HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-02_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 2, 1993 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA - Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered to be routine.and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. - * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of HBA Meeting of July 19, 1993 * II. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS as per pre -list dated 07/28/93 Total: $14,781.96 III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of Council Meeting of July 6, 1993 II. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass if improvement petitioned for; 4/5 favorable rollcall vote required if no petition. A. Bituminous Alley Improvement No. E -33 - West 64th Street and Xerxes Avenue III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Approval - Cantina del Rio - Outlot F, South Edina Development Addition. Generally located at southwest quadrant of Minnesota Drive and Edinborough Way B. Final Rezoning - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District - 5232 France Avenue So C. First Reading - Ordinance No. 1993 -10 - An Ordinance Amending the City Code to Provide Standards for Sexually - Oriented Businesses IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. AWARD OF BIDS A. 72" Mower for Normandale Golf Course B. Utility Car for Normandale Golf Course * C. Change Order - Normandale Golf Course M Agenda Edina City Council August 2, 1993 Page Two VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Tanning Policy /Licensing B. Park Board Appointments C. Early Retirement Legislation VII. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS A. Letter - Residents of 6605, 6609 and 6613 Naomi Drive B. Petition for Street Lighting - Intersection of Virginia Avenue and Virginia Lane C. Petition for Street Lighting - West 70th Street Between 5708 and 5812 VIII.- INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES A. AMM Urban Strategies Committee I%. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL R. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS A. Informational Meeting - High Speed Bus Project RI. FINANCE A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 07/28/93 Total: $591,846.16 and for confirmation of payment of Claims dated 07/20/93 Total: $536,160.07 Mon Sept 6 LABOR DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Tues Sept 7 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Sept 20 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Mon Aug 2 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Aug 16 1994 Budget Meeting 5:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Aug 16 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Aug 23 1994 Budget Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Sept 6 LABOR DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Tues Sept 7 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Sept 20 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers E33UTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JULY 19, 1993 ROLLCAL . Answering rollcall were Commissioners Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve the BRA Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF BRA MEETING OF JULY 6. 1993. APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve the HRA Minutes of July 6, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. KUNZ OIWaMS ENGINEERING PROPERTY APPRAISAL DEFERRED Executive Director Hughes reminded Council that at the June 21, 1993, meeting the HRA instructed staff to prepare specifications for an appraisal of the Kunz Oil /Lewis Engineering properties. He advised that staff had prepared a request for proposals which could be sent to a number of consulting appraisers. Based upon conversations with an appraiser familiar with the subject property, the estimated cost of the appraisal would be $5,000.00. Director Hughes observed that the HRA should be aware that several development firms are apparently pursuing the acquisition of the subject properties. Four housing developers and one office showroom developer have shown an interest in the properties within the last month. Given this apparent interest, the HRA may wish to defer engaging an appraiser until a later date. Commissioner Smith made a motion to defer the engaging of an appraiser for the Kunz Oil/Lewis Engineering property until the matter is brought back by staff or the affected property owners. Commissioner Rice seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Richards declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:41:32 Page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $17.29 CELLULAR ONE TELEPHONE 072193/H GRANDVIEW MISC 012458 $17.29* 08/02/93 $24.00 MARTIN, DIANE REFUND PARKING PERMI 054 50TH STREET PARKING PERMIT 012459 524.00* 08/02/93 $27.00 OSTER, CORI REFUND PARKING PERMI 452 50TH STREET PARKING PERMIT 012460 $27.00* 08/02/93 $14,166.67 PARTNERS FOR SENIOR CO HRA BOND PAYMENT AUGUST 1 EDINBOROUGH LOAN TO 0TH FU 012461 $14,166.67* 08/02/93 $520.00 SANERS WACKER WEHRMAN LANDSCAPE ARCH FEES 9379 -17 GRANDVIEW PRO FEE ARCH /E 012462 $520.00* 08/02/93 $27.00 SANOCKI, LESLY REFUND PARKING PERMI 145 50TH STREET PARKING PERMIT 012463 $27.00* $14,781.96 :OUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY Wed Jul 28 1993 23:41:46 Page 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S.00 FUND #01 $14,781.96 $14,781.96* MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 6, 1993 ROL CALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED :Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve and adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNK 21, 1993, APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve the Council Minutes of the regular meeting of June 21, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' GOLF TEAM COMMENDED Mayor Richards presented a Resolution of Commendation to the 1992 -93 Girls' Golf Team which was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION EDINA HIGH SCHOOL 1992 -93 GIRLS' GOLF TEAM WHEREAS, the Edina High School 1992 -93 Girls' Golf Team was Lake Conference Champions, Section VI Champions, and State Champions; and WHEREAS, success has come to the members of the Team because of their extraordinary ability, hours of practice and the leadership of their coaches; and WHEREAS, as representatives of the City of Edina, the members of the Team exemplified the highest standards of athletic proficiency and good sportsmanship. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that sincere congratulations be extended to the members of the Team: Kalen Anderson Laurie Engelking Anne Faust Pinata Hungspreugs Coaches: Gretchen Kattke Doug Galligher Jacquie Morton Tom Beaver BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be recorded in the Minutes of the Edina City Council and that copies be given to members of the Team. ADOPTED this sixth day of July, 1993. FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR ZUPPKEWOOD 2ND ADDITION (LOT 3. BLOCK 1. ZUPPKEWOOD. 5316 BLAKE ROAD) Planner Larsen presented the request for final plat approval for Zuppkewood 2nd Addition (Lot 3, Block 1, Zuppkewood). He recalled that the subject property is a developed single dwelling unit lot located west of Blake Road and south of Evanswood Lane. The Council granted preliminary plat approval on April 19, 1993, to create one new westerly lot 119 feet in width and 296 feet in depth fronting on Evanswood Lane. Staff would recommend final plat approval subject to: 1) subdivision dedication fee based on unimproved land value of $125,000.00, and 2) utility connection charges. Mayor Richards called for public comment on the request for final plat approval. No comment or objection was heard. Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved adoption, subject to: 1) Subdivision dedication fee of $10,000.00, and 2) Utility connection charges: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR ZUPPKEWOOD 2ND ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "ZUPPKEWOOD 2ND ADDITION ", platted by Robert F. Zuppke and Kurt Edward Zuppke, Trustees of the Juanita M. Zuppke Trust, owner, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of July 6, 1993, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion was seconded by- Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. *LOT DIVISION GRANTED FOR LOT 1. BLOCS 4. MC CAULEY HEIGHTS 3RD ADDITION (6440- 6442 MARGARETS LANE) Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION VHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 1, Block 4, MC CAULEY HEIGHTS 3RD ADDITION VHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: Parcel A That part of Lot 1, Block 4, MC CAULEY HEIGHTS 3RD ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner °of said Lot 1; thence South 22 degrees 19 minutes. 00 seconds Vest, assumed bearing along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 57.20 feet to the point of beginning of land to be described; thence North 66 degrees 33 minutes 34 seconds Vest a distance of 25.68 feet; thence North 85 degrees 11 minutes 03 seconds Vest a distance of 180.19 feet to the west line of said Lot -1 and there terminating. Parcel B That part of Lot 1, Block 4, MC CAULEY HEIGHTS 3RD ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence South 22 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds Vest, assumed bearing along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 57.20 feet to the point of beginning of land to be described; thence North 66 degrees 33 minutes 34 seconds Vest a distance of 25.68 feet; thence North 85 degrees 11 minutes 03 seconds Vest a distance of 180.19 feet to the west line of said Lot 1 and there terminating. VHEREAS, the requested subdivision is authorized under Code Section 810 and it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Code Sections 810_ and 850. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of the second above described Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the - requirements and provisions of Code Section 810 and Code Section 850 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but only to the extent permitted under Code Section 810 and Code Section 850 and subject to the limitations set out in Code Section 850 and said ordinances are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provisions thereof, and further subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as made be provided for by ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *HEARING DATE OF 07/19193 SET FOR PLANNING MATTERS Notion vas made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly setting July 19, 1993, as hearing date for the following: 1. Rezoning - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District - 5232 France Avenue South 2. Conditional Use Permit - To Allow Construction of Club House at Normandale Golf Course - City of Edina 3. Preliminary Plat Approval - Willards Knoll Addition - Part of Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 194. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR TWO FIVE -GANG LIGHTWEIGHT FAIRWAY MOWERS Notion was made by,, Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for two five -.gang lightweight fairway movers to recommended low bidder, North Star Turf, Inc., at $37,030.05. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR PRODUCTION SERVICES FOR SPRING ISSUE OF ABOUT TOWN Notion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for production services for the Spring issue of About Town to J. Patrick Moore at $12,750.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR PRINTING OF SPRING ISSUE OF ABOUT TOWN Notion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for printing for the Spring issue of About Town to J. Patrick Moore at $7,333.21. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR PROPERTY INSURANCE Notion vas made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for property insurance to recommended low bidder, Hartford Insurance, at $43,280.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR BOILER & MACHINERY INSURANCE Notion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for boiler and machinery insurance to sole bidder, The Travelers Insurance.Co., at $8,490.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. BID AWARDED FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION. AUTO LIABILITY, GENERAL LIABILITY AND EQUIPMENT INSURANCE Manager Rosland presented quotations for workers' compensation, auto liability,.general liability and equipment insurance coverage. Although the City has been with Home Insurance for 16 years, staff would recommend switching to St. Paul Companies who quoted a premium of $612,488.00. Bill Homeyer, Harris - Homeyer Company, explained the quotes obtained. Of the two quotes from the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC), one is at a fixed cost of $768,791 and the other quote varies based on the dollar amount of claims from $383,036 to maximum of $835,773. The St. Paul Companies quote based on amount of claims would be between $336,134 and maximum of $757,243. The Home quote based on amount of claims would be between $313,974 and maximum of $1,392,039. At the City's median loss level of $212,000, the premium with St. Paul Companies would be higher but would decrease as losses accelerate. St. Paul Companies would guarantee rates on Auto and Liability for three years and further guarantee the schedule credit on the Workers' Compensation. The liability policy is non - auditable the first year; in the second and third years only the liquor sales and golf course receipts are auditable. Member Smith made a motion to approve award of bid for Workers' Compensation, Auto Liability, General Liability and Equipment insurance to St. Paul Companies at $612,488.00. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. COUNTRY CLUB TRAFFIC STUDY PRESENTED: DECISION CONTINUED TO 07/19193 Engineer Hoffman recalled that the City initially ordered a traffic study to resolve issues of traffic control options for possible reconstruction of Browndale Bridge. Issues raised concerning traffic control at the bridge made it apparent that the entire Country Club District should be studied as one area as any proposed changes on one roadway would likely have negative impacts elsewhere. He introduced the City's traffic consultant, Dennis Eyler, from Strgar- Roscoe- Fausch, Inc., who had prepared the Edina Country Club Neighborhood Traffic Study dated July 1993. Presentation by Consultant The consultant's report was summarized as follows. Dennis Eyler reported that at a public meeting for area residents in May it was generally agreed that two -way traffic should be maintained on the Browndale bridge. At the direction of the Council, a neighborhood committee was selected to represent each street. The committee met three times in May and June and discussed four major issues: 1) Through traffic. 2) Speeding traffic. 3) Intersection controls and safer pedestrian crossings. 4) Browndale Bridge - traffic flow changes due to reconstruction. Cordon traffic counts for the defined area showed the following: Total area -wide ins /outs per day 23,500 a. Trips generated by residents 8,000 (575 ,household @ 14 trips per household) b. Collector function of Wooddale 4,000 C. Frontage road function of Browndale 2,000 d. Resultant "through" traffic 9,500 This equals 4,750 vehicles that pass through the neighborhood for the purpose of having a quicker route. Through Traffic - Several circumstances have lead to the attraction of through trips to this neighborhood. First, the regional freeway system has neither been developed nor improved to keep pace with the travel demands. As a result, a shifting of travel takes place with shorter trips of less than 3 miles diverting onto local streets and trips of 3 to 5 miles diverting onto arterial roadways. Second, surface arterial roadways in the surrounding area do not have sufficient capacity to handle the traffic diverted from the freeways as well as volumes that should be on those roadways. As the arterial roadways reach capacity, short trips are diverted onto collector and local streets. Eventually, collector streets may also reach capacity and a diversion to local streets occurs. Speeding Traffic - Speed studies were conducted with results to date showing that the 85 percentile speed at most locations was only slightly above 30 mph. However, given the character of the neighborhood with its narrow tree lined streets, traffic at 30 mph. may appear to be going faster that it actually is. Bills have been introduced in the State Legislature to get the urban residential speed limit lowered to 25 mph., which would be more appropriate for this area, but to get approval would be extremely difficult. Intersection Controls - Several intersections were identified for additional control: 1) Reshaping of island to serve as median at Wooddale Avenue /Sunnyside with all -way STOP signs, 2) Reshaping of island to serve as median at Wooddale Avenue /Country Club with all -way STOP signs, and 3) To 'T' Browndale into Country Club Road with STOP for Browndale traffic. Ways to Reduce Traffic in Neighborhood - A variety of ideas on ways to discourage through traffic were considered as follows: 1. Close off access to the neighborhood from the North. 2. Ban peak period left turns. 3. One way links. 4. Comprehensive traffic control plan. Proposed Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan - This plan would develop an organized pattern of STOP signs in the neighborhood to accomplish two major goals: 1) Resolve confusion at triangular intersections and improve motorist and pedestrian safety at those locations, 2) Create a pattern of STOP controls', not for speed control, but to eliminate attractive routes through the neighborhood and equalize the number of STOPS and travel times regardless of the through route. A graphic of the 35 intersections within the study area indicated that 15 intersections would not be changed. Eleven intersections with side street YIELD signs or rule of the right where there are no signs would be changed to STOP signs. Three intersections in Phase I would have the STOP controls for north /south streets. Five intersections would be converted to all -way STOP and one intersection (Edgebrook) would have the one -way flow reversed. Criteria For Selecting Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan - The following were used to judge the worth of the Plan: 1. Unwarranted through traffic must be reduced. 2. No individual street should get an increase in traffic. 3. Improve traffic control at the triangular intersections. .4. Do not alter the historic character of neighborhood. 5. Improve pedestrian safety. 6. Reduce speeding. 7. Maintain reasonable access to and from neighborhood. 8. Address City Council issues as follows: A. Responds to a unique situation. B. Not set negative precedent. C. Enforceable with reasonable effort. D. Low cost and flexible. E. Little effect on emergency vehicles and school buses. F. Limit impact on mobility of other Edina residents. G. Little traffic impact on arterial or other local streets.. 9. Work with any Browndale Bridge alternative. 10. Improve the operations on 50th and France. 11. Reduce problems at Edgebrook and Browndale. Conclusions - The Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan should be adopted because: - It will reduce unwarranted traffic in the neighborhood. - It is inexpensive and easy to implement. - It is consistent and will not be confusing to drivers. - It controls the triangular intersections. - It follows the principal of trying the least restrictive measures first. - It provides attractions for traffic on the arterials, not just penalties in the neighborhood. - It can work with any Browndale Bridge option. It can be readily modified if conditions change. The full Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan has been split into two phases. An immediate Phase IA that can be implemented by installing signs and a second Phase IB that requires some modifications to intersection geometrics. Phase IA Actions to attract traffic from the neighborhood: 1. Stripe a southbound right turn lane on France Avenue at 49 1/2 Street. 2. Change the lane markings and signing on Halifax Avenue at 50th Street to one lane for left turns and throughs and the other lane for right turns only. 3. Coordinate traffic signal systems at France Avenue /49 1/2 Street, 50th /Halifax and 50th/Wooddale to promote desired through movements. 4. Install directional signing on signal at 50th /Halifax to indicate that to go northbound on France Avenue the left turn should be made at this intersection. 5. Install a sign on southbound France Avenue at 49 1/2 Street to direct traffic headed for westbound 50th Street to use that route. 6. Extend the striped left turn lane on eastbound 50th Street at Halifax as far westward as practical. 7. Increase the eastbound left turn arrow time on 50th Street at Halifax. 8. Increase the percentage of green time for through traffic at 50th/Wooddale. Actions to discourage traffic from passing through the neighborhood: 1. Addition of STOP sign controls. 2. Ban southbound right turn on red at 44th Street and at Sunnyside Road during A.M. and P.M. peak periods. 3. Ban southbound right turn on red on Wooddale Avenue at 50th Street during A.M. and P.M. peak hours. Expected Results of Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan - The combination of the improvements to the arterials and the restrictions in the neighborhood should eliminate the 60 second travel time advantage for traffic cutting through the neighborhood over staying on the arterial route. The overall effect is that the total cordon crossing volume of 23,000 will be reduced to about 18,000. This translates into 2,500 fewer "through" vehicles per `day or a reduction of nearly 50 percent of the original volume of unwarranted through traffic. Recommended Action Plan A. Approval /adoption of Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan by Council. B. Installation of Phase IA - signing. C. Prepare construction plans for Phase IB - island changes. D. Review plans for historical issues. E. Construction of intersections changes. F. Collect "after" traffic data. G. Consider additional measures if needed. Browndale Bridge Options The need for some reconstruction of Browndale Bridge requires that the options for traffic control be integral to the type of reconstruction selected. The existing bridge 'operation is not deemed safe by state and national standards and leaving the bridge "as is" is not recommended. Investigations are still underway as to options for improving the bridge without destroying its character and without making it an attractive conduit for more traffic through the neighborhood. Following the report by the consultant, Engineer Hoffman said he had attended the meeting of the Heritage Preservation Board on June 22, 1993, and had explained the Country Club District traffic management plan. The Board felt a balance of must be maintained between safety and historical preservation and endorsed the continuation of the traffic study. Staff has also been working with State Historical Society staff who have reviewed the designs for the intersection island changes. They have indicated they would continue to work with the City on the issues of safety and historic preservation for the neighborhood. In response to Member Paulus regarding funding, Engineer Hoffman said the costs for signs and intersection island changes could be funded from the Public Works budget in the General Fund. Member Paulus also asked how much time would be needed to evaluate the effect of the Plan and anticipated compliance. Mr. Eyler said that six to eight months would allow for a fair. test of the implementation of signage and island revision as well as driver's habits - driver compliance is anticipated to be generally good. He recommended that traffic control change signs be installed 'on intersection approaches where STOP signs are being changed. Member Smith commented that he was astounded by the figure of 14 trips'ends per resident household per day. Mr. Eyler explained he used traffic generation rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineer's Trip Generation Manual based on family incomes and types of dwellings represented in the County Club neighborhood— License plate checks taken on the.Browndale Bridge showed that two- thirds of the cars using the bridge were not from the neighborhood. He said the lowest number he would ever use for single family households would be 10 trip ends per day. Public Comment Mayor Richards then called for public comment on the proposed traffic management plan for the Country Club neighborhood. David Frost, 4505 Wooddale Avenue, said he felt the STOP signs would help to reduce through traffic but was opposed to changing the triangular intersections. Maureen McCullough, 4225 Country Club Road, objected to the removal of the STOP sign at Bruce /Country Club. She suggested it remain and the others be added. Bob McLane, 4527 Arden Avenue, said it was a privilege to serve on the committee. The main concern was the safety of children getting on /off the school bus and urged immediate adoption of the plan. Jerry Kamps, 4504 Browndale Avenue, stated that he did not want the Browndale bridge widened but felt there should be a pedestrian walkway on the outside of the bridge. He mentioned that trimming some of the shrubbery at the intersections would provide more safety for vehicles and pedestrians. He also questioned changing the configuration of the intersection islands. Jean Wangaard, 4509 Wooddale Avenue, voiced support for the plan and a 25 mph. speed limit for the area. However, she felt the plan would not alleviate the difficult problem of vehicles trying to cross oncoming traffic on West 50th Street to turn into the neighborhood. Al Kluesner, 4409 Country Club Road, mentioned that the major entrance to Wooddale Park is at his driveway and he was concerned for the kids and adults trying to cross into the park. Although the STOP signs placed there two years ago has helped, he asked if other signage, i.e. CAUTION - PARK, could be posted. He also felt putting STOP signs on the north /south streets would open up Sunnyside Road to become a mini - boulevard. Chris Sullivan, 4509 Wooddale Avenue, said he was impressed with the consultant's report but was somewhat concerned that vehicles would accelerate between the new STOP signs because of driver frustration. He felt that the Wooddale section from Bridge Street to Sunnyside could become a raceway. Casandra Mihalchick, 4610 Browndale Avenue, said she served on the committee and emphasized that the plan is a compromise between residents on Wooddale and Browndale. She explained that the reason for proposing revision of the intersection islands was to eliminate confusion resulting from YIELD signs. Conversion from an island into a "T" intersection would allow a STOP sign to make it less convenient to cut through the neighborhood and also provide a safer crossing for children and adults. She said she supported the plan and felt many others did who would not come up and say so verbally. Ray Schipani, 4517 Wooddale Avenue, said he was involved with the committee and wished to echo the comments made by Ms. Mihalchick. The intent of the plan is 'to enhance the safety of the entire neighborhood. He urged the Council to implement Phase IA. Cal Simmons, 4619 Wooddale Avenue, said he was pleased with the compromise reached by the committee but was concerned about the reconfiguration of the intersection islands because it may trap vehicles exiting driveways such as his by one -way traffic around the islands. Engineer Hoffman said that issue was considered and no driveways will be subject to one -way exits. Mr. Simmons urged that following the revision the shrubbery be replaced as it serves to slow traffic. Keith-Peterson, 4303 Country Club Road, said he participated on the committee and the work that was accomplished was top quality. He said the issue of through traffic needs to be addressed now and he supported the plan as presented. Marsha Russell, 4619 Browndale Avenue, commented that she had served on the committee and the overall concern was safety. She said she was not surprised by the traffic count figures and would like to see something happen now as the issue of traffic was first brought to the City by Browndale residents two years ago. She urged the Council to adopt Phase IA immediately. Peter Lind, 4402 Sunnyside Road, said he was in favor of the plan but that it would not'solve the problem on Sunnyside Road because vehicles would be able to go from Wooddale to Browndale in either direction without slowing down. He asked that signage be considered to slow the east -west traffic flow. Yngve Magnuson, 4909 Browndale Avenue, said-he lived at the bridge end, was concerned for the safety of the kids, both walkers and bikers, and that the suggestion for a pedestrian walkway should be pursued. He felt left turns off of West 50th Street onto the bridge should be restricted at peak hours. Another concern is the large number of canoes being portaged over the bridge. Tara Bussjager, 4638 Edgebrook Place, said there have been serious accidents at Browndale intersections. She reiterated that the residents have been working with the City for two years on the issues of traffic safety and the through traffic and urged the Council to at least implement Phase IA at this time. Molly Mork, 4501 Wooddale Avenue, said she agreed with the concern expressed about speeding on Sunnyside Road. She also suggested that the timing of the turn arrows on the signal at 50th /France be lengthened. Doug Gillespie, 4115 Sunnyside Road, commented that every time the 50th /France business area is renovated it shuttles all the traffic through the Country Club District and drivers get used to those routes and never return to using West 50th Street and France Avenue. He said he was disappointed that there were no traffic or speed counts for Sunnyside Road in the traffic study and that traffic and speed would only increase on Sunnyside Road. Corky Weber, 4603 Arden Avenue, commented that the plan as presented sounds good but he felt it would not be enough to alleviate the terrible traffic. Rick Collins, 4620 Browndale Avenue, said he had participated in the committee and expressed his thanks to all involved. He urged the Council to approve Phase IA now and to also consider implementing Phase IB because the neighborhood suffers from excessive traffic and has participated in an orderly manner to seek a solution. Bruce Clark, 4629 Browndale Avenue, commented that he attended the committee meetings and that, although all participants did not agree on how successful these measure might be, it was obvious that it must start somewhere. If this plan does not prove to be totally successful the efforts will not be wasted but will be an improvement over what exists now. He emphasized that traffic safety is the number one issue. Following the public testimony, Mayor Richards asked the consultant to comment on the following issues that were raised: 1) pedestrian walkway on Browndale bridge, 2) island reconfiguration, and 3) STOP signs on Sunnyside Road. Mr. Eyler explained that 22 feet of driving surface is required to meet minimum state /national standards; the existing bridge deck is 22 feet ,9 inches. The railing could be reworked or cantilevered so as not to destroy the visual aspect of the arch to get the 22 foot driving surface and more decorative railings and yet maintain the existing two -way traffic pattern. That would require a separate pedestrian bridge to be constructed. If pedestrians and traffic were to be carried on the bridge it would require one -way vehicular traffic, i.e. 14 foot roadway and 8 foot walkway. Engineer Hoffman interjected that the pedestrian/bridge issue has not been fully identified and would need review and input from the State Historical Society and Heritage Preservation Board. Member Paulus observed that a sidewalk exists now on Browndale and proceeds through Mill Park and onto 50th Street. Mr. Eyler said that was so but the problem is how to keep adults and children from walking/bicycling on the bridge. Regarding the concern that reconfiguring the islands would encourage speeding, Mr. Eyler responded that those intersections would be controlled by all way STOP signs to eliminate the free flow of traffic that exists today. As now configured with two -way operation on all sides of the triangles, vehicles can maneuver through at fairly high rates of speed as opposed to having to make a standard left turn. He pointed out that these island were laid out in the 1920's and were likely designed for the vehicles then in use, i.e. manual transmission, poor brakes, low horsepower, no power.steering. The island intersections were rounded in order to keep those vehicles moving. As to the issue of STOP signs on Sunnyside Road, Mr. Eyler said that with the completion of Phase IB, there would be an all -way STOP at Arden, Wooddale and Browndale on all east /west streets except on Country Club Road at Edina /Moorland. Mr. Eyler added that one way links and banning left turns bans during the peak hours were considered but the committee considered those not favorable options. Council Comment /Action Member Smith commented that the report is a viable step forward and he would favor its implementation. He said he would like to consider the intersection layouts further to more fully understand how they would work and recommended continuing action on the proposed plan to the meeting of July 19, 1992. Member Rice concurred that the matter be continued to July 19 so that the Council and staff could consider the following issues in the interim: 1) enforcement if speed limit were reduced to 25 mph., 2) safety issue for right turn on red at 49 1/2 Street and at 50th /Halifax, 3) impact on Sunnyside Road, and 4) problems resulting from canoeists at the bridge. Mayor Richards commented that the City is best served by Council decisions made in a thoughtful, systematic manner and allowing Council more time to reflect on the report and the questions raised would best serve the residents and the City. Member Smith made a motion to continue the matter of adoption of Phase I and Phase IB of the Traffic Study to July 19, 1993, to allow staff to finalise the proposed plan as to proposed signage, reconfiguration of islands, and to address other issues that have been raised. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. NO PARKING 4 -6 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SIGNAGE APPROVED ON REST SIDE OF FRANCE AVENUE Engineer Hoffman advised that the issue of southbound traffic blocking France Avenue at the 4933 France Avenue South building parking lot entrance (site of The Spaghetti Shop and Leann Chin's Restaurant) had been reviewed by members of the 50th and France Association. He noted that the City of Minneapolis has banned parking on its side of the street trying to facilitate north /south movement on France Avenue. After field observation, staff believes few individuals would use the parking ramps if their destination was the restaurants. Staff would recommend installing NO PARKING, 4 -6 P.M., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY signage from 49 1/2 Street to the south end of the Art Dickey & Associates building on the west side of France. At a meeting held the week of June 28 the members of the 50th and France Association asked that consideration be given the proposed signage. Member Rice made a motion to approve installation of "NO PARKING, 4 - 6 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY" signage from 49 1/2 Street to the south end of the Art Dickey & Associates building at 4930 France Avenue on the west side of France Avenue. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. PROCESS SECTION TO TRAFFIC SAFETY POLICIES APPROVED Manager Rosland reported that the Traffic Safety Policies that were adopted at the June 21, 1993, Council meeting were before Council again for discussion as to clarification. He explained that a paragraph entitled "Process" has been added to each policy. This will more clearly outline how a traffic safety request would proceed, reinforce the explanation given to the requestor initially and further describe the various options available. It was the consensus of the Council to approve the added language. VACANCY NOTED ON PARS BOARD Mayor Richards informed Council that a long term member of the Park Board, Mac Thayer, has submitted a letter of resignation. He asked Council Members to submit names of interested persons to him by the meeting July 19, 1993. RESOLUTION ADOPTED IN SUPPORT OF FEDERAL FUNDING FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF REST 66TH_ STREET Engineer Hoffman reported that Hennepin County is submitting several applications for Federal Funding on reconstruction projects. One of the projects is the reconstruction of West 66th Street between France Avenue and York Avenue (CSAH 53). If granted, the funding would equal 80 percent of the construction costs. This roadway on the north side of Southdale does need reconstruction due to its age and condition. Staff would recommend adoption of a resolution in support of the application for ISTEA funding. Member Rice introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION HENNEPIN COUNTY REST 66TH STREET - FRANCE AVENUE AND YORK AVENUE CSAH 53 RECONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, Hennepin County is planning the reconstruction of CSAH 53 (Rest 66th Street);. WHEREAS, the City of Edina recognizes the used to reconstruct said street adjacent to the Southdale Center, a regional shopping center; WHEREAS, Hennepin County is submitting an application for ISTEA Funds for 80% of the construction cost of said project; POW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council supports the application for Federal Funding for the reconstruction of CSAH 53. Adopted this July 6, 1993. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. COUNCIL REMINDED OF ANN MEETING ON JULY 14, 1993 Manager Rosland reminded Council of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM) breakfast meeting Wednesday, July 14, 1993, at 7:30 A.M. AMM is seeking input on the following: 1) combating urban poverty, 2) affordable housing in conjunction with job creation /location, 3) transit and highway funding alternatives, 4) revenue issues dealing with LGA /HACA distribution and LGTF, and 5) identifying metro issues with metro legislators. Manager Rosland said he would attend and asked interested Council Members to let him know if they wished to attend. APPROVAL GIVEN TO SUPPORT AND SPONSOR STUDENT DANCES Manager Rosland submitted a letter from Dawn Kerrison, 6517 Willow Wood Road, who has been active in attempting to plan some dances for 8th and 9th grade youth. One dance has been successfully held at Lewis Engineering and she has requested the City's help in sponsoring additional dances. He felt the proposal deserves attention and that the expense to the City would be quite limited. Philosophically, Manager Rosland said he believed that this is something the City should try to do when the interest, volunteerism and the willingness to work is there. Responding to Council questions, Manager Rosland said at the previously held dance one incident resulted in the expulsion of one student, but the dance was generally a success. The proposed dances would follow the natural ebb and flow of teen interest. Names for invitations would come from local private and public schools and 400 tickets would be sold on a first come /first served basis at $3.00 per ticket. He said Ms. Kerrison would be working as an agent of the City and that the City's insurance carrier has advised that the City would be covered as to liability. Funding would come from the contingency line in the budget and is estimated at between $200.00 and $300.00. Gordon Lewis, building owner, said he endorses the proposal and encouraged the Council Members to stop in at the dance and look over the operation. Member Smith made a motion approving City support and sponsoring of the student dances as proposed by letter of Dawn Kerrison dated June 28, 1993, with expenditure of public funds not to exceed $500.00. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. 1992 CITY OF EDINA AUDIT DISCUSSED Finance Director Wallin pointed out that Peat Marwick, Certified Public Accountants for the City of Edina,. had submitted an Independent Auditor's Report on Legal Compliance. The City is in compliance with all material terms and conditions of the State of Minnesota legal provisions. The recommendations in the Auditor's Letter of Recommendations by its nature are critical in that it contains only the Auditor's comments and recommendations on deficiencies. It does not include their observations on the many strong features of the City's operations. Director Wallin pointed out that the Auditor has recommended a change in treatment of certain transactions. One recommendation was that donations be recorded as revenue when received instead of recording donations as a liability in the General fund, i.e. work on gazebo at,Arneson Park. The Auditor has also recommended a change in treatment of parkland dedication held in trust for Edinborough and Centennial Lakes operations, Police Department budgets for the DARE program and construction,liabilities. Director Wallin observed that if the recommendations were implemented it would artificially skew the General Fund budget. Manager Rosland interjected that as now recorded these items are more clearly identified. After a brief discussion, the consensus of the Council was that a letter be drafted to the Auditor in response, explaining the City's philosophy for recording these transactions, for Council approval on July 19, 1993. 1994 BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS MEETING SCHEDULED FOR JULY 19, 1993, AT 5:00 P.H. Manager Rosland reminded Council of the 1994 Budget Assumptions meeting scheduled for July 19, 1993, at 5:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. *CLAIMS PAID Notion was made by Member Smith and vas seconded by Member Kelly to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated June 30, 1993, and consisting of 27 pages: General Fund $321,195.49; CDBG $2,258.00; Cable $17,012.95; Working Capital Fund $5,166.93; Art Center $13,336.79; Pool $8,926.63; Golf Course $124,292.49; Arena $11,949.72; Gan Range $3, 962.14; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes $52,560.76; Utilities $284,579.30; Storm Sewer $2,362.49; Liquor $5,549.71; Construction Fund $8.81; TOTAL $853,162.21. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes, There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the Council meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. City Clerk ofLe REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & city council/ From: Francis Hoffmanif/ City Engineer Date: 2 August, 1993 Subject' Proposed Bituminous Alley Surfacing Improvement E -33 W. 64th Street & Xerxes Ave. Alley Recommendation: Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action II.A. Authorize Project E -33 subject grant of public alley easements by all parties. Info /Background: The neighbors on Xerxes Avenue have a private alley south of W. 64th Street. They have petitioned to convert the alley into a public alley and improve the alley with bituminous surfacing. A sample letter is attached that each property owner received from US. We have heard from four of the seven property owners who favor the project. The first property owner at 6400 -6402 Xerxes has submitted the attached letter. The staff would agree with the conditions as it would fit our policy for assessments. Since the first lot is a corner lot and would normally have a front yard and side yard assessment, it would be reasonable not to assess the property also for a back yard or alley assessment as their garage access is from W. 64th Street. The other property owners would have an equivalent assessment by the front yard and alley (or back yard) assessment. ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council X Motion ❑ Resolution Ordinance IJ Discussion Authorize Project E -33 subject grant of public alley easements by all parties. Info /Background: The neighbors on Xerxes Avenue have a private alley south of W. 64th Street. They have petitioned to convert the alley into a public alley and improve the alley with bituminous surfacing. A sample letter is attached that each property owner received from US. We have heard from four of the seven property owners who favor the project. The first property owner at 6400 -6402 Xerxes has submitted the attached letter. The staff would agree with the conditions as it would fit our policy for assessments. Since the first lot is a corner lot and would normally have a front yard and side yard assessment, it would be reasonable not to assess the property also for a back yard or alley assessment as their garage access is from W. 64th Street. The other property owners would have an equivalent assessment by the front yard and alley (or back yard) assessment. Report /Recommendation Agenda Item II.A. Page Two We have not heard from all property owners at this writing. The staff recommendation is to authorize the project subject to all easements be granted for conversion to a public alley. The attachments include: A.. Notice of Public Hearing B. Letter from Owner of 6400 Xerxes C. Location Map D. Detail Map of Alley E. Petitions Received e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING IMPROVEMENT NO. E -33 July 21, 1993 OILY Ot Edina Dimitrios Triantafilou Vasiliki Triantafilou 6408 Xeres Avenue South Edina, MN 55423 SUBJECT: Proposed Bituminous Alley Surfacing Improvement E -33 W. 64th Street & Xeres Avenue /Public Alley Ownership Dear Mr. 8 Mrs. Triantafilou: As you may recall, the neighborhood has petitioned the City to consider taking over the alley as a public alley and improving same. The Edina City Council has authorized the Engineering Department to proceed with the Public Hearing for the improvement of the alley and public ownership. The Public Hearing will occur on August 2, 1993 at 7:00 PM in the City Council Chambers to consider the proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429. In order that this project may proceed, it will be necessary to obtain easements for public road purposes. One of these easements crosses a segment of your Edina property, and consequently, it is necessary that we obtain this easement from you. A proposed easement form is enclosed with this letter. Also enclosed is a plan sheet showing the proposed project. If you are willing to grant the request of the easement, please notify the Engineering Department prior to July 30th, 1993. The construction portion of the project could begin if all parties agree to grant public easements and City Council authorizes the project. The area proposed to be assessed for a portion of the cost of the proposed improvement includes: Lots 2 thru 7, Block 2. Xeres Avenue Addition. The estimated cost of the project is $10,432.24 for reshaping and paving the alley. The project would be proposed to be assessed against the six users of the alley. Thus, the estimated cost per lot is $1,738.71. These costs are proposed to be assessed over a ten year period. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties which are considered to be benefited by the improvement. We will be happy to furnish you with any additional information you may require.. Please contact the engineering department at 927 -8861 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday should you have any questions regarding the proposed project. Sincerely, Francis J. Hoff mart P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer - FJH /clf City Hall (612) 927 -8861 .4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55+24 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5.161 10724 Queen Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55431 July 28, 1993 Mr. Francis J. Hoffman, P.E. City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 RE: Proposed Alley Surfacing at 6400 -6402 Xerxes Ave. S. Dear Mr. Hoffman: Thank you very much for all the time you have spent talking with me regarding the surfacing of our property on Xerxes Avenue South. As you know, we are not willing to be assessed for the proposed improvement because we have not and will never need to use the alley since our driveway runs directly into 64th Street. When we spoke on the 27th, you indicated that we would not be assessed for the surfacing work, but rather that the cost would be divided between the remaining homeowners who use the alley to access their garages. At that time I indicated to you that we would like to be assured that we will not now, nor ever in the future be assessed for any present or future improvements to the alley. I also stated that if you would write that into the Easement Document, we would then consider signing the Easement so that work could begin on the surfacing. Unless that is clearly stated in the Easement paperwork, we are unwilling to grant the required easement. You also should know that both my husband, Paul R. Bennin, and I and my sister, Kathleen Wiebke, are title holders to the property. In the original paperwork you only have my sister and I listed as owners. Once again, thank you for explaining everything to me and you may forward the new paperwork to me when you have included the aforementioned provisions. Sincerely, Diann Bennin PROPOSED ALLEY IMPROVEMENT E -33 W. 64TH STREET & XERXES AVE. r�. IIII� Elm M Elm =I= mm MM 64TH STREET u �n`rr O!E 1b NO TOmO orev —� mz 6400 <7Cm W M000/7 mom+ nm -3 1 —m o 7� N7W7mOC C m— 7. -►11A I 1 Iron m sm "M o IAAo"e —nmomo Pw 1 oa7' A. -�.az o !WAIN I= r1N ..mm..• A. ._ +1 s z n m m.• en —m o n— .+— mo m -1 — �C o r+O.H q IJK I m vwm.o m 7 �N� -7 CO mo o — <o- �wsvoeesnms.lA. ML .1 — so< 6408 == ..m C —nw a meo nn »m .-. 1 o —mo eA 10 m s n�o 0 7n= sm = m GV m 0 -C CL d CD mmo 1 m —d ^' my dod IN o m — m 7 m • .+ . 1 I 01 ° 6414 LI. n SrIN m m .Ir. r■. rat. 1 6420 W1� 12' I -AaW e_Pt_ a Prn n, I In .Ir. I 6426 1 I m e m n M ® 980 0 o O m — v 1 v o m m 1 CL 6432 I Ne Aa .1W SINK arm.S I u I WAra e 1W N ,w 6438 i 1.5' .I.IN F.I .rnlAYl rr Prop. Line O X m �IX m C m ,I ❑ SIDEWALK ❑ STORM SEWER ALLEY PAVING ❑ SANITARY SEWER ❑ CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ STREET LIGHTING OTHER: C H la"L'� C FJZryv\ PP,I%-IATL TO Nif3LlC ALL(-y To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations Misted below. / / XE Q X E S W E S S4 � between C-, L T[ u T SI - 6C/00and 6S� TH LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS and ADDRESS and ADDRESS and ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 4 V z-. 54r -'wc�2 . 014 XcCXc:5 ^ s-- . P. 7-PIA0.!TPF1L0—( M fl/ RA This petition was circulated by: OWNER'S PHONE t� c in,? - i ;V prE N Luc • iI i• • PHONE N4 V E ADD There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. ❑ SIDEWALK ❑ STORM SEWER IJ ALLEY PAVING ❑ SANITARY SEWER ❑ CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ STREET LIGHTING OTHER: (- 4A 9 XC- FRCM QPIL%% -To f)(1flL1C 41 LL—V To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. XE R X E S U)6-S7- cDE between � T H 6C LWand 6 S 7N S r• G �OC7 LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS and ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEME -VT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS I1-IPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S SIGNA (PRINTED) PHONE aa This petition was circulated by: l YVN i R I Rlu i RFILOLk 6clO,? XERXES AiX .-So q 2 a-C ffS SAME -r ADDRESS PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. PETITION TO TIRE : tTf'.GONGtL: ❑ SIDEWALK ❑ STORM SEWER 9 ALLEY PAVING ❑ SANITARY SEWER CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GU'T'TER ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ STREET LIGHTING OTHER: (-_ 4 AEG(- E 20bti1 PP- (L /AT(- 70 PC18Ll (_ q L6-/ To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. X'E P, X E S �) 6-S 1 Et DC- between Co Lj T H 6CP)and 6 S T-H S F - G COD LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and i.6CA"ri0.N OF 0, ROVtA1F:NT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S SIGNATURE PHONE � ; —� ' ,(PRINTED) �j�tda l,Vl �0 n 6 �3L 3� -��Xto ,�d► -��?�- -� 53- kik `i This petition was circulated by: l V� TR l 1R!J i RF I (_DCA, XERXES Ai-,E So q 2 1_G grit NAME ADDRESS PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. ❑ SIDEWALK ❑ STORM SEWER N ALLEY PAVING ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ SANITARY SEWER ❑ STREET LIGHTING ❑ CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET ❑ OTHER: SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to con-sider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. / / u YE AY E S W 6- ST �� between Co e-t T l T SI ' 6C LWand 6 ST N -S LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between and ADDRESS ADDRESS between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between ADDRESS and ADDRESS and LOCATION OFF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE C�P&:z 2Z OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S ( PRINTED) PHONE This petition was circulated by: i VVN R 1 Ri) R F 1 L-004, 66109 Y6 RXES A;_X- --SO ga a- G ffs2 NAME T- ADDRESS PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. saPrEMOM,aw A. P e ffl t� O REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: August 2, 1993 Subject: P -93 -3 and S-93-3, Final Site Plan and Preliminary Plat Approval, Cantina del Rio, Minnesota Drive and Edinborough Way. Bob Evans Farms, Inc Agenda Item # III. A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: The Commission recommends approval of the plat and site plan. Info /Background: The City Council of the City of Bloomington approved the project at their July 26, 1993, meeting. The developer is requesting both Preliminary and Final Plat approval. All necessary materials have been submitted and reviewed by staff. City staff recommends granting both preliminary and final plat approval. The City Assessor has established a land value for subdivision dedication purposes of $125,000. The Planning Commission expressed concern over possible noise generated by the restaurant when doors are open during summer months. Staff has reviewed city noise ordinances with restaurant representatives. They have agreed to install separate volume controls for this area and would close the doors if noise becomes a problem • C I f -- I I � —T -- I I I 1. I• I: L S i I ' I 1 J �- I I —T I J 'I i IL � FINAL DEVELOPMENT NUMBER P-93 -4 PLAN L O C A T10 N Southwest quadrant of Minnesota. Drive and Edinborough Way R E Q U E S T Construct parking lot to support Cantina del Rio Restaurant located in Bloomington EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT DRAFT MINUTES P.C. MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY JULY 28, 1993 P -93 -4 Final Site Plan Approval, Outlot F, South Edina Development Addition,.Bob Evans Farms, Inc. S -93 -3 Preliminary Plat Approval, Cantina Del Rio Addition Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the subject property is part of the Centennial Lakes master plan. That master plan shows the site being developed as a hotel. The total site area is approximately 3.2 acres, of which only about one -half acre is in Edina. The majority of the site and proposed improvements are in Bloomington. Mr. Larsen explained the proposed development requires two approvals from the City.. First, the master plan needs to be amended to change the site designation from Hotel to restaurant. Second, the property must be replatted from outlot status to lots and blocks. The development has been approved by Bloomington. Mr. Larsen noted the proposed development calls for a 395 seat restaurant supported by 241 space parking lot. The parking count is substantially higher than either Edina or Bloomington requirements. Parking setback spaces and drive isles conform with zoning ordinance standards. Boulevard treatment will continue the Centennial Lakes landscaping theme. The building is sited in the southerly portion of the property with the front oriented north towards Minnesota Drive. The exterior materials are primarily brick. Mr. Larsen concluded since the building and most improvements are in Bloomington, they will have primary responsibility for approving the development. Bloomington City staff has been very cooperative in addressing concerns raised by Edina Staff. The developers have modified plans to meet concerns raised by the two cities. Continuing, Mr. Larsen Staff stated staff recommends approval of the change in the master plan. The proposed use is consistent with the overall plan. Staff also recommends the Preliminary Plat approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Final Plat Approval 2. Subdivision Dedication 3. Landscaping plan consistent with- Centennial Lakes, including sidewalks. Mr. Tyler Abrams was present representing Bob Evans Farms, Inc. Chairman Johnson asked what Bloomington's position is on granting a liquor license and also questioned what police department would respond to calls. ,Mr. Larsen said the proposed restaurant would have to comply with Bloomington's standards and requirements to obtain a liquor license. Mr. Larsen added he is unsure of the policing element, but believes if problems occur within the restaurant Bloomington Police would respond. Edina Police would also respond if problems occur on our property. Chairman Johnson inquired if the city considered giving our property to Bloomington similar to the situation that occurred with Bloomington over the Radisson South. Mr. Larsen said the reason the City of Edina was willing to "swap" land with Bloomington over the Radisson South was because the building itself was both in Bloomington and Edina. Only a portion of the parking lot in this situation is in Edina. Commissioner Runyan observed that the ordinance shows that there is adequate parking space to serve the restaurant in Bloomington, adding the city may like to see our portion developed as greenspace with a proof of parking agreement over our portion of the site. Mr. Larsen responded that usually the city does support maintaining greenspace vs. concrete but in speaking with the proponents for this proposal they indicated they believe they need the parking as requested. Mr. Larsen said the proposed landscaping of the parking area will compliment the landscaping of Centennial Lakes. Mr. Larsen added the city wants to maintain the same boulevard character in this area as is in Centennial Lakes. Mr. Tyler Abrams addressed the Commission was informed them the City of Bloomington has indicated they desire the landscaping to be the same as the landscaping implemented within the Centennial Lakes development. Continuing, Mr. Abrams stated at this time the final landscaping plan has not been submitted but it is the intent of Bob Evans Farms, Inc. to maintain the character of the area with regards to landscaping. Commissioner 'Faust asked Mr. Abrams if the proposed restaurant would have outdoor dining. Mr. Abrams stated Cantina del Rio restaurants usually do have outdoor dining but in this climate management has opted for an enclosed dining area with large doors that can be opened so customers can enjoy the good weather. Commissioner Swenson asked if the restaurant has piped in music. Mr. Abrams said the restaurant does have piped in music. Commissioner Workinger questioned Mr. Abrams on the hours of operation for the restaurant. Mr. Abrams said the restaurant will be open M -F until Midnight, Saturday until 1:00 a.m. and Sunday until Midnight. Commissioner Byron questioned Mr. Abrams if he would be able to contain the restaurants music within the building. He added he has a concern that residents of Centennial Lakes may hear the music and find it offensive is they are subject to it daily. Mr. Abrams stated every effort would be made to contain the music on the site. Commissioner Faust suggested that the speakers within the outdoor like dining area be lowered or turned off. This would reduce noise impact. Mr. Larsen interjected that both the City of Bloomington and the City of Edina have noise ordinances and these ordinances have standards. Commissioner Byron stated he does not want property owners within the City of Edina to be subjected daily to loud cantina music. Commissioner Swenson noted she visited the site and the area is rather noisy from the streets and the freeway. She added she could also hear the loud speaker from Fudruckers. Mr. Abrams interjected that Cantina del Rio will not have a loud speaker system like Fudruckers. Commissioner McClelland noted that we may be over estimating the noise from the cantina music. Commissioner McClelland pointed out that people do want to converse with each other so the music may not be as loud as some may think. She pointed out this restaurant does not use loud speakers similar to Fudruckers so with some monitoring of volume, noise may not be a problem. Commissioner Byron stated he does not want noise to become a police matter added at this level we should do everything we can to avoid potential problems. Commissioner Johnson noted that a restaurant like the one proposed will increase late night traffic and noise so maybe to reduce impact more vegetation should be planted along the boulevard. More plantings will reduce noise to some degree and will also provide screening and shielding from lights which be located in the parking lot. Mr. Larsen pointed out that the master plan for the entire Edinborough and Centennial Lakes development is an area of - high use. It was developed so that residential, commercial, office, and parks could coexist with close proximity to each other. This site originally was earmarked as a hotel with a restaurant. Mr. Larsen stated what has been very important to city staff is that the restaurant complements the Edinborough and Centennial developments with compatible materials and similar landscaping. It has been our intention that this piece of land tie in with present and future developments within the area. Continuing, Mr. Larsen pointed out Bloomington staff has been very cooperative in working with us and they have been very sensitive to our concerns regarding lighting and landscaping. Commissioner McClelland suggested that Mr. Larsen take a copy of the minutes recorded this evening to Bloomington staff and explain to Bloomington staff that commission members expressed concern regarding noise that may be emitted from the restaurant, and the possible negative impact this noise could have for our residents. Commissioner McClelland suggested that Mr. Larsen inform Bloomington staff of our suggestions, that volume be reduced, turned off at 11:00 p.m., or the doors closed in the outdoor -like eating area. Commissioner Workinger asked Mr. Larsen what the master plan for this area depicts across the street from the proposed restaurant. Mr. Larsen stated the master plan indicates high to medium density residential in this area, along with office. Mr. Larsen noted staff considered an apartment building in this area or office but much depends on the market, and the market for office space is very soft. Commissioner Swenson suggested that the boulevard in front of the proposed restaurant be increased to reduce noise impact. Mr. Larsen stated we want to maintain continuity within the area, noting the developer has indicated they need all the parking spaces they have proposed. Mr. Abrams explained that Cantina del Rio employs around 40 persons, and due to the make -up of this site parking for employees and customers are located together. He concluded administrative staff feel the parking spaces requested meet our needs. Commissioner Bergman questioned Mr. Abrams on the age of the clientele that frequent this restaurant. Mr. Abrams said the average age of customers is between 30 and 35 years old. Continuing, Mr. Abrams stated that the restaurant has a family flavor and many bring their children.. Mr. Abrams concluded that the peak hours of operation are 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Commissioner Faust moved to recommend preliminary plat approval subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Swenson seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. Commissioner McClelland moved to recommend site plat approval subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Faust seconded the motion. Ayes, Faust, Johnson, McClelland, Runyan, Bergman, Swenson, Byron, Johnson. Nays, Workinger. Commissioner Byron questioned if -his concerns regarding noise should be put as a condition of approval. Commissioner Johnson stated he believes what is before us this evening is a land use issue. The Commission is considering a request for site plan and plat approval, and tagging as a condition of approval noise restrictions may not be in our jurisdiction. Commissioner Johnson suggested the Council will read our minutes from this meeting and will note we have a concern regarding noise. The Council can formally request that the proponents be aware and sensitive to our concerns regarding noise. Commissioner Johnson pointed out both cities have noise ordinances, and if the restaurant violates these standards, and a complaint is registered, compliance will be requested. Commissioner McClelland agreed, she pointed out Planning minutes will reflect our concern. Commissioner Byron stated he wants his comments and concerns regarding potential noise problems recorded in the minutes. A discussion ensued on what would be the best way to handle the concerns regarding noise expressed this evening. Mr. Abrams stated he understands the concerns expressed by the Commission regarding potential noise problems and stated he is willing to work with staff on a solution. He noted he believes the suggestions by the Commission 1) install volume control in the outdoor area, 2 ) turn the music off after a certain hour, or 3 ) close the doors, can all be easily implemented. Commissioner Swenson moved to recommend to the Council that they consider the potential for noise problems that may occur on this property. Commissioner McClelland seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JULY 28, 1993 P -93 -4 Final Site Plan Approval, Outlot F, South Edina Development Addition, Bob Evans Farms, Inc. B -93 -3 Preliminary Plat Approval, Cantina Del Rio Addition The subject property is part of the Centennial Lakes master plan. That master plan show the site being developed as a hotel. The total site area is approximately 3.2 acres, of which only about one -half acre is in Edina. The majority of the site and proposed improvements are in Bloomington. The proposed development requires two approvals from the City. First, the master plan needs to be amended to change the site designation from Hotel to restaurant. Second, the property must be replatted from outlot status to lots and blocks. The development proposed is being considered concurrently by Bloomington. The proposed development calls for a 395 seat restaurant supported by 241 space parking lot. , the parking count is substantially higher than either Edina or Bloomington requirements. Parking setback spaces and drive isles conform with zoning ordinance standards. Boulevard treatment will continue the Centennial Lakes landscaping theme. The building is sited in the with the front oriented north exterior materials are primarily brick, and tile. Recommendation: southerly portion of the property towards Minnesota Drive. The stucco with trim and accents in Since the building and most improvements are in Bloomington, they will have primary responsibility for approving the development. Bloomington City staff has been very cooperative in addressing concerns raised by Edina Staff. The developers have also willing by modified plans to meet concerns raised by the two cities. Staff recommends approval of the change in the master plan. The proposed use is consistent with the overall plan. Staff also recommends the Preliminary Plat approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Final Plat Approval 2. Subdivision Dedication 3. Landscaping plan consistent with Centennial Lakes, including sidewalks. 16 July 1993 Edina City Council 4801 West 50th St Edina MN 55424 Dear sirs, Thank you for the notice of public hearing regarding the proposed "Cantina Del Rio" restaurant at Edinborough Way and Minnesota Drive. I object to this construction and do not wish the area rezoned. The proposed construction is with 480 feet of my home. The neighborhood, one of the only moderately priced areas in Edina, would be adversely affected by noise (you should hear the Fudruckers sound system in the summer, and it's twice as far away) and traffic. There are a dozen restaurants within a mile, and another mexican restaurant less than five miles away. Please send me further information on this restaurant, including whether it proposes to have a liquor license, outdoor dining, or a sound system or music. I would also like the names and home and business addresses of its developers. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, aZl E� Kathleen Kuha 7621 Edinborough Way #2206 Edina MN 55435 cc: Edinborough Homeowners Assoc CANTINA del RIO • MINNESOTA DRIVE & EDINBOROUGH WAY • BLOOMINGTON &'EDINA, MINNESOTA • ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND & SYMBOLS INDEX OF DRAWINGS MI.-' hilt MI I. A.11 laaapn> Lac. Rlll'RIli1.K. \I'll N Uhl I' NNI L CANTINA del RIO Bui ld lnu nldk. aa.owla �qan >� NiKN11 N1 \II lS \I. PNAMP:: N.111. nS N. \ISI 11l U51 "R 1'll 1'. \U IcllllNt rcmcl rrlllvr In tinter •le. r.L. YlmeYr NUI. Nl K1I 11N( SAFIAI. FRAMI- IIALF %%Ail. 3776 SOUTH HIGH STREET - ''rrnaa rtwlm•I 1' /1' rer. lion. YlK <II:nRxru� Not m C.mtrae[ Not in Mlac. N.L.r• 0." e KiK111Nt SIPI• \I. LNAMI COLUMBUS, OHIO 43207 C I—t 1'l0. Ip Center 0. C. ' F'wlcn lr 1'..u. wlsldr Dlea arr u. D. � VAXW R MI IAI. IR:\M I. W, %I I W vN I\ I I \SI.I t 11 IN rYll,l rea11U1 t:Wlal. Z to lyl P.Ir 010 U�I/ I II I I:( IS Yr. NT1K/11N Stl:l• \I I1t: \MI. ,I1l,1 II R,I . \. \II /\Ial tibia ti. Pl..r p'ete rlex. 1•I WOLFGANG DOERSCHLAG ARCHITECTS LTD, INC. Lt'rth Da•tull 0- PI URDanu t'ant rucll.l p. C. % "1 KI ( -I- ILK. \I N• \I I W vNiN111%%1 I .%1 It IN . SSU MICHIGAN AVENUE b0urlvr Dlean,l,�n la•1. "'•. Ibinl Qaarrc 1, Iv pa, Q. T. � 2� IINItA 11. \LI W. \L1. COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215 Ulary•n,er U�r. bur. RadlY] R►e nd,t— R.. Roll. 14c'd 221- ()H4() Dr.ln br. Ref r I rotor Ref. 3 IN(Il'A K: \I I, (614) ClecI_ - l lea!r Llca. Re(11, I er Reg, :d. lc.l Contractur L.r. Req., red It q lT1r'K KI_'1'1, III IIt K WA1.1. Eleeel I.n !gaol I.I.. I,lec. IV. Restaorana Fqulp '-It N.E.C. ('(INl'1;1r'I' DISI(iN L- .Iwna,n l.r. Reelslm Rag Rca•. It 0 KI-YI'I1 M111- S\ "Willi. IL\IN IK "ti V A IIMID Al,IK IAI hS. IM'. later la•1 lal. kOren �qa l _ It. U. GWY IRA Id IAD Feel la. WwFll, la R. S. REVISION SYMINI, IWl1,111W 14210 1 ilcl I.e lnl �raed I•uml r.N.l'. IIe Sacllm Sect. "U E DATES. 1U l•"Irrelnc r.b. • Sm. tar IKN11MIN 1' O lilil n I ba.' hill. SP- 11a:11— S raa. Ila.,l III- 5t-1 O WIN111W SS MIN N. bl.un luu v,acm 1.1�. FI1.�1 Slwmlr••s 5ace1 Stand" s. S.s . xd. O 1-(Am.fwN I' SYMIIl1. - REVISIONS. " 1% rh ictm S, T, C•ODF� INFORMAPION Top oftw -tr T.c . ..�I I.nllna tnr t II'. Tag m 'I mule 1.U.r. r',1, •. ail. T.Ip nl [loci T.11. S. - - - -- - - -' i - a IA•y'nl I.. r...'. 11..Ile!. ralp nl Rau T)'rn.l1 T.O.W. - — ._.. ('UP1S1'RUCfIUN 'TYPE: -- - - -- 2H PIN " Ibll•a ak•wl ILV LY11rn. Yq ca Inllt•ral,e Tpr' U. 5.0• (x TM PA NC'Y: u.r l:lu�l:•I wl. Prrl ia.l a•en. A•3 ASSI-NUI.Y _.. Ikll .atrr II... .Idln -.dt -NET SQUARE FOOTAGE: . I na �Je I�nreler I.U. � IWO. ' 4291 &F. Iu,ulal l•n IInllerc •n. a. r./ . GROSS SQLIA RE FOOTAGE: uI,9w S.F. u• I r l tll,. riamal SEATING CAPAC I TY: lam! R. elaal .,a, NI,AFS Rd. 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I=wrrw ewe r +rw.e M r \\ .........I.wSMTOT.e.��. o :� \ eu7.1 ostt.7. r YLf10 T4ft ... w Q o;� _ \ � \ ��� LLJ Q o Vl N t'� �-\ \0.,z ^ \ LL z � _ e u �ao.ro• ens. ee o.e.. e+sa•nuwo.e �ee•e• rrorr. • oe.ro r.wu.. •�'+���• • •a •aawe.•... - .re•e++en • we•. r...e a ». r...awe tnu. r•eeAleruee +•e •e..e saes- .v..e.... e•e••ere+e•e•e+,o aue. r.e...e•r e•eo•. rw...eee•. •wee- r.eeeu.. .. a•u. e.a••a. wee ••..o..•..••ee•r..eevo..a >.. � L � a rc•w••yee•r .•r•.es...w.+e.e see• ♦ 0)�O)1 ff }I W r 1 "EWME" o""fy T"AT TIOS KAH Ow .a N1elOMe' \ = \ Ot rt AAa wOTtt IE1'Dwl' wLS tTEtAAED By ME OR { /OEP I YT DP V= ti7E11mS10H AHD THAT 1 Ay _ Th. C__ wr lrr t.• er.e w . \ A ObLT PCCtsTEnED PFIWISS70HAL w n, rr rra ofoolu 1 U DER TIE LAWS Of THE w r trrr, w er....• e >7 ?T-E p \�W,aESOTA. r�T.,r .r r me w rr arr r . 1 s \\ G6M10 M. AII.DE, P-E. L C•.ew ws+ r r \ L1�TE_ MAT 24.1097 M. HO. 073. TbIc ` erewr.... r r•+++ ss.a Tr t r.r rr r tr er. +. Arrr r.'A.•. aes.:,.� =� \ \ r. re.r.r...rae ..r. +r r.w.. ra TI• [wnw .rr \ ..ewr� r rs rsa �.• o.e. +. \ � r e..w.e rrs 17. Gros. rr em w IM r r.r.r e..a 1rR r.p.•. rr. M •� r wstwA .l t. 7r aa..m rr lrA r r..r i •o e>t e.r. TN. c— ft* w r. r N i ,� 1 \ • w rr.a Case.w w lame r - •\ wrAer � twr t•t. l•: \' \ \ \ L YewrlMw. rrr Or UD"- �D 1= *\ ie • 7. Th.C....1>err we..wrr IU► IO ii Orrw R K10E17 r ow• O eer w r r.t: owre.a +ye \ems \ L Trrw.avw+ee.er7.6IL Wf ;z rerr. A wwr w..er 1 < e rerlrrlE.errrr.rtrr '�J li t \ `..rr. r wrr ese.ea 1 w \t. . r.... w wKwer• r w rsr t� \ ePw rry w rrrrw ■Me e�1• swew. r w ..rr r.e.e I l i r r la...ww w r lrr. r.ee. \ rw.. r lwre rt•a r r tl.s.a . � I � _ 11. I=wrrw ewe r +rw.e M r \\ .........I.wSMTOT.e.��. o :� \ eu7.1 ostt.7. r YLf10 T4ft ... w Q o;� _ \ � \ ��� LLJ Q o Vl N t'� �-\ \0.,z ^ \ LL z � _ e u 4 J U �ao.ro• ens. ee o.e.. e+sa•nuwo.e �ee•e• rrorr. • oe.ro r.wu.. •�'+���• • •a •aawe.•... - .re•e++en • we•. r...e a ». r...awe tnu. r•eeAleruee +•e •e..e saes- .v..e.... e•e••ere+e•e•e+,o aue. r.e...e•r e•eo•. rw...eee•. •wee- r.eeeu.. .. a•u. e.a••a. wee ••..o..•..••ee•r..eevo..a >.. 4 J U �1 o e> ,use REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland From: Craig Larsen Date: August 2, 1993 Subject: Z -93 -3, Final Rezoning, R -1 Single Dwelling Unit to R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District, 5232 France Avenue. .Agenda Item # T T T _ B Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends (❑ To HRA To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approve Final Rezoning subject to building code improvements required for double unit occupancy, and the installation of a two car parking area adjacent to the garage. Info /Background: Preliminary rezoning was approved by the Council on July 19, 1993. MINUTES R P► OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 19, 1993 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Member Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. ELLA TERRY DAY PROCLAIMED Mayor Richards read the following proclamation which was unanimously adopted: A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, Ella Terry developed the Edina Swingin' Singin' Seniors in March, 1974; and WHEREAS, Ella Terry has served as Musical Director of the Edina Swingin' Singin' Seniors from March 1974 to May of 1993; and WHEREAS, Ella Terry during this time, promoted camaraderie within the singing group as well as entertaining others with singing, dancing, skits and audience participation; and WHEREAS,--Ella Terry directed this group, performing for all ages at public schools, civic organizations, churches, care centers, community celebrations, conventions and for her own peers throughout the metropolitan area; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina Park Board expresses sincere appreciation for the most generous contribution of ELLA TERRY to the Edina Senior Center in her - capacity as director of the Edina Swingin' Singin' Seniors. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Saturday, July 31, 1993, be declared ELLA TERRY DAY. ADOPTED this 19th day of July, 1993. PRELIMINARY REZONING GRANTED - R -1 SINGLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT TO R -2 DOUBLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT (5232 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH) Affidavits of Notice were "A presented, approved, and.ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen informed Council that the subject property is located at 5232 France Avenue, is zoned R -1 and is developed with a single family dwelling. It is the only existing dwelling used for single family purposes between 52nd and 54th Streets on the Edina side of France Avenue. Immediately south of the property is a double bungalow owned by Grace Church. To the north and west is the Grace Church parking lot: The lot is 60 feet wide and 150 feet in depth with area of 9,000 square feet. The home has an attached two car garage with access from France Avenue. The subject property is designated "Low Density Attached Residential" by the Comprehensive Plan. Low Density Residential includes duplexes, townhouses and other multi - family buildings of not more than four units. Density may range up to six units per acre. Over the past 20 years, several single family properties along France Avenue have been redeveloped as multiple dwelling uses. Most of these have been near the 44th /France business district. The subject proposal would not redevelop the property, but rather would retro -fit the existing building for multi - family use. The subject dwelling is a relatively large structure and originally the proponent proposed a three unit re -use with separate units on the main and second floors and a studio unit on the lower level. Both the Planning Commission and staff recommended a two unit re -use of the building. The main floor is approximately 1500 square feet and has a kitchen, bath and two bedrooms. The upper level has a kitchen, bath and three bedrooms. One of the bedrooms could be used as a living DRAFT room. The Building Official has inspected the building and has determined that with relatively minor adjustments, i.e. fire doors and egress improvements, that it could be legally converted to a two unit dwelling. The Planning Commission and staff would recommend rezoning from R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District to allow its use as a two family dwelling. Because the property has become an island surrounded by Grace Church property, the continued use of this one property as a single family home seems unrealistic. In 1983 the Planning Commission and Council considered a similar request in the 4500 block of France Avenue. That request evolved into the consideration of accessory apartments in the Single.Family District. Ultimately, the Council chose not to allow accessory apartments. The site context of this proposal is quite different from the property in the 1983 request. In that case there were single family homes on either side. Because of its unique setting, the rezoning to R -2 District has merit and is recommended. The owner has attempted to sell the home as a single dwelling but no offers have come forward. The best long -term solution would for the church to buy the property, however, the church appears unable or unwilling to purchase it. Most potential buyers have suggested a non - residential use of the property. Proponent Comment Harry Pewowaruk explained that the home belongs to his mother, Helen Pewowaruk, but he has power of attorney on her behalf. The home has been on the market for six months and families with young children who are looking for a large house do not want to live on France Avenue because of the traffic. Serious buyers of the property were interested in commercial or multi - family uses. The Building Inspector has said the home would need two 20- minute fire doors and additional on -site parking in order to comply with R -2 zoning requirements. In response to questions of Member Rice, Mr. Pewowaruk explained that originally the lot was approximately 270 feet in depth. All but the remaining 150 feet together with another duplex and a parking lot owned by his -family have previously been sold to Grace Church. As to cost to convert the R -1 dwelling to R -2, it would be under $5,000.00. Mr. Pewowaruk noted that the City's 1991 -92 tax roles valued the home at $176,000. When Grace Church purchased the other duplex in 1972, there was a seven -year provision for first option to purchase this house. Two recent appraisals came in at $148,000 and $152,000. The property was offered to .Grace Church at $150,000 but the church said they could not afford to purchase it at this time because of their major expansion project. Public Comment Mayor Richards asked if a representative of Grace Church was present. Yngve Magnuson, 4909 Browndale Avenue, said he attends Grace Church and questioned how additional parking would be handled because of previous problems with neighbors. Mayor Richards commented that he did not feel Grace Church has been a good neighbor to the adjacent residential community in that they have acquired a number of homes, razed them, created a sea of asphalt, impacted the neighborhood with traffic and now are not willing to acquire this one remaining property. No other comments or objections were heard. Member Rice introduced Ordinance No. 850 -A3 for First Beading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 850 -A3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 850) BY ADDING TO THE DOUBLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT (R -2) — THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Subsection 850.06 of Section 850 of the Edina City Code is amended by adding the following thereto: DRAFT "The extent of the Double Dwelling Unit District (R -2) is enlarge' addition of the following property: The easterly 150 feet of Lot 9, Block 1 of South Harriet Park Addition." Section 2. This ordinance shall-be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Rice, Paulus, Smith, Richards First Reading granted. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVED - ALLOWING CONSTRUCTION OF CLUBHOUSE AT NORMANDALE GOLF COURSE - CITY OF EDINA Affidavits of Notice were presented approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen informed Council that the redevelopment of,Normandale Golf Course has begun. Ninety -five percent of the final grading is complete. The course is on schedule to open for play in July, 1994. As part of the redevelopment, a new club house is planned requiring a Conditional Use Permit. The redeveloped course includes most of the old course and all of what was formerly Lake Edina Park. The new club house will be located in the southeasterly corner of the new course. Access to the club house will be from Parklawn Avenue to the east with no access from West 77th Street or Kellogg Avenue. The clubhouse will be constructed immediately west of an existing City pump house. Exterior materials will be brick to match the pump house. Buildings will be tied together by a new roof system covering the clubhouse, pump house and an open patio area. The clubhouse will have a floor area of approximately 2,600 square feet. It will have seating for 30 -35 people. There will be a concession stand but no grill. The building will function similarly to the executive course at Braemar. A 52 space parking lot will support the course while code would require 15 spaces. The Planning Commission recommends approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of the new club house. Planner Larsen answered Mayor Richards that no variances would be required on the clubhouse. Member Rice made a motion granting approval of the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of the new club house at Normandale Golf Course. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL GRANTED - WILIARD KNOLL ADDITION (5717 BLARE ROAD) Affidavits of Notice were presented approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen told that the subject property located at 5717 Blake Road measures 43,738 square feet in area and is developed with a single dwelling unit building, The house dates back to the original farm and was constructed in 1878. A redevelopment is proposed to remove the existing dwelling and replace it with two -- dwellings. Adjacent land uses include apartments-on the south side, double -- bungalows on the west and single family homes to the north and east. 0I0 -1ilk i [•l ` = ,', F.1 - �r ... - - -... I La : ;1111111 Illlllllliill�!!!!IIIIII lM- ����� _#off: �; .ti•.�ti; ����. IM- IM2 „O ILI & F .1 INS! `-- �IIIIIIIII .❖: n u wam Ism �a a " rLm INI III :IIIIIIN ~ miumII NMI qw.. MINES I JI- r. �i1 m DINA PLANNING DFPA A 14 I i`IISI I 1 I, � ! j I i I A. � e Cn RERORTIREC OMMENDATI ON To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: GORDON L. HUGHES Date: AUGUST 2, 1993 Subject: FIRST READING - ORDINANCE NO. 1993 -10, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE TO PROVIDE STANDARDS FOR SEXUALLY- ORIENTED BUSINESSE Recommendation: Agenda Item III . c . Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Grant First Reading of Ordinance No. 1993 -10. Info /Background: ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion On June 21, 1993, the City Council received the report of the Sexually Oriented Business Committee. After reviewing the Report and its Recommendations, the City Council referred the issue to the Human Relations Commission and to the Planning Commission. The Council also set a hearing date for August 2, 1993, to consider the recommended Ordinance. (Copy attached) The Human Relations Commission considered the Report at their July 20, 1993, meeting. The Planning Commission considered the Report at their July 28, 1993, meeting. Attached is a memorandum from David Hallett, Chair of the Human Relations Commission and draft minutes of the July 28, 1993, Planning Commission meeting for your reference. Staff has received correspondence (copy attached) from Dr. Nancy Hutchinson concerning the draft Ordinance. Dr. Hutchinson has recommended that the Ordinance should include restrictions on nude dancing. She cites a 1991 United States Supreme Court decision upholding a similar restriction in another state. In light of Dr. Huchinson's Report/Recommendation - First Reading, Ordinance No. 1993 -10 August 2, 1993 Page two recommendations, staff has drafted an additional Section to the Ordinance Amendment which restricts nudity in certain places within the City. This draft Section is attached to this memorandum and can be included in Ordinance No. 1993 -10 if the Council wishes. In staffs opinion, this Section would be an appropriate addition to our Ordinance. Also attached to this memorandum is a memo from Jerry Gilligan, City Attorney, which again outlines various legal issues associated with the adoption of this ordinance. Staff recommends the offering of First Reading of Ordinance No. 1993 -10. Prior to Second Reading, the Ordinance can be revised to include any additions, deletions, or corrections directed by the City Council. Attachments: Draft Ordinance Memorandum - David Hallett Draft Planning Commission Minutes Correspondence - Nancy Hutchinson New Section 6 to Ordinance Memorandum - Jerry Gilligan Ordinance No. 1993 -10 an Ordinance Amending the City Code to Provide Standards For Sexually - Oriented Businesses The City Council of the City of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Subsection 850.01 of the City Code is amended by adding the following paragraphs= "The Council also finds that sexually- oriented businesses have adverse secondary characteristics particularly when they may be accessible to minors or are located near residential properties or schools, day care centers, libraries and parks, and such businesses can, exert a dehumanizing influence on persons attending or using such residential properties or schools, day care centers, libraries and parks. Sexually- oriented businesses can contribute to an increase in criminal activity in the area in which such businesses are located. Sexually- oriented businesses can significantly contribute to the deterioration of residential neighborhoods and can impair the character and quality of the residential housing in the area in which such businesses are located, thereby exacerbating the shortage of affordable and habitable housing for City residents. The concentration of sexually- oriented businesses in one area can have a substantially detrimental effect on the area in which such businesses are concentrated and on the overall quality of urban life. A cycle of decay can result from the influx and concentration of sexually- oriented businesses. The presence of such businesses is perceived by others as an indication that the area is deteriorating and the result can be devastating -- other businesses move out of the vicinity and residents flee from the area. Declining real estate values, which can result from the concentration of such businesses, erode the City's tax base and contribute to overall urban blight." The regulation of the location and operation of sexually- oriented businesses is warranted to prevent the adverse secondary effects of such businesses on the City's crime rate, its retail trade, its property values, and in general the quality of the City's neighborhoods, commercial and industrial districts, and urban life. Sec. 2. Subd. 3 of Subsection 850.03 of the City Code is amended by adding the following definitions: "Sexually- Oriented Business 1 Adult bookstores, adult motion picture theaters, adult motion picture rental, adult mini -motion picture theaters, adult steam room/bathhouse /sauna facilities, adult companionship establishments, adult rap /conversation parlors, adult health/sport clubs, adult cabarets, adult novelty businesses, adult motion picture arcades, adult modeling studios, adult hotels /motels, and adult body painting studios as herein defined. In addition, all other premises, enterprises, establishments, businesses-or places at or in which there is an emphasis on the presentation, display, depiction or description of "specified sexual activities' or "specified anatomical areas" which are capable of being seen by members of the public. The term "sexually- oriented business" shall not be construed to include, i) schools or professional offices of licensed physicians, chiropractors, psychologists, physical therapists, teachers or similar licensed professionals performing functions authorized under the licenses held, ii) establishments or businesses operated by or employing licensed cosmetologists or barbers, performing functions authorized under licenses held, iii) businesses or individuals licensed in accordance with Section 1340 of this Code, or iv) the sale of clothing. Specified Anatomical Areas: (i) Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttock, anus, or female breast(s) below a point immediately above the top of the areola; or (ii) Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered. Specified Sexual Activities: (i) Actual or simulated sexual intercourse, oral copulation, anal intercourse, oral -anal copulation, bestiality, direct- physical stimulation of unclothed genitals, flagellation or torture in the context of a sexual relationship, or the use of excretory functions in the context of a sexual relationship, and any of the following sexually- oriented acts or conduct: anilingus, buggery, coprophagy, coprophilia, cunnilingus, fellatio, necrophilia, pederasty, pedophilia, piquerism, sapphism, zooerasty, or; (ii) Clearly depicted human genitals in the state of sexual stimulation, arousal or tumescence, or; (iii) Use of human or animal ejaculation, sodomy, oral copulation, coitus, or masturbation, or; (iv) Fondling or touching of nude human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, or female breast or; (v) Situations involving a person or persons, any of whom are nude, clad in undergarments or in sexually revealing costumes, and who are engaged in activities involving the flagellation, torture, fettering, binding or other physical restraint of any such persons, or; (vi) Erotic or lewd touching, fondling or other sexually - oriented contact with an animal by a human being, or; (vii) Human excretion, urination, menstruation, vaginal or anal irrigation. Adult Body Painting Studio. An establishment or business which provides the service of applying paint or other substance, whether transparent or non - transparent, to or on the body of a patron when such body is wholly or partially nude in terms of "specified anatomical areas ". 2 Adult Bookstore. An establishment or business which barters, rents or sells items consisting of printed matter, pictures, slides, records, audio tape, videotape, or motion picture film and either alone or when combined with Adult Motion Picture Rental or Sales and Adult Novelty Sales within the same business premises has either 10 percent or more of its stock in trade or 10 percent or more of its floor area containing items which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction or description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas ". Adult Cabaret. An establishment or business which provides dancing or other live entertainment, if such dancing or other live entertainment is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the presentation, display, depiction or description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas ". Adult Companionship Establishment. An establishment or business which provides the service of engaging in or listening to conversation, talk or discussion between an employee of the establishment and a customer, if such service is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas ". Adult Conversation/Rap Parlor. An establishment or business which provides the service of engaging in or listening to conversation, talk, or discussion, if such service is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas ". Adult Health/Sport Club. An establishment or business which excludes minors by reason of age and is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas ". Adult Hotel or Motel. A hotel or motel from which minors are specifically excluded from patronage and wherein material is presented which is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas ". Adult Mini -Motion Picture Theater. A building or portion of a building with a capacity for less than 50 persons used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" for observation by patrons therein. Adult Motion Picture Rental or Sales. An establishment or business which barters, rents or sells videotapes or motion picture film and either alone or when combined with Adult Bookstore or Adult Novelty Sales within the same business premises has either 10 percent or more of its stock in trade or 10 percent or more of its floor area containing items which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on M the depiction or description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas." Adult Modeling Studio. An establishment or business which provides to customers, figure models who engage in "specified sexual activities" or display "specified anatomical areas" while being observed, painted, painted upon, sketched, drawn, sculptured, photographed, or otherwise depicted by such customers. Adult Motion Picture Arcade. Any place to which the public is permitted or invited wherein coin or slug- operated or electronically, electrically or mechanically controlled or operated still or motor picture machines, projectors or other image - producing devices are maintained to show images to five or fewer persons per machine at any one time, and where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting of describing "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas ". Adult Motion Picture Theater. A building or portion of a building with a capacity of 50 or more persons used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" for observation by patrons therein. Adult Novelty Sales. An establishment or business which sells devices which stimulate human genitals or devices which. are designed for sexual stimulation and either alone or when combined with Adult Bookstore and Adult Motion Picture Rental or Sales has either 10 percent or more of its stock in trade or 10 percent or more of its floor area containing such items and other items which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction or description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas." Adult Sauna/Bathhouse/Steam Room. An establishment or business which excludes minors by reason of age and which provides a steam bath or heat bathing room if the service provided by the sauna is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas ". Premises. The building or rooms or portions thereof under exclusive control or use by the owner or operator of a sexually- oriented business. Sec. 3. Subd. 4. of Subsection 850.16, Planned Commercial District, of the City Code is amended by adding a principal use as follows: "Sexually- Oriented Businesses" Sec. 4. Subd. 11. of Subsection 850.16, Planned Commercial District, of the City Code is hereby amended by adding a new paragraph N as follows: 4 "N. Standards for Sexually- Oriented Businesses. 1. No sexually- oriented business shall be located closer than 500 feet from any other sexually- oriented business or licensed day -care facility. Measurements shall be made in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures or objects, from the nearest point of the actual business premises of the sexually- oriented business to the nearest point of the actual business premises of any other sexually- oriented business or licensed day -care facility. 2. No sexually- oriented business shall be located closer than 500 feet from any property in the R -1, R -2, PRD, PSR or MDD District, or any residentially zoned property in any city adjoining the City. Measurements shall be made in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures or objects, from the nearest point of the actual business premises of the sexually - oriented business to the nearest boundary of the R -1, R -2, PRD, PSR, or MDD District. Sec. S. The City Code is hereby amended to provide a new Section 1345 as follows: "SECTION 1345 - SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES 1345.01 Endins._Purposg and Objectives. The Council finds that sexually - oriented businesses have adverse secondary characteristics particularly when they may be accessible to minors or are located near residential properties or schools, day care centers, libraries and parks, and can exert a dehumanizing influence on persons attending or using such places or facilities. Sexually- oriented businesses can contribute to an increase in criminal activity in the area in which such businesses are located, taxing city crime - prevention programs and law - enforcement services. Sexually- oriented businesses can significantly contribute to the deterioration of residential neighborhoods and can impair the character and quality of the residential housing in the area in which such businesses are located, thereby exacerbating the shortage of affordable and habitable housing for City residents. The concentration of sexually- oriented businesses in one area can have a substantially detrimental effect on the area in which such businesses are concentrated and on the overall quality of urban life. A cycle of decay can result from the influx and concentration of sexually- oriented businesses. The presence of such businesses is perceived by others as an indication that the area is deteriorating and the result can be devastating -- other businesses move out of the vicinity and residents flee from the area. Declining real estate values, which can result from the concentration of such businesses, erode the City's tax base and contribute to overall urban blight. 5 The regulation of sexually- oriented businesses by prescribing licensing requirements is warranted to prevent criminal activity and promote public health. Further, the prevention of criminal activity and the promotion of public health requires intensive efforts with respect to sexually- oriented businesses which exceed those required to control and regulate other business activities. in the City. 1345.02 Terms. The following terms have the meanings provided by Section 850 of this Code: A. Sexually- Oriented Business B. Specified Anatomical Areas C. Specified Sexual Activities D. Adult Body Painting Studio E. Adult Bookstore F. Adult Cabaret G. Adult Companionship Establishment H. Adult Conversation/Rap Parlor I. Adult Health/Sport Club J. Adult Hotel or Motel K. Adult Mini -Motion Picture Theater L. Adult Motion Picture Rental or Sales M. Adult Modeling Studio N. Adult Motion Picture Arcade O. Adult Motion Picture Theater P. Adult Novelty Business Q. Adult Sauna/Bathhouse /Steam Room 1345.03 License Required. No person shall operate a sexually- oriented business within the City unless such business is currently licensed under this Section. 1345.04. License Application. Every application for a license under this Section shall be made on a form supplied by the Clerk and shall be filed with the Clerk. The provisions of Section 160 of this Code shall apply to all licenses required by this Section and to the holders of such licenses. In addition to the information required by Section 160 of this Code, the application for a license under this Section shall contain the following information. Failure to complete or supply such information may cause an application for a license to be denied. A. If the applicant is a natural person: 1. The true name, place and date of birth, current address and telephone number of the applicant. 2. Whether the applicant has ever used or has been known by a name other C1 than the applicant's true name; and if so, such name or names and information concerning dates and places where used. 3. A specific statement as to the type and nature of the business to be licensed. 4. The name of the business, if it is to be conducted under a name other than the full individual name of the applicant, in which case a certified copy of the certification required by M.S. Chapter 333, shall be attached to the application. S. The addresses at which the applicant has lived during the previous five years, including a statement of how long the applicant has been continuously a resident of the State during the period as of and immediately preceding the date of application. 6. The kind, name and location of every business or occupation in which the applicant has been engaged during the preceding five years. 7. The names and addresses of the applicant's employer(s) and partner(s), if any, who were such at any time during the preceding five years. 8. Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of any felony, crime, or violation of any provisions of this Code or State Law other than traffic violations and, if so, information as to the time, place and offense for which convictions were had. 9. A physical description of the applicant. B. If the applicant is a partnership: 1. The names and addresses of all partners and all information concerning each partner as is required of an applicant under paragraph A of this Subsection. 2. The name(s) of the managing partner(s), and the interest of each partner in the business. 3. A true copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the application. If the partnership is required to file a certificate as to trade name under the provisions of M.S. Chapter 333, a certified copy of such certification shall also be attached. C. If the applicant is a corporation or other organization: 7 1. The name of the applicant; and if incorporated, the state of incorporation. 2. A true Certificate of Good Standing, dated as of a current date, and true copies of the Articles of Incorporation or Association Agreement and Bylaws shall be attached to the application. If a foreign corporation, a Certificate of Authority issued pursuant to M.S. Chapter 303, shall also be attached. 3. The name of the person(s) who information concerning the person(s) paragraph A of this Subsection. is to manage the business and all as is required of an applicant under 4. The names of all officers, directors and persons who control or own an interest in excess of 5% in such corporation or organization and all information concerning the persons as is required of an applicant under paragraph A. of this Subsection. D. The location of the premises to be licensed and a floor plan of the premises. E. Whether the applicant is licensed in other cities or has had a license revoked, or has been denied a license, to conduct any of the activities required to be licensed hereunder; and if so, when and where the applicant is or was so licensed, has had a license revoked or has been denied a license. 1345.05 License and Investigation Fees. Subd. 1 I License Fee. Each application for a license or renewal license shall be accompanied by the fee set forth in Section 185 of this Code. Upon rejection of any application for a license, the Clerk shall refund the amount paid. Subd. 2 Investigation Fee. At the time of each original application for a license, the applicant shall deposit an investigation fee as set forth in Section 185 of this Code. The cost of the investigation will be based on the expense involved. All deposited monies not expended on the investigation will be refunded to the applicant. 1345.06 Investigation. All applications shall be referred by the Clerk to the Police Chief and to such other City departments for investigation of facts set forth in the application. Within 45 days after the application date, the Police Chief and any other consultants shall submit a written recommendation to the Manager as to issuance or non- issuance of the license, setting forth the facts upon which the recommendation is based. 1345.07 Approval or Denial of Application. Within 60 days after the application date, the Manager shall either approve or deny the application and shall notify the Clerk in writing of the decision. If the application is approved, the Clerk shall issue the license. If the application is denied, the Clerk shall furnish written notice of the denial to the applicant, together with the reason or reasons for denial. In addition to the reasons set forth in Subsection 160.04 of this Code a license may also be denied for any of the following reasons: Subd. 1. Under Legal Age. If an individual applicant is under the age of 18. Subd. 2. Conviction without Sufficient Rehabilitation. If the applicant, or any principal officers, managers, directors, shareholders, or owners, if a corporation or association, or any partners, if a partnership, has been convicted of any crime or crimes directly relating to the operation of a sexually- oriented business, as provided in M.S. 364.03, Subd. 2, and has not shown competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties and responsibilities, as provided in M.S. 364.03, Subd. 3. Subd. 3. Prior Denial of License. If the applicant, or any principal officers, managers, directors, shareholders, or owners, if a corporation or association, or any partners; if a partnership, has within two years prior to the date of application been denied a license under this Section or within the period has had revoked any license issued under this Section. Subd. 4. Zoning Restriction. If the premises to be licensed does not meet all of the requirements of Section 850 of this Code with respect to sexually- oriented businesses. Subd. S. Ineligible Premises. If the premises to be licensed is currently licensed . as an escort service, physical culture and health service, physical culture and health club, reducing club, reducing salon or massage parlor in accordance with Section 1340 of this Code or is currently licensed to sell beer, wine or liquor in accordance with Section 900 of this Code. 1345.08. Renewal Application. Not less than 30 nor more than 60 days before the expiration of any license issued pursuant to this Section, any license holder desiring to renew the license shall submit a written application to the Clerk on forms provided by the Clerk together with payment in full of the license fee as required for the original license. The renewal application shall be forwarded to the Manager who shall, within 30 days after the renewal application date, either approve or deny the application and shall notify the Clerk in writing of this decision. The Clerk shall then issue the license or, in case of denial, notify the applicant in writing of the denial setting forth the reason or reasons therefor. 1345.09. Appeal to Council. Any applicant may appeal the denial of a license or a license renewal by filing a written notice of appeal to the Council in the Clerk's office within 30 days after the denial. The Council shall hear the appeal within 30 days after the notice is filed, and opportunity shall be given to any person to be heard in favor of or 6 opposing the issuance or renewal of the license. The Council may order and conduct such additional investigation as it deems necessary. Any licensee is authorized to continue to operate until final action by the Council upon licensee's renewal application, unless prohibited by Council resolution made after the denial. 1345.10. License Not Transferable; Duration. Each license shall be issued to the applicant only and shall not be transferable to another holder. Any change in the persons named as partners on the application, as required by paragraph B. 1, of Subd. 1 of Subsection 1345:04 and any change in the persons who are named in the application as required by paragraph C. 4, of Subd. 1, of Subsection 1345.04, shall be deemed a transfer for purposes of this Section. If the licensee is a limited partnership, a change in the limited partners of less than 25% cumulatively over the license period, shall not be deemed a transfer. The change in or addition of a vice- president, secretary, or treasurer of a corporation licensee shall not be deemed a transfer. All licenses issued pursuant to this Section shall be effective from July 1 through June 30. 1345.11. Suspension or Revocation of License. The Council may suspend for any period not exceeding 60 days, or revoke, any license issued pursuant to this Section upon finding a violation of any provision of this Section or upon violation of any other provision of this Code or State Law or regulation affecting the activities covered by this Section. Except in the case of a suspension pending a . hearing on revocation, revocation or suspension by the Council shall be preceded by written notice to the licensee of a hearing in accordance with Subsection._ 160.16 of this Code. The notice may be served upon the licensee personally or by mailing it to the business or residence address set forth in the application or on file with the Clerk. The notice shall give at least ten days notice of the time and place of the hearing and shall state the nature of the charges against the licensee. The Council may, without notice, suspend any license pending a hearing on revocation for a period not exceeding 30 days. 1345.12. Restrictions and Regulations. Subd. 1. Hours of Operation. No business licensed under this Section shall be open for business, and no customers be permitted on the premises, between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. Subd. 2. Minors. No licensee shall permit or allow any person under the age of 18 years to enter the licensed premises. The licensee shall request proof of age of all persons the licensee believes to be under the age of 18 years. Subd. 3. Health and Sanitation. A licensee shall not allow: A. Any partition between a subdivision, portion, or part of the licensed premises having an aperture which is designed or constructed to facilitate sexual intercourse,, sodomy, or fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region or 10 pubic hair, buttocks, or female breast between persons on either side of the partition. B. A licensee shall not allow or have on the licensed premises or adjoining areas any booths, stalls, or partitions used for the viewing of motion pictures or other forms of entertainment that have doors, curtains, or portal partitions, unless such booths, stalls, or partitions have at least one side open to an adjacent public room so that the area inside is visible to persons in the adjacent public room. Such areas shall be lighted in a manner that the persons in the area used for viewing motion pictures or other forms of entertainment are visible from the adjacent public rooms. C. The Sanitarian shall have the authority to inspect or cause to be inspected the licensed premises and adjoining areas in order to ascertain the source of infection or reduce the spread of communicable diseases. The Sanitarian shall have the authority to issue orders to the licensee regarding health and sanitation." Subd. 4. Display. No products or merchandise offered for sale or rental by the licensed premises or any activities which occur inside the licensed premises shall be visible from any point outside the licensed premises. 11 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor Richards & Council Members FROM: David Hallett, Chair Edina Human Relations Commission (the "Commission ") SUBJECT: PRESENTATION OF SEXUALLY - ORIENTED BUSINESS COMMITTEE (THE "COMMITTEE ") DATE: August 2, 1993 At the meeting of the Commission on July 20, 1993, Mike Lewis and Gordon Hughes spent 30 minutes summarizing (i) the process by which the Committee pursued its assignment and (ii) the three "prongs" of the recommended ordinance. Their summary was similar to the summaries of these matters set forth in Virginia Shaw's and Mike Lewis' memorandum to you dated June 21, 1993. Following the presentation of the summary, Messrs. Lewis and Hughes gave the members of the Commission who were present an opportunity to provide input, ask questions and make comments. Messrs. Lewis and Hughes, together with John Lonsbury (a member of the Commission and a member of the Committee), addressed a number of issues raised by members of the Commission. It was our understanding that, as a result of our discussion, Messrs. Lewis and Hughes would be asking the Committee to address or give further consideration to certain issues. Although the Commission has not been asked to render any judgment or pass any resolution regarding the proposed ordinance, my sense is that the members of the Commission who were present appreciated and were impressed by the work that the members of the Committee, together with the City's legal counsel and staff, have done in carrying out their very important task. DH /sw DRAFT MINUTES P.C. MEETING JULY 28, 1993 Sexually- Oriented Business Ordinance Mr. Larsen explained to Commission Members that City Staff and members of the community have been working for quite sometime on an ordinance to regulate sexually- oriented businesses. Mr. Larsen said Mr. Mike Lewis served as Co -Chair for this committee and he is present this evening to respond to any questions or concerns the Commission may have. Mr. Lewis informed the Commission this subject was interesting to, -work on with everyone working very hard to come up with a workable ordinance. Mr. Lewis noted that Commissioner McClelland also served on the committee. Mr. Lewis pointed out that working on an ordinance that does not violate lst Amendment protections is difficult. Mr. Lewis said the city legally cannot totally block a person from opening a sexually- oriented business but with zoning requirements can limit their impact, and where they can be located. Mr. Lewis explained that the committee felt there should also be licensing standards that require a background check on person or persons proposing to open this type of business. Mr. Lewis pointed out to date the city has not been approached by any person to open this type of business within the city. Commissioner Johnson questioned if the committee had problems considering location of this type of business pointing out if a person wanted to open up this type of business in the industrial area 10% of 25,000 square feet is rather large. Mr. Lewis explained that concern was considered and studied. This possibility helped us formulate our desire to contain the sexually - oriented businesses in the PCD -3 District. Continuing, Mr. Lewis pointed out the proposed ordinance requires that sexually- oriented businesses be limited to the PCD -3 District, cannot be located within 500 feet of a residential neighborhood, cannot be located within 500 feet of a daycare center, and cannot be located within 500 feet of each other, and require a license. Mr. Lewis explained when viewing the city there are very few areas where one can locate this type of business if they are limited to PCD -3. These areas include Southdale and Galleria. Mr. Larsen interjected that the industrial district prohibits the selling of merchandise so industrial would not be an desirable option. Commissioner Workinger questioned the PCD -3 zoning pointing out Southdale and the Galleria are areas where a large population of youth "hang- out ". Commissioner McClelland agreed but pointed out that requirements for this type of business also prohibit displays in store windows and require this type of merchandise to be separated from other merchandise. Planning Commissioners congratulated. Mr. Lewis and staff on their hard work in drafting this ordinance. Commissioner Johnson asked Mr. Lewis for clarification on the 10% rule. Mr. Lewis explained that the 10% represents 10% of the leased area or 10% of the stock and trade. Commissioner Byron moved to recommend adoption of the ordinance as presented. Commissioner Swenson seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. Nancy Ash Hutchison 5200 Glengarry Pky. Edina, MN 55436 July 23, 1993 Dear Jane, I'm sending along some information to you regarding the ordinance for sexually oriented businesses. Z.have discussed the zoning area (PC -3) with a number of people knowledgeable (a city attorney for another suburb, city planner and a national organization which advises communities on these ordinances called the National Law Center for Children and Families) about this and have come to the conclusion that zoning SOB's for PC -3 is a reasonable strategy. My concern now is that the ordinance include a provision to require any dancing establishment to have coverage for the breast, genital and anal area. This restriction has been upheld at the Supreme Court (see enclosed case). Other communities have done this type of restriction here in Minnesota. I feel strongly that Edina should adopt this restriction on dancing requiring coverage of these areas. It is entirely possible that such an establishment could locate in Edina. I enclose information on the trend for non - alcoholic clubs with nude dancers which attract younger men (boys) such as Deja Vu and Dream Girls in Minneapolis. With our liquor restrictions, we could still have non - alcoholic clubs in Edina. Also, I think the committee should be questioned about the 500 foot versus 1000 foot restriction. In my reading, the 1000-foot separation is more common. The committee.seemed to think 500 feet was the way to go, but I was not clear as to the rationale. I bring this to your attention because I'll be out of town Aug. 2, for the pugic hearing. I have already shared the Glen Theatre case with Gordon Hughes and Virginia Shaw. THANKS! Sincerely, r / / i / Old l / / /� i • / IA ENTERTAINM[NT CZN• . I'i,.�i ' eL•, al /Hal Ir•a k, P- .� .,,..ni,ine.ul, IC: /1.. .t !1:,.., .I'.r.n6l MENDOTA SALOON I -aa: ioc MIDWAY LODGE IL: 1 \lay MIRAGE: :na;huv.140J MISSION'':.. - n•;rr,ece d.un.•: MOLLIE MALONE'S ::... nnrac 119 11'.r,n• .11r:011 ,1:e.,\ Inl1.,JJJ• /6, -S MUSIC CITY CUT 7u -Su: G, e u6iurr. .ar r.:nik. acnusnc NEW UNION I'i.o Ihrnuch Junc ;,,urn.unrnl,C7 F. i!. rnr ^ar. tlril.. 379 -!31.4 NIKKI'SCAIE A BART,o•1T'.I i.,:l:. noreu Harras6CJ. It .`.1 ..c Th: j r c, -I, 31 a ke 6e Tim DuRucnr. i.:Jonn Beach 107 T,- od A ve. ,V., .Urh...340.9091 NOSTALGIA RESTAURANT& JAZZ BARTIo -:a: 1, •.rn '.lame,.., rr Dei,lne Duncan; !.1: llues I"Imi 7Crdor 0'S GARAGE r-54: 6e acs. roa k. pmeresslve. .,: j %•.unrnre doom: U': illi:it curt: Th -Sa: dud Farier M: r'rJ.,r r1 vr. IL•_ Viand: T.: '9.c .. mi-iV,a;hC !•rIC i�het:r,nor (:',t.� Sal 1'L• nc.IJcc l,C !t.ualrluat fnen.la ;.,�, ❑,c ILu„I PIATINUM'I'I,a, .,.• f.•r +�. Henn I!,. I' \arI•r ILc nit „n .Ilroour -r i i!r ^. TN[ POODLE CLUB ,w.., , Herr, i•iva.,•iJia +. .... e: ?u:l)�er :a•n Lun wr 1 cam: Ylr I7: jcrrr Daclas land: PUZZLES S.ire a.anctr enrcrum• .,rnl .:fu!! of :1 urr•: ry .7 Srnrn• RAGIN'CAJUN NIGHTCLUB 'r. `_ c: c local /nae I ,, F. (dues J fl SrWvr.tle, nji //_r., Ilendom 417 -13J: RED SEA Live n.nts ret -ae, ,:ancenall, hrp•hnn J /6 Ccdrr :.. e- S., Alp/s., JJJ • 16•.,4 REGIST[RT NOTEL Tu• Sa: numst .4., ndc C. \C/ai17131: 1 :4rh A: .7L,,,,rn.rSrnn, 31 �. J • a• ROP[RSTu•a' 1)I r)ick:TT, -5.a: I,ve county wv' c„nd Cenera• aon: r- 5allo -er levee L• 11ua- :ants Male Dance C:uo: Su: iire ? u ka 37:0 E. R eve. RL, Felt /rr, RUDOLPH•S WAS BAR tr ,ram .^.fuetaln 501"In ov i cnarry h�urlarx.loik. a:oua• RTAN'S I rr I „ulhl.n "I r„ck, Haul. m4hdr: \G/ 16: l!Inna /Sl.,ppm r\nCrUl'rrrunn I i,h: -1'h/ 17.1 *CI )cr It.o,.,onv ah.,od„ l'ra.hllLe (a,,,ekct ,nv1'ninnc, l'uai '.L n Icm l.ruu.a•r; \.0 I'k \doer's :: c.0 >ha;in Rcmrn:jm:C: Triple X X, Ca,,nc; .N /:1: Tht Lighr. in/:: D.mJe Ito,.; \V /_);Sane• .uJl,nnnta• Rol l n rrh6 Slider. 4 r.r:r( ^.4.1917 SCHULLER'S TAVERNS.,: G.e ulh,no.a• hluca 734.4 f },Herr t. der. f4f- 91,7 r SERUM'S GOOD TIME IMPORT. UM W: K.-­4c; Tu B n,-Sa: hve ;lasm rook: Th/ 17.5ai 19: Palace :13 /.,, 6o, . Anni,,. 471­75 22 THE SNOR[W000 \I •Tu: Sune6t r i:c stnJ %In nn,.:\C•.Sa: The `• G a a r, 161 r; nfr.d A; e., Fndler. !• 44j SN•BOOM'S O[ STILLWATIR V. ia: recorded a,untr•, rock, dos- „c roc k.1,1—. St. (: roar fimri. I f_ v. J6. I.... 1Crnl Sulltrartr, .1rdl�.rtrr, a 19.97RO SHANNON KELLY'S F-Sa:live blues6th 6 W: imha.Sr. Paul, :9:•C901 STAMMERS SPORTS RAN & GRILL Th•ia. live rock: P/13.5a/19-. DovnnCht Tight 4080 tr. 3m.d_jp, Rnubrmd lle, 117- e 77J SLICK'S ALTERNATIVE r.Sa:li.e L,c al d—ic• rock. count rv. Tur. +J..,Idle.; W: k.,nuka•: 1:119- Sa/ 19! A ud- S.-tit : a l0 J8rh .1 vr. N. E, .tlP /c, 1731-9879 SNEAKERS MITT CLUB F•Sm li.e n,ck, cuunrr r; 110 17! Jaahua I , 19 ?a: I7: Flit..ule "44 74th Aw„ ,If.rp /c Crovr. +24. 5731 Your chance to represent Minnesota in National Finals held on the Norvepan Line - 7 Day Virgin Island Cruise (Ncr.,!nnrr1Finniist -�( sonInlntemationais -D vinnanozchfor$100,000) Tuesday Evenings -June 1st -July 27th GRAND PRIZE - $1,000 Cash 2-N-D PL. XCE - S,VL BOARD by Bava rian Surf 1)( herpnzes Indudinlr.: F.XERCISr %L'%C. HNG4 by %Vnrld ('ccle & F i1 ness in 11tka.. Vcav Itnl;htnn & Navarre - CAIt STfiItro h,y Mach I i)I \NliR;liTcqulluhetzvs I ,I \Init!f)FSi)vKrnemerl.imousine CRINKSPECLUSk ,111 ('nmt•.Iams n'een•cLthulnus nn7t•efmm Lifcumc F °(na•44. iil;nuurcCnntrptc, Thc.iptrracic rhnp.,e Drramaatrs lohmo�npha•..ipccml lhanlu In f k +moods F'nrmnl 11'c7r, HrnrlkrL•Ilt beer farb2M M-9,00p 1 B. I . lfsllns.aretl In- \'.,N,til: In 1'noir I ant • r ;0,.•,11hkYm •.1,-,ryl•istlr • 1 •nla.•rv,sl \IUdio. 1.lnr,rk,A I„Ilv,rnrl .un.uc, 1a "u�rr \'rh,r6. • al:,.rrn'm!1 ILne 1'u. • r'1,- ,ana':,r,ulGrn \4nu•r • I f—lly w...w. - r r•,' 11om,. u, w•.. r .,rr,.•,nm:.wn.v4•h.'o.•nvrr•rr 6lva,r ll,c.yun Yvw7)n .l • '15th & Central (one mile south of 694 on Central Ave. N.E.) 571-9005 bYI_ 0_i,ik_ k,-b nLat,ja4a/,' 7) all�bla -CC.S C,� ,' a nC 16, 1993 Clff PAGES e. Gitl� Where your fantasy begins, Totally Nude, Non - Alcoholic Showbar beaturing Beautiful DreaM Girls, 4N HOURS 11:00 am.. - 2:30 am. 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 alm. Monday - Thursday SaMwday l l :00 am - 3:30 am 11 -M p.m. - ZOO alma Friday Sunday COLLEGE STUDENTS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS 18 YEARS _+ OLDER Your Summer Late Night Party Headquarters Welcomes. You! Some lessons are learned after school is out! Summer School is in session at Dream Girls WEEKLY EVENTS MONDAY 771URSDAY College ID - First Drink Free Wet Body Show TUESDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY Amateur Night Parry, Party, Party WEDNESDAY SUNDAY Always A Party More Wet Body Show FREE LUNCH BUFFET • Monday - Friday Noon til 2 p.m. - Complimentary Drink 1 l a.m. -1 p.m. 12 North 5th Street, Downtown Minneapolis (The Old Jukebox Saturday Night) 33=11REA�111 18 years and older - 10 required ILL•• t I HMUy I r I 1 Saturday /March 20/ 1993 /Star Tribune 01 ZbUYl Glr6 0J U, i y1 SV)`1"j ..'n J -- rI_ _ i Burnsville girls set ` Ito lace u "� p skates IBYJay Weiner f filled with •'skill building" and in W r R squad scrimmages, said the first state high school to field a girls' ice hockey team. T The irony is that girls' youth teams Burnsville's school board voted s could be hurt y B a s state high school rules, players can't program will be evaluated. In addl. " the school season. Said Olson: for girls will tx conducted. growing pains.' "I'm elale(VI,s id Lynn Olson, girls A ADULT VIDEO SALE ,i and women's representative for the F FRI. • SAT. • SUN. lion. " 110 have it, and other girls see it and I I I r 6ing hockey. I'm confident other dis. ricts will follow." Staff Photo by John Croft - Recently, proponents of ice ringette ,.. Complained to Minnesota De r. , t, �,: .. ;.,' :'j :r.q; °..5 �ment of Education officials that chntst Household of uripgs Veronica s, Class, left, and New London - Spicer 8 Susan~Semmler battled for girls had 's comparable sport. The control of a rebound during the Wildcats' Class A semlRnel victor Brls hi lc's boys had hockey, but the Ejj ..,,:.....,, . y. ..:,.: c :.. !t.'..,r, i r • 'district 'ct u eyed the 1,300 girls in �'' .. •.• In surveyed The cyclefQ ,. { e' grads 7 Through 11. Of those, 443 r s con �nue —from an interest in an is sport f " —from Ii / • ;:i7.. n9;Gr�' ..,;Vu�c�s s \� a � gore skating to loge. But Where ' ...'a "' `"" "' } �; ' " -; •.., ; ,4�.�,' 1225 ranked hockey as their first a your fai Rochester Lourdes girls'carry on winning basketball tradition nosy sple°ed °ka ;�g" n °gelte and 56 ;SNEAK P By Roman AoRost ovlz end Erie Pate 5talf Writers - >. • , • • _ Colleen `Polziri iplayed cheeerleader. ! In ringctte, a small ring, not a puck, i Totally Nude, Non -A b° i Polzinr..wanting the fans to become is sed, with players, ca ling blade' Beautlll ne especially Interested s more involved, waved her arms. At lei! sticks, restricted in Iheir move leatuf/n he Friday a1 the Class A state girls lb s'� andante n both classes l0 19!613 Allison Deretk joined Polzin io guard me. is to , OPEN 9lrthday kelball xmifin : :Is was Laurie Decker, eRer sia of nine sessions. That total is the crowd to gel loud. pacific areas of the rink. B B -Rir tie is sponsored by six high Get In i 4,0110 behind last year when attend- sch Is. Sneak Week Only $pgg,alDane! *ored s younger sister; Missy, ante fell to 42,751, the third - lowest "That gets ui pumped;' Polzin said. Mi Norsten of South St. Paul, Ores- 7 aEored seven points as . Rochester total since 1976 when the first lour- "Th need them and 1 just didn't hear ide 7 f.>Otm Thurs. Rim ! Lourdes, the top -rated team in the nameni was held. of Ringelle USA, said the pw2o, Fri' Sal S[seeIll Tre Associated Press state poll, beat Cli- them. I wanted to get them going- ' Bu ville vote was not a setback for Y tam __Sun For 88CIT max /Fisher 65:30 in the tint game. This year the tournament format was Bumps and brulase,rnot Initrrlsa wu en. Ile believes that Burnsville ehanRed. Instead of hot h Class AA. Guard Teri'WitcraR twisted her IeR But urns ille superintend ntRJ nt • r , , Laurie flicker Played an Lourdes' and A playing quarterfinals on knee, but she'll play in tonight's 'Ric bough said: "1 su first title team In 1967 and was Thursday, the AA teams played those game, said Jefferson trainer Jamie isibl but it would tx premature to named Miss Basketball in Class A games Wednesday, leaving the spot- Ilornibrook. Wilcran was dribbling discs s [both sponsl untpl we haDe a 9 R North a Street, Downtown 33 DR 1 yawn ar A Priam Graphite Drivers Reg. sag... Now $49.99 Bullet Overstze Driver Cnphite. Reg. sisg..... Now $69.99 Wilson Advantage pkg. (a from, z w-dd Reg. size__ Now $269 AR Golf Shirts rr_&.m —W.w U at 16 CITY IM Junc 9, 1793 2*045a.m. I)cja \`u, Dlin11r.tpoli,. Sum,- 7, I;u, s it at tald, .u,d—it chZOursonakcd111 Wort -wkcd 111,111C.1 d.m6i,g. Urdike t6 su c it, bars of the ne. m jnnglc and I,ulp papa backs (Dank, dine. ,. w, hush. 1)cja \'u .11 k00 in the mm nittg is r..nnkahls pc.kl- The I,tig111 light,, the cl - -hd deem, an.l d,c ,te,ill juice I'm rcvc.11 it 11.r ••. 'm it artu.dl\ is: a,u ip n1.111. lint Ill. mu,t glaring dill, I, henvccn I h is \'11 ( \ \'here t6c p.trI% ncert ends•) and the mill Ilc,l, I'm i, the n•lati.m . hq•L,nvrn,i.ipp—m"I Ill, ,liennl,- In the IL .I. La., 111,1 o,... d, ink \cLi,kr, .unl Id, ,...mrn I I," m I lrl., V.. I ligh, L..t, nrin hnn11ct, .unl trrnat ;c I'm, r.nnp \, ill, yid, d,cir - -.tge. When the gi, k spread ti,,;, leg, in h.us (1 the hoc,• ,sonde- lillcd 1.11 it . u,s th.0 r—i, ...n1 , n. ,n, the lun 1. •r,.b,I It I.—I, . 1.1" 1,., ., 11 I.,.ds, Ilk,� ,L•., le -.. PbImg. l hc. l'rnlsr \ "Ianlis (:its, "adecj.is Wrns gu\ s! I'ur just TFN M )I IA RS ,,I, .m ha,c.1 prisalc sofa dance ,sit1, —Ill la,,, it, gnP Lied ill, .tl;ainctIt- II,, a d—,.l cola, —Im,• seals —arc full of b..\,. The girls 1111,- Weer them. We t,m /i,ek twilit rbc J.rr'n- A middlc.lged btt6ncsau.11t .'. I u.., . sd Isd,1 \. I Ls •.0 il. ual n per Ir,1 oll I:i: 111 -0,41" his tic i, Ifipped to tle side, and his 11, "1 is tilled hat L. In isst.n) -'IIt, girl Ills —11, him. .11.,4'rrrc bwc. She's III, tm her tip - I-': she's gut her 11.111,1, nn Ili, sLn11111m, .utd she's jack - knifing In Ow heat. I akc-humping him. 'Til (berry's g„nc. I Icr smile ends as soon as the song dues. She takes her money and L,dt,;ht Im,lss Rea ragdull. A hunch ul (;nllcgc sf St. Thnntns guy., are el.ning, \-- bipping.,t the hills rail after fin - khing Ihri. lin.11, IIm. ,b,. 'I ma lakes the :,.m fold '• by the I. ( vd, III.-& SI,e I ... ill, I I, is Bh the di, \1, in ..I M.oe l.ou Yee it.m , .n the t..1,, an I r,vid, du,sn it I:.n)••.rl. Iu...'. g., d. \'rt\ 11....1 Pr„ nlslun.�Lidgul.•.n.m,tnul.inthe La, k, ,val,-1,iug -'Ihcs ,haul cn.uutagcnlrnt ill . nnpli-,'i", the ,sas n,cn I.crs of a hall ,unr d.on r le.on mi�hl. liu., \s,i. hr, . , ,6e •.t �t•,r, ,her ass in tL. 1;1..11..1 ImA,, .ho 611,1. b.. 'I ,I.- ,.u. in 1-m ..I I.c,, .md Il,c St. "I'h.mt.n ho), 1,cg for. i1, m .1 con,c\, 11at s•, u, ic1 version ill t6c ,ccd- J1ne ,_stet I•eh ,jmA Tin., pun hit h.usl over Im... 16r Ili, I. A p.n k I.trr I kid I Ie lu, 1.lam L.. 11..,1 ,hi,. Itig plain (Inn I) e 1 C 1. G, ,-i c (A-C 0 24 HOURS - hangs his cunt• and helps himself to the bath- room key auachcd t„ a pnutu masher. Uaticnc's bccn an ulf- and -on n•airtcs, at hlickcs's since 1765. Ic i ing sevc,nl times for other jabs. But she ac alsass san,c hk ,n ,6c diner. "1'ou meet a lot,.( nice pc„plc hc.r, ".Lr c\plains matte, of factl\. fake I.unc .•, c. Io AG, k, .11—M ,m.lnigbt: 6e', I.i16n4 hi, 1 6nr br,.une h;. „m au,d. Dull, 1-4, "It ,,.t6 In. L,\,.,n.l I'll kill Gnuu I A ill c...u...I., .w e.111\ l'I'Ala,t Is— %I....1, dr..,n ...... I..k. I cscaling a IA AT ul too on his \s. isl as 11'. "I"cc a lm kful ill eggs,,. Ilk m.mll. 11, di0l\...,6ed m I'liAvy's as a high se6o,d kid h. VMS, N..s, h, I....ue.... ill. in, I.-1 I.1-I 1„an.id�r, s.•i,b.1 I dd\1116(. .1.,... r...,., At Ihcu.h, . rnd ill Ibc,.nm.\, ,.I'.,nl.., —It r.pukcn Irn tic, In nlc,.n,. A I,-Lnkc nc„usnrI on,p.ne,l to c.nnc ill the ntlr, ,1,\t......... I'.,ul', becu a I.uc night ,liner I.c,r In. ilia' scan. l le spe.d .......... 11% .,b.,m 16r 16.1-, •,I t lit, ph, e.and11'c'mce.r\selemnesuu 111.1111 Iunplc— ilsunsbn,stq,nhlnen.a.gl, I'.nLu,g his pagcbu," k"k 1 -- 1, i. 11..rLraJ, 11, ni,CP, A—w meet nq_ Ao:.,.,, \ \ "il,.m L, .. 11.11 1 . .is ill( ld.n\\tigh,p,nnrd ill, N, 5...1, 1 -1 .0 one 14 Ile 1 -11 k-1111 N.,t ,.11.1 I. 1.- 1 b.sq!cd .11 NI., I,c, I . 1 r. .he .,II 111.. t,..... I...IJi r ip6p, I,,.J�. i�11,L..,11111,•, ..I.f� Ill•., "..1� t or! 1 i i !3 l,t . �4f.E. _. L. W. 4745 (Cite as: 111 S.Ct. Micnael BARNES, Rank ( P R 1 OF- c Database in_oae 5C 2456) Prosecuting At t ,r,r!ey if St. Joseph County, Indiana, et a i . V. GLEN THEATRE, INC., et al. No. 9! i -26. Argued Jan. 8, 1991. Decided June El, 1991. E_tablishments wishing to provide totally nude dancing as entertainment and is -!div id!_lai dancers employes at establishments brought _!_lit to enjoin enforcement of Indiana public indecency statute which req!_lired dancers to wear pasties and a G- string, asserting that statute violated the First Hmenament. The United States District Court for the Northern District ..if Indiana, -1726 _.'= !_lpp. 7cS, permanently enjoined enforcement. The Curt -_-f Appeals for the ,event h Circuit, 8,02 F. 2'd 287, reversed and remanded. On remand, the D i st r i c-, C-D!_lrt, 695 F. S!_lpp. 414, found that nude dancing in q!_iest i �rl was -not pry �tecrea by the First Amendment. On appeal, the Court of Appeals, 867 F. "Rd 8,26, -eversed and remanded. Opinion was vacated and rehearing en bane grantea. The Court ._.f Appeals, 904 F.2d 1081, reversed. After granting certiorari, the •areme Court, Chief Justice Rehnquist, held that enforcement of public lecency statute to require that dancers at adult entertainment establishment= .. -mar pasties and a G- string did not violate the First Amendment. Reversed. Justices Scalia and Souter filed opinions concurring in the judgment. J!_lstice White filed dissenting opinion, in which Justices Marshall, Blackmun, and Stevens .joined. Ell 92, K9C.►. 4 ( 3) CONSTITUTIONAL LAW K. Entertainment in general; telecommunications. U. S. I rid. 1991. Totally nude dancing as sought to be performed in 1 -1_tr!ge presenting "go -go dancing," and in adult "bookstore, " was expressive conduct within the outer Perimeters of the First Amendment, although only marginally so. (F'er Chief justice Rehnquist, with two Justices concurring, and two J!_lst ices concurring it the .judgment. ) U. S. C. A. Ccnnst. Amend. 1. 9arne=. v. Glen Theatre, Inc. 1 1 S. Ct . 2456, 59 U.S. L. W. 4745 E17 KK90. 4 i 5 ) CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Bars, nightclubs. and restaurants. U. S. ind. 1991. i _:tally r!_lde dancing a= s�_!_lght t_ be perf_rmed in l.c_,!_inge r_!reser!tin. "q -q_• canting, " and in adult "bookstore. " was expressive conduct within the outer - imeters of the First Amendment, although only marginally sa. .Per- Chief ,t ice Rehnquist, with two Justices concurring, and two Justices r. onc!_trrlr!q le_ .j !_td gment . ) U. S. C. A. Const . Amend. 1. 3arnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc. 11 S. Ct. 2456, 59 U. S. L. W. 4745 COPR. (C) WEST 1991 NO CLAIM TO ORIG. U. S. GOVT. WORK'S 111 S. Ct. '4EE SAGE _ (Cite as: 111 S.Ct. 2456) C�7 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW K. Limitations on doctrine in general. U. S. Irid. 19? 1. Government regulation of expressive conduct is sufficiently .justified if it within the constitutional power of the government, if it furthers an irnporr A -r or substantial governmental interest, if the governmental interest is 1_1nre7.,;r (-_= to suppression of free expression, arid if the incidental restriction on allage First Amendment freedoms is not greater than is essential to furtherance of that interest. (Fier Chief Justice Rehnquist, with two Justices concurring, . r. two Justices concurring in the .judgment.) U. S. C. A. Const. Amend. 1. Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc. 111 S. Ct. 2-456, 59 U. S. L. W. 4745 133 92K90.4(3) CONSTITUTIONAL LAW K. Entertainment in general; telecommunications. I. S. Ind. 1991. enforcement of Indiana's public indecency law to require nude dancers in adult entertainment establishments to wear pasties and any G- string did not violate the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of expression; statute was clearly within state's constitutional power, it furthered substantial governmental interest in protecting societal order and morality, governmental interest was unrelated to suppression of free expression, and incidental restriction on First Amendment freedom was no greater than was essential to furtherance of tr. governmental interest. (Per Chief Justice Rehnquist, with two Justices concurring, and two Justices concurring in the judgment.) West's A.I.C. 35 -' +. 4-1; U. S. C. A. Const. Amend. 1. Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc. 111 S. Ct. 2456, 59 U. S. L. W. 4745 131 2181K2.5 OBSCENITY K. Fart icular regulations. U.S. I rid. 1991. Enf_,rcement of Indiana's public indecency law to require nude dancers in adl_...- entertainment establishments to wear pasties and any G- string did not violat the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom �m of expression; statute was c 1 ear, i. within state's constitutional power, it furthered substantial governmental interest i n protecting societal order and morality, governmental interest way _ unrelated to - suppression of free expression, and incidental restriction on First Amendment freedom was no greater than was essential to furtherance of governmental interest. (Per Chief Justice Rehnquist, with two Justices , oricurring, and two � Justices concurring in the .judgment.) West' s A. I. C. ��- 4 -1 ; U. S. C. A. C onst . Amend. 1. Barnes v. G i en Theatre, Inc. 111 S. Ct . E45E, 59 U. S. L. W. 4745 *2457 Syllabus 1FN *7 COPR. (C) WEST 1991 NO CLAIM TO ORIG. U.S. GOVT. WO r !, III S.Ct. 24EE PAGE (Cite as: 1 1 1 S. Ct . 2456, *2457) FN* The syllabus constitutes no pert of the opinion of the Court bui has been prepared by the Reporter of ' Decisions for the convenience of the reader,. See United States v. Detroit Lumber Co., 200 U.S. 321. 3370 26 S.Ct. 282, a87, 50 L. Ed. 499. Respondent=_, two Indiana establishments wishing to provide totally nuce dancing as entertainment and individual dancers employed at those •astablishments, brought suit in the District. Court to enjoin enforcement of - _t at e public indecency Yaw--which requires respondent dancers to wear pasties and a G- strinq -- asserting that the law?s prohibition against total malty in public .places violates the First Amendment. The court held that the nude dancing invoived here was not expressive conduct. The Court of Appears reversed; ruling that n� �nobscene nude dancing performed for entertainment is protected expression, and that the statute was an improper infringement of tnsi7 activity because its purpose was to prevent the message of eroticism and sexuality conveyed by the dancers. Held: The .judgment is reversed. 904 F. 2d 1081 X81 (CA9 1990) , reversed. The Chief Justice, joined by Justice O'CONNOR and Justice KENNEDY, concluded that the enforcement of Indiana's public indecency law to prevent totally nude dancing does not violate the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of ,x press i on. Pp. 2460 -2463. (a) Nude dancing of the kind sought to be performed here is expressive conduct within the outer perimeters of the First Amendment, although only marginally SO. See, e. g. , Doran v. Salem Inn, Inc., 422 U.S. 922, 932, 95 S. Ct . 2561, 2568, 45 L. Ed. 2d 648. P. 2460. (b) Applying the four -part test of United States v. 0' Brien, 391 U.S. 367, 376 -377, 88 S. Ct. 1673, 1678 -1679, 20 L. Ed. 2d 672 - -which rejected the contention that symbolic speech is entitled to full First Amendment protection- -the statute is .justified despite its incidental limitations on some expressive activity. The law is clearly within the State's constitutional power. And it furthers a substantial governmental interest in protecting societal order and morality. Public indecency statutes reflect moral disapproval of people appearing in the nude among strangers in public places._ and this particular law follows a line of state laws, dating back. to 1831, banning public nudity. The States' traditional police power is defined as tn-= authority to provide for the public health, safety, and morals, and such a basis for legislation has been upheld. See, e. g. , Faris Adult Theatre 1 v. S 1 at on, 413 U.S. 49, 61, 93 S. Ct . 2628, 2637, 37 L. Ed. 2d 446. This governmental interest is unrelated to the suppression of free expression, sinc.E public nudity is the evil the State seeks to prevent, whether or not it is combined with expressive activity. The law does not proscribe nudity in these establishments because the dancers are conveying an erotic is message. *2458 To the contrary, an erotic performance may be presented without any state interference, so long as the performers wear a scant amount of c 1 ot h i nq . Finally, the incidental restriction on First Amendment freedom is no greater than is essential to the furtherance of the governmental interest. Since the t at ut ory prohibition is not a means to some greater end, but an end itself, _ - s without cavil that the statute is narrowly tailored. Pp. 2460 -2463. -- Justice SCALIA concluded that the statute - -as a general law regulating conduct COPR. (C) WEST 1991 NO CLAIM TO ORIG. U.S. GOVT. WORK Ct. 2451J PAGE 4 (Cite as: ill S. Ct . 2456, *2458) •a.nd not specifically; directed at expression, either in practice or on its face--is n• �t subject t o normal First Amendment scrutiny and should be upheld or the ground that moral opposition to nudity supplies a rational basis for its prohibition. Cf. Employment Division, Oregon Dept. of Human Resources v. _m i t h , 494 U.S. - - - -, . 1 1 0 S. Ct . 1595, 108 L. Ed. 2d S76. There is no intermediate level of scrutiny requiring that an incidental restriction on 2 x press i on, such as that involved here, be .justified by an important or obst ant i a 1 governmental interest . Pp. 2458 -2463. justice SOUTER, agreeing that the nude dancing at issue here is subject to a degree of First Amendment protection, and that the test of United Staten V. O'Brien, 391 U.S. 367, 88 S. Ct. 167:3, is the appropriate analysis to determine the actual protection required, concluded tnat the State's interest in prevent i.ng the secondary effects � �f adult entertainment establishments— prostitution, sexual assaults, and other criminal activity--is sufficient ui'lae" O'Brien to .justify the law's enforcement against nude dancing. The prevention �n of such effects clearly falls within the State's constitutional power. In' addition, the asserted interest is plainly substantial, and the State could have concluded that it is furthered by a prohibition on nude dancing, even without localized proof of the harmful effects. See Renton v. Playtime _ Theatres, Inc., 475 U.S. 41, 50, 51, 106 S. Ct . 925, 930, 930, 89 L. Ed, 2d 29. M -eover, the interest is unrelated to the suppression of free expression, :e the pernicious effects are merely associated with nude dancing establishments and are not the result of the expression inherent in nude dancing. Id. , at 48, 106 S. Ct. , at 929. Finally, the restriction is no greater than is essential to further the governmental interest, since pasties and a G- string moderate expression to a minor degree when measured against the dancer's remaining capacity and opportunity to express an erotic message. Fop. 458 -2462. REHNOU I ST, C. J. , announced the .judgment of the Court and delivered an opinion in which O' CONNOR and KENNEDY, JJ. , joined. SCAL I A, J., filed an opinion :incurring in the .judgment. SOUTER., J., filed an opinion concurring in the judgment. WHITE, J., filed a dissenting opinion, i n which MARSHALL, BLACKMUN. and STEVENS, JJ. , joined. Wayne E. Uhl, Nashville, Tenn., for petitioners. Bruce J. Ennis, Jr., Washington, D. C. , for respondents. Chief Justice REHNQUIST delivered the opinion of the Curt. Respondents are two establishments in South Pend, Indiana, that wisn to provide totally nude dancing as entertainment; and ind ivitual dancer_ who are amployed at these establishments. They claimAhat the First Amendment's ]uarantee of freedom of expression prevents the State of Indiana from enf� �rcin!. its public indecency law to prevent this form of dancing. We reject their, claim. The facts appear From the pleadings and finding_ of the Oistrict Court, and are uncontested here. The Kitty Kat Lunge, inc. (Kitty Kat) is located in t1 _• of South Pend. It sells alcoholic beverages and present=_ "g -qo zing.," Its proprietor desires to present "totally nude dancing," but an applicable Indiana statute regulating public nudity requires that the *2459 dancers wear "pasties" and a "G- string" when they dance. The dancers COPR. (C) WEST 1991 NO CLAIM TO ORIG. U.S. GOVT. WORKS (SECTION 6 TO BE ADDED TO ORDINANCE 1993 -10) Section 6. The City Code is hereby amended to provide a new subsection 1000.11 as follows: "1000.11. Nudity in certain places. No person shall appear in a state of nudity in: A. Any place or premises licensed as a food establishment pursuant to Section 720 of this Code; B. Any place or premises licensed to sell beer, wine, or liquor pursuant to Section 900 of this Code; C. Any place, room, or rooms to which members of the public are admitted which adjoin and are accessible from places or premises described in paragraphs A or B of this subsection except public restrooms as defined in Section 455 of this Code;_ or D. Any place, room or rooms where any admission or fee is charged for viewing persons in a state of nudity. For purposes hereof, "nudity' means i) less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, anus, or female breast(s) below a point immediately above the top of the areola; or ii) human male genitals in a discernably turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered." MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of the City Ccuncil Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager FROM: Jerome P. Gilligan DATE: July 30, 1993 RE: Regulation of Sexually- Oriented Businesses The City Council is scheduled to consider an ordinance regulating sexually- oriented businesses at its meeting on August 2, 1993. Any ordinance regulating such businesses will be closely scrutinized by a court because of the First Amendment requirements relating to freedom of speech and expression. In considering such an ordinance it is important to keep in mind that while obscene material is illegal, pornographic material (other than child pornography) is not. Courts have continually struggled to define what constitutes obscenity. While municipalities cannot prohibit sexually - oriented businesses, they can regulate such businesses. However any such regulation may not be enacted for the sole purpose of restricting sexually- explicit speech since restrictions based on the content of speech are unconstitutional per se. Any regulation by the City of sexually- oriented businesses must be based on the adverse secondary effects of such businesses on the community. The ordinance must be narrowly drawn so as not to exceed the degree of regulation justified by the government interest to be protected and the ordinance must provide adult establishments with a reasonable opportunity to locate in the ,municipality. Prior to enacting such an ordinance the City needs to demonstrate a causal link between the presence of such businesses and the interests the City seeks to protect. A number of studies were reviewed by the Study Committee which document the secondary effects of sexually - oriented businesses. These studies should also be carefully reviewed by the City Council. The proposed ordinance contains zoning restrictions and licensing requirements. Among other things, the proposed ordinance regulates adult book stores, adult novelty sales and video stores. These businesses become subject to regulation when a certain threshold with respect to sexually- oriented material (10% or more of stock or 10% or more of floor area) is exceeded. If the threshold is not met these businesses are not regulated by the ordinance. DORSEY & WHITNEY A I'wKCMbuI1IYLMCLWINO PU0rX *PALC0"1Vx1"ui.. This threshold requirement needs to be tied to the point at which such a business results in the adverse secondary effects to the community. All of the studies furnished to the Study Committee and the City Council deal with businesses where the clearly predominate focus of such business is sexually - oriented. A gas station selling a small amount of adult magazines or a video store that rents some adult movies has not been shown by the studies to cause*adverse secondary effects to the community. At what point the line should be drawn becomes difficult, and from reviewing court cases and ordinance of other cities the proposed 10% threshold is the lowest we have found. Consequently, the proposed ordinance is taking a very aggressive approach in this regard. However, if the causal link between such a threshold and the adverse secondary effects of sexually- oriented businesses can be established such a low threshold requirement would be defensible. The licensing requirement is more susceptible to constitutional challenge than the zoning restriction, and the City's ability for denying or revoking a license must be very limited in order to withstand a constitutional challenge. Any grounds for denying or revoking a license needs to be tied to the ptupose the City is trying to protect, i.e. the adverse secondary effects of adult businesses In summary, the following should be kept in mind in considering proposed ordinance: 1. Any regulation of sexually- oriented businesses must be based on protecting the community from the adverse secondary effects of sexually - oriented businesses and not on the basis of restricting sexually - explicit speech or expression. 2. Sexually - oriented businesses may not be prohibited wind must be allowed a reasonable opportunity to locate in the City. 1 Any regulation may not exceed the degree of regulation necessary to protect the community from the adverse secondary effects of sexually - oriented busineses, i.e. the City may not ,regulate a store which sells a small amount of sexually - oriented material, since no study has shown a connection between such a business and the adverse secondary effects on the community. -2- DORSEY & WHITNEY A L•w.fTKrn..M A..%UM11M1 %�WIb -14MAL C6WVMATIOLY IV ° Cr REQUEST FOR P ° URCHASE TO: Edina City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: July 26, 1993 AGENDA ITEM v.A iITEM DESCRIPTION: 72" Mower for Normandale Golf Course Company Amount of Quote or &d 1• Cushman Motor Co. 1. $10,069.57 2. MTI Dist. 2. $10,157.97 i RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Cushman Motor Co. i GENERAL INFORMATION: Mower for Normandale Golf Course for mowing rough. In Normandale Golf Course Budget. r' G Si at a Depa t The Recommended bid is within budget not wit�n budget hn, WallinJVAance Director Kenneth Rosland City `"J �' REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Edina City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.00 DATE: J u 1 v 26, 1993 AGENDA ITEM V• B ITEM DESCRIPTION: Uti 1 i ty Car for Normandal a Gol f Course Company Amount of Quote or &d i Cushman Motor Co. 1. $10,644:68 2. MTI Dist. 2. $10,919.45 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Cushman Motors i GENERAL INFORMATION: Utility Car for Normandale Golf Course In Normandale Golf Course Budget. The Recommended bid is within budget r REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland Pity Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: 2 .august, 1993 AGENDA ITEM V . C . ITEM DESCRIPTION: 'Change Order 7 - Glenn Rehbein Excavating, Inc. Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Change Order 7 �, $ 9,500.00 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5., RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Change Order 7 $ 9,500.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: The City Policy requires any change order which causes the total contract to exceed an additional ten percent limit be brought before Council for approval separate from normal finance approval. See attached memorandum. The Recommended bid is within budget not Public Works - Engineering Department n Wallin. Finance Director Manager CITY OF EDINA MEMORANDUM DATE: 2 August, 1993 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer,/ SUBJECT: Change Order No. 7 Glenn Rehbein Excavating, Inc. The Normandale Golf Course project is close to substantial completion except the Club House. As the course is reviewed by our golf course personnel, some adjustments have been requested. Additional grading along Fairway 1 and other minor grading was requested, and additional irrigation over the base irrigation bid. Also, the golf course contractor has been requested to do a concrete play ring around the new playground area just north of the new course. These costs are outside of the base bid and therefore, requires a change order. This change order would not exceed $9,500 to complete the project. Thus, the recommendation is to approve up to $9,500.00 additional to complete the project. 01 't'&Rpa" REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # -!I---A From: David A. velde Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date:. August 2, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: _ 0 To Council TANNING POLICY /LICENSING Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance 0 Discussion Recommendation: Info/Background- The 1993 Minnesota Legislature enacted a law regulating tanning facilities. The law did not assign enforcement responsibility to any state agency but the law does allow local units of government the option of licensing the facilities. The law provides the consumer with a means of seeking civil action to recover a penalty of no less than $1000 for damages whether actual, consequential or punitive from tanning facilities. Persons under 16 years of age are prohibited from using tanning facilities and persons between 16 and 18 years of age must have parental consent to use these facilities. The law sets forth the following regulations for tanning facilities: * Tanning equipment must meet Code of Federal Regulations specifications * Safety requirements such as goggles for eyes, guard rails, timers and temperature monitoring * Signs warning the consumer about radiation hazards * Consumer notification consisting of signed acknowledgement about radiation hazards * Record keeping such as complaint record, individual log of consumer usage and equipment maintenance. The Edina Yellow pages list six tanning facilities operating in Edina. No attempt has been made to identify additional facilities at this time. If the City Council wishes to pursue this legislation by enforcing the law, I would recommend we develop an Ordinance to set forth the regulations and establish a licensing procedure for these facilities. AGENDA ITEM VI.B July 1.8, 1993 The Honorable Frederick S. Richards Mayor City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 p,-ar T', -e, ,'.. We will be moving out of Edina in mid - August and therefore, I will be resigning from the Park Board. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you, the Park Board, t=he staff at City Hall, other volunteers and community members. The City of Edina has a wonderful Park System that we can all be proud of. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part or this fine organization. Best regards, r Pat Vagnoni 6512 Gleason Court Fdi.na; MN 55436 CC: Bob Kojetin A. o e 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & Council Members Agenda Item # VI.C. From: Ken Rosland Consent F7, Information Only Date: August 2, 1993 Mgr. Recommends To HRA Subject: EARLY RETIREMENT 0 To Council i LEGISLATION Action Motion '1 Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the early retirement, incentive program. BACKGROUND : An early retirement bill for public employees was passed in this last legislative session. The early retirement incentive program is limited to employees who have at least 25 years of combined service credit and are at least 55 years old. This window of early retirement benefit is from May 17, 1993, to January 31, 1994. The early retirement incentive option has an increase of 1/4% per year up to 30 years. This is added to their normal retirement annuity. I would recommend the City Council authorize the program to all of its employees who are eligible. I believe it would be to the City's advantage, as retired employees are replaced with employees at a lesser wage package. However, the legislation also states that the City cannot replace a person who retires under this program until June 30 of 1995 unless the City Council specifically approves the position to be replaced. I will bring to the City Council each person who I believe should be replaced, and you can act on each individual case. ee • - - -�a _ -- -.-- -- - 4 S-- O- t!��- �- - - - - -- ��-vda q�._ - -- - -- - - - - -- -------- - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- ono /e- 'Pr�, -� 0! - �r - - .S�y!J�'' 4 jl� -� - -!� -- - �C/�4/�JG. � _ -.Tc/ �_° - -D r -- - - -e /�� !t .�� -- -- li'✓/ - -- !��lvG - U1scuss -�� r� // ;m_� ,�GSe �U_- C�1- ��•��' _._G.1..�__ ,'� eri _ � r'� - - -- � suc e d -2r- - - - - - -- 414.7e .42....24 a- cl�_ as 0 c - - -p � _�_��� ,t4s�i�L��S _� —L��UG /�2�0 0��_ /J Vii- r�0_r��O�•- �% O C / �/4 ��' iii/ N A/% ail �i, ✓J ee J a/re _.1lST__.o &:/.0' �.• - - - -- -- - -- - - 'z` -__ l° `�I�- - - - - ©� - o _ C n io_l.�e a- - - - - ----------- - - - - -- - - - -- S �c�_ crr2 4!_ 'S'c► �� ..ate �.� � ��- - - -- - -- — - - - - - -- - -, - -- - -- �- - - -- zo--- be --Ira Wee ax ee 4,!f iJ� e /A,:;, el --- z4e:,-i n.4-, - Pa Ilel7cr- of" oll lie 2C �e -- el er 011 W100, tea: ��e _ .sGy� Vol SOe-! ;ew-s lie "OA!!�z lz 10 a.009 o"do J�e 9!�s la?;W10op? low - 'p-e- �'c���yfo�...^1 Z �4 RO LLI 1+•l, , W / WHITING iM RCLE 1 EAST > yr g 4 ST �o4•t s i <AIYE r�65 ST = s I 1 cr LSIDE r - w ~ j6i ST IR. 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M ..��Pes 9plfo � • r � +•� O -%T d \t' � �` ♦ i I`ll ♦\\ i� `.. i � �. �', ,_ Q ..� Q �\� /�T- s LACK � � - I fi �� _• �� L', � -rl�f I` y�` '�- -� __,_ � � '�- -_� +-- c_�t�._ � III i 1 ' �:.✓. . }} ,vi(t.1 :Y . i T LO I. -�.T._ / _[� f,..r i Oil 4973 - —1=II �'�. , - .�j� -- r• - CL A r / r 2+ Lake d�toror; Le a- 'RSHtpE k_, Our Lady..- f:�_Ce ! ch Z_- P.iina,Hlrthtand9 ' � 4972 _- ` a9 1 �€{ +'� st ED 4- nff == =c .v��_s�ec_ `= < 71 \ p�rR - - 17 CL 690 000 - = g6e._ __ �r w FEET ~ -- ` — r, -Lake Corr a• -,c,r 4PP` iL 857 --` - 125.0•`_ __ mcc � -' � _ X11 �. ', / \M( �I( '_ � _' �•� � rofk�_ 5= J - - --_ 4969 y - - - -• \f - -I,T.r -- reF/' >� �a� �- -_ — .= ti = =,T — °' :__ �_a 44 °52'30" 93 °22'30" 471W _ t-. _D� f<< -? iJ ♦�,� Mapped, edited, and published by the Geological Survey Q�Pyr• Control by USGS, USC &GS, and USCE Topography by photogrammetric methods from aerial photcgraphs (! taken 1947. Field checked 1952. Revised from aerial photographs taken 1966. Field checked 1967 �. '+d MILS Hydrography compiled from Information furnished by 4 Minnesota Department of Conservation Polyconic projection. 1927 North American datum 1 10,000 -foot grid based on Minnesota coordinate system, _ .•14C,NErlc ra. - •+ South zone - 1000 -meter Universal Transverse Mercator f;r d ticks, zone 15, shown in blue FOR SALE Red tint indicates areas in which only landmarx nuildings are shown (k O ry =11 {1: IBBB REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To. KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER Agenda Item # VII.B From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Consent 0 Information Only ❑ Date: JULY 28, 1993 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: PETITION FOR STREET 0 To Council LIGHTING - INTERSECTION OF VIRGINIA AV AND Action Motion VIRGINIA LN ❑ Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Refer the petition for street lighting at the intersection of Virginia Avenue and Virginia Lane to the Engineering Department for processing. Info /Background: The attached petition for street lighting was received from residents on Virginia Avenue and Virginia Lane. Our normal procedure,is to refer the petition to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. El SIDEWALK ❑ALLEY PAVING VSTREET TERMAIN El STORM SEWER ❑SANITARY SEWER LIGHTING ❑ CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET ❑ OTHER: SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. . LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between(10p V&614fif G .J . and (0 V161WYk AF- ADDRESS ADDRESS between and ADDRESS ADDRESS between and ADDRESS ADDRESS between ADDRESS and ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) G9owtse Y PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S VIWAA PHONE ACS- CM -(o890 *713Elos o L4. U-2zqS 471zVR614AL9- C1,2z -??02L �l IZ ,"4 f. S zo- 0 This petition was circulated by: & 5 y j4e CE. 105� z t�g& VlfflxPW . - ?Q20 -49�t NAME ADDRESS PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. SEPTEMBER 7880 e V4 U) I El� 3 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From. MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: JULY 28m 1993 Subject: PETITION FOR STREET LIGHTING - WEST 70TH STREET BETWEEN 5708 & 571 Agenda Item # VII . C Consent CJ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Refer the petition for street lighting on West 70th Street between 5708 and 5712 to the Engineering Department for processing. Info /Background: The attached petition for street lighting was received from residents on West 70th Street. Our normal procedure is to refer the petition to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. ❑SIDEWALK ❑ALLEY PAVING ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ STORM SEWER ❑ SANITARY SEWER � EET LIGHTING ❑ CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET ❑ OTHER: SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. 5 TRef T Aivy To c3� >OI,A C�5 jb o •v w. 7o f fl JI'K EE r between :5-70 8 and s 71 iC LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S SIGNATURE (PRINTED) PHONE d C0eE4 0- eARe-n1 23kerso• ..1'-71a ZtJ - 7o fib s,- S BF_TH d TE2 eHv LAt► S' 5-708%,V 701'' D4LE cE1L1E &iEv,o 2 - 5 7 r i This petition was circulated by: Goeee-, e7-5041 S-71.2 w, 70z�/ FYI- ss� NAME ADDRESS PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. SEPTEMBER 1990 o e� >1 J • 'V�Nlf1/N'vO/ REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: GORDON L. HUGHES Date: AUGUST 2, 1993 Subject: AMM URBAN STRATEGIES COMMITTEE Recommendation: Info /Background: Agenda Item # XIII.A. Consent Information Only F7 Mgr. Recommends 17 To HRA__ T To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution El Ordinance Discussion The Urban Strategies Committee of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM) was established in 1992 for the purpose of tracking legislation affecting the governance process in the metropolitan area. The Committee comprises relatively equal numbers of elected and appointed officials from the metropolitan area. This Committee spent much of its time reviewing and commenting on legislation offered by Representative Myron Orfield during the most recent legislative session. I participated in this Committee during the 1993 session and have been asked to again participate this fall and winter. Although I am willing and interested in serving on this Committee, the City Council may wish to have its view points expressed by an elected official. The AMM has advised me that we are entitled to one seat on this Committee and it would be our choice if this seat were held by an elected rather than an appointed official. The first meeting of the Committee is scheduled for 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, September 1, 1993. Twice a month meetings should be anticipated at least for the near term and the Committee will exist for at least one year. July 30, 1993 t asi�ociatiQn of metro olitan municipalities TO: AMM Urban Strategies Task Force FROM: Dave Childs, AMM President Jim Prosser, Chair RE: Formation of Urban Strategies Task Force Initial Meeting Scheduled for Wednesday noon, September 1, 1993 You have been appointed by the AMM Board of Directors to serve on this special task force subject to your willingness to serve. The purpose of this task force is to deal with the type of issues that were much discussed during the last legislative session dealing with deterioration of the urban core; including but not limited to growing concentration of poverty, lack of jobs, inadequate housing for low income persons, crime, poor public transportation, etc. While the issues were discussed at great length, very little consensus emerged on solutions for several reasons including: - Confusion between "problems" - Inappropriate identification the legislative session. -Lack of consensus on priority and "symptoms." of "have" versus "have nots" during problems and solutions. The AMM Board believes long range, effective solutions can only be achieved if the whole region and its component parts become part of the solution. The intent of the task force is to enable the AMM to develop a position for these issues. The Position should be based on regional perspective rather than pitting sub - regions against sub - regions and cities against cities. The first meeting as noted will be Wednesday noon, September 1 in the AMM /LMC offices. The work program, schedule and frequency of meetings will be determined at the meeting. It is very likely that the task force will find it necessary to meet twice a month in the early stages and its duration will be for at least one year. We hope you will be able to serve on this very important AMM task force but if you cannot, please call Vern Peterson, AMM Executive Director, and let him know (490- 3301). Thank you. NOTE: A detailed meeting notice and agenda for the September 1 meeting will be mailed about 10 days in advance so please mark your calendars now. 34901exington avenue north, st. paul, minnesota 55126 (612) 490 -3301 AGENDA ITEM X.A J 6700 Portland Avenue - Richfield, Minnesota 55423 -2599 City Manager Mayor Council James D. Prosser Martin Kirsch Don Priebe Michael Sandahl Susan Rosenberg July 27, 1993 Dear Community Official: Russ Susag There has never been a more important time for local communities to join together to discuss critical transit access issues, especially with the potential threat of substantial construction delays on 1 -35W and the seasonal loss of access from south of the river due to flooded overpasses and bridges. No matter what happens along the 35W corridor during the next twenty years, residents of all Twin Cities communities need effective transit services immediately. On Wednesday, August 4. 1993, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the City of Richfield and Dakota County will host an informational meeting to discuss the planned High Speed Bus Project at the Richfield City Hall. 6700 Portland Avenue South. You are cordially invited to attend this discussion, and to stay for lunch, which will be served immediately after the meeting is adjourned. The High Speed Bus Project encompasses many innovative transit components and enhancements in its anticipated design, including: ♦ Neighborhood circulators ♦ Nonstop express service ♦ Dedicated traffic lanes ♦ Real time technologies ♦ The use of clean, alternative fuels ♦ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compatibility ♦ Reverse commute routing ♦ Employer site shuttles ♦ Intra- suburban service connections A phased workplan is being developed for the High Speed BUs Project. The marketing and initial strategic planning phase of the project will terminate in September of 1993, with a second phase beginning in October 1993 to: I ♦ Target federal, state and regional funding for a two -year demonstration project: ♦ Plan specific service delivery In identified areas. The final 'pl .ase of the workplan calls for demonstration project se. /ice to begin in late 1094 cr early 1995. Your attendance at the August 4th meeting is critical, as we intend to expand the coalition members and further define system boundaries and service. In order to approach the 1994 Legislature with a specific High Speed Bus Project plan, we need your input and assistance immediately. Please RSVP to Karin Batchelder at the City of Richfield. 861 -9716, by August.2. 1993. Should you have any questions in the meantime please feel free to contact Jim Prosser at 861 -9705. �Je �DProsser /City Manager. Richfield JDP /MT:ds MI aeI Turner Dakota County Commissioner The Urban Hometown Telephone (612) 861 -9700 Fax 861 -9749 Pnnal ilnnnrfiinifv Gmnln COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE. JUL 20, 1993, 8:.48 PM page 1 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135959 06/04/93 - $138,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 060493 LIQUOR PROG CASH 06/04/93 $138,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 060493 LIQUOR PROG CASH < "> $0.00* 135960 06/07/93 $1,795.16 FORTIS BENEFITS HOSPITALIZATION 052893. CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATI < *> 51,795.16* 135961 07/15/93 $126.33 EAGLE WINE LI19930610 97630 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.28 EAGLE WINE LI19930810 97630 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $604.30 EAGLE WINE LI19930610 97631 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$6.04 EAGLE WINE LI19930610 97631 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $910.47 EAGLE WINE LI19930614 97633 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -59.10 EAGLE WINE LI19930614 97633 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT.LI0715 07/15/93 $632.37 EAGLE WINE LI19930614 97634 YORK SELLING - CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 -56.32 EAGLE WINE LI19930614 97634 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $292,.83 EAGLE•WINE LI19930614 97627 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$2:43 EAGLE WINE LI19930614 97627 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $780.34 EAGLE WINE L119930614 97629 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$7.80 EAGLE WINE LI19930814 97629 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 < *> $3,313.19* 135962 07/15/93 $47.75 -ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930610 17658 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -50.96 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930610 17658 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $253.68 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930610 17407 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/1§/93 -$5.07 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930610 17407 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $536.20 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930610 17549 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $355.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930610 17664 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $522.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930610 17616 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1,513.49 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17379 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$30.27 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17379 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $627.20 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17217 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $282.98 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17505 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10715 07/15/93 -$5.66 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17505 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $127.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17418 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$2.54 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17418 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $839.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17380 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LIG715 07/15/93 $391.85 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17508 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 $992.07 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17419 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $19.84 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17419 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $632.85 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17420 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1,036.75 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930614 17219 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $89.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17507 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.78 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930614 17507 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 < *> $8,182.40" 135963 07/15/93 $158.65 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930614 97735 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$3.17 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930614 97735 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,481.62 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930614 97737 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $49.63 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930614 97737 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,618.18 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930614 97732 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $72.36 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930614 97732 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $539.29 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930614 97733 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $10.79 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930614 97733 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,085.35 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930614 97739 YORK SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $29.51 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930614 97739 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 2 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < -> $9,717.83- 135964 07/15/93 5442.06 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490086 50TH ST SELLIN.CST OF GD LIQ LI6715 07/15/93 $3.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490086 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$8.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490086 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $811.37 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490078 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $7.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490078 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$8.11 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490078 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $512.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490102 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $11.96. JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490102 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$5.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490102 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,215.22 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490094 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $6.37 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490094 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 .7$24.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490094 50TH ST SELLIN-CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,782.41 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490425 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $13.61 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490425 YORK SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $55.86 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490425 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,251.45 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490433 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $25.48 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490433 YORK SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $12.53 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 _ 490433 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $553.59 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490409 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 54.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490409 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$5.54 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490409 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LID715 07/15/93 $960.79 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490391 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/1511/93 $10.40 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490391 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$9.60 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490391 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,378.67 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490417 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $19.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490417 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715. 07/15/93 - $47.57 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490417 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $245.65 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490037 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $3.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490037 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LID715 07/15/93 -$2.46 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490037 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $693.70 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490060 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $14.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490060 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$6.93 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490060 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,916.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490052 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $15.34 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490052 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $58.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490052 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,733.27 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490045 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $12.48 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490045 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $34.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 490045 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $628.64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 474692 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $3.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 474692 VERNON SELLING, CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $12.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 474692 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $31.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 1508241 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 . 07/15/93 -$4.73 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930614 464453 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 135966 07/15/93 $60.00 PRIOR WINE PRIOR WINE COMPANY COMPANY LI19930614 LI19930614 97734 97734 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 -$0.60 $583.89 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930614 97736 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$5.84 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930614 97736 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,115.05 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930614 97738 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $11.15 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930614 97738 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $60.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930614 97729 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LIC715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 3 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135966 07/15/93 -$0.80 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930614 97729 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $907.90 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930614 97730 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$9.08 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930614 97730 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 < ■> $2,699.57" 135967 07/15/93 $1,243.89 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092368 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $24.88 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092368 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,041.36 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092347 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $10.41 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092347 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,205.27 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092322 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $22.05 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092322 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,379.10 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092346 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $13.79 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092346 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3.,633.28 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092366 YORK SELLING : CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $72.67 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092366 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,374,.44 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092367 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $46.53 QUALITY WINE LI19930614 092367 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 <�> $11,687.01' 135968 07/15/93 $159.00 WINE MERCHANTS LI19930614 4468 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $3.00 WINE MERCHANTS LI19930614 4468 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN LI0715 <�> $162.00" 135969 07/15/93 $86.00 WORLD CLASS WINES IN LI19930614 14324 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI071S 07/14/93 $151.67 WORLD CLASS WINES IN LI19930614 14328 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 <•> $217.67" 135970 07/15/93 $62.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930614 31992 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930614 31992 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 <•> $65.00" 135971 06/08/93 $30,014.74 PERA PERA 060493 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYA < ■> $30,014.74" 135972 06/08/93 $19.62 PERA PERA 060493 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYA <,%> $19.62" 135973 06/08/93 $22,141.76 FIDELITY BANK FICA /MEDICARE 060493 GENERAL FD PRO PAYROLL PAYAB <*> $22,141.76" 135974 07/15/93 $320.05 EAGLE WINE LI19930616 99880 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$3.20 EAGLE WINE LI19930616 99880 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $247.80 EAGLE WINE LI19930616 99875 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$2.48 EAGLE WINE LI19930616 99875 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $323.70 EAGLE WINE LI19930616 99878 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$3.24 EAGLE WINE L119930616 99878 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $417.74 EAGLE WINE LI19930616 99882 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$4.18 EAGLE WINE LI19930616 99882 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 <•> $1,296.19" 135975 07/15/93 $583.14 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19852 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $11.66 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19852 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $586.15 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19853 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $560.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19625 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $339.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19698 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 4 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. S --------------------------------------------7--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135975 07/15/93 $108.98 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19977 SOTH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -52.18 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19977 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 5902.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19539 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $193.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19540 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $257.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19466 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $1,149.20 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19858 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $697.81 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19857 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 - $13.96 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19857 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $874.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19832 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $270.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930616 19717 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $923.37 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19831 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 - $18.47 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19831 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LID714 07/15/93 $163.47 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19933 YORK SELLING ` CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 -$3.27 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19933 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $420.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 19636 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $365•.15 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930616 18029 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 < ■> $8.346.3' X40.00 Grim Cooper & Co i,II199 0p66]6 U816 00446 00468 V po WAIT S LIN "CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 135976 07/15/93 $1,995.08 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI199 07/15/93 - $39.90 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00468 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 - $172.32 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 80242 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $1.72 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 80242 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $831.69 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00465 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 - $16.63 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00465 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/1°x/93 S3,239.88 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00466 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/155/93 - $64.80 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00466 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $1,067.78 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00467 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 - $21.36 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00467 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $3,442.48 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00469 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 - $68.31 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00469 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 51,806.47 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00470 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 -$3�3� ,GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930616 00470 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 < > !�� i5 55 $12'S$i,V74.81 135977 07/15/93 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522979 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 56.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522979 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$21.51 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522979 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $69.25 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522995 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $0.26 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522995 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -50.69 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522995 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 535.03 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523019 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523019 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523019 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $160.00 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523001 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523001 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.60 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523001 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,499.27 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522987 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $4.94 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522987 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $29.99 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522987 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $78.88 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 529750 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $0.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 529750 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.79 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 529750 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $179.59 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523027 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $4.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523027 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15193 -$1.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523027 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 5 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. • ---------------------------------=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135977 07/15/93 -$8.09 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930616 1510130 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUN LI0714 07/15/93 - $15.07 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 517847 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 - $36.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 502195 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 $199.23 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930616 522888 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $2.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522888 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$1.99 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522888 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $741.21 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522896 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $9.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522896 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$7.41 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522896 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $125.49 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522938 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $3.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522938 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$1.26 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522938 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $485.30 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522946 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $8.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522946 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$4.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522946 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $1,330.21 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522912 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 $9:148 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522912 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 - $26.62 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930616 522912 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $3,945.47 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522920 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 $19.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 522920 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 - $78.92 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930616 522920 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $284.70 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523050 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 $1.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523050 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10714 07/15/93 -$5.69 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930616 523050 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/1 /93 $139.75 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523035 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/11/93 $2.60 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523035 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$1.40 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523035 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $527.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523084 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $9.88 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523084 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$5.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523084 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $362.94 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523076 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10714 07/15/93 $10.92 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523076 YORK SELLING' CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$3.64 'JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523076 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $743.83 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930616 523043 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $7.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523043 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$7.44 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523043 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10714 07/15/93 $3,928.31 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523068 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 $23.49 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523068 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 - $78.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 523068 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $78.88 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 529743 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $0.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 529743 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$0.79 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930616 529743 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $165.65 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930617 522961 50TH`ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $2.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930617 522961 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$1.67 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930617 522961 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 <•> $15,944.41" 135978 07/15/93 $80.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930616 32290 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930616 32290 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $89.40 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930616 32288 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930616, 32288 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $202.80 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930616 32291 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $5.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930616 32291 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 <�> S383.20" COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 6 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135979 07/15/93 $388.36 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LIIO930616 99879, 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$3.88 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930616 99879 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 ' 07/15/93 $1,212.69 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930616 99876 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$12.13 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930616 99876 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $790.83 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930616 99881 YORK SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$7.91 PRIOR WINE COMPANY L119930616. 99881 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10714 < *> $2,367.96* 135980 07/15/93 $1,121.39 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094340 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$22.43 QUALITY WINE LI19930516 094340 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $770.86 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094475 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$7.71 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094475 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,356.91 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 090185 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 - $13.57 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 090185 YORK SELLING ­CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 - 530.95 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 093230 YORK SELLING CST OF GO WIN L10714 07/15/93 $246...62 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094491 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 01/.15/93 -$2.A7 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094491 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $1,895.93 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094485 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$18.96 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094485 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $3,064.53 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094337 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0714 07/15/93 - 561.29 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094337 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $751.50 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094469 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$7.52 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094469 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 $2,204.32 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094339 YORK SELLING CST OF GO LIQ L10714 07/1li/93 - $44.09 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 094339 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/1 /93 - $1,356.91 QUALITY WINE LI-19930616 090185 YORK SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $13.57 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 090185 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07- /15/93 $1,387.86 QUALITY WINE LI19930616 090185 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 -$13.57 QUALITY WINE L119930616 090185 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 < *> $11,234.02* 135981 07/14/93 $488.00 THE WINE COMPANY LI19930616 9055 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/14/93 55.40 IHE WINE COMPANY LI19930616 9055 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 <*> $493.40* 135982 07/14/93 $159.00 WORLD CLASS WINES IN LI19930616 32192 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/14/93 $2.00 WORLD CLASS WINES IN LI19930616 32192 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 < *> $161.00* 135983 06/18/93 $74,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 061893 LIQUOR PROG CASH 06/18/93 - $74,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 061-893 LIQUOR PROG CASH < *> $0.00* 135984 06/21/93 $19.62 PERA PERA 061893 GENERAL FD PRO. P.E.R.A. PAYA < ■> $19.62* 135985 06/21/93 $20,732.32 PERA PERA 061893 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYA <*> $20,732.32* - 135986 06/21/93 $1,217.93 PERA PERA 061993 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYA < *> $1,217.93* 135987 06/21/93 $25,979.53 FIDELITY BANK MEDICARE /FICA 061893 GENERAL FD PRO PAYROLL PAYAB < *> $25,979.53* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 7 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135988 06/22/93 $9,000.00 PERA BALANCE DUE 061893 GENERAL FD ;PRO P.E.R.A. PAYA < *> $9,000.00* 135990 07/15/93 $639.75 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22341 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $351.90 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22173 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $114.74 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22515 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ L10715 07/15/93 -$2.29 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22515 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $406.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22434 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $759.56 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22340 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ L10715 07/15/93 - $15.19 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22340 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $88.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 23289 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.76 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 23289 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $27.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22354 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $532.85 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22206 VERNON SELLING -CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $843.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22445 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1,305..40 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22355 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $26.11 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22355 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $214.25 ED PHILLIPS &SONS L119930625 22521 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$4.29 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930625 22521 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10715 07/15/93 $969.70 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22356 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $468.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 2244 YORK SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $90.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22411 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $367.97 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930625 22520 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/1593 -$7.36 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930625 22520 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $757.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22198 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15 /93 $1,221.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22351 YORK SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $24.42 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22351 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,151.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930625 22352 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 < *> $10,228.00* 135991 07/15/93 $158.65 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12829 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$3.17 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12829 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,453.85 BRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12830 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LIG715 07/15/93 - 569.08 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12830 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $635.62 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12831 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$6.36 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. L119930625 12831 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,819.41 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. L119930625 12833 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $36.69 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12833 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 - $1,819.41 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12833 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $36.69 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12833 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,819.41 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12833 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $36.39 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12833 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,909.98 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. L119930625 12834 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $76.05 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12834 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,998.57 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. L119930625 12835 YORK SELLING CST OF GO LIQ L10715 07/15/93 - $39.97 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 12835 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 - $55.44 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. L119930625 80771 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $55.44 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. L119930625 80771 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $56.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 80771 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF. GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 50.56 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 80771 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT L10715 07/15/93 - $540.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930625 00446 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUN LID715 < *> $11,149.62* 135992 07/15/93 $762.79 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930625 550384 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $8.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550384 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 8 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135992 07/15/93 -$7.63 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550384 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LIG715 07/15/93 $201.54 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550434 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $4.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550434 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$2.00 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550434 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $121.20 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550418 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $0.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930625 550418 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.21 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550418 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $64.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550426 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $0.64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550426 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550426 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 - $64.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550426 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550426 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $0.64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550426 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $63.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550426 50TH ST SELLIN-CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $2.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930625 550426 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$0..64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550426 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,028.89 *i6 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550400 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $6. JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550400 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$20.57 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550400 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $784.64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550392 50TH ST SELLIN CST -OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $5.72 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550392 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $15.70 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550392 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $877.42 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550327 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $9.88 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550327 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/11 ✓93 -$8.77 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550327 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $74.05 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550350 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $0.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550350 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.74 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550350 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $445.61 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550376 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $9.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550376 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -84.44 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550376 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10715 07/15/93 $142.47 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550368 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $4.68 -JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930625 550368 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.44 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550368 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,327.00 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550343 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $16.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550343 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $66.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550343 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,082.19 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930625 550335 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $14.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550335 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $41.65 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550335 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,663.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550467 YORK SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $16.38 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550467 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $73.29 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550467 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,526.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550459 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $10.40 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930625 550459 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $30.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930625 550459 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $831.19 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930625 550442 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $10.40 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550442 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 -$8.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930625 550442 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $169.05 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550475 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550475 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.69 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550475 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $355.10 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930625 550483 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 $8.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550483 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$3.54 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550483 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 9 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # 135992 07/15/93 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'---------------------------------- $911.57 , JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550491 YORK SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $17.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550491 YORK SELLING, CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$9.13 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 550491 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $75.25 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 532374 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.75 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 532374 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 -$3.49 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930625 539205 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 < *> $17,287.86* 135993 07/15/93 $113.80 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930625 32409 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930625 32409 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $34.40 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930625 32412 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 51.50 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930625 32412 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 < *> $152.70* 135994 07/15/93 $737.37 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930625 12165 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 - $7,.37 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930625 12165 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $68:57 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930625 12166 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LIG715 07/15/93 -$0.69 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930625 12166 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,333.72 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930625 12167 YORK 'SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 - 07/15/93 - $13.34 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930625 12167 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $727.48 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930625 12832 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$7.27 PRIOR WINE - COMPANY LI19930625 12832 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 < *> $2,838.47* 135995 07/1 /93 $1,034.29 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096102 50TH ST SELLIN, CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/1 /93 - $10.34 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096102 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,039.03 QUALITY WINE LI19930525 096103 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $10.39 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096103 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,781.71 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096107 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $17.82 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096107 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $119.75 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096111 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,942.66 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096181 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $58.85 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096181 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,835.18 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096192 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $76.70 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096192 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $64.75 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096200 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.65 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096200 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $837.87 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096252 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $16.76 QUALITY WINE LI19930625 096252 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 < *> $11,463.73* 135996 07/15/93 $632.90 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12245 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$6.33 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12245 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $132.00 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12246 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.32 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12246 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $194.25 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12707 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.94 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12707 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $73.44 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12247 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.73 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12247 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $64.90 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12248 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.65 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12248 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $123.90 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12249 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.24 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12249 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $147.80 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12250 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.48 EAGLE WINE LI19930625 12250 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 10 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $1,355.50* 135997 06/23/93 $11,446.34 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTE STORE 42 061093 LIQUOR PROG MACH. & EQUIP < *> $11,446.34* r 135998 07/15/93 $1,481.67 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14460 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 - $14.82 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14460 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $315.07 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14461 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 -$3.15 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14461 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $177.56 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14465 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.78 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14465 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $889.59 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14466 YORK SELLING _CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$8.90 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14466 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $134.00 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 15890 VERNON SELLING -CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 . -$1.34 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 15890 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $434.24 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14463 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$4: ,34 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14463 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,481.67 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14460 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 - $14.82 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14460 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 07/15/93 - $1,481.67 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14460 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0714 07/15/93 $14.82 EAGLE WINE LI19930630 14460 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0714 < *> S3,397.80* 135999 07/15/93 $1,633.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24611 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/1g�93 $54.49 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24812 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/1 /93 -51.09 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24812 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $305.35 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24602 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1,260.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930530 23945 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $136.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24811 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $250.85 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24684 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$5.02 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24684 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $724.39 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24525 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1,202.58 'ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24690 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $24.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24690 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $624.15 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630- 24614 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $345.60 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24824 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $451.20 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24407 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $2,205.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 23955 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $278.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24860 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$5.57 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24860 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $22.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 23987 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $22.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 23987 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $2,205.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 23987 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $227.40 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24550 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $749.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119930630 24859 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1,630.30 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24736 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $32.61 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930630 24736 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 < *> $14,215.27* 136000 07/15/93 $3,528.41 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930630 15080 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $70.57 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930630 15080 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI07,15 07/15/93 $634.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930630 15081 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $12.68 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930630 15081 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,674.46 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930630 15084 YORK SELLING CST OF GO LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $73.49 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930630 15084 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 11 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR - - - - -- DESCRIPTION_ - - - -- INVOICE ------ PROGRAM - - - - -- -- - - - - -- OBJECT ---- - -P_0_ # -- - - - - -- -------- 136000 -------------------- 07/15/93 --- $727.03 - - - - -- - -- GRIGGS COOPER -- -- -------- & CO. & CO. LI19930630 LI19930630 15085 15085 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST OF GD LIQ CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 - 514.55 GRIGGS COOPER <•> $8,392.81" 136001 07/15/93 $2,289.50 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 516443 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $13.00 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 516443 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $22.90 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 516443 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $382.14 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573790 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $11.44 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573790 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$3.81 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573790 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $375.46 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573808 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $7.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573808 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$3.74 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573808 YORK SELLING --CST CASH DISCOUNT L10715 07/15/93 $1,424.75 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573758 YORK SELLING OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $16.64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573758 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 - S14'.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573758 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,917.b5 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573774 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $20.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930630 573774 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ L10715 07/15/93 - $58.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573774 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,333.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 467886 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $8.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 467886 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $26.66 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 467886 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,031.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573709 573709 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 LI0715 07/1¢/93 07/1 §5 /93 $7.28 - 520.62 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930630 LI19930630 573709 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/1 /93 $1,188.54 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930630 L119930630 573717 573717 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $5.46 - $23.76 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930630 573717 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $15.83 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573733 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $0.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573733 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -50.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930630 LI19930630 573733 573725 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT CST OF GD WIN LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $86.52 $0:52 JOHNSON 'JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930630 573725 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 -50.87 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573725 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $30.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573691 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.31 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573691 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT L10715 07/15/93 $431.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573683 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $5.20 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573683 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$4.31 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573683 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $380.37 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573741 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $7.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573741 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$3.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573741 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $15.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573766 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 -50.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573766 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $145.62 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573634 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.47 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573634 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $581.94 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930630 573626 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $7.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573626 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 -$5.82 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573626 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $108.46 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119930630 L119930630 573667 573667 VERNON VERNON SELLING SELLING CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN L1071S LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $3.12 -51.08 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930630 573667 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $403.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 L119930630 573675 573675 VERNON VERNON SELLING SELLING CST OF GD WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $9.32 -$4.03 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19930630 573675 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM I page 12 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136001 07/15/93 $2,160.67 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573642 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $13.52 JOHNSON -WINE CO. LI19930630 573642 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $43.23 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573642 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,889.25 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573782 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $17.51 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573782 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$58.23 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573782 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $125.89 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573782 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.02 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573782 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,218.69 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573659 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 $19.89 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573659 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $64.40 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573659 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $79.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573659 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -15.64 -$0-6* JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930630 573659 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 $21, 094 .93* 136002 07/15/93 $183.80 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930630 32562 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $4..00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930630 32562 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 <•> $187.80" 136003 07/15/93 $640.31 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930630 14462 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$6.40 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930630 14462 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $991.68 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930630 14467 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$9.92 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930630 14467 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $86.50 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930630 15079 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO WIN LI0715 07/11/93 -$0.87 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930630 15079 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/1 /93 $60.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930630 15083 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -50.60 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930630 15083 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $437.71 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930630 14464 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$4.38 PRIOR,WINE COMPANY LI19930630 14464 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 < ■> $2,194.03" 136004 07/15/93 $1,237.96 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098005 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $12.38 'QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098005 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,690.90 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098015 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$16.91 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098015 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $119.75 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098017 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,295.37 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098022 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $12.95 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098022 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $119.75 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098023 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $4,375.25 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098266 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $87.51 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098266 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $56.95 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098269 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -SO.57 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098269 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,630.85 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098277 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $52.62 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098277 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $76.39 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098309 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.53 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098309 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $555.00 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098960 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$11.10 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098960 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 - $42.83 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 096891 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1,729.18 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098310 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF.GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - 534.58 QUALITY WINE LI19930630 098310 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 <•> $13,614.37" 136005 07/15/93 $92.00 WORLD CLASS WINES IN LI19930630 32380 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, "JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 13 CHECK# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. # 136005 07/15/93 $2.00 WORLD CLASS WINES IN LI19930630 32380 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 ()%> $94.00" 136007 07/15/93 $81.30 CITY BEER LI19930706 74986 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI'LI0715 07/15/93 $157.20 CITY BEER LI19930706 75321 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $0.80 CITY BEER LI19930706 75822 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $64.00 CITY BEER LI19930706 75823 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 —$0.80 CITY BEER LI19930706 75822 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $82.00 CITY BEER LI19930706 75822 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 < ■> $384.50" 136008 07/15/93 $41.62 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930706 2035812 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $43.07 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930706 1786159 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $91.76 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930706 1904802 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $90.40 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930706 1873726 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $63..26 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930706 1954005 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $234,,50 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930706 2035853 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $120.20 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930706 1873767 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $88.37 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930706 1954054 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $192.90 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930706 1708641 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $111.38 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930706 1786209 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 <ok> $1,077.46" 136009 07/15/93 $65.60 DAVIDSEN DISTRIBUTIN LI19930706 96045 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 < ■> ,of 565.60" 136010 07/15/93 $778.55 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 228869 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,465.40 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 222597 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $841.95 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 219693 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $954.10 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 217420 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,546.55 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 225647 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,263.20 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 228916 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,961.75 "EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 225691 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,756.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 227881 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $4,359.30 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 222643 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $310.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 013592 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,827.30 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930706 219738 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,549.45 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930708 217483 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 <lk> $20,613.55" 136011 07/15/93 $762.80 KUETHER DIST. CO. LI19930706 84857 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $446.55 KUETHER DIST. CO. LI19930706 84036 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $925.30 KUETHER DIST. CO. LI19930706 84491 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,237.70 KUETHER DIST. CO. LI19930706 84884 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $290.45 KUETHER DIST. CO. LI19930706 83595 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2 158.90 KUETHER DIST. CO. LI19930706 84402 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 1903.60 KUETHER DIST. CO. LI19930706 83958 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,278.60 KUETHER DIST. CO. LI19930706 83493 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 < ■> $8,003.90" 136012 07/15/93 $2,566.10 MARK VII SALES LI19930706 133053 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $37.50 MARK VII SALES LI19930706 130886 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $879.65 MARK VII SALES LI19930706 130349 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,820.45 MARK VII SALES LI19930706 127756 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,120.35 MARK VII SALES LI19930706 125864 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 14 CHECK* DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136012 07/1.5/93 $18.82 MARK VII SALES LI19930706 135949 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LIG715 LI0715 07/15/93 $2,904.75 MARK VII SALES LI19930706 135997 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE . 07/15/93 S2, 091.70 MARK VII SALES VII SALES L119930706 LI19930706 133157 130392 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS GDS BE BE LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $2,718.40 $1,164.15 MARK MARK VII SALES L119930706 125905 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,572.40 MARK VII SALES VII SALES LI19930708 LI19930706 127784 135949 YORK 50TH SELLING ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GDS GDS BE BE LI0715 L10715 07/15/93 07/15/93 - $18.82 $1,882.00 MARK MARK VII SALES L119930706 135949 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 <•> $18,757.45" 136013 07/15/93 $67.50 $207.05 MN. BAR MN. BAR LI19930706 LI19930706 132156 133005 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS GDS MI MI LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $102.38 MN. BAR LI19930706 LI19930706 133446 132598 YORK 50TH SELLING ST SELLIN -CST CST OF OF GDS GDS MI MI LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $15.60 556.95 MN. BAR MN. BAR LI19930706 133006 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.43 MN. BAR LI19930706 LI19930706 133557 133443 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $19.60 $157.92 MN. BAR MN. BAR LI19930706 132173 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 < ■> $625.77• 136014 07/15/93 $91.80 NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930706 LI19930706 38478 36514 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS GDS MI MI LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $72.00 $73.80 NORTHSTAR ICE NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930706 43625 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $37.20 NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930706 41583 36884 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GDS GDS MI MI LI0715 LI0715 07/1g/93 07/15/93 $37.20 $45.30 NORTHSTAR ICE NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930706 LI19930706 37362 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $95.88 NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930706 39363 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $37.20 NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930706 LI19930706 44071 40491 50TH YORK ST SELLIN SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS GDS MI MI LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $74.40 $55.80 NORTHSTAR ICE NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930706 42031 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $55.80 NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930706 42703 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 < +> $676.38" 136015 07/15/93 S84.95 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING LI19930706 28996305 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI MI LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 $44.75 $106.10 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING PEPSI COLA BOTTLING LIL9930706 LI19930706 27196304 29196109 50TH YORK ST SELLIN SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93. 07/15/93 $78.45 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING LI19930706 27096105 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $182.65 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING LI19930706 28496105 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 < ■> $496.90' 136016 07/15/93 $1,702.90 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930706 LI19930706 54247 53624 YORK 50TH SELLING ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GDS GDS BE BE LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 5892.75 $106.80 REX DISTRIBUTING REX DISTRIBUTING CO CO LI19930706 43556 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,423.55 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930706 54407 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1 249.35 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930706 52869 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 1623.50 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930706 52070 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $225.20 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930706 41651 .50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,540.30 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930706 51312 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $24.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930706 LI19930706 52514 53435 50TH YORK ST SELLIN SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS GDS BE BE LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $1,360.15 $3,807.60 REX DISTRIBUTING REX DISTRIBUTING CO CO LI19930706 52613 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $53.40 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930706 43551 43553 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS GDS BE BE LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $124.60 $1653.42 REX DISTRIBUTING REX DISTRIBUTING CO CO LI19930706 LI19930706 51306 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,,313.80 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930706 51891 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE. JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 15 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < *> S17,101.32* 136017 07/15/93 $940.90 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 032151 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $881.10 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 032011 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE L10715 07/15/93 $659.20 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 031724 .50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,169.20 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO L119930706 031646 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $248.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 031774 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1 145.60 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 31852 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 1124.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 17460 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $3,933.20 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 031850 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $3,208.65 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO L119930706 032150 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,812.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 031723 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,069.30 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 031647 YORK SELLING - CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,337.50 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 20181 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $381.50 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO LI19930706 061493 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $3,640:.05 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTO L119930706 32009 YORK SELLING CST.OF GDS BE LI0715 < *> $22,550. -20* 136018 07/15/93 $3,685.25 THORPE DISTR. LI19930706 4453 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $130.80 THORPE DISTR. LI19930706 4838 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $3,473.85 THORPE DISTR. LI19930706 4917 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $289.40 THORPE DISTR. LI19930706 5306 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $4,692.95 THORPE DISTR. LI19930706 5367 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 < *> $12,272.25* 136019 d 07/1/93 $13.98 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE L119930706 102261 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 * * 136020 07/15/93 $302.48 M AMUNDSON LI19930706 21235 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $302.48 M AMUNDSON LI19930706 21281 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $282.72 M AMUNDSON L119930706 21361 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $222.16 JAI AMUNDSON LI19930706 21417 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $242.24 M AMUNDSON LI19930706 21443 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI L10715 07/15/93 $465.36 M AMUNDSON L119930706 21454 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $201.76 M AMUNDSON LI19930706 21600 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MI LI0715 < *> $2,019.20* 136021 07/15/93 $567.64 EAGLE WINE LI19930706 16851 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $130.00 EAGLE WINE LI19930706 16852 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.30 EAGLE WINE LI19930706 16852 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 - $567.64 EAGLE WINE LI19930706 16851 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $567.84 EAGLE WINE LI19930706 16851 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 -$5.68 EAGLE WINE LI19930706 16851 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $172.32 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 96315 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.72 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 96315 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $979.19 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 16845 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$9.79 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 16845 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10715 07/15/93 $425.20 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 16846 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$4.25 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 16846 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $19.96 EAGLE WINE LIIO930713 16847 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN L10715 07/15/93 -$0.20 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 16847 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $645.35 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 16854 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 -$6.45 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 16854 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT L10715 07/15/93 $501.80 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 16855 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 . -$5.02 EAGLE WINE LI19930713 16855 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 16 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT ---- -- ----- - - - - -- VENDOR ------------ - - - - -- DESCRIPTION - - - - -- INVOICE - - - -- PROGRAM - ---- -- - - - - -- OBJECT ---- - -P_O. # -- -------- - ----- ---------- <•> ----- -- $3,407.05" 136022 07/15/93 $118.34 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930706 26941 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1,223.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930706 27107 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $54.49 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930706 27108 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -51.09 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930706 27108 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $257.35 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930706 26976 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $652.94 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930706 27106 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $13.06 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930706 27106 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $42.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930706 26977 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $251.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27112 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 -$5.03 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27112 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $674.31 -$13.49 ED PHILLIPS & ED PHILLIPS & SONS SONS LI19930713 L119930713 27110 27110 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING --CASH CST OF GD LIQ DISCOUNT LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 $306.60 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 26902 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $544.64 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27113 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1,632.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27111 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 1763.94 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 26987 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $352.30 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 26903 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $1,919.90 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27115 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $66.12 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27117 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.32 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27117 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $0.27 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27116 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $58.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27377 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/1;/93 -$1.16 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27377 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/1 /93 $1,793.91 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27114 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $35.88 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27114 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.27 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27116 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $27.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19930713 27116 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 <�> $10,668.76" 136023 07/15/93 $2,162.12 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930706 15082 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $43.24 10RIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930706 15082 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $2,735.23 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930706 17500 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $54.70 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930706. 17500 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,757.73 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930714 17497 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$75.15 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930714 17497 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $3,660.17 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930714 17498 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $73.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930714 17498 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $5,740.23 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930714 17501 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $114.80 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930714 17501 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $376.68 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930714 17502 YORK SELLING CST,OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 -$7.53 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19930714 17502 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 0) $18,063.54" 136024 07/15/93 $1,015.86 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930706 410696 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 07/15/93 - $73.27 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930706 580829 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUN LI0715 07/15/93 $14.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19930714 573659. VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQ LI0715 < ■> 5957.43" 136025 07/15/93 $198.90. $4.00 PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930706 LI19930706 32591 32591 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 LI0715 07/15/93 07/15/93 $27.50 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930714 32713 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $354.80 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930714 32712 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 $6.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930714 32712 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 17 CHECK# DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136025 07/15/93 - $40.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19930714 CM630 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 < ■> $551.204 136026 07/15/93 $888.24 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930706 16853 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$8.88 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930706 16853 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $1,950.76 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930714 16848 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 - $19.51 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930714 16848 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $51.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930714 16849 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.51 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930714 16849 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $179.55 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930714 16850 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$1.80 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930714 16850 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 S919.03 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930714 16856 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$9.19 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930714 16856 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 07/15/93 $36.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930714 16857 YORK SELLING ` CST OF GD WIN LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.36 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19930714 16857 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNT LI0715 <4> $3,984.334 136027 07/15/93 $97.06 MN. BAR LI19930712 132171 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $97.00 MN. BAR LI19930712 133007 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $222.76 MN. BAR LI19930712 133440 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 - $10.15 MN. BAR LI19930712 133364 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 - $12.25 MN. BAR LI19930712 070193 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUN LI0715 <4> $395.024 136039 07/1 /93 $13.98 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE LI19930712 103828 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/18/93 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE LI19930712 102559 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 4 < > $59.86* 136040 07/15/93 $97.90 CITY BEER LI19930712 75320 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 <4> $97.904 136041 07/15/93 $2,059.55 THORPE DISTR. LI19930712 5810 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,213.30 " THORPE DISTR. LI19930712 6217 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,422.00 THORPE DISTR. LI19930712 6317 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 <4> $5,694.854 136042 07/15/93 $116.35 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING LI19930712 27896311 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 <4> S116.354 136043 07/15/93 $1,276.10 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 125865 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $83.25 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 125866 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $2,188.40 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 127757 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $51.25 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 129827 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $246.90 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 129826 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $3,233.65 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 130350 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $35.00 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 132533 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,243.75 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 133054 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $28.50 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 133055 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $945.50 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 135321 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,549.50 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 135950 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LID715 07/15/93 $30.90 MARK VII SALES LI19930712 135951 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 <4> $12,912.704 136044 07/15/93 $2,477.60 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930712 51147 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,438.40 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930712 51890 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 8:48 PM page 18 CHECKS DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT P.O. S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136044 07/15/93 $53.40 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LIIO930712 33098 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $1,660.52 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930712 52612 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE L10715 07/15/93 589.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO L119930712 52917 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,785.40 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930712 53436 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $0.89 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930712 43554 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 -$0.89 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930712 43554 VERNON SELLING CST OF ODS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $89.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO LI19930712 43554 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,149.70 REX DISTRIBUTING CO L119930712 54252 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 <•> $11,743.02" 136045 07/15/93 $2,663.35 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930712 217410 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715. 07/15/93 $1,999.65 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930712 219695 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $3019.50 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930712 222599 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $4,,144.70 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930712 225649 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 07/15/93 $2,862.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE LI19930712 228870 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 <�> $14,689.20• 136046 07/15/93 $195.b0 GANZER DIST INC LI19930712 169649 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BE LI0715 < *> $195.00" 136047 07/15/93 $762.40 M AMUNDSON LI19930712 21615 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 <�> $762.40" 136048 07/15/93 $34.80 GARVEN GREETINGS INC LI19930712 100157 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 < *> ,1 $34.80" 136049 07/15/93 $93.00 NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930712 37375 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $158.10 NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930712 37476 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $91.80 NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930712 40489 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $111.60 NORTHSTAR ICE LI19930712 42701 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 <•> S454.50" 136050 07/15/93 $174.42 ;COCA COLA BOTTLING C L119930712 1938602 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $266.18 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930712 1954997 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 07/15/93 $137.20 COCA COLA BOTTLING C LI19930712 2036711 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MI LI0715 c +> $577.80" $535,634.91" COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY BY CHECK NUMBER TUE, JUL 20, 1993, 9:04 PM page I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - -- -- FUND 8 10 $110,920.68 FUND • 50 $425,239.39 $424.7 $536,160.07* 5595.694.01-A A COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK'AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $52.29 A -Z RENTAL TOOLS C27633 -0 MAINT OF COURS TOOLS 138084 $52.29* 08/02/93 $79.24 ABP MIDWEST BUDGET MEETING 539312 HUMAN RELATION EDUCATION PRGM 08/02/93 $132.06 ABP MIDWEST COUNCIL BUDGET MEETI 539342 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS 138085 $211.30" 08/02/93 $96.15 ACTION MESSENGER DELIVERY SERVICE 114209 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQUI 138086 $96.15* 08/02/93 $807.09 ADVANCED ENERGY SERVIC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 005582 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 138087 $807.09" 08/02/93 $427.02 ADVON UNIFORMS 919944 CENTENNIAL LAK LAUNDRY 138088 $427.02* 08/02/93 $10.00 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 5495900 PW BUILDING CONTR REPAIRS 08/02/93 $30.00 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 5495900 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $5.00 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 5495900 COMMUNICATIONS CONTR REPAIRS 08/02/93 $30.00 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 5495900 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 08/02/93 $145.45 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 5495900 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 138089 $220.45* 08/02/93 $2.15 ALPHAGRAPHICS SALES TAX 17352. ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 08/02/93 $2.15 ALPHAGRAPHICS SALES TAX 17352. ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 08/02/93 $19.25 ALPHAGRAPHICS PRINTING 17583 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 138090 $23.55* 08/02/93 $251.00 ALSTAD, MARIAN AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $123.50 ALSTAD, MARIAN ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138091 $374.50* 08/02/93 $85.63 ALTERNATOR REBUILD BATTERY 9612 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 8452 138092 $85.63* 08/02/93 $129.05 AMERICAN LASER CUT GRA POOL SIGN 90318 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 138093 $129.05* 08/02/93 $115.73 AMERICAN SHARECOM TELEPHONE 071593 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 138094 $115.73* 08/02/93 $495.00 AMERICAN TEST CENTER T -90 TEST 7168 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 138095 $495.00* 08/02/93 $60.00 ANDERSON, CHERI PERFORM /CL 080793 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138096 $60.00* 08/02/93 $365.06 ANDY'S PICKUP PALACE TRUCK TOPPER 41770 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 138097 $365.06* 08/02/93 $28.06 APOLLO PIPING SUPPLY I GENERAL SUPPLIES 0865671 POOL TRACK GRE.GENERAL SUPPLI 138098 $28.06* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 2 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $28.38 AQUA ENGINEERING SPRINKLER PARTS 002817 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI 8535 138099 528.38" 08/02/93 $560.00 ASCAP LICENSE FEE 072093 ARENA ADMINIST DUES & SUBSCRI 138100 $560.00* 08/02/93 $63.86 AT &T CONSUMER PRODUCTS TELEPHONE 071993 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 138101 $63.86* 08/02/93 $35.00 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CEN CHECK FRONT END WORK 19857 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 8708 08/02/93 $43.00 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CEN REPAIR WORK 19864 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 8709 138102 $78.00* 08/02/93 $191.01 AVR INC CONCRETE 89195 SEWER TREATMEN CONCRETE 08/02/93 $242.01 AVR INC CONCRETE 89981 FIRE DEPT EQUIP REPLACEM 6913 08/02/93 $191.01 AVR INC CONCRETE 89534 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 8913 08/02/93 $215.51 AVR INC CONCRETE 89505 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 6913 08/02/93 $265.01 AVR INC CONCRETE 88960 FIRE DEPT EQUIP REPLACEM 08/02/93 $191.01 AVR INC CONCRETE 89803 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 6913 08/02/93 $113.05 AVR INC CONCRETE 88903 FIRE DEPT EQUIP REPLACEM 08/02/93 $397.52 AVR INC CONCRETE 88032 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 08/02/93 $228.76 AVR INC CONCRETE 88555 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 08/02/93 $318.02 AVR INC CONCRETE 87928 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 08/02/93 $530.03 AVR INC CONCRETE 87889 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 08/02/93 $715.53 AVR INC CONCRETE 88382 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 138103 $3,598.47* 08/02/93 $498.52 BACHMANS TREE'S FOR PARKS 062093. TREES & MAINTE GENERAL SUPPLI 138104 $498.52* 08/02/93 $38.87 BAILEY NURSERIES PLANT MATERIAL 34539 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 08/02/93 $272.11 BAILEY NURSERIES PLANT MATERIAL 33991 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 08/02/93 $165.08 BAILEY NURSERIES PLANTS 40781 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 138105 5476.06* 08/02/93 $65.00 BALDINGER, WENDY PERFORM /CL 080793 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138106 $65.00* 08/02/93 $38.29 BATTERY & TIRE WAREHOU BATTERY 263114 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8505 138107 $38.29* 08/02/93 $129.00 BEAR COMMUNICATIONS IN BATTERIES 032738 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 138108 $129.00* 08/02/93 $40.49 BECKER ARENA PRODUCT GENERAL SUPPLIES 015573 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $451.29 BECKER ARENA PRODUCT PAINT 015453 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 138109 $491.78* 08/02/93 $31.20 BECKER, ALLEN ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138110 $31.20* -08/02/93 $85.00 BELL, BRUCE MENIER PERFORM /CL 082193 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138111 $85.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 3 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/02/93 $85.00 BELL, BRUCE MENIER SERVICES /CL 081293 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138112 $85.00" 08/02/93 $268.50 BENN, BRADLEY AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $52.00 BENN, BRADLEY ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG RETAIL SALES 138113 $320.50" 08/02/93 $401.40 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 072093/V VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 08/02/93 $359.40 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 072093/Y YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 08/02/93 $201.60 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 072093/5 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 138114 $962.40" 08/02/93 $39.82 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 78910 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 -$7.14 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES CM917113 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $290.61 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 55490 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $53.68 BERTELSON BROS. INC. MAILING LABELS 56130 LIQUOR 50TH ST OFFICE SUPPLIE °08/02/93; $36.05. BERTELSON BROS. INC. CUSTOM STAMPIES 917459 FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE 138115 $413.02" 08/02/93 $118.70 BEST LOCK OF MPLS KEYS 41857 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 138116 $118.70" 08/02/93 $116.52 BIFFS INC RUBBISH REMOVAL SANI BI007142 MAINT OF COURS RUBBISH REMOVA 8735 08/02/93 $116.52 BIFFS INC RUBBISH REMOVAL SANI BI007142 MAINT OF COURS RUBBISH REMOVA 8736 138117 $233.04* 08/02/93 $54.31 BILL OLSON BLACK DIRT 070893 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 138118 $54.31" 08/02/93 $2,060.70 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS BLACKTOP 065765 STREET,RENOVAT BLACKTOP 08/02/93 $39.59 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS BLACKTOP 065765 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 138119 $2,100.29" 08/02/93 $169.20 BLEVINS CONCESSION SUP PIZZA 4218550 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GO FOOD 08/02/93 $253.80 BLEVINS CONCESSION SUP PIZZA 4218353 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 138120 $423.00" 08/02/93 $44.00 BOE, KAREN CLASS REFUND 072493 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 138121 $44.00" 08/02/93 $381.00 BRAEMAR PRO SHOP GENERAL SUPPLIES 072293 CITY COUNCIL GENERAL SUPPLI 138122 S381.00A 08/02/93 $77.70 BRISSMAN- KENNEDY INC CLEANING SUPPLIES 289948 ART CENTER BLD CLEANING SUPPL 8304 138123 $77.70• 08/02/93 $280.91 BROCK WHITE CEMENT 62391501 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 8434 08/02/93 $38.20 BROCK WHITE FORM MATERIAL 62573301 ST LIGHTING OR REPAIR PARTS 8590 08/02/93 $76.57 BROCK WHITE FORM MAT 62312201 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 8353 08/02/93 $29.02 BROCK WHITE RUBBER BUCKETS 62494201 SEWER CLEANING GENERAL SUPPLI 8512 08/02/93 $19.96 BROCK..WHITE SALES,TAX 62200701 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 138124 $444.66A COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 .23:39:47 Page 4 CHECK NO DATE CHECK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/02/93 $453.02 BROWN TRAFFIC PRODUCTS DETECTOR W /COMM 11457 TRAFFIC SIGNAL REPAIR PARTS 8499 138125 5453.02* 08/02/93 $75.00 BROWN, SEAN PERFORM /CL 081493 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138126 $75.00* 08/02/93 $39.00 BRUMFIELD, ADRIANE ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138127 $39.00* 08/02/93 $459.37 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS IN RIP RAP 043093 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 138128 $459.37* 08/02/93 $270.00 BRYANT, BETSY AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138129 $270.00* 08/02/93 $5.99 BUIE, BARBARA OFFICE SUPPLIES 072793 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE 08/02/93 $14.50 BUIE, BARBARA POSTAGE 072793 ED ADMINISTRAT POSTAGE 08/02/93 $50.51 BUIE, BARBARA MEETING EXPENSE 072793 CENTENNIAL LAK MEETING EXPENS 08/02/93 $11.62 BUIE, BARBARA GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $29.00 BUIE, BARBARA POSTAGE 071493 ED ADMINISTRAT POSTAGE 08/02/93 $20.79 BUIE, BARBARA COST OF GOODS SOLD 071493 CENTENNIAL LAK CST OF GD FOOD 138130 $132.41* 08/02/93 $4.25 BUILDERS SQUARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 14450894 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $57.84 BUILDERS SQUARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 14450893 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 138131 $62.09* 08/02/93 $285.83 CADY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 85389 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 08/02/93 $320.63 CADY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 85388 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 138132 $606.46* 08/02/93 $40.00 CANTON, JANET MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072793 FINANCE MILEAGE 138133 $40.00* 08/02/93 $170.40 CARLSON PRINTING PRINTING 57741 CENTENNIAL LAK PRINTING 08/02/93 $100.59 CARLSON PRINTING BUSINESS CARDS 57752 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 138134 $270.99* 08/02/93 $519.72 CARLSON TRACT /EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 156694 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138135 $519.72* 08/02/93 $100.00 CARLSON, CRAIG PERFORM /CL 080793 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER ' 138136 $100.00* 08/02/93 $30.00 CARPENTER, SHELLEY REFUND SWIMMING 072893 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138137 $30.00* 08/02/93 5285.48 CATCO BRAKE PAD /ROTOR 319595 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8704 08/02/93 - $554.87 CATCO CREDIT 313745 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $40.98 CATCO BRAKE PAD 319661 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8241 08/02/93 $212.34 CATCO PARTS 320440 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8503 08/02/93 $220.71. CATCO PARTS 320889 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8594 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 5 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138138 $204.64* 08/02/93 $89.07 CDP COPY MACHINE RENTAL 01750146 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 138139 $89.07* 08/02/93 $101.08 CELLULAR ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 072193/F FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 08/02/93 $81.10 CELLULAR ONE TELEPHONE 072193/P SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $59.22 CELLULAR ONE CAR PHONE 072193/K ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI 138140 $241.40* 08/02/93 $46.80 CERAMIC ARTS & SUPPLIE COST OF GOODS SOLD 16836 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GO FOOD 08/02/93 $62.65 CERAMIC ARTS & SUPPLIE CRAFT SUPPLIES 16836 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 138141 $109.45* 08/02/93 $380.21 CERTIFIED HYDRAULIC SP MOTOR 122220 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8338 138142 $380.21* 08/02/93 $63.00 CHEETAH PIZZA PIZZA C1234 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 138143 $63.00* 08'/02/93 $251.45 CITY BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /SOT 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 $169.00 CITY BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /VER VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 138144 $420.45* 08/02/93 $181:85 CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 070993 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS 08/02/93 $288.90 CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 070993 PW BUILDING CONTR REPAIRS 08,/02/93 $33.16 CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 070993 PW BUILDING CONTR REPAIRS 08/02/93 $33.16 CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 070993 50TH ST OCCUPA CONTR REPAIRS 08/02/93 $33.16 CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 070993 VERNON SELLING CONTR REPAIRS 08/02/93 $33.16 CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 070993 BUILDING MAINT CONTR REPAIRS 138145 $603.39* 08/02/93 $185.00 CITY OF EDINA REFUSE 001663 50TH ST OCCUPA RUBBISH REMOVA 138146 5185.00* 08/02/93 $89.00 CITY OF EDINA GENERAL SUPPLIES 1261 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPLI 138147 $89.00* 08/02/93 $390.04 CITY OF RICHFIELD LIGHT & POWER 063093 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER 138148 $390.04* 08/02/93 $192.20 CITYLINE ADVERTISING 071393 ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER 138149 5192.20* 08/02/93 $42.04 CLAUSMAN, RYAN GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 138150 $42.04* 08/02/93 $75.00 CLELAND, BRUCE PERFORM /CL 082693 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138151 $75.00* 08/02/93 $524.90 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M JULY /VER. VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS-MIX 08/02/93 $322.70 COCA'COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M JULY /YOR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $218.90 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M JULY /SOT 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX DUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 6 ,PICK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM ------------------------ OBJECT PO NUM . - ---- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138152 21,066.50" 08/02/93 $878.83 COMPUTER CHEQUE OF MIN CHECK SCANNERS 91 LIQUOR PROG MACH. & EQUIP. 8834 138153 $878.63• 08/02/93 $60.00 COMPUTER CHEQUE OF MN. CHECK VERIF SERVICE 072093 LIQUOR 50TH ST PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $60.00 COMPUTER CHEQUE OF MN CHECK VERIF SERVICE 072093 LIQUOR YORK GE PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $60.00 COMPUTER CHEQUE OF MN CHECK VERIF SERVICE 072093 VERNON LIQUOR PROF SERVICES 138154 5180.00" 08/02/93 $437.17 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS SAFETY EQUIPMENT 827622 EQUIPMENT OPER SAFETY EQUIPME 138155 5437.17* 08/02/93 $30.00 CONNOLLY, BOB VISUAL ARTS /CL 081493 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138156 $30.00" 08/02/93 $370.11 CONSTR FASTENING SYS WASHER /PINS 18915 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8444 138157 $370.11" 08/02/93 $30.00 CORCORAN, PAT REFUND /TENNIS 071293 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138158 $30.00" 08/02/93 $39.00 CRABB, CATY ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138159 $39.00" 08/02/93 $82.00 CREATIVE PRODUCTIONS VIDEO TAPE 10294 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI 138160 $82.00" 08/02/93 $58.05 CULLIGAN WATER 070193 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 138161 $58.05" 08/02/93 $840.08 CURTIS 1000 ENVELOPES 4110301 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 7907 138162 $840.08" 08/02/93 $649.67 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. SALES TAX 9023/TX GOLF PROG MACH. & EQUIP 138163 $649.67A 08/02/93 $4,000.00 CUSTOM ROCK INTERNATIO WOODDALE MEMORIAL 190000 WORK. CAP. PRO ACCTS REC MISC 138164 $4,000.00* 08/02/93 $32.22 DALEN, LINDA MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072793 FINANCE MILEAGE 138165 $32.22" 08/02/93 $529.84 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT COUNTRY HYD MARKERS 38714 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 8602 08/02/93 $488.65 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT GATE VALVE REPAIR PA 38757 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 8329 138166 $1.018.49" 08/02/93 $100.84 DAYSTARTER REPAIR PARTS 01853 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8183 138167 $100.84" 08/02/93 $113.60 DC SALES COMPANY INC FURNACE FILTERS 865232 GOLF DOME REPAIR PARTS 8647 138168 $113.60* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 7 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $133.13 DE- SIGN'ER SIGN 023146 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS 8325 08/02/93 $148.04 DE- SIGN'ER SIGN 023135 PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS 8240 138169 5281.17* 08/02/93 $418.95 DECOSSE, BARBARA ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138170 $418.95* 08/02/93 $3,274.20 DELTA DENTAL HOSPITALIZATION 205592 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO 138171 $3,274.20* 08/02/93 $87.75 DICKER, TOBIE ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 08/02/93 $907.00 DICKER, TOBIE AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138172 $994.75* 08/02/93 $356.70 DIESEL INJECTION SPEC PARTS 11869 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 138173 $358.70* 08/02/93 $26.96 DIESEL SERVICE CO ELEC GAUGE DS1 -2145 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8522 138174 $26.96* 08/02/93 $256.00 DIETRICHSON, BILL AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138175 $256.00* 08/02/93 $45.26 DISPATCH COMM /MN RADIO SERVICE MAY 1993 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 08/02/93 $74.59 DISPATCH COMM /MN HARDWARE 107904 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE 138176 $119.85* 08/02/93 $20.91 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PR PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 062293 POOL TRACK GRE PHYS EXAMS 08/02/93 $4.80 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PR PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 060893 POOL TRACK GRE PHYS EXAMS 08/02/93 $26.25 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PR PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 061193 POOL TRACK GRE PHYS EXAMS 138177 $51.96* 08/02/93 $922.60 DPC INDUSTRIES POOL CHEMICALS 00984153 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 138178 $922.80* 08/02/93 $49.00 DUEREL, ANNE TRENARY CLASS REFUND 072093 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 138179 $49.00* 08/02/93 $2,337.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /50T 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 $5,591.68 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /YOR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 $4,066.90 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /VER VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 138180 $11,995.58* 08/02/93 $210.19 ED KRAEMER & SONS INC FILL MATERIAL 36788 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $207.12 ED KRAEMER & SONS INC FILL MATERIAL 36790 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 138181 $417.31* 08/02/93 $42.60 EDINA CLEANERS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072793 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES 138182 $42.600 08/02/93 $81.00 EDINA HRA PARKING PERMITS 072293 LIQUOR 50TH ST MILEAGE 138183 $81.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 8 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $35.18 EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS MAILING LABELS 071993 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI 138184 $35.18" 08/02/93 $50.00 EDINA SWIM CLUB PARK & REC AD 072693 PARK ADMIN. DUES & SUBSCRI 138185 $50.00" 08/02/93 $666.24 ELK RIVER CONCRETE PRO ADJUSTMENT RINGS 186281 GENERAL STORM PIPE 138186 5666.24" _ 08/02/93 $281.08 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PROD FIRST AID SUPPLIES 133302 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 138187 $281.08" 08/02/93 $300.00 EMPLOYEES CLUB GENERAL SUPPLIES AUGUST 1 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI 138188 $300.00" 08/02/93 $184.55 ENGINE PARTS SUPPLY STARTER 119833 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8580 08/02/93 $223.07 ENGINE PARTS SUPPLY BRIGGS PARTS _ 119970 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8581 138189 $407.62" 08/02/93 $335.16 ENGLAND PRESS INC. PRINTING 53489 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 8482 138190 $335.16" 08/02/93 $31.95 ESS BOOS & SONS CREDIT TAKEN TWICE 072193 GENERAL STORM PIPE 138191 $31.95" 08/02/93 $450.00 EVANS LARSON COMMUNICA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 071593 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES 138192 $450.00" 08/02/93_ -$5.00 EWING, PAUL REFUND /TENNIS 071993 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138193 S5.00' 08/02/93 $32.82 FARBER, DIANE ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138194 $32.82" 08/02/93 $388.00 FEIN VIDEO TRAINING 163862 FIRE DEPT. GEN TRAINING AIDS 138195 $388.00" 08/02/93 $30.00 FINE, AGNES PERFORM /CL 080793 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138196 $30.00" 08/02/93 $35.77 FOOTE, JOANNA GENERAL SUPPLIES 072293 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $27.85 FOOTE, JOANNA GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 138197 $63.62" 08/02/93 $3,811.56 FORTIS BENEFITS HOSPITALIZATION 070293 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO 138198 $3,811.56" 08/02/93• $29.72 FOWLER ELECTRIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 651220 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8648 138199 $29.72" 08/02/93 $13.00 FRAME, SUSAN ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 08/02/93 $311.00 FRAME, SUSAN AC INSTRUCTOR 07.2793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138200 $324.00" COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 9 CHECK NO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/02/93 $894.60 FRIDEN NEOPOST POSTAGE L6837248 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 08/02/93 $134.80 FRIDEN NEOPOST POSTAGE P1236840 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 138201 $1,029.40" 08/02/93 $175.28 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 070293/C ED BUILDING & LAUNDRY 138202 $175.28" 08/02/93 $108.00 GANZER DIST INC COST OF GOODS SOLD B 170314 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 $144.75 GANZER DIST INC COST OF GOODS SOLD B 170313 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 138203 $252.75" 08/02/93 $300.00 GEISHEKER, PATRICIA AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138204 $300.00" 08/02/93 $337.91 GENERAL BINDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 12301823 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 138205 $337.91" 08/02/93 $72.00 GILLIS, LOUISE AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138206 $72.00• 08/02/93 $522.00 GOPHER STATE 1 CALL GOPHER ONE SERVICE 3060222 SUPERV. & OVRH GOPHER STATE 138207 $522.00" 08/02/93 $11,209.00 GREUPNER, JOE GOLF LESSONS 072293 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC - GOLF 138208 $11,209.00" 08/02/93 $70.85 GRINDELAND, KEN ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138209 $70.85" 08/02/93 $14.14 GROVE NURSERY CENTER SALES TAX FOR TREES 50196 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 138210 $14.14" 08/02/93 $99.74 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMEN REPAIR PARTS 17423 MOWING REPAIR PARTS 8420 08/02/93 $372.75 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMEN WEED TRIMMERS 17350 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 8600 08/02/93 $154.40 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMEN REPAIR PARTS 17407 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 8068 08/02/93 $287.87 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMEN WEED WHIP 17645 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 8508 138211 $914.76" 08/02/93 $89.99 GS DIRECT PLOTTER PAPER 35099 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 8671 08/02/93 $78.76 GS DIRECT PLOTTER PAPER 35354 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 8815 138212 $168.75* 08/02/93 $368.00 GUST, MARGARET AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138213 $368.00* 08/02/93 $30.00 GUST. MARGARET VISUAL ARTS /CL 081493 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138214 $30.00" 08/02/93 $590.00 GUSTAFSON, KATHY AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138215 $590.00* 08/02/93 $294.83 HACH CO. RUST REMOVER 340254 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 10 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT - - - - -- ---- - - - -PO -NUM_ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138216 $294:83* 08/02/93 $47.93 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY VALVOLINE OIL 158728 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138217 547.93" 08/02/93 $56.55 HANNA, JUNE ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138218 $56.55* 08/02/93 $30.00 HAPPY FACES VISUAL ARTS /CL 080793 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138219 $30.00* 08/02/93 $484.11 HARMON GLASS WINDSHIELD REPAIR 72001897 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 138220 $484.11" 08/02/93 $37.52 HAROLD CHEVROLET CABLE 630529 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138221 $37.52* 08/02/93 $148.60 HARRIS WAREHOUSE & CAN GENERAL SUPPLIES 4211 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 138222 $148.60* 08/02/93 $843.04 HEIMARK FOODS MEAT 071693 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 138223 $643.04* 08/02/93 $64.86 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASU POSTAGE 10161400 ADMINISTRATION POSTAGE 138224 $64.86* 08/02/93 $120.00 HINDS, MARCIA MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER 072293 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX 138225 $120.00* 08/02/93 $1,170.00 HOPKINS PET BOXER BOARDING 070193 CONTINGENCIES PROF SERVICES 138226 $1,170.00* 08/02/93 $116.84 HORIZON CHEMICAL'CO IN VALVE 031739 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $117.72 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO IN WATER TREATMENT 031928 POOL TRACK GRE CHEMICALS 138227 $234.56 *. 08/02/93 $153..16 HORWATH, TOM MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072793 TREES & MAINTE MILEAGE 08/02/93 $1,138.50 HORWATH, TOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072793 TREES & MAINTE PROF SERVICES 138228 $1,291.66* 08/02/93 $37.28 HUGHES, GORDON REIMBURSEMENT 072193 PARKING MONITO TELEPHONE 138229 $37.28* 08/02/93 $85.83 INDUSTRIAL DOOR CO INC REPAIR GARAGE DOOR 81114 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 138230 $85.83* 08/02/93 $47.65 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO POWER BELT 683870 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 8501 138231 $47.65* 08/02/93 $707.91 INLAND TRUCK PARTS CLUTCH PARTS 4 -29851 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8515 138232 $707.91* 08/02/93 $5,190.11 INTER -CITY PAPER CO PAPER /ABOUT TOWN 448958 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 11 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138233 $5,190.11* 08/02/93 $45.00 INTERNATIONAL CONFEREN BOOKS & PHAMPHLETS 072193 INSPECTIONS BOOKS & PHAMPH 138234 $45.00* 08/02/93 $81.17 INTERSTATE DETROIT_DIE REPAIR PARTS 01264270 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138235 $81.17* 08/02/93 $25.00 IRRM SYMPOSIUM CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 072793 PARK MAINTENAN CONF & SCHOOLS 138236 $25.00* 08/02/93 $150.44 ISLAND BIRCH ART WORK SOLD 3525 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138237 $150.44* 08/02/93 $86.27 J & W INSTRUMENTS INC CHARTS 068147 DISTRIBUTION OFFICE SUPPLIE 8526 138238 $88.27* 08/02/93 $7,333.21 J PATRICK MOORE CO MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER 10138 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX 138239 $7,333.21* 08/02/93 $13.09 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $161.41 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $263.97 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $92.26 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $181.64 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $21.74 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $14.01 JERRYS HARDWARE _GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 YORK OCCUPANCY GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $60.13 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $16.49 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $64.65 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $3.08 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $1.38 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 PUBLIC HEALTH GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $91.46 JERRYS HARDWARE REPAIR PARTS 062593 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $32.78 JERRYS HARDWARE TOOLS 062593 BUILDINGS TOOLS 08/02/93 $79.78 JERRYS HARDWARE TOOLS 062593 TREES & MAINTE TOOLS 08/02/93 $4.25 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 GUN RANGE ADMI GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $39.39 JERRYS HARDWARE TOOLS 062593 PUMP & LIFT ST TOOLS 08/02/93 $35.02 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $351.69 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $103.45 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $26.33 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $54.72 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 TREES & MAINTE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $93.38 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $49.51 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 062593 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 138241 $1,855.61* 08/02/93 $486.95 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D2906(2) ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 08/02/93 $91.17 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D3016 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 08/02/93 $76.55 JERRYS PRINTING PAINT DANCE TICKETS D3011 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $142.34 JERRYS PRINTING COACH PITCH CERTIFIC D3064 ATHLETIC ACTIV GENERAL "SUPPLI 138242 $797.01* 08/02/93 $21.20 JOHNSON, NAOMI PRINTING 072793 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 12 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $85.23 JOHNSON, NAOMI CRAFT SUPPLIES 072793 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 08/02/93 $38.32 JOHNSON, NAOMI GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 138243 $144.75* 08/02/93 $63.18 KAMAN INDUST TECH REPAIR PARTS A731750 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8469 08/02/93 $56.14 KAMAN INDUST TECH REPAIR PARTS A731864 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8469 08/02/93 $6.22 KAMAN INDUST TECH SALES TAX A731718. MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 138244 5125.54* 08/02/93 $469.75 KD KANOPY TENT 0022483 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 138245 $469.75* 08/02/93 $14.88 KEHOE, TERRENCE GENERAL SUPPLIES 072693 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $25.41 KEHOE, TERRENCE GENERAL SUPPLIES 072693 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 138246 $40.29* 08/02/93 $50.00 KENWOOD CHAMBER ORCHES PERFORM /CL 081593 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138247 $50.00* 08/02/93 $250.00 KERRISON, DAWN SERVICES TEEN DANCE 072793 teen dance pro EQUIP REPLACEM 138248 $250.00* 08/02/93 $30.00 KLEIBER, JOSEPHINE CLASS REFUND 072393 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138249 $30.00* 08/02/93 $53.10 KNOX COMM CREDIT` GENERAL SUPPLIES 061991 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $39.02 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 064742 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 08/02/93 $31.93 KNOX COMM CREDIT MATERIAL 062062 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 8418 08/02/93 $34.74 KNOX COMM CREDIT SUPPLIES 063338 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8563 08/02/93 $13.83 KNOX COMM CREDIT EDGING 062408 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 8441 08/02/93 $273.91 KNOX COMM CREDIT "NOISE SHIELD FOR PUM 063332 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 8536 08/02/93 $125.08 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 064174 GC CIP CIP 8710 08/02/93 $17.81 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 064082 GC CIP CIP 8696 08/02/93 $363.17 KNOX COMM CREDIT MISC 0628 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 8506 138250 $952.59* 08/02/93 $398.00 KOKESH ATHLETIC COST OF GOODS SOLD 74089 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD FOOD 138251 $398.00* 08/02/93 $411.87 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNM BUSHING /BOLT 047252 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 8445 08/02/93 $9.75 KREMER SPRING& ALIGNM SALES TAX 045011. EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138252 5421.62* 08/02/93 $80.00 KRETZMAN, KIM REFUND /SWIMMING /TENN 071593 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138253 $80.00* 08/02/93 $5,437.05 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /YOR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 52.145.05 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /SOT 5OTH.ST SELLIN CST.OF GDS BEE 138254 $7.582.10* 08/02/93 $484.00 KUNDE CO INC OAK WILT PROGRAM 062593 TREES & MAINTE CONTR REPAIRS 138255 $484.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 13 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $32.50 KURMIS, IRMA ART WORK SOLD 072.793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138256 $32.50" 08/02/93 $30.00 KVASNICK, BARB PERFORM /CL 082893 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138257 $30.00" 08/02/93 $993.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC LAKE TREATMENT 1985 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 8591 08/02/93 $485.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC LAKE TREATMENT 4303 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $235.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC LAKE TREATMENT 6560 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 138258 $1,713.00" 08/02/93 $45.00 LANCELLO, ED GENERAL SUPPLIES 071993 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $232.00 LANCELLO, ED MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 071993 STREET REVOLVI MILEAGE 138259 $277.00" 08/02/93 $89.04 LANCRETE, LAURA MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072693 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE 138260 $89.04" 08/02/93 $255.59 LAWSON PRODUCTS TY RAPS 1955950 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 7442 08/02/93 $333.63 LAWSON PRODUCTS BOLTS'FASTENERS 1976869 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 8246 08/02/93 $360.95 LAWSON PRODUCTS PAINT /ROD /SETS 1976870 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8247 138261 $950.17" 08/02/93 $64.00 LEIGH, SHERRY CLASS REFUND 072093 ART CNTR PROD REGISTRATION F 138262 564.00" 08/02/93 $49.00 LIEBER, JUDY ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART.CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138263 $49.00" 08/02/93 $23.62 LINHOFF TENNIS SUPPLIES 234926 FIRE DEPT. GEN TENNIS SUPPLIE 08/02/93 56.88 LINHOFF PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIE 235298 FIRE DEPT. GEN PHOTO SUPPLIES 138264 530.50• 08/02/93 $2,446.19 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0693 GENERAL(BILLIN DATA PROCESSIN ' 08/02/93 $1,536.99 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0693 LIQUOR 50TH ST DATA PROCESSIN 08/02/93 $1,536.99 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0693 LIQUOR YORK GE DATA PROCESSIN 08/02/93 $1,536.99 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0693 VERNON LIQUOR DATA PROCESSIN 08/02/93 $3,715.98 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0693 ASSESSING DATA PROCESSIN 08/02/93 $8,073.86 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0693 FINANCE DATA PROCESSIN 138265 $18,847.00" 08/02/93 $165.64 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ SHAFT /SPINDLE /BEARIN 170661 EQUIPMENT OPER.REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 - $145.86 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ . CREDIT 170883 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $.73 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ PLUG 170662 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $17.38 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ ARM 170884 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138266 $37.89" 08/02/93 $222.03 LUNAR EMPIRE INC MOONWA'LK 35391 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 138267 $222.034 08/02/93 $63.80 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR FERTILIZER 72223 STREET REVOLVI REPAIR PARTS 138268 $63.804 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 ._ 23:39:47 Page 14 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $13,760..00 M & S ROOFING RE ROOF 42 PLANT 3555 BUILDINGS CONTR REPAIRS 138269 $13,760.00* 08/02/93 $742.38 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 22121 ' VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $220.62 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 21770 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $431.82 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 22156 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $302.80 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 21969 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $323.84 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 21801 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $101.04 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 21783 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $383.12 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 21630 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $202.08 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 21937 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 138270 $2,707.70* 08/02/93 $97.71 MAC'QUEEN EQUIP INC. GUTTERBROOMS 35209 EQUIPMENT OPER BROOMS 7438 138271 $97.71* 08/02/93 $615.00 MACKERMAN, DANNY AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138272 $615.00* 08/02/93 $16.64 MAHONEY, JILL REFUND /TENNIS 071993 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138273 $16.64* 08/02/93 $32.00 MANSFIELD, TESSA CLASS REFUND 072093 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 138274 $32.00* 08/02/93 $306.72 MARCH DISTRIBUTING INC MOTOR MANUALS 070193 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138275 $306.72* 08/02/93 $73.00 MARCHUK, MARYKAY CLASS REFUND 072193 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 138276 $73.00* 08/02/93 $7,711.18 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /VER VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 $2,026.55 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /50T 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 $4,903.35 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /YOR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 $6.80 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M JULY /YOR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $51.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 910510 GOLF DOME CST OF GDS BEE 138277 $14,698.88* 08/02/93 $450.00 MAYER. DEBORAH MN SPALSH 072193 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES 138278 $450.00* 08/02/93 $127.05 MCC /MIDWEST COST OF GOODS SOLD 81192 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 8300 138279 $127.05* 08/02/93 $127..44 MCCARTHY, LOWELL MILEAGE FOR WEED INS 071593 WEED MOWING MILEAGE 08/02/93 $119.00 MCCARTHY, LOWELL MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072693 WEED MOWING MILEAGE 138280 $246.44* 08/02/93 $30.00 MEENAN, JOHN REFUND SWIMMING 072093 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F -' 138281 $30.00* 08/02/93 $247.18 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 33697 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $480.00 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 33676 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 8731 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 15 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $461.30 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 33647 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPPL 08/02/93 $426.70 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 33709 ARENA BLDG /GRO CLEANING SUPPL 08/02/93 $489.63 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 33728 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $326.31 MERIT SUPPLY WAND /SQUEEZE 33538 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 8355 08/02/93 $265.71 MERIT SUPPLY OIL SPRAY 33568 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8427 08/02/93 $498.53 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 33628 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 8578 138282 $3,195.36* 08/02/93 $.64 METRO APPLIANCE SERVIC SALES TAX 07275.1. GRILL CONTR REPAIRS 08/02/93 $5.98 METRO APPLIANCE SERVIC SALES TAX 07915.1. GRILL CONTR REPAIRS 138283 $6.62" 08/02/93 $225,940.00 METRO WASTE CONTROL SEWER SERVICE 50500893 SEWER TREATMEN SEWER SVC METR 138284 $225,940.00* 08/02/93 $133.77 MIDWAY IND SUPPLY HOUSING /TIP 167984 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 8344 138285 $133.77* 08/02/93 $4,911.98 MIDWEST AQUA CARE AQUATIC WEED TREATME 163 WEED CONTROL PROF SERVICES 138286 $4,911.98* 08/02/93 $9,051.89 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 9914 STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 08/02/93 $20.03 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 9914 SEWER TREATMEN BLACKTOP 08/02/93 $58.25 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 9914 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 08/02/93 $104.81 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 9697 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 08/02/93 $13,952.09 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. GENERAL SUPPLIES 9697 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 138287 $23,187.07* 08/02/93 $105.60 MIDWEST VENDING WHOLES CANDY 071993 GOLF ADMINISTR CST OF GD FOOD 138288 $105.60* 08/02/93 $90.24 MILLER, MERRITT MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 071993 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE 08/02/93 $54.94 MILLER, MERRITT MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072693 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE 138289 $145.18* 08/02/93 $24.48 MINN COMM PAGING RENTAL FEE 070193. GENERAL MAINT EQUIP RENTAL 138290 $24.48* 08/02/93 $79.94 MINNEGASCO HEAT 080293 PUMP & LIFT ST HEAT 08/02/93 $1,230.31 MINNEGASCO HEAT 080293 DISTRIBUTION HEAT 08/02/93 $3.35 MINNEGASCO HEAT 080293 50TH ST OCCUPA HEAT 08/02/93 $91.39 MINNEGASCO HEAT 080293 FIRE DEPT. GEN HEAT 08/02/93 $122.96 MINNEGASCO HEAT 080293 BUILDING MAINT HEAT 08/02/93 $14.75 MINNEGASCO HEAT 080293 VERNON OCCUPAN HEAT 08/02/93 $23.66 MINNEGASCO HEAT 080293 ART CENTER BLD HEAT 08/02/93 $18.65 MINNEGASCO HEAT 080293 CENTENNIAL LAK HEAT 08/02/93 $82.98 MINNEGASCO HEAT 080293 CLUB HOUSE HEAT 08/02/93 $13.77 MINNEGASCO HEAT 080293 GOLF DOME HEAT 138291 $1,681.76* 08/02/93 $1,500.00 MINNESOTA BRIDE MAGAZI ADVERTISING OTHER 0000017 POOL TRACK GRE ADVERT OTHER 138292 $1,500.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 16 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $14.95 MINNESOTA CALLS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 062293 ED ADMINISTRAT DUES & SUBSCRI 138293 $14.95* 08/02/93 $129.83 MINNESOTA CERAMIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 147932 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 8302 08/02/93 $55.32 MINNESOTA CERAMIC SUPP CRAFT SUPPLIES 147932 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 138294 $185.15* 08/02/93 $614.40 MINNESOTA FOAM & UPHOL FOAM 48688 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 8460 138295 $614.40* 08/02/93 $496.29 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIP VALVE PARTS 7224 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 8717 138296 $496.29* 08/02/93 $200.00 MINNESOTA STATE HORTIC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 072793 PARK MAINTENAN CONF & SCHOOLS 138297 $200.00* 08/02/93 $11.52 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICAT HRG NOTICE ORD 1993- 9610 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 08/02/93 $15.84 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICAT PUBLIC HRG PLANNING 9611 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 08/02/93 $62.70 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICAT AD FOR BIDS WATER TO 9500 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 08/02/93 $24.16 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICAT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HRG 9501 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 138298 $114.22* 08/02/93 $120.00 MN STATE BOARD OF ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 071696 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 138299 $120.00* 08/02/93 $216.57 MN UP FUND UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENS 072093 CENT SVC GENER UNEMP COMP 138300 $216.57* 08/02/93 $851.47 MN. BAR SHELF MOLDING 133262 LIQUOR PROG MACH. & EQUIP 8210 08/02/93 $63.70 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD M JULY /50T 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $504.94 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD M JULY /YOR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $246.79 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD M JULY /VER VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 138301 $1,666.90* 08/02/93 $19,601.00 MN. TORO INC. NEW MOWERS 352097 GC CIP CIP 08/02/93 $9,799.39 MN. TORO INC. NEW MOWERS 352097 GC CIP CIP 08/02/93 $18.48 MN. TORO INC. REPAIR PARTS 351621 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 8668 08/02/93 $88.51 MN. TORO INC. BALL JOINT 350549 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8521 138302 $29,507.38* 08/02/93 $287.55 MOORE MEDICAL CORP FIRST AID SUPPLIES 7411305 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 08/02/93 $95.85 MOORE MEDICAL CORP FIRST AID SUPPLIES 7402779 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 138303 $383.40* 08/02/93 $9,566.72 MPLS FINANCE DEPARTMEN WATER PURCHASED 071693 DISTRIBUTION WATER PURCHASE 138304 $9,566.72* 08/02/93 5281.79 MUNICILITE CO STROBE 4793 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8348 08/02/93 $61.34 MUNICILITE CO BULB 4815 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138305 S343.13*- 68/02/93 $55.00 MUZAK MUSIC SERVICE 080193 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQUI 08/02/93 $43.00 MUZAK MUSIC RENTAL 080193/5 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 17 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $43.00 MUZAK MUSIC,RENTAL 080193/V VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER 138306 $141.00" 08/02/93 $37.87 NAPA AUTO PARTS CONTROL 996178 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8608 08/02/93 $33.25 NAPA AUTO PARTS FLY GEAR 996241 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8613 138307 $71.12" 08/02/93 $740.29 NERCO EVANS DISTRIB CONCESSIONS 071593 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 138308 $740.29" 08/02/93 $112.50 NELSON, BARBARA AC INSTRUCTOR 072793, ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138309 $112.50" 08/02/93 $144.0.0 NELSON, J THOMAS AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $416.00 NELSON, J THOMAS AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138310 $560.00" 08/02/93 $17.00 NELSON, MARTHA CLASS ,REFUND 072493 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 138311 $17.00" 08/02/93 $38.35 NELSON, SUZANNE ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138312 $38.35* 08/02/93 $35.00 NI, MING REFUND TENNIS 072093 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138313 $35.00* 08/02/93 $32.00 NIEBUHR, EMILY CLASS 'REFUND 072493 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 138314 $32.00* 08/02/93 $61:18 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 571760 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8561 08/02/93 $43.10 NORTH STAR TURF DELIVERY SERVICE 572440 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS. 8543 '138315 $104.28" 08/02/93 $70.27 NORTHERN AIRGAS OXYGEN 24870 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 138316 $70.27* 08/02/93 $802.00 NORTHERN STATES POWER STREET LIGHT FOR ARD 62493 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI - 138317 $802.00" 08/02/93 $356.70 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M JULY /VER VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $292.44 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M JULY /YOR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $159.30 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M JULY /50T 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX ,138318 $808.44* 08/02/93 $122.98 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 208939 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 08/02/93 $53.55 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 208727 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 8303 138319 $176.53* 08/02/93 $162.00 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRE DISPOSAL NW2262 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 08/02/93 $111.95 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TUBE /TUBLESS NW2498 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 08/02/93 $191.23 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES NW2600 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 08/02/93 $145.90 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES NW2261 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 08/02/93 $61.38 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO VALVE /TRUCK TIRE NW2566 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 18 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION-- - - - - -- INVOICE - - - - -- PROGRAM OBJECT ------ PO -NUM_- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 138320 $672.46* 08/02/93 $7.40 NSP LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER 080293 080293 TRAFFIC SIGNAL DISTRIBUTION LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER 08/02/93 08/02/93 $4,014.71 $220.25 NSP NSP LIGHT & POWER 080293 080293 PUMP & LIFT ST CLUB HOUSE LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER 08/02/93 $639.08 NSP LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER 080293 ST LIGHTING RE LIGHT & POWER 08/02/93 $22,032.00 $3,116.45 NSP NSP LIGHT & POWER 080293 ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT & POWER 08/02/93 138321 eete2t9s $30,029.89* $"2.88 NSP— PORK LIGHT! �ANIDREW -62493 PATHS & HARD --'--YIOES- OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE SUPPLIES 138739 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $82.54 138323 $82.54* 08/02/93 $30.00 OLSEN, JAN REFUND SWIMMING 072293 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138324 $30.00* 08/02/93 $86.00 ONISCHUK, JACKIE MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 071993 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE 138325 $86.00* 08/02/93 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COOKIES COOKIES 071693 452379 GRILL POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD CST OF GO FOOD 08/02/93 $114.50 $111.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COOKIES 452435 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 08/02/93 08/02/93 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COOKIES 452438 452269 GRILL POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD CST OF GD FOOD 08/02/93 $74.00 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COOKIES COOKIES 452079 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 08/02/93 138326 $521..50* 08/02/93 $120.53 OWENS SERVICE CO CONTRACTED REPAIRS SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 75315 75414 ED BUILDING & CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS SVC CONTR EQUI 08/02/93 $82.00 OWENS SERVICE CO 138327 $202.53* 08/02/93 $52.00 PANCAKE, CHAR ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138328 $52.00 *. 08/02/93 $63.00 PARK NICOLLET MEDICAL MEDICAL HEPATITIS SHOTS RETURN TO WORK PHYSI 070393 070393 POLICE DEPT. G POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES PHYS EXAMS 08/02/93 $147.00 PARK NICOLLET 138329 $210.00* 08/02/93 $9.20 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD M COST OF GOODS SOLD M 50TH /JUL YORK /JUL 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $38.35 $117.55 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD M VERNON /J VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 138330 $165.10* 08/02/93 $1,207.25 PERKINS LANDSCAPE CONS REGRADE /SEED SOCCER FILL /RE 072393 071493 PATHS & HARD S PATHS & HARD S PROF SERVICES PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $2,710.70 $432.00 PERKINS LANDSCAPE CONS PERKINS LANDSCAPE CONS BACK /REGRADE REPAIR SOD & DAMAGE/ 071693 WEED CONTROL CONTR REPAIRS 08/02/93 138331 $4,349.95* 08/02/93 $20.00 PETERSON,'DAVID SERVICES /CL 072693 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 138332 S20.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 19 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/02/93 $1.00 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072793 PLANNING MILEAGE 08/02/93 $23.21 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $21.56 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072793 ADMINISTRATION MILEAGE 08/02/93 $26.94 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072793 FINANCE MILEAGE 08/02/93 $9.62 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 072793 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS 08/02/93 $35.89 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 072793 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPENS 08/02/93 $14.35 PETTY CASH DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 072793 FINANCE DUES & SUBSCRI 08/02/93 $9.95 PETTY CASH POSTAGE 072793 ADMINISTRATION POSTAGE 08/02/93 $7.56 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072793 GENERAL(BILLIN MILEAGE 08/02/93 $20.00 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 CIG GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $33.78 PETTY. CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $3.57 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 ASSESSING GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 46.39 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $17.70 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $4.05 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $2.99 PETTY CASH REPAIR PARTS 072793 PLAYGROUND & T REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $21.32 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $39.31 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $49.75 PETTY CASH MILEAGE 072793 ASSESSING MILEAGE 08/02/93 $54.07 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 072793 ASSESSING MEETING EXPENS 08/02/93 $5.44 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 072793 FINANCE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $6.60 PETTY CASH PROFESSIONAL SVC - 0 072793 HUMAN RELATION PRO SVC OTHER 138334 $415.05" 08/02/93 $297.00 PHILLIPS PUBLISHING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 071993 COMMUNICATIONS DUES & SUBSCRI 138335 $297.00" 08/02/93 $488.00 PHYSIO CONTROL LIFEPAK SERVICE AGRE 041129 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 5498 138336 $488.00" 08/02/93 $956.90 PINNACLE SIGNS & GRAPH PRINTING 3323 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 08/02/93 $351.45 PINNACLE SIGNS & GRAPH SIGNS 3325 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 138337 $1,308.35" 08/02/93 $313.11 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL DUAL HIT 1- 411982 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8429 138338 $313.11" 08/02/93 $210.00 PIPE SERV CORP TV SANITARY SEWER 93 -0031 SEWER TREATMEN CONTR REPAIRS 138339 $210.00" 08/02/93 $32.96 PLUME, KATIE PLAYGROUND PETTY CAS 072393 PLAYGROUND & T RIP RAP 138340 $32.96" 08/02/93 $68.75 POLLY NORMAN PICTURES 070693 GOLF ADMINISTR PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $450.00 POLLY NORMAN PICTURES 062893 GOLF ADMINISTR PROF SERVICES 138341 $518.75" 08/02/93 $650.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 072793 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 138342 $650.00" 08/02/93 $5,000.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 071693 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 138343 $5,000.00" COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 20 CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/02/93 $398.20 PRECISION TURF /CHEM CHEMICALS 003290 MAINT OF COURS CHEMICALS 08/02/93 $233.66 PRECISION TURF /CHEM CHEMICALS 003291 MAINT OF COURS CHEMICALS 138344 $631.86" 08/02/93 $13.50 PRINTERS SERV INC BLADE SHARPENING 8C639 ARENA ICE MAIN EQUIP MAINT 138345 $13.50" 08/02/93 $213.38 PRO PRINT & GRAPHICS PRINTING 5419 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 138346 $213.38" 08/02/93 $30.00 PURAM, KAMALA REFUND SWIMMING 072293 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138347 $30.00" 08/02/93 $4.76 QUALITY REFRIG SALES TAX 087087. GRILL CONTR SERVICES 138348 $4.76" 08/02/93 $38.00 QUICK SERV BATTERY AIR FILTER 64867 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8453 08/02/93 $76.68 QUICK SERV BATTERY FILTER 64652 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8432 138349 $114.68" 08/02/93 $59.64 QUIK PRINT PRINTING 48501 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 138350 559.64" 08/02/93 $52.25 R &R SPECIALTIES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 18215 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 138351 $52.25" 08/02/93 $73.04 R.M. COTTON CO CONTRACTED REPAIRS A3095 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 138352 $73.04" 08/02/93 $50.00 RAINS, DIANE PERFORM /CL 080593 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138353 $50.00" 08/02/93 $104.55 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 00271 BUILDING MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 08/02/93 $221.75 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 00271 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 138354 $326.30" 08/02/93 $274.90 REM SUPPLIES GLOVES 3083 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 8524 08/02/93 $62.30 REM SUPPLIES LIGHT BULBS 3088 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $242.31 REM SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 3089 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 138355 $579.51" 08/02/93 $3,424.90 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD 8 JULY /50T 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 $7,245.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /YOR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 $7,306.58 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /VER VERNON SELLING CST•OF GDS BEE 138356 $17,976.48" 08/02/93 $333.65 RICHFIELD PLUMBING CO PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 5637 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES 138357 5333.65" 08/02/93 $83.78 ROAD RESCUE LENS REFLECTOR 137783 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8343 138358 - $83.78" COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 21 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------7---------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $137.00 ROBERT B. HILL SALT 53435 MAINT OF COURS CHEMICALS 138359 $137.00" 08/02/93 .$155.14 ROBINSON, JAMES E CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 072693 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 138360 $155.14" 08/02/93 $5,321.70 ROLLINS OIL CO GASOLINE 14385 EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE 8791 138361 $5,321.70" 08/02/93 $74.75 ROOT- O -MATIC SEWER SER ROOT- O-MATIC 071993 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES 138362 $74.75" 08/02/93 $668.91 ROTH CREATIVE SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 1950 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES 138363 $668.91" 08/02/93 $75.00 ROZYCKI, NANCY REPLACEMENT CHECK /ED 102993. ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138364 $75.00" 08/02/93 $240.58 RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF CRAFT' 249369 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 08/02/93 $89.28 RUBENSTEIN & ZIFF COST OF COMM 209158 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 138365 $329.86" 08/02/93 $180.00 RUDQUIST, MONICA AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $429.00 RUDQUIST, MONICA PT MAINT ART CENTER 072793 ART CENTER BLD SALARIES TEMP 138366 $609.00" 08/02/93 $151.23 SAFETY KLEEN HAZ WASTE DISPOSAL 567595 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 138367 $151.23" 08/02/93 $8.68 SAMMONS, SABRINA MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072693 POOL ADMIN MILEAGE 138368 $8.68" - 08/02/93 $30.00 SCHNAUS, LYN REFUND SWIMMING 072693 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138369 $30.00" 08/02/93 $44.00 SCHUR, KATHY CLASS,REFUND 072493 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 138370 $44.00" 08/02/93 $425.99 SEARS MOTOR SR -75 -81 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $153.34 SEARS GENERAL SUPPLIES SR -75 -82 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 138371 $579.33" 08/02/93 $20.65 SECOA GENERAL SUPPLIES 65210 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 138372 $20.65" 08/02/93 $30.00 SHEEHAN, TIM REFUND SWIMMING 072693 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 138373 $30.00" 08/02/93 $1.27 SHERWIN WILLIAMS. SALES TAX 6644 -2. MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 138374 $1.27" 08/02/93 $150.00 SIEWERT, BARRY REIMBURSEMENT /MN,SPL 071893 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES 138375 $150.00" COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 22 CHECK NO DATE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/02/93 $42.29 SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER SUPPLIES 10764538 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8504 08/02/93 $168.54 SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER TIME CARD 32477569.PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8504 138376 $210.83" 08/02/93 $36.35 SINGLETON, JAMES CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 072693 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 138377 $36.35" 08/02/93 5196.00 SMITH, CECELIA ROTARY DUES 072793 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI 138378 5196.00" 08/02/93 S25.87 SMITH, CONNIE ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138379 $25.87" 08/02/93 $30.00 SOUND ADVISE CONSULTIN SOUND SYSTEM 071693 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $468.00 SOUND ADVISE CONSULTIN SOUND SYSTEM 072293 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 138380 $496.00" 08/02/93 $3,225.00 SOUTH HENNEPIN REGIONA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072693 SOUTH HENNEPIN PROF SERVICES 138381 S3,225.00" 08/02/93 $135.42 SOUTHAM BUSINESS COMMU BIDS WATER TOWER CPCO2639 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 138382 S135.42" 08/02/93 $250.00 SOUTHSIDE BIG BAND SERVICES /CL 081193 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 138383 $250.00" 08/02/93 $6,335.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /YOR YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/02/93 S2,551.50 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /50T 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 138384 $8,886.50* 08/02/93 $76.77 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2062918 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 8597 08/02/93 - 537.60 SPS CREDIT 205.7951 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $61.26 SPS LAUNDRY TRAY 2051957 VERNON OCCUPAN REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $132.26 SPS PVC FOR PUMPHOUSE RE 2057950 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 8435 138385 5232.69" 08/02/93 S135.86 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SOCKET 188783 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $9.47 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SILENCER 188832 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $22.16 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET TUBE ASSM 188984 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 - $101.04 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CREDIT 188774 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $19.97 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CABLE 188763 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 5101.04 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET ROD 188731 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 $94.05 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SOCKET 188818 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/02/93 S33.61 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SWITCH 188393 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138386 $315.124 08/02/93 $254.63 SUBURBAN PROPANE LP FUEL 071793 ARENA ICE MAIN GASOLINE 138387 $254.63" 08/02/93 $7.14 SUPERIOR FORD PLUG OIL PAN 184939 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 138388 $7.14" COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 23 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT. PO NUM. 08/02/93 $36.10 TARGET ..GENERAL SUPPLIES 474241 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 8261 08/02/93 $42.96 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 474241 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 138389 $79.06* 08/02/93 $222.37 TERRY ANN SALES CO TABLE COVERS 1297 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $479.25 TERRY ANN SALES CO PAPER,SUPPLIES 2001 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $269.50 TERRY ANN SALES CO SUPPLIES CAN LINERS 2002 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 138390 $971.12* 08/02/93 $168.69 THE HOWE COMPANY FERTILIZER 1754025 CENTENNIAL LAK FERTILIZER 8800 08/02/93 $168.30 THE HOWE COMPANY FERTILIZER I753917 CENTENNIAL LAK FERTILIZER 8746 138391 5334.99* 08/02/93 $59.11 THE KANE SERVICE PRO SERVICES 4882404 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $118.22 THE KANE SERVICE PRO SERVICES 4868461 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES 138392 $177.33* 08/02/93 $30.00 THE WINDOW ADVERTISING 200 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER 138393 $30.00* 08/02/93 $23.67 THERMAL CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 518737 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $392.99 THERMAL"CO CONTRACTED REPAIRS 2067008 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 08/02/93 592.87 THERMAL CO CONTRACTED REPAIRS 2067257 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 138394 $509.53* 08/02/93 $450.80 THOMAS MOORE INC TEMPORARY 18027 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $471.50 THOMAS MOORE INC TEMP HELP 17970 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES 138395 $922.30* 08/02/93 $10,340.00 THORPE DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD B JULY /VER VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 138396 $10,340.00* 08/02/93 $86.70 TOLL COMPANY GAS CYL 465862 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 138397 $86.70* - 08/02/93 $26.84 TOOLS BY OLSEN WEED WHIP LINE 52659 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 138398 $26.84* 08/02/93 $110.00 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS PLASTIC LABELS 071493/5 LIQUOR 50TH ST GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $83.06 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS REG TAPES 070793/V VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/02/93 $314.18 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS FIN 931 CH ORDR 071293 LIQUOR PROG MACH. & EQUIP 7934 138399 $507.24* 08/02/93 $475.89 TOWLE REAL ESTATE OVER - PAYMENT /6400 FR 071493 UTILITY PROD MISCELLANOUS 138400 $475.89* 08/02/93 $4,049.63 TRACY /TRIPP FUELS GASOLINE 108419 CENT SVC GENER GASOLINE 138401 $4,049.63* 08/02/93 $35.60 TRI STATE BOBCAT REPAIR PARTS 054135 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8754 138402 $35.60* 08/02/93 $264.37 TRI - COUNTY DISTRIBUTOR COST OF GOODS SOLD 310620 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 8297 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 24 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138403 $264.37* 08/02/93 $440.07 TROY CHEMICALS CHEMICALS MN6037 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 138404 $440.07* 08/02/93 $120.18 TWIN CITY FILTER GENERAL SUPPLIES 44117 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 138405 $120.18* 08/02/93 $71.87 TWIN CITY HOME JUICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 106566 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 138406 $71.87* 08/02/93 $652.82 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INITIAL ISSUE /SCHMIT 104702 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW 08/02/93 $322.59 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 071593 RESERVE PROGRA UNIF ALLOW 08/02/93 $1,340.67 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 071593 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 138407 $2,316.08" 08/02/93 $97.00 UNITED COMM GROUP DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 071993 COMMUNICATIONS DUES & SUBSCRI 138408 597.00* 08/02/93 $316.24 _.UNITED ELECTRIC CORP ENCLOSURE PARTS 67SI 244 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $434.53 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP HEADS -HOSE 66SI 188 GC CIP REPAIR PARTS 8428 08/02/93 S244.02- UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 67SI 245 GC CIP GENERAL SUPPLI 8259 08/02/93 $81.66 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP ELEC MATERIAL 67SI 247 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8538 138409 $1,076.45* 08/02/93 $26.15 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 071093 COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 138410 $26.15* 08/02/93 $438.42 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080293 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 08/02/93 $178.17 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080293 50TH ST OCCUPA TELEPHONE 08/02/93 $215.76 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080293 CENTENNIAL LAK TELEPHONE 08/02/93 $194.16 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080293 YORK OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE 08/02/93 $639.24 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE / ADVERTISIN 080293 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES 08/02/93 $199.72 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080293 SENIOR CITIZEN TELEPHONE 08/02/93 $107.82 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080293 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE 08/02/93 $637.24 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080293 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 08/02/93 $181.62 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080293 GOLF DOME TELEPHONE 08/02/93 $109.19 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080293 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 138411 $2,901.34* 08/02/93 $912.00 USAQUATICS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 071293 POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS 138412 $912.00* 08/02/93 $484.58 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 467670 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 8565 138413 $484.58* 08/02/93 $544.28 VANTAGE ELECTRIC PRO SERVICES/WIRING 12594 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES 8758 138414 5544.28* 08/02/93 $521.85 VESSCO METERING PUMP 3898 WATER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 8687 138415 $521.85* 08/02/93 $48.34 VFW POST 85555 ADVERTISING 28 VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 25 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $48.33 VFW POST 05555 ADVERTISING 28 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER 08/02/93 $48.33 VFW POST 85555 ADVERTISING 28 YORK SELLING ADVERT OTHER 138416 $145.00* 08/02/93 $179.90 VIKING SAFETY PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 492118 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8562 138417 $179.90" 08/02/93 $226.21 VOSS LIGHTING LIGHTS 226015 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 138418 $226.21* 08/02/93 $253.02 W W GRAINGER BEARING ASSM 140 -4576 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 8527 08/02/93 $42.64 W W GRAINGER THERMOSTAT 498 -6345 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 8414 138419 5295.66* 08/02/93 $13.38 WALGREENS DRUG STORES AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 071393 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 138420 $13.38* 08/02/93 $306.70 WALKER PARKING CONSULT PROF ENO SERVICES 67117 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 138421 $306.70* 08/02/93 $150.90 WALTERS SWIM SUPPLIES LEARN TO SWIM LIFE J 8275 SWIMMING INSTR GENERAL SUPPLI 138422 5150.90* 08/02/93 $218.00 WEIGLE, SUE MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072393 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE 138423 $216.00* 08/02/93 $90.00 WERT, CAPRICE CLEANING 016318 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 8381 138424 $90.00* 08/02/93 $275.00 WESELY, TOM SEED 072293 GENERAL TURF C SEED 138425 $275.00* 08/02/93 $248.78 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. BITS -HEAD GEAR 4992 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 8523 08/02/93 $464.31 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. ELECTRODE 4998 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 8534 08/02/93 $381.00 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. ELECTRODES 4991 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 8430 138426 $1,094.09* 08/02/93 $268.38 WHEELER LUMBER KEYSTONE 1210 -000 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES 138427 $268.38* 08/02/93 $28.93 WHITE, ART ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138428 $28.93* 08/02/93 $288.00 WICKER, CYD AC INSTRUCTOR 072793 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 138429 $288.00* 08/02/93 $46.54 WIDERSTROM, ANN ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138430 $46.54* 08/02/93 $220.34 WILLIAMS STEEL LOG CHAIN 497378 -0 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8446 08/02/93 $23.02 WILLIAMS STEEL BOLTS 498623 -0 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8595 138431 $243.36* �OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Wed Jul 28 1993 23:39:47 Page 26 :HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/02/93 $77.04 WINEBERO, DON DAMAGED TIRE 072293 OC CIP GENERAL SUPPLI 138432 $77.04* 08/02/93 $231.87 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY BALL RETRIEVER 90854 RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $150.40 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY BALL SCOOP 91517 RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/02/93 $51.99 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY PAr TS 92051 RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 138433 $434.26" 08/02/93 $17.04 WM H MCCOY PROPANE 223501 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 7891 08/02/93 $17.04 WM H MCCOY PROPANE 224901 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 8095 08/02/93 $17.04 WM H MCCOY PROPANE 225501 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 8227 08/02/93 $17.04 WM H MCCOY PROPANE 223661 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 8063 08/02/93 $17.04 WM H MCCOY PROPANE 225951 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 8417 138434 $85.20* 08/02/93 $518.82 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD W 32779 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 138435 $518.82* 08/02/93 $33.15 ZABEL, HELEN ART WORK SOLD 072793 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 138436 $33.15* 08/02/93 $72.74 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE DRUGS 54187680 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 138437 $72.74* $592,04e.10— $591,846.16 COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY Wed Jul 28 1993 23:41:08 Page 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUND A 10 GENERAL FUND $130,135.84 $130,93;.84- FUND • 12 COMMUNICATION $13,149.79 FUND • 15 WORKING CAPITAL $10,801.29 FUND • 23 ART CENTER $9,690.04 FUND • 26 SWIMMING POOL $3,721.10 FUND 0 27 GOLF COURSE $49,557.52 FUND • 28 ICE ARENA $3,356.17 FUND $ 29 GUN RANGE $4.25 FUND # 30 EDINB /CENT LAKES $16,873.91 FUND • 40 UTILITY FUND $263,329.56 FUND f 41 STORM SEWER $3,897.68 FUND t 50 LIQUOR FUND $87,329.01 $591,846.16*