HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-01_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL APRIL 1, 1996 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA - Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of HRA Meeting of March 18, 1996. PAYMENT OF HRA CLAIMS as per pre -list dated 03/27/96 Total $14,878.61. Rollcall required. III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATION - 1996 Days of Remembrance of the Holocaust PROCLAMATION - 1996 Disabled Veterans Poppy Sale, May 16 & 17, 1996 * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of March 18, 1996. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. * A. Set Hearing Date (4115196) 1. Preliminary Rezoning R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PCD-3, Planned Commercial District. Jerry's Enterprises and Welsh Companies. General located East of York Avenue and West of Xerxes Avenue. 2. Preliminary Plat Approval, Parts of Registered Land Survey 629 and Lots 5, 6, and 7, Block 2, York Terrace. Jerry's Enterprises, Welsh Companies and City of Edina. Generally located east of York Avenue and west of Xerxes Avenue. III. AWARD OF BIDS * A. Sand, Bituminous, Rock, Concrete, Propane & Engine Oil * B. Water Treatment Chemicals * C. Forms printing, Police Department * D. Chairs, Edinborough Park E. Regrading of Fairway #1, Braemar Golf Course F. Patio Furniture, Braemar Golf Course * G. Skid Loader, Park Maintenance Department Agenda /Edina City Council April 1, 1996 Page Two IV. t V. VI. VII. VIII RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Appoint Election Judges for May 7, 1996 Park Referenda B. On -Sale 3.2 Beer License Renewal, New Hong Kong, Inc. C. Set Hearing Date (4115196) 1. Recycle streets and overlay - Hilldale Area, Imp. No. A -179 2. Recycle streets and overlay - Sunny Slope Area, Imp. No. A -180 'D. Toll Road Letter E. Technology Plan Report CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL MANAGERS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS A. York Liquor Store Relocation B. Nominations for AMM Officers and Board Directors IX. FINANCE A. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 03/27/96 TOTAL: $826,715.85. Rollcall required. Mon Apr 15 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Apr 22 Board of Review 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Apr 23 Volunteer Award Reception 5:00 P.M. EDINBOROUGH PARK Mon May 6 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues May 7 Special Election Park Referenda (Polls Open 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.) Wed May 8 Special Council Meeting 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon May 20 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon May 27 MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED CITY HALL CLOSED Mon Jun 3 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Jun 17 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Jul 1 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS WHEREAS, the Holocaust was the state - sponsored, systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators from 1933 to 1945. Jews were the primary victims . -- six million were murdered; Gypsies, the handicapped and Poles were also targeted for destruction or decimation for racial, ethnic or national,', reasons. Millions more, including homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Soviet pnsoners,ofwar:and political dissidents also suffered grievous oppression and death Urioer Nazi tyranny; and .... . WHEREAS, 1996 marks .the fiftieth anniversary of the International'Military Tribunal's trial at Nuremberg of twenty = two major Nazi leaders; and the continuation of subsequent fl military , tribunals, at Nuremberg'' as well,-as in, other Allied - occupied sectors of ;Germany, to try additional Nazi cnminals;'and � WHEREAS, the charter for the Nuremberg Trials established, for the first time in international law; that crimes against humanity , as well as crimes against peace and war crimes were punishable, thus making the individuals who were responsible for promulgating govemment policies that - resulted in aggressive war and genocide accountable for 'their acfions, and _ � °3, , WHEREAS, Americans recognize that in addition 'to the need for international law to provide judicial accountability for crimes ;against humanity, each citizen is responsible for eternal.vigilance against all tyranny and for speaking out against such tyranny; and WHEREAS, Tuesday, April 16, 1996, has been designated, pursuant to an Act of Congress, as a Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, known internationally as Yom Hashoah: WHEREAS, therefore I, Mayor of the City of Edina do hereby proclaim the week of Sunday, April 14, through April 21, 1996, as DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE OF THE HOLOCAUST in memory of the victims, survivors and their liberators, in hope, that we, as a City, and as individual citizens, will strive to overcome prejudice, hatred and indifference through learning, tolerance and remembrance. Adopted this 1 st day of April, 1996. S� Mayor MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD AT CITY HALL MARCH 18, 1996 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Maetzold, Paulus, Smith and. Vice Chair Kelly. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Maetzold adopting the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 4. 1996, APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Maetzold approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 4, 1996. Motion caried on rollcall vote - four ayes. CLAIMS PAID Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 13, 1996, and consisting of one page totaling $27,550.33. Commissioner Maetzold seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Vice Chair Kelly declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:58 PM page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7---------------------------------- 12858 04/01/96 $711.34 BRW INC. ARCH FEES 10463 CENTENNIAL LAK PRO FEE ARCH /E < *> $711.34* 12859 04/01/96 $14,166.67 PARTNERS FOR SENIOR COMM HRA BOND PAYMENT APRIL 19 EDINBOROUGH LOAN TO OTH FU < *> $14,166.67* $14,878.01* WHEREAS, the Holocaust was the state - sponsored, systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators from 1933 to 1945. Jews were the primary victims -- six million were murdered; Gypsies, the handicapped and Poles were also targeted for destruction or decimation for racial, ethnic or national reasons. Millions more, including homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Soviet prisoners of war and political dissidents also suffered grievous oppression and death under Nazi tyranny; and WHEREAS, 1996 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the International Military Tribunal's trial at Nuremberg of twenty -two major Nazi leaders, and the continuation of subsequent military tribunals, at Nuremberg as well as in other Allied- occupied sectors of Germany, to try additional Nazi criminals; and WHEREAS, the charter for the Nuremberg Trials established, for the first time in international law, that crimes against humanity as well as crimes against peace and war crimes were punishable, thus making the individuals who were responsible for promulgating government policies that resulted in aggressive war and genocide accountable for their actions; and, WHEREAS, Americans recognize that in addition to the need for international law to provide judicial accountability for crimes against humanity, each citizen is responsible for eternal vigilance against all tyranny and for speaking out against such tyranny; and WHEREAS, Tuesday, April 16, 1996, has been designated, pursuant to an Act of Congress, as a Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, known internationally as Yom Hashoah: WHEREAS, therefore I, Mayor of the City of Edina do hereby proclaim the week of Sunday, April 14, through April 21, 1996, as DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE OF THE HOLOCAUST in memory of the victims, survivors and their liberators, in hope, that we, as a City, and as individual citizens, will strive to overcome prejudice, hatred and indifference through learning, tolerance and remembrance. Adopted this 1 st day of April, 1996. 1 Mayor s UNITED % STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM March 13, 1996 Dear Mayor: Recent acts of genocide in Rwanda and Bosnia raise the specter of events that led to the Nuremberg Trials, the prosecution by the victorious Allied - Nations of some of the leaders of Nazi Germany following World War II. The charter for the Trials placed crimes against peace, war crimes, and, for the first time ever, crimes against humanity before the world as "basic principles of jurisprudence which are assumptions of civilization. " As Justice Robert H. Jackson, Chief United States Prosecutor, stated in his opening remarks: "The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored... " Americans still recognize the moral imperative to study the Holocaust, to search for its roots, examine its consequences, and to remember those who had been swept into the abyss. The U.S. Congress made a commitment to Remembrance by creating the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (PL 96 -388, 10/7/80). As part of its mandate, the Museum will lead the nation in D4y5_of Remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust from Sunday, April 14, through Sunday, April 21, 1996. The theme is: "Crimes Against Humanity. Nuremberg, 1946." We will encourage the citizens of our country to reflect upon the significance of the international moral and legal standards that were established by the Trials, primarily at the behest of the United States, that individuals are accountable for their actions even in times of armed conflict (see enclosure). We respectfully request that your city join the Museum in observing the Days of Remembrance through civic commemorations. Observances may take many forms, including a civic ceremony sponsored by you and /or your town council; a statement or proclamation distributed to your citizens; or, lectures by Holocaust scholars held in public schools under the sponsorship of your city's Board of Education or Human Rights office, among many other commemoration suggestions. We encourage you to involve the local community in planning your event or activity. There may be Holocaust survivors and U.S. Army liberators living in your city, as well as civic organizations, schools, churches, synagogues, Holocaust centers or Jewish Federations that will offer their services. Should you need further information, please contact Marian Craig at (770) 962 -4121 or by fax at (770) 962 -8075. We are grateful for your participation in the Days of Remembrance observations and we look forward to working with you for a successful nationwide commemoration. Sincerely, Benjamin Meed Chairman, Days of Remembrance Enclosure A Project of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW, Washington, DC 20024 -2150. Telephone (202) 488 -0400, Fax (202) 488 -2690 r ocCamation WHEREAS, the annual sale of Buddy'Poppies..by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States has been officially recognized and endorsed by governmental leaders since 1922, and WHEREAS, .V F W Buddy. Poppies are assembled by disabled veterans, and the proceeds of this worthy fund ralsing.,campaign are used exclusively for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans, and the widows and orphans of.deceased veterans, and WHEREAS, the basic purpose of.the annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars is::eloquently :reflected m the desire to "Honot the Dead by Helping the Living" therefore, 1, Frederick S. Richards, Mayor of the City of Edina;; Minnesota, do hereby urge the citizens of this communityto recognize the merits for. this cause by contributing generously to its support through_the purchase:of Buddy Poppies on May 17_ and 18, 1996, of these symbols of appreciation for the .sacrifices of ;our honored dead.. ...... ...... 1 urge all patriotic citizens to wear a Buddy. Poppy . as mute evidence of our gratitude to the men and women of this coun..try who have risked their lives in defense of the freedoms which we continue .to enjoy as American citizens: Adopted this 1st day of April, 1996 Frederick S. Richards, Mayor MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MARCH 18, 1996 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Maetzold, Paulus, Smith and Mayor Pro Tern Kelly. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold adopting the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. CAMP FIRE BIRTHDAY WEEK PROCLAIMED Connie Ericson and her first grade Camp Fire Group from Highlands School presented the Council with a birthday cake commemorating the 86th birthday of Camp Fire and their circle of friends. Mayor Pro Tern Kelly presented a proclamation to the Camp Fire Group celebrating March 17 -23, 1996, as Camp Fire week in Edina. *MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1996 Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 4, 1996. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. PUBLIC HEARING HELD, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GRANTED FOR BUILDING ADDITION - ST. PETER'S CHURCH (5421 FRANCE AVENUE) Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen informed Council St. Peter's Church property is located south of West 54th Street and east of France Avenue. The church property extends the entire block north of West Fuller Street between France and Drew Avenues. The block consists of the church/school building, parking and a single dwelling unit next to Drew Avenue. In addition, St. Peter's owns property south of West Fuller Street including a parking lot and two dwelling units. The church is proposing an easterly expansion of the building to accommodate a child care center. The building addition will extend into the area currently improved as a parking lot. The proposal also plans to extend both existing parking lots to replace parking taken by the building addition. St. Peter's also proposes some remodeling to better separate church and school functions, and a small addition to the narthex and front vestibule of the church as part of the improvement. Currently, the north parking lot has two curb cuts, but upon redevelopment only one will remain. St. Peter's has indicated they plan to remove all three homes from their property. Planner Larsen continued Edina Code permits day care centers as accessory uses within churches. The proposed day care center would accommodate 53 children with six full time and six part time workers. The day care center would operate during the work week and not overlap into weekend church functions. As proposed, St. Peter's improvements require a number of variances, and an amendment to an existing proof of parking agreement. The proof of parking agreement is tied to changes occurring in 1982 -83. The variances required include: a 32 foot north sideyard setback variance and a 19 foot south sideyard setback variance for the building addition; the narthex and front entry improvements require 35 foot and 43 foot south sideyard setback variances respectively; the north parking lot addition requires both a 7 foot north and a 5 foot south sideyard setback variances; the south parking lot requires a 5 foot north setback variance; and a variance from screening requirements is needed for the north parking lot. When the 1982 -83 proof of parking agreement was implemented, a 54 stall variance was granted. The proposed addition requires the same 156 parking stalls. St. Peter's plans to provide 117 parking stalls adjusting the needed variance from 54 stalls to 39 stalls. The church's proposal also includes improvement to the appearance of the building and replacement of deteriorating windows. Planner Larsen concluded staff recommends approval-of the Conditional Use Permit subject to: 1. Increased screening of the northerly parking area; .2. Amending the Proof of Parking Agreement; and 3. Fencing around play areas. Member Maetzold asked the reason for requiring fencing around the play area and whether the City should require screening on the east side of the south part of the lot? Planner Larsen replied nothing specifically requires fencing or screening by Code. However, the church site's dynamics make fencing of the play areas desirable although Edina Code does not require screening with the large setback Public Comment John Coverdale, 3713 West Fuller Street, voiced concern that his home would be the last house left on Fuller Street when the church removes the unoccupied homes. He asked if there could be some buffer screening his home from the parking lot. Mr. Coverdale asked if a retaining wall would be installed after St. Peter's removed the homes. He added the last time the church built an addition, setback variances were granted for France Avenue and 54th Street. Mr. Coverdale asked if St. Peter's is requesting variances at this time? Planner Larsen replied variances were being requested for the addition. Edina's Code requires setback of fifty feet from all property lines. St. Peter's proposed addition will be just slightly farther from the north property line than the existing church building, requiring a 32 foot variance. A variance is also needed from the south property line setback. Mayor Pro Tern Kelly invited St. Peter's architect to answer Mr. Coverdale's questions. Dennis Drews, Morrison Waljarvi Architects Inc., explained St. Peter's plans to remove the two homes from the south side of their site. Currently, one home has a retaining wall. Mr. Drews pointed out the elevations on a graphic. He stated after removing the homes and filling in the basements, the church plans to regrade the property with a gradual slope beginning at the high point downward to the parking lot. Mayor Pro Tern Kelly asked Mr. Drews if St. Peter's planned a buffer between the parking lot and the house? Mr. Drews replied the current plan does not show screening in that area. He reviewed for Council where landscaping is planned. Mr. Drews indicated the church's desire to consider Council's recommendation and work out a plan acceptable to all parties. Member Maetzold asked for clarification regarding the slope resulting from the removal of the two homes. He questioned whether St. Peter's planned any retaining wall, and the distance between the house and the edge of the driveway? Mr. Drews responded the existing retaining wall is there to support one of the driveways, but both the house and driveway will be removed. The distance between the driveway and the house is approximately eighteen feet. Ethel Franson, 3709 West Fuller Street, told the Council she is very much against the church putting in a day care center. Mrs. Franson stated two neighbors are out of town, but she said they felt the same. A day care center will increase traffic. After St. Peter's removes the homes what do they plan for the removed homes' site. Mrs. Franson voiced concern over maintenance of the area and fears her property value will decrease with a day care on the church site. She stated the current fence on 54th Street looks awful. Mr. Drews explained as many healthy existing trees along Drew Avenue will be saved as possible when St. Peter's removes the homes. He added the church plans plantings for the street side of the fence to soften the look of the chain link fence. Nancy Hays, 3604 West Fuller Street, repeated concern with traffic congestion in the area. She expressed safety concerns with buses and parents using the same area for picking up /dropping off students of St. Peter's School. Adding day care to the area will create greater safety concerns. Ms. Hays believes the City needs to review the area and suggested installing stop signs. In addition, Ms. Hays objected to the St. Peter's Physical Education classes using the street for track and field. Member Maetzold asked for clarification regarding the use of a public street for physical education. Ms. Hayes replied that in the spring and fall the physical education classes use the entire length of Fuller Street. Mrs. Franson interjected, she remembered a stipulation from the 1982 -83 renovations that St. Peter's was not to remove any oak trees along Fuller Street. Mayor Pro Tem Kelly asked staff whether any such stipulation existed in the City's records. Planner Larsen replied he had no knowledge of such a requirement in the City's records. 'f Mr. Coverdale commented he felt his previous,question regarding the grade of the lots abutting his property was still unanswered. He expressed concern if the property were going to be terraced because there is approximately a six foot hill abutting Fuller Street. Mr. Coverdale thinks the property will wash onto Fuller Street whenever it rains. Mayor Pro Tern Kelly responded the proponent previously said they would not terrace the property but develop a gradual slope. Mr. Drews added the intent is to use proper techniques to avoid drainage or erosion problems. Pastor Anderson responded to the question of students using Fuller Street for physical education stating he would check with the principal of St. Peter's School and take appropriate action. He informed Council that St. Peter's has 23 children enrolled in a day care program at this time. St. Peter's hopes the planned improvements will ease the traffic because parents will be using the parking lot for drop off /pickup up of their children and not the street. Member Smith asked whether the slope in question is a City boulevard and therefore subject to monitoring for proper maintenance by the City? Planner Larsen assured Council this was correct. Member Smith asked if the City has had any complaints regarding the north side of the property abutting the residential houses on 54th Street and were the property owners sent notice of the public hearing? Planner Larsen replied he was not aware of complaints, although he believes some issues exist that the church is trying to work out concerning screening and expansion of the parking area. Planner Larsen continued, the City notified the property owners of the public hearing. Member Smith questioned if the City could, as part of the variance approval, require enhancements of the proposed landscaping for the panting lot on the south side of Fuller, and its eastern exposure, and the south east corner of the play area? He continued asking whether as part of the variance and proof of parking amendment could the City require school buses to load and unload at a specified point? Planner Larsen stated that the City could make the landscaping enhancements a part of the variance approval, but while the City can control the physical location of the site, (i.e., the location of curb cuts) operational decisions are St. Peter's jurisdiction. Member Smith advised St. Peter's to make sure they are good neighbors to the surrounding residents. He asked how much larger the new day care operation will be over the existing operation. Harlan Kuhlman, representing St. Peter's, responded stating the new day care will be approximately 50% larger than the current operation. Member Maetzold introduced the following resolution approving the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. Amended Proof of Parking Agreement; 2. Additional screening of the parking areas including the east side of the south lots; and 3. Fencing around the play areas. Member Paulus seconded the motion. Member Smith asked for an amendment to the motion adding screening on the south side of the north site facing Fuller Street. Member Maetzold amended his motion stating the condition should read 112. Additional screening of the parking areas including the east side of the south lot, and on the south side of the north site facing Fuller Street." Member Maetzold requested that Staff ensure plantings are adequate. Planner Larsen responded Staff would oversee the plantings as directed. Member Smith asked what standards would be used? Planner Larsen replied the City would require screening as for a parking area approximately the same height as the fence. On the east side of the south Iot.Planner Larsen recommended a different, less dense type of planting because of the grade differential. Member Smith indicated his satisfaction with the proposals by the Planner. Member Paulus asked what vehicle the City has to assure the proper care and maintenance of the t landscaping plantings, fence and grounds. She acknowledged specific operational issues can't be legislated, but urged the church to educate parents on drop off /pick up locations and procedures. Planner Larsen replied the City can require a bond to cover the plantings. The fence concerns can be handled through the permit process, however, the trash would need to be viewed through the nuisance ordinance if necessary. Mayor Pro Tern Kelly stated she believes St. Peters understands what the City would like to see on the church site. RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS, the procedural requirements of Code Section 850 (the Zoning Ordinance) have been met; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the Findings as required by Code Section No. 850.04 Subd. 4 have been satisfied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby grants a Conditional Use Permit to the St. Peter's Church allowing the construction of a building addition at 5421 France Avenue with the following conditions: 1. Amended Proof of Parking Agreement; 2. Additional screening of the parking areas including the east side of the south lot, and on the south side of the north site facing Fuller Street, and 3. Fencing around the play areas. Rollcall: Ayes:, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Resolution adopted. *BID AWARDED FOR PURCHASE OF SOILS FOR BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for purchase of greens soil mix for . Braemar and Normandale Golf Courses to sole bidder, Leitner Company at $11,000.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote four ayes. "BID AWARDED FOR RECYCLING OF EXCESS ASPHALT Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for recycling of excess asphalt to sole bidder, Omann Brothers, Inc., at $7,900.00. Motion carved on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR RENTAL OF SCREENING EQUIPMENT FOR RECYCLING SAND AND SEAL COAT CHIPS Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for rental of screening equipment for recycling sand and seal coat chips to recommended low bidder, Theco Inc., at $5,600.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR ONE ELEVEN FOOT TRUCK BOX Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for one eleven.foot truck box to recommended low bidder, J. Craft at $6,336.30. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR ONE NINE FOOT CONTRACTOR TRUCK BOX Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid for one nine foot contractor truck box to recommended low bidder, J. Craft at $6,098.78. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR REPLACING EXISTING COMPUTER HARDWARE AT FIRE STATION Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold for award of bid replacing existing computer hardware at the Fire Station to recommended low bidder, OPM (LOGIS Contract) at $12,555.88. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REPORT OF MARCH 5. 1996 APPROVED Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold to acknowledge receipt of the Traffic Safety Staff Report of March 51 1996, Sections A, B and C. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *3.2 ON -SALE AND OFF -SALE BEER LICENSE RENEWALS APPROVED Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold to approve issuance of on -sale and off -sale 3.2. beer licenses as follows: ON SALE 3.2. BEER LICENSES: Braemar Golf Dome, Braemar Golf Course, Byerly's, Chico's Tacos, Ciatti's Italian Restaurant, Comelli's Pizza & Pasta,..Davanni's Pizza/Hoagies, Daytons Food Service, Good Earth Restaurant, Hawthorn Suites Hotel, Jerry's Foods, Mick's at Southdale, Normandale Golf Course, Original Pancake House, Pantry Restaurant, Pizzeria Uno, Q. Cumbers, Rossini's, Ruby Tuesday, Sidney's Pizza Cafe, Szechuan Star, T J's Family Restaurant, Tejas, the Lotus III, Two-Guys From Italy; and OFF -SALE 3.2 BEER LICENSES: Country Store, Edina Superette, Holiday Stations, Inc., Kenny's Markets, and SuperAmerica Station. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *RESOLUTION APPROVING MINNEAPOLIS PARK BOARD / EDINA STORMWATER AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES FROM MAYOR AND MANAGER Motion by Member Smith adopting a Resolution approving the Minneapolis Park Board /City of Edina Stormwater Facilities agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute the agreement with the City of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, as follows: RESOLUTION BETWEEN THE CITY OF EDINA AND THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS PARK AND RECREATION BOARD RELATING TO STORMWATER FACILITIES WHEREAS, on August 21, 1995, preliminary approval of the joint Stormwater Agreement between the City of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the City of Edina was granted•, and, WHEREAS, the Final Agreement between the City of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the City of Edina as it relates to Stormwater Facilities has been prepared; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council that said agreement is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Edina. Motion seconded by Member Maetzold. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. PROPOSAL FOR JULY 4TH PARADE DISCUSSED /APPROVED Mary Beth Carpenter, Youth Development Supervisor for Edina Community Education informed Council plans are being developed to re- establish a 4th of July parade in Edina. The parade would honor all patriotic Americans, celebrate our independence, and hopefully become an Edina tradition. Hours for the parade as well as the route have tentatively been set. Ms. Carpenter explained plans include invitations to public and private individuals and organizations as well as publicity distributed throughout the community. The parade would not interfere with the annual Lake Cornelia fire works display at 8:45 P.M. Karen Knudsen of the 50th & France Business and Professional Association voiced support of the proposal and commented this would be a tremendously positive experience for citizens of Edina, both young and old. Following a brief Council discussion, Member Smith moved approval of the proposal to establish a 4th of July parade in Edina. Motion was seconded by Member Paulus. Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. BID REJECTED - FIRE/EMS STATION: REBID AUTHORIZED Manager Rosland noted twelve bids were opened on March 8, 1996, for construction of a new Fire /EMS Station. All twelve bids received were higher than the architect's estimate. Chief Paulfranz explained a re- design of the original plan would be considered during a scheduled meeting with the architect. The necessary re- design to reduce costs could be ready for re -bid openings in mid -April. Member Paulus made a motion rejecting all bids received for construction of the Fire/EMS Station and to rebid the item as recommended. Member Smith seconded the motion. Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. EDINA LOCATION GRANTED APPROVAL FOR MOVIE FILMING Assistant to the Manager Smith indicated Kelly Pratt of the Minnesota Film Board approached the City regarding a movie being filmed on location on Bruce Place in the Arden Park neighborhood. The movie, "Jingle All the Way" would be filmed April 15 through May 1. Concerns voiced by the Council regarding the filming were: 1) a secured area be found to accommodate 26 trailers, loaded with equipment, 2) load limits on roads be met, 3) full, clean -up after the shooting be assured, 4) open communication be maintained with residents during complete shoot, 5) residents have a chance to give approval/disapproval before the project begins, 6) any /all damage to public property be repaired quickly, 7) the City acquire a Certificate of Insurance, and 8) the City be reimbursed for any costs incurred relating to the project. Assistant to the Manager Smith noted the Minnesota Film Board has invited the neighborhood to a public meeting on Thursday, March 21, 1996, to answer all concerns necessary to the success of the project. Member Maetzold abstained from voting on the issue; he is a resident of the movie location area. Member Smith made a motion granting Council approval to the Minnesota Film Board allowing filming of the movie "Jingle All the Way" on Bruce Place in Edina, conditioned upon: 1) payment of $5,000.00 permit fee and 2) acquisition of a bond in the amount of $30,000. Member Paulus seconded the motion. Ayes: Paulus, Smith, Kelly, Abstaining: Maetzold Motion carried. CLAIMS PAID Member Smith made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 13, 1996, and consisting of 32 pages; General Fund $330,964.34; Communications $2,666.20; Working Capital $26,833.70; Art Center $6,462.65; Swimming Pool Fund $2,623.32; Golf Course Fund $65,805.28; Ice Arena Fund $15,534.31; Gun Range Fund $247.94; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes $24,557.30; Utility Fund $40,461.89; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $1,284.95; Recycling Program $39,996.57; Liquor Dispensary Fund $155,709.66; Construction Fund $2,710.75; IMP Bond Redemption #2 $839.90; TOTAL $716,698.76; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 7, 1996, and consisting of three pages: General Fund $117,113.09; Liquor Dispensary Fund $88,102.72; IMP Bond Redemption #2 $24,924.34; TOTALING $230,140.15. Member Paulus seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Kelly Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Pro -tem Kelly adjourned the meeting at 9:11 P.M. City Clerk TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR. PURCHASE FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: 1 April,. 1996 AGENDA ITEM III.A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Sand, Rock, Bituminous Materials, Concrete & Engine Oil Company 1. See Attached Tabulation 2 3 4 5 Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 2: $ 3..$ 4. $ 5. $ RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Award to companies as listed on attached pages. GENERAL INFORMATION: This is the bid establishing the prices for certain materials used in public works projects. The prices are firm for a period of one year (April 1, 1996 to April 1, 1997). The funds for the purchases come from the money allocated to the operating section of the budget-(300, 560, 800 and 900 accounts). The Recommended Bid is within budget not within budget Kenneth Public Works Department, n Wallidl. Finance Director d, City Ma 1996 SAND, ROCK, BITUMINOUS MATERIALS, CONCRETE, PROPANE & ENGINE OIL LOW BID COMPARATIVE UNIT ITEM COMPANY. 1996 1995 199511996 CHANGE OF % +OR- on Deliv. Conc. Sand SA -AG, Inc. 3.62 3.50 + 3.43% Ton Deliv Course Sand SA -AG, Inc. $4.45 $4.00 + 11.25% Ton Deliv. Buck Shot Hassan Sand & Gravel $10.40 $10.52 - 1.14% Ton Deliv. Cl. 2 Limestone Bryan Rock Products $6.50 $6.27 + 3.67% Ton Deliv. Cl. 5 Limestone Midwest Asphalt $6.45 $6.27 + 2.87% Ton Deliv. Seal Coat Chips Dresser Trap Rock $14.25 $14.50 - 1.72% Ton Asphalt 2331 Midwest Asphalt $18.45 $17.25 + 6.96% Picked Up at Plant * Bituminous Roadways $16.50 Ton Asphalt 2331 Midwest Asphalt $20.95 $20.75 - 0.96% Delivered Ton 2331 Fine Asphalt - PU* Midwest Asphalt $18.75 $18.25 - 2.74% Bituminous Roadways $17.50 Ton 2331 Fine Asphalt - Del. Midwest Asphalt $21.95 $22.00 - 0.23% Ton 2331 41 B/42B Asph. - PU* Midwest Asphalt $18.75 $17.75 - 5.63% Bituminous Roadways $17.00 Ton 2331 41 B/42B Asph. - Del. Bituminous Roadways $21.50 $21.25 - 1.18% Ton 2331 Fine 3/8 Patch Mix Midwest Asphalt $18.75 $18.25 + 2.74% Asphalt - PU* Bituminous Roadways $17.50 Ton 2331 Fine 3/8 Patch Mix Midwest Asphalt $21.95 $22.00 - 0.23% Asphalt - Del. Winter Mix Asphalt Bituminous Roadways $42.50 $43.50 - 2.30% CY Delivered Concrete 1 -3 Yds. Cemstone $65.00 $95.00 - 31.58% CY Delivered Concrete 3+ Yds. Cemstone w/ AVR - Alternate $65.00 $65.00 - 01 Gal. Cut Back Asphalt RC - Del. Koch Materials $0.7738 $0.7738 E j.00% Gal. Gal. Emulsified Asphalt CRS2 Koch Materials $0.4317 $0.5220 - 17.30% Ton Recycling /Dumping Charges Midwest/Bituminous Rdwys. $0.00 $1.00 - 100.00% Asphalt Ton Recycling /Dumping Charges- Midwest Asphalt $1.00 $1.50 - 33.33% Concrete ** Cyl. Propane LP Suburban Propane $20.74 $20.04 + 3.49% Gal. Engine Oil 15/40 Hallman Oil $2.89 $2.89 - 0.00% Gal. Engine Oil 40W Hallman Oil $3.49 $3.49 - 0.00% Gal. Engine Oil 5W/30 Hallman Oil $2.89 $2.89 - 0.00% Gal. Engine Oil Hyd. Tellus T46 Hallman Oil $3.39 $3.39 - 0.00% Gal. Engine Oil ATF -Donox TG Hallman Oil $2.99 $2.99 - 0.00% Gal. Engine Oil 15W40 Hallman Oil $15.00 $15.00 - 0.00% Gal. Emulsified Tack Oil Koch Materials $0.4995 $0.5320 - 6.11 Gal. Rubberized Crack Filler Spec. Materials $0.265 $0.272 - 2.57% Ton Red Ball Aggregate I * ** $10.17 * These items are awarded on basis of total cost per ton including trucking and labor. Award to Midwest and Bituminous Roadways on bit items with an alternate award to either firm if low bid asphalt plant is down when we need asphalt or excessive delay is occurring at either plant. ** Selected due to travel distance. ** *Bids rejected. IQI `% •,vv o- ZIN REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: 3 April, 1996 AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Water Treatment Chemicals Company 1. See Attached Tabulation 2. 3. 4. 5. 111.6. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Award to companies as listed on attached pages. GENERAL INFORMATION: This bid establishes the annual price for water treatment chemicals used in wells and swimming pools in the City. These chemicals are: hydrofluosilic acid, liquid chlorine, and caustic soda and will be purchased as needed. The prices will be valid until March 31, 1997. Signatur The Recommended Bid is within budget not within b dget Kenneth Rosla Public Works - Utilities n Wallin, finance Director d, City Mana0er CHEMICALS; - LOW BID: - 1996 COMPARATIVE ITEM COMPANY 1996 1995, 1995/1996 CHANGE . of % +OR- Water Treatment DPC Industries $49.50 $52.23 -5.22% Chemicals for City Wells Caustic Soda Hawkins $20.00 $13.50 +48.1% 1. Chemical REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: MAYOR RICHARDS AND EDINA CITY COUNCIL FRONt WILLIAM BERNHJELM, CHIEF OF POLICE VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE MARCH 28, 1996 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Company 1. THE FORMS GROUP 2. OFFSET PRINTING 3. BRAEMAR PRINTING 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: ITEM III (C) Amount of Quote or &d $ 4,806.35 2. $ 7,816.45 3. $ 8,037.50 4. 5. THE FORMS GROUP GENERAL INFORMATION: This request is for an open purchase order for printing of Police Department forms for a one -year period, April 1, 1996 through April 1, 1997. Quotes were requested on a sample of forms and approximate quantities. Total purchases from this open purchase order are not expected to exceed $10,000. Signature The Recommended bid is within budget not Kenneth POLICE City WaIGn TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: March 20, 1996 AGENDA ITEM zzz.n. ITEM DESCRIPTION: 375 chairs for Edinborough Park Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. REM Supplies 2. Allmakes Office Furniture 3. Metcalfe & Associates RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: REM Supplies $7,288.28 1. $7,288.28 2. $7,348.50 3. $10,550.00 Budget Acct No: 0030 -1320 GENERAL INFORMATION: This is for the purchase of 375 Samsonite comfort form chairs with 1" pads for Edinborough Park. These chairs are replacements for the wom existing chairs. These chairs are used for a wide variety of events held in the Great Hall at.Edinborough Park. [� Park and Recreation ature Depa nt The Recommended Bid is X L_. - 1 �<2 within budget not withirA bu#"V t � V1f in, Finance Director Rosland, 01tk Manager TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: March 28, 1996 AGENDA ITEM III.E. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Fairway #1 new sod at Braemar Golf Course Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Arnt Construction Co. 1. $5,548.00 2. Perkins Landscape Contractors 2. $9,489.00 3. 3. $ RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Arnt Construction Company $5,548.00 Budget Acct No: 0664 -4306 GENERAL INFORMATION: This purchase is for regrading and providing 1,890 square yards of new sod for hole number one fairway at the Braemar Golf Course. This regrading of the fairway will correct a serious drainage problem that currently exists for long periods of time after each rainfall. This contract work will be paid for out of the Braemar Golf Course Maintenance Contractual Services budget. / SiVafure The Recommended Bid is within budget not within Kenneth Park and Recreation — W get , Wallin, F' ance Director d, City Manag TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: March 28, 1996 AGENDA ITEM III.F. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Patio furniture for Braemar Golf Course. Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Lebert Designs 1. $ 12,289.11 2. Casual Contract 2.-$ 17,436.15 3. 3. $ RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: LEBERT $12,289,11 GENERAL INFORMATION: Budget Acct No: GC 11 -1300 This is for the purchase of deck furniture for the new Braemar Golf Course deck expansion. The purchase includes 54 chairs, 12 tables, two picnic tables and four umbrellas. The Braemar Men' Club Memorial Fund will pay for $7,000 of this purchase. The balance of $5,289.11 will be paid out of the Braemar Golf Course capital plan. Sigr)At(ire The Recommended Bid is x within budget not within bu Park and Recreation Dep m nt let JP n Wallin, Finance Director nneth Ro laid, City Man TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: March 28, 1996 AGENDA ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION: Case uniloader for Park Maintenance Company 1. St. Joseph's Equipment, Inc. 2. Long Lake Tractor & Equipment 3. Carlson Tractor & Equipment 4. Scharber & Sons RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: St. Joseph's Equipment, Inc. $14,324.25 III.G Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $14,324.25 2. $14,428.00 3. $15,024.00 4. $15909.00 Budget Acct No: 0650 -4901 GENERAL INFORMATION: This is for the purchase of a Case Uni- loader (skid loader) model #1838 with standard specifications plus the following additional features: - back -up alarm -block engine heater - auxiliary hydraulics -rear counter weight -63" dirt bucket -heavy duty tires This skid loader is a valuable piece of equipment that is used for landscaping, moving trees, constructing pitching mounds, maintaining dirt pathways, spreading wood chips around trees, moving pea gravel around playground equipment, efficient unloading and loading equipment and supplies, such as, clay targets, field chalk, fertilizers, etc. The price of $14,324.25 includes the trade -in of equipment unit #47.452 plus sales tax. This will be paid out of the Park Maintenance Department equipment replacemea0udget, / sigiature The Recommended Bid is within budget not within dget Wallin, Kenneth Rosl�nd, City Ma a Director TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM:, DEBRA MANGEN, CITY CLERK DATE: APRIL 1, 1996 SUBJECT: APPOINT ELECTION JUDGES, MAY 7, 1996 PARK REFERENDA REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item # IV. A. Consent ED Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends Action ❑ To H RA ® To Council ❑ Motion Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adopt a resolution appointing Election Judges as per the attached, authorizing the Clerk to replace or substitute judges as necessary. Info /Background: Minnesota Election Law requires that Election Judges by appointed by Council resolution at least twenty -five days before an election. Attached for your review is a list of persons who are willing to serve as judges for our Park Referenda Special Election, May 7, 1996. Since this is a special non partisan election, there is no need to keep track of judges political party or maintain a balance between the parties. As in previous elections, I would ask for authorization to replace or substitute judges as necessary. MAY 7, 1996 PROPOSED ELECTION JUDGES Precinct 1A- Shepherd of the Hills Church Precinct 10 - Creek Valley School Eugenia Williams, Chair Barbara Eriandson, Chair Lois Hallquist Janet Christianson Dorothy Capetz Mary Shoquist Julia Scattergood Jeanine Westling Shirley DeLeo Sharon Hed Precinct 1 B - Chapel Hills Church Precinct 11 - Creek Valley Church Joann Buie, Chair Betty Pollitt, Chair Kay Murphy Mary A Ryan Cathee Hare Rita Acker Beverly Edwards Marianne Kubin Kirsten Nielsen Carol Melichar Precinct 2 - Edina City Hall Precinct 12 - Chirst Church Margorie Reudy, Chair Shirley Bjerken, Chair Lorraine Purdy Mary Uebel Suzanne Hirsch Marilyn Larson Joan Flumerfelt Doris Barry Kay Tierney Marlys Hittner Precinct 3 - Edina Covenant Church Precinct 13 - Centennial Lakes Centrum Linda Smith, Chair Doris Peterson, Chair Patricia Dill Leone Witte Mary Webber Louise Christenson Marilyn West Margaret Kranz Sherrill Estensen Patricia Robbins Precinct 4 - Morningside Building Precinct 14 - St. Peter Luther Church Marian Cracraft Mary Jane Platt, Chair Shirley Renslow Patricia Bartlett Kathryn Schmidt Joyce Hanson Rachel Schoening Esther Olson Lois Loomis Louise Carlson Precinct 5 - Highland School Precinct 15 - Valley View Middle School Rosemary McGlynn, Chair Kaye Luikens, Chair Mary E. Ryan Carol Hanson Carol Ledder Nancy Meyer Barbara Martin Ma>ane Wallin Margaret Williams Jean Hare Precinct 6 - Countryside School Precinct 16 - Cornelia School Jane Bains, Chair Donna Montgomery, Chair Beverly Koch Marlys Chase Catherine Swanson Nathalie Person Barbara Herbers Patricia Halvorsen Mary Cleaveland Mary McDonald Precinct 7 - Normandale Church Precicnt 17 - Southdale Library Maxine Hegg, Chair Loma Livingston, Chair Elaine Carlson Bernadine Chapman Nancy Mohr Louise Jackson Shirley Richards Jean McDermid Janet Kanofsky Mary Bydlon Precinct 8 - Southview Middle School Precinct 18 - Edinborough Park Jane Moran, Chair Jean Erdall, Chair Myra Hykes Myrtle Grette Ordell O'Neill Lou Petersen Jeanne Sedoff Virginia Stemm Catherine Tobin JoAnne Streed Precinct 9 - Concord School Precinct 19 - Calvary Lutheran Church Colleen Crew, Chair Patricia Olander, Chair Patricia Monson Harriet Koch Marie Robinson Lynne Westphal Florence Boughton Anita Delegard Annette Horton I Zelma Gray TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DEBRA MANGEN, CITY CLERK DATE: APRIL 1, 1996 SUBJECT: REPORTIRECOMMENDATION NEW HONG KONG, INC.3.2 BEER LICENSE RENEWAL Agenda Item # IV. B. Consent 0 Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action El Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Council approval of issuance of 3.2 Beer license for New Hong Kong, Inc. Info /Background: At its last meeting the Council approved the 3.2 beer licenses with the exception of New Hong Kong, Inc. New Hong Kong, Inc., had not submitted the necessary renewal documentation in time to be approved March 18th. City Code Section 900 requires beer licenses be approved by the Council before issuance. Staff has explained to New Hong Kong, Inc., they will be without a license as of March 31, 1996, and not able to serve beer until after Council approves their renewal and we issue them a license. Staff would recommend approval of the renewal. 9tZ.lA,r o� e REPORURECOMMENDATION a 0 N�ABB86 Q. TO: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # IV.C1. & C2. FROM: Francis Hoffman Consent ❑ City Engineer Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA DATE: 1 April, 1996 Q To Council SUBJECT: Feasibility Report - Set Action Motion Hearing Date for Public Hearing: Imp. No. A -179 ❑ Resolution Hilldale Area and Imp. No. ❑ Ordinance A -180 Sunny Slope Area ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Set hearing date of April 15, 1996 for proposed Street Recycling and Overlay Improvements A -179 - Hilldale Area and A -180 - Sunny Slope Area. Info /Background: The City of Edina staff has reviewed the following proposed improvements and determined that the these projects are feasible: IMPROVEMENT & LOCATION ESTIMATED COST A -179 - Recycle Streets & Overlay $ 131,669.44 Hilldale Area A -180 Recycle Streets & Overlay $ 186,457.46 Sunny Slope Area The proposed project would be to recycle inplace roadway and pave a new surface on the existing system resulting in a seven ton axle weight rated street. The projects would be funded by special assessment and staff recommends setting a hearing date of April 15, 1996. l 0i 1elmw REPO RVRECOM MEN DATION TO: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # IVD. FROM: Francis Hoffma - ; j X Consent ❑ City Engineer U Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA DATE: 1 April, 1996 o x❑ To Council SUBJECT: Toll Roads Action x❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Authorize sending letter to the Commissioner's Office of the Minnesota Department of Transportation indicating non - support for the current Minnesota Transportation Group (MTG) proposal for a toll road on 1 -494 west of Trunk Highway 100. Info /Background: The City Council reviewed the MTG proposal for a toll road on 1 -494 west of Trunk Highway 100 on March 18, 1996. Some of the issues raised by Council included: A. The use of toll funding results in a double fee because current Edina residents pay gas tax and would also be paying for use of the road. B. The use of the toll road concept would quite likely force traffic to other congested freeway roads or into and through City streets. C. The use of a toll road concept on a segment that is so short is not considered a viable option. The City of Edina believes the 1 -494 corridor starts at the airport and continues to 1 -394 as demonstrated in the 1-494 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). D. The use of a toll road concept on a short segment would be inconsistent with fair and equitable treatment on a metro -wide basis. �'11 Report Recommendation - Toll Roads Agenda Item IV.D. Page Two E. The use of a toll road may or may not be a viable funding concept but all avenues of funding need to be analyzed (i.e., ISTEA [Federal]), state, county and local) so that a metro -wide response can be developed to fund what are considered the mega - projects (1 -494 and 1 -35W). Staff has met with MTG representatives since the Council meeting but did not receive any additional information that would suggest change to the City's position. Staff would suggest that the issue of toll roads needs a more front line approach by MN /DOT and Metro Council if this idea is considered a viable concept. The use of the current MTG group acting as lead proposers does not seem to indicate that much serious support exists in the state /metro government organizations. Additionally, staff attaches some data from the Urban Land Institute (ULI) on two new toll roads. Staff has personally observed the toll road in Orange County, California and would concur with the ULI's comments. Attached is a proposed letter that might be sent to Mn /DOT on this issue. Commuters Making Light After spending millions of dollars constructing private toll roads in the United States, private which control will revert to the state, which owns the median. the of Toll Roads So Far investors and developers are finding drivers $16,031 $16,821 slow to make use of their investments. Opera- Creditors of the Dulles Greenway may take 3,212 tors of the 14- mile -long Dulles Greenway toll control of that road later this year if operators ralSpending road outside of Washington, D.C., have laid are unable to make up a shortfall in toll receipts. off about 30 percent of their staff. And plans Detractors claim that commuters are balking to raise the toll to $1.75 have been put on hold. at the high tolls. But the director of the Dulles Projects on the West Coast are faring no bet- Greenway, Michael Crane, is optimistic about ter. In the three weeks since the California Pd- the future. According to Crane, the Greenway vate Transportation Co. opened its ten - mile -long is like any other new business and will require toll road in Orange County, California, few driv- an incubation period. He adds, "There is no ... s. - '.✓ ._ - - " - - - - - -. r .:!S; _ ._ �:: ers have used it. Tolls for the Orange County doubt that people will use the road." (Urban road range from 25 cents overnight to $2.50 Transport News, January 17,1996; BPI, 951 during rush hour. The company is scheduled Pershing Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland operate the after to op road for the next 35 years, a 10 -4464, 3 ) ': •. 209 01- 587 -63.00 Industry Will ;.The hotel industry is expected to realize a 20 to increase from last year's 65.9 percent to 66.5 in 1996. Room RevPAR percent gain over last year's record $7.9 billion percent (revenue ontinue Upswing in 1996 in profits. Profits are predicted to reach $9.5 per available room) is projected to grow 4.9 billion in 1996, or $2,793 per room. According percent in 1996 to $16,821. The accompany - to Biom Hanson, national industry chairman ing table shows lodging industry forecast fig- of lodging and gaming for Coopers & Lybrand, ures for 1996 and 1997. (Hotel & Motel average daily rates for hotel rooms should Management, January 22,1996; Advanstar rise nearly 2 percent over the inflation rate. Communications Inc., 7500 Old Oak Boulevard, Occupancy rates nationally also are expected Cleveland, Ohio 44130; 216 -891- 2750.) Lodging i 995-1997 1895 1996 1997 Occupancy 65.9% 66.5% 67.2% Average Daily Rate $66.63 $69.25 72.01 Average Daily Rooms Sold (000) 2,130 2,181 2,234 Room RevPAR $16,031 $16,821 $17,665 Room Supply (000) 3,212 3,246 3,294 Source: Coopers 8 Lybrand LLP. Value Center Construction A survey of 25 developers by the Off -Price tailers, and competition for the best remaining Journal found that the developers plan to build sites as catalysts for the development boom. To Continue in Face of 17 million square feet of new value center The average size of the first phase of the space in 1996 -7.7 million more square feet planned new centers also is expected to grow ralSpending than was delivered in 1995. Forty percent of in 1996. Respondents to the 1995 survey re- the companies surveyed did not develop any ported the average size of their new centers at value center space last year.. But continuing 281,175 square feet of GLA. For 1996, that fig- softness in the retail industry, evidenced by a ure is reported at 424,444 square feet. (Value flurry of retailer closings, consolidations, and Retail News —The OH -Price Journal, February -downsizings, is reducing the demand for new - 1996;15950 Bay Vista Drive, Suite 250, Clear- retail space. Experts point to more available fi- water, Florida 34620; 813 - 536 - 4047.) . ... s. - '.✓ ._ - - " - - - - - -. r .:!S; _ ._ �:: _Itancing; increasing demand from big -box re- �.�: r '''!`.�. "e }1,M'� -'�.i�uT L'ri —•- -- s� __.:.�' +. -� V, Commissioner James N. Denn Minnesota Department of Transportation Transportation Building 395 John Ireland Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 RE: 1-494 Toll Road Proposal Dear Commissioner Denn: The City of Edina has followed the issue of toll road projects with some interest as one segment would impact our City. The City of Edina has been an active player in the 1 -494 Corridor since 1986. The 1 -494 Corridor Commission was set up with representatives from Bloomington, Richfield, Edina, Eden Prairie and Minnetonka along with private sector participants. This Commission with the participation of the Minnesota Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Council initiated and funded an environmental impact statement to upgrade and rehabilitate the current 1 -494 corridor from the airport to 1 -394. Given the past history, the City believes that a continued effort must be made to develop financing to redevelop the corridor to ensure a high quality functional freeway system in the south metro area. However, the current MTG _proposal which uses tolls to recover the investment by the proposer does not address the issue as we suspect that Mn /DOT and the Metropolitan Council might on a metro -wide basis. Small segments of toll road is not a viable option in the City's opinion. We appreciate that the MTG's proposal could bring quicker results to construction of a short segment of freeway, but the side effects of that plan do not appear to have been evaluated. We would encourage the Minnesota Department of Transportation to seek additional funding which would include multi -modal aspects that seem to be the federal interests in financing projects in the 1990's. Sincerely, 4 rr , REPORURECOMMENDATION I TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL II FROM: GORDON L. HUGHES DATE: APRIL 1, 1996 SUBJECT: TECHNOLOGY PLAN Recommendation: Accept Technology Plan. InfoBackground: Agenda Item # IV.E. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑x To Council Action 0 Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Please refer to attached memorandum and plan. MEMORANDUM DATE: - - March 6, 1996 TO: Kenneth Rosland FROM: Gordon Hughes SUBJECT: TECHNOLOGY PLAN On December 19, 1995, the City Council authorized the establishment of a Technology Committee for the purpose of developing a long -term Technology Plan for the City. This Committee comprised the following individuals: Eric Anderson, Ralph Campbell, Candy Fiedler, Diane Koole, Steve Landry, Craig Larsen, Mike Siitari, Solvei Swenson, David Velde, and Ron Wasmund. It was my privilege to Chair this Committee. Our Committee met on several occasions since December 19. The Committee reviewed available information, heard a presentation from LOGIS, conducted two field trips to similar cities (St. Louis Park and Plymouth) and visited LOGIS at their Brooklyn Center offices. Based upon these meetings and discussions, we are please to submit the attached Technology Plan for your consideration. You should note that this plan does not represent the end of the process. We recommend that four work teams now be formed for the purpose of making specific recommendations as to the various elements of the plan. We hope that the work teams' assignments will be completed by July 1, so their recommendations can be incorporated into the 1997 City Budget. You should also note that although the goals of this plan are long -term, the specific strategies of the plan are relatively short -term. We believe that this is necessary due to the rapidly changing technology environment. We hope that the plan will provide a framework within which changing technologies can be evaluated. With your permission, I will present this plan at the March 8 Staff Retreat. We encourage the appointment of the various work teams as soon as possible in order to allow us to meet our July 1 completion date. We also suggest that a status report be provided to the City Council at their April 1, 1996, meeting. CITY OF EDINA TECHNOLOGY PLAN • Ednassignificantly behind other cities in LAN development. • An integrated LAN system would benefit all departments. • Some employees have private e-mail (i.e., electronic correspondence) through commercial 1 on -line services but there is no city wide system. VISION AND GOALS The following elements comprise our vision and goals for the technological capabilities of the City of Edina. These elements should be... viewed as;iong term and should serve as the benchmarks against which we evaluate our short :term decisions. • Customer service wail be enhanced and not compromised by our increasing use of technology All new systems will be evaluated first and foremost in light of their effect upon our,`service; to our residents and customers. • Staff members will becomputer literate and able to use available technology to its • The Council and our taxpayers will view our technology enhancements as sound investments that pay off handsomely in customer service and staff effectiveness. is of our information systems will "talk" to each other to the maximum • Human resource information and financial information will be available electronically to all management staff. 2 • Information that is geographically based will be electronically available for use on an integrated data base. • Direct links to colleges, universities and technical colleges will be an integral part of our training programs. • Water consumption will be monitored, billed and monies collected electronically. • Field personnel will have electronic linkages to City Hall for retrievngnformation and entering data and reports. • Customers may enroll in park and recreation programs, apply for building :permits and licenses, apply for jobs, and obtain public information electronically. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES NETWORKING AND DATABASE INTEGRATION. Develop plans to link our PC base to take advantage of economies of scale and to access more effectively data and information which may be available within and outside the City. S capabilities data systems m- ITY MPROVEMENTS. Develop plans to provide the best office suite enhance productivity, develop a consistent "look ", reduce support needs of our products • Select a word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, and data base management package based upon the following criteria: User friendliness 4 Ease of support Software development Ability to network Ability to upgrade Ability to accommodate E -mail and scheduling functions • Upgrade applications to a consistent version for all users • Supply work stations to all staff whose productivity would benei computer TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND CUSTOMER improved methods of communicating with our cu: • Replace our telephone system with one capabilities • Develop a homepage on the Internet in business community • Implement new bill paying methods for ACH for utility bills;': Credit card capabilities for othe. plans to a and voice mail Public Schools and the s including: such as license fees, building permits, AWING AND SUPPORT: ;Implement a training program and on -going support system to k: PLAN OF ACTION ESTABLISH WORK TEAMS. Action planning teams will be formed around each of the four strategic areas, i.e. Networking and Database Integration Work Team, Office Productivity Work Team, etc. These teams will comprise staff members with a particular expertise in the "strategic area and those who may be affected by the implementation of the new technologies: The City Manager will appoint each team leader. Each team will be charged with;developing the strategies which have been identified, making recommendations as to.desgn and implementation and estimating costs. LOGIS AS A PARTICIPANT. LOGIS will provide c no charge to the City. In particular, LOGIS will work specifications for a network, make GIS recommendatii with our network. LOGIS will be an active member o. many of the strat4c..'areas at --sign and prepare ;rate a new telephone system Ievelopment process. participate in the ns should be consumer se will be to help us design SUPPORT. Patty Latham has been hired to provide part -time support (24 hours per week) for our staff._ In addition to support. we will ask Patty to be a participant in our design development process Patty comes to us from Edina Community Education. Prior to that, she held a support position for a number of years vv�th'M A, Mortenson, a large construction company. She is scheduled to began work on March.1'1 SCHEDULE. Each work team will be asked to complete their work by July 1, 1996, in order to incorporate their recommendations into our 1997 budget. TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE. The Technology Committee will continue to serve as a steering committeeto coordinate the activities of the work teams. C•1 AGENDA ITEM: VIII•B• 4" ASSO(IatI0f10f Metropolitan Municipalities March 26, 1996 TO: Mayorrs,>Managers /Administrators FROM: Jo inpbell, AMM President RE: NOMINATIONS FOR AMM OFFICERS AND BOARD DIRECTORS I. ANNUAL MEETING, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 23,1996: If you have not done so already, please mark your calendars now for Thursday evening, May 23 for the 1996 AMM Annual Meeting. The meeting will kick off with a 5:30 p.m. social hour, a dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the business meeting to follow at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Thunderbird Motel in Bloomington. One of the major functions of the Annual Meeting will be to elect a President, Vice - President, and eight Board Directors. A detailed meeting notice and program agenda will be mailed around May 1. II. NOMINATIONS FOR OFFICERS AND BOARD POSITIONS WANTED: As noted above, the offices of president, vice - president and eight board directors are up for election. Your input is needed in suggesting good candidates for vice - president and board directors. If you or if you know of a city official you would like to have considered for nomination, please forward the name and a brief resume to the AMM office, attention Vern Peterson no later than Monday, April 15. continued... 14S hftity Avrnut Nat Ulm Pain Mimew ppg (6n) "S -40 FaL. M uqq Members of the Nominating Committee appointed by the Board of Directors are: Dave Childs, Chair, Past President and Minnetonka City Manager Other Nominating Committee members are: Chuck Armstrong, Inter - Governmental Relations, St. Paul Steve Billings, Councilmember, Fridley Patti Butcher, Mayor, White Bear Lake Kathleen Gaylord, Mayor So. St. Paul Dennis Maetzold, Councilmember, Edina Kathy O'Brien, Coordinator, Minneapolis Barb O'Neal, Mayor, Oak Park Heights Dave Pokorny, Administrator, Chaska III. BOARD OF DIRECTORS DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES: The Board normally meets once a month on the second Thursday commencing at 7:00 p.m. The Board approves the annual budget and work program; establishes annual dues rate; establishes program and legislative,policy priorities; appoints members of legislative policy committees; nominates the 10 city elected officials on the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB); appoints 8 city staff members to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and is responsible for the overall management and direction of AMM staff. Due to the two -term board limitation, there will be a minimum of three or four new Board Directors to be elected. Nominations are solicited for both elective and administrative city officials from throughout the entire metropolitan area. Please contact Vern Peterson in the AMM office (215 -4000) should you want more information concerning these matters. DISTRIBUTION NOTE: This bulletin has been mailed to mayors and Manager/administrators only. Please share this information with your councilmembers and other staff members as you see appropriate. Thank you. JC:Ilaj nomin.doc ' COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE ------ ---- PROGRAM --- --- --- - - - - - OBJECT - -- -- - --- PO NUM ----------- 164439 ------------- 04/01/96 - ---------------- $188.00 ------------------------------------ 1ST LANDMARK JAB CANCELLED 032196 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING FERMI < *> •$188.00* 164440 04/01/96 $6.00 AAA DUPLICATE PLATES /25.2 031496 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $6.00* 164441 04/01/96 $11.00 AAA TITLE FOR 27.200 031396 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $11.00* 164442 04/01/96 $8.50 AAA TAB RENEWAL /UNMARKED 031296 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $8.50* 164443 04/01/96 $90.00 AARRESTAD, DRU AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 04/01/96 $23.40 AARRESTAD, DRU CRAFT SUPPLIES 032696 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES < *> $113.40* 164444 04/01/96 $168.00 ABDELLA, PAUL AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $168.00* 164445 04/01/96 $520.52 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY TOOLS 033086 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS P6797 < *> $520.52* 164446 04/01/96 $423.00 ACCUFORM GOLF INTERNATIO RAKES (SAND TRAP) 5205 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 6308 < *> $423.00* 164447 04/01/96 $340.80 ACME WINDOW CLEAN WINDOW CLEANING FOR R 15020 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 6981 < *> $340.80* 164448 04/01/96 $13.45 ACTION MESSENGER MESSENGER SERVICE 184215 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $13.45* 164449 04/01/96 $110.28 ADT SECURITY SYSTEMS ALARM SERVICE 23340785 ED BUILDING & ALARM SERVICE 04/01/96 $244.75 ADT SECURITY SYSTEMS APRIL ADT 23340787 ED BUILDING & ALARM SERVICE < *> $355.03* 164450 04/01/96 $4.33 ALBINSON' PRINT REPRODUCTION 490053 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 6899 04/01/96 $62.06 ALBINSON METRIC MEASURING TAPE 490767 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 6301 < *> $66.39* 16445,1 04/01/96 $133.90 ALL FIRE TEST INC EXTING MAINT 009969 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT < *> $133.90* 164452 04/01/96 $459.07 ALPHAGRAPHICS PRINTING 33086 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 7211 < *> $459.07* 164453 04/01/96 $565.00 ALSTAD, MARIAN AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $565.00* 164454 04/01/96 $145.99 AMERICAN FORD VEHICLE 392 REPAIRS 81784 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS 7035 7035 04/01/96 $139.69 AMERICAN FORD VEHICLE 392 REPAIR 81784 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $285.68* 164455 04/01/96 $109.00 AMERICAN PROMOTIONS ADVERTISING 5747 ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER < *> $109.00* COUNCIL CHECK xEGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 2 CHECK NO DATE I CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION ---------- ---------- INVOICE ----- PROGRAM --------------------------- OBJECT PO NUM 164456 04/01/96 ----------- $610.25 ------------------------ AMERIDATA COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 766154 ENGINEERING GE EQUIP REPLACEM 6430 < *> $610.25* 164457 04/01/96 $39.08 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC BELT CLIP 13511 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 6982 < *> $39.08* 164458 04/01/96 $18.00 ANTIGUA GROUP INC, THE COST OF GOODS - PRO S 563192. PRO SHOP PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR COST OF GDS -PR 6608 04/01/96 $591.47 ANTIGUA GROUP INC, THE COST OF GOODS - PRO S 571580 < *> $609.47* 164459- 04/01/96 $100.80 ASCAP DUES EDINBOROUGH 032096 ED ADMINISTRAT DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $100.80* 164460 04/01/96 $509.49 ASHWORTH INC COST OF GOODS - PRO S 122949 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR COST OF GDS -PR 4178 4178 04/01/96 $116.71 ASHWORTH INC COST OF GOODS - PRO S COST OF GOODS - PRO S 122950 126454 PRO SHOP PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 4178 04/01/96 $1,153.30 ASHWORTH INC < *> $1,779.50* 164461 04/01/96 $47.00 ASIAN GANG INVESTIGATORS ENGERS CONFERENCE 031396 POLICE DEPT. G CONF'& SCHOOLS < *> $47.00* 164462 04/01/96 $526.69 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. HYD MOTORS 69351 101753 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS CONTR REPAIRS 6153 6505 04/01/96 04/01/96 $576.28 $44.41 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. REPAIRS STRAINER 74441 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 6252 04/01/96 $65.59 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. COCOA MATS 81931 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6838 < *> $1,212.97* 164463 04/01/96 $143.00 ASPLUND COFFEE COST OF GOODS SOLD 78178 ARENA CONCESSI COST OF GD SOL 4774 < *> $143.00* 164464 04/01/96 $101.77 ASSOCIATED BAG COMPANY POLY -BAG. N624650 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 6740 < *> $101.77* 164465 04/01/96 $45.88 AT & T TELEPHONE 021896 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE < *> $45.88* 164466 04/01/96 $6.08 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES TELEPHONE 031596 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE < *> $6.08* 164467 04/01/96 $47.34 AT &T TELEPHONE 031296 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE < *> $47.34* 164468 04/01/96 $111.95 B & B SEAT COVERS REPAIR /RECOVER TRACT 53352 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 6165 < *> $111.95* 164469 04/01/96 $207.68 BARNARD ELECTRONICS SERV SERVICE TO FIRE ALARM 0014836 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $207.68* 164470 04/01/96 $80.00 BCA /TRAINING & DEVELOPME CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS T001461 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $80.00* 164471 04/01/96 $60.00 BEARMON, DIANA REFUND GROUP SKATING 032196 EDINB /CL FROG LESSON PRGM IN < *> $60.00* 164472 X4/01/96 $55.20 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 228774 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 3 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM -- - - OBJECT - - -- OBJECT PO NUM NUM---- 1644 72 04/01/96 -$1.24 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 228991 50TH SGT SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 - $24.45 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 229002 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $88.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 91455 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $10.25 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 228960 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $75.50 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 229067 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $93.76 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 229068- YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $133.66 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 229072 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $61.41 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 229340 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $76.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 229341 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $568.74* 164473 04/01/96 $403.79 BEN HOGAN COMPANY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 410709 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 4141 04/01/96 $2,160.00 BEN HOGAN COMPANY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 410854 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 4141 < *> $2,563.79* 164474 04/01/96 $104.00 BENN, BRADLEY ART WORK SOLD 032096 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER 04/01/96 $293.00 BENN, BRADLEY AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 04/01/96 $99.07 BENN, BRADLEY CRAFT SUPPLIES 032696 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES < *> $496.07* 164475 04/01/96 $908.63 BENNINGTON GOLF COMPANY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 0058855 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5029 < *> $908.63* 164476 04/01/96 $17.95 BERGFORD TRUCKING BALANCE DUE 022996/Y YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $162.80 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 031596/5 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $227.70 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 031596/V VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $273.70 BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 031596/Y YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU < *> $682.15* 164477 04/01/96 $265.00 BERGLUND, STANLEY GRILL WALL & WASTE BI 032396 GRILL CONTR REPAIRS 04/01/96 $70.00 BERGLUND, STANLEY CLUBHOUSE B.R. 032396 CLUB HOUSE CONTR REPAIRS 04/01/96 $335.00 BERGLUND, STANLEY EXEC CLUB OFFICE (PRO 032396 RANGE CONTR REPAIRS 04/01/96 $320.00 BERGLUND, STANLEY PRO SHOP DISPLAY 032396 PRO SHOP PRO SVC AUDIT < *> $990.00* 164479 04/01/96 $36.76 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 3399380 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 6934 04/01/96 $34.04 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE 3401851 ART CENTER ADM OFFICE SUPPLIE 6745 04/01/96 $111.78 BERTELSON BROS: INC. OFFICE 3401890 ART CENTER ADM OFFICE SUPPLIE 6745 04/01/96 $411.89 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE 3401850 ART CENTER ADM OFFICE SUPPLIE 6745 04/01/96 $60.07 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 3407700 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 7009 04/01/96. $8.38 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 3408910 FINANCE GENERAL SUPPLI 7009, 04/01/96 $29.42 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 3409440 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 7009 04/01/96 $60.19 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 3412540 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 7009 04/01/96 $13.74 BERTELSON BROS. INC. NAME PLAQUE 3418100 CITY HALL GENE'GENERAL SUPPLI 04/01/96 $103.33 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 3418820 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 6827 04/01/96 $31.90 BERTELSON BROS. INC. STAMP A3914 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 7107 04/01/96 $112.17 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 3429740 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 6928 04/01/96 $404.28 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 3429730 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 7170 6950 04/01/96 $16.33 BERTELSON BROS. INC. TOOLS 3432390 3429930 BUILDING MAINT DEPT. GEN TOOLS OFFICE SUPPLIE 6541 04/01/96 04/01/96 $64.11 $131.00 BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE OFFICE CHAIRIES 3443220 EDRADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE 7168 < *> $1,629.39* 164480 04/01/96 $214:50 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS WINTER MIX 70961 709.69 DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION BLACKTOP BLACKTOP 04/01/96 $615.23 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS WINTER MIX COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 4 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE - --------------- PROGRAM - - - - -- OBJECT-- - - - -PO -NUM 164480 -------------------------------- 04/01/96 $1,105.84 --------------------------------------------- BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS WINTER MIX 70985 DISTRIBUTION BLACKTOP < *> $1,935.57* 164481 04/01/96 $90.00 'BLEDSOE, SARA AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 04/01/96 $56.00 BLEDSOE, SARA ART WORK SOLD 032696 ART CNTR FROG' SALES OTHER < *> $146.00* 164482 04/01/96 $85.00 BOB THE BEACHCOMBER CONT SERVICES EDINBOR 040996 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *� $85.00* 164483 04/01/96 $70.89 BOYER TRUCKS PARTS AIR DRYER CHECK VALVE 472711 54383 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 6980 04/01/96 $5.43 BOYER TRUCKS < *> $76.32* 164484 04/01/96 $4.17 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE COST OF GOODS SOLD 030696 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 04/01/96 $31.94 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE GENERAL SUPPLIES 030696 PRO SHOP GENERAL SUPPLI 04/01/96 $67.00 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 030696 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS 04/01/96 $133.21 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE OFFICE SUPPLIES 030696 GOLF,ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE 04/01/96 $25.60 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE POSTAGE 030696 GOLF ADMINISTR POSTAGE <*> $261.92* 164485 04/01/96 $263.23 BRISSMAN- KENNEDY INC SUPPLIES - CLEANING 410427 CITY HALL GENE CLEANING SUPPL 6990 04/01/96 $182.23 BRISSMAN - KENNEDY INC VAC REPAIR 410494 CITY HALL GENE CLEANING SUPPL < *> $445.46* 164486 04/01/96 $55.37 BROCK WHITE DECK /CART 84113701 CLUBHOUSE ADDT CIP 6992 < *> $55.37* 164487 04/01/96 $528.00 BROCKWAY, MAUREEN AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 04/01/96 $213.00 BROCKWAY, MAUREEN CRAFT SUPPLIES 032696 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES < *> $741.00* 164488 04/01/96 $273.67 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC BALLFIELD AG -LIME 52195 FIELD MAINTENA INFIELD MIX 6932 < *> $273.67* 164489 04/01/96 $145.91 BUIE, BARBARA REIMBURSEMENT -RUG 032096 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $145.91* 164490 04/01/96 $21.49 BUILDERS SQUARE PLUG, GLUE, BATTERIES 14451489 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $21.49* 164491 04/01/96 $500.00 BURNS, STEVE SCORER HIGH SCHOOL GA 031396 ARENA BLDG /GRO PRO SVC OTHER < *> $500.00* 164492 04/01/96. $33.00 CABOT SAFETY CORP SAFETY GLASSES 4094241 4094242 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME SAFETY EQUIPME 6051 6051 04/01/96 04/01/96 $33.00 $66.00_ CABOT SAFETY CORP CABOT SAFETY CORP SAFETY GLASSES SAFETY GLASSES 4094247 BUILDING MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 6051- 04/01/96 $27.50 CABOT SAFETY CORP SAFETY GLASSES 4094299 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 6051 04/01/96 $85.00 CABOT SAFETY CORP SAFETY (GLASSES) 4094243 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 04/01/96 $105.00 CABOT SAFETY CORP SAFETY GLASSES 4094246 BUILDING MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 6051 < *> $349.50* 164493 04/01/96 $15.00 CALL 4 COMMUNICATIONS PHONE INSTALLATION 2746 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $15.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM YORK OCCUPANCY SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER page 5 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT SEWER VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM --- -------- OBJECT PO NUM---- ------------------------------------ 164494 04/01/96 $50.00 - --------------------------------------------------------- CANTON, JANET MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 032696 FINANCE MILEAGE SEWER & WATER < *> & WATER $50.00* ARENA BLDG /GRO SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER 0308 ARENA BLDG /GRO SEWER 164495 04/01/96 $33.99 CARLSON, DAVID UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 032196 POLICE.DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW REPAIRS 26411 < *> CONTR $33.99* SCOTT AIR PAK REPAIRS 26411 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS 6545 164496 04/01/96 - $45.84 CATCO CREDIT FITTING 300430 300431 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR REPAIR PARTS PARTS 6956 04/01/96 04/01/96 $70.63 $33.14 CATCO CATCO CHECK VALVE 300527 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6947 04/01/96 $36.81 CATCO CLAMP 300606 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6803 04/01/96 $397.56 CATCO CYLINDER 300802 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS. 6870 04/01/96 $285.13 CATCO CLEVIS KIT /CHAMBER 300871 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6820 04/01/96 $448.32 CATCO AIR DRYER 300907 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6825 04/01/96 $360.32 CATCO CLEVIS KIT / CHAMNER 300986 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6839 04/01/96 $265.70 CATCO MISC SUPPLIES 300991 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6721 < *> $1,851.77* 164497 04/01/96 $163.36 CDP IMAGING SYSTEMS COPY MACHINE LEASE 02313134 PUMP.& LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 5258 < *> $163.36* 164498 04/01/96 $300.46 CEI AIRLESS JACK /TAMPER 109978B GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 6463 < *> $300.46* 164499 04/01/96 164500 04/01/96 164501 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 164502 04/01/96 164503 04/01/96 04/01/96 164504 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 164505 04/01/96 164506 04/01/96 $34,903.50 $34,903.50* $425.00 $425.00* $51.83 $38.68 $108.11 $26.72 $55.73 $26.72 $26.72 $334.51* CITY OF BLOOMINGTON CITY OF,BURNSVILLE CITY OF EDINA CITY OF EDINA CITY OF EDINA CITY OF EDINA CITY OF EDINA CITY OF EDINA CITY OF EDINA $15.57 CITY OF RICHFIELD $15.57* $225.00 $18.50 $243.50* $402.55. $179.60 $64.30 $646.45* $467.21 $467.21* $37.22 $37.22* CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP HEALTH CONTRACT 3856 PUBLIC•HEALTH PROF SERVICES MUNICIPALS BANQUET 032696 CONTINGENCIES MEETING EXPENS SEWER & WATER 0308 YORK OCCUPANCY SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER 0308 ART CENTER BLD SEWER & WATER, SEWER & WATER 0308 GOLF ADMINISTR SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER 0308 MAINT OF COURS SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER 0308 CLUB HOUSE SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER 0308 ARENA BLDG /GRO SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER 0308 ARENA BLDG /GRO SEWER & WATER LIGHT & POWER 29034 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER SCOTT AIR,PAK REPAIRS 26411 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 6545 SCOTT AIR PAK REPAIRS 26411 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS 6545 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPA COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06349756 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPA COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06350390 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPA COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06392830 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX COIT SERVICES CARPET CLEANING M216811 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 6708 COMMERCIAL REPAIR SERVIC COFFEE FILTERS 8706 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 6537 COUNCIL CHECK KEGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 6 AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT-- NUM CHECK NO DATE CHECK - -- -- ------------------ - _ - - -PO- - - -- -------------------------------------------------------- 164507 04/01/96 $220.95 ----------------------- COMMUNICATION CENTER ALARM 17105 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 6161 < *� $220.95* 164508 04/01/96 $42.70 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS COVERALLS 8812585 891925 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL.MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI SAFETY EQUIPME 6635 6460 04/01/96 $600.00 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS PRODUCTS SAFETY EQUIPMENT SAFETY EQUIPMENT 891925 BUILDING MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 6460 04/01/96 04/01/96 $300.00 $411.33 CONNEY SAFETY CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS SAFETY EQUIPMENT 891925 PUMP & LIFT ST. SAFETY EQUIPME 6460 < *� $1,354.03* 164509 04/01/96 $237.40 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO COST OF GOODS SOLD 020694 020694 ART SUPPLY GIF ART CENTER ADM COST OF GD SOL CRAFT SUPPLIES 6269 6269 04/01/96 $105.50 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO CRAFT SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 020694 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 6269 04/01/96 $69.00 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO < *> $411.90* 164510 04/01/96 $37.70 CRABB, CATY ART WORK SOLD 032096 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *, $37.70* 164511 04/01/96 $790.91 CROSS CREEK APPAREL INC PRO SHOP SHIRTS CC832713 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 5624 < *> $790.91* 164512 04/01/96 $198.30 CROWN PLASTIC REPAIR 41439 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 6921. < *� $198.30* 164513 04/01/96 $176.65 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 078348 078412 ED BUILDING & MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 6903 6997 04/01/96 $274.42 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 078428 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS . 6999 04/01/96 04/01/96 $146.01 $24.32 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 078494 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 7002 < *> $621,40* 164514 04/01/96 $53.20 CY'S UNIFORMS SHIRTS 0019222 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW 6525 < *> $53.20* 164515 04/01/96 $197.11 D.C. HEY CO. EQUIPMENT RENTAL 625713 ART CENTER ADM EQUIP RENTAL < *> $197.11* 164516 04/01/96 $486.85 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN HELMETS 196307 196255 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTHI GENERAL SUPPLI 5065 5831 04/01/96 $352.79 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN EQUIPMEN HYDRANT ADAPTERS FIRE BOOTS 196635 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTHI 7029 04/01/96 $75.00 DANKO EMERGENCY < *> $914.64* 164517 04/01/96 $1,084.88 DATREK PROFESSIONAL BAGS COST OF GOODS - PRO S 359181 PRO SHOP PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR COST OF GDS -PR 6611 6611 04/01/96 $75.57 DATREK PROFESSIONAL BAGS COST OF GOODS - PRO S 360568 < *> $1,160.45* 1.64518 04 /nl /c)r $30.42 DAVE'S DAIRY DELIVERY DAISY 0196 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 5631 <•> $30.42* 04/01/96 $272.80 DAYSTARTER BATTERIES 13770 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6846 164519 < *> $272.80* 164520 04/01/96 $4,358.80 DELTA DENTAL DENTAL PREMIUM 032296 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO < *> $4,358.80* 164521 04/01/96 $43.59 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY BAKERY 123195 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 5632 < *> $43.59* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 7 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR -- DESCRIPTION --- -- ---- ---- -- - - -- -- INVOICE ------ PROGRAM -- --- -- --- --- --- - -- OBJECT ------ PO -NUM --------------------------------- 164522 04/01/96 ----------------- $7.90 --- ------ DEPENDABLE COURIER DOCUMENT /GILLIGAN BON 26903 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE < *> $7.90* 04/01/96 $10.00 DEPT OF LABOR /INDUSTRY SPECIAL ENGINEER LICE 032696 ED ADMINISTRAT DUES & SUBSCRI 164523 < *> $10.00* 164524 04/01/96 $155.58 DIAMOND ART & CRAFT DIST COST OF GOODS SOLD 145171 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 6595 < *> $155.58* 164525 04/01/96 .$68.25 DICKER, TOBIE ART WORK SOLD INSTRUCTOR 032096 032696 ART CNTR PROG ART CENTER ADM SALES OTHER PROF SERVICES 04/01/96 $1,168.00 DICKER, TOBIE AC < *> $1;236.25* 164526 04/01/96 $2,295.00 DISNEY UNIVERSITY PROFES REGISTRATION 032096 PARK ADMIN. CONF & SCHOOLS < +> $2,295.00* 164527 04/01/96 $45.00 DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MA SCHOOL 031896 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $45.00* 164528 04/01/96 $1,807.90 DON BETZEN GOLF CO PENCILS 3802 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL COST SUPPLI OF GDS -PR 6859 5606 04/01/96 $817.68 DON BETZEN GOLF CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 3843 PRO SHOP PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5606 04/01/96 $108.00 DON BETZEN GOLF CO COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS - PRO - PRO S S 3855 3870 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5606 04/01/96 $268.07 DON BETZEN GOLF CO < *> $3,001.65* 164529 04/01/96 $16.95 DON WENDLING EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 2824 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT < *> $16.95* 164530 04/01/96 $6,313.24 DORSEY & WHITNEY LEGAL 480134 LEGAL SERVICES PRO SVC - LEGA < *> $6,313.24* 164531 04/01/96 - $112.60 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 35312 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE GD WINE 04/01/96 $139.00 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI WI 80292 80295 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $779.96 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD WI 80299 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 04/01/96 $344.00 $75.00 EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 80300 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $358.26 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80303 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $51.60 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 82792 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $641.96 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 82793 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $18.42 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 82794 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $121.10 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 82795 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $616.92 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 82796 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GD WINE OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $1,341.92 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 82797 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $76.18 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD MI WI 82798 35895 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 -$5.78 EAGLE WINE < *> $4,445.94* 164532 04/.01/96 $283.08 EARL F. ANDERSON THIN ICE SIGNS 00147563 00031396 ED BUILDING & BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI PROF SERVICES 7077 7190 04/01/96 $136.51 EARL F. ANDERSON PRO SERVICES PERMALENE REPLACEMENT 00147647 PATHS & HARD S GENERAL SUPPLI 7189 04/01/96 $489.90 EARL F. ANDERSON < *> $909.49* 164533 04/01/96 $1,628.20 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 648116 VERNON SELLING SELLIN CST CST OF GDS BEE OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $1,092.80 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD MI BE 648117 648118 50TH ST YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $5,400.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS COUNCIL CHECK KEGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM Page 8 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION - - - - -- - - - - -- INVOICE - - -- PROGRAM - - --- -- --- - -- - - -- OBJECT-- - - - -PO -NUM 164533 04/01/96 ---------------------------------- $623.10 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE BE 648699 652119 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $1,570.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 652120 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 04/01/96 $368.20 $572.55 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF.GOODS SOLD BE 652121 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE <*> $11,254.85* 164534 04/01/96 $2,196.56 EDINA CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010596 EQUIPMENT OPER CAR WASH 5650 <*> $2,196.56* 164535 04/01/96 $80.63 EDINA HARDWARE CRAFT SUPPLIES 358908 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 6602 <*> $80.63* 164536 04/01/96 $4,655.66 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL % GATE RECEIPTS BOYS RECEIPT 031396 031396 ARENA BLDG /GRO ARENA BLDG /GRO PRO SVC OTHER PRO SVC OTHER 04/01/96 $309.49 EDINA.HIGH SCHOOL % GIRLS GATE *� $4,965.15* 164537 04/01/96 $712.50 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAIN TOWER 90 REPAIRS 9135 9135 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS P6528 P6528 04/01/96 $128.22 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAIN TOWER 90 REPAIRS <*> $840.72* 164538 04/01/96 $300.00 EMPLOYEES CLUB GENERAL SUPPLIES APRIL 19 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI <*> $300.00* 164539 04/01/96 $71.40 ENGER, DON CONT ED /POLICE UNIFORM /CLOTHING ALLO 031496 031996 POLICE DEPT. G POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS UNIF ALLOW 04/01/96 04/01/96 $104.89 $29.50 ENGER, DON ENGER, DON MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 032596 POLICE DEPT. G MILEAGE <*> $205.79* 164540 04/01/96 $253.68 ENVIROMATIC CORPORATION VENT HOOD CLEAN 58699 GRILL CONTR SERVICES 7053 <*, $253.68* 164541 04/01/96 $100.00 . ET CETERA CONT SERVICES EDINBOR 040496 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 164542 04/01/96 $501.00 FARBER, DIANE AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 032696 ART CENTER ADM ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES CRAFT SUPPLIES 04/01/96. 04/01/96 $51.60 $85.00 FARBER, DIANE FARBER, DIANE CRAFT SUPPLIES PART TIME MAINT ART C 032696 ART CENTER BLD PROF SERVICES <*> $637.60* 164543 04/01/96 $40.00 FINE, AGNES VISUAL PROGRAM EDINBO 041496 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER <*> $40.00* 164544 04/01/96. $71.36 FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY ALARM SERVICE 308415 50TH ST OCCUPA ALARM SERVICE < *> $71.36* 164545 04/01/96. $192.00 FRAME, SUSAN AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES <*> $192.00* 164546 04/01/96 $153.44 FRONTIER COMMUNICATION TELEPHONE 031596 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE <*> $153.44* 164547 04/01/96 - $96.39 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CREDIT CR1756 14035 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 04/01/96 $130.66 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE K DIRECT PURCHASE CLOTHING. CLOTHING 14069 GENERAL MAINT 04/01/96 04/01/96 $50.40 $166.14 G & G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CLOTHING 14070 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 9 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION - - -- INVOICE PROGRAM - - - -- OBJECT-- - - - -PO -NUM - --------------------------------------------------------------------- < +, $250.81* 164548 04/01/96 $180.00 GARDER, DOUG AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES - < +, $180.00* 164549 04/01/96 $600.00 GEISHEKER-, PATRICIA AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < +> $600.00* 164550 04/01/96 $235.97 GENERAL PARTS & SUPPLY REPAIR 414609 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 7158 < *> $235.97* 164551 04/01/96 $2,650.21 GENERAL REPAIR SERVICE PUMP PARTS 41162 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6214 < *> $2,650.21* 164552 04/01/96 $12.00 GIBBS, PEGGY GFOA LUNCH 032696 FINANCE CONF & SCHOOLS 04/01/96 $8.56 GIBBS, PEGGY MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 032696 FINANCE MILEAGE < +> $20.56* 164553 04/01/96 $431.28 GIRARD'S BUSINESS MACHIN FORM PROCESSING' 61204 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < +> $431.28* 164554 04/01/96 $75.00 GLADCHILD, PAT PERFORM EDINBOROUGH 041196 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < +> $75.00* 164555 04/01/96 $40.00 GLOVER, JOHN REFUND SWIMMING 031396 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < +> $40.00* 164556 04/01/96 $403.20 GOLFCRAFT CART PARTS 9357 9358 RANGE RANGE REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 6630 6631 04/01/96 $280.80 GOLFCRAFT GOLF CAR PARTS < +> $684.00* 164557 04/01/96 $70.00 GOPHER CASH REGISTER CASH, REGISTER 15531 RANGE PROF SERVICES 7052 < +> $70.00* 1645'58 04/01/96 $10.00 GOVERNING SUBSCRIPTION 043096 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $10.00* 164559 04/01/96 $60.27 GRAINGER MAGNETIC BASE 29789690 49863886 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL SUPPLI 6420 6489 04/01/96 04/01/96 $31.50 $148.42 GRAINGER GRAINGER SAFETY GAS CAN PINCH BOX /LEATHER GL 49863916 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 6491 04/01/96 $183.90 GRAINGER SHOP SUPPLIES 49863965 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 6570 04/01/96 $18.02 GRAINGER CONTACT BLOCK (SHOP) 49533802 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 6933 04/01/96 $56.04 GRAINGER SHOP SUPPLIES 49533823 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 6663 04/01/96 $138.28 GRAINGER REPLACE FURNACE FOR B 49864161 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 6659 04/01/96 $122.53 GRAINGER MOTOR 49533920 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 6671 04/01/96 - $32.04 GRAINGER CREDIT 49864206 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 6512 04/01/96 $118.32 GRAINGER THERMOSTAT 49864577 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 6828 04/01/96 $84.19 GRAINGER PUMP MOTOR 49864591 49864632 ED & FIRE BUILDING GEN GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL SUPPLI 6920 6841 04/01/96 $146.20 GRAINGER COMMERCIAL < +> $1,075.63* 164560 04/01/96 $326.85 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 11320 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $80.95 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 11381 < +> $407.80* COUNCIL CHECK n8GISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 10 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 164561 04/01/96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $211.45 GREG NORMAN DIVISION COST OF GOODS PRO S 148722 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5955 *� $211.45* 164562 04/01/96 $5,000.00 GREUPNER, JOE PRO SERV GOLF MONTHLY 032396 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC - GOLF. <*> $5,000.00* 164563 04/01/96 $175.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 79166 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $87.50 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 79167 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $4,885.44 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 80906 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $2,338.42 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST COST_OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LI LI 80907 80909 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 04/01/96 $98.94 $5,086.98 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80910 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $1,425.79 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 83550 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $1,864.52 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 83551 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $313.99 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 83554 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $947.14 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 83555 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $1,058.04 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 83558 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $3,246.10 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 83559 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $100.66 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 02359 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU <*> $21,628.52* 164564 04/01/96 $1,213.14 H &L MESABI CUT EDGE 30182 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 5752 <*> $1,213.14* 164565 04/01/96 $100.00 HALL, KEVIN PERFORM EDINBOROUGH 040296 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER <*> $100.00* 164566 04/01/96 $115.98 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY WINDSHIELD SOLVENT 283509 283590 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI LUBRICANTS 6673 3523 04/01/96 $115.98 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY WASHER SOLVENT OIL 283591 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS 04/01/96 $870.53 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY <*> $1,102.49* 164567 04/01/96 $75.00 HAMILTON, JIM CONT SERV EDINBOROUGH 041496 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $75.00* 164568 04/01/96 $225.00 HARTLEIB, CECEILE AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES <*> $225.00* 164569 04/01/96 $132.00 HAYNES, PATRICIA- AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES <*, $132.00* 164570 04/01/96 $87.00 HEALTH PARTNERS HOSP PREM SR PLAN 1487321 1481776 CENT SVC GENER CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO HOSPITALIZATIO 04/01/96 $25,628.05 HEALTH PARTNERS HOSP PREMIUM <*> $25,715.05* 164571 04/01/96 $130.66 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD 10717 ARENA CONCESSI ARENA CONCESSI COST OF GD SOL COST OF GD SOL 4771 4771 04/01/96 $102.64 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD 10726 < *> $233..30* 164572 04/01/96 $1,302.15 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL SUPPLIES JAN 96 4774 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 6028 .C*> $1,302.15* 164573 04/01/96 $690.70 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF BOARD & ROOM PRISONER 032096 LEGAL SERVICES BRD & RM PRISO < *> $690.70* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM OVAL ICE RENTAL. 031296 < +> $10,351.80* page 11 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT - -PO -NUM ------------------ -- 164574 04/01/96 ------ ----------.------------------------------------------7---------------------------------------- $70.50 HENNEPIN COUNTY HAZARDOUS WASTE FEE 16305 SUPE_RV.'& OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS < *> $70.50* 164575 04/01/96 $49.00 HIGHAM, FAITH CLASS REFUND 031696 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F. < *> $49.00+ 164576 04/01/96 $94.35 HOME JUICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 58723 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $94.35* 164577 04/01/96 $93.66 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL CHEMICALS 6894 ED BUILDING & CHEMICALS 7007 < +> $93.66* 164578 04/01/96 $59.25 HOULE, JEANNIE GENERAL SUPPLIES 032696 ART SUPPLY GIF GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $59.25* 164579 04/01/96 $54.12 HUEBSCH SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 961120 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI 04/01/96 $12.42 HUEBSCH SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 965096 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI < +> $66.54* 164580 04/01/96 $13:00 HULBERT, BENN CLASS REFUND 031696 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < +> $13.00* 164581 04/01/96 $543.15 HYDRO SUPPLY CO METER PARTS 9351 METER REPAIR REPAIR PARTS 1091 < +> $543.15* 164582 04/01/96 $11.00 IFSTA TRAINING GUIDE 117799 FIRE DEPT. GEN TRAINING AIDS 6540 < *> $11.00* 164583 04/01/96 164584 04/01/96 164585 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 164586 04/01/96 < *> 164587 04/01/96 04/01/96 < *> 164588 04/01/96 $114.85 INTOXIMETERS INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 96005588 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 7027 $114.85* $30.47 IZOD CLUB GOLF & TENNIS COST OF GOODS - PROS 648866 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 4180 $30.47* $111.63 $3.54 $480.83 $596.00* $168.06 $168.06* $132.70 $991.00 $1,123.70* $406.96 $406.96* J:H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 03046915 J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C ADAPTOR 03116935 J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C GOLF COURSE ELECTRICA 31169355 JACK RICHESON & CO INC COST OF,GOODS SOLD 84917 JERRYS PRINTING ANNUAL MEETING 4869 JERRYS PRINTING PRINTING 4949 JIM HATCH SALES POINT BAR PUMP & LIFT ST TOOLS 6664 CLUB HOUSE REPAIR PARTS 6664 CLUB HOUSE REPAIR PARTS 6821 ART SUPPLY.GIF COST OF GD SOL 6599 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS 7075 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 5493 6376 PUMP & LIFT ST TOOLS 6457 164589 04/01/96 $10,351.80 JOHN ROSE MINNESOTA OVAL ICE RENTAL. 031296 < +> $10,351.80* 164591 04/01/96 $29.26 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5183090 04/01/96 $702.12 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI. 5196779 04/01/96 $305.71 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5196787 EDINA ATHLETIC BLDG RENTAL 50TH ST SELLIN CST. OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE COUNCIL CHECK nEGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 12 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 164591 04/01/96 $1,154.69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 5196795 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU GD WINE 04/01/96 $599.98 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD WI WI 5196811 5196829 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $738.56 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE CO. WINE CO. COST OF COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD WI 5196837 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 04/01/96 $403.09 $3,292.88 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5196845 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $832.24 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF-GOODS SOLD WI 5196860 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $1,198.65 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5196878 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $430.07 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5196886 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $3,770.69 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 5196894 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $324.90 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 6196761 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $222.02 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 5204813 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 - $222.02 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 5208111 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $846.65 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5228978 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $799.55 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5228986 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $318.10 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5228994 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $3,393.10 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 52290000 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $171.62 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5229034 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $367.56 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5229042 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $174.14 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5229059 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $1,905.35 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 5229067 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $1,034.96 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5229075 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $132.87 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5229083 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE WINE 04/01/96 $228.13 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST.OF GOODS SOLD WI 5229691 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST.OF CST OF GD GD LIQU 04/01/96 $2,074.19 JOHNSON WINE CO. COST OF COST OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LI LI 5229109 5237011 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $157.06 JOHNSON WINE CO. <*> $25,386.12* 164592 04/01/96 $42.12 JOHNSON, NAOMI GENERAL SUPPLIES 032696 032696 ART CENTER BLD ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPLI CRAFT SUPPLIES 04/01/96 $37.50 JOHNSON, NAOMI CRAFT SUPPLIES <*> $79.62* 164593 04/01/96 $48.66 JOHNSON, RIC CRAFT SUPPLIES 032696 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES *� $48.66* 164594 04/01/96 $170.06 Jordon Beverage COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 25565 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE <*> $170.00* 164595 04/01/96 $17.54 JPM STORE FIXTURE & DISP BALANCE DUE 280159. PRO SHOP PRO SVC AUDIT 9551 <*, $17.54* 164596 04/01/96 $129.75 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER /SOCKET ADAPTER 87684 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 6105 04/01/96 $31.65 JUSTUS LUMBER TOOLS 87993 88877 BUILDING MAINT BUILDING MAINT TOOLS LUMBER 6099 6229 04/01/96 $24.22 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER 89480 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 6412 04/01/96 04/01/96 $45.16 $132.45 JUSTUS JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER SUPPLIES 90887 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 6662 < *> $363.23* 164597 04/01/96 $208.72 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOL BALL BEARING Z128663 Z129391 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR REPAIR PARTS PARTS 5776 6232 04/01/96 $16.44 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOL TECHNOL LINKS CREDIT 2129947 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 5776 04/01/96 04/01/96 - $202.20 - $16.44 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOL CREDIT Z129976 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS <*> $6.52* 164598 04/01/96 $59.11 KANE SERVICE, THE 3/2 SIMS 6989262 7003225 ED BUILDING & ED BUILDING & PROF SERVICES PROF SERVICES 04/01/96 $59.11. KANE SERVICE, THE 3 -9 SIMS COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 13 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT -$- - -. --* VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT-- - - - -PO NUM - -< *--- ------- --- ------- 11822 164599 04/01/96 $330.89 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2611947 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5612 04/01/96 $838.19 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2612169 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5612 04/01/96 $461.91 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2617391 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5612 +> $1,630.99* 164600 04/01/96 $600.00 KLEVE HEATING REPAIRS 031296 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 6924 < +> $600.00* 164601 04/01/96 $23.49 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 196222 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 6473 04/01/96 $18.90 KNOX COMM CREDIT MISC HARDWARE 196341 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 6493 04/01/96 $59.63 KNOX COMM CREDIT LIMNER 196352 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 6494 04/01/96 $22.12 KNOX COMM CREDIT BLDG MATERIAL 196577 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 6503 04/01/96 $170.40 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 197048 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6648 04/01/96 $54.23 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER & MISC 197985 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 6804 < *> $348.77* 164602 04/01/96 $29.90. KONZ, MARY LOU ART WORK SOLD 032096 = ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $29.90* 164603 04/01/96 $1,625.70 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 153114 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $199.35 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 153155 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $1,264.55 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 153618 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $446.40 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 153638 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE < *> $3,536.00* 164604 04/01/96 $30.00 KVASNICK, BARB VISUAL ARTS EDINBOROU 041196 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 04/01/96 $7.99 KVASNICK, BARB GENERAL SUPPLIES 041196 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $37.99*- 164605 04/01/96 $275.60 LAKELAND ENGINEERING SWAY VALVE / #14 WELL L50178 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 6510 < *> $275.60* 164606 04/01/96 - $452.94 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. HAREWARE 1416659 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES'— 6483 04/01/96 $333.67. LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. CLEAN MATERL /CUTOFF W 1416660 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 6481 04/01/96 $35.77 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. MISC SHOP STOCK 1416661 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 6386 04/01/96 $277.79 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. TOOLS 1417488 STREET.NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 6482 04/01/96 $77.68 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. NUTS 141917 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 6551 04/01/96 $92.85 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. HEX NI =UTS. 1419175 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 6653 04/01/96 $409.61 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. HARDWARE 1419687 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 6650 04/01/96 $220.23 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. DRILLS BITS 1419689 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 6652 04/01/96 $160.56 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. TERMINAL WIRE 1420721 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 6530 04/01/96 $173.65 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. TOOLS 1426138 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 6842 <*> $2,234.75* 164607 04/01/96 $145.00 LEAANNS SEW /DECO FIRE GEAR REPAIRS 96009 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 04/01/96 $215.00 LEAANNS SEW /DECO FACE MASK BAGS 96010 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 6542 < +> $360.00* 164608 04/01/96 $75.00 LEACH, PETER AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $75.00* 164609 04/01/96 $42.47 LEEF BROS. INC. OFFICE FURNISHING 980079 ART CENTER BLD LAUNDRY <*> $42.47* i COUNCIL CHECK KEGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 14 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION -- INVOICE -- PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------- ------ -- ------- -- -- - - - -- --- --------- ------ - 164610 < *> 04/01/96 $1,214.00 $1,214:00* --- ----------- - LESSMAN, GREG COST OF GOODS PRO S 8819 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5613 164611 < *> 04/01/96 $225.00 $225.00* LINCOLN DIST CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 5722 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 164612 04/01/96 164613 04/01/96 04/01/96 164614 04/01/96 < *> 164615 04/01/96 164616 04/01/96 164617 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 164618 04/01/96 164619 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 164620 04/01/96 164622 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 $1,162.01 LINEAR DYNAMICS INC SPRAY GUN $1,162.01* $31.73 LINHOFF $7.60 LINHOFF $39.33* $157.50 , LISK, LEROY $157.50* $1,052.18 $1,052.18* $830.70 $830.70* $4,037.38 $2,130.92 $3,703.14 $25.34 $25.34 $25.34 $9,947.46* $121.00 $121.00* $204 .'24 $544.64 $238.28 $204.24 $425.50 $238.28 $340.40 $2,195.58* LITTLE FALLS MACH 128078 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 5803 FILM DEVELOPING 8804 FILM 9232 CLEANING SUPPLIES 031596 PLOW SHOE 14145 LOFFLER BUSINESS SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 147728 CONTINGENCIES PROF SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPLI FIRE DEPT. GEN CLEANING SUPPL 7034 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 5861 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 5995 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0296 FINANCE DATA PROCESSIN LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0296 ASSESSING DATA PROCESSIN LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0296 GENERAL(BILLIN DATA PROCESSIN LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0296 LIQUOR YORK GE DATA PROCESSIN LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0296 VERNON LIQUOR DATA PROCESSIN LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0296 LIQUOR 50TH ST DATA PROCESSIN LOVEGREEN INDUSTRIAL SER REPAIR HOIST J3698600 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 6948 M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 44373 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 44431 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 44450 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 44547 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 44609 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 44617 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX M AMUNDSON COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 44709 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX $40.00 MANKATO SECTIONAL FIRE & #33 HOSE TRG 030296 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 6338 $40.00* $883.45 $50.10 $74.05 $1,212.54 $8.80 $160.00 $320.00 $513.57 $784.35 $55.80 MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 490999 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 491000 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 491001 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 491005 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 491006 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 492770 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 492771 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 493271 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 493292 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 35104 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE - VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 15 CHECK NO--- DATE AMOUNT VENDOR- DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 164622 - - -- 04/01/96 -CHECK ---------------- $160.00 - -_- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 493348 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $2,695.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 493530 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $32.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 493531 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $7.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 493532 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $1,708.55 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 493542 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $35.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 493546 YORK SELLING . CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $3.25 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 3113196. 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $573.25 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 495681 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $600.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 495699 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $508.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 495705 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $1,147.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 495949 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $32.60 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 495950 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $9.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 495951 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX *> $11,576.01* 164623 04/01/96 $496.01 MATRX MEDICAL INC NITROUS CYLINDERS 492272 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 6032 < *> $496.01* 164624 04/01/96 $100.00 MBC PRESENTATION CLERK TAM TRAINING 054191 LIQUOR 50TH ST CONF & SCHOOLS 04/01/96 $100.00 MBC PRESENTATION CLERK TAM TRAINING 054191 LIQUOR YORK GE CONF & SCHOOLS 04/01/96 $100.00 MBC PRESENTATION CLERK TAM TRAINING 054191 VERNON LIQUOR CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $300.00* 164625 04/01/96 $966.38 MCCAREN DESIGN PLANTS 1920 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SHR 6893 < *> $966.38* 164626 04/01/96 $241.23 MECO COUPLING 70797 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6854 < *> $241.23* 164627 04/01/96 $34,280.61 MEDICA HOSP PREM 4/96 19609210,CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO < *> $34,280.61* 164628 04/01/96 $204.94 MENARDS ACCT #30240251 REPAIR 660004 GOLF DOME CONTR REPAIRS 7000 04/01/96 $53.43 MENARDS ACCT #30240251 PRO'S OFFICE 13772 RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 7055 04/01/96 $187.33 MENARDS ACCT #30240251 PRO OFFICE 661112 RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 7055 < *> $445.70* 164629 04/01/96 $207.67 MERIT SUPPLY MOP HEADS CLEANING SUPPLIES 41683 41754 BUILDINGS BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL SUPPLI 6668 6819 04/01/96 04/01/96 $125.67 $76.68 MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUPPLY POLYLINERS 41757 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 6832 04/01/96 $83.07 MERIT SUPPLY TISSUE 41758 IPW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 6691 04/01/96 $375.99 MERIT SUPPLY PARTS 41775 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 6929 04/01/96 $488.88 MERIT SUPPLY MISC SUPPLIES 41783 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 7008 04/01/96 $6,001.12 MERIT SUPPLY RIDER SCRUBBER 41789 CONTINGENCIES EQUIP REPLACEM 6892 04/01/96 $6,001.13 MERIT SUPPLY RIDER SCRUBBER 41789 EDINB /CL PROG MACH. & EQUIP 6892 04/01/96 $6,001.12 MERIT SUPPLY RIDER SCRUBBER 41789 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 6892 04/01/96 $38.60 MERIT SUPPLY VACUUM CLEANER 41805 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 6747 04/01/96 $490.96 MERIT SUPPLY BATTERY CHARGER 41810 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 7069 7071 04/01/96 $270.77 MERIT SUPPLY DEGREASER 41827 ED BUILDING & CHEMICALS 04/01/96 $392.02 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 41831 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPPL.7074 < *> $20,553.68* 164630 04/01/96 $394.35 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 11254 ARENA CONCESSI COST OF GD SOL 6729 < *> $394.35• COUNCIL CHECK ..EGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 16 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDORDESCRIPTION - -- - - - - -- INVOICE --------------------- PROGRAM -- OBJECT ---- -- PO NUM - ----- -------------------------------------------------- 164631 < +> 04/01/96 04/01/96 $100.00 $5,640.00 $5,740.00* --------- - METRO BRICK & STONE METRO BRICK & STONE - - REPAIR BRICK BRICK WALL DECK 8165 164 CLUBHOUSE ADDT CLUBHOUSE ADDT CIP CIP 7061 6862 164632 04/01/96 $1,683.00 METRO WASTE CONTROL SAC CHARGES JAN GENERAL FD PRO SAC CHARGES < *> $1,683.00* 164633 04/01/96 $288,506.00 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WAS SEWER SERVICE 030596 SEWER TREATMEN SEWER SVC METR < *> $288,506.00* 164634 04/01/96 $2,625.00 MICHALKO, JIM BRIDGE INSPECTION 032696 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES < +> $2,625.00* 164635 04/01/96 $156.81 MID - AMERICA POWER DRIVES FILTERS 101259 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6871 < *> $156.81* 164636 04/01/96 $684.37 MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. WINTER MIX 3001MB DISTRIBUTION BLACKTOP < *> $684.37* 164637 04/01/96 $63.78 MINN COMM PAGING PAGER RENTAL 22509603 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL < +> $63.78* 164638 04/01/96 $7,257.42 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPA WATER PURCHASED 031396 DISTRIBUTION WATER PURCHASE < *> $7,257.42* 164639 04/01/96 $73.92 MINNEGASCO HEAT 031596 NORMANDALE GC HEAT < *> $73.92* 164640 04/01/96 $13.75 MINNESOTA BRICK AND TILE FOR 50TH & WOODDALE 38040 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 6844 < *> $13.75* 164641 < *> 04/01/96 $263.51 $263.51* MINNESOTA CERAMIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 185724 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 5550 164642 04/01/96 $113.98 MINNESOTA CLAY USA COST OF GOODS SOLD 12619 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 6749 <*> $113.98* 164643 < *> 04/01/96 $10.00 $10.00* MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TREE INSPECTOR LICENS 031996 TREES & MAINTE LIC & PERMITS " 164644 04/01/96 $431.33 MINNESOTA,PIPE & EQUIPME HYDRANT BREAK OFF 30705 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 6515 < *> $431.33* 164645 < *> 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 $55.59 $68.88 $77.08 $201.55* MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO PUBLISH ORD 95 -9 - LEGAL AD IMP HRG BA -3 LEGAL IMP HRG DA311 18486 18487 18488 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE ADVERTISING LE ADVERTISING LE 164646 04/01/96 $18.00 MN S.C.I.A. DUES 031496 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $18.00* 164647 < *> 04/01/96 $18.00 $18:00* MN S.C.I.A. DUES 031996 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCRI 164648 04/01/96 $802.13 MN STATE TREASURER BUIL STATE SURCHARGE 032196 GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 17 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR -------- - DESCRIPTION - - - - -- - - - -- INVOICE PROGRAM--- - - - - -- OBJECT-- - - - -PO -NUM --------------------------------------------------- < *� $802.13* 164649 04/01/96 $936.14 MTI_DISTRIBUTING CO ROLL BAR 184616 I85567 EQUIPMENT OPER MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS P6164 6996 04/01/96 $116.76 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR PARTS < *� $1,052.90* 164650 04/01/96 $125.40 MUZAK SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 040196 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI < *� $125.40* 164651. 04/01/96 $70.28 NAPA AUTO PARTS BEARING SET 241738 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7014 < *> $70.28* 164652 04/01/96 $58.05 NATIONAL PEN CORPORATION PENS TRZQ4 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $58.05* 164653 04/01/96 $82.30 NEBCO EVANS DISTRIB COST OF GOODS SOLD 498751 ARENA CONCESSI COST OF GD SOL SOL 4775 4775 04/01/96 $112.10 NEBCO EVANS DISTRIB COST OF GOODS SOLD 501424 ARENA CONCESSI COST OF GD 04/01/96 _ $170.71 NEBCO EVANS DISTRIB COST OF GOODS SOLD 502677 ARENA CONCESSI COST OF GD SOL 4775 04/01/96 $965.05 NEBCO EVANS DISTRIB COST OF GOODS SOLD 503828 ARENA CONCESSI COST OF GD SOL 4775 < *� $1,330.16* 164654 04/01/96 $368.00 NELSON, J THOMAS AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *� $368.00* 164655 04/01/96 $113.40 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS IN LABOR /SHOP SUPPLIES 27577 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE < *> $113.40* 164656 04/01/96 $356.50 NEXTEL MAINT CHARGE 1023049 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE 3773 < *> $356.50* 164657 04/01/96 $100.00 NORTH STAR CHAPTER OF IC DUES 032096 INSPECTIONS DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $100.00* 164658 04/01/96 $106.36 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 117863 MAINT OF COURS MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS GENERAL SUPPLI 6793 7179 04/01/96 04/01/96 $35.35 $882.41 NORTH STAR TURF NORTH STAR TURF SUPPLIES COURSE SUPPLIES 118194 118160 NORMAN. MAINT. GENERAL SUPPLI 6449 04/01/96 $460.08 NORTH STAR TURF GREENHOUSE FERTILIZER 118178 GENERAL TURF C FERTILIZER 6989 < *> $1,484.20* 164659 04/01/96 $37.98 NORTHERN GENERATOR REPAIRS 364783TI 364783TI FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS CONTR REPAIRS 4248 4248 04/01/96 04/01/96 $42.00 $53.20 NORTHERN NORTHERN GENERATOR REPAIRS SHOP SUPPLIES 365687TI MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 6783 04/01/96 $23.41 NORTHERN SHOP SUPPLIES 365900TI FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 6535 < *> $156.59* 164660 04/01/96 $111.60 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 34742 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $111.60* 164661 04/01/96 $229.69 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRE /MOUNTING NW27623 NW27624 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES TIRES & TUBES 6670 6670 04/01/96 $320.69 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRE < *> $550.38* 164662 04/01/96 $21,915.05 NSP LIGHT & POWER 040196 040196 ST LIGHTING RE ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER 04/01/96 $2,883.35 NSP LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER 040196 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT & POWER 04/01/96 $8.67 NSP COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 18 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT .- VENDOR_- - - - - -- - -- DESCRIPTION - - - - -- INVOICE ----- PROGRAM --- - -- ----------- - OBJECT --- -- -PO- NUM -_- ------------------------------------------- 164662 04/01/96 $1,266.44 -- -- NSP LIGHT & POWER 040196 PARKING RAMP LIGHT & POWER 04/01/96 $590.15 NSP LIGHT & POWER 040196 FIRE DEPT. GEN LIGHT & POWER 04/01/96 $15.70 NSP LIGHT & POWER 040196 CIVIL DEFENSE LIGHT & POWER 04/01/96 $30.53 NSP LIGHT & POWER 040196 CITY HALL GENE LIGHT &_POWER 04/01/96 $1,760.73 NSP LIGHT & POWER 040196 BUILDING MAINT LIGHT & POWER 04/01/96 $3,590.96 NSP LIGHT& POWER 040196 CLUB HOUSE LIGHT & POWER 04/01/96 $2,813.32 NSP LIGHT & POWER 040196 ARENA BLDG /GRO LIGHT & POWER 04/01/96 $995.26 NSP LIGHT & POWER 040196 GUN RANGE LIGHT & POWER 04/01/96 $1,829.98 NSP LIGHT & POWER 040196 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER - 04/01/96 $2,212.93 NSP LIGHT & POWER 040196 DISTRIBUTION LIGHT & POWER < *> $39,913.07* 164663 04/01/96 $192.00 ODLAND, DOROTHY AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $192.00* 164664 04/01/96 $7.33 OFFICE MAX INC COMPUTER CORDS 1385 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 7212 < *> $7.33* 164665 04/01/96 $136.06 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE REPAIR PARTS 119977 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 7057 < *> $136.06* 164666 04/01/96 $59.64 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 0526029 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS 6994 164667 04/01/96 $213.00 OWENS SERVICE CO MCQUAL,POOL HEATER RE 1398 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 6900 < *> $213.00* 164668 04/01/96 $1,060.74 P.M. JOHNSON EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT C6048B CENT SVC GENER EQUIP REPLACEM 6175 < *> $1,060.74* 164669 04/01/96 $379.00 PALM BROTHERS REPAIRS 0614712 ARENA CONCESSI CONTR REPAIRS 6894 < *> $379.00* 164670 04/01/96 $154.13 PAPER DEPOT CRAFT SUPPLIES 5776 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT.SUPPLIES 5550 < *> $154.13* 164671 04/01/96 $74.85 PAPERDIRECT INC PAPER 85213550 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPLI P7205 04/01/96 $106.80 PAPERDIRECT INC PAPER 85282180 COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPLI P7209 < *> $181.65* 164672 04/01/96 $5.45 PARAGON CABLE MPLS CABLE 031196 COMMUNICATIONS PROF SERVICES < *> $5.45* 164673 04/01/96 $175.50 PARK NICOLLET MEDICAL CE DRUG SCREENING /PRE EM 030996 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 04/01/96 $22.00 PARK NICOLLET MEDICAL CE TB SCREENS 030996 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES < *> $197.50* 164674 04/01/96 $95.00 PARTS PLUS BALANCE DUE 1144870. EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/01/96 $294.00 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1153022 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/01/96 $30.91 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1153224 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/01/96 $76.55 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1154712 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04%01/96 $18.53 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1155074 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/01/96 $35.66 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1155096 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/01/96 $82.30 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1155180 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/01/96 $11.72 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1155848 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM 040196 GENERAL SUPPLIES page 19 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT 040196 VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM - -- OBJECT-- - - - -PO -NUM ------------------------------------------------ 164674 04/01/96 $12.82 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1155973 1156674 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 04/01/96 04/01/96 $79.17 $233.26 PARTS PARTS PLUS PLUS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 1157232 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 04/01/96 $28.38 PARTS PLUS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1158670 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 7157 < *> $998.30* SUPPLIES 040196 GENERAL SUPPLIES 040196 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 164675 04/01/96 164676 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 164677 04/01/96 164678 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 164679 04/01/96 164680 04/01/96 164682 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 $40.00 PATTIWORKS INC $40.00* $258.00 $28.65 $135.80 $43.60 $43.00 $237.60 $75.40 $236.50 $142.95 $208.55 $517.25 $1,927.30* PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS PAUSTIS & SONS $21.00 PC TODAY $21.00* $293.50 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY $122.30 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY $98.00 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY $513.80* $366.78 PERFECT HOST CATERING $366.78* $20.00 PETERSON, DAVID $20.00* $30.00 $47.65 $37.79 $20.00 $5.20 $39.15 $1.50 $20.04 $5.00 $9.34 $2:75 $4.26 $25.00 $7.35 $5.54 $2.88 $13.01, $10.75 $7.18 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY, CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH AD DESIGN 1089 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 61233 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 17293408 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 61329 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 61330 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 61331 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 61332 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 61333 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI'61334 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 61574 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 61575 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 61576 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE ONE YR SUBSCRIPTION R 031496 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI COST OF GOODS SOLD 17900707 ARENA CONCESSI COST OF GD SOL 4772 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 18093207 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 18193412 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX COMMITTEE LUNCH 05631 SERVICES EDINBOROUGH/ 031696 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 040196 MEETING EXPENSE' 040196 GENERAL SUPPLIES 040196 MEETING EXPENSE 040196 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 040196 MEETING EXPENSE 040196 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 040196. GENERAL SUPPLIES 040196 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 040196 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 040196 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 040196 GENERAL SUPPLIES 040196 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 040196 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 040196 PAPER SUPPLIES 040196 GENERAL SUPPLIES 040196 GENERAL SUPPLIES 040196 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 040196 GENERAL SUPPLIES 040196 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 7208 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPENS ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLI FINANCE MEETING EXPENS FINANCE MILEAGE ASSESSING MEETING EXPENS ASSESSING MILEAGE ASSESSING GENERAL SUPPLI ENGINEERING GE CONF & SCHOOLS ENGINEERING GE MILEAGE TRAINING MILEAGE GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI INSPECTIONS ELECTRICAL PER INSPECTIONS MILEAGE CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI PARK ADMIN. PROF SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI COUNCIL CHECK m8GISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 20 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT- VENDOR- DESCRIPTION -- INVOICE - - - -- PROGRAM --- - - - - -- OBJECT ---- -- PO_NUM -___ --------------------------------------- ------ ------------- 164682 04/01/96 - - - - -- -- $17.64 - - - - -- - -- PETTY CASH ----------------------------- GENERAL SUPPLIES 040196 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI 04/01/96 $1.75 PETTY CASH CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 040196 GENERAL TURF C CONF & SCHOOLS 04/01/96 $2.75 PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 040196 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI PENS 04/01/96 $17.28 PETTY CASH MILEAGE ORPALLOWANCE 040196 LIQUOR YORK GE MILEAGE <*> $341.87* 164685 04/01/96 -$3.56 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI BE 1653203 1661644 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD LIQU GDS BEE 04/01/96 $18.00 PHILLIPS WINE WINE & & SPIRITS SPIRITS COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WI 1665140 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 04/01/96 $592.00 -$2.85 PHILLIPS PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1669092 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 -$5.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1669100 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $180.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1675297 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $1,095.64 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1675305 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $355.90 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1675313 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $242.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1675321 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $1,192.10 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 16753339 YORK SELLING CST GD WINE 04/01/96 $307.79 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1675347 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $1,324.83 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF.GOODS SOLD LI 1675354 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $1,156.10 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1675362 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $192.30 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1675370 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $67.62 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1675388 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $913.50 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1675396 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $1,043.70 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1675404 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $707.69 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1697341 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $747.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1697358 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE WINE 04/01/96 $563.45 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1697366 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD 04/01/96 $232.65 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1697374 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $534.45 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1697382 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $847.65 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1697390 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $427.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1697408 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $45.45 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 1697416 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $1,615.90 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1697424 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $275.24 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF.GOODS SOLD WI 1697432 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $1,042.60 PHILLIPS WINE `& SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1697440 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $782.35 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1697457 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 $833.79 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1697465 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 04/01/96 -$7.77 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1703198 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE *� $17,318.92* 164686 04/01/96 $42.00 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 03451 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $63.00 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 03452 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $355.05 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 03453 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $128.25 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 03465 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $58.00 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 03466 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $283.25 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 03467 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX <*> $929.55* 164687 04/01/96 $80.28 PLASTIC TO GO WAREHOUSE GENERAL SUPPLIES 006008 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 4933 < *> $80.28* 164688 04/01/96 $190.00 POLO RALPH LAUREN L.P. COST OF GOODS - PRO S 528666 PRO SHOP PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR COST OF GDS -PR 5619 5619 04/01/96 $107.00 POLO RALPH LAUREN L.P. COST OF OF GOODS GOODS - PRO - PRO S S 528667 528668 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS- PR75619 04/01/96 $202.91 POLO RALPH LAUREN L.P. COST <*> $499.91* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM RAY COOK GOLF COMPANY COST OF GOODS -.PRO S 110822 < *> $618.23* page 21 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT $1,290.00 VENDOR ----- DESCRIPTION - - - - -- < *> INVOICE ----,---------------------------------- PROGRAM OBJECT PO-NUN _ _ 164689 -------------------------------------------------- 04/01/96 $900.00 POST 911 WING SHOES ---- BREEZY POINT CONFEREN 032196 RESERVE PROGRA MEETING EXPENS $692.48 < *> WING SHOES $900.00* 00655 04/01/96 $283.90 RED WING SHOES WORK BOOTS 00655 04/01/96 $155.55 RED WING SHOES WORK BOOTS 04/01/96 $3,085.00 POSTMASTER $1,256.03* POSTAGE /SPRING ABOUT 031996 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX 164701 164690 < *> $495.23 $3,085.00* SUPPLIES LIGHT BULBS 6165 6166 04/01/96 $469.67 REM SUPPLIES CHAIR DOLLY 164691 04/01/96 $35.00 PRECISION GASKET SOFTBALL OVERPAYMENT 032196 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $35.00* 164692 04/01/96 $4,015.43 PRECISION LANDSCAPE TREE TRIMMING 031896 TREE TRIMING CIP < *� $4,015.43* 164693 04/01/96 $90.00 PRINTERS SERVICE INC BLADE SHARPENING 12155 ARENA ICE MAIN EQUIP MAINT < *> $90.00* 164695 04/01/96 - $10.50 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 34782 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE GD WINE 04/01/96 $163.94 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80293 VERNON SELLING CST OF 04/01/96 $550.44 PRIOR WINE•COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80294 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $23.42 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80296 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $68.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 80297 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX. 04/01/96 $525.61 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80298 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $46.84 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80301 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE WINE 04/01/96 $1,091.88 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80302 YORK SELLING CST OF OF GD GDS MIX 04/01/96 $27.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 80908 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $68.50 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS OF GOODS SOLD SOLD WI WI 81763 82916 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/0 -1/96 04/01/96 $70.26 $575.28 PRIOR PRIOR WINE WINE COMPANY COMPANY COST COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 82917 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $49.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 82918 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX GD WINE 04/01/96 $70.26 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 82919 YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $947.28 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI MI 82920. 82921 YORK SELLING YORK SELLIN G CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $68.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST COST OF GOODS OF GOODS SOLD SOLD WI 83552 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 04/01/96 $93.68 $854.05 PRIOR PRIOR WINE WINE COMPANY COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 83557 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $5,282.94* 164696 04/01/96 $221.34 PRO GUARD GENERAL SUPPLIES 125728 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 7177 < *> $221.34* 164697 04/01/96 $87.81 QUIK PRINT PRINTING 60192 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 7054 < *> $87.81* 164698 04/01/96 $618.23 RAY COOK GOLF COMPANY COST OF GOODS -.PRO S 110822 < *> $618.23* 164699 04/01/96 $1,290.00 RECREATION SPORTS OFFICI BASKETBALL OFFICIALS 030496 < *> $1,290.00* 164700 04/01/96 $124.10 RED WING SHOES WORK BOOTS 00655 00655 04/01/96 $692.48 RED WING SHOES WORK BOOTS 00655 04/01/96 $283.90 RED WING SHOES WORK BOOTS 00655 04/01/96 $155.55 RED WING SHOES WORK BOOTS < *> $1,256.03* 164701 04/01/96 $495.23 REM SUPPLIES LIGHT BULBS 6165 6166 04/01/96 $469.67 REM SUPPLIES CHAIR DOLLY PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9903 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME BUILDING MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME PUMP & LIFT ST SAFETY EQUIPME ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 7026 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 7213 COUNCIL CHECK m9GISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 22 NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM--- -- OBJECT-- - - - -PO -NUM CHECK - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $964.90* 04/01/96 $237.00 RESCUE SYSTEMS INC WEBBING 18268 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI.6533 164702 < *> $237.00* 164703 04/01/96 - $77.15 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 167634. 167673. VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 - $46.50 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE SOLD BE 168499 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $1,064.56 REX DISTRIBUTING REX DISTRIBUTING CO CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 168500 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 04/01/96 $2,073.02 $2,871.02 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 168507 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $10.80 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 169511 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $805.70 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE SOLD BE 169512 169513 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $2,427.15 REX DISTRIBUTING REX DISTRIBUTING CO CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 169514 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $1,486.25 <*> $10,614.85* 164704 04/01/96 $223.60 RINGWELSKI, LINDA RETURN CLUB FOR CREDI 031596 GOLF PROG PRO SHOP SALES <*> $223.60* 164705 04/01/96 $28.28 ROBERT B. HILL BALANCE DUE 015341. ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 6444 < *> $28.28* 164706 04/01/96 $75.68 ROSLAND, KENNETH MEETING EXPENSES 031396 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPENS <*> $75.68* 164707 04/01/96 $620.93 SA -AG INC METRO SEAL 68845 68882 DISTRIBUTION SNOW & ICE REM SAND,GRVL & RO SAND,GRVL & RO 04/01/96 $200.29 SA -AG INC METRO SEAL METRO SEAL 68949 DISTRIBUTION FILL MATERIALS 04/01/96 $823.03 SA -AG INC <*> $1,644.25* 164708 04/01/96 $97.50 SALUD AMERICA COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 593 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $81.00 SALUD AMERICA COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 599 <*> $178.50* 164709 04/01/96 $409.52. SCHARBER & SONS REPAIR WORK 534 76 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS CONTR REPAIRS- 6681 6824 04/01/96 $473.52 SCHARBER & SONS REPAIR WORK <*> $883.04* 164710 04/01/96 $47.56 SCHENCK, LAURA MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 022196 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE <*> $47.56* 164711 04/01/96 $91.00 SCHWARZ, JANET CLASS REFUND 031496 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F <*> $91.00* _ 164712 04/01/96 $676.41 SECURITY LINK ALARM SERVICE SERVICE 1149701 1149750 CLUB HOUSE ART CENTER BLD ALARM SERVICE ALARM SERVICE 04/01/96 $179.70. SECURITY LINK ALARM <*> $856.11* 164713 04/01/96 $31.20 SHELP, NANCY ART WORK SOLD 032096 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $31.20* 164714 04/01/96 $42.56 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 34283 CLUB HOUSE PAINT 6627 <*> $42.56* SHIELY COMPANY CLASS 5 84487 DISTRIBUTION FILL MATERIALS 164715 04/01/96 $1,281.38 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 23 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT -$1,281.38* VENDOR DESCRIPTION - - - - -- INVOICE PROGRAM -- OBJECT--- - -_PO- NUM -___ -- < #=------ -- --- - - - --- 164716 04/01/96 $145.91 SHIRLEY, TOM REIMB AREA RUG 031296 ED BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 164717` 04/01/96 $15.00 SIEMS, JEFFERY NREMT RECERT FEE B LIC RENEWAL 031596 031596 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS LIC & PERMITS 04/01/96 $11.00 SIEMS, JEFFERY CLASS < +> _$26.00* 164718 04/01/96 $75.00 SMITH; KAREN PROF SERV ART CENTER 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $75.00* 164719 04/01/96 $40.92 SOHNS, JOYCE A MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 030596 ED ADMINISTRAT MILEAGE < +> $40.92* 164720 04/01/96 $186.33 SOKKIA MEASURING SYSTEM SURVEY EQUIPMENT 8002803R ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 6886 < +� $186.33* 164721 04/01/96_ $28.18 SONNEE, DENNISE ART WORK SOLD 032096 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < +, $28.18* 164722, 04/01/96 $287.39 SOUND CENTER EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 30801 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 7050 < *> $287.39* 164723 04/01/96 $2,892.45 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 59072 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $21.50 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI BE 59073 59078 YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 04/01/96 $395.55 $3,872.30 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I I COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 59345 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $107.75 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 59346 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 04/01/96 $464.20 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 59348 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE < *> $7,753.75* 164724 04/01/96 $145.80 SPALDING COST OF GOODS - PRO S J04296 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR COST OF GDS -PR 9023 04/01/96 $2,572.08 SPALDING COST OF GOODS - PRO S KE1773 PRO SHOP. < *> $2,717.88* 164725_ 04/01/96 $50.92 SPECKMAN, GAIL ART WORK SOLD 032096 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $50.92* 164726 04/01/96 $84.57 SPS GAS VALVE COPPER & FITTINGS 2502944 2504407 BUILDINGS DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS GENERAL SUPPLI 6487 6511 04/01/96 04/01/96 $178.26 $54.06 SPS SPS REPAIR:PARTS 2505653 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 6642 < +> $316.89* 164727 04/01/96 $906.16 ST JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT IN PLOW VALVE 10980 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS 6461 6817 04/01/96 $170.56 ST JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT IN SHANK /POINT SI39239 < *> $1,076.72* 164728 04/01/96 $59.00 ST. CROIX SCREENPRINT V -BALL SHIRTS 20493 EDINA ATHLETIC GENERAL SUPPLI 6902 *> $59.00* 164729 04/01/96 $50.00 ST. MICHAELS WORSHIP GRP REIM PHOTO SHOOT 030696 EDINB/CL FROG RENTAL INCOME < *> $50.00* 164730 04/01/96 $83.00 STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICI PERMIT /ELECTRICAL 031296 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS COUNCIL CHECK nEGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 24 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION - - - - -- INVOICE PROGRAM -- - - - - -- _OBJECT - -PO -NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------- *, $83.00* 164731 04/01/96 $103.00 STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICI PERMIT /ELECTRICAL 031296 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS *, $103.00* 164732 04/01/96 $2,554.16 STEICHEN'S SOFTBALL ORDER '96 122725 EDINA ATHLETIC GENERAL SUPPLY 7164 < *, $2,554.16* 164733 04/01/96 $9,000.00 STOREFRONT /YOUTH ACTION PROF SERVICES 031396 HUMAN RELATION PROF SERVICES *� $9,000.00* 164734 04/01/96 $26.57 STREICHERS BATTERY STACK 480841 486471 FIRE DEPT. GEN POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL SUPPLI 6536 6914 04/01/96 $21.25 STREICHERS GENERAL SUPPLIES < *, $47.82* 164735 04/01/96 $701.73 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET STEER WHEEL 29692 303061 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 6484 6646 04/01/96 04/01/96 $512.56 $56.34 SUBURBAN SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CHEVROLET MODULE TAHOE PREVENT MAINT CVCS2688 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP MAINT 7036 04/01/96 - $87.45 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CREDIT 30907 30908 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 6973 6367 04/01/96 04/01/96 $9.93 $280.48 SUBURBAN SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CHEVROLET SPLASH GUARDS MOTOR ASSEMBLY 31,057 - EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6869 04/01/96 $39.78 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET PART 31070 314351 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 6807 6868 04/01/96 04/01/96 $3.40 $25.96 SUBURBAN SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CHEVROLET PART DOOR HANDLE 31655 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6849 04/01/96 $182.09 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET BRAKE PAD KIT 31659 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6853 <*, $1,724.82* 164736 04/01/96 $1,675.00 SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION IN REPAIR ROOF LEAKS 031496 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 4893 <*, $1,675.00* 164737 04/01/96 $441.00 SUPERIOR FORD REPAIR WORK 128313 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 6943 <*, $441.00* 164738 04/01/96 $271.36 SURGE WATER COND WATER SOFTNER PELLETS 031296 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 7006 c *, $271.36* 164739 04/01/96 $475.00 SWANSON, KARNA AC INSTRUCTOR PART TIME MAINT ART C 032696 032696 ART CENTER ADM ART CENTER BLD PROF SERVICES PROF SERVICES 04/01/96 $30.00 SWANSON, KARNA <*, $505.00* 164740 04/01/96 $40.60. SWENSON, TOM REFERENCE BOOK 031496 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS < *, $40.60* 164741 04/01/96 $47.93 TARGET ANS MACH 64818 83303 FINANCE CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL SUPPLI 6591 7049 04/01/96 $28.72 TARGET FANS <*, $76.65* 164742 04/01/96 $90.00 TCALMC LMC TRAINING 031296 TRAINING PROF SERVICES *, $90.00* 164743 04/01/96 $42.55 TEMPUS -JOHN HOYT REFERENCE BOOK 031496 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS *, $42.55* 164744 04/01/96 $12,562.98 THOMSEN - NYBECK PROSECUTING 100936 LEGAL SERVICES PROF SERVICES <*, $12,562.98* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 25 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM--- - - - - -- OBJECT-- - - - -PO -NUM 164745 ----------------------------------------------------------------- VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 04/01/96 $2,055.45 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 77353 < +� $3,264.60* 164746 04/01/96 $122.96 TITLEIST COST OF GOODS - PRO S 54019. PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR OF GDS -PR 5615 5615 04/01/96 $1,332.48 TITLEIST COST OF GOODS - PRO S 0057132 PRO SHOP COST < +� $1,455.44* 164747 04/01/96 $134.03 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL OXYGEN /ACETYLENE 356522 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 6967 < *> $134.03* 164748 . 04/01/96 $30.00 TRETTEL, KATHY VISUAL ARTS EDINBOROU 041696 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $30.00 *. 164749 04/01/96 $95.20 TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFT CRAFT SUPPLIES 11587 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 6601 < *> $95.20* 164750 04/01/96 $20.92 TRIPLE D OVERPAYMENT 032596 GENERAL FD PRO MECHAN PERMITS < *> $20.92* 164751 04/01/96 $4,000.00 TURF SUPPLY FERTILIZER (NORM) 057497 NORMAN. MAINT. OF COURS FERTILIZER FERTILIZER 6299 6299 04/01/96 $17,138.12 TURF SUPPLY FERTILIZER COURSE SUPPLIES 057497 057685 MAINT GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 6618 04/01/96 $2,030.10 TURF SUPPLY < +� $23,168.22* 164752 04/.,01/96 $346.74 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO REMOVE /REPLACE SPRING 6448 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 6711 < *> $346.74* 164753 04/01/96 $543.20 TWIN CITY HOSE INC HOSE CONNECTION 10067100 GENERAL STORM REPAIR PARTS P6492 < *> $543.20* 164754 04/01/96 $4.64 TWIN CITY OXYGEN CO OXYGEN TANK USAGE 218804 FIRE DEPT. GEN GEN FIRST AID SUPP FIRST AID SUPP 5480 5480 04/01/96 $47.50 TWIN CITY OXYGEN CO OXYGEN 231686 FIRE DEPT. < +� $52.14* - 164755 04/01/96 $255.00 TWIN CITY ROSE SOCIETY COCOA BEAN MULCH FOR 031496 MAINT OF COURS COURSE BEAUTIF < *> $255.00* 164756 04/01/96 $128.93 TWIN CITY SAW SERVICE CO CHAIN SAW REPAIR 3231 TREES & MAINTE TREES & MAINTE REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 6220 7122 04/01/96 $82.37 TWIN CITY SAW SERVICE CO SAW REPAIR PARTS 16999 < *� $211.30* 164757 04/01/96 $23.95 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM SHIRT 326325 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW 7038 < +� $23.95* 164758 04/01/96 $281.20 UNITED AGRI PRODUCTS MAXI MELT 11122 PUMP LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 6955 < *> $281.20* 164759 04/01/96 $420.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 031996 INSPECTIONS CONF & SCHOOLS 5490 < *> $420.00* 164760 04/01/96 $64.00 US WEST CELLULAR PHONE RENTAL FEB 20 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL EQUIP RENTAL 04/01/96 $27.72 US WEST CELLULAR PHONE RENTAL PHONE RENTAL FEB 20 FEB 20 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 04/01/96 04/01/96 $27.72 $108.30 US WEST CELLULAR US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 031096 INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE COUNCIL CHECK . %EGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996,- 6:56 PM TREES VINCENT METALS BRASS BUSHING /WATER page 26 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION - - -- -- - - - - -- INVOICE ------------------ PROGRAM ----- - - -- OBJECT PO NUM ---------------------------------------------- 164760 04/01/96 $264.40 US WEST ------------------------ CELLULAR TELEPHONE, 031096 031096 FIRE DEPT. GEN ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 04/01/96 $210.80 US US WEST WEST CELLULAR CELLULAR TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 031096 ENGINEERING GE TELEPHONE 04/01/96 04/01/96 $102.58 $51.00 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 031096 PARK ADMIN. TELEPHONE 04/01/96 $91.23 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 031096. PARK MAINTENAN TELEPHONE 04/01/96 $26.92 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 031096 031096 TREES & MAINTE DISTRIBUTION TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 04/01/96 $124.33 $81.40 US US WEST WEST CELLULAR CELLULAR TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 031096 SUPERV. & OVRH TELEPHONE 04/01/96 04/01/96 $464.32 US WEST CELLULAR CELLULAR PHONES 031096 PATROL TELEPHONE 04/01/96 $325.51 US WEST CELLULAR CELLULAR PHONES 031096 031096 INVESTIGATION ANIMAL CONTROL TELEPHONE GENERAL SUPPLI 04/01/96 $33.14 US WEST CELLULAR CELLULAR PHONES < +> $2,003.37* 164761 04/01/96 $256.67 US WEST CELLULAR EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 40206031 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM < +> $256.67* 164762 ,04/01/96 $410.81 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 040196 040196 CENT SVC GENER SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 04/01/96 $354.19 US US WEST WEST COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 040196 SENIOR CITIZEN TELEPHONE 04/01/96 04/01/96 $124.72 $146.41 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 040196 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 04/01/96 $200.16 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 040196 GOLF DOME BUILDING & TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 04/01/96 $613.09 US WEST WEST COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE ADVERTISING OTHER 040196 040196 ED ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER 04/01/96 04/01/96 $346.30 $223.55 US US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 040196 ED ADMINISTRAT TELEPHONE 04/01/96 $231.60 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 040196 040196 50TH ST OCCUPA YORK OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 04/01/96 $248.93 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE < +> $2,899.76* 164763 04/01/96 $25.00 USTA USTA MEMBERSHIP FEE 0496 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI < +> $25.00* 164764 04/01/96 $107.00 VALLIERE, JOHN MPGMA MEETING 031996 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS < +> $107.00* 164765 04/01/96 $267.32 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER SUPPLIES /B'ROOM 107743 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 7166 < *> $267.32* 164766 04/01/96 04/01/96 164767 04/01/96 164768 04/01/96 164769 04/01/96 164770 04/01/96 164771 04/01/96 $97.48 $492.30 $589.78* $375.95 $375.95* $100.00 $100.00* $195.03 $195.03* $113.00 $113.00* $104.22 $104.22* VANTAGE ELECTRIC REPAIR 13876 VANTAGE ELECTRIC REPAIR 13877 VIDEO PROTECTION SERVICE CAMERA /LENS /TRANFORME 5185 VIGOREN, MARGIE VIKING SAFETY PRODUCTS BROCHURE DESIGN /ARTWO 031596 SAFETY SUPPLIES 516772 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 5634 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 5635 PW BUILDING EQUIP REPLACEM 6714 RECYCLING Recycling Char 6189 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 6852 VIKING SPRINKLER CO. PLANTINGS & TREES 022029 YORK OCCUPANCY PLANT & TREES VINCENT METALS BRASS BUSHING /WATER 11333178 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 6498 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIP REPLACEM 3855 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT GREASE PUMP page 27 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION - - - - -- INVOICE --------------------- PROGRAM - -- OBJECT ------ PO_NUM --------------------------------- 164772 04/01/96 $47.98 ------ ------ - - - - -- -------- - W. GORDON SMITH - - - -- KEROSENE 04798 MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE 4642 < +> $47.98* 164784 04/01/96 $221.00 WORLD 164773 04/01/96 $198.22 WARNING LITES OF MINNESO FLASHER BODIES 6418 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 6208 < *> CST $198:22* GD GD WINE WINE 04/01/96 $368.00 WORLD 164774 04/01/96 $120.00 WENZEL, KENNETH AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 50614 < +> CST $120.00* 04/01/96 $808.00 WORLD 164775 04/01/96 $7.50 WEST PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHIC 18000 18064 POLICE DEPT. G POLICE DEPT. G PHOTO SUPPLIES PHOTO SUPPLIES 7073 7076 YORK SELLING 04/01/96 $393.94 WEST PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHIC 09/01/96 $442.00 WORLD < +> WINES $401.44* COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 50804 164776 04/01/96 $439.51 WEST WELD.SUPPLY CO. BITS 96231605 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 6802 < +> WINES $439.51* COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 50805 164777 04/01/96 04/01/96 164778 04/01/96 164779 04/01/96 164780 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 04/01/96 164781 04/01/96 164782 04/01/96 $11,825.76 $897.80 $12,723.56* $192.00 $192.00* $576.25 $576.25* $233.90 $116.85 $354.40 $547.68 $184.95 - $126.00 - $25.67 $283.40 $326.75 $289.90 $999.40 $3,185.56* $107.00 $107.00* $255.78 $255.78* WESTSIDE.EQUIPMENT FLOOR HOIST 51145 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIP REPLACEM 3855 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT GREASE PUMP 51276 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 5747 WICKER, CYD AC INSTRUCTOR 032696 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 11576850 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9036 WINE COMPANY, THE WINE COMPANY, THE WINE COMPANY, THE WINE COMPANY, THE WINE COMPANY, THE WINE COMPANY, THE WINE COMPANY, THE WINE COMPANY, THE WINE COMPANY, THE WINE COMPANY, THE WINE COMPANY, THE WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2478 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 2479 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2480 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2521 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2597 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2752 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2801 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2816 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2818 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2819 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2820 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 13931 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY PAILS 1211 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE.. 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE RANGE RANGE BALLS 6555 164783 04/01/96 $32.50 WOOD, CRAIG ART WORK SOLD 032096 ART CNTR FROG SALES OTHER, < +> $32.50* 164784 04/01/96 $221.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 50613 YORK SELLING CST OF GD GD WINE WINE 04/01/96 $368.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 50614 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF 04/01/96 $808.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 50803 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 09/01/96 $442.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 50804 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 04/01/96 $307.25 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 50805 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < +> $2,146.25* COUNCIL CHECK .cEGISTER WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:56 PM page 28 CHECK-NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION ------------ - - - - -- - INVOICE ------------- PROGRAM -------- OBJECT - -- PO NUM -------------------------------------- 164785 04/01/96 $1,010.27 ---------------- ---------- XEROX CORPORATION MAINTENANCE 50446363 CENT SVC GENER EQUIP RENTAL < *> $1,010.27* 164786 04/01/96 $31.36 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE FIRST AID SUPPLIES 54158544 54183119 MAINT OF COURS ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 6998 SAFETY EQUIPME 04/01/96 $216.85 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE FIRST AID SUPPLIES < *> $248.21* $826,715.85* 1 �,r COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY WED, MAR 27, 1996, 6:57 PM page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND # 10 GENERAL FUND $245,468.35 FUND # 12 COMMUNICATIONS $3,279.70 FUND # 15 WORKING CAPITAL $18,646.19 FUND # 23 ART CENTER $11,078.79 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE FUND $65,859.26 FUND # 28 ICE ARENA FUND $13,097.27 FUND # 29 GUN RANGE FUND $995.26 FUND # 30 EDINBOROUGH /CENTENNIAL LAK $17,118.81 FUND # 40 UTILITY FUND $313,455.25 FUND # 41 STORM.SEWER UTILITY FUND $590.27 FUND # 42 RECYCLING PROGRAM $100.00 FUND # 50 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND $137,026.70 $826,715.85*