HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-07_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL August 7.1995 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA - Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk (") and in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of HRA Meeting of July 17, 1995 PAYMENT OF HRA CLAIMS as pre -list dated 08/03/95 Total $23,520.27 III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of July 17, 1995 II. PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easement - Lot 7, Block 1, Indian Hills Third Addition (6301 Timber Trail) III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council required to pass. Final Develooment Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. * A. Set public hearing for August 21, 1995 - Final Development Plan, 5625 West 78th Street, Precision Gasket Company. * B. Set public hearing for September 5, 1995 - Overall Development Plan Amendment, Parcels E and F, Centennial Lakes, United Properties. IV. ORDINANCES First Reading: Requires offering of Ordinance only. Second Reading: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of all members of Council to pass. A. Continued First Reading - Ordinance No. 1995 -4 - An Ordinance Granting a Twenty Year Franchise to Northern States Power Company. B. Second Reading - Ordinance No. 1995 -6 - An Ordinance Providing Technical Corrections to the City Code. Agenda /Edina City Council August 7, 1995 Page 2 V. AWARD OF BIDS * A. Tennis Court Improvements - Pamela Park, Utley Park and Weber Park. * B. South Parking Ramp Improvement - Lunds. * C. Three Tee Oasis at Braemar Golf Course. * D. Fertilizer for Braemar Golf Course. VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Kathleen Anderson of Congressman Sabo's Office. B. Edina Soccer Association - Lewis Park Proposal. C Endorse reappointment of Aileen Kulak as manager of Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. * D. 1-494 Integrated Corridor Congestion Management Agreement. * E. Meadowbrook/Rolling Green Storm Sewer Report. F. Planning Commission Vacancy Discussion. G. Resignation of Human Relations Commission Member Ming -Fen Ni. H. Dave Fisher appointment to Building Construction Board of Appeals. * I. Resolution Authorizing Mayor and City Manager to Execute Subrecipient Agreement with 5:00 P.M. Hennepin County for 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Tues Program. * J. Resolution approving reprogramming of year XIX Funds Urban Hennepin County Council Chambers Community Development Block Grant Program. K. CSM Corporation regarding the renaming of West 50th Street to Gus Young Lane. L Capital Improvement Projects. VII. CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS VIII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES IX. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL X. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS XI. FINANCE B. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 08/03/95 Total: $1,110,931.31. Mon Aug 7 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M Council Chambers Tues Aug 15 Budget Hearing 5:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Aug 21 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Tues Aug 22' Budget Hearing 5:00 P.M. Council Chambers Tues Sep 5 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers Mon Sep 18 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JULY 17, 1995 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards. CONSENT AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING OF JULY 3.1995, APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve the HRA Minutes of July 3, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR ELECTRICAL HOOKUPS TO NSP TRANSFORMERS Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly for award of bid for electrical hookups to NSP transformers to recommended low bidder, Premier Electrical Corporation at $12,630.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. CLAIMS PAID Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve payment of the HRA claims as shown in detail on the check Register dated July 12,1995, and consisting of one page totaling $13,669.30. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Richards declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL AUGUST 7, 1995 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith and Mayor Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to adopt the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rolicall: Ayes: Kelly;' 'Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 17, 1995. APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 17, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT REQUEST WITHDRAWN FOR LOT 7. BLOCK 1. INDIAN HILLS THIRD ADDITION (6301 TIMBER TRAIL) Planner Larsen reported that the request for the vacation of a drainage and utility easement for Lot 7, Block 1, Indian Hills Third Addition at 6301 Timber Trail, was withdrawn by the contractor. *HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING MATTER Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly setting August 21, 1995, as hearing date for the following planning matter: 1) Final Development Plan - 5625 West 78th Street - Precision Gasket Company. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING MATTER Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly setting September 5, 1995, as hearing date for the following planning matter: 1) Overall Development Plan Amendment - Parcels E and F, Centennial Lakes, United Properties. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. FIRST READING GRANTED FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1995 -4 - AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A TWENTY YEAR FRANCHISE TO NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Attorney Attorney Gilligan reported that staff negotiated a new twenty year franchise ordinance with Northern States Power Company (NSP) which permits the City to impose a franchise fee. The fee would be based on a monthly charge per meter up to a maximum amount for each customer classification as set forth in the ordinance. The ordinance contains an escalator clause permitting the maximum monthly meter charge to increase based on increases in electric rates. The remaining provisions of the franchise ordinance are based on the model ordinance of the Suburban Rate Authority previously negotiated with NSP and subject to minor modifications. The NSP franchise expired in May. NSP has agreed, in a separate letter, if the new franchise is granted by the City, NSP will indemnify the City on the same basis as provided in the franchise ordinance during the period from the expiration of the prior franchise until the effective date of the new franchise. Attorney Gilligan explained a franchise fee of approximately $500,000 annually could be realized by the City. The fee would be based upon NSP's present customer classifications. If the Council wishes to impose a franchise fee, this would need to be done by a separate ordinance. Adoption of the franchise ordinance would not impose a franchise fee. Imposition by the City of a franchise fee would be subject to approval by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and if a franchise fee is imposed on NSP, the City would be required by the franchise ordinance to impose a franchise fee of at least an equivalent amount on Minnegasco. Attorney Gilligan pointed out that NSP would not agree to a franchise fee which was based on a percentage of gross revenues unless the franchise ordinance contained provisions protecting NSP against potential loss of customers. A franchise fee was then negotiated to be based on a meter charge. Provisions proposed by NSP essentially eliminated the franchise fee if NSP was no longer the exclusive provider of electricity in the City and eliminated the franchise fee for any customer being charged a Public Utilities Commission (PUC) approved discounted electric rate. NSP insisted on these provisions because of the potential for deregulation of the electric industry which would permit other utilities to sell power to NSP's customers to be transmitted over NSP transmission lines. This practice is commonly referred to as "retail wheeling" and the City may not legally be able to collect from the other-utility a franchise fee for power sold to customers in the City which is transmitted over NSP lines. NSP voiced concern with being placed at a competitive disadvantage if it were subject to a franchise fee but the other electric utilities selling electricity in the City were not. The franchise fee being based on a meter charge alleviated the concerns of NSP. Council comment/action Mayor Richards asked where the franchise fee would go and if it would affect taxes. Attorney Gilligan said the fee would go into the General Fund and would be a surcharge on the consumer's bill. Mayor Richards asked if NSP could add additional charges at a later time to make more of a profit. Stu Fraser, NSP, said any expenses incurred by NSP in the collection of this fee would be taken from the sums given to the City. This is approved by the PUC and NSP would have no option to increase their fee arbitrarily, only the City Council could do that. Mayor Richards inquired who would regulate what would be taken out of the collected fee. Mr. Fraser answered that the City could monitor the fee from information provided on the check. Mayor Richards asked how many cities in the metropolitan area have adopted this approach. Mr. Fraser answered approximately 10 -12 cities have chosen to impose the fee, including Minneapolis and St. Paul. Member Smith asked why fees weren't based on volume per kilowatt hour. Attorney Gilligan explained that negotiations with NSP portrayed concern that they would lose their competitive edge if their customers were charged a franchise fee and therefore the charges were based on a meter charge. Member Smith asked if this method could be changed in the future. Attorney Gilligan stated that if the franchise ordinance is adopted it would be for a period of 20 years and NSP would need to agree to any change. Member Smith asked clarification of language regarding classifications in the ordinance. Mr. Fraser explained that franchise fees are based on general revenues and not on a class of service. Classes of service and charges for these classes are established and therefore are listed within the ordinance. Member Kelly inquired whose responsibility it is to pay for a requested street light. Engineer Hoffman explained if a NSP pole exists, a light could be added with no installation charge. The City would pay the monthly power bill within the street lighting program. If no pole exists, residents must petition the City for installation. NSP would be contacted for installation and charges assessed to the residents. Street lights do not have meters so no franchise fee would apply to them. Member Paulus asked clarification of charges for residents. Attorney Gilligan said the maximum amount charged by separate ordinance would be: $ 1.25 for residential per month $ 4.50 for small commercial industrial per month with no demand charge $10.00 for small commercial industrial per month with a demand charge and $65.00 for large commercial industrial per month Member Maetzold commented that no mention was made of this ordinance being a renewal of a franchise with NSP, that expired in May 1995. He suggested reference be made to the fact that this ordinance picks up where the previous franchise left off. Attorney Gilligan suggested inclusion of a preamble stating this even though this is a new franchise and is technically not a renewal. Member Smith questioned whether an apartment was considered residential. Mr. Fraser answered charges are based on how a building is metered. One building with 12 units and one meter would be a commercial customer while one 12 unit building with 12 meters each unit would be charged as one residential customer. Mayor Richards said his sense of the franchise is that apartment rates are regulated by the PUC and he would not support the City being involved in regulation of rates. Inquiring into how rates are determined from a regulatory aspect would be acceptable, however. Mayor Richards called for public concern or comment. No comments were received. Member Smith moved First Reading of Ordinance No. 1995 -4, An Ordinance Granting a Twenty Year Franchise to Northern States Power Company, as presented with addition of a preamble stating the new ordinance is a continuance of the franchise that expired In May, 1995, and on file in the office of the City Clerk. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards First Reading Granted. ORDINANCE NO. 1995 -6 ADOPTED - AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO THE CITY CODE Assistant Manager Hughes reported that on July 17, 1995, the City Council granted First Reading to the subject ordinance. At that time, the Council directed that certain changes be made to Section 14 of the Ordinance Amendment clarifying: 1) The use of golf course lawn mowers and snow removal equipment and 2) Permitted construction activities on public streets and highways. At this time, these changes have been incorporated into the ordinance. Staff would recommend adoption of Ordinance No. 1995 -6. Mayor Richards called for public comment. No comment or concerns were received. Member Maetzold moved second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1995 -6 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1995 -6 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO THE CITY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Schedule A of Section 185 of the City Code is amended by adding the following fee: PURPOSE SEC SUBSEC OF FEE /CHARGE AMOUNT FEE NO 410 410.02, Plan Review 65% of Permit Fee 37A Subd. 1 Section 2. Subsection 300.01 of Section 300 of the City Code is amended by providing a new definition of the following term: "Commercial Kennel. A place where more than three dogs or other animals over six months of age are kept, and where the business of selling, boarding, breeding, showing, treating or grooming dogs or other animals is conducted." Section 3. Subd. 2 of Subsection 430.03 of Section 430 of the City Code is amended by adding the following sentence: "The Building Official may grant a license limited to the installation of mechanical fireplace systems by persons who are competent in the installation of such systems." Section 4. Subd. 2 of Subsection 460.02 of Section 460 of the City Code is amended by adding the following definition: "Abandoned Sign. A sign which no longer identifies or advertises a bona -fide business, lessor, lessee, service, owner, building occupant or activity, or a sign for which no legal owner can be found." Section 5. Subd. 8 of Subsection 460.03 is amended to read as follows: "Subd. 8 Temporary For Sale Signs - Existing Buildings and Vacant Land. A temporary sign may be erected for the purpose of selling or leasing a residential or non - residential building or selling vacant land provided: A. Such signs shall not exceed 16 square feet for non - residential buildings, residential buildings of ten or more dwelling units, or vacant land. Provided, however, such signs may be increased to not more than 32 square feet if the lot or tract abuts a highway with a speed limit of 50 miles per hour or more and the sign is oriented to such highway. Temporary signs for the purpose of selling or leasing one vacant lot In the R -1 or R -2 Districts or a residential building of less than ten dwelling units shall not exceed six square feet. B. Only one such sign shall be permitted per building or vacant lot or tract. If the building is one or two or more buildings which together comprise a tract, then only one sign per tract shall be permitted. C. Signs for non - residential projects shall be located no closer than 100 feet to any pre- existing residence. D. Freestanding signs shall not exceed ten feet in height. E. All sign surfaces including legs and support members shall be painted and maintained in a crack free and blister free condition." Section 6. Subsection 460.04 of Section 460 of the City Code is amended by adding the following new paragraph J: "J. Abandoned Signs". Section 7. Subd. 4 of Subsection 460.06 of Section 460 is amended to read as follows: "Subd. 4. Violations and Fines. If the Planner finds that any sign or signs regulated by this Section is or are prohibited as to size, location, content, type, number, height or method of construction, or are unsafe, Insecure or a menace to the public, or if any sign has been constructed or erected without a permit first being issued, or is improperly maintained, or is in violation. of any other provisions of this Section, the Planner shall give written notice of such violation to the owner or lessee of the sign. If such owner or lessee fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply with the provisions set forth in this Section within 24 hours following receipt of said notice: A. Such sign may be deemed to be a nuisance and may be abated by the City by proceedings taken under M.S. Chapter 429, or any other nuisance abatement procedures allowed by this Code or State Law and the cost of abatement, Including administration expenses, may be levied as a special assessment against the property upon which the sign is located; or B. Such owner or lessee may be prosecuted under Subsection 100.09 of this Code; and C. The City may exercise any and all other remedies provided by Subsection 100.09 of this Code. If the owner or lessee of the sign shall have been given notice of a violation hereunder and shall have removed or altered the sign, and shall then re -erect or install a sign which Is the same as or similar to the sign as to which notice of violation was given, such re- erection or installation shall be deemed a violation of this Section, and no notice of such violation shall be required' Section 8. Paragraph B.3 of Subd. 1, of Subsection 850.04 of Section 850 is amended to read as follows: "3. Requests for variances from the literal provisions of Section 1046 of this Code .0 Section 9. Subparagraph 7 of Paragraph C of Subd. 4 of Subsection 850.07 of Section 850 of the City Code Is amended as follows: 7. Commercial kennels as defined by Subsection 300.01 of the City Code." Section 10. Subparagraph f of Paragraph B.3 of Subd. 6 of Subsection 850.11 of Section 850 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: "f. tennis courts, 30' 15' 5' 5' basketball courts, sports courts, hockey and skating rinks and other similar recreational accessory uses Including appurtenant fencing and lighting." Section 11. Subd. 8 of Subsection 850.14 of Section 850 Is amended by adding the following new paragraph F: T. Special Requirements for Retail Uses. Retail uses shall comply with the special requirements provided by paragraphs D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K of Subd, 11 of Subsection 850.16 of this Code." Section 12. Subd. 3 of Subsection 850.16 of Section 850 of the City Code is amended by adding the following principal use: "Commercial kennels as defined by Subsection 300.01 of the City Code." Section 13. Subsection 1040.02 of Section 1040 of the City Code is amended by deleting Paragraph D. Section 14. Section 1040 of the City Code is amended by adding a new Subsection 1040.03 as follows: "1040.03. Hourly Restrictions on Certain Operations. No person shall, between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M.: A. Operate a snowmobile, minibike, all terrain vehicle, or other vehicle not licensed for travel on public streets, provided vehicles used by physically disabled persons as defined by MS 169.356, Subd. 2 are exempt from this requirement. B. Operate a power lawn mower, power hedge clipper, power leaf blower, chain saw, mulcher, garden tiller, edger, drill or other similar maintenance equipment. Provided, however, i) the use of fairway and greens mowers and other motorized equipment used to maintain golf courses and publicly owned property and, ii) the use of snow removal equipment are exempt from this requirement. C. Collect garbage or refuse within 200 feet of a building used for residential purposes. D. Engage in or permit construction activities which produce any audible noise beyond the property line of the property where the activity is occurring, provided construction activities performed in public streets and highways by the City, the County or the State are exempt from this requirement subject to the approval of the Manager." Section 15. "Section 1040 of the City Code is amended by renumbering Subsections 1040.03, 1040.04, 1040.05, 1040.06, 1040.07, 1040.08, 1040.09 as Subsections 1040.04, 1040.05, 1040.06, 1040.07, 1040.08, 1040.09, and 1040.10 respectively." Section 16. Paragraph B of Subsection 1046.02 of Section 1046 as amended to read as follows: "B. -- Parked or stored outdoors on lots in non - residential districts for more than 48 continuous hours except that abandoned motor vehicles Impounded by the City pursuant to Section 1410 of this Code may be stored outdoors by the pound keeper designated by the Manager." Section 17. Paragraph C of Subd. 2 of Subsection 1200.02 of Section 1200 Is amended to read as follows: "C. The deposition of snow and Ice from privately owned property provided that such snow and ice is deposited only upon boulevards which are adjacent to and not separated by the traveled portion of the street from the private property from which the snow or ice is removed." Section 18. Section 1230 of the City Code is amended by adding a new Subsection 1230.08 as follows: 111230.08. Exception. The provisions of this Section 1230 shall not apply to employees and agents of the City who are performing job related duties under the direction of the Manager, Engineer, or Park Director." Section 19. Paragraph U of Subsection 1230.02 of Section 1230 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: "U. Use a skateboard, roller skates, in -line roller skates or blades, or similar devices, 1) in a municipal parking facility, ii) on or across a sidewalk within or adjoining property in the PC -1, PC -2, or PC -3 Districts as defined by Section 850 of this Code or iii) upon the traveled portion of a street. Notwithstanding the foregoing, roller skates or in -line roller skates or blades may be used on the traveled portion of streets if no adjoining sidewalk is present." Section 20. Subsection 1235.02 of Section 1235 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: "1235.02. Hours and Location of Parking Limited. No person shall park any vehicle in any municipal parking facility during business hours, 1) for a period in excess of the time limits, or ii) In a location designated as "Contract Parking Only", unless the vehicle displays a parking sticker issued pursuant to this Section. Persons may park in any municipal parking facility for any length of time during non - business hours, except for such times as parking may be prohibited for snow removal, repairs, and like purposes. Provided, however, no overnight parking shall be allowed." Section 21. Paragraph A of Subsection 1405.03 of Section 1405 is amended to read as follows: "A. Obstructions less than 30 Inches in height above the elevation of the street adjoining the clear view zone as measured from the edge of the travelled portion of the street .0 Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Ordinance adopted. *BID AWARDED FOR TENNIS COURT IMPROVEMENTS - PAMELA PARK, UTLEY PARK AND WEBER PARK Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for tennis court Improvements for Pamela Park, Utley Park and Weber Park to recommended low bidder, Bituminous Consulting and Contracting Co., Inc., at $65,474.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR RAMP RESTORATION - TWO RAMPS - PRIMARY RAMP BY LUNDS Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for ramp restoration for two ramps, the primary ramp near Lunds to recommended low bidder, Progressive Contractors, Inc., at $65,259.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR TEE OASIS Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for tee oasis to recommended low bidder, Perkins Landscape at $6,586.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR FERTILIZER FOR BRAEMAR AND NORMANDALE GOLF COURSES Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for fertilizer purchase for Braemar and Normandale Golf Courses from Turf Supply Co.,at $5,068.88, through. Hennepin County bid. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. KATHLEEN ANDERSON OF CONGRESSMAN SABO'S STAFF INTRODUCED Mayor Richards introduced Kathleen Anderson, District Director of the office of Congressman Martin Olav Sabo. She explained she has been visiting cities served by the Congressman. She would like to become more familiar with what is happening in Edina and to inform one -third of Edina residents about their new Congressman. She said she has been his eyes and ears in the district and corresponds with him on local issues while he is serving in Washington. Ms. Anderson said she has met with Manager Rosland and Mr. Hilgendorf, the Chamber of Commerce former director and has learned a great deal about Edina. The District Office is geared to constituent service and offered help with federal agencies. She gave the Council information regarding community town meetings Congressman Sabo will hold the during first week of August. The goal of the meetings is to provide a forum for constituents to discuss the issues important to them and to direct questions to the Congressman. It is hoped the community meetings could be taped and re- broadcast at a later date on the local cable - access station. DISCUSSION HELD ON LEWIS PARK PROPOSAL BY THE EDINA SOCCER ASSOCIATION Park and Recreation Director Keprios explained that on June 19, 1995, Council directed staff to explore alternatives to the Edina Soccer Association's proposal that would not eliminate the large sheet of ice or the bandy program at Lewis Park. Staff brainstormed ten alternatives to be discussed with the Soccer Association at a later time, and on Monday, July 10, 1995, the Soccer Board voted unanimously to table their proposal for fifteen months. One of staffs alternatives was accepted, which was to move the soccer program for five and six year old boys and girls from the current site at Weber Park to Lewis Park on the east rink or bandy field. No major improvements would be done to the site other than to correct a drainage problem identified and paid for by the Soccer Association. The relocation would not eliminate the skating rink nor would it cause a relocation of the bandy program. Use of Lewis Park would not include tournaments. On July 11, 1995, the Edina Park Board agreed by consensus to go forward and pursue this approach. No comments were received from the Edina Soccer Association. Jim Tracy, 7250 Lewis Ridge Parkway, spoke for the Lewis Park Association and said the proposal is an excellent compromise for both parties. At the end of the fifteen months they will be happy to evaluate the situation. Bob Ferris, 7250 Lewis Ridge Parkway, inquired what happens after 15 months. Mayor Richards said the Soccer Association is withdrawing their proposal. The Park Board and Park Department are advisory to the Council and management of all parks and facilities is their charge. At any point in time, the Soccer Association could come forward with another proposal. Mr. Ferris asked if residents would receive notice if such a proposal were to come forward. Mayor Richards said the Council errs on the side of making sure anyone who wants to can participate in the process. NINE -MILE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD APPOINTMENT RECOMMENDED Manager Rosland advised the Council that two committee appointment terms are expiring from the Nine -Mile Creek Watershed District Board of the Hennepin County Commissioners. Aileen Kulak, of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District board has submitted a letter requesting Council endorsement of her reappointment. Manager Rosland suggested Council support reappointment of Ms. Kulak and that Helen McClelland be contacted as to her interest in reappointment. Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the term of Aileen Kulak on the Nine -Mile Creek Watershed District Board Is coming to an end; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that It hereby recommends and nominates Aileen Kulak to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners for re- appointment to the Nine -Mile Creek Watershed District Board and urges the Commissioners to approve the re- appointment. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. *MUNICIPAL AGREEMENT WITH MNDOT, HENNEPIN COUNTY, BLOOMINGTON AND RICHFIELD ON INTEGRATED CORRIDOR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT (ICTM) Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly authorizing the Mayor and Manager to sign the municipal agreement with ICTM Project Partners (MnDot, Hennepin County, Bloomington and Richfield) for local share of project funds ($3,000.00). Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *M EADOWBROOK/ROLLING GREEN STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROJECT UPDATE GIVEN Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly acknowledging receipt of information regarding the Meadowbrook/ Rolling Green Stormwater Management Project. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. DISCUSSION HELD ON VACANCY ON PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Director Larsen explained that a letter of resignation has been received from Robert Hale of the Planning Commission. A verbal notification has also been received from Lee Johnson of his impending resignation. Director Larsen said a timeliness exists with these resignations to discuss changing the number of commission members from eleven to nine. He explained that physically, eleven people is a difficult number to have in the meeting area where nine would be a better vehicle'for discussion. Mayor Richards said the Planning Commission is both legally and otherwise very important regarding land use and zoning. He suggested scheduling a joint meeting with the Planning Commission and Council on September 27 at 6:30 P.M., one hour prior to the scheduled Commission meeting at 7:30 P.M. RESIGNATION OF HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEMBER NOTED Manager Rosland explained that a letter of resignation has been received from Ming -Fen Ni of the Human Relations Commission. He encouraged Members to submit names of interested parties to him for possible appointment. APPOINTMENT MADE TO CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS Member Smith made a motion for consent of the Mayor's appointment of David J. Fisher to fill an unexpired term on the Construction Appeals Board to February 1, 1996. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly;: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. . *RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly adopting the resolution as follows: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR 1995 (YEAR XXI) URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Edina has executed a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County for the purpose of participating in the 1995 (Year XXI) Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, Hennepin County is the recipient of an annual grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for purposes of the program; and the City Is a subrecipient under the program and receives a share of the grant; and WHEREAS, program regulations require that the City and County execute a Subrecipient Agreement and appropriate Third Party Agreement, which sets for the the specific implementation processes for activities to be undertaken with program funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and the City Council to execute the Subrecipient Agreement and any required Third Party Agreement on behalf of the City. Passed and adopted this 7th day of August, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *RESOLUTION APPROVING REPROGRAMMING OF YEAR XIX FUNDS URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly adopting the resolution as follows: RESOLUTION APPROVING REPROGRAMMING OF YEAR XIX FUNDS URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Edina, through execution of a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County, is cooperating in the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina has determined the necessity to reprogram YEAR XIX Funds from the Adaptive Recreation Program to the Rehabilitation of Private Property Program, and held a public hearing on August 7, 1995, to obtain the views of citizens on the reprogramming of said funds. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of Edina approved the following reprogramming of funding from the YEAR XIX Urban Hennepin County Community Block Grant program and authorizes submittal of the proposal to Hennepin County for review and Inclusion in the YEAR XIX Urban Hennepin County Block Grant Program: $1,580.00 from the Adaptive Recreation Program #54045 to the Rehabilitation of Private Property Program #54050. Passed and adopted this 7th day of August, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FROM CSM CORPORATION REGARDING RENAMING OF WEST 50TH STREET TO GUS YOUNG LANE Mayor Richards explained that at the June 5, 1995, Council Meeting, First Reading was granted to the renaming of West 50th Street between Vernon Avenue and Arcadia to Gus Young Lane. He reported a letter had been received from David R. Kummer, Project Manager for CSM Corporation, at West 50th Street between Vernon Avenue and Arcadia questioning this action. David Kummer reported that CSM originally petitioned to change the name to Interlachen Boulevard and they had every reason to believe it would be approved. Four leases have been signed as well as tenants have ordered both stationary and yellow page advertising using Interlachen Boulevard as the address. He requested the Council reconsider the original petition to change the name to Interlachen Boulevard. Mayor Richards asked CSM to bring substantiation of costs for advertising or stationary that tenants have incurred using Interlachen Qoulevard as their address to the next regular Council meeting, August 21, 1995. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DISCUSSION HELD Mayor Richards said following Council direction, he prepared a memorandum summarizing the Council discussion held during the July 17, 1995, meeting. He categorized capital improvement needs as follows: 1) Parks and Recreation Enterprises, 2) City Hall and Public Works Building and 3) Fire /ALS Station. Mayor Richards said he believes the Council is best equipped to answer the "tough questions" from the public on the needs and to order necessary improvements to the infrastructure without authorization from the electorate. He urged going ahead with improvements to City Hall /Public Works Building and the Fire /ALS Station. Necessary improvements and enhancements to the park infrastructure should be accomplished with a stand alone bond issue comprised of two components: 1) general park improvements, including some enterprises and 2) the second sheet of ice at Braemar Arena. Member Smith said he used the Mayor's memo to dialog in the community. Historically, staff and the Council have strived to keep taxes down and yet maintain the City's infrastructure. When a City moves forward, he believes the new users need to help with the renewal of the infrastructure in order to keep it alive and vital. With the advent of girls' hockey, installation of a second ice sheet needs to be investigated further. Member Smith voiced approval of the Fire /ALS Station and the proposal to move forward. Member Maetzold voiced support of the Mayor's memo suggesting the park referendum include two components. He suggested soliciting input from residents regarding their wants at neighborhood parks. Residents would require coaching as to what repairs are necessary and should further be polled as to their wants for their neighborhood parks. Member Maetzold said the proposed bond issue creates an opportunity for a state- of- the-art park system for Edina. Mayor asked for citizen input. No comments or concerns were received. Member Smith made a motion to move forward with the proposed Capital Improvement Plan to include 1) City Hall and Public Works Building and 2) the Fire Station /ALS Station, as presented and on file in the office of the City Clerk dated July 26,1995, and to solicit park user Input to be incorporated into a Park and Recreation Enterprises referendum for Spring, 1996. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CLAIMS PAID Member Smith questioned Check No. 157716 to Golf Car, Inc. for the leasing of golf cars. Manager Rosland explained the cars are used for special events and leasing them rather than buying them is cost effective. Member Smith asked why Check No. 157964, to Rex Distributing, Co., Inc. had no Purchase Order listed on the Check Register. Finance Director Wallin said liquor purchased for the liquor stores do not require Purchase Orders. Member Maetzold made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated August 3, 1995, and consisting of 50 pages: General Fund $410,368.28; Communication $10,303.03; Working Capital $6,236.05; Art Center $11,650.58; Swimming Pool $4,531.06; Golf Course $71,580.16; Ice Arena $25,040.52; Gun Range $114.96; Edinborough/ Centennial Lakes $34,551.75; Utility Fund $385,659.66; Storm Sewer $6,529.30; Recycling $31,794.67; Liquor Fund $94,152.26; Construction Fund $18,419.03; TOTAL $1,110,931.31. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M. City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 1995 -6 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO THE CITY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Schedule A of Section 185 of the City Code is amended by adding the following fee: PURPOSE SEC SUBSEC OF FEE /CHARGE AMOUNT FEE NO 410 410.02, Plan Review 65% of Permit Fee 37A Subd. 1 Section 2. Subsection 300.01 of Section 300 of the City Code is amended by providing a new definition of the following term: "Commercial Kennel. A place where more than three dogs or other animals over six months of age are kept, and where the business of selling, boarding, breeding, showing, treating or grooming dogs or other animals is conducted." Section 3. Subd. 2 of Subsection 430.03 of Section 430 of the City Code is amended by adding the following sentence: "The Building Official may grant a license limited to the installation of mechanical fireplace systems by persons who are competent in the installation of such systems." Section 4. Subd. 2 of Subsection 460.02 of Section 460 of the City Code is amended by adding the following definition: "Abandoned Sign. A sign which no longer identifies or advertises a bona -fide business, lessor, lessee, service, owner, building occupant or activity, or a sign for which no legal owner can be found." Section 5. Subd. 8 of Subsection 460.03 is amended to read as follows: "Subd. 8 Temporary For Sale Signs - Existing Buildings and Vacant Land. A temporary sign may be erected for the purpose of selling or leasing a residential or non - residential building or selling vacant land provided: A. Such signs shall not exceed 16 square feet for non - residential buildings, residential buildings of ten or more dwelling units, or vacant land. Provided, however, such signs may be increased to not more than 32 square feet if the lot or tract abuts a highway with a speed limit of 50 miles per hour or more and the sign is oriented to such highway. Temporary signs for the purpose of selling or leasing one vacant lot in the R -1 or R -2 Districts or a residential building of less than ten dwelling units shall not exceed six square feet. B. Only one such sign shall be permitted per building or vacant lot or tract. If the building is one or two or more buildings which together comprise a tract, then only one sign per tract shall be permitted. C. Signs for non - residential projects shall be located no closer than 100 feet to any pre - existing residence. D. Freestanding signs shall not exceed ten feet in height. E. All sign surfaces including legs and support members shall be painted and maintained in a crack free and blister free condition." Section 6. Subsection 460.04 of Section 460 of the City Code is amended by adding the following new paragraph J: U. Abandoned Signs ". Section 7. Subd. 4 of Subsection 460.06 of Section 460 is amended to read as follows: "Subd. 4. Violations and Fines. If the Planner finds that any sign or signs regulated by this Section is or are prohibited as to size, location, content, type, number, height or method of construction, or are unsafe, insecure or a menace to the public, or if any sign has been constructed or erected without a permit first being issued, or is improperly maintained, or is in violation of any other provisions of this Section, the Planner shall give written notice of such violation to the owner or lessee of the sign. If such owner or lessee fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply with the provisions set forth in this Section within 24 hours following receipt of said notice: A. Such sign may be deemed to be a nuisance and may be abated by the City by proceedings taken under M.S. Chapter 429, or any other nuisance abatement procedures allowed by this Code or State Law and the cost of abatement, including administration expenses, may be levied as a special assessment against the property upon which the sign is located; or B. Such owner or lessee may be prosecuted under Subsection 100.09 of this Code; and C. The .City may exercise any and all other remedies provided, by Subsection 100.09 of this Code. If the owner or lessee of the sign shall have been given notice of a violation hereunder -and -shall - have - removed or- altered the sign;.- and Rsliah- -then- re= erect -or install ;a sign which is the I same . as, or similar to the sign as to which notice. of violation was given, such re- erection'oi "installation shall be deemed a violation of this Section, and no notice of such violation shall be required." Section g. Paragraph B.3 of Subd. 1, of Subsection 850.04 of Section 850 is amended to read as follows: "3. Requests for variances from the literal provisions of Section 1046 of this Code." Section 9. Subparagraph 7 of Paragraph C of Subd. 4 of Subsection 850.07 of Section 850 of the City Code is amended as follows: "7. Commercial kennels as defined by Subsection 300.01 of the City Code." Section 10. Subparagraph f of Paragraph B.3 of Subd. 6 of Subsection 850.11 of Section 850 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: q. "f. tennis courts, basketball courts,. sports, courts, hockey and skating rinks and other similar recreational accessory uses including appurtenant fencing and lighting." 30' 15' 5' 5' Section 11. Subd. 8 of Subsection 850.14 of Section 850 is amended by adding the following new paragraph F: T. Special Requirements for Retail Uses. Retail uses shall comply with the special requirements provided by paragraphs D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K of Subd. 11 of Subsection 850.16 of this Code." Section 12. Subd. 3 of Subsection 850.16 of Section 850 of the City Code is amended by adding the following principal use: "Commercial kennels as defined by Subsection 300.01 of the City Code." Section 13. Subsection 1040.02 of Section 1040 of the City Code is amended by deleting Paragraph D. Section 14. Section 1040 of the City Code is amended by adding a new Subsection 1040.03 as follows: "1040.03. Hourly Restrictions on Certain Operations. No person shall, between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M.: A. Operate a snowmobile, minibike, all terrain vehicle, or other vehicle not licensed for travel on public streets, provided vehicles used by physically disabled persons as defined by MS 169.356, Subd. 2 are exempt from this requirement. B. Operate a power lawn mower, power hedge clipper, power leaf blower, chain saw, mulcher, garden tiller, edger, drill or other similar maintenance equipment. Provided, however, i) the use of fairway and greens mowers and other motorized equipment used to maintain golf courses and publicly owned property and, ii) the use of snow removal equipment are exempt from this requirement. C. Collect garbage or refuse within 200 feet of a building used for residential purposes. D. Engage in or permit construction activities which produce any audible noise beyond the property line of the property where the activity is occurring, provided construction activities performed in public streets and highways by the City, the County or the State are exempt from this requirement subject to the approval of the Manager." Section 15. "Section 1040 of the City Code is amended by renumbering Subsections 1040.03, 1040.04, 1040.05, 1040.06, 1040.07, 1040.08, 1040.09 as Subsections 1040.04, 1040.05, 1040.06, 1040.07, 1040.08, 1040.09, and 1040.10 respectively." Section 16. Paragraph B of Subsection 1046.02 of Section 1046 as amended to read as follows: T. Parked or stored outdoors on lots in non - residential districts for more than 48 continuous hours except that abandoned motor vehicles impounded by the City pursuant to Section 1410 of this Code may be stored outdoors by the pound keeper designated by the Manager." Section 17. Paragraph C of Subd. 2 of Subsection 1200.02 of Section 1200 is amended to read as follows: "C. The deposition of snow and ice from privately owned property provided that such snow and ice is deposited only upon boulevards which are adjacent to and not separated by the traveled portion of the street from the private property from which the snow or ice is removed." Section 18. Section 1230 of the City Code is amended by adding a new Subsection 1230.08 as follows: "1230.08. Exception. The provisions of this Section 1230 shall not apply to employees and agents of the City who are performing job related duties under the direction of the Manager, Engineer, or Park Director." Section 19. Paragraph U of Subsection 1230.02 of Section 1230 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: "U. Use a skateboard, roller skates, in -line roller skates or blades, or similar devices, i) in a municipal parking facility, ii) on or across a sidewalk within or adjoining property in the PC -1, PC -2, or PC -3 Districts as defined by Section 850 of this Code or iii) upon the traveled portion of a street. Notwithstanding the foregoing, roller skates or in -line roller skates or blades may be used on the traveled portion of streets if no adjoining sidewalk is present." Section 20. Subsection 1235.02 of Section 1235 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: "1235.02. Hours and Location of Parking Limited. No person shall park any vehicle in any municipal parking facility during business hours, i) for a period in excess of the time limits, or ii) in a location designated as "Contract Parking Only ", unless the vehicle displays a parking sticker issued pursuant to this Section. Persons may park in any municipal parking facility for any length of time during non - business hours, except for such times as parking may be prohibited for snow removal, repairs, and like purposes. Provided, however, no overnight parking shall be allowed." Section 21. Paragraph A of Subsection 1405.03 of Section 1405 is amended to read as follows: "A. Obstructions less than 30 inches in height above the elevation of the street adjoining the clear view zone as measured from the edge of the travelled portion of the street." Section 22. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon passage. First Reading: July 17, 1995 Second Reading: August 7, 1995 Frederick S. Richards, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Debra A. Mangen City Clerk AUG 01 '95 12:46 NEWS Congressman TO PAGE.002 Martin 01av Sabo 2336 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 • 202/225 -4755 462 Federal Courts Building, 110 South Fourth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55401 a 612/348 -1649 d0JW.. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 17, 1995 SABO TO HOLD COHKUNITY )dZZTINGS Contact: Derek Lick 202/225 -4755 Congressman Martin Olav Sabo (D -MN) has announced that he will hold three community meetings in the Fifth District in the second week of August. Media are invited to attend the meetings. The following community meetings are scheduled: TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 Old Robbinsdale High School 3730 Toledo Avenue North Robbinsdale 6:30 -7 :30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 St. Louis Park City Hall 5005 Minnetonka Blvd. St. Louis Park 6:30 to 7 :30 p.m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10 Richfield City Hall 6700 Portland Ave. South Richfield 6:30 to 7 :30 p.m. The goal of the meetings is to provide a forum for constituents to discuss the issues that are important to them and direct questions to Congressman Sabo. Preliminary plans call for a moderator who will call on those in the audience who have questions. Sabo's office hopes to work in conjunction with local cable - access stations so the meeting can be taped and re- broadcast at a later date for those in the community who were unable to attend. DAIIIININ19S 0 PIM& H(Yf II (MIME. July 19, 1995 Jane Paulus City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Mn. 55424 Dear Councilperson Paulus, 3601 Wooddale Ave. • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 -5191 Since 1975 (612) 927 -2300 FAX 927 -2323 As new tenants in the new Vernon Shops Development and thirty-five year residents of Edina we would suggest a street address change from the existing "West 50th Street" at our new location. We have heard rumors that Interlachen Blvd was being considered and also feel that this would lead to confusion with customers. For nostalgia you might consider "Gus Young Lane" or for our sake how about "Pepperoni Drive "? Anything but West 50th or Interlachen would give it a separate identity which would avert confusion. Thanks very much for your consideration and we hope to see you at Pepperoni Drive or Gus Young Lane in late October or early November! Sincere ly,, Mick Stenson President Roger Schelper Vice President 1975 rtfawy 1995 �Na. nr 0 F� J Aq City of Edina RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR 1995 (YEAR XXn URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Edina has executed a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County for the purpose of participating in the 1995 (YEAR XXI) Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, Hennepin County is the recipient of an annual grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for purposes of the program, and the city is a subrecipient under the program and receives a share of the grant; and WHEREAS, program regulations require that the City and County execute a Subrecipient Agreement and appropriate Third Party Agreement, which sets forth the specific implementation processes for activities to be undertaken with program funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and the City Council to execute the Subrecipient Agreement and any required Third Party Agreement on behalf of the City. Passed and adopted this 7th day of August, 1995. ATTEST: City Hall 1801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 r-'C"6'/j S Mayor (612) 927 -8861 FAX (612) 927 -7645 TDD (612) 927 -5461 `v91��r'l, (04 Pi tt C City of Edina RESOLUTION APPROVING REPROGRAMMING OF YEAR XIX FUNDS URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Edina, through execution of a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County, is cooperating in the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina has determined the necessity to reprogram YEAR XIX Funds from the Adaptive Recreation Program to the Rehabilitation of Private Property Program, and held a public hearing on August 7, .1995, to obtain the views of citizens on the reprogramming of said funds. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of Edina approved the following reprogramming of funding from the YEAR XIX Urban Hennepin County Community Block Grant program and authorizes submittal of the proposal to Hennepin County for review and inclusion in the YEAR XIX Urban Hennepin County Block Grant Program: $1,580.00 from the Adaptive Recreation Program #54045 to the Rehabilitation of Private Property Program #54050. Passed and adopted this 7th day of August, 1995. Z4, ATTEST: ` 1 l �_�I ti Mayor City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5.361 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:38:30 Page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $28.52 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES TELEPHONE 0719 GRANDVIEW MISC 012752 $28.52* 08/07/95 $27.00 BIGELOW, LAVONNE REFUND PARKING PERMI 071195 50TH STREET PARKING PERMIT 012753 $27.00* 08/07/95 $166.75 DORSEY & WHITNEY PROFESSIONAL FEES LE 444766 CENTENNIAL LAK PRO FEES LEG /S 012754 $166.75* 08/07/95 $1,867.87 DRAKE MARBLE COMPANY LAND IMPROVEMENTS 5206 GRANDVIEW LAND IMPROVEME 012755 $1,867.87* 08/07/95 $27.00 EDINA TRAVEL REFUND PARKING PERMI 072495 50TH STREET PARKING PERMIT 012756 $27.00* 08/07/95 $27.00 KURETSKY, JUDY REFUND PARKING PERMI 071195 50TH STREET PARKING PERMIT 012757 $27.00* 08/07/95 $4,833.46 ORR SCHELEN MAYERON & PROF FEES ARCH AND E 00415632 GRANDVIEW PRO FEE ARCH /E 012758 $4,833.46* 08/07/95 $14,166.67 PARTNERS FOR SENIOR CO BOND PAYMENT AUGUST 1 EDINBOROUGH LOAN TO OTH FU 012759 $14,166.67* 08/07/95 $450.00 S.W. LEE CONSTRUCTION UNDERGROUND 060695 GRANDVIEW UNDERGROUND 012760 $450.00* 08/07/95 $1,926.00 SANDERS WACKER WEHRMAN PROF FEES ARCH AND E 95071221 GRANDVIEW PRO FEE ARCH /E 012761 $1,926.00* $23,520.27 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 17, 1995 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, and Mayor Richards. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. MERVYN'S OF CALIFORNL4 WELCOMED TO EDINA Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Kelly and carried unanimously for adoption of a Proclamation noting that Mervyn's of California would be celebrating their grand opening at Southdale Center on July 27, 1995. "MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 3. 1995. AND SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 5. 1995. APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 3, 1995, and Special Meeting of July 5, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. ORDINANCE NO. 1995 -5 - STREET NAME CHANGE FROM W. 50TH STREET BETWEEN VERNON AVENUE AND ARCADIA STREET TO GUS YOUNG LANE ADOPTED ON SECOND READING Planner Larsen reminded Council that on June 5, 1995, First Reading was granted to Ordinance No. 1995 -5, changing the street name of W. 50th Street between Vernon Avenue and Arcadia Street to Interlachen Boulevard. Council Comment Mayor Richards reminded Council that the ordinance received first reading with a three to two vote supporting Interlachen Boulevard. At that meeting, one suggestion was renaming the street to Gus Young Lane. He also suggested consideration be given to nationally known Edina resident, George Mikan. Naming the short span Interlachen Boulevard will be confusing in his estimation. Member Paulus noted initially this didn't seem to be a real concern but after speaking with a number of residents who have grown up in Edina during the 50's, 60's and 70's, renaming the street Gus Young Lane would be a popular decision. Member Maetzold stated his favor with renaming the street Interlachen Boulevard. From a practical standpoint, when businesses give their addresses other than Interlachen, it would be difficult to locate them. With Interlachen as the street name, at least they would be directed into the neighborhood. He would support the name change to Interlachen Boulevard. Member Kelly pointed out she lives off of Interlachen Boulevard and has been involved in retail business for a number of years. She understood the proposed name was at the request of the developer and thought if the street was renamed anything other than Interlachen Boulevard it would be if confusing. Planner Larsen explained the name Interlachen Boulevard was suggested by City staff. Staff did confer with CSM and they voiced no objection to the change. Member Paulus moved Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1995 -5 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1995 -5 STREET NAME ORDINANCE - GUS YOUNG DRIVE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. The roadway from Vernon Avenue to Arcadia Street is hereby named "Gus Young Lane ". Section 2. Following publication, the effective date of this Ordinance shall be, August 16, 1995. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Paulus, Smith, Richards Nays: Kelly, Maetiold Ordinance adopted. FIRST READING GRANTED FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1995 -6 - PROVIDING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO THE CITY CODE Assistant Manager Hughes recalled that on August 3, 1992, the Council adopted the final recodification of the City Ordinances. Since that time, staff has compiled a list of problems which have arisen with respect to interpretation of the. Code. None of the items were critical in nature. The changes were held and a more comprehensive amendment prepared. He briefly explained each problem by Code Section. He specifically mentioned Section 14 dealing with hourly restrictions on certain noise generating events. At present there are no hourly restrictions. If a complaint is received regarding, e.g. construction activity, a noise meter would be activated to check if noise exceeds state standards. The model noise ordinance from the Pollution Control Agency (PCA), recommends restriction of certain activities between 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. the following morning and includes activities such as snowmobiling, operating a power lawn mower, collecting garbage within 200 feet of a residential building or engaging in construction activities. Staff would recommend exceptions to this restriction for 1) snow removal equipment and 2) lawn maintenance equipment used on golf courses which typically occur prior to 7:00 A.M. Assistant Manager Hughes added that Section 14, paragraph D, provides for construction actitivites performed on public streets and highways by the County or the State to be exempt from the time restriction, subject to approval of the City Manager. The exemption would be provided for the convenience to the motoring public since construction activities are typically conducted during nighttime hours. It was further recommended in Section 14, paragraph B, that language be clarified regarding restriction location of lawn mowers use not snow removal equipment on golf courses. Council Comment/Action Member Smith questioned changes to Section 10 regarding setbacks for tennis courts, basketball courts, sports courts, hockey and skating rinks and other similar recreational accessory uses including appurtenant fencing and lighting. Assistant Manager Hughes replied setbacks were not changed, only additional language, e.g. hockey and skating rinks and other similar accessory uses was added because residents have expressed a desire to build game courts on their property. Mayor Richards then called for public comment on the proposed technical corrections to the City Code. No comments or objections were received. Member Smith moved First Reading of Ordinance No. 1995 -6 - An Ordinance Providing Technical Corrections to the City Code as presented. Motion was seconded by Member Maetzold. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards First Reading granted. *BID AWARDED FOR ONE TWELVE TON TRAILER Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for one twelve ton trailer to Long Lake Tractor at $8,207.53, through State of Minnesota Contract #M8948. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR SNOW PLOWING SANDERS AND ATTACHED CONTROL EQUIPMENT Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for snow plowing sanders and attached control equipment to Aspen Equipment at $13,570.00, through State of Minnesota Contract #C79094- 02783. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR ONE SNOW PLOW AND WING Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for one snow plow and wing to recommended low bidder, J -Craft, Inc., at $9,088.71. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR TWO DUMP TRUCK BOXES Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for two dump truck boxes to J- Craft, Inc., at $46,201.40, through State of Minnesota Contract #P- 79094 - 02975. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR MILLING OF ASPHALT STREETS (PARTIAL) Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for milling of asphalt streets (partial) to recommended low bidder, Midwest Asphalt at $5,050.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR ASPHALT PAVING AT NORMANDALE GOLF COURSE Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid for asphalt paving at Normandale Golf Course to recommended low bidder, Metro Paving, at $6,535.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW OF JULY 5, 1995. APPROVED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to approve the following action as recommended in Section A of the Traffic Safety Staff Report of July 5,1995: 1) That proper markings and signs be placed in the alleyway of Sunnyside Road between Wooddale Avenue and Grimes Avenue to delineate play areas and that a neighborhood letter be generated to draw attention to safe driving practices; and; 2) To permit parking on one side of Hansen Road from Garden Park southward to W. 60th Street; and to acknowledge Sections B and C. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DISCUSSION HELD Member Maetzold began the discussion by asking if Edina's goal is to have a 'state of the art' park system when renovations are completed. Park Director Keprios answered that things that are broken must be fixed and that the existing parks must be brought to a higher standard. Member Maetzold inquired whether a consious attempt is being made to create a more desirable location to attract new residents than surrounding suburbs. Director Keprios said the attempt is to make the parks what the residents want them to be. Manager Rosland said that at this point, a path needs to be laid to update and maintain the infrastructure. Additional comments made by Member Maetzold are as follows: 1) The importance of how the City will function in 2000 or 2005 needs consideration in regards to work flows and communications with any renovation. 2) Has consideration been given to what the return on investment would be with any improvement to the Public Works area. 3) The Paramedic/ALS station is a must. 4) A demand exists for a third sheet of ice, especially in regard to girls hockey. Member Kelly commented as follows: 1) The Training Center is an ingenious idea that she would support. 2) The Parks need work. She would rather have fewer parks that are larger than numerous small neighborhood parks. 3) The senior citizens,in Edina are served well, not only by the Senior Center, but by the Art Center, Braemar, etc. If a bonding issue were done, the Senior Center should have a piece of it to enlarge or embellish the existing location. 4) Relocating Council Meetings is a good idea. 5) Closing Link Road would create more parking area for City Hall. Mayor Richards gave his thoughts on the Capital Plan as follows: 1) City Hall does not need expansion nor would he agree with extensive remodeling for parking. The Council Chambers is an under - utilized room and could be better used. He suggested the Council meet at an outside location, such as Edinborough. Additional facilities are needed for the police department and the park department and he believes within Edina, locations exist where they could be relocated. He charged staff to perform an analysis of the possible relocations. 2) Paramedic ALS Building - funding without a referendum in the southeast sector of Edina could be through the HRA or sale of bonds. 3) Public Works Building - possible relocation of park department to public works location. Deferred maintenance is expensive and requires further examination. 4) Parks - All parks are important, big or small. He would support a bond issue for A) general park issues to improve the park infrastructure and B) the third ice sheet for Braemar Arena. Member Smith offered comments that: 1) Agrees with 'less government' is good. 2) Funding a Paramedic ALS Building internally would be desireable 3) Suggested relocating Council meetings to the library 4) City Hall space needs require further examination, to include technology, relocating departments, etc. Has use of the Community Center been considered? 5) Citizens should be asked about a third sheet of ice at Braemar Arena. 6) The Training Center could be in conjunction with additional police space. 7) Public Works facility should be funded internally. He concluded he is lukewarm on any kind of bond issue. Member Paulus stated we should go to the community for feedback now rather than later. Right or wrong we are competing with Minneapolis rather than Eden Prairie and Plymouth with housing prices, etc. Starting with a broad needs base and then narrowing them down after receipt of the community input seems like the way to begin. Raising taxes to pay for items that were budgeted does not seem like the best plan when the dollar amounts could be similiar in the long run and much harder to explain. Mayor Richards observed he had heard a number of viewpoints on basically the same four issues: 1) City Hall, 2) Public Works Buildings, 3) Parks, and the 4) Paramedic ALS building. Mayor Richards would be willing to summarize the discussion 'and mail it to all Council members allowing time for review and reflection. Council will again discuss the Capital Plan and decide upon a course of action at the August 7, 1995 meeting. *CORRECTION TO MINUTES OF JANUARY, 1995, APPROVING LOT DIVISION FOR LOT 2. BLOCK 1 - BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT DIVISION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 2, Block 1, BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS 3RD ADDITION, JACOBSON REPLAT, and WHEREAS, the owner has requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: Parcel 1 • (westerly) That part of Lot 2, which lies westerly of a line drawn from a point on the south line of said Lot 2, distant 41.91 feet east of the southwest comer of said Lot 2, to a point on the northeasterly line of said lot 2 distant 75.27 feet southeasterly of the northwest comer of said Lot 2, as measured along said lines, and there terminating. AND, that part of Lot 1, lying easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast comer of said Lot 1, thence southerly along the east line of Lot 1, a distance of 128.72 feet to the point of beginning, thence southwesterly to a point on the south line of Lot 1, said point being 12.0 feet northwesterly of the southeast comer of Lot 1, as measured along the south line of Lot 1, Block 1, and there terminating, all in Block 1, BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS 3RD ADDITION, JACOBSON REPLAT. Parcel 2: (easterly) That part of Lot 2, Block 1, BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS 3RD ADDITION, JACOBSON REPLAT, which lies easterly of a line drawn from a point on the south line of said Lot 2, distant 41.91 feet east of the southwest comer of said Lot 2, to a point on the northeasterly line of said lot 2 distant 75.27 feet southeasterly of the northwest comer of said Lot 2, as measured along said lines, and there terminating. WHEREAS, the requested subdivision is authorized under Code Section 810 and it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purpose of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Code Sections 850 and 810; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of the second above described Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Code Sections 850 and 810 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land, but only to the extent permitted under Code Section 810 and Code Section 850 and subject to the limitations set out in Code Section 850 and said ordinances are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provisions thereof, and further subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 17th day of January, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. VACANCY EXISTS ON CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS Mayor Richards said he has the name of one resident who has expressed interest in filling the vacancy that exists on the Construction Board of Appeals and would be submitting an application and resume to the Council. "PETITION RECEIVED: RESOLUTION ADOPTED SETTING HEARING DATE OF AUGUST 7, 1995, FOR AERIAL VACATION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT - LOT 1, BLOCK 1, INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined after receipt of the petition of the owner of the land affected thereby that the following described easement for utility and drainage purposes should be considered for vacation, in accordance with the provison of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 412.851 and 160.29; Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 7, Block 1, INDIAN HILLS THIRD ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, thence northerly along the west line of said Lot 7 a distance 38.04 feet to the northerly line of said drainage and utility easement; thence South 80 degrees 36 minutes 02 seconds East, along said north line a distance of 31.50 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing South 80 degrees 36 minutes 02 seconds East, along said north line a distance of 34.00; thence South 09 degrees 23 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 13.00; thence North 80 degrees 36 minutes 02 seconds West a distance of 34.00; thence North 09 degrees 23 minutes 58 seconds East to the point of beginning and there terminating (Containing 442 S.F.) 2. This shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice included in paragraph 3 hereof for the purpose of holding a public hearing on whether such vacation shall be made in the interest of the public. 3. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said hearing to be published once a week for two weeks, in the Edina Sun - Current, being the official newspaper of the City, the first publication at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing and to post such notice, at least 14 days prior to the date of such hearing, in at least three (3) public and conspicuous places within the City, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.851. Such notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota will meet at the Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street on August 7, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposed aerial /vertical vacation of the following part of the drainage and utility easement over Lot 7, Block 1, INDIAN HILLS 3RD ADDITION according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. (Also known as 6301 Timber Trail) described as follows: Commencing at the southeast comer of said Lot 7, thence northerly along kthe west line of said Lot 7 a distance 38.04 feet to the northerly line of said drainage and utility easement; thence South 80 degrees 36 minutes 02 seconds East, along said north line a distance of 31.50 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing South 80 degrees 36 minutes 02 seconds East, along said north line a distance of 34.00; thence South 09 degrees 23 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 13.00; thence North 80 degrees 36 minutes 02 seconds West a distance of 34.00; thence North 09 degrees 23 minutes 58 seconds East to the point of beginning and there terminating. (Containing 442 S.F.) All persons who desire to be heard with respect to the question of whether or not the above proposed easement vacation is in the public interest and should be made shall be heard at said time and place. The Council shall consider the extent to which such proposed easement vacation affects existing easements within the area of the proposed vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, lines, gas and sewer lines, or water pipes, mains and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed vacation, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such easement area or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto, for the purpose of specifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of any such easements, and such authority to maintain and to enter upon the area of the proposed vacation shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. EDINA SOCCER ASSOCIATION - LEWIS PARK PROPOSAL, CONTINUED TO AUGUST 7. 1995 Park Director Keprios said following Council direction, staff sought alternatives and shared thoughts with the Soccer Association and the Park Board regarding the proposed change in use of Lewis Park from skating to soccer. At the July 10, 1995, Soccer Association meeting, the Association voted to table their proposal to the City Council for fifteen months. The Association has inquired of staff whether they could move their five and six year old girls and boys soccer program at Weber to the east bandy field at Lewis Park for the 1996 season. Director Keprios said staff would maintain the existing area for soccer and leave the skating rink as it is. The Soccer Association made the proposal because of the turf quality, better parking, and access to restroom facilities. The Park Board concurred with the reasonable short-term suggestion and agreed to table the issue for fifteen months. Member Maetzold commented that the area is very wet and asked what was planned to change this. Director Keprios said the area has been tested and some simple tiling could correct the dampness. Member Smith indicated the letter of reminder sent to the coaches and parents regarding being 'good neighbors' with respect to parking and property rights was an excellent idea. Director Keprios added that with two weeks left in the program, it was less costly to correspond with the coaches and parents directly. Next year, every parent and every soccer participant will receive 'good neighbor' reminders. George Topor, 5709 Kemrich, asked whether the next meeting on the Lewis Park proposal will be August 7, 1995. Evelyn Frey, 7250 Lewis Ridge Parkway, stated she feels there is room at Lewis Park for both bandy and soccer. With Council concensus, the Lewis Park proposal will be heard August 7, 1995. RESIDENT CONCERN EXPRESSED Greg Shank, 501 Tyler Court, voiced concern with the Maloney Avenue permanent street surfacing, concrete curb and gutter and sidewalk improvement. He built his home 22 years ago on a lot with some restrictions based on storm sewer easements through the property. Both the City and Mr. Shank believed the survey to be correct, at that time. The City recognized that the road was on the property as surveyed, and moved it approximately two feet resulting in the existing alignment for the past 22 years. Mr. Shank attended the recent neighborhood meeting and raised concerns about the proposal and whether the survey was correct. He attended and spoke at the April hearing regarding the amount of four feet that it appears he has lost based on the conflicting survey results of 22 years ago. His home is very close to the street now, and two feet closer would put the street at his door. Mr. Shank said he was not interested in becoming adversarial nor would he consider litigation. He would like a fair review and decision to minimize his loss of space on a street that undoubtedly will become eve busier. Engineer Hoffman said the facts, as presented, are correct. He further stated the City is working with Mr. Shank to work out a amenable solution to this problem. Mayor Richards reassured Mr. Shank that City staff is seeking a resolution to his concern. CONCERN OF RESIDENT EXPRESSED George Topor, 5709 Kemrich, stated he has two issues, 1) when is the unsafe path going to be completed on the west side of Lewis Park and 2) he needs help in understanding property taxes and how market values of property are set to maintain consistency. Park Director Keprios responded that asphalt reclaimers /relayers are extremely busy at this time of year but we are on the list for the path to be completed. Assessor Johnson said he would schedule a meeting with Mr. Topor to answer any questions he might have regarding property taxes and the process of how market values are set. RESIDENT VOICED CONCERN WITH EXCESSIVE SPEED Walter Sandison, 5300 Vernon Avenue South noted that speeds on Vernon Avenue are excessive and asked if anything could be done. CLAIMS PAID Member Paulus made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated July 13, 1995, and consisting of 30 pages: General Fund $217,776.83; Communication $17,550.11; Working Capital $7,650.13; Art Center $4,024.71; Swimming Pool $14,788.95; Golf Course $40,189.47; Ice Arena $15,548.68; Gun Range $373.26; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes $13,709.96; Utility Fund $72,549.81; Storm Sewer $4,891.44; Liquor Fund $100,180.50; Construction Fund $649,665.69; TOTAL $1,158,899.54; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated July 12, 1995, and consisting of nine pages: General Fund $144,419.85; Golf Course $525.47; Liquor Fund $266,939.16; TOTAL, $411,895.16. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *1994 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL REPORT PRESENTED Motion was made by Member Smith and was seconded by Member Kelly to acknowledge receipt of 1) the 1994 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, 2) the Independent Auditor's Report on Legal Compliance, 3) the Auditor's Management Letter and 4) the written response to the Auditors Letter. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. City Clerk 4 10 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor & City Council I Agenda Item # II.A. FROM: Francis Hoffman N ❑ Consent .City Engineer � Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA DATE: 7 August, 1995 x❑ To Council SUBJECT: Public Hearing - Drainage Action ❑ Motion & Utility Easement on Lot 7, Block 1, Indian Hills 0 Resolution Third Addition ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Vacate utility and drainage easement as requested subject to a conservation restriction which would prevent any further construction or filling. Info /Background: The property owner through his builder, has petitioned for a vacation of a drainage and utility easement which would allow construction of a three season porch and deck on the upper level. The City Engineering Department and Utility Companies have no problem with this request if recommendation of no additional in- fill is done on this property. However, since this property was constructed, our ordinances have changed and would require a fifty foot setback from the pond. As such, even if this vacation request were granted, a variance would be needed thru a hearing conducted by the Zoning Board of Appeals. The variance request would be to allow construction closer than fifty feet from the pond. There are four other buildings along the pond that would be in a similar situation if a building request were made. See attached sketch for the current request and staff will provide additional graphics at the Council Meeting. 6945 - 1' REQUESTED EASEMENT ga _ u � 4 VACATION LOCATION (741 N - 30,99 (64) 53) 31 5 CIO ,, s? 319 { 84: ti 632�� R o 323 6327 s� -6328 ' — — -- -- R — - - — - — -- 4 — a0- 7,p P 0Wr ' e STOR► CERTIFICATE= OF SURVEY Swrey for EN RDELo�S CDnlS . Q� m 0 Job No. �6 G BL _ Pg- "GglL G3 0"• "Jwj OF S R F� �- YACH T Ad.&OWW" .r yr �' I HER CERTIFYTNAT TM�IS ATRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OFTF[E 80UNDARIE8 OF des .: —1 igg SURVEYED BY ME THIS n3� DAY OF vL 1 AGENDA NO. IV.A. MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager FROM: Jerry Gilligan DATE: August 4,1995 RE: NSP Franchise Ordinance City staff has negotiated a new twenty year franchise ordinance with Northern States Power Company ( "NSP ") which permits the City to impose a franchise fee. The franchise fee would be based on a monthly charge per meter up to a maximum amount for each customer classficiation as set forth in the ordinance. The ordinance contains an escalator clause which permits the maximum monthly meter charge to increase based on increases in electric rates_ The remaining provisions of the franchise ordinance are based on the model ordinance of the Suburban Rate Authority previously negotiated with NSP, subject to minor modifications. As you are aware NSP's franchise expired in May. By a separate letter NSP has agreed that if the new franchise is granted by the City, NSP will indemnify the City on the same basis as provided in the franchise ordinance during the period from the expiration of the prior franchise until the effective date of the new franchise. NSP has represented to the City that the franchise fee would produce a fee of approximately $300,000 annually based upon NSP's present customer classifications. If the City Council wishes to impose a franchise fee this needs to be done by a separate ordinance. The adoption of the franchise ordinance does not impose a franchise fee. The imposition by the City of a franchise fee would be subject to approval by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, and if a franchise fee is to be imposed on NSP, the City is required by the franchise ordinance to impose a franchise fee of at,least an equivalent amount on Minnegasco. A franchise fee based on a meter charge was negotiated after NSF would not agree to a franchise fee based on a percentage of gross revenues unless the franchise ordinance contained provisions protecting NSF against potential loss of customers. The provisions which were proposed by NSP essentially eliminated the franchise fee if NSP was no longer the exclusive provider of electricity in the City, and eliminated the franchise fee for any customer who is being charged a PUC approved discounted electric rate. NSP was insisting on these provisions because of DORSEY & WHITNEY P.L.L.P. the potential for deregulation of the electric industry which would permit other utilities to sell power to NSP's customers to be transmitted over NSP transmission lines. This is commonly referred to as "retail wheeling," and in such a case the City may not be legally able to collect from the other utility a franchise fee for power sold to customers in the City which is transmitted over NSP's transmission lines. NSP was concerned about being placed at a competitive disadvantage if it were subject to a franchise fee but the other electric utilities selling electricity in the City were not. Basing the franchise fee on a meter charge alleviated the concerns of NSP. JPQcmn DORSEY & WHITNEY P.L.L.P. -2- Gary X Johmon Yee Praidem and General Counsel David A. Lawrence Auium General Counsel Writer's Ditto Dial Number 330 -7623 Northern States Power Company Law Department Jack F. SJoholm AssistaatC mxalCounsel City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Ladies and Gentlemen: 41eNleolletbiall Affo~ys Minanp lis. blianesom 33901 $%Ph n C. I POA,t Telephone (612) 3306600 Harald L ea&y F= No. (612) 3303927 Jam L. AIM= August 2, 1995 d L ,�i & lly John W. Hain Chandra G. Houston Audrey A.2lbclnm James R Johnson Parer bL Glass Jeffrey C. Paulson Bruce A. Colt The City Council of the City of Edina (the "City ") is considering granting Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation (the "Company "), a franchise to transmit and furnish electricity for public and private use within and through the City as provided in the proposed Ordinance, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Ordinance "). In order to induce the City to grant the franchise, the Company agrees that if such franchise is granted by the City and accepted by the Company as provided in Section 2.2 of the Ordinance, the Company shall upon the same terms and subject to the same conditions contained in Section 6 of the Ordinance indemnify, keep -and hold the City free and harmless ' from any and all liability on account of injury to persons or damage to property occasioned by the construction, maintenance, repair, inspection, issuance of permits or the operation of Electric Facilities (as defined in. the Ordinance) located in the City that arise or occur during the period from the expiration of the franchise granted by the City to the Company in Ordinance No. 245 -A1 of the City adopted by the City Council on May 19, 1975, to the effective date of the franchise granted by the City to the Company by the Ordinance. The Company understands and acknowledges that the City will be relying on this agreement by the Company in granted the franchise to the Company pursuant to the Ordinance, and agrees that no formal acknowledgement or acceptance of this agreement is required -by the City. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY By: G . Jo son Its: Vice Fresident and General Counsel CITY OF EDINA - Franchise Fee Estimate Scenario is based on a fee per customer per month and 1994 billing information CLASS METERED CUSTOMERS ESTIMATED KW KWH REVENUE FRANCHISE FEE PER METER PER MONTH Res w/o Sp Htg 19,594 167,449,233 $ 12,374,465.74 $ 293,910.00 $ 1.25 Res w/ Sp Htg 358 5,309,419 344,723.17 $ 5,370.00 $ 1.25 Sm C & I - N/D 1,090 18,049,644 1,299,684.90 $ 58,860.00 $ 4.50 Sm C & I - Dem 780 294,162 90,372,601 5,256,582.55 $ 93,600.00 $ 10.00 Large C & 1 175 646,690 254,608,130 12,688,506.57 $ 136,500.00 $ 65.00 Public Street - 3,053,972 343,179.38 $ - $ - Public Authority Sm Mun - N/D 27 187,895 13,649.02 $ 1,458.00 $ 4.50 Sm Mun - Dem 12 1,135,391 79,170.77 $ 1,440.00 $ 10.00 Lge Mun Pump 1 434,080 22,373.08 $ 780.00 $ 65.00 Fire & Civil Def - - 594.09 $ - $ - Total 22,037 540,600,365 $ 32,422,929.27 $ 591,918.00 $ - EDINA.XLS 7/21/95 MWF Ordinance No. CITY OF EDINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, REPAIR AND MAINTAIN IN THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, AN ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND TRANSMISSION LINES, INCLUDING NECESSARY POLES, LINES, FIXTURES AND APPURTENANCES, FOR THE FURNISHING OF ELECTRIC ENERGY TO THE CITY, ITS INHABITANTS, AND OTHERS, AND TO USE THE PUBLIC WAYS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS OF THE CITY FOR SUCH PURPOSES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Definitions. For purposes of this Ordinance, the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context in which the defined term is used clearly requires a different interpretation. 1.1 "City" means the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota 1.2 "City Utility System" means the facilities used for providing sewer, water, or any other public utility service owned or operated by City or agency thereof. 1.3 "Commission" means the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, or any successor agency or agencies, including an agency of the federal government which preempts all or part of the authority to regulate electric retail rates now vested in the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. 1.4 "Company" means Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, its successors and assigns. 1.5 "Electric Facilities" means electric transmission and distribution towers, poles, lines, guys, anchors, conduits, fixtures, and necessary appurtenances owned or operated by the Company for the purpose of providing electric energy for public use. 1 1.6 "Notice" means a writing served by any party or parties on any other party or parties. Notice to Company shall be mailed to the General Counsel, Law Department, Northern States Power Company, 414 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401. Notice to City shall be mailed to the City Clerk. Either party may change its respective address for the purpose of this Ordinance by written notice to the other party. 1.7 "Public Way" means any street, alley, or other public right -of -way within the City. 1.8 "Public Ground" means land owned by the City for park, open space or similar purpose, which is held for use in common by the public. Section 2. Franchise. 2.1 Grant of Franchise. City hereby grants Company, for a period of 20 years, the right to transmit and furnish electric energy for light, heat, power and other purposes for public and private use within and through the limits of the City as its boundaries now exist or as they may be extended in the future. For these purposes, Company may construct, operate, repair and maintain Electric Facilities in, on, over, under and across the Public Ways and Public Grounds of City, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance. Company may do all reasonable things necessary or customary to accomplish these purposes, subject, however, to zoning ordinances, other applicable ordinances, permit procedures, and to the further provisions of this franchise. 2.2 Effective Date: Written Acceptance. This franchise shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and its acceptance by the Company, and its publication as required by law. An acceptance by the Company must be filed with the City Clerk within 90 days after publication. 2.3. Service Rates and Area. The service to be provided and the rates to be charged by Company for electric service in City currently are subject to the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The area within the City in which the Company may provide electric service currently is subject to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 216B.40. 2 2.4. Publication Expense. The expense of publication of this Ordinance shall be paid by the Company. 2.5. Dispute Resolution. If either party asserts that the other party is in default in the performance of any obligation hereunder, the complaining party shall notify the other party of the default and the desired remedy. The notification shall be written. Representatives of the parties must promptly meet and attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution of the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved within 30 days of the written notice, the parties may jointly select a mediator to facilitate further discussion. The parties will equally share the fees and expenses of this mediator. If a mediator is not used or if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within 30 days after first meeting with the selected mediator, either party may commence an action in District Court to interpret and enforce this franchise or for such other relief as may be permitted by law or equity for breach of contract, or either party may take any other action permitted by law. Section 3. Location, Other Regulations. 3.1 Location of Facilities. Electric Facilities shall be located and constructed so as not to interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along and over Public Ways and they shall be located on Public Grounds as determined by the City. The Company's construction, reconstruction, operation, repair, maintenance and location of Electric Facilities shall be subject to other reasonable regulations of the City. Under this franchise agreement the City does not relinquish its police power regulatory authority and the Company does not relinquish its eminent domain authority. 3.2 Field Locations. The Company shall provide field locations for any of its underground Electric Facilities consistent with the requirements of Minn. Stat. Chapter 216D. 3.3 Street Openings. The Company shall not open or disturb the paved surface of any Public Way or Public Ground for any purpose without first having obtained permission from the City, for which the City may impose a reasonable fee. Permit conditions imposed on the Company shall not be more burdensome than those imposed on other utilities for similar facilities or work. The Company may, however, open and disturb the paved surface of any Public Way or Public Ground without permission from the City where an emergency exists requiring the immediate repair 3 of Electric Facilities. In such event the Company shall notify the City by telephone to the office designated by the City before opening or disturbing a paved surface of a Public Way or Public Ground. Not later than the second working day thereafter, the Company shall obtain any required permits and pay any required fees. 3.4 Restoration. After undertaking any work requiring the opening of any Public Way or Public Ground, the Company shall restore the same, including paving and its foundation, to as good condition as formerly existed, and shall maintain the same in good condition for two years thereafter. The work shall be completed as promptly as weather permits, and if the Company shall not promptly perform and complete the work, remove all dirt, rubbish, equipment and material, and put the Public Way or Public Ground in the said condition, the City shall have, after demand to the Company to cure and the passage of a reasonable period of time following the demand, but not to exceed five days, the right to make the restoration at the expense of the Company. The Company shall pay to the City the cost of such work done for or performed by the City, including its administrative expense and overhead, plus ten percent additional as liquidated damages. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedy available to the City. 3.5 Shared Use of Poles. The Company shall make space available on its poles or towers for City fire, water utility, police or other City facilities whenever such use will not interfere with the use of such poles or towers by the Company, by another electric utility, by a telephone utility, or by any cable television company or other form of communication company. In addition, the City shall pay for any added cost incurred by the Company because of such use by City. Section 4. Relocations, 4.1 Relocation of Electric Facilities in Public Ways. Except as provided in Section 4.3, if the City determines to vacate for a City improvement project, or at City's sole cost to grade, regrade, or change the line of any Public Way, or construct or reconstruct any City Utility System in any Public Way, it may order the Company to relocate its Electric Facilities located therein. The Company shall relocate its Electric Facilities at its own expense. The City shall give the Company reasonable notice of plans to vacate for a City improvement project, or to grade, regrade, or change the line of any Public Way or to construct or reconstruct any City Utility System. If a relocation is ordered within five years of a prior relocation of the same Electrical Facilities, which was made at Company expense, the City shall reimburse 4 Company for non - betterment expenses on a time and material basis, provided that if a subsequent relocation is required because of the extension of a City Utility System to a previously unserved area, Company may be required to make the subsequent relocation at its expense. Nothing in this Ordinance requires Company to relocate, remove, replace or reconnect at its own expense its facilities where such relocation, removal, replacement of reconstruction is solely for the convenience of the City and is not reasonably necessary for the construction or reconstruction of a Public Way or City Utility System or other City improvement. 4.2 Relocation of Electric Facilities in Public Ground. Except as may be provided in Section 4.3, City may require the Company to relocate or remove its Electric Facilities from Public Ground upon a finding by City that the Electric Facilities have become or will become a substantial impairment of the public use to which the Public Ground is or will be put. The relocation or removal shall be at the Company's expense. The provisions of Section 4 apply only to Electric Facilities constructed in reliance on a franchise and the Company does not waive its rights under an easement or prescriptive right, or State or County permit. 4.3 Projects with Federal Funding. Relocation, removal, or rearrangement of any Company facilities made necessary because of the extension into or through City of a federally -aided highway project shall be governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 161.46 as supplemented or amended. It is understood that the right herein granted to Company is a valuable right. City shall not order Company to remove, or relocate its facilities when a Public Way is vacated, improved or realigned because of a renewal or a redevelopment plan which is financially subsidized in whole or in part by the Federal Government or any agency thereof, unless the reasonable non - betterment costs of such relocation and the loss and expense resulting therefrom are first paid to Company, but the City need not pay those portions of such for which reimbursement to it is not available. 4.4 Liam. Nothing in this Ordinance relieves any person from liability arising out of the failure to exercise reasonable care to avoid damaging Electric Facilities while performing any activity. 5 Section 5. Tree Trimminn. The Company may trim all trees and shrubs in the Public Ways and Public Grounds of City interfering with the proper construction, operation, repair and maintenance of any Electric Facilities installed hereunder, provided that the Company shall save the City harmless from any liability arising therefrom, and subject to permit or other reasonable regulation by the City. Section 6. Indemnification. 6.1 The Company shall indemnify, keep and hold the City free and harmless from any and all liability on account of injury to persons or damage to property occasioned by the construction, maintenance, repair, inspection, the issuance of permits, or the operation of the Electric Facilities located in the City. The City shall not be indemnified for losses or claims occasioned through its own negligence except for losses or claims arising out of or alleging the City's negligence as to the issuance of permits for, or inspection of, the Company's plans or work. The City shall not be indemnified if the injury or damage results from the performance in a proper manner of acts reasonably deemed hazardous by Company, and such performance is nevertheless ordered or directed by City after notice of Company's determination. 6.2 In the event a suit is brought against the City under circumstances where this agreement to indemnify applies, the Company at its sole cost and expense shall defend the City in such suit if written notice thereof is promptly given to the Company within a period wherein the Company is not prejudiced by lack of such notice. If the Company is required to indemnify and defend, it will thereafter have control of such litigation, but the Company may not settle such litigation without the consent of the City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. This section is not, as to third parties, a waiver of any defense or immunity otherwise available to the City; and the Company, in defending any action on behalf of the City shall be entitled to assert in any action every defense or immunity that the City could assert in its own behalf. Section 7. Vacation of Public Ways. The City shall give the Company at least two weeks' prior written notice of a proposed vacation of a Public Way. Except where required for a City street or other improvement project, the vacation of any Public Way, after the installation of Electric A Facilities, shall not operate to deprive Company of its rights to operate and maintain such Electrical Facilities, until the reasonable cost of relocating the same and the loss and expense resulting from such relocation are first paid to Company. In no case, however, shall City be liable to the Company for failure to specifically preserve a right -of -way, under Minnesota Statutes, Section 160.29. Section S. Change In Form of Government. Any, change in the form. of government of the City shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance. Any governmental unit succeeding the City shall, without the consent of the Company, succeed to all of the rights and obligations of the City provided in this Ordinance. Section 9. Franchise Fee. 9.1. Separate Ordinance. During the term of the franchise hereby granted, and in lieu of any permit or other fees being imposed on the Company, the City may impose on the Company a franchise fee not to exceed an amount determined by collecting the amounts indicated below from each customer in the designated company customer classification for metered service at each and every customer location: Customer Classification Amount per month Residential $ 1.25 Small C & I and Municipal with no demand charge $ 4.50 Small C & I and Municipal with demand charge $10.00 Large C & I and Municipal $65.00. The franchise fee shall be imposed by a separate.ordinance duly adopted by the City Council, which ordinance shall not be adopted until at least 60 days after written notice enclosing such proposed ordinance has been served upon the Company by certified mail. The fee shall not become effective until at least 60 days after written notice enclosing such adopted ordinance has been served upon the Company by certified mail. Section 2.5 shall constitute the sole remedy for solving . disputes between the Company and the City in regard to the interpretation of, or enforcement of, the separate ordinance. No action by the City to implement a separate ordinance will commence until this Ordinance is effective. No pre - existing ordinance imposing 7 a fee shall be effective against the Company unless it is specifically amended after the effective date of this ordinance following the procedures of this Section 9 for the adoption of a new separate ordinance. A separate ordinance which imposes a lesser franchise fee on the residential class of customers than the amount set forth in the above Fee Schedule shall not be effective against the Company unless the fee imposed on each other customer class in the above Fee Schedule is reduced proportionately by the same percentage as the reduction represented by the lessor fee on the residential class. The payment of a franchise fee as provided by this Section 9.1 does not relieve the Company from paying fees to City unrelated to the installation, ownership or operation of Electric Facilities, such as building permit fees. 9.2 Terms Defined. For the purpose of this Section 9, the following definitions apply: 9.2.1 "Customer Classification" shall refer to the classes listed on the Fee Schedule and as defined or determined in the Company's electric tariffs on file with the Commission. 9.2.2 "Fee Schedule" refers to the schedule in Section 9.1 setting forth an amount per month for various customer classes. 9.2.3 "Final Order" refers to an order of the Commission changing the Company's electric service rates for one or more of the Company's Customer Classification in which order is not an interim order and that the time for appeal on such order has expired or that in the event of appeal all proceedings relating to the appeal have been exhausted. 9.3 Collection of the Fee. The franchise fee shall be payable not less often than quarterly, and shall be based on the amount collected by the Company during complete billing months during the period for which payment is to be made by imposing a surcharge equal to the designated franchise fee for the applicable customer classification in all customer billings for metered service in each class. The payment shall be due the last business day of the month following the period for which the payment is made. The franchise fee may be changed by ordinance from time to time, however, each change shall meet the same notice requirements and not occur more often than annually and no change shall require a collection from any customer for metered service in excess of the amounts specifically permitted by this Section 9. The time and manner of collecting the franchise fee is subject to the approval of the DI Commission, which the Company agrees to use its best efforts to obtain. No franchise fee shall be payable by the Company if the Company is legally unable to first collect an amount equal to the franchise fee from its customers in each applicable class of customers by imposing a surcharge in the Company's applicable rate for electric service. The Company may pay the City the fee based upon the surcharge billed subject to subsequent reductions to account for uncollectibles. The Company agrees to make its records available for inspection by the City at reasonable times provided that the City and its designated representative agree in writing not to disclose any information which would indicate the amount paid by any identifiable customer or customers or any other information regarding identified customers. 9.4 Condition of -the Fee. The separate ordinance imposing the fee shall not be effective against the Company unless it lawfully imposes and the City quarterly or more often collects a fee or tax of the same or greater equivalent amount on the receipts from sales of energy within the City by any other energy supplier, provided that, as to such a supplier, the City has the authority to require a franchise fee or to impose a tax. The "same or greater equivalent amount" shall be measured, if practicable, by comparing amounts collected as a franchise fee from each similar customer, or by comparing, as to similar customers, the percentage of the annual bill represented by the amount collected for the franchise fee purposes. If neither of the above comparisons are practicable because the fees are so dissimilar in nature, the "same or greater equivalent amount" shall be calculated by comparing the amount of the franchise fee per BTU being collected from the same or any similar class of customers of the Company and of another energy supply. The franchise fee or tax shall be applicable to energy sales for any energy use related to heating, cooling, or lighting, as well as to the supply of energy needed to run machinery and appliances on premises located within or adjacent to the City, but shall not apply to energy sales for the purpose of providing fuel for vehicles. 9.5 Permitted Adjustments. If following effective date of this franchise the Commission by Final Order approves a change in the Company's electric rates resulting in a general rate increase for one or more Customer Classifications, the Company shall calculate and send to the City a letter setting forth the amount, as a percentage, of authorized increase for each classification of customer within 60 days after the Company receives the Final Order. The amount of the franchise fee that may be imposed by the City, may be increased from the Fee Schedule in Section 9.1 to an amount not to exceed the percentage for the applicable Customer Classification stated in the Company's letter times each monthly amount set forth in the Fee D Schedule and adding the resultant amount to the applicable amount set forth in the Fee Schedule. In this manner the franchise fee collected or permitted to be collected from each class of customer can increase by the same percentage as the Company's electric rate increase. During the period where the City has imposed a franchise fee by separate ordinance under Section 9.1 there is no waiver of the right to impose the amendment if the City does not seek an increase in any franchise fee immediately after any such letter from the Company and, if the City so chooses, the City can combine the percentages derived from more than one rate case, to the extent not previously applied by the City, in setting the amount of the franchise fee, so that the City is not prejudiced by delaying any action to impose or increase the franchise fee. Section 10. Severability. If any portion of this franchise is found to be invalid for any reason whatsoever, the validity of the remainder shall not be affected. Section 11. Amendment, This Ordinance may be amended at any time by the City passing a subsequent ordinance declaring the provisions of the amendment, which amendatory ordinance shall become effective upon the filing of the Company's written consent thereto with the City Clerk within 90 days after the effective date of the amendatory ordinance. Section 12. Previous Franchises Superseded. This franchise supersedes any previous electric franchise granted to the Company or its predecessor. Passed and approved: , 19_. Attest: City Clerk 10 Mayor i'�t REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: GORDON L. HUGHES Agenda Item # IV. B. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ DATE: AUGUST 7, 1995 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA SUBJECT: SECOND READING - ORDINANCE NO. 1995 -6, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO THE CITY CODE Recommendation: Grant Second Reading to Ordinance No. 1995 -6. Info /Background: ❑x To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑x Ordinance ❑ Discussion On July 17, 1995, the City Council granted First Reading to the subject ordinance. At that time, the City Council directed that certain changes be made to Section 14, of the Ordinance Amendment, to clarify: 1. The use of golf course lawn mowers and snow removal equipment and 2. Construction activities that would be permitted on public streets and highways. These changes now have been incorporated in the Ordinance. Staff would recommend adoption of Ordinance No. 1995 -6. 41 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1995 -6 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO THE CITY CODE THE C= COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Schedule A of Section 185 of the City Code is amended by adding the following fee: PURPOSE SEC SUBSEC OF FEE /CHARGE AMOUNT FEE NO 410 410.02, Plan Review 65% of Permit Fee 37A Subd. 1 Section 2. Subsection 300.01 of Section 300 of the City Code is amended by providing a new definition of the following term: "Commercial Kennel. A place where more than three dogs or other animals over six months of age are kept, and where the business of selling, boarding, breeding, showing, treating or grooming dogs or other animals is conducted." Section 3. Subd. 2 of Subsection 430.03 of Section 430 of the City Code is amended by adding the following sentence: 'Me Building Official may grant a license limited to the installation of mechanical fireplace systems by persons who are competent in the installation of such systems." Section 4. Subd. 2 of Subsection 460.02 of Section 460 of the City Code is amended by adding the following definition: "Abandoned Sign. A sign which no longer identifies or advertises a bona -fide business, lessor, lessee, service, owner, building occupant or activity, or a sign for which no legal owner can be found." Section 5. Subd. 8 of Subsection 460.03 is amended to read as follows: "Subd. 8 Temporary For Sale Signs - Existing Buildings and Vacant Land. A temporary sign may be erected for the purpose of selling or leasing a residential or non - residential building or selling vacant land provided: A. Such signs shall not exceed 16 square feet for non - residential buildings, residential buildings of ten or more dwelling units, or vacant land. Provided, however, such signs may be increased to not more than 32 square feet if the lot or tract abuts a highway with a speed limit of 50 miles per hour or more and the sign is oriented to such highway. Temporary signs for the purpose of selling or leasing one vacant lot in the R -1 or R -2 Districts or a residential building of less than ten dwelling units shall not exceed six square feet. B. Only one such sign shall be permitted per building or vacant lot or tract. If the building is one or two or more buildings which together comprise a tract, then only one sign per tract shall be permitted. C. Signs for non - residential projects shall be located no closer than 100 feet to any pre- existing residence. D. Freestanding signs shall not exceed ten feet in height. E. All sign surfaces including legs and support members shall be painted and maintained in a crack free and blister free condition." Section 6. Subsection 460.04 of Section 460 of the City Code is amended by adding the following new paragraph J: "J. Abandoned Signs ". Section %. Subd. 4 of Subsection 460.06 of Section 460 is amended to read as follows: "Subd. 4. Violations and Fines. If the Planner finds that any sign or signs regulated by this Section is or are prohibited as to size, location, content, type, number, height or method of construction, or are unsafe, insecure or a menace to the public, or if any sign has been constructed or erected without a permit first being issued, or is improperly maintained, or is in violation of any other provisions of this Section, the Planner shall give written notice of such violation to the owner or lessee of the sign. If such owner or lessee fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply with the provisions set forth in this Section within 24 hours following receipt of said notice: A. Such sign may be deemed to be a nuisance and may be abated by the City by proceedings taken under M.S. Chapter 429, or any other nuisance abatement procedures allowed by this Code or State Law and the cost of abatement, including administration expenses, may be levied as a special assessment against the property upon which the sign is located; or B. Such owner or lessee may be prosecuted under Subsection 100.09 of this Code; and C. The City may exercise any and all other remedies provided by Subsection 100.09 of this Code. If the owner or lessee of the sign shall have been given notice of a violation hereunder and shall have removed or altered the sign, and shall then re -erect or install a sign which is the same as or similar to the sign as to which notice of violation was given, such re- erection or installation shall be deemed a violation of this Section, and no notice of such violation shall be required." Section 8. Paragraph B.3 of Subd. 1, of Subsection 850.04 of Section 850 is amended to read as follows: "3. Requests for variances from the literal provisions of Section 1046 of this Code." Section 9. Subparagraph 7 of Paragraph C of Subd. 4 of Subsection 850.07 of Section 850 of the City Code is amended as follows: 7. Commercial kennels as defined by Subsection 300.01 of the City Code." Section 10. Subparagraph f of Paragraph B.3 of Subd. 6 of Subsection 850.11 of Section 850 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: "L tennis courts, 30' 15' 5' 5' basketball courts, sports courts, hockey and skating rinks and other similar recreational accessory uses including appurtenant fencing and lighting." Section 11. Subd. 8 of Subsection 850.14 of Section 850 is amended by adding the following new paragraph F: T. Special Requirements for Retail Uses. Retail uses shall comply with the special requirements provided by paragraphs D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K of Subd, 11 of Subsection 850.16 of this Code." Section 12. Subd. 3 of Subsection 850.16 of Section 850 of the City Code is amended by adding the following principal use: "Commercial kennels as defined by Subsection 300.01 of the City Code." Section 13. Subsection 1040.02 of Section 1040 of the City Code is amended by deleting Paragraph D. Section 14. Section 1040 of the City Code is amended by adding a new Subsection 1040.03 as follows: "1040.03. Hourly Restrictions on Certain Operations. No person shall, between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M.: A. Operate a snowmobile, minibike, all terrain vehicle, or other vehicle not licensed for travel on public streets, provided vehicles used by physically disabled persons as defined by MS 169.356, Subd. 2 are exempt from this requirement. B. Operate a power lawn mower, power hedge clipper, power leaf blower, chain saw, mulcher, garden tiller, edger, drill or other similar maintenance equipment. Provided, however, i) the use of fairway and greens mowers and other motorized equipment used to maintain golf courses and publicly owned property and, ii) the use of snow removal equipment are exempt from this requirement. C. Collect garbage or refuse within 200 feet of a building used for residential purposes. D. Engage in or permit construction activities which produce any audible noise beyond the property line of the property where the activity is occurring, provided construction activities performed in public streets and highways by the City, the County or the State are exempt from this requirement subject to the approval of the Manager." Section 15. "Section 1040 of the City Code is amended by renumbering Subsections 1040.03, 1040.04, 1040.05, 1040.05, 1040.07, 1040.08, 1040.09 as Subsections f. 1040.04, 1040.05, 1040.06, 1040.07, 1040.08, 1040.09, and 1040.10 respectively." Section. 16. Paragraph B of Subsection 1046.02 of Section 1046 as amended to read as follows: T. Parked or stored outdoors on lots in non - residential districts for more than 48 continuous hours except that abandoned motor vehicles impounded by the City pursuant to Section 1410 of this Code may be stored outdoors by the pound keeper designated by the Manager." Section 17. Paragraph C of Subd. 2 of Subsection 1200.02 of Section 1200 is amended to read as follows: "C. The deposition of snow and ice from privately owned property provided that such snow and ice is deposited only upon boulevards which are adjacent to and not separated by the traveled portion of the street from the private property from which the snow or ice is removed." Section 18. Section 1230 of the City Code is amended by adding a new Subsection 1230.08 as follows: "1230.08. Exception. The provisions of this Section 1230 shall not apply to employees and agents of the City who are performing job related duties under the direction of the Manager, Engineer, or Park Director." Section 19. Paragraph U of Subsection 1230.02 of Section 1230 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: "U. Use a skateboard, roller skates, in -line roller skates or blades, or similar devices, i) in a municipal parking facility, ii) on or across a sidewalk within or adjoining property in the PC -1, PC -2, or PC -3 Districts as defined by Section 850 of this Code or iii) upon the traveled portion of a street. Notwithstanding the foregoing, roller skates or in -line roller skates or blades may be used on the traveled portion of streets if no adjoining sidewalk is present." Section 20. Subsection 1235.02 of Section 1235 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: "1235.02. Hours and Location of Parking Limited. No person shall park any vehicle in any municipal parking facility during business hours, i) for a period in excess of the time limits, or ii) in a location designated as "Contract Parking Only ", unless the vehicle displays a parking sticker issued pursuant to this Section. Persons may park in any municipal parking facility for any length of time during non - business hours, except for such times as parking may be prohibited for snow removal, repairs, and like purposes. Provided, however, no overnight parking shall be allowed." Section 21. Paragraph A of Subsection 1405.03 of Section 1405 is amended to read as follows: "A. Obstructions less than 30 inches in height above the elevation of the street adjoining the clear view zone as measured from the edge of the travelled portion of the street." REQUEST FOR PURCHASE �9�1r TO: Mayor, Richards .and Council Members 0� a FROM: John Ke rios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Dept. O VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Managerp SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: August 2, 1995 AGENDA ITEM V.A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Tennis courts and access paths construction Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1.Bituminous Consulting & Contracting Co., Inc. 1, $65,474.00 2.Matt Bullock Contracting Co., Inc. 2. $75,300.00 3.Plehal Blacktopping $75,855.00 =l Master Asphalt Co. 4. $96,361.00 5.Midwest Asphalt Corporation 5. $116,723.00 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Budget Account Number: P040 -1300 Bituminous Consulting & Contracting Co., Inc. $65,474.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project includes rebuilding the tennis courts and constructing accessible paths at the following sites: 1) Pamela Park, 5900 Park Place 2) Utley Park, 50th Street and Wooddale Ave. 3) Weber Park, 4115 Grimes Ave. S. Each site has a battery of two courts, which are all aged and worn beyond resurface repair and need to be rebuilt. Specifications require removal of existing tennis court surface, establish a stable sub -base, install new asphalt material, color coat and stripe new asphalt surface, provide and install new tennis net supports, and provide a new accessible asphalt path from the parking lot to the tennis court entrance at each site. In addition, the contractor will remove all the fencing fabric at the Utley Park tennis courts and will replace it with the fencing fabric that was salvaged from the Braemar tennis courts. If approved by City Council, construction will begin immediately, however, depending upon weather conditions, the color coating and striping process may not be completed until May of 1996. Si The recommended bid is �C within budget PARK AND RECREATION Department not within-Aya—daet JoWWallin, Finance Director Kenneth Rosland; City Manag TO: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: 7 August, 1995 AGENDA ITEM V.B. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Ramp Restoration - Two Ramps - Primary Repair on South Ramp by Lunds Company 1. Progressive Contractors, Inc. (PCI) 2. Western Waterproofing 3. Mills Concrete Restoration 4. Paragon Constructors, Inc. 5. Restoration Technologies, Inc. (RTI) 6. A.J. Spanjers Co., Inc. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Progressive Contractors, Inc. (PCI) GENERAL INFORMATION: Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 65,259.00 2. $ 77,126.50 3. $ 79,750.00 4. $ 81,856.00 5. $ 83,778.25 6. $108,704.00 $ 65,259.00 This project is to do parking ramp repair work on the center ramp (3925 W. 49 1/2 Street) and south ramp (4050 W. 51 st Street). The project will be funded through the fees collected for parking at the ramps, maintenance assessment to 50th & France Commercial Area and general fund budget of Public Works. The Engineer's Estimate was $74,996.00. Signa!�We The Recommended Bid is within budget Public Works - Engineerina Depa eat not within budget J n Wallin, Finance Director Kenneth Rosland, City Ma ger REQUEST FOR PURCHASE �gZNa TO: Mayor Richards and Council Members h FROM: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Dept. N h VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager RB � 13aAa SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: July 26, 1995 AGENDA ITEM v.0 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Tee oasis Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Perkins Landscape 1. $ 6,586.00 2. Kokesh Landscape 2. $ 7,395.00 3. 3. 4. 4. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Budget Account Number: 0027 -1325 Perkins Landscape $ 6,.586.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: 3 Tee Oasis on new nine at Braemar Golf Course on-holes # 20, 22 and 25 Signature The recommended bid is within budget PARK AND RECREATION Department Kenneth Rosldnd, City Maf ager Wallin, Finance Director TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT DATE: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor Richards and Council Members John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Dept. II Kenneth Rosland, City Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 July 26, 1995 AGENDA ITEM y.D ITEM DESCRIPTION Fertilizer purchase for Braemar Golf and Normandale Golf Courses Company 1. Turf Supply Co. (Henn.County) 2. 3. 4. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 5,060.88 2. 3. 4. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Budget Account Number: 0664 -4558 Turf Supply Co. $ 5,060.88 (Hennepin County Bid) 'ENERAL INFORMATION: Fertilizer 160 bags 24 -3 -12 (85% Polyon) $ 22.25 ea. 40 bags 15 -0 -30 Micro Greens ( Polyon) $ 29.80 ea. For Braemar Golf Course and Normandale Course fairways. Sicrhdture The recommended bid is Y within budget PARK AND RECREATION Departmen /t not wgh'tn tiudoet &Oh-n Wallin, Finance Director Kenneth Rosland, City Manager AGENDA ITEM: VI.B. CITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: August 3, 1995 TO: Mayor Richards and membe s of the City Council. FROM: John Keprios, Director U SUBJECT: Edina Soccer Association proposal. At the Edina Soccer Association Board meeting on July 10, 1995, the ESA Board voted unanimously to table their Lewis Park proposal for fifteen months. In efforts to resolve this issue, staff outlined several alternatives for the Edina Soccer Association to consider. The plan of action that the Edina Soccer Association has chosen to pursue is to move their U -6 soccer program from Weber Park to the east field (bandy rink) at Lewis Park in 1996 without making any major field renovations. The Edina Park Maintenance staff will mow the area and paint lines for two (20 yard X 30 yard) small soccer fields. This new plan of action does not eliminate the large ice rink or the bandy program. The Edina Soccer Association agreed that moving the U -6 program to Lewis Park was the best of all the alternatives presented by staff because it has better turf and parking than Weber Park. This plan of action was discussed at the Edina Park Board meeting on Tuesday, July 11, 1995. It was the consensus of the Park Board that this is a reasonable alternative that should be pursued. At the June 19, 1995, Edina City Council meeting, staff was directed to work with the Edina Soccer Association and Edina Park Board to explore alternative solutions to avoid having to eliminate the large sheet of ice at Lewis Park and thus the bandy program. The matter was to be brought before the City Council at the August 7, 1995, City Council meeting. Please know that the Edina Soccer Association has offered to pay for any construction costs necessary to correct the drainage problems at the Lewis Park bandy field site. These costs are estimated to be between $2,000 and $3,000. Based on the success of moving the U6 program to Lewis without making major improvements to the field, the proposal may or may not be brought back to the City Council in fifteen months. On June 14, 1995, 7:00 p.m., I attended the Lewis Ridge Condominium Association meeting to answer their concerns. Upon their request to have their questions responded to in writing, I followed up with a letter to their Board of Directors and a copy is attached for your review. In response to their parking concerns, I have drafted a letter to be distributed to every soccer and football participant who will be scheduled for activities at Lewis Park. This letter has been reviewed, edited and approved by the Lewis Ridge Condominium Association President, Doris Clegg, and a copy of that letter is also attached for your review. 9l�ll f 1�. City of Edina June 27, 1995 Dear Soccer and Football Players, Coaches and Parents: It has recently been brought to our attention that there are many soccer and football players, parents, coaches, spectators and park users at Lewis Park who are using the Lewis Ridge Condominium Complex private driveway and parking lot. Their private driveway and parking lot border the north side of Lewis Park. The Lewis Ridge Condominium Association has asked the City of Edina to notify park users and ask that they please not use their private driveway or parking lot. The Lewis Ridge Condominium Association has asked for the City of Edina's help in resolving this important issue. They much prefer to resolve this matter through cooperation of everyone involved, as opposed to, having to take legal action, which could result in towing vehicles at owner's expense. The two City of Edina owned and maintained parking lots for Lewis park have a total of 106 parking spaces for park users. In the event that both parking are full, which is extremely rare, I ask that you please use legal public on- street parking. I ask that you please respect the private property that belongs to the Lewis Ridge Condominium residents and encourage you to rely only on the public parking that is available. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 927 -8861 ext. 230. Many thanks. Sincerely, ohn Kepri s, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall (612) 927 -8861 3801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 5532.3 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 .N City of Edina June 19, 1995 Dear Lewis Ridge Condominium Association Board of Directors: Thank you for your letter dated May 3, 1995, concerning the Edina Soccer Association proposal. Please know that I did not respond in writing earlier simply due to the fact that I believed that all your questions and concerns were answered at the May 9, 1995, Edina Park Board meeting. At the Lewis Ridge Condominium Association special meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 14, 1995, it came as a surprise to me that the Lewis Ridge Board of Directors were still awaiting a written reply. My apologies. I hope that the following information answers the questions and concerns as stated in your letter: 1. Is the Soccer Association's offer to donate up to $40,000 intended to be just seed money with a larger expenditure planned? It seems that this amount would not cover much beyond grading and preparing the present space. I have been assured by the Edina Engineering Department that the total cost to develop the bandy rink site into a playable soccer field will cost less than $40,000. 2. Will the City of Edina undertake to improve Lewis Park needs such as: - Sanitary facilities - Adequate parking on Lewis Park grounds for proposed usage - Seating /stands - Traffic management The City of Edina has recently built a cedar fenced in area on the south end of Lewis Park to house a portable toilet facility. In addition, the warming house building is left unlocked during scheduled games. In almost all cases, the 106 parking spaces should provide adequate parking. In the rare case that both lots are full, we will encourage park users to use legal on- street parking (similar to what is the norm at several other Edina parks). Two small bleachers will be placed at the east field to accommodate spectators. 3. Will the Edina Police Department enforce and protect our privacy, no parking and fire lane signs? Your private drive is not a designated fire lane. It is presently improperly signed. Please know that the City of Edina and Edina Soccer Association will do their parts to ask park users to not use your private drive and parking lot. City Hall (612) 927 -8861 3801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55324 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5361 A -2- 4. What will be the Park's hours of operation? In accordance with City of Edina Ordinances, the hours of operation for Lewis Park are 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. As I promised at your special Condominium Association meeting on June 14, I have drafted a letter to soccer players and parents encouraging them to not park in your private driveway or parking lot. As mentioned above, in the future the City of Edina and Edina Soccer Association will provide information to every soccer participant who is scheduled at Lewis Park to encourage them not to use your private driveway or parking lot. A copy of a letter from me to be sent to every soccer player and parent for this year is attached for your review. Again, I apologize for not responding to your letter sooner. hope that the above information is helpful. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to call me at 927 -8861 ext. 230. Many thanks. Sincerely, i ohn Kepr' s, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department TO: COUNCIL FROM: MAYOR RICHARDS DATE: AUGUST 7, 1995 SUBJECT: REPORT/RECOMMENDATION REAPPOINTMENT OF AILEEN KULAK TO MANAGER OF NINE MILE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT Info /Background: Agenda Item # VI.C. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion I received the attached letter from Aileen Kulak requesting our endorsement of her reappointment. We need to pass a motion recommending Aileen Kulak's reappointment as a Manager of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District to the Hennepin County Board. Helen McClelland is also due for reappointment, however, to date we have not received any communication from her. Mayor Fred Richards Edina City Council 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN. 55424 Attention: Ken Rosland Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Engineering Advisor: Legal Advisor: Barr Engineering Co. Popham, Haik, Schnobrich & Kaufman 8300 Norman Center Drive 3300 Piper Jaffray Tower Suite 300 222 South Ninth Street Minneapplis- MN 55437_ — Minneapolis, MN 55402 Ph. 832 -2600 Ph. 333 -4800 July 21, 1995 Dear Mayor Richards & Edina City Council: I have been priviledged to serve as a Manager of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District when major cooperative Mnicipal/District projects have been completed. Mount Normandale Lake, Bredesen/Mud Lake and Lower Valley are examples of projects initiated by City Councils and completed by the Watershed District. Last year the District worked with the City of Hopkins to authorized and complete a flood plain project in less that one year from the time the petition was reviewed. I am very proud of the working relationship which the Managers have -developed.with each of the municipalities of the District, and I am seeking reappointment as a Manager. I am aware of the a policy that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners has adopted on watershed manager appointments and, while it does not foreclose. my reappointment, it indicates the need to seek the support of the cities. My tenure as Chairman of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District was based on working with the municipalities and I do request your support of my reappointment as a Manager of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Presently the Watershed is working on the Smetana Lake project and we will be evaluating a project for Bush/Anderson Lakes. I would like to see these projects through to completion. I would also like to see us with a completed and approved 509 plan. Sincerely, Aileen Kulak Board of Managers Aileen Kulak - Bloomington Helen McClelland - Edina Larry Madden - Bloomington LuAnn Tolliver - Minnetonka Edward Schuck - Eden Prairie REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # vI.D. -FROM: Francis Hoffman Q Consent City Engineer Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA DATE: 7 August, 1995 x❑ To Council SUBJECT: Municipal Agreement with Action ❑ Motion Mn /DOT, Hennepin County, Bloomington & Richfield on x❑ Resolution Integrated Corridor Traffic Management (ICTM) ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Authorize Mayor and Manager to sign municipal agreement with ICTM Project Partners (Mn /DOT, Hennepin County, Bloomington and Richfield) for local share of project funds ($3,000.00). Info /Background: This is an ongoing project which has followed the completion of the 1 -494 EIS. Minnesota Department of Transportation, Hennepin County and the Cities of Bloomington, Richfield and Edina are working on a project called "Integrated Corridor Traffic Management ". This involves physically connecting ramp meters, interchange traffic signals and arterial traffic signals along W. 76th Street and W. 77th Street in Edina and Richfield and arterial traffic signals along W. 79th Street and W. 80th Street in Bloomington. The majority of funding for this project has been federal funding that is being used to develop this coordination project. A small portion of the project is funded through congestion mitigation /air quality funds (CMAQ). If the CMAQ funds, the split of costs are 80% federal funds, 13% Mn /DOT, 3% Hennepin County, 2% Bloomington and 1 % each for Richfield and Edina. This cost split would be borne by each agency spread over three years. As such, the Edina share would be $1,000.00 annually. This local funding would come from our professional services budget in the Engineering Department of Public Works. As such, staff would recommend that the Mayor and Manager be authorized to sign the agreement REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # VI. E. FROM: Francis Hoffm )) ❑ Consent City Engineer Information Only rq Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA DATE: 7 August, 1995 ❑ To Council SUBJECT: Meadowbrook/Rolling Green Action ❑ Motion Stormwater Management Project ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: None, information only. Info /Background: City staff is currently working on a project with the Minneapolis Park Board who owns Meadowbrook Golf Course. Our Rolling Green and. Interlachen Golf Course area drains into Meadowbrook Golf Course. The joint storm sewer project we are working on with the Park Board involves replacing the storm sewer lift station on the course, and replacing storm sewer pipe to the station from Edina drainage areas. The project costs would be split on basis of acres drained. The Minneapolis Park Board staff has asked if the City of Edina would maintain the lift station since the Park Board does not have utility staff like Edina does. The proposal would be to have Edina maintain the station and bill to the Park Board annually the proportionate share of electricity costs and any maintenance costs incurred. The station would be pumping more water from Edina than from the Golf Course area. The intent of this memorandum is to inform Council of the ongoing activity and receive any comment from City Council reference any concerns the Council may have. This project would need Corps of Engineer, Minnesota DNR and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District approvals. Preliminary meetings indicate that the project would receive approvals as needed. August 1, 1995 Frederick Richards Mayor City of Edina 4801 w. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Fred: . I am writing this letter to resign from the Human Relations Commission. I have served on the commission since March 1994. I enjoyed the experience of working with a nice group of people with vision and mission. I also honored the opportunity to serve my owa community. However, because of my job responsibility - now - requires - out -of town traveling and routine 24 hours on call support, I can no longer serve the Commission effectively. Please excuse me for not fulfilling the frill term of your appointment. I hope that in the near future, I'will be free to volunteer again. Best wishes... Sincerely yours, Ming -F i CC: John •Crist SusanWohlrabe TO: Mayor & Council Members FROM: Ken Rosland DATE: August 7, 1995 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION APPEALS BOARD REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item # VI.H. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action © Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: That David J. Fisher be appointed to the Building Construction Appeals Board Info /Background: Attached is a brief resume sent to me by David Fisher who, as you know, is being recommended for appointment to the Building Construction Appeals Board. Beyond what you see in this brief resume, David as a young man worked for the City for several years at the Golf Course and was a very excellent employee. It is nice to see a person grow in the City and participate as he has said he is willing to do. David J. Fisher 6012 Drew Ave. S. Edina, Mn. 55410 Home:929 -0953 Work: 927 -2811 University of Minnesota 1971 -1976 'B.S. Business Degree Became licensed real estate agent with Bermel -Smaby Realtors in April of 1976. Presently licensed with Edina Realty. 1983 Started construction company called Wilson- Fisher Home Builders, Ltd. Build primarily single family homes in Eden Prairie, Bloomington and Edina. I am fifty percent owner of the company. 1992 - Present: Became associated with Parkwood Knolls Construction building single family homes in Edina. Currently, Wilson - Fisher Home Builders are building homes both for Parkwood Knolls Construction and in our own identity. REPO RT /RECO M MEN DATI O N TO: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # vI • I FROM: Craig Larsen Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA DATE: August 7, 1995 ® To Council SUBJECT: CDBG 1995 (Year XXI) Action ❑ Motion Subrecipient and Third Party Agreements ® Resolution with Hennepin County. ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Authorize execution of the Subrecipient and Third Party Agreements by the Mayor and Manager. Info /Background: The City Council approved the 1995 (YEAR XXI) CDBG budget of $204,554 on March 6, 1995. HUD has since approved this budget and now requires the City to execute the Third Party Agreement and Subrecipient Agreement prior to the disbursement of the funds. The Third Party Agreement is between the City and the Following agencies or providers: Senior Community Services for the H.O.M.E. Program Greater Minneapolis Daycare Association for Child Day Care, and Community Action for Suburban Hennepin for the HOMEline Program. Those agencies agree to implement their respective activities in compliance with the regulations of the Agreement; with disbursement of the budgeted funds coming directly from Hennepin County. Through the Subrecipient Agreement, the City accepts responsibility for the approved activities. Similar agreements have been executed in previous program years. f. MINDTES OF THE REGUTAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL MU AT CITY HALL MARCH 6, 1995 ROLI.CAIJ. Answering rollcall were Members Maetzold, Paulus, Smith and Mayor Richards. Member Kelly entered the meeting at 7:04 P.M. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion vas made by Member Paulus and vas seconded by Member Smith to approve and adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CAMP FIRE WE= PROCLAIMED Motion of Member Smith was seconded by Member Maetzold and carried unanimously for adoption of a Proclamation naming March 13 - 19, 1995, as Camp Fire Birthday Veek. Camp Fire boys and girls are commended for the valuable programs offered to young people in the City of Edina and throughout the nation and for the many services they perform for their community through Camp Fire. Barbara Kerr - Anderson and Sherry Hedwall, co- leaders, accepted the Proclamation. Camp Fire members Karen Rustad, Nicky Kerr - Anderson, Evan Hedwall, Corinne Wilson, and Jordan Hedwall presented a Camp Fire birthday cake to the Council. *MINUTES APPROVED FOR REGOL&R MEETING OF FEBRUARY 21, 1995 Motion was made by Member Paulus and was seconded by Member Smith to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 21, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. PUBLIC SEARING CONDUCTED: 1995 URBAN HE NNE PIN COUNTY CDBG PROGRAM APPROVED Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Following due notice given, a public hearing was conducted on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for Year 1995. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen advised Council that Edina's 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement is $204,554 from Hennepin County's total budget of $3,806,962. This reflects a 3.4 percent increase over the 1994 allotment of $197,821. Pending federal legislation could cut this proposed budget. The proposed 1995 budget was presented to the Human Relations Commission (HRC) at its meeting of February 21, 1995. The HRC recommended approval as proposed but expressed concern that 32 families are currently on the daycare subsidy waiting list. They have formed a committee to look into daycare subsidy and will be prepared with some alternatives for daycare funding when the 1996 CDBG budget is proposed. The proposed budget was presented as follows: PROJECT Public Service: Housing and Outdoor Maintenance for Daycare Subsidy C.A.S.H. HOMEline Community Development: Rehabilitation of Private Property BUDGET the Elderly (H.O.M.E.) $ 24,893 13,000 3,000 Removal of Architectural Barriers (ADA compliance) 80,000 83.661 $204,554 } Planner Larsen observed that for those funds designated toward Community Development, the Rehabilitation for Private Property is proposed to double from $40,000 in 1994 to $80,000. The reason is twofold: 1) last year the amount of funds available for each grant increased from $10,000 to $15,000, and 2) there are currently 15 households on a waiting list to participate in the program. The proposed budget of $83,661 for Removal of Architectural Barriers will be targeted toward exterior accessibility issues (handicapped parking, curb cuts, walkways and thresholds) at Braemar Arena, Edinborough Park and Centennial Lakes. Member Kelly asked if the daycare subsidy funds go to Edina facilities. Planner Larsen responded that the City's funding goes directly to Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association who in turn pays the money directly to the families to be used for daycare at the facility of their choosing. He clarified that the $13,000 daycare subsidy goes to Edina residents only. In reference to the H.O.M.E. program, Member Kelly asked if the need is greater in any particular area of Edina. Planner Larsen answered that, over the 20 years the program has been in place, there are pockets of need with eligibility being City wide. He noted that the difference between the Edina Home Partners program and H.O.M.E. is that a different population is being served. Member Maetzold asked what process is used to approve applications. Planner Larsen said applications are approved on a first come, first served basis, following a qualification of income, assets and property ownership. Member Smith asked what the Edina community is-getting back. Planner Larsen explained that while there are other communities using the H.O.M.E. program, the proposed $25,000 budget would be dedicated to Edina residents only. Member Smith noted that the HOMEline Operating Budget listed under Source of Funds a line item of $271,300 from Community Service Block Grant and asked for an explanation. Public Comment Charlie Warner, C.A.S.H. Housing Programs Director, explained that the Community Service Block Grant is a separate program from Community Development Block Grant. It is funding that also comes from the federal government but is specifically allocated to community action agencies. Funds are distributed through the Minnesota Department of Economic Security and has nothing to do with CDBG. C.A.S.H. is a private non - profit corporation that basically deals with tenant- landlord problems, education for first time homeowners and high - school seniors who will become renters soon. In order to receive Community Service Block Grant funds they must be sponsored by the local government. Member Smith asked how large the staff was and what was the size of the average household served. Mr. Warner said thirteen people work at the agency, nine of whom work with housing. The average household size is two plus persons and is the same for both renters and homeowners. Jim Nickolai, Associate Director of Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association, ( GMDCA) spoke on behalf of the proposal to continue the child care sliding fee program. He explained that this is a income based voucher program and that most parents chose child care located near their home. Member Kelly asked if Edina has - enough child care facilities. Mr. Nickolai said many communities have a lack of quality infant care, special needs care and evening care. He explained that GMDCA is a non - profit corporation that works with all licensed child care programs both in referrals with parents and with training, accreditation, and consulting. Things that would help the child care supply would include raising the level of pay for child care providers, giving technical assistance on start- up and general nurturing of child care facilities. Betty Crouch, H.O.M.E. Program Director, noted that the program served 157 senior Edina households last year with over 4266 hours in homemaker, maintenance and chore services. She pointed out that there is a growing demand for services for seniors. Member Smith moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION APPROVING PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Edina, through execution of a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County, is cooperating in the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina has developed a proposal for the use of Urban Hennepin County CDBG finds made available to it, and held a public hearing on March 6, 1995, to obtain the views of citizens,on local and Urban Hennepin County housing and community development needs and the City's proposed use of $204,554 from the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of Edina approves the following projects for funding from the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Block Grant program and authorizes submittal of the proposal to Hennepin County for review and inclusion in the 1995 Urban Hennepin County Community Block Grant Program Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds: PROJECT BUDGET Housing and Outdoor Maintenance for the Elderly (H.O.M.E.) $ 24,893 C.A.S.H. HOMEline- 3,000 Daycare Subsidy 13,000 Rehabilitation of Private Property 80,000 Removal of Architectural Barriers 83.661 $204,554 ADOPTED this 6th day of March, 1995. Motion was seconded by Member Maetzold. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. *LOT DIVISION APPROVED FOR LOT B OUTLOT A MCCAULEY HEIGHTS 4TH ADDITION (6437- 39 MCCAULKY TRAIL Motion of Member Paulus was seconded by Member Smith for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Outlot A. McCauley Heights 4th Addition, and WHEREAS, the owner(s) has requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: PARCEL A: That part of Outlot A, McCauley Heights 4th Addition which lies Northwesterly of a line running from a point on the northeasterly line of said Outlot A, distant 58.77 feet southeasterly of the most Northerly corner thereof to a point on the southwesterly line of said Outlot A, distant 82.36 feet Southeasterly of the most Westerly corner thereof. PARCEL B: That part of Outlot A, McCauley Heights 4th Addition which lies Southeasterly of a line running from a point on the northeasterly line of said Outlot A, distant 58.77 feet southeasterly of the most Northerly corner thereof to a point on the southwesterly line of said Outlot A, distant 82.36 feet southeasterly of the most Westerly corner thereof. WHEREAS, the requested subdivision is authorized under Code Section 810 and it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purpose of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Code Sections 810 and 850; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of the second above described Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Code Sections 850 and 810 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but only to the extent permitted under Code Section 810 and. Code Section 850 and subject to the limitations set out in Code Section 850 and said Ordinances are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provisions thereof, and further subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 6th day of March, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING MATTERS Motion was made by Member Paulus and was seconded by Member Smith setting March 20, 1995, as hearing date for the following planning matters: 1) Final Site Plan Approval - The Coventry at Centennial Ickes 2) Preliminary Plat Approval - The Coventry at Centennial Ickes 2nd Addition Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. FIRST READING GRANTED FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1995 -1 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CODE SECTION 410 TO PROVIDE UPDATES TO BUILD IRG CODES AND TO ADOPT OPTIONAL PROVISIONS Building Coordinator Kehoe explained that the new 1994 Uniform Building Code has been developed as a joint venture of the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA) "National Building Code ", the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) "Uniform Building Code" and the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI) "Standard Building Code" into a single updated code called the Uniform Building Code. The State of Minnesota has adopted the Minnesota State Building Code (MSBC) which includes the Uniform Building Code per Minnesota Statute 16B.59 to Minnesota Statute 16B.75, including amendments to the MSBC in effect on March 20, 1995. The City of Edina must, by State Statute, adopt the basic Minnesota State Building Code, including amendments as done in the past. In order for the City of Edina to adopt the updated Minnesota Sate Building Code, amendments to Section 410 of the City Code are needed. In addition, amendments to Section 185 are required to update building permit fees as per the UBC. Although adoption of the basic code is mandatory, the City may, at its discretion, adopt certain optional provisions of the UBC and the MSBC. The Council previously adopted the following: 1) UBC Appendix Chapter 31 - Membrane Structures 2) MSBC Chapter 1306 - Fire Protection 3) MSBC Chapter 1335 - Floodproofing Staff would recommend adoption of the following additional optional provisions: 1. UBC Appendix Chapter 15 - Reroofing - Provides precise application methods for reroofing. - Section 1517.2 "Asphalt Shingle Application" - Allows two overlays of shingles. Recommend Edina allow only one overlay of shingles unless applicant can show structural soundness by structural engineer (better weather protection, less weight during heavy snow load, better shingle application and better finished appearance). Mayor Richards asked if this would be an economic issue for the homeowner. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # vI . J FROM: Craig Larsen 0 Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA DATE: August 7, 1995 0 To Council SUBJECT: Year XIX CDBG Funds. Action Motion x ❑ Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Reprogram $1,580.00 from Year XIX Adaptive Recreation to Year XIX Rehabilitation of Private Property. Info /Background: Hennepin County requires all Year XIX funds to be expended by December 31, 1995. Currently, $1,500 remains uncommitted in the Adaptive Recreation budget. Because funds which are not expended by the deadline revert back to the County, staff recommends reprogramming the Adaptive Recreation funds into the Rehabilitation of Private Property where the funds will be expended by the end of the year. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # vz_ K. FROM: Craig Larsen Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA DATE: August 7, 1995 ® To Council SUBJECT: CSM, Inc. - Reguest to Action Motion Reconsider Street Name Change. Gus ❑ Resolution Young Lane Ordinance F-1 Discussion Recommendation: The action can be reconsidered only if a party of the prevailing side moves to reconsider. Info /Background: The City Council granted first reading to the Ordinance on June 5, 1995. 08/02/06 07:12 FAX 612 646 2404 CSM CORPORATION Q002/002 mss,. CSM Corporation —� 2561 TaMtorial Road • St Paul. MN 551 te- 1500.612160-7177 • FAX 8121646 -I4Q4 August 2, 1995 Mayor Richards and City Council Members City of Edina 1 801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55414 -1392 West 50th Street between Vernon Avenue and Arcadia Dear Mayor Richards and City Council Members. It is my understanding that the City Council voted to change the name of West 50th street at the vernon Shops development to Gus Young Lane. Our First notification of this change carne by means of a letter from Craig Larson on August 1., 1995. This is of �rtat concern to CSM as the affected property owner on hnth sides of this at<-etch of road. At present CSM has five signed teases using Interlachcn Boulevard as the address. The tenant's have incurred costs would for advertising, letterheads, and statinnary that has been ordered by these tenants. CSM originally petitioned to change the name to Interlac;hen Boulevard at the guidance of the City Planners and had every reasuii to believe that it would be approved as such. It is my understanding that it was passed at the first City Council reading, and changed at the second reading to Gus Young Lane. I would Jike to request tliat the City Council reconsider the original Petition to change the name to latcrlachen Boulevard. Please feel free to call me AT 646 -1717 if you have. any questions. Sincerely, CSM Corporation David R. Kuuuncr Project Manager COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $152.93 3M CO GENERAL SUPPLIES TP13876 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 2380 08/07/95 $240.80 3M CO GENERAL SUPPLIES TP11214 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 1931 08/07/95 $492.88 3M CO SIGNS & POSTS TP12298 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS 2251 157541 $886.61* 08/07/95 $150.00 AlA MASTER SANDBLASTIN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30303 ART CENTER BLD CONTR REPAIRS 1972 157542 $150.00* 08/07/95 $238.93 AA EQUIPMENT CO BUILDINGS 78479 LIQUOR PROG BUILDINGS 157543 $238.93* 08/07/95 $434.98 ACCUFORM GOLF INTERNAT GENERAL SUPPLIES 3928 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2147 157544 $434.98* 08/07/95 $82.38 ACT ELECTRONICS INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 3621 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 8542 157545 $82.38* 08/07/95 $735.33 ACTION MAILING SERVICE MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER 89030 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX 157546 $735.33* 08/07/95 $11.30 ACTION MESSENGER SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 165768 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQUI 08/07/95 $20.95 ACTION MESSENGER SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 166830 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQUI 157547 $32.25* 08/07/95 $229.81 ADT SECURITY SYSTEMS ALARM SERVICE 18592958 ED BUILDING & ALARM SERVICE 08/07/95 $103.55 ADT SECURITY SYSTEMS ALARM SERVICE 18592954 ED BUILDING & ALARM SERVICE 157548 $333.36* 08/07/95 $510.10 AL'S LANDSCAPING & NUR GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI 157549 $510.10* 08/07/95 $4,613.48 ALBERG WATER SERVICES CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10280 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 2247 157550 $4,613.48* 08/07/95 $69.23 ALCO CAPITAL RESOURCE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 23354086 ART CENTER ADM EQUIP RENTAL 157551 $69.23* 08/07/95 $326.80 ALL AMERICAN BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 76210 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 157552 $326.80* 08/07/95 $24.00 ALL FIRE TEST INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 006753 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $135.69 ALL FIRE TEST INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 006197 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 08/07/95 $74.39 ALL FIRE TEST INC SAFETY EQUIPMENT 006752 ARENA ADMINIST SAFETY EQUIPME 08/07/95 $24.00 ALL FIRE TEST INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 006853 POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS 08/07/95 $24.00 ALL FIRE TEST INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 006852 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 2833 08/07/95 $104.71 ALL FIRE TEST INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 006620 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 08/07/95 $214.50 ALL FIRE TEST INC FIRST AID SUPPLIES 02000 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 2599 157553 $601.29* 08/07/95 $474.05 ALPHAGRAPHICS PRINTING 063095 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 2 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157554 $474.05* 08/07/95 $1,035.00 ALSTAD, MARIAN AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157555 $1,035.00* 08/07/95 $472.47 AMERICAN FORD CONTRACTED REPAIRS 65720 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2536 157556 $472.47* 08/07/95 $26.32 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063095 LABORATORY LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $93.19 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063095 GRILL LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $225.51 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063095 FIRE DEPT. GEN LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $37.20 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063095 VERNON OCCUPAN LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $38.02 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063095 50TH ST OCCUPA LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $123.28 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063095 YORK OCCUPANCY LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $45.97 AMERICAN LINEN CLEANING SUPPLIES 062095 FIRE DEPT. GEN CLEANING SUPPL 1711 08/07/95 $159.05 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 063095 CITY HALL GENE LAUNDRY 157557 $748.54* 08/07/95 $207.09 AMERICAN SEMI PARTS ACCESSORIES 717830 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2470 157558 $207.09* 08/07/95 $184.36 AMERICAN SHARECOM TELEPHONE 071595 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 157559 $184.36* 08/07/95 $13.34 AMVETS CONVENTION YEAR ADVERTISING OTHER NA39922 VERNON LIQUOR ADVERT OTHER 08/07/95 $13.33 AMVETS CONVENTION YEAR ADVERTISING OTHER NA39922 LIQUOR 50TH ST ADVERT OTHER 08/07/95 $13.33 AMVETS CONVENTION YEAR ADVERTISING OTHER NA39922 LIQUOR YORK GE ADVERT OTHER 157560 $40.00* 08/07/95 $90.00 APWA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 110579 SUPERV. & OVRH PROF SERVICES 2462 157561 $90.00* 08/07/95 $4.58 AQUA ENGINEERING GENERAL SUPPLIES 13823 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI 2077 08/07/95 $11.72 AQUA ENGINEERING SPRINKLER PARTS 14014 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI 2542 157562 $16.30* 08/07/95 $79.84 ARMSTRONG MEDICAL FIRST AID SUPPLIES 0448085 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 2121 157563 $79.84* 08/07/95 $30.00 ARNOLD, BOBBY REFUND TENNIS 072095 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157564 $30.00* 08/07/95 $250.86 ASHWORTH INC COST OF GOODS - PRO 72816 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 90030 08/07/95 $744.13 ASHWORTH INC COST OF GOODS - PRO 71087 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9030 157565 $994.99* 08/07/95 $266.23 AT &T CONSUMER PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1700 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 2726 157566 $266.23* 08/07/95 $295.75 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES TELEPHONE 0728 COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE r COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 3 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $592.26 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES CELLULAR PHONE 071995PO PATROL TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $112.89 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES CELLULAR PHONE 07199SPO INVESTIGATION TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $69.13 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES CELLULAR PHONE 0719 /FIR FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 08/07/95 $57.65 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES TELEPHONE 071995 /K ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $33.18 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES TELEPHONE 070995 PLAYGROUND & T PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $80.72 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE RENTAL 071995/F FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 08/07/95 $54.41 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES cellular phone 071995/P PATROL TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $82.05 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES CELLULAR PHONE 071995/P DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $11.91 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES TELEPHONE 071395/G CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $123.95 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES cellular phone 071995 /P ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $10.74 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES cellular phone 071995/P PATROL TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $138.59 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES 071395/P GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $106.19 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES 071395/E ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 157567 $1,769.42* 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 0624 PARK ADMIN. TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $1.69 AT &T TELEPHONE 063095 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 063095 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 063095 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 063095 GUN RANGE TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 063095 ARENA BLDG /GRO TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $18.02 AT &T TELEPHONE 063095 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.31 AT &T TELEPHONE 063095 DISTRIBUTION TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.46 AT &T TELEPHONE 063095 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $22.84 AT &T TELEPHONE 063095 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.46 AT &T TELEPHONE 063095 COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 071895 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 071895 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 071895 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $30.71 AT &T TELEPHONE 071895 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 071895 YORK OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 071895 SENIOR CITIZEN TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.00 AT &T TELEPHONE 071895 50TH ST OCCUPA TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 071895 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 157569 $152.79* 08/07/95 $33.94 AUGIE'S MOBILE CHEF CA COST OF GOODS SOLD F 26871 NORMANDALE GC CST OF GD FOOD 8139 08/07/95 $40.26 AUGIE'S MOBILE CHEF CA COST OF GOODS SOLD F 27423 NORMANDALE GC CST OF GD FOOD 8139 08/07/95 $48.89 AUGIE'S MOBILE CHEF CA COST OF GOODS SOLD F 26477 NORMANDALE GC CST OF GD FOOD 8139 08/07/95 $46.38 AUGIE'S MOBILE CHEF CA COST OF GOODS SOLD F 26186 NORMANDALE GC CST OF GD FOOD 8139 08/07/95 $35.79 AUGIE'S MOBILE CHEF CA COST OF GOODS SOLD F 26077 NORMANDALE GC CST OF GD FOOD 8139 08/07/95 $35.70 AUGIE'S MOBILE CHEF CA COST OF GOODS SOLD F 25892 NORMANDALE GC CST OF GD FOOD 8139 157570 $240.96* 08/07/95 $40.00 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CEN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 063095 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2709 157571 $40.00* 08/07/95 $78.73 AWARDS BY HAMMOND INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 00023882 ATHLETIC ACTIV GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $26.40 AWARDS BY HAMMOND INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 23805 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI 1142 157572 $105.13* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 4 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/07/95 $14.92 AXT, LYLE COST OF GOODS SOLD F 072595 GUN RANGE CST OF GD FOOD 157573 $14.92* 08/07/95 $80.00 BALDINGER, WENDY SERVICES CL /EB 080595 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157574 $80.00* 08/07/95 $100.00 BARNHART, NORM SERVICES CL /EB 080595 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 08/07/95 $300.00 BARNHART, NORM FAMILY JAMBOREE /PARK 072095 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 2963 157575 $400.00* 08/07/95 $445.00 BARRY SIEWERT CREATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICE BSC8600 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $890.00 BARRY SIEWERT CREATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICE BSC7500 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 157576 $1,335.00* 08/07/95 $18.09 BATTERIES PLUS BATTERIES 012390 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 9725 157577 $18.09* 08/07/95 $442.00 BEAR COMMUNICATIONS IN GENERAL SUPPLIES 053789 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 1701 157578 $442.00* 08/07/95 $12,000.00 BECKER ARENA PRODUCT BUILDINGS 20495 ICE ARENA PROG BUILDINGS 8002 157579 $12,000.00* 08/07/95 $55.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD B 78515 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $81.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD B 78169 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $95.70 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD M 218618 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $107.25 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD M 218919 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $100.45 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD M 218917 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $56.95 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD B 78516 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $32.40 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD B 218914 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $206.95 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD B 77772 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $82.41 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD M 218218 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $79.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD M 218219 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $4.58 BELLBOY CORPORATION GENERAL SUPPLIES 218221 YORK SELLING GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $47.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD B 77771 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $117.05 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD M 218220 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $64.90 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD M 218619 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $120.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD B 78170 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $78.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD M 218616 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 - $18.95 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD M 217744 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $170.25 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD M 217812 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 157581 $1,479.94* 08/07/95 $121.00 BENN, BRADLEY ART WORK SOLD 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 08/07/95 $434.00 BENN, BRADLEY AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157582 $555.00* 08/07/95 $195.80 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 071495/Y LIQUOR YORK GE CST OF GD LIQU 08/07/95 $210.30 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 071495/5 LIQUOR 50TH ST CST OF GD LIQU COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 5 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $330.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 071495/V VERNON LIQUOR CST OF GD LIQU 157583 $736.60* 08/07/95 $360.00 BERGLUND, STANLEY SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 072895 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 08/07/95 $550.00 BERGLUND, STANLEY GENERAL SUPPLIES 072895 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 157584 $910.00* 08/07/95 $2.83 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2749950 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 3043 08/07/95 $14.78 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2712740 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE 2636 08/07/95 $87.15 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2749950 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI 3043 08/07/95 $259.86 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2749950 GENERAL(BILLIN GENERAL SUPPLI 3043 08/07/95 $221.71 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2749950 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 3043 08/07/95 $19.04 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2749950 ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLI 3043 08/07/95 $35.15 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2730050 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 08/07/95 $17.00 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2730051 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 3037 08/07/95 -$7.84 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES CM270861 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $27.20 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2702420 FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE 2130 08/07/95 $90.80 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2708620 ART CENTER ADM OFFICE SUPPLIE 2403 08/07/95 $23.81 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2734550 ARENA ADMINIST OFFICE SUPPLIE 2751 08/07/95 $11.09 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2730070 ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLI 2891 08/07/95 $25.30 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2730070 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 2891 08/07/95 $15.16 BERTELSON BROS. INC. PAINT 2730070 RANGE PAINT 2891 08/07/95 $453.02 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2730070 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 2891 08/07/95 $47.06 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2730070 FINANCE GENERAL SUPPLI 2891 08/07/95 $59.39 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2730070 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI 2891 08/07/95 $5.92 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2702421 FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE 2130 08/07/95 $207.68 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES R080200 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $39.83 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2695621 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $7.84 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2708610 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $31.05 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2708610 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $21.35 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES I102355 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 1705 08/07/95 $92.83 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2710300 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 157586 $1,809.01* 08/07/95 $27.05 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS 0 REPAIR PARTS 20268 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 2432 08/07/95 $12.05 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS O GENERAL SUPPLIES 020445 SKATING & HOCK GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $11.00 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS 0 GENERAL SUPPLIES 20284 NORMAN. MAINT. GENERAL SUPPLI 2763 08/07/95 $240.26 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS O GENERAL SUPPLIES 19190 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 1866 157587 $290.36* 08/07/95 $20.00 BFI OF MN INC RUBBISH REMOVAL 95060011 ED BUILDING & RUBBISH REMOVA 157588 $20.00* 08/07/95 $31,756.72 BFI RECYCLING SYS Recycling Charges 95060070 RECYCLING Recycling Char 157589 $31,756.72* 08/07/95 $607.08 BIFFS INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE BI052890 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 157590 $607.08* 08/07/95 $325.43 BILL OLSON GENERAL SUPPLIES 062395 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 6 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157591 $325.43* 08/07/95 157592 08/07/95 157593 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 157594 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 157595 08/07/95 157596 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 157597 08/07/95 157598 08/07/95 157599 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 157600 $63.35 $63.35* $225.00 $225.00* $462.44 $327.28 $420.46 $373.95 $450.36 $473.13 $2,507.62* $93.05 $229.80 $1,299.65 $1,622.50* $26.57 $26.57* $22.64 $57.84 $53.85 $19.17 $153.50* $687.00 $687.00* $839.66 $839.66* $55.00 $34.83 $60.44 $12.03 $28.82 $32.00 $33.90 $31.89 $66.02 $13.20 $140.00 $33.06 $26.00 $567.19* BIOMED MIDWEST INC SHARP CONTAINERS 14525 FIRE DEPT. GEN BLUE PRINTING 2595 BLEDSOE, SARA AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES EQUIPMENT BLOOMINGTON GARDEN CTR COST OF GOODS SOLD F 1616 MAINT OF COURS CST OF GD FOOD 1477 BLOOMINGTON GARDEN CTR COURSE BEAUTIFICATIO 1619 MAINT OF COURS COURSE BEAUTIF 2665 BLOOMINGTON GARDEN CTR COURSE BEAUTIFICATIO 1617 MAINT OF COURS COURSE BEAUTIF 2493 BLOOMINGTON GARDEN CTR COURSE BEAUTIFICATIO 1618 MAINT OF COURS COURSE BEAUTIF 2656 BLOOMINGTON GARDEN CTR COURSE BEAUTIFICATIO 1610 MAINT OF COURS COURSE BEAUTIF 1276 BLOOMINGTON GARDEN CTR COURSE BEAUTIFICATIO 1611 MAINT OF COURS COURSE BEAUTIF 1472 BLUE BELL ICE CREAM IN COST OF GOODS SOLD F 7443 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD BLUE BELL ICE CREAM IN COST OF GOODS SOLD F 7140 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD BLUE BELL ICE CREAM IN COST OF GOODS SOLD F 080795 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD BOECKMAN, SHAWN GENERAL SUPPLIES 072595 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI BOYER TRUCKS BOYER TRUCKS BOYER TRUCKS BOYER TRUCKS BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE REPAIR PARTS 39854 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2546 REPAIR PARTS 414036 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2442 REPAIR PARTS 419845 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2795 REPAIR PARTS 417715 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2573 MEETING EXPENSE 2579 MEETING EXPENSE 072895 MEMBERSHIPS SAFETY EQUIPMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES POSTAGE GENERAL SUPPLIES FERTILIZER COST OF GOODS SOLD F CLEANING SUPPLIES MEETING REFUND GENERAL SUPPLIES SERVICES CHARGES ow 071395 071395 071395 071395 071395 071395 071395 071395 071395 071395 071395 071395 071395 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS GOLF PROG MEMBERSHIPS GOLF ADMINISTR SAFETY EQUIPME GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE NORMANDALE GC GENERAL SUPPLI GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI GOLF ADMINISTR POSTAGE RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI MAINT OF COURS FERTILIZER GRILL CST OF GD FOOD GRILL CLEANING SUPPL GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI GOLF PROG CASH OVER AND COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 7 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/07/95 $55.54 BRAEMAR PHOTO GENERAL SUPPLIES 19155 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 2916 157601 $55.54* 08/07/95 $106.87 BRAEMAR PRINTING COST OF GOODS - PRO 45149 NORMAN. MAINT. COST OF GDS -PR 2574 157602 $106.87* 08/07/95 $45.00 BRAUN INTERTEC GENERAL SUPPLIES 063370 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI 157603 $45.00* 08/07/95 $9,430.00 BRC ASSIST CENTER MAINT CONTRACT 500775 ELECTION PROF SERVICES 157604 $9,430.00* 08/07/95 $36.85 BRENT'S SIGNS DISPLAY OFFICE SUPPLIES 12205 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE 2400 157605 $36.85* 08/07/95 $521.09 BRINDAR DESIGN COST OF GOODS - PRO 48142 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8409 157606 $521.09* 08/07/95 $281.66 BRISSMAN - KENNEDY INC TM612 380269 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 2727 157607 $281.66* 08/07/95 $419.49 BRO -TEX INC ACCESSORIES 138357 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2555 157608 $419.49* 08/07/95 $85.00 BROM, BECKY SERVICES CL /EB 081295 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157609 $85.00* 08/07/95 $34.00 BROWN, LAUREN CLASS REFUND 071895 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157610 $34.00* 08/07/95 $16,879.83 BRW INC. prof eng services 07130 STREET IMPROVE CIP 157611 $16,879.83* 08/07/95 $11.60 BUIE, BARBARA MEETING EXPENSE 072795 ED ADMINISTRAT MEETING EXPENS 08/.07/95 $96.83 BUIE, BARBARA GENERAL SUPPLIES 072795 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $5.90 BUIE, BARBARA GENERAL SUPPLIES 072795 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $32.55 BUIE, BARBARA POSTAGE 072795 ED ADMINISTRAT POSTAGE 08/07/95 $10.00 BUIE, BARBARA COST OF GOODS SOLD F 072795 POOL TRACK GRE CST OF GD FOOD 08/07/95 $109.53 BUIE, BARBARA OFFICE SUPPLIES 072795 ED BUILDING & OFFICE SUPPLIE 08/07/95 $31.01 BUIE, BARBARA OFFICE SUPPLIES 073195 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE 08/07/95 $40.68 BUIE, BARBARA GENERAL SUPPLIES 073195 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 157612 $338.10* 08/07/95 $25.00 BUIE, BARBARA GENERAL SUPPLIES 073195 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 157613 $25.00* 08/07/95 $69.99 BUIE, ROBERT CLOTHING ALLOWANCE /P 071495 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 157614 $69.99* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 8 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $23.78 BUILDERS SQUARE PAINT 14451337 ED BUILDING & PAINT 08/07/95 $86.97 BUILDERS SQUARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 14451337 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 157615 $110.75* 08/07/95 $32.00 BURNS, MARY DOOLEY CLASS REFUND 071895 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157616 $32.00* 08/07/95 $85.00 BURTIS, ROBERT SERVICES CL /EB 081295 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157617 $85.00* 08/07/95 $245.00 BUSCH VIDEO PRODUCTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072195 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 157618 $245.00* 08/07/95 $116.00 C.R. PETERSON INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 3609 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI 2742 157619 $116.00* 08/07/95 $25,380.00 CALGON CARBON CORPORAT WATER TREATMENT EQUI 05342970 UTILITY PROG WATER TREATMT 9486 08/07/95 $3,030.00 CALGON CARBON CORPORAT WATER TREATMENT EQUI 30082050 UTILITY PROG WATER TREATMT 9486 08/07/95 $1,700.00 CALGON CARBON CORPORAT WATER TREATMENT EQUI 30081610 UTILITY PROG WATER TREATMT 9486 157620 $30,110.00* 08/07/95 $77.38 CALLAWAY GOLF COST OF GOODS - PRO 413633 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9032 157621 $77.38* 08/07/95 $119.33 CAMPION CATERING EDUCATION PROGRAMS 29578 HUMAN RELATION EDUCATION PRGM 2632 157622 $119.33* 08/07/95 $75.00 CANTON, JANET MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 080195 FINANCE MILEAGE. 157623 $75.00* 08/07/95 $41.25 CAPITOL COMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 8909 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 2131 157624 $41.25* 08/07/95 $83.76 CARLSON PRINTING GENERAL SUPPLIES 00062934 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 157625 $83.76* 08/07/95 $367.63 CARLSON TRACT /EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 178421 MOWING REPAIR PARTS 2171 08/07/95 $36.18 CARLSON TRACT /EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 178198 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1929 157626 $403.81* 08/07/95 $15.61 CASH REGISTER SALES GENERAL SUPPLIES 43793 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 157627 $15.61* 08/07/95 $645.00 CATAPULT INC COMP TRAINING 33005889 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 08/07/95 $129.00 CATAPULT INC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 33006081 PARK ADMIN. CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $258.00 CATAPULT INC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 33006081 ADMINISTRATION CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $129.00 CATAPULT INC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 33006081 PLANNING CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $129.00 CATAPULT INC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 33006056 PUBLIC HEALTH CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $129.00 CATAPULT INC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 33006056 INSPECTIONS CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $129.00 CATAPULT INC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 33006081 INSPECTIONS CONF & SCHOOLS COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 9 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $129.00 CATAPULT INC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 33006056 ED ADMINISTRAT CONF & SCHOOLS 157628 $1,677.00* 08/07/95 $97.16 CDP GENERAL SUPPLIES 2158543 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 157629 $97.16* 08/07/95 $454.80 CERES WOOD PRODUCTS RUBBISH REMOVAL 013351 TREES & MAINTE RUBBISH REMOVA 157630 $454.80* 08/07/95 $305.72 CERTIFIED POWER TRAIN REPAIR PARTS 149864 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1956 08/07/95 - $222.78 CERTIFIED POWER TRAIN REPAIR PARTS 142883 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 157631 $82.94* 08/07/95 $57.00 CERVENKA, MORA CLASS REFUND 071895 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157632 $57.00* 08/07/95 $346.98 CHARLES SAKMANN GOLF I COST OF GOODS - PRO 015017 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8417 157633 $346.98* 08/07/95 $40.11 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 0707 GENERAL MAINT SEWER & WATER 08/07/95 $38.03 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 070795 50TH ST OCCUPA SEWER & WATER 08/07/95 $46.18 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 070795 PW BUILDING SEWER & WATER 08/07/95 $38.03 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 070795 PW BUILDING SEWER & WATER 08/07/95 $328.08 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 070795 CITY HALL GENE SEWER & WATER 08/07/95 $36.84 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 070795 BUILDING MAINT SEWER & WATER 08/07/95 $40.42 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 070795 VERNON OCCUPAN SEWER & WATER 157634 $567.69* 08/07/95 $15.71 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVI WINDOW CLEANING 71916 YORK OCCUPANCY CONTR REPAIRS 08/07/95 $15.71 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVI WINDOW CLENIING 71918 50TH ST OCCUPA CONTR REPAIRS 08/07/95 $15.71 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVI WINDOW CLEANING 71917 VERNON OCCUPAN CONTR REPAIRS 157635 $47.13* 08/07/95 $75.00 CLELAND, BRUCE SERVICES CL /EB 081995 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157636 $75.00* 08/07/95 $109.76 CLEVELAND GOLF COST OF GOODS - PRO 52477 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1021 157637 $109.76* 08/07/95 $98.35 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 04639026 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $147.60 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 04589643 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $313.85 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 04584255 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $113.80 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 04600283 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $209.70 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 04693486 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $131.60 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 04682372 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $192.05 COCA COLA BOTTLING COM COST OF GOODS SOLD M 04694278 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 157638 $1,206.95* 08/07/95 $55.52 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSP GENERAL SUPPLIES 071495 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 157639 $55.52* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 10 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/07/95 $204.43 COMPRESS AIR & EQUIPME CONTRACTED REPAIRS 40341 WATER TREATMEN CONTR REPAIRS 2440 08/07/95 $144.51 COMPRESS AIR & EQUIPME REPAIR PARTS 40431 WATER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 2575 157640 $348.94* 08/07/95 $30.00 COMPUTER CHEQUE OF MN PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072095/Y LIQUOR YORK GE PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $30.00 COMPUTER CHEQUE OF MN PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072095/5 LIQUOR 50TH ST PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $30.00 COMPUTER CHEQUE OF MN PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072095/V VERNON LIQUOR PROF SERVICES 157641 $90.00* 08/07/95 $17.00 CONNECT INC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 24608050 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 7421 157642 $17.00* 08/07/95 $93.13 CONSTRUCTION FASTENING GENERAL SUPPLIES 22716 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2778 157643 $93.13* 08/07/95 $76.00 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 017972 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 2311 08/07/95 $146.15 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO COST OF GOODS SOLD 017972 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 157644 $222.15* 08/07/95 $60.19 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. BLUELINE PAPER 0420090 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 2908 08/07/95 $40.71 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. grid paper 0419466 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 2739 08/07/95 $60.19 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. BLUE PRINTING 0418613 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 2513 157645 $161.09* 08/07/95 $92.88 CORELLI'S PIZZA GENERAL SUPPLIES 887093 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 2912 157646 $92.88* 08/07/95 $12.40 CORNER MARKING CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 20969 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 2771 157647 $12.40* 08/07/95 $69.00 CORPORATE REPORT SUBSCRIPTION /ADMIN 072095 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI 157648 $69.00* 08/07/95 $683.22 CREATIVE PROMOTIONS GENERAL SUPPLIES 121312 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 1717 157649 $683.22* 08/07/95 $372.75 CRITTER CONTROL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 0381861 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 2972 157650 $372.75* 08/07/95 $22.00 CULBERT, NANCY CLASS REFUND 071295 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157651 $22.00* 08/07/95 $869.46 CUMMINS DIESEL SALES I CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1131810 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 1724 157652 $869.46* 08/07/95 $327.03 CURTIN MATHESON SCIENT GENERAL SUPPLIES 6173020 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $1,899.60 CURTIN MATHESON SCIENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMEN 6134132 LABORATORY EQUIP REPLACEM 08/07/95 $121.91 CURTIN MATHESON SCIENT GENERAL SUPPLIES 6165076 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $74.14 CURTIN MATHESON SCIENT GENERAL SUPPLIES 6148522 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPLI 2568 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 11 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 - $45.80 CURTIN MATHESON SCIENT GENERAL SUPPLIES 5887815 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPLI 157653 $2,376.88* 08/07/95 $198.69 DANIEL SMITH COST OF GOODS SOLD 342829 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2510 157654 $198.69* 08/07/95 $45.26 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPM GENERAL SUPPLIES 183067 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2603 08/07/95 $80.00 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPM CONTRACTED REPAIRS 181858 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 157655 $125.26* 08/07/95 $565.30 DAVE'S DAIRY DELIVERY COST OF GOODS SOLD F 073195 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 8140 157656 $565.30* 08/07/95 $120.00 DAVIS ENTERPRISES REFUND EXHIBIT BOOTH 071995 EDINB /CL PROG SPONS INCOME 157657 $120.00* 08/07/95 $116.64 DAYSTARTER REPAIR PARTS 11291 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2425 157658 $116.64* 08/07/95 $975.65 DCA INC FLEXIBLE SPENDING AC 73330 CENT SVC GENER PENSIONS 157659 $975.65* 08/07/95 $5,093.25 DELI DOUBLE COST OF GOODS SOLD F 21075 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 157660 $5,093.25* 08%07/95 $3,922.35 DELTA DENTAL HOSPITALIZATION 61901 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO 157661 $3,922.35* 08/07/95 $1,024.82 DENNYS 5th AV BAKE COST OF GOODS SOLD F 063095 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 157662 $1,024.82* 08/07/95 $47.36 DEXTER COST OF GOODS - PRO 333622 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8405 08/07/95 $38.62 DEXTER COST OF GOODS - PRO 333628 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8405 157663 $85.98* 08/07/95 $57.83 DIAMOND ART & CRAFT DI COST OF GOODS SOLD 136385 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2320 08/07/95 $91.65 DIAMOND ART & CRAFT DI COST OF GOODS SOLD 133408 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2503 157664 $149.48* 08/07/95 $624.00 DICKER, TOBIE AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $139.75 DICKER, TOBIE ART WORK SOLD 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 157665 $763.75* 08/07/95 $42.00 DISPATCH COMM /MN RADIO SERVICE 22983 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE 08/07/95 $36.73 DISPATCH COMM /MN RADIO SERVICE 23163 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE 157666 $78.73* 08/07/95 $40.00 DOERING, AL CLASS REFUND 071295 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157667 $40.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 12 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $64.90 DON BETZEN GOLF SUPPLY COST OF GOODS - PRO 3341 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8410 08/07/95 $32.50 DON BETZEN GOLF SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 3380 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 2764 157668 $97.40* 08/07/95 $81.95 DON'S APPLIANCE & TELE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 41541 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 157669 $81.95* 08/07/95 $4,003.12 DORSEY & WHITNEY PROFESSIONAL SERV - 444765 LEGAL SERVICES PRO SVC - LEGA 157670 $4,003.12* 08/07/95 $311.48 DUCKSTER COST OF GOODS - PRO 5005768 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8415 157671 $311.48* 08/07/95 $379.35 E -Z -GO TEXTRON REPAIR PARTS 0973600 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 2224 157672 $379.35* 08/07/95 $156.43 EARL F. ANDERSON GENERAL SUPPLIES 142506 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2682 157673 $156.43* 08/07/95 $2,188.45 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 549866 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $23.40 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 549867 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $279.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD S 550469 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $39.75 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 549868 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $4,272.40 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 549869 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,001.20 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 549868 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $432.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 541123 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 - $35.40 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD W 070195/V VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $159.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 545988 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $2,957.40 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 545985 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $950.15 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 545986 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $2,338.65 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 545987 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,550.15 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 543243 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,579.50 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 543245 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,430.85 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 543244 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 157674 $19,166.50* 08/07/95 $41.54 ECOWATER SYSTEMS water treatment 080195 GUN RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 157675 $41.54* 08/07/95 $211.50 EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIA PLAYGROUND FIELD TRI 071795 PLAYGROUND & T PROF SERVICES 157676 $211.50* 08/07/95 $48.75 EDINA CUSTOM EMBROIDER COST OF GOODS - PRO 74 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 2295 08/07/95 $4.26 EDINA CUSTOM EMBROIDER COST OF GOODS - PRO 65. PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 2295 08/07/95 $30.00 EDINA CUSTOM EMBROIDER COST OF GOODS - PRO 73 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 2295 157677 $83.01* 08/07/95 $278.27 EDWARD KRAEMER & SONS GENERAL SUPPLIES 57034 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 1557 157678 $278.27* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 13 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $264.92 EGGHEAD SOFTWARE QUATTRO SOFTWARE 20565658 ADMINISTRATION EQUIP REPLACEM 2755 08/07/95 $264.92 EGGHEAD SOFTWARE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMEN 20565658 ADMINISTRATION EQUIP REPLACEM 2755 157679 $529.84* 08/07/95 $75.00 EICHSTADT, KENDRA SERVICES CL /EB 071395 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 157680 $75.00* 08/07/95 $50.00 ELITE HOCKEY PROGRAM PRINTING AD 072195 ARENA ADMINIST PRINTING 2630 157681 $50.00* 08/07/95 $349.06 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 8256 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2724 08/07/95 $566.86 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 8146 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 2604 08/07/95 $373.84 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 8252 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2698 08/07/95 $162.70 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 8136 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2699 157682 $1,452.46* 08/07/95 $480.75 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PROD FIRST AID SUPPLIES 180213 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 1692 157683 $480.75* 08/07/95 $300.00 EMPLOYEES CLUB GENERAL SUPPLIES AUGUST 1 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI 157684 $300.00* 08/07/95 $40.00 ENGQUIST, KIM REFUND SWIMMING 072495 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157685 $40.00* 08/07/95 $206.61 ESS BROS & SONS PIPE 1896 GENERAL STORM PIPE 2431 157686 $206.61* 08/07/95 $80.00 EWALD, ROB MN SPLASH 073095 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157687 $80.00* 08/07/95 $67.89 FAST FRAME GENERAL SUPPLIES 1770465 CITY COUNCIL GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $191.91 FAST FRAME GENERAL SUPPLIES 1770378 ART SUPPLY GIF GENERAL SUPPLI 1971 157688 $259.80* 08/07/95 $31.95 FASTSIGN GENERAL SUPPLIES 3836 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2757 08/07/95 $368.40 FASTSIGN GENERAL SUPPLIES 3813 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $226.08 FASTSIGN GENERAL SUPPLIES 3814 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2668 08/07/95 $53.25 FASTSIGN GENERAL SUPPLIES 3880 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2913 08/07/95 $22.03 FASTSIGN GENERAL SUPPLIES 3742 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2495 157689 $701.71* 08/07/95 $207.60 FEED RITE CONTROL CHEMICALS 64547 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 08/07/95 $2,347.39 FEED RITE CONTROL WATER TREATMENT SUPP 65195 WATER TREATMEN WATER TRTMT SU 9679 08/07/95 $209.60 FEED RITE CONTROL CHEMICALS 65197 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 08/07/95 $150.40 FEED RITE CONTROL CHEMICALS 66196 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 157690 $2,914.99* 08/07/95 $40.00 FINSAND, AMY REFUND SWIMMING 071895 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157691 $40.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 14 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/07/95 $23.47 FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION /FIRE 072895 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI 157692 $23.47* 08/07/95 $63.80 FIRESIDE CORNER PLUMBING PERMITS 071795 GENERAL FD PRO PLUMBING PERMI 157693 $63.80* 08/07/95 $907.62 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COM REPAIR PARTS 2781 VEHICLE OPERAT REPAIR PARTS 2242 157694 $907.62* 08/07/95 $4.31 FLOYD LOCK & SAFE CO REPAIR PARTS 244484 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 2526 157695 $4.31* 08/07/95 $31.85 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO 4010932 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9035 08/07/95 $51.87 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO 4010256 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9035 08/07/95 $83.53 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO 400977 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9035 08/07/95 $1,341.33 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO 4023254 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9035 08/07/95 $102.99 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO 4017097 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9035 08/07/95 - $78.23 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO 029095 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9035 08/07/95 $84.49 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO 4019356 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9035 157696 $1,617.83* 08/07/95 $294.43 FORRESTER'S COST OF GOODS - PRO 18648 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8406 157697 $294.43* 08/07/95 $22.79 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 99670 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2658 08/07/95 $68.38 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 93370 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2491 157698 $91.17* 08/07/95 $75.00 FRAME, SUSAN ART WORK SOLD 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 08/07/95 $192.00 FRAME, SUSAN AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157699 $267.00* 08/07/95 $939.33 FRIDEN NEOPOST POSTAGE L6837248 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 157700 $939.33* 08/07/95 $60.00 FUAD, SUSAN bathing suit reimbur 072495 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 157701 $60.00* 08/07/95 $755.50 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE LAUNDRY 8033 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $73.16 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE LAUNDRY 8096 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $94.08 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE LAUNDRY 8064 PUMP & LIFT ST LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $50.30 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE LAUNDRY 7949 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $49.66 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE LAUNDRY 8083 EQUIPMENT OPER LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $398.43 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE LAUNDRY 8073 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 157702 $1,421.13* 08/07/95 $209.85 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 063095 PUMP & LIFT ST LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $370.08 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 063095 EQUIPMENT OPER LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $315.50 G & K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLIES 063095 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 15 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $941.05 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 063095 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $167.77 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 063095 ARENA BLDG /GRO LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $370.27 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 063095 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 08/07/95 $256.63 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 063095 ED BUILDING & LAUNDRY 157703 $2,631.15* 08/07/95 $980.00 G.V. LARSEN & ASSOC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072895 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 157704 $980.00* 08/07/95 $35.00 GALLAGHER, SARAH CLASS REFUND 071295 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157705 $35.00* 08/07/95 $314.00 GANZER DIST INC COST OF GOODS SOLD B 191374 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 157706 $314.00* 08/07/95 $409.00 GARDER, DOUG AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157707 $409.00* 08/07/95 $70.00 GATES, GAYLE REFUND CORNELIA SHEL 071095 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157708 $70.00* 08/07/95 $375.00 GEISHEKER, PATRICIA AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157709 $375.00* 08/07/95 $198.75 GENERAL SPORTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 041214 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI 2937 08/07/95 $1,567.50 GENERAL SPORTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 041048 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI 2869 157710 $1,766.25* 08/07/95 $123.37 GEREBI, LIZ SERVICES CL /EB 071395 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 157711 $123.37* 08/07/95 $74.62 GILSON COMPANY INC EQUIPMENT REPLACEMEN 14562000 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 2417 08/07/95 $112.75 GILSON COMPANY INC EQUIPMENT REPLACEMEN 14562001 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 2417 157712 $187.37* 08/07/95 $50.00 GLEN SIPE PIANO SERVIC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 950725 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 157713 $50.00* 08/07/95 $504.00 GLEWWE, LINDA AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157714 $504.00* 08/07/95 $25.68 GOLBERG, CAROL ART WORK SOLD 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 157715 $25.68* 08/07/95 $672.00 GOLF CAR INC LEASE LINES 0194 GOLF CARS LEASE LINES 1370 08/07/95 $2,072.00 GOLF CAR INC LEASE LINES 0208 GOLF CARS LEASE LINES 1370 157716 $2,744.00* 08/07/95 $221.00 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO 9277 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9028 08/07/95 $269.00 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO 9279 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9028 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 16 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE 073195 PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $379.50 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO 9273 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9028 08/07/95 $514.00 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO 9268 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9028 08/07/95 $221.00 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO 9271 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9028 08/07/95 $310.00 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO 9269 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9028 08/07/95 $740.00 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO 9272 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9028 08/07/95 $101.25 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO 9266 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9028 157717 $2,755.75* 157724 $490.45* 08/07/95 157718 08/07/95 157719 08/07/95 08/07/95 157720 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 157721 $364.00 GOPHER STATE 1 CALL $364.00* $38.35 GRADY, FAYE $38.35* $348.26 $55.00 $403.26* $290.81 $27.74 $89.09 $74.69 $107.42 $47.06 $20.11 $150.20 $261.62 $182.50 $16.57 $30.22 - $9.05. $9.05 $10.11 $1,308.14* GRAFIX SHOPPE GRAFIX SHOPPE GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GOPHER STATE ONE CAL 5060232 SUPERV. & OVRH GOPHER STATE ART WORK SOLD GENERAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTED REPAIRS TOOLS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS TOOLS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 12788 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2587 12788 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 2587 49865872 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 2529 49865632 YORK OCCUPANCY REPAIR PARTS 2529 49865715 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2424 49865792 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 2446 53636887 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 2424 49865727 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 2424 49565446 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2255 49865498 LIFT STATION M TOOLS 2265 49865368 YORK OCCUPANCY REPAIR PARTS 2361 49865338 YORK OCCUPANCY REPAIR PARTS 2233 49601570 VERNON OCCUPAN REPAIR PARTS 2436 21708739 YORK OCCUPANCY GENERAL SUPPLI 2569 49866062 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 2529 25012217 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 2529 49866063 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 2569 08/07/95 $117.15 GRAND VIEW LODGE CONT ED /POLICE 073195 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 157722 $117.15* 08/07/95 $273.00 GRAPP, JEAN AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157723 $273.00* 08/07/95 $180.13 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10429530 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2695 08/07/95 $158.63 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10430620 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2752 08/07/95 $29.47 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10430172 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2653 08/07/95 $141.04 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10429459 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2483 08/07/95 - $18.82 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 10429515 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 157724 $490.45* 08/07/95 $40.00 GREEN, BARBARA REFUND SWIMMING 071895 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157725 $40.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 17 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/07/95 $53.30 GREENWOOD, JULIE ART WORK SOLD 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 157726 $53.30* 08/07/95 $55.00 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SE CONT ED 030895 PARK MAINTENAN CONF & SCHOOLS 9122 157727 $55.00* 08/07/95 $452.49 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMEN REPAIR PARTS 1871 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1669 157728 $452.49* 08/07/95 $120.00 GUSTAFSON, KATHY AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157729 $120.00* 08/07/95 $289.40 H.L. MOORE FIRST AID SUPPLIES 8171693 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 2122 08/07/95 - $59.95 H.L. MOORE GENERAL SUPPLIES 8146437. POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $120.77 H.L. MOORE FIRST AID SUPPLIES 8172542 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 2123 08/07/95 $5.18 H.L. MOORE FIRST AID SUPPLIES 8173206 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 2123 157730 $355.40* 08/07/95 $77.00 HAENY, JUDITH CLASS REFUND 072595 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157731 $77.00* 08/07/95 $84.00 HAGERMAN, JENNIFER AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157732 $84.00* 08/07/95 $24.00 HAGFORS, NANCY BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 071895 POLICE DEPT. G BOOKS & PAMPHL 157733 $24.00* 08/07/95 $20.00 HAGLOF, NANCY CLASS REFUND 071295 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157734 $20.00* 08/07/95 $31.92 HANSEN, WILLIAM SUPPLIES /FIRE DEPART 071995 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 157735 $31.92* 08/07/95 $2,400.00 HANSON, MICHAEL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMEN 10005 INSPECTIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 2581 157736 $2,400.00* 08/07/95 $360.00 HAPPY FACES SERVICES CL /EB 0729 073 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157737 $360.00* 08/07/95 $40.00 HAPPY FACES SERVICES CL /EB 081995 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157738 $40.00* 08/07/95 $170.62 HARMON GLASS REPAIR PARTS 72002685 VEHICLE OPERAT REPAIR PARTS 2281 157739 $170.62* 08/07/95 $43,434.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE JULY 1 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 157740 $43,434.00* 08/07/95 $252.40 HARRIS WAREHOUSE AND C GENERAL SUPPLIES 5F400 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2732 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 18 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157741 $252.40* 08/07/95 $75.00 HAUSER, TONY SERVICES CL /EB 081595 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157742 $75.00* 08/07/95 $132.00 HAYNES, PATRICIA AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157743 $132.00* 08/07/95 $20.23 HEDBERG AGGREGATES GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 2133 157744 $20.23* 08/07/95 $134.10 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD F 071095 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 8142 08/07/95 $587.81 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD F 073195 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 157745 $721.91* 08/07/95 $454.35 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIF room & board JUNE 199 LEGAL SERVICES BRD & RM PRISO 157746 $454.35* 08/07/95 $50.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASU LICENSES & PERMITS 22741 DISTRIBUTION LIC & PERMITS 2787 157747 $50.00* 08/07/95 $5,474.47 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASU BOARD & ROOM PRISONE 000477 LEGAL SERVICES BRD & RM PRISO 157748 $5,474.47* 08/07/95 $1,890.00 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COL CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 302008 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 157749 $1,890.00* 08/07/95 $40.00 HENRY, JOHN REFUND SWIMMING 072495 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157750 $40.00* 08/07/95 $33.50 HINTZ, SANDRA REPLACE 1994 SKATING 080195 ARENA BLDG /GRO PRO SVC OTHER 157751 $33.50* 08/07/95 $372.75 HIRSHFIELD'S PAINT MFG LINE MARKING POWDER 33551 FIELD MAINTENA LINE MARK POWD 1066 157752 $372.75* 08/07/95 $13.98 HOME JUICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 46281 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $59.10 HOME JUICE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 76280 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 157753 $73.08* 08/07/95 $21.68 HOOTENS LAUNDRY 063095 POLICE DEPT. G LAUNDRY 157754 $21.68* 08/07/95 $330.39 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO IN CHEMICALS 4073 ED BUILDING & CHEMICALS 2413 08/07/95 $37.28 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO IN CHEMICALS 4130 ED BUILDING & CHEMICALS 2629 08/07/95 $75.72 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO IN CHEMICALS 4499 ED BUILDING & CHEMICALS 2895 157755 $443.39* 08/07/95 $22.00 HOUGH, LORI CLASS REFUND 071295 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157756 $22.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 19 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/07/95 $62.40 HUEBSCH SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 825336 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 08/07/95 $12.42 HUEBSCH SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 829085 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 08/07/95 $45.18 HUEBSCH SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 836550 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 08/07/95 $124.41 HUEBSCH SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 832808 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 157757 $244.41* 08/07/95 $145.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 071095 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2528 157758 $145.00* 08/07/95 $4,513.58 HYDRO SUPPLY CO WATER METERS 8508 UTILITY FROG INVENTORY WATE 1091 157759 $4,513.58* 08/07/95 $125.00 IAAO DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 794876 ASSESSING DUES & SUBSCRI 157760 $125.00* 08/07/95 $376.52 INACOM EQUIPMENT REPLACEMEN 6179626 INSPECTIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 2745 157761 $376.52* 08/07/95 $23.73 INDELCO PLASTIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 44351 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 2690 157762 $23.73* 08/07/95 $138.45 INDEPENDENT BLACK DIRT SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 071995 FIELD MAINTENA SAND,GRVL & RO 2685 157763 $138.45* 08/07/95 $159.99 INLAND TRUCK PARTS REPAIR PARTS 457278 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2558 08/07/95 $326.80 INLAND TRUCK PARTS REPAIR PARTS 457295 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2558 157764 $486.79* 08/07/95 $402.00 INTERIOR COMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 16476 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQUI 157765 $402.00* 08/07/95 $354.00 INTERLACHEN TRAVEL CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 042271 ADMINISTRATION CONF & SCHOOLS 3046 08/07/95 $354.00 INTERLACHEN TRAVEL CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 042269 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $354.00 INTERLACHEN TRAVEL CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 042268 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS 157766 $1,062.00* 08/07/95 $7.91 INTERSTATE DETROIT DIE REPAIR PARTS 136616 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2385 157767 $7.91* 08/07/95 $309.61 IT'S MY BAG INC COST OF GOODS - PRO 6532 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 2610 157768 $309.61* 08/07/95 $8,323.58 J PATRICK MOORE LAMAST MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER 11915 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX 157769 $8,323.58* 08/07/95 $98.91 J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL GENERAL SUPPLIES 62951250 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2352 08/07/95 $130.15 J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL REPAIR PARTS 70351311 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 2540 157770 $229.06* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 20 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $87.78 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $47.40 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $120.25 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $6.74 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 NORMAN. MAINT. GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $74.76 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $188.16 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $64.90 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $11.76 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 ARENA ICE MAIN GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $6.29 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 50TH ST OCCUPA GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $59.92 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $13.28 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 GUN RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $21.54 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $9.70 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $171.94 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $70.66 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $184.86 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $72.15 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $16.24 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $269.04 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $324.12 JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 157772 $1,821.49* 08/07/95 $124.63 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING F1993 SWIM INSTRUCT PRINTING 08/07/95 $103.67 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING F2176 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 2508 08/07/95 $193.50 JERRYS PRINTING GENERAL SUPPLIES F1980 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI 2397 157773 $421.80* 08/07/95 $467.59 JIM HATCH SALES TOOLS 5752 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 2471 157774 $467.59* 08/07/95 $57.51 JOHN DETTLAFF ASSOCIAT GENERAL SUPPLIES 072095 NORMAN. MAINT. GENERAL SUPPLI 2620 157775 $57.51* 08/07/95 $80.00 JOHN E REID ASSOC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 073039 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $80.00 JOHN E REID ASSOC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 073042 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $80.00 JOHN E REID ASSOC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 073040 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $80.00 JOHN E REID ASSOC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 073041 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 157776 $320.00* 08/07/95 $72.22 JOHN H. FOSTER REPAIR PARTS 13414380 LIFT STATION M REPAIR PARTS 2180 157777 $72.22* 08/07/95 $52.80 JOHNSON, LINNEA PART TIME MAINT 072495 ART CENTER BLD SALARIES TEMP 157778 $52.80* 08/07/95 $51.00 JOHNSON, MARTHA CLASS REFUND 071895 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157779 $51.00* 08/07/95 $64.50 JOHNSON, NAOMI CRAFT SUPPLIES 072495 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 08/07/95 $12.44 JOHNSON, NAOMI OFFICE SUPPLIES 072495 ART CENTER ADM OFFICE SUPPLIE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 21 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $28.70 JOHNSON, NAOMI GENERAL SUPPLIES 072495 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 157780 $105.64* 08/07/95 $37.95 JONES, JULIE MILEAGE 073195 RECYCLING MILEAGE 157781 $37.95* 08/07/95 $785.06 JP FOODSERVICES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 070395 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $599.14 JP FOODSERVICES INC CLEANING SUPPLIES 070395 GRILL CLEANING SUPPL 08/07/95 $5,864.90 JP FOODSERVICES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD F 070395 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 157782 $7,249.10* 08/07/95 $257.61 JR JOHNSON SUPPLY TREES, FLOWERS, SHRU 88943 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SHR 2496 08/07/95 $269.59 JR JOHNSON SUPPLY TREES, FLOWERS, SHRU 91046 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SHR 2917 157783 $527.20* 08/07/95 $80.00 JURKOVICH, NANCY REFUND SWIMMING 071795 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157784 $80.00* 08/07/95 $292.90 JUSTUS LUMBER PAINT 46157 ED BUILDING & PAINT 2108 08/07/95 $73.96 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 48158 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 2334 08/07/95 $134.69 JUSTUS LUMBER REPAIR PARTS 43547 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 1839 08/07/95 $10.44 JUSTUS LUMBER REPAIR PARTS 43549 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 1839 08/07/95 $27.64 JUSTUS LUMBER GENERAL SUPPLIES 43708 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 1858 08/07/95 $109.21 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 47578 RANGE LUMBER 2234 08/07/95 $69.98 JUSTUS LUMBER REPAIR PARTS 45912 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 2041 08/07/95 $101.15 JUSTUS LUMBER REPAIR PARTS 46004 50TH ST OCCUPA REPAIR PARTS 2043 08/07/95 $42.12 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 47607 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 2235 08/07/95 $72.33 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 45895 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 2039 08/07/95 $238.56 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 43086 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 1789 08/07/95 $21.85 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 46898 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 2069 157785 $1,194.83* 08/07/95 $81.00 KAISER, PAT REFUND SR LEAGUE NOR 071995 NORMANDALE GC GREEN FEES -NOR 157786 $81.00* 08/07/95 $202.97 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHN ACCESSORIES Z120853 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2259 157787 $202.97* 08/07/95 $136.82 KAR PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 147535 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2226 157788 $136.82* 08/07/95 $75.00 KARNIK, BILL SERVICES CL /EB 081395 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157789 $75.00* 08/07/95 $30.00 KEEGAN, DAWN REFUND SKATING EDINB 072795 EDINB /CL PROG LESSON PRGM IN 157790 $30.00* 08/07/95 $252.00 KENNEDY, CARLA AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157791 $252.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 22 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $75.62 KENWAY ENGINEERING INC REPAIR PARTS 101732 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2272 157792 $75.62* 157793 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 157794 08/07/95 157795 08/07/95 157796 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 08/07/95 157797 08/07/95 157798 08/07/95 157799 08/07/95 157800 08/07/95 08/07/95 $112.50 KIRKEBY, KRIS AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES $112.50* $176.64 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 162585 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 2409 $152.32 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 162357 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 2367 $20.13 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 162782 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 2443 $70.52 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 161185 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 2248 $33.80 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 161546 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 2269 $31.84 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 162842 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2486 $130.69 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 162653 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2485 $92.59 KNOX COMM CREDIT PAINT 160271 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 2148 $96.86 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 160805 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 2205 $123.59 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 396921 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2190 $173.26 KNOX COMM CREDIT GUARD RAIL MATERIAL 162699 BRIDGES GUARD GUARD RAIL MAT 2441 $73.39 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 162155 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 2317 $404.90 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 071606 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 2407 $1,580.53* $29.40 KRON, WILIAM MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072695 TENNIS INSTRUC MILEAGE $29.40* $36.21 KUDOS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1489 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI $36.21* $1,284.70 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 136975 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE $14.45 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD M 136998 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX $284.80 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 136998 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE $87.00 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD M 135969 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX $1,070.90 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 135968 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE $1,266.40 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 135979 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE - $35.00 - KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 133956. 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE $14.45 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD M 135979 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX $1,256.90 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 136492 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE $60.65 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD B 136520 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE $5,305.25* $193.32 KUYPER, SCOTT CONT ED /POLICE 072595 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS $193.32* $40.00 KVASNICK, BARB SERVICES CL /EB 081995 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER $40.00* $396.68 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 54501880 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2125 $396.68* $4.90 LADY FAIRWAY COST OF GOODS - PRO 21068 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 2446 - $65.40 LADY FAIRWAY COST OF GOODS - PRO C21069. PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 2446 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 23 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 - $65.40 LADY FAIRWAY COST OF GOODS - PRO C21069 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 2776 08/07/95 $798.22 LADY FAIRWAY COST OF GOODS - PRO 18428 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 2776 157801 $672.32* 08/07/95 $380.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 1565 /1ST PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 2580 08/07/95 $479.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 3555/1ST PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 2579 08/07/95 $377.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 3087/1ST PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 2578 08/07/95 $173.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 778/1ST MAINT OF COURS SVC CONTR EQUI 2619 08/07/95 $947.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 3561/2ND PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 2550 08/07/95 $887.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 3859/2ND PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 2551 08/07/95 $620.31 LAKE RESTORATION INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 393 1ST ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 157802 $3,863.31* 08/07/95 $159.00 LANCELLO, ED MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 0618 STREET REVOLVI MILEAGE 08/07/95 $45.00 LANCELLO, ED GENERAL SUPPLIES 071895 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 157803 $204.00* 08/07/95 $47.70 LANCRETE, LAURA july mileage 072495 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE 157804 $47.70* 08/07/95 $34.00 LAPPING, VENA CLASS REFUND 072595 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157805 $34.00* 08/07/95 $164.27 LATHROP PAINT SUPPLY C GENERAL SUPPLIES 587576 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 2457 08/07/95 $464.81 LATHROP PAINT SUPPLY C PAINT 589023 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 2679 08/07/95 $387.34 LATHROP PAINT SUPPLY C PAINT 586215 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 2149 08/07/95 $23.74 LATHROP PAINT SUPPLY C GENERAL SUPPLIES 586836 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 2149 157806 $1,040.16* 08/07/95 $114.95 LAWSON PRODUCTS PAINT 1284775 STREET NAME SI PAINT 1645 08/07/95 $405.73 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1279304 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2159 08/07/95 $402.16 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 1283881 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $462.10 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1283882 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 2261 08/07/95 $185.26 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1281564 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2057 08/07/95 $422.17 LAWSON PRODUCTS ACCESSORIES 1289348 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2450 08/07/95 $426.87 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1290024 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 2460 08/07/95 $367.15 LAWSON PRODUCTS PAINT 1290023 DISTRIBUTION PAINT 2452 08/07/95 $114.36 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1289349 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2451 157807 $2,900.75* 08/07/95 $42.47 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 799699 ART CENTER BLD LAUNDRY 157808 $42.47* 08/07/95 $56.10 LEHMANN FARMS COST OF GOODS SOLD M 44363 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $88.00 LEHMANN FARMS COST OF GOODS SOLD M 44643 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 157809 $144.10* 08/07/95 $213.00 LESCO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 9RC528 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2849 157810 $213.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 24 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $55.46 LESS GAUSS INC CLARIFIER 16874 FINANCE EQUIP REPLACEM 2865 157811 $55.46* 08/07/95 $70.09 LESSMAN, GREG COST OF GOODS - PRO 7804 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9031 08/07/95 $630.15 LESSMAN, GREG COST OF GOODS - PRO 7791 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9031 08/07/95 $487.97 LESSMAN, GREG COST OF GOODS - PRO 7896 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9031 157812 $1,188.21* 08/07/95 $8.30 LEWANDOWSKI, NATALIE MILEAGE /BALANCE DUE 072695 PLAYGROUND & T MILEAGE 08/07/95 $107.79 LEWANDOWSKI, NATALIE MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 071995 PLAYGROUND & T MILEAGE 157813 $116.09* 08/07/95 $80.00 LIEBER, JUDY MN SPLASH 073095 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157814 $80.00* 08/07/95 $209.54 LIEN INFECTION CONTROL SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 080195 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 8144 157815 $209.54* 08/07/95 $110.00 LIND, JENSEN & SULLIVA CANCELLED FIELD RENT 072695 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157816 $110.00* 08/07/95 $33.15 LINHOFF PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIE 263578 COMMUNICATIONS PHOTO SUPPLIES 08/07/95 $12.26 LINHOFF PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIE 252112A COMMUNICATIONS PHOTO SUPPLIES 157817 $45.41* 08/07/95 $77.60 LITIN PAPER CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 32654 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPLI 2502 157818 $77.60* 08/07/95 $80.00 LITMAN, CASANDRA REFUND SWIMMING 071395 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157819 $80.00* 08/07/95 $140.79 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ REPAIR PARTS 204329 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1957 08/07/95 $100.83 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ REPAIR PARTS 204473 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2384 08/07/95 - $100.83 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ REPAIR PARTS 204474 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2384 08/07/95 $472.80 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ REPAIR PARTS 204208 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2351 08/07/95 $472.30 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ REPAIR PARTS 204332 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1954 08/07/95 $14.41 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ ACCESSORIES 203570 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1954 08/07/95 $96.49 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQ REPAIR PARTS 204534 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2384 157820 $1,196.79* 08/07/95 $193.32 LONG, JEFF cont ed /police 072595 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 157821 $193.32* 08/07/95 $47.92 LOSS PREVENTION SPECIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 007030 LIQUOR 50TH ST PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $47.93 LOSS PREVENTION SPECIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 007030 VERNON LIQUOR PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $47.93 LOSS PREVENTION SPECIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 007030 LIQUOR YORK GE PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $73.85 LOSS PREVENTION SPECIA ID CHECKING 7050 LIQUOR YORK GE PROF SERVICES 157822 $217.63* 08/07/95 $51.00 LUND, KAREN ART WORK SOLD 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 25 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157823 $51.00* 08/07/95 $69.18 LYNDALE GARDEN CTR COURSE BEAUTIFICATIO 99032 MAINT OF COURS COURSE BEAUTIF 2594 157824 $69.18* 08/07/95 $170.20 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 38587 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $204.24 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 38618 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $255.30 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 38756 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $272.32 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 38685 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $493.58 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 38746 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $187.22 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 38518 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $255.30 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 38863 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $391.46 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 38922 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $255.30 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD M 38951 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 157825 $2,484.92* 08/07/95 $9,372.00 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. SNOW PLOW 1950837 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 1107 08/07/95 $329.61 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. WEARING SHOES 2955905 STREET CLEANIN WEARING SHOES 2356 157826 $9,701.61* 08/07/95 $120.00 MARIE, ROBIN MN SPLASH 073095 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157827 $120.00* 08/07/95 $11.75 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 405539 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,010.05 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 405540 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $15.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 405573 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $250.84 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 40709 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $501.25 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 407810 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,104.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 405537 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $90.75 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 403426 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $105.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 407811 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $69.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 405571 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $1,491.90 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 405572 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $137.15 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 410986 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $1,147.30 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 410987 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $7.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 408266 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $55.15 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 408264 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,433.05 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 408265 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,202.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 408283 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,849.45 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 408263 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $65.85 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 408284 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $78.15 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 408262 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $69.15 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 413678 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $628.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 413184 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,752.20 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 413677 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $32.25 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 413185 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $571.80 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 413186 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $7.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 411482 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $16.25 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 410951 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $45.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 413187 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 26 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $88.30 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 410953 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $440.45 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 410952 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $24.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD M 410509 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $1,022.10 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 410508 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $417.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD B 411481 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 157830 $15,740.44* 08/07/95 $160.23 MCC /MIDWEST COST OF GOODS SOLD F 04719 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2501 08/07/95 $43.44 MCC /MIDWEST COST OF GOODS SOLD F 05417 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2507 157831 $203.67* 08/07/95 $968.10 MCCAREN DESIGN TREES, FLOWERS, SHRU 13226 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SHR 2297 08/07/95 $142.72 MCCAREN DESIGN TREES, FLOWERS, SHRU 13240 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SHR 2642 157832 $1,110.82* 08/07/95 $147.00 MCCARTHY, LOWELL MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072495 WEED MOWING MILEAGE 157833 $147.00* 08/07/95 $30.00 MCFOA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 080795 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI 157834 $30.00* 08/07/95 $106.00 MCGARVEY /SUPERIOR COFF GENERAL SUPPLIES 2469472 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 2740 157835 $106.00* 08/07/95 $152.02 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY TOOLS 063095 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 08/07/95 $261.15 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $622.70 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY ACCESSORIES 063095 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 08/07/95 $20.64 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $127.99 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $195.31 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 063095 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $2,702.74 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 063095 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 157836 $4,082.55* 08/07/95 $94.00 MCMA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 080795 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI 157837 $94.00* 08/07/95 $276.77 MCNEILUS STEEL REPAIR PARTS 130827 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 2570 157838 $276.77* 08/07/95 $100.00 MCPHERSON, KERRY MN SPLASH 073195 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 157839 $100.00* 08/07/95 $62.57 MECO REPAIR PARTS 67949 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1684 157840 $62.57* 08/07/95 $26,553.12 MED CENTER HEALTH PLAN HOSPITALIZATION 1378457 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO 157841 $26,553.12* 08/07/95 $100.65 MED CENTER HEALTH PLAN HOSPITALIZATION 1379823 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO 157842 $100.65* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 27 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/07/95 $34,504.80 MEDICA CHOICE HOSPITALIZATION 19521310 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO 157843 $34,504.80* 08/07/95 $1,033.00 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES USED SOUND ROOM 039082 PARK CIP CIP 08/07/95 $532.99 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 039082 EQUIPMENT OPER SAFETY EQUIPME 08/07/95 $500.00 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 039082 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 2637 157844 $2,065.99* 08/07/95 $99.45 MENARDS LUMBER 9718 MAINT OF COURS LUMBER 2406 157845 $99.45* 08/07/95 $468.44 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 39565 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPPL 2634 08/07/95 $152.61 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 39456 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 2355 08/07/95 $312.31 MERIT SUPPLY ACCESSORIES 39512 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2435 08/07/95 $413.64 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 39540 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 2468 08/07/95 $4,962.90 MERIT SUPPLY CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 39539 ICE ARENA PROG CIP 2584 08/07/95 $79.87 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 39581 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 2556 08/07/95 $271.94 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 39592 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2645 08/07/95 $270.66 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 39630 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPPL 2741 08/07/95 $332.54 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 39607 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPPL 2721 08/07/95 $250.27 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 39629 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2700 08/07/95 $425.36 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 39632 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 2401 08/07/95 $489.45 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 39633 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 2711 08/07/95 $167.13 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 39566 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 2549 157846 $8,597.12* 08/07/95 $50.00 MESSERLI & KRAMER AMBULANCE FEES 072495 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES 157847 $50.00* 08/07/95 $438.00 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD F 8188 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD FOOD 2631 08/07/95 $404.49 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 6460 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI 9550 08/07/95 $489.58 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 6459 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI 9523 157848 $1,332.07* 08/07/95 $5,435.00 METRO PAVING INC SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 3339 NORMAN. MAINT. SAND,GRVL & RO P2960 157849 $5,435.00* 08/07/95 $37,867.50 METRO WASTE CONTROL SAC CHARGES MAY 1995 GENERAL FD PRO SAC CHARGES 08/07/95 $8,415.00 METRO WASTE CONTROL SAC CHARGES JUNE 199 GENERAL FD PRO SAC CHARGES 157850 $46,282.50* 08/07/95 $289,612.00 METRO WASTE CONTROL SEWER SERVICE METRO 071295 SEWER TREATMEN SEWER SVC METR 157851 $289,612.00* 08/07/95 $9.00 METZ BAKING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD F 356 VANVALKENBURG CST OF GD FOOD 9791 157852 $9.00* 08/07/95 $20.00 MEYER, PAULA CLASS REFUND 072595 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157853 $20.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 28 CHECK NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/07/95 $200.00 MGA COMPUTERIZED HANDICA 0714 GOLF PROG COMPUTR HANDIC 08/07/95 $40.00 MGA COMPUTERIZED HANDICA 071495 GOLF PROG COMPUTR HANDIC 157854 $240.00* 08/07/95 $60.00 MGCSA CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 071395 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS 157855 $60.00* 08/07/95 $9.45 MIDWAY INDUSTRIAL SUPP REPAIR PARTS 205980 STREET NAME SI REPAIR PARTS 2059 08/07/95 $253.97 MIDWAY INDUSTRIAL SUPP REPAIR PARTS 205429 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2059 157856 $263.42* 08/07/95 $5,400.00 MIDWEST AQUA CARE WEED HARVESTING 071795 AQUATIC WEEDS PROF SERVICES 1053 157857 $5,400.00* 08/07/95 $58.12 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. FILL MATERIALS 1475MB GENERAL STORM FILL MATERIALS 08/07/95 $1,298.94 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60236MB STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $182.95 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. DUMPING CHARGES 1410MB STREET RENOVAT DUMPING CHARGE 08/07/95 $66.70 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. DUMPING CHARGES 1475MB STREET RENOVAT DUMPING CHARGE 08/07/95 $355.18 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60295MB GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $376.15 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. CASTINGS 60295MB GENERAL STORM CASTINGS 08/07/95 $161.91 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60295MB DISTRIBUTION BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $1,343.39 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60295MB STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $21.05 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. FILL MATERIALS 1591MB GENERAL STORM FILL MATERIALS 08/07/95 $1,494.27 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60350MB STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $233.52 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. DUMPING CHARGES 1591MB STREET RENOVAT DUMPING CHARGE 08/07/95 $204.93 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. DUMPING CHARGES 1539MB STREET RENOVAT DUMPING CHARGE 08/07/95 $121.25 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60455MB GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $7,369.46 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60456MB STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $127.54 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. DUMPING CHARGES 1659MB STREET RENOVAT DUMPING CHARGE 08/07/95 $243.48 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60456MB GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $84.63 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. GENERAL SUPPLIES 1659MB DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $1,819.41 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60396MB STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $320.15 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60396MB GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $162.15 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. BLACKTOP 60396MB DISTRIBUTION BLACKTOP 08/07/95 $485.75 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. CASTINGS 60396MB GENERAL STORM CASTINGS 157859 $16,530.93* 08/07/95 $126.52 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPL GENERAL SUPPLIES 12558 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2593 08/07/95 $484.24 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPL PAPER SUPPLIES 12531 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 2733 157860 $610.76* 08/07/95 $692.25 MIDWEST MACHINERY INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 77138 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 9260 157861 $692.25* 08/07/95 $172.80 MIDWEST VENDING INC COST OF GOODS SOLD F 347 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 8147 08/07/95 $86.40 MIDWEST VENDING INC COST OF GOODS SOLD F 359 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 8147 157862 $259.20* 08/07/95 $9,845.00 MIKKELSON CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072795 PATHS & HARD S PROF SERVICES 1357 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 29 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157863 $9,845.00* 08/07/95 $83.01 MILLER, MERRITT MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 95 PLAYGROUND & T MILEAGE 157864 $83.01* 08/07/95 $20.00 MILNE, ELIZABETH REFUND TENNIS 071295 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157865 $20.00* 08/07/95 $80.46 MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOO GENERAL SUPPLIES 25068460 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2382 157866 $80.46* 08/07/95 $432.00 MINN COMM PAGING SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 070195/E ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 08/07/95 $24.48 MINN COMM PAGING GENERAL SUPPLIES 070195 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 157867 $456.48* 08/07/95 $315.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30618 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 2561 08/07/95 $350.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30617 SEWER TREATMEN CONTR REPAIRS 2562 08/07/95 $245.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30619 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 2560 08/07/95 $635.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30616 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 2563 08/07/95 $280.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30664 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 2811 08/07/95 $385.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30667 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 2810 157868 $2,210.00* 08/07/95 $84.80 MINNEAPOLIS DEPARTMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2576 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES 157869 $84.80* 08/07/95 $8.91 MINNEGASCO HEAT 081395 NORMANDALE GC HEAT 157870 $8.91* 08/07/95 $251.49 MINNESOTA CERAMIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 177704 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2316 157871 $251.49* 08/07/95 $70.00 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 070344 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 157872 $70.00* 08/07/95 $160.00 MINNESOTA GFOA CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 080795 FINANCE CONF & SCHOOLS 157873 $160.00* 08/07/95 $131.50 MINNESOTA GLOVE INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 110999 BRIDGES GUARD GENERAL SUPPLI 2684 157874 $131.50* 08/07/95 $326.85 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIP TOOLS 24221 DISTRIBUTION TOOLS 2537 08/07/95 $67.97 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIP GENERAL SUPPLIES 24569 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2538 08/07/95 $339.58 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIP GENERAL SUPPLIES 24305 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 2538 157875 $734.40* 08/07/95 $163.92 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I44306 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 2388 08/07/95 $11.08 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I45063 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2492 08/07/95 $40.07 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS 144251 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2489 08/07/95 $134.20 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I42125 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2426 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 30 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $90.30 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I35501 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2054 08/07/95 $91.25 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO GENERAL SUPPLIES I47170 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2759 08/07/95 $154.59 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS 12180 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2923 08/07/95 $245.91 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I49453 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2922 08/07/95 $449.03 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I47831 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2850 08/07/95 $3,665.73 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO GROOMING REEL /GREENH I48218 GOLF PROG MACH. & EQUIP 2640 08/07/95 $120.36 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I1834 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $259.82 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO GENERAL SUPPLIES I44962 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2652 157876 $5,426.26* 08/07/95 $145.80 MINNESOTA WANNER GENERAL SUPPLIES 26527 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 2458 157877 $145.80* 08/07/95 $76.00 MITCHELL INTERNATIONAL ON DEMAND SERVICE 1469896 EQUIPMENT OPER DATA PROCESSIN 157878 $76.00* 08/07/95 $60.00 MN S.C.I.A. CONT ED /POLICE 073195 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 157879 $60.00* 08/07/95 $2,934.87 MN STATE TREA /BLG IN SURTAX JUNE 199 GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX 157880 $2,934.87* 08/07/95 $289.60 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 25006 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $281.31 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 23217 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $366.52 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 23787 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $247.18 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 23214 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $217.54 MODEL STONE GENERAL SUPPLIES 20187 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $216.96 MODEL STONE GENERAL SUPPLIES 18911 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $261.31 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 22156 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $214.16 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 22344 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $214.16 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 24058 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $261.31 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 24567 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $242.35 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 19092 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $264.28 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 19321 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $159.58 MODEL STONE SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 24316 GENERAL TURF C SAND,GRVL & RO 1006 08/07/95 $214.74 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 25679 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $509.21 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 29894 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $760.35 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 29621 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $299.60 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 25675 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $249.16 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 29071 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $331.86 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 28892 GENERAL STORM CONCRETE 1006 08/07/95 $260.55 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 27658 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1006 157882 $5,861.73* 08/07/95 $75.00 MONSON, MIKE SERVICES CL /EB 081295 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157883 $75.00* 08/07/95 $27.00 MOORE, CAROL CLASS REFUND 071295 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157884 $27.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 31 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $185.41 MOTOROLA INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS W3145510 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 157885 $185.41* 08/07/95 $10.00 MOTT, CAROL ADAPTIVE REC CLASS 071195 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 157886 $10.00* 08/07/95 $106.50 MPLS AREA ASSOC OF REA GENERAL SUPPLIES 070695 ASSESSING GENERAL SUPPLI 157887 $106.50* 08/07/95 $9,505.32 MPLS FINANCE DEPARTMEN WATER PURCHASED 071495 DISTRIBUTION WATER PURCHASE 157888 $9,505.32* 08/07/95 $395.00 MSP COMMUNICATIONS ADVERTISING OTHER TC31932 ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER 157889 $395.00* 08/07/95 $140.15 MUNICILITE CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 6659 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 2670 08/07/95 $343.08 MUNICILITE CO ACCESSORIES 6635 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2434 08/07/95 $477.12 MUNICILITE CO ACCESSORIES 6618 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2383 157890 $960.35* 08/07/95 $53.63 MURPHY, SYDNEY SERVCIES CL /EB 080795 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 157891 $53.63* 08/07/95 $43.00 MUZAK ADVERTISING OTHER 080195/5 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER 157892 $43.00* 08/07/95 $57.66 McCONNELL, ANN MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072095 GOLF ADMINISTR MILEAGE 157893 $57.66* 08/07/95 $103.00 NEBCO EVANS DISTRIB COST OF GOODS SOLD F 421243 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 08/07/95 $139.42 NEBCO EVANS DISTRIB COST OF GOODS SOLD F 419040 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 08/07/95 $35.70 NEBCO EVANS DISTRIB COST OF GOODS SOLD F 423934 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 08/07/95 $183.89 NEBCO EVANS DISTRIB COST OF GOODS SOLD F 426272 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 157894 $462.01* 08/07/95 $572.00 NELSON, J THOMAS AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157895 $572.00* 08/07/95 $91.44 NELSON, MIKE REFUND WATER BILL 072195 UTILITY FROG OFFICE FURN & 157896 $91.44* 08/07/95 $73.32 NEWSWEEK DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 080795 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI 157897 $73.32* 08/07/95 $356.50 NEXTEL RADIO SERVICE 804470 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE 3773 157898 $356.50* 08/07/95 $366.75 NFPA FIRE PREVENTION FC28660 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRE PREVENTIO 157899 $366.75* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 32 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $773.19 NORTH STAR CONCRETE CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 64236 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 2241 08/07/95 $331.90 NORTH STAR CONCRETE CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 6477201 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 2430 157900 $1,105.09* 08/07/95 $28.71 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 110089 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2488 08/07/95 $215.56 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 109683 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 2230 157901 $244.27* 08/07/95 $61.05 NORTHERN AIRE GENERAL SUPPLIES 13058 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 157902 $61.05* 08/07/95 $264.00 NORTHERN AIRGAS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 22028 POLICE DEPT. G FIRST AID SUPP 1708 08/07/95 $368.61 NORTHERN AIRGAS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 22028 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 08/07/95 $100.73 NORTHERN AIRGAS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 25535 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 08/07/95 $68.49 NORTHERN AIRGAS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 26989 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 8125 157903 $801.83* 08/07/95 $114.51 NORTHERN SAFETY CO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 14912500 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2127 08/07/95 $19.71 NORTHERN SAFETY CO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 15112700 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2594 08/07/95 $85.85 NORTHERN SAFETY CO INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 15287000 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2600 157904 $220.07* 08/07/95 $25.00 NORTHERN WINDS CONCERT SERVICES CL /EB 080695 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157905 $25.00* 08/07/95 $80.10 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 82008 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $77.88 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 84713 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $69.78 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 83919 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $54.00 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 83428 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $111.60 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 84711 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $31.96 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 86550 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $67.72 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 86057 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $54.48 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 87377 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $55.20 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 90300 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $63.50 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 90066 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $184.20 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 87362 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $43.50 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 88766 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $129.00 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 90064 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $69.78 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD M 89256 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 157906 $1,092.70* 08/07/95 $175.55 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 233193 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2508 08/07/95 $63.80 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 232585 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2319 08/07/95 $110.48 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 232724 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2504 08/07/95 $40.68 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 232341 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2314 08/07/95 -$9.00 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP COST OF GOODS SOLD 232306 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 08/07/95 - $34.32 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP REPAIR PARTS 108317. MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 157907 $347.19* 08/07/95 $35.85 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW21804 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1774 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 33 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $262.82 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW21837 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1774 08/07/95 $133.00 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL NW21864 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 1774 08/07/95 $379.31 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW21863 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1774 08/07/95 $293.54 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL NW21973 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 2370 08/07/95 $189.66 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW21785 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1774 08/07/95 $379.31 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW21436 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1774 08/07/95 $419.14 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW21783 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1774 08/07/95 $399.23 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW21784 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1774 08/07/95 $68.57 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW21954 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2370 08/07/95 $252.87 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW22077 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2370 08/07/95 $173.62 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL NW22150 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 2370 08/07/95 $80.65 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW22456 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2370 08/07/95 $300.09 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW22447 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2370 08/07/95 $311.41 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW22313 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2370 08/07/95 $212.65 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW22452 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2370 08/07/95 $425.30 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW22451 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2370 08/07/95 $379.31 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW22009 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2370 08/07/95 $425.30 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES NW22522 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2370 157909 $5,121.63* 08/07/95 $21,240.11 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 ST LIGHTING RE LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $250.16 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 POOL OPERATION LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $37.68 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 CIVIL DEFENSE LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $2,066.79 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $39.67 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $2,896.87 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $25,914.38 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 DISTRIBUTION LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $1,002.61 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 50TH ST OCCUPA LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $10,573.66 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $222.33 NSP PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 080795 AQUATIC WEEDS PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $9,627.98 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 ED BUILDING & LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $1,019.71 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 ED BUILDING & LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $489.80 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 MAINT OF COURS LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $2,826.95 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 CLUB HOUSE LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $317.39 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 BUILDING MAINT LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $34.59 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 PW BUILDING LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $2,548.58 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 CITY HALL GENE LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $6,125.08 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 ARENA BLDG /GRO LIGHT & POWER 08/07/95 $436.68 NSP LIGHT & POWER 080795 NORMANDALE GC LIGHT & POWER 157911 $87,671.02* 08/07/95 $165.00 NYHLENS FILTER RECYCLI HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL 3671 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 2789 157912 $165.00* 08/07/95 $422.81 OFFSET PRINTING GENERAL SUPPLIES 32946 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 2648 08/07/95 $471.76 OFFSET PRINTING PRINTING 32933 POLICE DEPT. G PRINTING 1687 157913 $894.57* 08/07/95 $51.12 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE GENERAL SUPPLIES 100925 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2280 08/07/95 $99.18 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 02365 MAINT OF COURS CONTR REPAIRS 2659 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 34 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $17.57 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE GENERAL SUPPLIES 100877 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2366 08/07/95 $249.27 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE GENERAL SUPPLIES 102767 GOLF CARS GENERAL SUPPLI 2854 157914 $417.14* 08/07/95 $170.00 OLSON, MIKE COST OF GOODS SOLD B 072895 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 157915 $170.00* 08/07/95 $57.13 OLYMPIC POOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES 12448 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2669 157916 $57.13* 08/07/95 $232.48 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM MEM UPGRADE 263835 ADMINISTRATION EQUIP REPLACEM 2748 08/07/95 $527.53 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM UPGRADE COMPUTER 262918 INSPECTIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 2293 08/07/95 - $138.45 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM RET NET BRD C26685 INSPECTIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 2293 08/07/95 $127.80 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM 3.5 FLOPPY 263322 PUBLIC HEALTH EQUIP REPLACEM 2305 08/07/95 $2,104.90 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 263091 CENT SVC GENER SVC CONTR EQUI 08/07/95 $2,560.26 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM PENTIUM 263434 INSPECTIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 2292 08/07/95 $2,609.47 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM COMP 262489 PUBLIC HEALTH EQUIP REPLACEM 2305 157917 $8,023.99* 08/07/95 $60.70 ORKIN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 063095 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS 2644 157918 $60.70* 08/07/95 $75.00 ORMOND, CAROL SERVICES CL /EB 081995 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157919 $75.00* 08/07/95 $3,048.50 ORR SCHELEN MAYERON & PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 00415640 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 157920 $3,048.50* 08/07/95 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS SOLD F 3785810 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 8155 08/07/95 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS SOLD F 3785666 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 8155 08/07/95 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS SOLD F 3785937 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 8155 157921 $222.00* 08/07/95 $87.00 OWENS SERVICE CO PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 94528 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 2524 08/07/95 $159.00 OWENS SERVICE CO PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 94715 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 157922 $246.00* 08/07/95 $61.51 OnGUARD CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 37762 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 2609 157923 $61.51* 08/07/95 $43.18 PAGING NETWORK OF MINN GENERAL SUPPLIES A015581 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $43.51 PAGING NETWORK OF MINN TELEPHONE A019518 COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 157924 $86.69* 08/07/95 $233.00 PARAMOUNT CERAMICS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD 88731 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2506 157925 $233.00* 08/07/95 $454.25 PARSONS, JAMES PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072695 COMMUNICATIONS PROF SERVICES 157926 $454.25* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 35 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $41.41 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1039124 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/07/95 $116.06 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1037215 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $1.51 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1037879 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $7.64 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1039116 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 - $116.06 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1037248 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $142.13 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1039678 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $47.29 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1039785 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $20.38 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1037214 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $74.64 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1037851 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $63.26 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1029410 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 -$6.00 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1025536 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $26.58 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1030627 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $49.49 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1030245 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $90.00 PARTS PLUS BALANCE DUE ON INVOI 1017790. EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $22.75 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1032793 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $12.75 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1032378 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $33.99 PARTS PLUS ACCESSORIES 1032563 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 08/07/95 $3.89 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1031187 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 - $197.03 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1031717 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $22.62 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1034122 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $254.32 PARTS PLUS ACCESSORIES 1033540 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 08/07/95 $17.25 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1033577 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $52.48 PARTS PLUS ACCESSORIES 1035681 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 08/07/95 $6.81 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1033559 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $48.51 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1036587 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 157928 $836.67* 08/07/95 $245.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53057 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $96.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53203 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $245.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53056 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $245.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53058 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 - $20.35 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W CM718 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $109.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 53196 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $22.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 53201 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $338.75 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53191 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $97.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53199 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $60.60 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 53008 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $21.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 53011 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $30.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 53010 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $384.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53005 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $486.11 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53007 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $30.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 53006 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $231.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53009 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $20.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53490 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 - $30.75 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W CM725 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $138.15 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53427 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $80.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53314 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $77.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53423 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $27.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 53424 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $20.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53492 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 36 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $20.30 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 53491 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $80.40 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 53428 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 157930 $3,055.71* 08/07/95 $532.49 PENN CYCLE BIKE FOR TRACK 22710 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2730 157931 $532.49* 08/07/95 $47.61 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 32193412 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $97.60 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 32793210 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $82.90 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 31293207 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $75.35 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 32193413 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $98.80 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD F 063095/N NORMANDALE GC CST OF GD FOOD 8151 08/07/95 $3,574.40 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD F 063095/G GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 8151 08/07/95 $291.00 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD F 063095/P POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 157932 $4,267.66* 08/07/95 $150.00 PETERSON, DAVID SERVICES CL /EB 073195 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157933 $150.00* 08/07/95 $52.19 PETERSON, IDELLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 99965 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 7887 157934 $52.19* 08/07/95 $14.00 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 080795 FINANCE MEETING EXPENS 08/07/95 $10.88 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 080795 FINANCE MILEAGE 08/07/95 $6.30 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 080795 ELECTION MILEAGE 08/07/95 $19.50 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 080795 ASSESSING MEETING EXPENS 08/07/95 $15.95 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 080795 ASSESSING MILEAGE 08/07/95 $19.59 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 080795 ASSESSING GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $14.50 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 080795 ENGINEERING GE MILEAGE 08/07/95 $24.00 PETTY CASH CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 080795 PUBLIC HEALTH CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $17.96 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 080795 PUBLIC HEALTH MILEAGE 08/07/95 $4.07 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 080795 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $4.40 PETTY CASH EDUCATION PROGRAMS 080795 HUMAN RELATION EDUCATION PRGM 08/07/95 $16.83 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 080795 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $4.66 PETTY CASH PAPER SUPPLIES 080795 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 08/07/95 $4.00 PETTY CASH DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 080795 PARK ADMIN. DUES & SUBSCRI 08/07/95 $4.25 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 080795 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $7.01 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 080795 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $1.59 PETTY CASH PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 080795 ADAPTIVE RECRE PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $16.91 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 080795 ADAPTIVE RECRE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $5.28 PETTY CASH COST OF GOODS SOLD F 080795 VANVALKENBURG CST OF GD FOOD 08/07/95 $4.65 PETTY CASH CASH OVER UNDER 080795 GENERAL FD PRO CASH OVER AND 08/07/95 $4.80 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 080795 CITY COUNCIL MILEAGE 08/07/95 $44.12 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 080795 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPENS 08/07/95 $10.20 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 080795 ADMINISTRATION MILEAGE 08/07/95 $25.00 PETTY CASH BUILDING PERMITS 080795 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERMI 08/07/95 $3.00 PETTY CASH MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 080795 PLANNING MILEAGE 08/07/95 $3.10 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 080795 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS 157936 $306.55* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 37 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $36.00 PGA OF AMERICA GENERAL SUPPLIES 1319 RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 2205 157937 $36.00* 08/07/95 $474.00 PHYSIO CONTROL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC D57113 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 8118 08/07/95 $66.00 PHYSIO CONTROL FIRST AID SUPPLIES A20693 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 2128 157938 $540.00* 08/07/95 $228.90 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49465 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $254.35 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49466 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $108.85 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49457 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $126.85 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49455 SOTH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $310.35 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49464 SOTH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $39.90 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49456 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $118.25 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49484 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $326.20 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49483 SOTH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $244.90 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49472 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $350.20 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49485 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $307.85 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49475 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $181.90 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD M 49474 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 157939 $2,598.50* 08/07/95 $171.32 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL REPAIR PARTS 1612375 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2232 157940 $171.32* 08/07/95 $240.00 PIPE SERVICES CORP CONTRACTED REPAIRS 950043 SEWER TREATMEN CONTR REPAIRS 2672 157941 $240.00* 08/07/95 $675.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 072495 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 157942 $675.00* 08/07/95 $290.00 POSTMASTER BUSINESS REPLY 6171 GENERAL(BILLIN POSTAGE 157943 $290.00* 08/07/95 $5,000.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 072195 HUMAN RELATION CLEARING 157944 $5,000.00* 08/07/95 $47.92 PRAIRIE EQUIPMENT COMP GENERAL SUPPLIES 76955 SEWER TREATMEN GENERAL SUPPLI 1916 157945 $47.92* 08/07/95 $58.17 PRECISION BUS SYSTEM EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 5108567 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 157946 $58.17* 08/07/95 $527.17 PRECISION LANDSCAPE TREE REMOVAL 062695 TREES & MAINTE PROF SERVICES 2639 157947 $527.17* 08/07/95 $142.50 PRECISION TURF /CHEM GENERAL SUPPLIES 006404 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2660 08/07/95 $51.12 PRECISION TURF /CHEM FERTILIZER 006295 MAINT OF COURS FERTILIZER 2225 157948 $193.62* 08/07/95 $209.86 PREMIER FLEET SERVICES CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10165 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2387 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 38 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157949 $209.86* 08/07/95 $58.00 PRINTERS SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 11422 ARENA ICE MAIN EQUIP MAINT 157950 $58.00* 08/07/95 $240.00 PROSPECT DRILLING & SA CONTRACTED REPAIRS 23276 GENERAL STORM CONTR REPAIRS 157951 $240.00* 08/07/95 $151.10 PUMP & SPRAY EQUIPMENT PAINT 12152 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 2253 157952 $151.10* 08/07/95 $453.69 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS REPAIR PARTS 2192 TANKS TOWERS & REPAIR PARTS 1413 08/07/95 $825.38 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS REPAIR PARTS 2192 TANKS TOWERS & REPAIR PARTS 1413 157953 $1,279.07* 08/07/95 $78.00 QUALITY REFRIGERATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS 099496 GRILL CONTR REPAIRS 08/07/95 $154.00 QUALITY REFRIGERATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS 099801 VERNON OCCUPAN CONTR REPAIRS 157954 $232.00* 08/07/95 $68.45 QUALITY WINE BALANCE DUE 072695 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 157955 $68.45* 08/07/95 $172.56 QUIK PRINT PRINTING 56924 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 2763 157956 $172.56* 08/07/95 $98.71 RADIO SHACK ACCT REC VCR REPAIR 151630 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 08/07/95 $20.22 RADIO SHACK ACCT REC GENERAL SUPPLIES 152457 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2598 157957 $118.93* 08/07/95 $60.00 RAFIKI & ASSOCIATES IN COST OF GOODS SOLD W 1146 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $73.00 RAFIKI & ASSOCIATES IN COST OF GOODS SOLD W 1143 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 157958 $133.00* 08/07/95 $144.50 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 00546 PUMP & LIFT ST SAFETY EQUIPME 08/07/95 $261.80 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 00546 EQUIPMENT OPER SAFETY EQUIPME 08/07/95 $257.55 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 00546 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 157959 $663.85* 08/07/95 $498.42 REM SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 89021 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 2395 08/07/95 $266.79 REM SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 6031 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 3040 157960 $765.21* 08/07/95 $217.50 RESCUE SYSTEMS INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 16810 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 9925 157961 $217.50* 08/07/95 $1,908.48 RESTWELL MATTRESS FACT MATTRESSES 3732 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM 1903 157962 $1,908.48* 08/07/95 $2,114.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 140098 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $27.45 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD M 140106 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 39 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $34.45 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD M 140099 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $2,133.95 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 140107 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $391.50 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 140719 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/07/95 $1,906.40 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 140104 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 - $23.75 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 138355. VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $2,135.52 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 139181 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $22.45 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD M 139191 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $18.45 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 139188 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $12.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD M 139190 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $799.26 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 139187 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $882.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 139190 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 -$•20 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 36574. VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 -$1.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 137510. VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 -$5.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 063095/V VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $831.44 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 140933 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $12.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD M 140934 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $1,539.10 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 140934 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $2,631.05 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 140928 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $426.50 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 140720 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 157964 $15,887.57* 08/07/95 $210.00 RIFFEY, JANE ART WORK SOLD 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 157965 $210.00* 08/07/95 $30.84 RITZ CAMERA film processing 3753642 WATERMAIN CIP 2650 08/07/95 $21.31 RITZ CAMERA GENERAL SUPPLIES 3752387 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 2124 08/07/95 $64.70 RITZ CAMERA PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIE 5696 FIRE DEPT. GEN PHOTO SUPPLIES 212 08/07/95 $41.68 RITZ CAMERA FILM PROCESSSING 3751790 WATERMAIN CIP 1977 157966 $158.53* 08/07/95 $41.27 ROBERT B. HILL GENERAL SUPPLIES 48491 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 8127 08/07/95 $426.00 ROBERT B. HILL GENERAL SUPPLIES 61045 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 2626 157967 $467.27* 08/07/95 $20.97 ROBINSON, JAMES E PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIE 071095 FIRE DEPT. GEN PHOTO SUPPLIES 08/07/95 $34.44 ROBINSON, JAMES E OFFICE SUPPLIES 071095 FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE 08/07/95 $46.20 ROBINSON, JAMES E OFFICE SUPPLIES 0724 FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE 08/07/95 $78.54 ROBINSON, JAMES E FIRST AID SUPPLIES 0724 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 08/07/95 $56.35 ROBINSON, JAMES E GENERAL SUPPLIES 072495 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 157968 $236.50* 08/07/95 $4,963.10 ROLLINS HUDIG HALL OF INSURANCE 143214 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 08/07/95 $11,056.00 ROLLINS HUDIG HALL OF INSURANCE 144061 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 08/07/95 $3,687.00 ROLLINS HUDIG HALL OF INSURANCE 144062 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 157969 $19,706.10* 08/07/95 $1,137.09 ROLLINS OIL CO GASOLINE 48558 MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE 8748 08/07/95 $103.18 ROLLINS OIL CO GASOLINE 48662 MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE 8748 08/07/95 $74.97 ROLLINS OIL CO GASOLINE 48398 MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE 8748 08/07/95 $7,135.60 ROLLINS OIL CO GASOLINE 49002 EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 40 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157970 $8,450.84* 08/07/95 $506.20 ROOF SPEC INC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 0005475 PARK CIP CIP 157971 $506.20* 08/07/95 $1,836.00 RTCD CO REFUND WATER 072595 UTILITY PROG ACCOUNTS REC. 157972 $1,836.00* 08/07/95 $195.00 RUDD, MARTHA ART WORK SOLD 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES,OTHER 157973 $195.00* 08/07/95 $100.00 RUDOLPH, MIKAEL SERVICES CL /EB 080595 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157974 $1U0.00* 08/07/95 $576.00 RUDQUIST, MONICA AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 157975 $576.00* 08/07/95 $39.00 RYAN, BARBARA CLASS REFUND 072595 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157976 $39.00* 08/07/95 $78.87 SAFELINE DISTRIBUTING GENERAL SUPPLIES 1378 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2177 157977 $78.87* 08/07/95 $158.69 SAFETY KLEEN HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL 683754 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 2544 157978 $158.69* 08/07/95 $97.50 SALUD AMERICA COST OF GOODS SOLD B 7179 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 157979 $97.50* 08/07/95 $74.22 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT COMM GENERAL SUPPLIES 072195 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $64.45 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT COMM REPAIR PARTS 071095 GENERAL MAINT REPAIR PARTS 157980 $138.67* 08/07/95 $63.75 SANIFILL INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 50796 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2447 157981 $63.75* 08/07/95 $390.43 SCAN AIR FILTER REPAIR PARTS 6319 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 2439 157982 $390.43* 08/07/95 $40.54 SCHAFER EQUIP CO TOOLS 177403 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 2263 08/07/95 $110.55 SCHAFER EQUIP CO TOOLS 177373 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 2271 157983 $151.09* 08/07/95 $100.00 SCHATTAUER, JIM SERVICES CL /EB 081995 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157984 $100.00* 08/07/95 $100.00 SCHATTAUER, JIM PROFESSIONAL SVC - O 081795 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157985 $100.00* 08/07/95 $60.00 SCHEREMET, DIANE REFUND TENNIS 071295 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 41 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------- 157986 $60.00* 08/07/95 $278.50 SCHMITZ, THOMAS CONT ED /FIRE 071995 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 157987 $278.50* 08/07/95 $9,404.72 SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE C DEDUCTIBLE PAYMENT 071895 CONTINGENCIES INSURANCE 157988 $9,404.72* 08/07/95 $170.55 SEDGWICK HEATING JOB CANCELLED 073195 GENERAL FD PRO MECHAN PERMITS 157989 $170.55* 08/07/95 $805.00 SEIDEL, ROXANNE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 073195 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 157990 $805.00* 08/07/95 $2,193.80 SEWER EQUIPMENT CO OF REPAIR PARTS 17302 SEWER CLEANING REPAIR PARTS 2270 08/07/95 $330.90 SEWER EQUIPMENT CO OF REPAIR PARTS 17250 SEWER CLEANING REPAIR PARTS 2270 157991 $2,524.70* 08/07/95 $75.00 SHANNON, JIM SERVICES CL /EB 080195 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 157992 $75.00* 08/07/95 $51.00 SHARP, CONNIE CLASS REFUND 071295 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157993 $51.00* 08/07/95 $34.00 SHERMAN, CAROLINE CLASS REFUND 072595 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 157994 $34.00* 08/07/95 $77.16 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 58094 CLUB HOUSE PAINT 3058 08/07/95 $153.49 SHERWIN WILLIAMS GENERAL SUPPLIES 59697 BRIDGES GUARD GENERAL SUPPLI 2812 08/07/95 $78.91 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 49387 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 2433 08/07/95 $41.34 SHERWIN WILLIAMS GUARD RAIL MATERIAL 59424 BRIDGES GUARD GUARD RAIL MAT 2198 157995 $350.90* 08/07/95 $539.55 SHIELY COMPANY SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 72302 STREET RENOVAT SAND,GRVL & RO 157996 $539.55* 08/07/95 $50.00 SHIRWIL TOOL & MFG REPAIR PARTS 02603 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 157997 $50.00* 08/07/95 $36.00 SIMMONS, PATTY CLASS REFUND 071295 ART CNTR PROG .REGISTRATION F 157998 $36.00* 08/07/95 $59.00 SKILLPATH INC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 071995 SUPERV. & OVRH CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $59.00 SKILLPATH INC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 071995 FINANCE CONF & SCHOOLS 08/07/95 $59.00 SKILLPATH INC CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 071995 ADMINISTRATION CONF & SCHOOLS 157999 $177.00* 08/07/95 $40.47 SOKKIA MEASURING SYSTE GENERAL SUPPLIES 8001012R ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 2627 158000 $40.47* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 42 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $996.84 SOUND ADVISE CONSULTIN SOUND MIXER 071495 EDINB /CL PROG MACH. & EQUIP 2583 08/07/95 $137.50 SOUND ADVISE CONSULTIN PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 071595 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 08/07/95 $87.50 SOUND ADVISE CONSULTIN GENERAL SUPPLIES 071595 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 158001 $1,221.84* 08/07/95 $491.80 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 52193 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,717.85 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 52191 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $1,516.05 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 51737 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $839.90 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 51739 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $2,283.45 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 51938 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $108.75 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD M 51939 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 08/07/95 $1,133.45 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 51945 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 158002 $8,091.25* 08/07/95 $621.45 SPALDING COST OF GOODS - PRO IS6514 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9023 158003 $621.45* 08/07/95 $6,475.00 SPORTS TECHNOLOGY INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 1296 GOLF DOME GENERAL SUPPLI 2582 158004 $6,475.00* 08/07/95 $628.81 ST JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 131455 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2376 08/07/95 $60.91 ST JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS SI31356 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2353 158005 $689.72* 08/07/95 $75.00 STAN BANN BIG BAND SERVICES CL /EB 082095 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 158006 $75.00* 08/07/95 $447.14 STANDARD SPRING & ALIG CONTRACTED REPAIRS 139628 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2118 158007 $447.14* 08/07/95 $299.52 STAR TRIBUNE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 063095/G GOLF ADMINISTR PROF SERVICES 158008 $299.52* 08/07/95 $40.00 STENSVAAG, SAUL REFUND SWIMMING 071795 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 158009 $40.00* 08/07/95 $8,787.50 STORE FRONT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 071195 HUMAN RELATION PROF SERVICES 158010 $8,787.50* 08/07/95 $88.82 STREICHERS REPAIR PARTS 275511 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2464 08/07/95 $167.98 STREICHERS REPAIR PARTS 294721 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2390 08/07/95 $8.09 STREICHERS ammunition 285252 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 2419 08/07/95 $38.17 STREICHERS AMMUNITION 287372 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 2419 08/07/95 $319.45 STREICHERS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMEN 275032 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 2216 08/07/95 $138.24 STREICHERS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMEN 305261 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 3047 158011 $760.75* 08/07/95 $571.59 STRGAR - ROSCOE -FAUSH PROF ENG SERVICES 14 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 158012 $571.59* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 43 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $7.79 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 11371 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2359 08/07/95 $339.10 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS CVCS2509 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2429 08/07/95 $38.34 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 11213 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2357 08/07/95 $741.08 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS 251062 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 2264 08/07/95 $735.48 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS 207471 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 1942 08/07/95 $269.72 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS CVCS2520 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 9288 08/07/95 $370.31 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS CVCB2524 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 9288 08/07/95 $130.29 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 12702 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2723 158013 $2,632.11* 08/07/95 $236.72 SUBURBAN PROPANE GASOLINE 071795 ARENA ICE MAIN GASOLINE 08/07/95 $256.07 SUBURBAN PROPANE GENERAL SUPPLIES 70519 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3774 158014 $492.79* 08/07/95 $2,000.00 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORIT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 073195 SUB.RATE AUTH. PROF SERVICES 158015 $2,000.00* 08/07/95 $781.26 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS IN COST OF GOODS - PRO 366279 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9027 158016 $781.26* 08/07/95 $22.40 SUPERAMERICA GENERAL SUPPLIES 071895 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 158017 $22.40* 08/07/95 $67.54 SUPERIOR FORD REPAIR PARTS 246860 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2389 08/07/95 $176.09 SUPERIOR FORD REPAIR PARTS 245919 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1883 158018 $243.63* 08/07/95 $603.00 SWANSON, KARNA AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 158019 $603.00* 08/07/95 $56.80 SYSTEM SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 7078 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 2646 08/07/95 $63.74 SYSTEM SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 7174 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 2911 158020 $120.54* 08/07/95 $400.57 T.C. MOULDING & SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 189755 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 2312 158021 $400.57* 08/07/95 $97.00 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 79906 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 - $12.78 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 063095 SOTH ST OCCUPA GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 - $19.16 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 072095 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $5.46 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 79907 ADAPTIVE RECRE GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $17.38 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 38816 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2485 08/07/95 $105.18 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 15041 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $37.84 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 89216 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 158022 $230.92* 08/07/95 $100.00 TASTE OF SCANDINAVIA REIMBURSEMENT 071195 EDINB /CL PROG RENTAL INCOME 158023 $100.00* 08/07/95 $342.00 TAYLOR MADE COST OF GOODS - PRO 1328025 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9431 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 44 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. -------------------------------------------------------_-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158024 $342.00* 08/07/95 $86.05 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO ACCESSORIES 3916700 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2382 158025 $86.05* 08/07/95 $261.91 TERRY ANN SALES CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 2105A MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2612 08/07/95 $261.91 TERRY ANN SALES CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 2105B MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2618 08/07/95 $67.10 TERRY ANN SALES CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 2106 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 2614 158026 $590.92* 08/07/95 $59.11 THE KANE SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 6495967 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 158027 $59.11* 08/07/95 $180.00 THE NEIGHBORING LAKES ADVERTISING OTHER 072695 LIQUOR 50TH ST ADVERT OTHER 158028 $180.00* 08/07/95 $330.15 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING 19278 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 2899 158029 $330.15* 08/07/95 $1,194.00 THE STITCHERY STUDIO COST OF GOODS - PRO 0004314 NORMAN. MAINT. COST OF GDS -PR 1816 08/07/95 - $624.00 THE STITCHERY STUDIO COST OF GOODS - PRO 0030552C NORMAN. MAINT. COST OF GDS -PR 158030 $570.00* 08/07/95 $250.00 THE WEDDING GUIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 072695 CLUB HOUSE PROF SERVICES 2766 158031 $250.00* 08/07/95 $516.75 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD W 6477 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $348.75 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD W 6476 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $407.60 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD W 6006 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $102.10 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD B 6005 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $102.10 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD B 6008 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $776.55 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD W 6007 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $839.40 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD W 6004 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $291.40 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD W 6182 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $455.40 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD W 6180 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $377.40 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD W 6181 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 158032 $4,217.45* 08/07/95 $4.22 THORKELSON, LAURA GENERAL SUPPLIES 071895 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $13.35 THORKELSON, LAURA GENERAL SUPPLIES 072595 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 158033 $17.57* 08/07/95 $190.50 THORPE DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 62147 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $2,282.55 THORPE DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 622995 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $670.65 THORPE DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 61296 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $2,694.90 THORPE DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD B 61868 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 158034 $5,838.60* 08/07/95 $797.22 TITLEIST COST OF GOODS - PRO 2787979 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9037 158035 $797.22* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 45 CHECK NO --------------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 08/07/95 $80.00 TOENSING, JAMES SERVICES CL /EB 080395 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 158036 $80.00* 08/07/95 $87.45 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUP WELDING SUPPLIES 324383 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 2276 08/07/95 $88.28 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 324382 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 2414 08/07/95 $113.22 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUP WELDING SUPPLIES 510839 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 2543 08/07/95 $33.78 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUP GENERAL SUPPLIES 324130 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 2267 08/07/95 $9.29 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUP TOOLS 327452 MAINT OF COURS TOOLS 158037 $332.02* 08/07/95 $188.40 TOMBSTONE PIZZA CORPAR COST OF GOODS SOLD F 38707875 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 08/07/95 $188.40 TOMBSTONE PIZZA CORPAR COST OF GOODS SOLD F 38770771 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 08/07/95 $188.40 TOMBSTONE PIZZA CORPAR COST OF GOODS SOLD F 226587 POOL CONCESSIO CST OF GD FOOD 158038 $565.20* 08/07/95 $81.86 TOMMY ARMOUR GOLF COST OF GOODS - PRO 8950590 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9497 08/07/95 $49.52 TOMMY ARMOUR GOLF COST OF GOODS - PRO 89187100 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9497 158039 $131.38* 08/07/95 $185.93 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS GENERAL SUPPLIES 071295 VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $185.94 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS GENERAL SUPPLIES 071295 YORK SELLING GENERAL SUPPLI 08/07/95 $92.98 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS GENERAL SUPPLIES 071295 50TH ST SELLIN GENERAL SUPPLI 158040 $464.85* 08/07/95 $75.00 TOWGAS, FRANK SERVICES CL /EB 081295 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 158041 $75.00* 08/07/95 $76.70 TRACY, JAMES ART WORK SOLD 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 158042 $76.70* 08/07/95 $709.57 TRANS - APPAREL GROUP COST OF GOODS - PRO 75158 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8394 158043 $709.57* 08/07/95 $175.63 TRI STATE PUMP GENERAL SUPPLIES 12517 LIFT STATION M GENERAL SUPPLI 2557 158044 $175.63* 08/07/95 $9.59 TROPHY WORLD GENERAL SUPPLIES 12197 NORMANDALE GC GENERAL SUPPLI 2520 158045 $9.59* 08/07/95 $373.79 TURF SUPPLY CHEMICALS 055228 MAINT OF COURS CHEMICALS 2227 158046 $373.79* 08/07/95 $74.00 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 47615 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 2129 158047 $74.00* 08/07/95 $23.57 TWIN CITY SAW SERVICE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1600 TREES & MAINTE CONTR REPAIRS 2539 158048 $23.57* 08/07/95 $386.06 TWIN CITY SEED CO. SOD & BLACK DIRT 2170 RANGE SOD & DIRT 2845 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 46 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158049 $386.06* 08/07/95 $172.50 UNDIS, PAT AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 158050 $172.50* 08/07/95 $1,043.70 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 071495 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 158051 $1,043.70* 08/07/95 $31.54 UNITED AGRI PRODUCTS CHEMICALS 0008524 ED BUILDING & CHEMICALS 2415 08/07/95 $6.40 UNITED AGRI PRODUCTS FERTILIZER 0185119 ED BUILDING & FERTILIZER 158052 $37.94* 08/07/95 $137.11 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 32273700 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 2611 08/07/95 $135.07 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 9196700 ST LIGHTING OR REPAIR PARTS 2692 08/07/95 $330.16 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 9320800 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 2717 08/07/95 $111.86 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 32288600 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 2565 08/07/95 $399.38 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 91878700 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 1862 08/07/95 $277.01 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 32255700 ST LIGHTING OR REPAIR PARTS 2360 08/07/95 $85.96 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 32269500 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2445 158053 $1,476.55* 08/07/95 $40.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOT DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 072695 ED ADMINISTRAT DUES & SUBSCRI 158054 $40.00* 08/07/95 $27.18 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 072695 PARKING MONITO TELEPHONE 158055 $27.18* 08/07/95 $613.96 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $277.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS ADVERTISING OTHER 080795 ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER 08/07/95 $277.69 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $57.33 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $1,122.73 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $186.79 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 50TH ST OCCUPA TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $107.95 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $210.89 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 YORK OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $632.58 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $122.19 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 SENIOR CITIZEN TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $404.66 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $741.25 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $62.38 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 MAINT OF COURS TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $190.78 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 GOLF DOME TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $250.65 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 ARENA BLDG /GRO TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $39.92 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 080795 GUN RANGE TELEPHONE 158057 $5,298.75* 08/07/95 $109.27 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS FRAME RELAY D0860860 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 158058 $109.27* 08/07/95 $10.65 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE A269283M MAINT OF COURS TELEPHONE 08/07/95 $5.33 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE A269286M MAINT OF COURS TELEPHONE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 47 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158059 $15.98* 08/07/95 $45.00 VALLIERE, JOHN CONFERENCES & SCHOOL 072095 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS 158060 $45.00* 08/07/95 $22.54 VAN 0 LITE INC REPAIR PARTS 93594 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2257 158061 $22.54* 08/07/95 $239.63 VAN PAPER CO. CLEANING SUPPLIES 73623 CLUB HOUSE CLEANING SUPPL 2763 158062 $239.63* 08/07/95 $127.16 VAN WATERS & ROGERS CHEMICALS ST260101 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 08/07/95 - $379.41 VAN WATERS & ROGERS INVOICE PD TWICE ST255458 SNOW & ICE REM CALCIUM CHLORI 08/07/95 $84.77 VAN WATERS & ROGERS CHEMICALS ST258194 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 08/07/95 $211.94 VAN WATERS & ROGERS CHEMICALS ST259122 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 158063 $44.46* 08/07/95 $303.20 VANTAGE ELECTRIC LIGHTING & SIGN REPA 13495 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 2628 08/07/95 $360.11 VANTAGE ELECTRIC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 13523 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 2622 08/07/95 $375.52 VANTAGE ELECTRIC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 13520 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 2647 08/07/95 $495.00 VANTAGE ELECTRIC GENERAL SUPPLIES 13529 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 158064 $1,533.83* 08/07/95 $26.14 VAUGHN DISPLAY GENERAL SUPPLIES 11330 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 7886 08/07/95 $115.58 VAUGHN DISPLAY GENERAL SUPPLIES 11082 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI 2482 158065 $141.72* 08/07/95 $96.02 VESSCO REPAIR PARTS 8954 TANKS TOWERS & REPAIR PARTS 2722 158066 $96.02* 08/07/95 $52.50 VFW POST 1676 ADVERTISING OTHER 071395 GOLF DOME ADVERT OTHER 158067 $52.50* 08/07/95 $25.56 VIDEO DUPLICATION INC VHS COPIES 010388 COMMUNICATIONS Pro Svc- Aud /Vi 158068 $25.56* 08/07/95 $193.28 VIKING SAFETY PRODUCTS SAFETY EQUIPMENT 512021 BUILDING MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 2706 158069 $193.28* 08/07/95 $430.53 VINCENT METALS GENERAL SUPPLIES 11277243 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2252 08/07/95 - $365.95 VINCENT METALS GENERAL SUPPLIES 11281102 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2252 08/07/95 $188.10 VINCENT METALS GENERAL SUPPLIES 11279150 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 2252 158070 $252.68* 08/07/95 $27.00 VOGEL, MEL REFUND SWIMMING 072495 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 158071 $27.00* 08/07/95 $495.96 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 259336 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 2444 08/07/95 $90.13 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 259646 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 2529 08/07/95 $488.10 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 259033 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 2282 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 48 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $207.04 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 259193 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 2374 08/07/95 - $216.95 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 254106 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 08/07/95 $105.44 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 255979 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 9963 08/07/95 $231.32 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 259397 TRAFFIC SIGNAL REPAIR PARTS 2456 08/07/95 $103.52 VOSS LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 259663 TRAFFIC SIGNAL REPAIR PARTS 2472 158072 $1,504.56* 08/07/95 $47.93 W. GORDON SMITH GASOLINE 04793 MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE 1987 158073 $47.93* 08/07/95 $71.64 WAGERS OFFICE SYSTEMS GENERAL SUPPLIES 287460 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 2633 158074 $71.64* 08/07/95 $15.88 WAKNITZ, CINDY REIMBURSEMNT /CL /EB 072695 ED BUILDING & LAUNDRY 158075 $15.88* 08/07/95 $2,412.50 WALKER PARKING CONSULT PROF ENG SERVICES 67546 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 158076 $2,412.50* 08/07/95 $1.34 WALSER FORD REPAIR PARTS 32475 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2350 08/07/95 $33.74 WALSER FORD REPAIR PARTS 32988 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2671 158077 $35.08* 08/07/95 $132.57 WATER PRO REPAIR PARTS 707354 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 2715 08/07/95 $106.57 WATER PRO PIPE 703567 GENERAL STORM PIPE 2548 158078 $239.14* 08/07/95 $44.23 WENDORF, HAROLD ART WORK SOLD 072495 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 08/07/95 $26.00 WENDORF, HAROLD AC INSTRUCTOR 072495 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 158079 $70.23* 08/07/95 $90.00 WERT, CAPRICE CLEANING 24 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 1898 08/07/95 $90.00 WERT, CAPRICE CLEANING 25 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 1899 08/07/95 $90.00 WERT, CAPRICE SERVICE CONTRACTS EQ 26 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 1900 158080 $270.00* 08/07/95 $23.00 WERT, LAUNA CLASS REFUND 071995 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 158081 $23.00* 08/07/95 $252.09 WEST PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIE 91957 POLICE DEPT. G PHOTO SUPPLIES 2774 158082 $252.09* 08/07/95 $184.72 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. ACCESSORIES 95272253 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 2547 08/07/95 $200.01 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. TOOLS 95272954 PUMP & LIFT ST TOOLS 2696 08/07/95 $362.53 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. REPAIR PARTS 95271751 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2453 08/07/95 $353.96 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 95263850 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 2349 158083 $1,101.22* 08/07/95 $93.65 WESTBURNE SUPPLY INC -P REPAIR PARTS 1483902 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 2193 08/07/95 $141.47 WESTBURNE SUPPLY INC -P REPAIR PARTS 1491259 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 2193 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 49 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 - $92.50 WESTBURNE SUPPLY INC -P REPAIR PARTS R27978 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 158084 $142.62* 08/07/95 $12.80 WESTLINK PAGING PAGER 070195 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 2824 158085 $12.80* 08/07/95 $104.04 WESTLUND'S COST OF GOODS SOLD F 455176 VANVALKENBURG CST OF GD FOOD 2624 158086 $104.04* 08/07/95 $51.17 WILLIAMS STEEL GENERAL SUPPLIES 62813901 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 2279 08/07/95 $138.83 WILLIAMS STEEL GENERAL SUPPLIES 62674602 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 2176 08/07/95 $150.00 WILLIAMS STEEL GENERAL SUPPLIES 62674601 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI P2176 08/07/95 $310.58 WILLIAMS STEEL REPAIR PARTS 62674601 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS P2176 08/07/95 $150.00 WILLIAMS STEEL GENERAL SUPPLIES 62674601 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI P2176 08/07/95 $98.48 WILLIAMS STEEL GENERAL SUPPLIES 62997401 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 2545 08/07/95 $344.05 WILLIAMS STEEL GENERAL SUPPLIES 62674604 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 2176 158087 $1,243.11* 08/07/95 $247.50 WILLIAMS, DARRAH REPLACE 1994 PAYCHEC 073195 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 158088 $247.50* 08/07/95 $149.59 WILSON SPORTING GOODS COST OF GOODS - PRO 98830800 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9036 158089 $149.59* 08/07/95 $105.44 WILSON'S NORTH WEST NU PLANTINGS & TREES 18881 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 2343 158090 $105.44* 08/07/95 $53.90 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD B 1124 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 08/07/95 $382.00 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD W 11045 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 158091 $435.90* 08/07/95 $180.88 WINEBERG, DON MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 072195 GOLF ADMINISTR MILEAGE 158092 $180.88* 08/07/95 $221.44 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 88890 RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 2000 08/07/95 $105.22 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY COST OF GOODS - PRO 88890 NORMAN. MAINT. COST OF GDS -PR 2000 08/07/95 $156.31 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 90163 RANGE REPAIR PARTS 2613 158093 $482.97* 08/07/95 $50.00 WONDER WEAVERS SERVICES CL /EB 081995 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 158094 $50.00* 08/07/95 $161.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD W 45629 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $451.10 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD W 45714 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $392.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD W 45713 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $90.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD W 17444 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $417.10 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD W 45824 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 08/07/95 $66.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD W 17445 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 158095 $1,577.20* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER Thu Aug 3 1995 00:32:22 Page 50 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/07/95 $220.17 YONEX CORPORATION COST OF GOODS - PRO 1190881 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1290 158096 $220.17* 08/07/95 $30.00 ZAMPINO, ELLEN REFUND SKATING EDINB 072795 EDINB /CL PROG LESSON PRGM IN 158097 $30.00* 08/07/95 $179.24 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE GENERAL SUPPLIES 54067147 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 2770 08/07/95 $74.35 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE GENERAL SUPPLIES 54181930 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 3044 158098 $253.59* $1,110,931.31 COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY Thu Aug 3 1995 00:37:42 Page 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUND # 10 GENERAL FUND $410,368.28 FUND # 12 COMMUNICATION $10,303.03 FUND # 15 WORKING CAPITAL $6,236.05 FUND # 23 ART CENTER $11,650.58 FUND # 26 SWIMMING POOL $4,531.06 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE $71,580.16 FUND # 28 ICE ARENA $25,040.52 FUND # 29 GUN RANGE $114.96 FUND # 30 EDINB /CENT LAKES $34,551.75 FUND # 40 UTILITY FUND $385,659.66 FUND # 41 STORM SEWER $6,529.30 FUND # 42 RECYCLING $31,794.67 FUND # 50 LIQUOR FUND $94,152.26 FUND # 60 CONSTRUCT FUND $18,419.03 $1,110,931.31 or