HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-19_BUDGET MEETINGA� City of Edina Department of Administration M6morandum July 19, 1993 To: Mayor Richards and Members of the City Council From: Hen Rosland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustments This memorandum and its attachments outline 1994 proposed budget assumptions and adjustments to be discussed at the 5:00 P.M., July 19, budget meeting. As in the past, we will use our computer model to view the effects of varying assumptions, and, as always, you are encouraged to explore how these, and other assumptions you may wish to propose, affect spending and taxes. How different spending decisions influence estimated residential, commercial and industrial taxes will be frequently displayed and monitored. For 1994, staff proposes 22 budget adjustments which are briefly described on the next few pages. Assumption scenarios 1, 2 and 3 follow the adjustments. July 19, 1993 1 of 6 f To: Mayon Richards and Members of the City Council From: Hen Rolland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustiments Proposed 1994 Budget Adjustments Revenue Decreases 1. INCOME ON INVEST We expect to receive $5,000 less interest on invest - ments due to lower interest rates. 2. COURT FINES In 1994, the city expects to receive about $5,000 less in court fines. These fines are unpredictable reve- nue sources which have varied widely in some years and are currently in a slight downward trend. I� 4 ABATHMNT We estimate that $100,000 may be added to the current $225,000 in taxes levied (and budgeted) for 1994 that will not actually be collected due to property appraisal abatements and consequences of the recession. Expenditure Adjustments 1. ELECTIONS Local and federal elections in 1994 are expected to cost about $45,000. 2. INSURANCE The City's liability and worker's compensation insurance includes the $35,000 increase approved by the council in early July. 3. COMP WORTH INCREASE Employees who have not reached their maximum salary levels as determined by the city's Comparable Worth Plan will receive step increases. July 19, 1993 2 of 6 To: Mayan Richards and Members of the City Council loam: Hen Rosland, City Manager aft Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustments Police Department 4. REAU M OFFICER In 1992, the council approved temporary staff reductions including one police officer position. These reductions were made to balance the 1992 budget with an eye toward restoring the positions when resources permitted. $40,000 would restore this position. 5. ADM1N ASST. $10,000 would bring to full-time a part-time admin- istrative position needed to assume clerical tasks currently performed by officers and detectives. 6. CRUAR PREV SPEC. $10,000, expected to be reimbursed by the Edina Crime Prevention Fund, would bring to full-time a $/4 -time crime prevention specialist. Scenarios 2 and 3 assume the Crime Prevention Fund fully reim- burses the General Fund for this upgrade. 7. Increases in time spent by officers in court and maintenance of minimum enforcement staffing levels will likely consume about $6,000 in additional overtime in 1994. 8. SEVERANCE $32,160 will fund unused vacation and severance packages for two 1994 retirements. 9. NEW EQUEACR 'r $22,700 would provide the following: • OPI`ICOM emitters: permit squads to control stop lights reducing collision risk • investigative equipment: video equipment to document interviews • uninterruptille power source: will protect data processing equipment and data • trsnscn`bers: needed when statements are tak- en simultaneously from many people, which is becoming more common July 190 1993 3 of 6 To: Mayor Richards and Members of the City Council From: Hen Rosland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptiome and Adjustments Fire Department 10. OVERTIME Overtime costs consistently exceed expectations due to an annual increase in medical runs by 5 -7%. $15,000 would reduce the difference between actual and anticipated costs. 11. FOCUS GROUP PRrOJ. Focus group interviews with fire department person- nel identified fitness and health, stress manage- ment, recall/callback procedures, fire suppression pre- planning and safety committee activities as areas to pursue in 1994. $22,000 would fully fund specific action in all identified areas. $15,000 would address those listed as most critical. 12. MEDIC STAFFING $12,000 would set up a system to reallocate existing personnel and equipment to reduce response times to the city's southeast quadrant, reduce the need to call in off -duty personnel, and increase availability of firefighting and paramedic services to this quad- rant while maintaining service levels elsewhere. 13. INSPECT BUREAU To increase the department's commitment to fire prevention through inspections and education, the following is proposed: • eliminate two firefighter positions • create two inspector positions • upgrade one inspector position to Lieutenant Estimated cost is $8,000. Public Works Department 14. RHAU TIL POS (1 OF 2) In 1992, the council approved temporary staff reductions including one street maintenance posi- tion, one engineering position, and a number of part- July 19, 1993 4 of 6 To: Mayor, Richards and Members of the City Council Froma: Kea Rowland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustments time street department positions. These reductions were made to balance the 1992 budget with an eye toward restoring the positions when resources permitted. Street maintenance is done by a team of Street Department and Park & Recreation Depart- ment employees and the effects of combined staff reductions are beginning to be seen. Because the system is aging, more and more maintenance will be required in a time when the department is unable to accomplish normal maintenance. Increasing num- bers of potholes are evidence of these difficulties. $40,000 would restore one of the full-time positions. Park & Recreation Department 15. REAUTH. POS (1 OF 2) In 1992, the council approved temporary staff reductions includingtwoparkmaintenance positions and a number of part -time park department posi- tions. These reductions were made to balance the 1992 budget with an eye toward restoring the positions when resources permitted. $40,000 would restore one of the full-time positions. Nil• 16. ADA UPGRADES To accomplish Phase 1 of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the city will pay approximately $25,000 in 1994. 17. HUMAN RELATIONS The commission has requested $2,600 to fund social services received from community agencies. The council will meet with the commission later this summer to review specific agency performance and spending in this category. July 19, 1993 5 of 6 To: Mayor Richards and Members of the City Council From: San Rosland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustments. 18. SHeRPA The Human Relations Commission and the South Hennepin Regional Planning Agency recommend an increase of $2,100 to cover operations costs. 19. COAGUSSION DINNER $1,000 will fund the previously unfunded council dinner to recognize appointed board and commission members. 20. FLE% PLAN INC. -$40 To reduce disparities with programs offered by other Twin Cities metro cities, a $40 per month per employee increase in the city's contribution is proposed. Total cost would be $93,120 21. CONTINGENCIES Currently 0.4% of the general fund budget is re- served for contingencies. $25,000 would provide a more prudent 0.6%. 22. I-494 JPO The joint powers agreement among Edina, Richfield, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka and Bloomington govern- ing the study of options to improve I-494 requires the city to pay $4,600 (a rate of 10it per resident) in 1994. July 19, 1993 6of6 r 1 9 9 4 SCENARIO USED TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES TAX DOLLARS HACA DOLLARS HACA ADJUSTED LEVY TAX DOLLAR INCRSE INCREASE TAX $ EXPENDITURE INCREASE B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - S U M M A R Y- ACTUAL —BUDGET BUDGET 1992 1993 1994 1 13,430,056 14,696,815 15,734,409 14,348,109 14,471,815 15,509,409 10,186,860 11,325,115 12,262,327 274,437 900,000 980,000 9,825,625 10,065,115 10,922,327 484,967 1,138,255 937,212 2.38% 8.52% 4.52 °s 6.41% * - ASSUMES LOSS DUE TO ABATEMENTS OF $225,000 I f i 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D E X P E N D I T U R E S- ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE 1994 SALARIES 7,589,463 7,765,250 2.00% 7,920,555 CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 1,796,526 1,801,720 3.50% 1,864,780 COMMODITIES 581,180 732,255 3.50 %; 757,884 CENTRAL SERVICES 2,974,346 3,094,432 2.00°s 3,156,321 EQUIPMENT 623,503 1,078,158 * 3.75% 1,118,589 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 691.280 13,565,018 14,471,815 6.4101; 15,509,409 * - Includes Reserve Rebuild t INCREASE BUDGET 93 6.4116 Y 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D R E V E N U E S - ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE 1994 TAXES 10,293,161 11,350,115 * 12,287,327 FEES,LIC,PERMITS,ETC. 1,531,705 1,606,100 6.25% 1,706,481 ENTERPRISE /COURT 1,298,162 1,237,500 .00% 1,237,500. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AID 522.483 503.100 .00°s 503.100 TOTAL REVENUES 13,645,511 14,696,815 7.06% 15,734,409 * Includes loss due to abatements of $225,000 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - RE V , E. -_. _..__._..._._ N:, U. E D I .._. .. _... S T R +'I, B U T :' I, .0: -N _.� ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1992 1993 - 1994 TAXES 75.43% _ 77.23?s 78.09°% FEES, LIC, PERMITS, ETC_.: ;; 11.22% 10.'93% 10.85% :i; �T'.>�•i��. . - _ F�Rt , ._ ENTERPRISE/ COURT 9.51k, 8 .42. %, i, 7.86% INTERGOVT AID 3.83?C 3.42°% 3.20% }• a _ 100.00% 1- 00.00 %. 100.00% �^ ?� - P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N S- NEW PROGRAMS -94 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 REVENUE DECREASES: 0 6. CRIME PREV SPEC. 1. INCOME ON INVEST 5,000 5,000 5,000 2. COURT FINES 5,000 5,000 5,000 3. 94 ADDTL ABATEMNT 100,0.00 - 100,000 1.0 -0,000 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTT4ENTS: - 1. ELECTIONS 45,000 2. INSURANCE 35,000 3. COMP WORTH INCREASE 90,000 POLICE DEPT: 45,000 45,000 35,000 35,000 90,000 90,000 4. REAUTH. OFFICER 40,000 40,000 40,000 5. ADMIN ASST 10,000 0 0 6. CRIME PREV SPEC. 10,000 _ 0 0 7. OVERTIME 6,000 6,000 6,000 8. SEVERANCE 32.160 0 0 PAGE 1 SUBTOTAL 378.160 326,000 326.000 -,P R 0.P 0 S E D A D J U S T M E N T S- PAGE - 2 - 'SCENARIO' -I:- - 'SCENARIO._ 2 - -,___ -- .SCENARIO 3 POLICE CONT' D 9. NEW EQUIPMENT 22,700 20,000,..- ' . 20,000 - . FIRE DEPT. 10. OVERTIME 15,000 15, 000 -, 15j000 + ,. ra. - 11. FOCUS GROUP PROD., 22,000 15,000 - 15,000 Z,r_ 12. MEDIC STAFFING 12,000 12,000 12,000 13. INSPECT- BUREAU - - 8, -000. 8,000 8,000 PUBLIC WORKS: 14. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 401.000 40,000 40,000 PARKS 15 . REAUTH. POS (1 OF 2) 40. 000 - - - - . 0 0 PAGE 2 SUBTOTAL 159.700 110,000 110.000 - P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S- PAGE - 3 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 OTHER: .- 16. ADA UPGRADES 25,000 25,000 25,000 17. HUMAN RELATIONS 2,600 2,600 2,600 18. SHERPA 2,100 - 2,100:' 2,100 19. COMMISSION DINNER 1,000 1,000 1,000 20. FLEX PLAN INC -$40 93,120 93,120 93,120 21. CONTINGENCIES 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 22. I -494 JPO 4,600: 4,600- - 4,-600=- TOT BUDG ADJUSTMENTS - 589,420 ° - 691,280- - -589,420- EFFECTS ON RESIDENTIAL HOMES APPROXIMATE_ 1993 CITY TAXES EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 DIFFERENCE EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES' MKT. VALUE TAXES 94 -93 $158,252 $369 $163,000 $425 $56 $250,000 $646 $257,500 $741 $500,000 $1,401 $515,000 $1,602 $202 EFFECTS ON COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 DIFFERENCE EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES 94 -93 $500,000 $3,547 $450,000 $3,462 ($84) SCENARIO -USED 1 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S S U M M A R Y- ACTUAL_ BUDGET BUDGET 1992 1993 .1994 SCENARIO USED 2 TOTAL REVENUES 13,430,056 14,696,815 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14,348,109 14,471,815 TAX DOLLARS 10,186,860 11,325,115 HACA DOLLARS 274,437 900,000 :=CA ADJUSTED LEVY 9,825,625 .- 10,065,115 �X DOLLAR INCRSE 484,967 1,138,255 INCREASE TAX $ 2.38% EXPENDITURE INCREASE 4.52% * - ASSUMES LOSS DUE TO ABATEMENTS OF $225,000 15,632,549 15,407,549 12,160,467 980,000 10,820,467 835,352 7.50% 5.7Vk %, - 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S P R O P O S E D E X P E N D I T U R E S ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE 1994 SALARIES 7,589,463 7,765,250 2.00% 7,920,555 CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 1,796,526 1,801,720 3.50% 1,864,780 COMMODITIES 581,180 732,255 3.50% 757,884 CENTRAL SERVICES 2,974,346 3,094,432 2.00°% 3,156,321 EQUIPMENT 623,503 1,078,158 * 3.75% 1,118,589 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 589.420 13,565,018 14,471,815 5.71% 15,407,549 * - Includes Reserve Rebuild % INCREASE BUDGET 93 5.71% C: i/ 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P.0 S E D R E V E N U E S - ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE . 1994 TAXES 10,293,161 11,350,115 * 12,185,467 FEES,LIC,PERMITS,ETC. 1,531,705 1,606,100 6.25% 1,706,481, ENTERPRISE /COURT 1,298,162 1,237,500 .00% 1,237,500 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AID 522.483 503.100 .00% 503.100 TOTAL REVENUES 13,645,511. 14,696,815 6.37% 15,632,549 t Includes loss due to abatements of $225,000 f ,IJ 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S E X P E N D I T U R E D I S T R I B U T I 0 N- ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1992 .,1993 1994 SALARIES 55.95% 53.66% 51.41% CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 13.24% 12.45% 12.10% `COMMODITIES 4.2816 5.0616 4.92% CENTRAL SERVICES 21.93°% 21.38% 20.49% EQUIPMENT 4.60% 7.45°% 7.2616 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 3.83% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 1 9:. 9 4 B' U jD G .E- -'T- A; S; S U 'W.P :T- ,I .O ,N S' - R E V Ell'. N U, 'E D I. S T R I B U - T 1 .N - ACTUAL `' BUDGETED 'PROPOSED ' 1992` 1993 T 1994 .i_ TAXES' _. - 75,.43 % - .77 - . 77. 95$ FEES, LIC, PERMITS, ETC. 11.22% ENTERPRISE /COURT' 9.51 °s 8.42% a 7 92°s RC .r 0,v� - INTERGOVT AID- _� - T3.,..8.3g.: _3 42% - - r- - 3 -22°s - - — 100.00 '- Ui te100.00% e,., .... i T- P R O P O: S E D A.- D J U S :.T M- E7-N.:=-T. S NEW PROGRAMS -94 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 REVENUE DECREASES: 1. INCOME ON INVEST ._. 5, 0 0 0 - 5,000 5,000 2. COURT FINES 5,000 5,000 5,000 3. 94 ADDTL ABATEMNT`y _- 100;000 `100;000 - -' 100,000 EXPENDITURE ADJUS 1NTS: 1. ELECTIONS 45,000` 45,000 45,000 2. INSURANCE - 35,000 35,000 35,000 -. 3. COMP WORTH INCREASE 90,000 90,000 90,000 POLICE DEPT: 4. REAUTH. OFFICER 40,000% 40,000.- 40;000 5. ADMIN ASST 10,000 0 0 6. CRIME PREV SPEC. 10,000 0 0 7. OVERTIME 6,000 6,000 6,000 8. SEVERANCE 32,160 0 0 PAGE 1 SUBTOTAL 378,160 326,000 326,000 P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S- PAGE - 2 -- SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 POLICE CONT'D 9. NEW EQUIPMENT 22,700 20,000 20,000 FIRE DEPT. 10. OVERTIME 15,000 15,000 15,000 : 11. FOCUS GROUP PROD. 22,000 15,000 15,000 12. MEDIC STAFFING 12,000 12,000 12,000 13. INSPECT BUREAU 8,000 8,000 8,000, PUBLIC WORKS: . 14. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 40,000 40,000 40,000 PARKS: - - 15. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 40,000 0 0 PAGE 2 SUBTOTAL 159,700 110.000 110,000 P R 0.POSED A D J U S.T M E N-T S- PAGE - 3 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 OTHER: 16. ADA UPGRADES 25,000 25,000 25,000 17. HUMAN RELATIONS 2,600 2,600 2,600 18. SHERPA 2,100 2,100 2,100 19. COMMISSION DINNER 1,000 1,000, 1,000 20. FLEX PLAN INC -$40 93,120 93,120 93,120 21. CONTINGENCIES 25,000 25,000 25,000 22. I -494 JPO 4,600. 4,600 4,600 - TOT BUDG ADJUSTMENTS- 691,280 -" - C89,420 589,420 -71i4 /f3 EFFECTS ON RESIDENTIAL HOMES APPROXIMATE 1993 CITY TAXES EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES $158,252 $369 $163,000 $418 $250,000 $646 $257,500 $728 $500,000 $1,401 $515,000 $1,575 EFFECTS ON COMMERCIAL PROPERTY EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES $500,000 $3,547 $500,000 $3,782 $500,000 $3,547 $475,000 $3,298 $500,000 $3,547 $450,000 $2,790 SCENARIO USED DIFFERENCE 94 -93 $49 $83 $175 DIFFERENCE 94 -93 $235 ($249) ($756) 2 I DIFFERENCE 94 -93 $52 $88 $187 DIFFERENCE 94 -93 ($117) 2 e e- f� -7 ��3 �Ee-'' EFFECTS ON RESIDENTIAL HOMES APPROXIMATE 1993 CITY TAXES EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES $158,252 $369 $163,000— $421 $250,000 $646 $257,500 $734 $500,000 $1,401 $515,000 $1•,587 EFFECTS ON COMMERCIAL PROPERTY EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES $500,000 $3,547 $450,000, $3,430 SCENARIO USED I DIFFERENCE 94 -93 $52 $88 $187 DIFFERENCE 94 -93 ($117) 2 e e- f� -7 ��3 �Ee-'' 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - S U M M A R Y- ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1992 1993 1994 SCENARIO USED 3 TOTAL REVENUES 13,430,056 14,696,815 15,523,952 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14,348,109 14,471,815 15,298,952 TAX DOLLARS 10,186,860 11,325,115 12,051,871 HACA DOLLARS 274,437 900,000 980,000 HACA ADJUSTED LEVY 9,825,625 • 10,065,115 10,711,871 TAX DOLLAR INCRSE 484,967 1,138,255 726,756 INCREASE TAX $ 2.38% 6.43% EXPENDITURE INCREASE 4.52% 4.9606 * - ASSUMES LOSS DUE TO ABATEMENTS OF $225,000 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D E X P E N D I T U R E S- ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP 6 PROPOSED 1992 .1993 INCRSE 1994 SALARIES 7,589,463 7,765,250 1.006 7,842,903 CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 1,796,526 1,801,720 3.506 1,864,780 COMMODITIES 581,180 732,255 3.506 757,884 CENTRAL SERVICES 2,974,346 3,094,432 1.006 3,125,376 EQUIPMENT 623,503 1,078,158 * 3.756 1,118,589 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 13,565,018 * - Includes Reserve Rebuild 14,471,815 4.966 6 INCREASE BUDGET 93 589,420 15,298,952 4.966 6 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D R E V E N U E S - ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE 1994 TAXES 10,293,161 11,350,115 * 12,076,871 FEES,LIC,PERMITS,ETC. 1,531,705 1,606,100 6.250-6 1,706,481 ENTERPRISE /COURT 1,298,162 1,237,500 .00% 1,237,500 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AID 522,483 503,100 .00% 503,100 TOTAL REVENUES 13,645,511 14,696,815 5.63% 15,523,952 * Includes loss due to abatements of $225,000 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S E X P E N D I T U R E D I S T R I B U T I O N- SALARIES CONTRACTUAL SVCS. COMMODITIES CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1992 1993 1994 55.95!% 53.66% 51.26% 13.240 12.4506 12.1901 4.2806 5.0606 4.956 21.936 21.3806 20.43% 4.60% 7.45% 7.3106 3.850 100.000 100.00°% 100.00% y 0 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S R E V E N U E D I S T R I B U T I 0 N- ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1992 1993 1994 TAXES 75.43% 77.23% 77.80% FEES,LIC,PERMITS,ETC. 11.22% 10.93 °s 10.9906 ENTERPRISE /COURT 9.51% 8.420 7.9706 INTERGOVT AID 3.83 %. 3.42% 3.240 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S NEW PROGRAMS -94 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 REVENUE DECREASES: 1. INCOME ON INVEST 5,000 5,000 5,000 2. COURT FINES 5,000 .5,000 5,000 3. 94 ADDTL ABATEMNT 100,000 100,000 100,000 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS: 1. ELECTIONS 45,000 45,000 45,000 2. INSURANCE 35,000 35,000 35,000 3. COMP WORTH INCREASE 90,000 90,000 90,000 POLICE DEPT: 4. REAUTH. OFFICER 40,000 40,000 40,000 5. ADMIN ASST 10,000 _ 0 0 6. CRIME PREV SPEC. 10,000 0 0 7. OVERTIME 6,000 6,000 6,000 8. SEVERANCE 32,160 0 0 PAGE 1 SUBTOTAL 378,160 326,000 326,000 S-W S ° p ID i J 0 P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S - PAGE - 2 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 POLICE CONT'D 9. NEW EQUIPMENT 22,700 20,000FK 20,000 FIRE DEPT. 10. OVERTIME 15;000 15,000 PK 15,000 11. FOCUS GROUP PROJ . 22,000 15 , 0 0 0 7,' 10 FK' 15,000 12. MEDIC STAFFING 12,000 12,000--- 12,000 13. INSPECT BUREAU 8,000 8,000--- 8,000 PUBLIC WORKS: 14. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 40,000 40,000 40,000 PARKS: 15. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 40,000 0 0 PAGE 2 SUBTOTAL 159,700 110,000 110,000 3 - P R O P O S E D A D-J U S T M E N T S - PAGE - 3 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 OTHER: 16. ADA UPGRADES 25,000 25,000 '��' 25,000 17. HUMAN RELATIONS 2,600 2,600 2,600 18. SHERPA 2,100 2,100 2,100 19.'COMMISSION DINNER 1,000 1,000 1,000 20. FLEX PLAN INC -$40 93,120 93,120 93,120 21. CONTINGENCIES 25,000 25,000 FR' 25,000 22. I -494 JPO 4,600 4,600 4,600 TOT BUDG ADJUSTMENTS 691,280 589,420 589,420 ------ - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------------ ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- i EFFECTS ON RESIDENTIAL HOMES APPROXIMATE 1993 CITY TAXES EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 DIFFERENCE EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES 94 -93' $158,252 $369 $163,000 $417 $48 $250,000 $646 $257,500 $727 $81 $500,000 $1,401 $515,000 $1,571 $171 EFFECTS ON COMMERCIAL PROPERTY EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 DIFFERENCE EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES 94 -93 $500,000 $3,547 $450,000 $3,396 ($151) SCENARIO USED 3 COMPARISON OF CITY EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS FOR BENEFITS MONTHLY EMPLOYER MONTHLY CITY CONTRIBUTION CITY EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION :RANGE R14NGE 1. Hopkins $290.00 - $528.80 _23. Fridley $295.00 2. S. St. Paul $290.20- $503.25 24. Woodbury $294.63 3. Plymouth $346.20 - $494.00 25. Stillwater $293.54 4. Champlin $406.49- $423.50 26. West St. Paul $290.00 5. Bloomington $396.01 - $412.77 27. Roseville $290.00 6. N. St. Paul $245.00 - $362.66 28. Cottage Grove $280.00 7. Prior Lake $361.49 29. White Bear Lk. $275.00 8. Maplewood $338.30- $357.27 30. Eden Prairie $272.80 9. Minnetonka $277.00 - $338.00 31. Andover $271.70 10. Richfield $309 -55- $333.68 32. Chaska $270.00 11. St. Louis Park $310.85- $330.00 33. Ramsey $265.00 12. Robbinsdale $260.00- $320.00 34. Brooklyn Park $265.00 13. Lakeville $312.77 - $317.71 35. Shoreview $265.00 14. Eagan $305.32- $314.52 36. Crystal $261.60 15. Golden Valley $286.00 - $314.00 37. Maple Grove $260.00 16. Inver Grove Hts. $310.00 38. Columbia Hts. $260.00 17. Brooklyn Center $301.70 39. Anoka $260.00 18. Savage $275.00- $300.65 X140 Edma =. $250 00 $260,'x0 19. Apple Valley $300.00 41. Burnsville $255.00 20. Moundsview $300.00 42. Blaine $250.00 21. New Brighton $300.00 43. Oakdale $250.00 22. New Hope $300.00 44. Coon Rapids $230.00 y ANALYSIS OF HEALTH CARE COSTS Summary over seven years: • Salary has increased 3.1% per year • Premium hasincreased 49.7% • Cost to City has increased 40.0% • Cost to employee increased 64.10% *1987 to 1993 10.73 of premium shifted from City to employees - 1987 City paid 70.03% of premium, 1993 City paid 59.3% of premium * 1987 average employee earned $23,168.00 gross wages and paid average annual premium of $744.00 or 3.6% of annual gross. * 1993 average employee earned $30,326.89 and paid average annual premium of $2062.60 or 6.8% of annual average gross. J % OF CHANGE HEALTH 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 +OR( -) OVER 5 YRS PROVIDER % of Prem. % of Prem. % of Prem. % of Prem. % of Prem. % of Prem. % of Prem. PREMIUM 46.2% PHP 232.02 235.65 279.42 312.82 353.32 412.82 430.92 CITY 40.4% CITY PAID 150.00 64.6% 160.00 67.9% 170.00 60.8% 180.00 57.5% 210.00 59.4% 240.00* *58.1% 250.00 58.0% EMPLOYEE 54.7% EMPLOYEE PAID 82.02 35.4% 75.69 32.1% 109.42 39.2% 132.82 42.5% 143.32 40.5% 172.82 41.9% 180.92 42.0% PREMIUM 52.6% MEDCENTERS 207.10 247.62 304.65 339.52 370.52 402.67 437.25 CITY 40.0% CITY PAID 150.00 72.4% 160.00 64.6% 170.00 55.8% 180.00 53.0% 210.00 56.7% 240.00 59.6% 250.00 57.2% EMPLOYEE 69.5% EMPLOYEE PAID 57.10 27.6% 87.62 35.4% 134.65 44.2% 159.52 47.0% 160.52 43.3% 162.67 40.4% 187.25 42.8% PREMIUM 50.4% GROUP HEALTH 197.10 218.72 268.12 304.03 334.78 370.08 397.48 CITY 40.0% CITY PAID 150.0 76.1% 160.00 73.2% 170.00 63.4% 180.00 59.2% 210.00 62.7% 240.00 64.9% 250.00 62.9% EMPLOYEE 68.1% EMPLOYEE PAID 47.10 23.9% 58.72 26.8% 98.12 36.6% 124.03 40.8% 124.78 37.3% 130.08 35.1% 147.48 37.1% Summary over seven years: • Salary has increased 3.1% per year • Premium hasincreased 49.7% • Cost to City has increased 40.0% • Cost to employee increased 64.10% *1987 to 1993 10.73 of premium shifted from City to employees - 1987 City paid 70.03% of premium, 1993 City paid 59.3% of premium * 1987 average employee earned $23,168.00 gross wages and paid average annual premium of $744.00 or 3.6% of annual gross. * 1993 average employee earned $30,326.89 and paid average annual premium of $2062.60 or 6.8% of annual average gross. J rp CITY OF EAGAN - 681 -4600 - Virginia - If an employee has been there more than 5 years, 1/2 of their sick leave is cashed out - no cap. Also if an employee has been there more than 5 years and has a balance of more than 160 hrs of sick leave, it can be used for wellness activities such as smoking cessation classes, etc. also if those criteria are met, it can be cashed in at 100% to pay for wellness activities, cashed in at 50% to pay for health insurance, cashed in-at 50% to purchase deferred comp. CITY OF ROSEVILLE - 490 -2200 - Laura - When an employee retires they cash out 1/2 of their accumulated sick leave, maximum of 30 days. CITY OF RICHFIELD - 861 -97.00 - Melani_e Alt - They have personal leave instead of sick leave which can be used for sick and other than sick activities. This personal leave can be cashed out upon leaving the- City at 100% but 160 hrs max. CITY OF BURNSVILLE - 895 -4400 - Sue - Once an employee reaches a max of 480 hrs, 1/2 of the 8 hrs a month of sick leave earned is banked for wellness time. Wellness is defined as city sponsored exercise, health seminars, aerobic classes, etc. CITY OF BLAINE - 784 - 6700 - Laurie - Sick leave -is cashed in upon termination only. After 10 yrs, 40% and after 15 yrs 50 %. Cap on sick lv accumulated is 960 hrs, after that it is lost. CITY OF BROOKLYN PARK - 424 -8000 - Brenda - After 720 hrs are accumulated, it automatically is split to 1/2 vacation and 1/2 sick time if the employee chooses. If the employee leaves in good standing, 1/2 can be cashed in as cash. CITY OF COON RAPIDS - 755 -2880 - Germaine - When an employee leaves in good standing and has been employed for more than 3 yrs, they get 1/3 of sick time as severance pay up to a cap of 960 hrs. CITY OF PLYMOUTH - 550 -5000 - Bobby Lightner - New program as of 7 -3 -93 - the employee is now given a certain amount of annual leave. This may be used for sick, vacation, dr appt, whatever they chose. When they leave they can cash this out a 100% with a cap of 240 hrs. Old employees can either chose -this new program or stay on the old one, they were given a one time choice. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON - 881 - 5811 - Karen - Employees have vacation time and personal leave time. When they leave, they can cash in their personal time at 100% with no cap. CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK - 924 -2500 - Paula - When leaving after 10 yrs you can get 1/3 of your sick leave cashed out with a cap of 320 hrs. After 160 hrs have accrued, you can use your sick lv for wither attending a fitness program or convert it into cash to pay for fitness program., Spouse and children are also eligible. CITY OF MINNETONKA - 939 -8200 - Betty - If an employee leaves after 10 yrs or more ONLY because of retirement, disability or the position is eliminated, they get the greater of: 1) 4 wks pay and 1 additional wk pay for each yr of service or, 2) 1/3 accumulated sick leave. It is rare that the employee gets the sick leave. CITY OF LAKEVILLE - 469 -4431 - Cindy - Upon leaving after 5 yrs you get 35% of sick leave, 10 yrs 45%, 15 yrs 55% up to 960 hrs max. The police union has the same benefits, but no cap. CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY - When you leave employment and have 5 yrs of service, you can cash out 1/3 of sick leave to a max of 264 hrs cash. CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE - Part of the severance pkg is % of sick lv hrs on the books depending on yrs of service - cap of 800 hrs: After 5 yrs, 22%; 6 yrs, 25%; 7 yrs, 28%; 8 yrs, 31%; 9 yrs, 34%; 10 yrs, 37%; 11 yrs, 40%; 12 yrs, 43%; 14 yrs, 49%; 15 + yrs, 52%. CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER - 569 -3300 - Pat - Upon leaving, after 5 consecutive years of employment an employee may receive 1/3 of their sick leave, cap of 200 hrs - they would receive payment for 66 hrs. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY - 431 -8800 - Lynn Boland - Upon leaving, after 10 years of employment, an employee can receive cash for 1/3 of sick leave on the books, cap of 1440 hrs - they would recive payment for 480 hrs. - 2 - CITY AVERAGE SALARY Burnsville Minnetonka Roseville St. Louis Park Golden Valley Brooklyn Park Bloomington Brooklyn Center Eden Prairie Richfield Edina $40,742.00 38,720.00 38,508.00 37,978.00 37,646.00, 37,411.00 37,370.00 36,675.00 36,171.00 35,883.00 35,384.00 TOTAL PERCENT OF INCREASE 1989 - 1993 17.40% 16.50 24.27 18.50 17.50 18.00 16.88 16.90 17.50 17.50 17.00