HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-21_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 21, 1989 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL I. APPROVAL OF JOINT HRA /COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 10, 1989 II. AWARD OF BIDS - CENTENNIAL LAKES CONDOMINIUM IMPROVEMENTS A. Landscaping B. Outdoor Lighting and Electrical Work III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL I. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS All agenda items marked with an asterisk () and in bold print are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed.from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of Regular Meeting of June 5 and Joint ERA /Council and Regular Meeting of July 10, 1989 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comments heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3 /5.favorable rollcall vote required to pass. * A. Conditional Use Permit - Building Expansion and Remodeling - Grace Church of Edina, 5300 France Avenue (Contd from 7/24/89 — Continue to:9/18/89) IV. ORDINANCES First Reading: Requires offering of Ordinance only. Second Reading: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of all members of Council required to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. A. First Readin 1. Ordinance No. 1102 -A1 - To Change the Amount of SAC.Charges Paid to Metropolitan Sewer Board B. Second Reading 1. Ordinance No. 122 - Personnel Ordinance V. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS VI. AWARD OF BIDS * A. Centennial Lakes Public Improvements - BA -289, BA -290, STS -197 & STS -198 VII. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Approval of Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of August 15, 1989 B. Report on Recycling Program * C. Set Hearing Date - Special Assessments (9/18/89) Agenda Edina City Council August 21, 1989 Page Two VIII. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS * A. Petition for Vacation of Scriver Road Right of ETay - Francine Feinberg, 5101 Scriver Road - Set Hearing Date (9/18/89) IX. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES X. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL XI. POST AGENDA AND MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XII. FINANCE A. Report on Enterprise Funds * B. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 8/21/89: General Fund $278,582.49, C.D.B.G. $11,202.00, Communications $123.64, Art Center $12,944.17, Capital Fund $180.40, Swimming Pool Fund $2,786.91, Golf Course Fund $26,889.31, Recreation Center Fund $3,518.87, Gun Range Fund $544.47, Edinborough Park $8,264.69, Utility Fund $16,068.67, Storm Sewer Utility $1,680.00, Liquor Dispensary Fund $110,630.06, Construction Fund $363,251.44, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $717.25, Total $837,474.37, and for confirmation of payment of Claims dated 8/31/89: General Fund $293,799.41, C.D.B.G. $8,781.00, Communications $3,666.59, Art Center $646.07, Swimming Pool Fund $1,155.45, Golf Course Fund $56.,024.88, Recreation Center Fund $7,286.73, Gun Range Fund $237.72, Edinborough Park $8,391.72, Utility Fund $34,359.44, Liquor Dispensary Fund $203,061.41, Construction Fund $34,760.32, Total $652,170.73 , SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Tues Aug 22 Annual Braemar Inspection Tour Braemar Golf Course Tues Sept 5 Regular. Council Meeting Sat Sept 16 Council Study Session Mon Sept 18 Regular Council Meeting Mon Oct 2 Regular Council Meeting Mon Oct 16 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room 8:00 a.m. Braemar Clubhouse 7:00 p.m. Council Room 7:00 p.m. Council Room 7:00 p.m. Council Room MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY /CITY COUNCIL HELD AT EDINA CITY HALL JULY 10, 1989 A joint meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council was convened to consider concurrently: 1) Edina Homestead Development, and 2) Conveyance of Phase III - Centennial Lakes Condominiums. Action was taken by the HRA and Council as recorded. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners /Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. MINUTES of the Joint HRA /Council Meeting of June 19, 1989 were approved as submitted by motion of Commissioner/Member Smith, seconded by Commissioner/Member Paulus. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. EDINA HOMESTEAD DEVELOPMENT - RPI SERVICES Motion was made by Commissioner/Member Rice and was seconded by Commissioner/Member Smith to continue the public hearing on final rezoning, final plat and tag increment financing assistance for Edina Homestead Development to the meeting of August 7, 1989 as requested by the proponents. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CONVEYANCE OF PHASE III - CENTENNIAL LAKES CONDOMINIUMS AUTHORIZED Executive Director Gordon Hughes stated that the condominium developer for Centennial Lakes, Laukka Development, is requesting conveyance of the Phase III condominiums site for development. The Phase III condominium building is proposed to be somewhat different than Phases I and II. Phase III will contain 42 condominium units rather than 46 units as was the case with Phases I and II. Also, an elevator will be included that will serve 26 of the 42 units. This will be the first condominium building served by an elevator in Centennial Lakes or Edinborough. Director Hughes said that the proposal for Phase III is apparently responsive to a market segment comprised of older more affluent condominium purchasers. Due principally to the elevator, the average sale price of the Phase III unit will be approximately $98,800, compared to $90,100 for the Phase II condominium. Due to this increase, fewer units will be affordable to moderate income purchasers. Based on the current policy of limiting second mortgages to units selling for $90,000 or less, 11 units in Phase III will qualify for second mortgage assistance, while 34 units'in Phase II qualified for such assistance. Under the developer's proposal, second mortgage funds that would normally be allocated to Phase III will instead be allocated to other buildings in the project to assist moderate income purchasers. The East Edina Housing Foundation has reviewed the proposal for Phase III and has consented to the conveyance. They felt that provision of an elevator would provide a desirable housing opportunity for a different segment of condominium purchasers. Director Hughes stated that Larry Laukka, developer, would present preliminary plans for Phase IV. The unit plans for Phase IV would be reconfigured to provide substantially larger units and would be sold to more affluent purchasers. It is anticipated that none of the units in Phase IV would be sold with second mortgage assistance. In that this proposal for Phase IV departs from the original concept of providing homeownership opportunities to moderate income people, direction is being sought from the HRA concerning this proposal. If the HRA agrees with the concept, the amount of financial assistance, if any, will have to be negotiated with the developer. Director Hughes concluded with the recommendation that the HRA authorize conveyance of Phase III and offer comments and direction for Phase IV. Commissioner Rice asked if it is possible that there would not be a demand for the second mortgage assistance in this and future phases of the project. Director Hughes explained that, by the terms of the agreement with Laukka Development, if the money that the HRA is putting into the project ultimately is not reflected in second mortgages the developer would be obliged to pay the HRA the difference in cash. Mayor Richards said his concern would be that we not preclude someone from this market by reducing the number of units affordable to moderate income people. Larry Laukka, developer, pointed out that in the Edinborough project 80% of the units were purchased by individuals who met the criteria for the second mortgage assistance. In the Centennial Lakes project they are now addressing a broader market that would respond to the people who looked at Edinborough and were not satisfied. This included elderly from the area who could not live in Edinborough because of no elevator. During pre - selling of units in the first two buildings they kept track of those people and had some 165 -170 names listed when they worked on the preliminary designs for the Phase III building to include an elevator. He concluded that there is a market to serve there and that, while there are only 11 units in Phase II that will qualify for second mortgages, he felt they would use the second mortgage money in subsequent phases of the development. Commissioner Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA "), as follows: 1. Recitals. The HRA and the Edina City Council have previously approved a redevelopment plan, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, subdivision 15, designated as the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan, and have approved various amendments there (as so amended, the "Redevelopment Plan "). Acting pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan, the HRA has acquired certain land in the area included in the Redevelopment Plan and it has been proposed that the HRA sell and transfer a portion of such land to the East Edina Housing Foundation (the "Foundation "), pursuant to a Land Sale Agreement by and between the HRA and the Foundation (the "Agreement "). By a resolution adopted March 7, 1988, the HRA approved the form of the Agreement and authorized any two officers of the HRA to execute and deliver the Agreement on behalf of the HRA with such modifications as were deemed appropriate and approved by the Chairman and the Executive Director of the HRA. Pursuant to such authorization the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the HRA executed and delivered the Agreement dated on or as of March 14, 1988. Subsequently, by resolution dated September 12, 1988, the HRA approved execution and delivery by any two officers of the HRA, on behalf of the HRA, of an Amended and Restated Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment between the BRA and Foundation with such modifications as the attorney for the HRA and Executive Director of the HRA should approve (the "Amended Agreement "). Pursuant to such authorization the Chairman and Secretary of the HRA executed and delivered the Amended Agreement dated on or as of September 30, 1988. In connection with the transactions contemplated by the Amended Agreement, it is now proposed that Phase III of the Condominium Development be commenced on the property described on Exhibit A hereto (the "Phase III Condominium Property ") and that the Phase III Condominium Property be conveyed pursuant to the Amended Agreement and on the same terms and conditions as the Phase II Condominium Property was conveyed with such changes and modifications as may be approved by the Executive Director and the Attorney to the HRA, including those resulting from the proposed addition of an elevator and the proposed sale of units without the use of second mortgages. 2. Authorization for Execution and Delivery of Documents. Any two officers of the HRA are authorized and directed to execute such instruments and agreements as may be required or be desirable to accomplish the conveyance of the Phase III Condominium Property pursuant to the Amended Agreement with such changes and modifications as may be approved by the Executive Director and Attorney for the BRA. The execution of such instruments and agreements by any two officers of the BRA shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of such documents by the BRA in accordance with this Resolution. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Commissioner Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. Preliminary Plans - Phase IV - Mr. Laukka explained that a number of requests have been made for a condominium building in which the units would be larger, e.g. approximately 1,500 square feet. In response, they worked on a conceptual design within the existing footprint of the building and without materially changing the appearance that would provide 30 units, all of which would be served by an elevator. After pricing that out, it was determined that the building could be done at approximately $160- 170,000 per dwelling unit. Mr. Laukka said they had some concern for the future with the change in the tax laws, tax increment, etc. They felt that if there is a way to begin to put money back into the capital pool it would be a wise idea and that the proposed building might do that. It is estimated that they will be able to keep about $600,000 for the building in the capital pool if they take the opportunity to sell 30 semi - luxury condominium units. He said this design concept is now on the drawing board and that they are ready to proceed but cannot do that without the acquiescence of the HRA. Basically, it is a business decision - does it make sense to introduce a third market to that development. Considerable discussion on the concept for the Phase IV condominium building as proposed was held which included: 1) possible negatives from a public viewpoint, 2) monthly assessment for unit owners, 3) effect on market value /real estate taxes on other Centennial Lakes units or Edinborough, 4) effect on resale value of units in Edinborough /Centennial Lakes, 5) market for units priced-at $170,000, considering the mix in the development, and 6) creating a market rate "ghetto" within the development. Following discussion, the Commissioners individually said they concurred conceptually with the proposal for the Phase IV condominium building as presented by Mr. Laukka. Notion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Paulus for adjournment of the BRA. Motion carried unanimously. Executive Director City Clerk 91N Ar ° 01, REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: HRA FROM: GORDON HUGHES VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR - PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5000 DATE: AUGUST 21, 1989 AGENDA ITEM HRA II.A ITEM DESCRIPTION: Landscaping RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: LAKELAND NURSERY - $155,932.05 GENERAL INFORMATION: Amount of Quote or Bid I 1. Company 2. 1. MCGRAW LANDSCAPING 3. 2. LAKELAND NURSERY 4. 3. MINNESOTA VALLEY 5. 4. NATURAL GREEN. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: LAKELAND NURSERY - $155,932.05 GENERAL INFORMATION: Amount of Quote or Bid I 1. $150,686.00 2. 155,932.05 3. 158,756.50 4. 199,865.00 5. These bids are for the Centennial Lakes Condominiums landscaping. McGraw Landscaping, the apparent low bidder, did not conform to the specifications.in that he could not provide a performance bond. Therefore, staff recommends award to the second bidder, Lakeland Nursery. The Recommended bid is within budget not Department Kenneth Rosland, City i Vaer nce Director REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: HRA FROM: GORDON HUGHES VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR.PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 AUGUST 21, 1989 DATE: AGENDA ITEM HRA II. B ITEM DESCRIPTION: Outdoor Lighting and Electrical,. Work• - Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. LAKEL AND NURSERY 1. $ 52,590 2. ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY 2, 59,460 3. MASTER ELECTRIC COMPANY 3, 58,914 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: LAKELAND NURSERY - $52,590 GENERAL INFORMATION: The subject bids are for the outdoor lighting and other. electrical work associated with Centennial Lakes Condominiums. The Recommended bid is vy within budget not witW budge Kenneth Rosland, City Director MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 5, 1989 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice and Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Rice to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF MARCH 6 AND 20. APRIL 3 AND 17. 1989 APPROVED Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Rice to approve the Council Minutes-of the Regular Meetings of March 6 and 20, April 3 and 17, 1989. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. *HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING MATTER Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Rice setting June 19, 1989 as hearing date for the following Planning matter: 1) Final Rezoning PRD -4, Planned Residence District to PSR -4, Senior Citizen District and Final Plat Approval for RPI Services, Inc., Outlot A, Ebenezer Society 1st Addition. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. *LOT DIVISION APPROVED FOR CENTENNIAL LAKES - PHASE II Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Rice for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: All of Lot 1, Block 2, SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT ADDITION, except that part described as follows: Phase I - Centennial Lakes Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence on a assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds West, along the easterly line of said Lot 1 for 100.00 feet; thence North 18 degrees 11 minutes 57 seconds East, along said easterly line for 47.23 feet; thence South 89 degrees 45 minutes 51 seconds West for 148.64 feet; thence North 45 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds West for 35.67 feet; thence North 00 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds West for 37.79 feet; thence South 89 degrees 45 minutes 51 seconds West for 143.93 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 1; thence South 00 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds East, along said westerly line for 146.64 feet; thence South 35 degrees 08 minutes 34 seconds East for 154.42 feet to the southerly line of said Lot 1; thence North 56 degrees 15 minutes 46 seconds East, along said southerly line for 5.00 feet; thence easterly for 222.69 feet along said southerly line on a tangential curve concave to the south, radius 377.50 feet and central angle 33 degrees 47 minutes 55 seconds, to the point of beginning; and WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: All that part of. Lot 1, Block 2, SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Phase II - Centennial Lakes Commencing at the southeast corner of said LOT 1; thence on an assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds West, along the easterly line of said LOT 1 for 100.00 feet; thence North 18 degrees 11 minutes 57 seconds East, along said easterly line for 47.23 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence South 89 degrees 45 minutes 51 seconds West for 148.64 feet; thence North 45 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds West for 35.67 feet; thence North 00 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds West for 187.78 feet; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 51 seconds East for 25.93 feet; thence North 00 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds West for 77.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 51 seconds East for 153.00 feet to said easterly line of LOT 1; thence South 00 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds East, along said easterly line for 274.80 feet; thence South 18 degrees 11 minutes 57 seconds West, along said easterly line for 16.02 feet to the point of beginning, and All of Lot 1, Block 2, SOUTH EDINA DEVELOPMENT ADDITION, except those parts described above as Phase I and Phase II. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE,'it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Resolution adopted on rollcall vote, four ayes. FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR IRWIN ADDITION Planner Craig Larsen presented the request for final plat approval for Irwin Addition located on the east side of Valley View between Moccasin Valley Road and Bror Road. He recalled that the Council had granted preliminary plat approval on December 5, 1988, just prior to the moratorium on single family subdivision going into effect. The proponent has returned with the final plat and staff would recommend final approval based on a land value of $60,000 for subdivision dedication purposes. No objection being heard, Member Rice introduced the following resolution and moved adoption, subject to a subdivision dedication fee of $4,800: RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL APPROVAL FOR IRWIN ADDITION BE -IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "IRWIN ADDITION ", platted by Wally Irwin Construction, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of June 5, 1989, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Resolution adopted. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SUPERAMERICA APPROVED Planner Larsen recalled that at its meeting of May 15, 1989 the Council had continued the public hearings on the Final Development Plan for SuperAmerica and the vacation of the service road and had asked the Community Development and Planning Commission to review the modified site plan which had been presented to the Council. The Planning Commission reconsidered the revised proposal at its May 31, 1989 meeting and recommended approval. The Commission also revisited the traffic issues and the history of the authorization of the Link Road project by the Council and the HRA. Planner Larsen said the following staff recommendations were endorsed by the Planning Commission: 1) Dedication of Link Road right of way by SuperAmerica. 2) Vacation of Vernon Avenue right of way by City. 3) Acceptable landscaping and grading plans. Engineer Hoffman referred to the Grandview Area Traffic Study prepared by BRW in April 1984 and revised in 1987 concerning Issue Area #1 (Vernon Avenue, Eden Avenue, Link Road). The area was studied at that time with respect to accidents, current traffic volumes and projected volumes. In 1987 the Study was revised to factor in the potential redevelopment of the Lewis Engineering area and the conclusion was to go forward with Issue Area #1. This proposed eliminating the existing intersection of Vernon Avenue,and Eden Avenue providing access via Link Road which would be rebuilt with a traffic light. It also would accommodate traffic from the Vernon Terrace development and would address concerns of the Sherwood Road residents. Creation of this new intersection along Vernon Avenue was also very important to Hennepin County. Engineer Hoffman said after careful review of the plan staff feels it is the best design for the intersection that can be made. The SuperAmerica development plan takes care of the right of way that is needed to build the roadway properly and eliminates the frontage road that was a problem. He said a key element is that there are no traffic lights on Vernon Avenue today except for the signal at Vernon /Interlachen Boulevard. From reviewing the facts with Hennepin County it was believed that they would allow one more signalized intersection along the corridor. With this project a deceleration lane would be constructed eastbound along Vernon Avenue to provide for exits into Amoco, SuperAmerica and Jerry's. Additionally, pedestrians using the sidewalk on the north side of Vernon Avenue can cross safely at the signal. Engineer Hoffman explained that the traffic signal at the Link Road/Vernon Avenue intersection will remain green for Vernon Avenue vehicles until vehicle stacking occurs on Link Road or on the Vernon Terrace exit. Member Kelly asked Engineer Hoffman about his comment in the Planning Commission minutes regarding a traffic signal at the main entrance to Jerry's. Engineer Hoffman explained that the only other possible place staff would like to see a traffic signal eventually is at that location. Hennepin County's position is that it is not warranted. However, over a period of time with a heavier volume of traffic on Vernon Avenue the issue may be forced at some time in the future. Member Kelly said her concern was for traffic backup and additional traffic. from future redevelopment of the Lewis Engineering site. With regard to the proposed vacation of the frontage road, Member Rice questioned why it is recommended the City waive the $3,000.00 pay back by SuperAmerica. Planner Larsen said that the City is getting the road wanted, the rebuild of the site will be good for the City, and the closing off of Eden at Vernon will address the concerns of the Sherwood Road neighbors. He said that this works as a package and would not work individually. Engineer Hoffman said in this scenario we would be exchanging land areas with SuperAmerica. Mayor Richards called for comment from the public. Hearing none, Member Paulus introduced the following resolution and moved adoption, subject to 1) Dedication of Link Road right of way, 2) Vacation of Vernon Avenue right of way, and 3) Acceptable landscaping and grading plans: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SUPERAMERICA BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Final Development Plan for SuperAmerica, 5025 Vernon Avenue, presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of June 5, 1989, be and is hereby approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Richards Nays: Kelly Resolution adopted. PORTION OF FRONTAGE ROAD ADJACENT TO SUPERAMERICA ON VERNON AVENUE VACATED: RE- PAYMENT WAIVED Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Engineer Hoffman presented the request for vacation of a portion of the frontage road adjacent to SuperAmerica on Vernon Avenue. He explained that this is part of the proposal for the Link Road/Vernon Avenue project approved earlier by the Council. The project requires additional right of way on the Link Road side of SuperAmerica to properly reconstruct the Eden - Link to Vernon section of the roadway. The proposal is to vacate the necessary area on the frontage road to accomplish the project and receive from SuperAmerica the necessary right of way in exchange. Staff would recommend vacation of the frontage road area subject to right of way being granted by SuperAmerica on the west side of their site, with.waiver of the $3,000.00 repayment requirement. No public comment being heard, Member Paulus introduced the following resolution and moved adoption, subject to necessary right of way being granted by SuperAmerica: RESOLUTION VACATING EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council, adopted the 1st day of May, 1989, fixed a date for a public hearing on a proposed vacation of easement for street purposes; and WHEREAS, two weeks' published and posted notice of said hearing was given and the hearing was held on the 5th day of June, 1989, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the public that said easement vacation be made; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered.the extent to which the vacation affects existing easements within the area of the vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric, telephone or cable television poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same, or to enter upon such easement area or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the following described street right of way is hereby vacated: All that part of Lot 2, Block 1, Enroth's First Addition, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 2 with an assumed bearing of North 18 degrees 27 minutes 00 Seconds East distance 67.91 feet Northeasterly from the most Westerly corner of said Lot 2, as measured along said Westerly line; thence South 52 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds East 42.39 feet; thence North 18 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds East 100.83 feet to the North line of said Lot 2; thence North 78 degrees 16 minutes 05 seconds West 40.28 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence South 18 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds West along the Westerly line of said Lot 2 82.08 feet to the point of beginning. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a notice of completion of proceedings to be prepared, entered in the transfer record of the County Auditor, and filed with the County Recorder, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Mayor Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Richards Nays: Rice Resolution adopted. Member Paulus introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION WAIVING REPAYMENT WHEREAS, a Grant of Easement was executed on April 2, 1968 between Superamerica Stations, Inc., ( "Superamerica ") and the Village of Edina (the "City ") and was recorded with Hennepin County as Document No. 3710187, and WHEREAS, said document conveyed to the City an easement for public road and utility purposes over and upon the tract of land described therein, and WHEREAS, said document provided that, in the event the easement described therein is vacated by the City, the sum of $3,000.00 shall be paid by Superamerica to the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota that it hereby waives the repayment provision contained in said document. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Mayor Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Richards Nays: Rice Resolution adopted. *BID AWARDED FOR TRAFFIC PAINT STRIPER TRUCK Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for a traffic paint striper truck to recommended low bidder, Linear Dynamics, Inc., at $66,450.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. _,, *BID AWARDED FOR 1990 4 -DOOR SEDAN (FIRE ADMINISTRATION) Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for a 1990 4 -door sedan for Fire Administration to recommended low bidder, Polar Chevrolet, at $10,689.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. EDINA ART CENTER EXPANSION APPROVED Parks and Recreation Director Kojetin� stated that during the past two years a special committee of the Art Center Board has been studying the expansion of the Edina Art Center. The number of students in classes has expanded by almost 50% within a two year period. There were also problems with parking and the heating system. At the April Board meeting a recommendation was made to proceed with the expansion for the construction of two new classrooms and a reorganization of the office and gallery area. He presented the components of the proposed expansion as follows and explained the need for each: Two classrooms - 1800 square feet Convert old garage classroom into the service and office area with expansion into the gift shop Add new front vestibule Partition old office area for one master office for the Director Replace original boiler with efficiency boiler including ventilation and air conditioning into all areas Expand parking area around building from the present 15 spaces to 35 spaces. Director Kojetin then referred to the Art Center Fund's balance sheet, noting that the facility is totally paid for at this time and no moneys are due to other funds. The cost for the expansion project is estimated at follows: Building Expansion $150,000, Architectural Cost $15,000, Furnishings $20,000, Site work and parking lot $15,000 for a total of $200,000. Funding is proposed as follows: Developers' fund $100,000, Donations $50,000 and Park Capital $50,000. Revenue from donations is projected at $30,000 annually. Under the funding plan, $10,000 from donations would be repaid each year to the developers' fund. Funding would also include using future capital funds under the City's long range plan which is budgeted for the years 1991 -93 at $53,000. Director Kojetin advised that the Art Center Board Chair and the expansion committee presented the expansion proposal to the Park Board at their May meeting. The Park Board recommended proceeding with the expansion project, with funding as proposed. Art Dickey, architect for the project, presented graphics showing the proposed expansion for the two levels of the building. He pointed out the existing areas that would be remodeled and the classroom areas that would be added. Director Kojetin explained the expansion of the parking area that would provide for 35 spaces. James Van Valkenburg, Chair of Edina Art Center Advisory Board, spoke to the need for the proposed expansion and additional parking. He noted that over the years approximately $89,600 has been donated to the Center and it is the intent of the Board to continue to solicit donations. He said that what they are asking is the authority to use some of the developers' fund for the construction of the project, with repayment of $100,000 over the next years. Bob Christianson, Chair of Edina Park Board, said that the Park Board felt the Art Center Board made a compelling case for the proposed expansion and improvements. They felt that would be an appropriate use of the developers' fund to faciliate this construction and improvement in one project rather than spacing it over a period of time, with the payback provisions that have been outlined. Also significant was the fact the participants and users would have a continuing investment in the project through future donations and fund raising activities. Mr. Christianson said that the key issue was the use of the developers' fund. The charge to the Park Board is to provide recreation for all citizens. Art Center activities are increasingly popular.and useful for those who are not able to participate in active sports. The Park Board felt it was important to facilitate that use and growth. Member Rice commented that the growth in number of students has been almost astronomical. He asked why this has occurred and if it will level off. Director Kojetin said that the Art Center Director has done a good job over the last few years and has tried new approaches, e.g. expanded hours, new programs, etc•. Member Paulus asked if the neighborhood is accepting of the proposed expansion. Director Kojetin said that at the time the facility was originally acquired the neighbors to the west were concerned about parking on West Shore Drive. At that time they were told that parking would not be expanded in that direction. In addition, the City has added conifers along the west side to screen the Art Center traffic. Mayor Richards complimented the Art Center personnel in making it a profitable venture. As indicated by the Park Board Chair, the case has been made for the proposed expansion. He said he disagreed with the Park Board concerning the use of the developers' fund. He said the purpose of the fund was to buy into the park system and that it was to be used for development and maintenance of general park properties. Mayor Richards said he did not feel it should be used,for a specialized purpose. He added that he would be willing to support lending money out of the fund but did not support a 50% subsidy for the Art Center. Other financing alternatives for the project should be discussed. He said he would support the project but not the method of funding as presented. Member Kelly said she disagreed with the Mayor's position. She said the expansion included accommodating handicapped access and improving the ventilation system which is substandard; that would justify use of the developers' fund. The arts community is different because it is not conducive to a "pay for itself" facility. Member Kelly said that the Edina Art Center has been doing a fine job, that it is an assess to the community and is well known throughout the metropolitan area and E is something that the City can be proud of. She said she would support use of the developer's fund for this project as recommended by the Park Board. Member Kelly made a motion to approve the Edina Art Center expansion project as presented with funding of $200,000 from the developers' fund for the project, with repayments to the developers' fund of $50,000 from Art Center donations within five years, and $50,000 from Park Capital between 1991 -93. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice Nays:. Richards Motion carried. REPORT GIVEN ON STOREFRONT/YOUTH ACTION Mary Ellen Harris, Executive Director, presented a report on Storefront/Youth Action (SYA) as had been requested, summarized as follows. SYA is a nonprofit agency governed by a Board of Directors under which the Executive Director and Administrative and Development Directors function. The line programs are: 1) Victim Counseling Programs, 2) Youth Counseling Program, 3) Project Charlie, and 4) Delta Place. Delta Place - A day treatment program for emotionally disturbed children located in the Hopkins Eisenhower Community Center. Can accommodate 20 children who attend school there who are unable to function in a standard school setting. The program is funded'by Hennepin County. Project Charlie - A drug abuse prevention program for K -6 grade children with a curriculum divided into four units: self- awareness, relationships, decidion- making and chemical use in society. Victim Counseling Programs - Adolescent Victim Counseling Program provides therapy to adolescents who have been physically and /or sexually abused. Adolescent Sexuality Program is intensive outpatient treatment for adolescent males who have been victims and are now victimizing others (non violent offenses). Eating Disorders Program. Programs are funded by United Way and Hennepin County. Youth Counseling Program - Consists of counseling and education, property offender program (children referred by Police Department for shoplifting, vandalism, etc.), and chemical counseling program - early intervention referral /assessment /advocancy and referral. Ms. Harris explained how the Youth Counseling Program works in Edina. The first time contact is made is in the schools. School staff have all reported very positive relationships with SYA. There are five fulltime positions in the schools who run groups for kids, e.g. chemical awareness coordinator in the High School, one social worker in each Junior High and a half -time social worker in each grade school. In the Junior High every child who is identified as a high risk youngster will be referred into a group for a six -week period. Last year they worked with 413 kids from Edina, of those 236 were under 13 years of age. Cases included premature sexuality, abortions, pregnancies, suicide attempts and completions, drug use, alcohol use, etc. There were 123 referrals to the SYA office with approximately 15 hours of counseling per child. In conclusion, Ms. Harris said they would be asking for funding from the City of Edina in the amount of $39,375 which is a 5% increase over last year. SYA will be moving out of the Edina Community Center because of lack of space and high rent. It would be less expensive to move out of Edina but because they feel a strong commitment to the community they will be leasing space at Pentagon Park. Member Kelly said that she understood the program very well but that her concern is that the problems are not getting any less - that they are dealing with the after effect - that it is almost too late by the time children are referred. She said she would like to see SYA develop expanded opportunities for children that would reduce the need for peer counseling and /or referral. Somehow, we are not creating an environment that does not allow these things to happen and as a result the costs for the programs continue to increase. Ms. Harris said that it is difficult to see the direct result of education and early intervention in relationship to the number of .children who do not get into problems,or the number who get turned around. Hopefully, there will be fewer kids in trouble. She observed that the schools are extremely happy with their services. Ms. Harris said there are a lot of reasons why they are seeing kids with greater stress and more problems, e.g. family breakup, neighborhood breakup, mass media and its influence on kids, etc. She said that we are not fighting a losing battle, but that Edina is in there fighting it which should be rewarding to the community. In response to Member Rice, Ms. Harris explained that the City pays for the services of SYA for the children /families that come to their office directly; the School pays for the group counseling that is conducted by the fulltime workers in the schools. Mayor Richards said that the funding request would be considered at the budget hearings scheduled later in the year. No formal action was taken. UPDATE GIVEN ON I -494 EIS Engineer Hoffman updated the Council on the status of the I -494 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) has contracted with the firm of BRW, Inc. to prepare the EIS. The I -494 Project Management Team (PMT) has reviewed the first draft document which states what will be studied in the EIS. A majority of the information developed in the I -494 Corridor Study was placed directly into the Scoping Document. The document presents information on altenatives which could meet the corridor needs and potential impacts thereof. Additionally, the length of the corridor being studied is longer than the initial corridor study included (airport to the intersection of I- 494 /Crosstown Highway). The added new portion extends from the I- 494 /Crosstown intersection to the I -394/I -494 interchange. As a result, the costs for the EIS are higher than the original estimates as agreed upon by the cities involved. After review, it was suggested that the share for the City of Minnetonka be increased in relation to that of the other cities. The EIS also required that some new categories be studied such as historical, and hazardous waste, if found in the corridor analysis. Engineer Hoffman advised that the cities will be asked to increase their financial participation in years 2 and 3 of the agreement. The expected total increase for Edina has yet to be determined, but is expected to increase approximately $5,000 over the original total commitment of $36,000. When determined, the matter will be brought back to the Council. Member Paulus commented that she had asked Engineer Hoffman to prepare the report when it was evident that the City's financial contribution would be increased so that this could be taken into account at budget time. REPORT GIVEN ON VALLEY VIEW ROAD /CROSSTOWN INTERCHANGE Engineer Hoffman recalled that last fall the Council directed staff to look at Valley View Road from West 69th Street to the Crosstown Highway as it related to: 1) development at Centennial Lakes, 2) Southdale area, 3) Stormwater ponding, and 4) Long range transportation planning. Engineer Hoffman presented graphics showing the existing road configuration and the proposed reconstruction for the area. He explained the layout design showing the Valley View roadway moved to the east to permit construction of an earth berm with trees to provide a barrier between the single family properties and the commercial area. A new intersection is planned for Valley View Road and West 66th Street and the stormwater storage area will be increased. Additional auxiliary lanes from Valley View Road to T.H. 100 are also under consideration. Engineer Hoffman suggested that the Council may wish to discuss the auxiliary lanes with William Crawford, District 5 Engineer for MNDOT at the June 17 Council workshop. No formal action was taken. CITY -BIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM APPROVED: CONTRACT AUTHORIZED; ORDINANCE NOS. 711 -A6. 715, 1001 -A4 AND 1301 -A4 ADOPTED, SECOND READING WAIVED Manager Rosland recalled that at its meeting of May 1, 1989 the Council had taken several actions concerning the City -wide Recycling Program. He presented the following budget reflecting those actions: Container Options: A. B. C. 1989 RECYCLING BUDGET Containers with covers, total paid in 1989 Containers only, total paid in 1989 Containers with covers, lump sum of $68,000 in 1989, balance over 18 months Containers only, $68,000 lump sum, balance over 18 months COSTS A. - B. C. D. Contract for collection of recyclables curbside, container return to garage Containers City operated program, pickup & recycling center, 12 mos. Total INCOME Sale of City recyclables Hennepin County: *Program reimbursement * *Container reimbursement Total NET COST TO CITY Budgeted for 1989 $152,315 $152,315 $152,315 $152,315 142,800 108,800 92,934 :81,600 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 $365,115 $331,115 $ 34,000 $ 34,000 150,652 150,652 68,000 68,000 $252,652 $252,652 $112,463 $ 78,463 $ 74,588 $ 74,588 $315,249 $ 34,000 150,652 68,000 $252,652 $ 62,597 $ 74,588 $303,915 $ 34,000 150,652 68,000 $252,652 $ 51,263 $ 74,588 *Hennepin County will fund 80% of net costs, provided tonnage goals are met * *Hennepin County will fund containers at $5 per household Manager Rosland noted the following concerns: 1) that the contractor would warranty the container, 2) costs related to enforcement of a mandatory recycling program, 3) adequate market for recyclables, and 4) costs for pickup of recyclables at garage and 5) type of recycling container. He explained that there would be an additional cost of $44,000 for pickup of recyclables at the garage. Manager Rosland recommended that the City purchase a container without cover which would save approximately $34,000, and purchase the less expensive one at a savings of approximately $1.00 per container. He also called attention to the sample recycling program brochure which will be distributed to homeowners. Mayor Richards observed that there are four issues on which the Council needs to focus: 1) Recycling contractor, 2) Location for pickup of recyclables, 3) Type of container, and 4) Voluntary or mandatory recycling program. Member Paulus made a motion designating BFI Recycling Systems of Minnesota, Inc. as the contractor to provide for city -wide collection of recyclables. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Motion carried. Member Paulus made a motion: 1) To reconsider the issue of location for pickup of recyclables and 2) That the containers containing recyclables for collection be placed by the garage, visible from the street, and that the empty containers be returned to garage side. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Motion carried. Member Rice made a motion that the City purchase the Buckhorn recycling container as recommended by staff. Motion was seconded by Mayor Richards. Ayes: Rice, Richards Nays: Kelly, Paulus Motion failed. Member Paulus then made a motion that the City purchase the Shamrock recycling container without cover. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Nays: Rice, Richards Motion failed. Member Paulus made a motion: 1) To reconsider the container issue, and 2) That the City purchase the Buckhorn recycling container, green in color. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Attorney Erickson advised that, because the previous action taken by the Council was to purchase the Shamrock container with cover, it was not necessary to take bids as that would be. considered a unique item. However, the City would be required to take bids for the Shamrock type of container which would delay delivery somewhat. Following further discussion, Mayor Richards called the motion. Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Richards Nays: Kelly Motion carried. Member Rice made a motion that the recycling program for R -1 and R -1 Districts be mandatory, with enforcement on complaint. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Motion carried. Attorney Erickson explained that the resolution relating to the Agreement for Recycling Collection as presented provides that the City Attorney and City Manager may modify the Agreement as they deem appropriate. Based upon the earlier action and discussion of the Council there will be some changes required, e.g. collection point, recycling containers. Discussion on the draft agreement followed. Member Rice introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE AGREEMENT FOR RECYCLING COLLECTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "City "), as follows: 1. The Edina City Council has previously approved a plan for the collection of recyclable materials in the City. Pursuant to such approval, the City staff has prepared an Agreement for Recycling Collection with BFI Recycling Systems of Minnesota, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the "Agreement "). A draft of the Agreement has been prepared and submitted to the City Council and is hereby directed to be filed with the City Clerk. 2. The form and content of the Agreement is hereby approved subject to such modifications as are deemed appropriate and approved by the City Attorney and the City Manager. The Mayor and City Manager are directed to execute the Agreement, with such modifications as are deemed appropriate and approved by the City Attorney and City Manager, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution of the Agreement by the Mayor and City Manager. The Mayor and City Manager are also authorized and directed to execute such other instruments as may be required to give effect to the transactions comtemplated by such Agreement. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Resolution adopted. Member Paulus introduced Ordinance No. 711 -A6 and moved its adoption, with waiver of Second Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 711 -A6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 711 TO PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLES AND ESTABLISHING A PENALTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 711 is hereby amended by renumbering Sec. 14 to Sec. 15, and by adding a new Section 14 as follows: "Section 14. Collection of Recyclables: Districts. The City Council, by resolution, may establish the entire City as a district for the collection of recyclables as defined in Ordinance No. 715, or may establish more than one such district within the City. The City Council also, by resolution, may designate one or more collectors in each such district for collection of recyclables in that district on terms and conditions to be. agreed upon by each such collector and to be approved by the City by resolution of the City Council." Sec. 2. Sec. 15 of Ordinance No. 711 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 15. Penalty. Any person violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine and penalty as set out in Ordinance No. 175 of the City, as from time to time amended." Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. First Reading: June 5, 1989 Second Reading: Waived r I;Vy4*46 Mayor City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Ordinance adopted. Member Paulus introduced Ordinance No. 715 and moved its adoption, with waiver of Second Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 715 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR MANDATORY SEPARATION OF RECYCLABLES FROM CERTAIN PREMISES AND IMPOSING A PENALTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to require mandatory separation of recyclables to aid and promote collection thereof and disposal by means other than deposit in a sanitary landfill or by burning. Sec. 2. Definitions. Whenever used in this ordinance, the following words, terms and phrases and their derivations, shall have the following meanings: "City" means the City of Edina. "County" means Hennepin County, Minnesota. "Dwellings" means those dwellings described at (i) and (ii) of the definition of Premises in this ordinance. "Person" means any natural person, and any association, organization, partnership, corporation or other legal entity. "Premises" means (i) all single family dwellings now or hereafter located in the Single Dwelling Unit District (R -1) as determined by the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 815) of the City, (ii) all double dwellings now or hereafter located in the Double Dwelling Unit District (R -2) as determined by said Zoning Ordinance, (iii) all buildings or parts of buildings now or hereafter owned by or leased to the City and located in the City, except, however, park shelter or park toilet buildings, and (iv) all buildings or parts of buildings now or hereafter owned by or leased to the School District and located in the City. "Recyclables" means newsprint, corrugated paper, glass containers, aluminum foil and cans, tin cans, steel cans and bi -metal cans, reasonably free of food, dirt and other contaminants. Also included as a recyclable is any other material that the City may hereafter be required to collect as a recyclable by the County of Hennepin or its Department of Environment and Energy. For purposes of this ordinance, recylables shall not be refuse, rubbish or waste matter as defined in Ordinance No. 711 of the City. "Resident" means every person who is an owner or occupant of a dwelling, the City as to the buildings or parts thereof described at (iii) of the definition of Premises in this ordinance, and the School District as to buildings or parts thereof described at (iv) of the definition of Premises in this ordinance. "School District" means Independent School District No. 273. Se::. 3. 'Separation and Storage of Recyclables. (a) Every resident of every premises shall separate the recyclables from their respective premises from all other refuse, garbage, rubbish and waste matter as defined in Ordinance No. 711, and shall store the recyclables separately in (b) Containers for storage of recyclables shall be kept in the same location as is designated by Ordinance No. 711 for refuse containers, however, residents of dwellings, not earlier than twelve (12) hours prior to the day for scheduled collection of recyclables from their respective dwellings, shall place the recyclables and the containers for recyclables at a place adjacent to the dwelling or garage accessory thereto and visible from the street in front of the dwelling, or from the alley by the dwelling.if that dwelling has refuse collection service at the alley. After the scheduled collection, the containers for recyclables and any recyclables not collected shall be returned by the resident of the dwelling to the same location as containers for refuse are kept as designated by Ordinance No. 711. Sec. 4. Collection of Recyclables. (a) Collection of recyclables from premises shall be by a hauler selected and paid by a resident of such premises but which hauler is then duly licensed by the City under Ordinance No. 1301 of the City and other then applicable ordinances of the City or County. Also such collection shall be done in compliance with all other applicable ordinances of the City now or hereafter in effect. (b) The foregoing provisions of paragraph (a) of this Section notwithstanding, the City, at any time, and from time to time, may contract with a hauler for collection of recyclables from some or all premises, and if the City so contracts, the recyclables shall be collected from the premises covered by such contract by the collector under contract with the City and on terms and conditions set out in such contract. (c) Neither the foregoing provisions of (a) or (b) of this Section or any other provisions of this ordinance shall prevent any resident from disposing of that resident's recyclables without the use of a paid hauler or the City collector, but the provisions of Section 5 of this ordinance shall be complied with by such resident. Sec. 5. Disposal of Recyclables. Recyclables collected from premises shall not, in any event, (i) be deposited in any landfill, (ii) be burned in any incinerator, or (iii) be deposited.or distributed in any way or manner which is contrary to then applicable law, statute, ordinance, rule or regulation. Provided, however, that the restrictions at (i) and (ii) above shall not apply to any recyclables which are deposited in a landfill or burned pursuant to specific prior written approval granted by the County and consented to, in writing, by the City. Residents shall take such action as is reasonable under the circumstances to determine that recyclables are not disposed of contrary to the provisions of this paragraph. Sec. 6. Reports to City. As and when requested by the City from time to time, the City and School District shall require the haulers of their respective recyclables, who are not under contract with the City, to keep complete and accurate records of the total tons of recycylables collected each month from their respective premises, together with the actual weight or percentage of the total that each recyclable material represents, and the markets used for the sale of, and primary purchasers of, such recyclables. Such records shall.be sent to the City, when requested by the City. The City and School District also shall prepare or require their haulers, who are not under contract with the City, to prepare, and submit to the City, at the request of the City, such other reports, data and information relative to the separation, collection and disposal of recyclables as may be required by any statute, law, ordinance, rule or regulation now or hereafter applicable, or which may now or hereafter be requested of the City by the County. All such records, reports, data and information, once received by,the City, shall become the property of the City to be used as it shall determine without obligation to any person. Sec. 7. Severability. If any part or. provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person, entity or circumstances shall be adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgement shall be confined in its operation to the part, provision or application'which is directly involved in the controversy in which such judgement shall have been rendered, and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this Ordinance or the application thereof to other persons, entities or circumstances. Sec. 8. Penalty. Any person violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor, for which the maximum fine shall be $50.00 plus costs of prosecution. Each day in which a violation occurs constitutes a separate violation. Sec. 9. Controlling Effect. The provisions of this ordinance shall control over any contrary or inconsistent provisions in Ordinance No. 711 of the City. Sec. 10. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication, but not earlier than July 3, 1989. First Reading: June 5, 1989 Second Reading: Waived ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Ordinance adopted. Member Paulus introduced Ordinance No. 1001 -A4 and moved its adoption, with waiver of Second Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1001 -A4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1001 TO MAKE IT A MISDEMEANOR TO SCAVENGE RECYCLABLES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 1001 is hereby amended by adding a new Section as follows: "Sec. 21. Scavenging of Recyclables. a. Ownership of recyclables, as defined in Ordinance No. 715 of the City, shall remain and be vested in the person or persons who or which collected and stored the recyclables, until collected by a hauler authorized by the City to collect recyclables and serving such persons or persons, at which time such ownership shall vest in such hauler. b. No person shall remove, take or, collect the recyclables owned by any other person except, however, a hauler authorized by the City to collect recyclables and serving such owner as above provided in this section. c. For purposes of this section, person means any natural person, any association, organization, partnership, corporation or other legal entity." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. First Reading: June 5, 1989 Second Reading: Waived ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Ordinance adopted. Member Rice introduced Ordinance No. 1301 -A4 and moved its adoption, with waiver of Second Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1301 -A4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1301 TO REQUIRE COLLECTORS OF RECYCLABLES TO BE LICENSED, AND IMPOSING A PENALTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. The first sentence of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1301 is hereby mended to read as follows: No person shall engage in hauling, conveying or collecting rubbish, garbage or other refuse, as defined in Ordinance No. 711 of the City, or recyclables, as defined in Ordinance No. 715 of the City, unless that person holds a valid license hereunder." Sec. 2. Sec. 16 of Ordinance No. 711 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 16: Penalty. a. Any person violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine and penalty as set out in Ordinance No. 175 of the City, as from time to time amended. a b. In addition to the foregoing penalties, the license of any person violating this ordinance may be suspended or revoked as provided by Ordinance No. 141 of the City and Sec. 8 of this ordinance." Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. First Reading: June 5, 1989 Second Reading: Waived ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Ordinance adopted. VARIANCE FROM NOISE ORDINANCE GRANTED Manager Rosland explained that MNDOT is requesting a variance from the nighttime noise standard to perform maintenance work on the Crosstown Highway between Tracy Avenue and Highway 100. The project consists of milling the existing surface and resurfacing with bituminous. The milling operation will take three nights to complete. The Council may grant a variance from the noise standard where an undue hardship exists in complying. In this case, it would take twice as long to complete the project if work was not allowed at night and would create traffic congestion. The milling operation at night will affect adjacent property owners. Staff would recommend granting the variance with the following conditions: 1) That affected property owners are notified about the starting and completion dates of the project, and 2) That the affected property owners are notified about the dates when road surfacing milling will occur in their area. Motion was made by Member Rice to grant MNDOT the requested variance from the nighttime noise standard for the duration of the Crosstown Highway road project, subject to: 1) MNDOT notifying affected property owners of the starting and completion dates of the project, and 2) MNDOT notifying affected property owners of the dates when road surfacing milling will occur in their area. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Motion carried. 1990 BUDGET HEARING DATES DISCIISSED Manager Rosland stated that staff had prepared data on the 1990 budget, assumptions which would be given to the Council for their review. The budget assumptions would then be considered by the Council on June 19 at 5 p.m. prior to the regular Council meeting. Staff would recommend that budget hearing dates be set for either July 11, 13 and 18 or August 8, 10, 15 at 5 p.m. Following brief discussion indicating preference for the August dates, Mayor Richards asked that this be placed on the June 19 agenda for finalization when all Council Members would be present. 1989 -1990 WORK PROGRAM PRESENTED Assistant Manager Hughes presented the 1989 -1990 Work Program developed from the March 11, 1989 Council Retreat for review and comment. The program comprises the following issues: Issue #1 - How can Edina maintain the quality and diversity of our housing stock and the integrity of our neighborhoods? Issue #2 - How can the City expand its revenue sources in light of its inability to rely on traditional methods of raising revenues? How can the Council improve its monitoring of City finances? Issue #3 - What environmental and public health hazards threaten the vitality of Edina and how can these hazards be addressed? Issue #4 - How can the City more effectively influence public policy, especially, state tax policy, and communicate with our residents Member Kelly commented that she was not satisfied with the work program for Issue #4 - Consult with a public relations firm to develop a communication strategy. Mayor Richards stated that adoption of the 1989 -1990 Work Program would be on the June 19 agenda and that any further comments should be conveyed to staff prior to that time. SKATEBOARDING ISSUE DISCIISSED Manager Rosland stated that this was placed on the agenda as requested by the Council. He presented data prepared by the Police Department on skateboard complaints for the period January 1, 1983 to May 20, 1989, which indicated that this is not a huge problem in the City. Member Paulus suggested that, when the Police Department conducts Bike Safety Sessions with the young children, skateboarding safety be included. Chief Swanson responded that it could be included with Bike Safety which is done in the spring of the year. *CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS APPROVED Notion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Rice to approve issuance of Club On -Sale and Sunday Liquor License renewals for the Edina Country Club and the Interlachen Country Club. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. RESOLUTION ADOPTED APPROVING SPECIAL LAW RELATING TO EDINA TRANSIT SYSTEM Member Rice introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING CHAPTER 241, MINNESOTA LAWS, 1989 The City of Edina hereby approves Chapter 241, Minnesota Laws, 1989, as required by such law and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021, Subd. 1, and the City Clerk is directed to file with the Secretary of State a certificate of approval as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021, Subd. 2. Dated this 5th day of June, 1989. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Richards Resolution adopted. HILTUNEN LETTER CONCERNING SIDEWALK ON WEST 65TH STREET DISCUSSED Mayor Richards referred to the letter from Dona Hiltunen, 6450 York Avenue, regarding lack of sidewalk on West 65th Street for pedestrians wishing to walk from York Avenue to Fairview Southdale Hospital, Southdale Medical Building, etc. Engineer Hoffman recalled that there was a public hearing several years ago to consider sidewalk in that area, with assessment proposed against abutting property owners. At the hearing the neighborhood strongly objected to the assessment and the project was dropped. He said there are no moneys in the general fund to pay for sidewalk and that the current policy is to assess properties for such improvement. Mayor Richards asked that staff respond to her and advise her of the process whereby she could initiate a petition for sidewalk if she so chose. SIEGMAN LETTER CONCERNING REQUEST FOR CLOSING OF WEST 50TH STREET DISCUSSED. Mayor Richards referred to the letter from Alan Siegman, Chairman of Advertising Committee for the 50th /France Business Association, requesting the closing off of West 50th Street between Halifax and France Avenue from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday, July 29 for a Crazy Days Festival promoted by the Association. Gail Korst, Association President, explained that they would like to make this an annual event, patterned after the Edina Art Fair. Engineer Hoffman explained that, with regard to the Edina Art Fair, the Council took an action several years ago to allow the closing of West 50th Street on the weekend during the Art Fair. He said that the City does not have an existing policy on street closing and that the Council may wish to have staff develop some guidelines for such requests. The Council asked staff to develop guidelines for street closing requests and to bring those back to the Council on June 19 for action. FORMER COUNCIL MEMBER TURNED RECOGNIZED AT ANNUAL AMM MEETING Mayor Richards reported that former Council Member Leslie Turner was recognized for her seven years of service on the AMM Board at the annual meeting held May 31, 1989. LNG ANNUAL CONFERENCE TO BE HELD JUNE 6 -9 Mayor Richards reminded the Council Members of the Annual League of Minnesota Cities Conference to be held June 6 -9 at the Hyatt Regency, Minneapolis. THIRD GRADE CLASSES STUDY CITY COUNCIL Member Paulus informed the Council that she had been asked to work with the third grade classes of the Edina Schools in teaching them about the City Council and how it functions. She said that a class from Concord School came today and actually used the Council Room to role play a Council meeting. She emphasized that it has been a marvelous experience and that, hopefully, the children took home to their parents information and positive comments about their local government. CONCERNS NOTED BY MEMBER RICE Member Rice noted the following concerns: 1) Responsibility for street pickup of items, including dead animals. Manager Rosland said this is done by the street crews and /or the animal control officer. 2) 50th & France paver tiles. Manager Rosland said that a report on the renovation would be on the next agenda. 3) Truck rental operation on Valley View Road. Manager Rosland said that staff has been looking at the ordinances as it related to this property. 4) Letter of Lola Popkin concerning Edinborough - Manager.Rosland said that staff has responded to her. 5) Mavelle Drive. Member Rice said the reconstruction of the parking along Mavelle Drive looked good. Engineer Hoffman noted that the legal description for the vacation of Mavelle Drive needs to be approved by the Council. 6) Airport Study. Mayor Richards said there has been no further update. 7) Grate Survey by Explorers. Member Rice said that the Police Explorers should be commended for the grate survey they had completed. 8) Highway sign on Crosstown Highway. Member Rice asked if the sign for eastbound traffic on the Crosstown Highway at the Valley View exit could be replaced. Engineer Hoffman said that MNDOT will be re -doing some of the signs on the Crosstown Highway this summer. 9) Council /Advisory Boards and Commission Meetings. Member Rice asked who,sets the agenda for joint meetings of the Council and Advisory Boards /Commissions. Mayor Richards explained that there is no formal agenda and the meetings are set up informally to promote a dialogue between the Council and the advisory boards. 10) Saturday, June 17 Study Session. Member Rice said he was surprised that William Crawford from MNDOT would be attending. Engineer Hoffman said that was the direction,from Council to see if Mr. Crawford could be there. LETTER FROM FAIRVIEW SOUTHDALE HOSPITAL CONCERNING HOSPITAL REVENUE BONDS NOTED Manager Rosland referred to a letter dated May 15 ,1989 from Fairview Southdale Hospital in which they asked to appear before the Council at its June 19 meeting to discuss their request for issuance of hospital revenue bonds in the amount of approximately $16,000,000. Mayor Richards suggested that it would be helpful if prior to June 19 staff would summarize the data on the previous hospital revenue bonds issued by,the City in 1982. *CLAIMS PAID Notion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Rice to approve payment of the following claims as per pre -list dated 6/5/89: General Fund $145,133.28, Art Center $7,659.48, Capital Fund $4,382.88, Swimming Pool Fund $2,529.96, Golf Course Fund $64,540.84, Recreation Center Fund $11,047.86, Gun Range Fund $301.42, Edinborough Park $5,545.23, Utility Fund $253,840.22, Storm Sewer Utility $2,067.00, Liquor Dispensary Fund $5,082.00, Construction Fund $16,741.70, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $600.00, Total $519,472.23, and for confirmation of payment of Claims dated 4/30/89: General Fund $125,783.81, Art Center $1,933.77, Swimming Pool Fund $89.11, Golf Course Fund $14,109.98, Recreation Center Fund $11,417.34, Gun Range Fund $156.73, Edinborough Park $11,122.86, Utility Fund $22,214.32, Liquor Dispensary Fund $224,261.04, Construction Fund $2.00, Total.$411,090.96. Motion carried on rollcall vote, four ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 10, 1989 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve and adopt the consent agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING MATTERS Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice setting July 24, 1989 as hearing date for the following Planning matters: 1) Conditional Use Permit - Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road - Building Expansion. 2) Conditional Use Permit - Grace Church of Edina, 5300 France Avenue South - Building Expansion and Remodeling 3) Preliminary Plat Approval - The Homes of Centennial Lakes - Hedberg Site - Generally located south of Parklawn Av and north of W. 76th St. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. BID AWARDED FOR 3.4 CUBIC YARD ARTICULATED LOADER Engineer Fran Hoffman explained the total cost bid process which the City began using in 1984 for this.type of equipment. The total cost bid process provides guaranteed maintenance and guaranteed re- purchase on each machine. Experience has indicated that this method of purchasing is very cost effective versus straight low bid. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for a 3.4 cubic yard capacity articulated wheel loader to recommended bidder, Ziegler, Inc., at $29,509 with a guaranteed re- purchase within 5 years on a new machine. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith,'Richards Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR 2.4 CUBIC YARD ARTICULATED LOADER Motion was'made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for a 2.5 cubic yard capacity articulated wheel loader to recommended bidder, Ziegler, Inc., at $88,963 with trade and guaranteed re- purchase of $47,500 for a net of $45,963.00. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *BID AWARDED FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CONCRETE CURB A GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -278 (LINK ROAD): RESOLUTION ADOPTED APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for Permanent Street Surfacing With Concrete Curb & Gutter Improvement No. BA -278 (Link Road, Eden Avenue & Traffic Signal Improvement/Vernon Av) to recommended low bidder, Midwest Asphalt Corporation, at $233,458.60. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Agreement for participation in the construction of County State Aid Highway No. 158 between Eden Avenue and 300 feet North of Link Road as shown on the City Engineer's plans, Hennepin County Project No. 8945, Agreement No. PW 36- 11 -89, has been prepared and presented by the County, and WHEREAS, Plans for Hennepin County Project No. 8945 showing proposed alignment, profiles, grades, and cross sections for the reconstruction of County State Aid Highway No. 158, within the limits of the City, as a City Project, have been prepared and presented by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: That said Agreement be in all things approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Mayor and Manager are authorized to sign Agreement No. PW 36- 11 -89, Hennepin County Project No. 8945. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER. SIDEWALK AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NOS. BA -283 AND STS -190 Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for Permanent Street Surfacing with Concrete Curb & Gutter, Sidewalk and Storm Sewer Improvement. Nos. BA -283 and STS -190 to recommended low bidder, G. L. Contracting, Inc., at $584,693.07. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR CARDBOARD BALERS Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for two cardboard balers for the York Avenue and Vernon Avenue Liquor Stores to recommended low bidder, Olympic Baler, at $7,500.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR 13.600 RECYCLING CONTAINERS Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for 13,600 recycling containers to recommended low bidder, Buckhorn, Inc., at $79,560.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR OUTDOOR WARNING SIREN Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for one outdoor warning siren to - recommended low bidder, Federal Warning Systems, at $9,687.50. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. RESOLUTION ADOPTED SPECIFYING PORTION OF MAVELLE DRIVE VACATED Engineer Hoffman recalled that approval of the 24 foot easement to be retained for Mavelle Drive had been continued from the June 19, 1989 meeting and that staff had been asked to check on the illuminated sign on the Sandell and Mavelle intersection. He said that the sign conforms with all requirements of Ordinance No. 451 and that the owner has agreed to limit the illumination only to periods when the store is open. To date the Planning Department has had no complaints concerning the sign. Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION VACATING MAVELLE DRIVE WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council, adopted the 6th day of February, 1989, fixed a date for a public hearing on a proposed vacation of a portion of Mavelle Drive; WHEREAS, two weeks' published and posted notice of said hearing was given and the hearing was held on the 6th day of March, 1989, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the - public that said street vacation be made; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the extent to which the vacation affects existing easements within the area of the vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric, cable television or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same, or to enter upon such street or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the following described portion of Mavelle Drive be and is hereby vacated effective as of July 10, 1989: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Stow's Edgemoor Addition, thence South along,the Westerly line of said Lot 1, extended South 34.00 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence South along the further extension of the West line of said Lot 1, 36.00 feet; thence East and parallel with the South line of Lot 1, 200.00 feet; thence North parallel with the extended West line of Lot 1, 36.00 feet to a point 34.00 feet South of the Southeast corner of Lot 1; thence West parallel with the South line of said Lot 1, 200.00 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is authorized and directed to cause a notice of completion of proceedings to be prepared, entered in the transfer record of the County Auditor, and filed with the County Recorder in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS PRESENTED Manager Rosland presented the 1990 Budget Assumptions and explained that they are based on a 3% levy limit, with a proposed increase in salaries of 3 %. Working under the old tax law the maximum levy limit would be 7 %. He said that until the special session of the Legislature in September it is uncertain what the levy limitation will be. For discussion purposes staff has revised the figures to reflect a 5% levy limit. By August 1, under the old law, the City must certify some form of levy. Staff would recommend that we certify the 5% levy limit and then work out the 1990 Budget. Also, staff is looking for direction from the Council as to the levy limit they would consider. Graphics were presented showing proposed expenditures, revenues and new programs that reflected 3% and 5% levy limits and the property tax effects on residential homes. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that staff be'directed to prepare a draft 1990 Budget that would in total not exceed a 5% increase, that salaries be held at a 3% increase, with a total for new programs of approximately $302,000 and to certify a levy limit that would not exceed the 5% increase. WEED SPRAYING POLICY REVIEWED Parks Director Bob Kojetin reviewed his written report on the City's weed spraying policy. The report,noted that on April 17, 1989, the Park Foreman and Park Director had met with Betty Kent from the Minnesota Coalition of Concerned Citizens Group for Herbicides and Pam Nelson, a concerned citizen. The discussion centered on the chemicals that have been used in the parklands, what is currently being used, and the use of 2 -4 -D. The following suggestions were developed: 1) To discontinue use of 2 -4 -D, 2) To post parks whenever a chemical is used, 3) To educate the public to use non -2 -4 -D on lawns, and 4) To try to educate the public to use an all natural fertilizer. It was noted that the Edina Garden Council sold a product called Sustain which is a natural organic fertilizer. This product has been used in some garden areas in the City and staff will be experimenting with this fertilizer at Arneson Acres Park to see how grasses react to it. Director Kojetin presented the following recommendations as a weed spraying policy: 1. Post parks whenever any type of spray is applied. 2. Write articles for newsletters to educate residents on the use of non -2 -4 -D sprays and natural fertilizers. 3. Use non -2 -4 -D spray applications in all general use areas. 4. Use 2 -4 -D on heavily used turf such as athletic fields and the golf course when necessary. 5. Experiment with using natural fertilizers on turf areas as they become available on the market. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that the City continue with the weed spraying policy as recommended by staff. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT - MINNESOTA DRIVE CONTINUED TO 7124189 Engineer Fran Hoffman presented an update on Road Improvement No. BA -270 - West 77 1/2 Street (roadway connecting Minnesota Drive with West 77th Street). He reviewed the chronological listing of events on the project noting that in December of 1987 the Council authorized the project and negotiations began on right of way for the new road. He explained that the project has proceeded slowly for several reasons: 1) Staff became aware with the Centennial Lakes project that there might be some materials that would benefit this project, and 2) There might be some cost savings if the roadway could be constructed jointly with the development of the vacant lot on the west end of the National Car Rental property; currently there are two parties interested in developing it. However, to date the proposed development has not proceeded. Engineer Hoffman said that National Car Rental continues to be concerned about the traffic that drives through their property. National Car Rental has confirmed their position that they would pay up to $200,000 for a portion of the actual construction of Minnesota Drive that was completed on the south side of their site. Engineer Hoffman pointed out that the draft Joint Powers Agreement (paragraph 4), prepared by the City Attorney, clearly responds to the City's position on the roadway (Minnesota Drive). Essentially, it states that the amount Edina shall pay to Bloomington as Edina's share of the construction cost ($200,000) shall be the amount assessed to National Car Rental. Engineer Hoffman said it is his recommendation that the City should proceed with the construction of the West 77 1/2 Street project as the next link and to begin negotiations for acquisition of right of way. Also, that the Mayor and Manager be authorized to execute the Joint Powers Agreement between the City of Edina and the City of Bloomington. Following considerable discussion, Mayor Richards asked that additional information be presented to the Council that would preclude not using state aid funds in total for the proposed link roadway (West 77 1/2 Street) and that this be placed back on the July 24, 1989 Council Agenda. CHAMBERLAIN LETTER REGARDING AIRPLANE NOISE NOTED Mayor Richards referred to a letter from Mark and Mary Ellen Chamberlain, 7004 Bristol Boulevard, concerning increased airplane noise. Manager Rosland commented that staff has been monitoring the airport issue and that there is no doubt that the airport is moving the flights around to distribute the noise. Member Paulus recalled that the City's position is to keep the airport in its present location. Mayor Richards said that policy should be communicated to the Chamberlains. Manager Rosland said that he would contact them and explain the City's position concerning the airport. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED SETTING HEARING DATE FOR VACATION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT [LOT 6. BLOCK 1, INDIAN HILLS WEST - 6729 APACHE RD Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that the following described easement for drainage and utility purposes should be considered for vacation, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851 and 160.29: That part of Lot 6, Block 1, INDIAN HILLS WEST, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence North 0 degrees O1 minutes 29 seconds West, assumed bearing, a distance of 30.00 feet along the east line of said Lot 6; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 31 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet to an angle point in the westerly line of the drainage and utility easement as shown on said plat of INDIAN HILLS WEST and the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 26 degrees 35 minutes 02 seconds West a distance of 13.20 feet along said westerly line; thence on a bearing of North a distance of 13.35 feet; thence on a bearing of West a distance of 6.68 feet to said westerly line; thence North 26 degrees 35 minutes 02 seconds West a distance of 19.96 feet along said westerly line; thence on a bearing of North 15.26 feet; thence on a bearing of West a distance of 3.63 feet; thence on a bearing of North a distance of 7.15 feet; thence . on a bearing of West a distance of 4.50 feet; thence on a bearing of North a distance of 12.76 feet; thence on a bearing of West a distance of 10.36 feet; thence on a bearing of South a distance of 3.17 feet to the southerly line of said drainage and utility easement; thence on a bearing of East a distance of 2.47 feet along said southerly line to an intersection . with said westerly line of the drainage and utility easement; thence South 26 degrees 35 minutes 02 seconds East a distance of 83.87 feet along said westerly line to the point of beginning. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice included in paragraph 3 hereof for the purpose of holding a public hearing on whether such vacation shall be made in the interest of the public. 3. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said hearing to be published once a week for two weeks, in the Edina Sun - Current, being the official newspaper of the City, the first publication at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing and to post such notice,.at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing, in at least three (3) public and conspicuous places within the City, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Such notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC-HEARING ON VACATION OF EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF EDINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, will meet at the Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street on August 7, 1989 at 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposed vacation of the following easement for drainage and utility purposes: (Same as legal description of vacation in paragraph 1. above) All persons who desire to be heard with respect to the question of whether or not the above proposed street vacation is in the public interest and should be made shall be heard at said time and place. The Council shall consider the extent to which such proposed street vacation affects existing easements within the area of the proposed vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling electric, telephone, or cable television poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such easement area or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto, for the purpose of specifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of any such easements, and such authority to maintain, and to enter upon the area of the proposed vacation, shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED: RESOLUTION ADOPTED AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE AND SALE OF UP TO $17,000,000 HOSPITAL SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS (FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL AND HEALTHCARE SERVICES) Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Doug Robinson, Administrator of Fairview Southdale Hospital, presented the request of Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services that the City issue revenue bonds to finance improvements and equipment.at Fairview Southdale Hospital. In response to the Council, he presented graphics illustrating the hospital's long range plan and pointed out projects that have been completed within the last 12 months and that would be refinanced through the proposed bond issue. Construction of a new expanded emergency room facility is planned to begin within the next 6 -8 months. Expansion in the mature phase of the hospital (next 5 -8 years) is proposed to include a new east wing. Mr. Robinson stated that Fairview Southdale is a member of a larger corporate organization by the name of Fairview Hospitals and Healthcare Services which is a multi -unit hospital organization with headquarters in downtown Minneapolis and which operates three hospitals in the metro area, two in out -state Minnesota and Wisconsin and one in Des Moines, Iowa. In recent years it has been a very successful hospital corporation, based on its financial performance as well as its ability to expand and broaden the offering of services provided to the communities served. Mr. Robinson said the request is to obtain authorization for issuance by the City of Edina of up to $17,000,000 in hospital revenue bonds to be used for various. facilities and equipment acquisitions at Fairview - Southdale. These include projects such as the intensive care unit opened last fall, maternity unit which was remodeled last August, magnetic residence imaging facility to be completed soon, radiology equipment, heart diagnostics center-just completed, and new . emergency room facilities. Mr. Robinson clarified that none of the dollars would go towards funding either the parking ramp structure being built on site or the medical office building which is under construction currently. He said they are proposing the bond issue at this time to reposition their liquidity position so that they may maintain their bond rating. Living in times where there are increasing concerns on the cost of health care services, they want to be diligent and conscientious in managing their resources. Mr. Robinson observed that the financing requests the City to serve as a conduit for issuance of the bonds; the hospital would be the obligator on the bonds. In order to compensate the City they are prepared to make a donation of $50,000 which they would like to see go for some type of public health service program. Mayor Richards asked for additional information concerning their "liquidity position ". Jim Fox, Treasurer for Fairview Hospitals, explained that the liquidity requirement is actually their cash balance. They have a minimum amount of cash that they try to keep on their balance sheet. Rather than go in for a financing project on an annual basis, which would be more expensive, they try to build several years of financeable projects and then go in for an issue every one to three years. The liquidity requirement they try to maintain is cash to cover 50 days of expenses so that if their revenues stopped they could stay in business 50 days. The ratio of assets to debt they try to keep is approximately $1.00:$.50. Including this additional potential of $17,000,000 they are just over $.50 of liabilities for each $1.00 of assets. Mr. Fox observed that over the last two to three years they have spent down their cash position on their balance sheet and what they are trying to do is to replenish that cash balance. Member Smith asked if the cash depletion has been spent on other locations than Edina and if the bond issue financing through the City of Edina will be transferred to other corporate locations. Mr. Fox stated that the projects to be reimbursed are strictly at Edina; that is where they have been doing the majority of their capital expenditures.over the last three years. Basically, over the last three years Fairview Southdale Hospital picked up 60% of the capital spent by the corporation. Another majority of that has been at Des Moines and Fairview just completed a $6,000,000 bond issue with that city earlier this year. Member Paulus asked how the City could be sure that these moneys are appropriated for the projects that have been mentioned. Mr. Fox explained that these moneys are held by a trustee and the corporation has to submit documentation of what the money was spent on in order to get reimbursement or actually submit the bill for what the equipment is being used for. Mayor Richards asked about the security for repayment of the bond debt. Mr. Fox said that this is a general revenue type security where the revenues of the corporation are pledged, it is not asset based financing. The pledge is basically the security of Fairview Community Hospitals to continue to generate cash flow and maintain viability. The structure of the master indenture that these bonds are issued through have a negative asset pledge, so technically the assets cannot be pledged to anyone. The assets would be available to the bond holders if the corporation were to default. Member Kelly asked about the previous donations to the City for the bond issues in 1982 and 1985 and also the percentage of patients that are Edina citizens. Manager Rosland said that for the $4,500,000 bond issue in 1982 the hospital donated $32,500 to the City. In 1985 for the $12,000,000 bond issue the hospital provided "in kind" services and computer equipment for'the paramedic program. Mr. Robinson said that as part of that they have also been picking up the contribution for the medical director for the paramedic service. He stated that approximately one third of their patients are from Edina. Mayor Richards said he was concerned about the hospital's ability to service the bond indebtedness and the impact for the City. Attorney Jerry Gilligan stated that the bonds would be rated and that Standard & Poor's and Moody's would be doing a credit analysis. Past ratings on Fairview Hospitals bonds have been in the A -1 category and they expect the same rating for the proposed bond issue. He mentioned that the City of Edina's general obligation bond rating is AA and that an A -1 rating for the hospital bonds would be a good criteria for approval of the bond issue. Mr. Robinson mentioned that their bond rating puts them in a category with the top 40 out of some 4,000 hospital corporations in the country. Member Paulus expressed her concern about the hospital's future expansion plans that may require variances and that would further impact that area of the City. She said that if the bond issue is approved by the Council that we should be clear to communicate that the impact on that corner is limited. Member Smith commented that he would like to have a presentation by Fairview Southdale Hospital of their long range plans and also what the economic benefit would be to the community. Mayor Richards observed that if the proposed bond issue is approved that action would not preclude him from saying no to a future proposal for expansion of that facility, but that he did not feel a prior restraint should be placed on the hospital. He said his concern would be that issuance of the hospital revenue bonds would not impact the marketability and favorable rating for the City's bonds. Member Rice stated that he considered Fairview Southdale Hospital to be a tremendous regional asset and of great benefit to the community. In response to Member Smith, Mr. Robinson said that, in terms of the benefit to the community, Fairview Southdale Hospital provides services to approximately 30% of the citizens of Edina each year. Most residents are served by the hospital in one way or another within three to four years. He added that it is a southwest regional resource; there is no way that the business they get from the Edina residents alone can make it go. Because this is an expensive business they need to draw from -the residents in the entire region. As to the economic benefit, Mr. Robinson pointed out that the hospital is the largest employer in Edina with 2,000 employees in the hospital itself. Without the hospital there would not be the large medical complex that surrounds it which easily employs another 2,000 people. He noted that a number of physicians that use the hospital are residents of the City and have offices in the area. The hospital is the hub of the medical campus i and is the drawing factor that brings practices into the area and specialists that expand the scope of services that are available to the community. With regard to the hospital's long range plans, Mr. Robinson said that the east tower expansion would only be built if there is the demand for it 10 or more years out. There is the design, capacity and features to accommodate that expansion but it likely is a long time out and may never be built. Mr. Robinson mentioned that they recently updated their long range facility plan and shared that with City staff a few months. That update does not call for the bed tower to go up; one more floor or so may be required but they are looking at options to avoid doing that. Member Rice interjected that future expansion may involve variances and that any action taken by the Council at this meeting with regard to the proposed bond issue would not obligate the Council concerning any expansion proposal in the future. Member Kelly said she agreed with Member Rice's comment that the hospital is an asset to the community but that Edina is also an asset to the hospital, e.g. the location, the amenities the City offers, etc. She indicated that she would support the bond proposal but urged the hospital to keep the lines of communications open as they develop their facility in the future. Member Paulus commented she too would support the bond proposal for the reason that the moneys would be for improvements that, basically, are in place and that those benefits are already being felt by the community. Further, that the, projects are basically internal within the existing structure. She reiterated that clarity and honesty in communications in the future as the hospital develops is of prime importance because of the great sensitivity between the community and the hospital. Mayor Richards then called for public comment on the bond proposal. Hearing none, Member Smith then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, subject to a cash donation in one lump sum of $50,000 at closing without any restraints: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF UP TO $17,000,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF HOSPITAL SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1989A (FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL AND HEALTHCARE SERVICES) OF . THE CITY AND THE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council ") of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "City "), as follows: Section 1. Recitals and Findings. (A) This Council has received a proposal from Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services, a Minnesota non - profit corporation ( "Fairview "), which owns and operates Fairview Southdale Hospital (the "Hospital ") located in the City, that the City finance a portion or all of the cost of a proposed project under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165 (the "Act "), consisting of various additions and improvements to the Hospital and the acquisition and installation of items of equipment in the Hospital (the "Project "). (B) At a public hearing, duly noticed and held on July 10, 1989, in accordance with the Act and Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project all parties who appeared at the hearing were given an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal to undertake and finance the Project and interested persons were given the opportunity to submit written comments to the City Clerk before the time of the hearing. Based on the public hearing, such written comments (if any) and such other facts and circumstances as this Council deems relevant, this Council hereby finds, determines and declares as follows: (i) the welfare of the State of Minnesota requires the provision of necessary health care facilities, so that adequate 1liealth care services are available to residents of the State of Minnesota at reasonable cost; (ii) the Project would further the general purposes contemplated and described in Section 469.152 of the Act; (iii) this Council has also been advised by representatives of Fairview that revenue bonds of the City could be issued and sold upon favorable rates and terms to finance the Project; and (iv) the City is authorized by the Act to issue its revenue bonds to finance capital projects consisting of properties, real or personal, used and useful in connection with a revenue producing enterprise engaged in providing health care services, including hospitals and related medical facilities. (C) This Council hereby finds that the issuance and sale of up to $17,000,000 aggregate principal amount of the City's Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 1989A (Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services) (the "Series 1989 Bonds ") pursuant to the Act is in the best interest of the City and the City hereby determines to issue and sell such Series 1989 Bonds. The proceeds of the Series 1989 Bonds will be lent (the "Loan ") by the City to Fairview, in order to finance the Project and pay certain costs of issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds. (D) Pursuant to a Note Purchase Agreement (the "Note Purchase Agreement "), to be entered into between the City and Fairview, a copy of which has been presented to the Council at this meeting and which has been reviewed to the extent deemed necessary, Fairview will issue to the City its Series M Note (Edina Issue No. 3) (the "Series M Note "). The Series M Note will be issued under the Master Trust Indenture (the "Master Indenture "), dated as of August 1, 1978, between Fairview and First Bank National Association, as trustee (the "Master Trustee "), as supplemented by Supplemental Indenture No. 16 ( "Supplemental Indenture No. 16 ") to be entered into between Fairview and the Master Trustee. Under the Series M Note Fairview will unconditionally agree to repay the Loan made by the City under the Note Purchase Agreement in specified amounts and at specified times sufficient to make the necessary payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Series 1989 Bonds, when due. In addition, the Note Purchase Agreement contains provisions relating to the payment by the Company of administrative costs of the City and the Bond Trustee (as hereinafter defined), indemnification, insurance and other agreements and covenants which are required by the Act or which are permitted by the Act and which the City and Fairview deem necessary or desirable to the sale of the Series 1989 Bonds. (E) Pursuant to an Indenture of Trust and Pledge, (the "Bond Indenture ") to be entered into between the City and Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association,. as Trustee (the "Bond Trustee "), a copy of which has been presented to the Council at this meeting and which has been reviewed to the extent deemed necessary the City assigns and pledges all of its right, title and interest in the Note Purchase Agreement (except for certain rights for administrative costs and for indemnification), the Series M Note, the Master Indenture and the Supplemental Indenture to the Bond Trustee. In addition, the Bond Indenture, among other things, sets the interest rates, maturity dates and redemption provisions for the Series 1989 Bonds, establishes the various funds and accounts for the deposit and transfer of money and contains other provisions which are required by the Act or which are permitted by the Act and which the City and Fairview deem necessary or desirable in connection with the sale of the Series 1989 Bonds. (F) The Series 1989 Bonds will be special limited obligations of the City payable solely from amounts payable by Fairview under the Series M Note, other than to the extent payable from the proceeds of the Series 1989 Bonds. The Series 1989 Bonds shall not be payable from or charged upon any funds other than the revenue pledged to the payment thereof, nor shall the City be subject to any liability thereon. No holder or holders of any Series 1989 Bond shall ever have the right to compel any exercise,of the taxing power of the City to pay any such Series 1989 Bond or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City except the Series M Note. The Series 1989 Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. (G) The Series 1989 Bonds will be purchased from the City by The First Boston Corporation, Dain Bosworth Incorporated and Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Incorporated (the "Underwriters ") pursuant to a Contract of Purchase (the "Contract of Purchase ") between the City, Fairview and The First Boston Corporation, on behalf of the Underwriters, a copy of which has been presented to the Council at this meeting and which has been reviewed to the extent deemed necessary. (H) A draft of a Preliminary Official Statement, related to the Series 1989 Bonds, has been presented to the Council at this meeting and has been reviewed to the extent deemed necessary. The Preliminary Official Statement will be distributed by the Underwriters to potential purchasers of the Bonds. Section 2. Authorization of Issuance of Bonds. In order to provide for the financing of the Project, the City hereby authorizes the issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds as revenue bonds under the Act, to be designated "City of Edina, Minnesota, Hospital System Revenue Bonds, Series 1989A (Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Systems)" in the aggregate principal amount of up to $17,000,000. The final terms of the Series 1989 Bonds including the principal amount, maturity schedule, interest rates, provisions for redemption of the Series 1989A Bonds prior to their stated maturity and purchase price to be paid by the Underwriters has not as yet been determined. The Mayor and City Manager are authorized and directed to approve the final terms of the Series 1989 Bonds on behalf of the City; provided that the principal amount of the Series 1989 Bonds does not exceed $17,000,000, the final stated maturity date of any Series 1989 Bonds is not in excess of 30 years from the date of issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds, and no interest rate on any Series 1989 Bond exceeds 9% per annum. Such approval shall be conclusively evidenced by their execution of the Contract of Purchase as provided in Section 6 hereof. Section 3. Execution of Bonds. Each Series 1989 Bond shall be executed on behalf of the City by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and the City Manager, and its.corporate seal (which may be in facsimile) shall be thereunto affixed, imprinted or engraved. The Bond Trustee is hereby designated as authenticating agent pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.55. If any of the officers who shall have signed or sealed any of the Series 1989 Bonds shall cease to be such officers of the City before the Series 1989 Bonds so signed and sealed shall have been actually authenticated by the Trustee or delivered by the City, such Series 1989 Bonds nevertheless may be authenticated, issued and delivered with the same force and effect as though the person or persons who signed or sealed such Series 1989 Bonds had not ceased to be such officer or officers of the City. Section 4. Execution of Bond Indenture and Note Purchase Agreement. The Bond Indenture and the Note Purchase Agreement are hereby made.,a part of this Resolution as fully as though set forth in full herein and are hereby approved in the form submitted to this meeting, and the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute, acknowledge and deliver the Bond Indenture and the Note Purchase Agreement on behalf of the City with such changes, insertions and omissions therein as do not change the substance of the Bond Indenture or Note Purchase Agreement and as may be approved by the Mayor and City Manager, such approval to be evidenced conclusively by their execution of the Bond Indenture and the Note Purchase Agreement. Section 5. Offering Documents. The City hereby consents to the distribution by the Underwriters to potential purchasers of the Series 1989 Bonds of a Preliminary Official Statement in substantially the form submitted to the Council at this meeting, and the distribution by the Underwriters of an official statement by the Underwriters to purchasers of the Bonds in substantially the form of the Preliminary Official Statement. The City has not and will not participate in the preparation of the Preliminary Official Statement and has made no independent investigation with respect to the information contained therein or in the appendices thereto, and the City assumes no responsibility for the sufficiency, accuracy or completeness of such information. Section 6. Execution of Contract of Purchase. The Contract of Purchase is hereby made a part of this Resolution as fully as though set forth in full herein and is hereby approved in the form submitted to this meeting and, upon the determination of the terms of the Series 1989 Bonds (within the limit set forth in Section 2 hereof) and the execution of the Contract of Purchase by Fairview and the Underwriters with the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Contract of Purchase on behalf of the City, with such further changes, insertions or omissions therein as do not change the substance of the Contract of Purchase and as may be approved by the Mayor and City Manager, such approval to be evidenced conclusively by their execution of the Contract of Purchase. Section 7. Other Actions. The Mayor, the City Manager and all other officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver all other documents which may be required under the terms of the Bond Indenture, the Note Purchase Agreement or the Contract of Purchase, and to take such other action as may be required or appropriate for the performance of the duties imposed thereby or to carry out the purposes thereof. Section S. Absence or Disability of Officers. In the absence or disability of the Mayor, the City Manager or,any other officer of the City named in any instrument to be executed on behalf of the City in connection with the issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds, the acting Mayor, Assistant City Manager,or other officer may execute such instrument. The execution of any instrument by an officer of the City shall be conclusive evidence of its approval. Section 9. Application to Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development. The Application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development, with attachments, is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to execute said documents on behalf of the City. In accordance with Section 469.154, Subdivision 3 of the Act, the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Application to be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development for approval of the Project. The Mayor, City Manager, City Attorney and other officers, employees and agents of the City are hereby authorized and directed to provide the Department with any preliminary information needed for this purpose. The approval hereby given to the Issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds is subject to the receipt by the City of the approval by the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development of the Project in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.154, subdivision 3, and the Series 1989 Bonds shall not be issued by the City until such approval is received by the City. Section 10. Compliance With Act. The Mayor and City Manager are directed, upon the issuance of the Series 1989 Bonds thereafter to comply with the provisions of Section 469.154, Subdivisions 5 and 7 of the Act. Section 11. Designation of City Representative. The City Manager is hereby designated for all purposes of the Note Purchase Agreement, the Bond Indenture and the Contract of Purchase as the City official authorized to execute on behalf of the City certificates, requests or consents as provided in the Note Purchase Agreement, the Bond Indenture and the Contract of Purchase. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, this .10th day of July, 1989. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Member Paulus moved to amend the motion that the donation to the City be designated for public health purposes. Motion to amend the motion failed for lack of a second. Mayor Richards then called for rollcall vote on the main motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. VACANCY ON COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES BOARD AND APPOINTMENT TO EDINA FOUNDATION BOARD DISCIISSED Member Smith reminded the Council of the vacancy on the Community Education Services Board and volunteered to contact potential nominees and bring a recommendation to the next Council meeting. Mayor Richards referred to a letter from James Van Valkenburg, Chair of The Edina Foundation Board, advising that the term of Bob Sherman (City appointee) expired on June 30. He asked the Council to give him any comments concerning appointments to these two Boards and said this would be placed on the next agenda for action. AMM BREAKFAST MEETING ON 7/20/89 NOTED Mayor Richards informed the Council of an invitation to an AMM breakfast meeting on July 20 at 7:30 a.m., Hopkins House. The purpose of the meeting is: 1) To provide city officials the opportunity to. help establish the yearly AMM agenda and work program, 2) To appraise city officials of major program and issue priorities as seen by the AMM Board and staff, and 3) To discuss the AMM Legislative Contact Program. Reservations should be made by noon on July 18. He said he would try to attend the meeting. MAYOR RICHARDS NOMINATED TO REGIONAL TRANSIT BOARD Mayor Richards stated that he had submitted his name for consideration for appointment to the Regional Transit Board and that he will be interviewed on July 25. He noted that others that have applied for appointment from District 4 are Mayor Mary Anderson from Golden Valley and Mayor Joy Robb from Robbinsdale. PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT COMMENDED ON JULY 4 CELEBRATION Member Paulus commended the Park and Recreation Department on the 4th of July Celebration. She said it was handled well and promoted good community relations. People had commented that it was better than ever. Member Rice said that the fireworks were fabulous. He referred to an incident involving several youths who were shooting off fireworks and that a Police Officer had handled the situation very professionally. BROWN WATER REPORTED Member Paulus reported that she had received several phone of calls concerning brown water in the Country Club area. She asked that staff update the Council on this subject. Member Kelly commented that she has received calls from her area also regarding brown water. HOLIDAY STATION CONGRATULATED FOR LANDSCAPING UPGRADE Member Rice commented that the Holiday Station on Interlachen Boulevard has upgraded the landscaping on their property and asked if the Garden Council gave awards for this type of improvement. He said that their landscaping has been a magnificent turnaround from the previous condition. Manager Rosland said this could be referred to-the Garden Council for their thoughts as to some type of award for commercial landscaping. PROPERTY AT 5233 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD DISCIISSED Member Kelly noted that the property at 5233 Interlachen.Boulevard has grass that is uncut and has five vehicles parked, one of which is on the lawn. She asked if there have been any complaints regarding this address. Chief Swanson said they have had no calls but that he would check into it. Manager Rosland said that one neighbor had called to complain and that staff would try to work with the property owner. ZOTALEY LETTER CONCERNING WASTE REMOVAL/RECYCLING PROGRAM SERVICE AND COSTS NOTED Member Smith said he had received ,a phone call from Byron Zotaley, 5504 Parkwood Lane, concerning the service level and costs for waste removal and the recycling program. He had asked Mr. Zotaley to write the Mayor and Council. Members to convey his concerns. Member Smith suggested that it is too early to begin evaluating the new recycling program and that BFI's service in his block was just fine but that there may have been homes that were missed. CENSUS MEETING FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS REFERRED TO STAFF Mayor Richards referred to meeting notice for elected officials to be held in Duluth with regard to the 1990 Census. He referred the notice to the Manager for follow -up. MC QUINN LETTER SUGGESTING CLEAN -UP DAY NOTED Mayor Richards referred to the letter he had received from A. E. McQuinn, Edina resident and businessman, expressing his annoyance and frustration by trash that lines streets and freeways. He suggested that this subject be placed on the agenda for the September Council Study Session for discussion. COMMENDATION GIVEN ON 25TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT FOR BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE Mayor Richards commended the Park Board, the Park & Recreation Department and the golf course staff for the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Braemar Golf Course held on July 9. He said it exemplified staff's willingness not only to set up for the event but to also be a part of the community by participation in the activities. FINANCIAL REPORT ON ENTERPRISE FUNDS REQUESTED Mayor Richards suggested that an agenda item for a future Council meeting be a update on the City's enterprise funds. This would provide an opportunity for the Council to reflect on those funds and what they mean from the standpoints of economics and delivery of services to the community. UPDATE GIVEN ON HAWTHORNE SUITES HOTEL Mayor Richards made reference to Member Rice's memorandum of July 10, 1989 concerning a recent meeting with staff from the Hawthorne Suites and subsequent letter from Kevin Poorman, Vice President and General Counsel which indicated that Hawthorne is working oil a new proposal to be submitted to the City. Mayor Richards suggested that the Council Members keep the data and that this could be discussed at an upcoming meeting. DRAFT PERSONNEL ORDINANCE AND EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK PRESENTED TO COUNCIL Manager Rosland passed out to the'Council draft copies of Personnel Ordinance No. 122 and the Employee Handbook for their review. He noted that the last update was in 1972 and that this has been a long and tedious process. The draft documents have been carefully reviewed by the City Attorney and the Personnel Ordinance No. 122 will be placed on the July 24 agenda for Council consideration and eventual adoption. *CLAIMS PAID Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve payment of the following claims as per pre -list dated 07/10/89: General Fund $194,443.59, C.D.B.G. $1,217.00, Communications $821.60, Art Center $9,406.42, Capital Fund $6,824.55, Swimming Pool Fund $5,599.69, Golf Course Fund $17,135.32, Recreation Center Fund $2,411.60, Gun Range Fund $239.92, Edinborough Park $8,788.32, Utility Fund $250,631.79, Storm Sewer Utility $1,028.30, Liquor Dispensary Fund $23,674.78, Construction Fund $110,126.59, Total $632,349.47. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 10:45 p:m. City Clerk VF L 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # III. A. From: Craig Larsen Consent a - Information Only ❑ Date: August 21, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA S_ ubject: C -89 -2 0 To Council Conditional Use Permit Grace Church Action 0 Motion 5300 France Avenue ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Continue hearing to September 18, 1989. Info /Background: Grace Church has requested that the hearing on this request be continued to September 18, 1989. This will allow them to appear before the Board of Appeals concerning their front entry and -allow them time to work with neighbors on the drainage and noise issues raised at the City Council meeting. I will inform the neighbors who attended the Council meeting of the revised schedule for the public hearing. � Agenda Item # .._ 4 OI From: John Wallin Consent ❑ Finance Director Information Only ❑ cn O REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and Council Agenda Item # IV.A From: John Wallin Consent ❑ Finance Director Information Only ❑ Date: August 21, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Update wording in 0 To Council Ordinance No. 1102 -A1 Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adoption of Ordinance No. 1102 -A1, with waiver of Second Reading. Info /Background: While reviewing the ordinances concerning fees and charges, it came to our attention that Ordinance No. 1102 - Al.regarding SAC charges paid to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission had not been updated since 1973. The SAC charge is a fee charged for every building hooking up to the Metro sewer system. The fee, set by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, is collected as part of the City's building permit system and passed on to the MWCC. The attached ordinance has been updated in two respects. First, the wording has been updated to follow the revised Metropolitan Waste Control Commission's reserve capacity charge policies. The second up- date is to tie the fees that are to be passed through to the Commission to the City's fees and charges ordinance. In this way these fees can be updated in the same process as all other fees. ORDINANCE NO. 1102 -A1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1102 TO CHANGE THE AMOUNT OF SAC CHARGES PAID TO THE METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1102 are hereby replaced in their entirety by the following new paragraphs: "(a) For the purpose of paying the costs of reserve capacity allocated to the City each year by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, there is hereby established a charge for: (1) the availability of treatment works and interceptors comprising the metropolitan disposal system; and (2) connections, direct and indirect, to the metropolitan disposal system. The charge is hereby imposed on each building in the City which, at the time of construction, will have access directly or indirectly to the metropolitan disposal system, and on each connection permit issued for existing buildings which will have access directly or indirectly to the metropolitan disposal system. The charge shall be payable at the time of, and as a condition to, the issuance of such building permit or such connection permit, as the case may be. (b) The charge for each building shall be an amount equal to the Service Availability Charge (SAC) rate as set out in Ordinance No. 171 times the number of SAC units (rounded) computed as follows: A. Single family houses, townhouses and duplex units shall' each comprise one unit; B. Each apartment and condominium unit shall comprise 80% of a unit; C. Each other building and structure shall comprise one unit for each 274 gallons of daily flow (and a pro rata portion of a unit equal to the pro rata portion of any 274 gallons) which the City estimates it will discharge, but each commercial and industrial building shall comprise a minimum of one unit; D. Each public housing unit and each housing unit subsidized under any government program for low- and - moderate income housing shall comprise 75% of the unit equivalent for that type of housing." 210a Ordinance No. 1102 -A1 Page Two Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading:= ATTEST: City Clerk 210a .Mayor A a�e�, W . a •' ~�RPOSV`�t'O )sea REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # iv. B. From: KENNETH ROSLAND Consent ❑ - Information Only ❑ Date: AUGUST 21, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA S_ ubject: ❑ To Council ORDINANCE N0. 122 Action El Motion ❑ Resolution M Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Info /Background: The attached contains the high - lighted changes proposed by Mayor Richards at the Council meeting of August 7, 1989. (e)_Minimum and Maximum Amount Used Annually. All regular full -time employees with over five (5) continuous years of service shall take a minimum of five (5) days of vacation per year. All regular full -time employees with over ten (10) continuous years of service shall use a minimum of ten (10) days of vacation per year. All regular full -time employees with over fifteen (15) years of continuous years of employment shall use a minimum of fifteen (15) days of vacation per year. The maximum amount of- vacation that may be taken on an annual basis is five (5) weeks. (f) Terminal Leave. All employees who accrue vacation and who leave employment with the City in good standing, as described in Section 16 of , this ordinance, shall be compensated for accrued and unused vacation at the date of separation not to exceed 240 hours. The provisions of this paragraph (f) shall apply to employees included in collective bargaining agreements who accrue vacation but no other provisions of this section shall apply to such employees. (g) Accrual during leave. An employee using earned vacation or sick leave shall accrue vacation and sick leave'during such use. Sec. 10. Sick Leave. (a) Eligibility. Every regular full -time employee shall be entitled. to and shall accrue sick leave with pay. No other types of employees are entitled to.or shall accrue sick leave with pay. (b) Amount. All employees entitled to sick leave shall accrue sick leave at a rate of 3.69 hours per pay period. (c) Purpose. Sick leave may be granted to employees entitled thereto when the employee is unable to perform scheduled work duties due to illness /disability, the necessity for medical, dental or chiropractic,care, child birth or pregnancy disability, or exposure to contagious disease, where such exposure may endanger the health -of others with whom the employee would come in contact in the course of performing work duties. Sick leave pay may also be granted for a maximum of five (5) working days for the serious illness or death of an employee's spouse, children, father, mother, spouse's father or mother and resident members of the employee's household. Sick leave may be granted for a maximum of three (3) days in the event of the death of an employee's grandparent, grandchild, brother or sister. (d) Proof. 1. To be eligible for sick leave with pay, the regular full -time employee shall report his/her absence to his/her supervisor within the first thirty (30) minutes of the the start of that employee's scheduled work period. 2. To be eligible for sick leave with pay, an employee entitled thereto shall keep his/her supervisor informed of his/her condition or the condition of the family member that is ill on a daily basis and if the absence is of more than three (3) working days duration, submit a medical certificate in form and substance acceptable to the .City Manager or 6 A. ° En REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis' Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland. City Manager SUBJECT. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.00 DATE: August 21, 1989 AGENDA ITEM VI. A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Centennial Lakes Street Improvements Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Progressive Contractors, Inc. $ 1,777,672.35 2. Barbarossa & Sons 2. $ 1,810,161.90 3. G. L. Contracting 3. $ 1,935,607.64 4. Northdale Construction 4. $ 2,151,145.10 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Progressive Contractors, Inc. $ 1,777,672.35 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project consists of street improvements including storm sewers, lighting and landscaping for the_Centennial Lakes project. Funding for the project will come from the HRA, assessment through developers, the Storm Utility Fund and State Aid. The Engineer's Estimate was $1,779,862.00. Signat The Recommended bid is within budget not Engineering Finance Director M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 21, 1989 TO: Kenneth Rosland FROM: Gordon Hughes SUBJECT: CENTENNIAL LAKES STREET IMPROVEMENTS On August 17, 1989, staff received bids for the Centennial Lakes street. improvements. These bids were split into eleven (11) separate bid schedules. One of the schedules, Schedule K - Electrical, also provided for an alternate bid which was identified as Schedule K1. After opening the bids, we determined that Progressive Contractors, Inc., was the apparent low bidder, in the amount of $1,837,591.35. Included in their bid was an amount for Schedule K. After examining Progressive Contractors, Inc.'s proposal, we determined that a typographical error was apparently made in Schedule K. Apparently a unit price for one of the bid items in Schedule K was inadvertently recorded as $48,000 rather than $4,800. Staff agrees that this was a typographical error and that the bid totals indicate that the $4,800 unit price was used in calculating the total bid. However, our specifications are clear that in cases such as this, the unit price takes priority over the bid total. If the $48,000 unit price were used, Progressive Contractors, Inc. would no longer be the low bidder. Instead, Barbarossa and Sons would be the.low bidder at a cost increase of approximately $42,000. As noted earlier, the specifications invited the bidders to submit an alternate to bid Schedule K which was referred to as Schedule K1. Progressive Contractors, Inc., as well as the other bidders, provided bids for alternate K1. In their bid for K1, Progressive Contractors, Inc. properly indicated the unit price of $4,800 for the bid item in question. In reviewing this matter with Mr. Erickson, we have identified the following alternatives: 1. Disqualify the bid of Progressive Contractors, Inc., on the basis of the faulty unit price. 2. Accept the bid of Progressive Contractors, Inc., and waive the irregularity and accept the new price for the bid item. 3. Accept the bid of Progressive Contractors, Inc. but delete in its entirety the bid item in question. This item could then be re -bid at a later date. 4. Accept the bid of Progressive Contractors, Inc. but award Schedule K1 instead of schedule K. In this case the apparent typographical error becomes irrelevant in that it is a part of a bid schedule that is no longer under consideration by the City. Kenneth Rosland August 21, 1989 Page Two Based upon our analysis, staff recommends alternate #4L We believe that this alternative places the City in the best possible position in that Schedule K1 deleted some bid items from Schedule K. The bid of Progressive Contractors, Inc., is reduced to $1,777,672.35. The other bids which had been listed on the cover sheet of this memo are also based upon the acceptance of Alternate K1. 0 I MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Gordon Hughes Alison Fuhr Craig Swanson Bob Sherman MEMBERS ABSENT: Fra OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. SECTION A AUGUST 15, 1989 9:00 A.M. n Hoffman, Chairman John Crist, 5324 Halifax Avenue South Jean Colwell, 5401 Oaklawn Avenue South Shari LaFrance, 5357 Oaklawn Avenue South John Palombo, 4624 Browndale Avenue Mary Kluesner, 4409 Country Club Road L. Magnuson, 4909 Browndale Avenue Bryan Colwell, 5401 Oaklawn Avenue South Robert Trucker, 4622 Edgebrook Place VII. (A) Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. (1) Discuss "NO PARKING" signs in front of residence at 4622 Edgebrook Place. Unscheduled request received from Mr. Robert Trucker, 4622 Edgebrook Place. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Trucker began by explaining that he had entered into an agreement with Dr. Miller to purchase 4622 Edgebrook Place on June 6, 1989 and actually did close on the property on July 5, 1989. It came as quite a shock to him that prior to taking possession of this property, a "NO PARKING" sign had been placed in front of his residence directly affecting his ability to park on the street in front of his home. He stated that extensive remodeling was presently being done to the home and repair and construction people must go to their vehicles several times a day. The inability to park in front of the home was not only a nuisance, but he questioned the validity of the placement considering that he is the current resident and also was- not advised by Dr. Miller that the signs would be placed. Mr. Palombo presented photos and a video tape to the Committee showing the inability to use his driveway when vehicles are parked across from it. He stated that emergency measures warrant leaving the "NO PARKING" signs in place. He states that he has had to contact the Police Department on more than one occasion in order to have vehicles moved. Further, he feels that the entire length of Edgebrook Place should be posted "NO PARKING" for both sides of the street. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES August 15, 1989 Page 2 Mr. Trucker -again reiterated that-he felt it was clear that the intent-was to have approval of the resident before the signs were placed. Mr. Hughes' opinion was the action of record from the June meeting, as he saw it, incorporated the present and continued.approval of the resident at 4622 Edgebrook Place. Mr. Swanson also commented that the City had consis- tently :.ad a policy of not facilitating private residents at the expense of the public. Leaving the signs in place, he felt, would be contrary to this policy. Mrs. Fuhr moved-to leave the "NO PARKING" signs in place in front of 4622 Edgebrook Place. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -1. (2) Discuss possible improvements to the West 50th Street /France Avenue cross- walk area. Unscheduled agenda request by Mr. Gordon Hughes, Assistant City Manager. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hughes stated that he had met with business persons from the 50th and France Merchants Association and possible measures to improve the safety of the 50th and France crosswalk were discussed. Mr. Hughes said that the Committee had requested an additional "STOP FOR PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSWALK" sign be placed on the existing sign. Captain Kleven was of the opinion that with the painted crosswalk, the present signing and the flashing amber lights it might prove too confusing to add one more sign to those already in place, thereby rendering it in- effective. Mr. Swanson moved to replace the diamond arrow sign now in place with a siPn reading "STOP FOR PEDESTRIAN ". Mrs. Fuhr seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. (3) Discuss traffic safety concerns regarding access to Wooddale Park from Moorland /Edina Boulevard area. Continued from July meeting. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Swanson moved to install pedestrian signs with the 25 mph advisory attachments westbound on Country Club Road at Moorland and eastbound on Country Club Road at Browndale Avenue. Mrs. Fuhr seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. (See Agenda Item Section C (1)). SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. None. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES August 15, 1989 Page 3 SECTION C- Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. (1) Discuss traffic safety concerns regarding access to Wooddale Park from Moorland /Edina Boulevard area. Continued from July meeting. ACTION TAKEN: Ms. Mary Kluesner began by saying that there had been a neighborhood meet- ing attended by 6 residents and she had spoken to 5 others with regard to safety concerns and suggestions for crossing to Wooddale Park. The con- sensus of the group, as presented in a letter, was as follows: ... Request for stop signs on Country Club Road at intersection of Edina Boulevard. Also would endorse "STOP" signs at every inter- section, i.e., Drexel, Casco and Browndale. ... Advisory signs for lower speed of 20 mph ... More enforcement of present speed limits. "CHILDREN CROSSING" and "PARK ENTRANCE" signs placed at Moorland/ Edina Boulevard. ... Possibly amber flashing lights, although the residents felt this might be a nuisance also. Captain Kleven presented the results of the speed surveys that were done during evening rush hour times as requested by the residents in June.. Four separate surveys were done between 07/21/89 and 08/09/89 and between the hours of 4:30 PM and 6:05 PM. The total cars surveyed were 834. Of those, 15 were in excess of 30 mph, with the highest speed being 34 mph. There were 3 cars observed at 34 mph. When asked about the destination of the vehicles in the area, Captain Kleven stated that a license plate survey had not been conducted so those results were not obtained. He was also questioned about lowering the speed limit in the area to 20 mph. He replied that State law mandates a 30 mph speed limit in residential areas. The only variation to this is in the case of a school zone, which may have a lower limit. Mr. Hughes explained that "STOP" signs may lead to a false sense of security for the children. Mr. Swanson also stated that "STOP" signs have not been proven to reduce speed and, in fact, only affect the immediate area in and around the signs. Mrs. Kluesner felt, however, that the immediate area was what they wanted to affect. Mrs. Fuhr was of the opinion that there would have to be a major re- education of the children of the area to use cross- walks as opposed to crossing randomly at whichever side of the park they are on. Mr. Swanson agreed with this and said that although the crosswalk does have the right -of -way, Minnesota drivers did not always realize or respect this right. Therefore, the safest positioning of a crosswalk is still at an intersection where the likelihood of vehicles recognizing this right was the highest. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES August 15, 1989 Page 4 Mr. Crist stated that although 30 mph is the legal residential speed limit, -- -- the Commissioner of Public Safety could be petitioned for reducing the limit to warrant special'circumstances. Mr. Swanson replied that the City, to the best of his recollection, had not asked a limit of less than 30 mph since the 1970's. He also stated that, although this item had been continued last month, he felt that there was still a need to gather more information, especially since the Engineering Department layout had not been reviewed and Mr. Hoffman was unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Swanson moved to continue the item until the September meeting based on the comylexity of the issue and until all warrants could be studied and also until research could be completed on lowering the minimum 30 mvh speed limit. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -1. Mrs. Fuhr then stated that, due to the timing of the next meeting, the summer season with its heavy park use would be over. She asked what might be done in the interim to ensure the safety of the children while they were still heavily using the park. Mr. Swanson moved to install pedestrian signs with the 25 mph advisory attachments westbound on Country Club Road at Moorland and eastbound on Country Club Road at Browndale Avenue. Mrs. Fuhr seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. (2) Discuss traffic safety concerns on West 54th Street, France Avenue to Wooddale Avenue. Petition received from numerous local residents. ACTION TAKEN: A statement was read by a neighborhood representative expressing concerns regarding the speed on West 54th Street, the number of children, bicyclists, and pedestrians present in the area, the difficulty of crossing West 54th Street, especially in the area of Minnehaha Creek. The groups recommenda- tion is for installation of "STOP" signs and reduction of speed to 25 mph. Captain Kleven reviewed the accident history from 1983 to present. There have been 51 accidents reported in that time period; however, 42 of those were at the intersection of West 54th Street and France Avenue. He also stated that the Traffic Enforcement Unit had been assigned to the area from October through December of last year. During this period only 6 citations and 3 warnings had been written during a 5 -1/2 hour period. The visibility of the squad car was a problem at this time, so if the Unit was again assigned to the area, the emphasis would be on low visibility. Mr. Hughes asked the group if there was a sense as to where they would want "STOP" sign placement on West 54th Street, and would they suggest placement at Minnehaha Creek. Due to the hills in this area, placement of a "STOP" sign would be difficult. Also, Mr. Swanson reiterated that "STOP" signs have not been proven to reduce speed, but are strictly used for the control of right -of -way. He felt that, again, there was a need to conduct further research into the problem and collect more data before a solution could be arrived at. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES August 15, 1989 Page 5 Mr. Swanson moved to continue the item until September pending review of the area, neighborhood- input - -on heaviest pedestrian areas.- and more data collection. Mrs. Fuhr seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. EDINA TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - August 11, 1989 -- Captain Len Kleven Edina Traffic Safety Committee 4801 West 50th Street Edina. 55424 Dear Captain Kleven I would like the Traffic Safety Committee to consider removing the - No Parking This Space" sign in the front yard of the property I have recently purchased at 4622 Edgebrook Place. It is my understanding that an agreement was made by Dr. Miller either just before the signing of our purchase agreement or shortly there after giving his permission for the installation of this sign. I feel that it is unfair that my property be penalized for someone else's problem. I appreciate your attention to this matter. Sincerely, O . Trucker President 6001 Tingdale Avenue Edina, MN 55436 612- 926 -6453 P.O. Box 24110 Edina, MN 55424 D I NA 101 WEST 50TH STREET. EDINA. MINNESOTA 55-124 612- 927 -8861 June 26, 1989 Mr. John Palumbo 4624 Browndale Avenue Edina, MN 55424 RE: No Parking Request - 4622 Edgebrook & Letter of 6/19/89 Dear Mr. Palumbo: First, your request for a NO PARKING ANY TIME restriction was approved by the Edina Traffic Safety Committee and Edina City Council subject to your neighbor's agreement to the restriction. The essence of the approval relies on your neighbor's present approval and continued approval. The general City policy, is not to place restrictions on streets to facilitate private access. Your situation may ultimately need to be remedied by alteration of your driveway. Second, there needs to be a clarification on process on this type of request. Signing of this type needs approval of the Traffic Safety Committee and City Council. My agreement to take an issue to the Traffic Safety Committee does not automatically mean such a request will be granted. Normally, a person must petition this issue to t:.e Traffic Safety Committee. Captain Leonard Kleven handles these requests. When you and I chatted, I was trying, frankly, to shortcut the process for you. However, having stated the above, the sign will be installed subject to your neighbor's approval. Attached is an agreement letter that will be filed with Captain Kleven if Dr. and Mrs. Miller sign the agreement. Please have them sign and return to us in the enclosed stamped envelope. Sincerely, / Francis Ho fman, P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer FJH /clf Attachment cc: Fred Richards, Mayor Ken Rosland, City Manager ED ANDERSON REALTOR August 20, 1989 John Palombo 4624 Browndale Edina, MN 55424 Dear John; In response to your inquiry: never have.I seen the existence of a "No Parking" sign affect the saleability of a single family dwelling. I have been involved in over 1,200 transactions and this-has never come up. A "No Parking" sign would have no affect whatsoever on the marketability or the saleability of a house. If I can be of further assistance, please call at any time. Yo very truly; Ed Anderson, Partner & Broker GREAT MINNEAPOLIS EA /dp MINNESOTA REALTOR OF THE YEAR - 1985 PRESIDENT MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS - 1988 fl, � M. FFO �►N F�o1.ktR DocS #s O F1� to 3 ao �b RutaY Fos "A 1u-mvAotp. 4uawc • N�6tbY I�Dt.� tJxv* o � X SIGN �4�� �0 Cn REPORT /RECOMMENDATION - • ,N�RPOW`��O • lose To: KENNETH ROSLAND Agenda Item # VII . B From: CITY MANAGER Consent ❑ JANET CHANDLER RECYCLING COORDINATOR Information Only ' ❑ Date: AUGUST 21, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: 0 To Council .PROGRESS REPORT - Action ❑ Motion CITY -WIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance 0 Discussion Recommendation: No action required. Info /Background: Attached is a report concerning the first six weeks of our city -wide project. John Moreland of BFI Recycling will be present on August 24, 1989, to answer questions of the Council. 'v PROGRESS REPORT -- NEW RECYCLING PROGRAM This report on the first 6 weeks of the new recycling program covers the - following areas: NEW PROGRAM RESULTS RECYCLING CENTER TOTAL TONS, RECYCLING GOALS CONTAINER DELIVERY PROMOTION NEW PROGRAM RESULTS A chart showing daily participation is attached, upon which the following observations can be made: -The results for July showed an average participation rate of 31.4% on any given day, increasing to a 39% average for the first two weeks of August. -The areas which were previously served in the monthly- recycling pickup are participating at a higher rate. -210 tons of material were picked up in July- -about 100 tons more than the previous monthly totals. Note: A daily participation rate is lower than a total participation rate, since many recyclers do not place materials out each week. Studies suggest that total participation can be estimated by multiplying the daily rate by 1.5. RECYCLING CENTER Although the Recycling Center continues to be open 9 AM to 4 PM Monday through Saturday, receipts are down considerably. July tonnage totaled about 43 tons, compared to the June total of 117 tons (pickup and Center combined.) TOTAL JULY TONNAGE, RECYCLING GOALS Household Pickup Drop -off Center July Total Edina Residential Waste Waste Reduction by Recycling Paper,Glass and Cans Paper,Glass and Cans 210.68 tons 43.00 253.68 tons 1,676 tons /month 15% Thus, Edina has exceeded the 10% reduction goal required by Hennepin County for full 80% program funding. r CONTAINER DELIVERY BFI plans to complete container delivery by August 18. No problems with damaged containers or any other complaints regarding container quality have been reported. The BFI "Hotline" Secretary.reported that one person called to ask that the container be picked up immediately, stating that she had no intention of recycling. We are not aware of any others that have refused to accept a container. PROMOTION An ongoing promotion plan is needed to increase participation. There is also a need to clarify questions on placement of recyclables, garbage and yard waste. Therefore, the following actions are being planned: • Procedure for driver, when recyclables are placed at curb. - Return emptied container to garage area. -Leave "reminder" tag, noting that recyclables should not be placed curbside nor should garbage. The tag will also state that compost is the only material to be placed curbside. • Informational article on recycling, composting.and garbage to be placed in the fall newsletter to residents. • A message to be included with the homestead application. • Reminder letter to be sent to trash haulers, in regard to Edina ordinance requirements. • Include recycling information in the Cable TV news shows being planned for September.' • Periodic articles in Edina Sun. IN SUMMARY, The new recycling program is off to a good start. The drivers are getting to know the city and problems are being worked out as we go along. We expect participation to increase as more residents discover how easy it is to recycle in Edina. EDINA WEEKLY PARTICATION -- ------ -- -- ------ ------ - ----- --- --- ------ -- ---- -- ---------- ° "'ITH 56,567 17,773 411,360 31.41 23.7 August 1989 July 1989 e PARTICIP. AVERAGE LBS ROUTE STOPS NET NT. PARTICIP. AVERAGE LBS DO/ /89 M HOUSEHOLDS COLLECTED MATERIAL 1 PER STOP 07/03189 M -- -------- -- - -- 3,123 ----- - - -- 594 -- -- -- --- --- 11,600 --- --- -- ---- 19.01 -- ------- - -- 46.8 07/04189 T 2,369 648 19,940 27.41 30.8 01/05/89 N 2,522 753 27,760 29.91 36.9 07/06/89 R 3,122 994 40,200 31.81 40.4 07101/69 F 2,225 467 15,480 21.01 33.1 NEE-. TOTAL ---- -- ------ ---- 13,361 -- ------ 3,456 ---- ----- --- 131,180 --- --- ------ 25.91 -- --- - - - - - -- 38.0 07110/89 M 3,123 758 21,560 24.31 28.4 07/11169 T 2,369 1,010 25,920 42.61 25.7 07/12189 N 2,522 784 19,140 31.11 24.4 07/13/89 R 3,122 906 19,200 29.01 21.2 07114/89 F 2,225 ----- ------- ---- 665 -- -- - - -- 13,500 - ---- --- - - -- 30.81 --- -- --- - - -- 19.7 - --------- -- WEEtl TOTAL 13,361 4,143 99,320 31.Ot 24.0 01/17/89 M 3,123 909 17,980 29.11 19.6 07/10/89 T 2,369 609 18,300 34.11 22.6 07/19/89 N 2,522 860 16,480 34.11 19.2 07/20/89 R 3,122 811 18,680 28.11 21.5 07/2149 F 2,225 698 11,260 31.41 16.1 MEEK 101AL --- --- - -- - -- ------ 13,361 - - - - -- 4,153 ----- - -- ---- 82,900 ----- - --- - -- 31.11 - ---- -- - - - -- 20.0 07/14/89 M 3,123 945 19,260- 30.31 20.4 07/15/89 T 1,369 1,127 19,220 47.61 17.1 07/26/89 W 2,522 985 16,060 39.11 16.3 07/27/89 R 3,122 1,082 17,820 34.11 16.5 01/28189 F 2,225 - ----- - -- --- - --- 626 -- - ----- 10,240 -- ---- -- -- -- ,28.11 ---- --- - ---- 16.4 --------- kEEK !DIAL 13,361 4,765 82,600 35.71 --- 17.3 07/31/89 M 3,123 1,256 25,360 40.21 20.2 01/ /89 T 0 0 0 N/A NIA 01/ 189 N 0 0 0 N/A N/A o1/ 189 R 0 0 0 N/A N/A 071 199 F 0 0 0 NIA N/A NFEI TOTAL 3,123 1,256 25,360 40.21 20.2 -- ------ -- -- ------ ------ - ----- --- --- ------ -- ---- -- ---------- ° "'ITH 56,567 17,773 411,360 31.41 23.7 August 1989 --- -- ------- - --- -----=--- ---- -- ------ - ----- ------ MONTH TOTAL 26,722 10,416 184,400 39.01 17.7 uas:a■aaaaa ssossasu u■ aasa u■■:ae■ asa:za:e:m■ ::z:e:c:cca: . tl tj ROUTE STOPS NET NT. PARTICIP. AVERAGE LBS HOUSEHOLDS COLLECTED MATERIAL 1 PER STOP DO/ /89 M -------- ---- 0 --------- --- 0 ------------ 0 N/A N/A 08/01/89 T 2,369 990 19,520 41.81 19.7 08/02/89 N 2,522 943 16,600 37.41 17.6 08/03/89 R 3,122 1,006 17,320 32.21 17.2 08/04/89 F 2,225 669 11,880 30.11 --- --- - - ---- 17.8 --- -- -- -- --- WEEK TOTAL ----- ---- - -- 10,238 --- ----- ---- 3,608 ----- -- - -- -- 65,320 35.11 18.1 08/07189 M 3,123 L,537 26,980 49.21 17.6 08/08/89 T 2,369 1,259 13,560 53.11 16.7 08/09/89 N 2,522 970 15,600 38.51 16.1 08 /10189 R 3,122 1,048 17,600 33.61 16.8 08/11/69 F 2,225 631 10,660 28.41 16.9 WEEK TOTAL 13,361 5,445 94,400 40.81 17.3 08/14/89 M 3,123 1,363 24,680 43.61 16.1 08/15/89 T 0 0 0 N/A NIA 08/16/89 W 0 0 0 N/A N/A 08/17/89 R 0 0 0 N/A N/A 08/18/89 F 0 0 0 N/A ------ --- - -- N/A - ----- -- -- -- WEEK TOTAL --- --- -- - - -- 3,123 -- ------- --- 1,363 --- --- --- --- 24,660 43.61 16.1 08/21/89 M 0 0 0 N/A N/A 08/22/89 T 0 0 0 N/A N/A 06/23/89 W 0 0 0 N/A N/A 09124/89 R 0 0 0 N/A N/A 00/25/89 F 0 0 0 N/A ------ ---- -- N/A - ------ --- -- WEEK TOTAL -- ----- - ---- 0 ------ ------ 0 --- --- - - - --- 0 N/A N/A 08/18/89 M 0 0 0 N/A N/A 08129/69 T 0 0 0 N/A N/A 08130/89 W 0 0 0 N/A N/A 08/31/89 R 0 0 0 N/A N/A 08/ 169 F 0 0 0 N/A ----- -- - - --- N/A --- -- --- - --- WEEK TOTAL -- -- ---- - --- 0 ------------ 0 -- ---- - - ---- 0 N/A N/A --- -- ------- - --- -----=--- ---- -- ------ - ----- ------ MONTH TOTAL 26,722 10,416 184,400 39.01 17.7 uas:a■aaaaa ssossasu u■ aasa u■■:ae■ asa:za:e:m■ ::z:e:c:cca: . tl tj A. O e 4 �,O • ��`�bnvoMtOJ • lase REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER Agenda Item # yII.0 From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Consent a Information Only ❑ Date: AUGUST 18, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: HEARING DATE FOR SPECIAL 0 To Council ASSESSMENTS Action ❑ Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adoption of a resolution setting September 18, 1989 as hearing date for special assessments. Info /Background: It is recommended that a hearing date of September 18, 1989 be set for the assessment of public improvements that have been constructed. This is the normal procedure in order to certify the special assessments to Hennepin_ County by October 10 as required by statute. A. e,r . ch lase REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER Agenda Item # VIII.A From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Consent 0 Information Only ❑ Date: AUGUST 18, 1989 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: PETITION FOR VACATION OF 0 To Council SCRIVER ROAD RIGHT OF WAY Action ❑ Motion El Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adoption of a resolution setting September 18, 1989 as hearing date for the vacation of Scriver Road right of way on property at 5101 Scriver Road. Info /Background: A petition has been filed with the City requesting vacation of right of way on Scriver Road for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, HYLAND ACRES (5101 Scriver Road). A hearing date of September 18, 1989 is recommended to allow time for the required publication and mailing of notices to adjacent property owners and utility companies. (ThesLeague Policy will be on the October Park Board Agenda and on the Council Agenda .10/16. Mrs.: Lopa has been contacted and told this will not be discussed on 8/.21.) August 12, 1989 Mr. Fred Richards, Mayor City of Edina. 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Richards: According to the recent Braemar News, the City Council - will be acting on the recommendations of the Braemar Golf Association at its August 21st meeting. I am in favor of their recommendations with the exception of the first one which says that effective in 1990 membership in all leagues at Braemar may consist of Edina residents only. This policy, if put into effect, will fall most heavily on the 36 members of the.Bowling Green Golf League who do not reside in Edina. Bowling Green, the oldest women's golf league in the state, was invited by the management to play at Braemar the year the course opened. Some of the 36 women now about to be invited to leave have been playing regularly on Thursdays for twenty -five years. There was some hope that these non - residents would be grandfathered in under the new rules but no such provision has been forthcoming. The expulsion of these league members will result in the gain of nine T -times but it will leave a residue of damaged feelings. And I can think of one newspaper columnist who might delight in needling Braemar and Edina over its ejection of these longtime Braemar golfers. I hope you and the Council will give this.matter your careful consideration before voting,to approve the BGA'-s recommendation. Yours very truly, Edina, M 5725 Duncan Lane -% III 1I REPORT NBR. FSBR05 CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 1 ICE ARENA INCOME AND EXPENSE,REPORT OPERATING REVENUES ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREY INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 3210 - 000 -00 INCOME ON INVESTMENT 263.53 23,048.98 0.00 23,048.98 0.00 0 28- 3415 - 000 -00 SEASON TICKETS 106.35 829.74 450.73 379.01 84:08 12,000 28- 3442 - 000 -00 VENDING & CONCESSION 420.28 7,198.69 4,708.82 2,489.87 52.87 7,000 28- 3445 - 000 -00 RETAIL SALES 12.00 325.50 I 334.50 9.00- 2.69- 300 28- 3450 - 000 -00 LOCKER RENTAL 60.00 920.00 '1,320.00 400.00- 30.30- 1,000 28- 3480 - 000 -00 SPECTATOR FEES 0.00 12,186.57 .8,849.70 3,336.87 37.70 18,000 28- 3485 = 000 -00 ICE RENTAL 25,868.00 199,247.50 166,532.00 32,715.50 19.64 336,000 28- 3490 - 000 -00 DAILY SKATING FEES 809.99 6,431.75 5,162.04 1,269.71 24.59 15,000 28- 3495 - 000 -00 SKATE SHARPENING & R 191.50 4,114.50 2,791.50 1,323.00 47.39 5,000 28- 3500 - 000 -00 REGISTRATION FEES 0.00 32,594.33 21,171.00 11,423.33 53.95 40,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 27,731.65 286,897.56 211,320.29 75,577.27 35.76 434,300. ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4100 - 701 -70 PERSONAL SERVICES 830.00- 5,810.00- 5,460.00- 350.00- 6.41 9,960 28- 4105 - 701 -70 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 1,287.94- 21,572.94- 18,529.05- 3,043:89- 16.42 40,000 28- 4110- 701 -70 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500 28- 4120 - 701 -70 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 640.73- 9,358.15- 7,537.40- 1,820.75- 24.15 15,000 28- 4130 - 701 -70 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 28- 4144 - 701 -70 OTHER PAY 356.98- 4,922.73- 4,825.02- 97.71- 2.02 0 Total Personal Services - - - - 14.61 Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4201 - 701 -70 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 907.04- 11,634.16- 19,287.04- 7,652.88 39.67- 30,000 28- 4202 - 701 -70 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 20.00- 63.88- 0.00 63.88- 0..00 1,000 28- 4204 - 701 -70 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 100.00- 368.33- 315.00- 53.33- 16.93 1,000 28- 4208 - 701 -70 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 108.99- 108.99 100.00- 200 28- 4216 - 701 -70 PROF SERVICES AUDIT 0.00 - 900.00- 700.00- 200.00- 28.57 700 28- 4224 - 701 -70 PROF SERVICES OTHER 87.72- 12,906.25- 0.00 12,906.25- 0.00 0 SO4 %000 .� %w% REPORT NBR. FSBR05 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 28- 4260 - 701 -70 28- 4290 - 701 -70 Total Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 28- 4516 - 701 -70 28- 4600 - 701 -70 28- 4642 - 701 -70 28- 4802 - 701 -70 28- 4808 - 701 -70 Tot al OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING SAFETY EQUIPMENT CENTRAL SERVICE GENE EQUIPMENT OPERATION Commodities TOTAL ADMINISTRATION %0 ki CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 2 ICE ARENA INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT Contractual Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 45.65 - 0.00 45.65- 0.00 300 0.00 2,217.42- .1,780.93- 436.49- 24.50 2,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300 2,450.00- 17,150.00- 14,875.00- 2,275.00- 15.29 29,400 300.00- 2,100.00- 2,100.00- 0.00 0.00 3,600 2,750.00- - - - 14.70 35,600 6,980.41- 89,049.51- 75,518.43- 13,531.08- 17.91 134,960 s .s REPORT NBR. FSBR05 CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 3 ICE ARENA INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT BUILDING AND GROUNDS Personal Services, ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D i Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4105 - 702 -70 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 1,235.16- 15,005.47- 13,146.78- 1,858.69- 14.13 22,000 28- 4110 - 702 -70 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 0.00 150.00- 899.61- 749.61 83.32- 1,500 28- 4120 - 702 -70 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 1,640.05- 33,988.27- 27,837.03- 6,151.24- 22.09 60,000 28- 4130 - 702 -70 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 0.00 73.95- 0.00 73.95 - 0.00 '12 2 Total Personal Services - - - - 17.51 84 00 Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4201 - 702 -70 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 0.00 0.00 108.50- 108.50 100.00- 0 28- 4248 - 702 -70 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1,780.60- 9,005.71- 2,269.77- 6,735.94- 296.76 10,000 28- 4250 - 702 -70 RUBBISH REMOVAL .332.80- 1,237.70- 971.20- 266.50- 27.44 1,500 28- 4252 - 702 -70 LIGHT & POWER 6,861.75- 44,501.80- 27,207.97- 17,293.83- 63.56 56,000 28- 4254 - 702 -70 HEAT 0.00 17,379.72 - 17,867.88- 488.16 2.73- 35,000 28- 4256 - 702 -70 TELEPHONE 424.98- 2,566.62- 2,140.01- 426.61- 19.93 4,000 28- 4258 - 702 -70 SEWER & WATER 41.00- 82.00- 82.00- 0.00 0.00 600 28- 4262 - 702 -70 LAUNDRY 61.80- 340.39- 334.33- 6.06- 1.81 500 28- 4304 - 702 -70 ALARM SERVICE 111.99- 335.97 - 271.15- 64.82- 23.90 1 200 Total Contractual Services' 9,614.92- - - - • Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4504 - 702 -70 GENERAL SUPPLIES 128.70- 9,705.53- 5,025.82- 4,679.71- 93.11 8,000 28- 4512 - 702 -70 CLEANING SUPPLIES 477.50- 4,919.26- 3,222.69- 1,696.57- 52.64 8,000 28- 4544 - 702 -70 PAINT 0.00 487.44- 445.72- 41.72- 9.36 2,000 Total Commodities 606.20- 15,112.23- 9 - 6,418.00- 73.81 18,UUU TOTAL BUILDINGS 13,096.33- 139,779.83- 101,830.46- 37,949.37- 17.91 211,300 *- REPORT NBR. FSBROS CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 4 ICE ARENA INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT ICE MAINTENANCE Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4105 - 704 -70 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 1,157.48- 13,279.50- 14,566.91- 1,287.41 8.83- 28,000 28- 4110 - 704 -70 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 21.12- 63.36- 192.92- 129.56 67.15- 0 28- 4120 - 704 -70 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 159.61- 4,320.33- 3,087.69- 1,232.64- 39.92 10,000 28- 4130 - 704 -70 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 0.00 39.15- 0.00 39.15- 0.00 1,000 Total Personal Services - - - _ Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4200 - 704 -70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 28- 4248 - 704 -70 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 0.00 2,014.17- 18,828.90- 16,814.73 89.30- 10,000 28- 4252 - 704 -70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 28- 4254 - 704 -70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 28- 4262- 704 -70 LAUNDRY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00• 0.00 0 28- 4274 - 704 -70 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 91.00- 455.00- 377.00- 78.00- 20.68 1,200 Total Contractual Services 0- 2,469.17- - - 11,zUU Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4504 - 704 -70 GENERAL SUPPLIES 0.00 425.10- 232.69- 192.41- 82.68 1,000 28- 4540 - 704 -70 REPAIR PARTS 0.00 0.00 275.80- 275.80 100.00- 1,000 28- 4580 - 704 -70 TOOLS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 28- 4612 - 704 -70 GASOLINE 440.12- 2,048.44- 1,622.50- 425.94- 26.25 4,000 Total Commodities - - - _ 16.07 t5,uuu TOTAL MAINTENANCE 1,869.33- 22,645.05- 39,184.41- 16,539.36 42.20- 56,200 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 21,946.07- 251,474.39- 216,533.30- 34,941.09- 16.13 402,460 OPERATING INCOME: 5,785.58 35,423.17 5,213.01- 40,636.18 779.51- 31,840 • t REPORT NBR. FSBR05 CITY OF EDINA 1989 1989 PREV PAGE: 5 PERCENT ICE ARENA INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D CONCESSIONS CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4105 - 703 -70 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 0.00 OPERATING REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREY INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED 0.00 JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE _CHANGE BUDGET 28- 3440 - 000 -00 CONCESSION SALES 0.00 13.926.81 10.111.83 3,814.98 37.72 17,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 0.00. 13,926.81 10,111.83 3,814.98 37.72 17,000 OPERATING EXPENSES Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4105 - 703 -70 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 28- 4110 - 703 -70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 28- 4120 - 703 -70 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 0.00 1,688.66- 1,343.87- 344.79 -, 25.65 3,000 28- 4130 - 703 -70 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Total Personal Services 00 - - _ 0 Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION. 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4201 - 703 -70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 28- 4248 - 703 -70 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 28- 4262 - 7.03 -70 LAUNDRY 0.00 0.00 84.00- 84.00 100.00- 200 Total Contractual Services 0.00 0.00 84.00- 84.00 -100.00- 0 Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 28- 4504 - 703 -70 GENERAL SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 28- 4512 - 703 -70 CLEANING SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 360.00- 360.00 100.00- 0 28- 4540 - 703 -70 REPAIR PARTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 28- 4624 - 703 -70 COST OF GOODS SOLD F 0.00 3,441.09- 3,176.66- 264.43- 8.32 9,000 Total Commodities - _ _ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 5,129.75- 4,964.53- 165.22- 3.32 12,500 CONCESSIONS INCOME: 0.00 8,797.06 5,147.30 3,649.76 70.90 4,500 1 REPORT NBR. FSBR05 DESCRIPTION 28- 3350 - 000 -00 OTHER REVENUE 28- 3357 - 000 -00 SALES TAX 28- 3720 - 000 -00 CASH OVER OR UNDER DESCRIPTION TOTAL REVENUES: TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES: INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION: 28- 4300 - 701 -70 INTEREST BONDS 28- 4810= 701 -70 PROVISION FOR DEPR TOTAL NET INCOME: `d tj CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 6 ICE ARENA INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OTHER REVENUE 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00- 100.00- 0 64.30 122.85 55.01 67.84 123.32 0 0.00 11.67 2.09 9.58 458.37 0 ICE ARENA COMBINE SHEET 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27,795.95 300,958.89 224,489.22 76,469.67 34.06 451,300 21,946.07- 256,604.14- 221,497.83- 35,106.31- 15.84 414,960 9 0.00 108,378.44- 0.00 108,378.44- 0.00 100,000 6,830.00- 44,860.00- 27,160.00- 17,700.00- 65.16 80,000 980.12- 108,883.69- 24,168.61- 23,663.36 97.90- 43,660- REPORT NBR. FSBROI ACCOUNT NBR DESCRIPTION 23- 3265 - 000 -00 DONATIONS 23- 3410 - 000 -00 MEMBERSHIPS 23- 3500 - 000 -00 REGISTRATION FEES 23- 3800 - 000 -00 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 23- 4100 - 611 -61 PERSONAL SERVICES 23- 4105- 611 -61 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 23- 4110- 611 -61 23- 4120 - 611 -61 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 23- 4130 - 611 -61 23- 4144 - 611 -61 OTHER PAY Total Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 23- 4201 - 611 -61 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 23- 4202 - 611 -61 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 23- 4204 - 611 -61 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 23- 4208 - 611 -61 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 23- 4209 - 611 -61 23- 4214 - 611 -61 ADVERTISING OTHER 23- 4216- 611 -61 PROF SERVICES AUDIT 23- 4290 - 611 -61 POSTAGE 23- 4291 - 611 -61 1989 Total Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR 23- 4504- 611 -61 w DESCRIPTION GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 1 ART CENTER INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OPERATING- REVENUES 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 6,350.55 16,764.59 10,414.04- 62.11- 18000 740.00 6,870.00 5,325.00 1,545.00 29.01 9900 24,272.90 90,509.83 67,467.48 23,042.35 34.15 105000 513.00 1,395.05 1,035.30 359.75 34.74 2500 25,525.90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105,125.43 90,592.37 14,533.06 16.04 135400 OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Personal Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 360.00- 2,520.00- 2,450.00- 70.00- 2.85 4320 1,032.24- 16,259.44- - 14,502.24- 1,757.20- 12.11 26000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1,455.80- 11,726.40- 12,533.25- 806.85 6.43- 19345 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 245.60- 1,228.00- 212.40 - 1,015.60- 478.15 0 3,093.b4- 31,733.84- 9 9- 3 .9 - 6.85 49665 Contractual Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 6,248.00- 39,349.00- 36,644.50- 2,704.50- 7.38 57500 0.00 74.00- 237.00- 163.00 68.77- 500 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 64.00- 70.65- 6.65 9.41- 50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 150.00- 945.40- 1,548.51- 603.11 38.94- 3000 0.00 100.00- 100.00- 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 111.40- 35.41- 75.99- 214.60 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 6,398.00- 40,643.80- - - 5.19 61250 Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 210.51- 1,265.29- 572.54- 692.75- 120.99 350 REPORT NBR. FSBROI ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 23- 4516 - 611 -61 OFFICE SUPPLIES 23- 4588 - 611 -61 CRAFTS SUPPLIES 23- 4600 - 611 -61 PRINTING 23- 4642 - 611 -61 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 23- 4802 - 611 -61 CENTRAL SERVICE GENE Total Commodities TOTAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 23- 4105 - 612 -61 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 23- 4120 - 612 -61 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES Total Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 23- 4201 - 612 -61 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 23- 4248 - 612 -61 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 23- 4250 - 612 -61 RUBBISH REMOVAL 23- 4252 - 612 -61 LIGHT & POWER 23- 4254 - 612 -61 HEAT 23- 4256 - 612 -61 TELEPHONE 23- 4258 - 612 -61 SEWER & WATER 23- 4262 - 612 -61 23- 4304 - 612 -61 ALARM SERVICE Total Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 23- 4504 - 612 -61 GENERAL SUPPLIES 23- 4512- 612 -61 CLEANING SUPPLIES rwr CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 2 ART CENTER INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OPERATING EXPENSES Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 63.67- 574.90- 472.96- 101.94- 21.55 300 1,021.99- 4,529.91- 2,283.92- 2,245.99- 98.33 3000 235.01- 6,159.67- 3,760.30- 2,399.37- 63.80 6000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 950.00- 6,795.28- 6,357.21- 438.07- 6.89 11400 2,481.18- 19,325.u5- 13,446 . 93- 5,878.12- 43.71 11,972.82- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91,702.69- 81,780.89- 9,921.80- 12.13 132015 MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Personal Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 187.20- 2,364.62- 278.30- 2,086.32- 749.66 500 344.64- 1,165.32- 2,637.50- 1,4 72.18 55.81- 3500 531.84- 3,529.94- - 6 - .0 00 Contractual Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET . 0.00 124.00- 135.60- 11.60 8.55- 200 224.95- 1,559.92- 1,375.74- 184.18- 13.38 2500 55.42- 193.97- 150.32- 43.65- 29.03 200 444.55- 3,279.27- 3,434.46- 155.19 4.51- 6100 0.00 849.32- 943.42- 94.10 9.97- 1050 201.52- 1,335.34- 1,276.92- 58.42- 4.57 3150 25.50- 46.00- 41.00- 5.00- 12.19 85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 139.73- 279.46- 279.46- 0.00 0.00 600 1,091.67- 7, 667. - 92- - Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 1.49- 363.85- 468.82- 104.97 22.39- 2500 0.00 111.95- 572.80- 460.85 80.45- 750 REPORT NBR. FSBR01 CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 3 ART CENTER INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OPERATING EXPENSES Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 23- 4544 - 612 -61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Total Commodities 1.49- - - 565.82 54.32- TOTAL MAINTENANCE 1,625.00- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,673.02- 11,594.34- 78.68- 0.67 21135 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 13,597.82- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103,375.71- 93,375.23- 10,000.48- 0.00 153150 OPERATING INCOME: - - 11,928.08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,749.72 2,782.86- 4,532.58 162.87- 17750- OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV REPORT NBR. FSBR01 INCREASE CITY OF EDINA PROJECTED PAGE: 4 ART CENTER INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET GIFT & GALLERY SHOP SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 370.83- --37-0.-83::---- 3,721.71- 2,863.72- OPERATING REVENUES 857.99- 29.96 2000 Total ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED .99- JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 23- 3445 - 000 -00 RETAIL SALES 2,592.08 13,456.84 13,299.83 157.01 1.18 26500 23- 3625 - 000 -00 SALES OTHER 711.21 5,092.65 4,222.99 869.66 20.59 8500 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 3,303.29 18,549.49 17,522.82 1,026.67 5.85 35000 OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 23- 4120 - 613 -61 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 370.83- --37-0.-83::---- 3,721.71- 2,863.72- 857.99- 29.96 2000 Total Personal Services 21.7 - 2,863./Z- .99- 29.96 2000 Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 23- 4201 - 613 -61 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 23- 4248- 613 -61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Total Contractual Services 0.00 0.00 0. 0 0.00 0.00 0 Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D ° DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 23- 4504 - 613 -61 GENERAL SUPPLIES 0.00 165.33- 390.45- 225.12 57.65- 300- 23- 4540 - 613 -61 REPAIR PARTS 0.00 32.85- 61.73- 28.88 46.78- 300 23- 4624 - 613 -61 COST OF GOODS SOLD F 580.75- 7,262.29- 7,530.45- 268.16 3.56- 11000 23- 4634 - 613 -61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 23- 4642 - 613 -61 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Total Commodities - - - 522.16 6.54- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 951.58- 11,182.18- 10,846.35- 335.83- 0.00 13600 GIFT AND GALLERY SHOP INCOME: 2,351.71 7,367.31 6,676.47 690.84 10.34 21400 -------------- ---- - - - - -- REPORT NBR. FSBR01 DESCRIPTION 23- 3350 - 000 -00 OTHER REVENUE 23- 3357 - 000 -00 SALES TAX 23- 3720 - 000 -00 CASH OVER OR UNDER DESCRIPTION TOTAL REVENUES: TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES: INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION: 23- 4810 - 611 -61 PROVISION FOR DEPR TOTAL NET INCOME: CITY OF EDINA ART CENTER INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OTHER REVENUE 1989 1989 PREV JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D PAGE: 5 INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 263.15 359.67 132.48 227.19 171.49 0 0.00 0.07 31.32 31.25- 99.77- 0 ART CENTER COMBINED SHEET 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 29,092.34 124,034.66 108,278.99 15,755.67 14.55 170400 14 549.40- 114 557.89- 104 221.58- 10 336.31- 9.91 166750 94 476. 4,0 1 419. 6 .56 3650 1,155.00- 8.137.00- 8,449.00- 312.00 3.69- 15000 13,387.94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,339.77 4,391.59- 5,731.36 130.50- 11350 - „• 4 REPORT NBR. FSBR02 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27 -3210- 000 -00 INCOME ON INVESTMENT 27- 3410 - 000 -00 MEMBERSHIPS 27- 3417- 000 -00 GOLF LESSONS 27- 3420 - 000 -00 GREEN FEES EIGHTEEN 27- 3425 - 000 -00 GREEN FEES NINE HOLE 27- 3450 - 000 -00 LOCKER RENTAL 27- 3470 - 000 -00 COMPUTERIZED HANDICA 27- 3476 - 000 -00 CART & CLUB RENTAL 27- 3800 - 000 -00 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4100 - 661 -66 PERSONAL SERVICES .,:..27- 4105- 661 -66 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO ,,27- 4110 - 661 -66 27- 4120- 661 -66 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 77`27- 4130 - 661 -66 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 27- 4144 - 661 -66 OTHER PAY Total Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4202 - 661 -66 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 27- 4204 - 661 -66 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 27- 4208 - 661 -66 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 27- 4216 - 661 -66 PROF SERVICES AUDIT 27- 4260 - 661 -66 27- 4290 - 661 -66 POSTAGE Total Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR 27- 4504 - 661 -66 DESCRIPTION GENERAL SUPPLIES -0$ -,a1 CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 1 GOLF COURSE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OPERATING REVENUES 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 13,098.93 0.00 13,098.93 0.00 0 2,221.70 89,121.33 85,327.93 3,793.40 4.44 88,000 2,036.45 5,731.80 41,271.00 35,539.20- 86.11- 4,000 71,300.47 205,758.71 219,235.85 13,477.14- 6.14- 350,000 25,556.60 79,912.03 91,890.10 11,978.07- 13.03- 145,000 0.00 1,334.00 1,357.00 23.00- 1.69- 1,500 2,282.00- 1,068.00 879.50 188.50 21.43 3,000 4,269.34 11,351.88 11,466.29 114.41- 0.99- 11,000 956.40 2,413.50 2,429.14 15.64- 0.64- 1,500 104,058.96 -------------------------------------=----------------------------------------- 409,790.18 453,856.81 44,066.63- 9.70- 604,000 ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Personal Services 1989 1989 PREY INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 1,000.00- 12,200.00- 47,589.50- 35,389.50 74.36- 12,000 3,058.25- 31,028.94- 33,389.45- 2,360.51 7.06- 95,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 13,516.32- 41,312.88- 46,542.57- 5,229.69 11.23- 95,000 90.00 - 497.79- 958.01- 460.22 48.03- 2,000 0.00 10,961.22- 6,553.78- 4,407.44- 67.25 0 17,664.51- 96,000.83- 135,033.31- ,03 .48 28.90- 204,000 Contractual Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 73.00- 140.39- 202.00- 61.61 30.50- 2,500 80.00 - 777.33- 656.35- 120.98- 18.43 1,000 60.00- 193.92- 305.96- 112.04 36.61- 800 0.00 3,995.21 - 900.00- 3,095.21- 343.91 1,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 54.66- 72.00- 17.34 24.08- 200 213.00- 5,161.51- 1- - 141.60 5,500 Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 104.52- 277.72- 0.00 277.72- 0.00 0 REPORT NBR. FSBR02 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4516- 661 -66 27 -4600- 661 -66 27- 4642 - 661 -66 27- 4802 - 661 -66 27- 4808 - 661 -66 Total OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING SAFETY EQUIPMENT CENTRAL SERVICE GENE EQUIPMENT OPERATION Commodities TOTAL ADMINISTRATION rri . %tip`.' CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 2 GOLF COURSE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 136.87- 1,585.70 - 2,092.22- 506.52 24.20- 4,000 154.50- 2,474.18- 5,204.74- 2,730.56 52.46- 8,000 0.00 54.00- 191.53- 137.53 71.80- 1,000 4,100.00- 28,700.00- 26,250.00- 2,450.00- 9.33 49,200 1,100.00- 7,700.00- 7,350.00- 350.00- 4.76 13,200 5,595.89- - .4 - 296.89 0.72- 75,40U 23,473.46- 141,953.94 - 178,258.11- 36,304.17 20.36- 284,900 %tip`.' I r 0 REPORT NBR. FSBR02.. CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 3 GOLF COURSE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OPERATING EXPENSES MAINTENANCE OF COURSE Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREY INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 4105 - 664 -66 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 5,830.40- 59,459.44- 51,242.72- .8,216.72- 16.03 125,000 27- 4110 - 664 -66 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 1,702.70- 10,508.17- 7,729.47- 2,778.70- 35.94 10,000 27- 4120 - 664 -66 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 4,522.72- 23,741.24- 22,948.72- 792.52- 3.45 30,000 27- 4130 - 664 -66 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 412.86- 1,329.54- 3 640.81- 2,311.27 63.48- 3 000 Total Personal Services - 9- - 9,475.67- .0 00 Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 4201 - 664 -66 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 0.00 3,840.00- 2,692.50- 1,147.50- 42.61 15,000 27- 4248 - 664 -66 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 25,123.29- 33,704.55- 3,953.95- 29,750.60- 752.42 5,000 27- 4250 - 664 -66 RUBBISH REMOVAL 153.50- 273.85- 276.46- 2.61 0.94- 600 27- 4252 - 664 -66 LIGHT & POWER 286.00- 1,167.97- 1,222.02- 54.05 4.42- 3,000 27- 4254 - 664 -66 HEAT 0.00 942.13- 909.22- 32.91- 3.61 2,000 27- 4256- 664 -66 TELEPHONE 52.70- 382.65- 295.25- 87.40- 29.60 700 27- 4262 - 664 -66 LAUNDRY 108.17- 166.17- 159.60- 6.57- 4.11 300 27- 4288 - 664 -66 SERVICE CONTRACT EQU 65.75- 2,255.43- 0.00 2,255.43- 0.00 3,000 27- 4304 - 664 -66 ALARM SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 000 Total Contractual Services 25,789.41- 42.732.75- - 33,223.75- 9. 0 Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 4504 - 664 -66 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,953.12- 11,352.00- 8,453.10- 2,898.90- 34.29 13,000 27- 4522 - 664 -66 SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000 27- 4524 - 664 -66 BLACKTOP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000 27- 4540 - 664 -66 REPAIR PARTS 4,919.09- 17,171.57- 9,448.17- 7,723.40- 81.74 15,000 27- 4544 - 664 -66 PAINT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500 27- 4558 - 664 -66 FERTILIZER 0.00 390.00- 326.50- 63.50- 19.44 12,000 27- 4560 - 664 -66 PLANTINGS & TREES 0.00 67.35- 0.00 67.35- 0.00 10,000 27- 4562 - 664 -66 SOD & BLACK DIRT 2,673.00- 6,289.50- 5,621.24- 668.26- 11.88 7,000 27- 4564 - 664 -66 CHEMICALS 0.00 3,264.01- 2,423.05- 840.96- 34.70 7,000 27- 4580 - 664 -66 TOOLS 0.00 624.62- 273.87- 350.75- 128.07 1,000 27- 4604 - 664 -66 LUMBER 0.00 189.67- 141.28- 48.39- 34.25 300 27- 4612 - 664 -66 GASOLINE 1,900.19- 4,845.18- 3,617.27- 1,227.91- 33.94 9,000 Total Commodities - 44,193.90-. - 13.669.42- 45.83 81,80U TOTAL MAINTENANCE 49,703.49- 181,965.04- 125,375.20- 56,589.84- 45.13 284,400 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 73,176.95- 323,918.98- 303,633.31- 20,285.67- 6.68 569,300 OPERATING INCOME: 30,882.01 85,871.20 150,223.50 64,352.30- 42.83- 34,700 I r 0 M REPORT NBR. FSBR02 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 3230 - 000 -00 RENTAL OF PROPERTY TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4105 - 662 -66 � REGULAR EMPLO 1,996.82- 12,779.54- J 11,534.44- CITY OF EDINA 926.38 HEAT 6,000 PAGE: 4 GOLF COURSE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT 0.00 449.28- 0.00 449.28- CLUB HOUSE 0.00 6,516.13- 0 27- 4120 - 662 -66 SALARY OPERATING REVENUES 293.75- 1,110.52- 1,860.63- 750.11 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 2,740.00 13,722.00 14,781.00 1,059.00- 7 16- 28,000 14,339.34- - 11,214.26----M-8-94 480.99- 30.39 6.31- 2,740.00 13,722.00 14,781.00 1,059.00- 7.16- 28,000 0.00 OPERATING EXPENSES 473.99 - 2 641.97- 1 59852 . 4,240.49- 265.27- Personal Services - 8, 0. 1- - 3,580.67- 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 4105 - 662 -66 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 1,996.82- 12,779.54- 1,245.10- 11,534.44- LIGHT & POWER 926.38 HEAT 6,000 27- 4110 - 662 -66 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 0.00 449.28- 0.00 449.28- Total 0.00 6,516.13- 0 27- 4120 - 662 -66 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 293.75- 1,110.52- 1,860.63- 750.11 2,000 40.31- 9,224.18- 5;000 27- 4130 - 662 -66 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 0.00 0.00 19.35- 19.35 0.96 100.00- 601.37- 200 Total Personal Services - 14,339.34- - 11,214.26----M-8-94 480.99- 30.39 6.31- 11,200 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4201 - 662 -66 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 27- 4248 - 662 -66 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 27- 4250 - 662 -66 RUBBISH REMOVAL 27- 4252 - 662 -66 LIGHT & POWER 27- 4254 - 662 -66 HEAT 27- 4256- 662 -66 TELEPHONE 27- 4258 - 662 -66 SEWER & WATER 27- 4288 - 662 -66 SERVICE CONTRACT EQU 27- 4304 - 662 -66 ALARM SERVICE Total Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4504 - 662 -66 GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4512 - 662 -66 CLEANING SUPPLIES 27- 4544 - 662 -66 PAINT 27- 4604 - 662 -66 LUMBER Total Commodities TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES CLUB HOUSE INCOME: Contractual Services 1989 1989 PREY INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 3,129.23- 4,946.23- 2,543.12- 2,403.11- 94.49 3,500 616.30- 2,537.55- 6,516.13- 3,978.58 61.05- 25,000 7.52.77- 1,504.79- 1,190.52- 314.27- 26.39 2,000 3,128.69- 9,224.18- 9,799.89- 575.71 5.87- 15,000 0.00 4,409.69- 4,367.65- 42.04- 0.96 9,000 601.37- 2,748.20- 1,859.76- 888.44- 47.77 3,500 310.00- 450.60- 480.99- 30.39 6.31- 500 0.00 277.00- 0.00 277.00- 0.00 5,000 473.99 - 2 641.97- 1 59852 . 4,240.49- 265.27- 4 000 - 8, 0. 1- - 3,580.67- 1 14.23 Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 1,022.66- 2,098.69- 3,142.70- 1,044.01 33.22- 4,000 0.00 0.00 212.66- 212:66 100.00- 3,000 0.00 86.02- 193.82- 107.80 55.61- 500 0.00 68.64- 864.50- 795.86 92.06- 1,000 1,022.66- - - 2,160.33 48. F— 8,500 12,325.58- 45,332.90- 32,698.30- 12,634.60- 38.63 87,200 9,585.58- 31,610.90- 17,917.30- 13,693.60- 76.42 59,200- REPORT NBR III FSBR02 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 3440 - 000 -00 CONCESSION SALES TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4110 - 663 -66 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 27- 4120 - 663 -66 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 27- 4130 - 663 -66 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO Total Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4200 - 663 -66 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 27- 4201 - 663 -66 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 27- 4248 - 663 -66 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 27- 4262- 663 -66 LAUNDRY 27- 4288 - 663 -66 SERVICE CONTRACT EQU Total Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4504 - 663 -66 GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4512 - 663 -66 CLEANING SUPPLIES 27- 4624 - 663 -66 COST OF GOODS SOLD F 27- 4630 - 663 -66 COST OF GOODS SOLD B 27- 4642 - 663 -66 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Total Commodities TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES GRILL INCOME: 0 CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 5 GOLF COURSE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT. GRILL OPERATING REVENUES 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 31,232.87 92,895.63 99,124.65 6,229.02- 6.28- 150,000 31,232.87 92,895.63 99,124.65 6,229.02 - 6.28- 150,000 OPERATING EXPENSES Personal Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 40.87- 0.00 40.87- 0.00 0 4,099.50- 30,150.00- 25,510.01- 4,639.99- 18.18 40,000 94.86- 1.206.06- 684.49- 521.57- 76.19 000 4-,-T94.36- 31,J95.93- 26,194.50- 5,202.43- 9. 41;600 Contractual Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 0.00 484.00- 484.00 100.00- 0 196.75- 935.25- 434.35- 500.90- 115.32 300 0.00 881.98- 1,226.52- 344.54 28.09- 4,500 262.20- 536.06- 380.78- 155.28- 40.77 1,500 63.50- 631.00- 0.00 631.00- 0.00 3,000 522.45- - - 458.64- 18.15 9.3uu Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 2,959.79- 4,947.74 - 3,657.25- 1,290.49- 35.28 4,000 . 611.09- 1,415.56- 1,222.84- 192.72- 15.76 2,000 9,112.74- •25,089.02- 23,155.68- 1,933.34- 8.34 43,000 2,314.45- 4,756.40- 5,207.53- 451.13 .8.66- 10,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 14,998.07- . 2- 33,243.30- 2,965.42- 8.92 59,000 19,714.88- 70,589.94- 61,963.45- 8,626.49- 13.92 109,300 11,517.99 22,305.69 37,161.20 14,855.51- 39.97- 40,700 REPORT NBR. FSBR02 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 3475 - 000 -00 RENTAL GOLF CARS & C TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE CITY OF EDINA PAGE GOLF COURSE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT GOLF CARS OPERATING REVENUES 6 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 26,447.53 60,839.11 70,692.82 9,853.71- 13.93- 110,000 26,447.53 60,839.11 70, 692.82-- - - - -9, 853_71___ - -- 13_93_ - - - - -- 110_000 OPERATING EXPENSES Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 JULY PREV 1989 Y -T -D PREV Y -T -D PROJECTED INCREASE DECREASE PERCENT CHANGE PROJECTED BUDGET 27- 4105 - 665 -66 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 118.56- BUDGET 5,006.13- 798.00- 4,208.13- 329.82 527.33 35.06- 5,000 0 27- 4110 - 665 -66 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 22.23- 610.68- 0.00 940.50- 0.00 52.63- 0.00 0.00 0 27- 4110 - 665 -66 27- 4120 - 665 -66 SALARY OT REG EMPLO SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 0.00 711.24- 8.4 - 2,708.02- 3,769.05- 13,747.53- 1,061.03 28.15- 7,000 27- 4130 - 665 -66 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 0.00 47,091.58 0.00 214.20- - - -12_ 328_38_ - 214.20 - 100.00- 0 Total Personal Services .03- - - •. ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4201 - 665 -66 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 27- 4248 - 665 -66 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 27- 4276 - 665 -66 LEASE LINES Total Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 27- 4504 - 665 -66 GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4540 - 665 -66 REPAIR PARTS Total Commodities TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES GOLF CARS INCOME: Contractual Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 0.00 73.50- 73.50 100.00- 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000 1,250.00- 2,050.00- 0.00 2,050.00- 0.00 3,000 0.0 - - - 2689.11 5,UUU Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 1,012.60- 495.00- 517.60- 104.56 3,000 481.54- 2,360.10- 4.982.61- 2,622.51 52.63- 8,000 481.54- - 1- 8.4 - ll.UUU 2,583.57- 13,747.53- 11, 272.86-- - - - -2_ 474_67_ - - - -- 21_95-- - - - - -- 28_000 23,863.96 47,091.58 - - -- 59,419_96-- - - -12_ 328_38_ - - - -- 20_74_- - - - - -- 82_000 REPORT NBR. FSBR02 DESCRIPTION CITY OF EDINA 1989 PREV INCREASE PAGE: 7 PROJECTED GOLF COURSE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE RANGE 27- 4100 - 666 -66 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATING REVENUES 0.00 0 27- 4105 - 666 -66 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED SALARY OT REG EMPLOY JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 3430 - 000 -00 GREEN FEES EXEC COUR 31,457.31 93,612.03 93,797.17 185.14- 0.19- 180,000 27- 3435 - 000 -00 DRIVING RANGE 40,114.39 129,276.42 141,816.52 12,540.10- 8.84- 180,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 71,571.70 222,888.45 235,613.69 12,725.24- 5.40- 360,000 OPERATING EXPENSES Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 4100 - 666 -66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 27- 4105 - 666 -66 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 980.96- 7,749.58- 9,693.24- 1,943.66 20.05- 20,000 27- 4110 - 666 -66 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 294.29- 1,177.15- 0.00 1,177.15- 0.00 0 27- 4120 - 666 -66 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 3,521.53- 22,011.80- 19,229.97- 2,781.83- 14.46 30,000 27- 4130 - 666 -66 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 0.00 22.73- 6.12- 16.61- 271.40 0 Total Personal Services - - - - Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREY INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 4248 - 666 -66 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 65.75- 133.75- 0.00 133.75- 0.00 1,000 Total Contractual Services - 133.75- 0.00 - 0.00 l,UUU Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 4504- 666 -66 GENERAL SUPPLIES 994.16- 3,779.19- 21.18 - 3,758.01- 7743.20 0 27- 4540 - 666 -66 REPAIR PARTS 23.07- 45.47- 1,152.15- 1,106.68 96.05- 5,000 27- 4562 - 666 -66 SOD & BLACK DIRT 642.56- 1,092.56- 2,205.00- 1,112.44 50.45- 7,000 27- 4564- 666 -66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 27- 4636 - 666 -66 RANGE BALLS 82.92- 82.92- 6,821.13- 6,738.21 98.78- 8,000 Total Commodities 1,742.71- .1 - 1U,199.46- 5,199.32 50.97- zu,uuu TOTAL OPERATING.EXPENSES 6,605.24- 36,095.15- 39,128.79- 3,033.64 7.75- 71,000 RANGE INCOME: 64,966.46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186,793.30 196,484.90 9,691.60- 4.93- 289,000 r`" REPORT NBR. FSBR02 CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 8 GOLF COURSE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT GOLF DOME OPERATING REVENUES ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 3375 - 000 -00 GOLF DOME RECEIPTS 0.00 209,637.25 0.00 209,637.25 0.00 180,700 27- 3432 - 000 -00 DOME RENTAL 0.00 19,226.15 0.00 19,226.15 0.00 58,000 27- 3445 - 000 -00 RETAIL SALES 0.00 1,637.54 0.00 1,637.54 0.00 1,500 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 230,500.94 0.00 230,500.94 0.00 240,200 - - - - -- - OPERATING EXPENSES Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 4100 - 667 -66 PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 4,215.00- 0.00 4,215.00- 0.00 10,000 27- 4105 - 667 -66 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 0.00 9,983.56- 0.00 9,983.56- 0.00 20,000 27- 4110 - 667 -66 SALARY OT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 27- 4120 - 667 -66 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 0.00 14,433.88- 0.00 14,433.88- 0.00 10,000 27- 4130 - 667 -66 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 0.00 974.71- 0.00 974.71- 0.00 1 000 Total Personal Services 29,607.15- 0. 29,607.15- ,00 . Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D, Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 4201 - 667 -66 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 0.00 600.00- 0.00 600.00- 0.00 1,000 27- 4214 - 667 -66 ADVERTISING OTHER 295.00- 4,567.20- 0.00 4,567.20- 0.00 8,000 27- 4216 - 667 -66 PROF SERVICES AUDIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300 27- 4248 - 667 -66 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 116.10- 956.56- 0.00 956.56- 0.00 1,000 27- 4250 - 667 -66 RUBBISH REMOVAL 0.00 119.32- 0.00 119.32- 0.00 350 27- 4252 - 667 -66 LIGHT & POWER 643.17- 4,361.23- 0.00 4,361.23- 0.00 10,000 27- 4254 - 667 -66 HEAT 0.00 14,580.53- 0.00 14,580.53- 0.00 35,000 27- 4256 - 667 -66 TELEPHONE 101.33- 1,145.63- 0.00 1,145.63- 0.00 1,200 27- 4258 - 667 -66 SEWER & WATER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 27- 4288 - 667 -66 SERVICE CONTRACT EQU 120.00- 1,735.65- 0.00 1,735.65- 0.00 7,000 Total Contractual Services - - - 0.00 b4,U5U n REPORT NBR. FSBR02 CITY OF EDINA GOLF COURSE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: 9 GOLF DOME OPERATING EXPENSES Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 27- 4504 - 667 -66 27- 4512 - 667 -66 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES 37.35- 1,638.39- 0.00 1,638.39- 0.00 5,000 27- 4516 - 667 -66 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00. 250.36' 667.80- 0.00 0.00 667.80- 543.26- 0.00 0.00 1,000 27- 4540 - 667 -66 27- 4630 - 667 -66 REPAIR PARTS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 0.00 967.20- 0.00 967.20- 0.00 1,000 2,000 27- 4636 - 667 -66 RANGE BALLS 0.00 0.00 1,04 1.70- 13,046.94- 0.00 0.00 1,041.70- 13,046.94- 0.00 0.00 1,000 27- 4802 - 667 -66 CENTRAL SERVICE GENE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000 Total Commodities 1- 17,905.29- 0 4 000 - 0.0 2 ,00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,563.31- 75,578.56- 0.00 75.,578.56- 0.00 134,050 DOME INCOME: 1,563.31- 154,922.38 - - - - -- -0_00 154,922.38 0.00 106,150 n 1 REPORT NBR. FSBR02 27- 3350 - 000 -00 27- 3357 - 000 -00 27- 3720 - 000 -00 TOTAL TOTAL INCOM 27- 4300 - 661 -66 27- 4810 - 661 -66 TOTAL DESCRIPTION OTHER REVENUE SALES TAX CASH OVER OR UNDER DESCRIPTION REVENUES: OPERATING EXPENSES: BEFORE DEPRECIATION: INTEREST BONDS PROVISION FOR DEPR NET INCOME: 0 1! ! CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 10 GOLF COURSE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OTHER REVENUES 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE `PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 794.85, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 13,929.04 20,186.11 13,535.04 0.00 49.13 0 101.75 66.29- 8.42- 0.00 687.29 0 GOLF COURSE COMBINE SHEET 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 250,081.85 1,051,550.98 887,595.59 163,955.39 18.47 1,492,200 115,969.53- 565,263.06- 448,696.71- 116,566.35- 25.97 998 850 10.79 9 53 0.00 92,611.62- 46,062.50- 46,549.12- 101.05 90,500 8,715.00- 61,005.00- 61,075.00- 70.00 0.11- 140,000 125,397.32 332,671.30 331,761.38 909.92 0.27 262,850 0 1! ! � � J REPORT NBR. FSBR03 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 29- 3230 - 000 -00 RENTAL OF PROPERTY 29- 3405 - 000 -00 GENERAL ADMISSIONS 29- 3442 - 000 -00 VENDING & CONCESSION 29- 3445 - 000 -00 RETAIL SALES 29- 3500 - 000 -00 REGISTRATION FEES TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 29- 4100 - 721 -72 PERSONAL SERVICES 29- 4105 - 721 -72 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 29- 4110 - 721 -72 29- 4120 - 721 -72 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 29- 4130 - 721 -72 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 29- 4144 - 721 -72 Total Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 29- 4204 - 721 -72 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 29- 4208 - 721 -72 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 29- 4216 - 721 -72 PROF SERVICES AUDIT 29- 4260- 721 -72 Total Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 29- 4516 - 721 -72 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29- 4600 - 721 -72 PRINTING 29- 4642 - 721 -72 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 29- 4802 - 721 -72 CENTRAL SERVICE GENE CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 1 GUN RANGE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OPERATING REVENUES 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 9,129.50 3,500.00 5,629.50 160.84 12440 1,168.87 10,339.91 8,119.15 2,220.76 27.35 14000 130.00 465.00 537.00 72.00- 13.40- 800 647.88 4,406.60 3,153.24 1,253.36 39.74 4000 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0 1,946.75 24,841.01 15,309.39 9,531.62 62.25 31240 OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Personal Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 100.00- 700.00- 700.00- 0.00 0.00 1200 0.00 74.76- 121.00- 46.24 38.21- 700 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 38.60- 38.60 100.00- 14000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00- 6- 859.60- 84.84 9.86- 15900 a Contractual Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 0.00 30.00- 30.00 100.00- .15 0.00 0.00 102.31- 102.31 100.00 - 0 0.00 100.00- 100.00- 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 100.00- - 132.31 56.95- Commodities 1989 1989 PREY INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 165.48- 17.61- 147.87- 839.69 500 0.00 0.00 20.90- 20.90 100.00- 200 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 30.00- 210.00- 175.00- 35.00- 20.00 2400 �4% REPORT NBR. FSBR03 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION Total Commodities TOTAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 29- 4105 - 722 -72 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 0.00 363.44- 0.00 363.44- 0.00 0 29- 4120 - 722 -72 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 659.60- 8.003.44- 6.122.45- 1.880.99- 30.72 0 Total Personal Services - - _ _ 36.65 0 Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 29- 4201 - 722 -72 GENERAL SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 CITY OF EDINA 29- 4248 - 722 -72 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 0.00 PAGE: 2 GUN RANGE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT 69.54- 400 29- 4250 - 722 -72 PAINT OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Personal Services LIGHT & POWER 194.68 - 1,952.34- 2,126.86- 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET LAUNDRY - - - - 75.86 3150 130.00- 1,250.24- 1,305.42- 55.18 4.22- 19165 4 GUN.RANGE OPERATION TOTAL RANGE OPERATION 1,383.90- 13,082.30- Personal Services 477.71 3.52- 11425 TOTAL 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 29- 4105 - 722 -72 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 0.00 363.44- 0.00 363.44- 0.00 0 29- 4120 - 722 -72 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 659.60- 8.003.44- 6.122.45- 1.880.99- 30.72 0 Total Personal Services - - _ _ 36.65 0 Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 29- 4201 - 722 -72 GENERAL SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 29- 4248 - 722 -72 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 0.00 125.49- 412.08- 286.59 69.54- 400 29- 4250 - 722 -72 PAINT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 29- 4252 - 722 -72 LIGHT & POWER 194.68 - 1,952.34- 2,126.86- 174.52 8.20- 3800 29- 4256 - 722 -72 TELEPHONE 42.29- 261.44- 235.07- 26.37- 11.21 600 29- 4262 - 722 -72 LAUNDRY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Total Contr.actual Services - - _ 4 _ ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 29- 4504- 722 -72 GENERAL SUPPLIES 207.68- 300.85- .579.66- 278.81 48.09- 700 29- 4512 - 722 -72 CLEANING SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 58.78- 58.78 100.00- 325 29- 4544 - 722 -72 PAINT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 29- 4572 - 722 -72 AMMUNITION 93.32- 1,101.47- 3,394.54- 2,293.07 67.55- 2500 29- 4624 - 722 -72 COST OF GOODS SOLD F 39.73- 113.18- 123.09- 9.91 8.05- 600 29- 4648- 722 -72 TARGETS 146.60- 860.65- 507.48- 353.17- 69.59 2500 Total Commodities 3- - - 04- TOTAL RANGE OPERATION 1,383.90- 13,082.30- 13,560.01- 477.71 3.52- 11425 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,513.90- 14,332.54- 14,865.43- 532.89 3.58- 30590 OPERATING INCOME: 432.85 10,508.47 443.96 10,064.51 2266.98 650 REPORT NBR. FSBR03 29- 3350 - 000 -00 29- 3357 - 000 -00 29- 3720 - 000 -00 DESCRIPTION OTHER REVENUE SALES TAX CASH OVER OR UNDER DESCRIPTION TOTAL REVENUES: TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES: INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION: 29- 4810 - 721 -72 PROVISION FOR DEPR TOTAL NET INCOME: CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 3 GUN RANGE INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OTHER REVENUES 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 93.30 505.68 410.80 94.88 23.09 0 109.00 197.45 118.67 78.78 66.38 0 10.75 3.90 190.00- 193.90 102.05- 0 GUN RANGE TOTALS SHEET 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 2,159.80 25,548.04 15,648.86 9,899.18 62.25 31240 1 513.90- 14,332.58- 14,8865.43- 532.89 3.58- 30590 11,215.5 0 7 3.43 10,432.07 T263.56 650 430.00- 3,020.00- 3,080.00- 60.00 1.94- 4000 215.90 8,195.50 2,296.57- 10,492.07 456.85- 3350- REPORT NBR. FSBR06 CITY OF EDINA EDINBOROUGH INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OPERATING REVENUES ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D V PAGE INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30- 3210 - 000 -00 INCOME ON INVESTMENT 0.00 55,042.68 29,970.44 25,072.24 83.65 304000 30- 3501 - 000 -00 MERCHANDISE SALES -TA 98.00- 212.47 339.60- 552.07 162.56- 500 30- 3503 - 000 -00 GRANT AWARDS & OTHER 1,700.00 6,142.14 3,868.00 2,274.14 58.79 12000 30- 3509 - 000 -00 ASSOCIATION FEE 8,910.00 71,699.25 85,205.10 13,505.85- 15.85- 128500 30- 3512 - 000 -00 LESSONS PROGRAM 122.00- 1.086.00 362.50 723.50 199.58 0 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 10,390.00 134,182.54 119,066.44 15,116.10 12.69 445000 OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Personal Services . ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30- 4100 - 781 -78 PERSONAL SERVICES 830.00- 5,810.00- 5,460.00- 350.00- 6.41 6000 30- 4105 - 781 -78 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 2,455.84- 29,880.73- 26,947.36- 2,933.37- 10.88 73581 30- 4110 - 781 -78 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 0.00 350.59- 334.95- 15.64- 4.66 0 30- 4120 - 781 -78 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 2,073.29- 36,211.44- 40,017.83- 3,806.39 9.51- 30000 30- 4130 - 781 -78 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 0.00 47.85- 9.45- 38.40- 406.34 0 30- 4144 - 781 -78 OTHER PAY 647.65- 7.774.43- 0.00 7,774.43- 0.00 0 Total Personal Services - 80,015.U4- - - 10.03 Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30- 4201 - 781 -78 'PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 766.00- 3,145.38 21,747.34- 24,892.72 114.46- 33000 30- 4202 - 781 -78 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 0.00 169.00- 417.00- 248.00 59.47- 500 30- 4204 - 781 -78 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 15.00- 486.60- 135.60- 351.00- 258.84 • 400 30- 4208 - 781 -78 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 270.51- 630.88- 658.94- 28.06 4.25- 800 30- 4214 - 781 -78 ADVERTISING OTHER 555.67- 2,637.40- 770.87- 1,866.53- 242.13 4000 30- 4216 - 781 -78 PROF SERVICES AUDIT 0.00 700.00- 700.00- 0.00 0.00 700 30- 4224 - 781 -78 PROF SERVICES OTHER 3,856.10- 16,941.10 - 1,446.75- 15,494.35- 1070.97 15000 30- 4260 - 781 -78 INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 254.00- 254.00 100.00- 7000 30- 4288 - 781 -78 SERVICE CONTRACT EQU 90.59- 931.97 - 1,025.66- 93.69 9.13- 3500 30- 4290 - 781 -78 POSTAGE 25.00- 141.77- 412.03- 270.26 65.59- 800 Total Contractual Services - 19,493.34- - - Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30- 4504 - 781 -78 GENERAL SUPPLIES 32.88- 1,292.18- 2,420.35- 1,128.17 46.61- 2000 30- 4516 - 781 -78 OFFICE SUPPLIES 334.73- 3,214.41- 3,598.50- 384.09 10.67- 3000 30- 4600 - 781 -78 PRINTING 1,529.34- 9,101.35- 10,355.67- 1,254.32 12.11- 7000 30- 4642 - 781 -78 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 0.00 144.50- 135.69- 8.81- 6.49 750 30- 4802 - 781 -78 CENTRAL SERVICE GENE 3.400.00- 23 800.00- 20,300.00- . 3 50000- 17.24 41000 Total Commodities - - - - •0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 16,882.60- 137,120.82- 137,147.99- 27.17 0.01- 229031 REPORT NBR. FSBR06 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1e/ I-) CITY OF EDINA EDINBOROUGH INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT BUILDING AND GROUNDS Personal Services 1989 1989 PREV JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D PAGE INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET ,� 30- 4105 - 782 -78 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 3,486.56- 52,879.28- 40,879.45- 11,999.83- 29.35 103000 30- 4110 - 782 -78 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 186.44- 3,847.94- 10,160.97- 6,313.03 62.13- 13000 30- 4120 - 782 -78 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 1,354.88- 30,171.80- 30,732.18- 560.38 1.82- 47000 30- 4130 - 782 -78 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 0.00 312.01- 1,738.75- 1,426.74 82.05- 0 Total Personal Services 5,027.88- 7, 3- U3,511.35- - 4.43 1 Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30- 4201 - 782 -78 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 624.00- 8,164.81- 8,615.09- 450.28 5.22- 6000 30- 4248 - 782 -78 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 757.01- 5,637.95- 2,353.87- 3,284.08- 139.51 5000 30- 4250 - 782 -78 RUBBISH REMOVAL 374.10- 1,275.00- 951.60- 323.40- 33.98 1900 30- 4252 - 782 -78 LIGHT & POWER 8,001.39- 39,513.36- 41,720.47- 2,207.11 5.29- 78000 30- 4254 - 782 -78 HEAT 0.00 21,609.67- 20,254.46- 1,355.21- 6.69 50000 30- 4256 - 782 -78 TELEPHONE 429.33- 1,637.40- 3,302.70- 1,665.30 50.42- 4500 30- 4258 - 782 -78 SEWER & WATER 1,254.83- 2,248.38- 1,516.44- 731.94- 48.26 0 30- 4262 - 782 -78 LAUNDRY 237.76- 3,823.31- 2,828.57- 994.74- 35.16 2000 30- 4288 - 782 -78 SERVICE CONTRACT EQU 224.30- 2,088.93- 0.00 2,088.93- 0.00 8000 30- 4304 - 782 -78 ALARM SERVICE 185.50- 537.16- 0.00 537.16- 0.00 2300 Total Contractual Services - -. - - p Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30- 4504 - 782 -78 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2,127.77- 17,130.66- 34,899.58- 17,768.92 50.91- 10000 30- 4512 - 782 -78 CLEANING SUPPLIES 363.60- 5,804.31- 0.00 5,804.31- 0.00 10000 30- 4540 - 782 -78 REPAIR PARTS 0.00 330.26- 242.90- 87.36- 35.96 6250 30- 4544 - 782 -78 PAINT 143.54- 2,525.83- 11.64- 2,514.19- 1599.57 2000 30- 4558 - 782 -78 FERTILIZER 498.80- 498.80- 459.56- 39.24- 8.53 1000 30- 4560 - 782 -78 PLANTINGS & TREES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 30- 4562 - 782 -78 SOD & BLACK DIRT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 30- 4564 - 782 -78 CHEMICALS 0.00 18.48- 0.00 18.48- 0.00 1000 30- 4580 - 782 -78 TOOLS 0.00 441.62- 0.00 441.62- 0.00 500 30- 4612 - 782 -78 GASOLINE 0.00 0.00 19.20- 19.20 100.00- 0 30- 4660 - 7.82 -78 TREES FLOWERS & SCHR 1,092.46- 4,547.53- 0.00 4 547.53- 0.00 17000 Total Commodities 31,291.49 - - - TOTAL BUILD. & GROUND 21,342.27- 205,044.49- 200,687.43- 4,357.06- 2.17 368450 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 38,224.87- 342,165.31- 337,835.42- 4,329.89- 0.00 597481 OPERATING INCOME: 27,834.87- 207,982.77- 218,768.98- 10,786.21 0.00 152481 %O/ REPORT NBR. FSBR06 CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 3 EDINBOROUGH INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT POOL, TRACK AND HALL OPERATING REVENUES ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30- 3405 - 000 -00 30- 3415- 000 -00 GENERAL ADMISSIONS SEASON TICKETS 2,841.98 433.96 49,144.67 38,137.26 11,007.41 28.86 68000 30- 3440 - 000 -00 CONCESSION SALES 50.94 10,187.74 834.34- 8,312.08 699.33 1,875.66 1,533.67- 22.56 219.30- 12000 30- 3450 - 000 -00 LOCKER RENTAL 0.00 78.50 81.80 3.30- 4.03- 3000 0 30- 3485 - 000 -00 30- 3495 - 000 -00 ICE RENTAL SKATE SHARPENING & R 0.00 443.75 0.00 4,947.50 0.00 3,583.25 0.00 1,364.25 0.00 0 30- 3505 - 000 -00 PROGRAM INCOME 721.00 3,361.60 1,599.45 1,762.15 38.07 110.17 5000 4000 30- 3507 - 000 -00 30- 3513 - 000 -00 RENTAL INCOME POOL RENTAL 3,438.20 27,553.00 33,148.79 5,595.79- 16.88- 86500 0.00 1,920.00 750.00 1,170.00 156.00 0 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 7,929.83 96,358.67 86,311.96 - -_- 10_046_71 - - - - -- 11_63-- - - - - -- 178500 OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION Personal Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30- 4105 - 783 -78 30- 4120 - 783 -78 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 0.00 279.13- 0.00 3,388.44- 145.20- 145.20 100.00- 0 30- 4130 - 783 -78 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 0.00 0.00 4,707.04- 0.00 1,318.60 28.01- 8000 Total Personal Services - - - 0.00 1,463.80 0.00 p 16- 0 0 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION Contractual 1989 Services 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30- 4201 - 783 -78 30- 4248 - 783 -78 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 0.00 360.00- 0.00 130.00- 130.00 100.00- 0 30- 4254 - 783 -78 HEAT 0.00 360.00- 0.00 0.00 0.00 360.00- 0.00 2000 30- 4262 - 783 -78 LAUNDRY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Total Contractual Services 360.00- - 500 - - 176.92 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 Commodities 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30- 4504 - 783 -78 30- 4564- 783 -78 GENERAL SUPPLIES CHEMICALS 407.48- 5,134.67- 4,464.65- 670.02- 15.00 4000 30- 4624 - 783 -78 COST OF GOODS SOLD F 252.10- 0.00 1,217.99- 0.00 2,100.03- 413.62- 882.04 42.00- 3000 Total Commodities _ 6_ _ 413.62 100.00- _ 0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 1,298.71- 10,101.10- 11,960.54- 1,859.44 15.54- 17500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES _-- _1_298_71_- 10,101.10- 11,960.54- 1,859.44 15.54- 17500 POOL TRACK & HALL.INCOME: 6,631.12 86,257.57 74,351.42 11,906.15 16.01 161000 REPORT NBR. FSBRO6 30- 3350 - 000 -00 30- 3357 - 000 -00 30- 3720 - 000 -00 TOTAL TOTAL INCOM 30-4810-783-78 TOTAL DESCRIPTION OTHER REVENUE SALES TAX CASH OVER OR UNDER DESCRIPTION REVENUES: OPERATING EXPENSES: BEFORE DEPRECIATION: PROVISION FOR DEPR NET INCOME: J R r� CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 4 EDINBOROUGH INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT .OTHER REVENUES 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 10.00 47.98- 74.18 122.16- 164.68- 0 196.68 469.56 392.15 77.41 19.73 0 16.67 113.94 251.03 137.09- 54.61- 0 EDINBOROUGH COMBINE SHEET 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT, PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 18,543.18 231,076.73 206,095.76 24,980.97 12.12 623500 39,523.58- 352,266.41- 34 9 795.96- 2 47045- . 0.70 614981 0,9 0. - .6 - - - 8 1,935.00- 12,670.00- 0.00 12,670.00- 0.00 30000 22,915.40- 133,859.68- 143,700.20- 9,840.52 6.84= 21481- r� • V i REPORT NBR. FSBR04 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 26- 3230 - 000 -00 RENTAL OF PROPERTY 26- 3405 - 000 -00 GENERAL ADMISSIONS 26- 3415 - 000 -00 SEASON TICKETS TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE CITY OF EDINA POOL INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OPERATING REVENUES 1989 1989 PREV JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D PAGE: 1 INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 0.00 0.00 1989 1,285.00 1,285.00- 100.00- 7500 49,044.49 49,083.49 PROJECTED 63,856.45 14,772.96- 23.13- 22000 556.63 29,840.69 Y -T -D 19,261.29 10,579.40 54.92 67000 49,601.12 78,924.18 0.00 84,402.74 5,478.56- 6.49- 96500 OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Personal Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 0.00 1989 INCREASE PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED 26- 4204 - 681 -68 Y -T -D JULY 0.00 Y -T -D BUDGET Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 26- 4100 - 681 -68 PERSONAL SERVICES 275.00- 0.00 1,925.00- PRINTING 1,890.00- 35.00- 1.85 3600 26- 4105 - 681 -68 SALARY.REGULAR EMPLO 0.00 288.00- 0.00 .124.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 26- 4110 - 681 -68 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 0.00 150.00- 0.00 175.00- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 26- 4120- 681 -68 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 8,857.99- 0.00 23,266.01- 4000 23,572.57- 306.56 1.30- 50000 26- 4130 - 681 -68 SALARY OT TEMP EMPLO 479.63- 0.00 517.88 -. 637.62- 119.74 18.77- 400 26- 4144 - 681 -68 Other Pay 0.00 438.00- 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Total Personal Services 9,612.62- - 26,100.19- 1. .49- ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION Contractual Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 26- 4202 - 681 -68 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 0.00 0.00 66.00- INCREASE 66.00 100.00- 150 26- 4204 - 681 -68 Y -T -D 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 26- 4208 - 681 -68 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRINTING 0.00 0.00 834.49- 150 26- 4214 - 681 -68 ADVERTISING OTHER 0.00 288.00- 0.00 .124.00 288.00- 0.00 140.19- 400 26- 4216 - 681 -68 PROF SERVICES AUDIT 0.00 150.00- 100.00- 175.00- 50.00- 50.00 26- 4808 - 681 -68 150 26- 4260 - 681 -68 1,050.00- 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000 0.00 0.00 226.00- 0 26- 4290 - 681 -68 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 ADMINISTRATION 0.00 0.00 29,684.16- 25 Total Contractual Services 0.00 438.00- - 0- 163.85 875 Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 26- 4516 - 681 -68 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 42.62- 0.00 42.62- 0.00 100 26- 4600 - 681 -68 PRINTING 0.00 1,046.00- 834.49- 211.51- 25.34 800 26- 4642 - 681 -68 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 124.00 .124.00 308.48- 432.48 140.19- 250 26- 4802 - 681 -68 CENTRAL SERVICE GENE 200.00- 1,400.00- 1,225.00- 175.00- 14.28 2400 26- 4808 - 681 -68 EQUIPMENT OPERATION 150.00- 1,050.00- 1,050.00- 0.00 0.00 4000 Total Commodities 226.00- 14.62- - 3.35 0.09- 7550 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 9,838.62- 29,561.51- 29,684.16- 122.65 0.41- 62425 M REPORT NBR. FSBR04 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 26- 4105 - 682 -68 SALARY REGULAR EMPLO 26- 4110 - 682 -68 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 26- 4120 - 682 -68 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES Total Personal Services 0 CITY OF EDINA POOL INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT -POOL OPERATION EXPENSES Personal Services 1989 1989 PREV JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D KI PAGE: 2 INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 337.51- 3,222.00- 5,486.08- 2,264.08 41.26- 8500 0.00 0.00 207.55- 207.55 100.00- 0 527:76- 1,845.43- 2,621.66- 776.23 29.60- 3500 865.27- 5,067.43- 8,31b.29- 3,247.86 39.05- 12000 Contractual Services ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 1989 PREV Y -T -D INCREASE DECREASE PERCENT CHANGE PROJECTED BUDGET JULY Y -T -D 26- 4201 - 682 -68 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 33.50- 92.00- 607.16- 515.16 84.84- 1500 1000 26- 4248 - 682 -68 CONTRACTED REPAIRS RUBBISH REMOVAL 0.00 162.60- 105.00- 162.60- 232.40- 94.26- 127.40 68.34- 54.81- 72.50 400 26 -4 250- 682 -68 26- 4252 - 682 -68 LIGHT & POWER 1,052.40- 1,434.02- 1,556.70- 122.68 7.88- 5500 26- 4254 - 682 -68 HEAT 3,310.55- 75.86- 3,310.55- 236.65- 0.00 320.57- 3,310.55 -. 83.92 0.00 26.17- 10500 600 26- 4256 - 682 -68 TELEPHONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 26- 4258 - 682 -68 26- 4262 - 682 -68 LAUNDRY 545.47- 579.82- 10.45 590.27- 5648.51- 700 Total Contractual Services - - - Commodities ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 1989 JULY 1989 Y -T -D PREV Y -T -D INCREASE DECREASE PERCENT CHANGE PROJECTED BUDGET 26- 4504 - 682 -68 GENERAL SUPPLIES 370.81- 1,496.64 - 2,016.50- 0.00 519.86 206.69- 25.78- 0.00 1625 200 26- 4512 - 682 -68 CLEANING SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 206.69- 0.00 2,002.50- 2,002.50 100.00- 200 26- 4544 - 682 -68 26- 4564 - 682 -68 PAINT CHEMICALS 261.00 - 1,327.41- 2,088.94- 761.53 36.45- 8000 Total Commodities - 6,1U1.94- . TOTAL POOL OPERATION 6,677.46- 14,018.81- 17,223.87- - - - -3_ 205_06 18_60_ -__ - -- __42225 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 16,516.08- 43,580.32- 46, 908.03-- - - - -3_ 327_71- -_ - - -- 0_00- - - - - -- _104650 OPERATING INCOME: 33,085.04 35,343.86 37,494.71 2_150_85_ 5.73- 8150 - - - - -- i ?i4 REPORT NBR. FSBR_04 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION 26- 3440 - 000 -00 CONCESSION SALES TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION CITY OF EDINA POOL INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT CONCESSIONS OPERATING REVENUES 1989 - 1989 PREY JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D PAGE: 3 INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 14,751.32- 16,272.33 17,571.04 1,298.71- 7.39- 27000 14,751.32- 16,272.33 17,571.04 1,298.71- 7.39- 27000 OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Personal Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 26- 4105 - 683 -68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 242.84 0 26- 4110 - 683 -68 SALARY OT REG EMPLOY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.67- 400 26- 4120 - 683 -68 SALARY TEM EMPLOYEES 1,420.18- 2L.740.40- 3,529.28- 788.88 22.35- 0.00 6600 26- 4130 - 683 -68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,605.50- 0 Total Personal Services - 0- - 788.88 22.35- 0.00 0.00 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION Contractual Services 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 26- 4201 - 683 -68 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 0.00 0.00 121.02- 121.02 100.00- 200 26- 4248 - 683 -68 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 273.58- 273.58- 0.00 273.58- 0.00 400 26- 4262 - 683 -68 LAUNDRY 0.00 95.90- 465.48 561.38- 120.60- 100 Total Contractual Services 3.58- 369.48- 6 _713.94- 207.26- 0 ACCOUNT NBR. DESCRIPTION Commodities 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 26- 4504 - 683 -68 GENERAL SUPPLIES 27.19- 57.77- 16.85- 40.92- 242.84 200 26- 4512 - 683 -68 CLEANING SUPPLIES 45.19- 54.67- 0.00 54.67- 0.00 200 26- 4540 - 683 -68 REPAIR PARTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250 26- 4624 - 683 -68 COST OF GOODS SOLD F 3,921.68- 5,605.50- 6,028.63- 423.13 7.01- 9000 26- 4642 - 683 -68 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Total Commodities - - - 327.54 5.41- TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 5,687.82- 8`,827.82- 9,230.30- 402.48 4.36- 17350 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 5,687.82- 8,827.82- 9,230.30- 402.48 0.00 17350 CONCESSIONS INCOME: 20,439.14- 7,444.51 8,340.74 896.23- 10.74- 9650 REPORT NBR. FSBR04 26- 3350 - 000 -00 26- 3357 - 000 -00 26- 3720 - 000 -00 TOTAL TOTAL INCOM 26- 4810 - 681 -68 TOTAL DESCRIPTION OTHER REVENUE SALES TAX CASH OVER OR UNDER DESCRIPTION REVENUES: OPERATING EXPENSES: BEFORE DEPRECIATION: PROVISION FOR DEPR NET INCOME: CITY OF EDINA PAGE: 4 POOL INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT OTHER REVENUES 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 6.75 6.75 0.00 6.75 0.00 0 1,734.42- 4,078.04 1,204.33 2,873.71 238.61 0 6,042.27- 0.00 56.69 56.69- 100.00- 0 POOL COMBINED SHEET 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PROJECTED JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE BUDGET 30,548.70 99,281.30 103,234.80 3,953.50- 3.82- 123500 22 203.90- . 52 40814- 56 138.33- 3,2733!31?_ 6.64- 122000 7 ,09 . 0.47- 1500 1,310.00- 9,265.00- 9,835.00- 570.00 5.79- 16000 7,034.80 37,608.16 37,261.47 346.69 0.93 14500- CITY OF EDINA INCOME AND EXPENSE W. 50TH ST. STORE PAGE NO 1 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PERCENT JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE OF NET SALES SALES LIQUOR 33,557.07 214,459.69 203,373.20 11,086.49 5.00 - 37.16 WINE SALES 24,411.00 180,912.00 161,742.33 19,169.67 12.00 27.03 BEER SALES 30,674.87 167,075.91 138,659.06 28.,416.85 20.00 33.96 MIX SALES 148.55 586.09 867.55 281.46- 32.00- 0.16 MISC SALES 2,059.66 9,450.39 7,475.13 1,975.26 26.00 2.28 REFUND +DISCOUNT 549.28- - 4,436.07- 9,986.50- 5,550.43 56.00- 0.60 - NET SALES ------ - - - -- 90,301.87 ------ - - - - -- 568,048.01 ------ - - - - -- 502,130.77 ------ - - - - -- 65,917.24 - - - - - -- 13.00 --- - - - - -- 100.00 LIQUOR COST 28,110.11- 166,311.69- 221,647.92- 55,336.23 25.00- 31.12 - MISC COST 1,690.85- 6,766.22- 6,130.39- 635.83- 10.00 1.87 - WINE COST 13,952.40- 113,534.54- 152,681.22- 39,146.68 26.00- 15.45 - BEER COST 34,041.50- 124,088.83- 129,178.16- ------ - 5,089.33 ------ - - - - -- 4.00- - - - - -- 37.69 - --- - - - - -- COST OF MERCHANDISE ------ - - - - -- 77,794.86- ------ - - - - -- 410,701.28- - - - -- 509,637.69- 98,936.41 - 19.00- 86.14- GROSS MARGIN ------------ 12,507.01 ------ - - - - -- 157,346.73 ------ - - - - -- 7,506.92- ------ - - - - -- 164,853.65 - - - - - -- 196.00 - --- - - - - -- OPERATING EXPENSES: SELLING EXPENSES SALARIES 1,628.22- 27,482.71- 29,267.93- 1,785.22 6.00- 1.80 - OTHER SERVICES 940.64- 2,028.30- 2,938.44- 910.14 31.00- 1.04 - SUPPLIES .00 909.30- 951.10- 41.80 4.00 - 0.00 TOT. SELLING EXPENSES ------ - - - - -- 2,568.86- ------ - - - - -- 30,420.31- ------ - - - - -- 33,157.47- ------ - - - - -- 2,737.16 - - - - - -- 8.00- --- - - - - -- 2.84- OCCUPANCY EXPENSES SALARIES UTILITIES INSURANCE REPAIRS +MAINT OTHER SERVICES SUPPLIES DEPRECIATION TOTAL OCCUP..EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES SALARIES DATA PROCESSING OTHER SERVICES SUPPLIES ALLOCATED EXP TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME OTHER INCOME: REFUND +DISCOUNT INVESTMENTS OTHER INCOME TOTAL OTHER INCOME NET - INCOME CITY OF EDINA INCOME AND EXPENSE W. 50TH ST. STORE PAGE NO 2 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PERCENT JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE OF NET SALES 138.29- 642.27- 572.95- 69.32- 854.83- 4,865.38- 4,877.96- 12.58 .00 .00 .00 .00 124.27- 924.27- 900.00- 24.27- 1,601.00- 2,373.96- 1,506.66- 867.30- 11.61- 11.61- 135.38- 123.77 1,290.00- ------ - - - - -- ------ 9,030.00- - - - - -- ------ 9,030.00- - - - - -- ------ .00 - - - - -- 4,020.00- 17,847.49- 17,022.95- 824.54- 2,758.73- 32,726.14- 29,683.81- 3,042.33- 270.07- 1,790.96- 1,605.27- 185.69 - 795.00- 4,703.32- 2,827.58- 1,875.74- 5.20- 525.48- 560.66- 35.18 3,080.00- 21,560.00- 21,000.00- 560.00- 12.00 0.15- 55,677.32- 0.00 0.94- 7.65- 0.00 0.00 105,857.74- 3.00 0.13- 14.94- 58.00 1.77- 113,364.66- 91.00- 0.01- 1.09- 0.00 1.42- 9,038.14 5.00 4.45- 10.00 3.05- 12.00 0.29- 66.00 0.88- 6.00- 0.00 3.00 3.41- 6,909.00- 61,305.90- 55,677.32- 5,628.58- 10.00 7.65- 13,497.86- 109,573.70- 105,857.74- 3,715.96- 4.00 14.94- 990.85- 47,773.03 113,364.66- 161,137.69 142.00- 1.09- 1,028.14 6,186.13 9,038.14 2,852.01- 32.00- 1.13 .00 .00 .00 .00 0.00 0.00 7,661.33 9,869.47 142.45 9,727.02 828.00 8.48 ------ - - - - -- 8,689.47 ------------ ------ - - - - -- ------ 16,055.60 ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ 9,180.59. - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 6,875.01 - - - - -- - - - - - -- 75.00 - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 9.62 7,698.62 63,828.63 104,184.07- 168,012.70 161.00- 4)) vt ,'.4w CITY OF EDINA INCOME AND EXPENSE YORK AVE. STORE PAGE NO 1 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PERCENT JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE OF NET SALES LIQUOR SALES 73,115.67 482,707.89 526,508.37 43,800.48- 8.00- 41.96 WINE SALES 41,838.06 301,660.25 327,876.48 26,216.23- 8.00- 24.01 BEER SALES 55,926.14 316,796.41 324,394.76 7,598.35- 2.00- 32.09 MIX SALES .00 52.34 4,646.26 4,593.92- 99.00- 0.00 MISC SALES 4,598.63 23,475.82 20,633.59 2,842.23 14.00 2.63 REFUND +DISCOUNT 1,240.10- 9,993.60 - 23,915.90- 13,922.30 58.00- 0.71 - NET SALES ------ - - - - -- 174,238.40 ------ - - - - -- 1,114,699.11 ------ - - - - -- ------ 1,180,143.56 - - - - -- 65,444.45- - - - - - -- 6.00- --- - - - - -- 100.00 LIQUOR COST 61,749.45- 409,717.86- 439,649.32- 29,931.46 7.00- 35.43 - MISC COST 3,123.86- 13,997.57- 15,776.14 - 1,778.57 11.00- 1.79 - WINE COST 20,736.36- 194,245.37- 238,688.18- 44,442.81 19.00 - 11.90 - BEER COST 53,213.18- ------------ 231,739.09- 228,666.04- 3,073.05- 1.00 30.54- COST OF MERCHANDISE 138,822.85- ------ - - - - -- 849,699.89- ------ - - - - -- ------ 922,779.68- - - - - -- 73,079.79 - - - - - -- 8.00- --- - - - - -- 79.67 - GROSS MARGIN ------ - - - - -- 35,415.55 ------ - - - - -- 264,999.22 ------ - - - - -- ------ 257,363.88 - - - - -- 7,635.34 - - - - - -- 3.00 --- - - - - -- OPERATING EXPENSES: SELLING EXPENSES SALARIES 3,123.66- 45,299.48- 47,737.52- 2,438.04 5.00 - 1.79 - OTHER SERVICES 940.66- 2,047.33- 3,337.86- 1,290.53 39.00- 0.53- SUPPLIES .00 - ----- - - - - -- 2,127.75- ------ - - - - -- 2,684.35- 556.60 21.00- 0.00 TOT. SELLING EXPENSES 4,064.32- 49,474.56- ------ - - - - -- ------ 53,759.73- - - - - -- 4,285.17 - - - - - -- 8.00- --- - - - - -- 2.33- OCCUPANCY EXPENSES SALARIES UTILITIES INSURANCE REPAIRS +MAINT OTHER SERVICES SUPPLIES DEPRECIATION TOTAL OCCUP. EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES SALARIES DATA PROCESSING OTHER SERVICES SUPPLIES ALLOCATED EXP TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME OTHER INCOME: OTHER DISCOUNTS OTHER INCOME TOTAL OTHER INCOME NET - INCOME PAGE NO 2 PERCENT PERCENT CHANGE OF NET SALES 129.00 CITY OF EDINA 11.00- INCOME AND EXPENSE YORK AVE. STORE 63.00 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE 225.21- 1,240.62- 540.85- 699.77- 1,357.84- 6,711.78- 7,532.50- 820.72 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,374.27- 5,410.63- 3,316.25- 2,094.38-, 691.91- 3,153.14- 3,196.47- 43.33 197.93- 283.45- 931.09- 647.64 880.00- 6,160.00- 5,776.00- 384.00- - - - - -- ------------ 5,727.16- ------ - - - - -- 22,959.62- ------ - - - - -- ------ 21,293.16- 1,666.46- 3,391.38- 43,943.27- 39,034.67- 4,908.60 - 270.07- 1,790.96- 1,605.26- 185.70- 845.00- 5,776.46- 3,179.16- 2,597.30- .00 614.53- 771.07- 156.54 4,930.00 -- 34,510.00- - - - - -- 34;860.00- ------ - - - --- ------ 350.00 - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 9,436.45- ------ 86,635.22- 79,450.16- 7,185.06- 19,227.93- 159,069.40- 154,503.05 - 4,566.35- 16,187.62 105,929.82 102,860.83 3,068.99 PAGE NO 2 PERCENT PERCENT CHANGE OF NET SALES 129.00 0.12- 11.00- 0.77- 0.00 0.00 63.00 1.36- 1.00- 0.39 - 70.00- 0.11- 7.00 0.50- 8.00 3.28- 13.00 1.94- 12.00 0.15- 82.00 0.48- 20.00- 0.00 1.00- 2.82- 9.00 5.41- 3.00 11.03- 3.00 9.29 1,987.97 12,931.14 13,467.30 536.16- 4.00- 1.14 14,561.70 19,717.63 - -- 16,409.56 ------ - - - - -- ------ 3,308.07 - - - - -- 20.00 8.35 - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 16,549.67 ------ - - - 32,648.77 29,876.86 2,771.91 9.00 9.49 32,737.29 138,578.59 132,737.69 5,840.90 4.00 Q '.4 CITY OF EDINA INCOME AND EXPENSE VERNON AVE. STORE PAGE NO 1 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PERCENT JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE OF NET SALES LIQUOR SALES 75,637.84 469,940.37 407,543.65 62,396.72 15.00 44.44 WINE SALES 40,141.38 288,386.96 247,224.29 41,162.67 17.00 23.58 BEER SALES 51,811.24 276,123.77 226,936.22 49,187.55 22.00 30.44 MIX SALES 951.08 5,685.35 4,257.10 1,428.25 34.00 0.55 MISC SALES 3,505.89 15,760.29 14,024.08 1,736.21 12.00 2.06 REFUND +DISCOUNT 1,880.17- ------------ 11,131.19- ------ 20,894.16- 9,762.97 47.00- 1.10- NET SALES 170,167.26 - - - - -- 1,044,765.55 ------ - - - - -- 879,091.18 ------ - - - - -- 165,674.37 - - - - - -- 19.00 --- - - - 100.00 - -- WINE COST 20,740.02- 178,398.50- 200,762.56- 22,364.06 11.00- 12.18 - BEER COST 51,514.55- 202,175.43- 179,745.14- 22,430.29- 12.00 30.27 - MISC COST 2,787.57.- 12,882.43- 29,019.53- 16,137.10 56.00- 1.63 - LIQUOR COST - 60,641.31- ------------ 406,269.33- ------ - - - 394,152.78- 12,116.55- 3.00 35.63- COST OF MERCHANDISE 135,683.45- - -- 799,725.69- ------ - - - - -- 803,680.01- ------ - - - - -- 3,954.32 - - - - - -- 0.00 --- - -- 79.73- - -- GROSS MARGIN ------ - - - - -- 34,483.81 ------ - - - - -- 245,039.86 ------ - - - - -- 75,411.17 ------ - - - - -- 169,628.69 - - - - - -- 225.00 --- - - - - -- OPERATING EXPENSES: SELLING EXPENSES SALARIES 3,882.36- 46,443.96- 47,269.48- 825.52 2.00- 2.28 - OTHER SERVICES 1,027.56- 2,143.63- 3,619.50- 1,475.87 41.00- 0.60 - SUPPLIES .00 ------ - - - - -- 1,621.60- ------ - - - - -- 2,164.00- ------ 542.40 25.00- 0.00 TOT. SELLING EXPENSES 4,909.92- 50,209.19- - - - - -- 53,052.98- ------ - - - - -- 2,843.79 - - - - - -- 5.00- --- - - - 2.88 - -- - w s '.4 CITY OF EDINA INCOME AND EXPENSE VERNON AVE. STORE PAGE NO 2 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PERCENT JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE OF NET SALES OCCUPANCY EXPENSES SALARIES 50.11- 1,217.86- 778.45- 439.41- 56.00 0.02 - UTILITIES 703.35- 4,204.51- 5,954.10- 1,749.59 29.00- 0.41 - INSURANCE .00 .00 .00 .00 0.00 0.00 REPAIRS +MAINT 124.27- 1,324.27- 1,510.00- 185.73 12.00- 0.07 - OTHER SERVICES 827.91 - 3,190.12- 2,960.74- 229.38- 8.00 SUPPLIES 27.34- 27.34- 407.34- 2,379.09- 1,971.75 .83.00- 0.01 - DEPRECIATION 1,300.00- 9,100.00- 9,100.00- .00 0.00 - - - - -- 0.76- --- - - -- -- ------------ TOTAL OCCUP. EXPENSES 3,032.98- ------ - - - - -- 19,444.10- ------ - - - - -- 22,682.38- --- --- - - - - -- 3,238.28 - 14.00- 1.78 - ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES SALARIES 2,236.31- 33,664.75- 30,658.07- 3,006.68- 10.00 1.31 - DATA PROCESSING 270.07- 1,790.94- 1,605.27- 185.67- 12.00 0.15 - OTHER SERVICES 795.00- 4,025.02- 2,702.93- 1,322.09- 49.00 0.46- SUPPLIES .00 510.12- 933.09- 422.97 45.00- 0.00 ALLOCATED EXP 4,830.00- 33,810.00- 33,110.00 - 700.00- 2.00 - - 2.83- --- - - - - -- ------------ TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSES 8,131.38- ------ - - - - -- 73,800.83- ------ - - - - -- 69,009.36- ------ - - - - -- 4,791.47 - - - - -- 7.00 4.77 - TOTAL EXPENSES 16,074.28- 143,454.12- 144,744.72- 1,290.60, 1.00- 9.44 - OPERATING INCOME 18,409.53 101,585.74 69,333.55- 170,919.29 247.00- 10.81 OTHER INCOME: OTHER DISCOUNTS 1,990.90 13,651.88 12,537.77 1,114.11 9.00 1.16 OTHER INCOME 14,295.72 21,099.94 1.32- 21,101.26 580.00 - 8.40 --- - - - - -- ------ TOTAL OTHER INCOME - - - - -- 16,286.62 ------ - - - - -- 34,751.82 ------ - - - - -- 12,536.45 ------ - - - - -- 22,215.37 - - - - - -- 177.00 9.57 NET - INCOME 34,696.15 136,337.56 56,797.10- .193,134.66 340.00- SALES WINE SALES BEER SALES MISC SALES MIX SALES REFUND +DISCOUNT NET SALES BEER COST LIQUOR COST MISC COST WINE COST COST OF MERCHANDISE GROSS MARGIN OPERATING EXPENSES: SELLING EXPENSES SALARIES OTHER SERVICES SUPPLIES TOT. SELLING EXPENSES 9 CITY OF EDINA INCOME AND EXPENSE ALL STORES COMBINED . 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE 182,310.58 1,167,107.95 1,137,425.22 29,682.73 106,390.44 770,959.21 736,843.10 34,116.11 138,412.25 759,996.09 689,990.04 70,006.05 10,164.18 48,686.50 42,132.80 6,553.70 1,099.63 6,323.78 9,770.91 3,447.13- 3,669.55- ------ - - - - -- 25,560.86- ------ - - - - -- 54,796.56- ------ - - - - -- 29,235.70 ------ 434,707.53 2,727,512.67 2,561,365.51 - - - - -- 166,147.16 138,769.23- 558,003.35- 537,589.34- 20,414.01- 150,500.87- 982,298.88- 1,055,450.02- 73,151.14 7,602.28- 33,646.22- 50,926.06- 17,279.84 55,428.78- 486,178.41- 592,131.96- 105,953.55 352,301.16- 2,060,126.86- 2,236,097.38 175,970.52 ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ---- -- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 82,406.37 667,385.81 325,268.13 342,117.68 PAGE NO 1 PERCENT PERCENT CHANGE OF NET SALES 3.00 41.93 5.00 24.47 10.00 31.84 16.00 2.33 35.00- 0.25 53.00- 0.84- ------- 6.00 --- - - - - -- 100.00 4.00 31.92- 7.00- 34.62- 34.00- 1.74- 18.00- 12.75- 8.00- 81.04 - - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 105.00 8,634.24- 119,226.15- 124,274.93- 5,048.78 4.00- 1.98- 2,908.86- 6,219.26- 9,895.80- 3;676.54 37.00- 0.66- .00 ------ - - - - -- 4,658.65- ------ - - - - -- 5,799.45 - ------ - - 1,140.80 20.00- 0.00 11,543.10- 130,104.06- - - -- ------ 139,970.18- - - - - -- 9,866.12 - - - - - -- 7.00 - --- - - - - -- 2.65- J./ CITY OF EDINA INCOME AND,EXPENSE ALL STORES COMBINED PAGE NO 2 1989 1989 PREV INCREASE PERCENT PERCENT JULY Y -T -D Y -T -D DECREASE CHANGE OF NET SALES OCCUPANCY EXPENSES SALARIES 413.61- 3,100.75- 1,892.25- 1,208.50- 64.00 0.09 - UTILITIES 2,916.02- 15,781.67- 18,364.56- 2,582.89 14.00- 0.67 - INSURANCE .00 .00 .00 .00 0.00 0.00 REPAIRS +MAINT 2,622.81- 7,659.17- 5,726.25- 1,932.92- 34.00 0.60 - OTHER SERVICES 3,120.82- 8,717..22- 7,663.87- 1,053.35- 14.00 0.71 - SUPPLIES 236.88- 702.40- 3,445.56- 2,743.16 80.00- 0.05 - DEPRECIATION 3,470.00- 24,290.00- 23,906.00- - - - - -- 384:00- ------ - - - - -- 2.00 - - - - - -- 0.79- --- - - - - -- ------------ TOTAL OCCUP. EXPENSES 12,780.14- ------ - - - - -- ------ 60,251.21- 60,998.49- 747.28 1.00- - 2.93 - ADMINISTRATIVE'EXPENSES SALARIES 8,386.42- 110,334.16- 99,376.55- 10,957.61- 11.00 1.92 - DATA PROCESSING 810.21- 5,372.86- 4,815.80- 557.06- 12.00 0.18 - OTHER SERVICES 2,435.00- 14,504.80- 8,709.67- 5,795.13- 67.00 0.56 - SUPPLIES 5.20- 1,650.13- 2,264.82- 614.69 27.00- 0.00 ALLOCATED EXP 12,840.00- 89,880.00- 88,970.00- - -- 910.00- ------ - - - - -- 1.00 - - - - - -- 2.95- --- - - - - -- - ------ TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSES - - - - -- 24,476.83- ------ - - - - -- ------ 221,741.95- - - - 204,136.84- 17,605.11- 9.00 5.63 - TOTAL EXPENSES 48,800.07 -. 412,097.22- 405,105.51- 6,991.71- 2.00 11.22 - OPERATING INCOME 33,606.30 255,288.59 79,837.38- 335,125.97 420.00- 7.73 OTHER INCOME: OTHER DISCOUNTS 3,978.87 26,583.02 26,005.07 577.95 2.00 0.91 REFUND +DISCOUNT 1,028.14 6,186.13 9,038.14 2,852.01- 32.00- 0.23 INVESTMENTS .00 .00 .00 .00 0.00 0.00 OTHER INCOME 36,518.75 50,687.04 16,550.69 - - - -- 34,136.35 ------ - - - - -- 206.00 - - - - - -- 8.40 --- - - - - -- TOTAL OTHER INCOME ------ - - - - -- 41,525.76 ------ - - - - -- ------ 83,456.19 - 51,593.90 31,862.29 62.00 9.55 NET - INCOME 75,132.06 338,744.78 28,243.48- 366,988.26 299.00- J./ AMOUNT 75.00 75.00 428.40 428.40 39.12 60.57 99.69 124.25 124.25 26.00 26.00 * 86.19 86.19 * 20.00 20.00 * 40,000.00 40,000.00- .00 * 1,080.07 14,010.14 15,090.21 * 18,757.75 18,757.75 12,000.00 20,008.89 Nab, c. CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -89 PAGE 1 1989 CITY'OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 187700 07/21/89 * * * * ** MIX 187C47 07/21/89 * * * * ** BEER 187E11 07/21/89 187EII 07/21/89 * * * * ** MEETING 187E26 07/21/89 * * * * ** PAYROLL TRANSFER 187E33 07/21/89 * * * * ** FICA 187G82 07/21/89 * * * * ** CONSTRUCTION 187M14 07/21/89 * * * * ** MANUAL 188C33 07/21/89 188C33 07/21/89 * * * * ** MANUAL 188F14 07/21/89 188F14 07/21/89 * * * * ** MANUAL 188G79 07/21/89 * * * * ** MANUAL 188P06 07/21/89 188P06 07/21/89 AMOUNT 75.00 75.00 428.40 428.40 39.12 60.57 99.69 124.25 124.25 26.00 26.00 * 86.19 86.19 * 20.00 20.00 * 40,000.00 40,000.00- .00 * 1,080.07 14,010.14 15,090.21 * 18,757.75 18,757.75 12,000.00 20,008.89 Nab, c. CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -89 PAGE 1 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION J SCHATTAUER SERVICES COMM LIFE INS CO LIFE INSURANCE EAGLE WINE MIX EAGLE WINE MIX ED PHILLIPS BEER CHAMBER OF COMM MEETING GRIGGS COOPER MIX MAUMA MEETING CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER FIDELITY BANK MEDICARE FIDELITY BANK FICA J GREUPNER LESSONS PALANI CONSTRU CONSTRUCTION PALANI CONSTRU CONSTRUCTION Nab, c. 07 -31 -89 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30 -4224- 781 -78 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4157 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 4632- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4206 - 140 -14 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4206 - 140 -14 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4149- 510 -51 MANUAL 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 27- 3417 - 000 -00 MANUAL * ** -CKS 27- 1300 - 001 -00 MANUAL 27- 4248 - 664 -66 MANUAL 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 32,008.89 * * * * ** CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -89 PAGE 2 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 188U27 07/21/89 3,185.36 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 188U27 07/21/89 292.03 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 622 -62 188U27 07/21/89 103.62 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 628 -62 188U27 07/21/89 144.94 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 23- 4256 - 612 -61 188U27 07/21/89 68.09 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 26- 4256 - 682 -68 188U27 07/21/89 331.95 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 662 -66 188U27 07/21/89 52.70 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 664 -66 188U27 07/21/89 101.33 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 667 -66 188U27 07/21/89 293.83 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 28- 4256 - 702 -70 188U27 07/21/89 42.29 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 29- 4256 - 722 -72 188U27 07/21/89 315.33 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 30- 4256 - 782 -78 188U27 07/21/89 104.43 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 40- 4256 - 801 -80 188U27 07/21/89 49.41 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 40- 4256 - 803 -80 188U27 07/21/89 135.68 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 50- 4256 - 821 -82 188U27 07/21/89 163.97 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 50- 4256 - 841 -84 188U27 07/21/89 113.68 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 50- 4256 - 861 -86 5,498.64 * * * * * ** 191716 07/21/89 4,470.00 M ANDREJKA REMODEL ROOFING 1174201 - 127 -12 4,470.00 * * * * * ** 191N16 07/21/89 901.75 NSP POWER 10- 4252- 301 -30 191N16 07/21/89 12,275.70 NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 321 -30 191N16 07/21/89 10,598.80 NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 322 -30 191N16 07/21/89 2,690.62 NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 330 -30 191N16 07/21/89 2,690.62- NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 330 -33 191N16 07/21/89 2,690.62 NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 330 -33 191N16 07/21/89 79.66 NSP POWER 10- 4252- 345 -30 191N16 07/21/89 110.96 NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 358 -30 191N16 07/21/89 2,236.50 NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 375 -30 191N16 07/21/89 1,047.19 NSP POWER 10- 4252- 440 -44 191N16 07/21/89 44.13 NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 460 -46 191N16 07/21/89 1,537.21 NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 520 -52 191N16 07/21/89 1,979.12 NSP. POWER 10- 4252 - 540 -54 191N16 07/21/89 8,522.78 NSP POWER 10- 4252 - 646 -64 191N16 07/21/89 444.55 NSP POWER 23- 4252 - 612 -61 191N16 07/21/89 1,052.40 NSP. POWER 26- 4252 - 682 -68 191N16 07/21/89 3,128.69 NSP POWER 27- 4252 - 662 -66 191N16 07/21/89 286.00 NSP POWER 27- 4252 - 664 -66 191N16 07/21/89 643.17 NSP POWER 27- 4252 - 667 -66 191N16 07/21/89 6,861.75 NSP POWER 28- 4252 - 702 -70 191N16 07/21/89 194.68 NSP POWER 29- 4252- 722 -72 191N16 07/21/89 8,001.39 NSP POWER 30- 4252 - 782 -78 191N16 07/21/89 2,116.57 NSP POWER 40- 4252 - 801 -80 191N16 07/21/89 31,721.51 NSP POWER 40- 4252 - 803 -80 191N16 07/21/89 58.60 NSP POWER 40- 4252 - 804 -80 191N16 07/21/89 702.15 NSP POWER 50- 4252- 821 -82 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 191N16 07/21/89 1,150.78 191N16 07/21/89 575.26 193E26 08/09/89 98,961.92 * * * * * ** 193E26 08/09/89 191P32 07/21/89 24,181.58 08/09/89 193E26 24,181.58 * * * * * ** 08/09/89 193E26 191P70 07/21/89 150.00 193E26 08/09/89 150.00 * * * * * ** 193E26 08/09/89 193737 07/21/89 4,310.00 193737 07/21/89 4,310.00- 193737 07/21/89 4,311.00 MANUAL 4,311.00 * * * * ** MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 193EII 08/09/89 7.99 - 193E11 08/09/89 13.48 - 193E11 08/09/89 7.73 - 193E11 08/09/89 399.37 193E11 08/09/89 673.99 193E11 08/09/89 _386.29 22A 21 193EII 07/21/89 76.31 193EII 07/21/89 66.02 193E11 07/21/89 236.30 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 1,809.08 1,899-19 * * * * ** 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 193E26 08/09/89 3.25 - 1.61- 4.08- 14.82- 2.89- 23.47- 4.52- 5.65- 4.77- 42.47- 7.30- 2.50- 80.89 741.43 1,173.81 144.51 125.05 2,123.56 325.87 1 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION NSP POWER NSP POWER P.E.R.A. POSTMASTER G ZAHNER CONSTR G ZAHNER CONSTR G ZAHNER CONSTR EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS PERA POSTAGE HOME INPROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENT MIX MIX MIX 07 -31 -89 PAGE 3 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 50- 4252 - 841 -84 MANUAL 50- 4252 - 861 -86 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4290 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 11- 4201 - 127 -12 MANUAL 11- 4201- 127 -12 MANUAL 11- 4201 - 127 -12 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 1989 CITY OF EDINA. 48.76- GRIGGS CHECK REGISTER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 07 -31 -89 PAGE 4 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT GRIGGS VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 193E26 08/09/89 408.41 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193E26 08/09/89 74.25- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193E26 08/09/89 452.92 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193E26 08/09/89 565.12 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193E26 08/09/89 477.58 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193E26 08/09/89 730.40 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193E26 07/21/89 29.10 ED PHILLIPS MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193G82 08/09/89 7,187.07 * GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL * * * * ** • * ** -CKS 193G82 08/09/89 48.76- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193G82 08/09/89 1.56- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193G82 08/09/89 104.65- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193G82 08/09/89 202.28- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193G82 08/09/89 56.89- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193G82 08/09/89 2,438.22 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193G82 08/09/89 78.09 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193G82 08/09/89 5,166.54 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84' MANUAL 193G82 07/21/89 66.01 GRIGGS COOPER LIQUOR 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193G82 08/09/89 10,114.20 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193G82 08/09/89 2,844.64 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 20,293.56 * JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193H83 07/21/89 100,000.00 HRA WINE HRA TRANSFER 10- 1145 - 000 -00 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 100,000.00 * JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL * * * * ** * ** -CKS 193J62 08/09/89 1.12- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 53.98- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 11.45- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 4.30- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 106.35- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 14.19- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 191.07- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 12.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 2,699.88 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 5,318.44 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 28.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 9,553.90 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 44.80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 79.08- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 .80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 111.90 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 18.80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 1,143.11 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 7.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 430.24 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 46.34- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 1,416.86 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 193J62 08/09/89 22.40 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 20,300.65 * * * * ** * ** -CKS J 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 193P20 08/09/89 123.75 PAUSTIS & SONS 193P20 08/09/89 3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 193P20 08/09/89 95.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 193P20 08/09/89 3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 193P20 08/09/89' 3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 193P20 08/09/89 75.17 PAUSTIS & SONS 193P20 07/21/89 25.00 PAUSTIS & SONS MIX PRIOR WINE 193P82 327.92 276.63 PRIOR WINE 193P82 * * * * ** 193P82 08/09/89 1.17- PRIOR WINE 193P82 08/09/89 2.00- PRIOR WINE 193P82 08/09/89 3.26- PRIOR WINE 193P82 08/09/89 2.60- PRIOR WINE 193P82 08/09/89 5.53- PRIOR WINE 193P82 08/09/89 4.40- PRIOR WINE 193P82 08/09/89 38.79 PRIOR WINE 193P82 07/21/89 19.95 PRIOR WINE WINE 193P82 08/09/89 130.24 PRIOR WINE 193P82 08/09/89 100.08 PRIOR WINE 193P82 08/09/89 163.13 PRIOR WINE 193P82 08/09/89 219.94 PRIOR WINE 193P82 08/09/89 276.63 PRIOR WINE 193P82 07/21/89 77.32 PRIOR WINE MIX 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1,007.12 MANUAL * * * * ** MANUAL 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 193Q16 08/09/89 .48- QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 4.24- QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 33.94- QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 42.54- QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 2.63- QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 .35- QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 6.59- QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 2.51- QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 1,697.04 QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 2,126.17 QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 47.90. QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 422.75 QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 263.25 QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 34.50 QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09/89 656.80 QUALITY WINE 193Q16 08/09,/89 249.70 QUALITY WINE 5,404.83 * * * * ** 194719 07/21/89 34,756.94 FINLEY BROS ENT CONSTRUCTION 34,756.94 * * * * * ** 194738 07/21/89 77.00 MRPA T- SHIRTS w.4.'� re .•Ih .. VAW V mAti' rla� pn5iw�1611 07 -31 -89 PAGE 5 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 3710-822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL * ** -CKS 60- 1300 - 005 -20 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 600 -60 MANUAL A w 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -89 PAGE 6 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 77.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 194673 07/21/89 40.00 GC PETTY CASH SALAARIES 27- 4120 - 662 -66 MANUAL 194673 07/21/89 343.07 GC PETTY CASH SALARIES 27- 4120 - 663 -66 MANUAL 194673 07/21/89 48.30. GC PETTY CASH SALARIES 27- 4120 - 666 -66 MANUAL 194673 07/21/89 73.00 GC PETTY CASH SCHOOL 27- 4202 - 661 -66 MANUAL 194673 07/21/89 14.85 GC PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 663 -66 MANUAL 194673 07/21/89 58.07 GC PETTY CASH PRINTING 27- 4600 - 000 -00 MANUAL 194673 07/21/89 50.19 GC PETTY CASH CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 663 -66 MANUAL 627.48 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 195A82 07/21/89 1.50 AT &T TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 MANUAL 195A82 07/21/89 7.77 AT &T TELEPHONE 26- 4256 - 682 -68 MANUAL 195A82 195A82 07/21/89 07/21/89 34.48 3.98 AT &T AT &T TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 662 -66 MANUAL 195A82 07/21/89 .75 AT &T TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 28- 4256 - 702 -70 29- 4256- 721 -72 MANUAL MANUAL 195A82 07/21/89 1.12 AT &T TELEPHONE 40- 4256 - 801 -80 MANUAL 195A82 07/21/89 2.90 AT &T TELEPHONE 50- 4256 - 821 -82 MANUAL 195A82 07/21/89 1.89 AT &T TELEPHONE 50 -4256- 841 -84 MANUAL 195A82 07/21/89 .31 AT &T TELEPHONE 50- 4256 - 861 -86 MANUAL 54.70 195A83 195A83 07/21/89 07/21/89 89.29 56.58 AT &T AT &T TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 MANUAL 145.87 TELEPHONE 23- 4256 - 612 -61 MANUAL 195A84 07/21/89 12.75 AT &T TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 MANUAL 12.75 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 195M24 07/21/89 15,800.25 MEDCENTERS INSURANCE 10- 4156- 510 -51 MANUAL 15,800.25 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 199EII 08/09/89 10.50- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199E11 08/09/89 8.87- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199EIl 08/09/89 14.20- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199EII 08/09/89 6.82- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199EIl 08/09/89 525.01 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199EIl 08/09/89 443.62 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199EII 08/09/89 709.76 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199EIl 08/09/89 340.89 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199EII 07/21/89 62.13 EAGLE WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199EII 07/21/89 51.73 EAGLE WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL 2,092.75 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 199E26 08/09/89 4.80- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -89 PAGE 7 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 199E26 08/09/89 1.28- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82' MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 7.04- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 2.33- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 12.83- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 5.63- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 6.90- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 25.73- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 6.71- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 1.39- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 9.78- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 14.11- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 11.81- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 64.20 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 641.96 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 1,286.81 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 281.74 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 705.90 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 480.52 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822-82 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 233.28 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 704.11 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 690.63 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 671.58 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 1,181.55 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 978.43 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199E26 08/09/89 139.45 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199E26 07/21/89 35.50 ED PHILLIPS BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 MANUAL 7,985.32 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 199G82 08/09/89 32.99- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199G82 08/09/89 88.26- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199G82 08/09/89 32.73- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199G82 08/09/89 13.51- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199G82 08/09/89 1,649.30 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199G82 08/09/89 4,412.94 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199G82 08/09/89 1,636.43 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199G82 08/09/89 675.66 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 8,206.84 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 199J62 08/09/89 4.90- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 8.69- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 35.29- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 5.76- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 105.65- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 6.63- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 8.35- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 20.65- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 13.33 - JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 8.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 1,765.33 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 5,281.66 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 24.40 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL * * * * ** * ** -CKS 199Q16 08/09/89 1.34- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 4.68- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 1989 CITY OF.EDINA WINE CHECK REGISTER 199Q16 07 -31 -89 PAGE 8 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 199J62 08/09/89 4.40 JOHNSON WINE 199Q16 50- 4626 - 862 -86 5.02- MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 1,032.78 JOHNSON WINE 08/09/89 50- 4626 - 862 -86 QUALITY MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 5.60 JOHNSON WINE 7.49- 50- 4628 - 822 -82 WINE MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 869.56 JOHNSON WINE QUALITY 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 11.60 JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 487.99 JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4628 - 822 -82 199Q16 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 662.68 JOHNSON WINE MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 08/09/89 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 574.50 JOHNSON WINE 199Q16 50- 4628 - 842 -84 11.35- MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 6.40 JOHNSON WINE 08/09/89 50- 4628 - 842 -84 QUALITY MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 13.60 JOHNSON WINE 1,524.28 50- 4628 - 842 -84 WINE MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 836.12 JOHNSON WINE QUALITY 50- 4628 - 862 -86 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 5.36- JOHNSON WINE WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 8.80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 862 -86 199Q16 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 30.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199J62 08/09/89 1,332.88 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 12,741.69 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 199P82 08/09/89 2.47- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 5.33- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 8.32 PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 8.32- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 2.92- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 8.34- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 123.28 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 266.36 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 417.16 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 145.97 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 417.16 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199P82 08/09/89 417.16- PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199P82 07/21/89 36.21 PRIO R WINE MIX 50- 4632- 822 -82 MANUAL 969.92 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 199Q16 08/09/89 1.34- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 4.68- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 30.50- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 4.86- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 5.02 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 5.02- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 1.03- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 7.49- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 86.46- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 5.02- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 .52- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 1.40- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 15.25- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 11.35- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 .05 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 1,524.28 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199Q16 .08/09_/89 4,320.81 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 567.18 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 133.75 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199Q16 08/09/89 57.23- QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 1989 CITY OF EDINA 98.25 TOW DISTRIBUTING 50- 4628 - 822 -82 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 199Q16 08/09/89 465.25 199Q16 08/09/89 103.00 199Q16 08/09/89 746.05 199Q16 08/09/89 499.00 - 199Q16 08/09/89 499.00 199Q16 08/09/89 483.70 199Q16 08/09/89 499.00 199Q16 08/09/89 4.20 - 199Q16 08/09/89 1,521.50 199Q16 08/09/89 51.75 199Q16 08/09/89 138.75 * * * * ** SUPPLIES 10,323.74 CHECK REGISTER PIAND16]ti QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE 07 -31 -89 PAGE 9 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O.. # MESSAGE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84. MANUAL 50= 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 199T49 08/09/89 98.25 TOW DISTRIBUTING 50- 4628 - 822 -82 PETTY CASH MEETING EXP 98.25 * * * * * ** 07/21/89 18.53 20OP70 07/21/89 5,000.00 US POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 201P36 07/21/89 5,000.00 * * * * * ** MEETING EXP 10- 4206 - 140 -14 201700 07/21/89 180.00 AM HORT SOC MEETING 10- 4204 - 640 -64 PETTY CASH MEETING EXP 180.00 * * * * * ** 201P36 07/21/89 22.39 PETTY CASH MEETING EXP 10- 2148 - 000 -00 201P36 07/21/89 18.53 PETTY CASH MEETING EXP 10- 4202 - 200 -20 201P36 07/21/89 17.70 PETTY CASH MEETING EXP 10- 4206 - 140 -14 201P36 07/21/89 5.17 PETTY CASH MEETING EXP 10- 4206 - 500 -50 201P36 07/21/89 17.76 PETTY CASH MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 140 -14 201P36 07/21/89 2.22 PETTY CASH POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 600 -60 201P36 07/21/89 4.80 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 160 -16 201P36 .07/21/89 7.52 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 200 -20 201P36 07/21/89 2.32 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 520 -52 201P36 07/21/89 5.77 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 600 -60 201P36 07/21/89 367.61 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 624 -62 201P36 07/21/89 7.34 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 201P36 07/21/89 21.98 PETTY CASH CRAFT SUPPLIES 10- 4588 - 624 -62 201P36 07/21/89 1.86 PETTY CASH PRINTING 10- 4600 - 510 -51 201P36 07/21/89 27.19 PETTY CASH POOL EXP 26- 4504 - 683 -68 201P36 07/21/89 3.38 PETTY CASH HOSE FITTINGS 60- 2040 - 000 -00 533.54 201U27 07/21/89 298.93 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 201U27 07/21/89 41.44 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 622 -62 201U27 07/21/89 21.00 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 628 -62 201U27 07/21/89 36.92 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 646 -64 201U27 07/21/89 52.44 US WEST COMM TELEPHONE 27- 4256 - 662 -66 * ** -CKS MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL qFs CHECK REGISTER VENDOR •ITEM DESCRIPTION US WEST COMM 1989 CITY OF EDINA WEST CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT. 201U27 07/21/89 127.17 201U27 07/21/89 307.80 201U27 07/21/89 14.10 201U27 07/21/89 14.10 201U27 07/21/89 14.10 * ** -CKS 928.00 * MANUAL 10- 4149 - 510 -51 202701 08/04/89 44.36 MANUAL 44.36 * 202702 08/04/89 .09 MANUAL .09 * 202703 08/04/89 3,666.59 * ** -CKS 3,666.59 * MANUAL 202C33 08/04/89 50,000.00 202C33 08/04/89 50,000.00 - MANUAL .00 * * ** -CKS 10- 4156- 510 -51 205C47 08/04/89 428.40 * ** -CKS 428.40 * * * * * ** MANUAL 205F14 08/04/89 14,096.11 205F14 08/04/89 1,055.51 * ** -CKS 15,151.62 * * * * ** MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 205G86 08/04/89 11,477.60 MANUAL 11,477.60 * * * * ** 205M24 08/04/89 15,955.40 15,955.40 * * * * ** 205P42 08/04/89 18,827.00 18,827.00 * * * * ** 206725 08/09/89 .04 206725 08/09/89 2.90- 206725 08/09/89 92.00 qFs CHECK REGISTER VENDOR •ITEM DESCRIPTION US WEST COMM TELEPHONE US WEST COMM TELEPHONE US WEST COMM TELEPHONE US WEST COMM TELEPHONE US WEST COMM TELEPHONE J KEPRIOS IRS GREAT WAY GRAPHICS CITY OF EDINA CITY OF EDINA COMM LIFE INS FIDELITY BANK FIDELITY BANK GROUP HEALTH MEDCENTER PHP BRW ENTERPRISES BRW ENTERPRISES BRW ENTERPRISES REIMBURSEMENT SOCIAL SECURITY HIGHLANDER TRANSFER TRANSFER LIFE INS AUG FICA MEDICARE INSURANCE HOSPPREM _ HOSP PREM _ � fA Ak �J 07 -31 -89 PAGE 10 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 28- 4256 - 702 -70 MANUAL 40- 4256 - 803 -80 MANUAL 50- 4256 - 821 -82 MANUAL 50- 4256 - 841 -84 MANUAL 50- 4256- 861 -86 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 624 -62 MANUAL 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL 12- 4215 - 434 -43 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL' * ** -CKS 10- 4157 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL 10- 4162 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4156- 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL _ � fA 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -31-89 PAGE 11 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE. 89.14.* * * * * ** * ** -CKS 206E11 206EII 08/09/89 08/09/89 1.20- EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E11 08/09/89 .81- 8.40- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84, 50- 3710_ 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 206E11 08/09/89 11.37- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 206E11 08/09/89 40.50 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E11 08/09/89 419.87 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E11 08/09/89 60.00 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 206E11 08/09/89 568.32 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206EII 08/04/89 20.54 EAGLE WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206E11 08/04/89 128.08 EAGLE WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1,215.53 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 206E26 08/09/89 4.87- ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 3.35- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 3.86- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 27.23- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 16.56- ED PHILLIPS. 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 36.20- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E26 206E26 08/09/89 .08/09/89 2.62- 5.22- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 27.42- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 193.47 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206E26 206E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 1,361.97 131.15 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 1,810.18 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 1,371.35 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 335.74 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 487.41 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 522.25 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 42.00- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 1,656.72 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E26 08/09/89 64.20- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206E26 08/04/89 70.00 ED PHILLIPS BEER 50- 4630 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206E26 08/04/89 104.75 ED PHILLIPS BEER 50- 4630 - 862 -86 MANUAL 7,811.46 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 206G82 08/09/89 110.36- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 55.56- GRIGGS.COOPER 50- 3700 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 37.63- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 822 42 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 96.31- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 158.66- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206G82 .08/09/89 124.04- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 9.65 -' GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 329.34- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206G82- 08/09/89 64.05- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 43.97- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 73.43- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07- 31 -8.9 PAGE 12 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 206G82 08/09/89 73.70- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 2,198.44 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206G82' 08/09/89 .3,671.29 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 3,685.12 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206682 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 206G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 8,378.15 * * * * ** * * * -CKS 206J62 08/09/89 4.25- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3700 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 7.00- JOHNSON WINE 50 -3700- 862 -86 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 29.42- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 .60- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 1.20- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 8.80- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 75.00- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 1.08- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 14.11- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 1.50- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 2.08- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 2.52- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 70.56- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 8.40 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 1,471.92 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 17.60 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 3,749.64 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 3,528.31 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 16.80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 .00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 120.98 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 60.10 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 _MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 .80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 880.84 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62. 08/09/89 .80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 12.80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 108.02 JOHNSON WINE- 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08./09/89 150.25 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 1,410.87 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62' 08/09/89 27.60 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 2.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 .80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 250.75 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 6.80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 207.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 4.80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206J62 08/09/89 .00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 11,819.76 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -89 PAGE 13 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * * * * ** * ** -CKS 206P20 08/09/89 3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206P20 08/09/89 50.50 PAUSTIS & SONS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 53.50 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 206P82 08/09/89 2.82- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 206P82 08/09/89 6.71- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206P82 08/09/89 2.28- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206P82 08/09/89 141.20 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206P82 08/09/89 335.39 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206P82 08/09/89 113.96 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206P82 08/04/89 84.18 PRIOR WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL 2106P82 08/04/89 41.11 PRIOR WINE MIX 50- 4632 - 861 -86 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 704.03 * QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL * * * * ** * ** -CKS 206Q16 08/09/89 2.97- QUALITY WINE. 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 23.02- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 1.12- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 .44- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 .40- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 .83- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 15.10- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 1.67- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 .57- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 2.95- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 52.77 - QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 80.12- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 47.61- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 2.61- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 .44- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 1,151.28 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 147.95 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 2,639.13 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 4,005.55 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 2,379.58 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 296.80 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 39.95 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 111.20 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 44.25 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 1,507.60 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 167.10 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 56.75 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 83.20 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 261.15 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206Q16 08/09/89 44.25 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 12,703.12 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 212P32 08/04/89 24,351.27 P.E.R.A. PERA 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL 1 1989 CITY OF EDINA..... CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -89 PAGE 14 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 24,351.27 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 213EII 213EII 08/09/89 08/09/89 12.93- 12.93 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213EIl 08/09/89 12.93- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213EII 213EII 08/09/89 08/09/89 14.43- 20.36 EAGLE WINE ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213E11 08/09/89 20.36- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 213EII 213EII 08/09/89 08/09/89 20.36- 646.67 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 213EIl 08/09/89 646.67 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213EII 213EII 08/09/89 08/09/89 646.67 - 721.74 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213EII 08/09/89 1,017.81 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 213EIl 213EII 08/09/89 08/09/89 1,017.81 1,017.81- EAGLE WINE ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213EII 08/04/89 89.37 EAGLE WINE MIX 50- 4628 - 862 -86 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213EIl 213EII 08/04/89 08/04/89 83.07 33.30 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE MIX MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL 2,544.24 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL * * * * ** * ** -CKS 213E26 213E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 31.00- 30.00- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 3.30- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 842 -84 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 213E26 213E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 8.25- 2.97- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 .56- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213E26 213E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 3.66- 1.02- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 11.61- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213E26 213E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 24.25- 7.89- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 1.02- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 213E26 213E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 1.42- 1.79- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 7.65- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 213E26 213E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 4.84- 12.56- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 3.01- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 213E26 213E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 22.64- 9.33- ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 580.96 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 •50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213E26 213E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 89.80 71.40 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 1,212.74 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 213E26 213E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 1,132.00 242.09 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 56.30 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213E26 213E26 08/09/89 08/09/89 102.00 366.06 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 297.69 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -89 PAGE 15 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 213E26 08/09/89 .00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 .00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 789.08 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 102.00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 765.86 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 .00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 933.81 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 301.20 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 .00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 213E26 08/09/89 1,256.62 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213E26 08/04/89 104.75 ED PHILLIPS BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213E26 08/04/89 42.65 ED PHILLIPS MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL 8,258.24 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 213G82 08/09/89 40.72- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213G82 08/09/89 3.92- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213G82 08/09/89 93.57- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213G82 08/09/89 129.54- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213682 08/09/89 84.31- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 213G82 08/09/89 128.98- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 213682 08/09/89 109.91- GRIGGS COOPER 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 213G82 08/09/89 4,215.37 GRIGGS COOPER- 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213G82 08/09/89 6,449.24 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213G82 08/09/89 5,495.30 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213G82 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213682 08/09/89 .00 GRIGGS COOPER 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 15,568.96 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 213J62 08/09/89 19.50- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3700 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 14.67- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 .60- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 55.96- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 95.78- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 18.65- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 .90- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 .48- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 .90 JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 .90- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 3.62- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 120.54- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 12.92- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 2,797.21 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 13.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 24.60 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 181.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 1.20 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 4,788.78 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 28.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 6,026.26 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL \i '40 4 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -89 PAGE 16 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 213J62 08/09/89 .80 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 60.10 21.20 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE. 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213J62 213J62 08/09/89 08/09/89 1,468.56 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 8.21- 99.39- JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213J62 213J62 08/09/89 08/09/89 90.30- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 .80 90.30 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 213J62 08/09/89 08/09/89 .00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 32.40 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 213J62 08/09/89 08/09/89 .80 1,864.26 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 89.50 47.50 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213J62 213J62 08/09/89 08/09/89 17.60 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 213J62 08/09/89 1,291.85 JOHNSON WINE 18,304.60 * ** -CKS * * * * ** 213P20 08/09/89 106.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 213P20 08/09/89 3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS 109.00 * ** -CKS * * * * ** 213P82 08/09/89 2.71- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213P82 08/09/89 1.63- 11.99- PRIOR WINE PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213P82 08/09/89 2.49- PRIOR WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213P82 213P82 08/09/89 08/09/89 11.79- PRIOR WINE WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213P82 08/04/89 19.95 115.69 PRIOR WINE PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213P82 213P82 08/09/89 08/09/89 81.40 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 213P82 08/09/89 599.40 124.65 PRIOR WINE PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213P82 213P82 08/09/89 08/09/89 589.43 PRIOR WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1,499.91 * ** -CKS * * * * ** 213Q16 08/09/89 28.91- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 213Q16 08/09/89 .95- 3.71- QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213Q16 213Q16 08/09/89 08/09/89 9.05- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 213Q16 08/09/89 10.85- 1.59- QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE , 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213Q16 213Q16 08/09/89 08/09/89 60.15- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 213Q16 08/09/89 .35- 9.61- QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213Q16 213Q16 08/09/89 08/09/89 73.28- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 213Q16 08/09/89 1.69- 1.42- QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213Q16 213Q16 08/09/89 08/09/89 3.71- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL :cnPNC. . .. '491 ,.�y�: c..�a�h� - - - - - - - . AY. <. ,. ..i ... >_ ..� .-. �.� . .,.. _ �.�.. s•4 .. �+ aa. e .. , "�.'- '9c',Y�55t ifl'ail K+Ii,5snGS -'4 im�:�.e• - ..d c�.t 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/09/89 213Q16 08/04/89 * * * * ** 213T49 08/09/89 213T49 08/09/89 * * * * ** 203,061.40 AMOUNT 185.71 1,445.42 3,007.51 185.71 3,663.40 904.25 95.00 34.50 158.05 1,019.50 957.80 168.75 141.75 123.00 —6i—s — 11,885.08 -- - -- -- 652,170.73 a 114.44 54.45 168.89 293,799.41 8,781.00 3,666.59 646.07 1,155.45 56,024.88 7,286.73 237.72 8,391.72 34,359.44 34,760.32 652,166.48— 14— CHECK REGISTER VENDOR QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE TOW DISTRIBUTING TOW DISTRIBUTING FUND 10 TOTAL FUND 11 TOTAL FUND 12 TOTAL FUND 23 TOTAL FUND 26 TOTAL FUND 27 TOTAL FUND 28 TOTAL FUND 29 TOTAL FUND 30 TOTAL FUND 40 TOTAL FUND 50 TOTAL FUND 60 TOTAL TOTAL u GENERAL FUND C.D.B.G. COMMUNICATIONS ART CENTER SWIMMING POOL FUND GOLF COURSE FUND RECREATION CENTER FUND GUN RANGE FUND EDINBOROUGH PARK UTILITY FUND LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND CONSTRUCTION FUND 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 842 -84 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS 07 -31 -89 PAGE 17 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 MANUAL GENERAL FUND C.D.B.G. COMMUNICATIONS ART CENTER SWIMMING POOL FUND GOLF COURSE FUND RECREATION CENTER FUND GUN RANGE FUND EDINBOROUGH PARK UTILITY FUND LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND CONSTRUCTION FUND 50- 4628 - 822 -82 50- 4628 - 842 -84 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS - - =� Ao, 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 1 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE .22a779 08/15/89 11914.42 11, 914. 42-- MID E T- -ASfLHALT PAY "ENT 204-0- 000 -09- * * * ** * * * -CKS 233701 08/08/89 129.18 TULL BEARING INC BEARINGS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 5409 2858 129.18 233702 08/08/89 340.00 MR SIGN. LETTERING 10- 4620 - 560 -56 358 2261 340.00 * 233703 08/08/89 .99.48 CENTURY SALES CO VALVES 10- 4540 - 560 -56 196167 2834 99.48 * 233704 08/10/89 2,700.00 CERT HYD SPECIAL HYD PUMP TRANS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 59326 2759 233704 08/08/89 267.86 CERT HYD SPECIAL PUMP HYD 10- 4540 - 560 -56 58997 2757 2,967.86 * 233705 08/08/89 42.10 CONVEYORS WRENCH 40- 4580 - 801 -80 C77379 2388 42.10 * 233706 08/08/89 337.50 DRI -DEK CORP MATTING 40- 4504 - 802 -80 24127 2701 337.50 * 233707 08/08/89 61.50 LAND CARE EQUIP MOWER BLADES 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2100 2603 61.50 * 233708 08/08/89 106.40 ISIA GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 781 -78 2987 106.40 * 2337.09 08/07/89 16.95 POLICE MARKSMAN DUES 10- 4204 - 420 -42 16.95 * 23 =J10 08/07/89 20.00 HENN CTY PUBLIC REC FILING. FEE 11- 4201 - 127 -12 20.00 * 233711 08/07/89 45.00 EDINA PET HOSP KENNEL SERV 10- 4201 - 470 -47 45.00 * 233712 08/07/89 494.00 TV FANFARE ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 862 -86 494.00 * 233713 08/07/89 7,500.00 OLYMPIC BALER INC BALERS '50- 1340 - 000 -00 2651 7,500.00 * 233714 08/08/89 390.00 GOLD COUNTRY INC STAFF SWEATSHIRTS 26- 4262 = 682 -68 2783 390.00 * 233715 08/08/89 311.20 GOOSE GRAPHICS PRINTING 10- 4201 - 627 -62 2732 2984 311.20 233716 08/08/89 14.00 RUTH ROSEQUIST REFUND 10- 1145 - 000 -00 14.00 233717 08/08/89 302.50 DPC INDUSTRIES POOL CHEMICALS 26- 4564- 682 -68 722917 1057 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 233718 233719 233720 233721 233722 233723 233724 233724 233725 233726 233727 * * * * ** 233730 233730 233731 233732 233733 233734 233735 233736 08/08/89 08/08/89 08/08/89 08/08/89 08/08/89 08/08/89 08/07/89 08/10/89 08/07/89 08/10/89 08/07/89 08/10/89 08/15/89 08/08/89 08/08/89 08/10/89 08/10/89 08/10/89 08/10/89 AMOUNT 302.50 * 100.08 100.08 * 9,008.00 9,008.00 * 37.50 37.50 * 324.03 324.03 * 495.00 495.00 * 75.00 75.00 * 313.40 18.00 331.40 * 1,175.64 1,175.64 * 12.00 12.00 * 31.65 31.65 * 1,701.50 2,423.16 4,124.66 * 350.00 350.00 * 266.16 266.16 * 90.00 90.00 * 3,173.63 3,173.63 * 1,645.50 1,645.50 * 50.45 M CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION FRANCIS CALLAHAN ENGCO CONSTR VOTER REG /ELEC SEC RECREONICS CORP MN CLE POLICE LEADERSHIP MIDWEST LANDSCAPING MIDWEST LANDSCAPING US WEST COMM RITA LILENTHAL BLOOMINGTON CERAMICS BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS BW &A AK -SAR -BEN NURS NW TENNIS ASSO MENARDS . GOPHER SIGN CO WHITE OAK GALLERY MILEAGE CONSTRUCTION POSTAGE LADDER STEPS CONT ED SUBSCRIPTION LANDSCAPING BURLAP CABLE REPAIR REFUND COST OF COMM ASPHALT ASPHALT SOFTWARE LANDSCAPING T- SHIRTS WOOD SIGN BLANKS OFFICE SUPPLIES 08 -21 -89 PAGE 2 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4208 - 480 -48 60- 1300 - 005 -20 10- 4290 - 140 -14 26- 4504 - 682 -68 94924 2776. 10- 4202 - 420 -42 10- 4204 - 420 -42 10- 4560 - 644 -64 3007 60- 1300 - 286 -04 15873 2842 40- 4248 - 803 -80 A77927 2947 30- 3505- 000 -00 23- 4624 - 613 -61 573 2437 27- 4522 - 664 -66 27- 4524 - 664 -66 10- 4902 - 510 -51 60- 1300 - 283 -04 10- 4504 - 623 -62 10- 4604 - 646 -64 10- 4542 - 325 -30 30- 4516 - 781 -78 54225 2992 54226 2997 4604 2837 3075 944500 2700 23168 1985 3000 * * * -CKS f 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 50.45 * 233737 08/10/89 80.00 80.00 * 233738 08/15/89 96.00 96.00 * 233739 08/15/89 25.00 25.00 * 233740 08/15/89 25.00 25.00 * 233741 08/15/89 25.00 25.00 * 233742 08/15/89 25.00 25.00 * 233743 08/15/89 30.00 30.00 *. 233744 08/15/89 60.00 60`.00 * 233745 08/15/89 60.00 60.00 * 233746 08/15/89 60.00 60.00 * 233747 08/15/89 60.00 60.00 * 233748 08/15/89 25.00 25.00 * 233749 08/15/89 25.00 25.00 * 233750 08/15/89 100.00 100.00 * 233751 08/15/89 80.00 80.00 * 233752 08/15/89 80.00 80.00 * 233753 08/15/89 14..00 14.00 * 233754 08/15/89 149.53 - 149.53 * CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION LUCY M ROSCHE ROXANNE SEIDEL DORIS WOLTER JUDY LIEBER PAT MENEELY MARIAN ALSTAD JANE RIFFEY HARRY HEIM SUE,BLAIR J KANJANAVIVITCH MARGARET GUST PHYLLIS HAYWA BOB CONNOLLY PAT GREER JAMES TOENSING JAMES TOENSING VERNA LUTES METRO APPLIANCE CLEANING SERVICES PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE EXHIBT EXP PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE REFUND REPAIR GRILL 08 -21 -89 PAGE 3 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 27- 4201 - 662 -66 30- 4201 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 3501- 000 -00 30- 4224 - 781 -78 30- 4224 - 781 -78 10- 1145 - 000 -00 27- 4248 - 663 -66 78371 2773 . 08 -21 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4902 - 440 -44 25168 1772 30- 4201 - 782 -78 30- 4600 - 781 -78 2322 26- 4624 - 683 -68 11- 4201 - 127 -12 10- 4201 - 180 -18 460262 3143 27- 4288 - 612 -66 2369 3085 27- 4288 - 612 -66 2369 3085 27- 4288 - 662 -66 2356 2823 27- 4288 - 662 -66 2369 3085 10- 4248 - 520 -52 2815 10- 4504 - 520 -52 3089 10- 4580- 440 -44 2510 10- 4248 - 440 -44 2522 27- 4564- 664 -66 3106 27- 4564 - 664 -66 3107 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 4 60- 2040 - 000 -00 * * * -CKS 60- 2040 - 000 -00 w 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 233755 08/15/89 21,517.00 COMPRESSED AIR AIR COMP.REESOR 21,517.00 * 233756 08/15/89 40.00 STATE OF•MN PRO SERV 40.00 * 233757 08/15/89 175.00 MN PARENT ADVERTISING 175.00 * 233758 08/15/89 4.00 GERRY TRAINOR POPCORN SALT 4.00 233.759 08/15/89 6,779.00 SUPERIOR ROOFING NEW ROOF 6,779.00 * 233760 08/15/89 1,000.00 BCR ELECTIONS TRAINING 1,000.00 * 233761 08/15/89 106.50- PRESTO CLEANING CLEAN 233761 08/15/89 106.50 PRESTO CLEANING CLEAN 233761 08/15/89 404.00 PRESTO CLEANING CLEAN 233761 08/15/89 106.50 PRESTO CLEANING CLEAN 510.50 * 233762 08/15/89 975.00 PRO CARPET CLEAN CARPET CLEANING 975.00 * 233763 08/15/89 490.10 SEARS SUPPLIES 233763 08/15/89 22.98 SEARS TOOLS 513.08 * 233764 08/15/89 270.00 COMMUNITY HEALTH UHF RADIO REP 270.00 * 233765 08/15/89 415.00 MONSANTO CO CHEMICALS 233765 08/15/89 125.00 MONSANTO CO CHEMICALS 540.00 * 233766 08/15/89 134,299.28 GL CONTRACTING PAYMENT 134,299.28 * 233767 08/15/89 33,985.20 SM HENTGES & SONS PAYMENT 33,985.20 * 233768 08/15/89 47,498.39 BURY& CARLSON PAYMENT 47,498.39 * 233769 08/15/89 5,882.40 DH BLATTNER & SONS PAYMENT 5,882.40 * 233770 08/15/89 11,914.42 MIDWEST ASPHALT PAYMENT 233771 08/15/89 37,209.55 EH RENNER PAYMENT 37,209.55 * . 08 -21 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4902 - 440 -44 25168 1772 30- 4201 - 782 -78 30- 4600 - 781 -78 2322 26- 4624 - 683 -68 11- 4201 - 127 -12 10- 4201 - 180 -18 460262 3143 27- 4288 - 612 -66 2369 3085 27- 4288 - 612 -66 2369 3085 27- 4288 - 662 -66 2356 2823 27- 4288 - 662 -66 2369 3085 10- 4248 - 520 -52 2815 10- 4504 - 520 -52 3089 10- 4580- 440 -44 2510 10- 4248 - 440 -44 2522 27- 4564- 664 -66 3106 27- 4564 - 664 -66 3107 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 4 60- 2040 - 000 -00 * * * -CKS 60- 2040 - 000 -00 w 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 233772 08/15/89 81,225.00 PITT -DES MOINES INC PAYMENT 81,225.00 * 233773 08/15/89 773.04 ANNANDALE CONST PAYMENT 773.04 * 233774 08/15/89 750.00 MIKE ANDREJKA NEW GUTTERS 750.00 * 233775 08/15/89 104.94 JH LARSON ELECT CO PHOTO CONTROL 233775 08/15/89 323.75 JH LARSON ELECT CO STREET LIGHTS 233775 08/15/89 232.75- JH LARSON ELECT CO STREET LIGHTS 233775 08/15/89 232.75 JH LARSON ELECT CO STREET LIGHTS 233775 08/15/89 323.75 JH LARSON ELECT CO STREET LIGHTS - 752.44 * 233776 08/15/89 266.00 WM BROWN REIMBURSEMENT 266.00 * 233777 08/15/89 188.00 UHK CO INC SERVICE 188.00 * 233778 08/15/89 329.75 TRANSICOIL INC REPAIR PARTS 233778 08/15/89 329.75 325-80 TRANSICOIL INC REPAIR PARTS 659.50* 5- * 233779 08/15/89 5.50 DIANE SANKEY PW TITLE FOR VEHICLE 233779 08/15/89 5.00 DIANE SANKEY PW DIESEL FUEL 233779 08/15/89 12.50 DIANE SANKEY PW PARKING 233779 08/15/89 22.25 DIANE SANKEY PW DICTIONARY 233779 08/15/89 6.25 DIANE SANKEY PW MAPS 233779 08/15/89 46.75 DIANE SANKEY PW 55 GAL DRUM 98.25 * 233780 08/15/89 161.809 BURMEISTER ELEC U -GUARD 161.80* 132. BE) * 233781 08/15/89 100.00 HEALTH RESOURCE COR TESTING 100.00 * 233782 08/15/89 14.54 JON REISSNER MILEAGE 14.54 * 233783 08/15/89 37.05 MISSION SERVICE CASSETTE TAPES 37.05 * 233784 08/15/89 49.35 NAOMI JOHNSON GENERAL SUPPLIES 233784 08/15/89 48.15 NAOMI JOHNSON OFFICE 233784 08/15/89 69.56 NAOMI JOHNSON CRAFT 167.06 * 233785 08/15/89 60.00 JO RUTH AC PRINTING 60.00 * 233786 08/15/89 252.00 MONICA RUDQUIST MAINT PT 08 -21 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 60- 2040 - 000 -00 60- 2040 - 000 -00 11- 4201 - 127 -12 10- 4540 - 322 -30 46549 2885 10- 4540 - 322 -30 803907 2740 10- 4540 - 322 -30 803906 2739 10- 4540- 322 -30 803906 2739 10- 4540 - 322 -30 803906 2739 10- 4156- 510 -51 10- 4248 - 540 -54 8131 40- 4540 - 804 -80 31673 2328 40- 4540 - 804 -80 31346 2329 10- 4310 - 560 -56 10- 4612 - 560 -56 10- 4802 - 280 -28 10- 4901 - 540 -54 40- 4504 - 801 -80 40- 4540 - 802 -80 10- 4540 - 322 -30 2751 10- 4201 - 440 -44 7966 2526 10- 4201 - 644 -64 10- 4504 - 100 -10 23- 4504 - 611 -61 23- 4516 - 611 -61 23- 4588 - 611 -61 23- 4600 - 611 -61 23- 4120 - 612 -61 too 5 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 233786 08/15/89 233787 08/15/89 233788 08/15/89 233789 08/15/89 233790 08/15/89 233792 102.00 -3 -r:91 08/15/89 233791 08/15/89 * * * * ** 233793 08/15/89 233794 08/15/89 233795 08/15/89 233796 08/15/89 233797 08/15/89 233798 08/1.5/89 233799 08/15/89 233800 08/15/89 233801 08/15/89 233802 08/15/89 233803 08/15/89 233804 08/15/89 • CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 750.00 MONICA RUDQUIST AC INSTRUCTOR 1,002.00 * 102.00 BRIDGET SULLIVAN AC INSTRUCTOR 102.00 * 29.00 ERIN LAUB AC INSTRUCTOR 29.00 * 1,582.00 MARIAN ALSTAD AC INSTRUCTOR 1,582.00 * 156.00 BETSY BRYANT AC INSTRUCTOR 156.00 TOBIE DICKER 749.00 9116, DA VIES AC INSTRUCTOR 959.00. ;99 99 SUE DAVIES AC INSTRUCTOR 426.00 BILL DIETRICHSON AC INSTRUCTOR 426.00. 900.00 PAT GEISHEKER AC INSTRUCTOR 900.00 360.00. JEAN GRAPP AC INSTRUCTOR 360.00 308.00 MARGARET GUST AC INSTRUCTOR 308.00 226.00 PAT WOLF AC INSTRUCTOR 226.00 84.00 BETTY B PEDDIE AC INSTRUCTOR 84.00 120.00 CYD WICKER AC INSTRUCTOR 120.00 594.00 KATHY GUSTAFSON AC INSTRUCTOR 594.00 332.00 KRISTIN HALE AC INSTRUCTOR 332.00 * 120.00 PHYLLIS HAYWA AC INSTRUCTOR 120.00 * 224.00 EVIE HOMQUIST AC INSTRUCTOR 224.00 * 144.00 NICK LEGEROS AC INSTRUCTOR 08 -21 -89 PAGE ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 _23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611-61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 23- 4201 - 611 -61 6 * * * -CKS O 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 7 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT -NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 144.00 * 233805 08/15/89 1,781.00 MARGARET MCDOWELL AC INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 1,781.00 * 233806 08/15/89 360.00 J THOMAS NELSON AC INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 360.00 * 233807 08/15/89 192.00 DOROTHY ODLAND AC INSTRUCTOR 23- 4201 - 611 -61 192.00 * 233808 08/15/89 2,444.95 BRUCE PLBG DISHWASHER INSTAL. 27- 1332 - 000 -00 1261 2,444.95 * 233809 08/15/89 146.47 COLOR TILE TILE 27- 4504 - 663 -66 911250 1715 146.47 * 233810 08/15/89 674.48 EASTMAN KODAK CO MAINT 10- 4288 - 510 -51 674.48 * 233811 08/15/89 189.00 GIRARDS BUS MACH SERV AGREEMENT 10- 4288 - 510 -51 189.00 * 233812 08/15/89 96.12 KRAFT FOOD SERV GENERAL SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 611 -61 163613 2787 96.12 * 233813 08/15/89 136.74 NANCY KNUDSON PRO SERV 28- 4224 - 701 -70 136.74 * 233814 08/15/89 190.00 MIAMA FALL CONF 28- 4202 - 702 -70 233814 08/15/89 190.00 MIAMA FALL CONF 28- 4202 - 780 -70 233814 08/15/89 190.00- MIAMA FALL CONF 28- 4202 - 780 -70 190.00 * 233815 08/15/89 3,653.00 METRO IMPROVEMENTS NEW ROOF 11- 4201 - 127 -12 3,653.00 * 233816 08/15/89 319.30 IMPULSE CONCEPTS REPAIRS 23- 4248 - 612 -61 23989 2792 319.30 * 233817 08/15/89 258.00 JOHN KEPRIOS AIRFARE 10- 4202 - 600 -60 258.00 * 233818 08/15/89 300.00 NRPA REGISTRATION 10- 4204 - 600 -60 300.00 * 233819 08/15/89 660.00 MN SAFETY COUNCIL TRAINING 10- 4212 - 510 -51 26632 660.00 * 233820 08/15/89 1,060.00 BECKER & ASSO REPAIR PLASTIC 28- 4248 - 704 -70 I1111 2812 1,060.00 * 233821 08/15/89 260.55 TC PICTURE FRAMING FRAMING 27- 4516- 661 -66 2550 260.55 * 233822 08/15/89 288.00 ERIC STANG SERVICES 27- 4120 - 668 -66 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 8 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 288.00 * 233823 08/15/89 27.78 HEIDI JOHNSON REIMBURSEMENT 10- 4504- 624 -62 27.78 * 233824 08/15/89 23.87 LYLE AXT REIMBURSEMENT 29- 4624 - 722 -72 23.87 * 233825 08/15/89 24.65 BRIDGET SULLIVAN REIMBURSEMENT 10- 4504 - 624 -62 24.65 233826 08/15/89 20,451.60 BUCKHORN HANDLING CONTAINERS 10- 4504 - 507 -50 2536 - 233826 08/15/89 19,562.40 BUCKHORN HANDLING CONTAINERS 10- 4504 - 507 -50 2536 F 233826 08/15/89 21,340.80 BUCKHORN HANDLING CONTAINERS 10- 4504 - 507 -50 2536 61,354.80 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233A07 08/10/89 138.45 ALL -AMER BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 233A07 08/15/89 289.40 ALL -AMER BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 233A07 08/10/89 252.60 ALL -AMER BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 680.45 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233A09 08/08/89 812.22 AAA CAR REGISTRATION 10- 4310 - 560 -56 812.22 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233AII 08/10/89 71.91 ACE SUPPLY REPAIR PAARTS 40- 4540 - 802 -80 2240 71.91 * 233Al2 08/08/89 175.00 ACME WINDOW CLEANING CLEANING 10- 4248 - 390 -39 2861- 175.00 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233A15 08/08/89 33.50 ADAMS PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL 26- 4201 - 682 -68 113190 33.50 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233A29 08/07/89 16.95 ALBINSON PLUMB BOB 10- 4504 - 260 -26 573483 8742 233A29 08/15/89 115.25 ALBINSON SCALES 10- 4504 - 260 -26 576366 233A29 08/15/89 146.57 ALBINSON LEVEL ROD 10- 4604 - 260 -26 576116 8742 B 233A29 08/08/89 112.00 ALBINSON MEASURING WHEEL 40- 4540 - 803 -80 571836 2839 1 390.77 * r * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233A39 08/08/89 14.04 ALTERNATOR REBUILD BATTERRY 10- 4504 - 325 -30 1694 2613 233A39 08/08/89 72.60 ALTERNATOR REBUILD BATTERY 10- 4504 - 440 -44 1692 2613 233A39 08/08/89 276.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD STARTERS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13386 2855 233A39 08/08/89 69.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD STARTER 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13363 2706 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 9 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 233A39 08/08/89 138.90 ALTERNATOR REBUILD STARTER 10- 4540 - 560 -56 8508 2864 233A39 08/08/89 33.85 ALTERNATOR REBUILD STARTER 10- 4540 - 560 -56 8256 2602 233A39 08/08/89 138.90 ALTERNATOR REBUILD STARTER 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13372 2732 233A39 08/08/89 159.38 ALTERNATOR REBUILD AIR COMP 10- 4620 - 560 -56 1690 2470 233A39 08/08/89 60.98 ALTERNATOR REBUILD FREON 10- 4620 - 560 -56 8289 2829 233A39 08/08/89 239.58 ALTERNATOR REBUILD SAFETY EQUIP 10- 4642 - 301 -30 1696 2747 233A39 08/08/89 129.46 ALTERNATOR REBUILD FILTERS 10- 4642 - 301 -30 1691 2592 233A39 08/08/89 251.75 ALTERNATOR REBUILD DRILL 40- 4580 - 801 -80 1695 2865 233A39 08/08/89 221.85 ALTERNATOR REBUILD DRILL 40- 4580 - 801 -80 1697 2849 233A39 08/08/89 259.82 ALTERNATOR REBUILD TOOL BOX 40- 4580 - 801 -80 1693 2682 2,066.11 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233A41 08/08/89 74.00 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 683 -68 1699 233A41 08/08/89 74.00 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE HOT DOGS 26- 4624 - 683 -68 1698 233A41 08/15/89 302.33 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE MEAT 27- 4624 - 663 -66 233A41 08/10/89 321.43 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE MEAT 27- 4624 - 663 -66 8919 771.76 * ** -CKS 233A49 08/07/89 197.44 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 440 -44 233A49 08/07/89 9.96 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 482 -48 233A49 08/07/89 8.12 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 520 -52 233A49 08/07/89 134.40 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 520 -52 233A49 08/10/89 100.31 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 27- 4262 - 663 -66 233A49 08/07/89 142.59 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 30- 4262 - 782 -78 233A49 08/07/89 95.82 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262 - 821 -82 233A49 08/07/89 56.48 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262 - 841 -84 233A49 08/07/89 92.35 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262 - 861 -86 836.47 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233A91 08/15/89 80.00 AUTO SOUND /ENTRONIX CK SPEEDO 10- 4248 - 560 -56 3053 80.00 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233A96 08/08/89 39.50 AUTOMOBILE SERV CTR ALIGNMENT 10- 4248 - 560 -56 3429 2754 39.50 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233A98 08/10/89 294.00 AVR INC CONCRETE 10- 4528 - 314 -30 5227 1044 233A98 08/10/89 97.00 AVR INC CONCRETE 10- 4528 - 314 -30 5876 1044 233A98 08/15/89 231.00 AVR INC CONCRETE 10- 4528 - 314 -30 6234 1044 233A98 08/10/89 118.00 AVR INC CONCRETE 10- 4528 - 314 -30 6115 1044 233A98 08/10/89 210.00 AVR INC CONCRETE 10- 4528 - 314 -30 4725 1044 233A98 08/10/89 177.00 AVR INC CONCRETE 10- 4528 - 314 -30 4604 1044 233A98 08/15/89 900.00 AVR INC CONCRETE 40- 4528 - 803 -80 6357 1044 233A98 08/10/89 147.50 AVR INC CONCRETE 40- 4528 - 803 -80 4399 1044 2,174.50 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 233B14 08/15/89 * * * * ** 233618 08/08/89 233618 08/08/89 * * * * ** BATTERY WAREHOUSE 233622 08/15/89 233622 08/07/89 233622 08/10/89 233622 08/07/89 233B25 08/15/89 233627 08/07/89 233827 08/07/89 233627 08/07/89 233627 08/07/88 233627 08/07/89 * * * * ** 50- 4630 - 842 -84 233630 08/15/89 233830 08/08/89 233630 08/08/89 233630 08/07/89 233630 08/15/89 233630 08/15/89 233630 08/15/89 233630 08/08/89 233630 08/15/89 233B30 08/15/89 233B30 08/08/89 233630 08/07/89 233630 08/15/89 233630 08/15/89 233830 08/10/89 233830 08/15/89 233830 08/15/89 233630 08/15/89 * * * * ** 233632' 08/08/89 233832 08/15/89 * * * * ** AMOUNT 141.00 141.00 73.62 117.52 191.14 2,831.60 958.60 2,515.90 1,511.10 7,817.20 10.0.00 201.10- 201.10 201.10 447.50 341.00 989.60 15.84 12.16 1.52 36.38 5.66- 5.66 19.67- 21.84 13.51 19.67 26.84 180.40 19.20 15.96- 61.96 16.60- 11.19 7.68 375.96 12.34 72.00 84.34 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION BARRETT MOV & STOR T- SHIRTS. 08 -21 -89 PAGE 10 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10 -4504- 623 -62 01018 3008 * ** -CKS BATTERY WAREHOUSE BATTERY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 47751 2341 BATTERY WAREHOUSE TIRE 10- 4616- 560 -56 30598 2852 * ** -CKS BEER WHOLESALERS BEER 27- 4630 - 663 -66 BEER WHOLESALERS BBER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 BEER WHOLESALERS BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 BEER WHOLESALERS BBER 50- 4630 - 862 -86 WAYNE BENNETT POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 ** *-CKS BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOE DEL 50- 4626 - 822 -82 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DEL 50- 4626 - 822 -82 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOE DEL 50- 4626 - 822 -82 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DEL 50 -4626- 842 -84 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DEL 50- 4626 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS BERTELSON BROS. INC. CASTERS 10- 4504 - 260 -26 488151 BERTELSON BROS. INC. CLIP BOARDS 10- 4504 - 301 -30 481921 2496 BERTELSON BROS. INC. CLIP BOARDS 10- 4504 - 301 -30 481484 2496 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 487488 BERTELSON BROS. INC. CREDIT 10- 4504 - 510 -51 BERTELSON BROS. INC. PEN REFILS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 487023 BERTELSON BROS. INC. CREDIT 10- 4504 - 510 -51 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 484442 BERTELSON BROS. INC. PENS 10-4504- 510 -51 488151 BERTELSON BROS. INC. CARBON PAPER 10- 4504 - 510 -51 486217 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 BERTELSON BROS. INC. REMODELING 25- 4924 - 520 -52 483064 2504 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 27- 4516 - 661 -66 489450 1775 BERTELSON BROS. INC. CREDIT 30- 4516 - 781 -78 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 30- 4516 - 781 -78 488297 3012 BERTELSON BROS. INC. CREDIT 30- 4516- 781 -78 BERTELSON BROS. INC. CARBON PAPER 40- 4504 - 800 -80 488151 BERTELSON BROS. INC. BOOKENDS 40- 4504 - 800 -80 488151 * ** -CKS BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS KEYS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 93818 2863 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS LOCKS 40- 4540 - 802 -80 94571 2924 * ** -CKS 08 -21 =89 PAGE 11 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30- 4516 - 781 -78 876832 3083 * ** -CKS 60- 1300 - 003 -07 10- 4512 - 520 -52 132318 10- 4504 - 314 -30 10- 4504 - 314 -30 274186 1822 10- 4504 - 390 -30 S04630 1974 10- 4540 - 520 -52 271688 1444 * ** -CKS 23- 4624 - 613 -61 089458 2439 * ** -CKS 26- 4262 - 682 -68 17830 3144 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2408 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 540 -54 106074 * ** -CKS 27- 4516- 661 -66 6686 2972 27- 4516 - 661 -66 6684 2972 * ** -CKS 10- 4210 - 140 -14 102324 10- 4210 - 140 -14 102099 * ** -CKS 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 50- 4630 - 862 -86 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 233B42 08/15/89 36.75 BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY OFFICE SUPPLIES 36.75 'kkkkkk 233B77 08/07/89 22.00 BRAUN ENG TESTNG INC TESTING 22.00 * 233878 08/15/89 8.40 BRISSMAN- KENNEDY INC DRIVE BELT 8.40 * 233B79 08/08/89 42.25- BROCK WHITE CREDIT 233879 233879 08/08/89 08/08/89 49.50 35.00 BROCK WHITE CURB FOAM 233B79 08/08/89 240.80 BROCK WHITE BROCK WHITE FOAM PLASTIC 283.05 kkkkkk 233C01 08/07/89 170.79 C & S DISTRIBUTING COST OF COMM 170.79 233C04 08/15/89 81.50 CAMPBELL SPORTS T- SHIRTS 81.50 233C08 08/08/89 168.42 CARLSON LK ST EQUIP. PARTS 168.42 k k k k k k 233C17 08/10/89 109.08 CDP COPY MADE 109.08 kkkkkk 233C23 233C23 08/15/89 08/15/89 159.98 118.00 CORE RESTORE REPAIR COPIER CORE RESTORE CLEANING 277.98 kkkkkk 233C25 233C25 08/15/89 08/15/89 191.70 180.90 CHAPIN PUBLISHING CO AD FOR BIDS CHAPIN PUBLISHING CO ADS FOR BIDS 372.60 k k k k k k 233C30 08/07/89 240.30 CITY BEER BBER 182.20 233C30 08/077/89 90.80 CITY BEER BEER 08 -21 =89 PAGE 11 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 30- 4516 - 781 -78 876832 3083 * ** -CKS 60- 1300 - 003 -07 10- 4512 - 520 -52 132318 10- 4504 - 314 -30 10- 4504 - 314 -30 274186 1822 10- 4504 - 390 -30 S04630 1974 10- 4540 - 520 -52 271688 1444 * ** -CKS 23- 4624 - 613 -61 089458 2439 * ** -CKS 26- 4262 - 682 -68 17830 3144 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2408 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 540 -54 106074 * ** -CKS 27- 4516- 661 -66 6686 2972 27- 4516 - 661 -66 6684 2972 * ** -CKS 10- 4210 - 140 -14 102324 10- 4210 - 140 -14 102099 * ** -CKS 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 50- 4630 - 862 -86 1989 CITY OF EDINA .._ CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 12 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 513.30 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233C36 08/15/89 12.25 CITYWIDE WINDOW SERV WINDOW CLEANING 50- 4248 - 821 -82 233C36 08/15/89 12.25 CITYWIDE WINDOW SERV WINDOW CLEANING 50- 4248 - 841 -84 233C36 08/15/89 12.25 CITYWIDE WINDOW SERV WINDOW CLEANING 50- 4248 - 861 -86 36.75 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233C39 08/08/89 90.00 CLEAN -FLO LAB INDIANHEAD LAKE PROJ 10- 4200 - 358 -30 5015 1944 233C39 08/08/89 330.00 CLEAN -FLO LAB INDIANHEAD LAKE 10- 4200 - 358 -30 5024 1944 420.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233C44 08/07/89 387.50 COCA COLA BOTTLING COKE 26- 4624- 683 -68 233C44 08/15/89 864.50 COCA COLA BOTTLING COKE 27 -4624- 663 -66 233C44 08/07/89 294.70 COCA COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 233C44 08/10/89 742.20 COCA COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 .233C44 08/07/89 910.50 COCA COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 3,199.40 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233C51 08/08/89 679.40 COMM OF REVENUE GASOLINE 10- 4612- 560 -56 679.40 * 233C52 08/08/89 25.00 COMM OF TRAN MANUAL 10- 4504 - 325 -30 75713 2862 25.00 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233C61 08/08/89 940.00 COMTECH INC. CONT REPAIRS 30- 4248 - 782 -78 9936 2921 940.00 *//,,* * ** CKS 233C 08/15/89 3,481.69 CONT MINNESOTA FOOD 27-4624-663-66 233M 08/15/89 310.62 CONT- MINNESOTA SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 663 -66 233C64 08/15/89 130.23 CONT- MINNESOTA CLEANING 27- 4512 - 663 -66 3,922.54 *9.85* _ * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233C85 08/15/89 23.50 CULLIGAN. SERVICE 10- 4200 - 482 -48 23.50 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233C87 08/15/89 364.90 CURTIN MATHESON SCI LAB SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 482 -48 2872 364.90 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233C92 08/15/89 13,845.00 CUSTOM FIRE APP EQUIP 10- 4901 - 440 -44 002735 1774 NNW, O/ 1989 CITY OF. EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 13,845.00 * * * * ** 233C99 08/15/89 1,680.00 C &W TURF SOD 1,680.00 * * * * ** 233003 08/07/89 241.18 D & V SALES GENERAL SUPPLIES 233D03 08/08/89 2,474.00 D & V SALES GENERAL SUPPLIES 233D03 08/08/89 2,474.80 D & V SALES GENERAL SUPPLIES 233D03 08/08/89 21474.00- D & V SALES GENERAL SUPPLIES 2,715.98 * * * * ** 233D07 08/07/89 60.25 D. C. HEY CO. OFFICE SUPPLIES 60.25 * * * * ** 233D27 08/15/89 52.80 DAVE S FOOD WAGON DAIRY 233D27 08/10/89 309.60 DAVE S FOOD WAGON DAIRY 362.40 * * * * ** 233D29 08/10/89 33.60 DAVIDSEN DIST. INC. BEER 33.60 233D33 08/15/89 509.25 DAVIS- EUGENE WEED CONTROL 233D33 08/15/89 54.72 DAVIS - EUGENE MILEAGE 563.97 * * * * ** 233D39 08/07/89 74.91 DAYTONS SWIMMING SUITS 74.91 233D61 08/15/89 100.00 DICK.NISSEN POLICE SERVICES 233D81 08/15/89 415.00 DOWNEY WATER COND. GENERAL SUPPLIES 415.00.* 233E02 08/15/89 407.58 E KRAMER & SONS INC FILL MATERIAL 233E02 08/07/89 525.54 E KRAMER & SONS INC CLASS II 233E02 08/08/89 148.80 E KRAMER & SONS INC ROCK 233E02 08/15/89 110.95 E KRAMER & SONS INC FILL 233E02 08/07/89 222.65 E KRAMER & SONS INC RIP RAP 1,415.52 08 -21 -89 PAGE 13 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * * * -CKS 27- 4562 - 664 -66 2825 30- 4504 - 782 -78 38053 3003 30- 4504 - 782 -78 37924 2661 30- 4504 - 782 -78 37924 2661 30 -4504- 782 -78 37924 2661 23- 4516 - 611 -61 124533 2784 27- 4624 - 663 -66 27- 4624 - 663 -66 8921 50- 4630 - 842 -84 10- 4201 - 600 -60 10- 4208 - 600 -60 26- 4262 - 682 -68 10- 4100 - 430 -42 28- 4504 - 702 -70 3068 10- 4518 - 365 -30 4279 1045 10- 4518 - 803 -80 4495 1045 27- 4522 - 664 -66 37936 2822 40- 4504 - 902 -80 4751 1045 40- 4504 - 902 -90 4496 1045 08 -21 -89 PAGE 14 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 10- 4542 - 325 -30 89507 2616 40- 4504 - 801 -80 89139 2462 * ** -CKS 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 50- 4630 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS 27- 4600- 668 -66 49009 2624 * ** -CKS 26- 4564 - 682 -68 127361 1056 40- 4622 - 805 -80 126993 1670 40- 4622 - 805 -80 126257 1670 * ** -CKS 10- 1145 - 000 -00 10- 1145 - 000 -00 66- 4298 - 000 -00 * ** -CKS 10- 4540- 520 -52 66075 1989 * ** -CKS 30- 4544 - 782 -78 69848 2977 * ** -CKS 30-4504-782-78-11615 2982 * ** -CKS 10- 4262 - 301 -30 10- 4262 - 560 -56 10- 4262 - 646 -64 10 -4512- 540 -54 28- 4262 - 702 -70 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION * * * * ** 233E14 08/08/89 211.50 EARL F. ANDERSON SIGNS 233E14 08/08/89 205.00 EARL F. ANDERSON TRAFFIC CONES 416.50 * * * * ** 233E17 08/07/89 4,067.80 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE BEER 233E17 08/10/89 7,006.55 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE BEER 233E17 08/07/89 7,798.15 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE BEER 18,872.50 * * * * * ** 233E84 08/15/89 498.00 ENGLAND PRESS INC. LETTERHEAD * * * * ** 498.00 * 233F11 08/15/89 522.08 FEED RITE CONTROL CHLORINE 233F11 08/07/89 3,141.52 FEED RITE CONTROL H2O CHEM 233F11 08/08/89 .1,504.93 FEED RITE CONTROL H2O CHEM 5,168.53 * * * * ** 233F19 08/08/89 680.50 FIRST TRUST FISCAL AGENT 233F19 08/08/89 694.50 FIRST TRUST . FISCAL AGENT 233F19 08/08/89 717.25 FIRST TRUST FISCAL AGENT 2,092.25 * * * * ** 233F37 08/15/89 1,649.60 FLOYD LOCK & SAFE CO LOCK 1,649.60 * * * * ** 233F50 08/08/89 18.69 FRED G ANDERSON PAINT 18.69 * * * * ** 233F59 08/10/89 199.83 FRANK J. ZAMBONI GENERAL SUPPLIES 199.83 * * * * ** 233G01 08/07/89 471.66 G & K SERVICES. LAUNDRY 233G01 08/07/89 269.00 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 233G01 08/07/89 241.32 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 233G01 08/07/89 207.44 G & K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLIES 233G01 08/07/89 49.44 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 08 -21 -89 PAGE 14 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 10- 4542 - 325 -30 89507 2616 40- 4504 - 801 -80 89139 2462 * ** -CKS 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 50- 4630 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS 27- 4600- 668 -66 49009 2624 * ** -CKS 26- 4564 - 682 -68 127361 1056 40- 4622 - 805 -80 126993 1670 40- 4622 - 805 -80 126257 1670 * ** -CKS 10- 1145 - 000 -00 10- 1145 - 000 -00 66- 4298 - 000 -00 * ** -CKS 10- 4540- 520 -52 66075 1989 * ** -CKS 30- 4544 - 782 -78 69848 2977 * ** -CKS 30-4504-782-78-11615 2982 * ** -CKS 10- 4262 - 301 -30 10- 4262 - 560 -56 10- 4262 - 646 -64 10 -4512- 540 -54 28- 4262 - 702 -70 0" 08 -21 -89 PAGE 15 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 40- 4262 - .801 -80 10- 4540 - 560 -56 6 -346 2456 27- 4630 - 663 -66 8923 10- 4226 - 301 -30 31631 10- 4294 - 560 -56 51982 10- 4294 - 560 -56 52351 10- 4294 - 560 -56 31630 10- 4294 - 560 -56 51983 10- 4504 - 301 -30 10- 4504 - 646 -64 40- 4504 - 803 -80 10- 4100 - 430 -42 29- 4572 - 722 -72 4782 2969 29- 4648 - 722 -72 4782 2969 27- 4288 - 662 -66 3069 27- 4624 - 663 -66 10- 4540 - 322 -30 10- 4540 - 375 -30 10- 4540 - 520 -52 10- 4540- 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 901710 2945 896460 2860 891785 2685 897648 2879 893996 2836 893997 2838 * ** -CKS I * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA * ** -CKS CHECK REGISTER * ** -CKS CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION . 233G01 08/07/89 206.60 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 1,445.46 * * * * * ** 233GII 08/08/89 45.67 GARLANDS INC. WHEELS 45.67 * * * * * ** 233G15 08/15/89 37.00 GEM TAP SERV CLEANING 37.00 * * * * * ** 233G24 08/10/89 19.00 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS RENTAL 233G24 08/10/89 41.00 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS RADIO REPAIR 233G24 08/10/89 51.10 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS RADIO PARTS 233G24 08/10/89 266.25 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS RADIO SERVICE 233G24 08/10/89 44.00 GEN. COMMUNICATIONS RADIO REPAIR 421.35 * * * * ** 233G32 08/10/89 130.00 GOPHER STATE 1 CALL GENERAL SUPPLIES 233G32 08/10/89 65.00 GOPHER STATE 1 CALL GENERAL SUPPLIES 233G32 08/10/89 457.89 GOPHER STATE 1 CALL GENERAL SUPPLIES 652.89 23308 08/15/89 100.00 GEORGE BUTLER POLICE SERVICES 233G42 08/10/89 364.60 GIL HEBARD GUNS AMMO 233G42 08/10/89 156.00 GIL HEBARD GUNS TARGETS 520.60 * * * * ** 233G44 08/15/89 80.00 GLEN SIPE PIANO SERV REPAIR PIANO 80.00 * * * * ** 233G62 08/15/89 102.00 GRANDMA S CUPBOARD POPCORN 102.00 233G68 08/15/89 22.80 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. REPAIR PARTS 233G68 08/15/89 182.28 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. ELEC PARTS 233G68 08/15/89 42.27 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. BATTERIES 233G68 08/15/89 36.59. as.69 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. CONNECTORS 233G68 08/15/89 272.56 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. REPAIR PARTS 233G68 08/15/89 244.42 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. BREAKERS 800.92* —e,ee- 62 * * * * ** 0" 08 -21 -89 PAGE 15 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 40- 4262 - .801 -80 10- 4540 - 560 -56 6 -346 2456 27- 4630 - 663 -66 8923 10- 4226 - 301 -30 31631 10- 4294 - 560 -56 51982 10- 4294 - 560 -56 52351 10- 4294 - 560 -56 31630 10- 4294 - 560 -56 51983 10- 4504 - 301 -30 10- 4504 - 646 -64 40- 4504 - 803 -80 10- 4100 - 430 -42 29- 4572 - 722 -72 4782 2969 29- 4648 - 722 -72 4782 2969 27- 4288 - 662 -66 3069 27- 4624 - 663 -66 10- 4540 - 322 -30 10- 4540 - 375 -30 10- 4540 - 520 -52 10- 4540- 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 901710 2945 896460 2860 891785 2685 897648 2879 893996 2836 893997 2838 * ** -CKS I * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 11 j1 ;I * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS IAAO DUES INMAC SUPPLIES JERRYS FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 08 -21 -89 PAGE 16 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 5996 2170 10- 4540 - 560 -56 6197 2170 * ** -CKS 10- 4540- 520 -52 573350 2704 * ** -CKS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 189148 2609 10- 4248 - 560 -56 183414 2181 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * ** -CKS 10- 4510 - 440 -44 318 2524 10- 4202 - 440 -44 018859 2523 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 120 -12 241311 10- 4563 - 642 -64 68345 2863 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * ** -CKS 10- 4262 - 420 -42 * ** -CKS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 2876 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2768 * ** -CKS 10- 4204 - 200 -20 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 2989 * ** -CKS 23- 4504 - 611 -61 k CHECK REGISTER 1989 CITY OF EDINA ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECK-NO. DATE AMOUNT 233G88 08/08/89 357.16 233G88 08/08/89 47.49 GLASS REPAIR HAROLD SWANSON 404.65 HENN CTY MED CENTER AMBULANCE SUP HENN TECH CENTER 233G94 08/15/89 38.91 HOFFERS INC FIELD PAINT 38.91 * * * * ** HOOTEN CLEANERS LAUNDRY 233H21 08/08/89 162.27 233H21 08/08/89 78.33 240.60 233H22 08/15/89 100.00 233H36 08/15/89 415.08 415.08 233H37 08/15/89 90.00 90.00 * * * * ** 233H62 08/07/89 25.25 25.25 233H63 08/08/89 206.70 206.70 233H65 08/15/89 100.00 233H74 08/07/89 8.48 8.48 * * * * ** 233H85 08/08/89 24.50 233H85 08/08/89 32.50 57.00 * * * * ** 233I09 08/08/89 90.00 90.00 * * * * ** 233I49 08/08/89 112.77 112.77 * * * * ** 233J27 08/15/89 25.09 IAAO DUES INMAC SUPPLIES JERRYS FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 08 -21 -89 PAGE 16 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 5996 2170 10- 4540 - 560 -56 6197 2170 * ** -CKS 10- 4540- 520 -52 573350 2704 * ** -CKS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 189148 2609 10- 4248 - 560 -56 183414 2181 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * ** -CKS 10- 4510 - 440 -44 318 2524 10- 4202 - 440 -44 018859 2523 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 120 -12 241311 10- 4563 - 642 -64 68345 2863 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * ** -CKS 10- 4262 - 420 -42 * ** -CKS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 2876 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2768 * ** -CKS 10- 4204 - 200 -20 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 2989 * ** -CKS 23- 4504 - 611 -61 CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION GRUBER POWER EQUIP OWER PARTS GRUBER POWER EQUIP TIRRE WHEEL GUSTAVE LARSON HYDRO CLEAN HARMON GLASS RADIO REPAIR HARMON GLASS GLASS REPAIR HAROLD SWANSON POLICE SERVICES HENN CTY MED CENTER AMBULANCE SUP HENN TECH CENTER TRAINING HOFF - WILLIAMSON NOTARY STAMP PAD HOFFERS INC FIELD PAINT WILLIAM HOFFMAN POLICE SERVICES HOOTEN CLEANERS LAUNDRY HUMPHREY RADIATOR RADIATOR HUMPHREY RADIATOR RAD REPAIR IAAO DUES INMAC SUPPLIES JERRYS FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 08 -21 -89 PAGE 16 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 5996 2170 10- 4540 - 560 -56 6197 2170 * ** -CKS 10- 4540- 520 -52 573350 2704 * ** -CKS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 189148 2609 10- 4248 - 560 -56 183414 2181 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * ** -CKS 10- 4510 - 440 -44 318 2524 10- 4202 - 440 -44 018859 2523 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 120 -12 241311 10- 4563 - 642 -64 68345 2863 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * ** -CKS 10- 4262 - 420 -42 * ** -CKS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 2876 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2768 * ** -CKS 10- 4204 - 200 -20 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 510 -51 2989 * ** -CKS 23- 4504 - 611 -61 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 17 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 233J27 08/07/89 29.76 JERRYS FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 611 -61 233J27 08/07/89 27.16 JERRYS FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 23- 4504- 611 -61 82.01 RRRRRR * ** -CKS 233J35 08/10/89 174.71 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 12- 4600 - 434 -43 6885 233J35 08/15/89 63.38 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 23- 4600 - 611 -61 6936 2788 238.09 R R R R R R *AA-CKS 233J41 08/08/89 140.82 JIM HATCH SALES TOOL RAKE 10- 4580 - 301 -30 9559 2581 140.82 R R R R R R * ** -CKS 233J74 08/08/89 140.06 JUSTUS LUMBER MATERIAL 10- 4504 - 365 -30 93575 2377 233J74 08/07/89 16.38 JUSTUS LUMBER PAINT /LUMBER 30- 4544 - 782 -78 97021 2712 233J74 08/07/89 68.55 JUSTUS LUMBER PAINT /LUMBER 30- 4544 - 782 -78 99402 2916 224.99 RRRRRR * ** -CKS 233K09 08/08/89 88.48 KAMAN BEARING & SPLY BEARINGS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 667467 2492 233K09 08/08/89 40.18 KAMAN BEARING & SPLY SPRACKETS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 668316 2709 128.66 R R R R R R - ** *=CKS 233K35 08/15/89 105.56 KNOX COMM CREDIT FORM MATERIAL 10- 4504 - 314 -30 551517 2889 233K35 08/10/89 236.60 KNOX COMM CREDIT MATERIAL 10- 4504 - 540 -54 535412 2696 233K35 08/10/89 171.19 KNOX COMM CREDIT MATERIAL 10- 4540 - 560 -56 535999 2738 233K35 08/15/89 86.09 KNOX COMM CREDIT TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 551336 2873 233K35 08/08/89 10.74- KNOX COMM CREDIT CREDIT 10- 4580 - 646 -64 535465 233K35 08/08/89 42.99 KNOX COMM CREDIT BATTERY CHARGER 10- 4580 - 646 -64 535465 2735 233K35 08/08/89 13.87 KNOX COMM CREDIT WOOD 10- 4604 - 646 -64 551348 2882 233K35 08/15/89 104.31 KNOX COMM CREDIT MATERIALS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 535863 3013 233K35 08/10/89 164.01 KNOX COMM CREDIT TIMBER FOR GARDENS 27- 4604 - 664 -66 551362 2914 233K35 08/10/89 129.08 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR 28- 4248 - 704 -70 551358 2915 1,042.96 RRRRRR *** -CKS 233K42 08/10/89 5,152.44 KOCH MATERIALS CO ROAD OIL 10- 4526- 314 -30 800057 1106 233K42 08/10/89 5,156.56 KOCH MATERIALS CO ROAD OIL 10- 4526 - 314 -30 800697 1106 233K42 08/10/89 4,954.78 KOCH MATERIALS CO ROAD OIL 10- 4526 - 314 -30 712171 1106 233K42 08/08/89 5,034.67 KOCH MATERIALS CO ROAD OIL 10- 4526 - 314 -30 1106 20,298.45 RRRRRR RRR_CKS 233K45 08/08/89 26.95 KOKESH ATHLETIC T -BALLS 10- 4504 - 621 -62 22457 233K45 08/08/89 1,638.00 KOKESH ATHLETIC T-BALL T- SHIRTS 10- 4504 - 621 -62 23708 2655 233K45 08/08/89 41.70 KOKESH ATHLETIC T -BAAL T- SHIRTS 10- 4504 - 621 -62 22477 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 18 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 1,706.65 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233K57 08/07/89 3,492.45 KUETHER DIST. CO. BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 233K57 08/10/89 5,940.30 KUETHER DIST. CO. BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 9,432.75 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233L04 08/10/89 4,968.00 LAHASS CORPORATION SERV BODY 10- 4901 - 305 -30 5399 1660 4,968.00 * * ** -CKS 233L06 08/08/89 1,100.00 LAKE RESTORATION WEED CONTROL 41- 4248 - 902 -90 3685 2937 233L06 08/08/89 580.00 LAKE RESTORATION WEED CONTROL 41- 4248 - 902 -90 4143 2936 1,680.00 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233L10 08/15/89 44.00 LAKELAND ENGINEERING VALVE 40- 4540- 802 -80 2857 44.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233L24 08/15/89 16.70 LANGFORD TOOL DRILL BITS 40- 4540 - 806 -80 778141 2828 16.70 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233L28 08/08/89 57.60 LAWSON PRODUCTS. SUPPLY.STRAPS 10- 4504 - 322 -30 2673 233L28 08/08/89 357.98 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS 10- 4504 - 560 -56 2582 233L28 08/08/89 119.31 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2670 233L28 08/08/89 434.99 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLT SUPPLYS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 2671 233L28 08/08/89 235.84 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLYS 40- 4504 - 801 -80 2412 233L28 08/08/89 494.05 LAWSON PRODUCTS STUDS /NUTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 2672 1,699.77 * * * * ** 233L34 08/08/89 .60 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 23- 4201 - 612 -61 * ** -CKS 233L34 08/08/89 23.86 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 27- 4262 - 664 -66 24.46* 9.86 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233L38 08/10/89 576.00 LEITNER COMPANY SOIL FOR GREENS 27- 4562- 664 -66 127128 9851 576.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 2@3669 08/15/89 9 sew ' OGIS LAUNDRY 23 "263- 6-1-2 -6-1--- * * * * ** * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA 3,986.00 MARK VII SALES CHECK REGISTER 233M07 08 -21 -89 PAGE 19 CHECK NO. DATE- AMOUNT VENDOR 233M07 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 233L66 08/08/89 31.42 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT PARTTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 88696 2304 AMBULANCE --E@ • 31.42 233M27 08/08/89 453.25 * ** -CKS 233M16 233L97 08/15/89 100.00 BERT MERFELD 30- 4660- 782 -78 POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * ** -CKS 233M02 08/08/89 381.10 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. HOSE ASSY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 96792 2399 233M02 0,8/08/89 66.02 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. SPRACKETS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 78616 2731 * ** -CKS 233M19 447.12 30.96 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 233M19 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233M07 08/07/89 3,986.00 MARK VII SALES BEER 50- 4630 - 822 -82 233M07 08/10/89 9,087.77 MARK VII SALES BEER 50- 4630 - 842 -84 233M07 08/07/89 8,701.25 MARK VII SALES BEER 50- 4630 - 862 -86 21,775.02 - 2-33M27 Ge- 5-/-8- 9 00- - MER-I-T- SUPPLY-- AMBULANCE --E@ * * * * ** 233M27 08/08/89 453.25 * ** -CKS 233M16 08/07/89 939.72 MCCAREN DESIGNS TREES /FLOWERS /SHRUBS 30- 4660- 782 -78 1302 2873 233M16 08/07/89 211.49 MCCAREN DESIGNS TREE /FLOWERS /SHRUBS 30- 4660 - 782 -78 1302 3005 470.50 MERIT SUPPLY 1,151.21 10- 4504 - 985 -98 22107 2601 233M27 * * * * ** .465.05 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 540 -54 22016 * ** -CKS 233M19 08/10/89 30.96 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 233M19 08/10/89 839.73 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233M19 08/10/89 112.13 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 233M19 08/08/89 51.72 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 66772 2782 233M19 08/10/89 146.65 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 802 -80 233M19 08/10/89 292.50 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY TOOLS 40- 4580 - 801 -80 1,473.69 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233M22 08/08/89 71.64 MCNEILUS STEEL' STEEL 10- 4620 - 560 -56 5466 2411 71.64 233M23 08/15/89 100.00 MARKETING FACTORS PRO SERV 50- 4201 - 820 -82 233M23 08/15/89 100.00 MARKETING FACTORS PRO SERV 50- 4201 - 840 -84 233M23 08/15/89 100.00 MARKETING FACTORS PRO SERV 50- 4201 - 860 -86 300.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233M25 08/15/89 23.25 MED OXYGEN & EQUIP DEMURRAGE 10- 4274 - 440 -44 1324 23.25 * * * * ** * ** -CKS - 2-33M27 Ge- 5-/-8- 9 00- - MER-I-T- SUPPLY-- AMBULANCE --E@ 6-3-I80- £160 -00- 233M27 08/08/89 453.25 MERIT SUPPLY DEGREASER 10- 4504 - 314 -30 22074 2495 233M27 08/08/89 330.96 MERIT SUPPLY RAIN GEAR 10- 4504 - 646 -64 22007 2384 233M27 08/08/89 470.50 MERIT SUPPLY WEED KILLER 10- 4504 - 985 -98 22107 2601 233M27 08/08/89 .465.05 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 540 -54 22016 2375 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 233M27 08/08/89 302.70 233M27 08/08/89 235.25 233M27 08/08/89 467.50 233M27 08/15/89 36.50 233M27 08/15/89 103.50 233M27, 08/10/89 467.50 233M27 08/10/89 442.80 233M27 08/15/89 391.60 233M27 08/15/89 437.10 233M27 08/08/89 480.00 233M27 08/08/89 480.00 233M27 08/08/89 480.00 BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 314 -30 6,044.21 k k * * k k MIDWEST CHEM SUPPLY BAGS 233M29 08/15/89 10.00 233M29 08/15/89 20.00 8925 9 . 99 30.00* 2 k k k k k k 27- 4624 - 663 -66 233M31 08/10/89 12.95 233M31 08/10/89 54.80. MILSCO ENGINEERING SEALS 67.75 k k k k k k 1971 233M35 08/08/89 21,631.50 21,631.50 k k k k k k 233M42 08/08/89 367.07 233M42 08/08/89 1,370.91 233M42 08/15/89 638.04 k k k k k k 2,376.02 233M44 08/15/89 121.20 121.20 kkkkkk 233M46 08/10/89 204.45 233M46 08/15/89 217.78 422.23 kkkkkk 233M53 08/15/89 213.50 213.50 k k k k k k 233M59 08/15/89 69.84 k. CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION MERIT SUPPLY CLEANER MERIT SUPPLY WEED SPRAY MERIT SUPPLY CLEANER MERIT SUPPLY LOCK KEY MERIT SUPPLY TOWELS MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES MERIT SUPPLY MEMBRANES MERIT SUPPLY MEMBRANES MERIT SUPPLY MEMBRANES 08 -21 -89 PAGE 20 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4512 - 540 -54 10- 4566 - 643 -64 10- 4620 - 560 -56 27- 4504 - 662 -66 27- 4512 - 663 -66 28- 4512 - 702 -70 28- 4512 - 702 -70 30- 4504 - 782 -78 30- 4504 - 782 -78 40- 4504 - 801 -80 40- 4504 - 801 -80 40- 4540 - 801 -80 22171 22280 22015 22245 22308 22221 22261 22331 22322 22152 22153 22073 2733 2896 2404 2841 3006 2835 2917 3072 3009 2690 2691 2494 MESSERLI & KRAMER AMBULANCE COLLECT 10- 3180 - 000 -00 MESSERLI & KRAMER AMBULANCE COLLECT 10- 3180 - 000 -00 METRO FONE COMM. PAGER 40- 4504 - 801 -80 313040 METRO FONE COMM. PAGER RENTAL 40- 4504- 801 -80 313039 METRO WASTE CONTROL BLDG PERMITS 10- 3095 - 490 -49 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 301 -30 1855 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 314 -30 1855 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 314 -30 2019 MIDWEST CHEM SUPPLY BAGS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 25447 3079 METZ BAKING CO BREAD 27- 4624 - 663 -66 8925 METZ BAKING CO BREAD 27- 4624 - 663 -66 8925 MILHOFF STEEL REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 98348 3028 MILSCO ENGINEERING SEALS 10- 4540 - 390 -30 1971 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR 08 -21 -89 PAGE 21 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 69.84 * * * * ** /100 /89 MIX * ** -CKS 233M63 08 237.80 MN. BAR MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 233M63 08/07/89 516.64 MN. BAR MIX BILLS 50- 4632 - 842 -84 983.05 * 50- 4632 - 862 -86 233M64 08/08/89 117.56 117.56 MN. BEARING CO. BEARINGS 40- 4540- 803 -80 50762 2414 i * * * * ** 233M66 08/15/89 65.00 65.00 MN BUSINESS SYS REPAIR - 27- 4248 - 666 66 24787 * ** -CKS * * * * ** 233M69 233M69 08/07/89 08/07/89 64.00 308.85 MCC /MIDWEST MCC /MIDWEST CONT EQUIP /REPAIR 23- 4248 - 612 -61 23908 * ** -CKS 372.85 COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 23751 2443 * * * * ** 233M73 08/07/89 89.30 89.30 MN. ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACT 30- 4288 - 782 -78 70399 3001 * ** -CKS * * * * ** 233M76 233M76 08/08/89 08/08/89 32.59 63.46 MN. GLOVE MN. GLOVE RAIN GEAR 10- 4504 - 646 -64 33007 2184 * ** -CKS 96.05 GLOVES 40- 4504 - 803 -80 33063 2476 * * * * ** 233M80 233M80 08/15/89 08/15/89 100.67 66.96 MN SUBURBAN NEWS MN SUBURBAN LEGAL PUB 10- 4210 - 140 -14 * ** =CKS 233M80 08/15/89 138.60 NEWS MN SUBURBAN NEWS LEGAL PUB WANT AD 10- 4210 - 140 -14 233M80 08/15/89 66.00 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 530 -51 27- 4204 - 661 372.23 -66 233M81 233M81 08/08/89 08/08/89 408.45 52.51 MN. TORO INC. MN. TORO INC. TIRE DISC 10- 4504 - 646 -64 764261 2312 233M81 08/08/89 49.57 MN. TORO INC. PARTS HOSE ASSY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 771532 2594 233M81 08/08/89 126.31 MN. TORO INC. SEALS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 771135 2594 233M81 08/08/89 14.21 MN. TORO INC. ROPE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 767002 2460 233M81 08/08/89 80.11 MN. TORO INC. PULLEY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 760970 1979 233M81 08/08/89 49.57 276.04 MN. TORO INC. HOSE ASSY 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540- 560 -56 768670 771128 2594 2594 233M81 08/15/89 71.24 MN. TORO INC. PARTS 27- 4540 - 664 -66 773881 2833 233M81 08/15/89 70.53 MN. TORO INC. PARTS 27-4540- 664 -66 775203 2833 233M81 08/,15/89 81.63 MN. TORO INC. PARTS 27-4540- 664 -66 775460 2713 1,280.17 27- 4540 - 664 -66 774626 2833 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 22 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 233M85 08/15/89 47.36 MN. WANNER INJECTORS 40- 4540 - 802 -80 073032 47.36 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233M92 08/15/89 39.55 MONARCH MARKETING MARKER SERV 50- 4516 - 840 -84 111231 233M92 08/08/89 176.15 MONARCH MARKETING OFFICE SUPPLIES 50- 4516 - 860 -86 111229 233M92 08/15/89 7.30 MONARCH MARKETING MARKER SERV 50- 4516- 860 -86 111230 223.00 233M93 08/15/89 144.40 MOTOROLA RADIO SERV 10- 4248 - 440 -44 1329 233M93 08/15/89 357.00 MOTOROLA RADIO REPAIR 10- 4248 - 440 -44 1863 501.40 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233N07 08/07/89 94.41 MTS NW SOUND GENERAL SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 782 -78 76224 3004 94.41 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233N09 08/08/89 464.16 MUNICILITE CO. LIGHT ASSY 10- 4620 - 560 -56 1635 2681 464.16 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233N21 08/08/89 12.74 NAPA AUTO PARTS OIL SEALS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 495250 2487 233N21 08/08/89 11.02 NAPA AUTO PARTS CABLE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 470791 2935 233N21 08/08/89 153.87 NAPA AUTO PARTS BRAKE SHOES 10- 4540 - 560 -56 495249 2487 233N21 08/08/89 220.32 NAPA AUTO PARTS CUSHION 10- 4620 - 560 -56 469497 2878 233N21 08/08/89 51.77 NAPA AUTO PARTS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 495154 2485 449.72 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233N31 08/15/89 27.80 NEBCO DISTRIBUTING CONCCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 683 -68 010847 9746 233N31 08/10/89 21.60 NEBCO DISTRIBUTING CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 683 -68 010803 9746 233N31 08/08/89 142.50 NEBCO DISTRIBUTING CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 683 -68 010526 9746 233N31 08/15/89 29.10 NEBCO DISTRIBUTING NAPKINS 26- 4624 - 683 -68 010972 9746 221.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233N54 08/15/89 10.99 NORTHERN AIRE THERMOMETER 26- 4504 - 682 -68 4424 3153 10.99 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233N68 08/07/89 315.90 NORTHSTAR ICE MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 233N68 08/10/89 696.60 NORTHSTAR ICE MIX 50- 4632 - 842 -84 233N68 08/07/89 720.36 NORTHSTAR ICE MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 1,732.86 * * * * ** * ** -CKS • J 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 233N72 08/15/89 453.28 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 453.28 * * * * ** # MESSAGE NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO 233N82, 08/07/89 257.71 233N82 08/07/89 39.85 233N82 08/07/89 52.00 233N82 08/07/89 208.56 233N82 08/07/89 170.23 2440 728.35 * * * * ** 23- 4624 - 613 -61 23- 4624- 613 -61 162430 162188 233017 08/15/89 125.00 COST OF COMM COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 - 61.162103 125.00 * * * * ** 233030 08/10/89 304.06 2785 304.06 * * * * ** 233036 08/15/89 395.84 -394 .SERV CONTRACT 10- 4288 - 510 -51 395.84* �* * * * * ** 233056 08/15/89 780.60 * ** -CKS 780.60 * * * * ** 27- 4624 - 663 -66 233P25 08/08/89 210.00 233P25 08/08/89 940.00 * ** -CKS 1,150.00 * * * * ** 27- 4604 - 664 -66 90733 233P30 08/10/89 2,543.90 233P30 08/07/89 201.60 233P30 08/10/89 273.55 233P30 08/07/89 297.35 3736 3,316.40 * * * * ** 233P35 08/15/89 38.93 233P35 08/15/89 36.00 2985 74.93 * * * * ** 60- 1300 - 011 -20 233P48 08/08/89 22.50 CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 23 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES 10- 4616 - 560 -56 * ** -CKS NW'GRAPHIC SUPPLY NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY CRAFT SUPPLIES COST OF COMM 23- 4588 - 611 -61 162104 2440 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 -61 23- 4624- 613 -61 162430 162188 2442 2442 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF COMM COST OF COMM 23- 4624 - 613 - 61.162103 2436 23- 4624 - 613 -61 162721 2785 * ** -CKS OFFICE PRODUCTS .SERV CONTRACT 10- 4288 - 510 -51 087511 3090 * ** -CKS OLD DUTCH FOODS CHIPS 27- 4624 - 663 -66 8920 * ** -CKS OLSON CHAIN & CABLE CHAIN 27- 4604 - 664 -66 90733 2846 * ** -CKS OZALID CORP PRINTER 10- 4570 - 260 -26 96153 3736 * ** -CKS PEAK CONSTRUCTION DRINKING FOUNTAIN 60- 1300 - 001 -20 2985 PEAK CONSTRUCTION HANDICAP FOOUNTAIN 60- 1300 - 011 -20 2991 * ** -CKS PEPSI COLA BOTTLING PEPSI COLA BOTTLING PEPSI MIX 27- 4624 - 663 -66 8927 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 822 -82 50- 4632 - 842 -84 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING MIX 50- 4632 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS PETERSON- BARBARA REIMBURSEMENT 12- 4206 - 434 -43 PETERSON- BARBARA REIMBURSEMENT 30- 4262 - 782 -78 * ** -CKS PIP PRINTING PRINTING 30- 4600- 781 -78 5219 3010 .Z=:� 08 -21 -89 PAGE 24 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 28- 4504 - 702 -70 654287 * ** -CKS 10- 4901- 305 -30 304935 1395 10- 4901- 650 -64 * ** -CKS y. 28- 4274 - 704 -70 40352 * ** -CKS 10- 4522 - 301 -30 10- 4522 - 314 -30 40- 4504 - 803 -80 * ** -CKS 40- 4201 - 801 -80 3039 * ** -CKS 28- 4248 - 704 -70 11023 2904 * ** -CKS 10- 4226 - 440 -44 14522 * ** -CKS 30- 4504 - 783 -78 62689 2995 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 318 -30 10048 2407 10- 4580 - 301 -30 13694 2459 * ** -CKS 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE * * * * ** VENDOR 233P58 08/10/89 * * * * ** 233P62 08/10/89 233P62 08/08/89 ****** 233P78 08/10/89 * * * * ** 10,798.00 233P80 08/08/89 233P80. 08/08/89 233P80 08/08/89 * * * * ** BLAADE SHARPEN 233P86 08/15/89 * * * * ** 142.77 233R01 08/10/89 * * * * ** PRIOR LAKE AGG. 233R13 08/15/89 * * * * ** GENERAL SUPPLIES 233R22 08/08/89 * * * * ** 227.50 233R25 08/08/89 233R25 08/08/89 * * * * ** 233R33 08/10/89 233R33 08/10/89 .Z=:� 08 -21 -89 PAGE 24 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 28- 4504 - 702 -70 654287 * ** -CKS 10- 4901- 305 -30 304935 1395 10- 4901- 650 -64 * ** -CKS y. 28- 4274 - 704 -70 40352 * ** -CKS 10- 4522 - 301 -30 10- 4522 - 314 -30 40- 4504 - 803 -80 * ** -CKS 40- 4201 - 801 -80 3039 * ** -CKS 28- 4248 - 704 -70 11023 2904 * ** -CKS 10- 4226 - 440 -44 14522 * ** -CKS 30- 4504 - 783 -78 62689 2995 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 318 -30 10048 2407 10- 4580 - 301 -30 13694 2459 * ** -CKS 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 22.50 27.20 PLUNKETTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 27.20 * 13,187.00 POLAR CHEVROLET ONE TON TRUCK 10,798.00 POLAR CHEVROLET TRUCK 23,985.00 * 39.00 PRINTERS SERV INC BLAADE SHARPEN 39.00 142.77 PRIOR LAKE AGG. SAND /GRAVEL /ROCK 21,146.40 PRIOR LAKE AGG. SAND /GRAVEL /ROCK 215.01 PRIOR LAKE AGG. GENERAL SUPPLIES 21,504.18 227.50 PROG CONSULTING ENG STUDY 227.50 105.82 R & R SPECIALTIES REPAIR 105.82 132.00 RADIO INSTALLS RADIO RENTAL 132.00 320.00 REM SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 320.00 24.00 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES RENTAL 466.92 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES SAW 490.92 4,097.30 REX DISTR. BEER 6,910.95 REX DISTR. BEER .Z=:� 08 -21 -89 PAGE 24 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 28- 4504 - 702 -70 654287 * ** -CKS 10- 4901- 305 -30 304935 1395 10- 4901- 650 -64 * ** -CKS y. 28- 4274 - 704 -70 40352 * ** -CKS 10- 4522 - 301 -30 10- 4522 - 314 -30 40- 4504 - 803 -80 * ** -CKS 40- 4201 - 801 -80 3039 * ** -CKS 28- 4248 - 704 -70 11023 2904 * ** -CKS 10- 4226 - 440 -44 14522 * ** -CKS 30- 4504 - 783 -78 62689 2995 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 318 -30 10048 2407 10- 4580 - 301 -30 13694 2459 * ** -CKS 50- 4630 - 822 -82 50- 4630 - 842 -84 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 233R33 08/10/89 8.42 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 11,016.67 * * * * * ** REX DISTR. BEER 233R37 08/15/89 263.00 263.00 * * * * * ** 233R47 08/10/89 601.21 40- 4540 - 802 -80 601.21,* * * * * ** 233R49 08/08/89 291.7-3 233R49 08/10/89 4200.00 10- 4540 - 560 -56 33114A 4,,491.73 * * * * * ** 233R51 08/07/89 234.54 233R51 08/07/89 106:24 10- 4620 = 560 -56 70041 340.78 * * * * * ** ROAD RESCUE EQUIP REPLACE 233R53 08/15/89 43.20 43.20 * * * * ** 233R79 08/07/89 337.50 10- 4504 - 470 -47 48530 337.50 RFG PET & SUPPLY GEN SUPP 233S09 08/08/89 79.20 79.20 233S19 08/08/89 408.80 10- 4504 - 440 -44 05502 408.80 * * * * ** 233S27 08/08/89 197.42 233S27 08/08/89 68.36 233S27 08/08/89 104.52 233S27 08/08/89 38.54 408.84 * * * * ** SCHAFER EQUIP CO WHEEL BARROW 233S34 08/10/89 1.30 CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 25 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE REX DISTR. BEER 50- 4630 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS RIDDLE CONTROL PROD. TIMERS 40- 4540 - 802 -80 2831 ' * ** -CKS ROAD MACHINERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 33114A 2406 * ** -CKS ROAD RESCUE THROTTLE 10- 4620 = 560 -56 70041 2490 ROAD RESCUE EQUIP REPLACE 10- 4901 - 420 -42 60131A 9991 * ** -CKS RFG PET & SUPPLY GENERA SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 470 -47 48530 RFG PET & SUPPLY GEN SUPP 10- 4504 - 470 -47 48673 * ** -CKS ROBERT B. HILL SALT 10- 4504 - 440 -44 05502 1320 * ** -CKS RTW INC. FEE FOR SERVICE 10- 4260 - 510 -51 * ** -CKS SCHAFER EQUIP CO WHEEL BARROW 10- 4504 - 325 -30 146182 2245 * ** -CKS SEELYE PLASTICS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 147539 2758 * ** -CKS SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 10- 4504 - 325 -30 15517 2615 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 10- 4540 - 322 -30 02184 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 40- 4544 - 801 -80 00535 2847 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 40- 4544 - 803 -80 20277 2689 * ** -CKS SOUTHDALE FORD PAD 10- 4540 - 560 -56 212228 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 26 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 1.30 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233S36 08/07/89 4,331.75 SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO. BEER 50- 4630- 822 -82 233S36 08/10/89 9,876.49 SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO. BEER 50- 4630- 842 -84 14,208.24 * * * * ** *** -CKS 233S45 08/15/89 18.75 ST. PAUL BOOK SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 140 -14 840120 233S45 08/15/89 2.06 ST. PAUL BOOK SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 140 -14 838632 233S45 08/10/89 30.46 ST. PAUL BOOK SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 140 -14 958501 233S45 08/07/89' 61.98 ST. PAUL BOOK GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 470 -47 839435 113.25 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 2;@950 ^Q'^Qf 88 189 80 JOHN- SHEPAR -9 °AL -i -GE- SER -V- IC-E -S 10-41-00- 430- 42 - - -- -2- 33.559 - 9848 &f -8° 09.99 JOHN-SHE-PARD -PO64CE- SER- ViGE -S i0-4i-00- 430- 42 - - -- 43 -3S5G 98/98f89 '8@, -09 o)HN--SHEPA -RD °O61GE- SE G €S 1-0--4- 100 - 430 -42— - 233550 --- 08-/08/89 o -G-00 OHN- SHEPARD -- POL-ICE� -- SERVICES-------- •----- • ---10- 4100- 430 -42 -- 232csn n8ytgg - /-gg '00 -00 �?OHN - -- SHE - PARD- - - -- -- - - -POL- ICE -•-- SERVICES---- - - - - -- --10- 4100 - 430 -42 -- 2339; yA 98/08/89 - }00:-00 — vOHN- SHE -PARD POLICE-- -SER -V- ICES-- ------ -- -10- 4100 - 430 -42 -- �3365s 98� 08 89 ' G9 0-G J N- SHE-PA-RD "AL- 1 -GE-- SERVI -GE -S- 1-0-4- 100 -- 430 -4-2— - 2n33S50 �^8/-08-/-89 ' @ @ - @0 w ^HN SHEPARD - POL-FEE-- SE -R-V-IC 0-41-00- 430 -42- 233S50 08/08/89 100.00 JOHN SHEPARD POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 100.00* -9868 233S51 08/15/89 109.30 ST PAUL CANDY /TABAC TABACCO 27- 4624- 663 -66 16628 8922 109.30 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233S5 -4 08/15/89 412.75 STAR TRIBUNE HELP WANTED AD 10- 4212 - 510 -51 412.75 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233556 08/15/89 8.64 STARK ELECTRONICS ELEC PARTS 10- 4540 - 330 -30 2929 8.64 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233561 08/08/89 4,477.27 STATE TREASURER BLDG PERMITS 10- 3095 - 490 -49 233S61 08/08/89 191.00 STATE TREASURER SURCHARGE 10- 3113 - 490 -49 4,668.27 * * * * * ** *** -CKS 233S77 08/15/89 117.28 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 86210 233S77 08/15/89 100.00 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR S 10- 4248 - 560 -56 87003 233577 08/15/89 28.02 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 86801 233577 08/15/89 2.60 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SPRINGS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 112038 233S77 08/15/89 .28 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CLIP AUTO 10- 4540 - 560 -56 111682 08 -21 -89 PAGE 27 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 109785 10- 4540 - 560 -56 111996 10- 4540 - 560 -56 111862 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2761 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2760 1989 CITY OF EDINA 10- 4540 - 560 -56 CHECK REGISTER 40- 4540- 802 -80 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 233577 08/15/89 4.80 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET KEY 233S77 08/15/89 2.80 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SPRINGS 233S77 08/15/89 114.75 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET TRANS PARTS 370.53 233578 08/15/89 263.90 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PLBG PARTS 233S78 08/15/89 301.09 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PLBG PARTS 233S78 08/08/89 68.68 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP VALVES 233S78 08/15/89 7.13 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 233S78 08/15/89. 26.14 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 666.94 * * * * ** 233596 08/15/89 80.00 SCHUENEMAN -AMY CLEANING 80.00 233T10 08/08/89 177.00 TERRY ANN SALES CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 177.00 233T11 08/08/89 92..88 TESSMAN SEED & CHEM. WEED SPRAY 233T11 08/07/89 228.15 TESSMAN SEED & CHEM. GENERAL SUPPLIES 321.03 * * * * ** 233T20 08/08/89 479.00 THE PRINT SHOP NEWSLETTER 479.00 * * * * ** 233T29 08/08/89 170.63 THOMSEN - NYBECK LEGAL 233T29 08/08/89 10,790.36 THOMSEN - NYBECK LEGAL 10,960.99 233T30 08/07/89 13,283.00 THORPE DISTR. BEER 13;283.00 * * * * ** 233T40 08/08/89 89.10 TOLL COMPANY CYLINDERS 89.10 * * * * ** 233T53 08/15/89 3,680.11 TRACY OIL GASOLINE 233T53 08/08/89 6,080.26 TRACY OIL GASOLINE 9,760.37 * * * * ** 233T82 08/08/89 61.43 TWIN CITY ELEVATOR REPAIRS 61.43 08 -21 -89 PAGE 27 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4540 - 560 -56 109785 10- 4540 - 560 -56 111996 10- 4540 - 560 -56 111862 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2761 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2760 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2393 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2859 40- 4540- 802 -80 2866 * ** -CKS 27- 4201 - 662 -66 3055 * ** -CKS 27- 4504 - 664 -66 12482 2852 10- 4566 - 642 -64 30064 2764 30- 4504 - 783 -78 30559 2854 * ** -CKS 10- 4600 - 628 -62 10764 2640 * ** -CKS 10- 4201 - 220 -22 10- 4201 - 220 -22 50- 4630 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS 10- 4610 - 560 -56 463750 2610 * ** -CKS 10- 4612 - 560 -56 T12235 3041 10- 4612 - 560 -56 T11823 2846 * ** -CKS 10- 4248 - 520 -52 12270 LJ CHECK REGISTER VENDOR 1989 CITY OF EDINA MIX CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT * * * * ** UNITED ELECTRIC CORP ELEC PARTS 233T88 08/07/89 16.32 SCHOOL VALLEY INDUSTRIAL 16.32 * * * * ** SUPPLIES VAUGHN DISPLAY 233U14 08/15/89 1,804.68 233U14 08/15/89 261.32 233U14 08/15/89 112.46 233U14 08/15/89 78.95 REPAIR PARTS W.W. GRAINGER 2,257.41 * * * * ** 233U20 08/10/89 50.00 50.00 * * * * ** 233V10 08/10/89 289.89 289.89 * * * * ** 233V15 08/15/89 509.83 509.83 * * * * ** 233V36 08/08/89 35.70 35.70 * * * * ** 233V43 08/15/89 490.00 233V43 08/15/89 278.91 768.91 * * * * ** 233V46 08/08/89 162.19 162.19 * * * * ** 233V80 08/15%89 272.40 272.40 * * * * ** 233W08 08/15/89 & 26.90 233W08 08/15/89 63.68 233W08 08/15/89 365.31 LJ CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION TWIN CITY HOME JUICE MIX UNITED ELECTRIC CORP LIGHT FIXTURES UNITED ELECTRIC CORP CONNECTORS UNITED ELECTRIC CORP ELEC PARTS UNITED ELECTRIC CORP WIRE /CONDUCT UNIVERSITY OF MN SCHOOL VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PROPANE FUEL VAN PAPER CO. SUPPLIES VAUGHN DISPLAY FLAGS VERSATILE VEHICLE RENTAL VERSATILE VEHICLE CART PARTS VESSCO GAUGE VOSS ELECTRIC SUP LAMPS W.W. GRAINGER RELAY W.W. GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS W.W. GRAINGER COMPRESSORS 08 -21 -89 PAGE 28 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE * ** -CKS 50- 4632 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 375 -30 41978 2469 10- 4540 - 560 -56 3026 40- 4540 - 802 -80 2832 40- 4540 - 804 -80 2896 * ** -CKS 10- 4202 - 480 -48 * ** -CKS 28- 4612 - 704 -70 * ** -CKS 10- 4514 - 520 -52 270188 3078 * ** -CKS 10- 4504 - 627 -62 23146 2986 * ** -CKS 27- 4276 - 665 -66 27- 4540 - 665 -66 5677 3124 * ** -CKS 40- 4540 - 805 -80 6509 2584 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 322 -30 254202 2891 * ** -CKS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2897 40- 4540 - 801 -80 2926 40- 4540 - 802 -80 2830 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -21 -89 PAGE 29 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 233W08 233W08 08/15/89 08/15/89 2.60 54.51 W.W. GRAINGER W.W. GRAINGER FLOAT VALVE 40- 4540- 802 -80 2961 233W08 08/08/89 52.48 W.W. GRAINGER PIPE BRACKETS BATT PACK 40- 4540- 802 -80 40- 4580 - 801 -80 2927 2707 565.48 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233W13 08/08/89 365.00 WALDOR PUMP & EQUIP CHECK VALVE 40- 4540 - 801 -80 98848 2934 365.00 * 233W15 08/15/89 100.00 WALTER JOHNSON POLICE SERVICES 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * ** -CKS 233W21 08/08/89 55.26 WARNER INC SUPPLY SPRAYER PARTS 10- 4504 - 301 -30 2243 55.26 * * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233W25 233W25 08/15/89 08/15/89 426.76 83.14 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE REFUSE 10- 4250- 301 -30 233W25 08/15/89 105.40 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE REFUSE REFUSE 10- 4250 - 440 -44 233W25 08/15/89 426.76 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE REFUSE 10- 4250 - 520 -52 10- 4250 - 540 -54 233W25 233W25 08/15/89 08/15/89 115.00 88.55 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE REFUSE REFUSE 10- 4250 - 645 -64 233W25 08/15/89 41.81 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE REFUSE 10- 4250 - 645 -64 23- 4250 - 612 -61 233W25 233W25 08/15/89 08/15/89 286.90 332.54 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE REFUSE 26- 4250 - 682 -68 233W25 08/15/89 76.75 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE REFUSE REFUSE 27- 4250 - 662 -66 233W25 08/15/89 166.40 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE REFUSE 27- 4250 - 664 -66 28- 4250 - 702 -70 233W25 233W25 08/15/89 08/15/89 166.40 294.40 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE REFUSE REFUSE 30- 4250 - 782 -78 233W25 08/15/89 294.40 WASTE MGMT- SAVAGE REFUSE 50- 4250- 841 -84 50- 4252 - 861 -86 2,905.21 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233W28 233W28 08/15/89 08/08/89 30.26 93.60 WATER PRODUCTS WATER PRODUCTS REOAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 802 -80 97902 2871 123.86 COPPER 40- 4540 - 803 -80 95802 2585 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233W44 08/08/89 250.23 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. SUPPLY 10- 4504 - 560 -56 78836 2342 250.23 * ** -CKS 233W49 233W49 08/08/89 08/08/89 120:23 4.02 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT DISP GUN 10- 4580 - 560 -56 19618 2587 124.25 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT PARTS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 19602 2587 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 233W79 08/08/89 2,200.00 WITZEL TREE MOVING::,:;,, TREE PLANTING 10- 4248 - 644 -640 1492 2,200.00 * * * * ** * ** -CKS 1989 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 233W81 08/08/89 9.00 233W81 08/08/89 9.00 233W81 08/08/89 9.00 PROPANE HENRY 27.00 233W92 08/15/89 100.00 TOTAL 278,582.49 278,552.59- 11,202.00 11 TOTAL 213.64 FUND 12 12,944.17 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 180.40 TOTAL ART CENTER 2,786.91 25 26,889.31 29,•�6.92- FUND 26 3,518.87 SWIMMING POOL FUND FUND 544.47 TOTAL 16,068.67 X86 - X262 69.9 28 TOTAL 1,680.00 FUND 29 110,630.06 GUN RANGE FUND FUND 363,251.44 TOTAL EDINBOROUGH PARK 717.25 40 837,474.37 UTILITY FUND 899,957. 9- 08 -21 -89 PAGE 30 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4504 - 301 -30 9355 2607 10- 4504 - 314 -30 8851 2488 10- 4504 - 314 -30 10451 2688 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * * * -CKS CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION WM H MCCOY PROPANE WM H MCCOY PROPANE WM H MCCOY PROPANE HENRY WROBLESKI POLICE SERVICES FUND 10 TOTAL GENERAL FUND FUND 11 TOTAL C.D.B.G. FUND 12 TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER FUND 25 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND FUND 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND FUND 30 TOTAL EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 40 TOTAL UTILITY FUND FUND 41 TOTAL STORM SEWER UTILITY FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND FUND 66 TOTAL IMP BOND REDEMPTION #2 TOTAL 08 -21 -89 PAGE 30 ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4504 - 301 -30 9355 2607 10- 4504 - 314 -30 8851 2488 10- 4504 - 314 -30 10451 2688 10- 4100 - 430 -42 * * * -CKS