HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-11_BOARD OF REVIEWNOTE TO FILE FOR 1994 BOARD OF REVIEW: The 1994 Board of Review was held on April 11, 1994, at which time public comments were received and was continued to April 25, 1994, for decision on the appeals. The packet data furnished to Council prior to the April 25, 1994, meeting is on file in. the Assessor's office. HC 586 (2/84) CERTIFICATION OF POSTING OF ASSESSMENT NOTICE State of Minnesota COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ss. CITY OF EDINA 1, Marcella M. Daehn , Clerk of the City of Edina in said County for the year 19 94 , do hereby certify that on the 23rd day of March , 1994 , in conformity with requirements of law, I posted notices in each of three of the most public places in said C; f)j at least ten days before the time of meeting therein named, and also caused such notice to be published in a legal newspaper, of which the following is a true copy, to -wit: ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Review of the City of Edina in Hennepin County, Minnesota, will meet at chc�vEthe Council Chambers, —CT yri- nn -gM6 Edina City Hall at 5:00 o'clock P • M., on Monday I , the 11th day of April 19 94, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said City for the year 1994 All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment, or who wish to complain that the property of another is assess- ed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Dated the 23rd day of March , 1994 Marcella M. Daehn Clerk of the City of Edina Given under my hand this 23rd day of - Maarrch 19 Clerk State of Minnesota, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ss. CITY of EDINA We, the undersigned, Board of Review of the City of Edina in said Count}, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the olfiee�ane cil Chambers, Edina City Hall Eierk-of said City on the day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk of said CitV and that we then and there remained in session the whole of said day as a Board of Review. Witness our hands this NOTICE TO ASSESSOR Assessor must make the necessary footings at bottom of each page and carry them forward to the "Tabular Statement ", form, and in so doing use all possible care. Minnesota Statutes, Section 274.04. The assessor shall foot each column in his assessment book, and make in each book, under proper headings, a tabular statement showing the footings of the several columns upon each page. He shall also foot the total amounts of the several columns under the respective headings. * ' ' Such return shall be verified by his affidavit substantially in the following form: ASSESSOR'S RETURN OATH To Be Signed By County Assessor To Auditor of the County of Minnesota. State of Minnesota SS. County of I, County Assessor of the County of do solemnly swear that the book to which this is attached contains a correct and full list of all Real and Personal Property subject to assessment and taxation in the of for the year 19 , so far as I have been able to ascertain the same, and that the market value, except as limited by statute, and the assessed value, except as limited by statute, set down in the property column, opposite the several kinds and descriptions of property, is in each case the market value, except as limited by statute, and assessed value, except as limited by statute, of such property, to the best of my knowledge and belief, including all changes made by the Board of Review; and that the footings of the several columns in said book and the tabular statements returned herewith are correct, as I verily believe. Subscribed and sworn to before me this County of day of Auditor of CERTIFICATION•OF NOTICE ON INCREASED VALUATIONS State of Minnesota Of SS. County Assessor _,19 County I, County Assessor of County, Minnesota, do solemnly swear that the owner or occupant of each description of real property which was subjected to an increase in market value over the preceding year's assessment was given official notice of the amount of such increases. I further certify that all such notices were sent through the course of ordinary mail not less than ten days prior to .W-th 0- Year the of duly convened or on ten days prior to the official adjournment thereof: - MoMh Da. k "mr Date Signature: on which Board of Review a MR �.T Form 0 1-4 — Poucher. Mpts. STATE OF INNESOr Countyof pennep n of Fd We, the undersigned, Board I R I lon — of the City Of Edina in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office Counct] Chamber's, Xteffnt fth Of of the day April 199.x. The day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk, and in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 274.01. We made changes In the ig 94 Assessments as entered in the follawln�g%orm&�Wd�nessour harids d day of �Ihis , hairman CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW only to C11198 whom Charters provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of Review. •Enter "Yes" or "No" for each Description. Identity Parcel on which Residence is Located with Letter "H". Indicate If Mid-Year or Fractional Homestead. — 8•ndicale Type of Properly. R - Residential. C - Commercial, I - Industrial, U - Utility. F - Farm, T - Timber. Homestead; 2a. to or I b. SRR - Seasonal Reavational Residential, SRC - Seasoned Recreational Commercial, FH - National Housing. • 0 - Other, Specify. Mineral — 5.25%; Railroad — 3.30% - 5.25%. ICI' Cab firrrn NAME OF MOPERTY OMER 4MADDRE34 PTd D— W. ;A '' �7 ell. Fir. to pi� �y C� d pm—ly E� D 1,i E..� M� � d o� REMARKS j A, adlurPo OCr MR �.T Form 0 1-4 — Poucher. Mpts. STATE OF INNESOr Countyof pennep n of Fd We, the undersigned, Board I R I lon — of the City Of Edina in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office Counct] Chamber's, Xteffnt fth Of of the day April 199.x. The day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk, and in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 274.01. We made changes In the ig 94 Assessments as entered in the follawln�g%orm&�Wd�nessour harids d day of �Ihis , hairman CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW only to C11198 whom Charters provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of Review. •Enter "Yes" or "No" for each Description. Identity Parcel on which Residence is Located with Letter "H". Indicate If Mid-Year or Fractional Homestead. — 8•ndicale Type of Properly. R - Residential. C - Commercial, I - Industrial, U - Utility. F - Farm, T - Timber. Homestead; 2a. to or I b. SRR - Seasonal Reavational Residential, SRC - Seasoned Recreational Commercial, FH - National Housing. • 0 - Other, Specify. Mineral — 5.25%; Railroad — 3.30% - 5.25%. ICI' Cab firrrn NAME OF MOPERTY OMER 4MADDRE34 PTd D— W. DESCRIPTION Ld ell. Fir. N— Cl pi� �y C� d pm—ly E� D 1,i E..� M� � d o� REMARKS j A, adlurPo OCr Oy sty P� P-P" A— 1005 —04-116-21-21-0054 13� Do � D- 131 Palmer Yes R 16,400 170,000 36,800 133,20 ogetty-Aungst 04-116-21-21-0056 Y.c I? C Orin 14n-nnf) 36,000 104,000 /Jean Holmes 04-116-21-22-0108 Yes R 13,900 130,000 38,500 91,500 P,;tr cIa Moe 04-116-21-23-0035 Yes R 7,200 132.500 40.300 92,200- Plante ­nMardelle 04-116-21-24-0099 Yes R N !Me SChaar . 04-116-21-32-0018 Yes _N/C 140S '/Marie Kata 05-116-21-11-0022 Yes i R N/C games /Beatrice Voss 05-116-21-11-0060 Yes R N C ftjoaInd/Patricia Hansen 05-116-21-11-0084 IYes R di Burdick 05-116-21-22-0039 [Yes N/C Y N/C I t t4,�$;Yke1 05-116-21-43-0021 IYes R N On FB9Ck 06-116-21-12,0006 Yes R 51,500 440,000 114,400 325,606 SuSah-Jacobs 06-116-21-134037 Yes- JL N/C Doug as Soderberg 06-116-21-21;0012 Yes R 0 116,700 403,100 ollebert/Ruth Donaldson 06-116-21-24-0035 No R NIC 1I6jj6 Nibbe . 06-116-21-32-0039 -Yes T /Jew el Lalim 06-116-21-42-0015 I IYU R N1r. .J; )tm erg 08-116-21-21-0027 IYes R N/C I— NOME! Where orniffed Real Properb, Is pirldliff Indlrato -l". �f I MR �.T 4 MR �.T Form O 1 -4 - Poucher, Mpls STATE OF MINNESOTA. County of Hennepin I ITY of I,GT04 We, the undersigned, Board of R VV juation - of the C j� of Fd i, na in said County, do hereby cenity that we, and each of us, attended at the office of the Council Hi n ber s, Olerkk I a 11 th day of ,Qpr 19Q4 -. The day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk, and in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 274.01. We made changes in the 19.94_ Assessments as entered in the following forms Witness our hands this day of 19 _. hairman n CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW - •Apdies only to Cities whose Charters provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of R ew. *Enter "Yes" or "No" for each Description. Identity Parcel on which Residence is Located with Letter "H ". Indicate it Mid -Year or Fractional Homestead. - - Indicate Type of Property R - Residential, C - Commercial, I - Industrial, U - Utility, F - Farm, T - Timber. Homestead: 2a, to or lb, SRR - Seasonal Recreational Residential, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, FH - National Housing. * O - Other, Specify: Mineral - 5.25 %; Railroad - 3.30%- 5.25 %. INMEOF N AND R AND ADORE44 P,vctl a Dos:, W. DESCRIRrgN 08- 116 -21 -21 -0050 Sec. o In hp. ar elk Rip. Nu . d Aaa,d Deetl,tl lentl NumM .. - F,rm lentl lMl- wb Home ,taetl Yoe w wo' Wle ryro d enY Rny by s- classd HePUIY __ - _ -�_ A,. A, aA.w OMm lnaease Esllm,letl kLrkel IIaM< DO-_ Deaeax Eslimaletl Mv,el Val,s _ DMar, �•�• MerFal valued aryl Rae Pmyerry Ddhb, REMARKS -I-ANA- _ Aam 1� James /Ann Bcure Yes R ,100 75,000 160,000 :Edward /Laurel Szachowicz 08- 116 -21 -22 -0001 Yes R 0; 12,1001 240,000 90,000 150,000 'Stephen /Fay Gold _ 08- 116 -21 -31 -0044 yes_ _R_ _ _ __'1r,7X 480,000 122,900 357,100 Michael Corcoran 08- 116- 21 -33 -00 350,000 77,000 273,000 Timothy/Nancy Gagner 08- 116.21 -34 -0028 Yes R 27,100 510,000 152,000 358,000 ¢erald /Patricia Hadd 09- 116 -21 -21 -0013 Yes R I N/C Diana Thompson 28- 117 -21 -21 -0131 lYes R 11,700 147.000 50,100 96,900 Christopher /Roxanne Flynn 28- 117 -21 -23 -0017 Yes R 20,000 205,000 47,400 157,100 Jerome ChapiI 28- 117 -21 -32 -0059 Yes R 6,700 146,70o 28,900 117,800 rd on Lewis 28- 117 -21 -33 -0031 No C N/C on ewi8 28- 117 -21 -34 -0019 No C N/C ipaqon s 28-117-21-34-0022 No C N/C Gordon Lewis 28- 117 -21 -34 -0026 No C j James /Catering Lopesio 29- 117 -21 -12 -0003 Yes R 59,600 750,000 16@;000 6@9;QOD :.'Thomas /Garin Collins 29- 117 -21 -21 -0023 Yes R 75,000 834,600 137,000 697,600 Melvin /Linda Vogel 29- 117 -21 -21 -0025 Yes R 30,300 561,500 160,000 401,500 William /Mar Fitch 29- 117 -21 -34 -0027 Yes R N/C Thomas /Gayle Wilson 29- 117 -21 -44 -0056 Yes R N/C NOTE: Where omitted Real Pmnertv In adder! Indirate vsh ,n of I and W W,11- n,d btarhi-ry qr ,,Ihly �. 0; r. rl 1 • �f•i li .l I,1 r'rr. Form 0 1 -4 — Pourher, MPI& t STATE OF MINNESOTA, I County of Hennepin ' We, the undersigned, Board of �'L�yyy AAaa allzation — of the (' i t,� of Ed i na in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office a Section 274.01. We made changes in the 19Q4 Assessments as entered in the following forms. Witness our hands this L day of ^,, - Chairman I+ ♦ e CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW — Apdies only to Cities whose Charters provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of R L iF - Farm, T - Timber. Homestead: 2a, to or tb, SRR - Seasonal Recreational Residential, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, FH - National Housing. + O - Other, Speciy. Mineral — 5.25 %; Railroad — 3.30% - 5.25 %. Inal- •��� Sao-' ' � `'`� •.�f''f`�' K v '1; _ PPOf6RY OWNER 4mADDFWs K 1 f_ 8c t A: elk +b+a 1NmpdM nvnal A—d W.,,oa 1W,,, 1—i Home d®4 "0 d Roo- CW,d Plopoly r +�klA Ddi,av H raarner A1YY.d Vdueer acs Md REMnCS Nd,- cad M 0m Form 0 1 -4 — Pourher, MPI& t STATE OF MINNESOTA, I County of Hennepin • �lt�or Edina We, the undersigned, Board of �'L�yyy AAaa allzation — of the (' i t,� of Ed i na in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office d Mef.Qn l n(• rbap $ ' "'r Glelk�ihe .11 day of Apr fl 1994 . The day sell forth in the notice given by the Clerk, and in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 274.01. We made changes in the 19Q4 Assessments as entered in the following forms. Witness our hands this L day of ^,, - Chairman I+ CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW — Apdies only to Cities whose Charters provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of R 'Enter ••Yes•' or "No" for each Description. Identity Parcel on which Residence Is Located with Lefler "H'•. Indicate If Mid -Year or Fractional Homestead. — —Indicate Type of Property R - Residential, C - Commercial, I - Industrial, U - tJtility, iF - Farm, T - Timber. Homestead: 2a, to or tb, SRR - Seasonal Recreational Residential, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, FH - National Housing. + O - Other, Speciy. Mineral — 5.25 %; Railroad — 3.30% - 5.25 %. Inal- ro • _ PPOf6RY OWNER 4mADDFWs PY�ad Doo DESLNTION 8c t A: elk +b+a 1NmpdM nvnal A—d W.,,oa 1W,,, 1—i Home d®4 "0 d Roo- CW,d Plopoly Inusro ea Mm Ddi,av H raarner A1YY.d Vdueer acs Md REMnCS Nd,- cad M 0m no• sb, oar Vdus Dma, W. D. P-i-ty Daum, •ao coo, Yernon /Muriel Clauson 30- 117 -21 -12 -0052 Yes R N/C awes /Debra Ronning 30- 117 -21 -13 -0017 Yes R N/C t Robert /Janis Froefmning 30- 117 -21 -24 -0024 Yes R 41,600 460,000 140,000 320,000 Wallace Kenneth. 30- 117 -21 -32 -0004 No A N/C Beatrice Dvorak 30- 117 -21 -33 -0007 Yes RZ N/C Cindy /Perry Witkin 30- 117 -21 -42 -0010 Yes R N/C Douglas /Janet Forsberg 30- 117 -21 -42 -0032 Yes R 37,100 505,000 140,000 365,000 Robert Jepson 31- 117 -21 -11 -0006 No S N/C Paul Flatley 31- 117 -21 -13 -0003 Yesi R N/C 0401el /Mar Hurley 31- 117 -21 -44 -0015 Yes R N/C 6° eth Ledeboer 31- 111 -21 -44 -0047 Yes R 21,100 267,000 44,100 222,900 a a John on 32- 117 -21 -12 -0054 Yes R N/C ' Lauralee Lindeland 32- 117 -21 -14 -0011 Yes R 13,500 164,0001 44,500 , ' Jeanette Swofford 32- 117 -21 -23 -0048 Yes R 9,400 157,0001 46,500 110,500 Michael Lonergan 32- 117 -21 -34 -0060 Yes R 10,100 170,000 42,200 127,800 Jack /Eileen Abrahamson 33- 117 -21 -22 -0011 Yes R N/C Stephen /Christine Ullom 33- 117 -21 -22 -0016 IYesl R N/C spencer/Dorothy Marsh 33- 117 -21 -22 -0032 IYesl R N/C NOTE: Where omitted Real Property Is added indicate value of 1 and, 801dlnnn rind Machin— Sons M 1 Ji t�l� t J"vn.�• .;elf ?A:if ;.' °..'r•C. t t 1t, kWr�"r -17 Form O 1 -4 - Poucher, Mots. - _ 33- 117 -21 -23 -0038 33- 117 -21 -24 -0022 33- 117 -21 -24 -0029 33- 117 -21 -33 -0092 _ Joyce Thiss Michael /Dolores Westergreen STATE OF MINNESOTA, 'ore Rou emy by SYm. pot' R R R -R R R R R 33- 117 -21 -33 -0069 33- 117 -21 -33 -0071 33- 117 -21 -33 -0087 Wesley McCoy Kenneth %Rebecca Jacques Christopher /joanne Kudrna County of. - Hennepin - --- Thomas /Mary Lavelle 33- 117 -21 -34 -0016 of __Ed]od - -- - - - -- 33- 117 -21 -34 -0067 Peter /Colleer. Pause - -- We, the undersigned. Board of Re zalion �q�� ' ��11 - of the _ - _ -�]_ty _ of -Edina -_ __ _ in said County, do hereby __ _ ___- -- certify that we, and each of us, allended at the office of the -Cou nc.11�hamher_s,_ ter on 1 e _ _11ih day of Y -Apr Y- given Y ]1 -_ _, 19 94 __ The day set forth m the notice ven b the Clerk, and in - -_ accordance with the provisions P of Minnesota Statutes, Section 274.01. We made changes in the 19 14 - Assessments as entered in the following forms. Witness our this __ l �Z A.d_ - _. day of 07- 028 -24 -13 -0041 - 07- 028 -24- 134100 Chi Liu / Miriam Gong Arthur /Joanne Downey 172,000 �hands 160,000 12,300 140,500 t CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW - 'Applies only to Cities whose Charters provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of Review. ill 1 I d ' I U- Ulilt 'Enter "Yes" or "No" for each Description. Identity Parcel on which Residence Is Located with Letter "H ". Indicate It Mid -Year or Fractional Homestead. - Indicate Type of Property. R - Residential, C - Commercla. - n uslna, 1Y. F- Farm, T - Timber. Homestead: 2a, 1a or 1 b, SRR - Seasonal Recreational Residential, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, FH - National Housing. • O - Other, Specify: Mineral - 5.25%; Railroad - 3.30% - 5.25% NAME OF P ocel PROPERTY OW NER DESCRIPTION AND ADDRESS Desc No. Gordon /Renae Weber Don /Virginia Washburn - _ 33- 117 -21 -23 -0038 33- 117 -21 -24 -0022 33- 117 -21 -24 -0029 33- 117 -21 -33 -0092 _ Joyce Thiss Michael /Dolores Westergreen John /Margaret Holahan 'ore Rou emy by SYm. pot' R R R -R R R R R 33- 117 -21 -33 -0069 33- 117 -21 -33 -0071 33- 117 -21 -33 -0087 Wesley McCoy Kenneth %Rebecca Jacques Christopher /joanne Kudrna 33- 117 -21 -34 -0006 33- 117 -21 -34 -0012 Manley /Betty Oakes Thomas /Mary Lavelle 33- 117 -21 -34 -0016 Michael /r,eraldine Sioblom 33- 117 -21 -34 -0067 Peter /Colleer. Pause - -- 33- 117 -21 -34 -0100 Rosemary Freeman 33- 117 -21 -34 -0103 Gregory/Lisa Buck _ 33- 117 -21 -34 -0104 -Frank/Lois Cardarelle 33- 117 -21 -34 -0122 Mal M, El s4 4y__ _ 07- 028 -24 -13 -0041 - 07- 028 -24- 134100 Chi Liu / Miriam Gong Arthur /Joanne Downey 172,000 07- 028 -24 -13 -0131 SK LaI TWP elk. Hng Number nl Acres of Dee4etl ldrb -- Ayes 1005 Number Acros of Farm Lantl I� me i atl sYes No' Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 'ore Rou emy by SYm. pot' R R R -R R R R R Classol RopenY AHn ubural - - - Dyer Increase Estimaleo Markel VaWe DoNars -N /C Decrease Mar EMa..E VaWe Ddlars 2,ioo 6,900 6,100 T� Mar,et Value or OR. RBI ProPenY DdWs 126,00Dely� 156,000 , REMARKS -_ a 35,100 90,900 31,200 124,800 30,100 107,900' 42.100 129,900 43,000 122,000 41,300 118,700 33,300 19Zgeo- 107xv - - -- - -- 138,000 -- - 8,500 9,000 12,900 172,000 165,000 160,000 12,300 140,500 Yes R 6,600 128,000 35,400 92,600 36,300 113,700 Yes R 4.900 150.000 Yes R 14,600 173.000 36,700 J37Inb Yes R 18,700 172,500 37,900 134,600 Yes Yes R R 5,900 140,000 35,900 104,100 56,400 125,600 7,400 182,000 Yes R 80,700 325,000 36,600 288,400 - - -- -- No Yes Yes R R -R -- - -N7C- 24,400 20,9001 153,900 25,900 128,000 30,500 107,500 , 138,000 - - -- NOTE: Where milled Real Properly is added indicate value of Land. Buildings and Machinery Separately. i- i I 5� ti Form O 1 -4 — Poucher, Mpls. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County Dl Hennepin City O, Edina We. the undersigned, Board of 1.1 alization — of the r.; t� of Ed j na in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at me office OW,, ern nC i'1 Gh4m her 5 1.1 C(erF bA the Utb 1 1t Apr i�l , 1994— The day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk, and in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 274.01. We matte changes in the 19 -94— Assessments as entered in the following forms. Witness our hands this 2^d day of Gj J- a1 // // �f7 / / l � Chairman ' CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW — 'ADDlies only to Cities whose Charters provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of Revjew. - 'Enter "Yes" or "No" for each Description. Identify Parcel on which Residence is Located with Letter "H ". Indicate if Mid-Year or Fractional Homestead. — "Indicate Type of Property R - Residential, C - Commercial, I - Industrial, U - Utility,- - F - Farm, T - Timber. Homestead: 2a, 1a or 1b. SRR - Seasonal Recreational Residential, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, FH - National Housing. * O - Other, Specify Mineral — 5.25 %; Railroad — 3.30% - 5.25 %. I NM1-1 i RROFFATY OWNER aFO�00RE.5S 1 1 tN Oeac. Flo- DESGRIfTION Sec. ltl T-- My N.-0 O faot Dees 1— N.— a "of Fnn t IMF Ceb M-- S— Yea a NO' tale Mee of Rmy en, eY SYm" ecl" P-11 —_ — Claaaq A ,F N cWVq Olen Imeeae E.1-10 Merlbl VaMle DoAne Deaeeae in EsluMee Martel W. Olden eall:rla Maeq wue0 6 6 Req R-P" Dtllara REMMKS �g�a bn IODa Joseph /Sa►•a Anderson 07:028-24-43-0059 e R 1 5.300 1 30.500 129,500 Jerry/Maureen Kno6l4uch 07- 028 -24 -43 -0131 R 9 �ohert /Donna McGarry 18-028-24-124103 Yes Charles /Ware Washam III 18- 028 -24 -12 -0125 Yes R 11.20 265 63,600 201,400 David /Cynthia Farmer 18428 -24 -13 -0017 Yes _ C Joseph Green /Truth` Anderson 18- 028 -24 -13 -0087 Frank /Rita Cooley, Jr, 18- 028 -24 -13 -0129 Daniel Ju e s Ann Merrill 18-028-24-13-0144 Edina Properties, Inc 8- 028 -24 -14 4022 181,500 334,200 1025 800 Linda K ffenftam 18-028-24-14-0040 r5t i 8- 32 30 232 0 174,600 8. I. Larry/Ch4rlene Witherell 118-028-24-14-0095 177,800 ;LA Real Estate Group, etal 8428.2414 -0126 Njr r nk Janet Lederele 111 18-028-24-21-0037 Richard N/C DaniplInphitrah nay 18-028-24-23-0075 Yes R N C NOTE: Where omitted Real Property is added Indicate value of Land, Buildings and Machinery Separately. •a; I Form O 1.4 — Poucher, Mpls. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Hennepin City of Edina fir,' We, the undersigned, Board of R W"ation — of the _C, y of Edina in said County, do hereby cenily that we, and eaFh o1 us, attended at the office old„ fgLLpc i 1 .hC amber 5 L Clerk on Me �1 t h daY of April ' 19_� —.. The day set ton in the notice given by the Clerk, and in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Standea, Section 274.01. We made changes in the 19 -- Assessments as entered in the following forms. Witness our hands Mis — j^d day of 19 G Chairman CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW — 'Applies only to Cities whose Charters provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of Review. 'Enter "Yes" or "No" for each Description. Identify Parcel on which Residence is Located with Letter "H ". Indicate if Mid-Year or Fractional Homestead. — "Indicate Type of Property: R - Residential, C - Commercial, I - Induslnal, U - lxility, c - I=nr,a T Timber. Homestead: 2a, 1a or 1b, SRR - Seasonal Recreational Residential, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, FH - National Housing. + 0 - Other, Specify. Mineral — 5.25 %; Railroad — 3.30% - 5.25%. NOTE; Where guided Real Property i9 added indicate value of Land, Buildings and Machinery Separately. � •..+ • . •' -. y �e I! Inai Pia type Classd triflaeY Deu'ease �di1lde MIME OF gppEprY OWNER �� DESCRTN _ a sal 'f�• alb: „++]xx'.f. ..�', Nunlba Rued Dee0e41ab of Numoel bpd Farm lab HOmo- d yn , �.FSr• i; R®1 rVOpartY REMARKS _ b AM ADDRESS DZ NO. INO-SM Apr ad W ONar Dollars Ddlara Rt.. IOps 'Vir inia Lu o 4,r '3; 18- 028 -24- 21.'0079 97 , 500 96r non _-0. 7 00 16fim3DU 3 James/Gail Hogg 18- 02824 -22 -0040 332,500- Charles /Janice Buth 18- 028 -24 -22 -0045 NOTE; Where guided Real Property i9 added indicate value of Land, Buildings and Machinery Separately. � •..+ • . •' -. y �e I! Inai Pia type Classd triflaeY Deu'ease �di1lde MIME OF gppEprY OWNER �� DESCRTN _ a sal a Ba Rr Nunlba Rued Dee0e41ab of Numoel bpd Farm lab HOmo- d Rop" E . M® VaW W MMa Value R®1 rVOpartY REMARKS _ b AM ADDRESS DZ NO. INO-SM Apr ad W ONar Dollars Ddlara Rt.. IOps 'Vir inia Lu o 18- 028 -24- 21.'0079 97 , 500 96r non _-0. 7 00 16fim3DU 3 James/Gail Hogg 18- 02824 -22 -0040 332,500- Charles /Janice Buth 18- 028 -24 -22 -0045 14 4on 4sn-on Robert /Sally Lund 18- 02844 - 224055 Y.p Mervin Kron eld 18-028 -24- 234007 18- 028 -24-24 -0006 k Rebecca Wand James /Danny Rude 18- 028 -24 -2 Ronald /Judith Vessey 18- 028 -24 -24 -0026 Yes R NIC 989 William /Laurie MacLean 18- 028 -24- 240044 Yes R 16 2130 610,00 190 417111 John /Joanie Fox 18- 028.•24- 42 -0046 516 400 James /Betsy Jo Hiniker III 18- 028 -24- 420061 19,1nn 74n,non Jacquellnel. Mithun 18- 028-24 -44 -0067 John Crist /Anne Bishop 18- 028 -24- 440071 14 600 49; 400 144 Daniel /Andrea Gionet 19- 028 -24 -12 -0110 Donald Pau h 19-028-24-12-0111 9 000 145 000 4 Christopher C o - Yes R 24 400 183 000 Thomas/Mary Lou Hines - NOTE; Where guided Real Property i9 added indicate value of Land, Buildings and Machinery Separately. � •..+ • . •' -. y NOTE; Where guided Real Property i9 added indicate value of Land, Buildings and Machinery Separately. � •..+ • . •' -. a•. - p lit i�rl. � ; ,•f�: f yr l ��a 1� 1, K Form 0 1 -4 — Poucher, M ts. STATE OF MINNESOTA, county of Hennepin City of Edina � in said County, do hereby cenity that we, and each of us, attended at the office � We, the undersigned, Board of flay — HE9uglization —of the r� I acne f n 1 n i l Cham bar s, lark Non1the 1 • �.• day of _pr i 1 .19 94 The day sal forth in the notice given by the Clerk. and in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Assessments as entered In the Wowing form& Witness our hands this Z-Ad day ;.ew. Section 274.01. We made changes in the 19_94- — Chai man CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW — •Applies ath to Cftlea whose Charfere provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of 'Ind a party: Residential, o U - Utility, Mid-Year • C er , e p1tln Parcel Letter FF National Housing +OOtherS peci Specify: 5.25 % Railroad m 3.30%! 5.25 % of Pro F nFann, T Timber. Homestead: 2a,1 a orbSRR Seasonal Recreational Residential. SRC Seasonal Recreational Commercial, ParLH Da N, pESCRIPFION o �{. 1y Rep NumbMW Meaor Deed ub,d Nunmer bead FennU 3 �r care t'/OS al Roo- em/ EY SYe'- �.. it Inaeese Egllirmte0 Medal Year Ooaan — D%- Estimated lrarFr Value Dollars MarMr whr of QeabO Reel RaoenY WWII REMNRNs - iwwlE OF 'on ADDRESS MID ADDPE59 1; wA7i Ilya M D111L'1 Mee I(Or 19-028-24-14-00119 19- 02824.1 Shy _ Form 0 1 -4 — Poucher, M ts. STATE OF MINNESOTA, county of Hennepin City of Edina � in said County, do hereby cenity that we, and each of us, attended at the office � We, the undersigned, Board of flay — HE9uglization —of the r� I acne f n 1 n i l Cham bar s, lark Non1the 1 • �.• day of _pr i 1 .19 94 The day sal forth in the notice given by the Clerk. and in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Assessments as entered In the Wowing form& Witness our hands this Z-Ad day ;.ew. Section 274.01. We made changes in the 19_94- — Chai man CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW — •Applies ath to Cftlea whose Charfere provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of 'Ind a party: Residential, o U - Utility, Mid-Year • C er , e p1tln Parcel Letter FF National Housing +OOtherS peci Specify: 5.25 % Railroad m 3.30%! 5.25 % of Pro F nFann, T Timber. Homestead: 2a,1 a orbSRR Seasonal Recreational Residential. SRC Seasonal Recreational Commercial, NOTE: Where pnlltmd Reel ProPerb Is added Indicate value of Land, uudamgs ana maannery xyw­z. ParLH Da N, pESCRIPFION o 90rC 1y Rep NumbMW Meaor Deed ub,d Nunmer bead FennU Ind,- — Hems- seed No• care t'/OS al Roo- em/ EY SYe'- �.. Class of Roperty — Inaeese Egllirmte0 Medal Year Ooaan — D%- Estimated lrarFr Value Dollars MarMr whr of QeabO Reel RaoenY WWII REMNRNs - iwwlE OF 'on ADDRESS MID ADDPE59 1; wA7i Ilya M D111L'1 Mee I(Or 19-028-24-14-00119 19- 02824.1 Shy _ X — Robert/Marcella Hogue Scott McNair Nanc Herbst _yps _R 15,10 ;92,nn( I SO 000 162,10C10 D le ene Correa 1 -028-94-14-0061 Edwj-nZDmthy Moore I 6hnftYQnne Murrin 19,02844,,4 1 f _ _ games /Elizabe Nunn_ 6 70 140,00 -41A00 108 20() ;. 1 Rat h Lila Hanson 20028- 24.320143 les Carole Anderson, James Jogbey - - 30-028-24-11,DM2 Yes . James Tindall, Sr. 30-0 —94-12-(1041 ELI Yes R N C NOTE: Where pnlltmd Reel ProPerb Is added Indicate value of Land, uudamgs ana maannery xyw­z. - .r ^4 Shy _ Form O 1 -4 — 1'aucher, Mpls- STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of --Hennepin.__ -- -EIfy- of__Ed.ina_ We, the undersigned. Board of R ,�gty,(�' lization - of the _ City_ ._ of _ Edina i'na _ _ - In said County. do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office W the -CQu nc 1'l- Chamber$, �'_[;la {Eaglt�1 '1 Ir on the _ _ . __1 1-t I -- day of _8�i�1 _— , 19 94 _. The day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk, and in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 274,01. We matte changes in the 199.4 _ Assessments as entered in the following forms. W ess our hands this _ � 3 n- day of 19i.y . Chairman CHANGES MADE BY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW - 'Applies only to Cities whose Charters provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of Review. 'Enter "Yes" of 'No" for each Description. Identify Parcel on which Residence is Located with Letter "H ". Indicate if Mid -Year or Fractional Homestead. - - Indicate Type of Property: R Residential, C - Commercial, 1 - Industnal, U . Utility, F . Farm, T - Timber. Homestead: 2a, l a or lb, SRR . Seasonal Recreational Residential, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, FH - Nalional Housing. ,. O . Other, Specify: Mineral - 5.25 %; Railroad - 3.30% - 5.25 %, Ind TYPO Gass 01 Increase Decrease Me t NAME OF Parcel PROPERI OWNEH ANDADDRESS Desc. NO Sec, DESCRIPTION W 1.d NumMiOt N..., ROaime� 01 HocenY Rng Acre, 01 A« . Icad RW. - BIx, Deeded Lend Farm lend eny Value0l E.—I. -1—ed @mare Markel Markel Rrgl REMARKS ___ -- « ey Agn- Aa Acres IDDS NO' SYm- culln„a Olnei WI° valve vawe Progeny oouars Dalars Dalars John Murrin - - - 30-028-24,144003 No CC _ .70,000 320 000 X5-000 155,.0DD_ Glenn Nybeck _ - — 30-028 -2421 -0087 _ _- _ - Ye R - _ _ 7,600 _195 QOQ _ U Ann 112,201 Patricia J, Cox _ _ _ 30- 028 -24 -32 -0004 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ye_ _ R NLC_ __ -- Wil l iam /Mary O'Neil _ _ _ 30- 028 -24- 324084 _ _ _ _ - Yes _R _ _ Nom_ Warren T. Plante_ _ 30-028,24,34-0045 �1 es _R _ 13. 300 162 000_ si ,9�}52.;D00 Mtchael/Ca ol Erdal l 30- 028 -24 -34 -0092 _ _ _ _ Yes R Donald /Donna Montgomery _ 30-028-24-43,0067 _ _ Yes N_ _ 12, _1.55,901 53,500 101,500 Maureen Kranz Kurt Johnson _ 30- 028 -24 -43 -0075 des 1 53,400 123,600 Michael /Sharon Wagner 30- 028 -24 -44 -0021 Ye 40,200 104,800 Yon Zhang /Yan -Ping Con 31- 028 -24 -13 -0037 Yes R __ james/I.4Vonre Rasmusson 31- 028,24.130072 Ye 7600 17260 -4 740 1.2441`00 rii., .tlaln /Arthur nah1r ict A onn 1217 nnn 42.400 104.600 George /CarolcHitevick�31�22�24- 22 -06� I_Ye_ __�_ 1.4, Gladys Mitchell _J 1 31- 028 -24 -24 -nogg �_�_�_ I I I I Yel R_I __ I A N C j J 1 32- 028- 24- 31 -ODl'L Yes H 13 1 89,900 26,600 63,300 Dick/Deborah Wi ttenberq NOTE: Where omitted Real Property is added indirnte vnkln of I and R,dIrldr � and Marhinnry S••naralnb, ,--a- —x1�� CITY OF' EDINA BOARD OF' REVIEW ASSESSOR'S UINER' S EST N0. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAL OF MKT VAL COMENTS 1 JOHN G. BERG ,. Several conversations with owner - have yet to 7104 SHANNON DRIVE 08- 116 -21 -21 -0027 , 343,000 $ 317/320,000 view the property. J h 4 2 1 JACK /EILEEN ABRAHAMSON 5209 RICHWOOD DR. 33- 117 -21 -22 -0011 128,000 3 1 SPENCER /DOROTHY Reduced to MARSH 5204 RICHWOOD DR 33- 117 -21 -22 -0032 130,400 4 JEANETTE SWOFFORD 6017 KAYMAR DR. 1 32- 117 -21 -23 -043 166,400 5 THOMAS b1I LSON I I I I $184,700 GAYLE GAUMER Reduced to 5209 LOCHLOY DR. 29 117 -21 -44 -0056 165,000 6 EDWIN /DOROTHY MOORE 4610 GOLF TERRACE 19- 028 -24 -21 -0074 537,100 118,000 1.28,900 157,500 150,000 RECOf,2,1ENDATION DECISION No Change Property has been inspected. Sold 5 years ago I No Change for $148,750. Property has been inspected, no further reduction I No Change Property inspected, sales reviewed. Property inspected 457,100 I Property inspected. Reviewed sales in neighborhood. $157,000 �,ycu No Change No Change :�Z, dOd J V J J J CITY Of EDINA BOARD OF REVID1 ASSESSOR'S MINER'S EST np RAL-P c rnr WS,uk RECOP,ZENDATION DECISION 0. NAM & ADDRESS LEGAL DESU . bb"f 11u\1 v iu , �L & -u. L V �- - — - - 7 MELVIN /LINDA VOGEL 5809 MAIT LANE 29- 117 -21 -21 -0025 $ 591,800 $ 381,500 Reviewed neighborhood sales and values. $561,500 8 THOMAS /GARIN COLLINS Review of submitted appraisal and other sales 4715 ANNAWAY DR. 29- 117 -21 -21 -0023 859,600 725,000 within neighborhood. House has been inspected. $834,600 9 ROBERT /RUTH Purchased for $785,000. Appraisal submitted for No further DONALDSON Reduced to $800,000, reduced from $91,000. reduction 6432 TIMBER RIDGE 06- 116 -21 -24 -0035 785,000 706,500 10 GREGORY /LISA BUCK 6104 WILRYAN AV 33- 117 -21 -34 -0104 189,400 173,200 Indicated value by sales comparison - $182,000 $132,000 11 CHRISTOPHER /JOANNE House has been previousely estimated because of $140.500 KUDRNA inability to gain acess. Reviewed sales and 6021 BIRCHCREST DR 33- 117 -21 -34 -0006 152,800 136,000 inspected.. _c2 300 Reduced to 12 JACQUELINE MITHUN Talked with owner. Home recently inspected. No Further 5308 HALIFAX AV. i 18- 028 -24 -44 -0067 176,000 167 - 171,000 Reduction C11'Y OF' EDINA BONN) OF' ]TVILIq ASS[SSOR' S WIER' S EST M. NIT & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAL OF ru^.r vAL cor�IENIS E 13 ROSEMARY FREEMAN Property inspected, market analysis completed. ,✓ 6112 WILRYAN AV. 33 -117- 21 -34 -0183 $ 145,900 ? I/ I J ;1 I/ . 14 1 MANLEY /BETTY OAKES 6121 BIRCHCREST DR 33- 117 -21 34 -0012 15 I GARTH /JEAN HOMES I 6304 WARREN AVENUE 04- 116 -21 -22 -0108 16 I JAMES TOOHEY I 6204 FRANCE AV S 30- 028 -24 -11 -0012 17 RICHARD /CHARLOTTE I PEHR50N 3516 WEST FULLER S' 20- 028 -24 22 -0021 18 THOMAS /MARY LOU HINES 5601 OAKLAWN AV. 19- 028 -24 -13 -0001 .I 134,600 143,900 Reduced to 85,000 146,700 207,400 M- :C, -,T,END7V1'ION DECISION $140,000 S qG h Property has been inspected. Reviewed sales and $ 128,000 other values. $128,000 _ 4, GOD 135,000 I Property inspected, sales reviewed $130,000 _ I3 qva 78- 80,000 I Home has been visited and adjusted from $114,300 I No Further to $85,000 for condition and location. Reduction Reviewed property and analyzed submitted sales 127,000 and values. I Reviewed house, sales and values. Not reduced 180,000 for adjacent influence. $140,000 700 $183,000 —� k l(ou CITY OF' EDINA BOARD OF' REVIBI ASSESSOR'S CWHER' S EST No. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC . EST MU VAL OF MKT VAL COI Z EI TIS ✓ 19 GLENN NYBECK Review of house and sales. 6309 ASHCROFT LA. 30- 028 -24 -21 -0087 $ 152,600 $ 140,000 Im JI 20 1 JOHN /MISUK PALMER 1 5101 WEST 62ND ST J 04- 116 -21 -21 -0054 21 CHRISTOPHER /ROXANN FLYNN 5311 HOLLYWOOD RD 28- 117 -21 -23 -0017 186,400 225,000 J Reduced to 22 JEROME CHAPMAN II 5333 INTERLACHEN 28- 117 -21 -32 -0059 153,400 BLVD V 23 STEVEN /KIMBERLY ovs c Reduced to MELIN 5816 ST. JOHNS AV. 19- 028- 24- 31 - -896 126,100 J 24 MICHAEL DOLORES WESTERGREEN 5201 BIRCHCREST DR i 33- 117 -21 -33 -0092 178,900 17 5, 000 200,000 146,750 126,600 170,000 Property inspected. Reviewed split entry sales. Property has been inspected and sales reviewed. °ronerty has been inspected. Value reduced orior to Board of Review. Telephone conversation with owner - have yet to view the property. TT-Mr- 1F1[.'NDATION DECISION $148,000 Y/ 6,00 $170,000 _ t( q 0 0 $205,000 _ �O 000 146,700 700 No Change No Change M. NAME & ADDRESS 2 PETER /COLLEEN PAUSE 6124 WILRYAN AV CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVI9q ASSESSOR'S OCHER'S EST LEGAL DESC . EST MKT VAL OF MKT VAL COMMENTS Property has been inspected. 33- 117 -21 -34 -0100 $ 191,200 $ 170,000 26 1 MPCHAE� /GERALDINE SJOBLOM 5016 VALLEY VIEW R 33- 117 -21 -34 -0067 27 1 THOMAS /MARY LAVELLE 6137 BIRCHCREST DR 33- 117 -21 -34 -0016 V 28 MICHAEL CORCORAN' 7627 GLEASON RD 08- 116 -21 -33 -0084 Req. by new owner: JOHN M. ZWICKE J 29 KENNETH /h1ARY LEDEBOER 6012 KILLARNEY LA. 31- 117 -21 -44 -0047 30 SCOTT MCNAIRY v NANCY HERBST 93 WOODLAND CIR. 19- 028 -24 -14 -0036 187,600 154,900 382,000 288,100 3 06, 000 173,000 313,000 255,000 301,000 Property has been reviewed. Neighborhood sales and values considered. Property inspected, market analysis completed Reviewed other sales in neighborhood. Property has been inspected. Owner had equalization concerns. Home has been visited. Purchased in 1990 for $315,000. RECO,Z ENDATION DECISION $172,500 /?1 740 $173,000 - 0( ('00 $150,000 _y, q0o $350,000 - 3z 600 $267,000 If 106 No Change I/ r 1: (`FO. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC. J 1L PATRICIA A. 110E 6401 M I LDRED AV 04- 116 -21 -23 -003 5 ✓ 2L WILLIAM W. PLANTE 6505 WILRYAN AV. 04- 116 -21 -24 -0099 ✓ 3L JA14ES E. /BEATRICE VOSS 6300 VALLEY VIEW RT 05- 116 -21 -11 -0060 ✓ 4L RANDALL /ELIZABETH STUKEL 5517 MCGUIRE RD 05- 116 -21 -43 -0021 5L DENNIS /DONNA BOCK 6414 TIMBER RIDGE 06- 116 -21 -12 -0006 6L SUSAN /TERRY JACOBS 6524 CHEROKEE TR. 06- 116 -21 -13 -0037 CITY OF' EDINA 1307\10 OF' REVILZJ ASSESSOR'S (Ai ER' S EST EST MKT VAL OF Wr VAL CMUITS Property has been inspected, and the submitted $ 139,700 $128,900 sales and values have been reviewed. 124,200 I I Left message on recorder, no response. Telephone conversation with owner, and property has been previously reviewed. 111,500 Tried to contact owner, no response. Home inspected in 1991, reviewed sales. 150,200 M CO,Z ENDATION DECISION $132,500 -7, 206 No Change No Change No Change Property inspected. 491,500 Reviewed appraisal submitted by owner, and other sales. $440,000 Left message, no response. 264,000 Value added in 1994 for improvements made to No Change property was $28,300.' CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVI91 e ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VA.L OF MKT VAL CO1�'"IENTS RECOIII3ENDATION DECISION tIO. NAME & ADDRESS 7L DOUGLAS SODERBERG Property has been previously inspected. $519,800 6424 TIMBER RIDGE 06- 116 -21 -21 -0012 $ 532,200 Reviewed sales submitted by owner. No Change 8L ALBERT J. /JEWEL J. LALIM 6600 BLACKFOOT PAS 06- 116 -21 -42 -0015 281,600 9L ED SZACHOWICZ Reviewed submitted appraisal. $240,000 LAUREL FERRIS _ �z, too 7028 WEXFORD DR. 08- 116 -21 -22 -0001 252,100 10L Reviewed recent sale of $235,000. $235,000 JAMES M. /ANN 11. BOUREY _ f goo 7117 FLEETWOOD DR. 08- 116 -21 -21 -0050 240,100 J 11L STEPHEN /FAY GOLD Sales in neighborhood reviewed. $480,000 7409 SHANNON DR. 08- 116 -21 -31 -0044 515,700 _ 3Si boo 12L TIMOTHY /NANCY L. Reviewed recent sale of property. $510,000 GAGNER 5747 LONG BRAKE TR 08- 116 -21 -34 -0028 537,100 fdO. NAME & ADDRESS J 13L DIANA L. THOMPSON 14371 1 THIELEN AV. ASSESSOR'S LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAL 28- 117 -21 -21 -0131 I $ 158,700 14L 5201 ARY �R 29.117 -21 -34 -0027 15L DUPLICATE OF #91L 16L JAMES M. RONNING 6416 INTERLACHEN BLVD 30- 117 -21 -12 -0052 30-117 -21 -13 -0017 V' 117L 15112YRIDGEYRDITKIN1 30- 117 -21 -42 -0010 18L DOUGLAS FORSBERG JANET POLLISH- FORSBERG 5033 GREEN FARMS i CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF ItEVILIq OWNER'S EST OF MKT VAL Property Reviewed Owner in value wi M74E fIS inspected. Bank Appraisal and other sales on block. process of restoring condition and 1 be added 1/2/95. Owner cancelled one appointment. 190,400 Left messages - no response. Reviewed sales in neighborhood Purchased in 1988 - $184,900 Owner does not want inside inspection. 193,500 413,700 Telephone conversation with owner, which reminded them of a refinance appraisal dated November 1993. They will try to get us a copy. Property was reviewed in 1992. 30- 117 -21 -42 -0032 1 542,100 Reviewed current sale of property. RECOI`'1NILTDATION DECISION $147,000 -it, 706 No Change Nb Change No Change $505,000 -37, ('10 M V J CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVILH ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST ESC EST MKT VAT. OF MKT VAL COMENTS REC47,1EENDATION DECISION IO. NAME & ADDXP�b LEGAL D 19L ROBERT W. /JANIS A. Reviewed recent sales in neighborhood. $460,000 FROEMMING _ y,, boa 4930 INTERLACHEN C 30- 117 -21 -24 -0024 $ 501,600 20L ROBERT E. JEPSON Owner requesting tempory tax abatement for this 6208 PARKWOOD RD 31- 117 -21 -11 -0006 260,100 one year. Property was damaged on 1/21/94, due to freeze up and water damage. There is no relief No Change program for this type of disaster. 21L DANIEL R. /MARY S. Property recently inspected, market analysis HURLEY 31- 117 -21 -44 -0015 208,900 completed. No Change 22L LAURALEE A. Property has been reviewed. $164,000 LINDELAND 5541 WARDEN AV. 32- 117 -21 -14 -0011 $177,500 $160,000 Reduce for condition. _i3 say 23L MICHAEL J. Property inspected, reviewed bank appraisal. $170,000 LONERGAN j6 ro 6 5812 OLINGER BLVD 32- 117 -21 -34 -0060 180,100 - %i•�1vrs�rh IL(ly� 24L STEPHEN Telephone conversation with owner who is Sort awaiting the results of a market analysis. No Change 5229 RICHWOOD DR. 33- 117 -21 -22 -0016 146,100 CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW ASSESSOR'S O gNER' S EST MO. NAME & 71DDRT3SS LEGAL DESC . EST MKT VAL OF MKT VAL 25L GORDON S. /RENAE R. WEBER 5712 BERNARD PL 33- 117 -21 -23 -0038 $ 128,700 -1/ 1 Im ./ 1 26L DON E. /VIRGINIA L.1 WASHBURN 5029NORMANDALE CT I 33- 117 -21 -24 -0022 162,900 27LI 5025 JOYCE NORMANDALE CTI 33- 117 -21 -24 -0029 I 144,100 28L JOHN L. HOLAHAN, J MARGARET S. 5320 BIRCHCREST DR I 33- 117 -21 -33 -0069 180,500 J -- 29L WESLEY J. MCCOY 5312 BIRCHCREST DR 33- 117 -21 -33 -0071 174,000 J 30L KENNETH /REBECCA JACQUES 5316 WEST 62ND ST. 33- 117 -21 -33 -0087 172,900 i COHv NIS House has been inspected. Property inspected. Sales reviewed. Property inspected. Sales reviewed. Property inspected. Harket analysis complete. Property inspected, sales reviewed Property inspected. Market analysis completed. RI ?COP•MMATI0N DECISION $126,000 $156,000 _ 61 f00 $138,000 _ 61 /00 1 $172,000 _ �1 s -o u $165,000 _ 9.000 $160,000 _ 11 q00 CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIBI ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST NO. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAL OF MKT VAL C(XIIvENI'S t<L'.UUFU"lL' NU1Y1'ivly un. -IOIUH Property has been inspected and was on the market 31L FRANK R. CARDARELL for much of 1993. Listed at $399,000, expired in 6125 WI AV 33- 117 -21 -34 -0122 $ 405,700 290,000 to Dec. with no offers. According to owner and Edina 71 M1 32L IIKBAL M. ELSAFY 4013 LYNN AV. 33 L I ARTHUR J. DOWNEY 4113 KIPLING AV. 34L JOSEPH H. /SARA H. ANDERSON 4404 BRANSON ST. 07- 028 -24 -13 -0041 07- 028 -24 -13 -0131 07- 028 -24 -43 -0059 35L JERRY W. /MAUREEN E. KNOBLAUCH 4100 WEST 44TH ST. 07- 028 -24 -43 -0131 36L ROBERT T. /DONNA D. MCGARRY 4526 CASCO AV. 18- 028 -24 -12 -0103 178,300 Reduced to 185,000 165,300 164,700 305,900 300,000 Realty, very nice home with suspect location. Owner expects property to be sold in the upcoming $325,000 year. Office will monitor. -Togo House had been previously estimated without $125,000 inspection. Property has been inspected and sales have been reviewed. $153,900 _ay,c(o11 Sales reviewed Property inspected. Property inspected. Reviewed appraisal and other sales. Property inspected, reviewed bank appraisal and more current sales. Property inspected, sales reviewed No Further Reduction 0 $160,000 $155,000 9 700 $290,000 _/s 4G'U �� o���� \�/ I ✓I ✓I CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST xrnT (YlAQv1FATi'� REC"EENDATION DECISION 10. NAME & ADDRESS LC.lt1L Viii.• 1"71 1'u�l v/-w •� • Reviewed bank appraisal and other sales $265,000 37L CHARLES J. WAS486% I II _ )1/ 260 4508 DREXEL AV. 18- 028 -24 -12 -0125 $ 276,200 38L DAVID B. /CYNTHIA S Property inspected, sales reviewed. No Change FARMER 4612 CASCO AV. 18- 028 -24 -13 -0017 300,600 39L JOSEPH T. GREEN Market analysis completed No Change TRUDE J. ANDERSON 4631 BRUCE AV. 18- 028 -24 -13 -0087 232,700 40L J. ENS J DANIEL URG ANN M. t�IURG ERSELL Reviewed sales and data submitted by owner. J220,000 4906 BRUCE AV. 18- 028 -24 -13 -0144 224,400 41L LINDA K. BENHAM Purchased home in 4/94 for $159,900, owner has 4200 WEST 50TH ST. 18(028-24-14-0040 150,500 taken out two building permits and has not No Change responded to notices left for necessary in- spections. 42L R. STEWART /PHYLLIS GAVIN $215,000 - Property has been inspected. 4825 MAPLE RD. 18- 029 -24 -14 -0070 265,200 $220,000 Listing 12/93 at $239,900. $232,900 J J CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIBI ASSESSOR'S Uq� !ER' S EST r.cm nRVm trnr nF Mk-P VAT. RECOP•MMATION DECISION ,�. NAME & ADDRFwSS I-LA-Itu+ 11u \1 vzw •� it 43L JOHN R,. NAAB 4807 MAPLE RD 18- 028 -24 -14 -0074 $ 194,600 Property inspected in 1990 and 1993. Market analysis - complete. No Change 44L LARRY L. /CHARLENE WITHERELL Property inspected, market analysis complete $235,000 4932 MAPLE RD 18- 028 -24 -14 -0095 248,700 _ 3 ,0 0 45L FRANK A. /JANET A. LEDERLE III 4507 BROWNDALE AV. 18- 028 -24 -21 -0037 417,600 370,400 Reviewed data submitted and comparable sales. No Change 46L RICHARD D. ANTONE 4508 EDINA BLVD 18- 028 -24 -21 10064 496,700 Property recently inspected. ' Reviewed sales No Change 47L DANIEL K. /DEBORAH DAY Tried to contact owners, no response. 4513 EDINA BLVD 18- 028 -24 -21 -0075 631,600 $28,000 added for improvements made to property No Change 48L VIRGINIA LUPO 4518 WOODDALE AV. 292,500 Olt 18-42-8--24-21-0079 Property inspected. Reviewed bank appraisal and other sales in neig.hborhood. $265,000 J. CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIEia ASSESSOR'S CUTIER' S EST 1 h4LrV Xrnr rYlN'VIFTTP.. PEIM-'�ENDAT"ION DECISION 10. NAME & ADDRliSS L�� • ' ~" ' °•� - — Property inspected. 49L CHARLES D. /JANICE BUTH 4700 SUNNYSIDE RD 18- 028 -24 -22 -0045 $ 484,400 Reviewed sales in neighborhood. $450,000 -3 Y, ypO Reviewed bank appraisal. 50L ROBERT S. /SALLY J. Owners constructed a small addition in 1990 and No Change LUND 4904 SUNNYSIDE RD 18- 028 -24 -22 -0055 392,900 are in process of a $74,600 permit for a kitchen addition and remodeling, value to be added 1/2/95. 51L DUPLICATE #,92L 13- 028 -24 -23 -0007 52L MARK D. /REBECCA C. ODLAND 4613 WOODDALE AV. 18- 028 -24 -24 -0006 478,300 $ 421,000 House has been inspected and review of submitted appraisals and sales has been made $432,500 53L JAMES J. /DANA K. RUDE Reduced to $ 459,000 Property has been reviewed. On the market $459,000 4615 EDINA BLVD 18- 028 -24 -24 -0018 483,400 continually, last list price $459,000. _zY 60 54L DUPLICATE #93L 18- 028 -24 -24 -0026 t!O. NAME & ADDRESS 55L WM B. /LAURIE J. �j MACLEAN 4604 EDINA BLVD ✓I 56L JOHN C. /JOANIE C. FOX 5014 ARDEN AV. 57L JA14ES HINIKER III BETSY JO SIMON 5015 ARDEN AV. 58L JOHN R. CRIST ANNE M. BISHOP 5324 HALIFAX AV. LEGAL DESC. 18 028 -24 -24 -0044 18- 028 -24 -42 -0046 18- 028 -24 -42 -0061 18- 028 -24 -44 -0071 59L DANIEL J. /ANDREA S GIONET 19- 028 -24 -12 -0110 5517 KELLOGG AV. I60L DONALD P. PAUGH 5513 KELLOGG AV. 19- 028 -24 -12 -0111 CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF' REVILZ9 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST EST MKT VAL OF MKT VAL CbhNIEI�IIS RECQfM�'NDATION DECISION $ 646,200 $596,100 Property has been visited. Reviewed sales and values of similar homes in area. - $610,000 _ 3L" 2- 60 Owner in process of repairs and maintence. Home in fair condition at time of sale, will $255,000 265,700 revisit home for improvements to be added 1/2/95. _,V 700 Property inspected, sales reviewed $240,000 252,100 _ t o 0 Phone conversation with owner about neighborhood and his property. Was maybe going to phone us 155,600 back and set up an appointment to view property. No Change 204,600 None House purchased 10/93 for $190,000. Last sold in 5/90 for $200,000. Property has been inspect- $190,000 ed and sales reviewed in neighborhood. _It(,&00 202,300 I I Telephone conversation with owner and property I has been reviewed. No Change CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW ' OWf�R' S EST ASSESSOR S N0. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAL OF MKT VAL COMMENTS REC( II�IENDATION DECISION V 61L CHRISTOPHER LONG Property inspected, reviewed submitted appraisal. $145,000 5529 OAKLAWN AV. 19- 028 - 24-12 -0127 $ 154,000 _y,QaO V 62LI DUPLICATE #94L 1 19- 028- 24 -1.4 -0061 63L JOHN /DEVONNA MURRIN 5506 LAKEVIEW DR. 19- 028 -24 -22 -0034 64L JAMES /ELIZABETH NUNN 3308 WEST 56TH ST. 20- 028 -24 -21 -0131 65L THOMAS D. /MARA L. CAIN 3505 WEST 55TH ST. 20- 028 -24 -22 -0109 166L LUCY M. RATH 5708 EWING AV. 20- 028 -24 -23 -0055 Value indicated from sales comparisons is $350,0001 No Change 346,300 I House Y has been reviewed and sales analyzed. $111,900 116,900 1 _s, 61 00 Property inspected. 169,600 Reviewed sales and recent sale of property. $160,000 _ q, 600 139,600 $128,000 Purchased in February 1994 for'128,000. House has been inspected and will need work on ex- terior and interior. - �' ✓I NAME & ADDRESS 67L RALPH S. HANSON 5928 CHOWEN AV, CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAL OF MKT VAL COM TS 20- 028 -24 -32 -0143 $ 117,500 $100,000 Property inspected, sales reviewed 68L CHARLES /JANICE THANG 6312 PEACEDALE AV. 30- 028 -24 -11 -0032 •• 1 DUPLICATE CIF 95L 1 30- 028 -24 -32 -0004 70L DUPLICATE OF 96L 30- 028 -24 -32 -0084 71LIWARREN T. PLANTE I 6804 WOOD DALE AV. ! 30- 028 -24 -34 -0045 72L MICHAEL J. /CAROL H ERDALL 4700 WILFORD WAY 30-028-24-34-0092 After initial conversation with owner, there has 144,000 been no return call for inspection appointment from owner. Rl Cq-T, E NDATION DECISION $109,000 q soo No Change 0 175,300 Property inspected. Market analysis completed. Equalization with other split levels in neighbor- hood indicates reduction. $162,000 . -- Talked with owner, she is ok with value. No Change 242,400 J J CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF' REVILM ASSESSOR'S MINER'S EST .Y,nrnM -NMe RF'C'C,N4�tF?Nf)1�TT(�N DPC'TSTnN O. NAME & ADDRESS DONALD MONTGOMERY LEGAL DESC;. r1b1 $ 167,900 UE, ViLl" Vrx� - -- Reviewed status of condition - no repairs done 73L 6824 OAKLAWN AV. 30- 028 -24 -43 -0067 to property. $155,000 MAUREEN A. KRANZ Property inspected. 74L KURT N. JOHNSON Reviewed current sales and bank appraisal. $177,000 6837 POINT DR. 30- 028 -24 -43 -0075 190,000 75L MICHAEL P. /SHARON Recently inspected property, sales reviewed. $145,000 WAGNER 6941 SOUTHDALE RD 30- 028 -24 -44 -0021 155,700 76L YAN ZHANG YAN- PING -DONG Telephone conversation with owner, still await - 7225 CORNELIA DR. 31- 028 -24 -13 -0037 162,700 ing appraisal information. No Change 77L DUPLICATE ;`90L 31- 028 -24 -13 -0072 78L ELLEN /ARTHUR - -- - - - -- ------ - - - Property inspected. Reviewed bank appraisal DAHLQUIST and other sales. $147,000 7024 KELLOGG AV. 31- 028 =24 -21 -0063 151,900 �� 40 0 _ U J J CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVILM ASSESSOR'S CJWNER' S EST N0. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAL OF MKT VAL COI`TIENTS RECOPiN1ENDATION DECISION 79L ERLING ROVICK Property recently inspected. $ 169,400 7104 WOODDALE AV. 31- 028 -24 -21 -0082 Market analysis completed. No Change 80L GEORGE /CAROL HITE Property has been inspected and neighboring $235,000 4720 ASPASIA CIR. 31- 028 -24 -22 -0006 249,500 values reviewed. 81L Property inspected, sales reviewed. $135,000 RONALD SCHUMEISTER 4921 TRILLIUM LA. 31- 028 -24 -22 -0071 146,500 �� <o 82L TED CADWELL Property inspected. ° 7308 WOODDALE AV. 31 028 -24 -24 -0081 159,600 Sales reviewed and equalization with other ramblers on block indicate a reduction. $150,000 -11600 83L ROBERT E, ADAMS 7228 WEST SHORE DR 010) 31- 028 -24 -24 -1-93- 160,300 Property inspected. $153,000 Sales reviewed. - 71 300 84L DICK A. /DEBORAH K. Reviewed house and appraisal. Purchased 5/93 $89,900 WITTENBERG for $83,500. �O� 7516 XERXES AV. 32- 028 -24 -31 -0012 103,000 $87,300 -13, V_ CIO. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC. 85L JUDITH B. BURDICK 6268 SAND PIPER CT 05- 116 -21 -22 -0039 V CITY OF EDIRA UOAM) OF I?LVIL•l4 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST EST MKT VAL OF MKT VAL COMME14TS Reviewed sales of (8) townhouse sales in Nine Mile $ 124,900 ? Village - (6) of those indicated an increase over 1993 EMV's of 6.8 %. Subject is north of pond, :in better location and larger than largest sale at $150,000 on 4/93. RECO 4,1ENDATION DECISION No Change. Current 1994 EMV is same as set by Local Board of 86L GORDON C. LEWIS Review in 1992. LEWIS ENGINEERING 28- 117 -21 -33 -0031 95,600 Note: Taxpayer intends to file in tax court regardin 4201 NOREX DR. 28- 117 -21 -34 -0019 314,900 1993 EMV which is unchanged from 1992 EMV; and there - CHASKA, MN 55318 28- 117 -21 -34 -0022 119,700 fore, possibly the 1994 EMV also. 28- 117 -21 -34 -0026 444,800 975,000 $ 278,900 Reviewed actual income and expenses for 1993, using 87L WALLACE KENNETH 5100 LINCOLN DR. 30- 117 -21 -32 -0004 2,140,000 1,709,000 effective tax rates and:conservative capitalization rates. The income supports the current Market Value. No Change. EDINA, MN 55436 Occupies: 5101 LINCOLN DR. Subject purchased 11/92 for $137,000 (EMV was $134,00 ). 88L BEATRICE DVORAK It isA zero lot line split double. During 1993, 5300 MALIBU DR. 30- 117 -21 -33 -0007 144,700 $ 137,000 there were 22 sales of split dbles, of these, 20 No Change. indicated that the estimated Market was low and I Reg. by daughter calculated that an 8% increase for this class was BETTS ROGERS needed ($137,000 + 8% _ $147,900). 89L L.A. REAL EST. GROUP 3930 -48 W. 50TH ST 18- 028 -24 -14 -0126 4,529,200 3,700,000 Reviewed income and expense statements. No Change. W/O contaminate n Newly written leases show an 'increase over lease Rep by: 3,400,000 rates from previous year's leases, Douglas Shiell Att. 90L JAMES /LAVONNE RAS14USSON Market analysis submitted and reviewed. Property has $ 172,64 7216 OAKLAWN AV. 31- 028 -24=13 -0072 179,600 171,900 been inspected. ` I CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST r. cIm Revm 17r T (1F MWP VMT. RE0AjMNDATION DECISION NO. NAM - & ADDRESS - 91L VERNON R. CLAJSON 408 BLAKE RD 30- 117 -21 -12 -0052 $ 115,900 '• Talked with owner, property inspected in 1991. Sales on Blake Road and similar style homes support value. No Change 92L MERVIN KRONFELD 4816 WOODHILL WAY 18- 028 -24 -23 -0007 289,700 ? Owner will not return to Mn. until May 3, Property has been reviewed in recent years. Owner will be available for County Board meeting. No Change 2100 SO. OCEAN BLV APT. 106 SOUTH PALM BEACH, FL 33480 93L RONALD /JUDITH VESSEY 4610 WOODDALE AV 18- 028 -24 -24 -0026 384,900 Property has been reviewed in previous years. No Change Property was reviewed as well as immediate sales 94L DALE /IRENE CORREA 5633 WOODCREST DR. 19- 023 -24 -14 -0061 308,900 ? in neighborhood. Owners may submit market anaylsis, but has yet to be received in the office. Owners do want letter presented to board members No Change regarding large tax increases. 30- 028 -24 -32 -0004 235,200 ? Property has been reviewed and we are still awaiting appraisal. No Change 95L RICHARD /PATRICIA COX 6601 NORMANDALE RD 96L MARY W NEILL 4812 ROYCAR RD $155,000 Have had phone conversation with owner who is unable to accommodate a time for inspection. No Change 30- 028 -24 -32 -0034 191,800 REQ. BY ROBERT �, ONEILL __. LETTERS RECD AFTER BOARD OF REVIEW DATE. N0. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC. 97L BETTY J. AUNGST 510911. 62ND ST. 04- 116 -21 -21 -0056 J 93L MOSES /MARIE KATA I 5328 W. 64TH ST. 105- 116 -21 -11 -0022 J 99L RICHARD /PATRICIA HANSEN 6216 HANSEN ROAD 05- 116 -21 -11 -0084 100L WARNER NIBBE 6728 WEST TRAIL 06- 116 -21 -32 -0039 REQ. by Realtor Tom Ries 101L GERALD /PATRICIA HADD 5024 WEST 70TH ST. 09- 116 -21 -21 -0013 J �102L PAUL R. FLATLEY I 6404 STAUDER CIR. 1 31- 117 -21 -13 -0003 CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST EST MKT VAL OF MKT VAL �itiJljGLFt lLY' _ `oc4 <f $ 146,800 ? 165,200 1 ? 148,700 1 $ 135,000 152,400 ? 124,200 ? 352,900 346,000 RECOM4EMATION DECISION 14(o, ado I N M '/ LETTERS RECD AFTER BOARD OF REVIEW DATE ASSESSOR'S T ran rT TTTC`fl L'CT NAVM 1ITT CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW OWNER'S EST Ml MVT ATAT. GS ulul� uI'J�1\illf11 4keaIaI I I,16• M •► �•►I VAJ . LNU U-IU (X ZAUL.01 �" 103L CLARA M. JOHNSON 5520 MERRITT CIR 32- 117 -21 -12 -0054 $ 199,800 ? 104L FRANK COOLEY, JR. 4912 ARDEN AV, 18- 028 -24 -13 -0129 247,600 ? '1 1c), pod 105L JAMES /GAIL HOGG House has been on the market for 10 mo. - current $ 474,400 oo-1 4400 BROWNDALE AV. 18- 028 -24 -22 -0040 514,300 ? listing is $495,000 with no offers yet. House was inspected, _ 39, ?0 � 106L ROBERT /MARCELLA " HOGUE 4015 WOOD END DR. 19- 028 -24 -14 -0009 129,400 $ 115,000 107L YVONNE EISSINGER 5828 CHOWEN AV. 20- 028 -24 -32 -0051 123,000 ? 08L JAMES W. TINDALL 6329BROOKVIEW AV. 30- 028 -24 -12 -0041 160,900 130,000 LZ V LETTERS RECD AFTER BOARD OF REVIEW DATE ASSESSOR'S Mn Unmm, K AnnRr -qq LEGAL DESC. EST MKT VAL CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIEW — 1993 OWNER'S EST OF MKT VAL COMMENTS r RECONIME.'NDATION DECISION 109L LESTER ANDERSON, M. 6200 BEARD PLACE 29- 028 -24 -22 -0040 $ 171,400 $ 161,000 110L JOHN /RITA TIGGAS. 5637 CHOWEN AV SO. Z0- 028 -24 -23 -0068 136,600 ? 111L JOHN 0. MURRIN III 4018 WEST 65TH ST. 30-028-24-14-0003 390,000 300,000 Reviewed income and expenses Compared with recent office building sales in Edina. $ 320,000 - - 70 oo� 112L THOMS /JANET BECKER ` 4,328 MAPLE ROAD 18- 028 -24 -14 -0084 2_22,700 ? 113L PAULA ENGELKING nf�LG� � U �iv Qd d 5553 YORK AV. 20- 028 -24 -21 -0073 105,900 ? 114L EDINA PROPERTIES, NC. Reviewed income and expenses from 1991, 1992, 1993. 3906 -16 W. 50TH ST 18- 028 -24 -14 -0022 1,541,500 1,000,000 - There has been a severe drop in income and net 1,210,000 operating income, but there also has been a drop in _ 331, sad Rep, by: capitalization rates. Because changes in value do Douglas Shiell/ATT. not parallel changes in income, the stabilized in- come is appropriately capitalized to an indicated va ue. v 1 ' LETTERS RECD AFTER BOARD OF REVIEW DATE. ntn �innrt� r. nnnnFCc T.R(_AT. T1RgC` CITY OF EDINA BOARD OF REVIRq ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST FRT MKT VAT, OF MKT VAL CON'S RECOMMENDATION DECISION 115E JAMES /CATERINA LOPES I O 29-117-21-12-0003 $ 809,600 ? S��('��'� c(�z�' f h 1,.6,��i m'. u, G z A P c ft•— / o 116L GLADYS MITCHELL 7212 WEST SHORE DR 31- 028 -24 -24 -0099 .160,500 $ 154,500 reduced to 157,500 117L MERTON /MARDELLE SCHAAR 6604 NAOMI DR. 04- 116 -21 -32 -0018 153,600 ? 118L CHI K. LIU MIRIAM G. GONG 4024 GRIMES AV. 07- 028 -24 -13 -0100 158,900 138,000 000 Of STATE OF MINNESOTA ). COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) 4� Q CERTIFICATE OF POSTING NOTICE I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting Police Officer for the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have on this date posted copies of the attached notice of: NOTICE OF BOARD OF REVIEW - MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1994 at each of the official City bulletin boards, located at conspicuous places within the City as follows: 1) City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street 2) Municipal Liquor Store, 50th and France Business Area 3) Centennial Lakes Park Centrum, 7499 France Avenue South Dated 03- �'3 <L( Signed / Signed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, this L3rci day of Kag-cl- , 19 fy. 8/91 0 V 4 Clerk's Notice to Post and Publish — HC 1163 ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Review of the CITY Of EDINA in HENNEPIN County, Minn., will meet in. the Council Chambers of 5 : 00 o'clock on _, in said r i r;z xa j 1 , MONDAY , the llth day of APRIL , 1924_9 for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said City for the year 19 94 All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Dated this-21L-day of March , 19 -9A. Marcella M. Daehn . Clerk of the City of Edina CIA,IMINNES(YrA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) OOUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald W. Thurlow , being duly sworn on an oath says that hafshe is the publisher or authorized agent and empk)yee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Edina Sun - Current stated below. , and has full knowledge of the facts which are (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (13) The printed Assessment Notice which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks; it was first published on Wednesday , the 23 day of March , 19_9_4_ and was thereafter printed and published on every to and including , the day of , 19 ; and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: abcdefghiiklmnopgrstuvwxYz BY: TITLE: Publisher Acknowledged before me on this 23 day of March 19 94 r�N,-ERIDEL t. h._ SLCL1 JOTARY PUGLIC - �SJTA HENNEPIN CCJNTY h Ommission Expires Jury 1G,1SE3 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users $ 1.60 per line for comparable space (Line, word, or inch rate) (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ -JU4 per line (Line, word, or inch rate) (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ 794 per line (Line, word, or inch rate) City of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST SOTH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Review of the City of Edina in Hennepin Coun- ty. Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers at 5:00 P.M. on Monday, April 3.1. 1994, for the purpose of reviewing and correctm� the assessment of said City for the year 1994. Alfper- sons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having., such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assess- ed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. DATED this 23rd day of March, 1994. MARCELLA M. DAEHN City clerk (March 23, 1994) —ED (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Review of the City of Edina in Hennepin County, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers at 5:00 P.M. on Monday, April 11, 1994, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said City for the year 1994. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. DATED this 23rd day of March, 1994. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk Publish in the Edina Sun - Current on March 23, 1994 Send two Affidavits of Publication FROM: CITY OF EDINA CITY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE 4801 WEST 50TH ST EDINA MN 55424 -1394 TELEPHONE: 612 927 -8861 FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID ti�VIINNEAPOLIS, MN PERMIT NO. 2282 VALUATION NOTICE DATE: JANUARY 2, 1994 PROPERTY ID NBR: PROPERTY TYPE: RESIDENTIAL NON— HOMESTEAD PROPERTY VALUE FOR 1994 PAYABLE 199S ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE: $ LIMITED MARKET VALUE: $ QUALIFYING IMPROVEMENT VALUE: $ MARKET VALUE SUBJECT TO TAXATION: $ THIS NOTICE CONTAINS YOUR 1994 VALUATION FOR TAXES PAYABLE IN 1995. 'IF YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE THAT THIS VALUATION, RELATIVE TO ACTUAL MARKET VALUE, IS INCORRECT, PLEASE CONTACT THE ASSESSOR'S OFFICE PRIOR TO APRIL 1. THE BOARD OF REVIEW WILL MEET AT 5:00 PM APRIL 11, 1994. ITS DECISION MAY BE APPEALED TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION JUNE 13, 1994. TO: 2 8 1, 4 ?- 'i lai 1 IS III IIIII III) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111 ,1111111111 till IIIII MARKET VALUE is the most probable price that a well informed buyer would pay it well informed seller for a property without either party being unduly forced to buy or sell. The evaluation of your property is based on reported and recorded market data collected over the past year. The classification of your property is controlled by state law and is based on the use of the property. LIMITED VALUE is the taxable value for residential, agricultural or non - commercial seasonal recreational properties (homestead or non - homestead). This value must not exceed (1) 10% of the previous year's market value, or (2) 1/3 of the difference between the current assessment and the preceding assessment, whichever is greater, excluding improvements. QUALIFYING IMPROVEMENT VALUE is the amount of improvement value excluded from taxation on homesteaded properties that are 35 years of age or older. This amount is excluded for ten years. After ten years it is phased back into the taxable value at 20% each year for five years. If the property is sold the excluded value becomes taxable for the following year. BOARDS OF EQUALIZATION You may appeal determinations of the local Board of Equalization to the County Board of Equalization. You may NOT appear directly at a higher board of Equalization without first appearing at the preceding board. STATE TAX COURT State law also provides that a property owner can appeal to the Minnesota Tax Court. For information on the Tax Court. contact the Tax Court office, 520 Lafayette Road, 2nd Floor, St. Paul, MN 55155. Telephone No. 296 -2806. ', BOARD OF REVIEW VALUATION and CLASSIFICATION do not determine the total amount of taxes collected. They do, however, distribute the total tax burden. VALUATION (assessor's Estimated Market Value -EMV). Each year, EMV's are changed as a result of comparing the previous year's EMV with a year's worth of ensuing sales. This results in a ratio of EMV to selling prices which must be adjusted to a mandated level of assessment as of January 2. Upon categorization of the sales that have occurred during the year as to age, style, price range, neighborhood and other factors, assessors apply varying percentages of adjustment to improve the overall quality of the assessment while reaching the mandated overall ratio level. Therefore, the annual changes (usually increases) are not, as sometimes assumed, direct reflections of various inflation indexes, construction costs or median /average home sale price changes. Property owners are notified of EMV changes so that if the EMV exceeds actual market value, corrections can be made. The Board of Review may raise or lower the EMV's. CLASSIFICATION (determines "Tax Capacity" - Classes and Rates set by Legislature, qualification determined by assessors). The Board of Review may change the assessor's determination of classification based on facts regarding ownership, occupancy, use and property type.