HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-06-06_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2000 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner, Council Member or citizen so requests it. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF HRA -Regular, Meeting of May 16, 2000 Rollcall II. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS - as per pre -list dated 5/31/2000, TOTAL: $50,487.65 III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATION: 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF SOUTHDALE YMCA - JUNE 17, 2000 * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of May 16, 2000, and Special Meetings of May 16, 2000 and May 30, 2000. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner Public, Comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zonin Ordinances: First and Second Reading require 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. * A SET HEARING DATE (6/20/00) 1. Final Rezoning and Final Site Plat Phase 1, and Preliminary Plat Approval Grandview Square - Opus /Clark 2. Final Development Plan - 7701 Cahill Road - JK Steelar, Ltd./David Linner * B. LOT DIVISION - 4700 Merilane and 4704 Merilane - Ed Noonan III. AWARD OF BID A. School Road Improvement A -189 * B. Two Single Axle Dump Truck Chasis, Public Works * C. Two Submersible Sewage Pumps Agenda /Edina City Council June 6, 2000 Page 2 Rollcall IV. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Acquisition of 4416 Valley View Road B. Cable Franchise Ordinance - Bond Requirement C. Authorize Notice of Intent to Franchise Cable Communications System D. Final Sump Pump Inspection Report & Presentation V. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS A. Receive Petition Requesting Curb & Gutter from Residents of Maple Road (4811- 4836) VI. CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS VII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES VIII SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL IX. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEM X. FINANCE A. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS As Per Pre -List Dated 5/31/00 TOTAL: $1,319,101.48 And CONFIRMATION OF CLAIMS as Per Pre -List Dated 6/1/00 TOTAL: $1,017,174.26 B. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BOND SALE FOR SERIES 2000A AND 2000B 7 LL2 LO 0) C. PROPOSED CALENDAR FOR YEAR 2001 BUDGET WORK SESSION SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS �I Tues Jun 20 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Jul 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Wed Jul 5 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Jul 18 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Aug 1 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Aug 15 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Sep 4 LABOR DAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Tues Sep 5 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER". Tues Sep 12 PRIMARY ELECTION DAY Tues Sep 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS A(s as, 2 .dast) - a Oui-4 £'CAL y - Z L/az l l �L //� �2 dssc -�.S . �it��y /�•C . 1 �l/���./� 4� � rt;?"e-C .0wi- Iso: . Y Wj 1,S-(-6V,3 - 3Q33 CtJ dIL w - Mayor Dennis Maetzold May 19, 2000 Council Members: Nan Faust, James Hovland, Scott Johnson, and Michael Kelly Dear Mayor and City Council: I am writing with my final comments to you on the Kunz -Lewis development process. I have scant hope that I will persuade you to do anything other than you have already done —but you still have the opportunity to correct a grievous error. I encourage you to search your conscience and vote against final rezoning of the properties involved. My understanding is that only two votes can stop rezoning and force changes in the development plan. Before I begin with specific references, I want you to know that in the neighborhood meetings prior to The Council Meeting on May 16, 2000, I advocated that to date you had done the neighborhood no harm either actually or in your own estimations. Therefore, there was no need to presume enmity or retain counsel. I suggested that local elected officials, particularly historically in Edina, were sensitive to the opinions of their constituents, especially in relationship to neighborhood Parks and land use. I believed then, and said as much, that the Council would not permit Sherwood Park to be used in the development, nor were they likely to approve 55+ foot structures so close to the Hedwall & Tomale residences at 5232 and 5400 Edenmoor (southernmost portion of the development) or at higher elevations on the site. Although the developer's spokesperson Heidi Kurtze consistently claimed that unnamed members of the City Council encouraged Opus /Clark to locate buildings in Sherwood Park, I did not believe her. Obviously, I was incorrect. I am still stunned that you have so completely disregarded the shared concerns of the Richmond Hills neighborhood. Mayor Maetzold, I appreciate your attention to the neighborhood's concerns and your vote on 5/16/00. 1 hope you will hold to your position. Council Member Hovland, for your information, height and traffic have always been neighborhood concerns about any redevelopment in the area. Those items have been clearly and consistently stated in writing and in oral presentations throughout this process. To claim, as you publicly did, that I had never raised the issue of building height bears no resemblance to the truth as contained in the public record. It is true that I did not repeat content contained in previous letters —at the Council's request. I assumed, given that request, Council Members read and retained important information. Indeed, my personal (as well as that of many neighbors) opposition to the Opus /Clark development proposal, from the start of this process last year, was due to the fact that they had the highest buildings closest to the existing single family homes and also at the highest elevations on the site, their potential traffic impact, and their willingness— indeed eagemess —to use Sherwood Park as an exploitable piece of land. We have never had a developer seek to use Sherwood Park for buildings or for development landscape in the past. Never as in not once! Remember that the other full -scale developer (Frauenschuh) not only left Sherwood Park intact to its present configuration, but also added land to the Park. Their proposed buildings nearest the existing single family homes were only 2 stories in height. I would also note that Nan Faust, on 11/1/99, specifically asked Ron Clark if he would do something about the height of the buildings. Although Mr. Clark indicated he would "do what was possible ", he clearly knew then as now that he would make no effort, due to economics, to alter the building height. Council Member Faust, you and those on the Council who voted with you, have accommodated all concerns save those of the neighborhood. As Heidi Kurtze intoned on 5/16/00, you made adjustments for the library, the senior center, their (not our) city traffic flow concerns, the "future residents" of the development, etc., etc., etc. You have completely neglected the neighborhood concerns about Sherwood Park, building height & appearance, and traffic flow. As you stated, the area you have allowed to be appropriated from Sherwood Park was not used for scheduled recreation activities. It was used by parents playing with & teaching various sports to their children, and children of all ages actually playing those sports. I would emphasize again, this is a neighborhood park used by children who do not have safe access to other play areas. Yes, the field was not regulation size for any sport. But children could play all field sports and many other games there which require a long open space. "Regulation" fields are not required for play. Further, they are generally reserved for organized activities. If you value Edina children and families, you would see the value of this resource. You have coldly and deliberately taken this resource from the neighborhood. "Adding" some area to the lower end of the Park —area which on all the drawings appears nothing more than landscape buffer for the development deeded to the City for maintenance at taxpayer expense, is not adequate replacement for the area taken. John Keprios conceded as much. Further, the fiction that grading will improve the Park is just that —a fiction. The contour adjustments, placement of the pump station, and existing grades at the existing homes & Sherwood Road prohibit any significant change. As for your measurements of remaining Park land during the meeting on 5/16/00, not only do I believe Mr. Keprios' outline on the aerial map was overgenerous based on schematics previously distributed, may I ask why the developer, or the City, did not distribute actual measurements in feet? I accept your, and Council Member Kelly's, mocking of my "walking off' the measurements —but in the absence of real measures, what was the option? Given that the road into the development (which will be far wider than Eden Circle) from Sherwood cannot be shifted significantly to the North from the current location of Eden Circle, I presume the 55 foot tall building will be located some 10 to 20 feet (as a setback) south of Eden Circle into Sherwood Park. The building pad is 96 feet wide, although possibly wider at this point to accommodate the garage entrance /exit onto Sherwood. Then there would be, at least, the claimed path/roadway to the Pump Station, perhaps 10 feet wide, the landscape buffer—another 10 feet. In all this represents a total incursion of @ 140 feet. Sherwood Park from Eden Circle to the property line at 5244 Edenmoor is @ 283 feet. . You have cut the Park —at that point — virtually in half. I realize that here, as elsewhere in the "Park ", the developer has probably assigned the pathway and the landscape buffer to the City, allowing you to call it "parkland" and permitting the Edina taxpayer to pay for its maintenance. The reduction in usable open space is the same, regardless of whether development landscape buffer is called "parkland" as a tissue thin rationale for the destruction of usable Park area. Your comments during the Fall decision making process comparing the appearance of the small businesses in the area to. the old gravel pit across from the former France Avenue Drive -In Theatre rivaled only Council Member Kelly's perorations on condemnation law in insensitivity. Unfortunately, your comments did not approach his in accuracy. Your blatant disregard for the contribution of small businesses to the Edina community in the name of some superior concept of appearance for appearances sake displays the appalling type of elitism for which residents of Edina are too often stereotyped. To add further insult to real injury, your call to my neighbor explaining your vote on 5/16/00 was extremely disturbing. To claim that the reason you voted for Opus /Clark was that otherwise the WMEP school proposal would resurface raises disturbing questions. Quite honestly, I cannot see how a school building with Sherwood Park being preserved would be a worse project for this neighborhood than 55 -foot high condominiums and loss of usable Park space. Unless, of course, either you are afraid of these particular elementary school children, or are trying to scare the neighbors about them. Of course, to the best of my knowledge, WMEP is not funded now, and seemingly would not be funded for another.2 years. As well, there are many private developers still interested in the site. Council Member Johnson, I realize you were not elected and do not intend to stand for office, but you accepted a position which has some inherent obligations to the general public. I detected no interest on your part in attending to citizen concerns about this development. Your focus appeared to be on being a good team player and following the lead of co- managers Kelly and Faust. Your obligations to the citizens of Edina, including those of us who reside in the Richmond Hills neighborhood, demand that you stand up for what you believe —not go along to get along with your fellow members of the City Council. Council Member Kelly, you have advocated from the first for Opus /Clark. I appreciate that you, from the start of this process, have not pretended to care about anything other than the complete development by Opus /Clark of this entire site without any regard to the existing neighborhood or small businesses. I do not expect that to change now. However, I would be remiss if I did not comment on five items: 1) You may believe the fiction that the developer's project landscaping "adds" to Sherwood Park something other than a taxpayer expense for maintenance. I do not believe it, nor do my neighbors. You have significantly changed the functioning of Sherwood Park to the severe detriment of children and families in this neighborhood. It is a resource that once gone, cannot be replaced. 2) Viewed most charitably, your comments on 5/16/00 (as well as at several previous hearings) that you have known the Rauenhorsts & Clarks your entire life, that they are friends as well as fine, upstanding people may have been intended to impress the audience that they were in good hands. However, it appeared to me, as well as to many in attendance, that your testimonials to these individuals were nothing more than a public declaration of a very significant personal conflict of interest regarding these developers. The neighborhood was not reassured either about the developers or about your decision making process. 3) As on 11/1/99, your pointed explanation about the legal purposes of condemnation — "fair" payment for physical property— although undoubtedly accurate, displayed an unforgivable disregard for the, effects of your blithe decision to deprive several long standing small business people their livelihoods. I have been attending Edina City Council meetings for the last ten years. Never have I seen a particular member —let alone an entire Council— display such a blatant disregard for the property and welfare of small business owners. There was no over -riding public purpose which was " served by effectively condemning the Edina Pet Hospital, the Hair Salon, the Noonan Building, or even the TAGS building. The veterinarian will suffer significant financial harm, as, most probably, will the Hair Salon owner. Most, if not all, the remaining small businesses will suffer some negative economic repercussions due to their unnecessary forced relocation precipitated by your decision on 11/1/99. Your actions in leading the drive to take these businesses without a second thought will live in infamy in this community for many years. 4) Your lack of courage in addressing the school bus garage issue is amazing. You had the opportunity to fix the problem on 11/1/99 by adopting the Jerry's proposal. Even if you could not choose that option, rather than condemn school property, you chose to condemn private lands and dismember a public park. It is bothersome that School Board property is treated with greater deference than private property and parkland. 5) Finally, you claimed on 5/16/00, that the Richmond Hills neighborhood opposed many previous developments for the Kunz -Lewis site. In point of fact, since 1990, only one proposed development was universally opposed by the Richmond Hills neighborhood: the Rainbow Food store. In retrospect, that would have proven a less intrusive site use than the Opus /Clark project. Many other developments were supported in whole or in part by the neighborhood. The only development proposal which has ever approached the united neighborhood opposition to the use of Sherwood Park and the building height in the current, City Council approved Opus /Clark development plan was the Rainbow proposal. And, quite frankly, even Rainbow did not come close to the united concern regarding Opus /Clark. This neighborhood has consistently supported the responsible development of the Kunz -Lewis site. In the past, our concerns were attended to by both developers and the City Council. It is regrettable that such is no longer true. Finally, you have subjected this neighborhood to an extremely long development schedule while at the same time, by your actions, told the developer that they can ignore neighborhood concerns with impunity. I have absolutely no hope that the developer will take into account this neighborhood during construction activities. They have learned, and learned well, that there is no such need. I did not expect any of you to agree with or concede all neighborhood concerns. I did expect that the neighborhood would be persuasive regarding Sherwood Park and building height near the residences on Edenmoor. I hoped for a different traffic pattern, and adjustments on overall residential building height . and appearance. I see no real point in pursuing remedies for your decisions through the Courts. However, I do not intend to remain silent on what I perceive to be a gross dereliction of responsibility on your part to this neighborhood and to your duties as elected representatives. I apologize for sending this correspondence to your homes, but feel common courtesy requires that you receive it before I submit it for publication or general distribution. At this point, I feel my only option is to publicly express my concerns in the available media about the site development. Sincerely, John M. Menke 5301 Pinewood Trail Edina, MN 55436 952- 922 -2608 Q/L2 C-O/a!£ S 4� �!2/eES�d•�OF�%G'E dpi �*-� /�cC.c%L— Ar MEMO TO: Craig Larson FROM: John enk(e RE: Kunz /Lewis site development DATE: 1/12/98 I very much appreciate your efforts to keep me and the Richmond Hills Neighborhood informed of developments on this site; and thank you for copies of the responses to the RFP. Unfortunately, due to the holiday season, my illness, and the number of responders, the neighborhood has not had time to generate an appropriate response. I will attend the Council "Working" session on 1/13/98 in hopes that the Council's intent will narrow the focus; and allow us to develop a thoughtful response. Generally, the neighborhood would prefer low maximum of 3 stories in height; residential feel to the buildings; if residential - -lower if office -'-- normal office hours, rather than Personally, the school alternatives intrigue them well enough. impact alternatives with a :)r residential "friendly" numbers, non - transient population; continuous use. me, but we do not understand Thank you for your assistance, and for including us in this process. October 17, 1999 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Council Members; Nan Faust James Hovland Scott Johnson Michael Kelley Dear Mayor and Council Members; We write concerning the redevelopment proposals currently under consideration for the Kunz -Lewis site. We reside at 5301 Pinewood Trail in the Richmond Hills neighborhood. Our home overlooks Sherwood Park and the proposed redevelopment site. We have been Edina residents since 1978 and have occupied our present home since 1990. You currently have four proposals remaining for your consideration. We have ranked them in our order of preference. Most preferred: 1. Eden Village. Developers: Jerry's Enterprises, Laukaa - Jarvis & Namron Co. Acceptable: 2. Edenmoor. Developer: Frauenshuh 3. The Residences at Grandview (no hotel). Developer: Stuart Companies Unacceptable: 4. Grandview Square. Developers: Ron Clark Construction & Opus Northwest Our preferred choice is Eden Village. Positives: • It preserves the small businesses, which currently serve as a good transition from the residential neighborhood to the commercial area at Grandview. • It preserves the neighborhood park. • Jerry's has the longest history of dealing responsibly with the neighborhood regarding development issues. • It directs all new traffic from the Kunz -Lewis site directly onto Eden Avenue, directs bus garage development traffic onto Vernon Avenue, and appears to have the potential for the least direct traffic impact on the neighborhood. • It is the only development proposal for the north side of Eden Avenue which offers the opportunity to keep traffic on Vernon Avenue rather than Eden Avenue. Negatives: • For sale residential near existing residential area is three to four story heights plus the roof. Acceptable choices Edenmoor Positives: • Housing units closest to the neighborhood are the least tall. • Developers have a history of considering neighborhood impact. Negatives: • Creates a large office and retail space south of Eden Avenue. • Potential for increased traffic on Sherwood Road. • Significant increase in traffic on Eden Avenue. • Removes all small businesses currently providing a buffer to Grandview. Residences at Grandview Positives: • All residential except for library and senior center. • Least overall traffic impact. Negatives: • All rental housing • Creates primary traffic pattern onto Sherwood Road. • Bus garage entrance/exit onto Eden Circle is poorly placed. • No history of soliciting or considering neighborhood input. Unacceptable choice Grandview Square Negatives: • Traffic for all 190 residential units will be via Sherwood Road creating a substantial traffic increase. • Residential units are four stories with a one to two story roof. • Residential units surround the eastern and most of the northern border of the park. • The unit proposed for the beauty parlor site would rival the highest of the large apartment buildings on the north side of Vernon Avenue. • Has commercial uses south of Eden Avenue. • Proposes a 4 -way intersection at Eden Avenue/Link Road/Eden Circle. • Has one of the two greatest impacts on total area traffic and the greatest impact on Sherwood Road traffic. • Has no history of dealing with the neighborhood (did make a presentation when invited). • Views Sherwood Park as an exploitable asset. Even in their new plan, they suggest using a portion of the park. The original plan relocated the park out of the neighborhood. Our concerns, as they have for nine years, focus on: • Traffic/neighborhood access. • Overall height of the development. • General impact on the neighborhood. • Developer's interest in dealing with the neighborhood concerns. We believe Eden Village offers the neighborhood and the City the best redevelopment proposal. Jerry's Enterprises and their partners have a history of responsible development and have shown an interest in respectful consideration of neighborhood concerns. We encourage you to select Eden Village as the development proposal. Thank you for your consideration, John Menke Judith Brumfield October 31, 1999 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Council Members; Nan Faust James Hovland Scott Johnson Michael Kelley Dear Mayor and Council Members; I write to encourage you to pause and consider the following before you vote for selection of a developer for the Kunz -Lewis site. Your vote on November 1" is important to the City of Edina, the Richmond Hills neighborhood, and several small businesses. I write now at the urging of my neighbors. I implore you to consider the following before you vote: * Most residents of the Richmond Hills neighborhood value the small businesses abutting their neighborhood. The Vet, the Salon, and Noonan have been good neighbors. * Most residents favor the Eden Village proposal by Jerry's, Laukaa- Jarvis, and Namron —it is quick to completion, respectful of the park and the residential neighborhood, and, according to your analysis, had no funding gap. * Laukaa -Jarvis has managed a multi -use, multi -owner complex in Edina well for many years. This bodes well for the long term in this development. At your work session on October 26'",1999, several members of the CounciI/HRA seemed to have some preference for the Eden Village proposal. Please search your hearts and minds —if the choice is close for you, listen to the small businesses and homeowners in the neighborhood and select the Eden Village proposal. Neighborhoods and small businesses are important to the quality of life here in Edina. The preferences of the neighborhood and encouragement of small businesses should be a concern of the Council and HRA. Sincerely, John Menke 5301 Pinewood Trail Edina, MN 55436 612- 922 -2608 March 29, 2000 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Council Members; Nan Faust James Hovland Scott Johnson Michael Kelley Dear Mayor and Council Members; I write to request that you reject the current Opus /Clark proposed development plan, and instruct them to submit a revised plan which takes no land from Sherwood Park. Last Fall, during the process of selecting a developer for the Kunz -Lewis site. Opus Northwest and Ron Clark Construction's original proposal for their development, "Grandview Square ", entirely eliminated the existing neighborhood park, Sherwood Park. Their second proposal, presented to the HRA, the City Council, and the Richmond Hills neighborhood in a neighborhood meeting, left Sherwood Park as it currently is. As you will recall, residents of Richmond Hills expressed their concern to this developer and to the City Council that land in Sherwood Park not be used in this development. Both the developer and the City Council gave assurances that existing parkland would not be used in this de%-clopment. On Monday March 27, 2000, I attended a presentation by Opus/Clark at Our Lady of Grace. Their most recent proposal involves `:reallocating" a very large piece of Sherwood Park to their "to«n square" and siting four story condo /townhouses on the park. They claim that this will increase parkland; further they claim the neighborhood will have access to the "town square ". At best, these claims are a pleasant fiction. Opus /Clark's current proposal eliminates useful park space. This space is currently used by the neighborhood. In addition to the variety of sports, including but not limited to football, volleyball, soccer, baseball, and softball, played or practiced by neighborhood children; that space provides a wide open play area for kite flying, Frisbee, running, etc. Such space is not readily available elsewhere in the area. The Richmond Hills neighborhood uses the existing Sherwood Park. It is the only city park readily and safely available to children in the neighborhood. In addition to recreational activities, Sherwood Park has served as a gathering place for neighbors and a wonderful location for birthday and graduation parties (my son's university graduation party was held there). Sherwood Park has also been a buffer between the existing single family homes in Richmond Hills and the business activity of the Grandview area. I described the developer's claims regarding their use of the Park as, at best, a pleasant fiction. By changing Sherwood Park's present space, there will no longer be sufficient open space for athletic or recreational activities (other than jogging in place). Even though access is provided from the remnant of Sherwood Park to the proposed town square, I doubt children & adolescents will be welcome there --even should they desire to use that limited space. By several accounts, Mr. Clark believes that proximity to park areas such as Sherwood Park are a detriment to his developments, or at least to their expeditious sale. He may well be correct. I suspect that means he will seek to actively discourage uses of the Park and the town square which provide this effect. Neighborhoods and neighborhood parks are important to the quality of life here in Edina. The preferences of the existing neighborhood should be a concern of the Council, the HRA,.the Planning Commission, and the Park Board. Please reject the developer's proposal and clearly indicate that no current land in Sherwood Park is to be used in this development. Sincerely, G`....G` John Menke 5301 Pinewood Trail Edina, MN 55436 612- 922 -2608 April 12, 2000 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Council Members Nan Faust, James Hovland, Scott Johnson, and Michael Kelley. Dear Mayor and Council Members; I write again to request that you reject the current Opus/Clark proposed development plan, and instruct them to submit a revised plan which takes no land from Sherwood Park. I look forward to speaking with you at the meeting on April 18, 2000 as you discuss the Overall Development Plan Approval and Preliminary Rezoning for the "Kunz- Lewis" property. I am supplementing my previous letter of March 29, 2000 with additional comments toward the same purpose- s loss of land or change in boundaries to the current Sherwood Park. At the Planning Commission Hearing on 3/29/00 and the Park Board Hearing on 4/11/00, Opus/Clark advanced two primary reasons for their current and renewed incursion into Sherwood Park: 1) The Edina City Council desires and encourages it; and 2) The Hennepin County Library wants to be visible from Vernon. I find the rationale that you desire, have encouraged, or will tolerate the incursion into Sherwood Park not believable. I, and my neighbors, attended your meetings last Fall during which we believe you made it clear that Sherwood Park was not to be used in this development. We value your support of existing neighborhoods and parkland. I do not believe that you intend the Richmond Hills neighborhood to bear a disproportionate share of the cost of this development. The loss of Sherwood Park in its current configuration would negatively affect all 48 existing homeowners in Richmond Hills. The reconfiguration and loss of area from Sherwood Park would affect all property owners' quality of life as well as both the perceived and the real economic value of their property. The dominating character of proposed large buildings would exacerbate these losses. I encourage you to consider the following points: 1) Sherwood Park is an integral part of the existing neighborhood and has been so for over 50 years. Homeowners purchased or built homes here, in part, due to Sherwood Park. 2) Sherwood Park has been an important buffer for the Richmond Hills neighborhood from the relatively low (one to two stories, flat roofed) small businesses in the area. It will be an even more important buffer from the proposed relatively tall (four stories, peaked roof, 50+ feet tall) and dense proposed condo /townhouse units immediately adjacent to the park. In the developer's proposal, the developer claims no net loss of parkland. That does not appear accurate: 1) The developer's new "additions" to the eastern and northeastern comers of the Park appear to be no more than 21 feet wide. They are used in the developer's drawing as "landscape buffer" to the development—not as open park space. Landscape buffer should not count as park space. In fact, Sherwood Park appears to be reduced from 1.55 acres to @.9 acres —a 42% reduction in area. 2) The developer proposes to take an area of open parkland approximately 225 feet by 135 feet from an open area of the park that is only 283 feet by 135 feet. 3) The "townsquare" in the center of the development created to "replace" the open play area of Sherwood Park will not be conducive to play. It is surrounded by streets, reduced by the need for two -way traffic on the northwest side, and will be dominated by the development owners. This "townsquare" is not intended —and will not be used by neighborhood children —as play area. 4) The relocated child play area is not conducive to child safety. 5) This is not the proposed land use you accepted last Fall. 6) The proposed development nearest the Richmond Hills single family homes continues to be too tall. There has been no reduction in height of the proposed condo / townhomes. Instead, the developer has placed them closer to existing single family homes while maintaining their 50+ foot height. Please reject the current Opus/Clark redevelopment plan. Do not permit the developer to use any of the existing land in Sherwood Park for the development— either for construction of buildings or for landscape buffer. Delay approval of this redevelopment and rezoning until both the land use issues and design issues are clear. Please know the design and dimensions of the proposed buildings prior to approval. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, John Menke 5301 Pinewood Trail Edina, MN 55436 612 - 922 -2608 May 12, 2000 Mayor Dennis Maetzold. Council Members Nan Faust, James Hovland, Scott Johnson, and Michael Kelley. Dear Mayor and Council Members; I write again to request that you reject the current Opus/Clark proposed development plan, and instruct them to submit a revised plan which takes no land from Sherwood Park. As you are aware, the developers requested a continuance from the originally scheduled meeting of April 18, 2000 in order to revise their plan. I had the opportunity to view their plan on May 11, 2000. They continue to propose a plan which uses land currently in Sherwood Park. They have not changed the height or basic configuration of the residential units closest to the existing homes in the neighborhood, and they have not changed the traffic pattern. . I look forward to speaking with you at the meeting on May 16, 2000 as you discuss the Overall Development Plan Approval and Preliminary Rezoning for the "Kunz- Lewis" property. I am supplementing my previous letters of March 29 and April 12, 2000 with additional comments toward the same purpose —no loss of land. or change in boundaries to the current Sherwood Park. • The "new, revised" plan continues to call for the use of (by the developers'. figures) .33 acres of Sherwood Park. This is over 21% of the Park's total area, and at least 35% of the flat open play area on the West Side of the Park. • The developers continue to claim that Sherwood Park was intended to be part of the overall development from the beginning. • Despite assurances givemto Council members Hovland and Faust on 11/1/99 by Ron Clark that there were no contingencies affecting the developers ability to proceed with the development and that residential building height issues could be addressed, the developer now claims that building codes require construction changes over four stories -so height adjustments cannot economically be made. • Options do appear available to the developer: 1) Reduce "footprint" area of the office building and increase its height — permitting movement of the westernmost residential unit to the eastern complex (moving it out of the park). 2) Increase height of office complex and reduce number of residential units. 3) Move the secondary entrance /exit from Sherwood Road to under the raised deck parking area associated with the office complex — permits a shift in residential units further from the neighborhood. 4) Rethink and/or renegotiate the library's participation in the development. We are aware that TIF cannot subsidize a new City Hall —but I suspect the combined remodeling costs in the current plan (I also assume not TIF eligible) could be spent building a new City Hall on top of the Senior Center. I support the development of the Kunz Lewis site. I have no serious problems with the mixed -use development. But, I ask you please do npt require the existing neighborhood to pay a disproportionate price for a development which benefits the entire City. I note that on May 16, 2000 you will also be considering a tax referendum proposal for increasing recreational facilities and City Park improvements. Ordinarily, I would be a strong advocate for this proposal. However, I find myself in the extraordinary position in which I cannot reconcile supporting a proposal to increase my taxes for Parks and recreational facilities when the City Park across the street from my home maybe reduced in size to accommodate a private developer. Please reject the current Opus/Clark redevelopment plan. Do not permit the developer to use any of the existing land in Sherwood Park for the development— either for construction of buildings or for landscape buffer. Delay approval of this redevelopment and rezoning until both the land use issues and design issues are clear. Please know the design and dimensions of the proposed buildings prior to approval. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, John Menke 5301 Pinewood Trail Edina, MN 55436 612 - 922 -2608 Petition To: Edina City Council From: Richmond Hills Neighborhood Association Subject: Grandview Square Development We, the residents of the Richmond Hills neighborhood oppose ceding any portion of our existing neighborhood park, "Sherwood Park", to the "Grandview Square" development. It is of vital importance to us that you remember, as we do, that the City Council stated that the park would be left intact, a commitment also made by the Ron Clark representative at the late -fall neighborhood presentation meeting! On March 27, 2000, OPUS/Ron Clark presented its site plan to the Neighborhood Association. It was a shock to observe that "Sherwood Park" was dramatically reduced in size by four -story condominiums! This is completely unacceptable. We all believed in good faith that the developer would honor the commitment made to preserving Sherwood Park, as indicated on the plan he created and presented to the Association and the City Council in late fall — a plan he used to gain our approval and support. (See attached site plan . and overview). A considerable number of Association neighbors pointed out at Council meetings and in letters to the Council the need for keeping the park intact. Those reasons included: 1.) The park is a Vital part of this neighborhood. - people buy homes here because'of the park. - there is a growing number of children in the area, who need and use the park. - we hold neighborhood functions there. - our grandchildren enjoy it. 2.) The park acts as a "buffer" between our neighborhood and the higher - traffic, commercial area. - this need will be even greater with the increased congestion and traffic generated from the new development. - Sherwood Park was initially proposed by developers as offering a good "buffer" between the existing neighborhood and a new development, indicating to us acknowledged understanding of its importance. 3.) The proposed residential buildings taking over the park area are four stories high, totaling approximately 52 feet! If allowed to be developed as proposed, they would be an overwhelming presence to all nearby housing and tower over the entrance to our existing neighborhood. 4.) The park at our entrance meets a BASIC NEED. This is a unique land- locked area and we have no practical alternative for a park. We use and enjoy Sherwood Park. We have been told throughout this matter that both the developer and the City . Council would respect the needs of the citizens who live in the area. It has always been Edina's practice to carefully consider these needs. Please don't let indifference or financial-appeal outweigh them.... October 31, 1999 To: Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Re: Kunz/Lewis Redevelopment Many of us in the Richmond Hills Neighborhood are concerned over the recent choice for development of this area. Being the closest to the site, we have natural reasons for our concern, inasmuch as we have to "live" with whatever is constructed there on a daily basis. Our concern with "Grandview Square" is that it is just too "Grand "! The number and scale of the building proposed would rise above, and dwarf most of the residential community adjoining it. It also means purchasing or condemning all business properties south of Eden. "Eden Village" on the other hand has always been the least invasive and most compatible proposal for both the adjoining neighborhood and the existing business firms; including the following positive reasons: • It avoids multiple, costly condemnations. • Therefore it honors the right of these businesses to continue operating, as they had planned (with the exception of the `TAGS" property). • It directs all new it is from the site to Eden Avenue, thus avoiding substantial traffic problems onto Sherwood Ave. • Financial: As far as we know, there are no short or long term concerns with this development, thus the city of Edina would have one of the least concerns financially. • The City of Edina has a long and satisfactory history of working with this development team. • All industrial/commercial uses are kept north of Eden Avenue, maintaining the compatibility of the residential complex proposed. Thus, we hope you will give due weight and consideration to these important concerns, not only for the adjoining residents, but for the City of Edina as well. We also, hope you will give respectful concern to the Richmond Hills Neighborhood request that building height nearest our area be kept to a maximum that does not unduly impact our homes. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Arthur L. Heiam 5205 Richwood Drive Edina, MN P G P 72- E ?E 2 -� 2EC J 06 , �-'s ,tom •jc,•� r° ,�o -�- -J 77d 'd l December 6, 1999 John Menke 5301 Pinewood Tr. Edina MN 55436 Re: Grandview Square Dear Mr. Menke: CONSTRUCTION 75M Nest 78th Street Edina, Minnesota 55-1: 9 (612) 947 -3MI fax (612) 947-3030 On behalf of Opus Corporation and Ron Clark Construction, we are writing to give you a progress report on the Grandview Square development. As you know, the City Council approved the Opus /Ron Clark plan at their November 1St meeting. Since that time, we have been working with City staff on the Letter of Intent. The attached site plan is a requirement of the Letter of Intent, but it is not the final plan. The plan has been revised to address the needs of the Hennepin County Library. We have reversed the configuration of the office building and senior center/library from our last site plan. The library will face Eden Avenue with the senior center positioned below, facing the interior of the site. We are continuing to work on the residential and office components and this plan should be considered `a work in progress" as it relates to the design work and the positioning /size of the residential units and office space. We intend to complete the Letter of Intent with the City of Edina by the end of this year and then move forward with more formal site planning. In early 2000, we will be meeting with the senior center and library staff in more detail and we will also be holding a neighborhood meeting to receive your comments and input on the site plan. These meetings will be done prior to submitting a final plan to the City of Edina for the zoning and planning approvals. We know that traffic, density, and site design are of interest to you and we plan to discuss these items with you in more detail.. Thank you for your interest in Grandview Square. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Heidi Kurtze Project Development Manager cc: Gordon Hughes, City Manager Construction and Desi9z MN Builder License ! 0901'' -2!J http J /w%M - R09V0art.cors MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL ON MAY 16, 2000 - 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, and Chair Maetzold. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Hovland and seconded by Commissioner Johnson approving the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR MAY 2. 2000, APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Hovland and seconded by Commissioner Johnson approving the Minutes of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment authority for May 2, 2000. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. PRELIMINARY REZONING AND OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - OPUS /CLARK - GRANDVIEW SQUARE APPROVED Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Staff Presentation Manager/ Executive Director Hughes reviewed the actions needed: to review the preliminary rezoning and overall development plan; to consider and approve an indemnity agreement and a condemnation resolution with respect to the acquisition of parcels; to approve a land exchange agreement with Hennepin County with respect to the Library; and lastly to accept the assignment of a purchase agreement for the 5201 Eden Circle building. Mr. Hughes added that the Council had been provided with a draft redevelopment agreement for review purposes, however, staff recommended no action on that agreement until the time of final zoning of the redevelopment. Planner Larsen reviewed the actions that had occurred regarding the development thus far. He stated the initial action occurred November 1, 1999, when the City Council /HRA awarded the redevelopment rights to a team made up of Opus Northwest LLC and Ron Clark, Inc. Following that award and the Letter of Intent being signed in December of 1999, the developer began to develop plans to rezone the property for the necessary City approvals. The first of the City approvals would be the preliminary rezoning and approval of the overall development plan for the site. Currently, the project area includes all non- residential properties south of Eden Avenue, and west of the railroad tracks. Using a graphic depiction Mr. Larsen, showed the properties that are currently owned by the HRA and Zoned R -1. He also showed the two properties that have been Zoned commercial PCD- 2, the one property which was zoned office and the industrial parcel. The redevelopment proposal would take all of the properties and rezone them to Mixed Development District 1 No. 4 which is a medium density mixed development district. The original plan contained J 80,000 square feet of office space, 190 condominium units, a 20,000 square foot library and a 15,000 square foot senior center. At the end of March, the Planning Commission reviewed a site plan that had one change from the original. The library and senior center moved to the west and became a two -story building with the senior center on the lower level and the library on top, each at 20,000 square feet. The Planning Commission recommended approval with several conditions as outlined in the Council packet. Mr. Larsen said the Park Board reviewed the plan April 11, 2000. At staff's request the Park Board consideration was limited to the impact of the proposed development on Sherwood Park. Both the Planning Commission and Park Board have made similar recommendations to the City Council, asking that the developer address the site plan and attempt to minimize the impact on the existing park. The developer has spent the time between April 11 and May 16, 2000, redesigning their site plan. He explained the modified site plan presented by the developers was, intended to address the concerns raised by the Planning Commission and Park Board. Mr. Larsen reported the plan has been modified by removing 18 condominium units from the project and .shifting the remaining units back from the park as much as possible; increasing the office building to 88,000 square feet. The library and senior center remain the same. Mr. Larsen said the action necessary was the overall development plan and preliminary rezoning. He added that the Planning Commission recommended the following eleven conditions of approval: 1. Final Rezoning; 2. Final Plat; 3. Final Site Plan approval for each phase; 4. Development Agreement between the City, Hennepin County and Grandview Square LLC; 5. Developer's Agreement covering public improvements; 6. Watershed District Permits; 7. City Engineer approval of Eden Avenue curb cuts; 8. Road adjacent to park /plaza and senior center should be changed from one -way to two -way; 9. Eliminate parking on southerly cul de sac to provide turnaround for emergency vehicles; 10. Maintain access to well house; and 11. Staff and developer should work to revise site plan to preserve as much of the park as possible in its present location and size. Mr. Larsen noted that conditions 8 -11 had been addressed, in the opinion of staff, in the revised site plan presently before the council. Proponent Presentation Heidi Kurtze, Project Development Manager/ Executive Director, Ron Clark Construction, said she had the entire development team available to . answer any questions. Ms. Kurtze reviewed the goals of the City that were part of its RFP process: create a multi- purpose neighborhood in a key area of redevelopment for the City; create a senior center for Edina; create a new library enabling the City to expand and renovate City Hall; create a European village "feel" in the redeveloped area; and creation of a stronger more vital tax base in the Grandview area. Creation of the senior center was of high importance in the redevelopment. The new library will allow Hennepin County to take advantage of the 2 ��- technological changes and improve their parking situation. Ms. Kurtze said these were a great number of objectives to accomplish with a small amount of land and limited resources. Ms. Kurtze said she believed the Opus /Ron Clark team was chosen because of their long standing reputation and the strength of their financial commitment to the City. The project financing does tie into the site plan development. The developer will be making a $3,700,000 equity contribution to the project. The funds will be used to retire 1997 bonds issued to pay for acquisition of the Kunz /Lewis properties. The funds also help cover the public costs associated with the new development of the library / senior center, public administrative costs, and public improvements on the site. New bonds will be issued to pay for the construction of the library and senior center. The developer's note will be subordinate to the City's bonds, meaning the City has minimal risk, being in the senior position to be paid back when the taxes come on line. Tax increment is being used to cover the site improvements and acquisition- costs, but this is limited to a ten -year period. The district expires in 2010 which puts some constraints on the project, but is a benefit to the City since due to the short life the developer is only being reimbursed for a portion of site improvements. The project, when complete, will create over a million dollars in annual taxes. Ms. Kurtze said that the short life of the tax increment district and the land area to be redeveloped have put constraints on the developer in both the timing of construction and the project's design. Ms. Xurtze reviewed the five site plans beginning with the plan submitted as part of the RFP process. Originally Opus /Clark proposed 190 residential units with 80,000 square feet of office. The senior center and library were on one level side by side over the bus garage. Also below the office building, plaza and public space, a very large underground public /private parking area housing the Edina School District's bus garage. While this plan allowed the developer to become a finalist, they were asked to reconsider the use of the park land. Opus /Clark shifted the 190 residential units .out of the park entirely which substantially reduced ,the central plaza area. The senior center /library and bus garage remained relatively unchanged in the plan, but the office building was turned to the side as well as the residential area re- oriented towards the north side of Eden Circle. Upon selection as the developer, several changes to the site plan occurred. The bus garage issue was eliminated from the plan. This eliminated the -need for the underground structured parking. Hennepin County expressed, the need for a more prominent location on the site with greater visibility and access from Vernon Avenue. Therefore, the plan flipped the office and senior center /library putting them on the western portion of the site. The traffic and City Engineer recommended two access points instead of one for the park. The first plan had one entrance for the residential space and one for the senior center /library office space. Providing two accesses would allow for better circulation but, resulted in separate parking areas for the office and senior center /library; and forced the residential units south into Sherwood Park's western edge. This was the plan submitted with the Letter of Intent to the City Council in 1999. Ms. Kurtze stated that she personally sent this plan along with a letter to all the Richmond Hills neighborhood group in December. She added she also used this plan for her presentation to the Vernon Terrace residents in January. Ms. Kurtze stated the developer did not receive any verbal or written feedback so the plan was refined until it was presented to the March 2000, Planning Commission. 3 J Ms. Kurtze reported that the fourth plan expanded the plaza area and created a link between the plaza and Sherwood Park. This link shifted the housing slightly into the park. The plan met with considerable objection from the neighborhood group. The neighborhood asked that the developer leave the play area (tot lot), leave the backstop in place, and eliminate the housing units on the western edge of the park. The Planning Commission did approve the plan, but asked the developer to work to minimize impact on the park noting that eliminating any use of the park would be desirable. Ms. Kurtze said the developers have revised the plan to the one which is before the Council. The plan reduced the residential units to 170, increased the office building to 88,000 square feet, while leaving the library and senior center the same. She said that a small section of the park (.33 acres) along the western edge of the parking has still been incorporated into the residential development. However, that land has been replaced within Sherwood Park by adding green -space where Eden Circle currently sits. The redesign results in a net gain to the park, but in a different configuration. The developer believes the current plan meets the redevelopment objectives and responds to the Planning Commission and Park Board requests, while still maintaining a financially viable development. Ms. Kurtze said the plan was presented to the Park Director, and she reported, he agreed with the new configuration. She added the developer believes the plaza area depicted on this last site plan is very important to the new residential and office development. Library staff have indicated excitement about potentially holding children's reading time in the plaza. Specific programming has not been determined, but the developer intends to work closely with the Park Department to develop its plans for passive use. Ms. Kurtze acknowledged that comments will be received from people who do not support the proposed overall development plan, but she said in her opinion, much of this discontent is in response to any change to the redevelopment area and not to one specific plan or another. Ms. Kurtze asked the Council to remember /Commissioner that many people who will benefit from this development will not be heard, citing the developer's waiting list of 92 names for the residential development. She said 75 of those people are current Edina residents who want to move out of their homes, but stay in Edina. Member/ Commissioner Kelly asked for confirmation of his understanding that the site plan results in an increase in park land. Jack Buxell confirmed that before the redevelopment the park had 13,500.01 square feet and after development the park will have 13,680.45 square feet. Mr. Hughes reviewed the change in the parkland using an aerial photograph of the area. Member/ Commissioner Faust said she had several questions. Would the development require a parking variance? Mr. Larsen replied the plan met Edina's code requirements for parking. Do City standards allow a public street to have a median strip and trees; and could someone explain the street circulation? Mr. Buxell explained the access /egress points to the development and pointed out the internal circulation. Member/ Commissioner Faust stated she had understood that Opus would be constructing the senior center and library. Mr. Hughes answered that under the redevelopment agreement they would be the construction Manager of the senior center and library and provide to the HRA a guaranteed maximum cost. However, under state law, they would still have to publicly bid the components, but would serve as the architect and construction Manager. Member/ Commissioner Faust asked what components of the development would be built during Phase One and Phase Two and the proposed time table. Ms. Kurtze said that Phase One is the office building and forty units of the first residential building, to be started fall of 2000 and completed by December 2001. Phase Two would be the remaining 32 units of the first building, the beginning of the second building, and the senior center /library. Phase Two is planned to begin construction during 2001 completed by December of 2002. Phases Three and Four would be the completion of the remainder of the residential development if everything goes well in 2004. Member/ Commissioner Faust asked if more units were sold up front would the construction schedule be moved forward. Ms. Kurtze said that could be a possibility, but would be unlikely because of the volume of individual options to the construction. Member/ Commissioner Faust asked if the NURP ponds are adequate for the site. Engineer Hoffman answered that a preliminary review from the watershed districts indicate they are adequate. Member/ Commissioner Kelly asked if the environmental studies will delay construction. Ms. Kurtze stated the Phase II's have been completed, however, there are issues, but the developer will hopefully know the parameters and needs by June. Member/ Commissioner Kelly asked when the plaza will be developed. Ms. Kurtze answered the plaza will be developed during Phase One. Member/ Commissioner Hovland asked the developer what would be the effect on the proposed redevelopment if the existing configuration of Sherwood Park was not altered as proposed. Ms. Kurtze said the development would loose an additional 30 residential units which could not be recouped by another increase in the office building. The office building as proposed is as large as can be supported by parking on the site. The loss of thirty more units would most likely preclude the developer's ability to proceed with the project due to the additional loss of potential taxes. Member/ Commissioner Hovland expressed concern to the City Attorney about the indemnification agreement, regarding the relocation costs. Attorney Gilligan explained the indemnification agreement had been amended since the Council's packet was sent out. Mayor /Chair Maetzold asked if the developer were to leave the existing park as is, could a story be added to the east residential building. Ms. Kurtze explained the buildings were as high as they can be using wood frame construction. Beyond four stories construction switches to commercial code which adds substantial costs which would make the project not financially feasible. Mayor /Chair Maetzold asked for specific perimeter descriptions of the north side and east side of the park in terms of landscaping and a potential sidewalk. Mr. Buxell said that the buildings have about fourteen feet of patio located eight feet from the edge of the sidewalk. There will be an eight -foot landscaping space between the edge of the building side of the sidewalk and the structure leaving the 14 -foot patio area that will most likely include plantings. Wally Case, landscape architect, explained that along that edge is a common sidewalk serving both the residents and people using the park. They also have a combination of over -story deciduous canopy trees along the sidewalk. There are some existing trees the developer will attempt to preserve along the edge and along the edge of the residential area. In addition, there will be lower shrub plantings to further separate the park from the residential area. Mayor /Chair Maetzold asked what the height 5 of the trees would be that are to be planted. Mr. Case replied the landscaping will meet the City code requirements with respect to percentage of small trees. They will range from 2" caliper to 51/2 " caliper trees. He said the larger trees will be selectively placed primarily to the perimeter of the project. Flexibility is needed in utilizing the smaller trees since they actually grow better due to less transplant shock. Mayor /Chair Maetzold asked if a person stood in the middle of the park would the feeling be that of a park or as part of the residential development. Mr. Case replied that once the trees get growing well, a person would be surrounded by large trees. He pointed out that there are trees already in existence on the north and western sides of the park. Eventually the deciduous trees will be 40 -60 feet high. There will also be a heavy planting of coniferous trees approximately six to eight feet in height, on the site. Public Comment John Menke, 5301 Pinewood Trail, stated that he could not support the rezoning until the Sherwood Park issue is resolved. Mr. Menke said there are 48 houses in Richmond Hills and these residents do not want any land taken from Sherwood Park. He added they do not agree with the developer's statement that the latest plan results in a net gain of parkland. Mr. Menke stated Richmond Hills supports redevelopment, however, they are gravely concerned about loosing Sherwood Park. Mr. Menke said that when the City received RFP's originally, in October of 1997, the proposals were supposed to be compatible with the existing and surrounding neighborhood. The current Grandview Square proposal has multifamily housing 50 -54 feet in height, next to existing single family homes. Mr. Menke said that the letter he received from Heidi Kurtze did not include any graphic depiction of the site plan as Ms. Kurtze had previously stated. Mr. Menke said that Sherwood Park is very important to the. Richmond Hills neighborhood because of all the neighborhood play that happens in it. The part of the park that Grandview Square will take is the only flat area and is used often by older children (even adults) to play soccer, football, baseball, etc. Mr. Menke urged the Council to not rezone or approve the redevelopment until Sherwood Park is left alone. Art Heiam, 5205 Richwood Drive, stated that he wanted it pointed out that Heidi Kurtze's letter states that only a few neighbors are concerned. Mr. Heiam said that Sherwood Park will be devastated. He added that because of the slope, the land lost was virtually the only area that children could play any sort of game. Steve Loehr, 5216 Richwood Drive, asked if the current park was going to be taken, then expanded with land from Eden Circle how would it be configured and who would be the planned users of the expanded park. Dr. Dan Shebuski, Edina Pet Hospital, 5237 Eden Avenue, stated he had owned the pet hospital since 1976. Dr. Shebuski added that he invited the Council and City staff to visit his hospital to see the type of operation it is, but no one came to see him. Dr. Shebuski added that he recently hired another veterinarian with the thought of selling him the practice and retiring. Now, because Dr. Shebuski s building is being taken against his will, he is not only loosing his livelihood, but also his retirement. The Edina Pet Hospital is one of 26 veterinary practices within a six -mile radius. He said that statistics show 86% of the people choose a vet hospital based upon location. Therefore, moving him to another C.1 location, damages his practice. Dr. Shebuski said he needs to continue his business in the same area and that he needs to own the land and building. Jack Abrahamson, 5209 Richwood Drive, said it would be extremely difficult to endorse the proposed redevelopment. Mr. Abrahamson said that in his experience OPUS was a very fine company, but the proposed redevelopment puts 47 -48 homes into a tunnel. He added that a problem exists now with parking on Sherwood because of the doctors' office in the Edina Realty building. This problem will increase with the proposed redevelopment. Mr. Abrahamson said if there is an increase in green space there is a loss of playable area. He added that the four homes abutting the park are in the TIF District. Attorney Gilligan corrected Mr. Abrahamson, stating no residential homes are in the TIF District. Mr. Abrahamson concluded asking that because of the traffic problem, the loss of parkland and the lack of sympathy on the part of the developers to the adjacent neighborhood, the Council should not rezone the property, but look again at different redevelopment plans. Jean Shebuski, said that she and her husband are asking the redevelopment be delayed. She said they have lived through seven months of extreme hardship and that the developers have not been negotiating in good faith. Mrs. Shebuski contended they were offered less for their pet hospital than they paid twenty -five years ago. She believes a new plan should be submitted that includes the pet hospital. Pat Olk, 5315 Pinewood Trail, commented that it appears the problem with the site is that the Edina Bus Garage is not included. Mr. Olk asked if the City could somehow make the Edina School District relocate the bus garage. Mayor /Chair Maetzold said that was a very complex issue that has been attempted to be resolved for many years. Linda Presthus, explained she was a Park Board Member/ Commissioner. She informed the neighbors that the Park Board had reviewed the plan. Ms. Presthus explained her belief that the play area was to be expanded and the entire park re- graded. Judith Menke, 5301 Pinewood Trail, said she felt insulted as a neighbor by Ms. Kurtz's assertion that the neighbors are objecting to any change. The Richmond Hills neighborhood has attempted to stay informed because they realize that the property must be redeveloped. However, Sherwood Park, needs to accommodate children from toddlers to, teens and as proposed, use by older area children will be lost. Mrs. Menke stated the Richmond Hills neighborhood would like to stay actively involved in the development, but the developer has not listened to the neighborhood. Margery Peters, 5120 Duggan Plaza expressed her concern over the redevelopment. Rod Krause, attorney for Ed Noonan, stated he wanted the Council to understand that the proposed redevelopment should not involve Ed Noonan s building. Mr. Krause asked the Council to revisit the scale of the project. He added that Mr. Noonan was very concerned about the timing of the proposed redevelopment. Mr. Krause said they were unable to get a response from the developer's representatives. They need a firm understanding of the project's time table. 7 Leonard Hadden, President of Cross Technology, 5201 Eden Avenue, explained his firm has 40 employees working three shifts a day. Mr. Hadden said he would be willing to re- locate, but it will be difficult to do so. He said he sympathized with the neighbors. Mr. Hadden said in his opinion the biggest users of the park are the TAGS' mothers waiting for children who are taking gymnastics and his own Cross employees. He urged the Council to make a decision and move forward because in his opinion, businesses do not survive in a period of great uncertainty. Council Discussion and Action Member /Commissioner Johnson made a motion closing the public hearing at 8:45 p.m. Member/ Commissioner Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold. Motion carried. Member/ Commissioner Faust asked staff what kind of park Sherwood Park was and if it is currently designed for softball? Park Director Keprios explained it was considered a mini - park, two acres or less and not scheduled with any activities such as softball. The park serves the neighborhood for a one - quarter mile radius. The park is designed to allow younger children to play, but he said it would not be adequate for baseball or organized activities. He continued stating that in his professional opinion the proposed layout will offer the best design in light of the proposed redevelopment and the existing parkland. Member/ Commissioner Faust continued asking if the parking was studied when the medical office building was relocated. Mr: Larsen said the parking meets Edina's code, but he acknowledged it does spill out. He added this is believed to be happening because of the construction, but a parking improvement has been approved for the location. Member/ Commissioner Kelly said that his only regret with the proposed redevelopment was that the bus garage has not been included. He acknowledged that the City cannot force th e school district to relocate the bus garage. Member/ Commissioner Kelly said he believed the proposed redevelopment was well designed and thought out. He added that one of the advantages of being a long time Edina resident is that he knows Mr. Clark, Mr. Brown and Mr. Lund and had a great deal of respect for their professional judgement and their strong history of positive development. Member/ Commissioner Kelly stated he understood the neighbor's concern regarding the proposed buildings' height, but the site must be developed. This plan is as good as any plan that has been previously presented. He said it was a fact that the park is being increased in size and he believes the people of the community will be benefited by the ability to walk through the park, the neighborhood, and the plaza to either the library or the senior center. Member/ Commissioner Kelly also spoke to the condemnation process. The condemnation process was designed to provide people with a fair price for their property. It provides, not only a fair price for the property, but it provides relocation benefits. In his years of practice in the real estate area, the people who were most opposed to condemnation are those who are not willing to settle for a fair price. Condemnation is not designed to provide a windfall, it is an opportunity to find a fair price through the use of a neutral party. As a result, Member/ Commissioner, Kelly stated he believed condemnation was an important part of getting the development accomplished. He stated his strong support for the proposed ru7 redevelopment, noting the strong development team, a well- planned and thought out proposal, an increase in park land exclusive of the plaza, and added benefits from the plaza, library and senior center. Member/ Commissioner Faust stated her concern with the final plan was the residences and stated the park has not only been made whole, but actually improved. Member/ Commissioner Faust said that she and Member/ Commissioner Hovland just measured the plan and the residences will be 200 feet from the lot line of the proposed condominiums. This seems very adequate and she added her support to the project. Mayor /Chair Maetzold stated he had very strong concerns about the park. He said he took to heart the lawn play for older children for soccer, youth baseball and so on. Mayor /Chair Maetzold expressed his concern for the loss of "playable" area even though the square footage remains the same or increases. Mayor /Chair Maetzold asked the Park Director to comment on the loss of the area where pick -up games could be played. Mr. Keprios stated he also was sympathetic to the neighbors understanding the situation. In the best of all worlds he would like to see the existing park left alone or added to, however, he also understands the compromise that has been proposed. As far as the park's function, it is debatable when you loose the type of linear design you may loose a little bit of that type of play. In his opinion, the proposed design would be better offering more feeling of openness than leaving the park in the current configuration crowded by the condominiums. Reorienting of the park is further limited by the well- house located in the center of the park. Mayor /Chair Maetzold continued stating that with more participation in soccer this was a great place for kids in the neighborhood to gather and play. The neighbors are loosing an important amenity unless it can be replaced somehow. Mayor /Chair Maetzold indicated that he probably will vote against the plan, because in March he spent some time in Washington D.C. lobbying in favor of Denali National Park. One issue was about ten acres that was attempting to be preserved from commercial development so in his heart he supports preserving park land and for this reason does not support the plan. Member/ Commissioner Hovland noted the proposed redevelopment plan is very complex. The plan has all the elements asked for in the RFP. He added the problems created tonight came _ about because of the library's need to have greater visibility. This has caused problems that no one foresaw. Member/ Commissioner Hovland stated he had one problem and that was in November when Ron Clark was asked what would happen if the proposed redevelopment needed to be downsized. Mr. Clark answered that they would have to modify their proposal and develop in the best interest of the City. He stated he found it troubling that now the developer must have the neck of the park in order to make the development viable. Member/ Commissioner Hovland questioned whether the decision should be pushed back and an attempt made to solve the problem. If the library is the core problem, then maybe the library staff should be spoken with. If forced to vote he would, because he finds Member/ Commissioners Kelly and Faust arguments compelling but also finds merits in the Mayor /Chair's concerns. He added that perhaps the Wanner property should be included in the redevelopment at this time. Member/ Commissioner Johnson said that when he was appointed to the City Council they had already decided that redevelopment was needed with the site. After a deliberative 9 process, the Council (without Member/ Commissioner Johnson) determined the best use of the redevelopment property would be a mixed use development. Member/ Commissioner Johnson got involved about the time the City had eleven RFP's from eleven developers. The Council narrowed them down to three finalists and after much discussion unanimously voted in favor of the Opus /Clark team because of their proposal, reputations, and past experience. Member/ Commissioner Johnson said he personally checked with the City Attorney of the City of Minnetonka that the proponent had done an outstanding job in attempting to meet the needs of their city and its citizens. From what he had heard today, there has been an effort by the developer to accommodate the needs of the City and respond to the neighbors concern within the constraints of the land available. It is hoped that with re- grading and reconfiguration; a more desirable park will be available for the residents. Coupling this with the ability to walk through the property over to the library, there appears to have been an enhancement. Member/ Commissioner Johnson stated he also checked with someone knowledgeable in this area, as to the effect over time on the value of the homes in the Richmond Hills neighborhood. His source's opinion was that over time the values would be increased. Member/ Commissioner Johnson added that in his opinion, the developer has dealt with the business in an above -board manner. He added that he also is concerned about the height issue on the residences and the "tunnel effect ". The proposal seems a very reasonable plan. Member/ Commissioner Johnson said he believed the process the Council started was rational, that due notice has been given to all, and that uncertainty is very undesirable from a business standpoint. For these reasons, to delay the decision is not in the City's or the developers best interest. Member/ Commissioner Johnson said he intends to vote in favor of the proposal. Member/ Commissioner Faust commented that she and Member/ Commissioner Kelly have been looking at the proposed redevelopment property for three years. The decision was not made easily, they have been wrestling with it for a long time. She acknowledged hearing from the neighbors and from eleven developers so this was not an easy decision. Member/ Commissioner Hovland acknowledged the height concern expressed by Member/ Commissioner Johnson. In November of 1999, no one had expressed any concern over height. At that time it was a non - issue. Member/ Commissioner Hovland said that he found Member/ Commissioner Johnson's comments persuasive and in spite of having tremendous difficulty he would also vote in favor of the project moving forward. HRA Actions Mr. Hughes noted that the "Redevelopment Agreement" was provided for informational purposes only. The agreement is still in the process of being redrafted and will be presented to the HRA when the final rezoning is presented June 20, 2000. The other items that can be acted on this evening would be to accept the Assignment of the Purchase Agreement for 5201 Eden Circle. By accepting that assignment, the HRA would be agreeing to acquire the 5201 Eden Circle property which is commonly known as the TAGs property even if this development did not receive the final approval at the June 20, 2000, meeting. This means the City would be taking on the responsibility of to acquiring the property. Mr. Hughes said the Indemnification Agreement relates to the condemnation resolution. Staff recommended adopting the Indemnification Agreement before the resolution because 10 • the developers would be indemnifying the HRA from any claims resulting from the condemnation of other properties; and any action taken by the property owners relative to the condemnation even if the project was later abandoned by the HRA because it did not proceed. Mr. Hughes explained that the condemnation resolutions would apply to all four pieces of property in the area even though one of the properties, 5201 Eden Circle, would have a negotiated purchase. Lastly, the Land Exchange Agreement where Hennepin County and the City would agree to exchange the new library for the old library. Mr. Hughes said this agreement has a number of contingencies that would need satisfaction. The contingencies include: county approval of the construction plans for the new building and various condominium documents that will not occur until later this summer. Hennepin County has not yet approved the exchange, but the City, by approving the exchange, moves it onto the Board's agenda for consideration in June. Member/ Commissioner Faust asked if voting on the condemnation was a vote for a quick - take condemnation or any kind of condemnation the developer requests. Mr. Hughes said that specifics on any actual proceedings will be brought back for review. The intent at this point was to adopt the resolution, but to still acquire the property through negotiation. At this time it is not known if some properties will require the 90 -day action or whether the longer process will be followed. Commissioner Kelly made a motion to accept and approve the Indemnification Agreement as prepared and drafted by staff. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. Commissioner Kelly made a motion to accept and approve the Assignment Purchase Agreement for 5201 Eden Circle as prepared and drafted by staff. Commissioner Faust seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. Commissioner Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: HRA RESOLUTION NO. 2000-3 RESOLUTION OF CONDEMNATION WHEREAS, it is necessary, advisable, and in the public interest that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA"), a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, acquire for redevelopment purposes, and pursuant to the redevelopment plan entitled, "Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan" dated May 30, 1984, approved by the HRA on June 18, 1984, as amended by amendments approved by the HRA on April 7, 1997, and December 7, 1999, (as so amended, the "Redevelopment Plan ") and a redevelopment project being undertaken pursuant thereto (the "Redevelopment Project "), property within the area subject to the Grandview Redevelopment Plan; and 11 WHEREAS, in order to accomplish the objectives and purposes set out in the If Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Project, it is necessary that the properties described on Exhibit A attached hereto and hereby made a part be redeveloped; and WHEREAS, the HRA has been advised that said property will not be made available for redevelopment in a manner that would allow the HRA to undertake the Redevelopment Project and meet the objectives and purposes of the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Project unless it is acquired by eminent domain; and WHEREAS, in order to undertake the Redevelopment Project and provide for the redevelopment of said property in a manner that would meet the objectives and purposes of the Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project, it will be necessary to procure the same by the right of eminent domain. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in order to undertake the Redevelopment Project and provide for the redevelopment of the property described on Exhibit A hereto in a manner that would meet the objectives and purposes of the Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project the HRA proceed to acquire the property described on Exhibit A hereto and all interests therein under its power of eminent domain; and that the attorneys for the HRA be instructed and directed to file the necessary petition or petitions therefor and to prosecute such action or actions to a successful conclusion, or until it is abandoned, dismissed or terminated by the HRA or the Court; and that the attorneys for the HRA, the Director and Executive Director of the HRA and the Chairman and Secretary of the HRA do all things necessary to be done in the commencement, prosecution and successful termination of such eminent domain proceedings. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is hereby found and declared that the acquisition of the property described on Exhibit A hereto and all interests therein by the HRA under its power of eminent domain is necessary to redevelop blighted and substandard areas in the area subject to the Grandview Redevelopment Plan. EXHIBIT A 5201 EDEN CIRCLE Lot 3, Block 1, Wanner Addition, together with an easement over and across the south 25 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, Wanner Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. 5244 EDEN CIRCLE All of Lot 7, Block 1, and that part of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Edenmoor, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying North and East of the Northerly line of Eden Circle (formerly known as Downing Street) as described in Document No. 31643311; Also, the Southerly six feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Edenmoor, Hennepin County, Minnesota. 523 7 EDEN A VENUE Lot 2, Block 1, Edenmoor, Hennepin County, Minnesota, except the south six feet thereof, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. 5241 EDEN AVENUE Lot 3, Block 1, Edenmoor, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. 12 Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. Commissioner Kelly made a motion granting City staff the authority to proceed in the process with Hennepin County to pursue the land exchange as presented in the proposal prepared by staff. Commissioner Faust seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. Mr. Hughes noted the redevelopment will go back to the Planning Commission at their May 31, 2000, meeting and come back to the HRA /City Council at their meeting, June 20, 2000. CLAIMS PAID Motion made by Commissioner Johnson approving the Check Register dated May 10, 2000, and consisting of one page totaling $541,261.59. Commissioner Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chair Maetzold declared the joint meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Executive Director 13 COUNCIL CHECK k-�ISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (1, ,) page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13544 06/06/00 $324.00 BRAUN INTERTEC CONCRETE TESTING 189493 CENTENNIAL LAK PARKS < *> $324.00* 13545 06/06/00 $20,990.98 BRW INC. ARCHITECT FEES 515 -0015 CENTENNIAL LAK PRO FEE ARCH /E 06/06/00 $7,388.68 BRW INC. ARCHITECT FEES 515 -0023 CENTENNIAL LAK PRO FEE ARCH /E < *> $28,379.66* 13546 06/06/00 $18,122.50 DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP LEGAL FEES 777445 GRANDVIEW PRO FEES LEG /S 06/06/00 $524.89 DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP LEGAL FEES 777445 CENTENNIAL LAK PRO FEES LEG /S < *> $18,647.39* 13547 06/06/00 $1,656.25 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC GRANDVIEW TIF CONSULT 17292 GRANDVIEW PROFESSIONAL S < *> $1,656.25* 13548 06/06/00 $12.66 RITZ CAMERA CENTERS FILM PROCESSING 03750427 50TH STREET PRO FEE ARCH /E 4759 < *> $12.66* 13549 06/06/00 $32.20 WALKER PARKING CONSULTAN WASTE MGMT DESIGN SER 211064 50TH STREET PRO FEE ARCH /E 06/06/00 $1,435.49 WALKER PARKING CONSULTAN 49 -1/2 ST. RAMP DESIG 211065 50TH STREET PRO FEE ARCH /E < *> $1,467.69* $50,487.65* COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY 31 -MAY -2000 (16:40) page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND # 01 HOUSING & REDEVELOP AUTHOR $50,487.65 $50;487.65* 40- e CA Celebrating VIVO (Groundbreaking 1972) eve vats Fun Run /Walk Magic Island in Pool 25th Anniversary Celebration Magic Show Climbing Wall Crafts Caricature Artist Carnival Games & Face Painting Story Time Bingo Button Making Teddy Bear Band pect �5 years of * �espows�eact� It's a Celebration! Join us on... Saturday June 17,, 2000 Noon -5:00 p.m. �u�pwgDW�,�V� Moog. wq Southdale YMCA 7355 York Ave S.1 !Edina IMN 55435 Phone -- (952) 835 -2567 v YMCA We build strong kids. strong lamilies, strong communities. o 1888 A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the mission of the YMCA is, "To develop the total person — spirit, mind and body — through character development programs that build strong kids, strong families and strong communities "; and WHEREAS, hallmarks of the YMCA are Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility, and these Christian principles have been put into practice in YMCA programs for 150 years, operating in 90 countries; and WHEREAS, the YMCA has specially designated teams that visit businesses, schools, service and health organizations and churches to share knowledge and experience, promoting the people, facilities and programs of the Southdale YMCA; and WHEREAS, locally, the Southdale branch of the YMCA originated in 1937 as the Washburn YMCA, and in 1975 was re- located to 7355 York Avenue South; and WHEREAS, the YMCA has a history of providing the community financial assistance to welcome anyone to participate in its programs and services; and WHEREAS, service of the Southdale YMCA goes. far beyond the boundaries of Edina including Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Richfield and South Minneapolis; and WHEREAS, the YMCA has assisted in founding many internationally known civic organizations: Scouts, Campfire, USO, Toastmasters and has served as a model for the Peace Corps; and sports with the invention of basketball in 1891 and volleyball in 1895; and NOW, THEREFORE, I, Dennis F. Maetzold, Mayor of the City of Edina, do hereby proclaim June 17, 2000, as a day of celebration in honor of the 25th ANNIVERSARY OF THE SOUTHDALE YMCA in the City of Edina to recognize the positive contributions made by the "Y" to our quality of life. Mayor Dennis F. Maetzold i MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF EDINA CITY COUNCIL AND THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 16, 2000 - 7:00 P.M. A joint meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council was convened to consider the actions needed to proceed with redevelopment of Grandview Square. Action was taken by the HRA and the City Council as recorded. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, and Mayor Maetzold. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Johnson approving the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK, MAY 21 -27, 2000 PROCLAIMED Mayor Maetzold explained that public works services in the City are an important part of our everyday lives. Motion made by Member Hovland, seconded by Member Faust introducing the following proclamation and moving its adoption: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, public works services provided in our community are an integral part of our citizens' everyday lives; and WHEREAS, the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and programs such as water, sewers, streets and highways and public buildings; and WHEREAS, the health, safety and comfort of this.community greatly depends on these facilities and services; and WHEREAS, the quality and effectiveness of these facilities, as well as their planning, design and construction, is vitally dependent on the efforts and skill of public works officials; and WHEREAS, the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated personnel who staff public works departments is materially influenced by the people's attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina public works staff has planned an Open House for 4 - 7 P.M. Thursday, May 18 at the public works building, to educate the public; and NOW, THEREFORE, I , Dennis F. Maetzold, Mayor of the City of Edina, do hereby proclaim the week of May 21- 27 as NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK, in the City of Edina and call upon all citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the issues involved in providing public works services and recognize the contributions the Public Works officials make every day to our health, safety, comfort and quality of life. Dated the 16th day of May, 2000. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 r *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 2, 2000, APPROVED Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Johnson approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 2, 2000. Motion carried on rollcall vote 'five, ayes. PRELIMINARY REZONING AND OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - OPUS /CLARK - GRANDVIEW SQUARE APPROVED Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Staff Presentation Manager Hughes reviewed the actions needed: to review the preliminary rezoning and overall development plan; to consider and approve an indemnity agreement and a condemnation resolution with respect to the acquisition of parcels; to approve a land exchange agreement with Hennepin County with respect to the Library; and lastly to accept the assignment of a purchase agreement for the 5201 Eden Circle building. Mr. Hughes added that the Council.had been provided with a draft redevelopment agreement for review purposes, however, staff recommended no action on that agreement until the time of final zoning of the redevelopment. Planner Larsen reviewed the actions that had occurred. regarding the development thus far. He stated the initial action occurred November 1, 1999; when the City Council /HRA awarded the redevelopment rights to a team made up of Opus Northwest LLC and Ron Clark, Inc. Following that award and the Letter of Intent being signed in December of 1999, the developer began to develop plans to rezone the property for the necessary City approvals. The first of the City approvals would be the preliminary rezoning and approval of the overall development plan for the site. Currently, the project area includes all non - residential properties south of Eden Avenue, and west of the railroad tracks. Using a graphic depiction Mr. Larsen, showed the properties that are currently owned by the HRA and Zoned R -1. He also showed the two properties that have been Zoned commercial PCD -2, the one property which was zoned office and the industrial parcel. The redevelopment proposal would take all of the properties and rezone them to Mixed Development District No. 4 which is a medium density mixed development district. The original plan contained 80,000 square feet of office space, 190 condominium units, a 20,000 square foot library and a 15,000 square foot senior center. At the end of March, the Planning Commission reviewed a site plan that had one change from the original. The library and senior center moved to the west and became a two -story building with the senior center on the lower level and the library on top, each at 20,000 square feet. The Planning Commission recommended approval with several conditions as outlined in the Council packet. Mr. Larsen said the Park Board reviewed the plan April 11, 2000. At staff's request the Park Board consideration was limited to the impact of the proposed development on Sherwood Park. Both the Planning Commission and Park Board have made similar recommendations to the City Council, asking that the developer address the site plan and attempt to minimize the impact on the existing park. The developer has spent the time between April 11 and May 16, 2000, redesigning their site plan. He explained the modified site plan presented by the developers was intended to address the concerns raised by the Planning Commission and Park Board. Mr. Larsen reported the plan has been modified by removing 18 condominium units from the project and shifting the remaining units back from the park as much as possible; increasing the office building to 88,000 square feet. The library and senior center remain the same. Mr. Larsen said the action necessary was the overall development Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 plan and preliminary rezoning. He added that the Planning Commission recommended the following eleven conditions of approval: 1. Final Rezoning; 2. Final Plat; 3. Final Site Plan approval for each phase; 4. Development Agreement between the City, Hennepin County and Grandview Square LLC; 5. Developer's Agreement covering public improvements; 6. Watershed District Permits; 7. City Engineer approval of Eden Avenue curb cuts; 8. Road adjacent to park /plaza and senior center should be changed from one -way to two -way; 9. Eliminate parking on southerly cul ,de sac to provide turnaround for emergency vehicles; 10. Maintain access to well house; and 11. Staff and developer should work to revise site plan to preserve as much of the park as possible in its present location and size. Mr. Larsen noted that conditions 8 -11 had been addressed, in the opinion of staff, in the revised site plan presently before the council. Proponent Presentation Heidi Kurtze, Project Development Manager, Ron Clark Construction, said she had the entire development team available to answer any questions. Ms. Kurtze reviewed the goals of the City that were part of its RFP process: create a multi- purpose neighborhood in a key area of redevelopment for the City; create a senior center for Edina; create a new library enabling the City to expand and renovate City Hall; create a European village "feel" in the redeveloped area; and creation of a stronger more vital tax base in the Grandview area. Creation of the senior center was of high importance in the redevelopment. The new library will allow Hennepin County to take advantage of the technological changes and improve their parking situation. Ms. Kurtze said these were a great number of objectives to accomplish with a small amount of land and limited resources. Ms. Kurtze said she believed the Opus /Ron Clark team was chosen because of their long standing reputation and the strength of their financial commitment to the City. The project financing does tie into the site plan development. The developer will be making a $3,700,000 equity contribution to the project. The funds will be used to retire 1997 bonds issued to pay for acquisition of .the Kunz /Lewis properties. The funds also help cover the public costs associated with the new development of the library/ senior center, public administrative costs, and public improvements on the site. New bonds will be issued to pay for the construction of the library and senior center. The developer's note will be subordinate to the City's bonds, meaning the City has minimal risk, being in the senior position to be paid back when the taxes come on line. Tax increment is being used to cover the site improvements and acquisition costs, but this is limited to a ten -year period. The district expires in 2010 which puts some constraints on the project, but is a benefit to the City since due to the short life the developer is only being reimbursed for a portion of site improvements. The project, when complete, will create over a million dollars in annual taxes. Ms. Kurtze said that the short life of the tax increment district and the land area to be redeveloped have put constraints on the developer in both the timing of construction and the project's design. Page 3 Minutes/Edina Ci!y Council/May 16, 2000 Ms. Kurtze reviewed the five site plans beginning with the plan submitted as part of the RFP process. Originally Opus /Clark proposed 190 residential units with 80,000 square feet of office. The senior center and library were on one level side by side over the bus garage. Also below the office building, plaza and public space, a very large underground public /private parking area housing the Edina School District's bus garage. While this plan allowed the developer to become a finalist, they were asked to reconsider the use of the park land. Opus /Clark shifted the 190 residential units out of the park entirely which substantially reduced the central plaza area. The senior center /library and bus garage remained relatively unchanged in the plan, but the office building was turned to the side as well as the residential area re- oriented towards the north side of Eden Circle. Upon selection as the developer, several changes to the site plan occurred. The bus garage issue was eliminated from the plan. This eliminated the need for the underground structured parking. Hennepin County expressed the need for a more prominent location on the site with greater visibility and access from Vernon Avenue. Therefore, the plan flipped the office and senior center /library putting them on the western portion of the site. The traffic and City Engineer recommended two access points instead of one for the park. The first plan had one entrance for the residential space and one for the senior center /library office space. Providing two accesses would allow for better circulation but, resulted in separate parking areas for the office and senior center /library; and forced the residential units south into Sherwood Park's western edge. This was the plan submitted with the Letter of Intent to the City Council in 1999. Ms. Kurtze stated that she personally sent this plan along with a letter to all the Richmond Hills neighborhood group in December. She added she also used this plan for her presentation to the Vernon Terrace residents in January. Ms. Kurtze stated the developer did not receive any verbal or written feedback so the plan was refined until it was presented to the March 2000, Planning Commission. Ms. Kurtze reported that the fourth plan expanded the plaza area and created a link between the plaza and Sherwood Park. This link shifted the housing slightly into the park. The plan met with considerable objection from the neighborhood group. The neighborhood asked that the developer leave the play area (tot lot), leave the backstop in place, and eliminate the housing units on the western edge of the park. The Planning Commission did approve the plan, but asked the developer to work to minimize impact on the park noting that eliminating any use of the park would be desirable. Ms. Kurtze said the developers have revised the plan to the one which is. before the Council. The plan reduced the residential units to 170, increased the office building to 88,000 square feet, while leaving the library and senior center the same. She said that a small section of the park (.33 acres) along the western edge of the parking has still been incorporated into the residential development. However, that land has been replaced within Sherwood Park by adding green -space where Eden Circle currently sits. The redesign results in a net gain to the park, but in a different configuration. The developer believes the current plan meets the redevelopment objectives and responds to the Planning Commission and Park Board requests, while still maintaining a financially viable development. Ms. Kurtze said the plan was presented to the Park Director, and she reported, he agreed with the new configuration. She added the developer believes the plaza area depicted on this last site plan is very important to the new residential and office development. Library staff have indicated excitement about potentially holding children's reading time in the plaza. Specific programming has not been determined, but the developer intends to work closely with the Park Department to develop its plans for passive use. Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 Ms. Kurtze acknowledged that comments will be received from people who do not support the proposed overall development plan, but she said in her opinion, much of this discontent is in response to any change to the redevelopment area and not to one specific plan or another. Ms. Kurtze asked the Council to remember that many people who will benefit from this development will not be heard, citing the developer's waiting list of 92 names for the residential development. She said 75 of those people are current Edina residents who want to move out of their homes, but stay in Edina. Member Kelly asked for confirmation of his understanding that the site plan results in an increase in park land. Jack Buxell confirmed that before the . redevelopment the park had 13,500.01 square feet and after development the park will have 13,680.45 square feet. Mr. Hughes reviewed the change in the parkland using an aerial photograph of the area. Member Faust said she had several questions. Would the development require a parking variance? Mr. Larsen replied the plan met Edina's . code requirements for parking. Do City standards allow a public street to have a median strip and trees; and could someone explain the street circulation? Mr. Buxell explained the access/ egress points to the development and pointed out the internal circulation. Member Faust stated she had understood that Opus would be constructing the senior center and library. Mr. Hughes answered that under the redevelopment agreement they would be the construction manager of the senior center and library and provide to the HRA a guaranteed maximum cost. However, under state law, they would still have to publicly bid the components, but would serve as the architect and construction manager. Member Faust asked what components of the development would be built during Phase One and Phase Two and the proposed time table. Ms. Kurtze said that Phase One is the office building and forty units of the first residential building, to be started fall of 2000 and completed by. December 2001. Phase Two would be the remaining 32 units of the first building, the beginning of the second building, and the senior center/ library. Phase Two is planned to begin construction during 2001 completed by December of 2002. Phases Three and Four would be the completion of the remainder of the residential development if everything goes well in 2004. Member Faust asked if more units, were sold up front would the construction schedule be moved forward. Ms. Kurtze said that could be a possibility, but would be unlikely because of the volume of individual options to the construction. Member Faust asked if the NURP ponds are adequate for the site. Engineer Hoffman answered that a preliminary review from the watershed districts indicate they are adequate. Member Kelly asked if the environmental studies will delay construction. Ms. Kurtze stated the Phase II's have been completed, however, there are issues, but the developer will hopefully know the parameters and needs by June. Member Kelly asked when the plaza will be developed. Ms. Kurtze answered the plaza will be developed during Phase One. Member Hovland asked the developer what would be the effect on the proposed redevelopment if the existing configuration of Sherwood Park was not altered as proposed. Ms. Kurtze said the development would loose an additional 30 residential units which could not be recouped by another increase in the office building. The office building as proposed is as large as can be supported by parking on the site. The loss of thirty more units would most likely preclude the developer's ability to proceed with the project due to the additional loss of potential taxes. Member Hovland expressed concern to the City Attorney about the indemnification agreement, Page 5 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 regarding the relocation costs. Attorney Gilligan explained the indemnification agreement had been amended since the Council's packet was sent out. Mayor Maetzold asked if the developer were to leave the existing park as is, could a story be added to the east residential building. Ms. Kurtze explained the buildings were as high as they can be using wood frame construction. Beyond four stories construction switches to commercial code which adds substantial costs which would make the project not financially feasible. Mayor Maetzold asked for specific perimeter descriptions of the north side and east side of the park in terms of landscaping and a potential sidewalk. Mr. Buxell said that the buildings have about fourteen feet of patio located eight feet from the edge of the sidewalk. There will be an eight -foot landscaping space' between the edge of the building side of the sidewalk and the structure leaving the 14 -foot patio area that will most likely include plantings. Wally Case, landscape architect, explained that along that edge is a common sidewalk. serving both the residents and people using the park. They also have a combination of over -story deciduous canopy trees along the sidewalk. There are some existing trees the developer will attempt to preserve along the edge and along the edge of the residential area. In addition, there will be lower shrub plantings to further separate the park from the residential area. Mayor Maetzold asked what the height of the trees would be that are to be planted. Mr. Case replied the landscaping will meet the City code requirements with respect, to percentage of small trees. They will range from 2" caliper to 51/2 " caliper trees. He said the larger trees will be selectively placed primarily to the perimeter of the project. Flexibility is needed in utilizing the smaller trees since they actually grow better due to less transplant shock. Mayor Maetzold asked if a person stood in the middle of .the park would the feeling be that of a' park or as part of the residential development. Mr. Case replied that once the trees get growing well, a person would be surrounded by large trees. He pointed out that there are trees already in existence on the north and western sides of the park. Eventually the deciduous trees will be 40 -60 feet high. There will also be a heavy planting of coniferous trees approximately six to eight feet in height, on the site. Public Comment John Menke, 5301 Pinewood Trail, stated that he could not support the rezoning until the Sherwood Park issue is resolved. Mr. Menke said there are 48 houses in Richmond Hills and these residents do not want any land taken from Sherwood Park. He added they do not agree with the developer's statement that the latest plan results in a net gain of parkland. Mr. Menke stated Richmond Hills supports redevelopment, however, they are gravely concerned about loosing Sherwood Park. Mr. Menke said that when the City received RFP's originally, in October of 1997, the proposals were supposed to be compatible with the existing and surrounding neighborhood. The current Grandview Square proposal has multifamily housing 50 -54 feet in height, next to existing single family homes. Mr. Menke said that the letter he received from Heidi Kurtze did not include any graphic depiction of the site plan as Ms. Kurtze had previously stated. Mr. Menke said that Sherwood Park is very important to the Richmond Hills neighborhood because of all the neighborhood play that happens in it. The part of the park that Grandview Square will take is the only flat area and is used often by older children (even adults) to play soccer, football, baseball, etc. Mr. Menke urged the Council to not rezone or approve the redevelopment until Sherwood Park is left alone. Art Heiam, 5205 Richwood Drive, stated that he wanted it pointed out that Heidi Kurtze's letter states that only a few neighbors are concerned. Mr. Heiam said that Sherwood Park will be Page 6 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 devastated. He added that because of the slope, the land lost was virtually the only area that children could play any sort of game. Steve Loehr, 5216 Richwood Drive, asked if the current park was going to be taken, then expanded with land from Eden Circle how would it be configured and who would be the planned users of the expanded park. Dr. Dan Shebuski, Edina Pet Hospital, 5237 Eden Avenue, stated he had owned the pet hospital since 1976. Dr. Shebuski added that he invited the Council and City staff to visit his hospital to see the type of operation it is, but no one came to see him. Dr. Shebuski added that he recently hired another veterinarian with the thought of selling him the practice and retiring. Now, because Dr. Shebuski s building is being taken against his will, he is not only loosing his livelihood, but also his retirement. The Edina Pet Hospital is one of 26 veterinary practices within a six -mile radius. He said that statistics show 86% of the people choose a vet hospital based upon location. Therefore, moving him to another location, damages his practice. Dr. Shebuski said he needs to continue his business in the same area and that he needs to own the land and building. Jack Abrahamson, 5209 Richwood Drive, said it would be extremely difficult to endorse the proposed redevelopment. Mr. Abrahamson said that in his experience OPUS was a very fine company, but the proposed redevelopment puts 47-48 homes into a tunnel. He added that a problem exists now with parking on Sherwood because of the doctors' office in the Edina Realty building. This problem will increase with the proposed redevelopment. Mr. Abrahamson said if there is an increase in green space there is a loss of playable area. He added that the four homes abutting the park are in the TIF District. Attorney Gilligan corrected Mr. Abrahamson, stating no residential homes are in the TIF District. Mr. Abrahamson concluded asking that because of the traffic problem, the loss of parkland and the lack of sympathy on the part of the developers to the adjacent neighborhood, the Council should not rezone the property, but look again at different redevelopment plans. Jean Shebuski, said that she and her husband are asking the redevelopment be delayed. She said they have lived through seven months of extreme hardship and that the developers have not been negotiating in good faith. Mrs. Shebuski contended they were offered less for their pet hospital than they paid twenty-five years ago. She believes a new plan should be submitted that includes the pet hospital. Pat Olk, 5315 Pinewood Trail, commented that it appears the problem with the site is that the Edina Bus Garage is not included. Mr. Olk asked if the City could somehow make the Edina School District relocate the bus garage. Mayor Maetzold said that was a very complex issue that has been attempted to be resolved for many years. Linda Presthus, explained she was a Park Board member. She informed the neighbors that the Park Board had reviewed the plan. Ms. Presthus explained her belief that the play area was to be expanded and the entire park re- graded. Judith Menke, 5301 Pirewood Trail, said she felt insulted as a neighbor by Ms. Kurtz' s. assertion that the neighbors are objecting to any change. The Richmond Hills neighborhood has attempted to stay informed because they realize that the property must be redeveloped. However, Sherwood Park, needs to accommodate children from toddlers to teens and as proposed, use by Page 7 Minutes/Edina Citv Council/May 16, 2000 older area children will be lost. Mrs. Menke stated the Richmond Hills neighborhood would like to stay actively involved in the development, but the developer has not listened to the neighborhood. Margery Peters, 5120 Duggan Plaza expressed her concern over the redevelopment. Rod Krause, attorney for Ed Noonan, stated he wanted the Council to understand that the proposed redevelopment should not involve Ed Noonan's building. Mr. Krause asked the Council to revisit the scale of the project. He added that Mr. Noonan was very concerned, about the tuning of the proposed redevelopment. Mr. Krause said they were unable to get a response from the developer's representatives. They need a firm understanding of the project's time table. Leonard Hadden, President of Cross Technology, 5201 Eden Avenue, explained his firm has 40 employees working three shifts a day. Mr. Hadden said he would be willing to re- locate, but it will be difficult to do so. He said he sympathized with the neighbors. Mr. Hadden said in his opinion the biggest users of the park are the TAGS' mothers waiting for children who are taking gymnastics and his own Cross employees. He urged the Council to make a decision and move forward because in his opinion, businesses do not survive in a period of great uncertainty. Council Discussion and Action Member Johnson made a motion closing the public hearing at 8:45 p.m. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold. Motion carried. Member Faust asked staff what kind of park Sherwood Park was and if it is currently, designed for softball? Park Director Keprios explained it was considered a mini -park, two acres or less and not scheduled with any activities such as softball. The park serves the neighborhood for. a one - quarter mile radius. The park is designed to allow younger children to play, but he said it would not be adequate for baseball organized activities. He continued stating that in his professional opinion the proposed layout will offer the best design in light of the proposed redevelopment and the existing parkland. Member Faust continued asking if the parking was studied when the medical office building was relocated. Mr. Larsen said the parking meets Edina's code, but he acknowledged it does spill out. He added this is believed to be happening because of the construction, but a parking improvement has been approved for the location. Member Kelly said that his only regret with the proposed redevelopment was that the bus garage has not been included. He acknowledged that the City cannot force the school district to relocate the bus garage. Member Kelly said he believed the proposed redevelopment was well designed and thought out. He added that one of the advantages of being a long time Edina resident is that he knows Mr. Clark, Mr. Brown and Mr. Lund and had a great deal of respect for their professional judgement and their strong history of positive development. Member Kelly stated he understood the neighbor's concern regarding the proposed buildings' height, but the site must be developed. This plan is as good as any plan that has been previously presented. He said it was a fact that the park is being increased in size and he believes the people of the community will be benefited by the ability to walk through the park, the neighborhood, and the plaza to either the library or the senior center. Page 8 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 Member Kelly also spoke to the condemnation process. The condemnation process was designed to provide people with a fair price for their property. It provides, not only a fair price for the property, but it provides relocation benefits. In his years of practice in the real estate area, the people who were most opposed to condemnation are those who are not willing to settle for a fair price. Condemnation is not designed to provide a windfall, it is an opportunity to find a fair price through the use of a neutral party. As a result, Member Kelly stated he believed condemnation was an important part of getting the development accomplished. He stated his strong support for the proposed redevelopment, noting the strong development team, a well- planned and thought out proposal, an increase in park land exclusive of the plaza, and added benefits from the plaza, library and senior center. Member Faust stated her concern with the final plan was -the residences and stated the park has not only been made whole, but actually improved. Member Faust said that she and Member Hovland just measured the plan and the residences will be 200 feet from the lot line of the proposed condominiums. This seems very adequate and she added her support to the project. Mayor Maetzold stated he had very strong concerns about the park. He said he took to heart the lawn play for older children for soccer, youth baseball and so on. Mayor Maetzold expressed his concern for the loss of "playable" area even though the square footage remains the same or increases. Mayor Maetzold asked the Park Director to comment on the loss of the area where pick -up games could be played. Mr. Keprios stated he also was sympathetic to the neighbors understanding the situation. In the best of all worlds he would like to see the existing park left alone or added to, however, he also understands the compromise that has been proposed. As far as the park's function, it is debatable when you loose the type of linear design you may loose a little bit of that type of play. In his opinion, the proposed design would be better offering more feeling of openness than leaving the park in the current configuration crowded by the condominiums. Reorienting of the park is further limited by the well- house located in the center of the park. Mayor Maetzold continued stating that with more participation in soccer this was a great place for kids in the neighborhood to gather and play. The neighbors are loosing an important amenity unless it : can be replaced somehow. Mayor Maetzold indicated that he probably will vote against the plan, because in March he spent some time in Washington D.C. lobbying in favor of Denali National Park. One issue was about ten acres that was attempting to be preserved from commercial development so in his heart he supports preserving park land and for this reason does not support the plan. Member Hovland noted the proposed redevelopment plan is very complex. The plan has all the elements asked for in the RFP. He added the problems created tonight came about because of the library's need to have greater visibility. This has caused problems that no one foresaw. Member Hovland stated he had one problem and that was in November when Ron Clark was asked what would happen if the proposed redevelopment needed to be downsized. Mr. Clark answered that they would have to modify their proposal and develop in the best interest of the City. He stated he found it troubling that now the developer must have the neck of the park in order to make the development viable. Member Hovland questioned whether the decision should be pushed back and an attempt made to solve the problem. If the library is the core problem, then maybe the library staff should be spoken with. If forced to vote he would, because he finds Members Kelly and Faust arguments compelling but also finds merits in the Mayor's concerns. He added that perhaps the Wanner property should be included in the redevelopment at this time. Page 9 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 Member Johnson said that when he was appointed to the City Council they had already decided that redevelopment was needed with the site. After a deliberative process, the Council (without Member Johnson) determined the best use of the redevelopment property would be a mixed use development. Member Johnson got involved about the time the City had eleven RFP's from eleven developers. The Council narrowed them down to three finalists and after much discussion unanimously voted in favor of the Opus /Clark team because of their proposal, reputations, and past experience. Member Johnson said he personally checked with the City Attorney of the City of Minnetonka that the proponent had done an outstanding job in attempting to meet the needs of their city and its citizens. From what he had heard today, there has been an effort by the developer to accommodate the needs of the City and respond to the neighbors concern within the constraints of the land available. It is hoped that with re- grading and reconfiguration, a more desirable park will be available for the residents. Coupling this with the ability to walk through the property over to the library, there appears to have been an enhancement. Member Johnson stated he also checked with someone knowledgeable in this area, as to the effect over time on the value of the homes in the Richmond Hills neighborhood. His source's opinion was that over time the values would be increased. Member Johnson added that in his opinion, the developer has dealt with the business in an above -board manner. He added that he also is concerned about the height issue on the residences and the "tunnel effect ". The proposal seems a very reasonable plan. Member Johnson said he believed the process the Council started was rational, that due notice has been given to all, and that uncertainty is very undesirable from a business standpoint. For these reasons, to delay the decision is not in the City's or the developers best interest. Member Johnson said he intends to vote in favor of the proposal. Member Faust commented that she and Member Kelly have been looking at the proposed redevelopment property for three years. The decision was not made easily, they have been wrestling with it for a long time. She acknowledged hearing from the neighbors and from eleven developers so this was not an easy decision. Member Hovland acknowledged the height concern expressed by Member Johnson. In November of 1999, no one had expressed any concern over height. At that time it was a non - issue. Member Hovland said that he found Member Johnson's, comments persuasive and in spite of having tremendous difficulty he would also vote in favor of the project moving forward. Member Kelly made a motion granting Preliminary Rezoning (Ordinance No. 850 -A18) to Mixed Development District (MDD4) to the Eden Avenue Redevelopment Project as presented at the regular meeting of the City Council on May 16, 2000, based upon the following conditions: 1. Final Rezoning; 2. Final Plat; 3. Final Site Plan approval for each phase; 4. Development Agreement between the City, Hennepin County and Grandview Square LLC; 5. Developer's Agreement covering public improvements; 6. Watershed District Permits; and 7. City Engineer approval of Eden Avenue curb cuts. Member Faust seconded the' motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly Page 10 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 Nay: Maetzold Motion carried. Member Kelly made a motion introducing the following resolution and moving its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-55 GRANDVIEW SQUARE OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLAN BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Overall Development Plan dated May 11, 2000, by Grandview Square LLC for the Eden Avenue Redevelopment Project presented at the regular meeting of the City Council on May 16, 2000, be and is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. Final Rezoning; 2. Final Plat; 3. Final Site Plan approval for each phase; 4. Development Agreement between the City, Hennepin County and Grandview Square LLC; 5. Developer's Agreement covering public improvements; 6. Watershed District Permits; and 7. City Engineer approval of Eden Avenue curb cuts. Member Faust seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly Nay: Maetzold Motion carried. Mr. Hughes noted the redevelopment will go back to the Planning Commission at their May 31, 2000, meeting and come back to the HRA /City Council at their meeting, June 20, 2000. RESOLUTION 2000 -56 APPROVED - GRANTING OLINGER RIDGE ADDITION FINAL PLAT Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Larsen noted that the proponents had met the four conditions imposed April 18, 2000, when they received preliminary plat approval for Olinger Ridge. Mr. Larsen said staff support granting final plat approval subject to Subdivision Dedication based on a al land value of $92,000.00. Member Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-56 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled, "OLINGER RIDGE ", platted by Delores D. Change, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council on May 16, 2000, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Passed and adopted by the Edina City Council this 16a' day of May, 2000. Member Faust seconded the motion. Member Kelly excused himself from the Council Chambers temporarily. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Maetzold. Page 11 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 Resolution adopted ORDINANCE NO. 2000 -5 ADOPTED AMENDING SECTION 450 SWIMMING POOLS Sanitarian Velde explained the reason for the proposed ordinance amendment was to bring Edina's code into compliance with State Statute. The amendment would address three items in the Swimming Pool Code: spa pool deck elevations, access barriers, and chlorine concentration. Mr. Velde stated the first section would allow the required deck to be lower than the top rim of a spa pool. Spa pools are typical 30 to 34 inches in height and no larger than 100 square feet in area. Mr. Velde said staff believed this relation would not interfere with live saving efforts. The second section would allow homeowners who have spa pools to use a rated safety cover instead of fencing to prevent toddlers from accessing the pool. Under the present Code, the homeowner would be required to fence the spa pool area. An ASTM rated safety cover is acceptable by the Uniform Building Code as barrier. The third section of the amendment increases maximum allowable chlorine residual from 3.0 ppm to 5.0 ppm. This is consistent with the state swimming pool code and the industry standard. He noted Staff added the requirement that spa or pool covers lock to the ordinance. Member Faust introduced the following Ordinance and moved granting First Reading with waiver of Second Reading: Edina Ordinance No. 2000 - 5 An Ordinance Amending Section 450 of the City Code Changing Deck Requirement, Fencing Requirements and Updating Water Chemistry Requirements THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. The second paragraph of Subd. 7 of Subsection 450.06 is hereby replaced with the following: "Except, a deck is not needed around the perimeter of a special purpose pool providing the following conditions are met: A. The pool is accessible from at least one side by a deck. B. The deck is no less than four feet wide as measured perpendicular to the pool side and no less than eight feet long as measured parallel with the pool side. C. The special purpose pool is not located within four feet of a residential swimming 'pool. D. The deck elevation is no lower than the elevation at the base of the special purpose pool or no more than 9 inches above the normal water line of the special purpose pool." Section 2.- Subd.1 of Subsection 450.16 is amended to read as follows: "Subd. 1. Free Chlorine. The free chlorine content shall be maintained between five - tenths (0.5) and five (5.0) parts per million." Section 3. Subsection 450.24 of the City Code is amended by adding a new last sentence as follows: "Except a special purpose pool need not meet the fence requirement provided: A. The special purpose pool is equipped with a safety cover listed in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard F 1346, "Standard Performance Specification for Safety Covers and Labeling Requirements for All Covers for Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs." B. The safety cover is secured in place at all times the special purpose pool is not occupied." Page 12 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Attest City Clerk Member Hovland seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Nay: Johnson Ordinance No. 2000 -5 adopted. Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 2000 -6 ADOPTED AMENDING SECTION 740 CHANGING THE LICENSE TERM FOR PARKING GARAGES Mr. Velde explained that staff is requesting the change -in the license term for parking garages located in multi- family residential housing. Mr. Velde stated that they believe more realistic inspection results are obtained during winter months than during summer months. Mayor Maetzold made a motion granting First Reading and waiving Second Reading for the following ordinance: Edina Ordinance No. 2000 - 6 An Ordinance Amending Section 740 By Changing License Term THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 740.04 Subd. 3 shall be amended to read as follows: "Subd. 3. Term. Licenses issued pursuant to this Section shall expire on January 318t of each calendar year." Section 2. The term of current licensees shall be extended until January 31, 2001. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Attest City Clerk Mayor Member Faust seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Ordinance No. 2000 -6 adopted. *BID AWARDED FOR TYPE III AMBULANCE FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Johnson approving the award of bid for a Type III Ambulance on a Ford E -350 super duty chassis to lowest recommended bidder meeting specifications, North Central Ambulance Sales at $98,507.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS - WEST 62ND STREET LIFT STATION, FORCEMAIN AND DIVERSION PIPE, CONTRACT NO. 00 -1, ENGINEERING Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Johnson for award of bid for Sanitary Sewer Improvements at West 62nd Street Lift Station, Forcemain and Diversion Pipe, Contract No. 00 -1, Engineering, to recommended low bidder, Northdale Construction Company at $898,351.31. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. Page 13 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 *BID AWARDED FOR ONE CARGO VAN FOR PUBLIC WORKS Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Johnson for award of bid for one cargo van for Public Works to sole bidder, Superior Ford through State Contract No. 424727, at $18,066.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR TWO DUMP TRUCK BOXES - ONE TANDEM AND ONE SINGLE AXLE FOR PUBLIC WORKS Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Johnson for award of bid for two dump truck boxes - one tandem and one single axle for Public Works to sole bidder, J. Craft, Inc. under State Contract #425123, at $96,344.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *TRAFFIC SAFETY REVIEW OF MAY 1, 2000 APPROVED Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Johnson approving the Traffic Safety Staff Review of May 11 2000, Section A as recommended by staff as follows: 1. Installation of NO PARKING ANYTIME sign restricting parking on the east side of Drew Avenue, south of the driveway at 6533 Drew to West 661h Street; 2. Moving of NO PARKING BEGINS HERE sign from its present location on the north side of the east driveway entrance to 6400 Barrie Road to a point 21 feet north of that location; 3. Adding 25 MPH advisory plaques to the present pedestrian awareness signs already in place on Ayrshire Boulevard at Lochloy Drive for eastbound traffic and on Ayrshire Boulevard at Duncraig for westbound traffic; and 4. Removal of NO PARKING SCHOOL DAYS 7 A.M. - 9 A.M. signs on Concord Terrace; and Section B and C. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *RESOLUTION NO. 2000 -57 ADOPTED, 1-494 CORRIDOR COMMISSION FUNDING FOR 494/35W INTERCHANGE Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Johnson approving the following resolution: RESOLUTION 2000 -57 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING I-494 CORRIDOR COMMISSION EFFORTS TO SECURE FEDERAL FUNDS FOR THE REBUILDING OF THE I- 494/35W INTERCHANGE WHEREAS, the I -494 Corridor Commission is a joint Powers Organization (JPO) representing the transportation system concerns of the seven cities of Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, Maple Grove, Minnetonka, Plymouth and Richfield; and WHEREAS, the I -494 Corridor Commission represents the transportation interests of 21 percent of the region's employers and 19 percent of the region's residents; and, WHEREAS, the mission of the I-494 Corridor Commission is to -promote the improvement of I -494 infrastructure from the Minnesota River to I -94 in order to increase its people- moving capacity and to improve mobility for businesses and residents throughout the region; and, WHEREAS, the I -494 Corridor Commission consistently supports a multi-modal transportation system approach to exploring initiatives that might benefit the region as a whole, and continues to actively participate as a member of multiple- jurisdiction Page 14 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 transportation planning groups, such as the Minnesota Transportation Alliance, that seek long -term funding solutions for Minnesota's transportation system; and, WHEREAS, the I494 Corridor Commission is actively involved in planning for the, needs of its member communities and the region as a whole by proactively developing Travel Demand Management (TDM) plans and programs that increase 494 vehicle capacity; by providing employers and developers with incentives that promote alternatives to driving alone; by planning competitive transit services to employment centers around the corridor; by adding bus shoulder lanes and high occupancy vehicle (HOV) ramp meter bypasses at strategic corridor locations; by promoting transit- oriented site planning at new development and redeveloped areas; by advocating for local land use changes supporting TDM; and by overseeing 494 road reconstruction project staging to facilitate and coordinate future planned road projects; and, WHEREAS, the I -494 Corridor Commission is assisting MnDOT and the Metropolitan Council in identifying a number of high - priority multi -modal projects along the 494 corridor and how best to stage these projects to mitigate traffic congestion and delay during 494 reconstruction periods; and, WHEREAS, the I -494 Corridor Commission provides an ongoing stakeholder forum for the planning of I-494 reconstruction through regular meetings of the 494 Chamber of Commerce Subcommittee, the 494 Engineers' Subcommittee and the 494 Transit Providers' Subcommittee; and WHEREAS, the I -494 Corridor Commission, through the work of its member cities of, Bloomington and Richfield, has identified the interchange of 1-494 and I -35W as a critical infrastructure improvement that needs immediate attention; and WHEREAS, the approximate cost of the improvements is estimated at $125 million or more and the State of Minnesota has approximately $66 million committed for the project in the years 2011 and beyond; and WHEREAS, the I494 Corridor Commission is continuing its search for innovative funding partnerships that will increase or "speed up" funding for critical 494 roadway and transit improvements; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the. City Council of the City of Edina hereby declares its support of 1-494 Corridor Commission activities relating to the procurement of federal funding to improve I -494 infrastructure and services; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honorable, Congressman James Ramstad, Minnesota Third District; the Honorable Congressman Martin Sabo, Minnesota Fifth District; the Honorable Congressman James Oberstar, Minnesota Eighth District; the Honorable Congressman David Minge, Minnesota Second District; the Honorable Senator Paul Wellstone; the Honorable Senator Rod Grams; Governor Jesse Ventura; State Senator Roy Terwilliger, Senate District 42; State Representative Erik Paulsen, Representative District 42B; State Representative Ron Erhardt, Representative District 42A; the Chair of the Metropolitan Council Transportation Advisory Board (TAB); the Chair of the Metropolitan Council Technical Advisory Committee (TAC); the chair of the Metropolitan Council; the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation; the Board of the Minnesota Transportation Alliance; and the Chair of the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners. Passed and duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, this 16th day of May, 2000. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. Page 15 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 CLAIMS PAID Motion made by Member Johnson approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated May 10, 2000, and consisting of 33 pages: General Fund $181,318.48; Communications $21,756.54; Working Capital $13,705.75; Art Center $4,400.26; Golf Dome Fund $3,469.11; Swimming Pool Fund $6,399.81; Golf Course Fund $75,871.50; Ice Arena Fund $10,410.92; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes $16,552.03; Utility Fund $184,945.20; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $1,568.76; Recycling Program $37,935.20; Liquor Dispensary Fund $261,785.18 Construction Fund $88,363.05; Park Bond Fund $367.20; TOTAL $908,848.99. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Maetzold adjourned the Council Meeting at 9:55 P.M. City Clerk Page 16 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 16, 2000 5:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Faust, Hovland, and Mayor Maetzold. Member Kelly entered the meeting at 5:15 p.m. Member Johnson entered the meeting at 5:55 p.m. Mayor Maetzold stated the purpose of the special meeting was to hold a public hearing on the proposed referendum for the potential joint park improvement with the School District. Mayor Maetzold explained that about two years ago, the City had been approached by various constituents requesting additional gymnasiums, fields, and swimming pools. The City Council studied the requests and considered options available. One option suggested was to build on school property. This concept was studied with the School District and seemed viable bringing the City to the point of considering a referendum. Mayor Maetzold stated the format for the meeting would be short presentations by Park Director Keprios, Peter Seeger, TSP Architects, and Edina School Superintendent Ken Dragseth, followed by public comment. He said the meeting would end at 6:45 p.m. The Council will take the comments under advisement and if it decides to move forward the referendum will be placed on the ballot in the fall. Park Director Keprios reviewed several identified community needs as follows: ADDITIONAL GYMNASIUMS ♦ City - Sponsored Gymnasium User Groups • Girls House League Basketball • Girls Traveling Basketball • Boys House League Basketball • Boys Traveling Basketball • EGAA Volleyball • Jr. Olympic Volleyball • Youth Soccer • Edina Hockey Association (Dry Land Training) • Adult Basketball • Adult Volleyball • Open Gym Time (General Public) • Walkers, Joggers & Runners (Elevated Indoor Track) ♦ Additional Gymnasium Time - From a Study One Year Ago • Current Weekly Use - 209 Hours • Total Desired Use Per Week - 304 Hours • Shortage Of 95 Hours Per Week • Need For Minimum Of 4 Full-Size Gyms ♦ Why 3 Gyms At ECC? • More gyms under one roof and at one site is more desirable for tournaments and rentals • Creates more flexibility of uses (soccer, elevated running track, baseball etc.). • Three gyms under one roof is more efficient to operate and more economical to construct ♦ Location Of Gyms - Why At Schools? • Maximize use, available for School & City • The Edina School District could provide management of the facilities Page 1 Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 t • The costs to operate and maintain are incremental additions due to existing staff, facilities and plant operation equipment already on site • No additional land costs Without Additional Gymnasium Space? • Enlarge teams - increase team size • Double up traveling team practices • More play on weekends (Friday, Saturday & Sunday - overtime costs) • More late evening play (games & practices until 10:00 p.m. weekdays) • Cut back or eliminate adult programs (adult basketball & volleyball) • Eliminate other desired sport opportunities, such as, soccer, hockey, baseball, softball • Eliminate opportunity to expand existing programs • Eliminate opportunity to create new additional programs ADDITIONAL ATHLETIC FIELDS FOR SOCCER, FOOTBALL, RUGBY, LACROSSE AND SOFTBALL ♦ Additional Soccer/ Football Field Time • Over 3,500.Edina youth enrolled in soccer and growing • ESA currently limits registration (not enough fields) • Growing interest in adult soccer, rugby, and lacrosse • Slow pitch & fast pitch softball teams need more practice and game fields ♦ Proposed Additional Fields • Kuhlman Field (artificial turf soccer field) y • Lewis Park (soccer field) • Pamela Park (soccer field) • Edina High School (2 softball fields) ♦ Without Additional Soccer/ Football Fields? • ESA further limit registrations (first come first served) • Increase team size (less play time per child) • Further reduce or eliminate adult soccer • Limit growth of lacrosse and rugby • More soccer play on weekends and late evenings RENOVATION OF SHARED ATHLETIC FIELDS FOR SOCCER, FOOTBALL, LACROSSE AND RUGBY ♦ Why Field Renovation? • Fields are worn to an unsafe condition • Fields are over -used (spring -fall) . • Poor sub -soils at several fields (can be corrected with stabilization fabric & fill) • Parks filled with debris that surfaces and become safety hazards • Worn turf and shallow root systems • Need for irrigation system Renovated Soccer/ Football Fields • 2 Fields at High School Campus • Artificial turf Kuhlman Field at Community Center Campus • Lewis Park - 2 soccer fields • Highlands Park - soccer field • Braemar soccer field DOME - INFLATED DOME INSTALLED IN NOVEMBER/REMOVED IN MARCH ANUALLY ♦ Why A Dome?, Page 2 Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 • Take year round advantage of artificial turf field on Kuhlman Field • Soccer, baseball, rugby, lacrosse, football and softball could all benefit • Open public use benefit • Allow Edina residents to rent/ participate in their own community • Positive cash flow operational expenses SWIMMING POOL RENOVATION ♦ South View Middle School Pool Needs • Water filtration and air ventilation mechanical equipment in need of replacement • Ceiling in need of repair and improvement (acoustical treatment) • Pool and deck tile need re -grout repair • Need new 50 seat folding bleachers • Need new lighting system ♦ Valley View Middle School Pool Needs • Similar needs to South View Middle School • Site allows for construction of new 25 meter x 25 yard, 8 lane, 12' deep competition pool with separate diving well • Need for more pool time for Edina Swim Club RENOVATION OF PERFORMING ARTS THEATER ♦ ECC Auditorium • Need for an upscale 700 seat performing arts theater • Community performing arts groups • Facilitate well-known artists • Edina Senior Center group productions. REPLACE/REPAIR OF OTHER SCHOOL DISTRICT'S WORN RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ♦ School's Worn Recreational Facilities • Kuhlman Field amenities (bleachers, lights, concessions stand, track etc.) • Gym floors at South View Middle School and small gym at ECC • ECC lobby and concessions area • Locker facilities at ECC • Tennis court bang -board $4.5 MILLION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN PARKS ♦ Why More Park Improvements? • Lack of available funding to keep up • No CIP funding since 1995 • May 7,1996, referendum dollars fell short of completing all projects • Renovation of 13 athletic fields (re- grade, seed/ sod, irrigation) • Fire suppression systems for Grange Hall, Cahill School and Braemar Arena • Replace Courtney Fields concessions building • Construction of Van Valkenburg Park (mini -park and 3 batting cages) • Improved entrance to Arneson Acres Park • Sanitary sewer & lift station for Greenhouse restrooms • Pathway repairs or additions at 4 parks • Parking lot repairs at 5 parks • Fencing repairs/ replacements at 6 parks • Tennis court replacement at Walnut Ridge Park ADVANTAGES OF CITY /SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP Page 3 Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 ♦ Utilization of existing school property leaves more private land on the tax role and eliminates land costs for the new facilities ♦ Both jurisdictions serve the same customer ♦ Maximizing access to School District and community at large ♦ Operation and maintenance are incremental additions due to existing facilities, staff and plant operation equipment already on site TAX IMPACT $31 MILLION OVER 20 YEARS MARKET VALUE ESTIMATED ANNUAL TAX IMPACT $120,000 $67 $180,000 $100 $255,000 $142, $300,000 $167 $500,000 $278 $1,000,000 $556 Peter Seeger, Architect and Principle of TSP, explained he had been working with the City and School District to define a project which, if funded and constructed would respond to community needs for additional gymnasiums and other recreational cultural facilities. He added the Campus Plan he developed was a concept plan only, illustrating how the components might be arranged on the campus. Mr. Seeger reiterated that it was not the final design, but only a test to develop estimated costs of such improvements. Mr. Seeger explained the components identified in the pre - design study located at the Edina Community Center included the following: • Renovation of Kuhlman Field with new bleachers, entrance gates, ticket booths, concessions and possibly a seasonal dome • Parking Improvement adding 130 additional parking spaces both northerly and southerly • Upgrade and move soccer and ball fields • Tennis courts bang boards • Pathway from the lower parking area to the center of the campus • Upgrade ball and soccer fields at Edina High School • Valley View Middle School 25 meter pool addition • New 3 -gym field house south of ECC • Addition to Concord Elementary School (2 level) one gym with shell below • Renovate South View Middle School gyms • Renovate ECC gyms • Renovate support facilities, locker room - for both Edina PE and Edina Park & Rec • Renovate ECC lobby east side - upper and lower levels - manage accessibility • Renovate ECC theater - addressing access issues Mr. Seeger reviewed the estimated project costs as follows: PROPOSED REFERENDUM PROJECTS 3 -Gym Fieldhouse $5,092,337 31% 3 -Gym Fieldhouse $3,900,737 Elevated Track $930,600 All Wood Floors $36,000 Air Conditioning $225,000 Concord Elementary Gym Addition $1,522,800 9% South View Middle School Gym Improvements $244,400 1% Community Center Building Improvements $2,359,725 14% Page 4 Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 Large Community Center Gym $23,500 Small Community Center Gym $192,700 Community Center Gym Lobby/ Concession $164,500 Community Center Locker Rooms $550,785 Community Center Theatre - 770 Seats $1,428,240 Community Center Theater $974,725 New /Separate Entrance /Lobby, Toilets $453,515 Community Center Campus Improvements $786,454 Tennis Court Bang Board (concrete wall) $6,000 Lower/ East Campus Fields $230,300 (sand, drain tile and irrigation) South Parking Relocation and Expansion $235,000 North Park Expansion $108,100 New Pedestrian Pathway $4,700 (lower to upper campus) Site Restoration and Landscaping $94,000 Normandale Playground $108,354 Kuhlman Field Improvements $5,093,720 Kuhlman Field - Base Improvements $3,212,920 Demolition $86,000 Earthwork $98,000 Drainage $45,000 Utilities (sewer & water) $56,000 Fencing $54,000 Retaining Wall (modular Block) $39,000 Curb & Gutter $11,000 Pavement $210,000 Irrigation $20,000 Field Buildings (concessions, storage etc.) $1,144,920 Ticket Booths (6 windows) $120,000 Relocate Existing Visitor Storage Building $15,000 Home Bleacher (5,360 seats) $777,200 Visitor Bleacher (2,050 seats) $276,800 Coaching Staff & Press Box $105,000 Electrical Lighting $75,000 Site Restoration $42,000 Landscaping $38,000 Kuhlman Field - Additional Amenities - Construction Cost $1,880,800 Dome $969,000 Reconstruct/ Widen Track to 8 Lanes, $145,700 Relocation Field Events Improve Drainage (perimeter curb and drain- tile)$70,500 Resilient Turf Football/Soccer Field Surface $611,000 Improve and Upgrade Field Lighting $84,600 Edina High School Fields $1,229,520 EHS Baseball field (1 @ 300' x 280') $353,440 EHS Softball fields (1 @ 220'x220' and 1 @ 200'x200')$607,240 EHS Soccer fields (2 @ 360 x 160') $268,840 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION Page 5 5% 31% 8% $16,328,956 100% Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 i TOTAL PROJECT (1.33.x Construction Cost) - Includes All Soft Costs $21,717,512 New Valley View Pool Renovation of South View Pool City Parks Improvements SUBTOTAL Less Edina Public Schools Contribution Field Bleachers Concord Gym ECC Coaches Remodel Normandale Playground TOTAL REFERENDUM $(777,800) $(401,689) $(28,326) $(144,111) $5,785,500 $322,658 $4,500,000 $32,325,670 $(1,351,926) $30,973,744 Mr. Seeger concluded saying that before any project would begin, a great deal more planning and design would take place. He emphasized that the design was a concept used to develop preliminary cost estimates. Ken Dragseth, Edina School Superintendent, said the schools are already operating. between 6:00 and 10:00 p.m. and at capacity. He reported that when the City approached the schools looking for more space, the schools indicated a willingness to work together, but a lack of available space for additional programs. The Schools and City formed a committee to study the community needs and options to meet them utilizing school and city resources. In addition, the district reviewed how potential improvements could impact existing facilities within the system. Mr. Dragseth said the ECC is a high priority to the school district, and potential impacts have been discussed internally with the Board, and with the Normandale organizations. He pointed out that everything is at this point very preliminary and the issues will be resolved. The French Immersion School serves 500 plus students and due to its growth there has been constant remodeling during the life of the school. When the Community Center was set up in 1982, the idea was for the community to have a building that would be flexible in its use. Many districts sold this type of building, but Edina Schools kept the building and site as a major resource to the community. He pointed out the building's heating plant can support the proposed additions, the District already has administrative and custodial staff on site to manage the facility. These are reasons this site seems viable for the proposed improvement. Mr. Dragseth stated the District will continue to work with the site council to resolve the issues expressed by the parents. Mr. Dragseth explained the District entered into discussion for the proposed referendum project working to maximize land use while meeting needs of the community. He said other locations for the three gyms were reviewed. However, staff is already on site at the ECC, minimizing additional operational staff needed. Mr. Dragseth reported that nationally the trends are for school districts and communities to partner in serving their citizens needs. He added that the District enrollment is currently approximately 7,000 and will remain relatively stable so the needs of the community's youth is here and needs to be addressed. Public Comment Richard Novack, 5202 Grandview Lane, stated he was on the French Immersion School's Site Council, but was speaking personally. Mr. Novack reported Normandale Parents were initially Page 6 Minutes / Special Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 shocked that a project was proposed for the Community Center site. He indicated a desire to work with the City and School District to trying to make the ECC usable for Normandale French Immersion School and the proposed facilities, if the parent concerns can be met. The site council came up with some solutions such as protecting the school in a contiguous environment. This would require moving approximately seven classrooms. He suggested putting the school in its own area of the building, away from other users. This would eliminate access to the school. On a personal note Mr. Novack said he supported the project, but noted that the soccer community was not particularly represented on the planning group. He would like to see if a soccer complex could be added to the project. Mr. Novack also supported building a dome over Kuhlman Field, stating Edina parents and businesses are paying a great deal of money to both Eden Prairie and Holy Angels for space in their domes. He said that with over half of Edina's children 'playing soccer, additional fields must be considered. Mr. Novack said that 2000 children play soccer in the fall, the sport is growing very rapidly and lacrosse is also growing. Both sports can be played on the same field. Jim Kakalios, 6825 West Shore Drive, stated he had three children at Normandale School. He reported that construction has been going on for eight years. His children have been in classrooms near the auditorium and been impacted by the construction. Mr. Kakalios held up earplugs, that he said are handed out by a teacher to block out noise from construction now. The Normandale School is one of the largest elementary schools in the district. He is concerned about safety, traffic, and health. Mr. Kakalios said he was upset that the planning has been going on for over a year and only now the project has been made public, given that the Normandale site is where the construction will be occurring. He stated that he had a petition with 168 signatures requesting the School and City, before any referendum, engage a firm with elementary school planning experience to conduct an independent comprehensive internal and external environmental impact evaluation of the community center project. Areas to be addressed include parking, traffic, safety, security and health. Mr. Kakalios added that while athletics are nice and gyms are good, swimming pools and concessions are nice, children are in school for academics. As a professor at the University of Minnesota he would like to see students better prepared when they show up for college. Karen Christiansen' 5721 Blake Road, explained she had a background in nursing and that her husband is a pediatric specialist. Ms. Christiansen said they have four children in the Edina School Systems. When they first learned of the potential 3 -gym addition to the ECC they were concerned because of dangers of the plan. It made no sense to them to attach a multi- purpose athletic facility to an elementary school. This would place the children at risk of abduction and /or violence. It would bring adults, high school and middle school children in large numbers into close proximity to the children as they are leaving school or staying for after school activities. The increase in traffic also presents risk of accident and injury. Upon further investigation, Ms. Christiansen learned of the stated cost savings of the community center's boiler system, but the financial saving did not in her opinion, merit the risk of harm and injury possible. She said they would like to support the referendum because they agree with the other pieces not associated with the ECC. They however, cannot in good conscience support the proposal because in their opinion it is fatally flawed. Ms. Christiansen contended the location of the proposed field house is dangerous to the children at the Normandale Elementary School. She urged the Council look for another location. Ms. Christiansen said that a petition signed by 160 parents from Normandale and other concerned citizens has asked the City Council and the School Board to look at alternative sites for the gymnasiums. She urged delay of the referendum pending location of another site for the field house. She added that perhaps the Edina High School's northeast parking lot be considered. Page 7 Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 Neil Weikart, 4835 Maple Road, reported he was a 20 -year Edina resident. Mr. Weikart commended the Board of Education and the City Council for working together on the facilities. He added that Edina is a wonderful community in which to live and raise families. Both his children received great education in Edina Schools. Mr. Weikart added that education and schools are a cornerstone of the community. By working together hopefully everyone's needs will be met. Mr. Weikart said that in addition to being a parent of two children who have attended Edina Schools he was also president of the Edina Basketball Association and been involved with the Association for ten years as a coach, board member and president. Mr. Weikart stated that participation has grown incredibly in youth sports as the number of children in the community has increased. Last year 1,100 children participated in basketball programs from grades 2 -9. The house league programs have both boys and girls participating. Every participant, either the players, the 35 board members, or over 200 volunteer coaches lives in Edina or attends an Edina School. They will be a significant user of the new gym facilities during the week after 6:00 p.m. Mr. Weikart said the Basketball Association historically holds one tournament a year and he believes they would intend to continue. He said the facilities are needed for the kids programs. Currently, children are practicing and playing games later than they would like. Mr. Weikart said that while he agreed that education is most important, he also believes youth athletic programs are an important piece of Edina. Children meet other children from all over Edina, they are exposed to team concepts, and they are exposed to coaches in a positive way. With over 200 volunteer coaches and. board members, not just the children benefit, this is part of what defines community. Mr. Weikart said that older children teach younger children in skill sessions. By participating in such a session, Mr. Weikart believed his son learned community service. This is an important piece in raising children. Bob Fugner, 5200 Kellogg Avenue, thirty year resident, said he opposed the retractable dome and artificial turf. He said he checked with a neighbor who is a former football player. Mr. Fugner said artificial turf is dangerous and impractical. Mr. Fugner asked the Council to practice fiscal restraint. Mayor Maetzold asked Mr. Keprios to correct the misconception that the proposed dome would be retractable. Mr. Keprios explained that an inflatable dome covering only the field itself is what is proposed. The dome height would be about 70 feet. He added that modern artificial turf has been vastly improved. It is called field turf of crushed rubber filled into whatever level is the .most suitable for the particular field. It reduces injuries compared to real grass according to Mr. Keprios' sources. Member Kelly added the proposed dome was not planned as a retractable done, but an inflatable dome similar to a tennis bubble. Secondly, the Nike camp out west has put this artificial turf in several locations that will be approved by the NFL Players Association because according to evidence so far, the artificial turf is at the least as good as natural grass, and depending on the weather can be superior. Mr. Keprios added that Edina Varsity Football would still be played open -air, the proposed dome would be installed in November after the season ends and removed in March to be stored until the fall. Member Hovland commented the Council has attempted to be practical and were not in favor of adding an inflatable dome. However, upon learning that 3,200 children play soccer with the potential for more playing in the future, and that Holy Angels paid for their dome in one or two years, it was thought that the proposed dome could help pay off the cost of the dome, then also help cover operational expenses of the field house. The Council has looked at several community centers in surrounding towns, all of which loose thousands of dollars annually. The Council is trying to avoid any financial impact that would require the citizens to subsidize the operating loss of a center. Page 8 0 Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 Richard Connell, 4713 School Road, asked whether expansion of the parking south of the Community Center would bring about an access onto Ruth Drive. He added that he supported the . previous women speaker from Normandale. Mr. Connell said that he has been in the teaching business for forty years at the university level. Mr. Connell reported the quality of students has declined. If an emphasis is to be placed, in his opinion it should be on education. The Northwest Athletic Club did not take their bubble down this spring because of the cost of removing and re- installing it annually. Valerie Burke, 6317 Limerick Lane, said she was representing the Edina Swim Club and swimmers at the varsity level in Edina. She said that they support any plan that improves the current state of swimming in Edina. They were delighted to read the survey results and see the community response was so high to the improvement of the pools. Ms. Burke said they believe a true need is shown (35 -40 year old facilities). Edina citizens will respond with a yes vote and they would work with the Council in supporting the improved facilities. Jim Simons, 6637 Brittany Road, said he has lived in Edina over forty years. Mr. Simons said he had three daughters and was there representing Girls Traveling Basketball as their president: All three of his daughters were actively involved in youth athletic programs. He said it was clear from Mr. Keprios's presentation that there is a lack of gym time available as well as soccer fields and other facilities. Mr. Simons reported that his Association supports the proposal. He acknowledged that they are smaller with only 13 teams. However, they would like to expand, but may not be able to due to the lack of acceptable gym time for practices. Mr. Simons said the Association has received numerous parental complaints about practice times being too late. If facilities are not available programs will need to be cut. Children having an opportunity to be involved in athletics learn a variety of life lessons not necessarily learned in school: sportsmanship, teamwork, winning and loosing. Also from a girls' perspective, statistics show girls who participate in sports through the high school level do better academically, have a lower instance of chemical or substance abuse, lower dropout rate and fewer teenage pregnancies. Mr. Simons said that this demonstrates children participating in sports garner many benefits beyond success on the field or court. John Menke, 5301 Pinewood Trail, said that he thought the proposal was wonderful. He agreed the facilities are needed. Mr. Menke said he has coached basketball and soccer for close to twenty. years. He said he is currently on the Edina Girls Athletic Association Board of Directors as a token male. The girls need the gym space probably even more than the boys. Mr. Menke stated he was in an unusual position because he contended that the Council would' be voting later whether to take park space from a neighborhood while voting whether or nor Edina taxes should be raised for park and sports facilities. Mr. Menke said in his opinion the two issues are linked. Kathy Sommerville, 5217 Danens Drive, said she was a Normandale parent. She said the Council has been hearing for many months the Normandale parents concerns, but looking at the line items in the proposal for the referendum no item exists to deal with these stated concerns. How will these costs be covered and has any research been done to ensure these concerns are met? Mayor Maetzold explained that the referendum would . cover items-arising from the project, but are not reflected individually. Ms. Sommerville continued asking if the components of the referendum could be made into separate questions on the ballot. She added she agreed with many components, but her concerns for the ECC would force her to vote no on the entire referendum. Mayor Maetzold said the Council will take this under advisement when they consider this issue. Page 9 Minutes /Svecial Edina City Council/May 16,200 Mr. Dragseth added the School District has a Safety Committee with representatives from all the different constituent groups within the Edina Community Center. The District is in the process of hiring two independent experts to look at security and traffic control. This will be done at the District's cost. He added they have had a lot of input from the architects regarding how to increase security and traffic flow. Mr. Dragseth stated the District will continue working with them as the project moves forward. Mr. Dragseth said one issue that stands out very strongly is the use of the auditorium. The auditorium would have a totally separate entrance and a secure wall around the auditorium to remove it from the elementary school. If asbestos were to be found, it would be abated using the funds available from the State of Minnesota. He added that there are very strict rules that must be adhered to for this process. Peter Anderson, 6129 Abbott Avenue, said he was currently president of the Edina Soccer Association, the largest youth sports organization in the City, with over twenty-five hundred participants. They are the in- house, or local, soccer association, as opposed to the traveling Edina Soccer Club. At their monthly meeting last evening, the Board of the Edina Soccer Association voted unanimously to withhold their support for the referendum as it is currently proposed. Their reasons are as follows: The referendum, as currently proposed, does not clearly benefit or address the need of the programs of the Edina Soccer Association. The input of the Edina , Soccer Association has not been solicited as part of the planning process. Lastly, it is their opinion that there would be a benefit to delaying the referendum to permit greater and more detailed definition and input from the end - users. He said he would like to emphasize that the association's decision to withhold their support should not be considered as opposition to the referendum, or as opposition to the idea of improving Edina's recreational facilities. In fact, the Edina Soccer Association was recently awarded for the second time the Mayor's Community. Endowment Award for their own donations to the city to improve local parks, donations which benefited not only their participants, but those of other youth sports organizations and the general public as well. They simply believe that a more detailed analysis of the costs and benefits involved in these projects, along with more information regarding the City's long -term plans for funding park and recreational facility improvements,, should be required before this referendum gets put to a vote. Bridgit Colleran, 4725 School Road, stated that she would be directly impacted. She thanked the Normandale parents for raising the traffic and safety concerns. Ms. Colleran said her children attend Concord and she was very disappointed and concerned regarding safety issues and traffic, wedging the proposed field in between two elementary schools. Ms. Colleran said that she had been assured the fields would only be used during after school hours, but she questioned whether anyone has observed the traffic between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. She also expressed concern about access, particularly through her neighborhood. In looking at the plan, it appears that 59th Street will open onto the frontage road. Mr. Keprios assured Ms. Colleran 59th Street was mistakenly drawn on the plan and would not be opened. Ms. Colleran said the proposed improvement will affect her children, their ability to play, the kind of traffic through the neighborhood, not only around the schools, but also year round traffic for public facilities. Ms. Colleran said she did not doubt the need for the facilities, but she questioned why they needed to be wedged between two elementary schools. Ms. Colleran asked for postponement of the referendum until more people, who are directly impacted such as the surrounding neighborhood, have information about the proposed project. Janet Virnig, 5236 West 56th Street, stated she wanted to defend the Normandale parents, since she was told by a school board member that the Normandale parents are elitist whiners. Ms. Virnig said she understands this label, because the parents have had to stand up and fight for the Normandale School over the past years since its inception. She said she believed every Page 10 Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 Normandale parent would support the classrooms at Concord, the gymnasium at Concord, and the Valley View and Southview Middle School pool improvements if they were offered as line item improvements. They do not support any additions to the Edina Community Center because of safety, traffic, and accessibility. Ms. Virnig asked that the- referendum be delayed until more study is done. Dick Diercks, 4801 School Road, said he did not believe the question is whether or not there is a need for additional facilities, the question is the plan to meet the need. Having so much of the plan at one site is too much. The total impact on the site needs to be evaluated. He stated he was surprised and overwhelmed at the size and number of projects undertaken at a single location. Mr. Diercks said he thought that more than just the Normandale Site Council should be involved in evaluating the total impact of traffic, security, access and all the ramifications of the large project. Finally, in relation to Kuhlman Field's potential dome. Mr. Diercks said he felt that Eden Prairie and Plymouth facilities work well and meet the needs of many children. He added that in his opinion the Kuhlman site is inadequate to be the equivalent of either Eden Prairie or Plymouth. Mr. Diercks said perhaps the site just does not seem to be the site to make a domed facility work. He indicated that he would support a domed facility if the proper location is found. David Krasno, 5607 Dalrymple Road, said he has been an Edina resident for seven years. He has three children attending Edina Schools. He stated he was very much in favor of athletic programs. Mr. Krasno said he did not have a problem with the proposed improvements, outside of the chosen site. When looking at the proposed concept, it looks like a jigsaw puzzle trying to fit in something that just does not' fit there. There are terrific traffic concerns at the ECC. Currently, there are many times when there is too much traffic in the area. Mr. Krasno said he frequently flies over Edina and looking down he thinks the Edina High School property could better support a domed facility. If it means that fewer high school students have cars at school, then he did not have a problem with that. Mr. Krasno said he hates the thought of any children subjected to safety or security issues during construction. He reiterated that the project improvements at the ECC are too much and urged that they be located elsewhere where they would have a better long -term effect. Lenny Wallen- Firedman, 6805 Limerick Lane, stated he agreed with the prior two speakers and was glad to hear that people in the immediate vicinity to the ECC, were raising issues about the overall impact of the project. He noted that the School Board and City have put together a project that undeniably impacts one of the District's elementary schools. He listened to Ken Dragseth say he was putting together a Safety Committee to look at the issues. How can the City embark on a project that will undeniably impact, and cause issues until the impact, the scope of the issues, and the costs are known. The referendum should be delayed until this information can be gathered. He added that studies may well uncover issues not even yet thought of, especially since the Normandale parents have not been included in the studies. He urged the Council to order studies that would delve into the issues and get solid cost estimates, noting that some people currently not willing to support a referendum may change their mind if a well thought out project were presented to them. Gary Dorrian, 4708 West 60th Street, said he echoes. the three previous speakers. Conceptually he agreed that the project would be meeting City needs. However, in his opinion, scattering the facilities would be better than focusing. Mr. Dorrian said adding all the space will add operation costs. He said he had spent 30 years in public facility management and gone through many expansions and if space is added, staff will be added as well, perhaps not a manager. Mr. Dragseth explained that the proposal does state additional operating expenses will be incurred, Page 11 Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 16, 2000 but will be minimized because of the infrastructure already in place at the ECC. Mr. Dorrian continued stating he had concern with the roadway, because of the error on the conceptual plan. If there are errors here, he worried they would be in the, final project. He expressed concern with management, pointing out that the Braemar parking lot is still not complete and that project was done two years ago. Mr. Dorrian asked if the roadway costs have been addressed and asked if the demographics would still be increasing in ten years. Mr. Dragseth answered that the demographics of the district will peak at about 7,500 students and will remain within 400 -500 of that for the next ten years. Bill Lykken, 7100 Lanham Lane, said he was a member of the Edina Fast Pitch Association. That Association is in support of the referendum since they certainly need fields. He added that he would be commenting as a real estate developer. Mr. Lykken said that he has a daughter very active in sports, so he has the opportunity to spend virtually all his free time traveling to various communities visiting facilities. It has become apparent to him, that surrounding communities are in fact developing much better facilities than Edina. Wayzata, Plymouth, and Eden Prairie have land so they can make great fields. However, Edina does not have land, so we are restricted. He thinks that in order to preserve real estate values and to provide the same level of facilities other communities are providing for their children, Edina must be careful not to be left way behind other communities. Mr. Lykken said that he believed it would be possible, to study this issue to death and not meet the needs of the children. Every year the project is put off has a negative impact on the children it is meant to serve. Member Kelly made a motion, seconded by Member Hovland to close the public hearing at 6:45 p.m. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. Consensus of the council was to hold a special meeting at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 30, 2000, to consider whether to hold a referendum. There being no further business on the ,Council Agenda, Mayor Maetzold declared the meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M. City Clerk Page 12 r1l MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 30, 2000 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly and Mayor Maetzold. Mayor Maetzold stated the purpose of the special meeting was to allow the City Council to discuss the potential referendum and the joint agreement with the School District concerning the proposed park improvements. He noted that on May 16, 2000, a public hearing was held allowing testimony and that numerous letters have been received from residents. Mayor Maetzold proposed to the Council that they consider postponing the referendum allowing further study of Edina's Park and Recreation needs and exploring other options available to meet those needs. He offered this because the proposed referendum was a very large and complex initiative and, Mayor Maetzold felt it important that the City have consensus before proceeding. He stated that in reviewing the public testimony and letters received on the issue it was obvious there was support for the improvements, but there are several reservations. Mayor Maetzold noted these reservations center principally upon the gymnasiums and the proposed physical location of the gymnasiums. Mayor Maetzold said he hoped that after further study a consensus could be achieved upon the best solution. Mayor Maetzold added that not all options have been explored regarding gymnasiums. He said the Community Center Field House was focussed on due to its convenient locale and to the lower cost of building additional gyms at that site. He said that on a very cursory basis other possible solutions were identified, but were determined to be very expensive so they were not investigated in detail. Mayor Maetzold suggested . that the needs and possible solutions be re- investigated to determine if other options could be cost effective to meet the need for more gymnasiums, or if perhaps it will be found that the high cost options would be supported. Mayor Maetzold noted that a new ,state law had removed the pressure the School District had been under to renovate the Kuhlman Field bleachers for safety reasons. Recently, the State legislature adopted a law granting more time to complete these renovations. Incorporating the safety renovations with the park improvements would have saved costs, but now there would be more time before the District must complete the upgrades to the bleachers. Mayor Maetzold made a motion that the referendum be postponed and a more in depth study of the City's Park and Recreation needs and possible options be undertaken. Member Johnson seconded the motion. Member Kelly said he agreed with much of the Mayor's statements. The proposed joint park improvements are a very ambitious plan. He added they are something he was committed to and thinks that once completed they will be a terrific asset for the community. Member Kelly stated he supported the project and its location. However, he also agreed it made sense to postpone the project and study other options to make absolutely sure that this was the best solution to a genuine need of the community. Member Kelly said it was very important that a Page 1 Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 30, 2000 project was not forced upon citizens if they did not support it. He suggested that further study be conducted to make certain the project would be built in the correct location. Member Kelly added that the opposition needs to be addressed. Lines of communication must be opened so that if a better location cannot be found the people opposing the project can be convinced that the proposed location was the only viable option left and was the best solution for the community. Member Kelly said he hoped the opposition could be convinced not to be selfish in their concerns, but to look for solutions that solve community needs and the fact that they may be inconvenienced will be accepted because of the greater community needs being met. Member Kelly reported that when he campaigned for Council the need for additional gym space was heard from everyone he spoke with young children. Parents told him children should not be competing so late at night, because it was not good for them and it was not right. Member Kelly said he supports the postponement, but noted he was not going to let the project die, indicating his intent to keep working with the Council and the community to bring the issue to fruition. Mayor Maetzold suggested that if the Council agrees with the postponement that a blue ribbon panel be formed representing all interests to find the solutions to the City's Park and Recreation needs. He suggested that this panel be formed and begin work immediately. Member Kelly agreed with the Mayor's suggestions. He said that one of the most troubling things he heard.at the public hearing was the opposition of the Soccer Association. Here was one of the largest representatives of the City's sports community and one most challenged with facilities, opposing a net gain in soccer fields. Member Kelly said he thought the whole Association needs to look seriously at their leadership and direction. If you have participants who do not have fields and the Association leadership was opposing an initiative proposing several fields to the program, he suggested there was something wrong. Member Faust said she supports more gymnasiums. She said she believed that the community needs more gymnasiums. Member Faust thanked all the people who spoke and wrote letters to the Council expressing their positions on the proposed joint project. She said this does make a difference and helps the Council in their deliberations. Member Faust said she also believes one other issue should be looked at when further study was undertaken. The referendum as proposed was three times larger than any previous referendum held in the City of Edina. The last referendum was supported by 75% of the people, and included the seniors. Member Faust noted the many seniors had indicated via letters their concern over the cost of the proposed referendum. She challenged the Council and "Study panel" to review the cost issues to see if costs could be reduced somehow. Mayor Maetzold said that alternative funding sources could be investigated during the study. Member Faust asked that priorities be re- evaluated to ascertain whether all the components really need to be included in a referendum. Member Hovland said that the entire matter had been undertaken with the most noble intentions in an attempt to react to various needs expressed by different elements of the Edina community. In an effort to determine how to meet those expressed needs, the Council toured various facilities in the metro area. They came away with the conclusion that community centers would involve a significant level of taxpayer subsidization to operate. Member Hovland said the Council with these concerns about tax increases, and both construction and Page 2 I 0 1 4 Minutes /Special Edina City_Council/May 30, 2000 operating costs, attempted to balance solutions against the expressed needs. Conceptually, a joint enterprise was designed between the City and School District to maximize the efficiencies of operation and keep costs in line as much as possible. He said the work of two staffs expanded to a larger committee encompassing the City Manager, Members Hovland and Kelly, (and later Member Faust), and also members of the School Board.. Member Hovland said they needed to know, as they went along and defined the various elements of the scope of the project, how the School Board felt about it. He commented to the School District representatives, that the Council appreciated the Board stating what was important from an elemental standpoint. Preliminarily the community center was looked at because it involved the different efficiencies that the committee hoped to create for the tax payers. Member Hovland said that in the true democratic process stake holders in the neighborhood have now expressed their concerns. He reported that what he has heard from these groups was that the concern was not so much the components of the joint project, but the location of the components. Member Hovland concurred that setting up a task force to identify the location of the various components would be very helpful to the process. The legislature has removed some pressure with their one year delay on implementation of the bleacher renovation. Now everyone should have an opportunity to participate in the process. Member Hovland expressed concern about the location of the field- house. He said that f a facility should be located somewhere other than at the Edina Community Center; built on City owned property and run as an enterprise; then the stand -alone operating costs versus the incremental operating costs of a joint City /School District project must be determined. He reported that what he has been hearing from the citizens was that location was more important than cost. If the City has to run the facility and this costs more money, then go ahead and build the facility in the correct location, not to be intrusive into a neighborhood or a school. Member Hovland said this issue needs to be reviewed. Secondly, the soccer facility, the dome and artificial turf at Kuhlman Field must be studied. He reported the soccer association came in at the eleventh hour. Since they are such a large group, postponing the referendum will give an opportunity to define better the best place for this facility. Member Hovland said he believes a better location than Kuhlman Field can be found. Investigate whether it would be feasible to look at the Braemar Dome north of the ice rink, where a new facility would not bother a neighborhood and would have better access. Member Hovland said he was also concerned about the proposed cost relative to its impact on taxpayers. Noting the significant number of high value homes occupied by empty nesters Member Hovland said he wanted to make sure the financial burden was fairly spread. Perhaps using different financing mechanisms could be investigated, i.e., user fees. Member Johnson said he agreed with his colleagues regarding postponing the referendum. He added that while on the School Board there was a great deal of opposition from the community, who felt that the Board would be detracting from a other elementary schools by establishing the French Immersion Program. Opponents to establishing the French Immersion Program felt the Board would be serving only a small interest group, but could possibly detract from other elementary schools by drawing away people who were particularly interested in education. Member Johnson reported that this had been a difficult decision for the Board to make, but was done and has been borne out to be the right one, because the French Immersion School has been very popular. In fact, it is populated by a group of activists who are concerned about the education of their children, and they have been very active. Member Johnson said that in this case; pointing out the irony, those very activists who were the beneficiaries of the School Boards decision to do what was in the best interest of the School Page 3 Minutes /Special Edina City Council/May 30, 2000 District and the greater community by establishing another magnet for the Edina community, which would attract people, here, by showing the strength of the public school system; are now among the leaders for whom the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) principle is alive and well. Everyone that the Council has heard from felt the project was laudable, that there was a need for the vast majority if not all the components of the project. But not in my back yard. Member Johnson said he found it rather ironic that .things have switched and the opposition was now from the people for whose benefit the French Immersion Project was started. He said he agreed that the next step should be to figure out a way to accommodate the needs of the vast majority of the citizens of the community who want these developments. If the Council cannot find a better place that was more accommodating to those who have expressed their specific objections then the Council will have to make the tough decisions whether the needs of the majority of those who want these development override the .interests of those who feel they would prefer to have the development elsewhere. He concluded that he supported the mayor's motion. Mayor Maetzold thanked the Council and stated that he believed this could be made into a win win proposition when the process was completed. He thanked the Edina School Board and District for working with the City. He reported this was a new type of partnership and the community will benefit from it by ultimately having some fine facilities. Mayor Maetzold called the question on the previously stated motion to postpone the referendum. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Maetzold declared the meeting adjourned at 7:20 P.M. City Clerk Page 4 � . LOCATION II. B. Consent Item MAP LOT DIVISION NUMBER LD -00 -6 L O C A T 10 N 4700 and 4704 Merilane EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT I ,Y DRAFT MINUTES P.C. MEETING OF MAY 31, 2000 LD -00 -6 Edward Noonan 4700 Merilane and 4704 Merilane Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the proposed lot division involves the properties at 4700 and 4704 Merilane. The driveway for 4704 currently encroaches on the southeastern corner of the lot at 4700 Merilane. The lot division would transfer a small triangular piece of property from 4700 to 4704 in order to cure the encroachment. The transfer does not affect the zoning compliance of either lot. Mr. Larsen concluded staff recommends approval. Commissioner Runyan moved lot division approval. Commissioner Ingwalson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 7 EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 31, 2000 STAFF REPORT LD -00 -6 Edward Noonan 4700 Merilane and 4704 Merilane The proposed lot division involves the properties at 4700 and 4704 Merilane. The driveway for 4704 currently encroaches on the southeastern corner of the lot at 4700 Merilane. The lot division would transfer a small triangular piece of property from 4700 to 4704 in order to cure the encroachment. The transfer does not affect the zoning compliance of either lot. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. s M �A Ie,t Yw51"° E D N _ _ — — _ -e ZS 4. '01 `4E =253.4 892 R ' 1 1 1 ass 11 11-. -760 do aar s se ' Mb a -DON � 9n1 girl " 221-40 221.36 ,24• e '19°2 4 SURVEY FOR: NOONAN CONSTRUCTION. INC. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4700 MwIlons, Edina, Minnesota LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Fumished by client) Lot 60 and GOA. ROLLING GREEN SECTION TWO. according to the recorded Plot thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. I hereby certify that this Is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries o the land above described and of the location of oil visible encroachments. If any, from or on sold land. n r 0 o r . I 11-. -760 do aar s se ' Mb a -DON � 9n1 girl " 221-40 221.36 ,24• e '19°2 4 SURVEY FOR: NOONAN CONSTRUCTION. INC. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4700 MwIlons, Edina, Minnesota LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Fumished by client) Lot 60 and GOA. ROLLING GREEN SECTION TWO. according to the recorded Plot thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. I hereby certify that this Is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries o the land above described and of the location of oil visible encroachments. If any, from or on sold land. n r SURVEY FOR: DORSEY & WHITNEY 61343 -003 105 /5 1 (7e -10) DESCRIPTION: - - Lot 1, Block 1, 'GUNNAR JOHNSON'S REARRANGEMENT, Rolling Green . - - FISCHOELL dr MADSON, INC. asrwc . Ev,wa•rcmK sEmrr:Es ..mu e0uun+m. surE r GENERAL NOTES: �wertrara� »a0a ` / t) aw -7201 r xa.5 -2055 1. • - Oenoles iron monument laund. 16 � 90.00 M R \ i0 (a117.40� ,7 Q_R90' 6588 C s 116. / . n 30 o w eo 20 <� Scale in Feet / N t`•�� 6 / � ;8000 / Exrsm+c HousE °�+ / This drawing has been checked and reviewed this Ij 3 % day of — — T — — — - — — — — — — _ ^ _ _ _ — — — — — by ccP UrILITY 1 hereby certify that this survey was and that prepared under my supervision 1 am a Licensed Land Surveyor under the lows of the, Slate of Minnesota. Theodore D. Kemno 357 36 Date: Oct. 18, 1996 License No. 17005 c ' ��Zr1A,1�1 04 e Cn TO a :if]►TA VIA: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor & City Council Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: June 6, 2000 AGENDA ITEM iii.A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Roadway Improvements - School Rd., Ruth Dr., W. 59th St., Improvement No. A -189, Contract No. 00 -8 (ENG) Company Amount of Quote or Bid Total Base Bid Total Alt. Bid 1. Valley Paving, Inc. 1. $64,840.00 $42,650.00 2. Midwest Asphalt Corporation 2. $71,942.00 $49,584.50 3. Northwest Asphalt, Inc. 3. $72,260.00 $49,892.50 4. Bituminous Roadways, Inc. 4. $78,900.00 $58,415.00 5. Hardrives, Inc. 5. $81,675.00 $54,235.00 6. DMJ Corporation 6. $82,235.00 $53,350.00 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Valley Paving, Inc. $64,840.00 $42,650.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project is for the resurfacing of School Road, Ruth Drive, and West 59th Street. At the Public Hearing, City Council requested that staff separate the Ruth Drive and West 59th Street and would reconsider the project scope at the Award of Bid. Assessments per assessable lot based on the Base Bid will be $1,800. Considering these bids residents along Ruth Drive and West 59th Street could possibly pay over $4,750 per assessable lot in the future for their roadway improvement. See attached letter that was delivered to residents along Ruth Drive and West 59th Street. The Engineer's Base Bid Estimate and Alternate Estimate were $89,500 and $60,550, respectively. Staff recommends, based on the age of the streets, economic analysis of the assessments, and the excellent low bid that Council award the Base Bid. xc: Public Works - Engineering Si natur D ent The Recommended Bid is 6eNQ within budget not within budget Joh Ili /l`j a rector Hughet, City�yanager City of Edina June 1, 2000 Re: Resident Letter No. 1 Project Information Ruth Drive and West 591h Street Dear Ruth Drive and West 59th Street Area Residents: As you recall the City Council ordered the taking of Bids for the School Road, Ruth Drive, and West 59th Street roadway improvements. The City Council also requested that two bids be taken: one for all three roadways and another to separate Ruth Drive and West 59th Street. City staff opened bids today and the following is a summary of what these bids would do to your special assessment for this project: Base Bid: $1,800 per assessable lot, Includes all of School Road, Ruth Drive, and West 59th Street. Considering these bids, if we separate Ruth Drive and West 59th Street your assessment in the future could possibly be $4,750 (year 2000 dollars). The $4,750 assumes the School District will not be assessed since they do not currently have vehicle assess to their property from Ruth Drive or West 59th Street. The City Council will review these options at the City Council Meeting scheduled for 7:00 PM on June 6. Staff's recommendation to Council will be to approve the Base Bid based on the above analysis, the age and condition of the roadway, and the fact that residents of Ruth Drive and West 591h Street must use School Road to access their properties. Please call me at 826 -0443 or e-mail me at whoule(cD-ci.edina.mn.us by Tuesday morning to provide me with your opinion. I will present your comments at the Tuesday night meeting. Sincerely, Wayne D. Houle, PE Assistant City Engineer City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 826 -0379 Agenda Item III.A. June 6, 2000 Wayne Houle From: BANGHEAD @aol.com ;ent: Monday, June 05, 2000 11:55 PM ro: whoule @ci.edina.mn.us Subject: Ruth Ave and West 59th St roadway improvements. Dear Wayne D. Houle, Thank you for your response in regard to our roadway project that has been proposed. It seems like you have made every attempt in your letter dated June 1, 2000, to bias your opinion to conclude a new road would be in our best interests. The bottom line is we don't need it. Our road is used by only 6 families and nothing more, with the exception of 5 times a year for overflow football parking. Your letter contradicts itself several times. You seem more interested in trying to scare us with the future costs, than to address the reality of a road being needed or not. Nothing in your letter shows a reevaluation of our road condition, coupled with the fact that little wear and tear is created by the few residents that use it. I would like to point out your contradictions that shows a bias to your position. First of all, you state that that with us included the base bid is $1,800.00 per assessable lot. From the Feasibility Study -A189 you believe that this will be $2,300.00 per assessable lot taking into account indirect costs. The April 28th project information letter further breaks down who will be assessed. It seems up to this point your pretty sure that all will go as planned and that those letter were accurate and your best estimate was given. Things seem to change on your June 1 st letter. You make it seem as . .lough the sky is falling. If we decide to break off from the project you hit us with a new assessment that doesn't include the school, nor the city so you can fictitiously give a high estimate of $4,750.00. You haven't included what the cost are, or even if this is just the base cost. Secondly, the part of who will be assessed is another area that is misrepresented when figuring out the assessment. One letter states that side streets of homes will be assessed 1/3, yet in your attempt to raise the estimates of the future costs, you state that the school will fight any assessment because they don't have any vehicle access. Will you now notify the homes with no vehicle access to School Road that you are about to assess and tell them that will not be? You again try to take the worst case scenario to better your position with inaccuracies. You also state in your letter that your recommendation to approve the base bid is base on the above analysis, the age and condition of the roadway and the fact that we must use School Road to access our property. I have stated that your analysis is flawed and bias to favor your position. The age and condition of the roadway is quite adequate for the limited usage and general upkeep is all that is needed. Your statement in regard to our use of School Road is baseless, yet surprising. Am I going to be assessed when ae Concord Ave is replaced because I use that everyday? �� T ('C� Does Valley View fall into that category? Normandale Blvd? It's a shame you A� �•% try every angle to convince the City Council that this new road is needed, S��` yet fail to take into consideration how little this road is used. It's our Q� private area, leave it alone. Council, I but 1yf V.p�, You may share our opinions with the City as will, please also include in your report the amount of traffic we have per day. ,JUN aE�E�v Thank you for your time, David and Beth Iacono 8 Y A g 13 L E -o-- 95 9 CH. 5T R-C ET o� e .a° . o. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE:. 6 June, 2000 AGENDA ITEM III•s. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Two Single Axle Dump Truck Chassis Company 1. Boyer Trucks, Inc. (State Contract #423545) 2. 3. 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Boyer Trucks, Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION: Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 103,720.00 2. 3. 4. 5. $ 103,720.00 This is the purchase of two new single axle dump truck chassis. These units replace two 1988 GMC units, numbers 25 -348 and 25 -349 which will be twelve years old when replaced. These purchases are for Year 2001 delivery and are purchased through the State Cooperative Purchasing Program. This equipment is funded through the Equipment Replacement program. Sig ture The Recommended Bid is _ within budget not within b dget J G rdon Hughes Public Works - Streets Department V-MZ41311111VwMaM11112:it d i n Manager - o� e '�,�bRla'aOeM�6p REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: 6 June, 2000 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Two Flygt Submersible Sewage Pumps Company 1. Electric Pump Waldor Group (Sole Source) 2. 3. 4. 5. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: J Electric Pump Waldor Group GENERAL INFORMATION: AGENDA ITEM III•c- Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 15,930.27 2. 3. 4. 5. $ 15,930.27 This is the purchase of two 23 HP Flygt submersible sewage pumps with impellers. They are replacement pumps for the 62nd Street lift station. This equipment is funded through the utility fund for sewer and water. The Recommended Bid is within budget not Public Works - Utilities Department to .i• EOSIl��N DC 4378 E t !..4 � -a .Xvl� M7 li 0, mr- • L l .. � •Y _ _f' k �., -:• _ `v `R ' r 04 ,Rgi w Ce: etAl ch REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item W.A. From: GORDON L. HUGHES Consent ❑ CITY MANAGER Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 69 2000 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: ACQUISITION OF ❑ Motion 4416 VALLEY VIEW ROAD ❑ Resolution ElOrdinance ® Discussion RECOMMENDATION: Adopt attached Resolution. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: For the past several months, representatives of the City have been discussing the acquisition of the subject property with the property owner. This property is occupied by Roster's Service and Rentals. Unfortunately, our representatives have been unable to arrive at terms satisfactory to the City and to the property owner. Therefore, we recommend that the City adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the acquisition of the property by eminent domain if necessary. The property has been used for many years for the rental of U -Haul trucks and trailers and small engine repair. It was originally constructed as a gasoline station and operated as such for many years. Gasoline sales were discontinued a couple of years ago and the gasoline tanks were removed. Recently, the property-owner applied for a variance to REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - ACQUISITION OF 4416 VALLEY VIEW ROAD June 6, 2000 Page two install a canopy over new gasoline pumps which were to be installed on the property. After several hearings, the Board of Appeals and Adjustments denied variances necessary to erect the canopy. The property owner has now begun to install new gasoline tanks (without a canopy) for the purpose of re- establishing the sale of gasoline. There is no plan to discontinue the rental of U -Haul vehicles or other activities conducted on the property. Many features of the property do not comply with the current standards of the Zoning Ordinance. Among these are the use of the property for vehicle and trailer rental. In addition, the property does not comply with current setback, lot area and performance standards required by the Zoning Ordinance. The deficiencies of the property from a zoning perspective are permitted to remain as a lawful non - conforming use. In other words, the use of and construction on the property were apparently established prior to current standards being in place. In 1990, the City established a development program for a Development District and Tax Increment Financing plans for several commercial areas including the Wooddale and Valley View District. A copy of this development program, as well as a specific plan adopted for Wooddale and Valley View Road, are attached. The development program and the development plan contained a number of goals and objectives including eliminating blighting influences and functionally obsolete land uses which impede orderly development within the district. The plan specifically authorized the acquisition of the subject property. This acquisition was contemplated for the purpose of constructing off - street parking for the commercial area. Such a use continues to be the contemplated use for the property if acquired by the City. In staffs opinion, the condition of the property has continued to deteriorate since the adoption of the development program in 1990. In our opinion, acquisition of the property is warranted and necessary to carry-out the stated goals and objectives of the development program. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134, the City Council on April 2, 1990 adopted the Development Program for Development District No. 2 (the "Development Program "), which created a development district in the City designated as Development District No. 2 (the "District "); WHEREAS, it is necessary, advisable, and in the public interest that the City, acquire for redevelopment purposes, and pursuant to the Development Program, property within the Development District; and WHEREAS, in order to assist in the redevelopment of the property in the Development District in accordance with the Development Program, it is necessary that the properties described on Exhibit A attached hereto and hereby made a part be redeveloped; and WHEREAS, the City has been advised that said property will not be made available for redevelopment in a manner that would allow the City and meet the objectives and purposes of the Development Program unless it is acquired by eminent domain; and WHEREAS, in order to undertake the Development Program and provide for the redevelopment of said property in a manner that would meet the objectives and purposes of the Development Program, it will be necessary to procure the same by the right of eminent domain. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in order to undertake the Development Program and provide for the redevelopment of the property described on Exhibit A hereto in a manner that would meet the objectives and purposes of the Development Program, the City proceed to acquire the property described on Exhibit A hereto and all interests therein under its power of eminent domain; and that the attorneys for the City be instructed and directed to file the necessary petition or petitions therefor and to prosecute such action or actions to a successful conclusion, or until it is abandoned, dismissed or terminated by the City or the Court; and that the attorneys for the City, and the officers of the City do all things necessary to be done in the commencement, prosecution and successful termination of such eminent domain proceedings. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is hereby found and declared that the acquisition of the property described on Exhibit A hereto and all interests therein by the City under its power of eminent domain is necessary to redevelop property in the Development District in accordance with the Development Program. EXHIBIT A 4416 Valley View Road Lots 8 and 9, Block 21, Fairfax Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. 1 , DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 and TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS 90 -1 (44th and France), 90 -2 (Valley View and Wooddale) and 90 -3 (70th and Cahill), April 2, 1990 CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS This Table of Contents is for convenience of reference only and is not part of the Development Program or the Tag Increment Financing Plan. Page I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A. Statement of Need and Statutory Authority . . . . 1 B. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT 4 DISTRICT NO. 2 . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • . A. Property To Be Included in Development District . . . . . . • • • B. Development Plan . . . . C. Operation of Development District D. Estimated Capital and Administrative -Costs . . . . E. Property Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . III. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 90 -1 (44TH AND FRANCE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Statement of Objectives and Development Program B. Property To Be Included in'Tax Increment District . . C. Estimated Capital andAdministration Costs . D. Payment of Capital-:and Administrative Costs E. Determination and Use of Tag Increment . . . . . . F. Impact of Tag Increment Financing on Other Taxing Jurisdictions . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 9 IV. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 90 -2 (VALLEY VIEW AND WOODDALE) . . . . . . . . . 10 A. Statement of Objectives and Development Program 10 B. Property To Be Included in Tag Increment District . • 10 C. Estimated CapitalandAdministration Costs . . . . 11 D. Payment of Capital and Administrative Costs . . . 11 E. Determination and Use of Tag Increment . . . . . . 12 F. Impact of Tax Increment Financing on Other Taxing Jurisdictions . . . . . . . . . . 13 V. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 90 -3 (70TH AND CAHILL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 A. Statement of Objectives and Development Program 14 B. Property To Be Included in Tax Increment District . . . . . . . . 14 C. Estimated Capital and Administration Costs . . . . 14 D. Payment of Capital and Administrative Costs . . . 15 E. Determination and Use of Tax Increment . . . . . . 15 F. Impact of Tax Increment Financing on Other Taxing Jurisdictions . . . . . . . . . . 17 VI. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM AND PLANS . . . . . . . 18 VII. AMENDMENTS TO PROGRAM AND PLANS . . . . . . . . . . . ' 18 EXHIBITS A. Map of Development District No. 2 B. Development Plan C. List of Parcels in Tax Increment Financing District 90 -1 D. Staff Report Evidencing Tax Increment Financing District No. 90 -1 Meets Redevelopment District Criteria E. Estimated Tax Increment for Tax Increment Financing District 90 -1 F. List of Parcels in Tax Increment Financing District 90 -2 G. Estimated Tax Increment for Tax Increment Financing District No. 90 -2 H. List of Parcels in Tax Increment Financing District 90 -3 I. Estimated Tax Increment for Tax Increment Financing District 90 -3 I. INTRODUCTION A. Statement of Need and Statutory Authority. The commercial areas in City of Edina located in the vicinity of West 44th Street and France Avenue, Valley View_Road and Wooddale Avenue and West 70th Street and Cahill Road currently have certain deficiencies relating to traffic circulation,. parking, land use and physical development which detracts from these areas. The City-Council has determined that the City may be able to assist in the alleviation of such deficiencies and that in order to provide such.assistance it is necessary to include these three areas in a Development District to be designated as Development District No. 2 and to take certain action pursuant to a Development Program (the "Program "). In order to finance the capital and administration costs of the Program, it is proposed that the City adopt tax increment financing plans (the' "Plans "), which provide for the creation of Tax Increment Financing Districts 90 -1 (44th and France), 90 -2 (Valley View and Wooddale) and 90 -3 (70th and Cahill) (the "Districts "). The Program and the Plans are adopted by the City Council of the City pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 and 469.174 to 469.179. B. Definitions. Each of the words and terms defined in this Section shall for all purposes of the Program and the -Plan, have the meanings given to them in this Section B: "Bonds" means the tax increment bonds and any other obligations issued by the City, the principal of and interest on which are payable in whole or in part out of the Tax Increment, to finance or provide for the payment of the Capital and Administrative Cost. "Bond Resolution" means any and all resolutions, ordinances, trust indentures or other documents under which any Bonds are sold, issued or secured. "Capital and Administrative Costs" means the total amount expended and to be expended by the City on Development Activities as provided in the Program and Plans. "Captured Tax Capacity" means for such Tax Increment District that portion of the Tax Capacity for such Tax Increment District in excess of the Original Tax Capacity for such Tax Increment District as adjusted from time to time, if any. "City" means the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota. "Development Activities" means all actions taken or to be taken by the City or HRA in establishing, implementing and carrying out the Program. "Development District" means Development District No. 2 of the City as established pursuant to this Program. "HRA" means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota. "Original Tax Capacity" means the Net Tax Capacity of all taxable property in the Tax Increment District as most recently determined by the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota as of the date of certification thereof by the County Auditor pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177 and as thereafter adjusted and certified by the County Auditor pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177. "Outstanding" when used with respect to the Bonds, means Bonds which have not been paid, redeemed or discharged in accordance with their terms or the terms of a Bond Resolution. "Parcel" means a lot, parcel or tract of plat of land comprising a single unit for purposes of assessment for real estate tax purposes, as of the date of adoption of this Plan. ".Plans" means the Tax Increment Financing Plans for each of the Districts as approved and as supplemented and amended from time to time by the City Council of the City. "Program" means this Development Program as supplemented and amended from time to time by the City Council of the City. "Tax Capacity" means the net tax capacity of all taxable property in a District as determined from time to time pursuant to state law. "Tax Capacity Rate" means with respect to taxes payable in any year the lesser of (i) the local taxing district tax capacity rates for taxes payable in such year or (ii) the "original tax capacity rate" for a Tax Increment District as defined and calculated in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision la. "Tax Increment" means that portion of the ad valorem taxes generated by the extension of the Tax Capacity Rate to -2- the Captured Tax Capacity of taxable property in a Tax Increment District. "Tax Increment Financing District 90 -1 "Tax Increment Financing District 90 -2 "Tax Increment Financing District 90 -3 District 90 -1" means Tax (44th and France) of,the District 90 -2" means Tax (Valley View and Wooddal., District 90 -3" means Tax (70th and Cahill) of the Increment City. Increment e) of the City. Increment City. "Tax Increment Districts" means collectively Tax Increment Financing District 90 -1, 90 -2, and 90 -3.. -3- II. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 A. Property To Be Included in Development District. The Parcels located in the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, set forth in Exhibit A hereto, shall constitute the Development District. B. Development Plan. The Development Plan for the Development District appears as Exhibit B hereto. To the extent that any proposed uses in the Development Plan conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan, such uses will not be permitted unless and until the Comprehensive Plan is amended to permit such use. C. Operation of Development District. Unless otherwise directed by the City, the maintenance and operation of the public improvements constructed in the District will be the responsibility of the HRA, as administrator of the District. Each year the HRA will submit to the City Council the maintenance and operation budget for the Development District for the following year. The HRA will administer the Development District pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.131; provided, however, that the HRA may exercise the powers listed in said Section 469.131 only at the direction of the City Council. D. Estimated Capital and Administrative Costs. The estimated Capital and Administrative Costs of the Program are as follows: capital Costs 44th and Valley View 70th and France and Wooddale Cahill Property Acquisition $1,330,000 $153,800 $529,400 Demolition 200,000 40,000 150,000 Interest Assistance 175,000 100,000 150,000 Relocation 280,000 46,000 160,000 Public Improvements (Parking, Utilities, Landscaping, Street Vacation) 530,000 190,000 175,000 Historic Building Relocation - - 150,000 Total $2,515,000 $529,000 $1,314,400 -4- Financing and Administrative Costs and Contingen Legal, Fiscal and Administrative $ 500,000 Capitalized Interest 750,000 Bond Discount 105,000 Contingency 654,000 Total $2,009,000 The elements and costs shown above are estimated to be necessary based upon information now available. It is anticipated that the Capital and Administrative, Costs may decrease or increase.. The-City reserves the right to pay any of the Capital and Administrative Costs from the proceeds of Tax Increment Bonds or directly from Tax Increment. E. Property Acquisition. In carrying out the Program the City may acquire certain property in the Development District. The Development Plan for the Development District envisions that it may be necessary for the City to acquire any right of way necessary for public improvements and to acquire the following property in the Development District to assist in the development of the property it the'Development District in accordance with the Program: 44th and-France Area Edina Cleaners Rapid Oil Storage Garage 4532 France Avenue South 4536 France Avenue South 3916 W. 44th Street 3918 W. 44th Street 3920 W. 44th Street 3924 W. 44th Street 3930 W. 44th Street 3936 W. 44th Street Valley View and Wooddale Roster's 6120 Kellogg 70th and Cahill Union Oil Coit Warehouse -5- III. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 90 -1 (44TH AND FRANCE) A. Statement of Objectives and Development Program. See Section B of the Program. B. Property To Be Included in Tax Increment District. The Parcels located in the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota set forth on Exhibit C shall constitute the Tax Increment District No. 90 -1. C. Estimated Capital and Administration Costs. 1. Capital Proceeds. The capital proceeds of the project, comprising the proceeds of sale of any land acquired by the City to private developers, are expected to be $0.00. 2. Capital and Administration Costs. The Capital and Administration Costs of the Development District, comprising the total costs expected to be incurred in carrying out the Development Activities by the City is expected to be as shown in Section D of the Program, plus interest to be paid on the Tax Increment Bonds during their term (other than interest paid from the proceeds of the Tax Increment Bonds). Program. 3. Property to be Acquired. See Section E of the D. Payment of Capital and Administrative Costs. 1. In General. .All Capital and Administrative Costs will be paid from Tax Increment either directly or indirectly by payment of debt service on Tax Increment Bonds issued to finance such cost or reimbursement for items of Capital and Administrative Costs paid directly by the City. 2. Issuance of Bonds. It is presently expected that all or a portion of the Capital and Administrative Costs will be financed by the issuance of the Tax Increment Bonds. The Tax Increment Bonds will be issued by the City under authority of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, and Sections 469.174 to 469.179. The principal amount of the Bonds is expected to be $6,370,000. The actual principal amount of the Bonds, however, may be less than or exceed this amount, and the right to issue the Bonds in an amount greater than $6,370,000 to finance such Capital and Administrative Costs is reserved. Similarly, the amount ffm allocated to capitalized interest covers interest payable on the Bonds (net of investment income on proceeds of the Bonds) at an initial rate now estimated to be approximately 8% per annum for a 18 -month period; and the City reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of capitalized interest to correspond to the interest actually payable on the Bonds over the 18 -month period. 3. Security For Bonds. The Bonds will be general obligations of the City, and the City will pledge its full faith, credit and unlimited taxing powers to the payment of principal thereof and interest thereon. The principal of and interest on the Bonds are payable primarily', however, from the Tax Increments from one.or more of the Tax Increment Districts and no ad valorem tax is expected to be levied for payment of the Bonds and interest thereon in the Bond Resolution. All Tax Increments will be pledged and appropriated to the payment of the Bonds and the interest thereon when due. In addition; such principal and interest will be paid from certain proceeds of the Bonds (capitalized interest) and interest earnings thereon. 4. Bond Terms. The terms of the Tax Increment Bonds are expected to be as set forth below; however, the right is reserved to adjust any and all terms of the Tax Increment Bonds to secure the best interest rate obtainable and to insure that the entire principal of and interest on the Tax Increment Bonds will be paid when due from the sources specified in paragraph 3. The Tax Increment Bonds will be issued in one or more series, in the aggregate principal amount of $6,370,000, will mature serially over a period of approximately twenty (20) years from the date of receipt by the City of the first Tax Increment from the Tax Increment Districts, will be subject to redemption prior to maturity, will bear a fixed rate or rates of interest from date of issue to maturity, payable semiannually commencing approximately six months after the issuance thereof, and will'be sold at public or private sale. E. Determination and Use of Tax Increment. 1.- Statutory Authority and Tax Increment District 90-1 Eligibility as an Redevelopment District. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10 defines a "redevelopment district ".as a tax increment financing district consisting of a portion of a development district which is 70% of the Parcels in which are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements and 20% of the buildings are structurally substandard and the additional 30% of the buildings require substantial renovation or clearance to remove such existing conditions as: inadequate street layout, -7- incompatible uses or land use relationships, overcrowding of buildings on the land, excessive dwelling unit density, obsolete buildings not suitable for improvement or conversion, or other identified hazards to the health, safety, and general well -being of the community. Based upon a report of City staff attached hereto as Exhibit D, the City believes Tax Increment District 90 -1 is a "redevelopment district" since the conditions set forth in the preceding paragraph are satisfied with respect to Tax Increment District 90 -1. 2. Original Tax Capacity. The Tax Capacity of all taxable property in Tax Increment District 90 -1 as most recently certified by the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota, being the certification made in 1989 with respect to the Tax Capacity of such property as of January 2, 1989, is $116,578. 3. Current Tax Capacity. The current Tax Capacity of property in Tax Increment District 90 -1 is $116,578, the Original Tax Capacity. 4. Captured Tax Capacity. It is expected that the Captured Tax Capacity of all taxable property in Tax Increment District 90 -1, upon completion of the improvements in Tax Increment District 90 -1 described in the Program (taxes payable 2015) in Tax Increment District 90 -1, will be $177,920, computed as follows: Estimated Tag Capacity . . . . . . $294,498 at Completion Less Original Tax-Capacity . . . . 116,578 at Completion Estimated Captured Tag Capacity at Completion . . . . . $177,920 5. Tag Increment Calculation. Assuming the Anticipated Private Developments occur as described and provided in the Program it is estimated that the Tax Increment to be received each year for the duration of Tag Increment District 90 -1 will be as set forth in Exhibit E hereto. The estimated amount of Tag Increment set forth in Exhibit E is based upon a Tax Capacity Rate of .90098. 6. Duration of Tax Increment District 90 -1. It is estimated that Tax Increment District 90 -1 will remain in existence until 25 years from the date of receipt by the City -8- of the first Tax Increment from Tax Increment District 90 -1, or until the City's obligation to pay the Tax Increment Bonds and - interest has been discharged in accordance with the Bond Resolution. 7. Use of Captured Tax Capacity and Tax Increment. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.17,7, Subdivision 2, the City hereby determines that it will use 100% of the Captured Tax Capacity of property located in Tax Increment District 90- 1,.and 100% of the Tax Increments to be derived therefrom, for the entire duration of Tax Increment District 90 -1. 8. Excess Tax Increment. The Tax Increment received from Tax Increment District 90 -1 in any year not needed to pay debt service on the Tax Increment Bonds coming due on or before August 1 of the following year, shall be used first to reduce any ad valorem property tax levied pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, Subdivision 3, and then shall be used to prepay or discharge outstanding Tax Increment Bonds or pay additional Capital and Administration Costs, all in accordance with the Bond Resolution. 9. Pooling of Tax Increment. Tax Increment received from Tax Increment District 90 -1 will be pooled by the City with all other Tax Increment received from the Tax Increment Districts and will be available for expenditure for any Capital and Administrative Costs, whether or not such Capital and Administrative Costs are incurred with respect to property included in Tax Increment District 90 -1. F. Impact of Tax Increment Financing on Other Taxing Jurisdictions. The local government units other than the City.which are authorized by law to levy ad valorem property taxes and in which Tax Increment District 90 -1 is located, are Independent School District No. 273, Hennepin County, the HRA, and various metropolitan area authorities, including the Metropolitan Council, the.Metropolitan Transit Commission, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the Metropolitan.Mosquito Control District (the local government units). The taxing jurisdictions encompassing Tax Increment District 90 -1 will continue to receive taxes as if the Original Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -1 were unchanged, except for the increase in Original Tax Capacity described in Part F(2) of this Plan. This precludes the jurisdictions from benefiting from a portion of the increase in Tax Capacity which results from the improvements in Tax Increment District 90 -1 WE described in the Program or other development of the taxable property in Tax Increment District 90 -1. In order to assess the impact of this on Hennepin County, Independent School District No. 273 and the City the following table indicates what percentage the anticipated Captured Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -1 at the completion of the improvements in Tax Increment District 90 -1 described in the Program (which occurs for taxes payable in 2015 as shown on Exhibit E hereto), is of the present total Tax Capacity for such taxing jurisdiction. If Tax Increment District 90 -1 were not created and the improvements occur in Tax Increment District 90 -1 as described in the Program, all of the Captured Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -1 would be available to the taxing jurisdictions, which would result in an increase in the tax capacity of such taxing jurisdictions in each year during the duration of Tax Increment District 90 -1 in an amount equal to the Captured Tax Capacity., IV. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 90 -2 (VALLEY VIEW AND WOODDALE) A. Statement of Objectives and Development Program. See Section B of the Development Program. B. Property To Be Included in Tax Increment District. The Parcels located in the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota set forth on Exhibit F shall constitute Tax Increment District 90 -2. -10- Estimated Captured Tax Capacity Percent of Present at Completion Present Taxing Tax of Total Tax Jurisdiction Capacity Improvements Capacity Hennepin County $1,034,463,652 $177,920 .02% I.S.D. No. 273 63,744,885 177,920 .28% City of Edina 77,629,266 177,920 .23% If Tax Increment District 90 -1 were not created and the improvements occur in Tax Increment District 90 -1 as described in the Program, all of the Captured Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -1 would be available to the taxing jurisdictions, which would result in an increase in the tax capacity of such taxing jurisdictions in each year during the duration of Tax Increment District 90 -1 in an amount equal to the Captured Tax Capacity., IV. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 90 -2 (VALLEY VIEW AND WOODDALE) A. Statement of Objectives and Development Program. See Section B of the Development Program. B. Property To Be Included in Tax Increment District. The Parcels located in the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota set forth on Exhibit F shall constitute Tax Increment District 90 -2. -10- C. Estimated Capital and Administration Costs. 1. Capital Proceeds. The capital proceeds of the project, comprising the proceeds of sale of any land acquired by the City to private developers, are expected to be $0.00. 2. Capital and Administration Costs. The Capital and Administration Costs of the Development District, comprising the total costs expected to'be incurred in carrying out the Development Activities by the City is expected to be as shown in Section D of the Program, plus interest to be paid on the Tax Increment Bonds during their term (other than interest paid from the proceeds of the Tax Increment Bonds). 3. Property to be Acquired. See Section E of the Program. D. Payment of Capital and Administrative Costs. See Section D of the Plan for Tax Increment District 90 -1. E. Determination and Use-of Tax Increment. 1. Statutory Authority and District Eligibility as an Economic Development District. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 12 defines an "economic development district" as a tax increment financing district consisting of a portion of a development district which the authority finds to be in the public interest because it will discourage commerce, industry or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state, will result in increased employment in the. municipality or will result in preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality. The City believes-Tax Increment. District 90 -2 is an' "economic development district" since the Development Activities,to occur in Tax Increment District 90 -2 will result in preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the City. 2. Original Tax Capacity. The Tax Capacity of all taxable property in Tax Increment District 90 -2 as most recently certified by the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota, being the certification made in 1989 with respect to the Tax Capacity of such property as of January 2, 1989, is $74,536, which amount is expected to be the Original Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -2, subject to adjustment of 4.24% -per year pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision 1, based on the average percentage increase in the assessed valuation of property in Tax Increment District 90 -2 during the last five years. -11- 3. Current Tax Capacity. The current Tax Capacity of property in Tax Increment District 90 -2 is $74,536, the Original Tax Capacity. 4. Captured Tax Capacity. It is expected that the Captured Tax Capacity of all taxable property in Tax Increment District 90 -2, upon completion of the improvements in Tax Increment District 90 -2 described in the Program (taxes payable 2000) in Tax Increment District 90 -2, will be $10,468, computed as follows: Estimated Tax Capacity . . . . . . $123,373 at Completion Less Original Tax Capacity . . 112,904 at Completion Estimated Captured Tax Capacity at Completion . . . . . $ 10,468 5. Tax Increment Calculation. Assuming the improvements in Tax Increment District 90 -2 occur as described and provided in the Program hereto it is estimated that the Tax Increment to be received each year for the duration of Tax Increment District 90 -2 will be as set forth in Exhibit G hereto. The estimated amount of Tax Increment set forth in Exhibit G is based upon a Tax Capacity Rate of .90098. 6. Duration of the Tax Increment District 90 -2. It is estimated that Tax Increment District 90 -2 will remain in existence until the 8 years from the date of receipt of the first Tax Increment from Tax Increment District 90 -2 or 10 years from the date of apprgval of this Plan, whichever is earlier, or until the City's obligation to pay the.Tax Increment Bonds and interest has been discharged in accordance with the Bond Resolution. 7. Use of Captured Tax Capacity and Tax Increment. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision 2, the City hereby determines that it will use 100% of the Captured Tax Capacity of property located in Tax Increment District 90 -2, and 100% of the Tax Increments to be derived therefrom, for the entire duration of Tax Increment District 90 -2. 8. Excess Tax Increment. The Tax Increment received from Tax Increment District 90 -2 in any year not needed to pay debt service on the Tax Increment Bonds coming due on or before August 1 of the following year, shall be used first to reduce any ad valorem property tax levied pursuant to and in accordance -12- with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, Subdivision 3, and then shall be used to prepay or discharge outstanding Tax Increment Bonds or pay additional Capital and Administration Costs, all in accordance with the Bond Resolution. 9. Pooling of Tax Increment. Tag Increment received from Tax Increment District 90 -2 will be pooled by the City with all other Tax Increment received from the Tax Increment Districts and will be available for expenditure for any Capital and Administrative Costs, whether or not such Capital and Administrative Costs are incurred with respect to property included in Tax Increment District 90 -2. F. Impact of Tax Increment Financing on Other Taxing Jurisdictions. The local government units other than the City which are authorized by law to levy ad valorem property taxes and in which Tax Increment District 90 -2 is located, are Independent School District No. 273, Hennepin County, the HRA, and various metropolitan area authorities, including the Metropolitan Council, the Metropolitan Transit Commission, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (the local government units). The taxing jurisdictions encompassing Tax Increment District 90 -2 will continue to receive taxes as if the Original Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -2 were unchanged, except for the increase in Original Tax Capacity described in Part F(2) of this Plan. This precludes the jurisdictions from benefiting from a portion of -the increase in Tax Capacity which results from the improvements in Tax Increment:District 90 -2 described in the Program or other development of the taxable property in Tax Increment'Dsstrict 90 -2. In order to assess the impact of this on Hennepin County, Independent School District No. 273 and the City the following table indicates what percentage the anticipated Captured Tag Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -2 at the completion of the improvements in Tax Increment District 90 =2 described in the.Program (which occurs for taxes payable in 2000 as shown on Exhibit G hereto), is of the present total Tax Capacity for such taxing jurisdiction. -13- Taxing Jurisdiction Hennepin County I.S.D. No. 273 City of Edina Present Tax Capacity $1,034,463,652 63,744,885 77,629,266 Estimated Captured Tax Capacity at Completion of Improvements $10,468 10,468 10,468 Percent of Present Total Tax Capacity less than .01% .02% .01% If Tax Increment District 90 -2 were not created and the improvements occur in Tax Increment District 90 -2 as described in the Program, all of the Captured Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -2 would be available to the taxing jurisdictions, which would result in an increase in the tax capacity of such taxing jurisdictions in each year during the duration of Tax Increment District 90 -2 in an amount equal to the Captured Tax Capacity. V. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 90 -3 (70TH AND CAHILL) A. Statement of Objectives and Development Program. See Section A of the Development Program. B. Property To Be•Included in Tax Increment District 90 -3. The Parcels located in the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota set forth on Exhibit H shall constitute Tax Increment District 90 -3. C. Estimated Capital and Administration Costs. 1. Capital Proceeds. The capital proceeds of the project, comprising the proceeds of sale of any land acquired by the City to private developers, are expected to be $0.00. 2. Capital and Administration Costs. The Capital and Administration Costs of the Development District, comprising the total costs expected to be incurred in carrying out the Development Activities by the City is expected to be as shown in Section D of the Program, plus interest to be paid on the Tax Increment Bonds during their term (other than interest paid from the proceeds of the Tax Increment Bonds). -14- 3. Property to be Acquired. See Section E of the Program. D. Payment of Capital and Administrative Costs. See Section D of the plan for Tax Increment District 90 -1. E. Determination and Use of Tax Increment. 1. Statutory Authority and District Eligibility as an Economic Development District. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 12 defines an "economic development district" as a tax increment financing district consisting of a portion of a development district which the authority finds to be in the public interest because it will discourage commerce, industry or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state, will result in increased employment in the municipality or will result in preservation and enhancement of the tag base of the municipality. . The City believes Tag Increment District 90 -3 is an "economic development district" since the Development Activities to occur in Tax Increment District 90 -3 will result in the preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the City. 2. Original Tax Capacity. The Tax Capacity of all taxable property in Tax Increment District 90 -3 as most recently certified by the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota, being the certification made in 1989 with respect to the Tax Capacity of such property as of January 2, 1989, is $270,426, which amount is expected to be the Original Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -3, subject to adjustment of 5.10% per year pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision 1, based on the average percentage increase in the assessed va- luation of property in Tax Increment District 90 -3 during the last five years. 3. Current Tax Capacity. The current Tax Capacity of property in Tax Increment District 90 -3 is $270,426, the Original Tax Capacity. 4. Captured Tax Capacity. It is expected that the Captured Tax Capacity of all taxable property in Tax Increment District 90 -3, upon completion of the improvements in Tax Increment District 90 -3 (taxes payable 2000) in Tax'Increment District 90 -3, will be $306,941, computed as follows: -15- Estimated Tax Capacity . . . . . . $751,650 at Completion Less Original Tax Capacity . . . . 444,709 at Completion Estimated Captured Tax Capacity at Completion . . . . . $306,941 5. Tax Increment Calculation. Assuming the improvements in Tax Increment District 90 -3 occur as described and provided in the Program hereto it is estimated that the Tax Increment to be received each year for the duration of Tax Increment District 90 -3 will be as set forth in Exhibit I hereto. The estimated amount of Tax Increment set forth in Exhibit I is based upon a Tax Capacity Rate of .90290. 6. Duration of the Tax Increment District 90 -3. It is estimated that Tax Increment District 90 -3 will remain in existence until the 8 years from the date of receipt of the first Tax Increment from Tax Increment District 90 -3 or 10 years from the date of approval of this Plan, whichever is earlier, or until the City's obligation to pay the Tax Increment Bonds and interest has been discharged in accordance with the Bond Resolution. 7. Use of Captured Tax Capacity and Tax Increment. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision 2, the City hereby determines that it will use 100% of the Captured Tax Capacity of property located in Tax Increment District 90 -3, and 100% of the Tax Increments to be derived therefrom, for the entire duration of Tax Increment District 90 -3. 8. Excess Tax Increment. The Tax Increment received from Tax Increment District 90 -3 in any year not needed to pay debt service on the Tax Increment Bonds coming due on or before August 1 of the following year, shall be used first to reduce any ad valorem property tax levied pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, Subdivision 3, and then shall be used to prepay or discharge outstanding Tax Increment Bonds or pay additional Capital and Administration Costs, all in accordance with the Bond Resolution. 9. Pooling of Tag Increment. Tax Increment received from Tag Increment District 90 -3 will be pooled by the City with all other Tag Increment received from the Tag Increment Districts and will be available for expenditure for any Capital and Administrative Costs, whether or not such Capital and Administrative Costs are incurred with respect to property included in Tax Increment District 90 -3. -16- F. Impact of Tax Increment Financing on Other Taxing Jurisdictions. The local government units other than the City which are authorized by law to levy ad valorem property taxes and in which Tax Increment District 90 -3 is located, are Independent School District No. 273, Hennepin County, the HRA, and various metropolitan area.authorities, including the Metropolitan Council, the Metropolitan Transit Commission, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (the local government units). The taxing jurisdictions encompassing Tax Increment District 90 -3 will continue to receive taxes as if the Original Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -3 were unchanged, except for the increase in Original Tax Capacity described in Part F(2) of this Plan. This precludes the jurisdictions from benefiting from a portion of the increase in Tax Capacity which results from the improvements in Tax Increment District 90 -3 described in the Program or other development of the taxable property in Tax Increment District 90 -3. In order to assess the impact of this on Hennepin County, Independent School District No. 273 and the City the following table indicates what percentage the anticipated Captured Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -3 at the completion of the improvements in Tax Increment District 90 -3 described in the Program (which occurs for taxes payable in 2000 as shown on Exhibit I.hereto), is of the present total Tax Capacity for such taxing jurisdiction. If -Tax Increment District 90 -3 were not created and the improvements occur in Tax Increment District 90 -3 as described in the Program, all of the Captured Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -3 would be available to the taxing jurisdictions, which would result in an increase in the tax -17- Estimated Captured Tax Capacity Percent of Present at Completion Present Taxing Tax of Total -Tax Jurisdiction Capacity Improvements Capacity Hennepin County $1,034,463,652 $306,941 .03% I.S.D. No. 273 63,744,885 306,941 .48% City of Edina 77,629,266 306,941 .40% If -Tax Increment District 90 -3 were not created and the improvements occur in Tax Increment District 90 -3 as described in the Program, all of the Captured Tax Capacity of Tax Increment District 90 -3 would be available to the taxing jurisdictions, which would result in an increase in the tax -17- capacity of such taxing jurisdictions in each year during the duration of Tax Increment District 90 -3 in an amount equal to the Captured Tax Capacity. VI. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM AMENDMENT AND PLANS The Program and the Plans shall be implemented on behalf of the City by the City Council and the HRA as administrator of the Program. The City shall sell and issue Tax Increment Bonds in the amounts needed to finance the Capital and Administrative Costs, less any portion thereof to be paid directly from Tax Increment and shall use so much of the proceeds of the Tax Increment Bonds available and Tax. Increment derived from the Districts to pay such Capital and Administrative Costs as is necessary. VII. AMENDMENTS TO PROGRAM AND PLANS The City reserves the right to amend the Program and the Plans, subject to the provisions of state law regulating such action. The City specifically reserves the right to enlarge the geographic area included in any District, to increase the Capital and Administrative Costs and the principal amount of Tax Increment Bonds to be issued to finance such Capital and Administrative Costs, by following the procedures specified in Section 469.175, Subdivision 4, if and when it is determined to be necessary for the payment of additional Capital and Administrative Costs. This Program and Tex Increment Financing Plans were adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota on the 2nd day of April, 1990. Mayor City Manager -18- EXHIBIT B WOODDALE AND VALLEY VIEW ROAD DEVELOPMENT PIAN The Wooddale and Valley View Road Plan Area is primarily a neighborhood scale Commercial Area. The area developed in the late 1950's and early 1960's. There has been some redevelopment in the area, however, the area has maintained its original flavor. Deficiencies in the area are primarily related to serious traffic and parking problems. In addition, there exists at least one significant inappropriate use and some incompatibility between residential and commercial uses. Physical development in the Plan Area is now outdated and is now gradually deteriorating and is in need of upgrading to contemporary standards. In spite of these deficiencies, the area has remained viable and currently enjoys full occupancy. Improvements are needed, however, to correct hazardous traffic conditions and to reverse the gradual decline of the Plan Area. This is possible through the implementation of the proposed Development Plan. 1 INVENTORY Location The Plan Area is illustrated on Figure 1. In general, the area included the tracts adjacent on the north side of Valley View Road from the Valley View Center west of Wooddale Avenue, extending to Oaklawn Avenue. The existing conditions within the Plan Area are illustrated on Figure 2. Land Use . The Plan Area is currently zoned appropriately for Commercial uses and Parking facilities. The Edina Land Use Plan, originally adopted in 1981, designates the area from the Valley View Center west to Kellogg.Avenue as Commercial, and the area between Kellogg and Oaklawn as High Density Residential. Natural Features The Plan Area is completely developed with urban, neighborhood retail features. The parcels are generally shallow, north to south. Slopes and ponding areas are not present in the area except adjacent to Valley View Road west of Wooddale. Utilities All private utilities, except natural gas, are above ground. Parking - Circulation - Traffic 2 �1 61st St. W a � o,a dp,�� a a' Q mo ❑i❑ � o o m a ° O 'CM �p p Valle ■ 3 C i o I_ _ _ — ■ - -62nd. ■ J Project Area and �j Tax increment Financing District Boundaries 0 CITY OF EDINA PROJECT AREA PLANS WOODDALE AND VALLEYVIEW AVE. Hoisington Group Inc- r--M9%70, 2 o goo Figure 1 PLAN AREA f Existing Occupancy 1. Best Reflections Hair Styling 2. Great Clips 3. Sport Shop, Baskin Robbins 4. Conoco Gas Station /U -Hall 5. Valley View Drugstore 6. S.W. Clinic 7. Mobil Gas Station 8. Valley View Center a CITY OF EDINA PROJECT AREA PLANS WOODDALE AND VALLEYVIEW AVE. Hoisington Group Inc. 0 2 goo Area Boundary P = Parking Areas Utilities - - - -- Storm Sewer Sanitary Sewer Water - — - Overhead Power Lines ® Average Daily Traffic 1987(ADT) Figure 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS Valley View and Wooddale are both classified as collector streets. Vehicle counts on Valley View are 7900 east of Wooddale and 4700 West of Wooddale. Vehicle counts on Wooddale are 3300. Kellogg and Oaklawn are local streets. Parking conditions vary throughout the Plan Area. To the west of Wooddale at the Valley View Center a surplus of parking exists. East of Wooddale, however, all uses have insufficient parking. Often cars are double parked or parked onto the City right -of -way. Parking lots are privately owned and some sharing does occur. Circulation within the area is difficult, particularly at the intersections of Kellogg and Valley View Road and Wooddale and Valley View Road. In many instances there is not separation between sidewalk and street and /or parking and street. Numerous large access /egress points also exist in the Plan Area. Existing Plans The City of Edina's Comprehensive Plan identifies the Plan Area as a neighborhood retail facility. Although specific objectives for the area are not contained in the Comprehensive Plan, it does infer that the area is older and in a "state of transition and major land use changes should be expected for such an area." PROBLEM ASSESSMENT 3 J Problems within the Plan Area are classified in three categories as follows: 1. Traffic Circulation 2. Land Use 3.. Physical Development Figure 3 provides an analysis of the problem area. Traffic Circulation Deficiencies The most serious problem in the Plan Area is the pattern and interaction of traffic. Several hazardous situations exist as described below: 1. Disorderly intersection at Kellogg and Valley View Road. Several wide driveways and unimproved access points. There is no separation between the parking area and the street.. Haphazard truck storage at the Conoco Station disrupts visibility at the intersection. 2. No parking /street separation between Valley View Road and the SW Clinic. 3. No separation between parking and sidewalk south and west of the clinic. 4. Multiple curb cuts throughout the Plan Area. 4 General Problem List • Broad Expanses of Pavement; No Greenspace • Poor Signage; No Continuity of Architecture • Too Many Driveways; Too Wide and Undefined • Disorganized Parking Areas • Lack of Commercial District Identity • Limited Expansion Potential 1 I� MEMEEM go N "� =1 ■ J sm. HEM A : aw�_� 011►.'■ =0 -� a ow Entr!Teature Slope; Potential for Landscaping Rehabilitation Needed Paved Over Boulevards Disorganized Park Street Widening Incompatibility /Conflicts lEffiffm M �>LPotentlal Entry Feature LPa1 rking Cars Double Parked Shortage Disorganized Intersection; ride Driveways Lacks Separation Between Street and Parking nsightly Structure /Outdoor Equipment Storage Unsightly Overhead Power Lines Legend: SF Single Family Serious Pedestrian /Vehicular MF Multi-Family Conflicts. Lacks Separation Between y Street and Parking O Office R Retail CITY OF EDINA PROJECT AREA PLANS WOODDALE AND VALLEYVIEW AVE. Hoisington Group Inc o• z goo Figure 3 ANALYSIS ..� o"M MOM S� r .. i,MKRUM Incompatibility /Conflicts lEffiffm M �>LPotentlal Entry Feature LPa1 rking Cars Double Parked Shortage Disorganized Intersection; ride Driveways Lacks Separation Between Street and Parking nsightly Structure /Outdoor Equipment Storage Unsightly Overhead Power Lines Legend: SF Single Family Serious Pedestrian /Vehicular MF Multi-Family Conflicts. Lacks Separation Between y Street and Parking O Office R Retail CITY OF EDINA PROJECT AREA PLANS WOODDALE AND VALLEYVIEW AVE. Hoisington Group Inc o• z goo Figure 3 ANALYSIS * Seven openings between Valley View Road and 61st Street on Wooddale. Five openings in addition to street intersections along Valley View Road. Other traffic related problems in the Plan Area are less hazardous, but equally disruptive to the vitality of the area. In general, parking areas are disorganized and directional signage does not exist. East of Wooddale parking is also deficient. Through out the Plan Area there exists an overabundance of pavement leading to inconsistent and confusing parking patterns in the lots, and poor circulation patterns for both vehicles and pedestrians. Land Use Deficiencies In general, the Commercial uses in the Plan Area are spread 'out and extend into the area designated as High Density Residential on the Land Use Plan. Within the Commercial area, activities at the Conoco Station are inappropriate and do not conform to the Zoning Ordinance requirements. The following activities, among others, are non - conforming. Use of the site for small engine repair. Use of the site as a equipment /vehicle rental facility. Outdoor storage of merchandise and equipment. * Outdoor storage of commercial vehicles. 5 Land use conflicts also exist between the commercial area and the adjacent residential properties to the north, particularly east of Kellogg. Physical Development Deficiencies Development in the area was prior to current zoning standards and is non - conforming in terms of setbacks and greenspace. Much of the existing asphalt could be better utilized as greenspace buffers. The identification of the area is poor, as well as signage for individual uses. Architecture of the buildings lacks continuity and also is outdated. overhead utility lines are unsightly. DEVELOPMENT PLAN (Figure 4 - Development Plan; Figure 5 - Public Improvements Plan) I. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Eliminate blighting influences, functionally obsolete land uses which impede orderly development within the district. * Promote the growth and vitality of existing businesses. Encourage and promote private redevelopment and revitalization of the district. C. IIII 1 �I- Project Area Legend: R Retail. O Office 2F 2 Family Residential CITY OF EDINA PROJECT AREA PLANS WOODDALE AND VALLEYVIEW AVE. T Hoisington Group Inc o z goo' Figure 4 DEVELOPMENT PLAN . Entry Street Improvements VLan 0 Undergrounding of Electric Utilities CITY OF EDINA , PROJECT AREA PLANS WOODDALE AND VALLEYVIEW AVE. Hoisington Group Inc - Street VacatiA Entry Figure 5 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS PLAN * Increase the supply of off - street parking sufficient to meet present and future demand. * Correct existing parking and circulation problems and eliminate vehicular - pedestrian conflicts. * Create opportunities for new neighborhood scale retail commercial businesses in the district. Improve the image of the commercial district and improve its transition to adjacent residential. * Improve the streetscape image of the area by undergrounding existing overhead utilities and by providing landscaped boulevard areas. * Improve access to the area and traffic flow through the area. * Encourage and assist private redevelopment consistent with the Development Plan through: * Land Acquisition * Relocation * Demolition and Clearance * Land Scale to Private Developers * Interest Assistance * Improvement of Public Rights -of -Way 7 ,.I II. DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Although much of the activity anticipated by the Development Plan will be privately financed, certain public activities may be required to achieve the goals and objectives of the Plan. These activities may include: * Land Acquisition * Relocation * Clearance and Demolition Site Assembly * Sale of Property to Private Developers * Interest Assistance * Vacation of Public Easements * Land Write Downs * Public Improvements Including Landscaping and Street Lighting A. Public Improvements The public improvements project includes activities intended to correct non - conforming conditions in the boulevard area and to correct parking and circulation problems in the district. The project will provide an identity for the commercial area as well as improving the appearance of the area by providing landscaped boulevards and parking areas. Replacing above ground utilities with underground utilities is also included in the public improvements project. H I The public improvements project will occur throughout the district and will include the following activities: * Placing Overhead Utilities Underground * Landscaping Public Space * Street Lighting * Vacation of Public Easements * Roadways and Street Circulation Improvements * Storm Sewer Improvements * Pedestrian Circulation and Sidewalk Improvements B. Clinic, Drug Store, Conoco This project would remove the Conoco Station and replace it with off - street parking for the Clinic /Drug Store building and for the Sports Shop /Baskin Robbins building. It would also provide parking for an expansion of the Clinic and Drug Store. Kellogg Avenue would no longer connect to Valley View Road, which will help isolate the residential area from the commercial district. The additional parking provided will allow the elimination of the non - conforming and hazardous parking along the east and south side of the Clinic and Drug Store. These areas as well as other areas along the perimeter of the development would be landscaped and screened. C. Valley View Center The Development Plan an addition of approximately 6,000 square feet to the southwest end of the existing center. The site is under utilized and 9 • present parking.supply would accommodate the additional floor space. The Development Plan anticipates remodeling and upgrading of the present center concurrent with the expansion. 10 a'+ �' v. i ���� ..._. r . . x '��� .. � �.., 06/05/2000 ;ION 16:50 F_;11 507 433 1632 ASTRUP DRUG INC ASTRUP DRUG, INC. STERLING DRUG STORES /CLANCY'S.MAYN STREET P.O. BOX 658 905 NORTH MAIN STREET AUSTIN. MINNESOTA 55912 PHONE (507) 433 -7447 FAX (507) 433 -1632 June 5, 2000 Mr. Erik Anderson Assistant City Manager Edina, MN 55424 RE: Clancy's of Edina. Dear Mr. Anderson: SENT VIA FAX 1- 952 -826 -0390 16002/002 I've been approached by a group of Edina residents who are concerned about what is happening to the " IJ Haul Station" that sits next to my store in Edina. They've asked ine to write you a letter, expressing my feelings about the situation. 1 feel very strongly that the City of Edina should do whatever is necessary to remove the U Haul Station from its current location. This corner has been an embarrassment to the residents, the businesses and the City of Edina for years_ Its time to rectify the situation. Astrup 1?rug has been involved in this area of Edina since 1996, when we bought Valley View Drug. Originally, we had planned to merge Valley View Drug into our 50"' & France location. However, when we unexpectedly lost our Lease at 50`h & France, we decided to relocate Clancy's to the Valle), View Drug location and look for a way to expand. As it turned out, the Valley View location has been very good for business. We like it much better than 50'x' & France. Our stores tend to work best in these neighborhood shopping centers, The one problem that we have is that our current space remains much too small and expansion opportunities to date have been much too expensive_ If the economics were right, we would love to put in one of our new stores in this part of Edina. We opened up a new Clancy's Main Street in Hastings last Summer and have another one under construction in Austin right now, These stores are the prototype for our future. They are truly unique and would be a welcome addition to this neighborhood. I encourage you to drive down to Hastings and take a look. In conclusion, I simply want to say that if the City of Edina decides to redevelop this area, Clancy's wants to be a part of it. Getting rid of the U Haul Station is a good first step! Sincerely; CY Christopher B. Astrup R.Ph. Chief Operating Officer Astrup Drug. Inc. CBA:la JUN 06 100 07 :01AM GMI PROMOTION CONTROL DEPT P.1 /1 From: Concerned resident Date: 06 /06 /00 Re: Edina U -Haul Pages; 1 CC: ❑ Urgent O For Review Cl Please Comment ❑ Please Reply 0 Please Recycle I'm writing this letter to let you know how we feel about Edina U -Haul. We live on 61$ and Oaklawn Avenue and absolutely love living in this neighborhood. Our only issue with living here is that we are forced to stare at the rundown and depilated Edina U -Haul. I want to make it clear that I support the efforts of the small businessperson. In fact, my grandfather and father have run a small business for over 40 years. With that said, my wife and I have a hard time understanding why the owner of Edina U- Haul would basically operate a junkyard on a very visible piece of property near a residential neighborhood. We only ask that the owner of Edina U -Haul be forced to clean up his property. I go to the Hopkins U -Haul to get my propane tanks filled. If you would like to see how a well run and clean U -Haul is run, I would suggest making the short drive over there. Thank you for taking the time to read our concerns about the neighborhood. ii<.Ir+ .11i�...,r�:v:d:.. < ii iil<iL�r",' .a:o'a�s�:ii �; ;{.?fi•t:: :'rarli «ir. :,i:,. �3. .. PYP::• is✓�a "M[sSy a. ..I,1 ('S: }:i „q, �. y'lal}�• .. +: n.IS::ic;}In ?.. .d:� .r6,. �' 1.. �. fir; • ::;ii£ <a'::.,5.;;., ake s':;:S:�:Ss. >`:2.;. ( 'Ni it :�11.l.. .Y it 4,/' I(' I{ L:;:'+ . >' >I,:�;..'t�Y�iS'i':::�i %i::: : <l �: t ^`.l��•J.:2 :. 5.:: 1:.i :./ :.�A::2. !: .�'. . +:1 .'l..A :: }nj:l :l ::J:••', �fit:15',,(1 ����i���i ��i: 4; ll; tf' �;: :2f::'.' ":'.:5,y. }11i1::,;,:�Y: �'i ��i:T>♦1 i:1, ii'!•rif -r� � "li•4iyi At t <'.fia; +jz 13;1;? + It �5 5 2 5 � n i; n� �t,.F� v, >2 y :, . 1 llp; ;. :j�iiln,};,: s.:! r, �... �d.}LNd•i{•.• ; }:; s.�i,5 ,� . .�! 5. <. u5.; f } t� { �s..2 } t:�: „k: �n ���' ;.Y ��'4yi��� #li' ;�Z't: f .1. ail ill r: ,I4t15!•�!' �12, 'i%�:. From: Bryan Anderson I o: tric Anderson Uate: 6/41UU I ime: b:U5:44 FM Page 1 of 1 June 4, 2000 Eric Anderson Assistant City Manager City of Edina Dear Eric: I understand that the City is considering condemning the building currently operating as a gas station and U -haul center, which is located at the intersection of Valley View and Kellogg. I strongly encourage this initiative. That business has been an eyesore for our neighborhood ever since I have lived in the area, which dates back to 1981. I don't wish ill will on the owner but the facility is not maintained and is basically a "Junk yard" which I assume is not zoned for such a purpose. If you need ftirther input, I will be glad to respond. Sincerely, Bryan Anderson 5941 Ashcroft Av. Edina_ MN 55424 612- 925 -9290 6041 Kellogg Avenue South DOUGLAS MAYO & SUSAN LONG Edina, Minnesota 55424 U.S.A. June 4, 2000 The Honorable Dennis F. Maetzold City of Edina 4801 West 50"' Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mayor Maetzold: Roster's has not been a good neighbor. The owner of this property, located at the corner of Valley View Road and Kellogg Avenue South, has permitted it to deteriorate and stored miscellaneous debris and junk cars on it. Roster's has become a blighting influence on the neighborhood, and the blight is spreading to adjacent properties. The enclosed photographs, which were taken on April 9 before Roster's began installing gas tanks, shows the conditions at this location. Roster has stored miscellaneous debris, junk cars with expired tabs, and construction materials, and permitted dangerous conditions to exist. Furthermore, Roster frequently has parked U- Haul trucks on a public street and right -of -way. We urge the City of Edina to acquire this property, either through negotiations or imminent domain, if necessary. The City of Edina and others have repeatedly requested that Roster clean up this property. Instead, he has chosen to move more debris onto the site and played games by shifting junk cars between this and a nearby property. Based on past performance, there is no reason to expect Roster will become a good neighbor. If the city were to acquire, clear and redevelop this property, along with other revitalization efforts planned at the commercial district along Valley View Road at Kellogg and Wooddale Avenues, the surrounding areas and the City of Edina would benefit. Thus, we urge the City of Edina to acquire Roster's and initiate its revitalization program for the Valley View and Wooddale area. in erely, Doug Mayo CC: Gordon Hughes, City Manager Susan Long !! ;;gip , ���,,x w ,, - ....,� i i t` 4A R. . rier rxda9, -, s «i t 3 �t a, W D S two, .. ' oil 0 47 e 8N P° 4 °x �P 4r�.. JUN -6E -00 TUE 03:06 PM MN MEDIA 6129205902 P.01 }.; I M,07 re Fclia llfa��L loll/ k�.;�; : -• K;hl� -..� f ] °�_ iI/�% /rte c-� `L'L�'� G C• / i /J vp ray �� ;'�° < +9. � ,� � % G� ��'�• �' ::'� G%G[,':��u -76 S Z.C. � �. •:: i��i�i3�. � GC '�-r �iBJ �c� /LLGC- � � /C�. ���c�/!t�r�LC�c.� /N 7 I�c ,/ /� t' G(�.� Ert .x;1'4 ("•fii,� >`C �' •: c, .. sIj'; ;,.. .. ... ....,. ,: �.:- -.s s.'{; R't'^. _ " `tb'if'��w'.'." °.'S'�r?.�`l_`:, '."� >W"�1'1L''K s�`•. cI�, JUN -06 -100 I UL 02 :25 PM WALDELAND JWLRS �1del�nc� J�VUEI�2Y TvrTIQ carom ieVCurr manuuPCtuwnc June 6, 2000 612 452 0777 P.01 0452-1877 FOA qsa - n-4 7-4 1340 DUCKWOOD DRNE 0 SUITE 11 • EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55123 Eri c Anderson Assistant City Administrator Edina, MN I have done business with Rospers for over thirty years. Now they are installing ADA compliant pumps. Myself being in a wheelchair find this a big step in the future use of these pumps. In 1994 my business was voted one of the top 1000 businesses in the state of Minnesota. Now I understand that the city of Edina want's to close this very progressive business. This is very concerning to me. I write this letter in hopes of rescinding what your city council is trying to do. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I would like a copy of the minutes regarding this issue. Sincerely, Erik Waldeland ). o e • j�roRPOAATv� • IBBB REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: GORDON L. HUGHES CITY MANAGER Date: JUNE 61 2000 Subject: CABLE FRANCHISE ORDINANCE - BOND REQUIREMENT RECOMMENDATION: Reduce Bond from $300,000 to $100,000. Agenda Item W.B. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends 1:1.1 1:1 To HRA ® To Council ® Motion 1:1 Resolution n ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion REPORT: In accordance with our Franchise Agreement, Time Warner Cable is required to maintain a Performance Bond in the amount of $100,000. Prior to permitting Time -Warner to proceed with a' system upgrade throughout the southwest suburbs, each City required an increase in the bond amount to $300,000 to ensure completion of the work. Now that the upgrade has been completed, Time Warner is requesting that the $300,000 bond be reduced back to the $100,000 level required by the Franchise Agreement. The attached memorandum from Brian Grogan, the Southwest Cable Commission's Attorney, summarizes the action of the Commission with respect to this request. Based upon the fact that the upgrade has now been completed in Edina, staff concurs with Time Warner's request and recommends reduction of the bond to $100,000. May -30 -00 02:46pm From -MOSS & BARNETT +4900 T -857 P.02/03 F -820 MOSS & BARNETT A Professional Association MEMORANDUM TO City Represemaiives and Staff FROM: Brian Grogan, Moss & Barnett DATE- May 30, 2000 RE. Cable Franchise Ordinance — Bond Requirement Per the attached letter dated May 11, 2000, Time Warner Cable has requested that the 5300,000 bond required under Section 10.3 of each city's Franchise Agreement Ordinance ( "Franchise ") be reduced to $100,000 as contemplated in the Franchise. The above- referenced matter was discussed at the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission ("Commission ") meeting held on May 24, 2000 The provisions in the Franchise require that when system construction is complete the bond will be reduced back down to a lower level. Each City could hire an engineer to verify that the construction is complete or each City could simply accept Time Warner's stipulation that they have completed construction as evidenced by the fact that they are providing the advanced services promised. Based on Time Warner's representauon that the construction has been completed, the Commission voted to recommend reducing the bond from $300,000 to $100,000 as contemplated by the franchise documents. We recommend that each City place this item on its agenda to reduce the bond from $300,000 to $100,000. Enclosure 339441/1 io ,M3y-30 -00 02:46Pm From-MOSS & BARNETT e(50 &CO: i IIME V V RNE_'R CABLE May 11, 2000 Mr. Brian Grogan SWSCC Administrator/Moss & Barnett, P.A. 4800 Norwest Center 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 -4129 Dear Brian: +4900 T-857 P.03/03 F-820 �`r rF® As .you know, Time Warner Cable completed the upgrade in the Southwest Suburbs to a 750 MHz cable system by December 31, 1999 as was required by the cable franchise ordinance. The Southwest Cable Franchise Agreement, Section 10.3, under the General Financial and Insurance Provisions, required Time Warner Cable to maintain with each city a bond in the sum of $300,000 through the completion of the upgrade work in the Southwest Suburbs. Upon completion of the system upgrade, each city at its sole discretion may reduce the bond to the sum of $100,000. We believe we have reached the point where the requirement to maintain the $300,000 bond is no longer needed. We would like the Southwest Suburban cities to consider our proposal to lower the bond to the sum of $100,000 as the franchise ordinance would allow. I hope to hear from you soon regarding this proposal. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact me at (612) 287 -3659. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at (612) 287 -3659. Sincerely, Arlen Mattern Public Affairs Administrator Cc: Chris Enger, City of Eden Prairie Gordon Hughes, City of Irdina Jim Genellie, City of Hopkins David Childs, City of Minnetonka Steve Devich, City of Richfield 78. o e �N Cn �0 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND.COUNCIL Agenda Item IV.C. From: GORDON L. HUGHES Consent CITY MANAGER Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 69 2000 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: NOTICE OF INTENT TO ® Motion FRANCHISE CABLE' El Resolution COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM El Ordinance ❑ Discussion RECOMMENDATION: Authorize publication of Notice of Intent to Franchise. INFORMATION/REPORT: The City has received requests from WideOpen West and Everest Communications to grant new franchises for the purpose of operating and maintaining a cable communication system in the City. The attached staff report from Brian Grogan, Attorney for the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission, provides a timeline and notices required to consider the grant of the additional franchise. The first step of the process is for the City to publish a Notice of Intent to Franchise. Staff would recommend that the publication of this notice be authorized. MOSS & BARNETT A Professional Association MEMORANDUM TO: City Representatives and Staff FROM: Brian Grogan, Moss & Barnett .DATE: May 30, 2000 RE: Grant of Additional Franchise for a Cable Communications System The City has received a written request from WideOpenWest ( "WOW ") and Everest Communications ( "Everest ") for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a cable communications system in the City. Pursuant to both requests, we have prepared the attached documentation to process the City's consideration of the grant of additional cable television franchises. To that end, attached hereto please find the following: 1. Timeline for Processing Request for a Cable Television Franchise; 2. Notice of Intent to Franchise, required pursuant to Minn. Stat. Section 238.081, subd. 2; 3. A Request for Proposals, required pursuant to Minn. Stat. Section 238.081, subd. 4; and 4. Notice of Public Hearing. The above referenced documents have been prepared to comply with the franchising procedure required under state law. These documents have been carefully reviewed by the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission ( "Commission "). The Commission has approved and endorsed the documents at its Full Commission meeting on May 24, 2000. The documents should be reviewed by City Council and, if acceptable, the City should publish the Notice of Intent to Franchise in the City's official newspaper as required under state law and in accordance with the enclosed timeline. Interested parties may obtain copies of the Request for Proposals and related franchise documentation as described in the Notice and the City should thereafter follow the procedure outlined in the Notice and Request for Proposals which is derived substantially from the procedure outlined under state law. To the extent applications are submitted by entities which possess the requisite legal, technical and financial qualifications, the City will likely be required to grant one or more additional franchises. Federal and state law prohibit a municipality from preventing otherwise qualified entities from providing cable television and/or telecommunications services unless they lack the requisite qualifications or otherwise fail to comply with the franchising procedures. It is important to emphasize that at this time the City is only considering the implementation of the state statutory franchising process. There will be a public hearing before the City Council on this matter later this summer and no entity will be permitted in the City's right -of -way until the City Council considers award of a cable television franchise in the Fall of 2000. Enclosures 338305/1 City of Edina, Minnesota Timeline for Processing Request for a Cable Television Franchise -- subject to change in City's sole discretion -- Date Procedural Tasks To Be Completed May 24, 2000 Meeting of Southwest Suburban Cable Commission and any other interested parties to review process, law, concerns June 6, 2000 City considers publication of Notice of Intent to Franchise June — August Commission begins negotiations regarding franchise terms with prospective applicants. June 14 and 21, 2000 City publishes Notice of Intent to Franchise once each week for two (2) successive weeks in local newspaper (Notice also mailed directly to Time Warner, WOW, Everest, Seren and other applicants) July 14, 2000 Closing date for submission of Applications (must be at least 20 days from date of first publication) July 14 — August 2, 2000 Consideration of Franchise Application July 18, 2000 City meets to call Public Hearing July 26, 2000 City publishes Notice of Public Hearing - 10 to 14 days before conduct of hearing August 2, 2000 Preparation of report by Moss & Barnett regarding qualifications of Applicants August 9, 2000 Southwest Suburban Cable Commission meets to consider Applicant's qualifications and Moss & Barnett report - issue recommendation to Member Cities September 5, 2000 City conducts Public Hearing regarding Franchise Applications — considers resolution regarding qualifications. Late September — Early October City Council considers award of Franchise to successful applicant(s) - must be at least 7 days after Public Hearing — no time limit on when action must be taken. October — November Successful applicants accept franchise document and submit required closing documentation - typically within 30 days of grant of franchise 334141/1 NOTICE BY THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA OF ITS INTENT TO FRANCHISE A CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Notice is hereby given that it is the intent of the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, to consider the grant of an additional franchise(s) for the purpose of constructing a cable communications system to serve the City of Edina, Minnesota. This notice is given in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section 238.081. Applications shall be submitted in response to this Notice and to a Request for Proposals and Proposed Franchise Documents available on request in the office of the City Manager, City Hall, 4801 West 50' Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424, phone: 612 - 927 -8861. A. The deadline for submitting applications is July 14, 2000. B. Applications shall be in writing, notarized, in a format consistent with the Request for Proposals, and sealed with ten (10) copies enclosed. Two (2) additional copies of the application must be sent to the attention of Mr. Brian T. Grogan at Moss & Barnett, 4800 Norwest Center, 90 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402, who will be providing assistance to the City on this matter. Each application shall include a nonrefundable application fee of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500) in the form of a certified check made payable to the City of Edina, Minnesota. The applications shall be delivered to the attention of the City Manager, 4801 West 50' Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424, phone: 612- 927 -8861. Applicants are hereby on notice that any and all costs incurred by the City and the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission, of which the City is a member, with respect to the franchise procedure and franchise award which are not covered by the $7,500 application fee shall be recovered from applicant. C. Applicants are requested to be present at a public hearing before the City Council, that is presently scheduled to be held at City Hall, beginning at 7:00 p.m. on September 5, 2000. Each applicant will be given time to summarize its application. The City Council may then continue the public hearing to permit further review of the application before a final decision is made to select qualified applicants. D. The Request for Proposals and Proposed Franchise Documents set forth in detail the expectations of the City of Edina, Minnesota and the requirements of the content of the franchise proposal and are made in conformance to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section 238.081, subd. 4. E. The desired system design and services to be offered are identified in the Proposed Franchise Documents attached to the Request for Proposals and include a system serving the entire City of Edina, Minnesota with a reasonable line extension policy; flexibility to increase channel capacity; public, educational and governmental access channels supported by the operator; reasonable rates; a mix, level and quality of programs and services comparable to other systems and 325880/1 customer services and maintenance plans to ensure the highest degree of service to the subscriber. The Request for Proposals and Proposed Franchise Documents provide further details of the desired system design and services to be offered. F. The criteria for evaluating the applications and priorities for selection are as follows: The completeness of applications, conformance to Request for Proposal, and Proposed Franchise Documents; 2. . The system design; The programs and services offered initially and criteria for adding programs. and services; 4. The initial service area and the line extension policy; 5. The time for construction; 6. Customer service policies and system testing; 7. The legal, technical, and financial qualifications of the applicant; and 8. The proposal for community services, including public, educational, and governmental access. H. Applications which meet the above criteria in the opinion of the City Council shall be considered for a franchise. I. The applicant(s) selected by the City Council will be required to accept the Franchise Documents granted within thirty (30) days after adoption and will also be required to reimburse the City of Edina for any and all expenses not covered by the application fee, as provided for by Minnesota Statutes Section 238.081, subd. 8. Applicants are advised that the City of Edina is member of a joint powers entity, the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission ( "Commission ") which will provide input and recommendations to the City regarding this process. The Commission consists of the following cities: Edina, Eden Prairie, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Richfield each of which has previously granted identical franchises to KBL Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc., d/b /a Time Warner. K. All questions concerning this request should be directed to Mr. Gordon Hughes, City Manager, City Hall, 4801 West 50" Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424, phone: 612 - 927 -8861 or Mr. Brian T. Grogan, Moss & Barnett, P.A., 4800 Norwest Center, 90 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 -4129, phone (612) 347 -0340, the Commission's legal advisor regarding this process. 325880/1 2 Date: Publish in: 2000 City Clerk on , 2000 and Publication required for each publication. 325880/1 2000. Affidavit of EXHIBIT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS OFFICIAL APPLICATION FORM 325880/1 A-1 EXHIBIT B PROPOSED FRANCHISE DOCUMENTS 325880/1 B-1 CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS OFFICIAL APPLICATION FORM JUNE , 2000 Applicants interested in submitting a proposal for a cable communications franchise shall submit the following information as required by Minnesota Statutes Section 238.081 (subd. 4) to the City of Edina, Minnesota on or before July 14, 2000. A. Plans for channel capacity, including both the total number of channels capable of being energized in the system and the number of channels to be energized immediately. B. A statement of the television and radio broadcast signals for which permission to carry will be requested from the Federal Communications Commission. C. A description of the proposed system design and planned operation, including at least the following items: 1. The general area for location of antenna and headend, if known; 2. The schedule for activating and two -way capacity; 3. The type of automated services to be provided; 4. The number of channels and services to be made available for access cable broadcasting; and The schedule of charges for facilities and staff assistance for access cable broadcasting. D. Terms and conditions under which particular service is to be provided to governmental and educational entities. E. A schedule of proposed rates in relation to the services to be provided and a proposed policy regarding unusual or difficult connection of services. F. A time schedule for construction of the entire system with the time sequence for wiring various portions of the City of Edina, Minnesota. G. A statement indicating the applicant's qualifications and experience in the cable communications field, if any. H. An identification of the municipalities in which the applicant either owns or operates a cable communications system, directly or indirectly, or has outstanding franchises for which no system has been built. 334170/1 I. Plans for financing the proposed system, which must indicate every significant anticipated source of capital and significant limitations or conditions with respect to the availability of the indicated sources of capital. This information shall include the following: 1. List and describe all financial resources (committed or otherwise) which the Applicant proposes to use in constructing and operating the system. Committed financial resources may include, but are not limited to: bank financing; existing capital reserves; capital calls (or equivalent rights) under definitive governance documents of the applicant; operating surplus to be generated from operating activities; or resources generated through the issuance of debt or equity securities. 2. With respect to each of the sources described in 1 above, provide supporting documentation (such as a commitment letter from a financial institution; copies of definitive governance documents; terms sheet for debt or equity securities...) establishing the total resources available and the amount of resources appropriated for the cable franchise operations, if different from total funds available. 3. To the extent any of the financing sources described in 1 above have limitations or conditions imposed by such financing source on availability, use or other restrictions which could reasonably be expected to adversely affect the availability of such financial resources for use by the applicant, describe in detail: (a) each such limitation or condition; (b) the means the applicant intends to employ in order to satisfy each such limitation or condition; (c) a projection as to when such conditions or limitations will be satisfied (to the extent practical); (d) any contingent sources of capital or financial resources which may be sought in the event such conditions or limitations are not met; and (e) the reasonably foreseeable effect of the loss of each such source of financing on the applicant's ability to meet its obligations to the City. 4. Provide a detailed budget or other financial forecast which identifies the total capital resources which the applicant projects will be required to construct and operate the cable franchise system in the City for the lesser of five (5) years or until the applicant otherwise projects that the cash deficit from operations will be reduced to zero, including a summary of the material assumptions employed in such forecast or budget. 5. Provide financial statements (balance sheet, statement of operations and statement of cash flow) for each of the two immediately preceding fiscal years, together with the most current set of financial statements for the current fiscal year, all prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (except as noted). J. A statement of ownership detailing the corporate organization of the applicant, if any, including the names and addresses of officers and directors and the number of 334170/1 2 shares held by each officer or director, and intercompany relationship, including the parent, subsidiary or affiliated company. K. A notation and explanation of omissions or other variations with respect to the requirements of the proposal. L. Plans for construction and use of right -of -way, as follows: 1. Describe the level of interference landowners will experience with the installation of equipment by the applicant: 2. Describe what steps the applicant is planning to take to mitigate how long the installation of the equipment will take. 3. Describe what steps the applicant is planning to take to inform residents of the equipment installation and any safety concerns or safety measures related thereto. 4. What percent of equipment does the applicant anticipate will be installed above - ground and what percent underground? 5. To what extent does the applicant anticipate the need to detour traffic or close certain roads, sidewalks, or other rights -of -way to accommodate construction or installation of equipment. 6. What steps is the applicant planning to take to minimize, destruction of public and/or private property during construction and installation? 7. Will the applicant agree to pay for any and all costs "to repair public and/or -private property to as good a condition as its was prior to construction and installation? 8. Where does the applicant intend to store its equipment during construction, and what measures will it be taking to keep conditions safe from children, traffic or any other persons who may go near it. 9. What will the applicant do with the equipment during the winter months when construction may be delayed or temporarily discontinued? 10. Does the applicant believe it will be able to collocate its equipment with that of existing cable companies, and what steps has and will the applicant take to determine the feasibility of collocation? 11.. Is the applicant committed to collocate its equipment if technically feasible? 12. What steps does the applicant take to secure cable and equipment so there is minimal aesthetic interference? Substantive amendments may not be made to a proposal after a proposal has been submitted to the City of Edina, Minnesota and before the award of a franchise. All proposals must be notarized and must include detailed responses to the above information requests, as well as the 334170/1 information requested in the Notice by the City of Its Intent to Franchise a Cable Communications System, attached hereto as Attachment A. The City of Edina, Minnesota reserves its rights to request additional information of applicant at any time during this process. Applicants are advised that KBL Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc., d/b /a Time Warner Cable, currently provides cable television service throughout the City of Edina, Minnesota, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1996 -5 which became effective on or about January 1, 1997, and which will expire on or about January 1, 2012. Applicant's proposal should identify changes in Ordinance No. 1996 -5 which applicant requests be adopted and the substantive basis for applicant's request. Applicants are advised that Ordinance No. 1996 -5 will serve as the basis on which a franchise may be granted to any qualified applicant. Any questions regarding this Request for Proposals or the exhibits attached hereto may be directed to Mr. Gordon Hughes, City Manager, City Hall, 4801 West 500' Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424 or Mr. Brian T. Grogan, Moss & Barnett, 4800 Norwest Center, 90 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402. 334170/1 4 ATTACHMENT A NOTICE BY THE CITY OF ITS INTENT TO FRANCHISE A CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM 334170/1 A -1 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Edina, Minnesota will hold a hearing on September 5, 2000 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, to consider the applications received for a cable franchise. The public hearing will be held at the Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50`h Street, Edina, Minnesota. All interested parties are invited to attend and voice their opinions. Written statements may be submitted at or before the public hearing. City Clerk [DATE] 334939/1 i City of Edina Sump Pump Inspection and 1/1 Reduction Program Final Report June 2000 Prepared by Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS City of Edina Sump Pump Inspection and I/I - Reduction Program Final Report June 2.000 hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Do .. las'G. Tholo, P.E. Date Reg. No. 19106 Howard R Green Company 1326 Ene' "'.Park Drive St. Paul, MN '55108 Phone: 651= 644 -4389 Fax: 651 - 644 -9446 Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota TABLE OF CONTENTS I. HISTORY I. INTRODUCTION III. STUDY PURPOSE AND SCOPE IV. DATA ANALYSIS V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DATA APPENDICES 'NOTE: The following appendix sections are provided to the City electronically only * ** A. Non - Compliant Locations Properties which are currently not inspected Properties which are Currently Failing Properties with Water in the Basement B. Compliant Locations C. Number of Sump Baskets D. Number of Sump Pumps E. Locations with Water Present in Basket F. Pump Discharge Locations G. Pump and Basket Combinations H. Properties with Cisterns MAPS PROVIDED 1r Sump Pump Inspection — .failed fist- inspection 2._ Sump Pump Inspection s failedfinal. inspection 3. Properties with Water in Basket, Basement During Inspection O V ROM0134Winal Report -June 2000.doc 1 ,. ., •.. � :., ._ - -..ter ,i „_ 'v_.�I'G,. •. .. .' . ±s ..'.'�. �. _ ,. v ... . .. ., 'y� Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota I. HISTORY Cities throughout Minnesota have become more aware of inflow sources and their significance through education efforts of the League of Minnesota Cities, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services. These agencies have been encouraging communities to implement sump pump inspection programs in order to reduce the amount of clear water inflow to the wastewater conveyance and treatment infrastructure. Infiltration /Inflow (1 /1) is clear water that enters the sanitary system. Infiltration includes such items as surface runoff and groundwater that leaks into the sanitary system through cracks or defects in existing manholes and pipelines. Inflow is clear water that is put directly into the sanitary system such as sump pump connections referred to as cross connections. The City of Edina has recognized the benefit of these programs in reducing inflow and is committed to reducing inflow from sump pump cross connections. Through previous studies, other cities have found that 5% to 7% of properties have their sump pump systems cross connected to the sanitary sewer. The previous Study completed for the City of Edina by TKDA, concluded that 59% of the peak flow in the sanitary sewer system was inflow. Subsequently, the focus of future evaluations was to be on inflow in the worst areas of the system, as identified in this study. II. INTRODUCTION The City of Edina authorized Howard R. Green Company (HRG) to initiate a Sump Pump Inspection and Infiltration /Inflow (1 /1) Reduction Program in February 1998. HRG initiated the sump pump inspections of 13,076 residential properties and 816 non- residential properties for possible connections of sump pumps to the sanitary sewer system. Edina chose to initiate a sump pump inspection program due to 1997 sanitary sewer backups and high levels of clear water entering the sanitary system. P- umping of clear water from sump pumps into the sanitary sewer system can be a significant source of inflow and cause wastewater backups. The City has reviewed wastewater flows of previous years as well as other possible sources of 1 /I. Although sump pump discharge to the sanitary system is not the sole source of inflow, these discharges are one of the major contributors. This study on sump pump discharges and the effects of inflow were prompted by specific events related to high levels of rainfall in the summer of 1997. During this time period, sewer backups occurred in several locations throughout the City of Edina. These backups specifically occurred in Areas 6, 10, and 18. These areas are illustrated in the attached maps. OAPROMM34011Final Report-June 2000.doc 2 Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota III. STUDY PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of the Sump Pump Inspection and 1/1 Reduction Program for the City of Edina is, as follows: 1. Reduce the occurrences of sewer backups related to inflow sources. 2. Educate the public on the effects of cross connections to the sanitary sewer. 3. Significantly reduce rainfall- induced inflow from cross connections. 4. Eliminate as many sump" pump cross connections as.feasible. 5. Avoid wastewater conveyance and treatment costs of clear water inflow. The following are potential benefits that were originally identified for the sump pump inspection program: Estimated number of properties= 13,500 Estimated number of sump pump installations: Single pumps - 7% of households 945 Multiple pumps - 1.5% of households 203 Total estimated number of sump pumps 1,148 The estimated clear water discharge is as follows: - -- _ - 945 sump pumps x 1,400. GPD x 62 days /year = 82 million gal /year 203 multiple sump pumps x 2,800 GPD x 62 days /year = 35 million gal /year Total estimated clear water discharge from sump pumps 117 million gal /year The scope and approach of the sump pump inspection project included: 1. A- ;communication /education component with new ordinances and public meetings, local video access, mailings to property owners, and 'press releases. 2. Physical inspection of approximately 1=3,500 locations, throughout-the City of Edina. These inspections were documented on inspection forms that,were developed for th6,0ty (see Appendix fora. sample) ,and include such iterims as sump baskets, sump'purrips, water in baskets and /or floor, and roof leader locations. OAPROM01340�J' inal Report -June 2000.doe 3 Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota The inspection forms were utilized to develop the various data that this report is based. Subsequently, the completed inspection forms were utilized to prepare a computerized database of this information, which was made compatible with the City's computer network. Through this network, the database can generate maps as well as interface with other information systems. The information and maps document the following: 1. Existing sump pumps 2. Existing sump baskets 3. Non - compliant locations The maps will be useful resources for the City. For example, the maps can be cross - referenced to other capital improvement projects being planned. The City can then include 1/1 reduction programs into future improvement projects such as new storm sewer improvements, facilitating sump pump connections to existing storm sewers /draintiles, and roof leader rerouting. The maps will also help the City focus its re- inspection programs more efficiently and effectively. IV. DATA ANALYSIS The Sump Pump Inspection Program has resulted in the collection of a great deal of data. The use of this data will provide the City with a focused strategy for inflow reduction. Table 1 provides a summary of the data that was collected in the program. Maps and lists of the data are also included in the Appendix. To date, over 99% of the 13,892 properties inspected have complied with the City's Code that relates to sump pump discharges. This code prohibits cross connections between the City sewer system and the sump pump discharge. The code also prohibits all clear water discharges to the Municipal Sanitary Sewer. There are at least 2,874 existing sump pumps in the City of Edina. This represents 20.7% of the locations inspected to date. There were 411 locations with sump pump cross connections during the initial inspection and only 23 locations with cross connections at the time of re- inspection. It was also observed that 120 locations had standing water over the basement floors. There are 492 locations that have not been inspected. Based on our experience, these properties will likely have a high rate of clear water discharge from sump pumps. The inspections also determined that 13,341 properties have roof leaders with 372 of these locations that have roof leaders near the foundation of the building. OAPROM01340ffinal Report-June 2000.doo 4 Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota The inspection findings indicate that Edina possesses the following conditions: 18.8 % of properties have single sump pumps 1.9 % of properties have multiple sump pumps 0.9 % of properties have water flowing over the floor 3.9 % of properties have baskets without sump pumps 96.0 % of properties have roof leaders 2.8 % of the roof leaders are near the building foundation The following are some general comments on the data that was collected: a) Many of the sump pumps had been diverting their flow away from the sewer system prior to this inspection program. The results of the program indicate that many of the cross connected sump pump discharges were redirected because of this program. It can be assumed that these sump pumps were adversely affecting the sanitary sewer flows prior to the program. b) For the locations with standing water in the basements, we were unable to observe what the source of the standing water was or if it was flowing through a floor drain into the sanitary sewer system. If the standing water were due to seepage through defects in the home foundation or other clear water source, this would constitute excessive inflow to the sanitary system. The City will need to establish policies to address this situation at these locations. It is likely that additional locations within the City limits had water flowing over the basement floors during July 1997. c) There is a distinct possibility that many of the properties that have not been inspected to date are also contributing inflow to the system. When evaluating the need to inspect the remaining properties, the City should consider the proximity to other properties known to have sump pumps or high probable groundwater conditions. d) A review of the existing data indicates that 537 locations have sump baskets without a pump. These locations have the potential for future sump discharges to the sanitary system. See the Map in the Appendix. These baskets have stickers on them to inform the public of the City Code requirements. It is important for the City to monitor these empty sump baskets to ensure future compliance. The City of Edina has already developed specific policies and procedures to address this potential. e) The 267 properties identified with multiple sump pumps and /or baskets can be major sources of inflow. Typically, these locations will have significant flows. The City should conduct detailed engineering reviews on these specific locations and a high priority should be given to connecting these locations to the storm sewer system. OAPROJ1801340�JARnal Report-June 2000.doc 5 Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota f) The City should consider a comprehensive reviewW the locations where sump baskets contain water and locations of basements with water over the floor to { determine if problem areas exist within,the City. The City maybe able to determine the source(s) of the water (i.e., high groundwater levels, watermain leaks, improper drainage, lack of storm sewers /drain tile, etc.). The City has subsequently, put regulations and policies in effect, that require pump installation,with all sump baskets to ensure proper discharge of clear water in these areas. g) The City has developed new ordinances and codes to manage inflow from new developments within the City limits. h) The, .City should consider notifying the, 372 locations that have their roof, leaders near the foundation, of the water problems that roof.leaders can cause. These,_property owners would likely appreciate advice on alternative roof leader discharge locations. A list and map of these locations is-included in the Appendix. V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS' Of the 13,892 properties inspected 411 had sump pumps cross connected to the sanitary sewer during the first inspection, with only 23 still cross connected at the time of re- inspection. One hundred twenty locations had water flowing over their floors. Of the 492 properties not inspected we estimate 25% or 123 may have cross connections. The following table summarizes these inflow contributions: Properties discharging into sanitary sewer at first inspection 411 Properties with flow over floors 120 Estimate 25% of locations not inspected contribute 123 Total 654 This is-an estimated inflow of 654 x 1400gpd x 62 days = 56.7 - millio6 gallons, per year. A;90% elimination of these sources would reduce inflow by 43.7 million' gallons per year. The City should�focus attention on the properties not in compliance, not inspected to date, and that have water. over the basement floor. HRG has made extensive efforts to contact the property, owners that have not been inspected. These properties appear to be either vacant, difficult to reach, or unwilling to have their system inspected. We recommend that the City of Edina implement the following actions: 1. The City should establish a plan of action to work with the 23 properties that have not complied to date. Consequently, the City has established new ordinances (Section 445) to deal with properties not in compliance. A letter should also be sent to the property owners outlining the City's. deadlines and potential consequences of non - compliance. Three sample letters that the City can utilize as guidelines are included in the Appendix. OAPROM013,gTinal ReW-June 2000.doc 6 Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota 2. Conduct a comprehensive review of the locations with high water levels either in sumps or in basements, and develop a Capital Improvement Plan to address current and future sump pump discharges and inflow. This should be coordinated with the current City CIP for efficiency and cost - effectiveness. 3. ` Consider additional observations during an extreme wet period in the future to determine if additional 1/1 sources can be identified and eliminated. 4. Incorporate discharges from roof leaders, drain tiles, and sumps into a boulevard system in the future. OAPROM01340J1Finel Report -June 2000.doc 7 TABLE I Sump Pump Inspections and Ill Reduction Program Edina, Minnesota 10 Number of Properties in the Provided Database: .14,384 91.08% Inspections Completed to Date: % of properties in Database Residential, 13,076 90.91% 'Non- Residential 816 5.679/o Subtotal: 13,892' . 96.58% Number of TKDA Properties Not Inspected: .147 75.45% Number of Other. Non - Inspected Properties: 345 100.00% Total Number of Properties Not Ins ep cted: 492 Properly Ownership. % of properties Inspected 258 1.86% Own 12,912 92.95% Rent 417 3.00% Not Available 563 4.05% Subtotal: 13,892 100.00% EXISTING _CONDITIONS Basement: % of properties Inspected 12,653 91.08% Sump Pump Baskets: % of properties Inspected Multiple 267 1.92% Single 3,144 22.63% None 10,481 75.45% Subtotal: 13,892 100.00% Sump Pumps: % of properties Inspected Multiple 258 1.86% Single 21616 18.83% None 11,018 79.31%. Subtotal: 13,892. 100.00% Reason Syste m Installed (if known): % of properties that know reason Home came with system 1,367 61.74% Response to Inspection program 87 . 3.93% Water in basement 735 33.20% Previous system failed 25 1.13% Subtotal: 2,214 160.00% 0 0: \Proj\801340J\ Correspondence \Reports\FlnalRpt.Edlna.Table t feb00 1 of 3 TABLE I Sump Pump Inspections and 1/1 Reduction Program (Continued) STING `CONDMONS oontinu Inspected Discharge Point: % of properties with inspected 1,460 84.98% 435 25.32% Observed at Observed at 62 First Inspection Final Inspection Outside•(pass) 2346 16.89% 2703 19.46% Storm Sewer'pass) '25 0.18% 25 0.18 % Other, (pa ss), 11,110 79.97% 11,141 80.20% Floor Drain (fail) 41 0.30 %e 1 0.01% cross - connections Sanitary Sewer (fail) 167 1.20 %. 7 0.05% Laundry Tub (fail) 59 0.42% 3 0.02% Other (fail) 144 1.04% 12 0.09% Subtotal: 13,892 100.00% 13,892 100.00% Beaver Systems /Drain tile: % of properties Inspected 72 0.52% Water in Basement: % of properties with Basements 120 0.95% Roof Leader Discharge: % of properties with Roof Leaders Near Away Subtotal: Summer Fall, Winter Year -round Number of properties reporting: Properties not in compliance (failures): % of properties Inspected 2,065 60.54% 23 -0.17% 13,341 96.03% 372 2.79% 12,969 97.21% 13,341 100.00% 1,638 95.34% 1,460 84.98% 435 25.32% 66 3:84% 62 3.61% 1,718' 23 0.17% 0:% ProJW01340J\Conespondence \Reports\FlnalRptEdina .Table 1 feb00 2 of 3 TABLE I Sump Pump Inspections and 1/1 Reduction Program (Continued) STUDY PROJECTIONS* Sumo Baskets: Multiple 276 Single . 3,255 Non_ a 10,852 Subtotal: 14,384 Sump Pumps: Multiple 267' Single 2,709 None 11,408 Subtotal: 14,384 * Projections based on actual inspections vs. total number of properties 0:\PMM01340J\Cortespondence \Reports \FInaIRptEdlna.Table 1 feb00 3 of 3 Am I M T fl DIE �1 � � �I`� o e vt Cn . sea REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # IV. D. From: Francis J. Hoffman (At Consent ❑ City Engineer Information Only Date: June 6, 2000 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Consultant Presentation Action ❑ Motion Final Sump Pump / Inflow - ❑ Resolution Infiltration Report ❑ Ordinance f-1 Discussion Recommendation: Review data from presentation. No action required. Info /Background: In February 1998, the City of Edina initiated the sump pump inspections of almost 14,000 residential and non - residential properties for possible connections of clear water to the sanitary sewer system. The final report of the sump pump inspection program has been completed. Of the 13,892 properties inspected 411 had sump pumps cross - connected to the sanitary sewer during the first inspection, with only 23 still cross connected at the time of re- inspection. This represents a reduction of approximately 34 million gallons per year to the sanitary sewer. Additionally there are approximately 490 properties remaining to be inspected. The sump pump inspection program has clearly been a success and continued efforts by the City regarding other properties should reduce clear water into the sanitary sewer system. Attached is a copy of the Final Report. Consultant and staff will make a full report at the meeting. I e., A l tit 1 co City of Edina Sump Pump Inspection and 1/1 Reduction Program Final Report June 2000 Prepared by Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS i City of Edina Sump Pump Inspection and 1 %I. Reduction Program Final Report June 2000 hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dow6las G. Tholo, ' P.E: Date Reg. No. 19106': Howard R. Green Company 1326 Energy Park Drive St. Paul, MN .55108 Phone: 651- 644 -4389 Fax: 651- 644 -9446 t Sump pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota TABLE OF CONTENTS I. HISTORY I. INTRODUCTION III. STUDY PURPOSE AND SCOPE IV.. DATA ANALYSIS V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DATA APPENDICES 'NOTE: The following appendix sections are provided to the City electronically only * ** A. Non - Compliant Locations Properties which are currently not inspected Properties which are Currently Failing Properties with Water in the Basement B. Compliant Locations C. Number of Sump Baskets D. Number of Sump Pumps E. Locations with Water Present in Basket F. Pump Discharge Locations G. Pump and Basket Combinations H. Properties with Cisterns MAPS PROVIDED 1. Sump Pump Inspection — failed first inspection - 2. Sump Pump Inspection s 7 failed final inspection 3. Properties with Water. in Basket, Basement During Inspection 0APROJ%80134g'Tina1 Report-June 2000.doc 1 Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota I. HISTORY Cities throughout Minnesota have become more aware of inflow sources and their significance through education efforts of the League of Minnesota Cities, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services. These agencies have been encouraging communities to implement sump pump inspection programs in order to reduce the amount of clear water inflow to the wastewater conveyance and treatment infrastructure. Infiltration /Inflow (1 /1) is clear water that enters the sanitary system. Infiltration includes such items as surface runoff and groundwater that leaks into the sanitary system through cracks or defects in existing manholes and pipelines. Inflow is clear water that is put directly into the sanitary system such as sump pump connections referred to as cross connections. The City of Edina has recognized the benefit of these programs in reducing inflow and is committed to reducing inflow from sump pump cross connections. Through previous studies, other cities have found that 5% to 7% of properties have their sump pump systems cross connected to the sanitary sewer. The previous Study completed for the City of Edina by TKDA, concluded that 59% of the peak flow in the sanitary sewer system was inflow. Subsequently, the focus of future evaluations was to be on inflow in the worst areas of the system, as identified in this study. II. INTRODUCTION The City of Edina authorized Howard R. Green Company (HRG) to initiate a Sump Pump Inspection and Infiltration /Inflow (1 /1) Reduction Program in February 1998. HRG initiated the sump pump inspections of 13,076 residential properties and 816 non- residential properties for possible connections of sump pumps to the sanitary sewer system. Edina chose to initiate a sump pump inspection program due to 1997 sanitary sewer backups and high levels of clear water entering the sanitary system. Pumping of clear water from sump pumps into the sanitary sewer system can be a significant source of inflow and cause wastewater backups. The City has reviewed wastewater flows of previous years as well as other possible sources of 1 /1. Although sump pump discharge to the sanitary system is not the sole source of inflow, these discharges are one of the major contributors. This study on sump pump discharges and the effects of inflow were prompted by specific events related to high levels of rainfall in the summer of 1997. During this time period, sewer backups occurred in several locations throughout the City of Edina. These backups specifically occurred in Areas 6,10, and 18. These areas are illustrated in the attached maps. 0:XPR0JW01340AFinel Report-June 2000.doc 2 Sump. Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota STUDY PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of the Sump Pump Inspection and 1/1 Reduction Program for the City of Edina is as follows: 1. Reduce the occurrences of sewer backups related to inflow sources. 2. Educate .the,-public on the effects of.cross connections to the sanitary sewer. 3. Significantly reduce rainfall- induced inflow from cross connections. 4. Eliminate I as many sump pump cross connections as feasible. 5. Avoid wastewater conveyance and treatment costs of clear water inflow. The following are potential ben, efits that were originally identified for the sump pump inspection program: Estimated number of properties = 13,500 Estimated number of sump pump installations: Single pumps - 7% of households 945 Multiple pumps - 1.5% of households 203 Total estimated number of sump pumps 1,148 The estimated clear water discharge is as follows: 945 sump pumps x 1,400 GPD x 62 days /year = 82 million gal /year 203 multiple sump pumps x 2,800 GPD x 62'days /year = 35 million gal /year Total estimated clear water discharge from sump pumps 117 million gal /year The scope and approach of the sump pump inspection project included: 1. A communication /education componentwith new ordinances and public Meetings, local video:access, mailings to property owners, and press releases. 2. Physical inspection of approximately 13,500 locations throughout the City of Edina. -these e- inspections were documented on inspection forms were developed'for the City (see Appendix for a sample) and include such items as sump baskets, sump pumps, water in baskets and /or floor, and roof leader locations. OAPROM01340J1Final Report-June 2000.doc 3 Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota The inspection forms were utilized to develop the various data that this report is based. Subsequently, the completed inspection forms were utilized to prepare a computerized database of this information, which was made compatible with the City's computer network. Through this network, the database can generate maps as well as interface with other information systems. The information and maps document the following: 1. Existing sump pumps 2. Existing sump baskets 3. Non - compliant locations The maps will be useful resources for the City. For example, the maps can be cross - referenced to other capital improvement projects being planned. The City can then include 1/1 reduction programs into future improvement projects such as new storm sewer improvements, facilitating sump pump connections to existing storm sewers /draintiles, and roof leader rerouting. The maps will also help the City focus its re- inspection programs more efficiently and effectively. IV. DATA ANALYSIS The Sump Pump Inspection Program has resulted in the collection of a great deal of data. The use of this data will provide the City with a focused strategy for inflow reduction. Table 1 provides a summary of the data that was collected in the program. Maps and lists of the data are also included in the Appendix. To date, over 99% of the 13,892 properties inspected have complied with the City's Code that relates to sump pump discharges. This code prohibits cross connections between the City sewer system and the sump pump discharge. The code also prohibits all clear water discharges to the Municipal Sanitary Sewer. There are at least 2,874 existing sump pumps in the City of Edina. This represents 20.7% of the locations inspected to date. There were 411 locations with sump pump cross connections during the initial inspection and only 23 locations with cross connections at the time of re- inspection. It was also observed that 120 locations had standing water over the basement floors. There are 492 locations that have not been inspected. Based on our experience, these properties will likely have a high rate of clear water discharge from sump pumps. The inspections also determined that 13,341 properties have roof leaders with 372 of these locations that have roof leaders near the foundation of the building. O:TROJW01UOJVina1 Report-June 2000.doo 4 Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota The inspection findings indicate that Edina possesses the following conditions: 18.8 % of properties have single sump pumps 1.9 % of properties have multiple sump pumps 0.9 % of properties have water flowing over the floor 3.9 % of properties have baskets without sump pumps 96.0 % of properties have roof leaders 2.8 % of the roof leaders are near the building foundation The following are some general comments on the data that was collected: a) Many of the sump pumps had been diverting their flow away from the sewer system prior to this inspection program. The results of the program indicate that many of the cross connected sump pump discharges were redirected because of this program. It can be assumed that these sump pumps were adversely affecting the sanitary sewer flows prior to the program. b) For the locations with standing water in the basements, we were unable to observe what the source of the standing water was or if it was flowing through a floor drain into the sanitary sewer system. If the standing water were due to seepage through defects in the home foundation or other clear water source, this would constitute excessive inflow to the sanitary system. The City will need to establish policies to address this situation at these locations. It is likely that additional locations within the City limits had water flowing over the basement floors during July 1997. c) There is a distinct possibility that many of the properties that have not been inspected to date are also contributing inflow to the system. When evaluating the need to inspect the remaining properties, the City should consider the proximity to other properties known to have sump pumps or high probable groundwater conditions. d) A review of the existing data indicates that 537 locations have sump baskets without a pump. These locations have the potential for future sump discharges to the — sanitary system. See the Map in the Appendix. These baskets have stickers on them to inform the public of the City Code requirements. It is important for the City to monitor these empty sump baskets to ensure future compliance. The City of Edina has already developed specific policies and procedures to address this potential. e) The 267 properties identified with multiple sump pumps and /or baskets can be major sources of inflow. Typically, these locations will have significant flows. The City should conduct detailed engineering reviews on these specific locations and a high priority should be given to connecting these locations to the storm sewer system. OAPROJ%801340j1Fhal Report-June 2000.doc 5 Sump Pump Inspection Edina, Minnesota f) The City should consider a comprehensive review of the locations where sump baskets contain water and locations of basements with water over the floor to determine if problem areas exist within the City. The City may be able to determine the source(s) of the water (i.e., high groundwater levels, watermain leaks, improper drainage, lack of storm sewers /drain tile, etc.). The City has subsequently put regulations and policies in effect, that require pump installation with all sump baskets to ensure proper discharge of clear water in these areas. g) The City has developed new ordinances and codes to manage inflow from new developments within the City limits. h) The City should consider notifying the 372 locations that have their roof leaders near the foundation, of the water problems that roof leaders can cause. These property owners would likely appreciate advice on alternative roof leader discharge locations. A list and map of these locations is included in the Appendix. V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Of the 13,892 properties inspected 411 had sump pumps cross connected to the sanitary sewer during the first inspection, with only 23 still cross connected at the time of re- inspection. One hundred twenty locations had water flowing over their floors. Of the 492 properties not inspected we estimate 25% or 123 may have cross connections. The following table summarizes these inflow contributions: Properties discharging into sanitary sewer at first inspection 411 Properties with flow over floors 120 Estimate 25% of locations not inspected contribute 123 Total 654 This is an estimated inflow of 654 x 1400gpd x 62 days = 56.7 million gallons per year. A 90% elimination of these sources would reduce inflow by 43.7 million gallons per year. The City should focus attention on the properties not in compliance, not inspected to date, and that have water over the basement floor. HRG has made extensive efforts to contact the property owners that have not been inspected. These properties appear to be either vacant, difficult to reach, or unwilling to have their system inspected. We recommend that the City of Edina implement the following actions: The City should establish a plan of action to work with the 23 properties that have not complied to date. Consequently, the City has established new ordinances (Section 445) to deal with properties not in compliance. A letter should also be sent to the property owners outlining the City's deadlines and potential consequences of non - compliance. Three sample letters that the City can utilize as guidelines are included in the Appendix. 0APROM013,glFinal Report-June 2000.doc 6 t 1 Sump Pump Inspection Edina,,Minnesota 2. Conduct a comprehensive review of the locations with high water levels either in sumps or in basements, and develop a Capital Improvement Plan to address current and future sump pump discharges and inflow. This should be coordinated with the current City CIP for efficiency and cost- effectiveness. 3. Consider additional observations during an extreme wet period in the future to .determine if additional 1/1 sources can be identified and eliminated. 4. Incorporate discharges from roof leaders, drain tiles, and sumps into a boulevard system in the future. OAPROM01340j1Final Report-June 2000.doc % TABLE Sump Pump Inspections and 1/1 Reduction Program Edina, Minnesota BASE DATA Number of Properties in the Provided Database: 14,384 Inspections Completed to Date: % of properties in Database Residential 13,076 90.91 % Non-'Residential 816 5.61 % Subtotal: 13,892' `96:58.% Number of TKDA Properties Not Inspected: 147 Number of Other Non -Inspected Properties: 345 Total Number of Properties Not Ins ep cted: 492 Property Ownership. % of properties Inspected Own 12,912 92.95% Rent 417 3.00% Not Available 563 4.05% Subtotal: 13,892 100.00% EXISTING CONDITIONS Basement: % of p perties Inspected 12,653 91.08% Sump Pump Baskets: % of properties Inspected Multiple 267 1.92% Single 3,144 22.63% None 10,481 75.45% Subtotal: 13,892 100.00% cted Sump Pumps: % of properties Inspected Multiple 258 1.86% Single 2,616 18.83 %0 None 11,018 79.31 Subtotal: ..13,892. 100.00% Reason System Installed (if kriown): % of properties that know reason Home came with" system 1,367 61.74% Response to Inspection program 87 3.93% Water in basement 736 33.20% Previous system failed 25 1.13% Subtotal: 2,214 100.00% 0: \ProAB01340. IkCorrespondenceXReporls %RnalRptEdina .Table 7 feb00 1 of 3 TABLE I Sump Pump Inspections and Ill Reduction. Program (Continued) EXISTING CONDITIONS (continued) Inspected Discharge Point: % of properties with inspected Observed at Observed at First Inspection Final Inspection Outside (pass) 2346 16.89% 2703 19.46% Storm'Sewer (pass) 25 0.18% 25 Other(pass) `' 11,110 79:976/6 11,141 80.206/6 Floor Drain (fail) 41 0.30% 1 0.01 cross - connections Sanitary Sewer (fail) 167 '1,210% 7 0.05 %e Laundry Tub (fail) 59 0.42% 3 0.02% Other (fail) 144 1.04% 12 0.09% Subtotal: 13,892 100.00% 13,892 100.00% Beaver Systems /Drain tile: % of properties Inspected 72 0.52% Water in Basement: % of properties with Basements 120 0.95% Water in Basket: % of properties with Baskets 2,065 60.54% Cistern Locations: % of properties Inspected 23 0.17% — Roof Leaders: % of properties Inspected 13,341 96.03% Yes Roof Leader Discharge: % of properties with Roof Leaders Near 372 2.79% Away 12,969 97.21% Subtotal: 13,341 100.00% P�perties Reporting when Pump Runs (if known): % of properties re op rtina Spring 1,638 95.34% Summer 11460 84.98% Fall 435 25.32% Winter 66 3.84% Year -round 62 3:61 % Number of properties reporting: 1,718 Properties not in compliance (failures): % of properties Inspected 23 0.17% 0: \PmA S01340JtCorrespondencetReportskRnalRpt .Edina.Table 1 feb00 2 of 3 TABLE Sump Pump Inspections and 1/1 Reduction Program (Continued) STUDY PROJECTIONS* Multiple 276 Single 3,255 None 10,852 Subtotal: 14,384 Sump Pumps- Multiple 267 Single 2,709 None 11,408 Subtotal: 14,384 * Projections based on actual inspections vs. total number of properties 0:% Pron801340J% Conespondence\ReportslFlnalRptEdina .Table 1 feb00 3 of 3 AM �T �I. TV Ah min To: From: Date: Subject: REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # V.A. Debra Mangen Consent City Clerk Information Only ❑ June 6, 2000 Mgr. Recommends F-1 To HRA ® To Council Receive petition Action ® Motion Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Refer the petition received to Engineering for processing as to feasibility. Info/Background: The City received a petition circulated by Lawrence Stephenson, 4836 Maple Road requesting curb and gutter on Maple Road between 4811 and 4836. The petition has been signed by nine property owners. The City's normal procedure is to refer the petition to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. 1r1A, o e City of Edina, Minnesota CITY COUNCIL rJ• �� . 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 (612) 927-8861. • (612) 927- 7645 -FAX • (612) 927- 5461 -TDD PETITION TO. THE CITY COUNCIL. ❑ SIDEWALK ❑ STORM SEWER ❑ ALLEY PAVING ❑ SANITARY SEWER .CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ .PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER To the Mayor and City Council: ❑ WA ❑ STREET LIGHTING ❑ OTHER: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. G aA I e R00A between 4 a c 3S and 9 b I 1 LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between ,OCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS I:\ 11 IT11�4�� ADDRESS M.- ADDRESS and ADDRESS and ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S a SIGNATURE OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) S'c,Df Ge-t ucfrE t,•• PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S PHONE Pas - 196 rr ;� & - zz��kgl f.? - ltoc 9AG 349 PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. SEPTEMBER 1960 COUNCIL CHECK nL�ISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (10. -)2) page 1 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210680 06/06/00 $165.59 A LAPOINTE SIGN INC. NAMETAGS 12008 ------- GRILL ------------------ GENERAL SUPPLI -- - - -' 6038 06/06/00 $17.04 A LAPOINTE SIGN INC. NAME TAGS 1994 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 6043 < *> $182.63* 210681 06/06/00 $73.60 A TO Z RENTAL CENTER TRENCHER RENTAL 122067 MAINT OF COURS TOOLS 6449 06/06/00 $82.65 A TO Z RENTAL CENTER TRENCHER RENTAL 122174 RICHARDS MAINT TOOLS 6452 < *> $156.25* 210682 06/06/00 $204.00 ABDELLA, PAUL TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $204.00* 210683 06/06/00 $542.06 ABLE HOSE & RUBBER INC. HOSE, ELBOW 00 -03919 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 1366 06/06/00 $155.85 ABLE HOSE & RUBBER INC. CAM & GROOVE 00 -03970 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 1458 < *> $697.91* 210684 06/06/00 $11.12 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY DOOR HOLDER 055548 -0 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1373 < *> $11.12* 210685 06/06/00 $367.40 ACTION MAILING SERVICES MAIL PROCESS 85094 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $367.40* 210686 06/06/00 $754.87 ADDED TOUCH PAINTING 051600 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES < *> $754.87* 210687 06/06/00 $470.62 ADVANCED GRAPHICS SYSTEM TONER CARTRIDGES 028500 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 4745 < *> $470.62* 210688 06/06/00 $52.50 ADVANCED STATE SECURITY REPAIR CAMERA SYSTEM 20150 YORK OCCUPANCY CONTR REPAIRS < *> $52.50* 210689 06/06/00 $32.55 AL'S VACUUM VACUUM BELTS, BAG 16006 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 2263 < *> $32.55* 210690 06/06/00 $540.00 ALBERG WATER SERVICES WELL MOTOR REPAIR 11325 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 1037 < *> $540.00* 210691 06/06/00 $312.00 ALEXANDER, PETE SOFTBALL UMPIRE 052600 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $312.00* 210692 06/06/00 $198.90 ALL SAINTS BRANDS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 00030708 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $612.00 ALL SAINTS BRANDS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 00020670 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $376.35 ALL SAINTS BRANDS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 00030700 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $365.85 ALL SAINTS BRANDS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 00030790 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $1,553.10* 210693 06/06/00 $110.66 ALL -SAFE DIV. OF ALL FIR RECHARGE EXTINGUISHER 032269 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 1476 06106100 $149.79 ALL -SAFE DIV. OF ALL FIR EQUIPT. MAINTENANCE 032424 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT < *> $260.45* 210694 06/06/00 $357.00 ALSTAD, MARIAN TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $357.00* 210695 06/06/00 $20.00 AMEM MEMBERSHIP DUES 051100 CIVIL DEFENSE DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $20.00* "_OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 2 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210696 06/06/00 $98.09 AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER SCREWS, HEX TOOL 7393195- POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 2259 < *> $98.09* 210697 06/06/00 $75.00 AMERICAN PAYMENT CENTERS BOX_SERVICES 14064 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $75.00* 210698 06/06/00 $1,394.88 ANCHOR PAPER CO. INC.. COPIER PAPER 12355900 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 4752 < *> $1,394.88* 210699 06/06/00 $386.60 ANCHOR PRINTING CO. RECEIPT FORMS 200840 -0 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE 6031 < *> $386.60* 210700 06/06/00 $1,648.80 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC BASE RADIO 23774 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3807 < *> $1,648.80* 210701 06/06/00 $262.50 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER RADIO REPAIRS 7577 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $262.50* 210702 06/06/00 $86.27 AQUA ENGINEERING SPRINKLERS 043921 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI 1368 < *> $86.27* 210703 06/06/00 $495.60 AQUA LOGIC INC. START UP POOL 1690 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES < *> $495.60* 210704 06/06/00 $50.00 ASLET MEMBERSHIP FEE 485 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCRI 3039 < *> $50.00* 210705 06/06/00 $108.00 ASPEN ENVIRONMENTAL PORTABLE TOILETS 9257 MAINT OF LOURS SVC CONTR EQUI 6041 06/06/00 $49.59 ASPEN ENVIRONMENTAL RESTROOM RENTAL 8565 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 1235 06/06/00 $49.59 ASPEN ENVIRONMENTAL RESTROOM RENTAL 8566 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 1235 06/06/00 $108.00 ASPEN ENVIRONMENTAL PORTABLE TOILETS 9483 MAINT OF COURS SVC CONTR EQUI 6444 < *> $315.18* 210706 06/06/00 $488.94 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. AUGER, FREIGHT CHARGE 507531 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1315 < *> $488.94* 210707 06/06/00 $155.10 ASSOCIATED BAG COMPANY PLASTIC BAGS M476575 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $155.10* 210708 06/06/00 $59.38 ASTLEFORD EQUIPMENT CO. BLADE T101409 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 1369 < *> $59.38* 210709 06/06/00 $11.67 AT &T WIRELESS CELLULAR 051800 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE < *> .$11.67* 210710 06/06/00 $255.13 ATLANTIS IRRIGATION REPAIR SPRINKLER 26 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 102.9 < *> $255.13* 210711 06/06/00 $54.80 AUGIE'S INC. SANDWICHES 31154 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 6324 06/06/00 $56.58 AUGIE'S INC. SANDWICHES 31304 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 6324 06/06/00 $66.43 AUGIE'S INC. SANDWICHES 31566 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 6324 06/06/00 $59.28 AUGIE'S INC. SANDWICHES 31637 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD -SOL 6324 < *> $237.09* 210712 06/06/00 $46.36 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CO. ALIGNMENT 22157 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 1376 COUNCIL CHECK r_7ISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (1, _2) page 3 CHECK NO DATE ' CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210712 06/06/00 $46.36 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CO. ALIGNMENT 22162 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 1379 06/06/00 $38.80 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CO. ALIGNMENT 22175 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 1383 < *> $131.52* 210713 06/06/00 $1,294.11 AVID SPORTSWEAR INC. CLOTHING 39460 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6431 < *> $1,294.11* 210714 06/06/00 $261.89 BAD DEBT - NCO FINANCIAL APRIL COLL. FEE 043000 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $261.89* 210715 06/06/00 $639.00 BADGER METER INC SERVICE AGREEMENT 515005 METER READING GENERAL SUPPLI 3671 06/06/00 $3,621.00 BADGER METER INC SERVICE AGREEMENT 524192 METER READING GENERAL SUPPLI 3671 < *> $4,260.00* 210716 06/06/00 $389.68 BAILEY NURSERIES TREES 632026 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 5701 06/06/00 $228.98 BAILEY NURSERIES TREES 632027 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 5701 06/06/00 $189.04 BAILEY NURSERIES TREES 632025 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 5701 < *> $807.70* 210717 06/06/00 $63.90 BANNERS TO GO TRAFFIC SIGNS 11502 STREET NAME SI SIGNS & POSTS 1075 06/06/00 $251.34 BANNERS TO GO BANNERS 11569 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1472 06/06/00 $205.44 BANNERS TO GO ALUMINUM SIGNS 11570 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 1348 < *> $520.68* 210718 06/06/00 $5,824.65 BARR ENGINEERING CO. PAMELA PARK PLANTING 2327354- PAMELA PK /LK S CIP 06/06/00 $3,925.89 BARR ENGINEERING CO. PAMELA PARK PLANTING 2327354- PAMELA PK /LK S CIP < *> $9,750.54* 210719 06/06/00 $201.66 BATTERIES PLUS BATTERIES F51 -1623 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3841 06/06/00 $132.04 BATTERIES PLUS BATTERIES F51 -1633 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 4766 06/06/00 $18.09 BATTERIES PLUS PHONE CASE F529114 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1494 06/06/00 $65.69 BATTERIES PLUS BATTERIES F5 -29597 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1531 06/06/00 $122.45 BATTERIES PLUS 2 -WAY RADIO BATTERIES F5 -29743 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 1531 < *> $539.93* 210720 06/06/00 $533.56 BATTERY WHOLESALE INC. BATTERIES 09311 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1378 < *> $533.56* 210721 06/06/00 $19.00 BAUER, MIKE UPGRADE LICENSE TO CL 051200 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $19.00* 210722 06/06/00 $518.40 BEAN, ROBERT AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 051600 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $518.40* 210723 06/06/00 $140.00 BEARCOM RADIO SUPPLIES 1560360 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 6435 06/06/00 $434.92 BEARCOM RADIO SERVICE 1563021 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $574.92* 210724 06/06/00 $151.90 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS REPAIR ZAMBONI 00020577 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 8023 06/06/00 $33.85 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS ICE SUPPLIES 00020642 ARENA ICE MAIN GENERAL SUPPLI 8017 < *> $185.75* 210725 06/06/00 $24.00 BEER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE BEERLINE CLEANING 3885 GRILL CONTR SERVICES 6325 < *> $24.00* 2OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 4 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210726 06/06/00 $410.95 BELDING SPORTS INC. BELTS 320424 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6221 < *> $410.95* 210727 06/06/00 $117.25 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 18841600 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $102.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 18893800 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $19.80 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 31837000 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $59.79 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 31837800 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $91.25 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 18942100 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $51.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 18942200 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $365.25 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 18942300 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $91.25 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 18942400 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $86.68 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 31875600 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $19.80 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 31875700 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $1,004.07* 210728 06/06/00 $60.00 BERGQUIST, EBBA REFUND OF PATRON CARD 052300 GOLF PROG MEMBERSHIPS 06/06/00 $35.00 BERGQUIST, EBBA REFUND OF STORAGE LOC 052300 GOLF PROG RENT CLUBS /CAR < *> $95.00* 210730 06/06/00 $83.47 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT GENERAL SUPPLIES 7622480 LIQUOR 50TH ST GENERAL SUPPLI 7534 06/06/00 $31.68 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7624150 ART CENTER ADM OFFICE SUPPLIE 9035 06/06/00 $18'.11 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT GENERAL SUPPLIES 7625620 LIQUOR 50TH ST GENERAL SUPPLI 7534 06/06/00 $35.13 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT GENERAL SUPPLIES 7622481 LIQUOR 50TH ST GENERAL SUPPLI 7534 06/06/00 $26.07 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7648051 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $199.68 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7661200 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 3030 06/06/00 $43.09 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7662690 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 3030 06/06/00 $34.24 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7661201 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 3030 06/06/00 $13.20 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7666460 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $13.65 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7666460 FINANCE GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $7.86 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7666460 ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $59.96 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7666460 PWKS ADMIN GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $138.33 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7666560 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 3033 06/06/00 $28.33 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7668950 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 3033 06/06/00 $97.54 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT PAPER, CARTRIDGES 7673620 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE 6039 06/06/00 $17.83 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT PINS, PENS 7677290 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1463 06/06/00 $97.15 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT SUPPLIES 7684040 GENERAL FD PRO CS GENERAL 06/06/00 $24.08 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT RUBBER BANDS & STAMP 7686180 LIQUOR YORK GE OFFICE SUPPLIE 7537 06/06/00 $42.75 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT OFFICE SUPPLIES 7686680 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 3040 06/06/00 $40.25 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT GENERAL SUPPLIES 7687060 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $175.47 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT GENERAL SUPPLIES 7687060 ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $72.00 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT GENERAL SUPPLIES 7705030 PWKS ADMIN GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $146.99 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCT GENERAL SUPPLIES 7705030 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $1,446.86* 210731 06/06/00 $229.46 BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS OF M KEYS & LOCKS MN -11669 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 6577 06/06/00 $94.35 BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS OF M LOCKS MN -11722 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2271 06/06/00 $22.72 BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS OF M KEYS MN -11723 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $5.91 BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS OF M KEY, CONTROL KEY MN -11723 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI 1473 < *> $352.44* 2.10732 06/06/00 $124.49 BEST BUY COMPANY INC. CRAFT SUPPLIES 28105034 MEDIA LAB CRAFT SUPPLIES 9027 06/06/00 $88.37 BEST BUY COMPANY INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 28105034 MEDIA LAB GENERAL SUPPLI 9027 06/06/00 $138.44 BEST BUY COMPANY INC. REPLACE SCANMAKER 28105034 MEDIA LAB EQUIP REPLACEM 9027 06/06/00 $8.51 BEST BUY COMPANY INC. VIDEO TAPES 051800 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 4760 < *> $359.81* w . COUNCIL CHECK nLGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (lu..s2) page 5 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210733 06/06/00 - $59.60 BIFFS INC Sanitation W84422 FRED RICHARDS RUBBISH REMOVA 9027 06/06/00 $232.91 BIFFS INC RESTROOM RENTAL W94399 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 1236 06/06/00 $73.45 BIFFS INC SANITATION W94733 FRED RICHARDS RUBBISH REMOVA 6326 < *> $246.76* 210734 06/06/00 $115.02 BIG RIVER DELI & SANDWIC CONT. ED. MEALS 7074 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $115.02* 210735 06/06/00 $2,027.35 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASPHALT 79804 DISTRIBUTION BLACKTOP 5994 06/06/00 $110.38 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASPHALT 79854 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 5994 06/06/00 $2,546.66 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASPHALT 79854 STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 5994 06/06/00 $955.30 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASPHALT 79856 PUMP & LIFT ST BLACKTOP 5994 06/06/00 $212.99 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASPHALT 79856 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 5994 06/06/00 $53.25 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASPHALT 79856 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 5994 06/06/00 $700.14 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASPHALT 79856 DISTRIBUTION BLACKTOP 5994 06/06/00 $600.25 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASHPHALT 79856 RICHARDS MAINT BLACKTOP 5994 06/06/00 $2,845.11 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASPHALT 79856 STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 5994 06/06/00 $2,513.69 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASPHALT 79884 STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 5994 06/06/00 $384.25 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS ASPHALT 79892 STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 5994 < *> $12,949.37* 210736 06/06/00 $175.50 BLACK, STEVE SOFTBALL UMPIRE 052600 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $175.50* 210737 06/06/00 $79.21 BLACKHAWK INDUSTRIES INC UNIFORMS 72698 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW < *> $79.21* 210738 06/06/00 $100.00 BLOOD, DAVID POLICE SERVICE 060600 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 210739 06/06/00 $1,249.00 BMS INTEGRATED OFFICE TE MAINTENANCE 128441 CENT SVC GENER SVC CONTR EQUI 4762 < *> $1,249.00* 210740 06/06/00 $95.00 BOSS PUMPING SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 1823 BUILDING MAINT CONTR REPAIRS 1195 < *> $95.00* 210741 06/06/00 $213.45 BOYER TRUCK PARTS WATER PUMP, GASKETS 145603 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1319 < *> $213.45* 210742 06/06/00 $174.70 BRAEMAR PRINTING GIFT CERTIFICATES 53813 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 6032 < *> $174.70* 210743 06/06/00 $175.50 BRAKKE, KEITH SOFTBALL UMPIRE 052600 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $175.50* 210744 06/06/00 $140.00 BRANDT, TIM SEASON TICKET REFUND 051800 POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKETS < *> $140.00* 210745 06/06/00 $12.00 BRISSMAN - KENNEDY INC. VACUUM REPAIR 626890 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 06/06/00 $52.12 BRISSMAN- KENNEDY INC. VACUUM REPAIR 627598 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES < *> $64.12* 210746 06/06/00 $544.00 BROCKWAY, MAUREEN TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $544.00* -"OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 6 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210747 06/06/00 $41,106.69 BRW INC. EAW FEES 515 -0016 GENERAL FD PRO MISCELLANOUS 06/06/00 $3,630.85 BRW INC. EAW PREP 515 -0020 GENERAL FD PRO MISCELLANOUS < *> $44,737.54* 210748 06/06/00 $250.00 BUREAU OF ALCOHOL TOBACC SPECIAL TAX RENEWAL ID 41 -60 LIQUOR 50TH ST LIC -& PERMITS 06/06/00 $250.00 BUREAU OF ALCOHOL TOBACC SPECIAL TAX RENEWAL ID 41 -60 LIQUOR YORK GE LIC & PERMITS 06/06/00 $250.00 BUREAU OF ALCOHOL TOBACC SPECIAL TAX RENEWAL ID 41 -60 VERNON LIQUOR LIC & PERMITS < *> $750.00* 210749 06/06/00 $500.00 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPRE BACKGROUND CHECKS 052500 PARK ADMIN. PROF SERVICES < *> $500.00* 210750 06/06/00 $100.00 BUTLER, GEORGE POLICE SERVICE 060600 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 210751 06/06/00 $37.00 BUTTERFIELD, KRISTI TENNIS LESSON REFUND 052300 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $37.00* 210752 06/06/00 $45.00 CALHOUN ISLES COM BAND CONCERT 6 -11 -00 052600 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $45.00* 210753 06/06/00 $206.18 CAMAS CEMENT 1131606 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 1038 06/06/00 $627.34 CAMAS CEMENT 1132234 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 1766 06/06/00 $738.05 CAMAS CEMENT 1132235 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 1766 06/06/00 $423.34 CAMAS CONCRETE FOR UTLEY 1132236 PATHS & HARD S SAND,GRVL & RO 1766 06/06/00 $627.34 CAMAS READY MIX 1132738 DISTRIBUTION CONCRETE 5998 06/06/00 $627.34 CAMAS READY MIX 1132739 DISTRIBUTION CONCRETE 5998 06/06/00 $508.01 CAMAS CONCRETE FOR UTLEY 1132740 PATHS & HARD S SAND,GRVL & RO 1766 06/06/00 $1,476.09 CAMAS READY MIX 1133235 DISTRIBUTION CONCRETE 5998 < *> $5,233.69* 210754 06/06/00 $504.00 CAMPE, HARRIET TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $504.00* 210755 06/06/00 $1,013.88 CAPITOL COMMUNICATIONS RADIOS T32536 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 6004 < *> $1,013.88* 210756 06/06/00 $617.50 CARR, PAT AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 051600 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $617.50* 210757 06/06/00 $120.00 CASH REGISTER SERVICE & CASH REGISTER REPAIR 7520 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES - < *> $120.00* 210758 06/06/00 $63.04 CATCO FITTINGS, HOSE END, C 3 -30083 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1313 06/06/00 $33.33 CATCO HOSE END 8 -84739 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1313 06/06/00 $31.36 CATCO SEAL 3 -30956 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1380 06/06/00 $65.50 CATCO GAUGES 3 -31210 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1497 < *> $193.23* 210759 06/06/00 $394.50 CERTIFIED POWER INC. COM 3 -WAY NC 206.67594 LIFT STATION M REPAIR PARTS 1027 < *> $394.50* 210760 06/06/00 $414.80 CHANNING L. BETE CO. INC WATER INFO 50184195 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 1012 < *> $414.80* 210767 06/06/00 PROX. MAGNET 06/06/00 210768 06/06/00 31 -MAY -2000 2) page 7 COUNCIL CHECK ..- GISTER GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 210773 06/06/00 210770 06/06/00 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM--- - - - - -- OBJECT-- - - - -PO NUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210761 06/06/00 $200.00 CHAPLIN, MICHELLE DEPOSIT RETURN FOR RE 051000 EDINB /CL PROG RENTAL INCOME AC 0109076- < *> CHEMICALS 2262 $200.00* GLOVES, WIPES, BANDAI 01229838 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 1470 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 210762 06/06/00 $151.30 CHET'S SHOES INC. UNIFORM (L. DOIG) 8399 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW 3812 < *> 6049 $151.30* BLUELINE /PLOTTER SUPP 0165336 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 4748 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. 210763 06/06/00 $149.37 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATION FIRST AID SUPPLIES 10256503 POLICE DEPT. G FIRST AID SUPP 3026 < *> $149.37* PLANS 0166776 INSPECTIONS PRINTING CORPORATE ADVERTISING & 210764 06/06/00 $184.00 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON SHAPE UP FEES 051200 ADMINISTRATION PROF SERVICES < *> $184.00* 210765 06/06/00 $370.22 CITY OF ST. PAUL ASPHALT MIX 063486 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP < *> $370.22* 210766 06/06/00 $832.00 CITY PAGES ADVERTISING 172549 MEDIA LAB ADVERT OTHER 9042 < *> $832.00* 210767 06/06/00 PROX. MAGNET 06/06/00 210768 06/06/00 $82.50* RETURN 210769 06/06/00 GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 210773 06/06/00 210770 06/06/00 POOL CONCESSIO 06/06/00 $220.78* 06/06/00 78705222 06/06/00 CRAFT SUPPLIES 06/06/00 $85.21 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA 210771 06/06/00 PROX. MAGNET 06/06/00 EQUIPMENT OPER 06/06/00 $82.50* RETURN 210772 06/06/00 GENERAL SUPPLI 4671 210773 06/06/00 CANDY 06/06/00 POOL CONCESSIO 06/06/00 $220.78* 06/06/00 78705222 MEDIA LAB 210774 06/06/00 210775 06/06/00 $82.50 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP. PROX. MAGNET 24542 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1499 $82.50* RETURN 90577531 50TH ST SELLIN GENERAL SUPPLI 4671 $220.78 CLARK PRODUCTS INC. CANDY V339458 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL $220.78* CRAFT SUPPLIES 78705222 MEDIA LAB CRAFT SUPPLIES 9032 $85.21 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SU CHLORINE 0108482- POOL TRACK GRE CHEMICALS 2249 $159.06 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SU CHLORINE, MURIATIC AC 0109076- POOL TRACK GRE CHEMICALS 2262 $244.27* GLOVES, WIPES, BANDAI 01229838 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 1470 - $71.77 - $71.78 - $71.78 $118.73 $173.63 $77.03* $38.30 $128.87 $98.36 $265.53* $199.68 $199.68* $219.51 $15.66 $11.18 $13.42 $259.77* $547.73 $547.73* $236.00 $236.00* COMPUSA INC. RETURN 90577531 YORK SELLING GENERAL SUPPLI 4671 COMPUSA INC. RETURN 90577531 50TH ST SELLIN GENERAL SUPPLI 4671 COMPUSA INC. RETURN 90577531 VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLI 4671 COMPUSA INC. CRAFT SUPPLIES 78705222 MEDIA LAB CRAFT SUPPLIES 9032 COMPUSA INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 78705222 MEDIA LAB GENERAL SUPPLI CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS GLOVES, TAPE 01220757 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1346 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS GLOVES, WIPES, BANDAI 01229838 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 1470 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS RESPIRATORS, PODS, GL 01231351 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 1477 CONNIE'S CATERING & DELI LUNCHES 052200 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6049 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. BLUELINE /PLOTTER SUPP 0165336 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 4748 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. PLAN #297 0165825 INSPECTIONS PRINTING COPY EQUIPMENT INC. PLANS - SCHAEFER 0166023 INSPECTIONS PRINTING COPY EQUIPMENT INC. PLANS 0166776 INSPECTIONS PRINTING CORPORATE ADVERTISING & NAME TAGS 97324 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI CORPORATE PORTRAIT PHOTO ABOUT TOWN PHOTOS 91100050 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX '_OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER WHITE MARKING PAINT 3006 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1544 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 8 :HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210776 06/06/00 $521.85 COUNTRY CLUB TURF SOD 1024 CENTENNIAL LAK FERTILIZER 2006 06/06/00 $372.75 COUNTRY CLUB TURF SOD 1025 CENTENNIAL LAK FERTILIZER 2068 < *> $894.60* 210777 06106100 $314.18 COVERALL OF THE TWIN CIT MONTHLY SERVICE 00000491 ART CENTER BLD PROF SERVICES < *> $314.18* 210778 06/06/00 $410.55 CUMMINS NORTH CENTRAL IN CHANGE GENERATOR BATT 100 -3305 POOL TRACK GRE CONTR REPAIRS 2267 < *> $410.55* 210779 06/06/00 $610.22 CURTIS 1000 ENVELOPES 32164901 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 4713 06/06/00 $183.76 CURTIS 1000 ENVELOPES 32446801 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 4756 < *> $793.98* 210780 06/06/00 210781 06/06/00 210782 06/06/00 210783 06/06/00 06/06/00 210784 06/06/00 210785 06/06/00 210787 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 $60.25 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. AXLE & NUT $60.25* $680.32 CUSTOM FIRE APPARATUS TRUCK REPAIRS $680.32* 109061 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 2045 7712 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 3843 $39.49 D.J.'S MUNICIPAL SUPPLY WHITE MARKING PAINT 3006 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1544 $39.49* $817.42 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN HOSE STRAPS 323468 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3817 $779.46 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN TURNOUT GEAR #58 324138 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTHI 3712 $1,596.88* $252.00 DAULTON, SHIRLEE TEACHING AC 052500 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES $252.00* $4,200.00 $4,200.00* $1,023.25 $36.80 $69.40 $1,177.97 $940.25 $3,185.00 $349.10 $630.65 $800.00 $9.60 $1,477.10 $1,413.10 $900.25 $18.40 $1,247.60 $64.80 $87.80 $2,013.65 $41.75 $15,486.47* DAVE PERKINS CONTRACTING EXCAVATE CREEK 21354 PONDS & LAKES CONTR REPAIRS 5306 DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 95079 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 95080 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 95216 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 95217 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 95218 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 121600 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 95668 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 95880 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 78768 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 96033 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 96034 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 96035 COST OF-GOODS SOLD BE 96606 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 96607 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 96840 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 96841 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 96842 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 96843 COST OF GOODS.SOLD BE 501670 210788 06/06/00 $19.00 DEHN, BRUCE UPGRADE LICENSE TO CL 051200 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS COUNCIL CHECK .._1ISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (1 2) page 9 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*> $19.00* 210789 06/06/00 $20.35 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKEREY BAKERY 33869 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6329 06/06/00 $24.09 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKEREY BAKERY 33899 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6329 06/06/00 $40.76 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKEREY BAKERY 33971 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6329 06/06/00 $106.00 DENNYS 5TH AVE.- BAKEREY BAKERY 34009 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6329 06/06/00 $46.28 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKEREY BAKERY 34038 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6329 06/06/00 $30.91 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKEREY BAKERY 34267 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6329 06/06/00 $88.13 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKEREY BAKERY 34268 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6329 06/06/00 $72.76 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKEREY BAKERY 34377 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6329 06/06/00 $23.14 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKEREY BAKERY 34551 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6329 06/06/00 $59.69 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKEREY BAKERY 34571 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6329 < *> $512.11* 210790 06/06/00 $537.51 DEXTER SHOE COMPANY SHOES 212650 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6213 < *> $537.51* 210791 06/06/00 $12.40 DIBBLE, DON MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 052400 TRAINING PROF SERVICES < *> $12.40* 210792 06/06/00 $46.14 DICKER, TOBIE GLOVES, TRASH CAN 052200 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $46.14* 210793 06/06/00 $384.00 DIETRICHSON, BILL TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $384.00* 210794 06/06/00 $8.77 DIRECT SAFETY COMPANY DANGER SIGNS 15021850 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 5659 < *> $8.77* 210795 06/06/00 $48.00 DORGAN, DENISE FAB 4 & 5 REFUND 052400 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $48.00* 210796 06/06/00 $9,705.60 DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP LEGAL 777442 LEGAL SERVICES PRO SVC - LEGA < *> $9,705.60* 210797 06/06/00 $3,458.90 DPC INDUSTRIES WATER CHEMICALS 7000 -135 WATER TREATMEN WATER TRTMT SU 1040 06/06/00 $2,031.95 DPC INDUSTRIES WATER CHEMICALS 7000 -135 WATER TREATMEN WATER TRTMT SU 1040 < *> $5,490.85* 210798 06/06/00 $19.00 DRISTE, BRIAN UPGRADE LICENSE TO CL 051200 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $19.00* 210799 06/06/00 $419.38 DUFFEY, ALICE AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 051600 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $419.38* 210800 06/06/00 $122.38 E -Z -GO TEXTRON CART PARTS 0500017 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 6441 06/06/00 $147.14 E -Z -GO TEXTRON CART PARTS 0508767 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 6451 < *> $269.52* 210801 06/06/00 -$7.08 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 536657 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $890.95 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 213774 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $367.15 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 213780 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $545.33 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 213786 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $851.28 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 216715 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $212.80 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 216723 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE ;OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 10 :HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210801 06/06/00 $336.05 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 216731 YORK SELLING CST OF GD.WINE 06/06/00 $1,720.88 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 219607 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $607.40 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 219612 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,110.72 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 219617 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $6,635.48* 210802 06/06/00 $74.92 EARL F. ANDERSEN INC. CHANNEL POSTS 24522 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 1543 < *> $74.92* 210804 06/06/00 $2,892.80 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 626098 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $3,375.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 626100 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $5,409..80 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 626701 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $44.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 626702 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $345.30 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 627319 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $75.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE BEER 629004 FRED RICHARDS CST OF GDS BEE 6330 06/06/00 $1,638.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 629126 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $4,495.60 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE.629127 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $7,028.95 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 629699 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $45.25 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 629700 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $46.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 630281 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $1,661.70 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 632213 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $6,434.05 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 632214 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $12.15 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 632215 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $10,251.70 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 632803 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $102.65 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF -GOODS SOLD MI 632804 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $64.50 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 634191 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $43,922.45* 210805 06/06/00 $50.00 EDINA CHORALE CONCERT 6 -15 -00 05260.0 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $50.00* 210806 06/06/00 $1,808.49 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR REPAIR MOTOR 268927 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 1023 < *> $1,808.49* 210807 06/06/00 $771.50 ELSMORE AQUATIC UNIFORMS 036364 POOL OPERATION LAUNDRY 7097 06/06/00 $97.50 ELSMORE AQUATIC POOL UNIFORMS 036408 POOL OPERATION LAUNDRY 7097 < *> $869.00* 210808 06/06/00 $182.85 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAIN E -83 REPAIRS 3948 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 06/06/00 $146.28 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAIN E -81 REPAIRS 3949 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 06/06/00 $146.28 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAIN T -90 REPAIRS 4007 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $475.41* 210809 06/06/00 $650.00 EMPLOYEES CLUB SUPPLIES 060600 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $650.00* 210810 06/06/00 $119.00 EMS INSIDER SUBSCRIPTION 051700 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $119.00* 210811 06/06/00 $79.00 ERICKSON, SARA CLASS REFUND 050900 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < *> $79.00* 210812 06/06/00 $329.40 ESPING FORENSIC ENGINEER REVIEW WELDING 102265 WATER TREATMEN PROF SERVICES 1031 < *> $329.40* COUNCIL CHECK t,. -.=ER 31 -MAY -2000 (16. page 11 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210813 06/06/00 $690.50 EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES EASEMENT ACQUISITION 00 -405 TH100 & W 77TH CIP 06/06/00 $760.00 EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES EASEMENT ACQUISITION 00 -410 SANITARY SEWER CIP < *> $1,450.50* 210814 06/06/00 $15,118.00 FAMILINK COMMUNITY SUPPORT 051500 COMM. RESOURCE PROF SERVICES < *> $15,118.00* 210815 06/06/00 $38.20 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE COFFEE 7848260 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 6331 < *> $38.20* 210816 06/06/00 $169.65 FAST FRAME CL PRINT FRAMING 1776700 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 2097 < *> $169.65* 210817 06/06/00 $45.97 FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE 2 -YR SUBSCRIPTION REN 051800 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $45.97* 210818 06/06/00 $95.00 FIRST TECH COMPUTER COMPUTER REPAIRS F34792 MEDIA LAB CONTR REPAIRS 9011 < *> $95.00* 210819 06/06/00 $270.76 FISHER SCIENTIFIC LAB SUPPLIES 4376991 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPLI 1264 < *> $270.76* 210820 06/06/00 $60.00 FLETCHER, PAT SWIMMING LESSON REFUN 050900 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $60.00* 210821 06/06/00 $1,773.23 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COMPA JET HOSE 5808 SEWER CLEANING REPAIR PARTS 1034 06/06/00 $150.37 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COMPA ROOT SAWS 5810 SEWER CLEANING REPAIR PARTS 1033 < *> $1,923.60* 210822 06/06/00 $153.60 FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY KEYS & CYLINDERS 609997 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2098 06/06/00 $144.55 FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY REPAIR TO DOOR 609532 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS 2091 06/06/00 $31.95 FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY CORES 609270 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2091 < *> $330.10* 210823 06/06/00 $670.03 FOOTJOY SHOES 3713932 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6210 < *> $670.03* 210824 06/06/00 $186.99 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 55706100 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6445 06/06/00 $93.50 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 55706101 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6445 < *> $280.49* 210825 06/06/00 $756.00 FREY, MICHAEL TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $756.00* 210827 06/06/00 - $14.72 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CREDIT MEMO 5004759 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 06/06/00 -$0.92 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CREDIT MEMO 5004760 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 06/06/00 - $47.22 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CREDIT MEMO 5004761 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 06/06/00 - $13.29 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CREDIT MEMO 5004762 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 06/06/00 -$4.43 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CREDIT MEMO 5004763 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 06/06/00 -$8.86 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CREDIT MEMO 5004764 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 06/06/00 - $28.82 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CREDIT MEMO 5004765 PUMP & LIFT ST LAUNDRY 06/06/00 - $26.15 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CREDIT MEMO 5004766 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 06/06/00 $93.82 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE UNIFORM PURCHASES 3049779 PUMP & LIFT ST LAUNDRY 06/06/00 - $44.34 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE CREDIT RETURN 5004827 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 06/06/00 $29.35 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE UNIFORM PURCHASES 3050756 EQUIPMENT OPER LAUNDRY COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 12 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR- DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210827 06/06/00 $67.56 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE UNIFORM PURCHASES 3050757 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $22.35 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE UNIFORM PURCHASES 3050758 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $32.27 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE UNIFORM PURCHASES 3050921 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 06/06/00 $36.61 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE UNIFORM PURCHASE 3051376 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 06/06/00 $905:25 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE UNIFORMS 3051650 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 5866 < *> $998.46* 210828 06/06/00 $70.96 GALLS INC. RADIO & GLOVE CASES 54001775 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3824 < *> $70.96* 210829 06/06/00 $58.56 GANDER MOUNTAIN WADERS FOR TREE CREW 006 -403 - TREES & MAINTE TOOLS 1228 06/06/00 $117.13 GANDER MOUNTAIN WADERS FOR UTILITY DE 006 -403- GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $175.69* 210830 06/06/00 $529.83 GARTNER REFRIGERATION & SHUT DOWN ICE RINK, 0 2275 POOL TRACK GRE CONTR REPAIRS 2266 < *> $529.83* 210831 06/06/00 $463.02 GE CAPITAL ITS OFFICE 2000 90803052 ENGINEERING GE EQUIP REPLACEM 4741 06/06/00 $403.52 GE CAPITAL ITS MONITOR 90813668 FINANCE EQUIP REPLACEM 4741 06/06/00 $403.52 GE CAPITAL ITS MONITOR 90813669 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 4727 06/06/00 $15.92 GE CAPITAL ITS OFFICE 97 PRO CD 90819528 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 4741 06/06/00 $79.88 GE CAPITAL ITS, DATA PROCESSING 90821097 POLICE DEPT. G DATA PROCESSIN 3038 06/06/00 $271.20 GE CAPITAL ITS DATA PROCESSING A0518003 POLICE DEPT. G DATA PROCESSIN 3037 < *> $1,637.06* 210832 06/06/00 $300.00 GEISHEKER, PATRICIA TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 06/06/00 $300.00 GEISHEKER, PATRICIA TEACHING AC 052500 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $600.00* 210833 06/06/00 $300.00 GOLF MINNESOTA AD W -00046 GOLF DOME ADVERT OTHER 6047 < *> $300.00* 210834 06/06/00 $810.50 GOLFCRAFT GOLF CLUBS 13450 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6358 06/06/00 $1,185.00 GOLFCRAFT GOLF CLUBS 13504 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6358 06/06/00 $313.50 GOLFCRAFT GOLF CLUBS 13507 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6358 06/06/00 $580.00 GOLFCRAFT GOLF CLUBS 13524 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6358 06/06/00 $290.00 GOLFCRAFT GOLF CLUBS 13540 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6358 < *> $3,179.00* 210835 06/06/00 $60.00 GOOD, KATHLEEN SWIMMING LESSON REFUN 050900 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $60.00* 210836 06/06/00 $76.42 GOPHER CASH REGISTER REGISTER RIBBONS 21243 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 6055 < *> $76.42* 210837 06/06/00 $360.00 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL IN APRIL 2000.SERVICE 40259 SUPERV. & OVRH GOPHER STATE < *> $360.00* 210838 06/06/00 $120.00 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFIC ANNUAL DUES 0007117 FINANCE DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $120.00* 210839 06/06/00 $18.98 GRAINGER FLOAT VALVE 495 -7612 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 2078 06/06/00 $23.05 GRAINGER CABLE TIES 495 -1221 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI 1206 06/06/00 $182.91 GRAINGER WELDING SCREEN, TAPE 495 -1569 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 1271 06/06/00 $67.36 GRAINGER DEGREASER 498 -2150 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3831 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16. -) page 13 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210839 06/06/00 $13.78 GRAINGER NUT DRIVER, PAINTSTIC 495 -3035 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 1367 06/06/00 $5.29 GRAINGER PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER 498 -2535 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 1367 06/06/00 $55.85 GRAINGER BOOTS 495 -4206 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 2261 06/06/00 $10.05 GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 970 -3781 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6447 06/06/00 $86.79 GRAINGER CABLE TIES 495 -6720 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI 1206 06/06/00 $306.90 GRAINGER MOTOR, V -BELT 495 -6720 BUILDINGS REPAIR PARTS 1058 < *> $770.96* FUSES 104 -7633 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2085 210840 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 210841 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 $83.50 $170.00 $347.00 $600.50* $523.00 $1,440.00 $278.00 $516.00 $113.00 $275.00 $763.00 $1,070.00 $4,978.00* GRAND PERE WINES INC GRAND PERE WINES INC GRAND PERE WINES INC GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 00006999 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 00007038 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 00007045 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 31003 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 31135 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 31160 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 31268 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 31270 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 31271 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 31375 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 31405 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 210842 06/06/00 $339.25 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. LAMP LIGHTS 104 -7523 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 2248 06/06/00 $1,365.33 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. LAMP FIXTURES 104 -7574 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1299 06/06/00 $12.54 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. WIRE 104 -7576 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2085 06/06/00 $226.04 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. REFLECTORS, TUBE 104 -7577 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1299 06/06/00 $31.26 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. BULBS 104 -7624 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2085 06/06/00 $23.26 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. FUSES 104 -7633 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2085 06/06/00 $111.92 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. FUSES 104 -7647 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 2270 < *> $2,109.60* 210843 06/06/00 210844 06/06/00 210845 06/06/00 210846 06/06/00 210847 06/06/00 210851 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 $46.75 $46.75* $225.00 $225.00* $14,623.00 $14,623.00* $5,000.00 $5,000.00* $153.00 $153.00* - $165.70 - $133.55 - $57.86 - $47.86 - $358.50 - $30.38 - $48.60 $1,341.13 GREENKEEPER INC. GREER, PAT GREUPNER, JOE GREUPNER, JOE GRIFFITHS, GEORDIE GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. IRRIGATION PARTS 102 STRT RESURFACI CIP 4749 JUNE ART PROGRAMS 052500 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES GROUP LESSONS 052300 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC - GOLF FINAL MONTHLY RETAINE 05/23 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC - GOLF TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 536125 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 536239 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 536577 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 536688 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 536689 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 536854 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 536855 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 213778 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU _"OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 14 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------------------------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210851 06/06/00 $313.65 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 213779 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $2,045.94 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 213.784 50TH ST.SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $73.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 213785 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $9,203.35 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 213789 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $522.75 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD.WI 213790 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $522.75 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 213791 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $386.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 215298 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $386.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 215299 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $303.48 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 215300 YORK SELLING 'CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $386.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 215301 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 - $73.10 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 537238 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $57.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 216716 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $1,575.99 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 216718 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $26.09 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 216719 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $1,651.96 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 216720 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $69.10 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 216722 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $28.60 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 216724 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $151.74 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 216726 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $732.22 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 216727 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $26.09 GRIGGS COOPER.& CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 216728 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $42.85 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 216730 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $53.05 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 216733 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $1,635.55 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 216734 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $97.82 GRIGGS-COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 218196 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $7,936.98 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 218197 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU' 06/06/00 $337.84 GRIGGS.COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 219610 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $2,399.60 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 219611 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $60.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 219615 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $307.43 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 219616 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $6,076.24 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 219620 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $51.94 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 219621 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $37,887.79* 210852 06/06/00 $48.00 GRUBER, ELIZABETH FAB 4 & 5 PROGRAM REF 052300 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $48.00* 210853 06/06/00 $193.00 GTS MANAGER'S CONFERENCE 5634 ADMINISTRATION CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $193.00* 210854 06/06/00 $180.00 GUEST SERVICES MEAL TICKET -D. TODD F 051700 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $180.00* 210855 06/06/00 $2,500.00 GUNN, PEGGY EASEMENT ACQUISITION 052300 SANITARY SEWER CI < *> $2,500.00* 210856 06/06/00 $89.34 HAAGEN -DAZS CO. ICE CREAM 00824237 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6332 < *> $89.34* 210857 06/06/00 $287.75 HACH COMPANY POWDER PILLOWS 2350264- WATER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 1363 < *> $287.75* 210858 06/06/00 $100.00 HALE, WILL CHILDREN'S MUSIC 6 -15 052600 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 210859 06/06/00 $628.47 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY BULK OIL 34846 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 1042 COUNCIL CHECK ­GISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (lc-_Z) page 15 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $628.47* 210860 06/06/00 $166.15 HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS REGISTER PAPER & INK 203409 VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL SUPPLI 7516 < *> $166.15* 210861 06/06/00 $176.15 HARMON AUTOGLASS SLIDER WINDOW REPLACE 0014 -000 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1317 < *> $176.15* 210862 06/06/00 $33.60 HARMON GLASS & GLAZING KEYS 24009461 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2010 < *> $33.60* 210863 06/06/00 $22,479.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. PREMIUM 15232 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 06/06/00 $14,760.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. PREMIUM 15233 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE < *> $37,239.00* 210864 06/06/00 $10,714.62 HARTLAND FUEL PRODUCTS L GAS - UNLEADED 346491 EQUIPMENT OPER GASOLINE 1217 < *> $10,714.62* 210866 06/06/00 $12.68 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST FOOD 1595646 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6333 06/06/00 $325.14 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST FOOD 1599275 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6333 06/06/00 $193.33 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST PAPER PRODUCTS 1599275 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $100.20 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST CUP LIDS 1603328 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 6333 06/06/00 $122.45 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST FOOD 1603329 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6333 06/06/00 $538.31 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST FOOD 1606089 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6333 06/06/00 $80.25 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST PAPER GOODS 1606089 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $47.18 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST SOAP 1606089 GRILL CLEANING SUPPL 06/06/00 $227.11 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST FOOD 1610070 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6333 06/06/00 $226.49 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST LIDS, SPOONS, TURNERS 1610070 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 6333 06/06/00 $80.25 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST HOT DOGS 1610803 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6333 06/06/00 $511.07 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST FOOD 1613995 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6333 06/06/00 $68.06 HAWKEYE FOODSERVICE DIST PAPER PRODUCTS 1613995 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 6333 < *> $2,532.52* 210867 06/06/00 $1,011.43 HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS 257776 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS < *> $1,011.43* 210868 06/06/00 $137.50 HEGGIES PIZZA PIZZA 52887 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6334 06/06/00 $96.25 HEGGIES PIZZA PIZZA 49315 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6334 < *> $233.75* 210869 06106100 $204.00 HEIM, HARRY TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $204.00* 210870 06/06/00 $134.10 HEIMARK FOODS MEAT 014367 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6335 06/06/00 $134.10 HEIMARK FOODS BURGERS 014383 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6335 < *> $268.20* 210871 06/06/00 $62.50 HERSHKOVITZ, MICHAL CLASS REFUND 051600 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < *> $62.50* 210872 06/06/00 $475.00 HERTZ EQUIPMENT RENTAL TRAILER RENTAL 400801 PATHS & HARD S CONTR REPAIRS 1491 < *> $475.00* 210873 06/06/00 $126.00 HIAWATHA LUMBER CO. LUMBER- SOT TEAM 100181 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3826 < *> $126.00* 'OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 16 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210874 06/06/00 $250.00 HIGHVIEW PLUMBING INC REPAIR SERVICE 7087 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 1028 < *> $250.00* 210875 06/06/00 $2,000.00 HO, JEFFERY D. MEDICAL DIRECTOR SERV 060600 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES < *> $2,000.00* 210876 06/06/00 $120.00 HODGES, TRISH TEACHING AC. 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $120.00* 210877 06/06/00 $1,477.92 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP VISION 20/20 050900 ADMINISTRATION PROF SERVICES < *> $1,477.92* 210878 06/06/00 $233.53 HOLDAHL INC. SAW BLADE 395956 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 1099 < *> $233.53* 210879 06/06%00 $75.00 HOLTZ, JULIE PERFORMANCE 6 -8 -00 - 052600 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $75.00* 210880 06/06/00 $58.52 HOME ENVIRONMENT CENTER WATER FILTRATION 3217 CITY HALL -GENE CONTR REPAIRS 4761 < *> $58:52* 210881 06/06/00 $100.45 HOME JUICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 57093 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $100.45* 210882 06/06/00 $277.87 HORWATH, TOM MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT'051700 TREES & MAINTE MILEAGE < *> $277.87* 210883 06/06/00 $1,055.00 HOSEJOCKEY ENTERPRISES RESCUE RAIN GEAR 12 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3820 < *> $1,055.00* 210884 06/06/00 $100.43 HOULE, WAYNE D. MPWA SEMINAR 051500 ENGINEERING GE MEETING EXPENS 06/06/00 $26.61 HOULE, WAYNE D. PALM III CASE 051600 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $127.04* 210885 06/06/00 $79.39 HOUSEHOLD BANK F.S.B. (K PAINT, LUMBER 0217 -424 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1334 06/06/00 $66.98 HOUSEHOLD BANK F.S.B. (K GENERAL SUPPLIES 0217 -425 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 8010 .06/06/00 $120.54 HOUSEHOLD BANK F.S.B. (K LEVEL, SQUARE, CONCRE 0217 -425 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1203 06/06/00 $27.78 HOUSEHOLD BANK F.S.B. (K CONCRETE FOR POOL 0217 -425 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 1205 06/06/00 $74.66 HOUSEHOLD BANK F.S.B. (K PLYWOOD, DUSTER COUNT 0217 -425 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 1360 < *> $369.35* 210886 06/06/00 $120,315.50 HOWARD R GREEN COMPANY SUMP PUMP INSPECTIONS 021880 SUMP PUMP INSP CIP < *> $120,315.50* 210887 06/06/00 $38.50 HUDSON, DONNA PARKING PERMIT REFUND 050900 STREET REVOLVI OTHER PERM & L < *> $38.50* 210888 06/06/00 $9.03 HUEBSCH TOWELS, LINENS 123912 POOL TRACK GRE SVC CONTR EQUI 06/06/00 $60.16 HUEBSCH TOWELS, LINENS 128479 POOL TRACK GRE SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $69.19* 210889 06/06/00 $19.35 HUMPHREYS INC. MERCHANDISE 6477383 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6436 < *> $19.35* 210890 06/06/00 $483.52 HYDRANT SPECIALIST INC. CUT & GROOVE HYDRANT 2197 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 1275 COUNCIL CHECK h_�ISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16. _) page 17 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $483.52* 210891 06/06/00 $76,089.96 HYDRO SUPPLY CO WATER METERS 0016635 - UTILITY PROG INVENTORY WATE 1001 06/06/00 $207.68 HYDRO SUPPLY CO FLANGES 0016658- METER REPAIR GENERAL SUPPLI 3671 . < *> $76,297.64* 210892 06/06/00 $54.50 ICMA LOCAL GOVT ON -LINE BO 051600 COMMUNICATIONS DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $54.50* 210893 06/06/00 $3,750.00 IDENTISYS INC. COMPUTER, CAMERA, PRI 30172 EDINB /CL PROG OFFICE FURN & 2034 06/06/00 $6,345.28 IDENTISYS INC. PHOTO ID SUPPLIES 7729 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 7094 < *> $10,095.28* 210894 06/06/00 $199.78 INACOM INFORMATION SYSTE REPAIR PRINTER 11017851 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR EQUI 2268 < *> $199.78* 210895 06/06/00 $5.20 INDELCO PLASTICS CORP. PVC ELBOW, NIPPLE 210466 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 1220 < *> $5.20* 210896 06/06/00 $200.00 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST AD 1923 GOLF DOME ADVERT OTHER < *> $200.00* 210897 06/06/00 $125.79 INDUSTRIAL DOOR CO INC DOOR REPAIRS 0048130- FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $125.79* 210898 06/06/00 $91.54 INTERNATIONAL COUNTRY MERCHANDISE 021600 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6413 < *> $91.54* 210899 06/06/00 $155.78 IRON MOUNTAIN PLANS STORAGE BOXES 54003611 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $155.78* 210900 06/06/00 $105,136.53 J -CRAFT INC. 2 - DUMP TRUCK BODY 24913,24 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 1215 < *> $105,136.53* 210901 06/06/00 $95.31 J.H. LARSON COMPANY GENERATOR PLUG 4168012- ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 5922 06/06/00 $67.46 J.H. LARSON COMPANY TIME DELAYS, WIRE NUT 4172001- PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1355 06/06/00 $84.67 J.H. LARSON COMPANY FLASHER FUSES 4174414- YORK OCCUPANCY REPAIR PARTS 1498 < *> $247.44* 210902 06/06/00 $100.00 JAMES, WILLIAM F POLICE SERVICE 060600 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 210903 06/06/00 $32.00 JENSON, THOMAS MEETING REGISTRATION 051100 FIRE DEPT. GEN MEETING EXPENS 06/06/00 $11.00 JENSON, THOMAS CLASS B DRIVERS LICEN 051600 FIRE DEPT. GEN LIC & PERMITS < *> $43.00* 210904 06/06/00 $12.66 JERRY'S FOODS MEETING EXPENSE 051500 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS 06/06/00 $110.22 JERRY'S FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 051500 ART SUPPLY GIF GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $37.40 JERRY'S FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 051500 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $14.76 JERRY'S FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 051500 ADAPTIVE RECRE GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $12.80 JERRY'S FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 051500 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $68.40 JERRY'S FOODS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 051500 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS 06/06/00 $53.95 JERRY'S FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD 051500 GRILL COST OF GD SOL < *> $310.19* = OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 18 2HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210905 06/06/00 $75.25 JIM LUPIENT'S HAROLD CHE ABSORBER, BOLT, NUT 57910CVW EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1382 06/06/00 $230.15 JIM LUPIENT'S HAROLD CHE ROD KIT 57823CVW EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1382 < *> $305.40* 210911 06/06/00 - $66.58 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 120045 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $100.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 120045 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 -$6.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 120439 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $11.02 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 120440 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $25.59 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 120894 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 -$2.86 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 120955 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 -$7.57 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 120956 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 -$0.72 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 120957 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 - $38.44 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 120958 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 -$6.89 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 120959 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 -$3.47 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 120960 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 -$3.83 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 120961 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $23.74 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 121043 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $74.69 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 121044 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 - $62.19 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 121045 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $4,803.31 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1113452 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $2,360.04 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1113453 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $1,159.48 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1113454 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $119.01 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1113455 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $4,427.93 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1113456 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $99.57 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 1113457 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $66.38 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 1113458 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $148.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST.OF GOODS SOLD WI 1113459 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $61.36 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 1113460 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $1,011.31 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1113461 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $106.21 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1113462 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $3,426.93 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1113463 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,882.85 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1113464 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $33.79 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 121383 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $23.74 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 121511 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $67.58 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 121512 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $91.59 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 121513 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 - $154.69 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 121514 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 - $27.65 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 121515 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $7,521.63 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1116097 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $2,037.17 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1116098 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $243.67 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1116099 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $71.22 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1116100 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $4,366.22 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1116101 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $143.45 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 1116102 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $57.38 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 1116103 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $487.57 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1116104 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $330.59 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 1116105 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $1,256.37 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1116106 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $650.83 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1116107 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $2,126.25 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1116108 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $157.50 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1116109 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $149.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1116110 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $339.83 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1116111 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,032.12 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1116112 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $895.33 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1116113 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE COUNCIL CHECK . SISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16 ) page 19 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210911 06/06/00 $48.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1116204 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $4,063.27 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1118634 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $2,952.77 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1118635 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $47.48 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1118637 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $4,876.33 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1118638 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $829.57 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1118639 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $293.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1118640 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $1,713.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1118641 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $5,573.53 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1118642 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $6,237.64 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1118643 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $293.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 1118644 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU < *> $67,635.27* 210912 06/06/00 $168.40 JOHNSON, NAOMI CRAFT SUPPLIES 052200 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 06/06/00 $32.12 JOHNSON, NAOMI GALLERY SUPPLIES 052200 ART SUPPLY GIF GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $41.60 JOHNSON, NAOMI PAINT LIGHT 052200 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $23.10 JOHNSON, NAOMI PRINT PAPER 052200 ART CENTER ADM OFFICE SUPPLIE 06/06/00 $8.80 JOHNSON, NAOMI ADV FILM 052200 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER < *> $274.02* 210913 06/06/00 $100.00 JOHNSON, WALTER POLICE SERVICE 060600 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 210914 06/06/00 $355.00 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY OF GOLD MOTOR 165178 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 5854 06/06/00 $23.34 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY OF GOLD CLEANER, FOAM FILTER 166052 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1333 06/06/00 $132.78 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY OF GOLD FLARE /SWAGE KIT, PAN 166052 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1333 < *> $511.12* 210915 06/06/00 $32.00 JUNGWIRTH, MARK WASTEWATER TEST REIMB 051600 TRAINING LIC & PERMITS < *> $32.00* 210916 06/06/00 $33.53 JUSTUS LUMBER TOOLS 30708 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 4077 06/06/00 $93.76 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER, SIGN, WASHERS 41692 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI 1485 06/06/00 $77.02 JUSTUS LUMBER MAILBOXES 41697 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1485 06/06/00 $59.81 JUSTUS LUMBER TILE 47120 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 5923 06/06/00 $150.25 JUSTUS LUMBER RENTAL BRAD GUN, BRAD 92073 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI 3347 06/06/00 $543.01 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER & MISC. 16214 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 5449 06/06/00 $56.49 JUSTUS LUMBER LUMBER 22426 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 5596 06/06/00 $232.54 JUSTUS LUMBER MISC. HARDWARE 95148 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 5234 06/06/00 $277.97 JUSTUS LUMBER OAK LUMBER 48292 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 5791 < *> $1,524.38* 210917 06/06/00 $30.63 JUSTUS RENTAL CENTER FUEL CELLS 97919 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1209 < *> $30.63* 210918 06/06/00 $29.40 KANE, KENNETH CONTINUING ED 051700 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $29.40* 210919 06/06/00 $704.43 KANEMATSU USA INC MERCHANDISE 303929• PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6437 < *> $704.43* 210920 06/06/00 $277.85 KAR PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 926662 MAINT OF LOURS GENERAL SUPPLI 6598 < *> $277.85* 210921 06/06/00 $14.00 KEELER, SUE SKATING LESSONS REFUN 050900 . EDINB /CL PROG LESSON PRGM IN _'OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 20 -"HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT 40279114 FINANCE VENDOR SVC AUDIT DESCRIPTION SERVICES INVOICE PROGRAM PROF SERVICES OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < *> 40279114 $14.00* PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 POOL ADMIN PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 210922 06/06/00 $210.00 KIFFMEYER, WALLY PROFESSIONAL SOFTBALL UMPIRE 40279114 ARENA ADMINIST 052600 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES SERV - < *> 40279114 $210.00* PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 GENERAL(BILLIN PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 210923 06/06/00 $38.18 KINKO'S PROFESSIONAL SERV - CRAFT SUPPLIES 40279114 LIQUOR 50TH ST 06220003 MEDIA LAB CRAFT SUPPLIES 9034 A 06/06/00 $410.03 KINKO'S SVC AUDIT PRINTING OF HOURS CAR 06220003 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 2272 < *> AUDIT $448.21* SERV - A 40279114 IBR #2 PROG PRO SVC AUDIT 210924 06/06/00 $66.96 KIRCHMAN, STEVE A. CELL PHONE JAN. -APR. 052200 INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE 06/06/00 $20.18 KIRCHMAN, STEVE.A. BOOKEND, STORAGE TABL 052200 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $5.00 KIRCHMAN, STEVE A. PARKING FEE 052200 INSPECTIONS CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $92.14* 210926 06/06/00 - $56.00 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI CM505 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $873.15 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 129553 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $210.00 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 129554 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $573.95 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 129555 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $786.90 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 129556 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,039.95 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 129982 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $571.00 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 129983 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,772.00 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 129985 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $90.00 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 129986 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $228.97 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 130049 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $199.00 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 130190 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,290.00 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 130416 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $719.95 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 130419 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,407.85 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 130421 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $9,706.72* 210927 06/06/00 210928 06/06/00 210930 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 $252.00 KOCHENASH, RICK $252.00* $411.53 KORCHIK, CHARLOTTE $411.53* $5,000.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $450.00 $1,500.00 $1,100.00 $1,400.00 $6,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,900.00 $1,900.00 $1,900.00 $1,600.00 $25,150.00* 210931 06/06/00 $726.90 06/06/00 $102.95 06/06/00 $701.25 06/06/00 $36.00 KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KPMG LLP KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO TEACHING AC 052500 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 051600 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 FINANCE PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 40279114 CDBG PROF SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 ART CENTER ADM PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 POOL ADMIN PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 ARENA ADMINIST PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 GENERAL(BILLIN PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 GENERAL STORM PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 LIQUOR 50TH ST PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 LIQUOR YORK GE PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 VERNON_LIQUOR PRO SVC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - A 40279114 IBR #2 PROG PRO SVC AUDIT COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 267948 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 267949 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 268099 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 268529 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX AUDIT 19 COUNCIL CHECK —jISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16 ) page 21 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM--- - - - - -- OBJECT-- - - - -PO NUM ---------------------------------------------------- 210931 06/06/00 $697.45 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING -------------------------------------------- CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 268530 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $87.00 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 268661 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $2,719.45 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 268662 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $36.00 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 269127 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $1,768.75 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 269143 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE < *> $6,875.75* 210932 06/06/00 $111.50 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC BATTERY PACK 46506 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM < *> $111.50* 210933 06/06/00 $46.98 KUYPER, SCOTT CONTINUING ED 052300 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $46.98* 210934 06/06/00 $71.80 LANDS' END CORPORATE SAL UNIFORMS 01152781 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 06/06/00 $31.40 LANDS' END CORPORATE SAL UNIFORMS 01152969 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 06/06/00 $150.80 LANDS' END CORPORATE SAL UNIFORMS 01172001 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 06/06/00 $71.80 LANDS' END CORPORATE SAL UNIFORMS 01173833 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 06/06/00 $35.90 LANDS' END CORPORATE SAL UNIFORMS 01180419 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 06/06/00 - $69.30 LANDS' END CORPORATE SAL RETURNS 01182606 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL < *> $292.40* 210935 06/06/00 $75.60 LANIER WORLDWIDE INC SERVICE AGREEMENT 62432143 POLICE DEPT. G SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $75.60* 210936 06/06/00 $199.73 LASER TECHNOLOGY INC. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 15089 RI POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 3001 06/06/00 $56.25 LASER TECHNOLOGY INC. EQUIPT. MAINTENANCE 15268 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 3032 < *> $255.98* 210937 06/06/00 $172.34 LATHROP PAINT SUPPLY COM PAINT STRAINER, PUMP 756514 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 1356 < *> $172.34* 210938 06/06/00 $144.59 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. OIL, SCREWS, COTTER C 1308964 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 1278 06/06/00 $64.97 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. STRIPE PAINT 1308965 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 1279 06/06/00 $246.02 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. WASHERS, SCREWS, PINS 1314406 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1351 06/06/00 $71.23 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. STRIPE PAINT 1316415 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 1462 06/06/00 $296.68 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. WASHERS, FITTINGS, PI 1317496 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1460 06/06/00 $219.45- LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. SHEET METAL SCREWS, C 1317498 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 1461 < *> $1,042.94* 210939 06/06/00 $16.61 LEEF SERVICES TOWELS 201902 MAINT OF LOURS LAUNDRY 06/06/00 $49.67 LEEF SERVICES CLEAN MATS 235064 ART CENTER BLD LAUNDRY 06/06/00 $19.14 LEEF SERVICES TOWELS 237851 MAINT OF COURS LAUNDRY < *> $85.42* 210940 06/06/00 $1,500.00 LEUNG, SIDNEY EASEMENT ACQUISITION 052300 SANITARY SEWER CIP < *> $1,500.00* 210941 06/06/00 $609.25 LIFEGUARD STORE, THE LIFEGUARD TRAINING MA 912 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $609.25* 210942 06/06/00 $162.06 LIGHT CYCLE INC FLUORESCENT LAMPS L1549 -IN ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 1471 06/06/00 $81.04 LIGHT CYCLE INC REPAIR PARTS L1549 -IN CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 1471 06/06/00 $81.04 LIGHT CYCLE INC REPAIR PARTS L1549 -IN PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1471 06/06/00 $81.04 LIGHT CYCLE INC REPAIR PARTS L1549 -IN PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS 1471 < *> $405.18* _'OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 22 :HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=-------------------------------------------------------- 210943 06/06/00 $34.80 LINHOFF PHOTO DEPT. PHOTOS IH000000 FIRE DEPT. GEN PHOTO SUPPLIES 3814 < *> $34.80* 210944 06/06/00 $90.00 LITTLE, DOUG TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $90.00* 210945 06/06/00 $50.00 LOEFFLER, SUE AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 051600 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $50.00* 210946 06/06/00 $19.00 LUCHT, PETE UPGRADE LICENSE TO A 052200 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $19.00* 210947 06/06/00 $97.50 LUCKTENBERG, PAUL SOFTBALL UMPIRE 052600 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $97.50* 210948 06/06/00 $12.00. M. SHANKEN COMMUNICATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 523489 50TH ST SELLIN DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $12.00* 210949 06/06/00 $15.00 M.G.I.A. CONTINUING ED (WAGNER 051500 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $15.00* 210952 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 $2,791.25 $1,179.50 $958.35 $3,382.07 $83.00 $895.25 $130.00 $841.90 $27.00 $1,691.25 $27.00 $261.65 $11.50 $554.55 $16.00. $92.00 $2,407.25 $2,738.57 $34.75 $170.00 $254.00 $479.05 $3,625.95 $49.20 $2,010.70 $792.80 $104.65 $27.00 $9.00 $868.80 $15.20 $27.00 $4,213.22 $144.25 MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS BEER COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 145630 SOLD BE 145631 SOLD BE 145632 SOLD BE 145657 SOLD MI 145658 SOLD BE 146204 147550 SOLD BE 148265 SOLD MI 148266 SOLD BE 148267 SOLD MI 148268 SOLD BE 148274 SOLD MI 148275 SOLD BE 148623 SOLD MI 148625 SOLD BE 148626 SOLD BE 148627 SOLD BE 148659 SOLD MI 148660 SOLD BE 148661 SOLD BE 150379 SOLD BE 150868 SOLD BE 151009 SOLD MI 151010 SOLD BE 151012 SOLD BE 151253 SOLD BE 151254 SOLD MI 151255 SOLD MI 151256 SOLD BE 151347 SOLD MI 151348 SOLD MI 151349 SOLD BE 151369 SOLD MI 151370 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 6337 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 6337 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COUNCIL CHECK ..__ -jISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16. .) page 23 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210952 06/06/00 $91.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 154099 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $31,005.06* 210953 06/06/00 $209.48 MARSTON, ELLIOTT MEHA SPRING CONFERENC 052300 PUBLIC HEALTH CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $209.48* 210954 06/06/00 $70.00 MARTIN, KIM KID'S ART 5 -9 -00, 6 -1 052600 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $70.00* 210955 06/06/00 $93.61 MATHISON CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD 400209 -0 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 9180 06/06/00 $323.36 MATHISON CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD 410002 -0 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 9039 < *> $416.97* 210956 06/06/00 $546.76 MCCAREN DESIGNS INC. PLANTS, FLOWERS 13010 POOL TRACK GRE TREES FLWR SHR 2239 06/06/00 $195.31 MCCAREN DESIGNS INC. FLOWERS 13036 POOL TRACK GRE TREES FLWR SHR 2258 < *> $742.07* 210957 06/06/00 $498.29 MCCARTHY, KATHRYN L. AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 051600 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $498.29* 210958 06/06/00 $101.36 MCM ELECTRONICS REPAIR PARTS 490801 MEDIA LAB REPAIR PARTS 9026 < *> $101.36* 210959 06/06/00 $195.00 MCMAHON, DAN MOTOR TRAINING 050900 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $195.00* 210960 06/06/00 $19.07 MDS MATRX MEDICAL INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 700840 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 3816 < *> $19.07* 210961 06/06/00 $30.00 MEMA MEMBERSHIP DUES 051100 CIVIL DEFENSE DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $30.00* 210962 06/06/00 $43.62 MENARDS ACCT #35170288 RIGHT ANGLE PLUGS 32659 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 06106100 $89.72 MENARDS ACCT #35170288 BULBS, HAMMER, BRUSHE 35164 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2073 06/06/00 $17.40 MENARDS ACCT #35170288 FLATPLUGS 36409 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 2260 06/06/00 $10.98 MENARDS ACCT #35170288 METAL SCREWS 37186 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 2265 < *> $161.72* 210963 06/06/00 $81.28 MENARDS * ACCT #30240251 SUPPLIES 88069 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 6450 06/06/00 $63.83 MENARDS * ACCT #30240251 MISC. SUPPLIES 88323 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2094 06/06/00 $74.29 MENARDS * ACCT #30240251 HOSE REEL CARTS 88510 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 7965 06/06/00 $29.23 MENARDS * ACCT 430240251 MISC. PARTS 88720 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2000 < *> $248.63* 210964 06/06/00 $100.00 MERFELD, BURT POLICE SERVICE 060600 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 210965 06/06/00 $135.26 MERIT SUPPLY SOAP, SNOW WHITE, SPR 53599 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1339 06/06/00 $264.12 MERIT SUPPLY DISPENSER, TISSUE 53617 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1201 06/06/00 $157.06 MERIT SUPPLY REPAIR AQUACLEAN, SCR 53622 LIFT STATION M GENERAL SUPPLI 1349 06/06/00 $789.17 MERIT SUPPLY TANK ASSEMBLY 53629 50TH ST OCCUPA GENERAL SUPPLI 5876 06/06/00 $286.75 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 53678 ARENA BLDG /GRO CLEANING SUPPL 8015 06/06/00 $76.15 MERIT SUPPLY BUFFER PADS, MOPHEADS 53681 YORK OCCUPANCY REPAIR PARTS 1459 06/06/00 $698.32 MERIT SUPPLY LAMBSWOOL, SOAP, WYPA 53682 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 1454 06/06/00 $831.82 MERIT SUPPLY MOPHEADS, CLEANSERS, 53704 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1213 :OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 24 :HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210965 06/06/00 $301.40 MERIT SUPPLY URINAL BLOC, DEODORIZ 53721 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 1479 06/06/00 $883.95 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 537.38 ARENA BLDG /GRO CLEANING SUPPL 8020 < *> $4,424.00* 210966 06/06/00 $234.19 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY SOCCER NETS 43356 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI 1217 06/06/00 $190.85 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY PLUGS, ANCHORS 43373 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI 5883 06/06/00 $257.57 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY PITCHING RUBBERS, BAS 43443 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI 1224 < *> $682.61* 210967 06/06/00 $225,056.00 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENV SEWER SERVICE 00007030 SEWER TREATMEN SEWER SVC METR < *> $225,056.00* 210968 06/06/00 $380.00 MGCSA DUES 051700 GOLF ADMINISTR DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $380.00* 210969 06/06/00 $35.00 MICHELS, JULIE SKATING LESSON REFUND 052400 EDINB /CL PROG LESSON PRGM IN < *> $35.00* 210970 06/06/00 $206.70 MID -CO A/V INC. PROJECTOR CABLES 00005030 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 4739 < *> $206.70* 210971 06/06/00 $125.24 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY TRASHLINERS, FILTERS 18664 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3842 < *> $125.24* 210973 06/06/00 - $19.00 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI ORIGINAL INV. WAS A C 67019028 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 - $776.05 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI CREDITS 4/30 STA GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 $281.20 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI POP 66447121 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL 06/06/00 - $36.00 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI CREDIT 66447139 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL 06/06/00 $123.20 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 62166033 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $237.95 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 62166132 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $114.00 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD 67033029 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 $668.85 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD 67033037 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 $521.00 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COKE 67036048 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 $104.90 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI POP 66452147 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL 06/06/00 $264.90 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COKE 66452196 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 - $217.60 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI CREDIT 4/30 STM FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 $28.50 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COKE 67038168 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 $423.50 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COKE, 67038176 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 $30.00 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COKE 69092089 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1492 06/06/00 $95.00 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COKE 67041196 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 $283.90 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COKE 19189777 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL 06/06/00 $785.33 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 62176149 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $224.80 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 62176156 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $368.25 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COKE 67044133 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6327 06/06/00 $496.48 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 65161107 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $4,003.11* 210974 06/06/00 $125.49 MIDWEST VENDING INC CANDY 2057 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6338 < *> $125.49* 210975 06/06/00 $338.12 MILLENNIUM PRINTING & GR PRINT REGISTRATION CA 6867 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING .9044 < *> $338.12* 210976 06/06/00 $40.00 MILLER, CAROL ADAPTIVE PROGRAM REFU 052600 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $40.00* COUNCIL CHECK i. .!STER 31 -MAY -2000 (16'. , page 25 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210977 06/06/00 $50.00 MILLER, TOM DOME LESSON REIMBURSE 051700 GOLF DOME PROF SERVICES < *> $50.00* 210978 06/06/00 $2,601.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S REPLACE SERVICE 31750 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 1024 06/06/00 $1,560.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S REPLACE SERVICE 31754 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 1025 06/06/00 $1,542.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S REPLACE SERVICE 31758 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 1036 06/06/00 $4,312.50 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S REPLACE SERVICE 31759 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 1035 < *> $10,015.50* 210979 06/06/00 $50.00 MINNEAPOLIS GIFT MART REFUND FOR 6/23 CANCE 051900 GOLF PROG RENTAL OF PROP < *> $50.00* 210980 06/06/00 $277.26 MINNESOTA AIR CONTROL ENTHALPY SCRE 3372812 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1357 < *> $277.26* 210981 06/06/00 $33.09 MINNESOTA CLAY USA CRAFT SUPPLIES 56341 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 9033 < *> $33.09* 210982 06/06/00 $15.00 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD CERTIFICATION- V 052400 GOLF ADMINISTR DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $15.00* 210983 06/06/00 $18,111.00 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF CONNECTON CHARGE 050800 WATER TREATMEN PRO SVC OTHER < *> $18,111.00* 210984 06/06/00 $195.00 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSOR LICENSE RENE 050400 ASSESSING DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $195.00* 210985 06/06/00 $76.00 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC APRIL SERVICE 14641 POOL TRACK GRE SVC CONTR EQUI CONTRACT < *> $76.00* 210986 06/06/00 $233.33 MINNESOTA MONTHLY PUBLIC MAGAZINE ADVERTISING MM5000 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER 06/06/00 $233.33 MINNESOTA MONTHLY PUBLIC MAGAZINE ADVERTISING MM5000 YORK SELLING ADVERT OTHER 06/06/00 $233.34 MINNESOTA MONTHLY PUBLIC MAGAZINE ADVERTISING MM5000 VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER < *> $700.00* 210987 06/06/00 $960.10 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME REPAIR PARTS 0086390 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 1261 06/06/00 $707.43 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME REPAIR PARTS 0086391 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 1260 06/06/00 $242.14 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME TOOLS 0086520 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 1260 06/06/00 $960.63 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME VALVE W /HANDWHEEL 0084491 WATER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 1335 06/06/00 $302.65 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME VALVE & PLUG 0086713 LIFT STATION M REPAIR PARTS 1260 06/06/00 $284.84 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME GATE VALVE /HAND WHEEL 0087013 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 1482 < *> $3,457.79* 210988 06/06/00 $253.00 MINNESOTA SAFETY COUNCIL DUES 018657 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $253.00* 210989 06/06/00 $495.00 MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSO CONFERENCE 71680 -99 ADMINISTRATION CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $495.00* 210990 06/06/00 $50.00 MINNESOTA SYMPHONIC WIND CONCERT 6 -4 -00 050800 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO.SVC OTHER < *> $50.00* 210991 06/06/00 $30.46 MINNESOTA WANNER BRASS TIP 0044553- STREET NAME SI REPAIR PARTS 1328 06/06/00 $27.21 MINNESOTA WANNER VALVE CHAMBER KIT 0044799- FIELD MAINTENA REPAIR PARTS 1221 < *> $57.67* 2OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER $23.00 < *> SVC OTHER $23.00* 211000 31 -MAY- 2000.(16:32) page 26 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR TRAINING DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -'----------------------------------------.---------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 210992 06/06/00 $134.00 MINNESOTA WINEGROWERS CO COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 820 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE PARTS < *> $103.23 $134.00* 06/06/00 $76.49 PARTS 06/06/00 $122.98 17316 -00 06/06/00 $128.81 210993 06/06/00 $120.00 MIRSHARIF, SOHIELA SWIMMING LESSON REFUN 050900 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F FIELD MAINTENA < *> PARTS $120.00* IRRIGATION PARTS 18853 -00 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 2005 210994 06/06/00 $680.00 MIZUNO USA INC GOLF CLUBS 0272609 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6360 06/06/00 $544.00 MIZUNO USA INC GOLF CLUBS 0275195 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6360 06/06/00 $476.00 MIZUNO USA INC GOLF CLUBS 0279909 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6360 06/06/00 $391.00 MIZUNO USA INC GOLF CLUBS 0280791 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6360 < *> $2,091.00* 210995 06/06/00 $100.00 MNAFAA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 051100 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $100.00* 210996 06/06/00 06/06/00 210997 06/06/00 210998 06/06/00 $41.00 $53.25 $94.25* $100.00 $100.00* MOBILE CELLULAR UNLIMITE HANDSET COIL CORD INV00050 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS 3834 MOBILE CELLULAR UNLIMITE CELLULAR PHONE CASES INV00050 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE 5889 MONSON, MIKE $448.50 MOSE, WILLIAM $448.50* 210999 06/06/00 $23.00 < *> SVC OTHER $23.00* 211000 06/06/00 $249.89 SERVICES 06/06/00 $20.00 TRAINING 06/06/00 $12.27 IRRIGATION EQU 06/06/00 $183.20 14031 -00 06/06/00 $95.10 PARTS 06/06/.00 $71.25 15271 -00 06/06/00 $131.64 PARTS 06/06/00 $103.23 16634 -00 06/06/00 $76.49 PARTS 06/06/00 $122.98 17316 -00 06/06/00 $128.81 < *> FRONT CASTOR FORK $1,194.86* 211001 06/06/00 $190.60 < *> IRRIGATION PARTS $190.60* 211002 06/06/00 211003 06/06/00 06/06/00 211004 06/06/00 211005 06/06/00 MPCA MTI DISTRIBUTING INC MTI DISTRIBUTING INC MTI DISTRIBUTING INC MTI DISTRIBUTING INC MTI DISTRIBUTING INC MTI DISTRIBUTING INC MTI DISTRIBUTING INC MTI DISTRIBUTING INC MTI DISTRIBUTING INC MTI DISTRIBUTING INC MTI DISTRIBUTING INC JUGGLER 6 -20 -00 052600 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER SOFTBALL UMPIRE 052600 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES WASTEWATER LICENSE - 052300 TRAINING LIC & PERMITS NIPPLES, WRENCH, SORE 14077 -00 FIELD MAINTENA REPAIR PARTS 1202 NOZZLES 1421 -00 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 2087 0 -RINGS 14818 -00 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 2087 IRRIGATION REPAIRS 14300 -00 MAINT OF LOURS IRRIGATION EQU 6455 TUBE 14031 -00 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1312 REPAIR PARTS 15271 -00 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6446 REPAIR PARTS 16634 -00 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS IRRIGATION PARTS 17316 -00 MAINT OF COURS IRRIGATION EQU 6458 FRONT CASTOR FORK 17743 -00 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1388 IRRIGATION PARTS 17739 -00 FIELD MAINTENA REPAIR PARTS 1218 IRRIGATION PARTS 18853 -00 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 2005 NATIONAL CAMERA EXCHANGE CRAFT SUPPLIES $89.00 NATIONAL UNDERWRITERS CO SUBSCRIPTION $89.00* $108.00 NATIONSBANC BUSINESS FIN DRUG TESTS $18.00 NATIONSBANC BUSINESS FIN DRUG TEST $126.00* $384.40 NBGS INTERNATIONAL PAINT $384.40* $60.00 NELSON, BARBARA TEACHING AC 0503001R ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 9029 033000 ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRI 664651 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 665086 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 11468 POOL OPERATION PAINT 7087 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES COUNCIL CHECK kL�iSTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:--) page 27 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211005 06/06/00 $219.00 NELSON, BARBARA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 052200 MEDIA LAB PROF SERVICES < *> $279.00* 211006 06/06/00 $139.82 NELSON, DAVID REIMBURSEMENT FOR UNI 052200 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 06/06/00 $55.82 NELSON, DAVID CONTINUING ED 052300 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $195.64* 211007 06/06/00 $200.00 NEMITZ, DAVE REFUND (SOFTBALL) 051100 EDINA ATHLETIC REGISTRATION F < *> $200.00* 211008 06/06/00 $1,008.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10047 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $494.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10196 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $1,502.00* 211009 06106100 $88.00 NICOL, JANET TEACHING MEDIA CTR 052200 MEDIA LAB PROF SERVICES < *> $88.00* 211010 06/06/00 $60.00 NIOA MEMBERSHIP DUES 052200 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $60.00* 211011 06/06/00 $100.00 NISSEN, DICK POLICE SERVICE 060600 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 211012 06/06/00 $45.00 NORMAN, POLLY TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $45.00* 211013 06/06/00 $80.50 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 29013001 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $170.26 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 29013007 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $31.50 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 41013612 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $101.65 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 01013818 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $199.50 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 31014000 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $119.20 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 55014113 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $67.82 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 41014319 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $68.92 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 44014519 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $839.35* 211014 06/06/00 $141.11 NORTH STAR TURF SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 224615 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6433 < *> $141.11* 211015 06/06/00 $211.81 NORTHERN AIRE POOL SUPPLIES 27837 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $211.81* 211016 06/06/00 $195.18 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMEN PUMP & SUPPLIES 3174356 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2086 < *> $195.18* 211017 06/06/00 $260.60 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY CANVAS, TAPE, PENS 17496400 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 9038 < *> $260.60* 211018 06/06/00 $362.10 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES NW -62935 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1324 06/06/00 $99.71 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES NW -62961 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1324 06/06/00 $61.25 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRE DISPOSAL FEES NW -63007 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1324 06/06/00 $102.24 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES NW -63008 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1324 06/06/00 $127.99 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES NW -63118 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1381 < *> $753.29* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 28 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211019 06/06/00 $100.00 NUSSBAUM, PHIL URBAN RENEWAL CONCERT 052600 ED.ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 211020 06/06/00 $90.00 NYGAARD, JEFF TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $90.00* 211021 06/06/00 $192.00 ODLAND, DOROTHY TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $192.00* 211022 06/06/00 $84.00 OGIO INTERNATIONAL INC. BAGS 355895 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6486 < *> $84.00* 211023 06/06/00 $103.34 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO I REPAIR PARTS 19249 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 6448 06/06/00 $22.55 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO I CHAIN 19351 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1216 < *> $125.89* 211024 06/06/00 $89.97 OLYMPIC POOLS SKIMMER & VALVE 15004 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2090 < *> $89.97* - 211025 06/06/00 $85.50 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COOKIES 72132002 GRILL• COST OF GD SOL 6339 06/06/00 $83.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC COOKIES 86987002 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6339 < *> $168.50* 211026 06/06/00 $362.15 OWENS SERVICES CORP. WORK DONE ON ROOF TOP 40062 POOL TRACK GRE CONTR REPAIRS 2247 < *> $362.15* 211027 06/06/00 $380.66 PAGENET PAGERS - APRIL 00013003 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 06/06/00 $436:78 PAGENET EQUIPMENT RENTAL 00064845 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 06/06/00 $438.50 PAGENET PAGERS - MAY 00070555 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL < *> $1,255.94* 211028 06/06/00 $510.00 PALMER /SNYDER FURNITURE CHILDRENS TABLES 026795 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 7098 < *> $510.00* 211029 06/06/00 $250.00 PARK CENTER HIGH SCHOOL REIMBURSE DAMAGE DEPO 051100 EDINB /CL PROG RENTAL INCOME < *> $250.00* 211030 06/06/00 $387.50 PATTIWORKS INC CALENDAR DESIGN 1147 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $387.50* 211031 06/06/00 $49.94 PEARSON, PAUL AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 051600 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $49.94* . 211032 06/06/00 $280.00 PENHALL COMPANY CORE DRILLING 3467 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES < *> $280.00* 211033 06/06/00 $139.84 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 45341700 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $253.94 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 49241086 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $393.78* 211034 06/06/00 $1,850.00 PERKINS LANDSCAPE CONTRA CLEAN CREEK 051800 GENERAL STORM CONTR REPAIRS 1030 < *> $1,850.00* 211035 06/06/00 $499.72 PERSONNEL DECISIONS LEAP TESTING J141445 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES 3041 < *> $499.72* COUNCIL CHECK ,._.jISTER CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM 31 -MAY -2000 (16-) page 29 OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211037 06/06/00 $11.85 PETTY CASH MTG. EXPENSE 051900 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS 06/06/00 $9.00 PETTY CASH MTG. EXPENSE 051900 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPENS 06/06/00 $27.30 PETTY CASH MILEAGE - ADMIN. 051900 ADMINISTRATION MILEAGE 06/06/00 $25.00 PETTY CASH MTG. EXPENSE - FINANC 051900 FINANCE MEETING EXPENS 06/06/00 $22.83 PETTY CASH MTG. EXPENSE - ASSESS 051900 ASSESSING MEETING EXPENS 06/06/00 $20.00 PETTY CASH PESTICIDE LICENSES 051900 TRAINING LIC & PERMITS 06/06/00 $13.35 PETTY CASH RECYCLING /MISC. 051900 PUBLIC HEALTH GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $28.95 PETTY CASH COMMUNICATIONS /DINNER 051900 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $15.18 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 051900 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 06/06/00 $74.69 PETTY CASH MTG. EXPENSE 051900 COMMUNICATIONS MEETING EXPENS 06/06/00 $19.65 PETTY CASH MTG. EXPENSE - P &R 051900 PARK ADMIN. MEETING EXPENS 06/06/00 $20.00 PETTY CASH MILEAGE /FUEL -PW 051900 FIELD MAINTENA MILEAGE 06/06/00 $10.00 PETTY CASH 50TH & FRANCE ASSOC M 051900 LIQUOR YORK GE MEETING EXPENS 06/06/00 -$5.50 PETTY CASH CASH OVER AND UNDER 051900 GENERAL FD PRO CASH OVER AND < *> $292.30* 211041 06/06/00 -$9.65 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3214081 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $11.33 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3214082 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 -$5.50 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3214083 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $39.19 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3214215 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $69.42 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3214652 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $664.76 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 604712 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $47.44 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3214766 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $22.09 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3214767 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,789.92 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 606469 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $363.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 606470 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $1,270.98 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 606471 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,137.74 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 606472 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $1,430.55 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 606473 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,238.63 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 606474 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $141.57 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 606475 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $42.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3214923 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $42.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3214924 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $36.64 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3215119 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $25.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 608292 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $786.28 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 608714 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $0.69 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 608715 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $205.02 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 608716 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $900.31 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 608717 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $62.70 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 608718 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $888.52 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 608719 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $2,747.59 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 608720 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $710.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 608721 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $1,377.35 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 608722 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $714.65 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 609754 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $34.89 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 610745 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $50.19 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 610747 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $54.69 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 610749 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $2,338.06 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 610750 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $41.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 610751 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $1,139.47 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 610752 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $2,148.13 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 610753 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $287.76 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 610754 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $141.57 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 610756 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $22,365.96* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 30 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211042 06/06/00 $498.15 PING GOLF CLUBS 4478099 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6307 < *> $498.15* 211043 06/06/00 211045 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 211046 06/06/00 211047 06/06/00 $512.32 PINKERTON SYSTEMS INTEGR REPAIRED ALARMS 0015798- POOL TRACK GRE CONTR REPAIRS 2278 $512.32* $251.64 $97.50 $865.85 -$1.15 $643.08 $615.12 $1,195.20 $587.16 $400.43 $391.44 $145.60 $28.80 $167.94 - $27.96 - $11.16 $1,034.51 $202.50 $559.20 $23.50 $7,169.20* $153.55 $153.55* $52.01 $52.01* PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING PIONEER RIM & WHEEL.CO PIRTEK PLYMOUTH COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30233 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30260 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30267 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30421 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30438 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30470 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30517 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30691 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30730 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30755 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30756 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30762 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30776 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30854 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30855 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30928 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30929 CIGARETTES 31015 MATCHES 31015 JACK LINE SERVICE 211048 06/06/00 $50.00 PLYMOUTH COMMUNITY CONCE CONCERT 6 -21 -00 < *> PRO SHOP $50.00* OF GDS -PR 6202 985772 PRO SHOP COST 211049 06/06/00 $237.32 POLO RALPH LAUREN CORPOR GOLF SHORTS 06/06/00 $2,556.46 POLO RALPH LAUREN CORPOR MERCHANDISE 06/06/00 $105.64 POLO RALPH LAUREN CORPOR MERCHANDISE < *> $2,899.42* 211050 06/06/00 $175.70 POLO RALPH LAUREN WW GOL SHORTS 06/06/00 $606.54 POLO RALPH LAUREN WW GOL APPAREL 06/06/00 $751.17 POLO RALPH LAUREN WW GOL APPAREL 06/06/00 $288.40 POLO RALPH LAUREN WW GOL APPAREL < *> $1,821.81* 211051 06/06/00 $181.62 POMMER CO AWARDS ENGRAVING < *> $181.62* 211052 06/06/00 $111.93 POPP TELCOM PHONE REPAIR < *> $111.93* 211053 06/06/00 $121.00 POSTMASTER BULK MAIL < *> $121.00* 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX LIQUOR 50TH ST GENERAL SUPPLI 1- 244514 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1294 PL8730 MAINT OF COURS CONTR REPAIRS 6442 052600 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 985771 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6202 985772 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6202 987481 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6201 073 -0514 PRO.SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6201 073 -0515 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6201 073 -0515 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6201 073 -0515 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6201 47206 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 8003 38636 . CLUB HOUSE CONTR REPAIRS 6054 052500 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE COUNCIL CHECK n"GISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (lt ,�) page 31 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211054 06/06/00 $399.00 POTTERS SHOP, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD 5477 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 9030 < *> $399.00* 211055 06/06/00 $996.00 PREMIER FLEET SERVICES LABOR, PARTS, PAINT, 14425 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS < *> $996.00* 211056 06/06/00 $1,500.00 PRIN, CAROLYN EASEMENT ACQUISITION 052300 SANITARY SEWER CIP < *> $1,500.00* 211057 06/06/00 $160.00 PRINTERS SERVICE INC BLADE SHARPENING 16437 ARENA ICE MAIN EQUIP MAINT 8016 < *> $160.00* 211059 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 Q6/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 211060 06/06/00 211061 06/06/00 $1,412.00 - $16.44 $666.01 $380.30 $467.36 $173.80 $527.58 $204.30 $411.10 $919.21 $391.45 $251.18 $720.60 $1,200.42 $328.00 $257.45 $543.60 $1,233.46 $239.30 $306.49 $325.40 $493.52 $143.00 $11,579.09* PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 209185 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 536594 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 213776 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 213777 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 213782 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 213783 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 213787 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 213788 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 216717 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 216721 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 216725 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 216729 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 216732 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 216735 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 218195 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 218198 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 219608 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 219609 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 219613 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 219614 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 219618 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 219619 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 220288 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE $230.00 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUB SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 051500 FINANCE $230.00* $225.00 QUALITY REFRIGERATION IN CONTRACT - REFRIGERAT 305326 GRILL $225.00* CONF & SCHOOLS CONTR SERVICES 6340 211063 06/06/00 - $51.08 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 836335 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $562.70 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 837570 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 -$5.54 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 837570 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 06/06/00 - $430.40 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 837644 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 $1,722.98 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 837897 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 - $34.27 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 837897 -0 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT 06/06/00 - $51.75 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 837911 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $2,715.51 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 838954 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $26.81 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 838954 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 06/06/00 $3,600.83 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 838955 -0 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 - $35.60 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 838955 -0 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 06/06/00 $1,544.27 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 838956 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE :OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 32 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE. PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211063 06/06/00 - $15.28 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 838956 -0 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT 06/06/00 $3,706.77 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 839047 -0 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 - $73.57 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 839047 -0 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 06/06/00 $1,744.66 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 839051 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 - $34.64 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 839051 -0 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT 06/06/00 $3,054.47 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 839125 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 06/06/00 - $60.51 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 839125 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 06/06/00 $419.10 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 840150 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/.00 -$4.14 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 840150 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT < *> $18,247.70* 211064 06/06/00 $94.65 R.C. STEELE NEW KENNEL 30 -20127 ANIMAL CONTROL EQUIP REPLACEM 3010 < *> $94.65* 211065 06/06/00 $226.52 RC IDENTIFICATIONS INC. ID CARDS 023784 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $226.52* 211066 06/06/00 $265.35 RED WING SHOES SAFETY BOOTS 1312 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 06/06/00 $312.80 RED WING SHOES SAFETY BOOTS 1312 ED BUILDING & SAFETY EQUIPME < *> $578.15* 211067 06/06/00 $702.00 REIMER, MARK SOFTBALL UMPIRE 052600 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $702.00* 211068 06/06/00 $5,500.00 RES SPECIALTY PYROTECHNI FIREWORKS FOR JULY 4T 1738 FIREWORKS GENERAL SUPPLI 7085 < *> $5,500.00* 211069 06/06/00 $103.00 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPA PLUMBING SERVICE 20200 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS 4755 06/06/00 $88.00 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPA DRAIN REPAIR 20306 FRED RICHARDS CONTR REPAIRS 6044 06/06/00 $118.00 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPA TOILET REPAIR 20331 FRED RICHARDS CONTR REPAIRS 6051 < *> $309.00* 211070 06/06/00 $640.00 RICKERT, DAVID TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF-SERVICES < *> $640.00* 211071 06/06/00 $17.34 RITZ CAMERA CENTERS PHOTO FINISHING 03750275 FIRE DEPT. GEN PHOTO SUPPLIES 3710 < *> $17.34* 211072 06/06/00 $100.00 RIVER CITY JAZZ ORCHESTR CONCERT 6 -8 -00 052600 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 211073 06/06/00 $545.10 ROC INC. CLEANING 2202 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 6034 06/06/00 $543.15 ROC INC. CLEANING 2203 CLUB HOUSE SVC CONTR EQUI 6034 < *> $1,088.25* 211074 06/06/00 $160.00 ROOSEVELT HIGH SCHOOL REIMBURSEMENT FOR 1 0 051100 EDINB /CL PROG RENTAL INCOME < *> $160.00* 211075 06/06/00 $350.00 ROWEKAMP ASSOCIATES INC ARCVIEW CONSULTING 200111 ENGINEERING GE PROF SERVICES < *> $350.00* 211076 06/06/00 $40.00 RUPP, GAYLE ADAPTIVE PROGRAM REFU 052600 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $40.00* 211077 06/06/00 $136.50 RYDER, ROBERT SOFTBALL UMPIRE 052600 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES COUNCIL CHECK N�GISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16. -z) page 33 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ---------------------------- <*> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $136.50* 211078 06/06/00 $996.84 S & S TREE AND HORTICULT FIELD REPAIRS 27687 FIELD MAINTENA PROF SERVICES 1237 < *> $996.84* 211079 06/06/00 $30.46 S.H. BARTLETT CO INC SOAP DISPENSER 2089 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1467 < *> $30.46* 211080 06/06/00 $204.03 SAFETY KLEEN RECLAIM SOLVENT 00012576 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 1555 < *> $204.03* 211081 06/06/00 $68.78 SAINT AGNES BAKING COMPA BAKERY 044056 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6349 06/06/00 $57.96 SAINT AGNES BAKING COMPA BAKERY 044197 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6349 06/06/00 $30.65 SAINT AGNES BAKING COMPA BAKERY 044275 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6349 06/06/00 $36.44 SAINT AGNES BAKING COMPA BAKERY 004371 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6349 < *> $193.83* 211082 06/06/00 $325.00 SCHMIDT, MARK SOFTBALL REFUND 051200 EDINA ATHLETIC REGISTRATION F < *> $325.00* 211083 06/06/00 $56.00 SCHMIDT, PATRICIA CLASS REFUND 052400 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < *> $56.00* 211084 06/06/00 $2,019.50 SCS INTERACTIVE PLAYSTRUCTURE EQUIPME 1806 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 7088 06/06/00 $327.86 SCS INTERACTIVE PLAYSTRUCTURE EQUIPME 1817 POOL OPERATION GENERAL-SUPPLI 7088 < *> $2,347.36* 211085 06/06/00 $534.85 SEABOARD PENCIL COMPANY GOLF PENCILS 1364 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 6499 < *> $534.85* 211086 06/06/00 $159.69 SEARS LEVEL, SOCKET SETS, W 1095796 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 1194 < *> $159.69* 211087 06/06/00 $222.91 SEH WELLHEAD PROTECTION P 0063238 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES 06106100 $261.44 SEH SEWER MONITORING 0063411 SEWER TREATMEN PROF SERVICES 1032 06/06/00 $519.70 SEH CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 0063641 SUMP PUMP INSP CIP < *> $1,004.05* 211088 06/06/00 $213.00 SERV -A -CLEAN CARPET CLEANING 1052 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $213.00* 211089 06/06/00 $137.43 SEW WHAT! UNIFORM ALTERATIONS 77421 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 3830 < *> $137.43* 211090 06/06/00 $100.00 SHEPARD, JOHN POLICE SERVICE 060600 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 211091 06/06/00 $159.75 SIGNAL FINANCE WATER FILTRATION 30376 -17 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS 4767 < *> $159.75* 211092 06/06/00 $42.03 SIGNAL SYSTEMS INC. TIMECARDS 10930 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 2079 < *> $42.03* 211093 06/06/00 $47.93 SIITARI, MICHAEL CRIME FUND PHOTO 051500 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES < *> $47.93* :OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 34 'HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211094 06/06/00 $45.00 SILVERS, ROXANNE MODEL 052500 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $45.00* 211095 06/06/00 $532.45 SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO SYNCHRONIZED CLOCK 35550464 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1256 < *> $532.45* 211096 06/06/00 $171.20 SIMS SECURITY SECURITY 00415106 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES < *> $171.20* 211097 06106100 $282.51 SIR SPEEDY PRINT BOWLING INFORMATION B 27634 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 2008 06/06/00 $1,065.00 SIR SPEEDY PRINT CALENDAR PRINTING 27715 ED ADMINISTRAT PRINTING 2099 < *> $1,347.51* 211098 06/06/00 $100.00 SLEEPER, DAVID VENTRILOQUIST 6 -19 -00 052600 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 211099 06/06/00 $48.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 317961 FRED RICHARDS CST OF GDS BEE 6342 06/06/00 $1,098.45 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 106627 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $24.40 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 106628 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $3,129.60 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 106631 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $61.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 106632 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $2,979.25 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 106841 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $34.90 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 106842 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $5,811.34 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 106845 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $1,338.15 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 107045 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $45.40 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 107046 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $125.70 SOUTHSIDE'DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 107049 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $4,994.10 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 107051 YORK SELLING CST OF_GDS BEE. < *> $19,690.29* 211100 06106100 $98.34 SPALDING HATS 52489518 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6217 06/06/00 $298.00 SPALDING GOLF BALLS 52509145 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6217 < *> $396.34* 211101 06/06/00 $998.86 SPEEDY PRINT SCORECARDS 31448 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 6053 < *> $998.86* 211102 06/06/00 $40.00 SPENCER, JOY ADAPTIVE PROGRAM REFU 052600 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $40.00* 211103 06/06/00 $425.00 SPOONER, ANNE TEACHING AC 052200, ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $425.00* 211104 06/06/00 $157.55 SPORT - HALEY INC. APPAREL 208791 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6200 06/06/00 $42.76 SPORT - HALEY INC. MERCHANDISE 209749 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6200 < *> $200.31* 211105 06/06/00 $133.04 SPS COMPANIES SNUBBER, FLANGE, RING 3477959 WATER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 1258 06/06/00 $75.23 SPS COMPANIES SCREWS, COMPRESSION U 3483852 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 1189 06/06/00 $154.41 SPS COMPANIES BRUSH, CLOTH- ANCHOR 3489601 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 1212 06/06/00 $13.67 SPS COMPANIES ACETYLENE, NIPPLE 3489602 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1215 06/06/00 $340.19 SPS COMPANIES OPTIMA KIT, REGULATOR 3490403 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 1457 < *> $716.54* 211106 06/06/00 $4,292.89 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC SIGNAL DESIGN SERVICE 3268 -13 PARKLAWN & 77T CIP COUNCIL CHECK h_ -iSTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16. , page 35 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211106 06/06/00 $3,271.16 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC SIGNAL DESIGN SERVICE 3269 -9 COMPUTER & 77T CIP < *> $7,564.05* 211107 06/06/00 $8.98 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT CO NUTS SI88171 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 1316 < *> $8.98* 211108 06/06/00 $79.50 ST. PAUL PLUMBING & HEAT TOILET REPAIR 53988 FRED RICHARDS CONTR REPAIRS 6052 < *> $79.50* 211109 06/06/00 $307.20 STAFFING A LA CARTE TEMP HELP 10055 GRILL SALARIES TEMP 6040 < *> $307.20* 211110 06/06/00 $428.28 STAN MORGAN & ASSOCIATES LOZIER SHELVING 48518 LIQUOR YORK GE GENERAL SUPPLI 7533 < *> $428.28* 211111 06/06/00 $90.00 STAR OF THE NORTH CONCER CONCERT 6 -14 -00 052600 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $90.00* 211112 06/06/00 $53.25 STEEL PRODUCTS & ALUMINU TOTE BOX 13094 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1484 < *> $53.25* 211113 06/06/00 $60.00 STEIN, LAURA SWIMMING LESSON REFUN 051800 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $60.00* 211114 06/06/00 $243.75 STOUTEN, JAQUELINE ARTWORK SOLD AT EAC 051900 ART CNTR PROG SALE OF ART WO 06/06/00 $448.50 STOUTEN, JAQUELINE ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 052500 ART CNTR PROG SALE OF ART WO < *> $692.25* 211115 06/06/00 $3,610.50 STREICHERS SAFARI & DAKOTA PREP 162552.1 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 3825 06/06/00 $533.15 STREICHERS AMMUNITION 162976.1 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 3027 06/06/00 $50.20 STREICHERS EQUIPT. MAINTENANCE 163164.1 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 3036 06/06/00 $57.90 STREICHERS UNIFORM 149644.1 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 3126 06/06/00 $175.90 STREICHERS UNIFORMS 163600.1 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 3008 06/06/00 $76.04 STREICHERS UNIFORMS 163217.1 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 3029 06/06/00 $94.95 STREICHERS UNIFORMS 163600.2 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 3008 06/06/00 $430.85 STREICHERS EQUIPT. MAINTENANCE 166216.1 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 3048 < *> $5,029.49* 211116 06/06/00 $58.00 STROH, STEVE REIMBURSEMENT- MEETIN 052200 POLICE DEPT. G MEETING EXPENS < *> $58.00* 211117 06/06/00 $14.82 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET HEATER 116012CV EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1318 06/06/00 $25.61 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SLEEVE 116265 -1 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1529 06/06/00 $125.40 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET PIPE ASSEMBLY 116658CV EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1371 06/06/00 $72.55 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET ABSORBER 116620 -1 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1370 06/06/00 $193.80 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET LABOR /PARTS HOOD REPA CVCB3718 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1384 06/06/00 $109.27 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET HUBCAPS 116387 -1 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1325 < *> $541.45* 211118 06/06/00 $46.47 SUN NEWSPAPERS PUBLISH ORD #850 -A17 318650 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 06/06/00 $39.32 SUN NEWSPAPERS PUBLISH PUBLIC HEARIN 321522 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 06/06/00 $138.75 SUN NEWSPAPERS PUBLIC WORKS OPEN HOU 323915 COMMUNICATIONS ADVERT OTHER 06/06/00 $110.00 SUN NEWSPAPERS ADVERTISING 322340 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER 06/06/00 $110.00 SUN NEWSPAPERS ADVERTISING 322340 YORK SELLING ADVERT OTHER 06/06/00 $110.00 SUN NEWSPAPERS ADVERTISING 322340 VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER = OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 36 :HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $554.54* 211119 06/06/00 $820.00 SUNDIN, ROSALIE TEACHING MEDIA CTR 052200 MEDIA LAB PROF SERVICES < *> $820.00* 211120 06106100 $694.16 SWANSON'S GREAT NORTHERN PLANTS 000415 CENTENNIAL LAK TREES FLWR SHR 2085 06/06/00 $897.99 SWANSON'S GREAT NORTHERN PLANTS 000467 CENTENNIAL LAK TREES FLWR SHR 2009 < *> $1,592.15* 211121 06/06/00 $100.00 SWANSON, HAROLD POLICE SERVICE 060600 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 211122 06/06/00 $18.81 TARGET DISPLAY MATERIAL 80974 PRO SHOP GENERAL SUPPLI 6024 06/06/00 $63.88 TARGET SHAPE UP SUPPLIES 2- 0130 -0 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 06/06/00 $159.69 TARGET SHAPE UP SUPPLIES 2- 0130 -0 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 06/06/00 $13.83 TARGET FRAME 94491 PRO SHOP GENERAL SUPPLI 6050 < *> $256.21* 211123 06/06/00 $700.00 TCALMC TRAINING FEE FOR 20 ( 050400 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $700.00* 211124 06/06/00 $542.00 TEEMASTER INC TEE SERVICE 3507 GOLF ADMINISTR SVC CONTR EQUI 6344 < *> $542.00* 211125 06/06/00 $43.14 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO FLASHERS 34026 -00 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1310 06/06/00 $63.85 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO SHRINK TERMINALS 34711 -00 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 1314 < *> $106.99* 211126 06/06/00 $374.40 THOMPSON PLUMBING PERMIT #99005579 FEE 051500 GENERAL FD PRO PLUMBING PERMI < *> $374.40* 211127 06/06/00 $402.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 164727 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 6345 .06/06/00 $1,584.95 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 192730 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $12.10 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 192731 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $225.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 193085 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 6345 06/06/00 $333.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 165192 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 6345 06/06/00 $2,039.05 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 193418 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $187.15 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 193419 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 06/06/00 $87.50 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 193743 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 6345 06/06/00 $353.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 165864 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 6345 ,06/06/00 $7,511.65 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 194087 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 06/06/00 $43.35 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 194088 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $12,778.75* 211128 06/06/00 $128.98 TIGERDIRECT NETWORK KIT P2020716 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 4753 < *> $128.98* 211129 06/06/00 $151.34 TITLEIST GOLF BALLS 2987641 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6210 06/06/00 $129.46 TITLEIST SHOES 2999278 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6210 06/06/00 $2,650.68 TITLEIST GOLF BALLS 0025273 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6210 < *> $2,931.48* 211130 06/06/00 $7,000.00 TOIVONEN PAINTING PAINTING AT MUNICIPAL 051500 POOL OPERATION PAINT 4721 < *> $7,000.00* COUNCIL CHECK ..- jISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (lb _) page 37 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211131 06/06/00 $89.16 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL WELDING GASES 319265 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 1321 06/06/00 $60.95 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL WORK GLOVES 319412 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 1456 06/06/00 $123.85 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL WELDING GASES 320681 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 1377 < *> $273.96* 211132 06/06/00 $105.46 TOP LINE CONSTR ROOFING PLAN CK 2352 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERMI < *> $105.46* 211133 06/06/00 $87.75 TOTAL REGISTER PLASTIC LABELS 9538 LIQUOR 50TH ST GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $87.75* 211134 06/06/00 $822.58 TRACY /TRIPP FUELS GASOLINE 71956 MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE 6529 < *> $822.58* 211135 06/06/00 $108.58 TRUGREEN - CHEMLAWN WEED CONTROL 785487,7 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES 1232 06/06/00 $53.25 TRUGREEN- CHEMLAWN WEED CONTROL 787780 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1233 06/06/00 $106.50 TRUGREEN- CHEMLAWN WEED CONTROL 787781 CITY HALL GENE WEED SPRAY 1231 06/06/00 $213.00 TRUGREEN- CHEMLAWN WEED CONTROL 791082,7 GENERAL TURF C WEED SPRAY 1234 06/06/00 $506.99 TRUGREEN - CHEMLAWN WEED CONTROL VARIOUS GENERAL TURF C WEED SPRAY 1234 < *> $988.32* 211136 06/06/00 $44.20 TURNER, JASON S. MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 052400 CENT SVC GENER MILEAGE < *> $44.20* 211137 06/06/00 $92.00 TWIN CITY OXYGEN CO OXYGEN 543687 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 3700 < *> $92.00* 211138 06/06/00 $434.79 TWIN CITY SEED CO. GRASS SEED, CLOVER, F 2665 FIELD MAINTENA FERTILIZER 1200 06/06/00 $664.03 TWIN CITY SEED CO. SEED 2763 MAINT OF COURS PLANT & TREES 6443 06/06/00 $453.16 TWIN CITY SEED CO. FERTILIZER 2787 GENERAL TURF C FERTILIZER 1222 06/06/00 $231.64 TWIN CITY SEED CO. GRASS SEED 2839 GENERAL TURF C SEED 1226 < *> $1,783.62* 211139 06/06/00 $199.96 U.S. CAVALRY ERT EQUIPMENT 3599359 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 3012 06/06/00 $6.95 U.S. CAVALRY NYLON BDU BELT 3599735 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 3012 < *> $206.91* 211140 06/06/00 $10.00 ULLRICH, CINDY UNIFORM SHORTS REIMBU 051700 POOL TRACK GRE LAUNDRY < *> $10.00* 211141 06/06/00 $1,339.98 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 043000 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 06/06/00 $198.59 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $1,538.57* 211142 06/06/00 $680.96 UNITED ELECTRIC COMPANY ELECTRICAL D.H. 54219600 LIFT STATION M GENERAL SUPPLI 1345 < *> $680.96* 211143 06/06/00 $263.20 UNITED HORTICULTURAL SUP FERTILIZER 0361984 CENTENNIAL LAK FERTILIZER 2011 < *> $263.20* 211144 06/06/00 $6,747.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA GEESE CONTROL NO. 01 MAINT OF COURS PROF SERVICES 1239 < *> $6,747.00* 211145 06/06/00 $208.00 US FILTER DISTRIBUTION G GATE VALVE 6326434 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 1270 06/06/00 $127.80 US FILTER DISTRIBUTION G CURB BOX 6360994 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 1464 :OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32) page 38 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $335.80* 211146 06/06/00 $326.42 US FOODSERVICE INC FOOD FOR OPEN HOUSE 699352 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1478 < *> $326.42* 211147 06/06/00 $397.53 US WEST INTERPRISE TELEPHONE 051100 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE < *> $397.53* 211148 06/06/00 $542.09 VAN PAPER CO. PAPER PRODUCTS 315904 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 4747 06/06/00 $323.76 VAN PAPER CO. BAGS 317902 YORK SELLING PAPER SUPPLIES 7512 06/06/00 $507.24 VAN PAPER CO. CLEANING SUPPLIES 318465 CENTENNIAL LAK CLEANING SUPPL 2093 < *> $1,373.09* 211149 06/06/00 $842.50 VANTAGE ELECTRIC REPAIRS TO ELECTRICAL 16250 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS 2092 < *> $842.50* 211150 06/06/00 $182.25 VIEWPOINT INTERNATIONAL APPAREL 147512 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6434 < *> $182.25* 211151 06/06/00 $129.23 VIKING INDUSTRIAL. CENTER SAFETY SUPPLIES 65238 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 6454. < *> $129.23* 211152 06/06/00 $206.00 VINTAGE ONE WINES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3766 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $182.00 VINTAGE ONE WINES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 4222 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $388.00* 211153 06/06/00 $860.00 VISIONARY SYSTEMS LTD. FIREHOUSE SUPPORT 12334 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES < *> $860.00* - 211154 06/06/00 $634.53 VOSS LIGHTING FLOURESCENT BULBS 2065648- PARKING RAMP GENERAL SUPPLI 1343 < *> $634.53* 211155 06/06/00 $32.00 VOTH, BART WASTEWATER TEST REIMB 051600 TRAINING LIC & PERMITS < *> $32.00* 211156 06/06/00 $413.00 WACONIA FARM SUPPLY FISH FOOD 181145 PATHS & HARD S GENERAL SUPPLI 1181 < *> $413.00* 211157 06/06/00 $456.82 WAGNER, DOUGLAS CONTINUING ED -MGIA C 051200 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $456.82* 211158 06/06/00 -$6.80 WALSER FORD CREDIT RETURN CM83067F EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 06/06/00 $9.25 WALSER FORD HANDLE .82937FOW EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1296 06/06/00 $39.99 WALSER FORD ARM'ASSEMBLY 83549FOW EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1374 06/06/00 $22.86 WALSER FORD HANDLE ASSEMBLY 83553FOW EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1375 06/06/00 $156.66 WALSER -FORD CYLINDER & PRESS CO 83624FOW EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1496 < *> $221.96* 211159 06/06/00 $100.00 WALSH, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICE 060600 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* - 211160 06/06/00 $874.04 WARNING LITES NEON HATS 34723 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 1545 < *> $874.04* 211161 06/06/00 $291.85 WEIGLE, SUE MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 052300 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16..,1) page 39 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> 06/06/00 $291.85* WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 $324.75 WINE 211162 06/06/00 $648.00 WENZEL, KENNETH TEACHING AC 052200 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES $762.65 < *> COMPANY, $648.00* 06/06/00 $256.05 WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 211163 06/06/00 $204.72 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. NOZZLES, BLADES, BITS 31500 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1451 06/06/00 06/06/00 $363.66 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. PIPE CAPS, COUPLINGS, 31653 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 1487 < *> < *> $568.38* 211164 06/06/00 $143.68 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT ELECTRONIC SERVICE 0005514- PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1540 06/06/00 $65.00 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT ELECTRONIC SERVICE TE 0005551- PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1554 < *> $208.68* 211165 06/06/00 $250.00 WHALEY MARKETING COMMUNI AD B -00 -1 GOLF DOME ADVERT OTHER < *> $250.00* 211166 06/06/00 $87.99 WILLIAMS STEEL & HARDWAR SPRAY PAINTS 913708 -0 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1453 < *> $87.99* 211167 06/06/00 $1,429.20 WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO GOLF BALLS 2304197 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6209 06/06/00 $119.70 WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO GOLF BALLS 2304198 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6209 < *> $1,548.90* 211168 06/06/00 - $11.67 WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 - $35.66 WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 $935.40. WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 $324.75 WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 $521.70 WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 $762.65 WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 $256.05 WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 $473.70 WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 $971.60 WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 $2,222.85 WINE COMPANY, THE 06/06/00 $1,072.55 WINE COMPANY, THE < *> $7,493.92* 211170 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 06/06/00 - $33.79 - $28.37 - $67.85 - $58.69 - $58.69 $120.69 $107.69 $938.31 -$7.39 $538.44 $769.29 $421.00 $415.57 $290.38 $3,346.59* WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 039087 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 039088 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 039353 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 039542 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 039574 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 039575 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 039956 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 039957 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 039959 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 040324 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 040351 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10366 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10367 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10368 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10370 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10421 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 29112 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 29113 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 29114 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 10446 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 29349 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 29350 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 29351 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 29617 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 29618 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 5DTH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON•SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING. CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 211171 06/06/00 $92.60 WINSTAR BROADBAND SERVIC COP GRANT - CDPD 231775 COPS MORE GRAN EQUIP REPLACEM < *> $92.60* = OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 31 -MAY -2000 (16:32)_ page 40 HECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--------------------------- 211172 06/06/00 $38.43 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY SIGN W55091 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2007 06/06/00 $96.37 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY TEE MARKERS W55872 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2007 06/06/00 $385.80 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY CUPS AND PENCILS W56132 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2007 06/06/00 $1,950.00 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY BALL PICKER W57760 RANGE GENERAL SUPPLI 6438 06/06/00 $1,675.30 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS W57760 RANGE REPAIR PARTS 6438 < *> $4,145.90* 211173 06/06/00 $84.00 WITTSTRUCK, MARTHA TEACHING AC 052200 ART,CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES. < *> $84.00* 211174 06/06/00 $315.90 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93382 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $419.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93384 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $154.90 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST -OF GOODS SOLD WI 93663 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $385.50 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93481 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $614.36 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93659 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,092.70 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93705 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 06/06/00 $1,132.90 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93877 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $4,115.26* 211175 06/06/00 $97.35 WORLDPOINT ECC INC_. CPR SUPPLIES 27468 GOLF ADMINISTR SAFETY EQUIPME 6014 < *> $97.35* 211176 06/06/00 $100.00 WROBLESKI, HENRY POLICE SERVICE 060600 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 211177 06/06/00 $745.00 XEROX CORPORATION MONTHLY BASE COPIER 07515027 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 3413 < *> $745.00* 211178 06/06/00 $65.03 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE FIRST AID SUPPLIES 54065655 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 6467 06/06/00 $145.37 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE SAFETY SUPPLIES 54065656 ARENA ADMINIST SAFETY EQUIPME 8021 06/06/00 $84.89 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE DRUG SUPPLIES 54163648 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 4771. 06/06/00 $91.60 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE FIRST AID 54065673 CLUB HOUSE SAFETY EQUIPME < *> $386.89* 211179 06/06/00 $357.00. ZINN, BOBO TEACHING AC 052200 ART,CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 06/06/00 $178.28 ZINN, BOBO CRAFT SUPPLIES 052200 ART;CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES < *> $535.28* $1,319,101.48* I COUNCIL CHECK ,-.,,MARY 31 -MAY -2000 (1, o) page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND # 10 GENERAL FUND $314,921.00 FUND # 11 COMMUNITY DEVELP. BLOCK GR $1,000.00 FUND # 12 COMMUNICATIONS $503.94 FUND # 15 WORKING CAPITAL $3,253.79 - FUND # 23 ART CENTER $14,053.49 FUND # 25 GOLF DOME FUND $800.00 FUND # 26 SWIMMING POOL FUND $22,302.46 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE FUND $70,555.77 FUND # 28 ICE ARENA FUND $3,010.42 FUND # 30 EDINBOROUGH /CENTENNIAL LAK $20,167.98 FUND # 40 UTILITY FUND $367,767.31 FUND # 41 STORM SEWER UTILITY FUND $7,167.13 FUND # 50 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND $346,851.15 FUND # 60 CONSTRUCTION FUND $145,147.04 FUND # 66 IMP BOND REDEMPTION #2 $1,600.00 $1,319,101.48* COUNCIL CHECK h_ -ISTER 01 -JUN -2000 (10 page 1 HECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 208467 05/09/00 $54.22 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 4/25/00 DARE TELEPHONE 05/09/00 $2,811.48 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 4/25/00 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 05/09/00 $54.36 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 4/25/00 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 05/09/00 $452.41 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 4/28/00 ARENA BLDG /GRO TELEPHONE < *> $3,372.47* 208468 05/09/00 $939.96 WELSH COMPANIES INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5/2/00 YORK OCCUPANCY PROF SERVICES < *> $939.96* 208469 05/12/00 $210,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 51200 LIQUOR PROG CASH 05/12/00 - $210,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 51200 LIQUOR PROG CASH < *> $0.00* 208470 05/26/00 $228,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 52600 LIQUOR PROG CASH 05/26/00 - $228,000.00 CITY OF EDINA PAYROLL TRANSFER 52600 LIQUOR PROG CASH < *> $0.00* 210194 05/01/00 $150.00 ARS SOLUTIONS LTD. SOFTWARE WORKSHOP 9123 LIQUOR 50TH ST CONF & SCHOOLS 05/01/00 $150.00 ARS SOLUTIONS LTD. SOFTWARE WORKSHOP 9123 LIQUOR YORK GE CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $300.00* 210195 05/01/00 $12.84 AT &T TELEPHONE 041200 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE < *> $12.84* 210196 05/01/00 $9.87 AT &T LONG DISTANCE 041800 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE < *> $9.87* 210197 05/01/00 $100.00 BROM, BECKY PUPPET SHOW 5 -2 -00 042500 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 21019.8 05/01/00 $175.00 DAKOTA COUNTY TECH COLL CONTINUING ED - OSHA 041200 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $175.00* 210199 05/01/00 $100.00 DARRELL, BETTE THE NEIGHBORHOOD GANG 042500 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 210200 05/01/00 $700.00 FBI /LEEDS CONTINUING ED 042600 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $700.00* 210201 05/01/00 $50.00 GOLDEN VALLEY ORCHESTRA CONCERT 5 -7 -00 042500 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $50.00* 210202 05/01/00 $40.00 HANLY, WILLIAM PEST APPLICATION STUD 042800 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $40.00* 210203 05/01/00 $40.00 JEUB, PATTI ART DEMO 5 -11 -00 042500 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER_ < *> $40.00* 210204 05/01/00 $80.00 JUST FRIENDS BIG BAND CONCERT 5 -4 -00 042500 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $80.00* 210205 05/01/00 $209.05 MCAA CRIMINAL ELEMENTS HAN 041300 POLICE DEPT. G BOOKS & PAMPHL < *> $209.05* 210206 05/01/00 $150.00 MINNESOTA ASSOC OF WOME CONTINUING ED 200114 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 01 -JUN -2000 (10:27) page 2 CHECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_---------------------------------------------- <*> $150.00* 210207 05/01/00 $291.05 MINNESOTA BOOKSTORE CONTINUING ED (STATUT 041200 POLICE DEPT. G BOOKS & PAMPHL < *> $291.05* 210208 '05/01/00 $90.00 MN P.O.S.T. LICENSE FEE (JASON BE 042400 POLICE DEPT. G LIC & PERMITS < *> $90.00* 210209 05/01/00 $75.00 NORTHERN WINDS CONCERT CONCERT 5 -14 -00 042500 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $75.00* 210210 05/01/00 $2,439.91 PERA RETRO PAYROLL FOR LOC 042700 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $2,439.91* 210211 05/01/00 $19.62 PERA PERA CONTRIBUTION 043000 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $19.62* 210212 05/01/00 $62,685.67 PERA PERA CONTRIBUTION 04/30 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $62,685.67* 210214 05/01/00 - $65.00 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 825843 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/01/00 - $38.52 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 827216 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/01/00 - $102.73 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 827894 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 05/01/00 $2,732.02 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 828876 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/01/00 - $27.00 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 828876 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/01/00 $1,572.07 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 828909 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 05/01/00 - $15.58 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 828909 -0 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT 05/01/00 $4,372.30- QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 828910 -0 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/01/00 - $43.24 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 828910 -0 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/01/00 $4,708.20 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 829141 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/01/00 - $93.65 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 829141 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/01/00 $1,346.77 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 829175 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 05/01/00 - $26.73 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 829175 -0 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT 05/01/00 $3,935.07 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 829176 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/01/00 - $78.09 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 829176 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/01/00 $2,291.35 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 829179 -0 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/01/00 - $45.52 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 829179 -0 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT < *> $20,421.72* 210215 05/01/00 $100.00 RYDELL, BETTY CONCERT 5 -11 -00 042500 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 210216 05/01/00 $309.71 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT COMME WASHER, PLATES, MISC 041900 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $309.71* 210217 05/01/00 $35.00 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINIS BACKGROUND INVESTIGAT 042600 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES < *> $35.00* 210218 05/01/00 $35.00 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINIS BACKGROUND INVESTIGAT 04/26 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES < *> $35.00* 210219 05/01/00 $100.00 STROH, STEVE RACE FOR THE CURE SUP 042600 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $100.00* 210220 05/01/00 $226.04 U S BANCORP SAFETY DAY PIZZA LUNC 042000 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME COUNCIL CHECK i,_-ASTER 01 -JUN -2000 (1u i) page 3 CHECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210220 05/01/00 $100.00 U S BANCORP SAFETY DAY PIZZA LUNC 042000 BUILDING MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 05/01/00 $100.00 U S BANCORP SAFETY DAY PIZZA LUNC 042000 PUMP & LIFT ST SAFETY EQUIPME 05/01/00 $50.00 U S BANCORP SAFETY DAY PIZZA LUNC 042000 EQUIPMENT OPER SAFETY EQUIPME < *> $476.04* 210221 05/01/00 $4,000.00 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTAGE ACCT# 75983 042600 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $4,000.00* 210222 05/01/00 $82.48 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 04 -16 YORK FIRE STAT TELEPHONE 05/01/00 $54.22 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 04/16 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 05/01/00 $68.85 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 041600 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 05/01/00 $59.48 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 04/19 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE 05/01/00 $58.67 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 041900 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 05/01/00 $57.86 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 042200 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE < *> $381.56* 210223 05/01/00 $1.80 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS US WEST PIN CNA20088 POLICE DEPT. G TELEPHONE 3019 < *> $1.80* 210224 05/01/00 $100.00 VICE, GARY JUGGLER 5 -4 -00 042500 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 210225 05/01/00 $150.00 WAHLSTROM, LIZA ART CLASS REFUND 042700 ART CNTR PROG DONATIONS < *> $150.00* 210226 05/08/00 $461.60 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE 04/10/00 PATROL TELEPHONE 05/08/00 $278.88 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE 04/10/00 INVESTIGATION TELEPHONE 05/08/00 $33.33 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV GENERAL SUPPLIES 04/10/00 ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPLI 05/08/00 $406.29 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 04/10/00 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 05/08/00 $28.25 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE 04/20/00 ED ADMINISTRAT TELEPHONE < *> $1,208.35* 210227 05/08/00 $294.00 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 04/24/00 COPS MORE GRAN EQUIP REPLACEM < *> $294.00* 210228 05/08/00 $11.83 AT &T WIRELESS TELEPHONE 04/18/00 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE < *> $11.83* 210229 05/08/00 $225.00 MILE ELECTION SEMINAR 5/11 05/08/00 ELECTION PROF SERVICES < *> $225.00* 210230 05/08/00 $114.94 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN GENERAL SUPPLIES STMT 04/ ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 05/08/00 $36.20 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN COMMODITIES STMT 04/ COMMUNICATIONS COMMODITIES 05/08/00 $276.88 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN FIRST AID SUPPLIES STMT 04/ ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE 05/08/00 $30.88 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN GENERAL SUPPLIES STMT 04/ POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 05/08/00 $28.75 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES STMT 04/ FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE < *> $487.65* 210231 05/08/00 $422.56 PAGENET EQUIPMENT RENTAL 00016680 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL < *> $422.56* 210232 05/08/00 $280.00 POSTMASTER NEWSLETTER 05/05/00 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $280.00* 210233 05/08/00 $300.00 RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF'S WARRANT 05/05/00 GENERAL FD PRO DUE TO OTHR GO COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 01 -JUN -2000 (10:27) page 4 CHECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $300.00* 210234 05/08/00 $313.83 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT COMME CHAIRS -TAPES 05/03/00 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI , < *> $313.83* 210235 05/08/00 $21.29 U S BANCORP PHONE ADAPTER 05/04/00 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $21.29* 210236 05/08/00 $4,000.00 - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTAGE ACCT #75985 05/08/00 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $4,000.00* 210238 05/08/00 $9.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE CNA90230 POLICE DEPT. G TELEPHONE < *> $9.00* 210646 05/15/00 $150.00 DAKOTA COUNTY SHERIFFS OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 051500 GENERAL FD PRO DUE TO OTHR GO < *> $150.00* 210647 05/15/00 $600.00 GAP UNIFORMS 051200 POOL CONCESSIO LAUNDRY 7099 05/15/00 $794.20 GAP UNIFORMS 051200 POOL OPERATION LAUNDRY < *> $1,394.20* 210648 05/15/00 $2,551.38 GE CAPITAL ITS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 90727796 MEDIA LAB EQUIP REPLACEM 4606 05/15/00 $1,335.48 GE CAPITAL ITS COMPUTER 90753453 HEALTH ALERT N EQUIP REPLACEM 4677 05/15/00 $1,335.48 GE CAPITAL ITS COMPUTER 90753453 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 4677 05/15/00 $1,335.47 GE CAPITAL ITS COMPUTER 90753453 FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE 4677 . < *> $6,557.81* 210649 05/15/00 $48.75 GRAUSAM, STEVE MILEAGE (WORKSHOP -ST. 0512 LIQUOR YORK GE MILEAGE 05/15/00 $30.82 GRAUSAM, STEVE CELL PHONE REIMBURSEM 051200 YORK OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE < *> $79.57* 210650 05/15/00 $500,000.00 HRA /CITY OF EDINA FUND HRA 050800 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA < *> $500,000.00* 210651 05/15/00 $47.87 KINKO'S FLYERS, SIGNS 06220003 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1077 < *> $47.87* 210654 05/15/00 $32,699.36 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 ST LIGHTING RE LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $26.66 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT& POWER 05/15/00 $4,578.36 NSP LIGHT &'POWER 052200 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $3,044.18 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 PARKING RAMP LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $607.64 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 FIRE DEPT. GEN LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $126.38 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 YORK FIRE STAT LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $52.76 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 CIVIL DEFENSE LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $1,932.01 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 CITY HALL GENE LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $3,464.54 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 PW BUILDING LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $5;729.43 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 BUILDING MAINT LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $4,093.63 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 CLUB HOUSE LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $529.54 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 MAINT OF COURS LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $418.30 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 FRED RICHARDS LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $1,042.82 NSP LIGHT-& POWER 052200 GOLF DOME LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $477.94 NSP LIGHT & POWER. 052200 POOL OPERATION LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $14,440.08 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 ARENA BLDG /GRO LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $945.44 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 ART CENTER BLD LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $678.30 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 CENTENNIAL LAK LIGHT & POWER 01 -JUN -2000 (10:-x) page 5 :OUNCIL CHECK REGISTER :HECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. •---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210654 05/15/00 .$2,516.20 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $17,099.16 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 DISTRIBUTION LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $44.61 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 TANKS TOWERS & LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $843.00 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 50TH ST OCCUPA LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $1,257.61 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 YORK OCCUPANCY LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $671.70 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 VERNON OCCUPAN LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $217.70 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $172.04 NSP LIGHT & POWER 052200 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER 05/15/00 $157.41 NSP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 052200 2000 AQUATIC W PROF SERVICES < *> $97,866.80* 210655 05/15/00 $62,697.62 PERA PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 051500 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $62,697.62* 210656 05/15/00 $19.62 PERA PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 0515 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $19.62* 210657 05/15/00 $155.10 TKDA ENGINEERS ARCHITEC LIFT STATION DESIGN 045060 LIFT STATION CIP < *> $155.10* 210658 05/15/00 $165.95 U S BANCORP PURCHASE FROM UNION L 051100 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW 05/15/00 $5.23 U S BANCORP SHIPPING 051100 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $171.18* 210659 05/15/00 $994.98 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 050400 GENERAL STORM TELEPHONE 05/15/00 $150.08 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 050400 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE 05/15/00 $110.76 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 050400 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 05/15/00 $82.48 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 050400 YORK FIRE STAT TELEPHONE 05/15/00 $255.72 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 050400 PUMP & LIFT ST TELEPHONE 05/15/00 $1,866.73 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 050400 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE < *> $3,460.75* 210660 05/22/00 $96.28 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPA LAUNDRY APR 30 50TH ST OCCUPA LAUNDRY 05/22/00 $223.54 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPA LAUNDRY APR. 30 FIRE DEPT. GEN LAUNDRY 05/22/00 $88.83 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPA LAUNDRY APRIL 30 VERNON SELLING LAUNDRY < *> $408.65* 210661 05/22/00 $8.65 ARCH PAGING PAGER FOR VINCE 050100 PARK MAINTENAN TELEPHONE 1238 < *> $8.65* 210662 05/22/00 $58.14 BACHMAN'S COUPLINGS, HERBICIDE 041900 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 2244 < *> $58.14* 210663 05/22/00 $744.44 BRAEMAR PRINTING ARTWORK, PAPER 53767 GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 6487 < *> $744.44* 210664 05/22/00 $225.00 CISM CONTINUING ED 051800 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $225.00* 210665 05/22/00 $109.34 DAVE'S DAIRY DELIVERY DAIRY 043000 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 6328 < *> $109.34* 210666 05/22/00 $6,090.00 DELTA DENTAL PREMIUMS FOR 6/00 COV 051600 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO < *> $6,090.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 01 -JUN -2000 (10:27) page 6 CHECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. -------------=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210667 05/22/00 $405.20 GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOM TELEPHONE 051400 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE < *> $405.20* 210669 05/22/00 $8.81 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $245.80 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 GENERAL MAINT. GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $3.90 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $23.48 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $30.81 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $98.78 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $112.99 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $74.29 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000. PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $35.15 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $355.32 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $317.35 JERRY'S.HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI . 05/22/00 $74.65 JERRY'S HARDWARE "GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 RICHARDS MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $101.78 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $51.93 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 ARENA ICE MAIN GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $444.38 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $69.24 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $3.83 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 YORK OCCUPANCY GENERAL SUPPLI 05/22/00 $0.98 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 043000 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $2,053.47* 210670 05/22/00 $1,645.27 LANTZ LAUGHLIN UPHOLSTE REUPHOLSTER KITCHEN C 042400 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 3819 < *> $1,645.27* 210671 05/22/00 $75,327.11 MEDICA HIGH OPTION 10015310 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO < *> $75,327.11* 210672 05/22/00 $22,672.94 MEDICA ELECT OPTION 10015312 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO < *> $22,672.94* 210673 05/22/00 $6,440.86 MEDICA LOW OPTION 10015312 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO < *> $6,440.86* 210674 05/22/00 $8,957.52 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEP WATER PURCHASE 051000 DISTRIBUTION WATER PURCHASE < *> $8,957.52* 210675 05/22/00 $8.17 PAGENET PAGER 00047582 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $8.17* 210678 05/22/00 $174.70 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 829575 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/22/00 -$1.73 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 829575 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 - $12..80 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 833743 -0 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/22/00 $465.88 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI-833953-0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/22/00 . -$4.58 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 833953 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 $1,356.30 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 833980 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 05/22/00 - $13.44 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 833980 -0 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 $3,129.66. QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 834004 -0 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/22/00 - $30.96 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 834004 -0 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 $1,268.75 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 834092 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 05/22/00 - $25.15 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 834092 -0 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 .$5,242.59 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 834093 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/22/00 - $104.05 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 834093 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 $4,062.10 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 834094 -0 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU _"OUNCIL CHECK h_. STER 01 -JUN -2000 (16. ,) page 7 HECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210678 05/22/00 - $80.65 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 834094 -0 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 - $20.00 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 834414 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 05/22/00 - $90.60 QUALITY WINE COST OF.GOODS SOLD WI 835424 -0 VERNON.SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/22/00 $3,047.57 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 836308 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/22/00 - $30.14 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 836308 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 $2,876.08 QUALITY.WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 836309 -0 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 05/22/00 - $28.50 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 836309 -0 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 $605.14 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 836312 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 05/22/00 -$5.98 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 836312 -0 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 $5,061.90 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 836711 -0 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/22/00 - $100.59 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 836711 -0 VERNON SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 $2,478.15 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 836717 -0 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 05/22/00 - $49.19 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 836717 -0 50TH ST SELLIN TRADE DISCOUNT 05/22/00 $10,308.26 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 836718 -0 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 05/22/00 - $204.89 QUALITY WINE TRADE DISCOUNTS 836718 -0 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT < *> $39,273.83* 210679 05/22/00 $328.55 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 052200 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 05/22/00 $335.13 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 052200 FIRE DEPT. GEN TELEPHONE 05/22/00 $57.86 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 052200 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 05/22/00 $173.93 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 052200 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE 05/22/00 $126.91 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 052200 ED ADMINISTRAT TELEPHONE < *> $1,022.38* 211180 05/30/00 $120.00 MACHOLDA,ED PETTY CASH 05/11/20 SWIM PROG PETTY CASH 05/30/00 $120.00 MACHOLDA,ED CASH REGISTERS 05/11/20 SWIM PROG CHANGE FUND < *> $240.00* 211181 05/30/00 $19.62 PERA DEFERRED FUND 05/30/00 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $19.62* 211182 05/30/00 $63,670.99 PERA CONTR PPE 05/23/00 05 -30 -00 GENERAL FD PRO P.E.R.A. PAYAB < *> $63,670.99* 211183 05/30/00 $1,682.70 PRECISION TREE COMPANY, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5006 TREE REMOVAL PROF SERVICES < *> $1,682.70* 211184 05/30/00 $351.94 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT COMME GENERAL SUPPLIES 05/24/00 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 05/30/00 $60.17 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT COMME GENERAL SUPPLIES 05/24/00 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $412.11* 211185 05/30/00 $341.96 U S BANCORP CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 05/05/00 ADMINISTRATION CONF & SCHOOLS 05/30/00 $137.33 U S BANCORP MEETING EXPENSE 05/05/00 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPENS < *> $479.29* 211186 05/30/00 $54.22 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 05 -16 -00 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 05/30/00 $60.22 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 05 -16 -20 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 05/30/00 $82.48 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 05/16/00 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 05/30/00 $70.50 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 05/16/20 BUILDING MAINT TELEPHONE 05/30/00 $59.48 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 05/19/20 SKATING & HOCK TELEPHONE < *> $326.90* 211187 05/30/00 $1,700.40 US WEST DEX ADVERTISING OTHER 00668846 ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER 05/30/00 $159.60 US WEST DEX ADVERTISING OTHER 00668846 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER 05/30/00 $319.20 US WEST DEX TELEPHONE 00668846 FRED RICHARDS TELEPHONE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 01 -JUN -2000 (10:27) page 8 CHECK NO CHECK DT CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211187 05/30/00 $215.46 US WEST DEX TELEPHONE 00668846 ARENA BLDG /GRO TELEPHONE 05/30/00 $1,041.60 US WEST DEX TELEPHONE 00668846 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 05/30/00 $397.80 US WEST DEX ADVERTISING OTHER 00668846 GOLF DOME ADVERT OTHER < *> $3,834.06* 211189 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 05/30/00 $142.54 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $5.67 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $172.30 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV.TELEPHONE $88.98 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $14.32 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $81.88 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $111.50 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $7.81 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $192.95 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $200.87 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE . $201.41 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $7.59 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $470.78 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $220.51 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV TELEPHONE $33.25 VERIZON WIRELESS BELLEV GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,952.36* 05 -10 -00 INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE 05 -10 -00 PUBLIC HEALTH TELEPHONE' 05 -10 -00 FIRE DEPT. GEN TELEPHONE 05 -10 -00 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 05 -10 -00 COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 05 -10 -00 PARK ADMIN. TELEPHONE 05 -10 -00 PARK MAINTENAN TELEPHONE 05 -10 -00 TREES & MAINTE TELEPHONE 05 -10 =00 DISTRIBUTION. TELEPHONE 05 -10 -00 ENGINEERING GE TELEPHONE 05-10-00 SUPERV. & OVRH TELEPHONE 05 -10 -00 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 05/10/00 PATROL TELEPHONE 05/10/00 INVESTIGATION TELEPHONE 05/10/00 ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPLI 211190 05/30/00 $939.96 WELSH COMPANIES INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 05/30/00 YORK OCCUPANCY PROF SERVICES < *> $939.96* $1,017,174.26* =NCIL CHECK Sv.•,MARY FOR HAND CHECKS 01 -JUN -2000 (16._x) page 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUND # 10 GENERAL FUND $882,021.91 FUND # 12 COMMUNICATIONS $1,386.00 FUND # 15 WORKING CAPITAL $3,500.40 FUND # 23 - ART CENTER $3,807.40 FUND # 25 GOLF DOME FUND $1,440.62 FUND # 26 SWIMMING POOL FUND $2,213.92 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE FUND $7,736.32 FUND # 28 ICE ARENA FUND $15,159.88 FUND # 30 EDINBOROUGH /CENTENNIAL LAK $4,104.08 FUND # 40 UTILITY FUND $29,347.62 FUND # 41 STORM SEWER UTILITY FUND $1,384.72 FUND # 50 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND $64,916.29 FUND # 60 CONSTRUCTION FUND $155.10 $1,017,174.26* 'Y'ne nw�,,' •,vv�p. \` J a 8 a' REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item X.B. From: ERIC ANDERSON Consent ❑ ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 6, 2000 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To BRA ® To Council Subject: RESOLUTION CALLING FOR ® Motion BOND SALE FOR SERIES ® Resolution 2000A AND 2000B ❑ Ordinance SET SPECIAL MEETING DATE ❑ Discussion FOR PROPOSAL AWARD RECOMMENDATION: • Approve resolution calling for the bond sale of $2,640,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000A and Taxable General Obligation Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000B. • Set special meeting date for award of proposals on July 12, 2000 at 5 PM. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: oG These two bond issues relate to the public improvements proposed for the Opus /Clark development in the Grandview area. The first issue (2000A) pays for a portion of the construction of the Senior Center and Library proposed for the development. The balance of the construction costs are paid for from other revenue sources as per the redevelopment agreement. The second issue (2000B) is a refinancing of the 1997 temporary issue that was used to pay for the purchase of the Kunz and Lewis property. The current temporary issue has a principal payoff date of August of 2000. The Series 2000B issue extends the life of this debt service to 2003. Under the terms of the redevelopment agreement, the City has agreed to payoff this bond issue when it receives the final payment for the Kunz/Lewis property in 2001. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION/RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BOND SALE June 6, 2000 Page two Attached is a report from the Ehlers and Associates that reviews the purpose of the bond issue, structure, market conditions and issuing process for the bonds. Staff recommends you approve the attached resolution calling for the bond sale and set a special meeting on Wednesday July 12, 2000 at 5 PM to award the proposal. a VII BOND SALE REPORT $2.9640,000 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000A $2.550,000 Taxable G.O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000B City of Edina, Minnesota June 6, 2000 FREERS b ASSOCIATES INC LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE ' Bond Sale Report OVERVIEW This report describes the proposed plan for the City of Edina to issue $2,640,000 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000A (the "2000A Bonds ") and the $2,550,000 Taxable G.O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000B (the "2000B Bonds "), collectively referred to as "the Bonds ". This report has been prepared by Ehlers & Associates, in consultation with City Staff and bond counsel. This report deals with: • Purpose and components of bond issue. • Structure. • Other considerations in issuing bonds. • Market conditions. • Issuing process. SERIES 2000A BONDS Purpose The $2,640,000 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000A are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475 and 469. The 2000A Bonds are being issued to finance the public costs of the Grandview Square Redevelopment Project. The costs include the construction of a building housing a library and senior center, the construction of public improvements and City administrative and legal expense. Financing these projects requires a bond issue in the amount of $2,640,000. The proposed finance plan consists of the following sources and uses of funds: SOURCES Par Amount of Bonds Up -Front Revenue Total Sources $2,640,000 3,000,000 $5,640,000 Page 1 USES Project Costs Costs of Issuance Discount Capitalized Interest Total Uses $5,500,000 31,850 37,000 71,150 $5,640,000 a Bond Sale Report Structure and Repayment The Series 2000A Bonds are general obligations of the City of Edina and as such are secured by a pledge of the City's full faith, credit, and taxing powers. It is the intent of the City to pay the entire amount of principal and interest from tax increment collected from the Grandview Tax Increment Financing District (County #1202). The preliminary projection of debt service for the Series 2000A Bonds appears in Attachment 1. The complete finance plan for the Project is included in Attachment 2. Funds needed to complete the projects will come from a combination of existing reserves of the TIF District, a developer payment for land acquisition and a payment by the City to acquire the existing library facility. The Series 2000A Bonds will be sold July 12, 2000 and be dated August 1, 2000. The first interest payment on the Series 2000A Bonds will be February 1, 2001, and semiannually thereafter on August 1 and February 1. Principal on the Series 2000A Bonds will be due on February 1 in the years 2002 through 2011. We recommend that Series 2000A Bonds maturing in the years 2007 through 2011 be subject to prepayment at the discretion of the City on February 1, 2006 and any date thereafter. The full summary of terms for the Series 2000A Bonds can be found in Attachment 3. SERIES 20008 BONDS Purpose The $2,550,000 Taxable G.O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000B are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475 and 469. The Bonds are being issued to refund the City' s G.O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1997B. Financing these projects requires a bond issue in the amount of $2,550,000. The proposed finance plan consists of the following sources and uses of funds: SOURCES Par Amount of Bonds Up -Front Revenue Total Sources $2,550,000 0 $2,550,000 Page 2 USES Principal 1997B Costs of Issuance Discount Capitalized Interest Total Uses $2,500,000 24,500 25,500 0 $2,550,000 Bond Sale Report Structure and Repayment The Series 2000B Bonds are general obligations of the City of Edina and as such are secured by a pledge of the City's full faith, credit, and taxing powers. It is the intent of the City to pay principal and interest from tax increment revenues previously collected from the Grandview Tax Increment Financing District (County #1202) and from payments received under a Contract for Private Redevelopment between the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Grandview Square LLC. The preliminary projection of debt service for the Series 2000B Bonds appears in Attachment 4. The Series 2000B Bonds will be sold July 12, 2000 and be dated August 1, 2000. The first interest payment on the Series 2000B Bonds will be February 1, 2001, and semiannually thereafter on August 1 and February 1. Principal on the Series 2000B Bonds will be due on February 1, 2003. We recommend that Series 2000B Bonds be subject to prepayment at the discretion of the City on February 1, 2002 and any date thereafter. The full summary of terms for the Series 2000A Bonds can be found in Attachment 5. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Bank Qualified Bonds We anticipate that the City (in combination with any subordinate taxing jurisdictions or debt issued in the City's name by 501(c)3 corporations) will not issue more than a total of $10,000,000 in tax - exempt debt during this calendar year. This will allow the Series 2000A Bonds to be designated as bank qualified. As taxable debt, this provision does not apply to the Series 2000B Bonds. Bank qualified status broadens the market and achieves lower interest rates. Arbitrage Since the City does not anticipate issuing more than $.5,000,000 in tax- exempt bonds in this calendar year, the Series 2000A Bonds qualifies for the small issuer, exemption from arbitrage rebate. This exemption from rebate does not eliminate the need to comply with other arbitrage regulations governing the investment of bond proceeds and debt service funds. These requirements will be explained in the bond summary book received following closing. As taxable debt, the Series 2000B Bonds are not subject to arbitrage regulations. Global Book Entry The Bonds will be global book entry. As "paper less" bonds, you will avoid the costs of bond printing and annual registrar charges. The City will designate a Paying Agent for the issue. The Paying Agent will invoice you for the interest semi - annually and on an annual basis for the principal coming due. You will be charged only for paying agent/transfer agent services provided by the bank. Page 3 Bond Sale Report Rating Moody' s Investors Service and Standard & Poor's will be asked to rate these issues. The City currently has a Moody' s rating of Aal and an S &P rating of AA on its outstanding general obligation bonds. Continuing Disclosure Regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission on the continuing disclosure of municipal securities apply to long -term securities with an aggregate principal amount of $1,000,000 or more. Since aggregate amount of each issue is over $1,000,000 and the City has more than $10,000,000 in total municipal obligations outstanding, you will be obligated to comply with Full Continuing Disclosure requirements as required by paragraph (b)(5) of Rule 15c2 -12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. You will be required to provide certain financial information and operating data relating to the City annually and to provide notices of the occurrence of certain material events. The specific nature of the Undertaking, as well as the information to be contained in the notices of material events will be set forth in the Continuing Disclosure Certificate that you will enter into at the time of closing for this issue. Page 4 Bond Sale Report MARKET CONDITIONS The Bond Buyer's 20 -Year G.O. Index (BBI) currently stands at 6.01 %. Interest rates have followed an upward trend over the past 12 months. Despite recent increases, current rates remain moderate when viewed over the past decade (see chart below). 6.50% 6.00% 5.50% 5.00% 4.50% 1999 Bond Buyer's 2 0 -Year G. 0. 1 ndex Page 5 2000 i Bond Sale Report ISSUING PROCESS Following is a tentative schedule for the steps in the issuing process. June 6, 2000 City Council adopts resolution calling for the sale of the Bonds. June 20 City Council approves Development Agreement and takes other actions related to Grandview Square. Week of June 26 Submit draft Official Statement and rating materials to Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poors for credit rating. Distribute Official Statement. Week of July 3 Receive credit rating. July 12, 2000 Bond sale. August 1, 2000 Bond closing (estimated). N:\Minnsota\EDINA W nalyst\PreSale2000AB. wpd Page 6 Bond Sale Report City of Edina $16,940.00 Average Life 6.417 Years ATTACHMENT 1 G.O. Tax Increment % Series Net Interim Cost (NIC) 5.71128% True Interest Cost (TIC) Date Principal Rate Interest P &I 2/1 /2001 0 0.000% 71,335.00 71,335.00 2/1/2002 210,060 5.000% 142,670.00 352,670.00 2/1/2003 220,000 .5.100% 132,170.00 352,170.00 2/1/2004 230,000 5.200% 120,950.00 350,950.00 2/1/2005 240,000 5.300% 108,990.00 348,990.00 2/1/2006 255,000 5.400% 96,270.00 351,270.00 2/1/2007 265,000 5.450% 82,500.00 347,500.00 2/1/2008 280,000 5.500% 68,057.50 348,057.50 2/1/2009 295,000 5.550% 52,657.50 347,657.50 2/1/2010 315,000 5.600% 36,285.00 351,285.00 2/1/2011 330,000 5.650% 18,645.00 348,645.00 TOTAL Dated 8/01/2000 Delivery Date 8/01/2000 First Coupon Date 2/01/2001 Bond Year Dollars $16,940.00 Average Life 6.417 Years Average Coupon 5.49309% Net Interim Cost (NIC) 5.71128% True Interest Cost (TIC) 5.75518% Page 7 Summary of Finance Plan city costs Library Construction Senior Center Construction Offsite Improvements Staff /Legal /Consulting Costs to Finance Less: Cash Cost of Issuance Discount Capitalized Interest Total Bond Issue Net Proceeds Source and Use Summary Bond Sale Report Attachment 2 Overall Finance Plan Size (SF) $ /SF Conting. 20,000 $130 0% 2,600,000 20,000 $95 0% 1,900,000 500,000 500,000 0,oUU,000 (3,000,000) 31,850 37,000 71,150 2,640,000 2,500,000 Sources 9,334,033 Uses 9,331,550 Land sale 3,700,000 1992 Bonds 878,350 Developer pay 175,000 1997 Bonds 2,953,200 aty - library 1,000,000 Legal 36,892 Fund balance 1,959,033 Admin 463,108 Bond proceeds 2,500,000 Library 2,600,000 Senior Center 1,900,000 Improvements 500,000 PraJarted Flan of Fuds - City Caste Page 8 11 3 REVENUES E)PENSES BALANCE oper ""sting ary Dale Sae Pmxeeds Paymerll Ub- REVENUE Bads Bards Senor Impmalrams Admin Cube E)FENSE Period Q da<he 1,959,033 1/12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,959,033 2/12000 0 0 0 0 0 219,250 56,250 0 0 0 0 275500 (275,500) 1,683,533 3/12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,883,533 4/12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,683,533 5112000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,683,533 6/12000 0 0 175,000 0 175,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175,000 1,858,537 7/12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,858,533 8/12000 0 2,500,000 0 0 2,500,000 14,650 56,250 0 0 500,000 0 570,900 1,929,100 3,787,833 9112000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,787,633 10/12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,787,633 11/12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,787,633 12/12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,787,833 1/12001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,787,833 2/12001 0 0 0 0 0 214,650 96,900 409,091 0 0 0 720,641 (720,641) 3,086,912 3/12001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409,091 0 0 0 409,091 (409,091) 2,657,901 4/12001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409,091 0 0 0 409,091 (409,091) 2,248,810 5/12001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409,091 0- 0 0 409,091 (409,091) 1,839,719 6/12001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409,091 166,667 0 0 575,758 (575,758) 1,263,962 7/12001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409,091 166,667 0 0 575,758 (575,758) 686,204 8/12001 0 0 0 0 0 9,900 96,800 409,091 166,667 0 0 682,558 (882,558) 5,647 9/12001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409,091 0 0 0 409,091 (409,091) (403,444) 10/12001 0 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 409,091 0 0 0 408,091 590,909 187,465 11/12001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409,091 0 0 0 409,091 (409,091) (221,626) 12/12001 3,700,000 0 0 0 3,700,000 0 0 409,091 0 0 0 409,091 3,290,909 3,081,283 1/12002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,069,283 2/12002 0 0 0 0 0 209,900 2,646,900 0 0 0 0 2,856,800 (2,856,800) 212,483 8/12002 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 (5,000) 207,483 2/12003 0 0 0 0 0 205,000 0 0 0 0 0 205,000 (205,000) 2,483 Page 8 Bond Sale Report ATTACHMENT 3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ISSUE $2,640,000 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000A DATE: June 6, 2000 ISSUER: City of Edina, Minnesota BOND NAME: $2,640,000 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000A BOND ATTORNEY: Dorsey & Whitney - Jerry Gilligan PURPOSE: Finance the public costs of the Grandview Square Redevelopment Project. Sale Date: July 12, 2000 Est. Closing Date: August 3, 2000 Proposal Opening: 11:00 a.m., office of Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Proposal Award: 5:00 p.m., City offices. Type of Sale (MN only): Independent Financial Advisory Provision. Bonds Dated: August 1, 2000 Maturity: February 1, 2002 - 2011 Term Bond Option: All dates are inclusive. Bids for the bonds may contain a maturity schedule providing for any combination of serial bonds and term bonds, subject to mandatory redemption, so long as the amounts of principal maturing or subject to mandatory redemption in each year conforms to the maturity schedule set forth above. First Interest: February 1, 2001. Interest will be computed on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months and will be rounded pursuant to rules of the MSRB. Call Feature: Bonds maturing in the years 2007 through 2011 will be subject to redemption prior to final maturity on February Page 9 Bond Sale Report 1, 2006 and on any date thereafter. Notice of such call shall be given by mailing a notice thereof by registered or certified mail at least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption to the registered owner of each bond to be redeemed at the address shown on the registration books. Minimum Proposal: $2,603,000 Good Faith: payable to the Issuer (Cashiers or Certified • Good Faith Check or wire transfer of funds to Ehlers Good Faith Escrow or financial surety bond. Record Date: Close of business on the 15th day (whether or not a business day) of the immediately preceding month. CUSIP Numbers: The Issuer will assume no obligation for the assignment or printing of CUSIP numbers on the Bonds or for the correctness of any numbers printed thereon, but will permit such numbers to be printed at the expense of the purchaser, if the purchaser waives any delay in delivery occasioned thereby. Paying Agent: To be named by the Issuer. Book Entry: This offering will be issued as fully registered Bonds and, when issued, will be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York. Financial Advisor: Ehlers & Associates, Inc. [Rusty Fifield] Rating Requested: Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poors Qualified Tax - Exempt These Bonds WILL be designated as qualified tax - Obligations: exempt obligations. Continuing Disclosure: Full Undertaking. Bond Sale Report City of Edina _$�,550,000 Taxable aO. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000B ATTACHMENT 4 Date Principal Rate Interest P&I 2/1 /2001 0 0.000% 99,053.33 99,053.33 2/1/2002 0 0.000% 193,800.00 193,800.00 2/1/2003 2,550,000 7.600% 193,800.00 2,743,800.00 _Ow Dated 7/27/2000 Delivery Date 7/27/2000 First Coupon Date 2/01/2001 Bond Year Dollars $6,403.33 Average Life 2.511 Years Average Coupon 7.60000% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 7.99823% True Interest Cost (TIC) 8.04701% Bond Sale Report ATTACHMENT 5 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ISSUE $2,550,000 Taxable G.O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000B DATE: June 6, 2000 ISSUER: City of Edina, Minnesota BOND NAME: $2,550,000 Taxable G.O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000B BOND ATTORNEY: PURPOSE: Dorsey & Whitney - Jerry Gilligan Refunding of the G.O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1997B. Sale Date: July 12, 2000 Est. Closing Date: July 27, 2000 Proposal Opening: 11:00 a.m., office of Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Proposal Award: 5:00 p.m., City offices. Type of Sale (MN only): Independent Financial Advisory Provision. Bonds Dated: July 27, 2000 Maturity: February 1, 2003 First Interest: February 1, 2001. Interest will be computed on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months and will be rounded pursuant to rules of the MSRB. Call Feature: Bonds maturing in the year 2003 will be subject to redemption prior to final maturity on February 1, 2002 and on any date thereafter. Notice of such call shall be given by mailing a notice thereof by registered or certified mail at least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption to the registered owner of each bond to be redeemed at the address shown on the registration books. Minimum Proposal: $2,524,500 $51,000, payable to the Issuer (Cashiers or Certified Bond Sale Report Good Faith: Good Faith Check or wire transfer of funds to Ehlers Good Faith Escrow or financial surety bond. Record Date: Close of business on the 15th day (whether or not a business day) of the immediately preceding month. - .CUSIP Numbers: The Issuer will assume no obligation for the assignment or printing of CUSIP numbers on the,Bonds or for the correctness of any numbers printed thereon, but will permit such numbers to be printed at the expense of the purchaser, if the purchaser waives any delay in delivery occasioned thereby. Paying Agent: To be named by the Issuer. Book Entry: This offering will be issued as fully registered Bonds and, when issued, will be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York. Financial Advisor: Ehlers & Associates, Inc. [Rusty Fifield] Rating Requested: Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poors. Taxable Obligations: These Bonds WILL NOT be designated as qualified tax - exempt obligations. Continuing Disclosure: Full Undertaking N:\Minnsota\EDINA\Analyst\PreSale2OOOAB.wpd RESOLUTION NO 2000 -58 Resolution Providing for the Sale of City Of Edina $2,640,000 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000A $2,550,000 Taxable G.O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000B WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $2,640,000 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000A (the "Series 2000A Bonds ") to finance the public costs associated with the Grandview Square Redevelopment Project and to issue the City's $2,550,000 Taxable G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000B (the "Series 2000B Bonds ") to refinance the G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1997B; and WHEREAS, the City has designated Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ( "Ehlers "), as its independent financial advisor and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization; Findings. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Series 2000A Bonds and the Series 2000B Bonds. 2. Meetings Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at the time and place to be specified in the Terms of Proposal for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for, and awarding the sale of the Series 2000A Bonds and the Series 2000B Bonds. The City Manager, or designee, shall open proposals at the time and place to be specified in such Terms of Proposal for each issue. 3. Terms of Proposal. The terms and conditions for the Series 2000A Bonds and the Series 2000B Bonds and the sale thereof are fully set forth in the Bond Sale Report and are hereby approved and made a part hereof. 4. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Series 2000A Bonds and the Series 2000B Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. Dated: June 6, 2000. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 826 -0379 RESOLUTION NO. 2000.58/ Providing for Sale of G.O. Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2000A and Taxable G.O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds Series 2000B STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 6, 2000, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2000. City Clerk 2 1*, r,. w91N�11� o e Cn O lose REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: ERIC ANDERSON ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Date: JUNE 6, 2000 Subject: CALENDAR FOR YEAR 2001 BUDGET WORK SESSIONS REPORT: Agenda Item X.C. Consent El Information Only Mgr. Recommends El To HRA ® To Council ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion The following is a proposed calendar for the 2001 budget process: July 5 5:00 Budget Assumptions /Overview July 1�� -1,,013 &-G4 Budget Assumptions Continuation August 15 5:00 Budget Hearing August 22 5:00 Budget Hearing Continuation September 5 7:00 Resolution Setting Maximum Tax Levy October 3 7:00 Hearing on Increased Tax Rate November/December Truth in Taxation Hearing (s) December Adopt Year 2001 Budget June 5, 2000 Denise Olson 5705 Grove Street Edina MN 55436 Edina City Council 4801 W 50'' Street Edina MN 55424 Scott Johnson Mike Kelly Nan Faust Jim Hauland Re: Edina's Sports Facilities Dear Sirs and Madam: As a parent and new resident of Edina I would like to voice my concern over the lack of appropriate athletic fields in our city. My daughter plays Baseball, Soccer, and Basketball in Edina and I am very disappointed that I have moved into a city that allows our children to use fields that are in such disrepair. I hope that you do not wait until one of our children gets hurt before some takes this seriously. I would like to know what, if anything, is being done to address the issue. I look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully, Denise Olson Deb Man en ^rom: Jennifer Wilkinson Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 8:07 AM To: Gordon Hughes; Deb Mangen Subject: FW: Community Center Project — Original Message — From: James Kakalios [SMTP:kakalios @tc.umn.edu] Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2000 1:58 PM To: EdinaMail @ci.edina.mn.us Subject: Community Center Project Dear Mr. Mayor and City Council Members, Thank you for postponing the referendum until careful consideration is given to the impact and ramifications. Thank you also for suggesting that a "blue ribbon panel" be assembled to thoroughly address all aspects of this project and the concerns of many residents of Edina. Yours sincerely, Therese Kakalios 6825 W. Shore Drive. Edina, MN 55435 5721 Blake Rd. Edina, MN 55436 June 2, 2000 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Edina City Hail 4801 W. 50' St. Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Maetzold, My husband and I want to express our appreciation of your decision regarding the proposed joint City Council and School District referendum. Postponing the referendum to allow for further evaluation and study is a wise and thoughtful decision. The multiple aspects of the referendum and the large scope of the many projects warrant closer analysis and attention to detail. We are so glad you are appointing a Blue Ribbon panel to evaluate the needs of the community and ways to most successfully meet the needs of the various interest groups in Edina. It has been an encouragement to us to see the City Council Members respond to the seniors' concerns as well as neighborhood concerns which might have been adversely impacted by the referendum. We would like you to consider appointing Ms. "Andy" Otness to the Blue Ribbon panel. As you know, Andy, in her work with the League of Women's Voters, is an advocate for all the citizens of Edina. She will work towards full disclosure of information to the public and consensus building. She is a fair, impartial and politically savvy individual. Her integrity and intelligence will be great assets to the panel. Thank you, Mayor Maetzold, for your diligent and careful study of the referendum. We would appreciate your serious consideration of Ms. Otness to the Blue Ribbon Panel. We know all of Edina would benefit from her participation and the resulting referendum would be truly a win -win situation. Respectfully, Dr. Stephen P. Christiansen Karen C. Christiansen 6841 Oaklawn Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55435 June 1, 2000 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Maetzold, As you must know, I am very pleased that the City Council has decided to re- evaluate the proposed referendum. I appreciate the Council's willingness to gather and consider public input in making what must have been a difficult decision. I especially want to thank you for your fair and even -handed approach to the feedback that you received from the community. I always had the sense that you genuinely wanted to know what the community had to say about the referendum and that you had the very best interests of the community, and particularly the children, at heart. I felt that you demonstrated strong and responsive leadership, and I hope that you will be our Mayor for years to come. I also wanted to mention how pleased I was with my interactions with Gordon Hughes, John Keprios, Ed MacHolda and Deb Mangen. I felt that they all went out of their way to be helpful in providing information and perspective. I know that there is a lot of work ahead for the City Council as it reconsiders this issue. I like the idea of a `Blue Ribbon" panel, and I would like to propose that Andy Otness of the League of Women Voters be invited to participate. I think her knowledge of the City and her commitment to citizen participation would be great assets to the work of the panel. I also hope that the meetings of this panel might be open for public observation. I would be happy to help you with this work, and I hope that you will call on me if there is some way in which you think that I might be of assistance. I know that there are a number of other parents at Normandale who would also be happy to contribute. Thank you again for your kind, fair and committed leadership. Sincerely, Kathy Christensen Be May 26, 2000 Edina City Council City Hall 4801 W. 50'j' Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear City Council: I am writing in protest to the referendum to construct a dome at the Community Center. My husband and I grew up in Edina and graduated from Edina East High School. We have been very proud of Edina community and educational benefits of the schools. When we decided to purchase a house and raise a family, naturally we chose Edina. We purchased our home on St. Andrews for several reasons; the proximity to the elementary and secondary schools, the quite neighborhood and being close to family and friends. We have been vey happy with our neighborhood. Our children can play freely and ride bikes on our street with virtually no commotion or worry of traffic. Our fear is that if a dome and three gymnasium field house were built in this area, we would see a drastic increase in traffic that it would drastically decrease our children's and ourselves ability to walk our Godogs, ride our bikes and play without having to watch for cars racing down the street. It is bad enough during Edina football season when they play at their home field. Our streets are lined with cars for blocks. Noise from cars and high school kids carry on for hours after a game. We can tolerate the noise at during this time because we know that football season will soon be over. The thought that this could continue for months on end is very disturbing. We understand that the dome would be used for the high school and other schools within Edina. But what are the possibilities of the city earning more money by renting this dome out to other communities? Very likely. We are strongly opposed to this referendum and insist on a public hearing on the topic BEFORE the council votes on what THEY would like. We would like OUR VOICE HEARD. We are the ones living in the neighborhood, not the city council members. Sincerely, Leslie and Todd Anderson �O SEAL NA 3 � 2000 • RE CE � �Eo B y Mike Peck 5608 Benton Ave. Edina, MN 55436 May 27, 2000 Edina City Council City Hall 4801 W. 5& St. Edina, MN 55424 Greeting To the City Council: This letter is written to object to the construction of the proposed addition to the Edina Community Center. While the site proposed may have enough area for the buildings in the plan, the over all area does not have the room for adequate parking nor does the surrounding area have the necessary read network to 69 accommodate the numbers of people and vehicles that would be using the facilities. The addition traffic and congestion on our already busy streets in this part of Edina would cause undue hardships on residence in this area. A facility of this type might be justified if it were in an area, which could accommodate the necessary municipal infrastructure with out undue congestion and hardship on Edina residents. We strongly oppose the Proposed Edina Community Center Campus Plan. Sincerely, Mike eck SEAL MAY 3 �J . RECEIVED BY.. Deb Manaen rom: Iffent: To: Subject: Jennifer Wilkinson Wednesday, May 31, 2000 1:45 PM Gordon Hughes; Deb Mangen FW: — Original Message — From: Geoff Nash [SMTP:nashg @visi.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 1:23 PM To: EdinaMail @ci.edina.mn.us Subject: Dear Mayor Maetzold and Members of the City Council, It is with great appreciation that I thank you for delaying the proposed Community Center referendum. This will certainly give this community time to consider how to best serve the needs of the entire community in developing the needed athletic facilities. Sincerely, Camille Nash 6920 Hillcrest Lane Edina MN 55435 • �-1 gwoe- A(5. `Ile t �o G� �O O 11 46e,4 9:e10- ,QDI�GftCt)7".5 lA) '7Z� F- e- T!,f-) e, �o l ' C/7 CdGG(.8l( / Y �E 're"T-'e- el-ot-/-7- ����� 725 1 sC - 6 V3 — 3Q33 Cw d2 Mayor Dennis Maetzold May 19, 2000 Council Members: Nan Faust, James Hovland, Scott Johnson, and Michael Kelly Dear Mayor and City Council: I am writing with my final comments to you on the Kunz -Lewis development process. I have scant hope that I will persuade you to do anything other than you have already done —but you still have the opportunity to correct a grievous error. I encourage you to search your conscience and vote against final rezoning of the properties involved. My understanding is that only two votes can stop rezoning and force changes in the development plan. Before I begin with specific references, I want you to know that in the neighborhood meetings prior to The Council Meeting on May 16, 2000, I advocated that to date you had done the neighborhood no harm either actually or in your own estimations. Therefore, there was no need to presume enmity or retain counsel. I suggested that local elected officials, particularly historically in Edina, were sensitive to the opinions of their constituents, especially in relationship to neighborhood Parks and land use. I believed then, and said as much, that the Council would not permit Sherwood Park to be used in the development, nor were they likely to approve 55 + foot structures so close to the Hedwall & Tomale residences at 5232 and 5400 Edenmoor (southernmost portion of the development) or at higher elevations on the site. Although the developer's spokesperson Heidi Kurtze consistently claimed that unnamed members of the City Council encouraged Opus /Clark to locate buildings in Sherwood Park, I did not believe her. Obviously, I was incorrect. I am still stunned that you have so completely disregarded the shared concerns of the Richmond Hills neighborhood. Mayor Maetzold, I appreciate your attention to the neighborhood's concerns and your vote on 5/16/00. I hope you will hold to your position. Council Member Hovland, for your information, height and traffic have always been neighborhood concerns about any redevelopment in the area. Those items have been clearly and consistently stated in writing and in oral presentations throughout this process. To claim, as you publicly did, that I had never raised the issue of building height bears no resemblance to the truth as contained in the public record. It is true that I did not repeat content contained in previous letters —at the Council's request. I assumed, given that request, Council Members read and retained important information. Indeed, my personal (as well as that of many neighbors) opposition to the Opus /Clark development proposal, from the start of this process last year, was due to the fact that they had the highest buildings closest to the existing single family homes and also at the highest elevations on the site, their potential traffic impact, and their willingness— indeed eagerness —to use Sherwood Park as an exploitable piece of land. We have never had a developer seek to use Sherwood Park for buildings or for development landscape in the past. Never as in not once! Remember that the other -full -scale developer (Frauenschuh) not only left Sherwood Park intact to its present configuration, but also added land to the Park. Their proposed buildings nearest the existing single family homes were only 2 stories in height. I would also note that Nan Faust, on 11/1/99, specifically asked Ron Clark if he would do something about the height of the buildings. Although Mr. Clark indicated he would "do what was possible ", he clearly knew then as now that he would make no effort, due to economics, to alter the building height. Council Member Faust, you and those on the Council who voted with you, have accommodated all concerns save those of the neighborhood. As Heidi Kurtze intoned on 5/16/00, you made adjustments for the library, the senior center, their (not our) city traffic flow concerns, the "future residents" of the development, etc., etc., etc. You have completely neglected the neighborhood concerns about Sherwood Park, building height & appearance, and traffic flow. As you stated, the area you have allowed to be appropriated from Sherwood Park was not used for scheduled recreation activities. It was used by parents playing with & teaching various sports to their children, and children of all ages actually playing those sports. I would emphasize again, this is a neighborhood park used by children who do not have safe access to other play areas. Yes, the field was not regulation size for any sport. But children could play all field sports and many other games there which require a long open space. "Regulation" fields are not required for play. Further, they are generally reserved for organized activities. If you value Edina children and families, you would see the value of this resource. You have coldly and deliberately taken this resource from the neighborhood. "Adding" some area to the lower end of the Park —area which on all the drawings appears nothing more than landscape buffer for the development deeded to the City for maintenance at taxpayer expense, is not adequate replacement for the area taken. John Keprios conceded as much. Further, the fiction that grading will improve the Park is just that— a.fiction. The contour adjustments, placement of the pump station, and existing grades at the existing homes & Sherwood Road prohibit any significant change. As for your measurements of remaining Park land during the meeting on 5/16/00, not only do I believe Mr. Keprios' outline on the aerial map was overgenerous based on schematics previously distributed, may I ask why the developer, or the City, did not distribute actual measurements in feet? I accept your, and Council Member Kelly's, mocking of my "walking off' the measurements —but in the absence of real measures, what was the option? Given that the road into the development (which will be far wider than Eden Circle) from Sherwood cannot be shifted significantly to the North from the current location of Eden Circle, I presume the 55 foot tall building will be located some 10 to 20 feet (as a setback) south of Eden Circle into Sherwood Park. The building pad is 96 feet wide, although possibly wider at this point to accommodate the garage entrance /exit onto Sherwood. Then there would be, at least, the claimed path/roadway to the Pump Station, perhaps 10 feet wide, the landscape buffer — another 10 feet. In all this represents a total incursion of @ 140 feet. Sherwood Park from Eden Circle to the property line at 5244 Edenmoor is @ 283 feet. You have cut the Park —at that point — virtually.in half. I realize that here, as elsewhere in the "Park ", the developer has probably assigned the pathway and the landscape buffer to the City, allowing you to call it "parkland" and permitting the Edina taxpayer to pay for its maintenance. The reduction in usable open space is the same, regardless of whether development landscape buffer is called "parkland" as a tissue thin rationale for the destruction of usable Park area. Your comments during the Fall decision making process comparing the appearance of the small businesses in the area to. the old gravel pit across from the former France Avenue Drive -In Theatre rivaled only Council Member Kelly's perorations on condemnation law in insensitivity. Unfortunately, your comments did not approach his in accuracy. Your blatant disregard for the contribution of small businesses to the Edina community in the name of some superior concept of appearance for appearances sake displays the appalling type of elitism for which residents of Edina are too often stereotyped. To add further insult to real injury, your call to my neighbor explaining your vote on 5/16/00 was extremely disturbing. To claim that the reason you voted for Opus /Clark was that otherwise the WMEP school proposal would resurface raises disturbing questions. Quite honestly, I cannot see how a school building with Sherwood Park being preserved would be a worse project for this neighborhood than 55 -foot high condominiums and loss of usable Park space. Unless, of course, either you are afraid of these particular elementary school children, or. are trying to scare the neighbors about them. Of course, to the best of my knowledge, WMEP is not funded now, and seemingly would not be funded for another 2 years. As well, there are many private developers still interested in the site. Council Member Johnson, I realize you were not elected and do not intend to stand for office, but you accepted a position which has some inherent obligations to the general public. I detected no interest on your part in attending to citizen concerns about this development. Your focus appeared to be on being a good team player and following the lead of co- managers Kelly and Faust. Your obligations to the citizens of Edina, including those of us who reside in the Richmond Hills neighborhood, demand that you stand up for what you believe —not go along to get along with your fellow members of the City Council. Council Member Kelly, you have advocated from the first for Opus /Clark. I appreciate that you, from the start of this process, have not pretended to care about anything other than the complete development by . Opus /Clark of this entire site without any regard to the existing neighborhood or small businesses. I do not expect that to change now. However, I would be remiss if I did not comment on five items: 1) You may believe the fiction that the developer's project landscaping "adds" to Sherwood Park something other than a taxpayer expense for maintenance. I do not believe it, nor do my neighbors. You have significantly changed the functioning of Sherwood Park to the severe detriment of children and families in this neighborhood. It is a resource that once gone, cannot be replaced. 2) Viewed most charitably, your comments on 5/16/00 (as well as at several previous hearings) that you have known the Rauenhorsts & Clarks your entire life, that they are friends as well as fine, upstanding people may have been intended to impress the audience that they were in good hands. However, it appeared to me, as well as to many in attendance, that your testimonials to these individuals were nothing more than a public declaration of a very significant personal conflict of interest regarding these developers. The neighborhood was not reassured either about the developers or about your decision making process. 3) As on 11/1/99, your pointed explanation about the legal purposes of condemnation — "fair" payment for physical property— although undoubtedly accurate, displayed an unforgivable disregard for the effects of your blithe decision to deprive several long standing small business people their livelihoods. I have been attending Edina City Council meetings for the last ten years. Never have I seen a particular member —let alone an entire Council — display such a blatant disregard for the property and welfare of small business owners. There was no over -riding public purpose which was served by effectively condemning the Edina Pet Hospital, the Hair Salon, the Noonan Building, or even the TAGS building. The veterinarian will suffer significant financial harm, as, most probably, will the Hair Salon owner. Most, if not all, the remaining small businesses will suffer some negative economic repercussions due to their unnecessary forced relocation precipitated by your decision on 11/1/99. Your actions in leading the drive to take these businesses without a second thought will live in infamy in this community for many years. 4) Your lack of courage in addressing the school bus garage issue is amazing. You had the opportunity to fix the problem on 11/1/99 by adopting the Jerry's proposal. Even if you could not choose that option, rather than condemn school property, you chose to condemn private lands and dismember a public park. It is bothersome that School Board property is treated with greater deference than private property and parkland. 5) Finally, you claimed on 5/16/00, that the Richmond Hills neighborhood opposed many previous developments for the Kunz -Lewis site. In point of fact, since 1990, only one proposed development was universally opposed by the Richmond Hills neighborhood: the Rainbow Food store. In retrospect, that would have proven a less intrusive site use than the.Opus /Clark project. Many other developments were supported in whole or in part by the neighborhood. The only development proposal which has ever approached the united neighborhood opposition to the use of Sherwood Park and the building height in the current, City Council approved Opus /Clark development plan was the Rainbow proposal. And, quite frankly, even Rainbow did not come close to the united concern regarding Opus /Clark. This neighborhood has consistently supported the responsible development of the Kunz -Lewis site. In the past, our concerns were attended to by both developers and the City Council. It is regrettable that such is no longer true. Finally, you have subjected this neighborhood to an extremely long development schedule while at the same time, by your actions, told the developer that they can ignore neighborhood concerns with impunity. I have absolutely no hope that the developer will take into account this neighborhood during construction activities. They have learned, and learned well, that there is no such need. I did not expect any of you to agree with or concede all neighborhood concerns. I did expect that the neighborhood would be persuasive regarding Sherwood Park and building height near the residences on Edenmoor. I hoped for a different traffic pattern, and adjustments on overall residential building height and appearance. I see no real point in pursuing remedies for your decisions through the Courts. However, I do not intend to remain silent on what I perceive to be a gross dereliction of responsibility on your part to this neighborhood and to your duties as elected representatives. I apologize for sending this correspondence to your homes, but feel common courtesy requires that you receive it before I submit it for publication or general distribution. At this point, I feel my only option is to publicly express my concerns in the available media about the site development. Sincerely, John M. Menke 5301 Pinewood Trail Edina, MN 55436 952- 922 -2608 Ar 7e 0) f13 ltJE44 ft s ,�202� 2�C�r MEMO TO: Craig Larson DATE: 1/12/98 FROM: John enke RE: Kunz /Lewis site development I very much appreciate your efforts to keep me and the Richmond Hills Neighborhood informed of developments on this site; and thank you for copies of the responses to the RFP. Unfortunately, due to the holiday season, my illness, and the number of responders, the neighborhood has not had time to generate an appropriate response. I will attend the Council "Working" session on 1/13/98 in hopes that the Council's intent will narrow the focus; and allow us to develop a thoughtful response. Generally, the neighborhood would prefer low impact alternatives with a maximum of 3 stories in height; residential or residential "friendly" feel to the buildings; if residential - -lower numbers, non - transient population- if office - -- normal office hours, rather than continuous use. Personally, the school alternatives intrigue me, but we do not understand them well enough. Thank you for your assistance, and for including us in this process. October 17, 1999 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Council Members; Nan Faust James Hovland Scott Johnson Michael Kelley Dear Mayor and Council Members; We write concerning the redevelopment proposals currently under consideration for the Kunz -Lewis site. We reside at 5301 Pinewood Trail in the Richmond Hills neighborhood. Our home overlooks Sherwood Park and the proposed redevelopment site. We have been Edina residents since 1978 and have occupied our present home since 1990. You currently have four proposals remaining for your consideration. We have ranked them in our order of preference. Most preferred: 1. Eden Village. Developers: Jerry's Enterprises, Laukaa -Jarvis & Namron Co. Acceptable: 2. Edenmoor. Developer: Frauenshuh 3. The Residences at Grandview (no hotel). Developer: Stuart Companies Unacceptable: 4. Grandview Square. Developers: Ron Clark Construction & Opus Northwest Our preferred choice is Eden Village. Positives: • It preserves the small businesses, which currently serve as a good transition from the residential neighborhood to the commercial area at Grandview. • It preserves the neighborhood park. • Jerry's has the longest history of dealing responsibly with the neighborhood regarding development issues. • It directs all new traffic from the Kunz -Lewis site directly onto Eden Avenue, directs bus garage development traffic onto Vernon Avenue, and appears to have the potential for the least direct traffic impact on the neighborhood. • It is the only development proposal for the north side of Eden Avenue which offers the opportunity to keep traffic on Vernon Avenue rather than Eden Avenue. Negatives: • For sale residential near existing residential area is three to four story heights plus the roof. Acceptable choices Edenmoor Positives: • Housing units closest to the neighborhood are the least tall. • Developers have a history of considering neighborhood impact. Negatives: • Creates a large office and retail space south of Eden Avenue. • Potential for increased traffic on Sherwood Road. • Significant increase in traffic on Eden Avenue. • Removes all small businesses currently providing a buffer to Grandview. Residences at Grandview Positives: • All residential except for library and senior center. • Least overall traffic impact. Negatives: • All rental housing • Creates primary traffic pattern onto Sherwood Road. • Bus garage entrance /exit onto Eden Circle is poorly placed. • No history of soliciting or considering neighborhood input. Unacceptable choice Grandview Square Negatives: • Traffic for all 190 residential units will be via Sherwood Road creating a substantial traffic increase. • Residential units are four stories with a one to two story roof. • Residential units surround the eastern and most of the northern border of the park. • The unit proposed for the beauty parlor site would rival the highest of the large apartment buildings on the north side of Vernon Avenue. • Has commercial uses south of Eden Avenue. • Proposes a 4 -way intersection at Eden Avenue/Link Road/Eden Circle. • Has one of the two greatest impacts on total area traffic and the greatest impact on Sherwood Road traffic. • Has no history of dealing with the neighborhood (did make a presentation when invited). • Views Sherwood Park as an exploitable asset. Even in their new plan, they suggest using a portion of the park. The original plan relocated the park out of the neighborhood. Our concerns, as they have for nine years, focus on: • Traffic /neighborhood access. • Overall height of the development. • General impact on the neighborhood. • Developer's interest in'dealing with the neighborhood concerns. We believe Eden Village offers the neighborhood and the City the best redevelopment proposal. Jerry's Enterprises and their partners have a history of responsible development and have shown an interest in respectful consideration of neighborhood concerns. We encourage you to select Eden Village as the development proposal. Thank you for your consideration, John Menke Judith Brumfield October 31, 1999 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Council Members; Nan Faust James Hovland Scott Johnson Michael Kelley Dear Mayor and Council Members; I write to encourage you to pause and consider the following before you vote for selection of a developer for the Kunz -Lewis site. Your vote on November 1" is important to the City of Edina, the Richmond Hills neighborhood, and several small businesses. I write now at the urging of my neighbors. I implore you to consider the following before you vote: * Most residents of the Richmond Hills neighborhood value the small businesses abutting their neighborhood. The Vet, the Salon, and Noonan have been good neighbors. * Most residents favor the Eden Village proposal by Jerry's, Laukaa- Jarvis, and Namron —it is quick to completion, respectful of the park and the residential neighborhood, and, according to your analysis, had no funding gap. * Laukaa -Jarvis has managed a multi -use, multi -owner complex in Edina well for many years. This bodes well for the long term in this development. At your work session on October 26,1999, several members of the Council/HRA seemed to have some preference for the Eden Village proposal. Please search your hearts and minds —if the choice is close for you, listen to the small businesses and homeowners in the neighborhood and select the Eden Village proposal. Neighborhoods and small businesses are important to the quality of life here in Edina. The preferences of the neighborhood and encouragement of small businesses should be a concern of the Council and HRA. Sincerely, John Menke 5301 Pinewood Trail Edina, MN 55436 612- 922 -2608 March 29, 2000 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Council Members; Nan Faust James Hovland Scott Johnson Michael Kelley Dear Mayor and Council Members; I write to request that you reject the current Opus /Clark proposed development plan, and instruct them to submit a revised plan which.takes no land.from Sherwood Park. Last Fall, during the process of selecting a developer for the Kunz -Lewis site. Opus Northwest and Ron Clark Construction's original proposal for their development, "Grandview Square ", entirely eliminated the existing neighborhood park, Sherwood Park. Their second proposal, presented to the HRA, the City Council, and the Richmond Hills neighborhood in a neighborhood meeting, left Sherwood Park as it currently is. As you will recall, residents of Richmond Hills expressed their concern to this developer and to the City Council that land in Sherwood Park not be used in this development. Both the developer and the City Council gave assurances that existing parkland would not be used in this development. On Monday March 27, 2000, I attended a presentation by Opus /Clark at Our Lady of Grace. Their most recent proposal involves "reallocating" a very large piece of Sherwood Park to their "town square" and siting four story condo /townhouses on the park. They claim that this will increase parkland; further they claim the neighborhood will have access to the "town square ". At best, these claims are a pleasant fiction. Opus /Clark's current proposal eliminates useful park space. This space is currently used by the neighborhood. In addition to the variety of sports, including but not limited to football, volleyball, soccer, baseball, and softball, played or practiced by neighborhood children; that space provides a wide open play area for kite flying, Frisbee, running, etc. Such space is not readily available elsewhere in the area. The Richmond Hills neighborhood uses the existing Sherwood Park. It is the only city park readily and safely available to children in the neighborhood. In addition to recreational activities, Sherwood Park has served as a gathering place for neighbors and a wonderful location for birthday and graduation parties (my son's university graduation party was held there). Sherwood Park has also been a buffer between the existing single family homes in Richmond Hills and the business activity of the Grandview area. I described the developer's claims regarding their use of the Park as, at best, a. pleasant fiction. By changing Sherwood Park's present space, there will no longer be sufficient open space for athletic or recreational activities (other than jogging in place). Even though access is provided from the remnant of Sherwood Park to the proposed town square, I doubt children & adolescents will be welcome there —even should they desire to use that limited space. By several accounts, Mr. Clark believes that proximity to park areas such as Sherwood Park are a detriment to his developments, or at least to their expeditious sale. He may well be correct. I suspect that means he will seek to actively discourage uses of the Park and the town square which provide this effect. Neighborhoods and neighborhood parks are important to the quality of life here in Edina. The preferences of the existing neighborhood should be a concern of the Council, the HRA, the Planning Commission, and the Park Board. Please reject the developer's proposal and clearly indicate that no current land in Sherwood Park is to be used in this development. Sincerely, John Menke 5301 Pinewood Trail Edina, MN 55436 612 - 922 -2608 April 12, 2000 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Council Members Nan Faust, James Hovland, Scott Johnson, and Michael Kelley. Dear Mayor and Council Members; I write again to request that you reject the current Opus/Clark proposed development plan, and instruct them to submit a revised plan which takes no land from Sherwood Park. I look forward to speaking with you at the meeting on April 18, 2000 as you discuss the Overall Development Plan Approval and Preliminary Rezoning for the "Kunz- Lewis" property. I am supplementing my previous letter of March 29, 2000 with additional comments toward the same purpose — no loss of land or change in boundaries to the current Sherwood Park. At the Planning Commission Hearing on 3/29/00 and the Park Board Hearing on 4/11/00, Opus/Clark advanced two primary reasons for their current and renewed incursion into Sherwood Park: 1) The Edina City Council desires and encourages it; and 2) The Hennepin County Library wants to be visible from Vernon. I find the rationale that you desire, have encouraged, or will tolerate the incursion into Sherwood Park not believable. I, and my neighbors, attended your meetings last Fall during which we believe you made it clear that Sherwood Park was not to be used in this development. We value your support of existing neighborhoods and parkland. I do not believe that you intend the Richmond Hills neighborhood to bear a disproportionate share of the cost of this development. The loss of Sherwood Park in its current configuration would negatively affect all 48 existing homeowners in Richmond Hills. The reconfiguration and loss of area from Sherwood Park would affect all property owners' quality of life as well as both the perceived and the real economic value of their property. The dominating character of proposed large buildings would exacerbate these losses. I encourage you to consider the following points: 1) Sherwood Park is an integral part of the existing neighborhood and has been so for over 50 years. Homeowners purchased or built homes here, in part, due to Sherwood Park. 2) Sherwood Park has been an important buffer for the Richmond Hills neighborhood from the relatively low (one to two stories, flat roofed) small businesses in the area. It will be an even more important buffer from the proposed relatively tall (four stories, peaked roof, 50+ feet tall) and dense proposed condo /townhouse units immediately adjacent to the park. In the developer's proposal, the developer claims no net loss of parkland. That does not appear accurate: 1) The developer's new "additions" to the eastern and northeastern comers of the Park appear to be no more than 21 feet wide. They are used in the developer's drawing as "landscape buffer" to the development —not as open park space. Landscape buffer should not count as park space. In fact, Sherwood Park appears to be reduced from 1.55 acres to @ .9 acres —a 42% reduction in area. 2) The developer proposes to take an area of open parkland approximately 225 feet by 135 feet from an open area of the park that is only 283 feet by 135 feet. 3) The "townsquare" in the center of the development created to "replace" the open play area of Sherwood Park will not be conducive to play. It is surrounded by streets, reduced by the need for two -way traffic on the northwest side, and will be dominated by the development owners. This " townsquare" is not intended —and will not be used by neighborhood children —as play area. 4) The relocated child play area is not conducive to child safety. 5) This is not the proposed land use you accepted last Fall. 6) The proposed development nearest the Richmond Hills single family homes continues to be too tall. There has been no reduction in height of the proposed condo /townhomes. Instead, the developer has placed them closer to existing single family homes while maintaining their 50+ foot height. Please reject the current Opus/Clark redevelopment plan. Do not permit the developer to use any of the existing land in Sherwood Park for the development -- either for construction of buildings or for landscape buffer. Delay approval of this redevelopment and rezoning until both the land use issues and design issues are clear. Please know the design and dimensions of the proposed buildings prior to approval. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, John Menke 5301 Pinewood Trail Edina, MN 55436 612- 922 -2608 May 12, 2000 Mayor Dennis Maetzold Council Members Nan Faust, James Hovland, Scott Johnson, and Michael Kelley. Dear Mayor and Council Members; I write again to request that you reject the current Opus/Clark proposed development plan, and instruct them to submit a revised plan which takes no land from Sherwood Park. As you are aware, the developers requested a continuance from the originally scheduled meeting of April 18, 2000 in order to revise their plan. I had the opportunity to view their plan on May 11, 2000. They continue to propose a plan which uses land currently in Sherwood Park. They have not changed the height or basic configuration of the residential units closest to the existing homes in the neighborhood, and they have not changed the traffic pattern. I look forward to speaking with you at the meeting on May 16, 2000 as you discuss the Overall Development Plan Approval and Preliminary Rezoning for the "Kunz- Lewis" property. I am supplementing my previous letters of March 29 and April 12, 2000 with additional comments toward the same purpose —no loss of land or change in boundaries to the current Sherwood Park. * The "new, revised" plan continues to call for the use of (by the developers' figures) .33 acres of Sherwood Park. This is over 21% of the Park's total area, and at least 35% of the flat open play area on the West Side of the Park. • The developers continue to claim that Sherwood Park was intended to be part of the overall development from the beginning. • Despite assurances given to Council members Hovland and Faust on 11/1/99 by Ron Clark that there were no contingencies affecting the developers ability to proceed with the development and that residential building height issues could be addressed, the developer now claims that building codes require construction changes over four stories —so height adjustments cannot economically be made. • Options do appear available to the developer: 1) Reduce "footprint" area of the office building and increase its height — permitting movement of the westernmost residential unit to the eastern complex (moving it out of the park). 2) Increase height of office complex and reduce number of residential units. 3) Move the secondary entrance /exit from Sherwood Road to under the raised deck parking area associated with the office complex — permits a shift in residential units further from neighborhood. 4) Rethink and/or renegotiate the library's participation in the development. We are aware that TIF cannot subsidize a new City Hall —but I suspect the combined remodeling costs in the current plan (I also assume not TIF eligible) could be spent building a new City Hall on top of the Senior Center. I support the development of the Kunz Lewis site. I have no serious problems with the mixed -use development. But, I ask you please do npt require the existing neighborhood to pay a disproportionate price. for a development which benefits the entire City. I note that on May 16, 2000 you will also be considering a tax referendum proposal for increasing recreational facilities and City Park improvements. Ordinarily, I would be a strong advocate for this proposal. However, I find myself in the extraordinary position in which I cannot reconcile supporting a proposal to increase my taxes for Parks and recreational facilities when the City Park across the street from my home maybe reduced in size to accommodate a private developer. Please reject the current Opus/Clark redevelopment plan. Do not permit the developer to use any of the existing land in Sherwood Park for the development— either for construction of buildings or for landscape buffer. Delay approval of this redevelopment and rezoning until both the land use issues and design issues are clear. Please know the design and dimensions of the proposed buildings prior to approval. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, John Menke 5301 Pinewood Trail Edina, MN 55436 612- 922 -2608 Petiden To: Edina City Council From: Richmond Hills Neighborhood Association Subject: Grandview Square Development We, the residents of the Richmond Hills neighborhood oppose ceding any portion of our existing neighborhood park, `Sherwood Park ", to the "Grandview Square" development. It is of vital importance to us that you remember, as we do, that the City Council stated that the park wo Id be left Intact , a commitment also made by the Ron Clark representative at the late -fall neighborhood presentation meeting! On March 27, 2000, OPUS/Ron Clark presented its site plan to the Neighborhood Association. It was a shock to observe that "Sherwood Park" was dramatically reduced in size by four -story condominiums! This is completely unacceptable. We all believed in good faith that the developer would honor the commitment made to preserving Sherwood Park, as indicated on the plan he created and presented to the Association and the City Council in late fall -- a plan he used to gain our approval and support. (See attached site plan and overview). A considerable number of Association neighbors pointed out at Council meetings and in letters to the Council the need for keeping the park intact. Those reasons included: 1.) The park is a 391al part of this neighborhood. - people buy homes here because of the park. - there is a growing number of children in the area, who need and use the park- - we hold neighborhood functions there. - our grandchildren enjoy it. 2.) The park acts as a "buffer" between our neighborhood and the higher - traffic, commercial area. - this need will be even greater with the increased congestion and traffic generated from the new development. - Sherwood Park was initially proposed by developers as offering a good "buffer" between the existing neighborhood and a new development, indicating to us acknowledged understanding of its importance. 3.) The proposed residential buildings taking over the park area are four stories high, totaling approximately 52 feet! If allowed to be developed as proposed, they would be an overwhelming presence to all nearby housing and tower over the entrance to our existing neighborhood. 4.) The park at. our entrance meets a BASIC NEED. This is a unique land - locked area and we have no practical alternative for a park. We use and enjoy Sherwood Park. We have been told throughout this matter that both the developer and the City Council would respect the needs of the citizens who live in the area. It has always been Edina's practice to carefully consider these needs. Please don't let indifference or financial- appeal outweigh them.... October 31, 1999 To: Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Re: Kunz/Lewis Redevelopment Many of us in the Richmond Hills Neighborhood are concerned over the recent choice for development of this area. Being the closest to the site, we have natural reasons for our, concern, inasmuch as we have to "live" with whatever is constructed there on a daily basis. Our concern with "Grandview Square" is that it is just too "Grand "! The number and scale of the building proposed would rise above, and dwarf most of the residential community adjoining it. It also means purchasing or condemning all business properties south of Eden. "Eden Village" on the other hand has always been the least invasive and most compatible proposal for both the adjoining neighborhood and the existing business firms; including the following positive reasons: • It avoids multiple, costly condemnations. • Therefore it honors the right of these businesses to continue operating, as they had planned (with the exception of the "TAGS" property). • It directs all new tr is from the site to Eden Avenue, thus avoiding substantial traffic problems onto Sherwood Ave. • Financial: As far as we know, there are no short or long term concerns with this development, thus the city of Edina would have one of the least concerns financially. • The City of Edina has a long and satisfactory history of working with this development team. • All industrial/commercial uses are kept north of Eden Avenue, maintaining the compatibility of the residential complex proposed. Thus, we hope you will give due weight and consideration to these important concerns, not only for the adjoining residents, but for the City of Edina as well. We also, hope you will give respectful concern to the Richmond Hills Neighborhood request that building height nearest our area be kept to a maximum that does not unduly impact our homes. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Arthur L. Heiam 5205 Richwood.Drive Edina, MN TO CG t, or -r g CO A p r 7- £ E E 2 .� 2 FCC E c ti >✓ . December 6, 1999 John Menke 5301 Pinewood Tr. Edina MN 55436 Re: Grandview Square Dear Mr. Menke: CONSTRUCTION 7500 West 78th Street Edina, Minnesota 554' 9 (612) 947 -3ti`0 fax (612) 947-303-0 On behalf of Opus Corporation and Ron Clark Construction, we are writing to give you a progress report on the Grandview Square development. As you know, the City Council approved the Opus /Ron Clark plan at their November 1 St meeting. Since that time, we have been working with City staff on the Letter of Intent. The attached site plan is a requirement of the Letter of Intent, but it is not the final plan. The plan has been revised to address the needs of the Hennepin County Library. We have reversed the configuration of the office building and senior center/library from our last site plan. The library will face Eden Avenue with the senior center, positioned below, facing the interior of the site. We are continuing to work on the residential and office components and this plan should be considered "a work in progress" as it relates to the design work and the positioning /size of the residential units and office space. We intend to complete the Letter of Intent with the City of Edina by the end of this year and then move forward with more formal site planning. In early 2000, we will be meeting with the senior center and library staff in more detail and we will also be holding a neighborhood meeting to receive your comments and input on the site plan. These meetings will be done prior to submitting a final plan to the City of Edina for the zoning and planning approvals. We know that traffic, density, and site design are of interest to you and we plan to discuss these items with you in more detail. Thank you for your interest in Grandview Square. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, (I'll I -�e4 Heidi Kurtze Project Development Manager cc: Gordon Hughes, City Manager Construction and Dcsig:"- MN Builder License / 0001222fJ httpJ/www.RocPCI3rk-c0c= Linda Helland 5720 McGuire Road Edina, Mn 55439 June 2, 2000 Dear Minneapolis Park Board: I am writing to you in regard to the proposal for an off -leash dog site on the property near 42nd and France Avenue. It is a site I am very familiar with, as I have been walking a succession of family dogs there for almost 20 years. I am a supporter of off -leash areas in general theory. However, I am opposed to the formal designation of this site for that purpose at this time. I think that the city should move more cautiously in this case and table the proposal until adequate assessments are made of the three sites designated earlier this year. I think, further, that the unique character of the 42nd and France site warrants special consideration. Some of the potential problems that concern nearby residents are parking, increased usage by higher numbers of people and dogs, a broader mix of age groups which could very well lead to demands for additional and multiple use facilities, regulatory problems, the need for increased park personnel to regulate and maintain the area, and the resultant expense. The proposed site also offers one of the few relatively wild areas easily accessible in the city. As such, it offers a wide range of topography, flora, and wildlife3 all of which would suffer under the proposed plan. Additionally, the proposed size of the fenced in off -leash area is a fraction of the total acreage of the site. If you build it, they will come --in great numbers for a too small space. I urge you to study the other sites first to understand the unforeseen problems that always accompany a new effort. Please do not approve this plan as written at this time. Once this area is "improved ", its value as a natural area will certainly decrease - irrevocably. Perhaps the planned, planted, fenced sites with parking areas are best placed on park land that has already been in use in more highly urbanized settings or in areas which are intended to meet all the recreational needs of all the people. Please do not pass this proposal . LiiVaul rtA Linda Helland cc: Edina Park and Recreation Depatment Edina City Council Minneapolis City Council 11 May 2000 i KEr , Will wonders ever cease? After being mauled and man- handled with every trick in the book (poked with a dull IV needle, jostled onto an uncomfortable gurney, rattled up the walk, dumped into your springless wagon and then taken on a route to Fairview that didn't miss a single pothole on the way) I survived! I'll wager that you're both ex- Marines who never had the opportunity to finish your tour] of duty. Seriously, I want you to know how grateful I am to both of you.Just a few seconds on, I said to myself, "These fellows know what they're about." and felt trust and relief immediately. I had been very reluctant to call 911, but it seems it was the right thing to do under the circumstances. Happily, it was not my heart but just a strong attack of angina. Once again, my sincere thanks for your wonderful care and help. Gratefully yours.; Paul Carson P.S. Am having, at your suggestion, a reflective sign made with our address, to be placed 540 -0 at the top of the hill. Co OD � the C�v'e b� Unhi�� rev b8b INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 273 Regular Meeting, May 22, 2000, 7 :00 P.M. 2nd Floor Cafeteria, Edina Community Center AGENDA Determination of Quorum and Call to Order Approval of Minutes of Meeting of May 8, 2000 HEARINGS OF INDIVIDUALS, DELEGATIONS, AND PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS_ wwT" error rn TMOMQ Dp4ADP MTM- RnhPn IMP zkrmTnw I* -Q171: ACTION Page 393 Personnel Recommendations 686 -688 394 Expenditures Payable on May 22, 2000, appended 689 395 Approval Procedure for Expenditures Payable 690 on June 26, 2000 396 Pay Rates for Casual, Seasonal & Temporary Employees 691 397 Board of Education Meeting Dates, 2000 -2001 692 398 Federal Grants for Fiscal Year 2000 -2001 693 -694 409 Purchase of World Language Text Resources 695 -696 400 Purchase of Health Textbooks 697 401 Review and Comment 698 402 South View Middle School Boiler Retubing 699 403 Valley View Middle School Beam Detectors 700 CONSENT 404 Gift from Hubert Olson Elementary School PTA in 701 Bloomington 405 Gift from Spartan Parent Teacher Organization in 702 Richfield 406 Gift from Richfield Middle School Parent 703 Advisory Group 407 Gift from Sheridan Hills P.T.O. in Richfield 704 408 Gift from Concord Elementary School PTO in Edina 705 ,9 Gift from the Normandale French Immersion Parent 706 Organization HEARINGS OF INDIVIDUALS, DELEGATIONS, AND PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC ON ANY ISSUE ( *SEE ATTACHED DETAIL.) DISCUSSION 410 Strategic Plan for 2000 -2001, appended REPORTS Curriculum Task Force Literacy Task Force Science Education Task Force 707 INFORMATION 411 Revised Procedure 3330 - Business, Employee Expense 708 -712 Reimbursement 412 Staff`Recognition Adjournment 713 * Persons who wish to address the Board are requested to complete and submit an appropriate form to the Board Secretary prior to.the designated hearing time. when recognized, each individual shall identify himself /herself and the group represented, if any. He /She shall then state the reason for addressing the Board and shall be limited in time at the discretion of the Board chair. Individual employees of the School District or representatives of employee organizations shall have utilized administrative procedures before making a request to address the Board. To: Edina City Council: Dennis Maetzold James Hovland, From: Randall Pratt 6412 West Shore Drive Edina MN 55435 -1526 Michael Kelly, Nan Faust, Scott Johnson � ,., �f0 A I recently received a pink reminder card from the Edina Health Department regarding prohibitions on garbage, recycling containers and yard waste. I don't remember ever hearing from them before so a "reminder" gave me pause to reflect. I can understand residents, especially senior citizens and handicapped people, having an option to place certain refuse near their residences. But, the requirement that all garbage and recycling containers be placed next to the residence while requiring yard waste be placed at the curb does not make sense to me. The stated rationale on the reminder card is a visual aesthetic: to keep our "neighborhood neat and orderly." But, wouldn't having one place to put our refuse further the end of neatness and orderliness better than doubling the problem by requiring two areas be used — one near the residence another by the curb? For people who use their cars during the day, the requirement that refuse be put near their garage restricts their ability to use their own driveways. I do not understand how those who promulgate our ordinances would require certain waste to be placed at the curb and then seemingly offended by other waste impose a segregation of its placement. Recycling came into being as a way to show environmental concern. Are those who recycle to be reprimanded for carrying their concern too far? You may take your recycling concerns to just beyond your door but no further — not even to the curb. Sounds a bit ridiculous. Besides requiring sanitation personnel to take additional time to walk up and down our driveways, consider the following derivative impacts: • Noisy, stinking trucks spending more time in our neighborhoods. • Personnel serving fewer households and requiring new hiring. • Costs to the residents are driven higher to pay for the extra "service." I see no harm done in doing these sanitation workers a little favor. I see many neighborhoods (some near city hall) where most everyone brings their refuse to the curb. Are these people all scofflaws or are they just good people trying to be a little helpful? I urge you to revisit these ordinances with the intention of making them more flexible for the residents. I want to share I understand and endorse the time restrictions. There is offense when stuff is piled up on the curb for days in advance. People who violate these prohibitions should be put on notice that they are violating the spirit of a "neat and orderly" Edina. With Heartfelt Thanks! To The Offices Of The Edina Police and Fire Departments Police Chief Siitari Assistant Fire Chief Darrell Todd 4801 West 50th St. Edina, MN 55424. Phone No. 952- 826 -1600 May 19, 2000 Dear Police Chief Siitari and Assistant Fire Chief Darrell Todd, . Please accept our following letter recommending Commendations be presented to the following individuals: Roland Pederson, citizen Jean Pederson, citizen Jenifer Pederson, citizen Bonnie Goodner, citizen Dispatcher Short, 911 Dispatcher for the city of Edina, Case #99 -9151 Officer Draper, Police Officer for the City of Edina, Case #99 -9151 Officer Marks, Police Officer for the City of Edina, Case #99 -9151 Paramedic Wally Fasulo, Paramedic for the city of Edina, Run #99 -1564 Wally Fasulo's partner, Paramedic for the city of Edina, Run #99 -1564 Our intention and desire is to commemorate and to give thanks to the individuals who rendered their life saving services to Laura Pederson of 5921 Walnut Dr. in Edina on May 23, 1999, Case #99 -9151 and Paramedic Run #99 -1564. We cannot believe that a year has passed since Laura under went cardiac arrest at her home. Laura Leigh Pederson, the wife of Dave Pederson, is now.40 years old. She is the mother of two girls, Jeni age 1, and Anne age 2. Laura is back to teaching first grade at Hopkins' Eisenhower Elementary School. Laura and Dave deal with some minor life changes, and yet they lead a relatively normal and very active life. On Sunday morning, May 23, 1999, the citizens, the Edina Dispatcher, the Police Officers and the Paramedics named above, as well as the staff at Fairview Southdale Hospital, made this recovery possible. On that Sunday morning, Laura was preparing to go to church, and her heart simply stopped functioning. She had experienced no prior symptoms, and no family history could have given us any warning of what was to come. A 911 call from Laura's visiting in -laws, Roland and Jean Pederson, began the rescue process. Laura's daughter, Jenifer, confirmed the home address for grandma and grandpa. As the dispatcher put out the call, Dispatcher Short also directed the Pedersons, and Laura's neighbor, Bonnie Goodner, how to administer CPR. After a short period of CPR, Officer Draper and Officer Marks arrived on the scene. Within approximately 2 -3 minutes, the officers had applied pads from a portable defibilator, completed the necessary procedure, and Laura's heart was beginning to show a positive response. Next, Wally Fasulo's paramedic team on Run #99 -1564 arrived and they applied their life saving skills. They . transferred Laura to Fairview Southdale Hospital. Since that morning, she has undergone a miraculous recovery. This recovery we know would not have been possible without the efforts of Roland and Jean Pederson, Jenifer Pederson, and Bonnie Goodner; and the life saving skills and commitment that were so expertly applied and carried out by Dispatcher Short, Officer Draper, Officer Marks and Paramedics Wally Fasulo and Wally's partner on the run, whose name we apologize was not able to be obtained to be included in this letter. A simple thank you for saving our loved one's life seems too trite, but frankly we do not know how better to express our deep heart felt feelings. One moment none of us will ever forget is when Wally met with our family in the ICU lounge shortly after Laura's admittance to the hospital. He described to us how all the links in the life saving chain had worked together that morning. We have come to realize over the past year just how critical the timely implementation of each link and the team's life saving skills made it possible for Laura to be with us today. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all who serve. Our's is only one story. This is only. one life blessed and saved, and this is only one story, from just one of the days of these individuals and their committed service; a service which many of us took for granted, before May 23, 1999. We call Laura our living miracle. Today she lives a near normal life, a miracle that would not have been possible without prayers being answered; without the efforts of Roland and Jean Pederson, Jenifer Pederson and Bonnie Goodrier; and without the life saving skills of Dispatcher Short, Officer Draper, Officer Marks, Paramedic Fasulo and his partner, all being present at Laura's side. A simple thank you to one and all! Respectfully Submitted On Behalf Of, Dave and Laura Pederson, Jenifer and Anne Pederson an d their families, Chris Thompson, L;a�brother Jame Thompson, Laura's brother cc: The City Hall of Edina, Office of The Mayor The City Hall of Edina, City Council Members Fairview Southdale Hospital, CEO Dear City Council, I am writing this letter to let you know how important it is for you to help change the laws in regards to skateboarding. Please take a few minutes to read my letter, as I hope to help you to understand why I skate and why skateboarding should not be considered a crime. You see, I am a skater, and I love to skate. Skateboarding is a way of life for me, which you might not understand. Skateboarding has been around since the early 1920's. Our great -great grandfathers and great - grandmothers put roller -skate wheels on apple- crates; eventually they evolved into the first skateboards that were sold in hardware stores around the U.S. as early as 1950. Huge growth in the 1960s came about when the Gay wheel replaced the steel wheels. Since then, United States cities have done a wonderful job in creating recreation areas in their public parks for almost every sport known to man. Basketball courts, football and soccer fields,. baseball diamonds, tennis and racquetball courts, the list could go on and on. But for one reason or another skateboarding has been neglected. Skateboarding is an activity that requires physical strength, stamina, and an aggressive attitude toward success, all of which happen to be traits of what we label as a "sport". Skateboarding is a truly creative sport that emphasizes the incorporation of city terrain into smooth, fast movements. It's a sport that accepts anyone willing to try it. It doesn't discriminate against race, religion, or sexual orientation. This is why I love to skate. I can skate whenever and wherever I want. I don't need a field. I can skate to school and get some exercise. I can skate with my friends, boys or girls. I can skate alone. I can skate to work - save time, money, and the environment. All 1 need is the legal right to skate on the street. Or, I need a skatepark where I can skate, meet new people and help support an industry that supports my individuality. Every year there are more than 350 million dollars spent on skateboarding - related products. Everything from wheels and kneepads, to shoes and clothing items. I'm sure you've seen a television commercial or advertisement in a magazine lately that features a skateboarder. Yet, the current trend in city law- making is turning skateboarders into criminals by outlawing skateboarding in downtown areas, where the total number of skateboarders is greatest, and not providing an alternative to what was stripped away. We are one of the cross- sections of America's youth that needs you the most. Please don't turn your backs on us, like so many have, by dismissing my letter. Ours is a real problem that requires people in your position to be part of the solution. Aggressive sports in Edina have grown exponentially in recent years, and show no sign of slowing down. But, its clear that the skateboarders, roflerbladers and freestyle bikers need more room than is presently available in town. On many occasions while skateboarding, my friends have been facing many difficulties while riding our skateboards. We have been escorted off parking lots by store owners, been almost hit by cars when skateboarding on the. The store owners have accused us of destroying their property and no longer allow us to skateboard on their property. It didn't used to be a problem, but the numbers of people participating in skateboarding has grown larger than these owners are comfortable with dealing with. As these examples show, there is a real need for action. The town could do nothing and we would pretty much only be allowed to skateboard in our driveways. The nearest place we have to skate without being harassed is 7 miles away in Minneapolis. The town could provide us with rides to and from this skatepark. Although the easiest way to eliminate the problem is to outlaw skating all together. But the skaters of Edina have a better solution then any of these. We propose that the town build a skatepark; a place where skateboarders, rollerbladers, bikers and anyone else can practice what they love to do in a safe place, without bothering anyone else. This idea is not as far out as you might first think! Towns all through this state have come to a similar answer. The building of a skatepark will not only benefit the people who will use the park, but also the town as a whole will benefit tremendously. Kids will have a great place to go and have fun. 1 Instead of having to resort to drug use, these kids now have a place to go. Local businesses will not have to worry as much about what they think is 'a problem of vandilization. If the town builds a really great skatepark, people will travel to our town just to skate at the park. It'll give good publicity to the town! I know that a skatepark would be perfect. I want to ask the town if you can have a committee put together immediately that can work with the local youth in making this a reality., There is no reason why this should wait, action should be taken right away. Here's some information from the IASC, The International Association of Skateboard Companies Skateboard Companies, who help towns just like ours with various questions that arise. I understand that rules and regulations are necessary to help keep me and the people around me safe and happy. I hope that you will try and understand that I want to be safe, happy, and able to ride my skateboard. Thank you. Sincerely, Conor Mannix "Get out of here!" "You are ruining the property!" Skateboarders hear this all the time. For years skateboarders have been harassed by people for doing what they love. Many reasons have contributed to this. I think that skateboarding should not be illegal. In the past, skaters were known as druggies, bums, and criminals. Today we have the same reputation. Why do businesses think a group of kids automatically means trouble? I have been with a group of my friends when a police car pulled up and asked us to leave a parking lot because the owners don't like us hanging around. We had just sat down to eat and drink products we bought from that store. Skaters equal losers. How can people think this? I know everyone of my friends that skate get good grades, listen to their parents and everything else a parent would want from a child. Even professionals promote school and discourage the use of drugs. As a result of these stereotypes many rules have come about that prohibit skateboarding. We have become criminals for doing what we love. Every day a new "no skateboarding" sign goes up making sure no "hooligans" come around. Skateboarders should have confidence to skate without having to stop, getting asked to leave, or arrested. Skaters need places to skate to progress and get better. Skateparks have been built, but they can cost up to ten dollars a visit to skate for a day in a crowded warehouse. An individual can only find public skateparks in a few select areas. Even with some public skateparks skaters need different terrain. I have recently found out that skateboarding on the sidewalk was illegal. An anti - skateboarder might say that skateboards cause damage to buildings, streets, and sidewalks. Honestly, cars, bikes, and nature cause just as much maybe even more damage than skateboards. Rollerbladers can go anywhere they want but skateboarders have strict limitations. Think of it this way. A kid loves to play basketball and dreams to go all the way to the pros. But the only basketball hoop in town has "no basketball playing" signs that line the court. Will the kid just give up his dreams or play anyway? In relation to basketball, skateboarding has sport-like characteristics. Today there are over ten million skateboarders in the world. 9.3 million skate almost every day practicing, striving to get better. Rollerblading has a reputation as a great sport and exercise. Skateboarding is a very physical sport, even more so than rollerblading. Skateboarding needs some good recognition. Then we can start on a path towards legalization. Skating has turned into a 750 million -dollar industry. When can they treat skateboarding as a sport rather than classify it as vandalism. In conclusion skateboarding has become not just a hobby to me, but a part of who 1 am. All real skaters love skateboarding. To us skateboarding is an art, not a way of disrespecting others. How can people condemn us for our way of life? It might not make everyone happy but it makes us happy. Lastly, just let us do what we love, encourage us, or at least try to understand our passion. Sincerely, Charlie Becky MINUTES EDINA RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE COMMISSION APRIL 20, 2000 7:00 A.M. MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Kathy Frey, Judith Smith, Anne Cronin, K.C. Glaser, Bob Reid, Inna Hays MEMBERS ABSENT: Shelly Lipetzky GUEST: David Weidenfeller and David Wiggins from BFI STAFF PRESENT: Solvei M. Wilmot ROLL CALL Meeting was called to order at 7:05 a.m. by Kathy Frey, Chair. MINUTES Judy Smith MOVED TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 16, 1999 MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Inna Hays SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Hays pointed out some corrections to the March minutes. Bob Reid MOVED TO APPROVE THE MARCH 16, 2000 MINUTES AS CORRECTED. K.C. Glaser SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING PROGRAM The commission members discussed the possibility of open hauling for recycling as opposed to the current City contract. The commission members expressed safety concerns with more commercial vehicles on the streets during collection day. They also stated they like the current service. Members also discussed recommending curbside recycling collection. Mr. Reid reported visiting with a former Mayor who had strongly supported back door collection. The majority of his neighbors placed their bins curbside the day Mr. Reid was at the former Mayor's home. As a result, Reid's host said it was probably time to change to curbside collection instead of trying to keep convincing citizens not to use curbside. Plus, the cost difference significantly favors the citizens using curbside. Bob Reid MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY OF EDINA REMAIN A CONTRACT HOLDER WITH A RECYCLING COLLECTION COMPANY FOR CITY WIDE RECYCLING COLLECTION. IN ADDITION, CHANGE THE COLLECTION POINT FROM GARAGE SIDE TO CURBSIDE AS A WAY TO BE COST EFFECTIVE. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT EXCEPTIONS FOR THE COLLECTION POINT WOULD BE GRANTED FOR RESIDENTS WITH A PHYSICAL LIMITATION. Anne Cronin SECONDED. MOTIN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW GRANT FROM HENNEPIN COUNTY Ms. Wilmot reported that Hennepin County has a new grant. It is the Municipal Waste Abatement Incentive Fund Grant. Applications are being accepted until May 15`h. Ms. Wilmot reported that grant money can be requested to be used towards recycling education, curbside recycling innovation and efficiency and/or improve multi - family recycling programs. Commission members suggested requesting money to be used towards a scholarship for an innovative youth that promotes recycling. Another idea was to have an intern that would work on increasing recycling participation at multi -unit buildings. A third idea was to use grant money toward a weekly ad in the local paper which would provide information regarding recycling and waste reduction. Ms. Wilmot will submit a proposal for each of the ideas. K.C. Glaser will find out who should be contacted at the schools for distributing scholarship applications. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Bob Reid MOVED TO ELECT KATHY FREY A3 CHAIR AND JUDITH SMITH AS VICE CHAIR. K.C. Glaser SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. OTHER BUSINESS The Volunteer Awards Reception is April 25. Mr. Reid will read the citation regarding Ardythe Buerosse. ADJOURNED Meeting.adjourned, 8:05 a.m. 'r v MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST EDINA HOUSING FOUNDATION ANNUAL MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 2000 - 10:00 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: William Greer Virginia Shaw Ron Ringling Thomas Erickson. STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner John Wallin, Finance Director Jerome Gilligan, Foundation Attorney Mr. Greer called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M.. Prior to addressing the agenda, Mr. Greer welcomed Mr. Erickson as the newest member of the Foundation Board of Directors. Mr. Greer also expressed the sadness of the Board over the loss of Robert Schoening. ' Mr. Schoening who had served on the Board since 1988, died on November 4, 1999. Mr. Schoenings expertise and good nature were of tremendous value to the board, he will be truly missed. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Mr. Ringling moved approval of the minutes of the February 10, 1999, Board of Directors meeting. Mr. Erickson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Mrs. Shaw moved that the current slate of officers be re- elected for a one year term. Ms. Repya reminded the board that Mr. Schoening had served as secretary thus that vacant office needed to be filled. Mrs. Shaw amended the motion to nominate Mr. Erickson to the Office of Secretary and re -elect the remaining officers: • President, William Greer • Vice President, John Palmer • Vice President, Ron Ringling • Vice President, Virginia Shaw Mr. Ringling seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. II. RATIFICATION OF PRIOR ACTIONS: Based upon the recommendation of Mr. Gilligan, Mr. Erickson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: . t RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE EAST EDINA HOUSING FOUNDATION Adopted: February 1, 2000 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the East Edina Housing Foundation (the "Foundation ") as follows: WHEREAS, the Foundation has entered into a Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA ") dated on or as of August 1, 1985, and a Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment by and between the Foundation and the Edina Partnership dated on or as of August 1, 1985, both for the development of property in the City of Edina described in the Agreements and known as Edinborough; and WHEREAS, the Foundation has entered into an Amended and Restated Land Sale Agreement and Contract for Private Redevelopment with the HRA dated on or as of September 30, 1988, and a Land Sale and Contract for Private Development by and between the Foundation 'and the amendments thereto, both for the development of property in the City of Edina described in the Agreements and known as Centennial Lakes; and WHEREAS, the Foundation has approved two programs designated as the Edina Community Homebuyer Program and Edina Home Partners Program (together, the "Programs "), which are designed to provide certain assistance in connection with the purchase by moderate income persons of owner occupied single family residences in the City of Edina through the making of second mortgage loans; and WHEREAS, the Foundation has entered into a Servicing Agreement dated as of March 1, 1999, by and between the Foundation and Community Reinvestment Fund to provide for the servicing of loans to be made by the Foundation pursuant to the Programs; and WHEREAS, the officers and directors of the Foundation, the Executive Director of the HRA and other employees, officers and agents of the HRA and the City of Edina, have been working with, and have been advising and consulting with, the Foundation relative to the investment of funds of the Foundation, the Programs, potential new programs of the Foundation, the Edinborough and Centennial Lakes projects, the low and moderate income housing developed in Edinborough and Centennial Lakes and the second mortgage loans obtained by the Foundation in connection with housing in the Edinborough and Centennial Lakes projects and the Programs; and WHEREAS, the activities of the officers, directors, employees, and agents of the Foundation, and of the Executive director of the HRA and other employees, officers, and agents of the HRA and the City of Edina, have been undertaken for, and have been 2 necessary to, the success of the Edinborough and Centennial Lakes project and the Programs and to achieve the goals of the Foundation. It is therefore recognized, acknowledged, and agreed by the Foundation that all of the activities, agreements and undertakings taken and done by any of the officers, directors, employees or agents of the Foundation in connection with or relative to the Edinborough and Centennial Lakes projects, the Programs, potential new programs of the Foundation of the second mortgages obtained by the Foundation, to and including the date of this resolution, are hereby ratified and confirmed as being the act and deed of, and binding on, the Foundation and within their authority as officers, directors, employees or agents of the Foundation. It is further recognized, acknowledged and agreed that the activities, including consultation and advice, of the Executive Director and other employees, officers and agents of the HRA of the city of Edina, have been given in good faith and for the best interests of the Foundation and have been necessary to achieve the goals of the Foundation in connection with the Edinborough and Centennial Lakes projects and the Programs and the Foundation hereby expressed its thanks and appreciation for all such activities, consultation and advise. Adopted: February 1, 2000 Mr. Greer seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. FINANCE REPORT: Mr. Wallin was present to update the Board on the status of the Foundation's investments. CD's continue to represent the favored agency with a majority of the maturity dates occurring in 2000 and 2001. Currently, the final maturity date is December 2002. Mr. Wallin pointed out that the variance in the maturity dates has been driven by the best interest rates at the time of purchase. As the interest rates were rising, the one year range appeared more prudent at low 6% when compared to two to three year terms averaging in upper 6% range. Mr. Wallin also explained that he has provided for the availability of cash for the Foundation through a money market mutual fund which yields an interest rate of low 5% and a maturity of two to three months. The 1999 year end balance for the Foundation's investments is $4,340,000.00 representing a $469,000.00 increase over the December 1998 balance of $3,871,000.00. Following a brief discussion of Mr. Wallin's report, Mr. Ringling expressed concern over the large and growing balance of the Foundation's investments; pointing out that the mission of the Foundation has never been to make money. Mr. Greer agreed with Mr. Ringling pointing out that that the initial intent of the Foundation to assist low and moderate income individuals purchase housing in Edina has certainly worked. The Board must now continue its initial mission by not only advertising 3 the downpayment assistance programs, but also by creating new opportunities to assist those of low and moderate incomes with housing related programs. Mr. Ringling suggested that the Board schedule a special meeting specifically to address ways to increase participation in existing programs as well as offering new housing opportunities for low and moderate income individuals. The Board concurred with Mr. Ringling. No formal action was taken. V. ACCEPTANCE OF AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR 1998: Ms. Repya presented the audited financial statement for 1998 as prepared by the accounting firm, Grant Thornton. The question was raised why the audit included 1997. Mr. Gilligan explained that the 1997 financial information is included as a point of comparison. ' Mr. Ringling moved acceptance of the audited financial statements for the year ending 1998. Mrs. Shaw seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. VI. SELECTION OF 1999 AUDITOR: Ms. Repya advised the Board that Grant Thornton has prepared the Foundation's tax returns and audited financial statements since 1990. Board members agreed that Grant Thornton has served the Foundation well in the past and is familiar with the programs. Mr. Ringling moved that the Foundation again retain Grant Thornton for the purpose of preparing the 1999 audited financial statements and tax return. Mrs. Shaw seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. VII. FUNDING REQUEST FROM SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES: Ms. Repya referred to correspondence from Senior Community Services dated January 26, 2000. Ms. Repya explained that Senior Community Services is again. requesting a grant from the Foundation to support the H.O.M.E. program (Housing and Outdoor Maintenance to the Elderly). In 1997 and 1999 the Foundation awarded $8,000.00 and $8,600,00 respectively to H.O.M.E. These funds were pooled with the City's CDBG contributions of $18,000.00 in 1997 and $17,400.00 in 1999 to provide household chore services to eligible Edina Seniors. This year's request of $12,900 reflects an increase of $4,300 over the 1999 grant of $8,600.00. In 1999 H.O.M.E.'s budget for Edina households was $26,000.00; $17,400.00 came from CDBG funds and $8,600.00 from EEHF funds. H.O.M.E.'s 2000 budget remains to be $26,000.00, however, due to a change in H.U.D. regulations, the most the CDBG program can contribute to H.O.M.E. is $13,100.00. In an effort to continue providing the same level of home services to Edina Seniors, Senior Community Services is requesting $12,900.00 from the Foundation. Ms. Repya also advised the Board that Gordon Hughes, Edina's City Manager now serves on the Board of Directors for Senior Community Services, however, this position on the Board does not serve as a conflict of interest with the proposed request. 4 Ms. Shaw commented that she was impressed with the services provided by H.O.M.E. and felt that their program fills an important housing need for seniors in Edina. Mr. Ringling agreed that the H.O.M.E. program was a worthwhile cause, and asked if the Foundation had a limit to the amount of money that can be contributed toward public services. Mr. Gilligan responded that there is not an limit on the amount of funds that can be contributed, however, all the funds must serve housing related programs. Mr. Erickson concurred on the worthiness of the H.O.M.E. programs pointing out that the clientele serviced, low and moderate income seniors fits well with the goals of the Foundation. Mr. Erickson did express concern that the information provided by Senior Community Services to support their request did not indicate that the previous funds provided by the Foundation assisted only Edina residents. Mr. Erickson added that if this request was approved he would like to receive documentation that the funds are supporting Edina's program: Ms. Shaw moved acceptance of Senior Community Services request for $12,900 to support the H.O.M.E. program during its 2000 -2001 fiscal year, but added that the Foundation would like to receive documentation that the Foundation's, contributions are directed to only their Edina budget. Mr. Ringling seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. VIII. COMMUNITY HOMEBUYER/HOMEPARTNERS PROGRAM UPDATE: Ms. Repya advised the Board that over the past year the Foundation's downpayment assistance programs have generated quite a bit of interest, however, to date no mortgages have been written. One can only speculate as to the reasons for the lack of participation, i.e. the current state of the economy, competitive programs in the marketplace, and simply getting the word out, to name a few. In the past few months, the eligible properties for the Community Homebuyer program has been expanded to include townhouses and condominiums; the rationale being that the majority of "affordable housing" in Edina lies in the townhouse and condominium housing stock. Ms. Repya added that the eligible properties for the Homepartners Program which offers funds "form home improvements beyond the purchase price of the home has not changed; it continues to include only single family detached dwellings and double bungalow units. Discussion ensued among the Board as to why Norwest Mortgage is the only company identified to originate our loans, wondering if more mortgage companies participated in our programs, perhaps they would be more appealing to the public. Ms. Repya explained that Norwest Mortgage is the only company that came forward with a desire to market and originate the Foundation's loans. Norwest charges no fee to the Foundation however, they require. that they also hold the first mortgage on the dwelling. Ms. Repya pointed out that an interested party would pre - qualify for the first mortgage with Norwest which would also serve, as the qualification for our Foundation E loans. Mardel Richardson is the Community Specialist with Norwest who is familiar with the Foundation's programs and serves as a secondary information source. . Ms. Repya explained that the Foundation does ,not have an exclusive relationship with Norwest, however it was felt that we wanted to become comfortable with,the origination process and "get our feet wet" prior to opening the program to other mortgage companies. Mr. Erickson asked how the loan programs are being promoted. Ms. Repya explained that a story ran in the Spring 1999 issue of "About Town" which explained the Foundation's programs in detail. The City also receives several calls a week regarding programs for home purchase assistance, which are forwarded to Ms. Richardson at Norwest Mortgage: Ms. Repya added that she has spoken to several real estate agents' sales meetings in which the Foundation's programs are outlined, and the response has been very favorable, however, no business has been generated. Mrs. Shaw asked if the program's income limits have been a drawback to participation. Ms. Repya explained that the Foundation's income limits are as high as they can be to meet the Foundation's criteria of serving low and moderate income individuals. She also pointed out that the good economy is probably the key reason for the sluggish response to the programs; there are a lot of programs to choose from in the marketplace, thus better promotion is most likely the key. Ms. Repya explained that she will be meeting with Ms. Richardson, from Norwest Mortgage and Jennifer Wilkinson, Edina's new Communications Coordinator to develop some promotional materials for the programs. Following a brief discussion, Mr. Ringling suggested that the subject of promoting products be included in the forthcoming special meeting. Board members concurred. No formal action was taken. IX. AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION EXPANDING THE NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AREA: Ms. Repya explained to the Board that currently the western boundary of the Foundations neighborhood south of the Crosstown highway 62 is the Soo Line Railroad. Unfortunately, Oak Glen, one of the City's two subsidized housing developments for families lies just west of Cahill Road and would be ineligible to participate in the Foundation's programs. It has come to the City's attention that the' Section 8 (subsidized) contract for Oak Glen expires in February, 2002. At that time the owner will decide whether to continue the subsidized status or perhaps convert the project to market rate. Oak Glen currently plays an important role in addressing Edina's affordable housing needs. To lose these subsidized units would be a definite setback for Edina's Livable Community Act goals. Looking ahead, when Oak Glen's Section 8 contract terminates in 2002, the Foundation may be asked to participate financially in maintaining its "affordable status. This can only happen if the western boundary of the neighborhood is adjusted from the L•� • Soo Line Railroad south of the Crosstown Highway 62 to Tracy Avenue south of the Crosstown Highway 62 and extending to the City's southerly border. Board members discussed the merit of adjusting the westerly boundary to include the Oak Glen housing development. Mrs. Shaw indicated that she thought it was a good idea to adjust the boundary now, before a request for funding is presented. She then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that Article II of the Articles of Incorporation be amended by striking the following words: "In the portion of the City situated north and east of the following described line: Beginning at the West Quarter corner of Section 30, Township 117, -Range 21; thence easterly along the East -West center lines of Section 30 and 29, Township 117, Range 21, to the East quarter corner of said Section 29; thence south along the East line of said Section 29 and the East line of Section 32, Township 117, Range 21, to the Southeast corner of said Section 32; thence easterly along the North line of Section 5, Township 116, Range 21, to the northeast corner of said Section 5; thence south along the east line of said Section 5 and the Northeast corner of said Section 5; thence south along the east line of said Section 5 and the east line of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, to the Southeast corner of Section 8" And inserting in lieu thereof the following: "That part of the City of Edina, Minnesota lying north of Crosstown Highway 62 and that part lying south of the Crosstown Highway 62 and east of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the south line of Crosstown highway 62 with the centerline of Tracy Avenue; then southerly, westerly, easterly, and southerly, along the centerline of Tracy Avenue, to the intersection of said centerline with the centerline of West 701h Street; thence continuing south along the southerly extension of the centerline of Tracy Avenue to the intersection of said extension with the south line of the City limits of the City of Edina." BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that the President and the Secretary of this corporation be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to make, execute, and acknowledge a Certificate of Amendment of this corporation embracing the foregoing resolution and the manner of adoption thereof, and to cause such Certificate of Articles of Amendment to be filed for record in the manner required by law. Adopted: February 1, 2000 Mr. Ringling seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. X. OTHER BUSINESS: Special Meeting - Mr. Ringling stated that he felt it was important to schedule a special meeting of the Board of Directors specifically to discuss the large and growing investment balance the Foundation is carrying. Board members agreed pointing out that 7 while the growing balance is proof that the initial endeavors of the Foundation have been paid off, it is imperative that the money be reinvested in housing opportunities for low and moderate income people in Edina which is the Foundations purpose. Ms..Repya pointed out that Mr. Palmer has been out of town and will not return until the first part of May. Mr. Erickson added that he will be out of town for several .months as well. Mr. Greer stated that he felt it would be important for as many Board members as possible attend the special meeting; he then suggested that the special meeting be scheduled sometime around the 15 "' of May. Ms. Repya agreed to firm up the date and time, of the meeting as it drew closer. Mr. Ringling suggested that between now and the special meeting, members brainstorm about possible ways of better promoting existing programs and creating'new and innovative housing opportunities for low and moderate income Edinans. All Board members agreed. No formal action was taken. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Shaw moved for adjournment at 11:15 A.M. Mr. Ringling seconded.the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully suiitted, Repya L-11 fd I r� Edina Community Health Advisory Committee Wednesday, November 10, 1999 7:30 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Paul O'Connor, Jan Borman, Freda Terry, Bruce Burnett, and Kathy Frey MEMBERS ABSENT: Mary Edwards, Jim Reynolds, Rev. Charles Vogt, and Patrick Wilson EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Molly Repya I. ROLL CALL Meeting was called to order by Chair J. Paul O'Connor at 7:50 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 12,1999; June 9, 1999, August 11, 1999 Jan Borman MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES. Bruce Burnett SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. III. REPORTS A. Committee Bylaws - David Velde Mr. Velde presented some proposed changes to the Community Health Services By -laws. Changes included changing the name of the committee to Edina Community Health Committee; changing the wording from Chairperson to Chair; changing the total number of members from 9 to 12 members down to 7 members; changing the membership composition to include at least two providers of health services and at least two consumers representing the community; removing some unnecessary language; and deleting the need for a quorum. Committee members discussed the changes. Bruce Burnett MOVED TO ACCEPT THE BY -LAW CHANGES AS AMENDED AS BY DISCUSSION. Kathy Frey SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. B. Domestic Violence Awareness Project - Kathy Frey Ms. Frey inquired how the domestic violence posters with the tear off phone numbers had been received. Committee members commented that at some locations the posters did not stay up very long. Other locations had denied posting them. The locations that had the posters did have a couple of the phone numbers removed. Dr. Burnett commented that one concern he had about the posters was their visibility. Committee members discussed other ways to inform the residents of places to seek help. A I t� P direct mailing was suggested, an ad in the paper, a letter to the Editor for the Edina Sun Current. Ms. Iverson was asked if she would submit something to the Edina Sun in her guest column. Ms. Iverson commented that she would do that. Ms. Iverson asked for a committee member to review the article before it is submitted. Ms. Frey stated she would do that. Committee members discussed inviting Larry Fugelstad from the school and Ann Harrington from Cornerstone to look at incorporating a program from Cornerstone into the school. Ms. Repya suggested speaking with someone from the school staff first; Principal, Vice Principals or the Guidance Counselors. That way it could be determined if there was someone willing to coordinate a PAVE program from Cornerstone. Ms. Frey wondered if the "Life Issues" teacher, Ms. Kiffer, would be interested in PAVE or coordinating with Cornerstone. Ms. Frey will contact Cornerstone first and then Ms. Repya may contact Ms. Kiffer, if Cornerstone has the resources. C. Meeting Dates - Paul O'Connor Some of the committee members have expressed concern with Wednesday meetings presenting a conflict with church activities. As a result, the committee is looking at other days that would be available. Mr. Velde indicated that the first Monday of each month is available for meeting space. He also stated that Father Vogt had suggested an earlier meeting time, 4:30 - 6 p.m. Committee members stated that time would be a problem. Early morning, 7 a.m., could work. Committee members discussed time and day. It was decided to move the meetings to the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 a.m. D. Tobacco Free Communities Grant -David Velde This is $10,000 grant from the state. The money is used towards smoke free environment issues: restaurants, apartment buildings and reducing tobacco use . This is the last year of the grant money. It is anticipated that there will be some money from the Tobacco Settlement for the community to use toward tobacco awareness. The State Health Department has sent out a proposal to'set up a state wide awareness campaign throughout Minnesota. Mr. Velde commented that some of Ms. Iverson's activities are funded through the Tobacco Free Communities grant. Ms. Iverson stated that in addition to this grant she was working on a grant she received through SHeRPA/Familink. She is working on what businesses and worksites have for smoking policy, especially on how they handle under age workers that smoke: F. Asset Building The schools have done the Asset Building survey. Members reported that the survey was not written well for the elementary school children. The survey was more appropriate for the High School students. Ms. Frey and Ms. Borman reported about the Asset Building Breakfast meeting. Ms. Frey commented that it was very good. Ms. Borman commented that at each table there was one High School Student and one member of the steering committee. The point of the meeting was to emphasize that raising a child takes a group of people, not just the parents. Mr. O'Connor stated that one of the 40 Assets is a child having three other adults in their life. Ms. Iverson stated that the results of the Edina schools' Asset Building survey will be out in January. There will be a town meeting probably in February. There was discussion regarding the survey and comparing the results of a same group of children. F. Next Meeting - Paul O'Connor Next meeting will be February 8, 2000 at 7:00 a.m. IV. New Business -None V. Adjournment Meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m. City of Edina, Minnesota - Public Works Department ' Sump Pump I/I Reduction M June 6, 2000 Sump Pump Inspection and I/I Reduction Program *History - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- Y • Introduction -? • Study Purpose and Scope `_�` • Data Analysis • Conclusions and Recommendations T Previous Study Concluded 59% of Peak Flow was Inflow `r Sanitary Sewer Districts - 1997 Study Summary Basin 6 Basin 10 Basin 18 Total Base Flow (GPM) 625 640 1,140 2,605 Infiltration (GPM )- 1,070 1,220 J 1,060 3,350 . - - - Inflow (GPM) - --- -- 3,395 3,140 2,100 8,635 Max. Flow (GPM) 5,090 2,1001 4,300 14,590 U Focus was Private Property ,Inflow in the Worst Districts District 6 21 • District 10 District 18 Eliminating Controlling Sewer Discharges reduces Backups i • Sanitary Sewer District No. 6 Controlling sewer line — 12" @ 1420 GPM capacity in surcharge • Surcharge eliminated at 12" @ 1200 GPM Flow reduction required is 220 GPM to eliminate surcharge Study estimated 30 GPM per sump pump HRG found 33 failed properties on first inspection which provides a potential peak flow reduction of 990 GPM when corrected Eliminating Controlling Sewer Discharges reduces Backups Sanitary Sewer District 10 • Controlling Sewer Line — 18" @ 2700 GPM in peak flow surcharge Surcharge eliminated — 18' @ 2050 GPM • Flow reduction required = 650 GPM • HRG inspections found 70 properties in contributing Districts 10, 11, 12 and 13 that failed inspection • Potential peak flow reduction = 2100 GPM W Conservative Approach to Pumping Rate was Taken sump Pump Model HP GPH GPM A 147850 1/3 3600 60 B 565563 1/4 2100 35 C 150029 1/3 2700 45 D 338264 1/3 2800 47 E F 338233 1/3 3000 5400 50 932485 4/10 90 ,01 First Inspections Validate Concerns over Surcharges Initial HRG Inspection Results Est. Flow' Total 1nGPM----- Failed Inspections 411 30 12,330 Water -Over Floor ---12-0- 3-0 -- 3-,-6- -00 P,ObeF, Corrected Before 68 30 2,040 Inspection— Total Clear Water 5991 17,970 When operating in COIL,nuo,S Flo, - —erage Rate Monthly Flow Comparison Illustrates 1997 Problem 1-0 ;T Lower AADF and Lower $ are Benefit From Inspections i t Year AADF in MGD* 1979 1993 7.28 7.47 1994 6.87 1995 7.01 1996 _ 6.64 1997 7.00 1998 ** 5.89 1999 5.99 Million Gallons per Day '• Clty N.Stle Sump Pump In,pMnan Began MCES Data �T Large Volume of Base Data Validates Preliminary Results v` FZlll Number of Properties in City to be Inspected 14,364 Observed at Inspections completed to date: First Inspection Of residential properties in city I 13,076 90.91% % Of non - residential properties in city 816 1 5.67% Subtotal 13,892 i 96.58% Properties not inspected: 492 Other(pass) Properties Requiring Re- inspection: 79.97% 11,141 Properties Re- inspected - MRG 3211 41 Properties Re- inspected - City(continuing) 1881 0.01% Properties Re- inspected - Total 5401 1.20% Inspections Yield Desired Results I� wnspecte Isc )ae olnt: ; o properties wit inspected Observed at Obseved at First Inspection Final Inspection Outside (pass) 2346 16.89% 2703 19.46% Storm Sewer (pass) 25 0.18% 25 0.18% Other(pass) 11,110 79.97% 11,141 80.20% Floor Drain (fail) 41 0.30% 1 0.01% Sanitary Sever (fail) 167 1.20% 7 0.05% Laundry Tub (fail) 59 0.42% 3 0,02% Other (fail) 1441 1.04% 12 0.09% Subtotal: 13,892100.00% 13.892 100.00%