HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-05_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL APRIL 5, 1993 • 7:00 P.H. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA - Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of ERA Meeting of March 15, 1993 * II. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of Council Meeting of March 15, 1993 II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading_: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Final Development Plan -•5100 Vernon Avenue, Murphy Automotive B. Lot Division - Lot 1, Block 1, Peter Andrea Addition and Lot 1, Block 1, Jyland Whitney Addition, Jyland Homes C. Year XIX CDBG Program D. Report on Homart Development E. Set Hearing Date (04/19/93) * 1. Preliminary Plat Approval - Zuppkewood 2nd Addition, Lot 3, Block 1, Zuppkewood (5316 Blake Road) * 2. Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Planned Industrial District to PCD -2 Planned Commercial District - Plan Designation from Industrial to Commercial (Lewis/Kunz Oil Property) III. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON VACATION OF EASEMENTS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Vacation of Summit Avenue - Portion Lying South of North Line of Lot 6 (Contd from 3/15/93) B. Vacation of Alley - South of Lots 1 & 2, Block 5 and West of Lots 3 thru 11, Block 5, Brookside Heights (Contd from 3/15/93) Agenda Edina City Council April 5, 1993 Page Two . IV. ORDINANCES First Reading: Requires offering of Ordinance only. Second Reading: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of all members of Council required to pass. Waiver of Second Readin : 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. A. Ordinance No. 1993 -4 - An Ordinance Amending Section 1050 of the City Code to Update Statutory References and Requirements B. Ordinance No. 1993 -5 - An Ordinance Amending Section 1200 and Section 1230 of the City Code to Permit Pushcarts on Public Sidewalks V. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS VI. AWARD OF BIDS A. Greens Mower B: Traffic Signal Tester C. Water Tower Cleaning, Repairing and Painting (Continue to 04/19/93) D. Sand, Bituminous Material, Rock, Concrete b Water Treatment Chemicals E. Tandem Dump Truck VII. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Appointment of Study Committee B. Vierkant Disposal Complaint C. Feasibility Report - Storm Water Projects D. Proposed Tobacco Legislation - Minnesota Health Care Commission VIII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES I%. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL R. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS A. House Metropolitan Reorganization Bills 1993 B. Traffic Study - Grandview Area RI. FINANCE A. Public Hearing - Call for Sale of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 1993A B. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 03/31/93: Total $762,974.23 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Mon Apr 12 Board of Review 5:00 P.M. Council Chambers Sat Apr 17 Strategic Planning Session 8:00 A.M. Arneson Acres Mon Apr 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambe Wed Apr 21 Annual Volunteers Reception 5:00 P.M. Edinborough Pa Mon May 3 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon May 17 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MARCH 15, 1993 BO�C�TT- Answering rollcall were Commissioners Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Rice and was seconded by Commissioner Smith to approve the HRA Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *W[NUTES OF BRA MEETING OF MARCH 1. 1993, APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Rice and was seconded by Commissioner Smith to approve BRA Minutes of March 1, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *CLAIMS PAID Motion was made by Commissioner Rice and was seconded by Commissioner Smith to approve payment of BRA claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 10, 1993, and consisting of one page totalling, $3,003.83. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Richards declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 11:04 PM page i CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12410 04/05/93 $94.00 ALDO INC RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEME 017708 CENTENNIAL LAK RESID IMPROVE < *> $94.00* 12411 04/05/93 $869.52 BRW INC. PROF FEES ARCH AND EN 67836 50TH STREET PRO FEE ARCH/ < *> $869.52* 12412 04/05/93 $19.03 CELLULAR ONE MISCELLANEOUS 0322 GRANDVIEW MISC < *> $19.03* 12413 04/05/93 $390.84 DORSEY & WHITNEY PROFESSIONAL FEES LEG 312705 CENTENNIAL LAK PRO FEES LEG/ < *> $390.84* 12414 04/05/93 $14,166.67 PARTNERS FOR SENIOR LOAN TO OTHER FUNDS APRIL 19 EDINBOROUGH LOAN TO OTH F < *> $14,166.67* $15,540.06* COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY WED, MAR 31, 1993, 11:05 PM page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND # 01 $15,540.06 $15,540.06" r MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MARCH 15, 1993 R0LLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith to approve and adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CAMP FIRE BIRTHDAY WEEK PROCIA T*�D. Mayor Richards presented the following proclamation which was unanimously adopted: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Camp Fire, the national youth organization, will be celebrating its 83rd birthday on March 17, 1993, and WHEREAS, Camp Fire, Minnesota Rivers Council, in the City of Edina, teaches boys and girls self - reliance and good citizenship; and WHEREAS, through contemporary programs and by speaking out on issues that affect youth and their families, today's Camp Fire is helping kids cope with their changing world; and WHEREAS, in Camp Fire, the choices and opportunities are wide open for boys and girls; and WHEREAS, through Camp Fire, young people are learning to develop confidence and to gain skills needed to become tomorrow's leaders; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire is commended for the opportunities its programs offer to young people in the City of Edina, and throughout the nation and for the many services these young people perform for their communities through Camp Fire; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Frederick S. Richards, Mayor of the City of Edina, do hereby officially proclaim March 15 through March 20, 1993, to be CAMP FIRE BIRTHDAY WEEK In the City of Edina. Accepting the proclamation were Camp Fire leaders Carol Rothe, Gail Wilson and Barbara Kerr - Anderson. $2000 CHECK PRESENTED TO CITY BY EDINA MASONIC LODGE Todd Peterson, Master of the Edina Masonic Lodge, presented a check in the amount of $2,000.00 to Jim Robinson, Assistant Fire Chief, for fire control and rescue equipment, noting that the monies are proceeds from their annual pancake breakfast. Mayor Richards presented the following resolution which was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, for the past 15 years, the Edina Masonic Lodge has donated money to the Edina Fire Department; and WHEREAS, this money has been earned by members of the Lodge from their efforts in putting on an annual Pancake Breakfast; and WHEREAS, a check in the amount of $2,000.00 has been generously given to the Edina Fire Department for purchase of fire control and rescue equipment; and WHEREAS, this equipment has been employed to the service, safety and benefit of the citizens of Edina; and NOV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that sincere appreciation be expressed to all members of the Edina Masonic Lodge for its interest in the well -being of all Edina residents through this generous contribution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be entered into the minutes and that an appropriate copy be presented to the s EDINA MASONIC LODGE as a token of gratitude. of the Edina City Council and all citizens of Edina. ADOPTED this 15th day of March, 1993. *MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 1. 1993, APPROVED Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 1, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR GRANGER ADDITION (5533 VERNON AVENUE) Planner Larsen recalled that the subject property, 5533 Vernon Avenue, is.located east of Johnson Drive and south of Vernon Avenue. At the February 16, 1993, meeting, Council granted preliminary plat approval on the request that proposed the removal of the existing dwelling and the creation of two new buildable single family lots. Staff would recommend final plat approval subject to: l) an unimproved land value of $55,000.00, and 2) utility connection charges. Mayor Richards called -for public comment.on the request for final plat approval. No comment or objection was heard. Member Smith introduced the' following resolution and moved adoption, subject to: 1) Subdivision dedication fee of $4;400.00, and 2) Utility connection charges: RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR GRANGER ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "GRANGER ADDITION" platted by Winston G. Granger and Carol V. Granger, husband and wife, and presented at the regular meeting of March 15, 1993, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Member Paulus seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY AT 5113 WEST 50TH STREET CONTINUED TO 4/19/93 Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen informed Council that the subject property, located at 5113 West 50th Street, is the site of the old Biltmore Bowl and until recently was used by the Regis Corporation for office use. It is one of three,buildings in the immediate vicinity that is owned by Regis Corporation. Regis Corporation has reached an agreement to sell the subject property and move to a new location. The site is zoned PCD -2, Planned Commercial District and has a first floor area of about 35,000 square feet. Most of the parking is separated by West 50th Street. The proposed redevelopment would demolish part of the existing building to provide additional parking. A new building would be constructed in the existing parking lot north of the street easement. The plan shows the northerly building as a Blockbuster Video rental store and the southerly building as general retail, possibly including a restaurant. The suggested uses are permitted in the PCD -2 district provided there is adequate parking. Planner Larsen explained that initially the plan called for a slightly larger building and would have required a 27 space parking variance. The proponents responded to criticisms of staff and the Planning Commission by reducing the size of the building and increasing the amount of parking south of West 50th Street so that the building complies with the parking requirements for retail use. Based on a revised plan, the Planning Commission recommended approval conditioned on: 1) bonded landscape plan, 2) cross easements for shared parking, and 3) no parking on West 50th Street. All other elements of the redevelopment plan would comply with ordinance standards. Member Rice asked on what use the parking spaces were calculated and if there would be adequate parking for restaurant use. Planner Larsen said that the parking was based on general retail use which would require eight spaces for the first 1,000 square feet of floor area, six spaces from 1,000 to 15,000 square feet and five spaces for each additional 1,000 square feet. Restaurant use would require one space for each three seats which could impact future use. Mayor Richards asked about uses on the east side of Arcadia Avenue and if there would be adequate parking. Planner Larsen responded that the site commonly called the old Cedric's building has been acquired by Washburn McReavy for a funeral home which could be a complimentary use parking -wise. The southerly building (formerly Bell real estate), also owned by Regis, is for sale. Mayor Richards then asked if staff had looked at the proposal relative to the master plan for the Grandview redevelopment area as to zoning and density. Planner Larsen said that regarding zoning the proposed use is compatible. The 1984 -85 master plan for parking and overall reuse of the area considered the possibility to redevelop the three sites owned by Regis as one plan. Unless the City would step in, that does not appear to be feasible. If the three sites were sold and redeveloped individually, the master plan would become somewhat meaningless. Member Rice asked if West 50th Street needs to be there, who uses it and what is required for building setback. Planner Larsen answered that, given the number of uses that will remain after this proposed redevelopment, the public street should be retained as it was never anticipated that it would be abandoned, only possibly relocated. Traffic using West 50th Street to Arcadia is likely heading to the frontage road and to areas west of Highway 100 and south of Eden Avenue. It also may serve as a short cut to Highway 100. Because the property is zoned commercial district, no setback is required and the building could be placed next to the curb. Member Smith said he was concerned about the location of the curb cut for entrance to the video store because of its proximity to Arcadia Avenue and the corresponding curb cut for the building to the south. David Carlin, CSM Investors, commented that the curb cut could be moved slightly to the west. Presentation by Proponent Chris Fox, Senior Vice President of Real Estate for Regis, spoke to the issues that were raised by Council. Regarding the uses east of Arcadia, he said the old Cedric's building is under contract to Washburn McReavy Funeral Chapels and the second building, the former David C. Bell building, is also under contract to Washburn McReavy for potential use by them or to lease out as office space. Both transactions will close on about May 15. As to redeveloping all Regis properties as one site, Mr. Fox said they spent six months trying to find a developer who was interested but, given the. difficulty in the financial market and associated development costs, they could find no one to do a major project, i.e. office building or combined office /retail use. Mr. Fox recalled that about five years ago Regis appeared before the Council and received preliminary approval for a redevelopment plan that would close the north half of Arcadia Avenue, combine three - fourths of the site and leave the bowling alley building.as a storage facility. That plan involved building a large building on the east side of Arcadia. Mr. Fox explained that Regis chose not to proceed for various reasons. At that hearing, there were substantial interests, i.e. Pantry Restaurant, etc., who argued that the access to, including the traffic light on Vernon Avenue, needed to be maintained so that customers could go north on Interlachen Boulevard. At the same time staff had a concern that emergency and maintenance vehicles be able to use West 50th Street to access Interlachen Boulevard. Although an important access, West 50th Street does not carry a tremendous amount of traffic. As to funeral home use, Mr. Fox said Washburn McReavy had indicated their peaking period would be 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. when visitations would occur. This would compliment the retail usage traffic in the area. He concluded by affirming that the curb cut to the video store parking could be adjusted and would not affect the overall plan. Council Comment /Action Mayor Richards asked for clarification of uses on the site. Mr. Carlin stated that there would be approximately 27,000 square feet of space. Blockbuster Video would be in the free standing building. Tenants in the rebuilt bowling alley building would be Davanni's Restaurant (3,500 square feet), Great Clips (1,500 square feet), Snyder Drug has verbally committed to 8,500 square feet,-leaving approximately 3,000 square feet of speculative space. He said there is some lower level space which would not be retail but is storage type space because it is accessible only by an easement through the City's Public Works facility. Member Smith commented that he was concerned about the total parking requirements for this business area. Planner Larsen answered that parking must be considered from an overall viewpoint. The proposed plan under consideration meets Code and. staff felt parking would be adequate for this site and also for the funeral home use east of Arcadia Avenue. He said what has not been factored in is the Bell real estate building because the status was not known. However, the two major uses would have adequate parking. Member Paulus said she was concerned that signage for this "strip mall" would be overwhelming because of the number of tenants. Planner Larsen responded that it would be doubtful that the City could impose greater restrictions on signs than what the current ordinance allows. Mayor Richards commented that the City has always talked about the redevelopment of this area as a package. Although not troubled by the proposed land use, he said he felt the public sector has a role to play in this in addition to a regulatory role because this is a tax increment district. He suggested that there may be need for other activities by the public sector to meet the demands that will be generated by the use of the property and that would result in enhancing the entire area. Member Smith said he concurred and in addition would like staff to present information on the traffic flow plan for this entire area, including the signalized intersection at Interlachen/Vernon. Member Rice said he would support the comments of both Mayor Richards and Member Smith. He added that this is an important symbolic site for Edina that is highly visible. All elements should be considered including parking, signage, landscaping, lighting, etc., for the entire area to be redeveloped. Mr. Carlin interjected that they would have concern if their proposal was subjected to a lengthy delay. Manager Rosland responded that he felt staff could address the issues that have been raised and bring the information back to Council within a month. Member Smith made a motion to continue the public hearing on the final development plan for 5113 Vest 50th Street to April 19, 1993, to allow staff to bring back the information requested by Council as to the overall redevelopment of this area. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. ORDINANCE ADOPTED AMENDING CODE SUBSECTION 850.19 (AUTOMOBILE PARKING DISTRICT): SECOND READING WAIVED Planner Larsen recalled that on February 16, 1993, Council directed preparation of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, specifically the Automobile Parking District, when preliminary rezoning from Planned Office District (POD -1) to Automobile Parking District (APD) was granted for property at 6400 France Avenue. The rezoning would allow removal of the existing office building and construction of a surface parking lot. Concern was expressed by both the Planning Commission and Council that once the rezoning was granted the property owner could apply for a permit to construct a parking ramp. The proposed amendment would make parking ramps and garages conditional uses in the APD zone that would be subject to special requirements. Currently, construction of a ramp would require only a building permit for a parcel with APD zoning. The Planning Commission considered and recommended approval of the amendment at its meeting of February 24, 1993. No public comment or objection was heard on the proposed amendment. Member Paulus moved adoption of Ordinance No. 19993 -3, with waiver of second reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION 850.19 OF THE CITY CODE (AUTOMOBILE PARKING DISTRICT) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Subsection 850.19 is hereby amended to read as follows: "850.19 Automobile Parking District (APD) Subd. 1 Principal Uses A. Parking lots. B. Drive - through banking facilities Subd. 2 Conditional Uses. A. Parking ramps and garages Subd. 3 Requirements for Setbacks. A. Parking Lots. Interior Front Side Side Rear Street Street Yard Yard 20' 20' 10, 10, B. Parking Ramps, Garages and Other Structures. Interior Front Side Side Rear Street Street Yard Yard 351* 351* 201* 201* * or the building height if greater. Subd. 4 Special Requirements. In addition to the general requirements described in Subsection 850.07, the following special requirements shall apply. A. No parking ramp, garage or other structure, or any part thereof, shall be located within 50 feet of the nearest lot line of any property in a residential district used for residential purposes. B. The front street or side street setback for parking ramps and garages, and other structures, shall be increased to 50 feet when the ramp, garage or structure is located across the street from a property in an R -1 District used for residential purposes. C. All exterior wall finishes of a parking ramp or garage shall be of materials that are compatible with those of existing nearby structures and shall be one or a combination of the following materials which shall be determined by the Council in connection with the granting of a Conditional Use Permit: 1. Face brick. 2. Natural Stone. 3. Specially designated precast concrete units if the surfaces have been integrally treated with an applied decorative material or texture." Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. ATTEST: City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Ordinance adopted. Mayor *PUBLIC HEARING ON SUMMIT AVENUE VACATION CONTINUED TO 4/5/93 (PORTION LYING SOUTH OF NORTH LINE OF LOT 6) Notion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith to continue the proposed vacation of Summit Avenue (portion lying South of North line of Lot 6) to April 5, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. _ PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF ALLEY CONTINUED TO 4/5/93 (SOUTH OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 5 AND VEST OF LOTS 3 THROUGH 11, BLOCK 5. BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS) Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Engineer Engineer Hoffman informed Council that this request is to vacate the public alley that was platted with the Brookside Heights plat. The alley has never been improved nor has it had any public usage. Also, the north /south portion of the platted alley is only half the normal width of an alley, but has existing power line poles. The City has initiated this request for vacation because this strip of land has been used as a debris disposal site. By vacating the public alley right of way the strip of land would be put back into private ownership and control. Staff would recommend vacation of both the east /west portion and the north /south portion of the alley except that for the north /south portion the City would reserve the rights of Northern States Power and Paragon Cable to maintain their service lines. Member Rice asked about the removal of the debris in the alley. Sanitarian Velde said it will be removed as soon as the snow depth is down. Member Smith asked if utility vehicles would need to enter the area. Engineer Hoffman responded that he believed they now maintain the lines by walking in and he did not anticipate a need for utility vehicles to do so in the future. Public Comment Marian Larson said she lived on Lot 5, Brookside Heights and has a 1,050 square foot home with a single tuck -under garage. She said she would be concerned that an alley would never go in there because there is no parking on the street and all the lots are 50 feet wide. Although the strip of land is not wide she hoped it would be preserved for an alley someday. If the alley is vacated, Ms. Larson asked if her property taxes would then increase. Gary Zachman, 5343 Interlachen Boulevard, said he owned Lots 1 and 2 on the east /west portion of the alley. He submitted the following concerns: 1) diseased trees on the east /west portion of the alley that should be removed, 2) that staff look at other alleys in the area that have not been improved and are not proposed for vacation, and not react only to his property, 3) conversations he has had with staff and related court appearances, 4) his and other neighbors, hopes for rear access to their lots, 5) additional property taxes, and 6) expense of taking care of City property, i.e. trees. He said he was against the proposed vacation because he could see no benefit for him. Mayor Richards suggested the hearing be continued so that staff could present additional information on the questions and issues raised: 1) property tax liability if alley were vacated, 2) who owns the diseased trees in the alley and who is responsible for their removal, 3) cost to acquire additional right of way to construct an alley, 4) cost to construct an alley, and 5) who would pay those costs. Member Paulus made a motion to continue the hearing to April 5, 1993, on the proposed vacation of the alley south of Lots 1 and 2, Brookside Heights and westerly of Lots 3 through 11, Block 5, Brookside Heights, and to direct staff to bring back the information requested by Council. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *BID AWARDED FOR LIQUOR STORE POS CASH REGISTER SYSTEM Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for the liquor store POS Cash Register System to recommended low bidder, Total Register Systems, at $43,327.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR TRENCHER Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for a Ditch Witch trencher to recommended low bidder, Ditch Witch of Minnesota, at $5,450.00.with trade -in. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR BRAEMAR WATERMAIN PIPE REPLAC Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for Braemar watermain pipe replacement to recommended low bidder, Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc., at $10,641.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR PARR DEPARTMENT MOWER Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for a front mount mower to recommended low bidder, Gruber Power Equipment, at $5,800.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR CARPETING - BRAF.MAR EXECUTIVE GOLF COURSE AND GRILL AREA Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for carpeting for Braemar Executive Golf Course and grill area to recommended low bidder, Karagheusian, Inc., at $5,696.41. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. SPECIAL CONCERN yOICED REGARDING PLACEMENT OF GARBAGE FOR PICKUP Gary Vierkant, Vierkant Disposal, commented that he wrote a letter to Council dated March 30, 1992, advising that many residents do not comply with the ordinance and continue to place their garbage at the curb for pickup. At that time he had explained how much cheaper it is to provide garbage pickup at the curb instead of from the garage as required by ordinance. He had asked that the ordinance be enforced. Mr. Vierkant alleged that licensed Edina haulers are soliciting customers by offering lower rates for curb set pickup. He stated that, not only is this against the ordinance, he has lost a percent of the market through this practice. He said he was told that the City does not have the manpower to enforce the ordinance. He stated if that was the case perhaps the ordinance requirement that garbage be picked up at the garage should eliminated. If the ordinance is not enforced, Mr. Vierkant stated that in 90 days he intended to notify his customers that he would give them an option of curb setting garbage and would adjust his prices accordingly so that he would be on the same economical ground with the other haulers. Mayor Richards asked Mr. Vierkant to furnish Sanitarian Velde with names and addresses of residents who had been told by other haulers that their rates would be reduced if they curb set garbage. He also told Mr. Vierkant that his license could be at risk if he promoted curbside pickup. Mr. Vierkant submitted that to be effective the ordinance should be focused on the hauler and not on the resident as it is currently. RESOLUTION ADOPTED AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SIGNAL TIMING AGREEMENT WITH MN/DOT Engineer Hoffman told Council that, as a part of the Browndale Bridge /Country Club District project study, staff had become aware of a one -time funding assistance for traffic signal optimization. Part of the traffic analysis would determine how to maximize the operation of traffic signals on West 50th Street. Mn /DOT has had a two year program encouraging jurisdictions with traffic signals to maximize operations. Most cities do not carry staff to do computer analysis and develop.time -of -day computer control of signals. Therefore, Mn /DOT developed this assistance to aid communities like Edina. Staff would recommend entering into a contractual agreement with Mn /DOT allowing staff and our consultant to do the analysis as part of the overall study. Mn /DOT would reimburse the City up to $2,100.00 for this work. Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNAL OPTIMIZATION PROJECT MN/DOT AGREEMENT NO. 70559 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Edina, Minnesota. that it hereby approves the signal optimization and timing assistance agreement with Mn/DOT for the project named "50th Street hest Study Area" as presented; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute the signal optimization and time assistance Agreement No. 70559 with the State of Minnesota through its Commissioner of Transportation. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. COMMITTEE MEMBERS SOUGHT TO STUDY ESTABLISHING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES Assistant Manager Hughes recalled that the Council and staff have discussed from time to time the advisability of adopting an ordinance regulating sexually oriented businesses. After reviewing ordinances from other cities along with recent court cases, staff believes the time is appropriate to proceed with such an ordinance. Consideration of such an ordinance at this time is particularly appropriate as the City is not now faced with the existence of or the prospect of a sexually oriented business. Attorney Gilligan has summarized the legal issues with respect to establishing a sexually oriented business ordinance. As noted in Attorney Gilligan's memorandum, the first step would be the establishment of a study committee to link the presence of sexually oriented businesses with the standards that the City seeks to protect. Staff believes that the Council should proceed with the first step of ordinance consideration by establishing a study committee as recommended. The committee would review studies on the impact of sexually oriented businesses for the purpose of preparing an ordinance regulating such businesses. After the committee would complete their work, the intent would be to draft an ordinance for Council's consideration based on the committee's guidance. Staff would recommend that the committee be comprised of selected members of the Planning Commission, the Human Relations Commission and the Advisory Health Board, as well as representatives from the community at large or any combination thereof. The committee need not conduct its own studies but can adopt studies of other cities after reviewing them. Mayor Richards said he had reviewed this with staff and if the Council wishes to proceed a committee would be created to exercise its judgement in trying to formulate community standards and values. The committee's findings would then be considered by the Council prior to enactment of a regulatory ordinance. As to a timeframe, Mayor Richards said he hoped the committee members could be appointed on April 5 and be asked to finish their work by mid -May. Member Smith made a motion that the Mayor establish a committee to review studies on the impact of sexually oriented businesses to be comprised of individuals from the Planning Commission, Human Relations Commission, Advisory Health Board and the commumity at large for appointment on April 5. 1993. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. Mayor Richards asked Council to submit names to him by Friday, March 19, 1993, of individuals they would recommend be appointed to the committee. COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES ACT (CSSA) REPORT APPROVED Manager Rosland reminded Council that the 1979 Community Social Services Act (CSSA) required that Hennepin County provide a mechanism for citizen input into the planning and budgeting process of Hennepin County's human service programs. SHeRPA is contracted to provide for citizen participation in the CSSA for the South Hennepin region. SHeRPA's role is to gain citizen input and through the prioritizing process of the Advisory Commission, make recommendations to Hennepin County with respect to priority needs and the delivery of human services in the area. Priorities and recommendations are based on input from target populations as well as findings from other research and planning undertaken by SHeRPA. The goal of the citizen participation program is to help Hennepin County determine the County - provided services needed in the South Hennepin region, and as such, SHeRPA contracts annually with Hennepin County to run the Citizen Participation Program. Manager Rosland emphasized that this process is separate from the regional planning process as it satisfies the requirements of the County to help fund SHeRPA. These are citizens' priorities and do not constitute any present responsibility of the Council to provide these services. Manager Rosland recommended that the Council review and approve the 1994 Community Service Priorities in South Hennepin County submitted by the Regional Citizens Advisory Commission. Approval by councils of Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina and Richfield is required before the CSSA Report is presented to the County on March 29, 1993. This process by which the County helps fund SHeRPA and is part of SHeRP's Policies and Procedures approved previously by the Council. Member Paulus made a motion to approve the CSSA Report on South Hennepin Community Service Priorities for 1994 as presented to be submitted to Hennepin County on March 29, 1993, for action on funding. Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED APPOINTING. AGENTS TO THE COMMUNITY HEALTH BOARD Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION APPOINTING AGENTS OF THE EDINA COMMUNITY HEALTH BOARD BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (Community Health Board) of the City of Edina, Minnesota, pursuant to its authority under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 145A, that it hereby appoints and authorizes the following persons to act on the Board's behalf and bind the Board for the following purposes: A'. To serve as the Board's agent in communicating with the Commissioner of Health between Board meetings, including receiving information from the Commissioner and disseminating that information to the Board, as well as providing information to the Commissioner on the Board's behalf (Minn. Stat 145A.04, Subd. 2). Name: David A. Velde Address: 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Phone: (b) (612) 927 -8861. (h) (612) 561 -4009 B. To sign and submit to the Commissioner the prepared Community Health Plan, revisions to the Plan and activity reports submitted according to Minn. Stat. 145A.10, Subd. 5, 6 and S. Name: Kenneth Rosland Address: 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Phone: (b) (612) 927 -8861 C. To sign and submit to the Commissioner the Board's annual budget, revisions to the budget, and expenditure reports submitted according to Minn. Stat. 145A.10, Subd. 6 and 8. Name: David A. Velde Address: 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Phone: (b) (612) 927 -8861 This resolution authorizes the above- referenced appointees to act on behalf of and bind the Board to the extent and for the purposes indicated in this resolution. ADOPTED this 15th day of March, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *ON -SALE WINE LICENSE RENEWALS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith for approval of on -sale wine license renewals for the following restaurants: Hawthorn Suites Hotel, Q. Cumbers, Original Pancake House/My Pie, Ruby Tuesday and Rossi.ni's. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *3.2 BEER LICENSE RENEWALS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith for approval of 3.2 beer license renewals for the following establishments: ON -SALE - Braemar Golf Course, Braemar Golf Dome, Ciatti's Italian Restaurant, Correlli's Pizza and Pasta, Daytons Food Service, Edina American Legion Post, Empress Restaurant,.Good Earth Restaurant, Jerry's Foods (also off - sale), Two Guys from Italy, Hawthorn Suites Hotel, Original Pancake House, Pantry Restaurant, Pizzeria Uno, Q. Cumbers, Rossini's, Ruby. Tuesday, Szechuan Star Restaurant, TJ's Family Restaurant, The Lotus III, Tour de France; OFF -SALE - Country Store, Edina Superette, Holiday Stations, Inc., Kenny's Market, SuperAmerica. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *PETITION FOR SANITARY SEER (NAAS LAKESIDE ADDITION) REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Notion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith to refer the petition for sanitary sever for the Naas Lakeside Addition to the Engineering Department for processing. Motion carried on rollcall vote —four ayes. PROPOSED LEGISLATION REGARDING ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS DISCUSSED Member Smith informed Council of proposed legislation that may affect local zoning and subdivision regulations. Assistant Manager Hughes said that legislation is called H.F. 19 introduced by Representative Carruthers. In summary the bill would call for zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations to be coordinated with comprehensive plans. The origin of this came with the Metropolitan Land Planning Act in the late '70s. In the early '80s the law changed such that the zoning ordinance took precedence over the comprehensive plan. Apparently the sense of this legislation is to revert back to the way the land planning act was originally drafted. All official controls adopted by the city such as capital improvement programs, zoning ordinances, subdivisions would have to follow the comprehensive plan. It would more affect rural cities in the metropolitan area that have large areas of unzoned, open or agricultural land. Assistant Manager Hughes mentioned that of greater interest may be legislation submitted by Representative Orfield. It contains some sweeping changes concerning metropolitan government. It calls for an elected Metropolitan Council; it calls for all metropolitan agencies including the Metropolitan Airports Commission to be subservient to the Metropolitan Council. Representative Orfield is also proposing to resurrect a housing allocation plan of the Metropolitan Council from the late '70s and tie it to state funds including highway funds. Assistant Manger Hughes advised Council that he is sitting on an AMM committee that is tracking this legislation. The committee's understanding is that the bill has support of the House leadership. A companion bill submitted by Senator Mondale has support from the leadership in the Senate. It is felt that this legislation will probably pass as the sponsors are well - studied and committed. Mayor Richards asked that this legislation be on the Council agenda for April 5, 1993, for possible action by Council.. INFORMATION GIVEN REGARDING MEDICAL AT BYERLYS Manager Rosland recalled that at the Council meeting of March 1, 1993, a request was made for information regarding a medical that occurred at Byerlys on February 20, 1993. Assistant Fire ,Chief Kehoe found that five individuals, including both employees and store patrons, were involved in helping care for the patient who had a cardiac arrest. Manager Rosland said that the participants would be recognized at the April 5, 1993, Council meeting. HEARING DATE OF 4/5/93 SET FOR PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF REFUNDING BONDS Assistant Manager Hughes recommended that Council set a hearing date of April 51 1993, for the proposed issuance of refunding bonds. The redemption is a contractual right that exists in the bonds and the City would be taking advantage of a call provision in the bond documents. If today's rates held there could be a savings of approximately $1.8 million that would result from the refunding. Member Smith made a motion setting April 5, 1993, as public hearing date for advance refunding of the City's outstanding bonds. Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *CLAI?LS PAID Notion was made by Member Rice and was seconded by Member Smith to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 10, 1993, and consisting of 24 pages: General Farad $261,395.96; Cable $7,841.46; Working Capital $7,190.92; Art Center $5,075.73: Pool $1,055.76; Golf Course $149,267.06; Arena $14,902.70; Gam Range $530.65; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes $24,132.55; Utilities $42,000.46; Storm Sever $8,664.26; Recycling $38,435.28; Liquor Dispensary $32,819.70; Construction Farad $11,395.74; TOTAL $604,708.23; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 4, 1993, and consisting of 12 pages: General Farad $102,308.24; Liquor Dispensary $183,462.68; TOTAL $285,770.92. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. City Clerk 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: April 5, 1993 Subject: Easement Vacations for Jyland Whitney Addition and Peter Andrea Addition, Jyland Homes, Inc. Recommendation: Agenda Item # __L I. . B Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Approval of lot division combining two lots into one new platted lot. Info /Background: The Council approved vacation of the common lot easement and partial vacation of a conservation easement with the condition that the two lots be combined to make one lot. The proposed lot division would satisfy that condition. Although the combination of properties is procedurally treated as a lot division the result is a new single lot plat. If at some time in the future the home were removed or destroyed only one home could be rebuilt. It would not revert to two building sites. LOCATION MAP LOT DIVISION NUMBER LD -93 -3 LOCATION Bello Drive and Valley View Road EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT draft minutes P.C. Meeting of March 31, 1993 Ld -93 -3 Lot it Block 1, Peter Andrea Addition and Lot 1, Block 1, Jyland Whitney Addition. Jyland Homes Mr. Larsen informed the commission the purpose of the proposed lot division is to combine two lots to provide a building site for one home near the middle portion of the site. In order to accomplish this it is necessary to vacate portions of existing easements along the common lot line between the two lots. The City Council approved the vacations with the condition that the old common line be removed. Thus, while technically a lot division the result will be a new one lot plat. Mr. Larsen concluded that staff recommends approval. The proposal meets the condition imposed by the City Council. It also reduces the density of the development. Commissioner Hale moved to recommend lot division approval. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. JYLAND DENNIS ADDITION 'R.T.DOC.NO. 1• .I aa.ee .I.awf w• ..w. /...IwrwY, rllarl e•.rlrlr. r fwr IYa• rawra• Y r e11.r •r Its rawer afflnn Yle W n0•ml ...OT re..littl=. A: .. i� ^Ili_,.. Il:�.l... ..:........a .at. .., I •• �L� w �ff.0• ..� -- seer $M �1 flee -- T /. 1 . tom. ALL M» Tlml pliew , T.Y ter bete r \ 1 \/ , • / / / 0 / � •Ir Iw.w1 r ./re•mIrfl •elTe/. . w l. aIr w M YW .r Y w •w e o .f f fr1 n rl.\sle� lI.rr irweY W a rr 1i r..ar wrY rqr .1 rr. Il .r aY t . .wW1w•raiwffaf lla � ee. loNarf 1aw 1ew.. rYr e re W r r .11b.1" r PTV. llW en.a lc n! C1l1 wr e. Woa.w�lra1t. eT T. . ieta � \r nw .N •e'r I n / A rnq Irra 1e W c"' of YW W .I1111r r •nlnre wennY r / •es, s W plea. Y ..arse aeawf eel. Jae e...• r ..T.er Ante, aver r e11e. \..• \sect.. Ya I— — Y1. w of 1 »_ /Ina: I 0 b b SCALE m FEE :11"ITIM v »I/ IWV mm 1/ Ws • .rte som 0 10111114a IIIIIII ... an f.. Rm v .I.leor. man v Iraou ♦✓ fef.rlq Wa.�.a er elwrlerle• .fen r ante .q of I »_ r Jr .erne r Mar aerie. er•.r r .Ire. 6 C I Ira nit Mc COMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES. INC. / ■.I ■ I / .6 ..a / V ■ . / t 0 . I RAn v .I.Ip.tA L01e4f W Tr fe Lm Irar....l r rsle•.r rren r u1e W r of ea.wel M .I..wle. MIIOrI a CaW1w ya... t •...•f swath Wa I I—i w1..rr r .1.ar W .—IF r•erlr r YY r1Y r JtID. omis Yemal Wt W Plea I. wr.w a a f•rawrYlta. LL YY •erw.l Wa LLI .1•aree. •n eerrwal. ee•.e I• fwl r Iri.l./W LL \ fral WI LLI •eeeawil. M• rr+ e•rawalf Iler Y W /ael•I. r Mw•1 tW W wYlf. \Prl•Yf Ili ew aerawall .wlwer r Wn en r ral...a w rail• \qe�r• Y r rel.Yae. r W\ rba. r ­ Ir. Ie. R.1/ v n..eml coU of IlpMt♦I. lIr fereple/ Mwpr'• C•ralfleI. tits tIt. LIt •.Ir Plan r ul. w .w .. Farr. Lr fer.•fer. — rlerT ar11t. 11.^ F t•rWw fr1.w mtr, ri 1LI• a of lets CY.n Ullma see _­III r Parr r W cf.' t I1 ef W Cla. a Ylr. Ye Pea•. ea • nc•IY r•.IN iitt f rl. YIe w sf I» jr er11tY1.. t wtaaw e\�Y r nt— r•r•a' TTi :alrleiw er Taa..•.cnlr r It C—. IIJV. fm-- I.r a•r —Iw \I w tit, q W ;f trlr p w rwIw W .Iw ..~ -1.1 •f wa -1. r nc•rrN•alwr. r Pawlr H .w. 9Y1rr. I•aalr 901.01. '+t. 1. CRT MWIL v mir, rf cln. M/­ p.vvn TY eft T Ic U.No ppe.laYT. r 9. cAIR..I,itallT. 1 roar. aenlh Wa aeer rgaY Y r Mlw rrr •ew \er wt nnla .. e•Lm. moon man amlfa a: 11.Ia'IT Innla...rl. twar, Itl.ree.. hlee.,t Y.la. Rtt. �. Hp.l» IN»I. W .1•a W � lwrwe. oI.T r. tnaaa. ISIn Ill.rlTa F mllf.e. v TITLY..rlrle l'�•Ia...l.rwa• 1 ••reel awalf. Wa W LLYY LLu N RtAlO ...aY •mlTla w fI1e1 le ou ernes w. _ w r _ I »_ rlere _ ■..I. teY.a, mI.IW v TRIO h: RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR JYLAND DENNIS ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "JYLAND DENNIS ADDITION ", platted by John Dennis and Maryanne Dennis, husband and wife, and Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of April 5, 1993, be and is hereby granted preliminary and final plat approval. ADOPTED this 5th day of April, 1993. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of April 5, 1993, and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 6th day of April. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk A. o e ..:�� CD �• �NR)RMM��O� tltltl REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and-Council From: Craig Larsen Date: April 5, 1993 Subject: Year XIX Community Development Block Grant Program Recommendation: Agenda Item # I I. c Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Approve recommended budget for submission to Hennepin County. Info /Background: Edina's Year XIX CDBG allocation is $178,458 out of a total county budget of $3,327,000. This allocation reflects an 18% increase over Year XVIII attributed to the utilization of 1990 census data. On March 23, planning staff met with and presented a proposed budget to the Human Relations Commission. The commission recommended approval of the proposed budget, but asked the planning staff to research the distribution of the Day Care Subsidy funds for future years. Of particular concern to the commission is the fact that $12,567 of Years XVII and XVIII day care funds remain unspent, yet 32 Edina residents are on the waiting list to receive day care subsidy. A Recommended Budget: Project Year XIX Last Year Rehabilitation of Private Property $40,000 $40,000 Removal of Architectural Barriers $100,766 $77,731 Adaptive Recreation $2,000 $3,000 Household and Outside Maintenance for the Elderly (H.O.M.E.) $24,074 $22,000 Day Care Subsidy $10,000 $ 8,182 C.A.S.H. HOME Line $ 1,618 Not Funded $178,458 $150,913 SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 10709 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 111, Minnetonka, MN 55305 541 -1019 FAX 541 -0841 BOARD of DIRECTORS Tom Tlcen February 17, 1993 President Daralyn Peifer 1st Vice President Mr. Craig Larson, City Planner Marty Gu City of Edina 2nd Vice President 4801 West 50th Street Bob Zagaros Edina, MN 55424 Secretary Dear Mr. Larson: Ryan Schroeder Treasurer Senior Community Services is requesting $26,700 Walter Levesque from the City of Edina in CDBG Year XIX (July 1, Past President 1993 - June 30, 1994) to support the HOME Program. This amount would restore funding to a level prior Bob Miller to last year's reduction. If this is not possible Member -at -Large it is my hope that an increase will be granted at Carla Pavone least in proportion to the anticipated increase Member -at -Large that the City is expecting in it's allocation. •icille crow Edina' s CDBG funds are leveraged or matched more ..arl Dansky than twice over from client fees, funding from the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches (GMCC) and Robert DeGhetto from donations. The HOME Program operates on a sliding fee scale. On average clients cover Jim Fisher approximately one -third of the Programs' cost. Alison Fuhr GMCC funding, utilizing Federal Title III monies; helps to subsidize chore services. Friends of Tad Jude HOME, an organization that solicits private donations, helps to fill the remaining gap between Leonard Kopp the City's CDBG funds and the total Program John Nelson expense. Senator Gen Olson I have enclosed a copy of the 1992 Summary of William G. Weller Service including that in the City of Edina and a copy of the Survey Evaluation Results. If you have John Young any questions, or if the Mayor and City Council would like to have an informational presentation, please don't hesitate to let me know. Benjamin F. Withhart Executive Director & C.E.O. QUO)e A United Way Supported Agency 0 recvNed paper Sincerely, Ron Bloch Program Administrator N h.O.M.E. (housenalo & Outslae maintenance far Elaerty) , ! Summary of Service 1992 1 , Maintenanc: I momemaxer I i Total SL=IIN•3TCN It I i ' of Customers 252! 1201 372 ' of Households 188; 102! 1 290 ' of lobs 7771 16211 2398 • of hours 2550 3698 62 a PICHFIELD • of Customers 1 191 49j , . 168 ' of Households 102 431 145 ' of jobs 5481, ( 900 1448 • of hours 15861 1 19521 353.3 1 I Ir I EDINA • of Customers 971 80! 177 ' of Householdsl 801 771 157 ' of jobs 400! 1425) 1825 ' of hours 12431 32161 4459 EDEN PRAIRIE I ' of Customers --227- 2 I 21i 73 ' of Households 15; 201 35 • of jobs ! 34 3001 334 ' of hours 114 I 625 739 3T. LCUIS PARK ' of Customers 1 17 1 17 ' of Householdsl III 11 ' of jobs I 361 I I 36 ' of hours 345' I ( 345 CHANHASSEN I t ' of Customers,' 121 13 ' of Households 11 91 10 ' of jobs { 331 I i l ! D ' of hours 221 6: ! 227 MINNETONKA • of Customers ! 561 1 71 ! 63 ' of Householdsl 461 1 61 52 ' of jobs 6ai I 71 1 75 • of hours 1961 1 171 213 BRCCKLYN CENTER • of Customers 101 ! 10 • of Households 9! ' of jobs 1 101 { j i 10 ' of hours 1481 148 i TQTAL ' of customers ' S85i I 2781 +963 ' of Households 46CI 2491 709 • of jobs 19061 42S41 6160 ' If hours 64331 , 9514! ! 15947 Serving eloonurgtoe. Eden Prairie. RkMiald and Edna Household & Outside Maintenance for Elderly H.O.M.E. Evaluation Results December 1992 Number of Evaluations Sent: Approximately 750 Number of Evaluations returned: 320 Responses: How Satisfied are you with the work which was done? Very satisfied Satisfied Not Satisfied No Response Total —230—(72X) —78—(24X) 12_(.04X) l 00X Do you feel that the services you received help you to continue to live in your own home? Yes, they help very much Yes, they help somewhat No, they do not help No response Total 978—(87X) 42_(13X) 1008 A Program of Senior Community Services - A United Wall Agency 9801 Penn Ave. So. Room -104 Bloomington, MN 55431.2991 (612) 888.5530 Joyce Repya City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina,Mn., 55424 February 22,1993. Dear Joyce, M On behalf of-the Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association, (GMDCA),I am requesting that the Edina City Council consider using $20,000.of their Year XIX Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for the child care sliding fee program. This amount would continue to help the Edina families now being served,and the. increased funding would also help several Edina families on your waiting list. During the 1992 -193 CDBG funding year,the Edina subsidy has helped five families move toward self- sufficiency. The Year XVII CDBG money will be used up in March,then XVIII funds will be used to serve those families on the There are now 32 eligible Edina families on the waiting program Year program. list. There are several programs that help families pay for child care while the parent is in school or in a low paying job. When a family calls and is proven eligible,their name goes on to the county waiting list,as well as on the waiting list for their city,if that city has a subsidy program. The county list moves very slowly,since once a family is taken on,they may need help for a long time,with less assistance as their children get older. At the present funding of the county program,families have to wait at least one year for subsidy. The city waiting lists move more quickly,as the list is only for residents of that city,and once a resident is getting help,and their name comes up on the county list,they are moved to that source of funding- making way for another city family on that city's program. This system maximizes the use of city money,but the paperwork and time moving families from one program to another,slows the use of city funds. An Edina child care subsidy program benefits your families trying to move toward self- sufficiency. On their behalf, I hope you can fit the subsidy program into your Year XIX CDBG funding package. Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association Constance C. Bell, Executive Director • 1628 Elliot Avenue South • Minneapolis, MN 55404 (612) 341 -1177 • Fax (612) 341 -4356 • An Equal Opportunity Employer S Memba �O"iWoadan Community Action for Suburban Hennepin Mr. Craig Larsen City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Larsen: Norwest Bank Building 1011 First Street S., Suite 301 Hopkins, MN 55343 (612) 933 -9180 FAX (612) 933 -6147 March 5, 1993 Community Action for Suburban Hennepin is the designated anti - poverty agency which serves our municipalities. After this fiscal year, we will be looking at greatly reduced funds due to a change in federal regulations. Community Action has established several very valued programs in the area of housing. HOME Line, our housing service, offers tenant information and advocacy through a hotline. We employ a tenant organizer who has assisted tenants in apartment buildings with multiple problems to come together to solve those problems. We also recently opened a mortgage foreclosure prevention program which has helped homeowners faced with a crisis renegotiate loans, and helped those families preserve their homes. HOME Line services assisted more than 2,400 households last year, and as you are aware, preserving housing stability is key to maintaining strong communities. We are requesting that the City of Edina allocate $$1 ,618 from its CDBG grant to support our housing services in FY 94. This amount is Edina's proportional share of the total CDBG we are requesting from our 'nost heavily served suburban municipalities as shown in the enclosed listing. We have worked hard to arrive at a request that we feel is appropriate and proportional. We also believe that our services truly help preserve affordable housing in your community, and we hope you will view our request favorably. As we look ahead to our future, Community Action intends to continue to provide direct services in selected areas of unmet need, and work closely with other human service providers as a leader, networker, and catalyst in bringing us together around issues that impact the poor in our communities. For example, Community Action will be supporting Sustainable Resource Center in a joint contract to deliver weatherization services. Particularly with utility increases and proposed energy taxes, we will be looking for ways to minimize the impact on poor residents whose budgets are already. stretched by the high costs of housing. We will also welcome the opportunity to work more closely with municipalities on understanding your particular concerns in meeting the needs of your most vulnerable residents. I and my staff would be pleased to meet with you to discuss this request in more detail. If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at 933 -9180. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, 4t&4'5'7 ' `� Sharon A. John Executive Director Enclosure Working to eliminate the causes of poverty. ENCLOSURE March 5, 1993 RATIONALE AND SUMMARY for MUNICIPAL CDBG SUPPORT FOR HOME Line During its first year of operation in 1992, HOME Line's tenant advocacy service handled approximately 2,400 cases. About 400 of these were from areas outside suburban Hennepin County -- Minneapolis and other counties. The 15 municipalities from which CASH is seeking partial support of its HOME Line operation accounted for 80% of the suburban Hennepin volume of service. The chart below shows the proportional share by municipality and forms the basis of our request to each. CASH is requesting $35,000 in CDBG support for HOME Line from benefitting suburbs. The amount requested represents 20% of the current HOME Line budget. Number Amount Municipality of calls Percentage Requested City of Bloomington 230 14.4 $5,028 City of Brooklyn Center 121 7.6 $2,645 City of Brooklyn Park 204 12.7 $4,460 City of Crystal 67 4.2 $1,465 City of Eden Prairie 76 4.7 $1,661 City of Edina 74 4.6 $1,618 City of Golden Valley 24 1.5 $525 City of Hopkins 172 10.7 $3,760 City of Minnetonka 55 3.4 $1,202 City of New Hope 84 5.2 $1,836 City of Plymouth 142 8.9 $3,104 City of Richfield 136 8.5 $2,973 City of Robbinsdale 35 2.2 $765 City of St. Louis Park 152 9.5 $3,323 City of Wayzata 29 1.8 $634 TOTALS 1,601 100.0 $35,000 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Human Relations Commission FROM: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Year %I% Community Development Block Grant Budget (CDBG) DATE: March 17, 1993 The Year XIX CDBG entitlement grant for Hennepin County is $3,327,000 of which $178,458 is allocated to Edina. An increase of $27,545 is reflected for Edina over the Year XVIII allocation. This increase occurred principally for two reasons: 1. The Urban Hennepin County entitlement grant increased $562,000 from 1992, and 2. the new 1990 census data was utilized, affecting the distribution formula. City staff has prepared the following budget for Commission review: Activity Budget Rehabilitation of Private Property Removal of Architectural Barriers Adaptive Recreation Household and Outside Maintenance for the Elderly (H.O.K.E.) Day Care Subsidy C.A.S.H. HOME Line $40,000 $100,766 $2,000 $24,074 $10,000 $1,618 $178,458 The Commission will note that this draft budget funds Day Care and H.O.M.E. at levels less than requested. H.O.M.E. has requested $26,700 and Day Care has requested $20,000. Last year, both agencies requested the same amounts, however H.O.M.E. received $22,000, and Day Care received $8,182. The Commission will remember that the county requires the city's public service component not to exceed 20% of the total grant or $35,692. The proposed budget reflects a $1,818 increase for the Day Care allotment which was cut nearly 50% (to $8181) in Year XVIII. The H.O.M.E. allotment reflects a $2,074 increase. Community Action for Suburban Hennepin County, a new applicant is requesting $1,618 to service Edina's portion of their HOME Line program. Together, the proposed budget for these three service agencies totals $35,692. An ideal solution would be to honor each agencies request for funding. However, given the 20% cap imposed by the County, cuts must be made. Staff values the Commission's input when addressing the fair distribution of CDBG - funds, and looks forward to receiving your response. o eV REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: April 5, 1993 Subject: Homart Development Proposal Recommendation: No Action. Info /Background: Agenda Item # II. D . Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance F 7x Discussion Attached is a site plan for new development proposed for the Homart site (Minnesota Center) in Bloomington. The Settlement Agreement of 1985 requires that we be notified of additional development on this site. The proposed development is a 136,000 square foot retail center. It is being proposed as an interim use of the property. The proposed development is well below the 2,550 PM peak trips limit contained in the agreement. No action by the council is required by the agreement. I \ISIiNG CIA CIN I E CEN[R SITE PLAN �'/ •�� olr ..os� .>•m.\L rwarn I N LLim 1� e r THE SHOPS AT MINNESOTA CENTER �loMiar m\.wn mlol\, \c o.c.an Nllm SITE PLAN JAMES P. LARKIN ROBERT L. HOFFMAN JACK F. DALY D. KENNETH LINDGREN GERALD H. FRIEDELL ALLAN E. MULLIGAN JAMES C. ERICKSON EDWARD J. DRISCOLL GENE N. FULLER JOHN D. FULLMER ROBERT E. BOYLE FRANK I. HARVEY CHARLES S. MODELL CHRISTOPHER J. DIETZEN JOHN R. BEATTIE LINDA H. FISHER THOMAS P. STOLTMAN MICHAEL C. JACKMAN JOHN E. DIEHL JON S. SWIERZEWSKI THOMAS J. FLYNN JAMES P. QUINN TODD 1. FREEMAN PETER K. BECK JEROME H. KAHNKE GERALD L. $ECK JOHN B. LUNDQUIST DAYLE NOLAN CILIBERTO• THOMAS B. HUMPHREY. JR. JOHN A. COTTER. BEATRICE A. ROTHWEILER February 25, 1993 LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, LTD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 NORWEST FINANCIAL CENTER 7900 XERXES AVENUE SOUTH BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55431-1194 TELEPHONE 1812) 835 -3800 FAX (812) 898 -3333 Mr. Kenneth Rosland, City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 -1394 RE: Development Application for the Shops at Minnesota Center Bloomington, Minnesota Our File 19,140 -00 Jear Mr. Rosland: PAUL B. PLUNKETT ALAN L. KILDOW KATHLEEN M. NEWMAN MICHAEL S. LEBARON GREGORY E. KORSTAD GARY A. VAN CLEVE' DANIEL L. BO W LES TODD M. VLATKO VICH TIMOTHY J. McMANUS TIMOTHY J. KEANE ALAN M. ANDERSON DONNA L. ROBACK MICHAEL W. SCHLEY MICHAEL A. ROBERTSON LISA A. GRAY GARY A. RENNEKE SHANNON K. McCAMSRIOGE CHRISTOPHER J. HARRISTHAL WILLIAM C. GRIFFITH, JR. JOHN J. STEFFENHAGEN DANIEL W. VOSS MARK A. RURIK JOHN R. HILL JAMES K. MARTIN THOMAS J. BEYMOUR MICHAEL J. SMITH FREDERICK K. HAUSER III MARY E. VOS LARRY D. MARTIN JANE E. BREMER MARCY R. KREISMAN OF COUNSEL W ENDELL R. ANDERSON JOSEPH GITIS RICHARD A. NORDBYE 'ALSO ADMITTED IN WISCONSIN VIA MESSENGER At the request of Rick Geshwiler, Planning Director for the City of Bloomington, we have enclosed a complete copy of the development application filed with the City of Bloomington on February 24, 1993, on behalf of Homart Community Centers, Inc. for The Shops at Minnesota Center (the Project). This submittal is delivered to the City of Edina pursuant to that certain Settlement Agreement, dated November 15, 1985 by and among the Cities of Edina and.Bloomington, the Metropolitan Council and Homart Development Company. Please feel free to call me, Bob Hoffman or members of team with questions regarding the Project. You may al: inquiries to Rick Geshwiler at the City of Bloomington. Sincerely, i C. Griffith, Jr., for LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, Ltd. Enclosure cc: Rick Geshwiler, Director of Planning, Bloomington Craig.Larsen, Director of Planning, Edina Fran Hoffman, Traffic Engineer, Edina Daniel C. Slattery Kurt T. Kurtti Robert L. Hoffman, Esq. WCG:LV6sg the development o direct your 4g1��11. o e %. )o; REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council y y Agenda Item # From: Francis Hoffman' . Consent ❑ City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: 5 April, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Vacation of To Council Summit Avenue Action ❑ Motion EE Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Vacate alley subject to private cross- easements to abutting private properties, maintaining Fire access to Summit Point and sidewalk access from Summit Point. Info /Background: This matter should be reviewed in conjunction with the final development plan for 5100 Vernon Avenue, Murphy Automotive. Craig Larsen, City Planner, will tie this into the Planning Department presentation at the Council Meeting. o e En REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council y y Agenda Item # III.B. From: Francis Hoffman „1''? ; Consent ❑ City Engineer ;•(/ Information Only ❑ Date: 5 April, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Vacation of Alley a To Council South of Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, and West of Action ❑ Motion Lots 3 thru 11, Block 5, Brookside Heights Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Depending upon opinion of neighbors from 5012 Oxford thru 5044 Oxford Avenue, vacate or maintain existing public alley land. (Staff recommendation was to vacate public alley land). Info /Background: This matter was continued from March 15th meeting. Staff sent out a letter to property owners suggesting three options (see attached letter). Mr. Zachman on Interlachen Boulevard called to indicate that he thought the neighbors on Oxford should decide the issue as he had a corner lot and therefore, more access to his property. His main issue was to seek removal of a butternut tree located on the current public alley land. III ,0 e cn March 30, 1993 Dear Property Owner: City of Edina The Edina City Council met on March 15th, 1993 to consider vacating a public unimproved alley adjacent to your property. The staff recommendation was to vacate the public alley land as it was only one -half the normal alley width. Also, the staff did not expect any public need for the alley in the future. The City Council continued the vacation hearing to the April 5th meeting. This letter is sent to advise you of three possibilities as to the fate of the public alley land. The three options are as follows: A. Do not vacate the alley land. Leave status quo for possible future construction of an alley. B. Vacate alley land. Each property owner then can file to pick up the vacated adjacent alley land and attach it to their property. The City assessing office does not anticipate a change of property value as a result of this action. C. Construct a public alley at an estimated cost per property of $3,500 to $4,500 spread over ten years as special assessment. This cost is high because there is little benefit gained by land west of the alleyway. Please contact me at 927 -8861 to express your opinion, write a letter to City Council or appear at the City Council meeting on April 5th, 1993 at 7:00 PM. Sincerely, Francis Ho an, P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer FJH /clf City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 J I F h X92 80 I CO RD NO 20 53,43 Defer To Neighb�rs 1 54 rasi el Wil 36 54 N 53 R (.601 - (59) ( 58) (57 ) I w (n) 22 (76) >e as 2� ( 5) ' 14.00 029 ( 73) 119.18 e (72) 71) .e (70) 1s 119 57 14 (f 14 51ST 50 ROOM sit ( 160 ) ps 3 A ®OS llil) � ST w W a 0 ac U- 0 7". (139 ) 30) 22 137) 20 M 35) E� � i o RPOPU REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: GORDON L. HUGHES Date: APRIL 5, 1993 Subject: ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -4 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1050 OF THE CITY CODE TO UPDATE STATUTORY REFERENCES AND REQUIREMENTS Recommendation: Agenda Item # IV-A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ® Ordinance ❑ Discussion Enact Ordinance No. 1993 -4. Staff recommends waiver of Second Reading. Info /Background Ordinance No. 1993 -4, updates Statutory References to the Code Section dealing with the Maintenance of Vegetation. No substantive changes to this Section are made by virtue of this Ordinance Amendment. ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1050 OF THE CITY CODE TO UPDATE STATUTORY REFERENCES AND REQUIREMENTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. The definition of "Weed" in Subsection 1050.02 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Weed. (i) Any plant which is identified by the State Commissioner of Agriculture as a noxious weed or secondary noxious weed pursuant to M.S. 18.77, Subd. 8, or (ii) any volunteer plant, except trees and other woody vegetation, which is not customarily or intentionally planted." Section 2. Subsection 1050.08 is hereby amended to read as follows: "1050.08 Abatement. Subd.1 Nuisance. Any vegetation which does not meet the requirements of this Section is declared to be a nuisance. Subd. 2 Conditions Allowing Inspector to Enter Property. The weed inspector or assistant weed inspector of the City, or persons authorized by the weed inspector or assistant weed inspector may enter upon property to cut, remove, destroy and eradicate vegetation declared to be a nuisance under this Section. Entry by the weed inspector, assistant weed inspector or persons authorized by the weed inspector or assistant weed inspector, for the purpose of cutting, removing destroying or eradicating vegetation shall be done only after written notice is served upon the owner, and the occupant if other than the owner, of the property to be entered, and failure of the owner or occupant to cut down, remove, destroy or eradicate vegetation declared to be a nuisance, within the time, and in such manner, as the weed inspector or assistant weed inspector shall designate in the notice. The notice shall be given in the manner prescribed by M.S. 18.83, Subd. 2, and shall allow a minimum of seven days for the property owner or occupant to comply with requirements of the notice. Subd. 3 Owner's Responsibility for Costs Incurred. The costs and expenses incurred by the City in connection with entering a property pursuant to Subd. 2 of this Subsection and cutting, removing, destroying and eradicating vegetation declared to be a nuisance, shall be paid by the owner or occupant of the property entered pursuant to a notice containing the information and served as prescribed by M.S. 18.83, Subd. 7. If the City is not paid the amount stated in the notice within 30 days or before the following October 1 whichever is later, such amount shall become a lien in favor of the City and a penalty of eight percent shall be added to the amount due as of that date and the total cost, expenses and penalties shall be certified to the auditor of Hennepin County for entry as a tax upon such property for collection as other real estate taxes are collected, all pursuant to the provisions of M.S. 18.83, Subd. 7." Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: Published in the Edina Sun - Current on ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor } oei -� >' O •'NN RIOM•/ ar REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: GORDON L. HUGHES Date: APRIL 5, 1993 Subject: ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -5 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1200 AND SECTION 1230 OF THE CITY CODE TO PERMIT PUSHCARTS ON PUBLIC SIDEWALKS Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance No. 1993 -5. Info /Background: Agenda Item # IV_ B_ Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Cou Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resofut ❑ Ordinan El Discuss ncii ion ce ion Attached is a letter from Pat Asplund, who is the owner of Cuppa Java in the Edina 5 -0 Mall at 50th and France. Ms. Asplund has asked permission to operate a beverage cart on the public sidewalks in the 50th and France area on Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the summer months. After reviewing the City Code, staff concluded that such a beverage cart is prohibited by way of the provisions of Section 1200 and Section 1230 of the Code. Section 1200 prohibits the placement of corn - poppers, peanut - roasters, ice cream containers, vending or food carts or islands on public sidewalks. Section 1230 of the Code prohibits the sale of any product or property from a public sidewalk. Staff believes that food and beverage carts would be a very desirable amenity for the 50th and France area. This area is particularly well suited for this activity in that shopping is very pedestrian oriented and the area is characterized by generous sidewalk widths and plazas. No other area, with the Report /Recommendation April 5, 1993 Page two possible exception of the 44th and France shopping area, shares these characteristics. The attached Ordinance Amendments would permit the placement and operation of food and beverage pushcarts in the 50th and France area, subject to the written approval of the City Manager. The Amendment provides that only pushcarts serving food and beverages for immediate consumption would be permitted, therefore, pushcarts selling merchandise or food products requiring further preparation would not be allowed. All pushcarts would require licensing by the health department, in accordance with Section 720, the Food Code. f It INCORPORATED 2318 CHESTNUT AVE. WEST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55405 (612) 374 -3520 FAX (612) 374 -2844 1- 800 - 535 -4560 March 30, 1993 ATTN: Edina City Council V/ {fi • �-' -- / •(.'.. —.lam y� c� I am writing this letter to request permission to place a temporary espresso beverage cart in front of the Edina 5 -0 Mall from April 15th to September 15th. I am a tenant in the Edina 5 -0 Mall as the owner of Cuppa Java. I would lice to have the cart out on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It would be built to meet health standards, along with architectural and exterior design specifications. The cart would be placed on -site in the morning. The hours would be Friday & Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. It is my intention to sell espresso beverages (hot & cold) and biscotti. I would be able to use Cuppa Java's facilities as my comissary. All of this of course, can be flexible depending on existing codes. My desire for placing a cart on the street is consistent with the European ambiance of the 50th and France area. Many of the Edina residents that frequent Cuppa Java have expressed delight with the possibility of having an espresso cart in the area. I look forward to discussing this further. S' cerely, Pat Asplund ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1200 AND SECTION 1230 OF THE CITY CODE TO PERMIT PUSHCARTS ON PUBLIC SIDEWALKS IN THE 50TH AND FRANCE COMMERCIAL AREA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph G of Subd. 1 of Subsection 1200.02 is hereby deleted. Section 2. Paragraphs H, I, J, K, and L of Subd. 1 of Subsection 1200.02 are re- lettered G, H, I, J, and K respectively. Section 3. Subd. 2 of Subsection 1200.02 is amended by adding a new paragraph as follows: "P. Subject to the written approval of the Manager, pushcarts as defined in Section 720 of this Code placed on sidewalks and publicly owned walkways within the area included in the plan prepared by the HRA entitled "50th and France Commercial Area Plan' ' dated December 3, 1974." Section 4. Paragraph R of Subsection 1230.2 is amended as follows: "R. Park or occupy a vehicle or occupy a street or sidewalk to sell any form of produce or any other product or property, or for conducting any business or selling of services; except, that food or beverages for immediate consumption may be sold from pushcarts as defined in Section 720 of this Code on sidewalks or publicly owned walkways within the area included in the plan prepared by the HRA entitled "50th and France Commercial Area Plan" dated December 3, 1974, subject to the written approval of the Manager." Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: Published in the Edina Sun - Current on: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor V 50TH & FRANCE DOWNTOWN EDINA BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL ASSOC. P.O. Box #24122 EDINA, MN 55424 -0122 (612) 922 -1524 April 1,1993 TO: EDINA CITY COUNCIL This letter is in response to Pat Asplund's request to place a beverage cart in front of the Edina 5 -0 Mall and sell espresso beverages and biscotti on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from April 15th to September 15th. Pat Asplund is a current tenant in the mall and owner of Cuppa Java. It appears from her description that Pat intends to do a first class job in constructing the beverage cart. If so, it would not only fit in with the character and integrity of the area but would add to it. The City and the property owners have put a lot of time and money into the streetscape and have many places for shoppers and employees of the corner to sit, relax, and enjoy a fine cup of espresso and biscotti. The addition of this beverage cart should increase people's enjoyment of this unique pedestrian area as they stroll through downtown Edina. Sincerely, /Sally A. Robson President REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor Richards and Council Members FROM: John Keprios, Assistant Director, Park and Recreation Dept. VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager n SUBJECT. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: March 26, 1993 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Walk behind greens mower Company 1. Scharber & Son's, Inc, John Deere 2. MTI Distributing, Toro 3. North Star Turf, Jacobsen 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR'EID: Scharber & Sons, Inc. $7221.76 AGENDA ITEM VI -A Amount of Quote or &d 1. $7221.76 2. $8564.73 3. $7970.46 4. 5. GENERAL INFORMATION: Walk behind John Deere greensmower for new greens at Braemar and for Normandale. Needed for newly sodded greens this spring. gnature The Recommended bid is I within budget not Department Kenneth REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis J. Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE. 5 April, 1993 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Traffic Signal Tester Company 1. Brown Traffic Products, Inc. 2, Gades Sales Co., Inc. 3. Automatic Signal /Eagle Signal 4. 5.� RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Brown Traffic Products, Inc. AGENDA ITEM V I . B . Amount of Quote or &d 1 $ 6,177.00 2. $ 6,261.14 3, $ 6,390.00 4. 5. $ 6,177.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This is for the purchase of an automatic conflict monitor tester with a built in printer, which will do diagnostic testing of the City's traffic signals. Funding for this purchase is from the general equipment maintenance fund in the Public Works area. Si ature Public Works — Streets Department The Recommended bid is - X within budget not withip buo@� Kenneth a �e I Wallin, inane Director City Ma ger U REQUEST FOR PURCHASE v TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,00 DATE 5 April, 1993 AGENDA ITEM V I . D . ITEM DESCRIPTION: Sand, Rock, Bituminous Material & Concrete Company Amount of Quote or Bid SEE ATTACHED TABULATION 2. 2. 3. 3.' 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Award to companies as listed on attached sheet. GENERAL INFORMATION: This is the bid establishing the prices for certain materials used in public works projects. The prices are firm for a period of one year (1 April, 1993 to 1 April, 1994). The funds for the purchases come from the money allocated to the operating section of the budget (300 accounts). Sign re. The Recommended bid is x within budget not within Kenneth Public Works City k-� Director SAND, ROCK, BITUMINOUS MATERIAL & CONCRETE LOW BID Comparative 1992/1993 Change of Percent ITEM COMPANY 1993 1992 + or - Delivered SA -AG, Inc. 3.28 3.50 - 6.7% Sand Delivered No Bids (Shortage of 8.99 N/A Buckshot Specified Material - To Be Re -Bid) Delivered Dresser Trap Rock 14.85 14.50 + 2.4% Seal Coat Chips Delivered Ed Kraemar 5.40 Didn't N/A Class II Take Bid Picked Up Midwest Asphalt 17.20 18.00 - 4.7%, At Plant Asphalt #2331* 2331 Fine* Midwest Asphalt 17.70 18.50 - 4.5% #2341* Bituminous Rdwys., Inc. 18.50 19.50 - 5.4% Winter Mix Midwest Asphalt 45.00 40.00 +12.5% Delivered AVR, Inc. 50.50 47.05 + 7.3% Concrete (Cu.Yd.) (Cu.Yd) Cut Back Koch Refining .7748 .7248 + 6.9% Asphalt (Gal.) (Gal.) Delivered Alternate Koch Refining .4828 .3728 +29.5 %, Cut Back (Gal.) Asphalt (CRS2) All items per ton except as noted. * These items are awarded on basis of total cost per ton including trucking and labor. Award on asphalt to Midwest and Bituminous Roadways on bid items with an alternate award to either firm if the low bid asphalt plant is down when we need asphalt. f REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,00 DATE: 5 April, 1993 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Water treatment Chemicals Companv 1 SEE ATTACHED TABULATION 2. 3. 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR EID: Award to company as listed on attached sheet. AGENDA ITEM VI.D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Amount of Quote or Bd GENERAL INFORMATION: This bid establishes the annual price for water treatment chemicals used in wells and swimming pools in the City. These chemicals are: .hydrofluosilicic acid, liquid chlorine, caustic soda, and diatomaceous earth, and will be purchased as needed. These prices will be valid until March 31, 1994. , Si atur The Recommended bid is Public Works - Utilities within budget not Kenneth Rosland, City CHEMICALS LOW BID Comparative 1992/1993 Change of Percent ITEM COMPANY 1993 1992 + or - Water Dixie Petro -Chem, Inc. 32.75 32.09 + 2.1% Treatment Chemicals For City Wells* Caustic Dixie Petro -Chem, Inc. 1.80/ 1.43/ +25.9% Soda Gal. Gal. Diatomaceos Dixie Petro -Chem, Inc. 9.50/ 9.25/ + 2.7% Earth Bag Bag * This bid is for 100 Lbs. of hydrofluosilicic acid and 100 lbs. of liquid chlorine. o el la REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.00 DATE. 5 April, 1993 VI. E. AGENDA ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION: One Tandem Dump Truck Company Amount of Quote or Bid j Lakeland Ford Truck Sales $ 61,848.16 2• (State of MN Contract No. 79- 382 - 02530) 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR E1D: Lakeland Ford Truck Sales $ 61,848.16 GENERAL INFORMATION: This is for the purchase of one tandem dump truck. This purchase will be funded by the equipment replacement fund of the street department. '71 Sig ature z. Public Works - Streets The Recommended bid is - within budget not withjn budge Department allin, Fin Ace Director City Manager 'cam 1r��r\ e >4r O REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: COUNCIL From: MAYOR RICHARDS Date: APRIL 5, 1993 Subject: CITIZEN'S COMMITTEE REGARDING SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES Recommendation: Agenda Item # VI1.O.A Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action T Motion I� Resolution Ordinance Discussion Appoint "the following individuals to the Citizen's Committee. Alan Ackerberg Jim Fee David Hays Amy Johnson Sydney Johnson Mike Lewis John Lonsbury Helen McClelland Cappy Moore Janet Nelson Bob Rydman Virginia Shaw Ted Stark Lois Wilder At the March 15, 1993, meeting, the City Council establishing a citizen committee to study the imp oriented businesses on the City. I believe that individuals should fairly represent the interest whole. I recommend that the Council concur with appointments and request that the committee file the Council on or before June 7, 1993. authorized pacts of sexually the above named of the City as a these its report to r� o y .. •'!'�RIOM i.O tl REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Janet Chandler David A. Velde Date: April 5, 1993 r Subject: Vierkant Disposal Complaint Recommendation: Information Info /Background: Agenda Item # vzI. 9'•3, Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends E To HRA 57 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion At the March 15, 1993, City Council meeting Mr. Gary Vierkant (Vierkant Disposal) claimed that his competitors were offering a lower priced refuse collection service to customers if they brought their refuse down to the curb for collection. Mr. Vierkant also claimed that residents weren't abiding by the law, the city was not enforcing the law and that if other haulers were offering curbside pickup of refuse, he would also offer the curbside option. Mr. Vierkant reported 13 residents that had refuse at the curb in Morningside. A letter was sent to each of the 13 residents. Conversations with five of the 13 residents revealed a variety of reasons they brought the refuse to the curb. None of the five were told by their refuse hauler to bring the refuse to the curb for collection. This ordinance is enforced on a complaint only basis. Information is provided to all homeowners on a yearly basis about the regulations addressing curbside refuse storage. Residents are also advised about these requirements in flyers distributed by Welcome Wagon, Newcomers and realtor packets. - 4 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 31, 1993 TO: Ken Rosland FROM: David Velde SUBJECT: REGISTERED COMPLAINT FROM GARY VIERKANT On March 15, 1993, Mr. Gary Vierkant of Vierkant Disposal registered a complaint with the Edina City Council regarding unfair competition by other refuse haulers. Mr. Vierkant alleged that his competitors are offering Edina residents a lower rate for service if they leave the refuse out by the curb for collection. This would be contrary to Edina Ordinance No. 705, which states that refuse may not be placed at the curb. Mr. Vierkant went on to state that this Ordinance is not enforced on a routine basis and that he intended to break the Ordinance by offering his customers an option of placing their refuse by the curb for collection. On March 22, 1993, Mr. Vierkant turned in a list of customers in the Morningside area who had their refuse out by the curb. On March 23, 1993, a letter was sent to the 13 residents reported by Vierkant asking them to discontinue placing their refuse out by the curb for collection. On March 29,1993, I drove through the Morningside area checking on the 13 residents and found one was still placing the refuse at the curb. I stopped and talked to the homeowner and he stated that he would not place the refuse at the curb again. I also asked the residents why he set the refuse out and he stated that's the way he did .it at his previous address, which was not in Edina. I also got calls from four of the 13 residents regarding the letter asking for clarification about where the refuse may be placed. I specifically asked each one of the people who their refuse hauler was and if the hauler had directed them to bring the refuse to the curb and whether they were offered a reduced rate for curbside pickup. All four callers stated that they brought the refuse to the curb because that's the way they had done it at their previous address. They were not aware of a reduced price for curbside pickup nor had the hauler offered them a reduced price for curbside pickup. Ken Rosland/Vierkant complaint March 31, 1993 Page two I also contacted one Morningside resident that Mr. Vierkant claimed had been told by the refuse hauler to place the refuse out by the curb. This resident told me that the reason he brought the refuse to the curb was to help the driver and also that he had been bringing refuse to the curb at his previous address. (again not a previous Edina resident). The resident also told me that the reason he went with the hauler that he did was because the company offered a large wheeled garbage container as part of the service and he liked that feature. He said he no longer brings his refuse to the curb. I could find no evidence to suggest that refuse haulers are asking their customers to bring the refuse to the curb in Edina. I am aware of cases where. individual drivers have asked residents to bring the refuse to the curb. When I report this to the main office, this practice is immediately stopped by the driver. Enforcement of the code regarding the placement of refuse at the curb is handled on a complaint basis. The department handles about 20 complaints a year regarding refuse at the curb. It is not the departments policy to initiate the enforcement of this Code. DV /dr MEMORANDUM DATE: March 31, 1993 TO: Ken Rosland FROM: Janet Chandler SUBJECT: Notices to Residents Regarding Placement of Garbage and Recycling Containers In reviewing publications from the City we find that notices regarding placement of containers have been published regularly. Some notices have been in general publications sent to all residents; others have been specific to neighborhoods or individuals in response to particular situations. A review of the most recent publications shows that the following articles, published in the About Town magazine contained the rules on placement of recyclables and /or garbage. -Spring 1990, Scotty articles, Recycling & Compost Policies, rules on placement of recyclables, garbage and yard waste. -Spring 1991, It's Not Only Neighborly... It's The Law, rules on garbage, recycling containers and yard waste. - Winter 1992, Here's How to Recycle, placement of recycling containers. - Winter 1993, Scotty's Recycling Review, placement of recycling containers. Another reminder which went to all residents in January, February and March 1993 was printed on the card inserted in the utility bill. One side of the card contained information on the recycling charge. The other side reviewed the rules on storage and placement of garbage, recycling containers and yard waste. We try to inform new residents in several ways. A Recycling Flyer is available at City Hall and sent, upon request, to new residents. Each edition of the flyer has stated "the container should be visible from the street, but should not be placed at the curb." These flyers are also distributed by the Welcome Wagon and Newcomers organizations. Information on placement of garbage, recycling and yard waste is also contained in the packet prepared for Edina realtors. The City Sanitarian's report gives details on notices sent to individuals or neighborhoods where compliance with garbage regulations has been a problem. In the case of recycling regulations, the efforts for compliance have been directed at education of residents and working with the recycling drivers and supervisors. A copy of the recent utility insert is printed on the back of this page. �r Reminders about garbage, yard waste, and recycling Garbage ❑ Store garbage cans out of view of the street. Yard Waste ❑ Place yard waste at the curb no sooner than 12 hours before collection. ❑ No refuse other than yard waste should be placed at the curb at any time. Recyclables ❑ Recyclables should not be placed at the curb, but must be visible from the street. Please observe these rules and help keep your neighborhood neat and orderly. Recycling Review These recyclables are picked up weekly: • Newspaper • Glass jars • Magazines/Catalogs • Corrugated cardboard • Plastic bottles • Aluminunv Tin cans Please remember to ... • Rinse cans and jars • Discard caps, lids, and pumps • Sort into separate paper bags • Place your container for pickup by 7 AM These reminders are from the Edina Health Department and the Edina Recycling Program. JANUARY 1993 113A. 1Lr q��r1. o e �Cn REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # VTT.c. From: Francis Hoffman - City Engineer Consent Information Only ❑ ❑ Date: 5 April, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Storm Sewer Pro ects Feasibility Report Action x 0 To Council Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Approve Storm Sewer Improvement Projects STS -221, STS -222, STS -223 & STS -224 and authorize bids for projects. Info /Background: The following projects have been reviewed, and are feasible and consistent with the stormwater management and watershed district goals. They will be funded from the stormwater utility fund. Staff will present details at Council Meeting. AMP ;LOCATION > ESTIMATED NO COST STS -221 Easement Line from Back Yard to Tower St. $ 7,953.12 STS -222 Parkwood Rd. from Blake Rd. to Schaefer Rd. $80,830.85 STS -223 Schaefer Rd. - Easement Between Lots 12 & 13, Blk. 3, $10,816.96 Killarney Shores Addn. STS -224 Vernon & Gleason Intersction Overflow $30,083.20 A. o e J• RPOM��9/ innB REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: David A. Velde April 5, 1993 Subject: Proposed Tobacco Legislation - Senate File 881. Recommendation: Agenda Item # VII . X. A- Consent (❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr . Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion The Edina Community Health Services Advisory Committee supports the legislation contained in Senate File 881 which increases the excise tax on tobacco products and eliminates self service of tobacco products. The committee recommends adoption of the attached resolution by the City Council. Info /Background: Senate File 881 proposes to increase the excise tax on cigarette packs by 23 cents. Studies show that this increase will result in a 5% reduction in cigarette consumption. The increased revenue will be used for health promotion activities. Also, it has been found that youth will access tobacco products by shoplifting. This bill will limit access to single packs of tobacco products by eliminating customer self service in less than 10 pack carton amounts. i DRAFT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Edina City Council, as the Community Health Board, has responsibility to protect and promote the health of its residents; and ° WHEREAS, tobacco is the largest contributor to preventable disease and premature death; and WHEREAS, reduction of tobacco use among youth requires a comprehensive approach such as that recommended by the Minnesota Health Care Commission to the Governor and legislature; and WHEREAS, the Edina Community Health Services Advisory Committee supports this resolution and recommends its adoption; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL supports legislative action to reduce tobacco use among youth by increasing the excise tax and restricting youth access to tobacco products as set forth in Senate File 881. 1tijjzation of Excise Taxes to Dec ease Smokina Related Disease Smoking related diseases accounted for 6,100 deaths in Minnesota in 1990 and represented the leading cause of preventable mortality. Of these deaths, approximately 44 percent were due to cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke; 33 percent were due to cancers, including cancer of the lung, uterine cervix, bladder, pancreas, and kidney; 23 percent were due to respiratory diseases, including pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema; and 0.4 percent were due to cigarette- ignited fires. The economic burden associated with smoking related diseases is enormous in Minnesota. For example, 1990 health care expenditures were estimated to be $355,000,000 ($81 per Minnesota resident) and lost income resulting from premature death or disability was estimated to account for an additional $641,000400 ($146 per Minnesota resident). Combined, these costs ($996 million) represented $228 for each Minnesota resident. A number of studies have demonstrated that increasing the price of cigarettes will result in a subsequent decrease in consumption. 3ased on these studies, the Minnesota Department of Revenue astimates that for each 1O percent increase in the retail price of cigarettes, overall consumption will decrease by approximately 4.5 percent. Among adolescents, however, the impact is thought to be greater and a 10 increase in retail price may produce as much as a 1-0 percent decrease in consumption. F- innesota's current excise tax on cigarettes is 43 cents per pack, the third highest in the United States. However, Canada and several western European countries have cigarette excise tax rates which are much higher than our current rate. In order to achieve a 5 percent reduction in consumption, it would be necessary to increase the state excise tax by approximately 23 cents per pack. -his reduction in consumption could be maintained if the method of taxation was changed from an amount per pack to an ad valorem tax. Minnesota's current excise tax Df 48 cents per park is equivalent to 25.4 percent of the wholesale price. In order to achieve and =aintain a 5 percent reduction in consumption, our state excise tax would need to be increased to 37.5 percent of the wholesale price. It is estimated that each I cent increase gencrates approximately $2,800,000 in additional annual state excise and sales tax revenue (after adjusting for a decrease in consumption). It is clear that a direct relationship exists between cigarette consumption rates, the incidence of smoking related diseases, and health care expenditures associated with the treatment of these diseases. Therefore, it is assumed that a 51 reduction in consumption would result in a corresponding decrease in health care and other costs, which could save $49.9 million each year. prcce al to Decre se C? rette constymption by 5 Percent Cigarette excise taxes could be increased by the amount indicated below L1 crder to accomplish a 5 percent overall reducticn z:, cons ion. In order to maintain that reduction over tie, it would !:e necessary to change the =ethod of taxation from an amo=t per pack to an ad valorem tax. Current state excise tax: 48 cents per pack which is ecraivalent to 25.4$ of wholesale price. Proposed change in state excise tax: 37.5$ of wholesale price which is equivalent to 71 cents per pack. Impact on state excise and sales tax revenue (in millions of $): FY t94 Fr 195 eY 196 Additional Excise: $62.8 $76.0 $89.1 .dditicnal Sales: 2•5 2.4 2.2 Total Increase: $65.2 $78.4 $91.3 Utilization of Excise TAxes to Decrease gizokinc- Related Diseases Impact of smoking on Mortality: * 6,100 deac�.s, representing 131 of all Minnesota deaths in 1990, were smoking - related. - 2,700 (44 %) were due to cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and strake. - 2,000 (33 %) were due to cancers of the lung, uterine cervix, bladder, pancreas, and kidney. 1,400 (23 %) were due to respiratory diseases: pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. 22 (0.4%) were caused by cigarette- ignited fires. Impact of Smoking on Health Care Costs and Lost Income: * $355 million in 1990 Minnesota estimated direct health care costs associated with smoking- related diseases. - $al per Minnesota resident -for 1--he year. * $641 million in 1990 Minnesota estimated lost income due to premature death or disability associated with smoking - related diseases. - $146 per Minnesota resident for the year. * $996 million in 1990 Minnesota estimated total costs associated with smoking - related diseases. - $228 per Minnesota resident for t::e year. Impact of Increasing cigarette Excise Taxes by the Equivalent of 23 Cents Per Pack and Changing to an Ad valorem Method of Taxation: * 5$ reduction in overall cigarette consumption achieved. - Ad valorem tax maintains consumption reduction. * Assuming a proportional reduction of 5% in health care costs and lost income associated With smoking - related diseases: - $17.8 million saved per year in health care costs. - $32.1 million saved per year in lost income. - $49.9 million total estimated annual savings. Prohibiting the Self - Service Icier handising of certain Types of Tobacco Products According to the Association for Nonsmokors- Minnesota, shoplifting is a method utilized by some adolescents to acquire cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products. This practice may have increased since youth access to vending machines has been restricted. Shoplifting of tobacco products can be prevented by storing theta behind a counter so that they are not accessible to the public without the assistance of an employee of the retail establishment. Larger size items, such as cartons of cigarettes, are more difficult to steal and are less likely to be the target of .younger and less experienced shoplifters. Tobacco companies will supply over -head racks to vendors who wish to have behind- the - counter displays rather than aisle displays. Although many retail establishments voluntarily sell from behind the counter, others do not because of concerns over loss revenue from tobacco companies for prominent display space (known as slotting). However, some retailers indicate that the income from slotting is nearly offset by the loss from shoplifting. To address the concern of shoplifting by adolescents, it is proposed that the self- service of tobacco in any container less than a carton, or a ten -roll pack in the case of smokeless tobacco, be prohibited. Cigars and pipe tobacco would be exempted from the prohibition because of their very low use by adolescents. Source: Association for Nonsmokers- Minnesota, Preventing Tobacco Sales to Kids: What Can Communities Do? TQrFL P.31 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Edina City Council, as the Community Health Board, has responsibility to protect and promote the health of its residents; and WHEREAS, tobacco is the largest contributor to preventable disease and premature death; and WHEREAS, reduction of tobacco use among youth requires a comprehensive approach such as that recommended by the Minnesota Health Care Commission to the Governor and Legislature; and WHEREAS, the Edina Community Health Services Advisory Committee supports this resolution and recommends its adoption; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council supports legislative action to reduce tobacco use among youth by increasing the excise tax and restricting youth access to tobacco products as set forth in Senate File 881 and House File 1262. ADOPTED this 5th day of April, 1993. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of April 5, 1993 and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 6th day of April, 1993. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk L •00 p •00• •00 0 City of apple 14200 Cedar Avenue valley Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 -8545 March 29, 1993 Mayor Frederick Richards - City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Richards: AGENDA ITEM. X.A Telephone (612) 431 -8800 At a City Council meeting on March 25, the Apple Valley City Council adopted the attached resolution opposing several pieces of legislation authored by Rep. Myron Orfield. The resolution urges the modification of these bills to make them workable; or, if they cannot be successfully amended, we are urging their defeat. Rep. Orfield is to be commended for his efforts to address the important issues such as urban blight, inner -city poverty, and substandard housing. Regrettably, these bills as proposed fall far short of resolving the problem at the source and seek to penalize suburban communities because of differing socio- economic demographics. Clearly, these bills fail to acknowledge the number of subsidized housing units and low- moderate income families actually in our communities. I am sure you are acutely aware of the content of these bills and their devastating effects on rapid - growth, outer- ring 'suburban communities. These bills give the Metropolitan Council sweeping authority over municipalities in zoning and land use, threaten to jeopardize development that would expand the tax base with new housing and job creation opportunities, and halt major transportation projects needed in key areas of the region to relieve congestion. These bills are rapidly moving through the legislative process so time is of the essence. Please contact your legislators and those in neighboring districts to your city. Make sure they understand the effects this legislation has on your community and try to secure a commitment from them to either support amendments to remove the harmful provisions of these bills or vote against them entirely. Thank you for your assistance on this vital issue. Working together, I am confident we will be able to turn back these bills. If you have any q;:ea -lons, please contact me or Apple Valley City Administrator Thomas Melena. Sincerely, CITY OF APPLE VALLEY Willis E. Br Mayor WB:pJg .. Attachment c: Representative Tim Pawlenty Representative Eileen Tompkins Senator Dave Knutson Senator Deanna Weiner Home of the Minnesota Zoological Garden (Printed on Recycled Paper) (over) w CITY OF APPLE VALLEY RESOLUTION NO. 1993 -69 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING HOUSE FILES 622, 623, 641, 671 AND 677 AS INTRODUCED]N THE MINNESOTA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DURING THE 1993 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. WHEREAS, Rep. Myron Orfield (DFL- Minneapolis) has introduced the above - listed bills relative to housing, metropolitan governance, development controls, and transportation, and WHEREAS, the economies of the core cities of the Region and_of the suburbs are interconnected and it is in the interest of the City of Apple Valley that the socio- economic problems of the core cities be resolved, and WHEREAS, the specific provisions of the legislation utilizes penalties excessively and incentives too sparingly to force suburban communities to resolve the socio- economic problems of the inner - regions of the metropolitan area, and WHEREAS, the legislation fails to attack the real problems of central cities such as confidence in the school systems, problems of the housing /jobs linkage, crime, concentrations of urban blight, and public transportation making the success of proposed solutions doubtful, and WHEREAS, the legislation fails to provide the resources necessary to achieve its intended goals by hindering housing opportunities and job creation in the suburban areas and by thwarting the development of regional transportation improvements, and WHEREAS, the legislation provides for an unnecessary intrusion by the Metropolitan Council into the local government sovereignty of zoning and land use decisions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley that the City urges the Legislature to amend these bills to delete their harmful provisions so they can be passed and help to resolve the socio- economic problems of the inner - region of the metropolitan area, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if such legislation is not amended the City of Apple Valley urges the defeat of each of the above - mentioned bills, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the Legislature approves such legislation in its current form, the City of Apple Valley urges Gov. Carlson to veto each bill. ADOPTED this 25th day of March, 1993. ATTEST: r� 7� Mary Eq Mueller, City Clerk V i W. E. Branning, Mayor / IIOUSE METROPOLITAN REORGANIZATION BILLS 1993 AGENDA ITEM X.A Will be introduced by Mariani on 3/18/93- - 1 - HF 1090 Pugh HF641, Orfield' Carruthers HF959, McCollum Met Council (draft) Overview creates an elected council; creates an elected council; restructures metropolitan creates an elected council; (transit governance only) 3- tiered structure, but eliminates MWCC, RTB, eliminates MWCC, MAC, MSFC, RT1i, and transfers government to distinguish between legislative and executive functions, restructures metro agencies to give council greater retains eliminates the RTB and MTC MTC, MPOSC, and transfers ownership, powers and duties ownership, powers and duties rather than planning and operating control over appointments boards; establishes MnDOT of the agencies to the council to the council and establishes functions; and budgets; and CRRA as joint lead agencies, with MnDOT (except certain RTB functions which are given to TAB), and three operating divisions (waste control, airports, sports creates an appointed policymaking board called Twin Cities Metro responsible for EIS, final establishes two operating facilities), retaining the former Board as the legislative branch and design and construction of divisions (waste control and metro agency governing boards an agency, Twin Cities Metro, as LRT (same as provisions for LRT governance in HF403) transit) as advisory committees; the executive branch. abolishes the MMCC eliminates the RTB, MTC, metro CRRAs, MWCC, MPOSC, MMCC Council elected; 16 members; 4 yr elected; 16 members; 4 yr Metro Board - 13 members (12 elected; 16 members; 4 year terms; chair selected by and terms; chair selected by and from districts and a chair appointed terms (max. of 2 terms); from among the members for a from among the members. by the governor); 4 yr terms; board public financing (metro two -year term; part -time, nonpartisan, salary is provided a small staff to assist property tax) of campaigns in council is part -time, at 90% of legislators' salaries, with policy analysis and evaluation. exchange for spending limits; nonpartisan, and paid a salary plus per diem Board has authority to levy, bond, chair selected by and from of $20,000 /year adopt rules, adopt plans among the members; council Metro - commissioner appointed by is part -time, nonpartisan, and the governor; deputies for agency's paid an unspecified salary divisions appointed by the commissioner. Transit RTB abolished; taxing authority, abolished; powers and duties abolished; taxing authority given to council appoints chair; abolished; functions implementation planning, LRT given to the council; ends opt- board; policy and implementation council given review and transferred to new planning given to the council out funding. plan approval to board approval of capital budget Metropolitan Transit and review and comment on Authority (D1TA) headed by a operating budget chief administrator appointed by the council chair; NITA - capital and operating budgets, implementation and service plans subject to council approval - 1 - — 2 — MTC abolished ; council owns and unaffected abolished; ownership and operation council appoints 5 abolished and recreated as operates the bus service of bus sen•ice given to Metro commissioners Metro Transit headed by a chief administrator appointed by the council chair with advice from MnDOT and MTA TAB given RTB financial subsidy unaffected given RTB financial subsidy and unaffected unaffected and contract management & contract management /brokering brokering functions; chaired by functions vice -chair of council CRRAs unaffected unaffected abolishes the metro CRRAs and removes metro CRRAs from reduces role of metro CRRAs (metro) transfers assets, debts, etc. to LRT /transit activities; in LRT final design and Metro prohibits metro CRRAs from construction in favor of levying for LRT except to MnDOT repay outstanding bonds Sewers /MWCC abolished; ownership of the commission restructured as an abolished; ownership and operation council appoints the chair; system and duties of NIWCC advisory committee to the of sewer system given to Metro council given review and given to the council council; waste control (bonding, taxing, rulemaking, approval of capital budget established as an operating policy and implementation plan and review and comment on division of the council; approval by the board) operating budget ownership of the system and duties of.NIWCC given to the council Parks /MPOSC abolished and duties assumed unaffected abolished; power and duties unaffected by the council transferred to Metro or Metro Board Sports Facilities unaffected commission restructured as an unaffected unaffected MSFC advisory committee to the council; sports facilities established as an operating division of the council; ownership of the facilities and duties of the commission transferred to the council — 2 — s Airports /MAC unaffected commission restructured as an unaffected commission restructured as a metropolitan transit commission MW(,(' = metropolitan waste control commission advisory committee to the metropolitan sports I:acilitics commission metro agency with 8 metropolitan airports commission PIPOSC = Metropolitan parks and open space commission council; airports established as members from Statutory an operating division of the districts and the chair council; ownership of the appointed by the council; facilities and duties of the council given review and commission transferred to the approval of capital budget council and review and comment on operating budget; MAC required to prepare and submit to council for approval an implementation plan Mosquito Control unaffected abolished abolished; powers, duties, assets unaffected MMCC and debts, etc. transferred to Metro /Metro Board Other transfers review and approval of local comp. plans from council to newly created Metropolitan Lattd Use Planning Commission abbreviations: council = metropolitan council RTB = regional transit board MTC = metropolitan transit commission MW(,(' = metropolitan waste control commission MSFC = metropolitan sports I:acilitics commission MAC = metropolitan airports commission PIPOSC = Metropolitan parks and open space commission metropolitan agency or agency = one or more of RTB, NITC, hl% %'CC, MSFC, AtAC, or NIPOSC CRRA = county regional railroad 'authority MN1CC = metropolitan mosquito control commission TAB = transportation advisory board - 3 - 1. Description includes amendments audtur intends to make to the bill as introduced. Deborah A. I lutist' Rescaich Depart March 11, � �_� O • ,NR7RIORH'LO/ REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MANAGER ROSLAND From: 0. JOHN SCHIRMANG, BUILDING OFFICIAL Date: APRIL 5, 1993 Subject: MINNESOTA BUILDING MOVERS ASSOCIATION LETTERS ON PERMIT FEES Recommendation: See attached. Info /Background: Agenda Item # x • c . Consent ❑ Information Only 0 Mgr. Recommends 7' To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Letters received from Kenneth R. Ernst, Minnesota Building Movers Association. dated January 15, 1993, and March 2, 1993, attached. Attached also are notes on previous moving permits issued in Edina. M' MEMBER ESOP BUILDING MOVERS CIA��O� March 2, 1993 Edina City Council 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Honora.�le Mayor and Council Members: On February 1, 1993 the members of the Minnesota Building Movers Association attended the City Council meeting to discuss the high permit fees to pass thru the City. We gave examples of fees the County, the State and other cities charge and asked the Council for relief for our customers who are trying to economically recycle these valuable resources. The Council asked us to return with a proposal on how this may be done responsibly. The Association has discussed this at length and propose the following: - Prior to obtaining a permit a mover must show proof of State Licensing and Certificate of Insurance. - Building to be recycled would not originate in or be destined for the City of Edina - The move is to take the widest streets available. - Routing to be approved by the City. - Building is not to be parked in the City without special permission. - If building stops in the City because of emergency the building is to be moved the next day providing good weather. - Thru City permits to cost $15.00 each. - Mover must notify City Police prior to the move. Thank you again for taking the time to consider this matter and we hope the Council will see fit to make it possible for our customers to save these natural resources. Sincerely, Kenneth R. Ernst Minnesota Building Movers Association KRE /js 01/20/93 18:01 . MEMBER FAX 612 425 1017 BROAIEN' S LUGGAGE --- CITT OF EDINA LO 002 Edina City Council 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Honorable Mayor and Council Members: January 15, 1993 I am writing on behalf of the Minnesota Building Movers Association regarding the high permit fees being charged by the City for on wide loads going through Edina on city streets. We have no objection to requirements of obtaining. permits prior to. moving through the City as we feel the City has the right to know when and where we intend-to do so. However, the $206.00 charge for the few minutes it takes to pass through we feel is excessive. We often go through eight or ten cities on a given move and if all cities charged an equal fee, we would be out of business. pretty quickly_ We would typically hire the Highway Patorl to escort our loads and except for the paperwork for the permit the City then would have no other expense. If you have had trouble with moves in the past we would hope you would deal with them individually by withholding-permits until problems are corrected and not hold it against all the rest of us who operate in an appropriate manner. The Cities of Minneapolis,.. Bloomington and Eden Prairie charge nothing. for. thru city permits. :Hennepin County charges $15.00 to go anywhere and MN DOT charges $15.00 .''to go from one. end of the State to the other.. In the future we see dozens of houses requiring removal in Richfield and we feel it is important that these natural resources be recycled-and not con- suming valuable landfill space, but it must be practical for our customers. We hope the City of Edina would see fit to considerably reduce these fees. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Sincerely, Kenn 7h� . E rnst President, Minnesota Building Movers Association KRE /js NOTES ON MOVING PERMIT FEES: 1. NOT ALL BUILDING MOVING COMPANIES BELONG TO THE MINNESOTA BUILDING MOVERS ASSOCIATION, THEREFORE WE HAVE PROBLEMS COLLECTING IF MOVERS CAUSE DAMAGE. 2. 12 -15 YEARS AGO THE CITY REQUIRED A $500.00 CASH BOND (DEPOSIT) FOR ALL BUILDINGS BEING MOVED INTO, OUT OF, OR THROUGH THE CITY. THIS ALLOWED THE CITY TO DEDUCT DAMAGE AMOUNTS FROM THE DEPOSIT. THE MOVERS ASSOCIATION WORKED WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA AND THE STATE THEN ISSUED A $50.00 BOND TO ALL MOVING COMPANIES. ON TWO OCCASIONS, THE CITY TRIED TO COLLECT ON THESE BONDS, AND AFTER EXPENSES THE CITY CAME UP WITH A NEGATIVE BALANCE. ,3. ONE MOVING COMPANY OWED THE CITY OVER $100.00 FOR APPROXIMATELY SIX TO EIGHT MONTHS, DUE TO DAMAGE TO A STREET. 4. ONE MOVING COMPANY OWED THE CITY OVER $400.00 FOR APPROXIMATELY ®1�1 TWO YEARS, DUE TO NON PAYMENT FOR POLICE ESCORT SERVICE. 5. ON ONE OCCASION, A MOVING COMPANY DAMAGED OR CUT OFF 7 MAILBOXES, TWO BOULEVARD TREES, AND A STOP SIGN. -6. SEVERAL HOUSES HAVE BEEN LEFT ALONG WEST 78TH STREET FOR MONTHS. �k'7. STREET DAMAGE DUE TO MOVING A HOUSE CAUSED ONE STREET IN EDINA J DJ TO BE CLOSED FOR FIVE DAYS. 8. HOUSES HAVE BEEN LEFT IN THE SAND PIT FOR MONTHS RESULTING IN COMPLAINTS FROM RESIDENTS. 9. ONE HOME THAT HAD BEEN LEFT WAS SET ON FIRE. NOTE: WHEN ALL FACTS ARE ASSESSED, EVEN AT THE NEW PERMIT FEE OF $206.00 PER BUILDING MOVED, THE CITY MAY END UP IN THE RED. 'i rk o �• �N�bNarOAH�`O� 0 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: GORDON L. HUGHES AND JOHN WALLIN Date: APRIL 5, 1993 Subject: SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1993A Recommendation: Agenda Item ## XI. A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 7 To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Adopt attached resolution calling for the Sale of General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds - Series 1993A. Info/Background- Staff recommends that the City Council authorize receiving bids for the refunding of four existing bond issues. All four issues are General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds. Two of the issues are associated with the Centennial Lakes /Edinborough project, one of the issues is associated with the 50th & France Redevelopment Project, and one of the issues is associated with the Grandview Redevelopment Project. Due to the current long- term interest rate environment, staff believes that substantial savings will be realized through this refunding. If the Council authorizes this resolution, bids would be accepted by the City on Tuesday, April 27, 1993. This schedule would necessitate a special meeting of the City Council at 5:00 P.M. on April 27, 1993, for the purpose of considering the bids. Due to the current fluctuation of interest rates, we believe the time is of the essence, therefore, a special meeting of the Council is recommended in this case. The attached pre -sale report from,Springsted, the City's bond advisor, details the amount of the refunding and the anticipated savings. Representatives from Springsted will be present at the April 5, 1993, Council meeting to answer any questions concerning the proposed refunding. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR THE SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1993A BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City), as follows: Section 1. Purpose. It is hereby determined to be in the best interests of the City to issue its General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series 1993A (the Bonds), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, to refund all or a portion of the City's (i) General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1986A of the City, initially dated as of August 1, 1986, (ii) General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1986B, initially dated as of August 1, 1986, (iii) General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1989, initially dated as of November 1, 1989, and (iv) General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1990A of the City, initially dated as of March 1, 1990. Section 2. Terms of Proposal. Springsted Incorporated, financial consultant to the City, has presented to this Council a form of Terms of Proposal for sale of the Bonds, which is attached hereto and Hereby approved and shall be placed on file with the City Clerk. Each and all of the provisions of the Terms of Proposal are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the Bonds and of the sale thereof. Springsted Incorporated, as independent financial advisers, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2, paragraph (9) is hereby authorized to solicit bids for the Bonds on behalf of the City on a negotiated basis. Section 3. Sale Meeting. This Council shall meet at the City Hall on Tuesday, April 27, 1993, at 5:00 o'clock P.M, for the purpose of considering sealed bids for the purchase of the Bonds, and of taking such action thereon as may be in the best interests of the City; provided that such bids may be considered at a later regular or special meeting of the City Council if the City Manager determines that market conditions are not favorable for the sale of the Bonds on such date. Attest: Clerk Mayor ,, S P R I N GSTED 120 South Sixth Street PUBLIC FINANCE ADVISORS Suite 2507 Minneapolis. MN 55402 -1800 (612) 333.9177 Fax: (612) 349 -5230 Home Office 85 East Seventh Place Suite 100 16655 West Bluemound Road Saint Paul. MN 55101 -2143 Suite 290 Brookfield, WI 53005 -5935 (612) 223 -3000 Fax: (612) 223 -3002 (414) 782.8222 Fax: (414) 782.2904 6800 College Boulevard Suite 600 Overland Park, KS 66211 -1533 (913) 345.8062 Fax: (913) 345.1770 1800K Street NW Suite 831 Washington. DC 20006 -2200 April 2, 1993 20(2) 466-3344 Fax: 2233 Mayor Frederick S. Richards Members, City Council Mr. Kenneth Rosland, City Manager Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Re: Preliminary Refunding Plan of Finance $19,655,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series 1993A We have been reviewing several outstanding City bond issues to assess their refinancing potential and would suggest at this time that the City consider refunding four outstanding issues with one issue of Series 1993A Bonds. Proceeds of the proposed Series 1993A Bonds will be used to advance refund the callable maturities of four of the City's outstanding bond issues. The refundings are being conducted to achieve interest costs savings, which are expected to total approximately $1,200,000 million for the combined issues, for a present value of approximately $908,000. The refunding will be conducted as a "crossover" refunding. In a crossover refunding, the proceeds of the refunding (new issue) bonds are placed in an escrow account with a major bank and invested in government securities. These securities and their earnings are structured to pay debt service on the new bonds through the call date of the refunded bonds at which time the escrow account will crossover and pay the remaining principal on the original issue by calling in all of those remaining bonds. The City will continue to pay debt service on the original issues through the call date. Beginning with the first interest payment due after the crossover date, the City will "crossover" and begin making debt service payments on the new issue taking advantage of the lower interest rates. A summary of the outstanding issues to be refunded and their respective estimated savings are provided in Appendix I. The savings figures are based on current interest rates in the bond market and are subject to fluctuation up or down between now and the time of sale. We will continue to monitor the market over the next several weeks and if savings deteriorate to an unacceptable level, the City may cancel some or all of the refunding issue prior to the sale date or reject the bids received on the date of sale. As interest rates fluctuate up and down, the amount of money needed in the escrow account for this issue fluctuates also. Therefore, the City may need to increase or decrease the City of Edina, Minnesota April 2, 1993 Page 2 principal amount in some of the maturities. This will also allow for any variances in the actual issuance costs, which will be paid from bond proceeds, and the actual discount taken by the underwriters, both of which may vary from the assumptions made herein. Attached as Appendix II is a debt service schedule for the new refunding issue and Appendix III contains a breakdown of the estimated annual savings. The refunding issue will be dated May 1, 1993 and principal payments on the new bonds will not commence until after the crossover date, when the old bonds are refunded. We recommend that this issue be issued by means of a book entry system with no physical distribution of bonds made to the public. Use of the book entry system eliminates all costs to the City for bond printing and bond registration and has been used by the City in the past. Rating applications will be made to Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's for these issues. We will provide the rating agencies with the necessary data upon which they will make their rating analysis. The cost of the rating fees has been included in the issuance costs for the issue. We propose that the bonds be offered in a similar fashion as the City's 1992 bond sales through the receipt of competitive offers from underwriters. Technically, the process is defined as a negotiated sale and will allow the easy rescheduling of the sale in the event of rapid market changes. At this time, we would suggest a sale date of April 27, 1993 with offers received in our offices at 10:00 A.M. and reviewed with the Council for action later that same day at a time convenient to you. I will be present at your meeting Monday, April 5 to respond to any questions you may have. Sincerely, ltd K thleen Executive Vice President rlw /Saint Paul Office CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA SUMMARY OF PROPOSED REFUNDING ISSUE TO BE REFUNDED Maturities to be Refunded Principal to be Refunded Crossover Date Estimated Savin is Net Savings Present Value Savin s P.V. as % of Ref. Interest G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1986A 1997 -2006 3,400,000 01— Feb -96 382,375 214,981 18.03% G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1986B 1997 -2003 1,350,000 01— Feb -96 85,580 59,173 19.42% G.O. Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series 1989 Partial 1996, 1997 -2006 11,135,000 01— Jan -96 532,549 490,128 16.32% G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1990 2002 -2005 3,080,000 01— Feb -97 207,276 143,739 14.98% TOTALS 18,965,000 1,207,780 908,021 IV. V m z 0 R APPENDIX II City of Edina, Minnesota Prepared April 2, 1993 G.O. Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series 1993 By SPRINGSTED Incorporated Bond Date: 5/ 1/1993 Issue Size: $19,655,000 TOTALS $19,655,000 $8,326,143.33 $27,981,143.33 Bond Years: 168,991.2500 Average Maturity: 8.60 Average Rate: 4.927% NIC Rate: 4.927% Interest rounded on individual $5,000 denominations Date Principal Rate Interest Total 2/ 1/1994 709,333.33 709,333.33 8/ 1/1994 472,885.00 472,885.00 2/ 1/1995 •472,885.00 472,885.00 8/ 1/1995 472,885.00 472,885.00 2/ 1/1996 472,885.00 472,885.00 8/ 1/1996 472,885.00 472,885.00 2/ 1/1997 1,635,000 4.050 472,885.00 2,107,885.00 8/ 1/1997 439,776.25 439,776.25 2/ 111998 1,625,000 4.300 439,776.25 2,064,776.25 8/ 1/1998 404,838.75 404,838.75 2/ 1/1999 1,645,000 4.500 404,838.75 2,049,838.75 81 1/1999 367,826.25 367,826.25 2/ 1/2000 1,620,000 4.600 367,826.25 1,987,826.25 8/ 1/2000 330,566.25 330,566.25 2/ 1/2001 1,690,000 4.800 330,566.25 2,020,566.25 8/ 1/2001 290,006.25 290,006.25 2/ 1/2002 2,455,000 4.900 290,006.25 2,745,006.25 8/ 1/2002 229,858.75 229,858.75 2/ 1/2003 2,455,000 4.950 229,858.75 2,684,858.75 8/ 1/2003 169,097.50 169,097.50 2/ 1/2004 2,235,000 5.100 169,097.50 2,404,097.50 8/ 1/2004 112,105.00 112,105.00 2/ 1/2005 2,555,000 5.200 112,105.00 2,667,105.00 8/ 1/2005 45,675.00 45,675.00 2/ 1/2006 1,740,000 5.250 45,675.00 1,785,675.00 TOTALS $19,655,000 $8,326,143.33 $27,981,143.33 Bond Years: 168,991.2500 Average Maturity: 8.60 Average Rate: 4.927% NIC Rate: 4.927% Interest rounded on individual $5,000 denominations CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA APPENDIX III SUMMARY OF SAVINGS YEAR 1986A 19868 1989 1990A TOTAL 1996 379,294 379,294 1997 (21, 680) (16, 313) 15,295 (22, 698) 1998 (22,340) (18,593) 16,455 26,470 1,993 1999 (24,225) (15,510) 14,485 27,330 2,080 2000 (25,175) (17, 348) 13,375 28,230 (918) 2001 (20, 995) (19,113) 16,910 24,150 953 2002 (23,445) (17,408) 14,488 25,350 (1,015) 2003 (25,020) (15,138) 12,263 23,975 (3,920) 2004 (26,433) 2079-000 14,618 26,680 221,865 2005 (22,858) 17,398 23,880 18,420 2006 • (26, 388) 13,638 (12, 750) 2007 621,000 621,000 TOTALS 382,443 87,580 528,216 206,065 1,204,304 0 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 1 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR. DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134836 04/05/93 $459.52 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH GENERAL MAINT RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $107.54 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH FIRE DEPT. GEN RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $134.42 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH CITY HALL GENE RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $459.52 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH PW BUILDING RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $53.77 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH ART CENTER BLD RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $245.00 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH CLUB HOUSE RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $144.29 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH MAINT OF COURS RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $53.94 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH GOLF DOME RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $322.62 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH ARENA BLDG /GRO RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $425.87 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH ED BUILDING & RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $36.75 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH 50TH ST OCCUPA RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $63.63 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH YORK OCCUPANCY RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $159.22 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH VERNON OCCUPAN RUBBISH REMOV 04/05/93 $26.88 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MARCH GUN RANGE RUBBISH REMOV < *> $2,692.97* 134837 04/05/93 $27.00 ACCESS PRESS ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 031293 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSON < *> $27.00* 134838 04/05/93 $335.00 ACOUSTIC COMMUNICATI SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 8841 GOLF ADMINISTR SVC CONTR EQU 6351 < *> $335.00* 134839 04/05/93 $12.95 ACTION MESSENGER SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 105573 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQU <*> $12.95* 134840 04/05/93 $88.18 ADT SECURITY SYS. ALARM SERVICE 07441010 CENTENNIAL LAK ALARM SERVICE 04/05/93 $195.71 ADT SECURITY SYS. ALARM SERVICE 07441012 ED BUILDING & ALARM SERVICE < *> $283.89* 134841 04/05/93 $10.00 AIRSIGNAL CONTRACTED REPAIRS 4374989 PW BUILDING CONTR REPAIRS 04/05/93 $25.00 AIRSIGNAL CONTRACTED REPAIRS 4374989 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 04/05/93 $5.00 AIRSIGNAL CONTRACTED REPAIRS 4374989 COMMUNICATIONS CONTR REPAIRS 04/05/93 $5.00 AIRSIGNAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4374989 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 04/05/93 $138.63 AIRSIGNAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4374989 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL < *> $183.63* 134842 04/05/93 $304.59 ALBINSON EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 198629 ENGINEERING GE EQUIP REPLACE 6240 < *> $304.59* 134843 04/05/93 $69.23 ALCO CAPITAL RESOURC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 21219936 ART CENTER ADM EQUIP RENTAL * * 134844 04/05/93 $83.33 ALL FIRE TEST INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 008322 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 6098 04/05/93 $50.35 ALL FIRE TEST INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 008722 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 6100 < *> $133.68* 134845 04/05/93 $1,108.00 ALSTAD, MARIAN AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 04/05/93 $128.70 ALSTAD, MARIAN GENERAL SUPPLIES ART 032993 ART SUPPLY GIF GENERAL SU,PPL < *> $1,236.70* 134846 04/05/93 $25.00 ALSTAD, MARIAN PERFORM EDINBOROUGH 041393 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $25.00* 134847 04/05/93 $95.23 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 18080 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6496 < *> $95.23* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED., MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 2 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134848 04/05/93 $214.27 AMER. PHOTO COPY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 14648A POLICE DEPT: G EQUIP MAINT 6485 < *> $214.27* 134849 04/05/93 $402.35 AMERICAN DATA PRODUC PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 510579 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTH 5179 < *> $402.35* 134850 04/05/93 $62.00 AMERICAN PRESSURE IN REPAIR.PARTS 14511 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 6322 < *> $62.00* 134851 04/05/93 $1,981.11 AMERIDATA EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 336617 PARK ADMIN. EQUIP REPLACE 5682 04/05/93 $496.00 AMERIDATA 0 341297 CONTINGENCIES EQUIP REPLACE 5682 04/05/93 $277.84 AMERIDATA EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 343580 PARK ADMIN. EQUIP REPLACE.5682 < *> $2,754.95* 134852 04/05/93 $101.56 ANCHOR PAPER GENERAL SUPPLIES 706039 -0 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 6646 <*> $101.56* 134853 04/05/93 $80.00 ANDERSON, RAY CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 031893 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOL < *> $80.00* 134854 04/05/93 $4.65 APPLIANCE PARTS INC REPAIR PARTS. 236189 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 6423 < *> $4.65* 134855 04/05/93 $373.10 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. REPAIR PARTS L45480A EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6143 04/05/93 $693.85 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. REPAIR PARTS L45663 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6448 < *> $1,066.95* 134856 04/05/93 $31.50 ASPLUND COFFEE COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 56661 CENTENNIAL LAK CST OF GD F00 < *> $31.50* 134857 04/05/93 $5.49 AT &T TELEPHONE 022893 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 04/05/93 $6.01 AT &T TELEPHONE 022893 ARENA BLDG /GRO TELEPHONE 04/05/93 $39.08 AT &T TELEPHONE 022893 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE < *> $50.58* 134858 04/05/93 $91.00 AUSTIN, KATHERINE REGISTRATION FEES 032493 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $91.00* 134859 04/05/93 $122.90 AUTO SOUND /ENTRONIX CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1 -49593 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 3315 < *> $122.90* 134860 04/05/93 $32.32 AXT -LYLE COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 033093 GUN RANGE CST-OF GD F00 < *> $32.32* 134861 04/05/93 $26.00 B & S INDUSTRIES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 68736 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL < *> $26.00* 134862 04/05/93 $32.90 BADGE A MANIT OFFICE SUPPLIES 032393 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLI < *> $32.90* 134863 04/05/93 $827.74 BARR ENG PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16366 -18 GENERAL STORM PROF SERVICES < *> $827.74* 134864 04/05/93 $2,250.00 BARRY SIEWERT CREATI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 032993 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES < *> $2,250.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 3 CHECK# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # 134865 04/05/93 $50.00 BARTZ, GENE SAFETY EQUIPMENT 032393 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPM < *> $50.00* 134866 04/05/93 $161.66 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 242693 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6438 04/05/93 $60.98 BATTERY WAREHOUSE TIRES & TUBES 242630 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 6455 04/05/93 $383.08 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 243624 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6618 < *> $605.72* 134867 04/05/93 $159.65 BECKER ARENA PRODUCT GENERAL SUPPLIES 014988 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 5381 < *> $159.65* 134868 04/05/93 $146.00 BERGFORD TRUCKING FREIGHT MARCH 50 50TH ST SELLIN FREIGHT 04/05/93 $221.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING FREIGHT MARCH YO YORK SELLING FREIGHT 04/05/93 $209.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING FREIGHT MARCH VE VERNON SELLING FREIGHT < *> $577.00* 134869 04/05/93 $75.00 BERRY, ROBIN SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 041393 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $75.00* 134871 04/05/93 $12.22 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 877701 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $7.10 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 880520 RECYCLING GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $42.11 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 880520 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $0.83 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 880520 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $11.22 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 880520 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $43.56 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 880523 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $3.26 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 881224 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $26.55 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 880520BI PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $138.35 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 880523B1 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $40.91 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 883244 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $1.80 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 883244 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $7.10 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 883244 RECYCLING GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $298.18 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 883244 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $15.12 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 880609 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $33.61 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 885592 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $8.26 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 885592 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $11.08 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 885592 RECYCLING GENERAL SUPPL < *> $701.26* 134872 04/05/93 $18.11 BEST LOCK OF MPLS REPAIR PARTS 036474 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 6394 134873 04/05/93 $6.24 BLICK, DICK GENERAL SUPPLIES 11862927 PLANNING GENERAL SUPPL < *> $6.24* 134874 04/05/93 $82.50 BLOOMINGTON HEATING CONTRACTED REPAIRS 3342 GOLF DOME CONTR REPAIRS 6691 04/05/93 $175.50 BLOOMINGTON HEATING CONTRACTED REPAIRS 3362 GOLF DOME CONTR REPAIRS 6692 < *,> $258.00* 134875 04/05/93 $17.19 BOGLE, BETH GENERAL SUPPLIES 032293 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPL < *> $17.19* 134876 04/05/93 $25.00 BOGLE, BETH PERFORM EDINBOROUGH 042293 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $25.00* 134877 04/05/93 $200.00 BORDONATO, PAUL CONTRACTED REPAIRS 032993 GENERAL MAINT CONTR REPAIRS COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 4 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ----------------------------- < *> $200.00* 134878 04/05/93 $154.93 BOYER TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS 205472 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6391 04/05/93 $15.52 BOYER TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS 206001 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6506 04/05/93 $47.51 BOYER TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS 208035 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6515 < *> $217.96* 134879 04/05/93 $46.00 BRADLEY BENN AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 04/05/93 $18.90 BRADLEY BENN ART WORK SOLD 032993 ART CNTR PROG RETAIL SALES 04/05/93 $147.94 BRADLEY BENN GENERAL SUPPLIES /ART 032993 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPL < *> $212.84* 134880 04/05/93 $93.84 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE GENERAL SUPPLIES MARCH 10 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $11.60 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE GENERAL SUPPLIES MARCH 10 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $41.67 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE COST OF GOODS SOLD FO MARCH 10 GRILL CST OF GD F00 04/05/93 - $14.37 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE CASH OVER AND UNDER MARCH 10 GOLF PROG CASH OVER AND < *> $132.74* 134881 04/05/93 $114.30 BRAUN INTERTEC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 009688 GC CIP CIP 04/05/93 $891.90 BRAUN INTERTEC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 009751 GC CIP CIP 04/05/93 $599.50 BRAUN INTERTEC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 041252 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $1,605.70* 134882 04/05/93 $116.07 BRISSMAN- KENNEDY INC CLEANING SUPPLIES 273756 ART CENTER BLD CLEANING SUPP 6246 < *> $116.07* 134883 04/05/93 $390.00 BRO -TEX INC CLEANING SUPPLIES 106616 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPP 6366 < *> $390.00* 134884 04/05/93 $169.58 BROCK WHITE TOOLS 60224501 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 6312 < *> $169.58* 134885 04/05/93 $360.00 BRYANT, BETSY AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES <*> $360.00* 134886 04/05/93 $91.06 BUD LARSON SALES TOOLS 7226 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 6491 < *> $91.06* 134887 04/05/93 $29.40 BUIE, SUSIE ART WORK SOLD 032693 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $29.40* 134888 04/05/93 $21.35 BUILDERS SQUARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 14450824 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL < *> $21.35* 134889 04/05/93 $4.41 BUREAU OF ALCOHOL TA COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 031893 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $6.88 BUREAU OF ALCOHOL TA COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 031893 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $6.35 BUREAU OF ALCOHOL TA COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 031893 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI <*> $17.64* 134890 04/05/93 $75.00 BURTIS, ROBERT REPLACE LOST CHECK 032693 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $75.00* 134891 04/05/93 $78.40 C & S DISTRIBUTING CRAFT SUPPLIES 147767 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIE 6248 04/05/93 $174.90 C & S DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 148117 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD F00 6257 < *> $253.30* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 5 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134892 04/05/93 $232.00 CARLSON PRINTING GENERAL SUPPLIES 00056782 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $361.67 CARLSON PRINTING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 56814 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $593.67* 134893 04/05/93 $202.50 CARMICHAEL, TARA AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $202.50* 134894 04/05/93 - $51.12 CATCO REPAIR PARTS 3035801 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/05/93 $499.03 CATCO REPAIR PARTS 310814 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6368 04/05/93 $153.82 CATCO REPAIR PARTS 311434 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6619 04/05/93 $83.34 CATCO . REPAIR PARTS 311746 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6603 < *> $685.07* 134895 04/05/93 $77.44 CDP GENERAL SUPPLIES 01685732 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPL < *> $77.44* 134896 04/05/93 $60.20 CEDAR LAKE FLORAL MEETING EXPENSE 550521 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPEN 6790 < *> $60.20* 134897 04/05/93 $48.63 CELLULAR ONE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 031193/K CITY COUNCIL DUES & SUBSCR 04/05/93 $898.53 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 032293 DARE EQUIP RENTAL 04/05/93 $106.79 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 032293 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 04/05/93 $245.60 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 032293 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 04/05/93 $69.22 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 032293 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 04/05/93 $32.84 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 032293 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 04/05/93 $69.35 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 032293 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 04/05/93 $21.20 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 032293 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 04/05/93 $62.46 CELLULAR ONE GENERAL SUPPLIES 0322 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $45.84 CELLULAR ONE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MARCH /KR ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCR < *> $1,600.46* 134898 04/05/93 $168.90 CITY BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BE FEB VERN VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE < *> $168.90* 134899 04/05/93 $34.33 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 031293 ART CENTER BLD SEWER & WATER 04/05/93 $23.20 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 031293 CENTENNIAL LAK SEWER & WATER 04/05/93 $481.21 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 032693 ED BUILDING & SEWER & WATER 04/05/93 $55.00 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 032693 CLUB HOUSE SEWER & WATER 04/05/93 $24.55 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 032693 CLUB HOUSE SEWER & WATER 04/05/93 $25.52 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 032693 MAINT OF COURS SEWER & WATER 04/05/93 $25.52 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 032693 ARENA BLDG /GRO SEWER & WATER 04/05/93 $25.52 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 032693 ARENA BLDG /GRO SEWER & WATER 04/05/93 $36.26 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 032693 YORK OCCUPANCY SEWER & WATER < *> $731.11* 134900 04/05/93 $506.00 CITY OF HOPKINS MEETING EXPENSE 032993 CONTINGENCIES MEETING EXPEN < *> $.506.00* 134901 04/05/93 $13.50 CITYWIDE WINDOW SERV CONTRACTED REPAIRS 41282 50TH ST OCCUPA CONTR REPAIRS 04/05/93 $13.50 CITYWIDE WINDOW SERV CONTRACTED REPAIRS 41283 YORK OCCUPANCY CONTR REPAIRS 04/05/93 $13.50 CITYWIDE WINDOW SERV CONTRACTED REPAIRS 41284 VERNON OCCUPAN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $40.50* 134902 04/05/93 $111.03 CLEAN'N'PRESS FOR LE LAUNDRY 1221 GRILL LAUNDRY 6345 < *> $111.03* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10.43 PM page 6 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134903 04/05/93 $75.00 CLELAND, BRUCE SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 042993 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER <*> $75.00* 134904 04/05/93 $223.35 COCA COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB VERN VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $286.71 COCA COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $248.57 COCA COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB YORK YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI < *> $758.63* 134905 04/05/93 $449.50 COMPRESSED AIR & EQU EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 34534 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 6102 < *> $449.50* 134906 04/05/93 $11.70 COMPUTER CITY ACCOUN GENERAL SUPPLIES 187847 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $136.83 COMPUTER CITY ACCOUN GENERAL SUPPLIES 200071 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPL 6591 04/05/93 $3,554.21 COMPUTER CITY ACCOUN EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 200972 CONTINGENCIES EQUIP REPLACE 5680 04/05/93 $159.64 COMPUTER CITY ACCOUN GENERAL SUPPLIES 204713 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $62.78 COMPUTER CITY ACCOUN GENERAL SUPPLIES 205086 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPL < *> $3,925.16* 134907 04/05/93 $140.00 COMPUTER TRAINING IN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 030593 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $140.00* - 134908 04/05/93 $72.46 CONT SAFETY EQUIP. SAFETY EQUIPMENT 041522 TANKS TOWERS & SAFETY EQUIPM 6440 04/05/93 $80.77 CONT SAFETY EQUIP. GENERAL SUPPLIES 041635 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL 6617 < *> $153.23* 134909 04/05/93 $100.00 CORNELIUS, TRACY OVERPAY /HOCKEY PARTY 032593 GOLF PROG RENTAL OF PRO < *> $100.00* 134910 04/05/93 $1,765.00 CORONADO STONE PRODU GENERAL SUPPLIES 19588 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 4947 < *> $1,765.00* 134911 04/05/93 $387.25 CORPORATE CATERING & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 031293 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $387.25* 134912 04/05/93 $380.00 COURTNEY, C WAYNE SERVICES EDINBOROUGH APRIL 19 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $380.00* 134913 04/05/93 $201.30 CSI CONTRACTED REPAIRS 20020 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 6099 04/05/93 $55.55 CSI CONTRACTED REPAIRS 20347 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 5761 < *> $256.85* 134914 04/05/93 $419.47 CURTIN MATHESON SCIE GENERAL SUPPLIES 1038840 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPL 6442 < *> $419.47* 134915 04/05/93 $288.32 CURTIS 1000 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2613901 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $533.21 CURTIS 1000 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2626501 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6787 04/05/93 $351.37 CURTIS 1000 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2635001 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $360.83 CURTIS 1000 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2632201 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $257.67 CURTIS 1000 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2634101 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL < *> $1,791.40* 134916 04/05/93 $20.19 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 57808 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6331 < *> $20.19* 134917 04/05/93 $62.32 CUSTOM PAINT & CHEMI COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 14829 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD F00 6256 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 7 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < *> $62.32* 134918 04/05/93 $31.50 D.C. HEY CO. SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 311853 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQU < *> $31.50* 134919 04/05/93 $121.20 DAVIDSEN DIST. INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE FEB YORK YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE < *> $121.20* 134920 04/05/93 $897.05 DCA INC HOSPITALIZATION 54275 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI < *> $897.05* 134921 04/05/93 $70.00 DEHN, BRUCE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 032393 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOL < *> $70.00* 134922 04/05/93 $39.72 DELEGARD TOOL CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 22652 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 6576 < *> $39.72* 134923 04/05/93 $3,282.50 DELTA DENTAL HOSPITALIZATION 143042 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI < *> $3,282.50* 134924 04/05/93 $8.18 DEPENDABLE COURIER MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 495254 FINANCE MILEAGE < *> $8.18* 134925 04/05/93 $753.00 DICKER, TOBIE AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 04/05/93 $129.00 DICKER, TOBIE PT MAINT ART CENTER 032993 ART CENTER BLD SALARIES TEMP 04/05/93 $24.50 DICKER, TOBIE ART WORK SOLD 032993 ART CNTR PROG RETAIL SALES < *> $906.50* 134926 04/05/93 $256.00 DIETRICHSON, BILL AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $256.00* 134927 04/05/93 $152.87 DON'S APPLIANCE & TE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 002531 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $152.87* 134928 04/05/93 $13,659.69 DORSEY & WHITNEY PROFESSIONAL SERV - L 312704 LEGAL SERVICES PRO SVC - LEG < *> $13,659.69* 134929 04/05/93 $85.93 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 670087 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $163.20 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 670089 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $22.73 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 671969 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $22.67 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 674346 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI < *> $294.53* 134930 04/05/93 $146.72 EARL F. ANDERSON GENERAL SUPPLIES 122509 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 6793 < *> $146.72* 134931 04/05/93 $119.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 90597 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $263.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 92689 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $39.15 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 92686 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $25.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 92685 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $23.60 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 92692 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $47.90 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 92693 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $23.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 94721 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $240.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 94742 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE < *> $783.75* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 8 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134932 04/05/93 $75.00 EDEN HILL BRASS SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 050293 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $75.00* 134933 04/05/93 $15.00 EDINA CHAM OF COM MEETING EXPENSE 031893 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPEN < *> $15.00* 134934 04/05/93 $50.00 EDINA CHORALE SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 042793 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $50.00* 134935 04/05/93 $32.81 EDINA HISTORICAL SOC GENERAL SUPPLIES 031593 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL <*> $32.81* 134936 04/05/93 $200.00 EMOND, NANCY SERVICES PARK & REC 033093 PARK ADMIN. PROF SERVICES < *> $200.00* 134937 04/05/93 $300.00 EMPLOYEES CLUB GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPL < *> $300.00* 134938 04/05/93 $58.83 ENGER, DON CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 031293 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL < *> $58.83* 134939 04/05/93 $189.32 FACILITIES GROUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 003068 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 6326 R * 134940 04/05/93 $11.44 FAST 1 HOUR PHOTO ADVERTISING OTHER 09766 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER < *> $11.44* 134941 04/05/93 $104.48 FAST FRAME GENERAL SUPPLIES 1114926 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPL 6580 < *> $104.48* 134942 04/05/93 $1,375.34 FEED RITE CONTROL WATER TREATMENT SUPPL 9367 WATER TREATMEN WATER TRTMT S < *> $1,375.34* 134943 04/05/93 $388.00 FETN TRAINING AIDS 125622 FIRE DEPT. GEN TRAINING AIDS 5770 04/05/93 $388.00 FETN TRAINING AIDS 134453 FIRE DEPT. GEN TRAINING AIDS 5770 < *> $776.00* 134944 04/05/93 $760.84 FIRST TRUST FISCAL AGENT CL 020193 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA 04/05/93 $1,048.42 FIRST TRUST FISCAL AGENT CL FEB 1 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA < *> $1.809.26* 134945 04/05/93 $9.00 FLOYD LOCK & SAFE CO REPAIR PARTS 85403 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 5334 04/05/93 $111.83 FLOYD LOCK & SAFE CO ALARM SERVICE 96554 ARENA BLDG /GRO ALARM SERVICE < *> $120.83* 134946 04/05/93 $50.00 FMAM CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 031993 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOL < *> $50.00* 134947 04/05/93 $12.63 FOOTE, JOANNA GENERAL SUPPLIES 033093 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPL < *> $12.63* 134948 04/05/93 $30.00 FORSBERG, CINDY REGISTRATION FEES 031593 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION < *> $30.00* 134949 04/05/93 $1,795.16 FORTIS BENEFITS HOSPITALIZATION 032593 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 9 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*> $1,795.16* 134950 04/05/93 $46.11 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 589010 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6577 04/05/93 $112.89 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 10589010 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6577 < *> $159.00* 134951 04/05/93 $3,358.00 FRANK B HALL & CO INSURANCE 095489 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE < *> $3,358.00* 134952 04/05/93 $100.00 GARRISON, DAVID L PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 031693 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES 04/05/93 $100.00 GARRISON, DAVID L DATA PROCESSING 031693 EQUIPMENT OPER DATA PROCESSI < *> $200.00* 134953 04/05/93 $300.00 GEISHEKER, PATRICIA AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $300.00* 134954 04/05/93 $1,266.00 GEREBI, LIZ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 031893 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $1,266.00* 134955 04/05/93 $100.00 GLEN SIPE PIANO SERV SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 930319 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQU < *> $100.00* 134956 04/05/93 $22.50 GOPHER CASH REGISTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 15266 GOLF DOME OFFICE SUPPLI 6347 < *> $22.50* 134957 04/05/93 $275.00 GOPHER STATE 1 CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 3020221 SUPERV. & OVRH GOPHER STATE < *> $275.00* 134958 04/05/93 $425.00 GOTTRY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1692 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $425.00* 134959 04/05/93 $225.00 GOVERNMENT FINANCE 0 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0353419 FINANCE DUES & SUBSCR < *> $225.00* 134960 04/05/93 $31.00 GRADY, SUSAN REGISTRATION FEES 032493 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $31.00* 134961 04/05/93 $192.00 GRAPP, JEAN AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $192.00* 134962 04/05/93 - $23.01 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. -GENERAL SUPPLIES 104 -6317 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $63.23 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 104 -6355 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6468 < *> $40.22* 134963 04/05/93 $50.40 GRINDELAND, KEN ART WORK SOLD 032693 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $50.40* 134964 04/05/93 $18,069.96 GROUP HEALTH INC HOSPITALIZATION 800231 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI < *> $18,069.96* 134965 04/05/93 $173.77 GS DIRECT GENERAL SUPPLIES 31052 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL 6848 04/05/93 - $104.97 GS DIRECT GENERAL SUPPLIES C31218 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $85.52 GS DIRECT GENERAL SUPPLIES 31330 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL < *> $154.32* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:,43 PM page 10 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM - - - - - - - - -- - -- OBJECT --------------- P.O. # - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 134966 04/05/93 $43.25 GTE DIRECTORIES CORP TELEPHONE 020493/G CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 6350 < *> $43.25* 134967 04/05/93 $659.00 GUST, MARGARET AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $659.00* 134968 04/05/93 $549.41 H &L MESABI ACCESSORIES 022322 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 5781 < *> $549.41* 134969 04/05/93 $592.99 HALLMAN HALLMAN LUBRICANTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 149877 151216 EQUIPMENT OPER MAINT OF COURS LUBRICANTS GENERAL SUPPL 6222 6578 04/05/93 $75.93 < *> $668.92* 134970 04/05/93 $25.00 HAMERS, KATHLEEN L AMBULANCE FEES 030993 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE < *> $25.00* 134971 04/05/93 $36.98 HANLON, NORMA ART WORK SOLD 032693 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $36.98* 134972 04/05/93 $86.53 HANS ROSACKER CO TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 3525 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SH < *> $86.53* 134973 04/05/93 $10.30 HANSEN, WILLIAM MEETING EXPENSE /FIRE 031593 FIRE DEPT. GEN MEETING EXPEN < *> $10.30* 134974 04/05/93 $280.00 HARMON CONTRACT CONTRACTED REPAIRS 3213197 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 6581 6582 04/05/93 $270.00 HARMON CONTRACT GENERAL SUPPLIES 3213196 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL < *> $550.00* 134975 04/05/93 $175.00 HAYWA, PHYLLIS AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $175.00* 134976 04/05/93 $138.00 HEDGES, DIANA CRAFT SUPPLIES ART WORK SOLD 032993 032993 ART CENTER ADM ART CNTR PROG CRAFT SUPPLIE SALES OTHER 04/05/93 $222.00 HEDGES, DIANA < *> $360.00* 134977 04/05/93 $53.00 HEIM, HARRY AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $53.00* 134978 04/05/93 $475.00 HENN COUNTY MEDICAL FIRST AID SUPPLIES 030993 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP < *> $475.00* 134979 04/05/93 $739.87 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHER SALARIES REGULAR EMPL 032693 PATROL SALARIES REG < *> $739.87* 134980 04/05/93 $41.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 031293 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT < *> $41.00* 134981 04/05/93 $227.50 HENNEPIN COUNTY SURV GENERAL SUPPLIES 032393 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL < *> $227.50* 134982 04/05/93 $7,183.52 HENSEL, DEDE SERVICES ARENA 032393 ARENA ADMINIST PRO SVC OTHER < *> $7,183.52* 134983 04/05/93 $418.29 HERMAN MILLER INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 928024 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPL COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 11 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < *> $418.29* 134984 04/05/93 $2,672.00 HERNANDEZ, LUIS PERSONAL SERVICES 033093 GOLF DOME PERS SERVICES < *> $2,672.00* 134985 04/05/93 $51.24 HINTON, LAURA MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 033093 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE < *> $51.24* 134986 04/05/93 $153.77 HOFFMAN, FRANCIS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 032693 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOL < *> $153.77* 134987 04/05/93 $46.00 HOGAN, SALLY REGISTRATION FEES 031793 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $46.00* 134988 04/05/93 $100.00 HOLMSTEN ICE RINKS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 031893 ED ADMINISTRAT CONF & SCHOOL < *> $100.00* 134989 04/05/93 $62.00 HOPKINS FIRE DEPARTM MEETING EXPENSE 030193 FIRE DEPT. GEN MEETING EXPEN < *> $62.00* 134990 04/05/93 $594.00 HORWATH, TOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 032393 TREES & MAINTE PROF SERVICES 04/05/93 $148.50 HORWATH, TOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 032393 TREE TRIMMING PROF SERVICES 04/05/93 $76.50 HORWATH, TOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 032393 TREES & MAINTE PROF SERVICES < *> $819.00* 134991 04/05/93 $166.77 HYDRO SUPPLY CO INVENTORY WATER METER 5594 UTILITY PROG INVENTORY WAT 5382 < *> $166.77* 134992 04/05/93 $108.00 ICMA ADVERTISING PERSONNEL A247 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSON 04/05/93 $25.45 ICMA BOOKS & PHAMPHLETS A40980 ADMINISTRATION BOOKS & PHAMP < *> $133.45* 134993 04/05/93 $50.00 IDELLES INTER DESN GENERAL SUPPLIES 561500 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $301.20 IDELLES INTER DESN GENERAL SUPPLIES 561454 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL < *> $351.20* 134994 04/05/93 $201.66 INDUSTRIAL BRUSH & S CLEANING SUPPLIES 5323 FIRE DEPT. GEN CLEANING SUPP 6095 04/05/93 $16.93 INDUSTRIAL BRUSH & S CLEANING SUPPLIES 5327 FIRE DEPT. GEN CLEANING SUPP 6095 < *> $218.59* 134995 04/05/93 $134.00 INDUSTRIAL SPRINKLER CONTRACTED REPAIRS M13816 VERNON OCCUPAN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $134.00* 134996 04/05/93 $70.00 INGMAN LAB INC. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 020293 LABORATORY CONTR SERVICE 5895 < *> $70.00* 134997 04/05/93 $193.89 INLAND TRUCK PARTS REPAIR PARTS 4 -25106 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6611 < *> $193.89* 134998 04/05/93 $138.03 INTERIOR COM SYS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 041843 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 04/05/93 $145.91 INTERIOR COM SYS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 041825 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT < *> $283.94* 134999 04/05/93 $109.16 INTOXIMETERS INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 93002574 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 6567 < *> $109.16* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 12 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135000 04/05/93 $122.25 ISIA PRINTING 037185 ARENA ADMINIST PRINTING 6640 < *> $122.25* 135001 04/05/93 $427.50 J THOMAS NELSON AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $427.50* 135002 04/05/93 $100.00 JANET CANTON MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 033093 FINANCE < *> $100.00* 135003 04/05/93 $372.75 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D1279 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 6253 04/05/93 $328.02 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D1372 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 6264 04/05/93 $398.31 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D1371 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 6254 04/05/93 $267.00 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D15521 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 6262 < *> $1,366.08* 135004 04/05/93 $495.00 JOHN E REID -ASSOC CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 031693 POLICE.DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL < *> $495.00* 135005 04/05/93 $394.05 JOHN H. FOSTER REPAIR PARTS 12389870 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 6138 < *> $394.05* 135006 04/05/93 $61.30 JOHNSON WINE CO.. COST OF- GOODS SOLD MI 160671 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $30.01 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD.MI 183210 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $54.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 183277 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $32.03 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 208470 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $15.01 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF'GOODS SOLD MI 208546 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI < *> $192.87* 135007 04/05/93 $25.00 JOHNSON, NAOMI ADVERTISING ART CENTE 032993 ART-CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER" 04/05/93 $60.03 JOHNSON NAOMI GENERAL SUPPLIES ART 032993 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $72.37 JOHNSON, NAOMI CRAFT SUPPLIES 032993 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIE < *> $157.40* 135008 04/05/93 $801.56 JOHNSON, RALPH POSTAGE 032593 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $801.56* 135009 04/05/93 $161.50 JONES, JENNY SERVICES /EDINBOROUGH 031593 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES• < *> $161.50* 135010 04/05/93 $235.04 JR JOHNSON SUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 95713 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 6505 < *> $235.04* 135011 04/05/93 $94.97 JUSTUS LUMBER REPAIR PARTS 12716 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/05/93 $260.26 JUSTUS LUMBER PAINT 54878 CENTENNIAL LAK PAINT 2670 04/05/93 $91.07 JUSTUS LUMBER GENERAL SUPPLIES 63909 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPL < *> $446.30* 135012 04/05/93 $136.69 KALGREN, EILEEN C AMBULANCE FEES 031593 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE < *> $136.69* 135013 04/05/93 $10.86 KAMAN INDUST TECH REPAIR PARTS A727490 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6389 04/05/93 $41.45 KAMAN INDUST TECH REPAIR PARTS A727706 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6389 04/05/93 $89.88 KAMAN.INDUST TECH REPAIR PARTS A727994 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6635 < *> $142.19* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page.13 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135014 04/05/93 $199.80 KEHOE,TERRENCE MEETING EXPENSE 031593 FIRE DEPT. GEN MEETING EXPEN < *> $199.80* 135015 04/05/93 135017 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 135018 04/05/93 < *> 135019 04/05/93 135020 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 135021 04/05/93 135022 04/05/93 135023 04/05/93 04/05/93 135024 04/05/93 $1,100.00 KENNETH ROSLAND CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 031893 ADMINISTRATION CONF & SCHOOL $1,100.00* $26.60 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 047326 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 6190 $269.34 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 047640 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPL 6206 $56.42 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 047683 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPL 6199 $89.43 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 048196 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPL 6304 $283.79 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 048950 PARKS CIP 6432 $8.90 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 049269 PARKS CIP 6488 $21.66 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 049565 PARKS CIP 6500 $63.30 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 049688 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 6509 $31.82 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 049697 PARK CONSTR GENERAL SUPPL 6508 $35.77 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 049693 PARK CONSTR GENERAL SUPPL 6508 $69.16 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 049714 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 6565 $15.91 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 049798 PARKS CIP 6520 $496.20 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 050013 PARKS CIP 6615 $5.30 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 050015 PARKS CIP 6621 $128.03 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 050131 PARKS CIP 6627 $28.14 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 050184 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER $69.04 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 050292 PARKS CIP 6653 $108.94 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 050461 PARKS CIP 6666 $59.02 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 050383 PARKS CIP 6657 $8.63 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 050490 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 6630 $6.34 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 050184 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 6630 $172.83 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 050538 PARKS CIP 6669 $195.95 KNOX COMM CREDIT TOOLS 050540 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 6670 $30.14 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 050620 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 6673 $87.40 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 050713 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 6676 $2,368.06* $120.00 KNUTSON, KAREN AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES $120.00* $160.50 KOCHENASH, RICK AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES $160.50* $28.00 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB YORK YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI $3,393.85 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB YORK YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE $2,003.45 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE FEB 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE $5,425.30* $462.50 LAHET, TERA SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 031893 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES $462.50* $194.90 LAKELAND ENGINEERING REPAIR PARTS L -80737 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 6310 $194.9.0* $95.85 LARSCO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 031293 WATER TREATMEN GENERAL SUPPL 6497 $272.64 LARSCO INC REPAIR PARTS 031293 WATER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 6504 $368.49* $2,552.82 LASER QUIPT SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 033093 CENT SVC GENER SVC CONTR EQU COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 14 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM -- - - - - -- OBJECT ---- - -P_0_ # -- - - - - -- ----------------------------- <*> $2,552.82 *, 135025 04/05/93 $468.43 LAWSON PRODUCTS ACCESSORIES 1907501 EQUIPMENT.OPER ACCESSORIES 6062 04/05/93 $60.09 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1910399 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL 6161 04/05/93 $89.25 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1913464 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6061 04/05/93 $131.68 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1917495 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 6373 04/05/93 $147.00 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES •1917496 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPL 6374 04/05/93 $374.67 $52.75 LAWSON PRODUCTS LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 1917497 1917502 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS '6385 6375 04/05/93 04/05/93 $123.08 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 1916627 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 6161 < *> $1,446.95* 135026 04/05/93 $1,480.35 LAYNE MINNESOTA CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 12157 WATER TREATMEN GENERAL SUPPL 6214 04/05/93 - $75.00 LAYNE MINNESOTA CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 12164 WATER TREATMEN GENERAL SUPPL <*> $1,405.35* 135027 04/05/93 $1,083.90 LEATHER NECK ENTERPR GENERAL SUPPLIES 032693 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6701 04/05/93. $1,375.00 LEATHER NECK ENTERPR GENERAL SUPPLIES 0326 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6700 < *> $2,458.90* 135028 04/05/93 $35.40 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 022693 ART CENTER BLD LAUNDRY < *> $35.40* 135029 04/05/93 $180.00 LEGEROS,. NICK AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $180.00* 135030 04/05/93 $388.00 LETN CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 130466 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL < *> $388.00* 135031 04/05/93' $37.72 LINHOFF PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 224315 COMMUNICATIONS PHOTO SUPPLIE 04/05/93 $18.37 LINHOFF PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 224352 FIRE DEPT. GEN PHOTO SUPPLIE < *> $56.09* 135032 04/05/93 $195.80 LMHRC DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0393 HUMAN RELATION DUES & SUBSCR < *> $195.80* 135033 04/05/93 $115.36 LOFTHUS, DONALD S MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 031093 GENERAL(BILLIN MILEAGE < *> $115.36* 135034 04/05/93 $7,480.96 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING AR0193 A AR0193 A FINANCE ASSESSING DATA PROCESSI DATA PROCESSI 04/05/93 04/05/93- $3,306.76 $1,740.93 LOGIS LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0193 A GENERAL(BILLIN DATA PROCESSI 04/05/93 $518.59 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0193 A LIQUOR 50TH ST DATA PROCESSI 04/05/93 $518.59 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0193 A LIQUOR YORK GE DATA PROCESSI 04/05/93 $518.59 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0193 A VERNON LIQUOR DATA PROCESSI < *> $14,084.42* 135035 04/05/93 $140.00 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT ACCESSORIES 151052 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2870 04/05/93 $42.50 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT REPAIR PARTS 153008 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/05/93 $99.60 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT REPAIR PARTS 159961 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 5070 04/05/93 $109.16 LONG LAKE FORD TRACT REPAIR PARTS 143182. EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $391.26* 135036 04/05/93 $51.72 LUNDS INC MEETING EXPENSE /FIRE 031593 FIRE DEPT. GEN MEETING EXPEN < *> $51.72* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 15 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135037 04/05/93 $453.05 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 18145 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $200.04 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 18874 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $159.66 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 18878 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $353.24 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 18897 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $259.68 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 19033 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $199.11 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 19031 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $373.43 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 19058 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $100.72 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 19204 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $423.92 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 19196 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $559.41 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 19214 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI < *> $3,082.26* 135038 04/05/93 $139.85 M.A.B. ENTERPRISES I FIRST AID SUPPLIES 031193 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP 5484 < *> $139.85* 135039 04/05/93 $773.19 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. BROOMS 31868 STREET CLEANIN BROOMS 5715 04/05/93 $2,287.62 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. BROOMS 32280 STREET CLEANIN BROOMS 5715 < *> $3,060.81* 135040 04/05/93 $360.00 MACKERMAN, DANNY AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $360.00* 135041 04/05/93 $250.00 MADSON,JOHN SERVICES EDINBOROUGH APRIL 19 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $250.00* 135042 04/05/93 $90.23 MAIER STEWART & ASSO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9269 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $90.23* 135043 04/05/93 $7,769.20 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE FEB YORK YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $87.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB VERN VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $4,385.30 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE FEB VERN VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $82.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $3,453.55 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $12.45 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 910520 GOLF DOME CST OF GDS BE 5571 < *> $15,790.50* 135044 04/05/93 $363.35 MARLIN INDUSTRIAL DI CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 020893 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOL < *> $363.35* 135045 04/05/93 $600.00 MARTIN- MCALLISTER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5674 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES < *> $600.00* 135046 04/05/93 $75.00 MAWP CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 031693 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL < *> $75.00* 135047 04/05/93 $310.90 MCC /MIDWEST COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 77645 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD F00 6259 < *> $310.90* 135048 04/05/93 $493.52 MCCAREN DESIGN FERTILIZER 8715 ED BUILDING & FERTILIZER 6268 04/05/93 $189.53 MCCAREN DESIGN TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 8728 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SH 04/05/93 $991.76 MCCAREN DESIGN TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 8727 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SH 6470 < *> $1,674.81* 135049 04/05/93 $294.00 MCDOWELL, MARGARET AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $294.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 16 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135050 04/05/93 $60.00 MCELROY, KIMBERLY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 032693 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $60.00* 135051 04/05/93 $154.80 MCNEILUS STEEL ACCESSORIES 0183921 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 6507 04/05/93 $169.05 MCNEILUS STEEL REPAIR PARTS 0186275 CLUB HOUSE REPAIR PARTS 6.428 < *> $323.85* 135052 04/05/93 $22,946.00 MED CTR HEALTH PLAN HOSPITALIZATION 1052725 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI < *> $22,946.00* 135053 04/05/93 $27,421.92 MEDICA CHOICE HOSPITALIZATION 19308310 CENT SVC GENER HOSPI.TALIZATI < *> $27,421.92* 135054 04/05/93 $291.81 MERIT SUPPLY ACCESSORIES 32548 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 6314 04/05/93 $50.74 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 32621 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL 6459 04/05/93 $495.00 MERIT SUPPLY ACCESSORIES 32620 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 6458 04/05/93 $260.07 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 32643 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 6556 04/05/93 $464.12 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 32645 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6529 04/05/93 $235.79 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 32642 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL 6492 04/05/93 $472.64 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 32767 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 6642 < *> $2,270.17* 135055 04/05/93 $300.00 MERWYN WALKER /CHANGE CHANGE FUND 033093 GOLF PROG CHANGE FUND < *> $300.00* 135056 04/05/93 $84.00 MESSERLI & KRAMER AMBULANCE FEES 18331 18 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE 04/05/93 $50.00 MESSERLI & KRAMER AMBULANCE FEES 18333 18 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE < *> $134.00* 135057 04/05/93 $198.50 MESSERLI & KRAMER AMBULANCE FEES 18494 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE < *> $198.50* 135058 04/05/93 $225,940.00 METRO WASTE CONTROL SEWER SERVICE METRO 50500493 SEWER TREATMEN SEWER SVC MET < *> $225,940.00* 1 135059 04/05/93 $30.52 METZ BAKING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 030693 GRILL CST OF GO F00 04/05/93 $65.18 METZ BAKING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 030693 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD F00 < *> $95.70* 135 060 04/05/93 $ MFEA CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 032693 ED ADMINISTRAT CONF & SCHOOL 110.00* 135061 04/05/93 $80.0D MGCSA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 032593 GOLF ADMINISTR DUES & SUBSCR < *> $80.00* 135062 04/05/93 $49.31 MIDWEST MACHINERY IN ACCESSORIES 16271 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 6370 < *> $49.31* 135063 04/05/93 $50.00 MIDWEST PUBLIC GOLF DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1993 GOLF ADMINISTR DUES & SUBSCR < *> $50.00 *' 135064 04/05/93 $459.09 MILLIPORE GENERAL SUPPLIES 695005 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPL 6593 04/05/93 $274.33 MILLIPORE GENERAL SUPPLIES 701359 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPL 6671 < *> $733.42* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 17 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135065 04/05/93 $82.54 MILWAUKEE TOOL CO. TOOLS 25 -47 -51 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 6313 04/05/93 $47.02 MILWAUKEE TOOL CO. TOOLS 25 -47 -64 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 6392 < *> $129.56* 135067 04/05/93 $1,224.11 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 FIRE DEPT. GEN HEAT 04/05/93 $977.58 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 CITY HALL GENE HEAT 04/05/93 $6,472.84 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 PW BUILDING HEAT 04/05/93 $2,452.12 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 BUILDING MAINT HEAT 04/05/93 $397.06 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 ART CENTER BLD HEAT 04/05/93 $3.28 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 POOL OPERATION HEAT 04/05/93 $1,525.40 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 CLUB HOUSE HEAT 04/05/93 $230.86 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 MAINT OF COURS HEAT 04/05/93 $9,651.43 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 GOLF DOME HEAT 04/05/93 $6,482.88 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 ARENA BLDG /GRO HEAT 04/05/93 $2,457.32 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 ED BUILDING & HEAT 04/05/93 $653.73 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 PUMP & LIFT ST HEAT 04/05/93 $4,193.69 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 DISTRIBUTION HEAT 04/05/93 $163.24 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 50TH ST OCCUPA HEAT 04/05/93 $310.26 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 YORK OCCUPANCY HEAT 04/05/93 $314.49 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 VERNON OCCUPAN HEAT 04/05/93 $706.67 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 5 CENTENNIAL LAK HEAT < *> $38,216.96* 135068 04/05/93 $16.24 MINNESOTA CERAMIC SU CRAFT SUPPLIES 142589 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIE 5799 <*> $16.24* 135069 04/05/93 $160.00 MINNESOTA CLE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 032393 COMMUNICATIONS CONF & SCHOOL < *> $160.00* 135070 04/05/93 $450.00 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT LICENSES & PERMITS 031793 TRAINING LIC & PERMITS < *> $450.00* 135071 04/05/93 $10.00 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 031793 ED ADMINISTRAT DUES & SUBSCR < *> $10.00* 135072 04/05/93 $40.00 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 031793 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOL < *> $40.00* 135073 04/05/93 $218.75 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQU REPAIR PARTS 5179 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 6211 < *> $218.75* 135074 04/05/93 $456.00 MINUTEMAN PRESS PRINTING 23743 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 6019 04/05/93 $29.64 MINUTEMAN PRESS PRINTING 23743, ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 04/05/93 $241.76 MINUTEMAN PRESS PRINTING 23741 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 6019 < *> $727.40* 135075 04/05/93 $$148.04* MITCHELL INTERNATION DATA PROCESSING 000979 EQUIPMENT OPER DATA PROCESSI 135076 04/05/93 $474.80 MN DEPT OF GASOLINE FEB EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE < *> $474.80* 135077 04/05/93 $114.82 MN PUBLIC EMPLOYER L DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 031793 CENT SVC GENER DUES & SUBSCR * * COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 18 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135078 04/05/93 $58.14 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 8253 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L 04/05/93 $57.00 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 8254 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L 04/05/93 $15.12 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 8257 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L 04/05/93 $30.96 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 8256 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L 04/05/93 $84.96 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 8345 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L 04/05/93 $51.30 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 8344 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L < *> $297.48* 135079 04/05/93 $176.44 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB VERN VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI < *> $176.44* J 135080 04/05/93 $93:885 MN. ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 030381 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQU k * 135081 04/05/93 $162.18 MN. GLOVE GENERAL SUPPLIES 77712 DISTRIBUTION. GENERAL SUPPL 6451 < *> $162.18* 135083 04/05/93 $11.44 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 318170 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/05/93 $15.08 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 318856 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6473 04/05/93 $41.64 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 318829 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 6469 04/05/93 $24.60 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 319209 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6475 04/05/93 $628.83 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 318864 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 6409 04/05/93 $148.56 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 319587 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6563 04/05/93 $22.68 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 318967 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6474 04/05/93 $95.72 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 319584 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6562 04/05/93 - $56.36 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 319665 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 04/05/93 $173.45 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 319883 MAINT OF,COURS REPAIR PARTS 6575 04/05/93 $66.67 MN. TORO INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 320050 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6472 04/05/93 $68.02 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 320065 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6635 04/05/93 $100.48 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 320101 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 04/05/93 $42.11 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 320413 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6637 04/05/93 $32.93 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 320415 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6636 04/05/93 $21.23 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 320422 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6563 04/05/93 $58.54. MN. TORO INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 320695 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6472 < *> $1,495.62* 135084 04/05/93 $200.00 MN. WANNER REPAIR PARTS 0017231 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $200.00* 135085 04/05/93 $160.00 MN /S.C.I.A. CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 031693 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL < *> $160.00* 135086 04/05/93 $149.21 MOTOROLA INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 42233104 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT < *> $149.21* 135087 04/05/93 $5,248.00 MPLS FINANCE DEPARTM WATER PURCHASED 031993 DISTRIBUTION WATER PURCHAS < *> $5,248.00* 135088 04/05/93 $228.00 MTS NW SOUND REPAIR PARTS 111828 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 5982, 04/05/93 $382.74 MTS NW SOUND GENERAL SUPPLIES 112020 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6647 04/05/93 $4.97 MTS NW SOUND CONTRACTED REPAIRS 112389 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS < *> $615.71* 135089 04/05/93 $55.00 MUZAK SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 030193 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQU 04/05/93 $43.00 MUZAK ADVERTISING OTHER 040193 VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 19 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135089 04/05/93 $43.00 MUZAK ADVERTISING OTHER 040193 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER < *> $141.00* 135090 04/05/93 $35.00 N.A.F.T.O. DUES /POLICE 032493 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCR < *> $35.00* 135091 04/05/93 $65.30 NAPA AUTO PARTS REPAIR PARTS 879045 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6501 < *> $65.30* 135092 04/05/93 $185.37 NATL GUARDIAN SYS. ALARM SERVICE 582757 50TH ST OCCUPA ALARM SERVICE 04/05/93 $196.79 NATL GUARDIAN SYS. ALARM SERVICE 582756 VERNON OCCUPAN ALARM SERVICE 04/05/93 $146.72 NATL GUARDIAN SYS. ALARM SERVICE 582755 ART CENTER BLD ALARM SERVICE < *> $528.88* 135093 04/05/93 $523.67 NEBCO /L.L. DISTRIBUT COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 152237 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD F00 < *> $523.67* 135094 04/05/93 $35.20 NICKLOW, LIA PT MAINT ART CENTER 032993 ART CENTER BLD SALARIES TEMP < *> $35.20* 135095 04/05/93 $249.00 NIELSEN, ERIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 031693 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPL < *> $249.00* 135096 04/05/93 $124.00 NMMC EMS EDUCATION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 032593 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOL < *> $124.00* 135097 04/05/93 $225.00 NMMC REGISTRATION /FIRE 031693 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOL < *> $225.00* 135098 04/05/93 $79.52 NO STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 524670 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6330 04/05/93 $61.18 NO STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 524440 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6329 04/05/93 $407.36 NO STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 526380 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6476 < *> $548.06* 135099 04/05/93 $1,994.79 NORMANAGEMENT INC ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 031193 UTILITY PROG ACCOUNTS REC. < *> $1,994.79* 135100 04/05/93 $250.64 NORTH SECOND STREET REPAIR PARTS 46980 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6433 < *> $250.64* 135101 04/05/93 $178.80 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB VERN VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $69.60 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB YORK YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI <*> $248.40* 135102 04/05/93 $472.93 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL FEB SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DI 04/05/93 $1,155.44 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES FEB. EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES < *> $1,628.37* 135104 04/05/93 $45.88 NSP LIGHT & POWER 030493 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $59.62 NSP LIGHT & POWER 030493 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $7.40 NSP LIGHT & POWER 030493 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $22,181.35 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 ST LIGHTING RE LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $3,085.11 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $2,427.24 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $14.80 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 20 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR - - -- DESCRIPTION --------------------------- INVOICE PROGRAM - - - - - - -- - -- OBJECT --------------- P.O. # - -- ----------------------------- 135104 04/05/93 ------------------------------- $3,382.20 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 PARKING RAMP LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $15.87 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 CIVIL DEFENSE LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $1,518.49 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 CITY HALL GENE LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $924.88 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 BUILDING MAINT LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $572.65 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 CLUB HOUSE LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $68.42 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 POOL OPERATION LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $3,835.10 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 ARENA BLDG /GRO LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $1,413.57 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $9,839.87 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 DISTRIBUTION LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $614.61 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 50TH ST OCCUPA LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $952.92 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 YORK OCCUPANCY LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $7,193.72 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 ED BUILDING & LIGHT & POWER 04/05/93 $902.04 NSP LIGHT & POWER APRIL 5 CENTENNIAL LAK LIGHT & POWER < *> $59,055.74* 135105 04/05/93 $224.79 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 204610 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD F00 6247 04/05/93 $282.60 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 204923 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD F00 6258 <*> $507.39* 135106 04/05/93 $25.00 NWRC MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 031293 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE < *> $25.00* 135107 04/05/93 $294.03 NYSTROM PUBLISHING C PRINTING 10922E SPECIAL ACTIVI PRINTING < *> $294.03* 135108 04/05/93 $204.00 ODLAND, DOROTHY AC INSRTUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $204.00* 135109 04/05/93 $70.00 OESTREICH, RICHARD CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 032393 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOL < *> $70.00* 135110 04/05/93 $7,176.27 OFFICE PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 189918 ENGINEERING GE EQUIP REPLACE 5757 04/05/93 $674.45 OFFICE PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 191537 ENGINEERING GE EQUIP REPLACE 5757 < *> $7,850.72* 135111 04/05/93 $101.00 OFFSET PRINTING GENERAL SUPPLIES 31692 ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPL < *> $101.00* 135112 04/05/93 $478.52 OLD DOMINION BRUSH BROOMS 10853 -42 EQUIPMENT OPER BROOMS 6424 < *> $478.52* 135113 04/05/93 $34.75 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE REPAIR PARTS 133590 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6365 < *> $34.75* 135114 04/05/93 $186.38 ORKIN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 032693 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS < *> $186.38* 135115 04/05/93 $2,427.67 OWENS SERVICE CO CONTRACTED REPAIRS 72065 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 6412 04/05/93 $597.00 OWENS SERVICE CO SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 72369 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQU 5506 < *> $3,024.67* 135116 04/05/93 $71.89 PAPER WAREHOUSE GENERAL SUPPLIES .41712 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPL 6162 04/05/93 $5.33 PAPER WAREHOUSE MEETING EXPENSE 39805 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPEN < *> $77.22* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 21 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135117 04/05/93 $158.69 PARTS COMPANY OF AME GENERAL SUPPLIES 970 -6140 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPL 6604 < *> $158.69* 135118 04/05/93 $804.42 PAT GREER SERVICES EDINBOROUGH APRIL 19 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $804.42* 135119 04/05/93 04/05/93 135120 04/05/93 135121 04/05/93 135122 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 135123 04/05/93 135125 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 04/05/93 135126 04/05/93 $19.95 PAUSTIS & SONS $47.45 PAUSTIS & SONS $67.40* $4,999.11 PC TAILORS $4,999.11* $1,180.00 PERSONNEL DECISIONS $1,180.00* $10.63 $24.77 $25.00 $20.39 $80.79* $20.00 $20.00* $56.81 $59.13 $2.25 $1.40 $34.39 $13.10 $8.18 $17.50 $54.27 $34.99 $15.75 $17.01 $6.00 $9.71 $25.00 $14.50 $25.39 $84.87 $4.46 $19.17 $15.43 $13.00 $12.97 $545.28* $359.92 $359.92* PETERSON, BARBARA PETERSON, BARBARA PETERSON, BARBARA PETERSON, BARBARA PETERSON, JENNIFER PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PHYSIO CONTROL 135127 04/05/93 $230.57 PINNACLE SIGNS & GRA < *> $230.57* COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30086 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30273 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI DATA PROCESSING 106772 POLICE DEPT. G DATA PROCESSI 5783 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES J111704 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES 031593 OFFICE SUPPLIES 031593 OFFICE SUPPLIES 031593 OFFICE SUPPLIES 032693 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLI ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLI ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLI SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 031893 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES MEETING EXPENSE 033093 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 033093 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 033093 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 033093 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 033093 GENERAL SUPPLIES 033093 GENERAL SUPPLIES 033093 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 033093 GENERAL SUPPLIES 033093 DRAFTING SUPPLIES 033093 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 033093 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 033.093 GENERAL SUPPLIES 033093 MEETING EXPENSE 033093 MEETING EXPENSE 033093 BOOKS & PHAMPHLETS 033093 GENERAL SUPPLIES 033093 GENERAL SUPPLIES 033093 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 033093 PRINTING 033093 GENERAL SUPPLIES 033093 GENERAL SUPPLIES 033093 COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 033093 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPEN ADMINISTRATION MILEAGE PLANNING MILEAGE FINANCE PROF SERVICES FINANCE MILEAGE FINANCE GENERAL SUPPL ELECTION GENERAL SUPPL ASSESSING MILEAGE ASSESSING GENERAL SUPPL ASSESSING DRAFTING SUP.P PUBLIC HEALTH MILEAGE PUBLIC HEALTH PHOTO SUPPLIE INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPL CONTINGENCIES MEETING EXPEN COMMUNICATIONS MEETING EXPEN PARK ADMIN. BOOKS & PHAMP PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPL SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPL SPECIAL ACTIVI PHOTO SUPPLIE SPECIAL ACTIVI PRINTING BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPL GUN RANGE CST OF GD F00 FIRST AID SUPPLIES A58283 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP 6091 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1604 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 6791 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993,,10:43 PM page 22 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135128 04/05/93 $737.16. PLANT EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 14802 WATER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 6184 04/05/93 $44.20 PLANT EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 14799 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 5903 < *> $781.36* 135129 04/05/93 $25.00 POISSON DESIGN GROUP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 030293 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $25.00* 135130 04/05/93 $51,284.00 POLAR.CHEVROLET EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PW129688 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACE 04/05/93 $13,031.00 POLAR CHEVROLET EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PW129853 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACE < *> $64,315.00* 135131 04/05/93 $710.00 POST #911 SCHOOL /POLICE 032493 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL < *> $710.00* 135132 04/05/93' $3,000.00 POSTMASTER PERMIT #939 031993 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $3,000.00* 135133 04/05/93 $20.00 PR NEWSWIRE ADVERTISING OTHER 602341 ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER < *> $20.00* 135134 04/05/93 $247.50 PRAIRIE NURSERY SEED 004550 GENERAL.TURF C SEED < *> $247.50* 135135 04/05/93 $2,978.78 PRECISION,LANDSCAPE CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 012693 TREE TRIMMING CIP < *> $2,978.78* 135136 04/05/93 $91.99 PRECISION TURF /CHEM GENERAL SUPPLIES 02342 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 6633 < *> $91.99* 135137 04/05/93 $4,650.11 PRIOR LAKE AGG. SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 021993 SNOW & ICE REM SAND,GRVL & R < *> $4,650.11* 135138 04/05/93 $63.85 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 674248 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $117.81 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 674253 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI < *> $181.66* 135139 04/05/93 $101.98 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 46215 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6450 04/05/93 $31.31 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 46226 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR. PARTS 6450 < *> $133.29* 135140 04/05/93 $317.98 R &R SPECIALTIES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 017912 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 5378 < *> $317.98* 135141 04/05/93 $207.82 R.E. MOONEY & ASSOC REPAIR PARTS 004916 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 6066 04/05/93 $90.37 R.E. MOONEY & ASSOC REPAIR PARTS 004922 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 6066 < *> $298.19* 135142 04/05/93 $260.81 REM SUPPLIES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 3015 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPM 6456 04/05/93 $322.88 REM SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 316 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 6769 < *> $583.69* 135143 04/05/93 $1,060.00 REM -COM INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 3229 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS 6726 < *> $1,060.00* 135144 04/05/93 $58.38 RETAIL DATA SYS MN GENERAL SUPPLIES 15313 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL.SUPPL COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 23 CHECK# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # < *> $58.38* 135145 04/05/93 $4,047.23 REX DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE FEB 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $117.25 REX DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB YORK YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI ' 04/05/93 $8,320.81 REX DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB YORK YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 04/05/93 $141.25 REX DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB VERN VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $5,695.85 REX DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE FEB VERN VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE < *> $18,322.39* 135146 04/05/93 $84.98 RINGS & THINGS COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 122361 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD F00 6250 < *> $84.98* 135147 04/05/93 $43.64 ROBINSON, JAMES E MEETING EXPENSE 032993 FIRE DEPT. GEN MEETING EXPEN 04/05/93 $38.50 ROBINSON, JAMES E MILEAGE /FIRE 032993 FIRE DEPT. GEN MILEAGE 04/05/93 $9.57 ROBINSON, JAMES E PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 032993 FIRE DEPT. GEN PHOTO SUPPLIE < *> $91.71* 135148 04/05/93 $4,882.14 ROLLINS OIL CO GASOLINE 11351 EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE 6663 04/05/93 $6,135.35 ROLLINS OIL CO GASOLINE 11350 EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE 6662 < *> $11,017.49* 135149 04/05/93 $1,267.63 ROSE BURNS CATERING MEETING EXPENSE 1173 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPEN < *> $1,267.63* 135150 04/05/93 $35.00 ROTGERS, JOHN REGISTRATION FEES 030993 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $35.00* 135151 04/05/93 $120.00 ROXANNE SEIDEL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH APRIL 19 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $120.00* 135152 04/05/93 $192.00 RUDQUIST, MONICA AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 04/05/93 $16.80 RUDQUIST, MONICA ART WORK SOLD 032993 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $208.80* 135153 04/05/93 $3,403.77 RUNYAN /VOGEL GROUP CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 031093 GC CIP CIP < *> $3,403.77* 135154 04/05/93 $138.72 SAFETY KLEEN HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL 251139 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DI < *> $138.72* 135155 04/05/93 $5.00 SANKEY, DIANE LICENSES & PERMITS 032993 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS 04/05/93 $11.91 SANKEY, DIANE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 032993 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOL 04/05/93 $44.00 SANKEY, DIANE TOOLS 032993 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS < *> $60.91* 135156 04/05/93 $150.00 SATTER, MEL TOOLS 033093 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS < *> $150.00* 135157 04/05/93 $420.67 SAVOIE SUPPLY CO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 150084 50TH ST OCCUPA GENERAL SUPPL 6413 04/05/93 $420.67 SAVOIE SUPPLY CO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 150084 YORK OCCUPANCY GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $420.69 SAVOIE SUPPLY CO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 150084 VERNON OCCUPAN GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $9.57 SAVOIE SUPPLY CO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 150083 50TH ST OCCUPA GENERAL SUPPL 6419 04/05/93 $9.58 SAVOIE SUPPLY CO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 150083 YORK OCCUPANCY GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $9.57 SAVOIE SUPPLY CO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 150083 VERNON OCCUPAN GENERAL SUPPL < *> $1,290.75* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993; 10:43 PM page 24 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ----------------------------------------------------_-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135158 04/05/93 $370.11 SCAN AIR FILTER GENERAL SUPPLIES 38059 ED BUILDING &, GENERAL SUPPL 6579 04/05/93 $136.02 SCAN AIR FILTER GENERAL SUPPLIES 38060 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 5587 < *> $506.13* 135159 04/05/93 $30.00 SCHIRMANG, JOHN CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 032993 INSPECTIONS CONF & SCHOOL < *> $30.00* 135160 04/05/93 $203.85 SCHWARTZ, S.A. JR UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 032993 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW < *> $203.85* 135161 04/05/93 $36.66 SEARS GENERAL SUPPLIES SR -75 -63 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPL 5888 < *> $36.66* 135162 04/05/93 $1,138.23 SEH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 17138 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $1,138.23* 135163 04/05/93 $205.36 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 2224 -0 MAINT OF COURS PAINT 6472 04/05/93 $15.44 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 0795 -8 BUILDINGS PAINT 6598. < *> $220..80* 135164 04/05/93 $68.74 SHIRLEY, TOM MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 031993 ED ADMINISTRAT MILEAGE < *> $68.74* 135165 04/05/93 $37.28 SMEAL FIRE EQUIPMENT TOOLS. 132149 FIRE DEPT. GEN TOOLS 04/05/93 $347.93 SMEAL FIRE EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE'CLOTHING 132273 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTH < *> $385.21* 135166.04/05/93 $75.00 SMESTAD, LYLE, SEMINAR /PW 032293 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOL <*> $75.00* 135167 04/05/93 $114.84 SMITH & WESSON AMMUNITION 21675401 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION < *> $114.84* 135168 04/05/93 $487.50. SMITH, CATE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GTAEP.93 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 6776 < *> $487.50* .135169 04/05/93 $305.00 SNELL MECHANICAL REPATR,'PARTS 001892 BUILDINGS REPAIR PARTS 6609 < *> $305.00* 135170 04/05/93 $102.12 SOUTHHAM BUSINESS CO ADVERTISING LEGAL CPCO2400 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L < *> $102.12* 135171 04/05/93 $127.29 SPS TOOLS 1997430 DISTRIBUTION TOOLS 5908 04/05/93 $15.30 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2008125 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 6320 - 04/05/93 $485.90 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2009624 CITY HALL.GENE REPAIR PARTS .6435 04/05/93 $73.22 SPS GENERAL SUPPLIES 2010354 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL 6449 < *> $701.71* 135172 04/05/93 $855.00 STAR TRIBUNE PRINTING 022893 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING < *> $855.00* 135173 04/05/93 $22.04 STERLING FENCE INC REPAIR PARTS 11975 GENERAL TURF C REPAIR PARTS 6733 < *> $22.04* 135174 04/05/93 $48.80 STEWART LUMBER REPAIR PARTS 424368 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 6463 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 25 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $48.80* 135175 04/05/93. $9,075.00 STORE FRONT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1123.2 HUMAN RELATION PROF SERVICES < *> $9,075.00* 135176 04/05/93 $58.22 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 182265 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/05/93 $440.77 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS 9882 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 04/05/93 $8.87 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 182602 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/05/93 $347.33 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS 155576 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 04/05/93 $8.53 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 182880 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $863.72* 135177 04/05/93 $689.20 SUBURBAN PROPANE GENERAL SUPPLIES 232785 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 6295 < *> $689.20* 135178 04/05/93 $1,875.00 SUBURBAN RATE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1993 SUB.RATE AUTH. PROF SERVICES < *> $1,875.00* 135179 04/05/93 $90.00 SUESS, KARRIE SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 032593 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $90.00* 135180 04/05/93 $527.40 SURGE WATER COND CONTRACTED REPAIRS R021163 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 6570 < *> $527.40* 135181 04/05/93 $1,192.00 SUSAN FRAME AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 04/05/93 $23.27 SUSAN FRAME ART WORK SOLD 032993 ART CNTR PROG RETAIL SALES < *> $1,215.27* 135182 04/05/93 $100.91 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 00434626 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $34.01 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 00434626 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $49.61 TARGET FIRST AID SUPPLIES 434627 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP 6088 < *> $184.53* 135183 04/05/93 $579.85 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO REPAIR PARTS 40004 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6294 < *> $579.85* 135184 04/05/93 $193.82 TERRY ANN SALES CO CLEANING SUPPLIES 1286 GOLF DOME CLEANING SUPP 6348 < *> $193.82* 135185 04/05/93 $103.33 TESSMAN SEED INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 4006 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 6560 04/05/93 $59.81 TESSMAN SEED INC FERTILIZER 4215 ED BUILDING & FERTILIZER 6639 < *> $163.14* 135186 04/05/93 $174.00 THE BUREAU OF NATION DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4571 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCR 04/05/93 $721.00 THE BUREAU OF NATION DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4574 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCR < *> $895.00* 135187 04/05/93 $111.00 THE KANE SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4616334 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES 6704 04/05/93 $55.50 THE KANE SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4631308 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES < *> $166.50* 135188 04/05/93 $273.25 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GENERAL SUPPLIES 265543 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 6561 < *> $273.25* 135189 04/05/93 $50.00 THOMPSON, LOIS PERFORM EDINBOROUGH 040893 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 26 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ----------------------------- < *> $50.00* 135190 04/05/93 $163.15 THORPE DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI MARCH VE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 04/05/93 $6,230.40 THORPE DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE MARCH VE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE < *> $6,393.55* 135191 04/05/93 $111.52 TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPPLIES 458954 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPL 04/05/93 $56.16 TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPPLIES 212394 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPL 6395 04/05/93 $37.70 TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPPLIES 212359 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPL 6316 04/05/93 $196.35 TOLL COMPANY TOOLS 212942 DISTRIBUTION TOOLS 6426 04/05/93 $316.86 TOLL COMPANY GENERAL SUPPLIES 213700 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL 6441 < *> $718.59* 135192 04/05/93 $33.58 TOOLS BY OLSEN GENERAL SUPPLIES 49636 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 6606 < *> $33.58* 135193 04/05/93 $46.00 TOWER TEE PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 114 GOLF DOME GENERAL SUPPL 6110 < *> $46.00* 135194 04/05/93 $85.20 TOWN & COUNTRY DODGE REPAIR PARTS 106635 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6398 < *> $85.20* 135195 04/05/93 $189.00 TRAVELWAYS SERVICES ART CENTER 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $189.00* 135196.04/05/93 $18.91 TREADWAY GRAPHICS GENERAL SUPPLIES 0015667 DARE GENERAL SUPPL < *> $18.91* 135197 04/05/93 $369.94 TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFT CRAFT SUPPLIES 64133 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIE 6249 < *> $369.94* 135198 04/05/93 $966.54 TURF SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 041504 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 6408 04/05/93 $373.18 TURF SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 041644 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 6408 < *> $1,339.72* 135199 04/05/93 $276.69 TWIN CITY GAR. DOOR REPAIR PARTS 16484 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS 04/05/93 $242.00 TWIN CITY GAR. DOOR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 16484 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $518.69* 135200 04/05/93 $46.91 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI FEB VERN VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI < *> $46.91* 135201 04/05/93 $241.88 U -CARE AMBULANCE FEES 031193 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE < *> $241.88* 135202 04/05/93 $188.00 UHL CO REPAIR PARTS 65802 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS < *> $188.00* 135203 04/05/93 $2,330.98 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 030193 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 04/05/93 $51.75 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 030193 RESERVE PROGRA UNIF ALLOW 04/05/93 $26.95 UNIFORM UNLIMITED GENERAL SUPPLIES 030193 ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPL < *> $2,409.68* 135204 04/05/93 $1,054.35 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 67DI9323 PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS 6477 04/05/93 $121.40 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 67SI2259 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 6296 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 27 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135204 04/05/93 $184.25 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP CREDIT TAKEN TWICE 031693 CLUB HOUSE REPAIR PARTS < *> $1,360.00* 135205 04/05/93 $25.00 UNITED STATES TENNIS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0493 PARK ADMIN. DUES & SUBSCR < *> $25.00* 135206 04/05/93 $15.00 UNIVERSITY OF MN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 348441 ANIMAL CONTROL PROF SERVICES < *> $15.00* 135207 04/05/93 $200.00 UNIVERSITY OF MN CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 032693 ED ADMINISTRAT CONF & SCHOOL < *> $200.00* 135208 04/05/93 $28.08 US WEST CELLULAR DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 031093/C ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCR < *> $28.08* 135209 04/05/93 $447.02 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE APRIL 5 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 04/05/93 $114.47 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE APRIL 5 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE 04/05/93 $597.64 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE APRIL 5 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 04/05/93 $608.00 US WEST COMM. ADERTISING APRIL 5 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES 04/05/93 $97.27 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE APRIL 5 DISTRIBUTION TELEPHONE 04/05/93 $199.42 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE APRIL 5 YORK OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE < *> $2,063.82* 135210 04/05/93 $22.90 US WEST PAGING TELEPHONE 04008282 PARK MAINTENAN TELEPHONE 6753 < *> $22.90* 135211 04/05/93 $8,886.00 USAQUATICS CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 10021 POOL CIP CIP < *> $8,886.00* 135212 04/05/93 $359.82 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 45100 50TH ST SELLIN PAPER SUPPLIE 6422 04/05/93 $951.68 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 451002 YORK SELLING PAPER SUPPLIE 6422 04/05/93 $1,383.53 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 451006 VERNON SELLING PAPER SUPPLIE 6422 < *> $2,695.03* 135213 04/05/93 $42.00 VANTAGE ELECTRIC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 12459 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS < *> $.42.00* 135214 04/05/93 $11.66 VETERAN ADVERTISING OTHER 031193 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER 04/05/93 $11.66 VETERAN ADVERTISING OTHER 031193 YORK SELLING ADVERT OTHER 04/05/93 $11.68 VETERAN ADVERTISING OTHER 031193 VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER < *> $35.00* 135215 04/05/93 $140.90 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 220256 YORK OCCUPANCY REPAIR PARTS 6301 04/05/93 $48.78 VOSS LIGHTING GENERAL SUPPLIES 220661 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPL 6035 < *> $189.68* 135216 04/05/93 $1.73 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 498 -6039 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 6321 04/05/93 $46.89 W W GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 495 -2661 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL 6217 04/05/93 $31.02 W W GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 498 -6044 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPL 6373 04/05/93 $97.77 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 495 -2676 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 6607 04/05/93 $22.75 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 495 -6066 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 6608 04/05/93 $55.50 W W GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 498 -6078 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6587 04/05/93 $58 W W GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 498 -6080 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 6645 < *> S314.11* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 28 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135217 04/05/93 $47.45 W.W. GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 498 -6033 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPL 6293 04/05/93 $111.12 W.W. GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 495 -2652 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPL 6305 c *> $158.57* 135218 04/05/93 $70.00 WALTON, ELIE REGISTRATION FEES 031793 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $70.00* 135219 04/05/93 $2,923.43 WATER SPECIALTY CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 1750 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPL 6340 < *> $2,923.43* 135220 04/05/93 $159.58 WATER SPECIALTY OF M GENERAL SUPPLIES 212413 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPL 04/05/93 $23WATER SPECIALTY OF M GENERAL SUPPLIES 212462 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPL * < > $182.82* 135221 04/05/93 $33.25 WENDORF, HAROLD ART WORK SOLD 032993 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $33.25* 135222 04/05/93 $1,092.50 WENDY ANDERSON ENTER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 032293 ADMINISTRATION PROF SERVICES c *> $1,092.50* 135223 04/05/93 $59.00 WESSEL, KIPP REGISTRATION FEES 031793 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $59.00* 135224 04/05/93 $414.60 WEST PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 98163 POLICE DEPT. G PHOTO SUPPLIE 6531 04/05/93 $223.54 WEST PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 98519 POLICE DEPT. G PHOTO SUPPLIE 6573 < *> $638.14* 135225 04/05/93 $341.15 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 3168 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 6134 04/05/93 $287.54 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. TOOLS 3771 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 6371 04/05/93 $358.73 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 3790 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 6462 < *> $987.42* 135226 04/05/93 $75.00 WHEATON, KELLY REFUND PARK & REC 033093 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION < *> $75.00* 135227 04/05/93 $288.00 WICKER, CYD AC INSTRUCTOR 032993 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $288.00* 135228 04/05/93 $357.84 WILLIAMS STORE INC EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 3870 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACE 5468 c *> $357.84* 135229 04/05/93 $130.97 WIS —CON TOTAL POWER REPAIR PARTS 305062 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 6434 < *> $130.97* 135230 04/05/93 $311.07 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY RANGE BALLS 73964 RANGE RANGE BALLS 5877 < *> $311.07* 135231 04/05/93 $60.00 WORLD CLASS WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 14110 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE < *> $60.00* 135232 04/05/93 $155.50 WRIGHT LINE GENERAL SUPPLIES 191520 -0 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL 6568 < *> $155.50* 135233 04/05/93 $1;136.07 XEROX CORP EQUIPMENT RENTAL 03677047 CENT SVC GENER EQUIP RENTAL < *> $1,136.07* a' COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:43 PM page 29 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135234 04/05/93 $141.01 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE SAFETY EQUIPMENT 54187115 ED ADMINISTRAT SAFETY EQUIPM 04/05/93 $50.46 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE GENERAL SUPPLIES 54187116 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPL 6706 04/05/93 $65.60 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE SAFETY EQUIPMENT 54187122 ED ADMINISTRAT SAFETY EQUIPM <A> $257.07" $762,974.23" J COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY WED, MAR 31, 1993, 10:59 PM page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUND # 10 $322,637.19 FUND # 12 $562.10 FUND # 15 $3,- 046.37 . FUND # .23 $13,869.70 FUND # 26 $8,957.70 FUND # 27 $25,493.71 FUND # 28 $18,966.10 FUND # 29 $72.17 FUND # 30 $43,515.69 FUND # 40 $261,559.77 FUND # 41 $842.54 FUND # 42 $25.28 FUND # 50 $61,907.79 FUND # 60 $1,518.12 $762,974.23" J