HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-19_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL JULY 19, 1993 7:00 P.N. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA - Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of HRA Meeting of July 6, 1993 II. KUNZ OIL /LEWIS ENGINEERING PROPERTY APPRAISAL III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATION - Ella Terry Day I. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Rezoning - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District - 5332 France Avenue So B. Conditional Use Permit - To Allow Construction of Clubhouse at Normandale Golf Course - City of Edina C. Preliminary Plat Avvroval - Willards Knoll Addition - Part of Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 194 II. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS III. AWARD OF BIDS * A. lister Tower Cleaning, Repairing and Painting (Southdale) * B. Change Order - Normandale Golf Course * C. Chevy S -10 Pick -up with Extended Cab Agenda /Edina City Council July 19, 1993 Page two IV. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Country Club Traffic Study Report * B. Approval of Traffic Safety Staff Report Mon C. Report on Community Education Services Board Governance Policy Regular D. Park Board Appointment 7:00 E. Reappointment - The Edina Foundation * F. Approval of 3.2 Beer License - MN Recreation A Park Association Regular G. 1994 League of Women Voters Family Field Trip to City Hall * H. Feasibility Report - Alley on Q. 64th Street and Xerxes Avenue Tues I. Hennepin County Ground Water Plan Regular J. Legislative Updates V. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES VI. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL VII. i MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS * A. Response Letter - Auditor's Recommendations VIII. FINANCE * A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 07/14/93 Total: $2,844,547.42 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Mon Aug 2 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Aug 16 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Tues Sept 7 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Sept 20 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers v City of Edina Department of Administration Memorandum July 19, 1993 To: Mayor Richards and Members of the City Council From: Ken Rosland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustments This memorandum and its attachments outline 1994 proposed budget assumptions and adjustments to be discussed at the 5:00 P.M., July 19, budget meeting. As in the past, we will use our computer model to view the effects of varying assumptions, and, as always, you are encouraged to explore how these, and other assumptions you may wish to propose, affect spending and taxes. How different spending decisions influence estimated residential, commercial and industrial taxes will be frequently displayed and monitored. For 1994, staff proposes 22 budget adjustments which are briefly described on the next few pages. Assumption scenarios 1, 2 and 3 follow the adjustments. July 19, 1993 1 of 6 To: Mayor Richards and Members of the City Council From: Ken Rosland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustments Proposed 1994 Budget Adjustments Revenue Decreases 1. INCOME ON INVEST We expect to receive $5,000 less interest on invest- ments due to lower interest rates. 2. COURT FINES In 1994, the city expects to receive about $5,000 less in court fines. These fines are unpredictable reve- nue sources which have varied widely in some years and are currently in a slight downward trend. KA�$TTV; I )/ 4 ABATE NT We estimate that $100,000 may be added to the current $225,000 in taxes levied (and budgeted) for 1994 that will not actually be collected due to property appraisal abatements and consequences of the recession. Expenditure Adjustments 1. ELECTIONS Local and federal elections in 1994 are expected to cost about $45,000. 2. INSURANCE The City's liability and worker's compensation insurance includes the $35,000 increase approved by the council in early July. 3. COMP WORTH INCREASE Employees who have not reached their maximum salary levels as determined by the city's Comparable Worth Plan will receive step increases. July 19, 1993 2 of 6 To: Mayor Richards and Members of the City Council From: Ken Rosland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustments Police Department 4. REAUTH.OF 10ER In 1992, the council approved temporary staff reductions including one police officer position. These reductions were made to balance the 1992 budget with an eye toward restoring the positions when resources permitted. $40,000 would restore this position. 5. ADAE N ASST. $10,000 would bring to full -time a part -time admin- istrative position needed to assume clerical tasks currently performed by officers and detectives. 6. CRIME PREY SPEC. $10,000, expected to be reimbursed by the Edina Crime Prevention Fund, would bring to full -time a 3/4 -time crime prevention specialist. Scenarios 2 and 3 assume the Crime Prevention Fund fully reim- burses the General Fund for this upgrade. 7. OVFJ?IMWF, Increases in time spent by officers in court and maintenance of minimum enforcement staffing levels will likely consume about $6,000 in additional overtime in 1994. 8. SEVERANCE $32,160 will fund unused vacation and severance packages for two 1994 retirements. 9. NEW EQUIPMENT $22,700 would provide the following: OPTICOM emitters: permit squads to control stop lights reducing collision risk • investigative equipment: video equipment to document interviews • uninterruptiible power source: will protect data processing equipment and data • transcribers: needed when statements are tak- en simultaneously from many people, which is becoming more common July 19, 1993 3 of 6 To: Mayor Richards and Members of the City Council From: Ken Rosland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustments Fire Department 10. OVERTIME Overtime costs consistently exceed expectations due to an annual increase in medical runs by 5 -7 0/o. $15,000 would reduce the difference between actual and anticipated costs. 11. FOCUS GROUP PROD. Focus group interviews with fire department person- nel identified fitness and health, stress manage- ment, recalVeallback procedures, fire suppression pre- planning and safety committee activities as areas to pursue in 1994. $22,000 would fully fund specific action in all identified areas. $15,000 would address those listed as most critical. 12. MEDIC STAFFING $12,000 would set up a system to reallocate existing personnel and equipment to reduce response times to the city's southeast quadrant, reduce the need to call in off -duty personnel, and increase availability of firefighting and paramedic services to this quad- rant while maintaining service levels elsewhere. 13. INSPECT BUREAU To increase the department's commitment to fire prevention through inspections and education, the following is proposed: • eliminate two firefighter positions • create two inspector positions • upgrade one inspector position to Lieutenant Estimated cost is $8,000. Public Works Department 14. REAUTH. POs (1 OF 2) In 1992, the council approved temporary staff reductions including one street maintenance posi- tion, one engineering position, and a number of part- July 19, 1993 4 of 6 To: Mayor Richards and Members of the City Council From: Ken Rosland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustments time street department positions. These reductions were made to balance the 1992 budget with an eye toward restoring the positions when resources .permitted. Street maintenance is done by a team of Street Department and Park & Recreation Depart- ment employees and the effects of combined staff reductions are beginning to be seen. Because the system is aging, more and more maintenance will be required in a time when the department is unable to accomplish normal maintenance. Increasing num- bers of ' potholes are evidence of these difficulties. $40,000 would restore one of the full -time positions. Park & Recreation Department 15. REAUTH. POS (1 OF 2) In 1992, the council approved temporary staff reductions including two park maintenance positions and a number of part -time park department posi- tions. These reductions were made to balance the 1992 budget with an eye toward restoring the positions when resources permitted. $40,000 would restore one of the full -time positions. Other 16. ADA UPGRADES To accomplish Phase 1 of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the city will pay approximately $25,000 in 1994. 17. HUMAN RELATIONS The commission has requested $2,600 to fund social services received from community agencies. The council will meet with the commission later this summer to review specific agency performance and spending in this category. July 19, 1993 5 of 6 To: Mayor Richards and Members of the City Council From: Ken Rosland, City Manager Subj: Presenting 1994 Proposed Budget Assumptions and Adjustments 18. SHeRPA The Human Relations Commission and the South Hennepin Regional Planning Agency recommend an increase of $2,100 to cover operations costs. 19. CONWSSION DINNER $1,000 will fund the previously unfunded council dinner to recognize appointed board and commission members. 20. FLEX PLAN INC. -$40 To reduce disparities with programs offered by other Twin Cities metro cities, a $40 per month per employee increase in the city's contribution is proposed. Total cost would be $93,120 21. CONTINGENCIES Currently 0.40/6 of the general fund budget is re- served for contingencies. $25,000 would provide a more prudent 0.6 0/6. 22. I-494 JPO The joint powers agreement among Edina, Richfield, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka and Bloomington govern- ing the study of options to improve I -494 requires the city to pay $4,600 (a rate of 10¢ per resident) in 1994. July 19, 1993 6 of 6 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - S U M M A R Y- ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1992 1993 1994 SCENARIO USED 1 TOTAL REVENUES 13,430,056 14,696,815 15,734,409 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14,348,109 14,471,815 15,509,409 TAX DOLLARS 10,186,860 11,325,115 12,262,327 HACA DOLLARS 274,437 900,000 980,000 HACA ADJUSTED LEVY 9,825,625 10,065,115 10,922,327 TAX DOLLAR INCRSE 484,967 1,138,255 937,212 o INCREASE TAX $ 2.3801 8.520 EXPENDITURE INCREASE 4.52% 6.4106 * - ASSUMES LOSS DUE TO ABATEMENTS OF $225,000 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D E X P E N D I T U R E S- ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE 1994 SALARIES 7,589,463 7,765,250 2.00% 7,920,555 CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 1,796,526 1,801,720 .3.5016 1,864,780 COMMODITIES 581,180 732,255 3.50% 757,884 CENTRAL SERVICES 2,974,346 3,094,432 2.0006 3,156,321 EQUIPMENT _ 623,503 1,078,158 * 3.7506 1,118,589 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 691,280 13,565,018 14,471,815 ._6.4106 15,509,409 * - Includes Reserve Rebuild % INCREASE BUDGET 93 6.410 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D R E V E N U E S - ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP o PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE 1994 TAXES 10,293,161 11,350,115 * 12,287,327 FEES,LIC,PERMITS,ETC. 1,531,705 1,606,100 6.2506 1,706,481 ENTERPRISE /COURT . 1,298,162 1,237,500 .00o 1,237,500 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AID 522,483 503,100 .000 503,100 TOTAL REVENUES 13,645,511 14,696,815 7.060 15,734,409 * Includes loss due to abatements of $225,000 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - E X P E N D I T U R E D I S T R I B U T I 0 N- ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1992 1993 1994' SALARIES 55.9506 53.6606 51.070 CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 13.24. 12.450 12.0206 COMMODITIES 4.2801 5.06. 4.8906 CENTRAL SERVICES 21.9306 21.3806 20.35. EQUIPMENT 4.60. 7.4501 7.210 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 4.4606 100.00. 100.00. 100.00. 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - R E V E N U E D I S T R I B U T I O N - TAXES FEES,LIC,PERMITS,ETC. ENTERPRISE /COURT INTERGOVT AID ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1992 1993 1994 75.43% 77.231 78.0906 11.2206 10.9306 10.8501 9.51% 8.42% 7.860 3.830 3.420 3.20% 100.00% 100.000 100.00% POLICE DEPT: 4. - P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S- NEW PROGRAMS -94 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 REVENUE DECREASES: 10,000 _ 0 0 1. INCOME ON INVEST 5,000 5,000 5,_000 2. COURT FINES 5,000 5,000 5,000 3. 94 ADDTL ABATEMNT 100,000 100,000 100,000 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS: 1. ELECTIONS 45,000 45,000 45,000' 2. INSURANCE 35,000 35,000 35,000 3. COMP WORTH INCREASE 90,000 90,000 90,000 POLICE DEPT: 4. REAUTH. OFFICER 40,000 40,000 40,000 5. ADMIN ASST 10,000 0 0 6. CRIME PREV SPEC. 10,000 _ 0 0 7. OVERTIME 6,000 6,000 6,000 8. SEVERANCE 32,160 0 0 PAGE 1 SUBTOTAL 378,160 326,000 326,000 P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S - PAGE - 2 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 9. NEW EQUIPMENT 22,700 20,000 20,000 FIRE DEPT. 10. OVERTIME 15,000 15,000 15,000 11. FOCUS GROUP PROJ. 22,000 15,000 15,000 12. MEDIC STAFFING 12,000 12,000 12,000 13. INSPECT BUREAU 8,000 8,000 8,000 "al l s1 "to] aZiIw1c's 14. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 40,000 40,000 40,000 PAPM : - - 15. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 40,000 0 0 PAGE 2 SUBTOTAL 159,700 110,000 110,000 TOT BUDG ADJUSTMENTS 691,280 589,420 589,420 ------ - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------------ ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- - P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S- PAGE - 3 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 OTHER: 16. ADA UPGRADES 25,000 25,000 25,000 17. HUMAN RELATIONS 2,600 2,600 2,600 18. SHERPA 2,100 2,100 2,100 19. COMMISSION DINNER 1,000 1,000 1,000 20. FLEX PLAN INC -$40 93,120 93,120 931120 21. CONTINGENCIES 25,000 25,000 25,000 22. I -494 JPO 4,600 4,600 4,600 TOT BUDG ADJUSTMENTS 691,280 589,420 589,420 ------ - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------------ ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- EFFECTS ON RESIDENTIAL HOMES APPROXIMATE 1993 CITY TAXES EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES $158,252 $369 $163,000 $425 $250,000 $646 $257,500 $741 $500,000 $1,401 $515,000 $1,602 EFFECTS ON COMMERCIAL PROPERTY EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES $500,000 $3,547 $450,000 $3,462 SCENARIO USED DIFFERENCE 94 -93 $56 $95 $202 DIFFERENCE 94 -93 ($84) 1 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - S U M M A R Y - ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1992 1993 1994 SCENARIO USED 2 TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES TAX DOLLARS HACA DOLLARS a.CA ADJUSTED LEVY .:iX DOLLAR INCRSE % INCREASE TAX $ EXPENDITURE INCREASE 13,430,056 14,348,109 10,186,860 274,437 9,825,625 484,967 14,696,815 14,471,815 11,325,115 900,000 10,065,115 1,138,255 2.38% 4.521 * - ASSUMES LOSS DUE TO ABATEMENTS OF $225,000 15,632,549 15,407,549 12,160,467 980,000 10,820,467 835,352 7.50% 5.711 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D E X P E N D I T U R E S - ACTUAL BUDGETED' ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE 1994 SALARIES 7,589,463 7,765,250 2.0001 7,920,555 CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 1,796,526 1,801,720 3.5006 1,864,780 COMMODITIES 581,180 732,255 3.500 757,884 CENTRAL SERVICES 2,974,346 3,094,432 2.0006 3,156,321 EQUIPMENT 623,503 1,078,158 * 3.7506 1,118,589 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 13, 565, 018 * - Includes Reserve Rebuild 14,471,815 5.7106 INCREASE BUDGET 93 589,420 15,407,549 5.71% 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P.O S E D R E V E N U E S - ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE 1994 TAXES 10,293,161 11,350,115 * 12,185,467 FEES,LIC,PERMITS,ETC. 1,531,705 1,606,100 6.250 1,706,481 ENTERPRISE /COURT 1,298,162 1,237,500 .000 1,237,500 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AID 522,483 503,100 .0006 503,100 -TOTAL REVENUES 13,645,511 14,696,815 6.376 15,632,549 * Includes loss due to abatements of $225,000 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S E X P E N D I T U R E D I S T R I B U T I O N- SALARIES CONTRACTUAL SVCS. `COMMODITIES CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1992 1993 1994 55.9501 53.660 51.411 13.24% 12.450 12.1006 4.28% 5.0606 4.920 21.93% 21.38% 20.4906 4.60% 7.45%' 7.2606 100.00% 3.83% 100.00% 100.00% 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - R E V E N U E D I S T R I B U T I 0 N- ACTUAL BUDGETED - PROPOSED 1992 1993 1994 TAXES 75.43% 77.230 77.95% FEES,LIC,PERMITS,ETC. 11.220 10.930 10.920 ENTERPRISE /COURT 9.510 8.420 7.92% INTERGOVT AID -3.830 3.420 3.220 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% POLICE DEPT: 4. - P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S - NEW PROGRAMS -94 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 REVENUE DECREASES: 10,000 - 0 0 1. INCOME ON INVEST 5,000 .5,000 5,000 2. COURT FINES 5,000 5,000 5,000 3. 94 ADDTL ABATEMNT 100,000 100,000 100,000 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS: 1. ELECTIONS 45,.000 45,000 45,000 2. INSURANCE 35,000 35,000 35,000 3. COMP WORTH INCREASE 90,000 90,000 90,000 POLICE DEPT: 4. REAUTH. OFFICER 40,000 40,000 40,000 5. ADMIN ASST 10,000 0 0 6. CRIME PREV SPEC. 10,000 - 0 0 7. OVERTIME 6,000 6,000 6,000 8. SEVERANCE 32,160 0 0 PAGE 1 SUBTOTAL 378,160 326,000 326,000 P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S - PAGE - 2 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 POLICE CONT'D 9. NEW EQUIPMENT 22,700 20,000 20,000 FIRE DEPT. 10. OVERTIME 15,000 15,000 15,000 11. FOCUS GROUP PROJ. 22,000 15,000 15,000 12. MEDIC STAFFING 12,000 12,000 12,000 13. INSPECT BUREAU 8,000 8,000 8,000 PUBLIC WORKS: 14. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 40,000 40,000 40,000 PARKS: - 15. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 40,000 0 0 PAGE 2 SUBTOTAL 159,700 110,000 110,000 TOT BUDG ADJUSTMENTS 691,280 589,420 589,420 ------ - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- - P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S- PAGE - 3 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3' OTHER: 16. ADA UPGRADES 25,000 25,000 25,000 17. HUMAN RELATIONS 2,600 2,600 2,600 18. SHERPA 2,100 2,100 2,100 19. COMMISSION DINNER 1,000 1,000 1,000 20. FLEX PLAN INC -$40 93,120 93,120 93,120 21. CONTINGENCIES 25,000 25,000 25,000 22. I -494 JPO 4,600 4,600 4,600 TOT BUDG ADJUSTMENTS 691,280 589,420 589,420 ------ - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- EFFECTS ON RESIDENTIAL HOMES APPROXIMATE 1993 CITY TAXES EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 DIFFERENCE EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES 94 -93 $158,252 $369 $163,000 $421 $52 $250,000 $646 $257,500 $734 $88 $500,000 $1,401 $515,000 $1,587 $187 EFFECTS ON COMMERCIAL PROPERTY EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 DIFFERENCE EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES 94 -93 $500,000 $3,547 $450,000, $3,430 ($117) SCENARIO USED 2 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - S U M M A R Y - ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1992 1993 1994 SCENARIO USED 3 TOTAL REVENUES 13,430,056 14,696,815 15,•523,952 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14,348,109 14,471,815 15,298,952 TAX DOLLARS 10,186,860 11,325,115 12,051,871 HACA DOLLARS 274,437_ 900,000 980,000 HACA ADJUSTED LEVY 9,825,625 10,065,115 10,711,871 TAX DOLLAR INCRSE 484,967 1,138,255 726,756 INCREASE TAX $ 2.380 6.43% EXPENDITURE INCREASE 4.5201 4.960 * - ASSUMES LOSS DUE TO ABATEMENTS OF $225,000 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D E X P E N D I T U R E S- ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE 1994 SALARIES 7,589,463 7,765,250 1.00% 7,842,903 CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 1,796,526 1,801,720 3.50% 1,864,780 COMMODITIES 581,180 732,255 3.5006 757,884 CENTRAL SERVICES 2,974,346 3,094,432 1.0006 3,125,376 EQUIPMENT 623,503 1,078,158 * 3.75% 1,118,589 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 13,565,018 * - Includes Reserve Rebuild 14,471,815 4.9606 INCREASE BUDGET 93 589,420 15,298,952 4.96% 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - P R O P O S E D R E V E N U E S - ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 1992 1993 INCRSE 1994 TAXES 10,293,161 11,350,115 * 12,076,871 FEES,LIC,PERMITS,ETC. 1,531,705 1,606,100 6.250 1,706,481 ENTERPRISE /COURT 1,298,162 1,237,500 .00% 1,237,500 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AID 522,483 503,100 .0006 503,100 TOTAL REVENUES 13,645,511 14,696,815 5.6301 15,523,952 * Includes loss due to abatements of $225,000 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - E X P E N D I T U R E D I S T'R I B U T I O N- ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1992 1993 1994 SALARIES 55.9501 53.6606 51.26% CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 13.24% 12.4501 12.190-6 COMMODITIES 4.280 5.060-6 4.9506 CENTRAL SERVICES 21.931 21.38% 20.4306 EQUIPMENT 4.60. 7.456 7.310 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - 3.8506 100.00. 100.00. 100.00. 1 9 9 4 B U D G E T A S S U M P T I O N S - R E V E N U E D I S T R I B U T I O N - TAXES FEES,LIC,PERMITS,ETC. ENTERPRISE /COURT INTERGOVT AID ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED 1992 1993 1994 75.43% 77.2306 77.8006 11.220 10.9306 10.990 9.5106 8.4206 7.970 3.83% 3.420 3.240 100.00% 100.00% 100.000 POLICE DEPT: 4. - P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S- NEW PROGRAMS -94 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 REVENUE DECREASES: 10,000 _ 0 0 1. INCOME ON INVEST 5,000 5,000 5,000 2. COURT FINES 5,000 5,000 5,000 3. 94 ADDTL ABATEMNT 100,000 100,000 100,000 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS: 1. ELECTIONS 45,000 45,000 45,000 2. INSURANCE 35,000 35,000 35,000 3. COMP WORTH INCREASE 90,000. 90,000 90,000 POLICE DEPT: 4. REAUTH. OFFICER 40,000 40,000 40,000 5. ADMIN ASST 10,000 0 0 6. CRIME PREV SPEC. 10,000 _ 0 0 7. OVERTIME 6,000 6,000 6,000 8. SEVERANCE 32,160 0 0 PAGE 1 SUBTOTAL 378,160 326,000 326,000 i r , P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S - PAGE - 2 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 POLICE CONT'D 9. NEW EQUIPMENT 22,700 20,000 20,000 FIRE DEPT. 10. OVERTIME 15,000 15,000 15,000 11. FOCUS GROUP PROJ. 22,000 15,000 15,000 12. MEDIC STAFFING 12,000 12,000 12,000 13. INSPECT BUREAU 8,000 8,000 8,000 PUBLIC WORKS: 14. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 40,000 40,000 40,000 PARKS: 15. REAUTH.POS(1 OF 2) 40,000 0 0 PAGE 2 SUBTOTAL 159,700 110,000 110,000 - P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S - PAGE - 3 OTHER: 16. ADA UPGRADES 17. HUMAN RELATIONS 18. SHERPA 19.•COMMISSION DINNER 20. FLEX PLAN INC -$40 21. CONTINGENCIES 22. I -494 JPO SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 25,000 25,000 .25,000 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,100 2,100 2,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 93,120 93,120 93,120 25,000 25,000 25,000 4,600 4,600 4,600 TOT BUDG ADJUSTMENTS 691,280 589,420 589,420 ------ - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------------ ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- EFFECTS ON RESIDENTIAL HOMES APPROXIMATE 1993 CITY TAXES EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 DIFFERENCE EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES 94 -93 $158,252 $369 $163,000 $417 $48 $250,000 $646 $257,500 $727 $81 $500,000 $1,401 $515,000 $1,571 $171 EFFECTS ON COMMERCIAL PROPERTY EST. 1992 1993 1993 EST. 1994 DIFFERENCE EST.MKT.VALUE TAXES MKT. VALUE TAXES 94 -93 $500,000 $3,547 $450,000 $3,396 ($151) SCENARIO USED 3 MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JULY 6, 1993 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve the BRA Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF BRA MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1993, APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve the BRA Minutes of June 21, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *CLAIMS PAID Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve payment of HRA claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated June 30, 1993, and consisting of one page totalling, $21,750.97. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Richards declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director 4 r\1 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Ft :d tl To: HRA — Item xx� II From: GORDON L. HUGHES Consent Information Only Date: JULY 19, 1993 Mgr. Recommends To HRA Subject: ❑ To Council KUNZ OIL/LEWIS ENGINEERING Action ❑ Motion PROPERTY APPRAISAL ❑ Resolution Ordinance �IE Discussion Recommendation: Info /Background: On June 21, 1993, the HRA instructed staff to prepare specifications for an appraisal of the Kunz Oil/Lewis Engineering properties. Staff has prepared the attached request for proposals which could be sent to a number of consulting appraisers. We believe that this letter outlines the specifications as requested by the HRA. Based upon our conversations with an appraiser familiar with this property, we estimate the cost for appraisal services to be $5,000.00. Prior to engaging an appraiser, the HRA should be aware that several development firms are apparently pursuing the acquisition of the subject properties. During the past month, staff has had conversations with four housing developers and one office showroom developer concerning their interest in the property. Given this apparent interest in the properties, the HRA may wish to defer engaging an appraiser until a later date. )o City of Edina July 19, 1993 XYZ Appraisal Company Subject: Appraisal of Lewis Engineering/Kunz Oil Properties Dear Sir: The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota is interested in receiving a proposal for appraisal services with respect to the above referenced property. The subject properties measure approximately 8.7 acres and comprise two distinct ownership interests. The subject properties are zoned PID (Planned Industrial District) and are improved with two buildings with a combined floor area of approximately 58,000 square feet. The attached exhibit provides more detailed information concerning the subject properties. The appraisal process for the subject properties should include an analysis of the highest and best (economically feasible) use of the properties, individually as well as assuming their assemblage for redevelopment purposes. We assume that the appraisal process will include the application of relevant evaluation approaches, including a replacement cost /depreciation analysis, income capitalization and sales comparisons as appropriate. The HRA's principal interest, with respect to this appraisal is your opinion of the value of the properties for redevelopment purposes. The HRA's redevelopment plan for the area envisions the redevelopment of the subject properties for either office /warehouse - showroom purposes or for multi - residential housing. Your analysis for office /warehouse - showroom purposes should be based upon the standards for the Planned Industrial District contained in the Edina Zoning Ordinance. Your analysis for multi - residential housing should be based on the standards for the Planned Residential District - 4 requirements of the Edina Zoning Ordinance. City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 1 XYZ Appraisal Company July 19, 1993 Page two In addition to redevelopments for the above stated uses, the City may also be receptive to a redevelopment project including other uses, specifically retail. We wish to point out, however, that the City Council recently denied a rezoning of the subject properties for the purposes of constructing a Rainbow Food Store and fast food restaurant on the basis of an over - intensive land use. Therefore, your analysis for retail uses should recognize that a use comparable to the Rainbow /fast food proposal "would likely not receive approval by the City. We request that your proposal for appraisal services include the expected and maximum fee that would be charged for your services as well as a time schedule for the completion of the assignment. Please advise me if you have any questions concerning this request for proposal. Sincerely, Gordon L. Hughes HRA Executive Director GLH /dr w j A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, ELLA TERRY developed the Edina Swingin' Singin' Seniors in March, 1974; and WHEREAS, ELLA TERRY has served as Musical Director of the Edina Swingin' Singin' Seniors from March 1974 to May of 1993; and WHEREAS, ELLA TERRY during this time, promoted camaraderie within the singing group as well as entertaining 'others with singing, dancing, skits and audience participation; and WHEREAS, ELLA TERRY directed this group, performing for all ages at public schools, civic organizations, churches, care centers, community celebrations, conventions and for her own peers throughout the metropolitan area; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina Park Board expresses sincere appreciation for the most generous contribution of ELLA TERRY to the Edina Senior Center in her capacity as director of the Edina Swingin' Singin' Seniors. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Saturday, July 31, 1993, be declared ELLA TERRY DAY. ADOPTED this 19th day of July, 1993. MAYOR COME CELEBRATE WITH US ELLA TERRY VP- �1 SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1993 JOIN US FROM 10:00AM TO NOON (presentation II:00am) at the Edina Senior Center, 5701 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 3rd floor Regrets only: 920-1115 ,, 4,9tN��rlr oe�� 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # I. A. From: Craig Larsen Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: July 19, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: Z -93 -3, Rezoning x ❑ To Council R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District to Action Motion R -2, Double Dwell_i_na Unit District. Harry ❑ Resolution Pewowaruk, 5232 France Avenue South. ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends rezoning the property to R -2 to allow its use as a duplex. Info/ Background See attached Planning Commission minutes and staff report. The original petition asked for a rezoning to PRD -2 to allow a triplex. Staff and the Planning Commission recommended two units and the property owner has not objected to this change. •I *OF A loww ,111111 �� ;Illi:i,�;f;iill�ll :: w:�;lllllll Illlllllliills!!!!!IIIiI '-•-� ��° (III��I�I III (Sid n �tft' Iii =;,.k 06 JM MAF PID P APD I HPD t 11i1...a a I IN �� ��� i /11111111 'll !11►I_M:»:I►1011► R =;S : l -- == - w IiII Ps" :i_T ==_ IIIIM :. *I :1= ■■ �X.V M i DRAFT MINUTES P.C. MEETING OF JUNE 301 1993 Z -93 -3 Rezoning: R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District -to PRD -2, Planned Residence District 5232 France Avenue South Helen Pewowaruk Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the property is zoned R -1 and-is developed with a single family dwelling. Immediately south of the property is a double bungalow owned by Grace Church. To the northland west is the Grace Church parking lot. The dwelling is served by an attached two car garage. Access is from France Avenue. The rear yard is completely enclosed by a privacy fence. The lot measures 60" X 150, with has an area of 9,000 square feet. Mr. Larsen pointed out the subject property is designated "Low Density Attached Residential" by the Comprehensive Plan. Low Density Residential includes duplexes, townhouses, and other multi- family buildings of not more than four units. Density may range up to six units per acre. Mr. Larsen explained several single family properties along France Avenue 'have been redeveloped as multiple dwelling uses in the past 20 years. Most of these properties have been near the 44th and France business district. Mr. Larsen added The subject proposal would not redevelop the property, but rather would retro- fit the existing building as a three unit dwelling. Mr. Larsen concluded the subject property has become an island surrounded by Grace Church property. Continuing to use this one property as a single family home'in this context seems unrealistic. The owner has attempted to sell the home as a single dwelling but has had no offers. The best, long term solution for the property seems to be as church property. However, the church appears unable or unwilling to buy it at this time. Most potential buyers have suggested a -non- residential use of the property. In 1983 the Planning Commission and Council considered a similar request in the 4500 block of France Avenue. That request . evolved into the consideration of accessory apartments in the single family district. Ultimately the council chose not to allow accessory apartments. The site context of this proposal is quite different from the property in the 1983 request. In that case there were single family homes on either side of the property. Because of the unique setting here, staff believes the rezoning has merit. However, three units is probably too much. A rezoning to R -2 would seem more appropriate. If the building code upgrades are made and additional surface parking is provided a duplex use of the property seems reasonable. The proponent Mr. Harry Pewowaruk was present to respond to questions. Commissioner McClelland questioned if the house were to be rezoned as a duplex and the church purchased it, then rented it out would it be on the City tax rolls. Mr. Larsen said his understanding is that all church property would be tax exempt. Mr. Pewowaruk explained to Commission members that he has had a problem for over a year in selling this property. Continuing, he said he has approached the. church and asked them if they would care to purchase the property. They indicated at this time they do not have the money to do so. Mr. Pewowaruk said the property in his opinion lends itself only to the church, either as a parish house or razed to provide more parking area. Mr. Pewowaruk pointed out the house has five bedrooms, is over 3000 square feet, and does have three separate living areas. Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Pewowaruk if he is comfortable with the staff recommendation that the house be converted into a double vs. the requested triplex. Mr. Pewowaruk stated he would prefer rezoning the property as PRD, but is comfortable with the recommended R -2 zoning. Commissioner Runyan asked Mr. Pewowaruk were the access to the garage is. Mr. Pewowaruk said access is off France Avenue. Commissioner Runyan stated in his opinion it is logical to convert this property into a double dwelling unit. He added he believes converting it into a triplex would create a parking problem, and would not fit the site as well as an R -2 zoning. Commissioner Swenson stated she visited the subject property, and noted that the rear yard is large, and could easily accommodate parking for a double unit dwelling. Mr. Larsen interjected that he agrees with Commissioner Swensons observation. He added he believes without much disruption to the site two surface parking spaces could be created. Mr. Larsen said he calculated that only one tree would be lost in converting green space to asphalt. Commissioner Byron questioned if the existing driveway is double width. Mr. Larsen said the existing driveway is single width. Commissioner Byron added he supports the recommendation by staff. Commissioner Johnson stated in his opinion the square footage of the house could support a triplex, adding he feels the site lends itself better as a double dwelling district due to parking constraints. Commissioner 'McClelland moved to recommend rezoning and variance approval for lot area, lot width, and side yard setback subject to the recommendation by staff that the property be rezoned to R -2. Commissioner McClelland noted a hardship exists for this property owner that has not been self imposed. Commissioner McClelland also recommended that the property provide two more hard surface parking spaces. Commissioner Hale seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JUNE 30, 1993 Z -93 -3 Rezoning: R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -2, Planned Residence District 5232 France Avenue South Helen Pewowaruk Site context: The property is zoned R -1 and is developed with a single family dwelling. Immediately south of the property is a double bungalow owned by Grace Church. To the north and west is the Grace Church parking lot. The dwelling is I served by an attached two car garage. Access is from France Avenue. The rear yard is completely enclosed by a privacy fence. The lot measures 60" X 150, with has an area of 9,000 square feet. The subject property is designated "Low Density Attached Residential" by the Comprehensive Plan. Low Density Residential includes duplexes, townhouses, and other multi- family buildings of not more than four units. Density may range up to six units per acre. Several single family properties along France Avenue have been redeveloped as multiple dwelling uses in the past 20 years. Most of these properties have been near the 44th and France business district. The subject proposal would not redevelop the property, but rather would retro -fit the existing building as a three unit dwelling. The dwelling is quite large and has many existing features of a three unit building. The main floor is approximately 1,500 square feet and has a kitchen, bath, and two bedrooms. The upper level has a kitchen, bath and three bedrooms. The lower level which would function as a studio unit, has an existing bath and kitchen area. The foregoing are estimates from the City Assessors files; no further information has been supplied by the owner at this writing. The City Building Official has inspected the building and says, with minor modifications, three legal dwelling units could be created. Recommendation: The subject property has become an island surrounding by Grace Church property. Continuing to use this one property as a single family home in this context seems unrealistic. The owner. has attempted to sell the home as a single dwelling but has had no offers. The best, long term solution for the property seems to be as church. property. However, the church appears unable or unwilling to buy it at this time. Most potential buyers have suggested anon- residential use of the property. In 1983 the Planning .Commission and Council considered a similar request in the 4500 block of France Avenue. That request evolved into the consideration of accessory apartments in the single family district. Ultimately the.council chose not to allow accessory apartments. The site context of this proposal is quite different from the property in the 1983 request. In that case there were single family homes on either side of the property. Because of the unique setting here, staff believes the rezoning has merit. However, three units is probably too much. A rezoning to R -2 would seem more appropriate. If the building code upgrades are made and additional surface parking is provided a duplex use of the property seems reasonable. B. H. BRADLEY CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR 217 SOUTH SIXTH STREET 14INNEAPOLIS 2. MINN. MAIN 7525 csurve y for- des Pewowaru� J fi 4� �Ll �I Q 9 M. �1 Z- 4efmdl cEr�i fy fhof �/iis ys c� ��u� �i�d co�rec�� /off of of Lof 9, .61ocIr /, ,rar vcy 6y lyl cloy cf �,o�. �59�8 s - - ---------------------------- 7 �m I i R -1 Lot Area Required: 15,000 S.F. Lot Area Provided: 9,000 S.f. Setbacks: Front Side Rear Required: 30 ft 10 ft 35 ft Provided: 33 ft 5ft 60 ft Lot Width Required: 90 feet Lot Width Provide: 60 feet Garage Spaces Per Unit Required: 2 Garage Spaces Per unit Provided: 1 0 . , r0 .114 1 ., Required: 21,600 S. F. Provided: 91000 S. F. Front Side Rear 30 ft 20 ft 35 ft 33 ft 5ft 60ft N.A. N.A. 1.25 per unit .67 per unit t {, V/ rvG f 173 8.4 7 A l 3 s�,t�s��c� P o f c y, s s' �t > el 35 f� o vv t IA LLT 7A 8.4 7 A l 3 s�,t�s��c� P o f c y, s s' �t > el 35 lvQ1r D T fJ o7 % a rj S I., r� i cAk i- i i i � I I I I! I 1 H ,� z 3% tic v f� Q e >4 ch �f o REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # 1— B. From: Craig Larsen Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: July 19, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA . Subject: C -93 -2, Conditional _ _ 0 To Council Use Permit, Norman - dale Golf Club House, Action ❑ Motion City of Edina. Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of the new club house. Info/Background- See attached Planning Commission minutes, staff report and plans. KE 0 D A 111111 i MR 0 Tol, mm 11,,,,, A, - w ill► LAW :»_\►1011IL [N III �' DRAFT MINUTES P.C. MEETING OF JUNE 30, 1993 C -93 -2 Conditional Use Permit Club House Normandale Golf Course City of Edina Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the redevelopment of Normandale Golf Course is underway. Approximately 95% of the final grading is complete. The course is on schedule to open for play in July, 1994. As part of the redevelopment a new club house is planned. A Conditional Use Permit is required for a club house. Mr. Larsen pointed out the redeveloped course includes most of the old course and all of what was formerly Lake Edina Park. The new club house will be located in the southeasterly corner of the new course, with access to the club house from Parklawn Avenue to the east. There will be no access from West 77th Street or Kellogg Avenue. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit. The improvements comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements, and the location of _the club house and access to the club house are consistent with earlier plans for the course. Commissioner Faust questioned Mr. Larsen on where the driveway entrance to the golf course would be. Mr. Larsen explained that the driveway entrance into the golf course is located between the two office buildings and their parking area. Continuing, Mr. Larsen explained that the city obtained an easement to construct this entrance. He added the goal of the city was to reduce traffic flow within the residential neighborhoods abutting the golf course. Mr. Larsen pointed out the parking lot for the golf course contains 52 parking spaces. Code requires 15 spaces. Commissioner Swenson stated when she visited the site she had a problem locating the access to the golf course, it took around five minutes to locate it. She asked Mr. Larsen if he felt there could be a problem for people trying to locate the access. Chairman Johnson noted that proper signage could alleviate that problem. Mr. Larsen agreed that access to the course for new patrons could be a problem, requiring the city to receive a variance for off -site signage. Commissioner Ingwalson pointed out for first time visitors access to the course may pose a problem, but after one becomes familiar with the access it will not be much of a problem, especially if signage is incorporated correctly. Commissioner Byron moved to recommend approval of the club house proposed for _the Normandale Golf Course. Commissioner Ingwalson seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Larsen if he is aware of any plans Opus make have for the "dent" area of this site. Mr. Larsen explained that the city has title to this area but Opus has an option to develop it. At present the city plans to retain this area in a natural state. Commissioner Faust asked Mr. Larsen if a fence is proposed to surround the entire golf course. Mr. Larsen stated he is unsure if a fence will be constructed around the entire course. He added he knows fencing will be provided abutting the single family homes, but as indicated, he is unsure if the whole course will be fenced. Commissioner Swenson asked Mr. Larsen if he has been given any indication from Opus if they plan to develop the area they have an option on. Mr. Larsen responded that that depends on the market. He pointed out the market for office space is rather soft so at present immediate development seems unlikely. Mr. Larsen further added the city is also entertaining the idea of developing this area with a croquet course, but much depends on Opus. Commissioner Swenson asked Mr. Larsen how long Opus has the option to develop this piece. Mr. Larsen said the option is for 15 years. ©Dada ©DaD[� aoar� oomD�� � -- 7 ----E9 SCORECARD HOLE PAR BACK MIDDLE FRONT 1 4 338 301 291 260 2 3 170_ 145 125 100 3 4 305 260 255 207 4 3 152 133 122 95 5 3 151 143 143 123 6 3 201 170 156 120 7 4 240 224 229 212 8 4 321 304 288 263 9 3 190 165 151 139/99 OTAL 31 1 2068 1 1845 1760 1519 7 J EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JUNE 301 1993 C -93 -2 Conditional Use Permit Club House Normandale Golf Course City of Edina . The redevelopment of Normandale Golf Course is underway. Approximately 95% of the final grading is complete. The course is on schedule to open for play in July, 1994. As part of the redevelopment a new club house is planned. A Conditional Use Permit is required for a club house. The redeveloped course includes most of the old course and all of what was formerly Lake Edina Park. The new club house will be located in the southeasterly corner of the new course. Access to the club house will be from Parklawn Avenue to the east. There will be no access from West 77th Street or Kellogg Avenue. The club house will be constructed immediately west of an existing city pump house. Exterior materials will be brick to match the pump house. The buildings will be tied together by a new roof system covering the clubhouse, pump house, and an open patio area. Colored elevations will be available at the Commission's meeting. The clubhouse will have a floor area of approximately 2,600 square feet. It will have seating for 30 to 35 people. There will be a concession stand but there will not be a grill. The building will serve the same function as the clubhouse for the executive course at Braemar. The course will be supported by a 52 space parking lot located directly east of the pump house. Code would require 15 spaces. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit. The improvements comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements, and the location of the club house and access to the club house are consistent with earlier plans for the course. O 0 TRANSFORMER i O"- =STORAGE LDG.PUTTING GREEN EXISTWG UMPHOUSE PATIO LLUB f* r ' FIRST TEE \ ,--- WOMENS -4 1' Tic S _ -1 — _ n 0 /dONCESSIONS _MENS 7� I 1 Ay 1 u�1 A� ;1J i OFFICE JAWMECH. j STORAGE - - - - - - - -- - -_� _. THE RINVM%IDM GROUP. INC AFK>FMCT3 AND PLANNERS ow coa..ra snow Sur 620D 11..A.oOM. c4..r.o1. 5541 Tel 6121579 4100 F.. 612 379 4e47 c—~1 - -- CreK.een 1 11M.OI c.Tl, 1M1 !o. p.r1, .OK•hC..on, a r..on ... OrpuN h .l r I u ...r ^ry 4Y.K1 rupNY.4W1 .I10 m . •wry NF En u-w .Kn4K1 a pn.r urlo.r m. saln. Sul. a , D.0 0404 ra. Comm— 140 &.— 9, CIMC..O 9, 0.1. T/.. —s VrOACI TAM G-OL,F ARSE L�tJJb r!aU6E E=NA , MN. S..r TiN .�° REPORT /RECOMMENDATION • �N�bRrOMti4O • To: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # -Z.— c. From: Craig Larsen Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: July 19, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: S -93 -2, Preliminary_ Fx1 To Council Plat Approval, Willards Knoll Action Motion Addition. John Willard, 5717 Blak ❑ Resolution Road. ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends Preliminary Plat Approval subject to: 1. Final Plat Approval 2. Subdivision Dedication 3. Utility Connection Charges Info/Background- See attached Planning Commission minutes, staff report and graphics. LOCATION NU:T RK MAP A � v SUBDIVISION NUMBER S -93 -2 LOCATION 5717 Blake Road REQUEST Create One New Lot M, I � DINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT DRAFT MINUTES, P.C. MEETING OF JUNE 30, 1993 5 -93 -2 Preliminary Plat Approval Willards Knoll Addition Part of Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 194' John Willard Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the subject property measures 43,738 square feet in area and is developed with a single dwelling unit building. The house dates back to the original farm in this area and was constructed in 1878. A redevelopment is proposed which would remove the existing dwelling and replace it with two new dwellings. Adjacent land uses include apartments to the south, double bungalows on the west and single family homes to the north and east. Mr. Larsen explained the proposed lots are generously sized when compared to the 500 foot neighborhood. They appear even larger when compared only to lots lying east of Blake Road. Mr. Larsen concluded that staff believes the two lot subdivision represents a reasonable redevelopment of the property and would recommend preliminary plat approval with the following conditions: 1. Final Plat Approval 2. Subdivision Dedication 3. Utility Connection Charges The proponent, Mr. Willard was present to respond to questions. Commissioner Hale questioned if the present zoning is R -1 since the subject site appears to be surrounded by multi - family residential. Mr. Larsen stated the subject site is zoned R -1. Commissioner McClelland questioned Mr. Willard on the height of the retaining wall. Mr. Willard stated the retaining wall will be approximately four feet in height. Commissioner Runyan stated he believes this proposal will benefit the area and noted the size of the two lots are more than adequate. Commissioner Runyan told the Commission he visited the site and asked Mr. Willard if he is aware of the present condition of the windmill he viewed on the site. Mr. Willard said he is unaware of the condition of the windmill. Commissioner Runyan said he believes this windmill is the only one still standing in the city and it would be nice to be able to preserve it and incorporate it into the development. Commissioner Runyan said this suggestion is not a condition of approval, just something that could be considered. Commission members were in agreement that the proposal as presented will not negatively impact the neighborhood, and in fact will improve the neighborhood. Commissioner Faust moved to recommend subdivision approval subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Ingwalson seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 30, 1993 STAFF REPORT S -93 -2 Preliminary Plat Approval Willards Knoll Addition Part of Tract A, _Registered_ Land Survey No. 194 John Willard The subject property measures 43,738 square feet in area and is developed with a single dwelling unit building. The house dates back to the original farm in this area and was constructed in 1878. A redevelopment is proposed which would remove the existing dwelling and replace it with two new dwellings. Adjacent land uses include apartments to the south, double bungalows on the west and single family homes to the north and east. Section 810 of the City Code, the Subdivision Ordinance, requires the determination of median lot width, depth, and area for all lots within 500 feet of the.subject property. These medians become the minimum dimensions and sizes for proposed new lots. The medians for the 44 lots in the neighborhood are as follows: Lot Width Lot Depth Lot Area 100 feet 140 feet 13,275 sq.ft. Dimensions and area for the proposed new lots are: Lot Width Lot Depth Lot Area Lot 1 152 feet 180 feet 27,040 sq.ft. Lot 2 125 feet 143 feet 16,698 sq.ft. Both lots exceed the area and dimension standards of the surrounding neighborhood. No variances are required. In addition to the dwelling, an existing garage, shed and windmill will be removed as part of the redevelopment. Redevelopment will result in the removal of approximately 10 trees. Recommendation The proposed lots are generously sized when compared to the 500 foot neighborhood. They appear even larger when compared only to lots lying east of Blake Road. Staff believes the two lot subdivision represents a reasonable redevelopment of the property and would recommend preliminary plat approval with the following conditions: 1. Final Plat Approval 2. Subdivision Dedication 3. Utility Connection Charges i ecl 'At Ti\," I- - 1119w�Illj & 7LRARLE ARLE tAND SUI 'G 1 113 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 'DATE. 19 July, 1993 AGENDA ITEM II I. A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Water Tower Cleaning, Repairing & Painting Company contract 93 -1 Amount of Quote or &d 1. Odland Protective Coatings, Inc. 1. $ 89,100.00 .2. TMI Coatings, Inc.' 2. $ 114,500.00 3. Tenyer Coatings, Inc. 3. $ 116,000.00 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR END: Odland Protective Coatings, Inc. $ 89,100.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This bid is for the cleaning, repairing and painting of the interior of the Southdale Water Tower. We rejected a bid of $194,360.00 earlier this year which exceeded our budget. This bid, however, is within our budget and will be funded by our utility fund. ,,1� -C:� Sig ture The Recommended bid is within budget not Public Works - Engineering allin, Finance Director Rosland pity Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rostand City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE. 19 July, 1993 AGENDA ITEM III.B. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Change Order 6 - Glenn Rehbein Excavating, Inc. Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1, Change Order 6 1. $ 17,325.32 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR EID: Change Order 6 $ 17,325.32 GENERAL INFORMATION: The City Policy requires any change order which causes the total contract to exceed an additional ten percent limit be brought before Council for approval separate from normal finance approval. See attached memorandum. Sign re/ The Recommended bid is X — within budget not Public Works - Engineering Finance Director Kenneth Rostand CV Manager CITY OF EDINA MEMORANDUM DATE: July 19, 1993 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer SUBJECT: Change Order No. 6 Glenn Rehbein Excavating, Inc. The City has a prime contractor doing the Normandale Golf Course project,, Glenn Rehbein Excavating, Inc. In the fall of 1992, the City bid a separate project to construct a new driveway into the course from Parklawn Avenue. The bids for the driveway were rejected at low bid of $117,749.00, compared to an estimate of $90,443.50. The golf course prime contractor was requested to provide unit price estimates for some of the driveway work and adding a chain link fence to a portion of the northeast. part of the course. The prices were acceptable and have been used as needed to continue work on the course and driveway. However, by adding additional work of the driveway chain link fencing along the northeast portion of the course to the base contract, the change orders are now totaling to exceed ten percent of the contract. Thus, separate approval is required for Change Order 6. All change orders, including Change Order 6, now bring ,the total cost to 13.8% over the base contract. Staff recommends approval of Change Order 6 which included the paving for the driveway entrance to the parking lot for the new course, and the chain link fence. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor Richards and Council Members FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Dept. VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: July 16 , 1993 AGENDA ITEM I I I . c . ITEM DESCRIPTION: Chevrolet S -10 Truck with extended cab Company Amount of Quote or &d 1, Midway Chevrolet 1$12,566.00 2. Eden Prairie Ford 290 bid - not available 3. Trail Dodge 3 po bid - not available 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Midway Chevrolet $12,566.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: Replacement of 1983 4 x 4 truck #47.289 State and County bids have expired. In checking with car dealers this is the only one we found available. Budgeted $15000 for this vehicle -7 Signature De en v The Recommended bid is within budget not withirybddet Y�1lallin, Fi nce Director Kenneth Rosland City STRGAR- ROSCOE- FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS TRANSPORTATION ■ CIVIL ■ STRUCTURAL ■ ENVIRONMENTAL ■ PARKING i f a PREPARED BY: STRGAR - ROSCOE- FAUSCH, INC. JULY 1993 SRF No. 0921752 COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................... ............................... 1 II. HISTORY OF STUDY AND TRAFFIC ISSUES ..................... 2 III. DISCUSSION OF ISSUES ...................... ............................... 4 IV. ACTIONS TO ADDRESS THE ISSUES .......................... —.... 17 V. EXPECTED RESULTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ........... 25 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN VI. RESOLUTION OF OTHER TRAFFIC CONTROL ISSUES.... 26 OF SPEEDING AND THE EFFECTS OF THE BROWNDALE BRIDGE ALTERNATIVES VII. RECOMMENDED ACTION PLAN ........... ............................... 28 VIII. FOLLOW -UP IMPROVEMENTS ............. ............................... 29 IX. ACTIONS BY AGENCIES OTHER THAN EDINA .................. 31 X. SUPPORTIVE ACTION THAT CAN BE TAKEN BY ............. 32 THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL XI. CONCLUSIONS ...................................... ............................... 33 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A traffic study was initially undertaken by the City of Edina to resolve the issue regarding the traffic control options for a revised Browndale Bridge. The issues raised by changes in traffic control at the bridge pointed out that the entire Country Club District should be studied as one single area. Changes made on one roadway were likely to have negative impacts elsewhere. An understanding of the extent of those impacts was needed. The consulting firm of Strg ar- Roscoe- Fausch, Inc. performed the study and their work featured a computer -based traffic routing model that was used to predict the effects of any proposed traffic control changes in the neighborhood. As the study progressed, a committee of representatives of all areas of the neighborhood was formed to provide inputs on issues and to serve as a sounding board on proposed traffic control plans. It soon became apparent that the residents felt there were more compelling issues than the traffic operations on the bridge. Those issues were: the large volume of through traffic, speeding and intersection controls. Several options for reducing through traffic were proposed and evaluated. A Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan was developed by the consultant and approved by the City Staff and the committee of residents. This plan features improvements to traffic flow on France Avenue and on 50th Street to attract through traffic back to those roadways. It also establishes a pattern of stop sign controls within the neighborhood which will eliminate short cut routes, re- establish equilibrium of travel times and resolve traffic control issues at critical intersections. The Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan is being forwarded to City Council with a request for its adoption. A follow -up study will be done after the plan has been in operation to determine its effectiveness, identify any "fine tuning" that may required or identify additional improvements or restrictions that would be needed to provide additional incentives to keep through traffic from the neighborhood. II. HISTORY OF STUDY AND TRAFFIC ISSUES The traffic study of the Edina Country Club District began as an investigation of the options for controlling traffic with respect to the possible reconstruction options for the Browndale Bridge. See Figure 1 - Area of Study. Prior to the beginning of this traffic study of the bridge issue, some of the residents of the neighborhood had previously made requests to the Edina Traffic Safety Committee for additional stop signs and for increased efforts to control speeding in the neighborhood. A public meeting for the Country Club area residents was held in May with the intent to discuss the options for carrying traffic on the bridge given the possibilities for its reconstruction. That meeting did produce a consensus that the bridge structure should not be widened beyond its current width, but that widening the roadway to the required minimum width of 22 feet was acceptable. The general opinion was that two -way traffic should be maintained in some form, if possible. Options for one way operation were also discussed with no clear preference expressed for one direction or the other. A closure of the bridge for vehicular traffic was also discussed and received mixed reaction and was generally considered to not be a viable alternative. The majority of the time spent at that meeting, however, was to hear the complaints of the residents regarding the issues of high volumes of through traffic, the apparent speeding of that traffic and the confusing intersection controls at the triangular intersections along Country Club and Sunnyside. Pedestrian safety issues were also raised. As with the issue of the possibility of Browndale Bridge being closed or restricted to one -way operation, when suggestions of possible traffic control solutions were presented by the neighbors, it became evident that the residents along one roadway were concerned with the traffic effects of "improvements" proposed by the residents along another roadway. That meeting with the neighborhood at -large produced an understanding that a more extensive traffic study was needed to produce a solution that was not only effective in solving the problems, but one that was also reasonably fair to all of the neighborhood. As a result, the Edina City Council directed that a committee of volunteers from the neighborhood would be formed to serve as advisors in the study process. The selection of the committee members was to be done in such a way that representatives for each street would be present. Three meetings were held in May and June and the following major issues were discussed: 1. Through traffic in neighborhood. 2. Speeding of traffic. 3. The need for traffic controls at intersections and the need to provide safer pedestrian crossings. 4. The possibilities for the operation of the Browndale Bridge given the reconstruction options. 2 W '' ►' v a CL W. 39th S 3$ R PJ`• ¢ �°o z m Z /v, 4� > ST. _ v' a ST. 1 S10� J P��P > 39tW Z W. J 39th ST. a a -• �, 40 th �\ Ov1 • ¢ �. ' W ix 00��9 AO�r W w< 9 �r tS G w Z �.7 a W <� c A�5 x a -i > ? 3 > .9 � ' 9L a a 3 m 077 a ¢ 9L �„�, c^ x F/, 42nd Y ST. W w A 41s ST. > P Li x o F Z 42 nd > a c ¢ cx ¢ ¢ ¢ ui pq C N W N T. .- a W SS W V) X 3> u w W w z ¢ ST. Z C (Z o o g AT Z = C ¢a >> 9 _j U � a v� GLEN ALE F. S T. ►- v) C3< ° 4i Lj 4i MQRNINGSIDE 9 NgD. ST. C aJ. 20 VE MONT a s >a O d $(2A W ST. G''9 4Z IAST. WOOD W Z <<np�+ L L LA. \\ o A <L �" 5'�. W. 45t ST5' 17 W W w¢ a 0. 1 SUNNYSIDE _ f V 4i CIR.,� < N w Li Li w > >> > > w W. Ta c z,W12. RD. 7a gRID GE ST. �'� Z �O m 13. Z IDG F, 3 0 .D Oe a Z A W c w i? Z W. 3th $ T. oC J �- `��� d a o W H = Dr W. 14. oc z �� �+�� o �p W > � 16. 1` � a RD, W. 49t W. 49 1/ ST. 21 ST. 3 418• r 4i 50th ST. W. n. a > L 158 s Li A i ¢ a a ¢ 19. DAL > a w P.J E. 11. MOORE ST. W� LA.: BRuC a J N / A 12. LAURA AVE. PL. Z z W > u 2 13. CASCADE LA. W00 DAL > oc cic 100 `Q 14. MILLPOND PL. G N z Q w 15. E. SUNNY SLOPE R W. 3 16. EDGEBROOK PL. CITY OF EDINA RF STUDY AKtA COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY O III. DISCUSSION OF ISSUES A. THROUGH TRAFFIC IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD The issue that was most often raised at the meetings was that of the large amount of "through" traffic that is currently using the neighborhood streets. An initial reaction to this complaint was that every neighborhood has "through" traffic and that is the price we pay for society's ever increasing use of the automobile. It could also be pointed out that a neighborhood covering this large of a section of Edina would expect to have some traffic from adjacent neighborhoods passing through the Country Club area and vice versa. The data that was collected for this traffic study featured a license plate check of traffic on the Browndale Bridge which showed that 2/3 of the traffic using that bridge had addresses outside of the neighborhood. A "cordon" traffic count was also made which showed that 23,500 vehicles per day crossed an imaginary boundary for the area. These 23,500 vehicle crossings represent 11,750 vehicles entering the neighborhood and 11,750 vehicles leaving the neighborhood in a twenty-four hour period. Traffic generation rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineer's Trip Generation Manual show that for the family incomes and types of dwellings represented in this neighborhood, 14 trip ends would happen per day per household (7 round trips). Based on the nearly 575 homes in the area, the daily trip total for residents was found to be 8,000 crossings of the cordon or 4,000 trips out of the neighborhood and 4,000 trips into the neighborhood made by or on behalf of the residents. The percentage of these resident trips is approximately one -third of the total. This means that again, 2/3 are "through" trips which matches the results of the license plate study. The primary orientation of those trips is on a path that runs to and from the southwest and the northeast. This large volume of through trips through a truly residential neighborhood is unusual for the Twin Cities area. Other traffic studies where the City of Edina's traffic engineering consultant, Strgar- Roscoe - Fausch, Inc., has been involved, particularly in Edina, have not uncovered neighborhoods with through traffic volumes of the same magnitude. The question that can be asked about the Country Club area is are there not some trips that do cross the cordon, coming and going, that do have justification for using the streets passing through this area? If one looks at the street and highway network for northeastern Edina and southeastern St. Louis Park, it would normally be expected to find a north -south collector type street provided at a point half way between T.H. 100 and France Avenue. In the areas north of 44th St. and south of 50th Street, Wooddale Avenue has been established as a collector street. In the Country Club area, Wooddale Avenue was not developed as a collector street, when the roadways were laid out in the 1920's, but over time it has been forced to operate as if it were a collector. 4 In addition, freeways such as T.H. 100 typically have frontage roads or collector roadways that are parallel and adjacent to that type of facility. In this area, because of the topography due to the presence of Minnehaha Creek, no proper frontage road exists east of T.H. 100. That function unfortunately has fallen onto Browndale Road. See Figure 2 - Neighborhood Traffic Flows. If the above factors are taken into account the following tabulation of the traffic flows in the Country Club area is produced. Total neighborhood ins and outs 23,500 a. Trips generated by the residents 8,000 b. Collector function of Wooddale 4,000 C. Frontage Road function of Browndale 2,000 d. Resultant "through" traffic 9,500 The through traffic total of 9,500 trip ends actually represents a volume 4,750 vehicles that pass through the neighborhood on a daily basis that have no purpose in the neighborhood other than that its quicker on those routes than on the roadways where the traffic really belongs. P Z >: T. id > >: :> > is 40 31 > DO -444. ---' VER > -4 Jf Lj Z > 4j2ryj- UJ > <: uj > > 4 It I > C.: > > Z -STJ NO 5:4dALL > T�A COLL-E-C-10L -------- 20 > > < A_ y t tn% , 49 1 8S 21; > NN ............ A- %-- <c: I. AUr > <A VE. Nil 'IWO CA'"ArE LA. CITY OF EDINA c C&FnIT16� COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY 21 ST N Nly e ZU: 49 1 8S 21; > NN ............ A- %-- <c: I. AUr > <A VE. Nil 'IWO CA'"ArE LA. CITY OF EDINA c C&FnIT16� COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY 21 HOW DID THE THROUGH TRAFFIC GET THERE? The questions that logically arise then are: where does that traffic belong, why is it not where it belongs and how do we get it back to where it does belong? The circumstances that have lead to the attraction of through trips to this neighborhood are several. First, the regional freeway system has neither been developed nor improved to keep pace with the demands for travel on that system. The proposed southwest diagonal freeway and the proposed 28th Street freeway were dropped from the "ultimate" freeway system in the early 1970's. The last major roadway that could have provided some relief, 1 -394, was not constructed to fully serve its own corridor demands for auto travel let alone those of another roadway. As a result, 1 -35W and T.H. 62 (Crosstown) have been required to carry much of that southwest - northeast diagonal flow. 1 -35W is additionally overloaded from traffic that would be using the Hiawatha corridor if it were fully improved. See Figure 3 which shows the congestion on the regional highway system. When a regional freeway system has demand exceeding capacity, a shifting of travel takes place. Shorter trips of less than 3 miles are diverted onto more local streets and some trips in the range of 3 to 5 miles may be diverted from the freeways to parallel minor arterial roadways. As a result, the average trip length of the traffic remaining on the freeway system is ever increasing as congestion increases. The ramp metering system enforces an "equalized ", as well as smooth flowing access to the regional freeway system. Without ramp metering, overall freeway capacity would be lower due to more erratic flows and uncontrolled congestion at the choke points on the system. The attraction of through traffic into the neighborhood is not solely caused by the problems on the regional system, however. The surface arterial roadways in the surrounding area do not have sufficient capacity to handle the traffic diverted from the freeways as well as the volumes that should be on those roadways. As the arterial roadways reach capacity, short trips are diverted from those roadways onto collector and local streets. Eventually the collector streets may also reach capacity and a diversion to local streets occurs. The failure to provide a full roadway network with adequate capacity roadways, in each roadway class in a particular region, will logically result in traffic seeking the shortest time paths by utilizing local streets. Capacity is not determined solely by pavement width. Freeway management systems, intersection improvements such as turn lanes, and efficient signal system timing can all produce added capacity without significant amounts of additional pavement. 7 !,4 N E P I N 55 494 MEDINA LE PLAIN LONGLAKE 12 O WAYZATA O1 EXCELSIOR,. 41 SKA r 1 I 94 g4 55 iN stnvr 35W A, 62 ■ z 62 11 .� CHAN SSEN 00 62 212 �OENP RAIRI 169 494 BLOOMINGTON 101 O SHAKOPEE O1 SAVAGE 69 Fla i I LAIR i KOE r ILI" mor. _�� i 77 � 13 :a .,$IICOLS -- 13 35W UrImD IRIS KAR "MR ww1wi! M MO swmm - ./C.1. IAsT . IARv/C>u IDST v/CSu IU!'D'OR a[1'Rt %aM L06 %A. %D 1`.1RE I MACCUrAKE CITY OF EDINA Zd 5ybTUA RF IkL COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY 0 A specific example of congestion and trip shifting that occurs in the area surrounding the Country Club District is as follows: congestion at Excelsior Boulevard at the T.H. 100 ramps and at Wooddale Avenue causes trips from the T.H. 100 and 50th Street area that are headed for France Avenue and Excelsior Boulevard (as well as points beyond) to elect to try to use 50th Street to reach France Avenue. However, congestion and delays along 50th Street and along France Avenue cause that traffic to now seek alternate routes through the neighborhood. The improvements to the streets that were made in the 50th Street and France Avenue area in the 1980's had the unanticipated side -effect of diverting some traffic into the Country Club neighborhood. Since both France Avenue and 50th Street are classed as minor arterials and have volumes desiring to use those roadways that would typically require four lane facilities, the lack of the additional through lanes serves to further increase travel times along those routes, thus inadvertently diverting traffic into the neighborhood. There actually is sufficient capacity on those roadways, but the congestion adds to the travel times. Therefore, a condition has been created that makes a route through the neighborhood very attractive. The travel times on this route between the points defined as; 50th Street near City Hall and France Avenue north of 44th Street, are about 60 seconds faster through the neighborhood than on a path that follows 50th Street, Halifax, 49th 1/2 Street and France Avenue. In addition, a driver on the route through the neighborhood could encounter as few as 2 "STOP" signs and will be on a route with more consistent travel times than a route which passes through several traffic signals. See Figure 4 - Short Cut Route Through The Neighborhood. B. SPEEDING OF TRAFFIC A second major complaint of the residents was that traffic was speeding through the neighborhood. Speed studies were conducted, and are continuing, but the results to date show that the 85 percentile speed at most locations is only slightly above 30 mph. This data should normally not indicate a problem since the official speed limit is 30 miles per hour. However, when the character of the neighborhood with its narrow tree lined streets is considered, traffic at 30 miles per hour may appear to be going faster than it actually is. The impression of speeding is heightened when the observer is sitting in their vehicle in their driveway or walking along or trying to cross the street. The 30 mile per hour speeds are also somewhat of a. problem in certain areas where sight distance is limited or where the curving roadways at the triangular intersections make it difficult to determine which vehicle has the right of way in the short reaction time available to the drivers. 0 > 4). W. % T, I C. C. Z > !> 40 \1 > 1 Z Z..: -7, I=>! z < < 22 1,4 W i J421d p > > u� > > > > < Z �Tli z r14 V > Z z ZM T. zo, I y. Di ALL MME RD- 05 > ST, :> VER -4 ON I : % A- , T Vc s 4— M uj: tW > > 14. > 7 GF R '3L < z S, LX Z Z S-A w CITY OF EDINA SRF TKVW94 w 49 k ST, 1 COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY TT <c 1w w- It 1 7 - 11. MCICIRE ST, q : IL 2. LAURA AVE. E" "x :> > - p CA X-SADE LA. L. DAL .7- 14, M11 PS-ND PL. E. SUNNY SM-1pr- R i Er-GE3FOCK PL, CITY OF EDINA SRF TKVW94 TDfflC KD UM5 COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY The issue of trying to use stop signs to control speeds was discussed with the residents. They understand that the only speed reduction that might be realized would be near those signs and that speeds may actually increase in mid block areas. They also understood that low stop sign compliance could be the result of a proliferation of needless signs. However, it was felt that some additional stop signs could provide proper control of traffic at certain intersections. C. TRAFFIC OPERATIONS AT THE INTERSECTIONS Several intersections were identified where additional traffic control may be needed to improve pedestrian movements as well as create more orderly traffic flows. These are as follows: 1. The triangular intersections along Country Club Road with the Wooddale and Drexel Avenue area being of particular concern. 2. The Browndale Road and Country Club Road triangular intersection. 3. The triangular intersections along Sunnyside Road with the Wooddale and Drexel Avenue area being of particular concern. 4. The Browndale - Edgebrook Place north intersection. Many of the triangular intersections currently lack any traffic control or have the problem of confusing traffic control. At those locations where there are no stop or yield signs, the intent is apparently to operate with the rule of the right. However, Minnesota state laws were amended several years ago to exclude "T" intersections from the traditional rule of the right. The law effectively says that the odd side of a "T" intersection is presumed to have to yield to the "through" street in the absence of other traffic controls. The legislature probably did not envision the equal sided triangles at these intersections in the Country Club District where it is unclear which is the odd leg of the intersection. See Figure 5 - Typical Triangular Intersection Issues. The angles of the intersecting roadways present problems. for left turning vehicles. Do those drivers understand that they first have to yield to oncoming through traffic when making their initial left turn? Then when they complete their turn by entering the second roadway, those drivers are then required to look back through the right sides of their vehicles in order to see traffic approaching from their right, traffic to which they should be yielding. The triangular intersections are of sufficient size and the intersecting streets closely spaced that it is necessary to look ahead from a decision point at one intersection into the next intersection. Sound traffic engineering practice recommends 7 to 10 seconds between successive driver decision points. At 30 miles per hour that would require 300 feet between intersections. Several control strategies for each triangular intersection where investigated. It was decided that consistency throughout the area is important and increasing the decision making distance is also important. It is proposed therefore, that all 11 "T" In.t e rs ecfion TraP;I c_ 0 Pei -a+i o n s Tsst4 e s Cc-,x is+1 +on — Po 60 %1nalr) Prapase-c Tro,.4ic- C o v\ +v-o l (A _.._r CITY OF EDINA S-R-F UL K & l COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY a �/ Vekide oe do e c � Vehicle +o see ka.we. +ke p 0; wca y rooke-cf, appra4cAl:', I c. +k e d r•i rer% rs +A kd. he l,r M1 ki wI OL Prapase-c Tro,.4ic- C o v\ +v-o l (A _.._r CITY OF EDINA S-R-F UL K & l COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY a roadways intersecting Sunnyside Road and Country Club Road be controlled with stop signs. It is also proposed that the intersections of Wooddale Avenue and Sunnyside Road and Wooddale Avenue and Country Club Road be modified to have the triangles reshaped to serve as medians for Woodale Avenue and that those intersections be controlled with all -way stop signs. Both of these intersections are the central intersection of a tightly spaced group of three. See Figures 6, 7 and 8 - Intersection Modifications. The two intersections of Edgebrook Place and Browndale Road have been the subject of numerous complaints by the nearby residences. There is limited sight distance caused by a crest hill on Browndale. There is a heavily used school bus stop near the north intersection. There is no side street control on the approach to Browndale Road. There has been a request for all -way stop control at the north intersection. Currently Edgebrook. Place has one way operation going away from Browndale at the north intersection and all -way control would therefore be inappropriate. It has been suggested that the school bus stop be relocated, but the residents felt that it was at a logical location for that purpose although the sight distance was not good. The residents of the area have continued to request an all -way stop at the north Edgebrook Place intersection. This request should be honored only if the one -way operation on Edgebrook Place is reversed. The residents in attendance at the meeting have agreed to that stipulation. The presence of an all -way stop on Browndale Road will help keep Browndale Road from becoming the new short-cut through the neighborhood after the intersection controls are installed elsewhere. D. TRAFFIC CONTROLS AND RECONSTRUCTION OPTIONS FOR THE BROWNDALE BRIDGE The need for some form of reconstruction of Browndale Bridge require that the options for traffic control be integral to the type of reconstruction selected. The existing bridge operation is not deemed safe by state and national standards and ignoring the issue by leaving the bridge as is, is not recommended. Investigations are still underway as to the options for improving the bridge without destroying its character and without making it an attractive conduit for more traffic through the neighborhood. There appears to be the possibility that the existing bridge railing can be replaced in a manner that provides the required driving surface without widening the main bridge structure. A separate pedestrian bridge or other route for pedestrians would be needed with that option. Making the bridge one -way (either direction) with provisions for pedestrians on the bridge is also possible. The reactions of the neighborhood representatives did not indicate a unified . preference for any particular option. Their primary concern was that through traffic not be increased. The residents along Wooddale and the other streets to the east did express a preference, however. They felt strongly that two -way traffic be maintained in some form. They feel this way because any reduction in traffic on the Browndale Bridge will likely result in an increase on those other streets. 13 P®Sw 111Te: ecTlw mlsd35 CITY OF EDINA SRI U�aODd �U�. A�C S1�YSU7�. COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY fWobw 1QlW5Mlo9 M14161 CITY OF EDINA SRF wbomAlt ME. (56m) �l CWKY CLOB 9P. COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY ftPbstv imegSezTtw mi5ims CITY OF EDINA SRF 5mmZAt V. kl COWIN CLIP W. COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY IV. ACTIONS TO ADDRESS THE ISSUES What are the measures that can be taken to address each of the problem areas identified above? A. PLANS TO REDUCE TRAFFIC IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD The previous section of this report described how the current levels of through traffic in the neighborhood developed. The obvious question that follows is what can be done to limit the amount of this through traffic? The meetings with the representatives of the neighborhood produced a variety of ideas on ways to discourage through traffic from using the neighborhood streets. These ideas evolved into four basic alternatives for consideration as follows: 1. CLOSE OFF ACCESS TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD FROM THE NORTH Close the north access points to the neighborhood on Browndale Road and Wooddale Avenue between Sunnyside Road and 44th Street and on Sunnyside Road between Grimes Avenue and Arden Avenue. 2. BAN PEAK PERIOD LEFT TURNS Ban eastbound left turns from 50th Street and westbound left turns from 44th Street during both the a.m. and p.m. peak periods. 3. ONE WAY LINKS Make the Browndale and Wooddale links between 44th Street and Sunnyside Road one way northbound. Perhaps in conjunction with making the Browndale Bridge one -way southbound. 4. COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN This proposal looks at developing an organized pattern of stop signs in the neighborhood to accomplish two major goals. First and most importantly, the stop sign plan would resolve the confusing traffic controls at the triangular intersections along Country Club Road and Sunnyside Road. This action would improve motorist and pedestrian safety at those locations. Secondly the stops signs would be laid out to create a pattern of stop controls that eliminates any overly attractive routes through the neighborhood and equalizes the numbers of stops and travel times regardless of the route a through driver might take. See Figure 9 for alternate control strategies 17 451- s .. ate• 7�• - - � 4 N <+ti. ild L E ����+ rte, `�.�} +• � •t � i I �i���� LA.° ;; (� 1 .a t LA.C� Z: 0 i Lj Al IDA t .mow., >� ! ��\ i:� \ :;�:�„' � •r,t t,� "�' ;� t �. >� E `��, t , � , - 1�� •r`t `�iZ • ��i� �t �6 .w r•+ S� N E ivai.i: w! % •A'L'Aitl�%iQ f t ;rti. r� 1 3 .w ������4p. 3�:1't�.cst�;��G, 1 3 � i3. ,..s�,s,�sasaz. C.•ea. .. ,r�.�+rre_c:,t l♦ i .� j� 1 LA•F wt .3 rASCADF LA. QQ DAL E .rrE CITY OF EDINA SRF ALTW, fiA n C�IJSI�b COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF THE PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN In selecting which alternative to recommend, the neighborhood representatives, City staff and the consultant agreed on the following goals by which to judge the worth of an alternative. 1. The plan must reduce "unwarranted" through traffic in the neighborhood without increasing the traffic on any individual street beyond today's volumes. Ideally every street in the neighborhood would have a reduction in traffic volumes over today's condition. 2. The plan must improve traffic control at the triangular intersections in a logical manner without significantly affecting the historic character of the neighborhood. 3. The plan must improve pedestrian safety and mobility. 4. The plan should reduce the incidence of speeding. 5. The plan should maintain a reasonable degree of access in and out of the neighborhood. 6. The city -wide concerns of the Edina City Council must be satisfactorily addressed. Those issues are as follows: a. The plan must be a reasonable response to a situation that is unique to this neighborhood and not set a negative precedent that must be faced in considering traffic problems in*other neighborhoods in the city. b. The plan must be enforceable with reasonable levels of effort by the police department. C. The plan must be relatively low and cost and have the flexibility to be modified if conditions change. d. Emergency vehicle, school bus and service vehicle movements should not be unreasonably affected. e. The plan should not unduly affect the mobility of other Edina residents. f. The plan should address the traffic impacts on the arterial street system and on the street systems of adjacent neighborhoods. 19 7. The plan should either resolve the Browndale Bridge traffic control issue or be adaptable to the any of the options that are still viable for the bridge. 8. The plan must make improvements to the 50th Street and France Avenue route, both to attract traffic back to that route and to accommodate any increase in traffic on those roadways. 9. The existing traffic operations problems at Edgebrook and Browndale Road should be addressed. Those problems include sight distance and the movements of children getting on the school bus. Through the discussions with the neighborhood group and input from City Staff and the consultant, it was determined that the Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan was the alternative to be recommended to the City Council for adoption. It was felt that this alternative was fairly inexpensive, provided benefits (not just penalties) and followed a basic tenet of traffic control that is to try the least restrictive measures before taking more drastic actions. DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Efforts to limit traffic can be divided into two main groups of actions. The first group consists of improvements to those roadways where the traffic should be traveling to attract the traffic back to those routes. The second group of actions are efforts to penalize the through traffic. The goal of the two groups of actions is to restore a balance in the street network that makes traveling on the arterial street system quicker than driving through the neighborhood. The development of the full Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan has been split into two phases. An immediate phase (IA) that can be implemented by installing signs and a second phase (IB) that requires some modifications to intersection geometrics. PHASE IA MEASURES ACTIONS TO ATTRACT TRAFFIC FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD Many of the actions that can be taken to attract through traffic back to the arterial street system are low in cost, can be readily implemented and in some cases provide benefits to the traffic already using those roadways. The following are recommended early actions to promote flown on the arterial streets: On France Avenue at 49th 112 Street stripe a southbound right turn lane. This will enable right turning traffic to reach this intersection and turn right when the signal is red for France Avenue. 2. On Halifax Avenue at 50th Street, change the lane markings and signing from the current arrangement of one lane for left turns only and the second lane for through and right turns to having one lane for left turns and throughs and the other lane for right turns only. This will enable traffic desiring to go west on 50th Street to be better able to make a right turn on red thus reducing their delay. 20 3. Coordinate the traffic signal systems at France Avenue and 49th 1/2 Street, 50th Street and Halifax Avenue and 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue to promote the desired through movements. 4. Install directional signing on the signal at 50th Street and Halifax Avenue to indicate that to go northbound on France Avenue, the left turn should be made at this intersection. 5. Install a sign on southbound France Avenue at 49th 1/2 to direct traffic headed for westbound 50th Street to use that route. 6. On eastbound 50th Street at Halifax Avenue, extend the striped left turn lane as far westward as practical. This turn lane should begin at a point that is beyond the end of the queue of cars going through on 50th Street waiting for the signal to turn green. 7. Increase the eastbound left turn green arrow time on 50th Street at Halifax Avenue. 8. At 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue increase the percentage of green time for through traffic. ACTIONS TO DISCOURAGE TRAFFIC FROM PASSING THROUGH THE NEIGHBORHOOD The addition of stop sign controls. The comprehensive stop sign layout for the neighborhood is not only intended to address individual intersection problems, but also establishes a balanced network where every path on the southwest - northeast axis, through the neighborhood, will have a minimum of four fully controlled intersections to pass through. Most of the routes will have 5 stops. 2. Ban the southbound right turn on red at 44th Street and at Sunnyside Road during both the a.m. and p.m. peak periods. This will reduce the number of trips through the neighborhood caused by the southbound driver getting a red light on France Avenue and then on impulse turn right to avoid waiting for the next green signal. 3. On Wooddale Avenue at 50th Street, ban the southbound right turn on red during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. 21 S- C. > > > 40 t :s-f ------ - ---- > > > T Z 14 end: 41 > > > > Tt— < L > .1 >t 7x 1 ALL MC-MM-ME VA0 19 ti gSOS T < < < r'a ZT, 1 4,4 %vico LA, LY 83 S U'N > > > Mz vo T, ott; I I 1 9t. i ila- 1� ST. .4 ::1 J> Ai: < 1. .1 > 3ft T. BRIM f-)E sz. gat Ly 17. W?--wTdWuW. > 13. DAL� b tA. ..4 un : ompir i ; ZI : ii >: �o CITY OF EDINA SRF • ;-L SUNN 1PE R I COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC. STUDY PL. ii >: �o CITY OF EDINA SRF ACTIM 16 IWMV� =1& MlIN5 I COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC. STUDY ii >: �o 44tr UVu -% STOP CuuL MCIoa ew,v - TO AL-WW stof (Vp) AIRL SUN DE W A a a 3 0 p � I 4Yi ST - www�� �z cw .v4lA..(nrf) -.- - 51VE 5tWNMW to 5W(K Ak� RD. AOK AL Ak d T ¢ a W A 3 A W Y O O m A �tui COoNjR� 61 • 5pt1_n ST ST. CITY OF EDIN=T& A mvmc COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY Q W W N ¢ v ST ST. CITY OF EDIN=T& A mvmc COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY b W J Q A 2 C P4 Y O O A W l7 Q W A Z Q J 8C O 44th Ll Q Z_ A W 51. - ext%ILka To uwAIU(TtP) 1c Kgw-D" (tYQ) V -14 mloat lb, All- -*M N#Z& lop WAS B¢OINWAL& !'r" lkilo _Ct uiMll! Cwb - - - -- � 5pth C O U N Q U ST. W U CC m It 1 �w 1� v S-R-F PMlavPubuntw 4 W X C � A -14 mloat lb, All- -*M N#Z& lop WAS B¢OINWAL& !'r" lkilo _Ct uiMll! Cwb - - - -- � 5pth C O U N Q U ST. W U CC m It ■ Z W A Q el- 12 CITY OF EDINA S-R-F PMlavPubuntw IUMC M COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY ■ Z W A Q el- 12 V. EXPECTED RESULTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN The combination of the improvements to the arterials and the restrictions in the neighborhood, should eliminate the 60 second travel time advantage traffic-cutting through the neighborhood has over the traffic staying on the arterial route. A computer based traffic flow model (the same model was used for the Tracy Avenue Neighborhood Traffic Study) was used to develop this alternative as well as to test the other proposals. Figure 11 shows a schematic of the neighborhood street system with the current volumes and the volumes expected after the implementation of the plan shown at selected key locations. The overall effect is that the total cordon crossing volume of 23,000 will be reduced to about 18,000. This translates into 2,500 fewer "through" vehicles per day using the neighborhood streets or a reduction of nearly 50 percent of that original volume of unwarranted through traffic. Figur 13 shows the average daily traffic volumes on representative streets today, the expected volume after Phase IA is implemented and the expected additional change in volumes at key locations when Phase IB is completed. 25 VI. RESOLUTION OF THE OTHER TRAFFIC CONTROL ISSUES OF SPEEDING AND THE EFFECTS OF THE BROWNDALE BRIDGE ALTERNATIVES CONTROL OF SPEEDING The Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan does not specifically address the issue of speeding. There would likely be less speeding with the lower volume of through traffic and their may a slight reduction in speeds near the intersections with revised or added traffic controls. The Edina Police Department has made efforts to control the speeding in the neighborhood, but the results actually show that there is a lower violation rate of the 30 mile per hour residential zone in this area than in many other sections of Edina. The problem is largely one of appearance. The 30 mph speed limit is too high for this type of neighborhood. Longer range measures could be considered for the speeding issue. First, bills have been introduced in the legislature to reduce the urban residential speed limit to 25 miles per hour. Secondly, the character of the streets and the neighborhood could justify consideration by Mn /DOT of an area wide 25 mph zone for the Country Club District. This action may also require special legislation. A similar measure was used by Minneapolis to set the 25 mile per hour speed limits on their parkways. It is also hoped that the "speeding" issue may be reduced if through traffic is diverted from the neighborhood. There are other possible speed control devices that could be used in the future, if the other measures are not effective. These measures include: revising the other triangular intersections, or installing choker islands in mid -block to further narrow the roadways. Each of the four traffic control proposals was reviewed with the possibility that the traffic operation on Browndale Bridge might be changed to a one way, in either direction, or the bridge may be closed to vehicular traffic depending on what options for improving the bridge were feasible. Since any changes to the bridge were unlikely to take place until 1993, it was decided that the implementation of a traffic management plan for the neighborhood should move ahead as quickly as possible and that it could be modified later if a change in traffic operation on the bridge would be required. This report does not deal further with the issue of the bridge traffic control other than to say that retaining some form of two -way traffic flow seemed to be the most acceptable alternative to the majority of the representatives of the neighborhood and that any of the possible traffic control strategies, for the bridge would be compatible with the rest of the plan. C Y O 0 ca W A W 2000 44tr SUNNI a a Z Q W Z W 1((SIRIDGE OC 3 D D � 1000 2►c�o boo 00 27, ,,7 aw 7-100 q� 170) ,700) COIN 5riwoo 23000 S1• Q.(oQQ _ �.�� (�: (l'�T i1�Lt) CC}�1�►T IONS ' RD. ✓ 4000 03700) 2 J j D �Wj W a W Q 3 2C 13CJ q00 (-OLZ 1ia00 2200) i(o00� l000) 0) I(v00) ST. 2$00 i 10o I o(� 700 1400 r24-m) 700) 700) (6co) IZD3) CLUB 4q 00 1 1400 &166 1 ra r_o> Z00) ST. 11,000 13,000 CITY OF EDINA SRF Avma DAILY IWIC Wun IN mss COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY VII. RECOMMENDED ACTION PLAN A. Completion and presentation of the Traffic Report to the Edina City Council. B. Approval and recommendation of adoption of the Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan by the Edina City Council. C. Installation of the signs required for Phase 1A D. Preparation of construction plans for Phase 1 B. E. Construction of the intersections and changes to the traffic control at these intersections. F. After implementation of the Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan, schedule the collection of "after" traffic counts to determine the effectiveness of the plan in reducing through traffic. G. Consider additional restrictions or changes, if necessary, based on the traffic patterns that develop after the plan has been implemented. 28 VIII. FOLLOW -UP IMPROVEMENTS Additional improvements to further attract traffic from the neighborhood that are still relatively low in cost, but would take more time to implement can also be made to promote flow on the arterial streets. These actions include: A. Southbound on France Avenue at 49th 1/2 Street, install a southbound right turn arrow to be on with the eastbound left turn movement. B. Southbound on Halifax Avenue at 50th Street, install a southbound right turn arrow to be on with the eastbound left turn movement. C. On 50th Street at Wooddale Avenue, change the left turn signals from the existing protected - permitted operation (left turns are allowed during the through green after yielding) to a protected only operation where the left turns can only be made on the arrow. This action will redirect the "impulse" turning drivers who are following a path of least resistance. D. If additional measures are needed to divert traffic from the neighborhood they would most likely fall into the categories of turning restrictions or possible roadway closures. We have identified the segment of Sunnyside Road between Arden and Grimes as being the area where through traffic is likely to continue to use to get quickly through the neighborhood. Any monitoring of "after" conditions should focus on that roadway. 29 w. > J S"r Z' �j gg ;> > > > -cc z ST� L th Z > - -7 Z tai E.2 z > < > > > > - > . Tall <'- Lai 41 /. . . > > > LITTLE! Z Z' C3 : . * i 7 4 _J: > ,,yam -------------- h4MMUSSIDE gs0K. sT, > > > SO. 4� I c* X. t �L% j4L Z L Lk Si ui + I C aE 's 02 1 Cl R. tj > > > > lem T, Ell gal�cfm Tam <' Zi 09T. I �T- 3 ­14- ot — ------ - 0­ ------ - .4 4. z W 49t "Air. 49 4 All\ n17. Lai :s > >: 4WRE - --- --- Lai 12, ;-,AURA AVE. J- - ¢ 13. CASCADE LA. WM DA '4. MIL: FUND PL. �12UNNY -3LO-PE R CITY OF EDINA _R_F MLLS-1 IMMM V5 COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY 14 IX. ACTIONS BY AGENCIES OTHER THAN EDINA As discussed earlier, one of the reasons that there is through traffic in the neighborhood is the lack of capacity at certain locations elsewhere on the regional roadway system. The nearest of these locations is on Excelsior Boulevard at the east ramp from T.H. 100 and the nearby intersection of Wooddale Avenue. St. Louis Park, Hennepin County and Mn /DOT are all aware of this problem. There is a redevelopment project planned in the area that will make changes at those intersections that will improve traffic operations over today's conditions even with the added traffic from the initial phases of the proposed redevelopment. St. Louis Park is also studying the needs for this area up to the year 2015. Their stated goal is to provide roadways that will handle all foreseen additional growth with roadways that will operate better than with today's conditions. Hennepin County is supporting the actions of St. Louis Park. Mn /DOT is planning improvements to T.H. 100 between Excelsior Boulevard and the 1 -394 area. These improvements will provide for a continuation of the six lane mainline as well as rebuilding of the interchanges at T.H. 7 and Minnetonka Boulevard. Mn /DOT is also reviewing the constriction on 1 -394 at Penn Avenue that was created by the actions of the Minnesota Legislature ih the 1970's. Mn /DOT's current plan is to complete the planned one year "after" study with the current condition and then to seek legislative approval of the extension of the third lane through Penn Avenue. 1 -35W is being studied for reconstruction and its person carrying capacity will be increased if a project is forthcoming. Associated with the improvements to 1 -35W will be an increase in the capacity of T.H. 62 through its common section with I -35W. Improvements are continually being made to the freeway management system and its ramp meter operation. The system is becoming more responsive to actual traffic flow as it is expanded and improved. Each of these improvements may help to redistribute traffic flows back onto higher type roadways thereby easing pressure to travel through the neighborhoods. 31 X. SUPPORTIVE ACTIONS THAT CAN BE TAKEN BY THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL To minimize the problem of unwarranted through traffic in neighborhoods throughout Edina now and in the future, the City Council can take several actions that would. be of benefit in providing capacity to the regional system to ensure that the lowest levels of diversion from those facilities will occur. 1. Support the City of St. Louis Park, Hennepin County and Mn /DOT in their efforts to make improvements to the Excelsior Boulevard and T.H. 100 area. 2. Support Mn /DOT in their efforts to improve Interstate 1 -35W, in particular, but also 1-494 and T.H. 62 (Crosstown). 3. Support efforts to have the third lane on 1 -394 opened through the Penn Avenue interchange. 4. Consider the possible implications on neighborhood traffic flows when considering improvements to the minor arterial and collector roadways within Edina that could reduce the capacity or increase travel times for those facilities. 32 XI. CONCLUSIONS The recommended Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan should be adopted by the Edina City Council for the following reasons: 1. It will provide a noticeable reduction in unwarranted through traffic in the Edina Country Club Neighborhood. 2 It is easy and inexpensive to implement and follows a logical pattern of traffic control that will be understood by the drivers. 3. The plan addresses the issue of the accident potential that exists with the uncontrolled triangular intersections. 4. It complies with the traffic engineering principle of trying the least restrictive measures first. 5. It provides traffic attracting improvements to the arterial roadways, not merely penalties in the neighborhood. 6. It can be modified if necessary when the decision on the design of the Browndale Bridge is reached. 7. The plan can also be further augmented if needed, if problem areas remain after the new patterns of traffic flow in the neighborhood are established. 33 COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN PHASE IA -- ACTIONS THAT CAN BE COMPLETED IMMEDIATELY A. Convert existing yield controls and rule -of -the -right operation at the following locations by installing side street "STOP" control: 1. Southbound Browndale at Country Club -- remove yield sign from westbound to southbound 2. Northbound Moorland at Sunnyside 3. Northbound Edina at Sunnyside 4. Northbound Wooddale at Sunnyside -- remove eastbound Sunnyside stop sign 5. Southbound Wooddale at Sunnyside— remove existing westbound Sunnyside stop sign 6. Northbound Drexel at Sunnyside 7. Northbound Casco at Sunnyside 8. Northbound Bruce at Sunnyside 9. Southbound Wooddale at Sunnyside — remove eastbound Sunnyside yield 10. Northbound Wooddale at Country Club 11. Southbound Drexel at Country Club 12. Southbound Casco at Country Club 13. Southbound Bruce at Country Club and northbound Bruce at County Club- - remove eastbound and westbound stops on Country Club. (This reverses the existing side street stop control) 14. Southbound Grimes at Sunnyside (east leg) - west leg is in place B. Install all -way stop control at the following locations: 1. Browndale Road at Sunnyside Road 2. Sunnyside Road at Arden Avenue 3. Bridge Street at Arden Avenue (currently Arden is stopped) 4. Edgebrook Place North at Browndale Road -- Reverse the one -way operation on Edgebrook Place 5. Country Club Road at Arden Avenue (currently uncontrolled) C. Install the following other signs: 1. Southbound France at 44th No turn on red 7 -9 a.m. and 4 -6 p.m. 2. Southbound France at Sunnyside No turn on red 7 -9 a.m. and 4 -6 p.m. 3. Southbound Wooddale at 50th Street No turn on red 7 -9 a.m. and 4 -6 p.m. D. Change the lane usage on southbound Halifax at 50th to: left lane (through plus left turns), right lane (right turns only) E. Optimize timing at all affected signals. PHASE IB -- ADDITIONAL ACTIONS A. Reconstruct the following intersections: 1. SunnysideMooddale north to "T" with all -way stop 2. Wooddale South /Country Club to "T" with all -way stop 3. Country Club /Browndale to "T" with side street stop on southbound Browndale 'J o e V Vat 0 lass REPORT /RECOMMENDATION , To: Mayor & City council Agenda Item # zv.A. From: Francis Hoffman�h_' Consent E City Engineer Information Only ❑I Date: 19 July, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA i Subject: Edina - country To Council Club Neighborhood i ° Traffic Study Action T Motion Resolution Ordinance f Discussion Recommendation: Adopt recommendations as listed on cover letter attached from the traffic consultant. Info /Background: This is the product of traffic review in the Country Club Dis- trict by City consultant, staff and neighbors. This recommenda- tion is not the most aggressive of all possible solutions but provides an improvement without unduly impacting other neighbors. Additional correspondence from neighbors is attached. SRFSTRGAR- ROSCOE- FAUSCH, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS TRANSPORTATION ■ CIVIL ■ STRUCTURAL ■ ENVIRONMENTAL ■ PARKING SRF No. 0921752.1 MEMORANDUM TO: Fran Hoffman, P.E. City of Edina p 1� D FROM: Dennis Eyler, P.E. u DATE: July 16, 1993 SUBJECT: EDINA - COUNTRY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC STUDY SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED ACTIONS As you requested, we have completed the above referenced traffic study and have presented the findings and recommendations to the City Council, neighborhood committee and city staff. The following is a summary of the actions identified and recommended to be completed within the neighborhood and surrounding area, which may help to reduce and /or mitigate the neighborhood traffic problems: 1. Change traffic control at the specified triangle intersections. 2. Add other stop and all -way stop control specified location. 3. Change direction of travel on Edgebrook Place and add all -way stop control. 4. Reconfigure specific triangle intersections /islands, add all -way stop control. 5. Make traffic control changes to arterial roadways - France Avenue and 50th Street. 6. Support improvements by other agencies The specifics of these actions are contained in the traffic study report and the Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan. Should you have any questions or comments concerning this traffic study, please contact us. Suite 150, One Carlson Parkway North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55447 -4443 (612) 475-0010 FAX (612) 475 -2429 TBE ASPENWALL COMPANY 4816 Park Glen Road Minneapolis, MN 55416 Phone (612) 926 -8838 Fax (612) 926 -8831 City of Edina 8 July 1993 Attention: Mayor- Fred Richards City Council Members- Peggy Kelly, Jane Paulus. Jack Rice, and Glen Smith This letter is to express my opinion concerning the Country Club Traffic Issue. I strongly request that. you vote to 'approve the plan and -start the implementation of Phases 1A and 1B. I have been a member of the committee working with Fran Hoffman on this project. You may remember that I spoke at the July 6th City Council Meeting in favor of the Plan. The Plan is a step in the right direction to deal with the traffic safety problems on the narrow streets of our residential neighborhood. Also, as discussed at the Council Meeting, the following items should be included in Phase 1 implementation: 1- Approval for a 25MPH speed limit throughout the neighborhood. 2- Rush hour turn restrictions into and out -of the neighborhood. 3- Additional Stop Signs to address the concerns of the Sunnyside and Arden residents. We on the Committee and members of the neighborhood look forward to the implementation of Phase 1 with the opportunity to reconvene after the evaluation period of Phase 1 and review the situation to assess if further action is required . In closing, I would like to add that my experience in working with Fran Hoffman and the City Council has been a positive one. The professionalism and concern for the City and its citizens displayed by Fran Hoffman and yourselves is gratifying. cc: Fran Hoffman S erely Ray S hipani dL- 2-1z 42 5 JUL_-Z3-9Z F R I 2: 5 3 S R F P. 0 2 ISSUES FROM JULY 1993 CITY COUNCIL ME TING TRIP RATE PER HOUSEHOLD OF 14 PER DAY BASED ON DWELLING UNIT TYPE AND INCOME LEVELS CALCULATED AS 113 OF TRAFFIC - CONFIRMED BY LICENSE PLATE CHECK TRIP RATE CALIBRATED LOCALLY BY MET COUNCIL'S TRAVEL BEHAVIOR INVENTORY VERIFIED IAT ISOLATED RESIDENTIAL AREAS WHERE ALL TRAFFIC WAS GENERATED BY THE RESIDENTS CONCERN FOR PEDS IF RIGHT TURN LANES ENCOURAGE RIGHT TURNS ON RED AT 49 112 - PEDS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CROSS FRANCE ON NORTH SIDE AT 50TH - TURN ON RED IS ALLOWED NOW - MAKING THE RIGHT LANE A RIGHT TURN ONLY WILL SLIGHTLY INCREASE THE OPPORTUNITY FOR A TURN ON RED THE OPERATION WILL BE MONITORED .TUL -23 -93 FR I ' 2:54 SRF P.03 h POSSIBLE INCREASE IN SPEEDS ON SUNNYSIDE ALL -WAY STOPS WILL BE PLACED AT: BROWNDALE WOODDALE NORTH V THE DISTANCE BETWEEN ALL -WAY STOPS WILL BE ABOUT 1/4 MILE - SIMILAR TO THE NORTH -SOUTH DISTANCE BETWEEN ALL -WAY STOPS AREA WIDE 25 MPH SPEED LIMIT DISCUSSED WITH MN /DOT - THEY HAVE APPROVED 25 MPH ZONES IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS WHERE: THERE IS EVIDENCE OF EXCESSIVE THROUGH TRAFFIC THE 25 MPH SPEED LIMIT WOULD NOT BE TOTALLY OUT OF CHARACTER FOR THOSE ROADWAYS JUL -23 -93 FRI 2:54 SRF P.04 TRAFFIC DIVERSION TO 42ND STREET BECAUSE OF NO TURN ON RED AT 44TH STREET THE DRIVER TAKING THIS PATH WOULD HAVE TO KNOW IN ADVANCE THAT THE SIGNAL WOULD BE RED IN ORDER TO DESIRE TO TURN EARLIER AT 42ND THE TRAVEL TIME THROUGH THE NEIGHBORHOOD ALONG 42ND STREET IS GREATER THAN THE ADDED DELAY FROM THE NO RIGHT TURN ON RED o et - REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # IV.B. From: KENNETH ROSLAND Consent [—xI Information Only ❑ Date: JULY 19, 1993 Mgr. Recommends F7 To HRA Subject: El To Council TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF Action T Motion REPORT ❑ Resolution CJ Ordinance ❑ Discussion 0 Recommendation: City Council should approve Section A and note Sections B and C. Info /Background: TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW JULY 6, 1993 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on July 6, 1993. Staff present included the City Engineer, the Assistant City Manager, the Chief of Police, and the Traffic Safety Coordinator. From that review, the below recommendations are provided. On each of the items, . persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They have also been informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the July 19, 1993, Council agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which the Committee recommends approval. (1) Request to remove Sunday parking restrictions on West 56th Street in the 4500 block. Request made by Mildred Anderson, 4539 West 56th Street. ACTION TAKEN: The staff reviewed a neighborhood petition obtained by Mrs. Anderson requesting the removal of the sign. The petition contained signatures of eight of ten affected addresses on West 56th Street (80 %). Two addresses were not contacted even though several attempts were made to do so. The former location of Colonial Church prompted the signage several years ago. The current church, Colony Park Baptist, does not create the on- street parking demand and residents would like the signs removed. Staff members came to a consensus recommending removal of the signs. "f TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW July 6, 1993 Page 2 SECTION B: Requests on which the staff recommends denial of request. (1) Request to reduce the speed of vehicles in the 7000 block of Bristol Boulevard. Request made by Mark Chamberlain, 7004 Bristol Boulevard. ACTION TAKEN: The requestors primary concern was the speed of vehicles as they turned onto Bristol Boulevard from West 70th Street. The requestor reported high -speed turns with vehicles many times crossing the centerline. Two short surveys were conducted on the site and the reported problems were not noted. The staff discussed placing a short "double yellow" line from West 70th Street southbound. However, striping of that nature had always been reserved for collector or greater street classifications. The staff came to the consensus to recommend nothing for the site. Speeds would not reach the violation level near West 70th Street. Enforcement and engineering efforts would likely have no effect. (2) Request to modify the lenses on the traffic signals controlling southbound traffic on Cornelia Drive at West 70th Street to discourage the "speed -up" phenomenon by vehicles attempting to "beat the light." Request made by Greg Scarlaco, 6944 Cornelia Drive. ACTION TAKEN: The staff noted that such modifications are available; however, traffic signal installations require a minimum 200 -foot sight distance of the signal light. This would prohibit such a modification on Cornelia Drive. In addition, such a modification is usually made only where unusual roadway geometrics exist, such as a five -way intersection or roadways coming together at an unusually small angle. The staff gained consensus to not recommend the requested modification. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW July 6, 1993 Page 3 (3) Request to install appropriate signage on Ewing Avenue South, to include a multi -way "STOP" sign at West 61 Street, to reduce speed in the 6100 and 6200 blocks. Request made by Dan Thompson, 6104 Ewing Avenue South. ACTION TAKEN: The staff analyzed the area as a seemingly quiet neighborhood with the vast majority of traffic being residents of the area: No accidents in the last three years had been reported. Two rush -hour speed surveys were conducted that displayed low volumes and acceptable 85th - percentile speeds. Two vehicles would have been cited for violating speed laws during these surveys and both vehicles were from the area. The installation of a "STOP" sign at West 61st Street would not meet multi -way "STOP" warrants. The staff reached consensus that a neighborhood informational letter should be sent to residences in the area. Also, a newly designed temporary roadside sign depicting the 30 miles - per -hour speed limit should be used for a period of ten days in conjunction with and to reinforce the neighborhood letter. The staff does not recommend the installation of a multi -way "STOP" sign. SECTION C: Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. None. r rj 1 -vA.:l o of; rti o - s REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & Council Members Agenda Item # IV. C. From: Ken Rosland Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: July 19, 1993 Mgr. Recommends El To HRA Subject: COMMUNITY EDUCATION � To Council SERVICES BOARD GOVERNANCE POLICY Action 0 Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance E. Discussion Recommendation: To accept the School District's proposed Community Education Services Board membership change Info /Background: Attached is a memo to Ken Dragseth from Doug Johnson with a copy to me. This was discussed at a Council Meeting weeks ago, and the concept was brought to Doug Johnson. I believe this is what the Council would like to see happen, but I feel you should formally concur with the governing policy. If at the Council Meeting you so vote for the proposed membership change, I will forward that on to the School Board and Ken Dragseth. 4� 1 1 EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS MEMORANDUM TO: Ken Dragseth FROM: Doug Johnson DATE: July 8, 1993 RE: Proposed C.E.S.B. Membership Change cc: Ken Rosland The City Council recently had a discussion about the need to have a City Council member represented on the C.E.S.B.. They think that (according to Peggy Kelly) having a Park Board representative is important to maintain a good working relationship between the programs. The C.E.S.B. asked me to prepare a policy change and put it up for discussion at the July and August C.E.S.B. meeting. Attached is a copy for discussion. The bottom line is that the City would no longer have City Council or at large representation. They would maintain a seat for the Park Board. The Board of Education would increase their at large appointments from one to two representatives. In addition, a constituent representative will be added for the Youth Development Advisory Council. The net result is that the membership remains at ten. Your comments about this proposal are welcome. 1' i INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 273 .Regular Meeting, 1993 Volume 65, Report REVISION OF POLICY 6201. •vu 1► •► GOVERNANCE Be it Resolved, That The Board of Education Revise Policy 6201, Community Education Services Governance, as appended. _ The current policy was reviewed by the Community Education Services Board The C.E.S.B. recommendation is a miner modification in the policy language that r�eet3o -o € -- tie-- Soa�d -- cif- atios�. changes the membership of the C.E.S.B. 6201 Community Education Services and the Community Education Services Board are the ultimate responsibility of the Board of Education and shall be,under its general direction. The Community Education Services Board policy must always maintain consistency with Board of Education policy. The following responsibilities and functions are delegated - -by the Board to the Community Education Services and Facilities Board. 1. To establish appropriate policies and to monitor policy consistency for the Community Education Services Program. 2. To review and approve, subject to final action by the Board of Education,tax levies and budgets for the Community Education Services Program. _ 3. To establish appropriate space utilization policies and to monitor space utilization of the Edina Community Center, as well as other spaces available in school buildings, and in the community for the Community Education Services Program. 4. To assess and address on an ongoing basis the needs of the community for growth and direction of the Community Education Services Program. 5. To report annually to the Board of Education and the City Council and, as appropriate, make recommendations to each body. 6. To adopt and amend bylaws, as appropriate, subject to review and approval by the Board of Education. The Community Education Services Board shall consist of the following members: 1. The chairperson, or his /her council member designee, from each of the various community service advisory councils (Edina Family Center, Community Resource Pool, -GGaMu*i -t)� £d46at3or�, Adult Enrichment, and Edina Kids Club, and Youth Development.) 2. One member of the Edina Board of Education and-- aae -uss ®s 3. One member of the Edina Park and Recreation Board. 4. Three community representatives at large, orfa two to be appointed by the Edina Board of Education, o- r}e- -t.} -be- a�pAln $d,_��,_tse_a_�,i,�_Co�u�il, and one to be appointed by the Community Education Services Board. 5. The Director of Community Education Services and Facilities who shall serve as an ex- officio, nonvoting member and as principal staff officer. Policy adopted: 6 6/8/87 I Q ei • ' ~�HtlR1M'j REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: COUNCIL MEMBERS Agenda Item — zv. E . From: Consent MAYOR RICHARDS Information Only ❑ Date: JULY 19, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: E To Council REAPPOINTMENT OF Action Motion KEVIN RIES TO THE EDINA FOUNDATION j 17 Resolution i BOARD ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Reappointment of Kevin Ries to The Edina Foundation Board of Directors as the Council Appointee for term to June, 1996. Info /Background: With concurrence of the Council, I intend to reappoint Kevin Ries to The Edina Foundation Board for term to June, 1996. �l. o REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: PATSY BERNHJELM, LICENSING Date: JULY 19, 1993 Subject: TEMPORARY 3.2 BEER LICENSE - MINNESOTA RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION Recommendation: Agenda Item, ## IV.F. Consent Information Only F7 Mgr. Recommends El To HRA E To Council Action Ex:] Motion Resolution C Ordinance F7 Discussion Council approval of issuance of a Temporary 3.2 Beer License to the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. Info /Background: The City has received an application for a Temporary 3.2 Beer License from the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association for an adult softball tournament to be held on July 31 and August 1, 1993, at Van Valkenburg Park. The application has been reviewed by the Police and Health Departments and approval of issuance of the license is recommended. The applicant meets the requirements of Code Subsection 900.16 for a Temporary 3.2 Beer License. This would be the second of four such licenses allowed to be issued to one location in a calendar year pursuant to Subsection 900.16, Subd. 2. Issuance of the license would not be contrary to the provisions of Code Subsection 1230.02, paragraph 0. which permits the consumption of non - intoxicating malt liquor within the ballfield complex of Van Valkenburg Park. CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50TH STREET ' EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 Dept Approved Date HEALTH - 7 -1 2 w POLICE CLERK COUNCIL License Fee: $35.00 14ake check payable to: City of Edina APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY 3.2 BEER LICENSE TOTAL J5. A0 Ig43 NtKPk -USSSA N1E�s OP�a 0T11�'O� NAME OF EVENT 5� kfS (�F1rli1%i.L % OJ,e�uAK6N l ADDRESS OF EVENT V P IV V4 LQG aBu2� P6#-r.— DATE AND HOURS OF EVENT S evr J" lw 3 ( I qq 3 _ qAN = id Pf-%- 9Ah- ter' NAME OF SPONSORING ORGANIZATION A( ijoiloi h PEc -&G-s AT I O#J f AQtz.- ASS0C1AT j0j ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION SOOS WGS 7 3�0 ST. 5T• t-Ou's Pq.AX MA) SS `A((p NAME OF /' POSITION IN n APPLICANT 6"GaAL0 �`lIlC bE�ti ORGANIZATION P,OGMK'�) 12t`t -rCR- First FULL Middle Last n , ADDRESS.- .a..UoS I,iJ�S ��,, 3.� S; 1 SI , Ly tS PP.4 -K- I�N �s`f( (p BIRTHDATE (�q - .S f DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER S 1 -.2 7S ' 8'6 % - 3 Z.p' Has the organization been in existence and actively engaged in programs intended to further and promote the purposes for which organized for at least 18 consecutive months prior hereto? &M, Is this organization organized.for (check one): i service to the community, state, or nation? social purposes? the promotion of sports? the promotion of persons to elective office? charitable or religious corporations for and to which gifts are deductible from the income of the donor under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986? Has this organization ever been granted a Temporary On -Sale 3.2 Beer License? - If yes, list dates S-4 1 y f3 0-6 if ?3 Has there been any violation by applicant of any licensing provision or suspension or vocation of licenses held by the applicant in the City or elsewhere? 0 If so, state the time, place and nature of such offense: I, duly being sworn on oath, depose and say that the statements herein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read and understand all laws and ordinances pertaining to the granting of a Temporary On -Sale 3.2 Beer License. I understand that any payment submitted with this applicatic will be promptly deposited by the City, but such deposit shall not constituL_ acceptance of the application by the City and the applicant must meet all requirements for the license prior to issuance. Date Signed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of mY j , County of. - 0 as to applicant this day of , 19y? Signature of Notary ;J 4/93 - 2 - Print Applicant's ant's Name App is n s Signature (Seal) E-444 . BERNHJELM :PATRICIA NCMAWPIM -MMQIM A CARVER COUNTY MY cowdemoe ExpUss Oct 15. low �- N=� o 'RAM• tl REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & Council Members From: Ken Rosland Date: July 19, 1993 Subject: FAMILY FIELD TRIP '94 EDINA LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Agenda Item # IV. G. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA E To Council Action 7 Motion ❑ Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: To approve the date suggested by the League of Women Voters -- Saturday, February 26, 1994 - -for the 2nd Annual Family Field Trip to City Hall Info /Background: The event was held for the first time on Saturday, February 27, 1993. Connie Hondl and Carol Frisch are anticipating the planning of the 2nd Annual Family Field Trip as you can see from the attached letter. They are suggesting Saturday, February 26, 1994; however, I don't think this is cast in concrete. There are two things we have to do at this time: 1) Decide whether or not you would like to have this event again 2) If "yes," suggest an alternative date if February 26th is not ideal I believe last year's event was a success. r) LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF EDINA 5209 Tifton Drive • Edina Minnesota 55439 • (612) 944 -1229 July 9, 1993 Ken Rosland City Manager 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Ken: The League of Women Voters of Edina was so pleased with the response and feedback we got from the first Family Field Trip to City Hall last February that when we began our calendar planning for 1993 -94 we wanted to investigate repeating that event. Could we meet with you to talk about your interest in scheduling another such open house? We are suggesting February 26, 1994 as a potential date, if you are interested. We would like to evaluate how .to make the time even more informative and - appealing- to:citizens� Starting -this early should enable the city to include the details in future publications. 0 Please call Connie at 944 -1229, to set up a meeting at your convenience. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Carol Frisch and Connie Hondl, Co- Presidents League of Women Voters of Edina The League of Women Voters of Edina, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. oie REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman W City Engineer Date: 19 July, 1993 Subject: Feasibility Report - Set Hearing Date 2 August, 1993 E -33 - Bituminous Alley W. 64th St. & Xerxes Av. Agenda Item # Iy.H. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA _ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Set Hearing Date - 2 August, 1993 for Alley Improvement E -33. Info/Background- The Engineering staff has investigated the following project which has been petitioned by adjacent property owners. The project is feasible and staff recommends hearing the project on 2 August, 1993. Improvement Location Est. Cost Project E -33 Alley on W. 64th Street & Xerxes Avenue $10,432.24 This project would be funded by special assessment. 114 o e t >1.� .4 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION less To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman,� Dir. of Public W q, ks Date: 19 July, 1993 Subject' Hennepin County Ground Water Plan Agenda Item # Iy • I Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action Recommendation: Select one of two options: (1) Do not support Ground Water Plan U 17 To HRA �l To Council 'x Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion (2) Support Concept of Ground Water Plan with concern over financial and legal obligations imposed by Ground Water Plan. Info /Background: Hennepin County Conservation District has been preparing a ground water plan for Hennepin County the past two years. During the late fall and winter of 1992, they sought input for local agen- cies. Most input was on the negative side. The negative side of the issue was not about wanting to protect ground water, but the financial and liability concerns resulting from the plan. Staff attended an evening workshop with Hennepin County Conser- vation District staff, County environmental staff, and County attorney's office present on July 14 in Minnetonka City Hall. These workshops have not been well attended until this time. Representatives from Eden Prairie, Bloomington, Edina, Plymouth, Crystal and other smaller western suburbs were present.. The group sent a strong message to those holding the work session concerning three issues. The issues involve the following: A. Duplication of effort for ground water protection being undertaken by Minnesota Department of Health. 4 Report /Recommendation Agenda Item IV.I. Page Two B. Financial responsibility for implementation of the ground water plan upon the cities. C. Responsibility for city to insure compliance of county and state regulation within its borders. (This would translate into serious liability concerns for any city.) As a result of this work session, the attached information was faxed to our staff on July 16, indicating changes to their position on city responsibility. This ground water plan is also an element in the watershed plan requirements. It has been suggested that watersheds could adopt this plan by reference when doing their required management plan. In observing all the activity, staff believes that the Hennepin County Board may be concerned about all the financial and liability issues that seem to arise when discussing the plan. The staff from Hennepin County's attorney's office certainly understood the city repre- sentatives's concerns over enforcement and compliance issues raised by the ground water plan. The staff understands the need for ground water protection and supports the concept for action to do same. However, with all the other agencies involved, Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Waste Management Board, EPA, etc., one has to be concerned adding another agency to the layer of public agencies acting on this issue. The Hennepin Conser- vation District board and staff believe this provides a better aquifer protection program then is currently in place. As such, staff recommends one of two options be selected: Option 1: Do not support the Hennepin County Ground Water Plan as too much duplication would exist. Option 2: Support Ground Water Plan concept with Hennepin County accepting appropriate financing and liability issues that result in the plan compliance. HENNEPIN CONS. DIST. 16 July, 1993 Dear, P.07 The Hennepin Conservation District has completed a series of three open meetings with local governments for comments about the Hennepin County Ground Water Plan. Several changes have been made to the plan in response to comments received during those meetings. Concern was expressed regarding liability that cities would assume because the plan asked that they "insure" that certain tasks were completed (see pages 15 through 18). All instances of this language has been redrafted and we believe that the issue of potential liability has been resolved. Concern was expressed that the plan would requite cities to assume responsibility for enforcement of state and federal regulations. This language has been revised to remove any implication that cities or WMO's would assume such responsibility. The plan calls for HCD to provide several types of assistance to cities that the cities would then use to protect ground water. Concern was expressed that the language of the plan requires certain duties of cities that HCD had promised to do. This languange has been revised to indicate that HCD will provide assistance either automatically or upon request for these tasks. There was some confusion about deadlines for various tasks because the "starting times" varied or were implied This language has been redrafted to remove any confusion about deadlines. Concern was expressed that Hennepin County and HCD would assume over -all authority for local water management through their review of local water management plans. The intent of this provision was simply to provide an opportunity for communication. The language has been softened. Concern was expressed that watershed plans would require amendment earlier than the existing watershed plan time frame. HCD is consulting with the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources concerning interpretation of statutes and rules applicable to this issue. A copy of the revised sections of the plan is enclosed. Pages 11 /12 and 19/20 correct minor typographical errors. Chapter 5, Responsibilities and Time Frame, has been revised. Please replace the existing sections of your copy of the plan with the sections provided herein. Please insure the revisions are circulated to all appropriate persons for review. The Board of Hennepin County Commissioners has scheduled a hearing on 29 July, 1993, to discuss the ground water plan. Please call the HCD office if you have any questions regarding the Hennepin County Ground Water Plan. Sincerely, Harold Burrows, Chairman cc: Hennepin County Commissioners Vern Genzlinger Janet Leick HENNEPIN CONS. DIST. P.01 Post -it " brand fax transmittal memo 76711 * of pages ► Responsibilities This section defines the tasks and responsibilities of -the Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board and local governments in Hennepin County. Figure 2 1) Hennepin County prepares the groundwater plan 2) Town, cities, WMOs, SWCDs, counties review and comment 60 Days 3) Metropolitan Council review and comment 110 Days 4) State review and comment 60 Days 1 BWSR review and approval 45 Days 6) County adopts the ground water plan 120 Days Time from submittal for review until adoption by county 405 Days 2_Z- shows the sequence in the review, approval, adoption, and implementation of the County ground water plan, watershed management plans, and local water management plans. 7) WMOs amend watershed plans 365 Days g) Towns, cities, counties, SWCDs review and comment 60 Days 9) Metropolitan Council review and comment 120 Days r `te review and comment 60 Days 11 BWSR review and approval 45 Days 12) WMO adopt,. amendments 120 Days Time for WMO adoption of amendments 770 Days Total time from submittal of the ground water plan to adoption of WMO amendments 1175 Days 13) Cities amend local water management plans r~ varies; mKiA&M n 365 days 14) WMO review and approval 60 Days Cities adopt amendments 120 Days 16) Citics amend controls 60 Days Minimum time for adoption of city amendments 605 Days Minimum time From submittal of the ground water plan to city implementation 1780 Days (4.9 Years) Figure 2. Review, approval, and implementation lime table for county ground water plans. HENNEPIN CONS. DIST. DRAFT - Hennepin County Ground Water Plan - DRAFT Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board After the adoption of this plan, the Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board has the following responsibilities. Develop a system for ranking the hazard potential of individual activities or operations that use, generate, store, transport or dispose hazardous or toxic materials according to the types and amounts of materials present and the nature of the activity or operation. This task will be coordinated with the Hennepin County Department of Environmental Management. • Identify phasing schedules and techniques for inventories of potential contaminant sources. • Develop model ordinances for sensitive geologic areas, wellhead protection, protection of ground water recharge areas, and hydrogeologic studies. Facilitate the collection and exchange of information relevant to ground water protection between all levels of government, and devise standards and procedures to maintain the data in formats that will be compatible with the data bases of local governments and the County GIS system. • Establish a committee of GIS users in the County that will exchange ideas, techniques, information, and computer code to enhance the application of GIS to ground water protection. • Direct disputes regarding this plan that arise among local governments to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources. P.02 • Prepare the Hennepin County ground water plan as provided by Minnesota Statutes, §103B.255, and prepare revisions and amendments to the ground water plan as required; • _Comment within, 60 days on the conformity of amendments to watershed management plans and local water management plans to the County groundwater plan; and • Review, and if necessary amend, County ordinances to be consistent with this plan (see Appendix 22). • Investigate the feasibility of adopting a county well ordinance. Information Management Tasks • Require applicants for county licenses managed by the Community Health Department and HC -DEM to provide the property identification number (PID) of the parcel or parcels where the licensed activity takes place. • Maintain a list of wells in the County that are considered to be a high priority for permanent well sealing. This task will be delegated to HC -DEM and coordinated with the Hennepin Conservation District. • Cooperate and respond to requests for information from cities and HCD regarding activities licensed by the HC- CHD and HC -DEM. • Cooperate and respond to requests for information from cities_ and HCD regarding extracts,.from the County Surveyor and Property Tax and Public Records Department data bases. After the adoption of this plan, Hennepin County has the following responsibilities. Hennepin County • Within 60 days, appoint members of the Hennepin County Ground Water Under this plan, the Board.of Hennepin . Resources Board. County Commissioners has the responsibility . Within 75 days, notify members to: appointed to the Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board of the Responsibilities and Time Frame - 7116193 - Page 14 0 HENNEPIN CONS. DIST. DRAFT - Hennepin County Ground Watcr Plan - DRAF7 date, time and place of the first meeting. • Within one year, prepare a hazard ranking system for potential sources of contamination. This task will be delegated to HC -DEM and coordinated with HCD. Within two years, attempt to identify County property used by County departments that does not meet the requirements of applicable state and federal standards intended to prevent ground water contamination. Tax - forfeited lands are specifically excluded from this requirement. This time period does not apply to the completion of any current or future remedial program. Hennepin Conservation District Under this plan, Hennepin Conservation District has the responsibility to: Provide assistance to Hennepin County in preparing the ground water plan, plan revisions and amendments, hazard ranking system, well inventory, and other assistance as requested by the County Board and staff, and Provide principal administrative and technical support to the Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board. Information Management Tasks • Develop and maintain a hydrogeologic information base and data management system compatible with the needs and facilities of local governments. • Continue to make geologic interpretations of well logs in cooperation with the Minnesota Geological Survey and maintain a computer data base of well logs. Obtain available computer- stored information related to ground water management and protection from state and federal agencies, and distribute P.03 data to cities within the County. This information must be in a format compatible with the county GIS. • Attempt to maintain a network of observation wells and record ground water levels in the five major aquifers of the County during the winter and summer periods. • Continue to identify wells suitable for water -level measurements and to identify well logs, geologic interpretations, and Minnesota unique well numbers for existing observation wells in cooperation with the Minnesota. Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Geological Survey. • Attempt to complete an inventory of wells throughout the County. Continue to identify wells that require water appropriation permits and to cor- relate well logs, geologic interpreta- tions, and Minnesota well unique numbers with water appropriation permits in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Sensitive Geologic Area Tasks • Prepare maps of sensitive geologic areas for all aquifers in the County. • Modify maps of sensitive geologic areas to incorporate new information and to reflect detailed assessments pre- pared for individual projects within the County. • Review and approve methods of sensitivity assessment used by cities, watershed management organizations, and individuals for studies that are more detailed than the County assessment. • Review and approve detailed sensitivity assessments made for individual projects. Responsibilities and Time Frame - 7/103 - Page 15 HENNEPIN CONS. DIST. DRAFT - Hennepin County Ground Water Plan - DRAFr P.04 Wellhead Protection Tasks • Within two years, provide a list of public wells to cities .based upon the • Attempt to maintain a staff trained in best available information. wellhead protection. • Within two years, provide inventories • Participate as. a technical advisor to all of potential contaminant sources cities wellhead protection programs within based upon the best available the County. information. • Provide final wellhead protection area delineation and final inventories of potential contaminant sources at the request of cities as staff availability permits. • Provide third -party review of hydrogeologic investigations required or recommended by this plan and for other hydrogeologic reports at the request of the County, cities, and watershed management organizations as staff availability permits. Provide technical assistance to cities, watershed management organizations, and individuals regarding storm water treatment, construction site erosion and sedimentation, septic systems, and feedlot and manure pit construction as staff availability ppermits. After the adoption of this plan, the Hennepin Conservation District has the following responsibilities. • Within 180 days, adopt standards for hydrogeologic studies produced for or required by Hennepin Conservation District. Within two years, attempt to identify Hennepin Conservation District property used by HCD that does not meet the requirements of applicable state and federal standards intended to prevent ground water contamination. This time period does not apply to the completion of any current or future remedial program Within two years, provide a list of types of potential contaminant sources expected to be found in the county to cities. • Within four years, report all potential contaminant sources identified by city inventories to the appropriate county and state agencies. Sensitive Geologic Area Time Frames Within 180 days, enter into a delegation agreement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for mapping geologic sensitivity. Within two years, provide a map of sensitive geologic areas to all cities, watershed management organizations, and the County. Wellhead Protection Area Time Frames • Within one year, incorporate wellhead protection area delineation programs into the County GIS. • Within two years, provide preliminary wellhead protection area delineations to cities. Watershed Management Organizationsl Under this plan, watershed management organizations (WMO) that are wholly or partially within Hennepin County have the responsibility to coordinate preparation of 1In this plan, watershed management organiz2tion has the same meaning as given in the Metropolitan Water Management Act. A watershed management organization is a watershed district wholly within the metropolitan area or a joint powers entity established wholly or partly within the metropolitan area by special law or by agreement that performs some or all of the functions of a watershed district for a watershed and that has the characteristics and the authority specified under Minnesota Statutes, section 103B.211. Responsibilities and Time Frame - .7/16/93 - Page 16 HENNEPIN CONS. DIST. DRAFT - Hennepin County Ground Water Plan - DRAFT standards and to implement programs that are uniform throughout each city, except where hydrologic conditions require variations. After the adoption of this plan, all WMOs wholly or partially within Hennepin County agree to cooperate in fulfilling the following tasks: Within one year, amend watershed management plans for consistency with requirements of this plan, including: 1. amending watershed management plans to require cooperation by cities within. their jurisdictions to fulfill the purposes of this plan; 2. amending watershed management plans to provide no more than one year for cities to amend their local water management plans for compliance with ground water protection provisions; and In the spirit of cooperation, forward copies of local water management plans or plan amendments to Hennepin County and Hennepin Conservation District for comment. Within two years, attempt to identify WMO property used by the WMO that does not meet the requirements of applicable state and federal standards intended to prevent ground water contamination. This time period does not apply to the completion of any current or future remedial program. Cities and Townships Cities that are wholly or partially within Hennepin County must prepare local water management plans or plan amendments that are consistent with the County ground water plan.2 All cities and townships wholly or partially within Hennepin County agree to cooperate in completing the following tasks: 21vCnnesota Rules, Chapter 8410 governs local water management in the metropolitan area. P.05 Within 30 days after adoption of this plan, recommend a city council member or the mayor to the Board of Hennepin County Commissioners as a candidate for the Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board. • Within 90 days after adoption of this plan, designate a lead city agency or department for ground water protection. Within 180 days after adoption of this plan, identify participants from public agencies interested in developing and implementing a local ground water protection program. Use available technical staff from Hennepin County and Hennepin Conservation District staff for assistance with sensitive geologic areas, wellhead protection, inventories, and data management. Within one year after adoption of this plan, define functional roles for administration, planning, regulation, service, and technical support, and assign those roles to appropriate departments, agencies, and staff. Within 180 days after receiving a list of types of potential contaminant sources expected to be found within the jurisdiction from HCD, review and amend that list based on the best available city information and knowledge. • Within 180 days after the official geologic sensitivity map of the water table aquifer becomes available from HCD, create a zoning overlay map for sensitive geologic areas. • Within one year after receiving a list of public water supply wells from HCD, review that list; make corrections, additions and deletions to the list based on the best available city information and knowledge; and return the amended list to the Minnesota Department of Health and HCD. • Within three years after adoption of this plan, develop a phasing schedule and program to identify additional Responsibilities and Time frame - 7/16/93 - Page 17 HENNEPIN CONS. DIST. DRAFT - Hennepin County Ground Water Plan - DRAFT potential contaminant sources using the best available information from the Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board. Within two years after receiving an inventory of potential contaminant sources from HCD, review that inventory; make corrections, additions and deletions to the inventory based on the best available city information and knowledge; and return the amended inventory to HCD. • Within 180 days after the county hazard ranking system becomes available from the Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board, rank known potential contaminant sources. Within four years after adoption of this plan, attempt to identify city property used by city departments that does not meet the requirements of applicable state and federal standards intended to prevent ground water contamination. This time period does not apply to the completion of any current or future remedial program. Within two years after receiving delineations of preliminary wellhead protection areas from HCD, refine the delineations as may be required by state requirements and create a zoning overlay map for wellhead protection areas for all public wells, including future wells needed to supply the growth anticipated by local comprehensive plans or ultimate development of the city, regardless of when that may occur. HCD will assist cities with this task upon request. Within four years after adoption of this plan, develop a phasing schedule and program' for identifying new and managing known potential contaminant sources. The Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board and HCD will assist cities with this task upon request. • Within five years after adoption of this plan, prepare a wellhead protection plan in accordance with rules adopted P.06 by the Minnesota Commissioner of Health, under Minnesota Statutes, §103I.101. subdivision 5, clause (9). The Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board will assist cities with this task upon request. Conflict Resolution Differences among local governments regarding development and implementation of programs required by this plan must be mediated. The Hennepin County Ground Water Resources Board will refer conflicts to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources for resolution. Amendment Procedure The Hennepin County ground water plan is effective through the third calendar year that is evenly divisible by five after adoption of this plan by the Board of Hennepin County Commissioners: One year prior to the expiration of this plan, the County will review ground water programs of other local governments, new technical information, and the effectiveness of programs required or recommended by the plan. At that time, the plan must be revised to the extent deemed necessary by the County. Amendments to this plan that change requirements made of cities, watershed management organizations, Hennepin Conservation District, or Hennepin County will follow the procedure specified by Minnesota Statutes, § 103B.255, subd. 12. This plan may be amended at any time to incorporate new information about hydrogeology, management tools, or changes in state and federal programs. Proposed changes must be provided for comment to all units of government and agencies that have review authority under Minnesota Statutes, § 103B.255. The comment period shall be 45 days. After considering and acting on the comments received, the County will provide copies of the amended plan to all units of government and agencies to which the ground water plan was originally distributed. i Responsibilities and Time Frame - 7/16193 - Page 18 June 24, 1993 Mr. Harold Burrows Chairman Hennepin. Conservation District Suite 240 10801 Wayzata Boulevard Minnetonka, MN 55305 -1532 RE: . Draft Hennepin County Ground Water Plan Dear Mr. Burrows: Having reviewed the most recent version of the draft Hennepin County Ground Water Plan, I am dismayed to find that this is a plan which continues the practice of placing costly, burdensome, and bureaucratic requirements on local units of government which are generally beyond the limits of what should reasonably be expected. The draft Hennepin County Ground Water Plan is a product of permissive legislation. The statute does not require counties to undertake this activity, nor is it necessary given the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Implementation of this plan will require the expenditure of large sums of ' public money to create an unnecessary oversight bureaucracy and to develop local control and enforcement ?I1P6pnisr -m none of which is necessary in light of the MDH requirements. Minnetonka, more than many other communities in Minnesota, has long, recognized the need to protect and preserve its water resources. Minnetonka was one of the first cities to enact a wetland protection ordinance and was also one of the first to develop a storm water management plan. We are now in the process of developing a coordinated water resources plan to address the water resources issues that can be dealt with on a local basis. Ground water management cannot be so clearly defined and most certainly transcends municipal boundaries. While it may be appropriate to delineate wellhead protection areas and prepare wellhead protection plans so that the MDH has sufficient information to manage the ground water resources, it is entirely the city offices are located at 14600 minnetonka boulevard minnetonka, mnnesota 55345 -1597 office: (612)- 939 -8200 fax: (612)- 939 -8244 Mr. Harold Burrows June 24, 1993 Page 2 inappropriate to require cities to comply with the requirements of the draft Hennepin County Ground Water Plan. We were under the impression that compliance with this plan would be voluntary, but the word "must" is used repeatedly in reference to local responsibilities. This approach does not result in local control, but places the burden on decentralized agencies to deal with an issue that is beyond their reasonable scope of control, and is an abdication of responsibility of higher units of government. The draft plan includes a great deal of useful information, but its proposal that local units of government regulate this resource under the direction of a ground water resources board will simply result in the creation of another level of bureaucracy that will not effectively protect ground water resources, but will increase public costs . through this inefficient, decentralized approach. Even though the HCD has indicated that they will be responsible for undertaking many of the city responsibilities shown in the plan, it still would be a needless expenditure of public funds for the purpose of creating not only an inefficient and ineffective system, but one that is redundant with the appropriate requirements of the MDH. This is basically a useless expenditure of public funds. The statement of need included in the draft Hennepin County Ground Water Plan states "Ground water contamination is not a national problem; it is a local problem that occurs throughout the nation." I am afraid that I cannot agree with that statement. Ground water contamination is not restricted to the municipality in which the contaminants entered the ground water, but affects the entire area served by that particular aquifer. The MDH has developed rules to minimize the likelihood of the occurrence of additional ground water_ contamination. ,To go beyond that, as is suggested by the draft Ground Water Plan, will prove to be a costly exercise whose primary result will be the consumption of large quantities of . paper. They City of Minnetonka is not interested in adding to the cost or complexity of government. We believe that the MDH is the proper authority to regulate and manage ground water resources, and that the draft Hennepin County Ground Water Plan serves only to. add to the complexity and inefficiency of government. If Hennepin County is not willing to let the MDH exercise their authority in this matter, the next best approach would be for the County to simply undertake the responsibility for planning, delineating, monitoring, and enforcing directly without adding the inefficiencies of involving the cities in this matter. The delegation of authority to Mr. Harold Burrows June 24, 1993 Page 3 counties under the Community Health Services Act may be sufficient precedent to take this approach, if desired, and not incur the aforementioned redundancy. However, our recommendation is that the information developed be furnished to the MDH, but that additional efforts in developing and adopting a plan such as this for Hennepin County be abandoned. Sincerely, Gw`�( David J. Sonnenberg, P.E. Director of Engineering DJS /ph cc: Mayor and Members of the City Council Ronald S. Rankin, Acting City Manager Mark Andrew, Chair - Hennepin County Board of Commissioners John Keefe, Hennepin County Board of Commissioners W: Peter Enck, Chair - Bassett Creek Water Management Commission Conrad Fiskness, President - Riley - Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District Aileen Kulak, President - Nine Mile Creek Watershed District C. Woodrow Love, Acting President - Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Ellen Klanderman, Coordinator - Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Leonard J. Kremer, Engineering Consultant - Bassett Creek Water Management Commission Robert C. Obermeyer, Engineering Consultant - Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District Michael A. Panzer, Engineering Consultant - Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Louis N. Smith, Counsel - Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Curtis A. Pearson, Counsel - Bassett Creek Water Management Commission Raymond Haik, Counsel - Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and Riley - Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District .0G lC�� June 25, 1993 The Honorable Frederick S. Richards Mayor of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Proposed Hennepin County Ground Water Plan Dear Mayor Richards: OFFICE OF: TIMOTHY M. BERGSTEOT MAYOR I am writing this letter to bring to your attention Minnetonka's concerns regarding Hennepin County's development of a ground water protection plan. Enclosed is a copy of a letter prepared by our City Engineer in response to his review of the proposed plan. I encourage you to read his letter to more clearly understand our concerns and to discuss them with your engineering and /or planning staffs. Essentially, we believe that this proposal by Hennepin County is an unnecessary duplication of services in that the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has statutory authority and rules prepared to identify well head protection areas and potential sources of contamination. The proposal by Hennepin County goes well beyond that, and even though the staff of the Hennepin Conservation District (HCD) has advised us that the majority of the responsibilities listed in the plan as being those of the cities will be undertaken at HCD expense, the plan still requires zoning control and enforcement on a local basis. While the plan provides much useful information, its implementation will in effect create a substantial amount of work that serves no useful purpose. It will require additional expense at the local level and at the County level that will provide no more protection than that which will be provided by the MDH. Additionally, MPCA, MDH, and MDNR are all involved in regulating activities intended to protect the ground water supply. The addition of a County plan which mandates additional requirements on water management organizations and cities is not only unnecessary, but it will greatly increase the cost of government because, in addition to adding unnecessary bureaucracy, it will add sufficient complexity to the process to make it just that much less efficient. the city offices are located at 14600 minnetonka boulevard minnetonka, mnnesota 55345 -1597 office: (612)- 939 -8200 fax: (612)- 939 -8244 The Honorable Frederick S. Richards June 25, 1993 Page two It is my understanding that the HCD has held several meetings with local staffs and is holding additional meetings to discuss their reaction to this latest draft. It is also my understanding that although previous reactions have been generally negative, that development of the plan has continued. It appears as this time that our only recourse in stopping this unnecessary and expensive activity is to advise the Hennepin County Board of our feelings in this matter. After you have had, the opportunity to discuss this with your staff, you may wish to discuss it with your County Commissioner. Because the County Board hearing on the plan is scheduled for July 29, it will be necessary to proceed expeditiously if we are to be effective in making our feelings known. Sincerely, Timothy M. ergstedt Mayor Enclosure c: Mark Andrew, Chair - Hennepin County Board of Commissioners John Koe e, Hemlepin CU, uniy &:ard of Commissioners W. Peter Enck, Chair - Bassett Creek Water Management Commission Conrad Fiskness, President - Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District Aileen Kulak, President - Nine Mile Creek Watershed District C. Woodrow Love, Acting President - Minnehaha Creek Watershed District AGENDA ITEM VII.A. w9SN��fr� O4 e J � .aO H July 10, Steve Laible City of Edina KPMG Peat Marwick 4200 Norwest center 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 -3900 Dear Mr. Laible: The City Council reviewed-your recommendations and requested that I write this letter irr response. The City of Edina operates many facilities and tries to tie in the financing and funding appropriate for the facility. Many facilities are financed by the user and not put on the backs of the taxpayer. The City uses many innovative approaches in funding our facilities away from general property taxes. In the case of the Edinborough and Centennial Lakes Parks, the funding comes from user fees, association dues and the earnings from the parkland dedication on the properties in the area. Where the parkland dedication belongs with the General Fund, the revenues earned on it should go back to the facilities that it is dedicated to support. Your recommendation was to record the interest earned as revenue in the General Fund and a transfer between funds to the. Edinborough and Centennial Lakes fund. For the person who is reading. the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report it would appear as if this transfer were a subsidy from property taxes, which is not the case. The Edinborough and Centennial Lakes Parks are not funded from property taxes and we believe that it would be misleading and confusing to represent that they were. Police forfeiture funds released by the courts can only be spent on the DARE. program and other police programs and can not be used for any other purpose. The best way to show that the forfeiture funds offset police program costs is to offset the costs directly. To record the expenditures in with the Police Department budget and the revenues in with all other revenues would not show this relationship. Continuing to record the revenues directly against the expenditures, we again believe, would reduce confusion for those who read the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. A drug -free workplace policy is expected within 6 to 8 weeks. Thank you for your comments. Sincerel, , WA) . Q� John Wallin Finance Director City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 1 CHECK# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # 137720 07/19/93 $369.36 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY GENERAL MAINT RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $109.62 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY FIRE DEPT. GEN RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $137.59 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY CITY HALL GENE RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $369.36 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY PW BUILDING RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $141.57 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $396.92 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $109.62 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $54.81 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY ART CENTER BLD RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $164.43 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY POOL OPERATION RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $706.11 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY CLUB HOUSE RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $109.62 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY MAINT OF COURS RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $0.12 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY GOLF DOME RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $384.24 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY ARENA BLDG /GRO RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $434.47 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY ED BUILDING & RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $36.75 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY 50TH ST OCCUPA RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $64.15 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY YORK OCCUPANCY RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $119.31 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY VERNON OCCUPAN RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $27.40 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY GUN RANGE RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $369.36 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL RUBBISH REMOVAL JULY LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOV < *> $4,104.81* 137721 07/19/93 $315.00 ACME WINDOW CLEAN CLEAN GLASS /PARKING R 006642 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPL < *> $315.00* 137722 07/19/93 $26.10 ACTION MESSENGER DELIVERY SERVICE 113150 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQU < *> $26.10* 137723 07/19/93 $198.65 ADT SECURITY SYSTEMS ALARM SERVICE 07727590 ED BUILDING & ALARM SERVICE < *> $198.65* 137724 07/19/93 $32.74 AEI ELECTRONIC PARTS BATT HOLDER 046056 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL < *> $32.74* 137725 07/19/93 $50.00 AFFILIATED EMERGENCY PROF SERVICES 062993 ANIMAL CONTROL PROF SERVICES <*> $50.00* 137726 07/19/93 $8.98 AIRSIGNAL PAGER 5505444 PARK ADMIN. DUES & SUBSCR <*> $8.98* 137727 07/19/93 $69.23 ALCO CAPITAL RESOURC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 21449101 ART CENTER ADM EQUIP RENTAL < *> $69.23* 137728 07/19/93 $33.00 ALPHAGRAPHICS PRINTING 17352 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 8261 < *> $33.00* 137729 07/19/93 $48.71 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REBUILD STARTER 18266 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8142 07/19/93 $100.20 ALTERNATOR REBUILD PADLOCK 009545 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 8156 07/19/93 $55.51 ALTERNATOR REBUILD LAMP /FLASHLIGHT 009559 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $140.05 ALTERNATOR REBUILD CONTROL VALVE 009560 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8167 07/19/93 $119.79 ALTERNATOR REBUILD LIGHT /BULB 009561 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8180 07/19/93 $130.14 ALTERNATOR REBUILD COOLER 9578 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 8180 07/19/93 $105.01 ALTERNATOR REBUILD RECTIFIER /BEARINGS 18475 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8235 07/19/93 $306.72 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GENERAL SUPPLIES 9579 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $864.08 ALTERNATOR REBUILD ALTERNATOR 9606 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $1,870.21* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 2 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 137730 07/19/93 $140.02 AMERICAN LASER CUT G POOL SIGNS 90317 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPL < *> $140.02* 137731 07/19/93 $41.59 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063093 VERNON OCCUPAN LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $60.97 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063093 YORK OCCUPANCY LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $263.84 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063093 ED BUILDING & LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $300.97 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063093 FIRE DEPT. GEN LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $12.46 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063093 LABORATORY LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $36.41 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063093 50TH ST OCCUPA LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $149.93 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063093 CITY HALL GENE LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $104.21 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063093/G GRILL LAUNDRY < *> $970.38* 137732 07/19/93 $310.68 APACHE GROUP LINER 119592 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPP 8250 <"> $310.68* 137733 07/19/93 $50.00 APPLEQUIST, JOYCE REFUND TENNIS 070893 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION <><: $50.00* 137734 07/19/93 $4,541.75 APPLETON LAMPLIGHTER ST LITE POLES 02432 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPL 7223 < *> $4,541.75* 137735 07/19/93 $44.62 AQUA ENGINEERING GENERAL SUPPLIES 002513 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPL <+!> $44.62* 137736 07/19/93 $33,432.32 ARNT CONSTRUCTION CO CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 92 -10 PY GC CIP CIP < *> $33,432.32* 137737 07/19/93 $28.89 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 52009887 ART CENTER BLD TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $36.75 AT &'T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 52011475 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE_ < *> $65.64* 0 137738 07/19/93 $13.35 AT &T CONSUMER PRODUC TELEPHONE 062693 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $18.71 AT &T CONSUMER PRODUC TELEPHONE 070293 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE < *> $32.06* 137739 07/19/93 $124.69 AVR INC CONCRETE 87214 DISTRIBUTION CONCRETE 6913 07/19/93 $318.02 AVR INC CONCRETE 87799 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 07/19/93 $344.52 AVR INC CONCRETE 87705 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 07/19/93 $126.76 AVR INC CONCRETE 87599 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE < *> $913.99* 137740 07/19/93 $33.85 AWD COOLERS OF MINNE GENERAL SUPPLIES 55785 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPL < *> $33.85* 137741 07/19/93 $19.92 BACH, BILL MEETING EXPENSES 071293 CENTENNIAL LAK MEETING EXPEN < *> $19.92* 137742 07/19/93 $232.56 BACHMANS PLANTINGS & TREES 062093 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES < *> $232.56* 137743 07/19/93 $392.76 BAILEY NURSERIES PLANTINGS & TREES 070693 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES < *> $392.76* 137744 07/19/93 $200.00 BAKER, DANIEL PRO SERVICES 071293 GOLF ADMINISTR PROF.SERVICES COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 3 CHECK# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM - OBJECT P.O. # <*> $200.00* 137745 07/19/93 $50.00 BARNHART, NORM SERVICES /CL 070893 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $50.00* ' 137746 07/19/93 $3,349.08 BARR ENG NEW 9 HOLE ENG FEES 19180 -18 GC CIP CIP 07/19/93 $2,036.25 BARR ENG PRO ENG SERVICES 19179 -18 GENERAL STORM PROF SERVICES < *> $5,385.33* 137747 07/19/93 $1,500.00 BARRY SIEWERT CREATI PROF SERVICES 072693 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES ' < *> $1,500.00* 137748 07/19/93 $154.43 BATTERY & TIRE WAREH TIE DOWN STRAP 261391 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $67.10 BATTERY & TIRE WAREH TIE DOWN STRAP 26150 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 8243 07/19/93 $143.05 BATTERY & TIRE WAREH BRAKE 261537 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $26.11 BATTERY & TIRE WAREH ROTOR 261640 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8243 <*> $390.69* 137749.07/19/93 $100.00 BENNETT, WAYNE POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 137750 07/19/93 $392.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 070793/V VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ 07/19/93 $408.00 BERGFORD.TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 070793/Y YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ 07/19/93 $198.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 070793/5 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ < *> $999.00* 137751 07/19/93. $47.54 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 915047 - POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $13.80 BERTELSON BROS. INC. MARKERS 91376961 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $195.96 BERTELSON BROS. INC. MESSAGE BOARD 913142 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLI 8485 07/19/93 $229.50 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 12070 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $9.30 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 12100 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $184.18 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 12071 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $24.28 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 25520 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPL < *> $704.56* 137752 07/19/93 $59.06 BEST BUY CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 05012 47 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL < *> $59.06* 137753 07/19/93 $47.08 BEST COPY STORES GENERAL SUPPLIES 061493 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL < "> $47.08* 137754 07/19/93 $11.23 BEST LOCK OF MPLS KEYS 40159 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL < *> $11.23* 137755 07/19/93 $4,880.84 BFI OF MN INC REFUSE 930600 -1 50TH STREET RU PROF SERVICES < *> $4,880.84* 137756 07/19/93 $37,998.36 BFI RECYCLING SYS RECYCLING 930600 -7 RECYCLING EQUIP RENTAL < "> $37,998.36* 137757 07/19/93 $7,490.00 BHK &R INSURANCE 18193 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE < *> $7,490.00* 137758 07/19/93 $429.06 BIFFS INC PORTABLE RESTROOMS BI008619 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 8669 < "> $429.06* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 4 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 137759 07/19/93 $152.15 BLEVINS CONCESSION S PIZZA 4218045— POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOO < *> $152.15* 137760 07/19/93 $100.00 BLOOD, DAVID POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES <*> $100.00* 137761 07/19/93 $186.38 BLUMBERG COMMUNICATI LG SCREEN PROJTR FOR RM06994 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 8555 < *> $186.38* 137762 07/19/93 $188.38 BONGAARTS, VINCENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 071293 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW <*> $188.38* 137763 07/19/93 $32.40 BORMAN, SEA CLASS REFUND 062993 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $32.40* 137764 07/19/93 $1,478.97 BOUSTEAD ELECTRIC & REPAIR MOTOR 356051 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 8333 < *> $1,478.97* 137765 07/19/93 $19.04 BOYER TRUCKS PARTS 86571 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 07/19/93 $42.53 BOYER TRUCKS VALVE 233031 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $36.15 BOYER TRUCKS OIL FILTER 233207 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $97.72* 137766 07/19/93 $80.86 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE FLOWERS 070693 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES 07/19/93 $18.25 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE REFUND GREEN FEES 070693 GOLF PROG GREEN FEES 18 07/19/93 $112.83 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE OFFICE SUPPLIES 070693 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLI 07/19/93 $70.00 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 070693 GOLF ADMINISTR PROF SERVICES 07/19/93 $44.96 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 070693 GRILL CST OF GD FOO 07/19/93 $13.43 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE GENERAL SUPPLIES 070693 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 -$0.30 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE OVER /UNDER 070693 GOLF PROG CASH OVER AND < *> $340.03* 9 137767 07/19/93 $95.38 BRAEMAR PRINTING PRINTING 40666 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING < *> $95.38* 137768 07/19/93 $38.00 BRAND, MARTHA CLASS REFUND 062993 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $38.00* 137769 07/19/93 $144.41 BRENT'S SIGNS DISPLA GENERAL SUPPLIES 10392 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPL 8456 < *> $144.41* 137770 07/19/93 $17.46 BRISSMAN— KENNEDY INC 2456 BEARING & SCREWS 288096 CITY HALL GENE CLEANING SUPP < *> $17.46* 137771 07/19/93 $21.40 BRITCO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 3948 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL < *> $21.40* 137772 07/19/93 $307.13 BROCK WHITE BLADE 62200701 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPL 8242 < *> $307.13* 137773 07/19/93 $1,065.88 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INFIELD MIXTURE 063093 FIELD MAINTENA INFIELD MIX < *> $1,065.88* 137774 07/19/93 $289.63 BSN SPORTS WATER COOLER & ROLL D B454764 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPL 8315 c*> $289.63* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 5 CHECK# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # 137775 07/19/93 $42.60 BUD LARSON SALES SQUEEZES 0879 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 8151 < *> $42.60* 137776 07/19/93 $87.97 BUIE, BARBARA MEETING EXPENSES 071293 CENTENNIAL LAK MEETING EXPEN 07/19/93 $10.24 BUIE, BARBARA OFFICE SUPPLIES 071293 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLI 07/19/93 $29.00 BUIE, BARBARA POSTAGE 071293 ED ADMINISTRAT POSTAGE 07/19/93 $9.14 BUIE, BARBARA GENERAL SUPPLIES 071293 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL < *> $136.35* 137777 07/19/93 $33.65 BUILDERS SQUARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 0086720 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $57.38 BUILDERS SQUARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 0008786 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL < *> $91.03* 137778 07/19/93 $25.00 BURMAN, SARAH REFUND TENNIS 070193 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION < *> $25.00* 137779 07/19/93 $85.20 BUSCH VIDEO PRODUCTI PROF SERVICES 062993 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $85.20* 13780 07/19/93 $66.27 BUSINESS MACHINES SA GENERAL SUPPLIES 11324 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL * * 137781 07/19/93 $100.00 BUTLER, GEORGE POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 137782 07/19/93 $96.27 C & S DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD 151187 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD F00 8298 <. *> $96.27* 137783 07/19/93 $4,095.99 C.S. MCCROSSAN CONST CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 92 -8 PYM STREET IMPROV. CIP < *> $4,095.99* 137784 07/19/93 $125.00 CALGREN, MEGAN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 071293 COMMUNICATIONS PROF SERVICES < *> $125.00* 137785 07/19/93 $194.60 CALLAHAN, FRAN JUNE MILEAGE 070193 PUBLIC HEALTH MILEAGE < *> $194.60* 137786 07/19/93 $49.00 CAMERON, SHARON CLASS REFUND 070793 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $49.00* 137787 07/19/93 $69.75 CAMPBELL, RALPH SEMINAR 070893 COMMUNICATIONS CONF & SCHOOL < *> $69.75* 137788 07/19/93 $40.00 CANTON, JANET MILEAGE /LOGIS 070893 FINANCE MILEAGE <*> $40.00* 137789 07/19/93 $207.36 CARLSON PRINTING BUSINESS CARDS 57518 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $251.61 CARLSON PRINTING BUSINESS CARDS 57519 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $100.59 CARLSON PRINTING GENERAL SUPPLIES 57638 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL < *> $559.56* 137790 07/19/93 $30.00 CARMICHAEL- RODRIGUEZ VISUAL ARTS /CL JULY 24 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $30.00* 137791 07/19/93 $15.00 CELLULAR ONE SERVICE PHONE REPAIR 010225 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 6 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. 0 < *> $15.00* - 137792 07/19/93 .$1,081.57 CELLULAR ONE CELLULAR AIR TIME 062193/P DARE EQUIP RENTAL 07/19/93 $104.71 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 062193/P POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 07/19/93 $33.79 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 062193/P POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 07/19/93 $217.40 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 062193/P POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 07/19/93 $13.50 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 062193/P POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 07/19/93 $10.60 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 062193/P POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 07/19/93 $38.26 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 062193/P POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 07/19/93 $109.25 CELLULAR ONE AIR TIME JUNE 21 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL < *> $1,609.08* 137793 07/19/93 $448.18 CERTIFIED HYDRAULIC BROOM MOTOR 122219 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR' PARTS 07/19/93 $143.78 CERTIFIED HYDRAULIC REPAIR MOTOR 122218 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $591.96* 137794 07/19/93 $233.50 COCA COLA BOTTLING C POP 063093 VANVALKENBURG CST OF GD F00 07/19/93 $324.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING C COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 063093 VANVALKENBURG CST OF GD FOO < *> $557.50* 137795 07/19/93 $30.00 CONNOLLY, BOB VISUAL ART /CL JULY 24 ED.ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $30.00* 137796 07/19/93 $145.37 CONSTR FASTENING SYS PINS W /WASHERS 18839 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 8225 < *> $145.37* 137797 07/19/93 $187.00 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO COST OF GOODS SOLD 010298 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD F00 < "> $187.00* 137798 07/19/93 $380.00 COURTNEY, C WAYNE SERVICES /CL 070793 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $380.00* 137799 07/19/93 $1,386.67 CRIMMINS MD, TIMOTHY MEDICAL SERVICES JULY 199 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES < *> $1,386.67* 137800 07/19/93 $65.00 CSI RADIO SERVICE 21700 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 5761 < *> $65.00* 137801 07/19/93. $22.65 CULLIGAN BOTTLED WATER 063093 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPL < *> $22.65* 137802 07/19/93 $9,995.00 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. 1993 CUSHMAN VEHICLE 9023 GOLF PROG MACH. & EQUIP 7503 < *> $9,995.00* 137803 07/19/93 $1,012.50 CUSTOM FIRE APPARATU CONVERT LATCHES -E -82 4715 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 8003 07/19/93 $358.48 CUSTOM FIRE APPARATU CONVERT LATCHES -E -82 4715 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL 8003 *> $1,370.98* 137804 07/19/93 $27.00 CUTSHALL. CAROL CLASS REFUND 071093 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $27.00* 137805 07/19/93 $89.50 D. C. ANNIS SEWER BLDG REPAIRS 1286 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 8502 < *> $89.50* 137806 07/19/93 $14,614.00 DAVE PERKINS CONTRAC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 8858 SAN SEWER 8383 CIP 1 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 7 CHECK$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. 0 < "> $14,614.00" 137807 07/19/93 $476.85 DAVIES WATER EQUIPME HYDRANT MARKERS 39226 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL < "> $476.85" 137808 07/19/93 $37.64 DAYSTARTER BATTERY 01724 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7884 < "> $37.64" 137809 07/19/93 $93.72 DE- SIGN ER SIGNS 029910 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL 7959 <A> $93.72" 137810 07/19/93 $240.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC TELETYPE SERVICE 93Q2185 POLICE DEPT. G TELETYPE SERV 07/19/93 $150.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC TELETYPE SERVICE 93Q2184 POLICE DEPT. G TELETYPE SERV < "> $390.00" 137811 07/19/93 $317.07 DIESEL INJECTION SPE INJECTOR REPAIRED 11501 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 07/19/93 $40.00 DIESEL INJECTION SPE INSTALL PUMP 11699 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS < "> $357.07" 137812 07/19/93 $283.94 DISPATCH COMM /MN CONTRACT PAYMENT 28531 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE <A> $283.94" 137813 07/19/93 $103.65 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 042993 POOL TRACK GRE LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $48.23 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 051393 POOL TRACK GRE LAUNDRY < "> $151.88" 137814 07/19/93 $720.00 DORADUS CORP SERVICE CONTRACT 0930715 POLICE DEPT. G SVC CONTR EQU < *> $720.00" 137815 07/19/93 $78.60 DORNSEIF, DAN MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 071393 GOLF ADMINISTR MILEAGE < "> $78.60" , 137816 07/19/93 $6,285.66 DORSEY & WHITNEY LEGAL 042093 LEGAL SERVICES PRO SVC - LEG 07/19/93 $5,823.35 DORSEY & WHITNEY LEGAL 062193 LEGAL SERVICES PRO SVC - LEG < "> $12,109.01" 137817 07/19/93 $104.11 E -Z -GO TEXTRON GOLF CART PARTS 0501170 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 8024 07/19/93 $72.25 E -Z -GO TEXTRON CART PARTS 0501169 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 7183 07/19/93 $59.17 E -Z -GO TEXTRON CART PARTS 0501167 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 7852 07/19/93 $176.68 E -Z -GO TEXTRON CART PARTS 0501168 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 7937 07/19/93 $5.73 E -Z -GO TEXTRON CART PARTS 0501171 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 8031 < "> $417.94" 137818 07/19/93 $825.20 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE BEER 070193 GRILL CST OF GDS BE < "> $825.20* 137819 07/19/93 $170.48 ED KRAEMER & SONS IN ROCK FOR D RANGE 36789 MAINT OF COURS SAND,GRVL & R < "> $170.48" 137820 07/19/93 $15.00 EDINA CHAMBER OF COM CHAMBER MEETING 062893 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPEN < "> $15.00" 137821 07/19/93 $290.00 EDMAN, GEORGE DECORATING /GC 070793 CLUB HOUSE PROF SERVICES < "> $290.00" COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 8 CHECK• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. • 137822 07/19/93 $140.56 EGGHEAD DISCOUNT SOF SOFTWARE FONT 66263601 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPL 8294 < *> $140.56* 137823 07/19/93 $27.20 ELMORE, ROBERT SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RE 063093 GENERAL MAINT CONTR REPAIRS < *> $27.20* 07/19/93 -5134.55 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PR CREDIT 128474 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP 07/19/93 284.64 rise. 9 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PR AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 132190 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP 8000 $150.09* 137825 07/19/93 $6.44 ERICKSON, ANDREA METER READER MILEAGE 062893 METER READING MILEAGE <*> $6.44* 137826 07/19/93 $34.35 ERNIE'S CATERING SER CONT ED 1330 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL 07/19/93 $42.12 ERNIE'S CATERING SER CONT ED 1348 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL <*> $76.47* 137827 07/19/93 - $31.95 ESS BROS & SONS CREDIT CM6690 GENERAL STORM PIPE 07/19/93 $123.54 ESS BROS & SONS MANHOLE COVER /CASTING 007249 GENERAL STORM PIPE 8422 07/19/93 $203.42 ESS BROS & SONS STORM SEWER CASTING 007299 GENERAL STORM PIPE 8525 < *> $295.01* 137828 07/19/93 $609.55 EVANS LARSON COMMUNI MN SPLASH /MEDIA RELAT 070893 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES < *> $609.55* 137829 07/19/93 $20.23 FAST 1 HOUR PHOTO ADVERTISING OTHER 09519 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER 07/19/93 $9.58 FAST 1 HOUR PHOTO ADVERTISING OTHER 08779 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER 07/19/93 $47.70 FAST 1 HOUR PHOTO ADVERTISING OTHER 08852 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER 07/19/93 $46.73 FAST 1 HOUR PHOTO GENERAL SUPPLIES 10162 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPL < *> $124.24* 137830 07/19/93 $103.20 FAST FRAME OFFICE SUPPLIES 115334 EDADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLI 07/19/93 $50.80 FAST FRAME GENERAL SUPPLIES 1115342 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPL < *> $154.00* 137831 07/19/93 $48,555.00 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST 549 IBR 82 PROG INTEREST BOND 07/19/93 $303,918.75 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST CL 546 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA 07/19/93 $71,122.50 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST 527 GENERAL(BILLIN INTEREST BOND 07/19/93 $269,281.25 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST /CL 547 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA 07/19/93 $100,000.00 FIRST TRUST BOND PRINCIPAL /EDINBO 292 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA 07/19/93 $128,825.00 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST /EDINBOR 292 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA 07/19/93 $57,212.50 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST /GRANDVI 290 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA 07/19/93 $100,000.00 FIRST TRUST BOND PRINCIPAL /GRANDV 290 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA 07/19/93 $244,087.50 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST /CL 525 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA 07/19/93 $363,506.25 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST /CL 526 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA 07/19/93 $103,597.50 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST /50TH 599 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA 07/19/93 $31,500.00 FIRST TRUST BOND INTEREST 291 IBR •2 PROG INTEREST BOND 07/19/93 $250,000.00 FIRST TRUST BOND PRINCIPAL 291 IBR •2 PROG BOND PRINCIPL < *> $2,071,606.25* 137832 07/19/93 $1,200.00 FIRSTAT NURSING SERV FEE FOR SERVICE 126004 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 07/19/93 $1,200.00 FIRSTAT NURSING SERV FEE FOR SERVICES 130003 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE < *> $2,400.00* 137833 07/19/93 $180.46 FLASH FOTO II COLOR COPIES /0 HEADS 19986 ENGINEERING GE PHOTO SUPPLIE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 9 CHECK• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. N < *> $180.46* 137834 07/19/93 $150.00 FLOYD LOCK & SAFE CO POOL SAFE & INSTALLAT 012189 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES 07/19/93 $332.28 FLOYD LOCK & SAFE CO POOL SAFE & INSTALLAT 012189 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPL < *> $482.28* 137835 07/19/93 $30.00 FORSBERG, CINDY REFUND SWIMMING 070193 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION < *> $30.00* 137836 07/19/93 $293.81 FRAME, SUSAN COST OF GOODS SOLD 072195 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GO F00 8299 < *> $293.81* 137837 07/19/93 $879.20 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 070293 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $322.07 G & K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLIES 070293 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPP 07/19/93 $659.75 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 070293 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $342.14 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 070293 EQUIPMENT OPER LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $530.54 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 070293 PUMP & LIFT ST LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $124.45 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 070293 ARENA BLDG /GRO LAUNDRY <*> $2,858.15* . 137838 07/19/93 $1,706.41 G.V. LARSEN & ASSOC CONSULTING /MN SPLASH 070993 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES . < *> $1,706.41* 137839 07/19/93 $280.42 GARTNER REFRIGERATIO REPAIR 010966 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 7534 < *> $280.42* 137840 07/19/93 $38.00 GEM TAP SERVICE BEER LINES 063093. GRILL CST OF GDS BE < *> $38.00* 137841 07/19/93 $206.40 GENCORP POLYMER PROD TENNIS BALLS 61709 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPL 8311 < *> $206.40* , 137842 07/19/93 $20.00 GENERAL SPORTS STAFF SHIRTS 036548 POOL OPERATION LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $487.50 GENERAL SPORTS T- SHIRTS TENNIS CLASS 036644 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPL 7944 07/19/93 $487.50 GENERAL SPORTS 2ND SESSION TENNIS SH 036643 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPL 8372 07/19/93 $50.00 GENERAL SPORTS TENNIS STAFF HATS 036645 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPL 8546 07/19/93 $12.50 GENERAL SPORTS POOL UNIFORM 36655 POOL OPERATION LAUNDRY < *> $1,057.50* 137843 07/19/93 $207.75 GEREBI, LIZ SERVICES /CL 070793 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES s *> $207.75* 137844 07/19/93 $20,786.31 GLENN REHBEIN EXCAVA CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 93 -2 PYM GC CIP CIP 07/19/93 $75,969.90 GLENN REHBEIN EXCAVA CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 92 -11 PY GC CIP CIP < *> $96,756.21* 137845 07/19/93 $19.08 GOLD EAGLE GOLF BALL FOR MN SPLA 8035895 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL < *> $19.08* 137846 07/19/93 $42.91 GRAFIX SHOPPE DOOR STRIPE 7850 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $42.91* 137847 07/19/93 $263.17 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. MISC SUPPLIES 500 -5785 VERNON OCCUPAN REPAIR PARTS 8064 <* > $263.17* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 10 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * 137848 07/19/93 $102.08 GREENWAY IRRIGATION GENERAL SUPPLIES 001959 GENERAL TURF C GENERAL SUPPL 8668 < "> $102.08" 137849 07/19/93 $804.42 GREER, PAT SERVICES /CL 070793 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $804.42" 137850 07/19/93 $16,810.96 GROUP HEALTH INC HOSPITALIZATION 1213851 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI < "> $16,810.96" 137851 07/19/93 $26.69 GS DIRECT BLUEPRINT PAPER 34788 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL 8498 <*> $26.69" 7852 1 07/19/93 GUST, MARGARET VISUAL ARTS /CL JULY 22 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER $25.00 A 137853 07/19/93 $60.00 HAGEN, KATHRYN REFUND /SWIMMING 070993 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION < "> $60.00" 137854 07/19/93 $890.61 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY ENGINE OIL 157805 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS <"> $890.61" 137855 07/19/93 $144.45 HANS ROSACKER CO TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 062493 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SH 8357 < *> $144.45" 137856 07/19/93 $11,015.00 HARDRIVES CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 92 -7 PYM STREET IMPROV. CIP < "> $11,015.00" 137857 07/19/93 $112,284.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE JULY 1 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 07/19/93 $7,908.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 070193 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE < "> $120,192.00" 137858 07/19/93 $896.66 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 061593 CLUB HOUSE CST OF GD FOO 07/19/93 $536.23 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 062993 GRILL CST OF GD FOO <•> $1,432.89" 13859 07/19/93 $555.97 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDI AMBULANCE SUPPLIES /MA 2570 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUP 137860 07/19/93 $639.79 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHER WORKHOUSE /JAIL MAY 1993 LEGAL SERVICES BRD & RM PRIS < "> $639.79" 137861 07/19/93 $80.10 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREA RUBBISH REMOVAL 22283 TREES & MAINTE RUBBISH REMOV <•> $80.10" 137862 07/19/93 $2,675.94 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREA WORKHOUSE /JAIL 002014 LEGAL SERVICES BRD & RM PRIS (*> $2,675.94" 137863 07/19/93 $25.33 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREA HAZ WASTE DISPOSAL 070293 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DI < *> $25.33" 137864 07/19/93 ' $918.81 HENNESSY HOUSE WOODDALE PARK FLAGPOL 0020142 WORK. CAP. PRO ACCTS REC MIS < "> $918.81" 137865 07/19/93 $220.16 HERMAN MILLER INC. PARTITIONS /SHELF 874174 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPL <•> $220.16" COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 11 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * 137866 07/19/93 $399.38 HIRSHFIELD'S PAINT M FIELD PAINT 26933 FIELD MAINTENA LINE MARK POW < *> $399.38* 137867 07/19/93 $100.00 HOFFMAN, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 137868 07/19/93 $973.50 HORWATH, TOM FORESTRY 071393 TREES & MAINTE PROF SERVICES 07/19/93 $149.80 HORWATH, TOM MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 071393 TREES & MAINTE MILEAGE < *> $1,123.30* 137869 07/19/93 $4,064.04 HYDRO SUPPLY CO WATER METERS 5959 UTILITY PROG INVENTORY WAT 8536 07/19/93 $2,162.38 HYDRO SUPPLY CO INVENTORY WATER METER 5969 UTILITY PROG INVENTORY WAT <*> $6,226.42* 137870 07/19/93 $10.31 HYKES, DREW GENERAL SUPPLIES 071293 POOL CONCESSIO GENERAL SUPPL < *> $10.31* 137871 07/19/93 $23.04 IMPULSE CONCEPTS REPAIR LABELLE SIGN 3 -3715 GOLF ADMINISTR SVC CONTR EQU 8489 < *> $23.04* 137872 07/19/93 $100.66 INDUSTRIAL FLOOR MAI SIDE BROOM 07778 STREET CLEANIN BROOMS < *> $100.66* 137873 07/19/93 $43.89 INLAND TRUCK PARTS SNAP RING 29298 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL <*> $43.89* 137874 07/19/93 $200.00 INTEGRATED COMPUTER DATA PROCESSING 01 -740 -9 POLICE DEPT. G DATA PROCESSI <*> $200.00* 137875 07/19/93 $101.70 J & B FOAM FABRICATO INSTRUCTIONAL SWIM BA 24563 SWIMMING INSTR GENERAL SUPPL < *> $101.70* , 137876 07/19/93 $4,490.02 J PATRICK MOORE CO WALKER CUP AD 10139 COMMUNICATIONS ADVERT OTHER < *> $4,490.02* 137877 07/19/93 $100.00 JAMES, WILLIAM F POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 137878 07/19/93 $369.17 JERRYS PRINTING GENERAL SUPPLIES D2884 GENERAL(BILLIN GENERAL SUPPL < *> $369.17* 137879 07/19/93 $25.00 JIM BREKKE TREAS MCF MEMBERSHIP FEE 063093 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCR < *> $25.00* 137880 07/19/93 $237.27 JIM HATCH SALES RAKES 2594 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 7978 < *> $237.27* 137881 07/19/93 $145.00 JIM STRUM ORCHESTRA SERVICES /CL JUNE 9 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $145.00* 137882 07/19/93 $56.68 JOHN J MORGAN CO TRANSFORMER 3107 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8587 < *> $56.68* 137883 07/19/93 $9.28 JOHNSON, NAOMI GENERAL SUPPLIES 071393 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $30.00 JOHNSON, NAOMI MODEL FEES 071393 ART CNTR PROD REGISTRATION COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 12 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 137883 07/19/93 $24.06 JOHNSON, NAOMI GENERAL SUPPLIES 071393 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $86.69 JOHNSON, NAOMI CRAFT SUPPLIES 071393 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIE < *> $150.03* 137884 07/19/93 $16.65 JOHNSON, TOM GENERAL SUPPLIES 070493 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL < *> $16.65* 137885 07/19/93 $100.00 JOHNSON, WALTER POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 137886 07/19/93 $114.75 JONES, JENNIFER SERVICES /CL 070793 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $114.75* 137887 07/19/93 $30.50 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 18047 CENTENNIAL LAK PAINT 8493 < *> $30.50* 137888 07/19/93 $7,500.00 K102 RADIO ADVERTISING 070693 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES < *> $7,500.00* 137889 07/19/93 $150.00 KAHN, DEBORAH MORSE MAG EXP 070893 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET E < *> $150.00* 137890 07/19/93 $191.89 KAMAN INDUST TECH PILLOW BLOCK A731354 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $95.70 KAMAN INDUST TECH BEARINGS A731718 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8469 < *> $287.59* 137891 07/19/93 $41.10 KAR PRODUCTS NUTS /BOLTS 114435 MAINT OF COORS GENERAL SUPPL 8542 < *> $41.10* 137892 07/19/93 $190.00 KEMP, CHARLOTTE PERSONAL SERVICES 071293 GOLF ADMINISTR PERS SERVICES 8371 < *> $190.00* 1 137893 07/19/93 $100.00 KERRISON, DAWN DISC JOCKEY 071293 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPL < *> $100.00* 137894 07/19/93 $54.00 KING, LISA CLASS REFUND 062993 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $54.00* 137895 07/19/93 $40.78 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 059657 RANGE GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $274.02 KNOX COMM CREDIT FORM MATERIAL 061127 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $32.14 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 061481 MAINT OF COURS LUMBER 8289 07/19/93 $48.41 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 0641472 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 8266 07/19/93 $46.42 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 061434 SIDEWALKS & PA GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $85.20 KNOX COMM CREDIT SHOP SUPPLIES 061519 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 8290 07/19/93 $51.05 KNOX COMM CREDIT TOOLS 061610 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 07/19/93 $90.16 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 061960 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 07/19/93 $28.70 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 062117 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 07/19/93 $29.75 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 062352 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 07/19/93 - $25.52 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 062351 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 07/19/93 $33.53 KNOX COMM CREDIT TOOLS 062288 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 8356 07/19/93 $44.67 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 062415 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 8471 07/19/93 $54.27 KNOX COMM CREDIT TOOLS 062928 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS < *> $833.58* 137896 07/19/93 $279.98 KOKESH ATHLETIC COACH PITCH EQUIPMENT 73341 ATHLETIC ACTIV GENERAL SUPPL COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 13 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. $ <*> $279.98* 137897 07/19/93 $32.00 KOMADINA, JAYNE CLASS REFUND 062993 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> 332.00* 137898 07/19/93 $150.00 KREMER SPRING & ALIG U BOLT 045011 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6912 07/19/93 $159.75 KREMER SPRING & ALIG U BOLT /TOP 04560 EQUIPMENT OPER COMMODITIES 7337 < *> $309.75* 137899 07/19/93 $34.35 KROHN, HOWARD SERVICES /ADAPTIVE REC 070993 PARK ADMIN. PROF SERVICES < *> $34.35* 137900 07/19/93 $756.75 KUNDE CO INC OAK WILT PROGRAM 052593 TREES & MAINTE RUBBISH REMOV 07/19/93 $484.00 KUNDE CO INC OAK WILT PROGRAM 070993 TREES & MAINTE RUBBISH REMOV < *> $1,240.75* 137901 07/19/93 $66.00 LABOR RELATIONS ASN. PAY EQUITY 070193 ADMINISTRATION PROF SERVICES < *> $66.00* 137902 07/19/93 $187.50 LAHET, TARA SERVICES /CL 070793 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $187.50* 137903 07/19/93 $751.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC LAKE TREATMENT 1972 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 8334 07/19/93 $485.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC AQUATIC WEED TREATMEN 4132 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 8424 07/19/93 $170.40 LAKE RESTORATION INC WEED CONTROL 062993 GENERAL TURF C WEED SPRAY 8667 07/19/93 $227.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC LAKE TREATMENT 2443 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 07/19/93 $496.25 LAKE RESTORATION INC SERVICE CONTRACT 692/2 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQU < *> $2,129.65* 137904 07/19/93 $383.40 LANDSCAPE PROD CTR PLANTINGS & TREES 505627 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES 8486 07/19/93 $231.05 LANDSCAPE PROD CTR FERTILIZER 505823 MAINT OF COURS FERTILIZER 7772 07/19/93 $136.32 LANDSCAPE PROD CTR SOIL CONDITIONER 506154 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES 07/19/93 $231.05 LANDSCAPE PROD CTR FERTILIZER 505374 MAINT OF COURS FERTILIZER 07/19/93 $85.20 LANDSCAPE PROD CTR PLANTINGS & TREES 505531 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES 8286 07/19/93 $145.37 LANDSCAPE PROD CTR PLANTS 505859 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES 8540 < *> $1,212.39* 137906 07/19/93 $263.31 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS -NUTS 1955949 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 7442 07/19/93 $101.60 LAWSON PRODUCTS RIVETS /SCREWS 1958269 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $122.87 LAWSON PRODUCTS PLANK SCREWS 1958912 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $425.03 LAWSON PRODUCTS BIT /ROD /BOLTS 1958910 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 07/19/93 $355.80 LAWSON PRODUCTS PLASTIC TY RAP 1961994 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $363.37 LAWSON PRODUCTS RIVETS /BOLTS 1965901 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPL 7798 07/19/93 $203.76 LAWSON PRODUCTS SELF TAPING 1965902 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 7900 07/19/93 $274.56 LAWSON PRODUCTS BELTS /TAPE 1965903 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 7901 07/19/93 $27.16 LAWSON PRODUCTS SANDERS 1965898 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 7660 07/19/93 $478.32 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS- SCREWS 1965899 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8347 07/19/93 $34.39 LAWSON PRODUCTS WASHERS 1965900 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 7897 07/19/93 $156.99 LAWSON PRODUCTS PLOW NUTS 1965904 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $175.04 LAWSON PRODUCTS SCREWS ASST 1970120 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 8077 07/19/93 $284.88 LAWSON PRODUCTS NUTS /BOLTS 1970119 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $218.22 LAWSON PRODUCTS BRASS LINES 1970639 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPL 8072 07/19/93 $225.68 LAWSON PRODUCTS TOOLS 1970640 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 8073 07/19/93 $371.78 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 1972766 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $222.01 LAWSON PRODUCTS TOOL /BLADES 1972765 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 14 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 137906 07/19/93 $268.52 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1972764 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $395.11 LAWSON PRODUCTS NUTS /BOLTS 1973436 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $4,968.40* 137907 07/19/93 $1,298.40 LAYDE MINNESOTA CO. BOOST PUMP 18612 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 8234 <*> $1,298.40* 137908 07/19/93 $47.00 LEE, MICHELLE CLASS REFUND 071093 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $47.00* 137909 07/19/93 $24.41 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 063093 MAINT OF COORS LAUNDRY < *> $24.41* 137910 07/19/93 $2,775.00 LEICESTER, ANDREW ENO FEE FOR ARNESON A 063093 WORK. CAP. PRO ACCTS REC MIS < *> $2,775.00* 137911 07/19/93 $502.09 LEITNER COMPANY SOD & BLACK DIRT 070193 MAINT OF COURS SOD & DIRT 07/19/93 $1,019.34 LEITNER COMPANY PROF SERVICES 070193. CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES <*> $1,521.43* 137912 07/19/93 $393.50 LIEN INFECTION CON SANITATION 070193 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQU < *> $393.50* 137913 07/19/93 $165.00 LINDENSELSER LANDFIL TREE WASTE 063093 TREES & MAINTE RUBBISH REMOV <*> $165.00* 137914 07/19/93 $30.00 LINDQUIST, BILL SERVICES /ADAPTIVE REC 071293 PARK ADMIN. PROF SERVICES < *> $30.00* 137915 07/19/93 $21.84 LINHOFF PHOTO FINISHING 233938 FIRE DEPT. GEN PHOTO SUPPLIE 07/19/93 $2.34 LINHOFF MAG PHOTOS 234672 COMMUNICATIONS MAG/NEWSLET E < *> $24.18* 137916 07/19/93 $130.22 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & BUSHING /PIN 168971 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8086 < *> $130.22* 137917 07/19/93 $80.00 LONNING, CAROLYN PERFORM /CL JULY 24 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $80.00* 137918 07/19/93 $131.73 LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CO FREEI GRAPHICS 8754AA02 CENT SVC GENER PAINT < *> 5131.73* 137919 07/19/93 $81.30 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 72080 CENTENNIAL LAK TREES FLWR SH 8207 07/19/93 $146.52 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR GREENHOUSE SUPPLIES 72206 GENERAL TURF C GENERAL SUPPL 8440 < *> $227.82* 137920 07/19/93 $420.00 LYNDE CO FIELD DRY OUT 76422 FIELD MAINTENA LINE MARK POW 8256 07/19/93 $27.30 LYNDE CO SALES TAX 76422. FIELD MAINTENA LINE MARK POW < *> $447.30* 137921 07/19/93 $641.74 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. DRIVE RING 35121 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $641.74* 137922 07/19/93 $290.00 MADSON, JOHN SERVICES /CL 070793 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $290.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 15 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * 137923 07/19/93 $927.82 MAGNUSON SOD CO. SOD 5506 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPL 6958 < *> $927.82* 137924 07/19/93 $32.00* MAHONEN, LIZ CLASS REFUND 071093 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION 137925 07/19/93 $234.45 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 063093/G GRILL CST OF GD FOO 07/19/93 $788.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 063093/G GRILL CST OF GDS BE < *> $1,022.85" 137926 07/19/93 $42.60 MCCAREN DESIGN PLANTS 9302 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SH < *> $42.60" 137927 07/19/93 $30.00 MCCARTHY, BRIAN SERVIES /ADAPTIVE REC 071293 PARK ADMIN. PROF SERVICES < *> $30.00" 137928 07/19/93 $491.50 MCDOWELL, MARGARET AC INSTRUCTOR 071293 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $491.50* 137929 07/19/93 $198.88 MCGARVEY COFFEE COFFEE 1494970 GRILL CST OF GD F00 07/19/93 $144.70 MCGARVEY COFFEE COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 9122422 GRILL CST OF GD FOO 07/19/93 $165.35 MCGARVEY COFFEE COFFEE 9122584 GRILL CST OF GD FOO < "> $508.93* 137930 07/19/93 $314.05 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 010793/P PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $341.65 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 010793/P PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $291.70 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 010793/P DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $266.51 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 010793/P DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $814.66 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY ACCESSORIES 010793/P EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 07/19/93 $2,209.12 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 010793/P EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < "> $4,237.69* , 137931 07/19/93 $369.45 MCNEILUS STEEL STEEL 0120780 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 7986 07/19/93 $147.78 MCNEILUS STEEL STEEL 0121923 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 8090 07/19/93 $215.39 MCNEILUS STEEL STEEL 0120127 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7968 07/19/93 $98.53 MCNEILUS STEEL STEEL 0123659 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 8185 < *> $831.15* 137932 07/19/93 $23,526.70 MED CENTER HEALTH PL HOSPITALIZATION 1088315 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI < "> $23,526.70" 137933 07/19/93 $100.00 MERFELD, BURT POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 137934 07/19/93 $477.65 MERIT SUPPLY CONCRETE SEAL 33366 SIDEWALKS & PA GENERAL SUPPL 7974 07/19/93 $334.72 MERIT SUPPLY GLASS CLEANER /HEADS /T 33431 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPP 8087 07/19/93 $495.22 MERIT SUPPLY VAC 33462 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 8152 07/19/93 $105.06 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 33492 ART CENTER BLD CLEANING SUPP 8040 07/19/93 $198.00 MERIT SUPPLY AQUACLEAN RENTAL 33516 50TH ST OCCUPA REPAIR PARTS 8245 07/19/93 $160.81 MERIT SUPPLY SOIL CEM FOR FIELD 33528 GENERAL TURF C WEED SPRAY 8323 07/19/93 $461.07 MERIT SUPPLY MIRRORS 33541 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 8286 07/19/93 $401.11 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 33572 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPP 8496 07/19/93 $208.74 MERIT SUPPLY PAPER DISPENSER 33624 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 8589 < *> $2,842.38* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 16 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * 137935 07/19/93 $330.20 MESSERLI & KRAMER AMBULANCE COLLECTIONS 070193 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE 07/19/93 $166.67 MESSERLI & KRAMER PROF SERVICE /COLLECTI 070193 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $496.87* 137936 07/19/93 $115.00 METRO APPLIANCE SERV REPAIR DISHWASHER 07915.1 GRILL CONTR REPAIRS 07/19/93 $62.32 METRO APPLIANCE SERV REPAIR DISHWASHER 07275.1 GRILL CONTR REPAIRS < *> $177.32* 137937 07/19/93 $420.67 METRO SALES INC TONER FOR COPIER 363596 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLI 8102 < *> $420.67* 137938 07/19/93 $10,692.00 METRO WASTE CONTROL BUILDING PERMITS JUNE 199 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERM < *> $10,692.00* 137939 07/19/93 $49.00 METZGER AQUATIC ENGI SERVICE CONTRACT 070693 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQU < *> $49.00* 137940 07/19/93 $107.61 MIDWAY IND SUPPLY LABOR REPAIR 167782 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPL 8344 < *> $107.61* 137941 07/19/93 $229.62 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. DUMPING CHARGES 1475 STREET RENOVAT DUMPING CHARG 07/19/93 $10,342.86 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 9536 STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 07/19/93 $116.68 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 9536 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 07/19/93 $463.04 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. CASTINGS 9536 GENERAL STORM CASTINGS 07/19/93 $218.93 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. DUMPING CHARGES 1533 STREET RENOVAT DUMPING CHARG 07/19/93 $15,008.19 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 9599 STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 07/19/93 $86.15 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 9599 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP < *> $26,465.47* 137942 07/19/93 $31.95 MIDWEST MACHINERY IN KNIFE 19641 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 6342 07/19/93 $349.09 MIDWEST MACHINERY IN HYD PUMP 19837 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6342 07/19/93 $96.47 MIDWEST MACHINERY IN SCREW /NUTS 19717 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6354 < *> $477.51* 137943 07/19/93 $100.80 MIDWEST VENDING WHOL CANDY 070293 GRILL CST OF GO FOO < *> $100.80* 137944 07/19/93 $652.26 MILLER - BRADFORD & RI REPAIR PARTS 070593 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $652.26* 137945 07/19/93 $61.77 MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC T SHANK BIT 25 -50 -70 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL 8069 07/19/93 $49.15 MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC T HEAT GUN 25 -51 -03 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS < *> $110.92* 13 *946 07/19/93 MINN COMM PAGING PAGING SERVICE 070193/C ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQU $222.00* 137947 07/19/93 $569.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURB REPLACE SERVICE 030031 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 8337 07/19/93 $1,002.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURB REPLACE SEWER 0300032 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 8339 < *> $1,571.00* 137948 07/19/93 $825.00 MINNESOTA BRIDE MAGA PRO SERVICES 76 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $825.00* 137949 07/19/93 $71.00 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLIC ADVERTISING OTHER 109648 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 17 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 137949 07/19/93 $72.00 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLIC ADVERTISING OTHER 109648 YORK SELLING ADVERT OTHER 07/19/93 $72.00 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLIC ADVERTISING OTHER 109648 VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER 07/19/93 $44.64 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLIC ADVERTISING LEGAL 9402 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING L < *> $259.64* 137950 07/19/93 $148.04 MITCHELL INTERNATION DATA 1214982 EQUIPMENT OPER DATA PROCESSI < *> $148.04* 137951 07/19/93 $555.00 MN CLE SCHOOL & CONF 070693 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL < *> $555.00* 137952 07/19/93 $703.40 MN DEPT REVENUE FUEL TAX JUNE 199 EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE $703.40* 137953 07/19/93 $7,518.00 MN STATE TREA /BLG IN BUILDING PERMITS JUNE 199 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING. PERM < *> $7,518.00* 137954 07/19/93 $65.00 MN. ELEVATOR ELEVATOR SERVICES 060408 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQU < *> $65.00* 137955 07/19/93 $59.86 MN. GLOVE OVER THE SHOE BOOT 81160 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPM 8146 07/19/93 $76.51 MN. GLOVE RAIN JACKET 81160 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPM 7425 07/19/93 $106.79 MN. GLOVE OVERALLS 81407 PUMP & LIFT ST SAFETY EQUIPM < *> $243.16* 137956 07/19/93 $155.82 MN. TORO INC. PULLEY /BELT 342163 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8065 07/19/93 $47.09 MN. TORO INC. IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 343387 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8117 07/19/93 $265.92 MN. TORO INC. CYL - MASTER /BELT 344276 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8149 07/19/93 $195.60 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 347207 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $116.11 MN. TORO INC. IRRIGATION PIPE 348702 MAINT OF COORS REPAIR PARTS 8377 07/19/93 $293.59 MN. TORO INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 348132 CEMTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $233.49 MN. TORO INC. IRRIGATION PIPE 349277 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8379 5•> $1,307.62* 137957 07/19/93 $17.04 MN. WANNER SPINDLE 18929 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $17.04* 137958 07/19/93 $65.00 MOIR, BILL POOL SEASON TICKET RE 063093' POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKET < *> $65.00* 137959 07/19/93 $440.00 MOORHEAD MACHINERY & ANGLE FRAMES 43163 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 7447 <*> $440.00* 137960 07/19/93 $114.71 MPH INDUSTRIES INC EQUIPMENT MAINT 511960 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 8552 <. *> $114.71* 137961 07/19/93 $35.00 MRPA CONT ED 070893 PARK ADMIN. DUES & SUBSCR < *> $35.00* 137962 07/19/93 $165.34 MUNICILITE CO BULBS 4780 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS $165.34* 137963 07/19/93 $120.00 MUSEUM SERVICES SECURITY PICTURE 1000741 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQU <�> $120.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 18 CHECK# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # 137964 07/19/93 $43.00 MUZAK ADVERTISING 070193/* 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER 07/19/93 $43.00 MUZAK ADVERTISING OTHER 070193/* VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER < *> $86.00* 137965 07/19/93 $53.77 NAPA AUTO PARTS CABLE 905284 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8184 < *> $53.77* 137966 07/19/93 $64.72 NATIONAL GUARDIAN SY SECURITY 613522 CLUB HOUSE ALARM SERVICE 07/19/93 $725.00 NATIONAL GUARDIAN SY SECURITY 613522 GC CIP CIP 07/19/93 $233.63 NATIONAL GUARDIAN SY ALARM SERVICES 613742 YORK OCCUPANCY ALARM SERVICE < *> $1,023.35* 137967 07/19/93 $168.86 NEBCO EVANS DISTRIB CONCESSIONS 186428 VANVALKENBURG CST OF GD FOO < *> $168.86* 137968 07/19/93 $100.00 NISSEN, DICK POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 137969 07/19/93 $154.37 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 564440 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8282 07/19/93 $33.72 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 569800 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8543 07/19/93 $42.32 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS (HOSE) 569780 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8543 < *> $240.41* 137970 07/19/93 $14,804.33 NORTHERN IRRIGATION CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 92 -13 PY GC CIP CIP < *> $14,804.33* 137971 07/19/93 $6.00 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SU OFFICE FURNISHING 208298 ART CENTER BLD LAUNDRY 07/19/93 - $19.29 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SU CREDIT 208441 ART CENTER BLD LAUNDRY 07/19/93 $169.21 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SU COST OF GOODS SOLD 208508 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOO 8296 07/19/93 -$6.00 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SU CREDIT 208543 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOO < *> $149.92* 137972 07/19/93 $144.84 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW1478 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 07/19/93 $55.90 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW2080 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 07/19/93 $104.37 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW2079 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 07/19/93 $85.16 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW2104 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 07/19/93 $340.46 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW2106 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 07/19/93 $56.25 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL NW2212 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DI < *> $786.98* 137973 07/19/93 $42.66 NOVAK'S GARAGE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 4637 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS 8029 < *> $42.66* 137975 07/19/93 $617.26 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 GENERAL MAINT LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $156.11 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 ST LIGHTING RE LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $7.40 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $4,136.57 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $388.85 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $4.95 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $150.64 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $2,808.06 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 PARKING RAMP LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $601.86 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 FIRE DEPT. GEN LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $53.27 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 CIVIL DEFENSE LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $2,158.37 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 CITY HALL GENE LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $2,638.92 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 PW BUILDING LIGHT & POWER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 19 CHECK# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # 137975 07/19/93 $655.16 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 ART CENTER BLD LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $840.99 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 BUILDING MAINT LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $3,236.74 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 CLUB HOUSE LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $429.67 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 MAINT OF COURS LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $1,879.58 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 POOL OPERATION LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $4,045.78 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 ARENA BLDG /GRO LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $241.80 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 GUN RANGE LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $3,067.64 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $11,848.36 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 DISTRIBUTION LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $854.74 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 50TH ST OCCUPA LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $1,455.12 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 YORK OCCUPANCY LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $685.98 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 VERNON OCCUPAN LIGHT & POWER 07/19/93 $730.75 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 GOLF DOME LIGHT'& POWER 07/19/93 $1,001.07 NSP LIGHT & POWER 071993 CENTENNIAL LAK LIGHT & POWER < *> $44,695.64* 137976 07/19/93 $25.00 NULTY, MAB REFUND TENNIS 070193 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION < *> $25.00* 137977 07/19/93 $32.00 O'CONNOR, KATIE CLASS REFUND 062993 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION <*> $32.00* 137978 07/19/93 $251.00 OLD DUTCH FOODS CHIPS 070293 GRILL CST OF GD FOO < *> $251.00* 137979 07/19/93 - $93.72 OPM INFORMATION SYST CREDIT C18937 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $2,524.39 OPM INFORMATION SYST EPS EQUITY 40X/33 SYS 201853 ENGINEERING GE EQUIP REPLACE < *> $2,430.67* 137980 07/19/93 $117.16 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 899385 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS <*> $117.16* , 137981 07/19/93 $77.50 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COOKIES 452033 GRILL CST OF GD FOO 07/19/93 $81.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC. COOKIES 452140 GRILL CST OF GD FOO < *> $158.50* 137982 07/19/93 $261.92 OWENS SERVICE CO CONTRACTED REPAIRS 75131 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS <*> $261.92* 137983 07/19/93 $56.55 PARTS PLUS GUIDE PIN /ALIGN KIT 526887 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $134.49 PARTS PLUS FILTER 527444 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $191.04* 137984 07/19/93 $185.00 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING POP 063093 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GO FOO 07/19/93 $139.45 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 063093/C CENTENNIAL LAK CST OF GD FOO <*> $324.45* 137985 07/19/93 $103.00 PFEFFER, MARGARET CLASS REFUND 062993 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION < *> $103.00* 137986 07/19/93 $12.88 PFEIFFER, POLLY POOL GENERAL SUPPLIES 063093 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPL < *> $12.88* 137987 07/19/93 - $37.50 PINNACLE SIGNS & GRA CREDIT 052092 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $294.20 PINNACLE SIGNS & GRA GENERAL SUPPLIES 3270 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPL 8555 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 20 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. M 137987 07/19/93 $53.25 PINNACLE SIGNS & GRA SIGN 3293 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL <*> $309.95* 137988 07/19/93 $33.12 PLUNKETTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 580674 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPL < *> $33.12* 137989 07/19/93 $838.79 PONY EXPRESS RELOADE AMMUNITION 060693 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 8260 < *> $838.79* 137990 07/19/93 $210.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 070793 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $210.00* 137991 07/19/93 $106.44 PRECISION TURF /CHEM LAPPING COMPOUND 003198 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 8375 07/19/93 $1,570.02 PRECISION TURF /CHEM SOIL AMENDMENT 3243 GC CIP CIP 8490 < *> $1,676.46* 137992 07/19/93 $121.46 PRO PRINT & GRAPHICS PRINTING 5186 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 8557 <*> $121.46* 137993 07/19/93 $96.26 QUALITY REFRIG ICE MACHINE 087087 GRILL CONTR SERVICE < *> $96.26* 137994 07/19/93 $142.96 QUALITY STAINLESS IN PARTS FOR POOL RAILIN 10585 -01 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 8454 < *> $142.96* 137995 07/19/93 $8.05 QUICK SERV BATTERY AIR FILTER 63190 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7963 < *> $8.05* 137996 07/19/93 $227.53 QUIK PRINT PRINTING 48429 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 8484 < *> $227.53* 137997 07/19/93 $115.38 R & R REPORT WRITER REPT WRITER 88843 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL 8262 <*> $115.38* 137998 07/19/93 $692.28 R &R SPECIALTIES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 18159 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPL < *> $692.28* 137999 07/19/93 $244.63 R.C. IDENTIFICATION GENERAL SUPPLIES 016191 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPL < *> $244.63* 138000 07/19/93 $111.69 REACH EQUIPMENT HUB B82869A EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8062 < *> $111.69* 138001 07/19/93 $2,700.00 RELIANCE HOSPITALIZATION 050393 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI <*> $2,700.00* 138002 07/19/93 $234.07 REM SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 01852 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 8636 < *> $234.07* 138003 07/19/93 $100.00 RICE, JACK REFUND /PLAN DEPOSIT 070793 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERM < *> $100.00* 138004 07/19/93 $85.00 RICHARDS, BRIAN SERVICES /CL JULY 24 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $85.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 21 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * 138005 07/19/93 $25.00 RIDER, MARY REFUND TENNIS 070993 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION <*> $25.00* 138006 07/19/93 $9.98 RITZ CAMERA FILM DEVELOPING 3751907 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL 8316 < *> $9.98* 138007 07/19/93 $5,591.70 ROLLINS OIL CO GASOLINE 14067 EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE 8469 07/19/93 $789.21 ROLLINS OIL CO GASOLINE 14174 MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE < *> $6,380.91* 138008 07/19/93 $1,666.15 RUNYAN /VOGEL GROUP BRAEMAR PRO SHOP REMO 9 NORMANDALE CLU CIP < *> $1,666.15* 138009 07/19/93 $6.75 SAMMONS, SABRINA POPCORN OIL 070793 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD F00 < *> $6.75* 138010 07/19/93 $90.00 SCHATTUER, JIM SERVICES /CL JULY 29 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $90.00* 138011 07/19/93 $532.50 SCHUELLER'S PLANT FLOWERS 071293 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPL < *> $532.50* 138012 07/19/93 $120.00 SEIDEL, ROXANNE SERVICES /CL 070793 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $120.00* 138013 07/19/93 $100.00 SHEPARD, JOHN POLICE SERVICES JULY 193 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 138014 07/19/93 $19.53 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 6644 -2 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 8472 <*> $19.53* 138015 07/19/93 $29.00 SHIRLEY, TOM POSTAGE 071293 ED'ADMINISTRAT POSTAGE 07/19/93 $96.10 SHIRLEY, TOM GENERAL SUPPLIES 071293 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $25.52 SHIRLEY, TOM TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 071293 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SH < *> $150.62* 138018 07/19/93 $112.24 SHORE-LINE GENERAL SUPPLIES 51890 ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPL < *> $112.24* 138017 07/19/93 $1,065.00 SMITH, CATE PRO SERVICE GTA70993 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES < *> $1,065.00* 138018 07/19/93 $38.34 SOKKIA MEASURING SYS GENERAL SUPPLIES 106732 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPL 5108 < *> $38.34* 138019 07/19/93 $4,930.00 SPANCRETE MIDWEST CO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 93 -00021 PARKING RAMP PROF SERVICES < *> $4,930.00* 138020 07/19/93 $34.20 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2055091 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 8249 07/19/93 $115.42 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2055682 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 8364 07/19/93 $37.10 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2056554 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 8364 07/19/93 $438.88 SPS GENERAL SUPPLIES 2056553 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 8341 < *> $625.60* 138021 07/19/93 $777.78 STAR TRIBUNE HELP WANTED ADS 063093 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSON COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 22 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * <*> 07/19/93 $777.78* STROM, JENNIFER REFUND/WEDDING RECEPT 070893 GOLF PROG RENTAL OF PRO < *> 138022 07/19/93 $59.50 STATE OF MN GENERAL SUPPLIES 071293 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL < *> $17.85 $59.50* CHEVROLET RELAY ASSM 187526 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138023 07/19/93 $30.00 STEFENS, BOB SERVICES /ADAPTIVE REC 071293 PARK ADMIN. REPAIR PARTS PROF SERVICES < *> $17.55 $30.00* CHEVROLET PIPE ASSM 187939 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138024 07/19/93 $350.00 STONEY LONESOME SERVICES /CL JULY 28 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER <*> 07/19/93 $350.00* SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CABLE ASSM 188018 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS t38625-07/19/93 07/19/93 $352.25 STREICHERS AMMUNITION 62239.1 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 136061 07/19/93 $15.53 STREICHERS UNIFORMS 68105.1 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW < *> 07/19/93 $62.73 STREICHERS DASHLIGHT 68583.1 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8423 07/19/93 $260.82 STREICHERS GENERAL SUPPLIES 68608.1 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL < "> 679i.w - - 430.51* 138026 07/19/93 $50.00 STROM, JENNIFER REFUND/WEDDING RECEPT 070893 GOLF PROG RENTAL OF PRO < *> $50.00* 138027 07/19/93 $17.85 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET RELAY ASSM 187526 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $24.16 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET LAMP ASSM 187935 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $17.55 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET PIPE ASSM 187939 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $24.29 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SWITCH ASSM 188024 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $20.57 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CABLE ASSM 188018 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $28.81 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SEAL KIT 188101 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $39.54 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET LAMP ASSM 188106 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $172.77* 1 138028 07/19/93 $380.93 SUBURBAN PROPANE WELDING SUPPLIES 234909 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPL 8145 < *> $380.93* 138029 07/19/93 $100.00 SWANSON, HAROLD POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < "> $100.00" 138030 07/19/93 $30.00 SWENSON, MARCY REFUND SKATING /EDINBO 070693 EDINB /CL PROG LESSON PRGM I <"> $30.00* 138031 07/19/93 $375.38 SYSCO- MINNESOTA GENERAL SUPPLIES 070193 GRILL GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $345.24 SYSCO- MINNESOTA CLEANING SUPPLIES 070193 GRILL CLEANING SUPP 07/19/93 $4,525.64 SYSCO- MINNESOTA COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 070193 GRILL CST OF GD F00 < "> $5,246.26" 138032 07/19/93 $19.48 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 070593 GRILL GENERAL SUPPL < "> $19.48* 138033 07/19/93 $42.59 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 469348 YORK SELLING GENERAL SUPPL 8099 < *> $42.59* 138034 07/19/93 $59.11 THE KANE SERVICE PROF SERVICES 4852276 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES <*> $59.11* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 23 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * 138035 07/19/93 $213.00 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING 10095 CENT SVC GENER PRINTING 07/19/93 $459.02 THE PRINT SHOP MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 21656 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPL 8123 <"> $672.02" 138036 07/19/93 $187.00 THE URBAN LAND INSTI REFERENCE BOOK 41923 ASSESSING GENERAL SUPPL < "> 5187.00" 138037 07/19/93 $175.49 THERMEX CORP AIR COND REPAIR 35202 CLUB HOUSE CONTR REPAIRS < "> $175.49" 138038 07/19/93 $2,539.95 THOMSEN - NYBECK PROFESSIONAL SERV - L 75292 LEGAL SERVICES PRO SVC - LEG 07/19/93 $11,120.56 THOMSEN - NYBECK PROSECUTING 75241 LEGAL SERVICES PROF SERVICES < "> $13,660.51" 138039 07/19/93 $65.00 THORN TRUCKING INC FREIGHT 7765 RANGE RANGE BALLS < "> $65.00" 138040 07/19/93 $80.00 TOENSING, JAMES SERVICES /CL JULY 24 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < "> $80.00" 138041 07/19/93 $241.12 TOLL COMPANY PROPANE 226862 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPL 8168 < "> $241.12" 138042 07/19/93 $100.65 TOOLS BY OLSEN WEED WHIP BLADES 52267 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 8292 07/19/93 $37.28 TOOLS BY OLSEN SHOP SUPPLIES 52444 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPL 8544 < "> $137.93" 138043 07/19/93 $10,301.70 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTE 90% OF STORE *3 JUNE 10 LIQUOR PROG MACH. & EQUIP 07/19/93 $83.06 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTE GENERWL SUPPLIES 070793 YORK SELLING GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $83.06 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTE REGISTER RIBBON /REC T JULY 7/5 LIQUOR 50TH ST GENERAL SUPPL < "> $10,467.82" , 138044 07/19/93 $3.00 TRANSWORLD SYSTEM IN AMBULANCE FEES 070693 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE < *> $3.00* 138045 07/19/93 $14.38 TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFT GENERAL SUPPLIES 77350 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPL 8308 <"> $14.38" 138046 07/19/93 $392.00 UNDERGROUND PIERCING CONTR REPAIRS 8439 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPL 8084 07/19/93 $100.00 UNDERGROUND PIERCING SERVICE CONTRACT 7477 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQU < *> $492.00' 138047 07/19/93 $5.70 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORMS /PRESTRUD 104492 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW 07/19/93 $30.19 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORMS /PRESTRUD 104621 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < "> $35.89' 138048 07/19/93 $202.85 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP BATTERY /VINLTAPE 67SI 243 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 8093 07/19/93 $193.40 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP LAMPS 66SI 186 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPL 8093 07/19/93 $227.77 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 67SI 245 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 - $144.70 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP CREDIT 67SR 939 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $562.32 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP LIGHT LENSES 67SI 244 PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS 07/19/93 $550.61 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP ELEC TRANSFORMERS 67SI 247 GC CIP REPAIR PARTS < "> $1,592.25" 138049 07/19/93 $26.58 US WEST CELLULAR PHONE BILL 061093. ADMINISTRATION MILEAGE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 24 CHECK# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # 138049 07/19/93 $121.75 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 070193 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $25.38 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 070193 PARKING. MONITO TELEPHONE < *> $173.71* 138050 07/19/93 $53.78 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 DARE TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $4,448.99 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $176.59 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 ART CENTER BLD TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $57.88 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $155.81 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $527.51 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $65.78 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 MAINT OF COURS TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $119.23 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 POOL OPERATION TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $238.92 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 ARENA BLDG /GRO TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $33.55 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 GUN RANGE TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $50.52 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 CENTENNIAL LAK TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $53.78 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $97.27 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 DISTRIBUTION TELEPHONE 07/19/93 $141.75 US WEST COMMUNICATIO TELEPHONE 071993 VERNON OCCUPAN TELEPHONE < *> $6,221.36* 138051 07/19/93 $2,400.00 USAQUATICS POOL OPERATION CONTRA 063093 POOL OPERATION SALARIES REG 07/19/93 $3,445.00 USAQUATICS CONSTR. IN PROGRESS JUNE 30 PAINT CAHILL S CIP 8129 07/19/93 $129.00 USAQUATICS CONTRACTED REPAIRS /PO 071293 POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS 07/19/93 $610.73 USAQUATICS CONTRACTED REPAIRS JULY 12 POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS < *> $6,584.73* 138052 07/19/93 $53.77 USI INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 267301 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLI 8103 < *> $53.77* 138053 07/19/93 $473.93 VAN PAPER CO. 1910 & TM612 465891 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIE 8309 < *> $473.93* 1 138054 07/19/93 $348.00 VANTAGE ELECTRIC PROF SERVICES 12595 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES < *> $348.00* 138055 07/19/93 $26.09 VAUGHN DISPLAY SWIM CLUB FLAGS 56608 ATHLETIC ACTIV GENERAL SUPPL < *> $26.09* 138056 07/19/93 $165.00 VIKING AUTOMATIC SPR TEST & INSPECTION 32604 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS < *> $165.00* 138057 07/19/93 $499.77 VIKING ELECTRIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 924366 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $7.75 VIKING ELECTRIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 926259 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 8495 07/19/93 $24.98 VIKING ELECTRIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 932392 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $6.30 VIKING ELECTRIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 932073 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $25.65 VIKING ELECTRIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 933417 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPL < *> $564.45* 138058 07/19/93 $109.02 VINCENT METALS METAL STOCK 65402 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 8230 07/19/93 $7.09 VINCENT METALS SALES TAX 65402. BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL < *> $116.11* 138059 07/19/93 $60.00 VOGEL, MEL REFUND SWIMMING 070993 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION <*> $60.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 25 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * 138060 07/19/93 $377.78 VOSS LIGHTING LIGHTS 225268 ST LIGHTING OR REPAIR PARTS 8092 < *> $377.78* 138061 07/19/93 $62,912.54 W.B. MILLER INC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 93 -3 PYM STORM SEWER CIP < *> $62,912.54* 138062 07/19/93 $380.98 W.W. GRAINGER COUPLER 498 -6335 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPL 8319 < *> $380.98* 138063 07/19/93 $68.35 WAKNITZ, CINDY MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 071393 ED ADMINISTRAT MILEAGE < *> $68.35* 138064 07/19/93 $100.00 WALSH, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES <&%> $100.00* 138065 07/19/93 $88.96 WATERSTREET, JOAN CONT ED 070993 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOL 07/19/93 $5.00 WATERSTREET, JOAN DUES 070993 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCR 07/19/93 $31.25 WATERSTREET, JOAN MEETING EXP 070993 POLICE DEPT. G MEETING EXPEN 07/19/93 $47.21 WATERSTREET, JOAN MILEAGE 070993 POLICE DEPT. G MILEAGE 07/19/93 $207.11 WATERSTREET, JOAN GENERAL SUPPLIES 070993 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPL 07/19/93 $54.39 WATERSTREET, JOAN PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 070993 POLICE DEPT. G PHOTO SUPPLIE < *> $433.92* 138066 07/19/93 $66.90 WEATHERAMA WEATHER I RAIN GAUGE CHARTS 007009 GENERAL STORM OFFICE SUPPLI < *> $66.90* 138067 07/19/93 $297.00 WENTWORTH, MARILYN AMBULANCE REFUND 070993 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEE < *> $297.00* 138068 07/19/93 $90.00 WERT, CAPRICE SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 016317 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQU 8380 < *> $90.00* , 138069 07/19/93 $377.43 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. BITS/WELDING 4712 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPL 8153 07/19/93 $163.67 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. FACE MASKS 4443 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPM 8155 07/19/93 $271.96 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. PARTS /CUTTER 4446 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS < *> $813.06* 138070 07/19/93 $677.02 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT HOIST REPAIR 39049 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS < *> $677.02* 138071 07/19/93 $447.83 WHEELER LUMBER CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 1220 -000 GC CIP CIP 07/19/93 $109.17 WHEELER LUMBER PLANTINGS & TREES 12201007 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES < *> $557.00* 138072 07/19/93 $2,500.00 WHITE OAK SOCIETY MN SPLASH /CL 070193 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES < *> $2,500.00* 138073 07/19/93 $32.00 WIKMAN, CAROLINE CLASS REFUND 062993 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION <lk> $32.00* 138074 07/19/93 $88.77 WILLIAMS STEEL HARD HAT SPRAY 494951 -0 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPL 8176 07/19/93 $86.46 WILLIAMS STEEL GRINDING WHEEL 496964 -0 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 8431 < *> $175.23* 138075 07/19/93 $191.62 WINEBERG, DON MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 070993 GOLF ADMINISTR MILEAGE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUL 14, 1993, 10:28 PM page 26 CHECK* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * <*> $191.62" 138076 07/19/93 $100.00 WROBLESKI, HENRY POLICE SERVICES JULY 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES <*> $100.00* 138077 07/19/93 $765.27 XEROX CORP MAINTENANCE 03801756 CENT SVC GENER EQUIP RENTAL < *> $765.27" 138078 07/19/93 $41.79 YOUNG SALES COMPANY BARRICADE POLES 2553 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPL 7998 < *> $41.79* 138079 07/19/93 $114.16 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE SAFETY EQUIP 54187560 ED ADMINISTRAT SAFETY, EQUIPM < *> $114.16* 138080 07/19/93 $10.64 ZIMA, ERICA POOL ATTENDANCE COUNT 070693 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPL < "> $10.64* 136059 7/19/93 13.50 City Wide Window Sery Window Cleaning 45273 York liquor 7/19/93 13.50 City Wide Window Sery Window Cleaning 45274 Vernon liquor 7/19/93 13.50 City Wide Window Sery Window Cleaning 45275 50th liquor $40.50* $2,844,547.42* COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY WED, JUL 14, 1993, 11:29 PM page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND # 10 $2,006,216.80 , FUND * 12 $4,977.67 FUND # 15 $29,304.26 FUND # 23 $3,098.83 FUND # 26 $6,400.50 FUND # 27 $187,273.66 FUND # 28 $5,106.93 FUND # 29 $302.75 FUND # 30 $30,317.55 FUND # 40 $101,115.46 FUND # 41 $4,868.64 FUND # 42 $37,998.36 FUND # 50 $16,042.48 FUND # 60 $81,468.53 FUND # 66 $330,055.00 $2,844,547.42* , 0