HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-11 Planning Commission Regular Meeting PacketAg enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all Council Chambers Wednesday, Januar y 11, 2023 7:00 PM Watch the m eeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeeting s or Facebook.com /EdinaMN. Participate in Public Hearings Call 786-496-5601 E nter Confer ence Pin 0143071# Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to g et in the queue to speak An operator will intr oduce you when it is your turn I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Draft Minutes of Regu la r Meetin g Decem b er 14, 2022 V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Pu b lic Hea rings A.B-23-02 9.6 foot 1st +oor height variance for 4920 Sunnyslop e Rd E . VII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.Accessory Dw ellin g Units VIII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents IX.Sta3 Com m ents X.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli5cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: January 11, 2023 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Draft Minutes of R egular Meeting December 14, 2022 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the draft minutes from D ecember 14, 2022. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description 2022-12-14 Draft Planning Commis s ion Regular Meeting Minutes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 1 of 3 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers December 14, 2022 I. Call To Order Chair Agnew called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Strauss, Gandhi, Alkire, Hu, Bennett, Padilla, Olson, and Chair Agnew. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Smith. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Miranda moved to approve the December 14, 2022, agenda. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, November 16, 2022 Commissioner Olson moved to approve the November 16, 2022, meeting minutes. Commissioner Alkire seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. V. Community Comment None. VI. Public Hearings A. Site Plan Review with Variances – 5100 Edina Industrial Boulevard (First National Bank North) Director Teague presented the request of 5100 Edina Industrial Boulevard for a Site Plan Review with Variances. Staff recommended approval of the site plan with variances, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Mr. Mike Elsenpeter, First National Bank North, Mr. Eric Reiners, SRA, and Mr. Ross Hedlund, Frauenshuh, addressed the Commission and answered questions. Public Hearing None. Commissioner Olson moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the proposed site plan and variances. Motion Commissioner Alkire moved that the Planning Commission recommend denial to the City Council of the Site Plan with Variances with the following findings: being a new building proposed, this site should be treated as a vacant lot with the tear down of the existing building; there is no physical circumstance on the site that creates a practical difficulty in meeting the first floor and the transparency variances. Commissioner Olson seconded the motion unanimously. The Commission asked additional questions of the applicants. A vote on the motion was taken. Motion carried to deny. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Sketch Plan Review – 5201 Grandview Lane (Donnay Homes) Director Teague presented the request of 5201 Grandview Lane for a Sketch Plan review . Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Steve Behnke, Donnay Homes, and Ms. Elizabeth Macdonagh, landowner, made a presentation and answered Commission questions. The Commission asked questions and reviewed the sketch plan with the applicant. B. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair Chair Agnew indicated she was leaving the Commission for the City Council and the Commission needed to elect a new Chair and Vice-Chair to the Planning Commission. She nominated Commissioner Bennett as Chair. Commissioner Bennett accepted the nomination. Commissioner Miranda seconded the nomination. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Motion Chair Agnew moved to elect Commissioner Bennett as Chair of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Bennett nominated Commissioner Alkire as Vice-Chair. Commissioner Alkire accepted the nomination. Commissioner Olson seconded the nomination. Commissioner Bennett moved to elect Commissioner Alkire as Vice-Chair of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. VIII. Correspondence and Petitions None. IX. Chair and Member Comments Received. X. Staff Comments Received. XI. Adjournment Commissioner Padilla moved to adjourn the December 14, 2022, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 8:48 PM. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Date: January 11, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-23-02 9.6 foot 1st floor height varianc e for 4920 S unnys lope R d E. Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve a 9.6-foot 1st floor height variance to allow a reorientation of the house from 4905 Sunnyslope East to Hilltop Lane. Approval is based on findings within the staff report and subject to conditions listed within the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N: A 9.6-foot 1 st floor height variance to allow a reorientation of the house from 4905 S unnyslope to Hilltop Lane. T he goal is to reorient the new home on a through lot to face Hilltop Lane instead of Sunnyslope R d. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Engineering Memo Site Location Narrative, Plans and Renderings Tree plan PC Minutes 11/16 Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Staff Pres entation The subject property, 4920 E. Sunnyslope is a through lot located between Sunnyslope East and Hilltop Lane. The existing home on the property is two-stories with a three-car attached garage b uilt in 19 41. The existing home orients towards Sunnyslope East with the rear lot backing up to Hilltop Lane. The applicant is requesting a 9.6 -foot first floor height elevation variance to allow for a new home to be built with a first floor 10.6 feet higher than the existing first floor. The proposed new home will be oriented at a higher elevation facing towards Hilltop Lane thus the need for a 1 st floor variance. With exception of the first-floor elevation , the proposed project meets all other zoning requirements. It should be noted that a variance application for the property was reviewed and denied by the Planning Commission on November 16, 2022. The request was for a 9.6 -foot, 1 st floor height variance with a reorientation of the house from 4920 East Sunnyslope R oad to Hilltop Lane and a 9.55 -foot front yard setback variance to provide 34.6 feet from the Hilltop front property line instead of matching the average existing front yard setback of the adjacent neighboring properties of 44.15 feet. The application for 2 variances was denied by the Planning Commission on November 16, 2022, with 5 votes of denial and 3 votes for approval of the request. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes zoned R-1 and guided low -density residential Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low -density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low -density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low -density residential. January 11, 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner B-23 -02, the applicant is requesting a 9.6 -foot, 1 st floor height variance to allow a reorientation of the house from 4920 East Sunnyslope Road to Hilltop Lane. Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features The subject property , 492 0 Sunnyslope E , was built in 1941. The lot is 20,879 square feet and is located between Sunnyslope East and Hilltop Lane. The existing house is oriented towards Sunnyslope and has a three-car attached garage that has access from Sunnyslope. The property increases in elevation from Sunnyslope East to Hilltop Lane. Trees The applicant included a tree plan with variance submittal. The property has several large trees. The city recently amended its tree ordinance to require that removed trees be replaced. The ordinance took effect January 1, 2023. The tree plan has been previewed by the city Forester, with a full review of the tree preservation plan taking place at time of a building permit review for the new home and will be based on the amended tree ordinance. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Compliance Table City Standard Proposed “Left” Side of Home – Hilltop Side – (New Front Yard) “Right” Side of Home – Sunnyslope Side – (New Rear Yard) 10 feet 44.15 feet 10 feet 25 feet 29.1 feet 44.3 feet 11.8 feet 25.1 feet Building Height 40 feet 37.025 feet Building Coverage Impervious Coverage 25% 50% 20.6% 39.06% First Floor Elevation 926.4’ 936* *Requires a variance Engineering The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their January 1 , 2023, memorandum. Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP -003 standards. A final grade as-built survey and in spection will be required to STAFF REPORT Page 3 verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. The proposed plan maintains drainage towards Sunnyslope Rd E but does so by channelizing runoff along the side yards with swales. PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issue • Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively to grant a variance. The proposed variance will not: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with zoning standards, with exception of the first-floor elevation. The reason for the first-floor elevation variance request is due to the proposed new home being oriented towards Hilltop Lane, which is 31-feet higher than lot elevations near Sunnyslope Road East . The topography of the lot is a practical difficulty preventing a reasonable relocation of the proposed new home. No variance would be needed for 1st floor height if the original home had faced Hilltop cul-de-sac and was removed/replaced with a new home fronting either Hilltop or Sunnyslope East . 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The property is unique in that there are street frontages on two sides of the lot. The existing house is oriented towards East Sunnyslope . There are no rules prohibiting a reorientation towards Hilltop Ln. There is an elevation difference between Sunnyslope and Hilltop Lane preventing a re -orientation without a variance. The applicant would like to orient the new home towards Hilltop Lane similar to the house adjacent to the right built in 2014, which was reoriented from Sunnyslope East and approved for a 1st floor height increase in 2013. The adjacent home, (4800 Hilltop to the right ), received approval for an 11.5-foot increase in 1st floor height to allow a new 1 st floor at an elevation of 940 ft, (a 3-foot higher request than the subject proposal). The property owner cannot raise the house so it can be oriented towards Hilltop Lane without the benefit of a 1st floor height variance. The topography/elevation difference between Hilltop Lane and East Sunnyslope is not self -created and limits design options by confining a new home to a limited location on the lot . The spirit and intent of the maximum 1-foot, 1st floor height increase ordinance for new homes is to maintain a consistency between new 1st floor heights and existing adjacent neighboring homes. The proposed 1 st floor height is lower than the adjacent neighbor and is a 1 story home compared with adjacent and near -by 2 story homes. The STAFF REPORT Page 4 proposal conforms to the spirit and intent of the maximum 1 st floor height ordinance by not exceeding neighboring 1st floor heights. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will match the character of the neighborhood given the reorientation. The proposed new home will be reoriented towards Hilltop from Sunnyslope and be “in-line” with the front yard setbacks of existing homes on either side of the subject property. The previous application requested a front yard setback variance and a 1st floor height variance. The previous design required a front yard setback variance , whereas the new design conforms to all setback, building height, building coverage and impervious surface requirements. Approval Approve the request for a 9.6-foot first floor elevation variance for a new house at 4920 Sunnyslope East . Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing elevation change on the lot. The 1st floor needs to be raised to reorient the house. 2. There are circumstances that are unique to the subject property. Those unique circumstances include the elevation change on the lot and having two street frontages. 3. The proposal would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The 1st floor elevation will be consistent with neighboring properties. The new home is a single-story walk-out. Adjacent homes are two stories or multi -level. The new home will not have a negative impact on the streetscape and will match the required average front yard setback . Approval shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to plans and survey date stamped, 12/09/2022 2. Subject to compliance with the Engineering memo date d, 1/02/2023 3. Subject to compliance with the amended tree ordinance, with trees being replaced on the site per recommendation of the city Forester. Staff Recommendation Staff support s the re-orientation of the proposed new home to Hilltop Lane with the requested 9.6 -foot first floor height variance that will be consistent with neighboring 1 st floor heights and recommends approval based on the above-mentioned findings and conditions. Deadline for a City Decision: February 7, 2023 DATE: 1/3/2023 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 4920 Sunnyslope Rd E - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included existing and proposed surveys. Summary of Work The applicant proposes to demolish the existing home and build a new home. The rebuild would reorient the front of the home from Sunnyslope Rd E to Hilltop La. The request is for a variance to main floor elevation. Grading and Drainage The existing site drains from Hilltop Lane towards Sunnyslope Rd E. A retaining wall around the rear of the existing house helped manage the upland flow directed towards the house by flattening the area adjacent to the home. The proposed plan maintains drainage towards Sunnyslope Rd E but does so by channelizing runoff along the side yards with swales. Stormwater Mitigation Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 standards. Drainage area maps are required for permit. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. Floodplain Development The site is well above the local 1% annual chance floodplain. No issues with the lowest opening elevation. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-002. Street and Driveway Entrance The applicant proposes to relocate the existing curb cut from Sunnyslope Rd E to Hilltop La. A driveway entrance permit will be required. Bituminous curb will be required to along Sunnyslope Rd E to match existing. Sunnyslope Rd E and Hilltop La were reconstructed in 2005. Refer to standard plates 540 and 543 for patching requirements. Public Utilities & Easements Water and sanitary is served from Sunnyslope Rd E. Sanitary is also available on Hilltop La. A one-inch water service line from the curb stop to the dwelling is required per the City’s policy SP-024. Miscellaneous A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit may be required, applicant will need to verify with the district. Water connection permit dated 1956. Structure built 1941. A well is likely located onsite. Thus, coordination with Minnesota Department of Health will be required. Tiered retaining walls are proposed on the west side. Tiered retaining wall systems greater than 4-feet may require the applicant will be required to submit drawings, cross-section, and calculations prepared and signed by a Minnesota licensed professional engineer. To avoid this requirement, the applicant must demonstrate sufficient separation (2 times the height of the lower wall) between each wall to be considered independent (i.e. no surcharge from upper wall onto lower wall). 4920 Sunnyslope E Edina, Hennepin, MetroGIS November 7, 2022 0 150 30075ft 0 40 8020m 1:1,246 CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 Variance Request for 4920 Sunnyslope Road PLANNING DEPARTMENT December 9th, 2022 We are proposing tearing down and building new on 4920 Sunnyslope Road. The goal of the project is to construct a new home that orients to Hilltop Lane rather than Sunnyslope Road. The variance we are requesting is a variance to raise the main floor more than one foot [Sec. 36-439. — Special requirements (7)]. Our request would be to raise it 10.6 feet above the existing main floor height. A variance of 9.6'. The property at 4920 Sunnyslope Road is unique and challenging. It is a thru lot that has frontage on both Sunnyslope Road to the north and Hilltop Lane to the south. Between the two property lines the lot has an elevation change of 31 feet. Due to this elevation change the current home, which is situated facing Sunnyslope Road, has a steep driveway leading to a tuck under garage. To reach the main level there are several steps before you reach an elevated stoop. The driveway is carved out of the hill with retaining walls to the west and north (some of which are on the neighboring property). The driveway also feeds into Sunnyslope at a bend in the road which makes entering and exiting more hazardous. All the yard space on the south side of the house is created using a tall retaining wall cut into the hill in order to create a flat area and minimal drainage away from the house. The neighboring home to the east is a newer build that was granted a CUP for doing the same type of build that we are proposing (flipping from Sunnyslope to Hilltop). The home to the west is also a newer build with frontage on both Sunnyslope and Hilltop. It is also oriented to Hilltop. The owners of the property are proposing flipping the orientation of the home to the high part of the lot (Hilltop Lane) and building a new home that better fits the unique properties of the lot. We are proposing adjusting the main floor elevation from 925.4' (existing) to 936.0'. If granted, this would allow the house a more traditional layout with the garage being on the same level as the main floor. With this orientation the homeowners can better navigate the home with fewer steps to get thru the main living spaces. This also allows the basement to have full window and walkout ability on the north side. The proposed design also meets the building height of not only the hilltop orientation but it is below the maximum building height if it were oriented toward Sunnyslope. The proposed variance will relieve practical difficulties (excessive grade change) in complying with the zoning ordinance and the use (single family home) is reasonable. The proposed variance will correct extraordinary circumstances (large natural elevation variations) applicable to this property as well as the neighboring property which was previously granted a CUP to flip orientation. It is unique to these two properties and not applicable to other properties in the vicinity. The proposed variance will be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance. Raising the elevation of the main floor is in keeping with the neighboring properties on Hilltop Lane and creates a house that better fits the scale of the surrounding homes. It is also no taller than a house that would be oriented toward Sunnyslope. The proposed variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. If granted, the variances will allow the new home to better fit with the neighboring properties and greater neighboring area. Proposed 4920 Sunnyslope comparison to existing 4800 Hilltop (Neighboring property to East) 4920 Sunnyslope 4800 Hilltop Lot area: 20879 sf 24000 sf Building Footprint: 4311 sf 4750 sf Lot Coverage: 20.6% 19.8% Building size: Single Story walkout 2 story walkout Building Height: 37'-0 1/4" 40'-0 5/8" Finished sf of house: 5530 sf (26,4 FAR) 8900 sf (37.0 FAR) Setbacks: West side 29.1' 16.6' Hilltop side 44.3' 34.3' East side 11.8' 11.5' Sunnyslope side 25.1' 56.3' Trees: Trees removed 6 (5 protected) 6 (3 protected, 2 heritage) Required tree replacement per new tree ordinance - 63" 90" The project at 4800 Hilltop Ln was granted a CUP in 2013 to raise the main floor 10.2' CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP 4920 SUNNYSLOPE ROAD EAST DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS November 3, 2022 Revised December 2, 2022 Existing hardcover = Proposed hardcover = Increase in hardcover = PROPOSED VOLUME OF DEPRESSION AREA ELEV (FT) AREA (SF) INCR. VOL (CF) 931.2 250 0 932.0 420 268 268 TOTAL CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT GRONBERG de ASSOCIATES. INC. 445 N. WILLOW DR. LONG LAKE, MN 55356 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Mark S. Gronberq Minnesota Licerfre Number 12755 5704 SF 8156 SF 2452 SF Volume control = 2452 SF X 1.1 inch X 1/12 = 225 CF required Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations ALEXAND KR D[S1GN GROUP PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEC 0 9 2022 architccturc CITY OF EDINA Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration 12-01-22 Rev 3 CITY OF EDINA Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration DEC 0 9 2022 ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP architccturc 12-01-22 REV 3 Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended PLANNING DEPARTMENT to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ALEXAND KR DESIGN GROUP architectute 12-01-22 Rev 3 Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration v 4:17'357 r ‘9.4 44,4 , s, • 4 • 44 • fi • Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations 1 Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration Copyright 2 022 ^. Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations ALEXAN D DESIGN GROUP architecture CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 12-01-22 Rev 3 CITY OF EDINA Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration 12-01-22 Rev 3 ALKXAND DESIGN GROUP Copyright 2022 ^, Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations PLANNING DEPARTMENT _ • '...--"."'"•--10- ,-..........-, --.....-- 2.22....2.2„... ••.--...... • ......... - .......--..... • •••-••-•-•. -.4. -,- • - ..... ....... - - •••••-•--.--••••••-- "r• 0--,..$100.1...matir ore rf.7'17' , iz.4144.4 t 41,1: t i,;PI; t DEC 0 9 2022 architecture ,•• -•01110.0.••••••.- • 0 12-01-22 Rev 3 Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration ALEXAND DESIGN GROUP Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT .---"s• • hr -.7.' ........'" 4.„...,_ ,...7 ,..•". ..--•`' -----., .7 .-. ,.......,./.'4.------ _,ertir.......:7,-..... ,.,.7"-..e.',,,,,7 71` .---. • ',- architecture CITY OF EDINA Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. PLANNING DEPARTMENT Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations ALEXAND IRA DESIGN GROUP architccturc CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 12-01-22 Rev 3 Coughlin 3D Conceptual Illustration Copyright 2022 — Alexander Design Group Inc. Note: These images are 3d conceptual illustrations. They are not intended to convey exact final design, landscaping, survey information, colors, or materials. Architectural plans, specifications & Survey supersede these 3d illustrations ALF AA\DER DESIGN GROUP architecture CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 12-01-22 Rev 3 AWED 3'-v • AIMED TRt ii D' EL ELERD 61 rT OTUDDO tALL 12 \ 12 X•. e'-‘2 • ELA111_2: 16 PE AL I C 2 9 8 9 RAT Rog!' C 'ArRti`FL ,,z )6 '5 in rg) LEFT (WEST) ELEVATION ji WALE, PAWED 1RE:1 =CO j;" PCRGH • PANELED ERIERICR 2 METAL WOO GRELL CAEAET tot 16 RAT Ram ALEXANDER 1)1 'i1(,\ (.1t()I 75 EAST LAKE STEM. SURE 6102 IVAYZATA, MN 55391 Phone: 952.473.8777 FAX: 952.473.8222 151-1 a BU1LDNG WEIGHT F FACING RINYSLOPE RD AVERAGE EX/STIR GIME AT FROM (S210) 6' PAAPED 1021 ASPHALT SHINGLES STUCCO SIDIF* PER ELEV. NARDI PANEL SIDING PER ELEV. MIRATEC TRIM BANDS PER ELEV. STUCCO BRACKETS PER ELEV. (1-) FRONT (SOUTH) ELEVATION SCALE, V4..1'.0. ID- OSTIF6 MAN FLOOR LEVEL (925.49 FETAL MR DEW.. CAW. AND IFECPCATIO4114E 1.11086. Cr tEINGR Na Ae OJG WWI 11E PLIICAR PROPIERTY w ALEXANPER PERM GROW, IC /Mr MR ROT TO BE COMO. IRIOLODIO, OSMIUM OR USED KR WY MIER PROJECT MEM 1.1114 tarrx UMW w ALEXMOMOSAISH war, tic ECM ALEXAMEA PERM MOP, /162.1 wEvorassurt: • 611.110.41. OR IN1564.1. MORS OR GM.. 11.1.00ER DESCH 6010.1*, M.143 ro webrasturr FCR fIC tOROl414. OF TR 0.15-00OROGTORt CCIORALICR MIXOR OMR 11. 6E01 ALL WIER W.* IREV711016. te-CTERS 4 ROM 141.416 /4,0 NOWT .4.19.004 ORMON GR... tr. a. .40. MORO OR arossete l'ORIVIIdel/ COWL,. PAM TO Ile MR OTROLCIIOR 1.4410WES6 lOPRESS CR FA .EO, NallO/G COML.. Of TM) r1,1 APPIJCARE REDIY (COC REGOVIRIVITIX ARE 1:14..E.EPT TIME PI ORM Kew Br Amorout cow A.E.54,0101.6194 64.11*, 91141.1. NM OF IMRE FOR OttRIGIDITAI. OR WORM, 0.4114.8. CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT COPYRIGHT 2022, ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP, INC. 1.1E17.4. AN17.0 3%0' FETAL Adfl1E1, /1 ELY ELY:0111 I. ‘t- s...4.43 2 6' .0 TRI1 6 10 1811 METAL 61.113al? 7.1 L 0 RIGHT (EAST) ELEVATION SCALE, I/46 • ASPHALT 94.1CGLES STUCCO SIDING FER ELEV. HANOI PANEL SIDING FER ELEV. MIRATEC TRIM BANDS PER ELEV. STUCCO BRACKETS FER ELEV. CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT GALL COPYRIGHT 2022, ALEXANDER DE91GN GROUP, INC. in 9 .111 ILri Mei itooR TOP co NOIR 9300 SIVE CM 6. LID T12111 C ,:ekiEk. ALEXANDER DESIGN 929111 75 FAST LAK11 XEREIT sums #102 WAYZATA, MN 55391 11119nc: 952.473.8777 FAX: 952.473.8222 tu tu QT mcm nee noe ao WECFICATKI. ac M61.1.002 .0 • 611.1.1 WWI PE .116,VE P1g41Y0 ALFx40O10EW GATP,IC 40 AR NOT 10 Rd CCer0,1,0-10MEC,0411aR1710 OR *60 FCR 015ER pRORCT DO, 011416 sltral CC6D(l0 AL1V4001 CRS. COOP, e0 HOE 4.10,4001 MCA .00, AAR.I.R. 10 WARC.011.1-rr ma men". co ma... Mal% CR CM.. ALVA.. D0011C.R0010. AlettS6 rt L1,70440.1r CR DC eiS-CCNIALCICIRS 111 “NrIPALICIt MICR ODERN61691sT AND 0600 101116.611L6.. EtEVAlICK &CR.! 4 MOOR MANS MO 110164 ALEKROER COACH CROY, 10.00 MT 000.0 096th KR 1.0,1102 CORRECTION MLR TO Ot PART CP CCHPR-IC1121 l0LLVRANIE600n0 CR 11.1.10D, 101,010 tairLIANCE 0,1461.1-410111,19.1CAGle BAD /0 CLCZ RE04180116. A61MME INCEIR NOM IX 100110. WED ST .4IE44/001013506 M.P. 10 40,ANDER DOWN CRIlf.IC HW110116 U./ Mt AVY 04:1602.0401 CR 10000.4. DAIWA 36 ,0' IV-00 46 -o' 16'4 V2 . 5'. BALK CUT • 414111 GI r,visli Ann 11///01 ReVtl nim GI r1ll.11 J WM. BIC) SET FLANS 14.49E NOT BEEN STRACTURALLY ENGINEERED. ALL HEADERS, BEAM SIZES, BRACING, FOINDATION SIZES, AND STRUCTURAL COMECTIONS UALL BE DESIGNED BY CONTRACTOR OR EIZNEER PRIOR TO CONSTRICTION. Cif2LE/11 Tr TAW 5 6 Scr ELUTm EL ti I nl 8,10. CAB VIELUD4 5.-4' <4IY-0. LD b I I I I I 94.AQC .. Wit'l err BO SEAM ° —J sem • c•Rorreo 1 GAG BALL, 6 3-40. CLO OTORAGE CZNC. BAG BALL z 101G LW- UNEXCAVATED FILL TO SLAB CIWT 2 2 VANITY BY HL FD .4 , z-----4. v } MECI- %Air CIG VSTORAGE coc. ii _ [E.41 DBCPPED _14 - --EXPBOASEAS- 1 V-110. CLO LOILER BATH. 9,10. LLB BEDROOM '2 u'-2'X2-0' CBPF ex,/ r L _ _ _ _ J L S es d isa & C Roots 20,51, ED as 2.)0. 3.10. CLL !DAN 02 TYE VANI DECO TY BY S'-ID' CIO — V.I. X 5-0. TEE VANITY BY DECO UNEXCAVATED FILL TO SLAB 8'4 Ifr OA BEDROOM >t 0,7 UNEXCAVATED FEL TO SLAB E NOTE. CONTRACTOR TO VERFY ALL FOUNDATION HEIGHTS TO FINAL GRADE CONDITIONS AAD ADJUST ACCORDMLY. VERIFY FRAMING AND MOMS AS REQUIRED. NOTE. FINAL GRADING TO BE DETERMNED BY CONTRACTOR RETAINI14 AND FIRMING TO BE ADJUSTED ACCORDWaLY. ALEXANDER I TIISIGN 75 FAST LAKE SFREEF SUITE 8102 WAYZATA, MN 55391 MOM: 952A73.8777 FAX: 952.473.8222 FIN. SQUARE FOOTAGE MAIN FLOOR - 3150* SCREEN PORCH - 222* LaLER FLOOR - 2158* TOTAL FIN - 5530* AUX SQUARE FOOTAGE GARAGE - 959* MECI-1 STORAGE - 119* FRONT PORCH - 411* TOTAL LINFIN - 2119* PLANNING DEPARTMENT COPYRIGHT 2022, ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP, NC. 36,0' ife-0. 46,0' 16 •0' 5,6' MOTORIZED M1/4,,,F5 LANDECAPEIVLL mid• Ma • ER '''i 9.-0' ' • 14. 0' 14. 0' 9 2' 0. 12' 0 1210 ELCAF3155 5,0' lb IGT ELCAP5T55 MD 9.-0. NG? ELCAP5,55 , 9,0' I.C2 I-GT k•.. /0. 1C1 WV 10,11 1/2" 14.41V8' 2, 6" I ) fr 7.1 , 1 I/2" ri'.0. 1 VI' 2.40( ELCAP31,3 ELCAP3195 ELCAPIrb V•O' ND HOT WO IIGT 5,0. ID IGT \ ) M 9,0. ." HOTORZED e&10'50 ri 1 FALL41.6CAPE L WO • 1? if. -....r.-,, T. YY -I V5. CLG I li' 1 I VALTED aG lakirg. I OM ( 1112 ....„. 11 r L I 4 atm "1 V2. 8E41 i / ............. .-E no ALT E.CA3111-45 T-c.• ND 14T .5-0. lb I.*? DRECT EET NA .x-t. x v.v. 1..o. io VW / II I RETAKING WALL •• RALNG Gt. • "..ir TP., I )/\ TOP GF •141.1 / -I , 1 liSTGIZZED Num , wrcvizEo EA•DE5 MOTORIZED WADES CEUG 1 EP_Xl 1 1 9Ti< L 1 OA. CO.eV, CO. i ,-,N. V T VALUED 0.G I I .--1. r-MT- — -.)- DWI T- Y am AM t4 ---, 1,_-_ _ 7 _ --, 1-- — ) — EBILIAITC , ) ' camaz. 1 I ROOF IFLEEE5 k 1711 9 dh 2[ i u I 1 P q . 1 1 1 ih qtl . . ) , 1 . SY etIPPLIER I? t) .. ; . R09., IFUL699 I i. 1' 1 . ip s.giit ttlia ti 1 1 5. i I 1 4 ' • BY EURPLER ., r I ' 1,4' X iii,-0. L T CEILITG 8EAM ] -I DELAY , MI200.4 k- - —LD — --1 — — — -4 1 [ ,,.,(7.........,______, , ere I -........., GOWER TR155 FM DR VAULTED CLG — V. 5.X2.. CO. -..oe'''r'-...' I J : clATHERING 14•1 — CE.1•6 DENT ) 149. X 20.0. r'; IOLI KV C1.4 ___ _ -_L_ _ _ . LC, ..--,. 1 ___ _ _F_I ____ ___ _ _H _H _ , _ _ __1._ ___ N W I 1 0 to i 2 21 2 I 2 II 21 i 2 .. y,___. I II,• 0 - -TT' .... a al I WOG EF_Ail /'' ti IS g ii tl: . II _ BOCA t * I VALO.TED CLG . r' — -1 — — — ---) r,— (._ 1 - 2--....N.--1- --,N CEILTO 9E411 — —, . DM 1 5.-0' X 13.-1. 1 4 IglaHlal 1 3 Er CL6 0 0 / 1 1 1 I 1 1 VALVED aG PRIMARY 'L P I 11 [VW X 23,E, to 0 1., L II P ° 1 1 11? 111 ° / 6 DADA k tr,tk 2 1 i 4 TILE ....-7 I 1 1/i LF 0 1 ' ',I 1 I r ,, 1 T , T I n. I eke tiii L. I, L_ j ,__ ___, _ -1 I— L_ PICT GR ,.....„_,,,,,..s. ....... , _ ...... S & N/ 14S;.' --`-'.---T---.._, , ,-. - .. - . - • ......,. ..- - ' I.- , ' • . . .." A er O 1 FREE mow etiscA. VW CO. -.„. HALF , DOOR I 19,1 Lt. GAG ?IMO . .,—. , IA99E9 - - codiERTiles--t"' GET.ITG se.,+4- ( Eig2R . 1 SUMER WILTED CLG I 11 • .....__i s...„ R i 9 1 mu:A r_ __ OUT e 5.-9. X 5.-1, \\.........__. TLE TILE FLOOR I STACK tap , WIER ( _ 64 , 3.X.9 i i la .______,_11 LW MG Fla DR i I - VAL LT - Vim/ Em it,. 4 0' n224. 9.ice IX 96. X UV rTh WRIT' BY 1 .—=::= .‘i) 2 , A6-6. X 15..9." PP TR44901•.130vE .. I I T ;i. al -.kw ..i*----,•.1..--...--‘1,•--' I g Iti 2.X6. • 1 10-1 kV CLG no TV CN DX Iff -11/8' CLG 0,DELTTE -..._.--„ ( , LAINDRY14 . 0 I )' gactial I " ITTEP s-..- -..-- T' rxiow r TLE ; I q NE.B2E1 ROCF 5 ISLAY) ..o I DY eurfteit - ........ ...1" ; ; ;D I ..FRAREp 1 EL051:60 ),: VV I•I V5. ay ....._ B. VALTB7 T. CLGI . I5/0 'VIT 1 WO ,.. MEATIER , .4 lig2-Ett I VALLT VALT RCCE Dy e.jm. TRUEE46 , ) \--.1;112"-",,, ly.ir x v.s. TLE _„, ,---_ , L " ' B. BTU= aka I FLACATCTE I -...3 L_ _, POLE TRIMFB P-I VP 11G MG / I exp. 1 1 ' ...... 2,0' 11,0" 2,0" .4'7"4, C44435 BY ElPFLER fre-SEEht \ i - - — - c.mal -nue-. I .E.,. ...e..5 ear I ' ___ . 43 1.-•91.0 WGT /EL IZ In2KEI. D. - *EN ........•,...,A.,...d..N..l-Reh..../.. .111•11115MMI!... ...;.'. _ r_.... 1 k 1 / -TGT 1.9i. MDl'.$ MDitZT 1.45. HD141:GT I'l H0121. vil OW . 9.$ MD1IT .,,, ill PATELF_D WALLS 11149.1(9E ' PIP: 1 i.. 0111[40 Mal F. \ I J1 R" -I .P..-. 5.9i, NAT laT 9..$ it./IT 9LIVIOGT "s- _ ..- . .: 1.- . i MATER ... 5'40 3/4" 0-8" 1 5,8 Ile 9,6' 1 v... 2 -9' 2,9' ELCA3359 ELCA3150 ELC•svP 6-9, 1.19 1.41 V.& IV IT 5,0,0 VG? til k4 , 7'.' , 22,6' 19,0" § 5' 6' r-3. 11'.0' 41I 1,3".,, 2,0' /1,6' I , \IL--;---.N.C../..----, ..4 r "I a, FL11514 I 2, ' / 5.1 •*,-",- ..,- 0.-L,--" -a* ..il Ilk .III., •••• I. 9' OvE --- — 7.111133Faiiii- WATER Tc 3111.0 1TALF LIAM 0810E CAP TIEP BIUGGO 144119•11 OV 6TGTE CAP ti. 4v 1 A 1 / WNW oRAN I amE, BID SET FLANS NAVE NOT BEEN STRUCIURALLY EEGNEERED. ALL !WADERS, BEAM SIZES, BRACING, FaNDATICN SIZER, AND ,..--. .--..• -._.-- ,...77-'"-- . STRUCTURAL CONECTIONS EAU BE 5 1 DEVGNED BY CONTRACTOR OR ENGINEER FRJOR TO CONSTRUCTION. B L U/21E' FIN. SQUARE FOOTAGE I I CONTRACTOR TO yERFY ALL FOLNDATION HEIGHTS TO FINAL MAIN FLOOR - 31506 I GRADE CONDITIONS AND ADJUST SCREEN PORCH - 2226 I ACCORDIW.LY. VERIFY FRAMING LOWER FLOOR - 2158* TRENCH ORAN I I AND U.INDO.US AS REQUIRED. Z W 3.40 1 , 19,1 LIP G1.9 TOTAL FIN - 55300 I CAR GARAGE 39,19I X 13...1, 60060 El/TE/ FINAL GRADNG TO BE AUX SQUARE FOOTAGE IC I DETERMINED BY CCNTRACTOR RETANNG AND FRA/166 TO BE GARAGE - 9896 l0 LA14:44 PC MEM , ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY. MECI-I STORAGE - -I FRONT PORCH - 4110N Ole .7. TOTAL L5FIN 11196 - ? . NOTE - ALL WINDOW 1 DOOR /WAD \ ..L ...„..:„._,-.., .... N.Y./..--.."-NY/ NW& TO BE SET AT V-0' AT MAN ..."? LEVEL LNLEB5 NOTED OTI-ER/ASE MAIN LEVEL PLAN -,,,, '-fe ELCA5359 ELCA5155 ELcA3351 9,0 IV TM? SLOI IP IGT V.& TIO VGT 11-0. 4-0. 13'-110` ,3 f 0,3' ,3',,, 3,4 V2' SCALE. V4•1.-11:r PV-0. / 16,0* 19'.0. 5,.0• CITY OF L DIN 1. 62,0. El'.0. DEC 0 9 2022 ALEXANDER 13E1414_1N 275 EAST LAKE STREET SUITE #102 WAY/ATA, MN 55391 Phone: 952.473.8777 FAX: 952.473,8222 C C / / / / / 0 20 40 01.1•1•11•1* 1001010101 SCALE I N 80 FEET PROPOSED HARDCOVER : Lot area = 20,879 Sq. ft. Proposed house = 4132 sf Covered entry = 392 sf Driveway = 1337 sf Pool = 450 sf Pool patio = 1403 sf Rear patio = 222 sf Retaining walls = 220 sf Total = 8156 Sq. ft. 8156 / 20,879 x 100 = 39.06% PROPOSED ELEVATIONS : (per architect, verify) 1) Garage = 1936.01 2) Main floor subfloor = 1936.01 3) Lower level = 1924.441 4) Pool deck = 1933.01 NOTE: THE AVERAGE EXISTING ELEVATION AT THE FRONT OF THE HOUSE = (927.0) LEGAL DESCRIPTION : (per Certificate of Title No. 1418114) Lot 3, Block 4, Sunny Slope Section, Country Club District. CITY OF EDINA U. 2 Z 41 z r/) W z cd o ?" C/D ;-1 1Z1 V c g z z 4 o U 445 NORTH EXISTING HOUSE f4805 HLLTCP L11 EXISTING HOUSE peal HLLTOP Lfl 1 1 0 1 1 ........ _17 4 240.00 HILLTOP LN 4,....1-":7 ,-7-• 19 ........... 42' 4 2 „ ............... -240.00 EXISTING HOUSE #4800 HLLTCP UI ....... 4'---26°203 1 41'-----45; -')--) 3" 3 R=90.00 -40.00 5, 3 „ -5 EXISTING HOUSE #4810 HUMP (93)9V34. 2 CV CL. WRAP 8 LF 12" HOPE N. INV.918.0 PROPOSED CATCH BASIN RtM=921.5 NIV..918.5 ALL DISTURBED SLOPES :.................TO BE COVERED WITH SEED BLANKET PROPOSED Re44.4.,, 966-- - - _ HOUSE____- — #4920 — SUNNYSLOPE RD SA 0 N .1 / PLAGSTOJE 04 AIL"" OF LOT 3, BLOCK 4, SUNNY SLOPE SECTION, COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 11) (9°4) rIPZA-A ......T. ...... ' JO 65 SL .51,-, .00 FDPOC-- L/' C „, / 9‘ 920 N • : denotes iron marker found DEC 0 9 2022 (908.3): denotes existing spot elevation, mean sea level datum — -917- —: 1910.81 denotes proposed spot elevation PLANNING DEPARTM T denotes existing contour line, mean sea level datum denotes proposed contour line, per architect 9301--: denotes existing tree to be removed Bearings shown are based upon an assumed datum. This survey intends to show the boundaries of the above described property, and the location of an existing house, to be removed, spot elevations, topography and the proposed location of a proposed house, driveway and grades thereon. It does not purport to show any other improvements or encroachments. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP V I g? b AN QP I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Mark S. Gro> b rrq Minnesota Lic se Number 12755 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am o duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Mork S. Gronberq Minnesota Lic se Number 12755 MUCH MEM MIME Mark S. Gronber. Minnesota Licens Number 12755 SCALE 1"=20' DATE 6-9-22 JOB Na. 22-157 GRONBERG AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, 8c SITE PLANNERS 445 NORTH WILLOW DRIVE LONG LAKE, MN. 55356 952-473-4141 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 1NI43 dO A110 HVciEG 5NINNV1d 22-157 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR STONEWOOD , LLC 0 20 40 80 17130#131=1:11#1 mci=10asea SCALE 13=111=1E21 IN OF LOT 3, BLOCK 4, SUNNY SLOPE SECTION, COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ''''' 6s. ---sz.---uo0:510 , 0 ,, Gs) / / / / mu ''z934.. F2=- -240.0042" 037 xI LL zop zN iA F 013 " s'VL 620 4 - -------- -1 L 7°42' g....._..........._..... 4 °35 , 4 0.00 3 2.Esosinswila FEET HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS : LEGAL DESCRIPTION : (per Certificate of Title No. 1418114) Lot 3, Block 4, Sunny Slope Section, Country Club District. • : denotes iron marker found (908.3): denotes existing spot elevation, mean sea level datum — -917- —: denotes existing contour line, mean sea level datum Bearings shown are based upon an assumed datum. This survey intends to show the boundaries of the above described property, and the location of an existing house, major trees, spot elevations, topography and all visible "hardcover" thereon. It does not purport to show any other improvements or encroachments. Lot area = 20,879 Sq. ft. House = 1850 sf Stoop, steps & landings = 109 sf Driveway, apron & curb = 2345 sf Deck & ramp = 391 sf Large flagstone retaining walls = 316 sf Rear stoop, concrete & walk = 141 sf Steps to deck = 20 sf Pavers & steppers at rear = 20 sf Water feature = 426 sf Deck at west side of house = 29 sf Chimney & wall west of house = 48 sf A/C pad = 9 sf Total = 5704 Sq. ft. 5704 / 20,879 x 100 = 27.32% 4920 Sunnyslope Road - Neighboring Properties 4810 Hilltop Proposed Home (4920 Sunnyslope Rd) 4800 Hilltop CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ls - Fri , li.,/,'5)$ • 4 • • 4810 Hilltop (west of property) `4800 Hilltop (east of property) 4 4920 Sunnyslope (property locato 4805 Hilltop (south of property) `4801 Hilltop (south of property) iimiliff/OF CITY OF EDINA impoig•-" DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT vb-fra- ogie--(2)c) N EXISTING HOUSE #4810 HILLTOP LN 930- IINV= I b.0 3"M (3)t- 5" aF-tal CbC) .............. / / / / • .• : FLAGSTONE / ETAINING WALL ~JnD / '6) 144 -4°9:19 041-'0°9. ... ....... S ROPOS-0-- 6s .• . SILT FENCE 0 (34 0s., 4.----- .3” DocioPiab cc2x) e).A.zr tb 1 0 OP ,i..yp 't. leo /*467AP 1 1 I 4)4/se 6 Q \ \ (J4 7,so, 44 1 \ / / / / / / O PROPOSED DRIVEWAY.-- Time, W-eiviovAL-: A:145" 51Lvea- klar PROTELTEA B.,- V," ThAPLE Facrtelso> t f: 12" 0-111 Pa4,-rez-TE6 2e 00. ---"Ta_ercurs15 -•t) Pout-n-6 PaereaM (932.9 j 934. 936 93.1-§ VIILLTOP LN --74* 4 24 ------------ — /70 /9 -- -L— 36 4 24 O. 0 0 2" O L— A —4 137 . 20' ' Li" Rz--90.00 374 SAN 3 1 4 ) G C U U T RS TER AND *kV „•••••"*. EXISTING HOUSE #4800 HILLTOP LN F 1/," rtan Gq" PaaTET---a° gen WA-4,-- .9 R, 4 /A" of -rair izz-PLAwaittavf la goitzab NO E: CITY OF EDINA AT T1 DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2; 11- \ SWOOPING TRANSITION TO BE SMOOTH NO FLAWING R 101-0" \ -- COMPOSITE CROWN & FRIEZE 11 .) 1 SHINGLE SIDING WINDOW TRIM-rep. 0, O Z 1 11. OFFTT RADIUS NTER FROM ML 101-014 RADIUS CENTER .11 9. FROM ML LJ PROVIDE DEDUCT OPTION FOR STONE ALT SHINGLES F- 1 1 . PROVIDE DEDUCT OPTION FOR STONE 1 ALT SHINGLES -tom i A3 EAVE METAL SPIRE AL 4800 Hilltop 4920 Sunnyslope CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ik RIGH LOLLER MOOR 'Mt' Of ELAS • VL442_ SCALE, V 1317 ELTA io SI V TO IRTI VIP MN N r R wwoow TRIM - TYP. jiiIi1111tadlli 10.1 111114.1471111.11, '141_ IN' ' 1.-- t • .i.x-':% ''': a ^: -- - - -.. 1 ,I ' - %r1111110111M111111.1111" trail IdialitailliA 2•41W •.'"IIIIIIIIINIMMMINATIMIMINIAN .NTIVIBMAIT•I IIIMIAMINIII•BAIP • ' ' .. ''' .) ' ... ii. i --I -I AI -11 I A y ,‘, I<1 > \j ‘ i , .il..L.P1..J.., ,,=" -- SHINGLE SIREN - SHINGLE FLARE- TYP STINTGLE SIDIN I SWOOPING TRANSITION TO BE SMOOTH NO FLASHING ---- R 30%0 I /? ROUND GUTTER TYP. M PJ t , F COMPOSITE COLUMN TYP. , _ COMPOSITE BALUSTRA U 111111•11 •!. iI SHINGLE SIDING. T t_ I, j_ 4i.. _r .„1.1 j ± I _ r T 1 1, _ k, i_---1,- ___E----i-k----r --r,- - J ..# 7-5- 1 _,--_____.--- -1, rj r -1_,„1 VL - .•- .--)'-'---L-----.' _1_ .. , i -,,c- RETAINING WALLS BY LANDSCAPER COMPOSITE BOARDS N CHEVRON PATTERN V-6' 1i j. . w..........„ _„„...------------- METAL SPIRE . - I L I [L, COMPOSITE CROWN & FRIEZ Aril• - ,...121.1WMIantItiMMft , FLASHING CUT STONE SILL STONE VENEER Cr SHINGLE ROOF 7 LIT _+ Tb C.3 VIPITIPITVALIMPIPIWITNYVVVITT 1:\ 4800 Hilltop 4920 Sunnyslope CITY OF EDINA DEC 0 9 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT -hearing. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the lot width variances. Motion Motion n moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the lot width 01 55th Street West as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and Commissio varia fi Draft Minutes Approved Minutes El Approved Date: , 2022 None. Commissioner Miranda moved that the Plan mmission recommend approval of the lot width variance at 3517 55th Street We fined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissi son seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. B-22-2I: A 9.55 Foot Front Yard Setback and a 9.6 Foot 1st Floor Height Variance Request for 4920 Sunnyslope Road Assistant Planner Aaker presented the request of 4920 Sunnyslope Road for a 9.55 Front Yard Setback and a 9.6 Foot 1st Floor Height Variance. Staff recommended denial of the variance request based on findings as stated in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Flint, representative for the owner, addressed the Commission and answered questions. Public Hearing Mr. Matt Graczyk, 4810 Hilltop Lane, addressed the Commission and indicated he was opposed to the variance requests. Mr. Kirk Aadalen, 4800 Hilltop Lane, addressed the Commission and explained he was opposed to this proposal. Ms. Lori Grotz, 5513 Park Place, addressed the Commission. Commissioner Miranda moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed this proposal and asked questions of staff. Page 2 of 3 Draft Minutes Approved Minutes q Approved Date: , 2022 Motion Commissioner Alkire moved that the Planning Commission deny the requested one foot first floor elevation variance and front yard setback variance for a new home at 4920 Sunnyslope Road East based on the findings listed in the staff report. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 ayes, 3 nays (Smith, Bennett, Olson). Received. X. Staff Comments Received. XI. Ad' ment C' missioner Strauss mo Co Page 3 of 3 Survey Responses Public Hearing Comments- 4920 Sunnyslope Rd Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing 4920 Sunnyslope Road (2) No Responses VISITORS 1 CONTRIBUTORS 0 RESPONSES 0 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous B-23-02, 4920 Sunnyslope E First Floor Elevation Variance EdinaMN.gov 2 EdinaMN.gov 3 EdinaMN.gov 4 Compliance Table City Standard Proposed “Left” – Side Side Yard Hilltop Side – New Front Yard “Right” - Side Side Yard Sunnyslope Side – New Rear Yard 10 feet 44.15 feet 10 feet 25 feet 29.1 feet 44.3 feet 11.8 feet 25 feet Building Height 40 feet 37.025 feet Building Coverage Impervious Coverage 25% 50% 20.6% 39.06% First Floor Elevation 926.4 936* Front and rear elevations EdinaMN.gov 5 EdinaMN.gov 6 Neighborhood context EdinaMN.gov 7 Neighboring properties EdinaMN.gov 8 EdinaMN.gov 9 EdinaMN.gov 10 EdinaMN.gov 11 Subject proposal / 4800 Hilltop EdinaMN.gov 12 Proposed plan/Previous plan EdinaMN.gov 13 “Right side” EdinaMN.gov 14 “Left” side EdinaMN.gov 15 Date: January 11, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Addis on Lewis, C ommunity Development C oordinator Item Activity: Subject:Acc es s ory Dwelling Units Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: M otion to approve or modify the attached Advisory C ommunication regarding accessory dwelling units (AD Us). I N TR O D U C TI O N: C ommissioner Q uincy Smith has prepared the attached Advisory C ommunication, recommending that the City move forward with the creation of an ordinance allowing AD U s. I nitiative #4 on the P lanning Commission's 2022 Work P lan is to "Review and recommend ordinance for Accessory Dwelling U nit". A subcommittee of the P lanning C ommission met regularly with various city department staff during 2022 to research AD Us and understand how they are regulated in other communities. T hat information was presented to the P lanning C ommission at the November 16, 2022 work session. T he next step is for the P lanning C ommission to take formal action by approving an Advisory Communication with the P lanning C ommission's recommendation. T he P lanning C ommission may approve the attached Advisory C ommunication as is or modify it to make a different recommendation. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Advis ory Communication ADU 11-16-22 Work Ses s ion Presentation ADU Regulations - City Comparison Table Date: January 11, 2023 To: City Council From: Planning Commission Subject: 2022 Work Plan Item #4: Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Recommendation Action Requested: Planning Commission is seeking an approval (or denial) from the City Council to continue with the development of an ADU ordinance for the City of Edina. Situation: The Planning Commission has completed the 2022 Work Plan Item The Initiative: Review and recommend ordinance for Accessory Dwelling Unit. The Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council Background: For the 2022 plan year, the city council has asked the planning commission to evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of allowing accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in the city, and to provide recommendations on whether or not they should be permitted. The work plan team analyzed this item over the summer and presented the summary to the planning commission at a work session on November 16, 2022. The next steps are to receive a formal planning commission vote on the recommendation and if approved, submit it to the City Council for their direction. Please see the accompanying “ADU City Adoption Recommendation.PDF” summary document for more details. Assessment: As outlined in the summary document under ‘points of discussion’, the significant obstacles to the development of ADUs in Edina are 1) the city’s sewer capacity limit in the southwest half of the city and 2) the cost of construction. The city’s sewer capacity issue is known and steps are underway to increase its capacity for some areas. In the near term the engineering staff will advise on any new request and its impact to the city sewer service. To alleviate development cost the planning commission could consider implementing various policies to reduce expenses for residents and developers which may include architectural design support and lower permitting costs. It will also be necessary to address any code and setback challenges to ensure safety and appropriate utility service levels within new ADU development. To effectively promote the construction of ADUs, it will be important to communicate the benefits of these units, such as their potential to generate income for residents and address the shortage of affordable housing. Using the Comprehensive, Climate, and Page 2 Housing Plans as a guide, and by adopting a collaborative and moderate approach, Edina can develop an ordinance that will be well-received by developers, residents, and the city. Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends moving forward with the development of an ADU ordinance as the net benefits and opportunities to be gained outweigh any potential drawbacks. Accessory Dwelling Units City Adoption Recommendation November 16, 2022 Work Plan Team: Quincy Smith, Jimmy Bennett, Lou Miranda •Why ADUs? •Project Goal and Timeline •What is an ADU •Points of Discussion •Recommendation •Appendix •SWOT Analysis Overview EdinaMN.gov 2 Why ADUs ADUs have been identified in several policy documents, including the Comprehensive Plan, Affordable Housing Strategy Task Force Report, and the Climate Action Plan as a potential tool to primarily address the need for increased housing options for for Edina residents while addressing other city and sustainability goals. 3 Work Plan Goal and Timeline 4 Goal: Review and recommend ordinance for Accessory Dwelling Unit Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council Target Completion:End of 2022 Q1 Team Alignment Planning Commission and City Staff members assembled to work on the work plan item. Draft Recommendation Development Planning Commission work group research and draft initial recommendation for ADU development in City of Edina. Q2 Planning Commission Review Planning Commission review the recommendation and provide their feedback and additional recommendation 11/16 City Council Recommendation Planning Commission work group to present to the City Council for their approval to move forward on the drafting of the ADU ordinance TBD What is an ADU? Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are independent permanent independent housing units, typically (but not always) created on single- family lots through remodeling or expanding the existing home or constructed as a detached dwelling. An ADU is not a rented out bedroom, nor a temporary structure such as an RV or camper nor structure without a permanent foundation. 5 What is an ADU? (Con’t) 6Source: AARP Model State Act and Local Ordinances What is an ADU? (detached) 7 Source: ZillowSource: City of Portland, OR Source: City of Oakland, CA What is an ADU? (above garage) 8 Source: Ben Quie & Sons Source: MinnPostSource: Fernandina Observer White Crane Construction of above garage ADU Design Blog Source: White Crane Construction What is an ADU? (attached) 9 Source: CTA Design Builders, Inc.Source: Streets MN Benefits of ADUs 1.Increase supply of a more affordable housing type. ADUs are more cost effective to build than multi-family on a per unit basis. 2.Help older homeowners, single parents, young home buyers, and renters seeking a wider range of homes, prices, rents, and locations. 3.Increase housing diversity and supply, providing opportunities to reduce the segregation of people by race, ethnicity and income that resulted from decades of exclusionary zoning. 4.Provide homeowners with extra income to meet rising costs. 10Source: AARP Benefits of ADUs (con’t) 5.Create convenient living arrangement allowing family members to provide care and support in a semi-independent living situation. 6.Provide opportunity for increased security, home care, and companionship for older and other homeowners. 7.Reduce burdens on taxpayers while enhancing local property tax base by providing cost-effective means of accommodating development without the cost of building, operating, and maintaining new infrastructure. 8.Promote more compact growth to reduce sprawl 9.Enhance job opportunities by providing housing nearer to employment centers. 11Source: AARP Points of discussion Key topics identified by the workgroup 13 Criteria Discussion Owner Occupied Some neighboring cities have the requirement of the owner be an occupier of either the primary dwelling or the ADU to alleviate any concerns around poor property maintenance. Sewer capacity There is sewer capacity concern in the southwest region of the city. As a result, Engineering staff have concerns about growth in this area until sewer capacity is increased. See “Fig A -Sewer Capacity” slide. Max Allowed One ADU per single family residence would be in line with the max allowed with neighboring cities. ADU Type Allowing all ADU types (attached, detached, internal) would provide options to residents and can increase the potential for more ADU construction in the city. Internal and attached ADUs are least costly whereas detached ADUs would be most expensive. Size This size of the ADUs in neighboring cities is between 300-1000 sq. ft. It would be wise for Edina to establish a minimum ADU size standard that would ensure comfortable living space. Affordability While ADUs are not commonly income restricted, and thus would not count towards Edina's affordable housing goal, they are intended to provide a new housing option that is relatively more affordable than a single -family home. Points of discussion Points of discussion con’t 14 Criteria Reason Permitting by Right Many cities allow ADUs by right while others may require a CUP (Conditional Use Permit) or other means. As a city we need to consider the pros / cons of either approach and determine the best path forward. Architecture, Lawsuits, Historical Preservation Rules etc. Parking Parking requirements are considered a barrier to ADU development; however, the City does not allow on street parking for more than six hours or between the hours of 1am -6am Nov. 1 to Mar. 31. If the City moves forward with an ordinance, it would need to be decided if additional parking should be required that would meet current setback, hardcover or other city ordinances requirements. WAC and SAC For internal and attached units, water and sewer are typically provided from existing service lines for the primary dwelling. For detached units, existing service lines may be extended from the primary dwelling or separate services may be provided. Sale and Subdivisions While allowed by some cities around the country, most ordinances prohibit the sale of an ADU separate from the primary dwelling. Building Code All ADUs would be required to comply with Minnesota State Building Code. Internal and attached ADUs would need to meet a 1-hour fire separation rating for walls between units. 15 The southwest half of Edina has sewer capacity concerns that would adversely impact services with any additional increase in flow volume. Potential impacted neighborhoods are: Fig: A -Sewer Capacity Presidents Parkwood Knolls Bresden Countryside Indian Hills Indian Trails Normandale Park Creek Valley Braemar Hills The Heights Prospect Knolls Dewey Hill Cahill Lake Edina Pentagon Park Recommendation to City Council In summary, construction costs appear to be the biggest barrier to ADU development. As a neighboring city, Edina may also experience moderate development demand with the issuance of a new ADU ordinance. As an incentive, the city may want to consider incorporating various expense reduction policies as outlined above to increase demand. The planning commission also recognizes the complex code challenges that would need to be addressed within the ordinance to ensure safety while meeting appropriate utility service levels. Communicating the value of ADUs as both an income generator for residents and a vehicle to address an ongoing housing affordability shortage would be necessary. Guided by our Comprehensive, Climate and Housing Plans and through a deliberate, moderate and collaborative approach, an ordinance can be developed that would satisfy residents, developers and the city.The Planning Commission recommends moving forward with the development of an ADU ordinance as the net benefits and opportunities to be gained would outweigh any potential drawbacks. 16 Appendix SWOT Analysis Framework 18 Strength ●What are the benefits of ADUs? ●Strengths need to be maintained, built upon or leveraged. Weakness ●What are the limitations of ADUs? ●Weaknesses need to be remedied or stopped. Opportunities ●How can we apply these strengths for maximum benefit? ●Opportunities need to be prioritized and optimized. Threats ●What can impede or derail the development of ADUs? ●Threats need to be countered or minimized. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats and is a simple but powerful structured planning tool to evaluate a set of competing forces when making a decision. SWOT Analysis 19 Strength ●Increase affordable housing supply ●Provides homeowners with extra income ●Allows the provision of supportive care ●Provides alternative housing option ●Increases the city property tax base ●Aligns with Comprehensive, Climate Action, and Housing Strategy Plans Weakness ●Construction costs ●City infrastructure limitations ●Not feasible for all dwellings ●Impacts many current city code ●Administrative learning curve ●Community not familiar with ADUs Opportunities ●Regional ADU development leadership ●City tax revenue increase ●Increases collaboration amongst city departments and commissions Threats ●City aesthetic character change ●Residential congestion (traffic, density) ●Susceptible to legislative changes Strength mitigation 20 Strength Enhancement Increase affordable housing supply Promote through public forums the benefits of ADU development. Provides homeowners with extra income Provide resources to make it easier for homeowners to generate additional rental income from their ADU homes. Allows the provision of supportive care Partner with local care facilities to provide support for ADU residents in need of supportive care. I.e home care nurses. Provides alternative housing option Coordinate with other neighboring cities to align on their ADU ordinances to attract residents needing this alternative housing option. Increases the city property tax base Fairly assess dwellings with ADUs for property tax assessments. Aligns with Comprehensive, Climate Action, and Housing Strategy Plans Promote ADU development as supportive of other city strategies including the comprehensive plan, climate action plan and housing plans. Weakness mitigation 21 Weakness Mitigation Planning, Construction and City costs / fees Waive some or all permitting fees. Provide free architectural plans and consultative services to interested builders. Leverage state / city funds or grants to promote the development of ADUs. City infrastructure limitations There may be concerns with the sewer capacity in south west half of the city (see Fig A). This can be mitigated with city investments in newer sewer line capacity. There is little concerns with other city infrastructure services such as water line capacity, or electricity. Not feasible for all dwellings Although rare, the topography and size of some lots may prohibit building an ADU (attached or detached). Weakness mitigation con’t 22 Weakness Mitigation Impacts many current city codes Leverage the existing building codes and those used for sheds and other property structures to model the ADU setback and height requirements. Delayed permitting timelines Develop standard ADU plans that could speed up the permitting and approval process. Administrative learning curve This program is new for the city however they can leverage existing processes for permitting ADU development. Community not familiar with ADUs Schedule community communication events via multiple channels including public meetings, city sites, social media, city mailings and/or newspapers to share vision, future ordinance and plan for ADU development. Develop an ADU handbook and website so residents can review for more construction information. Opportunity 23 Opportunity Enhancement Regional ADU development leadership Edina’s unique demographics can position the city to lead on the architectural design, build process and ongoing administration of ADUs. City tax revenue increase ADU development can increase the tax assessed values of homes and increase city tax revenue. Increases collaboration amongst city departments and commissions This new housing type option creates opportunity to collaborate more closely with many city departments. Threats 24 Threats Mitigation City aesthetic character change As part of the building code ensure setback requirements, building materials, height and other ordinances are maintained for ADU development. Residential congestion (traffic, density) Monitor and report the traffic changes due to ADU development. Establish a traffic density alert that would initiate a review of ADU density in the city. Proactively collect and respond feedback from residents on the impact of the ADU development to their neighborhoods Adverse legislative changes Monitor and advocate for ADU development for the city and at state level. Share ADU ordinances with other Commissions and civic groups such as Edina for Affordable Housing for awareness, exposure and notification of impacts. Partner with other neighboring cities to advocate for ADU development Neighboring City ADU Comparisons 25 Criteria St. Louis Park Minneapolis Richfield Bloomington Minnetonka Zoning / Max Allowed R-1, R-2, R-3. Single family lots / 1 Single family and 2 family zones / 1 R-1 / 1 R-1, RS-1 / 1 R-1, R-1A, R-2 / 1 No. / Issue 0 since Oct 2020 137 May 2015 -2019 < 5 since 2015 1 since 2009 61 since 1986 Detached Attached, Detached, Internal Attached, Detached, Internal Must be attached to principal structure or above a detached garage Yes (newly proposed ordinance) Attached, Detached, Internal Min / Max Size 200 sq. ft. / Attached units: <= 40% gross floor area of the single family home Detached: 800 sq. ft. or 25% of rear yard, whichever is less 300 sq. ft. / 1300 sq. ft. or 16% of lot size area 300 sq. ft. / 800 sq. ft.300 sq. ft. / No max None / 1,000 sq. ft. or 35% of the floor area of the principal dwelling, whichever is less. Height 15 ft.21 ft.Height of principal residence (or 18 ft if lot is less than 75 ft wide) Same as principal structure Up to the roof height of the principal dwelling. Neighboring City ADU Comparisons con’t 26 Criteria St. Louis Park Minneapolis Richfield Bloomington Minnetonka Setbacks Rear: 15 ft. Interior side: 5 ft. Interior side: 3 ft. Rear: 3 ft. Same as principal structure if attached. Same as detached garage if above garage Same as principal structure Rear and side: ADU height but not less than 15' Parking No additional parking required. Minneapolis has no parking minimums A minimum of three off- street spaces on the property No additional parking requirement for ADUs; however, no more than 4 vehicles may be parked outside at any single or two family dwelling unit. No number of spaces specified but no more than four vehicles may be parked outside on the property. Ownership Property must be occupied by the owner as their primary residence. The ADU may not be sold independently of the principal dwelling or be made into a separate tax parcel. Shall not create a separate tax parcel ID. Does not require the owner to reside at the property. Both the ADU and the principal dwelling can be rented out. A separate tax parcel may not be created. An owner of the property must live on the lot. Proof of homesteading is required. May not be subdivided or separated in ownership from the associated single family home. Owner must reside at the property. The owner of the property must reside at the principal structure or ADU as a primary residence at least 185 days per year. ADUs may not be subdivided or otherwise separated in ownership from the principal dwelling unit. Neighboring City Demographics 27 Criteria Edina St. LP Minneapolis Richfield Bloomington Minnetonka Population 53,494 50,010 429,954 36,994 89,987 53,781 Households 22,269 23,774 178,886 15,322 35,064 23,293 Households with one or more people 65 years and over 36.9%24.4%17.4%28.3%33.4%35.5% Disability 9%10%10.9%13.8%12.4%9.2% Median income $ 108,576 $ 84,694 $ 66,068 $ 70,091 $ 78,224 $ 100,363 Income below poverty 4.7%5.9%18.3%7.8%7.5%3.5% Median rent $ 1,442 $ 1,267 $ 1,078 $ 1,150 $ 1,220 $ 1,467 Cost burdened households 29.3%25.0%33.2%28.1%26.6%26.3% Source: MNCompass ADU Build Cost Factors & Est. 28 Planning Costs City Costs Construction Costs Finishing Costs ❖Architectural drawings ❖Engineer calculations ❖Energy calculations ❖Land surveys ❖Plan check ❖Utility connection fees ❖Building permit ❖Design and plans ❖Structure type ❖Size ❖Conditions of property ❖Conditions of the existing structure ❖Distance and location of utility connections ❖Cost of materials ❖Flooring ❖Doors ❖Windows ❖Cabinetry ❖Tile ❖Stone Est. $6,000 –$14,000 Est. $3,000 –$11,000 Est. $229 –$376 / Sq. ft Est. $50 –$75/Sq. ft. ❖500 Sq. ft can cost between $123,500 -$213,000 ❖1200 Sq. ft can cost between $283,800 -$476,200 Resources / Links 1.AARP Model State Act and Local Ordinances 2.The ABCs of ADUs (AARP) 3.Home + home: Twin Cities ADU Guidebook -Family Housing Fund 4.MNCompass 5.Maxfield Housing Study 6.ADU Matrix 7.Various neighboring city ADU ordinances 29 Allow ADUs Allow by right Zones Parking Allow detached Max ADUs allowed Min Size Max Size Max Height Setbacks Ownership Owner must reside at property? Max Bedrooms Allowed to be rented? Max Occupancy Appearance Utilities ADU Definition Other Comments Bloomington Yes Yes R-1, RS-1 No additional parking requirement for ADUs; however, no more than 4 vehicles may be parked outside at any single or two family dwelling unit. Yes 1 300 sq. ft. 960 sq. ft. May not exceed height of principal structure. Same as principal structure May not be subdivided or separated in ownership from the associated single family home. Owner must reside at the property. Yes 2 Yes (a rental license is required)Not specified Must be designed to maintain the outward appearance of one single-family dwelling; the appearance of a two family dwelling must be avoided. A secondary dwelling unit, but not a manufactured home built on a permanent chassis, located on the same lot as a single-family dwelling unit, either physically attached to, within, or detached from the single-family dwelling unit. Crystal Yes Yes R-1, R-2 One space in addition to the two required spaces for the home Yes 1 None 50% of the finished floor area of the home 22 ft. Rear: 5 ft. Side: 5 ft. Corner side: 10 ft. The ADU may not have a separate PID with the county. Both the ADU and principal dwelling can be rented out. No Not specified Yes (a rental license is required) Not specified Compatible with the exterior materials of the home. Must be constructed on a frost protected foundation. Must connect to the utility main or to the existing water and sewer connections at a point on the private property. A dwelling unit that is located on the same lot as a one family dwelling to which it is accessory to and subordinate in size. An accessory dwelling unit may be within or attached to the one family dwelling, or in a detached accessory building on the same lot. Must be at least ten feet from principal structure if detached Eden Prairie No Golden Valley Yes Yes R-1, R-2 One additional off-street parking space for the ADU is required.Yes 1 250 sq. ft. 35% of the home's gross floor living area or 950 square feet, whichever is less. In the case of internal ADUs, the area being converted shall be included in this calculation of gross living area. 12 ft. for detached Rear: 10 ft. Side: 10 ft. The ADU shall not be sold independently of the principal residential dwelling and may not be a separate tax parcel. Yes Not specified Yes (a rental license is required) Not specified For attached & internal: 1. Exterior changes to the home shall not substantially alter the single-family character of the structure. 2. Entrance to the ADU shall face either the side or rear yard. For detached: 1. Shall be designed and use materials which complement and match the existing principal dwelling. 2. Rooftop decks are not permitted in conjunction with a detached ADU. 3. Windowed dormers shall not face towards adjacent properties to the side or rear. Utility connections for the ADU shall be provided from the existing principal structure so long as adequate capacity exists or can be provided. A smaller, independent residential dwelling unit located on the same lot as a stand-alone single family home. A CUP is required for a detached ADU if the ADU does not meet the same setbacks as required for the principal dwelling. Detached ADUs shall be located completely to the rear of the principal structure, unless it is built with frost footings. In that case, an ADU may be built no closer to the front setback than the principal structure. A minimum lot size of 10,000 sq. ft. is required to establish a detached ADU. Detached ADUs must be located at least 10 feet from the principal structure. The floor area of a detached ADU shall not count towards the maximum area limitation for accessory structures in the R-1 or R-2 zoning districts. Hopkins No Minneapolis Yes Yes Allowed on single and two family properties Minneapolis has no parking minimums Yes 1 300 sq. ft. Internal/attached: 800 sq. ft. Detached: 1,300 sq. ft. or 16% of lot area, whichever is greater. 21 ft. Interior side: 3 ft. Rear: 3 ft. Shall not create a separate tax parcel ID. Does not require the owner to reside at the property. Both the ADU and the principal dwelling can be rented out. No Not specified Yes (a rental license is required) Not specified The primary exterior materials shall be durable, including, but not limited to masonry, brick, stone, wood, cement-based siding, or glass. Not less than 5% of the total area of the facade of a detached unit facining an alley or public street shall be windows. Exterior stairways are allowed provided that the finish of the railing matches the finish or trim of the detached accessory dwelling unit. Raw or unfinished lumber shall not be permitted on an exterior stairway. Balconies and decks shall not face an interior side yard. Rooftop decks not allowed. No additional entrances facing the public street. Water and sewer are typically served through extensions from the primary residence. Dedicated water and/or sewer services to a detached ADU may be allowed in special circumstances. A dwelling unit that is located on the same lot as a principal residential structure to which it is accessory, and that is subordinate in area to the principal dwelling. Must be at least twenty feet from the principal sturcture if detached Minnetonka Yes No, CUP is required R-1, R-1A, R-2 No number of spaces specified but no more than four vehicles may be parked outside on the property. Yes 1 None 1,000 sq. ft. or 35% of the floor area of the principal dwelling, whichever is less. The highest point may not extend above the highest point of the roof of the principal dwelling. Rear and side: ADU height but not less than 15' The owner of the property must reside at the principal structure or ADU as a primary residence at least 185 days per year. ADUs may not be subdivided or otherwise separated in ownership from the principal dwelling unit. Yes 2 Yes (the city of Minnetonka does not require rental properties to be licensed)Not specified Must be designed to maintain the single-family appearance of the principal dwelling from off-site views. Must be located behind the rear building line of the principal dwelling unit. Must be constructed on permanent foundation with no wheels. Must be served by municipal water, municipal sewer, and gas and electric utilities via service lines shared with the principal dwelling. A secondary dwelling unit located on the same property as a principal dwelling unit, which includes provisions for living independent of the principal dwelling, such as areas for sleeping, cooking, and sanitation, as determined by the city planner. This definition includes secondary dwelling units attached to or detached from the principal dwelling unit. Richfield Yes Yes R-1 A minimum of three off-street spaces on the property Must be attached to principal structure or above a detached garage 1 300 sq. ft.800 sq. ft. Height of principal residence (or 18 ft if lot is less than 75 ft wide) Same as principal structure if attached. Same as detached garage if above garage A separate tax parcel may not be created. An owner of the property must live on the lot. Proof of homesteading is required. Yes Not specified Yes (a rental license is required) Not specified Exterior materials must match the structure to which the ADU is attached. No additional entrances facing the public street may be added. No exterior stairways constructed of raw or unfinished lumber. A dwelling unit that is located on the same lot as a principal residential structure to which it is accessory, and that is subordinate in area to the principal dwelling.The lot must meet current width and depth requirements St. Louis Park Yes Yes R-1, R-2, R-3. ADUs allowed only on single family lots No additional parking required.Yes 1 200 sq. ft. Attached units: not more than 40% gross floor area of the single family home Detached: 800 sq. ft. or 25% of rear yard, whichever is less 15 ft. Rear: 15 ft. (5 ft if adjacent to alley) Interior side: 5 ft. Property must be occupied by the owner as their primary residence. The ADU may not be sold independently of the principal dwelling or be made into a separate tax parcel. Yes Not specified Yes (a rental license is required) 2 Shall be compatible in design and materials to the principal building. Must be located in rear or side yard. Decks and balconies above the ground floor shall not face an interior side yard or rear yard not abutting an alley. Rooftop decks are not allowed. Not defined St. Paul Yes Yes RL-RM2 No additional parking required Yes 1 None 75% floor area of the primary dwelling 25 ft. or the height of the principal structure, whichever is less Interior side: 3 ft. Rear: 3 ft. The ADU shall not be sold separately from the principal dwelling and may not create a separate tax parcel. Both the ADU and the principal dwelling can be rented out. No Not specified Yes (rental properties must be registered) No more than one household is allowed in both the principal unit and the accessory unit together. A household is six (6) or fewer adults, together with the minors in their care. (For example, if four adults occupy the principal dwelling unit, only two adults may occupy the ADU.) Exterior stairs are not allowed on the front of the building. Exterior stairways shall be built of durable materials that match the finish of the structure to which they are attached. Raw or unfinished lumber shall not be permitted. Not defined Boulder, CO Yes Yes RR, RE, RL, RMX, A, P One additional space is required for an ADU. An additional space is not required for affordable units. Yes 1 None Attached units: 1/3 floor area (1/2 for affordable units) of primary dwelling or 1,000 sq. ft., whichever is less. Detached: 550 sq. ft. (800 sq. ft. for affordable units) 20 ft. (up to 25 ft. if roof pitch greater than 8:12) Same as for other accessory structures. Depends on zoning district. No person shall convey an accessory unit independently of the principal dwelling unit on the lot or parcel. The property owner must reside in the principal dwelling or ADU Yes Not specified Yes (a rental license is required) One family plus two additional persons can reside between the primary dwelling and ADU Must be architecturally consistent with existing residence and neighboring properties. Additional entrances facing the street must be screened. A separate and complete single housekeeping unit within a detached dwelling unit or within an accessory structure to the principal dwelling unit of the lot or parcel upon which the unit is located, permitted under the provisions of Subsection 9-6-4(a). In some zoning districts, the number of ADUs is restricted to a percentage (e.g. 20%) of the properties within a distance (e.g. 300 ft.) ADUs require at least 60 sq. ft. of private open space exlusively for the use of the ADU occupants. The incentives for no parking required and additional size of the ADU are offered if the ADU rents at 75% AMI or lower. Somerville, MA Yes No, requires site plan review, which includes two neighborhood meetings, a meeting before the Urban Design Commission, and a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals NR 1 space per dwelling unit. No parking required if within a transit area. Yes 1 None 576 sq. ft. 12 ft. Rear: 3 ft. Interior side: 3 ft. "Backyard Cottages" are defined as being on the same lot as a principal building type so a separate parcel cannot be created. Ordinance does not prohibit sale of the the Backyard Cottage separate from the primary dwelling. Both the Backyard Cottage and the principal dwelling can be rented out. No Not specified Yes (no rental license required)Not specified The ADU can have its own utility hookups or be serviced through the primary dwelling. Backyard Cottage: A small floor plate, detached, accessory building type typically providing space for one (1) small dwelling unit, a home occupation, a playhouse for children, or vehicular parking on the same lot as a principal building type. A three foot wide paved walkway capable of allowing an ambulance cot to be wheeled to and from the Backyard Cottage is required. Utility services for the Backyard Cottage must be buried underground If occupied for residential use, must have an automatic sprinkler system unless on a corner lot, a lot with a driveway leading to the Backyard Cottage, or a lot autting an alley. Seattle, WA Yes Yes SF5000, SF7200, SF9600, RSL, and Lowrise No additional parking is required for an ADU.Yes 2 but no more than 1 can be detached None 1,000 sq. ft. excluding garage areas, storage areas accessed from the exterior, porches and covered decks less than 25 sq. ft., and gross floor area below grade. Up to 35 sq. ft. can be exempt if designed for bicycle parking. For lots at least 50 feet wide: 25 ft. for pitched roof. 22 ft. for shed/butterfly roof. Less for lots less than 50 ft. wide Rear: 5 ft. Side: 5 ft. The ADU may not be conveyed separately from the primary dwelling. Both the ADU and primary dwelling can be rented. Owner not required to reside on site. No Not specified Yes (a rental license is required) For lots with 1 ADU: no more than 8 unrelated people. For lots with 2 ADUs: no more than 12 unrelated people. If the entrance is located on a façade facing a side lot line or rear lot line, the entrance may not be within 10 feet of that lot line unless that lot line abutss an alley or other public right-of-way. One or more rooms that: a. are located within a principal dwelling unit or within an accessory structure on the same lot as a principal dwelling unit; b. meet the standards of Section 23.44.041, Section 23.45.545, or Chapter 23.47A, as applicable; c. are designed, arranged, and intended to be occupied by not more than one household as living accomodations independent from any other household; and d. are so occupied or vacant. A second ADU is allowed if the unit either meets a green building standard or meets affordability criteria (80%AMI for at least 50 years). Pasedena, CA Yes Yes RS (2), RM-12, REM- 16, RM-32, RM-48 One additional space is required for an ADU. The requirement is waived if within 1/2 mile of a transit stop Yes 1 150 sq. ft. For detached: 1,000 sq. ft. for parcels under 10,000 sq. ft.;1,200 sq. ft. for parcels 10,000 sq. ft. or more For attached: 800 sq. ft. or 50% of the floor area of primary dwelling, whicever is greater. 12 ft to top plate and 17 ft to highest ridgeline Side: 4 ft if ADU is 800 sq. ft. or less; 5-10 ft. if over 800 sq. ft. and depends on lot width Rear 4 ft if ADU is 800 sq. ft. or less; 10 ft. if over 800 sq. ft. A separate parcel cannot be created and the ADU may not be conveyed independently of the primary dwelling. Both the ADU and primary dwelling can be rented. Owner not required to reside on site, unless it is a junior ADU. No, unless junior ADU Not specified Yes (no rental license required)Not specified An ADU 750 sq. ft. or greater shall be charged a Residential Impact Fee in an amount proportional to the square footage of the primary dwelling. The impact fee may be reduced if affordability criteria are met. A residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons on the same parcel as a proposed or existing legal single family residence. An accessory dwelling unit shall include permanent provisions that include, but are not liminted to, living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. The city offers an incentive (Second Unit ADU Program) to create affordable ADUs by offering comprehenisve assistance for financing, designing, permitting, and constructing a new ADU. The unit must be rent to a Section 8 voucher holder for 7 continuous years Any "mature tree" as defined by Section 8.52.020 in a protected zone shall be replaced at a one-for-one ratio it is proposed to be removed to construct a new ADU. Burlington, VT Yes Yes All single family lots No additional parking required.Yes 1 None 900 sq. ft. or 30% of gross floor area of primary dwelling, whichever is greater. 35 ft. Side: 5 ft. if under 15 ft. in height. Otherwise 10% of lot width or average of 2 adjecent lots on either side. Rear: 5 ft. if under 15 ft. in height. Otherwise 25% of lot depth, no less than 20 feet. The owner must live on the property and may occupy either the principal or accessory dwelling unit. Yes 1 bedroom Yes (a rental license is required)2 adults and their minor children The property must have sufficient wastewater capacity as certified by the Department of Public Works. A dwelling unit that is clearly subordinate to a single-family dwelling, and has facilities and provisions for independent living, including sleeping, food preparation, and sanitation. If impervious surface limits are a barrier, a property owner can exceed the limit to build a maximum 650 sq. ft. ADU as long as stormwater management is addressed. This is intended to relieve the barrier faced by smaller lots that are already legally at or over their lot coverage limit. Requires approval by Development Review Board (See Section 5.2.3 (b) 10. of Zoning Ordinance) Requires a deed restriction be recorded prior to occupancy referencing the conditions of the ADU permit, including that the owner reside on the property. Highland Park, IL No Evanston, IL Yes Yes R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 No additional parking is required for an ADU.Yes 1 None 1,000 and not larger than the primary dwelling 28 ft for sloped roofs and 20 feet for flat and mansard roofs Side: 5 ft. Rear: 3 ft Owner does not need to live on the property. Both the ADU and primary dwelling can be rented. No Not specified Yes (a rental license is required)No more than 1 family There can only be one entrance on the front facing side of the property and there must be a separate entrance for the ADU. Any exterior stairs to an attached unit must be on the rear side of the property. Water service/sewer must be connected to the main residence and cannot be connected to the street. An upgrade may be required if the main residence does not have sufficient capacity for the new ADU. A smaller, secondary independent housekeeping establishement located on the same zoning lot as a residential building. ADUs are independently habitable and provide the basic requirements of shelter, heating, cooking, and sanitation, and may be internal, attached or detatched. Portland, OR Yes Yes Almost all zones, when accessory to a detached single family dwelling, an attached house, or manufactured home. ADUs may also be allowed with duplexes No additional parking is required for an ADU.Yes 2 (only 1 on a lot with a duplex)None 75% of living area of primary structure or 800 sq. ft., whichever is less. 20 feet if principal structure setbacks are met. 15 feet if principal structure setbacks not met. Side & Rear: 0 ft. if certain criteria met, including overall structure height less than 15 ft and walls of the structure less than 10 ft high. Otherwise, principal structure setbacks apply Owner does not need to live on the property. Both the ADU and primary dwelling can be rented. No Not specified Yes (a rental license is required)Not specified Additional design standards required if ADU is over 15 ft in height: Exterior finish materials, roof pitch, trim, eaves, window orientation, and dimension must be the same or visually match those of the primary dwelling in type, size and placement. Applicants have the option of connecting the ADU to existing sewer/water connections through the primary structure or having a separate connection. An additional dwelling unit created on a lot with a primary dwelling unit. The additional unit is smaller than the primary dwelling unit except when the accessory dwelling unit is in an existing basement. The accessory dwelling unit includes its own independent living facilities including provision for sleeping, cooking, and sanitation, and is designed for residential occupancy by one or more people, independent of the primary dwelling unit. Kitchen facilities for cooking in the unit are described in Section 29.30.160 of Title 29, Property and Maintenance Regulations. The unit may have a separate exterior entrance or an entrance to an internal common area accessible to the outside. When more than one ADU is proposed, at least one unit must meet certain "visitability" standards for entrances, bathrooms, living areas, and doors. This is to ensure that units can accommodate a range of individuals living in or visiting the residence regardless of age or ability. Portland, ME Yes Yes All lots with residential uses No additional parking is required for an ADU.Yes 2 None 2/3 the gross floor area of the primary dwelling 18 ft. (Shall not exceed the height of the primary structure) Rear: 5-25 ft (varies by district and size of structure) Side: 5-16 ft (varies by district and height of structure) A deed restriction must be recorded that the ADU must remain in common ownership with the primary dwelling. Yes, but only at the time of the ADUs construction Not specified Yes (a rental license is required)Not specified When and ADU is significantly visible from public ways, the building design shall a.) be cearly subordinate to the principal structure(s) in scale and position in relationship with the street and principal structure(s); b.) Not include outside stairways or fire escapes above the ground floor. A dwelling unit subordinate in size to the principal residential structure(s) on a lot and located either within the principal residential structure(s) or in an accessory structure. Redmond, WA Yes Yes All single family lots One off-street parking space is required for an ADU. No parking required if within 1/3 mile of transit stop.Yes 1 None For detached: 40% of the total square footage of the primary dwelling and the accessory dwelling unit combined, excluding any garage area, and in no case shall it exceed 1,000 sq. ft. Attached: 1,500 sq. ft. 25 ft Side: 5 ft Rear: 10 ft An ADU shall not be subdivided or otherwise segregated in ownership from the primary dwelling unit. Either the primary dwelling or ADU must be occupied by an owner of the property. Yes Not specified Yes (rentals of four units or less do not require a rental license). Not specified Only one entrance on the front of the primary dwelling is permitted (some exceptions allowed). Additional entrances are permitted on the side and rear of the primary structure. Additions to an existing structure or the development of a newly constructed detached ADU shall be designed consistent with the existing facade, roof pitch, siding, and windows of the primary dwelling unit. A habitable living unit that provides basic requirements for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. An ADU is accessory to the primary unit on a lot and may be added to, created within, or detached from the primary single-family dwelling unit. Lake Forest, IL No, only ADUs existing prior to November 17, 2014 may continue to be used. Chapel Hill, NC Yes Yes Single family lots 1 per ADU bedroom Yes 1 None 750 sq ft or 75% of floor area of primary dwelling, whichever is less.29 ft Varies by district (generally 6-11 ft for rear and side) Must remain under same ownership as primary dwelling. No Not specified Yes (no rental license required)Not specified Dwelling units, single family with accessory apartment: A dwelling or combination of dwellings on a single zoning lot consisting of two (2) dwelling units, for which: 1. Accessory (attached or not attached) apartments have a floor area limit of no more than seven hundred fifty (750) square feet or seventy-five (75) percent of the floor area of the principal dwelling unit (whichever is smaller), except as provided in the next sentence. 2. The floor area of an attached accessory apartment may exceed the afrementioned floor area limit of seven hundred fifty (750) square feet and be up to one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area only if both of the following conditions are met: a). an attached accessory apartment does not increase the existing footprint of the structure (principal dwelling unit, garage or other exisitng, standalone structure on the property) to which it would be attached; and b) the attached accessory apartment does not exceed seventy-five (75) percent of the floor area of the principal dwelling unit. 3. Together, the principal dwelling unit and the accessory apartment that are part of a two- family dwelling shall be classified as a rooming house (a different use type and group) if occupied by more than four (4) personons who are not related by blood, adoption, marriage, or domestic partnership.