HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-17_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL MAY 17, 1993 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA - Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of ERA Meeting of May 3, 1993 II. GRANDVIEW LANDSCAPE PLAN III. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS • • �t�14. _�M EDINA CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATION - ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION - BOB BURNETT DAY - JUNE 4 I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of Council Meeting of May 3, 1993 II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Rezonina and Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Planned Industrial District to PCD -2 Planned Commercial District and Plan Designation from Industrial to Commercial - Levis Engineering/Kunz Oil Property (Continue to 6/7/93) B. Appeal of Zoning Board of Appeals Decision - Five Foot Setback Variance to Allow Living Space Above Garage - 6312 Indian Hills Rd III. ORDINANCES First Reading: Requires offering of Ordinance only. Second Reading: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of all members of Council required to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. A. Second Reading Ordinance No 1993 -6 - An Ordinance Amending Section 220 of the City Code to Permit Certain Prizes for Amusement Devices (Contd from 5/3/93) • �.� • ; _ • _.�M Agenda Edina City Council May 17, 1993 Page Two V. AWARD OF BIDS SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Wed May 26 AMM Annual Meeting 5:30 P.M. Minnetonka Community Center Mon May 31 MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED - CITY HALL CLOSED Mon June 7 Regular Council Meeting Mon June 21 Regular Council Meeting Mon July 5 INDEPENDENCE DAY OBSERVED - CITY HALL CLOSED Tues July 6 Regular Council Meeting Mon July 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. Council Chamber 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers A. Articulated Sidewalk Plow (Continue to 6/7/93) B. Buck Shot C. Four -Wheel Drive Utility Tractor With Cab/Detachable Loader (Continue to 6/7/93) VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Approval of Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of 5/11/1933 B. Request for Exception from Sign Moratorium - Mick's at Southdale C. Report on Sign Ordinance Issues D. Traffic Safety Process E. Appointment - Planning Commission F. Appointment - Community Health Services Advisory Committee VII. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Pearle Express Letter - Installation of Signage VIII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES IX. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL X. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XI. FINANCE A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 05/12/93 Total: $927,622.20 and for confirmation of payment of Claims dated 05/12/93 Total: $525,672.55 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Wed May 26 AMM Annual Meeting 5:30 P.M. Minnetonka Community Center Mon May 31 MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED - CITY HALL CLOSED Mon June 7 Regular Council Meeting Mon June 21 Regular Council Meeting Mon July 5 INDEPENDENCE DAY OBSERVED - CITY HALL CLOSED Tues July 6 Regular Council Meeting Mon July 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. Council Chamber 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MAY 3, 1993 P ROiTCAT3 Answering rollcall were Commissioners Paulus, Rice, Smith and Kelly. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and vas seconded by Commissioner Rice to approve the HRk Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. *MrNOTES OF BRA MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1993, APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Rice to approve BRA Minutes of April 19, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *CLAIMS PAID Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Rice to approve payment of ERA claims as shorn in detail on the Check Register dated May 3, 1993, and consisting of one page totalling, $14,166.67. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Kelly declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director oe4�r� O • �N�CRdIOM•iC • REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: HRA From: GORDON L. HUGHES Date: MAY 17, 1993 Sub* ectD SCAPE PLANS -WEST 50TH STREET AND VERNON AVENUE AND ARCADIA AVENUE Recommendation: Agenda Item # HRA II. Consent (❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends Action 0 To HRA ❑ To Council Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Authorize staff to retain a landscape architect to prepare landscape plans for right -of -way landscaping on 50th Street, Arcadia Avenue and Vernon Avenue. Info /Background: On April 19, 1993, City Council granted Final Development Plan Approval for the redevelopment at 50th Street and Arcadia Avenue. At that time, HRA staff recommended that staff be authorized to prepare estimates and solicit bids for boulevard shade trees and public sidewalks on 50th Street and Arcadia Avenue. The HRA did not accept the staff recommendation, preferring to delay authorization of the project until the private property owners had completed the private landscape plans. Although authorization of a public project can be delayed to a future date, staff believes that it is important that the landscape plans for the public right -of -way and the private properties be coordinated at this time. We therefore request permission to retain a landscape architect for the purpose of preparing a public right -of -way landscape plan that can' then be presented to the HRA for project authorization at a future date. HRA COUNCIL DATE 5/11/93.: COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 9:31 PM page f CHECK• DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR - - - - -- DESCRIPTION ---- - - - - -- -- ------------------- INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT, - - - - -- - -- - - -- ------------------ P'bs ----------- 12427 - - - - -- 05/17/93 ----------------------------- $624.12 BRW INC. PROF FEES ARCH AND EN 67962 50TH STREET PRO FEE ARCH/ < *> $624.12* 12428 05/17/93 $29.77* CELLULAR ONE MISCELLANEOUS 042193 GRANDVIEW MISC 12429 05/17/93 $5,912.95 P E JARVIS 6 ASSOCIA PROF FEES ARCH AND EN 032393 GRANDVIEW PRO FEE ARCH/ < *> $5,912.95* $6,566.84* COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY WED, K-,*',Y 12, 1993. 9:40 PM page I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUND # 01 $6,566.84 $6,566.84" 4 0 I Ow e tit ch ID eB PROCLAMATION ARBOR DAY April 30 1993 WHEREAS, In 1872, J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees, and WHEREAS, this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska, and WHEREAS, Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and WHEREAS, trees are a most valuable resource, purifying our air, helping conserve our soil and energy, serving as a recreational setting, providing a habitat for wildlife of all kinds, and enriching our lives in other important ways; and WHEREAS, disease, insects and pollution have damaged and continue to threaten our trees, creating the need for tree care and tree planting programs and fostering greater public concern for the future of our urban forest; and WHEREAS, Edina is proud of the beautiful shade trees which grace our homes and public places; and WHEREAS, Edina has been recognized for the past six years as a Tree City USA by The National Arbor Day Foundation and desires to continue the planting of trees for its future, WHEREAS, through a cooperative effort with the Edina School District, Cornelia PTA, and the Edina Park and Recreation Department, Cornelia Elementary has implemented an educational program called, "Cornelia Continues to Grow ", WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resource, Minnesota ReLeaf Community Forest Program has granted $6,000 to "Cornelia Continues to Grow" for planting of trees for the purpose of enhancing the community, benefiting the environment and providing educational experiences for the residents of the City of Edina, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Frederick S. Richards, Mayor of Edina, do hereby proclaim April 30th, 1993, to be Arbor Day and call upon the spirited and foresighted citizens of Edina to plant trees now for our pleasure and that of future generations. Dated this 30th day of April, 1993 Frederick S. Richards, Mayor City of Edina, Minnesota • 1���RPORp`T�'�� IBBB RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Bob Burnett has served Edina School District No. 273 and the Edina community as Principal since 1968; and WHEREAS, he has been in education for 37 years, three years as Principal of Highlands Elementary and 15 years as Principal of Cornelia Elementary; and WHEREAS, beginning in 1956, Bob spent eight years at Concord Elementary teaching fifth grade; and WHEREAS, in 1966, he was in charge of the academic -abled program at both Cahill Elementary and Cornelia Elementary; and WHEREAS, Bob Burnett has been a moving force in the implementation of a site -based managed school, cooperative learning and the option of a school within a school to house both the Neighborhood and Continuous Progress Programs at Highlands; and WHEREAS, through his outstanding leadership and sincere dedication in promoting the Edina Public Schools, Bob has demonstrated total commitment to the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council, the City staff and the residents of Edina hereby express their thanks and appreciation to C•C ' for his dedicated service in helping make the City of Edina an outstanding community in which to learn, work and live. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Friday, June 4,1993, be declared BOB BURN= DAY. ADOPTED this 17th day of May, 1993. MAYOR MINOTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 3, 1993 ROL CALL Answering rollcall were Members Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Pro -Tem Kelly. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Bice to approve and adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. *MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1993, APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve the Council Minutes of the regular meeting of April 19, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *LOT DIVISION APPROVED FOR LOTS 1 AND 2. BLOCK 1. BRAEMAR HILLS FIFTH ADDITION (6124 -6128 SCOTIA DRIVE) Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land constitute two separate parcels: Lot 1, Block 1, BRAEMAR MASS FIFTH ADDITION, and Lot 2, Block 1, BRAHMAR HILLS FIFTH ADDITION; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): Lot 1, Block 1, BRAEMAR HILLS FIFTH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, except that part lying southwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 1, distant 5.21 feet southwesterly of the southeast corner thereof to a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 1, distant 69.42 feet northwesterly of the southeast corner thereof and said line there terminating. Together with that part of Lot 2, Block 1, BRAEHAR HILLS FIFTH ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 2, distant 10.38 feet east of the northwest corner thereof to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 2, distant 138.39 feet southeasterly of the northwest corner thereof and said line there terminating. Lot 2, Block 1, BRAEMAR RIMS FIFTH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, except that part lying northeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 2, distant 10.38 feet east of the northwest corner thereof to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 2, distant 138.39 feet southeasterly of the northwest corner thereof and said line there terminating. Together with that part of Lot 1, Block 1, BRAEMAR HILLS FIFTH ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 1, distant 5.21 feet southwesterly of the southeast corner thereof to a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 1, distant 69.42 feet northwesterly of the southeast corner thereof and said line there terminating. WH88EAS, it has.. been.4steained- that._compliance with . the .Subdivision and Zoning-. i Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of-Edina Code Sections 810 and 850. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Code Section 810 and Code Section 850 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *RAINBOW FOODS DEVELOPMENT REQUEST TO CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING TO 6/7/93 RECEIVED Council was advised that the Rainbow Foods project developer has requested continuation of the public hearing to the Council Meeting of June 7, 1993, and that formal action on the request would occur at the May 17, 1993 meeting. *SECOND READING FOR ORDINANCE NO 1993 -6 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 220-0 THE CITY CODE TO PERMIT CERTAIN PRIZES FOR AMUSEMENT DEVICES) CONTINUED TO 5/17f93 Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to continue Second Reading for Ordinance No. 1993 -6 to the Council Meeting of May 17, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall-vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR NORMANDALE GOLF COURSE PARKING LOT, CUL -DE -SAC AND PARKING BAY Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for Normandale Golf Course parting lot, cul -de -sac, and parking bay to recommended low bidder, Clem Rehbein Excavating, Inc., at $47,654.80. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NOS. STS -221, STS -222. STS -223. STS-224 Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for Storm Sewer Improvement Project Nos. STS 221 (Tower Street), STS -222 (Parkwood Road), STS -223 (Schaefer Road) and STS -224 (Vernon & Gleason Intersection Overflow) to recommended low bidder, W. B. Miller, Inc., at $110,105.22. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR TWO GREENS MASTER 3100 MOWERS Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rica for award of bid for two Toro Greens Master 3100 Greensmowers to sole bidder, MTI Distributing, Inc., at $25,583.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR 7UM GREENS MASTER 3000 TES AND GREENS MOWERS Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rica for award of bid for three Toro Greens Master 3000 tea and greens mowers to sole bidder, MTI Distributing, Inc., at $29,401.46. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR 124 INCH RIDING ROTARY MOWER Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for a 124 inch Riding Rotary Mower to recommended low bidder, North Star Turf, Inc., at $24,114.79. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR SIX 1993 GAS GOLF CARS AND FIVE 1993 ELECTRIC GOLF CARS Motion was made. by Mem1mer 7.Ssith_.aad_was,_seconded by Member - •Rica. for award of bid.for_six- r, gas golf cars and five electric golf cars to recommended low bidder, EZ Go, Division of Textron. Inc., at $18,744.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *INSURANCE RENEWALS AWARDED FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS. HRA AND POLICE PROFESSIOAAL LIABILITY Notion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Bice for award of insurance renewals for public officials, MBA, and police professional liability, to recommended low bidder, National Union /Scottsdale, at $47,384.33. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR INTERIOR LIGHTING FOR 50TH STREET LIQUOR STORE Notion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Bice for award of bid for interior lighting for the 50th Street Liquor Store to recommended low bidder, United Electric, at $5,576.53.. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR TURF TRUCSSTEB Notion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Bice for award of bid for one turf truckster to recommended low bidder, Cushman Motor Company, at $9,995.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR ROOF REHABILITATION - EDINA EAST WATER PLANT Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for roof rehabilitation for the Edina East water plant to recommended low bidder, M b S Roofing. Inc., at $13,760.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR ENGINEERING SURVEYING EQUIPMENT Notion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice for award of bid for Engineering surveying equipment to recommended low bidder. Sokkia Measuring Systems, at $13,568.10. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *TEMPORARY 3.2 BEER LICENSE APPROVED FOR MINNESOTA RECREATION AND PARS ASSOCIATION Notion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve issuance of a Temporary 3.2 Beer License to the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association for an adult softball tournament on June 5 and 6, 1993, at Van Valkenbnrg Park. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. COMMERCIAL DISTRICT SIGN REGULATIONS DISCUSSED: MORATORIUM IMPOSED ON ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR ERECTION AND PLACEMENT OF SIGNS AND IITUMIFATED AWNINGS AND CANOPIES Planner Larsen said that he understood that the topic to be discussed by the Council was, specifically, the regulations regarding commercial signs in the Planned Commercial District (PCD -2), which is generally the Grandview commercial area located immediately west of Highway 100 as well as the 50th and France commercial area. He recalled that At the public hearing on April 19, 1993 for Final Development Plan approval for 5113 West 50th Street (CSM Investors, Inc.) there was concern that signage issues had not been resolved. Planner Larsen reviewed the regulations pertaining to commercial signs provided by Edina Code Section 460 (the Sign Ordinance), and specifically the following subsections: 460.03 Subd. 13 Signs on Awnings, Canopies or Marquees. Signs may be applied to an awning, canopy or marquee provided: A. Such structure shall not be considered as part of the wall area and thus shall not warrant additional sign area. B. The entire area of such structure shall be considered part of the sign area if constructed of transparent or translucent material and illuminated so as to resemble a sign panel. 460.05 Subd. 4 PCD -1, PCD -2, PCD -3, and PCD -4 Districts. Specifically, PCD -2 District maximums are: 1. Wall Sign Area - 158 of wall area 2. Number Freestanding Signs: One per building per frontage 3. Area for Freestanding Signs - 80 sq. ft. for first sign, 40 sq. ft. for each additional sign 4. Height - 8 feet Subsection 460.02 defines awning or marquee as "a roof -like structure of rigid or semi -rigid materials attached to and extending from the facade of a principal building." Planner Larsen pointed out that if a message is placed on the awning or marquee it becomes a sign panel and would be included in calculating the maximum wall sign area. A backlit awning with no message would not be included in measuring sign area. Planner Larsen then presented slides showing existing signage of five Blockbuster Video Stores located in the metro area and explained how the signage areas would be calculated under the City's current sign ordinance. He pointed out two slides in particular that have signage similar to what is proposed for the Blockbuster Video Store in the Grandview commercial area. Following the slide presentation, Planner Larsen showed overheads illustrating the proposed signage for the Blockbuster Video store at Grandview and presented the following description of sign permits applied for by Blockbuster: East elevation: 122.5 square feet, or 98 of wall area (158 is permitted) Blue three foot illuminated awning on entire length of wall facade with "Blockbuster Video" neon channel letters above canopy and one canted illuminated ticket logo North elevation: Same as east elevation West elevation: 50 square feet, or 3.78 of wall area (158 is permitted) One canted illuminated ticket logo only Planner Larsen cautioned that the sign permit applications were submitted with Blockbuster's initial proposal and that subsequently the store size has changed slightly (from 80' x 80' to 78' by 83'). He informed Council that sign permits would not be issued until building plans were received and reviewed. To date, no plans have submitted to the Building Department. He pointed out that the proposed awning is not considered a sign by ordinance since it carries no written or graphic message. The total area of the proposed awing would be approximately 600 square feet and would span the entire east and north elevations with a canopy return on a portion of the west and south elevations. Planner Larsen said that staff is of the opinion that the signage proposed by Blockbuster, subject to final review of the building plans, would conform under the City's current sign ordinance. Council Comment /Action Member Rice counted that he felt backlit awnings such as proposed by Blockbuster are advertising in they identify the business and should be considered as signs.. During the codification process last year he said he did not fully understand the ordinance provisions concerning awnings and canopies. Personally, he said he was offended by backlit awnings and felt they should not be allowed. In talking with sign companies, he said they call backlit awnings an internally illuminated cabinet or raceway mounting for a sign. Member Rice suggested that the Council revise the sign ordinance so that awnings or canopies would be included in calculating sign area because they are an attachment to and not an integral part of the building. Member Paulus commented that the wall sign area for the Blockbuster building should not include the glass frontage but only the area on which a sign _could actually be attached. She said she was concerned that there would also be advertising clutter in the building windows which would become a further distraction. Member Rice asked what action the Council could take at this time to reconsider the sign ordinance if it was the consensus of the Council to do so. Attorney Gilligan opined that the Council could impose a moratorium on issuance of commercial sign permits, including illuminated awnings and canopies, while it proceeds to study and reconsider the sign ordinance. Mayor Pro -Tem Kelly asked if such a moratorium would preclude Blockbuster from constructing their building. Attorney Gilligan said they could proceed with the building construction without the signage.. Member Paulus said that, because of the new businesses going into the Grandview area, it has the potential for dense signage. She agreed that there exists an honest problem in the interpretation of the codified sign ordinance by the Council versus interpretation by staff. Member Smith said he concurred with the concern of Member Paulus regarding advertising that could be displayed in windows and suggested that issue also be looked at. He agreed that there is too much confusion as to interpretation of the sign ordinance and that clarification is needed as to the intent of the Council when the ordinance was codified before any further sign permits are issued. Mayor Pro -Tem Kelly voiced concern about potential claims that a moratorium would inhibit commercial construction in the City and suggested that if imposed it be for a period of 90 days only. Attorney Gilligan noted that the Minnesota Court of Appeals deemed a recent case in Woodbury, where a broad moratorium was put in place, not a taking. Member Smith asked how street frontage would affect permitted signage. Planner Larsen clarified that the limitation on signage with regard to street frontage relates only to freestanding signs and permits one freestanding sign per building per street frontage. This would apply to all the buildings in the Grandview area being redeveloped. He informed Council that to date Blockbuster has not applied for a free - standing sign permit even though they could be allowed three based on the three street frontages for their building. Considerable discussion following on existing regulations in the sign ordinance, interpretation, and issues to be included in the study if a moratorium is imposed by the Council. Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Edina is essentially fully developed; and WHEREAS, the City Council is of the belief that there is an ever increasing demand for signs and illuminated awnings and canopies (as such terms are defined in Section 460.02 of the City Code), to be erected and placed in the City with results that may be detrimental, in many respects, to then value of adjoining properties and to the quality and character of the affected neighborhood and the City as a whole; and WHEREAS, the City Council is further of the view that an illuminated awning or canopy constitutes a form, of signage even if it does not have a message painted or inscribed.therson; and SEAS, the..City Council-believes that the ordinances of the City may not be adequate to gaida==ths erection and.placeme +_of signs - and_.illuminated- awnings:_and. canopies, without detriment to the City or its residents, and further believes that it is desirable to review the ordinances of the City to determine if any changes or amendments should be made to the criteria for approving and allowing the erection and placement, including size, mazimum wall coverage area and number of freestanding signs for building with multiple street frontages, for signs and illuminated awnings and canopies in the City. NOY, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City staff is hereby authorized and directed to conduct studies of the ordinances of the City including particularly Section 460 of the City Code, and to give information to, and make recommendations to, the City Council relative to the need and desirability, if any, for amending the ordinances of the City relative to restricting, regulating or controlling the erection or placement of signs and illuminated awnings and canopies, and if needed or desired, the terms and conditions of such restrictions, regulations and controls. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. Member Smith then introduced Ordinance No. 1993 -8 and moved adoption with waiver of Second Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -8 AN ORDINANCE ANEIDING THE CITY CODE BY ADDING A NEV SECTION 461 - IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR THE ERECTION AND PLACEMENT OF SIGNS, AND nammI QATED AONINGS AND CANOPIES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, OTA ORDAINS: Section 1. The City Code is hereby amended to provide a new Section 461 as follows: "SECTION 461 - A MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR THE ERECTION AND PLACEMENT OF SIGNS AND ILLUMINATED AONINGS AND CANOPIES 461.01 Purvose. Pursuant to applicable statutes the City will be conducting studies, pursuant to the authority and direction of the Council, for the purpose of considering amendments of official controls, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.352, Subdivision 15, including amendment of Section 460 of the City Code (the "Sign Ordinance "). The amendments and official controls being studied will consider, among other things, the need and desirability of further regulating the size of signs, maximum wall coverage area of signs, number of free standing signs for buildings with multiple street frontages and of further regulating. controlling and restricting illuminated awnings and canopies (as such terms are defined in Section 460.02 of the City Code), and if so further regulated, controlled or restricted, the terms and conditions of such restrictions, regulations and controls. However, while the amendments and the new official controls are being considered, proposals for the erection and placement of such signs and illuminated awnings and canopies, and applications for permits therefore, continue to be made. Therefore, in order to protect the planing process and the health. safety and welfare of the residents of Edina, it is necessary and desirable to impose the following moratorium pursuant to the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.355, Subdivision 4. 461.02 Noratorium. From the effective date of this ordinance to and including 90 days from such effective date, subject to earlier termination or extension by the Edina City Council, the City Council, the Planning Commission. the Building. Official. the Zoning Board of Appeals and the staff of the City of Edina, shall -not grant any permits for the erection and placement of any sign or illuminated awaing_or. canopy: 461.02 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption.• ATTEST: Mayor Pro -Tea City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Rice, Smith, Kelly Ordinance adopted. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that staff bring back on May 17, 1993 for reconsideration the landscape plans for the Grandview area being redeveloped so that the public plantings could be coordinated with the proposed private landscaping. *PETITION FOR SIDEWALK ON ANTRIM ROAD BETWEEN 70TH STREET AND ANTRIM COURT REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to refer the petition for sidewalk on Antrim Road between 70th Street and Antrim Court to the Engineering Department for processing. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. KATY KOCH, NEWS EDITOR FOR EDINA SUN - CURRENT. INTRODUCED Manager Rosland welcomed Katy Koch and introduced her as the news editor for the Edina Sun - Current. Ms. Koch will be reporting on Council meetings and covering other events in Edina. *CLAIMS PAID Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Rice to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated May 3, 1993, and consisting of 31 pages: General Fund $120,089.90; CDBG $9,789.25; Cable $3,738.07; Working Capital Fund $969.66; Art Center $8,840.00; Pool $315.00; Golf Coarse $51,991.67; Arena $9,507.33; Gun Range $36.07; Edinboroagh/Centanaial Iaices $14,030.69; Utilities $26,837.94; Liquor Dispensary $12,381.07; Construction Fund $376.32; IMP Bond $1,000.00; TOTAL $259,902.97. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Pro -Tem Kelly declared the meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. City Clerk o e� U) REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Kris P. Aaker Date: May 17, 1993 Subject: B-93 -5, Variance Appeal. 6312 Indian Hills Road Recommendation: Agenda Item # II . B. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA To Council Action 7 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Uphold the Zoning Board of Appeal's decision of denial. Info /Background: On April 15, 1993, the Edina Zoning Board of Appeals met and voted 3 -2 to deny the homeowner's request for a sideyard setback variance to allow living area above a garage. Enclosed for reference are the following items: 1. Draft meeting minutes 2. Staff Report 3. Correspondence from neighbors and the homeowner's legal counsel. TH0MSjN&NYBECK. PA ATTORNEYS AT LAW S 600, Edinborough Corporate Center East air b rough Way • Edina, Minnesota 55435 835 -7000 • FAX: (612) 835 -9450 GORDONV.JOHNSON DONALD D. SMITH DENNIS M. PATRICK OF COUNSEL: JOHN K. BOUQUET MARSH J. HALBERG DAVID ]. MCGEE JACK W. CARLSON JAMES VAN VALKENBURG WTLLL4hl E. S10HOLNI BECKYTOEVS ROONEY PHILIP SIEFF MARK G. OI N57AD THOMAS R. KELLEY TRACEY L. OLSON HELGE THOMSEN. Retired GLENN G. NYBECK Retired April 26, 1993 Ms. Kris Aakers Planning Commission City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Mn. 55424 RE: Gary and Gretchen Holland Dear Kris: This is to advise you that we wish to appeal the decision of the Board of Appeals of April 15, 1993 and ask for a hearing before the City Council. Yours truly, James Van Valkenburg\��"' JVV: jd Encl. DRAFT MINUTES ... REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS HELD ON THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1993 EDINA CITY HALL MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Helen McClelland, Rose Mary Utne, David Byron, Goof Workinger and Mike Lewis I. OLD BUSINESS: B -93 -5 Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Gretchen Holland 6312 Indian Hills Road Lot 9, Block 1, Indian Hills Request: A five foot sideyard setback variance to allow living space above the garage Ms. Aaker summarized that Mr. and Mrs. Holland are proposing to construct a third stall to their existing garage with living space above the garage. Ms. Aaker acknowledged the design compliments the existing structure and can be appreciated for its balance and consistency in matching materials. In addition, it could be acknowledged that the original house placement and slope of the lot can be viewed as a hinderance or hardship when reviewing expansion options. It would appear however that the property could be put to reasonable use therefore staff cannot support the studio addition. The proponent, Mrs. Holland was present. Mr. James Van Valkenburg, attorney representing Mr. and Mrs. Holland was present. Interested neighbors were present. Mrs. McClelland questioned Mr. Dunn on who owns the retaining wall that is on the common lot line. Mr. Dunn responded that the retaining wall is on his property. Mr. Van Valkenburg introduced himself to the Board and explained the Holland's are requesting a 5 foot sideyard setback variance for living space above the proposed garage stall. Mr. Van Valkenburg pointed out the proposed third garage stall meets city code. Continuing, Mr. Van Valkenburg said the lot is just under an acre in size. The house was constructed close to the westerly property line. Mr. Van Valkenburg stated the Holland's are not the original owners of the house. Mr. Van Valkenburg pointed out the house has changed since it was first constructed, a family room was f constructed in 1970 and the Hollands added a green house and porch. Mr. Van Valkenburg referred to confusion expressed at the previous meeting regarding the validity-of the survey, and submitted to the board a copy of the recent survey. Mr. Van Valkenburg said the new survey should put to rest any doubt regarding the property lines. He reiterated the proponents are seeking a five foot setback for living space. Mr. Van Valkenburg reported that the proponent's invited two different contractors to their home to access the site for different studio locations. Both contractors stated the proposed location best suits the site due to the internal layout'of the existing home, and topography of the lot. Mr. Van Valkenburg stated adding the studio under the cantilevered portion of the family room is too risky because of the footings and difference in elevation. Constructing the studio off the rear of the family room is problematic due to the existence of a large fire place -. Construction off the rear also poses internal layout problems because of the living areas across the rear of the home. Mr. Van Valkenburg noted it has been mentioned that the proponents house is "large enough" and pointed out the house is a two story home, front walk out, with the rear being one story, and in keeping with the size of the houses in the neighborhood. The proponents home measures 80 feet across the front, the Dunn home (to the west) measures 79 feet across the front. Concluding, Mr. Van Valkenburg submitted photos of the property adding what the proponents have tried to accomplish is a design that is aesthetically pleasing to the neighborhood and maintains the character of the existing structure. Mr. Dunn, 6400 Indian Hills Road, pointed out that the plan presented this evening is the same plan that was reviewed. He added his concern is with the proposed structure's close proximity to his property line. Mr. Dunn stated he finds,it hard to believe that an architect cannot find another location for the studio. Mr. Dunn said he moved into his house because he enjoys the spacing, and large lots within the Indian Hills neighborhood. Mr. Dunn pointed out within the Indian Hills neighborhood there exists private covenants that prohibit structures from being too close. Mr. Dunn concluded that he opposes the living space proposed above the garage. Mrs. Utne asked Ms. Aaker the reason for her objection to the proposal since the proponents will be able to legally construct the third garage stall. Ms. Aaker explained that due to the size of the lot she felt there was opportunity to add -on in a conforming location. She stated it will be difficult to accomplish, but not impossible. Ms. Aaker stated that Mrs. Utne is correct, the addition of a third garage stall is legal, no variance is required for the new stall. Mr. Lewis questioned Ms. Aaker on what the pitch of the garage roof could be. Ms. Aaker stated the pitch of the roof, in this situation is a design challenge, adding the allowed height of the roof would.depend on the type of roof design implemented and must meet our existing code requirements. Mrs. Utne stated she fully understands staff's position on the proposed living space but in her opinion this board should take into consideration special circumstances. Mrs. Utne said aesthetics are very important to her. She pointed out the garage can legally be constructed, and the addition of living space above the garage when it has been done with sensitivity does not negatively impact the existing dwelling, nor the neighborhood. Mr. Byron asked Mr. Van Valkenburg what the "studio" is. Mr. Van Valkenburg stated Mrs. Holland would enjoy a studio with adequate lighting for designing floral arrangements. Mr. Byron asked why Mrs. Holland couldn't use a spare bedroom for her floral arrangements. Mr. Van Valkenburg stated all the bedrooms are used. Mr. Workinger acknowledged (except for Mr. Dunn) that the proposal has been well received within the neighborhood but he cannot support the variance request because Mr. Dunn objects. He also stated there is no hardship to support the request to add living space above the proposed third garage stall. Mr. Lewis stated he agrees with Mrs. Utne. He pointed out the garage can legally be constructed, and we have granted variances before for living space above the garage. A third garage stall in this neighborhood is appropriate, and the proposed living space has been designed with sensitivity and is compatible with the existing house design. Mr. Lewis concluded the garage can be constructed, the addition of living space above may not make that much of a difference visually. Mrs. McClelland stated it is the duty of staff to investigate code and in her opinion there is no hardship to support the request. A lot of this size should be able to accommodate a studio in a conforming location. Mrs. McClelland stated council has also been very concerned with massing, and she reiterated she cannot support the variance request. If we allow this in a sense we are "gutting" the code. Mr. Byron stated spacial separation is very important to him noting we have been directed through our code to view garages one way and living space another, for whatever reason. He added he cannot find a hardship to support the proponents request. He said he recognizes that aesthetics are important but they are something this board cannot act on. Indian Hills is a very special community and we are responsible in maintaining it. He also added when he views this proposal he,believes it is cheaper to build the studio above the garage, but pointed out our job is not economic, it is maintaining the code. He concluded he cannot support the proposal as presented. Mr. Byron moved to deny the variance request. Mr. Workinger seconded the motion. Mrs. Utne interjected that she takes her position on the zoning board of appeals very seriously noting what we do at this f T level is very important. She added each and every area within this city is special and has value, and in her opinion the interpretation of the code is different things to different people. Mrs. Utne stated she has a strong feeling to have things "done right" and in her opinion adding living space above the garage makes the most sense aesthetically and practically. Adding another room off the back or side just to conform to our requirements may not be best. Variances are unique to the property and are in place to help us find an agreeable solution when adhering to the "law" might not create the best product. Ayes; McClelland, Workinger, Byron. Nays, Utne, Lewis. Motion to deny request approved 3 -2 vote. The proponent was informed that she has the right to appeal this decision to the city council. f DRAFT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS HELD ON THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1993, AT 5:30 P.M., EDINA CITY HALL MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chair, Helen McClelland, Mike Lewis, Don Patton and Geof Workinger STAFF PRESENT: Kris Aaker, Joyce Repya, Jackie Hoogenakker I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Mr. Workinger moved approval of the December 7, 1993, meeting minutes. Mr. Lewis seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. II. NEW BUSINESS: B -93 -5 Gary and Gretchen Holland 6312 Indian Hills Road Lot 9, Block 2, Indian Hills Request: A five foot sideyard setback variance to allow living space above the garage Ms. Aaker informed the Board the applicants are requesting a five foot setback variance from the required 10 foot sideyard setback variance to allow living area above a proposed garage expansion to the west of the home. The lot on which the contemporary styled home is located is slightly less than one acre and is one of many large lots within the Indian Hills subdivision. The new garage stall is proposed to be located' at the minimum required five foot sideyard setback and therefore would be legal, however, the homeowner desires to add a studio space above the new garage stall, which requires a greater setback. Ms. Aaker stated the applicant's design complements the existing structure and can be appreciated for its balance and consistency in matching materials. In addition, it could be acknowledged that the original house placement and slope of the lot can be viewed as a hinderance or hardship when reviewing expansion options. Ms. Aaker pointed out it would appear however that the property could be put to reasonable use as allowed by the ordinance and that garage storage capacity could be increased without a variance. It would also appear that the ample lot area provides an opportunity for a conforming location of the studio. Ms. Aaker concluded that staff appreciates the applicant's dedication to preserving the design integrity of the home, however, cannot recommend approval of the studio addition. The proponent, Mrs. Holland was present. Mrs: McClelland noted the letters of support that were submitted regarding the variance request. Mrs. McClelland said she has one question to ask before discussion begins. She questioned Mr. Dunn on his assertation that the survey for the Holland property may not- be correct. Mrs. Aaker presented to Mrs. McClelland a copy of the survey on file with the city. In response Mr. Dunn stated in the past the Holland's had a surveyor measure the site for new landscaping. Mr. Dunn said in his opinion it seems odd that the Hollands used the survey in the city file that conveniently depicts a five foot setback for the proposed garage. Mrs. Holland said at that time the surveying company was used to find the irons, so the landscaping would be planted correctly. We did not have a survey drawn. Mrs. Holland explained the survey they have been working with is the survey on file with the city, and the proposed garage meets the required five foot setback. Continuing, Mrs. Holland said when Mr. Dunn mentioned that he thought the survey may be incorrect she called Ms. Aaker and questioned how she should proceed. Ms. Aaker responded that the survey on file with the city was completed by a licensed surveyor and at this point that is what staff uses, and that is what Mrs. Holland was directed to use. Mrs. McClelland questioned Mr. Dunn on when he had his survey completed. Mr. Dunn said his survey was completed in 1987. Ms. Aaker clarified for the board when someone brings in plans the city functions under the survey that is on file, and in our experience the surveys on file with the city are usually accurate. Continuing, Ms. Aaker said when there is a lot line dispute the building department carefully inspects the project as it proceeds. Ms. Aaker noted at this time the city does not require as- built surveys for residents seeking building permits, although there are a number of cities that require as -built surveys to issue building permits. Mrs. McClelland questioned when the Holland survey was completed. Ms. Aaker said the survey was completed in 1956. She added if it becomes an issue during the variance process we may have to ask for an as -built survey, but it is expensive, and it is something the city has not and does not require. As a rule the, city has been careful requesting a new survey when one is on file. Mr. Patton asked Mrs. Holland if she accepts the staff recommendation that the garage can be constructed and staff's recommendation that the studio not be constructed. Mrs. McClelland interjected that in her opinion she views no hardship to support the request for a studio. She pointed out the house in 80 feet in length and the Holland house has already had three additions. Mrs. McClelland pointed out as you drive Indian Hills Road the Dunn and Holland house are the closest houses on the block. Mrs. McClelland stated in her opinion the proponents should be able to add the studio to some other portion of the house. She added she believes Mr. Dunn has some rights and according to Mr. Dunn he will be adding an addition easterly (toward the Holland house) which will decrease the spacing between the houses. Mrs. McClelland said in fairness the Holland home has already had three additions and she feels maybe a studio could be constructed on the lower level where .wood appears to be stored. Mrs. McClelland concluded that massing is a concern, setting a precedent is a concern, 'and reiterated the existing house is very large, the lot is huge, and as mentioned previously the house has already had three additions. Mrs. Holland responded that she feels the board has questions that must be resolved, and she would like to be able to work with the board towards an agreeable solution. Continuing, Mrs. Holland acknowledged the concern board members may have that a precedent could be set if the studio were allowed to be constructed five feet from the property line. Continuing, and in response to Mr. Patton's question, Mrs. Holland stated the third garage stall is very important to them, and can be legally constructed, but the studio is also as important. Mrs. Holland said in her opinion, and the opinion of her architect. the addition of the studio has been placed in a logical location consistent with the architectural integrity of the house. She acknowledged that the "burden of proof" for hardship is on her. Mrs. Holland reiterated that the studio is very important to her family. Mrs. Holland noted that the board has commented on the project as.it relates to the size of their lot. Mrs. Holland asserted they have investigated other locations for the studio with the architect on a number of occasions. Mrs. Holland acknowledged it can be difficult for the board to understand when you have a lot of. this size that there is no location for the studio that works as well as the location we proposed. Mrs. Holland pointed out that they are not looking at enlarging an existing room, but on constructing a whole new room. She stated this is the reason it is so difficult to find the proper space for this addition. Mrs. Holland remarked the proposed addition of the studio makes sense with the interior layout of the house, and she reiterated it maintains the architectural balance 'of the exterior. Mrs. Holland told the board they considered expanding up, into the roof, but due*to the air conditioning ducts in the roof they realized it is impossible to expand up.. Mrs. Holland acknowledged that the board may find in impossible to understand that the studio has been placed in the best location. She added you view the house which is 80 feet across the front, appearing very large, on a large lot so your natural assumption is.that there must be some place to locate the studio that conforms. Mrs. Holland said in should be noted that the entire house is a front tuck -under style home. Mrs. Holland described the lower level as consisting of one bedroom, one office, laundry room, and furnace room. The house has no basement. The upper level is where all the "living" area is, and while the house is large, in comparison with homes in Indian Hills it is not overly large. Continuing, Mrs. Holland pointed out the land slopes up, away from the street with two stories visible in the front. This topography limits development because there is only one story to feed from and that is the upper level. Mrs. Holland asked the board to note off the rear of the house there is a porch and a green house extension, which makes it difficult to construct the studio toward the rear. Mrs. Holland explained in the rear of the house the bedrooms and the kitchen are located,.which is not the most desirable.location to construct a studio. Mrs. Holland said one place they also investigated locating the studio was placing the addition on the east end and attaching it to the family room area. The only problem is underneath the family room area is dead space, and you'd have to cut into the hill. Mrs. Holland concluded they entertained the idea of constructing a separate building for the studio but found that may be questionable. The detached studio would have heating and plumbing and could be viewed as a separate living area which is not allowed on a single family lot site. Mrs. McClelland observed that maybe the "dead space" under the family room could be converted into the studio. Mrs. Holland pointed out that area is only crawl space. Continuing, Mrs. Holland remarked that she does not understand why the original builder constructed their house so close to the property.line. She pointed out the way the house is laid out there is no other place to locate the garage. Mrs. Holland referred to the letters received in support of the proposal and noted that the Indian Hills neighborhood is not very transient. The majority of the residents who moved into this neighborhood did so because they appreciated the trees, size of lots and the feeling of the rolling hills. Mrs. Holland commented that she was amazed at the support this proposal has been given throughout the neighborhood. She explained that everyone who was contacted regarding this proposal viewed the plans for our addition, and were also told the immediate neighbors, the Dunns opposed their expansion proposal. Mrs. Holland also said she informed neighbors. that the Dunns are planning to construct a garage addition of their own. Mrs. Holland said in her opinion it is important to understand that all neighbors who responded by letter were aware that both houses are proposing additions. Mrs. Holland concluded by stating she cannot stand before this board and convey that once the additions go up the houses will not appear closer, but it should be noted that there will still be over 20 feet between them. Mrs. Holland said she found that residents of the area appear to be more concerned with the new construction occurring within the neighborhood placing houses the minimum distance apart. .Mr. Patton questioned Ms. Aaker on how much.distance would be between the houses when both additions are completed. Ms. Aaker said the distance between houses after the additions will be approximately 22 feet. Mrs. McClelland interjected that she also has an objection to the garage stall. Ms. Aaker pointed out the garage without the studio above it will be legal, including the overhang. Mrs. McClelland questioned with. recodification didn't we increase the distance between garages. Ms. Aaker said the distance between garages without living space above it remains at five feet. Mr. Dunn referred to his letter and commented that he has been transferred here from New York and picked this neighborhood because of the spacing between houses. Mr. Dunn said for a house to'be constructed on one acre and be so close to the property line is suspect. He pointed out when you come up Indian Hills Road the addition to the Holland house will block the view of their house. He pointed out when you construct a house that close to the property line, it will appear that the Holland house owns some of our property. Mr. Dunn acknowledged that the garage and overhang may be legal but still feels it will be too close to the property line. Mrs. McClelland said it has' been very helpful knowing that you are proposing an addition. Mrs. McClelland commented that while the board cannot comment on the future addition by the Dunns it should be considered. Mr. Lewis said his concern with the proposal is the "question" of the survey. He added it appears that Mr. Dunn does not feel comfortable with the existing survey, and the fact when the garage is completed it will be at minimum, five feet from the property line. Mr. Lewis concluded that it is important to him when making an educated decision that he feels comfortable with the facts. Mrs. McClelland said her concern is that in her opinion no hardship exists. Mr. Workinger questioned Ms. Aaker on what the frontyard setback for both properties is. Ms. Aaker said due to the curve in the road it is hard to compute, but she feels-the houses are setback around 120 feet from the curb. Mr. Workinger said that Mr. Dunn's concern in preserving the site lines to his home and his assertation that they may be lost due to the Holland addition is something we should not comment on. The site lines to the Dunn home may be compromised by the Holland garage, but also by their own proposal. Mrs. Holland reported to the board the plans for this proposal were drawn up in February of last year, and at that time we did not realize we would need a variance. The reason the proposed garage stall juts out is to compliment the architect,�a`% facade of the + c j-�6` V, house and keep it aesthetically pleasing. Mrs. Holland said it is extremely important to them to ensure that the addition is architecturally compatible with the existing house. Mrs. McClelland noted regardless of architectural compatibility her problem is with massing, and as she has indicated on many occasions massing is a concern. Mrs. McClelland said another concern is that within this area houses are not usually constructed so close together. Mr. Patton questioned how deep the garage is. Mrs. Holland said she is unsure, adding we can fit our two cars in the garage. Mrs. Holland pointed out our house has 3,200 square feet of living area. Mr. Patton said if he reads the plans correctly the existing garage is about 32 -36 feet deep, and suggested the possibility.of a tandem solution to achieve the extra garage space. He explained this would give you four garage spaces, and allow the addition of. the studio on the east side of the house in the crawl space area. Mr. Lewis said in his opinion it would be best to table this issue, allowing you time to speak with your architect and surveyor. Mr. Lewis said you could explain to your architect that board members have expressed a concern about the proposal, and have him look at the possibility of constructing a tandem garage and placing the studio addition under the family room in the existing crawl space. Mr. Lewis said he is also sensitive to the massing issue. This area contains very beautiful homes and the spacing in Indian Hills between the homes is large. Mrs. Holland pointed out that legally we can construct the garage. The board acknowledged that fact but stated their problem is with the studio. Mrs. McClelland said as far as this proposal is concerned we may, as a board, have to say to you that you cannot have a greenhouse, a swimming pool, a tennis court, etc. You may have to choose what you desire to retain. Ms. Aaker pointed out that if Mrs. Holland takes these considerations to her architect she may not have to come back before a variance board. Mr. Lewis moved to table the meeting to an undetermined date. Mr. Patton seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. T -� .a LOCATION MAP V-AA••y►7 mill SW .:ry ut VARIANCE NUMBER B -93 -5 LOCATION 6312 Indian Hills Road REQUEST A five foot sideyard setback variance to allow living space above a garage EDINA P-LANNING:.. DEPARTMENT- s� �j, . ®�. VARIANCE NUMBER B -93 -5 LOCATION 6312 Indian Hills Road REQUEST A five foot sideyard setback variance to allow living space above a garage EDINA P-LANNING:.. DEPARTMENT- A. EDINA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS STAFF REPORT MARCH 18, 1993 B -93 -5 Gary and Gretchen Holland 6312 Indian Hills Road Lot 9, Block 2, Indian Hills Zoning: R -1 Request: A five foot sideyard setback variance to allow living space above the garage Background: The applicants are requesting a five foot setback variance from the required 10 foot sideyard setback variance to allow living area above a proposed garage expansion to the west of the home. The lot on which the contemporary styled home is located is slightly less than one acre and is one of many large lots within the Indian Hills subdivision. The new garage stall is proposed to be located at the minimum required five foot sideyard setback and therefore would be legal, however, the homeowner desires to add a studio space above the new garage stall, which requires a greater setback. Issues /Analysis: The applicants have indicated that their existing garage has limited storage capacity and that they are proposing the' garage stall so that an added vehicle could be removed from the driveway and public view. They have added that placement of the house to the west side of the lot creates problems for expansion. The proponents also believe that the setting and distance between the subject dwelling and the home to the west ensures that the addition would not be visually detrimental. Staff acknowledges that both the placement of the home and the tuck under design of the existing structure limit, to some degree, the available space for an addition and remodeling of the home. Staff contends however that the garage portion of the proposed addition could be built without benefit of a variance. The proponents have indicated that given the position of the house on the lot, three additions have already been built in the most appropriate locations and that a studio addition anywhere but on the west elevation would make no practical or aesthetic sense. Staff agrees that visually the studio portion of the addition blends well with the existing architectural elements of the structure. Staff contends however, that even given the awkward placement of the home there appears to be ample buildable lot area provided for an alternative location for a studio. Conclusion /Recommendation: The applicant's design complements the existing structure and can be appreciated for its balance and consistency in matching materials. In addition, it could be acknowledged that the original house placement and slope of the lot can be viewed as a hinderance or hardship when reviewing expansion options. It would appear however that the property could be put to reasonable use as allowed by the ordinance and that garage storage capacity could be increased without a variance. It would also appear that the ample lot area provides an opportunity for a conforming location of .the studio. Staff appreciates the applicant's dedication to preserving the design integrity of the home, however, cannot recommend approval of the studio addition. PLANNING DEPARTMENT • - ;' Case Number c�nr of DED INA Date e Fee Paid /pp - d Application for: [ ] LOT DIVISION [ ] ..REZONING [(/] VARIANCE [ ] PLAT Proposed Name APPLICANT: Name PROPERTY OWNER: (If Different from Above) N 101 Or-= o' M— Address (J, Name Addres 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET . EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 (612) 927 -8861 [ ] CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT [ ] FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN [ ] PLAN AMENDMENT Phone (6 /Z ) / y1 6� Z19 Property Address Phone ( ) Present Zoning P% P.I.D.# Explanation of Request: / h a�ccyYLih n / se ARCHITECT: Name t se side or adcotional pAgid if necessar ) y Phone SURVEYOR: Name Phone Property Owner's Signature App ica is nature 3 r2 /9' )ate Dat i /8S o von Application .... page 2 f Minnesota statutes and Edina ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: (If yes, please explain. Use additional sheets if necessary.) a) Relieve an undue hardship which was not self- imposed or a mere inconvenience. r1 -'se 40 Wig , %N J,% c y!eftk � � � b Wuft s t1 .0 • b) Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property, but not applicable to other property in the vicinity � .2%,is ri t. YES NO OF C) Preserve a substantial property right possessed by other property in the vicinity and zoning,d's rict. LrriC� d) Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. QA./ .a2 >,n ' /r G lr� X =i'= ? -77 2'47, GVo' ;Z47 1,23 71 Pe2 7 -12 V 7Z- -7-- 7 7 r � 312 ' "'� � '� •� . . `�`'`•' �` may- ` ° - -- " 1x (r4DiA+J WuJ FeAD _l -I 107 5t0� V74"D " >eMH � Fna a-r) L L��l�o rl arm( . NEW 6plemcr 15vkul RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD AND APPRAISAL CARD ADDRES DESCRIPTION OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE SINGLE DWLG. Yr. Built- Grade-.% No. of Stories -' _ Const. Cost_ MULTI. DWLG. Observed Physical Condition: Good_ Normal___ Fair- _ Poor Mo. Rental FOIJNDATION I ROOF I PLUMBING ROOMS WIRIN Concrete Flat Cit Water Livin Room rl BX CABI Cont. Blk. Goble 1 1 Well G Pump Dining 1 Rigid Cc Brick I Hip I IScwcr Kitchen 1.1 _ BUILT PLAT NO. STR PARCEL Nk 70.0 GARAGE( Grade Yr. Built Att. Det. Bsmt. V -_ Found. = •�)-vL' - Roof Exterior Finish Overhead Door /_L Auto Control BREEZEWAY Describe: / d/o .fMir> /A' Bsn1'T. LArcKIVK WALLS I >ningic, Aspnaur v _csspool uen or btuay I Bookcases YARD IMPROVEMENTS Driveways, Fences, Ret. Walls, Barbecue Pits, Siding and Sheating Shingle, Wood Baths (3 Fixt.) �; Rec. Room i <'; ' -- China Closet Wood Shakes Slate Half Bath Q Fixt. Utility Extra Kit. Cobts. Describe: Patios, Swimming Pools, Etc. Com osition ha es Tie Single Fixtures Refrigerator gq7/+ 3Fne-11` . (VAAS -►Ct I92 ^Ij C.T Redwood Roll, Composition Hot W.—Elec.—Gas— Range G Oven 3 , , I A *J Stucco Shakes Water Softner INTERIOR FINISH Dishwasher Brick Veneer Tar and Gravel dw Floors Garbage Disp. Cons. or Rug. Insulated HEATING oftwood Floors Ramon or Face Fireplaces Inside Concrete Floors TILING (Sq. Ft.) OUT BUILDINGS Sheds, Cabins, Boathouses, Shops, Greenhouses, Etc. Stone BASEMENT Fireplaces Outside ? Linoleum Floors Ce I PIGS. Describe: None Full Hof Air: Pipeless Carpeted Floors Bath Hall f Insulated Yes No Partial o Piped (Gravity) Hardwood Trim Kitchen I� r, - 1 c. -+ . �%t -.CC / 1� PORCHES n mos a Forced Circe to , Softwood Trim ;� ( t -.PJ_r C ' p» "1'- Glazed: Partitioned Steam Plastered Int. MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING DIAGRAM AND OUTBUILDINGS Screen: Finished a H. Water a=AI@ er Drywall Int. IncineratAr A n . . . . . . . . . . . . r w . tq srple and show. rlirnPn%;nne en: a out a Radiant once Laminated M. Pa Na Oil— Coo — Ga / ` . . . . . . ' . ' ' . • ' ' ' ' r Date of Appraisal By: Interior Inspected Yes . ' ' ' ' • '+� • ' ' ' ' ' . • ' • • . • • • • • • . • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . y ��. .......................... 3/ STRUCTURAL VALUE COMPUTATIONS ..... . ' ' :: :: - :: : AREA DEP. L OBS. NET STRUCTURES DIMENSIONS SQ. FT. RATE /S.F. o, MARK E p• . . . I� .o OFF RATE /S.F VALU .� }1i . . . . . . . . . . . . f �� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jI: ]OUSE j /�j . /• "X -/' . . . . . . �s: ,'` . . . . . . t} i' }± e _ 1 . . . . . . . . . Flat Charges Repl. Cost '/ '•si �;? � � � (�'D . Basement Finished /B X l I • • . • • • • • . . • Attie Finished ,2 K X !. L Extra Plumbin 1 8 X 14 5ecAR, 96 : �q$�?' .. 4 • L . . ... . : :. :: : Built -ins G Misc. . . . . . . :\f? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porches X . . . . . . . . . . . . ::P.tO�'.Qd� :: � ................... . TOTAL $ TOTAL FLAT CHARGES — • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /AREA . . 1 — . . . . . . . . ;ARAGE X . . . . . . . . f 1.(RUIN)(�K . . . . . . . . . . ,?c . iREEZEWAY X 1�`ti;ya. v . 'ARD IMPS. it . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . : : : 1. 2 .......... r �. _. . ::::::.......: ........ :,... ,UTBUILDINGS . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . - -- 19_ -_ TOTAL MARKET VALUE OF STRUCTURES $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i J : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . afore Adjustments: "%) F O . . . . . . . . . . . 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C L---- - A"I Jr\- (9-9 r /`♦I � uJ.VYldcvdT -� �-- 9 00 O O Fomm4aton.,$ cexwL 5,oace- Fo o 11alld T]HON S0 WECK, PA ATTORNEYS AT LAW ite 600, Edinborough Corporate Center East 0 Edinborough Way • Edina, Minnesota 55435 (612) 835 -7000 • FAX: (612) 835 -9450 The Board of Appeals City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: GORDON V JOHNSON DONALD D. SMITH DENNIS M. PATRICK JOHN K. BOUQUET HARSH J. HALBERG DAVID J. \IcGEE JAMES VAN VALKENBURG WILLIAM E. SJOHOLM BECKY TOEVS ROONEY MARK G. OHNSTAD THOMAS R. KELLEY TRACEY L. OLSON April 14, 1993 RE: 6312 Indian Hills Road # B -93 -5 5 Ft Side Yard Set Back Variance to Allow Living Space Above a Garage OF COUNSEL: JACK W.CARLSON PHILIP SIEFF HELGE THOMSEN, Refired GLENN G. NYBECK, Retired In this letter I would like to respond to some of the suggestions and comments made at the last hearing. I will elaborate in more detail at the time of the hearing on April 15, 1993. The Ordinance -and Staff Report of March 18, 1993 indicate that the Holland's can legally place a garage in the location that we are suggesting. Our concern and that of the 3oard is whether we can add living space above that garage. A question was raised asto the exact location of the building and I am enclosing herein a survey (Exhibit "A ") of April 5, 1993, prepared by Egan, Field & Nowak, and as you observe the Holland's are 19.65 feet at the front of the property and 16.02 at the rear. Their proposed addition will not go all the way to the rear line of the existing home. I call to your attention the diagram that I have labelled as Exhibit "B ". That indicates that it will only go part way back on the existing home and thus meet the 5 foot requirement. -2- I am also enclosing a rough sketch made by the City Assessor that shows the location of the building and some of the rooms that I will be discussing further in this letter. (Exhibit "C "). This is a lot that is a little less than an acre in area and as you observe from the diagrams, the current building is located on the westerly part of that lot and as your inspection will attest, you can see that the property falls off to the east sharply. The Assessor's diagram shows certain improvements and their approximate dimensions. The home was built in 1956 and a prior owner added the family room in 1970. Mr. and Mrs. Holland and their family moved in in 1977. The Holland's added the green house window in 1984. It extended the home 63 inches to the north. In 1986 the two season screen porch was added. It's dimensions are 11 ft. 7 inches by 13 ft. 3 inches. I hope that you will look at the property again to observe and reassess: a) The difference in elevation between the Holland property and the neighbor to the west. b) The fact that the garage construction will take a bite out of the ground so that the rear of the garage will be 4 feet into the hill. This is a continuation of the current tuck under design of the entire home. c) The east end cantilevered room. ALTERNATIVES At the last meeting several suggestions were made to resolve this matter and I would like to comment on those suggestions. Mrs. Holland has again met with the architect and builder - contractor since the last hearing and has the benefit of his comments that I now pass on to you. TANDEM GARAGE One suggestion was made that we expand the current garage by digging back into the hill and end up with what I refer to as a tandem garage. To do that we run into first some serious excavation as the two season porch does not go down to the level of the first floor. The current garage is only 17 ft 9 inches wide and at the current time they are hardly getting two full size cars in that garage. To deepen it would actually create more problems then it would -3- solve. It was pointed out that the Holland property is a large lot (under one acre) but the original house placement and slope of the lot can be viewed as a hinderance or hardship when reviewing expansion options as well as the tuck under design of the house (2 story in front, 1 story in rear). Again limiting possibilities for a logical solution. As to the family room on the east end, if they were to add on to the rear, it would adversely effect the solarium. As there is only a span of 20 feet between the solarium and the end of the family room, by building too close it logically destroys the architecture and light of that structure. Even if they were to move the studio over 10 feet away from the solarium, after brick, insulation, and wall board tha%i wmild only net a room of 9 feet or less in width. This does not seem feasible to the builder, architect or associate architect Mike McQuire who has taken over the projects for John Howe, the Frank Lloyd Wright designer of this room. The placement of a solid 8 foot brick fireplace further complicates a project to the rear of this room - i.e. room line as does the steel cantilivered deck at the east end of the room. The suggestion of excavating the crawl space has also met with considerable difficulty. The footings were only made to frost line theretore excavating underneath has a great possibility of undermining the existing structure. The Holland's were advised against the project for the following reasons. -Dangerous to the room above - getting the underpinnings just right is difficult and for long narrow room "just too tricky ". 2. Very expensive. 3. Mostly hand labor. 4. The final dimensions of the room would not be worth proceeding with project (See floor plan) REAR (NORTH) CONSTRUCTION To construct something near the two season porch or to the rear of the property would create problems as the Ordinance requires a window or a door to the outside and to put a room back there would block off the current bedroom and make that a violation of the Ordinance. The neighbor to the west (Mr. and Mrs. Dunn) have objected to this and have also pointed out that they intend to add to their, property by adding a new garage. Again I remind you that the Holland's proposed garage is within the Ordinance and it is only the studio added on top of it that creates the problem. The Dunn's have submitted a letter indicating some of their objections and to comment on those I would indicate that we have enclosed for you a new survey to show the actual measurements as of today; that we point out the Dunn's intend to add a new garage on their home which will make these two buildings 25 feet apart, and that is all within the Ordinance. It is only the addition of the studio that creates the issue, not the construction of a new garage by us or them. The Dunn's indicate that it would look as though we are acquiring some of their property. There is a substantial height difference between these two properties and I do not follow that argument. The Dunn's are concerned about the overhang. The Holland overhang on the roof line would meet Code. The Holland property was designed by an architect and was drawn to try to accommod- ate our needs and done before we realized that there was any type of a variance problem. The Dunn's have indicated that the Holland house is 80 feet in length, already a large house. However, the Dunn property measures approximately 79 feet 6 inches on their first floor level and with their proposed 26 foot garage addition will measure 105 feet 6 inches long. Furthermore their main living unit minus garage and 10 foot den, measure approximately 12 feet in depth more than the 26 feet the Holland's have. The Dunn's land measures a little over one acre. SUMMARY What we are attempting to do is save the substantial expense and destruc- tion of the architecture and to create a logical plan within the home by building on the west end. We cannot add to the existing building without destroying many, parts of it, or in some instances even ending up with what might be an Ordinance violation. The Holland home has two stories to the front and one in the back and we are in need of an adequate garage and that is our primary concern here. We are., of course, concerned k getting the studio as well. -5- The Holland's are in need of an adequate garage and space for a studio. They have decided to proceed with the legal garage and we ask your considera- tion of the fact of hardship to allow them the studio as well. We feel that by allowing the studio to be placed above the garage it will be in a logical location both architecturally (see letter from Marc and Mary Schoquist) and compatable with the layout of the interior space of the house. Furthermore as other letters from Indian Hills residents indicate they do not feel this project to be a detriment to their own properties or the neighborhood as a whole. I will, at the hearing, review with you some of the pictures that show the location of our home; the difference in lot elevation between the Dunn home and the Holland home. Again I urge that you view the property and if you wish to view the inside that would be appreciated. JVV:jd Encl. cc: Gordon Johnson Geoff Workinger Michael Lewis Helen McClelland Donald Patton Kris Aakers March 11, 1993 Dear Members of the Planning Board: We live on the property immediately west of the Holland's property on Indian Hills Rd. They are requesting a variance to building regulations that require a side yard setback often feet for any structure with living quarters. We'oppose this request for the variance. For the following reasons we hope the Planning Board will not approve this variance. 1. The architect who designed the edition told me in a telephone conversation that the new addition would be exactly five feet from the property line. The architect did not have a current property line to obtain exact measurements. He rendered the drawings from the original survey and he did not measure the actual distance from the west side of the house to the property line. I believe the estimate of a five foot clearance at the back of the new addition to the property line is inaccurate and could be significantly less. 2. We plan on putting on an addition to our garage this summer.. The plans for that addition are enclosed. We will add an additional 26 feet towards the Holland's house. We will still be about twenty feet from the property line we share with the Holland's, well within our building regulations. If the Holland's request for variance is granted it will put the houses within 25 feet of each other. The houses will look like they are on top of each other and this will significantly detract from the beauty of the homes, the properties and the neighborhood. 3. By allowing this request for variance the Holland's will have the luxury of creating the illusion of owning a portion of our property thus shifting the property line well into our property. 4. A minor but significant detail of this new addition is the "overhang" of the roof. As you can readily see the roof to the house is significant in heigth and more noticeable than most roofs. The overhang is an additional 1 1/2 - 2 feet. This additional footage will put the edge of the roof practically on the property line. Page 2 Planning Board Secondly, the positioning of the addition nine feet in front of the present, structure was done in order to clear the 5 foot (estimate) property line regulations for a garage. The design was made with little concern over the look it would bring to the two properties or the effect on the view of our home from the street. 5. The Holland's house is a large the front. The house is on a large There is a large area in the back of These three facts seem to us to be a find another area in which to expand house so close to our property line. house over 80 feet across Diece of land, over one acre. the house in which to build. reason for the Holland's to and not to extend their In summary, we feel that there is no hardship to the Holland's to justify this variance. Furthermore, we believe that the appearance of our home and property will be adversely affected if this variance is allowed. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Daniel & Connie Dunn l.r I EXISTING GARAGE Om I I I �1 I I I 'I I I I I ? I 1 I i I i I I I SY6TINO Crl-=N INN faz 12,11;60 MOE'— ; PAN P!f4i F'a T_ AUV 1 TICN 5r1 UVINCG i.:aM WOWS TO f - i AArGji QINIM5 PCOtA bwGc X56 Fr?. ,� ,r_ , ^: iii• �.l z- �- �K� ?.._..._,:...-- ..:'3ra"�:... .. \ _ \ :zyJ. GARAGE ADDITION F / i LESLIE ANN HANSON 930 Cox Farm Road Long Lake, MN 55356 April 12,1993 City of Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 To Whom It May Concern: My father, Carl A. Carlson, resides at 6601 Blackfoot Pass, Edina. He has received notice of the application by Gary and Gretchen Holland for: "a five foot sideyard setback variance to allow living space above the garage." In discussing this variance, my father and I agree that we see no reason to object and are, therefore, notifying you of that fact. Thank you very much for the notification of the public hearing regarding the matter. If you have further questions for either of us, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, JLeomie Ann Hanson ey in fact for Carl A. Carlson April 10, 1993 City of Edina Zoning Board / Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina / MN / 55424 Re: Case File # B -93 -5 Application of Gary and Gretchen Holland Warren Reynolds TELEPHONE (6121941-2557 6401 INDIAN HILLS GOAD EDINA. MINNESOTA-----d---- 5"3 -? When we built our home at 6401 Indian Hills Road in 1949, we followed the restrictions of the Protective Covenants developed at that time for all of Indian hills. These Covenants were effective until December 31, 1988 and extended for ten (10) year periods thereafter unless changed by vote of the property owners of Indian Hills. These Covenants restricted placing any structures closer than fifteen (15) feet of property lines. A copy of this Covenant is enclosed. At the request of the Holland's, we have examined their proposed plans and the two affected properties. As proposed,_the planned construction would place their new extended building within five (5) feet of the west property line affecting the neighbor's space. We are good friends of the Holland's and respect the many esthetically good things they have done to their home, but this proposed addition is illegal according to the Indian Hills Covenants and Edina zoning laws. Further, the Holland'.spresent home has more than adequate living space. To allow this extension would be unnecessary and certainly not fair to the adjoining property o.rncr. There is nc hardsb.ip of living space to support the need of this expansion. We recommend that this request be rejected. Thank you for your consideration and help in main- taining the proper quality of the Indian Hills area. Sincerely, l Warren H. an" Dorothy W. Reynolds (Original owners and builders of the first home built in this area of Indain Hills... November, 1949) JOHN R. DEVENY 6805 CHEYENNE TRAIL EDINA, MN 55439 -1158 (612) 941 -2457 15 March 1993 We have reviewed the plans for an addition proposed by Gary and Gretchen Holland to their residence at 6312 Indian Hills Road. We feel there is nothing objectionable to this in our opinion and would ask that the variance requested be granted. We have felt in the past that any changes or renovations done at this address have always been in good taste and have, if anything, been a decided improvement to the character of our neighborhood. John Deveny Helen Deveny/ a MARCH 15, 1993 MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF EDINA EDINA CITY HALL 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MN 55424 DEAR BOARD MEMBERS: WE ARE AWARE OF THE PROPOSED PLANS FOR THE TWO STORY ADDITION FOR BARH AND GRETCHEN HOLLAND, 6312 INDIAN HILLS ROAD. WE FEEL THAT THE ADDITION WOULD NOT ONLY ENHANCE THE PROPERTY VALUE BUT INCREASE THE ASTHETICS OF THE WHOLE AREA. WE HOPE THAT YOU WIL CAREFULLY CONSIDER THIS REQUEST AND GRANT THIS MINOR VARIANCE. N 6613 IROQUOIS TRAIL EDINA, MN 55439 (612) 944 -8867 �t7� a �e � �„ u. E lj� ) Vylm. 37 .�� � �iri ?r / ' /'� �� C � %� , ���, � _ �� ���, ,�yz�J . �1� �� � ,�' %� � �-y�' � ���y?� �'r� ��' � � � � ��� � �� ���� �d� � ��• . ... March 11, 1993 Edina City Council Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 We are aware of the building project which Gary and Gretchen Holland wish to pursue at 6312 Indian Hills Road. We find it acceptable both technically and visually. - Bob and Barbara Scott 6621 Iroquois Trail Edina, MN 55439 Y. March 15, 1993 City of Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Subject: Holland residence 6312 Indian Hills Road It has come to my attention that the proposed renovations to the subject residence will be discussed at the Board of Appeals meeting on March 18. Because Mr. and Mrs. Holland have demonstrated good judgement in the changes they made a few years ago I am confident that the current plans which they have described will have a favorable impact on our neighborhood. I urge you to approve their plan. Vincent T. McCarthy 6813 Dakota Trail Edina, MN 55439 U 9�- xel--e� , (fds, Inc. Jewish Dating Service 1 1 8 1 2 W o y z a t a B o u ! e v o "r d S u i / e 2 2 0 8 . M l n n e t o n k o. MN 3 5 3 0 5 ( 6 1 2) 5 4 2 - 9 7 9 0 �, ,. �� � y3 '/"�� = � W- ���- �- c�^,..%y -� mil. c���ii.� �i-� !> ! � �r� -C�c1 -cam V l/ :J � � / - c��� � 1 j�i liC�lJ '- ...� -L.� ! ^ -Z /�� ✓�L� --O /�^Li �.�1C_ el -"L�,� �.�.° �, �C�a. �—' � ,// 6713 Cheyenne Tr Edina, MN 55439 March 15, 1993 To Whom It May Concern: This is in support of the variance request of Gary and Gretchen Holland for the proposed garage /studio extension to their home at 6312 Indian Hills Road, Edina. We have reviewed the plans for the extension and find that the addition blends in well with the current architecture of the home and in no way detracts from the appearance of the home on the lot as well as on homes on adjoining lots. In fact adding the studio on top of the garage improves the appearance over that of simply a one story extension of the garage. We have been residents of Indian Hills since 1970 and are dismayed at the construction of large lot- line -to- lot -line homes on the lakeside of Cheyenne Trail as well as in other areas of Indian Hills. These homes, all of which we presume meet the code relative to setback from lot lines, occupy such a large percentage of the lot area that they do not compare esthetically with the smaller size homes which were removed for their construction. By contrast, this is not the case with the Holland's addition which is modest in size and tastefully designed to preserve the original architecture of the home as well as the setting of the home on the lot. We strongly urge the granting of the variance for the Holland's addition. e �-7d� 10 i ms's -4 / �/ Z0510FZ21 6704 Cheyenne Trail Edina, MN 55439 MARCH 10 1993 TO: EDINA CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION OR TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ' SUBJECT: THE ADDITION OF A STUDIO AND THIRD GARAGE ONTO GARY AND GRETCHEN HOLLANDS HOME/ AS A TWENTY ONE YEAR RESIDENT OF INDIAN HILLS AND ONE WITH A WHATCHFUL EYE AS TO HAPPENINGS IN THIS. AREA I AM WRITING TO INFORM YOU THAT WE HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE ABOVE ADDITION. WE FEEL IT WILL BE IN THE UTMOST OF TASTE AND WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES GIVEN BY YOUR CITY HALL. IT IS DISTANCED FAR ENOUGH FROM THE �HOME NEXT DOOR AND ON A LOWER LEVEL SO THERE WILL BEJ'AESTHETIC PROBLEM. WE THEREFORE ASK THAT YOU GIVE THE HOLLANDS THE VARIANCE OR AUTHORITY NEEDED TO ADD TO THEIR PRESENT DWELLING. YT S TRULY ;14 �h ,f R AND MARY PANS EBER Representing the Manufacturers of Quality Sporting Goods I .j I-M ffwllll� 4-,,. i" 'C' , IL �6�„ ,l1( ssd3y 49111,59 7X r J cry' �a,-- lip. Zell n r" * b, May 14, 1993 Edina City Council 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55435 Dear Members of the City Council: As I stated in our previous letter of March 11,1993 to the Edina Planning Board, we are opposed to the Holland's request for a variance to Edina building regulations which require a side yard setback of ten feet for any structure with living quarters. We have stated some of the various reasons for opposing their request for variance. -Since we have been to the Planning Board hearings on two occasions to present our views on the matter we have additional concerns regarding this request for variance. For the following additional reasons and concerns we hope the Edina City Council will affirm the- Planning Board's decision not to allow the Holland's request for variance. 1. When we were looking for homes in Edina in 1985 we looked at many different types of neighborhoods. We were moving back to the Twin Cities from New York and foremost in our minds was to have space with our home and to be able to enjoy our home and property without having our neighbors "on top of us" as we had in New York. We chose Indian Hills because of the large wooded lots which give the feeling of being in the country. If the Holland's request for variance is granted that feeling will be gone - they will have a two story structure virtually on our property line. This will definitely detract from the look and feel of our property. 2. During the Planning Board hearings a member of the Planning Board stated taht it was the Planning Board's responsibility to the community to maintain spatial separ- atjon" between homes. If this request is granted our property would be used for this spatial separation, none of the Holland's property would contribute. Both property owners should participate in preserving this spatial separation. 3. During the "above hearings a member of the board voted to approve the Holland's request because they could legally place a garage five.feet from the property line so why not Page 2 Edina City Council allow them to build living quarters above the garage. If the Edina City Council allows the Holland's a five foot setback for living quarters the Holland's COULD build a two story structure which was JUST living quarters without a garage. There are two separte Edina City Ordinances which provide for a setback of five feet for garage and ten feet for living quarters. The Planning Board has reviewed this issue carefully in the past and has decided to keep the'setback for living quarters, at ten feet. Living quarters and garage space have always been viewed separately by the City, this should not change. 3. The Holland's have had a hard time remembering that there is a property line between our lots. They have planted shrubbery and trees and hedges on OUR property based on an inaccurate survey. The wall of their turnaround is on our property. After I obtained.,an accurate survey and notified them,,they tried to build a fence on our property. This request for variance is another attempt to use our property as their own. We may have to build a barbed wire fence to keep them on their side because with a five foot side yard clearance they won't be able to walk around their house. 4. We oppose this request also because it is simply not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. There are NO homes in our area that are within five feet of the property line. We find it deplorable that anyone in our, area would even ask for such a variance in face of an objection by their adjacent property owner. The Planning Board carefully considered this request. The request was also not supported by the Planning Board staff. We hope that the City Council will not overturn the result of their careful, fair deliberations. Thank you_for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Daniel and Connie Dunn rte: o el ` -n \�.'RInRN• tl / To: i From: Date: Subject: REPORT/RECOMMENDATION MAYOR AND COUNCIL GORDON L. HUGHES MAY 17, 1993 SECOND READING - ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 220 OF THE CITY CODE TO PERMIT CERTAIN PRIZES FOR AMUSEMENT DEVICES Recommendation: Agenda Item # III -A- Consent r— Information Only L ►► Mgr. Recommends Adopt Ordinance No. 1993 -6, Alternate No. 3. (nfo /Background: Action On April 19, 1993, the City Council considered the subject Ordinance amendment to permit amusement devices that dispense prizes or rewards to the individual who has used the machine. Such automatic pay -off devices are presently prohibited by the City Code. On April 19, 1993, the Council granted First Reading to the proposed Ordinance, subject to the inclusion of a provision whereby the Ordinance would automatically terminate in one year. Such a sunset provision had been used in several prior ordinances, including the wine licensing ordinance. At the April 27, 1993, Special Council Meeting, the Council again briefly discussed the proposed ordinance. At that time, staff was directed to provide the locations of other Circus Pizza establishments in the Twin- Cities area (see May 3, 1993, staff report) and to provide alternate ordinances for the Council's consideration. These alternatives were to include the Ordinance as originally proposed by staff, an Ordinance containing a sunset provision, and lastly, an Ordinance providing a review requirement but not a sunset provision. To HRA To Council ❑ Motion Resolution Ordinance n Discussion On April 19, 1993, the City Council considered the subject Ordinance amendment to permit amusement devices that dispense prizes or rewards to the individual who has used the machine. Such automatic pay -off devices are presently prohibited by the City Code. On April 19, 1993, the Council granted First Reading to the proposed Ordinance, subject to the inclusion of a provision whereby the Ordinance would automatically terminate in one year. Such a sunset provision had been used in several prior ordinances, including the wine licensing ordinance. At the April 27, 1993, Special Council Meeting, the Council again briefly discussed the proposed ordinance. At that time, staff was directed to provide the locations of other Circus Pizza establishments in the Twin- Cities area (see May 3, 1993, staff report) and to provide alternate ordinances for the Council's consideration. These alternatives were to include the Ordinance as originally proposed by staff, an Ordinance containing a sunset provision, and lastly, an Ordinance providing a review requirement but not a sunset provision. A REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -6 May 14, 1993 Page two Attached are the three Ordinance alternatives as directed by the City Council. As to Alternate No. 2 and Alternate No. 3, staff suggests that the sunset or review requirement should aim at April 1, 1995, rather than one year from the date of adoption of the ordinance. In our opinion, such a sunset or review provision should be consistent with the license term for amusement devices. At present, licenses are issued from April 1 to March 31, of each year. April 1, 1995, is more reasonable than April 1, 1994, for the purpose of obtaining a fair evaluation of the effect of the Ordinance. Staff has contacted the Police Departments of the six metropolitan area cities in which Circus Pizza is currently located. Attached is a summary from the Police Department concerning conversations with other departments. In general, Circus Pizza is characterized by the other departments as a family oriented business. Four of the departments report that congregations of young people during the evening hours presents a public safety demand. In most locations, off -duty - officers or security personnel are utilized during evening hours. Circus Pizza is generally described as clean and well -run. Based upon our review, staff recommends adoption of Ordinance No. 1993 -6, Alternate No. 3. ALTERNATE #1 ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 220 OF THE CITY CODE TO PERMIT CERTAIN PRIZES FOR AMUSEMENT DEVICES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Subsection 220.11 is amended to read as follows: "220.11 Automatic Pay -Off. No person shall keep, maintain, sell, or permit to be operated any machine which discharges money, checks, tickets, tokens, merchandise or any other thing of value which has a value greater than the cost to play or operate the machine." Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: Published in the Edina Sun - Current on: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor ALTERNATE #2 ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 220 OF THE CITY CODE TO PERMIT CERTAIN PRIZES FOR AMUSEMENT DEVICES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Subsection 220.11 is amended to read as follows: "220.11 Automatic Pay -Off. No person shall keep, maintain, sell, or permit to be operated any machine which discharges money, checks, tickets, tokens, merchandise or any other thing of value which has a value greater than the cost to play or operate the machine." Section 2. Automatic Termination. The provisions of Section 1 on this ordinance permitting machines which discharge money, checks, tickets, tokens, merchandise or any other thing of value shall terminate automatically at 12:01 A.M. on April 1, 1995. No person shall keep, maintain, sell, or permit to be operated any machine which discharges money, checks, tickets, tokens, merchandise or any thing of value after said time and date. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: Published in the Edina Sun - Current on: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor ALTERNATE #3 ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 220 OF THE CITY CODE TO PERMIT CERTAIN PRIZES FOR AMUSEMENT DEVICES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Subsection 220.11 is amended to read as follows: "220.11 Automatic Pay -Off. No person shall keep, maintain, sell, or permit to be operated any machine which discharges money, checks, tickets, tokens, merchandise or any other thing of value which has a value greater than the cost to play or operate the machine." Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: Published in the Edina Sun - Current on: rvW_1*W City Clerk RESOLUTION Mayor Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the City Manager is hereby directed to place Ordinance No. 1993 -6 on the Council agenda in February 1995 for the purpose of reaffirming, amending or repealing said ordinance. CIRCUS PIZZA Background Information - Public Safety Concerns relating to business operation BLAINE Police Dept., Tele # 784 -6700, Fax # 784 -6740 Very Few problems (will FAX calls for service). BROOKLYN PARK Police Department, Tele #424 -8013, Fax # 493 -8393 Source: Director David JOHNSON Largest CIRCUS operation is in Brooklyn Park, in business since 1980 or 81. The business is a hang -out for teens with the usual problems relating to such businesses. POLICE OFFICERS are used for private security (employed by CIRCUS for $15 to $16 HR). One and sometimes two officers are on duty there. The most recent related event was a car jacking, which occured about one month ago. On the positive side, the business management and ownership is very responsible and reliable. They respond promptly to any concerns and pay their bills. They have a good relationship with the city (& police department). The use of police officers for security for the business operation is strongly recommended if the business is to operate in Edina. BURNSVILLE Police Department: Tele #895 -4600, FAX # 895 -4640 Source: Sgt. IVAN The business generates a high activity level and large numbers of youths gathering. Problems are similar to other CIRCUS operations. Security is provided by Off -duty DAKOTA CNTY S.O. Officers on Friday and Saturday Evenings. The business is also characterized as a clean well run operation. MAPLEWOOD Police Department: Tele # 770 -4530, FAX # 770 -4597 Source: Capt. CAHANES FAX of calls for service provided (attached) Business attracts a young crowd, resulting in some problems with drinking and fighting. Security is provided by Off Duty POLICE OFFICERS, 7 days a week. NEW HOPE Police Department: Tele #531 -5170, FAX # 531 -5174 Source: Sgt. HpGANSON The CIRCUS PIZZA in New Hope is located in a small strip mall and has generated very little contact. FAX of calls for service will be sent to us. Sgt. H#GANSON is unaware of any Security needed or used at this location. They also have a very good relationship with the business. /f WEST ST. PAUL Police Department: Tele #552 -4200, FAX #552 -4199 Source: Sgt. BATZEL The business generates a large number of young people (14 -16) gathering (hang out) and some fights and assaults - mostly in the evening hours. CIRCUS hires Off Duty Officers for security. CIRCUS operation is a family oriented business attracting families and young children. The problems are generally mid to late evening hours (after most families are gone). The business is characterized as a Clean Operation. CONCLUSION: CIRCUS PIZZA appears to be a clean well run, family oriented business. However, the nature of the business Pizza and Arcade, will attact a large number of unsupervised youths. Past experience shows it is not the pizza operation alone, but the arcade that attracts the large numbers of young people. Some number of behavior problems and related crime, must be anticipated. Certainly it must be anticipated that security will be necessary, in the form of off -duty Police Officers. Sgt. R. CLABO AM ARCADE MinneapoU4 MN63427 . (612) 644 -60 Mr. Gordon Hughes Assistant City Manager City of Edina 5801•W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Pursuant to our conversation of this morning, I am you a brief background of our company and our hopeful volvment in the Centenial Lakes business complex. Our company has been in the amusement machines business for over 70 years, we operated the first indoor amusement center in the country, when we placed a few kiddie rides and novelty games in the "zoo" area of the original Southdale Center. our concept and operation has expanded from one amusement area in Southdale 27 years ago to 25 regional and strip shopping centers where we operate Piccadilly Circus and Circus Pizza. we plan to open our seventh Circus Pizza in the former Odegard book store. This unit will be a brightly lit two story complex with a state of the art animated stage show and seating for over two hundred patrons. Circus Pizza has been known as the place of choice for birthday parties for 13 years. Although our average birthday party customer is 6.7 years old, we have had surprise 50th Anniversary parties and several 75th birthday parties. We also host many park and recreational team banquets. Every year D.A.R.E., "Make a Wish" and Courage Center hosts a large party in our Brooklyn Park location. We are extremely excited about our new location forward to a long association with the City of Edina residents. about your ordinance relating to the through the playing of skill amusement may know, one of the features of Circus April 16, 1993 Page 2 Pi.7za is the ability of our young and old_.customers to win prizes. They "purchase" these prizes with Li.ckets that they win from your skeeball, basketball, baseball toss and other games of skill . These prizes range from a "3 pack" of crayons to an official size leather soccer ball.. The change in your ordinance 4220.11 allows us to be able to dispense prize tickets based on ,� ones score on the games of skill . These tickets may not have a value greater than the cost; to play or operate the machine." Minnesota Statue prevents the operations of anything. but games of skill. Therefore your ordinance coupled with Minnesota law will prevent the ability of anyone to use these or any games as gambling devices. we support your ordinance and Lbank you for your endeavor to prevent potential problems with the ticket redemption games of skill. If there is any information t=at you may need, or if I may be of any help to you whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact me. Again I want to thank you and your staff for your support. We look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, American Amusement Arcades Norman Pink NP /wjs 40 City of Edina Public Dances, Gambling and Amusements 220.06 Section 220 - Mechanical Amusement Devices 220.01 Definiti ons. The term "machine" or "amusement device" as used in this Section means any machine, contrivance or device, including, without limitation, video, electronic or mechanical, of any of the following types: A. A machine which upon the insertion of a coin, slug or other token, or upon payment of a fee, operates, or may be operated, as a game, contest or other amusement only and which contains no automatic pay -off device for the return of money, coins, merchandise, checks, tokens or any other thing or item of value; provided, however, that such machine may be equipped to permit a free play or game. B. Miniature pool tables, bowling machines, shuffle boards, electric rifle or gun ranges, and machines patterned after baseball, basketball, hockey and similar games and like machines which may be played solely for amusement and not as gambling devices, and which machines are played by the insertion of a coin, slug or other token, or upon payment of a fee. C. Amusement devices designated for and used exclusively by children, such as, but not limited to, kiddie cars, miniature airplane rides, mechanical horses, and other miniature mechanical devices, not operated as a part of or in connection with any carnival, circus, show, or other entertainment or exhibition. 220.02 License Required. No person shall operate or maintain, or permit to be operated or maintained upon premises owned, leased or controlled by such person, any machine without first obtaining a license for such machine. 220.03 License Procedure. The provisions of Section 160 of this Code shall apply to all licenses required by this Section and to holders of such licenses. 220.04 Fees; Exception. The fee for any license required by this Section shall be in the amount set forth in Section 185 of this Code. No fee shall be imposed on video games of chance as defined in M.S. 349.50. 220.05 Application. The application for license or renewal of license shall contain, in addition to the information required by Section 160, the date and place of conviction of any person named in the application for any felony or misdemeanor committed during the period of ten years prior to the date of application, including a statement of the crime of which such person was convicted. 220.06 Insurance. If the machine is of the type described in paragraph C. of Subsection 220.01, the applicant shall file with such application a public liability insurance certificate applicable to death or injury caused by the operation of the licensed machine, in amounts 220-1 City of Edina Public Dances, Gambling and Amusements 220.14 not less than $100,000 for injury to or death of one person, or $300,000 for any one incident. In addition to the certificate, the City may also request the applicant to submit a public liability insurance policy. 220.07 Transfer. Subject to written approval of the Manager or the Manager's deputy, any licensed machine may be transferred from one location to another without additional fee charged by the City, or the sticker may be taken off a machine which is to be removed or retired and transferred to a replacement machine. 220.08 Location of Machine. No machine shall be located, placed, maintained or operated on any public street, avenue, boulevard, lane, alley or other public ground within the City. 220.09 Gambling. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any machine,. or. for the owner or operator of any establishment where it is located, to permit the machine to be used for gambling or for the making of bets or wagers contrary to this Code or State Law. 220.10 Pay -off. It shall be unlawful for the licensee, or for the owner, lessee or operator of the establishment where such machine is located, to give any money, token, merchandise or any other thing of value or any reward or prize in lieu of free games registered to such machine, and all free games so registered shall be played on the machine registering such free game, and there shall be no device on the machine whereby the operator can cancel registered free games. 220.11 Automati c Pay -Off. No person shall keep, maintain, sell or permit to be operated in the licensed premise any machine which has been converted into an automatic pay -off device which shall discharge coins, checks or other tokens to the operator or player of such machine. No person shall convert any machine into an automatic pay -off device. 220.12 Destruction of Illegally Operated Machine. Any machine which has been used in violation of Subsections 220.09, 220.10 and 220.11 may be seized and destroyed in compliance with the provisions of State Law relating to gambling devices. 220.13 Certain Machines Not Regulated. Nothing in this Section shall apply to any machine held or kept for sale or storage and which is not actually in use or displayed for use. 220.14 Zoning Compliance. All machines shall at all times be located only in a zoning district where such machines, and the number thereof, are allowed by the applicable provisions of Section 850 of this Code. History: Ord 211 codified 1970; amended by Ord 211 AI 5- 12 -82, Ord 211-A2 2 -22 -84 Reference: M.S. 349, 349.52, Sccbd. 4; 471.707 Cross Reference. Sections 160, 185, 850 220-2 Ol (' i >' -� o e l REQUEST FOR PURCHASE �� y TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA:- Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE 17 May, 1993 AGENDA ITEM V • B ITEM DESCRIPTION: Buck Shot - Paving Materials - Seal Coat Company Amount of Quote or &d Prior Lake Aggregates - Type FA3 Modified $10.50 Per Ton 2. Shiely Company - Type FA2 2. $ 7.24 Per Ton 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Prior Lake Aggregates - Type FA3 Modified $10.50 Per Ton Shiely Company - Type FA2 $ 7.24 Per Ton GENERAL INFORMATION: This is the bids taken annually for the seal coat aggregates used in our seal coat program. The aggregates were specified in two different size categories (FA2 and FA3 modified). We had one bid for each type. This compares with last year's bid price of $8.99 per ton for FA3. This purchase is funded from the public works general fund budget. Sigpdture The Recommended bid is within budget not Public Works - Streets Finance Director Manager MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MAY 11, 1993 9:00 A.M. Fran Hoffman, Chairman Gordon Hughes William Bemhjelm Robert Sherman Alison Fuhr None VI. (A) OTHERS PRESENT: Ms. Linda Gilligan, 6808 Ridgeview Drive Mr. Tim Marrinan, 3332 West 56th Street Mr. Tom Bisanz, 5656 Woodcrest Drive Ms. Peggy Odenbach, 6632 Ridgeview Drive Ms. Kathleen Cassady, 3332 West 56th Street Ms. Patty C. Marrinan, 3332 West 56th Street Ms. Mary Jane Platt, 5504 Beard Avenue South Ms. Betty Fuller, 5508 Beard Avenue South Ms. Jane Oelfke, 5248 Meadow Ridge STAFF PRESENT: Mr. Craig Swanson, City of Edina Mr. Eric Felton, Edina P.D. SECTION A: Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. (1) Discussion on warning sign policy. Continued from April, 1993, Traffic Safety Committee meeting. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Swanson summarized the discussion of the previous month, in which Committee members debated establishing a policy for the installation of child warning signs throughout the City. Mr. Swanson noted that the common Edina Traffic Safety Committee May 11, 1993 Page 2 denominator in a recent such series of requests is the safety of pedestrians, particularly children, and the complainants' perceptions of speed, reckless driving, and the inability of motorists to see children. He reported five such warning signs in use within the City:. a. INTERNATIONAL ADULT /CHILD PEDESTRIAN sign (often times installed in conjunction with speed advisory signage). Mr. Swanson recommended use of this sign only when located along a pedestrian route. He also suggested establishing a base number of pedestrians (such as 10 -15 per hour) that would need to be present. b. SPEED ADVISORY sign. Mr. Swanson felt such signage should be used only when roadway geometrics or operating conditions require it. c. CURVE sign. Mr. Swanson said such signs are not generally used in urban areas, and should be reserved for areas where sight lines and geometrics require them. d. PARK and PLAYGROUND signs. Having discussed this matter with the Edina Park Department, Mr. Swanson endorsed the international teeter - totter sign with the word "PARK" or "PLAYGROUND" below it. He suggested such signs might be installed at the main entrance point to all City parks. e. BLIND DRIVEWAY signs. Rarely used in the City. f. CHILDREN AT PLAY signs. These have not been installed within the City for several years. Mr. Hughes asked whether the Committee was ready to establish a policy on the use of the above - listed signs. He stated his objection to "CHILDREN AT PLAY" signage. Mr. Hoffman said the responsibility of watching pre - school children falls with the parents, and that "CHILDREN AT PLAY" signs can create the perception among children and parents that motorists or the City have ultimate responsibility Mr. Hughes moved to recommend establishing a policy for the use of warning signage to be applied to neighborhood traffic safety concerns. The five categories of signs are: (1) INTERNATIONAL PEDESTRIAN: (2) SPEED ADVISORY: (3) "CURVE (4) 'PARK" and 'PLAYGROUND'; and (5) "SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES" (i.e.: 'BLIND DRIVEWAY" on collector streets above 30 miles per hour, or'UEAF CHILDI. Mr. Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion carved 5 -0. (2) Request for warning signs alerting motorists to the possible presence of children and /or pedestrians in the area of 5656 Woodcrest Drive. Request made by Mr. Tom Bisanz, 5656 Woodcrest Drive. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Swanson had surveyed the area and reported that traffic moving east on Edina Traffic Safety Committee May 11, 1993 Page 3 Woodcrest Drive encounters sight line difficulties. He recommended the installation of "S" curve signs at both ends of Woodcrest Drive, along with 20- mile- per -hour speed advisories. Mr. Tom Bisanz was present on behalf of his neighbors. He stated the problem is a rather steep six - percent grade, along with a clump of evergreen trees which cuts off sight lines. Mr. Bisanz noted the presence of a school bus stop near the evergreens on the east end of the curve, and pointed out that 17 children live in the area. He felt that curve warning signs, along with speed advisories, would be appropriate, but asked that the advised limit be less than 20 miles per hour, preferably 15. Mrs. Fuhr asked if the trees constitute a clearview violation, and Mr. Swanson stated they do not, as they are not at an intersection. Mr. Hughes thought that perhaps 95% of the traffic was local, and Mr. Bisanz agreed. Mr. Bisanz noted, however, that there are many more younger drivers on Woodcrest Drive, and that many of them are speeding. Mrs. Fuhr asked about the precedent for 15- mile- per -hour advisories, and Mr. Hoffman said the City would conduct a curve study to ascertain the appropriate speed. Mr. Hughes moved to: (1) recommend installation of 'S" curve signage on both ends of Woodcrest Drive and speed advisories as recommended by City staff, and (2) suggest to the school district that the school bus stop be re- located to a more open area. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. (3) Request for warning signs alerting motorists to the possible presence of children and /or pedestrians in the area of Meadow Ridge. Request made by Ms. Pamela Nutting, 5241 Meadow Ridge. ACTION TAKEN: Three representatives from the neighborhood were present. Ms. Jane Oelfke spoke on their behalf, stating a speed problem exists on Ridgeview Drive. She noted the stretch of Ridgeview Drive from West 66th Street to Abercrombie Drive in which there are no "STOP" signs. There are some 30 children under eight years of age in the neighborhood, she said, and with no sidewalks to play on, speeding motorists are a serious safety concern. Ms. Oelfke had observed police conducting radar, but stated the patrol cars had positioned themselves where they could be seen by oncoming vehicles. She requested "STOP" signs be installed on both Danens Drive and Duggan Plaza to control speed. Ms. Linda Gilligan, a Ridgeview Drive resident, said that 40 miles per hour was a common speed in the neighborhood, and wouldn't be surprised if some of the vehicles were even travelling at 50 miles per hour. Mr. Swanson reminded the Committee that the question of a "STOP" sign on Ridgeview Drive at Duggan Plaza had been discussed by the members at the April meeting. The request had been denied at that time due to a lack of warrants for both speed and volume. He did state, however, that he might recommend installation of the international pedestrian sign, without the speed advisory, on Ridgeview Drive. Edina Traffic Safety Committee May 11, 1993 Page 4 Mr. Sherman noted that he had lived on Tifton Drive for 30 years, and found that speeding —by both adults and juveniles —was a constant problem. Area resident Peggy Odenbach thought that the evening rush hour, particularly after 5:00 P.M., was the most hazardous. Noting that she found a median speed of 32 -33 miles per hour unacceptable for the street, Mrs. Fuhr asked about recent efforts to lower the 30- mile - per -hour residential limit to 25. Mr. Swanson stated those efforts have not moved forward. Mr. Hoffman summarized the discussion as three basic issues: (1) Ridgeview Drive is slightly busier than neighboring side streets; (2) more children reside in the area; and (3) there are no sidewalks. He thought that what the residents were looking for was more speed enforcement, sidewalks, pedestrian signage along Ridgeview Drive, or "STOP" signs. He stated his belief that "STOP" signs have a marginal effect on speed wherever they are installed, and suggested that sidewalks provide the greatest level of safety for pre - school children. Mrs. Fuhr moved to recommend the following: (1) installation of intemational pedestrian signage along the entire length of Ridgeview Drive: (2) installation of appropriate speed advisory signage: (3) conduct a traffic study in the area after 5:00 P.M.: and (4) recommend to area residents that they strongly consider installation of sidewalks. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. (4) Request for multi -way "STOP" signs for Beard Avenue South at West 56th Street to protect children in the area. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Tim Marrinan, of 3332 West 56th Street, presented his concerns to the Committee regarding this issue. He noted the presence of 28 children living within a block and a quarter of the Beard Avenue South/West 56th Street intersection. Mr. Marrinan stated his belief that the greatest number of problems (both speeding and vehicles failing to stop at the present two -way "STOP" at West 56th Street and Beard Avenue) occur either on the weekends or after 5:00 P.M. on weekdays. Mr. Jeff Cahn, a Beard Avenue resident, said the intersection follows a three -block stretch of roadway without "STOP" signs, and thought that young drivers were not being as careful as they should be around the comer. Mr. Hoffman asked the residents if this was a general problem, or if one particular household was responsible for a majority of the violations. Mr. Marrinan answered that about three or four homes represent about 40% of the problems. According to Mr. Swanson, one accident had been reported at the intersection within the past three years, although no written report resulted. He said he had observed the intersection during several occasions and found a very low volume and speeds all under 30 miles per hour. He felt that approximately 50% of all vehicles rolled through the "STOP" sign at Beard Avenue South and West 56th Street. Mr. Cahn relayed his appreciation to Mr. Swanson for his Edina Traffic Safety Committee May 11, 1993 Page 5 observations, but felt that evening and weekend traffic presents greater problems than the surveys indicate. Mr. Swanson thought that distribution of an educational letter to residents suggesting future enforcement possibilities may be in order. Mr. Hughes stated he could not distinguish the Beard Avenue South/West 56th Street intersection from any others in the corridor. Mr. Marrinan disagreed, stating that obstructions on Beard Avenue toward West 56th Street and the number of children in the area set this intersection apart from others. He said that the Committee cannot minimize the effects of motorists who speed on Beard Avenue because they believe the street goes through into Minneapolis, when it actually stops at the creek. Mr. Hoffman questioned whether stopping Beard Avenue at West 55th Street would have any effect, and Mrs. Fuhr felt it would only be temporary, just until the motorists could speed up again. Mary Jane Platt, another resident of Beard Avenue, asked why there would be any harm in erecting four -way "STOP" signs every three blocks. Mr. Swanson answered that "STOP" signs create a false sense of security in children, and that if the perception of motorists is that they don't need to stop, they won't. Mr.. Hughes moved to recommend the following: (1) installation of a 'STOP" sign westbound on West 55th Street at Beard Avenue South: (2) refer the matter to the Traffic Enforcement Unit for enforcement action: and (3) direct City staff to cooperate with the neighborhood in preparing an educational letter for distribution in the area. Mrs. Fuhr seconded the motion. Before a vote was taken, Mr. Cahn asked whether the motion could be amended to locate the "STOP" sign on the northwest comer of West 56th Street and Beard Avenue. Mr. Hoffman said the purpose was to determine the impact of stopping traffic at West 55th Street, to see if vehicles continue to speed around the comer. He then called for a vote on the motion, and it carried 5 -0. (5) Request for warning signs alerting motorists to the possible presence of children and /or pedestrians in the area of Limerick Lane. Request made by Ms. Karen Owen, 6621 Limerick Lane. ACTION TAKEN: This item had been continued from April, pending discussion with the Park Department regarding appropriate signage.. The Committee had earlier discussed installation of warning signs on Limerick Lane at the entrance to Heights Park. Mr. Swanson made the recommendation that, at a minimum, the international teeter - totter sign with the word "PARK" below it be installed on park property facing Limerick Lane. Mrs. Fuhr moved to recommend Installation of an International teeter - totter sign with the word 'PARK" below it on Heights Park property facing Limerick Lane. Edina Traffic Safety Committee May 11, 1993 Page 6 Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. (6) Request for warning signs alerting motorists to the possible presence of children and /or pedestrians in the area of Hansen Road, from Vernon Avenue to Valley View Road. Requested by Ms. Erin Gorder, 5324 West 62nd Street. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Swanson reported a lack of- warning signage along Hansen Road, particularly where the roadway abuts Birchcrest Park near Forslin Drive. - He recommended installation of international teeter - totter signs with the word "PARK" or "PLAYGROUND" below it both north and south of the park area on Hansen Road. Mrs. Fuhr moved to recommend installation of intemational teeter - totter signs with the word 'PARK" or'PLAYGROUND" below it on Hansen Road lust north and south of Birchcrest Park. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. (7) Request for multi -way "STOP" sign on Cornelia Drive at West 68th Street to protect children in the area. Request made by Tricia Kaiser, 6804 Cornelia Drive. ACTION TAKEN: Mrs. Fuhr opened the discussion on this item by reporting she had driven through the area that morning and found no basis for the "STOP" sign request; in her view, the roadway was flat and open, with no bumps. Mr. Swanson reported the results of speed surveys taken in the area, noting that average speeds were slightly higher than 30 miles per hour, with an 85th percentile .of 33 -to-35 miles per hour (equalling 3 -4 violators per hour). He stated the street has documentable pedestrians —many senior citizens and children —and during the summer it is used as an access to Cornelia Pool. Mr. Swanson said "STOP" signs were not warranted at this location, but felt installation of the international teeter - totter sign with the word "PLAYGROUND" below it on West 66th Street at the entrance to Cornelia Park would be appropriate. He also stated he would refer the speed issue to the police department for follow up. Mrs. Fuhr moved to recommend installation of lntemational teeter - totter signs with the word 'PLAYGROUND" below on Comelia Drive in the area of West 68th Street and on West 66th Street at the entrance to Comelia Park, and to refer speed concems to the police department for possible enforcement action. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. Edina Traffic Safety Committee May 11, 1993 Page 7 (8) Request for "STOP" signs at the "T' intersection of Cherokee Trail and at the intersection of Navaho Trail at Cherokee Trail. Request made by Joan Watkins, 6505 Cherokee Trail. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Swanson reported he had observed both intersections and found a very low volume of traffic and no pattern of turning motion. He found no problems during morning rush hour. It was his belief that most of the traffic, with the exception of service workers, were residents. Mr. Swanson stated he had spoken with the requestors and advised them that "STOP" signs would not be warranted, and invited them to attend the Committee meeting to pursue their request. They were not in attendance, however. Mrs. Fuhr asked which vehicles had the right of way from eastbound Navaho Trail to Cherokee Trail. Mr. Hoffman responded that Navaho Trail traffic should yield. Mr. Hughes noted the unusual width of the roadway where Navaho Trail meets Cherokee Trail, almost as if the intersection was designed for an island that never got built. It was his belief that eastbound Navaho Trail motorists could become confused about which vehicle has the right of way, and felt that a "YIELD" sign could help define that Navaho Trail must yield to Cherokee Trail. He_did state, however, that placement of the sign may be difficult, considering the width of the intersection. Mrs. Fuhr moved to recommend installation of a "YIELD" sign on eastbound Navaho Trail at Cherokee Trail. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion, and it carried 4 -1. SECTION B: Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. (1) Request for warning signs alerting motorists to the possible presence of children and /or pedestrians in the area of West 55th Street and Drew Avenue South. Request made by Mr. Duane Nordstrom, 3617 West 55th Street. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Swanson reported he had spoken with Mr. Nordstrom and found his concern to be one of volume, resulting from motorists attempting to avoid West 54th Street and France Avenue. Speed was not an issue in this case, and warrants for signage were not met, therefore Mr. Swanson recommended no action be taken. Edina Traffic Safety Committee May 11, 1993 Page 8 Mr. Bemhielm moved to recommend denial of the request for warning signage at West 55th Street and Drew Avenue South, due to lack of warrants. Mrs. Fuhr seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. (2) Request for arrows or information signage indicating the location of Sherwood Road and Edenmoor Street, and warning signs alerting motorists to the possible presence of children and /or pedestrians in the area. Request made by Ms. Carol Kauf, 5241 Edenmoor Street. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Swanson stated the requestor was concerned for the safety of children in the area, and that one or two specific vehicles were responsible for the neighborhood problem. Mr. Swanson suggested that Ms. Kauf try to obtain license numbers for those vehicles, at which time he would follow up on her complaints. It was Mr. Swanson's opinion that no identifiable pedestrian or child problem exists at this time, and recommended denial of the request. Mrs. Fuhr moved to recommend denial of the request for waming signs alerting motorists to the possible presence of children and /or pedestrians. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion, and it carved 5 -0. (3) Request for "SIGNAL YOUR TURN" sign for northbound Bush Lake Road south of West 74th Street. Request made by Mr. Kent Erlandson, Normandale Branch, U.S. Post Office. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Swanson reported the request came from a postal worker, who generally travels westbound on West 74th Street to turn southbound on Bush Lake Road. The route is used by many postal vehicle, and the drivers contend that motorists are not signalling their tums to eastbound West 74th Street. Mr. Swanson had observed the intersection, and noted that there exists a predominant turning movement for northbound traffic (approximately 80% make a turn there). He reported that approximately 80% of those motorists did signal the turn. Mr. Swanson said the curbline is busy, including "NO PARKING" signs, railroad signs, a sculpture, and an advertising bench. It was his opinion that additional signage would simply not be seen. Mrs. Fuhr asked about the possibility of striping in a "RIGHT TURN ONLY" lane for northbound Bush Lake Road. Mr. Sherman moved to recommend denial of the request for a 'SIGNAL YOUR TURN" sign for northbound Bush Lake Road south of West 74th Street. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 5.0. Edina Traffic Safety Committee May 11, 1993 Page 9 SECTION C: Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. (1) Request for lane striping on the west frontage road of T.H. 100 ( Normandale Road) south of West 66th Street due to parking overflow from Nob Hill Drive. Request made by Barry Willmert, 6630 Normandale Road. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman reported he had spoken with Mr. Willmert, who made the request for striping after the City had striped the east side of the T.H. 100 east frontage road. Mr. Hoffman said the east frontage road had been striped to create a bicycle /walkway area due to a lack of a sidewalk. Mr. Wllrriert believed it to be a parking area, and had requested the same striping on the east frontage road to create parking space; in other words, convert it from a two -lane south to a one -lane south by turning the two lanes into one and creating a right turn in and a right turn -out. Mrs. Fuhr, who lives in the area, stated there is no need for overflow parking on the west side, although she felt a case could be made for combining the two lanes to eliminate a speed problem. Mr. Hoffman suggested deferring the matter until the next meeting of the Traffic Safety Committee, pending preparation of a striping layout. Mrs. Fuhr moved to defer the matter for an additional month, pending preparation of a striping layout. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 5.0. Edina Traffic Safety Committee A. o e� �° REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Joyce Repya Date: May 17, 1993 Subject: Sign Permit Request, Mick's Restaurant,'Southdal Recommendation: Info /Background: Agenda Item # vz . 13- Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends To HRA To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ -ordinance 0 Discussion Mick's restaurant is in the process of renovating the old Swenson's Ice Cream Parlor space at Southdale. Staff has been working with the architect on signage since March to ensure that the sign plan meets ordinance requirements. Mick's is proposing seven signs totaling 177.68 square feet for the storefront which comprise 11.48% of the 1,547 square foot elevation. Sign permit applications had not been submitted prior to the May 3, 1993, council meeting. Mick's is requesting special consideration of their sign permit applications to allow erection of the signs in time for their June 11, 1993 opening. . I Rochon Corporation 12866 Highway 55 Plymouth. MN 55441 ' Office 612/559 -9393 Fax 612/559 -8101 May 5, 1993 Joyce Repya Associate Planner, City of Edina Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Re: Mick's Restaurant, Southdale Center Dear Ms. Repya: We have just received the City of Edina's notice that they have issued a moratorium on the issuance of all sign permits for at least 90 days. Please consider this letter a request for special consideration to receive the sign permits for Mick's Restaurant at Southdale Center. Shea Architects has previously received verbal approval from the City of Edina on the design for the exterior signs. We ask that our signs be given special consideration due to the fact the Owner is planning to open his store June 11, 1993. . It is imperative that we receive approval for this•special con - consideration because without it, the Owner will not be able to open his restaurant. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me as soon as possible. Sincerely, Jeff Wellman Project Manager JW /gr Copy: James O'Shea, Shea Architects Helen Hatch, The John Hardy Group 59.Sx WaA ovea-, Wd- re vietud" ft soft OCTO S `^'S C4) 1L - 'T'csr�,� EA . tip„ 21r 7'►r i r%z r I Z .i■ ■I �5ooQ C� I Ddb MORE •r-a l r '- yQ UA Rf�, fR1'1 RW z" 1,2p . - P -t WRIM p -4 z 0-ly YES -x.04! P 2,30-5p3 GPtRP. ZED P -� wl"m P 3 'ELK P-16 .230-I(�1 pLr1� OUrIAOt P:2- ui -.z t f•Tr�R P -z V P ; r, Lypl4rtK F(ff Sig 11"7 svy. cs a.m. c"" W. ssau •.u, 42# -4124 i MOW ! - -m (q1 .. r- f- Fl- 2 .- rT FT-.1 FT- PT- 2 -PT- I 10 fi MT. rt r 2 W- PT-i FT- :Z VT 3 PT-1, FT- pp L I I E.1 FT- :Z VT 3 PT-1, AGENDA ITEM V I . D CITY OF EDINA MEMORANDUM DATE: May 14, 1993 TO: City Council FROM: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE I have instructed staff to pursue the development of Traffic Safety policies, as attached hereto, for your review prior to July 1, 1993. These policies will enhance the management of the Traffic Safety function in the City regardless of the composition of a committee or whatever process you decide upon. We recommend no change in the current Traffic Safety Committee process until July 1, 1993. After July, the Traffic Safety Committee would be reduced in size to include the City Engineer, the Police Chief, and the Assistant City Manager. They would meet as a technical committee on issues brought forward by a traffic safety contact person. This contact person would deal with the public to clarify concerns and formulate issues. The technical committee after meeting, would be permitted to install warning, informational, and guide signs and stripes without Council approval. On regulatory issues and signs, the committee would recommend an action to the Council for their approval, disapproval, or modification. The person or persons requesting signs or other actions would not discuss such matters with the committee directly. The contact person would present their point of view to the Committee for action. After the technical committee would make its recommendation, the requesting person or persons would be advised of the outcome and the rationale supporting it. If there would be disagreement at that point, the requestor would be explained the process to appeal the recommendation. That process would be virtually the same as it is now. The appeal would be made directly to the Council during its regularly sched- uled meeting. City Council May 14, 1993 Page Two The concerns brought up by committee members that prompted this recommenda- tion, would be alleviated. A staff - dominated committee would no longer be "hearing" requests and concerns of citizens. From July through December, this process could be evaluated on its effectiveness, responsiveness and time commitment by the Council. After the trial period, the City Council may wish to consider an all- citizen review committee could be entertained. This body could make recommendations to the Council similar to other current boards and commissions. The last question on this matter regards staffing. The current staff - committee members suggest that the new process will not have any greater and will likely have less staff time required. Craig Swanson, who is researching this for me and at-the same time is acting as the contact person, feels that with the adoption of policies, staff time can be reduced from one half person staff time to one fourth person staff time. It is probably too early to identify the specific department or person to do this work. The Police Department has been the contact point for many years but that may have to be reevaluated. Any staff changes would be formulated for the budget process. The current process is not broken, but certain modifications should be considered. The Council, as well as myself, are somewhat shielded from the emotions and frustrations that occur at the committee level. I think this modified process can improve this situation. � MULTIWAY STOP SIGN POLICY ce PURPOSE: The purpose of the muitiway stop sign policy is to provide fair and uniform treatment of all requests for muitiway, all way, and 4-way stop signs. Multiway stop signs can be an effective safety measure if properiy warranted. However, they should not be installed inappropriately where they may be ignored by drivers, needlessly . interrupt traffic flow, and negatively affect fuel consumption, the environment, or cause needless noise. A consistent application of the policy serves both the motorist and resident within the City. POLICY: 1. The provisions of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) shall be followed. 2. Relevant speed, volumes. accident records and sight obstructions shall be reviewed when considering the installation of a stop sign. 3. Absent engineering data which clearly indicates the need for a multiway stop sign, control devices at an intersection will remain unchanged. 4. Any of the following conditions may warrant a muitiway stop sign installation: a. Where traffic signals are warranted and urgently needed, the muitiway stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made.for the signal installation. b. An accident problem, as indicated by five or more reported accidents of a type susceptible of correction by a muitiway stop installation in a 12 -month period. Such accidents include right- and left -tum collisions as well as right angle collisions. C. Minimum traffic volumes: 1. The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches must average at least 500 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and MULTMAY STOP SIGN POLICY (CONTINUEDI 2. The combined vehicular and pedestrian volume from the minor street or highway must average at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the' maximum hours, but 3. When the 85- percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70 percent of the above requirements. 5. Multiway stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control speed. 6. Multiway stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control volume. YIELD SIGNS PURPOSE: Yield signs are used to protect traffic on one of two intersecting streets without requiring traffic on the other street to come to a complete stop. Studies indicate Yield signs are effective in certain low volume conditions with adequate sight distances. Some efficiencies in accident reduction, delays, and operating costs can be realized with the use of Yield signs. POLICY: 1. The provisions of the Minnesota Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) shall be followed. 2. Relevant speed, volumes, accident records, signt distances, and other pertinent data shall be reviewed when considering the installation of a Yield sign. 3. Absent engineering data in support of a Yield sign, intersections shall remain uncontrolled. 4. Any of the following conditions may warrant the installation of a Yield sign. a. At the entrance to an intersection where it is necessary to assign right of way and where the safe approach speed on the entrance exceeds 10 MPH based on adequate sight distance. b. Where there is a separate or channeiized right turn lane without an adequate acceleration lane. C. At intersections where all legs of the intersection do not exceed 800 vehicles /hour for any given hour. (Must also comply with (a) above.) d. At any intersection where engineering studies identify special problems that are correctable by Yield signs. 5. Yield signs shall not be used to control traffic traveling on a collector or arterial roadway. 6. Yield signs shall not be used to control traffic entering a collector or arterial roadway. 7. Yield signs shall not be used on more than one approach of an intersection. A. o e`' A Cn 'NBass�IbV/ REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: COUNCIL MEMBERS From: FRED RICHARDS , MAYOR Date: MAY 13, 1993 Subject: APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION Recommendation: Agenda Item # VI. E Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action i Motion ❑ Resolution F-1 Ordinance ❑ Discussion Appointment of Lorelei Bergman to the Planning Commission, with the consent of the Council, to fill an un- expired term to February 1, 1994. Info /Background: To fill the un- expired term of John Palmer, who has resigned from the Planning Commission, I am recommending appointment of Lorelei Bergman, 5825 Long Brake Trail. rt ANp11!�. H ~ter J+yO Idea REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND Agenda Item # VILA From: JOYCE REPYA Consent ❑ Information Only 0 Date: HAY 17, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: PEARLE EXPRESS ❑ To Council 7062 York Avenue (Near Target) Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Info /Background: Pearle Express is in the process of remodeling their existing store. They are requesting permission to replace existing signs with new signs. Staff has not received sign permit applications. The store is currently signed " Pearle Vision Express ". May 11, 1993 Joyce Rapya Building Inspection Department City of Edina 4801 West 50th St Edina, MN 55424 Dear Joyce, As per my conversation with Kaj Reiter of Leroy Signs, Inc., it was brought to my attention that the City of Edina has put,,- a hold on issueing sign permits for ninety days. Pearle Vision Express took out a remolding permit.on Feb. 4, 1993, which plans were submitted and approved. We have completed our remodeling, except for the signage installation. We also have a grand opening scheduled for June 1, 1993. So my question to you is: Since we had taken out a permit prior to the date of May 4, could we not complete our entire remodeling plans, that include the installation of signage, to meet with our grand opening plans. Your consideration in this matter, along with the City of Edina would be most appeciated. Would you please let me know of the out come after your council meeting on May 17. Thank You tda"'j6j , Allen Lahr Pearle Vision Express APRIL HANDWRITTEN CHECKS COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM page i CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 132723 05/06/93 $138.75 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 672541 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$1.39 EAGLE WINE L119930414 672541 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0505 05/06/93 $386.55 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 678836 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$3.87 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 676836 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $497.10 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 676837 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$4.97 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 676837 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $166.50 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 676839 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$1.67 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 676839 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $634.70 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 676840 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$6.35 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 676840 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $333.00 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 676841 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.33 EAGLE WINE L119930414 676841 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $821.72 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 676842 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10500 05/06/93 -$8.22 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 676842 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 -$7.50 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 77118 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $0.07 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 77118 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 - $16.78 EAGLE WINE LI19930414 77119 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUN LI0506 <•> $2,924.31" 132724 05/06/93 $1,181.82 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97000 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $320.82 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97208 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ L10506 05/06/93 -$6.42 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97208 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT L10500 05/06/93 $54.49 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97088 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ L10506 05/06/93 -$1.09 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97088 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $42.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97112 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $135.30 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97001 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $88.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 95868 YORK SELLING CST OF OD WIN L10506 05/06/93 - 5319.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 141874 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $158.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97010 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LI? LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.16 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97010 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNL10500 05/06/93 $861.42 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97211 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $17.23 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97211 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $548.20 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97008 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $735.40 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97212 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $724.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97009 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $465.45 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97011 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $84.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97120 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $190.71 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97213 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.81 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97213 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $1,096.90 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97214 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $177.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97035 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.54 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 97035 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LIG506 05/06/93 $2,843.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 96902 VERNON SELLING CST OF OD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $44.45 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930414 141886 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10500 '„ 4 132725 05/06/93 $89.76 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930414 677003 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10508 05/06/93 -$1.80 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930414 677003 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $1,223.71 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930414 677004 VERNON SELLING CST OF OD LIQ L10506 05/06/93 - $24.47 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930414 677004 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10508 05/06/93 $3,424.91 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930414 677005 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0500 05/06/93 -$68.50 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930414 677005 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $934.27 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930414 677006 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LID506 05/06/93 - $18.69 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. L119930414 677006 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $320.53 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930414 677007 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM L119930414 238832 50TH ST SELLIN P494 Y CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT CO. VENDOR 238832 50TH DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM --- ----- OBJECT P.0 U.. .', ----- ----- rrr.r�rr�r��r -Li;;;;--' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132725 05/06/93 -$6.41 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930414 677007 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT 50TH 05/08/93 $1,488.29 GRIGGS GRIGGS COOPER COOPER & & CO. CO. LI19930414 L119930414 677008 877008 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 ... LI0508 JOHNSON 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$29.77 $1,765.14 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19030414 677009 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10508 238816 05/06/93 - $33.96 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930414 677009 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 < ■> JOHNSON 59.063.01" CO. LI19930414 238824 50TH ST SELLIN 05/06/93 $7.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. 132726 05/06/93 $338.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930414 238832 50TH ST SELLIN 05/06/93 $3.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238832 50TH ST SELLIN 05/06/93 -$6.77 JOHNSON WINE CO. 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LI19930414 238865 50TH ST SELLIN 05/06/93 -$9.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 206805 50TH ST SELLIN 05/06/93 -$5.72 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 206821 VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 $1,165.57 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238881 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $14.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238881 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 - $11.65 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930414 238881 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $69.18 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238873 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $1.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238873 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 -$0.70 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238873 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $1,021.63 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238931 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $21.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930414 238931 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 - $10.23 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930414 238931 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $83.49 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238923 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $1.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238923 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 -$0.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238923 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $1,624.14 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930414 238915 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $7.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238915 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 - $32.49 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238915 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $965.54 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238907 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 $7.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238907 YORK SELLING 05/06/93 - $19.31 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238907 YORK SELI.TNG 05/06/93 $1.156.26 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238774 VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 $6.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238774 VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 05/06/93 - $23.14 $55.66 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930414 LI19930414 238774 238790 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 $1.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238790 VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 -$0.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238790 VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 $200.39 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238758 VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 $3.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930414 238758 VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 -$2.01 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930414 238758 VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 5207.51 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930414 238741 VERNON SELLING CST OF OD LIQ CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CST OF GO LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF OD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GO WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF OD LIQ CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GO WIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GO WIN L10508 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0508 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0500 L10500 L10506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 L10506 LI0506 L1050B LI0505 L10506 L10506 L10508 LI0506 LI0506 LI0500 LI0506 L10506 L10506 LI0506 LIOS08 L10508 LI0506 LI0506 LI0500 L10506 LI050# LI0500 LI0500 L10506 LI0508 LI0508 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 L10506 f COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM pips 3 . CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM - - - -- - -- OBJECT - - - p- rr F Y1i' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132726 05/06/93 $2.60 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238741 - - -r VERNON SELLING -- - -- CST OF GD WIN -- -rr LI0506 05/06/93 -$2.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238741 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $732.89 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238808 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LIM$ 05/06/93 $14.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238808 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$7.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238808 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $3,422.57 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238782 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 $18.98 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238782 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0508 05/06/93 - $68.44 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930414 238782 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 <•> $13,683.52" 132727 05/06/93 $60.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930415 30552 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930415 30552 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $66.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930415 30553 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $1.50 PAUSTIS & SONS L119930415 30553 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 <•> $130.50" 132728 05/06/93 $1,433.15 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930415 676494 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 - $14.33 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930415 676494 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,223.10 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930415 676495 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $12.23 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930415 676495 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $1,544.41 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930415 676496 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 - $15.44 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930415 876496 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 - $19.65 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930415 76933 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUN LI0506 05/06/93 - $13.10 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930415 76935 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUN LI0506 05/06/93 -$9.44 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930415 77062 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10508 05/06/93 $0.09 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930415 77062 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 <�> $4,116.56" 132729 05/06/93 $2,582.10 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076059 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $51.64 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076059 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $2,047.13 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076060 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $40.94 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076060 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $809.09 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076061 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $16.18 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076061 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $3,598.38 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076187 YORK SELLING CST OF OD WIN LI0500 05/08/93 - $35.98 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076187 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $3,587.41 QUALITY WINE L119930414 076206 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $35.87 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076206 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $3,970.46 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076247 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF OD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $39.70 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076247 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $384.24 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076512 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.84 QUALITY WINE LI19930414 076512 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 <•> $16,754.66• 132730 04/09/93 - $130,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER APRIL 9, LIQUOR PROG CASH 04/09/93 $130,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER APRIL 9, LIQUOR PROG CASH <�> $0.00" 132731 04/12/93 $19,527.08 FIDELITY BANK FICA /MEDICARE APRIL 12 GENERAL FD PRO PAYROLL PAYAB <•> $19,527.08" 132732 04/12/93 $29,441.78 PERA PERA 041293 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYA <�> $29,441.78" 132733 04/12/93 $19.62 PERA PERA 040993 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYA 7 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY ]?. 1993, 10:31 PM page 4 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. 8 <:.;;..F „E'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ ---i�r . < *> $19.62" 132734 05/06/93 $234.90 EAGLE WINE L119930416 678709 05/06/93 -$2.35 EAGLE WINE L119930416 678709 05/06/93 $1,080.09 EAGLE WINE LI19930416 678710 05/06/93 - $10.80 EAGLE WINE LI19930416 678710 05/06/93 $27.75 EAGLE WINE LI19930416 678711 05/06/93 -$0.28 EAGLE WINE L119930416 678711 05/06/93 $237.59 EAGLE WINE LI19930416 678712 05/06/93 -$2.38 EAGLE WINE LI19930416 678712 05/06/93 $864.95 EAGLE WINE LI19930416 678713 05/06/93 -58.65 EAGLE WINE LI19930416 678713 05/06/93 $138.75 EAGLE WINE LI19930415 679356 05/06/93 -51.39 EAGLE WINE LI19930416 679356 < ■> $2,558.18" 132735 05/06/93 $232.45 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99537 05/06/93 $834.25 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99535 05/06/93 $245.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99258 05/06/93 $373.20 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99536 05/06/93 $540.11 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99534 05/06/93 - 510.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99534 05/06/93 $93.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99539 05/06/93 -$1.87 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99539 05/06/93 $965.85 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99550 05/06/93 $751.70 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99551 05/06/93 $120.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99552 05/06/93 -$2.41 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99552 05/06/93 $1,132.62 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99549 05/06/93 -522.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99549 05/06/93 $913.60 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99553 05/06/93 - $95.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 142002 05/06/93 $76.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 134 05/06/93 $172.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 190 05/06/93 $26.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 98885 05/06/93 $204.75 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930416 99260 05/06/93 $1,105.45 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99556 05/06/93 $1,853.63 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99554 05/06/93 - $37.07 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99554 05/06/93 5848.45 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99558 05/06/93 $1,177.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99555 05/06/93 $73.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99560 05/06/93 -51.46 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930416 99560 <jk> S11,570.40" 132736 05/06/93 $126.59 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 678147 05/06/93 -$2.53 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 678147 05/06/93 $2,273.46 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 679419 05/06/93 -$45.47 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 679419 05/06/93 $2,163.82 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. L119930419 679420 05/06/93 - $43.28 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 679420 05/06/93 $813.05 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 679421 05/06/93 - $16.26 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 679421 05/06/93 $1,334.63 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 679422 05/06/93 - $26.69 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 679422 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GO WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GO LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GO LIQ CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 LI0508 L20506 LI0506 LI0500 LI0506 L10506 L10500 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0508 LI0506 LI0500 L20508 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0500 L10506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0500 LIO$08 L10508 L10506 LI0506 LIOS06 LI0508 LI0506 LI0500 L10508 LI0500 LI0500 LI0508 LID500 LI0508 LI0500 LI0506 LI0508 LI0500 LI0506 ( -s t r COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM pa9. 5 CHECK# - - - - - - DATE - - - - - - - - - - CHECK AMOUNT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VENDOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - DESCRIPTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INVOICE - - - - - - - - - - - PROGRAM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OBJECT - - - ---------- - - - - - ► W r Y1 132736 05/06/93 $2,256.80 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 679423 YORK SELLING CST OF OD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $45.14 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 679423 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $3,276.72 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 479424 YORK SELLING CST OF OD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $65.53 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 479424 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 -$7.50 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 77303 SOTH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $19.44 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 77304 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $30.89 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 77305 YORK SELLING CST OF OD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $25.40 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 77306 VERNON SELLING CST OF OD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - 519.37 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 77312 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $17.91 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930419 77313 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10506 < ■> $11,879.66" 132737 05/06/93 $886.92 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269407 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 $4.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269407 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $17.74 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269407 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,308.50 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269415 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 $6.50 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269415 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $26.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269415 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LIG506 05/06/93 $214.70 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $1.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$2.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT L10508 05/06/93 $2.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 - $214.70 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$1.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $2.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 -$2.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF OD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $211.70 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $1.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$2.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269381 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $488.47 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269373 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF OD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $6.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269373 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10508 05/06/93 -$4.90 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269373 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $375.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269365 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF OD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $5.20 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269365 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF OD WIN L10500 05/06/93 -$3.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269365 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 s. 05/06/93 $456.23 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269423 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LIOS08 05/06/93 $9.88 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269423 50TH ST SELLIN .CST OF OD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$4.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269423 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/08/93 - $16.20 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 243402 YORK SELLING CST OF OD LIQ LIC500 05/06/93 53,053.45 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269472 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI050# 05/06/93 $16.73 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269472 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10506 05/06/93 - $61.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269472 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,667.54 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269464 YORK SELLING CST OF OD LIQ LI050 "r r 05/06/93 $11.44 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269464 YORK SELLING CST OF OD LIQ LI050. T ; 05/06/93 - 533.37 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269464 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $905.23 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269454 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 56.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269454 YORK SELLING CST OF OD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$9.06 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269454 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $336.44 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269449 YORK SELLING CST OF OD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 54.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269449 YORK SELLING CST OF OD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$3.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269449 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $464.31 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269431 YORK SELLING CST OF OD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $6.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269431 YORK SELLING CST OF OD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$4.65 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269431 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $957.86 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269480 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 s f COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM page 6 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT rrrrr- - rr- rrrrrrrrrr. . -------------------- 132737 05/06/93 - -- - -- r------------------------------------------------ $22.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. - - - LI19930419 --- ------------ 269480 r- rrrr-rrrrrrrr- YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$9.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269480 YORK SELLING. CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $134.89 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 252502 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $2.60 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 252502 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10500 05/06/93 -51.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 252502 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $1,381.10 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269324 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 $10.40 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269324 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $27.63 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930419 269324 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $362.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269308 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $4.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269308 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.61 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269308 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $196.45 $1.04 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE CO. WINE CO. LI19930419 LI19930419 269316 269316 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0508 LI0500 05/06/93 -$1.96 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269316 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $442.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269290 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $6.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269290 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$4.43 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269290 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,008.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269340 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $20.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269340 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $10.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930419 269340 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 < *> $14,538.81* 132738 05/06/93 $88.00 PAUSTIS & SONS L119930419 30697 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930419 30697 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $275.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930419 30756 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $7.20 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930419 30756 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0508 < *> $373.20* 132739 05/06/93 $60.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY L119930419 678603 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$0.60 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 678603 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $1,135.89 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 678604 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $11.36 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 678604 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $60.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 678605 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$0.60 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 678605 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $576.95 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 678606 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L20506 05/06/93 -$5.77 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 678606 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $931.62 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 678607 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$9.32 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 678607 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 -$5.76 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 77462 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $0.06 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930419 77462 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 < *> $2,731.11* 132740 05/06/93 05/06/93 $338.14 -$3.38 QUALITY QUALITY WINE WINE LI19930419 L119930419 076980 076980 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 L10508 05/06/93 $2,884.78 QUALITY WINE L119930419 077373 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $28.85 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 077373 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $64.75 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 078000 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$0.65 $64.75 QUALITY QUALITY WINE WINE L119930419 LI19930419 078000 078002 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN LI0506 L10506 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$0.65 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 078002 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $32.95 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 078030 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$0.33 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 078030 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 51,379.70 QUALITY WINE L119930419 077385 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$13.80 QUALITY WINE L119930419 077385 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10508 05/06/93 $1,972.58 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 077998 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM page 7 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P:O. i ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - = -= 132740 05/06/93 - 539.45 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 077998 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $2,094.10 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 077999 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $41.88 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 077999 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $815.85 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 078001 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - S16.32 QUALITY WINE LI19930419 078001 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 <•> $9,502.29" 132741 04/19/93 $137,085.00 HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTI PROJECT PAYMENT 115 92 -54 GC CIP CIP <�> S137,085.00" 132742 05/06/93 $651.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION LI19930423 41668 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 <•> $651.00" 132743 05/06/93 $333.00 EAGLE WINE LI19930423 681069 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.33 EAGLE WINE LI19930423 681069 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $786.30 EAGLE WINE LI19930423 681070 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 -$7.86 EAGLE WINE LI19930423 681070 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $249.50 EAGLE WINE LI19930423 681072 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$2.50 EAGLE WINE LI19930423 681072 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 .$439.85 EAGLE WINE LI19930423 681074 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L20506 05/06/93 -$4.40 EAGLE WINE LI19930423 681074 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $161.90 EAGLE WINE LI19930423 681606 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$1.62 EAGLE WINE LI19930423 681606 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 <•> S1,950.84• 132744 05/06/93 $285.70 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1480 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $343.90 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1479 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $537.53 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1659 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $10.75 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1659 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $318.72 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1660 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $1,159.25 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 97209 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $97.90 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1461 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $409.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 99259 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $736.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1628 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $229.48 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1487 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$4.59 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1487 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,368.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1586 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0500 05/06/93 - $27.36 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1586 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 -$1,368.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1586 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 $27.36 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1586 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $315.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1486 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $190.25 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 2490 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $893.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1489 VERNON SELLING CST OF OD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $609.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1490 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $47.75 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1491 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$0.96 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1491 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $86.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1671 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -S1.72 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1671 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $882.41 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1587 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0500 05/06/93 - $17.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1587 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,183.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1670 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $1,870.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 142128 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $1,367.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1586 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0500 05/06/93 - $27.36 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930422 1586 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 < *> $7,760.91" sr , COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM Page 8 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. • •- _-____ ,s < --------------------------------------- 132745 05/06/93 $1,480.83 - GRIGGS COOPER -- ---------------------------------------------- & CO. L119930422 681604 ------------------------------ VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $29.62 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930422 LI19930422 681604 681605 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 L10506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $3,179.80 - $63.60 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. LI19930422 681605 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,164.17 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. L119930422 681608 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO LIQ L10508 05/06/93 - 523.28 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930422 681608 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,542.92 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930422 681609 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $30.86 GRIGGS COOPER COOPER & CO. & CO. LI19930422 LI19930422 681609 681610 50TH YORK ST SELLIN SELLING CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ L10508 LI0500 05/06/93 05/06/93 $2,223.54 - $44.47 GRIGGS GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930422 681610 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,661.82 GRIGGS COOPER COOPER & CO. & CO. LI19930422 LI19930422 681611 681611 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GO LIQ CASH DISCOUNT LIO506 LI0508 05/06/93 05/06/93 - $33.24 $186.85 GRIGGS GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930422 681613 YORK SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0500 05/06/93 -$3.74 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930422 681613 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 - $140.80 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930422 77562 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $2.82 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930422 77562 77562 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GO WIN LIG500 L10506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $140.80 -$2.82 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. LI19930422 LI19930422 77562 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LIO506 05/06/93 - $137.98 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930422 77562 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUN LI0506 <�> $11,073.14" 132746 05/06/93 $638.93 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930422 295519 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 $6.24 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. L119930422 LI19930422 295519 295519 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$6.39 $184.92 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295576 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN WIN LI0506 LI0508 05/06/93 $3.64 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. L119930422 LI19930422 295576 295576 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GD CASH DISCOUNT L10508 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$1.87 $121.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295527 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN L10506 05/06/93 $1.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930422 295527 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN L10506 05/06/93 -51.22 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 LI19930422 295527 295535 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GO WIN LI0500 LIO506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $205.05 $1.04 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930422 295535 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$2.05 $865.87 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930422 LI19930422 295535 295588 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GO LIQ LI0506 LI0500 05/06/93 05/08/93 $4.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295568 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO LIQ LIOS08 05/06/93 - $17.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930422 295568 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTT LI0508 05/06/93 $503.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295550 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ L10506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $3.12 -$10.07 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930422 LI19930422 295550 295550 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GO LIQ CASH DISCOUNT LI0506. L10506 05/06/93 - $276.11 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 LI19930422 263558 294900 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GD WIN CST OF GO LIQ LI0508 L10508 05/06/93 05/06/93 $2,041.70 $10.52 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930422 294900 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0508 05/06/93 - $40.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 294900 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GO LIQ LI0500 LI0508 �% 05/06/93 $1,507.14 $7.28 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. L119930422 L119930422 294892 294892 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10508 05/06/93 05/06/93 - $30.14 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930422 294892 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $772.98 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 LI19930422 294926 294926 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GO WIN CST OF GO WIN L10506 ,. L10508. 05/06/93 05/06/93 $16.12 -$7.78 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930422 294926 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $150.16 JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930422 L119930422 294918 294918 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GO WIN CST OF GO WIN L10506 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $2.08 -$1.50 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 294918 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $1,122.02 $13.00 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930422 LI19930422 294884 294884 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GO WIN CST OF GO WIN LI0508 LI0500 05/06/93 05/06/93 - $11.21 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930422 294884 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM LI19930422 072430 05/06/93 -$9.44 page 9 CHECK• DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM LI19930422 OBJECT P.O. ,.6 >. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=- 132746 05/06/93 $3,320.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295485 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0508 079253 05/06/93 $18.01 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295485 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LI? LI0505 WINE 05/06/93 - $68.41 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295485 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUN LI0508 $1,951.60 05/06/93 $1,410.53 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295451 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI050B 079291 05/06/93 $14.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295451 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 WINE 05/06/93 -$14.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295451 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 419.40 05/06/93 $511.50 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295493 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 079555 05/06/93 $11.44 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295493 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 WINE 05/06/93 -$5.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295493 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 $1,129.38 05/06/93 $1,349.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295477 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 079958 05/06/93 $9.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295477 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $28.97 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930422 295477 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 < *> $14,307.84* 132747 05/06/93 $885.30 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930422 680963 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$8.85 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930422 680963 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $60.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930422 680964 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LIO508 05/06/93 -$0.60 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930422 680964 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $439.39 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930422 680965 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$4.39 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930422 680965 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $664.02 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930422 680966 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$6.64 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930422 680966 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 < *> $2,028.23* 132748 05/06/93 $944.26 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 072430 05/06/93 -$9.44 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 072430 05/06/93 $221.68 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079173 05/06/93 -$2.22 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079173 05/06/93 $2,747.29 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079253 05/06/93 -$27.47 QUALITY WINE L119930422 079253 05/06/93 $1,295.66 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079288 05/06/93 - $12.96 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079288 05/06/93 $1,951.60 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079291 05/06/93 - $19.52 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079291 05/06/93 $149.80 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079511 05/06/93 -$1.50 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079511 05/06/93 $970.05 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079554 05/06/93 419.40 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079554 05/06/93 $1,794.43 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079555 05/06/93 - $35.89 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079555 05/06/93 $1,772.31 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079556 05/06/93 - $35.45 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079556 05/06/93 $1,129.38 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079958 05/06/93 - $22.59 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 079958 05/06/93 - $34.50 QUALITY WINE LI19930422 076947 < *> $12,755.52* 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GO LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN LI0508 LI0506 LI0500 LI0506 LI0506 LI0500 LI0506 LI0508 LI0506 LI0500 LI0506 LI0500 LI0506 LI0506 LI0506 LI0508 LI0506 LI0506 LI0508 4x; LI0500 LI0506 132749 05/06/93 $252.00 THE WINE COMPANY LI19930422 7718 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $2.50 THE WINE COMPANY LI19930422 7718 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $120.00 THE WINE COMPANY LI19930422 7696 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $2.50 THE WINE COMPANY LI19930422 7696 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 < *> $377.00* 132750 05/06/93 $58.00 WINE MERCHANTS LI19930422 4186 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LIO508 05/06/93 $3.00 WINE MERCHANTS LI19930422 4186 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 M COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECY AIMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM page 10 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT ------------------------------------------- - - - - -r - -- - - - - -r --- --- -r• - r- r•rr.rw'.. 132750 05/06/93 $112.00 WINE MERCHANTS LI19930422 4216 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $3.00 $53.00 WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS LI19930422 LI19930422 4216 4217 YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 L10506 .. , 05/08/93 05/06/93 51.00 WINE MERCHANTS LI19930422 4217 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 <�> $228.00" 132751 04/20/93 $430.10 COMM LIFE INS CO. LIFE INSURANCE 4 -1 -93 040193 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI <•> $430.10• 132752 04/23/93 $125,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 042393 LIQUOR PROG CASH 04/23/93 - $125,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 042393 LIQUOR PROG CASH < ■> $0.00" 132753 04/26/93 $20,054.57 FIDELITY BANK FICA /MEDICARE 042693 GENERAL FD PRO PAYROLL PAYAB <•> $20,054.57" 132754 04/26/93 529,766.70 PERA PERA 042693 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYA < *> $29,766.70" 132755 04/26/93 $19.62 PERA PERA 042693 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYA ( ■> $19.62" 132756 05/06/93 $333.00 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683343 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$3.33 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683343 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $475.50 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683344 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LIG506 05/06/93 -$4.76 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683344 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10508 05/06/93 $111.00 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683345 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$1.11 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683345 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $379.65 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683346 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.80 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683346 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DIySCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $220.05 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683347 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$2.20 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683347 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 5261.17 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683348 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$2.61 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683348 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $262.90 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683866 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10508 05/06/93 -$2.83 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683866 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $34.60 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683994 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$0.35 EAGLE WINE LI19930430 683994 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 < ■> $2,057.08• 132757 05/06/93 $222.23 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3693 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $273.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3786 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10508 05/06/93 $35.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3787 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $411.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3847 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $304.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3846 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$6.08 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3846 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $199.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3674 YORK SELLING CST OF OD WIN LI0500 05/08/93 05/06/93 $300.00 -$6.00 ED PHILLIPS & ED PHILLIPS & SONS SONS L119930430 L119930430 3745 3745 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST OF GD LI? CASH DISCOUNT L10506 LI0508 05/06/93 $1,338.41 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3852 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10506 05/06/93 - $26.77 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3852 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $398.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930430 3746 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $1,125.15 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930430 3853 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10508 05/06/93 $507.67 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3854 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0500 05/06/93 - $10.15 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3854 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM page 11 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. 97 - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132757 05/06/93 $141.90 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930430 3793 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LIG508 05/06/93 -$2.84 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3793 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $506.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3792 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $753.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 3697 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $871.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930430 871.05 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 < *> $7,334.87" 132758 05/06/93 5134.75 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683229 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$1.35 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683229 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 $2,022.97 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683988 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $40.46 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683988 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $2,456.18 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683989 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $49.12 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683989 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $690.96 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683990 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ L10506 05/06/93 - $13.82 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683990 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,272.66 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683991 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0500 05/06/93 - 525.45 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683991 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $2,636.94 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683992 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $52.74 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683992 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $2,107.37 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683993 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $42.15 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 683993 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 -$1.75 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 77752 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUN LI0500 05/06/93 - $61.38 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 77877 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $1.22 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 77877 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 - 592.07 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 77879 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $1.84 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 77879 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 -$30.69 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 77880 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $0.61 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930503 77880 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 <*> $10,914.52* 132759 05/06/93 $60.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324400 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $0.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324400 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -50.61 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324400 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $352.65 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324459 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $7.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324459 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 -$3.51 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324459 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $897.02 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324434 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 $4.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324434 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $17.93 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324434 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $156.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324392 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $2.60 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324392 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$1.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324392 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $214.83 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324384 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $3.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324384 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 -S2.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324384 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $76.11 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324418 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $0.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324418 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$0.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324418 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $441.75 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324509 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $9.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324509 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$4.43 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324509 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $411.87 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324467 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $5.20 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324467 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 -$4.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324467 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,006.81 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324475 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WFI�. MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM page 12 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 132759 05/06/93 $6.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930503 324475 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 - $10.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324475 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $328.19 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324483 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $1.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324483 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 -$3.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324483 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $2,146.40 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324491 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0508 05/06/93 $11.31 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324491 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $42.92 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324491 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $2,201.25 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324368 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 $10.40 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324368 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0508 05/06/93 -$44 01 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324368 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 . 05/06/93 $875.62 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324350 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 $5.72 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324350 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0500 05/06/93 - $17.50 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324350 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $600.14 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324335 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $7.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324335 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$6.01 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324335 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $142.72 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324343 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 $1.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324343 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$1.43 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324343 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $675.82 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324376 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $14.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324376 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$6.77 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 324376 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 -$2.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 299354 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $34.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 291906 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LIG500 05/06/93 -$6.01 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 311852 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $29.02 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 313031 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $134.95 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 328450 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$2.70 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930503 328450 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 <R> $10,572.74" 132760 05/06/93 $164.80 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930503 31067 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $5.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930503 31067 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $89.85 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930503 31068 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930503 31068 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930503 CM415 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 R < > R $216.65 132761 05/06/93 $60.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930503 683226 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$0.60 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930503 683226 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $961.40 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930503 683227 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$9.61 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930503 683227 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $60.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930503 683228 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 -$0.60 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930503 683228 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $370.49 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930503 683230 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L20506 05/06/93 -$3.70 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930503 683230 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $619.36 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930503 683231 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$6.19 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930503 683231 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 <R> $2,050.55" 132762 05/06/93 $3,284.23 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 074236 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $65.68 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 074236 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 - 5115.97 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 078966 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $383.48 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 080130 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$7.67 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 080130 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM page 13 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O..! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 132762 05/06/93 $235.39 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081419 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$4.71 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081419 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $2,487.45 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081420 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0500 05/06/93 - 549.75 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081420 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 52,039.20 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081421 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $40.78 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081421 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $1,032.77 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081637 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 - $10.33 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081637 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $1,211.16 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081638 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 - $12.11 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081638 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $493.11 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081640 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$4.93 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081640 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $483.50 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081960 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$9.67 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081960 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $193.40 QUALITY WINE L119930503 081959 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.87 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081959 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $967.00 QUALITY WINE L119930503 081961 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $19.34 QUALITY WINE LI19930503 081961 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 < *> $12,465.88" 132763 04/27/93 $254.50 THE WINE COMPANY WINE 7718. VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN <*> S254.50* 132764 04/30/93 $452.00 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT PERMITS 042993 WEED CONTROL LIC & PERMITS <*> $452.00* 132765 04/30/93 $29,219.56 MEDICA CHOICE HOSPITALIZATION PREMI 043093 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI < *> $29,219.56* 132766 05/06/93 $354.50 EAGLE WINE LI19930505 685711 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.55 EAGLE WINE LI19930505 685711 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $464.25 EAGLE WINE LI19930505 685713 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$4.64 EAGLE WINE LI19930505 685713 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $332.05 EAGLE WINE L119930505 685717 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.32 EAGLE WINE LI19930505 685717 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $245.55 EAGLE WINE LI19930505 685720 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 -$2.46 EAGLE WINE LI19930505 685720 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 < *> 51,382.38" 132767 05/06/93 $644.30 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 5720 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $466.71 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 5987 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 -$102.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 142388 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $1,235.45 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 6095 VERNON SELLING CST OF OD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $1,024.28 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 6094 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10506 05/06/93 - $20.49 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 6094 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 $481.70 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 6419 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $335.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 5992 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10506 05/06/93 $531.15 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 6119 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $10.62 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930505 8119 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 5180.86 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 5994 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$3.62 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 5994 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $731.30 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 6120 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN LI0506 05/06/93 $181.70 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 5999 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $173.60 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 5718 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 $85.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 5998 YORK SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0506 f kx,7:,. COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM Page 14 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION ---------------- INVOICE .....---- PROGRAM -.... r. ....r........r.......�...r..iri OBJECT ------ --- 132767 - - -- 05/06/93 _ -- -$1.70 ..... -------- . .. ED PHILLIPS & r- ......- SONS - - -...------- L119930505 L119930505 5998 6130 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ LI0508 LI0508...,, 05/06/93 05/06/93 $905.90 - $18.12 ED PHILLIPS & ED PHILLIPS & SONS SONS LI19930505 6130 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10506 'R 05/06/93 $911.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930505 6131 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0506 < *> $7,731.95* 132768 05/06/93 $4,565.85 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 686285 686285 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 LI0508 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$91.32 $2,246.89 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. LI19930505 686286 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $44.94 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 686286 686287 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ L10506 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $734.35 - $14.69 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. LI19930505 686287 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 L10506 05/06/93 $1,466.15 $29.32 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 686288 686288 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 - $2,342.43 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 686289 686289 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 - $46.85 $3,190.33 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. LI19930505 686290 686290 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 - $63.81 $77.49 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 687052 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 -$2.06 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930505 687052 687053 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $69.27 -$1.39 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. L119930505 L119930505 687053 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT L10506 < *> $14,398.38* 132769 05/06/93 $1,723.96 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 685710 685710 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $13.52 - $34.92 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 685710 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $688.59 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930505 LI19930505 349407 349407 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 LI0508 05/06/93 05/06/93 $15.60 -$6.91 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 349407 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT OF GD LIQ LI0506 L10506 05/06/93 $1,526.96 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 349381 349381 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $8.32 - $30.54 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 349381 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $2,753.47 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 LIIO930505 349399 349399 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ CST OF OD LIQ LI0500 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $11.96 -$55.06 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 349399 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $72.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 349373 349373 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $1.56 -$0.72 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 349373 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT WIN L10506 LI0506 05/06/93 $207.51 $2.60 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 349365 349365 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 05/06/93 -52.09 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930505 349365 348383 VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $3,253.38 $18.81 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 348383 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10506 05/06/93 - $65.09 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 348383 348342 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $78.92 $1.58 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 348342 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LIG506 05/06/93 -$I.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930505 LI19930505 348342 348342 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ L10508 LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 - $78.92 -$1.58 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 348342 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0508 05/06/93 $1.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 348342 348342 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 L10506 05/06/93 $79.46 $1.04 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 348342 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$1.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 348342 348367 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 $484.48 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 135908 135909 135910 05/06/93 $76.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930505 31085 31085 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD WIN WIN LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 $1.00 $135.00 PAUSTIS PAUSTIS & & SONS SONS LI19930505 LI19930505 31203 YORK SELLING CST COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM $4.00 PAUSTIS & SONS page i5 .: CHECK• DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR CST CST DESCRIPTION ----------- INVOICE ---------- PROGRAM ------------------------------- OBJECT P.O. 8 -------------- ----------- 132789 05/06/93 -------------------------------------------- $4.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 348367 348367 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 LI0506. LI0508 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$4.85 $544.83 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 348359 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN WIN LI0500 LI0508 ` " 05/06/93 $7.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 348359 348359 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GD CASH DISCOUNT L10506 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$5.45 $1,301.55 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 348391 YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 LI0508 05/06/93 $28.60 -$13.04 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 348391 348391 YORK YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10508 05/06/93 05/06/93 $370.26 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 349480 349480 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 $7.80 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. L119930505 LI19930505 349480 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$3.74 $60.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 349449 349449 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 LI0500`: £ 05/06/93 $0.52 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 349449 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$0.61 $50.15 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 349431 349431 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0506 LI0508 05/06/93 $0.52 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 349431 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0508 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$0.50 $311.22 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 349423 349423 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0500 LI0508 05/06/93 $4.16 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 349423 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT L10500 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$3.12 $448.09 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 349464 349464 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ CST OF GD LIQ LI0508 LI0506 05/06/93 $3.64 -$8.97 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 349464 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 05/06/93 $1,409.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 349472 349472 50 50TH 50 TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ CST OF OD LIQ LI0506 LI0508 05/06/93 05/06/93 $6.11 - $28.18 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 349472 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 ; 05/06/93 - $37.71 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930505 LI19930505 311860 311878 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ CST OF GD LIQ L10506 LI0506 - 05/06/93 - $135.59 JOHNSON WINE CO. < ■> $14,984.26" 135908 135909 135910 05/06/93 $76.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930505 31085 31085 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD WIN WIN LI0506 LI0506 05/06/93 $1.00 $135.00 PAUSTIS PAUSTIS & & SONS SONS LI19930505 LI19930505 31203 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0500 05/06/93 05/06/93 $4.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930505 31203 31204 YORK 50TH SELLING ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD WIN WIN LI0500 1I0508 05/06/93 $45.00 53.00 PAUSTIS PAUSTIS & & SONS SONS LI19930505 LI19930505 31204 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0508 05/06/93 LI19930505 083063 083063 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 - $17.60 QUALITY WINE WINE LI19930505 LI19930505 083078 50TH ST SELLIN 05/06/93 $523.27 QUALITY $264.00" 05/06/93 $120.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930505 LI19930505 685649 685649 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$1.20 $773.56 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY L119930505 685712 VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 -$7.74 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930505 LI19930505 685712 685715 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 05/06/93 05/06/93 $660.20 -$6.60 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930505 685715 50TH ST SELLIN 05/08/93 $1,378.50 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930505 LI19930505 885718 685718 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING 05/06/93 05/06/93 - $13.77 $60.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930505 687635 687635 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 -$0.60 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930505 $2,960.35" 05/06/93 $818.48 QUALITY WINE LI19930505 LI19930505 083042 083042 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING 05/06/93 05/06/93 -$8.18 $1,760.31 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE LI19930505 083063 083063 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 05/06/93 - $17.60 QUALITY WINE WINE LI19930505 LI19930505 083078 50TH ST SELLIN 05/06/93 $523.27 QUALITY CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF OD WIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN a LI0508 LI0506 LI0500 LI0506 LI0508 gin, . L10508'��, LI0500 LI0506 LI0500 LI0506 } COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK !a "NBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:31 PM page 18 CHECK• DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.Ci,.,ry ----------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- M.m .. -- -- - ---ire _ 135910 05/06/93 —$5.23 QUALITY WINE LI19930505 083078 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $4,091.92 QUALITY WINE LI19930505 083093 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $81.84 QUALITY WINE LI19930505 083093 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $2,739.08 QUALITY WINE LI19930505 083097 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $54.78 QUALITY WINE LI19930505 083097 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0500 05/06/93 $2,007.34 QUALITY WINE LI19930505 083124 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0506 05/06/93 - $40.15 QUALITY WINE LI19930505 083124 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 05/06/93 $73.05 QUALITY WINE LI19930505 083241 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0508 05/06/93 -$4.91 QUALITY WINE LI19930505 083241 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0506 <•> $11,800.76" $525,672.55" } COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY BY CHECK NUMBER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:35 PM page 1 ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - - - - -- - -- FUND # 10 FUND 15 FUND 4 27 FUND 4 50 $128,479.03 $452.00 $137,085.00 $259,656.52 $525,672.55" COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED. MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page i CHECK! DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR -------- - - - - -- DESCRIPTION - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------- INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. i ----------------------------- 136111 05/17/93 $250.00 1993 WALKER CUP MATC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 050493 GOLF ADMINISTR PROF SERVICES < *> $250.00* 136112 05/17/93 $458.68 3M CO SIGNS & POSTS TP25912 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS 6654 05/17/93 $453.32 3M CO SIGNS & POSTS TP30487 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS 7039. 05/17/93 $536.58 3M CO SIGNS & POSTS TP25911 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS 6654 < *> $1,448.58* 136114 05/17/93 $600.29 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 GENERAL MAINT RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $107.54 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 FIRE DEPT. GEN RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $134.42 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 CITY HALL GENE RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $600.29 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 PW BUILDING RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $167.29 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $401.78 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $167.29 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $53.77 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 ART CENTER BLD RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $169.35 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 POOL OPERATION RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $893.28 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 CLUB HOUSE RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $107.54 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 MAINT OF COORS RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $41.95 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 GOLF DOME RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $322.62 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 ARENA BLDG /GRO RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $425.87 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 ED BUILDING & RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $36.75 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 50TH ST OCCUPA RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $63.63 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 YORK OCCUPANCY RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $159.22 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 VERNON OCCUPAN RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $40.73 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 GUN RANGE RUBBISH REMOV 05/17/93 $600.28 AAGARD RUBBISH REMOVAL MAY 1993 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOV < *> $5,093.89" 136115 05/17/93 $543.95 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPP REPAIR PARTS 019826 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 0840 05/17/93 $750.04 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPP REPAIR PARTS 019974 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6843 > * 136116 05/17/93 $79.04 ABP MIDWEST GENERAL SUPPLIES 3359910 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPL < *> $79.04* 136117 05/17/93 $18.55 ACTION MESSENGER SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 00108879 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQU < *> S18.55* 136118 05/17/93 $100.00 ADVANTAGE GENERAL SUPPLIES 48819 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL <*> 5100.00" 136119 05/17/93 $255.38 AIR HYDRAULIC SYSTEM REPAIR PARTS 18324 -00 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7050 05/17/93 $117.57 AIR HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ACCESSORIES 18324 -01 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 7050 < *> 5372.95* 136120 05/17/93 $8.98 AIRSIGNAL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4936005 PARK ADMIN. DUES & SUBSCR < *> 58.98" 136121 05/17/93 $69.23 ALCO CAPITAL RESOURC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 21331635 ART CENTER ADM EQUIP RENTAL < *> $69.23* 136122 05/17/93 05/17/93 $334.41 $7.67 ALTERNATOR REBUILD ALTERNATOR REBUILD TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES 009344 009345 GENERAL MAINT EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS GENERAL SUPPL 7038 7038 05/17/93 $62.84 ALTERNATOR REBUILD ACCESSORIES 18068 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 7314 a I COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page 2 p.t' CHECK- GATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT < *> $404.92* 13623 05/17/93 $111.83* AMER. PHOTO COPY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 122132 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 7271 136124 05/17/93 $77.73 AMERICAN LINEN AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 043093 043093 50TH ST OCCUPA YORK OCCUPANCY LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 05/17/93 05/17/93 $61.65 $12.46 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 043093 043093 LABORATORY ED BUILDING & LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 05/17/93 05/17/93 $684.98 $44.61 AMERICAN LINEN AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 043093 VERNON OCCUPAN LAUNDRY 05/17/93 $169.40 $154.66 AMERICAN LINEN AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 043093 043093 FIRE DEPT. GEN CITY HALL GENE LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 05/17/93 05/17/93 $37.19 AMERICAN.LINEN LAUNDRY 043093/G GRILL LAUNDRY <*> $1,242.68* 136125 05/17/93 $63.20 AMERICAN SERVICES CO GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIRS 000822 000825 YORK SELLING 50TH ST OCCUPA GENERAL SUPPL CONTR REPAIRS 05/17/93 $107.36 AMERICAN SERVICES CO < ■> $170.56* 136126 05/17/93 $39.90 AQUA ENGINEERING GENERAL SUPPLIES 001100 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPL 7128 05/17/93 $20.95 AQUA ENGINEERING GENERAL SUPPLIES 001213 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPL <•> $60.85* 136127 05/17/93 $84.69 ARMCOM DISTRIBUTING REPAIR PARTS 0036241 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 7042 < *> S84.69* 136128 05/17/93 $137,299.61 ARNT CONSTRUCTION CO CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 92 -103 P GC CIP CIP < *> $137,299.61* 136129 05/17/93 $228.76 $242.56 ASAP MAILING SERVICE ASAP MAILING SERVICE POSTAGE POSTAGE 33 -15 -04 35 -03 -01 CENT SVC GENER CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE POSTAGE 7264 05/17/93 ( *> $471.32* 136130 05/17/93 $28.89 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 51990507 ART CENTER BLD TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $21.68 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 042993 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $14.70 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 51992000 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE ( *> $65.27* 136131 05/17/93 $366.54 AUDIO VISUAL WHSE GENERAL SUPPLIES 16418 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL <*> $366.54* 136132 05/17/93 $242.63 AUSTIN HARDWARE REPAIR PARTS 60645 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7121 <*> S242.63* 136133 05/17/93 $29.95 AWD COOLERS OF MINNE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 54686 ART CENTER ADM EQUIP RENTAL < *> 529.95* 136134 05/17/93 $52.89 AXT -LYLE COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 050793 GUN RANGE CST OF OD FOO <*> $52.89* 136135 05/17/93 $129.70 B & S INDUSTRIES INC INDUSTRIES INC PROTECTIVE CLOTHING GENERAL SUPPLIES 77561 25323 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRE•DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTH GENERAL SUPPL 7243 6552 05/17/93 $195.66 8 & S < *> $325.36* 136136 05/17/93 5159.00 BARINGTON. WILLIAM CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 050393 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page 3 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <•> $159.00* - 136137.05/17/93 $472.44 BARR ENG CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 18292 -18 GC CIP CIP 05/17/93 $378.00 BARR ENG PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 19293 -18 GENERAL STORM PROF SERVICES <•> $850.444 136138 05/17/93 $1,500.00 BARRY SIEWERT CREATI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 051093 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES <*> $1,500.00* 136139 05/17/93 $151.23 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 248421 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7044 05/17/93 $42.55 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 248987 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7119 05/17/93 $104.21 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 249137 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7201 05/17/93 $61.66 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 249683 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7146 < *> $359.65* 136140 05/17/93 $100.00 BENNETT -WAYNE PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 136141 05/17/93 $254.00 BERGFORD TRUCKING COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 050593/V VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ 05/17/93 $115.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING- COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 050593/5 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ 05/17/93 $207.90 BERGFORD TRUCKING COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 050593/Y YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ <4> $577.404 136142 05/17/93 $81.34 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 892858 ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $103.17 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 893449 POLICE DEPT. 0 GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $16.50 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 895190 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLI 7294 05/17/93 $7.59 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 894926 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $388.51 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 896722 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPL 7228 05/17/93 $17.55 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 897040 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $26.03 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 897078 ARENA ADMINIST OFFICE SUPPLI 7285 05/17/93 $42.15 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 898150 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPL 7349 05/17/93 $5.75 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 897841 FINANCE GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $2.55 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 900147 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $75.14 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 900147 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $24.70 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 900149 POLICE DEPT. 0 GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $35.82 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 897685 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL <*> $826.80* 136143 05/17/93 $130.20 BEST LOCK OF MPLS REPAIR PARTS 037598 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 6824 05/17/93 $115.02 BEST LOCK OF MPLS REPAIR PARTS 037871 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 6970 05/17/93 $7.61 BEST LOCK OF MPLS REPAIR PARTS 038112 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 7062 05/17/93 $20.17 BEST LOCK OF MPLS GENERAL SUPPLIES 038632 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL <*> $273.004 136144 05/17/93 $75.00 BETSWORTH, JACKI SERVICES EDINBOROUGH/ 030693 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER <4> $75.004 136145 05/17/93 $4537.29 BFI OF MN INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 930400 -1 50TH STREET RU PROF SERVICES < *> 54,,537.294 136146 05/17/93 $37,998.36 BFI RECYCLING SYS EQUIPMENT RENTAL 930400 -7 RECYCLING EQUIP RENTAL < *> $37,998.36- 136147 05/17/93 $25.73 BIFFS INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 930200 -2 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $116.52 BIFFS INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BI002503 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED. MAY 12, 1993, . +.04 PM page 4 CHECK- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O: 136147 05/17/93 $159.20 RIFFS INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 81002502 MAINT OF COURS SVC CONTR EQU (•> $301.51* 136148 05/17/93 $100.00 BLOOD DAVID PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES c*> $100.00* 136149 05/17/93 $82.50 BOINIS, SUSAN SERVICES /ADAPTIVE REC 050793 PARK ADMIN. PROF SERVICES < *> $82.50* 136150 05/17/93 $35.00 BORDANORO, JANETTE REGISTRATION FEES 050693 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION < *> $35.00* 136151 05/17/93 $4,157.30 BOUSTEAD ELECTRIC & CONTRACTED REPAIRS 352986 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 6989 < *> $4,157.30* 136152 05/17/93 $27.52 BOYER TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 217855 219381 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 7336 7334 05/17/93 $78.32 BOYER TRUCKS < *> $105.84* 136153 05/17/93 $220.00 BRAEMAR PRO SHOP GENERAL SUPPLIES 471 GOLF DOME GENERAL SUPPL 7540 (*> $220.00* 136154 05/17/93 $276.00 BRAUN INTERTEC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 042156 SUPERV. & OVRH PROF SERVICES < *> 5276.00* 136155 05/17/93 $555.00 BROADCAST MUSIC INC DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 040193 ED ADMINISTRAT DUES & SUBSCR 7552 < *> $555.00* 136156 05/17/93 $319.50 BROWN TRAFFIC PRODUC REPAIR PARTS 10954 ST LIGHTING RE REPAIR PARTS 6288 (*> S319.50* 136157 05/17/93 $25.00 BRUNEAU, DEBBIE REGISTRATION FEES 050693 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION < *> $25.00* 136158 05/17/93 $362.00 BUELL'S INC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 5548 PENDING TRANSF CIP 7237 ( +> $362.00" 136159 05/17/93 $222.40 BUIE, ROBERT CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 050393 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL (*) $222.40* 136160 05/17/93 $4.20 BUILDERS SQUARE SQUARE GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 00084697 00083875 CENTENNIAL LAK CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $7.21 BUILDERS ( *> 511.41* 136161 05/17/93 $239.63 BUSINESS MACHINES SA GENERAL SUPPLIES 10912 RECYCLING GENERAL SUPPL < *> $239.63* 136162 05/17/93 $100.00 BUTLER GEORGE PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES (*> $100.00* 136163 05/17/93 $131.76 C & S DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 149495 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD F00 6876 <*> $131.76* 136164 05/17/93 $138.32 CALLAHAN,FRAN MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 050493 PUBLIC HEALTH MILEAGE < *> $138.32* S COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED. MAY 12, 1993. 10:04 PM Page S CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136165 05/17/93 $80.94 CAMPBELL SPORTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 7254 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPL 7362 <*> $80.94* 136166 05/17/93 $.17 CAMPBELL, RALPH PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 050493 COMMUNICATIONS PHOTO SUPPLIE 19 136167 05/17/93 $128.44 CARLSON STORE FIX CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 65039 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL < *> $128.44* 136 68 05/17/93 70 CAROL'S BLINDS & DRA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 043093 CLUB HOUSE CONTR REPAIRS $940.70A 136169 05/17/93 $983.99 CATCO REPAIR PARTS 313465 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6983 < *> $983.99* 136170 05/17/93 $135.00 CDP GENERAL SUPPLIES 01712019 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPL < *> $135.00* 136171 05/17/93 $94.50 CEDAR LAKE FLORAL GENERAL SUPPLIES 551241 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPL 7364 <*> $94.50* 136172 05/17/93 $98.57 CELLULAR ONE SERVICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 008078 POLICE DEPT. 0 EQUIP MAINT < *> $98.57* 136173 05/17/93 $949.39 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 042193/P DARE EQUIP RENTAL 05/17/93 $102.95 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 042193/P POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 05/17/93 $14.22 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 042193/P POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 05/17/93 $7.42 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 042193/P POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 05/17/93 542.27 CELLULAR ONE GENERAL SUPPLIES O42193/P PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $6.86 CELLULAR ONE GENERAL SUPPLIES O42193/P PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $69.68 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL APRIL 21 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 05/17/93 $101.07 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL APRIL 21 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL < *> $1,293.86* 13674 05/17/93 $105.10 CENTENNIAL LAKES /EDI GENERAL SUPPLIES 1063 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPL * * 136175 05/17/93 $66.51* CERTIFIED POWER TRAI REPAIR PARTS 106594 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7198 136176 05/17/93 $1.891.35 CHEMLAWN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 050193 GENERAL TURF C CONTR REPAIRS 05/17/93 $147.00 CHEMLAWN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 12198 GENERAL TURF C CONTR REPAIRS < *> $2,038.35* 136177 05/17/93 $64.00 CITY BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BE VERNON /A VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $266.75 CITY BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BE YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $42.50 CITY BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 50TH /APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE < *> $373.25* 136178 05/17/93 $33,255.00 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16671 PUBLIC HEALTH PROF SERVICES < *> $33,255.00* 136179 05/17/93 $4,607.00 CITY OF EDEN PRIAIRE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6732 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES < *> $4,607.00* „ `rE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, In-04 PM page 8 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P,O. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136 80 05/17/93 $97.62* CITY OF RICHFIELD LIGHT & POWER 79034 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER 136181 05/17/93 $224.00 CITYLINE ADVERTISING OTHER 1327 ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER 7407 < *> $224.00* 136182 05/17/93 $37.49 CLABO, ROBERT CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 050693 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL 05/17/93 $50.00 CLABO, ROBERT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 051093 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW < *> 587.49* 136183 05/17/93 $409.49 CLEAN -FLO LAB PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6355 WEED CONTROL PROF SERVICES < *> 5409.49* 136184 05/17/93 $75.00 CLELAND, BRUCE PERFORM EDINBOROUGH 5 012193 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER <*> $75.00* 136185 05/17/93 $418.60 COCA COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI VERNON /A VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $498.75 COCA COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 5272.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 50TH /APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI < *> $1,189.35- 136186 05/17/93 530.00 CONNOLLY, BOB SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 050693 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> 530.00* 136187 05/17/93 $40.47 CONSTRUCTION MATERIA GENERAL SUPPLIES 033193 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL * * 136188 05/17/93 $191.70 CONTACT MOBILE COMM GENERAL SUPPLIES 26753 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPL 7467 * * 136189 05/17/93 $50.16 CONVEYORS REPAIR PARTS 0018126 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7129 <-> $50.16* 136190 05/17/93 $555.00 CRAWFORD, JEFFERY CONTRACTED REPAIRS 051193 GENERAL(BILLIN CONTR REPAIRS < *> 5555.00* 136191 05/17/93 $1,386.67 CRIMMINS TIMOTHY J M PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES < *> $1,386.67* 136192 05/17/93 $213.00 CRITTER CONTROL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 212083 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 05/17/93 $213.00 CRITTER CONTROL PROFESSIONAL SE ^VICES 21213 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES < -> $426.00* 136193 05/17/93 $1,000.00 CSI CONTRACTED REPAIRS 20931 IRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 7245 05/17/93 5131.00 CSI GENERAL SUPPLIES 2093! IRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL < *> S1,131.00* 136194 05/17/93 $132.22 CULLIGAN GENERAL SUPPLIES 043093 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPL < *> 5132.22- 136195 05/17/93 $141.38 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 58732 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 7353 < *> $141.38* 136196 05/17/93 $280.00 CUSTOM FIRE APP EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 4630 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 05/17/93 $280.00 CUSTOM FIRE APP EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 4629 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT „ a . J COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM Page 7 • CHECK• DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT a } P.O. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136196 05/17/93 $910.87 CUSTOM FIRE APP EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 4628 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 05/17/93 $292.00 CUSTOM FIRE APP EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 4627 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT < ■> $1,762.87" 136197 05/17/93 $31.50 D.C. HEY CO. SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 316079 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQU <*> $31:50* 136198 05/17/93 $102.24 DALE GREEN CO. TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 050193 CENTENNIAL LAK TREES FLWR SH < *> $102.24* 136199 05/17/93 $50.00 DANS REGISTER SERVIC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 043093 VANVALKENBURG PROF SERVICES < *> $50.00* 136200 05/17/93 $120.40 DAVIDSEN DIST. INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE < *> $120.40* 136201 05/17/93 $370.19 DAVIES WATER EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 36218 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 7113 05/17/93 $529.84 DAVIES WATER EQUIP GENERAL SUPPLIES 36346 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL 7135 0 > $900.03* 136202 05/17/93 $84 DAYSTARTER ACCESSORIES 01559 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 6984 * $100.841 136203 05/17/93 $49.98 DAYTONS GENERAL SUPPLIES 050593 GRILL GENERAL SUPPL 136204 05/17/93 $65.00 DCA INC HOSPITALIZATION 55021 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI 05/17/93 $893.20 DCA INC TELEPHONE 54690 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $897.05 DCA INC TELEPHONE 55215 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE c *> $1,855.25* 136205 05/17/93 $150.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC TELETYPE SERVICE 93Q1181 POLICE DEPT. G TELETYPE SERV 05/17/93 $240.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC TELETYPE SERVICE 93Q1182 POLICE DEPT. G TELETYPE SERV < *> $390.00* 136206 05/17/93 $11.93 DEPENDABLE COURIER DUE FROM HRA 229210 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA <*> S11.93* ' 136207 05/17/93. $1,020.00 DERHAAG MOTOR SPORTS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 01639 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL <*> $1,020.00* 136208 05/17/93 $66.38 DESHLER, BRANDON CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 042993 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL < ■> $66.38* 136209 05/17/93 $39.30 DIST LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 040693 POOL TRACK GRE LAUNDRY 05/17/93 $87.72 DIST LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 042093 POOL TRACK GRE LAUNDRY < *> 5127.02* 136210 05/17/93 $1,379.18 DON'S APPLIANCE & TE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 9143 FIRE-DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACE 6546 < *> $1,379.18* 136211 05/17/93 $463.52 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 685714 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $163.20 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 686203 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $60.79 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 685721 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $185.33 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 688697 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page 8 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-------------- 136211 05/17/93 $61.78 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 688700 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $66.21 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 688693 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI < *> $1,000.83* 136212 05/17/93 $9,435.65 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 5172.20 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $93.80 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI VERNON /A VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $8,646.74 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE VERNON/A VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $86.10 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 50TH /APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $3,986.72 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 50TH /APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 5411.35 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 050193 GRILL CST OF GDS BE < *> $22,832.56* 136213 05/17/93. $85.00 ECOLAB PEST ELIM. SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 2234792 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQU 05/17/93 $100.00 ECOLAB PEST ELIM. SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 2234789 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQU < *> 5185.00* 136214 05/17/93 $20.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 6096 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $84.25 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 5989 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $181.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 8593 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $224.30 ED PHILLIPS & SONS. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 8557 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $240.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 8552 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $228.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 9435 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI < *> 5978.05* 136215 05/17/93 $34.00 EDINA ART CENTER GENERAL SUPPLIES 050393 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPL < *> $34.00* 136216 05/17/93 $100.00 EDINA CHEMICAL AWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043093 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPL <*> $100.00* 136217 05/17/93 $880.19 EDINA LIQUOR STORE GENERAL SUPPLIES 042793 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPL $80.19* 136218 05/17/93 $300.33 ELECTRIC MOTOR REP. CONTRACTED REPAIRS 168934 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 7490 < *> $300.33* 136219 05/17/93 $150.00 EMOND, NANCY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES APRIL 22 PARK ADMIN. PROF SERVICES <*> $150.00* 136220 05/17/93 $400.00 EMPLOYEES CLUB GENERAL SUPPLIES 043093 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPL < *> $400.00* 136221 05/17/93 $141.90 ENGER, DON CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 043093 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL <*> 5141.90* 136222 05/17/93 $58.08 ERNIE'S CATERING SER CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS .1291 POLICE DEPT G CONF & SCHOOL < *> $58.08* 136223 05/17/93 $208.71 ESTATE OF ELEANOR AS AMBULANCE FEES 051093 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE < *> 5208.71* 136224 05/17/93 $65.02 FAIRVIEW A.T. GILL SS- 970991 -6 031893 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES < *> 565.02* �, ti COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page 9 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT a P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136225 05/17/93 $29.44 FAST 1 HOUR PHOTO GENERAL SUPPLIES 09031 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $2.39 FAST 1 HOUR PHOTO GENERAL SUPPLIES 09245 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPL < *> 531.83* 136226 05/17/93 $1,200.00 FIRSTAT NURSING SERV INSURANCE 121003 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE < *> $1,200.00* 136227 05/17/93 $39.10 FLAHERTY EQUIPMENT C REPAIR PARTS 13111012 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7142 < *> $39.10* 136228 05/17/93 $15.98 FLOYD LOCK & SAFE CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 88234 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 6998 < *> $15.98* 136229 05/17/93 $49.63 FOWLER ELECTRIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 611750 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 7481 < *> $49.63* 136230 05/17/93 $392.689 FRAME CORNER GENERAL SUPPLIES 560 -5 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPL * * 136231 05/17/93 $40.00 FRANSSELL, CATHERINE REGISTRATION FEES 051193 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $40.00" 136232 05/17/93 $67.24 FRED G ANDERSON REPAIR PARTS 131530 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 9127 < *> $67.24* 136233 05/17/93 $98.96 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 042393 ARENA BLDG /GRO LAUNDRY. 05/17/93 $255.28 G & K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLIES 042393 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPP 05/17/93 $278.40 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 042393 EQUIPMENT OPER LAUNDRY 05/17/93 $350.60 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 042393 PUMP & LIFT ST LAUNDRY 05/17/93 $500.76 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 042393 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 05/17/93 $776.75 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 042393 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 05/17/93 $44.12 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 042393 CENTENNIAL LAK LAUNDRY < *> $2,304.87* 136234 05/17/93 51,482.48 G.V. LARSEN & ASSOC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 050693 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES <*> $1,482.48* 136235 05/17/93 $111.15 GENERAL PARTS & SUPP GENERAL SUPPLIES 626877 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 6837 136236 05/17/93 $226.72 GENERAL SPORTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 036034 PATHS & HARD S GENERAL SUPPL 7331 < *> $226.72* 136237 05/17/93 $5,605.82 GITTLEMAN CORP ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 050393 UTILITY PROG ACCOUNTS REC. < *> $5,605.82* 136238 05/17/93 $50,356.36 GLENN REHBEIN EXCAVA CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 92 -11 PY GC CIP CIP < *> $50,356.36* 136239 05/17/93 $300.00 GOLFCRAFT GENERAL SUPPLIES 2420 RANGE GENERAL SUPPL 6694 < *> $300.00* 136240 05/17/93 $35.11 GOPHER CASH REGISTER CONTRACTED REPAIRS 15406, RANGE CONTR REPAIRS 7462 < *> 535.11* r COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page 10 CHECK! DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.Os': - - - - -= :< 136241 05/17/93 •--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $77.50 GOPHER HEATING & SHE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2917 CLUB HOUSE PROF SERVICES 7102 136242 05/17/93 $867.98 GRAFFIX SHOPPE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 7381 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 7028 < ■> $867.984 136243 05/17/93 $308.54 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 104 -6581 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPL 7054 < ■> $308.54■ 136244 05/17/93 $10,647.00 GREUPNER, JOE PROFESSIONAL SVCS - G 051093 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC - GOL <•> $10,647.00" 136245 05/17/93 $25.62 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 687052. VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ <�> S25.62" 136246 05/17/93 $166.50 GROTH MUSIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 232377 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPL 7528 <�> S166.50■ 136247 05/17/93 $154.70 GROVE NURSERY CENTER TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 47449 CENTENNIAL LAK TREES FLWR SH 7476 < ■> $154.70" 136248 05/17/93 $660.30 GRUBERS POWER EQUIP TOOLS 16657 TREES & MAINTE TOOLS 5951 05/17/93 $1,083.53 GRUBERS POWER EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 15598 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 6602 05/17/93 $129.81 GRUBERS POWER EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 16792 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 6886 <•> $1,873.64" 136249 05/17/93 $62.28 HALLMAN GENERAL SUPPLIES 153515 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL 7041 05/17/93 $427.07 HALLMAN LUBRICANTS 153521 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS 7061 <�> $489.35" 136250 05/17/93 $60.00 HAMM, TERI REGISTRATION FEES 050693 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION < *> $60.00" 136251 05/17/93 $7,554.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 032593 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 05/17/93 $32,490.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 032593 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 05/17/93 $10,594.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 032593 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 05/17/93 $15,602.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 032593 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE < ■> $66,240.00" 138252 05/17/93 $525.00 HAUGEN & NIKOLAI P.A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 050393 rGNTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES 8756 <0t> $525.00" 136253 05/17/93 $500.34 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 043093 GRILL CST OF OD FOO <�> $500.34" 136254 05/17/93 $860.89 HENN COUNTY TREAS. POSTAGE 040693 ADMINISTRATION POSTAGE <]%> $860.89" 136255 05/17/93 $962.80 HENN CTY MED CENTER FIRST AID SUPPLIES 2428 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP < ■> $962.80■ 136256 05/17/93 $369.30 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHER BOARD & ROOM PRISONER MARCH 19 LEGAL SERVICES BRD & RM PRIS <•> $369.30" 136257 05/17/93 $3,273.90 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREA BOARD & ROOM PRISONER 001075 LEGAL SERVICES BRD & RM PRIS 1� COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR --- - - - - -- DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------- INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O: . ------------------------------------------------------- c -> $3,213.90" 136258 05/17/93 $1,000.00 HENNESSY HOUSE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE M 0020140 WORK. CAP. PRO ACCTS REC MIS 7535 c-> !1,000.00" 136259 05/17/93 $$300.00* HENSEL, DEDE PROFESSIONAL SVC — OT 050493 ARENA ADMINIST PRO SVC OTHER 136260 05/17/93 $76.44 HINTON, LAURA MILEAGE ,OR ALLOWANCE 050393 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE c -> $76.44- 136261 05/17/93 $100.00 HOFFMAN— WILLIAM PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES <-> $100.00" 136262 05/17/93 9HOOTENS LAUNDRY 042193 POLICE DEPT. G LAUNDRY $11.93A 136263 05/17/93 $230.85 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO CHEMICALS 031135 POOL TRACK GRE CHEMICALS 7233 c -> $230.85" 136264 05/17/93 $775.50 HORWATH, TOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 050493 TREES & MAINTE PROF SERVICES 05/17/93 $198.00 HORWATH, TOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 050493 TREE TRIMMING PROF SERVICES < ^> $973.50" 136265 05/17/93 $35.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 042193 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 7144 c -> $35.00' 136266 05/17/93 $43,190.05 HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTI CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 051793 GC CIP CIP c -> $43,190.05" 136267 05/17/93 $40.00 HUTCHINSON ELECTRONI EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 214 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT < ■> $40.00" 136268 05/17/93 $269.66 HYDRO SUPPLY CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 5757 METER REPAIR GENERAL SUPPL 5382 < ■> 5269.66" 136269 05/17/93 $19.92 INDELCO CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 90036 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 7214 05/17/93 $124.31 INDELCO CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 90208 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 7278 05/17/93 $27.32 INDELCO CORP REPAIR PARTS 90581 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 7371 <+�> $171.55" 136270 05/17/93 $5,250.44 INTER -CITY PAPER CO MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER E 438467 -0 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET E 4333 c -> $5,250.44- 136271 05/17/93 $268.00 ISIA PRINTING 37722 ARENA ADMINIST PRINTING 7491 c -> $268.00- 136272 05/17/93 $950.995 JAFFEE.JAY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 050393 COMMUNICATIONS PROF SERVICES - - 136273 05/17/93 $100.00 JAMES, WILLIAM F PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES c -> $100.00- 136274 05/17/93 $40.00 JANET CANTON MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 051193 FINANCE MILEAGE .c -> $40.00" COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page 12 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136276 05/17/93 $85.54 JERRYS HARDWARE REPAIR PARTS APRIL 19 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 05/17/93 $148.09 JERRYS HARDWARE REPAIR PARTS APRIL 19 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 05/17/93 $208.25 JERRYS HARDWARE PAINT APRIL 19 CENTENNIAL LAK PAINT 05/17/93 $435.84 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $163.90 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 SPRING CLEANUP GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $18.98 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 GUN RANGE GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $61.86 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $88.90 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $66.56 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $8.29 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $156.28 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $3.93 JERRYS JERRYS HARDWARE HARDWARE GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES APRIL 19 APRIL 19 GOLF DOME PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL GENERAL SUPPL SUPPL 05/17/93 05/17/93 $205.43 $21.01 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $3.74 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $22.52 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $9.87 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $115.10 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $17.12 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $29.08 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $318.00 JERRYS HARDWARE TOOLS APRIL 19 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 05/17/93 $318.00 JERRYS HARDWARE TOOLS APRIL 19 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 05/17/93 $318.00 JERRYS HARDWARE TOOLS APRIL 19 PUMP & LIFT ST TOOLS 05/17/93 $388.12 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPL <•> $3,212.41* 136277 05/17/93 $300.86 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D1917(1) ADMINISTRATION PRINTING 05/17/93 $499.48 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D2107 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 6877 < *> $800.34* 136278 05/17/93 $317.43 JIM HATCH SALES GENERAL SUPPLIES 2404 SPRING CLEANUP GENERAL SUPPL 6889 05/17/93 $207.93 JIM HATCH SALES TOOLS 2431 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 7125 <*> S525.36* 136279 05/17/93 $100.00 JOHNSON WALTER PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES c1k> $100.00" 136280 05/17/93 $45.48 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 348375. YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $29.70 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1504141 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN 05/17/93 $27.81 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 381343 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI <•> 5102.99" 136281 05/17/93 $15.00 JOHNSON, KERRY REFUND PARK & REC 051193 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION <•> $15.00* 136282 05/17/93 $37.81 JOHNSTONS SALES & SE CONTRACTED REPAIRS K96650 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 6535 <•> $37.81* 136283 05/17/93 $129.98 JPM STORE FIXTURE & CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 213188 GC CIP CIP 7541 <•> $129.98* 136284 05/17/93 $71.89 JR JOHNSON SUP TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 104356 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SH 7406 <*> $71.89* 136285 05/17/93 $306.29 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 96913 MAINT OF COURS LUMBER 6307 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED. MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page 1� CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O: --- - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- -ter 136285 05/17/93 $172.15 JUSTUS LUMBER PAINT 1153 CENTENNIAL LAK PAINT 05/17/93 $173.33 JUSTUS LUMBER PAINT 1513 CENTENNIAL LAK PAINT 05/17/93 $11.67 JUSTUS LUMBER PAINT 2475 CENTENNIAL LAK PAINT 05/17/93 $493.90 JUSTUS LUMBER PAINT 5529 CENTENNIAL LAK PAINT <•> $1,157.344 136286 05/17/93 $397.03 KAR PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 042693 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 6991 <A> $397.03" 136287 05/17/93 $60.30 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 051485 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 6696 05/17/93 $21.78 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 052938 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 7046 05/17/93 $156.87 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 053466 PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS 7123 05/17/93 $15.94 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 053910 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 7232 05/17/93 $68.92 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 053929 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 7200 05/17/93 $139.38 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 054392 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 7274 05/17/93 $57.23 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 054340 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPL 7339 05/17/93 $74.42 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 054709 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 7328 05/17/93 $9.56 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR -PARTS 054716 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 7327 05/17/93 $29.59 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 054994 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 7296 <�> S633.99" 136288 05/17/93 $95.83 KOKESH ATHLETIC REPAIR PARTS 71973 PATHS & HARD S REPAIR PARTS 7138 05/17/93 $398.94 KOKESH ATHLETIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 72214 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPL 7220 <•> $494.77" 136289 05/17/93 $5,332.70 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $10.25 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $28.90 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 50TH /APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $2306.70 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 50TH /APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE <•> $7,,678.55" 136290 05/17/93 $1,639.38 KUNDE CO INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 022593 TREES & MAINTE CONTR REPAIRS < ■> $1,639.38" 136291 05/17/93 $498.25 LAKE RESTORATION INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 692 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQU 7555 < *> $498.25* 136292 05/17/93 $302.46" LAND CARE EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 010603 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 7319 136293 05/17/93 $284.45 LAWSON PRODUCTS TOOLS 1935440 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 6911 05/17/93 $422.49 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1936104 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 6910 05/17/93 $279.36 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 1936103 ST LIGHTING OR REPAIR PARTS 6909 05/17/93 $384.87 LAWSON PRODUCTS ACCESSORIES 1936105 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8910 05/17/93 $414.35 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1936106 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPL 8919 05/17/93 $472.64 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1939063 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL 7110 05/17/93 $444.00 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 1939062 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 7108 05/17/93 $216.03 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 1939059 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7109 <�> 52,918.19• 136294 05/17/93 $207.00 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 042893 COMMUNICATIONS CONF & SCHOOL < ■> $207.00" 136295 05/17/93 $24.33 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 043093/G MAINT OF COURS LAUNDRY 05/17/93 $36.64 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 043093/A ART CENTER BLD LAUNDRY COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993. 10:04 PM page 14 K CHECK---- DATE CHECK - AMOUNT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. •` - - - - -- (*) - - -- $60.97* 136296 05/17/93 $50.00 LEER, MAUREEN REFUND /TENNIS 050693 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION c *> S50.00* 136297 05/17/93 $355.11 LEITNER COMPANY SOD & BLACK DIRT 042693 MAINT OF COURS SOD & DIRT 7181 < *> $355.11* 136298 05/17/93 $2,000.00 LHB ENGINEERS & ARCH CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 1 GC CIP CIP < *> $2,000.00* 136299 05/17/93 $60.13 LIEN INFECTION CON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 006385 CLUB HOUSE PROF SERVICES c *> $60.13* 136300 05/17/93 $262.64 M AMUNDSON COST OF COST OF GOODS SOLD GOODS SOLD MI MI 20038 20036 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING CST OF CST OF GDS MI GDS MI 05/17/93 05/17/93 $310.38 $398.13 M AMUNDSON M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 20068 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $302.16 M AMUNDSON COST OF COST OF GOODS SOLD GOODS SOLD MI MI 20192 20215 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF CST OF GDS MI GDS MI 05/17/93 05/17/93 $161.92 $499.17 M AMUNDSON M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 20226 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI < *> $1,934.40* 136301 05/17/93 $35.78 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. REPAIR REPAIR PARTS PARTS 33576 33618 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR REPAIR PARTS PARTS 7048 7112 05/17/93 05/17/93 $3,137.82 5580.21 MAC QUEEN EQUIP MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. INC. WEARING SHOES 33985 STREET CLEANIN WEARING SHOES 7312 < *> $3,753.81* 136302 05/17/93 $60.20 MARGL, LINDA J LINDA J MILEAGE GENERAL OR ALLOWANCE SUPPLIES 050793 050793 FINANCE ARENA ADMINIST MILEAGE GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $177.50 MARGL, c *> $237.70* 136303 05/17/93 $7,998.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF COST OF GOODS SOLD GOODS SOLD BE MI YORK /APR YORK /APR YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST OF CST OF GDS BE GDS MI 05/17/93 05/17/93 $65.70 $8,567.34 MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE VERNON /A VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 5247.35 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI VERNON/A VERNON SELLING CST OF CST OF GDS MI ODS BE 05/17/93 5306.80 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE APRIL /GC GRILL 05/17/93 $4,632.69 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 50TH //APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE c *> $21,869.08* 136304 05/17/93 $25.00 MARSTON,ELLIOTT CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 050393 PUBLIC HEALTH CONF & SCHOOL c *> $25.00* 136305 05/17/93 $50.00 MAXA, JUDY REFUND PARK & REC 051193 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION c *> $50.00* 136306 05/17/93 $201.10 MCC /MIDWEST COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 79098 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOO 7262 c*> S201.10* 136307 05/17/93 $996.56 MCCAREN DESIGN TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 8880 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SH 7413 c*> $996.56* 136308 05/17/93 $1,579.00 MCCARTHY WELL COMPAN CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 14260 GC CIP CIP 4632 c *> $1,579.00* �S COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED. MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION r---------r---------- INVOICE r--------- PROGRAM r-- r----- OBJECt -r-rr------------ J.81 I r--- rrrw�r': ---------------------------------.-------------------------------- 136309 05/17/93 $20.88 MCCARTHY LOWELL MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 050693 WEED MOWING MILEAGE <*> $26.88" 136310 05/17/93 $75.00 MCGIBBON,TERRY SERVICES EDINBOROUGH 031593 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER <*> $75.00* 136311 05/17/93 $105.74 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 050193 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS < *> $105.74* 136312 05/17/93 $142.06 MCNEILUS STEEL GENERAL SUPPLIES 0107694 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 7141 < *> $142.06* 136313 05/17/93 $25.00 MCPOA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 050393 POLICE DEPT. 0 DUES & SUBSCR < *> $25.00* 136314 05/17/93 $109.10 MEDICAL DISPOSAL SYS GENERAL SUPPLIES 23130493 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL 7242 < *> $109.10* 136315 05/17/93 $106.93 MEICHSNER, EARL CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 051193 LABORATORY CONF & SCHOOL < *> $106.93* 136316 05/17/93 $100.00 MERFELD -BERT PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE.PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 136317 05/17/93 $198.00 MERIT SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 32929 VERNON OCCUPAN REPAIR PARTS 7055 05/17/93 $136.90 MERIT SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 32933 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 7049 05/17/93 $369.34 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 32938 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 7068 05/17/93 9311.78 MERIT SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 32943 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 7204 05/17/93 $313.69 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 32986 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 7143 05/17/93 $406.83 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 32987 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 7149 05/17/93 $450.39 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 33009 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPP 7234 05/17/93 $495.00 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 33012 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 7207 05/17/93 $284.35 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 33031 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPL 7009 05/17/93 $2,856.33 MERIT SUPPLY FERTILIZER 33034 GENERAL TURF C FERTILIZER 7032 05/17/93 5480.74 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 33061 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPP 7358 05/17/93 $76.68 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 33087 CLUB HOUSE CLEANING SUPP 7288 05/17/93 $371.77 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 33087 RANGE GENERAL SUPPL 7286 05/17/93 $361.86 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 33117 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 7402 05/17/93 $404.27 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 33118 ARENA BLDG /ORO CLEANING SUPP 7514 < *> 57,577.93" 136318 05/17/93 $114.00 MESSERLI & KRAMER AMBULANCE FEES 19175 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE 05/17/93 $200.00 MESSERLI & KRAMER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1499 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> 5314.00* 136319 05/17/93 $75.50 METRO APPLIANCE SERV CONTRACTED REPAIRS 06442.1 GRILL. CONTR REPAIRS 7469 < ■> $75.50* 138320 05/17/93 $25.00 METRO LEGAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 385376 CDBG PROD PROF SERVICES < *> $25.00* 136321 05/17/93 $35.00 METRO LEGAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 365931 CDBG PROG PROF SERVICES <*> $35.00* 136322 05/17/93 $49.00 METZGER AQUATIC ENGI SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 043093 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQU 135929 5/17/93 $41.00 MN Calf A.Gsn. Genern] Supplies 041493 Golf. Admin Supplies 6352 $41.00* �d COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 1004 PM ; page >t8 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P:0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136322 05/17/93 $8.51 METZGER AQUATIC ENGI GENERAL SUPPLIES MJS 2115 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL <•> S57.51" i96929 05�17�99 $41.00 M;DWES:F LT 135928 05/17/93 $64.84 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. GENERAL SUPPLIES 1027 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $180.21 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 9073 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 05/17/93 $792.49 MIDWEST ASPHALT FOR. BLACKTOP 9073 DISTRIBUTION BLACKTOP <�> 3 $1037.54* 05/17/93 $445.71 MILLIPORE GENERAL SUPPLIES 736193 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPL 7314 .136324 c•> $445.71" 136325 05/17/93 $3.28 MINNEGASCO HEAT APRIL 19 POOL OPERATION HEAT 05/17/93 $977.94 MINNEGASCO HEAT 042693 ED BUILDING & HEAT < ■> 5981.22" 136326 05/17/93 $285.00 MINNESOTA CLE ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 050493 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSON c ■> $285.00" 136327 05/17/93 $149.63 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQU REPAIR PARTS 5358 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 6884 <A> $149.63" 136328 05/17/93 $90.33 MINNESOTA PLASTICS GENERAL SUPPLIES 17137 -01 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL 6547 ct> $90.33" 136329 05/17/93 $148.04 MITCHELL INTERNATION DATA PROCESSING 002129 EQUIPMENT OPER DATA PROCESSI 7203 <�> $148.04" 136330 05/17/93 $2,519.15 MITY -LITE INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 8809 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 6571 <�> $2,519:15" 136331 05/17/93 $650.00 MN SAFETY COUNCIL CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 39934 SUPERV. & OVRH CONF & SCHOOL 7031 c +> $650.00" 136332 05/17/93 $2,303.61 MN STATE TREA /BLG IN BUILDING PERMITS APRIL 19 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERM c�> $2,303.61" 136333 05/17/93 $65.28 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 8695 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L 05/17/93 $31.68 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 8696 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L 05/17/93 $74.88 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 8744 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L 05/17/93 $44.46 MN SUBURBAN NEWS ADVERTISING LEGAL 8742 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L <01 > $216.30• 136334 05/17/93 $377.31 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI `';t /A Vrr'10N SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17'43 $425.76 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI ',";PR 1 ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 05/17 ' $303.60 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI Yt� ,.,APR SELLING CST OF GDS MI <A> $1,106.67" 136335 05/17/93 $65.00 MN. ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACTS_ EQU 040401 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQU <•> $65.00" 136336 05/17/93 $407.91 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 325317 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 7150 05/17/93 —$3.11 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 325906 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 05/17/93 $504.64 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 326216 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 7152 05/17/93 5215.85 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 326713 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 7273 135929 5/17/93 $41.00 MN Calf A.Gsn. Genern] Supplies 041493 Golf. Admin Supplies 6352 $41.00* 17 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM Pogo CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION - - - - -- - --------- - - - - -- INVOICE - - - - - -- PROGRAM - - - -- - - - -- - OBJECt ------ - - - - -- 0.0: --- µ - - - - -- 136336 05/17/93 -------------------------------------- $289.90 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 327251 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 7276 c *> $1,415.19" 136337 05/17/93 $65.70 MOORE MEDICAL CORP FIRST AID SUPPLIES 7290021 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP < *> $65.70* 136338 05/17/93 $68.37 MPH INDUSTRIES INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 510793 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT < *> $68.37* 136339 05/17/93 $1,888.00 MPLS SEWER & WATER CONTRACTED REPAIRS 030004 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 7381 05/17/93 $512.00 MPLS SEWER & WATER CONTRACTED REPAIRS 030003 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 7382 < *> $2,400.00* 136340 05/17/93 $137.02 MUNICILITE CO REPAIR PARTS 4586 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6825 < *> $137.02* 136341 05/17/93 $231.60 NAME BRAND SPORTS LAUNDRY 6205 CENTENNIAL LAK LAUNDRY 7549 < *> 5231.60* 136342 05/17/93 $18.38 NAPA AUTO PARTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 889213 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 7139 05/17/93 $46.99 NAPA AUTO PARTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 889686 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 7199 < *> $67.37* 136343 05/17/93 $315.00 NATL GUARDIAN SYS. CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 598034 GC CIP CIP 7472 05/17/93 5212.94 NATL GUARDIAN SYS. CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 599617 GC CIP CIP 7471 < *> $527.94* 136344 05/17/93 $215.50 NEBCO /L.L. DISTRIBUT COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 165933 VANVALKENBURG CST OF OD FOO 05/17/93 $46.38 NEBCO /L.L. DISTRIBUT COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 165932 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD FOO c*> $261.88* 136345 05/17/93 $489.05 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGN SIGNS & POSTS 2002901 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS 6631 < *> $489.05* 136346 05/17/93 $100.00 NISSEN DICK PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES c*> $100.00* 136347 05/17/93 $489.90* NO STAR TURF FERTILIZER 537970 FIELD MAINTENA FERTILIZER 7033 136348 05/17/93 $201.39 NORCOSTCO GENERAL SUPPLIES 130260 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPL 7474 * A 136349 05/17/93 $28.22 NORTHERN AIRGAS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 16412 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP 5500 05/17/93 $59.39 NORTHERN AIRGAS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 16412A FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP 5500 05/17/93 $53.77 NORTHERN AIRGAS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 17827 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP 5500 c*> S141.38* 136350 05/17/93 $123,369.37 NORTHERN IRRIGATION CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 92 -13>PY GC CIP CIP c *> $123,369.37* 136351 05/17/93 $516.32 NORTHERN STUMP REMOV SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 042293 MAINT OF COURS SVC CONTR EQU 7160 <•> $516.32* 136352 05/17/93 $242:40 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI VERNON /A VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page 15 "N CHECK! DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR -- ---------------------- - -- •--- PROGRAM --------------------------------- OBJECT pO' _.> •------------------------------------------ 136352 05/17/93 $149.40 ------------------ •-- - - - - NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF COST OF GOODS SOLD MI GOODS SOLD MI YORK /APR 50TH /STR YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF CST OF GDS MI GDS MI 05/17/93 $71.40 NORTHSTAR ICE i *> $463.20* 136353 05/17/93 $8,125.00 NORWEST BANK MN NA BOND FISCAL INTEREST 50TH AGENT 97818 97818 GENERAL FD PRO GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM DUE FROM HRA HRA 05/17/93 $200.00 NORWEST BANK MN NA <*> $8,325.00* 136355 05/17/93 $24.19 NSP LIGHT LIGHT & & POWER POWER MAY 17, MAY 17, GENERAL MAINT ST LIGHTING RE LIGHT LIGHT & POWER & POWER 05/17/93 05/17/93 $17,388.96 $7,903.72 NSP NSP LIGHT & POWER MAY 17, ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT & POWER 05/17/93 $3,484.45 NSP LIGHT LIGHT & & POWER POWER MAY 17, MAY 17, TRAFFIC SIGNAL PONDS & LAKES LIGHT LIGHT & POWER & POWER 05/17/93 05/17/93 5353.99 $94.68 NSP NSP LIGHT & POWER MAY 17, PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER 05/17/93 $2,831.86 NSP LIGHT LIGHT & & POWER POWER MAY 17, MAY 17, PARKING RAMP CIVIL DEFENSE LIGHT LIGHT & POWER & POWER 05/17/93 05/17/93 $53.27 $1,397.72 NSP NSP LIGHT & POWER MAY 17, CITY HALL GENE LIGHT & POWER 05/17/93 $2,542.64 NSP LIGHT LIGHT & & POWER POWER MAY 17, MAY 17, PW BUILDING ART CENTER BLD LIGHT LIGHT & POWER & POWER 05117/93 05/17/93 $634.94 $3,128.31 NSP NSP LIGHT & POWER MAY 17, BUILDING MAINT LIGHT & POWER 05/17/93 $2,050.09 NSP LIGHT LIGHT & & POWER POWER MAY 17, MAY 17, CLUB HOUSE MAINT OF COORS LIGHT LIGHT & POWER & POWER 05/17/93 05/17/93 5228.20 $77.94 NSP NSP LIGHT & POWER MAY 17, POOL OPERATION LIGHT & POWER 05/17/93 $7,352.25 NSP LIGHT LIGHT & & POWER POWER MAY 17, MAY 17, ARENA BLDG /GRO GUN RANGE LIGHT LIGHT & POWER & POWER 05/17/93 05/17/93 5357.48 $2,207.56 NSP NSP LIGHT & POWER MAY 17, PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER 05/17/93 $14,840.73 NSP LIGHT LIGHT & & POWER POWER MAY 17, MAY 17, DISTRIBUTION 50TH ST OCCUPA LIGHT LIGHT & POWER & POWER 05/17/93 05/17/93 1647.42 $1,052.94 NSP NSP LIGHT & POWER MAY 17, YORK OCCUPANCY LIGHT & POWER 05/17/93 $476.45 NSP LIGHT LIGHT & & POWER POWER MAY 17, MAY 17, VERNON OCCUPAN GOLF DOME LIGHT LIGHT & POWER & POWER 05/17/93 05/17/93 $956.76 $6,367.41 NSP NSP LIGHT & POWER MAY 17, ED BUILDING & LIGHT & POWER 05/17/93 $781.69 NSP LIGHT & POWER MAY 17, CENTENNIAL LAK LIGHT & POWER <*> $77,235.65* 136356 05/17/93 $36.48 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST COST OF OF GOODS SOLD FO GOODS SOLD FO 208372 206351 ART SUPPLY GIF ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF OD FOO CST OF GD FOO 8870 6875 05/17/93 $64.18 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY < *> $100.66* 136357 05/17/93 $150.00 NYHLINS FILTER RECYC HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL 0051 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DI < *> $150.00* 136358 05/17/93 $377.01 OFFICE PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 196213 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL (*> $377.01* 136359 05/17/93 $409.81 OFFSET PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING 31779 31778 POLICE DEPT. 0 POLICE DEPT. 0 PRINTING PRINTING 7008 7001 05/17/93 $509.50 OFFSET PRINTING i *> $919.31* 136360 05/17/93 $97.00 OLD DUTCH FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 043093 GRILL CST OF OD F00 i *> $97.00* 136361 05/17/93 $967.04 OLWIN, ROGER CONFERENCES PHOTOGRAPHIC & SCHOOLS SUPPLIES 042693 051093 POLICE DEPT. 0 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL PHOTO SUPPLIE 05/17/93 566.30 OLWIN, ROGER < *> 51,033.34* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM pig• CHECK• DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT ------------------ - - - - -- - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -------------------------- 136362 05/17/93 $75.00 ONISCHUK, JACKIE MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER E 051093 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET E 136363 05/17/93 $58.58 ORKIN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 041593 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS'7347 < "> $58.58" 136364 05/17/93 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 254512 GRILL CST OF GD FOO 5577 05/17/93 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 254437 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD F00 9629 05/17/93 $111.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 2228 GRILL CST OF GD FOO 5577 05/17/93 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 254707 GRILL CST OF GD FOO <•i $333.00" 136365 05/17/93 $995.00 PACIFIC SOFTWARE INT CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 931050 POLICE DEPT. 0 CONF & SCHOOL 6774 <"> $995.00" ` 136366 05/17/93 $154.56 PAPER DEPOT COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 3159 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF OD F00 6016 <"> $154.56" 136367 05/17/93 $51.95 PAT GREER MEETING EXPENSE 050493 CENTENNIAL LAK MEETING EXPEN < *> $51.95" 136368 05/17/93 $833.49 PAUL KENNEDY ADVERTI GENERAL SUPPLIES 579 CITY COUNCIL GENERAL SUPPL <"> $833.49" 136369 05/17/93 $169.68 PAULFRANZ, THEODORE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 050593 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOL < "> $169.68" 136370 05/17/93 $20.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 31204. 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $27.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 31407 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $27.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 31408 VERNON SELLING CST OF ODS MI 05/17/93 $66.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 31405 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE <•> $141.00" 136371 05/17/93 $308.95 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $74.40 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 50TH /APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF ODS MI 05/17/93 $374.00 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD FO APRIL 19 GRILL CST OF GD FOO <•> $757.35" 136372 05/17/93 $90.52 PERFORMANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES 019405 -0 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 7513 <"> $90.52" - 136373 05/17/93 $365.00 PERKINS LSCAPE CONST SHARED MAINTENANCE 042893 MAINT OF COURS SHARED MAINT 05/17/93 $275.00 PERKINS LSCAPE CONST SHARED MAINTENANCE 050193 MAINT. OF COURS SHARED MAINT 05/17/93 $911.00 PERKINS LSCAPE CONST CONTRACTED REPAIRS 050393 MAINT OF COURS CONTR REPAIRS 7023 05/17/93 $593.00 PERKINS LSCAPE CONST SHARED MAINTENANCE 050393 MAINT OF COURS SHARED MAINT 7513 < "> $2,144.00" 136374 05/17/93 $590.00 PERSONNEL DECISIONS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3212874 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES <•> $590.00" 136375 05/17/93 $21.66 PETERSON PONTIAC -GMC REPAIR PARTS 35526 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7202 <"> $21.66" - 136376 05/17/93 $91.81 PETERSON, BARBARA MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 050393 ED ADMINISTRAT MILEAGE 05/17/93 $20.72 PETERSON, BARBARA MEETING EXPENSE 050693 CENTENNIAL LAK MEETING EXPEN f r COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 1C 04 PM page 20 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136376 05/17/93 $5.83 PETERSON, BARBARA OFFICE SUPPLIES 050693 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLI 05/17/93 57.87 PETERSON, BARBARA GENERAL SUPPLIES 050693 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $30.51 PETERSON, BARBARA MEETING EXPENSE 051193 CENTENNIAL LAK MEETING EXPEN < *> 5156.74* 136377 05/17/93 $20.00 PETERSON, DAVID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 050493 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES <*> $20.00" 136378 05/17/93 $33.12 PLUNKETTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 553114 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPL < *> 533.12" 136379 05/17/93 $84.00 PMC CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 042293 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL < *> S84.00* 136380 05/17/93 $24.40 POMMER CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 032290 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPL 7363 < *> $24.40* 136381 05/17/93 $210.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 051093 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $210.00* 136382 05/17/93 $372.75 PRECISION LANDSCAPE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 041693 TREES & MAINTE CONTR REPAIRS 05/17/93 $465.56 PRECISION LANDSCAPE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 042093 TREES & MAINTE CONTR REPAIRS < *> 5838.31* 136383 05/17/93 $53.83 PRECISION MEDICAL IN FIRST AID SUPPLIES 25323 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP <*> $53.83* 136384 05/17/93 $79.82 PRECISION TURF /CHEM GENERAL SUPPLIES 2503 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 7356 < *> $79.82* 136385 05/17/93 $75.00 PRESERVATION FORUM DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS RGRRIQPO CDBG PROG DUES & SUBSCR < *> $75.00* 136386 05/17/93 $81.00 PRINTERS SERV INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 84682 ARENA ICE MAIN EQUIP MAINT <*> $81.00* 136387 05/17/93 $114.34 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 685719 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $27.19 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 685716 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN 05/17/93 $25.24 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST Or 'ODS SOLD MI 688173 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI <•> S166.71* 136388 05/17/93 $84.89 QUALITY WINE COST G; .:ODS SOLD MI 083076 VERNON SELLING CST OF ODS MI 05/17/93 $172.43 QUALITY WINE COST OF UOODS SOLD LI 83241 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ 05/17/93 $24.95 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 084999 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE < *> $282.27* 136389 05/17/93 $120.04 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 53592 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7302 < *> 5120.04* 136390 05/17/93 $289.55 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 00251 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPM 05/17/93 $110.50 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 00251 BUILDING MAINT SAFETY EQUIPM < *> $400.05* 136391 05/17/93 $60.00 REITZ, CAROL REFUND PARK & REC 051193 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION < *> $60.00* } COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page 21 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT :P.O: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- - - - -- ------ ..,�--- - - - - -- 136392 05/17/93 $830.70 REM SUPPLIES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 3058 EDINB /CL PROD MACH. & EQUIP 7290 05/17/93 $310.92 REM SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 3057 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 7505 05/17/93 $484.29 REM SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 3080 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 7550 c "> $1,625.91* 136393 05/17/93 $422.93 RETAIL DATA SYS MN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 34793 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 7517 < *> 5422.93" 136394 05/17/93 $7,424.50 REX DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $55.25 REX DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $36.90 REX DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI VERNON /A VERNON SELLING CST OF ODS MI 05/17/93 58,174.93 REX DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE VERNON /A VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 $4,997.87 REX DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 50TH/APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE < "> $18,689.45" 136395 05/17/93 $86.54 RITZ CAMERA PRINTING 504566 PARK ADMIN. PRINTING < *> $86.54" 136396 05/17/93 $28.00 ROSENBERG, ROBERTA REGISTRATION FEES 051193 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> 528.00" 136397 05/17/93 $184.60 RUDY'S CPT SERVICE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 1246 CITY HALL EQUIP REPLACE 7518 < *> $184.60* 136398 05/17/93 $264.59 RUGG, MICHAEL C GENERAL SUPPLIES 008977 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL 6390 < *> $264.59" 136399 05/17/93 $2,000.00 RUNYAN /VOGEL GROUP CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 050793 GC CIP CIP < *> $2,000.00* 136400 05/17/93 $70.02" SAFETY KLEEN HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL 748150 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DI 136401 05/17/93 $45.82 SANKEY, DIANE REPAIR PARTS 051193 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 05/17/93 $6.36 SANKEY, DIANE GENERAL SUPPLIES 051193 PARK MAINTENAN GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $10.65 SANKEY, DIANE GENERAL SUPPLIES 051193 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL < *> $62.83" 136402 05/17/93 $620.00 SATTER, MEL TOOLS 35862 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS < *> $620.00* 136403 05/17/93 $3,629.52 SCHARBER & SONS CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 069425 GC CIP CIP 6935 05/17/93 $3,592.24 SCHARBER & SONS CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 069425 GC CIP CIP $7,221.76* 136404 05/17/93 $211.92 SCHUMANN'S BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 050393 GRILL CST OF GO FOO < *> $211.92" 136405 05/17/93 $480.88 SCRUB -RITE PRODUCTS GFNERAL SUPPLIES 042993 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL < *> $480.98* 136406 05/17/93 $55 SEGNER, STEVE GENERAL SUPPLIES 1992 GENERAL(BILLIN GENERAL SUPPL .00 136407 05/17/93 $2,000.00* SGN CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 050793 GC CIP CIP COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, IP93, 10:04 PM Pe9e 22 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < *> $2,000.00* 136408.05/17/93 $100.00 SHEPARD JOHN PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> 5100.00* 136409 05/17/93 $33.04 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 4644 -7 MAINT OF COURS PAINT 7277 < *> $33.04* 136410 05/17/93 $469.00 SHIRLEY, TOM GENERAL SUPPLIES 051093 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL < *> $469.00* 136411 05/17/93 $73.64 SMEGAL, GREGORY MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 051093 FIRE DEPT. GEN MILEAGE 05/17/93 $61.88 SMEGAL, GREGORY CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 051093 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOL < *> $135.52* 136412 05/17/93 $2,375.00 SMITH, CATE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 050393 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $2,375.00* 136413 05/17/93 $184.00 SMITH, CECELIA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 051193 - ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCR <*> $184.00* 136414 05/17/93 $1,198.13 SOCCER EXPRESS USA GENERAL SUPPLIES E043093- FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL 6553 < *> $1,198.13* 136415 05/17/93 $12,290.10 SOKKIA MEASURING SYS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 105785 ENGINEERING GE EQUIP REPLACE 7488 < *> $12,290.10* 136416 05/17/93 $100.00 SOUND ADVISE CONSULT CONTRACTED REPAIRS 042393 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS 05/17/93 $62.50 SOUND ADVISE CONSULT CONTRACTED REPAIRS APRIL 23 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS < *> $162.50* 136417 05/17/93 $188.90 SOUND PRODUCTS INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 11189 CLUB HOUSE CONTR REPAIRS 7472 < *> 5188.90* 136418 05/17/93 $3,225.00 SOUTH HENNEPIN REGIO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 042793 SOUTH HENNEPIN PROF SERVICES < *> $3,225.00* 136419 05/17/93 $122.10 SOUTHHAM BUSINESS CO ADVERTISING LEGAL CPCO2482 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L < *> $122.10* 136420 05/17%93 $9,065.20 SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE 05/17/93 5102.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI YORK /APR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $156.55 SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 50TH /APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 53,148.80 SOUTHSIDE DISTR. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 50TH /APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF ODS BE < *> $12,470.35* 136421 05/17/93 $570.56 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2015463 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 6658 05/17/93 $45.03 SPS GENERAL SUPPLIES 2027449 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL 7126 05/17/93 $57.67 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2028562 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 7205 05/17/93 $71.93 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2029692 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 7300 05/17/93 - $31.44 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2030254 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 7313 05/17/93 $236.77 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2030255 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 7313 05/17/93 -S8.41 $14.46 SPS SPS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 2031332 2031330 BUILDING MAINT BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 7313 05/17/93 05/17/93 $22.81 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2031329 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 7313 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PH pa Al CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM '`:osjkc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,042.26• 136422 05/17/93 $$ 125.00A 125.00 ST CLOUD AREA CVB CONFERENCES SCHOOLS 042893 COMMUNICATIONS CONE SCHOOL 136423 05/17/93 $855.00 STAR TRIBUNE PRINTING 043093 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 05/17/93 $940.90 STAR TRIBUNE PROFESSIONAL SERV A 043093 CENT SVC GENER PRO SVC AUDIT $1,795.90, 136424 05/17/93 $43.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 51-3100- ADMINISTRATION PROF SERVICES ,c"> $43.00* 136425 05/17/93 $25.00 STATE OF MN/DEPT OF CHEMICALS 050793 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS $25.00* 136426 05/17/93 $156.30 STEMPF AUTOMOTIVE IN REPAIR PARTS 7367400 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7111 $156.30* 136427 05/17/93 $45.49 STREICHERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 61513.1 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 05/17/93 $31.34 STREICHERS AMMUNITION 63365.1 POLICE DEPT. 0 AMMUNITION 8703 05/17/93 $261.34.51 * STREICHERS REPAIR PARTS 65537.1 ST LIGHTING RE REPAIR PARTS 7310 S338 136428 05/17/93 $1,042.42 STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 043093 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 05/17/93 $2 600.05 STROAR-ROSCOE-FAUSH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 043093-0 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 05/17/93 1853.64 STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 043093-1 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 136429 05/17/93 $171.59 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 184760 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 05/17/93 $7.20 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 184688 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 05/17/93 $240.18 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 184818 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 05/17/93 $225.21 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 184869 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS $644.18* 136430 05/17/93 $33.56 SUPERAMERICA GASOLINE 0190533 EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE (A> $33.56* 136431 05/17/93 $25.78 SUTPHEN CORP REPAIR PARTS 62946 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6813 $25.784 136432 05/17/93 $100.00 SWANSON HAROLD PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 5100.00" 136433 05/17/93 $1,351.71 SYSCO MN COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 042993 GRILL CST OF.GD.FOO 05/17/93 il4g.76 SYSCO MN GENERAL SUPPLIES 042993 GRILL GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $75.49 SYSCO MN CLEANING SUPPLIES 042993 GRILL CLEANING SUPP 05/17/93 $44.98 SYSCO MN COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 050193 GRILL CST OF OD FOO $1.621.94* 136434 05/17/93 $70.99 TAPE DIST OF MN GENERAL SUPPLIES 25210 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 7186 0) $70.99* 130435 05/17/93 $168.00 TC MUSICIANS UNION PROFESSIONAL SVC - OT 040593 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 755i $168.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAi 12, 1993, 10:04 PM page 24 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136436 05/17/93 $83.25 TESSMAN SEED INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 7500 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL <•> $83.25" 136437 05/17/93 $27.03 THE DRAWING BOARD GENERAL SUPPLIES 6982182 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL 6544 <•> $27.03" 136438 05/17/93 $4,071.33 THE HOWE COMPANY FERTILIZER I746042 CENTENNIAL LAK FERTILIZER 6859 < -> $4,071.33- 136439 05/17/93 $111.00 THE KANE SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4718585 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES 7548 <*> $111.00" 136440 05/17/93 $451.56 THE PRINT SHOP GENERAL SUPPLIES 21321 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPL 7156 < *> $451.56* 136441 05/17/93 $14,787.84 THOMSEN- NYBECK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 72935 LEGAL SERVICES PROF SERVICES < *> 514,787.84* 136442 05/17/93 $370.80 THORPE DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI VERNON /A VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $10,677.85 THORPE DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE VERNON /A VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE < *> $11,048.65- 136443 05/17/93 $222.48 TOLL COMPANY REPAIR PARTS 218387 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 7057 c *> $222.48* 136444 05/17/93 $480.00 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 2712 POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS < *> $480.00* 136445 05/17/93 $3.00 TRANSWORLD SYSTEMS I AMBULANCE FEES 051193 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE < *> $3.00* 136446 05/17/93 $230.89 TURF SUPPLY FERTILIZER 042388 CENTENNIAL LAK FERTILIZER 7238 05/17/93 $115.23 TURF SUPPLY FERTILIZER 042278 FIELD MAINTENA FERTILIZER 7034 05/17/93 $273.89 TURF SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 042177 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 7081 05/17/93 $22.37 TURF SUPPLY FERTILIZER 042538 FIELD MAINTENA FERTILIZER 7034 05/17/93 $489.58 TURF SUPPLY FERTILIZER 042572 FIELD MAINTENA FERTILIZER , 7036 05/17/93 $475.73 TURF SUPPLY WEED SPRAY 042759 GENERAL TURF C WEED SPRAY < *> $1,607.69* 136447 05/17/93 $63.11 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI VERNON/A VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI 05/17/93 $43.91 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 50TH /APR 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI < *> 5107.02* 136448 05/17/93 $47.90 TWIN CITY SAW SERVIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 5503 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 7064 c *> S47.90* 136449 05/17/93 $1,344.20 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 051093 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 05/17/93 $61.96 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 051093, ANIMAL CONTROL UNIF ALLOW 05/17/93 - $94.00 UNIFORM UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 051093 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW c *> $1,312.16* 136450 05/17/93 $71.83 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 70SI 681 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL 7059 05/17/93 $4 803.15 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 67DI 936 COLONY WAY LIG EQUIP REPLACE 6300 05/17/93 1650.66 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 67DI 937 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 6805 05/17/93 $130.64 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 67SI 235 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPL 7195 To COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED. MAY 12, 1993, 10:04 PM Pa9. 25 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. 8 ----------------------------------------a------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136450 05/17/93 $4,756.29 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 07DI 938 STREET REVOLVI REPAIR PARTS 6518 05/17/93 $36.00 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 67SI 236 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 7295 < "> $10,448.57" 136451 05/17/93 $25.60 US WEST CELLULAR DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 041093 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCR 05/17/93 $20.72 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 050193 PARKING MONITO TELEPHONE < "> $46.32• 136452 05/17/93 $53.78 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, DARE TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $4 472.21 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 05/17/93 1173.07 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, ART CENTER BLD TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $85.89 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE f, 05/17/93 $44.96 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $502.97 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $63.59 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, MAINT OF COORS TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $53.60 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, POOL OPERATION TELEPHONE ' 05/17/93 $237.92 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, ARENA BLDG /GRO TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $72.14 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, GUN RANGE TELEPHONE 05/17/_93 $50.52 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, CENTENNIAL LAK TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $53.78 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 05/17/93 $142.10 US WEST COMM. TELEPHONE MAY 17, VERNON OCCUPAN TELEPHONE < "> $6,006.53" 136453 05/17/93 $22.90 US WEST PAGING TELEPHONE 05008282 PARK MAINTENAN TELEPHONE < "> $22.90" 136454 05/17/93 $383.80 VAN 0 LITE INC REPAIR PARTS 55535 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7140 < "> $363.80" 138455 05/17/93 $193.88 VAN PAPER CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 450715 GRILL GENERAL SUPPL„ Y 05/17/93 $115.50 VAN PAPER CO. CLEANING SUPPLIES 450715 GRILL CLEANING SUPP 05/17/93 $472.06 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 458214 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIE 7341 05/17/93 $97.30 VAN PAPER CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 458424 GRILL GENERAL SUPPL 05/17/93 $76.30 VAN PAPER CO. CLEANING SUPPLIES 458424 GRILL CLEANING SUPPL "% < "> $955.04* 136456 05/17/93 $106.93 VELDE, DAVID CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 051793 PUBLIC HEALTH CONF & SCHOOL < "> $106.93" 136457 05/17/93 $323.23 VESSCO REPAIR PARTS 3321 WATER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 7036 05/17/93 $30.43 VESSCO GENERAL SUPPLIES 3387 WATER TREATMEN GENERAL SUPPL 7206 $353.66" 136458 05/17/93 $278.27 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 223092 CLUB HOUSE REPAIR PARTS 7215 'f {. $278.27* 136459 05/17/93 $1,878.66 VULCAN INC SIGNS & POSTS 3032145 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS 6410,�,;;x 136460 05/17/93 $23.78 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 498 -6141 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8968 05/17/93 $58.85 W W GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 495-2903 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL 7052 05/17/93 $35.08 W W GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 498 -6155 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL.7058 05/17/93 $237W W GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 498 -6162 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 7120 ■ c ' $355.22* To m 7 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAY 12, 1993. IV PM page 28 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VEAD' DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT -------------------------------------------- 136461 05/17/93 $7.64 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALSER AUI,-, SALi�'� IN REPAIR PARTS 10645 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS ....... 7130 (ok) S7.64* 136462 05/17/93 $100.00 WALSH WIL!rAM PERSONAL SERVICES ' MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES <A) sluu.004 136463 05/17/93 5262.00 WALT DIStlf-Y WORLP MINNESOTA SPLASH/EDIN 050593 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL $262.00* 136464 05/17/93 $60.00 WATSON, MARY REFUND PARK & REC 051193 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION 360.001 136465 05/17/93 $52.00 WERMERSKIPCHEN, GINI REGISTRATION FEES 050493 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION $52.00* 136466 05/17/93 $90.00 WERT, CArRICE SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 016308 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQU 4392 05/17/93 $90.00 WERT, CA1:110E SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 016309 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQU 4393 $180.001 136467 05/17/93 $61.82 WEST PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 3458 POLICE DEPT. G PHOTO SUPPLIE 7352 <*> $61.82* 136468 05/17/93 $494.00 WILLIAM 6 MONTAGUE C PRINTING 050593 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING <k> $494.00" 136469 05/17/93 $32.00 WINDHORN—LISA REGISTRATION FEES 050493 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION <1> $32.001 136470 05/17/93 . $2777 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY SOD & BLACK DIRT 82041 RANGE SOD & DIRT 7539 (*> $27.77A 136471 05/17/93 $100.00 WROBLESK'I-HENRY PERSONAL SERVICES MAY 1993 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES <*> $100.00* 136472 05/17/93 $782.45 XEROX CORP EQUIPMENT RENTAL 03731850 CENT SVC GENER EQUIP RENTAL (A> $782.45* 136473 05/17/93 $17.00 YOUNG, MARCIA REGISTRATION FEES 050493 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION $17.00* $927,622.201 COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY WED, MAY 12, 1993, 10:15 PM page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - FUND #. 10 $276,384.13 FUND t 11 $135.00 ' FUND # 12 $6,630.11 FUND # 15 $15,993.07 FUND # 23 $2,300.17 FUND # 26 $809.17 FUND # 27 $401,430.17 FUND # 28 $10,509.27 FUND # 29 $542.22 FUND # 30 $32,129.43 FUND # 40 $35,083.12 FUND # 41 $924.28 FUND # 42 $38,237.99 FUND # 50 $105,954.06 FUND # 60 $560.00 $927,622.20"