HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-18_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA - Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda ar d considered in its - normal sequence of the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of HRA Meeting of September 5, 1995 II. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATION - Disability Employment and Awareness Month, October 1995 PRESENTATION - NORWEST BANK'S DONATION TO ABC FOUNDATION * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of September 5, 1995. II. PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed action by resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. * A. Vacation of Utility Easement - Lot 2, Block 1, Griffith Addition (7032 Wexford Road). This item is continued until October 2, 1995, since the applicant Dr. Lee Chapman is out of town. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing . Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Preliminary Rezoning R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to POD-1 Planned Office District - Especially for Children - 5015 West 70th Street. B. Preliminary Plat Approval - Kunz Oil Company and Lewis Engineering Company - 5200 Eden Circle and 5229 Eden Avenue. C. Final Development Plan - Kunz Oil Company - 5200 Eden Circle. IV. AWARD OF BIDS A. Emergency Repair - Well No. 9. * B. Backhoe /Breaker Rental. C. Annual Salt Purchase. D. Midwest Asphalt Corporation - 2 inch asphalt surface on Pamela Park Hockey Rink. E. Braemar Golf Dome Brochure. V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Update on Referendum Issues. B. Resolution of local application - Minnesota Amateur Sport Commission State Capital Bonding Fund. C. Human Relations Commission vacancy. D. 3.2 On -Sale Beer License Davanni's Pizza and Hot Hoaggies. E. September 6, 1995 Traffic Safety Report. F. Metropolitan Livable Communities Act VI. CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS A. Wine licensing issue - Tejas. VII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES VIII. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL IX. MANAGERS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS X. FINANCE A. Review of 1994 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report B. Payment of Claims as pre -list dated September 14, 1995 TOTAL $1,246,109.25 and confirmation of payment of Claims as per list dated September 14, 1995 TOTAL $412,686.64 Wed Sep 27 Joint Session Planning Commission /Council 6:30 P.M. Mon Oct 2 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Mon Oct 16 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Mon Nov 6 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Fri Nov 10 VETERANS DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Mon Nov 20 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Thu Nov 23 THANKSGIVING DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Fri Nov 24 DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY - CITY HALL CLOSED Wed Nov 29 Truth In Taxation Public Hearing 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SEPTEMBER 5, 1995 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards. Commissioner Kelly entered the meeting at 7:03 P.M. CONSENT AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Maetzold and was seconded by Commissioner Smith to adopt the Council Consent Agenda items as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. 'MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING OF Auciust 21. 1995. APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Maetzold and was seconded by Commissioner Smith to approve the HRA Minutes of August 21, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. CLAIMS PAID Commissioner Kelly made a motion to approve payment of the HRA claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated August 30, 1995, and consisting of one page totaling $19,960.77. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Richards declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director w to lAttA PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, there are more than 900,000 persons with disabilities in Minnesota, making this the largest minority group in the State; and WHEREAS, we in Minnesota have set a standard by enacting the 1983 Disability Amendments to the State Human Rights Act and embracing the protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the most comprehensive civil rights legislation in the world for people with disabilities; and WHEREAS, Edinans with disabilities are integral, contributing, productive and valued citizens of this City; and WHEREAS, a significant effort is being made statewide to eliminate barriers to employment, housing, transportation, education, public service, public accommodation and recreation for persons with disabilities; and WHEREAS, residents of our community are becoming more aware of the talents and capabilities of persons with disabilities through their inclusion in the total community environment; and WHEREAS, the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Minnesota Human Rights Act require most employers to make a reasonable accommodation to the known disability of a qualified applicant or employee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Frederick S. Richards, Mayor of Edina, do hereby proclaim the month of October, 1995, to be: DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT AND AWARENESS MONTH in the City of Edina, Minnesota. ADOPTED this 18th day of September, 1995. MAYOR MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 5, 1995 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Maetzold, Paulus, Smith and Mayor Richards. Member Kelly entered the meeting at 7:03 P.M. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion was made by Member Maetzold and was seconded by Member Smith to adopt the Council Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of item IV.B. new 3.2 beer license for Davanni's Pizza and Hot Hoaggies. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CONSTITUTION WEEK PROCLAIMED Motion of Member Maetzold was seconded by Member Kelly and carried unanimously proclaiming September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week in Edina. The proclamation stated it is a privilege and duty of all Americans to commemorate the two hundred sixth anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United Sates with appropriate ceremonies and activities during the week of September 17 through the 23. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1995 Motion was made by Member Maetzold and was seconded by Member Smith to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 21, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON OVERALL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR PARCELS E AND F. CENTENNIAL LAKES (UNITED PROPERTIES) Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen informed the Council the subject property is located east of France Avenue and south of West 76th Street. The site measures approximately 25 acres and represents the remaining undeveloped land within the Centennial Lakes project. The originally approved Overall Development Plan for the site calls for 403 dwelling units in mid to high rise housing plus 1,150,000 square feet of office development. The developer, United Properties, is requesting an amendment to the 1988 Overall Development Plan which would eliminate all of the housing and would increase the office space to 1,160,000 square feet. In 1990, the Council considered a similar amendment to the Overall Development Plan. At that time, the plan amendment illustrated five office buildings totaling 1,100,000 square feet with all residential development eliminated. No action was taken on the revised plan. Planner Larsen stated that the current proposed Overall Development Plan amendment shows a restaurant located between buildings one and two. A restaurant is a permitted use under the current MDD-6 Zoning. The proposed plan amendment retains public functions and facilities of previous plans including the ponding area, pedestrian paths and the tramway. However, the rJ amendment is different in that the pedestrian and tramway functions are separate, not combined as in the balance of the project. The tram would circulate on the outside of the proposed buildings while pedestrians would have exclusive use of a path adjacent to the pond. The following table shows the 1988 Overall Development Plan compared to the proposed amendment: PARCEL A: HOUSING 406 D.U. DEVELOPED WITH 98 D.U. PARCEL B: THEATRE 39,050 s.f. OFFICE 106,900 s.f. DEVELOPED ACCORDING TO MASTER PLAN PARCEL C: HOUSING 276 D.U. DEVELOPED WITH 250 D.U. PARCEL D: RETAIL 201,600 s.f. DEVELOPED AS PLANNED PARCEL E: HOUSING 403 D.U. ELIMINATED AND SPACE INCORPORATED INTO PARCEL F PARCEL F: OFFICE 1,150,000 s.f. OFFICE 1,160,000 s.f. PARCEL G: HOTEURESTAURANT HOTEL ELIMINATED - DEVELOPED AS RESTAURANT WITH 395 SEATS OFFICE: 1,256,900 s.f. OFFICE: 1,266,900 s.f. RETAIL: 201,600 s.f. RETAIL: 201,600 s.f. THEATRE: 39,050 s.f. THEATRE: 39,050 s.f. HOTEL: 250 ROOMS HOTEL: -0- RESTAURANT: - 0 - RESTAURANT: 395 SEATS HOUSING: 1,085 D.U. HOUSING: 348 D.U. Staff supports the proposed plan amendment. Eliminating the residential component and spreading the same amount of office space over the entire parcel significantly reduces the crowding of buildings and parking facilities. However, Planner Larsen noted that even with staff support, several details need to be addressed during the final site plan approval for each building: A. Curb cut location on Edinborough Way B. Curb cut location on West 76th Street C. Approval of curb cut on France Avenue by Hennepin County D. Lake size, shape and capacity E. Tramway circulation pattern F. Parking structure setbacks; location and amount of lots and ramps (proposed development requires approximately 3,800 spaces) Presentation by Proponent Boyd Stofer, President of United Properties, said United Properties has been involved in this project since inception in 1988. The proposed amendment is a part of a master plan redevelopment which includes 25% of the 100 acres devoted to public park developed in a public/private partnership. Mr. Stofer stated that throughout the entire development process, United Properties has worked closely with City staff to develop a plan responding to both the public as well as private needs. The proposed amendment would continue the public park, transportation hub, the pedestrian walkways, and landscaping that has formed the concept of the already completed park. Mr. Stofer explained that after seven years, a plan amendment is desired because the market has undergone a major change and it is economically feasible to develop attractive office buildings within the 25 acre site. Additionally, with the proposed amendment, the Overall Development Plan would be completed with one million square feet less floor space than was approved in 1988. Mr. Stofer said United Properties has received letters from both Centennial Lakes and Edinborough Homeowners Associations with concerns and questions. He believes these concerns expressed will be answered during the presentation. Brian Carey, United Properties'Development Director, 1) reviewed the approved 1988 Overall Development Plan and the proposed amendment, 2) gave reasons for the changes in the plan and 3) addressed residents' concerns as well as Planning Commission and staff concerns. Mr. Carey stated the 1988 Overall Development Plan approved four large office towers of approximately 300,000 square feet each. Present market conditions indicate a much smaller demand exists for 300,000 and 400,000 square feet office buildings. Thus, the amended proposal, depicts mid -rise office units constructed on France Avenue taking advantage of the grade and capitalizing on location. Location is a necessity for new Class "A" office space, which France Avenue would guarantee as well as the additional amenities of covered parking and food service. Jim Benshoof, Traffic Consultant with Benshoof and Associates, explained that the resultant traffic with the proposed plan amendment would be a reduced by approximately 1700 fewer trips daily from the original plan. Fewer trips would be the result of a reduction in area density by 900,000 to 1,000,000 square feet of occupiable office space. The ramp at 76th Street and Edinborough Way would have significant landscaping and could be made very attractive. He also stated that a change to the five story 76th Street ramp not depicted on the plan, would be to construct two levels below grade, one level at grade and two levels above grade. Howard Stewart, Architect with Smallwood, Reynolds, Stewart, Stewart and Associates of Atlanta, explained that he has worked with United Properties since the 1980's. He presented a slide display depicting architectural designs similar to the amended proposal. The architectural focus was to shift masses, reduce the total number of buildings and reorient them from Edinborough Way. Office buildings make good neighbors with quiet nights and weekends. Mr. Stewart concluded with his belief that the proposed amendment improves the Overall Development Plan. Resident Comment Dennis Siemers, President of the Edinborough Homeowners Association, voiced surprise with the proposal and its dramatic disregard for the well -being of Edinborough residents. Edinborough is a fantastic place to live but why are they now being blocked in like a prison. He indicated his main concerns were that the 1) residential housing has been eliminated in the proposal, 2) parking ramps will be a major eyesore and 3) traffic will be a burden with the major office development planned on Edinborough Way. Mr. Siemers suggested re- orienting the development 180 degrees towards France Avenue. He asked United Properties why this wasn't considered. He felt the audience should know that the Planning Commission denied the proposal with a seven to one vote at their August 2, 1995, meeting. The letter of notification contained a technical error that confused residents, that the property was located west of France Avenue when actually it is east. He presented a petition with 320 residents signatures to the Council, against the proposal. Albert Mayer, Vice President of the Centennial Lakes Homeowners Association, said he personally could not speak about anything in the area previous to 1992 but residents feel that 1) Edina is a residential community, 2) their property will be devalued, 3) the proposal shows no smooth transition between residential and commercial, 4) housing would be a more desirable buffer between residential and commercial, 5) the 15 story office building should be built on France Avenue rather than Edinborough Way to fit with the France/76th area, 6) Minnesota Drive from Edinborough Way to France Avenue drops 30 feet making buildings less obtrusive, 7) if proposal gains approval, ramps should be below grade to minimize loss of aesthetics, 8) additional traffic would be better handled by France Avenue rather than Edinborough Way, and 9) they would recommended a traffic study be done at 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Kathleen Kuha, 7621 Edinborough Way, said she concurs with the previous speaker but Edinborough Way is a frightful place to put a traffic stop because of the curve. The drawings depicting mature trees are attractive but the footprint of the ramps is enormous. She asked if additional berming is being proposed and questioned why the area was being developed in this fashion at all. On Labor Day she drove around and every existing office building has 'For Lease' signs on them and questioned why more office space is being proposed. Good aesthetics, is important for occupants of the offices but having a bunker across from her residence is a problem to her. Brock Buehler, 7635 Edinborough Way, asked why a restaurant is being proposed now and questioned whether a Class "A" office building had always been planned. Traffic numbers at a reduction of 1700 trips per day seems wrong; he asked if additional study could be done. He questioned why the office building is being proposed at the high end of the grade rather than at the low end. A revision has already been proposed for the ramps and he asked if they could be further reduced to one to two stories above grade. Pat Boettger, 7609 Edinborough Way, asked further clarification on the reduction of trips in the area. He believed the City is walking into a snafu at Minnesota Drive and 76th Street during rush hour, especially as concerned with emergency vehicles. Debbie Sit, 7601 Edinborough Way, said when she bought her unit in 1988, over half of the residents were single women and there was a sense of security for them. She believes her sense of security will be taken away with a wall of parking garages. Marielle Lachambre, 7601 Edinborough Way, said when she purchased her unit, she believed a multi -level family building would be built in the area. With the amended plan, her home will face a parking lot and she believes her property will be devalued instantly. She asked the Council to take the responsibility to 1) look at what will happen to the residents quiet community, 2) scale the development away from the residents and towards commercial and 3) seriously consider putting as much parking below grade as is possible. John Glavan, 7615 Edinborough Way, stated residents view the area as a real community and not an urban area. He has gleaned from conversations with other residents that the 1988 plan was not all that great. It is more desirable to attract families to the area to maintain the community rather than empty offices. If the amended plan receives approval tonight, what assurance do the residents have that the market won't dictate another change to the plan in the future. Sandra Stoltz, 7520 Edinborough Way, said her unit faces 76th Street and she is very proud of her home. If 1700 trips per day have been eliminated from the area with the new amended plan, how many actual trips are expected for the area: She voiced concern with 1) changes in air quality with the number of cars increasing and, 2) her property being devalued, 3) safety while walking Centennial Lakes, 4) will other office buildings in Edina deteriorate, and 5) how long construction will take on Phase 1 and Phase 11 and what steps are being taken to control noise and traffic during this time. Megan Maloney, 7618 York Avenue South, explained that she was one of the first property owners at Edinborough and she has watched progress on the development. She does not believe more commercial property is the best idea. She asked the Planning Commission and Council to become more consistent with the development around the award winning Edinborough and Centennial Lakes. Ms. Maloney said most of the area residents have a difficult time understanding what one million square feet of commercial is or when traffic is lowered -- lowered to what. She raised concern with safety of the seniors living in the area. If the project receives approval, will residents of the area be assessed to pay for it. She further inquired what benefit the city derives from the proposal. Sandra Hammers, 7520 Edinborough Way, commented that she is proud to live at Centennial Lakes. When the Coventry townhomes were proposed, Mr. Laukka and Mr. Jarvis made sure that upon entering the area you would not immediately be confronted with driveways and garages. All residents at the Coventry have underground, heated parking. She inquired why the proposed amendment could not be built with all underground, heated parking also. Orrin Field, 7440 Edinborough Way, an Edina resident for 35 years and a registered architect said he did some measuring of the plans and the parking ramp on the corner is huge. He informed Council that in order for emergency vehicles to utilize parking ramps, ceilings must be 12 feet high with an additional safety wall of six feet on the top floor creating a very unfortunate situation even for residents on the third floor. Bob Roberti, 7601 Edinborough Way, stated that parking lots are attractive nuisances. He voiced concern that the police would need to be posted to keep kids from utilizing them for rollerblading or skateboarding. He further commented that the concentration of cars in the same location at the same time would be like two 747's landing on the same runway at the same time. Joel Alberts, 7635 Edinborough Way, said he likes the quiet peace of the area and fears the residential aspect will be taken away. He questioned why the developer has not held focus group meetings to inform residents of the proposed plan amendment. Angela Kamstra, 7635 Edinborough Way, voiced anger with her safety being taken away, as a single female. She reminded the Council that condominiums have 'one' view and if it is obliterated with a parking ramp, it's gone. She further voiced concern with her property being devalued if the proposed plan gains approval. Leo Duffy, 7615 Edinborough Way, stated his opposition to the proposal. In 1988 there was a glimmer of sky to the west, with the new development that will be gone. . Judy Bezanson, 7635 Edinborough Way, indicated this is a gorgeous area and how wonderful it would be to live and work in the same place. She inquired where the park would be located. Rose Carlson, 7625 Edinborough Way, asked why if the office development was not needed in 1988, do we need more office space now. Gus Gulsvig, 7400 Edinborough Way, said after visiting the area, he sold his home in Texas which his wife designed to move to the most unique area in the world. He asked that the concept not be changed to commercial. Connie Larsen, 7520 Edinborough Way, voiced concern with traffic being bad now, what will happen when the proposed plan is completed. Proponent's Response and Comments Jim Benshoof, Benshoof and Associates, explained that to project traffic flow, traffic counts were taken including rush hour, information was gathered from Hennepin County and then the projections were made. He stated that 76th Street and Edinborough could be utilized as four lane roads and that with additional traffic signals the area would have adequate traffic capacity. Brian Carey, United Properties Development Director, thanked the public for the positive remarks regarding the completed portion of the development. He looked at the proposal as a modification in the 1988 concept only and said this would be a critical development for the community. Consideration had been given to reorient the buildings but it is not economically feasible. The plan is being presented for reasons as follows: 1. Visibility is essential for commercial entities to be economically feasible, 2. Proposing all parking be underground would add 20% to the cost, 3. Air quality as addressed in 1988 studies would not change nor would noise increase, 4. The proposed park will be seven acres in size, and 5. Office space is now in demand, not like in 1988. Office buildings will not be built if there isn't a demand. Council Comment Mayor Richards said after examining the whole picture, a mixed use development consisting of retail, housing, office and public use is best for all disciplines. It is not anyone's desire to do anything to diminish the neighborhood. Waters are publicly owned at all parks and the amended proposal would complete the area. Historically, the City does it's planning in advance and compared to the 1988 plan, this works. Mayor Richards took exception with the comment that parking ramps in Edina were attractive nuisances. Ramps in Edina have been safe in the past. The Urban Land publication calls this development the best anywhere. He believes the area should be completed. Member Maetzold concurred with the Mayor's comments and reminded the audience that the area could be used for a power shopping center rather than the proposed use. The amended plan is quite similar to the 1988 plan, but the concern is with the elevation of the ramps. He believes proper landscaping will create an acceptable view and he would support approval of the amended plan. Member Paulus elaborated that this is not an isolated neighborhood and reminded the public that the Council votes in the best interest of the whole community. Homeowners have a personal responsibility to keep apprised of any change or proposed development in their area. With completion of the area, she believes the demand for homes will only increase and values will be retained. Member Paulus noted that historically, commercial offices do not show an increase in crime rates. Further, a misconception exists that this is a quiet nature area. How this could be possible with Highway 494 and National Car Rental 'abutting the neighborhood. - This neighborhood was planned when Hedberg concrete was removed. She feels it is a good plan and supports the amendment. Member Kelly admitted that eleven years ago she was against the public portion of the project but has now changed her mind. She voiced approval of the concept as presented with the exception of the height of the parking ramps. Member Smith recalled that many people wanted to do different things with this parcel. He thanked Larry Laukka for his mixed use idea and with the outcome. He said parking ramps have always been a part of the plan although he shares a concern with their height. He pointed out that all of Edina has an investment in the park and surrounding property and noted that the Council would be examining all plans during the construction. He would support the proposal as presented. Mayor Richards asked clarification if the amendment would be approved, would it include 1) landscaping both east and west on Edinborough Way, 2) like materials would be used on the office buildings and ramps, and 3) the northeast parking ramp would be reduced to five levels, not six as depicted on the plan presented. He asked the possibility of the plantings along east Edinborough Way being done as part of the first phase allowing them to mature and possibly buffer future construction. Mr. Stofer answered he would be willing to do this. Mayor Richards suggested the proponent work with the associations. Mayor Richards called for further public comment or concern. No further comment was received. Member Smith made a motion to approve the overall development plan amendment for Parcels E & F, Centennial Lakes, United Properties, conditioned upon, 1) addressing the location of the Edinborough Way curb cut, 2) addressing the location of the proposed West 76th Street curb cut, 3) Hennepin County approval of an additional curb cut on France Avenue, 4) the size, shape and capacity of the lake, 5) circulation of the tramway pattern, 6) setbacks for the proposed parking structures and amount of parking and location of parking lots and ramps, 7) additional landscaping on east Edinborough Way, 8) reduction in height of northeast ramp to 5 stories, 9) like materials on both buildings and ramps and 10) the developer to work with the associations. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Member Kelly offered an amendment to the motion that the developer be required to appear before the Council with each new portion of the development. Motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Richards called the question. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *HEARING DATE OF SEPTEMBER 18, 1995, SET FOR PLANNING MATTERS Motion was made by Member Maetzold and was seconded by Member Smith setting September 18, 1995, for the following planning matters: 1) Preliminary Rezoning, R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to POD -1 Planned Office District, 5015 West 70th Street, Especially for Children; and 2) Preliminary Plat Approval, Kunz Oil 5200 Eden Circle and Lewis Engineering, 5229 Eden Avenue 3) Final Development Plan for Kunz Oil, 5200 Eden Circle. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR WATER MAIN (WM- 317A), CURB AND GUTTER AND STORM SEWER (BA-308) Motion was made by Member Maetzold and was seconded by Member Smith for award of bid for watermain at Fuller Street and West 55th Street; Curb and Gutter and Storm Sewer for Lakeview Drive to recommended low bidder, Penn Contracting, Inc., at $262,744.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON WATER SERVICE TO 4119 WEST 62ND STREET Assistant Manager Hughes explained that July 31, 1995, a notice was sent Dr. Byron Armstrong of 4119 West 62nd Street, advising Dr. Armstrong of the City's intent to terminate his water service for non - payment of sewer and water charges totaling $334.49. Dr. Armstrong exercised his rights under Section 1100 of the City Code and requested an opportunity to be heard by the City Council. Accordingly the City may not terminate the water service until the hearing has been conducted. Assistant Manager Hughes stated that City staff attempted to resolve the matter per his letter dated August 24, 1995 to which Dr. Armstrong did not respond. He reviewed Council's options which are to: 1) order termination of the water service, 2) certify delinquent charges to Hennepin County for collection with the 1996 payable taxes or, 3) authorize collection of the delinquent charges by other means permitted by law. Staff recommends that delinquent charges be certified to the County for collection with the 1996 payable taxes and Dr. Armstrong be advised that future delinquencies will result in termination of water service. Dr. Armstrong commented that he has not been able to get an answer from the water department regard ing'charges during the 15 months he was not living in his home. Assistant Manager Hughes said a detailed accounting of the bill had been submitted with the August 24, 1995, letter explaining that from May 8, 1992, to November 5, 1993, the bill reached $541.70. A credit has been applied for that portion of time, reducing the amount owing to $334.49. Member Smith made a motion that the outstanding water bill at 4119 West 62nd Street be paid within three days or 1) the charges would be certified to Hennepin County for collection with taxes due and payable in 1996, and 2) the property owner be advised that future delinquencies would result in termination of the water service. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. ISSUANCE OF 3.2 BEER LICENSE FOR DAVANNI'S CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 18.1995 Member Smith said he requested the issuance of the 3.2 beer license for Davanni's removed from the consent agenda for further clarification of the Ordinance whether ordering food is a requirement in the issuing of a 3.2 beer license as it is with strong beer. After a brief discussion, Council consensus was to continue the issuance of the license for Davanni's to the September 18, 1995, meeting to allow clarification of the ordinance and additional information to come forward. BUILDING OFFICIAL INTRODUCED Manager Rosland introduced Ron Wasmund, the new Building Official. Mr. Wasmund held the position of Community Development Director in Rosemount, prior to coming to Edina. 1996 PROPOSED BUDGET ADOPTED AND 1996 TAX LEVY ESTABLISHED Mayor Richards reminded the Council that action must be taken to adopt a proposed budget and tax levy for 1996 for certification to Hennepin County. Mayor Richards called for public comment on the proposed 1996 budget. No comment or objection was heard. Mayor Richards moved adoption of the following resolution reflecting a 4.97% increase in expenditures for 1996: RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 1996, AND ESTABLISHING PROPOSED TAX LEVY FOR THE 1996 PAYABLE IN 1996 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Budget for the City of Edina for the calendar year 1996, is hereby proposed as follows: TOTAL GENERAL FUND $16,504,290 Section 2. Estimated receipts other General Tax Levy, including HACA aid, are hereby proposed as follows: TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 4,325,850 Section 3. That there is proposed to be levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina a tax rate sufficient to produce the amount as follows: FOR GENERAL FUND $12,178,440 Adopted this 5th day of September, 1995. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING DATE SET Manager Rosland reminded Council that the City is required to inform Hennepin County of its Truth in Taxation hearing dates. Truth in Taxation hearings for all governmental bodies must be held during the period November 29 through December 20, 1995. Member Smith made a motion setting November 29, 1995, at 5:00 P.M. for the Truth in Taxation hearing and December 15, 1995, at 5:00 P.M. as the continuation hearing date. Motion was seconded by Member Maetzold. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CLAIMS PAID Mayor Richards noted he would be abstaining from the final vote because a family member has submitted a claim for payment. Member Kelly made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated August 30, 1995, and consisting of 28 pages: General Fund $310,489.09; C.D.B.G. $4,760.00; Communication $6,245.85; Working Capital $1,831.67; Art Center $7,805.46; Swimming Pool $1,546.55; Golf Course $51,175.56; Ice Arena $17,036.00; Gun Range $105.52; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes $23,162.75; Utility Fund $306,478.97; Storm Sewer $3,348.73; Recycling $153.00; Liquor Fund $74,858.11; Construction Fund $6,379.11; IBR #2 Fund $646.25; TOTAL $816,022.62. Motion was seconded by Member Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith Abstaining: Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 10:23 P.M. City Clerk �r .' w9t�A.l o� Ce: C* REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # III. A. FROM: Craig Larsen F] Consent Information Only 11 Mgr. Recommends [] To HRA DATE: September 18, 1995 ® To Council SUBJECT: 2 -95 -1, Preliminary Action Motion Rezoning R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District ® Resolution to POD -1. Planned Office District. 5015 Ordinance West 70th Street. Especially for Children Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning subject to: 1. Final Rezoning. 2. Developers Agreement covering cost of intersection and semaphore improvements. 3. Watershed District grading permit. Info /Background: See attached Planning Commission minutes, staff report and plans. Planning Commission Minutes/August 30, 1995 Draf t MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1995 7:30 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Johnson, H. McClelland, N. Faust, D. Runyan, C. Ingwalson, G. Workinger, D. Byron, A. Swenson STAFF PRESENT: Craig Larsen, Jackie Hoogenakker I. NEW BUSINESS: Z -95 -1 Steve Williams /Especially for Children 5015 West 70th Street R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to POD -1, Planned Office District Mr. Larsen presented his staff report noting the subject property is zoned R -1 and is developed as a church. The building has been acquired by Especially for Children, a day care provider. Since day care is not a permitted principal use in the R -1 district, a rezoning to POD -1 is proposed. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends preliminary rezoning and approval of the comprehensive plan amendment subject to: 1. Final Rezoning 2. Developer's Agreement covering cost of intersection and semaphore improvements, if recommended by traffic consultant 3. Watershed District grading permit Mr. Steve Williams, Especially for Children, and architect Ed Kodet were present to respond to questions. Commissioner McClelland asked Mr. Larsen if a freestanding office building were to be constructed on this site, would there be adequate parking. Mr. Larsen responded if another building were to be constructed on the site the siting of the building, and parking, is something that would need to be reviewed by staff , the commission and council. Commissioner Byron asked if Especially for Children purchased the entire parcel. Mr. 2 Planning Commission Minutes Larsen said the entire parcel was purchased by Especially for Children. Commissioner Swenson said in reviewing the plans she noted an interior parking concern along West 70th Street. Commissioner Swenson pointed out the location of six parking stalls close to the curb cut can create a problem with the backing out of vehicles into the drive aisle. Commissioner Swenson said this arrangement creates a safety concern, and potential stacking problems within the lot. Commissioner Swenson noted it has been her experience that a day care facility usually is quick in, and out trips, which also creates a safety concern in this area for pedestrian traffic. Commissioner Swenson suggested if parking were needed in this area it may work better if parking were parallel to West 70th Street, thereby avoiding the backing up into a drive aisle. Commissioner Runyan said one solution would be to designate those spaces for employee parking only. This would eliminate the continued backing out into the drive aisle. Mr. Kodet said those concerns are legitimate, and he will speak to the traffic consultant from Strgar- Roscoe about those concerns. Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Kodet if he believes the new curb cut will be used more than the existing one. Mr. Kodet said he believes the proposed curb cut will be used at least half the time. Chairman Johnson suggested at the north exit that no left -turns are allowed during peak hours. Commissioner Faust asked Mr.Kodet if the parking lot needs those six spaces. Mr. Kodet stated he is not sure if those are needed. Commissioner Runyan asked if the day care facility would be opened on weekends. Mr. Williams said the day care operates Monday through Friday. Commissioner Runyan asked Mr. Williams the number of employees needed to operate the facility. Mr. Williams said there are approximately 20 employees. Commissioner Byron asked if there is a preferred traffic pattern for just the day care use, and a different traffic pattern for the day care and freestanding building if developed. Commissioner Byron said in his opinion, if a freestanding building is constructed circulation patterns would change, and would need to be re- addressed. Commissioner Byron concluded he is very familiar with the limitations of the site, and the intersection, adding he believes this site has severe limitations. Commissioner Byron asked what the intent is for this piece of property. Mr. Kodet responded because of the size of the site the potential for another building was discussed. Mr. Kodet said Mr. Williams has indicated the day care facility is the principal use, and that is where the focus is. Mr. Kodet said that he realizes traffic is an issue, and 3 Planning Commission Minutes reiterated they are working with a traffic consultant to find solutions, and the future construction of a free standing office building has only been discussed. Mr. Kodet acknowledged if a freestanding building were constructed internal traffic flow would need to be addressed. Commissioner Faust said in her experience, when using a day care facility one usually leaves the same way one enters. Mr. Williams said that is usually the case but because of the traffic situation at this site, he believes most will enter at the north exit, and will-leave which ever way is less congested. Commissioner Faust asked how the children usually enter the building, and how many drop off points are there. Mr. Williams explained the facility has two drop off entrances. One entrance is for the younger children, one for the older children. Parents are to accompany their children into the facility, and sign the in. This is even required for the older children. Commissioner Swenson reiterated her concern with the six parking stalls along West 70th Street.. Commissioner McClelland said as she views the site, the north drop off location appears to be the safest. Mr. Larsen agreed that safety for the children is a major concern, and agreed there needs to be two drop off points for the site, and spacing, and flow within the interior must be adequate. Mr. Larsen concluded this proposal is only for preliminary approval. The proponent must come back for final approval, and all these concerns will need to be ironed out. Commissioner Workinger asked how many children will be served by this facility. Mr. Williams said they serve 140 children, adding many families who use our service have more than one child. Continuing, Mr. Williams said the reason for their move is because our lease is up in the community center, and we feel fortunate to have found a site in Edina that is not too'far from our original site. Commissioner Byron said in his opinion, a day care use for this site is appropriate. Continuing, Commissioner Byron said he believes this site is transitional because of the close proximity to residential, commercial, and office, but he expressed a concern with the density of the site, and the request to rezone it to POD -1. Commissioner Byron added there must be a better transitional use than Planned Office District. Concluding Commissioner Byron asked what other uses could be implemented on this site. Mr. Larsen said he agrees with Commissioner Byron's observation that this site is transitional. He explained that is the reason he suggested a POD -1 zoning. POD -1 limits the size of a building, and limits density. Mr. Larsen explained, in his opinion, because of the sites close proximity to Highway 100, a rezoning to low density residential or multi residential (PRD) is not wise, and could create more congestion than what is proposed. Mr. Larsen noted 4 Planning Commission Minutes presently the proponents have indicated there main focus is on the day care facility. Any other development is in the future. Commissioner McClelland asked what is the zoning to the immediate south. Mr. Larsen said the zoning to the immediate south is POD -1, and you travel farther south the zoning changes is POD -2. Commissioner Runyan said in his opinion, Mr. Larsen is correct. A low density office zoning would better suit the site. Office use generates traffic during peak times, as people come to work and leave to go home, and is usually is closed during the evening hours, and on the weekends. A rezoning to commercial or multi - residential would generate traffic seven days per week. Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Larsen what the zoning if for the Regis property. Mr. Larsen responded the zoning for Regis is POD -2. Mr. Dan Moeman, 5100 West 70th Street told commission members his concern is with traffic. He said within this area there is at least one traffic accident per week. The intersection of Rabun /West 70th Street is saturated, and a day care use will increase the traffic. Ms. Laurie Arnold, 5032 West 70th Street said she is opposed to any rezoning that would be a commercial use. Ms. Arnold said in her opinion the church was a good buffer. She reiterated the area is already saturated with traffic, and the church's peak traffic times, were on weekends, so the existing use did not really add to the traffic congestion. Ms. Arnold said that while she is not opposed to the church being converted into a day care facility, she is opposed to this site becoming an office park. Ms. Arnold reiterated traffic is a major concern, and it is already almost impossible to get in, and out of the Brookview Heights neighborhood. Mrs. Williams explained we are investing a lot of money into this site , and it is our goal to maintain the residential character of the church, and be an asset to the neighborhood. Mrs. Williams added they plan to maintain as many trees as possible, and feel their day care business is a good transitional use. Mrs. Williams said the suggestion of constructing another office building has only been discussed. She acknowledged it is possible because of the size of the site to accommodate another building, but reiterated our main goal is to renovate the existing church as a day care center. Commissioner Byron reiterated he has no problem with the conversion of the church into a day care facility, but does not want another free standing office building constructed on this site. Mr. Kodet explained in summary the site is a transitional site, and the primary business of Mr. and Mrs. Williams is day care. Mr. Kodet said Mr. and Mrs. Williams want their business to stay in Edina, and their immediate use of the site is to remain day care. 5 Planning Commission Minutes Commissioner McClelland said she is not uncomfortable with the proposed rezoning to POD -1, and moved to recommend approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Runyan seconded the motion. Chairman Johnson asked if as a condition of approval we could request that before constructing an additional building on this site, the request has to come before the commission and council for approval. Chairman Johnson said he does not want this approval to automatically approve an additional building. Mr.Larsen explained this evening you are only approving the plans presented. Any future redevelopment of the site triggers another public hearing. Commissioner McClelland said she does not have a problem incorporating Chairman Johnsons addition. Commissioner Runyan agreed. Upon roll call vote; ayes; McClelland, Faust, Runyan, Ingwalson, Swenson, Johnson. Nays; Workinger, Byron. Motion carried. 6 -2. LOCATION MAP EVANGELICA FREE CKW —mm 73 REZONING NUMBER Z -95 -1 LOCATION 5015 West 70th St. W 'F- Q H R E O U E S T R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District to POD -1, Planned Office District Especially for Children Ia EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 30, 1995 STAFF REPORT Z -95 -1: R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to POD -1, Planned Office District 5015 West 70th Street Especially for Children The subject property is zoned R -1 as it is developed as a church. The building has been acquired by Especially for Children, a day care provider. Since day care is not a permitted principal use in the R -1 district, a rezoning to POD -1 is proposed. The property is currently shown as Quasi - Public on the Comprehensive Plan map. The proposed rezoning requires an amendment to the plan to change the use to office. The adjacent uses south of West 70th Street and east of Metro Boulevard are currently shown as office on the map. The proposed development plan includes an addition to the existing building having a floor area of about 5,700 square feet. The design and materials of the addition will match the existing building. Currently the only access to the site is from a single curb cut on West 70th Street. The proposal suggests an additional curb cut at the intersection of Metro Boulevard and West 70th Street. This curb cut would connect to the existing parking lot via a drive aisle along the southerly side of the site. The City Engineer has employed a traffic consultant to review the proposal and estimate the cost to adapt the existing semaphore to the new configuration. The proposed plans suggest an additional office building of approximately 15,000 square feet located near the existing parking lot. Although the site may allow an office building of the suggested size there is not sufficient information available to evaluate the building against Zoning Ordinance requirements. This proposal could be handled at a future date under the Final Development Plan process. Recommendation The proposed reuse of this property as a day care center makes sense and should be approved. Day care is a permitted use in all non - residential zones, but in this case, the Office zone is the most appropriate. The redeveloped site will comply with all Zoning Ordinance requirement. Z -95 -1 Staff Report August 30, 1995 Page Two Staff recommends Preliminary rezoning approval and approval of the comprehensive plan amendment subject to: Final Rezoning. 2. Developer's Agreement covering cost of intersection and semaphore improvements, if recommended by traffic consultant. 3. Watershed District grading permit. SITE PLM SCALE 1' - 30a' ' E SPECIALLY FOR CNILDRM WEST 7M SWEET EDINk MINNESOTA Architectural Croup Ltd .. .. .1... ... of a ...•... •.I.. 1.1 .1.•...•1..1 ... pil dnoj!) VIM3NNln VN103 LWL ISM NaVCnINO MOad ATIVIONde■ NOUWJB 1.9, ' DI -j Y 41 N"A3 4-11 Iz. .74 w ? 1`CUW%3-9 ISY21HUM �uw till 14 If All rj A 7% q:4 A F :03 %K�MNTEV A73`;' mouwtil) AT p E NM ;;C:4/ le, I TYPE ":.--C INT-:1 li;i2 INIT14 C2,,rx 1�! Vi�l q IA 3-2/c FROM NI. INTO M.115 ;NTI) 2 -VC' TAI. BF 'A�-:LAYEU 1A :-JRN 10.9 1 ............ 04 ......... 7% q:4 A F :03 %K�MNTEV A73`;' mouwtil) AT p E NM ;;C:4/ le, I TYPE ":.--C INT-:1 li;i2 INIT14 C2,,rx 1�! .......... Cl. . 4..,b ......... . . ... I? :V,; 4!2 :0* NX-ES1 F,: a I c X 12 3.. r:VIN CONTROLLER; W"M 14145 N—D t Vi�l q IA 3-2/c FROM INTO M.115 ;NTI) 2 -VC' BF 'A�-:LAYEU 1A 10.9 1 .......... Cl. . 4..,b ......... . . ... I? :V,; 4!2 :0* NX-ES1 F,: a I c X 12 3.. r:VIN CONTROLLER; W"M 14145 N—D t Trt-,*-- R4 5i TYPE R TYPE R: Vi�l q IA 3-2/c FROM INTO M.115 ;NTI) 2 -VC' Trt-,*-- R4 5i TYPE R TYPE R: T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: 44#- w Ci .r�K.e �GC� Signature %�pz 9Aaq �• .5 /r� i fiv print Name '•uTIC r.L:Jaress . a r a: �EDr. /s f19ss� T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature `10Jk Print flame 4h W ' 7C - �f �.�aaress Uj i' i lu Dar: e T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: ,r. x t Signature print blame r.aareS5 -D3re: T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature 1 10_ 1,412 V- Print Dame _Says 4bernrom - Or- �.aaress e-n( A., M A- 3 5411 , Dar 9 i T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature l),4 `N /Ll c it if r4- c.,,, -x Print Name ,-6-. / 4, 0 t�), �7e , naaress c. L ,arc. 7 %S T0: The City of Edina P* -nning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: �w 1 12v �J�t'(('q2/ Signature Phil and Deloris Brain Print flame 5173 Abercrombie Dr. Edina, MN 55439 r.Odre�F$ Ja r, e : SP h ill, —igga T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at Comments: K. A JA XJ,yt , e�, ` -v-'t r a Signature l7Gvj�Cl- Prinr- flame -6-IY4 �b.e��rom �j f��<3 Dare: 5015 West 70th Street. T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature t4 i nruvio 1/ Print [dame r.aareS5 )-are: � r T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning Comments: YUO lA q WI AoSC.�iV1,S�" 2 7�QM'I Signature Print Name tne(19;f2 L1 C Kr rG;r- Uvm lo'( e change at 5015 West 70th Street. T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature C�C62 �6L�VE Print Name c-ta� k0ivL '.aaress M ,).are - 'Il` Ih TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: 124— Iwo_ Signature Print Name r.aace-_ 5 Dar e I 'lf \�u'`i�r�"��r� \\ I�II�' " ti O •iEF' AGAINST THE ZONING CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street n_Mir_�r� The Edna CIZi' Council is holding a public hearing on September 18 to ;.onside:- s cequest by Steve Williams to change the zoning at 5015 West -Utn r °et (Evangelical Free Church) from R -1, residential, to Planned Orrice District, POD -1. Steve Williams plans to convert and expand the church for use as a day care center which includes constructing an additional access road. The zoning change, however, will also permit the construction of an office building as tall as four stories. Either a day care center or an office building will eliminate the bufrer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the soutn, increase both traffic and traffic noise and make turning onto 70th street from Raburn Drive even more difficult. Please Join your, neighbors in rejecting the proposed zoning change by,, signing and returning the bottom portion of this notice to City Hall. The petition must be in by Friday, September, 15, therefore, please hand vetiver it to City Hall. hlor voicing your objection may be a vote for the change. TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: S�Gt'i CLAY cv e e �a y bz< Lc i Ma Signature Print blame �.ddress )arc: �_ i �� _ 1 �� HOMEOWtiER AGAINST THE ZONING CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street �. The Ec,ina CIzz Councii is holaing a public hearing on Septemoer 18 to ,;onsioec z cequest by Steve Williams to change the zoning at 5015 West 0t :n Street (Evangelical Free Church) from R -1, residential, to Pianned Orrice District, POD -1. Steve Wiliiams pians to convert and expand the church for use as a day care center which includes constructing an additional access road. The zoning change, however, will also permit the construction of an office building as tall as four stories. Either, a aay care center or, an office building will eliminate the buffer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the soutn. increase both traffic and traffic noise and make turning onto 70th street from Raburn Drive even more difficult. Please Join your neighbors in rejecting the proposed zoning change by signing ana returning the bottom portion of this notice to City Hall. The petition must be in by Friday, September 15, therefore, pfisase nano aeiiver it to City Hall. 7 -- - - -- -- (jot voicing your objection may be --Me e change. TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature Fr i n t (dame �.auress Dare: - ZZ/e/�/-L HOMEOWNER AGAINST THE ZONING CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street J %.`0�0 ?� Tine Ec:ina Ci z.y Council is holding a public hearing on September 18 to .;onside: a cequesc by Steve Williams to change the zoning at 5015 West -U *.h Street (Evangelical Free Church) from R -1, residential, to Planned Crfice District, POD -1. Steve Williams plans to convert and expand the church for use as a day care center which includes constructing an additional access road. The zoning change, however, will also permit the construction of an office building as tall as four stories. Either a day care center or an office building will eliminate the buffer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the south. increase both traffic and traffic noise and make turning onto 70th street from Raburn Drive even more difficult. Please ,join your ne osed zoning change by signing an.o urning the bottom portion of this notice ty Hall. The petition must be in by Friday, September 15, therefore, ple hand ceiiver it to City Hall. your objection may TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature � k, ce,- m 6C.) � Print blame L(1-11 le-1 �-.daress ,Jars ��`7 HOMEOWNER AGAINST THE ZONING CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street 7 l l►l�i The Eu,ina. Cl z,,,, Counci l is holding a publ !c hearing on September 18 to consicec i request by Steve Williams to change the zoning at 5015.West iOrn �r.reet (Evangelical Free Church) from R -1, residential, to Pianned Orfice District, POD -1. Steve Williams plans to convert and expand the church for use as a day care center which includes constructing an additional access road. The zoning change, however, will also .permit the construction of an, office building as tall as four stories. Either, a day care center or an office building will eliminate the buffer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the south, Increase both traffic and traffic noise and make turning onto (Oth street from Raburn Drive even more difficult. please join your ne i ghbQ� -1n «-ee�9 ttj �g osed zoning change by sigalcl\ ning the bottom portion of this notice o -City Hall. The petition must be in by Friday, September 15, therefore, plea nano ceiiver it to City Hall. (,lot voicing your objection may be a vo e fr the change. TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature Print Name �-.oare'Fs Dare: nUMEUWriLr. AvAIriST THE BONING CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street Eain& CI Z Counci ► is holding a public hearing on September 18 tc consider z request by Steve Williams to change the zoning at 5015 West ,Otn Street (Evangelical Free Church) from R -1, residential, to Pianneo Orrice District, 200-1. Steve WiIiiams plans to convert and expand the church for use as a day care center which includes constructing an additional access road. The zoning change, however, will also permit the construction of an office building as tall as four stories. Either a, day care center, or an office building will eliminate the bufrer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the soutn. increase both traffic and traffic noise and make turning onto 70th street from Raburn Drive even more difficult. Plerse join your neighbors in rejecting the proposed zoning change by signing ano returning the bottom portion of this notice to City Hall. The petition must be in by Friday, September 15, therefore, please nano ceiiver it to City Hall. age. TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments ::�/F' „�� �7�kc Signature i F r i n t frame �.aaress Dar:c. /J i i) ''OWTiER A(MIi'ST THE ZONING CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street Z5 n _ M� _ '1'� Trr =,:n c:i . c:ounci i is holding a pubi is hearing on Septemmer 18 to ,;onsLoec 3 cequesc by Steve Williams to' change the zoning at 5015 West Otn (Evangelical Free Church) from R -1, residential, to P anned Orr-ice District, POD -1. Steve Wiliiams pians to convert and expand the church for use as a day care center which includes constructing an additional access road. The zoning, change, however, will also permit the construction of an office building as tall as four stories. Either a cay care center, or an office building will eliminate the bufrer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the sou tr.. increase both traf f i c and traf f i c noise and make turning onto (0th street from Raburn Drive even more difficult. Plerse join your neighbors in rejecting the proposed zoning change by signing ane returning the bottom portion of this notice to City Hall. The petition must be in by Friday, September 15, therefore, p nano ceiiver it to City Hall. toot voicing your objection may be a vote for the change. TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature Print ldame ^.0or e s j8r,c: G� /5 IC-1-5 HOMEOWNER AGAINST THE ZONING CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street ijh, ���lrla (l.Zt Council is holding a public hearing on September 18 to consic:er a request by Steve Wi l l jams urcn) change from the R -1, residential, 5 Weto -(1tn Street (Evangelical Free Pianneo Office District, POD -1. Steve care Williams plans to convert and expand center which includes constructing an permit the construction of an the church for use as a day additional access road. The zoning change, however, will also office building as tall as four stories. Either a day care ceneeresidential off ares band dthe ff lice burger zone between th the south, increase both aburnaDrive and event more d1 f f i cu 1 t and onto .0th street from R proposed zoning change by this notice to City Hall. eliminate the buildings to make turning please join your, neighbors in rejecting the n and returning the bottom portion of Stgni 9 The petition must be in by Friday, September 15, therefore, please nand it it to City Hall. (,lot voicing Your objection may be a vote for the change. TO: The City of Edina Planning Department at 5015 West 70 I am against the proposed zoning change 70th Street. e,,tit c�t ��cr�s G Comments: -.F W.701 'f?'A ffcr.� cLr .ty�,, , II tC�SCGtZCYI Yyi,(},T� iJ'f �,[rtT+•U.( �i3Y' (�{'YiMr rCtG1�0� ( r UIIi' I'f St�IEY+« we. ea Il7BG�' �1^[' bi��LrLt� p S iF�Ge'3rxt �ef+y V&"- fo traffic z the _�f Signature pa u,Cc A. f- C y pc i nt tiame I.V. -70 T74 S l EVI NJ -.aarelFs Dana q -r 5 -aS t ric_iMEi �4viiE F� AGAINST THE ZONING CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Stree -7 .1' C ubllc hearing on September 18 tc the zoning at 5015 Wes, Tr,r ns Counci i is no 10 a P o change resiaent ial , tc a - equest by Steve Williams consiae cEvange►ica► Free Church) from R -1, -Urn it: •?et panned Orrice District, POD -1. to convert and expand the church for use as a a'. Steve Williams Plans an additional access road. care center which includes constructing ill also permit The zoning change, however, w the construction of a office building as tall as four stories• Will eliminate tr Either a daY care center or' an office building buildings c and traf f 1 c noise and make turn i bufrer, zone between the reside itial area and the office the south. increase both traf h street from Raburn Drive even more difficult• ping change onto r0t the proposed zoning Hall hbors in rejecting to City the bottom portion of this notice Please ,loin your neig signing ano returning_ _ September 15, therefore, P in by Friday, he petition must be Hall. hand oeliver it to City be a vote for the change. our ob..ection may ,lot voicing -y your OD ----------------------------------------- Edina Planning Department T0� Th e City of at 5015 West 70th Street.. I am against the proposed zoning change Comments: Signature �c print liame l �..Ooress HOMEt WTIER AGAINST THE 70NI14G CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street City Council is holding a public hearing on September 18 to consiaec a request by Steve Williams to change the zoning at 5015 West ;0 r, r. _'),r.reet (Evangelical Free Churcn) from R -1, residential, to P!annea Orrice District, POD -1. Steve Williams plans to convert and expand the church for use as a day care center which includes constructing an additional access road. The zoning change, however, will also permit the construction of an office building as tall as four stories. Either a day care center, or an office building will eliminate the bufrer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the soutn, increase both traffic and traffic noise and make turning onto 70th street from Raburn Drive even more difficult. Plez_se join your neighbors in rejecting the proposed zoning change by signing ane returning the bottom portion of this notice to City Hall. The petition must be in by Friday, September 15, therefore, please hand ceiiver it to City Hall. (,lot voicing your objection may be a vote for the change. TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature DELANO REMBOLDT Print Name 5129 Abercrombie Dr Edina, Mn .agrees HOMEOWTIEP AGAINST THE 70NI14G CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street !ht' Ea:na C1 ',Y Council is holding a Public hearing on September 18 to c:onsiaer z request by Steve Williams to change the zoning at 5015 West ;r r,r. -tr!�et (Evangelical Free Church) from R -1, residential, to P!annea Orfice District, POD -1. Steve Williams plans to convert and expand the church for use as a day care center which includes constructing an additional access road. The zoning change, however, will also permit the construction of an office building as tall as four stories. Either a day care center or, an office building will eliminate the buffer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the soutr.. increase both traffic and traffic noise and make turning onto 70th street from Raburn Drive even more difficult. please Join your, neighbors in rejecting the proposed zoning change by signing ano returning the bottom portion of this notice to City Hall. The petition must be in by Friday, September 15, therefore, please nano oeiiver it to City Hall. lgot voicing your objection may be a vote for the change. TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: x -� r Signature Nsi t -0L.1) 1 Print Name L September 15, 1995 City Council City of Edina, MN 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Edina City Council: I am writing to protest vehemently the rezoning of the church property on 70th Street at Rabun to accommodate a Day Care Center. Are you people out of your minds? We live at 5129 Abercrombie Drive and are captives in our own neighborhood (Brookview Heights). By that I mean, it is almost impossible to get out of our neighborhood off Rabun onto 70th Street to access the Normandale, 494, or 62 freeways. It is also next to impossible to get down 70th Street to France to go to Byerley's, the Bank, Target, the Galleria, or to Southdale. The traffic (including cars, trucks, buses, and now huge semi - trucks) on weekdays between lam and 6:30pm is untenable and outrageous. For you to consider rezoning that church property to accommodate a Day Care Center with 114 students, their parents' 114 cars, and employees would be an act of total and complete irresponsibility. Moreover, these 114 cars would be attempting to enter and exit onto what is already a totally jammed traffic situation at the prime hours of between 7 -9am (for working parents) and 4- 6:30pm. If the council (or person) considering this rezoning request, permits it, I will personally look into legal means under state, county, city or municipality laws to stop it. The Church that closed did not present an obstacle because what traffic it created happened on Sunday mornings - -an off hour. A Day Care Center in that location would create a logistical nightmare. Besides there already is a Day Care Center just down the road on 70th Street. The City should buy the property and widen that access at that traffic point to allow 3- lanes. You may have to put in lights also to let us get out onto 70th Street. Please, come and see this mess for yourselves. By the way, when did semi - trailer trucks get access to a city street the nature of 70th Street? They should never be permitted on 70th Street at all between France and Antrim Roads. They can access the office /warehouse complex off or through the use of the 77th Street overpass. They can access Byerley's, Dayton's, Walgreen's, etc. via France (3- lanes). and 69th Street or Hazeltine Road. Wake up over there. We are the taxpayers and you had better give us some consideration now and stop that rezoning move. Sincerely, �l Carole Remboldt 5129 Abercrombie Drive Edina, MN 55439 T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature O P r i nit 1jarMA M "" 0. ED," MN 5W9 ;:caress .jars, -- - - - - -- OePartment t TO: The City I am against Comments: J Signature of Edina Planning 5015 west oposed zoning change at the PL 7 - print Name P r,aoress IG 9� ?0th Stree TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. r1� T• r~S 1-7 Comments: 5 All .)( Signature J ,Sipe.- y / G . W 6, tom; e /,� Print tame 61 r � -6,,7 -Pl- rac�ress S�y3 y . arc. 5 r Y T0: The City of Edina .nning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature Print Name \"O %jq-, r.aaress T0: The City of Edina snning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: n C.-, ICI i-)T- Signature Print Name r.aareFs 'J3r.c. T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature Print fume r.aaress 'Dare T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Lu N zG � Print lame raoress ' Da r e: T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: y�iU it ! Signature Print !Jame on �.aareGs .ssy3q T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature w Print Name Maaress Jane: - v .cing your objection may be a vote for T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: �/ 111c�n�ee�w Sidnature Print !dame 6 ',char ,,,scion may be a vote for the change. TO; The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature Print Name l � -Dare: T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: n /V Signature Print [dame 55137 1 aj-, Dr. �.aaress ' Dare • Lr— 13 JG� . T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature Al ( (4 Print (dame �C'IC]r�GS ,dare: TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: --74, .2 S 6nature k). tj "A L Print Name L Dare: . -// ilz I T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature /V76x yam. / 4-1- -nv61 Print Name �-.Oaress T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature i 1 j� ,► E t C, F i n t lame Oat "T -T v T0: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature eh'! i--# Print Flame 51 1 7 TON Q i� naoreGs Dare: C'- /-1 -1/ 0 HOMEOWNER AGAINST THE 7.ONING CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street The .1.!n& City Council is holding a public hearing on September 18 to consice. 5L request by Steve Williams to change the zoning at 5015 West u Street (Evangelical Free Church) from R -1, residential, to Pianneca Office District, POD -1. Steve Williams plans to convert and expand the church for use as a day care center which includes constructing an additional access road. The zoning change, however, will also permit the construction of an office building as tall as four stories. Either, a day care center or an office building will eliminate the buffer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the south. increase both traffic and traffic noise and make turning onto 70th street from Raburn Drive even more difficult. Please ,loin your neighbors in rejecting the proposed zoning change by signing and returning the bottom portion of this notice to City Hall. The petition must be in by Friday, September, 15, therefore, please hand eeiiver it to City Hall. (Jot voicing your objection may be a vote for the change. TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature Print Name .caress Dare- . / • GE AT 5015 West ?0th 3crC�_ . yGNING CHAN C temper is to on SeP West C hearing Zoning at 5015 to ding 3 Publl a the tial, holding g to Chang g -1, residen ,ve Wi 11 1� urcr, from :1 Free or use as a day ?OD-1. the church access road• convert and to nga an addi t tonal of an :es construc ermit the construction will also p ate the gas four stories- will el iml dings to building buildings t ter or an of f area and the office make turning e resia flclaand traffic lfflse t. lcul by )t urn Drive even more Zoning change l• the proposed to ice to C i Y H �bors 1n rejecting of efore, please the bottom Portion 15, then in by Fr1daY• September tY Hall. be a vote for the change • ion may nning Department 501 West 70th Street. hange at la pia 5 ,posed zoning c �_q'5 L:w�� 70 . M I taG cHAN GE AT 51315 West 70tH THE W 18 t o on SePte�er 5 West a Pub l 1 c hearing the zon i ng at t i l to is hoIcding to change g -1, residentia ncilSteve WllllalT from by Free church as a daY ge1lclta e0D -1 . acs use road• the church to convert aucte ng an additional construction of an jn to c s construct Permit the will also P ate the however, Stories• e11min er I four will dings to is t a l as an office band dthe office make turning ter °r area noise .re eencthe r traff i laand t mores difficult • e by 'ase both urn Drive even propo9ed zonln9 change 1. from ting the IS notice to �Ity Hal ge r ne ighb°rsb in tomJP°Ct ion Of th a fore, Plea �rning the SePtember 15, theC in by FridaY� ,'ust be to CItY Hall • for the change � -_ -- ;ur ctlOn maY b e a vote obJe Wing Department West 70th Street. of Edina Plan at 5015 roPosed zoning cha ^ae the P e HOMEOWNER AGAINST THE ZONING CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street The Edina city Council is holding a public hearing on September 18 to consicec a request by Steve Williams to change the zoning at 5015 West 70 *,h Sr.r -et (Evangeiicai Free Churen) from R -1, residential, to Planned Office District, POD -1. Steve Williams tewhich plans includes nconstructingaan additrional accesseroad. day care center whir The zoning change, however ,.will f also permit the construction of an office building as tall as our stories. Either a day care center or an-office building will eliminate the buffer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the south. increase � traffic and make turning onto 70th street from please .iolr, your neighbors in rejecting the proposed zoning change by signing ano returning the bottom portion of this notice to City Hall. The petition must be in,by Friday, September 15, therefore, please Kano ceiiver it to City Hall. hlot voicing your objection may be a vote for the change. ----------------------------- - - - - -- TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: Signature 1 C- 7 7-74 C'144e Lc�ti &;be7?5a AJ pr i n t blame ;.actress Dare: J HOMEOWNER AGAINST THE ZONII,iG CHANGE AT 5015 West 70th Street The EainaCltf Council is holding a public hearing on September 18 to consiaer i request by Steve Willlams to change the zoning at 5015 West -iUtn ,i),truet (Evangelical Free Church) from R -1, residential, to Piannea Orrice District, POD -1. Steve Williams plans to convert and expand the church for use as a day care center which includes constructing an additional access road. The zoning change, however, will also permit the construction of an office building as tall as four stories. Either a aay care center or an office building will eliminate the buffer zone between the residential area and the office buildings to the south. increase both traffic and traffic noise and make turning onto 170th street from Raburn Drive even more difficult. Please join your neighbors in rejecting the proposed zoning change by signing ano returning the bottom portion of this notice to City Hall. The petition must be in by Friday, September 15, therefore, please hang aeliver it to City Hall. (jot voicing your objection may be a vote for the change. TO: The City of Edina Planning Department I am against the proposed zoning change at 5015 West 70th Street. Comments: V Signature Print !dame 3 ;t. car e�--s Da-.e. q- N-1?5 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # t C. FROM: REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # III. C. FROM: Craig Larsen Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA DATE: September 18, 1995 ❑x To Council SUBJECT: P -95 -7. Final Action Motion Development Plan. 5200 Eden Circle. Kunz ® Resolution Oil Company ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Final Development Plan. Info /Background: See attached Planning Commission minutes, staff reports, and plans. v z too FINAL DEVELOPMENT NUMBER p -95 -6 LOCATION Kunz Oil, 5200 Ededn Ave. REQUEST Building Expansion EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 30, 1995 STAFF REPORT P -95 -6: Final Development Plan Kunz Oil 5200 Eden Circle ZONING DISTRICT: PID, Planned Industrial District The subject property is Lot 2 of the proposed Kunz and Lewis Addition. The lot measures 3.1 acres in size and is developed with a 32,375 square foot warehouse building. The proposed improvement would remove 4,175 square feet of area from the north side of the building and build a 17,550 square foot addition on the east side of the building. Parking for the existing building is located west of the building in an unimproved parking lot. The proposal plan calls for a new parking lot south of the building containing 105 spaces. There would be 19 additional spaces adjacent to the building. The proposed parking lot conforms to Ordinance standards. The number of parking spaces exceeds Ordinance requirements. The exterior material of the existing building is painted concrete blocks which does not meet Ordinance standards. The proposal calls for a stucco finish on most areas of both the addition and the existing building. A portion of the south elevation would be glass faced, and split faced block is proposed for the loading dock area. All these materials comply with Zoning Ordinance standards. The site is not currently landscaped. Existing vegetation is volunteer and wild. The proponents have submitted a landscaping plan which meets current standards. Recommendation The proposed improvements take a site which is non - conforming in almost all areas and delivers a development which conforms to current standards for industrial property. Staff recommends approval of the proposed plan. to m v z 0 E' 1t- i e J. 1 i 8 x r' a s :m r� �l i)! -- remwa rim. 1 EDEN Steven T. Fichtel Architects PARTS PLUS - KUNZOIL 10709WAr2ATA BLVD SLATE 100 UOE EDEN CEIUB J MEJ� TOW A, MIMESOTA EOEIA kwolmTA F 55]05 (612) 541.76J� C 1 1 , pig H r t r a III r� _J1�III,JI� • rG r o a , 1 i I I I : a a aid i O r� / I , 1 1 1 i Steven I Fichtel Architects PARTS PLUS - KUNZ OIL 10109MYZATA BLVD SLATE 400 67NEWC lac N MSMETCWA. MIMESMA SOMA MPOISWTA = 5505 (6121 644.7677 ' i 0 w w n 1 i , , 1 I 1 i' i • I w , -rFLQ I CLCY/%1 RA\ WEST ELEVATION O N Y J rn d 33g� SOUTH ELEVATION $ 1 ERTFAEI p1 WSULATAPECW SRR Own, n, Owl^ 7 M=EW O EXT IVA a FE SYSTEM 7 E>7STP4CO Ric-W PNR 4 OECD THE Come KK WOVAO® 1 ME R ®® M:TK r A4f - PMEiE S M. � STOI ROW E mis Ar O CLASS P WIM,OOOOSOMME PANTED E EYEOM DODA-P�SO® P !Y PLAT OF KUNZ'" l LWA\ lv � V _, $4U�� r � Ae� r, M 5 IV Lij Ao ,v 'u: ui s MERS AND DEVELOPERS Ow "or k "w pot of Lot ,, !Y PLAT OF KUNZ'" l LWA\ lv � r � r, M Lij Ao ui f s .v. r, M Ao 3 �xS s i� X N i REPO RT /RECO M MEN DATI O N TO: Kenneth Rosland Agenda Item # III. B FROM: Craig Larsen Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA DATE: September 18, 1995 Fx] To Council SUBJECT: S -95 -4. Preliminary Plat Action E] Motion Approval. 5200 Eden Circle and 5229 Eden 0 Resolution Avenue. Kunz - Lewis. ❑ Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends Preliminary Plat approval subject to: 1. Final Plat Approval. 2. Subdivision Dedication for Unplatted Portions of Property. Info /Background: See attached Planning Commission minutes, staff report and preliminary plat. 6 Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT P.C. MINUTES AUGUST 30, 1995 MEETING S -95 -4 & P -95 -6 Preliminary Plat Approval Final )(Development Plan Approval Kunz Oil Company and Lewis Engineering 5200 Eden Circle /5229 Eden Avenue Mr. Larsen presented his staff report noting the subject property comprises two buildings and multiple parcels, some previously platted, some never platted. The request this evening would reshape the parcels which would provide for a more logical redevelopment of the site. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval of the subdivision subject to: 1. Final Plat Approval 2. Subdivision Dedication for portions of the property which have never been platted. The proponents, Mr. Walter Kunz and Mr. Gordon Lewis were present. Chairman Johnson questioned how the Giannoable property got in there. Mr. Larsen said the City does not know. Mr. Larsen said it either evolved as it is today, or was platted that way. Commissioner Ingwalson asked what can be developed on this site. Mr. Larsen explained most proposals reviewed in the past by the Commission included all the parcels. This proposal only includes the Kunz -Lewis properties. Mr. Larsen explained the current zoning on the property is PID, Planned Industrial, but in the past there have been proposals for commercial /office, and residential. The proposal this evening maintains the existing zoning. Mr. Larsen concluded in the future he believes there will be a proposal for the Lewis site, and anything except an industrial use would need to be rezoned. Commissioner Swenson commented on the frontage issue, and the conditions of the road, and asked Mr. Larsen if there are different rules for industrial. Mr. Larsen said rules are different for different zones. Residential subdivision requires 30 feet of frontage on an improved street. Commissioner Swenson stated in her opinion the driveway is a disaster. Mr. Larsen agreed the drive is in bad condition, explaining it is a private drive. Commissioner Swenson asked if we approve this subdivision can we recommend that the driveway be brought up to code, or at least be maintained in good repair. Mr. Larsen said 7 Planning Commission Minutes that can be added as a condition of approval, it is a reasonable request. Commissioner Faust questioned the parking situation on site. Mr. Larsen said parking for the Kunz property is over code. Commissioner Faust said in her opinion TAGS parking is substandard, and questioned how the inadequate parking spaces for other sites within this area can be resolved. Mr. Larsen said there is the potential to relieve the parking problems for the other operations in the immediate vicinity. Mr. Larsen added what is proposed this evening does not prevent solutions. Mr. Larsen said he has been led to believe there have been discussions between adjacent property owners, to try to solve some of the parking issues. Mr. Larsen agreed the parking situation for the Giannoable property, and TAGS is a concern. He concluded Mr. Lewis and Mr. Kunz are aware of the parking issues. Mr. Kunz addressed the Commission, and agreed the condition of the roadway /driveway is inadequate. Mr. Kunz said at times the condition of the road makes it impossible to use, so they operate off of Eden Circle. Mr. Larsen told the Commission he feels this proposal cleans up the property boundaries between Lewis and Kunz and also creates the opportunity to require additional landscaping to bring the site into compliance. Commissioner Workinger noted the unkept condition of some of the properties could be the result of the constant re- development proposals that have come before this body in past years. Commissioner Ingwalson said he was a proponent for Rainbow Foods Store which ensured the redevelopment of the entire area. Commissioner Ingwalson said in his opinion, even thought this redevelopment does not include the entire site, it is a step in the right direction. Commissioner Ingwalson moved to recommend preliminary plat approval subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Swenson seconded the motion. Commissioner McClelland suggested that the commission recommend as a condition of approval that the roadway be improved to a hard surface. Commissioner Byron asked Mr. Larsen if the roadway improvement should be a condition of preliminary plat approval or final development plan approval. Mr. Larsen responded the request for hard surfacing of the road should be a condition of final plat approval. Commissioner Workinger questioned why Eden Avenue cannot be extended into the site. Mr. Larsen reiterated what is existing is not ideal, but if Eden were to be extended into the site, it would become a public road, maintained by the city. Mr. Larsen acknowledged that in the past staff was of the option that the road into this area should be public, but at present, because of the historic pattern of the site, we believe it should remain private. 8 Planning Commission Minutes Commissioner Workinger asked Mr. Larsen under what conditions would the City force the issue to pave the road. Mr. Larsen said the proponents are aware that the City wants an improved road, and in listening to the discussion this evening the proponents are hearing that the Planning Commission wants the area to be cleaned up, and the road improved. Continuing, Mr. Larsen said the City has the authority by code to force the issue, but acknowledged it may not be that easy because of the multiple ownership of the road. Commissioner Workinger questioned if drainage on the site is a problem. Mr. Larsen said the City Engineering Department will review this proposal, and the proponents will also have to obtain a Watershed District permit to redevelop. Any drainage issues will need to be resolved. Commissioner Byron asked Mr. Kunz if he has any intention of hard surfacing the driveway /roadway. Mr. Kunz responded they are always patching the road, sometimes monthly if there is a lot of rain, adding it is the best interest of everyone to solve the road problem. Mr. Kunz said when the parking lot is resurfaced and restriped it would be a good opportunity to resurface the road. Commissioner McClelland commented in reviewing the proposal it appears that Mr.Kunz only owns half of the road, so it may be difficult to enforce our request. Mr. Ted Gianobble property owner of TSC, explained to Commission Members his site has a parking problem, and asked the Commission what can be done to ensure that his site has adequate parking. He added he has spoken tentatively with Mr. Lewis, and believes something can be worked out, but questioned if his problem can't be worked out what will happen. Mr. Gianobble stressed he is in a very vulnerable position. His site does not have adequate parking. Commissioner Runyan suggested when Mr. Lewis redevelops his property that he parcel off a portion of this land to meet your parking requirements. Commissioner McClelland pointed out it may also be possible to lease parking spaces from Mr. Lewis. Mr. Gianobble reiterated he is very vulnerable, and expressed concern with what could happen to his operation, if he cannot solve his parking needs. Commissioner Faust asked Mr. Larsen if he has any ideas on how this problem can be resolved. Mr. Larsen explained what is occurring this evening does not preclude Mr. Gianobble from working with Mr. Lewis to obtain additional land to meet his parking needs. Mr. Larsen said if Mr. Lewis does not want to work with Mr. Gianobble to solve his parking dilemma, the City may have to grant a parking variance to Mr. Gianobble. Mr. Larsen reiterated this area has historic problems, land is owned by a number of different tenants, and working toward an equable solution is possible, but much of it is out of the City's hands. 9 Planning Commission Minutes Chairman Johnson called for a vote on Commissioner Ingwalson's motion to recommend preliminary plat approval. Ayes; McClelland, Faust, Runyan, Swenson, Workinger, Ingwalson, Byron, Johnson. Motion carried. Commissioner McClelland moved to recommend Final Development Plan approval subject to staff conditions and the recommendation that the road be hard surfaced. Commissioner Swenson seconded the motion. Ayes; Faust, McClelland, Byron, Ingwalson, Swenson, Runyan, Johnson. Nay, Workinger. Motion carried. LOCATION MAP 7I ■• AI million ®t W. 49 TM+ ST. �,. EDINA - ,�_1:' PUBLIC- - WORKS CENT[R 1 -- `f.'.`. X1...0•;- ; - •�. ! • { ,y ••■•i :-Co. �. _ L •_ 3`� jL r+ ■ OUR LADY ,>► ►s _- . OF GRACE. +' CATHOLIC : SCHOOL Ic RICMM Ir WINOS O4 Avx LAt SUBDIVISION NUMBER S -95 -4 LOCATION Kunz Oil and Lewis Addition South of Eden Ave. and West of Railroad Tracks REQUEST EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 30, 1995 STAFF REPORT S -95-4: Preliminary Plat Approval Kunz and Lewis Addition Kunz Oil and Gordon Lewis GENERALLY LOCATED: South of Eden Avenue and West of Railroad Tracks The subject comprises two buildings and multiple parcels, some previously platted and some never platted. Total land area is 342,283 square feet or 7.86 acres. The proposed subdivision would combine all existing parcels into two new lots. Lot 1 would include the Lewis Engineering building. Lot 2 would include the Parts Plus Warehouse building owned by the Kunz family. The proposed lot line between the two lots is shown as encroaching on the building on Lot 2. The owner of the building is proposing to remove a portion of the building in order to comply with the required 20 foot building setback. Details of the building proposal are contained in the Final Development Plan proposal by Kunz Oil which is being considered concurrently. Presently the Lot 2 property has access to Eden Avenue by way of a private easement through the Lewis property. It is proposed that this easement be eliminated and that Lot 2 (Kunz) would use only Eden Circle. Recommendation As the Commission will recall, the subject properties have been proposed for redevelopment on several previous occasions. The Kunz Oil family has now decided to stay in the existing facility and not sell for redevelopment. The proposed subdivision allows them to stay and provides a site with expansion potential. Lewis is able to remove the driveway easement and to gain a more logically shaped parcel for a future redevelopment. Staff recommends approval of the subdivision subject to: 1. Final plat approval. 2. Subdivision dedication for portions of the property which have never been platted. S -95 -4 Staff Report August 30, 1995 Page Two Attached to this report is a letter from Ted Giannobile, owner of the building at 5244 Eden Circle. The building is located directly west of the existing Kunz Oil parking lot. Mr. Giannobile needs to acquire additional parking to fully utilize is building. The proposed replatting of these properties presents any opportunity to gain the necessary land to provide the needed parking. Staff supports Mr. Giannobile's plan. The exchange, however, is a private matter. MINNEAPOL KUNZ & LEWIS ADDITION I I I I I I I I IOW/ I IV1 � I I ' I I ---------------- - - - - -J I I I I I I I I I I I I PF"AgM FM THE KUNZ 01 Ca i5 c� CS �a t TO: CRAIG 'CARSON, MANAGER CITY OF EDINA PLANNING DEPT. EDINA CITY HALL 4801 W. 50TH ST. EDINA, MN 55424 FROM: THEODORE GIANNOBILE TSC OFFICE BUILDING 5244 EDEN CIRCLE EDINA, MN 55436 PHONE: 920 -2261 RE: HISTORY AND DATA FOR REQUESTING ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACE FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER, KUNZ OIL CO. The TSC Office Building at 5244 Eden Circle was purchased by my building partnership, Interlachen Properties, from Edina Electric Co. approximately 15 years ago, April 1980. The building was built in 1966 to provide office and warehouse space. Each floor has 5600 square feet for a total 11,200 square feet. Parking for 16 cars was provided on the east side of the building and with two additional cars parked against the rear of the building this constitutes all of the on -site parking. Street parking allows some additional spots, but we are seriously short of parking space. Three major property developments for the immediate area have been proposed since 1988, and I have attended Edina Council meetings regarding our parking needs as part of the redevelopment. The two developments were not approved by the Edina City Council due to traffic congestion problems. The last development for the Rainbow Foods Supermarket included use of the new proposed parking space by our building tenants. I have been in regular communication with Craig Larson, Edina Planning Manager, regarding our additional parking needs as part of any redevelopment of the adjacent property. Craig and the previous City Council members have been aware of our needs for years, since our building does not conform to the present City of Edina building ordinances with respect to parking. During the months of May and June, 1995, 1 have met with Walter Kunz, Jr. regarding our parking needs as part of the current redevelopment by himself and Gordon Lewis, the other adjacent property owner. Walter and I had a tentative verbal agreement that we would purchase a strip of land from him to accommodate parking for 15 cars for $33,000. (6600 sq. ft. x $5.00 per sq. ft.) On July 6, 1995 Walter Kunz, Jr. notified me that he had entered into an agreement with Gordon Lewis to trade property for their joint needs, but would not accommodate our parking needs. I understand their property needs will require replatting by the City of Edina. I realize the development or redevelopment of the immediate area is of real interest and concern to the City of Edina as well as property owners and ourselves at TSC. In an effort to participate in that development, the rear of the TSC Office Building was completely remodeled in 1994 with new windows and wall resurfacing, and completely landscaped to improve the appearance of the rear of our building that will face the area to be redeveloped. Our expenditure for this remodeling project was over $60,000.00. It is in the interest of the community as well as the property owners in the area, that the redevelopment be done properly. The present plan for the Kunz and Lewis properties does not do that, and will leave the TSC building with a serious parking deficit which cannot be corrected. For these reasons, I object to the petition to replatt the Lewis and Kunz properties, unless provision is made for additional parking for the TSC Building. With this letter, I have attached a plan showing proposed parking at the rear of the TSC Building for 27 cars, which will place the property in approximate conformance with the parking ordinance. loJ 20' DRNEWAY BLACKTOP AREA =,T TERRACE DOWN F32W LPPER LEVEL 1 LOWER ENTRY t5XIST I\G DONE EXISTING CLQB CUT -••-•r-r • • •- 411- • T KY SETBACK 1& -0- 4- 24' -0' --+- t8' -0' 27 PARING STALLS m 2O' SETBACK TSC PARING PROPOSAL AC LISM0N JULY 12. 1995 E25r REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: 18 September, 1995 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Emergency Well Motor Repair - Well #9 Company 1. Boustead Elect. & Mfg. Co. 2. 3. 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: AGENDA ITEM W.A. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 5,075.00 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ Boustead Elect. & Mfg. Co. $ 5,075.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This is an emergency repair of well motor #9 at the Hansen Road pump station. The motor faulted and burnt itself out. This purchase is for emergency repair of the well motor. This will be funded from the utility funds. Signatu e The Recommended Bid is within budget Public Works - Utilities Department not within b Kenneth Rosl fin, Finance Director ity Manager TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: 18 September, 1995 AGENDA ITEM IV -B- ITEM DESCRIPTION: Tractor Backhoe /Pavement Breaker Rental Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Midwest Machinery 1. $ 12,000.00 2. Ziegler, Inc. 2. $ 12,915.00 3. 3. $ 4. 4. $ 5. 5. $ RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Midwest Machinery $ 12,000.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This is a rental piece used during December, January and February to repair watermain breaks. Our existing equipment is worn out and not usable any further. Our short term solution to a new purchase (approximately $110,000.00) is to have a rental machine available to use as needed. We are field testing different pieces of equipment with the intent to purchase at a later date new equipment to replace old equipment. This purchase will be funded from the, utility funds. Sign4tGre / �/l/ The Recommended Bid is x within budget Public Works - Utilities D a n 77 ) not within budget J6hn ,,Wallin, Finance Director Roslanc�,City Manager A • '--­4v- REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: 18 September, 1995 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Annual De -icing Salt Purchase Company 1. North American Salt Co. (State Contract #405491) 2. 3. 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: AGENDA ITEM IV.c. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 28.21 /Ton 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ North American Salt Co. $ 28.21 /Ton GENERAL INFORMATION: This annual purchase is for de -icing salt used in our winter snow /ice control program for the City. This purchase price is up 2.7% from last year. We may use up to 1500 tons depending on winter weather conditions. This purchase is funded through the general operating budget of Public Works. L � Signa /thre The Recommended Bid is X within budget Public Works - Streets Department not within ))yd t Jo W I in, Finance Director Kenneth Rosland, Ci Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor Richards & City Council Members FROM: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: 13 September, 1995 ITEM DESCRIPTION: 2" asphalt surface over Pamela Park hockey rink. Company 1. Midwest Asphalt Corporation 2. Bituminous Consulting 3 Master Asphalt 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Midwest Asphalt Corporation $6,720.00 AGENDA ITEM I v . D. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $6,720.00 2. $8,785.00 3. $7,050.00 4. 5. Acct. No: 0647 -4201 GENERAL INFORMATION: The intent of this purchase is to apply a 2" asphalt pad over the Pamela Park hockey rink for two reasons: 1) Ability to attain quality outdoor ice early and late into the winter season with less water and labor. 2) Serve as a multi - purpose hard surface area during the summer for primarily in -line skating use Lewis Park is currently the only outdoor hockey rink in Edina with an asphalt surface. Lewis Park hockey rink is always the first outdoor rink to have ice suitable for skating and is also able to maintain ice longer into the season. re The Recommended Bid is within budget not within Pudget Rosland, Park and Recreation ce Director wgtA,l� O e AGENDA ITEM: IV.E. �p DATE: September 18. 1995 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: JOHN WALLIN, Finance Director VIA: KENNETH ROSLAND, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 ITEM DESCRIPTION: BRAEMAR GOLF DOME BROCHURE Company Bid Amount 1. J. PATRICK MOORE & LAMASTER, INC. 1. $5,182.88 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. RECOMMENDED BID: J. PATRICK MOORE AND LAMASTER, INC., AT $5,182.88 GENERAL INFORMATION: Confirm expenditure for keylining, art direction, photography, production, and printing for the Braemar Golf Dome brochure. S' nature The Regommftnded b!A is/ (within budget) Kenneth Rosland, FINANCE Department (not within budget) John Wallin, Finance Director REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # V. A. FROM: KEN ROSLAND Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 ❑ Mgr. Recommends To HRA SUBJECT: El To Council UPDATE ON REFERENDUM ISSUES Action X❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discuss!on Recommendation: Approve park improvement bond process and strategy and authorize staff to interview and select architects for the Fire /ALS Station. Info /Background: Attached are memos from John Keprios, Park and Recreation Director and Ted Paulfranz, Fire Chief, concerning the park improvement bonds and the Fire /ALS Station, respectively. I will present additional information for the Councils consideration at the September 18, 1995, meeting. CITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: August 28, 1995 TO: Edina Park Board, FROM: John Keprios U SUBJECT: Park Improvemg, t Bond process and strategy. BACKGROUND: Since the creation of the Edina Park Board in 1930 (65 years ago) , there have been only two general obligation bond issue special elections for acquisition and /or development of Edina's park lands. Of those two elections there were a total of five issues on the ballot as shown below: February 5. 1957 (two issues on the ballot) 1) A general obligation bond for $650,000 for the purpose of acquisition of parks and playground, including necessary land, easements, structures and equipment, for the municipal park system was passed by a vote of 2,535 yes and 1,402 no (a difference of 1,133). 2) A general obligation bond for $200,000 for the acquisition of a municipal pool passed by a vote of 2,164 yes and 1,759 no (a difference of 405). September 4. 1975 (three issues on the ballot) 1) A general obligation bond for $2,000,000 for the purpose of improving, developing and equipping parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities of the city was defeated by a vote of 2,334 yes and 2,439 no (a difference of 105) . 2) A general obligation bond for $450,000 for the purpose of acquiring open space land within the City to be preserved substantially in its natural state for recreational use passed by a vote of 2,568 yes and 2,200 no (a difference of 368) . 3) A general obligation bond for $500,000 for the purpose of acquiring lands within the City to be developed for local or neighborhood park or playground purposes passed by a vote of 2,405 yes and 2,360 no (a difference of 45) . Of the five (5) park related general obligation bond issues, only one did not pass, which was defeated by only 105 votes, a margin of less than 20. It has been over twenty (20) years since the last park related general obligation bond issue. On Monday, August 7, 1995, the Edina City Council voted to hold a special election in the spring of 1996 for two park related general obligation bond issues: 1) $4,900,000 for general park improvements. 2) $2,500,000 for the addition of a third indoor ice rink. At the August 7, 1995, Edina City Council meeting, City Council members asked for the Edina Park Board to review the bond issues and make further recommendations to the City Council. -2- To assist the Edina Park Board in this process, I have met with Mr. Ken Rosland, City Manager, Mr. Gordon Hughes, Assistant City Manager, and three Park and Recreation Directors who have had experience with park related general obligation bond issues. In addition, I have also researched my own files from conferences and classes on the subject. I am very grateful for the valuable assistance I received from Mr. Rosland, Mr. Hughes, and the Park Directors. Based on their professional input and my research, I feel confident in recommending the following process and strategy to address the Edina City Council's Park Improvement Bond Issues. As many bond issue strategists suggest, the issue at hand at this point in time is to pass a bond issue - not to design a facility. Many of my advisors reminded me that the City Council and City staff cannot legally spend dollars to promote or discourage voters on an issue. As I have learned, we (meaning City Council, Park Board and City staff) are responsible for providing factual information to the voters, so they can make an informed decision on the referendum. CITY COUNCIL APPOINTED REFERENDUM TEAM: With that in mind, I would suggest the creation of a City Council appointed "Referendum Team" for the following purposes: 1) To educate the community about why we are having a referendum. 2) To inform the community about the goals and objectives of the park improvement plan. 3) To inform the public of the cost to the taxpayers. 4) To inform the public where and when to vote. 5) To request input from the community on the proposed projects and make recommendations to the Edina Park Board and City Council. The Referendum Team's main purpose is to provide the public with the facts - not to promote or discourage voters on the issues. It is appropriate and important to encourage residents to vote. I would recommend that the Referendum Team consist of 11 to 14 members with the following make -up: 1) City Council Member (Mayor Richards to serve or appoint) 2) Park Board Member (Bill Jenkins, Park Board Chairman) 3) Edina Hockey Association President 4) Braemar City of Lakes Figure Skating Club President 5) Resident At Large 6) Resident At Large 7) Resident At Large 8) City Manager 9) Assistant City Manager 10) Park and Recreation Director 11) Park and Recreation Assistant Director 12) Manager Braemar Arena 13) Edina Communications Director The referendum team's duties will include mapping out strategy, develop written informational publications, create audio - visual productions for informational purposes and review progress. Three or four members should act as spokespersons to make statements to the press, speak at public information meetings, speak to community groups, and have their names and phone numbers advertised to answer questions. The Referendum Team serves and advises the Edina Park Board. The Edina Park Board will make recommendations to the Edina City Council. MCC EDINA PARR BOARD: With staff's assistance, the Edina Park Board would be responsible for recommending a list of priorities to the Edina City Council. In other words, the Edina Park Board will recommend to the City Council which projects they feel should be funded first, second, third, and so on, up to the $4,900,000 budgeted amount. City staff and the Edina Park Board will be responsible for the majority of the work to be completed by the City Council appointed Referendum Team. The Edina Park Board will also be responsible for making recommendations to the City Council as to any last minute changes in the scope of overall park improvement plan. CITIZENS COMMITTEE: Every successful bond issue seems to have one common thread, which is an active citizen committee that promotes the passage of the referendum. If one is formed in Edina, this committee must be separate from the Edina City Council appointed Referendum Team. It is hoped that an Edina citizens committee would be formed to promote both bond issues. If one is formed, they must raise their own funds for their promotion of the referendum. However, there are means by which citizen committees can promote referendums without incurring any expenses. PROPOSED TIMETABLE: It is important not to begin too early prior to a referendum, as the idea is to build interest and to have interest peek at the time of the referendum. Committees tend to burn out rather quickly. Meetings for committees should be short, well planned, and for the purpose of making decisions and appointing people to do specific tasks. It is suggested that it is possible to "over sell" a referendum. To meet an April time frame for a special bond referendum election, I would suggest the proposed timetable as follows: Date Aug. 23 Action Proposed process and strategy approved by Mr. Ken Rosland, City Manager. Sep. 12 Proposed process and strategy presented to Edina Park Board for discussion and response. Oct. 2 Discuss Park Board's bond issue referendum process and strategy recommendation. Oct. 16 Appoint members to Referendum Team. Nov. 15 Interview and hire architects to prepare conceptual drawings for third rink and the bathhouse. Dec. 16 Letter From The Mayor and article of information in Park and Recreation Activities Directory. Jan. 3 Completion of slide and video presentations; factual information for the public. RESPONSIBILITY Mr. Ken Rosland, City Manager Edina,Park Board Edina City Council Edina City Council Staff Staff Staff Jan. 11 Jan. 25 -4- Initial Referendum Team meeting; Referendum Team discuss overall strategy, assign tasks. Referendum program kickoff meeting Referendum Team extended to youth athletic associations and other civic groups. Feb. 15 1st of 2 Referendum Town Meetings. Feb. 22 Referendum Team Meeting; review Athletic Associations and approve brochure copy prepared Rotary by staff. Mar. 4 Final brochures and advertisements -Edina approved by Edina City Council. Mar. 6 Legal notice of special election in Federated Womens local newspaper. Mar. 13 Legal notice of special election in Lions Club local newspaper. Mar. 14 2nd of 2 Referendum Town Meetings. Mar. 21 Referendum Team Meeting; review Clubs final details. Mar. 25 Brochures mailed to all residents. Apr. 6 -14 Cable television referendum video appears on local cable access. Apr. 10 Sun Newspaper advertisement. Apr. 16 Election day; co- ordinate media activities as necessary. Referendum Team Referendum Team Edina City Council City Clerk City Clerk Referendum Team Referendum Team Staff Staff Staff Referendum Team and staff There would also most likely be presentations given at several civic group functions such as: -Edina Senior Citizen Club -Edina Athletic Associations -Edina Rotary Clubs -Edina Jaycees Club -Edina Womens Club -Edina Federated Womens - League of Women Voters -Edina Lions Club -Edina Chamber of Commerce - Neighborhood Associations -Edina Garden Clubs -Edina Garden Council PUBLICITY ALTERNATIVES: There are many ways to publicize and promote the proposed plan and bond issue. The following is.a list of ideas that could be considered by the Edina City Council: 1) Posters Multi -color posters containing basic information well ahead of voting day could be created and distributed in high traffic locations, such as, enterprise facilities, libraries, restaurants, shopping malls and other key business outlets. -5- 2) Slide Presentation Brief color slide presentations with script are useful at public and community group meetings. Slides provide an interesting format for those in attendance and allows those present to relate visually to the project. Slides can help illustrate the benefits or deficiencies of existing facilities. 3 ) Public Meet incis Public open forum meetings should be held to outline referendum details. These open forums (Town Meetings) should provide residents an opportunity to ask questions or express their opinions. Civic groups, neighborhood groups and athletic association groups are also good opportunities to have residents express their opinions, all which help to make this a community project and not a staff project. 4) Fact Sheet A detailed fact sheet should be prepared and made available to community groups-and residents five to six weeks prior to the vote. This fact sheet could fill the information gap prior to printing a formal brochure (or brochures). 5) Cable Television Like a slide presentation, a local cable television production gives the residents a visual perception of the proposed projects. A cable television production is typically more time consuming to produce, however, the detailed factual production can be repeated on a variety of dates and times to reach more resident viewers. In addition, a VHS tape copy could be made and available for individuals or groups to check out and view at their convenience. 6) Newspaper Articles /Advertisements A series of articles for the local newspaper is an effective means of informing the residents of the bond issue proposal. A half or full page advertisement in the local newspaper is one way to assure accurate and timely coverage for the bond issue election. 7) Referendum Brochure An attractive two -color referendum brochure (possibly one for each issue) should be prepared and delivered to all homes, businesses and apartments in the voting area. This formal brochure should clearly define the scope of the proposed project, indicate the estimated tax increase and provide voting day information. It is suggested by bond issue strategists that this is probably the single most important element in the public information program. The distribution should be timed to be received by residents no more than one week prior to voting day. 8) About Town Publication The About Town city publication could be used instead of, or in addition to, the referendum brochure. Being that every resident gets a copy of the About Town publication, this becomes an effective means of publicity. To give voters a visual perspective of the proposed projects, I recommend that architects be contracted to produce conceptual drawings of the third indoor ice rink and the Edina Aquatic Center bathhouse. The process of establishing a conceptual drawing for each facility will assist in deciding on a footprint and conceptual design for each facility. We REFERmMUM COSTS: There are inherent costs associated with implementing a bond issue campaign and election. According to Deb Mangen, City Clerk, he special election bond issue is estimated to cost the City of Edina approximately $22,000. It is staff's recommendation to have only one referendum brochure that outlines all the facts. In other words, information concerning the general park improvement bond issue and third ice rink issue would be covered on the same publication. This will help avoid confusion and help minimize publication and mailing expenses. The following are estimated expenses associated with the bond issue public information program and the election: Election costs $22,000 Referendum brochure production 5,200 Referendum brochure mailing 4,200 Slide show production 500 video production 500 Newspaper ad 1,400 Architect fees 5.000 TOTAL $38,800 FINAL REMARKS: For the bond referendum to be successful, it is vitally important that influential citizens, such as, the Edina City Council and Edina Park Board members be actively involved in supporting the referendum. Additional advice from bond strategists suggest that public speakers (especially staff) should never act as "salespersons." Public presentations should be limited to 20 minutes and focus on the facts and leave ample time to answer questions and take notes on recommendations from the audience. Historically, special election referendums rarely get more than 150 of the total registered voters to vote.. DATE: September 13, 1995 TO: Ken Rosland, City Manager FROM: Ted Paulfranz, Fire Chief SUBJECT: FIRE /ALS STATION The purpose of this memo is to follow -up plan for the Council action on August 7, 1995. I would suggest a work plan that provides for construction and completion of a second station by the summer /fall of 1996. I will assist a designer in the development of specifications and working drawings. Please consider the proposed workplan /schedule: MISSION The mission of this Fire /ALS Station will serve two prime purposes: EMERGENCY MEDICAL (ALS) BASE OF OPERATIONS Locate an ALS unit, on site during the peak demand periods (1000 -1900 hrs.), 5 -6 days per week. This "powershift" would maximize effectiveness of service by reducing response time in this ex- expanding demand area. FIRE ON -CALL RESPONSE Location will provide a fast response for a second fire unit staffed by on -call (volunteer) firefighters, living /working in the immediate area. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The proposed location for this station is the west portion of Yorktown Park. Our plan provides for the relocation of the existing tennis courts if necessary and constructing the station within the "courts" footprint. The station size is expected to be approximately 4000ft (56x72). The structure should be large enough to accommodate one ambulance, a fire pumper, and a utility vehicle. Service, maintenance and storage spaces to support EMS and FIRE related response activities. WORK SCHEDULE /CALENDAR Date Activity Sept. 15- 30 Interview Architects Oct. 2 -6 Select Architect Nov. 1 -30 Review /finalize working drawings Dec. /Jan. Finalize Project Documents Feb. Request Bids Mar. Open Bids April Sale Bonds May /June Start Construction Sept. /Oct. Occupancy I am in the process of developing a list of needs /concerns for use in the design work. TRP /ras o e ^� G • '��CnRPOM' /' REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mavor Richards and Council Members From: John Kenrios, Director Park and Recreation Date: September 13, 1995 Subject: MASC Ice Arena Grant Resolution Recommendation: Adopt proposed Resolution application for the State grant for the construction Arena, contingent upon the referendum. Info /Background: Agenda Item # V - e Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends I To HRA xx 1 To Council Action Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion that authorizes staff to submit an of Minnesota's $250,000 matching fund of a third indoor ice rink at Braemar passage of a special election bond The State of Minnesota through its agency, the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission (MASC), is accepting applications for grants to fund construction of new indoor ice arenas. The $2,900,000 State Capital Bonding Fund, referred to as the "Mighty Ducks Fund," was created for the purpose of assisting communities in developing ice arenas. As stated in the MASC's Request For Proposal (RFP), the purpose of additional ice arenas will be to maximize the communities ability to generate economic benefits and to promote ice sports participation for females and males. It is the intent of the State of Minnesota to award half the grant monies to Twin City communities and half to communities located in Greater Minnesota outside the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The Mighty Ducks Fund offers communities matching grants up to $250,000 for the construction of new indoor ice rinks, which is the amount in Edina's requested grant being recommended by staff. One of the application requirements demands that the community's governing body, in this case the Edina City Council, adopt a resolution that includes a commitment'to match funds. As stated in the resolution for City Council approval, committed matching grant funds are contingent upon Edina voters' successful passage of a special election bond referendum in the Spring of 1996. -2- The application deadline for 1995 and 1996 ice arena projects is October 2, 1995. The MASC is planning on making awards in December 1995. It is staff's recommendation that, if the bond referendum is approved by Edina voters and if Edina is granted $250,000 from the Mighty Ducks Fund, then the additional grant monies be used to enhance the design of the facility. Enhancements would include creation of an Olympic size sheet of ice (as opposed to the standard 85' X 200' rink), larger locker rooms, increased seating capacity and possibly addition of Park and Recreation Department Administrative offices. I i RESOLUTION CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission (MASC), via the State Capital Bonding Fund, provides for capital funds to assist political subdivisions of the state of Minnesota for the development of sport facilities, and WHEREAS, the City of Edina desires to construct and develop an indoor ice arena for the sports of girls and boys ice hockey, figure skating, general public ice skating and in -line skating. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that: Estimates that the total cost of developing said facility shall be $2,500,000 and the City of Edina is requesting $250,000 from the Mighty Ducks Capital Bonding Fund and will assume responsibility for a match requirement of $250,000, contingent upon Edina residents' approval of a $2.500.000 special election bond referendum in the spring of 1996. 2. The City of Edina agrees to own, assume 100 percent operation costs for said sport facility, and will operate said facility for its intended purpose for the functional life of the facility which is estimated to be fifty years. 3. The City of Edina agrees to enter into necessary and required agreements with the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission for the specific purpose of constructing a sport facility and long -term program direction. 4. That an application be made to the State of Minnesota, Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission, to be included in the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission's (Govemor's) Capital Budget request for an amount presently estimated to be $250,000. 5. That John Keprios, Director of Edina Park and Recreation Department is authorized and directed to execute said application and serve as the official liaison with the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission. Passed and adopted this 18th day of September by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota. Frederick S. Richards, Mayor Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk State of Minnesota ) County of Hennepin ) SS City of Edina ) I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of September 18, 1995 and as recorded in the minutes of said meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of the City of Edina this day of '19 Debra A. Mangen City Clerk TO: Mayor & Council Members FROM: Ken Rosland DATE: September 18, 1995 SUBJECT: HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS REPORURECOMMENDATION Agenda Item # V.C. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ ❑ Mgr. Recommends To HRA ❑X To Council Action LJ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: That the City Council appoint two people to serve on the Human Relations Commission: 1) For an unexpired term ending February, 1996 2) For an unexpired term ending February, 1997 11� U REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCI FROM: WILLIAM BERNHJELM CHIEF OF POLICE DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 SUBJECT= 3.2 BEER LICENSE DAVANNI'S Agenda Item # V • D. Consent ❑ Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action ❑ To HRA 0 To Council 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion At the last Council Meeting, several questions were asked regarding this application: Must a meal be served with 3.2 beer? In an establishment licensed to sell 3.2 beer only (no wine license), the meal requirement does not apply. (City Code Section 900.15). Are there any locations in Edina licensed for on -sale 3.2 beer only? The following are licensed for 3.2 beer and not licensed for wine: Braemar Golf Course Braemar Golf Dome Corelli's Pizza & Pasta Normandale Golf Course TJ's Family Restaurant The Lotus III 6364 John Harris Drive 7420 Braemar Boulevard 4502-1/2 Valley View Road 7640 Parklawn Avenue 7100 Amundson Avenue 3907 West 50th Street Is the 3.2 designation still applied to beer by the State? Minnesota law defines 3.2 malt liquor (beer) as containing not less than .5% alcohol by volume or more than 3.2% alcohol by weight (MS 340A.101). Administrative rules require labeling of kegs, cans and bottles of 3.2 beer with the statement "Contains not more than 3.2% of alcohol by weight" or similar wording. The labeling of other beer over 3.2% as "Strong" is no longer permitted. The Minnesota Liquor Control Division inspects for and enforces this at the wholesaler level. CITY OF EDINA POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: AUGUST 31,1995 TO: KENNETH ROSLAND FROM: WILLIAM C. BERNHJELM SUBJECT: 3.2 BEER LICENSE The 3.2 beer license application of the below listed establishment has been investigated in accordance with applicable statutes and ordinances: Davanni's Pizza & Hot Hoaggies 5124 Gus Young Lane Edina, MN 55436 The findings of this investigation do not reveal information that is contrary to the public interest for the purpose of licensing. Therefore, I recommend the Council move to approve the application and issuance of 3.2 beer license for the establishment. WILLIAM C . B R MJE CHIEF OF POLICE WCB:mwn CITY OF EDINA POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: AUGUST 31,1995 TO: WILLIAM C. BERNHJELM FROM: MICHAEL NIBBE SUBJECT: 3.2 BEER LICENSE The 3.2 beer license application of the below listed establishment has been investigated in accordance with applicable statutes and ordinances: Davanni's Pizza & Hot Hoaggies 5124 Gus Young Lane Edina, MN 55436 The findings of this investigation do not reveal information that is contrary to the public interest for the purpose of licensing. Included with this memo is a two page summary of the investigation. Sgt. Mi hael Nibbe Edina Police Department Investigative Report 3.2 Beer License Davanni's Inc. DBA: Davanni's Pizza & Hot Hoaggies 5124 GUS YOUNG LANE Edina, ICI 55436 On July 27th, 1995, Gladstone Mckinley Stenson, one of the owners of the Davanni's Inc., a Minnesota corporation, made application to the City of Edina for a 3.2 beer license on behalf of Davanni's Pizza & Hot Hoaggies, a restaurant proposed for the new retail space being erected at 5124 Gus Young Lane, Edina. There are two Davanni's Pizza & Hot Hoaggies in the metro area. Both are held under the Davanni's Inc. corporation. The owners of Davanni's are: Gladstone McKinley Stenson Roger Walter Schelper Robert William Carlson, Jr. Board of Directors: Michael Vaughn Andrews Checks were conducted with the following organizations in regard to Davanni's Inc., Davanni's Pizza & Hot Hoaggies at both the 2312 W 66th St. Richfield location and the 8506 Lyndale Av S., Bloomington location, along with the owners to determine whether other restaurants owned by the applicant's corporation were being operated in a responsible manner: 1) City of Richfield licensing and records. 2) City of Bloomington licensing and records. 3) Minnesota State Liquor Control Board 4) Better Business Bureau 5) Secretary of State 6) Hennepin County District Court, Civil Filings 7) BCA and complete record checks 1) The City of Richfield shows a violation of selling alcohol to an 18 year old in 1990. Davanni's took a 2 day suspension of their license and fully complied. Richfield stated that Davanni's had taken extra steps, not required by Richfield, to make sure their employees understood the severity of serving alcohol to those under 21 years of age. The management added additional signs, put an article in the employee newsletter, talked with each employee individually, stationed an employee to watch for violations in the restaurant area, and added additional language to the employee handbook. Richfield had no problems with the management. There were 15 calls for service to Davanni's in 1993 & 1994 combined. None of these calls appear to be alcohol related. 2) The City of Bloomington shows a violation of selling alcohol to a person under 21 years old in 1992. The Restaurant was assessed a $500 fine and there have been no further violations cited. The licensing department has been pleased with the response of the Davanni's management and there have been no problems before or after this incident. There were approximately 14 calls for service from September 1992 to July 3, 1995. Only one of these calls appears to be alcohol related. 3) I faxed the incorporated name of Davanni's Inc. and the people involved to the Minnesota Liquor Control Board. They researched those involved and faxed back an OK for all involved. 4) The Better Business Bureau has no complaints on either restaurant or the incorporated name and address. 5) The Secretary of State's office stated that Davanni's Inc. is a registered name with them. The address given is correct. 6) Civil Filings in Hennepin County has no record of Davanni's Inc. listed as the defendant in any case. 7) The four parties involved in the ownership and Board of Directors were checked and found clear of criminal histories from the BCA. The owners live in Edina and have no criminal contact with our department. Mr. Andrews is a Golden Valley resident and has no criminal contact with Golden Valley PD or Edina PD. All parties possess valid MN drivers licenses and have no active Hennepin County warrants. Davanni's Inc. runs 14 Davanni's Pizza & Hot Hoaggies restaurants in the Twin Cities. The Edina restaurant will be the 15th. Of the fourteen restaurants only two have had violations cited. The Minnetonka Police Department noted that the restaurant was active and supportive in the community. All restaurants are run by Davanni's Inc. and none are franchised. When tte application was first filed, the address given was 5124 W. 50th St. Since the time of application the street has been renamed Gus Young Lane. Davanni's Inc. was advised of the change. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # V. E . FROM: CRAIG SWANSON Consent ❑x TRAFFIC SAFETY ❑ Information Only DATE: SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 `. ❑ Mgr. Recommends To HRA SUBJECT: 0 To Council TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW Action El Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Recommend adoption of the report. Info/Background: None. ,A TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW SEPTEMBER 6. 1995 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on September 6, 1995. Staff present included the Assistant City Manager, the City Engineer, the Police Chief, the Traffic Safety Coordinator, and the Public Works Traffic Control Specialist. From that review, the below recommendations are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They have also been informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the September 18, 1995, Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which the staff recommends approval. (1) Request for safety measures to improve access and safety on W. 78th Street, Cahill Road to Glasgow Drive. This area has been reviewed frequently due to its accident history, increasing volumes, and citizen requests for measures to reduce speed and provide residential access to W. 78th Street. A warrant study for signalization of the intersection of W. 78th Street at Cahill Road has been completed and a signal system is warranted. Strgar, Roscoe, Fausch, Inc. has produced a geometric review of the area which supports signalization and the creation of a fifth lane to enhance turning movements. Signalization will provide gaps for vehicles entering W. 78th Street west of Cahill Road. A fifth lane will create safer turning and allow mainline traffic to move through the area. The staff recommends the installation of a signal at W. 78th Street at Cahill Road and the adoption of the plan generated by the geometric review. (2) Request for warning along the 4000 block of Sunnyside Road to protect children. The request was based on a concern for the safety of children in the area. Facts identified in the area of Sunnyside Road were reviewed in light of the City of Edina Warning Sign Policy. Sunnyside Road serves as a residential collector with traffic volumes in excess of 1000 vehicle trips daily. Sidewalks are available to pedestrians. The easterly end of Sunnyside Road is a commercial area with significant pedestrian traffic and cross walks to enhance their safety. Other than ,. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW September 6, 1995 Page 2 the commercial area no significant warning sign warrants could be identified. The staff recommends the eastbound installation of an advanced crossing sign in the 4000 block of Sunnyside Road to identify crosswalks in the commercial area. SECTION B: Requests on which the staff recommends denial of request. (1) Request for "Stop" signs controlling Hankerson Avenue @ W. 51st Street. The staff discussed the facts surrounding the request in light of the City of Edina policy on residential stop signs and applicable state law relating to the intersection in question. Hankerson Avenue and W. 51 st Street are residential streets with less than 1000 vehicle trips daily. No accidents have been reported at the intersection during the last three years. There are no traffic controls at the "T" intersection at the present time. Current state law requires W. 51 st Street traffic to yield to north and southbound Hankerson Avenue traffic. Hankerson Avenue is a narrow residential street with a downgrade from north to south. Parked cars were noted on both sides of Hankerson Avenue during frequent visits to the area. These vehicles may be related to the nearby commercial area and do create visual impressions that might be perceived as an obstruction. Given the facts the staff recommends the denial of the request. The staff does recommend that the requestor be advised of the six hour parking restrictions on City streets and encouraged to report suspected violators. SECTION C: Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. (1) Request for "Stop" sign stopping Telemark Trail at Malibu Drive. The staff has responded to numerous requests from the greater Parkwood Road and Malibu Drive area. In August, 1995, the staff recommended and the Council TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW Septemer 6, 1995 Page 3 approved that no changes in traffic control would be considered until the completion of the roadway system serving Parkwood Knolls 24th Addition. This network of roadways are related to one another and should be considered together rather than independently. The staff recommends continuation of this item pending completion of construction and further study of the roadway systems. REP ORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: GORDON L. HUGHES Agenda Item # V. F. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA SUBJECT: © To Council METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ® Discussion Recommendation: Continue to negotiate with Metropolitan staff with respect to the Housing Goals Agreement. Info/Background: On September 14, 1995, staff met with representatives of the Metropolitan Council with respect to the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act. At that time, additional information was provided to the City concerning the requirements of the Act. Attached to this staff report are the following items: 1. A draft agreement between the City and the Metropolitan Council with respect to our housing goals (please note that the goal column of this agreement is the subject of our negotiations. Also, please note, that the Metropolitan Council estimates our 1997 local incentive account amount to be $51,543.00. Staff previously estimated that this amount would be approximately $80,000.00). 2. A memo which explains the housing goals and benchmark standards. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUTTIES ACT September 18, 1995 Page two 3. A memo which identifies methods to increase the supply of affordable housing. 4. A memo highlighting questions and answers that are frequently asked with respect to this legislation. Staff will be prepared to answer additional questions concerning our negotiations with Metropolitan Council at the September 18, 1995, meeting. DRAFT HOUSING GOALS AGREEMENT METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT PRINCIPLES The city of Edina supports: 1. A balanced housing supply, with housing available for people at all income levels. 2. The accommodation of all racial and ethnic groups in the purchase, sale, rental and location of housing within the community. 3. A variety of housing types for people in all stages of the life- cycle. 4. A community of well- maintained housing and neighborhoods, including ownership and rental housing. 5. Housing development• that respects the natural environment of the community while striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs. 6. The availability of a full range of services and facilities for its residents, and the improvement of access to and linkage between housing and employment. GOALS To carry out the above housing principles, the City of Edina agrees to use benchmark indicators for communities of similar location and stage of development as affordable and life -cycle housing goals for the period 1996 to 2010, and to make its best efforts, given market conditions and resource availability, to remain within or make progress toward these benchmarks. CITY INDEX BENCHMARK Affordability GOAL Ownership 31% 64 -77% Rental 14% 3245% Life -Cycle Type (Non- single family detached) 43% 3841% Owner /renter Mix 71/29% (64 -70) / (30 -36) % Density Single - Family Detached 2.3 /acre 2.3 -2.9 /acre Multifamily 16 /acre 11 -15 /acre To achieve the above goals, the City of Edina elects to participate in the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act Local Housing Incentives Program, and will prepare and submit a plan to the Metropolitan Council by June 30, 1996, indicating the actions it will take to carry out the above goals. CERTIFICATION Mayor Date Affordable and Life -Cycle Housing Opportunities Amount For Edina Your ALHOA Amount for: Edina 1996 s0 Not required 1997 (Estimate) $51,543 J Housing Goals and Benchmarks How to Use the Index Preparing Action Plans The agreed -upon goals should be considered in the preparation of action plans by a community. The action plan should be based on a comparison of its index to the benchmarks for each of the six measures across the three categories (affordability, life -cycle and density). There are three possible situations for each measure: the index is lower than the benchmark range, within the benchmark range, or above the benchmark range. In each case where an index is below the benchmark range, the city's action plan should set forth imple- mentation activities that will help it move towards the benchmark. For example, if a city has multifamily housing density that is below the benchmark range, it should consider actions such as increasing the density allowed in future development, imposing a minimum density standard, and/or creating incentives to encourage higher density development, such as density bonuses in a Planned Unit Development Ordi- nance. If an index is within the benchmark range, the city should plan actions to maintain its position within the range. For example, if a city has an owner /renter mix that is within the benchmark range its plan might be a review of land use plans for future development to assure there is sufficient land for development of the types of housing that would keep the city within the range. If an index is above the benchmark range, the city's objective should be to stay within the range. For example, if a city has a percentage of single family housing valued below $115,000 that is above its benchmark range, it can increase the amount of higher priced housing in the commuity as long as it does not result in the affordable ownership percent falling below the benchmarks. goals.pm5 8 -16/95 Housing Goals Agreement Definitions Affordability Housing is defined as affordable if it costs no more than 30- percent of a household's income. The Index and Benchmarks in the housing agreement are based on the following: Ownership: homestead values for 1994 of $115,000 or less. This is the approximate unit cost affordable to housholds with incomes at 80- percent of the 1994 regional median income. Rental: 1990 census, rents of $500 or less per month. In 1990 this rent level was affordable to households with incomes at 50- percent of regional median income. Life -Cycle Housing Life -cycle housing is a term used to refer to the availability of housing for people of all stages of their lives. Communities with a wide variety of housing types for ownership and rent are in a good position to meet the people's changing needs as their incomes and preferences change. The Index and Benchmarks in the housing agreement are based on the following: Type: 1993 Council estimate of the percent of all housing units that were not single - family detached. Owner/Renter Mix: 1990 census, percent owner - occupied/percent rental housing units. Density Units per acre. Derived from the 1990 census of unit types and the Council's interpretation of 1990 aerial photography of the region. Single- Family Detached: All single - family detached housing units and duplexes divided by the Council estimate of acreage with single - family housing. Multifamily: 1990 census count of multifamily units divided by the Council estimate of land with multifamily housing develop- ment. Index The community's current housing situation. Benchmark The current housing situation for the community's geographic sector and planning area. Goals The community's goals for housing affordability, life -cycle housing and density. goals.pm5 8 -16-95 DRAFT HOUSING GOALS AGREEMENT METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT PRINCIPLES The city of - - - - - -- supports: A balanced housing supply, with housing available for people at all income levels. 2. The accommodation of all racial and ethnic groups in the purchase, sale, rental and location of housing within the community. A variety of housing types for people in all stages of the life - cycle. 4. A community of well - maintained housing and neighborhoods, including ownership and rental housing. 5. Housing development that respects the natural environment of the community while striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs. 6. The availability of a full range of services and facilities for its residents, and the improvement of access to and linkage between housing and employment. GOALS To carry out the above housing principles, the City of - - - - -- agrees to use benchmark indicators for communities of similar location and stage of development as affordable and life -cycle housing goals for the period 1996 to 2010, and to make its best efforts, given market conditions and resource availability, to remain within or make progress toward these benchmarks. To achieve the above goals, the City of - - - - -- elects to participate in the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act Local Housing Incentives Program, and will prepare and submit a plan to the Metropolitan Council by June 30, 1996, indicating the actions it will take to carry out the above goals. CERTIFICATION Mayor Date CITY INDEX BENCHMARK GOAL Affordability Ownership % % Rental % % Life -Cycle Type (Non - single family detached) % % Owner /renter Mix /% () / ()% Density Single - Family Detached /acre /acre Multifamily /acre /acre To achieve the above goals, the City of - - - - -- elects to participate in the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act Local Housing Incentives Program, and will prepare and submit a plan to the Metropolitan Council by June 30, 1996, indicating the actions it will take to carry out the above goals. CERTIFICATION Mayor Date e �i� How to Open Doors to Affordable Housing Many factors affect the production and cost of housing. Some ways local governments can provide more affordable housing in their communities are: Finding opportunities in land -use ordinances, fees or administrative processes to reduce the purchase price or cost of new or rehabilitated housing. Authority for land -use regulation is provided to local governments in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Land use regulations also protect against inappropriate land use and safeguard the natural environment. Adhering to land -use objectives helps keep development costs down and allows for housing opportunities for all residents. Local governments can impose fees and exactions to recoup the costs of development. When used appropriately, this mechanism helps cities recover public costs associated with development. Review and approval processes involving subdivisions, building permits, sewer and water facilities and environmental impacts are necessary. However, short, succinct and uncomplicated procedures can help keep the cost of development down. Linking up with the financial resources to get affordable housing built. The funding environment for affordable housing has changed dramatically over the last decade. During the 1970s and early 1980s, housing was easier to produce because federal finds, such as those from the Section 8 New Construction program, were available. In addition, a favorable tax climate provided incentives for developers to produce affordable housing. Today, with most federal funding no longer available, affordable housing requires combining public and private finds in com- plex housing deals. To plan and produce affordable units, local governments need to seek out and use the fman- cial tools that are available today. Using land -use ordinances or other means to locate affordable, life -cycle housing near employment concentra- tions, or link people who live in a distant locale to jobs. Access to affordable housing in the community of their choice is a shared value of many metro area residents. Many also prefer to work in or near the community in which they live. Unfortunately, many residents are denied the option because affordable housing is not available near their place of employment or they wren t qualified for the jobs near their homes. In addition, getting to and from job sites is often a problem due to inadequate transportation services. Providing access to employment, whether through location of affordable housing or transportation services, is a vital link to a healthy regional -- and local -- economy. Educating residents on housing issues to build community support for proposed housing developments. Opposition to affordable housing by prospective neighbors and other city residents is often based on misinformation and fears. Residents may express opposition to specific types of housing, to changes in the character of the com- munity, to certain levels of growth, to any and all development, or to economic, racial or ethnic diversity. A compelling case can be made that the development is, in fact, in the city s best interest. The community needs to make the case. Suggested Actions for Local Governments These actions will help create an environment more conducive to the production of affordable and life - cycle housing, but producing the housing is recognized for what it is -- a difficult task. It requires politi- cal will. It takes resources, which have dwindled, and include not only money but support services to meet the needs of assisted families. It takes expertise. The Council will work with local governments in a partnership to meet the goal of more affordable and life -cycle housing in the region. Some of the factors discussed in this section are directly under the control of local government, such as land -use ordinances. In other areas, linkages need to be made with resources to get the housing built. The Council will provide assistance to local governments toward this end. Finding opportunities in land -use ordinances, fees or administrative processes to reduce the purchase price or cost of new or rehabilitated housing. Examples of Local Action: ❑ Reduce required lot sizes. ❑ Encourage zero lot line development or other innovative site planning techniques. • Offer density bonuses for developing at higher densities. • Allow planned unit developments or mixed -use development. ❑ Allow some housing without two -car attached garages. ❑ Reduce surfacing width or depth requirements for residential streets. ❑ Implement flexible land - clearing ordinances that protect the environment and are cost effective. ❑ Allow for a variety of housing types, including manufactured and accessory housing, through local zoning ordinances. ❑ Establish criteria that ensure that fees are related and fairly proportioned to the need for facilities and services generated by the proposed development. ❑ Exempt or provide reduced fee schedules for affordable housing. ❑ Impose linkage ordinances which require the developer to pay a fee in lieu of construction into a housing trust fund, or make equity contributions to low -and moderate - income housing projects. ❑ Reduce or consolidate reviews by advisory bodies to the municipality s elected council or board. ❑ Implement a simplified permit process. i Linking up with the financial resources to get affordable housing built. Examples of Local Action: 0 Work with the Metropolitan Council staff to make the best use of currently available programs. Identify tools available through the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency and the Department of Housing and urban Development, as well as identify local funds that may be available to develop housing opportu- nities. For more information on these and other programs, call the following organizations: Department of Housing and Urban Development (370 - 3000); Metropolitan Council housing staff (291 - 6456); and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (296 - 7608). Communities can make use of such local fiscal initiatives as: • Housing Revenue Bonds *: Tax exempt bonds can be used to fund a multi- family development, providing 20- percent of the units for families at 50- percent of the median regional income. • Tax Increment Financing (TIF): TIF can be used to write down land costs. Restructions also apply. • HOME: This is a federal grant program to rehabilitate existing rental properties. • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): These funds facilitate the development of affordable housing. • Metropolitan Council Credit Enhancement Program: This program allows HRAs to back their bonds with the Metropolitan Council s AAA credit rating. • Employ Local HRA Levy. E3 Become informed about available tools and how to use them, and look for ways to provide these opportunities to residents. Seek advice and guidance from the Metropolitan Council, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, local banks or other experts to link complex programs in order to take full advantage of opportunities. The Minnesota Housing Finance Agency alone offers 16 different home improvements programs, 14 homeownership programs and 17 rental programs. Some of these are as follows: • Low- Income Housing Tax Credits: Offers a 10 -year reduction in tax liability to owners and investors in these categories: eligible low income, new construction, rehab or existing rental housing with rehab. • Housing Trust Fund: Provides funds for development, construction, acquisition, preservation and rehab of low- income rental housing and homeownership. • Affordable Rental Investment Fund: Provides funds for acquiring, rehabilitating or construct ing new affordable rental housing. • Community Reinvestment Act Incentive Program (CRA1P): Provides set -aside of mortgage revenue bond funds (below - market interest rate first mortgage financing) to assist local .4 lenders in meeting homeownership needs of their communities and their Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). Minnesota Communities Program (MCP): Provides cities with spot loan set - asides of mortgage revenue bond funds (below- market interest rate first mortgage financing) for specialized homeownership projects undertaken to address locally identified housing needs. Low - and Moderate - Income Rental: Provides for acquisition and rehab or permanent and construction financing for multifamily low- and moderate - income rental housing (minimum of 5 units). Locating affordable housing near employment concentrations, or using reverse commute programs to link people who live in a distant locale to jobs. Examples of Local Action: • Participate in or create a reverse commute program. • Implement Land -use regulations that promote higher - density, affordable development close to new employment sites or public transportation. • Participate in programs that may target the provision of affordable housing near job sites. ❑ Partner with local businesses to offer training and re- training opportunities for lower - income households. Educating residents on housing issues to build community support for proposed housing developments. Examples of Local Action: ❑ Prepare materials and programs to educate residents about affordable and life -cycle housing and its benefits to the community. ❑ Establish housing or human services commissions or task forces to work on affordable and life -cycle housing issues. • i �i- LIVABLE COMMUNITIES QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - 1. What is the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act? The Metropolitan Livable Communities Act ( "Act ") was enacted in June 1995 and is the Legislature's attempt to address various issues facing the seven -county metropolitan area. The Act establishes a Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund which consists of three accounts: the Tax Base Revitalization Account; the Livable Communities Demonstration Account; and the Local Housing Incentives Account. Metropolitan municipalities are not required to participate in the programs under the Act, but the Act provides incentives and funding to those municipalities that do participate. 2. What is the incentive to participate? The benefits are clear. Cities, towns and, in some cases, counties have access to resources that will improve their communities and neighborhoods. In addition, the legislation puts local units of govern- ment in the driver's seat. Communities can not only choose whether to participate; they also have flexibility in determining how they're going to use the resources available. 3. What is the incentive to provide lower -cost housing in our community? Affordable housing is an investment in communities and their residents. It fulfills a commitment to young families, single people and older residents that they can find a home they can afford in the com- munity of their choice. 4. What are "affordable" housing and "life- cycle" housing? Housing is "affordable" if it costs no more than 30 percent of a family's income. For ownership hous- ing this income amount is 80 percent of median, an amount that in 1994 could afford a home costing approximately $115, 000. For rental housing this income is 50 percent of median. In 1990 this was approximately $500 per month. "Life- cycle" housing refers to housing available for people at all stages of their lives, offering a choice and variety of housing types and cost to accommodate people's changing needs and preferences as their incomes and circumstances change. 5. What are the affordable and life -cycle housing opportunities amount? The Affordable and Life -Cycle Housing Opportunities Amount ( "ALHOA amount ") is an amount, established by formula in the Act, that a participating municipality must spend to create affordable and life -cycle housing or to maintain existing affordable and life - cycle housing. A participating municipality's ALHOA amount is established each year 6. Does the ALHOA amount have to be a property tax levy? No. The ALHOA amount can be derived from a levy, or it can be derived from fundsfrom another source. Regardless of the source of funds for the municipality's ALHOA amount, a participating munici- pality that did not meet its negotiated affordable and life - cycle housing goals, and did not spend 85 percent of its ALHOA amount to create affordable and life - cycle housing opportunities in the previous year, must distribute the entire ALHOA amount to a local housing and redevelopment authority to create affordable and life -cycle housing opportunities in the municipality, or to the Metropolitan Council for distribution through the Local Housing Incentives Program. 7. If my municipality elects by November 15, 1995, to participate in the Local Housing Incen- tives Account Program, must the municipality spend an ALHOA amount in calendar year 1996? No. Because of various timing provisions in the Act, the ALHOA amount requirement does not apply until your municipality's election to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program made by November 15, 1996, for calendar year 1997. 8. If my municipality elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program by November 15, 1995, but is unable to agree on housing goals with the Metropolitan Council, must the municipality participate in the.program? No. A municipality is not participating in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program unless two conditions have been met. a. The municipality has elected to participate in the program; and b. The Metropolitan Council and the municipality have negotiated and agreed on affordable and life -cycle housing goals for the municipality. If the municipality and the Metropolitan Council do not successfully negotiate housing goals, your municipality may not participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program. 9. Must my municipality participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program? No. Participation in the program is voluntary, but a municipality that does not participate may at some later time elect to participate in the program. However, a municipality which later elects to participate must establish that it has spent or agrees to spend on affordable and life -cycle housing an amount equivalent to what it would have spent on affordable and life -cycle housing had goals been established for the period in which the municipality was not participating. 10. If my municipality has met its housing goals in the previous calendar year, may my munici- pality participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program? Yes. However, your municipality will not be eligible to receive grants from the Local Housing Incentives Account Program if it met its affordable and life -cycle housing goals. Your municipality still will be eligible for grants and loans under the Livable Communities Demonstration Account and Tax Base Revitalization Account programs. 11. What if my municipality chooses not to participate in the Local Housing incentives Ac- count Program? Municipalities that elect not to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program are not eligible to participate in the Tax Base Revitalization Account and Livable Communities Demonstration Account programs under the Act. The Metropolitan Council is required by the Act to take into account your municipality 's participation in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program when making discretionary funding decisions. In addition, your municipality will not be eligible to apply for funds under the Department of Trade and Economic Development's polluted sites clean -up program if your municipality is not participating in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program. 12. If my municipality elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program, but does not have the capacity to create additional affordable and life - cycle housing opportunities, can my municipality give its ALHOA amounts to other municipalities to meet negotiated housing goals? Yes. A municipality that has negotiated housing goals, but might not have adequate resources to create or maintain affordable and life -cycle housing opportunities still could be considered a participating mu- nicipality. However, the municipality would be required to distribute its ALHOA amount to the Metro- politan Council for distribution to other participating municipalities or distribute its ALHOA amount to a local housing and redevelopment authority for creating affordable and life -cycle housing opportunities within the municipality. The Act permits municipalities to enter into agreements with adjacent municipali- ties to cooperatively provide affordable and life -cycle housing. The Metropolitan Council will work with municipalities to help municipalities create affordable and life -cycle housing opportunities and avail themselves of the incentives and funding available under the Act and from other sources. 13. If my municipality is using local resources to make payments on a mortgage for an afford- able or life -cycle housing opportunity created prior to the Act, can these resources count toward expenditures of the municipality's ALHOA amount? Yes. As long as the use of the funds is directly related to your municipality's efforts to meet its afford- able and life -cycle housing goals, these local resources can be considered an expenditure of ALHOA amounts. 14. Are the goals for affordable and life -cycle housing, as proposed by the Metropolitan Coun- cil, achievable? The goals proposed by the Metropolitan Council are intended to be "long- term" goals. Your munici- pality will establish an action plan that identifies the steps your municipality intends to take to move toward its long -range goals. Beginning in 1998, your municipality's annual progress in meeting its negotiated affordable and life - cyclehousing goals will be measured against the annual goals your municipality sets forth its action plan. Progress toward the goals will depend on private marketplace efforts, the availability of affordable and life -cycle housing resources and the use of local controls to create an environment to meet goals. 15. Do the Metropolitan Council and a municipality negotiate and set housing goals annually? No. The Act envisions negotiated housing goals as a one -time process. That is why the goals are long term in nature. The Metropolitan Council will propose affordable and life -cycle housing goals that encourage your municipality to address key housing benchmarks. 16. After the Metropolitan Council and a municipality negotiate and set affordable and life- cycle housing goals for the municipality, what happens next? The municipality must prepare an action plan that describes how it intends to meet its negotiated goals. The municipality has until June 30, 1996, to submit the action plan to the Metropolitan Council. 17. Does the Metropolitan Council have to approve the action plan? The Act does not require the Metropolitan Council to approve a municipality's action plan. However, the Metropolitan Council will comment on the plan's content in relation to the negotiated goals that have been established, and it will attempt to identify potential resources available to the municipality to help the municipality meet its negotiated affordable and life -cycle housing goals. 18. What should the action plan look like? The suggested format will be modeled after the one used for the housing element of your comprehensive plan. AGENDA ITH N0. VI.A. C u i s i n e IM11 C o n c e p t s 3910 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 ph(612)926 -7478 fx(612)926 -8444 September 15, 1995 To: Mayor Fred Richards Council Members - City of Edina From: Wayne Kostroski Edina Resident Co -Owner Tejas The purpose of this correspondence is to 1) Bring you up to date on problems that exist regarding the City of Edina ordinances 900.15 and 900.18 Subd. 1, that prohibit the sale of any wine or beer prior to the ordering of food in a restaurant; 2) Provide you with background research as to the feasibility of proposing a change in the ordinances; and, 3) Request that an ordinance amendment be considered for a change, and authorize city staff to investigate and prepare a position on such change. Prior to our opening of Tejas in December of last year, I was clearly aware of the ordinance and its requirements. Quite frankly I expected negative feedback from some guests regarding the effects of this ordinance, but I dramatically underestimated the scope of this feedback. To put it bluntly, I and our staff have been beat -up - figuratively, of course, but on a few occasions, almost literally. People have been furious with the fact that whether waiting for a table, stopping in just before or after a movie, or a troupe of shoppers stopping in during mid afternoon, they are "forced" by us to have them order food or leave if they simply were interested in a glass of wine or beer for a break. On many occasions we have been told in no uncertain terns that they will not come back to a place that is "hustling" them for food, when all they wanted was a drink and conversation, and then perhaps may choose to order food. Too often this occurs as they are turning to walk out the door. Concerned that this may be the reaction of our guests only because of our new location and perhaps past experience with us and full bar and / or margaritas, I have spoken with a number of other restaurants in Edina. The good news is that it is not just us; the bad news is that the stories of the guests' reactions are all too similar and intense. Non -Edina residents don't come back after leaving upset and frustrated; Edina residents look at us in disbelief that this kind of ordinance still exists in a full service restaurant after all these years. To the second point, I have had conversations with Gordon Hughes and other city officials to find out what legalities or roadblocks may exist to changing the ordinance. I have also had a direct conversation with Secretary of State Joan Growe who also spoke with Fred Peterson, the executive director of the Minnesota Liquor Control Division. At this point, there has not been an impediment identified that would present this change from being solely an Edina City Council decision. Therefore, to the third point, I respectfully submit to you a request that ordinance amendments be placed before you for your consideration that would allow the service of wine or beer to a guest of a full service restaurant without the requirement of any food being purchased or served. I truly appreciate your consideration of this matter at this time. I believe that this change is necessary for the full service restaurants in Edina, as well as a potential for more satisfied and frequent guests to those restaurants. I am also confident that this change would be welcomed by the residents of Edina as well, based on the thousands of comments that we have all received from the guests of the restaurants in the Edina area. I would be happy to comment further and / or answer any questions or concerns that you or your constituents may have. Thank you. Respectfidly Submitted, Wayne Kostroski Co -Owner Tejas REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: JOHN WALLIN, FINANCE DIRECTOR Agenda Item # X. A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 I Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA SUBJECT: REVIEW OF 1994 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Recommendation: X❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance x❑ Discussion At the July 17, 1995, Council Meeting, the Council requested that the 1994 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and the Auditors Letter of Comments and Recommendations be discussed at a meeting in September to give the Council more time to review the reports. Info/Background: As stated in the Auditor's Report on Legal Compliance, the City is in compliance with all material terms and conditions of State of Minnesota legal provisions. As was stated in the Auditor's letter, the recommendations in the Auditor's Letter of Comments and Recommendations, by its nature, is critical in that it contains only the Auditor's comments and recommendations on deficiencies. It does not include their observations on the many strong features of the City's operations. Please bring your copy of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report with you to the meeting. M E M O R A N D U M TO: Ken Rosland, City Manager FROM: John Wallin, Finance Director DATE: July 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Response to Auditor's Letter As with any accounting system, there is always improvements that can be made. In response to this year's auditor's comments, the following procedures and directions are being taken: SEGREGATION OF DUTIES The Finance Department has adjusted the performance of certain duties. The bank reconciliation is now being done by the accountant. UTILITY BILLING SYSTEM The Utility Department is currently in the process of implementing a new billing /receivable system through LOGIS. The system will be operational for the September or October utility bills. The new bills will have a new look and be mailed in an envelope with a return envelope enclosed. Along with the aesthetic changes the new system will be more accurate and include the ability to utilize bar coded bills and hand -held or radio readers in the future to further increase the accuracy of the utility bills. CONSTRUCTION -IN- PROGRESS ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE The Finance Department and the Engineering Department are now working on closing old construction projects. This project will be done shortly. K��APeat Marwick LLP 4200 Norvvest Center 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Independent Auditors' Report on Legal Compliance Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Edina, Minnesota: We have audited the general purpose financial statements of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City) as of and for the year ended December 31, 1994, and have issued our report thereon dated April 21, 1995. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the provisions of the Minnesota Legal Compliance Audit Guide for Local Government, promulgated by the Legal Compliance Task Force pursuant to Minnesota Statute §6.65. Accordingly, the audit included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The Minnesota Legal Compliance Audit Guide for Local Government covers five main categories of compliance to be tested: contracting and bidding, deposits and investments, conflicts of interest, public indebtedness, and claims and disbursements. Our study included all of the listed categories. The results of our tests indicate that for the items tested the City complied with the material terms and conditions of applicable legal provisions. Further, for the items not tested, based on our audit and the procedures referred to above, nothing came to our attention to indicate that the City had not complied with such legal provisions. This report is intended solely for the use of the City and should not be used for any other purpose. This restriction is not intended to limit the distribution of this report, which is a matter of public record. ellw zz"'P April 21, 1995 Member Firm of Klynvela Peat Marvmak Goeraev KPMG" Peat Marwick LAP 4200 Norwest Center Telephone 612 341 2222 Telefax 612 341 0202 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 April 21, 1995 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Edina, Minnesota: We have audited the general purpose financial statements of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City) for the year ended December 31, 1994, and have issued our report thereon dated April 21, 1995. In planning and performing our audit of the general purpose financial statements of the City, we considered its internal control structure in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the general purpose financial statements and not to provide assurance on the internal control structure. We have not considered the internal control structure since the date of our report. During our audit we noted certain matters involving the internal control structure and other operational matters that are presented for your consideration. These comments and recommendations, all of which have been discussed with the appropriate members of management, are intended to improve the internal control structure or result in other operating efficiencies and are presented in the attached exhibit. It should be noted that this letter, by its nature, is critical in that it contains only our comments and recommendations on deficiencies. It does not include our observations on the many strong features of the City's operations. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the City Council, management and others within the City of Edina. 4g�� �- Z/-/O firm of K v_eja �v ^ve�a Peat Marwick Goertlelef Exhibit CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Comments and Recommendations SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Strong internal controls require a segregation of duties in areas in which too much responsibility with one individual may lead to a misappropriation of assets. During the course of our audit, we noted that the finance director reviews and codes cash receipts, transfers cash for debt payments and investment transactions, maintains the investment statements, and prepares the monthly bank reconciliation for the main bank account. We recommend that an individual not involved in recording cash transactions perform the monthly bank reconciliation. This segregation of duties will enhance the internal controls over cash. UTILITY BILLING SYSTEM During the course of the audit, recurring errors were noted in the utility billing system. These errors were related to incorrect meter readings, inaccurate data entry of readings for billing purposes, and inappropriate estimated billings. In general, these errors caused unadjusted utility revenue and customer billing statements to be misstated. This resulted in an increase in the manual accounting changes, which were necessary to properly record utility revenue, in addition to an increase in customer service time answering billing statement questions. We understand that the City is planning to implement a new utility billing system in 1995 and recommend that stronger controls in these areas be included in the new system to reduce these types of errors. CONSTRUCTION -IN- PROGRESS ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE During the course of our audit, we noted several "construction -in- progress" projects did not have any activity during the past 12 months. The finance department was unable to transfer these projects to the proper fixed asset category because the engineering department had not closed the projects. We recommend that the finance department work with the engineering department to close the "construction -in- progress" projects in a timely manner. This will help maximize cash flow of State reimbursements for eligible projects and decrease the amount of time needed to track these projects. COUNCIL CHF .EGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 1 _.CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR ,jESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158.908 1995/09/18 $16.50 9 -1 -1 MAGAZINE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 091295 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCRI 01> $16.50* 158909 1995/09/18 $568.10 AAA TITLE FEES 083095 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $568.10* 158910 1995/09/18 $192.08 AAA LICENSES & PERMITS 090695 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $192.08* 158912 1995/09/18 $241.79 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 995181 GENERAL MAINT RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $241.80 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 995181 LIQUOR YORK GE RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $241.80 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 995181 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $137.18 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951698 FIRE tEPT. GEN RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $167.11 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951696 CITY HALL GENE RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $98.62 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 98.62 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $264.89 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951172 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $111.62 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951161 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $62.10 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951695 ART CENTER BLD RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $186.91 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9953042 POOL .OPERATION RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $482.33 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951702 CLUB HOUSE RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $145.61 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951700 MAINT OF COURS RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $229.16 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951689 ARENA BLDG /GRO RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $657.19 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951694 ED BUILDING & RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $50.02 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951425 YORK OCCUPANCY RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $48.34 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9951423 VERNON OCCUPAN RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $55.50 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9952299 GUN RANGE RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $67.87 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RUBBISH REMOVAL 9953730 MOWING RUBBISH REMOVA < *> $3,489.84* 158913 1995/09/18 $42.25 AARRESTAD, DRU ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $42.25* 158914 1995/09/18 $55.00 AFFILIATED EMERGENCY VET PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 008594 ANIMAL CONTROL PROF SERVICES < *> $55.00* 158915 1995/09/18 $254.22 AL'S LANDSCAPING & NURSE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $254.22* 158916 1995/09/18 $800.00 ALBERG WATER SERVICES CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10305 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS < *> $800.00* 158917 1995/09/18 $47.50 ALL FIRE TEST INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 7340 VERNON OCCUPAN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $47.50* 158918 1995/09/18 $102.24 ALLEN COMPANY GENERAL SUPPLIES 022344 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $102.24* 158919 1995/09/18 $90.00 ALOE UP SUNCARE PRODUCTS COST OF GOODS - PRO S 6021 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $90.00* 158920 1995/09/18 $141.33 ALPHAGRAPHICS PRINTING 30755 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING < *> $141.33* 158921 1995/09/18 $164.01 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 24919 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $95.85 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 24522 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS COUNCIL CHEF REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 2 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*> $259.86* 158922 1995/09/18 $238.36 AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER GENERAL SUPPLIES 40088970 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $238.36* 158923 1995/09/18 $28.34 AMERICAN LINEN LINEN LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 083195 083195 50TH ST OCCUPA VERNON OCCUPAN LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 $41.58 $232.78 AMERICAN AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 083195 FIRE DEPT. GEN LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $42.03 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 083195 CITY HALL GENE LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $12.31 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 083195 LABORATORY LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $71.57 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 083195. YORK OCCUPANCY LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $113.42 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 083195. GRILL LAUNDRY < *> $542.03* 158924 1995/09/18 $17.00 ANDY'S PORTABLES RUBBISH REMOVAL 4545 MAINT OF COURS MAINT OF COURS RUBBISH REMOVA RUBBISH REMOVA 1995/09/18 $58.65 ANDY'S PORTABLES RUBBISH REMOVAL 4616 < *> $75.65* 158925 1995/09/18 $45.00 ANFINSON, GINA CLEANING 35 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $45.00* 158926 1995/09/18 $87.15 APPRAISAL INSTITUTE GENERAL SUPPLIES 091195 ASSESSING GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $87.15* 158927 1995/09/18 $48.14 AQUA ENGINEERING GENERAL SUPPLIES 14707 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $48.14* 158928 1995/09/18 $8,972.00 ARNT CONSTRUCTION COMPAN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 6289 GENERAL STORM CONTR REPAIRS < *> $8,972.00* 158929 1995/09/18 $382.20 ASCAP DUES/ CL /EB 091195 ED ADMINISTRAT DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $382.20* 158930 1995/09/18 $48.46 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. Solenoid 2281 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $48.46* 158931 1995/09/18 $39.94 AT & T WIRELESS SERVICE BATTERY 79193 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $39.94* 158932 1995/09/18 $244.95 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER CENTRAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL 042295 052795 POLICE DEPT. G POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL EQUIP RENTAL 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 $250.80 $10.00 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER RENTAL 6331736 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $30.00 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER RENTAL PAGER RENTAL 6331736 6331736 PUMP & LIFT ST COMMUNICATIONS CONTR REPAIRS CONTR REPAIRS 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 $5.00 $5.00 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER RENTAL 6331736 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $195.60 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER RENTAL 6331736 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL EQUIP RENTAL 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 $5..00 $5.00 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER RENTAL PAGER RENTAL 6331736 6331736 FINANCE VERNON OCCUPAN TELEPHONE < *> $751.35* 158933 1995/09/18 $18.60 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 3103579 3102787 DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 $50.42 $69.13 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES TELEPHONE 082895/R COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $178.20 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES TELEPHONE 082895/P PARK ADMIN. TELEPHONE < *> $316.35* COUNCIL CHE.._. REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 3 CHECK NO : DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ---=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158934 1995/09/18 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 0818 SENIOR CITIZEN TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $5.00 AT &T TELEPHONE 08195 50TH ST OCCUPA TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $7.17 AT &T, TELEPHONE 81895 YORK OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 0895 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $5.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 895 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $53.42 AT &T TELEPHONE 081895 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE < *> $81.49* 158935 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 < *> 158936 1995/09/18 158937 1995/09/18 158938 1995/09/18 158939 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 158940 158941 $32.34 AUGIE'S MOBILE CHEF CATE COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 29558 $52.56 AUGIE'S MOBILE CHEF CATE COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 30025 $84.90* $20.00 BAGLEY, DOUG $20.00* $40.58 BAKER POOLS $40.58* NORMANDALE GC CST OF GD FOOD NORMANDALE GC CST OF GD FOOD CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FI 090895 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW REPAIR PARTS 39173 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS $1,711.16 BARR ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 23273542 STORM SEWER CIP $1,711.16* $160.00 BCA /TRAINING & DEVELOPME CONFERENCES $160.00 BCA /TRAINING & DEVELOPME CONFERENCES $160.00 BCA /TRAINING & DEVELOPME CONFERENCES $160.00 BCA /TRAINING & DEVELOPME CONFERENCES $160.00 BCA /TRAINING & DEVELOPME CONFERENCES $800.00* & SCHOOLS T001030 & SCHOOLS T0010350 & SCHOOLS T001036 & SCHOOLS T001039 & SCHOOLS T001040 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 1995/09/18 $1,990.59 BEAR COMMUNICATIONS INC EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 057583 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM 1995/09/18 $525.00 BEAR COMMUNICATIONS INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 058423 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 1995/09/18 $26.57 BEAR COMMUNICATIONS INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 058423 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI $2,542.16* 1995/09/18 $498.42 BECKER ARENA PRODUCT CONTRACTED REPAIRS 20896 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS $498.42* 158943 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 -$4.80 $86.40 -$3.80 -$2.43 $86.50 - $36.95 $97.45 $56.85 - $19.95 -$3.68 $110.00 $45.00 $19.10 $155.59 $50.10 $26.50 $66.86 $113.10 $841.84* BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 79525 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 79523 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 220037 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 220036 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 219891 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 79744 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 79874 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 220232 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 80145 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 800307 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 80303 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 220541 PAPER SUPPLIES 220541 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 220562 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 220542 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 80754 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 220843 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 220844 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST.SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COUNCIL CHEF REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 4 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 158944 1995/09/18 $85.80 BENN, BRADLEY ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $85.80* 158945 1995/09/18 $279.30 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 083195/V VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/09/18 $247.30 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 083195/Y YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/09/18 $121.50 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 083195/5 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU < *> $648.10* 158946 1995/09/18 $860.00 BERGLUND, STANLEY CONTRACTED REPAIRS 091195 MAINT OF COURS CONTR REPAIRS < *> $860.00* 158947 1995/09/18 $190.94 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2607670 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $8.95 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2807671 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $32.76 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2827190 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $73.40 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2830551 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $172.77 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2847450 FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE 1995/09/18 $131.00 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2847480 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $50.68 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2847500 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $8.05 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 2847540 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 - $11.42 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES CM281588 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $13.94 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2856780 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE 1995/09/18 - $33.49 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES CM282866 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 - $12.74 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES CM282764 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $624.84* 158948 1995/09/18 $55.71 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS OF REPLACE LOCK CORES 021479 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $205.12 BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS OF KEYS 22301 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS < *> $260.83* 158949 1995/09/18 $85.00 BETSWORTH, JACKI SERVICES CL /EB 090695 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $85.00* 158950 1995/09/18 $5,417.83 BFI OF MN INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1093657 50TH STREET RU PROF SERVICES < *> $5,417.83* 158951 1995/09/18 $32,436.02 BFI RECYCLING SYS Recycling Charges 95080070 RECYCLING Recycling Char < *> $32,436.02* 158952 1995/09/18 $130.52 BIFFS INC RUBBISH REMOVAL 22574 MAINT OF COURS RUBBISH REMOVA < *> $130.52* t599 -9 1995/09/18 $131.76 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS BLACKTOP 69570 STREET RENOVAT BLA KTOP 154077 $51,091.95 < *> $131.76* - - - - -- - 158954 1995/09/18 $25.90 BLEDSOE, SARA ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $25.90* 158955 •1995/09/18 $100.00 BLOOD, DAVID POLICE SERVICES SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 158956 1995/09/18 - $182.48 BOYER TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS 422509CM EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $23.43 BOYER TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS 426384 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $84.85 BOYER TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS 428502 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $118.97 BOYER TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS 429106 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 154078 1995/09/18 $51,091.95 Bituminous Consulting Tennis Court Const. 004864 Parks CIP $51,091.95* COUNCIL CHE REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 5 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. -- ----- < *> A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $44.77* 158957 1995/09/18 $138.45 BRADLEY EXTERMINATING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 315190 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES < *> $138.45* 158958 1995/09/18 $34.83 BRAEMAR PRINTING PRINTING 45399 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING < *> $34.83* 158959 1995/09/18 $122.71 BROCK WHITE REPAIR PARTS 79347501 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $83.02 BROCK WHITE GENERAL SUPPLIES 80086401 SIDEWALKS SNOW GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $205.73* 158960 1995/09/18 $44.85 BROCKWAY, MAUREEN ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $44.85* 158961 1995/09/18 $46.00 BRUMFIELD, ADRIANE CLASS REFUND 0829 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < *> $46.00* 158962 1995/09/18 $17.27 BUBLITZ, SUSAN REFUND AMBULANCE OVER 942729 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $17.27* 158963 1995/09/18 $122.20 BUEHLL, KIM ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $122.20* 158964 1995/09/18 $45.10 BUILDERS SQUARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 14451360 50TH ST SELLIN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $45.10* 158965 1995/09/18 $100.00 BUTLER, GEORGE POLICE SERVICES SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 158966 1995/09/18 $174.90 CALLAHAN, FRAN MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 090595 PUBLIC HEALTH MILEAGE < *> , $174.90* 158967 1995/09/18 $959.11 CALLAWAY GOLF COST OF GOODS - PRO S 502316 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1995/09/18 $298.39 CALLAWAY GOLF COST OF GOODS - PRO S 504566 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $1,257.50* 158968 1995/09/18 $26.00 CAMPE, HARRIET ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $26.00* 158969 1995/09/18 $50.00 CANTON, JANET MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 091295 FINANCE MILEAGE < *> $50.00* 158970 1995/09/18 $125.20 CAPITOL COMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 9556 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $125.20* 158971 1995/09/18 $116.03 CARSON, PAUL CHEMICALS 090195 GENERAL TURF C CHEMICALS < *> $116.03* 158972 1995/09/18 $478.01 CATCO REPAIR PARTS 383419 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $478.01* 158973 1995/09/18 $292.50 CENTRAIRIE INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 46618 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS < *> $292.50* COUNCIL CHEC,. - EGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 6 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION ----------------- INVOICE PROGRAM - - - - - - - - -- - - -- OBJECT PO NUM. - - - -- - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158974 1995/09/18 $131.10 CERTIFIED POWER TRAIN REPAIR PARTS 152918 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS <*> $131.10* 158975 1995/09/18 $1,000.00 CHRISTIANSON, PAUL GENERAL SUPPLIES 091795 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $1,000.00* 158976 1995/09/18 $40.00 CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE SERVICES CL /EB 090695 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER <*> $40.00* 158977 1995/09/18 $166.67 CITY OF EDINA SCHED AD ADVERTISING OTHER 1379 1379 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING ADVERT OTHER ADVERT OTHER 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 $166.67 $166.66 CITY OF EDINA CITY OF EDINA SCHED AD 1379 VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER *> $500.00* 158978 1995/09/18 $185.00 CITY OF EDINA RUBBISH REMOVAL 2025 50TH ST OCCUPA RUBBISH REMOVA *> $185.00* 158979 1995/09/18 $288.00 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MEETING EXPENSE 091195 CONTINGENCIES MEETING EXPENS <*> $288.00* 158980 1995/09/18 $15.71 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE WINDOW CLEANING 74225 74224 VERNON OCCUPAN YORK OCCUPANCY CONTR REPAIRS CONTR REPAIRS 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 $15.71 $15.71 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING 74226 50TH ST OCCUPA CONTR REPAIRS *> $47.13* 158981 1995/09/18 $143.45 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 24840 24840 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS EQUIP MAINT 1995/09/18 $1,110.00 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP < *> $1,253.45* 158982 1995/09/18 $88.20 CLEVELAND GOLF COST OF GOODS - PRO S 14655 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR <*> $88.20* 158983 1995/09/18 $39.26 COBRA GOLF INC COST OF GOODS - PRO S PRO S 12133812 080195 PRO SHOP PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR COST OF GDS -PR 1995/09/18 $1,500.00 COBRA GOLF INC COST OF GOODS - < *> $1,539.26* 158984 1995/09/18 $419.70 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPA COST OF GOODS SOLD MI MI 04973490 05021190 VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 $238.00 $89.20 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPA COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 05021158 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX *> $746.90* 158985 1995/09/18 $109.00 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPOR GENERAL SUPPLIES 091295 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI <*> $109.00* 158986 1995/09/18 $59.40 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 616825 ST LIGHTING OR PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $103.32 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 635901 SAFETY EQUIPME 1995/09/18 $329.62 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS SAFETY EQUIPMENT 639220 GENERALNMAINTR SAFETY EQUIPME <*> $554.33* 158987 1995/09/18 $26.00 CRABB, CATY ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER <*> $26.00* 158988 1995/09/18 $1,386.67 CRIMMINS MD, TIMOTHY J MEDICAL SERVICES SEPT 199 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES < *> $1,386.67* COUNCIL CH, REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 7 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --- - - - - -- L-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158989 1995/09/18 $10.00 CRISIS RESPONSE ASSOC REG FEE FIRE 091295 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $10.00* 158990 1995/09/18 $75.91 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 75151 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $252.28 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 75152 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $171.40 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 75222 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS < *> $499.59* 158991 1995/09/18 $21.14 D & M INDUSTRIES REPAIR PARTS 76208 CLUB HOUSE REPAIR PARTS < *> $21.14* 158992 1995/09/18 $17.64 D C SALES REPAIR PARTS 323869 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS < *> $17.64* 158993 1995/09/18 $32.00 D.C. HEY CO. SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 5434061 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $32.00* 158994 1995/09/18 $98.66 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN REPAIR PARTS 185466 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS < *> $98.66* 158995 1995/09/18 $335.60 DAVE'S DAIRY DELIVERY COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 083195 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD < *> $335.60* 158996 1995/09/18 $2,127.25 DAVID GEOFFREY & ASSOCIA COST OF GOODS - PRO S 0470979 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1995/09/18 $532.08 DAVID GEOFFREY & ASSOCIA COST OF GOODS - PRO S 536824 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $2,659.33* 158997 1995/09/18 $306.04 DAYSTARTER BATTERIES 11693 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $306.04* 158998 1995/09/18 $975.65 DCA INC HOSPITALIZATION 074340 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO < *> $975.65* 158999 1995/09/18 $85.20 DE- SIGNER GENERAL SUPPLIES 032750 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $468.60 DE- SIGNER GENERAL SUPPLIES 032490 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $553.80* 159000 1995/09/18 $199.69 DELI DOUBLE COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 091195 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD < *> $199.69* 159001 1995/09/18 $225.00 DELMONT COMMUNICATIONS BOOKS & PAMPHLETS D5109 COMMUNICATIONS BOOKS & PAMPHL < *> $225.00* 159002 1995/09/18 $7.90 DEPENDABLE COURIER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10125 PUBLIC HEALTH PROF SERVICES < *> $7.90* 159003 1995/09/18 $548.45 DESCENTE AMERICA INC COST OF GOODS- PRO S 063095 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $548.45* 159004 1995/09/18 $497.00 DON BETZEN GOLF CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 3513 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $497.00* 159005 1995/09/18 $6,842.40 DORSEY & WHITNEY PROFESSIONAL SERV - L 450187 LEGAL SERVICES PRO SVC - LEGA < *> $6,842.40* COUNCIL CHEC. .cEGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM CIP EDWARD KRAEMER & SONS IN SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 59625 MAINT OF COURS page 8 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION ESS BROS & SONS INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. - - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159006 1995/09/18 $184.18 DPC INDUSTRIES CHEMICALS SALES OTHER 01118462 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS < *> $184.18* 159007 1995/09/18 $56.25 DUTCH GARDENS COURSE BEAUTIFICATION 91302 MAINT OF COURS COURSE BEAUTIF < *> $56.25* 159008 1995/09/18 $410.22 E -Z SHARP INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 6457 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $410.22* 159009 1995/09/18 $177.91 EARL F. ANDERSON REPAIR PARTS 00143575 MOWING REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $924.95 EARL F. ANDERSON SIGNS 00143676 PATHS & HARD S PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $150.91 EARL F. ANDERSON SIGNS & POSTS 143771 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS < *> $1,253.77* 159010 1995/09/18 $1,782.45 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 565668 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $39.75 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 565669 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $409.80 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 565669 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $2,691.65 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 565670 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $383.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 566877 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $198.75 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 566876 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $159.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 566869 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $2,750.15 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 569255 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $1,193.30 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 569244 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $1,759.30 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 569243 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $11,367.15* 159011 1995/09/18 $94.79 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 3506265 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 1995/09/18 $111.83 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 3506261 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $206.62* 159012 1995/09/18 $71.57 EDINA CLEANERS DRY CLEANING 090795 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES < * >, $71.57* 159013 1995/09/18 $500.00 EDINA FAMILY CENTER FAIRVIEW REIMB 090495 HUMAN RELATION PRO SVC OTHER < *> $500.00* 159014 1995/09/18 159015 1995/09/18 159016 1995/09/18 159017 1995/09/18 159018 1995/09/18 159019 1995/09/18 159020 1995/09/18 $176,355.00 $176,355.00* $62.16 $62.16* $218,777.12 $218,777.12* $186.31 $186.31* $26.00 $26.00* $159.75 $159.75* $45.50 EDINA FIRE RELIEF ASSOCI STATE FIRE AID EDINA HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 090695 GENERAL FD PRO POLICE AID 1% 358383 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI EDWARD KRAEMER & SONS IN CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 95 -1 #6 STREET IMPROVE CIP EDWARD KRAEMER & SONS IN SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 59625 MAINT OF COURS SAND,GRVL & RO ERICKSON, MARY ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER ESS BROS & SONS CASTINGS 2662 GENERAL STORM CASTINGS FARBER, DIANE ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER COUNCIL CHI .2EGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 9 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --- - - - - -- <+> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $45.50* 159021 1995/09/18 $53.95 FAST 1 HOUR PHOTO GENERAL SUPPLIES C25928 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $53.95* 159022 1995/09/18 $159.75 FASTSIGN GENERAL SUPPLIES 3854 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $159.75* 159023 1995/09/18 $209.60 FEED RITE CONTROL CHEMICALS 68945 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 1995/09/18 $2,688.69 FEED RITE CONTROL WATER TREATMENT SUPPL 68782 WATER TREATMEN WATER TRTMT SU < *> $2,898.29* 159024 1995/09/18 $272.64 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COMPA JET HOSE 2902 VEHICLE OPERAT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $272.64* 159025 1995/09/18 $33.77 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 121580 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $33.88 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 122598 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS < *> $67.65* 159026 1995/09/18 $35.75 FRAME, SUSAN ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $35.75* 159027 1995/09/18 $316.00 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 091295 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $316.00* 159028 1995/09/18 $23.32 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 082595 ED BUILDING & LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $287.34 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 082595 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $676.52 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 082595 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $134.62 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 082595 ARENA BLDG /GRO LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $254.37 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 082595 PW BUILDING LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $146.16 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 082595 PUMP & LIFT ST LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $284.40 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 082595 EQUIPMENT OPER LAUNDRY < *> $1,806.73* 159029 1995/09/18 $202.29 GABBERT & BECK SPRINKLER REPAIR 014168 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS < *> $202.29* 159030 1995/09/18 $85.00 GALLAGHER, MARY ANN CLASS REFUND 083095 ART CNTR FROG REGISTRATION F < *> $85.00* 159031 1995/09/18 $232.00 GANDRUD, RONALD G PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 090795 NORMANDALE GC PROF SERVICES < *> $232.00* 159032 1995/09/18 $241.52 GANZER DIST INC COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 792614 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $381.00 GANZER DIST INC COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 192615 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $26.50 GANZER DIST INC COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 192738 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE < *> $649.02* 159033 1995/09/18 $32.50 GIBBS, JEANNIE ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR FROG SALES OTHER < *> $32.50* 159034 1995/09/18 $103,699.58 GLOBAL SPECIALTY CONTRAC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 95 -1 #4 UTILITIES -GRAN CIP < *> $103,699.58* 159035 1995/09/18 $66.59 GOLD EAGLE COST OF GOODS - PRO S B131327 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR COUNCIL CHEt. REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 10 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM - -- - OBJECT PO NUM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*> $66.59* 159036 1995/09/18 $39.00 GOLDSMITH, BONNIE ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $39.00* 159037 1995/09/18 $1,400.00 GOLF CAR INC RENTAL CONTRACT 0133 GOLF CARS LEASE LINES < *> $1,400.00* 159038 1995/09/18 $80.00 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO S 9295 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $80.00* 159039 1995/09/18 $62.53 GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 49866838 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $32.55 GRAINGER GENERAL SUPPLIES 2615856 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $155.21 GRAINGER CORD 6692087 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $56.90 GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 8794438 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS < *> $307.19* 159040 1995/09/18 $29.25 GRAY, CAROL ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $29.25* 159041 1995/09/18 $258.86 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. REPAIR PARTS 50068312 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS < *> $258.86* 159042 1995/09/18 $70.29 GREEN VALUE NURSERY PLANTINGS & TREES 12647 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES < *> $70.29* 159043 1995/09/18 $1,673.59 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY OIL 278285 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS < *> $1,673.59* 159044 1995/09/18 $34.26 HAMMER, NANCY ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR FROG SALES OTHER < *> $34.26* 159045 1995/09/18 $20.00 HANSEN, WILLIAM UNIFORM ALLOWANCE FIR 090895 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $20.00* 159046 1995/09/18 $150.00 HANSON, DOUG JURIED SHOW JUDGE 091195 ART SUPPLY GIF PROF SERVICES < *> $150.00* 159047 1995/09/18 $170.62 HARMON GLASS GLASS SLIDER 0027382 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS < *> $170.62* 159048 1995/09/18 $35.75 HEALY, BONALYN ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $35.75* 159049 1995/09/18 $79.63 HEDGES, DIANA ART WORK SOLD 091195 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $79.63* 159050 1995/09/18 $224.25 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 090195 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD < *> $224.25* 159051 1995/09/18 $347.67 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 51980 44 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT < *> $347.67* 159052 1995/09/18 $8,758.65 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURE SPECIAL ASSSESSMENTS 091895 SPECIAL ASSESS EQUIP REPLACEM 1995/09/18 $17,970.09 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURE SPECIAL ASSESSEMENTS 091895 IBR #2 PROG EQUIP REPLACEM COUNCIL CHE .4EGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 11 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --- - - - - -- <*> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $26,728.74* 159053 1995/09/18 $159.13 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURE SIGN 23410 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS < *> $159.13* 159054 1995/09/18 $142.50 HERMAN MILLER INC. CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 412142 GC CIP CIP < *> $142.50* 159055 1995/09/18 $372.75 HIRSHFIELD'S PAINT MFG LINE MARKING POWDER 034130 FIELD MAINTENA LINE MARK POWD < *> $372.75* 159056 1995/09/18 $26.98 HIRSHFIELDS GENERAL SUPPLIES 0379686 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $26.98* 159057 1995/09/18 $100.00 HOFFMAN, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < * >. $100.00* 159058 1995/09/18 $54.75 HOME JUICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 52251 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $54.75* 159059 1995/09/18 $273.69 HONEYWELL INC REPAIR PARTS 279P7985 CLUB HOUSE REPAIR PARTS < *> $273.69* 159060 1995/09/18 $235.15 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO INC CHEMICALS 5031 ED BUILDING & CHEMICALS < *> $235.15* 159061 1995/09/18 $150.03 HORWATH, TOM MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 090595 TREES & MAINTE MILEAGE < *> $150.03* 159062 1995/09/18 $58.27 HUEBSCH SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 855353 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 1995/09/18 $16.55 HUEBSCH SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 859177 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI < *> '$74.82* 159063 1995/09/18 $135.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR ACCESSORIES 080495 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1995/09/18 $145.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 081595 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS < *> $280.00* 159064 1995/09/18 $50.00 HYBBERT, WALTER AMBULANCE FEES 082995 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $50.00* 159065 1995/09/18 $4,118.78 HYDRO SUPPLY CO INVENTORY WATER METER 8714 UTILITY PROG INVENTORY WATE 1995/09/18 $1,490.94 HYDRO SUPPLY CO INVENTORY WATER METER 8714 UTILITY PROG INVENTORY WATE < *> $5,609.72* 159066 1995/09/18 $360.00 IACP CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 091295 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $360.00* 159067 1995/09/18 $1,420.22 IMPERIAL HEADWEAR INC COST OF GOODS - PRO S 073195 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $1,420.22* 159068 1995/09/18 $150.69 INTERIOR COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 17164 INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE < *> $150.69* 159069 1995/09/18 $356.00 INTERLACHEN TRAVEL CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 044014 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $356.00* COUNCIL CHEt- REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 12 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM - OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - -- -- 159070 1995/09/18 $99.55 IVERSON, KATHY TELEPHONE 090895 SPEC PROD DONA TELEPHONE < *> $99.55* 159071 1995/09/18 159072 1995/09/18 159073 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 159074 1995/09/18 159075 1995/09/18 159077 1995/09/18 REPAIR 1995/09/18 276485 1995/09/18 REPAIR 1995/09/18 275315 1995/09/18 GENERAL 1995/09/18 281295 1995/09/18 REPAIR 1995/09/18 284304 1995/09/18 REPAIR 1995/09/18 GENERAL 1995/09/18 JERRYS 1995/09/18 GENERAL 1995/09/18 083195 1995/09/18 GENERAL 1995/09/18 JERRYS 1995/09/18 GENERAL 1995/09/18 083195 1995/09/18 GENERAL 1995/09/18 JERRYS HARDWARE 159078 1995/09/18 083195 ST LIGHTING OR 159079 1995/09/18 JERRYS HARDWARE 159080 1995/09/18 083195 STREET NAME SI 159081 1995/09/18 JERRYS 1995/09/18 GENERAL 1995/09/18 $2,112.38 IZOD CLUB GOLF & TENNIS COST OF GOODS - PRO S 072995 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR $2,112.38* $76,544.00 $76,544.00* $360.80 $412.19 $76.84 $56.20 $365.48 $1,271.51* $100.00 $100.00* $938.13 $938.13* $7.53 $3.54 $198.22 $337.55 $59.64 $227.01 $23.62 $135.49 $2.60 $23.89 $29.37 $10.33 $89.01 $30.67 $242.55 $15.57 $30.78 $4.25 $4.84 $1,476.46* $266.55 $266.55* $489.94 $489.94* $4,984.00 $4,984.00* $110.42 $28.00 $22.15 J & W SANDBLASTING STORAGE TANKS J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C REPAIR PARTS J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C REPAIR PARTS J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C GENERAL SUPPLIES J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C REPAIR PARTS J.N. LARSON ELECTRICAL C REPAIR PARTS JAMES, WILLIAM F POLICE SERVICES 959 - #1 UTILITY PROG STORAGE TANKS 276484 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 276485 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 275315 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 281295 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 284304 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SER CONTRACTED REPAIRS 6840 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 ARENA ICE MAIN GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 NORMAN. MAINT. GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 PUBLIC HEALTH GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 VERNON OCCUPAN GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING F2456 PARK ADMIN. PRINTING JIM HATCH SALES WEARING SHOES 5864 STREET CLEANIN WEARING SHOES JOHN KAUFMAN SHEET METAL TEAR OFF /RE -ROOF 083095 CDBG PROG PROF SERVICES JOHNSON, NAOMI CRAFT SUPPLIES 091195 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES JOHNSON, NAOMI OFFICE SUPPLIES 091195 ART CENTER ADM OFFICE SUPPLIE JOHNSON, NAOMI PRINTING 091195 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING COUNCIL CHE 4EGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 13 CHECK NO DATE 4 CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT. PO NUM. --- 7 ----- <*> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $160.57* 159082 1995/09/18 $100.00 JOHNSON, WALTER POLICE SERVICES SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 159083 1995/09/18 $4,637.65 JP FOODSERVICES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 083195 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 1995/09/18 $593.12 JP FOODSERVICES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 083195 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $764.35 JP FOODSERVICES INC CLEANING SUPPLIES 083195 GRILL CLEANING SUPPL < *> $5,995.12* 159084 1995/09/18 $60.12 JPM STORE FIXTURE & DISP COST OF GOODS - PRO S 269901 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $60.12* 159085 1995/09/18 $42.60 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOL REPAIR PARTS 2122428 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS < *> $42.60* 159086 1995/09/18 $749.19 KANGOL HEADWEAR COST OF GOODS - PRO S 061595 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $749.19* 159087 1995/09/18 $1,205.00 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 073195 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1995/09/18 $655.69 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2452854 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1995/09/18 $219.91 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2455230 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1995/09/18 $93.91 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2456850 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1995/09/18 $533.09 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2457247 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1995/09/18 $57.60 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2459371 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $2,765.20* 159088 1995/09/18 $23.00 KINDERBERRY GENERAL ADMISSIONS 090795 SWIM PROG GEN ADMISSIONS < *> $23.00* 159089 1995/09/18 $7.99 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 166730 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 1995/09/18 $96.18 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 169066 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $18.72 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 169602 NORMAN. MAINT. LUMBER 1995/09/18 $115.94 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 169543 NORMAN. MAINT. LUMBER 1995/09/18 $22.61 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 170068 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $261.44* 159090 1995/09/18 $1,283.25 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 139471 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $498.30 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 193500 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $1,689.50 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 139910 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $1,003.55 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 139948 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE < *> $4,474.60* 159091 1995/09/18 $193.32 KUYPER, SCOTT CONT ED /POLICE 091195 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $193.32* 159092 1995/09/18 $3,330.00 L & R SUBURBAN LANDSCAPE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 091195 GENERAL STORM CONTR REPAIRS < *> $3,330.00* 159093 1995/09/18 $647.50 LABOR RELATIONS ASN. SERVICES 70195 ADMINISTRATION SALARIES TEMP < *> $647.50* 159094 1995/09/18 $85.00 LAFLEUR, MARY SERVICES CL /EB 090695 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $85.00* COUNCIL CHEF. REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 14 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 159095 1995/09/18 $873.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4004 -1 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $741.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2144 -1 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $993.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1686 -1 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $641.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3028 -1 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $473.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3079 -3 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $740.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3562 -1 GENERAL TURF C PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $354.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3566 -1 GENERAL TURF C PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $356.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC INVENTORY WATER METER 4690. UTILITY FROG INVENTORY WATE 1995/09/18 $473.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC INVENTORY WATER METER 4040. UTILITY PROG INVENTORY WATE < *> $5,644.00* 159096 1995/09/18 $75.00 LAKEWOOD COMMUNITY COLLE SEMINAR 090795 WORK. CAP. PRO ACCTS REC MISC < *> $75.00* 159097 1995/09/18 $54.60 LANCRETE, LAURA MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 083095 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE < *> $54.60* 159098 1995/09/18 $20.00 LANDRY, STEPHEN UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 090895 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $20.00* 159099 1995/09/18 $387.34 LATHROP PAINT SUPPLY COM PAINT 595549 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 1995/09/18 $94.97 LATHROP PAINT SUPPLY COM GENERAL SUPPLIES 598260 BRIDGES GUARD GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $20.35 LATHROP PAINT SUPPLY COM GENERAL SUPPLIES 598303 BRIDGES GUARD GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $502.66* 159100 1995/09/18 $467.36 LAWSON PRODUCTS ACCESSORIES 1317743 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1995/09/18 $251.60 LAWSON PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1317745 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $718.96* 159101 1995/09/18 $139.00 LEBERT, ANITA GENERAL SUPPLIES 090795 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $139.00* 159102 1995/09/18 $29.38 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 083195/G MAINT OF COURS LAUNDRY 1995/09/18 $84.94 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 0831 ART CENTER BLD LAUNDRY < *> $114.32* 159103 1995/09/18 $1,886.14 LEITNER COMPANY SOD & BLACK DIRT 082995 MAINT OF COURS SOD & DIRT 1995/09/18 $466.01 LEITNER COMPANY SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 082995 MAINT OF COURS SAND,GRVL & RO < *> $2,352.15* 159104 1995/09/18 $88.20 LESSMAN, GREG COST OF GOODS - PRO S 8167 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $88.20* 159105 1995/09/18 $7.99 LINHOFF GENERAL SUPPLIES 1099 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $23.42 LINHOFF GENERAL SUPPLIES 1152 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $15.98 LINNOFF GENERAL SUPPLIES 1226 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $47.39* 159106 1995/09/18 $5,323.32 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0895 FINANCE DATA PROCESSIN 1995/09/18 $2,150.25 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0895 ASSESSING DATA PROCESSIN 1995/09/18 $1,237.42 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0895 GENERAL(BILLIN DATA PROCESSIN 1995/09/18 $17.04 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0895 LIQUOR 50TH ST-DATA PROCESSIN 1995/09/18 $17.04 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0895 LIQUOR YORK GE DATA PROCESSIN 1995/09/18 $17.04 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0895 VERNON LIQUOR DATA PROCESSIN < *> $8,762.11* COUNCIL CH1 REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 15 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159107 1995/09/18 $2,005.02 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQUI MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 000000 GOLF PROG MACH. & EQUIP < *> $2,005.02* 159108 1995/09/18 $836.22 LONG, JEFF CONT ED /POLICE 091195 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $836.22* 159109 1995/09/18 $64.11 LUBTECH GENERAL SUPPLIES 166066 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $64.11* 159110 1995/09/18 $61.72 LUND, KAREN ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $61.72* 159111 1995/09/18 $28.23 LUTTS, WILLIAM CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 090895 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $28.23* 159112 1995/09/18 $39.65 LYMAN, MARTHA ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $39.65* 159113 1995/09/18 $323.38 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 39694 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $510.60 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 39754 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $221.26 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 39798 50TH ST SELLIN CST•OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $493.58 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 39868 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $204.24 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 39897 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $340.40 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 39925 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $2,093.46* 159114 1995/09/18 - $312.77 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. REPAIR PARTS 625 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 - $392.79 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. REPAIR PARTS 615 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $339.18 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. WEARING SHOES 2956651 STREET CLEANIN WEARING SHOES 1995/09/18 $385.26 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. BROOMS 2956394 STREET CLEANIN BROOMS 1995/09/18 $423.87 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. BROOMS 2956714 STREET CLEANIN BROOMS 1995/09/18 $46.44 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. REPAIR PARTS 2957032 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $489.19* 159115 1995/09/18 $70.65 MACA CONFERENCE - RYAN 083095 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $70.65* 159116 1995/09/18 $60.00 MACDONALD, BILL COST OF GOODS - PRO S 68165 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $60.00* 159117 1995/09/18 $18.78 MALONEY, JOHN CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 090895 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $18.78* 159119 1995/09/18 -$8.75 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 418922. 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $29.60 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 424307 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $95.55 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 424305 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $3,555.81 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 424306 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $31.90 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 424333 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $947.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 424302 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $113.30 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 424303 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $51.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 424304 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $78.50 MARK VII SALES CREDIT TAKEN.TWICE 365818 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $225.88 MARK VII SALES BEER / NORMANDALE GC 0831 NORMANDALE GC CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $2,554.00 MARK VII SALES BEER /BRAEMAR GC 083195. GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $749.75 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 426599 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE COUNCIL CHEC. ..EGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 16 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTIONINVOICE ---- -- - - - -- PROGRAM --- - - - - -- OBJECT -- - - -PO - NUM_ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159119 1995/09/18 $34.75 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 427248 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $1,432.70 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 427249 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $106.30 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 427215 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $1,815.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 427216 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $13.25 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 427214 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $12.75 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 427212 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $2,333.90 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 427213 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $254.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 427217 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $141.60 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 428902 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $18.75 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 4289003 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $2,080.30 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 429285 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $16,667.74* 159120 1995/09/18 $426.60 MARLIN INDUSTRIAL DIVISI CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 090195 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $426.60* 159121 1995/09/18 $96.00 MCCARTHY, LOWELL MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 090795 WEED MOWING MILEAGE < *> $96.00* 159122 1995/09/18 $26.44 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 19498 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $291.27 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY TOOLS 083195/P EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 1995/09/18 $2,434.09 MCGUIRE AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 083195/P EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $2,751.80* 159123 1995/09/18 $60.00 MCMA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 091295 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $60.00* 159124 1995/09/18 $51.98 MECO ACCESSORIES 68581 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES < *> $51.98* 159125 1995/09/18 $40.56 MENARDS LUMBER 544185 012262 CLUB HOUSE CLUB HOUSE LUMBER LUMBER 1995/09/18 $230.66 MENARDS LUMBER < *> $271.22* 159126 1995/09/18 $100.00 MERFELD, BURT POLICE SERVICES SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 159127 1995/09/18 $497.88 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 39834 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $985.13 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 39835 ED BUILDING & 1995/09/18 $350.86 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 39917 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 1995/09/18 $325.89 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 39918 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $452.09 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 39934 ARENA BLDG /GRO CLEANING SUPPL 1995/09/18 $338.67 MERIT SUPPLY ACCESSORIES 40017 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1995/09/18 $161.67 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 40027 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $379.45 MERIT SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 40040 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $3,491.64* 159128 1995/09/18 $339.45 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 8799 ARENA CONCESSI CST OF GD FOOD < *> $339.45* 159129 1995/09/18 $35.00 METRO LEGAL SERVICES ABSTRACT TRACT SEARCH 523884 GENERAL FD PRO PROF SERVICES < *> $35.00* 159130 1995/09/18 $1,107.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30679 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 1995/09/18 $719.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30682 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS COUNCIL CHL REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 17 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159130 1995/09/18 $560.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S CONTRACTED REPAIRS 30681 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS < *> $2,386.00* 159132 1995/09/18 $84.86 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 FIRE DEPT. GEN HEAT 1995/09/18 $59.30 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 CITY HALL GENE HEAT 1995/09/18 $106.44 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 PW BUILDING HEAT 1995/09/18 $225.48 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 BUILDING MAINT HEAT 1995/09/18 $76.47 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 ART CENTER BLD HEAT 1995/09/18 $2,536.37 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 POOL OPERATION HEAT 1995/09/18 $45.65 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 CLUB HOUSE HEAT 1995/09/18 $25.49 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 MAINT OF COURS HEAT 1995/09/18 $37.28 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 GOLF DOME HEAT 1995/09/18 $1,136.35 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 ARENA BLDG /GRO HEAT 1995/09/18 $138.98 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 ED BUILDING & HEAT 1995/09/18 $57.82 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 PUMP & LIFT ST HEAT 1995/09/18 $661.90 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 DISTRIBUTION HEAT 1995/09/18 .$9.97 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 50TH ST OCCUPA HEAT 1995/09/18 $15.98 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 YORK OCCUPANCY HEAT 1995/09/18 $19.39 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 VERNON OCCUPAN HEAT 1995/09/18 $65.41 MINNEGASCO HEAT 090195 ED BUILDING & HEAT < *> $5,303.14* 159133 1995/09/18 $8.00 MINNESOTA CERAMIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 178071 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD <*> $8.00* 159134 1995/09/18 $18,111.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICE CONNECT FEE 093095 WATER TREATMEN PRO SVC OTHER <*> $18,111.00* 159135 1995/09/18 $52.65 MINNESOTA DESIGNERS NETW ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $52.65* 159136 1995/09/18 $70.00 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 80376 ED BUILDING & SVC-CONTR EQUI 1995/09/18 $674.92 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 327928 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI <*> $744.92* 159137 1995/09/18 $78.83 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME GENERAL SUPPLIES 25948 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $324.83 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME GENERAL SUPPLIES 26125 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $403.66* 159138 1995/09/18 $1,919.80 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE SURTAX 080895 GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX <*> $1,919.80* 159139 1995/09/18 $289.68 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO ADVERTISING LEGAL 16695 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 1995/09/18 $97.92 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO ADVERTISING LEGAL 16757 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 1995/09/18 $501.44 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO ADVERTISING LEGAL 16863 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 1995/09/18 $50.49 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO ADVERTISING LEGAL 16862 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE < *> $939.53* 159140 1995/09/18 $106.00 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I8614 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $10.42 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I20483 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $158.04 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I27683 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $150.70 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS I52196 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $173.72 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS 256696 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $256.40 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO ACCESSORIES I56629 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1995/09/18 $86.07 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS 158966 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS COUNCIL CHEF_ REGISTER THU,. SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 18 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE -- --------- PROGRAM -- - - - - - - -- - - -- OBJECT- PO NUM. - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159140 1995/09/18 $26.03 MINNESOTA TORO DIST CO REPAIR PARTS 105854 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS < *> $967.38* 159141 1995/09/18 $30.35 MINNESOTA WANNER GENERAL SUPPLIES 26988 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $47.87 MINNESOTA WANNER GENERAL SUPPLIES 0027147 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $78.22* 159142 1995/09/18 $54.06 MINVALCO GENERAL SUPPLIES 46358 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $54.06* 159143 1995/09/18 $76.00 MITCHELL INTERNATIONAL DATA PROCESSING 1496313 EQUIPMENT OPER DATA PROCESSIN < *> $76.00* 159144 1995/09/18 $50.00 MN CHAPTER IAAI DUES /FIRE 090895 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $50.00* 159145 1995/09/18 $873.42 MODEL STONE GENERAL SUPPLIES 38536 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $306.56 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 38916 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1995/09/18 $334.21 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 39434 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 1995/09/18 $346.18 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 40518 DISTRIBUTION CONCRETE 1995/09/18 $91.29 MODEL STONE PAINT 41497 ED BUILDING & PAINT 1995/09/18 $12.12 MODEL STONE GENERAL SUPPLIES 42286 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $559.40 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 42718 DISTRIBUTION CONCRETE 1995/09/18 $550.72 MODEL STONE CONCRETE 43283 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE < *> $3,073.90* 159146 1995/09/18 $39.00 MOON, BRYAN ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $39.00* 159147 1995/09/18 $46.88 MOTOROLA INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE W3183265 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT < *> $46.88* 159148 1995/09/18 $30.00 MOTT, CAROL REFUND ART CLASS 082995 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $30.00* 159149 1995/09/18 $85.00 MPRC SEMINAR 090795 WORK. CAP. PRO ACCTS REC MISC < *> $85.00* 159150 1995/09/18 $125.00 MSP COMMUNICATIONS MSP /ST PAUL AD 082495 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER < *> $125.00* 159151 1995/09/18 $65.47 MTS NW SOUND CONTRACTED REPAIRS 321134 BUILDING MAINT CONTR REPAIRS 1995/09/18 $253.21 MTS NW SOUND REPAIR PARTS 320295 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS < *> $318.68* 159152 1995/09/18 $115.55 MUNICILITE CO ACCESSORIES 655064 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1995/09/18 $107.00 MUNICILITE CO ACCESSORIES 6751 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1995/09/18 $59.64 MUNICILITE CO REPAIR PARTS 6787 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $282.19* 159153 1995/09/18 $225.00 MYERS, JODI REEB AC INSTRUCTOR 091295 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $225.00* 159154 1995/09/18 $58.80 McCONNELL, ANN MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 0902 GOLF ADMINISTR MILEAGE < *> $58.80* COUNCIL CHb_._ REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM 2034787 STREET NAME SI page 19 CHECK NO. DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM -- - OBJECT PO NUM. - - - - - -------- - - - - -- __a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159155 1995/09/18 $14.21 NAPA AUTO PARTS REPAIR PARTS MN031796 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> SIGNS & POSTS $14.21* 159156 1995/09/18 $25.00 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF EXEC DUES /FIRE 090895 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI < *> 081595 $25.00* DUES & SUBSCRI $73.32* 159157 1995/09/18 $344.80 NEBCO EVANS DISTRIB COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 430234 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD < *> $344.80* 23809 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE $60.39* 159158 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 159159 1995/09/18 159160 1995/09/18 159161 1995/09/18 159162 1995/09/18 159163 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 159164 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 159165 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 159167 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 - $479.25 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGN SIGNS & POSTS 2034787 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS $463.28 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGN SIGNS & POSTS 2035415 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS $17.55 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGN SIGNS & POSTS 2037517 STREET'NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS $1.58* $73.32 NEWSWEEK DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 081595 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI $73.32* $60.39 NEXTEL RADIO SERVICE 23809 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE $60.39* $100.00 NISSEN, DICK POLICE SERVICES SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES $100.00* $23.78 NORTHERN AIRGAS NITROUS 32649 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP $23.78* $67.98 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 11832 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX $55.86 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 12331 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX $90.00 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 13147 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX $27.90 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 13149 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX $37.20 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 14684 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX $72.00 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 16865 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX $73.80 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 15896 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX $424.74* 65.36 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 234100 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 27.63 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF.GOODS SOLD FO 234120 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 61.56 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 234323 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD 45.37 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 234453 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD $199..92* $17.25 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES 22952 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES $128.50 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL 22960 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS $130.61 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES 23430 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES $422.57 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO HAZ. WASTE.DISPOSAL 23429 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS $422.57 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL 23431 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS $1,121.50* $355.47 NSP LIGHT '& POWER 091895 GENERAL MAINT LIGHT & POWER $8.67 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT & POWER $3,094.94 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 TRAFFIC SIGNAL. LIGHT & POWER $39.00 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER $47.24 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER $66.60 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER $1,610.51 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 PARKING RAMP LIGHT & POWER COUNCIL CHEt- REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 20 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 159167 1995/09/18 $15.08 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 CIVIL DEFENSE LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $2,586.60 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 CITY HALL GENE LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $2,100.96 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 PW BUILDING LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $1,475.74 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 BUILDING MAINT LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $4,159.20 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 CLUB HOUSE LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $7.40 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 MAINT OF COURS LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $1,854.65 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 POOL OPERATION LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $1,991.67 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 ARENA BLDG /GRO LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $277.53 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 GUN RANGE LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $719.61 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $858.35 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 DISTRIBUTION LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $1,005.08 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 50TH ST OCCUPA LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $82.18 NSP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 091895 AQUATIC WEEDS PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $1,677.26 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 YORK OCCUPANCY LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $921.51 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 VERNON OCCUPAN LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $24.65 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 GOLF DOME LIGHT & POWER 1995/09/18 $8,965.65 NSP LIGHT & POWER 091895 ED BUILDING & LIGHT & POWER < *> $33,945.55* 159168 1995/09/18 $36.73 OLSON, BETTYE ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $36.73* 159169 1995/09/18 $47.17 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM DATA PROCESSING 266975 POLICE DEPT. G DATA PROCESSIN 1995/09/18 $67.40 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM LPT 2/3 BRD 267217 INSPECTIONS EQUIP REPLACEM < *> $114.57* 159170 1995/09/18 $59.64 ORKIN CONTRACTED REPAIRS 090595 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS < *> $59.64* 159171 1995/09/18 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 3786757 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD 1995/09/18 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 3786874 GRILL CST OF GD FOOD < *> $148.00* 159172 1995/09/18 $1,246.05 OUTSIDE SERVICES INC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 9501 TREES 3 YR CIP < *> $1,246.05* 159173 1995/09/18 $1.69 PAGING NETWORK OF MINNEO TELEPHONE A022156 COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE < *> $1.69* 159174 1995/09/18 $29.25 PANCAKE, CHAR ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $29.25* 159175 1995/09/18 $14.00 PARAGON CABLE GENERAL SUPPLIES 082995 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $14.00* 159177 1995/09/18 - $12.00 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 052661 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $13.91 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 054781 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $44.88 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 055854 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $11.49 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 055968 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 - $125.00 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 055422 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $205.71 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 055417 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $68.36 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 056721 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $94.34 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 056555 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $20.19 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 058082 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $38.64 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 57912 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS COUNCIL CHL REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 21 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159177 1995/09/18 $34.80 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1058518 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $34.69 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1058514 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $7.75 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1058392 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $45.74 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 58685 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $42.30 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1059043 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $94.01 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1060623 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $96.52 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1061040 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $716.33* 159178 1995/09/18 $117.75 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 54533 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $312.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 54534 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $97.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 54532 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $181.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 54687 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $97.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 54684 • 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $27.95 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 54685 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $204.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 54686 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $43.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 54688 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $1,080.20* 159179 1995/09/18 $91.95 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 36093409 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $102.75 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 36393416 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $100.70 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 36893207 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $295.40* 159180 1995/09/18 $594.15 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 31357 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $39.90 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 31356 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $634.05* 159181 1995/09/18 $38.24 PLASTIC TO GO WAREHOUSE GENERAL SUPPLIES 1630 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $150.22 PLASTIC TO GO WAREHOUSE GENERAL SUPPLIES 1535 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $223.75 PLASTIC TO GO WAREHOUSE GENERAL SUPPLIES 3021 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $11.98 PLASTIC TO GO WAREHOUSE GENERAL SUPPLIES 1313 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $424.19* 159182 1995/09/18 $34.08 PLUNKETTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 944485 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $34.08* 159183 1995/09/18 $41.78 POMMER CO COUNCIL NAMEPLATE 039422 CITY COUNCIL GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $41.78* 159184 1995/09/18 $3,080.00 POSTMASTER ABOUT TOWN POSTAGE 091295 COMMUNICATIONS MILEAGE < *> $3,080.00* 159185 1995/09/18 $225.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 090795 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $225.00* 159186 1995/09/18 $505.87 PRECISION LANDSCAPE CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 090895 TREES 3YR CIP < *> $505.87* 159187 1995/09/18 $187.33 PRECISION TURF /CHEM CHEMICALS 006630 MAINT OF COURS CHEMICALS 1995/09/18 $690.12 PRECISION TURF /CHEM FERTILIZER 6674 GENERAL TURF C FERTILIZER < *> $877.45* 159188 1995/09/18 $14.50 PRINTERS SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 11551 ARENA ICE MAIN EQUIP MAINT < *> $14.50* COUNCIL CHE, REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:43 AM page 22 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION - - - - -- INVOICE ---- PROGRAM--- - - - - -- -- - - -- OBJECT PO NUM. 159189 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1995/09/18 $28,475.62 PROGRESSIVE CONTRACTORS CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 95 -7 #1 PARKING /PARKIN CIP < *> $28,475.62* 159190 1995/09/18 $265.25 QUANTUM CLEANING GENERAL SUPPLIES 8081 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $265.25* 159191 1995/09/18 $157.14 QUIK PRINT PRINTING 575935 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING < *> $157.14* 159192 1995/09/18 $20.00 RADJENOVICH, JOEL UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 090895 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $20.00* 159193 1995/09/18 $73.00 RAFIKI & ASSOCIATES INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1190 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $73.00* 159194 1995/09/18 $260.95 RED WING SHOES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 0566 PUMP & LIFT ST SAFETY EQUIPME < *> $260.95* 159195 1995/09/18 $250.22 REEDS SALES & SERV GENERAL SUPPLIES 10122 MOWING GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $250.22* 159196 1995/09/18 $262.35 REM SUPPLIES SAFETY EQUIPMENT 6052 6063 EQUIPMENT OPER ED BUILDING & SAFETY EQUIPME GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $496.72 REM SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES < *> $759.07* 159197 1995/09/18 $218.15 RESCUE TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 12243 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM < *> $218.15* 159198 1995/09/18 $437.03 RETAIL DATA SYSTEM OF MI SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 44236 CENT SVC GENER SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $437.03* 159199 1995/09/18 - $42.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 142698 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $51.15 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD MI BE 142698 142698 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $3,068.80 REX DISTRIBUTING CO REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD BE 145446 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 $3,822.09 $1,764.35 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 145439 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $12.00 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 145447 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $1,939.75 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 146198 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $27.45 REX DISTRIBUTING CO REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF COST OF GOODS SOLD GOODS SOLD MI BE 146198 146368 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 1995/09/18 $1,933.67 $1,834.22 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 146593 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $14,411.48* 159200 1995/09/18 $37.19 RFG PET & SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 8157 ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $37.19* 159201 1995/09/18 $423.30 RINK SYSTEMS INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 3856 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS < *> $423.30* 159202 1995/09/18 $11.87 RITZ CAMERA CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 3758370 ST IMPROVEMENT CIP < *> $11.87* 159203 1995/09/18 $56.32 ROAD RESCUE ACCESSORIES 155881 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES < *> $56.32* COUNCIL CHI. REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 23 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. -- - - - - -- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159204 1995/09/18 $24.76 ROBERT B. HILL GENERAL SUPPLIES 49028 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $24.76* 159205 1995/09/18 $3,687.00 ROLLINS HUDIG HALL OF MI INSURANCE 144843 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 1995/09/18 $3,687.00 ROLLINS HUDIG HALL OF MI INSURANCE 146425 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE < *> $7,374.00* 159206 1995/09/18 $130.96 ROLLINS OIL CO GASOLINE 50648 NORMAN. MAINT. GASOLINE < *> $130.96* 159207 1995/09/18 $35.00 ROSEVILLE BIG BAND SERVICES CL /EB 090695 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $35.00* 159208 1995/09/18 $171.47 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQ CO LUBRICANTS 81736 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS 1995/09/18 $40.83 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQ CO REPAIR PARTS 81735 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $212.30* 159209 1995/09/18 $29.25 RUPP, MATILDA ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $29.25* 159210 1995/09/18 $1,636.60 RYOBI -TOSKI CORPORATION COST OF GOODS - PRO S 073195 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $1,636.60* 159211 1995/09/18 $2,878.81 SA -AG INC SAND 64508 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $2,878.81* 159212 1995/09/18 $148.83 SAFETY KLEEN HAZ MAT DISPOSAL 639722 MAINT OF COURS PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $80.94 SAFETY KLEEN HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL 946235 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 1995/09/18 $158.69 SAFETY KLEEN HAZ MAT DISPOSAL 324590 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS < *> $388.46* 159213 1995/09/18 $45.00 SALUD AMERICA COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 209 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $45.00* 159214 1995/09/18 $198.20 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT COMMER GENERAL SUPPLIES 090895 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $136.12 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT COMMER GENERAL SUPPLIES 090895 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $334.32* 159215 1995/09/18 $100.00 SCHATTAUER, JIM SERVICESCL /EB 090695 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 159216 1995/09/18 $68.05 SCHMOLL, RUTH GENERAL SUPPLIES 091195 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $68.05* 159217 1995/09/18 $9,404.72 SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COM INSURANCE 081495 CONTINGENCIES INSURANCE < *> $9,404.72* 159218 1995/09/18 $77.72 SEELYE PLASTICS REPAIR PARTS 320236 PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS < *> $77.72* 159219 1995/09/18 $7,020.00 SEH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 29809 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $7,020.00* 159220 1995/09/18 $8,150.00 SELA ROOFING & REMODELIN REPAIRS 090895 GENERAL FD PRO PROF SERVICES < *> $8,150.00* COUNCIL CHE, REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 24 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. - - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159221 1995/09/18 $50.70 SHELP, NANCY ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $50.70* 159222 1995/09/18 $100.00 SHEPARD, JOHN POLICE SERVICES SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 159223 1995/09/18 $28.41 SHERWIN WILLIAMS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1345 -1 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $28.41* 159224 1995/09/18 $24.22 SIEMS, JEFFERY CONT ED /FIRE 090895 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $24.22* 159225 1995/09/18 $55.00 SMITH, AMY SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 33 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 1995/09/18 $45.00 SMITH, AMY SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 36 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $100.00* 159226 1995/09/18 $86.37 SNAP -ON -TOOLS TOOLS 50758 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS < *> $86.37* 159227 1995/09/18 $42.25 SOMERS, FRED ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR FROG SALES OTHER < *> $42.25* 159228 1995/09/18 $240.00 SOUTHAM BUSINESS COMMUNI ADVERTISING LEGAL 041113 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE < *> $240.00* 159229 1995/09/18 $1,980.20 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 53776 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $2,172.77 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 53519 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $120.50 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 53520 YORK SELLING CST CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/18 $134.40 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 53521 YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/18 $23.50 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD GOODS SOLD MI BE 53525 53524 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 19950918 1995/09/18 121.70 $1$818.90 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 42255 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE < *> $6,371.97* 159230 1995/09/18 $31.46 SPECIAL EFFECTS ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $31.46* 159231 1995/09/18 $100.50 SPECIALTIES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 5542CA ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $100.50* 159232 1995/09/18 $77.87 SPECKMAN, GAIL ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR FROG SALES OTHER < *> $77.87* 159233 1995/09/18 $405.32 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2408038 PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $148.45 SPS REPAIR PARTS 2408813 PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $102.75 SPS TOOLS 2414975 ED BUILDING & TOOLS 1995/09/18 $30.37 SPS TOOLS 2414976 ED BUILDING & TOOLS < *> $686.89* 159234 1995/09/18 $4,998.98 ST CROIX RECREATION CO I PICNIC TABLES 9749 PARK CIP CIP < *> $4,998.98* 159235 1995/09/18 $760.00 STANDARD PLUMBING & APPL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 090695 CDBG PROG PROF SERVICES < *> $760.00* COUNCIL CHL tEGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 25 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ---------•--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159236 1995/09/18 $1,292.31 STAR TRIBUNE ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 083195 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL < *> $1,292.31* 159237 1995/09/18 $642.81 STERNER LIGHTING SYSTEM REPAIR PARTS 187488CE ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS < *> $642.81* 159238 1995/09/18 $285.50 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONTRACTED REPAIRS 253196 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 1995/09/18 $112.62 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 14969 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $26.64 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 15038 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $99.73 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 15159 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $77.88 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 15165 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $46.52 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 15223 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $0.43 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 15250 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $2.73 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 15352 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $652.05* 159239 1995/09/18 $376.63 SUBURBAN PROPANE GASOLINE 081795 ARENA ICE MAIN GASOLINE < *> $376.63* 159240 1995/09/18 $17,702.43 SUPERIOR FORD MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 7536 UTILITY PROG MACH. & EQUIP < *> $17,702.43* 159241 1995/09/18 $100.00 SWANSON, HAROLD POLICE SERVICES SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 159242 1995/09/18 $53.25 SWEET WILLIAMS FLOWERS GENERAL SUPPLIES 082195 CITY COUNCIL GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $53.25* 159243 1995/09/18 $30.03 SYSTEM SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 009051 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $30.03* 159244 1995/09/18 $18.45 TARGET ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 30203 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL < *> $18.45* 159245 1995/09/18 $139.58 TAYLOR MADE COST OF GOODS - PRO S 078477 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $139.58* 159246 1995/09/18 $221.01 TEACHERS INSURANCE COMPA AMBULANCE FEES 090895 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $221.01* 159247 1995/09/18 $261.75 TERRY ANN SALES CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 2116 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $261.75* 159248 1995/09/18 $59.11 THE KANE SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6571368 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $59.11 THE KANE SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6571367 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES 1995/09/18 $59.11 THE KANE SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6586344 ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES < *> $177.33* 159249 1995/09/18 $131.86 THE MATHISON CO COST OF GOODS SOLD FO 721507 ART SUPPLY GIF CST OF GD FOOD < *> $131.86* 159250 1995/09/18 $500.00 THE PRINT SHOP SENIOR NEWSLETTER 27056 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $500.00* 159251 1995/09/18 $18.25 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 7561 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE COUNCIL CHEC...,EGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 26 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159251 1995/09/18 $72.00 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 7518 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $445.70 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 7560 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $220.05 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 7563 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $254.05 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 7562 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $48.00 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 7624 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $130.70 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 7795 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $259.40 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 7796 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $180.00 THE WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 7880 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $1,628.15* 159252 1995/09/18 $2,145.52 THOMAS & SONS CONSTRUCTI CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 94 -6 #6 IBR #2 PROG CIP < *> $2,145.52* 159253 1995/09/18 $22,876.00 THOMAS & SONS CONSTRUCTI CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 94 -10 #5 SIDEWALK CIP < *> $22,876.00* 159254 1995/09/18 $55.25 THOMPSON, PAUL ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $55.25* 159255 1995/09/18 $14,402.80 THOMSEN - NYBECK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 96510 LEGAL SERVICES PROF SERVICES < *> $14,402.80* 159256 1995/09/18 - $93.45 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 60345 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE BEE 1995/09/18 $3,410.60 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64752 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS 1995/09/18 $2,912.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 65241 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $6,229.15* 159257 1995/09/18 $194.10 TITLEIST COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2846873 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $194.10* 159258 1995/09/18 $20.00 TODD, DARRELL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 090895 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < * >- $20.00* 159259 1995/09/18 $131.75 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL GENERAL SUPPLIES 572819 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $131.75 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL GENERAL SUPPLIES 514799 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $263.50* 159260 1995/09/18 $22.17 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS I COST OF GOODS - PRO S 213 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $22.17* 159261 1995/09/18 $367.43 TREEMENDOUS INC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1598 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 1995/09/18 $252.41 TREEMENDOUS INC PLANTINGS & TREES 1599 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES < *> $619.84* 159262 1995/09/18 $319.50 TRENCHERS PLUS INC GENERAL SUPPLIES ER04994 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $319.50* 159263 1995/09/18 $60.77 TWIN CITY SAW SERVICE CO CONTRACTED REPAIRS 16457 TREES & MAINTE CONTR REPAIRS < *> $60.77* 159264 1995/09/18 $404.70 TWIN CITY SEED CO. SEED 2293 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES < *> $404.70* 159265 1995/09/18 $6,899.07 TWIN CITY TRUCK EQ INC. AUTOCRANE 54190 UTILITY PROG AUTOMOBILES & < *> $6,899.07* COUNCIL CHEF-REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 27 CHECK NO. DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ---'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159266 1995/09/18 $1,568.83 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 090795 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW <*> $1,568.83* 159267 1995/09/18 $300.25 UNIQUE IDENTITY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 950314 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR <*> $300.25* 159268 1995/09/18 $93.69 UNISOURCE MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER E FC089500 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX <t> $93.69* 159269 1995/09/18 $201.77 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 32374600 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $44.91 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 32393900 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $475.75 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 32391100 PUMP &.LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $118.97 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 10443000 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $38.26 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 9321001 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $54.06 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 9799300 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1995/09/18 $94.91 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 32411000 TRAFFIC SIGNAL REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $392.09 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 32411200 PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $392.09 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 32411100 PARKING RAMP GENERAL SUPPLI <t> $1,812.81* 159270 1995/09/18 $32.01 US WEST CELLULAR PHONE RENTAL 082095 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 1995/09/18 $28.15 US WEST CELLULAR PHONE RENTAL 082095 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 1995/09/18 $28.15 US WEST CELLULAR PHONE RENTAL 082095 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 1995/09/18 $36.48 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 082095 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $8.36 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 082195 INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE <t> $133.15* 159271 1995/09/18 $56.05 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 DARE TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $3,600.42 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $181.55 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 ART CENTER BLD TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $61.66 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $790.30 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $63.60 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 MAINT OF COURS TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $120.35 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 POOL OPERATION TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $251.87 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 ARENA BLDG /GRO TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $40.33 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 GUN RANGE TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $110.16 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $56.03 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 1995/09/18 $156.64 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 091895 VERNON OCCUPAN TELEPHONE <*> $5,488.96* 159272 1995/09/18 $109.27 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE D0868608 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE <t> $109.27* 159273 1995/09/18 $76.55 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 082595 PARK ADMIN. TELEPHONE <t> $76.55* 159274 1995/09/18 $109,141.87 VALLEY PAVING INC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 95 -4 #2 ST IMPROVEMENT CIP < *> $109,141.87* 159275 1995/09/18 $75.00 VALLIERE, JOHN CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 091195 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS <*> $75.00* 159276 1995/09/18 $88.77 VAN O LITE INC TIRES & TUBES 94764 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES <*> $88.77* COUNCIL CHEL. (EGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 28 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159277 1995/09/18 $127.16 VAN WATERS & ROGERS CHEMICALS ST261367 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS < *> $127.16* 159278 1995/09/18 $179.12 VANTAGE ELECTRIC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 13581 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS CONTR REPAIRS 1995/09/18 $103.50 VANTAGE ELECTRIC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 13580 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 1995/09/18 $87.90 VANTAGE ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 13592 RANGE < *> $370.52* 159279 1995/09/18 $2,260.00 VINTAGE ONE WINES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 29 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $2,260.00* 159280 1995/09/18 $252.09 VOSS LIGHTING GENERAL SUPPLIES 261354 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $252.09* 159281 1995/09/18 $100.00 WALSH, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 159282 1995/09/18 $56.38 WARNING LITES OF MINNESO GENERAL SUPPLIES 75790 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $56.38* 159283 1995/09/18 $29.25 WASHBURN, JINI ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR FROG SALES OTHER < *> $29.25* 159284 1995/09/18 $90.00 WERT, CAPRICE SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 32 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $90.00* 159285 1995/09/18 $307.82 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. ACCESSORIES 28195886 28326207 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES 1995/09/18 $379.06 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. ACCESSORIES TOOLS 9528 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 1995/09/18 $257.28 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. < *> $944.16* 1592$6 1995/09/18 $3,568.00 WHEATLEY GOLF INC COST OF GOODS - PRO S 050295 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $3,568.00* 159287 1995/09/18 $349.00 WICKLANDER- ZULAWSKI & AS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 22321 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $349.00* 159288 1995/09/18 $108.10 WILLIAMS STEEL GENERAL SUPPLIES 63598501 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $108.10* 159289 1995/09/18 $117.00 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 11485 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $93.00 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 11530 YORK SELLING < *> $210.00* 159290 1995/09/18 $10.00 WINKLER, FABIENNE REFUND /FINGERPRINT CA 090895 GENERAL FD PRO FALSE ALARM PO < *> $10.00* 159291 1995/09/18 $55.90 WOIT, DIANE ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < * >, $55.90* 159292 1995/09/18 $61.75 WOOD, CRAIG ART WORK SOLD 091295 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $61.75* 159293 1995/09/18 $158.80 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 46534 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE GD WINE 1995/09/18 $209.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 46532 YORK SELLING CST OF . , . COUNCIL CH REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:45 AM page 29 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15.9293 "1995/09/18 $131.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 46533 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $517.80 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 46634 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $223.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 46632 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/18 $187.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 46633 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE *� $1,426.60* 159294 1995/09/18 $100.00 WROBLESKI, HENRY POLICE SERVICES SEPT 199 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES <*> $100.00* 295 159 1995/09/18 79 XEROX CORPORATION EQUIPMENT RENTAL 47883739 CENT SVC GENER EQUIP RENTAL 6.63 159296 1995/09/18 $96.20 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE GENERAL SUPPLIES 54067281 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI <*> $96.20* 159297 1995/09/18 ZIP PRINTING GENERAL SUPPLIES 5550 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 388.99 $1,246,109.25* COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY THU, SEP 14, 1995, 8:48 AM page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- - - - - -- FUND # 10 FUND # 11 FUND # 12 FUND # 15 FUND # 23 FUND # 26 FUND # 27 FUND # 28 FUND # 29 FUND # 30 FUND # 40 FUND # 41 FUND # 42 FUND # 50 FUND # 60 FUND # 66 $312,364.30 $5,744.00 $3,474.51 $36,532.66 $2,896.89 $5,452.24 $46,848.60 $6,573.38 $373.36 $21,296.47 $147,869.09 $16,660.42 $32,436.02 $75,163.17 $512,308.53 $20,115.61 $1,246,109.25* COUNCIL CH1 REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 2:15 PM page 1A CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 154060 1995/08/ $492.60 COMMERCIAL LIFE INSURANCE INSURANCE 080795 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO < *> $492.60* 154061 1995/08/ $525.00 SHANK, GREG EASEMENT PAYMENT 080895 ST IMPROVEMENT CIP < *> $525.00* 154062 1995/08/ $185,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 081195 LIQUOR PROG CASH 1995/08/ - $185,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 081195 LIQUOR PROG CASH < *> $0.00* 154063 1995/08/ $28,292.06 FIDELITY BANK PAYROLL TAXES 081195 GENERAL FD PRO PAYROLL PAYABL < *> $28,292.06* 154064 1995/08/ $30,485.31 PERA PERA 081195 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $30,485.31* 154065 1995/08/ $19.62 PERA PERA 081695 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $19.62* 154066 1995/08/ $160,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 082595 LIQUOR PROG CASH 1995/08/ - $160,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 082595 LIQUOR PROG CASH < *> $0.00* 154067 1995/08/ $26,705.37 FIDELITY BANK PAYROLLTAXES 082595 GENERAL FD PRO PAYROLL PAYABL < *> $26,705.37* 154068 1995/08/ $30,285.17 PERA PERA 082595 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $30,285.17* 154069 1995/08/ $19.62 PERA PERA 082595 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $19.62* 154070 1995/08/ $7,958.37 FIRST TRUST PAYMENT #3 082895 GOLF DOME SVC CONTR EQUI 1995/08/ $16,706.00 FIRST TRUST PAYMENT #3 082895 ARENA ADMINIST PROF SERVICES 1995/08/ $8,221.45 FIRST TRUST PAYMENT #3 082895 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $32,885.82* 158102 1995/08/ $121.96 EAGLE WINE COST.OF GOODS SOLD WINE 83057 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $343.43 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 83059 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $50.68 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 83060 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $177.21 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 83063. 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $296.20 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 83064 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $472.82 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 83066 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $20.25 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 83067 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $1,482.55* 158103 1995/08/ $1,137.39 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 83748 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $85.98 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 83749 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $3,744.77 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 83750 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $563.08 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 837514 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,297.25 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 83752. 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,739.88 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 83753. YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $3,617.45 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 83754 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $89.34 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 83755 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU < *> $12,275.14* COUNCIL CHECi._.EGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 2:15 PM page 2A CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION - -- -.- - INVOICE- - - - - -- PROGRAM--------- OBJECT- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158105 1995/08/ -$8.61 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4122743 VERNON SELLING CST CST OF GD WINE OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ - $28.03 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4123345 YORK SELLING BOTH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ - $149.80 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 4149860 4149878 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ - $74.90 -t40.52 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4151395 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ - $33.07 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4151403 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD OF GD WINE LIQU 1995/08/ - $81.03 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR LIQUOR 4151411 4176087 YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $3,484.26 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD WINE 417609 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $1,181.76 $362.17 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4176103 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE WINE 1995/08/ $768.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4176111 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,741.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR WINE 4176137 4176145 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $1,477.51 $161.90 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4176152 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE WINE 1995/08/ $272.46 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4176160 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD LIQU 1995/08/ $4,645.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR WINE 4176178 4176186 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $181.09 $270.02 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4176194 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE WINE 1995/08/ $623.27 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4176202 YORK SELLING CST OF GD <*> $14,754.02* 158107 1995/08/ - $42.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 956987 50TH ST SELLIN BOTH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE 1995/08/ -$2.80 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 961375 961383 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ -$5.59 -$6.35 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS & SONS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 961391 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE WINE 1995/08/ - $19.75 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 966754 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE 1995/08/ - $158.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 972778 989087 BOTH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $389.00 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS & SONS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS SOLD WINE 989095 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $1,081.40 $857.20 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 989103 VERNON SELLING CST OF OF GD GD WINE LIQU 1995/08/ $399.99 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 995274 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $645.54 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE WINE 995282 995290 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $177.85 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD MIX 995308 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $34.04 $692.87 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS & SONS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 995316 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE BEE 1995/08/ $56.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 995324 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,108.06 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR WINE 995332 995340 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $38.00 $81.98 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS & SONS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 995357 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU WINE 1995/08/ $1,115.91 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 995365 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GDS BEE 1995/08/ $38.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD BEER WINE 995373 995381 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $93.25 $614.18 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS & SONS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 995399 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU <*> $7,188.78* 1995/08/ $985.50 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 78626 YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE .158108 1995/08/ - $57.86 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 23994 83058 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $875.32 $533.89 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 83061 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LIQU 1995/08/ $79.69 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 83062 50TH ST SELLIN CST YORK SELLING CST OF OF GD GD WINE 1995/08/ $756.05 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 83065. 24270 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ - $63.61 $95.04 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST COST OF OF GOODS SOLD WINE 83696 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $55.80 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 83697 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST OF CST OF GDS BEE GDS BEE 1995/08/ $20.95 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 88245 0 COUNCIL CHL REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 2:15 PM page 3A CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < *> $3,280.77* 158110 1995/08/ $54.13 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 308727 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ - $14.08 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 310545 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $306.94 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 311661 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $233.02 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 311676 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $148.50 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 311788 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $405.65 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 311789 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $182.90 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 311790 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $210.90 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 312024 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/08/ $1,129.69 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 312024 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $946.59 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 312029 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $65.85 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 312029CO 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/08/ $1,148.95 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 312030 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $150.00 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 31203000 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/08/ $79.10 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 312042 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,512.96 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 312297 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $2,070.66 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 312300 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $3,051.80 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 312301 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU < *> $11,683.56* 158114 1995/08/ $1,238.29 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 86047 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $72.66 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 86048 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/08/ $450.94 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 86049 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $467.00 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 86050 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $136.62 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 86135 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $186.12 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 86136 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE <*> $2,551.63* 158115 1995/08/ $177.07 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 86296 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $26.68 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 86297 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $3,592.95 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 86298 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,839.67 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 86299 .50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $106.72 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 86300 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $2,317.03 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 86301 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,171.95 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 870.90 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,209.80 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 87087 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $694.57 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD'LIQUOR 87088 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU < *> $11,136.44* 158116 1995/08/ - $40.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4186235 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ - $21.76 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4186243 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,749.22 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4212486 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $5,719.97 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4212494 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $281.10 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4212502 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $754.40 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4212510 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $2,732.36 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4212544 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $238.17 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4212551 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $386.78 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4212569 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,663.54 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4212577 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $3,103.37 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4212585 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $332.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4212593 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $667.45 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4212601 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $17,566.43* COUNCIL CHEG. .(.EGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 2:15 PM page 4A CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION -- - ---- INVOICE- - - - - -- PROGRAM--------- OBJECT- - - - - -- --------------------------------- 158118 1995/08/ ----------------------------------------------- -$3.12 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 961367 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GD WINE OF GD WINE 1995/08/ -$5.01 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 994004 1004100 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ - $61.30 - $112.02 ED PHILLIPS & ED PHILLIPS SONS SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1004118 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $165.30 .& ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1011709 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GD LIQU OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $606.60 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE LIQUOR 1017961 1017979 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $529.93 $417.93 ED PHILLIPS & ED PHILLIPS & SONS SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1017987 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $192.55 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1017995 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,077.06 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR WINE 1018001 1018019 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $367.05 ED PHILLIPS & ED PHILLIPS & SONS SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1018027 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $518.10 $304.31 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1018035 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE GDS MIX 1995/08/ $48.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 1018043 VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $929.35 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1018050 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,219.98 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 1018068 1018076 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $890.52 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF < *> $7,085.23* 158119 1995/08/ $50.98 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 85544 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS MIX GD WINE 1995/08/ $891.12 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE MIX 85545 85546 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $25.49 $592.86 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE.COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 85547 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE GDS MIX 1995/08/ $25.49 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 85548 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $780.53 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 85549 < *> $2,366.47* 158120 1995/08/ $847.79 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 313550 31355000 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GDS BEE 1995/08/ $17.50 QUALITY WINE COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD BEER WINE 313551 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $1,283.62 $807.77 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 313552 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE BEE 1995/08/ $227.85 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 313552CO 50TH ST SELLIN SELLIN CST CST OF OF GDS GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,297.55 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR LIQUOR 314279 314280 50TH ST YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $2,692.29 QUALITY WINE WINE COST COST OF OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 314282 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $3,285.41 $310.85 QUALITY QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 314905 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU GD LIQU 1995/08/ $310.85 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 314906 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $310.85 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 314907 *> $11,392.33* 158530 1995/08/ $360.11 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 88427 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD WINE GD WINE 1995/08/ $768.30 EAGLE WINE COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 88430 88433 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $180.72 EAGLE WINE <*> $1,309.13* 158531 1995/08/ $2,204.15 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 89046 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD LIQU GD LIQU 1995/08/ $3,019.72 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR LIQUOR 89047 89048 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $555.41 $1,187.87 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 89049 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF OF GD LIQU GD LIQU 1995/08/ $170.10 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 89050 89051 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GDS MIX 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $209.53 $2,365.45 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD MIX LIQUOR 89052 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $2,635.85 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 89053 YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF CST OF GD LIQU GDS MIX 1995/08/ $126.36 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 90619 <*> $12,474.44* �' s COUNCIL CH; REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 2:15 PM page 5A CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 158532 1995/08/ - $43.29 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4186250 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ - $57.60 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4204418 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $735.75 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4243663 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $5,612.99 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4243671 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $49.60 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4243689 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $635.22 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4243697 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $95.91 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4243721 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $2,383.65 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4243739 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $398.33 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4243747 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $253.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4243754 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,581.82 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4243762 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $5,827.99 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4243770 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $351.06 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4243788 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,209.08 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4243796 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $19,033.63* 158534 1995/08/ - $20.90 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 961409 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ -$1.77 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1017094 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ -$6.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 0028183 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,293.74 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST.OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1036631 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $56.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST.OF GOODS SOLD BEER 1036649 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/08/ $511.87 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST.OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1036656 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $129.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1036664 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $32.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 1036672 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/08/ $132.05 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1036680 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $2,371.58 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1036698 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $56.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 1036706 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/08/ $1,047.25 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1036714 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $259.90 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1036722 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $2,247.51 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1036730 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $19.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1036748 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,147.16 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1036755 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU < *> $9,274.84* 158535 1995/08/ $574.99 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 884285 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $155.17 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 88429 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $371.86 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 88431 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $59.14 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 88432 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/08/ $1,112.08 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 88434 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $2,273.24* 158536 1995/08/ $70.00 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 315439 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/08/ $2,031.17 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 315439 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,015.69 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 315440 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,380.46 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 315453 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $123.75 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 315845 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,028.59 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 316190 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $3,782.68 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 316210 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $3,272.99 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 316211 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $171.20 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 316282 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 1995/08/ $120.00 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 315453CO YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $12,996.53* 158540 1995/08/ $74.18 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 091592 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 1995/08/ $1,088.75 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1088.75 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE COUNCIL CHE( REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 2:15 PM page 6A CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION---- - - - - -- - - - - -- INVOICE- - - - - -- PROGRAM-- _ - - - - -- OBJECT - -- -- ---------------------------------------------------- 158540 1995/08/ $142.56 --------- EAGLE WINE ---- --- COST ----- OF GOODS SOLD WINE WINE 91437 91438 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $362.98 EAGLE WINE COST COST OF GOODS OF GOODS SOLD SOLD MIX 91439 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $47.91 $336.60 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 91440 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $330.84 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 91441 91442 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $71.28 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS <*> $2,455.10* 158541 1995/08/ $63.18 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR LIQUOR 90620 91588 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING CST CST OF GD LIQU OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,865.95 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 91589 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $2,684.25 $198.69 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 91590 VERNON SELLING CST CST OF GD.LIQU OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $525.97 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR LIQUOR 91591 91593 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $561.54 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 91594 50TH ST.SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $353.54 $1,123.90 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 91595 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD LIQU GD LIQU 1995/08/ $2,517.70 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR LIQUOR 91596 91597 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $26.68 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF <*> $9,921.40* 158543 1995/08/ -$2.46 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE WINE 4244695 4268108 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GD WINE_ 1995/08/ -$7.67 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE 4275210 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $808.51 JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4275228 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $4,494.67 $370.94 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4275236 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GDS BEE 1995/08/ $96.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD BEER WINE 4275244 4275251 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $698.82 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4275277 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $199.58 JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4275285 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $1,228.83 $139.07 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4275293 50TH ST SELLIN ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD WINE GDS BEE 1995/08/ $96.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD BEER WINE 4275301 4275319 50TH 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $167.30 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4275335 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $273.09 JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4275343 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $4,119.60 $442.52 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4275350 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GDS BEE 1995/08/ $96.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD BEER WINE 4275368 4275376 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $$96.89 JOHNSON WINE CO. <*> $14,052.74* 158544 1995/08/ -$9.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 0028498 1055193 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD WINE GD WINE 1995/08/ $776.88 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE. WINE 1055201 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $356.17 $128.70 ED PHILLIPS & SONS ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 1055219 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GDS MIX GDS MIX 1995/08/ $34.04 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 1055219 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/08/ $226.68 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR 1055227 WINE 1055235 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $354.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1055243 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $415.75 $995.44 ED ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1055250 YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GD LIQU 1995/08/ $1,249.16 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1055268 WINE 1055276 YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,113.53 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE 1055284 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $860.20 $37.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 1055292 VERNON SELLING CST OF OF GDS BEE GD LIQU 1995/08/ $666.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1055300 VERNON SELLING CST VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $293.50 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1055318 < *> $7,499.20* COUNCIL CHEu., REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 2:15 PM page 7A CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION -- INVOICE- - - - - -- PROGRAM--- - - - - -- OBJECT - - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158545 1995/08/ $898.12 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 90957 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE 1995/08/ $520.23 PRIOR WINE COMPANY WINE COMPANY COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 90958 90959 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $633.40 PRIOR *> $2,051.75* 158546 1995/08/ $349.16 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR WINE 316900 317187 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD LIQU WINE 1995/08/ 1995/08/ $1,175.43 $192.50 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE COST COST OF OF GOODS SOLD BEER 317187C0 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/08/ $920.56 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 317188 SOTH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $1,949.57 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 317208 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $134.75 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 31720800 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/08/ $138.60 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 317486 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $138.60 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 317495 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/08/ $3,466.42 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 318006 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 199508 $5,032.47 UALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIUOR 318007 CST OF GD LIU 1995%08% $1,195.66 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 318008 50THOSTSSELLIN CST OF GD LIQU *> $14,693.72* 158888 1995/09/ $819.87 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 94046 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE 1995/09/ $22.77 EAGLE WINE COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 94047 94048 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $259.28 $142.56 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 94049 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ $285.27 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 94050 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ $147.91 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 94051 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX <t> $1,677.66* 158889 1995/09/ $132.47 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR WINE 00563 25608 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD LIQU WINE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ - $20.00 $1,939.98 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 94149 VERNON SELLING ' CST OF GD LIQU 1995/09/ $1,503.44 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 94150 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD LIQU LIQU 1995/09/ $821.49 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR WINE 94151 94152 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $26.68 $944.33 GRIGGS COOPER GRIGGS COOPER & CO. & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 94153 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/09/ $1,318.41 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. -COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 94154 YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD LIQU LIQU 1995/09/ $4,090.72 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 94155 YORK SELLING *> $10,757.52* 158891 1995/09/ $783.66 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4212536 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE 1995/09/ - $550.57 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 4259032 4259057 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ - $976.20 - $86.18 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD.LIQUOR 4268090 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/09/ -$6.57 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4268116 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ -$6.51 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4285326 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE WINE 1995/09/ $865.97 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4306981 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD 1995/09/ $6,420.45 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4306999 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/09/ $540.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4307005 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE WINE 1995/09/ $585'.97 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4307013 VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD LIQU 1995/09/ $1,308.67 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4307047 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ $224.73 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 4307054 4307062 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $120.15 $1,078.81 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4307112 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ $5,556.94 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 4307120 YORK SELLING CST OF OF GD GD LIQU WINE 1995/09/ $698.90 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 4307138 4307146 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $614.75 $1;456.64 JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON WINE CO. CO. COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD WINE 4317939 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE COUNCIL CHEL. REGISTER THU, SEP 14, 1995, 2:15 PM page 8A CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT ----------- VENDOR - - - - -- --------------- DESCRIPTION---- - - - -- - - - - -- INVOICE- - - - - -- PROGRAM--- - - - - -- OBJECT - - - -- --------------------------------- *> $18,629.96* 158893 1995/09/ - $84.15 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 1060243 1060250 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE. 1995/09/ 1995/09/ - $28.04 -$3.73 ED PHILLIPS & ED PHILLIPS & SONS SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1060268 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU WINE 1995/09/ - $16.01 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1060284 VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD LIQU 1995/09/ -$7.07 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR LIQUOR 1063924 1075290 YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $253.04 $664.15 ED PHILLIPS & ED PHILLIPS & SONS SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1075308 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD GD WINE WINE 1995/09/ $488.65 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1075316 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GDS BEE 1995/09/ $57.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD BEER WINE 1075324 1075332 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $93.35 $42.28 ED PHILLIPS & ED PHILLIPS & SONS SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 1075340 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX WINE 1995/09/ $816.40 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1075357 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE 1995/09,/ $938.88 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE LIQUOR 1075365 1075373 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $870.15 $51.60 ED PHILLIPS & ED PHILLIPS & SONS SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1075381 YORK SELLING CST OF GD GD WINE WINE 1995/09/ $1,827.19 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1075399 1075407 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE 1995/09/ $977.96 ED PHILLIPS & PHILLIPS & SONS SONS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE BEER 1075415 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $19.00 $1,042.95 ED ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 1075423 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD LIQU WINE 1995/09/ $201.30 ED PHILLIPS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1075431 <*> $8,204.90* 158894 1995/09/ $160.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 93499 93500 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS BEE GD WINE 1995/09/ $993.64 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE WINE 93501 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $495.02 $400.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 93502 YORK SELLING CST OF OF GDS BEE GD WINE 1995/09/ $412.01 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE MIX 93503 93504 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF GDS MIX 1995/09/ $25.49 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD <*> $2,486.16* 158895 1995/09/ $1,135.06 QUALITY WINE COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WINE BEER 319152 319152CO YORK SELLING - YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE GDS BEE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $17.50 $2,088.58 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE COST COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 319153 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD GDS WINE BEE 1995/09/ $102.85 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 319153CO 319154CO VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GDS BEE 1995/09/ $105.00 QUALITY WINE COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD BEER WINE 319154 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $560.33 $76.43 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 319558 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE LIQU 1995/09/ $3,817.91 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 319671 VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD LIQU 1995/09/ $2,290.37 QUALITY WINE COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LIQUOR LIQUOR 319683 319759 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 1995/09/ 1995/09/ $163.76 $63.01 QUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 319973 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU < *> $10,420.80* $412,686.64* COUNCIL CH SUMMARY FOR HAND CHECKS THU, SEP 14, 1995, 2:16 page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILLER FUND # 10 $116,299.75 FUND # 27 $7,958.37 FUND # 28 $16,706.00 FUND # 30 $8,221.45 FUND # 50 $262,976.07 FUND # 60 $525.00 $412,686.64*