wife drove the aluminum, glass and newspapers to the Edina Center and was told to take the plastics to the Eden Prairie Recycling Center. In summary, last summer and for 14 summers before, one BFI man in one BFI truck, on one trip, rendered quality service by taking all our waste at a reasonable cost. Last week a BPI compost truck came and found nothing as my lawn service removes most yard waste weekly, a second BFI truck with two men picked up half of my garbage, and the anticipated third BFI truck for recyclables never showed up. So, while I'm paying 100% more in just 6 months to BFI to pick up half of my garbage, I wonder how much the City is paying BFI to pick up the other half? While Edina was not built on a reluctance to pay for quality service, I am compelled to ask: What is the reasonable cost for quality service in getting our City's residential waste removed? Is BFI able to render consistent quality service to our City at this time? What is the cost on a per JJJL 18 '89 15:48 LE ArIDER ZOTHLEY , ETAL City of Edina y July 10, 1989 Page 3 P.4/4 household basis putting together what the homeowner now pays and what the City pays to get this one job done by a multiple rather than single effort? Very truly yours, LeVANDER, ZOTALEY, VANDER LINDEN & RYDLAND ron L. Zotaley HLZ:adl Enclosure CC: Janet Chandler, Recycler Coordinator 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 1 CHECK NO. _ t 7 tM47 DATE 06/26/89 AMOUNT 2383 VENDOR MID11AV IND SUPPLY ITEM DESCRIPTION CODA YER PARTS ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- X15110 560 56 95587 1.68 -7 * * * * ** 21 81 A * ** -CKS 191894 06 "ooTo9 iio oo^ KATHY GI-12TAI990N A.0 iNSTRUCIOR * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191700 06/20/89 62.00 DEPENDABLE HEATING REFUND 10- 3130 - 490 -49 62.00 * 191701 06/20/89 466.00 KENNETH SCHUELLER FLOWERS 10- 4504 - 390 -30 1755 466.00 * 191702 06/20/89 19.42 GREGORY SMEGAL MEETING EXP 10- 4206 - 440 -44 191702 06/20/89 10.50 GREGORY SMEGAL PARKING 10- 4208 - 440 -44 29.92 * 191703 06/20/89 119.54 NANCY KNUDSON SERVICES 28- 4201 - 701 -70 119.54 * 191704 06/20/89 28.32 TEXGAS PROPANE 10- 4610 - 560 -56 2007 28.32 * 191705 06/20/89 22.00 MEHA CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 480 -48 22.00 * 191706 06/20/89 357.50 OFFICE LIBRARY & FOLDING TABLES 27- 4248 - 662 -66 2618 2201 357.50 * .191707 06/20/89 81.24 DITCH WITCH OF MN PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 C03154 2125 81.24 * 191708 06/20/89 50.00 CONDENSER SERV CONDENSOR 10- 4540 - 560 -56- 1836 50.00 * 191709 06/20/89 125.00 GREENHAVEN PRINTING SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 102235 1828 125.00 * 191710 06/20/89 260.95 CARLSON TRACTOR BLADES 10- 4540 - 560 -56 113564 1941 260.95 * 191711 06/20/89 80.00 JAMES TOENSING PERFORMANCE 30- 4224 - 781 -78 80.00 * 191712 06/20/89 18.00 JEANETTE STACKE REFUND 10- 1145 - 000 -00 18.00 * 191713 06/20/89 150.00 EDINA POLICE AUCTION 10- 3220 - 000 -00 150.00 * 191714 06/20/89 666.00 RON LUND AUCTION 10- 3220 - 000 -00 666.00 * 1 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 191715 06/20/89 122.00 VENDOR 122.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION 191716 06/20/89 50.00 CITY OF ST PAUL PRO SERVICES 50.00 191717 06/20/89 19.00 REIMBURSEMENT PAT GLESENER 19.00 * 191718 06/20/89 360.00 INIFORM ALLOWANCE BRIGADE 360.00 * 191719 06/20/89 50.00 AM PHOTO COPY SERV CONTRACT 50.00 191720 06/20/89 100.00 MIKE SIITARI UNIFORM ALLOWANCE TC DICTATION 100.00 PRYOR RESOURCE INC 191721 06/30/89 33.08 BLOOMINGTON LINOLEUM 191721 06/20/89 33.08 66.16 191722 06/20/89 659.00 191722 06/20/89 1,841.00 2,500.00 191723 06/20/89 10.00 191723 06/20/89 15.00 191723 06/20/89 36.80 61.80 191724 06/20/89 40.00 40.00 191725 06/20/89 99.00 99.00 191726 06/26/89 38.00 191726 06/20/89 54.00 92.00 * 191727 06/20/89 32.00 32.00 * * * * * ** 191730 06/22/89 104.11 104.11 * 191731 06/22/89 375.00 375.00 * 191732 06/22/89 25.00 25.00 * s DALE LUNDGREN MILEAGE KUNDE COMPANY OAK WILT STUDY ELM RESEARCH DUES 07 -10 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30- 3512 - 000 -00 10- 4202 - 420 -42 013821 . 10- 4502 - 440 -44 30- 4248 - 783 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 10- 4266- 420 -42 9352 10- 4266 - 420 -42 702341 9352 10- 4288 - 510 -51 10- 4288 - 510 -51 10- 4202 - 420 -42 10- 4204 - 460 -46 10- 4266 - 420 -42 10- 4274 - 420 -42 14270 \ 10- 4202 - 420 -42 523718 10- 4540 - 520 -52 9197 1819 10- 4901 - 420 -42 2030 30- 4504 - 783 -78 33720 2121 30- 4208 - 781 -78 10- 4201 - 644 -64 10- 4204 - 600 -60 2349 2350 FA * * * -CKS CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION LIZ GEREBI PAYMENT CITY OF ST PAUL PRO SERVICES INTERN ASSOC OF HANDBOOK LYNN HALONEN REIMBURSEMENT PAT GLESENER PERFORMANCE DAVID.ZANDER PAYMENT BRIGADE INIFORM ALLOWANCE BRIGADE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE AM PHOTO COPY SERV CONTRACT AM PHOTO COPY SERV CONTRACT MIKE SIITARI SCHOOL MIKE SIITARI DUES MIKE SIITARI UNIFORM ALLOWANCE TC DICTATION EQUIP MAINT PRYOR RESOURCE INC CONT ED BLOOMINGTON LINOLEUM ADHESIVE BLOOMINGTON LINOLEUM REMODELING PD BENEFICAL INSECTARY GENERAL SUPPLIES DALE LUNDGREN MILEAGE KUNDE COMPANY OAK WILT STUDY ELM RESEARCH DUES 07 -10 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30- 3512 - 000 -00 10- 4202 - 420 -42 013821 . 10- 4502 - 440 -44 30- 4248 - 783 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 10- 4266- 420 -42 9352 10- 4266 - 420 -42 702341 9352 10- 4288 - 510 -51 10- 4288 - 510 -51 10- 4202 - 420 -42 10- 4204 - 460 -46 10- 4266 - 420 -42 10- 4274 - 420 -42 14270 \ 10- 4202 - 420 -42 523718 10- 4540 - 520 -52 9197 1819 10- 4901 - 420 -42 2030 30- 4504 - 783 -78 33720 2121 30- 4208 - 781 -78 10- 4201 - 644 -64 10- 4204 - 600 -60 2349 2350 FA * * * -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 191733 06/22/89 67.83 ROGER OLWIN GENERAL SUPPLIES 67.83 * 191734 06/22/89 222.00 ST CLOUD STATE CONT ED 222.00 * 191735 06/22/89 98.23 PRENTICE HALL ENGINEERING MANUAL 191735 06/22/89 51.38 PRENTICE HALL ENGINEERING MANUAL 149.61 * 191736 06/22/89 33.33 NARCOFFICER ADVERTISING 191736 06/22/89 33.33 NARCOFFICER ADVERTISING 191736 06/22/89 33.34 NARCOFFICER ADVERTISING 100.00 * 191737 06/22/89 58.09 `--20 JIMMY JINGLE COFFEE 58.09* 9- 191738 06/22/89 100.00 US CHAMBER DUES 191738 06/22/89 100.00 US CHAMBER DUES 191738 06/22/89 100.00 US CHAMBER DUES 300.00 191739 06/22/89 12.00 PLYMOUTH PLBG CO REFUND 12.00 191740 06/22/89 765.00 ASSOC OF MN CPNT ED 765.00 191741 06/22/89 138.75 32a go EXECUFOODS ONC MEALS 138.75 *�* 191742 06/22/89 21.36 REBECCA OLSON MILEAGE 21.36 191743 06/27/89 262.68 SUPERIOR FORD REPAIRS 262.68.* 191744 06/22/89 249.50 VL SERV LIGHTING PARTS 249..50 191745 06/22/89 70.00 QUAD STATE SERV REPAIR WORK 70.00 191746 06/22/89 41.00 ED MCDEVITT CO PULLEYS 41.00 191747 06/27/89 52.11 DARRELL TODD CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 52.11 191748 06/27/89 36.96 JOSEPH STRYZYK CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 36.96 191749 06/27/89 105.21 JAMES SMITH CLOTHING ALLOWANCE --ol 07 -10 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4504 - 420 -42 10- 4202 - 430 -42 10- 4504 - 260 -26 10- 4504 - 260 -26 50- 4214 - 822 -82 N29732 50- 4214 - 842 -84 N29732 50- 4214 - 862 -86 N29732 10- 4201 - 508 -50 012815 2357 50- 4204 - 820 -82 50- 4204 - 840 -84 50- 4204 - 860 -86 10- 3110 - 490 -49 10- 4202 - 460 -46 10- 4504 - 510 -51 2356 40- 4208 - 806 -80 10- 4248 - 560 -56 93754 2258 10- 4504 - 520 -52 815720 2099 10- 4504 - 560 -56 14551 1833 10- 4540- 560 -56 68401 1731 10- 4266 - 440 -44 -10- 4266 - 440 -44 10- 4266 - 440 -44 4 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 07 -10 -89 PAGE 4 105.21 * 191750 06/27/89 135.75 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 135.75 * 191751 06/27/89 150.00 DAVID RADATZ CLOTHING 150.00 * 191752 06/27/89 150.00 ALLOWANCE 10- 4266- 440 -44 150.00 * 191753 06/27/89 150.00 JAMES JULKOWSKI CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 150.00 191754 06/27/89 150.00 10- 4266 - 440 -44 JOHN MALONEY 150.00 ALLOWANCE 191755 06/27/89 150.00 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 150.00 STEPHEN LANDRY 191756 06/27/89 150.00 GREG SMEGAL CLOTHING 150.00 10- 4266 - 440 -44 191757 06/27/89 150.00 ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 150.00 CLOTHING 191758 06/27/89 150.00 LEROY LISK CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 150.00 *. 191759 06/27/89 150.00 10- 4266 - 440 -44 RICHARD VERNON. 150.00 ALLOWANCE - 191760 06/27/89 150.00 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 150.00 ALLEN ROTHE 191761 06/27/89 150.00 150.00 * 191762 06/27/89 150.00 150.00 * 191763 06/27/89 150.00 150.00 * 191764 06/27/89 150.00 150.00 * 191765 06/27/89, 150.00 150.00 * 191766 06/27/89 150.00 150.00 * 191767 06/27/89 150.00 150.00 * Ll� CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 4 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE BRUCE GATES CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 PATRICK RUNNING CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 DAVID RADATZ CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 ANDREW MEDZIS CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266- 440 -44 ROBERT LAWSON CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266- 440 -44 JAMES JULKOWSKI CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266- 440 -44 JAMES SINGLETON CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 JOHN MALONEY CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 RONALD SAMUELSON CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 STEPHEN LANDRY CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 GREG SMEGAL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 WILLIAM LUTTS CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 RICHARD MYRE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 LEROY LISK CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 WILLIAM BOWLER CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 RICHARD VERNON. CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 RICHARD HELMER CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 ALLEN ROTHE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 440 -44 Ll� 0 i J 07 -10 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4504 - 600 -60 10- 4202 - 440 -44 10- 3500 - 000 -00 10- 3500- 000 -00 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 191768 06/27/89 35.00 MRPA T- SHIRTS 10- 4202 - 280 -28 35.00 * 10- 4310 - 560 -56 191769 06/27/89 90.00 BCA SCHOOL 10- 4508 = 627 -62 90.00 * 10- 4540 - 540 -54 191770 06/27/89 17.00 MARY WETTERLIN REFUND 10- 4504 - 623 -62 00724 2444 17.00 * 10- 4288 - 510 -51 191771 06/27/89 17.00 DAVID LARSON REFUND 10- 4288 - 510 -51 17.00 * 191772 06/27/89 34.00 CAROLYN WENGER REFUND 34.00 * 191773 06/27/89 17.00 AMU VOSE REFUND 17.00 * 191774 06/27/89 17.00 GERRY SJOBLOM REFUND 17.00 * 191775 06/27/89 17.00 DIANE FELDMAN REFUND 17.00 * 191776 06/27/89 .17.00 SUSAN WILCOX REFUND 17.00 * 191777 06/27/89 3,191.34 HENN COUNTY TREAS CHIP BRUSH AT.DUMP 3,191.34 * 191.778 06/27/89 1,140.10 EASTMAN KODAK CO EQUIP MAINT 1,140.10 * 191779 06/27/89 6.65 DIANE SANKEY MEETING EXP 191779 06/27/89 23.17 DIANE SANKEY MEETING EXP 191779 06/29/89 10.56 DIANE SANKEY PLATES /TITLE 191779 06/29/89 21.00 DIANE SANKEY TITLES 191779 06/27/89 3.55 DIANE SANKEY GEN SUPPLIES 191779 06/29/89 10.91 DIANE SANKEY FILM FOR CITY 191779 06/27/89 .83 DIANE SANKEY SUPPLIES 191779 06/29/89 5.48 DIANE SANKEY PARTS 191779 06/27/89 5.03 DIANE SANKEY FUEL 191779 06/27/89 27.34 DIANE SANKEY COD FOR PARTS 114.52 191780 06/30/89 1,140.00 BARRETT INC TENNIS T- SHIRT 191780. 06/27/89 232.50 BARRETT INC TENNIS STAFF SHIRTS 1,372.50 191781 06/27/89 704.10 EASTMAN KODAK CO EQUIP MAINT 191781 06/27/89 518.81 EASTMAN KODAK CO EQUIP MAINT 191781 06/27/89 318.67 EASTMAN KODAK CO MAINT AGREEMENT 191781 06/27/89 448.77 EASTMAN KODAK CO MAINT AGREEMENT 1,990.35 0 i J 5 07 -10 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4504 - 600 -60 10- 4202 - 440 -44 10- 3500 - 000 -00 10- 3500- 000 -00 10- 3500 - 000 -00 10- 3500 - 000 -00 10- 3500 - 000 -00 10- 3500 - 000 -00 10- 3500 7000 -00 10- 4248 - 644 -64 2325 10- 4288 - 510 -51 10- 4202 - 280 -28 10- 4202 - 280 -28 10- 4310 - 560 -56 10- 4310 - 560 -56 10- 4504 - 642 -64 10- 4508 = 627 -62 10- 4512 - 540 -54 10- 4540 - 540 -54 10- 4612 - 560 -56 50- 4540 - 861 -86 10- 4504 - 623 -62 00724 2444 10 -4504- 623 -62 718 2416 10- 4288 - 510 -51 10- 4288 - 510 -51 10- 4288 - 510 -51 10- 4288 - 510 -51 5 07 -10 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4504 - 627 -62 89947 1848 40- 4550- 900 -80 4330 1805 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2702 1997 10- 4540 - 560 -56 3729 1740 10- 4248 - 560 -56 2240 1803 10- 4504 - 560 -56 9953 ..10- 4248 - 560 -56 359 2262 10- 4504 - 322 -30 2330 10- 2148 - 000 -00 10- 2148 - 000 -00 154707 60- 1300 - 286 -04 154769 28- 4504 - 702 -70 43996 2374 28- 4204 - 701 -70 28- 1300 - 001 -00 39398 9599 10- 4202 - 420 -42 10- 4202 - 420 -42 10- 4260 - 510 -51 10- 4504 - 200 -20 23- 3625 - 000 -00 6 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 191782 06/27/89 500.94 GENCORP POLYMER PROD TENNIS BALLS 500.94 191783 06/27/89 218.80 ALL STEEL PRODUCTS CULVERT 218.80 191784 06/27/89 145.009- AAA SECURITY SYSTEM ALARM 145.00* 15@-79 191785 06/27/89 425.25 TULL BEARINGS INC BEARINGS 425.25 191786 06/27/89 217.00 NELVINS AUTOBODY BODY WORK 217.00 191787 06/27/89 142.56 NW SERV STATION EQU SWIVELS 142.56 191788 06/27/89 170.00 MR SIGN LETTERING 170.00 191789 06/27/89 170.00 MEL SATTER CLAMPS 170.00 191790 06/27/89 29.04 OLSON BROS PHARM FILM 29.04 191791 06/27/89 118.20 LINHOFF CORP COLOR FILM DEVELOPING 191791 06/30/89 10.30 LINHOFF CORP COLOR DEVELOP FILM 128.50 191792 06/27/89 101.50 ALCO CAPITAL RES GENERAL SUPPLIES 101.50 191793 06/27/89 75.00 MIAMA DUES 75.00 191794 06/27/89 471.00 METRO SYSTEMS OFFICE FURNITURE 471.00 191795 06/27/89 1,000.00 CAMP RIPLEY TRAING CONFERENCE 1,000.00 191796 06/27/89 200.00 SYNCHRO TECH CONT ED 200.00 191797 06/27/89 10.00 MN COMMERCE DEPT NOTARY FEE 10.00 191798 06/27/89 93.81 MPLS AREA ASSO OF SOLD REPORT 93.81 191799 06/27/89 44.00 CY TURNBLADH_ ART WORK SOLD 44.00 07 -10 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4504 - 627 -62 89947 1848 40- 4550- 900 -80 4330 1805 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2702 1997 10- 4540 - 560 -56 3729 1740 10- 4248 - 560 -56 2240 1803 10- 4504 - 560 -56 9953 ..10- 4248 - 560 -56 359 2262 10- 4504 - 322 -30 2330 10- 2148 - 000 -00 10- 2148 - 000 -00 154707 60- 1300 - 286 -04 154769 28- 4504 - 702 -70 43996 2374 28- 4204 - 701 -70 28- 1300 - 001 -00 39398 9599 10- 4202 - 420 -42 10- 4202 - 420 -42 10- 4260 - 510 -51 10- 4504 - 200 -20 23- 3625 - 000 -00 6 7 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 191800 06/27/89 4,384.00 MIDWEST AQUA CARE MILL POND HARVEST 10- 4200 - 358 -30 1851 4,384.00 191801 06/27/89 205.29 AM AIR FILTER GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 X75222 2073 205.29 191802 06/27/89 345.00 MARIE WARTMAN AMBULANCE REFUND 10- 3180- 000 -00 345.00 191803 06/27/89 45.25 N COUNTRY FLAGS GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 5746 45.25 191804 06/27/89 159.18 BLOCK GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 =42 159.18 191805 06/27/89 150.00 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL TELETYPE SERV 10- 4268 - 420 -42 191805 06/27/89 150.00 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL TELETYPE SERV 10- 4268 - 420 -42 300.00 191806 06/27/89 60.00 MERWYN WALKER MILEAGE 27- 4208 - 661 -66 60.00 191807 06/29/89 76.00 SUE DAVIES ART WORK 10- 4504 - 507 -50 191 76.00 191808 06/29/89 27.61 STEVE JOHNSON MEETING 10- 4202 - 280 -28 27.61 191809 06/29/89 40.00 CONNIE FERRIS TRAINING 10- 4202 - 240 -24 191809 06/29/89 160.00 CONNIE FERRIS TRAINING 10- 4202 - 490 -49 200..00 * 191810 06/29/89 340.00 MIDWEST ACOUSTIC & PRO SERV 30- 4201 - 781 -78 669 2505 340.00 * 191811 06/29/89 170.00 TC MUSICIANS UNION CONTRIBUTION 30- 4201 - 781 -78 170.00 * 191812 06/29/89 73.50 SAVORYS GARDENS PLANTINGS 27- 4562- 666 -66 2275 73.50 * 191813 06/29/89 27.26 DAY TIMERS OFFICE SUPPLIES 30- 4516 - 781 -78 2506 27.26 * 191814 06/29/89 45.00 GEM TAP SERV BEER LINE CLEANING 27- 4630 - 663 -66 45.00 * 191815 06/29/89 64,720.49 HENN COUNTY TREAS CONSTRUCTION SHARE 60- 1300 - 286 -04 13708 64,720.49 * 191816 06/29/89 49.00 EILEEN HAYES REFUND 26- 3415 - 681 -68 191816 06/30/89 5.00 EILEEN HAYES REFUND 26- 3415 - 681 -68 54.00 191817 06/29/89 22.00 MARGARET or DAVID REFUND 10- 3500 - 000 -00 7 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 8 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 2.2.00 * 191818 06/29/89 795.00 MILLS ADVVERTISING PRO SERV 12- 4201 - 434 -43 30608 2530 795.00 * 191819 06/29/89 100.00 MIKAEL RUDOLPH PERFORMANCE 30- 4224 - 781 -78 100.00 191.820 06/29/89 75.00* LYNNY PETERSON PERFORMANCE 30 -4224- 781 -78 * ** -CKS 30- 4224 - 781 -78 191821 06/29/89 100.00 MIRIAM STONEHILL PERFORMANCE loo. 00 *175.00 191822 06/29/89 75.00 CHILDS PLAY THEATRE PERFORMANCE 30- 4224 - 781 -78 75.00 * ** -CKS * * * * ** 191824 06/29/89 50.00 BRIAR PATCH CLOGGERS PERFORMANCE 30- 4224 - 781 -78 50.00 191825 06/29/89 256.00 ROXANNE SEIDEL PRO SERVICES 30- 4201 - 781 -78 256.00 191826 06/29/89 67.46 JOAN WATERSTREET JOAN WATERSTREET MEETING EXP MILEAGE 10- 4206 - 420 -42 10- 4208 - 420 -42 191826 191826 06/29/89 06/29/89 111.90 1.50 JOAN WATERSTREET GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4256 - 510 -51 191826 06/29/89 21.98 JOAN WATERSTREET UNIFROM ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 420 -42 191826 06/29/89 38.00 JOAN WATERSTREET EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 420 -42 191826 06/29/89 68.00 JOAN WATERSTREET EQUIP OPERATION 10- 4310 - 560 -56 191826 06/29/89 138.13 JOAN WATERSTREET GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 191826 06/29/89 26.60 JOAN WATERSTREET CABLE TV 12- 4504 - 434 -43 473.57 191827 06/30/89 295.00 WCCO CABLE ADVERTISING /CABLE 27- 4214 - 667 -66 2540 295.00 191828 06/30/89 8.00 EDINA COMM CENTER PRINTING 10- 4600 - 507 -50 8.00 191829 06/30/89 45.00 SORTBERG INVESTMENTS REMODELING 25- 4924 - 520 -52 1954 45.00 191830 06/30/89 1217.00 LeVAHN BROS INC NEW BOILER BLOCK 11- 4201 - 127 -12 1,,217.00 * 191831 06/30/89 52.33 LYNN ANDERSON. TENNIS SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 623 -62 52.33 191832 06/30/89 44.00 ALLEN TANNEBAUM REFUND 10- 3500 - 000 -00 44.00 * ** -CKS * ** * ** 191834 06/30/89 45,236.00 ENGCO GEN CONTRACT PAYMENT 60- 1300 - 005 -20 f AO' 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 9 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 45,236.00 191835 06/30/89 787.50 DEDE HENSEL LESSONS 28- 4201 - 701 -70 787.50 * 191836 06/30/89 47.70 BRAEMAR ARENA REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 702 -70 47.70 * 191837 06/30/89 154.00 LEROY LISK CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 440 -44 1873 154.00 * 191838 06/30/89 87.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO DRYER SERV 10- 4248 - 440 -44 028430 1871 87.00 * 191839 06/30/89 26.96 ARMSTRONG MED IND AMB SUPPLIES 10- 4510 - 440 -44 3723 1864 26.96 * 191840 06/30/89 52.00 LeeWards CRAFT SUPPLIES 23- 4588 - 611 -61 033286 2046 52.00 * 191841 06/30/89 116.98 MPLS ZIP SORT CORP PRINTING 23- 4600- 611 -61 6524 116.98 * 191842 06/30/89 92.19 MOLLIE PAULSON ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 191842 06/30/89 160.83 MOLLIE PAULSON PERSONNEL SERV 23- 4120 - 613 -61 253.02 * 191843 06/30/89 150.00 SUZIE KELM ADVERTISING 23- 4214 - 611 -61 150.00 * 191844 06/30/89 70.00 ART'CENTER OF MN CRAFT SUPPLIES 23- 4588 - 611 -61 70.00 191845 06/30/89 44.00 MATT RUBINOVITCH CLASS REFUND 23- 3500 - 000 -00 44.00 191846 06/30/89 264.00 MONICA RUDQUIST MAINT 23- 4120 - 612 -61 191846 06/30/89 525.00 MONICA RUDQUIST INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 789.00 191847 06/30/89 315.00 SUSAN FRAME AC INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 191847 06/30/89 109.20 SUSAN FRAME COST OF COMM 23- 4624- 613 -61 424.20 * 191848 06/30/89 83.00 NORMA HANLON AC INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 191848 06/30/89 86.00 NORMA HANLON CRAFT SUPPLIES 23- 4588 - 611 -61 169.00 * 191849 06/30/89 446.00 KRISTIN HALE OFFICE ADM 23- 4120 - 611 -61 191849 06/30/89 156.00 KRISTIN HALE AC INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 602.00 * 191850 06/30/89 25.20 LINDA BATDORFF ART WORL SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 25.20 * 191851 y 06/30/89 19.60 MAUREEN BROCKWAY ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 07 -10 -89 PAGE 10 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625- 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4120 - 611 -61 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 19.60 * 191852 06/30/89 28.70 NORMA HANLON ART WORK SOLD 28.70 * 191853 06/30/89 215.00 BETTY BELL PEDDIE ART WORK SOLD 215.00 * 191854 06/30/89 17.50 MARGARET NORDSTAG ART WORK.SOLD 17.50 191855 06/30/89 29.40 KRYSTAL LEEBRICK ART WORK SOLD 29.40 191856 06/30/89 28.70 NORMA HANLON ART WORK SOLD 28.70 191857 06/30/89 40.30 EDINA FOUNDATION ART WORK SOLD 40.30 191858 06/30/89 105.00 ELIZABETH SELDEN ART WORK SOLD 105.00 191859 06/30/89 18.00 KAREN SACKETT ART WORK SOLD 18.00 *' 191860 06/30/89 300.00 PAT GEISHEKER ART WORK SOLD 300.00 191861 06/30/89 27.00 LYLA GRJEENWOOD ART WORK SOLD 27.00 191862 06/30/89 52.50 ROSALIE WELLS ART WORK SOLD 52.50 191863 06/30/89 41.30 ART WHITE ART WORK SOLD 41.30 191864 06/30/89 50.61 SPECIAL EFFECTS ART WORK SOLD 50.61 191865 06/30/89 47.60 S D SHAUGHNESSY ART WORK SOLD 47.60 191866 06/30/89 120.00 CYD WICKER AC INSTRUCTOR 120.00 191867 06/30/89 112.00 BRIDGET SULLIVAN AC INSTRUCTOR 112.00 191868 06/30/89 35.00 ERIN LAUB AC INSTRUCTOR 35.00 191869 06/30/89 173.00 J KANJANAVIVITCH OFFICE ADM 173.00 07 -10 -89 PAGE 10 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625- 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4120 - 611 -61 .a/ 460 1-W-11 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 191870 06/30/89 191871 06/30/89 191872 06/30/89 191873 06/30/89 191874 06/30/89 191875 06/30/89 191876 06/30/89 191877 06/30/89 191878 06/30/89 191879 06/30/89 191880 06/30/89 191881 06/30/89 191882 06/30/89 1918.83 06/30/89 191884 06/30/89 191885 06/30/89 •191886 06/30/89 191887 06/30/89 191888 ,I 06/30/89 AMOUNT 144.00 144.00 * 1,475.00 1,475.00 * 192.00 192.00 * 84.00 84.00 * 72.00 72.00 * 168.00 168.00 * 119.00 119.00 * 224.00 224.00 * 72.00 72.00 * 156.00 156.00 * 630.00 630.00 * 304.00 304.00 * 360.00 360.00 * 226.00 226.00 * 113.00* 120.00 120.00 * 71.00 71.00 * 59.95 59.95 * 374.70 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION NICK LEGEROS AC INSTRUCTOR MARGARET MCDOWELL AC INSTRUCTOR DOROTHY ODLAND AC INSTRUCTOR BETTY BELL PEDDIE AC INSTRUCTOR PHYLLIS PETERSON AC INSTRUCTOR PHYLLIS HAYWA AC INSTRUCTOR MARY HOLMGREN AC INSTRUCTOR EVIE HOLMQUIST AC INSTRUCTOR MARIAN ALSTAD AC INSTRUCTOR BETSY BRYANT AC INSTRUCTOR SUE DAVIES AC INSTRUCTOR BILL DIETRICHSON AC INSTRUCTOR JEAN GRAPP AC INSTRUCTOR MARGARET GUST AC INSTRUCTOR KATHY GUSTAFSON AC INSTRUCTOR MERLE ANDERSON MAINT KLIERS NURSERY INC BLACK DIRT JOHNSTON SALES /SERV VACCUM BUREAU OF BUSINESS TRAINING AIDS 07 -10 -89 PAGE 11 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 * * *-CKS 27- 4288 - 667 -66 27- 4562 - 666 -66 42071 2546 27- 4504 - 662 -66 2538 10- 4608 - 281 -28 9759 1989 CITY OF EDINA LIC /TITLE /TAX CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT AAA 374.70 * 191889 06/30/89 3,183.80 191889 06/30/89 660.00 30- 4224 - 781 -78 3,843.80 * * * * * ** ADVERTISING 191A09 06/29/89 1,952.01 191A09 06/27/89 703.33 50- 4214 - 822 -82 2,655.34 * ADS TO GO ADVERTISING 191A17 06/20/89 11960.50 191A17 06/22/89 787.50 191A17 06/20/89 42.32 191A17 06/20/89 42.32 191A17 06/22/89 787.50 191A17 06/20/89 42.32 191A17 06/22/89 787.50 ADT SECURITY SYS. ALARM SERV 4,449.96 * * * * * ** 2445 AIR HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 191A21 06/27/89 185.50 1178 ALBINSON 185.50 * * * * * ** 10- 4504 - 260 -26 564130 191A24 06/22/89, 149.03. 157. -rte PENCILS /LEAD 10- 4504 - 260 -26 149.03 *�* * * * * ** ALBINSON 191A29 06/29/89 32.35 191A29 06/20/89 11.58 191A29 06/20/89 199.32 191A29 06/20/89 102.00 191A29 06/20/89 3.05 191A29 06/29/89 259.43 PRINTING PAPER 10- 4570 - 260 -26 607.73 * * * * ** ALTERNATOR REBUILD 191A39 06/26/89 65.00 191A39 06/20/89 87.96 191A39 06/22/89 98.90 191A39 06/20/89 125.00 191A39 06/22/89 365.11 191A39 06/20/89 275.97 191A39 06/26/89 221.85 2091 ALTERNATOR 1,239.79 TOOLS 10- 4901 - 650 -64 1645 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ENGLAND PRESS SCORE CARDS ENGLAND PRESS GC SCORING SHEET 07 -10 -89 PAGE 12 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 27- 2600 - 661 -66 44871 2286 27- 2600 - 661 -66 48870 2131 AAA LIC /TITLE /TAX 10- 4310 - 560 -56 AAA MOTOR VEHICLE SERV 10- 4310 - 560 -56 ADS TO GO PROF CONTRACT 30- 4224 - 781 -78 2211 ADS TO GO ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 822 -82 ADS TO GO ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 822 -82 ADS TO GO ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 842 -84 ADS TO GO ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 842 -84 ADS TO GO ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 862 -86 ADS TO GO ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 862 -86 ADT SECURITY SYS. ALARM SERV 30- 4304 - 782 -78 762548 2445 AIR HYDRAULIC SYSTEM REGULATOR 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10058 1178 ALBINSON PENCIL LEAD 10- 4504 - 260 -26 564130 ALBINSON PENCILS /LEAD 10- 4504 - 260 -26 559883 ALBINSON DRAFTING EQUIP 10- 4504 - 260 -26 8742 ALBINSON PENS /ERASERS 10- 4504 - 260 -26 559885 ALBINSON POUNCE 10- 4504 - 260 -26 560907 ALBINSON PRINTING PAPER 10- 4570 - 260 -26 563516 ALTERNATOR REBUILD STARTER 10- 4248 - 560 -56 13283 2253 ALTERNATOR REBUILD BATTERY 10- 4504 - 301 -30 1684 2098 ALTERNATOR REBUILD STARTER 10- 4540- 560 -56 7850 1669 ALTERNATOR REBUILD STARTER 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13162 2091 ALTERNATOR REBUILD TOOLS 10- 4901 - 650 -64 1645 1015 ALTERNATOR REBUILD BOX 40- 4580 - 801 -80 1683 2086 ALTERNATOR REBUILD TOOL DRILL 40- 4580 - 801 -80 1685 2250 * ** -CKS 4 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 191A41 06/27/89 191A41 06/22/89 191A41 06/29/89 191A41 06/29/89 191A41 06/29/89 191A51 191A51 * * * * ** 191A53 191A54 * * * * ** 191A67 * * * * ** 191A72 191A72 191A72 191A72 191A72 191605 191B05 191805 191605 191B05 191805 191B05 191B05 191B05 191B06 191807 * * * * ** 06/19/89 06/27/89 06/27/89 06/22/89 AMOUNT 71.20 71.20 325.43 281.32 354.62 1,103.77 60.00 16.80 76.80 16.89 174.23 174.23 * 60.00 60.00 * CHECK REGISTER VENDOR AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE AMERICAN RED CROSS AMERICAN RED CROSS ITEM DESCRIPTION HOT DOGS HOT DOGS MEAT MEAT MEAT LIFESAVING BOOKS BASIC RECUE BOOKS AMERICAN SHARECOM TELEPHONE 000000 LIFESAVING BOOKS 07 -10 -89 PAGE 13 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 26- 4624 - 683 -68 26- 4624 - 683 -68 1699 27- 4624 - 663 -66 27- 4624 - 663 -66 I 27- 4624 - 663 -66 * ** -CKS 10- 4504- 625 -62 09 852354 10- 4504 - 625 -62 10 * ** -CKS 10- 4256 - 510 -51 10 -4504- 625 -62 09785 2354 06/20/89 1.92 AQUA ENGINEERING PARTS SPRINKLER 10- 4504 - 318 -30 21318 2231 1.92 * 06/22/89 120.00- ASHLAND CHEMICAL CREDIT 10- 4504 - 325 -30 977432 06/22/89 334.90 ASHLAND CHEMICAL THINNER 10- 4504 - 325 -30 349746 1991 06/22/89 75.00- ASHLAND CHEMICAL CREDIT 10- 4504 - 325 -30 237822 06/22/89 167.45 ASHLAND CHEMICAL THINNER 10- 4544 - 325 -30 300607 1663 06/22/89 25.00- ASHLAND CHEMICAL CREDIT 10- 4544 - 325 -30 300608 282.35 06/20/89 21.40 BACH -BILL UNIFORMS 30- 4262 - 782 -78 06/20/89 25.00 BACH -BILL POSTAGE 30- 4290 - 781 -78 06/20/89 29.45 BACH -BILL GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504- 781 -78 06/27/89 3.43 BACH -BILL GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 781 -78 06/27/89 33.53 BACH -BILL GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 06/20/89 59.70 BACH -BILL OFFICE SUPPLIES 30- 4516- 781 -78 06/20/89 13.46 BACH -BILL PAINT SUPPLIES 30- 4544 - 782 -78 06/27/89 21.00 BACH -BILL SOIL TESTING 30- 4660 - 782 -78 06/20/89 12.00 BACH -BILL TREES /FLOWERS 30- 4660 - 782 -78 218.97 * 06/30/89 257.33 BACHMANS PLANTINGS 27- 4562- 666 -66 2548 257.33 * 06/27/89 3,988.80 BADGER METER INC WATER METERS 40- 1220 - 000 -00 587669 1802 3,988.80 * `wk * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 191B09 06/27/89 191609 06/27/89 * * * * ** BERTELSON 191B13 06/29/89 * * * * ** BERTELSON 191B18 06/22/89 191818 06/20/89 191818 06/20/89 191B18 06/26/89 191818 06/20/89 191818 06/26/89 191618 06/26/89 191618 06/26/89 191618 06/22/89 19IB18 06/26/89 19IB18 06/26/89 191818 06/26/89 191618 06/20/89 * * * * ** 10- 4540 - 560 -56 191627 06/27/89 191B27 06/27/89 19IB27 06/27/89 191627 06/27/89 191627 06/27/89 191B27 06/27/89 * * * * ** 2084 191630 06/26/89 191B30 06/26/89 19IB30 06/27/89 191B30 06/27/89 191B30 06/27/89 191B30 06/30/89 191B30 06/27/89 191830 06/22/89 191830. 06/27/89 * * * * ** 191832 06/22/89 191B32 06/20/89 19IB32 06/20/89 AMOUNT 96.00 115.00 211.00 1,028.30 1,028.30 16.00 4.00 49.00 104.30 59.29- 57.60 80.40 321.18 33.60 64.63 281.18 158.15 200.40 1,311.15 126.00 69.50 153.00 294.00 336.00 171.00 1,149.50 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION BAILEY NURSERIES GENERAL SUPPLIES BAILEY NURSERIES TREES BARR ENGINEERING BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY WAREHOUSE BERGFORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING 45.28 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 88.05 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 33.84 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 17.04 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 7.59 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 17.63 BERTELSON BROS. INC. . 7.69 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 68.72 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 110.36 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 396.20 10- 4540 - 560 -56 40649 2307 107.50 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS 30.00 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS 44.00 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS PRO SERV 07 -10 -89 PAGE 14 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4504 - 301 -30 246750 2143 10- 4560 - 644 -64 264750 2154 41- 4201 - 900 -90 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS TIES 10- 4504 - 322 -30 38742 1609. TIES /CABLE 10- 4504 - 322 -30 42196 1609 TIE STRAPS 10- 4504 - 322 -30 41342 1726 TIE DOWNS 10- 4504 - 560 -56 40670 1726 . CREDITS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 43692 BULBS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 41886 1588 BULBS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 39719 1675 BATTERY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 40666 '1727 BULBS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 38333 1588 TIRE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 40649 2307 BATTERY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 38563 1597 BRAKES 10- 4540 - 560 -56 41199 1823 BATTERY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 44308 2084 * ** -CKS LIQUOR DEL 50- 4626- 822 -82 LIQUOR DEL 50- 4626 - 822 -82 LIQUOR DEL 50- 4626 - 842 -84 LIQUOR DEL 50- 4626 - 842 -84 LIQUOR DEL 50- 4626 - 862 -86 LIQUOR DEL 50- 4626 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325 -30 470575 1813 SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325 -30 476110 2163 PENCILS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 478362 GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 478327 GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 600 -60 478362 VINYL POCKETS 10- 4510 - 440 -44 476642 1869 STAPLER 10- 4516- 140 -14 478362 CLOCK /PENS 26- 4504 - 682 -68 161900 OFFICE SUPPLIES 30- 4516 - 781 -78 478603 244 LOCK PARTS PROF SERV LOCK PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 92168 1548 30- 4201 - 782 -78 93127 2295 40- 4540 - 805 -80 92893 1942 * ** -CKS ,i 07 -10 -89 PAGE 15 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30- 4504 - 783 -78 31333 2297 30- 4504- 783 -78 31384 2348 * ** -CKS 10- 4206 - 100 -10 10- 4212 - 510 -51 * ** -CKS 27- 1300 - 001 -00 .16546 * ** -CKS 23- 4624 - 613 -61 087823 2042 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 53258 1905 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 540 -54 103495 * ** -CKS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 8650C 1262 i * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 49527 2166 10- 4540 - 560 -56 27- 4516- 661 -66 6569 2209 27- 4600 - 661 -66 6200 2454 * ** -CKS 23- 4258 - 612 -61 27- 4258 - 662 -66 27- 4258 - 662 -66 27- 4258 - 664 -66 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 181.50 * . * * * * ** 191B53 06/20/89 14.75 BAKER POOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES 191B53 06/27/89 59.50 BAKER POOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES 74.25 * * * * ** 191B72 06/29/89 18.85 BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE MEETING EXP 19IB72 06/22/89 52.85 BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE TRAINING 71.70 * * * * ** 191877 06/20/89 303.50 BRAUN ENG TESTNG INC CONSTRUCTION 303.50 * * * * * ** 191001 06/30/89 28.62 C & S DISTRIBUTING COST OF COMM 28.62 * * * * * ** 191C08 06/26/89 4.71 CARLSON LK ST EQUIP. PARTS 4.71 * * * * * ** 191C17 06/22/89 91.96 CDP COPIES 91.96 * * * * * ** 191C20 06/27/89 860.00 CENTURY FENCE FENCE 860.00 * * * * ** 191C22 06/20/89 33.88 CERT POWER TRAIN U JOIMNT 191C22 06/20/89 15.00- CERT POWER TRAIN CREDIT 18.88 191C23 06/29/89 52.60 CORE RESTORE COPIER RECHARGE 191C23 06/30/89 45.00 CORE RESTORE PRINTING 97.60 * * * * ** (2 checks) 191C33 06/27/89 25.50 CITY OF EDINA WATER 191C33 06/27/89 274.35 CITY OF EDINA WATER 191033 06/27/89 35.65 CITY OF EDINA WATER 191C33 06/27/89 20.50 CITY OF EDINA WATER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 15 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30- 4504 - 783 -78 31333 2297 30- 4504- 783 -78 31384 2348 * ** -CKS 10- 4206 - 100 -10 10- 4212 - 510 -51 * ** -CKS 27- 1300 - 001 -00 .16546 * ** -CKS 23- 4624 - 613 -61 087823 2042 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 53258 1905 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 540 -54 103495 * ** -CKS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 8650C 1262 i * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 49527 2166 10- 4540 - 560 -56 27- 4516- 661 -66 6569 2209 27- 4600 - 661 -66 6200 2454 * ** -CKS 23- 4258 - 612 -61 27- 4258 - 662 -66 27- 4258 - 662 -66 27- 4258 - 664 -66 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 16 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P:O. # MESSAGE 191C33 06/27/89 20.50 CITY OF EDINA WATER 28- 4258 - 702 -70 191033 06/27/89 20.50 CITY OF EDINA WATER 28- 4258 - 702 -70 191033 06/27/89 1,254.83 CITY OF EDINA WATER 30- 4258 - 782 -78 191C33 06/26/89 625.00 CITY OF EDINA REFUSE 50- 4250- 821 -82 1203 191C33 06/27/89 27.10 CITY OF EDINA WATER 50- 4258 - 841-84 2,303.93 * * ** * ** -CKS 36 06/22/89 12.25 CITYWIDE WINDOW SERV WINDOW CLEANING 50- 4248 - 821 -82 16 06/22/89 12.25 CITYWIDE WINDOW SERV WINDOW CLEANING 50- 4248 - 841 -84 i6 06/22/89 12.25 CITYWIDE WINDOW SERV WINDOW CLEANING 50- 4248 - 861 -86 36.75 * '' * * ** -CKS 8 06/22/89 164.06 CRESCENT ELECTRIC PARTS 27- 4540 - 662 -66 1754 164.06 * ** -CKS 7 06/27/89 455.70 CURTIN MATHESON SCI LAB SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 482 -48 2303 455.70* * * ** -CKS 9 06/29/89 219.35 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 664 -66 37411 2298 219.35 k * ** -CKS 3 06/20/89 119.50 D & V SALES GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 37189 2296 3 06/29/89 117.00 D & V SALES GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 37396 25323 236.50 k * ** -CKS 5 06/20/89 49.50 D. C. ANNIS SEWER REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 646 -64 ' 5 06/29/89 49.50 D. C. ANNIS SEWER GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 520 -52 1050 99.00 * **-CKS 7 06/30/89 70.00 D. C. HEY CO. CONT EQUIP 23- 4248 - 612 -61 118376 2052 7 06/27/89 50.09 D. C. HEY CO. SERV CONTRACT 30- 4288 - 781 -78 118434 2447 120.09 * k * ** -CKS 9 06/27/89 558.00 DANS REGISTER SERV. CASH REGISTER 25- 4900 - 002 -68 558.00 * * * ** -CKS 06/30/89 39.85 DUFFEY PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 910466 1796 ii f 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 191D85 06/30/89 1,442.75 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 1,482.60 * * * * * ** 10- 4504 - 510 -51 910467 191D88 06/22/89 475.00 475.00 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS DUO CHEM 191E02 06/27/89 271.80 1993 271.80 * * * * * ** 191E14 06/22/89 376.08 974.e8 191E14 06/22/89 123.22 191E14 06/22/89 1 59.80 659.10 * * * * ** * ** -CKS EARL F. ANDERSON 191E20 06/22/89 85.00 4060 85.00 * * * * ** 10- 4542 - 325 -30 87462 191E60 06/20/89 93.69 TRAFFIC SIGNS /PAINT 60- 1300 - 284 -04 93.69* * * * * ** 191E69 06/20/89 100.00 * ** -CKS 100.00 * * * * * ** 30- 4288 - 782 -78 191E71 06/•27/89 29.02 29.02 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS ELECTRIC MOTOR REP. 191E75 06/20/89 230.00 2006 230.00 * * * * * ** 191F02 06/27/89 +. 6.35 191F02 06/29/89 245.04 191F02 .06/27/89 4,979.52 5,230.91 * * * * ** * ** -CKS ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY 191F08 06/20/89 49.00 ii CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 17. VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE DUFFEY PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 910467 1796 * ** -CKS DUO CHEM SPRAY FOR TURF 10- 4566 - 643 -64 MN3992 1993 * ** -CKS E KRAMER & SONS INC CLASS I.I ROCK 10- 4532 - 301 -30 1045 * ** -CKS EARL F. ANDERSON SIGNS FOR PARKS 10- 4504 - 643 -64 4060 EARL F. ANDERSON BANDING 10- 4542 - 325 -30 87462 1544 EARL F. ANDERSON TRAFFIC SIGNS /PAINT 60- 1300 - 284 -04 88015 * ** -CKS ECOLAB PEST ELIM. SERVICE CONTRACTS 30- 4288 - 782 -78 2366 * ** -CKS ELECTRIC MOTOR REP. MOTOR 40- 4540 - 802 -80 119663 2006 * ** -CKS ELSMORE AQUATIC MALE GUARD SUITS 26- 4262 - 682 -68 9394 2272 * ** -CKS ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY DRUGS 10- 4504 - 520 -52 * ** -CKS EMPLOYEES CLUB SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 500 -50 * ** -CKS FACILITY SYSTEMS REMODELING 25- 4924 - 520 -52 38185 FACILITY SYSTEMS REMODELING 25- 4924 - 520 -52 38174 .2452 FACILITY SYSTEMS REMODELING 25- 4924 - 520 -52 35075 2372 * ** -CKS FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL PRO SERV 10- 4201 - 420 -42 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 18 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 49.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191F11 06/20/89 °1,233.67 FEED RITE CONTROL WATER CHEMICALS 40- 4622 - 805 -80 123576 1670 191F11 06/20/89 2,620.09 FEED RITE CONTROL WATER CHEMICALS 40- 4622 - 805 -80 123541 1670 3,853.76 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191F47 06/22/89 16.74 FOWLER ELECTRIC CARB KIT 10- 4540- 560 -56 90653 1816 16.74 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191F70 06/30/89 27.63 FRIDEN ALCATEL POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 2542 27.63 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191G09 06/20/89 95.00 GOVT TRAIN SERV CONT ED 10- 4202 - 420 -42 5984 95.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191G24 06/29/89 19.00 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS PAGE RENTAL 10- 4226 - 301 -30 31326 191G24 06/29/89 266.25 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS RADIO SERV 10- 4294 - 560 -56 31325 285.25 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191G26 06/20/89 31.68 GENERAL OFFICE PROD GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 191G26 06/20/89 97.80 GENERAL OFFICE PROD GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 191G26 06/20/89 20.10 GENERAL OFFICE PROD GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 430 -42 149.58 * * * * ** .I * ** -CKS 191G32 06/20/89 175.00 GOPHER STATE 1 CALL GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325 -30 191G32 06/20/89 175.00 GOPHER STATE 1 CALL GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 191G32 06/20/89 808.04 GOPHER STATE 1 CALL GENERAL SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 803 -80 I 1,158.04 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191G42 06/27/89 93.32 GIL HEBARD GUNS AMMO FOR.GUN RANGE 29- 4572 - 722 -72 977 2075 191G42 06/27/89 146.60 GIL HEBARD GUNS. TARGET 29- 4648- 722 -72 977 2075 239.92 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191G52 06/29/89 33.67 GOODIN CO. CLOTH BAG RAILS 26- 4504 - 682 -68 285569 2327 33.67 * * * * ** * ** -CKS CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION GRANDMA S CUPBOARD POPCORN GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO HOLMSTEN ICE RINKS H. L. MOORE HENN QTY SHERIFF HENN COUNTY TREAS HENN COUNTY TREAS PARTS CREDIT POARTS TOOLS /PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS PARTS PULL BOX PARTS SEMINAR i 07 -10 -89 PAGE 19 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 27- 4624 - 663 -66 8931 10- 4540 - 520 -52 10- 4540 - 520 -52 10- 4540 - 540 -54 10- 4540 - 540 -54 10- 4540 - 646 -64 10- 4540 - 646 -64 10- 4540 - 646 -64 27- 4540 - 611 -61 50- 4540 - 841 -84 28- 4202 - 701 -70 856197 855723 863438 861811 870555 871649 871629 845624 863693 009435 * ** -CKS 2008 1143 2180 2160 2334 2340 2340 1821 2182 * ** -CKS 1093 * ** -CKS AMB SUPPLIES 10- 4540 - 440 -44 615428 1870 * ** -CKS ROOM /BOARD 10- 4286 - 220 -22 ROOM BOARD /PRISONERS 10- 4286 - 220 -22 20055 ROOM /BOARD 10- 4286 - 220 -22 20101 1989 CITY OF EDINA HERMAN MILLER INC. CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 191G62 06/29/89 102.00 102.00 * * * * ** REPAIR TANK 10- 4248 - 560 -56 191G68 06/20/89 106.62 191G68 06/20/89 30.97 - 191G68 06/22/89 77.40 191G68 06/20/89 51.79 191G68 06/29/89 95.05 191G68 06/29/89 44.12 191G68 06/29/89 165.85 191G68 06/29/89 58.57 191G68 06/29/89 81.81 650.24 * * * * ** 191H03 06/20/89 20.00 20.00 * * * * ** 191H05 06/30/89 74.50 74.50 * * * * ** 191H33 06/30/89 469.23 469.23 * 191H34 06/22/89 8,687.72 191H34 06/30/89 4,511.53 13,199.25 *` * * * * ** 191H42 06/20/89 990.64 990.64 * * * * * ** 191H85 06/22/89 32.50 32.50 * * * * * ** 191I59 06/27/89 64.50 64.50 * * * * * ** 191J27 06/30/89 32.58 15,490-- - 191J27 06/30/89 43.95 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION GRANDMA S CUPBOARD POPCORN GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO HOLMSTEN ICE RINKS H. L. MOORE HENN QTY SHERIFF HENN COUNTY TREAS HENN COUNTY TREAS PARTS CREDIT POARTS TOOLS /PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS PARTS PULL BOX PARTS SEMINAR i 07 -10 -89 PAGE 19 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 27- 4624 - 663 -66 8931 10- 4540 - 520 -52 10- 4540 - 520 -52 10- 4540 - 540 -54 10- 4540 - 540 -54 10- 4540 - 646 -64 10- 4540 - 646 -64 10- 4540 - 646 -64 27- 4540 - 611 -61 50- 4540 - 841 -84 28- 4202 - 701 -70 856197 855723 863438 861811 870555 871649 871629 845624 863693 009435 * ** -CKS 2008 1143 2180 2160 2334 2340 2340 1821 2182 * ** -CKS 1093 * ** -CKS AMB SUPPLIES 10- 4540 - 440 -44 615428 1870 * ** -CKS ROOM /BOARD 10- 4286 - 220 -22 ROOM BOARD /PRISONERS 10- 4286 - 220 -22 20055 ROOM /BOARD 10- 4286 - 220 -22 20101 * ** -CKS HERMAN MILLER INC. REMODELING 25- 4924 - 520 -52 2278 * ** -CKS HUMPHREY RADIATOR REPAIR TANK 10- 4248 - 560 -56 1839 * ** -CKS INTERIOR COM SYS. EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 420 -42 24086 * ** -CKS JERRYS FOODS CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 440 -44 JERRYS FOODS GENERAL SUPP 23- 4504 - 611 -61 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT Itto+%) CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION JERRYS PRINTING JERRYS PRINTING JERRYS PRINTING JIM HATCH SALES JIM HATCH SALES JOHN H. FOSTER JUSTUS LUMBER KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT LABOR RELATIONS ASN LAHASS CORPORATION RFFLE TICKETS PRINTING PRINTING SHOVELS TOOLS 07 -10 -89 PAGE 20 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 10- 4600 - 600 -60 6365 2284 23- 4600 - 611 -61 6363 23- 4600 - 611 -61 6349 2047 10- 4580 - 301 -30 9373 1614 10- 4580 - 301 -30 9444 1615 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS REGULATOR 40- 4540 - 803 -80 2085 * ** -CKS REPAIR 10- 4248 - 520 -52 88736 2358 TOOLS LUMBER MISC HARDARE LUMBER CREDIT FIXTURES TUBING LUMBER LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING REPAIRS REPAIR GENERAL WHEEL BARROW MATERIAL FORM MATERIAL MATERIAL FEE FOR SERVICE SUPPLY 10- 4580 - 646 -64 10- 4604 - 646 -64 10- 4604 - 646 -64 10- 4604 - 646 -64 10- 4604 - 646 -64 10- 4606 - 646 -64 27- 4504 - 666 -66 27- 4504 - 666 -66 27- 4562 - 666 -66 27- 4562 - 666 -66 28- 4248 - 702 -70 28- 4248 - 702 -70 40- 4504 - 803 -80 40- 4504 - 902 -80 40- 4540 - 902 -90 40- 4540 - 902 -90 10- 4201 - 140 -14 471791 2248 458555 1994 458352 1980 458064 2005 469785 471793 2249 471774 2222 471730 2345 471774 2222 472069 2280 471789 2274 458123 2129 469789 2010 458377 2192 471906 471999 10- 4504 - 301 -30 5066 2232 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 76.53* i97. 95 * 06/20/89 26.21 06/30/89 18.00 06/30/89 43.40 87.61 * 06/22/89 459.00 06/20/89 . 456.34 915.34 * 06/20/89 182.32 182.32 * 06/22/89 152.40 152.40 * 06/22/89 23.48 06/22/89 24.03 06/22/89 29.10 06/22/89 19.54 06/22/89 1.11- 06/22/89 31.67 06/27/89 34.68 8945 06/27/89 110.70 06/29/89 89.51 06/29/89 151.22 06/27/89 45.09 06/20/89 63.20 06/20/89 59.99 06/20/89 86.30 06/29/89 139.11 06/29/89 27.00 933.51* -98? . 98- * 06/27/89 1,023.58 1,023.58 * 06/20/89 132.46 132.46 Itto+%) CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION JERRYS PRINTING JERRYS PRINTING JERRYS PRINTING JIM HATCH SALES JIM HATCH SALES JOHN H. FOSTER JUSTUS LUMBER KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT KNOX COMM CREDIT LABOR RELATIONS ASN LAHASS CORPORATION RFFLE TICKETS PRINTING PRINTING SHOVELS TOOLS 07 -10 -89 PAGE 20 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 10- 4600 - 600 -60 6365 2284 23- 4600 - 611 -61 6363 23- 4600 - 611 -61 6349 2047 10- 4580 - 301 -30 9373 1614 10- 4580 - 301 -30 9444 1615 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS REGULATOR 40- 4540 - 803 -80 2085 * ** -CKS REPAIR 10- 4248 - 520 -52 88736 2358 TOOLS LUMBER MISC HARDARE LUMBER CREDIT FIXTURES TUBING LUMBER LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING REPAIRS REPAIR GENERAL WHEEL BARROW MATERIAL FORM MATERIAL MATERIAL FEE FOR SERVICE SUPPLY 10- 4580 - 646 -64 10- 4604 - 646 -64 10- 4604 - 646 -64 10- 4604 - 646 -64 10- 4604 - 646 -64 10- 4606 - 646 -64 27- 4504 - 666 -66 27- 4504 - 666 -66 27- 4562 - 666 -66 27- 4562 - 666 -66 28- 4248 - 702 -70 28- 4248 - 702 -70 40- 4504 - 803 -80 40- 4504 - 902 -80 40- 4540 - 902 -90 40- 4540 - 902 -90 10- 4201 - 140 -14 471791 2248 458555 1994 458352 1980 458064 2005 469785 471793 2249 471774 2222 471730 2345 471774 2222 472069 2280 471789 2274 458123 2129 469789 2010 458377 2192 471906 471999 10- 4504 - 301 -30 5066 2232 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 191L06 06/27/89 * * * * ** DATA 191L16 LOGIS 1°6;- 06/27/89 * * * * ** DATA 191L28 06/22/89 191L28 06/22/89 191L28 06/26/89 191L28 06/20/89 191L28 06/22/89 191L28 06/26/89 191L28 06/22/89 191L28 06/22/89 191L28 06/26/89 191L28 06/22/89 191L28 06/20/89 * * * * ** 200537 2015 191L30 06/22/89 191L30 06/22/89 * * * * ** 191L52 06/22/89 * * * * ** 191L60 06/22/89 191L6O 06/22/89 191L6O 06/22/89 191L6O 06/22/89 191L60 06/22/89 191L60 06/22/89 191L60 06/22/89 * * * * ** 191L66 06/20/89 * * * * ** 191M02 06/22/89 AMOUNT 4,079.00 4,079.00 * 252.04 252.04 * 110.87 151.97 463.24 278.35 460.18 435.25 460.18- 460.18 192.40 195.23 476.74 2,764.23 * 99.00 389.74 488.74 * 252.10 252.10 * 2,146.30 2,110.50 3,063.53 1,881.47 270.07 270.07 270.07 10,012.01 45.98 45.98 80.22 80.22 S BOLTS LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS LAYNE MINNESOTA CO. WELL REPAIRS LAYNE MINNESOTA CO. CHEMICAL PUMP LINJO ASSOC WATER TREATMENT LOGIS DATA PROCESSING LOGIS DATA PROCESSING CHECK REGISTER DATA PROCESSING 07 -10 -89 PAGE 21 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE LAKE RESTORATION LAKE WEED CONTROL 40 -4248- 902 -90 2721 1655 PROCESSING LOGIS DATA PROCESSING I * ** -CKS LAMOTTE CHEI���A�, PROD. JAKEVTI _ I C LAf1 V TOOLS 10- 4580 - 644 -64 200537 2015 * ** -CKS LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS 10- 4504 - 301 -30 1543 LAWSON PRODUCTS RIVETS 10- 4504 - 325 -30 1542 i LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS 10- 4504 - 560 -56 1810 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS 10- 4504 - 646 -64 1928 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLT /MISC 10- 4540 - 560 -56 1540 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 1809 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS /MISC 40- 4540- 560 -56 1540 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLT.MISC 40- 4540 - 560 -56 1540 LAWSON LAWSON PRODUCTS PRODUCT SUPLLIES 40- 4540 - 803 -80 1808 S BOLTS LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS LAYNE MINNESOTA CO. WELL REPAIRS LAYNE MINNESOTA CO. CHEMICAL PUMP LINJO ASSOC WATER TREATMENT LOGIS DATA PROCESSING LOGIS DATA PROCESSING LOGIS DATA PROCESSING LOGIS DATA PROCESSING LOGIS DATA PROCESSING LOGIS DATA PROCESSING LOGIS DATA PROCESSING LONG LAKE FORD TRACT MOWER PARTS MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. SHOCK ABSORBER 40- 4540 - 803 -80 1541 40- 4540 - 803 -80 1927 27- 4540 - 664 -66 16521 8101 40- 4540 - 801 -80 10914 2241 30- 4564 - 783 -78 12107 2018 10- 4233 - 160 -16 10- 4233 - 200 -20 10- 4233 - 420 -42 40- 4233 - 800 -80 50- 4233 - 820 -82 50- 4233 - 840 -84 50- 4233 - 860 -86 27- 4540 - 664 -66 87070 2194 10- 4540 - 560 -56 94831 1464 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 22 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION. ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191M11 06/20/89 225.00 MARTIN - MCALLISTER PRO SERV 10- 4201 - 420 -42 2331 225.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191M19 06/26/89 45.83 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 191M19 06/26/89 1,421.45 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 191M19 06/26/89 211.10 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 191M19 06/26/89 211.10- MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 191M19 06/26/89 21.10 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 191M19 06/26/89 61.30 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY CONTRACTED REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 702 -70 191M19 06/26/89 182.53 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY TOOLS 40- 4580- 801 -80 1,732.21 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191M22 06/20/89 50.70 MCNEILUS STEEL STEEL 10- 4540 - 560 -56 80464 1282 50.70 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191M25 06/30/89 20.88 -29.89 - MED OXYGEN & EQUIP OXYGEN 10- 4510 - 440 -44 1324 191M25 06/30/89 33.33 MED OXYGEN & EQUIP OXYGEN 10- 4510 - 440 -44 1324 54.21* 54.22- * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191M27 06/20/89 120.00 MERIT SUPPLY COVERALLS 10- 4504 - 301 -30 21876 2118 191M27 06/22/89 355.00 MERIT SUPPLY VULKEM 10- 4504 - 301 -30 21726 1989 191M27 06/20/89 286.30 MERIT SUPPLY SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 21812 1981 191M27 06/22/89 479.50 MERIT SUPPLY GARBAGE BAGS 10- 4504 - 645 -64 21875 2153 191M27 06/22/89 395.40 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 21874 2117 191M27 06/22/89 355.70 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 21953 2266 191M27 06/22/89 492.00 MERIT SUPPLY GYM FINISH 10- 4504 - 646 -64 21952 2267 191M27 06/26/89 90.00 MERIT SUPPLY GLOVES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 21773 1909 191M27 06/29/89 2,145.00 MERIT SUPPLY WEED KILLER 10- 4566 - 643 -64 21983 2293 191M27 06/20/89 310.50 MERIT SUPPLY SUPPLIES 10- 4620 - 560 -56 21914 2178 191M27 06/26/89 495.00 MERIT SUPPLY WASH /WAX 10- 4620 - 560 -56 21756 1910 191M27 06/30/89 24.90 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPP 23- 4512- 611 -61 21877 2044 191M27 06/29/89 199.50 MERIT SUPPLY BAGS /TOWELS 27- 4504 - 663 -66 21954 2299 191M27 06/27/89 363.60 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 30- 4512- 782 -78 21985 2364 191M27 06/20/89 480.00 MERIT SUPPLY MEMBRANCES 40- 4504- 801 -80 21902 2155 191M27 06/22/89 480.00 MERIT SUPPLY MEMBRANES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 21660 1608 7,072.40 * * * * ** *.,* -CKS 191M31 06/27/89 28.90 METRO FONE COMM. EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226 - 420 -42 310265 191M31 06/29/89 12.95 METRO FONE COMM. PAGE RENTAL 10- 4504 - 301 -30 310264 191M31 06/29/89 54.80 METRO FONE COMM. PAGE RENTAL 40- 4504 - 801 -80 310263 191M31 06/22/89 12.95 METRO FONE COMM. PAGER RENTAL 40- 4504 - 801 -80 309344 109.60 1989 CITY OF EDINA ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION * * * * ** 40- 4312 - 812 -80 6839 (2 checks) * ** -CKS 191M35 191M35 06/30/89 06/20/89 33,016.50 220,257.78 METRO WASTE CONTROL METRO WASTE CONTROL RESEVE CAP REPORT SEWER CHARGE 253,274.28 10- 4524 - 301 -30 1450 191M41 06/22/89 132.54 MIDLAND PRODUCTS CO. FIX POPCORN POPPER 10 -4524- 314 -30 1450 132.54 C. 10- 4524 - 314 -30 191M42 191M42 06/27/89 06/29/89 1,033.14 124.64 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACK TOP 191M42 06/27/89 10,983.54 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR: MIDWEST ASPHALT COR BLACKTOP TOP 191M42 191M42 06/29/89 06/27/89 10,346.26 6,383.38 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP BLACKTOP 191M42 191M42 06/27/89 06/29/89 748.50 747:71 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP BLACKTOP* 30,367.17 26- 4624 - 683 -68 * * * * ** 27- 4624 - 663 -66 191M46 191M46 06/29/89 06/22/89 48.64 23.04 METZ BAKING CO METZ BAKING CO HOT DOG BUNS HOT DOG BUNS 191M46 06/29/89 225.09 METZ BAKING CO BREAD 191M46 06/29/89 197.40 METZ BAKING CO BREAD 1999 494.17 95153 1687 191M47 191M47 06/20/89 06/26/89 23.83 35.20 MIDWAY IND SUPPLY MIDWAY IND SUPPLY REPAIR KIT DELIVERY 191M47 06/20/89 312.98 MIDWAY IND SUPPLY VALVE 191M47 06/22/89 123.80 MIDWAY IND SUPPLY REPAIR KIT 191M47 06/26/89 23.83 495.81 * MIDWAY IND SUPPLY SPRAYER PARTS 4 519.64* * ** -CKS 191M58 06/27/89 340.74 MILLIPORE LAB SUPPLIES 340.74 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 10- 4204 - 100 -10 191M63 06/29/89 33.50 MN. BAR MIX 10- 4226 - 420 -42 33.50 * * * * ** 191M66 06/30/89 276.00 MN BUSINESS SYS REPROGRAM 276.00 * * * * ** 191M68 191M68 06/29/89 06/29/89 87.09 190.12 MN. CELLULAR TEL. MN. CELLULAR TEL. PHONE PHONE 191M68 06/27/89 277.87 MN. CELLULAR TEL. EQUIP RENTAL 07 -10 -89 PAGE 23 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 10- 3095 - 490 -49 40- 4312 - 812 -80 6839 * ** -CKS 26- 4248 - 683 -68 2853 2363 10- 4524 - 301 -30 1450 10- 4524 - 301 -30 10 -4524- 314 -30 1450 C. 10- 4524 - 314 -30 10- 4524 - 314 -30 1533 40- 4524 - 803 -80 1450 ; 40- 4524 - 803 -80 * ** -CKS r 26- 4624 - 683 -68 26- 4624 - 683 -68 27- 4624 - 663 -66 27- 4624 - 663 -66 10- 4504 - 301 -30 96762 2161 10- 4540 - 560 -56 95415 2268 10- 4620 - 560 -56 96798 1999 10- 4620 - 560 -56 95153 1687 10- 4540 - 560 -56 95597 1687 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 482 -48 57572 2122 * ** -CKS 50- 4632 - 822 -82 77541 4 * ** -CKS 27- 1300 - 001 -00 1705 p; * ** -CKS 10- 4204 - 100 -10 10- 4204 - 140 -14 10- 4226 - 420 -42 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191M81 >md 66.03 MN. TORO INC. ROPE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 760077 1979 1989 CITY OF EDINA 41.14 MN. TORO CHECK REGISTER BR CABLE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 07 -10 -89 PAGE 24 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT MN. TORO VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 1742 191M81 555.08 16.35 MN. TORO INC. ROPE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 758481 * * * * ** 191M81 06/20/89 56.14 MN. TORO INC. IRRIGATION PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 * ** -CKS 191M70 06/27/89 46.00 MN. CONWAY EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 420 -42 132813 191M70 06/30/89 540.10 MN. CONWAY TURN OUT GEAR 10- 4901 - 440 -44 12429 9189 191M70 06/29/89 63.00 MN. CONWAY ANNUAL INSPECTION 27- 4208 - 662 -66 132843 2497 191M70 06/29/89 63.00- MN. CONWAY ANNUAL INSPECTION 27- 4208 - 662 -66 132843 2497 f 2127 191M81 586.10 71.25 MN. TORO INC. MOWER PARTS 27- 4540- 664 -66 759373 * * * * ** 191M81 06/29/89 447.75 MN. TORQ INC. IRRIGATION PARTS 27 -4540- 664 -66 * ** -CKS .€ 191M76 06/26/89 241.90 MN. GLOVE GLOVES 10- 4642 - 301 -30 32403 2184 191M76 06/20/89 155.50 MN. GLOVE SAFETTY GLOVES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 31969 1977 191M76 06/22/89 76.86 MN. GLOVE SAFETY GLOVES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 31826 1804 * ** -CKS 191M85 474.26 * 7.50 MN. WANNER WELD 10- 4248 - 560 -56 72686 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191M81 06/20/89 66.03 MN. TORO INC. ROPE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 760077 1979 191M81 06/20/89 41.14 MN. TORO INC. BR CABLE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 758009 1940 191M81 06/22/89 21.61 MN. TORO INC. WHELL 10- 4540 - 560 -56 754397 1742 191M81 06/20/89 16.35 MN. TORO INC. ROPE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 758481 1979 191M81 06/20/89 56.14 MN. TORO INC. IRRIGATION PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 759368 2037 191M81 06/27/89 318.60 MN. TORO INC. IRRIGATION PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 2300 191M81 06/29/89 135.03 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 761994 2216 191M81 06/20/89 1,001.72 MN. TORO INC. IRRIGATION PARTS 27- 4540- 664 -66 755238 1717 191M81 06/29/89 202.71 MN. TORO INC. PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 761011 2127 191M81 06/20/89 71.25 MN. TORO INC. MOWER PARTS 27- 4540- 664 -66 759373 2037 191M81 06/29/89 447.75 MN. TORQ INC. IRRIGATION PARTS 27 -4540- 664 -66 761001 2124 191M81 06/20/89 84.04 MN. TORO INC. IRRIGATION PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 759375 2060 2,462.37 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191M85 06/29/89 7.50 MN. WANNER WELD 10- 4248 - 560 -56 72686 191M85 06/29/89 116.50 MN. WANNER LIGHT POLE 10- 4504- 322 -30 72685 191M85 06/20/89 45.50 MN. WANNER GEAR 10- 4540 - 560 -56 72517 169.50 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191M93 06/30/89 233.06 MOTOROLA RADIO SERV 10- 4248 - 440 -44 1329 191M93 06/30/89 382.00 MOTOROLA EQUIP MAINT 10 -4274- 420 -42 191M93 06/20/89 51.00 moo- MOTOROLA GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 1710 191M93 06/20/89 2,938.00 MOTOROLA 10 PAGERS 10- 4901 - 440 -44 620608 1408 3, 604.06*- -"6-- 4- * * * * * *" * ** -CKS 191M97 06/20/89 7,563.24 MPLS FINANCE DEPT. WATER 40- 4640 - 803 -80 7,563.24 * 191M98 06/30/89 3,310.55 MINNEGASCO HEAT 26- 4254 - 682 -68 3,310.55 * fL�J 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE * * * * ** 191NO3 06/30/89 * * * * ** 191N07 06/20/89 191N07 06/27/89 * * * * ** ITEM DESCRIPTION 191N09 06/20/89 191N13 06/27/89 191N13 06/27/89 * * * * ** MPLS SEWER & WATER 191N21 06/26/89 191N21 06/26/89 191N21 06/22/89 191N21 06/26/89 191N21 06/22/89 191N21 06/22/89 191N21 06/22/89 191N21• 06/26/89 191N21 06/22/89 191N21 06/22/89 191N22 06/30/89 * * * * ** 74752 191N31 06/27/89 * * * * ** MTS NW SOUND 191N33 06/30/89 191N33 06/26/89 * * * * ** 290.43 191N40 06/22/89 ii CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 25 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 1,680.00 MPLS SEWER & WATER SERVICE LINE REPAIR 40- 4248 - 803 -80 20850 2380 1,680.00 * ** -CKS 32.48 MTS NW SOUND REPAIR SOUND SYSTEM 28- 4248 - 702 -70 74752 8890 257.95 MTS NW SOUND GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 75088 2424 290.43 * ** -CKS 93.48 MUNICILITE CO. LENS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 1557 1911 93.48 * ** -CKS 43.45 MUZAK ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 862 -86 43.45 MUZAK ADVERTISING .50- 4214 - 862 -86 86.90 * ** -CKS 27.73 NAPA AUTO PARTS BATTERY 10 -4540- 560 -56 514734 1838 27.13- NAPA AUTO PARTS BATTERY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 514734 1838 139.63 - NAPA AUTO PARTS CREDIT 10- 4540 - 560 -56 509757 13.28 NAPA AUTO PARTS BRASS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 517263 1983 33.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 511236 1668 7.11 NAPA AUTO PARTS PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 511203 1665 16.75 NAPA AUTO PARTS HOSE 10 -454p- 560 -56 511914 1691 27.13 NAPA AUTO PARTS BATTERY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 514734 1838 54.85 NAPA AUTO PARTS LIGHT 40- 4504 - 801 -80 519423 2095 54.85 NAPA AUTO PARTS LIGHT 40- 4580 - 801 -80 520040 2095 67.94 473.99 NATL GUARDIAN SYS. ALARM SERV 27- 4304 - 662 -66 473.99 * ** -CKS 220.85 NEBCO DISTRIBUTING CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 683 -68 8380 9746 220.85 * ** -CKS 75.15 NELSON RADIO COMM EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 420 -42 15269 62.00 NELSON RADIO COMM REPAIRS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 15226 2256 137.15 * ** -CKS 2,950.00 NO LIGHTER PYRO FIREWORKS 10- 4504 - 505 -50 9648 2,950.00 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 26 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191N48 06/20/89 334.19 NO STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 128500 2033 334.19 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191N50 06/20/89 394.50 NO STAR WATERWORKS REPLACEMENT CAPS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 31308 1982 394.50 * * * * ** "F * ** -CKS 191N54 06/20/89 45.00 NORTHERN AIRE ROPE /BUOYS 10- 4504 - 625 -62 3822 2230 191N54 06/20/89 14.19 NORTHERN AIRE TEST KIT 26- 4504 - 682 -68 3846 2292 59.19 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191N72 06/20/89 1,348.76 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRE 10- 4616 - 560 -56 1,348.76 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191N82 06/30/89 271.80 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 161626 2053 271.80 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS i 191024 06/30/89 479.00 OFFSET PRINTING PRINTING 10- 4600- 420 -42 30043 2347 479.00 * * * * * ** see also 191T42 * ** -CKS 191036 06/20/89 55.80 OLSON CHAIN & CABLE RAIN GEAR 27- 4504 - 664 -66 18370 2212 55.80 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191P03 06/20/89 200.00 PACE LAB TEST 27- 4200 - 664 -66 32556 1589 200.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191P11 06/27/89 305.00 PARK NIC MED CTR PHYSICAL 10- 4212 - 510 -51 305.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191P31 06/27/89 1,250.00 PETER COTTON TRAINING 10- 4212 - 510 -51 2430 1,250.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191P34 06/20/89 165.00 PERSONNEL DECISIONS PRO SERV 10- 4201 - 420 -42 017725 07 -10 -89 PAGE 27 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 45500 1735 * ** -CKS 10- 4600 - 507 -50 5019 30- 4600 - 781 -78 4971 2426 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 507 -50 18704 2133 * ** -CKS 10- 4901 - 650 -64 9400 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 100 -10 018707 * ** -CKS I 10- 4901 - 420 -42 202554 * ** -CKS 10- 4534 - 310 -30 3710 1674 28- 4274 - 704 -70 38501 * ** -CKS 27- 4288 - 663 -66 64013 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 31369 2109 10- 4540 - 560 -56 30771 2094 10- 4540 - 560 -56 30181 1526 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13301 1824 * ** -CKS i 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION - 165.00 191P46 06/26/89 316.91 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL HITCH 316.91 * * * * ** 191P48 06/30/89 18.80 PIP PRINTING PRINTING 191P48 06/27/89 29.34 PIP PRINTING PRINTING 48.14 * * * * ** 191P56 06/20/89 131.25 PLASTIC BAGMART GENERAL SUPPLIES 131.25 * * * * ** 191P62 06/29/89 8,244.00 POLAR CHEVROLET GC TRUCK 8,244.00 * * * * ** 191P64 06/27/89 17.97 POMMER CO. INC. ENGRAVING 17.97 * * * * ** 191P74 06/20/89 78.00 PRECISION BUS SYSTEM EQUIP REPLACE 78.00 * * * * ** 191P77 06/22/89 409.60 PREST EQUIPMENT BROOMS 409.60 * 191P78 06/20/89 65.00 PRINTERS SERV INC BLADE SHARPENING 65.00 * 191Q09 06/29/89 63.50 QUALITY REFRIG MAINT 63.50 * * * * ** 191Q20. 06/26/89 90.60 QUICK SERV BATTERY FILTERS 191Q20 06/26/89 68.96 QUICK SERV BATTERY FILTERS 191Q20 06/26/89 16.80 QUICK SERV BATTERY FILTERS 191Q20 06/26/89 19.83 QUICK SERV BATTERY FILTERS 196.19 07 -10 -89 PAGE 27 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 45500 1735 * ** -CKS 10- 4600 - 507 -50 5019 30- 4600 - 781 -78 4971 2426 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 507 -50 18704 2133 * ** -CKS 10- 4901 - 650 -64 9400 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 100 -10 018707 * ** -CKS I 10- 4901 - 420 -42 202554 * ** -CKS 10- 4534 - 310 -30 3710 1674 28- 4274 - 704 -70 38501 * ** -CKS 27- 4288 - 663 -66 64013 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 31369 2109 10- 4540 - 560 -56 30771 2094 10- 4540 - 560 -56 30181 1526 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13301 1824 * ** -CKS i AMOUNT 76.55 76.55 * 99.95 99.95 * 143.95 143.95 * 9.95 40.76 272.96 272.96 596.63 * 116.20 116.20 * 4,080.10 6,444.50 6,335.45 16,860.05 * 116.10 116.10 * 72.83 72.83 271.91 446.90 277.68 138.64 272.02 52.30 1,459.45 CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 28 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE QUIK PRINT PRINTING 27- 4600 - 661 -66 16938 2545 RADIO SHACK AMPLIFIER REEDS SALES & SERV TIRES RENTAL EQUIP & SALES PARTS RENTAL EQUIP & SALES SAW PARTS RENTAL EQUIP & SALES SAW RENTAL EQUIP & SALES SAW RESCUE MEDICAL DIV REX DISTR. REX DISTR. REX DISTR. RICHFIELD PLUMB CO RIDDLE CONTROL PROD ROAD MACHINERY ROAD MACHINERY ROAD MACHINERY ROAD MACHINERY ROAD MACHINERY ROAD MACHINERY AMB SUPPLIES BEER BEER BEER PLBG REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS BEARINGS BEARINGS PARTS /BEARINGS BEARINGS BEARINGS PUMP PARTS * ** -CKS 26- 4540 - 682 -68 239 2171 * ** -CKS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 193642 2202 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13432 1917 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13471 1990 10- 4580 - 301 -30 13431 1916 10- 4580 - 644 -64 134430 1915 .i * ** -CKS 10- 4510 - 440 -44 1865 * ** -CKS 50- 4630- 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 50 =4630- 862 -86 * ** -CKS 27- 424,8- 667 -66 5712 * ** -CKS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 2254 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4620 - 560 -56 33311 B32677 32681A 32681 33310 32548A 2104 1739 1741 1741 2103 1806 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 191Q22 06/30/89 * * * * ** 191R12 06/20/89 * * * * ** 191R23 06/29/89 * * * * ** 191R25 06/20/89 191R25 06/26/89 191R25 06/20/89 191R25 06/20/89 * * * * ** 191R29 06/30/89 * * * * ** 191R33 06/22/89 191R33 06/22/89 191R33 06/22/89 * * * * ** 191R35 06/27/89 * * * * ** 191R37 06/29/89 * * * * ** 191R47 06/20/89 191R47 06/22/89 191R47 06/27/89 191R47 06/27/89 191R47 06/20/89 191R47 06/27/89 * * * * ** AMOUNT 76.55 76.55 * 99.95 99.95 * 143.95 143.95 * 9.95 40.76 272.96 272.96 596.63 * 116.20 116.20 * 4,080.10 6,444.50 6,335.45 16,860.05 * 116.10 116.10 * 72.83 72.83 271.91 446.90 277.68 138.64 272.02 52.30 1,459.45 CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 28 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE QUIK PRINT PRINTING 27- 4600 - 661 -66 16938 2545 RADIO SHACK AMPLIFIER REEDS SALES & SERV TIRES RENTAL EQUIP & SALES PARTS RENTAL EQUIP & SALES SAW PARTS RENTAL EQUIP & SALES SAW RENTAL EQUIP & SALES SAW RESCUE MEDICAL DIV REX DISTR. REX DISTR. REX DISTR. RICHFIELD PLUMB CO RIDDLE CONTROL PROD ROAD MACHINERY ROAD MACHINERY ROAD MACHINERY ROAD MACHINERY ROAD MACHINERY ROAD MACHINERY AMB SUPPLIES BEER BEER BEER PLBG REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS BEARINGS BEARINGS PARTS /BEARINGS BEARINGS BEARINGS PUMP PARTS * ** -CKS 26- 4540 - 682 -68 239 2171 * ** -CKS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 193642 2202 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13432 1917 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13471 1990 10- 4580 - 301 -30 13431 1916 10- 4580 - 644 -64 134430 1915 .i * ** -CKS 10- 4510 - 440 -44 1865 * ** -CKS 50- 4630- 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 50 =4630- 862 -86 * ** -CKS 27- 424,8- 667 -66 5712 * ** -CKS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 2254 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4620 - 560 -56 33311 B32677 32681A 32681 33310 32548A 2104 1739 1741 1741 2103 1806 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA PAGE 29 CHECK REGISTER ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 191R49 06/30/89 258.14 ROAD RESCUE MONITORS 258.14 31813 1959 * * * * ** �°- 191R53 06/20/89 69.30 ROBERT B. HILL SALT FOR CLUBHOUSE 69.30 27- 1300 - 001 -00 9 191R71 06/22/89 108.00 RUNYAN /VOGEL GROUP CONSTRUCTION 108.00 * * * * ** 191R77 06/22/89 147.44 ROYAL CROWN BEV. :-MIX 147.44 * * * * ** 191R79 06/27/89 343.50 RTW INC. FEE FOR SERVICE 191R79 06/27/89 168.75 RTW INC. FEE FOR SERVICE * ** -CKS 512.25 51284 2234 * * * * ** 191R81 06/30/89 65.33 RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF CRAFT SUPPLIES 65.33 927925 1592 191R85 06/29/89 358.28 RUSSELL JOHNSON INC. FAN ' 358.28 * * * * ** 10- 4610 - 560 -56 56305 2189 191503 06/20/89 84.96 S.T. ROBB BOLTS * ** -CKS 84.96 * 2210 191504 06/22/89 92.13 SATTERLEE DRILL BIT 92.13 * * * * * ** 191509 06/27/89 215.90 SCHAFER EQUIP CO CEMENT TOOLS 215.90 191S10 06/22/89 54.08 SUBURBAN TIRE & AUTO TIRES 54.08 * * * * ** 191514 06/20/89 625.01 SCHWAB- VOLLHABER CONTACT LABOR 625.01 07 -10 -89 PAGE 29 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4510- 440 -44 060209 1875 * ** -CKS 27- 4504- 664 -66 31813 1959 �°- f'1 � P: * ** -CKS 27- 1300 - 001 -00 9 * ** -CKS 50- 4632 - 842 -84 * ** -CKS 10- 4260 - 510 -51 10- 4260 - 510 -51 * ** -CKS 23- 4588 - 611 -61 138681 2050 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 51284 2234 * ** -CKS• i i 10- 4504 - 646 -64 50255 2083 10- 4580 - 301 -30 927925 1592 * ** -CKS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 145534 1751 10- 4610 - 560 -56 56305 2189 * ** -CKS 30- 4248 - 782 -78 890327 2210 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 30 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE. 191515 06/22/89 99.77 SEARS VACCUUM 50- 4248- 821 -82 19IS15 06/22/89 99.77 SEARS VACCUUM 50- 4248 - 841 -84 1765 19IS15 06/22/89 99.77 SEARS VACCUUM 50- 4248 - 861 -86 1765 299.31 kkkkkk . * ** -CKS 191524 06/27/89 25.00 SESAC DUES 28- 4204 - 701 -70 25.00 * *kkkkk kkk -CKS 19IS27 06/26/89 31.45 SHERWIN WILLIAMS MATERIAL 10- 4504 - 325 -30 16964 1549 31.45 * **kkkk * ** -CKS 19IS30 06/22/89 69.28 SIGN CENTRAL GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 63955 2367 69.28 kkk *kk _ kkk -CKS - 19IS34 06/22/89 155.29 SOUTHDALE FORD BR ROTOR 10- 4540 - 560 -56 209311 155.29 kkkk *k - kkk -CKS i 191545 06/22/89 25.26 ST. PAUL BOOK PINS 10- 4201 - 508 -50 891283 191545 06/22/89 3.15 ST. PAUL BOOK BAADGES 10- 4206 - 100 -10 868426 191545 06/27/89 23.30 ST. PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 140 -14 868540 19IS45 06/27/89 19.00 ST. PAUL BOOK GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 870355 19IS45 06/30/89 38.88 ST. PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 23- 4516 - 611 -61 869626 8802 19IS45 06/30/89 9.00 ST. PAUL BOOK CRAFT SUPPLIES 23- 4588 - 611 -61 868364 9535 19IS45 06/29/89 1.48 ST. PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 27- 4516 - 661 -66 191545 06/29/89 14.40 ST. PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 27- 4516 - 661 -66 868471 191545 06/27/89 19.25 ST. PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 27- 4516 - 667 -66 870336 191545 06/27/89 52.29 ST. PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 27- 4516 - 667 -66 868953 191545 06/27/89 77.45 ST. PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 27- 4516 - 667 -66 890550 191545 06/27/89 70.10 ST. PAUL BOOK SCOREBOARD MATERIAL 27- 4516 - 667 -66 890113 191545 06/27/89 31.27 ST. PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 27- 4516 - 667 -66 869352 384.83 kkkkkk .. kkk -CKS 19IS54 06/29/89 101.61- STAR TRIBUNE WANT AD 10- 3220 - 000 -00 191554 06/29/89 101.60 STAR TRIBUNE WANT AD 10- 3220 - 000 -00 191S54 06/29/89 101.61 STAR TRIBUNE WANT AD 10- 3220 - 000 -00 191554 06/29/89 101.61 STAR TRIBUNE WANT AD 10- 3220 - 000 -00 191554 06/29/89 101.61- STAR TRIBUNE WANT AD 10- 3220 - 000 -00 19IS54 06/29/89 292.10 STAR TRIBUNE WANT AD 10- 4212 - 510 -51 393.70 kkkkkk . * ** -CKS 191S56 06/22/89 11.61 STARK ELECTRONICS PARTS 50- 4540 - 821 -82 496860 2191 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 31 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 11.61 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191561 06/30/89 3,297.08 STATE TREASURER STATE SUR CHARGE 10- 3095 - 490 -49 191561 06/30/89 135.00 STATE TREASURER STATE SUR CHARGE 10- 3113 - 490 -49 3,432.08 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191567 06/27/89 3,125.00 STORE FRONT HUMAN SERVICE 10- 4201 - 504 -50 112307 3,125.00 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191572 06/20/89 14.00 STREICHERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 420 -42 M61190 191572 06/22/89 22.50 STREICHERS GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 M61754 191572 06/20/89 84.00 STREICHERS GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 420 -42 M61261 191572 06/22/89 249.70 STREICHERS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 M61182 1978 370.20 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 19IS77 06/20/89 54.88 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACT REPAIR 10- 4248 - 560 -56 83831 191577 06/29/89 49.50 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR WORK 10 -4248- 560 -56 85233 191577 06/22/89 1,003.91 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET BODY REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 5238 9395 191577 06/22/89 1,090.11 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET BODY REPAIR 10- 4248 - 560 -56 4854 8246 191S77 06/22/89 1,032.33 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET BODY REPAIR 10- 4248 - 560 -56 5289 9573 191577 06/29/89 14.18 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET WIND FRAME 10- 4540- 560 -56 109748 191577 06/29/89 134.02 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SHOE KIT 10- 4540 - 560 -56 109244 19IS77 06/29/89 246.94- SUBURBAN CHEVROLET AIR COMP 10- 4540 - 560 -56 109264 191577 06/29/89 38.81 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET VALVES 10- 4540 - 560 -56 109657 191577 06/20/89 59.60 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 108741 191577 06/20/89 10.00 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET WIRE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 108813 191577 06/20/89 16.53 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SWITCH 10- 4540 - 560 756 108675 191577 06/29/89 246.94 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET AIR COMP 10- 4540 - 560 -56 109237 191577 06/20/89 51.75 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET MIRROR 10- 4540 - 560 -56 108818 191577 06/29/89 246.94 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET AIR COMP 10- 4540 - 560 -56 109179 3,802.56 191578 06/26/89 281.88 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP TORCHS 10- 4504 - 301 -30 1832 191578 06/22/89 6.50 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 2188 191578 06/22/89 152.94 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 2116 191578 06/30/89 18.33 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 2343 191578 06/22/89 152.17- SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP CREDIT 26- 4504 - 682 -68 191578 06/29/89 150.03 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 2175 191578 06/22/89 66.07 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 682 -68 2164 191578 06/20/89 60.78 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP IRR SUPPLIES 27- 4540 - 664 -66 2193 191578 06/27/89 83.97 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 1831 191578 06/27/89 52.64 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP COOPER 40- 4540- 803 -80 1922 191578 06/20/89 36.08 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP TOOLS 40- 4580- 801 -80 2100 757.05 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191583 06/30/89 34.45 SUPERAMERICA PROPANE 10- 4612 - 560 -56 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 . PAGE 32 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 34.45* * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191586 06/27/89 9.64 SUPRA COLOR LABS PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 4508 - 420 -42 217320 191586 06/27/89 13.64 SUPRA COLOR LABS PHOTO SUPPLYS 10- 4508 - 420 -42 218782 23.28 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191590 06/20/89 369.00 SWANSON BROTHERS CEMENT 10- 4528 - 365 -30 21709 2081 369.00 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191592 06/22/89 37.38 SYSTEM SUPPLY PRINTER RIBBON 10- 4504 - 440 -44 060531 2344 37.38 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191596 06/27/89 80.00 SCHUENEMAN -AMY CLEANING 27- 4201 - 662 -66 1890 191596 06/29/89 80.00 SCHUENEMAN -AMY CLEANING 27- 4201 - 662 -66 835 1889 160.00 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191T04 06/27/89 133.04 TAYLOR SALES SOFT SERV REPAIR 26- 4248 - 683 -68 43674 2368 133.04 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191T10 06/29/89 469.30 TERRY ANN SALES CO. SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 663 -66 12472 2453 191T10 06/30/89 361.50 TERRY ANN SALES CO. PLASTIC BAGS 27- 4504 - 663 -66 12473 2544 830.80 191T11 06/26/89 130.00 TESSMAN SEED & CHEM. GRASS SEED 10- 4504 - 318 -30 25263 2310 191T11 06/20/89 112.50 TESSMAN SEED & CHEM. FERTILIZER 30- 4558 - 783 -78 25053 1766 191T11 06/20/89 414.48 TESSMAN SEED & CHEM. FERTILIZER 30- 4558- 783 -78 25376 2151 191T11 06/27/89 45.00 TESSMAN SEED & CHEM. TREES /FLOWERS /SHURBS 30- 4660 - 782 -78 26248 2138 701.98 * * * ** * ** -CKS 191T13 06/22/89 1,110.00 TOM HORWATH FORESTRY 10- 4201- 644 -64 191T13 06/22/89 147.36 TOM HORWATH MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 600 -60 1,257.36 191T14 06/20/89 45.00 TEXGAS CORP. PROPANE 10- 4610- 560 -56 5450 2007 45.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 191T20 06/27/89 383.80 THE PRINT SHOP NEWLETTER 10- 4600- 628 -62 10582 2351 383.80 * * * * ** * ** -CKS CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION TOIVONEN PAINTING POOL PAINTING TOLL COMPANY TOLL COMPANY TOLL COMPANY TOLL COMPANY TOLL COMPANY TOLL COMPANY see also 191036 TOOLS BY OLSEN WELD SUPPLIES RENT WELDING SUPPLIES WELDING SUPPLIES WELDING PARTS SUPPLIES TOWN & COUNTRY DODGE PARTS TRACY OIL GASOLINE TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFT CRAFT SUPPLIES TROPICAL SNO OF MN TROPIAL SNO 07 -10 -89 PAGE 33- ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4248 - 646 -64 2016 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 325 -30 39101 1921 10- 4610 - 560 -56 460684 2233 10- 4616- 560 -56 234836 2306 40- 4504 - 801 -80 039585 2189 40- 4504 - 803 -80 39047 1902 40- 4504 - 803 -80 862142 1921 * ** -CKS 27- 4504 - 664 -66 18539 2205 j * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 50329 1837 * ** -CKS 10- 4612 - 560 -56 T11021 2376 * ** -CKS 23- 4588 - 611 -61 333542 2049 * ** -CKS 26- 4624 - 683 -68 9547 1697 w 1989 CITY OF EDINA * ** -CKS CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 191T38 06/30/89 2,733.00 2,733.00 k *kkkk TWIN CITY ELEVATOR REPAIRS 191T40 06/26/89 35.08 191T40 06/20/89 72.27 191T40 06/26/89 64.40 191T40 06/22/89 29.24 191T40 06/26/89 57.28 191T40 06/20/89 36.60 ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 420 -42 294.87 kkkkkk UNLIMITED UNIFORM 191T42 06/26/89 84.11 UNIFORM UNLIMITED 84.11 kkkkkk 10- 4266 - 430 -42 i 191T50 06/22/89 15.60 15.60 kkkkkk 191T53 06/29/89 8,520.10 8,520.10 * k k* k k k 191T66 06/30/89 146.68 146.68 * kkkkkk 191T72 06/29/89 966.00 966.00 * kkkkkk 191T74 06/20/89 233.30 233.30 * kkkkkk 191T82 06/30/89 674.25 674.25 * kkkkkk 191U08 06/20/89 1,604.57 191U08 06/30/89 2,091.95 191U08 06/20/89 550.40 191U08 06/30/89 10.00 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION TOIVONEN PAINTING POOL PAINTING TOLL COMPANY TOLL COMPANY TOLL COMPANY TOLL COMPANY TOLL COMPANY TOLL COMPANY see also 191036 TOOLS BY OLSEN WELD SUPPLIES RENT WELDING SUPPLIES WELDING SUPPLIES WELDING PARTS SUPPLIES TOWN & COUNTRY DODGE PARTS TRACY OIL GASOLINE TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFT CRAFT SUPPLIES TROPICAL SNO OF MN TROPIAL SNO 07 -10 -89 PAGE 33- ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4248 - 646 -64 2016 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 325 -30 39101 1921 10- 4610 - 560 -56 460684 2233 10- 4616- 560 -56 234836 2306 40- 4504 - 801 -80 039585 2189 40- 4504 - 803 -80 39047 1902 40- 4504 - 803 -80 862142 1921 * ** -CKS 27- 4504 - 664 -66 18539 2205 j * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 50329 1837 * ** -CKS 10- 4612 - 560 -56 T11021 2376 * ** -CKS 23- 4588 - 611 -61 333542 2049 * ** -CKS 26- 4624 - 683 -68 9547 1697 * ** -CKS TURF SUPPLY CO. GOLD COURSE SUPPLYS 27- 4504 - 664 -66 0265732108 * ** -CKS TWIN CITY ELEVATOR REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 520 -52 12188 1555 * ** -CKS UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 420 -42 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 420 -42 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 430 -42 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10- 4266 - 430 -42 i I i UNITED ELECTRIC CORP PARTS UNITED ELECTRIC CORP IRRIGATION PARTS VALLEY INDUSTRIAL VAN PAPER CO VANTAGE ELECTRIC VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP W.W. GRAINGER W.W. GRAINGER W. GORDON SMITH W. GORDON SMITH WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE LP FUEL PAPER SUPPLIES REPAIRS LAMPS PARTS PARTS PARTS LAMPS FAN FAN GAS GASOLINE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE 10- 4540 - 540 -54 27- 4540 - 664 -66 28- 4612 - 704 -70 * ** -CKS 2176 2301 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 263116 2353 * ** -CKS 27- 4248 - 662 -66 010715 2547 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 375 -30 252246 2246 10- 4504 - 375 -30 251603 2001 10- 4504 - 520 -52 251779 2088 10- 4504 - 646 -64 252527 2333 23- 4504 - 611 -61 252355 2313 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2168 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2106 * ** -CKS 27- 4612 - 664 -66 1440 2273 27- 4612 - 664 -66 1457 2428 10- 4250 - 301 -30 10- 4250 - 440 -44 10 =4250- 520 -52 10- 4250 - 540 -54 10- 4250 - 645 -64 10- 4250 - 645 -64 * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 191U08 06/30/89 84.00 191U08 06/20/89 36.00 191U08 06/20/89 333.65 UNIFORM UNLIMITED 4,710.57 kkkk *k 191U14 06/20/89 17.40 191U14 06/27/89 140.34 157.74 kkkkkk 191V10 06/20/89 289.89 289.89 kk *kkk 191V15 06/27/89 481.65 481.65 kkkkkk 191V30 06/30/89 146.30 146.30 kkkkkk 191V80 06/29/89 194.58 191'V80 06/20/89 173.22 191V80 06/20/89 156.86 191V80 06/29/89 188.88 191V80 06/29/89 53.04 766.58 kkkkkk 191WO8 06/22/89 54.80 191WO8 06/20/89 54.80 109.60 kkkkk* 191w11 06/29/89 406.74 191w11 06/27/89 496.82 903.56 kkkkkk 191W25 07/03/89 426.76 191W25 07/03/89 83.14 191W25 07/03/89 91.30 191W25 07/03/89 426.76 191W25 07/03/89 15.95 191W25 07/03/89 143.17 r i UNITED ELECTRIC CORP PARTS UNITED ELECTRIC CORP IRRIGATION PARTS VALLEY INDUSTRIAL VAN PAPER CO VANTAGE ELECTRIC VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP W.W. GRAINGER W.W. GRAINGER W. GORDON SMITH W. GORDON SMITH WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE LP FUEL PAPER SUPPLIES REPAIRS LAMPS PARTS PARTS PARTS LAMPS FAN FAN GAS GASOLINE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE 10- 4540 - 540 -54 27- 4540 - 664 -66 28- 4612 - 704 -70 * ** -CKS 2176 2301 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 263116 2353 * ** -CKS 27- 4248 - 662 -66 010715 2547 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 375 -30 252246 2246 10- 4504 - 375 -30 251603 2001 10- 4504 - 520 -52 251779 2088 10- 4504 - 646 -64 252527 2333 23- 4504 - 611 -61 252355 2313 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2168 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2106 * ** -CKS 27- 4612 - 664 -66 1440 2273 27- 4612 - 664 -66 1457 2428 10- 4250 - 301 -30 10- 4250 - 440 -44 10 =4250- 520 -52 10- 4250 - 540 -54 10- 4250 - 645 -64 10- 4250 - 645 -64 * ** -CKS CHECK REGISTER 07 -10 -89 PAGE 34 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 UNIFORM UNLIMITED GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 10- 4504 - 470 -47 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP PARTS UNITED ELECTRIC CORP IRRIGATION PARTS VALLEY INDUSTRIAL VAN PAPER CO VANTAGE ELECTRIC VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP VOSS ELECTRIC SUP W.W. GRAINGER W.W. GRAINGER W. GORDON SMITH W. GORDON SMITH WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE LP FUEL PAPER SUPPLIES REPAIRS LAMPS PARTS PARTS PARTS LAMPS FAN FAN GAS GASOLINE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE 10- 4540 - 540 -54 27- 4540 - 664 -66 28- 4612 - 704 -70 * ** -CKS 2176 2301 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 263116 2353 * ** -CKS 27- 4248 - 662 -66 010715 2547 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 375 -30 252246 2246 10- 4504 - 375 -30 251603 2001 10- 4504 - 520 -52 251779 2088 10- 4504 - 646 -64 252527 2333 23- 4504 - 611 -61 252355 2313 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2168 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2106 * ** -CKS 27- 4612 - 664 -66 1440 2273 27- 4612 - 664 -66 1457 2428 10- 4250 - 301 -30 10- 4250 - 440 -44 10 =4250- 520 -52 10- 4250 - 540 -54 10- 4250 - 645 -64 10- 4250 - 645 -64 * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 191W25 07/03/89 191W25 07/03/89 191W25 07/03/89 191W25 07/03/89 191W25 07/03/89 191W25 07/03/89 191W25 07/03/89 191W25 07/03/89 * * * * ** }194,5725- - 191W66 06/29/89 191W66 06/29/89 191W66 06/22/89 * * * * ** 6,824.55 191W76 06/29/89 * * * * ** 191W81 * * * * ** 06/20/89 AMOUNT 27.71 10.40 380.58 76.75 166.40 166.40. 294.40 294.40 2,604.12 37.29 75.61 83.51 196.41 103.59 103.59 36.00 36.00 194,443.59 }194,5725- - TOTAL 1,217.00 GARBAGE 821.60 FUND 9,406.42 TOTAL 6,824.55 17,135.32 n �n 1? ' 1897_ FUND 2,411.60 TOTAL 239.92 26 8,788.32 FUND 250,631.79 TOTAL 1,028.30 28 23,674.78 FUND 110,126.59 632,349.47* — 032,,s— Fi CHECK REGISTER VENDOR WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WILLIAMS STEEL WILLIAMS STEEL WILLIAMS STEEL WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY WM H MCCOY FUND 10 TOTAL FUND,11 GARBAGE TOTAL FUND 12 TOTAL FUND 23 TOTAL FUND 25 TOTAL FUND 26 TOTAL FUND 27 TOTAL FUND 28 TOTAL FUND 29 TOTAL FUND 30 TOTAL FUND 40 TOTAL FUND 41 TOTAL FUND 50 TOTAL FUND 60 TOTAL TOTAL * ** -CKS CLEANER 27- 4504 - 666 -66 86650 2144 * ** -CKS PROPANE 10- 4504 - 301 -30 1719 * ** GENERAL FUND -CKS C.D.B.G. COMMUNICATIONS ART CENTER CAPITAL FUND SWIMMING POOL FUND GOLF COURSE FUND RECREATION CENTER FUND GUN RANGE FUND EDINBOROUGH PARK UTILITY FUND STORM SEWER UTILITY LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND CONSTRUCTION FUND i 07 -10 -89 PAGE 35 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE GARBAGE 23- 4250- 612 -61 GARBAGE 26- 4250 - 682 -68 GARBAGE 27- 4250 - 662 -66 GARBAGE 27- 4250 - 664 -66 GARBAGE 28- 4250 - 702 -70 GARBAGE 30- 4250 - 782 -78 GARBAGE 50- 4250 - 841 -84 GARBAGE 50- 4250 - 861 -86 * ** -CKS BROOMS 10- 4504 - 301 -30 PAINT 10- 4504 - 560 -56 HAMMERS 40- 4580 - 801 -80 * ** -CKS CLEANER 27- 4504 - 666 -66 86650 2144 * ** -CKS PROPANE 10- 4504 - 301 -30 1719 * ** GENERAL FUND -CKS C.D.B.G. COMMUNICATIONS ART CENTER CAPITAL FUND SWIMMING POOL FUND GOLF COURSE FUND RECREATION CENTER FUND GUN RANGE FUND EDINBOROUGH PARK UTILITY FUND STORM SEWER UTILITY LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND CONSTRUCTION FUND i