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2022-11-16 Planning Commission Regular Meeting
Ag enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all, Council Cham ber s Wednesday, Novem ber 16, 2022 7:00 PM Watch the m eeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeeting s or Facebook.com /EdinaMN. Participate in Comm unity Comm ent and Public H earings Call 786-496-5601 E nter Confer ence Pin 4691667# Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to g et in the queue to speak An operator will intr oduce you when it is your turn I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Draft Minutes of Regu la r Meetin g October 25, 2022 V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Pu b lic Hea rings A.B-22-19 a n d B-22-20: 3517 & 3601 55th Street W est-Lot W id th Va ria n ces B.B-22-21: A 9.55 foot front ya rd setb ack a n d a 9.6 foot 1st 3oor h eigh t va ria n ce req u est for 4905 Sunnyslop e Rd VII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents VIII.Sta6 Com m ents IX.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli;cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: November 16, 2022 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Draft Minutes of R egular Meeting O c tober 25, 2022 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the draft minutes from O ctober 25, 2022. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Minutes from October 25, 2022 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 1 of 3 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers October 25, 2022 I. Call To Order Chair Agnew called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Strauss, Alkire, Bennett, Padilla, and Chair Agnew. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Gandhi, Hu, Olson and Smith. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Padilla moved to approve the October 25, 2022, agenda. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, September 28, 2022 and October 12, 2022 Commissioner Miranda moved to approve the September 28, 2022 and October 12, 2022, meeting minutes. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. V. Community Comment None. Commissioner Bennett joined the meeting at 7:16 PM. VI. Public Hearings A. Site Plan Review and Ordinance Amendment – 4901 West 77th Street Director Teague presented the request of 4901 West 77th Street for a Site Plan review and Ordinance Amendment. Staff recommended approval of the Site Plan review and Ordinance Amendment, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Jay Scott, Salmon Real Estate Group, Mr. Scott Laugen, First Bank and Trust, and Kyle Peterson, HTG Architects, made a presentation to the Commission and answered questions. Public Hearing None. Commissioner Miranda moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the proposed site plan and provided the following feedback: Loved the enclosed drive through Liked the design of the building and is very striking Great incorporation of landscaping Motion Commissioner Alkire moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the site plan and ordinance amendments as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 ayes, 1 nay (Miranda). B. Subdivision with Lot Area, Width and Depth Variances – 6146 McCauley Circle Director Teague presented the request of 6146 McCauley Circle for a subdivision with lot area, width and depth variances. Staff recommends approval of the subdivision with lot area, width and depth variances, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Dipendra Mahaseth, 6416 McCauley Circle owner, and Brianna Olsen, Realtor, addressed the Commission and answered questions. Public Hearing Mr. Michael Smith, 6445 McCauley Terrace, addressed the Commission and indicated his opposition to the proposed variances. Mr. Kevin Crudden, 6720 Indian Hills Road, addressed the Commission and indicated he was not in favor of these variances. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Mr. Brett Parmenter, 6443 McCauley Terrace, addressed the Commission and explained his opposition to the proposed variances. Mr. Michael Ramme, 6401 McCauley Circle, addressed the Commission and stated he was against this proposed variance. Commissioner Miranda moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the proposed subdivision with variances and provided the following feedback: Interesting lot with two potential entrances on two different cul-de-sac’s History in the area of rezoning. A subdivision needs to maintain the character of the neighborhood, this does not do that. This neighborhood is known for larger lots and should not be subdivided. Support creating additional opportunities for families to live in Edina. There are near adjacent lots of similar or smaller size with some much larger. Concerned about incremental environmental damage to the lake by having two buildings rather than one building. Recommend requiring the conservation steps staff mentioned. Variety of lot sizes and shapes in the area. The character of the neighborhood is changing Motion Commissioner Alkire moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the subdivision with variances as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein and a conservation easement be established from the top of the steep slope to the lakeshore preventing tree removal, disturbance of the slopes, no manicured lawns, and no structures in the easement. To be in place prior to the City Council approving the final plat. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 ayes, 1 nay (Bennett). IX. Chair and Member Comments Received. X. Staff Comments Received XI. Adjournment Commissioner Miranda moved to adjourn the October 25, 2022, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 8:28 PM. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Date: November 16, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant C ity P lanner & Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-22-19 and B-22-20: 3517 & 3601 55th S treet West- Lot Width Variances Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Two separate motions, one for each property. Approve the lot width variance as requested at 3517 55th S treet West based on the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Approved the lot width variance as requested at 3601 55th Street West based on the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S ustainable 9 D esign B uild is requesting two, 15-foot lot width variances for a pair of vacant 60-foot-wide lots located south of west 55th S treet and backing up to Minnehaha Creek at 3601 and 3517 West 55th S treet. A previous homeowner separated the lots and obtained individual addresses and P I D numbers for L ot 1 – 3601 W 55th S treet, (15,260 sq ft in area) and L ot 4 – 3517 W 55 th S treet, (14,812 sq ft in area). T he lots are owned individually/separate owners. T he previous home has been removed from the site with both lots vacant and poised for new home construction. C onforming home plans for each lot are proposed and are permit ready. T he two lots conform to the minimum R-1 lot size requirements with the exception of width. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report: 3517 & 3601 55th Street Wes t Applicant Submittal-3517 55th Street Wes t Engineering Memo-3517 55th Street West Applicant Submittal-3601 55th Street Wes t Engineering Memo- 3601 55th Street Wes t Additional Information from Applicants Site Location Map Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Staff Pres entation November 16, 2022 Planning Commission Emily Bodeker/Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planners 15-foot Lot Width Variances – 3601 and 3517 West 55th Street Information / Background: Sustainable 9 Design Build is requesting two, 15-foot lot width variances for a pair of vacant 60- foot-wide lots located south of west 55th Street and backing up to Minnehaha Creek at 3601 and 3517 West 55th Street. A previous homeowner separated the lots and obtained individual addresses and PID numbers for Lot 1 – 3601 W 55th Street, (15,260 sq ft in area) and Lot 4 – 3517 W 55th Street, (14,812 sq ft in area). The lots are owned individually/separate owners. The previous home has been removed from the site with both lots vacant and poised for new home construction. Conforming home plans for each lot are proposed and are permit ready. The two lots conform to the minimum R-1 lot size requirements with the exception of width. The following are the minimum ordinance requirements for lot size in the R-1, Single Dwelling Unit zoning district: Sec. 36-437. - Requirements for lot areas and dimensions. Minimum lot width: 75 feet Minimum lot depth: 120 feet Minimum lot area: 9,000 square feet To accommodate the requests, the following are required: A 15-foot Lot Width Variance for: Lot 1 – 3601 W 55th Street A 15-foot Lot Width Variance for: Lot 4 – 3517 W 55th Street. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Surrounding Land Uses Surrounding lots contain single-family residential homes and are Zoned R-1, single dwelling unit district. Planning Guide Plan designation: Single-dwelling residential Zoning: R-1, Single-dwelling district Lot Dimensions Area Lot Width Depth Street Frontage REQUIRED 9,000 s.f. 75 feet 120 feet 30 feet Lot 1 – 3601 55th 15,260 s.f. 60 feet* 254 feet 60 feet Lot 4 – 3517 55th 14,812 s.f. 60 feet* 234 feet 60 feet *Variance Required Tree Removal The city recently amended its tree ordinance to require that removed trees be replaced. The ordinance does not take effect until January 1, 2023. However, because there are variance s being requested, and to minimize impacts to the neighborhood, staff would recommend a condition of approval be that the new ordinance must be met, with trees being replaced on the site per recommendation of the City Forester. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Engineering The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject properties located at 3601 and 3517 W 55th Street for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. Plans reviewed included a stormwater management plan and report, existing and proposed surveys. Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 standards. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan for both properties. The FEMA 1% annual chance floodplain is located in the rear yard of both lots, with a lowest floor elevation required at no less than 2 feet above the base flood elevation. Both properties comply with low floor requirements. Proposed Site Features Sustainable 9 Design Build has sold Lot-4, at 3517 West 55th Street to Andrew and Brandy Morris who intend to have Sustainable 9 build a new single-family home on their lot. Building plans are attached for the address, are permit ready and conform to all zoning ordinance requirements as indicated on the following compliance table: Compliance Table-3517 West 55th Street City Standard Proposed North Side – Front Yard West Side – Side Yard South Side – Rear Yard East Side – Side Yard 37.6 feet 12 feet total, with no less than 5 feet on one side 50 feet from OHWM 12 feet total, with no less than 5 feet on one side \ 40 feet 6 feet Greater than 50 feet 6.2 feet Building Height 30 feet 29.42 feet Building Coverage 25% 23.18% Impervious Surface Coverage 50% 40.98% STAFF REPORT Page 4 First Floor Elevation 876.4 872.56 The remaining Lot-1, at 3601 West 55th Street is still owned by Sustainable 9 Design Build and a new single family spec home has been designed to be built on the lot conforming to all zoning ordinance requirements as indicated on the following compliance table: Compliance Table-3601 West 55th Street City Standard Proposed North Side – Front Yard West Side – Side Yard South Side – Rear Yard East Side – Side Yard 37.6 feet 12 feet total, with no less than 5 feet on one side 50 feet from OHWM 12 feet total, with no less than 5 feet on one side \ 42.6 feet 6 feet Greater than 50 feet 6.6 feet Building Height 30 feet 26.5 feet Building Coverage Lots greater than 9,000sf 25% 15.83% Impervious Surface Coverage 50% 22.85% First Floor Elevation 876.4 875.2 Primary Issues • Are the findings for lot width variances met? Yes. Staff believes that the findings for lot width Variances are met. Per state law and the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the enforcement of the ordinance would cause practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable. As demonstrated below, staff believes the proposal meets the variance standards, when applying the three conditions: STAFF REPORT Page 5 a) Will the proposal relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with the ordinance requirements? Yes. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The practical difficulty is caused by the current ordinance requiring a 75-foot lot width that was amended after the underlying plat was originally established with 60-foot lot widths. The two individual lots have separate ownership. Conforming homes have been designed for each property and can be built without requesting additional variances from the zoning ordinance. The minimum 75-foot lot width requirement is a practical difficulty preventing each lot owner reasonable use of their property. b) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The circumstances unique to this property, are the size and shape of the lots that were not created by the applicant. Both lots have individual PID numbers, separate addresses and are owned by different parties. Variances are only needed to resolve lot widths for both properties, which are an existing condition that was not self-created by the applicant or property owners. c) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? No. The proposed improvements requested by the variances would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Two new compliant single-family homes will be constructed on the lots that have similar widths as other properties in the neighborhood. Approval Recommend the Planning Commission approve the proposed Lot Width Variances for each property. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. Lots within this area were consistently platted with 60-foot widths prior to the current requirement of 75 feet. 2. The lots exceed the lot depth and area requirements and are similar to other lots within this area, including width. STAFF REPORT Page 6 3. The practical difficulty is caused by the current ordinance lot width minimum. The 60-foot- wide lots were originally platted prior to the current 75-foot lot width minimum. 4. The 60-foot-wide lots are reasonable in context with neighboring property. Each lot is individually owned with an address and PID number for each lot with variances from the lot width allowing for new home construction which is a reasonable use of each lot . 5. House plans are proposed for each lot requiring no additional variances and will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends individual approval of the following lot width variances subject to the findings and conditions listed above: A 15-foot lot width variance for 3601 West 55th Street, (Lot-1), PID 2002824220118 A 15-foot lot width variance for 3517 West 55th Street, (Lot-4), PID 2002824220119 Approval shall be subject to the following conditions: Subject to Surveys submitted for both properties date stamped October 14, 2022. Compliance with the Engineering memos for each property date stamped October 28, 2022. Compliance with the newly adopted tree ordinance, with all replacement trees planted on site. Deadline for a City Decision: December 14, 2022 Search by Add-e ES C PID search ae c .1_ 4 ! , P A FIT NI,ENT root Sr 2 8 • vvr duri.x. p cm.; as la ea. A teu rio oa PARK al B el A {Auras L_ Ooncr Taxpayer 54,) rCOM Droll) „ Tax Parcal BRANT NN MORft.S. ANIlkl.W MORN 3029 FAIRWAY DR CHAYLKA `AN 16814 55th SP - , HENNEP ,N N T ra `111-+014 ‘ke;T LLE 14.1 as ! STREETADON TO MPI Results P, wrrty C PID Arldraxx 100,11,422r.110 ?A kir..at• 14.14,1 Edna. MN 00003 - , - Parcel Arca 0.35 am; l4,813 6:4 ft t TorterinMbstracl Ale.1,act Addition V‘..11j.y Pork NO.Ir tort Haute! Lae 004 Illaek 000 Metes &Bounds Inc ding Pd P rq Fat Of 98:8:8C War.; And, TlItt Fart 01101A Litrai BelvAvr, The won, ileMeplr CA NEAR NII Int 110011 I an uci ffvErri Ni t MA 3517 W 55th St, Edina, MN 55410 — PID 2002824220119 VARIANCE APPLICATION: SUMMARY: A double wide lot of 120ft wide with one single family home was split into two new legal parcels each at 60ft wide by the previous homeowner and purchased as such by Sustainable 9 Design Build. Sustainable 9 Design Build has since sold one of the new lots (3517 W 55th St, Edina, MN 55410 with PID 2002824220119) to our clients who intend to build a new single family home, Andrew and Brandy Morris. The remaining lot (3601 W 55th St, Edina, MN 55410 with PID 2002824220118) is still owned by S9 and a new single family spec home has been designed. A demolition permit was already pulled and the old existing home has been removed. ISSUE: The standard allowable width for new Edina lots is 75ft. Both of these new lots are only 60ft wide. Thus, we have been informed only recently that the lot split (which Sustainable 9 had been told was complete at the time of the original land purchase) will not be deemed official and complete until a variance is filed and approved. PROPOSAL: We believe this variance should be approved primarily because it corrects an extraordinary circumstance and the result is more in keeping with the essential character of the neighborhood then what was there previously. All of the adjacent neighbors and vast majority of the surrounding neighborhood is set at 60ft or less for their lot width. At our neighborhood meeting for the demolition, the neighbor to the east of the two lots in question noted his support of this variance, Eric Michael at 3511 55th St W, Edina, MN 55410 with PL1111\2Q02824220108. We all believe this variance would create a cohesive street of nice homes on 60ft wide lots. m c.),) > —z z , 0 < m m z (.4 cripo 01 01 1;2 O=D-i I cf) z 0 7:3 CITY OF EDINA OC 1 4 2022 PLANNINI. DEPARTMENT C) m cf) co H H The use or these pions and sped' Notions Is restricted to the original site for which they were prepared. Pe-use, reproduction or publication by any method In ',stole or In port is prohihitot unless authorized by UNFOLD. Ownership of the design, plans and specincations h solely with UNFOLD. 11391/WN 103COild UNFOLD ARCHITECTURE MORRIS RESIDENCE 3-CAR GARAGE T.O. GARAGE SLAB: 98.44' ( L: 870.171 T.O. MAIN LEVEL: too..o. 872.5'1 T.O. LOWER LEVEL: 89.-64IRL: 862.01 T.O. LIVING )100M PLY: 99.-5'IE :1371.94 0Ib 4' - C 404 • T--- 50' SETBACK FROM_ CREEK OHWL 3,703.50 SF 3,434.00 SF 7,406.00 SF 6,070.00 SF 2,583.00 SF 3,487.00 SF 30.0' 29.5' 870' BUILDING COVERAGE: ALLOWABLE (25%): ACTUAL: (23.18%) : HARDCOVER: ALLOWABLE (50%): ACTUAL (40.98%) - BUILDING FOOTPRINT: - ADDITIONAL HARDSCAPE: MAX BUILDING HEIGHT: ALLOWABLE: ACTUAL: AVG. EXTG GRADE: 469.2 SF 327.4 SF 1,365.0 SF - 40' Linear Feet @ 11' 8 3/4" (11.731 = - 33' Linear Feet @ 9'-11' (9.92') = -130' Linear Feet @ 10r-6- 110.51 = SETBACK TO1001 STTILki. TO POOl DECtl 981REGUI/E01001. TETAACITTOPA110 • 0 I \ / / I SETBACK I 5' SETBACK FOR MECHANICAL PAD TO 660 91•11021ARTLEPC01. OM( 1119/104/10 4614AcKTD48110 SITE PLAN LEGEND E .= I IM 3 X. XX X ZONING INFORMATION TOTAL LOT AREA: 14,812 SF LOWER LEVEL CALCULATION TOTAL LINEAR FEET OF WALL: 203 LF Measuring from Top of Lower Level Slob to Top of Main Level Ply TOTAL SURFACE AREA OF WALL: 2,162.0 SF SURFACE AREA BELOW GRADE: 1,210.2 SF (56%) SURFACE AREA ABOVE GRADE: 951.8 SF (44%) SPACE RESERVED FOR ART STAMP C C u Li. I 1,1 zU 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com • CONSULTING coNTRAcTOR. • CIVIL ENGINEER& SURVEYOR: DEMARC LAND SURVEYING 6 ENG. 7601 75RD AVE II. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55428 WVAMDE MARC INC.COM REV. DESCRIPTION 50%. CO's 1001101AP e prepared. Ra-use, reproduction or publkaclon by a REM4RC S 100 YEAR FLOOD CONTOUR VACATED STREET — n ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN 1..—io.-o• / I ' I 2%.% 77 • I \ NOTE: ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS SCHEMATIC ONLY. REVIEW RESIDENCE LOCATION, SITE SETBACKS, GRADING, AND APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES WITH A LICENSED CIVIL ENGINEER. PROJECT NUMBER SHEET NAME ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER A003 \ 6 ce z 10 5 0 10 20 30 DATE 09/21/2022 2207 9 ENTRY PATIO 97 -4' IEL: 87061 PROPO:SED HOUSE 4,000 IINISH ED SF RAISED PLANTER /3EL: 8640 )V.O. PATIO SLAB 1 9 s INKH-441,94 19930,0CA /truck Jo 101AP na IATIrr / J I I 4 ‘\ 0 I iv PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY GETBACIG EASEMENT CONTOURSIESISTRIGI CONTOUR SIPROPOSED/ ERISTING STRUCTURE PROPOSED STRUCTURE WATER BODY PROPOSED STRUCTURE ROOF OVERHANG PROPOSED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE GASUNE WATER/SANITARY PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ROAD TREELINE OBJECT REMOVAL TREE TRUNK PROTECTION PATIO COVERAGE LANDSCAPED AREA SILT FENCING EROMON CONTROL PRINCIPAL ENTRANCE SUST/JNABLE 9 DEVGN 0 BUILD 5581 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOUS, MN 55410 WWW.SUSTAMIBLE9.COM STRUCTURAL ENDINEER• THE HANSON GROUP 3407 KILMER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55446 WVN/HAILSOUGROUPMPI.COM 1 870 144/I 1 Ii- , .0.54 MORRIS RESIDENCE DATE 09/21/2022 REV. DESCRIPTION SO% CO's O O 13'101 24' -0' 4W 0' PIMENSION NOTE. ALL DIMENSIONS TO EXTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE OUTSIDE FACE OF SHEATHING. ALL DIMENSIONS TO INTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE FACE OF STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL GRIDLINES ALIGN WITH EXTERIOR FACE OF SHEATHING. SPACE RESERVED FOR AN) STAMP 2 02_T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB 1/4" = V-0" of tb. design, plans and specification. Is so S uttlon or publication by DOOR SCHEDULE - LOWER LEVEL NUMBER ROOM NAME SIZE REMARKS WIDTH HEIGHT 001 STAIR 3'- 0' 8'- 0" 002 ENTERTAINMENT 9' - 0" 8' - 0" 003 BEDROOM 3' - 0" 6' - 8' 004 BEDROOM 5' - 0" 6'-7' 005 BATHROOM 3' - 0' e- 8' POCKET DOOR 006 BATHROOM 3' - 0' 6' - 8' POCKET DOOR 007 MECHANICAL/ STORAGE 3' - 0' 6' - 8" 008 SAUNA 2' - 0' 6' - 8' SAUNA DOOR BY SAUNA MANUF. • NORTH O O PLANNING DEPART z LL 0 ›- 2 O O ak VSP 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com CONSULTING CONTRACTOR. ( S 9 SUSTN NAME 9 DESIGN + 6050 1 3511 W 44TH STREET MIMI...MIS, MN sum W1NW.SUSTAINBLE9.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER• THE HANSON GROUP 3407 IDIAIER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55446 WWW.HANSON3ROUPMN.COM CIVIL ENGINEERS. SURVEYOR. 0 E m 8. R c 7 0 60 EInC RD LALID E SU RVEYING & ENG. MINEAPOLIS, 1.14 55428 WNYW.DEMARCIIIC.COM PROJECT NUMBER 2207 SHEET NAME LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SHEET NUMBER A101 3 A302 O O SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN 4- BUILD 3511 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55410 WINW.SUSTAINBLE9.COM f (IMPACTOR. OEMARC DEMARC LAND SURVEYING 8 ENG. 760173RD AVE N. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55428 MN/ .DEMAR C OM REV. DESCRIPTION 50% CD, DATE 09/21/2022 • NORTH PROJECT NUMBER 2207 SHEET NAME MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A102 SHEET NUMBER 1 1 1 03_T.O. MAIN LEVEL PLY. 1/4" = 1'-O" DOOR SCHEDULE - MAIN LEVEL NUMBER ROOM NAME SIZE REMARKS WIDTH HEIGHT 101 ENTRY • 3' - 0" 8' - 0' 102 GARAGE V - 0" 9' - 0* OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR 103 GARAGE 18' - 0" V - 0' OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR 104 KITCHEN 9' - 0" V - 0' 105 HALL 3' - 0" 6' - 8' 106 HALL 6' - 0" 6' - 8' DOUBLE POCKET DOOR 107 PANTRY 2' -10' 6' - 8" POCKET DOOR 108 PWDR 3' - 0" 6' - 8" POCKET DOOR 109 ENTRY 3' - 0' 6' - 8" 110 MUDROOM 3' - 6" 6' - 8' 111 MUDROOM 3' - 6" 6' - 8" 5.-13/4. Ov€0HEAD 00P1s, t17 O O 12 0. J-61/4. 24'-6' c_ LIVING - 4 1/2" NAIATT0A8oW - 5 1/21 :UST. PAL (f1 15'-0' II KITCHEN O A20 STEP VP 950 ENTRY 1 ,091 ? YAWED /JO. . .... ... . . DIN NG 14. r 1148,41 SEWN ittuunttzittunr_ 11AT AUL? SCI EN PO I l07 -tr E0 roulTar,1 4,11:41.4140 O 5 AIR 106 /2 2' r Sa E /4' • EC 3 DIMENSION NOTE. ALL DIMENSIONS TO EXTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE OUTSIDE FACE OF SHEATHING. ALL DIMENSIONS TO INTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE FACE OF STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL GRIDLINES ALIGN WITH EXTERIOR FACE OF SHEATHING. SPACE RESERVED FOR AH3 STAMP C LLI f2 J CDU Li- E 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYOR• (/) CD 1; Lo uJ Lr) w < N — 1— 0 Lc) L-L-I co 11 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER• THE HANSON GROUP 3407 KILMER LANE flORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55446 WUN.HANSONGROUPMN.COM MORRIS RESIDENCE N al. or publication bye 2'-6• 1=41./..1.110, 11 -a tsliP•s PWDR I m EIS It liAMTMO.E0 /— Z w < CV I— Z CV cc o CV 0 < w a. w -1., it. 0 >- I— 0 I— L.) z 5 CD -2 Z < —J a- O 'Cr O 0 O DIMENSION NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS TO EXTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE OUTSIDE FACE OF SHEATHING. ALL DIMENSIONS TO INTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE FACE OF STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL GRIDLINES ALIGN WITH EXTERIOR FACE OF SHEATHING. 13 O. 15 O. 13' Cr 9 0 2 - 7 1/2 SPACE RESERVED FOR AH3 STAMP C 1-(2 1 -J C D L) II I- u 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com CONSULTING CONTRACTOR. Vi7 SUSTDNABLE 9 DESIGN . BUILD 3511 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55410 WWW.SUSTDNBLE9.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. • THE HA/15011 GROUP 3407 P3LMER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, AIN 55446 WVAN.HANSONGROUPMtl.COM CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYOR DEMtARC DE MARC LAND SURVEYING & ENG 7601 73RD AVE II. 14111/1EAPOUS,14N 55424 WWW.DENDUICINC.COM UNFOLD. Ownership of the design, plans and specifications Is solely wins U production or publication byany method In whole or In part Is prohibited, unless a L11 I- cr) 0 7,7T_ W I- in a I-0 Lo ) 2 L1J E > < z 0 111)• REV. DESCRIPTION SO% CD, DATE 09/21/2022 O DOOR SCHEDULE - UPPER LEVEL NUMBER ROOM NAME SIZE REMARKS WIDTH HEIGHT 201 OWNER'S SUITE ' 3' - 0" 6' - 8' 202 OWNER'S BATH 3' - 0' . 6' - 8" POCKET DOOR 203 OWNER'S BATH 3' - 0' 6' - 8' POCKET DOOR 204 OWNER'S CLOSET 3' - 0- 6' - 8" POCKET DOOR 206 LAUNDRY 3' - 0- 6' - 8" POCKET DOOR 207 HALLWAY 3' - 0- 6' - 8' 208 HALLWAY 3' - 0" 6' - 8' 209 BATHROOM 3' - 0' 6' - 8' 210 BEDROOM 3' - 0* 6' - 8' 211 BEDROOM 6' - 0" 6' - 8' 212 HALLWAY 3' - 0' 6' - 8' 213 LOFT 3' - 0" 6' - 8' 214 LOFT 6' - 0" 6' - 8* PROJECT NUMBER 2207 • NORTH SHEET NAME UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN FT I 04_T.O. UPPER LEVEL PLY. Lu /4 = l'-O" SHEET NUMBER A 1 00 6' - 7 3/4. AA OWNE 'S SUIT 15 mel OWNER'S CLOSET 3M6 7 I-1 ROOF PLAN I I 1/4° = 1'-O' O 117 O ® • STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. cW1L ENGINEER 8 SURVEYOR. THE HANSON GROUP 3407 KILMER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 35446 WWW.HANSONGROUPMN.COM Ians and specif Ications Is OEMARC DEMARC LAND SURVEYING & Ella. 760173RD AVE N. 141101EAPOUS, /.111 55424 WWW.DEMAROINC.COM SPACE RESERVED FOR 0.117 STAMP C CD U Li— I— = .c4 763.486.7779 vAvw.unfoklarchitecture.com CONSULTING CONTRACTOR: SUS. NAB LE 9 DESIGN • BUILD 3511 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55410 WWW.SUSTAIIIBLE9.COM e SCUPPER SCUPPER 1/41 /12 . RIDGE LINE RIDGE LINE • GUTTER 1/41 / 12 - ir DOWNSPOUT r 8a RIDGE LINE 0 43' - 81/2. D 1/41 / 121 98 8 1/4. O RA111 CHAIN . 21/2' A 302 SCUPPER - - t ---------- 1/41 / 12 1/4 / 121, SCUPPER -------------- SCUPPER -1 - 1 /12. GUTTER W V) 0 Z 1-W Lo a I-0 Lo X) Z 12 V) 2 w >< z 0 L O W 2 co SHEET NUMBER A104 Ions Is restricted to the original site for which they w REV. DESCRIMON SO% CD's DATE 09/21/2022 PROJECT NUMBER 2207 • NORTH SHEET NAME ROOF LEVEL PLAN S DIMENSION NOTE. ALL DIMENSIONS TO EXTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE OUTSIDE FACE OF SHEATHING. ALL DIMENSIONS TO INTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE FACE OF STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL GRIDLINES ALIGN WITH EXTERIOR FACE OF SHEATHING. OS <B)Ellipil Ei 0 (...)4 11 4 0F PEAK 4 O 5. a44 1.1A% BUILDING HEIGHT 905, 0' 1900' 3 T.O. MAIN LEVEL PLY 972' - 6' (872.51 3 T.O. LIVING ROOM PLY `- - 871' - 11'1871.9'1 ----.1-_--1 --,..._.."-'' • T.O. GARAGE SLAB 77-'-AVI RAGE FROST EXIST NG GRADE i ' io' '''''''''''' '''''-" - -- 00 " 0' 1070.0.) 1 PA.= KV/ VALUE 14111.111.0ESCINTION CITY OF EDINA L) CD DATE 09/21/2022 REV. DESCRIPTION NS CD, q)1A(1517gT4Y,"PLAil - - T.O. USING ROOM PLATE 885' 0' 98851 • 04_7.0. UPPER LEVEL PLY. 883' - 4' (883.31 • T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE 581' - 7' al81.61 7 - T.O. LOWER LEVEL MAR -' 862' • 0 1/2'18621 , T.O..-4 . FOOTING.C 0) . _ .. ...._ \ - i, ;. 0 . . 13 / G 1 0L . t SIM S 2 LA ) B f T.O.FOOTING B / - 859' - 8 1/T 1859.7') / , T.O. FOOTING A -j 858' - 8' (858.7') I—I EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST 2 , i 3/16' = 1'-0' ROOF PEAK Jr.,. 899' - 5' (899.4'1 UPPER9 E '-1 (P89L42T7ITG EI TO. LIVING ROOM PLATE ./ 885' - 0' 18851 - 04 T.O. UPPER LEVEL PLY. eax 74' 1883.3') T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE 881' - 7' 1881 5 T.O. MAIN LEVEL PLY A, 872' - 6'1872.5') T.O. LIVING ROOM PLY 871' - TO. GARAGE SLAB ) 870' - 10'1870.88 Ti4O;.. 8. F(300 T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB / 862' 01/2' (8621 T.O. FOOTING C / 861' - 6'1861.51 ‘-,'` T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB 87' • 8 1/2' FP.— TO. FOOTING 13 , \ 859' - 8 1/2' (859.7') T.O. FOOTING A 858' - 8' (858.7') \ MATERIAL KEYNOTE LEGEND 01 LIGHT STUCCO 02 HARDIE PANELING (DAR)( FINISH) 03 W000 LOOK SIDING 04 STONE VOIEER (UGH( FINISH) 05 STANDING SENAMETAL ROOFING (DARK F1MS1-I) 06 SCREEN PORCH 07 COACRETERETAJMNGWALL 08 TIMBERPOST 8 BEAMCO/ISTRUCBON 59 DARK PREFIMSHED FETAL DOWNSPOUT/GUTTER 10 DARR PREF1MSHED WALK METAL SCUPPER TYPICAL 11 FtNNCHAIN 12 PREFIMSHED MAL COPING pARK FIMSH) 13 SIB BAR IE FASCIA BOARD (DARK Flaso8 14 POWDERCOATEDCHIMEY SHROUD (DARK FIMSH) 15 CAST1N-PLACECONCRETE PORCH 16 W000 SLATSCREENWALL 17 PREFIMSIED FETAL OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS (DARKFINISH) 18 STEPPED CONCRETE PAVERS 19 ADDRESS SIGNAGE ON WOOD PANNING PLANNING DEPARTMENT SPACE RESERVED FOR AN7 STAMP C a w C D E) L.L. I— = 3 = 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com CONSULTING CONTRACTOR: SUSTAINABLE 9 DEMON +BUILD 3511 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 35410 WWW.SUSTANIBLE9.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: THE 89116011 GROUP 3407 KILMER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55449 WV154.14AN SONG RO uFmri.co AI • COIL ENGINEERS SURVEYOR: E m8 R a ZW1A, C ,:LtRVEY1113 3 ENO. MINNEAPOLIS, SIN 55428 WYAV.DEMARCINCOOM .X.EtPvkLfLrRPRJFNP-'RP.F.MVfmNffflNePW _..... _.- ..... _..... _..... -.m. .... -.....--.. . __.. . - 11111AIMIIMIZIMMILIVINIIMICI :11111 IIISIMIMWEICa/Mr=f11117.311 - _ tialyriktrei 1. '0 _.... I =11 ! r..zon ••=4 =.... :1••=4 n rr Me Et1-3 0 21 in r.: tans and specifica on by any method In whole.. In part Is prohlbl. unless author'. by UNFOLD. Ownerahlp ROOF 995 P . EAK a(899.4') Lp( E 4 RLE 4 VEL PLATE BJ *:,L 42, 7.0. LIVING ROOM PLATE 5135' - 0' (885') \ ( 04_7.0, UPPER LEVEL PLY. 883' - 4' (883.3') r . T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE -536 - (881.6'1 PLY N a ( W -II .LIVI . il , G .7 8 1 0 . M PLY \ GA0170ES8L'I i FOOTING 0,6 ) T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB 882' -01/2' (8621 \ •- T.O. FOOTING C 861' 6' (861.61 T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB - 87' - 8 1/2'1860.21 T.O. FOOTING B 976.0.-F901aN(52.7) 858' - 8' (858.7') . . 7 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH I I 3/16' = 1'-0' w H (/) Z LLI 1—• L) 0 I-0 Lo (7 LC) z LIJ LL (I) (/) • >z L-I M • LO w ROOF PEAK 899' - 5" lB9- 9 47 TO. UPPER LEVEL PLATE 892' 5' T.O.LIVING ROOM PLATE am. - (8851 111..T.O. UPPER LEVEL PLY. 883' - 4' (883.31 1. 7.0. FIRST LEVEL PLATE , 881' - 7' (881 61-• 111 T.O. MAIN LEVEL PLY /1.-, 872' - 6' (872.51 s•-,' T.O. LIVING 1 RC 1 /0 18 M 7 P 1 1::: .) T.O. GARAGE SLAB A, 870' - 10'1870.8') FOOTING (31 - 8' run MIR EMI 111 ROOF PEAK 899' - 5' (899.4') UPPER LEVEL PLATE --' 692' , 5' (892.4') T.O. LIVING ROOM PLATE • 885' - 0' (885') 04_7.0. UPPER LEVEL PLY. 883''1183.31 mai Ii HOME CUT FORCLARITY T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE II '1 (:).ii5;4n4t.Y111L-Y\ 1.0. LIVING ROOM PLY \ 871' - II' (871.9') • T.O. GARAGE SLAB „..V 870' 10' (870.81 • T.O. FOOTING D B67' - 8' 1867.7'1 • T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB 862' - 0 1/2' (8623 t• r) F' 6 3°;:;',; 6 T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB 87' - 8 1/2'1860.21 T.O. FOOTING B 659' - 8 1/2'1859.71 T.O. FOOTING A 858' - 8' (858.7'1 re Fri EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST PARTIAL I I 3/16' = T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB -, / 862' - 0 1/2' (6621 ‘• • TO. FOOTING C '''''''' 7 r.7 7. 7: 7. / 861' - 6' (861.5') T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB 87 10 8. 720 07N(5150G f21) 1- -, \\8 \ 5 , 9' - 81/2' (1359.7.1,-. T.O. FOOTING 858' - 8' 1858.7S - PROJECT NUMBER 2207 SHEET NAME EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER 881' - 7'1881.6'1 A201 (509 12 02 (4)E Ili 1 HE 2 07 18 it 13 09 02 13 E KEY VALUE 1.11111AL DESCRSIDON 2207 PROJECT NUMBER The use of these pla A202 SHEET NUMBER 1-1-1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - EAST j 3/16" = 1.-0" --N-fpft ffifff-f-t 002 T.O.MAIN.! 6.1a7 LE 2 V 5 S ) 4 PLY 872' 3 TO. LIVING ROOM PLY - 11" 1871.91 T.O. GARAGE SLAB 870' - 10" 1870.81 T.D. FOOTING D 867' - (867.71 T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB ---• 862' 01/2' (8621 N. FOOTING C T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB -)8' - 8 I /r 1860.21 - T.O. FOOTING B — — 859'- 8 1/2"(859.7'1 3 T O FOOTING A • • 858' - 8" (858.7') T.O. 180171 LEVEL PLY / 872' - 6' (872.58 T.O. LIVING ROOM PLY -, 871' - II' (8717)7T-s-- T.O. GARAGE SLAB s 870' - 10' (870.5') - T.O. FOOTING D - 8' 18673TN- Tn. LOWER LEVEL SLAB -, / B62' - 0 1/2' 18628 ‘-- —/ 7.0. GOLF SIM SLAB 87' - 8 1/2'1860.2'1- — T.O.FOOTING B 859' - 8 1/2' (859.78 T.O. FOOTING A -, 855' - 8' (058.7'1 N- 71 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 3/16" = V-0" 05 El rm ROOF PEAK 899' - 5'11399.41 ; 3 E45; UPPER,7 ) EL PLATE I 0 T.D. LIVING ROOM PLATE 885' - 0' (885') 3 04_7.0. UPPER LEVEL PLY. 083' - 4"1853.31 - T.D. FIRST LEVEL PLATE - - 7" (881.6') ® E m • T.O. MAIN LEVEL PLY 072' - 6°1872.6'1 Ns TO. LIVING ROOM PLY -- • • II" 1871.9') 3 1.0. GARAGE SLAB . 870'7 r T , .! T.O. FOOTING .0 7 ,7 p o) MECHANICAL ECK... PENETRATIONS 3 T.O.LIVING ROOM PLATE ' 885 - 0' (8851 3 04_ T.O. UPPER LEVEL PL' 883' 74.1883.3') T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE - 7' (081.68 T.O. LIVING ROOM PLATE 085' - o• 1605) 04 T.O.UPPER LEVEL PLY. -, 883' - 4" C88371N--• T.O.FIRST LEVEL PLATE - - 7' (88 ITT): , Q ELY'S 9OF 9?1'"ELgI9.P) 12' ROOF PEAK-,s 899' - 5 (899.4'1'- T,O. UPPER LEVEL PLATE 892' - 5' 1892715 . • T.O. UPPER LEVEL PLATE .2 5" 18-9.1.71i• — - T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB r '').837,FITSVFLS62') T.O. FOOTING C 861' - 6'1861.5'1 \ r T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB 8 1/2" 1860.2') T.O. FOOTING 859' - 8 1/2" (859.71 r. T.O. FOOTING A / 858' - 8' 1858.78 0 M mm SPACE RESERVED FOR 0143 STA/4P 763.486.7779 www.unfotdarchitecture.com CONSULTING H I CONTRACTOR. SIJSTMNAB LE 9 DESIGN tBUILD 3511 V/44T1/ STREET MINNEAPOLI 5, MN 55410 WWW.SOSTAINBLEVCON1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: THEP/0150N GROUP 3407 KILMER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55446 WWW.HANSONGROUPMN.COM CIVIL ENGINEERS SUPPE/60A DEMARC LAUD SURVEYING 8 ENO. 7601 73813 AVE N. MINNEAPOLIS,81155428 WWVADELIARCINC.COM W Up 0 Z :. LLI 0 LO Lo LL Lil (/) w E > z •-> < O 1— 1-1 in L" co REV. DESCRIPTION DATE 501 CD, 09/21/2022 SHEET NAME EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ROOF PEAK 899' - 5' (UPT..--'11 142. UPPER B LEVI , 2 L 1 P a L 9 A'7 ,, ) MATERIAL KEYNOTE LEGEND 01 UGHT STUCCO 02 HARDIE PANELJNG (DARK STASH) 03 NA))00 LOOK SIDING 04 STONE VENEER (LIGHT FINISH) 05 STANDINGSEAMILETAL ROOFING (DARK 8111010 06 SCREEN PORCH 07 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL 08 TIMBER POSTS BEAM CONSTRUCTION 09 DARK PREFINISHED NETAL DOKTISPOUT/GUTIER 10 DARK PREFIMSHED /ANIMAL FETALSCUPPER TYPICAL 'Li MN CRAM 12 PREFLAISHED METALCOP1NG (DARK 81881-1) 13 2x6 HARDIEFASCLA BOARD (DARK FMK) 14 POWDER COATED CIAMIEY SHROUD (DARK FINISH) 15 CAST4N-PlACECONCRETE PORCH 16 WOOD SLAT SCREEN WALL 17 PREANISHED METALOVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS (DAM FUSSES 18 STEPPED CONCRETEPAVERS 19 ADDRESS SIGNAGEON HOOD PANELING TO. LIVING ROOM PLATE , s / 885' • 0" (885') 04_7.0. UPPER LEVEL PLY. 883' - 4" 18 .- T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE 6381.6 T.O.MAIN LEVEL PLY 872' - 6'1872.51 T.O. LIVING ROOM PLY 871' - 11' (1)WWNA F0pTINS T ;2 . i 5 T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB s 862' 0 1/2" (8621 C.' 7.0. FOOTING C 861' - 6" 1861.5') T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB , 87' -8 1/' 1860727 T.O. FOOTING 8 , \859 - 8 1/2° 1859,7TN, T.D. FOOTING A 858' - 8'1858 7'1 '1 ductIon or publication by a • DEMARC MORRIS RESIDENCE 3601 WEST 55TH STREET 3517 WEST 55TH STREET 5,CE RESERVED FORA. Si.V.IP REV. DESCRIPTION 50% CO] PROJECT NUMBER SHEET NAME RENDERING DATE 09/21/2022 2207 CITY OF EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT SHEET NUMBER A203 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com CONSULTING CONTRACTOR. SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN BUILD 3511 V2 44TH STREET 1.111111EAPOLI5,1411 55410 WYAV.SUSTAIIIBLE9.001.1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER THE HANSOM GROUP 3402441,1ER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, 1.111 5544.5 VNAV.HANSONGROUPSIII.001.1 CIVIL ENGINEER & SURVEYOR: (4 S2 • REM#RC DEMARC LAI1D SURVEYING & ROI MD AVE 11 1.111111EAPOLIS, 55428 VIVAVDEMARCIIIC COSI CV L\J O 'Cr cD / 2-STORY FRAME No. 351 1 9 666.4 Porch WO 661.2 0 Existing Building Coverage Lot Area Residence Deck Garage Total Percentage 14,8/2 sq ft 595 sq ft 544 sq ft 401 sq ft 1,540 sq ft 10.40% The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. I certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 6th day of July 2022. Signed Gre R. P asch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 OCT 14 2922_ r 1,51' pine ./ 667.6 9"Patv f 60.0 r . - r I 859.3 656,21:( i .. - - .../...-.- I i \ ......' X • I _... X , .1 ......„ .....- tur . roil / °a."' ur-tri>4_13-r-s CG_ertifirate Existing Conditions Survey For: SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN & BUILD Property located in Section 20, Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota 3517 W 55th St Benchmark Hydrant (>. TA111-87.5.64 Sanitary Manhole WEST 55TI-1 STREET ® nm=672.04 , awer 673.0 D÷ i X`P 673. 1,..e272.7 672.9 673.2 Elec 672.2 - 72. 1 cQ c\I 660.3 8U) / 7:7) 657.9 X Manhole O rim=656.72 /- z / 655.3 /1 / CS Basis for bearings is assumed • Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 Denotes Iron Monument Denotes Existing Contours x000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation to 67 70)6 tj • 67 ./1 ,/ 563.5 CITY OF EDINA 671 Deck 13" spruce 673.0 673.0 573.5 1...4-23.65--4'\72.5\73162.2\ '65,717, ) - PPE N 674.6 '7.0 /-5-72-. .!----6-7,75-„; 2-STORY FRAME cv No. 3601 C \ I 670.9 , , ". Step \ • 0 S 571.6 5,70,-x - 13.0,xi •ct• \ • /3.9.,0 \ 569. 571.6 069--.9---- N6 C 6119.1 ° 569. ::j .1 N-‘69./ 77.19- 136-569. 7'1/ ,7 -- 567 / 1 1 01 Deck / _____,/ 662.2 In In / I 666.6 t o, 7 667.1 - 5.66 665.4 / (66.2 t 1„1 666.6 x1965:15 (.0 co c\I -"co 65.5 ,-D6 663.3 /863.9 Cl) 4.0 63.5 Overhead Wires 672.7 SD SD 673.0 / / / 661.0 ,c, 564.9 • 5, 667 x e372.7872-6 A•\ ZSs I Gas eter N 89°02'01" I I / I .66;ga / 1672.9 66'1.5 17" spr .7 26" pine 672. 672.3 z 660 .-.,57I 5 70.0 669.6 870.2 0 6 663.4 -7 \ c:5I. -.‘ 0 \ Ar \ 41. \ C "maple .° 671.1 \ \ \ 70.3 Porch \,670.0 0 OP 670.5 ---, 561.0 Deck 660.2 660.3 Property Zoned R-1, Residential Building Setback Requirements per Zoning Ordinance Front - 30 feet" (37.6' average of abutting Lots) Side - 12 feet total with no side less than 5 feet Rear - 25 feet **If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. tcc 673.07 tcc 672.64 tcc Concrete Curb 072.2 1 tcc tcc tcc 671.14 670.59 670.45 674.2 Porch 524 \-\\\ PPE 675.3 2-STORY FRAME No. 360.5 .2 654.6 653.0 652.7 Manhole rim-6576r PLANNING DEPARTMENT /2" 19 660.6 - - - - I v . i , ...-- / ..--- 654.7 / ,,.. ' 7 -i-- -- 659.3 I 559> --- / --I --- ,‘- . , A I' _ . , P 1 (0'0 "... 'I it . / / 7" boxelder'-- /1 656 /' " boxelder , .00 ser• 660/5 51)-7g0°2 11.-5-, 653. 3t.1 653. ..--(47gter ,t_„t606 ° / 36" rpapl 655.5 wetland delineated by anderson engineering July 20, 2022 85/.0 Gg N 1\16-1 e,\I\oc\ F\0 is\ p ,65z) 5 kee'c- 651.0 Project No. 90033 F.B.No. 1128-04 Address: Address Pending, Edina, MN PID No.: 20-028-24-22-0119 rev 08.8.22 wetland delineation F:\survey\woodbury park near lake harriet - hennepin\1-7 woodbury park near lake harriet\01 Surveying - 90033\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 8, including adjoinig Half of vacated street, WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AND That part of Lot A lying between the East and West lines of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining Half of vacated street, all in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. DEMARC LAND SURVEYING & ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarclnc.com 655:6-- Drawn By SCALE 1" = 30' Existing Hardcover Lot Area 14,512 5q ft Residence Deck Garage Driveway Pergola Concrete Total Percentage 595 sq ft 544 sq ft 40/ sq ft 560 sq ft 20 sq ft 65 sq ft 2, 155 sq ft 14.77% I certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Prepared this 30th day of September 2022. Signed ory R. Prasch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 re Perlo tw562 .3 11 bw860.1 N Lu Ov460.1 I ..A4isco.o r Benchmark Sanitary Manhole inn-872.04 4). Hydrant INH-375.84 WE5T 55TH STREET ten • Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 Denotes Iron Monument 0 Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only Denotes Existing Contours Denotes Proposed Contours x000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation (50020) Denotes Proposed Elevation .-.011111111r--- Denotes Surface Drainage Property Zoned R-1, Residential Building Setback Requirements per Zoning Ordinance Front - 30 feet** (37.6' average of abutting Lots) Side - 12 feet total with no side less than 5 feet Rear - 25 feet 513 31- iverhead WIres tee Concrete Curb .972 21 flood Light 872.5 7 0 S Temporary Rock Construction Entrance I 57210 .971.14 tee 870.45 70.3 Porch \\N\N\\\\ 9` GI 870.5 0 • • • 0 \.0 • • • • 870.0 5' maple 87/.1 • 869.8 'If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two -- abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. uru-r4.crrs Proposed Site Plan Survey For: SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN & BUILD Property located in Section 20, Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota Step Footings Proporgi Residence 865.4 Porch 140 851.2 2-5TORY FRAME No. 351 1 tw970.8 61%969.8 /.. ----- , 1,210.2 sf of basement below grade = 56% ..,--------. 1 ' 951.8 sf of basement above grade = 44% Average Existing Grade at Front of Existing House = 870.0 ,-' _____ Highest Point of Wall ..._,,, Planter T/W874.8 84872.3 Lot Area Building W/Cant. Entry Patio Rear Porch W/Cant. Pavers PoaPatio Driveway Total Percentage Building Coverage Summary - nod ...,- ..,- -6 565 -- -50 sq-ft - ..,^ 1 ,-- ,," -• ...a5G---, , 535 sq ft\ ; ti,'-, ,' 7 .\\ / 0 ,--....5555...0--- _V 3,434 sq ft d .._, , 0 . / ...„---•-• ....' ......,,,,,, . 7- / (;(' 1' ..-...-,--urie „,„:„\ „ , "Y NE w 6,,,.....:: .... ...- .,.. 5----- -- --- III- 5.7C .- ,'' / Project No. 90033B SCALE 1" = 30' Drawn By Address: 3517 W 55th Street, Edina, MN PID: 20-028-24-22-0119 DEMARC rev I 0.07.22 city comments LAND SURVEYING B ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarclnc.com F:\survey\woodbury park near lake harriet - hennepin\4-8\01 Surveying - 90033\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg Basis for bearings is assumed ..„,..,-..' .45 0- cl •st -:: Cy ,----- 77W864.0 W ....----. B1144362.OZor ......-01 .......-' - ...---... O'l. .....- --- 5, --- -r!) .„...---- Proposed Hardcover „ 14,512 sq ft .....7 „DO „ 2,553 sq ft ....,----.. 7.41861° 124 sq ft"--- 239 54' ft ---- , 1,664 sq ft/ ........„, --- 0 --- iz ..2. ,- . . 4c8 sq ft o 1,412.sqft ,---- ----.' - - ' --- 0 ;)`'' „---- : ''... „-W...,......__z--l_ otit.tes ef, frit : :i, co 6,070 sq # ---....---,-- 40.980 --.-'- ....-/ 13M861.5„, 77W870.0 1 EVW867.5 Sump Discharge T1 1867.0 kala./ Prop. min. Falco Wa.archIng 00103 Moch. Pad ts 5.0 Min. Setback Proposed t; Residence 74 863...4 Mentor tt 7-44/865.9 BM863.4 VG" 863.4 Does not mclude Pool and 4' 5urronang Patio Lot Area Building W/Cant. Entry Patio Rear Porch W/Cant. Entry Allowance PooWatto Total 14,51 2 sq,ft ,,' ,''--- , r- f.- e", ' 2,553 sq ft ,-- , .- ,- -1-1,< ...- ..-- -.------ - -.4 ‘ 124 sq ft ,' ..„,..--;,' , ..,0 239 sq,ft- -- „,:, c.: ;:.) ...., Percentage 23. is% wetland delineated byandernon engineering Ju6, 20, 2022 {eat LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1NN riAti ,\Ps .(ees o0 Lot 4, Block 8, including adjoinig Half of vacated street, WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AND That part of Lot A lying between the East and West lines of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining Half of vacated street, all in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. F.B.No. 1128-04 GO( o oe,1°' 000 NOTE Proposed grades are subject to results of soil tests. Proposed building information must be checked with approved building plan and development or grading plan before excavation and construction. Proposed grades shown on this survey are Interpolations of proposed contours from the drainage, grading and/or development plans. NOTE: The relationship between proposed floor elevations to be veiled by builder. NOTE: The only easements shown are from plats or record or information provided by client Deck 14462.5 bw862.5 860.2 / T/W661.5 Manhole - B/W860.0 rirn85,6..7.2.1,.. ....-' l..1 CITY Or OCT .14 •::12? PLANNING L 557.9 X 900.0 872.56 570.5 .562.0 860.2 Proposed Ridge Height Proposed First Floor Proposed Garage Floor Proposed Basement Floor Proposed Golf Simulator Slab Type of Building Full Basement Walkout GENERAL GRADING NOTES: 1. THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF EDINA SHALL APPLY EXCEPT WHERE MODIFIED BY THESE DOCUMENTS. 2. "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" (1-800-252-1166) SHALL BE NOTIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 3. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITH UTILITY COMPANIES. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY WITH ANY CONFLICTS. 4. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. 5. EXISTING TOPSOIL SHALL BE SALVAGED TO PROVIDE 4" TOPSOIL COVERAGE OVER ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE REVEGETATED. 6. THE BUILDING PAD MUST BE PROVIDED WITH POSITIVE DRAINAGE. THIS WORK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. 7. AFTER THE SILT FENCE HAS BEEN REMOVED REMAINING SEDIMENT SHALL BE SMOOTHED TO CONFORM WITH THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED OR SODDED AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 8. NO FINISHED SLOPE SHALL EXCEED 4H : 1V UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. PERMITEE MUST MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION. METHODS OF MINIMIZING SOIL COMPACTION INCLUDE THE USE OF TRACKED EQUIPMENT. EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S (I.E. SILT FENCE, BIO-ROLLS, ROCK CONSTRUCTION EXIT, INLET PROTECTION, ETC.) SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. 2. INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ANY INLET THAT MAY RECEIVE RUNOFF FROM THE DISTURBED AREAS OF THE PROJECT. INLET PROTECTION MAY BE REMOVED FOR A PARTICULAR INLET IF A SPECIFIC SAFETY CONCERN (FLOODING / FREEZING) HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. THE PERMITTED MUST RECEIVE WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE CITY ENGINEER VERIFYING THE NEED FOR REMOVAL. 3. INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S, SUCH AS SILT FENCE, AROUND ALL STOCKPILES. 4. RETAIN AND PROTECT AS MUCH NATURAL VEGETATION AS FEASIBLE. WHEN VEGETATION IS REMOVED DURING DEVELOPMENT, THE EXPOSED CONDITION OF LAND SHALL BE KEPT TO THE SHORTEST PRACTICAL PERIOD OF TIME, BUT NOT LONGER THAN 60 DAYS. ANY EXPOSED AREAS EXCEEDING THIS TIME-FRAME SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED (STRAW MULCH, WOODCHIPS, ROCK). AREAS BEING USED FOR MATERIAL STORAGE AND AREAS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ARE EXEMPT FROM TEMPORARY STABILIZATION. 5. ANY STEEP SLOPES (3H : 1V OR STEEPER) EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH TEMPORARY VEGETATION, MULCHING OR BY OTHER MEANS ACCEPTABLE TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL WITHIN 14 DAYS OF CEASING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES ON THE STEEP SLOPES. STOCKPILES MAY BE PROTECTED BY AN ANCHORED TARP OR PLASTIC SHEET. 6. PROVIDE DUST CONTROL AS NECESSARY. DUST CONTROL CAN INCLUDE WATER. 7. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC PAVEMENT AREAS ON A DAILY BASIS OR AS NEEDED. 8. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S SHALL BE INSPECTED EVERY 7 DAYS, OR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ALL RAIN EVENTS GREATER THAN 1.0" IN 24 HOURS. CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED SHALL BE INITIATED WITHIN 24 HOURS. 9. SILT FENCE, BIO-ROLLS AND INLET PROTECTION DEVICES MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED OR SUPPLEMENTED WHEN THEY BECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES 1/3 THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. THESE REPAIRS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW. 10. AFTER FINAL GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED, EXPOSED SOILS MUST BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL CONSIST OF 4 INCHES TOPSOIL, AND SEED, MULCH AND FERTILIZER APPLIED BY METHODS AND RATES RECOMMENDED IN MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 2575 AND MN/DOT SEEDING MANUAL, OR SOD. THE SEED MIX SHALL BE MN/DOT 25-151. 11. NO CONCRETE WASHOUT ALLOWED ON SITE, TRUCK BASED SELF CONTAINMENT WASHOUT DEVICES REQUIRED. 12. OIL STAINS ON CITY STREETS SHALL BE CLEANED UP WITH FLOOR DRY, AND DISPOSED OF AS A HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL. 13. ALL HAZARDOUS WASTE SHALL BE STORED CLEANED UP AND DISPOSED OF PER EPA STANDARDS. 14. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED 15. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AFTER PERMANENT STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 16.TEMPORARY PUMPED DISCHARGE POLLUTION PREVENTION TECHNIQUES: "DANDY DEWATERING BAG" BROCK WHITE CO. USA. 17. CONTACT PERSON FOR SITE CLEANLINESS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS: Jake Nau (612)-250-9491. LLJ 2 Cr 0 STRAW SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG FLOW EXISTING GROUND BACKFILL AND COMPACT SOIL FROM TRENCH ON UPGRADIENT SIDE OF SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG PLACE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG IN SHALLOW TRENCH (1 IN - 2 IN DEPTH) 8 IN -10 IN EMBEDMENT DEPTH SPACE BETWEEN STAKES SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 1 FT FOR DITCH CHECKS OR 2 FT FOR OTHER APPLICATIONS. BIOROLLS NOT TO SCALE 1 IN X 2 IN X 24 IN LONG WOODEN STAKES. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG AT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WITH THE TOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. CITY OF EDINA PLANNING EXISTING GROUND ROCK STABILIZING EXIT NOT TO SCALE 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 5.1.55/Manhaio non672.04 WEST 55TH STREET 671.14 Orb 62.21 ten len 670.59 670.15 a01: re' i SUR v6- -ro* ik 1,W167.0 391566.0 rr Way Pad 5.01.11n. Setback Proposed Residence Planter (-MYST , arr 663. 2 IC9 ROCK tlyd 1)01,5 -ot 71764 STABILIZING EXIT 270.0 669.6 670'2 -\ \ ss 5971.1 \ 070.0 ____ _553.0 652.7 ••••'' notice, 64000 1 97..1/4/ 1900006 9 Ay 24 2022 1. 2.7 „673.0 P" d Wires fa Mod 19' 672.5 i ed Residence C.1 TIMM° w 1151862.0-toe tr- 72,9 0. 0`7 06-7 01lk -.4721 W189'02'01" E 60.001.4 ~Qxo 661167.5 ,Sura Manton, 74•117O0 5.0 62.6 Concrete,. 0 Is 0 661.5 15. X 30' polT -- VI „/"•••---- 0 Paen.11akt1re ,D59 r 1 • Teapot-4y Rock ConsboctIonEnt 67 tanc 2.10 67 672.1t PO.c 672.3 Planter 171117.1.1 0/W6723 SIC Footing 672. - 651.0 54;;WC cle0- 600•120v- --- MINNoigo v3s0 • .160° 03 Porch GP e\ 670.5 to -Ft ,ug0Goo i t No.3511 663.4 661.0 , ( 060.3 / 066.4 Porch "•• 1 i 6 657.9 7/WI61.5 Manhole , 0.591640 rot-036,721 656.9 SILT FENCE OR BIO-ROLLS 16062.31 666601 p / 4.x2.6 66062.5 Deck 66069.6 to.570.6 2-STORY FRAME 661.2 WO 651.6 MINIMUM DOUBLE STITCHED SEAMS ALL AROUND SIDE PIECES AND ON FLAP POCKETS FRONT, BACK, AND BOTTOM TO BE MADE FROM SINGLE PIECE OF FABRIC OVERFLOW HOLES (2IN X 4 IN HOLE SHALL BE HEAT CUT INTO ALL FOUR SIDE PANELS) 20' MINIMUM LENGTH RADIUS AS REQUIRED CRUSHED ROCK PER SPECIFICATION EXIT WIDTH AS REQUIRED 1 IN - 2 IN CRUSHED ROCK TAPER EDGES AT 1:1 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 6 IN MINIMUM --,111.- PUBLIC ROAD Proposed Hardcover Lot Area 14,812 sq ft Building Want. 2,583 sq ft Entry Patio 124 sq ft Rear Porch W/Cant. 23.9 sq ft Pavers 48 sq ft Pool/Patio 1,412 5q ft Driveway 1,664 sq ft Total 6,070 sq ft Percentage 40.95% Existing Hardcover Lot Area Residence Deck Garage Driveway Pergola Concrete Total Percentage 14,812 sq ft 595 sq ft 544 sq ft 401 sq ft 560 sq ft 20 sq ft 6t3 sq ft 2,100 sq ft /4.77% 5 FT MINIMUM LENGTH POST AT 6 FT MAXIMUM SPACING GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36 IN WOE PLASTIC ZIP TIES (50 LBS TENSILE) LOCATED IN TOP 8 IN TIRE COMPACTION ZONE FLOW EXISTING GROUND MACHINE SLICE 8 IN -12 IN DEPTH SILT FENCE (MACHINE SLICED) NOT TO SCALE LL I- N 0 o. USE REBAR OR STEEL ROD FOR REMOVAL (FOR INLETS WITH CAST CURB BOX REPLACE ROD 19TH WOOD 2 IN X 4 IN). EXTEND 10 IN BEYOND GRATE WIDTH ON BOTH SIDES, LENGTH VARIES. SECURE TO GRATE WITH WIRE OR PLASTIC TIES. INLET SPECIFICATIONS AS PER THE PLAN DIMENSION LENGTH AND WIDTH TO MATCH FLAP POCKET INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE 43 a Cn 1. DESIGNED BY: JAP CHECKED BY: -9 8: GRP DRAWN BY: JWL REVISIONS CITY COMMENTS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UND R MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESS ENGINEERrtlj4DFR THE LAWS OF THE STATE 10 07 22 OF MINNESOTA. EFFREY A. P DATE: 09.30.22 DEMARC LANG SURVEYING G ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 DemarcInc.com SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN & BUILD 3511 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 55410 LOT 4, BLOCK 8 WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 3517 WEST 55TH STREET EDINA, MN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN PROJECT: 9003313 SHEET NO. Cl OF Cl / SC LIC. NO.: 52706 Benchmark Hydrant (>- TN/1=875.84 5amtary Manhole nm=872.04 I certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 6th day of July 2022. Signed Mr AMIN Gret, R. P asch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 • Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 Denotes Iron Monument Denotes Existing Contours x000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation S' Basis for bearings is assumed -urtir4_crrs C;rrtificate Tree Preservation Plan For: SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN & BUILD Property located in Section 20, Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota Tree Removals Tree # To be Removed To Be Preserved 36" Silver Maple 0 20" Spruce 17" Spruce 3 rD 26" Pine 3 9" Pine 3 25" Pine 3 § 15" Pine 3 14" Pine 3 14" Crab 3 To Be Replaced Ecc Denotes Tree To Be Removed 873.07 tee tcc 872.84 Flood Light 8724 87..k0 872,6- 8 .7 72.6 .3 872.3 tee tcc 870.59 870.45 870.0 869.8 8A?.2 -7 " maple \\ 871.1 0.6 r 70.3 570.0 • GF 872.4 0 GF 870.5 9 5\ \\ 866.4 863.4 - - - --IFFE 19 No. 36 84.2 .5\74 \\\\ FFE 875.3 2-5 /TORY FRAME No. 3605 67:3.0 EVaiF - \ rve _073.1 _872.7 -T- \ \ \ 1 072.9 873.R I ci 573.0 873.8 / ( 872.7 573.0 _ / 82.94573.2 tec 871.14 WO 561.2 871 860.2 561.0 7 g, 87 • I 1 865.4 .....--564.9 - / , --- (66.2/ ( 86.0.3/ I I '13 56/0.3 I I I 1 ar7.9 I , 8 / -Manhole / rtm=c156. 72 / - -0 13" spruce OCT 1.4 2022 PLANNING DEPARTM,-44101 16515 _ 8637 f5 -1- I -1363.9 .-- / .64.0 ------ ---- .7 /7 -- 163.5 / --___ • .......- / ---- / • 7......- • 7.:---- / ........- '561.0 / boxeld~ "-i 7 X68 5/ / CITY OF EDINA „so • "•• Manhole 0 orn=857.8 1 / 859.3 I 859'3' // ,7 / / ---1-.' / / / / // /-*".- 17" boxeld 856 NON-REPLACEMENT ▪ TREE SE I TBACK . y .. N...E.(TYP.)//: 855.3 •-• ._ , , ... - - , , -.-- 1.56,5-.....- ..-----.556--' , ,..., 7 , _i cit u t , A,;„ : A*_, 56477 .-- ........ . ....- 1 _ _853.0 7'5-S-277 .2 1 / 854.6 Property Zoned R-1, Residential /7 / / / / , r / / /\ / 1 % ..--.. -./ \ / 747nut 85F.9 6v-Iprike d 555: -- Building Setback Requirements per Zoning Ordinance 5 eek Front - 30 feet** (37.6' average of abutting Lots) Side - 12 feet total with no side less than 5 feet 000- 40C\ Rear - 25 feet a 0e\I - 851.0 e 10° al 851.0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 8, including adjoinig Half of vacated street, WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AND That part of Lot A lying between the East and West lines of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining Half of vacated street, all in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Address: 3517 West 55th Street, Edina, MN PID No.: 20-028-24-22-0119 DEMARC rev 10.13.22 tree removals LAND SURVEYING & ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarclnc.com F:\survey\woodbury park near lake harriet - hennepin\4-8\01 Surveying - 90033\01 CAD\01 Source \01 Survey Base.dwg -- .-..• f 5 , , -- - , 0-54-1-0. _ ___-- ....- a. Project No. 90033A F.B.No. 1128-04 Drawn By **If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. SCALE 1" = 30' 72. / 69.9 613.6 -10.0 • 4.0 66 60.0 59.3 855 r I e e t - r r t_' *TREE PLAN SUBMITTED AND APPROVED FOR DEMO PERMIT REFERENCE ONLY 3601 W 55th St To Total # of Trees= 11 Total # to Protect= 2 Total # Sustainable 9 is planning to Remove=9 (See also Demo Permission Letter.) A 1:11 'Y574.2 Porch 674 Note 1: Although tree protection is optional if trunk is fully on neighboring property at the DBH, to avoid any root damage we will protect tree labeled as 1 (on 3517 side trees labeled as 9 and 10 (on 3601 side). Note 2: No equipment soil storage ne r any trees not protected. 562 20'5 66 4 673.6 a et, 4 O Flood 72.7 , 1372.7 3601 62 .4 side U I 70.9 2 0 stump 1 3Ficmilerous 5 OnIgiffigLii6h vive, • 22.2 870.'. 569.6 0 AC569. I WE5 T 5 5 Th 3TREET tcc Concrete Curt:072.21 O Q 13.0..E 13 \ 14.0 1 03.0 Ga5 669. 672:2- 572.J 72-3 ----- Deck 17.0 3517 --- ett./(-: Elec./ / Conc. CD 572-7_ Cyt 872.. gP.2 C) 672.4 c\1 • Garage 20.2.. 55t /4''pyr 665. 667.2 L5Lar_ 3 667.6 tcc tcc 570.59 570.45 planning to Remove= 9 .570.0 (See also Demo Permission Letter.) 257 572. ale .5 6 60.6 Tate Protection 3(owned by neighbor) 5' maple ..1 870.3 • .0 GF • .570.5 • 1. 570.0 Porch 563.4 Deck 3517 W 55th St Total # of Trees= 10 Total # to Protect= 1 Total # Sustainable 9 is DEMO ONLY TREE b LAN 662.2 r / Spruce 25' pule 9 pine 26' pule 660.2 56/ _ c\• I 6603 CD 557.9 X- X 205 563.0 13' 5prur-e 662.2 3.5 55 to 673.07 673.0' X 673. 863.5- -- 3 CITY OF EDINA 6 .12' 19 660.6 OCT 1 4 2022 1359.3 559.3 --- PLANNING DEPARTMENT -r 16! Llriut Tree Protection 555.6 (both owned by neighbor) 8 Y54-3 10: 55G -5 ..o _A 1 -'20' 22 655.0 653.5 •••• 551.0 SEK ""I-- 36' Inapt SU 06( 1.-1 Nt. a Ga 03 555.s; 1 f_s -7_521'59 r.,.' -1.--- 653.1 6.53.5.................... r\Piater /O. 10 Lot Area 14.512 se ge5rdence .595 5e Deck 544 se Garage 401 se Total 1.540 se '12-‘q / 8 7" boxelder /• __ 656.6 P\ 551_0 MI klIN.Nal Percentage 10.4k CITY OF EDINA OCT 1 4 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA OCT '1 4 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Google „ Image capture. Jul 2019 OD 2022 Google United States Terms Privacy Re *PRE-DEMOLITION (Demo is now complete) EAST NEIGHBOR CITY OF EDINA OCT 1 4 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA OCT 1 4 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Lot 4, Block 8, Woodbury Park Near Lake Harriet 3517 West 55th Street Edina, Minnesota September 30th, 2022 Rev. — October 7 th, 2022 Prepared By: Prepared For: DEMARC LAND SURVEYING & ENGINEERING Sustainable 9 Design & Build 3511 West 44' Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55410 I hereby certify that this Plan, Specification or Report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 52706 09.30.22 License Number Date Jeffrey A. Pra ch, Project Engineer 763.560.3093 1 7601 73rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55428 I www.Demarclnc.com Stormwater Management Plan 3517 West 55th Street — Edina, MN Rev. — October 7th, 2022 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1.0 Project Overview ii 2.0 Design Considerations ii 3.0 Subcatchment Analysis ii Table 3.1 — Subcatchment Area Summary ii Appendix A — Figures Figure 1 - Drainage Areas Existing Conditions Figure 2 - Drainage Areas Proposed Conditions CITY OF EDINA A OCT 1 4 2022 Stormwater Management Plan 3517 West 55th Street — Edina, MN Rev. — October 7th, 2022 1.0 Project Overview PLANNING DEPARTMENT A new house with driveway is being proposed at 3517 West 55' Street in the City of Edina (City). The proposed house is located on a new lot created by a lot split of Lot 1, Block 7 Woodbury Park Near Lake Harriet (3601 W 55th Street). The lot that this project is located on is the East 60 feet of the original lot, which equates to 0.34 acres. This part of the original lot contained approximately one third of the original house along with the detached garage and driveway. There is private property located to the east and west, street to the north and Minnehaha Creek creates the south boundary for the lot. Currently, most of the site flows south directly into Minnehaha creek with part of the front yard and driveway flowing to the street and a portion of the east side yard flowing east to private property. The street and private property subcatchments flow via storm sewer into Minnehaha Creek. Minnehaha Creek is considered a regional flooding issue according to the City of Edina Engineering Department. The existing drainage conditions are shown in Figure 1. The proposed improvements include a new house with attached garage, driveway, porch, and pool with surrounding patio. Because this lot originally only supported half of a residence, there will be a large increase in impervious surface. The stormwater from these impervious surfaces will be primarily drained to the creek via a side yard swale and grading of the new driveway. This will prohibit an increase in rates to private property. Figure 2 shows the proposed drainage conditions. 2.0 Design Considerations The site is under the jurisdiction of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) and the City. This project will not trigger the MCWD stormwater rule because it is the redevelopment of a single-family home. This project will trigger Category 2 of the City's Rule because it is the redevelopment of a single- family home. The on-site storm water system design is based on their guidelines: A Rate and Volume Modeling Software — HydroCAD 10.10 A Rainfall Distribution — MSE 24-hour Type Ill A Rainfall Data — NOAA Atlas 14 rainfall data as shown in Figure 3. A Soil Conditions — Hydrologic Soil Group B based on web soil survey shown in Appendix D. 3.0 Subcatchment Analysis The City regulates the rate of water discharged from the site. The discharge rate requirement is no increase in peak rate to private property for the 10-yr storm event. In regards to volume control, the site does not flow to structural flooding. It does flow into the regional flooding of Minnehaha Creek. Table 3.1 shows the existing and proposed Subcatchment Analysis . Table 3.1 — Subcatchment Area Summary Subcatchment Impervious Area [sf] Total Area [sf] Pre- Post- Pre- Post- Street (15) 313 631 1,622 1,914 Private Property (2S) 672 0 672 471 Minnehaha Creek (3S) 1,674 5,439 12,518 12,427 As shown in the table above, the discharge rates to private property will not increase because of the decrease in impervious area and decrease in total area flowing to private property. ii Appendix A Figures FAsurvey\wooclbury park near lake harrtet - hennepin\4-8 wooclbury park near lake harrtet\O I Surveying - 90033\0I CAD\01 Source\O I Survey Base.dwg 0 tcc 671.14 I to 670.-0 •_ rc. 0 2 to Concrete Curb 670.15 870.0 Overhead Wires 869.8 ELN N.) O - 84189°0Z01" E 60.007.8 4 72.7 -67 Flood Light 872.5 4, 0 1• 373.0 0 p.0 .5.171lpia 671.1 '673.2 18.2 • etoop 4 22.2 70.3 • • \ GF 2 GF 870.5 .674.6 .6 FRAME .0 l• k6 672.7 • • 7.0 No. 36,01--- \ • 2-STORY FR No. 351 7"2-r 1N31 1.):Ncl2C1 SNINN'ic• 663.6 CEI •VC 869. 5.670.13 869.1 13.569.6 467.2 1 ul 667.6 - - - \ \ \ 15. pure 867.8 - 866.4 Porch Z(i? 130 • 1727-. 697 670 1 D eck ----- / 667.1 863.4 0 NIC13 JO AllO 866.2 ab 66. 663.2' .....---" 4 C•I .--"664.9 - 1.1.1 's i t• ' • •-•"---.--' ii: 0 / 663.6 25'pure es -I- • I III' /t 9'inne" iiT` 663.3„/0 963.9 Deck ,4',882.8 1.662.5 860.2 01.0 1 660.3 t%1362.31 1.660.1 oste • O 1 CI 1 660.1 11 --‘711,...hdt360.0 r •-• G2'2 ,- ,..• In ,-' ,% 858.8 4/ _-- A' /(l.' /o' /' ...--;%-> ' ..,% / ." 60.0 . / .....0->. .' „ ....---2' / -'.... .' ,. ,......- ---- ,7661.0 '1/4 x' 856.9 9.3___,.,,,ttact35g.2,--... /e '''' V...-- c''1(: i j l ---t . • _...., Oa". „1.2.• bareldec..."2 ......'" .......! '509'5 ,' " rl _ .. ---• --''' /'..-, -I C-. ' . ' ,/' .''' ........-856.5.- ___656--.. ,, \ ; ‘ t6.`"• 65W „''' • // --".' ,, ' /' ..•' JP'1-s\ 5,,Ki 854.6 / 30VNIV2:10 m 0 m z 1:1381AWIN >1N11 2:13evunN HOY323 /1: / 17. boveldeo• 656.4/ / //,/• ¨ ----- 652.7 • • W • \-'' • • -' 453' "" xetland detonated .'"<t1C fOMV/ by am:Jerson engineonng eoe 0 Juhr 20 2022 651.0 .666 \ • ee DEMARC LANG SURVEYING B ENGINEERING 760173/d Avenue North (763) 560.3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarcinc, corn DRAINAGE AREAS EXISTING CONDITIONS m G) m LOT 4, BLOCK 8 WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 3517 WEST 55TH STREET EDINA, MN TAN872.2 B/W871.0 /3.0 F:\eurvey\woodbury park near lake ha hennepin\4-8 woodbury park near lake harrlet\O I Surveying - 90033\O I CAD\O 15ou 0 12 CO °D. /... 64 .-7----79c4.9 T/W864.0 W B/W863.4 563.5,03 T/W1363.0 r z -n m IJ O N.1 0 Concrete Cud, Overhead Wires d h1 572.7 too a Flood tight 673.0 // 70 P. / Pro p (ea Residence 747.0 tw570.5 14569,5 Highest Point of Wall 115.5 I Wen/ p73 %__ te 571.14 t tee Temporary ock Constnicgo 'gran. tcc 570.53 57045 too // \ -a. 5° maple ‘1‘ 571.1 2-5TORY FR No, 35 I 569.5 CP 570.5 16'0' T/W871.0 178' Mech. Pad 8 13/W867.3 5.0 Min. Setback ,..Sump Discharge Proposed Residence ( .) *r Cf * B:86 F.P. C a Porch 5664 `Porch 4 Deck '&062.5 14562.5 I 560.3 / 1w562.31 to 60,560.1 21'6" 563.2 3 566.5 1 561.5 563.9 MA/863 FrTi,1, Prop. 4' F er!ce WiLatchIng Gates /644' Sill fen B/W1360 , ..- --- i --- Veci.o -4569 555.3 „....// 654.6 Z m 73 73 fn Z c a, r- z z c CO M 0 Z 0 0 ° I r-rn VI m z D 73 m 0 7) z C co co 7J „..- IN3INH3IV9811 /, /'-- t1 t y6RV SINE a, 03' v‘i 0°Z 159 5533 0014'W Edge wetland dehneated anderson engheenng July 20, 2022 i5,4 552.7_ 551.0 G ZZOZ'O£'60 -n 5 m LOT 4, BLOCK 8 WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 3517 WEST 5511-I STREET EDINA, MN DEMARC LAND SURVEYING E ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420 Oemarclnccom DRAINAGE AREAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS OCT I 4 202Z NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PLANNING DEPARTME 2 rfabular I PF cuphical I Maps & aerials CITY OF EDIN/OINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES Sanja Perlca, Deborah Martin, Sandra Ravlovic, Ishani Roy, Michael St. Laurent, Carl Torpaluk, Dale Unruh, Michael Yekta, Geoffery Bonnin FIGURE 3 - PRECIPITATION DATA NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 8, Version 2 Location name: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA* Latitude: 44.9126°, Longitude: -93.3445° Elevation: 919.99 ft** * source: ESRI Maps ** source: USGS 11011F e ry PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1 Average recurrence interval (years) Duration 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min 0.353 (0.288-0.438) 0.419 (0.342-0.520) 0.532 (0.432-0.662) 0.630 (0.509-0.788) 0.773 (0.605-1.00) 0.889 (0.677-1.17) 1.01 (0.741-1.35) 1.14 (0.798-1.56) 1.31 (0.884-1.85) 1.45 (0.949-2.07) 10 min 0.517 (0.422-0.642) 0.613 (0.501-0.762) 0.778 (0.633-0.970) 0.923 (0.746-1.15) 1.13 (0.886-1.47) 1.30 (0.992-1.71) 1.48 (1.09-1.98) 1.67 (1.17-2.29) 1.92 (1.30-2.71) 2.13 (1.39-3.03) 15-min 0.630 (0.515-0.783) 0.748 (0.610-0.929) 0.949 (0.772-1.18) 1.13 (0.909-1.41) 1.38 (1.08-1.79) 1.59 (1.21-2.08) 1.80 (1.32-2.42) 2.03 (1.43-2.79) 2.35 (1.58-3.31) 2.60 (1.70-3.69) 30-min 0.891 (0.729-1.11) 1.07 (0.870-1.32) 1.36 (1.11-1.70) 1.62 (1.31-2.03) 2.00 (1.56-2.59) 2.30 (1.75-3.01) 2.61 (1.92-3.50) 2.94 (2.07-4.05) 3.40 (2.29-4.79) 3.77 (2.46-5.36) 60-min 1.16 (0.950-1.44) 1.39 (1.13-1.72) 1.78 (1.45-2.22) 2.15 (1.74-2.69) 2.70 (2.13-3.54) 3.17 (2.42-4.19) 3.67 (2.70-4.95) 4.21 (2.96-5.82) 4.99 (3.36-7.05) 5.61 (3.66-7.98) 2-hr 1.43 (1.18-1,77) 1.70 (1.40-2.10) 2.21 (1.81-2.73) 2.68 (2.18-3.33) 3.41 (2.71-4.46) 4.04 (3.12-5.32) 4.73 (3.51-6.36) 5.48 (3.89-7.54) 6.57 (4.47-9.25) 7.46 (4.90-10.5) 3-hr 1.60 (1.32-1.96) 1.89 (1.56-2.33) 2.46 (2.02-3.03) 3.00 (2.45-3.71) 3.87 (3.10-5.07) 4.63 (3.60-6.10) 5.48 (4.09-7.36) 6.41 (4.58-8.82) 7.78 (5.33-10.9) 8.91 (5.89-12.5) 6-hr 1.88 (1.56-2.29) 2.21 (1.83-2.70) 2.86 (2.36-3.50) 3.51 (2.88-4.31) 4.56 (3.69-5.96) 5.49 (4.30-7.20) 6.53 (4.92-8.74) 7.69 (5.54-10.5) 9.41 (6.49-13.2) 10.8 (7.21-15.1) 12-hr 2.13 (1.78-2.58) 2.53 (2.11-3.06) 3.27 (2.72-3.97) 3.98 (3.29-4.86) 5.09 (4.12-6.56) 6.06 (4.76-7.85) 7.11 (5.38-9.41) 8.28 (5.99-11.2) 9.97 (6.92-13.8) 11.4 (7.62-15.8) 24-hr 2.49 (2.09-3.00) 2.86 (2.40-3.45) 3.58 (2.99-4.32) 4.29 (3.56-5.19) 5.41 (4.41-6.92) 6.39 (5.06-8.23) 749 (5.71-9.85) 8.71 (6.35-11.7) 10.5 (7.34-14.4) 12.0 (8.09-16.5) 2-day 2.90 (2.45-3.46) 3.25 (2.74-3.88) 3.94 (3.31-4.72) 4.63 (3.87-5.57) 5.76 (4.74-7.32) 6.76 (5.39-8.64) 7.88 (6.05-10.3) 9.13 (6.72-12.2) 11.0 (7.75-15.0) 12.5 (8.53-17.1) 3-day 3.17 (2.68-3.76j 3.52 (2.98-4.19) 4.23 (3.56-5.04) 4.93 (4.13-5.90) 6.06 (5.00-7.66) 7.07 (5.66-9.00) 8.20 (6.33-10.7) 9.47 (7.00-12.6) 11.3 (8.03-15.4) 12.9 (8.82-17.5) 4-day 3.37 (2.87-4.00) 3.76 (3.19-4.46) 4.50 (3.80-5.35) 5.22 (4.39-6.23) 6.38 (5.27-8.01) 7.40 (5.93-9.36) 8.52 (6.59-11.0) 9.78 (7.24-12.9) 11.6 (8.25-15.7) 13.1 (9.02-17:8) 7-day 3.88 (3.31-4.57) 4.38 (3.74-5.16) 5.27 (4.48-6.23) 6.09 (5.14-7.22) 7.31 (6.02-9.04) 8.34 (6.69-10.4) 9.44 (7.31-12.1) 10.6 (7.89-13.9) 12.3 (8.78-16.5) 13.7 (9.46-18.5) 10-day 4.37 4.95 (3.74-5.13) (4.24-5.82) 5.96 (5.08-7.01) 6.83 (5.79-8.08) 8.11 (6.67-9.93) 9.15 (7.34-11.3) 10.2 (7.93-13.0) 11.4 (8.45-14.8) 13.0 (9.26-17.3) 14.2 (9.87-19.1) 20-day 5.94 6.67 (5.12-6.92) (5.74-7.77) 7.86 (6.74-9.19) 8.86 (7.56-10.4) 10.3 (8.45-12.4) 11.3 (9.13-13.8) 12.4 (9.67-15.5) 13.5 (10.1-17.3) 15.0 (10.8-19.7) 16.1 (11.3-21.6) 30-day 7.33 8.19 (6.34-8.50) (7.07-9.50) 9.56 (8.23-11.1) 10.7 (9.14-12.5) 12.2 (10.1-14.6) 13.3 (10.8-16.2) 14.5 (11.3-17.9) 15.6 (11.7-19.8) 17.0 (12.3-22.2) 18.1 (12.7-24.1) 45-day 9.13 10.2 (7.93-10.5) (8.84-11.8) 11.9 (10.2-13.7) 13.2 14.9 (11.3-15.3) (12.3-17.7) 16.2 (13.1-19.5) 17.4 (13.6-21.4) 18.5 (13.9-23.4) 19.9 (14.4-25.8) 20.9 (14.8-27.7) 60-day 10.7 12.0 (9.30-12.3) (10.4-13.8) 13.9 (12.1-16.1) 15.5 17.4 (13.3-17.9) (14.4-20.5) 18.8 20.1 (15.2-22.5) (15.7-24.6) 21.2 (16.0-26.7) 22.6 (16.4-29.2) 23.5 (16.7-31.1) 1 Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence Interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) w ill be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. sack to Top DATE: 10/28/2022 TO: Cary Teagu e – Plan ning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 3517 55th St W - Subdivision Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the req uest of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included a stormwater management plan and report, existing and proposed surveys. Summary of Work The applicant proposes a lot split to build two homes. The existing home has already been demolished. Survey & Easements The benchmark is based on a hydrant in a recent reconstruction area. The benchmark may not be accurate. A 24” sanitary sewer main is located in the rear yard. Surveyor must show on survey. A 20’-wide easement centered on the pipe shall be provided. Recorded easement required for permit closeout. Grading and Drainage The site drains to the street and Minnehaha Creek in both the existing and proposed condition. The existing conditions sheet drained slightly SE towards private property. Swales are proposed along the narrow east property line to drain south directly towards the creek. Stormwater Mitigation Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP -003 standards. A final grade as -built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. Floodplain Development The FEMA 1% annual chance floodplain is located in the rear yard, with a base flood elevation of 85 5 .9’. Thus, the lowest floor elevation is required at no less than 857 .9 ’. The golf simulator slab is proposed at 860.2 ’. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP -002. Suggest a double row of silt fence in the rear yard due to the steep slope. Street and Driveway Entrance The applicant proposes to relocate the driveway entrance. Existing driveway entrance to be closed up per standard plate 500. A driveway entrance permit will be required . The street was reconstructed in 2021. Refer to standard plates 540 and 541 for patching requirements. Public Utilities Water and sanitary is served from 55th St W. Sanitary is also available from the rear yard. A one-inch water service line from the curb stop to the dwelling is required per the City’s policy SP -024. Sewer and water connection fees shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. Miscellaneous A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit may be required , applicant will need to verify with the district. Retaining walls no more than 4’ are proposed . Engineering is not required. Search by Add-e ES C PID search ae c .1_ 4 ! , P A FIT NI,ENT root Sr 2 8 • vvr duri.x. p cm.; as la ea. A teu rio oa PARK al B el A {Auras L_ Ooncr Taxpayer 54,) rCOM Droll) „ Tax Parcal BRANT NN MORft.S. ANIlkl.W MORN 3029 FAIRWAY DR CHAYLKA `AN 16814 55th SP - , HENNEP ,N N T ra `111-+014 ‘ke;T LLE 14.1 as ! STREETADON TO MPI Results P, wrrty C PID Arldraxx 100,11,422r.110 ?A kir..at• 14.14,1 Edna. MN 00003 - , - Parcel Arca 0.35 am; l4,813 6:4 ft t TorterinMbstracl Ale.1,act Addition V‘..11j.y Pork NO.Ir tort Haute! Lae 004 Illaek 000 Metes &Bounds Inc ding Pd P rq Fat Of 98:8:8C War.; And, TlItt Fart 01101A Litrai BelvAvr, The won, ileMeplr CA NEAR NII Int 110011 I an uci ffvErri Ni t MA 3517 W 55th St, Edina, MN 55410 — PID 2002824220119 VARIANCE APPLICATION: SUMMARY: A double wide lot of 120ft wide with one single family home was split into two new legal parcels each at 60ft wide by the previous homeowner and purchased as such by Sustainable 9 Design Build. Sustainable 9 Design Build has since sold one of the new lots (3517 W 55th St, Edina, MN 55410 with PID 2002824220119) to our clients who intend to build a new single family home, Andrew and Brandy Morris. The remaining lot (3601 W 55th St, Edina, MN 55410 with PID 2002824220118) is still owned by S9 and a new single family spec home has been designed. A demolition permit was already pulled and the old existing home has been removed. ISSUE: The standard allowable width for new Edina lots is 75ft. Both of these new lots are only 60ft wide. Thus, we have been informed only recently that the lot split (which Sustainable 9 had been told was complete at the time of the original land purchase) will not be deemed official and complete until a variance is filed and approved. PROPOSAL: We believe this variance should be approved primarily because it corrects an extraordinary circumstance and the result is more in keeping with the essential character of the neighborhood then what was there previously. All of the adjacent neighbors and vast majority of the surrounding neighborhood is set at 60ft or less for their lot width. At our neighborhood meeting for the demolition, the neighbor to the east of the two lots in question noted his support of this variance, Eric Michael at 3511 55th St W, Edina, MN 55410 with PL1111\2Q02824220108. We all believe this variance would create a cohesive street of nice homes on 60ft wide lots. m c.),) > —z z , 0 < m m z (.4 cripo 01 01 1;2 O=D-i I cf) z 0 7:3 CITY OF EDINA OC 1 4 2022 PLANNINI. DEPARTMENT C) m cf) co H H The use or these pions and sped' Notions Is restricted to the original site for which they were prepared. Pe-use, reproduction or publication by any method In ',stole or In port is prohihitot unless authorized by UNFOLD. Ownership of the design, plans and specincations h solely with UNFOLD. 11391/WN 103COild UNFOLD ARCHITECTURE MORRIS RESIDENCE 3-CAR GARAGE T.O. GARAGE SLAB: 98.44' ( L: 870.171 T.O. MAIN LEVEL: too..o. 872.5'1 T.O. LOWER LEVEL: 89.-64IRL: 862.01 T.O. LIVING )100M PLY: 99.-5'IE :1371.94 0Ib 4' - C 404 • T--- 50' SETBACK FROM_ CREEK OHWL 3,703.50 SF 3,434.00 SF 7,406.00 SF 6,070.00 SF 2,583.00 SF 3,487.00 SF 30.0' 29.5' 870' BUILDING COVERAGE: ALLOWABLE (25%): ACTUAL: (23.18%) : HARDCOVER: ALLOWABLE (50%): ACTUAL (40.98%) - BUILDING FOOTPRINT: - ADDITIONAL HARDSCAPE: MAX BUILDING HEIGHT: ALLOWABLE: ACTUAL: AVG. EXTG GRADE: 469.2 SF 327.4 SF 1,365.0 SF - 40' Linear Feet @ 11' 8 3/4" (11.731 = - 33' Linear Feet @ 9'-11' (9.92') = -130' Linear Feet @ 10r-6- 110.51 = SETBACK TO1001 STTILki. TO POOl DECtl 981REGUI/E01001. TETAACITTOPA110 • 0 I \ / / I SETBACK I 5' SETBACK FOR MECHANICAL PAD TO 660 91•11021ARTLEPC01. OM( 1119/104/10 4614AcKTD48110 SITE PLAN LEGEND E .= I IM 3 X. XX X ZONING INFORMATION TOTAL LOT AREA: 14,812 SF LOWER LEVEL CALCULATION TOTAL LINEAR FEET OF WALL: 203 LF Measuring from Top of Lower Level Slob to Top of Main Level Ply TOTAL SURFACE AREA OF WALL: 2,162.0 SF SURFACE AREA BELOW GRADE: 1,210.2 SF (56%) SURFACE AREA ABOVE GRADE: 951.8 SF (44%) SPACE RESERVED FOR ART STAMP C C u Li. I 1,1 zU 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com • CONSULTING coNTRAcTOR. • CIVIL ENGINEER& SURVEYOR: DEMARC LAND SURVEYING 6 ENG. 7601 75RD AVE II. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55428 WVAMDE MARC INC.COM REV. DESCRIPTION 50%. CO's 1001101AP e prepared. Ra-use, reproduction or publkaclon by a REM4RC S 100 YEAR FLOOD CONTOUR VACATED STREET — n ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN 1..—io.-o• / I ' I 2%.% 77 • I \ NOTE: ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS SCHEMATIC ONLY. REVIEW RESIDENCE LOCATION, SITE SETBACKS, GRADING, AND APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES WITH A LICENSED CIVIL ENGINEER. PROJECT NUMBER SHEET NAME ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER A003 \ 6 ce z 10 5 0 10 20 30 DATE 09/21/2022 2207 9 ENTRY PATIO 97 -4' IEL: 87061 PROPO:SED HOUSE 4,000 IINISH ED SF RAISED PLANTER /3EL: 8640 )V.O. PATIO SLAB 1 9 s INKH-441,94 19930,0CA /truck Jo 101AP na IATIrr / J I I 4 ‘\ 0 I iv PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY GETBACIG EASEMENT CONTOURSIESISTRIGI CONTOUR SIPROPOSED/ ERISTING STRUCTURE PROPOSED STRUCTURE WATER BODY PROPOSED STRUCTURE ROOF OVERHANG PROPOSED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE GASUNE WATER/SANITARY PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ROAD TREELINE OBJECT REMOVAL TREE TRUNK PROTECTION PATIO COVERAGE LANDSCAPED AREA SILT FENCING EROMON CONTROL PRINCIPAL ENTRANCE SUST/JNABLE 9 DEVGN 0 BUILD 5581 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOUS, MN 55410 WWW.SUSTAMIBLE9.COM STRUCTURAL ENDINEER• THE HANSON GROUP 3407 KILMER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55446 WVN/HAILSOUGROUPMPI.COM 1 870 144/I 1 Ii- , .0.54 MORRIS RESIDENCE DATE 09/21/2022 REV. DESCRIPTION SO% CO's O O 13'101 24' -0' 4W 0' PIMENSION NOTE. ALL DIMENSIONS TO EXTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE OUTSIDE FACE OF SHEATHING. ALL DIMENSIONS TO INTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE FACE OF STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL GRIDLINES ALIGN WITH EXTERIOR FACE OF SHEATHING. SPACE RESERVED FOR AN) STAMP 2 02_T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB 1/4" = V-0" of tb. design, plans and specification. Is so S uttlon or publication by DOOR SCHEDULE - LOWER LEVEL NUMBER ROOM NAME SIZE REMARKS WIDTH HEIGHT 001 STAIR 3'- 0' 8'- 0" 002 ENTERTAINMENT 9' - 0" 8' - 0" 003 BEDROOM 3' - 0" 6' - 8' 004 BEDROOM 5' - 0" 6'-7' 005 BATHROOM 3' - 0' e- 8' POCKET DOOR 006 BATHROOM 3' - 0' 6' - 8' POCKET DOOR 007 MECHANICAL/ STORAGE 3' - 0' 6' - 8" 008 SAUNA 2' - 0' 6' - 8' SAUNA DOOR BY SAUNA MANUF. • NORTH O O PLANNING DEPART z LL 0 ›- 2 O O ak VSP 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com CONSULTING CONTRACTOR. ( S 9 SUSTN NAME 9 DESIGN + 6050 1 3511 W 44TH STREET MIMI...MIS, MN sum W1NW.SUSTAINBLE9.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER• THE HANSON GROUP 3407 IDIAIER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55446 WWW.HANSON3ROUPMN.COM CIVIL ENGINEERS. SURVEYOR. 0 E m 8. R c 7 0 60 EInC RD LALID E SU RVEYING & ENG. MINEAPOLIS, 1.14 55428 WNYW.DEMARCIIIC.COM PROJECT NUMBER 2207 SHEET NAME LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SHEET NUMBER A101 3 A302 O O SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN 4- BUILD 3511 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55410 WINW.SUSTAINBLE9.COM f (IMPACTOR. OEMARC DEMARC LAND SURVEYING 8 ENG. 760173RD AVE N. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55428 MN/ .DEMAR C OM REV. DESCRIPTION 50% CD, DATE 09/21/2022 • NORTH PROJECT NUMBER 2207 SHEET NAME MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A102 SHEET NUMBER 1 1 1 03_T.O. MAIN LEVEL PLY. 1/4" = 1'-O" DOOR SCHEDULE - MAIN LEVEL NUMBER ROOM NAME SIZE REMARKS WIDTH HEIGHT 101 ENTRY • 3' - 0" 8' - 0' 102 GARAGE V - 0" 9' - 0* OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR 103 GARAGE 18' - 0" V - 0' OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR 104 KITCHEN 9' - 0" V - 0' 105 HALL 3' - 0" 6' - 8' 106 HALL 6' - 0" 6' - 8' DOUBLE POCKET DOOR 107 PANTRY 2' -10' 6' - 8" POCKET DOOR 108 PWDR 3' - 0" 6' - 8" POCKET DOOR 109 ENTRY 3' - 0' 6' - 8" 110 MUDROOM 3' - 6" 6' - 8' 111 MUDROOM 3' - 6" 6' - 8" 5.-13/4. Ov€0HEAD 00P1s, t17 O O 12 0. J-61/4. 24'-6' c_ LIVING - 4 1/2" NAIATT0A8oW - 5 1/21 :UST. PAL (f1 15'-0' II KITCHEN O A20 STEP VP 950 ENTRY 1 ,091 ? YAWED /JO. . .... ... . . DIN NG 14. r 1148,41 SEWN ittuunttzittunr_ 11AT AUL? SCI EN PO I l07 -tr E0 roulTar,1 4,11:41.4140 O 5 AIR 106 /2 2' r Sa E /4' • EC 3 DIMENSION NOTE. ALL DIMENSIONS TO EXTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE OUTSIDE FACE OF SHEATHING. ALL DIMENSIONS TO INTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE FACE OF STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL GRIDLINES ALIGN WITH EXTERIOR FACE OF SHEATHING. SPACE RESERVED FOR AH3 STAMP C LLI f2 J CDU Li- E 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYOR• (/) CD 1; Lo uJ Lr) w < N — 1— 0 Lc) L-L-I co 11 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER• THE HANSON GROUP 3407 KILMER LANE flORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55446 WUN.HANSONGROUPMN.COM MORRIS RESIDENCE N al. or publication bye 2'-6• 1=41./..1.110, 11 -a tsliP•s PWDR I m EIS It liAMTMO.E0 /— Z w < CV I— Z CV cc o CV 0 < w a. w -1., it. 0 >- I— 0 I— L.) z 5 CD -2 Z < —J a- O 'Cr O 0 O DIMENSION NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS TO EXTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE OUTSIDE FACE OF SHEATHING. ALL DIMENSIONS TO INTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE FACE OF STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL GRIDLINES ALIGN WITH EXTERIOR FACE OF SHEATHING. 13 O. 15 O. 13' Cr 9 0 2 - 7 1/2 SPACE RESERVED FOR AH3 STAMP C 1-(2 1 -J C D L) II I- u 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com CONSULTING CONTRACTOR. Vi7 SUSTDNABLE 9 DESIGN . BUILD 3511 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55410 WWW.SUSTDNBLE9.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. • THE HA/15011 GROUP 3407 P3LMER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, AIN 55446 WVAN.HANSONGROUPMtl.COM CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYOR DEMtARC DE MARC LAND SURVEYING & ENG 7601 73RD AVE II. 14111/1EAPOUS,14N 55424 WWW.DENDUICINC.COM UNFOLD. Ownership of the design, plans and specifications Is solely wins U production or publication byany method In whole or In part Is prohibited, unless a L11 I- cr) 0 7,7T_ W I- in a I-0 Lo ) 2 L1J E > < z 0 111)• REV. DESCRIPTION SO% CD, DATE 09/21/2022 O DOOR SCHEDULE - UPPER LEVEL NUMBER ROOM NAME SIZE REMARKS WIDTH HEIGHT 201 OWNER'S SUITE ' 3' - 0" 6' - 8' 202 OWNER'S BATH 3' - 0' . 6' - 8" POCKET DOOR 203 OWNER'S BATH 3' - 0' 6' - 8' POCKET DOOR 204 OWNER'S CLOSET 3' - 0- 6' - 8" POCKET DOOR 206 LAUNDRY 3' - 0- 6' - 8" POCKET DOOR 207 HALLWAY 3' - 0- 6' - 8' 208 HALLWAY 3' - 0" 6' - 8' 209 BATHROOM 3' - 0' 6' - 8' 210 BEDROOM 3' - 0* 6' - 8' 211 BEDROOM 6' - 0" 6' - 8' 212 HALLWAY 3' - 0' 6' - 8' 213 LOFT 3' - 0" 6' - 8' 214 LOFT 6' - 0" 6' - 8* PROJECT NUMBER 2207 • NORTH SHEET NAME UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN FT I 04_T.O. UPPER LEVEL PLY. Lu /4 = l'-O" SHEET NUMBER A 1 00 6' - 7 3/4. AA OWNE 'S SUIT 15 mel OWNER'S CLOSET 3M6 7 I-1 ROOF PLAN I I 1/4° = 1'-O' O 117 O ® • STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. cW1L ENGINEER 8 SURVEYOR. THE HANSON GROUP 3407 KILMER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 35446 WWW.HANSONGROUPMN.COM Ians and specif Ications Is OEMARC DEMARC LAND SURVEYING & Ella. 760173RD AVE N. 141101EAPOUS, /.111 55424 WWW.DEMAROINC.COM SPACE RESERVED FOR 0.117 STAMP C CD U Li— I— = .c4 763.486.7779 vAvw.unfoklarchitecture.com CONSULTING CONTRACTOR: SUS. NAB LE 9 DESIGN • BUILD 3511 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55410 WWW.SUSTAIIIBLE9.COM e SCUPPER SCUPPER 1/41 /12 . RIDGE LINE RIDGE LINE • GUTTER 1/41 / 12 - ir DOWNSPOUT r 8a RIDGE LINE 0 43' - 81/2. D 1/41 / 121 98 8 1/4. O RA111 CHAIN . 21/2' A 302 SCUPPER - - t ---------- 1/41 / 12 1/4 / 121, SCUPPER -------------- SCUPPER -1 - 1 /12. GUTTER W V) 0 Z 1-W Lo a I-0 Lo X) Z 12 V) 2 w >< z 0 L O W 2 co SHEET NUMBER A104 Ions Is restricted to the original site for which they w REV. DESCRIMON SO% CD's DATE 09/21/2022 PROJECT NUMBER 2207 • NORTH SHEET NAME ROOF LEVEL PLAN S DIMENSION NOTE. ALL DIMENSIONS TO EXTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE OUTSIDE FACE OF SHEATHING. ALL DIMENSIONS TO INTERIOR WALLS REFERENCE FACE OF STUD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL GRIDLINES ALIGN WITH EXTERIOR FACE OF SHEATHING. OS <B)Ellipil Ei 0 (...)4 11 4 0F PEAK 4 O 5. a44 1.1A% BUILDING HEIGHT 905, 0' 1900' 3 T.O. MAIN LEVEL PLY 972' - 6' (872.51 3 T.O. LIVING ROOM PLY `- - 871' - 11'1871.9'1 ----.1-_--1 --,..._.."-'' • T.O. GARAGE SLAB 77-'-AVI RAGE FROST EXIST NG GRADE i ' io' '''''''''''' '''''-" - -- 00 " 0' 1070.0.) 1 PA.= KV/ VALUE 14111.111.0ESCINTION CITY OF EDINA L) CD DATE 09/21/2022 REV. DESCRIPTION NS CD, q)1A(1517gT4Y,"PLAil - - T.O. USING ROOM PLATE 885' 0' 98851 • 04_7.0. UPPER LEVEL PLY. 883' - 4' (883.31 • T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE 581' - 7' al81.61 7 - T.O. LOWER LEVEL MAR -' 862' • 0 1/2'18621 , T.O..-4 . FOOTING.C 0) . _ .. ...._ \ - i, ;. 0 . . 13 / G 1 0L . t SIM S 2 LA ) B f T.O.FOOTING B / - 859' - 8 1/T 1859.7') / , T.O. FOOTING A -j 858' - 8' (858.7') I—I EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST 2 , i 3/16' = 1'-0' ROOF PEAK Jr.,. 899' - 5' (899.4'1 UPPER9 E '-1 (P89L42T7ITG EI TO. LIVING ROOM PLATE ./ 885' - 0' 18851 - 04 T.O. UPPER LEVEL PLY. eax 74' 1883.3') T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE 881' - 7' 1881 5 T.O. MAIN LEVEL PLY A, 872' - 6'1872.5') T.O. LIVING ROOM PLY 871' - TO. GARAGE SLAB ) 870' - 10'1870.88 Ti4O;.. 8. F(300 T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB / 862' 01/2' (8621 T.O. FOOTING C / 861' - 6'1861.51 ‘-,'` T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB 87' • 8 1/2' FP.— TO. FOOTING 13 , \ 859' - 8 1/2' (859.7') T.O. FOOTING A 858' - 8' (858.7') \ MATERIAL KEYNOTE LEGEND 01 LIGHT STUCCO 02 HARDIE PANELING (DAR)( FINISH) 03 W000 LOOK SIDING 04 STONE VOIEER (UGH( FINISH) 05 STANDING SENAMETAL ROOFING (DARK F1MS1-I) 06 SCREEN PORCH 07 COACRETERETAJMNGWALL 08 TIMBERPOST 8 BEAMCO/ISTRUCBON 59 DARK PREFIMSHED FETAL DOWNSPOUT/GUTTER 10 DARR PREF1MSHED WALK METAL SCUPPER TYPICAL 11 FtNNCHAIN 12 PREFIMSHED MAL COPING pARK FIMSH) 13 SIB BAR IE FASCIA BOARD (DARK Flaso8 14 POWDERCOATEDCHIMEY SHROUD (DARK FIMSH) 15 CAST1N-PLACECONCRETE PORCH 16 W000 SLATSCREENWALL 17 PREFIMSIED FETAL OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS (DARKFINISH) 18 STEPPED CONCRETE PAVERS 19 ADDRESS SIGNAGE ON WOOD PANNING PLANNING DEPARTMENT SPACE RESERVED FOR AN7 STAMP C a w C D E) L.L. I— = 3 = 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com CONSULTING CONTRACTOR: SUSTAINABLE 9 DEMON +BUILD 3511 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 35410 WWW.SUSTANIBLE9.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: THE 89116011 GROUP 3407 KILMER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55449 WV154.14AN SONG RO uFmri.co AI • COIL ENGINEERS SURVEYOR: E m8 R a ZW1A, C ,:LtRVEY1113 3 ENO. MINNEAPOLIS, SIN 55428 WYAV.DEMARCINCOOM .X.EtPvkLfLrRPRJFNP-'RP.F.MVfmNffflNePW _..... _.- ..... _..... _..... -.m. .... -.....--.. . __.. . - 11111AIMIIMIZIMMILIVINIIMICI :11111 IIISIMIMWEICa/Mr=f11117.311 - _ tialyriktrei 1. '0 _.... I =11 ! r..zon ••=4 =.... :1••=4 n rr Me Et1-3 0 21 in r.: tans and specifica on by any method In whole.. In part Is prohlbl. unless author'. by UNFOLD. Ownerahlp ROOF 995 P . EAK a(899.4') Lp( E 4 RLE 4 VEL PLATE BJ *:,L 42, 7.0. LIVING ROOM PLATE 5135' - 0' (885') \ ( 04_7.0, UPPER LEVEL PLY. 883' - 4' (883.3') r . T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE -536 - (881.6'1 PLY N a ( W -II .LIVI . il , G .7 8 1 0 . M PLY \ GA0170ES8L'I i FOOTING 0,6 ) T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB 882' -01/2' (8621 \ •- T.O. FOOTING C 861' 6' (861.61 T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB - 87' - 8 1/2'1860.21 T.O. FOOTING B 976.0.-F901aN(52.7) 858' - 8' (858.7') . . 7 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH I I 3/16' = 1'-0' w H (/) Z LLI 1—• L) 0 I-0 Lo (7 LC) z LIJ LL (I) (/) • >z L-I M • LO w ROOF PEAK 899' - 5" lB9- 9 47 TO. UPPER LEVEL PLATE 892' 5' T.O.LIVING ROOM PLATE am. - (8851 111..T.O. UPPER LEVEL PLY. 883' - 4' (883.31 1. 7.0. FIRST LEVEL PLATE , 881' - 7' (881 61-• 111 T.O. MAIN LEVEL PLY /1.-, 872' - 6' (872.51 s•-,' T.O. LIVING 1 RC 1 /0 18 M 7 P 1 1::: .) T.O. GARAGE SLAB A, 870' - 10'1870.8') FOOTING (31 - 8' run MIR EMI 111 ROOF PEAK 899' - 5' (899.4') UPPER LEVEL PLATE --' 692' , 5' (892.4') T.O. LIVING ROOM PLATE • 885' - 0' (885') 04_7.0. UPPER LEVEL PLY. 883''1183.31 mai Ii HOME CUT FORCLARITY T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE II '1 (:).ii5;4n4t.Y111L-Y\ 1.0. LIVING ROOM PLY \ 871' - II' (871.9') • T.O. GARAGE SLAB „..V 870' 10' (870.81 • T.O. FOOTING D B67' - 8' 1867.7'1 • T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB 862' - 0 1/2' (8623 t• r) F' 6 3°;:;',; 6 T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB 87' - 8 1/2'1860.21 T.O. FOOTING B 659' - 8 1/2'1859.71 T.O. FOOTING A 858' - 8' (858.7'1 re Fri EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST PARTIAL I I 3/16' = T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB -, / 862' - 0 1/2' (6621 ‘• • TO. FOOTING C '''''''' 7 r.7 7. 7: 7. / 861' - 6' (861.5') T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB 87 10 8. 720 07N(5150G f21) 1- -, \\8 \ 5 , 9' - 81/2' (1359.7.1,-. T.O. FOOTING 858' - 8' 1858.7S - PROJECT NUMBER 2207 SHEET NAME EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER 881' - 7'1881.6'1 A201 (509 12 02 (4)E Ili 1 HE 2 07 18 it 13 09 02 13 E KEY VALUE 1.11111AL DESCRSIDON 2207 PROJECT NUMBER The use of these pla A202 SHEET NUMBER 1-1-1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - EAST j 3/16" = 1.-0" --N-fpft ffifff-f-t 002 T.O.MAIN.! 6.1a7 LE 2 V 5 S ) 4 PLY 872' 3 TO. LIVING ROOM PLY - 11" 1871.91 T.O. GARAGE SLAB 870' - 10" 1870.81 T.D. FOOTING D 867' - (867.71 T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB ---• 862' 01/2' (8621 N. FOOTING C T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB -)8' - 8 I /r 1860.21 - T.O. FOOTING B — — 859'- 8 1/2"(859.7'1 3 T O FOOTING A • • 858' - 8" (858.7') T.O. 180171 LEVEL PLY / 872' - 6' (872.58 T.O. LIVING ROOM PLY -, 871' - II' (8717)7T-s-- T.O. GARAGE SLAB s 870' - 10' (870.5') - T.O. FOOTING D - 8' 18673TN- Tn. LOWER LEVEL SLAB -, / B62' - 0 1/2' 18628 ‘-- —/ 7.0. GOLF SIM SLAB 87' - 8 1/2'1860.2'1- — T.O.FOOTING B 859' - 8 1/2' (859.78 T.O. FOOTING A -, 855' - 8' (058.7'1 N- 71 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 3/16" = V-0" 05 El rm ROOF PEAK 899' - 5'11399.41 ; 3 E45; UPPER,7 ) EL PLATE I 0 T.D. LIVING ROOM PLATE 885' - 0' (885') 3 04_7.0. UPPER LEVEL PLY. 083' - 4"1853.31 - T.D. FIRST LEVEL PLATE - - 7" (881.6') ® E m • T.O. MAIN LEVEL PLY 072' - 6°1872.6'1 Ns TO. LIVING ROOM PLY -- • • II" 1871.9') 3 1.0. GARAGE SLAB . 870'7 r T , .! T.O. FOOTING .0 7 ,7 p o) MECHANICAL ECK... PENETRATIONS 3 T.O.LIVING ROOM PLATE ' 885 - 0' (8851 3 04_ T.O. UPPER LEVEL PL' 883' 74.1883.3') T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE - 7' (081.68 T.O. LIVING ROOM PLATE 085' - o• 1605) 04 T.O.UPPER LEVEL PLY. -, 883' - 4" C88371N--• T.O.FIRST LEVEL PLATE - - 7' (88 ITT): , Q ELY'S 9OF 9?1'"ELgI9.P) 12' ROOF PEAK-,s 899' - 5 (899.4'1'- T,O. UPPER LEVEL PLATE 892' - 5' 1892715 . • T.O. UPPER LEVEL PLATE .2 5" 18-9.1.71i• — - T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB r '').837,FITSVFLS62') T.O. FOOTING C 861' - 6'1861.5'1 \ r T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB 8 1/2" 1860.2') T.O. FOOTING 859' - 8 1/2" (859.71 r. T.O. FOOTING A / 858' - 8' 1858.78 0 M mm SPACE RESERVED FOR 0143 STA/4P 763.486.7779 www.unfotdarchitecture.com CONSULTING H I CONTRACTOR. SIJSTMNAB LE 9 DESIGN tBUILD 3511 V/44T1/ STREET MINNEAPOLI 5, MN 55410 WWW.SOSTAINBLEVCON1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: THEP/0150N GROUP 3407 KILMER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55446 WWW.HANSONGROUPMN.COM CIVIL ENGINEERS SUPPE/60A DEMARC LAUD SURVEYING 8 ENO. 7601 73813 AVE N. MINNEAPOLIS,81155428 WWVADELIARCINC.COM W Up 0 Z :. LLI 0 LO Lo LL Lil (/) w E > z •-> < O 1— 1-1 in L" co REV. DESCRIPTION DATE 501 CD, 09/21/2022 SHEET NAME EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ROOF PEAK 899' - 5' (UPT..--'11 142. UPPER B LEVI , 2 L 1 P a L 9 A'7 ,, ) MATERIAL KEYNOTE LEGEND 01 UGHT STUCCO 02 HARDIE PANELJNG (DARK STASH) 03 NA))00 LOOK SIDING 04 STONE VENEER (LIGHT FINISH) 05 STANDINGSEAMILETAL ROOFING (DARK 8111010 06 SCREEN PORCH 07 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL 08 TIMBER POSTS BEAM CONSTRUCTION 09 DARK PREFINISHED NETAL DOKTISPOUT/GUTIER 10 DARK PREFIMSHED /ANIMAL FETALSCUPPER TYPICAL 'Li MN CRAM 12 PREFLAISHED METALCOP1NG (DARK 81881-1) 13 2x6 HARDIEFASCLA BOARD (DARK FMK) 14 POWDER COATED CIAMIEY SHROUD (DARK FINISH) 15 CAST4N-PlACECONCRETE PORCH 16 WOOD SLAT SCREEN WALL 17 PREANISHED METALOVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS (DAM FUSSES 18 STEPPED CONCRETEPAVERS 19 ADDRESS SIGNAGEON HOOD PANELING TO. LIVING ROOM PLATE , s / 885' • 0" (885') 04_7.0. UPPER LEVEL PLY. 883' - 4" 18 .- T.O. FIRST LEVEL PLATE 6381.6 T.O.MAIN LEVEL PLY 872' - 6'1872.51 T.O. LIVING ROOM PLY 871' - 11' (1)WWNA F0pTINS T ;2 . i 5 T.O. LOWER LEVEL SLAB s 862' 0 1/2" (8621 C.' 7.0. FOOTING C 861' - 6" 1861.5') T.O. GOLF SIM SLAB , 87' -8 1/' 1860727 T.O. FOOTING 8 , \859 - 8 1/2° 1859,7TN, T.D. FOOTING A 858' - 8'1858 7'1 '1 ductIon or publication by a • DEMARC MORRIS RESIDENCE 3601 WEST 55TH STREET 3517 WEST 55TH STREET 5,CE RESERVED FORA. Si.V.IP REV. DESCRIPTION 50% CO] PROJECT NUMBER SHEET NAME RENDERING DATE 09/21/2022 2207 CITY OF EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT SHEET NUMBER A203 763.486.7779 www.unfoldarchitecture.com CONSULTING CONTRACTOR. SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN BUILD 3511 V2 44TH STREET 1.111111EAPOLI5,1411 55410 WYAV.SUSTAIIIBLE9.001.1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER THE HANSOM GROUP 3402441,1ER LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, 1.111 5544.5 VNAV.HANSONGROUPSIII.001.1 CIVIL ENGINEER & SURVEYOR: (4 S2 • REM#RC DEMARC LAI1D SURVEYING & ROI MD AVE 11 1.111111EAPOLIS, 55428 VIVAVDEMARCIIIC COSI CV L\J O 'Cr cD / 2-STORY FRAME No. 351 1 9 666.4 Porch WO 661.2 0 Existing Building Coverage Lot Area Residence Deck Garage Total Percentage 14,8/2 sq ft 595 sq ft 544 sq ft 401 sq ft 1,540 sq ft 10.40% The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. I certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 6th day of July 2022. Signed Gre R. P asch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 OCT 14 2922_ r 1,51' pine ./ 667.6 9"Patv f 60.0 r . - r I 859.3 656,21:( i .. - - .../...-.- I i \ ......' X • I _... X , .1 ......„ .....- tur . roil / °a."' ur-tri>4_13-r-s CG_ertifirate Existing Conditions Survey For: SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN & BUILD Property located in Section 20, Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota 3517 W 55th St Benchmark Hydrant (>. TA111-87.5.64 Sanitary Manhole WEST 55TI-1 STREET ® nm=672.04 , awer 673.0 D÷ i X`P 673. 1,..e272.7 672.9 673.2 Elec 672.2 - 72. 1 cQ c\I 660.3 8U) / 7:7) 657.9 X Manhole O rim=656.72 /- z / 655.3 /1 / CS Basis for bearings is assumed • Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 Denotes Iron Monument Denotes Existing Contours x000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation to 67 70)6 tj • 67 ./1 ,/ 563.5 CITY OF EDINA 671 Deck 13" spruce 673.0 673.0 573.5 1...4-23.65--4'\72.5\73162.2\ '65,717, ) - PPE N 674.6 '7.0 /-5-72-. .!----6-7,75-„; 2-STORY FRAME cv No. 3601 C \ I 670.9 , , ". Step \ • 0 S 571.6 5,70,-x - 13.0,xi •ct• \ • /3.9.,0 \ 569. 571.6 069--.9---- N6 C 6119.1 ° 569. ::j .1 N-‘69./ 77.19- 136-569. 7'1/ ,7 -- 567 / 1 1 01 Deck / _____,/ 662.2 In In / I 666.6 t o, 7 667.1 - 5.66 665.4 / (66.2 t 1„1 666.6 x1965:15 (.0 co c\I -"co 65.5 ,-D6 663.3 /863.9 Cl) 4.0 63.5 Overhead Wires 672.7 SD SD 673.0 / / / 661.0 ,c, 564.9 • 5, 667 x e372.7872-6 A•\ ZSs I Gas eter N 89°02'01" I I / I .66;ga / 1672.9 66'1.5 17" spr .7 26" pine 672. 672.3 z 660 .-.,57I 5 70.0 669.6 870.2 0 6 663.4 -7 \ c:5I. -.‘ 0 \ Ar \ 41. \ C "maple .° 671.1 \ \ \ 70.3 Porch \,670.0 0 OP 670.5 ---, 561.0 Deck 660.2 660.3 Property Zoned R-1, Residential Building Setback Requirements per Zoning Ordinance Front - 30 feet" (37.6' average of abutting Lots) Side - 12 feet total with no side less than 5 feet Rear - 25 feet **If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. tcc 673.07 tcc 672.64 tcc Concrete Curb 072.2 1 tcc tcc tcc 671.14 670.59 670.45 674.2 Porch 524 \-\\\ PPE 675.3 2-STORY FRAME No. 360.5 .2 654.6 653.0 652.7 Manhole rim-6576r PLANNING DEPARTMENT /2" 19 660.6 - - - - I v . i , ...-- / ..--- 654.7 / ,,.. ' 7 -i-- -- 659.3 I 559> --- / --I --- ,‘- . , A I' _ . , P 1 (0'0 "... 'I it . / / 7" boxelder'-- /1 656 /' " boxelder , .00 ser• 660/5 51)-7g0°2 11.-5-, 653. 3t.1 653. ..--(47gter ,t_„t606 ° / 36" rpapl 655.5 wetland delineated by anderson engineering July 20, 2022 85/.0 Gg N 1\16-1 e,\I\oc\ F\0 is\ p ,65z) 5 kee'c- 651.0 Project No. 90033 F.B.No. 1128-04 Address: Address Pending, Edina, MN PID No.: 20-028-24-22-0119 rev 08.8.22 wetland delineation F:\survey\woodbury park near lake harriet - hennepin\1-7 woodbury park near lake harriet\01 Surveying - 90033\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 8, including adjoinig Half of vacated street, WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AND That part of Lot A lying between the East and West lines of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining Half of vacated street, all in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. DEMARC LAND SURVEYING & ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarclnc.com 655:6-- Drawn By SCALE 1" = 30' Existing Hardcover Lot Area 14,512 5q ft Residence Deck Garage Driveway Pergola Concrete Total Percentage 595 sq ft 544 sq ft 40/ sq ft 560 sq ft 20 sq ft 65 sq ft 2, 155 sq ft 14.77% I certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Prepared this 30th day of September 2022. Signed ory R. Prasch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 re Perlo tw562 .3 11 bw860.1 N Lu Ov460.1 I ..A4isco.o r Benchmark Sanitary Manhole inn-872.04 4). Hydrant INH-375.84 WE5T 55TH STREET ten • Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 Denotes Iron Monument 0 Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only Denotes Existing Contours Denotes Proposed Contours x000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation (50020) Denotes Proposed Elevation .-.011111111r--- Denotes Surface Drainage Property Zoned R-1, Residential Building Setback Requirements per Zoning Ordinance Front - 30 feet** (37.6' average of abutting Lots) Side - 12 feet total with no side less than 5 feet Rear - 25 feet 513 31- iverhead WIres tee Concrete Curb .972 21 flood Light 872.5 7 0 S Temporary Rock Construction Entrance I 57210 .971.14 tee 870.45 70.3 Porch \\N\N\\\\ 9` GI 870.5 0 • • • 0 \.0 • • • • 870.0 5' maple 87/.1 • 869.8 'If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two -- abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. uru-r4.crrs Proposed Site Plan Survey For: SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN & BUILD Property located in Section 20, Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota Step Footings Proporgi Residence 865.4 Porch 140 851.2 2-5TORY FRAME No. 351 1 tw970.8 61%969.8 /.. ----- , 1,210.2 sf of basement below grade = 56% ..,--------. 1 ' 951.8 sf of basement above grade = 44% Average Existing Grade at Front of Existing House = 870.0 ,-' _____ Highest Point of Wall ..._,,, Planter T/W874.8 84872.3 Lot Area Building W/Cant. Entry Patio Rear Porch W/Cant. Pavers PoaPatio Driveway Total Percentage Building Coverage Summary - nod ...,- ..,- -6 565 -- -50 sq-ft - ..,^ 1 ,-- ,," -• ...a5G---, , 535 sq ft\ ; ti,'-, ,' 7 .\\ / 0 ,--....5555...0--- _V 3,434 sq ft d .._, , 0 . / ...„---•-• ....' ......,,,,,, . 7- / (;(' 1' ..-...-,--urie „,„:„\ „ , "Y NE w 6,,,.....:: .... ...- .,.. 5----- -- --- III- 5.7C .- ,'' / Project No. 90033B SCALE 1" = 30' Drawn By Address: 3517 W 55th Street, Edina, MN PID: 20-028-24-22-0119 DEMARC rev I 0.07.22 city comments LAND SURVEYING B ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarclnc.com F:\survey\woodbury park near lake harriet - hennepin\4-8\01 Surveying - 90033\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg Basis for bearings is assumed ..„,..,-..' .45 0- cl •st -:: Cy ,----- 77W864.0 W ....----. B1144362.OZor ......-01 .......-' - ...---... O'l. .....- --- 5, --- -r!) .„...---- Proposed Hardcover „ 14,512 sq ft .....7 „DO „ 2,553 sq ft ....,----.. 7.41861° 124 sq ft"--- 239 54' ft ---- , 1,664 sq ft/ ........„, --- 0 --- iz ..2. ,- . . 4c8 sq ft o 1,412.sqft ,---- ----.' - - ' --- 0 ;)`'' „---- : ''... „-W...,......__z--l_ otit.tes ef, frit : :i, co 6,070 sq # ---....---,-- 40.980 --.-'- ....-/ 13M861.5„, 77W870.0 1 EVW867.5 Sump Discharge T1 1867.0 kala./ Prop. min. Falco Wa.archIng 00103 Moch. Pad ts 5.0 Min. Setback Proposed t; Residence 74 863...4 Mentor tt 7-44/865.9 BM863.4 VG" 863.4 Does not mclude Pool and 4' 5urronang Patio Lot Area Building W/Cant. Entry Patio Rear Porch W/Cant. Entry Allowance PooWatto Total 14,51 2 sq,ft ,,' ,''--- , r- f.- e", ' 2,553 sq ft ,-- , .- ,- -1-1,< ...- ..-- -.------ - -.4 ‘ 124 sq ft ,' ..„,..--;,' , ..,0 239 sq,ft- -- „,:, c.: ;:.) ...., Percentage 23. is% wetland delineated byandernon engineering Ju6, 20, 2022 {eat LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1NN riAti ,\Ps .(ees o0 Lot 4, Block 8, including adjoinig Half of vacated street, WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AND That part of Lot A lying between the East and West lines of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining Half of vacated street, all in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. F.B.No. 1128-04 GO( o oe,1°' 000 NOTE Proposed grades are subject to results of soil tests. Proposed building information must be checked with approved building plan and development or grading plan before excavation and construction. Proposed grades shown on this survey are Interpolations of proposed contours from the drainage, grading and/or development plans. NOTE: The relationship between proposed floor elevations to be veiled by builder. NOTE: The only easements shown are from plats or record or information provided by client Deck 14462.5 bw862.5 860.2 / T/W661.5 Manhole - B/W860.0 rirn85,6..7.2.1,.. ....-' l..1 CITY Or OCT .14 •::12? PLANNING L 557.9 X 900.0 872.56 570.5 .562.0 860.2 Proposed Ridge Height Proposed First Floor Proposed Garage Floor Proposed Basement Floor Proposed Golf Simulator Slab Type of Building Full Basement Walkout GENERAL GRADING NOTES: 1. THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF EDINA SHALL APPLY EXCEPT WHERE MODIFIED BY THESE DOCUMENTS. 2. "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" (1-800-252-1166) SHALL BE NOTIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 3. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITH UTILITY COMPANIES. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY WITH ANY CONFLICTS. 4. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. 5. EXISTING TOPSOIL SHALL BE SALVAGED TO PROVIDE 4" TOPSOIL COVERAGE OVER ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE REVEGETATED. 6. THE BUILDING PAD MUST BE PROVIDED WITH POSITIVE DRAINAGE. THIS WORK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. 7. AFTER THE SILT FENCE HAS BEEN REMOVED REMAINING SEDIMENT SHALL BE SMOOTHED TO CONFORM WITH THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED OR SODDED AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 8. NO FINISHED SLOPE SHALL EXCEED 4H : 1V UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. PERMITEE MUST MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION. METHODS OF MINIMIZING SOIL COMPACTION INCLUDE THE USE OF TRACKED EQUIPMENT. EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S (I.E. SILT FENCE, BIO-ROLLS, ROCK CONSTRUCTION EXIT, INLET PROTECTION, ETC.) SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. 2. INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ANY INLET THAT MAY RECEIVE RUNOFF FROM THE DISTURBED AREAS OF THE PROJECT. INLET PROTECTION MAY BE REMOVED FOR A PARTICULAR INLET IF A SPECIFIC SAFETY CONCERN (FLOODING / FREEZING) HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. THE PERMITTED MUST RECEIVE WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE CITY ENGINEER VERIFYING THE NEED FOR REMOVAL. 3. INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S, SUCH AS SILT FENCE, AROUND ALL STOCKPILES. 4. RETAIN AND PROTECT AS MUCH NATURAL VEGETATION AS FEASIBLE. WHEN VEGETATION IS REMOVED DURING DEVELOPMENT, THE EXPOSED CONDITION OF LAND SHALL BE KEPT TO THE SHORTEST PRACTICAL PERIOD OF TIME, BUT NOT LONGER THAN 60 DAYS. ANY EXPOSED AREAS EXCEEDING THIS TIME-FRAME SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED (STRAW MULCH, WOODCHIPS, ROCK). AREAS BEING USED FOR MATERIAL STORAGE AND AREAS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ARE EXEMPT FROM TEMPORARY STABILIZATION. 5. ANY STEEP SLOPES (3H : 1V OR STEEPER) EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH TEMPORARY VEGETATION, MULCHING OR BY OTHER MEANS ACCEPTABLE TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL WITHIN 14 DAYS OF CEASING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES ON THE STEEP SLOPES. STOCKPILES MAY BE PROTECTED BY AN ANCHORED TARP OR PLASTIC SHEET. 6. PROVIDE DUST CONTROL AS NECESSARY. DUST CONTROL CAN INCLUDE WATER. 7. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC PAVEMENT AREAS ON A DAILY BASIS OR AS NEEDED. 8. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S SHALL BE INSPECTED EVERY 7 DAYS, OR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ALL RAIN EVENTS GREATER THAN 1.0" IN 24 HOURS. CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED SHALL BE INITIATED WITHIN 24 HOURS. 9. SILT FENCE, BIO-ROLLS AND INLET PROTECTION DEVICES MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED OR SUPPLEMENTED WHEN THEY BECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES 1/3 THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. THESE REPAIRS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW. 10. AFTER FINAL GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED, EXPOSED SOILS MUST BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL CONSIST OF 4 INCHES TOPSOIL, AND SEED, MULCH AND FERTILIZER APPLIED BY METHODS AND RATES RECOMMENDED IN MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 2575 AND MN/DOT SEEDING MANUAL, OR SOD. THE SEED MIX SHALL BE MN/DOT 25-151. 11. NO CONCRETE WASHOUT ALLOWED ON SITE, TRUCK BASED SELF CONTAINMENT WASHOUT DEVICES REQUIRED. 12. OIL STAINS ON CITY STREETS SHALL BE CLEANED UP WITH FLOOR DRY, AND DISPOSED OF AS A HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL. 13. ALL HAZARDOUS WASTE SHALL BE STORED CLEANED UP AND DISPOSED OF PER EPA STANDARDS. 14. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED 15. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AFTER PERMANENT STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 16.TEMPORARY PUMPED DISCHARGE POLLUTION PREVENTION TECHNIQUES: "DANDY DEWATERING BAG" BROCK WHITE CO. USA. 17. CONTACT PERSON FOR SITE CLEANLINESS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS: Jake Nau (612)-250-9491. LLJ 2 Cr 0 STRAW SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG FLOW EXISTING GROUND BACKFILL AND COMPACT SOIL FROM TRENCH ON UPGRADIENT SIDE OF SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG PLACE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG IN SHALLOW TRENCH (1 IN - 2 IN DEPTH) 8 IN -10 IN EMBEDMENT DEPTH SPACE BETWEEN STAKES SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 1 FT FOR DITCH CHECKS OR 2 FT FOR OTHER APPLICATIONS. BIOROLLS NOT TO SCALE 1 IN X 2 IN X 24 IN LONG WOODEN STAKES. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG AT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WITH THE TOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. CITY OF EDINA PLANNING EXISTING GROUND ROCK STABILIZING EXIT NOT TO SCALE 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 5.1.55/Manhaio non672.04 WEST 55TH STREET 671.14 Orb 62.21 ten len 670.59 670.15 a01: re' i SUR v6- -ro* ik 1,W167.0 391566.0 rr Way Pad 5.01.11n. Setback Proposed Residence Planter (-MYST , arr 663. 2 IC9 ROCK tlyd 1)01,5 -ot 71764 STABILIZING EXIT 270.0 669.6 670'2 -\ \ ss 5971.1 \ 070.0 ____ _553.0 652.7 ••••'' notice, 64000 1 97..1/4/ 1900006 9 Ay 24 2022 1. 2.7 „673.0 P" d Wires fa Mod 19' 672.5 i ed Residence C.1 TIMM° w 1151862.0-toe tr- 72,9 0. 0`7 06-7 01lk -.4721 W189'02'01" E 60.001.4 ~Qxo 661167.5 ,Sura Manton, 74•117O0 5.0 62.6 Concrete,. 0 Is 0 661.5 15. X 30' polT -- VI „/"•••---- 0 Paen.11akt1re ,D59 r 1 • Teapot-4y Rock ConsboctIonEnt 67 tanc 2.10 67 672.1t PO.c 672.3 Planter 171117.1.1 0/W6723 SIC Footing 672. - 651.0 54;;WC cle0- 600•120v- --- MINNoigo v3s0 • .160° 03 Porch GP e\ 670.5 to -Ft ,ug0Goo i t No.3511 663.4 661.0 , ( 060.3 / 066.4 Porch "•• 1 i 6 657.9 7/WI61.5 Manhole , 0.591640 rot-036,721 656.9 SILT FENCE OR BIO-ROLLS 16062.31 666601 p / 4.x2.6 66062.5 Deck 66069.6 to.570.6 2-STORY FRAME 661.2 WO 651.6 MINIMUM DOUBLE STITCHED SEAMS ALL AROUND SIDE PIECES AND ON FLAP POCKETS FRONT, BACK, AND BOTTOM TO BE MADE FROM SINGLE PIECE OF FABRIC OVERFLOW HOLES (2IN X 4 IN HOLE SHALL BE HEAT CUT INTO ALL FOUR SIDE PANELS) 20' MINIMUM LENGTH RADIUS AS REQUIRED CRUSHED ROCK PER SPECIFICATION EXIT WIDTH AS REQUIRED 1 IN - 2 IN CRUSHED ROCK TAPER EDGES AT 1:1 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 6 IN MINIMUM --,111.- PUBLIC ROAD Proposed Hardcover Lot Area 14,812 sq ft Building Want. 2,583 sq ft Entry Patio 124 sq ft Rear Porch W/Cant. 23.9 sq ft Pavers 48 sq ft Pool/Patio 1,412 5q ft Driveway 1,664 sq ft Total 6,070 sq ft Percentage 40.95% Existing Hardcover Lot Area Residence Deck Garage Driveway Pergola Concrete Total Percentage 14,812 sq ft 595 sq ft 544 sq ft 401 sq ft 560 sq ft 20 sq ft 6t3 sq ft 2,100 sq ft /4.77% 5 FT MINIMUM LENGTH POST AT 6 FT MAXIMUM SPACING GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36 IN WOE PLASTIC ZIP TIES (50 LBS TENSILE) LOCATED IN TOP 8 IN TIRE COMPACTION ZONE FLOW EXISTING GROUND MACHINE SLICE 8 IN -12 IN DEPTH SILT FENCE (MACHINE SLICED) NOT TO SCALE LL I- N 0 o. USE REBAR OR STEEL ROD FOR REMOVAL (FOR INLETS WITH CAST CURB BOX REPLACE ROD 19TH WOOD 2 IN X 4 IN). EXTEND 10 IN BEYOND GRATE WIDTH ON BOTH SIDES, LENGTH VARIES. SECURE TO GRATE WITH WIRE OR PLASTIC TIES. INLET SPECIFICATIONS AS PER THE PLAN DIMENSION LENGTH AND WIDTH TO MATCH FLAP POCKET INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE 43 a Cn 1. DESIGNED BY: JAP CHECKED BY: -9 8: GRP DRAWN BY: JWL REVISIONS CITY COMMENTS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UND R MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESS ENGINEERrtlj4DFR THE LAWS OF THE STATE 10 07 22 OF MINNESOTA. EFFREY A. P DATE: 09.30.22 DEMARC LANG SURVEYING G ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 DemarcInc.com SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN & BUILD 3511 W 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 55410 LOT 4, BLOCK 8 WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 3517 WEST 55TH STREET EDINA, MN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN PROJECT: 9003313 SHEET NO. Cl OF Cl / SC LIC. NO.: 52706 Benchmark Hydrant (>- TN/1=875.84 5amtary Manhole nm=872.04 I certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 6th day of July 2022. Signed Mr AMIN Gret, R. P asch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 • Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 Denotes Iron Monument Denotes Existing Contours x000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation S' Basis for bearings is assumed -urtir4_crrs C;rrtificate Tree Preservation Plan For: SUSTAINABLE 9 DESIGN & BUILD Property located in Section 20, Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota Tree Removals Tree # To be Removed To Be Preserved 36" Silver Maple 0 20" Spruce 17" Spruce 3 rD 26" Pine 3 9" Pine 3 25" Pine 3 § 15" Pine 3 14" Pine 3 14" Crab 3 To Be Replaced Ecc Denotes Tree To Be Removed 873.07 tee tcc 872.84 Flood Light 8724 87..k0 872,6- 8 .7 72.6 .3 872.3 tee tcc 870.59 870.45 870.0 869.8 8A?.2 -7 " maple \\ 871.1 0.6 r 70.3 570.0 • GF 872.4 0 GF 870.5 9 5\ \\ 866.4 863.4 - - - --IFFE 19 No. 36 84.2 .5\74 \\\\ FFE 875.3 2-5 /TORY FRAME No. 3605 67:3.0 EVaiF - \ rve _073.1 _872.7 -T- \ \ \ 1 072.9 873.R I ci 573.0 873.8 / ( 872.7 573.0 _ / 82.94573.2 tec 871.14 WO 561.2 871 860.2 561.0 7 g, 87 • I 1 865.4 .....--564.9 - / , --- (66.2/ ( 86.0.3/ I I '13 56/0.3 I I I 1 ar7.9 I , 8 / -Manhole / rtm=c156. 72 / - -0 13" spruce OCT 1.4 2022 PLANNING DEPARTM,-44101 16515 _ 8637 f5 -1- I -1363.9 .-- / .64.0 ------ ---- .7 /7 -- 163.5 / --___ • .......- / ---- / • 7......- • 7.:---- / ........- '561.0 / boxeld~ "-i 7 X68 5/ / CITY OF EDINA „so • "•• Manhole 0 orn=857.8 1 / 859.3 I 859'3' // ,7 / / ---1-.' / / / / // /-*".- 17" boxeld 856 NON-REPLACEMENT ▪ TREE SE I TBACK . y .. N...E.(TYP.)//: 855.3 •-• ._ , , ... - - , , -.-- 1.56,5-.....- ..-----.556--' , ,..., 7 , _i cit u t , A,;„ : A*_, 56477 .-- ........ . ....- 1 _ _853.0 7'5-S-277 .2 1 / 854.6 Property Zoned R-1, Residential /7 / / / / , r / / /\ / 1 % ..--.. -./ \ / 747nut 85F.9 6v-Iprike d 555: -- Building Setback Requirements per Zoning Ordinance 5 eek Front - 30 feet** (37.6' average of abutting Lots) Side - 12 feet total with no side less than 5 feet 000- 40C\ Rear - 25 feet a 0e\I - 851.0 e 10° al 851.0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 8, including adjoinig Half of vacated street, WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AND That part of Lot A lying between the East and West lines of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining Half of vacated street, all in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Address: 3517 West 55th Street, Edina, MN PID No.: 20-028-24-22-0119 DEMARC rev 10.13.22 tree removals LAND SURVEYING & ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarclnc.com F:\survey\woodbury park near lake harriet - hennepin\4-8\01 Surveying - 90033\01 CAD\01 Source \01 Survey Base.dwg -- .-..• f 5 , , -- - , 0-54-1-0. _ ___-- ....- a. Project No. 90033A F.B.No. 1128-04 Drawn By **If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. SCALE 1" = 30' 72. / 69.9 613.6 -10.0 • 4.0 66 60.0 59.3 855 r I e e t - r r t_' *TREE PLAN SUBMITTED AND APPROVED FOR DEMO PERMIT REFERENCE ONLY 3601 W 55th St To Total # of Trees= 11 Total # to Protect= 2 Total # Sustainable 9 is planning to Remove=9 (See also Demo Permission Letter.) A 1:11 'Y574.2 Porch 674 Note 1: Although tree protection is optional if trunk is fully on neighboring property at the DBH, to avoid any root damage we will protect tree labeled as 1 (on 3517 side trees labeled as 9 and 10 (on 3601 side). Note 2: No equipment soil storage ne r any trees not protected. 562 20'5 66 4 673.6 a et, 4 O Flood 72.7 , 1372.7 3601 62 .4 side U I 70.9 2 0 stump 1 3Ficmilerous 5 OnIgiffigLii6h vive, • 22.2 870.'. 569.6 0 AC569. I WE5 T 5 5 Th 3TREET tcc Concrete Curt:072.21 O Q 13.0..E 13 \ 14.0 1 03.0 Ga5 669. 672:2- 572.J 72-3 ----- Deck 17.0 3517 --- ett./(-: Elec./ / Conc. CD 572-7_ Cyt 872.. gP.2 C) 672.4 c\1 • Garage 20.2.. 55t /4''pyr 665. 667.2 L5Lar_ 3 667.6 tcc tcc 570.59 570.45 planning to Remove= 9 .570.0 (See also Demo Permission Letter.) 257 572. ale .5 6 60.6 Tate Protection 3(owned by neighbor) 5' maple ..1 870.3 • .0 GF • .570.5 • 1. 570.0 Porch 563.4 Deck 3517 W 55th St Total # of Trees= 10 Total # to Protect= 1 Total # Sustainable 9 is DEMO ONLY TREE b LAN 662.2 r / Spruce 25' pule 9 pine 26' pule 660.2 56/ _ c\• I 6603 CD 557.9 X- X 205 563.0 13' 5prur-e 662.2 3.5 55 to 673.07 673.0' X 673. 863.5- -- 3 CITY OF EDINA 6 .12' 19 660.6 OCT 1 4 2022 1359.3 559.3 --- PLANNING DEPARTMENT -r 16! Llriut Tree Protection 555.6 (both owned by neighbor) 8 Y54-3 10: 55G -5 ..o _A 1 -'20' 22 655.0 653.5 •••• 551.0 SEK ""I-- 36' Inapt SU 06( 1.-1 Nt. a Ga 03 555.s; 1 f_s -7_521'59 r.,.' -1.--- 653.1 6.53.5.................... r\Piater /O. 10 Lot Area 14.512 se ge5rdence .595 5e Deck 544 se Garage 401 se Total 1.540 se '12-‘q / 8 7" boxelder /• __ 656.6 P\ 551_0 MI klIN.Nal Percentage 10.4k CITY OF EDINA OCT 1 4 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA OCT '1 4 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Google „ Image capture. Jul 2019 OD 2022 Google United States Terms Privacy Re *PRE-DEMOLITION (Demo is now complete) EAST NEIGHBOR CITY OF EDINA OCT 1 4 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA OCT 1 4 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Lot 4, Block 8, Woodbury Park Near Lake Harriet 3517 West 55th Street Edina, Minnesota September 30th, 2022 Rev. — October 7 th, 2022 Prepared By: Prepared For: DEMARC LAND SURVEYING & ENGINEERING Sustainable 9 Design & Build 3511 West 44' Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55410 I hereby certify that this Plan, Specification or Report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 52706 09.30.22 License Number Date Jeffrey A. Pra ch, Project Engineer 763.560.3093 1 7601 73rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55428 I www.Demarclnc.com Stormwater Management Plan 3517 West 55th Street — Edina, MN Rev. — October 7th, 2022 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1.0 Project Overview ii 2.0 Design Considerations ii 3.0 Subcatchment Analysis ii Table 3.1 — Subcatchment Area Summary ii Appendix A — Figures Figure 1 - Drainage Areas Existing Conditions Figure 2 - Drainage Areas Proposed Conditions CITY OF EDINA A OCT 1 4 2022 Stormwater Management Plan 3517 West 55th Street — Edina, MN Rev. — October 7th, 2022 1.0 Project Overview PLANNING DEPARTMENT A new house with driveway is being proposed at 3517 West 55' Street in the City of Edina (City). The proposed house is located on a new lot created by a lot split of Lot 1, Block 7 Woodbury Park Near Lake Harriet (3601 W 55th Street). The lot that this project is located on is the East 60 feet of the original lot, which equates to 0.34 acres. This part of the original lot contained approximately one third of the original house along with the detached garage and driveway. There is private property located to the east and west, street to the north and Minnehaha Creek creates the south boundary for the lot. Currently, most of the site flows south directly into Minnehaha creek with part of the front yard and driveway flowing to the street and a portion of the east side yard flowing east to private property. The street and private property subcatchments flow via storm sewer into Minnehaha Creek. Minnehaha Creek is considered a regional flooding issue according to the City of Edina Engineering Department. The existing drainage conditions are shown in Figure 1. The proposed improvements include a new house with attached garage, driveway, porch, and pool with surrounding patio. Because this lot originally only supported half of a residence, there will be a large increase in impervious surface. The stormwater from these impervious surfaces will be primarily drained to the creek via a side yard swale and grading of the new driveway. This will prohibit an increase in rates to private property. Figure 2 shows the proposed drainage conditions. 2.0 Design Considerations The site is under the jurisdiction of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) and the City. This project will not trigger the MCWD stormwater rule because it is the redevelopment of a single-family home. This project will trigger Category 2 of the City's Rule because it is the redevelopment of a single- family home. The on-site storm water system design is based on their guidelines: A Rate and Volume Modeling Software — HydroCAD 10.10 A Rainfall Distribution — MSE 24-hour Type Ill A Rainfall Data — NOAA Atlas 14 rainfall data as shown in Figure 3. A Soil Conditions — Hydrologic Soil Group B based on web soil survey shown in Appendix D. 3.0 Subcatchment Analysis The City regulates the rate of water discharged from the site. The discharge rate requirement is no increase in peak rate to private property for the 10-yr storm event. In regards to volume control, the site does not flow to structural flooding. It does flow into the regional flooding of Minnehaha Creek. Table 3.1 shows the existing and proposed Subcatchment Analysis . Table 3.1 — Subcatchment Area Summary Subcatchment Impervious Area [sf] Total Area [sf] Pre- Post- Pre- Post- Street (15) 313 631 1,622 1,914 Private Property (2S) 672 0 672 471 Minnehaha Creek (3S) 1,674 5,439 12,518 12,427 As shown in the table above, the discharge rates to private property will not increase because of the decrease in impervious area and decrease in total area flowing to private property. ii Appendix A Figures FAsurvey\wooclbury park near lake harrtet - hennepin\4-8 wooclbury park near lake harrtet\O I Surveying - 90033\0I CAD\01 Source\O I Survey Base.dwg 0 tcc 671.14 I to 670.-0 •_ rc. 0 2 to Concrete Curb 670.15 870.0 Overhead Wires 869.8 ELN N.) O - 84189°0Z01" E 60.007.8 4 72.7 -67 Flood Light 872.5 4, 0 1• 373.0 0 p.0 .5.171lpia 671.1 '673.2 18.2 • etoop 4 22.2 70.3 • • \ GF 2 GF 870.5 .674.6 .6 FRAME .0 l• k6 672.7 • • 7.0 No. 36,01--- \ • 2-STORY FR No. 351 7"2-r 1N31 1.):Ncl2C1 SNINN'ic• 663.6 CEI •VC 869. 5.670.13 869.1 13.569.6 467.2 1 ul 667.6 - - - \ \ \ 15. pure 867.8 - 866.4 Porch Z(i? 130 • 1727-. 697 670 1 D eck ----- / 667.1 863.4 0 NIC13 JO AllO 866.2 ab 66. 663.2' .....---" 4 C•I .--"664.9 - 1.1.1 's i t• ' • •-•"---.--' ii: 0 / 663.6 25'pure es -I- • I III' /t 9'inne" iiT` 663.3„/0 963.9 Deck ,4',882.8 1.662.5 860.2 01.0 1 660.3 t%1362.31 1.660.1 oste • O 1 CI 1 660.1 11 --‘711,...hdt360.0 r •-• G2'2 ,- ,..• In ,-' ,% 858.8 4/ _-- A' /(l.' /o' /' ...--;%-> ' ..,% / ." 60.0 . / .....0->. .' „ ....---2' / -'.... .' ,. ,......- ---- ,7661.0 '1/4 x' 856.9 9.3___,.,,,ttact35g.2,--... /e '''' V...-- c''1(: i j l ---t . • _...., Oa". „1.2.• bareldec..."2 ......'" .......! '509'5 ,' " rl _ .. ---• --''' /'..-, -I C-. 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' ,/' .''' ........-856.5.- ___656--.. ,, \ ; ‘ t6.`"• 65W „''' • // --".' ,, ' /' ..•' JP'1-s\ 5,,Ki 854.6 / 30VNIV2:10 m 0 m z 1:1381AWIN >1N11 2:13evunN HOY323 /1: / 17. boveldeo• 656.4/ / //,/• ¨ ----- 652.7 • • W • \-'' • • -' 453' "" xetland detonated .'"<t1C fOMV/ by am:Jerson engineonng eoe 0 Juhr 20 2022 651.0 .666 \ • ee DEMARC LANG SURVEYING B ENGINEERING 760173/d Avenue North (763) 560.3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarcinc, corn DRAINAGE AREAS EXISTING CONDITIONS m G) m LOT 4, BLOCK 8 WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 3517 WEST 55TH STREET EDINA, MN TAN872.2 B/W871.0 /3.0 F:\eurvey\woodbury park near lake ha hennepin\4-8 woodbury park near lake harrlet\O I Surveying - 90033\O I CAD\O 15ou 0 12 CO °D. /... 64 .-7----79c4.9 T/W864.0 W B/W863.4 563.5,03 T/W1363.0 r z -n m IJ O N.1 0 Concrete Cud, Overhead Wires d h1 572.7 too a Flood tight 673.0 // 70 P. / Pro p (ea Residence 747.0 tw570.5 14569,5 Highest Point of Wall 115.5 I Wen/ p73 %__ te 571.14 t tee Temporary ock Constnicgo 'gran. tcc 570.53 57045 too // \ -a. 5° maple ‘1‘ 571.1 2-5TORY FR No, 35 I 569.5 CP 570.5 16'0' T/W871.0 178' Mech. Pad 8 13/W867.3 5.0 Min. Setback ,..Sump Discharge Proposed Residence ( .) *r Cf * B:86 F.P. C a Porch 5664 `Porch 4 Deck '&062.5 14562.5 I 560.3 / 1w562.31 to 60,560.1 21'6" 563.2 3 566.5 1 561.5 563.9 MA/863 FrTi,1, Prop. 4' F er!ce WiLatchIng Gates /644' Sill fen B/W1360 , ..- --- i --- Veci.o -4569 555.3 „....// 654.6 Z m 73 73 fn Z c a, r- z z c CO M 0 Z 0 0 ° I r-rn VI m z D 73 m 0 7) z C co co 7J „..- IN3INH3IV9811 /, /'-- t1 t y6RV SINE a, 03' v‘i 0°Z 159 5533 0014'W Edge wetland dehneated anderson engheenng July 20, 2022 i5,4 552.7_ 551.0 G ZZOZ'O£'60 -n 5 m LOT 4, BLOCK 8 WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 3517 WEST 5511-I STREET EDINA, MN DEMARC LAND SURVEYING E ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420 Oemarclnccom DRAINAGE AREAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS OCT I 4 202Z NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PLANNING DEPARTME 2 rfabular I PF cuphical I Maps & aerials CITY OF EDIN/OINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES Sanja Perlca, Deborah Martin, Sandra Ravlovic, Ishani Roy, Michael St. Laurent, Carl Torpaluk, Dale Unruh, Michael Yekta, Geoffery Bonnin FIGURE 3 - PRECIPITATION DATA NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 8, Version 2 Location name: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA* Latitude: 44.9126°, Longitude: -93.3445° Elevation: 919.99 ft** * source: ESRI Maps ** source: USGS 11011F e ry PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1 Average recurrence interval (years) Duration 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min 0.353 (0.288-0.438) 0.419 (0.342-0.520) 0.532 (0.432-0.662) 0.630 (0.509-0.788) 0.773 (0.605-1.00) 0.889 (0.677-1.17) 1.01 (0.741-1.35) 1.14 (0.798-1.56) 1.31 (0.884-1.85) 1.45 (0.949-2.07) 10 min 0.517 (0.422-0.642) 0.613 (0.501-0.762) 0.778 (0.633-0.970) 0.923 (0.746-1.15) 1.13 (0.886-1.47) 1.30 (0.992-1.71) 1.48 (1.09-1.98) 1.67 (1.17-2.29) 1.92 (1.30-2.71) 2.13 (1.39-3.03) 15-min 0.630 (0.515-0.783) 0.748 (0.610-0.929) 0.949 (0.772-1.18) 1.13 (0.909-1.41) 1.38 (1.08-1.79) 1.59 (1.21-2.08) 1.80 (1.32-2.42) 2.03 (1.43-2.79) 2.35 (1.58-3.31) 2.60 (1.70-3.69) 30-min 0.891 (0.729-1.11) 1.07 (0.870-1.32) 1.36 (1.11-1.70) 1.62 (1.31-2.03) 2.00 (1.56-2.59) 2.30 (1.75-3.01) 2.61 (1.92-3.50) 2.94 (2.07-4.05) 3.40 (2.29-4.79) 3.77 (2.46-5.36) 60-min 1.16 (0.950-1.44) 1.39 (1.13-1.72) 1.78 (1.45-2.22) 2.15 (1.74-2.69) 2.70 (2.13-3.54) 3.17 (2.42-4.19) 3.67 (2.70-4.95) 4.21 (2.96-5.82) 4.99 (3.36-7.05) 5.61 (3.66-7.98) 2-hr 1.43 (1.18-1,77) 1.70 (1.40-2.10) 2.21 (1.81-2.73) 2.68 (2.18-3.33) 3.41 (2.71-4.46) 4.04 (3.12-5.32) 4.73 (3.51-6.36) 5.48 (3.89-7.54) 6.57 (4.47-9.25) 7.46 (4.90-10.5) 3-hr 1.60 (1.32-1.96) 1.89 (1.56-2.33) 2.46 (2.02-3.03) 3.00 (2.45-3.71) 3.87 (3.10-5.07) 4.63 (3.60-6.10) 5.48 (4.09-7.36) 6.41 (4.58-8.82) 7.78 (5.33-10.9) 8.91 (5.89-12.5) 6-hr 1.88 (1.56-2.29) 2.21 (1.83-2.70) 2.86 (2.36-3.50) 3.51 (2.88-4.31) 4.56 (3.69-5.96) 5.49 (4.30-7.20) 6.53 (4.92-8.74) 7.69 (5.54-10.5) 9.41 (6.49-13.2) 10.8 (7.21-15.1) 12-hr 2.13 (1.78-2.58) 2.53 (2.11-3.06) 3.27 (2.72-3.97) 3.98 (3.29-4.86) 5.09 (4.12-6.56) 6.06 (4.76-7.85) 7.11 (5.38-9.41) 8.28 (5.99-11.2) 9.97 (6.92-13.8) 11.4 (7.62-15.8) 24-hr 2.49 (2.09-3.00) 2.86 (2.40-3.45) 3.58 (2.99-4.32) 4.29 (3.56-5.19) 5.41 (4.41-6.92) 6.39 (5.06-8.23) 749 (5.71-9.85) 8.71 (6.35-11.7) 10.5 (7.34-14.4) 12.0 (8.09-16.5) 2-day 2.90 (2.45-3.46) 3.25 (2.74-3.88) 3.94 (3.31-4.72) 4.63 (3.87-5.57) 5.76 (4.74-7.32) 6.76 (5.39-8.64) 7.88 (6.05-10.3) 9.13 (6.72-12.2) 11.0 (7.75-15.0) 12.5 (8.53-17.1) 3-day 3.17 (2.68-3.76j 3.52 (2.98-4.19) 4.23 (3.56-5.04) 4.93 (4.13-5.90) 6.06 (5.00-7.66) 7.07 (5.66-9.00) 8.20 (6.33-10.7) 9.47 (7.00-12.6) 11.3 (8.03-15.4) 12.9 (8.82-17.5) 4-day 3.37 (2.87-4.00) 3.76 (3.19-4.46) 4.50 (3.80-5.35) 5.22 (4.39-6.23) 6.38 (5.27-8.01) 7.40 (5.93-9.36) 8.52 (6.59-11.0) 9.78 (7.24-12.9) 11.6 (8.25-15.7) 13.1 (9.02-17:8) 7-day 3.88 (3.31-4.57) 4.38 (3.74-5.16) 5.27 (4.48-6.23) 6.09 (5.14-7.22) 7.31 (6.02-9.04) 8.34 (6.69-10.4) 9.44 (7.31-12.1) 10.6 (7.89-13.9) 12.3 (8.78-16.5) 13.7 (9.46-18.5) 10-day 4.37 4.95 (3.74-5.13) (4.24-5.82) 5.96 (5.08-7.01) 6.83 (5.79-8.08) 8.11 (6.67-9.93) 9.15 (7.34-11.3) 10.2 (7.93-13.0) 11.4 (8.45-14.8) 13.0 (9.26-17.3) 14.2 (9.87-19.1) 20-day 5.94 6.67 (5.12-6.92) (5.74-7.77) 7.86 (6.74-9.19) 8.86 (7.56-10.4) 10.3 (8.45-12.4) 11.3 (9.13-13.8) 12.4 (9.67-15.5) 13.5 (10.1-17.3) 15.0 (10.8-19.7) 16.1 (11.3-21.6) 30-day 7.33 8.19 (6.34-8.50) (7.07-9.50) 9.56 (8.23-11.1) 10.7 (9.14-12.5) 12.2 (10.1-14.6) 13.3 (10.8-16.2) 14.5 (11.3-17.9) 15.6 (11.7-19.8) 17.0 (12.3-22.2) 18.1 (12.7-24.1) 45-day 9.13 10.2 (7.93-10.5) (8.84-11.8) 11.9 (10.2-13.7) 13.2 14.9 (11.3-15.3) (12.3-17.7) 16.2 (13.1-19.5) 17.4 (13.6-21.4) 18.5 (13.9-23.4) 19.9 (14.4-25.8) 20.9 (14.8-27.7) 60-day 10.7 12.0 (9.30-12.3) (10.4-13.8) 13.9 (12.1-16.1) 15.5 17.4 (13.3-17.9) (14.4-20.5) 18.8 20.1 (15.2-22.5) (15.7-24.6) 21.2 (16.0-26.7) 22.6 (16.4-29.2) 23.5 (16.7-31.1) 1 Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence Interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) w ill be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. sack to Top DATE: 10/28/2022 TO: Cary Teagu e – Plan ning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 3601 55th St W - Subdivision Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the req uest of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included a stormwater management plan and report, existing and proposed surveys. Summary of Work The applicant proposes a lot split to build two homes. The existing home has already been demolished. Survey & Easements The benchmark is based on a hydrant in a recent reconstruction area. The benchmark may not be accurate. A 24” sanitary sewer main is located in the rear yard. Surveyor must show on survey. A 20’-wide easement centered on the pipe shall be provided. Recorded easement required for permit closeout. Grading and Drainage The site drains to the street and Minnehaha Creek in both the existing and proposed condition. The west side swale is reduced by 20’. Stormwater Mitigation Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP -003 standards. A final grade as -built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. Floodplain Development The FEMA 1% annual chance floodplain is located in the rear yard, with a base flood elevation of 856.0’. Thus, the lowest floor elevation is required at no less than 8 58.0 ’. The basement is proposed at 864.7’. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP -002. Suggest a double row of silt fence in the rear yard due to the steep slope. Street and Driveway Entrance The applicant proposes a new driveway entrance. A driveway entrance permit will be required . The street was reconstructed in 2021. Refer to standard plates 540 and 541 for patching requirements. Public Utilities Water and sanitary is served from 55th St W. Sanitary is also available from the rear yard. A one-inch water service line from the curb stop to the dwelling is required per the City’s policy SP -024. Sewer and water connection fees shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. Miscellaneous A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit may be required , applicant will need to verify with the district. Sealed wells are located onsite. Thus, coordination with Minnesota Department of Health will not be required . Retaining walls no more than 4’ are proposed . Engineering is not required. 9\NA, Iii ��1.-i; J e (:.• 1G\ :,.. rJJ -------------------t"'� �� �o:__ _________________ _ MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: July 13, 2022 Hennepin County Taxpayer Services Department CenterPoint Energy USPS: West Edina Carrier Annex (55424, 55436, 55439) Edina Office (55410) Normandale Office (55435) Chad.F.Stephan@usps.gov Metropolitan Council Xcel Energy -Email City of Edina: Water/Utility Department Police Department Planning Department Engineering Department Voter Registration Assessing Department Health Department Public Works Department Fire Department FROM: David Fisher, Chief Building Official Y-;z__ SUBJECT: Address Assignment change for a new lot split from one lot into two lots for single family dwellings Please be advised of the following address assignment: 360 I 55 th St W Legal Description: Lot Block PIO Number: 20-028-24-22-0087 20-028-24-22-0095 Old address: 360 I 55th St W, Edina, MN 55424 New address: 360 I 55th St W, Edina, MN 55424 3517 55th St W, Edina, MN 55424 Multiple addresses: 360 I 55th St W, Edina, MN 55424 3517 55th St W, Edina, MN 55424 Reason for change: Lot split from one lot to two lots Additional information: See attached info. Please adjust your records accordingly. l:\Building\Addrcsscs\ADDRESS ASSIGNMENTS\202213601 55th St W .docx CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0389 7/13/22, 3:09 PM DataLink I Edina CD Q CO CO Co C CO (.0 1.0 Cr) 7t. iQ LU CO CD CD Or, CO C LC) Cr) N1 CO CD C.D CO 55th St W C) (.0 CO CO CD (.0 CO CO CO 0 30 60ft k/3 rn Minnehaha Creek , o.) N-- C 35 is) Lo or) co Minnehaha Creek 5504 Documents https://gis.edinamn.gov/DataLink/Default.aspx# 1/4 PI381101 HENNEPIN COUNTY PROPERTY DIVISIONS SHEET NO. 1 OF 3_ DIVISION 210295 MUNICIPALITY: EDINA (24) 2021 PAY 2022 * NEW PLAT _x * TO ASSR / / SCH DIST 273 WATERSHED 3 SEWER DIST COPY FOR * REQUEST FROM ASSR / / IF PROS 9 GREEN ACRES OPEN SPACE DATE 12/17/21/ * WD _ * VALUE CHECK / / TRANS LINE/EZ INDIC BY CP * QCD * SPEC CHECK / / FILED / / * CD * COMPUTER / / DIVIDE/COMBINE: APPROVED 12/11/21 * OTHER * COMPLETED PROPERTY ID 20-028-24 22 0087 OWNER ERICA A BERGSLAND TAXPAYER N/A ERICA A BERGSLAND 3601 55TH ST N EDINA MN 55410 PROPERTY ADDRESS 03601 55TH ST W ADDITION NAME DATE FILED ADDNO WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 04/20/1926 78050 DATE OF LAST TRAN 04/30/93 LOT 001 BLOCK 007 ACREAGE 0.27 APPROX PARCEL SIZE N 60X187X63X207 METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION INCL ADJ 1/2 OF VAC STS SR EX AG PT H OWNS LAND BLDG MACH TOTAL H-BASE1 H-BASE2 N/H-BASE1 N/H TC GROSS TC PROPERTY ID 20-028-24 22 0095 OWNER ERICA A BERGSLAND ' TAXPAYER N/A ERICA A BERGSLAND 3601 55TH ST W EDINA MN 55410 PROPERTY ADDRESS 03601 55TH ST W ADDITION NAME DATE PILED ADDN4 WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 04/20/1926 76050 DATE OF LAST TRAN 04/30/93 LOT 004 BLOCK 008 ACREAGE 0.25 APPROX PARCEL SIZE N 60X168X63X187 METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION INCL ADJ 1/2 OF VAC ST SR EX AG PT H OWNS LAND BLDG MACH TOTAL H-BASE1 H-BASE2 N/H-BASE1 N/H TC GROSS TC P1301101 HENNEPIN COUNTY PROPERTY DIVISIONS SHEET NO. 2 OF _.I DIVISION # 210295 PROPERTY ID 20-028-24 22 0098 OWNER ERICA A BERGSLAND TAXPAYER N/A ERICA A BERGSLAND 3601 55TH ST W EDINA MN 55410 PROPERTY ADDRESS 00024 ADDRESS UNASSIGNED ADDITION NAME DATE FILED ADDNff WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 04/20/1926 78050 DATE OF LAST TRAN 04/30/93 LOT BLOCK ACREAGE 0.21 APPROX PARCEL SIZE 120 X 70 METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION THAT PART OF LOT A LYING BET THE W LINE OF LOT 1 BLK 7 AND THE E LINE OF LOT 4 BLK 8 EXTENDED ACROSS LOT A INCL ADJ 1/2 OF VAC ST SR EX AG PT H OWN% LAND BLDG MACH TOTAL H-BASEL H-BASE2 N/H-BASE1 N/H TC GROSS TC DIVISION/COMBINATION. NEW PROPERTY ID'S SEC TWP RG QQ SUPX SEC TWP RG QQ SUFX SEC TWP RG QQ SUPX 20-028-24 22 0110 20-028-24 22 0119 PROPERTY DIVISIONS & COMBINATIONS Municipality: ( 24 ) Edina Division Form No. HOPT03-2 (11/97) Date: 12/17/2021 03:09 Page 1 of 1 Sheet 3 Of 3 Division No. 210295 20-028-24-22-0118 Owner: ERICA A BERGSLAND Property Address 24 ADDRESS PENDING Taxpayer: ERICA A BERGSLAND 3601 55TH ST W Mortgage Loan No: EDINA MN 55410 Mortgage Code: Addition No: 7 8 0 5 0 Lot: 1 Block: 7 Acreage: Approx. Parcel Size: IRREGULAR Metes & Bounds Description: INCLUDING ADJOINING HALF OF VACATED STREET; AND, THAT PART OF LOT A LYING BETWEEN THE WEST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 7 AND THE EAST LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 8 EXTENDED ACROSS LOT A, INCLUDING ADJOING HALF OF VACATED STREET, ALL IN WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET. 20-028-24-22-0119 Owner: ERICA A BERGSLAND Property Address 24 ADDRESS PENDING Taxpayer: ERICA A BERGSLAND 3601 55TH ST W Mortgage Loan No: EDINA MN 55410 Mortgage Code: Addition No: 78050 Lot: 4 Block: 8 Acreage: Approx. Parcel Size: IRREGULAR Metes & Bounds Description: INCLUDING ADJOING HALF OF VACATED STREET; AND, THAT PART OF LOT A LYING BETWEEN THE EAST AND WEST LINES OF LOT 4, BLOCK 8 EXTENDED ACROSS LOT A, INCLUDING ADJOINING HALF OF VACATED STREET, ALL IN WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET. 51 51 Cl 5 I 54 1 5 I. 5. 0 i I 50 50 50 0 31) 53 0,... 00 6J 51.7 I 051 I . 1 .' . . (66) (65) (64) I (63) I (62) (61) (60) (59) (58) 1 i 1 RAIRK 00 00 00 60 50 50 00 00 01 53.3 55TH ST W 433.1 (101) 50 '20 (109) 012.77 (8 ) uJ 8 I (03) ((34) (C5) (57: (63) b 9) (61 ) (02) n 30.3 00 00 03 00 Ga. G o ILO Co n:ft [CIV 55TH ST W 00 00, CIC 03 013 [I=1;LA pr117 1\ ()3) ('I08) (91) 88) C.; 'N TN (117) (112) S.,t1A ttw t•,4 Cl 1 20 -kRNP., 2c1c, 1133, (8) 137 12 109) MUNICIPA SCHOOL WATERSHED SEWER TIF CODE DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT PROJECTTL 24 273 3 NEW PLAT NAME LAND TYPE: AO TO BO ADDITION CODECS) 78050 QUARTER- NEW IDS DIVISION El COMBINATION q SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE QUARTER REQUIRED 20 028 24 22 2 TECH SR DATE 12/17/2021 DATA ENTERED q 2021 PAY 2022 APPROVED BY CITY 12/11/2020 DATE SURVEYED Q C D DATE CERTIFIED C D DATE FILED OTHER NEW PLAT REQUEST X WD 0087 0095 0098 GREEN QUARTER- SUFFIX ACRES SPECIALS SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE QUARTER SUFFIX I I q Check if there are additional ID numbers on next page SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE QUARTER- QUARTER 20 028 24 22 20 028 24 22 20 028 24 22 GREEN ACRES SPECIALS q q q q q q q q • n PINS PRELIMINARY COVER SHEET nDIVISION-OF-DIVISION OLD ID NUMBERS NOTES: Other El Divide Combine Date L EVE ( Owner Sign/ ure Yes *If yes, please send a copy of No the Survey with this form.* HC A-500 Property ID and Platting VI;as a Survey done for this change? Last Revised January 2021 HENNEPIN COUNTY PARCEL DIVISIONS/COMBINATIONS — OWNER REQUEST FORM •l Property ID and Platting Unit ji) Resident and Real Estate Services A-500 Government Center I! Minneapolis, MN 55487-0060 Owner Name Erica A. Bergsland Address 3601 W 55th St. Phone 651-485-2835 Email ebergsland@gmail.com Mail Tax Statements To Erica A Bergsland 3601 W 55th St. Edina, MN 55410 I hereby make a request to change the assessment on the following described land: For City Of Edina For Tax Year earliest effective date Property ID Numbers (1) 2002824220087 (4) (2) 2002824220095 (5 ) (3) 2002824220098 (6) Additional Remarks Per submitted resolution (2020-04 City of Edina) Divide and consolidate parcel 3 into parcels 1 & 2 (For additional ID numbers, please add an attachment) Email: RRES.PropertylDandPlats@Hennepinms Phone: 612-348-3271 LAND TYPE A s ra A (A) DOC NUM 10914558 Certified, filed and/or recorded on Feb 10, 2021 10:41 AM Office of the County Recorder Hennepin County, Minnesota Martin McCormick, County Recorder Mark Chapin, County Auditor and Treasurer Deputy 98 Pkg ID 2171010E Document Recording Fee $46.00 Document Total $46.00 This cover sheet is now a permanent part of the recorded document. PLANNING RESOLUTION NO. 2020-04 APPROVING A LOT DIVISION FOR PARCELS AT 3601 WEST 55TH STREET WHEREAS, the following described tract of land is requested to be divided: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED ORIGINAL (3) PARCELS Lot 1, Block 7, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Lot 4, Block 8, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. All that part of Lot A lying between the West line of Lot 1, Block 7 and the East line of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, all in Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the • owners of the described land desires to subdivide said tract in to the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "parcels") described as f011ows: Parcel A Lot 1, Block 7, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AND That part of Lot A lying between the West line of Lot 1, Block 7 and the East line of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, all in Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Parcel B Lot 4, Block 8, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AND All that part of Lot A lying between the East and West lines of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, all in Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0389 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-04 Page Two WHEREAS, the requested lot line adjustment is authorized under Code Chapter 32 Section 32-6 and it has been determined to comply with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina and do not interfere with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the Edina City Code Chapter 32; NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved, that the lot division is hereby approved pursuant to City Code Sections 32-6. Adopted this 11th day of December 2020. ATTEST: Cary Teague,Teague, City Planner I hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the administrative approval of a lot line adjustment. WE:5;T 55 Tli STREET 'LTZY' ' ---1 —i ----7 "" —, -.--*----"' I i I f . ; Cj ii CJu' • — — MITS° LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ORIGINAL PARCEL (AS SURVEYED 2001), La I, Blab I, including adjoining 1/2 of vsnted Meet WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE Emlaursr, Hmvcpin Carat, Minnevga LA 4, Block S, including adjoining 02 of NiCated Data, WOODBURY PARK NEARS a(la HARRIET, IlenneHin County, Minamota All due pad of Lee A ',Leg between the West Hs of Lot 1,11tock 7 and lie East line of Lot 4, NINA 2 extended amass Lot A. loch:ding adjoining 1/2 of Varatleil Mot, all ise 1VOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin Comity, Minnmoda. PROPOSES, LEGAL DESCRIPOON OF PARCEL As La 1, Blear 2, labsimg ratiOning I/2 of amted StreeL WOODBURY PARKNEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hemsepin County, Him... AND That part of Lot A Vag Ixtwcga the EA& aod West linin oft 1, Block 7 extended across La A, including adjoining I/2 of vacated gnat, HI in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Ming.. Contains: 13,9•221 Sq. EL as measured to le edge ofwata at the time drum, (2001). PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL Pk La 4, Blab 5, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated Mae; WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE RATLIKE!, Heruse,in Comuy, Minameta AND That prat of Lot A lying between the East and West lines of Lot 4, Block 2 mikado-1 assess Lot A, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated greet, el in V1001/1111RY PARK NEAR LAKE. HARRIET, El crice,in County, Contains: 14,6TH Sq. FL as metanuni to Me tdge of water at the Was of sunny (2601). SCOPE OF WORK & LIMITATIONS: I. SIgtaing a pmposed Mt mitt pm a aunty completed by lama Patter. 0.1-1. No. 9235, date,! May 26, 2001. 11,45 many does mil purport IS shoe existing conditions led DO Si. visit nos pcdtemed V this frac. 2. Elevations shown berms an per 21101 Hovey and have ad been Bell - Showing elevations on Mc site at selected loceSmas to give some indiation of the topography at tbe site We lave abet presided a besidisms5 foe yon use in determining elevations for to:Duval. on this sits.Tbe alesaEons show:sedate only to the benekomak psovided on tiffs cssvey. U. tEl lamehmart and <beck 5: lust oro mi. feature 51031/1 (.1 the ninny tab. dammining of elnations fa use ma ibis site or Wort beginning oanstnsainn. 3. ibis stuvey Las been romplated 54002.1 the benefit of a =scat tide commitment. Mere may be arairting easements or Mbar enevmbrences that "Amid be revealed by a masers tide commitment. Meehan, dale Hovey does net pmpoat b Ho, any nserocusa or eneurnbramm Ober M.O. atm Hunan bacon. 4. SES sbow a proposed division of the ,opmty pa your Lattruetiona Please review the proposed division to verify that it It what Solt intended We suggert you submit this attEcy b Ne you-mum:gal agenda Mat have jusivfietioo ova it to obtain the afassovals, Upon can, before making any deciaimasnaganling Bm gdopeity. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: 'ea Deno. Man sunny musk, finial, teilwat otholvise nowt en./. He P. e.noanLel INF ../11 r0 Vom tvakin. una.INus ....I ...NIA • ERICA BERCSLAIVD 3601 W. 557775T. EDINA, MN Advance $06,17,0 4 EE,0.-31,0, Co. F,E4iii.1.1, LOT SPIEE SKIT y.s.l.:2”(1.1 HEU112, S1 160371 WE rix202.2•2200.,0 ERICA BERGSLAND 3601 IV 55TII ED)WA, MN 22.204 raisrurai 22.20.2421.11 alarr lattE LOT SPLIT por,oxi awyn 180872 SEP S1 124...01 9114N611,98,11, aur12.22.21 .L2/2120 22 20. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ORIGINAL P C AL LRVEYJLEL20Olt Lot I, Block 1, Malu ding ndsoining 10 of vacated meet WSKTDEURY PARK TWA LAKE. HAR.TUEL Hennepin County, Minim.. Lot 4,111.9 P. includieg adjoining TO of vacated Meet WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Ticernpio County, hiinemote. All Output of tor A Hang batmen the West lino of Lot 1,11lock 7.41 the East hoe of Lotit. Block fl extended amiss Lot A, ',Indio!, ruqoining I/2 of mr.a.i 10x450 in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Ilamepin County, Mimes°. PROPOSED LEGAL ITESCRIVITON OF PARCEL, Lot I, Block 7, including adjoining 1/2 of szcated me. WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Nom,. County, Elloomota. AND Tut put of lut A Hing betwenn quasi and Wal linos of Lot I, Block 7 extended across Lot A, including adjoining 10 01 vacated street, m in WOODBURY PARK NEAR TAKE HARRIET, Tien cp. County, hlicrimus. Contain. 15,31035 Sq. Ft al timasured to the cdge of wet. at the Moc nfsuvcy (2001). PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ?ARM. IT: iLint 4, /111016 a, including ',Coining la .r.‘..d 0100, woommxy PARK NEAR LAKE EARFUL-F, Hum.. County, Minim., ANO That put of Lot A Hing between the ER. rod West linea of Lot 4, 131116 8 estcodul urMs Lot A, irmIuding adjoining 12 of vacated shut el in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Herm,. Comity, Mimeo. Contains: 14,6774 Sq. Ft es marmot to the edge of voter at the time of sunny (2001). SCOPE OP WORK 0 LIMITAHONS: I. Showing a proposed lot ri.dit Fur a sunny romRleted by Junes Palter, ILLS, No. 9235, staNd 1,ey 26, 2001. 11111 annoy do us not poussil to show egistiog conditions end no site visit*u petfonced at this Mae. 2, Elev.., Mown hereon am pu 2001 toryCy and ham o. Henn Self retitled-Showing Condom mi the site 11 relocted louder. to give wastie Mdituti00 of the topography of the sitz WI have also provided a bcr.hntatk for your use in deunnining ckvationt for conmuction ru this site. The elm-aims shown rotate only to the benchmuk movidol on this rarity. Est this buielnurt and thank at kant one otlacr feature shown on the survey when etUrarainieg .her elm... for use II this site or before beginning 3. This sooty has bent ourggeted witl.ut die benefit of a cummt title 002001222.211 There may he mist.; cum:cats se otter ...Era.0 that would be rovealod by current tide commits.. 11erefore, this mosey docs not pout°. to slue any 2.11200125 01 citunnbrances other than the Dote shown Lemon. 4. Wc show a proposed division of the property pa your institutions. Plowse rovitw the proposed division to verify that it 0 what mo ioteaded We suggest you submit this swum, 0 do govannintod aguscies 00 have jusiadictimi mu It to obtain their swumls, if you cam before making any decisions a.m., the popettat STANDARD SYMBOLS CONVENTIONS: 5" Damics Atm survey muka, (smut 1010.11 otheuvisc rood. Paul Trieu <paultrieu@sustainable9.com> New Addresses for Two New Lots @ 3601 W 55th St, Edina 6 messages Paul Trieu <paultrieu@sustainable9.com>Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 9:08 AM To: David Fisher <DFisher@edinamn.gov> Cc: Vince Birdsley <vince@sustainable9.com>, Ryan Hanson <ryanhanson@sustainable9.com>, Chad Hanson <chadhanson@sustainable9.com> Hi David - I'm starting a fresh email chain to address my question about the new lot numbers. On the document you sent previously, there are two different callouts for what the East lot should be numbered as. It seems clear that the West lot will be 3601. But for the new East lot you typed 3517 on the memo but then hand wrote 3515 on the next page... Can you please confirm which one is the correct address for the new East lot? 3515 or 3517? Thanks, Paul Trieu Engineer | CPHT | PDC Sustainable 9 Design + Build M: 952-297-5622 | O: 612-234-4194 paultrieu@sustainable9.com Paul Trieu <paultrieu@sustainable9.com>Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 1:46 PM To: David Fisher <DFisher@edinamn.gov> Cc: Vince Birdsley <vince@sustainable9.com>, Ryan Hanson <ryanhanson@sustainable9.com>, Chad Hanson <chadhanson@sustainable9.com> Hey David - Just following up on my question here regarding some confusion on what the correct new addresses are for these lots... Please confirm ASAP. Thank you! Paul Trieu Engineer | CPHT | PDC Sustainable 9 Design + Build M: 952-297-5622 | O: 612-234-4194 paultrieu@sustainable9.com [Quoted text hidden] David Fisher <DFisher@edinamn.gov>Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 2:18 PM To: Paul Trieu <paultrieu@sustainable9.com> Cc: Vince Birdsley <vince@sustainable9.com>, Ryan Hanson <ryanhanson@sustainable9.com>, Chad Hanson <chadhanson@sustainable9.com>, Jamie Ericksen <JEricksen@edinamn.gov> Paul, Please use the number in the letter. 3517 David David Fisher, Chief Building Official 952-826-0450 | Fax 952-826-0389 DFisher@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov From: Paul Trieu <paultrieu@sustainable9.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 1:46 PM Survey Responses Public Hearing Comments Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: 3517 & 3601 55th Street West No Responses VISITORS 1 CONTRIBUTORS 0 RESPONSES 0 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous Lot width variances 3601 and 3517 West 55th Street EdinaMN.gov 2 EdinaMN.gov 3 EdinaMN.gov 4 EdinaMN.gov 5 EdinaMN.gov 6 EdinaMN.gov 7 EdinaMN.gov 8 EdinaMN.gov 9 EdinaMN.gov 10 EdinaMN.gov 11 Requests need two separate motions: One for each property address: 3601and 3517 55th Street EdinaMN.gov 13 EdinaMN.gov 14 EdinaMN.gov 15 EdinaMN.gov 16 EdinaMN.gov 17 EdinaMN.gov 18 EdinaMN.gov 19 EdinaMN.gov 20 Date: November 16, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-22-21: A 9.55 foot front yard setback and a 9.6 foot 1st floor height varianc e reques t for 4905 S unnys lope R d Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Deny the variance request based on findings as stated within the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N: A 9.55-foot front yard setback variance from Hilltop Lane to allow a new home 34.6 feet from the property line instead of matching the average existing front yard setback of the adjacent neighboring properties of 44.15 feet. T hey are also requesting a 9.6-foot 1st floor height variance to allow a reorientation of the house from 4905 S unnyslope to Hilltop Lane. T he goal is to reorient the new home on a through lot to face H illtop L ane instead of S unnyslope Rd. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Engineering Memo Site Location Narrative Plans SWMP Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Staff Pres entation The subject property, 4920 E. Sunnyslope is a through lot located between Sunnyslope East and Hilltop Lane. The existing home on the subject property is a two-story home with an attached three-car attached garage that was built in 1941. The existing home orients towards Sunnyslope East with the rear lot backing up to Hilltop Lane. The applicant is requesting a 9.55-foot first floor height elevation variance to allow for a new home to be built with a first floor 10.55 feet higher than the first floor of the existing house on site. The proposed new home will be oriented at a higher elevation facing towards Hilltop Lane thus the need for a 1st floor variance. A 9.55-foot front yard setback variance from Hilltop Lane is also requested to allow a new home 34.6 feet from the property line instead of matching the average existing front yard setback of the adjacent neighboring properties of 44.15 feet. With exception of the first-floor elevation and front yard setback, the proposed project meets all other zoning requirements. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. November 16, 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner B-22-21, the applicant is requesting a 9.6-foot, 1st floor height variance to allow a reorientation of the house from 4920 East Sunnyslope Road to Hilltop Lane. They are also requesting a 9.55-foot front yard setback variance from Hilltop Lane to allow a new home 34.6 feet from the property line instead of matching the average existing front yard setback of the adjacent neighboring properties of 44.15 feet. Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features The subject property, 4920 Sunnyslope E, was built in 1941. The lot is 20,879 square feet and is located on west side of Sunnyslope East, and east of Hilltop Lane. The existing house is oriented towards Sunnyslope and has a three-car attached garage that has access from Sunnyslope. The property slopes to higher elevations from Sunnyslope East to Hilltop Lane. Trees The applicant included a tree plan with variance submittal. The property has several large trees. The city recently amended its tree ordinance to require that removed trees be replaced. The ordinance does not take effect until January 1, 2023. However, because there are variances being requested, and to minimize impacts to the neighborhood, staff would recommend a condition of approval be that the new ordinance must be met, with trees being replaced on the site per recommendation of the City Forester. A full review by the Forester of the tree preservation plan would take place at the time of a building permit for a new home. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – Front Yard West Side – Side Yard South Side – Rear Yard East Side – Side Street 10 feet 44.15 feet 10 feet 25 feet 40. feet *34.6 feet 11.8 feet 25 feet Building Height 40 feet 34.6 feet Building Coverage Lots greater than 9,000sf 25% 22.19% First Floor Elevation 926.4’ 936* *Requires a variance STAFF REPORT Page 3 Engineering The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their November 10, 2022, memorandum. Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 standards. Drainage area maps are required for permit. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. The proposed plan maintains drainage towards Sunnyslope Rd E but does so by channelizing runoff along the side yards with swales. PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issue Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively to grant a variance. The proposed variance will not: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with zoning standards, with exception of the first-floor elevation and front yard setback. The reason for the first-floor elevation variance request is due to the proposed new home being oriented off Hilltop Lane, which is at a higher elevation than Sunnyslope Road East. The front yard setback will match the front yard setback of the neighbor to the south, but not the average of the adjacent neighboring homes as required by ordinance. The new home is not required to be reoriented towards Sunnyslope East and can maintain required front yard setback if reoriented. Reasonable use of the property can be accomplished without the need for the two variances. The existing home is reasonable use of the site. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The property is unique in the fact that there are street frontages on two sides of the lot. The existing house is oriented towards East Sunnyslope. There is an elevation difference between Sunnyslope and Hilltop Lane preventing a re-orientation without a variance. The applicant would like to orient the new home towards Hilltop Lane to match the exiting house to the southeast which was also reoriented from Sunnyslope East in 2014. The property owner cannot raise the house so it can be oriented towards Hilltop Lane without a variance. STAFF REPORT Page 4 The front yard setback required is 44.15 feet, which is the average front yard setback of the adjacent homes. The zoning ordinance requires a new home take into consideration the existing setbacks of adjacent or nearby homes to maintain the existing character along the streetscape. A new home fronting Hilltop Lane can maintain the required front yard setback. The front yard setback is a design choice, is self-created based on the proposed 87.5-foot depth of the house and not based on existing lot characteristics. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance may alter the character of the neighborhood given the reorientation and front yard setback variance requested. Although there are other homes along Hilltop in the neighborhood, the proposed new home will be reoriented towards Hilltop from Sunnyslope and will be 9.55 feet closer to the front lot line than the existing homes on either side of the subject property. The lot can accommodate a conforming home facing Sunnyslope East. A reoriented home can be designed to conform to the required front yard setback from Hilltop Ln. Optional Actions A case can be made for approval and denial of this project. Below provides options for the planning commission to consider: Approval Approve the request for a 9.6-foot first floor elevation and a 9.55-foot front yard setback variance for a new house at 4920 Sunnyslope East. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The practical difficulty is caused by the elevation change on the lot. The house needs to be raised to reorient the house. 2. There are circumstances that are unique to the subject property. Those unique circumstances include the elevation change on the lot and having two street frontages. 3. The proposal would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The new home is a single-story walk-out. Adjacent homes are two stories or multi-level. Orientation around the cul-de- sac will not negatively impact the streetscape the neighbor to the south is 6 inches closer to Hilltop at 34 feet than the proposed home at 34.6 feet. Approval shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to plans and survey date stamped, October 27, 2022. 2. Subject to compliance with the Engineering memo dated November 10, 2022. 3. Subject to compliance with the new tree ordinance, with trees being replaced on the site per recommendation of the city Forester. Denial Deny the request for a 1-foot first floor elevation variance and front yard setback variance for a new home at 4920 Sunnyslope East. Denial is based on the following findings: 1. The proposal does not meet the standards for variance. STAFF REPORT Page 5 2. Due to the size of lot, a new home could be constructed on the property that that could meet the required setbacks and zoning requirements. 3. There is no practical difficultly preventing construction of a new home. A new home could be built and may not require a variance. A new home is not required to be reoriented towards Hilltop Lane. If granted a 1st floor height variance for a new home to be re-oriented to Hilltop, the home can be built without the need for a front yard setback variance. Staff Recommendation Staff cannot support the re-orientation of the home to Hilltop Lane with the requested 9.6-foot first floor height variance and the 9.55-foot front yard setback variance from Hilltop Lane given the ability to comply with the code. A compliant house may be built on the property. Staff recommends denial of the variance application for a new house reorientation to Hilltop Lane from 4920 East Sunnyslope Road. Deadline for a City Decision: December 26, 2022 DATE: 11/10/2022 TO: Cary Teagu e – Plan ning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 4920 Sunnyslope Rd E - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and u tility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the req uest of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included existing and proposed surveys and stormwater modeling. Summary of Work The applicant proposes to demolish the existing home and build a new home. The rebuild would reorient the front of the home from Sunnyslope Rd E to Hilltop La. The request is for a variance to main floor elevation increase limit and front yard setback. Easements No comment. Grading and Drainage The existing site drain s from Hilltop Lane towards Sunnyslope Rd E. A retaining wall around the rear of the house helped manage the upland flow directed towards the house by flattening the area adjacent to the home. The proposed plan maintains drainage towards Sunnyslope Rd E but does so by channelizing runoff along the side yards with swales. Stormwater Mitigation Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP -003 standards. Drainage area maps are required for permit. A final grade as -built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. Floodplain Development The site well above the local 1% annual chance floodplain elevation. No issues with the lowest opening elevation. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP -002. Street and Driveway Entrance The applicant proposes to relocate the existing curb cut from Sunnyslope Rd E to Hilltop La. A driveway entrance permit will be required . Bituminous curb will be required to along Sunnyslope Rd E to match existing. Sunnyslope Rd E and Hilltop La were reconstructed in 2005. Refer to standard plates 540 and 543 for patching requirements. Public Utilities Water and sanitary is served from Sunnyslope Rd E. Sanitary is also available on Hilltop La. A one-inch water service line from the curb stop to the dwelling is required per the City’s policy SP -024. Miscellaneous A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit may be required , applicant will need to verify with the district. Water connection permit dated 1956. Structure built 1941. A well is likely located onsite. Thus, coordination with Minnesota Department of Health will be required . Tiered retaining walls are proposed on the west side. Tiered retaining wall systems greater than 4 -feet may require the applicant will be required to submit drawings, cross-section , and calculations prepared and signed by a Minnesota licensed professional engineer. To avoid this requirement, the applicant must demonstrate sufficient separation (2 times the height of the lower wall) between each wall to be considered independent (i.e. no surcharge from upper wall onto lower wall). 4920 Sunnyslope E Edina, Hennepin, MetroGIS November 7, 2022 0 150 30075ft 0 40 8020m 1:1,246 Variance Request for 4920 Sunnyslope Road October 26th 2022 We are proposing tearing down and building new on 4920 Sunnyslope Road. The goal of the project is to construct a new home that orients to Hilltop Lane rather than Sunnyslope Road. The first variance we are requesting is a variance to raise the main floor more than one foot [Sec. 36-439. — Special requirements (7)]. Our request would be to raise it 10.6 feet above the existing main floor height. A variance of 9.6'. The second variance we are requesting is a variance to the established front street setback [Sec. 36-439. — Special requirements (1)]. Our request would be to adjust the front setback from 44.15' (average of the two neighbors) to 34.6'. A variance of 9.55'. The property at 4920 Sunnyslope Road is unique and challenging. It is a thru lot that has frontage on both Sunnyslope Road to the north and Hilltop Lane to the south. Between the two property lines the lot has an elevation change of 31 feet. Due to this elevation change the current home, which is situated facing Sunnyslope Road, has a steep driveway leading to a tuck under garage. To reach the main level there are several steps before you reach an elevated stoop. The driveway is carved out of the hill with retaining walls to the west and north (some of which are on the neighboring property). The driveway also feeds into Sunnyslope at a bend in the road which makes entering and exiting more hazardous. All the yard space on the south side of the house is created using a tall retaining wall cut into the hill in order to create a flat area and minimal drainage away from the house. The neighboring home to the east is a newer build that was granted a variance for doing the same type of build that we are proposing (flipping from Sunnyslope to Hilltop). The home to the west is also a newer build but is oriented in the far northwest corner of the lot with a long driveway and a good amount of vegetation in the front shielding it from the street. Due to this unusual placement, it distorts the average streetside setback for this lot. The owners of the property are proposing flipping the orientation of the home to the high part of the lot (Hilltop Lane) and building a new home that better fits the unique properties of the lot. We are proposing adjusting the main floor elevation from 925.4' (existing) to 936.0'. If granted, this would allow the house a more traditional layout with the garage being on the same level as the main floor. With this orientation the homeowners can better navigate the home with fewer steps to get thru the main living spaces. This also allows the basement to have full window and walkout ability on the north side. We are also proposing matching the streetside setback of the home to the east (34.3') which is placed at a more traditional location from the street. If granted, this would allow the proposed house a level driveway that provides a natural drainage path around the house. It also keeps the house at the same relative distance as the two neighboring homes and creates a unified look at the end of the cul-de- sac. CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT The proposed variance will relieve practical difficulties (excessive grade change and a-typical house placement) in complying with the zoning ordinance and the use (single family home) is reasonable. The proposed variance will correct extraordinary circumstances (large natural elevation variations and unique neighboring home placements) applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity. The proposed variance will be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance. The idea of the streetside average is to have a unified look along a street which the proposed streetside setback creates with the neighboring homes at the end of the cul-de-sac. If the new home were built with an orientation toward Sunnyslope Road the setback from Hilltop Lane would be allowed at only 25' not the 34.6' we are proposing. Raising the elevation of the main floor is in keeping with the neighboring properties on Hilltop Lane and creates a house that better fits the scale of the surrounding homes. The proposed variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. If granted, the variances will allow the new home to better fit with the neighboring properties and greater neighboring area. CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration Copyright 2022 ^. Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2.022 10-26-22 Rev 2 architecture PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration 10-26-22 Rev 2 OCT 2 7 2022 ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP architecture Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. PLANNING DEPARTMENT Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP architecture 10-13-22 Rev 1 Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration , rT 4. . ;4,...te, • • lC I ‘'.4, ; • .74,S St. - • " , _1~ ••••••.- •r Copyright 2022 •-• Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations vkt,- • • .40ers te, • it '45 v( .7ft Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP architecture CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT VD-06-220C Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP architecture CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10-06-22 OC 10-06-22 OC Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration architecture PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10-06-22 OC CITY OF EDINA ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration OCT 2 7 2022 architecture Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations PLANNING DEPARTMENT Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP architecture PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 10-06-22 OC MTA- PORN PNELED mutat 2 0 LEFT (WEST) ELEVATION ec-a..E. GFILL CA6*ET ASPHALT 8118461.881 STUCCO SIDEB PER ELEV. NARDI PANEL 8I016 PER ELEV. MIRATECIRJM BANDS PER ELEV. STUCCO BRACKETS PER ELEV. / 6 PAWED TRH LOLLER BOOR TOP CF SLAB • COPYRIGHT 2022, ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP, NC. RAT 0001 6£161 HOOP CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MT& PAWED TR6I 68440•• ALEXANDER DESICN L11717111' 75 FAST LAKE STREET SUITE /102 WAY7ATA. MN 55391 Phone. 952.473.8777 FAX: 952.473.8222 I of TE. LEW* DIUM156.0 PEOFICA11.1 11R.113.1141, NLINGE AtO MN NNW 11. 1.414,1 rpormIT OFILIDWOIER IMAM N C MO Mt Wit 10 GE COPIED.19107ED, M V D I MM k I= OR UE0POR/HTOMRP 11.4 MP.,WleTrN USNT ALEWC001000", ILLY. DESON M. ASS3.3101.11.01.11T /OS 611.1WAL CROMENSKWY. P.M elt 018510. /1...40 ER Dn. WO, NC. *W. NO ACI MPLNICISrf IOR MIKNNILY. 0.15-UNTRONA. TIC cc/0/..70.1 /tom tx0/A MAT VMS, MO 04C( Wm. 0414181:12,01a4 mm. MOM runs voryr Aroma/ corm eAD.r, tr. or der /woe OR Otto. KR meal COMICTeN141.1 to M SUM CONVILLIICH GALA. 10001.4170 III FL 011,1111E. tIlED. M.. AMM APPLICANI !MONS UM marAmerans. Am WOE E., N.! N MTN>. 612. BT ALIMANDISR Coles 41.1.,11. N.D.COMEACti EMP. NC....1.1101 IC LAM In. Arc CROMPOIAL. CR NCI.. MAIN ROOK TOP CF ellefLR • 4536.0._ AVERAGE EXI8TB6 TA S AT FROtif (8295.) CI)FRONT (SOUTH) ELEVATION SCALE, V41.15 -or YET. titian ITAMED M t IS eL2 UI • JSSLE DAM. 26 OCTOBER 2022 z ct tc HS Ft4 0 Al.EXANDER MI `..1( Mt NE 273 EAST LAKE STREET RITTE1102 WAYZATA. MN 35391 Phone: 952.473.8777 PAX: 952.473.9222 CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOM TOSE MOO& IMMAINTol MO TOIler.ATILT. ALa 141.1•1000 OTT latvICO 4.140 AS elO.1 TIMM tie m.o... mean 4.214WIllt A. MAHN TOO. COMM OLISTITISED,MMOTOJTOD WONT. Mr OTHel TeelLYI COMM MT IMMO GOMM' OF ATIMAITOMMOTSTI con". OXL AODOMICe OfACOMICIP, AelkOM 1.10 OZATTCM101..TTY IllleTTIO.Y. C141.94.44. MORI OR MOW.. .10.11Tee Delielde0.11T. T. AMMO NO ITUOMIRIALM• FM 1M IOTIPINIMIT TO MI 0.6..101MTCM. 1.6 At MTLICIR AVVITOIMMOUIT SW /1.0 MO( AL NOM DITTALWADMIT OECTIall FLOM AV 110tITY /1.19Meen MOW (4TeLlo. OF AM MOM(101t 1,111011.111 pat P01116.2 COMECON MOO TO De PM Of OOMTPICTIM VILTTOROITIM. DORM". PRAM MUMS MILLOTTIT Me NV WIT /MO. 114.11 ofor greaseren 11...ff ECM MOM FT (OM. bed.by ALIETte0111( 011.16NCTIP,I. A4flkVPGOitAtP. IC SOU ICY at UAW PM AK! LEMECT19014. WOW. OATLAM.I. lET 6. PAM., tett ••• 0 RIGH T (EAST) ELEVATION SCALE, I/4 / •II-0. • FLAIR072 amD mm ASPHALT suiNaLEs oucco BIDING PER ELEV. WADI PANEL 910FIG PER ELEV. MIRAMC TRIM BANOS PER ELEV. STUCCO PlEg(KFTE. PER ELEV. MAN FLOOR /CP CR euxue • S3/.0 El./.14.0721 Pu UAL olo a"Sati Ii am tart *CO COPYRIGHT 2022, ALEXANDER DESIGN GRCUP, NC. ALEXANDER 75 EAST LANE STREIT SUITE 1102 WAYZATA, MN 55391 Phone: 951473.8777 PAX: 952.473.8222 18&1F DAM, 26 OCTOBER 2022 MFACI OF SRO _1 _,------ cga' ..cfm._ i ...".... \\\..jg \ / i- gg MET f.OF STUD 17040.TE TI.11 041. / 7 _i \ 1 I I § o I 8 . LI I 1 \ \\ ( li 'la . ....- P MVPEa STL0 7,1,04 MEV COM.E1E•1145 NU _ . • , , .\\ s..k.. LINEXC,6YATED . r 1 raL xte 0— WM' . TOP OF SLAB I—7 k. 1 , T6 LO g 2E ' _ \ I --I 0 0.. ' 7.4 1 1 1 L 1 K., V f0 1 / 1 WEXCAYATED pu. TO ECAS r / / / // /// .0. . / / / / // // / /7. ,, I ..-....... f \ 0— .0300 • TOP OF SLAB 1 .-.. -.• 1 1 i4/ LINF_xc z.A ,:vt4TE ,,,D 0 L. „ _ „4"„ZEZ.„..Z.L4 ...,, MUM= El/.B OONORETE• P.M.. r gg Lit.Fw Oroei di \ \, .., / 11 L .,'",. I gNOTE: 2 \ \ 1p eer FLANS HAVE NOT BEEN TRUCTIRN LT E7:6INEEREP. ALL HEADERS, BEAM SUES, BRACM, FOANDATI SIZES, AND STR3CTIRAION CONNECTIONS SILL BE DESIGNED BY CONTRACTOR OR 3' (Ak.' 1 .3: : 51 AV dr 1 EIGINEER PRIOR TO CONSIRUCTION. 1 \ ., 1 ,.., CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL I I,. A0 CITY OF EDINA % — 11 FONDATION HEIGHTS TO FINAL GRADE CONDITIONS AND ADJUST ACCORDINGLY. VERIFY FRAMING AM" ENDOWS AS REWIRED. I :.”; I I / ii4EXCAVATED V 0.40 xi AAA, 4 ,.. 1, FILL TO &JO e— Ae' • TOP a 0.de I OCT 2 7 2022 NOTE: FINAL GRADI14 TO BE DETERAINED BY CONTRACTOR 18ETA1N26 AND FRAMNG TO BE ADJUSTED ACCORDINYILY .----.) \ ..._-: I / 1 ,01.e" I T/:, I ir 0, Ar I,# PLANNING DEPARTMENT I '' 0 1 r . ./A1 If/ wavfav NOTE: OFFSET EXIERIOR ewe I-02. TO M IjiatC771 , C0403E1, THESE VOW THE OUTSIDE FACE OF F010ATION 814ERE EXT. F10. 110131.. IS APPLIED, EXCEPT UMERE NOTED. \--.-: 1 1 ION PLAN 0 FN-Otjaipt.5.1:4.1.- 1 KM. - DETAILS An FOR DESIGN INTENT. CONTRACTOR TO FOLLOW PROPER BUILD2:6 PRACTICES, FLA91114 1 MANFACTUFER INSTALLATICN. 1 I I $ 1 40 2 119.-6 00 I AWIV-7-404k-A10/41, .07.0;04/ COPYMGHT 2022, ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP, INC. L w•o• V 5...16. CIO ELC43.11 n 1 R 6 u ac /J.-A I 6 gi 1 L _ _ _J 6,10` 0.40 TX* I 2 S 0-N•0.6 RECR2Citt n-s• X 20.0 LC, UAUC OUT • 940 NO, UNEXCAVATED FLL TO !LAO IMPROOM CRPT IffXCAVATED FILL TO !LAO DTP BD. EOM 10. CL6 iDEDFiDOM N X 0'-C 0611 S R 1 6 _ _ _ T—= OTT BM EMM 7 RUCK BAR .); _ISP* CALL ClA MILL T.D V, X 5 ,0' TEE .‘,...OFIG !MALL TALL 0'-10.0.6 OICSACIE CCM t-o. 0.6 LOLLIER BAN 6,10. C14 tyr.1,1ftWeliTP conc. 6 0.-9. ALFNANDER cTh 275 EAST LAKE MATEY SUITE 4102 WAYZATA, MN 55391 Phone: 952.473.8777 FAX: 952.473.8222 TIV-6 I/2" IVa 46 W1E, OFFSET EXTERIOR MIA)* i-v2' TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF FOUNDATION WERE EXT. IND. 12BUL IS APPLIED, EXCEPT WERE NOTED. WM, BID SET PLANS HAVE NOT BEEN STRUCTURALLY ENGINEERED. ALL HEADERS, BEAM WEE BRACING, FOUNDATION saes, ay STRUCTURAL CONECTIONS uALL BE DEBONED BY CONTRACTOR OR ENGINEER PRIOR TO WNSTRIJCTICAL 11621E, CONTRACTOR TO vERFT ALL FOUNDATION NEIGI-TTS TO FNAL GRADE CONDITIONS AND ADJUST ACCORDINGLY. vERFY FRAMED AND IUNDOUS AS REWIRED. ALL WIDOW NEADERE. (2) 2X10, lt&ESS NOTED °INVERSE MARNIN ELEVATE (LARDOU CODES ANLESS NOTED OTHERIASE) MARvIN WINDOW CIFENNG CONTROL MACE FCR FALL PREVENTION AS WOO r111, ALL IUNDOU 1 D001914E40 FIGTS TO BE SET AT 0-0' AT LOR LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTNERUASE NOTE - DETAILS ARE FOR DESIGN INTENT. CONTRACTOR TO FOLLOW PROPER BUILDING PRACTICES, FLASHING, I MANFACTURER INSTALLATION. EllCKE ALARMS AT ALL BLEEPING. ROWIS, ENTRY LEVEL, AND ALL 14ALLWAY15 TO SLEEPAG ROCKS, AND/OR FER CODE FIN. SQUARE FOOTAGE MAIN FLOOR - 3190* SCREEN PORCH - 222* LOWER FLOOR - 21501 TOTAL RN - 55301 LtigXCPWATED FILL. TO RAO NOTE, FINAL GRAM.* TO BE DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR FETANNG AND FRAMING TO BE ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY. AUX. SQUARE FOOTAGE GARAGE - 9991 MECH STORAGE - 1191 FRONT PORCH - 411* TOTAL UNPIN - 2119* C) LOWER LEVEL PLAN SCALE, V4•.I.-0. CITY OF EDINA CO ALARM OUTSIDE CF I I.LAT8124 10' CF ALL SLEEPANG ROOMS, AND/OR FER CODE OCT 2 7 2022 COPYRIGHT 2022, ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP, INC. PLANNING DEPARTMENT O 8 75 EAST LAKE STREET SUITE 1102 WAYZATA, MN 55391 Phare: 952.473.8777 FAX: 952.473.8222 . •*, 16,0. S'•6'36.0 16,0. 46,0:0 , MOTOR= WADES wr-n V2. st 9'-0•. 14.-0. 14,02 SLO• 2' IV 41.40. „, • 2' 1*, .... .... ee./". MIN . 'NJ. ....., - !IIIIIIIIMMI PAO --•A n.s, P SIE-LIT 101.1 V1%. 1Cr H'SGT W-0. IP II • I ,-,-,,,,, i, I i ---'-' ) LAL1XGAPE OW. S2/0 in._ et k• Qm ) ;' in -...s. § , V ALL "L'eS 7411 DOER OET 11.0.0...1 : ,,,Xia.,-.1 .. - n. nEf RAJ; g-r11/ •.-.. .. 1. .... .6 ,"Nlr .., ...,,,..... li 0 Qm REIAMIG OWL - ILAILIP OA TOP or 4.4.4. ,,,,... ,j ,‘„=„n, 1 4 4:444, : 0 1 1 AIL/ em I i I NYx00. -.77 ... * ME 1 i IIIIAV 1 Olif.LAT I II • -'7.,-_-.•-•:-,/ ---, I-- -1 i ,non n.L. .A.L..0L. ani ..._,, , * ,17,„ :. . ..-7..---.117, .*,*** .n.I.1 I A3 niii ;i 79 iji rms km 1, b F....ea./1, Igi - v i 4 ... IR ..v...., 1 IS I,P7A 2 4 - L.- 1 ....../.. 4-1 ANIL A... (.5 gi 7.4 1 It .. 0 i b ,o UBtET 1 _ EE MI rari.„... WE ; ...-. ,... .. -. - -,.....--%-_,,..._. -N- .A...w4 iTan. LO.l%.e - -.--- -,„..„-./ It .--,..6..,A ` L /MO ) r.f1-.4_,Z.--T; nu- .--, Nrf - - IXPR ,,,n,..n.ey .........L.,.... -L,A4ns 4 /4 79 ' ! cannoor! 1r I 1 Dr ( TA LAMM 0 1 MM... eil iP "GeV 56.Z ,.. I& ), PI ), K 5221. kr , 0. h.....V. . . . 0 . G., . .:N%," I TV al f., . . .V.% :..1 0 %., ,.... . .,..P...I.G\ ...V4r.%4 r 4 _.__LI 1 N L ',II...L....Li w.o••x 15.-0. NA I/ L / imiiV,0" I hrEPNE I 1 I `°I I FPOF br "f"' 181.40 7:II , ' r 71 ELJWIC44/ 1 VALL Fizai. 70 .. :6;01 nil< ) 11 I L INZAWMTER tlJD1 :31 x...... 1 VALLI ."? WALT !? ,. )0,*!.,-........:1,1NI/1.....,-*N.TN_ IV nUPPLEIR I TLE , DAV mccora.r. I FLAGS an ,...,In.. mow 4.1.-....' I R f-t LT T.3 CIA rj , ?di 1 / 2,0. 11.0. 4" . ti I "----1 I_ J ,L............... 5 ....v.... A z.... _ 0 B.CA3136 1M I _ Zri .2 5 .. ..%.. • //. //n, " .i..• • • i io ..._,-..k...._e- • ELC-1.312) 9 pi TA b r 1 II.MG. V•10 11/"Or AIR" PALELED , WL16 PIM I 611r-CG. ,GteN n, I i li R RV:. li- ... MInal .e, & g .... 3/4. t SL-6. S1-6. ..s. 2' • .L.0 ... I I, L 0 o., 713.-fr ELte 1,3. ;20" ..1761.1GT e•617:14;111 Inn--0.C.'2410 AG/ r.3. 2 -0. 1.4. I LS ‘._...- ,„.. A FIJ1614 4 1' - - - - - IOW ,-. ... 1.....v/ Ilommum MOW fiS 111 .....-7-...-----,,,-.\5,--.--.N,--.--,,,-----.2. AD GAS ) = WATER ami,awat,- 4 M "'YR 40-.4". Mt7,- onrxe RAO OYU W., ninnE CAP sok, OFFSET EXTERIOR STUDS 1-10. TO THE OUTSIDE FACE CF FOUNDATION 7" * 77* 1. 0 .1 z -/ g I \ 1 I MICH ORM i , 0 NE BID SET FLANS HAVE NOT BEEN STRUCTURALLY EINGNEERED. ALL WERE EXT. FID. MILTS APPLIED, EXCEPT WERE NOTED. 1 HEADERS, SEAM SIZES, !MALMO, FOLNDATICN SIZES, AVD STRUCTURAL CaNECTICM3 WILL BE DESIGNED BY CONTRACTOR CR ALL 108208 HEADERS (02X10, ‘rt,.... t ENGINEER PRIOR TO CCNSTRUCTHON. UNLESS NOTED OTHERLISE r 1..11 1-1 11 NM FIN. SQUARE FOOTAGE MARVIN ELEVATE WIDOW CODES nmEss NOTED OTNEFILASE) HAWN tUNDOW OfENING CONTROL DEVICE' FOR FALL FREVE417401 AS REDD. MPH PPM AVD 1 A t CONTRACTOR TO VERFY ALL FOUNDATION I-EIGHTS TO FINAL GRADE 0424221TICNS AND ADJUST CC MO RDiNGLY. vERTY FRAM*6 MS AS RECUIRED. MAIN FLOOR - 31501 SCREEN PORCH - 222* LOWER FLOOR - 2155* I I I TOTAL FIN - 5530* NOTE - DETAILS ARE FOR DESIGN 10,1 Iv CLG • , CAR GARAGE WENT. CONTRACTOR TO FOLLCW PROPER BUILDING PRACTICES, I 31,..0. X 23,0" EPDXY htoz, AUX. SOUARE FOOTAGE FLA-4104 1 HARFACIUSER 1 FAD REDE'riAL TIjos AINE°11:714G E:Accoc AND°14613YFRAPITOCC"IGT7FRIM GARAGE - 9891 INSTALLATICN. I hIEC44 STORAGE - 1191 0, I FRONT PORCH - 4111 LO LAMM I \ 58100)ALARiS AT ALL SLEEPING 7). ALP 6 71P0 TOTAL 1I3FIN - 211SI ROOTS, ENTRY LEVEL, AND ALL *, HOE -ALL WOOS I DOOR HEAD HALLWAYS TO SLEEP R0019 AND/OR PER CODE. E IFDR NM HOTS. TO SE SET AT W-0. AT MAIN LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE MAIN LEvEL PLAN :4 0 WALE, V4..1.-0. CO ALASSZ =SIDE CF i LIMN 49' CF ALL SLEEPING R0019 AND/CR OT &MOM ' 71/1.01 ORAN I I A PER CODE. '.('''\ ; I r 1 A 2Y-1 112. 1.4. WS' T-3. 3.-4 Ur 30,0' ' 4:0 ;'. 0/0 24,0' / 421-01 VAL/ / E ,4, CITY OF ED1NA ELCA.1355 FLCA3359 ¢C-6119% COPYRGHT 2022, ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP, INC. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2 .-0. WIZ OP DONNA YN PRG LI 2,4V 6 e,,,r- -1 S' r - - bN Pirw - - - -•<-1 MN PRG - 2-I V2 . 0 ROOF PLAN WALE, 116'.1'-0. Pilot -RAT f e KA Pirw 4 R • 1-1/16. 11011N CUL %MK 0.9113 Naz. QES:45, n n PLIORA6F.410Fna -1 0 BUILDING SECTION SCALE. V4.•1'-13. I •I ALEXANDER DESIGN GRoi 75 EAST LAKE STALE SUITE 4402 WAYZATA. SIN 55391 Phone.. 952.473.8777 PAX: 952.473.8222 o rq rq Lj Li121:4, BID eel. FLANS HAVE NOT BEEN STRUCTURALLY ENGNEERED. ALL HEADERS, BEAM SIZES, BRACING, FOINCIATIO.1 SIZES, AND STRUCTURAL CONECTICRS LULL BE DESIGNED BY CONTRACTOR CR NAT YA El*INEER PRCR TO CCNSTROCTICR NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL KN FatIDATICN REIGATE/ TO FINAL PRC GRADE CONDITIONS AND ADJUST ACCORDINGLY. VERIFY FRAMING AND LIAND011e AS REctuReo. .elEa FLAT NOTE: 1. FINAL GRADIN. TO BE DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR RETAINING AVD FRAMING TO BE ADJUSTED ACCORT384LY. dam, OFFSET EXTERIOR STUDS 1.1/2. TO THE CUTE:IDE FACE OF FO RATION F4-tl WERE EXT. PO. NSA. 18 APPLIED, EXCEPT UPERE NOTED. f÷2. ALL IUNDOU.1 READERS (2) 2)(10, 1811.E88 NOTED OTNERIASE L R5{1 NCO, 2.-0. NOE - DETAILS ARE FOR DE5164 INTENT. CONTRACTOR TO FOLLCIU PROPER BUILDING PRACTICES, FLASHNG, I MANPACTURER INSTALLATICN. ECKESdalAJErZatb ROOF 1@1T6 Ah PE011 - moo. ASPHALT SINGLES FETAL ROOF • PER HARM MULL 161011REMINES FELT PAPER o/ ICE 4 WATER MELD. RLL ICE 1 1114TIER • RCM DOER 400 oee ROOF 64EATIN421. WOOD TREEES • 20 - IBEHTERED BY SUPPLIER. SAME • EACH TRUSS SPACE 0-46 ELCUN-IN INSILATRX POLY VAPOR BARRIER - 6 FOL SW GYM 6D. CELINIL SCITITkASCIA CONSTRUCTION WIDE 441114t a/ CONT. VENTS. 15/4. MIRATEC FASCIA 0* 15/40 x 3" PIRATIC 71411 NO tUALL.C660.18112121= 64354 PER ELEVATIONS. 2 LAYERS GRAM V' ISJLDNG PAPER VP 11.111KX:120 BEANE& 246 61106 • W OC IP SPRAY 4.1. POAM NM. 4 SEALER • R-26 MIN CR FIRER GLASS BATT& =MOUS POLY VAPOR DARROTR - 6 MIL. - SEAL ALL SEAMS 4 PBETRATIONS IG' arr. 00. - TAPED, 5.60ED, PANTED FLOOR CONSTRUCTION MINED FLOOR 3/4' T. 4 G. PLY1LOOD SUISFLOOR FLOOR TRUSSES (PER MANUFACTURER) SPRAYED U-F0,411 NEL. • RFT 12-21 15/15. GYP. 617. FaNDATICN, 1/2. x14' ANCHOR DOLTS • 6" 00. 246 TREATED SILL 4 tf -AMR 816 PC4RED CONC. BALLS MN. - (444E DETALA 1 MANN 2x4 RIFE NG • W OC. - HOLD OUT VI. FROM CONC. - 244 TR113 644. PLATE R-15 NEL IV R-10 MN • EXTERIOR 1 SEALER OR MAL x IS' CRC. FTG. of 2- MY CONT. ML - DETAIL° 4 PLANS) WATCSOCG LIATERPROLFING OR EOLIAL 54' CCM SEAS 2' ROAD NELATION POLY VAPORIBARMER INTERIOR A40 EXTERIOR DRAM TLE TO ett-P ISUCKET 5/4 X 3 If RATEC OVER 5/4 X 8 MIRATEC FASCIA CONT813CUS SCFFIT vac NERAL CO14S1RLICTICN NOTES, ALL OMER DF8l6I0N6 TAKEN FROM OUTSIDE OF 6111D. wrefocia 6E0 OFFSET REM FOONDATION MO' OF PACE Cf P01/041ION EIRE EXTERIOR FOGIDATICTI INSULATION IS APPLED, ERCEPT UM NOTED. ALL 1328464:146 SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DRMUNGS. ALL DPENSION6 CCNDMONS TO BE VERIFIED EY GENERAL CONTRACTOR- ALL STRICTURAL COMPC4ENTS 1 C.C141ECT1CTE TO BE ENGINEERED EY EPPLER ALL 11.1:4 HEACCR6 TO ISE 2.2416 UNLESS OTVERIUNE NOTED. ALL LOCO AellT1143 CONCRETE TO OE TREATED. VERFY ANGLES LIN RAORMANS (44.• 144-E66 meow NOTED) CONSTRUCTION SHOILD ee PER FORIED TO CURRENT STATE OF MI.E6OTA ISUILDSE, 4 DEW CODES AW TO LOCAL WORRY STA/0M 6 4 STANDARD mew nuance.. ALL IMMO AM DOORS MOLD BE 146TALLEO PER 1164PACTURE6 INSTALLATION RECUIRETENTS ALL STUCCO NOLL DE PETALLED PER TRIESOTA LATH A40 RASTER COMM 4610EL5426. ALL WEER 14E616E4 ISA/MEM NULL ISE PETALLED PER IRC SEC. 81032 AN AMMO DY TVE STATE OP MINESOTA RILES SECTICTI 130315103. ED TYPICAL FASCIA SCALE, I V2..1. ILM0.11 0 PRw CITY OF EDINA OCT 27 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT COPYRGHT 2022, ALEXANDER DESIGIV GROUP, INC. 1933.01 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS : (per architect, verify) 1) Garage = 1936.01 2) Main floor = 1936.0! 3) Lower level = 4) Pool deck = OCT 2 7 2022 LEGAL DESCRIPTION : (per Certificate of Title No. 1418114) Lot 3, Block 4, Sunny Slope Section, Country Club District. EILLI • : denotes iron marker found (908.3): denotes existing spot elevation, mean sea level datum PLANNING DEPARTMENT denotes proposed spot elevation — -912- —: denotes existing contour line, mean sea level datum denotes proposed contour line, per architect denotes existing tree to be removed "WM'S. tt 80 0 20 40 =rjszio mI=L-yieFize SCALE IN vi 3 0 I 4 C0 14441 FEET ( . B 10\C K 3 ****** HILLTOP LN ".240.00 ........ .... ...... 4 2" XISTING HOUSE /4890 lura 1.81 E / Ymq alEr ..... ./ ii=26°20, 13,, Rr'90.00 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP OF LOT 3, BLOCK 4, SUNNY SLOPE SECTION, COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ALL 0IS11.11(13E0 SLOPES ..... -40 BE COVERED WITH SEED °LAWS 4: V zs.,.....„91 ,605, 0 qj .j.er 04 .......... ......... 005.7 . 40' /1 S 6 , p / v 4'4' 1.'73444.'11; / „./7 /.. ....... riv: 011 3:8 1LET PIPE 5. ,TOP OF 8ER/14,914.5 ',PROPOSED STORUYIATER RETENTION AREA NIV1,913.0 10 YEAR LEVELS4.9142 , °\\ ei \ /\. !, EXISTING HOUSE 14810 NUT. LII CITY OF EDINA Bearings shown ore based upon on assumed datum. This survey intends to show the boundaries of the above described property, and the location of on existing house, to be removed, spot elevations, topography and the proposed location of o proposed house, drivewoy and grades thereon. It does not purport to show any other improvements or encroachments. EXISTING HOUSE /4801 NUN. LH EXISTING HOUSE 14805 lura w PROPOSED HARDCOVER : • Lot area = 20,879 Sq. ft. Proposed house = 4034 sf Covered entry = 394 sf Driveway = 1670 sf Screen porch = 207 sf Pool = 450 sf Pool patio = 1368 sf Rear patio = 222 sf Retaining walls = 220 of Total = 8565 Sq. ft. 8565 / 20,879 x 100 = 41.02% NOTE: THE AVERAGE EXISTING ELEVATION AT THE FRONT OF THE HOUSE = (929.5) 1924.441 22-157A (921 N N .6-6, ./ii, -... 4.4:1' -,, / ,1-- 7c3-<, 0 -...15h ,S, / / ..s.. `79a oj, I--' / It. / -...... 0 ' -17104.6 SAN AN / FLALSION 4 E s i (90 4 111,5 0 SN WALL / / 00 ASO 65°g • / Q 40 0 / 6, s- / F / / / / / 44, \ \411zPiN \ `) N --..._ — --99:2r" • 49,W - (10002- ,,..k'./:•...,.,,- -..... • ...„. .-.... .., ..„..: .s. .--- _....... (=SI ---- ....... ---- "IMO- 934 _ ___P-3-34-)- ---- ----. /' -438- -... ---- --.- . --....9, --- --- N. . ---. ___ ..-- r _._ .--/--- -938-- .___ — ._ _ ___ -- ....„..., ---. ---- , -..... T.LE .-- 17. 4— ... / _, ........................ R.-24/142 0 42" — v0 HIL L rop 0 smd \ :Cto scar 1 37 ....... °2-01 13 „ ZNR=90. 00 0 20 40 80 *Os*** Assilidimsm NONOLEIElm SCALE IN FEET CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR STONEWOOD, LLC OF LOT 3, BLOCK 4, SUNNY SLOPE SECTION, COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS : Lot area = 20,879 Sq. ft. House = 1850 sf Stoop, steps & landings = 109 sf Driveway, apron & curb = 2345 sf Deck & ramp = 391 sf Large flagstone retaining walls = 316 sf Rear stoop, concrete & walk = 141 sf Steps to deck = 20 sf Pavers & steppers at rear = 20 sf Water feature = 426 sf Deck at west side of house = 29 sf Chimney & wall west of house = 48 sf A/C pad = 9 sf LEGAL DESCRIPTION : (per Certificate of Title No. 1418114) Lot 3, Block 4, Sunny Slope Section, Country Club District. • : denotes iron marker found (908.3) : denotes existing spot elevation, mean sea level datum — -917- —: denotes existing contour line, mean sea level datum Bearings shown are based upon an assumed datum. This survey intends to show the boundaries of the above described property, and the location of an existing house, major trees, spot elevations, topography and all visible "hardcover" thereon. It does not purport to show any other improvements or encroachments. Total = 5704 Sq. ft. 5704 / 20,879 x 100 = 27.32% GRONBERG AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, & SITE PLANNERS 445 NORTH WILLOW DRIVE LONG LAKE, MN. 55356 952-473-4141 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. SCALE 1"=20' DATE 8-9-22 JOB NO. 22-157 Mark S. Gronberg Minnesota Licens Number 12755 22-157 • = EXISTING HOUSE #4810 HILLTOP LN 3 ' row to (3)) ve"4 -4),,- 7 . .:. ,r(3,(.-- C2--) isd , 3 - p o 41 WOOP-.kg 1 (54) 1 inpukt,64041- prz..aoSci 7 ............... .. 790 N/N)1,ks 904, 7 ../ 90 0: 7 / 9, • ,..., ult 0 SAN NH / / / / / / qw 5%440544PS /Tot AvinAcemstir 11.41 ITY OF EDINA FLAGSTONE / ETAINING WALL / (909 6) ,r91 •" .............. ---,.6.'"")/1 S 0 :5 :. : ... 9 7 .2 20y c t• p O & 4 0 : : .. . . . 4 .. .. 0 : n l../ 3 ii, • I / e, q\t"..), .... ..,..11...3.... 4.1 ... / 8" PVC OUTLET ..... ...... N. INV=912.5 S. INV=913.0 / 9\9-- / / 0(ZT 2 7 / PLANAING DEPARTMENT / / / PIPE e — HOUSE 0 "-TOP OF BERM=914.5 . '••PROPOSED STORMWATER RETENTION AREA NWL=913.0 10 YEAR LEVELS=914.2 ponovx. A L/5 mAeir Aof iwi-EcTED a = 2.6" /ohs' ---7.pportcrEb TUE C,= S2." el-gt PRolVCIti) ilze5 22!/ ovcret. Tg.c" 6 r- 12! FiAirEctiED Tezt . F- )22 pgo-rEtrtb oF pRoVratb MaEe PO11 a/ A I.- OF -wee OKA-ems-14r 12-taisv I sz.M NO E: THE AI THE FRO :•• PROPOSED DRIVEWAY AILLTO ... ..... .=-74.19 .............. P L N ........... 4-= /7°42' 4 R240.00 2" z= (932.9 -936- 934-9. 0 CONCRETE/ 937.4) CURB AND GUTTER 41, 3 7..... --26°0 _ 4 SA F4jrno.N A _ EXISTING HOUSE #4800 HILLTOP LN PROF 1) G 2) M 3) Li 4) ID, 1b3 4800 Hilltop Proposed Home (4920 Sunnyslope Rd) 4810 Hilltop 4920 Sunnyslope Road - Neighboring Properties CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 7 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 It sr P r ti 4810 Hilltop (west of property) 44800 Hilltop (east of property) 4920 Sunnyslope l(property locaton) 4805 Hilltop (south of property) 4801 Hilltop (south of property) CITY OF EDINA 111.011.1°'-' OCT 2 7 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Mark S. Gronbera Minnesota Lice e Number 12755 ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP 4920 SUNNYSLOPE ROAD, E., EDINA DRAINAGE SUMMARY October 19, 2022 EXISTING CONDITIONS Runoff area = 21,300± SF Runoff CN no. = 79 for 5704 SF of existing hardcover Time of conc. = 7 minutes Q10 = 1.89 CFS using Atlas 14 10 year rainfall PROPOSED CONDITIONS Runoff area = 21,300± SF Runoff CN no. = 82 for 8576 SF of proposed hardcover Time of conc. = 7 minutes Q10 = 2.09 CFS Q10 = 1.58 CFS after ponding which is less then existing Outlet = 8" PVC culvert, inv. 913.0', 10 year elev. = 914.22' Top of berm = 914.5' CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT GRONBERG & ASSOCIATES. INC. 445 N. WILLOW DR. LONG LAKE, MN 55356 Area 1 exist CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Routing Diagram for Alexander Design Existing 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc., Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcat Reach Link Alexander Design Existing 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Project Notes Rainfall events imported from "Pioneer Highlands 1st 100 year prop. 7-2-22.hcp" CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Alexander Design Existing 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc. HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area Listing (all nodes) Printed 10/19/2022 Page 3 Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 0.131 98 Existing Hardcover (1E) 0.358 72 Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG C (1E) 0.489 79 TOTAL AREA CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Alexander Design Existing 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc. HydroCAD f2 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Soil Listing (all nodes) Area Soil Subcatchment (acres) Group Numbers 0.000 HSG A 0.000 HSG B 0.358 HSG C 1E 0.000 HSG D 0.131 Other 1E 0.489 TOTAL AREA Printed 10/19/2022 Page 4 CITY OF EDINP, OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Alexander Design Existing 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Ground Covers (all nodes) HSG-A HSG-B HSG-C HSG-D Other Total Ground Subcatchment (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) Cover Numbers 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.131 0.131 Existing Hardcover 1E 0.000 0.000 0.358 0.000 0.000 0.358 Woods/grass comb., Good 1E 0.000 0.000 0.358 0.000 0.131 0.489 TOTAL AREA CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Alexander Design Existing 10-19-22 MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.26" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Time span=1.00-36.00 hrs, dt=0.02 hrs, 1751 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UI-I=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1E: Area 1 exist Runoff Area=21,300 sf 26.78% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.18" Tc=7.0 min CN=79 Runoff=1.89 cfs 0.089 af Total Runoff Area = 0.489 ac Runoff Volume = 0.089 af Average Runoff Depth = 2.18" 73.22% Pervious = 0.358 ac 26.78% Impervious = 0.131 ac CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Alexander Design Existing 10-19-22 MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.26" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Summary for Subcatchment 1E: Area 1 exist Runoff = 1.89 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 0.089 af, Depth= 2.18" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 1.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.02 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.26" Area (sf) 5,704 15,596 21,300 15,596 5,704 Tc Length (min) (feet) CN Description 98 Existing Hardcover 72 Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG C 79 Weighted Average 73.22% Pervious Area 26.78% Impervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 1E: Area 1 exist Hydrograph 2 Runoff 1 89 g-fs I MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.26" Runoff Area=21,300 sf Runoff Volume=0.089 of Runoff Depth=2.18" Tc=7.0 min CN=79 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) CITY OF EDINP OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Area 1 Pro osed Pond 1P Area 1 proposed CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Subcat Reach Pond Link Routing Diagram for Alexander Design proposed 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc., Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCADO 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Alexander Design proposed 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc. HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Project Notes Rainfall events imported from "Alexander Design Existing 10-19-22.hcp" Printed 10/19/2022 Page 2 CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Alexander Design proposed 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc. HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area Listing (all nodes) Printed 10/19/2022 Page 3 Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 0.197 98 Proposed Hardcover (1P) 0.292 72 Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG C (1P) 0.489 82 TOTAL AREA CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2.022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Alexander Design proposed 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc. HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Soil Listing (all nodes) Area Soil Subcatchment (acres) Group Numbers 0.000 HSG A 0.000 HSG B 0.292 HSG C 1P 0.000 HSG D 0.197 Other 1P 0.489 TOTAL AREA Printed 10/19/2022 Page 4 CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Alexander Design proposed 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Ground Covers (all nodes) HSG-A HSG-B HSG-C HSG-D Other Total Ground Subcatchment (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) Cover Numbers 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.197 0.197 Proposed Hardcover 1P 0.000 0.000 0.292 0.000 0.000 0.292 Woods/grass comb., Good 1P 0.000 0.000 0.292 0.000 0.197 0.489 TOTAL AREA CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Alexander Design proposed 10-19-22 Prepared by HP Inc. HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Printed 10/19/2022 Page 6 Pipe Listing (all nodes) Line# Node In-Invert Out-Invert Length Slope n Diam/Width Height Inside-Fill Number (feet) (feet) (feet) (ft/ft) (inches) (inches) (inches) 1 1PP 913.00 912.50 10.0 0.0500 0.010 8.0 0.0 0.0 CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Alexander Design proposed 10-19-22 MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.26" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Time span=1.00-36.00 hrs, dt=0.02 hrs, 1751 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1P: Area 1 proposed Runoff Area=21,300 sf 40.26% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.43" Tc=7.0 min CN=82 Runoff=2.09 cfs 0.099 af Pond 1PP: Area 1 Proposed Pond Peak Elev=914.22' Storage=364 cf Inflow=2,09 cfs 0.099 af 8.0" Round Culvert n=0.010 L=10.0' S=0.0500 't Outflow=1.58 cfs 0.099 af Total Runoff Area = 0.489 ac Runoff Volume = 0.099 af Average Runoff Depth = 2.43" 59.74% Pervious = 0.292 ac 40.26% Impervious = 0.197 ac CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2 71) 0 LL 1 0 Alexander Design proposed 10-19-22 MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.26" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 8 Summary for Subcatchment 1P: Area 1 proposed Runoff = 2.09 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 0.099 af, Depth= 2.43" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 1.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.02 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.26" Area (sf) CN Description 8,576 98 Proposed Hardcover 12,724 72 Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG C 21,300 82 Weighted Average 12,724 59.74% Pervious Area 8,576 40.26% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 1P: Area 1 proposed ydrograph Runoff MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.26" Runoff Area=21,300 sf Runoff Volume=0.099 af Runoff Depth=2.43" Tc=7.0 min CN=82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEP.APTWNT Alexander Design proposed 10-19-22 MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.26" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paqe 9 Summary for Pond 1PP: Area 1 Proposed Pond Inflow Area = 0.489 ac, 40.26% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.43" for 10-Year event Inflow = 2.09 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 0.099 af Outflow = 1.58 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 0.099 af, Atten= 24%, Lag= 3.3 min Primary = 1.58 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 0.099 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 1.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.02 hrs Peak Elev= 914.22' @ 12.20 hrs Surf.Area= 521 sf Storage= 364 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 3.7 min calculated for 0.099 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 3.8 min ( 805.1 - 801.3 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 913.00' 528 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf,Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 913.00 100 0 0 914.00 420 260 260 914.50 650 268 528 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 913.00' 8.0" Round Culvert L= 10.0' Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 913.00' / 912.50' S= 0.0500 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.010 PVC, smooth interior, Flow Area= 0.35 sf Primary OutFlow Max=1.58 cfs @ 12.20 hrs HW=914.22' (Free Discharge) t-1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 1.58 cfs @ 4.53 fps) CITY OF EDINA OCT 2 0 2022 PLANNING DEPAPTIviEN r Alexander Design proposed 10-19-22 MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.26" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 04529 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Pond 1PP: Area 1 Proposed Pond Hydrugraph Inflow Primary Inflow Area=0.489 ac Peak Elev=914.22' Storage=364 cf 8.0" Round Culvert n=0.010 L=10.0' S=0.0500 '/' 0 LL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) CITY OF EDINA. OCT 20 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Survey Responses Public Hearing Comments Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: 4920 Sunnyslope Rd. E VISITORS3 CONTRIBUTORS3 RESPONSES3 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous 1 Liz Olson From:Better Together Edina <notifications@engagementhq.com> Sent:Thursday, November 10, 2022 8:32 AM To:Emily Bodeker; Kris Aaker; Liz Olson; Cary Teague Subject:Liz Olson completed Public Hearing Comments-4920 Sunnyslope Rd EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Liz Olson just submitted the survey Public Hearing Comments-4920 Sunnyslope Rd with the responses below. First and Last Name Matt Graczyk Address 4810 Hilltop Lane Comment I’m calling in to strongly oppose the request for a yard setback variance and the 9 foot 6 inch first floor height variance orientation of the house at 4905 Sunnyslope to Hilltop Lane. I live next door and the topography of that lot does not support, in any way shape or form, re-orientation of the house from Sunnyslope to Hilltop Lane. The setback variance would strongly change the character of the neighborhood and the traffic flow on Hilltop Lane which is already been affected by a previous granting of a house re-orientation to Hilltop. I'm asking the Planning Commission to strongly oppose this and deny the request for both setback variance and re-rotation of home. Thank you very much very my comment so follow-up with the online form and plan to attend the upcoming Planning Commission meeting next week. Thank you very much for the consideration. (Voicemail was received 11/10/22 at 5:33 AM. Transcribed by Liz Olson, Planning Admin) If this is a test response, click here to discard it. (The discard option is available only for admin) 1 Liz Olson From:Better Together Edina <notifications@engagementhq.com> Sent:Thursday, November 10, 2022 9:32 AM To:Emily Bodeker; Kris Aaker; Liz Olson; Cary Teague Subject:Anonymous User completed Public Hearing Comments-4920 Sunnyslope Rd EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Anonymous User just submitted the survey Public Hearing Comments-4920 Sunnyslope Rd with the responses below. First and Last Name Katie Graczyk Address 4810 Hilltop Lane Comment Strongly oppose BOTH variance requests. The setback request is too close to the street. MORE than 10 foot difference between request and average for existing home on the block. The topography of the lot does NOT support a height variance and the home should NOT be re oriented to Hilltop Lane. The traffic on this cul-de-sac street is already at capacity. 1 Liz Olson From:Better Together Edina <notifications@engagementhq.com> Sent:Thursday, November 10, 2022 10:18 AM To:Emily Bodeker; Kris Aaker; Liz Olson; Cary Teague Subject:Anonymous User completed Public Hearing Comments-4920 Sunnyslope Rd EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Anonymous User just submitted the survey Public Hearing Comments-4920 Sunnyslope Rd with the responses below. First and Last Name Matt Graczyk Address 4810 Hilltop Lane Comment I strongly oppose the variances proposed for the following reasons: 1)The setback request is too close to the street. A 10 foot difference from average of surrounding properties negatively impacts site lines from the street and adjacent homes. 2)The topography of the lot does not support a height variance. There is adequate building envelope under current rules, regulations and orientation. The lot does not support a home facing Hilltop Lane. Approving a height variance negatively impacts the aesthetics and site lines of the entire street. 3)We don’t need more traffic on a small cul- de-sac with limited room for on street parking and passing traffic. I kindly ask the planning commission to reject the proposal. Regards,, Matt Graczyk 1 Liz Olson From:Better Together Edina <notifications@engagementhq.com> Sent:Monday, November 14, 2022 4:08 PM To:Emily Bodeker; Kris Aaker; Liz Olson; Cary Teague Subject:Liz Olson completed Public Hearing Comments-4920 Sunnyslope Rd EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Liz Olson just submitted the survey Public Hearing Comments-4920 Sunnyslope Rd with the responses below. First and Last Name Katie Graczyk Address 4801 Hilltop Lane Comment I wanted to share that we strongly oppose the request for the 2 variances. First, the setback request is too close to the street and it's over 10 feet difference from the average of the surrounding homes and so we'll have a significant impact on the sight lines from the street and the adjacent homes. The other variance request that we propose is the topography of the lot does not support a height variance. There is adequate building envelope under the current rules, regulations, and orientation and that the lot does not support a home facing Hilltop Lane. Approving a height variance negatively impacts the aesthetics and sight lines of the entire street. The third reason we oppose both variances is that we don't need more traffic on the small cul-de-sac street. So if you could make sure those comments are added to the record that would be great. Thanks. (Voicemail received at 9:34 AM on November 10, 2022. Transcribed by Planning Staff) If this is a test response, click here to discard it. (The discard option is available only for admin) Setback and 1st floor height variance request For a new home facing Hilltop Lane at 4920 Sunnyslope E EdinaMN.gov 2 EdinaMN.gov 3 EdinaMN.gov 4 EdinaMN.gov 5 EdinaMN.gov 6 EdinaMN.gov 7 EdinaMN.gov 8 EdinaMN.gov 9 EdinaMN.gov 10 EdinaMN.gov 11 EdinaMN.gov 12 EdinaMN.gov 13 EdinaMN.gov 14 EdinaMN.gov 15 EdinaMN.gov 16 EdinaMN.gov 17