HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-17_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL June 17, 1996 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA - Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) and in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of HRA Meeting of June 3, 1996 II. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of June 3, 1996 PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council required to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Final Development Plan - Edina Properties, 3917 -3929 West 50th Street (cont. from 6/3/96) B. Preliminary Plat Approval - Arrowhead Pointe, Arrowhead Partners C. Preliminary Rezoning - R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -3, Planned Residence District, 5120 & 5124 France Avenue, Hans Kuhlman D. Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Providing for Hospices as Temporary Conditional Uses in R -2, Double Dwelling Unit Districts E. Temporary Conditional User Request to Operate a Hospice, 7019 -70 -21 Lynmar Lane, N.C. Little Memorial Hospice, Inc. III. PUBLIC HEARING ON CABLE TELEVISION * A. Continue Cable Television Franchise Renewal Hearing to 711196 - Cable Television System owned and operated by KBL Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc. dba Paragon Cable IV. AWARD OF BIDS i A. Two Ice Resurfacers for Braemar Arena B. Mirror Lakes Storm Sewer Lift Station & Force Main Construction * C. 49% Street Parking Ramp Repair, Imp. No. P-313 * D. 55 Ton Ironworker Cutting /shearing Machine * E. Braemar Tee Oasis - Tees 21, 23, 24 & 27 1VA VI VII Agenda/Edina City Council June 17,1996 Page Two RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Approval of Traffic Safety Report of June 4, 1996 B. Update home improvements residence at 4245 Alden Drive C. Community Education Services Board Members Appointment CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS A. Gail Dean, 3925 West 49th Street, concerns regarding Stonebridge, 3930 West 49th Street INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES VIII. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL IX. MANAGERS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS X. FINANCE A. Resolution calling the sale of $8,090,000 G.O. Park and Recreation Bonds, Series 1996B for Monday, July 15, 1996 B. Authorize replacing First Bank's collateral with surety bond C. Set Dates for 1997 Budget Meetings D. Payment of Claims as per pre -list dated 06/12/96 TOTAL:$653,475.18 and Confirmation of Payment of Claims dated 06/07/96 TOTAL: $202,199.19 Rollcall required Mon Jun 17 Budget Assumptions 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Jun 17 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Jul 1 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thu Jul 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY OBSERVED CITY HALL CLOSED Mon Jul 15 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Aug 5 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Aug 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Sep 2 LABOR DAY OBSERVED CITY HALL CLOSED Tues Sep 3 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Sep 10 STATE PRIMARY ELECTION DAY (POLLS OPEN 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.) Mon Sep 16 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS N.C. Little Memorial Hospice in care of: 6425 Vincent Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55423 N.C. Little Memorial Hospice, Inc. �r r i ro Ailing is ofien referred to as a journey. TlIe anlount of time the journey will tale is a l'ways Lill certain, there fore , it must be charted carc[-'ul1y to allovw us to live lilac to the Dullest, to l=ocus on making the most of' the tinge Nwe have, however lone that-, time may be. Hospice care can be a guide For the dying process. It is dedicated to slaking the most ()I,-,what time a terminally ill patient has. l- xperts agree that the time to learn about hospice is before a liEe- ihr-eat-ening illness occurs. It is the . intention Ofthis booklet CO provicleyou with knovledge of hospice and its pllllosoph V, and to prolllote within Vou an awareness ola need Igor a special land OF hospice care xvit-hin our comnlunity. The N.C. Little Memorial Hospice is a member of the National Hospice Organization. It has been incorporated under the Minnesota Non - Profit Corporation Act. The Board of Directors of the N.C. Little Memorial Hospice is comprised of professional and non- professional people from our community who have a deep and abiding interest in hospice care. To Learn More About The N.C. Little Memorial Hospice, Please Call (612) 861 -6188. d, Hospice, in the middle ages, was a word that described way stations or "shelters" for weary pilgrims on a journey. They offered loving care for these oftentimes destitute, ill and dying people. In the 1960's, Dr. Cicely Saunders, a British physician, recognized a serious need of the terminally ill. She believed that while the existing institutions were basically geared to curing people, they tended to ignore the special needs of the dying. In 1967, with her strong devotion to the care of the dying, she founded the first hospice in London. Today, her hospice philosophy continues to guide hospice care. This hospice philosophy came to the United States in 1974 when the first American hospice opened its doors in New Haven, Connecticut. Today we have more than 2,000 hospices serving people in every state. The hospice philosophy then and now is to help make the most of what time is left for a terminally ill patient, to make their dying more comfortable, less frightening, and in every way more bearable. 6, re Setting. In a completely home -like setting, the patients' rooms will take on the appearance of their own homes as they are encouraged to bring in any special furniture, pictures or photographs for the walls. Even oxygen will be recessed within the walls with its outlet covered with a wooden plate. The smell of bread and cookies baking replaces the institutional smells most of us have experienced. The idea is to bring as much normalcy to this difficult time as is possible. Unlike an acute care hospital or the custodial nature of a nursing home, our hospice can offer a setting of life, serenity, beauty, comfort and peace. v<J'reavement Support. Hospice care does not stop when the patient dies. Grief and loss experience can oftentimes be a significant health challenge for survivors. "Little Hospice" will try to normalize the grief experience with bereavement support that helps family members work through and resolve their grief. It will offer emotional support, companionship and understanding. eed. Currently there is only one residential hospice (other than exclusively for AIDS patients) in the area. And the need is significant. There is a perpetual waiting list with terminally ill people hoping to gain access to the existing residential hospice, all from our local community. Tragically, many die before a bed becomes available. We have an aging population that will benefit tremendously from the N.C. Little Memorial Hospice being in its midst. ft" The hospice program provides for palliative or comfort care, which means focusing on the relief of any discomfort caused by the illness, rather than attempting to cure the underlying disease. Hospice philosophy essentially neither hastens nor postpones death's natural advance; instead, manages the patient's care as well as possible until the moment of death arrives. The aim is to make the patient as pain free, alert, comfortable and as active as possible for as long as possible. This is accomplished, in part, by attention to little details that help shape quality of life for the patient. Sophisticated and aggressive pain relief techniques and relief of distressing symptoms or discomforts of terminal illness, such as nausea, constipation, shortness of breath or confusion, are clear goals of hospice. Once these goals are achieved, attention can be shifted to other problems, such as family matters, or fears and anxieties related to the impending death. The Specialized care hospice offers is designed to meet the physical, nutritional, emotional, social and spiritual needs that arise during the dying process. The hospice program provides its patients and families with a group of qualified individuals with expertise in meeting these special needs. This interdisciplinary team may consist of doctors, nurses, aids, social workers, chaplains and volunteers, all trained in hospice care, who share a commitment to the hospice philosophy. 30" bedroom that will sleep four, in the event circumstances require several family members stay overnight. And a chapel is included for meditation. At "Little Hospice" the needs of the patient and family are always priority. It is where there is always someone who is interested and willing to listen. Thoughts and concerns which need addressing don't always occur between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.- three o'clock a.m. is a welcome time for coffee and conversation in our residential hospice. e "Little Hospice" Caregivers. "Little Hospice" will offer 24 -hour, trained hospice caregivers and volunteers working together with patients and their families to ensure that the quality of the patient's life will be to the utmost, no matter how much time that may be. It will provide a. safe and loving environment. We will have an interdisciplinary team of trained hospice workers, i.e.: Physician Medical Director Registered Nurses Trained Medication Administrators Certified Nursing Assistants Social Worker Chaplain Volunteers Who Does Hospice Serve? Hospices serve men, women and children with many terminal diagnoses, such as lung, end stage heart, liver or kidney disease, ALS, Alzheimer's, neurological disorders, and AIDS. How Does One Enter A Hospice Program And When Should The Decision Be Made? The hospice patient typically is an individual who has a diagnosis of a terminal illness measured by a prognosis of six months or less to live, as documented by the individual's attending physician. The patient may voluntarily consent to and receive admission to a hospice program. When unable, the family may give consent. Understandably, most people are uncomfortable with the idea of stopping an all out effort to overcome their illness. Hospice staff members are highly sensitive to this concern. Hospices do not want to enroll someone too early, while they are still looking for a cure or could still benefit significantly from aggressive medical treatment. On the other hand, waiting too long before enrolling frequently results in the patient missing out on an opportunity to improve the quality of the remaining time he /she does have left. Where Is Hospice Care Provided? Historically, dying was a natural process in which the family, friends and caregivers were intimately involved. In previous centuries, the majority of people died We are privileged to announce the formation of the N.C. Little Memorial Hospice, Inc. This is the residential hospice we are proposing be established in our community. It will be an eight bed, residential hospice designed to offer a home -like atmosphere for the patient and his /her family, and licensed by the State of Minnesota. The rambler -style home, designed by architect Arthur Dickey, is pictured on the front of this brochure and again on the adjacent page, together with the floor plan. It is a place that will welcome and recognize the needs of the terminally ill and their loved ones, offering the finest care possible, all consistent with hospice philosophy. Prior to becoming hospice patients, many terminally ill patients report the horrible feeling of having lost control over their lives. They were controlled by schedules designed to convenience others, including a whirlwind of clinic visits, tests, treatments and hospitalizations. At "Little Hospice" control will be given back to the patient. A place where their schedule will be set by the patient according to his /her needs, not anyone else's, with expert guidance from our hospice professionals about what can still be accomplished. Flexible menus, eating schedules, 24 -hour visitation for families, children, friends and pets are provided. Families can stay overnight or for however long they desire. (SICO wall beds are designed for and will be installed in each patient's room.) There is even a private N.C. LITTLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE, INC. FRONT ELEVATION 0 5 110 �J W S I I FLOOR PLAN 0= AKIHUK DICKEY AKCHIIEUIN. INC. Ill 49141 FRANCE AVE.NUI;SOUTH N -A MINNEAPOLIS. MINNE4TA.554I11 f _� 611 9111_3991 at home. However, by the mid 1970's, more than 70% of the deaths in the U.S. were occurring in hospitals and other institutional settings such as nursing homes. While many people still do die in these settings, there are many who do not want to die alone in these often- times sterile, impersonal surroundings, hooked up to machines and cut off from their family and friends and everything that is familiar. Nor do they want to die in pain. They would prefer, if possible, to spend their last days at home, alert and free of pain, among the people they love and the surroundings they know. With the hospice concept spreading to the U.S. in the 1970's, the primary focus of location for care of the dying has shifted back to the home. In our community many hospice home care programs are offered. These are designed to enable the terminally ill to remain at home under the guidance of the hospice program. Patients routinely receive periodic in -home services provided by the hospice program on an as- needed basis, determined by the case managing nurse. Although some patients are able to manage their own care for a period of time, most need to rely upon a family member or friend to act as their primary caregiver. Is The Patient's Home The Only Choice For Hospice Care? With nursing homes frequently not offering trained or suffi- cient staff to meet the needs of the terminally ill and their families, and hospitals generally no longer available to the terminally ill on a long -term basis, it is a blessing that we have the alternative of home hospice available to us. However, for some terminally ill patients, the traditional home setting is inappropriate or impossible. They may have no family members to serve them as caregivers, or their caregivers are constrained by demanding work schedules and what they can offer. Or perhaps the patient just does not want to die in his /her home for personal reasons. f Other patients suffer escalating pain or other symptoms which cannot be treated at home. In the early weeks of home care, needs may appear to be minimal. Often, however, as the illness progresses, secondary medical conditions may occur, such as severe agitation, dementia and nausea, to name a few. Nights can be very long, lonely and scary for caregiver and patient alike. The result can be that even in the most loving, most well- intended, well- managed home care programs, overwhelming problems can and do arise that create a nightmare for the caregiver and patient. It is out of this concern that the most recent and increasingly popular concept of hospice care around the nation has emerged... The community -based residential hospice. A residential hospice is a facility that provides care for hospice patients located in a residential setting, resembling a single family home. It directly provides 24 -hour care to its residents in this home- like setting as a continuum of home care. r, MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 3, 1996 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Kelly, Maetzold, Smith and Mayor Richards. Member Paulus entered the meeting at 7:02. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Kelly adopting the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. LION'S WHITE CANE DAY PROCLAIMED Motion of Member Kelly seconded by Member Smith and carried unanimously adopting a Proclamation naming June 29, 1996, as White Cane Day in Edina. Lions International, with more than 1,300,000 members in the free world, has been dedicated to serving sight for over sixty years by helping the needy with sight problems through use of its White Cane donations. The Edina Lions Club voluntarily provides all manpower and leadership, and invites its neighbors to share in saving vision by donating to its White Cane Campaign and by proclaiming June 29, 1996, as Lion's White Cane Day in Edina. "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 20, 1996, APPROVED Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Kelly approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 20, 1996. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. PUBLIC HEARING HELD: FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, EDINA PROPERTIES, 3917 -3929 WEST 50TH STREET CONTINUED TO JUNE 17, 1996 Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Assistant City Manager Assistant Manager Hughes explained the subject property is located on the south side of 50th Street west of the Edina Theatre. The property contains 17,595 square feet in area and is presently improved with a multi- tenant retail building of approximately 8,000 square feet. The property is currently zoned Planned Commercial District 2 (PCD -2). Redevelopment plans include demolishing the existing structure and replacing it with a building of three stories plus a basement. The proposed building would have a gross floor area of 36,870 square feet. Building height as viewed from 50th Street is three full stories approximately 49 feet in height, or approximately 1.5 feet higher than the Edina Theatre. Edina Properties also included a fourth story element in the extreme southeastern comer of the site. Proposed exterior materials are predominately brick with some precast concrete highlights. With two exceptions, the project conforms to the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) exceeds zoning ordinance 1.5 FAR limits for the PCD-2 District with approximately 2.1 or 10,475 square feet or approximately one floor of the proposed building. The zoning ordinance permits the reuse of property at 50th and France without providing additional private parking. However, reuse is by Code limited to the floor area existing on the property or with an infill site to the planned density permitted by the 50th and France Plan approved in 1975. This property would qualify as an infill site and based on the 1975 Plan the density proposed was for a two story building. Therefore, the developers could rely on public parking if constructing a two story building, but must provide additional private parking for any building larger than two stories. The Planning Commission reviewed a four story plan at their May 1, 1996 meeting, but recommended approval of a two story development on the site. A couple weeks after the Planning Commission meeting the proponents returned with the three story plans currently before the Council. Assistant Manager Hughes outlined the following positive features of the plan: 1. Completes the development of an underutilized property at 50th and France, 2. Improves pedestrian use of the alleyway between the Edina Theatre and the proposed building, 3. Provides potential for a covered alleyway similar to the one constructed along the Belleson's property on the north side of 50th Street, 4. Handsome building, complimentary to the nature of the corner, 5. Provides an excellent tie into the parking ramp, the building would have a direct access to the ramp on 51 st Street, and 6. Plan shows a proper setback from 50th Street, lining up with other store fronts on 50th Street. Assistant Manager Hughes stated the negative side is limited essentially to the size of the building. Concern exists that a building this size could set precedent, affecting the "village" character of the area. The proposed development coupled with other developments of equal size could cause traffic and parking problems. Assistant Manager Hughes presented statistics showing monthly peak parking vacancies, as counted by the City's parking monitor, from 1989 until 1995. He pointed out the low, 71 in 1991, and another low, 140 spaces in 1994. Typically vacant spaces total about 200 for counts taken during daytime hours when the monitor is working. Assistant Manager Hughes concluded requesting Council if they wish to approve the development, direct staff to draft a zoning ordinance amendment creating either a separate district for 50th and France or another method to permit the development. Staff does not think a variance process would be proper for this development request. Variances are reserved for properties with unique characteristics presenting hardships to development. Staff does not think the subject property fits that description. Proponent Comment Trace Lund, Owner /Operator of Edina Properties, introduced Marty Rud, Edina Properties Manager, and John Pazhanick, Director of Development. Mr. Lund noted the scope of proposed development changed as Edina Properties prepared to come to the City Council. Mr. Lund stated Edina Properties believes the three floor proposed development and their efforts to'provide additional parking will allow for further development of the area. Mr. Lund reviewed the four element development philosophy of Edina Properties: 1) creating and reinforcing the pedestrian linkages as appropriate to their properties, 2) conveying a traditional main street texture, 3) unwavering commitment to quality development with appropriate tenant use, and 4) a long term commitment to ownership, management and participation in the district. Mr. Lund showed slides of other Edina Properties' developments highlighting transitions made with each property. Mr. Lund explained Edina Properties' priority remains the Lund's Food Store, followed by maintaining their present properties and lastly the overall welfare of the general business district. He stated their future intent to convert the Lund's Food Store to a Lund's Market Street Store, expanding the store approximately 4,000 square feet. They have worked through the site plan as needed for a marketplace store and one primary concern was the impact of parking on the ramp and as interrelated to the Lunds Food Store. Mr. Lund observed this project is far enough in the future that Edina Properties has considered the possibility of a private structured ramp over the lot. This is not anything imminent in their plans, but has been considered a solution for future parking needs. Regarding the current development's parking issues, Edina Properties, contracted with Westwood Engineering to look at the City's last five years' records and revisited parking .profiles from the last few months. They also presented the project for discussion with the 50th and France Business Association. Mr. Lund stated the Westwood report supported either a three or four floor development. Edina Properties concluded three floors was the best development alternative for this site. In addition, Edina Properties has reached a one year agreement with Edina Covenant Church leasing fifty parking spaces at the Church's site. John Pazahanick emphasized the pedestrian linkage on the eastern side of the proposed development. Mr. Pazahanick explained the building has been set back an additional seventeen feet to create a thirty foot wide pedestrian linkage. This pedestrian alley will link the ramp on 51 st Street to 50th Street. Edina Properties devoted a great deal of architectural detail to this area creating a dramatic and dynamic space bringing people from the ramp out to 50th Street. Edina Properties approach blended the classical architectural of the area with contemporary thinking. Mr. Pazahanick stated Edina Properties plans on a large national retailer occupying a large portion of the first two floors, with three strong retail tenants along the pedestrian alley, the third floor will be office space and a restaurant is planned for the lower level along the pedestrian alley. He repeated Edina Properties commitment to the 50th and France area. Mr. Lund concluded Edina Properties' presentation requesting Council approve an amendment to the zoning ordinance and the proposed Final Development Plan. Public Comment John Palmer, 5813.Eastview Drive, stated for eleven years he has been a co -owner with Klaus Freyinger, of the building housing Chicos. Mr. Palmer's property is located at the northeast comer of 50th and France, and in the last eleven years has been improved successfully. Mr. Palmer feels the Edina Properties have also been successful in their redevelopment efforts making disagreeing with their development proposal difficult. However, he opposed the proposed development, primarily because the building is too large. The building would take away the village feel of the district. Hosmer Brown, stated he also has been in business in the 50th and France area for many years. Mr. Brown owns property in Edina and in Minneapolis. Mr. Brown noted he is very concerned with the value of property and he thinks, density and use create traffic, and traffic creates value. Since he is interested in value going up, he supports a development as proposed by Edina Properties. Mr. Brown congratulated Edina Properties on the development strategies at 50th and France. Mr. Brown continued, in his opinion today's development is the fruition of foresight of twenty years ago when additional parking was proposed and developed. If the proposed redevelopment is approved, Mr. Brown asked Council to be sure there is enough parking for the future. Mitch Avery, President of the 50th and France Business and Professional Association, read the following resolution of the 50th & France Business and Professional Associations, Inc., for the record: "RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 50th and FRANCE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. The Board of Directors of the 50th & France Business and Professional Association, Inc., extends its support for the proposed office -retail complex to be developed by Edina Properties on the south side of 50th Street, West of France Avenue. The Board of the Association has spent a great deal of time discussing the proposed project. The Board is on the firm belief that the development by Edina Properties will support, enhance and directly benefit virtually all merchants and service providers of the 50th & France area. Given this level of support we strongly encourage the members of the City Council to respond favorably to the development proposal of Edina Properties. We further encourage Edina Properties and the City of Edina to cooperatively and promptly reach agreement regarding the parking concerns related to the project." Mr. Avery continued the Association believes Edina Properties deserves special consideration for the following reasons: 1. Site is south of 50th and France on the side of the under utilized south ramp, 2. Task force with Fulton neighborhood, 50th & France Association, Minneapolis Community Development Agency and Minneapolis' Neighborhood Revitalization Program is looking into additional parking on the Minneapolis side, 3. Lund's agreement with Edina Covenant Church for employee parking, 4. 50th & France Board is unaware of any other pending developments, 5. Plan enhances pedestrian atmosphere of area, and 6. Proven track record of Edina Properties. Pert' Anderson, 6613 Sally Lane, celebrated his 40th year working at Belleson's. Mr. Anderson expressed appreciation for the fine development done so far by Edina Properties. However, in his experience parking has always been an issue in the 50th & France area, and he has serious concern over the potential for parking problems if the proposed development is approved. Mr. Anderson also pointed out the Edina Theatre contributed to parking by paying for the third floor of the south ramp. Council Comment Member Maetzold asked three questions: what happens in the future when excess parking is gone, if this development is approved; has anyone looked at the zoning issue of leasing 50 parking spaces for commercial use in an R -1 District; and could the City if it approves the requested development require the third floor only be utilized for office, not retail? Assistant Manager Hughes responded to the questions stating the city would have three options concerning parking. The City could grant variances, public parking could be added, or the City could require private parking be provided. Each case would need evaluation and determination of the best solution to the parking issue. Staff would need to review the leasing of parking in an R -1 District to ascertain its consequences concerning zoning. The third floors use could not be restricted to office only. Member Smith expressed concern regarding the financial impact of future public parking needs. He asked what contribution the Edina Theatre made when the ramp was improved and what means the City used to secure the Theatre's contribution. Assistant Manager Hughes explained cities may use Tax Increment Financing for public parking facilities. A Tax Increment District exists in the 50th & France area and could be utilized for constructing public parking. Concern exists that the legislature may soon change the rules precluding future public projects. If Tax Increment Financing were no longer available, cities could finance through their general fund or via special assessments. All ramps in the 50th & France area were built with tax increment financing funding 80% of the construction costs and the remaining 20% funded through special assessments. In the case of the Edina Theatre, the Theatre paid the entire 20% instead of their 2 -3% proportionate share. This amounted to about $200,000 since the ramps total cost was approximately $1,000,000. Assistant Manager Hughes stated the City used a parking agreement to secure the 20% contribution from the Edina Theatre on the parking project. Mayor Richards asked Mr. Lund, if in order to secure the third floor for his proposed development, would he be willing to donate outright in fee simple the land space in front of the Lund's Grocery Store in exchange for the public building ramped parking there to meet this anticipated density and possible future density if the City were to deviate from the 1.5 FAR? Mr. Lund replied he was not prepared to answer questions of that magnitude relative to his property. He stated he would have to reflect on the question before answering. Mr. Lund continued Edina Properties did look at construction cost of parking over that space, assuming there would be public/private project. Projected costs ran about $1,000,000. Edina Properties reviewed their 20% as it would play out for twenty years and concluded it would be a possibility. Mayor Richards suggested Mr. Lund be prepared to answer the question. He added a ramp would not necessarily need to be constructed as a public project. Only if the City could see a public parking ramp would be in the best interest of Edina then would the Council consider entering into a public project. Mayor Richards continued asking if Edina Properties had considered pulling the third floor of the proposed building back so as to be parallel with the Edina Theatre? Mr. Lund answered Edina Properties had looked at pulling back the third floor in concept. He stated this would perhaps ease some concerns with the mass of the building as raised by some citizens and would still work from the leasing standpoint. There would be a decrease in gross floor area to 9,000 square feet from 14,000 square feet. Of this gross area, 7,000 square feet would be rentable. Member Paulus stated she appreciated parking appears adequate on paper, however, since flat open spaces, then the first and second floors of the ramps are most desirable parking is a concern. If this project moves forward some way of facilitating the use of the upper ramps must be found. Member Paulus observed currently traffic backs up with patrons looking for "prime" parking instead of using the upper levels of the ramps. She noted local business employees are not voluntarily using the upper levels of the ramps which adds to the congestion. Mayor Richards and Member Smith both indicated their desire for the 50th & France Business community to monitor employee and tenant parking to utilize the available ramps to the best possible use, and neither support the concept of off -site parking in residential districts. Mayor Richards asked staff to investigate whether or not the City is in a position to participate in a public project benefitting all citizens. Member Kelly asked for a better visual depiction of the three floor building showing the setbacks and elevations in greater detail. Member Smith moved continuing the Final Development Plan for 3917 through 3929 West 50th Street until the June 17, 1996 Council meeting allowing staff and Edina Properties to investigate options available for meeting the parking issue and density issue. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING HELD: PARTIAL RELEASE OF CONSERVATION RESTRICTION APPROVED, DONALD BEAUPRE, 5020 SCRIVER ROAD Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Assistant Planner Aaker informed Council, the City received a request from the property owner, Donald Beaupre of 5020 Scriver Road to allow a pool be located within an open space conservation restriction. The open space conservation restriction imposed upon the property states no building or other structures of any kind shall be constructed the easement area without express prior written approval of Edina. The conservation restriction should have been a 100 foot natural condition conservation easement imposed upland from the pond as a condition of subdivision approval of the property in 1977. A natural condition restriction is a no alter easement prohibiting removal of vegetation or construction of structures. The restriction area applied to the plat by legal description exceeded the 100 foot requirement. As a result the house had an extremely limited rearyard. In 1993, Council granted a previous property owner a conversion of a portion of the natural condition restriction to an open space restriction allowing more usable rearyard area. An open space restriction allow the area to be shrubbed, sodded and otherwise landscaped, however, structures require Council approval. The current request is for permission to locate a pool in the open space portion of the conservation restriction area and a fence in both the open space and natural condition conservation restriction. Proponent Comment Donald Beaupre, 5020 Scriver Road, stated he bought his home 1 Y2 years ago, knowing the conservation restriction was in place and thinking it was not a problem. Now he would really like to build the pool in the open space area. In addition, allowing the fence to encroach into the natural condition area would allow better utilization of their backyard. Public Comment Phillip Smith, 5024 Scriver Road, expressed his concem allowing encroachment into a twenty year old natural space conservation restriction. Mr. Smith stated a fence is a big structure when built into woods. He requested Council delay the vote allowing him to research the potential for a value change in his property, because in his opinion, the fence would alter the character of the neighborhood. In addition, if Council is changing the restriction on the Beaupre property, then please change his restriction as well. Perhaps he also will build into the area. Council Discussion /Action Member Maetzold moved approval of the request to build a pool in the open space area, and a fence in the natural condition area of the conservation restriction of the property located at 5020 Scriver Road. Member Smith seconded the motion. Member Smith asked what happens to the open space if the request is granted? Would precedent be set by granting the request? Assistant Planner Aaker explained the Beaupres are not requesting a vacation of the conservation restriction, just that they be allowed to construct a pool and fence. She added the City deals with each conservation restriction request on a case by case basis. Mayor Richards comments it appears an error was made when the natural condition conservation restriction was placed on the property. He supports correcting the error, but sees no compelling reason to allow the fence to encroach into the natural condition conservation restriction. Was the same error made on the property at 5024 as made at 5020 Scriver Road and were any other lot involved? Assistant Planner Aaker responding stating only 5024 and 5020 Scriver Road were involved and that the line was not as far off on Mr. Smith's property, being just a few feet from where it should be. Member Maetzold withdrew his motion approving the request for a pool and fence and Member Smith withdrew his second. Member Smith introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. RESOLUTION PARTIALLY RELEASING CONSERVATION RESTRICTION Be it resolved by the Edina City Council to release the portion of the conservation restriction currently denoted as open space and conforming to the 100 foot topographic line from the pond for the property know as 5020 Scriver Road. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Rolccall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. Member Smith moved denying the request allowing a fence to encroach into the natural condition portion of the conservation restriction. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING MATTERS Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Kelly setting a hearing date of June 17, 1996, for the following planning matters: 1) Preliminary Plat Approval - Arrowhead Pointe, Arrowhead Partners 2) Preliminary Rezoning - R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -3, Planned Resident District, 5120 - 5124 France Avenue - Hans Kuhlman 3) Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Providing for Hospices as Temporary Conditional Uses in R -1, Double Dwelling Unit Districts 4) Temporary Conditional Use, Request to Operate a Hospice - 7019 -7021 Lynmar Lane, N.C. Little Memorial Hospice, Inc. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *CRITERIA ESTABLISHED FOR MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL PARKING GARAGE INSPECTORS Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Kelly establishing criteria for multiple residential parking garage inspectors as follows: "Inspectors must have in their possession carbon monoxide detection equipment capable of measuring carbon monoxide within plus or minus three parts per million, (equivalent to the equipment used the City of Edina). Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. TWO -WEEK EXTENSION GRANTED. FOR PAINTING COMPLETION AT 4245 ALDEN DRIVE Sanitarian Velde reminded Council on September 26, 1995, Herb Knox, 4245 Alden Drive was notified by the Edina Health Department that his dwelling was in violation of the Edina Housing Code. Mr. Knox was directed to replace the roof on his house and scrape, prime and paint the exterior walls. Mr. Knox appealed these orders at the regular Council Meeting of October 16, 1995. The Council affirmed the orders and directed Mr. Knox to complete the repairs by June 1, 1996. To date, the repairs are not completed. The roof has been replaced and the exterior walls are in the process of being scraped. Sanitarian Velde estimated it would take an additional two weeks to complete the repairs and recommended Council grant a two week extension to complete the painting at 4245 Alden Drive. Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Kelly granting a two -week extension until June 14, 1996, for completing repairs to his home, at 4245 Alden Drive to Herb Knox and directing Staff to inform Mr. Knox no additional extensions will be granted. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ADOPTED REGARDING USE OF TOBACCO IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS: COMMUNICATION WITH EDINA SCHOOL BOARD RECOMMENDED Sanitarian Velde explained the Edina Community Health Services Advisory Committee has been engaged in an ongoing effort to reduce tobacco use by youth in our community. Efforts include: recommending prohibition of vending machine sales of tobacco, adopting a strict surveillance program for monitoring sales to youth and developing a poster project for sixth graders depicting the harm of using tobacco products. Past efforts have been and continue to be a benefit to the community, there is still a need to improve the health status of the youth in our community. Sanitarian Velde explained the Community Health Services Advisory Committee met recently and recommended the Council communicate to the Edina School Board the following statement: The Edina Community Health Board (City Council) urges the Edina School Board to adopt a zero tolerance policy regarding the use of tobacco products in the schools and on school grounds. To accomplish this end, the following policies should be considered: • Stiffer penalties should be adopted, similar to penalties for alcohol and drug use, for violators of the tobacco policy. • Tobacco use should be prohibited on school grounds, whether indoors or outdoors. • Monitors should be provided to prevent smoking in the bathrooms. Funding for these monitors could be sought from benevolent foundations or local businesses. • The Student Council should be involved in an effort to effect change in the school climate regarding tobacco usage. Sanitarian Velde added the purpose and intent of these policies should be clearly and widely communicated to students and parents. Member Smith made a motion directing staff to draft a letter for the Mayor's signature, to the Edina School Board urging them to adopt a zero tolerance policy regarding the use of tobacco products in the schools and school grounds and that the purpose and intent of these policies be clearly and widely communicated to students and parents. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FROM CONCERNED RESIDENT - WRITTEN RESPONSE ACKNOWLEDGED Mayor Richards noted a letter had been received from George Topor, 5709 Kemrich Drive, seeking response from six questions relating to the City's method of assessment for street projects. Engineer Hoffman responded to Mr. Topor's questions by way of a letter sent to his home. Mr. Topor acknowledged receipt of the letter and asked and received further clarification on two points. No further action was required. HEARING DATE CHANGED TO JULY 1. 1996, FOR CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE RENEWAL Manager Rosland informed Council it was necessary to change the hearing date for renewal of the cable television franchise from June 17, 1996, to July 1, 1996. PUBLIC HEARING HELD: PROPOSED AMENDMENT APPROVED OF CERTAIN TERMS $6,735,000 - MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS (VERNON TERRACE PROJECT) Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Peter Cooper, Attorney with McGrann, Shea, Franzen, et al., explained this amendment is similar to the amendments with the July, 1993 remarketing of the Vernon Terrace Project Mortgage Revenue Bonds. The principal differences are the proposed extension of final maturity of the Bonds from 2022 to 2025 being requested by the Company under terms of the contract for deed covering the Project and the additional restrictions in the Guaranty Agreement requested by the Remarketing Agents relating to termination of a Guarantor. Mr. Cooper introduced David Mullen, Vice President and Manager of FBS Investment Services, Inc., who was available for questions. Member Maetzold stated he would abstain from participating in the discussion or final vote due to a possible conflict of interest. Following a brief discussion, Member Smith made'a motion which was seconded by Member Kelly to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION APPROVING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE; SECOND AMENDMENT TO LOAN AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS (VERNON TERRACE PROJECT) SERIES 1990 WHEREAS, pursuant to an Indenture of Trust dated as of July 1, 1990, ( "Indenture ") between the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "City ") and First Trust National Association, as trustee (the "Trustee "), the City issued its Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds (Vernon Terrace Project) Series 1990 (the "Bonds "), which were secured by a certain Mortgage, Assignment of Leases and Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement dated as of July 1, 1990 (the "Mortgage "); and WHEREAS, proceeds from the sale of the Bonds were loaned to Ohmega Building Corporation, a Minnesota corporation (the "Company "), pursuant to a Loan Agreement dated as of July 1, 1990, (the "Loan Agreement ") for the purpose of refunding prior bonds of the City issued to finance the acquisition and construction of a multifamily rental housing facility located in the City and known as Vernon Terrace Apartments (the "Project "); and WHEREAS, in connection with the mandatory tender and remarketing of the Bonds on July 1, 1993, the City and the Trustee executed a First Supplemental Indenture amending the Indenture, and the City and the Company executed a First Amendment to Loan Agreement, amending the Loan Agreement; and WHEREAS, as of July 1, 1993, the Company sold the Project to Ted Bigos who acquired the Project pursuant to a contract for deed but subject to the Indenture, Loan Agreement and Mortgage; and WHEREAS, the Bonds are subject to mandatory tender and purchase on July 1, 1996, (the "Mandatory Tender Date "); and WHEREAS, in connection with the Mandatory Tender Date the Company has requested amendments to the Indenture„ Loan Agreement and Mortgage pursuant to a proposed Second Supplemental Indenture of Trust (the "Second Supplemental Indenture "), a proposed Second Amendment to Loan Agreement (the "Second Loan Agreement Amendment "), and a proposed First Amendment of Mortgage (the "First Amendment of Mortgage "), respectively, each proposed agreement being dated as of July 1, 1996, and on file with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the City has been advised that the foregoing amendments are permitted by the Indenture; and WHEREAS, the City, Council has conducted a public hearing on the proposed extension of the final and average weighted maturity of the Bonds and amendments to the mandatory sinking fund schedule, following published notice in accordance with the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. The form of each of the Second Supplemental Indenture, Second Loan Agreement Amendment and First Amendment of Mortgage on file are hereby approved. The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute in the name of and on behalf of the City the Second Supplemental Indenture and Second Loan modified Agreement Amendment, as such documents may be completed, amended or modified and approved by such officials, which approval shall be deemed conclusively given upon execution of such documents by the officials; provided however, that on the date of such execution Bond Counsel shall have delivered all opinions in connection therewith that are required by the Indenture to be delivered on or before such date. 2. In the absence of the foregoing officials, any of the documents authorized by this Resolution shall be executed by those persons who are permitted by law to act in the absence of such officials. 3. Upon the request of the Company, and subject to the approval of legal counsel to the City, the Second Supplemental Indenture shall be modified (a) to cause the Mandatory Tender Date (as defined in the Indenture) next occurring after July 1, 1996, to be that interest payment date for the Bonds which shall be designated by the Company, but no later than July 1, 1999, and (b) to establish the interest rate to be borne by the Bonds on July 1, 1996, as the rate designated by the Company, but not to exceed 5% per annum. 4. The Mayor, City Manager and other officers of the City are authorized to approve and furnish, execute or deliver such other certifications, documents or instruments as McGrann Shea Franzen Carnival Straughn &.Lamb. Chartered, as bond counsel, shall require, including such instruments as may be required for federal tax law purposes. 5. This resolution shall become effective as of the date and time of its adoption. ADOPTED June 3, 1996. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Paulus, Smith, Richards Abstaining: Maetzold Resolution adopted. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED RELATING TO FINANCING OF PARK IMPROVEMENT, BRAEMAR EXPANSION AND NEW FIRE/EMS STATION ESTABLISHING COMPLIANCE WITH REIMBURSEMENTS BOND REGULATIONS UNDER INTERNAL REVENUE CODE Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Kelly adopting the following. resolution: RESOLUTION RELATING TO FINANCING OF PARK IMPROVEMENTS, EXPANSION OF BRAEMAR ARENA AND NEW FIREIEMS STATION; ESTABLISHING COMPLIANCE WITH REIMBURSEMENT BOND REGULATIONS UNDER THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "City "), as follows: 1. Recitals. (a) The United States Department of Treasury has promulgated final regulations governing the use of proceeds of tax -exempt bonds, all or a portion of which are to be used to reimburse the City for project expenditures paid by the City prior to the date of issuance of such bonds. Those regulations (Treasury Regulations, Section 1.150 -2) (the "Regulations ") require that the City adopt a statement of official intent to reimburse an original expenditure not later than 60 days after payment of the original expenditure. The Regulations also generally require that the bonds be issued and the reimbursement allocation made from the proceeds of the bonds within 18 months (or three years, if the reimbursement bond issue qualifies for the "small issuer" exception from the arbitrage rebate requirement) after the later of (i) the date the expenditure is paid or (ii) the date the project is placed in service or abandoned, but (unless the issue qualifies for the "small issuer" exception from the arbitrage rebate requirement) in no event more than three years after the date the expenditure is paid. The Regulations generally permit reimbursement of capital expenditures and costs of issuance of the bonds. (b) The City desires to comply with requirements of the Regulations with respect to certain projects hereinafter identified. 2. Official Intent Declaration. (a) The City proposes to undertake certain projects (the "Projects "), consisting of (i) the expansion of Braemar Arena by the construction of a third ice sheet at a total estimated cost of $2,750,000, (ii) the construction of a new-Fire/EMS station at a total estimated cost of $650,000 and (iii) certain park improvements and improvements to enterprise facilities, which improvements and the estimated costs thereof are generally described on Exhibit A hereto, which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof. (b) Other than (i) expenditures to be paid or reimbursed from sources other than the Bonds (as hereinafter defined), (ii) expenditures permitted to be reimbursed under the transitional provision contained in Section 1.150 - 20)(2) of the regulations, (iii) expenditures constituting preliminary expenditures within the meaning of Section 1.150- 2(f)(2) of the Regulations, or (iv) expenditures in a "de minimus" amount (as defined in Section 1.150-2(f)(1) of the Regulations), no expenditures for the Projects have heretofore been paid by the City and no expenditures will be paid by the City until after the date of this Resolution. (c) The City reasonably expects to reimburse the expenditures made for costs of the Projects out of the proceeds of debt to be issued in one or more series in an estimated maximum aggregate principal amount of $8,650,000 (the "Bonds "), after the date of payment of all or a portion of the costs of the Projects. All reimbursed expenditures shall be capital expenditures, a cost of issuance of the Bonds or other expenditures eligible for reimbursement under Section 1.150- 2(d)(3) of the Regulations. 3. Budgetary Matters. As of the date hereof, there are no City funds reserved, allocated on a long-term basis or otherwise set aside (or reasonably expected to be reserved, allocated on a long- term basis or otherwise set aside) to provide permanent financing for the expenditures related to the Projects, other than pursuant to the issuance of the Bonds. The statement of intent contained in this resolution, therefore, is determined to be consistent with the City's budgetary and financial circumstances as they exist or are reasonably foreseeable on the date hereof. 4. Reimbursement Allocations. The City's financial officer shall be responsible for making the "reimbursement allocations" described in the Regulations, being generally the transfer of the appropriate amount of proceeds of the Bonds to reimburse the source of temporary financing used by the City to make prior payment of the costs of the Projects. Each allocation shall be evidenced by an entry on the official books and records of the City maintained for the Bonds or the Projects and shall specifically identify the actual original expenditure being reimbursed. ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1996. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. CLAIMS PAID Member Smith made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated May 29, 1996, and consisting of 31 pages: General Fund $381,188.60; C.D.B.G. $20.50; Communications $256.16; Working Capital $4,523.94; Art Center $9,997.33; Swimming Pool Fund $7,171.60; Golf Course Fund $20,714.98; Ice Arena Fund $2,533.15; Gun Range Fund $138.41; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes $11,651.10; Utility Fund $99,460.02; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $1,794.53; Recycling Program $2,554.68; Liquor Dispensary Fund $184,596.72; TOTAL $726,601.72. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards declared the meeting adjourned at 9:33 P.M. City Clerk PROPOSED PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN • Eliminate "Contract Parking" designation in the lower level of the South Ramp. Designate this area as 5 hour and Employee Parking. • A modest increase in parking fees should be considered to provide additional funding for enforcement of parking regulations, or so _ that funds could be . set aside for future parking. facilities- development. • Request approval from the City of Edina for the City to tag employees who are not parked in designated "Employee Parking Areas". Request that the City change their rules in this regard as tags are issued now only for exceeding time limits. • Additional hours of enforcement of the parking regulations are necessary. • Employees currently have extremely favorable parking facilities and conditions. • Use of public transportation by employees should be encouraged. Perhaps the 50th and France Association could assist in some program of subsidization in encouraging bus ridership. (The Uptown Association provides a packet of information to all new employees including a $5 bus' voucher provided by the employer.) • If the above recommendations do not prove to be satisfactory, the following suggestions should be considered: Encourage the City to purchase additional property for future parking. The Lee property on 49% Street adjacent to the North Ramp: would provide space for expansion of existing facility. It is also conceivable that an agreement could be worked out with the owner of Hooten Cleaners to extend the North Ramp over the Hooten property and building. Construct an additional parking level to the North Ramp, which is designed for such an addition. MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 3, 1996 ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioner Kelly, Maetzold, Smith and Chairman Richards. Commissioner Paulus entered the meeting at 7:02 P.M. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Maetzold and seconded by Commissioner Kelly adopting the HRA Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards, Motion carried. `MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING OF MAY 20. 1996 APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Maetzold and seconded by Commissioner Kelly approving the HRA Minutes of May 20, 1996. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. CLAIMS PAID Commissioner Kelly made a motion to approve payment of the HRA claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated May 29, 1996, and consisting of one page totaling $44,662.32. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Richards declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director A, REPORT /RECOMMENDATION o� e 0, � o y \N�RPO M16O TO: Mayor and Council Agenda Item # II. A. FROM: Craig Larsen ❑ Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA DATE: June 3, 1996 ® To Council SUBJECT: P -96 -1, Final Action ❑ Motion Development Plan Approval. 3917 -29 ® Resolution West 50th Street. ❑ Ordinance Edina Properties. ❑ Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission considered a redevelopment of this site with a four story building at their May 1, 1996, meeting. The Commission voted to recommend denial of the proposed development. Information /Background: Since the Planning Commission meeting the proponents have withdrawn the four story proposal and have submitted plans for a three story building. The only difference between the original and revised plans is that the fourth floor has been removed. The exterior architecture, building materials and floor plans remain essentially the same as originally proposed. Removing the fourth floor reduces total floor area to 36,870 square feet which yields a floor area ratio (FAR) of 2.09. The original plan had an FAR of 2.99. A FAR of 1.5 is the maximum allowed in the PCD -2 District. In staff's opinion the proposed FAR relative to the permitted FAR amounts to a use change and should not be addressed by variance. The appropriate action would be to amend the Zoning Ordinance. Attached to this cover are the revised plan as well as the original plans, staff report, Planning Commission minutes and correspondence from the 50th and France Business and Professional. Association. f sf SULLE 1' � 7 u-v a a PROJECT: 5 0th Street Plaza SHEET NO. DATE1 5 FEB 1996' W4 ZZWAO,�` I PROJECT NO. RSP Architects, Ltd 120 First Avenue North Minneapolis, MI`-' 55401 612 • 339 • 0313 =AX 612 •339 •6760 01992 BLDG. WEST 50th STREET OPENING ABOVE 1 1 ANCHOR 7800 of WALKWAY TO PARKING STRUCTURE PEDESTRIAN ALLEY ENTRANCE ELEMENT T _Z RETAIL 2100 sf DN UP +till i I. TOP OFSERyICETUNNEL TO PARKING STRUCTURE EXISTING PARKING STRUCTURE UP STAIR PROJECT: 5 0th St r e e t Plaza SHEET NO. DATE 1 5 F E B 19 96 PROJECT NO. RSP Architects, Ltd. 120 First Avenue North MWmsapoot. MN 55401 612 •339 • 0313 =AX 612.339 •6760 0 1992 } -- EXIST BLDG. SCALE 1•��e-a 4 PEDESTRIAN ALLEY ENTRANCE ELEMENT i 2000 Sf \ OPEN BELOW \ li \ 1 \ '1 1\ ANCHOR 10.090.sf ... . CANVAS AWNING EXISTING PARKING STRUCTURE EXIST. TREATER EXISTING STAIR TOWER - 3 10,840 sf GLA -- SCALE I* 16'- • �i PROJECT: 5 0th Street Plaza SHEET NO. DATE 1 5 FEB 1 9 9 8 PROJECT NO. RSP Architects, Ltd. 120 Rst Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 612 • 339 • 0313 °AX 612.339 •6760 01992 SCALE 11,330 sf GLA PROJECT: 5 0th Street Plaza SHEETNO. DATE 15 FEB 1996 PROJECT NO. RSP Architects, Ltd. 120 First Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 612 • 339 . 0313 W 612.339.6760 01992 IS, FA �, � � 'll! iii �ii411E<<�; rrii low 11M m PROJECT:50th Street 'Plazg till j m PROJECT:50th Street 'Plazg ii I WIN A . sm l- ul Rim. "N' all :M I INS, li■■ ! 1;011111 lmmlce m ®1�1� ��1i,t�l''1��1 INE1,1111EMMEM11111 MEOW MMMM�.MlIMMM Ill OWN[ ■min �m!iimmm EMEMS anal ■. M, !ENE MEW" M -; 1111111111111HUH11111111111 fiftw ionic ■e■eve■em, 4sm ato O's a mra �l Still I II ,iii iiii,::,iin� ,��C1(��, i,1111,�:.11li:;..,:;;;u,, 1111 '.' fir ISO 7 NumsI. T L--M!E F 2 .1 ImMin-mis iii MEOW -Nkmmw:*_ M, maw= 11111111 --- ; IMP------------- :41; i NORTH SCALE 1" = 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - KEST � �., 50 TH STRE'E'T 1 s'ey,i c rant 1 � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L--------- - - - - - I ■ SURVEY FOR: CARLSON LAVINE PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3917 -3929- west 50th Street Edina. uinnasola. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this map • as prepared by me or under my direct sup"slon and that I rn o duly Registered Land Surveyor undr the taws of the State of Mlnnesola. Dated this 14th day of Dacembr. 1995 by �.�P�INAAi+ Jack UClko NOTES: Minnesota License No. 20281 1. The orientation of this bearing system Is based on the north line of the lot which In assumed to now a bearing of East. 2. This wmy does not purport to show all Improvements to the property. 3. Area of the property described hereon Is 17.595 square feet n 0 -4G acres. 4. BENCHMARK: Top nut of hydrant at the northeast corner of 50th Street iand Franca Avenue. elevation based an Minneapolis city datum. LEGEND O MANHOLE fl CATCH BASIN o LIGHT POLE • SEMAPHORE EGAN FIELD & NOWAK INC. YMNEewPA«S,fA.dat�artSO7MA° SURVEYORS T[1E: (612) 546 -6617 232708 d..'.. ..... 6 CERTIFICATION The undersigned Executive Director of the 50th & France Business and Professional Association, Inc., hereby certifies that the. attached Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted and approved by the Board of Directors of the 50th & France Business and Professional Association, Inc., at its regular meeting held on May 23, 1996. -/; Date: o Karen Knudsen RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 50TH & FRANCE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. The Board of Directors of the 50th & France Business and Professional . Association, Inc., extends its support for the proposed office - retail complex to be developed by Edina Properties on the south side of 50th Street, West of France Avenue. The Board of the Association has spent a great deal of time discussing the proposed project. The Board is of the firm belief that the development by Edina Properties will support, enhance and directly benefit virtually all merchants and service -providers of the 50th & France area. Given this level of support we strongly encourage the members of the City Council to respond favorably to the development proposal of Edina Properties. We further encourage Edina Properties and the City of Edina to cooperatively and promptly reach agreement regarding the parking concerns related to the project. d:assnl50 &Franc.res informing them of the continuing developments that will occur. Mr. Carey sai ' is his understanding when the proposal comes before the City Council the meeting efteen the development team and Edinborough residents will have occurred. Commissioner Workinger moved to recommend final site and final development plan approval subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Byron seconded. he motion. Chairman Runyan questioned Mr: Larsen on the iropc it will be incorporated into the plan. Mr. Larsen with graphics the proposed pond, adding atpresent the City- is, ndLin the pc pond, and believes it will be- constructed during th end pheg IX All voted aye; motlbn carried to approve the finial; %t:: for Phase I of Centennial Lakes. P -96 -1 District, .:PG[ currently occ of the Edina with paved a! service tunfi Q0, - 1 Final Development Plan Edina Properties 3917-3929W. t 50th. >Sb ed .P..ond :4nquiring when x lairfed the location of< ition to c± 111.... t the of this deuelop nerrt' told ft..: prr�ission the . subject property is zoned Planned Commercial nd is cteve[oped with a one story concrete block and brick building b.v retail tei rtts ' The property is south of West 50th Street and is west Are::; :The exi$;�ng. :. wilding occupies approximately one half of the site xxpytg:.the remaining lot area. The City's municipal parking ramp and I are the subject property. Mr. Larsen pointed out the proposed redevelopment would include demolishing the existing structure andif6placing it with a four story building plus a basement. The plan indicates that an anchor tenant would occupy greater than one half of the first floor area aid >all of the second. floor. Two additional retail tenants are indicated on the first floor with ............ ........_ ........ ................... ........ the.-':. s.eme:n #,.O pied by storage and a restaurant. Floors 3 and 4 would be developed far offi................ : The fourth floor would be setback 20 feet from the north property line or . ............I ............... We§V5 th Street. The proposal widens the walkway alley that is between the subject site and the Edina Theatre. The widening of the walkway allows for retail components to face east creating added exposure and includes such features as a formal entry, a covered walkway along the store fronts and outdoor seating for the restaurant. The north side of 8 the building includes three entrances with the front face of the building aligning with the adjacent building to the west. The building design incorporates windows and architectural detailing on all three exposed wall elevations. The exterior building materials will be brick with precast concrete accents, metal canopies and canvas awnings. Mr. Larsen said a prominent component of the development plan is the plaza area extending along the east side of the building. The plan includes an entry portico with signage that would potentially identify the plaza area and su also indicates direct access from the parking ramp that connection through the plaza. Currently there are elevation d and the proposed plaza, however, it would appear that my dif The proponents have indicated that the plaza could 0.0 handl the 50th and France streetscape with similar ma,Wials u pavers. The proponents plan on petitioning the Cit a l over the plaza area similar to the one located north :ofesl Mr. Larsen explained the 50th and Fr subsequent review conducted in 1978 by the H.R France indicates that the subject site was antjj building and that the expansion would be :s ppoth ratio (FAR) of 1.5 is the maximum permitted in,tl the proposed building comply with b s FAR..liir floors yield a FAR of 2.99 or appro mately;t s ice added he was advised by the GJ. Attorney that intensity amounts to change injse, and psuch, of a variance. It should be considered as en Ora the its. The plan a pedestrian een the ramp Of d including tth)r ..' brick the installatioti<``canopy 10th Street near Belleson's. Area Plan and the potential at 50th and to be red loped with a two story O.Y. by public parking. A floor area ''ti #rct. The first two floors of uvvever, adding two additional .fie Ordinance allows. Mr. Larsen squested increase in development Id not be considered in the context ce Amendment. Mr." i n concha k s; roposa('poses a basic policy question to the City. Are existing develgpnt intensliy lEinttations appropriate for the area or should we move to increase the overall intensity o . �levelopment? If the proposal is approved, it should be expected th at:ot er Remy own erwWould ask for similar development potential. A likely result would''be "parking shortages resulting in pressure to provide additional public parking.','::" arkin: There are atpptoar'nately 900 public parking spaces in the district. Some additiohal space could alcfed to existing facilities but the gain would be relatively small. The. mp north of 49'I Street could accept one additional level and the surface lot north oilancy's could bedecked. The southerly and middle ramps can not accommodate additional levels. '! >#€tfu[y'supports a two story redevelopment of this site. Staff however feels the propWd.Tb'development is contrary to the spirit of the 50th and France Redevelopment Plan and would set a precedent to change the character of this area. Our reasons are: The plan sought to retain the °Community Scale" of the area while solving problems E of traffic congestion and lack of off - street parking. Parking shortages could recur if other sites redevelop such as Arby's (30,000 square feet in the Plan) and the currently vacant site north of 49 1/i Street. Although some additional public parking can be added, the amount is limited and the location may be problematic. The far north ramp is directly adjacent to residential property and needed a height variance for the existing structure. Acquiring more land to provide additional parking to support ;;rttore intense development may harm the character of the area. Staff believes we can not give this type of development rift; #Qa�ne property and den the same right to others. Y 9 The proponent, Mr. Lund was present to Commissioner Workinger said he can unders potential for similar redevelopment in the area, .A. potential redevelopment sites. Mr. Larsen said in his o.I in the area has already occurred with the exceptit�n of north of West 49 1/2 Street. Commissioner Swenson the lower ramp level is empty, but full will be adequate parking if this I interjected who would pay for more:: lion it is taff find and fts. D. merch to qp stions' J'wh ' 1116- .in the area she notices at night the doy, d quest;oned if staff believes there moves fai►ar-' Commissioner Ingwalson ry important to maintain adequate parking for qor& parking is needed another level can be 2 possible to ramp the open area behind ts, and a form of tax increment would pay for uding Mr. Larsen said there are opportunities to that exists is adequate. Mr; Lund, subffu#ted #o Commission Members graphics depicting the proposal, and its relation to the streetscape;. < Continuing, Mr. Lund said the proposal focuses sharply on the pedestrian linkage';paning the final outcome of the proposal is to maintain a high quality pedestrian flavor: Mr. Lund added every effort has also been devised to ensure the proposed building is architecturally compatible. Continuing, Mr. Lund said while reviewing the proposal he considered its impact on Lunds, existing tenant space, and the overall di. tat ..Mr. Lund':. eid another goal is to assure the public that parking spaces are readily aVaii Vii` # And''the existing parking will not be compromised. Mr. Lund noted he also cone idef"A' removing the proposed 4th floor which reduces the FAR (floor area ratio), adding his intent was to have the first two floors retail space, the top two floors office space with the 4th floor housing Lunds, Inc. 10 Mr. Robert Luci, RSP Architects, told the Commission this location on the streetscape is key. He added the proposed walkway will serve pedestrian travel and re- tain the integrity of the 50th and France street scape. Commissioner Swenson commented the proposal is for a four story building, and questioned the height of the movie theatre. Mr. Lund said technically the theatre is 3'/z stories. Commissioner Swenson asked Mr. Lund the width of the alleyway. , lr: Lund said currently the alleyway /walkway is 12 feet. Mr. Larsen informed the Commission if they ap amendment would need to be added to the Zoning .,C A discussion ensued regarding the height precedent setting potential, and the possible pc Commission was in agreement that the 50th and within the City, and redevelopment is healthy, if d Commissioner Byron said he Commission approved a three story neighboring movie theatre. Chairrr Commission were to approve a three s.0 as it is depicted in the drawings. Mr. Lund said if the C intent would be to setback the rd ion .considers ire the pm- . osat: as submitted nance toi!tavrti1s;;;density. buiIdih' the' "FI R': the regarding threa. The is a important component lopma aad:> questioned if the it be' tl game height as the r:Jectedx> 'and questioned if the a th 4f ird story also be setback Droving a third story structure his two stories as depicted. cohyffissioner B r ft . k Mr. L h: :Ait want point is an amendment to the Zoning .... Ordinance pot required '%' Q[. three stories ?, and asked how the movie theatre was .. handled at t reQ stories. Mt N06,responded a two story structure would not require a variance, or a ct'angeto the Ordanda A three or four story structure would change the density (FAR).:: a.. a large degree, thereby challenging City policy. Mr. Larsen said it is diff icu..ltb deterittrte at:what'point a variance is reasonable to consider, or a policy change . is required. `. <1 II 0sen added in his discussion with the City Attorney an amendment would be r q red. In response to the question regarding the theatre, Mr. Laren said a theatres considered differently. W Swenson said she can fully support two stories, but would like to be ee stories if the third story is setback from the first two, and would not Ordinance amendment. Commissioner Ingwalson and Commissioner Workinger expressed concern with the setting of a precedent, adding they would only feel comfortable in supporting a two story structure. 11 vfm SIM grpBT IMF- OF � , r ORIGINAL PLAN za M 61; . =Rm NIEMEN • 1 :11 C-1 L wil = !J W, = .. ......... ......... m=� I Plan and would set a precedent to change the character of this area. Our reasons are: • The plan sought to retain the "Community Scale" of the area while solving problems of traffic congestion and lack of off - street parking. Parking shortages could recur if other sites redevelop such as Arby's (30,000 square feet in the Plan) and the currently vacant site north of 49 1/2 Street. • Although some additional public parking can be added, the amount is limited and the location may be problematic. The far north ramp is directly adjacent to residential property and needed a height variance for.the existing structure. • Acquiring more land to provide additional parking to support more intense development may harm the character of the area. • Staff believes we can not give this type of development right to one property and deny the same right to others. portico and plaza area design features are at the concept stage and are illustrated in the plan for discussion purposes. Details of the plaza will require further staff review. The 50th and France Commercial Area Plan and the subsequent review conducted in 1978 by the HRA of the expansion potential at 50th and France indicates that the subject site was anticipated to be redeveloped with a two story building and that the expansion would be supported totally by public parking. A floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.5 is the maximum permitted in the PCD -2 district. The first two floors of the proposed building comply with this FAR limitation. However, adding two additional floors yield a FAR of 2.99 or approximately twice what the Ordinance allows. I am advised by the City Attorney that the requested increase in development intensity amounts to change in use, and as such, should not be considered in the context of a variance. It should be considered as an Ordinance Amendment. The proponents have submitted a traffic study in support of the proposed development. The City Engineer has reviewed the study and is in general agreement with its conclusions. One of the recommendations, removing some on- street parking on France Avenue could be reviewed by the traffic safety committee. The traffic study also concludes that there is adequate parking available in the south ramp to support the additional floor area. Again, staff generally agrees with this conclusion. Parking surveys conducted periodically over the last five years indicate an average of 150 -175 open spaces during peak periods. Most of the free space is in the south ramp. The proposed development would add about 44,000 square feet of office /retail space to the area. At five spaces per 1,000 square feet as required by code, 220 spaces would be needed to support the development. Our experience is a parking demand of about 3.25 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area, or 143 spaces. Thus, existing parking could handle this development, but would use essentially all existing capacity. As a result parking shortages could occur if other sites in the area are developed or redeveloped. Recommendation This proposal poses a basic policy question to the City. Are existing development intensity limitations appropriate for the area or should we move to increase the overall intensity of development? If the proposal is approved, it should be expected that other property owners would ask for similar development potential. A likely result would be parking shortages resulting in pressure to provide additional public parking. There are approximately 900 public parking spaces in the district. Some additional space could be added to existing facilities but the gain would be relatively small. The ramp north of 491/2 Street could accept one additional level and the surface lot north of Clancy's could be decked. The southerly and middle ramps can not accommodate additional levels. Staff fully supports a two story redevelopment of this site. We, however, feel the proposed redevelopment is contrary to the spirit of the 50th and France Redevelopment EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MAY 1 1996 P -96 -1 Final Development Plan Edina Properties 3917 -3929 West 50th Street The subject property is zoned .Planned Commercial District, PCD -2, and is developed with a one story concrete block and brick building currently occupied by retail tenants. The property is south of West 50th Street and is west of the Edina Theatre. The existing building occupies approximately one half of the site with paved area occupying the remaining lot area. The City's municipal parking ramp and service tunnel are located south of the subject property. The proposed redevelopment would include demolishing the existing structure and replacing it with a four story building plus a basement. The plan indicates that an anchor tenant would occupy greater than one half of the first floor area and all of the second floor. Two additional retail tenants are indicated on the first floor with the basement occupied by storage and a restaurant. Floors 3 and 4 would be developed for office use. The fourth floor would be setback 20 feet from the north property line or West 50th Street. The proposal widens the walkway alley that is between the subject site and the Edina Theatre. The widening of the walkway allows for retail components to face east creating added exposure and includes such features as a formal entry, a covered walkway along the store fronts and outdoor seating for the restaurant. The,north side of the building includes three entrances with the front face of the building aligning with the adjacent building to the west. The building design incorporates windows and architectural detailing on all three exposed wall elevations. The exterior building materials will be brick with precast concrete accents, metal canopies and canvas awnings. A prominent component of the development plan is the plaza area extending along the east side of the building. The plan includes an entry portico with signage that would potentially identify the plaza area and surrounding tenants. The plan also indicates direct access from the parking ramp that would provide a pedestrian connection through the plaza. Currently there are elevation differences between the ramp and the proposed plaza, however, it would appear that any differences could be corrected. The proponents have indicated that the plaza could be handled almost as an extension of the 50th and France streetscape with similar materials used including matching brick pavers. The proponents plan on petitioning the City to allow the installation of a canopy over the plaza area similar to the one located north of West 50th Street near. Belleson's. The entrance X05 �i9w I . l2 1 r ,9l5 I 1916 -20.. I 3946 3911 3916 3936 �� 13916 I —J �210 4917 49 !/2 ST V 4921 3�s — —� 1 4624 I 1 24 I 4926 tt 26 1 t— _1 = 1916 I 36 4933 4200 4120 _ 4100 3918 3910_ 3924 123w , 3914 3906 60TN ST V LOH T 1 1211 1201 I ,-- -� -�-�II I666o-16 I I T 18 5017 5000 1 —•` 3915 5 II�II �1 s 15oz5 5036 Son son sox- N I role 40 ST 5633 5032 5050 N 510! 5100 503) 6038 16115 5104 Y — 5f0! 5100 slot 00 1 L5LOI'3 — 5!� 6101 5100 `^ — � 6115 5101 5115 .01 I 51 12 I 5!15 5104 U. 6th 6115 5!15 6100 I I Ln I 106 I I sla I 61 i6 L109 I 5108 I 6116 5112 I 1F5113 1 112 512! 5!� �11 I 5111 5117 5l16 5121 5116 r 'S! 15!� .fin 1t6 5125 6121 ( 4 6116 1 51.21 Em FINAL DEVELOPMENT NUMBER LOCATION REQUEST P -96 -1 PLAN 3917 -3929 West 50th Street Final Development Plan for Two Story Building EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Mitch Avery, property owner in the vicinity, said in his opinion the proposal will benefit the area, and pointed out parking is occurring on the Edina side of France Avenue from patrons visiting Minneapolis merchants. Mr. Avery said Minneapolis merchants do not provide adequate parking for their patrons. Mr. Avery suggested asking the Minneapolis merchants for some parking relief. Commissioner Workinger said he agrees with that observation, but in his opinion parking is an important issue, and Edina must maintain adequate parking for Edina merchants. Commissioner Faust said she does not have a problem a three story building with the third story setback 20 feet:,:: Commissioner Faust moved to recommend the third story setback 20 feet. There was no Commissioner Swenson moved to recommen a Commissioner Workinger seconded the motion. Cont�riss% three stories, but in not sure about requiring a 20 foot se unanswered questions regarding the Ordinance ;;taut bel Continuing, Commissioner Byron pointed out i iWAeu'elop in the area, reiterating he can support a third floor € a. third _.... ..........:.......... the variance process, and not and amendmenio'tet3t said she agrees with Commissioner::.: yrons o Aervatf Commissioner Swenson: would like to go before the Co. construction of ion it of a two story building. YT on said he can support He added he has some _ftti is a good proposal. Nue a proven track record can be achieved through ce. Commissioner Faust d if this issue could be continued. Mr. Lund said he vith :4heir recolvimendation for a two story building or A two story structure. 12 wa cer Parking Consultants/ Engineers, Inc. Terrence A. Elakkoia, POR Principal 5775 Wayzata Boulevard Suite 925, Minneapolis, MN 55416 Teb (612) 595 -9116 Fax (612) 595 -9518 WALKER OFFICES Boston, MA Ralawazoo, MI (617) 350 -5040 (616) 381 -6080 Denver, CO Minneapolis, MN (303) 337 -2634 (612) 595 -9116 Chicago, H, Newport Beach, CA (708) 697 -2640 (714) 553 -1450 Houston, TX Philadelphia, PA (713) 964 -2719 (610) 940 -5800 Indianapolis, M San Francisco, CA (317) 842 -6890 (415) 330 -1895 'Ihmpa, FL (813)888 -5800 I Parking Expansion Option la City of Edina, Minnesota Estimated Construction Cost: $650,000 Pros: • Convenient Parking • Consolidated Parking Locations • Land is Owned by City Cons: • Limited Added Parking • Potential Community Opposition • May Need Elevator • High Construction Cost • Distributes Existing Parking "; �� : e � 0 Parking Expansion Option Ib City of Edina, Minnesota Estimated Construction Cost: $210,000 Pros: • Convenient Parking • Consolidated Parking Locations • Least Community Opposition Cons: • Least Added Parking • Must Purchase Land r a 4 5 t � 7 to wo, I% PIRIn 4�1-' � 4 „ k AW S t — 1011t t r 4 ho" .r .� ri M1 • fi'` Y M. F. Parking Expansion Option Ic City of Edina, Minnesota Estimated Construction Cost: $950,000 Pros: • Convenient Parking • Consolidated Parking Locations • Highest Net Gain Cons: Must Purchase Land ■ Potential Community Opposition Distributes Existing Parking II <M4S1 I +F'All r �n b x.2J"`'yw � g�. •i Z S '' .i', �* t,. t fs' -�.: p •' : 1 51j� ✓ YM.r ��a � _ct. wAo Parking Expansion Option 2 City of Edina, Minnesota Estimated Construction Cost: $980.000 Pros: • Lowest Construction Cost • Reduced Traffic Congestion • Lowest Added Cost Per Space • Least Construction Disruptions Cons: • Least Convenient Parking • Must Purchase Land • Potential Community Opposition . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . 71 IL -'giXJM-* F---Mm L�tm Pros: • Provides Parking Where Needed • Low Community Opposition • Shortest Walking Distance Cons: Low. Net Gain = - 10 Highest Construction Cost E Must Purchase Land ■ Security _ ■ Increased Operating Costs ■ Reduces Storefront Visibility Most Construction Disruption Pa.-- rking Expansion Option 4 City of Edina; Minnesota Estimated Construction Cost: $585,000 Pros: ■ Centralized Parking Location Cons: • Low Net Gain • Limited Truck Access Limited Site A Reduces, Storefront Visibility Disrupts Existing Parking Land purchase required. ■ Range of added spaces 291 -376 ■ Allows 1.00 - 125,000 sq.ft. of expansion ■ This analysis does not include traffic impact on immediate area Parkin g Expansion Options City of Edina, Minnesota Spaces Constr. Cost /space Option Gained Cost Gained 1 a 65 $6505000 $101000 x lb 30 $210,000 $ 75000 x 1 c 115 $95000 $ 8,300 z X2 144 $9805000 $ 600 X3 57 $861,000 $15,100 4 60 $5855000 $ 9,700 Land purchase required. ■ Range of added spaces 291 -376 ■ Allows 1.00 - 125,000 sq.ft. of expansion ■ This analysis does not include traffic impact on immediate area REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor and Council Craig Larsen June 17, 1996 S -96 -4, Preliminary Plat Approval. Arrowhead Pointe. Arrowhead, Partners. Recommendation: Agenda Item # I I. ; B . Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ Action ❑ El Consent To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion The Planning Commission recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. Final Plat Approval 2. Subdivision Dedication 3. Watershed District Grading Permit 4. Developers Agreement 5., City Engineer Approval of Final Pond Design 6. No Build Easement covering the Southerly 150 feet of Lot 3. 7. No Variance from the required 100 Foot Conservation Restriction. Information /Background: See attached Planning Commission minutes, staff report, plans, correspondence and original proposal. ' ~h%AP[1PI��T• +oee v• TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor and Council Craig Larsen June 17, 1996 S -96 -4, Preliminary Plat Approval. Arrowhead Pointe. Arrowhead, Partners. Recommendation: Agenda Item # I I. ; B . Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ Action ❑ El Consent To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion The Planning Commission recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. Final Plat Approval 2. Subdivision Dedication 3. Watershed District Grading Permit 4. Developers Agreement 5., City Engineer Approval of Final Pond Design 6. No Build Easement covering the Southerly 150 feet of Lot 3. 7. No Variance from the required 100 Foot Conservation Restriction. Information /Background: See attached Planning Commission minutes, staff report, plans, correspondence and original proposal. f P.C. meeting 5-29-96 S-96-4 Preliminary Plat Approval. Arrowhead Pointe Arrowhead Partners Mr. Larsen asked the Commission to recall to allow the developers time to address the numb proposal requested a total of 12 variances. continued .....The inifig Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the prqpp.n...efi. . .s have returned 'Mh'a . . ... .......... revised preliminary plat which reduces the number 6f4at'R., '..'�brn 12 to 11. By so doing, the number of variances has been reduced to six...::. F' dff.'th:.. :Irequested variances are our... for lot dimensions and two are for relief from the required :4.01.01' servation ........ % ................. ................. .......................... :V d restriction along the lake. There are no lot area variances r ..... ........ ........ ....... Mr. Larsen said by eliminating oP.0 lot proponents have significantly improved 'the p exceed the neighborhood median. lot size of: remain, they are generally caused.$W the stir X ;!d ,..* t' n t he� maining lots, the g .... ...... posed b. pment. All lots now .- ,718 squidiiiiiii:feet. Mile some variances and. :.topography of the property. Mr. Larsen conclud,ed:ttaff recommends mends. preliminary plat approval subject to: Bob Smith',:iebresenting Arrowhead Partners, was present to respond to Commissioner':::::Runyan asked Mr. Larsen if the measurement from the ordinary 3ter is measured on the horizontal. Mr. Larsen said that is correct. Ingwalson questioned Mr. Larsen if the building pads depicted on the-:1 .... ... ... %"A .'re'.. arbitrary. Mr. Larsen said that is correct. Ordinance requires the developer to depict a pad, but the pads depicted are not necessarily the pads that will end up on these lots. Mr. Larsen said the pads depicted for the proposal range in size from 3,500 to 5,000 square feet. Commissioner Faust asked Mr. Larsen if the Commission can require the developer to construct the house where the pad is depicted. Mr. Larsen said if the Commission is trying to achieve a certain building size, building location, or preserving green space, that can be accomplished by recommending an easement. Commissioner Swenson noted that presently a sewer line runs through the property. Mr. Larsen said that is correct, but recommending a conservation restriction /easement is the best way to maintain control. Commissioner Swenson asked Mr. Larsen if there are of f> s domes on Arrowhead Lake closer than 75 feet. Mr. Larsen said :there are tfhr h" r�mes closer than 75 feet. Mr. Larsen explained before 1992 the.. setback front' he ordinary high watermark erm ark wa s2 5 feet. Commissioner Workinger inquired if there are more' properties in the. - iiy that could be developed where the 100 foot restriction applies Mr. Larsen said he believes this is one of the last large pieces of property on a lake ine<�ity that would require the 100 foot setback if redeveloped, except for the Leo Evans. sl #0. Mr. Larsen added there could also be other potential one or two lot subdivisioris dO wl ere on waterbodies, reiterating this is one of the last large pieces „ Commissioner Swenson asked. :Mr. Larsen ... if he: co:�sidiiks Lot 10 a "pass- through" lot. Mr. Larsen responded: he does not believe >t 90.is a pass- through lot. He pointed out the topography does not create that type of relationship. Commissioner Faust asked Mr. Larsen the.::average depth, and width of the area. Mr. Larsen said lot depth is 175 feet, lot.width 110 feet. Ili $ObSmith, addressed the Commission explaining at the last meeting the development teartt: presented a.:proposal requesting a 12 lot subdivision, the present request is for 1; t tots. ;Continuing, Mr .. Smith said the revised plat contains three lots requiring lot depth variances, one.lot requiring a lot width variance, and two lots requesting >relief frorh theA 0.0 foot water body restriction. With graphics Mr. Smith indicated changes in the plain Continuing, Mr. Smith pointed out a number of lots in the proposed plat do not abut the lake. He pointed out the Naas home (on Post Lane) is constructed 50 feet:firom the ordinary high watermark of Arrowhead Lake. Mr. Smith concluded if the roads moved to eliminate the request to reduce the conservation r 4 ction the lots:on the other side of the street will be severely impacted. sioner Runyan noted the revised plan appears to be sensitive to the . Smith agrees, the site does contain a number of large trees. Commissioner Workinger commented it appears the circulation around some of the walkout homes may be rather small, and asked Mr. Smith if he knows how much usable rearyard a potential homeowner may want. Mr. Smith said that is very individual. Mr. Smith added the building pads are not final. Commissioner Bergman asked Mr. Smith how many builders are proposing to construct homes on these lots. Mr. Smith said at. present, Mr. Ron Clark and Mr. Bruce Bren, have clients interested in constructing homes. Commissioner McClelland said in her opinion Lot 10 is too narrow. She pointed out it is a depicted as a walkout, and commented a walkout to what? Commissioner McClelland added in her opinion the site is still too tiaht. another lot should.... Byron pointed out Lots 7 & 8 contain very steep grades; Mr. Smith agreetfTii� pointed out lots along the lake have about 50 feet in elevatiomchah`e. Chairman Johnson questioned if creating an Outlo a alrt of Lot 3 would be an option to provide the right spacing for the H :u,rley home. ``l* en said usually .:.... when Outlots are created they seem to go tax :forfeit Mr. Larsen. reiterated the City would rather have the Commission recommend easements. >: Commissioneringwalson interjected his problem is with Lots 7 and 8, and he r sted an arnendment to the motion to eliminate the variances requested from the or[iEgtatermark on Lot 7 and 8. Commissioner Byron accepted the arrl�f: ' Ayes, Faust, McClelland, Ingwalson, Swenson, Workinger. Nays, Byron, Runyan, Bergman, Johnson. Motion to eliminate the variances on Lot 7 -8 approved 5- 4. Commissioner Byron said he is not as quick to agree the variances requested for this development are self imposed. Commissioner Byron pointed out the extreme LOCATION MAP E QPAPEL NIL FOUNTAINWOOD 0 9W!E GAI I ONAL JIGFORD C I T A PTS. t 01 NA WEST A PTS. ;e L UTMERAI. C SSVI R SS IE 0 susDivIsioN C ROF VALL:E,Y'..* CREJ E 1 -11 NUMBER S-96-4 LOCATION South of Crosstown Highway west of Crossview Luthern Church (Naas Property) REQUEST 12 Lot Subdivision EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 29, 1996 STAFF REPORT S -96-4 Preliminary Plat Approval. Arrowhead Pointe Arrowhead Partners The Commission will recall the subject proposal was continued to allow the developers time to address the number of requested variances. The initial proposal requested a total of 12 variances. The proponents have returned with a revised preliminary plat which reduces the number of lots from 12 to 11. By so doing, the number of variances has been reduced to six Four of the requested variances are for lot dimensions and two are for relief from the required 100 foot conservation restriction along the lake. There are no lot area variances requested. Recommendation By eliminating one lot and adjusting the remaining lots, the proponents have significantly improved the proposed development. All lots now exceed the neighborhood median lot size of 21, 718 square feet. While some variances remain, they are generally caused by the shape and topography of the property. My comments on specific lots with variances follow: Lot 2 27 foot lot depth variance Lot 3 58 foot lot depth variance Lot 10 98 foot lot depth variance These, variances are caused by the shape of the property and the limited flexibility in the location of the road. All of these lots are given additional width in the revised plat which helps make up for the lack of depth. I believe the variances are justified, Lot 6 50 foot lot width variance This remains unchanged from the initial plan. The variance is caused by the shape of the land and is justified. Lot 7 and Lot 8. Variance from 100 foot setback. The plat requests a 15 foot variance from the required lake setback in order to gain depth in the building pad area. Staff has reviewed a plan which would eliminate the variance by shifting a portion of the road farther to the east. The shift, however, causes Lots 2 and 3 to lose additional depth. In my opinion the present layout is better, and the proposed variances will not be detrimental to the development or surrounding properties. Staff recommends preliminary plat approval subject to: 1. Final plat approval 2. Subdivision dedication 3. Watershed district permit 4. Developers agreement 5. City Engineer approval of final pond design. INITIAL PROPOSAL e MC CAULEY ................ .. TRAM ...._.... ..... ..._.._ — a ego CHLMM ARU �. I ' \ - - ._........- _...._ -__ ME Z17— / \ y `' - --�- �I � I Y II ��A�y = 11'ulj'�� i J, � ,r, '•�a•• .' / 'yaa�'\ �I 1'. till rn ` `///• 9 PREUYWARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION —NOT APPROVED -- =R P SMITH We KNown CONSMUMM *V- P.C. Meeting May 1, 1996. S -96-4 Preliminary Plat Approval Arrowhead Pointe Arrowhead Partners Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the subject property is a 9.84 acre site developed with a single dwelling with access from McCauley Trail. The proposed subdivision would remove the existing dwelling and construct a new cul de sac to serve 12 single dwelling lots. Mr. Larsen pointed out the property is characterized by relatively steep grades at the existing driveway access from McCauley Trail. Once on top the property is rolling to fairly flat for a width of about 100 feet. Areas abutting the lake on the south and west and adjacent to the parking lot to the east exhibit steep slopes. Mr. Larsen added when a proposed subdivision abuts a lake the Ordinance requires the granting of a 100 foot conservation restriction upland from the ordinary, high water line. The preliminary plat illustrates the 100 foot line as well as a 75 foot line. Three lots request a variance from the 100 foot requirement. Mr. Larsen noted the proposed plat illustrates three outlots plus a separate lot for a storm water detention pond. Outlot A would be deeded to the Church to add to an existing parking lot. Outlot B would be deeded to the developer and would become part of Lot 1. Outlot C would be deeded to the adjacent home on Post Lane. Mr. Larsen explained access to the property would be by a new public road connecting to McCauley Trail. No access to Post Lane is anticipated. Significant cut and fill is necessary for the.first 400 feet of road to obtain road grades acceptable for a public street. Additional cuts are necessary for the remaining road length to drain the street into the storm water pond along McCauley Trail.. Mr. Larsen concluded The subdivision proposes several lots requiring variances from the City size and dimension standards; one lot requires a lot width variance; six lots require lot depth variances; and five lots require lot area variances. In addition the plat requests a reduced conservation restriction for three lots. Mr. Bill Smith representing the proponents, Arrowhead Partners was present to respond to questions. Chairman Runyan commented in reviewing the proposal the building pads depicted on the plat are very large. Mr. Larsen agreed they are large and are roughly 6,000 square feet. Commissioner Swenson asked if this proposal requires a retention pond as indicated. Mr. Larsen responded some adjustments need to be made to the proposed pond but preliminary indications from the Watershed District appear favorable. Continuing, Mr. Larsen explained since 1992 the DNR has mandated on properties exceeding 2 % acres in size that a nurf pond be constructed to retain water run off long enough for settlement to occur. Commissioner Swenson said at time could the pond not contain any water. Mr. Larsen said that is possible. He added during a dry spell the pond may be empty Mr. Bob Smith addressed the Commission explaining this site has been studied for a number of months, and access was considered off Post Lane and McCauley Trail, with McCauley Trail being as the more suitable approach, acknowledging the site is presently served from McCauley Trail. Mr. Smith explained the building pads have been designed on the large side, but in reality on the site the larger houses will be constructed lakeside and smaller houses similar in size to those on Post Lane will be constructed on the rest of the site. Mr. Smith said grading will only occur lot by lot as construction commences for each lot.. Mr. Smith told Commission Members it is very important to maintain as many large trees as possible. Continuing, Mr. Smith said a tree survey was conducted and it was noticed that some of the large Oak trees have Oak wilt and they will need to be removed. Mr. Smith said on April 25, 1996 Arrowhead Partners held a neighborhood meeting regarding the proposed subdivision. Mr." Smith said in his opinion the meeting was positive. Chairman Runyan asked Mr. Smith if Arrowhead Lake is considered a recreational lake.. Mr. Smith said the setback stipulated on Arrowhead Lake is 75 feet. Mr. Smith added there are some waterbodies that must maintain a 200 foot setback from the ordinary high water mark, but Arrowhead is not one of those lakes. Chairman Runyan asked Mr. Smith to explain the road elevation. Mr. Smith explained the road rises from McCauley Trail with grades ranging from 1.3% to 5.7% and leveling off to 1% at the top. Mr. Smith said the developers propose to match this development with the development on Timber Ridge, and plant an island similar to the island located at the top of Timber Ridge. Mrs. Rena Hurley, 6322 Timber Trail, said she has a concern with the proposed development, and how it will relate to her property. She pointed out if a house is situated on a lot abutting her property line adequate spacing is not provided. Mrs. Hurley said any house, especially a large house will tower over her house. Ms: Noah Hurley, 6322 Timber Trail said in her opinion their property will be negatively impacted and the value of their home will decrease. Chairman Runyan explained the building pads depicted on the preliminary plat are drawn to the extreme, and may not reflect what will actually be constructed. Chairman Runyan said if approved as submitted a house will be constructed on the adjoining lot, but he does not believe it will be - l -Z,000 square feet as indicated by the - building pad. Mr. Oren Haugen, 6612 Indian Hills Road said in his opinion the proposal contains too many variances that dealt with lot area and relaxation from the conservation easement. Mr. Haugen said in his opinion the number of lots should be reduced. Mr. Haugen said he does not see any hardship to support the granting of variance. He concluded this is a great piece of property that will one day be developed but this proposal contains too many lot. Reduce the number of lots and the plat will work. Mr. Bruce B, 6317 Post Lane, said he is very affected by the proposal, but is all for the development. He said the new pond will help with drainage, adding he always expected that this site would be developed. Mr. concluded by saying he believes the proposal is not too dense and will be a benefit to the community. Mr. Bob Naas, 6320 Post Lane explained to the Commission his family has owned this property for many many years. Mr. Naas said years ago he reviewed a drawing that contained more lots, but with careful planning, and a market analysis determining where the market is, the number of lots were reduced to 11. Mr. Naas said in his opinion this is a good project, and the number of lots work well with the site. Continuing, Mr. Naas pointed out the topography of the site contains steep grades, and if we reduce the number of lots in the plat the lot depth variances would still be needed. Commissioner Ingwalson said in his opinion there are too many lot, adding he doesn't like what he sees. Commissioner Faust pointed out this land is virgin land, and when platting undeveloped land the Commission likes to stay as close to the guidelines as possible. Commissioner Faust said this proposal contains way to many variances. She added she can see combining Lots 2, 3 and 4 into two lots, and lots 10 and 11 could be combined as one, and there are other options. Commissioner Faust concluded as submitted the plat is unreasonable. Commissioner Byron said this proposal contains a large number of variances, some of which are very substantial. Commissioner Byron said in his opinion there are too many lot area, and lot depth variances: Commissioner Byron said this plan should be continued for one month to allow the proponent time to consider the feelings expressed this evening. EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 1, 1996 STAFF REPORT S -96-4 Preliminary Plat Approval Arrowhead Pointe Arrowhead Partners The subject property is a 9.84 acre site developed with a single dwelling with access from McCauley Trail. The proposed subdivision would remove the existing dwelling and construct a new cul de sac to serve 12 single dwelling lots. The property is characterized by relatively steep grades at the existing driveway access from McCauley Trail. Once on top the property is rolling to fairly flat for a width of about 100 feet. Areas abutting the lake on the south and west and adjacent to the parking lot to the east exhibit steep slopes. The 500 foot neighborhood surrounding the property yields the following dimensions and lot areas: Lot Width Lot Depth Lot Area 110 Feet 173 Feet 21,718 Square Feet Lots in the proposed subdivision have the following dimensions and areas: Lot Number Lot Width Lot Depth Lot Area 1 132 Feet 185 Feet 25,000 Sq. Feet 2 120 Feet *t60 Feet *19,054 Sq: Feet 3 135 Feet *140 Feet *19,018 Sq. Feet 4: 180 Feet *120 Feet *19,258 Sq Feet 5 128 Feet 245 Feet 34,196 Sq. Feet 6 *60 Feet 390;Feet ,: 76,689 F Sq' eet 7 170 Feet 220 Feet 37,964 Sq. Feet Lot Number Lot Width Lot. Depth Lot Area 8 152 Feet *170 Feet 25,045 Sq. Ft. 9 140 Feet 190 Feet 27,660 Sq. Ft. 10 115 Feet *160 Feet *18,050 Sq. Feet 11 200 Feet *115 Feet *19,816 Sq. Feet 12 135 Feet 175 Feet. 24.024 Sq. Feet *Indicates variance required When a proposed subdivision abuts a lake the Ordinance requires the granting of a 100 foot conservation restriction upland from the ordinary high water line. The preliminary plat illustrates the 100 foot line as well as a 75 foot line. Three lots, 8, 9, and 10, request a variance from the 100 foot requirement. The proposed plat illustrates three outlots plus a separate lot for a storm water detention pond. Outlot A would be deeded to the Church to add to an existing parking lot. Outlot B would be deeded to the developer and would become part of Lot 1 (one). Outlot C would be deeded to the adjacent home on Post Lane. Access to the property would be by a new public road connecting to McCauley Trail. No access to Post Lane is anticipated. Significant cut and fill is necessary for the first 400 feet of road to obtain road grades acceptable for a public street. Additional cuts are necessary for the remaining road length to drain the street into the storm water pond along McCauley Trail. The developers have furnished a detailed description of the project. Please refer to the attached report by R.P. Smith Land Planning Consultants, Inc. In 1981 the City accepted a piece of tax forfeit land adjacent to this property on its westerly side. It was presumed that the City then owned a small strip of land at the rear of what would be Lots 7, 8, and 9. However, a recent survey and a registration of the property indicates the land is below the ordinary high water line of the lake. Thus, according to our rules the land is part of the lake and is considered public water. Recommendation The subdivision proposes several lots requiring variances from the City size and dimension standards; one lot requires a lot width variance; six lots require lot depth variances; and five lots require lot area variances. In addition the plat requests a reduced conservation restriction for three lots. Outlined below are staff opinions and thoughts on the plat in general as well as the requested variances. The land trade with the Church is positive for both parities. The road grade and alignment are improved and the church -gains additional parking. Lot width variance. Lot 6 is the only lot requiring a width variance. This is due to its pie shape and the fact that width is measured 50 feet back from the front property line. However, at the building pad the lot is 150 feet wide. The variance is caused by the shape of the land and is justified. Lot depth variances. Six lots, 2,3,4, 8, 10, and 11 require depth variances. The impact of the lack of depth is lessened on Lots 2 and 3 by the parking lot and on Lot 8 by the lake. The lack of depth on Lot 4 is the most troubling due to the proximity to the existing home on Timber trail. The new home would however set well above the existing home. The lack of depth also somewhat squeezes the building sites on Lots 10 and 11. Lot area variance. Five lots require lot area variances, they are Lots 2, 3, 4,10, and 11. Variances range from 1,460 square feet to 2,668 square feet., The only way to reduce lot area variances is to reduce the number of lots. Conservation restriction. Three lots request some relief from the 100 foot restriction. It seems to me that Lot 7 could be developed with the 100 foot restriction. Lot 8 is greatly impacted by the 100 foot line. The depth of the building pad is only 35 feet, unusually shallow for the expected homes. The lack of depth would force the house to be long and narrow with an increased impact from either lake or street side. I would suggest a variance of 15 to 20 feet for this lot. Lot 9 could be buildable with a small variance, maybe 10 feet. Staff would like to see more room for development flexibility on Lots 4, 10 and 11. It seems that one, maybe two lots less could offer that flexibility and improve the overall plat. ARROWHEAD POINTE A SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION SUBMITTED BY ARROWHEAD PARTNERS MAY 15, 1996 RREVISED PREPARE BY: R. P. SMITH LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. (612) 861 -6940 FAX 861 -8084 LAND PLANNING R. P. SMITH CONSULTANTS, INC, 3009 WEST 70 1/2 STREET RICHFIELD, MN 55423 -2846 (612)861 -6940 FAX 861- 8084 MAY 15, 1996 City of Edina Planning Department Attn.: Craig Larsen Planning Commission, City Staff Arrowhead Partners 7500 West 78th Street Edina, MN 55439 (612)947 -3000 RE. Preliminary Plat for ARROWHEAD POINTE. Dear Mr. Larsen: This plan is a resubmittal of the "ARROWHEAD POINTE" subdivision. At the direction of the Planning Commission the plan has been redesigned to reduce the number of variances. In order to achieve this one lot was dropped from the development resulting in an 11 lot, single family subdivision. A special thanks to City Staff, Cross View Lutheran Church and local neighbors for there guidance in reviewing plans which have been drafted prior to this proposal. We thank you for you consideration and for your review for this proposal. Cordially yours, Rob . Smith, ASLA V Pr sident, R. . Smith Land Planni g Consultants, Inc. On behalf of the developers. R.P. SMITH 1 LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS. INC. ARROWHEAD POINTE . APPLICANT Arrowhead Partners 7500 West 78th Street Edina, MN 55439 (612) 947 -3000 PREPARED BY R. P. SMITH LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. 3009 West 70 1/2 Street Richfield, MN 55423 -2846 (612)861 -6940 fax 861 -8084 ADDITIONAL CONSULTANTS C.E. COULTER LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 15780 Highview Drive Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612)824 -0370, fax - 953 -3074 McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. 15050 23rd Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55447 (612) 476 -6010, fax - 476 -8532 The Developer is requesting approval of this revised preliminary plat with variances, on the total site of approximately 9.837 acres consisting of 11 single family lots, one ponding /park outlot and three small outlots. PLAN PROPOSAL "ARROWHEAD POINTE" has been revised at the direction of the Planning Commission to reduce the number of variances of: depth, shoreline setback, and square footage. The development proposal presented on May 1, 1996 consisted of 12 lots with 5 square footage, 6 depth, 1 width and 3 shoreline set back variance requests. The attached plan has dropped one lot from 12 to 11 lots. This plan has eliminated all square footage variances, and greatly increased the flexibility of the remaining lots. Additionally, the 6 depth variances have been reduced to 3 and the lake shore setback variances have been reduced from 3, 25 foot requests to, 2: both 15 foot. These variance requests are a hardship resulting from topographic restraint. )L ri nce This plan asks for variances on lots, in three areas: 1.) lake shore setback to 2 lots, 2.) Median lot depth on 3 lots, 3.) width on 1 lot. 1 .) Variance to reduce the City lake shore set back on lots 7 and 8. Both lots will require a15 foot variance. The hardship is based on topographic restrictions. The house pad elevation will be a vertical distance of approximately 40 feet above the lake on these two lots R.P. SMITH 2. LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS. INC. 2.) Variance request to reduce the median lot depth to lots 2, 3, and 10. The variances to median lot depth on lots 2 and 3 are needed to maintain the greatest flexibility to these and the lake shore lots across the street. The Hardships for these variances are lake setback and topography. Lot 10 is shallower because of the limited depth between the church property and Post Lane, and the topography. 3.) Variance to reduce the width on lot 5. The measured width at 50 feet back from the street is approximately 52 feet. However, the area were the building pad is located at 145 feet back from the street is 150 feet wide. The median lot width of the lots in this plan are approximately 147 feet or 37 feet wider than the median lot width of 110 feet of the neighborhood lots within 500 feet. This will give the lots much greater flexibility then the previous plan. On the previous plan lot 4 backed up to the Hurley home. This plan, by droping a lot has changed the building pad location on lot 3, (backing up to the Hurley home) to back up to the Church parking lot. Resulting in no pad directly behind the Hurley home. Lots 1, 2, and 3, remain approximately 25 feet above the parking lot and will have little impact on adjacent uses. Lot 10 is approximately 20 feet above adjacent home. In all cases the grade change gives significant separation in elevation to adjoining uses. Land Conveyance The land conveyance to and from the Church and to Bob Naas will remain the same with minor alterations to the square footage to facilitate the the new layout. Preliminary Plat /Development Data The total site area of "ARROWHEAD POINTE" is approximately 9.837 acres. The average size of the 11 proposed single family lots is 31,188.5 square feet, or .716 Acre. The preliminary plat has a gross unit density of 1.12 units per acre (including streets and ponding outlot), and a net unit density of 1.4 units per acre (net unit density equals total site area minus street area and ponding area) . Four outlots for ponding and land trade of approximately 35,103 sq.ft are included in the development. The proposed street name for the Development will be Arrowhead Court. PRELIMINARY PLAT DATA Total site area = 428,498 sf, 9.837 ac 100% Single family net area = 343,073 sf, 7.876 ac 80.1% ROW areas (new street) = 50,318 sf, 1.155 ac 11.7% Outlots (A,B,C,D) = 35,103 sf 0.806 ac 8.2% LOT DATA Total single family lots Average S.F. lot size (11 lots) Gross density Net density (w /out street & o.l.) R.P. SMITH LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. = 11 lots = 31,188.5.0 sq. ft., = .716 ac. = 1.12 units per acre (9.837 ac) = 1.4 units per acre (7.95 ac) 3. lot number lot 1 lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 lot 5 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 lot 10 lot 11 outlot A outlot B outlot C outlot D (pond outlot) church parking church parking Lot sq. ft. lot width @ middle padJot perimeter ratio = 25,000 sf 157: 676= .23 = 21,796 sf 150: 593= .25 = 28,073 sf 280 :767= .36 = 33,479 sf 128: 866= .15 = 76,902 sf 155: 1260= .12 = 39,662 sf 141: 843= .16 = 23,899 sf 130 :633= .20 = 25,516 sf 132: 592= .22 = 22,866 sf 132: 628= .21 = 21,877 sf 198: 642= .30 = 23,587 sf 171: 637= .27 = 5,596 sf = 2,872 sf = 3,278 sf = 23,360 sf 127.9 : 640.77= .20 = 34 existing spaces (west end) = 54 proposed spaces (west end) NOTE: lots measurements to survey line at lake shore. Minimum lot size and setbacks per City Ordinance Interior lot area = 9,000 sq ft Lot frontage = 90' ft Lot depth = 120' ft Max lot coverage (9000+ sf lot) = 25 % Front set back = 30 ft Interior side yard = 10 ft Side street set back = 15 ft Rear set back house = 25 ft City lake shore set back = 100 ft DNR lake shore set back = 75 ft Parks dedication fee The developer proposes park dedication in the form of land and cash. The land portion will be the dedication of the pond outlot, with the remainder of the park fee in cash. Grading /Utility /Improvement Financing The entire project will be constructed in one phase. The sanitary sewer in Post Lane will be extended up the hill between lots 9 and 10 to serve the development. Lot 11 will receive service through a single 4" service to Post Lane along the rear lot line of lot 10. The water main in Post Lane and the watermain stubbed to the east side of the property on Timber Trail will be looped through the development. All storm water from the development will be directed to an engineered short term storm water run off holding pond (NURP pond) through RCP pipe constructed in Arrowhead Court. R.P. SMITH 4 LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS. INC. 'Summary /Conclusion This proposal requests the approval of "ARROWHEAD POINTE" a 11 lot single, family residential development and preliminary plat with variances to median lot depth, median lot width and lake shore set back. This is a reduction of one lot from the previous submittal to the Planning Commission. This development is proposed as an upper level single family home neighborhood, to be constructed beginning in the summer of 1996. In brief review, the developers have purchased the parcels from Bob Naas (parcel on McCauley Trail) and the Naas Estate (the hill), located on McCauley Trail between Cross View Lutheran Church and Arrowhead Lake. The parcels are zoned R -1 Single Family Residential. The proposed land use is compatible with the adjacent zoning and comprehensive land use guide plan. The Vegetation on the sides of the hill is predominantly oak trees with heavy under growth on the side slopes, and lawn on the hill top. The parcel on McCauley is lawn with a depression for ponding. The soils on the hill are predominantly glacial tills and organic fill material on.the McCauley parcel. The topography slopes to the lake. Water to the parcel is available in Post Lane and stubbed to property from Timber Trail. Sanitary sewer is available in Post Lane and will serve the entire project. Individual house pad grading will be done at the time of home construction to allow maximum saving of trees by custom designing each home to fit the lot. The proposal of "ARROWHEAD POINTE" is a total of 9.837 acres consisting of 11 single family lots at a gross density of 1.12 units per acres. Average lot size is 31,188.5 sq.ft., all lots are at least a half acre or larger. Park dedication is proposed to be on a land and cash basis. The placement and location of the street "Arrowhead Court" has been carefully analyzed and reanalyzed to achieve the best alignment with the McCauley Trail, the Church property, existing homes, saving the trees, existing utilities, topography, and the Lake. Small outlots have been created to be conveyed with the Church to facilitate the best street alignment and home sites. As a result of the land trades, the west side of the church parking lot will have an increase parking spaces by 19 spaces and a new driveway access on McCauley. A pond lot will be created on McCauley and is proposed to be dedicated as part of the park fee. "ARROWHEAD POINTE" preliminary plat will require a lake shore setback variance on 2 lots (7 & 8), of 15 feet. Variances to 3 lots (2,3 &10) are required to median lot depth in relation to the 500 foot surrounding neighborhood lots. One lot width variance is required on lot 5. The hardship for the variances is the topography of the hill. All lots are approximately 37 feet wider than median neighborhood lot width to give a similar building pad as the neighborhood. The lots are 25 to 50 feet above the surrounding homes and lake giving significant vertical separation. All lots would meet or exceed the City Standards for platting. R.P. SMITH 5. LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS. INC. 87 5,8 SETBACK, (CITY) ETRAK 'D "� .''.. I t r DRAINAGE ENT EST' r U 110 PRE Tot( Ing I' t lot I s a SE I °'' ` s u NT HE I Emmmo aw rd)lm PA x r TYPICAL FU S T E A,. (,,DNRj Trnm FU W- RAMOU NT HE I Emmmo aw -OX L At MOM TYPCAL WIRY OR SPUT YSKE) AM FULL t VAX fir... �Ar.. 1v \ — — _ — — MC CAULEY .._...._ .. ............................... tt .................... - /' ......... -- � - -- -- - -- --y _- � •-- __ __ __ .. ............... 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MINNESOTA 55423 -2846 (612) 861 -6940 a A - N _ v MC CAULEY__ ___ _____ _______TRAIL._....__...__._ -. . . _ .. •_ • ................ .............. - - ... .............. .... Z. — CHURCH ADDITION AREA \ In 218A6_ -- y EA j ��n /.- ♦ I ter• _ \ �' 221iO4! - — °- j. N1 / - .. <r yc �, 10 f _m > o 0. YX co --Wa— -} � ��.: .• I O •,. `fin / -{ _ m• ' 6 fir+ N ,xi, - I T I / I Oo F/I y O 1 11 ,1 .. , • e .. i ,1 / f �_ u a r vmi � I I t •h t:�!a�T • � .G�.S+ / `,1 / N D I II. I I S `3 o I I- � � ~ � { ' s ' I IK _ _ N I' i" p001' .� 48.02. N � 2 A r� m � I I 1I � iR0 r m An �'lll ?9 S D cx; I I 4°' 9g 'g. HIV - m r o I m > m m v IIN mOUm I 1 't! Oo �. • .-. D NOR TFi �o u o m 7 a laiiji 1- 1pFll - 4 IleEli o a� t^ iR E O PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION —NOT APPROVED i °a � , NMY QRTRV THAT TH4 PU . SPE°FICATION Q MAM B .. 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N EDINA, MN L• DATE: •EOSm , 3009 WEST 70 1/2 STREET FAX 861 -8064 +noN Na RICHRELO, MINNESOTA 55123 -2816 (612) 861 —6940 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: GORDON HUGHES Agenda Item Consent # H.A. Information Only ❑ DATE: JUNE 17, 1996 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA SUBJECT: El To Council FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - EDINA PROPERTIES Action ® Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Recommendation: Refer to Planning Commission for preparation of Zoning Ordinance Amendment. Report: On June 3,1996, the City Council reviewed Final Development Plans for the redevelopment of a retail site at 3917 West 50th Street. The proposed plans illustrated a three -story building containing two stories of retail uses and one story of office uses. A restaurant was illustrated in a portion of the basement level of the building. The City Council continued the public hearing until June 17, and asked the proponents and staff to respond to a number of questions. Could Businesses at 50th & France Utilize Church Parking Lots For Employee Parking? Churches are a conditional use within the R -1 Single Family Dwelling District. According to the Zoning Ordinance, parking facilities which are accessory to churches are likewise a conditional use. Based upon this language, staff concludes that such parking could only be used for church related activities and therefore, could not be used for employee parking. If the Council wished to permit such employee parking, it could: REPORT /RECOMMENDATION - FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN /EDINA PROPERTIES JUNE 17, 1996 Page two Amend the Zoning Ordinance to allow it, or 2. Rezone the church parking lot to Automobile Parking District (a Zoning District that permits automobile parking as a principal use). Could the Zoning Ordinance be Amended to Limit the Third Floor of the Proposed Building to Office Uses Only? In our view, such an amendment is possible provided that it is applied equally to all uses in the PCD -2 District. However, such a restriction may be difficult to enforce on an on -going basis. The City does not issue business licenses or occupancy permits and, therefore, it may be difficult to determine when illegal occupancies occur. Also, some office uses are very similar in parking demand to retail uses, e.g., medical and dental offices, financial institutions and certain professional offices. Staff believes that the marketplace will likely limit the uses of the third floor space to non - retail tenants. Therefore, we do not believe that special regulations are needed at this time. If Additional Structured Parking Were Needed in the Future, Where Would it be Built and How Much Would it Cost? The HRA has retained the services of Walker Parking Consultants to provide a very preliminary feasibility analysis of potential sites for structured parking. Unfortunately, the report is not available at this time, but will be presented at the meeting on Monday night. At this point, we do know the following: 1. Neither the 51 st Street ramp nor the ramp between 50th Street and 49 % Street are capable of being expanded vertically. 2. The ramp located north of 49 1/2 Street is capable of supporting one additional parking level. Walker Parking Consultants are evaluating three alternatives for increasing the amount of structured parking: 1. The expansion of the 49 1/2 Street ramp 2. The construction of a new ramp west of the Post Office on property owned by First Bank 3. The construction of below -grade parking on -the Lund's Grocery Store lot. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION - FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN /EDINA PROPERTIES June 17, 1996 Page three How Would Construction of Future Parking Facilities be Paid For? Tax Increment Financing. Public parking facilities at 50th & France have heretofore been financed through a combination of tax increment financing and special assessments. In prior cases, 80 % of the construction cost has been financed through tax increment financing and 20 % has been financed through special assessments. Tax increment financing is available for financing parking ramps, however, such financing may not be available in the future due to (i) legislative changes or (ii) termination of the tax increment financing district. 2. Special Assessments. As noted above, commercial area property owners have paid 20 % of parking facility construction costs through special assessments. This percentage could be increased in the future. If tax increment financing were not available, special assessments may need to provide a higher portion of the construction costs of the future parking facilities. 3. Parking Impact Fees. The City may be able to assess a parking fee in connection with expansion of buildings at 50th & France. The City could require that an impact fee be charged for buildings that exceed a floor area ratio of 1.5. The amount of the fee could be equal to the estimated cost of constructing the number parking stalls required to support the added floor area. The impact fees could be then reserved by the City and utilized for constructing future parking or renovating existing parking. This method of financing future parking ramps requires additional study by the City Attorney. 4. Other. The City could significantly increase fees charged for employee parking. The City could also charge hourly parking fees to patrons of 50th & France and use the proceeds to defray the cost of future parking. Staff believes these alternatives are not in keeping with the City's position regarding public parking at 50th & France. If the Council wishes to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit the increased floor area ratio as proposed, we recommend that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for the preparation of an ordinance amendment. State Law requires that amendments to the Zoning Ordinance must first be reviewed and acted upon by the Planning Commission. State Statute requires a Council decision within 60 days after receiving a request for a Zoning action. In this case, the 60 days expires on July 15, 1996. The Council can extend this period by 60 days if it notifies the proponent in writing and states reasons for the extension. Staff would suggest a 60 day extension to allow time to prepare studies, Zoning Ordinance amendments and receive the recommendation of the Planning Commission. I 0� Ce: (�:P 0 �;rAv A Ff REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor and Council Agenda Item # I I . D . FROM: Craig Larsen - ❑ Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends F1 To HRA DATE: June 17, 1996 x❑ To Council SUBJECT: Amendment to Zoning Action ❑ Motion Ordinance to Allow Hospice as a Resolution Conditional Use in the Q Ordinance R -2 District. Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the attached amendment. Information /Background: The attached amendment handles Conditional Use permits in the R -2 District in the same manor as temporary conditional use permits for the disabled. That is, notification of all property owners within 200 feet of the subject property. No sign would be required. See attached Planning Commission minutes and staff report. ORDINANCE NO 1996 -2 AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (850) BY ADDING RESIDENTIAL HOSPICE AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE DOUBLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT (R -2) THE-CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Subsection 850.12 of Section 850 of the Edina City Code is amended by adding a new Subdivision 3 and renumbering the remaining Subdivisions 3 -5 to Subdivisions 4 -6 respectively. Subd. 3. Conditional Uses A. Residential Hospice as defined and licensed by the State Department of Health. SECTION 2. Subsection 850.04 of Section 850 of the City Code is amended by adding the following language to Subdivision 4, Paragraph E. E. City Council Hearing and Decision. Upon request of the Planner, Manager or applicant, and after review and recommendation by the Commission, the Council shall conduct a public hearing regarding the application. The hearing shall be held not later than 60 days after the date of the recommendation by the Commission. A notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the City at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing. A similar notice of hearing shall be mailed at least ten days before the date of the hearing to each owner of the property situated wholly or partly within 500 feet (200 feet for Conditional Use permits in the R -2 District) of the tract to which the application relates insofar as the names and addresses of such owners can reasonably be determined by the Clerk from records maintained by the Assessor. After hearing the oral and written views of all interested persons, the Council shall make its decision at the same meeting or at .a specified future date. No new notice need to be given for hearings which are continued to a specified future date. The Council shall not grant a conditional use permit unless it finds that the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use: SECTION 3. Subsection 850.04 of Section 850 of the City Code is amended by adding the following language to Subdivision 4, paragraph B. The erection of a sign shall not be required in connection with the application for a Conditional Use Permit in the R -2 District. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effective upon passage and publication. First Reading Second Reading Published in the Edina Sun - Current on ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor P.C. MEETING 5 -29 -96 N.C. Little Memorial Hospice /7019 -7021 Lynmar Lane, E Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the City has re residential hospice to be located at 7019 -7021 Lynmar Lan R -2 and is developed with a double bungalow building..: Mr. Larsen said staff suggests amending the Zonin.g;O;rdinance to allow a °residential hospice" as a Conditional Use if the R -2 district: >Th;is approach would not change the underlying zoning of the property, and if the Conditional. Use were to cease operation the property would revert to..u.se as a double' bungalow. Mr. Larsen concluded that it appears the use maybe permitted under the guidelines of the Federal Fair Housing'Act. Mr. Bob Soleheim, 6245 Vincent Avenue South was present to answer questions. . Commissioner Faust asked Mr. Soleheim how many employees work at the hospice atany given time. Mr. Soleheim said during the day there will be two staff members; one volunteer, and one administrator. During nighttime hours there will probably be only two, staff members. Mr. Soleheim add. ressed the' Commission explaining at present there is a similar hospice operation on,:. Penn Avenue in southwest Minneapolis. Continuing, Mr. Solehaim said it is the intent of the hospice to provide a residential alternative for patients, and to maintain the residential character of the building. Mr. Paul Pearson 4000 Mavelle Drive said he has a problem with the proposal, tthe parking demand the hospice may generate. Mr. Pearson said in his opinion thl :s a residenf�al area, and a hospice operates more like a nursing home. Ms':'Audrey Staber, 7101 Lynmar Lane told Commissioner Members she has concerns regarding the hospice, and if her property values will be negatively impacted because of its close proximity. Commissioner Swenson questioned if the site does not provide adequate parking would a variance be required. Mr. Larsen said he believes all employee parking can be contained on the site. Visitor parking is another issue, and it is believed visitors will park on the street. If more parking is determined to be needed, the hospice will have to go through the variance process. Chairman Johnson commented in his opinion he does not want to see any changes made to the facade, or any other visual changes that would alter the character of this residential property. Chairman Johnson said he wants the building.:10visually ... ....... ..... ...... remain as is, at present. ....... ...... . ...... . ......... ....... MEMO To: Members of the Planning Commission From: Craig Larsen Subject: Zoning Ordinance Amendment; adding residential hospice as a Conditional Use in the R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District Date: May 24, 1996 The City has received a request by N:C. Little Memorial Hospice to allow a residential hospice at 7019 -7021 Lynmar Lane. The property is zoned R -2 and is developed with a double bungalow building. Currently, the Zoning Ordinance would only allow a hospice in the Regional Medical district or the PRD -5, nursing home district. An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance would be necessary to allow the proposed use in the R -2 district. According to the proponents the proposed use would involve minimal changes or alterations to the existing building. A detailed description of the facility and operation has been provided in the attached letter and brochure provided by the applicant. Recommendation Staff would suggest amending the Zoning Ordinance to allow a "residential hospice" as a Conditional Use in the R -2 district. This approach would not change the underlying zoning of the property. If the Conditional Use were to cease operation the property would revert to use as a double bungalow. This would include restoring the separation between units. For several months staff has observed the hospice on Penn Avenue in Minneapolis. The facility is also located in a double bungalow building. There is no distinguishable difference between the hospice and neighboring buildings. Minneapolis considered the hospice a permitted residential use which needed no special approval or permits. It appears that the use may be permitted under the guidelines of the Federal Fair Housing Act. My reason for recommending Conditional Use Permit approval is to ensure that use of the building as a double bungalow is restored if the hospice ceases operation. h .! REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor and Council Agenda Item # I I - C . FROM: Craig Larsen ❑ Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA DATE: June 17, 1996 0 To Council SUBJECT: t -96 -2, Preliminary Action x❑ Motion Rezoning R -1 to PRD -3. 5120 and 5124 France ❑ Resolution Avenue South. Hans ❑ Ordinance Kuhlman. ❑ Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the revised seven unit plan. Information /Background: The proponent, in response to Planning Commission recommendation has reduced the unit count from eight to seven, and increased the sideyard setbacks from 10 to 15 feet. See attached Planning Commission minutes, staff report and correspondence. P.C. Meeting 5 -29 -96 Z -96 -2 Preliminary Rezoning R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -3, Planned Residence District. 5120 and 5124France Avenue. Hans Kuhlman Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the si developed R -1, single dwelling properties. The cc feet. A request has been submitted to rezone the redevelopment with an eight unit townhouse proje Mr. Larsen explained the proposed townhouse width from 16 to 20 feet. All would be two story units underground garage similar to the Coventry at CentE would be stucco with brick trim. . Mr. Larsen pointed out the PREP -3 district regc • feet per unit minus certain allowances. In this case, square foot credit for enclosed par[cing spaces. The parking credit results in a required land area of 29,21 27,646 square feet. Thus, the proposed density exee prope :d lot.: PRD -3 to building .has units ranging in Parking Iis provided in an nnial Lakes:> Exterior materials s a land area of 4,400 square ::_:proposal qualifies for the 500 use requirement minus the square feet. Total site area is Is that allowed by Ordinance. Mr Larsen explained setbacks required in the PRD -3 district are 35 feet in front, 35 feet in the rear and 20 feet m!' the sideyard. The proposed building provides a 10 foot setback .1t both the °north and south side yards, thus, a 10 foot sideyard setback variance is requested ; as "low; density atta al". ive Plan illustrates the France Avenue corridor .............. Mr. Larsen concluded the proposed land use is consistent with the ehensive Planand is consistent with other redevelopments which have occurred ranee Avenue. Two projects, in the 4600 Block were redeveloped with ruse type ::p: nits. One is developed at seven units per acre and the other at eight. u;pports the proposed land, use, but only at a density more consistent with the ehensive Plan and other similar developments. The proponent, Mr. Kuhlman was present to respond to questions. Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Larsen if he feels this type of redevelopment could continue along France Avenue. Mr. Larsen said he believes as this corridor evolves the City will see spotty redevelopment. Mr. Larsen said he can support redevelopment in this area, but in his opinion the proposal this evening is too dense. Chairman Johnson asked how many parking spaces are provided underground. Mr. Larsen said there are 14 underground stalls. Mr. Larsen said Ordinance requires 1.25 parking spaces per unit underground. Commissioner McClelland asked Mr. Larsen the total amount of.parking spaces required, and provided on this proposal. Mr. Larsen said this pr pt�sa] provides 14 underground spaces, and approximately five surface," ces. t�rdun... requires 1.2E underground, and a combination of surface to equal two parking spacewibe.r unit. Mr.. Larsen said the proposal meets Ordinance parking requirement with �9 paces Commissioner Bergman questioned how parking area. Mr. Larsen said access is in the c Commissioner Ingwalson asked Mr. La allowed on this site per Ordinance. Mr. Larse units. Mr. Kuhlman addressed the meeting was conducted, and in his Mr. Kuhlman told Commission Mem this proposal is a plus for the 50th: a_ Kuhlman noted this proposal is .a re development. Mr. Kuhlman added t compatible in:his opinion with the re the proposed u;se is consistent with developments that:have occurred al. the site contains a circular drive Wit to construct thebu�tdng so the rear Concludinq Mr. KU61ma. said in hi I enter the underground ..building. clarifjr;f : h m how many units are the density for, this site is up to six Ca mission, informing them a neighborhood opinion the "respornse was favorable. Continuing, hers helves in the immediate area, and believes nd France area:0nd for Edina's tax base. Mr. zorij :Pg to PRA, with an eight unit townhouse he< proposed building setback is 10 feet which is sidentia ;setbacks in the area. Mr. Kuhlman noted the Comprehensive Plan and similar to ong France Avenue. Continuing, Mr. Kuhlman said h ;underground parking provided, and it is the intent elevation is as attractive as the front elevation. opinion eight units are needed for flexibility. Commissioner W.,orkinger asked Mr. Kuhlman why he believes a 10 foot sideyard ck is justified for.this proposal. Mr. Kuhlman said in his opinion, the PRD -3 ing fits this location, and pointed out the 50th and France Avenue corridor is ;nt from the rest of Edina, and structures are closer. The 50th area has an urban rend the project enhances that feel. Mr. Kuhlman concluded the requested 10 foot and setback in his opinion, reflects this urban neighborhood. Commissioner Workinger said he can understand in order to successfully market the townhouses a certain square footage is required, and asked Mr. Kuhlman if he has looked at other ways to capture additional square footage (obtain more property). Commissioner Workinger pointed out the units appear to be long and narrow, and he questioned Mr. Kuhlman if he believes four units would work on the site. Commissioner McClelland pointed out four units would be large, and it may be possible to market them for a higher price to make up the difference in loss of units. Continuing, Commissioner McClelland suggested combining the center units into one, adding in her opinion the sideyard setback needs to be increased to 15 feet, and eight units on this site are too many. Mr. Kuhlman responded he has not looked into the possibility of combining the middle units into one, and marketing a seven unit townhouse complex..;;He' added he believes a four unit development would not be prudent.... Ms. Dahlstrom, 5116 France Avenue South,`toldrite:mbers of the Commission ........................ ....................... . .......................... she is very concerned with the proposed 10 foot buildiigetback, and the impact this proposal will have on her property. She pointed out if a two sWry;$tructure is constructed 10 feet from the common property hna.her light will be:negatively impacted. She added the traffic on France Avenue at >pr6sdht is;;bumper to dumper, and if eight more units are added, with two drivers for;.e'ach unit traff.:ic and;:congestion will ..I...... ..................... ............................ increase. Ms. Dahlstrom noted the to:wnhomes::toc tiid at .Centennial Lakes are very nice, but they are not right on France:Avenue Pike this.: roposal. Concluding, Ms. Dahlstrom said if this proposal is allowed tube constructed so close to the common property line it will be difficult to ;sell her h. 'use. Commissioner Faust said that while she'can support this type of redevelopment she believes eight units is:too '.much. Go:`: mrrtssioner Faust said in her opinion six units are more realistic, and the; sideyard setback at minimum should be 15 feet. CommissJaner McClelland said; in her opinion seven units may be possible, adding she catmot support the proposal at a 10 foot sideyard setback, 15 feet is the minimum. she could :consider. '.'.'Chairman Johns:on'> "asked Mr Larsen if a seven unit townhouse meets the PRD -3 regprements. Mr. Laren'said without looking at the exact numbers seven units would be`close. C;ommiss;ioner Swanson said if this proposal goes forward, she wants parking to remain underground as depicted. Commissioner Faust interjected she would also like a f8 nce..:;constructed to protect the immediate neighbors. Commissioner Runyan said in his opinion this is a positive development, but he said he feels it is too bad the development is not located at one end of the block or the other. Continuing, Commissioner Runyan said it would also be better if the entire block is redeveloped. He concluded he has a concern for the remaining single dwellings on the block. Commissioner McClelland moved to recommend preliminary rezoning approval recommending the design of the project remain as presented, reducing the number of townhouse units to not exceed seven, and recommending a 15 foot sideyard setback for the units. Commissioner Workinaer seconded the motion. i LOCATION MAP so ." �l R O1E t � err. �m o S Z� = SCHOOL d CITY LINT DEC. 1985 Tf, R ZONING NUMBER Z -96 -2 L O C A T 10 N 5120 and 5124 France Avenue South REQUEST Rezoning R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -3, Planned Residence District EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 29, 1996 STAFF REPORT Z -96 -2 Preliminary Rezoning R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -3, Planned Residence District. 5120 and 5124 France Avenue. Hans Kuhlman The subject property comprises two developed R -1, single dwelling properties. The combined lot area totals 27,646 square feet. A request has been submitted to rezone the property to PRD -3 to allow redevelopment with an eight unit townhouse project. The proposed townhouse building has units ranging in width from 16 to 20 feet. All would be two story units. Parking is provided in an underground garage similar to the Coventry at Centennial Lakes. Exterior materials would be stucco with brick trim. The PRD -3 district requires a land area of 4,400 square feet per unit minus certain allowances. In this case, the proposal qualifies for the 500 square foot credit for enclosed parking spaces. The base requirement minus the parking credit results in a required land area of 29,200 square feet. Total site area is 27,646 square feet. Thus, the proposed density exceeds that allowed by Ordinance. Setbacks required in the PRD -3 district are 35 feet in front, 35 feet in the rear and 20 feet in the sideyard. The proposed building provides a 10 foot setback from both the north and south side yards, thus, a 10 foot sideyard setback variance is requested. The Comprehensive Plan illustrates the France Avenue corridor as "low density attached residential', which is defined as follows: "Low Density Attached Residential (0 -6 DU /acre). This designation is intended, to include two family dwellings, townhouses, and other multifamily developments containing a maximum of four dwelling units per building or structure. Single Family dwellings may also be a compatible use in such areas. It is intended that this designation will provide a variety of housing types in relatively close proximity to single family residential areas and will represent a transitional use between single family areas and high volume roadways or more intense uses. Although a maximum of 6 DU /acre is noted, densities of such developments will be based upon surrounding single family densities. The subject property is approximately 2/3 acre in size and the proposed density is 12 units per acre. Recommendation The proposed land use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with other redevelopments which have occurred along France Avenue. Two projects, in the 4600 Block were redeveloped with townhouse type units. One is developed at seven units per acre and the other at eight. Staff supports the proposed land, use, but only at a density more consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and other similar developments. ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ �■ ■ ■■■ ■■r..., ■■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ REAR ELEVATION �■■■■■ ■■ MEN AI ELEVATION FROM FRANCE AVE ELEVATION FROM FRANCE AVENUE W/ CONTEXT E J CC) 0 � p a. to f 5124 i E47- { :T�1 =• =_., CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY ,,. A6 . I I I =AW BOUNDARY Ac TOP' '1PIIY SURVEY OF A PORTION 0 59, 60, 61, AUDITOR'S SUE N NO. 172, CITY OF EDINA, a PIN COUNTY. NINNESVTA = =zr^ LEGEND -- — --_ — :sa.r _— OEM-- EXlSnNC LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS M�� KEMPER do ASSOCIATES INC. LAND SURYE TING •CNGME[RINC 10 -r O FRANCE AVENUE SITE PLAN t ° I `!AT[RIAL Gt =TAIL 5112 France Avenue So. Edina, MN 55410 June 9, 1996 City of Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina-,-MN 55424 Dear City Council: In regard to the Hans Kuhlmann proposal for rezoning of 5120 and 5124 France Avenue So., I wish to state the following: I have been a resident at 5112 France Avenue So. since April 15, 1949. I have seen many changes take place in this area since that time. Edina has always taken pride in their city, and we as homeowners have tried to keep our property up in this respect. Now, to take this block and chop it up and put townhouses in the center, to me is not advisable. With seven or more tenants coming and going from this center location will only make more traffic, less parking, and our residential area gone. Until a developer comes who can afford to take the entire block and can spread out whatever he proposes, I believe we should leave the area as it.is. I'm sure it would look much better than crowding these seven townhouses in this smaller space. I understand Mr. Kuhlmann cannot afford to do this. I therefore am against this rezoning. Thank you for taking my letter in consideration of same. Sincerely, Esther Eggen 5116 France Avenue South Edina, MN 55410 June 10, 1996 City of Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 To Edina City Council at Large: As a resident of 5116 France Avenue So. since 1979, I am disturbed at the proposed town house complex by Hans Kuhlmann for the two properties adjacent to mine on the south. The distance prososed by the City of Edina Planning Commission is 15 feet from the edge of my driveway to the first town house. This will cut off my best light and end any existing privacy. On the south side of the proposed townhomes is a house (to be 15 feet from the nearest townhome) badly in need of a driveway and almost any other kind of repair. I have heard it has been a sore subject for some years with the City of Edina. It would seem implaussible that someone who is paying $250,000 to $350,000 for a town home would care to live even close to this place. Mr. Kuhlmann has stated that he cannot afford to pay market price for my home or my neighbor's at 5112 France. it therefore seems uncertain as to his ability to complete the block in the same architectural style as the townhomes in the future, which would seem to be the most desirable aesthetic solution to many of us. Since the Edina Art Fair is now over, we can come back to normalcy. By adding seven townhomes to the block, regardless of the proposed underground parking beneath them, it would be interesting to see how parking and traffic would fare next June. Even on normal weekdays traffic is bumper to bumper from approximately 3:30 p.m. until the end of the rush hour. -2- I very much appreciate your consideration in thinking over these objections to rezoning our area. SincerelS,, Coralyn Dahlstrom i FRANGE AVENUE SITE PLAN emolm6 H 15" Sa" ORiVE K 2M& 5a R. MA B 104 5a P7. VE6[7A71 H 15 5441 5a P7. 517E 5 2176E 5a PT. OLO6. C."M E 15 27f INM . SEVIN PARKIN& Rf7r"O, . k 5PAOB ExTPR10R • 5 6 0 u 'qD b u ir IL tlI w m i R N OPAM OTMe FS b p1 b �Yt �9 6 b � 999 e C z Ae W� O� xE PARKING PLAN z _® u H/ z '® u ty IL fw H/ w m z z z d w A� I m PARKING PLAN Or z u D z u It IL z z 1 � 1 i 1 Ir � j 11 1 � 1 11 I,�rrr/�1 iii i� A. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION 04 e' TO: ' Mayor and Council FROM: Craig Larsen DATE: June 17, 1996 SUBJECT: C -96 -3, Conditional Use Permit for Residential Hospice at 7019 -7021 Lynmar Lane. R.C. Little Memorial Hospice. Agenda Item # I I . E . Consent Information Only 0 Mgr. Recommends n To HRA El To Council Action F] Motion Resolution Ordinance F] Discussion Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Conditional Use permit with the following conditions: 1. Employee parking limited to garages and driveway area. 2. Restoration of building to legal double bungalow if hospice ceases operation. Information /Background: The City Attorney has determined that a residential hospice with eight or fewer beds is a permitted residential use under State law. Although we can not deny the use, we can make it a Conditional Use subject to reasonable conditions. That is the approach recommended by the Planning Commission. See attached material submitted by R.C. Little Memorial Hospice and correspondence. I April 14, 1996 Mr. Craig Larsen City Planner 4801 50th Street West Edina, MN 55424 Re: N. C. Little Memorial Hospice, Inc. Dear Mr. Larsen: HAND DELIVERED Please consider this letter our request to be included on your next City Planning Commission agenda. On behalf of the N. C. Little Memorial Hospice, Inc. Board of Directors, I am writing to inform you that we have entered into a purchase agreement to buy a residential property located at 7019 -21 Lynmar Lane in the City of Edina. The purpose of our buying the home is to provide a community based, residential hospice for terminally ill patients. This purchase agreement is conditioned upon approval by our Board of Directors, our ability to obtain financing, and the approval by the City of Edina to use this home as a hospice. Board approval is assured if financing and City approval is obtained. The financing is all but obtained, leaving City approval. I am enclosing several items about our hospice, including our brochure, 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, and a recent article appearing in the Sun - Current. We are incorporated as a Minnesota Non - Profit Corporation; attached is a list of our Board of Directors. The following information is to give you an overview of our project and what hospice is about. WHAT IS HOSPICE? Hospice is a comprehensive, medically- directed, team oriented program of care that seeks to help and comfort terminally ill patients and their families at home, or in a home like setting, establishing pain management and symptom control as clinical goals, and understanding that psychological and spiritual pain are as J I T significant as physical pain. Hospice philosophy accepts death as a natural part of life and seeks to neither hasten nor prolong the dying process. It is a concept of caring that strives to help patients truly "live until they die " -- without the fear of dying in pain, dying alone or losing control. The term "hospice" stems back to medieval times when it referred to a place of rest for weary or ill travelers on a long journey. In the mid- 1960's, the modern concept of hospice was founded by physician Dame Cicely Saunders in England. St. Christopher's Hospice, the first modern hospice, was founded outside London in 1967. The first American hospice was established in 1974 in New Haven, Connecticut. There are currently more than 2,506 . hospices in all 50 states. Last year these hospices served over 340,000 patients and their families. Hospices care for about one out of every three cancer deaths in America. BACKGROUND We are pleased to introduce the N. C. Little Memorial Hospice, a personal tribute to a man who inspired many through his Godly concern for the welfare of others. A businessman in the southwest metro area for more than a half century, he died after a lengthy struggle with a terminal illness at age 90, while in a nursing home. He would have benefited greatly from the special kind of care only hospice offers. Two caregivers and a volunteer from the only other "residential" hospice in the State saw the tremendous need for an additional hospice 'in our community. They incorporated the hospice in the fall of 1994, a board of directors was in place by year end. In the Spring of 1995, the Board contracted with a professional consulting group to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to determine potential financial support and community readiness to establish the "Little" hospice in the City of Edina. Personal, in -depth and confidential interviews of 32 business and community leaders representing churches, government, hospitals, associations, corporations and foundations, reflected a very positive endorsement for this important project. The IRS granted it tax favored status of 501(c)(3) to the hospice in February of 1995. Site selection and a capital campaign drive have been the focus of the hospice since then. PURPOSE The purpose of the "Little" hospice is to provide hospice care for individuals diagnosed with a terminal illness measured by a prognosis of six months or less to live. This hospice will provide the community with a much needed alternative in health care for the terminally ill. The home we have purchased will help and comfort up to eight terminally ill patients. We will provide 24- hour /7 days -a- week trained hospice caregivers and volunteers who will work together with patients and their families to ensure that the quality of the patient's remaining lifetime will be the best possible. An interdisciplinary team of physician medical director, registered nurses, trained medication administrators, nursing assistants registered, social worker, chaplain, bereavement coordinator and volunteers will be available to assist in the delivery of care-to the patient and family. This safe and loving environment will help achieve our goal of keeping the patient as pain free, alert, comfortable and as active as possible for as long as possible. And at the patient's death, a bereavement program will be available and provided for family members. DOESN'T OUR COMMUNITY ALREADY PROVIDE HOME HOSPICE CARE? Many community residents have utilized the services of home hospice programs which are affiliated with hospitals. These are people who wish to stay at home for the duration of their terminal illness, relying on friends or family members as primary caregivers, under the guidance of the hospital's hospice program. However, for some terminal patients, the traditional home setting is inappropriate or impossible. They may be no family members to serve them as caregivers or their caregivers are constrained by demanding work schedules and what they can offer. Or perhaps the patient just does not want to die in his /her . home for personal reasons. Other patients suffer escalating pain or other symptoms that cannot be treated at home. In the early weeks of home care, needs may appear to be minimal. Often, however, as the illness progresses, secondary medical conditions may occur, creating a nearly impossible environment for patient and caregiver alike. It is out of this concern that we are establishing the "Little" hospice, to provide an alternative to the patient's home or institution as a place for them to die. STAFFING Although hospice offers an interdisciplinary team of professionals and volunteers as previously stated, our typical daily staffing will be to have one RN and one TMA on duty at all times, and one or two volunteers and an administrator on site. The hours for the volunteers would be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., the administrator from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and the two professional caregivers 24 hrs. /day. Also, a part-time bookkeeper /secretary would be on site. There will be periodic visits from non - salaried members of the interdisciplinary team, i.e. chaplain, social worker, bereavement coordinator, medical director and case managing nurses. THE HOME We have entered into a contingent purchase agreement (copy attached) for a home at 7019 -21 Lynmar Lane near 70th and France Avenue in Edina. This is a unique, large, double bungalo (picture attached) that will require a minimal amount of modification to be residential hospice appropriate. It has 9 bedrooms and an office. (The State of Minnesota will license up to 8 beds in a residential hospice). The nature of the kitchens, bedrooms and the fact it has eight bathrooms, help make this a nearly ideal home for our purposes. We anticipate adding a sprinkler system, patio doors for the bedrooms, and a deck on each side leading around the back of the home that will enhance the value and appearance of the property. Also under consideration would be the addition of an attractive privacy fence around the back portion of the property. This home has one common entrance without a barrier between the two sides up and, down, unlike most double bungalos, which will save us considerable modification costs. There is a three -car garage for staff to park in, .plus the driveway area which would accept several vehicles. The property adjacent to this home, across the street to the south, has a cement parking area from the street to its garage, something we could also do, if needed, to accommodate additional off - street parking. THE NEIGHBORHOOD Located near France Avenue and 70th Street, the home is ideally situated in a neighborhood with multiple dwellings to the north, south and east of it, with only four single family residences to the west (across the street). The home is accessible by bus as well as car. We will be a good neighbor to our surrounding community, with well -kept property, quiet residents, while offering a valuable service to the community. TRAFFIC The hospice will have a capacity and be licensed for up to eight patients. We plan to have all patients enter by the rear doors. As a part of a patient's hospice agreement, they are registered with the county coroner's office. This means that when a patient dies, no police call is necessary. A van or hearse ' would unobtrusively pick up the patient's body from the rear of the home. Our experience with the only other residential hospice in the area is ' Midwest Community Hospice on 55th and Penn Avenue South. Traffic and parking was never a problem there. Visitors seem to be few to a residential hospice; partly because of the age of the average patient, many have out -lived family and friends. And unfortunately, many people have difficulty visiting dying patients. Pictures taken. from the Midwest Community Hospice area showing parked cars in and around their hospice will be provided. These pictures will have been taken over a period of at least 10 consecutive days. They are staffed in a similar fashion to how we will be staffed and have offstreet parking for approximately three cars. SUMMARY Members of the "Little" hospice have met with senior management of the area hospitals, informing them of our hospice and the details of how it will operate. We will work together with the hospitals' home health care programs, caring for patients they refer to us who can no longer safely remain in their homes. In support of our hospice, Fairview Southdale, Methodist and Abbott - Northwestern Hospitals have each contributed $25,000 to help make this project a reality. Also, a local businessman has pledged $50,000 and we have raised a substantial amount beyond that from a Special Event held recently at the Edina Country Club. Now, we are ready to move forward with this very important hospice program. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, N. C. LITTLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE, INC. Robert J. Solheim Chairman Note: It has always been the intent of the "Little" hospice to locate in the City of Edina. Originally, however, we planned to build a hospice, rather than retrofit an existing home. This is reflected in the brochure, which has a fold -out description of the floor plan. BOARD OF DIRECTORS N. C. LITLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE MR. LORENS Q. BRYNESTAD HOME: 946 -1857 5713 GRACE TERACE OFFICE: 424 -8811 EDINA, MN 55439 MS. JUDY CRANDALL HOME: 922 -4421 8273 LOCHLOY DRIVE EDINA, MN 55436 MR. LAWRENCE LAUKKA HOME: 896 -1192 7400 EDINBOROUGH WAY OFFICE: 896 -1971 EDINA, MN 55435 FAX: 896 -1192 DR. KHALID MAHMUD HOME: 943 -1529 5027 NOB HILL DRIVE OFFICE: 897 -0000 EDINA, MN 55439 DR. JOHN C. MANION HOME: 922 -3134 3837 CHOWEN AVENUE SOUTH OFFICE: 520 -5200 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55410 MS. JACQUELYNNE MCGOWAN HOME: 435 -3580 17376 JERSEY WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 MS. PAT RETTENMAYER HOME: 894 -6534 13808 SUNSET LAKE DRIVE BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 MR. GEORGE G. SELTZ HOME: 944 -5882 7912 RHODE ISLAND CIRCLE OFFICE: 925 -4147 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 PROF. WM. A. SMITH HOME: 645 -5572 1786 MAPLE COURT FALCON HEIGHTS, MN 55113 MR. ROBERT J. SOLHEIM HOME: 861 -1124 6425 VINCENT AVENUE SOUTH OFFICE: 861 -6188 RICHFIELD, MN 55423 FAX: 397 -8197 MR. ROBERT K. SPINNER HOME:. 922-6820 6309 COLONY WAY OFFICE: 863 -4203 EDINA, MN 55435 MS. GLORIA VANVOORHIS HOME: 454 -4804 8255 PALOMINO DRIVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 N. C. LITTLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE, INC. 7019-21 LYNNIAR-LANE EDINA, MN �Tl 7600 [ arklawn Avenue Edina, NIN 55435 PURCHASE AGREEMENT CENTER (612) 835 7600 This form approved by the Minnesota Association of REALTORS,. which disclaims any liability arising out of use or misuse of this form. , 1. Date May 11, 1996 2. Paget of Pa es N. C. LITTLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE INC. a Minnesota N g a RECEIVED OF Non- Profit 5 the FIVE THOUSAND A11D NO /100- •------------ -------- Dollars ($x.000 00 fi CHEC - SH -NOTE as earnest money to be deposited upon acceptance of Purchase Agreement by all parties, on or 7. before the next business day after acceptance, in a trust account of listing broker but to be returned to Buyer if Purchase a Agreement Is not accepted by Seller. Said earnest money is part payment for the purchase of the property located at: 9. Street Address: 7019 LYNMAR LANE to City of Edina County of Hennepin State of Minnesota, 11. Legally described as: Lot 61 Block 2, Stows Ederemoor Addition 12. fPTn9'11- f19A -94 -11 _n11 f1) to including the following property, if any, owned by Seller and used and located on said property. garden bulbs, plants, shrubs, and 14. trees: stone sash, stone doors, screens and awnings; window shades, blinds, traverse and curtain and drapery rods; attached lighting 15. fixtures and bulbs; plumbing fixtures, water heater, heating plants (with any bumers, tanks, stokers and other equipment used in to connection therewith), built -in air conditioning equipment, electronic air filter, Water Softener OWNED ENTED / NONE, built in humidifier 17. and dehumidifier, liquid gas tank and controls (if the property of Seller), sump pump; attac ed television antenna, cable TV jacks ig and wiring; BUILT -INS: dishwashers, garbage disposals. trash compactors, ovens, cook top stoves, microwave ovens, hood fans, 19. intercoms: ATTACHED: carpeting; mirrors: garage door openers and all controls; smoke detectors; fireplace screens, doors and 20. heatllatom; AND: the following personal property: Carpeting and window coverings throu hout 21 both units; All appliances throughout both nn;t•e 22 aryers; Garage door openers and control (s) 6 Ly, rvpew,, iq G Nib c 2a all of which property Seller has this day agreed to sell to Buyer for sum of: ($ 350,000.0o . f 24,THREE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO /100- - - - - -- U - Dollars, 25. which Buyer agrees to pay in the following manner. Earnest money of $x_00 (Plus an additional $5,000 26 and $ 77 500.00 "F'uIl r °1 ul ingqencl� r cash on car ho- nngnaf• "if1 r 1 qQF ,the dd[e of closing, and 27. the balance of $ 262,500.00 by fin rt-aGGordance with the attached addendum: 2a Convert lonal FHA VA Assumption Contract for Deed the,: See Addendum approval 29. This Purchase Agreem n( IS / S NOT subject to 7i conengency :0 4649-. see attached addendum.) 3Q This Purchase Agreement IS IS NOT ubject to cancellation of a previously written Purchase Agreement dated 31. This Purchase Agreem nt IS s NOT subject to an Inspection Addendum. (If answer is IS, see attached addendum.) 32. Attached are other addenda which are made a part of this Purchase Agreement. (Enter page or pages on line 2) 3a DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE: Upon performance by Buyer. Seller shall deliver a 34. joined in by spouse, if any, conveying marketable title, subject to: ---------------- Warranty Deed 35. (A) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations: (B) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of the property without 3& effective forfeiture provisions; (C) Reservation of any mineral rights by the State of Minnesota: (0) Utility and drainage easements which do not 37. interfere with existing improvements: (E) Rights of tenants as follows (unless specified• not subject to tenancies): 3a 39. (F) Others (Must be specified in writing): 40. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS shall be paid as follows: 41. BUYER AND SELLER SHALL PRORATE AS OF THE DATE OF CLOSIN / SELLER SHALL PAY ON DATE OF CLOSI II installments 42. of special assessments certified for payment with the real estate taxes due and payable in the year of closing. 4a BUYER SHALL ASSUME ELLER SHALL PAYyn date of closing all other special assessments levied as of the date of closing. 44. BUYER SHALL ASSUME SELLER SHALL PROVIDE FOR PAYMENT O al assessments pending as of the date of this agreement for 45. improvements that have been ordered by the City Council or other assessing authorities. (Seller's provision for payment shall be by payment into 46a escrow of 2 times the estimated amount of the assessments, or less as required by Buyer's lender) 47 BUYER SHALL ASSUME ELLER SHALL PA on date of closing any deferred real estate taxes (i.e. Green Acres, etc.) or special 48. assessments payment of which is required as a result of the closing of this sale. Buyer shall pay real estate taxes due and payable in the 49. year following closing and thereafter and any unpaid special assessments payable therewith and thereafter, the payment of which is not 50. otherwise provided. 51. As d the date of this agreement. Seller represents that Seller HA HAS N_O_T_ ived a notice d hearing for a new public improvement 52. project from any governmental assessing authority, the costs of which prole y be assessed against the property. If a notice of pending sa sped is is issued after the date of this agreement and on or before the date of closing, Buyer shall assume payment of 54. AL NNON OTHER: of any such special assessments, and Seller shall provide for payment on 5& date d �-ALL NONE / OTHER: of any such special assessments. If such special u- ...,.., - -- - -- 56. assessments or escrow amounts for said special assessments as required by Buyer's lender shall exceed $ -0' this 57. Purchase Agreement shall be null and void at Seller's option: parties agree to sign cancellation d Purchase Agreement and all earnest 511 money paid hereunder shall be refunded to Buyer, unless one or both of the parties agrees in writing on or before the date of closing, to 59. assume, pay, or provide for the payment of such excess. 60. Seller and Buyer Initial: Sellers) _ Dates�� Buyer(s)!' �i" Date��Z [ To 7600 Parklawn Avenue 1 � l � 1 I Edina, MN 55435 CENTER PAR E AGREEMENT (612) 835 7600 104. Address _ 105. Page 3 Date 106. REAL ESTATE 3 pA_ . ge ollows: , 107. Buyer shall PRORATED FROM DAY OFJCJ OSING,= I2THS, ALL, NONE ' real estate taxes due and payable in the 9 6 ^�� - -- -- year 19 108. Seller shall PRORATED TO DAY OF CLOSING, � 12THS, ALL, NONE_ real estate taxes due and payable in the year 19 9 6 - - - . If the 109. closing date is changed, the real estate taxes aid shall, if prorated, be adjusted to the new Closing date. Seller warrants taxes due and 110. payable in the year 19 96 will FULL - RTNON - homestead classification. If part or non - homestead classification is circled. 111. Seller agrees to pay Buyer at closing $ AM,' if any toward the no aste 112. portion of the real estate taxes.. Buyer agrees to pay any remaining balance of non - homestead taxes when they become due and w ' 113 No representations are made concerning the amount of subsequent real estate taxes. 114. POSSESSION: Seller shall deliver possession of the property not later than v �` ��JS 11S All interest, homeowner association dues, rents, fuel oil, liquid g after closing) q petroleum as and all charges for city water, city sewer. electricity, and natural 11d gas shall be prorated between the parties 'as of date of•cfosing. Seller agrees to remove ALL DEBRIS•AND ALL PERSONAL PROPERT 117 NOT INCLUDED HEREIN from the property by possession date. Y 118. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS: To the best of the Seller's knowledge there are no hazardous substances, or underground storage tanlq except 11l herein noted: 12Q 121. SPECIAL WARRANTIES: 122 SE WARRANTS THAT THE PROPERTY IS DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO: CITY SEWE�ES ❑NO CITY WATYES❑NO 1 SELL U ER AGREES TO PROVIDE WATER QUALITY TEST RESULTS AND /OR SEPTIC EM CERTIFICATION IF REObIRED BY 124. GOVERNING AUTHORITY AND /OR LENDER. SELLER WARRANTS THAT ALL APPLIANCES, HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING. WIRING 12S AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS USED AND LOCATED ON SAID PROPERTY WILL BE IN WORKING ORDER ON THE DATE OF CLOSING, 126. EXCEPT AS NOTED ON ATTACHED ADDENDUM. BUYER HAS THE RIGHT TO INSPECT PROPERTY PRIOR TO CLOSING. 127. OTHER: I 129. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT NO ORAL REPRESENTATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE REGARDING POSSIBLE PROBLEMS OF WATER 1311 IN BASEMENT, OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY WATER OR ICE BUILD -UP ON THE ROOF OF THE PROPERTY AND BUYER RELIES 131. SOLELY IN THWT#O�THE FOLLOWING STATEM NT BY SELLER: tZC -V L s UbM 132. SELLER HAS D A WET BASEMENT AND HA / HAS N HAD ROOF, WALL OR CEILING DAMAGE CAUSED BY H 133 OR ICE BUILD-UP. HAS / HAS NOT CEIVED A REAL ESTATE TRANSFER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. 134. BUYER HAS RECEIVED THE TRUTH IN HOUSING INSPECTION REPORT, IF REQUIRED BY MUNICIPALITY. 135. BUYER HAS RECEIVED THE WELL DISCLCISURE STATEMENT REQUIRED BY MINNESOTA STATUTES SEC. 1031.235. 1311 BUYER & SELLER INITIAL: Buyers) OffiG Sellers) 137. 1 ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED AND HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW THE ARBITRATION DISCLOSURE AND 138. RESIDENTIAL R AL PROPERTY ARBITRATION AGREEMENT. / 139. SELLERS) % (� ✓✓ BUYER(S) A 140. SELLERS) I / BUYER(S) x- ` 141. NOTICE 142 Thomas A. Ries Realty Center Inc ,,.., Represents Buyer 143 Delbert Schoeberl Burnet Realty Inc m Represents Seller 144. THIS NOTICE DOES NOT SATISFY MINNESOTA STATUTORY AGENCY DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS. ..0 i - - ....° �....�. w i -4-Y, aukµ uus aymemem and authorize 146. the listing broker to withdraw said property from the market. 147. untess ipstructed otherwise in wn ing. 148. ��, (�w' Sq^avaf (Dm) ' 149. 1511 `':Z (SoGY mom Numb." (u.,.., sua , 151. X (S.wro sq-a-) tom) 152 (s~. Pmbd N­, 153 (S-W S.a." I agree to purchase the property for the price and on the terms and conditions set forth above. XN. C. LITTLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE, INC. (e. w'. Sq.a,nl (Dml BY:. s -.,•E. � =,►mac. �/ -- /'79i�z/ � (� S1aea) X (a w. spnm,.., 0W. ft ad Nw ) �- (Soo., S. ." N-68r) (Mw.r sunal 154. AN& ACCEPOwCE DATE `) ` 11 -9L - 155. THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN BUYERS AND SELLERS. Supplement to Earnest Money Contract l Re `ults 1� F,,[� T � 7600 Par Avenue CENTER Edina, MN N 5 55435 - (612) 835-7600 ® MLS .• Page 4 of 5 The undersigned parties to an Earnest Money Contract dated May 11, 1996 on property known as 7019 LYNMAR LANE, EDINA hereby mutually agree to amend said contract as follows: $262,500.00 by Buyer obtaining, at its own expense,a first mortgage in this amount. I event Buyer is unable to obtain said financing by J 30, 1996, this agreement is null and void and earn oney paid herein shall be refunded to Buyer and parties will execute a Cancellation of Purchase Agre ment. 1. This agreement is subject to Buyer obtaining approval of this agreement from its Board of Directors by no later than May 30, 1996, at which time Buyer will deposit an additional $5,000.00 earnest money. 2. This agreement is subject to Buyer obtaining approval from the City of Edina to operate a Hospice at this location, and approval from the City of Edina for appropriate zo if necessary, Both approvals to be obtained by no later than J y 30, 1996, In the event approval, . of the City of Edina is not obt i e by said date, this agreement is null and void and earnest money pai herein shall be refunded to Buyer to Buyer and parties will exec to a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement. All other terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreement to remain the same. Dated May 11F 1 99f, N. C. LITTLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE, INC Buyer BY: �jf • //���" S t /�pi �rrr Dated Sell r Seller MNA Eight -bed hospice to be built in city ■ Organizers must raise $700,000 before work on the center can begin. By Jeffrey Pieters Staff Writer A tribute to a local man who died wanting for the kind of care it would provide, an eight -bed residential hospice is planned for construction sometime this year. The facility will be somewhere in Edina, according to two area residents who are leading the ef- fort. The exact location is yet to be determined, but partnership ne- gotiations between hospice spon- sors and an unidentified Edina church are ongoing. "Regardless [of the outcome of the negotiationsl, it will be in the community of Edina," said Bob Solheim, president of the N.C. Little Memorial Hospice. Solheim, an Edina business- man, and Jackie McGowan, a for. mer hospice caregiver, are spear- heading efforts to raise $700,000 for the center prior to construc- tion. Besides Solheim and Mc- Gowan, 10 others are members of the board of directors for the hos- pice. Solheim also worked previ- ously as a hospital volunteer. He and McGowan said work to de- velop the hospice plan began two years ago. "We saw the need first -hand by the waiting list (for care] and the people who were turned away," McGowan said. The demand for hospice care — typically health care given tc terminal patients in their own homes — is growing, McGowan said. By virtue of their cost, hospi- tal stays are brief episodes wherein the patient is stabilized, then released. People simply don't die in hos- pitals much anymore, McGowan said. "Society has turned back to dying in the home," she said. But in some cases, the fre- quency of attention and kinds of care the patient needs makes home -based care prohibitively expensive, she said. "What we're doing here is just taking home care one step fur- ther and providing the home," she said. "It [the hospice) will be very home -like. You'll think you walked into any home in Edina; Solheim said. That atmosphere is meant to allay the fears of friends and fam- ily, who often require counseling services the same way the pa- tient needs medical attention. Twenty -four hour staffing in- cludes a social worker, bereave- ment counselor and chaplain, in addition to nurses and a medical director. Sometimes, the patient is at peace and ready to die, but the family members aren't prepared to let go, McGowan said. "As a caregiver, I've some- times cared more fer a family member than a patient," she said. But that doesn't mean that April 3,,1996--,, r a e Z" snows wnat the planned hospice is expected to look like. (Submitted Photo) Hospice: Fairview among donors From Page IA patients' emotional needs will be over- looked at the hospice, McGowan said. Operating according to a credo that es- tablishes patients' rights to peace and dig- nity as long as they are alive, the hospice will give its clients the right to make their own decisions. "Everything from how many times a day they have a bath to how many meals they get," McGowan said. Patients will each have their own room, allowing them and their family members the privacy they want. Newton C. Little, the man for whom the hospice will be named, was a Richfield businessman who Solheim knew his en- tire adult life. Little died five years ago at age 90, in a nursing home. "He would have benefited greatly from the kind of care hospice offers," Solheim said. There are already five similar hospices in the Twin Cities, but three of them are for AIDS patients only. The numberof residential hospices pro- viding care for patients with terminal dis- eases other than AIDS will continue to grow, Solheim said. Most patients will Have terminal can- cer, he said. N.C. Little Memorial Hospice will re- ceive patients with any sort of terminal ill- ness upon a doctor's referral, he said. The doctor's prognosis must be a life expectancy of six months or less, he s;,' The doctor will still direct the pati care, though it is given at the hospice. Abbott Northwestern, Fairview South. dale and Methodist hospitals already have donated $75,000 to the hospice cause. Edina businessman Lee Kopp and the Edina Rotary have also donated money to the cause. The hospice needs an estimated $430,000 for construction and $340,000 for most of the first year's operating costs. The hospice will charge a rate of $175 per day, while also seeking continued fi- nancial aid through fund - raising, dona- tions and grants. Solheim and McGowan said they ex- pect to maintain a 90 percent occupancy rate. The "Little" Hospice will have a fund- raising event at the Edina Country Club April 19. The event begins at 6 p.m. with a re- ception and silent auction, followed by dinner, a presentation, a live auction and a raffle drawing. Information: 861 -6188. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE DISTRICT DIRECTOR P 0 BOX A -3290 DPN 22 -2 CHICAGO, IL 60690 Date: FEB 131995 N C LITTLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE INC 6425 VINCENT AVENUE SOUTH RICHFIELD, MN 55423 Dear Applicant: DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Employer Identification Number: 41- 1791216 Case Number: 364341019 Contact Person: JULIA WIECZOREK Contact Telephone Number: .(414) 798 -8587 Accounting Period Ending: JUNE Foundation Status Classification: 509(a)(1) Advance Ruling Period Begins: SEPTEMBER 9, 1994 Advance Ruling Period Ends: JUNE 30, 1999 Addendum Applies: NO Based on information you supplied, and assuming your operations will be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption, we have determined you are exempt from federal income tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501(c)(3). Accordingly, during an advance ruling period you will be treated as a publicly supported organization, and not as a private foundation. This advance ruling period begins and ends on the dates shown above. Within 90 days after the end of'your advance ruling period, you must send us the information needed to determine whether you have met the require - ments of the applicable support test during the advance ruling period. If you establish that you have been a publicly supported'organization, we will classi- fy you as a section 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) organization as long as you continue to meet the requirements of the applicable support test. If you do not meet the public support requirements during, the advance ruling period, we will classify you as a private foundation for future periods. Also, if we classify you as a private foundation, we will treat you as a private foundation from your beginning date for purposes of,section 507(d) and 4940. Grantors and contributors may rely on our determination that you are not a private foundation until 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period. If you send us the required information within the 90 days, grantors and contributors may continue to rely on the advance determination until we make a final determination of your foundation status. If we publish a notice in the Internal Revenue Bulletin stating that we will no longer treat you as a publicly supported organization, grantors and contributors may not rely on this determination after the date we publish the - itice. In addition, if you lose your status as a publicly supported organi- zation, and a grantor or contributor was responsible for, or was aware of, the act or failure to act, that resulted in your loss of such status, that person Letter 1045 (DO /CG) J -2- 4N C LITTLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE INC may not rely on this determination from the date of the act or failure to act. Also, if a grantor or contributor learned that we had given notice that -you would be removed from classification as a publicly supported- organization, then that person may not rely on this determination as of the date he or she acquired such knowledge. If you change your sources of support, your purposes, character, or method of operation, please let us know so we can consider the effect of the change on your exempt status and foundation status. If you amend your organizational document or bylaws, please send us a copy of the amended document or bylaws. Also, let us know all changes in your name or address. As of January 1, 1904, you are liable for social security taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act on amounts of $100 or more you pay to each of your employees during a calendar year. You are not liable for the tax imposed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). Organizations that are not private foundations are not subject to the pri- vate foundation excise taxes under Chapter 42 of the Internal Revenue Code. However, you are not automatically exempt from other federal excise taxes. If you have any questions about excise, employment, or other federal taxes, please let us know. Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code. Donors may deduct contributions to you only to,the extent that their contributions are gifts, with no consideration received. Ticket purchases and similar payments in conjunction with fundraising events may not necessarily ' qualify as deductible contributions., depending on the circumstances. Revenue Ruling 67 -246, published in Cumulative Bulletin 1967 -2, -on page 104, gives guidelines regarding when taxpayers may deduct payments for admission to, or other participation in, fundraising activities for charity. You are not required to file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, if your gross receipts each year are normally $25,000 or less. If you receive a Form 990 package in the mail, simply attach the label provided, check the box in the heading to indicate that your annual gross receipts are normally $25,000 or less, and sian the return. If you are required to file a return you must file it by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting period. We charge a penalty of $10 a day when a return is filed late, unless there is' reasonable cause for the delay. However, the maximum penalty we charge cannot exceed $5,000 or 5 percent of your gross receipts for the year, whichever is less. We may also charge this penalty if a return is not complete. So, please be sure your return is complete before you file it. Letter 1045 (DO /CG) - -3- N C LITTLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE INC You are not required to file federal income tax returns unless you are subject to the tax on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Code. If you are subject to this tax, you must file an income tax return on Form 990 -T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return. In this letter we are not determining whether any of your present or proposed activities are unre- lated -trade or business as defined in section 513 of the Code. You need an employer identification number even if you have no employees. If an employer identification number was not entered on your application, we will assign a number to you and advise you of.it. Please use that number on all returns you file and in all correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service. This determination is based on evidence that your funds are dedicated to the purposes listed in section 501(c)(3) of the Code. To assure your continued exemption, you should keep records to show that funds are spent only for those purposes. .T1.f you distribute funds to other organizations, your records should show whether they are exempt under section 501(c)(3). In cases where the recipient organization is not exempt under section 501(c)(3), you must have evidence that the funds will remain dedicated to the required purposes and that the recipient will use the funds for those purposes. If you distribute funds to individuals, you should keep case histories showing the recipients' names, addresses, purposes of awards, manner of selec- tion, and relationship (if any) to members, officers, trustees or donors'of funds to you, so that you can substantiate upon request by the Internal Revenue Service any and all distributions you made to individuals. (Revenue Ruling 56 -304, C.B. 1956 -2, page 306.) If we said in the heading of this letter that an addendum applies, the addendum enclosed is an integral part of this letter. Because this letter could help us resolve any questions about your exempt status and foundation status, you should keep it in your permanent records. If you have any questions, please contact the person whose name and telephone number are shown in the heading of this letter. Sincerely yours, Maril W. Day t District Director Enclosure(s): Form 872 -C Letter 1045 (DO /CG) Form 872-0 Consent Fixing Period of Limitation Upon Assessment of Tax Under Section 4940 of the Internal Revenue Code (Rev. July 1993) Department of the Treasury Intemal Revenue service (See instructions on reverse side.) OMB No. 1545 -0056 To be used with Form 10M. Submtt In duplicate. E Under section 6501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, and as part of a request filed with Form 1023 that the organization named below be treated as a publicly supported organization under section 170(b)(1)(A)(v) or section 509(a)(2) during an advance ruling period, N.. C. _LITTLE F. ICE ., —INC ....................... (Exact legal name of organization as shown in organizing document) 6425 VINCENT AVENUE SOUTH, RICHFIELD, MN 55423 and the ................................................................. ............................... (Numcer, street, city or town, state. and ZIP code) District Director of Internal Revenue, or Assistant Commissioner (Employee Plans and _ Exempt Organizations) , f Consent and agree that the period for assessing tax (imposed under section 4940 of the Code) for any of the 5 tax years in the advance ruling period will extend 8 years, 4 months, and 15 days beyond the end of the first tax year. However, if a notice of deficiency in tax for any of these years is sent to the organization before the period expires, the time for making an assessment will be further extended by the number of days the assessment is prohibited, plus 60 days. Ending date of first tax year ................. 6 _3 019 5 _ (Monin, day, and year) Name of organization (as snown in organizing document) N. C. LITTLE MEMORIAL HOSPICE, INC. Officer or trustee having autnority to sign nature ► 1 / / GV-`t/y( V, For IRS use only Date Title ► 11/11/94 District Director or Assistant Commissioner (Employ?h�ZX Or lzatio Date XA,' .. B 13199 By No- f • Paperwork Reduction Notice, see page 1 of t1`WF&in-1023 Instructions. Cat. No. 169050 721,392 a1251e3 City of Edina Planning Department 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, Mn. 55424 Dear Sirs; In answer to your public hearing notice of June 7th 1996. The changing of the existing zoning to allow this variance could cause property devaluation and also cause traffic and parking problems along Lynmar Lane. I'm opposed to have this property (7019 -7/021) Lynmar Lane used for an eight bed hospice. Truly yours, 410�WAI Z;4(1/ Richard R. Einck 7015 -7017 Lynmar Lane C C Cyd Shelton To: Edina Cite Council Date: June 11, 1996 From: Mary Ekegren, 7016 Lynmar Lane Subject: Property at 7019 -7021 Lynmar Lane My husband Jerry. and I. along with our two children. live directly across the street from the subject dwelling. The intent of this letter is to express my feelings regarding the proposed operation of an eight -bed Hospice in the. home across the street. Although I have syrmpathy for the peoplc needing Hospice, I object to changing the dwelling at the subject address into a Hospice clinic. This is a residential neighborhood - -quiet and peaceful, with a minimum amount of traffic. I prefer that my neighborhood remain as a family residential neighborhood. Respectfully, Mary and Jerry Ekegren I 119 City of Edina. Minnesota 71 CTTY COUNCIL Cn 4801 West 50th Street s Edina. Minnesota s (612) 927 -8861 �y • fN^OR� f' 09/ IIIBO If}T CEy Ic.. Property Owners Within 200 Feet TO: APPLICANT: N.C. Little Memorial Hospice, Inc- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7019 -7021 Lynmar Lane LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 6. Block 2, stow' s Addition PURPOSE: hospice. operate dwelling as an eight bed hospice. DATE OF HEARING. Monday, June 171, 1996 TIME OF HEARING. 7=90 PLACE OF HEARING: como1 Chambas F,&= city Hall 4601 West 5M Steed 1. Submit a Idta' to the ad&vo below vW esiM your dews_ and or HOW TO PARTICIPATE: 2. A for or apieet the - Ahead the ha and give FURTHER INFORMATION: cuy of E&= a Sbed F,=a. Nil 554U (612)927-866t _ DATE OF NOTICE: June 7, 1996 - TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: June 13, 1996 AGENDA ITEM IV. A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Two Battery Powered Ice Resurfacer for Braemar Arena Company Amt for Battery 1. Zamboni 1. $72,120 /unit 2. Olympia 2. No Bid RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Zamboni $131,783.10 (total with tax included) Amt for natural gas 1. $55,645/unit 2. $56,425/unit Budget Acct No: P086 -4901 GENERAL INFORMATION: The bid for two battery powered ice resurfacers for Braemar Arena (one for the new ice sheet and one for an upgrade of the existing resurfacer) . Machines are being ordered now due to a 6 to 8 month delivery time. Staff solicited bids for battery powered as well as natural gas powered resurfacers. Due to air quality issues with the existing arena, the conversion to a battery powered ice resurfacer will resolve this issue. Based upon the bid and trade -in allowance for the battery powered machines, we recommend awarding the bid to Zamboni. It should be noted that Olympia did not bid on a battery powered machine. It should also be noted that Zamboni was the low bidder on the natural gas machines. The trade -in allowance for the 1980 model 500 propane powered machine is $20,500. This machine was purchased new in 1980 for approximately $30,000. Park and Recreation Si a (ure VoWaIlkh/1 en ) The Recommended Bid is within budget not within d ;t,, Finance Director Kenneth Rosland, City Manager ` N f TO: FROM: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor & City Council Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: 17 June, 1996 AGENDA ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION: Mirror Lakes Storm Sewer Lift Station & Force Main Company 1. Bonine Excavating, Inc. 2. Ryan Contracting, Inc. 3. Inland Utility Construction, Inc. 4.. Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. 5. Northdale Construction Co., Inc. 6. F. F. Jedlicki, Inc. W.B. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 109,761.70 2. $ 147,881.08 3. $ 148,983.31 4. $ 151,005.00 5. $158,163.08 6. $162,533.00 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Bonine Excavating, Inc. $ 109,761.70 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project is for the installation of a storm sewer lift station and force main for Mirror Lakes. This project will be funded by stormwater utility funds. The engineer's estimate for this project is $130,331.50. �✓ �- /,- MO�vA/ Public Works - Engineering Si�gii ure Department The Recommended Bid is within budget not within budget *Wallin, i ance Director neth Rosland, City REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: 17 June, 1996 AGENDA ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION: Ramp Joint Repair Work - Center Ramp - 3925 W. 49 1/2 Street Company 1. Restoration Technologies, Inc. (RTI) 2. Global Specialty Contractors, Inc. 3. Brent Anderson Associates, Inc. 4. Right -Way Caulking, Inc. 5. 6. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Restoration Technologies, Inc. (RTI) GENERAL INFORMATION: IV. C. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 19,940.00 2. $ 23,240.00 3. $ 23,955.00 4. $ 29,699.00 5. 4. $ 19,940.00 This project is to do parking ramp joint repair work on the center ramp (3925 W. 49 1/2 Street). The project will be funded through the fees collected for parking at the ramps, maintenance assessment to 50th & France Commercial Area and general fund budget of Public Works. The Engineer's Estimate was $24,420.00. Public Works - Engineering Signa re ' .! D ment A. The Recommended Bid is within budget.__. not within budget ,Lehn Wallin, F' ance Director Kenneth Rosland, City Man ihREQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: 17 June, 1996 AGENDA ITEM IV.D. ITEM DESCRIPTION: 55 Ton Ironworker Cutting /Shearing Machine Company 1. Gladwin Machinery 2. NAAB Sales 3. 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 7,175.46 2. $ 7,465.28 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ Gladwin Machinery $ 7,175.46 GENERAL INFORMATION: This purchase is for a machine that cuts, shears, punches and notches steel or iron work. It replaces a band saw type of equipment. The new machine is more versatile and safer in its operation. This purchase is funded through the equipment replacement funds of the mechanical shop, street and utility departments. Signatu The Recommended Bid is within budget Public Works - General Department not within budget _ JefinVa n, Finance Director Kenneth Ro §land, City Manager TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $5.000 DATE: June 11, 1996 AGENDA ITEM N.E. r. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Construct tee oasis for tees #21, 23, 24, & 27 Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Perkins Landscape 1. $7,695.00 2. Kokesh 2. $8,234.00 3. 3. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Perkins Landscape $7,695.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: Budget Acct No: 0664 -4306 This is for the construction of four tee oases at the Braemar Golf Course for golf tees #21, #23, #24, and #27. Tee oases are basically a decorative landscape brick area that serve as a decorative ground cover at each tee area. These tee oases are designed to beautify and aesthetically define the tee area entrance at the start of each golf hole. Each tee oasis includes a bench and a ball- washer. $igfiature The Recommended Bid is X • _ within budget not [?pa m ' nt udget n Wallin, inance Director Rosl nd, City Manager f tA- : r7A. o Le Cn • lN�RaF60e 2�// REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # V.A. FROM: CRAIG G. SWANSON Consent ❑ TRAFFIC SAFETY ❑ Information Only DATE: JUNE 17, 1996 ❑ Mgr. Recommends To HRA SUBJECT: ❑X To Council TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW Action ❑X Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Recommend adoption of the report. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW JUNE 4. 1996 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on June 4, 1996. Staff present included the City Engineer, the Police Chief, Assistant City Manager, the Traffic Safety Coordinator, and the Public Works Traffic Control Specialist. From that review, the below recommendations are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They have also been informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the June 17, 1996, Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which the staff recommends approval. (1) Request for traffic lane clarification at the northerly end of Dakota Trail. The staff recommends centerline striping of the intersection by the Public Works Department. SECTION B: Requests on which the staff recommends denial of request. (1) Multiple requests for "Stop" signs along Mirror Lakes Drive and /or Ayrshire Boulevard. The staff discussed the data and information compiled on Mirror Lakes Drive in light of the Edina Multi -way Stop Sign policy. Extensive mechanical traffic counts were conducted during May. From these counts "it was determined that traffic volumes were less than 600 vehicles daily. This is a typical residential street volume. Speeds of vehicles were also recorded and the 85 percentile speed was in the range of 35 MPH. This speed is 2 -3 MPH faster than the typical residential street. To further profile speeds.on.the street it was found that approximately ten (10) vehicles daily drove at a speed greater than 40 MPH. One accident was reported on Mirror Lakes Drive 1/10 mile south of Interlachen Boulevard. Due to snow and ice conditions a vehicle crossed into the path of an oncoming vehicle on a curve. Some sightlines along the street are impaired by clearview ordinance violations. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW June 4, 1996 Page 2 The staff summarized the street as a residential street serving the local neighborhood. It has a slightly higher speed profile than other streets but one or more "Stop" signs would not impact that condition. After discussing possible solutions the staff makes the following recommendation: • The requests for "Stop" signs should be denied. • Clearview violations should be corrected. • The Police Department should evaluate the street for possible inclusion in their enforcement program. • The State Patrol mobile speed display should be employed to educate drivers. • A letter should be generated and distributed to the greater Mirror. Lakes neighborhood drawing attention to safety and seeking neighborhood cooperation. (2) Request for "Stop" signs controlling Kellogg Avenue at Sedum Lane. The intersection related to the request is a low volume "T" intersection. The southerly leg (Kellogg) serves a small number of homes and a seldom used service entrance to Normandale Golf Course. No accidents were reported during a 4 -year search period. The staff discussed the request in light of the Edina Residential Stop Sign policy. The warrants included in that policy were not found in the facts assembled and the staff recommends denial of the request. (3) Request for multi -way "Stop" signs at West Shore Drive at Hibiscus Avenue. West Shore Drive is currently stopped at Hibiscus Avenue. No accidents were reported at the intersection during a 4 -year search period. Hibiscus Avenue and West Shore Drive serve as residential collectors to and from W. 70th Street. The intersecting volumes do not reach the warranted numbers. The geometrics of the intersection are not the normal 900 legs and an appropriate stop_ point for Hibiscus Avenue would be difficult to locate and would be confusing to drivers. The facts assembled were considered in light of the Edina Multi -way Stop Sign policy. From that analysis the staff recommends denial of the request. (Special Note): During the intersection study speeds on West Shore Drive were TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW June 4, 1996 Page 3 monitored. They were found to be somewhat excessive and it is recommended the Police Department consider including the area in its enforcement efforts. (4) Request for child warning signs in the area of Lantana Lane and Trillium Lane. The area was surveyed and warrants included in the Edina Warning Sign policy Were not established. The intersection serves the local neighborhood and carries a low volume of residential traffic. A large evergreen dominates the west portion of the intersection. Given the lack of warrants the staff recommends denial of the request. The staff further recommends a letter be generated and distributed to the neighborhood encouraging safe driving. (4) Request for a crosswalk on W. 70th Street at Lynmar Lane. The request was evaluated in light of the Edina Crosswalk policy. Warrants were not met. In addition, W. 70th Street is a high volume collector and an unsignal- ized crosswalk would not be advisable in light of a signalized intersection (France Avenue) two (2) blocks to the east. The staff recommends denial of the request. SECTION C: Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. (1) Request for "Stop" signs on Maloney Avenue to control speed. The same request-was made in 1994 and was denied. The staff will conduct a comprehensive speed survey during June. In the interim, the Police Department will be advised of the partial speed statistics assembled. Additional 30 MPH signs will be installed, and, if available, the State Patrol mobile speed display will be employed to educate drivers. The staff recommends continuing the request. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor and Council Agenda Item # V • B FROM: David Velde ❑ Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA DATE: June 17, 1996 ❑ To Council SUBJECT: Update - 4245 Alden Action ❑ Motion Drive. ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance x❑ Discussion Recommendation: Information /Background: On June 3, 1996, the City Council granted a two week extension to the resident at. 4245 Alden Drive for the completion of the painting of his house. As of June 14, 1996, 75% of the house has been painted with one coat of paint. The homeowner demonstrated a good faith effort in correcting the conditions which were found in violation -of the Edina'Housing Code and staff has no reason to believe that he will not complete the repairs to the house. A letter from the homeowner is included with this report. If the City Council agrees, staff can continue to monitor progress at this address and, if the project slows or stops, bring this matter back to the Council at a later date. Herb Kxex 4245 Alden Drive Edina, UN 55416 June 11, 1996 City of Edina 4801 'Nast 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Attention of Debra Mangen, City Clerk and David Velde, Se.nitarian I have received your communication regarding the City Council's extension on repaintingthe siding of my house. This is to let you know where the project stands as of Tuesday evening. The South side which was in the poorest condition and the 'nest side facing the strreet have been prepared and painted. A second finish coat with a bit more lustre will be added after there is an opportunity to tell how much substrate will loosen due to surface tension of the new coats and touched up. The East side has mostly been prepared but only half painted. Beoause of the thickness of the old paint on this side especially, some substrate failure has already oeeurred. and the paint removed down to the wood, with the help of a neighbor, and repainted. I would like to do more of it this way but it is a slow process. The North side, primarily the garage, has yet to be done. We have finally gotten a few good painting days and, as neighbors can tellyou, I have tried to make the most of them , working till 0:30 in the evening. However, much time was lost due to bad weather which washed otit arrangements for friends to assist; and to the roofing project which I had to take a hand in when some of the crew failed to show up. This roof, in reality, was not in the slightest danger of leaking now, or for severe.l years to come. And so, while the project is going forward as fast as possible, more time will be needed. Sincerely, LHerb Knox TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRED RICHARDS MAYOR REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item # V.C. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ DATE: June 17, 1996 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA SUBJECT: COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICE BOARD APPOINTMENT Recommendation: ID To Council Action ID Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion To reappoint Peggy Kelly and Jean Rydell to the Community Education Services Board. Info /Background: The City Council appoints three members annually to the Community Education Services Board. Appointments include a Council member, a member of the Park Board and a representative of the community at large. Both Peggy Kelly and Jean Rydell have indicated their willingness to accept reappointment. However, the at large representative, Ed Myslivecek has declined reappointment at this time. I propose reappointing Peggy and Jean and discussing possible "at large" members Monday evening. ow @ co �o REPORURECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: GORDON L. HUGHES JOHN WALLIN DATE: JUNE 17, 1996 SUBJECT: SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION PARK AND RECREATION BONDS - SERIES 1996B Recommendation: Adopt attached resolution. Report: Agenda Item # X.A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ❑ Motion El Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion The attached terms of proposal has been prepared by Springsted, Inc., the City's Financial Advisors. Under the terms of the proposal, the City would receive bids for the General Obligation Park and Recreation Bonds on Monday, July 15. In accordance with State Law, the City is permitted to issue up to 2 % in excess of the authorized amount to cover the cost of underwriters discount. Springsted estimates that the underwriters discount for this issue should approximate $90,000.00 which is well within the 2 % allowance. Therefore, the total principal amount of the bond issue is proposed to be $8,090,000.00. Dan O'Neill of Springsted will be present at the June 17, 1996, Council meeting to answer any questions concerning the terms. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR THE SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION PARK AND RECREATION BONDS, SERIES 1996B BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City), as follows: Section 1., Purpose. The electors of the City at a special election held on May 7, 1996, have authorized the issuance of general obligation bonds of the City to improve public parks and other recreational facilities in the City and to expand Braemar Arena to provide an additional indoor ice skating rink. Pursuant to such authorization and Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, it is hereby determined to be in the best interests of the City to issue its General Obligation Park and Recreation Bonds, Series 1996B (the Bonds), in the principal amount of $8,090,000, $90,000 of such amount representing interest as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.56, to finance the improvement of public parks and recreational facilities in the City and the expansion of Braemar Arena. Section 2. Terms of Proposal. Springsted Incorporated, financial consultant to the City, has presented to this Council a form of Terms of Proposal for sale of the Bonds, which is attached hereto and hereby approved and shall be placed on file with the City Clerk. Each and all of the provisions of the Terms of Proposal are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the Bonds and of the sale thereof. Springsted Incorporated is hereby authorized to solicit bids for the Bonds on behalf of the.City on a negotiated basis. Section 3. Sale Meeting. This Council shall meet at the City Hall on Monday, July 15, 1996, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for the purchase of the Bonds, and of taking such action thereon as may be in the best interests of the City. Attest: Adopted this 17th day of June, 1996. City Clerk Mayor THE CITY HAS AUTHORIZED SPRINGSTED INCORPORATED TO NEGOTIATE THIS ISSUE ON ITS BEHALF. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED ON THE FOLLOWING BASIS: TERMS OF PROPOSAL $8,090,000 CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA GENERAL OBLIGATION PARK AND RECREATION BONDS, SERIES 1996B (BOOK ENTRY ONLY) Proposals for the Bonds will be received on Monday, July 15, 1996, until 11:00 A.M., Central Time, at the offices of Springsted Incorporated, 85 East Seventh Place, Suite 100, Saint Paul, Minnesota, after which time they will be opened and tabulated. Consideration for award of the Bonds will be by the City Council at 7:00 P.M., Central Time, of the same day. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Proposals may be submitted in a sealed envelope or by fax (612) 223 -3002 to Springsted. Signed Proposals, without final price or coupons, may be submitted to Springsted prior to the time of sale. The bidder shall be responsible for submitting to Springsted the final Proposal price. and coupons, by telephone (612) 223 -3000 or fax (612) 223 -3002 for inclusion in the submitted Proposal. Springsted will assume no liability for the inability of the bidder to reach Springsted prior to the time of sale specified above. Proposals may also be filed electronically via PARITY, in accordance with PARITY Rules of Participation and the Terms of Proposal, within a one -hour period prior to the time of sale established above, but no Proposals will be received after that time. If provisions in the Terms of Proposal conflict with the PARITY Rules of Participation, the Terms of Proposal shall control. The normal fee for use of PARITY may be obtained from PARITY and such fee shall be the responsibility of the bidder. For further information about PARITY, potential bidders may contact PARITY at 100 116th Avenue SE, Suite 100, Bellevue, Washington 98004, telephone (206) 635 -3545. Neither the City nor Springsted Incorporated assumes any liability if there is a malfunction of PARITY. All bidders are advised that each Proposal shall be deemed to constitute a contract between the bidder and the City to purchase the Bonds regardless of the manner of the Proposal submitted. DETAILS OF THE BONDS The Bonds will be dated August 1, 1.996, as the date of original issue, and will bear interest payable on February 1 and August 1 of each year, commencing August 1, 1997. Interest will be computed on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months. The Bonds will mature February 1 in the years and amounts as follows: 1999 $265,000 2004 $325,000 2009 $425,000 2014_ $550,000 2000 $275,000 2005 $350,000 2010 $450,000 2015 $600,000 2001 $300,000 2006 $375,000 2011 $475,000 2016 $625,000 2002 $300,000 2007 $375,000 2012 $500,000 2017 $650,000 2003 $325,000 2008 $400,000 2013 $525,000 Proposals for the Bonds may contain a maturity schedule providing for any combination of serial bonds and term bonds so long as the amount of principal maturing or subject to mandatory redemption in each year conforms to the maturity schedule set forth above. BOOK ENTRY SYSTEM. The Bonds will be issued by means of a book entry system with no physical distribution of Bonds made to the public. The Bonds will be issued in fully registered form and one Bond, representing the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds maturing in each year; will be registered in the name of Cede & Co. as nominee of The Depository Trust Company ( "DTC "), New York, New York, which will act as securities depository of the Bonds. Individual purchases of the Bonds may be made in the principal amount of $5,000 or any multiple thereof of a single maturity through book entries made on the books and records of DTC and its participants. Principal and interest are payable by the registrar to DTC or its nominee as registered owner of the Bonds. Transfer of principal and interest payments to participants of DTC will be the responsibility of DTC; transfer of principal and interest payments to beneficial owners by participants will be the responsibility of such participants and other nominees of beneficial owners. The purchaser, as a condition of delivery of the Bonds, will be required to deposit the Bonds with DTC. REGISTRAR The Treasurer - Finance Director of the City will serve as registrar. OPTIONAL REDEMPTION The City may elect on February 1, 2006, and on any day thereafter, to prepay Bonds due on or after February 1, 2007. Redemption may be in whole or in part and if in part at the option of the City and in such manner as the City shall determine. If less than all Bonds of a maturity are called for redemption, the City will notify DTC of the particular amount of such maturity to be prepaid. DTC will determine by lot the amount of each participant's interest in such rriaturity to be redeemed and each participant will then select by lot the beneficial ownership interests in such maturity to be redeemed. All prepayments shall be at a price of par plus accrued interest. MANDATORY REDEMPTION Any term bonds issued shall be subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption in part prior to their scheduled maturity dates on February 1 of certain years, as more fully described in the Details of the Bonds section herein, at a price of par plus accrued interest to the date of redemption. SECURITY AND PURPOSE The Bonds will be general obligations of the City for which the City will pledge its full faith and credit and power to levy direct general ad valorem taxes. The proceeds will be used to finance improvements to the City's park and recreational facilities. TYPE OF PROPOSALS Proposals shall be for not less than $8,000,000 and accrued interest on the total principal amount of the Bonds. Proposals shall be accompanied by a Good Faith Deposit ( "Deposit ") in the form of a certified or cashier's check or a Financial Surety Bond in the amount of $80,900, payable to the order of the City. If a check is used, it must accompany each proposal. If a Financial Surety Bond is used, it must be from an insurance company licensed to issue such a bond in the State of Minnesota, and preapproved by the City. Such bond must be submitted to Springsted Incorporated prior to the opening of the proposals. The Financial Surety Bond must identify each underwriter whose Deposit is guaranteed by such Financial Surety Bond. If the Bonds are awarded to an underwriter using a Financial Surety Bond, then that purchaser is required to submit its Deposit to Springsted Incorporated in the form of a certified or cashier's check or wire transfer as instructed by Springsted Incorporated not later than 3:30 P.M., Central Time, on the next business day following the award. If such Deposit is not received by that time, the Financial Surety Bond may be drawn by the City to satisfy the Deposit requirement. The City will deposit the check of the purchaser, the amount of which will be deducted at settlement and no interest will accrue to the purchaser. In the event the purchaser fails to comply with the accepted proposal, said amount will be retained by the City. No proposal can be withdrawn or amended after the time set for receiving proposals unless the meeting of the City scheduled for award of the Bonds is adjourned, recessed, or continued to another date _ without award of the Bonds having been made. Rates shall be in integral multiples of 5/100 or 1/8 of 1 %. Rates must be in ascending order. Bonds of the same maturity shall bear a single rate from the date of the Bonds to the date of maturity. No conditional proposals will be accepted. In order to designate term bonds, the proposal must specify "Last Year of Serial Maturities" and "Years of Term Maturities" in the spaces provided on the Proposal Form. 'All principal payments scheduled to be made in and before the year specified as the "Last Year of Serial Maturities" shall be designated as maturity amounts of serial bonds; all principal payments scheduled to be made, after the year specified as "Last Year of Serial Maturities" and through each year specified under "Years of Term Maturities" shall be designated as mandatory sinking fund redemptions of term bonds maturing in the year(s) so designated. AWARD The Bonds will be awarded on the basis of the lowest interest rate to be determined on a true interest cost (TIC) basis. The City's computation of the interest rate of each proposal, in accordance with customary practice, will be controlling. The City will reserve the right to: (i) waive non - substantive informalities of any proposal or of matters, relating to the receipt of proposals and award of the Bonds, (ii) reject all proposals without cause, and, (iii) reject any proposal which the City determines to have failed to comply with the terms herein. BOND INSURANCE AT PURCHASER'S OPTION If the Bonds qualify for issuance of any policy of municipal bond insurance or commitment therefor at the option of the underwriter, the purchase of any such insurance policy or the issuance of any such commitment shall be at the sole option and expense of the purchaser of the Bonds. Any increased costs of issuance of the Bonds resulting from such purchase of insurance shall be paid by the purchaser, except that, if the City has requested and received a rating on the Bonds from a rating agency, the City will pay that rating fee. Any other rating agency fees shall be the responsibility of the purchaser. Failure of the municipal bond insurer to issue the policy. after Bonds have been awarded to the purchaser shall not constitute cause for failure or refusal by the purchaser to accept delivery on the Bonds. CUSIP NUMBERS If the Bonds qualify for assignment of CUSIP numbers such numbers will be printed on the Bonds, but neither the failure to print such numbers on any Bond nor any error with respect thereto will constitute cause for failure or refusal by the purchaser to accept delivery of the Bonds. The CUSIP Service Bureau charge for the assignment of CUSIP identification numbers shall be paid by the purchaser. SETTLEMENT Within 40 days following the date of their award, the Bonds will be delivered without cost to the purchaser at a place mutually satisfactory to the City and the purchaser. Delivery will be subject to receipt by the purchaser of an approving legal opinion of Dorsey & Whitney LLP of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and of customary closing papers, including a no- litigation certificate. On the date of settlement payment for the Bonds shall be made in federal, or equivalent, funds which shall be received at the offices of the City or its designee not later than 12:00 Noon, Central Time. Except as compliance with the terms of payment for the Bonds shall have been made impossible by action of the City, or its agents, the purchaser shall be liable to the City for any loss suffered by the City by reason of the purchaser's non - compliance with said terms for payment. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE In order to permit the underwriters purchasing the Bonds to comply with paragraph (b)(5) of Rule 15c2 -12, in the Resolution authorizing and ordering issuance of the Bonds the City will covenant and agree for the benefit of the holders from time to time of the Bonds, to comply with Rule 15c2 -12, paragraph (b)(5). A description of the City's undertaking is set forth in the Official Statement. OFFICIAL STATEMENT The City has authorized the preparation of an Official Statement containing pertinent information relative to the Bonds, and said Official Statement will serve as a nearly -final Official Statement within the meaning of Rule 15c2 -12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission. For copies of the Official Statement or for any additional information prior to sale, any prospective purchaser is referred to the Financial Advisor to the City, Springsted Incorporated, 85 East Seventh Place, Suite 100, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101, telephone (612) 223 -3000. The Official Statement, when further supplemented by an addendum or addenda specifying the maturity dates, principal amounts and interest rates of the Bonds, together with any other information required by law, shall constitute a "Final Official Statement" of the City with respect to the Bonds, as that term is defined in Rule 15c2 -12. By awarding the Bonds to any underwriter or underwriting syndicate submitting a proposal therefor, the City agrees that, no more than seven business days after the date of such award, it shall provide without cost to the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded 325 copies of the Official Statement and the addendum or addenda described above. The City designates the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded as its agent for purposes of distributing copies of the Final Official Statement to each Participating Underwriter. Any underwriter delivering a proposal with respect to the Bonds agrees thereby that if its proposal is accepted by the City (i) it shall accept such designation and (ii) it shall enter into a contractual relationship with all Participating Underwriters of the Bonds for purposes of assuring the receipt by each such Participating Underwriter of the Final Official Statement. Dated June 17, 1996 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL /s/ Debra Mangen Clerk -ry - Recommendations For City of Edina, Minnesota $8,090,000 General Obligation Park and Recreation Bonds, Series 1996B Presented to: Mayor Frederick Richards Members, City Council Mr. Kenneth Rosland, City Manager Mr. Gordon Hughes, Assistant City Manager Mr. John Wallin, Treasurer - Finance Director City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Study No.: E11261VI1 SPRINGSTED Incorporated June 12, 1996 SPRINGSTED Public Finance Advisors RECOMMENDATIONS Re: Recommendations for the Issuance of $8,090,000 General Obligation Park and Recreation Bonds, Series 1996B The bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475 and a referendum approved by City voters on May 7, 1996. The voters approved both questions on the ballot: $5,500,000 to improve public parks and other recreational facilities by a vote of 3,388 (yes) to 2,662 (no) and $2,500,000 to expand Braemar Arena to provide an additional indoor ice skating rink by a vote of 2,662 (yes) to 1,737 (no). Action Requested To establish the date and time of receiving bids and establish the terms and conditions of the offering. 2. Sale Date and Time Monday, July 15, 1996, at 11:00 A.M. with award by the City council at 7:00 P.M. that same day. 3. Authority and Purpose for the Bond Issue The bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475 and a referendum approved by City voters. 4. 5 Principal Amount of Offering Repayment Term The bonds are being issued in the principal amount of $8,090,000. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, the City may add up to 2% of the voted authorization for discount bidding purposes. Accordingly, 1.11%, or $90,000, has been added for a discount allowance. The City can also expect to pay issuance costs of approximately $26,900. Net proceeds to the City for park and recreational facility improvements are expected to be approximately $7,973,100. The first interest payment on the bonds is due August 1, 1997. Principal will be due February 1, 1999 through 2017. Term Bonds We have included a provision which permits the underwriters to combine multiple maturity years into a term bond, subject to mandatory redemption on the same maturity schedule provided in the Terms of Proposal. The advantage to the underwriter is that it provides a large block of bonds which is more attractive to bond funds and certain pension funds which deal with only large blocks of bonds. This in turn is a benefit to the City since selling larger blocks of bonds reduces the risk to the underwriter, allowing them to lower their costs and the interest coupons. Since the bonds are being offered on a competitive bid basis and awarded on City of Edina, Minnesota June 12, 1996 7. First Levy and Levy Cycle 8. Prepayment Provisions 9. Credit Rating Comments 10. Bank Qualification the lowest true interest cost, the City will award the bonds to the best bid regardless of whether term bonds are chosen or not. The City will make its first levy for this issue in 1996 for collection in 1997. Each August 1 interest payment will be made from first -half collections of taxes and each subsequent February 1 principal and interest payment will be made from second -half collections, plus surplus first -half collections. The City may elect on February 1, 2006, and on any day thereafter, to prepay bonds due on or after February 1, 2007 at a price of par plus accrued interest. The City is currently rated "Aa1" by Moody's Investors Service and "AA by Standard and Poor's Ratings Services. This issue will require rating applications to assure continuation of the respective ratings. The City does not expect to issue more than $10,000,000 of tax - exempt obligations in 1996 and therefore this issue will be bank - qualified. Issues which are bank - qualified receive interest rates which are lower than issues which are not bank - qualified. 11. Rebate Requirements This issue is subject to the federal rebate requirements, which are described in a summary package provided to City staff. If the City can meet the two -year spend exemption, it will be exempt from rebating arbitrage earnings to the federal government. Springsted provides rebate calculation services under separate contract, a copy of which has been provided to your staff. 12. Bona Fide Debt Service Fund 13. Federal Reimbursement Regulations The City must maintain a bona fide debt service fund for the bonds or be subject to yield restriction. The requirements of a bona fide debt service fund are also described in the enclosed arbitrage summary. Federal reimbursement regulations require the City to make a declaration, within 60 days of the actual payment, of its intent to reimburse itself from expenses paid prior to the receipt of bond proceeds. It is our understanding the City has taken whatever actions are necessary to comply with the federal reimbursement regulations. Page 2 City of Edina, Minnesota June 12, 1996 14. Economic Life The average life of the bonds cannot exceed 120% of the economic life of the projects to be financed. The economic life of the park and recreation improvements is approximately 20 years. The bonds are therefore within the economic life requirements. 15. Continuing Disclosure This is the City's second issue subject to the continuing disclosure requirements. The SEC rules require the City to undertake an annual update of its Official Statement information and report any material events to the national repositories. Springsted also provides continuing disclosure services. We have forwarded to City staff a summary of the SEC's continuing disclosure requirements and a contract for our services if the City so desires. 16. Attachments Debt Service Schedule Terms of Proposal DISCUSSION Page 4 of these recommendations shows the debt service schedule for this issue. The bonds are structured with even annual debt service requirements. Columns 1 and 2 show the levy and maturity year cycle as described above. Column 3 shows the annual principal repayment and Column 4 shows our current projection of interest rates on the bonds, which are subject to change between now and the day of sale. Columns 5 and 6 show the estimated interest and annual combined estimated interest and principal payments. Column 7 shows the annual levy requirements at 105 %, as required by State statute. Respectfully submitted, SPRINGSTED Incorporated jmc Provided to Staff: a) Summary of Arbitrage Rules b) Summary of Continuing Disclosure Requirements C) Rebate and Continuing Disclosure Contracts Page 3 CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Prepared June 13, 1996 General Obligation Park and Recreation Bonds, By SPRINGSTED Incorporated Series 1996B D 1: 8- 1 -1996 h e: 2- 1 First Interest: 8- 1 -1997 Total Year of Year of Principal 105% Levy Mat. Principal Rates Interest & Interest of Total (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1996 1998 0 0.00% 6511500 651,500 6841075 1997 1999 265,000 4.30% 434,333 699,333 734,300 1998 2000 275,000 4.50% 422,938 697,938 732,835 1999 2001 300,000 4.60% 410,563 710,563 7461091 2000 2002 3001000 4.70% 396,763 6961763 731,601 2001 2003 325,000 4.80% 382,663 707,663 743,046 2002 2004 325,000 4.90% 367,063 692,063 726,666 2003 2005 350,000 5.00% 351,138 701,138 736,195 2004 2006 375,000 5.10% 333,638 708,638 744,070 2005 2007 375,000 5.20% 314,513 689,513 7231989 2006 2008 400,000 5.30% 295,013 695,013 729,764 2007 2009 425,000 5.40% 273,813 698,813 733,754 2008 2010 450,000 5.50% 250,863 7001863 735,906 2009 2011 .475,000 5.60% 226,113 701,113 736,169 2010 2012 500,000 5.65% 199,513 699,513 7341489 2011 2013 525,000 5.70% 171,263 696,263 731,076 2012 2014 550,000 5.75% 141,338 691,338 725,905 2013 2015 600,000 5.80% 109,713 709,713 745,199 114 2016 625,000 5.85% 74,913 699,913 734,909 J15 2017 650,000 5.90% 38,350 688,350 722,768 TOTALS: 8,090,000 5,846,004 13,936,004 14,632,807 Bond Years: 105075.00 Annual Interest: 5,846,004 Avg. Maturity: 13.00 Plus Discount: 90,000 Avg. Annual Rate: 5.558% Net Interest: 5,936,004 T.I.C. Rate: 5.637% N.I.C. Rate: 5.644% Interest rates are estimates; changes may cause significant alterations of this schedule. The actual underwriter's discount bid may also vary. Page 4 THE CITY HAS AUTHORIZED SPRINGSTED INCORPORATED TO NEGOTIATE THIS ISSUE ON ITS BEHALF. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED ON THE FOLLOWING BASIS: TERMS OF PROPOSAL $8,090,000 CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA GENERAL OBLIGATION PARK AND RECREATION BONDS, SERIES 1996B (BOOK ENTRY ONLY) Proposals for the Bonds will be received on Monday, July 15, 1996, until 11:00 A.M., Central Time, at the offices of Springsted Incorporated, 85 East Seventh Place, Suite 100, Saint Paul, Minnesota, after which time they will be opened and tabulated. Consideration for award of the Bonds will be by the City Council at 7:00 P.M., Central Time, of the same day. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Proposals may be submitted in a sealed envelope or by fax (612) 223 -3002 to Springsted. Signed Proposals, without final price or coupons, may be submitted to Springsted prior to the time of sale. The bidder shall be responsible for submitting to Springsted the final Proposal price and coupons, by telephone (612) 223 -3000 or fax (612) 223 -3002 for inclusion in the submitted Proposal. Springsted will assume no liability for the inability of the bidder to reach Springsted prior to the time of sale specified above. Proposals may also be filed electronically via PARITY, in accordance with PARITY Rules of Participation and the Terms of Proposal, within a one -hour period prior to the time of sale established above, but no Proposals will be received after that time. If provisions in the Terms of Proposal conflict with the PARITY Rules of Participation, the Terms of Proposal shall control. The normal fee for use of PARITY may be obtained from PARITY and such fee shall be the responsibility of the bidder. For further information about PARITY, potential bidders may contact PARITY at 100 116th Avenue SE, Suite 100, Bellevue, Washington 98004, telephone (206) 635 -3545. Neither the City nor Springsted Incorporated assumes any liability if there is a malfunction of PARITY. All bidders are advised that each Proposal shall be deemed to constitute a contract between the bidder and the City to purchase the Bonds regardless of the manner of the Proposal submitted. DETAILS OF THE BONDS The Bonds will be dated August 1, 1996, as the date of original issue, and will bear interest payable on February 1 and August 1 of each year, commencing August 1, 1997. Interest will be computed on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months. The Bonds will mature February 1 in the years and amounts as follows: 1999 $265,000 2004 $325,000 2009 $425,000 2014 $550,000 2000 $275,000 2005 $350,000 2010 $450,000 2015 $600,000 2001 $300,000 2006 $375,000 2011 $475,000 2016 $625,000 2002 $300,000 2007 $375,000 2012 $500,000 2017 $650,000 2003 $325,000 2008 $400,000 2013 $525,000 Proposals for the Bonds may contain a maturity schedule providing for any combination of serial bonds and term bonds so long as the amount of principal maturing or subject to mandatory redemption in each year conforms to the maturity schedule set forth above. Page 5 BOOK ENTRY SYSTEM The Bonds will be issued by means of a book entry system with no physical distribution of Bonds made to the public. The Bonds will be issued in fully registered form and one Bond, representing the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds maturing in each year, will be registered in the name of Cede & Co. as nominee of The Depository Trust Company ( "DTC "), New York, New York, which will act as securities depository of the Bonds. Individual purchases of the Bonds may be made in the principal amount of $5,000 or any multiple thereof of a single maturity through book entries made on the books and records of DTC and its participants. Principal and interest are payable by the registrar to DTC or its nominee as registered owner of the Bonds. Transfer of principal and interest payments to participants of DTC will be the responsibility of . DTC; transfer of principal and interest payments to beneficial owners by participants will be the responsibility of such participants and other nominees of beneficial owners. The purchaser, as a condition of delivery of the Bonds, will be required to deposit the Bonds with DTC. REGISTRAR The Treasurer - Finance Director of the City will serve as registrar. OPTIONAL REDEMPTION The City may elect on February 1, 2006, and on any day thereafter, to prepay Bonds due on or after February 1, 2007. Redemption may be in whole or in part and if in part at the option of the City and in such manner as the City shall determine. If less than all Bonds of a maturity are called for redemption, the City will notify DTC of the particular amount of such maturity to be prepaid. DTC will determine by lot the amount of each participant's interest in such maturity to be redeemed and each participant will then select by lot the beneficial ownership interests in such maturity to be redeemed. All prepayments shall be at a price of par plus accrued interest. MANDATORY REDEMPTION Any term bonds issued shall be subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption in part prior to their scheduled maturity dates on February 1 of certain years, as more fully described in the Details of the Bonds section herein, at a price of par plus accrued interest to the date of redemption. SECURITY AND PURPOSE The Bonds will be general obligations of the City for which the City will pledge its full faith and credit and power to levy direct general ad valorem taxes. The proceeds will be used to finance improvements to the City's park and recreational facilities. TYPE OF PROPOSALS. Proposals shall be for not less than $8,000,000 and accrued interest on the total principal amount of the Bonds. Proposals shall be accompanied by a Good Faith Deposit ( "Deposit ") in the form of a certified or cashier's check or a Financial Surety Bond in the amount of $80,900, payable to the order of the City. If a check is used, it must accompany each proposal. If a Financial Surety Bond is used, it must be from an insurance company licensed to issue such a bond in the State of Minnesota, and preapproved by the City. Such bond must be submitted to Springsted Incorporated prior to the opening of the proposals. The Financial Surety Bond must identify each underwriter whose Deposit is guaranteed by such Financial Surety Bond.. If the Bonds are awarded to an underwriter using a Financial Surety Bond, then that purchaser is required to submit its Deposit to Springsted Incorporated in the form of a certified or cashier's check or wire transfer as instructed by Springsted Incorporated not later than 3:30 P.M., Central Time, on the next business day following the award. If such Deposit is not received by that time, the Financial Surety Bond may be drawn by the City to satisfy the Deposit requirement. The City will deposit the check of the purchaser, the amount of which will be deducted at Page 6 settlement and no interest will accrue to the purchaser. In the event the purchaser fails to comply with the accepted proposal, said amount will be retained by the City. No proposal can be withdrawn or amended after the time set for receiving proposals unless the meeting of the City scheduled for award of the Bonds is adjourned, recessed, or continued to another date without award of the Bonds having been made. Rates shall be in integral multiples of 5/100 or 1/8 of 1 %. Rates must be in ascending order. Bonds of the same maturity shall bear a single rate from the date of the Bonds to the date of maturity. No conditional proposals will be accepted. In order to designate term bonds, the proposal must specify "Last Year of Serial Maturities" and "Years of Term Maturities" in the spaces provided on the Proposal Form. All principal payments scheduled to be made in and before the year specified as the "Last Year of Serial Maturities" shall be designated as maturity amounts of serial bonds; all principal payments scheduled to be made after the year specified as "Last Year of Serial Maturities" and through each year specified under "Years of Term Maturities" shall be designated as mandatory sinking fund redemptions of term bonds maturing in the year(s) so designated. AWARD The Bonds will be awarded on the basis of the lowest interest rate to be determined on a true interest cost (TIC) basis. The City's computation of the interest rate of each proposal, in accordance with customary practice, will be controlling. The City will reserve the right to: (i) waive non - substantive informalities of any proposal or of matters relating to the receipt of proposals and award of the Bonds, (ii) reject all proposals without cause, and, (iii) reject any proposal which the City determines to have failed to comply with the terms herein. BOND INSURANCE AT PURCHASER'S OPTION If the Bonds qualify for issuance of any policy of municipal bond insurance or commitment therefor at the option of the underwriter, the purchase of any such insurance policy or the issuance of any such commitment shall be at the sole option and expense of the purchaser of the Bonds. Any increased costs of issuance of the Bonds resulting from such purchase of insurance shall be paid by the purchaser, except that, if the City has requested and received a rating on the Bonds from a rating agency, the City will pay that rating fee. Any other rating agency fees shall be the responsibility of the purchaser. Failure of the municipal bond insurer to issue the policy after Bonds have been awarded to the purchaser shall not constitute. cause for failure or refusal by the purchaser to accept delivery on the Bonds. CUSIP NUMBERS If the Bonds qualify for assignment of CUSIP numbers such numbers will be printed on the Bonds, but neither the failure to print such numbers on any Bond nor any error with respect thereto will constitute cause for failure or refusal by the purchaser to accept delivery of the Bonds. The CUSIP Service Bureau charge for the assignment of CUSIP identification numbers shall be paid by the purchaser. SETTLEMENT Within 40 days following the date of their award, the Bonds will be delivered without cost to the purchaser at a place mutually satisfactory to the City and the purchaser. Delivery will be subject to receipt by the purchaser of an approving legal opinion of Dorsey & Whitney LLP of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and of customary closing papers, including a no- litigation certificate. On the date of settlement payment for the Bonds shall be made in federal, or equivalent, funds which shall be received at the offices of the City or its designee not later than 12:00 Noon, Page 7 Central Time. Except as compliance with the terms of payment for the Bonds shall have been made impossible by action of the City, or its agents, the purchaser shall be liable to the City for any loss suffered by the City by reason of the purchaser's non - compliance with said terms for payment. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE In order to permit the underwriters purchasing the Bonds to comply with paragraph (b)(5) of Rule 15c2 -12, in the Resolution authorizing and ordering issuance of the Bonds the City will covenant and agree for the benefit of the holders from time to time of the Bonds, to comply with Rule 15c2 -12, paragraph (b)(5). A description of the City's undertaking is set forth in the Official Statement. OFFICIAL STATEMENT The City has authorized the preparation of an Official Statement containing pertinent information relative to the Bonds, and said Official Statement will serve as a nearly -final Official Statement within the meaning of Rule 15c2 -12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission. For copies of the Official Statement or for any additional information prior to sale, any prospective purchaser is referred to the Financial Advisor to the City, Springsted Incorporated, 85 East Seventh Place, Suite 100, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101, telephone (612) 223 -3000. The Official Statement, when further supplemented by an addendum or addenda specifying the maturity dates, principal amounts and interest rates of the Bonds, together with any other information required by law, shall constitute a "Final Official Statement" of the City with respect to the Bonds, as that term is defined in Rule 15c2 -12. By awarding the Bonds to any underwriter or underwriting syndicate submitting a proposal therefor, the City agrees that, no more than seven business days after the date of such award, it shall provide without cost to the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded 325 copies of the Official Statement and the addendum or addenda described above. The City designates the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded as its agent for purposes of distributing copies of the Final Official Statement to each Participating Underwriter. Any underwriter delivering a proposal with respect to the Bonds agrees thereby that if its proposal is accepted by the City (i) it shall accept such designation and (ii) it shall enter into a contractual relationship with all Participating Underwriters of the Bonds for purposes of assuring the receipt by each such Participating Underwriter of the Final Official Statement. Dated June 17, 1996 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL /s/ Debra Mangen Clerk Page 8 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # X.B. FROM: JOHN WALLIN, Consent ❑ FINANCE DIRECTOR ❑ Information Only DATE: JANUARY 16, 1996 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA SUBJECT: RELEASE OF FIRST BANK COLLATERAL Recommendation: x❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion 0 Resolution ❑ Ordinance Approve resolution releasing previously approved collateral and replacing it with a surety bond at First Bank National Association. Report: Currently, the City has $3,990,000 in a US Treasury Note and a Federal National Mortgage Association Note, pledged as collateral at First Bank National Association. To keep this collateral pledged, First Bank is going to begin charging a fee of 40 basis points per year times the market value of the collateral. At the current amount of collateral held, the monthly fee would be $1,333. To reduce this fee, the City could reduce the amount held as collateral. The amount needed as collateral is the maximum balance held in the bank at any time. The other method of protecting deposits is with a surety bond which would come at little or no cost to the City. I recommend that the City accept the surety bond and release the collateral held. f o e ` Cn \�roRPGORP 1Bo8 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # X.C. FROM: JOHN WALLIN Consent ❑ July 1 5:00 P.M. FINANCE DIRECTOR ❑ meeting is expected, a 5:00 meeting could be Information Only scheduled July 8. August 13 & 20 DATE: JUNE 17, 1996 Budget hearings with full detail budget for ❑ departments, boards, commissions, and the public. Mgr. Recommends 7:00 P.M. To HRA SUBJECT: 0 Nov. 29 to Dec. 20 7:00 P.M. Hold Truth in Taxation hearings. Actual hearing To Council SET DATES FOR 1997 0 BUDGET MEETINGS Action Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approve meeting dates for the 1997 budget. Information /Background: Attached is the tentative calendar of events for the 1997 budget. The dates for Council meetings on the 1997 budget are as follows: DATE TIME AGENDA June 17 5:00 P.M. Staff to present budget assumptions. July 1 5:00 P.M. Final budget assumption presentation. If another meeting is expected, a 5:00 meeting could be scheduled July 8. August 13 & 20 5:00 P.M. Budget hearings with full detail budget for departments, boards, commissions, and the public. September 3 7:00 P.M. Council to adopt resolution approving preliminary budget and levy. Nov. 29 to Dec. 20 7:00 P.M. Hold Truth in Taxation hearings. Actual hearing dates cannot be determined until afterAu ust 15. CITY OF EDINA TO ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS SUBJECT: 1997 BUDGET DATE: May 21, 1996 LISTED BELOW IS OUR BUDGET CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR THE 1997 BUDGET June 4 Departments will present budget assumptions - 10:00am June 17 Present budget assumptions to Council - 5:OOpm. June 27 Staff capital budget assumptions - 9:30am. July 1 Budget Assumption meeting - 5:OOpm. July 5 Department budgets will be turned in to the Finance Dept. July 8- July 12 Department Conferences with Manager and Finance Director. July 12 Salary information to Finance Director. July 15- Aug 8 Preparation and duplication of budget document. Aug 9 Proposed budget ready for submission to council. Aug 13 Budget hearings and resolution approving proposed & 20 budget - 5:OOpm. Sept 3 Council resolution for proposed budget. Sept 13 Certify a proposed budget and truth in Taxation hearing dates to County Auditor. Nov 29 Hold Truth in Taxation hearings. The County and School to Districts receive first picks of dates. The City's Dec 20 hearing date cannot be determined until after August 15.' Dec 27 Certify final adopted "levy. It is your job to propose all reasonable requests for your department. It is our job to present a reasonable request to the Mayor and the Council for all Departments. The final determination rests in the hands of the Mayor and Council. JOHN WALLIN FINANCE DIRECTOR COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FRI, JUN 7, 1996, 6:46 PM page 1 CHECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE - - -- PROGRAM--- - - - - -- OBJECT PO NUM. 161382 05/03/96 $191,000.00 ------------------------------------------------- CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 050396. LIQUOR PROG LIQUOR PROG CASH CASH 05/03/96 " #, # # #, # # #. ## CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 050396. < *> $0.00* 161383 05/06/96 $24,672.95 FIDELITY BANK TAXES 050696 GENERAL FD PRO PAYROLL PAYABL < *> $24,672.95* 161384 05/17/96 $155,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 051796 051796 LIQUOR PROG LIQUOR PROG CASH CASH 05/17/96 #, # # #, # # #. ## CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER < *> $0.00* 161385 05/20/96 $26,283.86 FIDELITY BANK TAXES 052096 GENERAL FD PRO PAYROLL PAYABL < *> $26,283.86* 161386 05/31/96 $165,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 053196 LIQUOR PROG LIQUOR PROG CASH CASH 05/31/96 #, # # #, # # #. ## CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 053196 < *> $0.00* 165746 05/13/96 $75.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASUR CPO recertification 0596 PUBLIC HEALTH CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $75.00* 165747 05/13/96 $33,351.93 PERA P.E.R.A. PAYABLE 050396 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $33,351.93* 165748 I' I 0 513/96 $19.62 PERA P.E.R.A. PAYABLE 0596 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAS < *> $19.62* 165749 05/13/96 $341.95 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 388911 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE OF GD WINE 05/13/96 $400.46 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI WI 390615 390620 YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GD WINE 05/13/96 $1,411.88 QUALITY WINE COST OF COST OF GOODS SOLD GOODS SOLD BE 39062000 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 05/13/96 $105.00 QUALITY QUALITY WINE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 390621 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/13/96 05/13/96 $1,783.54 $222.90 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 390621CO VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 05/13/96 $2,797.34 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 391400 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU OF GD LIQU 05/13/96 $2,410.07 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 391401 50TH ST SELLIN CST $3,269.39 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 392325 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/13/96 $378.67 QUALITY WINE < *> $13,121.20* 166126 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO 05/20/96 $453.90 COMMERCIAL LIFE INSURAN BASIC LIFE 6 -1 -96 051796 < *> $907.80* 166127 05/20/96 $105.78 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMP 02 463866. GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 6613 < *> - $105.78* 166128 05/20/96 $1,616.00 MRPA SOFTBALL REGISTRATION 051596 EDINA ATHLETIC REGISTRATION F < *> $1,616.00* - 166129 05/20/96 $31,424.68 PERA PERA 052096 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $31,424.68* 166130 05/20/96 $1,525.80 PERA PERA 052096 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $1,525.80* COU14CIL CHECK ,,EGISTER FRI, JUN 7, 1996, 6:46 PM CHECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM - -- OBJECT- - -_ -PO NUM. _ ------------------ 166131 05/20/96 $19.62 PERA PERA 052096 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $19.62* 166132 166136 166538 05/20/96 $341.95 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 388921 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE LIQU $1,220.84 05/20/96 - $39.02 QUALITY WINE COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD LI LI 390561 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU WINE 05/20/96 $389.44 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI .392326 392327 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF'GD WINE LIQU OF 05/20/96 $128.80 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 392786 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE SOLD 05/20/96 $1,561.95 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 392788 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 396837 05/20/96 $681.08 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 393032 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 05/20/96 $87.50 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 393257 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/20/96 $3,138.58 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 393258 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 05/20/96 $792.52 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 393298 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/20/96 $3,264.00 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 392785 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/20/96 $1,844.46 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 393931 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/20/96 $275.75 QUALITY WINE $12,467.01* 05/28/96 $341.95 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI WI 388928 394170 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE 05/28/96 - $13.00 QUALITY WINE COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WI 394324 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/28/96 - $11.50 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 394608 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/28/96 $2,488.53 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 394609 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/28/96 $1,698.12 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 394609CO VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 05/28/96 $174.60 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 39461C 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 05/48/96 $727.29 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 39461000 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 05/28/96 $129.95 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 395218 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/28/96 $1,542.74 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 395219 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/28/96 $2,981.74 QUALITY WINE IN CST OF GD LIQU 05/28/96 $1,802.72 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 395618 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/28/96 - $21.03 QUALITY WINE $11,842.11* BATTERIES /BELTS 49866141 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 7668 06/03/96 $84.78 GRAINGER LAMP STRIP 49865455 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 7237 06/03/96 $54.59 GRAINGER ACME MOTOR 49866399 BUILDINGS REPAIR PARTS 7904 06/03/96 $71.15 GRAINGER FAN MOTOR /SHAFT BUSHI 49866436 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 7932 06/03/96 $55.57 GRAINGER TOOLS 19792350 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 7954 06/03/96 $28.18 GRAINGER DRILL BIT 93798393 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 7963 06/03/96 $56.61 GRAINGER $350.88* 166510 06/03/96 166540 06/03/96 166541 c *> 166542 06/03/96 $162.63 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. CITY HALL SUPPLIES 50071165 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 7108 $162.63* $19.62 PERA PERA $19.62* $31,746.45 PERA PERA $31,746.45* 0603 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB 060396 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB 06/03/96 -$8.53 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOI,D WI WI 395617 396447 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF CST OF GD GD WINE WINE 06/03/96 $1,220.84 QUALITY WINE COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD SOLD WI 396461 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/03/96 $1,109.24 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 396463 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/03/96 $1,151.75 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 396810 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/03/96 $2,074.59 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 396811 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/03/96 $1,321.97 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 396837 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/03(/961 is $474.21 QUALITY WINE page 2 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER FRI, JUN 7, 1996, 6:46 PM page 3 CHECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. 166542 06/03/96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $3,163.50 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 396949 YORK SELLING CST OF GD L Q < *> $10,507.07* 166543 06/03/96 $405.30 VAN PAPER CO. SUPPLIES 114674. CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 8378 <*> $405.30* 166544 06/03/96 $408.63 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. BIT /PIPE 96244020 EQUIPMENT -OPER ACCESSORIES 7902 06/03/96 $475.45 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. BITS /WIRE 96251722 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 8043 * >. $884.08* 166545 06/03/96 $576.25 WILSON SPORTING GOODS C COST OF GOODS - PRO S 1225924. PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5623 <*> $576.25* 166546 06/03/96 $113.55 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY SUPPLIES -RANGE 10321 RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 7862 < *> $113.55* $202,199.19* COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY FOR HAND CHECKS FRI, JUN 7, 1996, 6:47 PM page 1 -------------------------------------------------- FUND # 10 GENERAL FUND $151,178.83 FUND # 15 WORKING CAPITAL $1,616.00 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE FUND $1,200.88 FUND # 30 EDINBOROUGH /CENTENNIAL LAK $126.72 FUND # 40 UTILITY FUND FUND # 50 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND $47 $202,199-19* COUNCIL ,iECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OB%7ECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166555 06/17/96 $126.00 AAA LAMBERTS LANDSCAPE P SOD & BLACK DIRT 051696 GENERAL TURF C SOD & DIRT 8095 06/17/96. $46.00 AAA LAMBERTS LANDSCAPE P BLACK DIRT 052396 GENERAL TURF C SOD & DIRT 8298 06/17/96 $70.00 AAA LAMBERTS LANDSCAPE P BLACK DIRT 052996 GENERAL TURF C SOD & DIRT 8553 06/17/96 $252.00 AAA LAMBERTS LANDSCAPE P.LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 060696 GENERAL TURF C SOD & DIRT 8569 < *> $494.00* 166556 06/17/96 $16.50 AAA LIC TABS UNMARKED 26. 053096 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS 06/17/96 $4.00 AAA DUP TABS /TRAILER 25.5 053096 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $20.50* 166557 06/17/96 $1,177.43 AAA REGISTRATION FOR 47.2 060396 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $1,177.43* 166558 06/17/96 $79.00 AAGARD ENVIRONMENTAL SER RECYCLING 6961730 ED BUILDING & RUBBISH REMOVA < *> $79.00* 166559 06/17/96 $8.50 ACTION MESSENGER MESSENGER SERVICE 189582 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $8.50* 166560 06/17/96 $330.11 ADAMS., RITA K. FURNITURE REIMB 060396 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM 06/17/96 $141.46 ADAMS, RITA K. REIMBURSEMENT FOR SUP 061096 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $471.57* 166561 0617/96 $440.94 ADVANCED ENERGY SERVICES ENERGY MGMT REPAIRS 006584 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 7347 < *> li $440.94* 166562 06/17/96 $217.26 ADVANCED STATE SECURITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16104 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES < *> $217.26* 166563 06/17/96 $6.39 ALBINSON BLUEPRINT REPRODUCTIO 514486 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 8497 06/17/96 $6.39 ALBINSON BLUEPRINT REPRODUCTIO 515545 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 8497 < *> $12.78* 166564 06/17/96 $53.75 ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER BE INSURANCE - EXPLORERS 061096 RESERVE PROGRA CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $53.75* 166565 06/17/96 $280.92 ALL FIRE TEST INC FIRE EXT CERTIFCATION 10871 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8067 06/17/96 $383.99 ALL FIRE TEST INC FIRE EXT CERTIFICATIO 10872 EQUIPMENT OPER SAFETY EQUIPME 8075 06/17/96 $96.65 ALL FIRE TEST INC EXT CERT 10975 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 7931 < *> $761.56* 16656(; 06/17/96 $33.36 A1.TERNAT'OR RF1111T1,D PULLEY 26314 EQUTPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8122 < *> $33.36* 166567 06;17/96 $358.45 AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS PRINTING -APPS 45393 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 8007 < *> $358.45* 167011 $861.26 AMERICAN PAGING RESERVE PAGERS 061096 RESERVE PROGRA GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $861.26* 166569 06/17/96 $45.80 AMERIDATA IBM AC ADAPTER FOR TH 513575 ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLI 7810 < *> $45.80* 166570 06/17/96 $58.65 ANDY'S PORTABLES SANITAITON 7708 MAINT OF COURS RUBBISH REMOVA 8620 < *> $58.65* page 2 COUNCIL CHECK _,dGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT ------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- -------------- ______ DUES & SUB - POLICE 051096 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCRI 166571 06/17/96 $36.00 APCO < *> $36.00* $45.00 APPLI ANCE RECYCLING CENT DROP OFF APPL FROM TO 06275 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 7916 166572 06/17/96 < *> $45.00* APWA 052896 SUPERV. & OVRH DUES & SUBSCRI 8566 166573 06/17/96 $90.00 APWA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 052896 SUPERV. & OVRH DUES & SUBSCRI 06/17/96 $90.00 APWA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 052896 SUPERV. & OVRH DUES & SUBSCRI 06/17/96 $90.00 APWA < *> $270.00* ARMSTRONG TORSET It SKOLD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 051996 CONTINGENCIES PROF SERVICES 166574 06/17/96 $450.00 < *> $450.00* $5,548.00 ARNT CONSTRUCTION COMPAN EXCAVATION 6680 MAINT OF COURS SHARED MAINT 7391 166575 06/17/96 <*> $5,548.00* UMPIRE PAY- 060996 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES 166576 06/17/96 $136-00 ASHTON, MICHAEL < *> $136.00* COST OF GOODS SOLD 78914 POOL TRACK GRE COST OF GD SOL 166577 06/17/96 $135.50 ASPLUND COFFEE < *> $135.50* ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLI MEETING EXPENSE 15 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS 166578 06/1�/�6 $50.00 $50.00* T38954 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8071 166579 06/17/96 $25.87 ASTLEFORD EQUIPMENT COMP PARTS < *> $25.87* TELEPHONE 051896 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 166580 06/17/96 $15.95 AT & T < *> $15.95* $46.49 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES CELLULAR INVEST 052096 INVESTIGATION TELEPHONE 166581 06/17/96 < *> $46.49* TELEPHONE 051896 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 166582 06/17/96 $5.49 AT &T TELEPHONE 052496 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $2.95 AT &T TELEPHONE 052496 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $10.91 AT &T < *> $19.35* $8.47 AUTO ACHINE AND SUPPLY MACHINE 053196/G MAINT OF LOURS REPAIRLPARTSLI 166583 06/17/96 / $203.70 AUTO 1D SUPPLY REPAIRLPARTSLIES < *> $212.17* ICE COMPA ALIGN & SWITCH TIRES 2573 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 8450 166584 06/17/96 $33.00 AUTOMOBILE SEP.VICE COMPA ALIGN FRONT 4 < *> $75.00* TREES MEMORIALS PLANT & TREES 0 66 79 166585 06/17/96 17 / / $556.46 BACHMANS NURSERY WHOLESA PLANTINGS & TREES 88749 PARK < *> $892.76* PLANTS & TREES 195790 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SHR 8216 166586 0.6/17/96 $285.15 BAILEY NURSERIES < *> $285.15* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM 166594 06/17/96 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 233015 page 3 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT 233016 VENDOR GENERAL SUPPLI DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -•---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166587 06/17/96 $32.00 BARBARA BUIE /PETTY CASH POSTAGE 061096 ,ED ADMINISTRAT POSTAGE REGISTRATION F 06/17/96 $58.56 BARBARA BUIE /PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 061096 ED ADMINISTRAT MEETING EXPENS CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $31.98 BARBARA BUIE /PETTY CASH OFFICE SUPPLIES 061096 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $16.01 BARBARA BUIE /PETTY CASH GENERAL SUPPLIES 061096 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $138.55* 166588 06/17/96 166589 06/17/96 166590 06/17/96 166591 06/17/96 06/17/96 166592 06/17/96 166593 06/17/96 < *> GOLF ADMINISTR 166594 06/17/96 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 233015 166595 06/17/96 BELLBOY CORPORATION 06/17/96 233016 06/17/96 GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/96 166596 166598 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 $55.00 BATTAGLIA, ANTHONY REFUND PATRON 061096 GOLF PROG MEMBERSHIPS $55.00* $338.04 BAUMAN, RJ CRAFT SUPPLIES 061096 ART SUPPLY GIF CRAFT SUPPLIES $338.04* $26.45 $26.45* $64.50 $10.44 $74.94* $65.69 $65.69* $10.00 $10.00* $80.00 $80.00* $157.00 $271.60 $254.80 -$6.42 $676.98* $160.00 $515.00 $675.00* $5.96 $36.52 $21.31 $108.97 $20.52 $5.03 $189.03 $143.16 $11.37 $423.28 $60.36 $49.23 - $13.90 $68.07 $7.42 $109.16 $1,245.49* BEACH'S SPORTS & AWARDS SUPPLIES 051096 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 8618 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 233015 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX BELLBOY CORPORATION GENERAL SUPPLIES 233016 50TH ST- SELLIN GENERAL SUPPLI BENNINGTON GOLF COMPANY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 62068 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5029 BENYAS, DIANE REFUND PLAYGROUND 052296 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F BERARD, KATHY CROSS REFUND SWIMMING 053196 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 053196/5 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 053196/V VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU BERGFORD TRUCKING LIQUOR DELIVERY 053196/Y YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU BERGFORD TRUCKING BREAKAGE 053196/Y YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU BERGLUND, STANLEY REPAIRS CLUBHOUSE 060696 CLUB HOUSE CONTR REPAIRS BERGLUND, STANLEY CART /DECK STORAGE ARE 060696 CLUBHOUSE ADDT CIP BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES CART 3583651 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI 3591200 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8112 3595000 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8395 J000292 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 8496 3595660 FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE 8137. J000293 FINANCE GENERAL SUPPLI 8496 3598860 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 8472 3598880 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 8529 3601560 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 8529 J00029 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 8529 J00031 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 8335 3602360 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 8529 CM356624 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI J000291 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 8529 J000311 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 3611220 CITY HALL EQUIP REPLACEM 8685 COUNCIL CHECK nEGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 4 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM -_-- OBJECT--- - - -PO- NUM - - -- _ 166599 _ ---------------------------------- 06/17/96 $319.48 ------------------------------------------------------ BEST BUY COMPA14Y INC. CORDLESS PHONE 00501268 GOLF ADMINISTR TELEPHONE 850 <*> $319.48* 166600 <*> 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 $141.84 $15.83 $57.95 $215.62* BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS OF BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS OF BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS CIF CORES /KEYS KEYS LOCKS REPAIR 33637 33754 NORMANLDINGGC CLUB HOUSE PARTS REPAIR REPAIRS CONTR REPAIRS 8078 8237 8507 166601 <*> 166602 <*> 166603 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 $5,134.34 $5,134.34* $39,966.57 $39,966.57* $150.52 $132.70 $84.84 $$84.70 $132.70 BFI OF MN INC BFI RECYCLING SYS BIFFS INC BIFFS INC BIFFS INC BIFFS INC BIFFS INC REFUSE RECYCLING CONTRACT SANITATION RENTAL RESTROOMS RENTAL RESTROOM RENTAL RESTROOMS RENTAL RESTROOMS 053196 96050070 B1071338 BI071339 BI071340 BI071341 BI071342 50TH STREET RU RECYCLING MAINT OF COURS BUILDING MAINT BUILDING MAINT BUILDING MAINT BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES Recycling Char RUBBISH REMOVA -8619 PROF SERVICES PROF SERVICES PROF SERVICES PROF SERVICES 8554 8554 8554 8554 <*> $633.46* 166604 <*> 166605 <*, 166606 < *> 166607 <*> 166608 <*> 166609 <*> 166610 <*> 06/17/96 7/96 06/ I 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 $170.00 $170.00* $100.00 $100.00* $85.00 $85.00* $40.00 $40.00* $50.00 $50.00* $132.50 $132.50* $200.95 $200.95* BLACK, STEVE BLOOD, DAVID BOB THE BEACHCOMBER BOLIN, JUDY ROLKS, JEFFREY BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE BRAEMAR PRINTING UMPIRE PAY POLICE SERVICES CONT SERV REFUND SWIMMING CONT ED- POLICE VOL RECEPTION PRINTING GRILL 060996 061796 062796 052996 052996 042396_ 46768 EDINA ATHLETIC RESERVE PROGRA ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL FD PRO POLICE DEPT. G CONTINGENCIES GOLF ADMINISTR PROF SERVICES PERS SERVICES PRO SVC OTHER REGISTRATION F CONF & SCHOOLS GENERAL SUPPLI PRINTING 8506 166611 <*> 06/17/96 $136.00 $136.00* BRAKKE, KEITH UMPIRE PAY 060996 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES 166612 < *> 166613 <*> 166614 <*> 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 $267.75 $137.25 $405.00* $72.42 $72.42* $75.00 $75.00* BRAUN INTERTEC BRAUN INTERTEC BRENT'S SIGNS DISPLAY & BRESNAHAN, RICHARD PROF SERVICES PROF SERVICES SIGNAGE PROF SERV ART CENTER 077914 077927 12912 061096 STREET IMPROVE STREET 70TH & CLUB HOUSE ART CENTER ADM CIP CIP GENERAL SUPPLI PROF SERVICES 8014 COUNCIL CK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 5 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-- 166615 06/17/96 $138.80 BROCK WHITE CURB & GUTTER FORMS 85553701 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 8275 < *> $138.80* 16.6616 06/17/96 $42.90 BROCKWAY, MAUREEN ART WORK SOLD 052396 ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER < *> $42.90* 166617 06/17/96 $552.70 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC INFIELD MIXTURE 3689 FIELD MAINTENA INFIELD MIX 7945 < *> $552.70* 166618 06/17/96 $68.00 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5040 MEDIA LAB CONTR REPAIRS 7220 06/17/96 $10.00 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5404 MEDIA LAB CONTR REPAIRS 7220 06/17/96 $68.00 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5403 MEDIA LAB CONTR REPAIRS 7220 06/17/96 $85.00 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5406 MEDIA LAB CONTR.REPAIRS 7220 06/17/96 $65.00 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5407 MEDIA LAB CONTR REPAIRS 7220 06/17/96 $75.00 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5408 MEDIA LAB CONTR REPAIRS 7220 06/17/96 $65.00 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5542 MEDIA LAB CONTR REPAIRS 8250 06/17/96 $53.00 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5543 MEDIA LAB CONTR REPAIRS 8250 < *> $489.00* 166619 06/17/96 $425.89 BURROWS, WILLIAM TOOL RACKS FOR TRUCKS 0596002 MOWING GENERAL SUPPLI 8392 < *� $425.89* 166620 06/17/96 $100.00 BUTLER, GEORGE POLICE SERVICES 061796 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* `I 166621 0617/96 $427.00 C.H. BROWN CO MANAGEMENT FEE 053096 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA. < *> $427.00* 166622 06/17/96 $414.00 CADY COMMUNICATIONS MAINT CONTRACT 10149732 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 06/17/96 $105.63 CADY COMMUNICATIONS WIRING PHONE LINES 10150345 CLUB HOUSE CONTR REPAIRS 06/17/96 $305.31 CADY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 10150752 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 8531 06/17/96 $1,039.44 CADY COMMUNICATIONS POWER SUPPLY NEW UNIT 10150752 GOLF PROG MACH. & EQUIP 8531 < *> $1,864.38* 166623 06/17/96 $203.05 CALLAHAN, FRAN MILEAGE MAY 1996 PUBLIC HEALTH MILEAGE < *> $203.05* 166624 06/17/96 $144.62 CALLAWAY GOLF COST OF GOODS - PRO S 49992 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR < *> $144.62* 166625 06/17/96 $30.00 CALLENDER, DONNA REFUND COACH PITCH 052996 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $30.00* 166626 06/17/96 $462.62 CAMPION CATERING COMMITTEE MEETING 27796 CENT.SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $462.62* 166627 06/17/96 $45.00 CANTON, JANET MILEAGE OR Af.f,OWANCE 061096 FINANCE MILEAGE < *> $45.00* 166628 06/17/96 $21.25 CARLSON, CARL PRO SHOP SALES 06O696 GOLF PROG PRO SHOP 9ALE9 . < *> $21.25* 166629 06/17/96 $210.00 CASH REGISTER SALES SERVICE CONTRACT 6.83193 GOLF ADMINISTR SVC CONTR EQUI _ < *> it $210.00* , COUNCIL CHECK _8GISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 6 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------- INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT ------PO -NUM - 166630 ____ 06/17/96 _____ $337.43 ___ CATCO CLEVIS KIT /SLACK ADJ 308298 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8342 <*> $337.43* 166631 06/17/96 06/17/46 $39.77 $39.78 CEDAR LAKE FLORAL CEDAR LAKE FLORAL SYMPATHY SYMPATHY 02589 02589 CENT SVC GENER CITY COUNCIL GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL SUPPLI 8517 8517 *� $79.55* 166632 < *> 06/17/96 $63.00 $63.00* CEI BLUELINE PAPER- 0020948 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 8389 166633 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 $115.82 $127.00 $127.00 CERES WOOD PRODUCTS CERES WOOD PRODUCTS CERES WOOD PRODUCTS MULCH FOR TREES TREE MULCH TREE MULCH 015718 015912 015913 TREES & MAINTE MAINT OF COURS TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES PLANT & TREES PLANT & TREES 8054 7744 8064 <*> $369.82* 166634 06/17/96 $708.78 CHARLES SAKMANN GOLF INC COST OF GOODS - PRO S 25304 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8383 <*> $708.78* 166635 06/17/96 $449.07 CHEMSEARCH CONQUEST /RED AEROSOL B0091862 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 6402 <*> $449.07* 166636 06/17/96 $564.04 CIT GROUP /COMMERCIAL SER COST OF GOODS - PRO S 438010 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5966 <*> $564.04* 166637 I 06/7/96 $185.00 CITY OF EDZNA REFUSE 2114 50TH ST OCCUPA RUBBISH REMOVA <*> $185.00* 166638 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 $15.71 $15.71 $15.71 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING 84123 84124 84125 YORK OCCUPANCY VERNON OCCUPAN 50TH ST OCCUPA CONTR REPAIRS CONTR REPAIRS CONTR REPAIRS 166639 <*> 06/17/96 06/17/96 $36.10 $75.00 $•111.10* CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP AIR PACK REPAIRS AIR PACK REPAIRS 29217 29217 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS CONTR REPAIRS 8139 8139 166640 06/17/96 $138.74 CMI REFRIGERATION REPAIR PORTA BAR 64343 CLUB HOUSE CONTR REPAIRS 8013 <*> $138.74* 166641 06/17/96 $85.61 COBRA GOLF INC COST OF GOODS - PRO S 462108 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5622 < *> $85.61* 166642 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06117196 cl $102.20 $330.05 $211.75 $1.13.25 0331.50 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPA c'OCA COIA NOT•I'LING COMPA COST OF GOODS SOLD MI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI VANVALKENBURG CONC COST OF GOODS SOLD MI (COST of GOODS SOLD M1 06954720 07004463 07009003 07015901 07040222 YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN VANVALKENBURG YORK SELLING VERNON SEI.I,ING CST.OF GDS MIX CST OF GDS MIX COST OF GD SOL CST OF GDS MIX CST OF GDS MIX 7589 1666,11 1*> 0611.7196 $1,108.7x* $123'.54 $12.3.54* CO,IT SERVICES RUG CLEANING 216811 CLUB HOUSE. SVC CONTR EQUI 8503 166644 *> 06/17/96 06/17/96 i $279.84 $245.62 $525.46* COMPUTER CITY ACCOUNT RE COMPUTER CITY ACCOUNT RE SUPPLIES COMPUTER EQUIP 817092 819019 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL SUPPLI 8611 8469 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 7 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166645 06/17/96 - $138.45 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS CREDIT 5438 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 06/17/96 $234.68 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS KLEENGUARDS 40086 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 8051 06/17/96. $18.32 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS SAFETY GLASSES 41394 GENERAL'MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8062 06/17/96 $17.80 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS EXAM GLOVES 43092 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8113 06/17/96 $46.49 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS SAFETY GLASSES 44177 EQUIPMENT OPER SAFETY EQUIPME 8080 06/17/96 $64.78 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS SUNSCREEN 45250 GENERAL'MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8280 06/17/96 $36.37 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS SAFETY GLASSES 47094 PUMP & LIFT ST SAFETY EQUIPME 8080 < *> $279.99* 166646 06%17/96 $119.25 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO COST OF GOODS SOLD 021643 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 7629 < *> $119.25* 166647 06/17/96 $200.00 CONTINUING EDUCATION /MPL CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 96140 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $200.00* 166648 06/17/96 $240.50 CRAMER BUILDING SERVICES MCQUAY REPAIRS 4077 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 8352 < *> $240.50* 166649 .06/17/96 $1,386.67. CRIMMINS MD, TIMOTHY J MEDICAL SERVICES 061796 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES < *> $1,386.67* 166650 06/17/96 $29.90 CULLIGAN -METRO SOFT WATER SERVICE 053196 LABORATORY CONTR SERVICES < *> $`29.90* 166651. 06�,17j96 $298.33 CURTIN MATHESON SCIENTIF LAB SUPPLIES 7968493 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPLI 8411 < *> $298.33* 166652 06/17/96 $2,124.68 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. UTILITY VEHICLE LINE 080172 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 7124 06/17/96 $58.21 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. REPAIR PARTS 080281 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8226 < *> $2,,182.89 *. 166653 06/17/96 $40.00 D.C. HEY CO. COPY MACHINE 657530 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $40.00* 166654 06/17/96 $123.50 D.J.'s MUNICIPAL SUPPLY CAUTION TAPE /LITES. 4716 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 8398 < *> $123.50* 166655 06/17/96 $30.00 DATILKE, KARLA REFUND TENNIS 060496 GENERAL-FD PRO REGISTRATION F <*> $30.00* 166656'.06/17/96 $79.00 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN HOOLIGAN TOOL /BOOTS 201394 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTHI 7253 06/17/96 $127.80 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN HOOLIGAN TOOL /BOOTS 201394 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 725.3 06/17/96 $614.99 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN LADDER REPLACEMENT 201729 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM 7247 06/17/96 $488.36 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN HELMET REPLACEMENT 201857 .FIRE DEPT,. GEN .EQUIP REPLACEM 8149 06/17/96 $76.00 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN.BUNKER BOOTS 201999 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTHI 7264 06/17/96 $178.06 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN HOOLIGAN TOOL /AX 202137 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 7253 06/17/9$ $126.88 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN PIKE PQLES 20 286 FZHE DEPT. GEN GENER4 SUPPLI 6335 0$/17/98 $925.00 DANjSC? EMERGENCY 4UIPMEN GATED {Q°�ES 2039.4.3 PIKE DEPT, SEN EQUIP REPLAI.; 7263 . 166657 06/17/96 $68.02 DAYSTARTER CART BATTERIES 14474 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $373.46 DAYSTARTER BATTERIES 14490 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8308 < *> $441.48* 166658 06/17/96 i $921.30 DCA INC FEE FOR SERVICE 81285 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO COUNCIL CHECK nEGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 8 DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION- INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT_-- --- CHECK NO - -- - - -- -------- - - - -PO -NUM -------------------------------------------------------- <*> $921.30* 166659 06/17/96 $415.35 DE SIGN ER INC PARK SIGNS 35831A 35831B BUILDING MAINT BUILDING MAINT GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLI SUPPLI 8060 8317 06/17/96 $415.35 DE SIGN ER INC PARK SIGNS *� $830.70* 166660 06/17/96 $55.00 DOMBROSS, RALPH REFUND PATRON CARD 061096 GOLF PROG MEMBERSHIPS < *> $55.00* 166661 06/17/96 $90.25 DONAGHUE DOORS DOOR REPAIR 10584 50TH ST OCCUPA EQUIP MAINT <*> $90.25* 166662 06/17/96 $40.00 DORRIAN, KAREN REFUND SWIMMING 053196 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F <*> $40.00* 166663 06/17/96 $170.22 E -Z -GO TEXTRON CART PARTS 0158641 0164247 GOLF CARS GOLF CARS REPAIR REPAIR PARTS PARTS 8221 8357 06/17/96 $310.40 E -Z -GO TEXTRON CART CART PART S PARTS 0164248 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 8227 06/17/96 $162.56 E -Z -GO TEXTRON. <*> $643.18* 166664 06/17/96 - $30.00 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI WI 38673 38674 YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF CST OF GD LIQU GD WINE 06/17/96 -$5.07 EAGLE WINE COST COST OF GOODS OF GOODS SOLD SOLD WI 38675 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 -$2.38 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 38710 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/ 7/P6 - $90.00 EAGLE WINE COST OF SOLD WI 10060 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $205.00 EAGLE WINE COST ,GOODS OF GOODS SOLD.WI 10061 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE •06/17/96 $882.75 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10066 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $102.50 EAGLE WINE COST'OF GOODS SOLD WI 10067 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $489.00 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10071 SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $815.81 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 10072 _YORK YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 $38.42 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10074 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $102.50 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 12885 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $912.11 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 12886 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $411.60 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 12887 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $618.13 EAGLE WINE <*> $4,450.37* 166665 06/17/96 $26.25 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS.SOLD BE 679695 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING CST OF CST OF GDS BEE GDS BEE 06/17/96 $1,506.40 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST COST OF GOODS OF GOODS SOLD SOLD BE BE 681821 682112 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $1,583.95 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 682149 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $755.05 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 684711 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 06/17/96 $3,254.80 $140.70 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 684712 YORK SELLING CST OF OF GDS MIX GDS BEE 06/17/96 $2,128.90 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 684713 YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $1,066.10 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 684714 <*> $10,462.15* 06/17/96 $40.00 ECKER, JOANIE REFUND SWIMMING 060596 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F 166666 <*> $40.00* 06/17/96 $111.83 ECOLAB_PEST ELIMINATION PEST ELIMINATION /CL 3998040 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI SVC CONTR EQUI 166667 06/17/96 $94.79 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION PEST ELIMINATION /EP 3998045 ED BUILDING & <*> $206.62* 166668 06/17/96 $24.00 EDINA CUSTOM EMBROIDERY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 226 PRO SHOP RANGE COST OF GENERAL GDS -PR SUPPLI 8657 8657 06/17%96 i $161.00 EDINA CUSTOM EMBROIDERY JR DEVELOP 226 COUNCIL _..e;CK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 9 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------- <*> $185.00* 166669 06/17/96 $6,256.00 EDINA POLICE DEPARTMENT REIMBURSE VEHICLE SAL 060696 GENERAL FD PRO SALE OF PROPER < *> $6,256.00* 166670 06/17/96 $58.00 EDMUNDS, LIZ COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 0605 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 $22.00 EDMUNDS, LIZ COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 060596 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 $22.00 EDMUNDS, LIZ COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 060596 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $102.00* 1.66671 06/17/96 $752.22 EDWARD KRAEMER & SONS IN CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 95 -1 413 STREET IMPROVE CIP < *> $752.22* 166672 06/17/96 $40.00 EISELE, MICHELE REFUND SWIMMING 05309'6 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $40.00* 166673 06/17/96 $40.00 EVANS, MARY REFUND SWIMMING 060796 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $40.00* 166674 06/17/96 $2.70 FAIRVIEW PHARMACY CHARGES 3614 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 6029 < *> $2.70* 166675 .06/17/96 $178.39 FAST TRAK ELECTRIC REPAI CASSETTE DECK A0300 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 8686 < *> i $178.39* 166676 06/17/96 $1,797.13 FEED RITE CONTROL CHEMICALS 85941 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 06/17/96 $901.71 FEED RITE CONTROL CHEMICALS 85677 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 06/17/96 $174.23 FEED RITE CONTROL CHEMICALS 86043 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 06/17/96 - $210.00 FEED RITE CONTROL CHEMICALS CM35584 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS < *> $2,663.07* 166677 06/17/96 $74.55 FERRELLGAS GENERAL SUPPLIES 009034 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 7887 < *> $74.55* 166678 06/17/96 $75.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT SAFTEY 0 DUES -TODD 09824 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $75.00* 166679 06/17/96 $61.15 FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSN OF TRG SUPPLIES 42454 FIRE DEPT. GEN TRAINING AIDS 7842 < *> $61.15* 166680 06/17/96 $233.07 FIRST TRUST OVERPAYMENT AMBULANCE 960797 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $233.07* 166681 06/17/96 $122.90 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 4462128 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5605 06/17/96 $82.08 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 4463902 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5605 06/17/96 $49.55 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 4469059 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5605 06/17/96 $122.90 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 4469456 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5605 06/17/96 $56.33 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 4470714 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5605 06/17/96 $140.01 FOOT -JOY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 4475651 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5605 < *> $573.77* 166682 06/17/96 $605.18 FRITZ COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 57616 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 $478.74 FRITZ COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 57617 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 $345.74 FRITZ COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 57618 50TH ST;SELLIN-CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 i It $620.90 FRITZ COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 59155 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX page 10 COUNCIL CHECK ..EGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM --- ------------- -------------------------- ----------------- ---------------- -------------- --------------- 166682 06/17/96 $552.67 FRITZ COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 59156 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 - $27.14 FRITZ COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 59156CM VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 $293.88 FRITZ COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 59157 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX < *> $2,869.97* 166683 06/17/96 $240.00 GALLIVAN, KAREN REFUND SWIMMING 053096 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $240.00* MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 060696 GOLF ADMINISTR MILEAGE 166684 06/17/96 $58.90 GANDRUD, ANN < *> $58.90* COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 199726 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 166685 06/17/96 $451.50 GANZER DIST INC < *> $451.50* IN REPAIRS 121856 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 8637 166686 06/17/96 $333.49 GARTNER REFRIGERATION < *> $333.49* 166687 06/17/96 $3,473.60 GENERAL SPORTS COACH PITCH T- SHIRTS 043027 ATHLETIC ACTIV GENERAL SUPPLI 7848 < *> $3,473.60* UMPIRE PAY 060996 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES 166688 06/17/96 $340.00 GIBBON, MIKE < *> $340.00* 166689 06/7/96 $272.50 GIRARD'S BUSINESS MACHIN FILM PROCESSING 61651 GENERAW BILLIN PROF SERVICES / $551.60* 166690 06/17/96 $50.00 GLEN SIPE PIANO SERVICE PIANO TUNING 960527 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $50.00* 166691 06/17/96 $225.00 GOETTSCHE'S ALL SEASON S TENNIS STAFF SHIRTS 2909 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI 8337 < *> $225.00* 166692 06/17/96 $512.80* GOLD COUNTRY /SIGNATURE C GENERAL SUPPLIES 4366 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 6925 < *> COST OF GOODS - PRO S 9459 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5604 166693 06/17/96 $191.00 GOLFCRAFT < *> $191.00* 166694 06/17/96 $36.74 GOPHER CASH REGISTER RIBBON REGISTER 17872 RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 7863 06/17/96 $492.56 GOPHER CASH REGISTER SHARP CASH REGISTER 18067 GOLF DOME INSU GENERAL SUPPLI 8501 < *> $529.30* CLASS REFUND 060496 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F 166695 06;17/96 $48.00 GORAL, DERYA < *> $48.00* 166696 06/17/96 $31.00 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFIC DELINQ REV COLLECT 0072701 FINANCE BOOKS & PAMPHL 8206 < *> $31.00* 166697 06/17/96 $472.86 $65.00 GRAFIX SHOPPE REFLECTIVE SSTICK ONEE 15143 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF 0617/96 6538 < *> / $537.86* CASTERS 93798683 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8050 166698 06/17/96 $29.26 GRAINGER FLASHLITES 49540767 EQUIPMENT OPER SAFETY EQUIPME 8085 06/17/961 $92.43 GRAINGER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 11 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM_ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166698 06/17/96 $151.46 GRAINGER MOTORIZED DAMPER 49539700 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 7904 06/17/96 $19.60 GRAINGER WRENCH /KNIFE /VALVE 49866815 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8309 < *> $292.75* 166699 06/17/96 $248.95 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 11440 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $257.90 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 11451 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $209.90 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 11452 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $716.75* 166700 06/17/96 $984.40 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. WIRE 10451746 PRE - EMPTION EQUIP REPLACEM 7915 06/17/96 $14.89 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. PART FOR PARKS 10452999 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8103 < *> $999.29* 166701 06/17/96 $3,534.00 GREAT AMERICAN MARINE BOAT & MOTOR 052896 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM 6024 < *> $3,534.00* 166702 06/17/96 $858.95 GREER, PAT VISUAL ART PROGRAMMIN JUNE 199 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $858.95* 166703 06/17/96 $5,000.00 GREUPNER, JOE MONTHLY RETAINER 060696 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC - GOLF 06/17/96 $14,604.00 GREUPNER, JOE GOLF LESSONS 060996 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC - GOLF < *> $19,604.00* 166704 06/17196 $556.70 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 10059 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06�17�96 $4,248.31 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 10063 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $182.79 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 10065_ 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $1,555.72 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 10069 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $852.42 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 10073 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $2,938.05 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 10076 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $628.82 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 13001 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $5,431.24 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 13002 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $111.34 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 13003 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $1,139.36 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 13004 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU < *> .$17,644.75* 166705 06/17/96 $90.53 GROVE NURSERY CENTER SUPPLIES 83692 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8224 < *> $90.53* 166706 06/17/96 $465.41 GRUBERS POWER.EQUIPMENT LAWN MOWER FOR COMPLE 3895 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 7946 06/17/96 $4,526.25 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT TRACTOR 4005 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 7745 06/17/96 $474.87 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT LAWN TOOLS 4130 MOWING TOOLS 8301 06/17/96 $473.93 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT LAWN MOWER 4131 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 8295 < *> $5,940.46* 166707 06/17/96 $133.88 HAAGEN DAZS CO, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD 340 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 8532 < *> $133.88* 166708 06/17/96 $241.40 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY OIL 285864 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8364 < *> $241.40* 166709 06/17/96 $150.00 HALVERSON, VICTOR SOFTBALL REFUND 060596 EDINA ATHLETIC REGISTRATION F < *> $150.00* 166710 06/17/96 $20.00 HANSON, SUSAN REFUND TENNIS 060796 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> It' $20.00* COUNCIL CHECK ,,EGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 12 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR - - DESCRIPTION --------------------------------- INVOICE PROGRAM--- - - - - -- OBJECT-- - - - -PO -NUM _ _ 166711 -------- 06/17/96 ------ ------ $35.00 --- --------------- - - HAPPY FACES VISUAL ARTS CENT LAKE 061396 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER <*> $35.00* 166712 < *> 06/17/96 $35.00 $35.00* HAPPY FACES ART PROGRAMS CENT LAK 062796 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 166713 06/17/96 $286.00 HARMON FULL SERVICE GROU DOOR REPAIRS 3218219 ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS 7987 <*> $286.00* 166714 < *> 06/1 -7/96 $35.00 $35.00* HARMON GLASS WINDSHIELD REPAIR 72003004 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 8339 166715 <*> 166716 <*> 166717 <*> 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 $17,992.00 $31,728.00 $49,720.00* $40.90 $40.90* $49.50 $49.50* HARRIS HOMEYER CO. HARRIS HOMEYER CO. HARTLEIB, CECEILE HEATH, JODY INSURANCE INSURANCE GEN SUPP GALLERY CONT ED /POLICE 052596 052596 061096 060696 CENT SVC GENER CENT SVC GENER ART SUPPLY GIF POLICE DEPT. G INSURANCE INSURANCE GENERAL SUPPLI CONF & SCHOOLS 166718 06/17/96 $225.00 HEDGES, STARRI PROF SERVICES -ART CEN 061096 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES <*> $225.00* 166719 <*> 166720 I 06/17/96 06/17/96 $35.00 $35.00* $402.30 HEIM, HARRY HEIMARK FOODS VISUAL ARTS CENT LAKE COST OF GOODS SOLD 067.096 060296 ED ADMINISTRAT GRILL PRO SVC OTHER COST OF GD SOL 5634 <*> $402.30* 166721 <*> 166722 06/17/96 06/17/96 $117.15 $117.15* $1,034.63 HELMUTH, PATTY HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF PRO SHOP MRCH RETURN ROOM & BOARD 052996 060396 GOLF PROG LEGAL SERVICES PRO SHOP SALES BRD & RM PRISO <*> 166723 <*> 166724 06/17/96 06/17/96 $1,034.63* $613.24 $613.24* $387.66 HIGHVIEW PLUMBING INC HIRSHFTELD'S PAINT MFG REPLACE SERVICE LINE LINE MARKING PAINT 3050 036580 DISTRIBUTION FIELD MAINTENA CONTR REPAIRS LINE MARK POWD 8090 8555 <*> $387.66* 166725 < *> 06/17/96 $100.00 $100.00* HOFFMAN, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES 061796 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 166726 <*> 166727 <*> 06/17/96 06/17/96. 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 i it. $43.35 .$31.80 $80.10 $155.25* $5,369.00 $12,396.00 $6,637.25 $24,402.25* HOME JUICE HOME JUICE HOME JUICE HONEYWELL INC HONEYWELL INC HONEYWELL INC COST OF GOODS SOLD MI COST OF GOODS_,SOLD MI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI ENERGY CONTRACT ENERGY CONTRACT ENERGY CONTRACT 65661 65662 61497. 864PT589 864PT589 864PT589 VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING GOLF DOME ARENA ADMINIST ED BUILDING & CST OF GDS MIX CST OF GDS MIX CST OF GDS MIX SVC CONTR EQUI PROF SERVICES SVC CONTR EQUI ,COUNCIL _'K REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 13 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166728 .06/17/96 $194.30 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL CHEMICALS 7742 ED BUILDING &_ CHEMICALS 8367 < *> $194.30* 166729 06/17/96 $160.02 HORWATH, TOM MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 061096 TREES & MAINTE MILEAGE < *> $160.02* 166730 06/17/96 $45.18 HUEBSCH TOWELS,RAGS 103783 ED BUILDING & SVC COUTR EQUI 06/17/96 $54.12 HUEBSCH TOWELS,RUGS 1078003 ED BUILDING & SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $99.30* 166731 06/17/96 $68.00 HUIRAS, MARVIN UMPIRE PAY 060996 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $68.00* 166732 06/17/96 $55.00 HUMPHREY, CAROLE PROF SERVICES -ART CEN 061096 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $55.00* 166733 06/17/96 $520.04 HYDRO SUPPLY CO WATER METERS 9630 UTILITY PROG INVENTORY WATE P8434 < *> $520.04* 166734 06/17/96 $125.00 IAAO IAAO- PEDERSON 0496 ASSESSING DUES & SUBSCRI . < *> $125.00* 166735 06/17/96 $201.38 ICED T'S COST OF GOODS - PRO S 58020 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 7357 < *> i $201.38* 166736 0617/96 $26.63 ID America TAGS- I.D's_ 8473 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 7667 < *> $26.63* 166737 06/17/96 $69.23 IKON CAPITAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL 24412854 ART CENTER ADM EQUIP RENTAL < *> $69.23* 166738 , 06/17/96 $50.50 INDELCO PLASTIC CORP PLUMBING PARTS 64570 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 8393 < *> $50.50* 166739 06/17/96 $148.87 INLAND TRUCK PARTS BEARING /KIT /OIL SEAL 466420 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7804 < *> $148.87* 166740 06/17/96 $82.92 INTEGRATION CONTROL SYST COMPUTER SUPPORT 0011287 MAINT OF LOURS PROF SERVICES 8364 < *> $82.92* 166741 06/17/96 $26.58 INTERIOR COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 19759 PARK ADMIN. TELEPHONE < *> $26.58* 166742 06/17/96 $76.35 INTERNATIONAL CITY /COUNT TRG BOOKS 5688 FIRE DEPT. GEN BOOKS & PAMPHL 7831 < *> $76.35* 16674-4 06/17/9 $1.47.93 ISI SHOP INSTRUMENTS 107553 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 8394 < *> $147.93+ 166744 06/17/96 $82.00 J DAVIS MARKING SYSTEMS COURSE MARKERS 9926 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8022 < *> $82.00* 166745 06/17/96 $160.51 J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C MISC ELECTRICAL 05206158 PRE- EMPTION EQUIP REPLACEM 8115 06/17/96 $35.94 J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C MISC ELECTRICAL 05236174 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 8302 < *> i $196.45* COUNCIL CHECK _6GISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 14 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ---------------------------- - ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------------- 166746 06/17/96 $348.08 JACKSON -HIRSH INC LAMINATING SUPPLIES 6877 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 7826 < +> $348.08* 166747 06/17/96 $100.00 JAMES, WILLIAM F POLICE SERVICES 061796 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < +> $100.00* 166748 06/17/96 16674.9 06/17/96 166750 06/17/96 166751 06/17/96 166753 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/.17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/9,6 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96. 06/17/96 06/17/96 c *> 166754 06/17/96 166755 06/17/96 06/17/96 166756 06/17/96 $1,218.00 JEFF ELLIS & ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1175 $1,218.00* $34.00 JERNBERG, BOB $34.00* $71.61 JERRY'S PRINTING $71.61* $36.00 JERRYS FOODS $36.00* -$8.13 $788.61 $399.66 $338.27 $5,018.21 $536.63 $1,404.86 $460.52 $1,580.63 $784.31 $1,507.46 $137.87 $3,661.11 $1,103.05 $776.08 $4,281.25 $124.00 $248.69 $337.30. $77.57 $124.00 $916.06 $971.33 $25,569.34* $106.00 $106.00* $123.20 $49.95 $173.15* $100.00 $100.00* JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON WINE CO. JOHNSON, MARILYN JOHNSON, NAOMI JOHNSON, NAOMI JOHNSON, WALTER UMPIRE PAY 060996 PRINTING 59.003 CONT ED /POLICE 060496 COST OF"GOODS SOLD WI 5520309 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5547013 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5547021 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5547039 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 5547047 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5547054 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5547062 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5547070 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 5547088 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5547096 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5547104 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5547112 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 5547120 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5583836 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5583844 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 5583851 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 5583869 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5583877 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5583885 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5583901 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 5583919 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5584685 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5584693 PRO SHOP MERCH RETURN_ 052996 CRAFT SUPPLIES 061096 GENERAL SUPPLIES 061096 POLICE SERVICES 061796 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES ART CENTER ADM PRINTING 7889 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON.SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE GOLF PROG PRO SHOP SALES ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES 166757 ^5/17/96 $37.28 JOHNSTONS SALES & SERVIC VAC BAGS' 425893 CLUB HOUSE REPAIR PARTS 8655 /17/961 $99.38 JOHNSTONS SALES & SERVIC VA' 'PAIR 425952 YORK OCCUPANCY CONTR REPAIP^ 8508 i COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 15 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $136.66* 166758 06/17/96 $156.40 Jordon Beverage COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 27525 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $170.00 Jordon Beverage COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 27928 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $326.40* 166759 06/17/96 $40.00 JORGENSEN, PATTY REFUND SWIMMING 053096 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $40.00* 166760 06/17/96 $909.49 JP FOODSERVICES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 060296 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/96 $502.50 JP FOODSERVICES INC CLEANING SUPPLIES 060296 GRILL CLEANING SUPPL 06/17/96 $5,003.12 JP FOODSERVICES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD 060296 GRILL COST OF GD SOL < *> $6,415.11* 166761 06/17/96 $93.42 JR JOHNSON SUPPLY GREEN HOUSE SUPPLIES 35523 GENERAL TURF C GENERAL SUPPLI 8075 06/17/96 - $92.34 JR JOHNSON SUPPLY GREEN HOUSE SUPPLIES/ 35583 GENERAL TURF C GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/96 $349.20 JR JOHNSON SUPPLY PLANTS 37185 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SHR 8483 < *> $350.28* 166762 06/17/96 $197.64 JUSTUS LUMBER WOOD 6256 ED BUILDING & PAINT 8493 +> $197.64* 166763 06/17/96 $94.57 KANE SERVICE, THE 5/17,5/18 SIMS 7147602 ED BUILDING & PROR SERVICES < *> I $94.57* 166764 Ii 06/17/96 $90.00 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2714405 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5603 06/17/96 $8.60 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2723358 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5603 < *> $98.60* 166765 06/17/96 $1,994.57 KASCO CORP OF AMERICA COST OF GOODS - PRO S 37362 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5958 < *> - $1,994.57* 166766 06/17/96 $39.73 KATTREH,. A14N POSTAGE 060796 ED ADMINISTRAT POSTAGE 06/17/96 $110.93 KATTREH, ANN GENERAL SUPPLIES 060796 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/96 $19.07 KATTREH, ANN MEETING EXPENSE 060796 ED ADMINISTRAT MEETING EXPENS 06/17/96 $23.32 KATTREH, ANN TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 060796 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SHR 06/17/96 $22.18 KATTREH, ANN CLEANING SUPPLIES. 060796 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPPL 06/17/96 $23.18 KATTREH, ANN REPAIR PARTS 060796 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $30.19 KATTREH, ANN FERTILIZER 060796 ED BUILDING & FERTILIZER < *> $268.60* 166767 06/17/96 $255.75 KATTREH, ANN MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 061096 ED ADMINISTRAT MILEAGE < *> $255.75* 166768 06/17/96 $40.00 KESSEL, KATHY REFUND SWIMMING 053096 GENERAL FD PRO LESSON PRGM IN < *> $40.00* 166769 06/17/96 $118.00 KIFFMEYER, WALLY UMPIRE PAY 060996 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $118.00* 166770 06/17/96 $64.50 KINKO'S ADV 10022006PRO SHOP, ADVERT OTHER 8617 < *> - $64.50* 166772 06/17/96 $0.09 KNOX COMM CREDIT LUMBER 204615. RANGE LUMBER 7624 06/17/96 i $36.57 KNOX COMM CREDIT BUILDING SUPPLIES 205595 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 7755 COUNCIL CHECK ._t:GISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 c14 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR - -- DESCRIPTION - - - - -- INVOICE, ----------------------------- ------------------------- 166772 06/17/96 $58.79 KNOX COMM CREDIT MATERIAL 20662 06/17/96 $41.45 KNOX COMM CREDIT SUPPLIES 206836 06/17/96 $11.98 KNOX COMM CREDIT TARP & FRAMING 206885 06/17/96 $11.12 KNOX COMM CREDIT POST CONCRETE 206939 06/17/96 $60.45 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONCRETE MIX 207059 06/17/96 $62.99 KNOX COMM CREDIT BLDG MATERIALS 207646 06/17/96 $54.70 KNOX COMM CREDIT MISC HARDWARE 207682 06/17/96 $190.64 KNOX COMM CREDIT SPECIAL ORDER 817374 06/17/96 $26.65 KNOX COMM CREDIT LINSEED OIL FOR CABIN 208242. 06/17/96 $18.57 KNOX COMM CREDIT PLYWOOD 208292 06/17/96 $236.72 KNOX COMM CREDIT MATERIAL 208405 06/17/96 $324.77 KNOX COM14 CREDIT MATERIAL 208591 06/17/96 $162.34 KNOX COMM CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 209116 06/17/96 $25.08 KNOX COMM CREDIT NAILS 209147 06/17/96 $99.10 KNOX COMM CREDIT MISC BLDG SUPPLIES 209159 06/17/96 $43.86 KNOX COMM CREDIT SAW /LEVEL /CATCH BASIN 209399 06/17/96 $95.03 KNOX COMM CREDIT MISC SUPPLIES FOR COM 209564 06/17/96 $78.32 KNOX COMM CREDIT TOOLS FOR IRRIGATION 210955 06/17/96 $72.61 KNOX COMM CREDIT CONCRETE MIX 211081 06/17/96 $10.31 KNOX COMM CREDIT CARPENTRY SUPPLIES 211213 <*> $1,722.14* 166773 06/17/96 $40.00 KOSTROSKI, EDA REFUND SWIMMING 053096 <*> $40.00* 166774 06/17/96 $1,900.00 KPMG PEAT MARWICK PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 052796 06/17/96 $1,900.00 KPMG PEAT MARWICK PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 052796 06/17/96 $1,200.00 KPMG PEAT MARWICK PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 052796 < *> $5,000.00* 166775 06/17/96 $1,724.95 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 158579 06/17/96 $713.20 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 158641 06/17/96 $908.6 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 158932 0 06/17/96 $15.95 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 158932 06/17/96 $824.70 KUETHER DIST. CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 159132 <*> $4,187.40* 166776 06/17/96 $83.60 L.M.H & ASSOCIATES DIP STICK & PIPE 3218 <*> $83.60* 166777 06/17/96 $45.58 LADY FAIRWAY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 35223 *� $45.58* 166778 06/17/96 $46.33 LAKELAND ENGINEERING MICRO SWITCH L57376 *> $46.33* 166779 06/17/96 $30.50 LAKELAND FLORIST PRO DISPLAYS 162770 <*, $30.50* 166780 06/17/96 $576.47 LaMETTRY'S COLLISION BODY REPAIR 29989 * > $5-76.47* 166781 06/17/96 $401.51 LANGFORD TOOL BLADE L42959 <*> $401.51* I page 16 PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 7942 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 7951 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 7953 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 7950 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 7961 DISTRIBUTION. GENERAL SUPPLI 8056 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 8048 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 8048 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 8129 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 8079 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 8087 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8325 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 8269 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 8267 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8120 GENERAL STORM TOOLS 8274 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8288 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 8420 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8425 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8429 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F LIQUOR YORK GE PRO SVC AUDIT VERNON LIQUOR PRO SVC AUDIT IBR #2 PROG PRO SVC AUDIT YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE SEWER CLEANING GENERAL SUPPLI 8431 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5187 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 8305 PRO SHOP ADVERT OTHER 8374 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 8105 COUNCIL .,SCK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 17 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166782 06/17/96 $170.00 LARSON, JEFF UMPIRE PAY 060996 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $170.00* 166783 06/17/96 $22.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT NEWS DUES & SUBSCRIPTION 060696 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCRI c *> $22.00* 166784 06/17/96 $63.80 LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGET I AMMUNITION 0007712 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 8356 < *> $63.80* 166785 06/17/96 $409.44 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. MIS G HARDWARE 1453845 BRIDGES;GUARD GUARD RAIL MAT 7725 06/17/96 $372.46 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. WASHER /TY -RAPS 1457423 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 7909 06/17/96 $410.48 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. HAEDWARE 1463530 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8046 06/17/96 $408.42 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. MISC HARDWARE 1463531 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 8045 06/17/96 $77.58 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. ABRASV SHEETS 1468557 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 8111 06/17/96 $353.40 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. HARDWARE _ 1469373 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8110 06/17/96 $369.50 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. DRILL 1469374 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 8109 < *> $2,401:28* 166786 06/17/96 $19.77 LAWSON, ROBERT BREAKFAST 032896 FIRE DEPT,. GEN MEETING EXPENS < *> $19.77* 166787 06/17/96 $357.58 LEBERT DESIGNS PATIO.FURNITURE 21709, CLUBHOUSE ADDT.CIP 8009 06/17/96 $120.16 LEBERT DESIGNS PRO SHOP PROPS 21710 PRO SHOP ADVERT OTHER 8238 06/17/.96 $240.25 LEBERT DESIGNS PRO SHOP PROPS 21711 PRO SHOP ADVERT OTHER 8241 06,,17196 $5,289.11 LEBERT DESIGNS FURN CAR /DECK 21713 CLUBHOUSE ADDT CIP 7390 06/17/96 $1,000.00 LEBERT DESIGNS FURN CAR /DECK 21713 CLUBHOUSE ADDT CIP 7390 < *> $7,007.10* 166788 06/17/96 $25.85 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 053196/G MAINT OF COURS LAUNDRY < *> $25.85* 166789 .06/17/96 $369.50 LEITNER COMPANY SOIL 146088 ED BUILDING_& FERTILIZER 06/17/96 $2,228.66 LEITNER COMPANY SOD & BLACK DIRT 060196 MAINT OF COURS SOD & DIRT c *> $2,598.16* 166790 06/17/96 $244.73 LESSMAN, GREG COST OF GOODS - PRO S 9572 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5613 < *> $244.73* 166791 06/17/96 $13.84 LIEN INFECTION CONTROL S SANITATION 0014 GOLF DOME CLEANING SUPPL 5636 < *> $13.8.4* 166792 06/17/96 $3,919.36 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0596 FINANCE DATA PROCESSIN 06/17/96 $2,116.65 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0596 ASSESSING DATA PROCESSIN 06/17/96 $3,639.64 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0596 GENERAL(BILLIN DATA PROCESSIN 06/17/96 $25.55 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING 'AR0596 LIQUOR 50TH ST DATA PROCESSIN 06/17/96 $25.56 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0596 LIQUOR YORK GE DATA PROCESSIN 06/17/96 $25.56 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0596 VERNON LIQUOR DATA PROCESSIN < *> $9,752.32* 166793 06/17/96 $200.63 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQUI BEVEL GEAR /BEARING RE 212692 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 5679 06/17/96 $61.95 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQUI PART 214784 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7280 < *> $262.58* 166794 06/17/96 $40.00 LYKKEN, JAMIE REFUND SWIMMING 052996 GENERAL',FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> II $40.00* COUNCIL CHECK eEGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 18 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------- INVOICE PROGRAM -- OBJECT--- - - -PO- NUM ---- 166795 <*> ____ 06/17/96 -------------------------------------- $128.73 $128.73* LYNDALE -PLAN- GARDEN CTR PLANTS 102614 ED BUILDING & TREES FLWR SHR 8648 166796 <*> 06/17/96 $36.00 $36.00* M. SHANKEN COMMUNICATION WINE.MAGAZINE 226425 VERNON LIQUOR DUES & SUBSCRI 166797 <*> 06/17/96 $1,210.00 $1,210.00* M.R.P.A. STATE TORNAMENT BIRTH 053196 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES 166800 *� 166801 *� 166802 <*> 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/1,7/86 06/7/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96. 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 $500.00' $46.80 $1,583.12 $64.50 $53.00 $994.10 $35.75 $64.50 $31.70 $2,761.03 $50.30 $23.50 $832.00 $940.80 $2,423.85 $57.05 $180.50 $4,019.30 $21.40 $14.80 $1,420.15 $23.50 $46.00 $31.90 $$31 .50 $466.25 $2,641.55 $1,512. 75 $40.75 $37.50 $21,098.25* $98.32 $98.32* $210.87 $21.0.87* MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MARK MATHISON MCCAREN VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES. SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES CO, THE DESIGN COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER -GOLF COURSE COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF.GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD PLANTS BE BE BE MI MI BE BE BE MI BE MI MI BE BE MI MI BE BE BE BE MI MI BE MI BE BE BE MI MI 518864 518865 519415 519416 519417 519436 519437 519438 519439 519459 519461 STORE #2 053196 521197 521545 521547 521548 521551 521552 521554 521560 521561 521563 521567 523391 524090 524415 524428 524429 524430 301791 2309 VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING GRILL VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK- SELLING 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING ART SUPPLY GIF ED BUILDING & CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF. CST.OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF CST OF COST OF TREES GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GDS GD FLWR BEE BEE BEE MIX, MIX BEE BEE BEE MIX BEE MIX MIX BEE BEE BEE MIX MIX BEE BEE BEE BEE MIX MIX BEE MIX BEE BEE BEE MIX MIX SOL SHR 7880 - 8162 166803 <*, 06/17/96 $150.35 $150.35* MCCARTHY, LOWELL MILEAGE FOR WEED INSP 061096 WEED MOWING MILEAGE 166804 06/17/96 $17,637.45 MCKAY'S FAMILY DODGE INC PICK -UP TRUCK 44221 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 6298 *� $17,637.45* 166805 06/17/96 06/17/961 $34.65 $39.00 MCKENZIE, MCKENZIE, TOM TOM CONT CONT ED ED /POLICE /POLICE 060696 060696 POLICE DEPT. G POLICE DEPT. G CONF & CONF SCHOOLS & SCHOOLS. COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 19 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < *> $73.65* 166806 06/17/96 $80.00 MECHURA-, CHUCK GENERAL SUPPLIES 060496 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $80.00* 166807 $388.00 MEDICA CHOICE AMBULANCE REFUND 960341 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> .06/17/96 $388.00* 166808 06/17/96 $503.00 MEDICA CHOICE OVERPAYMENT AMBULANCE 960397 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $503.00* 166809 06/17/96 $68.90 MEDICARE /METRA HEALTH OVERPAYMENT AMBULANCE 953181 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $68.90* 166810 06/17/96 $68.91 MEDICARE /METRA HEALTH OVERPAYMENT AMBULANCE 953457 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $68.91* 166811 06/17/96 $432.62 MENARDS ACCT #30240251 PRO SHOP STORAGE 14787 PRO SHOP GENERAL SUPPLI 8199 06/17/96 $2.06 MENARDS ACCT 430240251 REPAIR MATERIAL 2292829 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 8236 06/17/96 $6.37 MENARDS ACCT 430240251 LUMBER 687690 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 06/17/96 $23.48 MENARDS ACCT 430240251 LUMBER 14928 CLUB HOUSE LUMBER 8375 06/17/96 $460.19 MENARDS ACCT #30240251 STORAGE /DECK 689971 CLUBHOUSE ADDT CIP 8375 06/17/96 $25.47 MENARDS ACCT #30240251 CAR /DECK 15033 CLUBHOUSE ADDT CIP 8499 06/17496 $219.60 MENARDS ACCT #30240251 DECK /CARD 694034 CLUBHOUSE ADDT CIP 9498 < *> 1! $1,169.79* 166812 05/17/96 $100.00 MERFELD, BURT POLICE SERVICES 061796 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 166813 06/17/96 $477.91 MERIT SUPPLY DEGREASER /POLYLINERS 42348 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 8272 06/17/96 $497.88 MERIT SUPPLY WASH & WAX 42355 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8313 06/17/96 $479.86 MERIT SUPPLY BATTERIES 42360 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 8368 06/17/96 $150.91 MERIT SUPPLY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 42364 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8292 06/17/96 $205.33 MERIT SUPPLY PAPER TOWELS 42380 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPPL 8387 06/17/96 $395.32 MERIT SUPPLY BRUSH 42384 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 8304 06/17/96 $337.07 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 42390 ED BUILDING & CLEANING SUPPL 8461 06/17/96 $236.58 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 42400 ARENA BLDG /GRO CLEANING SUPPL 8486 06/17/96 $3,282.32 MERIT SUPPLY TRASH CANS 42410 PARK C.I.P. CIP 5513 06/17/96 $497.35 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 42466 ARENA BLDG /GRO CLEANING SUPPL 8635 < *> $6,560.53* 166814 06/17/96 $70.00 MESSERLI & KRAMER COLLECT FEES 052396 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES 06/17/96 $338.46 MESSERLI & KRAMER COLLECT FEES 36950 GENERAL FD PRO.AMBULANCE FEES < *> $408.46* 166815 06/17/96 $56.75 METRO APPLIANCE SERVICE REPAIR REFIG 46955 CLUB HOUSE CONTR REPAIRS < *> $56.75* 166816 06/17/96 $251.34 METRO FIRE CELLAR NOZZLE 4368 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 7839 < *> $251.34* 166817 06/17/96 $35.00 METRO. LEGAL SERVICES TITLE /TAX SEARCH 593851 CDBG PROG PROF SERVICES 8489 < *> $35.00* 166818 06/17/96 $59.50 METROPOLITAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTED REPAIRS 030521 POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS Ir u COUNCIL CHECK ..EGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM - _ - - - -- OBJECT-- _ - - page 20 -PO -NUM ------------------------------------------ <*, 166819 <*, 166820 <*, 166821 < *> 166872 <*, 166823 <*, 166824 <*, 166825 <*, 166827 +, 16682e <*, 166829 <*, 166830 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 I I 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 i $59.50* $7.20 $7.20* $195.60 $919.38 $205.28 $1,320.26* $106.56 $106.56* $408.09 $408.09* $114.48 $114.48* $68.40 $12.24 $68.40 $149.04* $650.50 $160.00 $810.50* $584.82 $394.98 $3,055.61 $1,003.82 $226.76 $38.44 $426.98 $110.33 $2,971.77 $1,344.53 $1,321.97 $394.01 $2,304.39 $23.95 $43.15 $95.54 $$95.96 $14,700.01* $2S9.e5 $59.37. $319.22* $18,111.00 $18,111.00* $270.00 METZ BAKING CO MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. MIDWEST ASPHALT COR. MIDWEST VENDING INC MILLIPORE MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOOL MINN COMM PAGING MINN COMM PAGING MINN COMM PAGING MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MIN MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNEGASCO MINNESOTA CLAY USA MINNESOTA CLAY USA . MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF VANVALKENBURG CONCESS BLACKTOP BLACKTOP- ROCK CANDY LAB SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS /SAWZ -ALL PAGER RENTAL PAGER SERVICE PAGER RENTAL REPLACE SERVICE LINE REPAIR STOP BOX HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD SERVICE CONNECT DEPT OF REV BAORD OF 052496 61570MB 61570MB 905 1623695 25985070 22509605 5965 22509606 30835 30841 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 061796 14463 14806 061796 061096 - VANVALKENBURG GENERAL MAINT N DISTRRIBUTIONT GRILL LABORATORY DISTRIBUTION FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL MAINT FIRE DEPT. GEN DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION FIRE DEPT. GEN CITY HALL GENE PW BUILDING BUILDING MAINT ART CENTER BLD POOL OPERATION CLUB HOUSE MAINT OF COURS GOLF DOME ARENA BLDG /GRO ED BUILDING & PUMP &,LIFT ST DISTRIBUTION 50TH ST OCCUPA YORK OCCUPANCY VERNON OCCUPAN ED BUILDING & ART SUPPLY GIF ART SUPPLY GIB' WATER TREATMEN ASSESSING COST OF GD SOL BLACKTOP BLACKTOP BLACKTOP COST OF GD SOL GENERAL SUPPLI TOOLS EQUIP RENTAL GENERAL SUPPLI EQUIP RENTAL CONTR REPAIRS CONTR REPAIRS HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT- HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT COST OF GD SOL COST OF GD SOL PRO SVC OTHER PROF SERVICES 7588 7365 7365 5639 8422 8125 P8312 8598 7682 8245 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 21 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------- < *> $270.00* 06/17/96 $178.66 MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL BEVE YEARLY DUES 0596 LIQUOR 50TH ST DUES & SUBSCRI .166831 06/17/96 $178.67 MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL BEVE YEARLY DUES .0596 LIQUOR YORK GE DUES & SUBSCRI 06/17/96 $178.67 MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL SEVE YEARLY DUES 0596 VERNON LIQUOR DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $536.00* 166832 06/17/96 $487.73 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME GENERAL SUPPLIES 32887 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 8072 06/17/96 $486.67 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME WATER REPAIR PARTS 33250 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 8397 < *> $974.40* 166833 06/17/96 $184.00 MINNESOTA PREVENTION R_ES VIDEO 5794 EDINA CHEM AWA GENERAL SUPPLI 8781 < *> $184.00* 166834 06/17/96 $345.00 MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSO CONFERENCE FEE 71680950 ADMINISTRATION CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $345.00* 166835 06/17/96 $32.34 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO PLANNING HRG NOTICE 15925 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 06/17/96 $50.84 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO NOTICE HEARING L -38 16368 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 06/17/96 $225.00 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO ADVERTISMENT 17612 ART FAIR 95 PROF SERVICES < *> $308.18* 166836 06/1.7/96 $10.80 MINNESOTA WANNER STEEL STRIP 29335 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 7803 06117X96 $15.87 MINNESOTA WANNER CHECK VALVE 29336 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8061 06/,1796 $57.47 MINNESOTA WANNER PLUMBING SUPPLIES 0029422 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 8244 06/17/96 $132.10 MINNESOTA WANNER HOSE FOR APP FLOOR 0029483 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 7838 06/17/96 $77.23 MINNESOTA WANNER SPRAYER REPAIR PARTS 0029537 FIELD MAINTENA REPAIR PARTS 8289 < *> $293.47* 166837 06/17/96 $82.00 MITCHELL INTERNATIONAL WINDOWS MONTHLY PAYME 1631813 EQUIPMENT OPER DATA PROCESSIN < *> $82.00* 166838 06/17/96 $50.00 MN CHAPTER IAAI DUES 1996 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $50.00* 166839 06/17/96 $96.00 MN CITY /COUNTY MGMT ASSO MEMBERSHIP DUES 061796 GOLF ADMINISTR DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $96.00* 166840 06/17/96 $100.00 MONSON, MIKE CULTURAL PERFORMANCE 061196 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00! 166841 06/17/96 $169.45 MOORE MEDICAL AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 8606976 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 8142 < *> $169.45* 166842 06/17/96 $12.78 MOPED WORLD PARTS FOR TILLER 86116 GENERAL TURF C REPAIR PARTS 7807 < *> $12.78* 166843 06/17/96 $170.00 MOSE, WILLIAM UMPIRE PAY 060996 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $170.00* 166844 06/17/96 $610.00 MSP COMMUNICATIONS PRO SHOP ADV M38761 PRO SHOP ADVERT OTHER < *> $610.00* 166845 06/17/96 $968.00 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO SCHOOL I92754 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS 06/17/96 i $70.25 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO BELTS I97728 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 166846 06/17/96 - 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 166847 06/17/96 166848 06/17/96 < *> 166849 06/17/96 166850 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 166851 06/17/96 166852 06/17/96 1 A 1668r <k> 166854 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 i� $115.55 MUNICILITE CO ROTATOR RESP 7690 $208.74 MUNICILITE CO ROTATOR POSITION $7.4.40 $199.05 $132.70 page 22 COUNCIL CHECK ..EGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, .7:00 PM $115.55 MUNICILITE CO ACCESSORIES 7728 7733 $100.80 MUNICILITE CO LIGHTS GOODS $872.39* VENDOR 47494 DESCRIPTION CST INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PLAYGROUND CRAFTS PO NUM CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT MI 47495 YORK SELLING $40.00 ------------------------------------------- REFUND SWIMMING 060596 $40.00* OF GOODS _ __ 166845 06/17/96 ------------ $235.07 -------------------------------------------- MTI DISTRIBUTING CO NOZZLES 061796 I97735 I98390 ED BUILDING & MAINT OF COURS GENERAL REPAIR SUPPLI PARTS 2 8228 06/17/96 $15.54 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR REPAIR PARTS PARTS I98484 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8359 06/17/96 $$15.63 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO GAS CAP BUSHING REPAIR,PARTS 98957 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8299 06/17/96 $4.65 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO CO REPAIR PARTS I98673 MAINT OF COORS REPAIR PARTS 8361 06/17/96 $497.60 MTI DISTRIBUTING DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR PARTS I98859 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS PUBLISHING 06/17/96 06/17/96 $488.58 $24.20 MTI MTI DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR PARTS I00236 MAINT OF COURS ED BUILDING & REPAIR GENERAL PARTS SUPPLI 8475 8492 06/17/96 $78.38 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO NOZZLES I100279 *� $2,545.90* 166846 06/17/96 - 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 166847 06/17/96 166848 06/17/96 < *> 166849 06/17/96 166850 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 166851 06/17/96 166852 06/17/96 1 A 1668r <k> 166854 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 i� $115.55 MUNICILITE CO ROTATOR RESP 7690 $208.74 MUNICILITE CO ROTATOR POSITION $7.4.40 $199.05 $132.70 MUNICILITE MUNICILITE CO CO NORTHSTAR 7704 $115.55 MUNICILITE CO ACCESSORIES 7728 7733 $100.80 MUNICILITE CO LIGHTS GOODS $872.39* MI 47494 YORK SELLING CST $111.70 NASCO MIX PLAYGROUND CRAFTS 236222 $111.70* SOLD MI 47495 YORK SELLING $40.00 NELSON, TRACY REFUND SWIMMING 060596 $40.00* OF GOODS SOLD MI $100.00 NISSEN, DICK POLICE SERVICES 061796 $100.00* MIX COST OF GOODS $456.76 NORTH STAR TURF MISC PARTS ROCKER SWITCH 121644 121647 $14.21 - $12.78 NORTH STAR NORTH STAR TURF TURF COURSE SUPPLIES 122552 $94.68 NORTH STAR TURF COURSE SUPPLIES 122689 122756 $12.10 NORTH STAR NORTH STAR TURF TURF BUSHING REPAIR,PARTS 122855 $9.37 $47.93 NORTH STAR TURF EQUIPMENT MANUAL 123054 $63.22 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 123656 123923 $63.92 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 123953 $473.82 $23.39 NORTH STAR NORTH STAR TURF TURF REPAIR PARTS 124126 $1,246.62* $74.90 NORTHEAST PUBLISHING GRO DUES t SUBSCRIPTIONS 061096 $74.90* $14.16 NORTHERN AIRE LEAF SKIMMER ,15336• $14.1C• $85.11 NORTHERN $85.11* $119.70 NORTHSTAR ICE $51.18 NORTHSTAR ICE $74.40 NORTHSTAR ICE $7.4.40 NORTHSTAR ICE $32.58 NORTHSTAR ICE $142.80 NORTHSTAR ICE EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8097 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8102 _ EQUIPMENT OPER.ACCESSORIES MIX 8122 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8294 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8548 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8349 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 8229 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7955 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7955 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI MAINT OF COORS GENERAL SUPPLI 8225 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 7955 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR.PARTS 8024 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8185 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8477 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8462 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 5657 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8482 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI POOL OPERATION GENERAL, SUPPLI RF..PAIR PARTS 485910TI MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 44699 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COST OF GOODS SOI,D MI 46001 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 47494 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 47495 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 49801 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 50763 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 8519 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 23 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166854 06/17/96 $73.20 NORTHSTAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 50765 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $568.26* 166855 06/17/96 $153.06 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 242474 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 7884 06/17/96 $33.60 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 242582 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 06/17/96 - $33.60 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPP''Y COST OF GOODS SOLD 242595 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 06/17/96 $435.20 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 243036 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 8249 06/17/96 $98.46 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 243188 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 8252 06/17/96 $4.05 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 243200 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 8249 < *> $690.77* 166856 06/17/96 $427.87 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES NW22592 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES < *> $427.87* 166857 06/17/96 $1,100.00 NORWEST BANK MN NA CUSTODIAN FEE 13243400 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA < *> $11100.00* 166859 06/17/96 $3.14 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 GENERAL MAINT LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $131.13 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 ST LIGHTING RE LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $8.67 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $4,459.08 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $29.55 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $19.92 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER 06/. ,17/,96 $70.11 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER 06/!17%96 $2,725.89 NSP LIGHT & POWER 06 "796 PARKING RAMP LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $1,277.39 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 FIRE DEPT. GEN LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $1,798.98 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 CIVIL DEFENSE LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $1,639.39 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 CITY HALL GENE LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $55.72 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 PW BUILDING LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $705.41 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 ART CENTER BLD LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $1,226.62 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 BUILDING MAINT LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $283.91 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 MAINT OF COURS LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $208.66 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061,796 POOL OPERATION LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $267.43 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 NORMANDALE GC LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $6,628.47 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 ARENA BLDG /GRO LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $1,536.46 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $239.26 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 DISTRIBUTION LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $681.77 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 50TH ST OCCUPA LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $67.71 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 AQUATIC WEEDS PROF SERVICES 06/17/96 $1,213.15 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 YORK OCCUPANCY LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96. $31.41 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 VERNON OCCUPAN LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $681.21 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 GOLF DOME LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $6,761.96- NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 ED BUILDING & LIGHT & POWER 06/17/96 $247.21 NSP LIGHT & POWER 061796 ED BUILDING & LIGHT & POWER < *> $32,999.61* 166860 06/17/96 $200.00 NYHLENS FILTER RECYCLING USED OIL FILTERS 3592 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 7809 < *> $200.00* 166861 06/17/96 $143.75 OFFICE MAX INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 4127 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE < *> $143.75* 166862 06/17/96 $169.34 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE GENERAL SUPPLIES 124015 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 8136 06/17/96 $54.20 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE SUPPLIES 124246. MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8182 06/17/96 i $427.81 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE RATCHET BINDER 124531 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8074 a J page 24 COUNCIL CHECK .,EGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 166862 06/17/96 $478.29 ------------------- OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE ------------------------------ TRUCK BOX FOR 70 -278 HAMMER 124998 124999 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL STORM TOOLS TOOLS 811 8118 06/17/96 $25.16 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE CHAIN /CABLE SLEDGE TRUCKBOX FOR 70 -277 125085 DISTRIBUTION TOOLS 8277 06/17/96 $434.20 $26.01 OLSEN OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE T- HANDLE ALLEN WRENCH 125293 DISTRIBUTION PUMP & LIFT ST TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLI 3806 8319 06/17/96 06/17/96 $427.81 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE RATCHET BINDER REPAIR PARTS 125542 125725 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8480 06/17/96 $58.31 OLSEN CHAIN /CABLE CHAIN /CABLE WEED TRIMMER. 125724 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8479 06/17/96 $370.62 OLSEN <*> $2,471.75* $25.10 OLWIN, ROGER MEETING EXPENSE 052996 POLICE DEPT. G MEETING EXPENS 166863 06/17/96 <*> $25.10* PEST CONTROL 3952551 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS 8643 166864 06/17/96 $59.64 ORKIN <*> $59.64* 166865 06/17/96 $74.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD 4278020 4278214 GRILL POOL TRACK GRE.COST COST OF OF GD SOL GD "SOL 5644 06/17/96 $87.50 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COST OF GOODS <*> $161.50* 06/17/96 $366.50 OWENS SERVICE CO MCQUAY REPAIRS 2971B 3168 ED BUILDING & ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS CONTR REPAIRS 8167 8390 166866 06/17/96 $255.50 OWENS SERVICE CO MCQUAY REPAIRS <*> $622.00* 166867 06/�7/P6 $47.55 PAPER DEPOT CRAFT SUPPLIES 5777 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES $47.55* <*> i $450.80 PARAMOUNT CERAMICS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD 90172 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 8247 166868 OG/17/96 <*> $450.80* PARK AUTO UPHOLSTERY INSTALL CARPET /SEAT C 060196 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 7829 166869 06/17/9 6 $375.00 <*> $375.00* $109.70 PARK NICOLLET MEDICAL CE PRE EMPLOYMENT PHSICA 050896 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 166870 06/17/96 <*> $109.70* 166871 06/17/96 - $20.00 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1189331 1189475 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR REPAIR PARTS PARTS 06/17/96 -$6.00 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 1192085 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $109.62 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1192460 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $30.89 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1192852 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR- PARTS 06/17/96 $165.98 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1193287 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $32.48 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1193313 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $2.65 . PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1194170 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $29.45 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1194549 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $193.41 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1195115 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $93.69 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1195273 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $22.48 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1195422 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $4.58 PARTS PLUS ACCESSORIES 1195564 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 06/17/96 $5.57 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1195909 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $34.78 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1196758 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/17/96 $27.64 PARTS PLUS <*> $727.22* 06/17/96 $30.30 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64109 MI 64110 YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CST OF CST OF GDS BEE GDS.MIX 166872 06/17/96 $42.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD GOODS SOLD WI 64111 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/961 i $164.40 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 25 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166872 06/17/96 $43.60 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64112 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $325.60 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 64113 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $21.50 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64177 50TH ST,SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $159.70 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 64178 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $110.60 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 64181 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $303.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 64342 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $30.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 64343 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 $43.60 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64344 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $279.00 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 64345 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $1,553.30* 166873 06/17/96 $32.84 PETERSON, EDWARD CONFERENCE 060396 ASSESSING CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $32.84* 166874 06/17/96 $41.00 PEICK, JUNE CLASS REFUND 052896 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < *> $41.00* 166875 06/17/96 $19,027.85 PENN CONTRACTING INC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 95 -6 FIN ST IMPROVEMENT CIP < *> $19,027.85* 166876 06/17/96 $48.75 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 25993409 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 $44.30 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 26693206 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX < *> $93.05* 166877 06/27%96 $335.00 PERSONNEL DECISIONS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES J175368 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES < *> $335.00* 166878 06/17/96 $221.00 PETERSON, MIKE UMPIRE PAY 060996 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $221.00* 166881 06/17/96 - $112.99 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1890102 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 -$3.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038505 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 -$3.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038513 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 -$3.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038521 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 - $10..80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038539 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 -$3.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038547 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 - $10.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038554 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 -$7.20 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038562 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 -$3.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038570 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96, -$7.20 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038588 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 - $10.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038596 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 - $18.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038604 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 -$7.20 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038612 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 -$7.20 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0038620 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 -$4.04 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 0101816 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $94.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1910751 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $465.90 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1910942 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $1,019.35 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1910959 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $158.45 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1910967 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $406.80 PHILLIPS. WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1910975 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $571.74 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1910983 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $1,235.12 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1910991 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $1,833.45 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1911007 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $832.72 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1911015 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $824.69 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1911023 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 166882 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 < *> J� I 166883 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 < * > 166884 06/17/96 166885 06/17/96 166886 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 166887 06/17/96. 166888 06/17/96 166889 06/17/96 166890 06/17/96 166891 06/17/96 < *> i $86.25 $188.00 $329:00 $257.65 $97.00 $311.75 $1,269.65* PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 28401 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS GDS MI MIX PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING page 26 COUNCIL CHECK ,.EGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD MI 960154 50TH ST SELLIN VENDOR OF GDS DESCRIPTION PINNACLE PINNACLE INVOICE PROGRAM OF OBJECT PO NUM CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT SELLING OF GDS MIX PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST ---------------------------------- GOODS SOLD MI 060 49 --- _ ________ 06/17/96 _ $96.00 PHILLIPS WINE ------------------------- & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI WI 1922046 1922202 50TH ST SELLIN 50TH ST SELLIN CST CST OF OF GD GD WINE WINE 166881 06/17/96 $108.75 . PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF.GOODS OF GOODS SOLD SOLD WI 1934223 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $66.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS SPIRITS COST COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1934231 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $$66.39 PHILLIPS WINE WINE & & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1934249 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $477.70 PHILLIPS & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1934256 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $254.15 PHILLIPS WINE WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1934264 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $694.99 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1934272 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $1,311.50 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1934280 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $1,056.31 PHILLIPS & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 19,34298 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $717.61 PHILLIPS WINE WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1934306 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $238.80 PHILLIPS & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1934314 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $1,361.85 PHILLIPS WINE WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1934322 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $840.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1934330 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/17/96 $1,189.41 PHILLIPS < *> $15,896.85* X 166882 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 < *> J� I 166883 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 < * > 166884 06/17/96 166885 06/17/96 166886 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 166887 06/17/96. 166888 06/17/96 166889 06/17/96 166890 06/17/96 166891 06/17/96 < *> i $86.25 $188.00 $329:00 $257.65 $97.00 $311.75 $1,269.65* PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 28401 50TH ST SELLIN YORK SELLING CST CST OF OF GDS GDS MI MIX PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD SOLD MI MI 28402 28403 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST COST OF OF GOODS GOODS SOLD MI 960154 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX PINNACLE PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 5 SELLING OF GDS MIX PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 060 49 VERNON VERNONSELLING.CST $92.44 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL $25.00 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL $29.59 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL $65.35 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL $212.38* $34.08 PLUNKETTS $34.08* $133.50 $133.50* $190.00 $107.00 $202.91 $499.91* $974.48 $974.48* $3,000.00 $3,000.00* $225.00 $225.00* $969.15 $969.15* $691.19 $691.19* POLO RALPH LAUREN L.P. PART 1700859 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 7944 BULB 1702075 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8037 4 POLE PLUG JACK 1706239 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PAR TS 8116 GENERAL SUPPLIES 331277 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI COST OF GOODS - PRO S 714394 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 3593 POLO RALPH LAUREN LUGGAG COST OF GOODS - PRO S 528666. PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5619 POLO RALPH LAUREN LUGGAG COST OF GOODS - PRO S 528667. PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5619 POLO RALPH LAUREN LUGGAG COST OF GOODS - PRO S 528668. PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5619 PONY EXPRESS RELOADERS AMMUNITION 052996 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 8468 POSTMASTER POSTAGE PERMIT 4939 061196 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE POSTMASTER SENIOR NEWSLETTER POS 060696 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE PRAIRIE EQUIPMENT COMPAN WATER PUMPS 4269611 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 7300 PRECISION LANDSCAPE TREE REMOVAL /5836 YOR 052896 TREES 3YR CIP COUNCIL - ..c;CK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 27 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166892 06/17/96 $491.71 PRECISION TURF & CHEMICA CHEMICALS 7507 MAINT OF COURS CHEMICALS 8226 < *> $491.71* 166893 06/17/96 $492.03 PRINT SHOP, THE NEWSLETTER 28367 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPLI 8034 < *> $492.03* 166894 06/17/96 $550.05 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10062 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $370.41 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10064 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $917.50 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10068 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $568.52 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10070 50TH ST. SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $146.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10075 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $713.58 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10077 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $269.40 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 12396 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD-WINE 06/17/96 $666.83 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 12397 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $110.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 12398 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $154.90 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 12399 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $254.62 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 12400 50TH ST'SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $259.70 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 12401 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $1,109.22 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 12402 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $45.50 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 12403 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $6,•136.23* 166895 06/17/96 $300.00 PROSPECT DRILLING & SA WI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 25527 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES < *> I $300.00* 166896 06f'17/96 $172.54 QUANTUM CLEANING GENERAL SUPPLIES 86',2 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 8516 < *> $172.54* 166897 06/17/96 $201.11 QUIK PRINT PRINTING 61037 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 8612 < *> $201.11* 166898 .06/17/96 $290.21 R &R SPECIALTIES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 3779 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 6860 < *> $290.21* 166899 06/17/96 $1,357.30 RDO EQUIPMENT CO SHAFT REPAIR 503002 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8130 < *> $1,357.30* 166900 06/17/96 $122.40 RED WING SHOES BOOTS 694 EQUIPMENT OPER SAFETY EQUIPME < *> $122.40* 166901 06/17/96 $433.53 REM SUPPLIES GLOVES -MISC 6010 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 7793 06/17/96 $467.02 REM SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 6015 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 8490 < *> $900.55* 166902 06/17/96 $3,675.00 REMOTE EFFECT SYSTEM FIREWORKS DISPLAY 569. FIREWORKS GENERAL SUPPLI 7648 < *> $3,675.00* 166903 06/17/96 $601.20 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 178333 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $2,426.30 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 178425 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $842.75 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 178556 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 -$1.20 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 178556.. VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $19.95 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 178557 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $199.50 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 178584 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $237.50 REX DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 178981 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 it $2,807.31 REX DISTRIBUTING CO ' COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 179180 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE COUNCIL CHECK .,EGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR __ ___ _ _ --------------- - 166903 06/17/96 $2,515.50 REX DISTRIBUTING CO 06/17/96 $36.65 REX DISTRIBUTING CO 06/17/96 $3,833.45 REX DISTRIBUTING CO 06/17/96 $603.90 REX DISTRIBUTING CO <+> $14,122.81* 166904 06/17/96 $474.66 RHINO LINING MIDWEST INC 06/17/96 $485.31 RHINO LINING MIDWEST INC <+> $959.97* 166905 06/17/96 $175.38 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPA 06/17/96 $183.70 RICHFIELD PLUMPING COMPA <+> $359.08* 166906 06/17/96 $145.50 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPA <+> $145.50* 166907 06/17/96 $1,500.00 RODGERSON, GEORGE E. <+> $1,500.00* 166908 06/17/96 $159.97 ROLLINS OIL CO 06/17/96 $8,122.22 ROLLINS OIL CO <+, $8,282.19* 166909 06/17/96 $140.00 RUSSELL, DEBLYN <+> $140.00* 166910 06/17/96 $142.35 RUTTGER'S SUGAR LAKE LOD < +> $142.35* 166911 06/17/96 $136.00 RYDER, ROBERT <+> $136.00* 166912 06/17/96 $430.01 S H BARTLETT CO INC <+> $430.01* 166913 06/17/96 $188 .31 S.T. ROBB $4.12 S.T. ROBB 06/17/96 $4 <+> $192.43* 16691.4 06117/96 $173.33 SAFETY KLEEN <+, $173.33* _ 166915 06/17/96 $118.77 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT COMMER 06/17/96 $114.92 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT COMMER <+> $233.69* 166916 06/17/96 $43.43 SANKEY, MOREAU J 06/17/96 $43.40 SANKEY, MOREAL J <*, $86.83* 166917 06/17/96 $2,461.00 SCHAFER EQUIP CO 06/17/96 $103.81 SCHAFER EQUIP CO DESCRIPTION -------------- COST OF GOODS SOLD BE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI COST OF GOODS SOLD BE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE TRUCK BED LINING 70 -2 TRUCK BED LINING 70 -2 REPAIR PARTS REPAIRS TO BACK FLOW SHOWER FAUCET DOG DIESEL FUEL GASOLINE PROF SERV ART CENTER CONT ED /POLICE UMPIRE PAY, REPAIR SHOWERS HARDWARE HARDWARE XAZ WASTE DISP FOOD SUPPLIES /P.W. LU COOLERS, FILM, MISC CONFERENCE MILEAGE CEMENT MIXER CEMENT SUPPLIES INVOICE 179261 179262 179264 179754 3038 4703 3256 5451 060396 052996 69929 70153 061096 060796 060996 52. 965 12425 12456 724329 060396 060796 60396 060396 181281 181463 PROGRAM OBJECT ----------------------- 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VEHICLE OPERAT GENERAL SUPPLI WATER TREATMEN GENERAL SUPPLI ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS ED BUILDING & CONTR REPAIRS GENERAL FD PRO PROF SERVICES MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI ASSESSING SCHOOLS ASSESSING MILEAGE GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI page 28 PO NUM 8307 8567 8213 8331 P7996 6300 8114 7894 8297 P7960 8104 <*> $2,564.81* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 29 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166918 06/17/96 $1,304.63 SCHARBER & SONS MOWER 4364 PW BUILDING EQUIP REPLACEM 7699 06/17/96 $652.32 SCHARBER & SONS. MOWER 4364 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 7699 06/17196 $652.30 SCHARBER & SONS MOWER 4364 PW.BUILDING EQUIP REPLACEM 7699 < *> $2,609.25* 166919 06/17/96 $36.00 SCHOOL ARTS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS/ 061096 ART CEN'T'ER ADM DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $36.00* 166920 06/17/96 $66.38 SCHWAB - VOLLHABER MCQUAY PARTS 34383 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 8495 < *> $66.38* 166921 06/17/96 $476.41 SECURITY LINK SECURITY REPLACE DUE 1191073 CLUBHOUSE ADDT CIP 8656 06/17/96 $1,006.45 SECURITY LINK FIRE ALARM MONITORING 119973 EDINB /CL PROG MACH. & EQUIP 7993 < *> $1,482.86* 166922 06/17/96 $100.00 SHEPARD, JOHN POLICE SERVICES 061796 RESERVE PROGRA PERS.SERVICES < *> $100.00* 166923 06/17/96 $131.24 SIR SPEEDY PRINT SHEETS FOR SIGNS 58363 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 7502 < *> $131.24* 166924 06/17/96 $197.00 SKYWAY PUBLICATIONS INC. ADV 40155 PRO SHOP ADVERT OTHER 8240 < *> $197.00* 166925" 06/Id7%96 $683.45 SMITH, CECELIA CONFERENCE 060796 ADMINISTRATION CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $683.45* 166926 06/17/96 $46.32 SOKKIA MEASURING SYSTEM SURVEYOR TOOLS 8003494 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 8466 < *> $46.32* 166927 06/17/96 $192.00 SOLBERG, CHUCK PROF SERVICES ART CEN 061096 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $192.00* 166928 06/17/96 $143.10 SOUTHAM BUSINESS COMMUNI INSP P -3B AD FOR BID, CPC04611 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE < *> $143.10* 166929 06/17/96 $100.00 SOUTHSIDE BIG BAND CONT SERVICE CENT LAK 062396 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 166930 06/17/96 $513.50 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 47209 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $2,422.70 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 61638 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $23.50 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 61639 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $293.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 61689 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $2,333.42 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 61879 YORK.SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $97.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 61880 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/17/96 ;1,132.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 61884 50TH.ST SELLIN CST. OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $277.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 61885 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $35.25 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 47162 YORK SELLING , CST OF GDS MIX 0611.7196 $1,701.10 SOUTIISIDE_DTSTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 62128 • YORK SELLING CST OF ODS BEE < +> $8,828.47* 166931 06/17/96 $6,757.63 SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN CABLE THIRD QUARTER 060696 COMMUNICATIONS PRO SVC OTHER < *> $6,757.63* 166932 06/17/96 II $2,841.81 SPALDING COST OF GOODS - PRO S KE1776 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5602 COUNCIL CHECr, - EGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT page 30 PO NUM -------------------------------------------- <*> 166933 <*> 166934 *� 166935 <*> 166936 <*> 166937 <* >. 166938 <*> 166939 <*> 166940 <*> 166941 <*> 166942 <*> -166943 <*> 166944 *� 166945 <*> 166946 <*> 166947 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 � `I. I 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 06/17/96 $2,841.81* $107.57 $131.14 $238.71* $136.70 $136.70* $1,197.50 $491.00 $1,688.50* $25.00 $25.00* $1,719.45 $1,719.45* $465.00 $465.00* $350.00 $350.00* $100.00 $100.00* $250.00 $250.00* $1,688.40 $420.00 $317.37 $421.74 $2,847.51* $390.00 $390.00* $510.00 $510.00* $1,000.00 $1,000.00* $91.05 $8.71 $71.62 $53.72 -$0.64 $27.96 $252'.42* $219.19 SPS SPS ST JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT ST. CROIX SCREENPRINT ST. CROIX SCREENPRINT ST. JOHN'S ABBEY STAR TRIBUNE STATE FARM INS STATE OF MINNESOTA STEEL DRUMM ERF.TTS STONEY LONESOME STREICHERS STREICHERS STREICHERS STREICHERS STRIPING SERVICES STROH ENrINF.ERING STUART PARKS FORENSIC SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN PROPANE BALANCE OF A.C. OFFIC PLUMBING SUPPLIES IN POINT /SHANK GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES PROF SERVICES ART CEN EMPLOYMENT ADS OVERPAYMENT AMBULANCE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP CONT SERVICE CENT LAK CONT SERVICE CENT LAK LIGHT BAR - PRE -EMPT LIGHT BAR - PRE -EMPT AMMUNITION AMMUNITION STRIPPING WALKWAYS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CO CONT ED PAD KIT GASKET /SEAL BEARING /SEAL MISC PARTS CREDIT LENS L.P. FUEL 2525083 2542675 SI42041 00021365 00021311 061096 053196 953429 060696 062696 070896 542411 542411 549921 530072 5010 96313 796 3'72861 37660 38272 383821 382991 051796 RANGE CONTR REPAIRS ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS GENERAL MAINT TOOLS - TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI ATHLETIC ACTIV GENERAL SUPPLI ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION MAINT OF COURS PAINT GOLF DOME INSU PROF SERVICES POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS ARENA ICE MAIN GASOLINE 7604 8124 8403 " 8259 8018 6039 6039 8484 8645 8331 8063 8091 8534 8282 8282 COUNCIL .ECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 31 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION - ---------------------------------------------------------------- INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------=------------------------------------------------ - < *> $219.19* 166948 06/17/96 $374.22 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS INC. -COST OF GOODS - PRO S 5543501 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8465 06/17/96 $86.95 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD 404767 PRO SHOP COST OF GD SOL 8465 < *> $461.17* 166949 06/17/96 $100.00 SWANSON, HAROLD POLICE SERVICES 061796 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 16695.0 06/17/96 $96.78 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 03861 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/96 $34.24 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 38364 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/96 $6.85 TARGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 93481 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/96 $65.24 TARGET CLEANING SUPPLIES 52261 POOL OPERATION CLEANING SUPPL 06/17/96 $9.24 TARGET FILM 55808 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 8473 06/17/96 $51.87 TARGET SUPPLIES 63959 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/96 $27.36 TARGET SHAPE -UP 42223 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 8471 06/17/96 $16.26 TARGET SUPPLIES 24147 ADAPTIVE RECRE GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/96 $51.48 TARGET SUPPLIES 24149 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $359.32* 166951 06/17/96 $9,999.20 TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES CHAISE LOUNGE 2274 SWIM PROG MACH. & EQUIP 7649 < *> $9,999.20* 166952. 06/.,17/96 $1,895.35 TAYLOR MADE COST OF GOODS - PRO S 3078454 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5602 0617%96 $709.17 TAYLOR MADE COST OF GOODS - PRO S 78477 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5602 06/17/96 $175.66 TAYLOR MADE COST OF GOODS - PRO S 3081232 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5602 06/17/96 $175•.66 TAYLOR MADE COST OF GOODS - PRO S 3085819 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5602 < *> $2,955.84* 166953 06/17/96 $440.40 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO MISC SUPPLIES 9974600 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8069 < *> $440.40* 166954 06/17/96 $284.49 TESSMAN SEED INC MULCH /TOOLS S003473 ED- BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 8386 06/17/96 $420.00 TESSMAN SEED INC WEED KILLER 5003702 GENERAL TURF C CHEMICALS 8407 < *> $704.49* 166955 06/1.7/96 $78.20 TEXTILES UNLIMITED INC COST. OF GOODS SOLD MI 1120 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $78.20* 166956 06/17/96 $11,554.84 THOMSEN - NYBECK PROSECUTING 103251 LEGAL SERVICES PROF SERVICES < *> $11,554.84* 166957 06/17/96 $67.58 THORKELSON, LAURA MILEAGE 052896 POOL ADMIN MILEAGE 06/17/96 $47.18 THORKELSON, LAURA GENERAL_SUPPLIES -POOL 052896 PRO SHOP GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/96 $39.78 THORKELSON, LAURA GENERAL SUPPLIES 060596 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $154.54* 166958 06/17/96 $138.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 81342 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 7676 06/17/96 $401.90 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 81387 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 7676 06/17/96 $330.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING ;:;PIP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 81872 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 7676 06/17/96 $2,134.05 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 82089 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/17/96 $344.55 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 82331 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 7676 06/17/96 $3,424.95 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 82581 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $6,773.45* page 32 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT _ _ ----------------- - --- ---- ' -------------- 06/17/96 _ ____ _ ______ $791.57 TITLEIST COST OF GOODS - PRO S S 0204679 0211912 PRO SHOP PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 5615 COST OF GDS' -PR 5615 166959 06/17/96 $163.68 TITLEIST COST OF GOODS - PRO <*> $955.25* TODD, DARRELL SPEAKERS FOR NEW COMP 060596 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 166960 06/17/96 $47.91 <*> $47.91* 06/17/96 $2,290.00 TOIVONEN PAINTING PAINTING 0529 052996 POOL OPERATION POOL OPERATION PAINT PAINT 7241 . 166961 06/17/96 $194.00 TOIVONEN PAINTING PAINTING <*> $2,484.00* TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL ACETYLENE 367304 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 8414 166962 06/17/96 $10.93 <*> $10.93* TRETTEL, KATHY ART PROGRAM CENT LAKE 070296 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 166963 06/1.7/96 $30.00 <*> $30.00* MSCENT LAKE 062096 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC OTHER SERVICES 166964 06/17/96 $12.56 TRETTEL, KATHY ART SUPPL <*> $42.56* GENERAL SUPPLIES 102921 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 7998 166965 06/17/96 $457.69 TRI -STAR INSULATION CO <*> $457.69* COURSE SUPPLIES 059240 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8220 166966 06/1�7/I96 $171.99 TURF SUPPLY INT. GENERAL SUPPLI 8222 06/17/96 $36.04 TURF SUPPLY COURSE SUPPLIES 059199 MAIOFMCOURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8184 06/17/96 $126.41 TURF SUPPLY <*> $334.44* 06/17/96 $173.17 TWIN CITY CATERING INC CONT ED 2348 2358 POLICE DEPT. G POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS CONF & SCHOOLS 166967 06/17/96 $137.74 TWIN CITY CATERING INC CONT ED 2386 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 06/17/96 .$187.52 TWIN CITY CATERING INC CONT ED <*> $498.43* DOOR CO DOOR REPAIR 8207 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8068 166968 06/17/96 $631.32 TWIN CITY GARAGE <*> $631.32* OXYGEN TANKS 284474 166969 06/17/96 $5.12 TWIN CITY OXYGEN CO OXYGEN 253 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 5480 06/17/96 $47.50 TWIN CITY OXYGEN CO OXYGEN 285454 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 5480 06/17/96. $26.50 TWIN CITY OXYGEN CO <*> $79.12* COST OF GOODS - PRO S 013283 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8376 166970 06/17/96 $60.00 ULTIMATE GOLF - < *> $60.00* J1 061096 UNIF ALLOW RESERVE DPROGRA UNIF ALLOW 166971. 06/17/96 $20.00 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES 061096 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 06/17/95 $7.48 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED <*> $2,026.42* 166972 EMS (FIRE) SUPPLIES 0003000 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 7836 06/17/96 $138.61 UNIMED MIDWEST INC. <*> $317.30* $232.34 UNITED AGRI PRODUCTS CHEMICALS 0012831 ED BUILDING & CHEMICALS 166973 06/17/961 •' COUNCIL ...6CK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 33 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <+> $232.34* 166974 06/17/96 $36.56 'UNITED ELECTRIC CORP FREIGHT 14554300 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 5502 06/17/96 $489.39 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP SUPPLIES 14752600 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS 6517 06/17/96 $86.42 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP ELECTRICAL -DANEN BUIL 16717900 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8093 06/17/96 $32.88 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP PARK DEPT- ELECTRICAL 33037500 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8083 06/17/96 $40.26 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP DANEN BUILDING 16717901 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8093 < *> $685.51* 166975 06/17/96 $49.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA SOIL TEST 050196 MAINT OF-COURS PROF SERVICES 7644 < *> $49.00* 166976 06/17/96 $5.72 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 052096 INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $3.55 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 052096 MAINT OF COURS TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $28.14 US WEST CELLULAR PHONE RENTAL 052096 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 06/17/96 $38.08 US WEST CELLULAR PHONE RENTAL 052096 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 06/17/96. $27.72 US WEST CELLULAR PHONE RENTAL 052096 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 06/17/96 $27.72 US WEST CELLULAR TELEPHONE 052096 ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE < *> $130.93* 166978 06/17/96 $60.97 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 DARE TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $4,125.81 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $240.19 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 ART CENTER BLD TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $434.65 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE 06'17296 $127.50 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 SENIOR CITIZEN TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $141.15 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $867.79 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $67.20 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 MAINT OF COURS TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $114.60 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 POOL OPERATION TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $313.75 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 - ARENA BLDG /GRO TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $64.08 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 GUN RANGE TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $110.05 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796. ED BUILDING & TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $55.97 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $233.54 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 50TH ST OCCUPA.TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $248.93 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 YORK OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE 06/17/96 $191.65 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 061796 VERNON OCCUPAN TELEPHONE < *> $7,397.83* 166979 06/17/96 $109.27 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS FRAME RELAY CIRCUT D0860860 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE < *> $109.27* 166980 06/17/96 $3,147.23 USAQUATICS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10482 POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS 8207 06/17/96 $594.00 USAQUATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10484 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES < *> $3,741.23* 166981 06/17/96 $10.70 USGA BOOKS A0986340 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE < *> $10.70* 166982 06/17/96 $403.64 VAN PAPER CO. CUPS /STRAWS /TOWELS 116024 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 8369 < *> $403.64* 166983 06/17/96 $145.25 VAUGHN DISPLAY U.S. FLAG 17226 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 8015 06/17/96 $54.96 VAUGHN DISPLAY FLAG 017601 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 8623 < *> I II ' $200.21* COUNCIL CHECK KEGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION -- ---------- -------- -- -- -- $55.0 --------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 166984 06/17/96 $55.00 .VINTAGE ONE WINES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06/17/96 $285.00_ VINTAGE ONE WINES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI < *> $340.00* 166985 06/17/96 $138.83 VOSS LIGHTING LITES < *> $138.83* 166986 06/17/96 $44.00 W. GORDON SMITH KEROSENE < *> $44.00* 166987 06/17/96 $100.00 WALSH, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES < *> $100.00* 166988 06/17/96 $110.00 WERRE, JIM COST OF GOODS - PRO S < *� $110.00* 166989 06/17/96 $75.20 WEST PHOTO GENERAL SUPPLIES 06/17/96 $$75.30 WEST PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES < *� $504.50* 166990 06/17/96 $466.76 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. ELECTRODE 06/17/96 $466.88 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. BIT /WHEEL CUTOFF 06/17/96 $481.25 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. ELECTRODE /CAP < *> I $1,414.89* 166991 06/17/96 $14.55 WESTLINK PAGING PAGER < *> $14.55* ]6699 ?. 06/17/96 $334.13 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT LIFT INSPECTION < *> $334.13* 166993 06/17/96 $48.88 WILLIAMS STEEL CONNECTING LINKS < *> $48.88* 166994 06/17/96 $153.60 WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO GOLF BALLS < *> $153.60* 166995 06/17/96 $234.70 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06/17/96 $194.72 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06/17/96 $534.65 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06/17/96 $742.54 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06/17/96 $724.55 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06/17/96 $194.70 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI < *> $2,625.86* 166996 06/17/96 $179.00 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI < *> $179.00 *• 166997 06/17/96 $40.00 WINE SPECTATOR MAGAZINE SUB < *> $40.00* 166998 06/17/96 $60.50 WINEBERG, DON COST OF GOODS - PRO S < *> $60.50* 166999 06/17/96 $1,074.56 WIS -CON TOTAL POWER CORP FUEL INJ PUMP INVOICE 684 '50TH 711 277257 04400 061796 060696 25753 26233 96252424 96253022 96253127 68282 52552 68073701 1231149 5293. 5294 5308 5541 5547 5548 15022 052896 060396 331644 PROGRAM OBJECT ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI POLICE DEPT. G PHOTO SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR VERNON, SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE LIQUOR YORK GE GENERAL SUPPLI PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS page 34 PO NUM 8281 8186 8248 8622 8084 8121 8412 8563 8039 5623 7780 R COUNCIL �;CK REGISTER WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:00 PM page 35 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_-------------------------------- <*> $1,074.56* 167000 06/17/96 $105.15 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY BASKETS (BALLS) 11316 RANGE RANGE BALLS 8235 < *> $105.15* 167001 06/17/96 $256.50 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST -OF GOODS SOLD WI 52603 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $898.50 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 52604 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $458.30 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI .52605 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $233.75 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 52765 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $630.80 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 52766 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/17/96 $323.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 52767 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $2,800.85* 167002 06/17/96 $100.00 WROBLESKI, HENRY POLICE SERVICES 061796 RESERVE PROGRA PERS SERVICES < *> $100.00* 167003 06/17/96. $1,136.09 XEROX CORPORATION MAINT CHARGE 51492797 CENT SVC GENER EQUIP RENTAL 06/17/96 $2,074.09 XEROX CORPORATION XEROX SUPPLIES 15860397 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 8510 < *> $3,210.18* 167004 06/17/96 $135.91 YONEX CORPORATION COST OF GOODS - PRO S 1235433 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1290 < *> $135.91* 167005 06/17/96 $22.05 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 1ST AID SUPPLIES 54183414 ED ADMINISTRAT SAFETY EQUIPME < *> I'i $22.05* 167006 06/17/96 $144.39 ZIEGLER INC REPAIR HYDRAULIC ACCU FM547512 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS < *> $144.39* 167007 06/17/96 $50.00 ZUMPARO, VIC COST OF GOODS - PRO S 052796 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8504 < *> $50.00* $653,475.18* COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY WED, JUN 12, 1996, 7:01 PM page 1 FUND _ # 10 - - - - GENERAL FUND -- $212,895.78 FUND A 11 COMMUNITY DEVELP. BLOCK GR $35.00 FUND El 12 COMMUNICATIONS $7,283.09 FUND # 1S WORKING CAPITAL $1 FUND # 23 ART CENTER $ 5,109.85 FUND # 26 SWIMMING POOL FUND $21,660.73 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE FUND $24,255.56 FUND # 28 ICE ARENA FUND FUND # 29 GUN RANGE FUND $64.08 FUND # 30 EDINBOROUGH /CENTENNIAL LAK $26,784.40 FUND # 40 UTILITY FUND $35,090.82 FUND # 41 STORM.SEWER UTILITY FUND $3,618.75 FUND # 42 RECYCLING PROGRAM $39,966.57 FUND # 50 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND $156,576.10 FUND # 60 CONSTRUCTION FUND $23,467.39 FUND # 66 IMP BOND REDEMPTION 42 $6$1,4075.018*