HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-21_COUNCIL PACKET(REVISED AGENDA - ITEM IV.A. WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA BY STAFF) AGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL MARCH 21, 1994 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA - Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of HRA Meeting of March 7, 1994 II. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS - Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust - Tobacco Free Youth Day PRESENTATION OF AWARD - Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of Regular Council Meeting of March 7, 1994 II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Preliminary Rezoning - Planned Commercial District. PCD -4 and Single Dwelling Unit District. R -1 to Planned Residence District, PRD -4 4101 West 50th Street, 5014, 5016 and 5024 Halifax Avenue, Haymaker Construction, Inc. B. 1994 Urban Hennepin Countv CDBG Program III. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IV. AWARD OF BIDS * A. Traffic Marking Paint (Withdrawn from Agenda by staff) * B. Work Vehicle - Braemar Golf Course * C. Mini -Cargo Van - Utility Department Agenda Edina City Council March 21, 1994 Page Two V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Permit to Keep Extra Dogs and Cats - 4737 Hibiscus Av (Contd from 3/7/94) B. Permit to Keep Extra Dogs - 4817 Vandervork Av C. On -Sale Wine License and 3.2 Beer License - Great Food, Inc. dba /Original Pancake House/My Pie Apr D. Wine License Renewals 7:00 E. Beer License Renewals Chambers F. Tax Forfeit Land (Hennepin County List 805 NC) G. Traffic Signal Agreements - West 54th /France and West 58th /France H. Local Government Unit - Nine Mile Creek Watershed District I. Update on Purchasing Policies and Procedures VI. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES 8:00 VII. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL VIII. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS I%. FINANCE A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 03/17/94 Total: $486,035.10 and for confirmation of payment of Claims dated 03/11/94 Total: $320,735.95 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Mon Apr 4 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Wed Apr 6 Annual Council /Boards /Commissions Dinner 6:00 P.M. Braemar Clubhouse Sat Apr 9 Council Study Session 8:00 A.M. Arneson Acres Mon Apr 11 Board of Review 5:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Apr 18 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Wed Apr 20 Annual Volunteers Reception 5:00 P.M. Edinborough Park MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MARCH 79 1994 ROTTrALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve the BRA Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE BRA MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1994, APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve the ERA Minutes of February 22, 1993. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. CLAIMS PAID Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve payment of BRA claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 3, 1994, and consisting of one page totalling $16,322.75. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Rice. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Richards declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director /1NA O OR, POw�1tC / \\ i886 j A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, six million Jews were -systematically murdered by Nazi Germany and their collaborators from 1933 to 1945, as well as hundreds of thousands of Sinti and Roma (Gypsies) and the handicapped; millions of Poles, religious and political dissidents, and those deemed by the Nazis to be "unworthy of life" were swept into this abyss; and WHEREAS, all citizens of the United States should remember the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany and their collaborators and recognize that each of us must remain vigilant against tyranny; and WHEREAS, Friday, April 8, 1994, has been designated, pursuant to an Act of Congress, as a Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, known internationally as Yom Hashoah; and 10 WHEREAS, it is appropriate for the citizens of Edina to join in this commemoration with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, this nation's center for learning and remembrance of the Holocaust: NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mary H. Kelly, Mayor Pro -Tem of the City of Edina, do hereby proclaim the week of Sunday April 3, through Sunday, April 10, 1994, as DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE OF THE VICTIMS OF THE HOLOCAUST in memory of those victims and in the hope that we will strive, as a nation and individually, to overcome prejudice and inhumanity through education, vigilance and tolerance. ADOPTED this 21st day of March, 1994. Mayor Pro-Tern UNITED'- `�_ STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM Februrary 18, 1994 Honorable Frederick Richards Mayor of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mayor Richards: �p1 V S The United States Holocaust Memorial Council was mandated to lead the nation in annual commemorations of the victims of the Holocaust, known as Days of Remembrance [Public Law 96-388,10/7/801. Millions of American citizens, both at home and abroad will participate in Remembrance observances from Sunday, April 3, through Sunday, April 10, 1994. The theme for this year's commemoration is Fifty Years Ago: Darkness Before Dawn. We recall the events of 1944, a year in which Nazi Germany decimated the Jewish populations of Hungary, northern Italy, France, the Greek Islands, and the Netherlands. Thousands of European Gypsies were killed in this year alone. East European forced laborers, ill with tuberculosis, were murdered in the so- called euthanasia centers. It was also the year in which the first major war crimes trial was held, that of the commandant and guards at Majdanek, a death camp located in the suburb of Lublin, Poland, and liberated by the Soviet troops in July of 1944. Now more than ever, your personal leadership in this national commitment to remember and commemorate is essential. Thus, we respectfully request that you issue a Days of Remembrance Proclamation (suggestion enclosed) and forward it, or a copy, to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for your City's permanent archive. This sends a message to the citizens of your City that in such trying times, you went on record to keep the promise "Never Again." The annual Days of Remembrance provide Americans with an opportunity to reflect anew upon our history and to contemplate our moral responsibilities to humankind, values our ancestors held dear. We look forward to receiving your Proclamation and hope that you will also initiate and participate in Remembrance ceremonies in your City. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which opened to the public in April, 1993, has had an extremely successful year greeting well over one million visitors who came to learn what evil can do. We aspire to spread our message of learning and remembrance to all Americans through the Museum and the Days of Remembrance. We are deeply grateful for your strong support. Sincerely, J enram in e r ed Chairman, Days of Remembrance Enclosure A Project of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council 100 Raoul \Vallenbcrg Place, SW Washington, DC 2002+ -2170, Telephone (202) 488 -0400, Fax (202) 488 -2690 / A o, v Pot" w� IflBB A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, more than 400,000 premature deaths occur each year in the United. States from tobacco - related causes. The epidemic is totally preventable - and the key opportunities for prevention are during childhood and adolescence. WHEREAS, at least 3.1 million adolescents are current smokers, and smoking is most common among 17 and 18 year olds with about 25 percent of these young people smoking. WHEREAS, nicotine is often the first drug used by young people who use alcohol, marijuana and harder drugs. WHEREAS, for most smokers, nicotine addiction begins during childhood or adolescence. WHEREAS, cigarette advertising appears to increase young people's risk of smoking by conveying that smoking has social benefits and that it is more common than it really is. WHEREAS, in Minnesota, teenagers were illegally sold over four and a half million packs of cigarettes in 1991. WHEREAS, the most effective preventive programs are community wide ones that combine education and public policy approaches. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mary H. Kelly, Mayor Pro -Tem of Edina, do hereby declare March 24, 1994, as TOBACCO FREE YOUTH DAY and urge all citizens of Edina to take part in this most important day. ADOPTED this 21st day of March, 1994. Mayor Pro -Tem OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 350 South Fifth Street - Rm 331 Minneapolis.Minnesota 55415 -1393 (612) 673 -2100 Fax (612) 673 -2305 SHARON SAYLES BELTON MAYOR March 9, 1994 The Honorable Frederick S. Richards 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear Mayor Richards, inneapolis city of lakes On March 24 an important event is taking place nationwide that can have an impact on the health of young people and families in our community. The event is a national videoconference called "Youth and Elders Against Tobacco Use ". Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders will present the results of the 1994 Surgeon General's report — the first report to focus specifically on preventing tobacco use among young people. Tobacco use continues to be an epidemic in this country, an epidemic that causes more than 420,000 premature deaths each year. This epidemic is totally preventable — and the key opportunities for prevention are during childhood and adolescence. I invite you to join me in proclaiming March 24 to be "Tobacco-Free Youth Day" in your community. In Minneapolis, I will ask all sectors of my community - educators, youth leaders, business people, media representatives, policy makers, families and young people - to take steps collectively to prevent smoking among young people. Young people will be involved in this event by presenting me with the first -ever children's version of the Surgeon General's Report called "SGR 4 Kids ". 3V ii — y If you are ki/terested in joining me in this effort, please call Gretchen Griffin at the Community Pre- vention office, 8 -5694, no later than March 14. The Community Prevention Coalition can provide copies of a sample "Tobacco -Free Youth Day" proclamation, a copy of the Executive Summary of the 1994 Surgeon General's Report, and a copy of "SGR 4 Kids ". They also have information about youth groups throughout Hennepin County involved in the "Send The Camel Packing" project. These groups may be interested in participating in a "Tobacco -Free Youth Day" event in your community. For most smokers, nicotine addiction begins during childhood or adolescence. If young people can be kept tobacco -free, most will never start using tobacco. Working together, we can accomplish this goal. Sincerely, _ Sharon Sayles Belton Mayor of Minneapolis TDD (612) 673 -2157 jl II �' _° __ -_ ® Recycled Paper 30/ Post Consumer Fi AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Fit, El OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MARCH 7, 1994 ROL CALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith and Mayor Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith to approve and adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CAMP FIRE BIRTHDAY MEEK PROCLAIMED Mayor Richards presented the following proclamation which was unanimously adopted by motion of Member Paulus, seconded by Member Kelly: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Camp Fire Boys and Girls, the national organization, will celebrate its 84th birthday on March 17, 1994; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire, Minnesota Rivers Council in the State of Minnesota, teaches boys and girls self - reliance, good citizenship and leadership; and WHEREAS, through contemporary programs and by speaking out on issues affecting youth and their families, Camp Fire helps youth cope with their changing world; and WHEREAS, in Camp Fire, the choices and opportunities are inclusive to boys and girls; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire is commended for the valuable programs offered to young people in the City of Edina and throughout the nation and for the many services these young people perform for their community through Camp Fire. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Frederick S. Richards, Mayor of the City of Edina, do hereby officially proclaim March 13 - 19, 1994, to be CAMP FIRE BIRTHDAY WEEK in the City of Edina, Minnesota. ADOPTED this seventh day of March, 1994. Accepting the Proclamation were Barbara Kerr - Anderson, Leader and Camp Fire members Karen Rustad, Nickey Kerr - Anderson and Corrine Wilson. *MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1994, APPROVED Notion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 22, 1994. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR HOLLY HILL ESTATES (5020 BLAKE ROAD) CONTINUED TO APRIL 4. 1994 Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen presented the request for preliminary plat approval for Holly Hill Estates located at 5020 Blake Road. He said the subject property is a developed single dwelling unit lot containing an area of 68,771 square feet. The existing dwelling is located on the easterly portion of the property and the home is currently served by two curb cuts on Blake Road. The subdivision proposal would create one, new buildable lot. The dimensions and lot sizes as proposed are: Lot Width Lot Depth Lot Area Lot 1 214 feet 238 feet 30,484 square feet Lot 2 (existing home) 148 feet 251 feet 38,519 square feet Lots within the 500 foot neighborhood, as established by the Zoning Ordinance, yield the following dimensions and sizes: Lot Width Lot Depth Lot Area 115 feet 177 feet 19,250 square feet Both lots would exceed the neighborhood medians and no variances are required. The proposed location for the new dwelling would be on a relatively flat area on the westerly portion of the property. Tree removal to develop the new lot would be minimal. The proposal also anticipates separating the existing double drive to serve the new house. The curb cuts on Blake Road would remain as they exist today. The Planning Commission heard the proposal on January 5, 1994, and recommended preliminary plat approval, subject to: 1) final plat approval, 2) subdivision dedication, and 3) utility connection charges. Presentation by Proponent John Zwicke, 5020 Blake Road, proponent, submitted that the proposed subdivision meets all the criteria, would be a very nice lot aesthetically, would maintain the existing setting and would not interfere with any other properties including the existing home. Mayor Richards asked Mr. Zwicke when he began the process leading to the proposed subdivision, and also when the northerly curb cut was put in and the distance from the bend in Blake Road to Interlachen Boulevard. Mr. Zwicke responded that he began the subdivision planning last fall. Both of the existing curb cuts have been there for many years and that it was approximately 250 feet from the roadway bend to Interlachen Boulevard. Member Rice asked about the existing bituminous turnaround, where the proposed building pad would be for the new house and trees to be removed. Mr. Zwicke explained that the asphalt would -be removed, that only two trees would be removed and additional trees would be added for privacy. He said the preliminary plan illustrates the approximate area where the new house would go. Continuing, Member Rice asked the proposed size and height for the new house and if it would be comply with the height restriction and setback requirements. Mr. Zwicke indicated that the house would be approximately 5,000 -6,000 square feet and is proposed to be two stories in height. Planner Larsen said the Zoning Ordinance restricts dwellings to a maximum height of 30 feet as measured from ground level at the front of the dwelling. The front yard setback was discussed by the Planning Commission and it was explained that because of the lot layout, the front yard setback would take into account only the homes on either side of the subject property and a setback of 65 feet would be required. Public Comment Steven Gilmore, 5025 Scriver Road, said that he lives directly behind the existing dwelling on the subject property. He asked if the existing woods would be disturbed and when construction would start. Mr. Zwicke pointed out that a 13 inch oak tree, an old peach tree and pine tree would be removed for the building site but none of the remaining trees would be disturbed. Regarding commencement of construction, he said that is unknown at this time. Council Comment /Action Mayor Richards asked Mr. Zwicke how he proposed to handle the reduction in special assessment for the Blake Road project that he had requested and been granted at the assessment hearing held in October, 1993, while anticipating the proposed subdivision. Mr. Zwicke argued that he would be assessed that indirectly in terms of added taxes for the new lot. Member Smith interjected . that the special assessment had nothing to do with property tax or park dedication and had he known the full circumstances he would not have agreed to the special assessment reduction. Regarding the proposed subdivision, Mayor Richards said he had a concern about traffic safety considering that the northerly curb cut is located on the curve of the roadway. Further, that it may be premature to act upon this proposal when the adjacent Boos property to the north may undergo development in the near future. Member Rice said he concurred and recalled that when the Blake Road improvement project was discussed there were safety concerns relative to curb cuts and traffic capacity. Member Kelly asked if action on the proposed plat could be delayed so that further engineering opinion could be provided. Planner Larsen said there is an imposed time limit but staff feels it does not apply in this case because after the Planning Commission meeting Mr. Zwicke said he would be out of town and asked that the matter be tabled until his return, in effect waiving the normal time in which the Council must act. Attorney Gilligan confirmed that the time period is 120 days which has been waived by the proponent. Member Kelly asked Mr. Zwicke if he had a buyer for the new undeveloped lot and if delaying action would hold up a potential sale. Mr. Zwicke said no to the question. Mr. Zwicke said it is obvious that development of the property is not the concern but whether the Council feels the assessment was unfairly reduced. If there were a safety issue problem the angle of the road would have been changed when reconstructed. He said he was willing, upon final approval of the subdivision, to give back the amount of the assessment reduction. He reiterated that the proposal meets all the criteria for subdivision required by the Zoning Ordinance, no objection was raised by City staff previously, and the Planning Commission approved it. Mayor Richards made a motion to continue the hearing on preliminary plat for Holly Hill Estates to April 4, 1994, and to request the Engineering Department to come back with comments relative to the traffic issues and information on potential development of the property to the north and vest. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING. MATTER Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith setting March 21, 1994, as hearing date for the following Plaffiing matter: 1) Preliminary Rezoning - Planned Commercial District, PCD -4 and Single Dwelling Unit District, R -1 to Planned Residence District, PRD -4 (4101 West 50th Street, 5014, 5016 and 5024 Halifax Avenue) Motion carried on rollcall °vote - five ayes: *RESOLUTION ADOPTED RELEASING AGREEMENT FOR PARKLAND DEDICATION RELATING TO PARKfi0OD KNOLLS 21ST ADDITION Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION RELEASING PARKLAND DEDICATION AGREEMENT PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina as follows: 1. Recitals. By Agreement dated July 24, 1972, (the "Agreement ") and filed November 8, 1972, in the office of the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles as Document No. 1052064, Carl M. Hansen, Helen N. Hansen and Parkwood Knolls Construction Company entered into an agreement with the City of Edina relating to dedication of parkland or payment of money in lieu thereof. All obligations under the Agreement as they relate to Parkwood Knolls 21st Addition, Hennepin County, Minnesota, have been fully performed. 2. Release. The City of Edina hereby fully and absolutely releases said Parkwood Knolls 21st Addition from the Agreement and all obligations thereunder and authorizes the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles to remove the memorial of the Agreement from all Certificates of Title in Parkwood Knolls 21st Addition. The Mayor and Manager are authorized to execute such instruments and documents as may be necessary to evidence the release of Parkwood Knolls 21st Addition from the Agreement and the Clerk is authorized to file a certified copy of this Resolution in the Hennepin County Real Estate Record. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. ORDINANCE NO. 1994 -4 AMENDING CITY CODE BY REPEALING PARAGRAPH R.4 OF SUBSECTION 1230.02 (AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROVISION ALLOYING PUSHCARTS IN THE 50TH & FRANCE C014KMCIAL AREA AND PROVIDING LIMIT ON NUMBER OF PERMITS) ADOPTED ON SECOND READING Assistant Manager Hughes recalled that on February 22, 1994, the Council granted First Reading to Ordinance No. 1994 -4 to repeal the sunset provision allowing pushcarts in the 50th & France Commercial Area. The Council asked the 50th & France Business and Professional Association to offer comments concerning pushcarts in the 50th & France Commercial Area and limitation on number of permits. The Association reviewed the proposed ordinance and would recommend that the total number of pushcarts allowed at any one time be limited to not more than six. Marty Rud, Association President, was present and encouraged the Council to adopt the ordinance as recommended. Member Rice moved Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1994 -4 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1994 -4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE BY REPEALING PARAGRAPH R.4 OF SUBSECTION 1230.02 (AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROVISION ALLOYING PUSHCARTS IN THE 50TH & FRANCE COMMERCIAL AREA) AND PROVIDING A NEW PARAGRAPH R.4 OF SUBSECTION 1230.02 (LIMIT ON NUMBER OF PERMITS) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph R.4 of Subsection 1230.02 of Section 1230 of the City Code is repealed in its entirety. Section 2. Subsection 1230.02 of Section 1230 of the City Code is amended by providing a new paragraph R.4 as follows: "4. The number of permits which may be in force under this Paragraph R. at any one time shall not exceed six." Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon passage and publication. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Ordinance adopted. CONCERN VOICED REGARDING GARBAGE REMOVAL AND RENTED COSTS George Topor, 5709 Kemrich Drive, stated that he had asked to be on the Council Agenda to address the subject of garbage removal in Edina and its costs. He said Edina has an open hauling system whereby the residents can chose service from four licensed haulers. Certain other cities have organized hauling whereby bids are solicited and the bid is awarded to one hauler who provides the service to the entire city. Mr. Topor said that St. Louis Park residents under the one hauler system pay approximately $120.00 per year less than residents in Edina due in part to Edina's requirement for pickup at the garage. Mr. Topor asked that the Council consider looking at Edina's present system with the goal of improving the service while lowering the costs, i.e. reducing garbage, increasing recycling, bi- weekly service, illegal dumping, incentive to haulers. Mayor Richards told Mr. Topor that the Council through the years had debated, discussed and held a number of views on Edina's system for garbage collection. One issue the Council has shown unanimity on is the open hauling system. There have been heated public hearings every time the issue of having a one hauler system has been considered. The Council has also debated the issue of whether collection should be at curb side or garage side, recognizing that there is added cost for garage side pickup, and has not had a unanimous opinion on that issue. Mayor Richards said it is important to continue to review how garbage is collected in the City which is being done by the Recycling and Solid Waste Commission on an ongoing basis. Mr. Topor suggested that the Council consider soliciting responses from Edina residents on the one hauler system versus open hauling system through a note with their water bills. Member Smith commented that he would not support polling the community. He suggested that the Recycling and Solid Waste Commission discuss these issues and get input from the haulers. Member Rice observed that many of the questions raised by Mr. Topor have been studied and the data would still hold as to quotes, etc. Member Paulus mentioned that about two years ago the issue of one hauler versus open hauling was studied in depth. The consensus of both the Council and the general public was not to get involved in a one hauler system as residents preferred to select their own individual haulers. Following lengthy discussion, Member Kelly made a motion that the Recycling and Solid Waste Commission look into the issues that have been raised by Mr. Topor and bring back recommendations to Council on April 4. 1994, based on facts and discussions with the licensed garbage haulers /recyler. Motion was seconded by Mayor Richards. Member Rice said he would support the motion with the proviso that the Commission first look at the 1991 report to see if there have been any changes relating to that data. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CONCERN VOICED REGARDING MASSAGE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Mitchell Wherley, owner of Spalon Montage, 3909 West 49 1/2 Street, said he had asked to be on the Council Agenda to propose a change to Subsection 1340.02, Subd. 3, C. of the City Code which stipulates that no more than two persons licensed to perform massage shall perform such massage at any one time on the business premises. The change proposed would remove paragraph C. entirely from the ordinance. Mr. Wherley said that Spalon Montage is a day spa as well as a full service salon and has experienced consistent growth. They would like to expand their spa services which includes massage because of the popularity of these services. Mr. Wherley pointed out even with anticipated expanded sales of massage the company would not exceed the limitation of 25% gross revenue from massage required by the City's ordinance. Member Rice asked Mr. Wherley what number of persons he would suggest could perform massage at any one time if the Council were inclined to change the ordinance. Mr. Wherley responded that raising the limitation to three or four persons would be great. Member Smith said he would agree to looking at the proposed change but would be uncomfortable with lifting the limitation entirely. It was the consensus of the Council that staff should review the request, check with other cities who issue massage licenses as to their regulations, and bring recommendations back to Council on April 4, 1994. *BID AWARDED FOR CARPET FOR BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE LOUNGES Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for carpet for Braemar Clubhouse lounges to recommended low bidder, Anser's New Carpet Design, at $6,701.72. Motion carried on rollcall vote; five ayes. PUBLIC ErsR7NG HELD ON PERMIT APPLICATION TO KEEP EXTRA DOGS /CATS'AT 4737 HIBISCUS AVENUE Affidavits of notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Mayor Richards stated that this is the first public hearing on a permit application to keep extra dogs and cats following amendment.of the City's ordinance to establish such permit process. Presentation by Applicant William Wright, 4737 Hibiscus Avenue, stated that in order to have more than three dogs or cats in the aggregate as allowed by City ordinance, he had applied for a permit to keep three dogs and three cats as identified in the application. He noted that one dog (cockapoo) ran away and has been missing since November, 1993. Mayor Richards asked Mr. Wright to characterize the animals and their habits. Mr. Wright stated that only one of the three cats goes outside and only for brief periods of time. The dogs are allowed out in the backyard which opens out to the lake. When out, the golden retrievers will bark if left out for any length of time or if some strange person or dog comes along. Public Comment Charles Hansing, 4741 Hibiscus Avenue, said he has lived at that address for 15 years, is directly north of the Wrights, and that over the years his various neighbors have had pets. He spoke to an outline which he presented to the Council which included comments on legal issues, property issues, ordinance questions, obligations of pet owners to neighbors. He argued that the ordinance grants special rights at the expense of others and does not provide equal rights for all property owners. Further, it places the burden of proof on the neighbor rather than the applicant. Pets are really a nuisance if they are not controlled by their owner at all times or left unattended inside or out; especially barking dogs at certain times of the day. Mr. Hansing said that he felt the Council should set the rules and regulations and enforce compliance whether it be for one or six animals. Also, that neighbors should not have to -keep calling to report non - compliance. Mayor Richards asked Mr. Hansing if he felt the permit to keep extra dogs /cats should be granted to the Wrights. Mr. Hansing said he felt this is a test case, that the issues he has raised should be addressed before action is taken on this permit. As to the permit, he said if granted it would impinge on his property rights. Member Paulus interjected that the City has a nuisance ordinance that would deal with barking dogs and other issues such as health. Member Rice said he agreed that the neighbors should not have to report nuisances; however, that is how the system works. Someone has to call the City and report ordinance violations. George Topor, 5709 Kemrich Drive, said he had not seen the ordinance but in listening to the testimony he wondered if there is anything in the ordinance about the number of complaints against a pet owner, over a specified period of time, that could result in a permit being suspended. Member Paulus called point of order and said further comment should be limited specifically to the matter of the permit application under consideration. Member Paulus made a motion that staff be directed to prepare findings for consideration by the Council on March 21, 1994, in support of granting the Wrights a permit to keep the two dogs and three cats at 4737 Hibiscus Avenue as described in the application. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Member Smith asked what control the Council would have once a permit is issued. Attorney Gilligan responded that, as provided in the ordinance, the Council could impose conditions, i.e. if the ordinance were violated the permit could be pulled. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. REPORT GIVEN ON SMOKE DETECTORS IN DWELLING UNITS Chief Paulfranz summarized his report dated March 3, 1994 on the subject of smoke detectors in dwelling units as follows. He said estimates indicate that 20 percent of the dwellings in Minnesota do not have detectors, and of the 80 percent that do, only 30 percent of those detectors are operational. Of special concern is that the elderly are one of the high -risk groups. Presently in Edina, smoke detectors are required by the Building Code in all new and remodeled dwellings. The Fire Department has as inspection program for existing apartment and condominium buildings. A new project jointly sponsored by the Edina Rotary, the Local Fire Union, and the Fire Department is development of a smoke detector "give away" program. This project is designed to assist people who cannot afford the equipment. Several areas of concern require more attention: 1. Public awareness and concern - particularly with battery replacement and testing. 2. Responsibility and authority of condominium associations. These associations should install, service and maintain all smoke detectors within their building. 3. Detectors installed in existing R -1 dwellings should be "hard wired" design. Present State Statute prevents requiring this except in single family homes. 4. Fire protection goals and key issues identified by the Governor's Council on Fire Prevention and Control should receive support. Member Smith asked if insurance companies reduce premiums as an incentive if dwelling units are hard wired. Chief Paulfranz said he was not aware of a premium break for hard wired detectors versus battery operated, but insurance companies do give credit for homes with smoke detectors. He noted that retro -fit to hard wired detectors is difficult but the Fire Department does encourages property owners to use hard wired detectors. Member Smith asked if this could be required when a home is being remodeled extensively. Chief Paulfranz said those are required whenever a remodeling job is over $1,000 in value. Member Rice said he would support a change in State Statute that would require hard wired detectors in multi -unit buildings. Chief Paulfranz said that, in general, owners of rental multi -unit properties go with hard wired smoke detectors because it reduces maintenance cost. The primary problem lies with condominiums where the Fire Department has to deal with multiple owners and there is no association to bring them together. No formal action was taken on the report. REPORT PRESENTED ON VATERMAIN BREAKS /SANITARY SEVM BACKUPS: POLICY DISCUSSED Presentation by Engineer Engineer Hoffman recalled that at the last meeting the Council was advised of a recent major watermain break in the area of West 70th Street/Wooddale Avenue with sanitary sewer backup occurring in a number of the area homes. Staff was asked to provide background information so a policy could be discussed. A review of records for the past 14 years indicated that there were 256 watermain breaks and approximately 167 sanitary system plugs or malfunctions. These incidents were due to a variety of causes and did result in property damage in some cases ranging from slight to severe. The watermain breaks usually occurred in the winter and breaks in the smaller six inch mains usually caused no damage. Staff could identify five large main breaks over this period and where damage did occur because of the high volume of water. Of the 423 water and'sewer events, 47 claims were filed and sent to the City's insurance carrier;_ 22 claims resulted in some payment. Most of the incidents caused no damage or only minor sewer backup in utility rooms resulting in no claim being submitted. The City carries liability insurance, not property damage insurance. A review of insurance summaries from July 1980 to July 1990 indicated that all claims submitted to the City were for either property damage or water-related incidents. Only 47 claims were identified resulting from sewer or water problems; however, staff believes some of the other claims listed as property damage may have been due to sewer /water problems. When watermain /sanitary sewer incidents occur the procedure is as follows:' 1) Department is notified of incident. 2) Utility staff locates and corrects problem. 3) If property damage occurred, staff advises the property owner to file the information with the City Administration Department. 4) Administration advises the City's insurance company of the claim. 5) Insurance company adjustor contacts City utility staff to determine what happened on the specific incident. 6) Insurance company advises property owner as to acceptance or denial of the claim. Staff has contacted other suburban communities to ascertain how they dealt with similar situations. Most followed the same procedure; however, three suburbs hired a cleaning service for cleanup but did not pay for property replacement. One suburb paid for replacement property on a case by case basis. This was a newer suburb with very few incidents and piping system less than 30 years old. Staff would offer the following possible alternatives in establishing a City policy for this type of incident: 1) Continue to follow past procedure. 2) Adopt policy of paying for cleanup service for damages of $500 - $1000 without liability indemnification. 3) Adopt policy of paying for cleanup service for damages of $500 - $1000 with liability indemnification. 4) Some other combination. Staff recommendation: Review issue and develop policy in concert with the City's insurance company. Staff also looked at the following two questions: A. How is the City's liability determined? The City is covered for water related losses through its general liability policy. The City's liability is assessed to determine if the City was negligent in either design of the sewer /water systems or failure to maintain the systems adequately. When a claim is reviewed, the adjustor looks at design criteria, talks to the claimant and interviews City staff regarding work that has been done in the area of the system failure. In 95 percent of the claims the insurance company will pay some portion up to all of the claim if the City has done any work in the area around the time the loss occurred. If the City has done no work in the area the claim is usually denied. B. Is there an insurance product available for property damage coverage when the City is not liable? The City's insurance agent found that there is nothing in the market available for coverage of this type. However, the City could probably find a company that could design a specific policy to cover property damage claims. Cost for this type of coverage would be extremely expensive. If the City were interested in providing such coverage, it would be much more cost effective to self- insure for this type of claim. Public Comment Mayor Richards then called for public comment on the subject of the City's policy relating to private property damage. Specifically, should the City,.without any question of negligence or liability, adopt a policy that would pay for private property damage from the City's general fund? John Straub, 4520 Andover Road, spoke to his claim for property damage resulting from the recent watermain break on West 70th Street. He asked specific questions on how the City's insurance company made their decision not to pay the claim. In answer to the question of City policy, Mr. Straub said the City should not pay - the insurance company should pay. Dr. Ralph Boss, 6901 West Shore Drive, said he had sewer backup from the watermain break on West 70th street. According to the information presented, in the past the City's insurance company has paid claims up to $1,000. However, in the recent watermain break there were massive losses of up to $25,000. He said he felt the City should decide on paying for property damage on a case by case basis. Virginia Schaefer, 4521 Andover Road, asked the amount of premium the City pays to the St. Paul Companies, what type of claims they pay and how many homes were involved in the recent watermain break. Staff responded that the premium is approximately $125,000 for general liability /automobile insurance combined, the type of claims paid in the past has varied, and that approximately 10 -12 homes were affected by the recent break. Robert Backes, 4701 Dunberry Lane, told Council that they had significant damage from the recent break, approximately $25,000, because they were in the process of remodeling their basement. As to policy, he said at a minimum the City should pay for cleanup, and payment for damages should be considered on a case by case basis. Gayle Anderson, 7000 Wooddale Avenue, said she incurred a cleanup bill of approximately $1,000. Both the City's insurance company and her homeowners insurance carrier denied the claim. She said the City should carry insurance that would cover this type of private property damage, knowing these types of incidents occur. Ruby Boss, 6901 West Shore Drive, informed Council that their basement was inundated by the recent watermain break. She said she felt the City has an obligation to pay for all damage costs in cases like this and that she would be willing to pay extra property taxes to.take care of property owners who experience such losses. Mark Ettinger, 7007 West Shore Drive, said he was affected by the recent watermain break and felt the City should assume responsibility on a case by case basis for the reason that the City may be improperly insured for this type of occurrence. Marisue Nibe, 4525 West 70th Street, told Council they had 10 inches of sewage in their basement from the recent break. The carpeting and most of the furniture was damaged and their cost just to get the sewage out was $2,095. She questioned whether the City was adequately maintaining the watermain system.. - George Topor, 5709 Kemrich Drive, suggested that the City consider a policy of self- insurance for these kinds of losses by spreading the cost of the annual "premium" among the total households in the City. Council Action Member Kelly made a motion that the matter of policy for utility incidents be continued to April 18, 1994, so that Council could reflect on comments that have been made and to allow staff to refine policy alternatives in concert with the City's insurance company. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *FEASIBILITY REPORT PRESENTED• HEARING DATE OF 04/04/94 SET FOR PARKLAWN AVENUE IMPROVEMENT BA -303 (CENTENNIAL LADS PHASE II) Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON CENTENNIAL IBS PHASE II - PABKIAWN AVENUE ROADWAY & BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -303 1. The City Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed improvement described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, April 4, 1994, at 7:00 P.M. in the Edina City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvement. 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CENTENNIAL LAKES PHASE II - PARKLAWN AVENUE ROADWAY A BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -303 The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall on Monday, April 4. 1994, at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429: Centennial Lakes Phase II - Parklawn Avenue Roadway & Bridge The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated to be $2,047,616. The area proposed to be assessed for a portion of the cost.of proposed improvements includes: Lots 1 thru 4, Block 1; Outlot A, Outlot B. and Outlot C. The Crescent at Centennial Lakes; and Outlot E, South Edina Development Addition. The properties are proposed to be assessed at $1.39 per square foot. Marcella M. Dashn City Clerk Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED DESIGNATING PARKLAWN AVENUE AS STATE AID STREET Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL STATE AID HIGHWAY WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Edina that the street hereinafter described shall be designated a Municipal State Aid Street under the provisions of Minnesota Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. by the City Council of the City of Edina that the road described as follows, to -wit: Parklawn Avenue between France Avenue (CSAH 17) and York Avenue (CSAH 31) be, and hereby is established, located, and designated a Municipal State Aid Street of said City, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of said road or portion thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as a Municipal State Aid Street of the City of Edina, to be numbered and known as Municipal State Aid Street 174. ADOPTED this 7th day of March, 1994. ATTEST: City Clerk Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. Mayor ON -SALE WINE LICENSE RENEWALS APPROVED Assistant Manager Hughes advised-Council that staff would recommend renewal of on -sale wine licenses for the following restaurants: Q. Cumbers, Ruby Tuesday, Szechuan Star, Two Guys from Italy, Pizzeria Uno, Hawthorn Suites, The Tour Cafe, Ciatti's, Boundary Waters Restaurant, Good Earth Restaurant, Pantry Restaurant and Empress Restaurant. Staff would further recommend that action-on the license renewal for Mick's Southale be continued to March 21, 1994, because of concerns related to a recent inspection. Eric Olson, Fred Burstein and Associates, stated that he was local counsel for Mick's Southdale and had talked with Assistant Manager Hughes regarding the City's concerns with the recent inspection at which a 17 year old was served wine without asking age. He said Mick's is a first class organization, wants to be a good citizen, is extremely concerned about the incident and wants to take any steps necessary to ensure that it will not be repeated. Mr. Olson said Mick's has authorized him to meet with City staff to discuss the incident, to work on any education necessary for Mick's employees to make sure it stays an isolated incident. Member Smith made a motion to approve on -sale wine license renewals for the following restaurants: Q.Cumbers, Ruby Tuesday, Szechuan Star, Two Guys from Italy, Pizzeria Uno, Hawthorn Suites, The Tour Cafe, Ciatti's, Dayton's Boundary Waters Restaurant, Good Earth Restaurant, Pantry Restaurant and Empress Restaurant, and to continue action on the license renewal for Mick's Southdale to the Council Meeting of March 21, 1994. Motion was seconded by Member Rice. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. APPOINTMENT MADE TO COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mayor Richards advised that Diane Klein Smith, 5836 Creek Valley Road, had applied for appointment to the Community Health Services Advisory Committee. She would serve on the Committee as a provider because-by profession she is a school nurse. Member Rice made a motion for consent of the Mayor's appointment of Diane Klein Smith to the Community Health Services Advisory Committee for a two year term to February 1, 1996. Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *CLUB ON -SALE AND SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Kelly and was seconded by Member Smith to approve club on sale and. - Sunday liquor license renewals for Edina Country Club and Interlachen Country Club. Motion carried on rollcall vote, five ayes. RICHFIELD INFORMATION MEETING ON AIRPORT 4 -22 EXTENSION SCHEDULED FOR 04/10/94 Assistant Manager Hughes noted that the City of Richfield has scheduled an informational briefing regarding their review of the Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the 4 -22 airport extension. The meeting will be on March 10 at 8:00 A.M. at Richfield City Hall and staff and elected officials have been invited to participate. Richfield is pushing for legal action to prevent the runway extension. He told Council that Planner Craig Larsen would attend and if Council Members planned to go they should so indicate. CLAIMS PAID Member Smith made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 3, 1994, and consisting of 25 pages: General Find $200.565.14; C.D.B.G. $1,035.00; Communication $21,782.35; Working Capital $4,396.25; Art Center $5,503.86; Golf Course $48,119.35; Ice Arena $4,341.07; Gun Range $872.30; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes $16,120.71; Utility Fund $277,793.94; Storm Sewer $5,198.10; Recycling $39,949.08; Liquor Fund $41,289.29; Construction Fund $11,541.77; TOTAL $678,508.21. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Rice, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. City Clerk t 1N�-eA >' 0 J• `N�Rd10M'4O/ REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosla „u From: Craig Larsen Date: March 21, 1994 Subject: Z- 94 --1. Prelimina Rezoning, PCD--4. _Plabned Commercial and R-'1. Single Dw_elling_ Unit District Lo PRD° _ 4 . Planned Residence Dst_. 5014 501.6. 50__24 Halifax Ave and _410.1 West_ 50th Screet. Recommendation: Agenda Item # II_ A . Consent C1 Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion The Planning Commission recommends preliminary rezoning approval with the following conditions: 1. Final Rezoning 2. Replatting of the Property 3. Amendment of Comprehensive Plan 4. Amendment of 50th and France Plan 5. Vacation of portion of alley 6. Watershed District permit 7. Lot coverage variance (5.3 %) and setback variance (27.5 feet). 8. Landscaping plan, building materials description, drop -off detail, and traffic analysis at time of final rezoning. INFO /BACKGROUND Attached to this cover are: 1. Planning Commission draft minutes, staff report and plans for proposal heard by Commission on March 2, 1994. 2. Planning Commission minutes, staff report and plans from proposal considered at the February 2, 1994 meting. The initial proposal called for a 24 unit, four story building on the FINA site plus the adjacent two lots. 3. Correspondence received from neighboring property owners. LOCATION MAP 1 463; 1 1 - -_j -.r-- 4904 i 4905 I 4901 4908 = -� 4903 _J -� I 4905 4912 ! 4915 4916 -20 - 490% 4916 1 491' 3948 3944 13940 3936 3922 -30 13918 - - - ' i 1 4909 - 4920 `- 4921 49 1/2 ST w - -- -J 3935 i- T j 4624 4911 1 4924 j 4925 1 4915 4928 1 4929 1 I q �— �— j 4917 4932 14945 1 l r-I 1 r- Iii 4919 4936 14220 14200 1 4120 4100 3948 - - °! 3926 13922 13914 i 39061 --1� -1 50TH ST M -� -T T _ T 4215 4211 4- 4121 1 4101 3945 l j 201 I ol�f III 391! 13901 09 5001 mlml��l� Ali; I W ! 5003 5000 -1 e j 1 5005 j { P 5016 5017 5014 1 5007 5020 I 3943 F 5009 5024 5021 5016 5020 7 5011 1 � z 025 � 5021 I 3926 l2 ` 501 3 \ 15032 1 5028 j 5029 5 I 5022-_ 36 1 LL 114 ,1 1 5015 5036 ST " 1 5050 1 5040 1 5033 5032 1075 �Si \ — 16 1 5017 .- r- 5101 5100 5019 5014 i 5037 5036 1 j 18 I- 1 �( 51ST ST 1 5105 5104 w I + I 5101 5100), 1 —~ 1 5101 5100 j 5101 5109 1 51 D8 5101 5f 00 - - i -" -� % 5105 S1D4 5105 5103 - 5104 5113 5112 1 1 5105 5104 i = 1 I 5100 5109 5108 5109 5107 L 5108 1 1 5111 i 5116 j` 5109 5108 1 5115 5112 1 1 5113 j r5f09 �� 51121 � 1 5121 i 5f 20 I ` i 5113 j 5111 1 i 5111 �5S1B 5 � � 5112 1 r-- - -�- _ - -1 I � � 5121 � 5116 REZONING NUMBER Z -94 -1 L O C A T 10 N South of West 50th Street and west of Halifax Avenue REQUEST PCD -4, Planned Commercial District, R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -4, Planned Residence District EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT DRAFT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1994 7:30 P.M., EDINA COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Gordon Johnson, Nan Faust, Ann Swenson, Lee Johnson, David Runyan, Charles Ingwalson I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Commissioner Swenson moved meeting minutes. Commissioner voted aye; motion carried. II. OLD BUSINESS: approval of the February 2, 1994, Faust seconded the motion. All Z -94 -1 PCD -4 Planned Commercial District and R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -4, Planned Residence District Property Address: 4101 West 50th Street, and 5014, 5016, and, 5024 Halifax Avenue Mr. Larsen informed the Commission on February 2, 1994, the Commission reviewed a four story, 24 unit multi - family redevelopment of the subject properties. The proposal was continued to allow the developer time to address several issues, including building height, density, lot coverage, setbacks and exterior design. The proponent has submitted revised plans which differ in several ways from the initial plan. First, additional land has been added to the site. Adding the third single dwelling lot adds nearly 10,000 square feet, resulting in a site size of 48,115 square feet. Second, unit count is increased from 24 to 28 units. Third, the building has been lowered from four to three stories. Finally, the exterior has been further detailed and more bays have been added. Mr. Larsen explained all aspects of the proposal meet ordinance standards except on lot coverage which requires a 5.3% variance and building setback. Mr. Larsen said he continued to believe the proposed land use 1 to be appropriate, and that it is desirable to include the gas station in the residential redevelopment. Reducing the height of the building and adding the additional land result in a development much closer to full zoning compliance than the previous plan. Only a setback variance from Halifax Avenue and a lot coverage variance remain. The - three other multifamily buildings in the area required similar or greater variances. The density of the proposed development now complies with allowed PRD -4 density, and is at the high end of the density suggested in the 50th and France Avenue Plan. The density is now the same as the Regency and significantly less than White Oaks and the Lanterns. The revised plan also provides an increased building setback and green space buffer area along the southerly property line. Mr. Larsen concluded he recommends Preliminary Rezoning approval including the requested variances with the following conditions: 1. Final Rezoning 2. Replatting of the Property 3. Amendment of the Comprehensive Plan 4. Amendment of the 50th and France Avenue Plan 5. Vacation of portion of alley 6. Watershed District permit The proponent, Mr. Mark Haymaker was present. Mr. John Nissen, Architect was also present. Commissioner Faust pointed out the plan proposed to vacate the alley way and questioned what will happen with the rest of the alley. Mr. Larsen explained the remainder of the alley will remain as is. Commissioner Swenson asked Mr. Larsen if the remainder of the alley can be paved up to the proposed visitor parking area. Mr. Larsen said that is a possibility. Mr. Larsen explained a separate hearing is required to vacate the alley, and that suggestion can be brought up'at that time. Chairman Johnson questioned the increase in units from 24 to 28. Mr. Larsen explained when the proponent acquired the 10,000 square foot residence at 5024 Halifax that acquisition allowed the developer (by ordinance requirements) the potential to increase the amount of units. Commissioner Faust said she is concerned because there does not appear to be a drop -off entry /exit depicted anywhere on the revised plans. Mr. Larsen acknowledged that point and said those issues are technical and can be addressed at final approval. 2 Commissioner Johnson asked Mr. Larsen if the planning commission will review the proposal for final. Mr. Larsen explained this evening the proponents are requesting preliminary rezoning. The planning commission will re- consider the proposal for final rezoning, and at that time loose ends are tightened up, such as landscaping, building materials, entrances /exits, etc. Mr. Larsen said in response to Commissioner Faust's question regarding a drop -off area, that it is the obligation of the City to ensure there is a drop -off location that is legal by ADA standards and is safe. Mr. John Nissen introduced himself and explained to commission members with the acquisition of the property located at 5024 Halifax Avenue the density of the project was reduced and the height of the building was decreased from four to three stories. Mr. Nissen explained it is very important to them to construct a building that has a strong residential quality. He pointed out the building has been broken into three different masses, more windows and bay windows have also been added to soften the mass of the building which was a concern expressed by commission members. Continuing, Mr. Nissen said this proposal eliminates five existing curb cuts on Halifax Avenue, and traffic should be reduced with the elimination of three homes and the gas station. Mr. Nissen told the commission everything possible will be done to save the existing trees, and landscaping will be provided as a buffer to the residential homes and to soften the facade. Mr. Nissen concluded that the proposal is an attempt to balance the commercial developments of this neighborhood from the single dwelling homes. Commissioner Ingwalson asked. Mr. Haymaker what the building materials will consist off. Mr. Haymaker said at present we are considering using brick with stucco or decorative concrete. Commissioner Johnson questioned Mr. Haymaker on entrance to the underground parking. Mr. Haymaker stated the site has a slight grade change and the entrance will be located at the south end. Mr. Nissen interjected the drive will slope down to enter into the garages. Commissioner Johnson said one concern of his is to ensure that the grading plan has been thoroughly reviewed and approved by the engineering department before construction could begin. Commissioner Johnson said another point of concern is that the west elevation of the building should also be aesthetically pleasing. Continuing, Commissioner Johnson questioned where the main entrance will be located, and pointed out when visitors park in the visitor parking area they will not want to walk around to the front of the building to gain access. Mr. Nissen agreed adding a buzzer security system could be implemented in the rear entrances as well as the front entrance to allow visitors access. Mr. Nissen explained all the technical details have not been solved. 3 Mr. Randy Hassen, 5133 Halifax Avenue told commission members he is concerned with increased traffic and more vehicular traffic using Halifax Avenue. Mr. Nissen responded the proposed plan has all visitor parking entering from West 50th Street which should prevent visitors from using Halifax Avenue. Ms. Carol Ryan, 5115 Halifax Avenue questioned if it would be possible to limit the number of cars per condominium unit. She said overflow parking from Lunds, and the movie theatre end up on Halifax Avenue, and- she doesn't want to see overflow from the condo's ending up on Halifax also. Mr. Haymaker explained the proposal meets the parking requirements of the city, and he feels the number of parking spaces allotted for visitors will be adequate. Chairman Johnson stated he believes the future occupants of the condominium will be middle aged or above so there will probably be less than two cars per unit. Chairman Johnson suggested if overflow parking continues to be a problem Lunds and the movie theatre managers should be notified. Sharon Maetzold, 5114 Halifax Avenue, told members in her opinion the visitor parking lot will be hard to access and questioned the change in elevations within the site. A discussion ensued regarding the grade change of the site with Mr. Nissen pointing out at the northwest corner the elevation is 8891, 50th and Halifax 8881, southeast corner 8821, southwest corner 884' and at street level 8811. In Summary Mr. Nissen explained the highest elevation is 889' and the lowest point on site is 8821. Mr. Haymaker interjected that the whole site will be graded. Ms. Maetzold stated another concern of hers is the drop -off area. Usually drop -off areas are in front of the building and the traffic in this area is difficult at best. Mr. Nissen said they will work with the city and engineering department to find the best drop -off point. He mused the best drop -off point may be on the west elevation. Mr. Maetzold, 5114 Halifax Avenue stated at the previous meeting he heard the developer state the proposed condominiums are to be luxury. Mr. Maetzold added he has a concern that this project could become low income housing. Mr. Haymaker responded that it is his intent to construct luxury condominium. Continuing, Mr. Maetzold said another concern of his is the possibly soil contamination and he questioned who has the authority to give the go -ahead to begin construction. Commissioner McClelland said the site will be reviewed by the PCA, and soil tests will be obtained. Mr. Larsen added if contamination is found, the site will have to be "cleaned up" before construction begins. Mr. Haymaker 4 interjected that FINA -is responsible for any cleanup adding the site may also fall under the "Superfund" which is an agency that allows money to be used for environmental clean up. Concluding his comments, Mr. Maetzold said traffic is heavy in this area, the curve on West 51st street is blind, and dangerous, there is a safety concern for future residents of the condominium that may cross the street, and traffic may increase on Halifax as a result of this proposal. Ms. Maetzold asked Mr. Haymaker why there are more units in this proposal. Mr. Haymaker said four units were added to maximize the site. In response to concerns expressed by residents in regards to traffic, and grading, Chairman Johnson said the City Engineer, Fran Hoffman, along with engineering staff will study the traffic circulation as it relates to this proposal. The site will also be carefully reviewed for grade changes and run -off potential. Mr. Larsen agreed with comments from the Chairman adding, Mr. Hoffman has reviewed the plans on a preliminary basis, and has indicated he believes the elimination of the front drop -off (as originally presented) is positive, with the suggestion that the western facade of the building be studied for the drop -off point. Mr. Larsen explained that presently there are no hard numbers on the amount of traffic generated by the three single family homes of and the gas station, but typically gas station use has been calculated as the most intense commercial use, and at present movement in and out of the existing gas station is not good at best. A discussion ensued between commission members, and residents on how traffic flow will circulate as a result of this proposal. Commissioner Runyan pointed out many assumptions are being made on how people will get in and out of the site, and until concrete final plans have been designed on where the drop -off will be, and if the alley will be allowed to abut the parking lot, etc. all comments are speculation. Commissioner Faust suggested the possibility of a recessed curb cut in front of the proposed building which will allow a drop - off area. Mr. Larsen pointed out because of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) rules for drop -offs have to meet specific standards. Mr. Fletcher, 5137 Halifax Avenue stated one concern of his is the aesthetic quality of the building, and how the building will relate to the street. Mr. Smith, 5100 Halifax Avenue, voiced his concern over traffic congestion and safety. 5 Ms. Smith, 5017 Indianola, asked the height of the building along the west elevation. Mr. Nissen said the buildings height on the west elevation is 37 1/2 feet. Ms. Smith asked if the setback from the sidewalk has been calculated. Mr. Nissen stated the building is probably 25 feet from the sidewalk. Ms. Smith explained the reason she is concerned about setbacks, and building height is because she feels she will be the only residential house left is a "sea" of multi- housing buildings. She added in her opinion the building is too tall, it will block off her property, and her sunlight. She asked if the city could do something with her property. Ms. Lynn Griffith, 5124 Halifax Avenue, told the commission she feels the proposed building is too high, too long, and suggested that Mr. Haymaker reduce the number of units. Ms. Griffith stated she has felt threatened by comments made at a previous meeting that this project could become low income. Mr. Haymaker explained all he wants to do is construct a good building. He said the price of the land is high, and if he, or someone else is not allowed to build a certain amount of units, city financial assistance may be needed. Continuing, Mr. Haymaker said he received many positive inquiries regarding this proposal, and presently has eight potential buyers. Mr. Haymaker said comments from many Edina residents has been they want to see the- site cleaned up, pointing out the gas station, and the two homes FINA owns have not been maintained as well as neighborhood standards. Ms. Smith said she would like to see the site developed without any variances, and questioned if Mr. Haymaker has thought about security of the building. Mr. Haymaker said at-present all plans are just preliminary, and the details, such as security, will be ironed out once preliminary approval is received. 'Chairman Johnson said much discussion has centered around details, and questioned Mr. Haymaker if a neighborhood meeting has been called. Mr. Haymaker said to date there no meeting with the neighbors has occurred, adding he is willing to meet with neighbors. Chairman Johnson stated it is a good idea to meet with neighbors, and iron out some concerns. Mr. John Crist, 5324 Halifax Avenue stated he feels a neighborhood meeting is necessary, he said he has a concern with the loss of trees, and wants some guarantee that the site will be properly landscaped, and that the building will be aesthetically pleasing with a strong residential character. Commissioner Johnson questioned as he understands the rezoning process what the commission is considering this evening is the appropriateness of rezoning the site to a PRD district, and the building density, number of units, variances, etc. Mr. Larsen said C1 that is correct, entrances, building materials, landscaping, etc. are considered at final approval. Commissioner Ingwalson said in his opinion, this site is a key location in Edina, and it is our duty to make sure the building that is being constructed is a credit to the community. Commissioner Runyan said what we really are being asked to approve at this stage in the process is appropriateness of land use. Mr. Larsen said that is correct. If the commission feels rezoning the site from PCD, and R -I to PRD is appropriate they take action to reflect that opinion. They must also decide if the site is to be approved with variances. Commissioner Ingwalson stated he wants some assurance that the building that is constructed is a good building that is a credit to Edina, and the neighborhood. Mr. Larsen explained the commission can recommend any conditions they deem necessary at final rezoning approval. Commissioner Faust stated she has a real concern for Ms. Smiths property adding she understands her anxiety that her home will be surrounded by multi - residential buildings if this is approved. Continuing, Commissioner Faust said in reality granting the frontyard setback variance for the building is better for Ms. Smiths property because it pulls the building away from the rear property line, more toward the street. Commissioner Faust concluded at final rezoning approval the commission can request that the rear yard area of the building be appropriately landscaped with overstory trees, and that a fence be constructed to screen the building from property owners on Indianola. Chairman Johnson commented there are times when granting a variance makes sense. Commissioner Swenson thanked everyone for participating in the discussion, and stated the commission wants to be.sensitive to all parties in the decision making process. Commissioner Swenson moved to recommend preliminary rezoning approval subject to 1) final rezoning approval, 2) replatting of the property 3) amendment to the 50th and France Avenue Plan and Comprehensive Plan 4) Vacation of alley, 5) watershed district permit, 6) a 5.3% lot coverage variance, 7) a 27.5 foot east side setback variance, and 8) landscaping, building materials, drop -off approval and traffic study approval at final. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. 7 EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MARCH 2, 1994 Z -94 -1 PCD -4 Planned Commercial District and R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -4, Planned Residence District General Location: South of West 50th Street and west of Halifax Avenue Property Address: 4101 West 50th Street, and 5014, 5016, and 5024 Halifax Avenue On February 2, 1994, the Commission reviewed a four story, 24 unit multi - family redevelopment of the subject properties. The proposal was continued to allow the developer time to address several issues, including building height, density, lot coverage, setbacks and exterior design. The proponent has submitted revised plans which differ in several ways from the initial plan. First, additional land has been added to the site. Adding the third single dwelling lot adds nearly 10,000 square feet, resulting in a site size of 48,115 square feet. Second, unit count is increased from 24 to 28 units. Third, the building has been lowered from four to three stories. Finally, the exterior has been further detailed and more bays have been added. Listed below is the Zoning Ordinance evaluation for the revised proposal. Density Gross lot area required per unit is 2,900 square feet Credits: Under building parking 500 square feet per space up to 1.5 spaces per unit Type I or II Construction 500 square feet per unit 81,200 square feet - 21,000 square feet - 14,000 square feet Required Lot Area 46,200 square feet Lot Area Provided Building Coverage Maximum Coverage Allowed Proposed Coverage Lot Coverage Variance Building Setbacks Minimum Setbacks Setbacks Provided 48,115 square feet 30% 35.3% 5.3% 35 feet or building height if greater Setback Required North 45 Feet 35 Feet East 10 Feet 37.5 Feet South 49 Feet 36 Feet West 48 Feet 36 Feet Variance required from east property line, all other setbacks conform. Parking Required: Covered Parking Surface Parking Total Proposed: Covered Parking Surface Total No parking variance required. 50th and France Comprehensive Plans 1.25 per unit .75 per unit 2.00 per unit 51 spaces or 1.82 per unit 14 spaces or .5 per unit 65 spaces or 2.32 per unit As before the proposed plan would require amending both plans to change the designation of the gas station site from Commercial to High Density Residential. The three single dwelling lots carry the High Density Residential designation. Recommendation I continue to believe the proposed land use to be appropriate, and that it is desirable to include the gas station in the residential redevelopment. Reducing the height of the building and adding the additional land have resulted in a development much closer to full zoning compliance than the previous plan. Only a setback variance from Halifax Avenue and a lot coverage variance remain. The three other multifamily buildings in the area required similar or greater variances. The density of the proposed development now complies with allowed PRD -4 density, and is at the high end of the density suggested in the 50th and France Avenue Plan. The density is now the same as the Regency and significantly less than White Oaks and the Lanterns. The changes in the plan result in a plan for which I would recommend approval. I support approval of the Halifax setback and the lot coverage variance. The increased lot coverage as a result of reducing the building to three stories seems to be a reasonable tradeoff. The revised plan also provides an increased building setback and green space buffer area along the southerly property line. I recommend Preliminary Rezoning approval including the requested variances with the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Final Rezoning Replatting of the Property Amendment of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment of the 50th and France Avenue Plan Vacation of portion of alley Watershed District permit PROPOSED MULTI FAMILY HOUSING AT 50TH AND HALIFAX EDINA MINNESOTA V 358' PROPOSED BUILDING HALIFAX AVENUE SOUTH SITE PLAN 0 10 20 40 6 -1 0 W W r-- NORTH DATE 2/16/94 BERNARD HERMAN ARC HIT EC TS, INQ oral ee le ICI if tI pueal if if Lip" 11 NORTH ELEVATION 0 4t,0 PROJECT DATA tlnalq - - I� a n n a � �� tr n n ®'■1 o ee et uhd H■■��I 1 ■ • ■ DESCRIPTION: 3 STORY CONDOMINIUM BLDG. AND 1ASEMENT PARKING BUILDING AREA: 1 FLOOR • 17,000 SF 3 FLOOR 17,000 SF/FLOOR • 51,000 SF BASEMENT: 51 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PARKING: 28 UNITS X 2 SPACESIUNIT • 56 SPACES 1ST FLOOR: 8 UNITS • PARTY ROOM PARKING PROVIDED: 51 SPACES INSIDE i SPACES OUTSIDE 65 SPACES 2ND 8 3RD FLOORS: 10 UNITS EACH TOTAL UNITS: 28 MINIMUM REQUIRED OUTSIDE PARKING: 28 UNITS X 5 SPACESIl1NIT • 14 SPACES OCCUPANCY: R -1 REQUIRED LOT AREA 28 UNITS X 2.900 SFIUNIT • 81.200 SF 28 UNITS X -500 SFNNIT • -14.000 SF (TYPE II CONSTRUCTION) 42 PK SPACES X .500 SF /SPACE • .21 C00 SF TOTAL 46,200 SF TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TYPE II 1 HOUR BUILDING DIMENSIONS: 64' X 260' BUILDING HEIGHT: AVERAGE: 35' HIGH END 36' LOW END 33' ENTRY 3T$ ACTUAL LOT AREA: 48.115 S.F. MAXIMUM BUILDING: 30% ACTUAL BUILDING: 17.000 SF • 48,115 SF X 100 - 35.3% � p :� tlnalq - - I� a n n a � �� tr n n ®'■1 o ee et uhd H■■��I 1 ■ • ■ 0 « ee � ez ��1M! n �e ;�� Q a 106�e■■1:11 ■ !&[mil et I Mf s t e� 1 ■ _ "ASk ■ICI 11 � -- n = m .0-1 ��I= te_��• • ��e�a�■ a ec _ Itffill i- Ieil am I = ue>�Rl ::: :�= PROPOSED MULTI - FAMILY HOUSING AT 50TH AND HALIFAX EAST ELEVATION 0 4420 DATE: 2/16/94 Q n, BERNA D HEF NC N aEIlk I ;R LOCATION MAP 1903 I -909 4912 ' 1905 — 4907 1 49161 4915 �- —r 4917 I 3948 3914 139101 X916 -20 3936 _ 1 3922• -30 �39fB I 4909 4920 I 1 4921 49 1/2 ST r 4911 — 4924 1 4925 1 5935 I X621 I 4915 4917 ^ 4928 _ 1912 T� i I I = 4945 4919 4936 14220 14200 1 4120 4100 na 1 �` o 13922 — 13914 139061 — 50TH ST V _ 5001 421S I 4211 1420! L_ 41 21 T 1 . 4101 ` 1 3945lr.1I I V„ �! _ ,� 3 9f1 1390-1-09 , I 1 5003 Wi - I IILI11 �� 11 Soar P � 1 Is000-le I � t _y 5016 i 5017 - 5D 5007 3943 j"; 5024 1 5021 5011 1 - 5025 5021 I 5926 1 I ,, 1 \ ` —i 5013 50A 5032 150211 I 5029 5028 1 5022 -M 5015_ 5050 1 5017 ^ 5040 ST 5033 5032 I 4075 S `�- -' 5101 51001 5019 5044 I 51ST ST 1 5105 I 5104 1 r — —17 510! Sf00 I 5!O! I 5100 �- 1 5109 5108 510! 5100 SfOf 5103 —~ �— 1 5105 5101 5105 5104 I 1 5113 5112 5105 5104 11. I 5100 5105 — F-- SL �Og SfOB� 1 5109 5107 5108 1 1 5117 5116 1 5109 5100 I 5!!5 —y 5112 I 5113 5109 1 5112 I 5l 51 ` _ � 5121 1 20 � —1 o SI 113 — 5114 I 5117 5f 16 1 5117 —y 12� r— 1 5116 1 5125 1 5124 1 : 5117 5!!6 I • 5121 I 5 5121 ^� 5f 16 I REZONING. NUMBER Z -94 -1 L O C A T 10 N South of West 50th Street and west of Halifax Avenue REQUEST PCD -4 , Planned Commercial District, R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -4, Planned Residence District EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,4 EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FEBRUARY 2, 1994 Z -94 -1 PCD -4, Planned Commercial District R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -4, Planned Residence District General Location: South of West 50th Street and west of Halifax Avenue Property Address: 4101 West 50th Street, 5014 & 5016 Halifax Ave The City has received a rezoning proposal which anticipates the redevelopment of the subject properties with a four story, 24 unit apartment building. The building would also contain a 39 space parking garage. The redevelopment includes the Fina Service Station and the two single dwelling properties immediately south of the station. The redevelopment site has an area of approximately 38,700 square feet. The proposal also includes a 12 foot wide public alley which extends from the westerly edge of the properties to Halifax Avenue. The proposal seeks vacation of this alley for inclusion in the redeveloped properties. The proposed rezoning is to PRD -4, Planned Residence District. This district is suitable for high density market rate apartments or condominiums. Following is an analysis of the proposal relative to recruirements of the PRD -4 district. Density Gross lot area required 2,900 S.F. per unit Credits: Under building parking 500 S.F. per space up to 1.5 spaces Type I or II Construction 500 S.F. per unit Required Lot Area Lot Area Provided 1 69,600 S.F. - 18,000 S.F. - 12,000 S.F. 39,600 38,665 S. F. Lot Area Variance Building Coverage 935 S. F. Maximum coverage allowed = 30% Proposed building coverage = 33.8% Lot coverage variance = 3.8% Setback: 35 feet or building height, if greater, from all property lines Building varies in height from 44 feet at the north end to 48 feet at the south end Setbacks vary from 14 feet (northeast corner) to 50 feet (along west side) Variances Required: North None East 30 Feet South 8 Feet West None Height: No height limit in PRD -4 District although taller buildings require larger setbacks Parking Required:, Covered Parking 1.25 space per unit Exterior Parking .75 space per unit Total 2 spaces per unit Proposed: Covered 39 spaces or 1.63 per unit Exterior 12 spaces or .5 per unit Total 51 spaces /2.13 per unit No parking variances required Parking setbacks: The proposed plan provides the required 10 foot setbacks. Building Exterior Materials: 2 A Preliminary design calls for an exterior of stucco and brick which would comply with ordinance requirements. Proximity to R -1 District: When buildings in the PRD -4 district are four stories or more and are adjacent to R -1 lots, building setbacks are increased according to the following formula: Distance to R -1 Property Line = 10 (height - 40) + 80 or 10 (48 -40) + 80 = 160 feet variance required is 110 to 120 feet along west and south property lines. This setback does not apply to buildings less than four stories in height. 50th and France Redevelopment Plan: The three subject properties are included within the 50th and France Redevelopment Plan Area. Also included in the plan area is the single dwelling lot immediately south of the subject property (not included in the redevelopment proposal). The Plan designates the three single dwelling lots as suitable for a multi- housing redevelopment in the range of 14 to 16 units. The Plan did not anticipate redevelopment of the station and, thus is illustrated for Commercial use. The requested amendment of the Plan "Residential" would be consistent with adjacent properties to the immediate south. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designation for the subject properties is the same as in the 50th and France Redevelopment Plan. An amendment to the Plan would be required to change the station site designation from "Commercial" to "High Density Residential ". Recommendation: The Comprehensive Plan and the 50th and France Redevelopment Plan both encourage redevelopment of this section of Halifax for multi - family residential use. Also, replacing a commercial use with residential (station site) would be consistent with city policies and actions in 50th and France and other commercial districts. Thus I believe the proposed land use is consistent with city plans and policies. Although I believe the use is appropriate, I do have concerns about the size and intensity of the proposed building. First the density is at or above what would be allowed by the Zoning Ordinance or 50th and France Plan. The Plan suggests approximately 2,000 square feet of land area per unit. At that rate the site would support 19 to 20 units, not 24 as proposed. A zoning ordinance review finds the site 935 square feet short in lot area for the number of units proposed. Thus, the proposed building is close to ordinance compliance. However, the density, should be balanced against variances required for setback and lot coverage. In summary, I believe the proposed use is appropriate, but the proposed building is too dense and large for the site provided. I would suggest a reduction in the unit count or the addition of more property to support the development. Issues and conditions which should be addressed in the Planning Commission recommendation. 1. Preliminary rezoning including requested variances for building coverage and building setbacks caused by the height of the building. 2. Amendment of the Comprehensive Plan 3. Amendment of the 50th and France Plan 4. Vacation of Alley right of way 5. Site plan changes to address concerns of attached memo) and to be incorporated agreement. 6. Watershed District.grading permit. 7. Final Rezoning. 4 City Engineer (see into a developers L- N 7, 3 � IN 11 MI c UCE I RE,-\ILM -- �WfFl -IVE Q.t 9.600 S.F 0 -:;OV::= _-.-SCAPE S;-°FEI- M 7zCv--E LANDSCAPE BUFFEFl- AV .niOUGH LA'kS"j jq m m 77EET ING 2 Is Is 2EVISE !',-E7;z-ECT',C7l AREA ,-_-jE-wgky FLOW -cOIVI BANK -L ='-QWING—, 71M -,2 tIDENTIAL S.F. IR man -I PP.' RETAIL 65-000 S.F.MP2-* r .,00. RETAIL '4E 44ETAIL 5,000 S.F. .00 16 UNITS CREASE tz a PLA ZA: Z 44 rZ4AJOR FOCUS I ,leRSECTION RADII-11 lv;.Q LEF7 -"-,NS P, N 7, 3 � IN 11 MI c UCE I RE,-\ILM -- �WfFl -IVE Q.t 9.600 S.F 0 -:;OV::= _-.-SCAPE S;-°FEI- M AV .niOUGH LA'kS"j jq m m ING 2 Is Is > 71M -,2 tIDENTIAL S.F. < - -I PP.' 1: SF 1,FF S 1 .00 16 UNITS DO 2 -EvELS 'O EAIQTING PARKING -PnON:CLO:;E HAI-IFAA I '.0 ON ST,-EET PARKING----d , T FLOOR =TAIL 15-00OS.F iD FLOOR � *..iO/OFF. -;EAUGN STREET 3 7APER TO IMPROVE SITE LINE -j -ESIDENTIAL S.F. --15 UNITS-0. s. PROVDIE LANDSCAPE BUFFER � 0 M '—I OSED Al.—q 13 mm nP � I ANOSCAPF IPIIFe 7-Oth cz romANCZ 'OMMERCIAL AREA !LAN •0 ON ST,-,EET an CITY OF EDINA MEMORANDUM DATE: January 26, 1994 TO: Craig Larsen, City Planner / J �, FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer , i SUBJECT: Multi - Family Housing - 50th & Halifax The following observations are given on this proposal. A. Obviously, the alley must be vacated as a public use. If the vacation is done, we believe the curb line should be altered between the 50th and Halifax intersection and Lunds driveway, and appropriate right -of -way for sidewalk and street be granted. B. The proposed drop -off is directly across from the main Lunds driveway. That street location is always very busy and adding a drop -off is not appropriate. We would suggest that American Disabilities Act and Handicapped Code requirements be dealt with on the west side of the building in the parking lot. C. We believe some concern should be expressed for the integration of this project with the general 50th & France Streetscape System. This is particularly true as you approach the area from the west. D. Although, not a required submittal at this point, we believe the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District may require drainage and erosion control practices that will impact the development. Also, the developer must use MPCA's Best Management Practices as a guide. PROPOSED MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING AT 50TH AND HALIFAX EDINA MINNESOTA - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - I. I r- --- --- - -7 r ---------- --------- i 1 T r P L n W ^mcmaEcTs mcommmm No 1 1 V A 1 -1 2 11 X11 Fill Ill! 1P f it 11� fl 111 11 III 111 IIII II! 1�1 II I 11 11 11 1 � �`� � 11 11 N 0 1 _L Y ^ -J 1 -A W T-i-O N MINIITES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1994 7:30 P.M., EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair, D. Runyan, L. Bergman, A. Swenson, N. Faust, H. McClelland, G. Workinger, D. Byron MEMBERS ABSENT: G. Johnson, R. Hale, C. Ingwalson, L. Johnson I. APPROVAL OF THE MINIITES: Commissioner Faust moved approval of the January 5, 1994, meeting minutes. Commissioner Swenson seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. II. NEW BUSINESS: Z -94 -1 PCD -4, Planned Commercial District and R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -4, Planned Residence District for Haymaker Construction Co. 4101 West 50th Street, 5014 &,5016 Halifax Avenue Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the City has received a rezoning proposal which anticipates the redevelopment of the subject properties with a four story, 24 unit apartment building. The building would also contain a 39 space parking garage. The redevelopment includes the Fina Service Station and the two single dwelling properties immediately south of the station. The redevelopment site has an area of approximately 38,700 square feet. The proposal also includes a 12 foot wide public alley which extends from the westerly edge of the properties to Halifax Avenue. The proposal seeks vacation of this alley for inclusion in the redeveloped properties. Mr. Larsen explained the proposed rezoning is to PRD -4, Planned Residence District. This district is suitable for high density market rate apartments or condominiums. Mr. Larsen pointed out the Comprehensive Plan and the 50th and France Redevelopment Plan both encourage redevelopment of this section of Halifax for multi - family residential use. Also, replacing a commercial use with residential (station site) would be consistent with city policies and actions in 50th and France and other commercial districts. Thus he believed the proposed land use was consistent with city plans and policies. 1 Mr. Larsen indicated that although he believed the use is appropriate, he had concerns about the size and intensity of the proposed building. First the density is at or above what would be allowed by the Zoning Ordinance or 50th and France Plan. The Plan suggests approximately 2,000 square feet of land area per unit. At that rate the site would support 19 to 20 units, not 24 as proposed. A zoning ordinance review finds the site 935 square feet short in lot area for the number of units proposed. Thus, the proposed building is close to ordinance compliance. However, the density should be balanced against variances required for setback and lot coverage. Mr. Larsen concluded in summary, he believed the proposed use was appropriate, but the proposed building was too dense and large for the site provided. Mr. Larsen suggested a reduction in the unit count or the addition of more property to support the development. Issues and conditions which should be addressed in the Planning Commission recommendation. 1. Preliminary rezoning including requested. variances for building coverage and building setbacks caused by the height of the building. 2. Amendment of the Comprehensive Plan 3. Amendment of the 50th and France Plan 4. Vacation of Alley right of way 5. Site plan changes to address concerns of City Engineer (see attached memo) and to be incorporated into a developers agreement. 6. Watershed District grading permit. 7. Final Rezoning. The proponent, Mr. Mark Haymaker of Haymaker Construction Inc was present and Mr. John Nissen, architect was present to respond to questions. Commissioner McClelland asked Mr. Larsen if the Watershed District had reviewed the proposal, and if there was any possibility that the proposed building may be elevated due to drainage. Mr. Larsen told Commissioner McClelland he does not know if the building will have to be elevated to accommodate drainage. He added he has encouraged the developer to meet with the Watershed District to discuss the proposal. Chairman Runyan noted the proposed building would have underground parking, and questioned if the garage will be mechanically ventilated. Mr. Larsen said mechanical ventilation would be required in the building. Commissioner Byron asked Mr. Larsen the height of the Regency Condominiums on France. Mr. Larsen responded the Regency is a 2 three story building with underground parking. Commissioner Byron questioned if the Commission is being asked to only amend the Comprehensive Plan and 50th and France Avenue Plan for the PCD portion of this proposal, since the balance of the land is consistent with those plans. Mr. Larsen responded that is correct. The Comprehensive Plan and the 50th and France Avenue Plan have this area designated for multi - residential along with the PCD zoning of the service station. Mr. Larsen said if the proposal before the Commission this evening is approved the plan needs to be amended for the service station portion of the site. Commissioner McClelland asked Mr. Larsen the height of the Lanterns condominiums. Mr. Larsen said the Lanterns is a four story building with underground parking, probably around 40 feet in height. Commissioner Faust asked Mr. Larsen if the engineering department expressed concern with regard to traffic flow and safety as a result of the additional residential units in the area. Mr. Larsen said on a preliminary basis it has been determined that traffic should not be a problem as a result of this proposal. Mr. Larsen pointed out at present this site encompasses two residential dwellings, and one commercial, and it has been concluded that service stations are a more intense use than residential. The removal of the service station should reduce traffic flow. Commissioner Workinger said he is. not clear on the variances required for this proposal. Mr. Larsen said the building is over on lot coverage, and also. requires larger setbacks due to the height of the proposal building. Expanding on this Mr. Larsen explained setback for buildings that exceed three stories in height are increased. Mr. John Nissen introduced himself, and explained to members of the Commission when studying this site the feeling was this site has a strong transitional character, and would provide a buffer between commercial, and residential properties. Mr. Nissen expanded his comments to include the site will be adequately landscaped, noting additional landscaping will also be incorporated along the visitor parking area to screen the visitor lot from residential properties. Continuing, Mr. Nissen said he believed the design of the building lends itself well to the residential character of the neighborhood. The facade has been broken up to lessen the mass by incorporating bay windows and balconies where appropriate. Mr. Nissen explained the units will be luxury in style, and approximately 1600 + square feet containing fireplaces, two bathrooms, and skylights for top floor residents. Mr. Haymaker, told the Commission he believes the proposal will be an enhancement to the area, and is in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan and the 50th and France Avenue Plan., He pointed 3 out the Regency and Lantern condominiums, noting the Regency is a three story 18 .unit brick building, and the Lanterns is a four story 36 unit brick building. Mr. Haymaker also pointed out that a smaller two story apartment building is located to the west of the site.. Mr. Haymaker stated he believes the close proximity to shopping, and other commercial amenities will be a benefit to the residents of this project. He said he feels "empty nesters" currently residing in Edina will be attracted to this type of housing which will free up single family homes for purchase. Concluding Mr. Haymaker stated in his opinion this project will benefit the City of Edina. Ms. Margaret Ryan, resident of the Lanterns asked the proponent how many quest parking spaces will be supplied. Mr. Haymaker said the quest parking lot will contain 12 parking slots. Ms. Sharon Maetzold, 5114 Halifax Avenue, told Commission members in her opinion traffic is already stressed along this stretch of road. She pointed out getting out of the area onto West 51st and West 50th Streets is difficult due to the speed of traffic, and the curve. Adding an additional 24 units in the area with the potential of at least 10 trips to and from creates more traffic, and safety problems. Ms. Maetzold said the residents of the neighborhood presently use the gas station, and if the gas station leaves it will be missed. Ms. Maetzold stated she also is concerned with the height of the proposed building, four stories is too tall for the neighborhood, especially on the corner. Continuing, Ms. Maetzold said another aspect to consider will be the additional foot traffic resulting from this proposal. Many persons may want to cross the street to Lunds to pick up some groceries, and if they choose to dart across the street, instead of crossing at the light, an accident will occur. Ms. Maetzold said she believes the neighborhood is not totally adverse to change, but added a four story building on this corner, the "entrance" into downtown Edina seems to drastic. A smaller less massive building would be preferable for the area and Edina. Mr. Haymaker added he can understand the concerns of neighbors, and clarified that while they have referred to the proposed units as apartments, they are condominiums. The residents of this building will own their units, and more than likely are current Edina residents. Some may even be familiar with the neighborhood and traffic patterns. Ms. Connie Brockway told Commission members she represents her mother -in -law Mrs. Brockway, property owner to the immediate south (5024 Halifax Avenue) of the proposal, and stated she believes the proposed plan isolates this house, will create traffic problems, and is too tall. She explained her mother -in -laws house has been on the market for a number of months, and at present no firm offers have materialized due to the proposal. Ms. Brockway also informed the Commission all offers to purchase the home have been for below 4 the assessed market value. She added she feels her mother -in -laws home should not subsidize the proposed four story condominium development. Concluding Ms. Brockway pointed out the site may have some groundwater contamination, and questioned if the proponent has considered this possibility. Mr. Haymaker responded the PCA will look into the possibility of contamination, and a decision will be made on how the clean -up will be handled. Commissioner Faust asked Mr. Haymaker the price of the proposed units. Mr. Haymaker stated the units will be around $165,000.00 plus. Commissioner Faust questioned Mr. Haymaker if he considered purchasing the Brockway house south of this proposal. Mr. Haymaker said at one time he considered purchasing this house, but the price was too high. Ms. Maetzold pointed out if Mr. Haymaker acquires the Brockway home, the house next door will become a "Brockway" home. The current problem the Brockways have will pass to the next property owner, and continue down the line if more homes are allowed to be taken. Continuing, Ms. Maetzold said in her opinion the proposal is too large, too tall, problems will occur with parking, and safety of pedestrians is a concern. Mr. Haymaker pointed out the Lanterns off West 51st and Halifax is four stories, and contains more units. Ms. Maetzold stated, regardless of the Lanterns, in her opinion the proposed building is too tall, too large, and is the entrance into downtown Edina. Ms. Maetzold suggested constructing a small townhouse development, or a smaller condominium building of no more than three stories. Mr. Haymaker explained the price of the land is high, and a small number of townhomes would not support the purchase price. Commissioner Faust questioned Mr. Larsen if variances would be required if the building were reduced to three stories. Mr. Larsen said the only variance that would be required if the building were reduced would be for lot coverage. Commissioner Byron asked Mr. Larsen if the building remains at four stories how large are the variances. Mr. Larsen said a 50 foot setback variance is needed on the west, and a 40 foot setback variance is needed on the south. These setback variances would not be needed as indicated previously if the building were reduced to three stories. Mr. David Brockway, 5024 Halifax, told the Commission he has a concern regarding drainage problems that may occur as a result of this proposal. 5 Mr. Larsen explained that part of the City process requires the Watershed District to review the plans, and issue or deny a permit. The City also has criteria the development has to meet. Mr. Larsen said drainage patterns cannot be altered, and your property should remain unchanged. Commissioner Workinger stated he believes the concept of the proposal makes sense, and was contemplated by the city as indicated in the Comprehensive Plan and the. 50th and France Avenue Plan. Continuing, Commissioner Workinger said he has a concern regarding the height of the building. Commissioner Workinger indicated in his opinion the proposed building is too tall, and will not blend in well with the character of the neighborhood. Commissioner Workinger added that while he believes change is not necessarily bad, the integrity of Edina's residential neighborhoods must be preserved. Commissioner Workinger remarked another concern of his is vehicular traffic safety, and pedestrian safety. Concluding Commissioner Workinger pointed out as a result of this proposal traffic patterns will change. Commissioner Workinger said that while he supports the concept he has a problem supporting a proposal that requires so many variances. Commissioner Faust informed Commission members she wants to prevent another Vernon Terrace from being constructed in the City and believes the proposal before them will have the same impact on this neighborhood as Vernon Terrace did. Commissioner Faust pointed out the proposed building needs to be "dressed up ", and softened. It is too plain, and too big. Commissioner Faust declared aesthetics are very important on such a high profile corner. Commissioner Faust concluded she cannot support any variances, and in her opinion a hardship does not exist. Commissioner McClelland said she agrees with Commissioner Faust's observation that the proposed building is too plain, adding in her opinion it creates a blocky bulky appearance. Commissioner McClelland pointed out this is a lovely quaint residential neighborhood with older homes, and at present it is surrounded by too many large buildings. The character and symmetry must be maintained. Continuing, Commissioner McClelland stated all setback variances that are required are extreme, lot coverage is a big problem. Commissioner McClelland pointed out in the past the Commission has been very careful on approving anything that requires a lot coverage variance. Commissioner McClelland also noted a 24 unit building will produce a large volume of traffic. She pointed out the site lines are difficult at best, and the proposal should be carefully reviewed from a traffic standpoint. Commissioner McClelland remarked the proposed vacation of the alley gives the developer more space, but cuts off the neighbors. Commissioner McClelland concluded in her opinion, the building doesn't fit, and the developer is asking for too much. Commissioner Bergman asked the proponent his reasoning behind 2 the size of the proposed building, and questioned if the proponent would be willing to reduce the building size. Mr. Haymaker responded the number of units reflect the high price of the land. Commissioner Faust reiterated in her opinion the proposed building resembles Vernon Terrace, which is not a building most of Edina finds aesthetically pleasing. Commissioner Faust stated she hopes when the final plans are sketched the building will have more character, and not.be as offensive. Chairman Runyan pointed out usually the sketches presented at this point in the process are preliminary. Chairman Runyan told the proponent he hopes there will be additions to the building to make it more aesthetically pleasing since it will is located in a very visible location. Commissioner Byron said he has a number of concerns regarding this proposal, but cautioned we should not "throw away" something that may be positive because at present it contains some negative features. Commissioner Byron stated he believes this location is transitional, pointing out plans have designated a portion of this site as multi - residential. Continuing, Commissioner Byron said he feels it is very important to protect Edina's single dwelling neighborhoods, but this location needs to be addressed, and is transitional. Commissioner Byron said he has a number of concerns, one is vacating the alley, and he questioned if the alley is important. Commissioner Byron commented he feels sympathy for the property owners of the house directly south, but pointed out there will always be a "house next door ". Commissioner Byron said the proposed upscale residential condominiums provide a good transitional land use, noting in our position as commissioners we are consistently dealing with "too much ", but in this situation what we must determine is if this is too much, how can we arrive at something workable for this site. Commissioner Byron remarked he feels the .setback variances requested for this proposal are too high which indicates the project should be scaled back to eliminate those variances. Commissioner Byron commented something should also be worked out to either eliminate the lot coverage variance or reduce it. Commissioner Byron concluded another concern is the drop -off location in front of the building. The city engineer expressed a concern regarding this location. This proposal is a good start, but redesign is needed. Commissioner McClelland acknowledged the city's Comprehensive Plan and the 50th and France Avenue Plan, but said in her opinion the site does not have to be developed as the plans indicate. She pointed out it is not necessary to redevelop every site. Commissioner Byron agreed with Commissioner McClellands point about redevelopment, but expressed he would have a concern if the 7 gas station ceases to operate, and the site remains empty. Commissioner Byron pointed out Fina has already indicated this site does not suit their current method of operation. Commissioner Swenson asked Mr. Larsen if the lot coverage variance results from the buildings footprint. Mr. Larsen said that is correct, lot coverage is for the footprint. If the height is reduced the setbacks change, but if the footprint remains the same a variance for lot coverage is still required. Commissioner Faust commented that the proponent may have to reduce the size of the proposed units, thereby reducing the buildings footprint. Commissioner Bergman questioned Mr. Larsen on who is the property owner of record for the two residential houses, and secondly does Fina really want to discontinue service at this location as indicated. - Mr. Larsen said the residential houses are owned by Fina, and Fina has expressed desire to vacate the site and cease operation. Chairman Runyan said in his opinion the proposed use of the site is reasonable, and while the site does not have to be redeveloped we must consider this proposal because someone has requested redevelopment. Continuing, Chairman Runyan said he also believes the building is too high, and suggested that the proponent consider a three story building. Commissioner McClelland asked Chairman Runyan if a "straw" vote could be taken concerning the commissioners height preference. On an informal vote commission members recommended that the proposed building be reduced to three stories. Chairman Runyan indicated to the proponent that the discussion this evening indicates redesign is recommended and asked Mr. Haymaker if he is willing to continue his request to the next meeting to respond to concerns expressed by the commission this evening. Mr. Haymaker said he is willing to continue his request to the next commission meeting. Commissioner McClelland moved to continue the request until the March 2, 1993, meeting. Commissioner Bergman seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. 8 r NOTE REGARDING THE PETITIONS: The petitions, for many sections of the streets, are incomplete because of: (1) Two people have not turned in their petitions yet. You will get them Monday before the meeting. (2) MANY people were not home, even after to attempts. (3) Most residents (Indianola, Maple, Gorgas) didn't know ANYTHING about the project, and the Sun Current article had not come out yet. (4) The illness of the person doing Indianola. You will get the additional petitons. Monday before the meeting. Thank you..... NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION CONCERNING THE PROPOSED 28 UNIT, 256 FT. LONG CONDO COMPLEX AT 50TH AND HALIFAX We, the undersigned, are in acceptance of having a multi- family complex on this site. However, we OBJECT to the overall length of the building at 256 feet long, as well as, the impact it would have on the already overloaded traffic patterns in our neighborhood. We would like the building decreased in length by approximately 50 feet. AME mist t-'s ADDRESS _54-4-5 C�kL ..r _370SIt Lc{C - - - -- -- ------------ -rt' -- ----- - - - - -- `----------- - - - - -- �� ---- - - -S-1 ? -- ---- - - - - -- 5 1 z9 1-{u LA - - - -- --- - -5 //Y ---- - - - - -- 57 -¢ 0 fw NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION CONCERNING THE PROPOSED 28 UNIT, 256 FT. LONG CONDO ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- COMPLEX AT 50TH AND HALIFAX We, the undersigned, are in acceptance of having a multi- family complex on this site. However, we OBJECT to the overall length of the building at 256 feet long, as well as, the impact it would have on -the already overloaded traffic patterns in our neighborhood. We would like the building decreased in length by approximately 50 feet. 9 _____________________ _____________ ____ _______ _ ______ NAME ADDRESS --- - - - - -- Z __________��o� _1- _I�1�►�____ -- ..... 1.E -� - - -- - - -- - -- ----- - - - - -- - - -- - NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION CONCERNING THE PROPOSED 28 UNIT, 256 FT. LONG CONDO COMPLEX AT 50TH AND HALIFAX We, the undersigned, are in acceptance of having al multi- family complex on this site. However, we OBJECT to the overall length of the building at 256 feet long, as well as, the impact it would have on the already overloaded traffic patterns in our neighborhood. We would like the building decreased in length by approximately 50 feet. 6 ---------------------------------------------------- - NAME ADDRESS = — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - I? ----- - - - - -- - ►_'�i_'_P �? ----- - - - - -- ------ 4li - ----- - - - - -- /A07aZ -- - - - - -- 1�11_5111'1'_Yl 1471 C71 7 lie w I; NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION CONCERNING THE PROPOSED 28 UNIT, 256 FT. LONG, CONDO COMPLEX AT 50TH AND HALIFAX We, the undersigned, are in acceptance of having a multi- family complex on this site. However, we OBJECT to the overall length of the building at 256 feet long, as well as, the impact it would have on the already overloaded traffic patterns in our neighborhood. We would like the building decreased in length by approximately 50 feet. NAME ADDRESS ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- ----------------- ot --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION CONCERNING THE PROPOSED 28 UNIT, 256 FT. LONG CONDO COMPLEX AT 50TH AND HALIFAX We, the undersigned, are in acceptance of having a multi- family complex on this site. However, we OBJECT to the overall length of the building at 256 feet long, as well as, the impact it would have on the already overloaded traffic patterns in our neighborhood. We would like the building decreased in length by approximately 50 feet. NAME ADDRESS I. _ ORIGINAL 1 0 t] QUALITY DOCUMENT " _*":�7 8 1 0(a40V1..4 41 NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION CONCERNING THE PROP St 28 UNIT, 256 FT. LONG CONDO COMPLEX AT 50TH AND HALIFAX We, the undersigned, are in acceptance of having a multi- family complex on this site. However, we OBJECT to the overall length of the building at 256 feet long, as well as, the impact it would have on the already overloaded traffic patterns in our neighborhood. We would like the building decreased in length by approximately 50 feet. NAME ADDRESS �6 memo" ��.\ — ------------------------------ ­yl -------------- �� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 ----------------------- _,L_j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---=- ---- -- -------7---------------------- ------------------ --------------------- ----------------- - - - - -- - '----- - - - - -- NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION CONCERNING THE PROPOSED 28 UNIT, 256 FT. LONG CONDO COMPLEX AT 50TH AND HALIFAX We, the undersigned, are in acceptance of having a multi- family complex on this site. However, we OBJECT to the overall length of the building at 256 feet long, as well as, the impact it would have on the already overloaded traffic patterns in our neighborhood. We would like the building decreased in length by approximately 50 feet. ---- ------------------------------------- - - - - -- J .NAME ADDRESS ' --, r - -- i ✓ ---------- - - - - -- ----- -2-� -� ----- - - - - -- - - -- r7 - - - ----------------------------------------- - - - - -- jq ism -���.. i- ��'��► Ott' 1�.+� '�x.11,o+►.� tA All &AA. ?A# a J�h t � cou JAMES H. ILLIES, CPM" STEPHEN F. NOHAVA. CPM'v LEON HEINEN, CPM® MICHAEL STOEBE, CPMv ILLIES NOHAVA HEINEN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. 18 North Ninth Avenue St. Cloud Minn. 56303 Phone (612) 252 -2000 Fax(612)252 -2752 March 17, 1994 Mr. Craig Larsen Director of Planning City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Re: Proposed Multi Family Housing 50th & Halifax Dear Mr. Larsen: Thank you for visiting with me concerning the above referenced development. We manage the 9 plex at 4121 West 50th Street and have the following concerns with the proposal as presented. By closing (vacating) the alleyway you would significantly restrict the ability of our residents to ingress and egress the property. ° The traffic count on West 50th is significant which makes it virtually impossible to go West on 50th off of Indianola. (Our only access if the alleyway is vacated.) Indianola is the next street West of Halifax. If the City, in its attempts to deal with the congestion, (in the future) should widen 50th and /or install a median back to Indianola our ingress and egress would be further hampered. If our residents go South on Indianola the neighborhood may object to an increase in traffic. Our most commonly travelled pattern is for our residents to travel East through the alley to Halifax, turn North, and utilize the traffic lights to go East and West, or, go South on Halifax to France Avenue. In the event of a natural disaster, medical emergency, or fire, access to the most restricted areas would be difficult to reach. Mr. Craig Larsen March 17, 1994 Page 2 With what priority will the City maintain the remaining alleyway with regard to snow removal and repairs? Granting us an easement through the parking lot of the proposed development would allow our residents proper egress as well as allow emergency vehicles, snowplows and repair vehicles the ability to carry out their jobs. Thank you. Sincerely, INH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. Stephen F. Nohava, CPM@ CERTIFIED PROPERTY MANAGER® SFN:cmp 8 Dear Neighbors, It was suggested by City Hall that it would be most effective if we each write a letter to: The City Council voicing our concerns about the proposed 28 unit, 256 foot long condominium complex at 50th and Halifax. It doesn't need to be very long. The number of PEOPLE RESPONDING is important, not the number of sentences in our letter. The .comments in the neighborhood seem to be cent=d on these key-issues: (1) It's tog_ hng at 236 feet. Can't-ir be shortened by 50 ft? The traffic patterns in the area are already overloaded. We need to keep the existing trees and guarantee that the new landscaping will enhance the neighborhood. Your letters need to reach "Jackie" in the the City Planner's Office by late Thursday afternoon, March 17. (If mailing? Edina City Hall; c/o Jackie, City Planner's Office; 4801 W. 50th St.; Edina, MN 55424): She will include these letters in the information packets sent to each City Council member in preparation for the City Council meeting on Monday, March 21 at 7:00. (Hope to see you at the meeting, also!) P.S. Write the letter to the CITY COUNCIL, not the City Planner. Thank you for your support. We're counting on you! !G c1 �ha Ot fl IUV,IG. j h qVG I i ved o� l�ul; i'utc l�v�nue -"-e 3o `1 ea►,s. 1 h a oc s «n -i loss S� nq lr -Fa m e homes -4 ho-1- hull roarlt o� -Ih is vne de5it -a6lc 4 fhe �. v rl d s. --?a r kj i nI Jot 4 he_ � •3'1 S.T.5-�Iee4 % y Pu ss ecwd ihe, 44" feYds Col,�latT�n�0Is%I 14ad 4,1zese eyts+ed ,&,� LleI vs cwo 1 w� cj , d n�ocY P"t",AaSe4 -Ji¢. bovS e "4 b o 3 e ljat".�Ux . (ti 14 4"�s nom; cievC Iu(�rrMr>f I �nC Inc.4 -A, %►, sldee mC)u ad aw c>` r ,��, rh,•� . J S -f Ly gill 4a-c (-� I �- (�� s � t' cy AA C_ c4, VO Ell , �QC4 Zj�r St 6`7 &YC C- Y7 C,/ At co J _ J J �� CIL be� C Cry Ck- "C-L (-Cp tr-Cwelk- _k_4 -401 eut—j 21 zeZ 1 XabL-gins vV. !gfrawm 4073 CW&.sf ClifirfiUL Jh9cf. 'Edina. :Alantscia 35424 wt ri till a s i 3,✓q-,5;y DR. CHARLES JOSEPH BALOGH 5204 BA -,TFAS AVNNDN SOUWH. MINNEAPOZLTS. MINNFAOTA 66424 March 15, 1994 Dean City Council Members, My husband and I purchased our home thinking of the future, that we would be near stores and a bank as we grew older. We enjoy this residential area, and plan to continue living in these pleasant surroundings as senior citizens* After several years of City Meetings, we were given the present diagonal street at Fiftieth and France to direct business traffic away from the residential streets. Now a condominium will not only bring the tenants traffic, but all their services and deliveries. Finoethis is a residential area, consideration of the building's size to the available space, and its appearance is essential. Trees, shrubs, and lawns are automatically included in the architectural..-plans, necessitating ample space to resemble the residences of the neighborhood. Sincerely, Charles J. Balogh Mary R. Balogh �yo jai 7-o', Edina City Hall c/o Jackie City Planner's Office 4801 West 50th st. Edina, MN 55424 Ben and Mary Porter 5120 Halifax Ave. S. Edina, MN 55424 922 -4138 March 14, 1994 Dear City Council: We have concerns about the proposed 28 unit, 256 foot condominium complex at 50th and Halifax. 1) A 256 -foot building seems much too long. Why must such a large building be placed on these lots? A better "transitional" structure would be only two stories and allow for improving the landscaping. 2) This building should have a brick exterior to blend with the other business structures in 50th and France area. Brick implies quality workmanship, stucco implies cost savings. If this complex is to be built, it should be a positive icon to OUR neighborhood. 3) The traffic patterns and traffic congestion in this area will continue to be dangerous for cars and pedestrians. We need to hear from the city council that a comprehensive approach to these problems is needed. S'nc ly, Bennett Porter Mary P4ter 1 K r iS- ho, ��z� S�dla-►�c��a + \� Z iJ n -I- C a m i ►� v u l d i a-�- �� o ��� I d.► S� n � c Y,�-1 our- 1 A o rvw \AIDLA d yy-) r-0 n Cet ✓Z �l X17 l i l f7 Vl �--rr�✓v� Ve- h 1 CAD n-kr how se.ho L oc�- a"�,.�a wilt o N e� off' � a-�- i ►-, a -�� � a1►�t a+ �a-�-� a+� � 4-C a ►' c-, -+u r n I Y--) r I c h+ -C) V-) 21 y,— �X P/1 i P-jlx 5 1 n ry-) - a d +- C �., s,e, D v�e cQ — I�o�d vv-& -� c) ry-\� Z s a Y1 O 1nJ �r✓1 -� I-, �- At � � �✓ C �,di►na dc) i / . L. 5100 Halifax Avenue South Edina, MN 55424 March 14, 1994 Edina City Counsel Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th - Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Proposed Condominium Project at 50th and Halifax Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: As owner of the above listed property, I am writing to express some concerns with the proposed condominium complex at 50th and Halifax. Specifically, the proposed building is too long, it will produce excess traffic on an already overburdened system of streets, and runs the risk of damaging the character of the neighborhood. Initially, the proposed condominium complex, at 256 feet,,is too long. This length is simply untenable. It is completely out of character with the structures in the neighborhood, which include single family houses and small commercial units. The condominium complex will extend too far down on the 50- hundred block of Halifax Avenue. As a result, the proposed green space between it and the houses is insufficient to properly blend the complex in with the rest of the neighborhood. It is respectfully submitted that Mr. Haymaker, the project's developer, can make sufficient profit without adding the four extra units at the expense of necessary green space. If the length could be shortened by approximately 50 feet, so as to be of a proper size with respect to the structures in the neighborhood, there would be sufficient green space between the condominium complex and the houses on the 50- hundred block of Halifax. This way, there would be an equitable balance between the interests of the neighborhood and the developer, as the condominium complex would properly fit with the character of the neighborhood. Second, this condominium complex, at its present length, is going to add extra traffic and the hazards associated therewith, to an already overburdened system, specifically, 50th Street, 51st Street and the 50- hundred portion of Halifax Ave. The 51st Street and Halifax Avenue segment is already a dangerous section of street, as vehicles travel on it at high speeds. There is additional vehicular traffic, as motorists use these streets as a shortcut to France Avenue, in heading south to Southdale. In addition to this extra traffic, vehicles entering this.stretch of streets from the southwest at Halifax Avenue, along with traffic entering and leaving the condominium complex, will occupy and congest Halifax at nearly the same point, as a direct result of the condominium complex being so long. Motorists from Halifax and the condominium would have insufficient sight lines to enter Halifax or 51st Street, making this location "an accident waiting to happen." Again, a shorter complex would place the entry onto Halifax at a safer point, closer to 50th Street. Finally, as proposed, the condominium complex must fit within the character of the neighborhood. This can only be done by,mazntaining all of the existing trees as well as the addition of large amounts of green space through proper landscaping.. At all costs, the quaintness of the neighborhood must be maintained, for Edina to remain one of the premiere communities in the Twin Cities. In summary, I respectfully request your sensitivity to our neighborhood, by limiting the length of the proposed condominium complex. To insure proper construction of this condominium complex would maintain Edina's commitment to its residents, of a high quality of life for living and raising families. Very truly yours, Jerome R. Smith, Jr. C! t� ;,U4% -�521 �d.�r Gam. a lztwX6& e� ;r� �� /vlal� / tc �xa�u�g������ �`�`� 91. 4z d v�aQa� ,� � �t,;� fie°'. a?z� dkiz NN 40 bk ciz \-NJ NI'a '19 ROBERT A LARSEN 5037 INDIANOLA AVENUE EDINA MN 55424 March 14,1994 City Council c/o Jackie City Planner' Office 4801 W. 50th Street Edina MN 55424 Dear Council Members: I am writing you about the proposed 28 unit, 256 foot long condominium at 50th and France. I am not opposed to the construction of a condominium at the site under consideration. It would make good use of the gas station and the two adjoining houses to the gas station. These properties have deteriorated awaiting other use. I am opposed, however, to the taking of the Smith home at 5016 Halifax which is a well tended home and is, as I understand it, not yet zoned for a multiple dwelling. With the use of the Smith house it is possible to create a condominium 256 feet in length but this would simply be out of place with the other multiple dwelling on 50th street and with the general character of the neighborhood, small shops, small homes. I would think that a condominin of 200 feet or less would be much more appropiate. If I were on the City Council, I would not allow the rezoning of the property at 5016 Halifax, the Smith home. Sincere , J�- irtn Robert A. lql0 P OL j , 4 2 9�� NCO UH IVti Dear Council "- "erbers : Minneapolis Center 1020 Marquette Ave. Minneapolis MN 55403 612/338 -1317 'arch 17, 1994 Last week I received a notice of a meeting that evening on a or000sed development. It was rather short notice. E was unable to atterd. It was my first knowledge about condominiums at 50th and Halifax. Today, a neighbor alerted me that you wanted comments by close of business today, " ".arch 17th and that your meeting on the proposal would be :larch 21. I do wish to voice concern. I moved to 5308 Halifax last year. I knew the neighborhood was quiet and had a certain residential ambiance. I,did know that a lot of people in the neighborhood drive through here to avoid travel an France and on 50th Street. To allow condominium use at the corner of Halifax and 50th St. seems totally inappropriate. The traffic at that corner with Lunds parking and the other commercial parking for movies and businesses is already very heavy. :Many people cut through on. Halifax to avoid the 50th and France intersection. Increased vehi� e traffic cutting down this street, added to increased airplane traffic of late, and congestion.on 50th street at the corner do not suggest that a 28 unit condo is the way to go. More appropriate use would suggest commercial building in keeping with the neighborhood needs. Such congestion will also bring down property values. respectfully. A41 Ls. Ja ueline S. liffithun J founded 1971 q a member of the State University \ System. J252uy J &.,A. 5.54,2ls March 17, 1994 Dear City Council members, Please do not approve the proposed condominium plan as presented at the planning commission meetings and the neighborhood meeting. It is too big and it is out of character for the surrounding residences. We want to keep our neighborhood quiet and neighborly- - we resent more brick and concrete, more traffic, more noise. A 28 unit building means more than 50 cars (most residents in homes of the proposed price range have two cars) coming and going across the street from an already nightmarish entry and exit from Lunds. We want a buffer that looks as if it belongs to us, not to 1st Bank, Clancy's and Lunds. 1 Q•`�qG Sincerely, -7- Edina City Council Sub: Proposed condominium #21dg at 50th St. & Halifax Ave. March 16, 1994 I have attended two meetings on the above subject and seenthe preliminary architectural elevation of the front of the building. With a proposed length of 256", the building, in my opinion, appears awkwardly long. Shortening the project 40' or 50' would greatly improve the appear- ance and provide a better buffer to the private residence at 5028 Halifax. Sincerely, Robert H. Griffiths 5033 Indianola Ave. Edina, Mn. 55424 g.��qa March 16, 1994 Edina City Council Edina City Hall cto Jackie, City Planning Office 4801 W 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Edina City Council Members: I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed zoning change to allow a three story, 28 unit condominium to be built on 51st and Halifax. I feel that the current zoning should be maintained. Edina already has four other apartment or condominium buildings and a number of duplexes in close proximity to the 50th & France intersection. One of the most attractive things about the downtown area of Edina is it's charm, and almost small town appeal. That feeling is already being encroached upon by increased levels of traffic. Adding a condominium there would only exacerbate the problem. Downtown Edina's charm is a valuable asset to all residents and something that has been lovingly maintained and preserved for many years. I am depending on you to continue that tradition. Please vote against this development. Sincerely, ma4 4� iZt�ma4--, Mary Kay Rickman 4917 Maple Road Edina, MN 55424 Tom Rickman 4917 Maple Road Edina, MN 55424 Jackie City Planner's Office 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Dear Jackie, 3-16-94 I am writing this letter to voice my protest over the proposed rezoning and building of a condominium complex on 50th and Halifax. The traffic in the area is terrible already. I do not support changing the zoning in any way, but if this developer wins I would want the building to be as small and unobtrusive as possible. From what I can gather, the proposed building is too long and too tall. Sincerely, Tom Rickman I� 'I March 16, 1994 City of Edina, MN City Council 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Dear Councilmembers: I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed condominium project at West 50th Street and Halifax. The building must be designed to compliment the existing residential community. I hope that high quality construction materials are chosen and that the grounds will be landscaped to soften the view of the building and fit in with the established residential quality of the neighborhood. It is essential that the project not appear massive. I suggest that the south side of the building be designed and landscaping planned so that there will neither be a looming three -story wall nor a concrete slab of driveway adjacent to the single family home immediately to the south of the project. I prefer an architecturally pleasing, well landscaped, high priced condominium project to the rundown gas station and shabby two houses to the south. I am not in favor of including the third house south of the gas station in the project. Sincerely, Lynda K. Carlson 5105 Halifax Edina 4aU i V. ''.all S[reet To Whom it Mav Concern: i aln wnune ui regard to the proposed condomiuuln btWdute at 50th ann iiairfdx Ave. i have Sorile concerns tear l would like to address- ,..:� buddiiie ii)J lorig iu: 1.a. ,' lien : ', I: U:ulc''.; Lui ColnC;,lit Li L'i1[ 1[ iioi ht In Ihla newhbornood. , nnedwie more on the order of tow- rhornes or a butldln2 mth some design that would appear more residential instead of a large nnsnnition 1VOUld ber*.er ht in that location. the traffic pi: toms down Halifax at this tune are iuready overloaded. 1 feel that this will Just - crease an a!readv d'anserous situation. 1 have three small children who at nsk of 11�! na hit by a car as have no sidewalks and our street seems to be the shortcut ground iOdi and Frmnce. llwse Pius ily dovv a our street oblivious to uir, fact that uiis 1s a r sid- -i.dal area. 1 know that another iaree residenial tacruty will atiect our traffic. So please before ,vervone reports that this vvqll have no impact 1 would like a study done to substantiate what aff ct this project nU have on our traffic. 3. We boueht m the old area of Edina because of the trees and charm. 1 would like to see thus charm and the trees not at %cted by this huge long building. Please keep in mind the look of downtown Edina and only : alow a bud&ig to go in that «611 keep the churn wid the trees. Relnetnber how long it takes to for a inature Oak to develop and phase dent lust allow thein to be removed without anv thought. Thwik ".0a for your tun;:. "Ve have ondy been were nvo v ears but vie cllose Edina because it had iliz, feel of a chamune nice netgttborhood. Don't lust go in and bulidoze for the sake of progress. Mink about tine aesthetic-,and the feel of this neighborhood. Sunc env. a �1 Fick :rind Sarah Van %Vili de �121 Hi:i::ax Ave. South I Ct'�l Cpc.�Cl i E0) K-)N ED d.4. MYU - SSq Z1/ TZ E . Plate ucd G po,4rne• 4 cc "p ler loc-,�d c j- Lilo 1 Gvesr Sv TH 501 q) SU Ito a A-)d a)Z �l {- �c►I.�u x 45 my Mme is PO said A4' SlOq t-IGI I Ave sar� 7Z -h a ue 4he C4C4V A jS _ off- -hie Glxve fe Cini - - - - - - - -- bovN ad e� ua ly Gd d ✓,used _ -- b y ci � o � Eci ,.� _ T?h�u�►� _ Cam, m• ss�c.� -� _. - -- 1 -T"ZA FFIG -fie developer 5 �ovl d be req a �rcd 6 ha,,4c a WGAo_ shy Frefood by a Pro ss 1 I�rQ tt1G envy i„uce� . the ;,r AC- s h.)dy sh�Id i de+u� l 44le exis h _ levcl 0-� Service c4j Nal►-�x 51 T' 5frea-I- aAjd- 50In4 �5V=+ a5 l6ew4e-d �1%e exiS�► leve I o -� -'- �V t cr- Shod (d be C.cvn lO�red w �-i'h i'hz �weca5kd level o-i- se�rv�ce resu l�,'u 4cm -khe -PCo Pond (J e.Ae-lCf)me.L--+, 9 5 kw 1� 4 -e P�s d develgo m e. 4 decrcase +h e- l eve t 04-. Ser V i ce, )� e deve l cPer shcvld be regvivcd 4o m b90,Ir-o 4te- imprc� by iuee� �c J e I .;c-t . L t- r(no d I fn prcvcm'Aj-'s Ccvv 'jc+ be -11�e KJ -PEVELOr=ME'cu1-S- . H 6-1 H -T h �9 her - iharu aou y. -.. bu I d l &u j a xe Commercial A-rca -PLvu exceP +he. �►1L° ll%:tr4 iu GA-d T'c,r�C., S �o ci-vres have k--e'u c0061-110c,�-d __ I-L) q m a,v A-%-.r -4v4- does_ ►uo4- i m Wirer _ -f'he visu,r l G s4 -hAcs 4he crew GzAgj -rao 'By TLAkAJiAJ&i co►nmissiaAv voy'louces RAJ deiusi� ctrud bu►ldiA-� ccvera8c :5 boL) Id quo- - be 9 rGo �.d v less A e- develop - Pfcves hGrclship . I1 e- vonaouce5 LAJ ejre 43vau�rd by s i m P ly becausc dive I coe,<- requested +hcin w L q Nab -Gee.. 501,bLe tor-- - -q- pew- 5 s im, I ca r i ru S me 4-he o-%her -itrec - c ru a dd, 1 S- v►u �s w ou U be rem 6 Ic G �olI o+ ZO u& )Js. -r-he- I's re- gLA*�) ,u9 Z8 u,u+ Is - - - - i- i u kema) �c,3- bei 6cd Gou r -c b Z, -6-64 rePo��- �o T�IGru�� Canmiss+c� I o-i burn ma ry, 41\,e o4- +Nf, f6L,w- -Pro pe ,�C.S 4v M A --gym i ly is corus(slvi' w r�h -f he- S-0114 aid FaaKXC T�cdev�lcpm �►u�- T14&4 OAjd = would Sop 4-he iedeve l cpmeAj- - t 4 r� me}- 4he Y(qqu)rerw_-#j6 o-- -rr e 'P'R D - `4 'eroj►.u9 ord , &r;ruCE G k-id i'he cl �werneU�C4&j Plarus _ T7-� do 4jer her . coo 004- -puss -- _cucr cil 1 -hie ►slues__ duel o -pmc.L4 Ira iSCS a - _ . _ "P (aruru�,u9 _ Co rn � � ss � av d ► d . 7h e _ d e��l° f�r"e� - -- . -- - - - -. - - - -- Needs }�- e reduced___., N -si e c- c?Ajd - - - - -- - 4o -- b e. _- Gru _Gcc ep6ble - -add.► how SIAJc�rly, i March 18,1994 Dear Edina City Council, We are concerned that the proposed condominium at 50th and Halifax may be too large for the following reasons: Large trees. This large of a construction project on this site will have a substantial probability of killing the approximately nine mature trees on the site due to the heavy equipment compacting the soil and roots and many of the roots being severed by excavation. The probability could be. reduced somewhat if the developer was willing to have a qualified arborist alter the plans as needed to help preserve the forty to sixty year old trees. The developer told us he will plant new trees to replace the mature trees that die in the construction process, but few if any of us will ever see them grow to the size of the present trees. A large proportion of newly planted trees die before maturity for a variety of reasons, two of which are the recently popular use of broad leaf plant killers (Nveed killers "), and the use of petroleum based fertilizers. Scale and Aesthetics. The proposed size we feel will most likely appear out of scale with our neighborhood, be inappropriate in style and design, and not have adequate architectural detail. We also feel that it could be made to appear to be in scale with appropriate architecture. Judging from the fact that the neighbors have had to tell the developer how to improve the appearance of the building, we have no faith that the developer has selected an architect who can accomplish a pleasing design or sense of scale. Traffic. We expel that all the residents and visitors to the proposed condominium will use Halifax Avenue for virtually all of their trips to the south and Crosstown Highway 62. We ,continue to have a high volume of traffic driving down our street, much of it at very dangerous speeds at all times of day and night. The speeders are not exclusively young , either. We continue to avoid walking on our own street if possible to avoid the present traffic. The additional load of this proposed project will make it worse. We feel the present Fina station does not draw people to the 50th and France area, it mearly draws business from those already passing through. Thank you for taking the time to read this. S' cerely, John Crist Anne Bishop 5324 Halifax Ave. So. Edina MN 55424 929 -4047 A!6iw top Dear Edina City Council Members, „J WE WANT TO GIVE YOU THE COMPLETE BACKGROUND (SOAP OPERA ?) OF WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE INVOLVING THE PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM WITH HOPES THAT CHANGES CAN BE MADE TO AVOID THIS KIND OF "DISPUTE" IN THE FUTURE. The comments and information is based on personal experience, input from the involved neighbors, and notes from the pertinent meetings. I know this is long, but it tells the story of our -frustration. It is our hope that the City Council will ' look at making it mandatory that the developer notify the neighborhood at the ONSET and then hold a meeting with them to see the proposed plans. It should be understood that- the neighborhood is NOT objecting to putting in a multi - family building, but we want it reduced by 50 feet and have a guarantee of the outside materials and sufficient landscaping. Mr. Haymaker's original plan for the site was FIVE STORIES and 36 UNITS. (How could anyone "caring" about the quaintness of our area think a building that size would blend in with the existing buildings ?) He was told to reduce the building to four stories before he could present it to the Planning Commission. Several variances were needed to get the 4 story building approved. (Aren't variances mainly used for hardship cases? This, of course, is not!) After 2 hours of the neighbors asking questions of Mr. Haymaker at the 1st Planning Commission meeting, they agreed with us that 4 stories was too high. In my notes from the meeting it was stated by one of the men on the P.C. that, " Four stories is too much. You should scale it down to 3 stories and 18 units, which would eliminate the need for many of the variances." Another P.C. member said he'd "like to see no variances, less floors and a SMALLER BUILDING." Direct quotes from another P.C. member was, "I don't want another neighborhood ruined with a building like Vernon Terrace.... especially having a large brick wall with small windows facing 50th Street." -Mr. Haymaker's Ist architectural design was a plain rectangular, stucco flat- topped building with small sliding windows of similar size. A male P.C. member said, "I'm sure they haven't finished the drawing. It looks like a box." Yet, that is what he was presenting to the P.C.. Between the Ist and 2nd P.C. meetings, I talked several times with Mark Haymaker. Each time he asked me, "Well, what DO you think the neighborhood would like to see? What should I do to the building ?" The P.C. chairman told Mr. Haymaker that he and his architect should be creating the appropriate changes and not have to ask a person in the neighborhood. The P.C. said that if he can work out a plan for a 3 story building, they will review it. However, when the P.C. met in March, Mr. Haymaker had picked up the option to buy the 3rd house for $140,000. Now, the new proposal was 56 ft. LONGER and had 28 UNITS !!! It was now TEN more than the P.C. member's suggestion of 18 and 4 more than the original plan. By the end of the 2nd P.C. meeting the commission members were understandably "irritated ". The neighborhood had spent several hours and two full meetings literally talking to the developer about their concerns. Mr. Haymaker was "verbally reprimanded" for not having a neighborhood meeting to answer all of these questions BEFORE reaching the P.C.. He pushed the blame onto me saying, "Well, Sharon said she was speaking FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD!" This, of course, was ridiculous. I had already spent 50 hours over the last month answering the neighbors questions about this project. In effect, I was fielding all of the "flack" for Mark. In hindsight, I should have just told them to call Mr. Haymaker and let him explain HIS project. As the word got around, more people would call and I'd have to, start all over again. The overloaded traffic in the area continues to worry us. Mr. Haymaker stated at the 2nd P.C. meeting that the traffic in the area would be greatly reduced since "300 cars a day pass through the FINA station." (At the Edina meeting he reduced it to 200 and then 160.) If there were 200 -300 cars a day at that station, FINA would not be closing it. I checked with the station and it was determined to be more like 65 cars a day. It should be noted that many of the FINA customers are traveling East and West, or are people already shopping the area. The new residents of this complex would undoubtedly, like many people, use Halifax as a shortcut down to 5400 on their way to Southdale to avoid two traffic lights. (At the first P.C. meeting, the transparency map of the area did not even SHOW the section of Halifax on the map that enters at the curve. Mr. Haymaker, after - the -fact and under suggestion from the P.C., said he would call a neighborhood meeting the next Thursday. He and Randa Hahn (realtor for the 3rd house that is for sale) told me that they would get the mailing list of the neighborhood and send notices out. However, after contacting City Hall on Tuesday of the next week, he still hadn't requested the mailing list. Both Lynne Griffith and myself had to call him because we still hadn't received any information. He told Lynne that the notices were "at the printers." Yet several hours later a simple "Xerox" notice was placed in our mailslots. By Tuesday evening, many people had already made plans. Plus, by scheduling the meeting at 6:00, many people were barely getting home from work. Mr. Haymaker told me that notices were sent out to Halifax and Indianola. He told Lynne that he also did Arden. However, after covering the neighborhood for the petition to reduce the length by 50 feet, we discovered that he HAD NOT sent notices to all of those houses . NO ONE on the 5100 block of Indianola, or the West side of the 5000 block of Indianola, or anyone on Arden (as well as, the Lanterns) had received a notice of anykind. Additional notices were hand delivered to the 5200 to 5400 blocks of Halifax. On short notice 38 people showed up for his meeting. Many people were hearing about this for the first time and wanted to see the drawings. However, Mr. Haymaker's architect never showed up with the plans and drawings. Luckily, the initial presentation and most of the questions at the Edina Realy neighborhood meeting were covered by Mark's attorney, Tracy Eichorn - Hicks. It is the overwhelming opinion of the area that Mr. Haymaker has had a condescending attitude, towards all of us. His attorney was both open to our comments and willing to further discuss our questions, even after the March 21 meeting. Mr. Haymaker was not! If Tracy had handled this issue from the beginning we feel everything would have run smoother. When the overall length issue was brought up at the Edina meeting, Mr. Haymaker stated, and this is a DIRECT QUOTE, "The length of the building bothers me, too. It looks like a railroad freight house. I'd like to shrink it in and do the 4 stories." When the traffic problem was brought up he stated (direct quote), "I didn't even think of the traffic when I made the proposal. I have no objections to looking at closing off Halifax." (Since the traffic count was taken years ago, when we tried unsuccessfully to close Halifax, and it was determined that the street was TOO BUSY TO CLOSE, this is not even an option, in my opinion.) Even after hearing all of our concerns about the size of the building and the added "confusion" to the traffic problem, the P.C. voted 6 to 0 to pass it on to you. The petitions, for many sections of the streets, are incomplete because of: (1) Two people have not turned in their petitions yet. You will get them Monday before the meeting. (2) MANY people were not home, even after to attempts. (3) Most residents (Indianola, Maple, Gorgas) didn't know ANYTHING about the project, and the Sun Current article had not come out yet. (4) The illness of the person doing Indianola. I'm sorry this got so long. Now, I don't have the time to write a general letter to all of you about our concerns. I'm sure you have grasped our feelings after reading some, part, or all of this episode of neighborhood Soal Opera. We hope that we can count on you to help us reduce the size by 50 feet, guarantee the landscaping, and do something to handle the traffic congestion and cutting down Halifax. Thank you for your time. S Sincerely, Sharon and Dave Maetzold 5114 Halifax Ave. So. Edina, MN 55424 -Mon, c rl- �/ 1 -� /,R L) ,x la I il J1 I I f- ALI%— r-Al belw F-�LtJ t-A ravk /?A 0 EY-) i it GLi r\of c s lcv) n4.o -0-A I A,'L-t 1A n— CEt4:6 J W (It"s cx YnjnLu P- ta V x n SIM tyc-0 aryvu� 'LLvaL �VUCL ICA- V 44,Lk--, v1 vV1-k-7' ✓I C,-, L,(-qll-t IN T ll\fJ V-I� V L TC)(D �__._ �2�- e -c-��! r1��,__��c�ZC�� �� j-- Y1LCt�2 r!- ce_.p -5 -1-cis t--,A az--rno-A Lo V N uy N \ 0 H m vFi F � w z I 1 ` � V �r N � r 4! V .J DATE: March 14, 1994 TO: City Council FROM: Lynne Griffith - Res 5124 Halifax Ave. Edina, MN 55424 SUBJECT: Proposed Condominium Complex at 50th and Halifax Ave. I am sending you this letter in hopes that I will finally be heard!!! I have tremendous concerns for the proposed condominium complex at 50th and Halifax Ave. My major concerns are with the physical size (particularly the length of 256 feet), the impact on traffic to an already overloaded street, and the overall physical appearance of the structure. I DO WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR AT THIS TIME THAT I AM NOT OPPOSED TO THE IDEA OF A CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX AT THIS LOCATION, JUST THE IDEA OF ANY STRUCTURE THAT DOES NOT ENHANCE THE APPEARANCE OF THE 50TH & FRANCE DOWNTOWN SHOPPING DISTRICT. • PHYSICAL SIZE - Right now the proposed 28 unit structure is at 3 stories high and 256 feet (just 44 feet short in the length of an entire football field). The size alone of this building is out of character with the beautiful charm and style of the downtown Edina neighborhood shopping district. A shorter more tasteful building would not only fit in the neighborhood better, but it would also help with some of the other issues: more room for the cars to get in and out of the underground parking, more room for the landscaping necessary to buffer the neighborhood, and possibly leave enough room for a drop off area • TRAFFIC IMPACT - The 50th and Halifax area is already overloaded. Mr. _ Haymaker claims (without any factual information to back it up) that the proposed condominium unit will create less traffic than the existing FINA station. Anyone who truly knows the area can tell you that FINA does not create as much traffic as the 56 tenants who will be occupying the new building. Infact,. a good number of the FINA customers happen to be people in our neighborhood. Hence, more traffic will be created with this unit. Please remember that I am not opposed to this dwelling, just the size of it. I believe that a smaller, building with less tenants will help in two ways. #1 - Of course you'll have less tenants. What if it went back to Mr. Haymaker's original plan to have 24 units / 48 tenants. Less people - Less Traffic. #2 - A smaller building will allow for more room on the property for vehicle drop offs and pull overs instead of using a lane of Halifax which seems to be Mr. Haymaker's current plan. It is evident to all the residents that Mr. Haymaker hasn't thought very much of the the traffic ramifications. In fact at the neighborhood meeting with Mr. Haymaker he even said, " I didn't think of the traffic when I made the proposal." • PHYSICAL APPEARANCE - Right now it is hard to know what Mr. Haymaker has planned for the exterior of the structure, however one of my main concerns is with the building materials. Mr. Haymaker first said that the building would be made of concrete and stucco like products. Later Mr. Haymaker mentioned possibly using brick or brick like products, but would not commit . to anything. Using concrete products coupled with the enormous size of this building, will make it look like Edina has a Jail in their downtown area. I have noted all my-concerns to date in this letter. As a Taxpayer in the immediate downtown area I urge you not to vote for the proposed structure as presented. AGENDA ITEM II. A. L' Dear Neighbors, It was suggested by City Hall that it would be most effective if we each write a letter to: The City Council voicing our concerns about the proposed 28 unit, 256 foot long condominium complex at 50th and Halifax. It doesn't need to be very long. The number of PEOPLE RESPONDING is important, not the number of sentences in our letter. The comments in the neighborhood seem to be centered on these key issues: (1) It's too long at 256 feet. Can't it be shortened by 50 ft? (2) The traffic patterns in the area are already overloaded. (3) We need to keep the existing trees and guarantee that the new landscaping will enhance the neighborhood. Your letters need to reach "Jackie" in the the City Planner's Office by late Thursday afternoon, March 17. (If mailing? Edina City Hall; c/o Jackie, City Planner's Office; 4801 W. 50th St.; Edina, MN 55424). She will include these letters in the information packets sent to each City Council member in preparation for the City Council meeting on Monday, March 21 at 7:00. (Hope to see you at the meeting, also!) P.S. Write the letter to the CITY COUNCIL, not the City Planner. Thank you for your support. We're counting on you! 1 CL IL-4 RICHARD S. STONE.JR. AGENDA ITEM II A 5028 JUANITA AVE. SO. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55424 18 % 06 J FC7T io i{//S 'PA0,005qL- 8zxc gres4i o,c i 9,rb D �,��� y 9 Q/G V /i✓C TWAT On/ 7-1146 Cso r H` E.yp �nf0 uta �F Al- 04 1,ioA,6 s rO,Q /,s aai r,yi_' 3oclrH c.rte 1 7/V4 9yr9RrlllAp T A T 1iV,06ANdLi¢ 3 04r J�ovjy 0/— 574 �Ak h�a 1(FR r/rc o r�ie Tf/� �i SrD,e y MMES /,y %l�I /S W--,4 /�'{fllN ?e9 /n/EQ W6lily AssE-ss� N,E /G y,goQhroo� �MOU�p .t3.E A /Ar5)'"AA-E 0 :l1 r w9�1r\ e4 i_i'y cn` O HrJ � .� � •ay� \�URR111N� // REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and Council From: Craig Larsen Date: March 21, 1994 Subject: 1994 Community Development Block Grant Proqram Recommendation: Agenda Item ,. T T. B Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action Approve recommended budget for submission to Hennepin County. Info /Background Edina's 1994 CDBG entitlement is $197,821 out of the County's $3,688.000.00 budget. This allocation reflects a 10.8% increase over the 1993 budget and is attributed to the 10.8% increase Hennepin County received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). On Tuesday, March 15, 1994, planning staff presented a proposed budget to the Human Relations Commission. The Commission recommended approval of the proposed budget, however, voted to amend the public service funding portion to reflect no increase for the H.O.M.E. program over 1993 ($24074) and the additional $490.00 which was proposed for H.O.M.E. to be redirected toward the Child Day Care program, increasing that proposal from $13,000 to $13,490. As a result of the amended proposal, H.O.M.E. would utilize 61 % of the public services funding; Day care subsidy would utilize 34% and C.A.S.H. Homeline would utilize the remaining 5 %. ❑ To HRA 0 To Council ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Approve recommended budget for submission to Hennepin County. Info /Background Edina's 1994 CDBG entitlement is $197,821 out of the County's $3,688.000.00 budget. This allocation reflects a 10.8% increase over the 1993 budget and is attributed to the 10.8% increase Hennepin County received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). On Tuesday, March 15, 1994, planning staff presented a proposed budget to the Human Relations Commission. The Commission recommended approval of the proposed budget, however, voted to amend the public service funding portion to reflect no increase for the H.O.M.E. program over 1993 ($24074) and the additional $490.00 which was proposed for H.O.M.E. to be redirected toward the Child Day Care program, increasing that proposal from $13,000 to $13,490. As a result of the amended proposal, H.O.M.E. would utilize 61 % of the public services funding; Day care subsidy would utilize 34% and C.A.S.H. Homeline would utilize the remaining 5 %. v Recommended Budget: Project Proposed 1994 Budget Last Year C.A.S.H., HOMELine $ 2,000 $ 1,618 Child Day Care Subsidy $13,490 $10,000 Housing and Outdoor Maintenance $24,074 .$24,074 for the Elderly H.O. M. E. Adaptive Recreation $ 1,500 $ 2,000 Rehabilitation of Private Prop. $40,000 $40,000 Removal of Arch. Barriers $116,757 $100,000 $197,821 $178,458 MEMORAONUM TO: Human Relations Commission FROM: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Proposed 1994 Community Development Block Grant C.A.S.H. $ 1,618 Budget (CDBG) DATE: March 15, 1994 The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has informed Hennepin County that the Urban Hennepin County CDBG entitlement grant for 1994 is $3,688,000. This represents a 10% increase from the 1993 funding level of $3,327,000. As in previous years, the distribution formula for each city is based upon population, the number of individuals with incomes at or below poverty level, and the number of overcrowded housing units. Poverty data is a double weighted factor in the formula. All data is derived from the 1990 U.S. Census. The City of Edina's 1994 entitlement has been set at $197,821 which represents a 10% increase over the 1993 entitlement of $178,458. As in previous years, the funding of public services is limited to no more than 20% of the budget. That being the case, the 1994 public service funding can not exceed $39,564. The following data includes the public service budget for 1993, the amounts requested for 1994, and the proposed public service budget for 1994: 1993 1994 1994 Budget Request Awad C.A.S.H. $ 1,618 $ 4,000 $ 2,000 Daycare Subsidy $10,000 $15,000 $14000 Housing and Outdoor Maintenance for the Elderly (H.O.M.E.) $24,074 $26,480 $210" Total $35,692 $45,480 $39,564 The difference between the funds requested versus the funds available is $5,916.00. In an effort to equitably distribute the funds to the three agencies an approximate $2,000 decrease per request has been proposed, still providing each agency with an increase over the 1993 budget. The remaining 80% of the 1994 CDBG entitlement, $158,257 is proposed to be directed toward the following activities: 1993 1994 Budget Proposal Adaptive Recreation $ 2,000 $ 1,500 Rehabilitation of Private Property $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Removal of Architectural Barriers (ADA Compliance) $100,000 $116,757 Total $142,766 $158,257 The Adaptive Recreation program provides interpreters for the hearing impaired participating in park and recreation programs. The proposed budget illustrates a $500.00 reduction over 1993 because the total funds spent from the Year XVIII program were only $1,200. (Last years funds have yet to be spent.) It is felt that the $1,500 proposed will more closely meet the demand. The Rehabilitation of Private Property Program provides up to $10,000 for home improvements to low and moderate income homeowners. Most grants average from $4,000.00 to $8,000.00 with some utilizing the entire $10,000. In 1993, nine households were served with no waiting list. The Removal of Architectural Barriers program will again be directed toward meeting the goals for ADA compliance as established by the City's consultants. Currently, the 1993 funds are providing curb cut improvements to city buildings and park property city -wide. Once accessibility to city structures has been addressed, accessibility within the facilities will be scheduled. The City Council hearing on the proposed budget will take place on Monday, March 21, 1994, in time to submit the approved budget to Hennepin County by the deadline of April 1, 1994. Any comments or suggestions the Human Relation Commissions can offer prior to the proposed budget submittal to the City Council will be greatly appreciated. 1994 PROPOSED CDBG BUDGET C.A.S.H. HOMELINE DAYCARE SUBSIDY HOUSING AND OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE FOR THE ELDERLY (H.O.M.E.) ADAPTIVE RECREATION REHABILITATION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY REMOVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS (ADA COMPLIANCE) $ 2,000.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 24,564.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 40,000.00 $116,757.00 $197,821.00 Community Action for Suburban Hennepin Mr. Craig Larsen City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 January 31, 1994 Dear Mr. Larsen: Norwest Bank Building 1011 First Street S., Suite 301 Hopkins, MN 55343 (612) 933 -9180 FAX (612) 933 -6147 This letter is to request funding in the amount of $4,000 from the city's Community Development Block Grant program for 1994. Funds will be used to support HOME Line, the housing services program of Community Action for Suburban Hennepin (CASH). HOME Line was begun by CASH in January 1992. Over the past two years, HOME Line has developed four housing programs for low and moderate income homeowners and renters: - 1) a tenant "hotline" to assist tenants with rental housing problems; - 2) tenant organizing assistance to educate and train low income tenants to work together to solve common problems in a given complex; - 3) a mortgage foreclosure prevention program to provide personal, technical, and financial help to homeowners facing foreclosure due to circumstances beyond their control; and - 4) free legal help and financial assistance for families with children facing eviction. These programs are described in more detail in the HOME Line Program Description enclosed. I have also included a 1994 operating budget for our housing services and a fact sheet that details HOME Line's tenant advocacy and foreclosure prevention activities in Edina. Altogether, HOME Line has assisted approximately 10,000 suburban Hennepin County residents since it began operation in early 1992. Well over 90% of these people have low or moderate incomes by HUD standards. We appreciate your willingness to consider our request for support. If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Charlie Warner, our Housing Programs Manager, at 933 -9180. We would also appreciate being informed of any public meetings or hearings at which your 1994 CDBG program is considered. Sincerely, Sharon A. Johnson Executive Director Enclosures as noted Working to eliminate the causes of poverty. HOME Line Data for Edina Tenantadvocacy • I ROME Line operates a "hotline" (933 -0017) to assist tenants experiencing problems with their rental rousing situation. The hotline is open from 9am to 6pm weekdays (closes at 3pm on Fridays). We maintain a computerized database documenting all calls. The following summary information is taken from that database. Number of calls received from Edina residents since start -up (January 1992) Number of calls received from Edina residents during 1993 Total number of Edina residents served (= number of calls x average household size) Percentages of Edina residents served by HOME Line that are: Low income* 44.7% Moderate income* 23.7% Higher income* 31.6% elow are the problem areas most frequently encountered by callers to HOME Line county -wide. The numbers show how many times each was mentioned by callers from Edina: Since During 1992 1993 Eviction 13 8 Repairs 28 14 Security Deposit 29 14 Discrimination 1 1 Harrassmant 1 1 Intrusion 7 2 Heat 1 1 Improper Notice 1 1 Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention 141 78 323 During 1992, HOME Line established a new program to assist homeowners facing the possible loss of their homes to foreclosure. Assistance provided ranges from budget counselling to securing emergency financial aid I o arranging mortgage refinancing. Financial aid has been secured from a variety of public and private sources, including an emergency loan fund operated by Community Action for Suburban Hennepin (CASH), -TOME Line's parent agency. Number of Edina homeowners assisted during 1993 Financial assistance raised on behalf of Edina homeowners 13 $9,832 ;;ounty -wide, the Foreclosure Prevention program assisted 287 homeowners of whom 64.1% were low � icome *, 25.4% were moderate income *, and 10.5% were higher income.* More than $1,460,000 in nortgage refinances were closed or in process during 1993, resulting in an average monthly savings of 149.24 to the benefitted homeowners. A total of $121,764 in emergency financial aid,was raised on behalf of eligible homeowners. According to HUD definitions HOME Line Housing Services HOME Line is a program of Community Action for Suburban Hennepin (CASH) 1994 Operating Budget USES of FUNDS Salaries $134,865 Benefits 31,000 Contract Attorney 25,600 Utilities 1,000 Mileage /Parking 3,000 Training 5,000 Consultants 10,000 Rent 17,400 Telephone (incl. LD and FAX) 6,000 Meeting Expenses 1,000 Postage 3,000 Printing & Copying 2,000 Maintenance & Repairs 750 Advertising 1,400 Equipment & Furnishings 5,000 Memberships 1,000 Insurance 475 Supplies 2,000 Subscriptions & Publications 500 TOTAL Uses 250,990 SOURCES of FUNDS Municipal CDBG County Homeless Prevention and Assistance Community Service Block Grant (CSBG)' TOTAL Sources 50,000 25,600 175,390 $250,990 CSBG is the principle source of funding for Community Action for Suburban Hennepin. These are federal "anti- poverty" funds provided to CASH through the MN Department of Jobs and Training. (January 1994) HOMEr d Introduction Services for Suburban I Iconcpin Tenants • Advice • Access to Legal Assistance • Information 933 -0017 1206 Mainstreet, Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 HOME Line Program Description (January 1994) HOME Line is the name given to CASH's set of housing services that operate in suburban Hennepin County. These currently include tenant advocacy (started in January 1992), tenant organizing (May 1992), mortgage foreclosure prevention counselling (August 1992), and legal defense for families facing eviction (September 1993). CASH, standing for Community Action for Suburban Hennepin, is the "anti- poverty agency" serving low income people throughout Minneapolis' suburbs. It is a private nonprofit corporation with tax - exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. CASH is funded primarily with federal grants passed to us through the Minnesota Department of Jobs and Training. Additional funding is provided by Hennepin County, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA), ACTION, and several suburban Hennepin municipalities. Tenant Advocacy The advocacy service assists individual tenants and is provided primarily over the phone (the "hotline "), although tenants do occasionally drop in to the office. Individual advocacy includes identifying the tenant's problem, providing accurate and timely information on relevant tenant /landlord rights and responsibilities, helping the tenant understand options they might use to remedy their problem, and, often, mailing out printed materials provided to us by Legal Aid. As advocates gain experience and expertise, there may be opportunities to assist individual tenants prepare for court and, in some cases, represent them in court. More complex cases are often referred to Legal Aid or to volunteer ( pro bono) lawyers through the Hennepin County Bar Association's Legal Advice Clinic. Frequently, advocates will assist by referring tenants to other services and programs to help with problems that may be outside the sphere of tenant /landlord issues. Where advocates discover problems affecting many or all tenants in a complex, they may refer the case to HOME Line's tenant organizer. Tenant Organizing Where circumstances warrant and general problems exist, HOME Line's tenant organizer will work with groups of tenants to address problems collectively. Collective tenant action has been used in situations involving poor maintenance and repair throughout a complex, abusive behavior against tenants by management or maintenance personnel, and violation of regulations governing various housing assistance programs. Often, especially in cases involving government- assisted housing, HOME Line will secure assistance for the tenant group from Legal Aid. The organizing project has helped to form a county -wide tenant organization, the Suburban Association For Empowering Tenants (SAFE -T), to promote education on tenant /landlord rights and responsibilities and other housing issues. We are also actively assisting in the formation of a state -wide tenants group, the Minnesota Tenants Network. The Network is primarily focused on improving tenant /landlord law through legislative work. a program sponsored by Community Action for Suburban Hennepin (CASH) 933 -9180 HOME Line Program Description Page 2. Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention HOME Line's Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention program helps lower income homeowners who are facing fore- closure and the possible loss of their homes due to circumstances beyond their control. Often this is caused by a family break -up (divorce, abandonment, or death of a spouse) or the loss of a job due to economic dis- location. Intensive individual financial counselling with the homeowner and prompt, knowledgeable negotiations with the lender can sometimes save the situation. The foreclosure prevention staff assist homeowners gain access to public and private financial resources to help solve a delinquency. Where appropriate, a last- resort loan will be made to the homeowner to bring the loan current. The loan is non - interest bearing and comes due on sale of the property or when it is no longer owner - occupied. The program's Emergency Loan Fund is capitalized with funds from CASH; additional loan funds are available to the program through the MHFA's Emergency Mortgage and Rental Assistance Program . Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance This is Home Line's newest program, funded by Hennepin County in September 1993. Through this county assistance, we contract with an attorney in private practice to provide legal advice, help with negotiations, courtroom representation, and, for income - eligible households, emergency loans for families with children who are facing eviction from their homes. The program operates primarily in the Brookdale division of Hennepin County District Court. Most assisted families live in Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, New Hope, Robbinsdale, and Crystal. Staffing HOME Line's storefront office on Mainstreet in downtown Hopkins is staffed by CASH employees, VISTAs (Volunteers in Service to America, a program of the federal ACTION office) and volunteers from the community. CASH /HOME Line staff include the director of the tenant advocacy program, a tenant organizer, the director of the foreclosure prevention program and her assistant, and an overall housing programs manager. CASH also contracts with an attorney in private practice to provide eviction defense to families with children. The VISTAs are assigned, one each, to the tenant advocacy program and the tenant organizing program. Volunteers serve primarily as tenant advocates. We work closely with the Legal Aid Society of Minneapolis. Legal Aid lawyers train our volunteer advocates in Minnesota tenant /landlord law and provide back -up advice to advocates. Legal Aid lawyers also provide representation to tenant groups organized through HOME Line. Because volunteers are a critical element in HOME Line's success, we place strong emphasis on their recruitment, training, and recognition. Volunteer Involvement Volunteers are a mainstay of much of HOME Line's work. Our tenant hotline is staffed in large part by volunteers recruited from area law schools and the suburban community. The tenant organizing program works with groups of volunteer tenants seeking to improve their collective situation. SAFE -T and the Minnesota Tenants Network are totally volunteer organizations. The Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention program utilizes a five - person Loan Committee composed of volunteers from the CASH board and from the community. Law students also volunteer with HOME Line's Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance program. Law student volunteers, provided to the project through the Minnesota Justice Foundation, interview clients, prepare trial documents, and represent eviction defendants in court under the supervision of HOME Line's contract attorney. Altogether, over 3,000 hours of volunteer time are donated to HOME Line each year. (1/94) FROM GMDCA February 17, 1994 Joyce.Repya City of Edina 4801 West 50th Stree Edina,41VIN 554 Dear Joyce, P. I On behalf of the Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association (GMDCA), I am requesting that the Edina City Council consider using 15,000 of their Year XX Community Development Block Grant (CD8G) funds for the child care sliding fee programs. This amount would help three to five Edina families. During the 1993 -94 CDBG funding year, the Edina subsidy program has helped four families move toward self - sufficiency. There are 34 eligible Edina families on the waiting list. I have enclosed a report showing the balance In your account as of 12- 31 -93. There are several programs that help families pay for child care while the parent Is In school or In a low paying lob. When a family calls and Is proven eligible, their name goes on to the county wafting list, as well as on the waiting list for their city if that city has a subsidy program. The county list moves very slowly, because once a family is taken on, they may need help for a long time, with less assistance as their children grow older. At the present funding of the county program, families have to wait at least one year for subsidy. The city waiting lists move more quickly as the list Is only for residents of that city, and once a resident is getting help and their name comes up on the county list, they are moved to that source of funding, making way for another city family on that city's program. This system maximizes the use of city money, but the paperwork and time moving families from one program to another slows the use of city funds. As mentioned before, an Edina child care subsidy program benefits your families trying to move toward self - sufficiency. On their behalf, I hope you can fit the subsidy program Into your Year XX CDBG funding package. The stdff at GMDCA also urge the Edina City Council to lobby for county and state funding for the Phild care sliding fee program. Then City of Edina money could be used for other programs. Thank you for your past Involvement In this program. Please call If i can get any,other Information to you. I will try to attend your public hearing. Sincerely, Grace Norris Community Services Coordinator GN:wp Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association Constance C. Bell, Executive Director , 1628 Elliot Avenue South a Minneapolis, MN 55404 - - (612) 341 -1177 0 Fax (612) 341 -4356 ■ Voice/T'DD (612) 341 -2066 a An Equal Opportunity Employer �1Man0e► 'B Fund Qrlw m z v • a a Brooklyn Park Crystal Eden Prairie Edina Golden Valley Hopkins Maple Grove Minnetonka New Hope Richfield Robbinsdale St. Louis Park St. Louis Park - Comrnun'rty Ed. REPORT ON CDBG CHILD CARE FUNDING AS OF 12131/93 1 0 FamMes Carrengy Served 2 3 4 3 2 2 .1 1 0 1 4 6 X Unduplicated Fames Served S On 711193 - 12011 W-2109 L)st 3 168 3 65 B 72 4 34 3 27 3 68 2 36 2 40 2 51 1 120 1 38 8 130 26 7 ' = includes roll back Year 18 funds. Year 19 Fund 8atanse $20,710.74 $ 6,899.19 $11,184.02 $ 6,063.81 $ 8,886.00 $ 5,620.46 $ 1,600.00 S 8,340.90 $ 12,402.92 S 2,299.37 $ 4,58280 $ MIA Yew 18 fund Ralenoe N/A -0- -a -a S 2,249.15 -0- 0$4,014.80 -a -0- -0- -0- • $ 4,410.86 " $ 688.86 SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 10709 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 111, Minnetonka, MN 55305 Phone 541 -1019 Fax 541 -0841 BOARD of DIRECTORS Tom Ticen President February 8, 1994 Carla Pavone tst Vice President Bob Zagaros Mr. Craig Larson, City Planner 2nd Vice President City of Edina Marty Guritz 4801 West 50th Street Secretary Edina, MN 55424 John Young Treasurer Dear Mr. Larson: Daraiyn Pelfar Member -at -Large John Nelson Member -at -Large Robert DeGhetto Member -at -Large Mary Anderson Lucille Crow Karl Dansky Alison Fuhr William H. Gray Alko Higuchi Dwight Johnson Tad Jude Kevin Krueger Senator Gen Olson Ryan Schroeder William G. Weiler Benjamin.F Withhart Executive Director & C.E.O. PROGRAMS • Community Senior Groups • H.O.M.E. • Multi- purpose Senior Centers • Senior Outreach • Seniors Serving Business A united way ALSOKY %41 recycledpaper Senior Community Services is requesting that the City of Edina allocate $26,480 for the 1994 -'95 fiscal year from it's share of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Year XX (July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1995) funds to support the HOME Program. It has become increasingly difficult, with decreases in funding for the past three years from the United Way (due to poor campaigns) and from contributions, for Senior Community Services to fill the gap between the HOME Program's expenses and revenues. This is the reason for the larger than average request for an increase this year. Edina's CDBG funds will still be leveraged from client fees, funding from the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches (GMCC) and from donations. The HOME Program operates on a sliding fee scale. On average clients cover approximately one -third of the Programs' cost. GMCC funding, utilizing Federal Title III monies, helps to subsidize chore services. Friends of HOME, an organization that solicits private donations, helps to fill the remaining gap between the City's CDBG funds and the total Program expense. I have enclosed a copy of the 1993 Summary of Service report, including figures for the City of Edina, and the 1993 Survey Evaluation Results. If you have any questions, or if the Mayor and City Council would like to have an informational presentation, please let me know. Sincerely, .7 /1 Ron Bloch Program Administrator H.O.M.E. (Household & Outside Maintenance for Elderly) —f --------------- Summary of Service 1993 Maintenance Homemaker Total BLOOMINGTON # of Customers 213 127 340 # of Households-: 167 113 280 # of jobs 913 1804 2717 # of hours 2331 3911 6242 RICHFIELD # of Customers 113 66 179 # of Households:' 95 57 152 # of jobs # of hours 533 1198 950 2039 1483 3237 ------------ EDINA # of Customers 881 94 182 -------------------- # of Households! 65 81 146 # of jobs 443 12071 1650 # of hours 1050 28301 3880 EDEN PRAIRIE # of 23 23[ 46 -Customers # of Households:: 18 221 40 # of jobs 40 3771 417 ----------------------- # of hours 124 783 907 ST. LOUIS PARK: # of Customers # of Households:: 5 31 6 3 # of jobs 3 3 # of hours 119 119 CHANHASSEN # of Customers 11 1 12 # of Households:, 8T 1 9 # of jobs 12 6 18 # of hours 117 17 134 MINNETONKA # of Customers i 145 1 121 157 # of Households:: 1061 121 118 # of jobs 174 1031 277 # of hours 744 2721 1016 BROOKLYN CENTER # of Customers 281 28 # of Households:: 221 22 # of jobs 32 32 # of hours 629 629 TOTAL # of Customers 6261 323 949 # of Households 4841 286 770 # of jobs 21501 4447 6597 I # of hours 63121 9852 16164, Program-HOME (Household and.0utside Maintenance for Elderly) Client Survey Response Please fill in the following blanks with the total. number of clients that responded to that. particular question. If you conduct a survey twice a year, please combine the totals so that only one number appears on each line. Due to programs conducting the survey at various times, please indicate the time period the results cover. Time period the below information covers. 1. (;#;g Number of surveys sent. 2. 320 Number of surveys returned. 48% of returned surveys. 3. How satisfied are you with the work done? 256 very satisfied on% of above January 1, 1993 thru November 1993 62 Satisfied 7n % of above 1 Not satisfied o % of above 4. Do you feel that the services you receive help you to continue to live in your own home? 269 Very much 85% of above 42 Somewhat 14 % of above 5. 36 Number of people making a contribution. 11 % of people making a contribution. 6. $525 Total contributions made. 9 Do not help 1 % of above or REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosiand. City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE 21 March, 1994 AGENDA ITEM IV. A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Traffic Marking Paint Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Linear Dynamics, Inc. i 2. Diamond Vogel Paints 3• Centerline Industries 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Linear Dynamics, Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION: $ 5,306.90 2. $ 7,036.03 3- NO BID 4. 5. $ 5,306.90 This purchu._;'e is -for- traffic paint for our City streets for 1994. The purchase is funded from the general fund in the Public Works area. Public Works - Streets Si natur � Deo Ltj The Recommenaed bid is — X% within buaget not within tud�et n Wallin. �• ance Urector Kenneth Rosiand. City 91�a fir. 4, ��jlti REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor Richards and City Council FROM: John Kepri os VIA: Kenneth Rosland City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: March 7, 1994 AGENDA ITEM IV. B ITEM DESCRIPTION: Work Vehicle - Braemar Golf Course Company Amount of Quote or Bid MTI Distributinq Co. 1 $10,863.00 2. Cushman Motor Co. 2 $11,061.09 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: MTI Distributing Co. - $10,863.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: !fork Vehicle for Braemar Golf Course. In budget for new 9 -hole course. Signature The Recommended bid is within budget not within 1 Finance Director Rosland Citid Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosiand City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE 21 March, 1994 AGENDA ITEM IV.C. ITEM DESCRIPTION: One Utility Department Van i Company Amount of Quote or Bid i 1. Thane Hawkins Chevrolet 1. $ 13,066.49 2. (Henn. Co. Contract #2843A3) 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR END: Thane Hawkins Chevrolet $ 13,066.49 GENERAL INFORMATION: i This vehicle purchase is from the Hennepin County contract i and is a replacement vehicle for a 1985 Astro Van with 100,000 miles (Unit 50 -267). This purchase will be funded from the equipment replacement fund in the water and sewer utility fund. l etc Public Works - Utility gnat Department The Recommenced bid is ' within budget not within ' d o . Finan Director i enneth Rosi d City Manager r A 0 �1 REPORTIRECOMMENDATION To: Agenda Item ,. v. A. Kenneth Rosland Consent From: David A. Velde Information Only Date: March 21, 1994 Mgr. Recommends j I To HRA 71 To Council Subject: Petition to keep ' extra pets; 4737 Action F7 Motion Hibiscus Avenue. I I! Resolution Ordinance i I�! Discussion I REPORT: Attached is a finding to permit Mr. and Mrs. Wright to keep two dogs and three cats. The conditions as directed by the Edina City Council are included in these findings. EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGARDING PETITION OF: William & Sandra Wright, 4737 Hibiscus Avenue The Edina City Council at a regular meeting has duly considered the above Petition and after hearing and examining all of the evidence and the file herein does hereby: - FIND-AS FACT: 1. Petition filed February 25, 1994 2. Fee paid ,February 25, 1994 3. Notice mailed February 28, 1994 4. The proposed permit would: A. Not be a nuisance. B. Not be detrimental to the public health and safety of the applicant or other persons in the vicinity. CONCLUSION: A. The procedural requirements of the Ordinance have been met. B. The permit should be granted as requested. C. Conditions or restrictions applicable to this permit: The two dogs will be kept in the fenced area, the three cats will be kept indoors with one cat having limited freedom outdoors. Observe all requlations relative to Animal Control Ordinance. D. This permit shall be effective March 21, 1994 however, this permit shall lapse and be of no effect unless all conditions and restrictions are observed and the applicant observes all City Ordinances applicable to the keeping of dogs and cats. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL: City Clerk Dated J r \\ o e} 4' O1 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Kenneth Rosland I Agenda Item v. B. From: David A. Velde Consent F-1, Information Only Date: March 21, 1994 Mgr. Recommends To HRA Subject: Petition to keep To Council six dogs; 4817 Vandervork Avenue. Action 0 Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion REPORT: On March 3, 1994, Mr. George Tate, 4817 Vandervork Avenue submitted an application to keep six dogs at his address. On March 11, 1994, notice was sent to all properties within 200 feet of Mr. Tates residence advising them about the request. No comments have been received. PET PERMIT APPLICATION APPLICANT NAME: i ��G.�(� L� ALL APPLICANT ADDRESS: APPLICANT TELEPHONE NO.: H J�14 60 J G W 5-q - G/G/ NUMBER OF PETS: 4 DOGS CATS. CIRCLE ONE pOG CAT : DOG /CAT: DOG /CAT: BREED 45V6 COLOR Liv ulrf T SEX %- BREED t k BREED it DOG /CAT: BREED et DOG /CAT: BREED DOG /CAT: BREED Lti(s 04exe�51-- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: COLOR L SEX /— COLOR wrrr Ali SEX �- COLOR Rf.K eo-tr SEX il't COLOR Z<< SEX COLOR % u rY?,fx) SEX m AGE 11 ' I AGE �//? AGE C12 AGE Z AGE Z �L AGE l Pursuant to City Code section 300 the undersigned requests permission from the Edina City Council to keep more than three pets. The applicant understands that the permit, if granted, is not transferrable to another address, person or pet. Any change in this permit application will require applying for a new permit., DATE: /5 /-7/ SIGNATURE: Jc �r A lass REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: MARCH 17, 1994 Subject: ON -SALE WINE LICENSE AND 3.2 BEER LICENSE GREAT FOOD, INC. DBA /ORIGINAL PANCAKE HOL' Recommendation: Agenda Item # -v--c Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Ex I To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution �-- Ordinance Discussion Approval of issuance of an On -Sale Wine License and 3.2 Beer License to Great Food, Inc. at 3501 [Jest 70th Street, dba /Original Pancake House /My Pie. Info /Background The City has received applications for an On -Sale Wine License and 3.2 Beer License from Great Food, Inc. who are the new owners for the Original Pancake House /My Pie restaurant. The applications have been reviewed by the Police and Health Departments and the necessary investigations have been conducted. Memorandums are attached in support of issuance of the-requested licenses. If the Council approves issuance of the licenses, the required documents will be sent to Minnesota Liquor Control for their approval of the On -Sale Wine License. CITY OF EDINA POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: March 16, 1994 TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager City Council FROM: William Bernhjelm, Chief of Police Sgt. S.A. Schwartz, Jr. SUBJECT: Wine License Renewals Renewal applications for the following establishments have been received: Rossini's Restaurant - 7373 France Ave. S. No information is available which would preclude the renewal of this license. Original Pancake House ft Pie - 3501 W. 70th St. This restaurant has undergone a change in ownership from Webb Edina, Inc., to Great Food, Inc., a corporation owned entirely by William Max McGee of Deephaven, MN. The investigation of this application revealed no reasons to object to the issuance of this license. CHIEF OF POLICE WCB:nah M E M O R A N D U M TO: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER FROM: ELLIOTT MARSTON, ASSISTANT SANITARIAN SUBJECT: ON -SALE WINE LICENSE APPLICATION - GREAT FOOD, INC. DBA /ORIGINAL PANCAKE HOUSE /MY PIE DATE: MARCH 17, 1994 The application for an on -sale wine license submitted by Great Food, Inc., new owners of Original Pancake House /My Pie at 3501 West 70th Street, has been reviewed by the Health Department. Our investigation of the premises finds that the restaurant will comply with the requirements of Code Section 900 with respect to seating capacity, food establishment license and appropriate storage and food handling space which will not be adversely impacted by the storage and service of wine. I would recommend that the on -sale wine license be approved. ri a_h / N O REi- ORTIREC OMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: GORDON L. HUGHES Date: MARCH 21, 1994 Subject: ION SALE WINE LICENSE ;RENEWAL MICK'S - SOUTHDALE Agenda Item #. v - D Consent (71 Information Only. " Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA INFO/BACKGROUND IT I To Council Action _C X Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion On March 7, 1994, the City Council considered the wine license renewal for Mick's Southdale. Based upon the staff recommendation, the City Council delayed consideration of the renewal until the March 21,1994, meeting. This continuance was recommended by the staff as a result of the pre - renewal inspection that was conducted by the Police Department. On March 14, 1994, Chief Bernhjelm and I met with representatives of Mick's Southdale. As a result of that meeting, Mick's has submitted the attached letter from Joseph F. Gainor, its General Manager. This letter outlines the plan which Mick's will implement to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Edina City Code. In our opinion, Mick's Southdale has demonstrated a willingness to improve their organization's _compliance with the requirements of their wine license. We believe the plan outlined in their letter represents a reasonable approach to improving their situation. Therefore, we would recommend renewal of their wine license, subject to the following conditions: 1) Implementation by Mick's of the in -house training and inspection program as outlined in their letter 1 i Report/Recommendation - Wine License Renewal/Mick's Southdale March 21, 1994 Page two 2) An increase in the number of City inspections during the license term. Normally the City conducts three inspections during the license term. In this case, we recommend that six inspections be conducted. The cost of these additional inspections must be borne by Mick's. 3) Any violations which are discovered during the license term will be presented to the City Council for the purpose of considering the revocation, suspension or other sanctions with respect to Mick's license. Enclosure 03/17/94 20:44 $ 3 Mick's at Southdale Center, 1127 Southdale Center Edina, Minnesota 55435 (612) 920 -1622 March 18, 1994 The Honorable Mayor Frederick S. Richards and City Councilmembers City of Edina c/o City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: !lick's at Sou Inc. Dear Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers: I am Writing as general manager of Mick's at Southdale to address problems that havel,come to light in connection with Mick's at Southdale's service of 1wine and beer. I am aware that one of our licensed managers, who lis a shift supervisor and who was acting as a server, served wine to the 17 year old daughter of an Edina police officer without asking for identification. My understanding is that the young woman; in connection with the pre- renewal inspection being conducted; by her father, ordered the wine at the request of her father while sitting at a table with her father and other family members. We at Mick's are extremely concerned about this serious breach of state law and city ordinance. I have already reemphasized to my staff the extreme importance of requiring identification of anyone who might be underage. Staff is requiring identification of anyone who looks 30 years old or� younger. We also post on the bulletin board which lists our daily specials the date of birth of the youngest individual lawfully permitted to drink alcoholic beverages on that day. 1.1 , .11T"'j1T'fh 16002 03/17/94 20:44 '8' 1&003 The Honorable Mayor Frederick S. Richards and City Councilmembers March 18, 1994 Page 2 I was recently informed by an Edina police officer that, in response to customer inquiries, a member or members of Mick's wait staff demonstrated a poor attitude about compliance with the requirement that patrons order a meal (defined as an entree or an sandwich) before they can be served wine or beer. Specifically, I understand that members of our wait staff have given advice to patrons about how to evade -the requirements, in one case advising a City of Edina official that they could order wine if they had some bread or breadsticks. We apologize for this breach of Edina's ordinance. I - have reemphasized to my staff that wine and beer may be served only after the patron has ordered a meal. We have been well aware of this requirement from the time we first applied for our wine and beer licenses. We understand the reason for requiring that the patron have a meal with wine or beer, and we will take the steps outlined in this letter to reeducate our staff to insure a positive attitude about, and future compliance with, the meal requirement. The remainder of this'letter outlines the steps we propose to take to reeducate our existing staff and to educate newly -hired staff members. 1. Training Sessions for Existing Staff. We will require each member of our existing wait staff and licensed managers, myself included, to attend a training session during the month of April of 1994 about state laws, Edina ordinances, and how to comply with them. We will specifically include in the training an item by item review of which items on Mick's menus qualify as meals,. as defined in Edina's ordinance. Fred Burstein 6 Associates, P.A., Mick's local counsel, also happens to be the City Attorney for the City of Circle Pines. Eric Olsen of that office, who is responsible for prosecution of gross misdemeanor and misdemeanor violations of intoxicating liquor laws and ordinances in Circle Pines, will lead the training session. Each member will be provided with copies of Edina's wine and license ordinances prior to the training session, and will be required to review them. The training session will also include the screening of an instructional video regarding the service of alcoholic beverages we will obtain from the Minnesota Restaurant Association. We would like to invite a member of the Edina Police Department to participate at our expense in the training sessions. We want to develop an attitude of cooperation with the police department and our staff members. 2. New Staff Training. Each new member of Hick's wait staff will be required to review Edina's wine and license ordinances r 03/17/94 20:45 a The Honorable Mayor Frederick S. Richards and City Councilmembers March 18, 1994 Page 3 prior to their first day with Mick's. Before going on duty, each new staff member will view the Minnesota Restaurant Association video and -will attend a training session conducted by me or another licensed manager to review the requirements of state law and Edina ordinances. The training will also include an item by item review of which menu items qualify as a meal. 3. Ongoing Training. Mick's periodically has "undercover customers" visit its various locations. The staff of the location is unaware of the visits by these in -house investigators, which occur on a monthly basis. After each visit, the investigator issues a written report, which is sent to Mick's Atlanta headquarters, and to the general manager of the restaurant. I will instruct Mick's headquarters to require the investigators who visit Mick's at Southdale to test us regarding wine and beer license compliance issues, and to include their findings in their written reports. We will welcome any city council or staff suggestions to enhance our training programs. Hick's, which is expanding nationwide, is a first -class organization. A guiding principle which emanates from Hick's Atlanta headquarters is that strict compliance with the law is a necessary element of maintaining Mick's reputation. We will do all we can to practice good citizenship in the City of Edina. I look forward to attending the city council meeting on March 21. Please feel free to contact me at the restaurant at 920 -1622 with any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Very truly yours, cc: Stephan Mygren, President MICR' S AT CENTER, INC. J seph F. Gainor, General Manager 10004 e Cn g �° \ ~�RePe�ibv • REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Date: MARCH 17, 1994 Subject: ON -SALE WINE LICENSE RENEWALS Agenda Item # V.D Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Council approval of on -sale wine license renewals for the following restaurants: Rossini's Restaurant Original Pancake House /My Pie Info /Background: Attached is a report from Chief Bernhjelm for the above on -sale wine license renewals. Applications have also been submitted from these restaurants for Manager's licenses. CITY OF EDINA POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: March 16, 1994 TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager City Council FROM: William Bernhjelm, Chief of Police Sgt. S.A. Schwartz, Jr. SUBJECT: Wine License Renewals Renewal applications for the following establishments have been received: Rossini's Restaurant - 7373 France Ave. S. No information is available which would preclude the renewal of this license. Original Pancake House ft Pie - 3501 W. 70th St. This restaurant has undergone a change in ownership from Webb Edina, Inc., to Great Food, Inc., a corporation owned entirely by William Max McGee of Deephaven, MN. The investigation of this application revealed no reasons to object to the issuance of this license. CHIEF OF POLICE WCB:nah 0 o e Agenda Item # V • E From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Consent lass REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: KEN ROSLAND, MANAGER Agenda Item # V • E From: MARCELLA DAEHN, CLERK Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: MARCH 17, 1994 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject:3.2 BEER LICENSE RENEWALS xI To Council Action 71 Motion ❑ Resolution Ordinance U Discussion Recommendation: Council approval of issuance of 3.2 Beer Licenses as listed. Info /Background Pursuant to City Code Section 900, beer licenses require approval by the Council before they can be issued. The following applications for renewal have been approved by the Police and Health Departments and are submitted for Council consideration: On -Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses Braemar Golf Course Braemar Golf Dome Ciatti's Italian Restaurant Correlli's Pizza & Pasta Daytons Food Service Empress Restaurant Good Earth Restaurant Two -Guys from Italy Hawthorn Suites Hotel . Off -Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses Country Store Edina Superette Holiday Stations, Inc. Original Pancake House Pantry Restaurant Pizzeria Uno Q.Cumbers Rossini's ' Ruby Tuesday Szechuan Star Restaurant T J's Family Restaurant The Lotus III Tour Cafe JJerry's Foods JKenny's Market J SuperAmerica w c! o Le REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item # V . E . From: Consent ❑ WILLIAM BERNHJELM POLICE CHIEF Information Only ❑ Date: 03/18/94 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: RENEWAL OF 3.2 BEER x To Council LICENSE. AMERICAN LEGION Action ix 1 Motion � 7070 AMUNDSON AVENUE F7 Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: COUNCIL ACT TO NOT RENEW THE LICENSE OF THE LEGION. A HEARING TO REVOKE/ NOT RENEW THE LICENSE WOULD NEED TO BE SCHEDULED. Info /Background SEE ATTACHED MEMO r MEMORANDUM TO: Ken Rosland, City Manager City Council FROM: William Bernhjelm, Chief of Police DATE: March 18, 1994 SUBJECT: 3.2 BEER LICENSE RENEWAL AMERICAN LEGION 7070 AMUNDSON AVENUE The Edina Legion has applied for renewal of their 3.2 On -Sale Beer License. The staff recommends non - renewal of the license for the following reasons: * In August of 1993, information was received that the Legion may be serving intoxicating liquor at their establishment. A warning letter was mailed to the Legion advising them of the consequences of that activity. * In January of 1994, information was received by Prosecuting Attorney Dave McGee from a private attorney who was conducting an investigation relating to a potential civil claim. Two sales of intoxicating liquor were made by the Legion to investigators employed by this private attorney. McGee forwarded the information to the Edina Police Department. * The Police Department forwarded this information to the Minnesota Liquor Control Commission who assigned investigators. Two undercover purchases of intoxicating liquor were made by these investigators. * Liquor Control investigators requested that the Police Department prepare a search warrant for this location. This warrant was served on February 23, 1994. At that time, numerous containers of intoxicating liquor were observed in and around a bar area. Cash and records were also observed and seized. All of the evidence supports the conclusion that the Legion was in the business of serving on -sale intoxicating liquor at a bar in violation of State law and Edina ordinances. * On March 17, 1994, I was advised by the Assistant Commissioner for Liquor Control that they were beginning revocation proceedings against the 3.2 license that the Legion holds. The proposed revocation would begin on l MEMORANDUM RE: 3.2 Beer License Renewal American Legion 7070 Amundson Avenue April 17, 1994. The Legion can file for appeal of the revocation up to ten (10) days prior to the effective date. On March 17, 1994, Chief Bernhjehn advised Mr. Joseph Schaper of the Legion that the staff recommendation would be to oppose the renewal of the 3.2 license. He was told also of the pending action by the State. He was told that the Legion's options would include withdrawing the application and /or appearing at the Council Meeting on March 21, 1994 to request a hearing on the proposed non - renewal. Mr. Schaper said that he would contact the Legion's attorney and inform him of the situation. As of this time, staff has not been advised of the Legion's intentions. Mr. Gilligan, City Attorney, has advised that if the Council wished to proceed with the recommended non - renewal, a hearing would need to be scheduled. 4i9��r'1r A. o e �fv s=ue a0 \N .des 't REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman City Engineer 21 March, 1994 Date: Tax Forfeit Subject: parcel - Outlot A Indian Hills West Recommendation: Agenda Item w V • F Consent x Information Only L Mgr. Recommends To HRA x ! To Council Action Motion x Resolution Ordinance Discussion Authorize a resolution requesting conveyance of Outlot A, Indian Hills West to the City for stormwater ponding'purposes. Info /Background: Outlot A, Indian Hills West, is a tax forfeit parcel located on the attached map. Staff has reviewed this parcel and it is a stormwater detention pond as well as part of the development of the Indian Hills West Addition. This pond serves as a stormwater holding area._ As such, staff would recommend a resolution requesting .conveyance of this property to the City for stormwater ponding purposes. 32 6c °INDIAN MILL• 71. 1518 - �ARROWHEAO 1. rJ °•f \i:a +dr I 1 .z94 a� t • I I 2ND •'o wi Js9.4 eF` r \� b, 08 9t.o. s ' 2 Ann INDIAN76:4"Al 'J# (�41 e4 24 + — ' 0864 �y.;• .�'�" 6J 'M , � �0 2 �a v i y2 Y77. ♦ �1 oar / t ji4 •� S! .{� / 1 �w•^p ?.'wl�'o _ '� '�Yd9'Oiq r _o �� 1 5 �•• ` 4[y4 *li, �� N rss v 3 _ °; 'L2a A� �p.o yy ! i7g• ' =IUI �•l7)T z 'INDIAN N� h v, oP 9J4` =�.1 I04 ils,7 0, !WAY, W. •`I. w O.L.A�► (4�4 $• .5 5i j' :LY °' IYB °e a 5. N 1310E v ` ,�°"� 1 1 r- v* • . ,Se RD z�b J,,s4 �s fs�; p} _ T4,.� 2 V SdM 4 W I` '!d!!� ti.• . °�:1 TAM oA �.r .. • r� ?� AM (444 V ,J dfli•194j ' � J � ) �m •09.94 �osJ - 5 0 7 v �+►,� 2 14�p IJJo l �••;I1 l J ••" . � r• 2. 75 � 19.94 _ �S' W \a f. 5 ae dB 1c O b` c i4 ' i- •, 6 .. (a) It �APACHE °ROAO o; i9j so APACHE 0 Is — I 9 w�� 'n!��z!► (�3iZy 10 :5! ia4 . 11 . �• `i >*� 11)0 cl :ait . �^LL ti r 4 Q GC2 VO t Iv •� I ol.. 3 : Si'4 ti�rd,l •� •°- e: � �. ya4• /!'U -W . X9.81 i,r.oa ifasL r i *. r � E�lt 1I�+ a •:•7. _ 551 w ° 1d5,y k7 5 °)�Z aIi0 ) � I E R`-- .v �)^ WEST We, TR -�•J vo ° r N • • ` \ Ia i . \ O °° . o- w ' >(_ ��_ ! c ) T ' t ' a ° mo P I � o eI o - � m �I�V � � _ I �►' I � I (4'^3i � • I� I/' T.Lf i 1 ' _ �!F " _ \ �� r7 i J �/L�d j ,`SI 7 K` J ' \ �C) �.A' 3 O A .!•) uC S oI, t , . °{1 i , ! i�: '•� 4o • • • _ a � . W - !' 4 g• wam ' f ! ~e r.4;W "� 41 1 . l ; :' e1C . Ti I/ l blj � ` ° "I 4 _ j (il)z i +0 41 (44 j dd•1`=d T\ .Ld Its rtot. 'e7o� L (47)17; R .- 4 i 40 N_ s SAMUEL RD ` ld '74 i N L44 .0 _ Sb� � c• ,I \�� `'����., r �`�� �I � 4Y °!! �cfl E e -� (�) - j • ..:. ��). 0 Q 0 .. ye.. J' [li" Sioux cl,I � ,� •J � er C_•i { 1J02 ". w L ' "L q 4S; 44 •I '\t l) �f-'/ r' I I// . 1_^ lw �' . `•�.,. \rt l �V RESOLUTION FOR ACQUISITION OF TAR FORFEIT LAND BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the City Clerk be authorized and directed to file "Application by Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Lands ", for the following described property contained in Hennepin County Non - Conservation Classification List 805 -NC, said property to be used by the City as hereafter set forth: Outlot A, Indian Hills West ( PID 06- 116 -21 -32 -0074) Public wetland and flood control purposes. ADOPTED this 21st day of March, 1994. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of March 21, 1994, and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 22nd day of March, 1994. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk .1 A. JFei A �� H C "PIhMN� REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council 'Francis Hoffman;�� From: City Engineer- j Date: 21 March, 1994 Subject;rraffic Signal Agreement with Hennepin County for France Ave. at W. 54th St. & W. 58th St. Recommendation: Agenda Item - ° - c Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends To HRA x To Council Action Motion 'X Resolution Ordinance Discussion Approve agreements and plans authorizing reconstruction of traffic signals on France Avenue at W. 54th Street and W. 58th Street. Authorize resolution for Mayor and Manager to sign agreement. Info /Background: Hennepin County is reconstructing the traffic signals at W. 54th & France and W. 58th & France. Hennepin County has requested that we participate in construction of these new signals. The two agreements specify cost sharing based on the number of entering legs into the intersection. At W. 54th & France intersection, the cost split would be 25% Minneapolis, 25% Edina and 50% Hennepin County. The estimated Edina share is $20,099.00. At W. 58th & France intersection, the cost split would be 50% Edina and 50% Hennepin County. The estimated Edina share is $40,710.00. These cost splits are the standard Hennepin County policy for traffic signals. Report /Recommendation Agenda Item V.G. Page Two Attached are the two signal layouts for the new signals. Each signal will operate with France Avenue remaining on a green cycle unless a sidestreet demand is made via a vehicle crossing a loop detector. The local funds for our Edina share would be from the capital improvements fund. Staff has reviewed the agreements and find the agreements are consistent with previous Hennepin County agreements. Also, the plans have been reviewed and are satisfactory to our staff. As such, staff would recommend authorization of the agreements, approval of the plans and approval of a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to sign the agreements. T - /+T2 HL) 2 SOP-A TO NN -4 NN-4 TO CAC -1 1 1/2' RSC 2 - I /C+6 1 - 1 /C#4 CAC HH 1 4 u II - f �— HH 30 N. P. H. 125 = 2 i (D2 0® D2 2 1 � - 3 ..................... oll ZII N -2AC -1 31/2, RSC 4 -12/C#12 7 - 2 /C#12(SHLD) 2 - I /C#10 NN -1 TO NN -3 1 1/2' RSC 2 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) NN -5 TO NN -3 — 3 1/2' RSC 4 - 12/C*12 5 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) 2 - I /C#10 MA -2 TO NN -5 3' RSC I i-L 20' 3 201 , u h , II j, HH D4 ij I' I I u D4 II 2 SOP „ I I' I JA li D4 HH n 3 7 SA IC r— - f--- MA o -- 3 ---- 6-)To* ILI � f - I" u I D8 2 II 1 II I a ' D8 ,1 II 1 I 1 d I 1 I I 1 1 I ' 1 I 1 I I ' I �• 1 ' a" LU 1 I France Avenue & W. 54th Street - IL /1.•IL 4 - 2kd- 12(SHLD) MA -4 TO NN -T 3" RSC IN-9 TO NN -T 2 - 12/C +12 1 1/2" RSC 2 - 2 /C#12(SHLD) 2 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) SA f DI 1 1 , I � al v I -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SA - -� A FRANCE An. 0 o --- - - - -- _---__ -- __� ___- � -_ -__ I � -- - -- ;---- - - - - -- - - - - -, ------- - - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- - -- a- -6�b�- 1 - I � I 1 � - HH � -- II I 8 II II I d ,I 1 d d d d II II d 2{. 0, � I ,I I II 1 II I I o I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 , 1 I , I 2 1 , 1 I I EL: � � 1 W -1 TO NN -8 3' RSC 2 - 12/C +12 2 - 2 /C+12(SHLD) 2 - 1 /C #10 NN -8 TO, NN-5 3" RSC 2 - 12/C#12 3 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) 2 - 1 /C +10 )2 \1 HH F MA-4 TO NN -4 HH.• D 3" RSC {6 2 - 121C +12 D4 2 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) 1 HN -2 TO NN -4 3" RSC 2 12/C +12 2 - 3 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) MA-3 TO NN -2 _HH 2 3" RSC � 2 - 12/C +12 HH 2 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) H_H B $MA `C 3 - - -- �� - -- -. -- - -- 35 M. P. H. 4 D2 l_ 3- - -- - - - F -- ----------=---- -- -----=--=— �_--- _---- - - - -_— HH-1 TO NN -3 1 1/2" RSC 2 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) WA-2 TO NN-3 3" RSC 2 - 12/C+12 2 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) NH-3 TO NN -0 — 3" RSC 2 - 12/C +12 5 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) HH 3 HH_ C SA_ B / France Avenue & W. 58th Street J 1/L �JV 4 - Co 10 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) rR I i 2 I /C+ 10 i CAC NN -T TO CAC -1 ' I i A SOP -1 TO NN-T I ;i CAC 1 112" RSC e 2 - 1 /C +6 i 1 I - I /C+4 D5 1 i D S -. NN -0 TO NN -5 i 1 112" RSC HH HH 2 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) 1 a q t I HH 1 HH . • ,i0� l 8 / H I . 4) I I \ CA I ttI •1' J= TLr-r--r ..rr------rrrrr-•--ry -----rri " 3 j HH SOP, SOP HH 2 � 5 A I -- - -- - 1 �0, E - - - D8 NH 5A MA —► r 2 l C -3 -1' 0 A -- 7 —� 35 M. P. H. l I ll- 11 D8 1+ NN-6 TO HN-6 3 1/2" RSC 4 - 12/C +12 8 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) 2 - I /C +10 MA -1 TO NN -0 3" RSC 2 - 12/C +12 2 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) 2 - I /C +10 __ zI {6 D8 HH I j D--I , t3 - �.: 9 NN-6 TO HN-6 3 1/2" RSC 4 - 12/C +12 8 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) 2 - I /C +10 MA -1 TO NN -0 3" RSC 2 - 12/C +12 2 - 2 /C +12(SHLD) 2 - I /C +10 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS FOR HENNEPIN COUNTY PROJECT NO. 9008 AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND MANAGER TO SIGN AGREEMENT NO. PW 36 -11 -92 THEREFOR WHEREAS, plans for Hennepin County Project No. 9008 for reconstruction of the traffic control signal system at the intersection of West 58th Street with County State Aid Highway No. 17 (France Avenue) have been prepared and presented to the City Council of Edina, Minnesota; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said plans for Hennepin County Project No. 9008 be in all things approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute Agreement No. PW 36- 11 -92, by and between the County of Hennepin and the City of Edina, for participation in the reconstruction and operation of said traffic control signal system. Mayor Pro -Tem ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of March 21, 1994 and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 23rd day of March, 1994. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS FOR HENNEPIN COUNTY PROJECT NO. 9009 AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND MANAGER TO SIGN AGREEMENT NO. PW 37 -11 -92 THEREFOR WHEREAS, plans for Hennepin County Project No. 9009 for reconstruction of the traffic control signal system at the intersection of West 54th Street with County State Aid Highway No. 17 (France Avenue) have been prepared and presented to the City Council of Edina, Minnesota; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said plans for Hennepin County Project No. 9009 be in all things approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor Pro -Tem and Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute Agreement No. PW 37- 11 -92, by and between the County of Hennepin, the City of Minneapolis and the City of Edina, for participation in the reconstruction and operation of said traffic control signal system. Mayor Pro -Tem ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of March 21, 1994 and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 23rd day of March, 1994. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk 1� r4k 4 A` \ 0 7M ?1 p To: From: REPORTIRECOMMENDATION Mayor & City Council Francis Hoffman, City Engineer '�iV Date: 21 March, 1994 Subject: Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Wetland Conservation Act Update - LGU Authority Recommendation: Agenda Item .—,F. V - H- Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action Adopt a resolution that the City of Edina will act as the local governmental unit for implementation of permanent rules of the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) in the Nine Mile Creek Watershed portion of Edina. Info /Background: The Nine Mile Watershed District has been reviewing the new permanent rules for the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). Their current position is that they are unable to financially manage all the requirements of the Act. As such, after conversation with staff at the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources, City staff is recommending that the City of Edina act as the responsible Local Government Unit (LGU) for the WCA. The City would take on the LGU responsibilities for only the Nine Mile Creek portion in the City of Edina. The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District would remain the LGU for the Minnehaha portion of Edina. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District would like'to establish a joint powers agreement with the City to work with the City on implementing the Wetland Act and Rules. To HRA E To Council ! Motion Resoiution Ordinance J Discussion Adopt a resolution that the City of Edina will act as the local governmental unit for implementation of permanent rules of the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) in the Nine Mile Creek Watershed portion of Edina. Info /Background: The Nine Mile Watershed District has been reviewing the new permanent rules for the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). Their current position is that they are unable to financially manage all the requirements of the Act. As such, after conversation with staff at the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources, City staff is recommending that the City of Edina act as the responsible Local Government Unit (LGU) for the WCA. The City would take on the LGU responsibilities for only the Nine Mile Creek portion in the City of Edina. The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District would remain the LGU for the Minnehaha portion of Edina. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District would like'to establish a joint powers agreement with the City to work with the City on implementing the Wetland Act and Rules. r Report /Recommendation Agenda Item V.H. Page Two Staff has attached a map showing the general boundaries of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed in Edina and several exhibits depicting flow charts, sample of a wetland act process, state seamless coverage scenario for the Act, and administrative funding options for the LGU's. This is understandably a complex process and staff will try to -cover this in a summary fashion at the City Council meeting. Staff has conferred with both the engineer and Board Chairperson for Nine Mile Creek District and both concur with the recommended action. The City of Edina can rescind this action upon approval of a new joint powers agreement with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Dis- trict and report same to the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources at the appropriate time. r �� -_ - - - � % -_c, = �- _=r��"n ._ —_ � __ "yam— '• - _ _ . 'i� =r' C �cl�• � 1 1— �— Tom- _ .Y.e Y.w 11e6 �yt S' _ maim _V 1`� YYC ar J.,_ �.. IJ EEL w...we —..per L y' -, _ --..- _ ' �..I S!• ,! rl 43HS83iVM it i' TO �' E _ - ` ' >13380 TIM 3NIN Rt �_ Iff PF Yarn.: .. • I ., ,,., r � � .. — _. 1� � _ ..._ s 000__ TMJi ti EXHIBIT 1 WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT OF 1991 Administrative Funding Options For LGUs 1) Wetlands Conservation Act of 1991: M.S. 103G.2242. subdivision 5. The local government unit (LGU) may charge a processing fee of up to $75.00. 2) Local Water Planning: M.S. 10313.331, Subdivision 3, item 3. A county may charge users for services provided by the county necessary to implement the comprehensive water plan. This fee would only be appropriate if the county's comprehensive local water plan has included, or has been amended to include, wetland protection as an implementation item. 3) SWCDs: M.S. 103C.331, Subdivision 14. As a condition for extending benefits for the performance of work upon lands not owned or administered by a state agency or the district, the supervisors may require compensation or contributions in money, services, materials, or otherwise, commensurate with the cost or reasonable value of the operations or work conferring the benefits. 4) Watershed Districts: M.S. 103D.345. Subdivisions 1 and 2. Subdivision 1. Application fee. A person applying for a permit required by the managers under a rule controlling the use and development of land in the floodplain, greenbelt, and open space areas of the watershed district must accompany the application with a permit application fee to defray the cost of recording and processing the application. The managers may set the fee not to exceed $10. Subdivision 2. Field inspection fee. The managers may charge, in addition, a field inspection fee of at least $35. The inspection fee must be used to cover actual costs related to a field inspection. Inspection costs include investigation of the area affected by the proposed activity, analysis of the proposed activity, services of a consultant, and any required subsequent monitoring of the proposed activity. Cost of monitoring an activity authorized by permit may be charged and collected as necessary after issuance of the permit. 5) Watershed Management Organizations: M.S. 103B.211. Subdivision 1. item S. Any agreement ... to jointly or cooperatively manage or plan for the management of surface water in a watershed... may provide ... for a joint board having ... the power to enter into contracts for the performance of functions with governmental units or persons. 6a) County Planning. Development and Zoning: M.S. 373.41. The county may charge a fee to record, file, certify, or provide copies of any instrument, document, or paper that is required by law to be filed or which may be filed in any county office. The county may charge fees for service provided by any county office, official, department, court, or employee. The county board may, after a public hearing, establish the amounts of fees to be charged for the services, unless a statute has specified the amount. There must be a reasonable relation between the fee and the cost of providing the service. 6b) Municipal Planning and Zoning: M.S. 462.353, Subdivision 4. A municipality may prescribe fees sufficient to defray the costs incurred by it in reviewing, investigating, and administering an application for an amendment to an official control ... or an application for a permit or other approval required under an official control ... Fees as prescribed shall be by ordinance. BWSR (A 8193) Wetland Conservation Act EXHIBIT 2 LGU PROCEDURES FORSEAMLESS COVERAGE The county (or lead Interim/Permanent LGU in the county) should meet with all other potential LGU's within their respective county to coordinate administration of permanent program. This should be accomplished before Jan. 1, 1994 to avoid a moratorium on wetland drain and fill activities. This coordination meeting should cover the following topics of discussion: A. Inform cities and townships (if applicable) of WCA if they are not already aware of the program. Be sure they are aware of how cities were involved in the statute/rule development and that they should have received information and correspondence through the League of MN Cities or the MN Association of Townships. B. Do they wish to retain oversight of the program, or delegate all or parts of the program to the county? If they wish to retain responsibility, they need to pass a resolution by Jan. 1, 1994 to accept responsibility for WCA and send a copy to BWSR for documentation. A model adoption resolution will be provided by BWSR. If they do not want responsibility, they should pass a resolution to delegate authority to the county. This does NOT require a joint powers agreement. The county board representative will need to sign the resolution accepting the responsibility. If the county has several of these to deal with they may wish to combine them into a single resolution which includes all cities opting for county administration. Cities should be made aware of the responsibilities involved and staff commitments required for training and implementation of the WCA. Be aware that a city LGU can contract with the county, SWCD or private firm for administrative and technical services. This can range from full administration of the program by the county with the city having final sign -off authority, to the city contracting for technical services only. The SWCD is required to serve as a technical representative to all LGU's in the county. Financial arrangements will vary. Documentation of agreements between LGUs need not be submitted to BWSR as long as the resolutions adopting the program are clear about responsibilities so as to satisfy the seamless coverage mandate. The bottom line is if cities don't have existing or future capability to administer the administrative and technical aspects of the WCA they should delegate the program to the county. C. How will the WCA grant funds be divided between LGU's within the county? However the county has agreed to according to the grant application submitted on behalf of all LGUs. Remember, any amount received must be matched 50% cash and 50% in -kind in 1994. As grants will be different from year to year, financial arrangements should be stated in an annual agreement between the county and other LGUs. This process will reduce the need to modify adoption resolutions and /or joint powers agreements in the future as funding arrangements change. D. What happens if a city refuses to deal with WCA? The county is only required to put forth its best effort in obtaining seamless coverage. Should a city refuse to accept the program, or delegate to the county, they are in a moratorium on all projects affecting a drain/fill of a wetland the prescribed penalty procedures will be initiated by the BWSR. The county's block grant will not be jeopardized. BWSR advice to small cities would be to delegate authority to the county. Should they be hesitant in doing so, perhaps trying it on a trial basis would be an option. Either party can cancel or revise the adoption resolution at any time and assume authority if they don't like how things are being handled. If the county demonstrates the ability to fairly administer the program, most small cities will be glad they delegated the program. The county should also adopt a resolution accepting responsibility before Jan. 1, 1994 to avoid the moratorium. If the county is delegating authority to a SWCD they will need to complete a joint powers agreement by that date between the county and the SWCD. ■:wm{w (BWSR/JJ IM12Sl97) RESOLUTION OF FOR ADOPTING THE PERMANENT RULES OF THE WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT WHEREAS, the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 (WCA) requires local government units (LGUs) implement this law by adopting the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) pertaining to wetland draining and filling; and WHEREAS, the BWSR is requesting LGUs adopting the permanent rules of the WCA to notify them of the LGU decision regarding adoption; and WHEREAS, the LGU is responsible for making WCA determinations for landowners; and < < OPTIONAL > > WHEREAS, the board of previously assumed responsibilities of LGU for wetland alterations within under the interim rules; and < < OPTIONAL > > WHEREAS, the (delegated LGU) is a technical sub -unit of government capable of making determinations and developing replacement plans. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF that it hereby accepts the responsibility as the LGU for the WCA within the legal boundaries of as of (date) , within the guidelines as set forth by the WCA and rules. ADOPTED (date) ATTEST: BY: Auditor /Clerk of the Board BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /SUPERVISORS OF (LGU) , MINNESOTA Chairman of the Board < < OPTIONAL > > By signature below, LGU accepting delegation accepts responsibility for administration of the WCA in (LGU delegatina authority). ACCEPT: Auditor /Clerk of the Board BY: Chairman of the Board Y Minnesota State and Federal Jurisdiction over "WATERS" Public Waters.- Water Basin Corps /EPA — CWA Section 404 Corps /EPA CWA Section 404 PCA — CWA Section 401 PCA — CWA Section 401 DNR (OHWL)* LGU /BWSR LGU Non — LGU /BWSR BWSR WCA Weiland WCA WCA _ Non— Wetlond Public Waters Waters of the U.S. Waters of the U.S. ��YETG4NOSJ �/YETLANOSj Ordinary High Water Level The OHWL is an elevation delineating the highest water level that has benn maintained for a sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the landscape, commonly the point where the natural vegetation changes from predominantly aquatic to predominantly terrestrial. le Most local government units (LGUS) have adopted stale shoreland and floodplain zoning requirements into their zoning ordinances Check with your local zoning office for requirements related to building sites, sewage treatment, grading and filling and vegetative removal. Non — Wetland JJ /jj -OOW 6/93 �I I� H ba H H W Minnesota State and Federal Jurisdiction over "WATERS" Public Waters: Water Course Corps /EPA Corps /EPA - CWA Section 404 CWA Section 404 PCA - CWA PCA - CWA Section 401 Section 401 LGU /BWSR LGU /BWSR Corps WCA WCA RHA - Section 10 --- I--------- 4-- 4- FLOODPLAIN- 1----- - - - - -- Non -` Wetland Waters of the U.S. � �YETG4NOSj * Ordi f v The OHWL for refer courses) Is the elevation of the lop of the bank of the channel. DNR (OHWL)* Waters of the Waters of the U.S. U.S. I{yETL.4NOSJ Public Waters �lY01e1c0u7sej DNR (OHWL)* � —.,001/ U21L Most local government units (LGUS) have adopted slate shoreland and floodplain zoning requirements into their zoning ordinances. Check with your local zoning office for requirements related to building sites, sewage treatment. grading and filling and vegetative removal ji/11 -DOW --193 Landowncr (LO): any wetland drain or fill activity Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Flow Chart Local government unit (LGU) or SWCD con- tacted; combined project notification form com- pleted and mailed to,agencies The wetland is identified on the DNR protected waters map Ae Wetland does NOT exist above the OHWL; DNR regulations apply, WCA does not apply Exempt activity Certification of exemption may be is- sued by LGU to LO for specific site activity Noticees may appeal decision to BWSR LO prohibited commencing LO proceeds if commences, enforce wi th activit ment action possible Welland Act does not apply F IF NO LOSS, project can com- mence without replacement after LGU determination If commenced, en- =001. forcement action possible ioM BWSR/JJ Y H 00 H H xM,oe W12193 (Bwsttm) EXHIBIT 5 WCA EXAMPLE: IMPACT >.1 ACRE WAPPEAL APRIL 1, 1994 Landowner (L.O.) visits LGU office APRIL 5. 1994 L.O. & LGU staff visit site APRIL 20, 1994 LGU receives replacement plan application and tuails to: 1) members of the public who have requested a copy 2) SWCD 3) watershed district or WMO (if any) 4) county board 5) mayors of cities in watershed 6) commissioners of Agriculture & DNR 7) BWSR 8) EQB Monitor for publication 9) Notice of application published in local newspaper MAY 25, 1994 LGU makes decision on replacement plan application MAY 26, 1994 LGU mails decision to: 1) the applicant (registered mail) -must advise that decision is not effective for 30 days, and is stayed if appealed. 2) BWSR 3) EQB Monitor 4) same list receiving copies of notice of application MAY 27 - JUNE 20, 1994 Applicant pursues local administrative appeal options JUNE 25, 1994 • BWSR receives notice of appeal from applicant and affidavit that notice of appeal has also been mailed to LGU by applicant • LGU receives notice and mails copies to all those receiving copies of the original application • LGU forwards the official record to BWSR JUNE 30, 1994 • BWSR gives notice of hearing to parties -the appellant -LGU -those receiving notice of LGU decision AUG 15, 1994 • BWSR holds hearing and finds: -LGU's findings of fact are not clearly erroneous -LGU correctly applied the law to the facts -LGU made no procedural errors • Therefore, the BWSR affirms the LGU decision • Applicants next recourse is to District Court MOTION BY COUNCIL Member Smith made a motion that the City of Edina act as the local government unit (LGU) for implementation of the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) for the portion of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District located within the City. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing motion is a true and correct copy of the motion duly passed by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of March 21, 1994, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 9th day of May, 1994. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk r� o e 71 Cn lase REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: JOHN WALLIN, FINANCE' DIRECTOR i Date: MARCH 21, 1994 Subject: UPDATES OF PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Recommendation: Agenda Item # Y -I Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Approve amendments to the City's Purchasing Policies and Procedures as specified in the attached memorandum. Info /Background M E M O R A N D U M TO: Ken Rosland, City Manager FROM: John Wallin, Finance Director DATE: March 17,, 1994 SUBJECT: Update Purchase Procedures I would like to propose some changes in the City's purchasing procedures. These changes would delete the sales tax exemption section, increase the written quotation retention from 1 to 10 years, and authorize the City Manager to authorize certain payments before Council approval, and amend the policy on open purchase orders. Sales Tax Exemption The sales tax exemption was lost during 1992 but has not yet been taken out of the policies. Section 1.14 entitled "Sales Tax Exemption" should be deleted from the City's purchasing policies as well as the related APPENDIX G. Records Retention The current policy requires that written quotations be kept for one year after receipt. The state retention schedule requires retention of claims and purchase orders for 10 years. I would propose that the written quotations be attached to the claim when submitted for payment and as a result be retained for 10 years. Authorization of Payments The City's auditors have advised that the City is not in compliance with State law requiring that the City Council must approve all payments prior to checks being released. We have discussed this issue with respect to the issuance of liquor checks on a weekly basis in order to receive discounts. The 1993 legislature gave the City Manager the authorization to approve payment of claims which would be confirmed at a later meeting. I propose that the City's purchasing policy, section 1.9 "Payment Prior to Council Approval" be amended as follows: e. When payment of a claim based on a contract cannot be deferred without loss to the City by forfeiture of discount privileges or otherwise, the claim may be paid immediately and confirmed by the City Council at a later Council meeting. (such earlier payment does not affect the right of the City or any taxpayer to challenge the validity of the claim. I recommend a new section 1.9 g. as follows: g. The City Manager may approve payment prior to Council approval if he has determined that it is an appropriate payment a n d that the City is better served by payment prior to the next Council meeting. Open Purchase Orders The City buys many products on a recurring basis during the year. Examples include automobile parts, police uniforms, cleaning supplies and office supplies. We cannot predict accurately the exact quantity or total cost of such items. However, experience allows us to approximate the quantities that will be required during a typical year. Our current purchasing policies require that if expected annual purchases exceed $15,000, then a formal bid process must be used. Due to the nature of the products being purchased, formal bidding becomes very cumbersome and has the undesirable effect of encouraging employees to split purchase orders and thereby avoid a competitive process. This of course, is contrary to the spirit and intent of our process. In order to improve our process with respect to ongoing purchases, I recommend the following: Section 1.10 a (v) should be deleted. Section 1.10 a(vii) should be amended as follows: Once the aggregate cost of purchases made under the open purchase order totals the "not to exceed" amount stated in the open purchase order, a new open purchase order must be prepared and used in compliance with this paragraph. A new section 1.10 a (ix) should be added as follows: (ix) At least two written quotations shall be obtained on at least an annual basis for a representative cross section of products proposed to be purchased by the way of the open purchase order. The cross section of products selected shall be those items comprising the bulk of the annual expenditures. The open purchase order shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. A new section 1.10 b (vii) should be added as follows: (vii)At least two written quotations shall be obtained on at least an annual basis for a representative cross section of products proposed to be purchased by the way of the open purchase order. The cross section of products selected shall be those items comprising the bulk of the annual expenditures. The open purchase order shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02.06:42 Page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02/07/94 $22.00 DeMOSS, JOANNE SERVICES ADAPTIVE RE 012494 SPECIAL ACTIVI PROF SERVICES 141315 522.00* 02/0.7/94 $608.44 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY NETTING FOR NORMANDA 41354. MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 141316 $608.44* 02/07/94 $23,900.00 SPALDING RANGE BALLS 020194 RANGE RANGE BALLS 141317 $23,900.00* 03/07/94 $902.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1412303 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 - 03/07/94 $739.98 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489319 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $8.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489319 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$7.40 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489319 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $236.31 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940216 1489350 50TH ST SELLIN•CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $4.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489350 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$2.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489350 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $15.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489327 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 -$.15 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489327 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $678.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489343 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD.tIQU LI0307, 03/07/94 $2.60 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489343 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $13.57 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489343 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $698.87 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489335 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $3.64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 14.89335 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $13.98 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489335 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $388.57 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489400 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $7.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489400 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LIC307 03/07/94 -$3.89 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489400 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,987.14 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489384 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $14.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489384 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $39.74 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489384 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $7.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489376 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 -$.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489376 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $722.11 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489368 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $8.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489368 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -57.22 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489368 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $66.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1500669 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.33 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1500669 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $701.20 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489301 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $13.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489301 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$7.01 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489301 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LIC307 03/07/94 $769.79 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489277 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $9.88 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489277 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $2,357.49 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1459528 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE- LI0307 03/07/94 -$7.70 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489277 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $11.96 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489285 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $1,888.18 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489285 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $37.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489285 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 - $45.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489293 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $2,276.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489293 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU L10307 03/07/94 $11.96 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1489293 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 141318 $14,344.43* 03/07/94 $311.20 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 91923 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 Page 2 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT- - VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------ ------ - - - --- -- 03/07/94 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -52.82 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 L119940216 91281 91281 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CASH CST DISCOUNTS OF GO WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $282.15 -$3.11 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE LI19940216 91923 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 =52.06 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 91182 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 -$8.32 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 91181 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $205.70 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 LI19940216 91182 91179 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CASH OF GDS MIX DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 -$2.93 $293.10 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE LI19940216 91179 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $832.30 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 ' 91181 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141319 $1,905.21" 03/07/94 -$6.35 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 160406 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $269.25 QUALITY WINE L119940216 160339 160297 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST CST OF GDS BEE OF GO LIQU LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $1,736.16 $34.72 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE L119940216 LI19940216 160297 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 .- $1,310.93 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 LI19940216 160338 160299 YORK 50TH SELLING ST SELLIN CST CST OF GO WINE OF GD LIQU LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $1,360.95 - $13.11 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE LI19940216 160338 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 - $27.22 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 160299 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $2,723.47 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 L119940216 160298 160298 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CASH OF GD LIQU DISCOUNTS LI0307 . LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 - 454.47 $179.50 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE LI19940216 160405 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE LI0307 03/07/94 $1,892.42 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 LI19940216 160403 160403 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CASH OF GD WINE, DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $18.92 - $51.75 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE LI19940216 158266 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT LI0307 03/07/94 $634.61 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 160406 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0,307 141320 $9,900.75" 03/07/94 $716.33 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940215 LI19940215 91180 91183 VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING CST CASH OF GD ;WINE DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 -$6.58 -$7.16 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940215 91180 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $657.70 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940215 91183 91921 YORK 50TH SELLING ST SELLIN CST CST OF GD WINE OF GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $344.52 -$.26 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940215 LI19940215 91184 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $25.50 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940215 91184 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 -$3.45 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940215 91921 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 -$.55 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940215 91922 91922 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CASH CST DISCOUNTS OF GDS MIX LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $55.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940215 141321 $1,781.05* 03/07/94 $1,394.69 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99447 99448 50TH YORK ST SELLIN SELLING CST CST OF GD WINE OF GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $197.55 $292.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 LI19940215 98810 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $203.20 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99371 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE OF GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $313.90 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 LI19940215 99449 99365 YORK 50TH SELLING ST SELLIN CST CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $263.00 $357.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99443 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $45.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99444 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.22 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119940215 99445 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 - $27.89 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99447 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS OF GD LIQU LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $61..10 ED PHILLIPS ,& SONS PHILLIPS& SONS LI19940215 LI19940215 99445 99451 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING CST CST OF GO LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 5765:99 -$7.63 ED ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99442 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 • r • T COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 Page 3 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/07/94 $381.27 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99442 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $241.91 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 98802 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $87.40 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99823 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/0.7/94 $524.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99453 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $103.75 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99454 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $170.69 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 98816 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $671.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99374 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 - $15.32 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99451 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $91.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99450 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.82 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99450 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $146.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99452 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $75.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99455 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940215 99455 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 141322 $6,333.77* 03/07/94 $1 387.90 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91920 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LID307 03/07/94 1887.19 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91873 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $27.76 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91920 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 - $17.74 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91873 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 - $148.55 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 90551 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT- LI0307 03/07/94 - $15.33 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 90535 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT LID307 03/07/94 $119.80 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 92644 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$2.40 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 92644 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 - $2,986.02 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91919 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $59.72 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91919 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,963.86 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91875 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $39.28 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91875 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $2,849.36 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91924 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $56.99 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91924 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $128.79 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91874 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$2.58 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940215 91874 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 141323 $9,952.57* 03/07/94 $72.00 THE WINE COMPANY LI19940215 4807 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $5.40 THE WINE COMPANY LI19940215 4765 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $676.00 THE WINE COMPANY LI19940215 4765 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141324 $753.40* 03/07/94 $191.20 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940215 38409 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $1.50 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940215 38408 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $5.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940215 38409 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $48.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940215 38408 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141325 $245.70* 02/11/94 $461.80 COMMERCIAL LIFE INSURA LIFE INSURANCE 020994 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO 1%1326 $461.80* 02/11/94 $5,185.49 POSTMASTER ASSESSING MAIL' 021194 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 141327 $5,185.49* 02/11/94 $293,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 021194 LIQUOR PROG CASH 02/11/94 - $293,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 021194 LIQUOR PROG CASH 141328 .$.00* 0 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 ;,.` Pag��,;4 ,. CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT --- - - - - -- VENDOR ---------- - - - - -- DESCRIPTION - .- - - - - -- INVOICE - - - - -- PROGRAM OBJECT - - -PO NGM,. -------- - - ---- - - -- - -- - - -- --- - - - - -- 02/11/94 $195.50 MED CENTER HEALTH PLAN HOSPITALIZATION 021194 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO 141329 $195.50* 02/14/94 $21,893.94 FIDELITY BANK MEDICARE /FICA 021494 GENERAL FD PRO PAYROLL PAYABL 141330 $21,893.94* 02/15/94 $29,322.49 PERA PERA 021194 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB 141331 $29,322.49* 02/15/94 $19.62 PERA PERA 021194 GENERAL FD'PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB 141332 $19.62* 03/07/94 $23.03 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 LI19940216 94140 94139 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CASH OF GDS MIX DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $10.89 $1,089.43 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE LI19940216 94139 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.87 EAGLE WINE L119940216 LI19940216 94138 94140 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CASH CASH DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 -$.23 $187.20 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE LI19940216 94138 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 -$.63 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 94135 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 -$8.64 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 LI19940216 94137 94134 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING CASH CASH DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 -$7.51 $750.90 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE LI19940216 94134 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $62.62 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 94135 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 $864.10 EAGLE WINE LI19940216 94137 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141333 $2,947.51* 03/07/94 $37.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1628 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 $34.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1489 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 $533.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1477 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $427.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1624 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $1,159.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1661 1478 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GD WINE OF GD WINE L10307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $22.35 $270.50 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS & SONS & SONS LI19940216 LI19940216 1623 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$5.41 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1623 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $150.59 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1479 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$3.01 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1479 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $56.30 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 2272 YORK SELLING CST OF GO WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $31.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 LI19940216 1626 1485 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF GDS MIX OF GD LIQU L10307 L10307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $253.30 -$5.07 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS & SONS & SONS LI19940216 1485 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,059.17 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1625 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU L10307 03/07/94 - $21.18 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1625 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,286.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119940216 1627 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $1,700.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1675 YORK SELLING CST OF GO WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $944.15 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1630 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $18.15 ED PHILLIPS & SONS. LI19940216 1488 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307'. 03/07/94 $945.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 1487 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $1,710.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940216 LI19940216 1676 1629 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF GD WINE OF GD LIQU LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $257.02 -$5.14 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS & SONS & SONS LI19940216 1629 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 141334 $10,858: "82* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION 141335 Page 5 INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/07/94 - $101.72 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 90662 03/07/94 -$4.04 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94950 03/07/94 - $84.65 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 90833 03/0.7/94 $201.98 GRIGGS COOPER -& CO. LI19940216 94950 03/07/94 - $70.28 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94323 03/07/94 -$1.80 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94885 03/07/94 $89.82 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94885 03/07/94 $2,042.40 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94319 03/07/94 -$40.85 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94319 03/07/94 $734.38 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94320 03/07/94 -$14.69 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94320 03/07/94 - $42.79 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94318 03/07/94 $1,551.22 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI199402.16 94321 03/07/94 -$2.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 93664 03/07/94 - $31.02 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94321 03/07/94 $2,139.34 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94318 03/07/94 $3,514.02 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 94323 03/07/94 $110.22 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940216 93664 $9,989.34* 03/07/94 - $23.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1496413 03/07/94 $62.30 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1525906 03/07/94 - $14.20 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520386 03/07/94 $19.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520386 03/07/94 $1,420.05 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520386 03/07/94 -$6.05 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520444 03/07/94 $11.96 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520444 03/07/94 $605.48 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520444 03/07/94 -$.62 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1525906 03/07/94 -$4.85 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1496405 03/07/94 -$2.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1488444 03/07/94 $13.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 - $54.00 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 $2,486.19 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 $13.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 - $49.72 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 - $2,486.19 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 - $13.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 $49.72 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940216 1518299 03/07/94 - $2,445.97 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 $2,486.19 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 $13.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 - $49.72 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518299 03/07/94 $1,089.26 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518281 03/07/94 $6.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518281 03/07/94 - $21.79 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518281 03/07/94 $373.91 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518307 03/07/94 $8.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518307 03/07/94 -$3.74 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518307 03/07/94 $73.48 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518265 03/07/94 $.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216. 1518265 03/07/94 -$:.73 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518265 03/07/94 $486.88 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1518257 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT CASH DISCOUNTS TRADE DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CST OF GD LIQU CST OF GD LIQU TRADE DISCOUNT CST OF GD WINE CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD WINE CST OF GO WINE CASH DISCOUNTS TRADE DISCOUNT TRADE DISCOUNT CST OF GD WINE CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GO WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CST OF GO LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 Page 6 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/07/94 $2.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1518257 1518257 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CASH OF DISCOUNTS GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 -$4.87 $1,592.21 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 1518240 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $20.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1518240 1518299 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $2,486.19 - $15.92 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 1518240 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.74 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520402 1518273 YORK VERNON SELLING SELLING CASH CST DISCOUNTS OF GDS MIX LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $68.22 -$.68 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 1518273 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LIC307 03/07/94 $340.92 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520485 1520485 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD WINE GO WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $1.56 -$3.41 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 1520485 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $91.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520469 1520469 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD WINE GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $.52 -$.92 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520469 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $368.69 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520451 1520451 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD WINE GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $7.28 -$3.69 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 1520451 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,288.81 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520477 1520477 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD WINE GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $15.60 - $12.89 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520477 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $595.27 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520501 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LID307 03/07/94 $3.64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520501 1520501 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST CASH OF GD LIQU DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $11.91 $872.36 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 1520493 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $5.72 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520493 1520493 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST CASH OF GD LIQU DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $17.45 $1,282.84 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 1520428 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $7.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520428 1520428 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST CASH OF GO LIQU DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $25.66 $1,284.17 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 1520410 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $8.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520410 1520410 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST CASH OF GD LIQU DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $25.68 $15.16 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 1520436 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 -$.15 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520436 1520394 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CASH CST DISCOUNTS OF GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $568.20 $2.60 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE CO. CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520394 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 -$5.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 1520394 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $173.73 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940216 LI19940216 1520402 1520402 YORK YORK SELLING SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. 141336 $15,018.48" 03/07/94 $5.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940216 LI19940216 38631 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GDS MIX LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $47.45 $209.60 PAUSTIS PAUSTIS & SONS & SONS LI19940216 .38632 38631 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940216 «. 38630 38629 50TH YORK ST SELLIN SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GDS BEE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $39.45 $68.80 PAUSTIS PAUSTIS & SONS & SONS LI19940216 LI19940216 38630 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141337 5373.30" 03/07/94 -$.65 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940216 LI19940216 93749 04417 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CASH CST DISCOUNTS OF GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $23:25 $1,306.99 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940216 93750 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 Page 7 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/07/94 -S.23 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940216 04417 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 - $13.07 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940216 93750 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,101.12 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940216 93751 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$11.01 PRIOR WINE COMPANY L119940216 93751 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $753.30 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940216 94322 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$7.53 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940216 94322 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,178.89 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940216 93748 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 - $11.79 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940216 93748 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $64.50 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940216 93749 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141338 $4,383.77* 03/07/94 $62.88 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162155 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$.63 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162155 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $4,236.17 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162391 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$42.36 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162391 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $573.21 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162172 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$11.46 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162172 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $156.45 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162230 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$3.13 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162230 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,495.43 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162154 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU'-LI0307 03/07/94 $1,972.86 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162396 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$29.91 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162154 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 - $19.73 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162396 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $2,743.13 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162162 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $54.86 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162162 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $3,704.24 QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162393 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 - 537.04. QUALITY WINE LI19940216 162393 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS L -IO307 141339 $14,745.25* 03/07/94 $3.75 THE WINE COMPANY LI19940216 5077 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $456.00 THE WINE COMPANY LI19940216 5077 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141340 $459.75* 03/07/94 $80.00 WINE MERCHANTS LI19940216 06181 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $1.00 WINE MERCHANTS LI19940216 06180 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $1.00 WINE MERCHANTS LI19940216 06181 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $56.00 WINE MERCHANTS LI19940216 06180 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141341 $138.00* 03/07/94 - $950.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC LI19940216 36261 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$9.75 WORLD CLASS WINES INC LI19940216 36261 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 59.75 WORLD CLASS WINES INC LI19940216 36261 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $169.50 WORLD CLASS WINES INC LI19940216 36222 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $950.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC LI19940216 36261 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $3.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC LI19940216 36222 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141342 $172.50* 03/07/94 -$.78 EAGLE WINE LI19940223 94994 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $413.20 EAGLE WINE LI19940223 96171 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$4.13 EAGLE WINE LI19940223 96171 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $263.55 EAGLE WINE LI19940223 96172 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 - $2'.64 EAGLE WINE LI19940223 96172 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $840.95 EAGLE WINE LI19940223 96173 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 Page 8 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT _ VENDOR---------- - - - - -- DESCRIPTION-- - - - - -- INVOICE - - - - -- PROGRAM PO NUM. -- OBJECT --- - - - - 141343 141344 03/07/94 03/07/94 -48.41 $77.94 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE COOPER LI19940223 LI19940223 96173 94994 03/07/94 03/07/94 $96.00 -$.96 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE 03/07/94 03/07/94 LI19940223 LI19940223 96174 96174 COOPER COOPER $1,674.72* CO. CO. LI19940223 LI19940223 90894 96667 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 03/07/94 03/07/94 $474.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3953 03/07/94 $20.25 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3453 03/07/94 $802.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3452 03/07/94 $490.85 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3767 03/07/94 $1,129.20 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3451 3949 03/07/94 $451.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 LI19940223 LI19940223 03/07/94 $32.75 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3952 03/07/94 $44.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3595 03/07/94 $55.09 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3757 03/07/94 $691.40 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3765 4674 03/07/94 03/07/94 $61.80 $70.00 ED ED PHILLIPS PHILLIPS & SONS & SONS LI19940223 LI19940223 3755 03/07/94 $448.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3940 03/07/94 $225.75 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3756 03/07/94 03/07/94 $669.70 $368.83 ED ED PHILLIPS PHILLIPS & SONS & SONS LI19940223 LI19940223 3449 3590 03/07/94 -$7.38 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3590 03/07/94 $704.54 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3596 03/07/94 - 814.09 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3596 03/07/94 $174.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3764 03/07/94 -$1.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3757 03/07/94 -$3.48 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3764 03/07/94 - $49.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 148129 03/07/94 $51.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3766 03/07/94 -$1.02 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3766 03/07/94 $495.40 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3597 03/07/94 -$9.91 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 3597 03/07/94 - $76.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 148134 03/07/94 $1,325.70 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940223 1486 $8,626.33* YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING 03/07/94 $452.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940223 96667 VERNON SELLING 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $19.29 -$9.04 GRIGGS GRIGGS COOPER COOPER & & CO. CO. LI19940223 LI19940223 90894 96667 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 03/07/94 $2,006.39 - $40.13 GRIGGS GRIGGS COOPER COOPER & & CO. CO. LI19940223 LI19940223 96668 96668 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 03/07/94 03/07/94 $368.45 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940223 96669 50TH ST SELLIN 03/07/94 -$7.37 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940223 96669 50TH ST SELLIN 03/07/94 $1,530.94 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940223 96670 50TH ST SELLIN 03/07/94 -$30.62 $718.97 GRIGGS GRIGGS COOPER COOPER & & CO. CO. LI19940223 LI19940223 96670 k 96671 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $14.38 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940223 96671 YORK SELLING 03/07/94 03/07/94 $2,055.46 - $41.11 GRIGGS GRIGGS COOPER COOPER & & CO. CO. LI19940223 LI19940223 96672 96672 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING 03/07/94 - $12.09 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940223 90893 YORK SELLING 141345 $6,958"18* CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD LIQU CST OF GO WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GDS BEE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CASH DISCOUNTS TRADE DISCOUNT CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS TRADE DISCOUNT CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD LIQU TRADE DISCOUNT CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD WINE CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS CST OF GD LIQU CASH DISCOUNTS TRADE DISCOUNT LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LID307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 LI0307 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 Page .9 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/07/94 $186.76 IMPERIAL CROWN IMPORTI LI19940223 2603 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141346 $186.76' 03/07/94 $2.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546761 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.38 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546761 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $644.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546753 VERNON SELLING_CST OF GD WINE LIG307 03/07/94 $138.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546761 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $13.00 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940223 1546753 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $321.15 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546837 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$6.44 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546753 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $398.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546779 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $4.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546779 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$3.98 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940223 1546779 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS L10307 03/07/94 $914.54 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546787 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $7.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546787 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $18.29 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546787 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,072.87 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546795 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $6.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546795 VERNON SELLING CST OF GO LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $21.46 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546795 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307, 03/07/94 $878.69 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546852 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE L10307 03/07/94 $17.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546852 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE L10307 03/07/94 -$8.79 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546852 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS L10307 03/07/94 $1,241.22 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940223 1546878 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $6.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546878 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$24.82 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940223 1546878 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $985.67 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546860 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $10.92 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546860 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$9.86 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940223 1546860 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LID307 03/07/94 $2,691.46 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546886 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $16.38 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546886 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU L10307 03/07/94 - $53.83 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546886 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $78.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1538305 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE L10307 03/07/94 -$.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940223 1538305 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $251.47 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1558659 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $5.72 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1558659 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$2.51 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1558659 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $221.33 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546811 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $2.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546811 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$2.21 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940223 1546811 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $410.97 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546829 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE L10307 03/07/94 $4.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546829 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$4.11 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546829 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 -$3.21 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940223 1546837 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $468.19 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940223 1558642 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $3.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1558642 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$9.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1558642 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1.04 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940223 1546837 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $648.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546845 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$3.22 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 17517 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT L10307 03/07/94 $4.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546845 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $12.97 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1546845 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS L10307 03/07/94 - $45:98 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 18424 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT LI0307 03/07/94 - $77.46 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940223 1501303 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT LI0307 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 Page 10 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT - - - - - -- --- VENDOR - - - - -- ---------- - - - DESCRIPTION - -- - - - -- -- - - - - INVOICE -- - PROGRAM - - - -- -------------------------- OBJECT PO NUM. - - - --- - ---- 141347 - - - -- - $11,160.22" 03/07/94 $68.80 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940223 LI19940223 38779 38781 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $4.00 $3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940223 38779 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $103.20 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940223 LI19940223 38780 38780 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $3.00 $192.80 PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940223 38781 YORK SELLING CST OF GO WINE LI0307 141348 $374.80" 03/07/94 - $10.37 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940223 96104 96104 VERNON SELLING VERNON.SELLING CASH CST DISCOUNTS OF GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $1,037.41 $181.17 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY L119940223 LI19940223 96105 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 -$4.58 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940223 96106 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.81 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940223 96105 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $457.66 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940223 96106 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141349 $1,659.48" 03/07/94 - $35.33 QUALITY WINE LI19940223 163875 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 . 03/07/94 $2,148.86 QUALITY WINE LI19940223 LI19940223 163976 163976 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CASH OF DISCOUNTS GD LIQU LI0307 LI0307- 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $42.98 $1,446.16 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE LI19940223 164020 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$28.92 QUALITY WINE LI19940223 164020 164236 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING CASH CST DISCOUNTS OF GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $935.34 -$9.35 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE LI19940223 LI19940223 164236 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $1,471.95 QUALITY WINE LI19940223 164238 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 - $14.72 QUALITY WINE LI19940223 164238 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS OF GD LIQU LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $1,766.45 QUALITY WINE WINE LI19940223 LI19940223 163875 164263 VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $1,467.74 -$1.52 QUALITY QUALITY WINE LI19940223 164576 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 - $14.68 QUALITY WINE LI19940223 164263 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $152.00 QUALITY WINE LI19940223 164576 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141350 $9,241.00" 03/07/94 $3.75 THE WINE COMPANY LI19940223 5076 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $750.00 THE WINE COMPANY LI19940223 5292 YORK SELLING CST OF.GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $8.10 THE WINE COMPANY LI19940223 5292 5076 YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $299.00 $232.00 THE WINE COMPANY THE WINE COMPANY LI19940223 LI19940223 5321 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $2.50 THE WINE COMPANY LI19940223 5321 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141351 $1,295.35* 03/07/94 $950.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC LI19940223 36261 YORK SELLING CST OF GD GD WINE WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $9.75 WORLD CLASS WINES INC WINES INC LI19940223 LI19940223 36261 15298 YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $184.00 $141.00 WORLD CLASS WORLD CLASS WINES INC LI19940223 15297 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141352 $1,284.75" 02/25/94 $247,000.00 CITY OF EDINA EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER PAYROLL TRANSFER 022594 022594 LIQUOR PROG LIQUOR PROG CASH CASH 02/25/94 - $247,000.00 CITY OF 141353 $..00" 02/25/94 $22,986.33 PERA PERA 022594 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 Page 11 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM, OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 141354 $22,986.33* 02/25/94 $19.62 PERA PERA 022594 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB 141355 $19.62* 02/25/94 $21,562.97 FIDELITY BANK MEDICARE /FICA 022594 GENERAL FD .PRO PAYROLL PAYABL 141357 $21,562.97* 02/28/94 $6,612.04 PERA PERA 022594 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB 141358 $6,612.04* 03/07/94 -$1.00 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98703 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $111.57 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98704 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.12 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98704 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $277.53 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98705 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $100.40 EAGLE WINE L119940302 98703 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$2.78 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98705 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 -$.60 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 99407 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $135.13 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98706 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.35 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98706 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $304.99 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98707 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$3.05 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98707 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $21.90 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98708 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 -$.22 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 98708 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $60.49 EAGLE WINE LI19940302 99407 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141359 $1,001.89* 03/07/94 $394.85 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 5765 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $242.52 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 6016 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $490.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 5767 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$4.85 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 6016 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $316.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 5697 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $87.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 6032 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.74 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 6032 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $351.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 5698 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $187.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 6033 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$3.75 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 6033 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $467.24 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 6019 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$9.34 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 6019 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $392.35 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 5773 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $377.45 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 5777 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $463.60 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 5772 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $585.35 ED.PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 6020 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $622.25 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 5775 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$11.71 ED PHILLIPS & SONS L119940302 6020 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $580.40 ED PHILLIPS & SONS LI19940302 5699 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141360 $5,528.22* 03/07/94 - $18.89 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. L119940302 98880 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS L10307 03/07/94 $944.48 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940302 98880 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $1,434.21 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940302 98881 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $74:40 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940302 98882 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LID307 03/07/94 - $28.42 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940302 98881 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 Page 12 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT , VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/07/94 $3,787.27 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. LI19940302 98882 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LIC307 141361 $6,044.25* 03/07/94 $106.40 PAUSTIS & SONS L119940302 38981 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $3.00 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940302 38984 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE LI0307 03/07/94 $3.60 PAUSTIS & SONS LI19940302 LI19940302 38981 38984 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST CST OF GD WINE OF GDS BEE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 $24.50 PAUSTIS & SONS 141363 $137.50* 03/07/94 -$9.33 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940302 98387 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $73.50 PRIOR WINE PRIOR WINE COMPANY COMPANY LI19940302 LI19940302 98390 98387 YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF GDS MIX OF GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $933.24 -$6.31 PRIOR WINE COMPANY LI19940302 98388 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $630.75 $10.99 PRIOR WINE PRIOR WINE COMPANY COMPANY LI19940302 LI19940302 98388 98389 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST CASH OF GD WINE DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $1,099.46 -S.74 PRIOR WINE PRIOR WINE COMPANY COMPANY LI19940302 LI19940302 98389 98390 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CASH OF GD WINE DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 141364 $2,709.58* 03/07/94 - $12.76 QUALITY WINE LI19940302 LI19940302 165899 165900 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CASH CST DISCOUNTS OF GD LIQU LI0307' " LI0307 03/07/94 - 03/07/94 $2,723.38 -854.47 QUALITY QUALITY WINE WINE LI19940302 165900 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,191.73 QUALITY WINE LI19940302 LI19940302 165901 165901 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CASH OF GD WINE DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $11.92 $9,010.00 QUALITY QUALITY WINE WINE LI19940302 165902 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$18.02 QUALITY WINE LI19940302 165902 165902 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CASH CST DISCOUNTS OF GD WINE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 - $9,010.00 $18.02 QUALITY QUALITY WINE WINE LI19940302 LI19940302 165902 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $901.00 QUALITY WINE LI19940302 165902 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - 518.02 QUALITY WINE L119940302 165902 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 - $46.33 QUALITY WINE LI19940302 165896 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.43 QUALITY WINE LI19940302 165936 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS L10307 03/07/94 $209.60 QUALITY WINE LI19940302 164235 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE L10307 03/07/94 $123.90 QUALITY WINE L119940302 LI19940302 165817 165819 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GDS BEE OF GDS BEE LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $168.35 $1,433.09 QUALITY QUALITY WINE WINE LI19940302 165895 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 - $14.33 QUALITY WINE LI19940302 LI19940302 165895 165896 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CASH CST DISCOUNTS OF GD LIQU L10307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 $2,316.50 $71.37 QUALITY QUALITY WINE WINE LI19940302 165936 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $1,275.54 QUALITY WINE LI19940302 165899 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141365 $10,255.20* 03/07/94 $66.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC LI19940302 15320 50TH ST�SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $94.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC LI19940302 15309 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141366 $160.00* 03/07/94 $432.58 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE CO. WINE CO. L119940302 41 LI19940302 1573922 1573898 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CASH OF GD WINE DISCOUNTS L10307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 -$.31 $31.34 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573898 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX L10307 03/07/94 $56.96 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1558543 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $33.47 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 LI19940302 1573914 1573922 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CASH CASH DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS LI0307 LI0307 03/07/94 03/07/94 -$4:32 $7.80 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE CO. WINE CO. LI19940302 1573914 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:06:42 Page 13 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/07/94 $1,673.69 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573914 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $21.17 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573906 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $6.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573906 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $1,058.37 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573906 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $9.88 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573922 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573930 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$.48 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573930 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $113.64 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573955 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573955 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.14 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573955 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $523.96 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573948 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE L10307 03/07/94 $7.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573948 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$5.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940302 1573948 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS L10307 03/07/94 $38.92 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573963 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 -$.39 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573963 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $975.06 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573971 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU L10307 03/07/94 $4.68 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940302 1573971 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $19.50 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573971 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,059.26 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573989 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 . 03/07/94 $47.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573930 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE L10307 03/07/94 $6.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573989 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$1.39 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573880 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS L10307 03/07/94 -$21.19 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573989 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94. $386.87 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573997 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $7.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573997 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$3.87 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940302 1573997 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS L10307 03/07/94 $7.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574037 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX LI0307 03/07/94 -$.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574037 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $907.32 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574045 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $6.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574045 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LID307 03/07/94 -$18.15 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574045 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $227.62 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574029 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $1.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574029 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE L10307 03/07/94 -$2.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574029 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $625.29 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940302 1574011 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $6.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574011 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$6.25 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574011 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $1,533.11 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574052 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 $7.28 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940302 1574052 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 -$30.66 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574052 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $775.86 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574060 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $17.16 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574060 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$7.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1574060 YORK SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $30.29 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1586635 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GO WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$.30 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1586635 50TH ST SELLIN CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $4,001.74 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1489392 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU LI0307 03/07/94 - $65.51 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940302 ,. 1558543 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT LI0307 03/07/94 $719.62 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573864 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $8.84 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573864 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 -$7.20 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573864 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 03/07/94 $129.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940302 1573872 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 .$:52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573872 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LID307 03/07/94 -$1.30 JOHNSON WINE CO. L119940302 1573872 VERNON SELLING CASH DISCOUNTS LI0307 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994. 02:06:42 Page 14 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR---------- DESCRIPTION-- - - - - -- INVOICE - PROGRAM -- OBJECT PO NUM. - - - -- --------------- -- ------------------------- 03/07/94 --- -- -- - - - - -- - -- 4138.50 JOHNSON WINE CO. - - - - -- LI19940302 1573880 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 03/07/94 $.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. LI19940302 1573880 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LI0307 141367 $15,343.88* $320,735.95 1 COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY FOR HAND CHECKS Fri Mar 11 1994 02:09:29 Page 1 FUND # 10 GENERAL FUND $108,281.80 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE $24,508.44 FUND # 50 •LIQUOR FUND $187,945.71 $320.735.95 4 J } 1� COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/21/94 $43.00 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL S RUBBISH REMOVAL 3941425 YORK OCCUPANCY RUBBISH REMOVA 03/21/94 $43.00 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL S RUBBISH REMOVAL 3941424 50TH ST OCCUPA RUBBISH REMOVA 03/21/94 $43.00 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL S RUBBISH REMOVAL 3941423 VERNON OCCUPAN RUBBISH REMOVA 143972 $129.00* 03/21/94 $262.03 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 2344500 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2456 143973 $262.03* A- 03/21/94 $104.00 ADVANCED ENERGY SERVIC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 005860 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 03/21/94 $208.00 ADVANCED ENERGY SERVIC PROF SERVICES 005861 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 143974- - $312.00* 03/21/94 $5.00 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 030194 COMMUNICATIONS CONTR REPAIRS 03/21/94 $5.00 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 030194 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 03/21/94 $170.71 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 030194 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 03/21/94 $5.00 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 030194 FINANCE EQUIP RENTAL 03/21/94 $10.00 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 030194 PW BUILDING CONTR REPAIRS 03/21/94 $30.00 AIRSIGNAL PAGER RENTAL 030194 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 143975 $225.71* 03/21/94 $67.46 ALBINSON GENERAL SUPPLIES 282708 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 3094 143976 $67.46* 03/21/94 $69.23 ALCO CAPITAL RESOURCE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 21968091 ART CENTER ADM EQUIP RENTAL 143977 $69.23* 03/21/94 $705.00 ALPHAGRAPHICS PRINTING 19894 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 143978 $705.00* 03/21/94 $792.60 ALSTAD, MARIAN AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 143979 $792.60* 03/21/94 $297.67 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GENERAL SUPPLIES 10547 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPP.LI 2937 03/21/94 $198.20 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 19191 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2951 143980 $495.87* 03/21/94 $53.67 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 022894 VERNON OCCUPAN LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $35.17 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 022894 50TH ST OCCUPA LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $176.07 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 022894 CITY HALL GENE LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $13.85 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 022894 LABORATORY LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $329.24 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 022894 ED BUILDING & LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $71.09 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 022894 YORK OCCUPANCY LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $259.40 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 022894 FIRE DEPT. GEN LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $11.36 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 030194 GRILL LAUNDRY 143981 $949.85* 03/21/94 $2,639.36 AMERIDATA BILLING COMPUTER 438081 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM 2614 143982 $2,639.36* 03/21/94 $1,102.27 ANCHOR PAPER GENERAL SUPPLIES 78287501 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 3183 143983 $1,102.27* 03/21/94 $260.00 ANDERSON, DANIEL PROF SERVICES 426 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 2 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 143984 $260.00* 03/21/94 $225.34 ARMSTRONG TORSETH SKOL ADA FEB 1994 CONTINGENCIES PROF SERVICES 3097 143985 $225.34" 03/21/94 $63.79 ARROYO TIRE COMPANY RUBBER TEES 58688 GOLF DOME RANGE BALLS 143986 $63.79* 03/21/94 $35.95 ARTISTIC FLORAL FLOWERS 8341 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 143987 $35.95* 03/21/94 $246.14 ASAP MAILING SERVICES BULK MAILING 02083 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 143988 $246.14* 03/21/94 $197.20 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. REPAIR PARTS L50173 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $134.57 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. REPAIR PARTS L50176 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 143989 $331.77* 03/21/94 $31.50 ASPLUND COFFEE COST OF GOODS SOLD F 67820 CENTENNIAL LAK CST OF GD FOOD 03/21/94 $134.50 ASPLUND COFFEE COST OF GOODS SOLD F 67720 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GO FOOD 143990 $166.00* 03/21/94 $51.78 ASTLEFORD INTL REPAIR PARTS T6683 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $6.57 ASTLEFORD INTL REPAIR PARTS T6739 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2954 143991 $58.35* 03/21/94 $119.00 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 52089687 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $28.89 AT & T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 52087457 ART CENTER BLD TELEPHONE 143992 $147.89* 03/21/94 $14.22 AT &T CONSUMER PRODUCTS TELEPHONE 022594 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $14.62 AT &T CONSUMER PRODUCTS TELEPHONE 022694 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 143993 $28.84* 03/21/94 $14.25 AT &T TELEPHONE 021894 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 143994 $14.25* 03/21/94 $40.00 ATSSA TRAFFIC CERTIFICATIO 031494 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS 143995 $40.00* 03/21/94 $108.00 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CEN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 21991 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 143996 $108.00* 03/21/94 $31.90 AWD COOLERS OF MINNESO GENERAL SUPPLIES 59948 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPLI 143997 $31.90* 03/21/94 $44.22 AXT, LYLE COST OF GOODS SOLD F 030994 GUN RANGE CST OF GD FOOD 143998 $44.22* 03/21/94 $288.36 B & S INDUSTRIES INC FLARES 10023916 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2633 03/21/94 $134.07 B & S INDUSTRIES INC (LIGHT) BATTERIES 10023798 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2634 143999 $422.43* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 3 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/21/94 $20.98 B &K BALLOON DECORATING GENERAL SUPPLIES 6478 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI 144000 $20.98* 03/21/94 $580.00 BARNARD ELECTRONICS SE SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 0012730 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 2979 144001 $580.00* 03/21/94 $1,350.00 BARRY SIEWERT CREATION PROF SERVICES 031494 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES .� 144002 $1,350.00* 03/21/94 $389.36 BAUER BUILT INC REPAIR PARTS 296681 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2347 03/21/94 $175.09 BAUER BUILT INC REPAIR PARTS 296774 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2495 03/21/94 $255.39 BAUER BUILT INC REPAIR PARTS 297788 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2587 03/21/94 $218.33 BAUER BUILT INC REPAIR PARTS 294137 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2352 03/21/94 $44.22 BAUER BUILT INC ACCESSORIES 298940 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2704 03/21/94 $223.42 BAUER BUILT INC REPAIR PARTS 294179 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2346 144003 $1,305.81* 03/21/94 $308.00 BEAR COMMUNICATIONS IN GENERAL SUPPLIES 008031 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2663 144004 $308.00* 03/21/94 $375.00 BECKER ARENA PRODUCT GENERAL SUPPLIES 017328 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 3174 144005 $375.00* 03/21/94 $85.00 BELL, BRUCE MENIER SERVICES /EDINBOROUGH 032894 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 144006 $85.00* 03/21/94 $37.50 BENN, BRADLEY AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144007 $37.50* 03/21/94 $100.00 BENNETT, WAYNE POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144008 $100.00* 03/21/94 $46.50 BENSON OPTICAL SAFETY GLASSES 254438 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTHI 144009 $46.50* 03/21/94 $139.30 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 030194/5 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 03/21/94 $213.80 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 030194/V VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 03/21/94 $224.30 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 030194/Y YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 144010 $577.40* 03/21/94 $63.00 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 110193 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 144011 $63.00* 03/21/94 $337.99 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 1125070 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 3240 03/21/94 $98.25 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 1110780 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $58.06 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 1155620 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $22.15 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 1155620 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $227.47 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 1131310 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE 03/21/94 $6.77 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 1132060 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE 3023 144012 $750.69* 03/21/94 $5,105.56 BFI OF MN INC REFUSE 940200 50TH STREET RU PROF SERVICES 144013 $5,105.56* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 4 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $39,839.29 BFI RECYCLING SYS RECYCLING SERVICES 94020070 RECYCLING EQUIP RENTAL 144014 $39,839.29* 03/21/94 $100.00 BLOOD, DAVID POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144015 $100.00* 03/21/94 $129.69 BONGAARTS, VINCENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE /PO 030394 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 144016 $129.69* 03/21/94 $2,987.23 BOUSTEAD ELECTRIC & MF MOTOR REPAIR 372627 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 3068 144017 $2.987_.23* 03/21/94 $43.92 BOYER TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS 29354 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $38.14 BOYER TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS 292453X1 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2818 144018 $82.06* 03/21/94 $262.40 BRAUN INTERTEC AIR QUALITY TESTING 020626 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES 144019 $262.40* 03/21/94 $94.94 BROCK WHITE REPAIR PARTS 66953301 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 2861 144020 $94.94* 03/21/94 $287.55 BROWN TRAFFIC PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 13231 TRAFFIC SIGNAL GENERAL SUPPLI 2866 144021 $287.55* 03/21/94 $58.00 BUIE, BARBARA POSTAGE 030994 ED ADMINISTRAT POSTAGE 144022 $58.00* 03/21/94 $98.69 BUIE, BARBARA MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 030494 ED ADMINISTRAT MILEAGE 144023 $98.69* 03/21/94 $150.00 BUIE, ROBERT CONT ED /POLICE 030894 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 144024 $150.00* 03/21/94 $11.45 BUILDERS SQUARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 14451010 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $4.58 BUILDERS SQUARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 14451010 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 144025 $16.03* 03/21/94 $500.00 BURNS, STEVE SCORER HIGH SCHOOL G 030394 ARENA BLDG /GRO PRO SVC OTHER 144026 $500.00* 03/21/94 $100.00 BUTLER, GEORGE POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144027 $100.00* 03/21/94 $34.94 C & S DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD 160068 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2921 144028 $34.94* 03/21/94 $55.18 C.E. GOBEIL CO INC REPAIR PARTS 14046019 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2851 144029 $55.18* 03/21/94 $15.21 CADY COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 97678 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE 3015 144030 $15.21* a . I I COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 5 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $50.00 CANTON, JANET MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 031594 FINANCE MILEAGE 144031 $50.00* 03/21/94 $96.09 CAPITOL COMMUNICATIONS RADIO SERVICE 1990 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS .2145 03/21/94 $1,895.99 CAPITOL COMMUNICATIONS MOBILE RADIO 2359 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM 03/21/94 $27.50 CAPITOL COMMUNICATIONS RADIO SERVICE 2528 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 2759 144032 $2,019.58* 03/21/94 $368.73 CARLSON PRINTING GENERAL SUPPLIES 59383 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 144033- - $368.73* 03/21/94 $109.82 CATCO REPAIR PARTS 338100 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3121 144034 $109.82* 03/21/94 572.96 CDP GENERAL SUPPLIES 1884651 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 144035 $72.96* 03/21/94 $97.76 CELLULAR ONE TELEPHONE 031094/B INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $185.27 CELLULAR ONE CELLULAR PHONE BILL 022894/P SKATING RINK M GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $13.81 CELLULAR ONE CELLULAR PHONE 022894/P DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $26.59 CELLULAR ONE CELLULAR PHONE 022894/P DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $28.46 CELLULAR ONE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022894. DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 545.82 CELLULAR ONE PHONE 022194/P PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 144036 $397.71* 03/21/94 $147.86 CERAMIC ARTS & SUPPLIE CRAFT SUPPLIES 18609 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 2922 144037 $147.86* 03/21/94 $137.97 CERTIFIED POWER TRAIN REPAIR PARTS 134106 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $65.74 CERTIFIED POWER TRAIN REPAIR PARTS 122942 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 144038 $203.71* 03/21/94 $315.42 CHATFIELD BRASS BAND M BAND MUSIC 030794 SPECIAL ACTIVI MUSIC SUPPLIES 144039 $315.42* 03/21/94 $274.99 CHEM CONCEPTS CLEANING SUPPLIES 0627 CENTENNIAL LAK CLEANING SUPPL 3099 144040 $274.99* 03/21/94 $145.76 CHEMSEARCH GENERAL SUPPLIES B054478 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 2675 144041 $145.76* 03/21/94 $187.20 CITY BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD B 77581 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $42.50 CITY BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD B 77314 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 144042 $229.70* 03/21/94 $50.00 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON GENERAL SUPPLIES 18274 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI 2413 144043 $50.00* 03/21/94 $12.48 CITY OF RICHFIELD PROF ENG SERV 022894 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER 144044 $12.48* 03/21/94 $13.50 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVI WINDOW CLEANING 53679 VERNON OCCUPAN CONTR REPAIRS COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 6 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/21/94 $13.50 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVI WINDOW CLEANING 53680 50TH ST OCCUPA CONTR REPAIRS 03/21/94 $13.50 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVI WINDOW CLEANING 53678 YORK OCCUPANCY CONTR REPAIRS 144045 $40.50* 03/21/94 $11.90 CLABO, ROBERT CLOTHING REIMBURSEME 031494 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 03/21/94 $320.15 CLABO, ROBERT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE /PO 030394 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 144046 $332.05* 03/21/94 $182.35 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 743608 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $32.75 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 769736 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $101.30 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 752898 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $92.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 844646 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 144047 $408.40* 03/21/94 $292.88 COMMERCIAL FURNITURE B CHAIR 8490 CENT SVC GENER EQUIP REPLACEM 3106 03/21/94 $292.88 COMMERCIAL FURNITURE B CHAIR 8489 CENT SVC GENER EQUIP REPLACEM 3112 144048 $585.76* 03/21/94 $69.35 COMPRESS AIR & EQUIPME REPAIR PARTS 37358 WATER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 2797 03/21/94 $449.50 COMPRESS AIR & EQUIPME COMPRESSOR CONTRACT 37257 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 144049 $518.85* 03/21/94 $30.00 COMPUTER CHEQUE OF MIN CHECK VERIF 022594/V VERNON SELLING SVC CONTR EQUI 03/21/94 $30.00 COMPUTER CHEQUE OF MIN CHECK VERIF 022594/5 50TH ST SELLIN SVC CONTR EQUI 03/21/94 $30.00 COMPUTER CHEQUE OF MIN CHECK VERIF 022594/Y YORK SELLING SVC CONTR EQUI 144050 $90.00* 03/21/94 $9.98 COMPUTER CITY ACCOUNT GENDER CHANGER 402851 ENGINEERING GE PAINT 03/21/94 $5.55 COMPUTER CITY ACCOUNT GENDER CHANGER 402851 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 3171 03/21/94 $43..00 COMPUTER CITY ACCOUNT SURGE STRIP 402851 PUBLIC HEALTH GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $42.19 COMPUTER CITY ACCOUNT GENERAL SUPPLIES 403949 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $11.00 COMPUTER CITY ACCOUNT GENERAL SUPPLIES 403949 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 3184 144051 $111.72* 03/21/94 $192.95 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS SAFETY EQUIPMENT 517829 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 3045 144052 $192.95* 03/21/94 $217.26 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 014661 PATHS & HARD S.PROF SERVICES 144053 $217.26* 03/21/94 $50.19 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. BLUELINE PAPER 0373621 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 3092 03/21/94 $47.69 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. BLUELINE PAPER 0373936 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 3169 144054 $97.88* 03/21/94 $33.75 COX, JEFF TOBACCO PURCHASE INV 030894 POLICE DEPT. G INSP. EXP. 144055 $33.75* 03/21/94 $1,386.67 CRIMMINS MD, TIMOTHY J MEDICAL SERVICES MARCH 19 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES 144056 $1,386 -67* 03/21/94 $64.13 CULLIGAN WATER 022894 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 144057 $64.13* t , COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 7 CHECK NO =-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $307.70 CURTIN MATHESON SCIENT LAB SUPPLIES 3116296 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPLI 3034 03/21/94 $67.93 CURTIN MATHESON SCIENT Q.A. SAMPLES 3061301 LABORATORY CONTR SERVICES 2574 144058 $375.63* 03/21/94 $82.96 CURTIS 1000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2982508 ART CENTER ADM OFFICE SUPPLIE 03/21/94 $818.06 CURTIS 1000 GENERAL SUPPLIES 3000608 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 3257 144059 $901.02* �= 03/21/94 $25.85 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 63271 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 2978 03/21/94 $3,171.57 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. NEW EQUIPMENT 63277 MAINT OF COURS VACATION 2915 144060- - $3,19.7.42* 03/21/94 $209.00 D. C. ANNIS SEWER CONTRACTED REPAIRS 2994 BUILDING MAINT CONTR REPAIRS 03/21/94 $126.50 D. C. ANNIS SEWER SEWER SERVICE 3016 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 2754 144061 $335.50* 03/21/94 $31.50 D.C. HEY CO. SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 377781 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQUI 144062 $31.50* 03/21/94 $5,640.00 DAVE PERKINS CONTRACTI CONTRACT CONSTRUCTIO 9234 GC CIP CIP 2500 03/21/94 $2,400.00 DAVE PERKINS CONTRACTI DIG OUT SILT 9238 GENERAL STORM CONTR REPAIRS 3053 03/21/94 $2,075.00 DAVE PERKINS CONTRACTI WATER MAIN REPAIR 9233 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 144063 $10,115.00* 03/21/94 $686.93 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT GENERAL SUPPLIES 25221 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2963 144064 $686.93* 03/21/94 $98.24 DAY - TIMERS INC,. DAYTIMER -14006873 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE 144065 $98.24* 03/21/94 $350.70 DAYSTARTER REPAIR PARTS 03575 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $46.81 DAYSTARTER REPAIR PARTS 03577 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 144066 $397.51* 03/21/94 $123.54 DE- SIGN ER SIGNS & POSTS 026269 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS 2702 144067 $123.54* .03/21/94 $59.50 DICKER, JONAH PART TIME MAINT ART 031594 ART CENTER BLD PROF SERVICES 144068 $59.50* 03/21/94 $1,660.00 DICKER, TOBIE AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144069 $1,660.00* 03/21/94 $40.00 DIE BAVARIAN MUSIKMEIS SERVICES /EDINBOROUGH 040794 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 144070 $40.00* 03/21/94 $256.00 DIETRICHSON, BILL AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144071 $256.00* 03/21/94 $28.00 DIRECT IMPRESSIONS RESERVES GENERAL SUP .5128 RESERVE PROGRA GENERAL SUPPLI 144072 $28.00* 03/21/94 $283.94 DISCOM RADIO SERVICE 456324 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 8 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 144073 $283.94* 03/21/94 $39.00 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PR LAUNDRY 021794 POOL TRACK GRE LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $84.65 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PR LAUNDRY 021194 POOL TRACK GRE LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $29.85 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PR LAUNDRY 022294 POOL TRACK GRE LAUNDRY 144074 $153.50* 03/21/94 $399.50 DIVERSIFIED IMPRINTS I COST OF GOODS SOLD 28315 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 144075 $399.50* 03/21/94 $203.50 DONAGHUE DOORS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 09414 50TH ST OCCUPA CONTR REPAIRS 144076 $203.50* 03/21/94 $89.61 DORNSEIF, DAN MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 031594 GOLF ADMINISTR MILEAGE 144077 $89.61* 03/21/94 $5,593.19 DORSEY & WHITNEY LEGAL 354628 LEGAL SERVICES PRO SVC. - LEGA 144078 $5,593.19* 03/21/94 $19.95 DRIVERS LICENSE GUIDE CALCIUM CHLORIDE 153769 POLICE DEPT. G CALCIUM CHLORI 144079 $19.95* 03/21/94 $965.00 DYNAMIC LEADERSHIP SER CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 2437 PARK ADMIN. CONF & SCHOOLS 144080 $965.00* 03/21/94 $154.00 EARL F. ANDERSON SIGNS FOR PARK EQUIP 131111 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2738 144081 $154.00* 03/21/94 $48.50 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 030194 CLUB HOUSE CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $21.40 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 333976 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $29.90 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 024396 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $1,282.10 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 333974 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $3,355.50 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 334032 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $2,773.65 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 333976 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $794.70 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 330936 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $1,409.20 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 330993 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $1,610.45 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 330938 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $53.50 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 330994 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 144082 $11,378.90* 03/21/94 $90.53 ECOLAB PEST ELIM. PEST CONTROL 2636441 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 03/21/94 $106.50 ECOLAB PEST ELIM. PEST CONTROL 2636437 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQUI 3180 144083 $197.03* 03/21/94 $281.47 ED KRAEMER & SONS INC FILL MATERIALS 43482 DISTRIBUTION FILL MATERIALS 03/21/94 $577.25 ED KRAEMER & SONS INC FILL MATERIALS 43570 DISTRIBUTION FILL MATERIALS 03/21/94 $1,304.55 ED KRAEMER & SONS INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 43312 PATHS & HARD S PROF SERVICES 144084 $2,163.27* 03/21/94 $4,233.40 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL % OF HS RECEIPTS 030394 ARENA BLDG /GRO PRO SVC OTHER 144085 $4,233.40* 03/21/94 $484.56 EDINA POLICE EXPLORERS CAR WASHES 031194 EQUIPMENT OPER CAR WASH I COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 9 CHECK NO =-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 144086 $484.56* 03/21/94 $136.00 EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS WORD PERFECT /FIRE DE 031594 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 144087 $136.00* 03/21/94 $88.28 EDS /ITP REFUND DBL PYMT /7617 030294 UTILITY PROG ACCOUNTS REC. 144088 $88.28* 03/21/94 $244.95 EGGHEAD SOFTWARE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMEN 7599958 PUBLIC HEALTH EQUIP REPLACEM 03/21/94 $186.38 EGGHEAD SOFTWARE WORDPERF 73,92355 PUBLIC HEALTH EQUIP REPLACEM 2990 03/21/94 $218.33 EGGHEAD SOFTWARE WORDPERF CS 7400853 ADMINISTRATION EQUIP REPLACEM 2291 03/21/94 $165.08 EGGHEAD SOFTWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 7385952 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2988 144089 $814.74* 03/21/94 $22.98 EIDEM, KRIS MEETING EXP /POLICE 031494 POLICE DEPT. G MEETING EXPENS 144090 $22.98* 03/21/94 $277.65 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PROD FIRST AID SUPPLIES 146984 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 7653 144091 $277.65* 03/21/94 $203.41 ENGER, DON CLOTHING REIMBURSEME 031194 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 144092 $203.41* 03/21/94 $37.50 FARBER, DIANE PT MAINT ART CENTER 031594 ART CENTER BLD PROF SERVICES 03/21/94 $158.00 FARBER, DIANE AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 03/21/94 $193.00 FARBER, DIANE PT OFFICE ART CENTER 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144093 $388.50* 03/21/94 $35.38 FAST 1 HOUR PHOTO ADVERTISING FILM C14520 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER 2926 144094 $35.38* 03/21/94 $192.00 FINE, AGNES AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144095 $192.00* 03/21/94 $1,646.09 FINLEY BROTHERS ENTERP CONSTR. IN PROGRESS FINAL PY TENNIS RESUR7A CIP 144096 $1,646.09* 03/21/94 $384.00 FRAME, SUSAN AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144097 $384.00* 03/21/94 $21.40 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 022594/C CENTENNIAL LAK LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $99.56 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 022594 ARENA BLDG /GRO LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $180.42 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 022594 DISTRIBUTION LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $304.06 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 022594 EQUIPMENT OPER LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $149.84 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 022594 PUMP & LIFT ST LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $734.68 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 022594 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $538.93 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 022594 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $253.3 1 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 022594 PW BUILDING LAUNDRY 144098 $2,282.20* 03/21/94 $660.00 G.V. LARSEN & ASSOC SERVICES 031194 CENTENNIAL LAK PROF SERVICES 144099 $660.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 10 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/21/94 $101.00 GANZER DIST INC COST OF GOODS SOLD B 177570 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $59.60 GANZER DIST INC COST OF GOODS SOLD B 176953 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 144100 8160.60* 03/21/94 $300.00 GEISHEKER, PATRICIA AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144101 $300.00* 03/21/94 $78.00 GLEWWE, LINDA AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144102 $78.00* 03/21/94 $292.50 GOPHER STATE 1.CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CAL 4020226 SUPERV. & OVRH GOPHER STATE 144103 $292.50* 03/21/94 $230.00 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFF MEMBERSHIP 375474 FINANCE PROF SERVICES 144104 $230.00* 03/21/94 $25.00 GOVERNMENT TRAINING SE CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 031194 INSPECTIONS CONF & SCHOOLS 144105 $25.00* 03/21/94 $96.00 GRAPP, JEAN AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144106 $96.00* 03/21/94 $62.70 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. REPAIR PARTS 50061021 50TH ST OCCUPA REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $62.70 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. TELEPHONE 50060813 50TH ST OCCUPA REPAIR PARTS 144107 $125.40* 03/21/94 $5,007.00 GREUPNER, JOE LESSONS 031494 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC - GOLF 144108 $5,007.00* 03/21/94 $6,000.00 GREUPNER, JOE 1994 PROFESSIONAL RE 031194 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC - GOLF 144109 $6,000.00* 03/21/94 $16,998.73 GROUP HEALTH INC HOSPITALIZATION 2015721 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO 144110 $16,998.73* 03/21/94 $468.26 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY LUBRICANTS 263406 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS 03/21/94 $444.00 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY LUBRICANTS 263298 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS 2949 .144111 $912.26* 03/21/94 $124.50 HARMON CONTRACT GLAZIN GENERAL SUPPLIES 3214708 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 3179 144112 $124.50* 03/21/94 $70.61 HARMON GLASS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 72002150 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 3031 144113 $70.61* 03/21/94 $229.41 HARVEST STATES GENERAL SUPPLIES 022894 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI 144114 $229.41* 03/21/94 $75.00 HASSE, ALLEN PERFORM /EDINBOROUGH 032994 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 144115 $75.00* 03/21/94 $192.00 HAYWA, PHYLLIS AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES -144116 $192.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 11 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $134.94 HEDGES, DIANA CRAFT SUPPLIES 031594 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 144117 $134.94* 03/21/94 $98.09 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD F 8707 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD FOOD 3107 144118 $98.09* 03/21/94 $598.90 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICA FIRST AID SUPPLIES 3161 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 144119 $598.90* 03/21/94 $21.94 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIF EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC FEB 1994 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 144120 $21.94* 03/21/94 $7,645.68 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASU BOARD & ROOM PRISONE 002335 LEGAL SERVICES BRD & RM PRISO 144121 $7,645.68* 03/21/94 $121.70 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASU COUNTY CHARGE #24 EDIN SPECIAL ASSESS EQUIP REPLACEM 144122 $121.70* 03/21/94 $13.00 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COL CONT ED /BAGLEY 041052 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 144123 $13.00* 03/21/94 $30.00 HINDS, MARCIA REFUND SKATING EDINB 030994 EDINB /CL PROG LESSON PRGM IN 144124 $30.00* 03/21/94 $100.00 HOFFMAN, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144125 $100.00* 03/21/94 $27.96 HOME JUICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 62927 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 144126 $27.96* 03/21/94 $205.00 HONEYWELL INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 347PT262 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 03/21/94 $11,550.00 HONEYWELL INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 899PT904 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 03/21/94 $5,502.00 HONEYWELL INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 899PT904 GOLF DOME SVC CONTR EQUI 03/21/94 $5,684.00 HONEYWELL INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 899PT904 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 03/21/94 $512.00 HONEYWELL INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 356PT621 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 2934 144127 $23,453.00* 03/21/94 $134.88 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO IN CHLORINE 40464 POOL TRACK GRE CHEMICALS 3108 144128 $134.88* 03/21/94 $35.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 022394 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2950 03/21/94 $295.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR CONTRACTED REPAIRS .020794 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2707 03/21/94 $125.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR RADIATOR 022894 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2965 144129 $455.00* 03/21/94 $39,856.00 HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTION NORMANDALE GOLF COUR 030194 NORMANDALE CLU CIP 144130 $39,856.00* 03/21/94 $284.67 HYDRO SUPPLY CO METER PARTS 6722 METER REPAIR REPAIR PARTS 2109 144131 $284.67* 03/21/94 $5,679.30 INTER -CITY PAPER CO ABOUT TOWN PAPER 060239 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX 4333 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 12 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 144132 $5,679.30* 03/21/94 $61.50 INTERIOR COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 9064 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 144133 $61.50* 03/21/94 $243.00 INTERNATIONAL CONFEREN 1991 UFC (DISK) C77035 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRE PREVENTIO 2742 144134 $243.00* 03/21/94 $76.23 INTERSTATE DETROIT DIE REPAIR PARTS 144329 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2766 03/21/94 $5.53 INTERSTATE DETROIT DIE REPAIR PARTS 146746 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 144135 $81.76* 03/21/94 $166.14 J & F REDDY RENTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 022494 50th LIGHTING GENERAL SUPPLI 2429 144136 $166.14* 03/21/94 $9,975.75 J PATRICK MOORE LAMAST DOME ADS 10668 GOLF DOME ADVERT OTHER 144137 $9,975.75* 03/21/94 $100.00 JAMES, WILLIAM F POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144138 $100.00* 03/21/94 $4.01 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 ARENA ICE MAIN GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $16.44 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $15.96 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $64.62 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $109.99 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $12.93 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $20.65 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $15.34 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $16.08 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 50TH ST OCCUPA GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $52.40 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $52.36 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $13.57 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $6.57 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 VERNON OCCUPAN GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $54.88 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $16.39 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $22.75 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $130.16 JERRYS HARDWARE REPAIR PARTS 022594 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $83.75 JERRYS HARDWARE TOOLS 022594 GENERAL STORM TOOLS 03/21/94 $3.02 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $63.33 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $35.05 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $7.49 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 022594 GUN RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 144140 $817.74* 03/21/94 $382.33 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D5952 GENERAL(BILLIN PRINTING 03/21/94 $172.35 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D6161 POLICE DEPT. G PRINTING 3308 03/21/94 $145.50 JERRYS PRINTING DINNER MEETING D6274 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS 3261 03/21/94 $41.81 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING D4902 PUBLIC HEALTH PRINTING 144141 $74 "1.99* 03/21/94 $290.45 JIM HATCH SALES GENERAL SUPPLIES 3304 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 2862 144142 $290.45* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 13 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $38.00 JOHNSON, DONALD REIMBURSEMENT /ENGINE 030494 ENGINEERING GE CONF & SCHOOLS 144143 $38.00* 03/21/94 $90.00 JOHNSON, LAURIE SERVICES /ADAPTIVE RE 030894 SPECIAL ACTIVI PROF SERVICES 144144 $90.00* 03/21/94 $82.40 JOHNSON, NAOMI CRAFT SUPPLIES 031594 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 03/21/94 $12.60 JOHNSON, NAOMI GENERAL SUPPLIES 031594 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $20.50 JOHNSON, NAOMI ART WORK SOLD 031594 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 144145- - $115.50* 03/21/94 $100.00 JOHNSON, WALTER POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144146 $100.00* 03/21/94 $190.00 JR'S OPTIC INSPECTIONS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1339 SEWER TREATMEN CONTR REPAIRS 2681 144147 $190.00* 03/21/94 $46.26 JUSTUS LUMBER GENERAL SUPPLIES 58866 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI 2964 03/21/94 $34.48 JUSTUS LUMBER GENERAL SUPPLIES 56344 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI 2693 03/21/94 $4.10 JUSTUS LUMBER GENERAL SUPPLIES 56519 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $6.88 JUSTUS LUMBER GENERAL SUPPLIES 56680 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 2794 03/21/94 $19.58 JUSTUS LUMBER PAINT 55855 CENTENNIAL LAK PAINT 2600 144148 $111.30* 03/21/94 $64.63 K & K SALES REPAIR PARTS 78037 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 2870 144149 $64.63* 03/21/94 $590.00 K.C. GROVES TREE EXPER REMOVAL OF DISEASED 031594 Tree removal 3 CIP 144150 $590.00* 03/21/94 $87.86 KAMAN INDUST TECH REPAIR PARTS Z102821 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2885 03/21/94 $125.08 KAMAN INDUST TECH REPAIR PARTS Z102814 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 2880 144151 $212.94* 03/21/94 $218.80 KAR PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 413409 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2902 144152 $218.80* 03/21/94 $75.00 KARAI, JAY PERFORM /EDINBOROUGH 040594 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 144153 $75.00* 03/21/94 $29.02 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 093405 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 3047 03/21/94 $44.71 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 093466 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 3052 03/21/94 $112.99 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 092494 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 03/21/94 $87.18 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 092357 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $24.21 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 092608 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $42.24 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 092555 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 -$9.54 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 093125CM BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $16.98 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 093125 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $26.61 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 093174 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 03/21/94 $27.64 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 092995 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 03/21/94 $8.50 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 092681 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $63.88 KNOX COMM CREDIT REPAIR PARTS 091027 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 14 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 144154 $474.42* 03/21/94 $200.97 KNUTSON, THEODORE MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 030394 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE 144155 $200.97* 03/21/94 $84.00 KOCHENASH, RICK AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144156 $84.00* 03/21/94 $159.75 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNM REPAIR PARTS 51555 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2765 03/21/94 $319.50 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNM REPAIR PARTS 51544 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2706 144157 $479.25* 03/21/94 $21.03 KROHN, HOWARD PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 030794 SPECIAL ACTIVI PROF SERVICES 144158 $21.03* 03/21/94 $425.70 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 101093 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $845.60 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 101506 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $405.00 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 101602 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $1,290.50 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 101007 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 144159 $2,966.80* 03/21/94 $25.00 KVASNICK, BARB PERFORM /EDINBOROUGH 033194 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 144160 $25.00* 03/21/94 $85.55 LANCELLO, ED MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 031194 STREET REVOLVI MILEAGE 144161 $85.55* 03/21/94 $113.39 LANCRETE, LAURA MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE FEB 1994 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE 144162 $113.39* 03/21/94 $105.00 LASER QUIPT SVC CELL PTR 76893 CENT SVC GENER SVC CONTR EQUI 03/21/94 $50.00 LASER QUIPT LASER SVC EB. 76783 CENT SVC GENER SVC CONTR EQUI 144163 $155.00* 03/21/94 $307.07 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 1005316 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2781 03/21/94 $335.93 LAWSON PRODUCTS ACCESSORIES 1003320 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2878 03/21/94 $61.08 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1008846 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 2873 03/21/94 $427.18 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 1005315 EQUIPMENT OPER. REPAIR PARTS 2781 03/21/94 $145.70 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 100649 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2669 03/21/94 $49.44 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 1008318 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2874 03/21/94 $112.98 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1008319 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI.2875 03/21/94 $294.18 LAWSON PRODUCTS SIGNS & POSTS 1000756 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS 2372 144164 $1,733.56* 03/21/94 $195.80 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA HU DUES 0018 HUMAN RELATION DUES & SUBSCRI 3168 144165 $195.80* 03/21/94 $38.04 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 022894/A ART CENTER BLD LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $28.20 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 022894/G MAINT OF COURS LAUNDRY 144166 $66.24* 03/21/94 $6.92 LIEN INFECTION CONTROL CLEANING SUPPLIES 2463 GOLF DOME CLEANING SUPPL 144167 $6.92* i COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 15 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $335.00 LINDENFELSER & SONS EX RUBBISH REMOVAL 34875 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVA 144168 $335.00* 03/21/94 $4,971.61 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0294 FINANCE DATA PROCESSIN 03/21/94 $2,031.23 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0294 ASSESSING DATA PROCESSIN 03/21/94 $29.85 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0294 LIQUOR 50TH ST DATA PROCESSIN 03/21/94 $1,213.21 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0294 GENERAL(BILLIN DATA PROCESSIN 03/21/94 $29.85 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0294 LIQUOR YORK GE DATA PROCESSIN 03/21/94 $29.85 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0294 VERNON LIQUOR DATA PROCESSIN 144169- - $8,305.60* 03/21/94 $51.49 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ REPAIR PARTS 182287 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2995 03/21/94 $4.25 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ REPAIR PARTS 182194 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2994 03/21/94 $173.06 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ REPAIR PARTS 182193 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2994 144170 $228.80* 03/21/94 $100.00 LONGHI, KIM PERFORM /EDINBOROUGH 033194 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 144171 $100.00* 03/21/94 $263.59 LUBTECH GENERAL SUPPLIES 120491 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 2705 144172 $263.59* 03/21/94 $34.53 LUTZ. RICHARD M WINE LICENSE INSPECT 030394 POLICE DEPT. G INSP. EXP. 144173 $34.53* 03/21/94 $26.24 LYNDALE HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 533121 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 144174 $26.24* 03/21/94 $116.95 M & I IND SUPPLY SAFETY EQUIPMENT 48758 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 2686 144175 $116.95* 03/21/94 $334.20 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 27266 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $250.65 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 27248 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $334.20 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 27016 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $334.20 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 27087 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $183.81 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 27092 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 144176 $1,437.06* 03/21/94 $228.50 M/A PETERSON DESIGNBUI REFUND PERMIT FEE 030794 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERMI 144177 $228.50* 03/21/94 $142.58 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. ROD END 2941234 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS -2891 144178 $142.58* 03/21/94 $75.00 MACA GENERAL SUPPLIES /POL 030294 ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPLI 144179 $75.00* 03/21/94 $540.00 MACKERMAN, DANNY AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144180 $540.00* 03/21/94 $176.00 MAKELA, BARB AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144181 $176.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 16 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------ - - - - -- 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 144182 03/21/94 144183 03/21/94 144184 03/21/94 144185 03/21/94 144186 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 144187 03/21/94 144188 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 144189 03/21/94 144190 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 144191 03/21/94 03/21/94 03/21/94 $965.90 $1,272.57 $189.00 $1,341.55 $13.60 $3,389.40 $29.75 $98.20 $1,409.35 $34.20 $30.70 $54.75 $8,82.8.97* MARK VII MARK VII MARK VII MARK VII MARK VII MARK VII MARK VII MARK VII MARK VII MARK VII MARK VII MARK VII SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B COST OF GOODS SOLD B COST OF GOODS SOLD B COST OF GOODS SOLD B COST OF GOODS SOLD M COST OF GOODS SOLD B COST OF GOODS SOLD M COST OF GOODS SOLD M COST OF GOODS SOLD B COST OF GOODS SOLD M COST OF GOODS SOLD B COST OF GOODS SOLD M 224609 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 224564 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 224263 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 224565 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 224610 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 222046 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 222047 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 222045 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 222043 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 222044 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 0228 /VER VERNON SELLING CST -OF GDS BEE 222093 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX $426.60 MARLIN INDUSTRIAL DIVI CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 020894 SUPERV. & OVRH CONF & SCHOOLS $426.60* $43.00 MAURI JO HERBES $43.00* $100.00 MAWP $100.00* $69.60 MCGARVEY COFFEE $69.60* $184.62 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY $341.36 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY $2,019.50 MCGUIRE.AUTO SUPPLY $166.41 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY $2,711.89* $454.96 MCNEILUS STEEL $454.96* $284.15 $37.49 $410.03 $40.63 $772.30* $100.00 $100.00* $386.48 $278.17 $156.28 $820.93* $109.00 $40.00 $60.00 MECO MECO MECO MECO MERFELD, BURT MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY MESSERLI & KRAMER MESSERLI & KRAMER MESSERLI & KRAMER BEER LINES 022894 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE CONT ED /POLICE 030394 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS COFFEE 1924964 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 3260 GENERAL SUPPLIES 030194/P EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI ACCESSORIES 030194/P EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES REPAIR PARTS 030194/P EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 030194/G MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 189474 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 62424 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2868 GENERAL SUPPLIES 62558 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI REPAIR PARTS 62308 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2694 REPAIR PARTS 62319 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2764 POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES 35496 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2935 GENERAL SUPPLIES 35542 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI CLEANING SUPPLIES 35562 CENTENNIAL. LAK CLEANING SUPPL 3172 AMBULANCE COLLECTION 518201 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES AMBULANCE COLLECTION 22586 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES AMBULANCE COLLECTION 22587 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES s I COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 17 CHECK NO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 144192 $209.00* 03/21/94 $298.50 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD F 138 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD FOOD 2983 144193 $298.50* 03/21/94 $25.00 METRO LEGAL SERVICES TITLE /TAX SEARCH 410369 CDBG PROG PROF SERVICES 3025 144194 $25.00* �- 03/21/94 $1,732.50 METRO WASTE CONTROL BUILDING PERMITS FEB 1994 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERMI 144195 $1,732.50* 03/21/94 $1,665.67 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 14184 DISTRIBUTION BLACKTOP 144196 $1,665.67* 03/21/94 $474.16 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPL PAPER SUPPLIES 10173 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 3241 144197 $474.16* 03/21/94 $175.21 MIDWEST MACHINERY INC REPAIR PARTS 27384 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2812 144198 $175.21* 03/21/94 $95.63 MIDWEST SPORTS MARKETI GENERAL SUPPLIES 113674 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 3176 144199 $95.63* 03/21/94 $7.00 MIDWEST VENDING INC REFUND LICENSE FEE 031194 GENERAL FD PRO FOOD VENDING 144200 $7.00* 03/21/94 $269.85 MILTONA TURF PRODUCTS COURSE SUPPLIES 7788 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2992 03/21/94 $565.95 MILTONA TURF PRODUCTS NORMANDALE COURSE SU 7788 GC CIP GENERAL SUPPLI 144201 $835.80* 03/21/94 $169.65 MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOO TOOLS 25587220 PUMP & LIFT ST TOOLS 03/21/94 $76.68 MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOO TOOLS 25554470 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 1467 144202 $246.33* 03/21/94 $24.48 MINN COMM PAGING PAGER 10000029 GENERAL MAINT EQUIP RENTAL 03/21/94 $24.48 MINN COMM PAGING RADIO SERVICE 22509603 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 144203 $48.96* 03/21/94 $647.63 MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC SCH FIRE SAFETY BROCHURE 49968 JUV FIRE PREV INTEREST BONDS 144204 $647.63* 03/21/94 $66.43 MINNEAPOLIS SPOKESMAN WANT ADS 01CCNA -CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 144205 $66.43* 03/21/94 $3,290.31 MINNEGASCO HEAT 022494 ARENA BLDG /GRO HEAT 144206 $3,290.31* 03/21/94 $19.17 MINNESOTA CONWAY REPAIR PARTS 199459 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 2700 144207 $19.17* 03/21/94 $480.00 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT 0 CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 030794 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS 03/21/94 $600.00 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT 0 LAB CERTIFICATION 030194 LABORATORY DUES & SUBSCRI 144208 $1,080.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 18 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $936.00 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT 0 FUEL TAX FEB 1994 EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE 144209 $936.00* 03/21/94 $104.00 MINNESOTA PETROLEUM SE REPAIR PARTS 31057 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 144210 $104.00* 03/21/94 $105.85 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIP GENERAL SUPPLIES 12087 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2588 03/21/94 $105.44 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIP GENERAL SUPPLIES 12088 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2588 03/21/94 $296.96 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIP GENERAL SUPPLIES 12096 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2701 03/21/94 $206.46 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIP GENERAL SUPPLIES 12089 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2588 144211 $714.71* 03/21/94 $324'.00 MINNESOTA ROBBY REPAIR PARTS 046321 CLUB HOUSE REPAIR PARTS 144212 5324.00* 03/21/94 $57.67 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICAT ORD 1994 -2 11540 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 03/21/94 $30.80 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICAT ORD 1994 -3 11541 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 03/21/94 $23.70 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICAT ORD 850A3 11542 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 03/21/94 $12.64 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICAT HRG -HOLLY HILLS ESTA 11527 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 144213 $124.81* 03/21/94 $5.06 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS 400183 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2842 03/21/94 $6.36 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS 401324 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2903 144214 $11.42* 03/21/94 $466.80 MINNESOTA'S BOOKSTORE BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 36660 POLICE DEPT. G BOOKS & PAMPHL'2894 144215 $466.80* 03/21/94 $224.31 MINVALCO WASH PARTS 4021563 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 2865 144216 $224.31* 03/21/94 $148.04 MITCHELL INTERNATIONAL DATA PROCESSING 1284683 EQUIPMENT OPER DATA PROCESSIN 144217 $148.04* 03/21/94 $75.00 MN DARE OFFICERS ASSOC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 030194 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 2608 144218 $75.00* 03/21/94 $6.00 MN EXTENSION SERVICE -H BOOKLETS 10668 PUBLIC HEALTH GENERAL SUPPLI 144219 $6.00* 03/21/94 $2,278.00 MN STATE TREA /BLG IN BUILDING PERMITS FEB 1994 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERMI 144220 $2,278.00* 03/21/94 $38.85 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD M 147792 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 885.23 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD M 147445 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $186.10 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD M 148116 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $105.00 MN. BAR COST OF GOODS SOLD M .147790 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 144221 $415.18* 03/21/94 $65.00 MN. ELEVATOR ELEVATOR SERVICE 020396 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 144222 $65.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 19 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/21/94 $6.49 MN. WANNER REPAIR PARTS 20691 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 144223 $6.49* 03/21/94 4130.00 MN /S.C.I.A. CONT ED /POLICE 030394 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 144224 $130.00* 03/21/94 $107.85 MOORE MEDICAL CORP FIRST AID SUPPLIES 7628192 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 144225 $107.85* 03/21/94 $132.80 MOTOROLA INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC W2765445 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 144226- - $132.80* 03/21/94 $160.00 MPCA CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 030294 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS 144227 $160.00* 03/21/94 $316.12 MPLS FINANCE DEPARTMEN METER TEST 61234 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 144228 $316.12* 03/21/94 $62.00 MRPA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 031194 PARK ADMIN. DUES & SUBSCRI 144229 $62.00* 03/21/94 $17.25 MUNICILITE CO ACCESSORIES 5309 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2775 03/21/94 $462.21 MUNICILITE CO ACCESSORIES 5319 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2785 03/21/94 $102.88 MUNICILITE CO ACCESSORIES 5329 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2815 03/21/94 $53.50 MUNICILITE CO ACCESSORIES 5365 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2942 144230 $635.84* 03/21/94 $55.00 MUZAK SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 20171/20 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQUI 144231 $55.00* 03/21/94 $391.85 NAME BRAND SPORTS WINDBREAKERS - VOLUNTE 022394 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW 2627 144232 $391.85* 03/21/94 $175.00 NATIONAL GOLF FOUNDATI DUES 031494 GOLF ADMINISTR DUES & SUBSCRI 144233 $175.00* 03/21/94 $196.79 NATIONAL GUARDIAN SYST ALARM SERVICE 729069 VERNON OCCUPAN ALARM SERVICE 03/21/94 $619.54 NATIONAL GUARDIAN SYST ALARM SERVICE 791999 CLUB HOUSE ALARM SERVICE 03/21/94 $197.42 NATIONAL GUARDIAN SYST ALARM SERVICE 792070 50TH ST OCCUPA ALARM SERVICE 03/21/94 $156.26 NATIONAL GUARDIAN SYST ALARM SERVICE 792068 ART CENTER BLD ALARM SERVICE 144234 $1,170.01* 03/21/94 $40.00 NCTRC DUES /ADAPTIVE REC 030794 PARK ADMIN. DUES & SUBSCRI 144235 440.00* 03/21/94 $160.00 NELSON, J THOMAS AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144236 $160.00* 03/21/94 $71.34 NICHOLS NET & TWINE IN GENERAL SUPPLIES 2748 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2896 144237 $71.34* 03/21/94 $100.00 NISSEN, DICK POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144238 $100.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 20 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $746.32 NORTH AMERICAN SALT CO SALT 828381 SNOW & ICE REM SALT 03/21/94 $1,462.05 NORTH AMERICAN SALT CO SALT 827089 SNOW & ICE REM SALT 03/21/94 $1,603.06 NORTH AMERICAN SALT CO SALT 826329 SNOW & ICE REM SALT 03/21/94 $1,421.32 NORTH AMERICAN SALT CO SALT 824977 SNOW & ICE REM SALT 144239 $5,232.75* - 03/21/94 $89.00 NORTH MEMORIAL MEDICAL CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 021794 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 144240 $89.00* 03/21/94 $218.12 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 080824 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $44.90 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 080755 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2901 03/21/94 $137.54 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 080786 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2904 144241 $400.56* 03/21/94 $14.72 NORTHERN AIRGAS OXYGEN SUPPLIES 47450 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 2617 03/21/94 $42.13 NORTHERN AIRGAS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 49337 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 2617 144242 $56.85* 03/21/94 $153.49 NORTHERN REPAIR PLUMBING 202816TI ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 3102 03/21/94 $499.49 NORTHERN GENERAL SUPPLIES 202743 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 3095 144243 $652.98* 03/21/94 $180.00 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 83606 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $37.20 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 83002 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 144244 $217.20* 03/21/94 $17.99 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 215982 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2711 03/21/94 $72.50 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 215997 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2539 03/21/94 $151.53 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 216256 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2920 03/21/94 $200.47 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 216505 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 144245 $442.49* 03/21/94 $310.17 NORTHWESTERN SERVICE I CONTRACTED REPAIRS 32673 GOLF DOME CONTR REPAIRS 144246 $310.17* 03/21/94 $420.68 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW8499 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 03/21/94 $174.45 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW8312 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 03/21/94 $31.26 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW8574 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 03/21/94 $166.24 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL NW8500 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 03/21/94 $31.26 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW8600 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 03/21/94 $253.32 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW8027 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 03/21/94 $253.32 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW8209 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 03/21/94 $253.32 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW7744 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 03/21/94 $253.32 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW8136 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 144247 $1,837.17* 03/21/94 $204.95 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 MAINT OF COURS LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $68.38 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 POOL OPERATION LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $157.50 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 NORMANDALE GC LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $7,042.34 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 ARENA BLDG /GRO LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $486.75 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 GUN RANGE LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $119.25 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 ST LIGHTING RE LIGHT & POWER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 21 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/21/94 $2,153.94 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $7.40 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $9,874.60 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 DISTRIBUTION LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $866.53 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 YORK OCCUPANCY LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $30.49 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 VERNON OCCUPAN LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $1,268.12 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 GOLF DOME LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $6,489.14 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 ED BUILDING & LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $71.84 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 CENTENNIAL LAK LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $3,805.41 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $494.30 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $7.40 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $66.88 NSP LIGHT & POWER 03,2194 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $3,303.48 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 PARKING RAMP LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $624.67 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 FIRE DEPT. GEN LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $31.12 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 CIVIL DEFENSE LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $1,438.35 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 CITY HALL GENE LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $4,292.46 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 PW BUILDING LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $709.30 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 ART CENTER BLD LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $4,307.94 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 BUILDING MAINT LIGHT & POWER 03/21/94 $1,716.57 NSP LIGHT & POWER 032194 CLUB HOUSE LIGHT & POWER 144249 $49,639.11" 03/21/94 $83.26 O.B. OF MINNEAPOLIS IN REPAIR PARTS 13350 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $440.49 O.B. OF MINNEAPOLIS IN GENERAL SUPPLIES 13355 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2043 144250 $523.75" 03/21/94 $57.51 OFFSET PRINTING PRINTING 32266 POLICE DEPT. G PRINTING 2906 144251 $57.51" 03/21/94 $220.65 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE GENERAL SUPPLIES 52348 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 3038 03/21/94 $250.49 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE TOOLS 52535 TREES & MAINTE TOOLS 2663 144252 $471.14" 03/21/94 $15.98 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM VGA EXT CABLE 223397 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 144253 $15.98" 03/21/94 $58.50 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 826833 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS 144254 .$58.50" 03/21/94 $87.28 PAPER DEPOT CRAFT SUPPLIES 1116 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 2538 144255 $87.28* 03/21/94 $233.00 PARAMOUNT CERAMICS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD 86245 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 144256 $233.00" 03/21/94 $189.80 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 16396310 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $135.50 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 16996110 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $125.00 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD F 16804006 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD FOOD 03/21/94 $147.00 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD F 030194 CLUB HOUSE CST OF GD FOOD 03/21/94 $80.00 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD F 16108005 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD FOOD 144257 $677.30" 03/21/94 $20.00 PETERSON, DAVID SERVICES /EDINBOROUGH 031194 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 22 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 144258 $20.00* 03/21/94 $37.28 PINNACLE SIGNS & GRAPH GENERAL SUPPLIES 3949 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 144259 $37.28* 03/21/94 $247.91 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL REPAIR PARTS 1472184 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2948 144260 $247.91* 03/21/94 533.12 PLUNKETTS GENERAL.SUPPLIES 687327 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 144261 $33.12* 03/21/94 $17,937.00 POLAR CHEVROLET EQUIPMENT REPLACEMEN 5177 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM 1977 144262 $17,937.00* 03/21/94 $5,000.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 030894 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 144263 $5,000.00* 03/21/94 $780.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE /ART CENTER 031594 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 144264 $780.00* 03/21/94 $2,711.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE /ABOUT TOWN 031594 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX 144265 $2,711.00* 03/21/94 $220.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 030494 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 144266 $220.00* 03/21/94 $1,544.25 PRECISION LANDSCAPE REMOVAL OF MARKED EL 031594 Six Year Trees CIP 03/21/94 $1,160.85 PRECISION LANDSCAPE REMOVAL OF DISEASED 030294 Six Year Trees CIP 144267 $2,705.10* 03/21/94 $102.22 PRECISION TURF /CHEM SHOP SUPPLIES 004088 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 3116 144268 $102.22* 03/21/94 $98.00 PRINTERS SERV INC BLADE SHARPENING 94562 ARENA ICE MAIN EQUIP MAINT 144269 $98.00* 03/21/94 $1,702.50 PROGRESSIVE CONSULTING PROF ENG SERVICES 030394 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES 144270 $1,702.50* 03/21/94 $65.00 PUCKETT, JIM SOCCER LEAGUE 031594 GOLF PROG DOME RENTAL 144271 $65.00* 03/21/94 $104.16 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 54012 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2854 03/21/94 $154.06 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 52903 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2767 03/21/94 $56.74 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 54311 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2869 144272 $314.96* - 03/21/94 $227.00 RADIO SHACK ACCT REC GENERAL SUPPLIES 145604 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 144273 $227.00* 03/21/94 $40.99 REACH EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS B90790 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2796 144274 $40.99* i COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 23 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7---------------------------------- 03/21/94 $227.80 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT .00364 BUILDING MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 03/21/94 $245.65 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 00364 PUMP & LIFT ST SAFETY EQUIPME 03/21/94 $504.05 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 00364 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 144275 $977.50* 03/21/94 $1,546.00 REGION 6AA SPECTATOR FEE % 030894 ARENA BLDG /GRO PRO SVC OTHER 144276 $1,546.00* 03/21/94 $1,234.00 REGION 6A SPECTATOR FEE % 030894 ARENA BLDG /GRO PRO SVC OTHER 144277 $1,234.00* 03/21/94 $30.00 REINERS, TOMI REFUND SKATING EDINB 030994 EDINB /CL PROG LESSON PRGM IN 144278 $30.00* 03/21/94 $805.00 RESIDENTIAL RESURRECTI CONSTRUCTION 031594 CDBG PROG PROF SERVICES 144279 $805.00* 03/21/94 $1,272.15 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 81779 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $41.40 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD M 81780 YORK SELLING CST OF,GDS MIX 03/21/94 $1,254.31 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 81781 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $885.55 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 81782 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $1,250.65 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 80982 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $2,574.10 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 80986 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $17.90 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD M 80986 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $1,854.60 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 80985 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $25.50 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 81279 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 144280 $9,176.16* 03/21/94 $93.02 RIEDELL SHOES GENERAL SUPPLIES 111235 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $274.34 RIEDELL SHOES SKATES 111495 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 144281 $367.36* 03/21/94 $11.67 ROAD RESCUE ACCESSORIES 142616 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2682 144282 $11.67* 03/21/94 $224.77 ROTO ROOTER SERV. CONTRACTED REPAIRS 9410712 BUILDING MAINT CONTR REPAIRS 144283 $224.77* 03/21/94 $30.00 RUANE, SHARON REFUND SKATING EDINB 022894 EDINB/CL PROG LESSON PRGM IN 144284 $30.00* 03/21/94 $384.00 RUDQUIST, MONICA AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 03/21/94 $246.00 RUDQUIST, MONICA PT MAINT ART CENTER 031594 ART CENTER BLD PROF SERVICES 144285 $630.00* 03/21/94 $413.70 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQ C REPAIR PARTS 75707 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2799 144286 $413.70* 03/21/94 $192.31 SA -AG INC SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 49130 SNOW & ICE REM SAND,GRVL & RO 03/21/94 $153.57 SA -AG INC SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 49258 DISTRIBUTION SAND,GRVL & RO 03/21/94 $667.83 SA -AG INC SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 49313 DISTRIBUTION SAND,GRVL & RO 03/21/94 $1,668.71 SA -AG INC SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 49376 SNOW & ICE REM SAND,GRVL & RO 144287 $2,682.42* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 J Page 24 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $151.23 SAFETY KLEEN HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL 166256 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 144288 $151.23* 03/21/94 $45.00 SCHMIDT, ERIC TOBACCO ENF 031194 POLICE DEPT. G INSP. EXP. 144289 $45.00* 03/21/94 $80.07 SCHUMANN'S BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD F 030194/A ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD FOOD 144290 $80.07* 03/21/94 $31.00 SCHWARTZ, S.A. WINE LICENSE INSPECT 030394 POLICE DEPT'. G INSP. EXP. 144291 $31.00* 03/21/94 $229.42 SEELYE PLASTICS GENERAL SUPPLIES 270545 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2678 144292 $229.42* 03/21/94 $150.00 SHANNON'S ROOFING COMP GENERAL SUPPLIES 022694 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 144293 $150.00* 03/21/94 $112.13 SHANNON, CARL GENERAL SUPPLIES 031594 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPLI 144294 $112.13* 03/21/94 $2,350.00 SHARE -A -HOME PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 021094 HUMAN RELATION PROF SERVICES 144295 $2,350.00* 03/21/94 $100.00 SHEPARD, JOHN POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144296 $100.00* 03/21/94 $26.49 SHERWIN WILLIAMS REPAIR PARTS 90004 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 3062 03/21/94 $110.16 SHERWIN WILLIAMS GENERAL_ SUPPLIES 89741 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 144297 $136.65* 03/21/94 $18.00 SIRACUSA, WENDY CLASS REFUND 030294 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 144298 $18.00* 03/21/94 $61.37 SMEGAL, GREGORY CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 030194 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 144299 $61.37* 03/21/94 $1,946.30 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 36608 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $724.95 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 36609 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $566.15 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 36748 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $1,612.15 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 36747 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $137.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 36805 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 144300 84,986.55* 03/21/94 $50.00 SOUTHWEST FIRE LEAGUE DUES /FIRE 1994 031194 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI 144301 $50.00' 03/21/94 $6,566.51 SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN CAB SECOND QUARTER 031094 COMMUNICATIONS PRO SVC OTHER 144302 $6,566.51* 03/21/94 $225.00 SPECIAL OPS TRAINING C CONT ED /POLICE 031494 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 144303 $225.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 25 CHECK NO ---------------7----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $410.20 SPS GENERAL SUPPLIES 2169428 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 3065 03/21/94 $191.19 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2168812 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 3030 144304 $601.39* 03/21/94 $632.00 ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVER DRIVER TRAINING LLB80280 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 144305 $632.00* 03/21/94 $254.67 STAR TRIBUNE ADVERTISING PERSONNE 022894 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 144306 $254.67* 03/21/94 $916.35 STATE OF MINNESOTA FILING FEES 031194 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 144307 5916.35* 03/21/94 $1,065.00 STATE OF.MINNESOTA FILING FEES 0311 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 144308 $1,065.00* 03/21/94 $15.00 STATE TREASURER LICENSES & PERMITS 030794 .TRAINING LIC & PERMITS 144309 $15.00* 03/21/94 $30.00 STEEN, SUE REFUND SKATING EDINB 022894 EDINB /CL PROG LESSON PRGM IN 144310 $30.00* 03/21/94 $400.00 STEIN, AMY AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144311 .$400.00* 03/21/94 $97.28 STEINBACH, BRUCE GENERAL SUPPLIES 030494 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 144312 $97.28* 03/21/94 $8,700.00 STORE FRONT PROF SERVICES 1123 HUMAN RELATION PROF SERVICES 144313 $8,700.00* 03/21/94 $882.84 STREICHERS SAFETY EQUIPMENT 79001.1 POLICE DEPT. G SAFETY EQUIPME 2549 144314 $882.84* 03/21/94 $103.16 STRGAR- ROSCOE -FAUSH PROF ENG SERV 0931832/ PRE - EMPTION EQUIP REPLACEM 144315 $103.16* 03/21/94 $5.40 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 199305 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $219.33 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 199102 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $446.02 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS 170091 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 03/21/94 $3.56 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 199948 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $84.01 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 199864 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $21.36 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 199842 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $98.67 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 199412 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 144316 $878.35* 03/21/94 $398.00 SUBURBAN PROPANE GASOLINE 021794 ARENA ICE MAIN GASOLINE 144317 $398.00* . 03/21/94 $1,875.00 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORIT DUES 1994 SUB.RATE AUTH. PROF SERVICES 144318 $1,875.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 26 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/21/94 $50.00 SULLIVAN, MONICA AC INSTRUCTOR 031594 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 144319 $50.00* 03/21/94 $43.98 SUPERAMERICA GASOLINE 031494 EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE 144320 $43.98* 03/21/94 $76.97 SUPERIOR FORD CONTRACTED REPAIRS 85375 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 144321 $76.97* 03/21/94 $100.00 SWANSON, HAROLD POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144322 $100.00* 03/21/94 $61.20 SYMANTEC GENERAL SUPPLIES 030194 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 144323 $61.20* 03/21/94 $270.61 SYSCO- MINNESOTA COST OF GOODS SOLD F 030194 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 03/21/94 $28.93 SYSCO- MINNESOTA GENERAL SUPPLIES 030194 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 144324 $299.54* 03/21/94 84.37 SYSTEM SUPPLY DISK 3101 PUBLIC HEALTH GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $6.71 SYSTEM SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 003083 PUBLIC HEALTH GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $196.24 SYSTEM SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 3067 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3175 03/21/94 $29.86 SYSTEM SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 003083 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 3182 03/21/94 $48.47 SYSTEM SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 003034 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 3105 03/21/94 $11.07 SYSTEM SUPPLY BACKUP TAPES 003029 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $49.00 SYSTEM SUPPLY BACKUP TAPES 003029 LIQUOR 50TH ST GENERAL SUPPLI 3100 144325 $345.72* 03/21/94 $50.52 TAMARACK MATERIAL REPAIR PARTS 363342 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 2871 144326 $50.52* 03/21/94 $40.11 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 85312 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $46.80 TARGET OFFICE SUPPLIES 021194 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE 144327 $86.91* 03/21/94 $58.00 TAUNTON PRESS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 030894 GENERAL FD PRO DUES & SUBSCRI 144328 $58.00* 03/21/94 $42.40 TECHNICAL ARTS CORPORA GENERAL SUPPLIES 022694 PATHS & HARD S GENERAL SUPPLI 144329 $42.40* 03/21/94 $177.00 THE CONNECTION ADVERTISING OTHER 16292 ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER 144330 $177.00* 03/21/94 $118.22 THE KANE SERVICE SECURITY -PRO SERVIC 5390285 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES 144331 $118.22* 03/21/94 $462.74 THE PRINT SHOP GENERAL SUPPLIES 23099 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2821 144332 $462.74* 03/21/94 $385.25 THOMAS MOORE INC TEMP HELP 00168 ADMINISTRATION PROF SERVICES 03/21/94 $368.00 THOMAS MOORE INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 20105 INSPECTIONS PROF SERVICES 144333 $753.25* A COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 27 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 03/21/94 $13,400.88 THOMSEN - NYBECK PROSECUTING 81415 LEGAL SERVICES PROF SERVICES 144334 $13,400.88* 03/21/94 $1,187.55 THORPE DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 29365 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $103.20 THORPE DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD M 29365 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 03/21/94 $237.30 THORPE DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 29658 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $1,917.45 THORPE DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 28951 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 03/21/94 $21.30 THORPE DISTR. COST OF GOODS SOLD M 28951 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 144335 $3,466.80* 03/21/94 $35.92 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUP TIRES & TUBES 257450 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2879 03/21/94 $17.17 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 258681 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 2970 03/21/94 $119.00 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 479971 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 144336 $172.09* 03/21/94 $126.91 TOOLS BY OLSEN TOOLS 78778 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 3038 144337 $126.91* 03/21/94 $156.74 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 030394 RESERVE PROGRA UNIF ALLOW 03/21/94 $1,409.52 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 030394 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 03/21/94 - $61.15 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 030394 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 03/21/94 $42.04 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED GENERAL SUPPLIES 030394 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 144338 $1,547.15* 03/21/94 $430.26 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 28562500 PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS 2819 03/21/94 $15.98 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 28828800 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS 3037 03/21/94 $76.23 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 28730400 50TH ST OCCUPA REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 - $52.06 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 94724200 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 2565 03/21/94 - $58.51 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 94655600 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $18.47 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 28049201 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2412 03/21/94 $27.72 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 28352300 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 2599 03/21/94 $151.37 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 28611600 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 2859 144339 $609.46* 03/21/94 $85.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOT CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 030894 PARK MAINTENAN CONF & SCHOOLS 144340 $85.00* 03/21/94 $26.63 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 030194 PARKING MONITO TELEPHONE 144341 $26.63* 03/21/94 $4,472.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $869.31 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $62.22 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 MAINT OF COURS TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $109.92 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 POOL OPERATION TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $242.97 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 ARENA BLDG /GRO TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $115.85 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 GUN RANGE TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $106.54 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 CENTENNIAL LAK TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $54.16 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $151.76 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 'TELEPHONE 032194 VERNON OCCUPAN TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $182.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 ART CENTER BLD TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $449.72 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE 03/21/94 $54.16 US WEST.COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 DARE TELEPHONE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 28 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/21/94 $208.80 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 032194 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 144342 $7,079.41* 03/21/94 $2,646.15 USAQUATICS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 030494 POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS 3239 144343 $2,646.15* 03/21/94 $56.00 VAA, KATHLEEN CLASS REFUND 030194 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 144344 $56.00* 03/21/94 $74.31 VACUUM CENTER CONTRACTED REPAIRS 14957 GOLF DOME CONTR REPAIRS 144345 $74.31* 03/21/94 $470.73 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 003445 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 03/21/94 $12.25 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 004230 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 03/21/94 $35.15 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 004020 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 03/21/94 - $76.68 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES 004019 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 144346 $441.45* 03/21/94 $374.40 VANTAGE ELECTRIC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 12842 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 3003 03/21/94 $330.62 VANTAGE ELECTRIC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 12839 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 3003 144347 $705.02* 03/21/94 $108.63 VOSS LIGHTING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 236178 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 2699 03/21/94 $497.23 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 236580 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 2858 03/21/94 $36.30 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 236590 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 144348 $642.16* 03/21/94 $169.96 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 6015644 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 2955 03/21/94 $307.22 W W GRAINGER SAFETY EQUIPMENT 6986562 PUMP & LIFT ST SAFETY EQUIPME 2856 03/21/94 $112.16 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 49528581 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 03/21/94 $72.94 W W GRAINGER TOOLS 49869938 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 2867 03/21/94 $34.78 W W GRAINGER SAFETY EQUIPMENT 49869863 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 2856 03/21/94 $257.37 W W GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 49601991 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2883 144349 $954.43* 03/21/94 $100.00 WALBRIDGE, DAVID PERFORM /EDINBOROUGH 032494 CENTENNIAL LAK PRO SVC OTHER 144350 $100.00* 03/21/94 $100.00 WALSH, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144351 $100.00* 03/21/94 $94.79 WARNING LITES OF MINNE GENERAL SUPPLIES 8959 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 2804 144352 $94.79* 03/21/94 $250.00 WASSMUND, TOM SNOW PLOW CONTRACT 01016 YORK OCCUPANCY CONTR REPAIRS 144353 $250.00* 03/21/94 $84.24 WATER PRO GENERAL SUPPLIES 542655 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2774 144354 $84.24* 03/21/94 $20.23 WATERSTREET, JOAN PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIE 031594 POLICE DEPT. G PHOTO SUPPLIES 03/21/94 $43.28 WATERSTREET, JOAN PRISONER MEALS 031594 POLICE DEPT. 0 PRISONER MEALS 03/21/94 $80.23 WATERSTREET, JOAN GENERAL SUPPLIES 031594 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Mar 17 1994 00:25:30 Page 29 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/21/94 $121.98 WATERSTREET, JOAN CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 031594 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 03/21/94 $11.98 WATERSTREET, JOAN LAUNDRY 031594 POLICE DEPT. G LAUNDRY 03/21/94 $20.20 WATERSTREET, JOAN MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 031594 POLICE DEPT. G MILEAGE 03/21/94 $67.96 WATERSTREET, JOAN MEETING EXPENSE 031594 POLICE DEPT. G MEETING EXPENS 144355 $365.86* 03/21/94 $416.50 WENDY ANDERSON ENTERPR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 030194 ADMINISTRATION PROF SERVICES A 144356 $416.50* 03/21/94 $232.94 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. REPAIR PARTS 9929 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2876 03/21/94 $369.70 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. REPAIR PARTS 7930 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3063 144357 $602.64* 03/21/94 $96.85 WESTBURNE SUPPLY INC -P REPAIR PARTS 756728 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS 2674 03/21/94 $92.50 WESTBURNE SUPPLY INC -P GENERAL SUPPLIES 767714 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 144358 $189.35* 03/21/94 $372.75 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 42257 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 2805 03/21/94 $16.25 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 42180 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 2805 144359 $389.00* 03/21/94 $141.58 WILLIAMS STEEL TOOLS 538871 PUMP & LIFT ST TOOLS 2882 03/21/94 $51.64 WILLIAMS STEEL GENERAL SUPPLIES 53375203 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 144360 $193.22* 03/21/94 $31.94 WOLD, MIKE GENERAL SUPPLIES 030294 VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL SUPPLI 144361 $31.94* 03/21/94 $100.00 WROBLESKI, HENRY POLICE SERVICES MARCH 19 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 144362 $100.00* 03/21/94 $665.63 XEROX CORP EQUIPMENT RENTAL 40923572 CENT SVC GENER EQUIP RENTAL 144363 $665.63* 03/21/94 $85.20 ZACKS IND CLEANING GENERAL SUPPLIES 1804 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2998 144364 $85.20* 03/21/94 $63.61 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE SAFETY SUPPLIES 54188922 ED ADMINISTRAT SAFETY EQUIPME 03/21/94 $99.16 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 54065274 ARENA ADMINIST SAFETY EQUIPME 3177 03/21/94 $10.17 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE FIRST AID SUPPLIES 54065275 GOLF DOME GENERAL SUPPLI 03/21/94 $40.15 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE FIRST AID SUPPLIES 54065278 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 3115 144365 $213.09* 03/21/94 $319.18 ZIEGLER INC REPAIR PARTS MCB5785 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2853 03/21/94 $18.68 ZIEGLER INC REPAIR PARTS MC83922 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2784 03/21/94 $485.73 ZIEGLER INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS FM34079 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 144366 $823.59* $486,035.10 COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY Thu Mar 17 1994 00:27:24 Page 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUND # 10 GENERAL FUND $185,534.80 FUND # 11 C.D.B.G. $830.00 FUND # 12 COMMUNICATION $14,961.81 FUND # 15 WORKING CAPITAL $9,250.57 FUND # 23 ART CENTER $9,695.18 FUND # 26 SWIMMING POOL $2,824.45 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE $84,423.95 FUND # 28 ICE ARENA $32,310.64 FUND # 29 GUN RANGE $654.31 FUND # 30 EDINB /CENT LAKES $22,063.31 FUND # 40 UTILITY FUND $31,441.58 FUND # 41 STORM SEWER $3,064.81 FUND # 42 RECYCLING $39,839.29 FUND # 50 LIQUOR FUND $47,494.31 FUND # 60 CONSTRUCT FUND $1,646.09 $486,035.10